pon u=suyno=eipn owe ft ~— itt erste eres f t 1 i} 1] i H tH ! i TSS SS Shy | B| © x4 4 ft 7 i ; THE PTEROMALIDAE OF NORTH- WESTERN EUROPE (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) ENTOMOLOGY Supplement 16 LONDON : 1969 THE PTEROMALIDAE OF NORTH- WESTERN EUROPE (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA) BY MARCUS WILLIAM ROBERT DE VERE GRAHAM Hope Dept. of Entomology, University Museum, Oxford. 686 Text-figures BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) ENTOMOLOGY Supplement 16 LONDON: 1969 THE BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), instituted in 1949, 1s issued in five series corresponding to the Departments of the Museum, and an Historical series. Parts will appear at irregular intervals as they become veady. Volumes will contain about three or four hundred pages, and will not necessarily be completed within one calendar year. _ In 1965 a separate supplementary series of longer papers was instituted, numbered serially for each Department. This paper 1s Supplement No. 16 of the Entomolog- ical series. The abbreviated titles of periodicals cited follow those of the World List of Scientific Periodicals. © Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History) 1969 TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) Issued 14 November, 1969 Price £19 THE PTEROMALIDAE OF NORTH-WESTERN EUROPE (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA) By M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 5 TAXONOMIC AIMS : c : : ¢ E : ¢ . : 6 TyPE SPECIMENS 7 DATES OF PUBLICATION : : F 5 : : F : 9 TERMINOLOGY . ‘ 5 3 ‘ . : . ‘i 9 Key TO FAMILIES OF CHALCIDOIDEA é : : c : 5 : II THE LIMITS OF THE FAMILY PTEROMALIDAE - : ; . : 23 KEY TO SUBFAMILIES OF PTEROMALIDAE . : : . 3 ; 23 Subfamily Cleonyminae : ‘ ; ; . : ‘ : 35 Subfamily Macromesinae . : . é : : : ; 42 Subfamily Ceinae : : ‘ 3 : 3 : : . 45 Subfamily Spalangiinae ‘ F . ; , é : : 48 Subfamily Cerocephalinae . : : ; é : : : 56 Subfamily Diparinae . : ; : : : : : : 63 Subfamily Neodiparinae . : : : : é ‘ 4 66 Subfamily Eunotinae . ; : . : . : : : 67 Subfamily Asaphinae . : : : : : : : . 74 Subfamily Chrysolampinae . , : c c : : . 86 Subfamily Panstenoninae . : : - : - : : 92 Subfamily Miscogasterinae . ; . ; E : : : 95 Subfamily Pteromalinae . : : : ° 5 - : 352 Subfamily Cratominae 5 5 : : : : : : 848 Subfamily Colotrechninae . é : - : : : 850 SPECIES WRONGLY PLACED IN PrEROMALIDAE : : ¢ ; . 851 NOMINA NUDA . : ; : ‘ : : - F : : 852 REFERENCES . : : ; : : , : : i ‘ 852 Host INDEX . : : : : ; : : - A c 874 PARASITE INDEX . : é . : : : 6 : ; 882 SYNOPSIS A new key to the families of Chalcidoidea is presented so as to facilitate recognition of Pteromalidae, the limits of which are difficult to define succinctly. The main part of the work deals with Pteromalidae ; this family is keyed to species level in all except a few genera which need further study. Full synonymy is given, as far as possible, at all levels. The distribution, and where known the biology, of each species is indicated. More than 800 species are dealt with ; 4 new genera and 87 new species are described. The work is based mainly on a critical study of type-material ; almost all (663) of the types of Palaearctic Pteromalidae in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), and also about 300 types in other important European collections, were examined. 4 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM INTRODUCTION SINCE the publication of Walker’s Monographia Chalciditum (1833-1839) and volumes 4 and 5 of Thomson’s Hymenoptera Scandinaviae (1876-1878), no mono- graph including all the described Pteromalidae of the region has appeared. The former work, though it includes nearly 250 of the species now known from Europe, is of little use because of its poor descriptions and lack of keys. Thomson’s work is still a fundamental treatise and remarkable for its excellent descriptions, but it does not include more than about half the number of genera or species now known. Neither of these works was provided with illustrations. Thomson recognized comparatively few of Walker’s species because he was unable to see their types (or indeed those of most of the species previously described by other British and Continental authors). In fact, none of the 19th and z2oth century writers on Chalcidoidea had access to more than a negligible amount ot each other’s original material. Consequently great confusion has arisen. In some cases the same species has been listed twice in the same publication under different specific names, these being sometimes placed in different genera. This has happened for instance in the Check List of Kloet & Hincks (1945) which first induced me to begin a revision of the British Pteromalidae. The wealth of species described by Walker clearly offered a unique basis for such a revision as I was able to study his types. My revision began with papers published in The Entomologist’s monthly Magazine (1956-1957). It soon became evident that a wider treatment of the group was expedient, and that a revision was likely to be of limited use unless accompanied by keys for identifying the numerous genera and species. These conclusions led to the preparation of the present work. After the time of Thomson, publications dealing with Pteromalidae were, until recently, sporadic. Ashmead (1904) keyed out the subfamilies, tribes and genera of Pteromalidae, Cleonymidae and Miscogasteridae (the two latter are now included in Pteromalidae). The work of Schmiedeknecht (1909), which was a compilation, mainly followed that of Ashmead. In some ways these two works were an improve- ment on Thomson’s, but some features contained in them were retrograde. Ashmead attached too high a value to the mandibular dentition and some other characters, which led him to define some artificial groups which are in fact hetero- geneous. Ruschka (1912-1924) and Masi (1907-1953) made notable contributions to the study of Pteromalidae, by revising certain genera and species, and describing new taxa. Kryger also worked on certain Pteromalidae ; his little-known paper of 1934 included keys to the genera. Nikol’skaya’s useful work (1952) also contains keys to genera. After 1945, interest in Chalcidoidea revived and in succeeding years much excellent work was done in revising older taxa and describing new ones, by Bouéek, Delucchi, Erdés, Ferriére, Hedqvist, Kerrich, von Rosen and others. Their work need not be discussed here, because I have cited in the text all of their papers dealing with European Pteromalidae. I should just like to say that I have learnt a great deal from their efforts. I have examined the types of nearly all the species described by the chief European authors (the exceptions are those described by Rondani and Kurdjumov, and many PrEROMALIDAE OF NOW. EUROPE 5 of those described by Forster, whose collections were not available for study, and those of Nees and Ratzeburg whose collections were for the most part destroyed by military action during World War II). Therefore the synonymy presented here depends very largely upon the direct comparison of type-specimens, which has not been attempted before on a comprehensive scale. Walker’s types have been particularly valuable because I have been able to compare with them large quantities of fresh material which I have collected during the past 20 years in the country in which Walker himself collected (often in the type-localities), as well as much material collected by others. This has, in the case of the majority of species, made it possible to find a virtually exact match for type-specimens and to study the range of varia- tion without having to worry unduly about the distracting features of geographical variation. The same procedure has been applied to the species described by Thomson, using the fine assemblage of fresh material collected in Sweden by Dr. J. F. and Mrs. D. M. S. Perkins, and other material which I collected there in 1959. The present study concerns primarily the fauna of the north-western part of Europe, especially the British Isles and Scandinavia. Some species and genera from other parts of Europe, and even from other regions, are included where this is considered expedient for special reasons. Thus all the genera so far described from Europe have been included in the keys to genera for the sake of completeness. It is therefore hoped that the revision may be of rather more than local interest. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Dr. Z. Boucek (Narodni Museum v Praze, Prague) has greatly helped me by his constant interest, loans and gifts of specimens, and by testing and commenting on some of the keys. I wish to offer him, and the other persons mentioned, my sincere thanks for help in various ways. I owe a special debt to those in charge of important collections, many of whom have showed extreme patience in forbearing to redeem loans of several years standing, without which the work would have been impossible. Mr. Hugo Anderson (Universitetets Zoologiska Institutionen, Lund), Dr. R. R. Askew (Manchester University), Dr. Bachmeier (Zoologischer Museum des Bayer- ischen Staates, Munich), Dr. A. Bakke (Oslo), Dr. Max Beier (Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna), Dr. B. D. Burks (U.S.D.A., Washington), Dr. M. F. Claridge (University College of South Wales, Cardiff), Mr. B. J. Clifton (Library of the Entom- ological Dept., British Museum (Nat. Hist.)), Dr. V. Delucchi (F.A.O., Rome), The Director, and Miss L. Gombrich (Commonwealth Forestry Institute, Oxford), Mr. J. P. Doncaster (British Museum (Nat. Hist.)), Dr. J. Erdés (Tompa, Hungary), Dr. Ch. Ferriére (Museum d’Histoire naturelle, Geneva), Dr. Max Fischer (Natur- historisches Museum, Vienna), Mr. G. R. Gradwell (Hope Department, Oxford), Mr. K.-J. Hedqvist (Skogshégskolan, Stockholm), Dr. A. Hoffer (Prague), Mr. S. Johanssen (Universitetets Zoologiska Institutionen, Lund), Mr. G. J. Kerrich (Commonwealth Institute of Entomology), Prof. C. H. Lindroth (Universitetets Zoologiska Institutionen, Lund), Dr. L. Moczar (Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest), Dr. A. Neboiss (National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne), Dr. M. N. Nikol’skaya (Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences of U.S.S.R., 6 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM Leningrad), Dr. O. Peck (Entomology Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada), Dr. J. F. Perkins (British Museum (Nat. Hist.)), Dr. Borge Petersen (Universitets Zoologiske Museum, Copenhagen), Prof. O. W. Richards (Imperial College of Science and Technology, London), Miss G. Roche (National Museum of Ireland, Dublin), Dr. H. von Rosen (Statens Vaxtskyddsanstalt, Solna, Stockholm), Mr. A. W. Stelfox (Newcastle, Co. Down, N. Ireland), Dr. T. Tachikawa (Ehime University, Mat- suyama, Japan), The Trustees of the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), Prof. S. L. Tuxen (Universitets Zoologiske Museum, Copenhagen), Mr. E. Valkeila (Hameenlinna, Finland), Prof. G. C. Varley (Hope Department, Oxford), Dr. G. Wallace (Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh), Mr. A. R. Waterston (Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh), Mr. G. F. Willmot and Mr. C. Simms (Yorkshire Museum, York). Much help and encouragement was also given to me by the late Dr. W. D. Hincks of Manchester. I also offer my special thanks to Mrs. A. Smith (Hope Department, Oxford) who so carefully typed the whole of the manuscript, and gave much help with the biblio- graphy. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. V. Smith have given invaluable help with reading the proofs. Mr. D. E. Kimmins (B.M.(N.H.)) devoted immense care to the editing of my paper. TAXONOMIC AIMS These have been to revise the synonymy by a study of type-specimens, to attempt a more satisfactory delimitation of genera and higher categories, to give some biological information, and to provide a representative though not exhaustive bibliography. Regarding delimitation of genera, the writer has been rather conservative in accepting as valid all those which could be maintained on the basis of reasonably clear-cut characters (not necessarily the same in both sexes). Possibly a number of genera, now regarded as distinct, will eventually be united ; but it is wise not to attempt this until the European fauna has been more adequately surveyed. The present revision is exploratory rather than exhaustive, and can doubtless be improved upon when the keys have been tested and some little-known genera better worked. The taxonomy of Chalcidoidea at family level is still in a state of flux. Keys to the families have been published by Richards (1956), Ferriére & Kerrich (1958), and Peck et al. (1964). These, particularly that of Peck e¢ al., are extremely useful and a great improvement on earlier ones ; but the characters used to separate some of the families are not definite enough, whilst one character used (the relative size of the hind coxae in Torymidae) is misleading. Thus Ashmead (1904 : 229) included Torymidae in a section having “ hind coxae very large and long, usually five or six times larger than the anterior coxae”’; Richards (1956: 67) put Torymidae (excluding Megastigminae) in a section having “hind coxae large, 5-6 times longer than the front one’”’. I do not know of any European Torymid having the hind coxae more than about two and a half times as long as the front coxae. The ratio of the average length of the hind coxa to that of the front coxa is indeed somewhat greater in Torymidae than in Pteromalidae, but some of the latter ap- proach the condition seen in Torymids with shortest coxae, hence the character is PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 7 not very definite. I therefore include here a new key to the families, which em- bodies an attempt to cover as far as possible the extremes of variation within each. Such extremes often make it difficult to define the limits of a family concisely. Possibly a more mature classification may result in a reduction in the number of families. Thus Eucharitidae might be united with Perilampidae ; Leucospididae with Chalcididae ; Eupelmidae, and even Torymidae, with Pteromalidae ; Tetra- campidae, Elasmidae, Signiphoridae, Aphelinidae, and Trichogrammatidae, with Eulophidae. The problems of higher categories, however, need discussion in a separate paper. The only reasonably comprehensive modern key to the European genera of Pteromalidae is that of Boucek (im Peck et al., 1964) which is excellent and includes very good figures. But as the authors state (1964 : 27) it incorporates recent changes only in part. My own keys, worked out independently, embody some differences of detail and emphasis as compared with that of the above authors, although in the main I agree with their grouping of the genera. I regret that my keys to the genera (and to the subfamilies) of Pteromalidae are so lengthy, but this was unavoidable when I had to take into account the considerable range of variation in some groups. In order to keep the size of the work within reasonable bounds, full descriptions of genera and species have been omitted except in special cases (new taxa ; re- description of an important type-species). Consequently a worker will have to rely on the keys, which have been carefully integrated and made as detailed as possible. The term “ sp. indet.’’ is sometimes used in my keys and text for certain species which are probably valid but which I do not wish to describe at present, either because my material is inadequate or for some other reason. Regarding biological information, clearly many of the older host-records are un- trustworthy because of erroneous identifications (in some cases both of a parasite and its host). In most cases the material upon which the records were based no longer exists or cannot be recognized. Where such data could be verified it has been included, but in general I have been fairly ruthless in rejecting old records, knowing many to be valueless or even misleading. In doing so I have no wish to disparage earlier workers who produced so much of value in spite of severe practical limitations. References cited refer chiefly to descriptions but include the more important ones dealing with biology ; amongst the latter is the extremely valuable catalogue of Peck (1963). Nomenclature of plants in the main follows Clapham, Tutin & Warburg (1962). That of insect hosts for the most part follows Kloet & Hincks (1945, 1964). Various Continental works were also consulted for species not contained in the above to find as far as possible the most up to date nomenclature. TYPE SPECIMENS Most species were described before the formal designation of types had become customary. A lack of type-fixation has often resulted in confusion in nomen- clature. Types have been examined by the writer unless the contrary is stated. 8 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Types are designated here in nearly all cases where this has not already been done. LECTOTYPE means a present designation ; Lectotype a designation in some previous work. The writer has attached his lectotype label to each type which he has personally designated. Holotype means that the describer either designated one specimen as such or had only one specimen. If neither of these conditions applies but there is a strong presumption that the describer had only one specimen, this is referred to as “? holotype” or “ probably holotype’’. Often it is not evident how many specimens of a given species the describer possessed, although his collection now contains only one (e.g., many Walker species). Such a single specimen is not necessarily a holotype, as for instance when the describer gave a size-range or mentioned more than one locality. Where there is any doubt, I have usually designated the single extant specimen as lectotype, provided that it agrees with the description. ‘‘ Type destroyed’’ means that definite evidence of this exists. ‘“‘ Type lost’ means that, although there is no positive information of its destruction, the type could not be located after extensive search. The types of all Walker species are located in the BM(NH) unless the contrary is stated in the text. Most of Walker’s original specimens bear a characteristic rectangular label with the generic and specific name followed by the words “ Stood under this name in the old B.M. Collection, C. Waterhouse ”’ (on the underside of the label) ; to avoid repetition, this label is referred to as Waterhouse label. Walker probably rearranged his collection 1846-8 and again in 1860, and when doing so he transferred some of his species to genera different from those in which he had originally described them ; for example, many Miscogaster species were transferred to Lamprotatus. The Waterhouse labels were added after this, con- sequently they sometimes bear the name of the genus to which the species had been transferred, and not the original one. Walker also synonymized some of his species at later dates (chiefly 1846-8) ; in such cases the Waterhouse label bears another species-name. These changes have all been elucidated by reference to Walker’s publications and every care has been taken to ensure that the original material has been correctly identified as such. The types of only 23 of Walker’s European species are missing, as listed below ; three of them (Pteromalus bryce, P. felginas and Selimnus diores) are not cited in Walker’s Lists (1846, 1848) and were certainly returned to de Romand in Geneva (see note under Selimnus diores, p. 149). In the case of types marked * the species cannot be recognized ; the others have either been definitely recognized or else placed with a fair degree of probability. Cyrtogaster poesos (1848 : 164, 9) Eutelus signatus (1834 : 357, ) Gastrancistrus alectus (1848 : 158, “3 ”’) Merisus splendidus (1834 : 167, 9) Meromalus flavicornis (1834 : 178, 3) Miscogaster lugubris (1833 : 462, 3) Miscogaster nicaee (1839 : 197, 3) Miscogaster stygne (1839 : 201, 3) Miscogaster tenuicornis (1833 : 462, 2) PTEROMALIDAE OF N:W. EUROPE 9 Ormocerus aletes (1848 : 163, 9) *Platyterma terminale (1834 : 306, 9) *Platyterma comptum (1834 : 341, 9) *Pteromalus aeson (1848 : 174, 3) *Pteromalus amabilis (1836 : 495, 9) *Pteromalus bryce (1842 : 336, 9) *Pteromalus felginas (1842 : 336, 9) Pteromalus lentulus (1839 : 232, 3) *Pteromalus mediocris (1835a : 97, 9) Pteromalus pandens (1872 : 101, 3) *Pteromalus tiburtus (1839 : 251, 3) Selimnus diores (1842 : 335, 2) Trigonoderus hirticornis (1836a : 23, 3) Urolepis cychreus (1850 : 131, 3) The types of all Thomson and Zetterstedt species are in Universitetets Zoologiska Institutionen, Lund, unless otherwise stated. DATES OF PUBLICATION The date given on the title-page of Thomson’s Skandinaviens Hymenoptera (4e Delen) is 1875. I have cited 1876 as being the correct date of this part, for the following reason. Ashmead (1900, Proc. U.S. natl. Mus. 22 : 325-6) pointed out that Howard had given reliable evidence which showed that this part of Thomson’s work appeared later than Mayr’s paper on Encyrtidae in Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 25. The latter was read in December 1875 and not published until 1876. In determining the dates of publication of some other works (e.g., Westwood, 1839) I have made use of internal evidence from sources such as MSS and letters. The plates A—P in The Entomologist 1, drawn by Haliday, were published separately with different numbers of the periodical (Walker, in litt. to Haliday) during 1841 and 1842. As the precise date of publication for some of them cannot be determined, I have cited 1841-1842 as an inclusive date. TERMINOLOGY The terms used are nearly all illustrated in Text-figs. 1-6, and are in the main those employed by Richards (1956). A few terms, which either differ from those of Richards or need more explanation, are the following : Antenna : unless otherwise stated, the Text-figures illustrate the right antenna viewed from the outside. Antennal clava : this is regarded as having at most 3 segments. In many species a small area (‘‘ terminal nipple ’’, Text-fig. 4) is differentiated at the tip of the clava. and may be quite large in rare cases ; it is not regarded as being a true segment. Antennal formula denotes : scape ; pedicellus ; number of anelli ; number of funicular segments ; number of claval segments. Thus the formula of the antenna in Text-fig. 4 is 11263. ie) M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM MEDIAN ANTENNAL OCELLUS SCROBES ae = = = | 5 3 LENGTH ave a Eye ra LENGTH APPARENT, OF HEAD ay Sy LENSTH Ns / Or , TEMPLE Ss \ OS CY i TY a ee (eee 4 M E ‘ ; N POSTERIOR OCCIPUT OCCIPITAL y MID ' OCELiuS CARINA (S25) ' LOBE ' LOBE ‘ : | ' y TEGULA ' H OCELLI € yw" ms BASE OF 5 ( SCUTELLUM \ \e—__Il_ scutetto- E aan ay as AXILLAR ANTENNAL ANTENNAL Z \ SCROBES TORULI 4s / Res ay) CRORE / SCUTELLUM \ METANOTUM SPIRACLE = SPIRACULAR 5 SULCUS ire) i=) GENA a BASAL FOVEA ° MALAR# MALAR SULCUS uae a on — aie eS : SUPRACOXAL ul FLANGE } LABRUM : MEDIAN RCE “— ORAL FoSSA——' Pa PETIDLAR os (BREADTH) FORAMEN PEDICELLUS FUNICLE CLAVA TERMINAL J SPINE RADICULA TERMINAL ANELLI SENSILLA MEER GASTRAL COSTAL CELL MARGINAL POSTMARGINAL pee Sars +————_( LENGTH) + VEIN ——»- —_VEIN——» BASAL FOVEA OF TERGITES “RADIAL CELL” APEX LENGTH GASTER SHEATHS Fics. 1-6. Terminology: 1, head, dorsal; 2, head, frontal; 3, thorax, dorsal ; 4, antenna ; 5, wings ; 6, petiole and gaster. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 11 Antennal scape : the length of the scape (Text-fig. 4) does not include the radicula, which is sometimes hidden or hard to measure. Axillula : a small subtriangular area on each side of the scutellum, marked off by impressed lines from both the scutellum and the adjacent axilla. Apparently present in all Pteromalidae, but indistinct or absent in some members of other families (e.g., Chalcididae, Eurytomidae). Dorsellum : the central area of the metanotum (Text-fig. 3) ; the “‘ meta- scutellum ”’ of my previous papers, and of some other authors. Eye : length in general means the true length as measured in the vertical axis of the head ; in descriptions of the head in dorsal view, however, “ length ’’ means apparent length as measured in the longitudinal axis of the body (see Text-fig. 1). Face : the area below the antennal toruli, between the eyes and above the clypeus, bounded laterally below the eyes by the malar sulci (= “ lower face’’ of some authors). ; Frenum : the area of the scutellum lying behind the frenal groove when present (Text-fig. 3). Frons: the area above the antennal toruli, between the eyes and below the median ocellus (= “‘ upper face ’’ of some authors). Gaster (Text-fig. 6) : length is measured in dorsal view, from the junction with the petiole to the tips of the ovipositor sheaths (when the latter are far exserted, as in Anogmus strobilorum, the length of the exserted portion is not included in the length of the gaster). The gaster comprises abdominal segments 3-9 (numbered in Text-fig. 6), but in many cases it is convenient to refer to abdominal tergites 3 and 9 as the “ basal tergite of the gaster’’ and the “ last tergite ’’ respectively. Mandibular formula : number of teeth in left and right mandibles ; thus 3.4 indicates three teeth in left mandible, four in right mandible. Mesosternum : used in the traditional sense ; the “‘ subpleural area ’’ of Richards (1956, fig. 38). Pronotal collar : length of the collar (e.g., median length) is measured in the longitudinal axis of the body ; breadth of the collar is measured in the transverse axis of the body. Propodeum : length is measured along the median longitudinal line (with the latter as nearly as possible at right-angles to the line of sight). The structure of the pleural and ventral parts of the thorax is illustrated by Richards (1956, figs. 37, 38). In the main this is followed, though in the keys I have occasionally referred to the ‘“‘ mesopleuron ”’ in its traditional sense (meaning mesepisternum -++ mesepimeron). The text-figures have been drawn by the author, using a Watson stereoscopic binocular microscope and magnifications of x 50 and x100. Some figures pub- lished in earlier papers have been partly redrawn. Measurements were made with an eyepiece micrometer. KEY TO PAMILIES OF CHALCIDOIDEA I Petiole of gaster composed of two segments, each of which is longer than (r) M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM broad, while both together are as long as the rest of the gaster (Mymaromma) MYMARIDAE (part) Either the gaster has a petiole composed of one fii which is sometimes inconspicuous ; or it is sessile : Head (Text-fig. 7) with antennal toruli much nearer to the eyes than to each other, and separated by not more than their own diameter from the eyes ; frons with an impressed transverse straight line just above the antennal toruli ; from the ends of this line two other pairs of lines extend along the orbits on to the vertex and face respectively. Nearly always macropterous, with hind wing (Text-fig. 8) having a basal stalk which is composed solely of the submarginal vein, the wing-lamina not extending to its base ; wing, beyond the hamuli, nearly always linear with its front and hind edges subparallel. Fore wing (Text-fig. 8) venation characteristic : marginal vein relatively short, stigmal vein rudimentary, the tip of the latter most often situated before the middle of the wing, rarely beyond it. Antennae without true anelli. Tarsi four- or five-segmented. Body non-metallic MYMARIDAE Antennal toruli rarely nearer to the eyes than to each other, if so then the frons lacks impressed lines running along the orbits and the transverse line, if present, is usually not straight, whilst the structure of the fore and hind wings is different, the antennae usually have one or more anelli, and the body is often metallic. Tarsi sometimes with only three segments Apterous forms, or brachypterous forms having the wings shortened, rudi- mentary, or (occasionally) represented by narrow filaments Forms having wings, except very rarely the hind wings, fully developed, sometimes narrow but never filamentous Males only : species associated with figs (Ficus spp.)._ Body and appendages often very aberrant in structure ; apterous, or with wings represented by filaments ; tarsi often heteromerous ; ocelli usually absent Io AGAONIDAE and some TORYMIDAE (SYCOPHAGINAE) Males and females : species not associated with figs é Tarsi with three segments. Small to minute species, 0-3 to 1-4 mm. ; anten- nae with only five to eight segments and usually very short 5 TRICHOGRAMMATIDAE (part) Tarsi with four or five segments. Species often larger ; antennae often with a greater number of segments Tarsi with four segments Tarsi with five segments Mid coxae inserted at or slightly in front of the middle of the mesepisternum (Text-fig. 9) ; mid tarsi thickened proximally, tapering distally, their first segment, and often some of the following segments, with a double row of short thick spines beneath ; aoe ormae 9) convex, without 6 - EULOPHIDAE (part) 7 a femoral groove d ; . ENCYRTIDAE (part) Mid coxae inserted at or near 26 hind bea of the mesepisternum. Mid tarsi with or without short thick spines beneath. Mesepisternum with or without a femoral groove Mid tarsi thickened proximally, tapering distad, ‘their first segment, and often some of the following segments, with a double row of short thick spines beneath ; mesepisternum (Text-fig. 10) convex, without a true femoral groove, though separated from the mesosternum by an impressed line or suture ; mid coxae ventrally with a membranous area (Text-fig. 11, membr.) at their bases EUPELMIDAE (part) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE postspiracular sclerite trochantinal lobes Fics. 7-13. 7, Polynema sp., 2 head ; 8, Ooctonus soykai (Hincks), 2, wings ; 9, Micro- terys sp., 2, thorax, profile ; 10, Eupelmus urozonus Dalman, 9, thorax, profile ; 11, Calosota acron (Walker), 9, thorax, ventral ; 12, Pevilampus ruficornis (F.), 2, thorax, profile ; 13, Eucharis adscendens (F.), 9, fore wing, venation. 13 Io II 2 14 us (10) (14) M. W. R. de V. GRAHAM Mid tarsi not thus thickened, without a double row of short thick spines beneath. Mesepisternum, except in a few Aphelinidae, not evenly convex, but having a femoral groove. Mid coxae ventrally touching the trochan- tinal lobes, without a membranous area at their bases . 9 Antennae with six to eight segments ; pronotum not large, shorter than the mesoscutum : : a ; d : : APHELINIDAE (part) Either the antennae have 11 to 13 segments ; or else the pronotum is large, longer than the mesoscutum é 2 . PTEROMALIDAE (part) Females only : tarsi heteromerous, fore and hind tarsi with five segments, mid tarsi with four segments : 5‘ : : : . : : TE Females and males : tarsinot heteromerous . c a : : : 12 Antennae with twelve to thirteen segments. Fore wing (Text-fig. 66) with postmarginal and stigmal veins well-developed. Moderate-sized species, length 2-0 to 3-5 mm. (Macvomesus only) é : . PTEROMALIDAE Antennae with eight segments. Fore wing : postmarginal vein absent or rudimentary, stigmal vein short (much as in Text-fig. 31). Minute species, length 0-5 to o-8 mm. (some Encarsia) . . : . APHELINIDAE Tarsi with three segments. Small to minute species, eget 0-3 to 1-4 mm. ; antennae with only five to eight segments and usually very short ; hairs of fore wing often in longitudinal lines : TRICHOGRAMMATIDAE (part) Tarsi with four or five segments. Species often larger ; antennae often with a greater number of segments ; hairs of fore wing rarely arranged in longi- tudinal lines , F ‘ : F ‘ : : é 5 2 13 Tarsi with four segments é : : : s : : : : 42 Tarsi with five segments . : 14 Mid coxae (Text-fig. 9) inserted about level with the middle of the mesepi- sternum, or even anterior to this, the mesosternum being very short ; mes- episternum enlarged and at least partly covering the mesepimeron, convex, without a femoral groove ; mid tibiae with a very thick apical spur ; mid tarsi thickened proximally, at least their first segment with two rows of short stout spines beneath. Notauli usually absent, occasionally present or even complete but in such cases very superficial. Metapleuron often very narrow or invisible. Last tergite of gaster often more or less V-shaped . : . ENCYRTIDAE Mid coxae (Text-figs. 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 24, 26) inserted behind the level of the middle of the mesepisternum. Mesepisternum, except in most female and some male Eupelmidae, and a few aberrant species of other families, neither enlarged nor evenly convex, but having a femoral groove. Mid tibial spur and mid tarsi, except in most Eupelmidae, not thus modified . 15 Mid tarsi thickened proximally and tapering distally, their first segment, and usually some of the following segments, with two rows of short stout spines beneath ; mid coxae separated from the trochantinal lobes of the meso- sternum by a membranous area (Text-fig. 11, membr.) which allows the coxae to be swung directly forwards ; spur of mid tibia thick ; mesepi- sternum (except in Oodera) greatly enlarged, evenly convex and without a femoral groove, though separated from the mesosternum by a linear suture, see Text-fig. 10. Pronotum often divided longitudinally down the middle, by a groove, a membranous line, or a carina. Postspiracular sclerite (Text- fig. 10) often longer than high, tending to be convex, sometimes free ventrally and overlapping the mesepisternum somewhat. Propodeum nearly always shorter medially than at the sides, sometimes nil medially ; its hind margin being deeply, almost semicircularly, excised. Antennae of 16 (15) 17 (16) 18 (16) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE female most often with one anellus, seven funicular segments, and a solid TS or three-segmented clava . - - é - : . EUPELMIDAE Mid tarsi not modified as in the above; mid coxae without a membranous area ventrally and not capable of being swung directly forwards ; spur of mid tibia rarely so thick ; mesepisternum nearly always with a femoral groove, which extends from the base of the mid coxa towards the base of the fore wing. Pronotum, except in some exotic Pteromalidae Cleonyminae, not divided longitudinally. Postspiracular sclerite not free ventrally, nearly always as high or higher than broad, usually flat, or somewhat concave with its upper and hind margins slightly raised. Propodeum usually not shorter, but often longer, medially than at the sides Postspiracular sclerite (Text-fig. 12) lying in the same plane as, and fused with, the lateral part of the pronotum ; the latter is rigidly coadapted to the mesepisternum. Thorax in profile (Text-fig. 12) short and high. Gaster often with only one or two eos gs visible in dorsal view. Notauli complete Postspiracular sclerite pedo in a very e07 seis not iyitien: in tite same plane as, and not fused with, the lateral part of the pronotum ; the latter can usually swing forwards away from the mesothorax. Thorax sometimes otherwise in shape. Gaster most often with more than two tergites visible in dorsal view Pronotum not visible fiiin HSE, Beitie hidden’ by ie ii adosictis Which is strongly convex, or protuberant anteriorly. Mandibles nearly always sickle-shaped, in a few species very short, straight, and hanging down vertically ; in these species the antennal scape is shorter than the first funicular segment and hardly longer than broad, whilst the head is narrower than the thorax. Petiole of gaster longer, often very much longer, than broad, often as long as the rest of the gaster ; third abdominal tergite usually covering the rest in dorsal view. Fore wing (Text-fig. 13) : stigmal vein usually directed at approximately a right angle relative to the costal edge, sometimes slightly oblique. Head in front view usually more or less triangular. Antennae very varied in form : most often without anelli or with only one, usually with seven or eight funicular segments ; flagellum in male often with branches. Scutellum in exotic species often with bizarre 16 17 18 processes . : - : : é : : é EUCHARITIDAE Pronotum clearly visible in dorsal view of thorax. Mandibles not sickle- shaped. Antennal scape very much longer than the first funicular segment, and much longer than broad. Petiole very short and transverse ; dorsal surface of gaster often occupied wholly or nearly wholly by the con- nate third and fourth abdominal tergites. Fore wing: stigmal vein oblique. Head in front view not triangular. Antennal formula usually 11173, sometimes 11171 ; flagellum without branches. Scutellum without, or with at most short, teeth or processes : : 5 PERILAMPIDAE Females only : mandible with a proximal appendage which lies against the underside of the head and is transversely ridged, these ridges sometimes appearing like serrations. Third or fourth segment of antenna often with a process or appendage. Species associated with figs (Ficus spp.). The only species found in Europe is Blastophaga es (L.) which occurs in south-west Europe, Asia, and Africa. - : . AGAONIDAE Males and females : mandibles without such an Berea dace Third and fourth segments of female antenna without processes. Species, except some Torymidae and Eurytomidae, not associated with figs 1G 16 19 20 21 22 (18) (20) (21) M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM Species associated with figs (Ficus spp.). In Europe only Philotrypesis caricae (Westwood), found in south-west Europe, Asia, and Africa. The female has the last two gastral segments much lengthened to form a half-cylinder which covers about the proximal third of the ovipositor sheaths, the latter much longer than the body ; spiracles of propodeum placed about midway between the front and hind margins of the sclerite (Sycophaginae) Species not associated with figs ; apical segments of female gaster rarely thus lengthened, if so then the propodeal spiracles are close to the hind margin of the metanotum : : : 3 Females only : last tergite of gaster (ninth abdominal) (Text-fig. 14) emar- ginate posteriorly, with a small articulated flap (epipygium, ep.) in the arc of the emargination; pygostyles (p.) attached very near to or at the hind margin of the tergite, and tending to be longer than thick. Ovipositor sheaths more or less far exserted, their exserted portion usually equalling at least one-third the length of the hind tibia, sometimes longer than the whole body ; sheaths often transversely striate. Anterior margin of metapleuron TORYMIDAE (part) 20 (Text-fig. 15) often sinuate . : : - TORYMIDAE Males and females : last tergite of wastes (oath abidenitn al) (Text-figs. 16, 18, 25, 48-50, 55, 50-58) normally triangular and not emarginate posteriorly, without an articulated epipygial flap, its apex resting on the ovipositor sheaths, and its pygostyles more or less distant from its hind margin ; pygostyles rarely longer than thick, sometimes placoid. In some Ptero- malidae Ormocerini the last tergite is turned up, away from the ovipositor sheaths, and the pygostyles (Text-fig. 16) are attached to its hind margin ; but these species have no articulated epipygial flap. Ovipositor sheaths seldom far exserted, if so then they are reticulate, longitudinally aciculate, or smooth. Anterior margin of metapleuron straight or evenly curved Hind femora strongly swollen, only 1:5 to 3 times as long as broad, their ventral edge armed with teeth or more or less serrated ; hind tibiae usually conspicuously curved, their apices sometimes obliquely truncate. Antennae most often with one anellus and seven funicular segments, or without anelli and with eight funicular segments. Head and dorsum of thorax most often with strong, and sometimes dense, umbilicate piliferous punctures. Pronotum often large and subrectangular / Hind femora rarely so strongly swollen, if so then having their ventral edge unarmed ; hind tibiae at most slightly curved, their apices not obliquely truncate. Antennal formula often other than above. Head and dorsum of thorax very often without conspicuous piliferous punctures. Pronotum often shorter, or shaped differently Postspiracular sclerite usually invisible or ‘(Text- fig. 17) forming only a , small or narrow plate near the tegula, if rather larger (some Leucospididae) then the tegula nearly touches the pronotum ; mesopleuron narrowing ventrad, mesepimeron absent or indistinctly defined because of coarse sculpture ; body most often black, sometimes with white, yellow, or red markings, rarely metallic. Antennae with one anellus and seven funicular segments, or without anelli but with eight funicular segments Postspiracular sclerite (Text-figs. 15, 20, 24, 26) larger and extending far ventrad ; tegula usually separated from the pronotum by at least its own length ; mesopleuron usually distinctly divided into a mesepisternum and epimeron. Body very often metallic, if non-metallic then the antennal formula is usually different from the above 21 22 25 23 24 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 17 pronotum postspiracular i metapleuron sclerite postspiracular sclerite femoral groove 16 postspiracular sclerite mesepisternum mesepimeron Fics. 14-21. 14, Torymus regius Nees, 2, apex of gaster and base of ovipositor sheaths, dorsal (p, pygostyle ; ep, epipygial flap) ; 15, Torymus bedeguaris (L.), 9, thorax, profile ; 16, Gastyancistrus crassus Walker, 9, apex of gaster ; 17, Brachymevia minuta (L.), 2, thorax, profile ; 18, Eurytoma vobusta Mayr, 9, apex of gaster ; 19, Leucospis gigas F., 9, thorax, excluding metanotum and propodeum ; 20, Habrocytus musaeus (Walker), 9, thorax, profile ; 21, Polistomorpha suvinamensis Westwood, Type 2, gaster. 18 23 24 25 26 27 28 (22) (21) (25) (27) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Tegulae relatively short, up to twice, but rarely more than 1-5 times, as long as broad, their front edge distinctly separated from the pronotum ; marginal vein of fore wing at least slightly longer than the stigmal vein, postmarginal usually not longer than the marginal and sometimes very short or rudi- mentary ; axillae separated by at most their own width ; glossa not elongate, not or hardly projecting below the mandibles ; femoral groove extending far up the mesepisternum (Text-fig. 17) : notauli most often complete and moderately deep, occasionally superficial posteriorly ; female ovipositor not recurved over the dorsum of the gaster, the latter without a dorsal groove or ridge . é : c : c CHALCIDIDAE Tegulae (Text-fig. 19) elongate, 2-5 to 3-5 times as long as broad, reaching or nearly reaching the pronotum ; marginal vein of fore wing short, at most three times as long as thick, sometimes nearly punctiform, not longer than the stigmal vein, postmarginal vein very long ; axillae (Text-fig. 19) very small and widely-separated, often not distinctly marked off from the scutellum ; glossa more or less elongated, projecting below the mandibles ; femoral groove shorter, extending barely two thirds up the mesepisternum ; notauli usually absent, sometimes weakly indicated anteriorly ; female ovipositor in most species recurved and often lying in a groove along the dorsum of the gaster, if the ovipositor is normal then the dorsum of the gaster is convex and hard, with a median longitudinal line or ridge (Text- fig. 21) é é : : c . LEUCOSPIDIDAE Inner orbits of eyes diverging at most Parone vont: antennae inserted at least slightly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; postspiracular sclerite, sometimes also the metapleuron, bare ; postmarginal vein of fore wing shorter than the marginal, sometimes ae longer than the short stigmal vein c : - TORYMIDAE (part) Inner orbits of eyes divereiae etonely cannes. ene inserted distinctly, often far, below the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; postspiracular sclerite and metapleuron usually more or less hairy ; postmarginal vein of fore wing usually as long or longer than the marginal vein. (Chalcedectinae) (p. 36) 5 : . PTEROMALIDAE (part) Pronotal collar (Text- fig. 25) ieee Suievse ene a its length from about two thirds that of the mesoscutum to longer than the latter ; head, and dorsum of thorax excluding the propodeum, with numerous conspicuous piliferous punctures (Text-fig. 23) which usually coalesce to form a deep, coarse honeycomb sculpture ; genae with a sharp edge or flange ; propodeum usually grooved or excavated down the middle ; body usually non-metallic, rarely metallic, sometimes partly to wholly yellow or reddish . : 26 Not agreeing with all the above characters. If the pronotal collar is com- parable with the above in size and form, then either the head and thorax have a different type of sculpture, or else the genae are not sharp-edged . 27 Antennae with one anellus, seven funicular segments, and a solid or indistinctly segmented clava ; inner orbits of eyes diverging strongly ventrad PTEROMALIDAE (part) Antennae with at most six funicular segments ; inner orbits of eyes diverging at most slightly ventrad é : ¢ : EURYTOMIDAE (part) Pronotal collar subrectangular, large, fon about half as long as, to longer than, the mesoscutum. Mesoscutal notauli complete . 28 Pronotal collar either not subrectangular, or else shorter than in 1 the above. Notauli complete or incomplete . : 35 Marginal vein of fore wing four to eight times ; as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein not or hardly longer than the stigmal. One or more of the PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE postspiracular sclerite Fics. 22-31. 22, Tetvamesa linearis (Walker), 9, thorax, excluding propodeum ; 23, Eudecatoma biguttata (Swed.), 9, sculpture of mesoscutum ; 24, Tetvamesa petiolata (Walker), 9, thorax, profile ; 25, Ovmyrus punctiger Westwood, 9, gaster ; 26, same, thorax, profile ; 27, Signiphova subaenea (Forster), 9, thorax and gaster ; 28, Thysanus atey Walker, 9, fore wing ; 29, Elasmus sp., 9, hind leg and metapleuron ; 30, Thysanus ater Walker, 9, mid leg, excluding coxa and trochanter ; 31, Ptevoptvix dimidiata Westwood, °, fore wing venation. 19 20 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 (28) (31) (32) M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM pygostylar bristles of the gaster very long (Text-fig. 39). Either the antennal toruli touch the edge of the oral fossa, or else the face has tubercles orcrests . c : : : . PTEROMALIDAE (part) Either the mace vein of ite are wing is at most three times as long as the stigmal vein ; or the pygostylar bristles are relatively shorter, the antennal toruli are remote from the edge of the oral fossa, and the face is unarmed . 29 Antennae with ro or 11 segments, of which four to six are funicular segments. Metapleuron (Text-fig. 24) not or indistinctly marked off from the pro- podeum, usually more or less hairy ; propodeum with a median longitudinal channel, or flat medially ; axillulae not or only vaguely marked off from the scutellum ; body usually non-metallic, black, brown, or partly to entirely yellow to reddish, but rarely metallic . : : EURYTOMIDAE (part) Antennae usually with 13 segments, occasionally with 12 ; funicle with six to nine segments. The other characters rarely present in combination : 30 Body black, non-metallic ; propodeum with a median longitudinal channel ; scutellum without an offset frenum : : : EURYTOMIDAE (part) Either the body is at least partly metallic ; or else the propodeum lacks a median channel, and usually also the scutellum has a frenum marked off by an impressed line . : F 31 Gaster with a conspicuous, subrectangular, reticulate or striate ‘petiole. Front margin of metapleuron not sinuate ; hind femora neither swollen nor with teeth ventrally ; stigma of fore wing small PTEROMALIDAE (part) Gaster with a relatively inconspicuous, subconical, smooth or ce smooth petiole : ‘ : 32 Antennae inserted below the level of the ventral ‘edge of the eyes. Either the fore wing virtually lacks a speculum and has the marginal vein hardly longer than the stigmal vein ; or else the vertex has six to eight specialized dark bristles which point forwards (as in Text-fig. 36) . PTEROMALIDAE (part) Antennae inserted level with or above the ventral edge of the eyes. Fore wing usually with a speculum, marginal vein usually longer than the stigmal vein. Vertex either with more numerous, or less specialized, bristles i . ; 3 5 a ‘ . 33 Antennae with nine , funicular segments ; stigma of fore wing small ; vertex with six to eight long dark bristles (much as in Text-fig. 36) PTEROMALIDAE (part) Antennae with at most seven funicular segments. Either the stigma of the fore wing is large, or else the vertex is clothed with more numerous ordinary hairs or bristles . : 34 Pronotal collar sharply margined anteriorly. Squat, ‘bright, metallic species much resembling Perilampidae ; gaster shorter than thorax, subglobose, ovipositor sheaths in female not exserted ; mandibles large, bidentate PTEROMALIDAE (part) Pronotal collar not margined. es bel ae in some other respect from the above . : : . TORYMIDAE (part) Hind tibia with two stout epic Spas one or Geom of these curved ; hind coxae (Text-fig. 26) nearly as long as their femora, with a fine carina along their dorsal edge ; middle segments of gaster with some strong piliferous punctures which are usually modified and form part of transverse bands of characteristic sculpture (Text-fig. 25) ; marginal vein of fore wing six to nine times as long as the very short stigmal vein ; antennae 13-segmented ; postspiracular sclerite (Text-fig. 26) very narrow, fused with and lying in the same plane as the mesopleuron . : : : : . ORMYRIDAE 36 38 40 (36) (37) (38) (39) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Hind tibia often with only one apical spur, if with two then both are straight ; hind coxae rarely so long as in the above ; middle segments of gaster most often without conspicuous piliferous punctures, without transverse bands of sculpture resembling those of Ormyridae ; marginal vein of fore wing often relatively shorter and the stigmal relatively longer ; antennal formula often otherwise ; postspiracular sclerite rarely fused with the mesopleuron Hind coxae greatly enlarged (much as in Text-fig. 29) and almost laminar ; hind tibiae with a row of about four to six long bristles on their dorsal edge, and a series of about four others on their external surface, with two long apical spurs ; fore wing with one to three isolated bristles on the membrane below the apex of the ae vein; antennae with nine 21 36 segments . : : ‘ , . ELASMIDAE (part) Hind coxae neither so greatly onl ced nor so eran flattened ; hind tibiae without specialized series of long bristles, often with only one apical spur ; the other characters usually different Thorax (Text-fig. 27) : axillae not distinctly marked off Fem ee seated: the two together forming a transverse band ; propodeum with a triangular median area ; gaster sessile, its basal segment as broad as the propodeum ; antennae five to seven-segmented, with scape, pedicellus, two to four anelli, and a long undivided clava. Fore wing (Text-fig. 28) with fringes from one third to more than half the breadth of the wing, stigma rudimentary. External edge of mid tibia (Text-fig. 30) often with two to four long strong 37 bristles ; mid tarsi sometimes much longer than mid tibiae SIGNIPHORIDAE Thorax : axillae distinctly marked off from the scutellum ; propodeum with- out such a triangular median area ; gaster most often petiolate or sub- petiolate with its basal segment at least slightly narrower than the propodeum ; antennal formula nearly always otherwise . : : Antennae with three to nine segments. Postmarginal vein of fore wing usually absent or represented by a short stub, only occasionally as long as the stigmal vein : : : 2 . : : . Antennae with 10 to 13 ceetments, Postmarginal vein of fore wing usually well-developed and as long as or longer than the stigmal vein, occasionally shorter, but rarely absent Gaster subsessile, the petiolar segment, if neces aeeGeely eens aa ae easily visible ; postphragma extending at least slightly, often far, into the gaster. Postmarginal vein of fore wing at most about one sixth the length of the marginal vein, but usually less. Pronotum very short and strongly transverse. Scutellum at least slightly, often strongly, transverse 38 39 40 APHELINIDAE (part) Gaster petiolate, the petiolar segment, even if very short, clearly visible. Either the postmarginal vein is at least one quarter the length of the marginal vein ; or else the gastral petiole is conspicuous, rectangular, and reticulate, and the pronotum is large, longer than the mesoscutum Propodeum extensively pilose : its median third with several hairs which converge towards the median line and leave at most a narrow strip down the middle uncovered ; antennae with 11 segments of which six are funicular segments ; hind edge of basal tergite of gaster very convex, so that in some aspects it appears as if a rather deep groove is present between it and the second tergite ; spur of fore tibia weak and straight ; fore wing without a speculum ; pronotum from nearly as long as, to longer than, the meso- scutum ; scutellum with four long bristles. (Females of Tetracampinae) 40 TETRACAMPIDAE 22 41 42 45 (40) (13) (43) (44) M. W. R. bE V. GRAHAM At least the middle third of the propodeum bare, except in some exotic Ptero- malidae in which the antennae have seven funicular segments. Hind edge of basal tergite of gaster not so convex, without the appearance of a groove between it and the second tergite. Spur of fore tibia usually stronger and curved. Fore wing often with a speculum. Pronotum often rela- tively short. Scutellum usually with more than four bristles . Females with spur of fore tibia weak, nearly straight, only about one quarter as long as the first tarsal segment ; spur of mid tibia not longer than that of the hind tibia ; antennal formula 11163. Males with fore wing with a black sausage-like swelling which occupies the marginal vein and the distal part of the submarginal vein ; antennal formula 11153. Both sexes with pronotum campanuliform, at least about three quarters as long as the mesoscutum ; anterior tentorial pits forming conspicuous foveae, very large in males ; occiput slightly margined (Platynocheilinae) 41 TETRACAMPIDAE (part) Females with spur of fore tibia stronger and longer, nearly always curved but if straight then the antennal formula is different and the pronotum is relatively shorter. Antennal formula rarely 11163, if so then the pronotum is relatively shorter, and the anterior tentorial pits are small. Males with fore wings without a black swelling occupying this position, sometimes with the marginal vein short and broad, but not swollen PTEROMALIDAE (most species) Marginal vein of fore wing punctiform or virtually so. Either the fringe of the fore wing is extremely long, the length of its longest hairs fully equal to the breadth of the wing ; or the antenna of the female is five-segmented with scape, pedicellus, two minute anelli, and a long clava which is solid or has at most slight traces of segmentation. Minute species, 0-5 to 0.7 mm. (Antheminae and Arrhenophaginae) Marginal vein of fore wing very distinctly, usually much, longer than broad. Fringe of fore wing most often relatively shorter. Antenna of female nearly always with a different structure. Size usually greater . : Antenna with six funicular segments and one discoid anellus, the latter often hard to see; middle third of propodeum pilose, the hairs converging towards the median line and leaving at most a narrow median strip un- covered ; fore wing without a speculum. (Males of Tetracampinae) . ENCYRTIDAE (part) 43 TETRACAMPIDAE (part) Antennae with at most five funicular segments ; at least the middle third of the propodeum bare ; fore wing most often with a speculum . : Hind legs (Text-fig. 29) having their coxae greatly enlarged and strongly compressed laterally, almost laminar ; outer surface of their tibiae with numerous coarse blackish bristles, some of which form a pattern like a series of lozenges. Fore wings narrow, nearly or quite three times as long as broad, their front and hind margins nearly parallel ; marginal vein extremely long, hardly at all bent at its junction with the submarginal ; postmarginal and stigmal very short. Mid and hind femora flattened and strongly expanded. Occiput with a sharp edge, the posterior ocelli close to this or almost 44 touching it. : F . ELASMIDAE Hind coxae not so aes and AG am inane by soutinessed outer surface of hind tibiae without coarse bristles forming a pattern Fore wing with postmarginal vein as long as or longer than the stigmal vein, the latter not very short 45 . EULOPHIDAE (part) PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 23 - Fore wing with postmarginal vein either absent, or clearly shorter than the stigmal vein, the latter sometimes very short or even rudimentary . 46 46 (45) Gaster distinctly constricted at its junction with the propodeum, and a petiole always present even though sometimes strongly transverse ; endophragma not extending into the gaster. Stigmal vein forming an angle of not less than about 35° with the costal edge of the wing. Body most often at least partly metallic, if non-metallic then the scutellum usually has a pair of impressed submedian longitudinal lines . : ‘ . EULOPHIDAE (part) - Gaster subsessile, i.e., its base almost as broad as the propodeum ; the petiole, if present, very difficult to see ; endophragma extending at least slightly, usually far, into the gaster. Stigmal vein (Text-fig. 31) usually forming a very acute angle with the costal edge of the wing. Body non-metallic, black, or partly to entirely yellow or brown. Scutellum without submedian impressed longitudinal lines . : . < . APHELINIDAE (part) THE LIMITS OF THE FAMILY PTEROMALIDAE These are not easy to define even when only the European fauna is considered. In the present work Pteromalidae are regarded as including Cleonyminae and Miscogasterinae, groups which have often been given family rank. The chief difficulties arise when one tries to find satisfactory characters for distinguishing many male (and a few female) Eupelmidae, and some male Torymidae, from Pteromalidae. Such Eupelmids and Torymids would run in my family key to Pteromalidae, therefore I have inserted special couplets in my key to subfamilies of Pteromalidae in order to deal with these difficult cases. The genus Oodera Westwood, sometimes placed in Pteromalidae Cleonyminae, is dealt with in my key to families. It is in fact very close to some Cleonyminae, but on a balance of characters I place it in Eupelmidae. This exemplifies the sort of difficulty referred to above. It would be unwise to attempt a formal definition of Pteromalidae until the families of Chalcidoidea have been more adequately surveyed on a world-wide basis. Meanwhile workers will have to rely on the key to families, which has been so constructed so as to make allowance for exceptional and difficult cases. The great majority of Pteromalinae should run, in the key to subfamilies, to couplet 45 ; only a small number will run to other couplets. PTEROMALIDAE Kery TO SUBFAMILIES I Mesoscutal notauli complete or (some Diparinae) incomplete but 5 aaa on the disc of the mesoscutum - 2 - Notauli neither reaching the hind margin of the mesoscutum, nor - meeting on its disc 2 33 2 (1) Antennal toruli (Text- fig. 32) touching the lower ‘edge of the head and situated on facial lobes which project ventrad slightly below the level of the clypeus ; antennae without anelli, with seven funicular segments, and a solid or three- segmented clava. Mesopleuron (Text-fig. 33) produced posteriorly in the form of a lamina which completely overlaps the metapleuron ; mesosternum with a broad deep median excavation (mesolcus) extending from its hind margin more than half-way towards the front of the sclerite. Propodeum 24 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM with the outer rim of each spiracle partly hidden by a raised flap of the callus ; postero-lateral corners of propodeum dentiform. Body black or weakly metallic ; head, and dorsum of thorax excluding the propodeum, with very conspicuous piliferous punctures, the interspaces between these to a large extent, or at least those of the scutellum, with reduced microsculpture and so more or less polished. Mandibles bidentate SPALANGIINAE (p. 48) Fics. 32-39. 32, Spalangia erythvomera Forster, 9, head ; 33, same, thorax, profile ; 34, Theocolax formicifoymis Westwood, 9, head ; 35, Cea pulicavis Walker, 9, head ; 36, Dipara petiolata Walker, 9, head ; 37, Epicopterus choveiformis Westwood, 9, fore wing ; 38, Eunotus cretaceus Walker, 2, head ; 39, Dipara petiolata Walker, 2, thorax and gaster. PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 25 - Antennal toruli nearly always at least slightly separated from the lower edge of the head, but if touching it then not situated on projecting facial lobes, and antennae with only five or six funicular segments. Mesopleuron rarely produced posteriorly in the form of a lamina, if so (Spalangiopelta, some Pirenini) then the lamina does not completely overlap the metapleuron ; mesosternum usually with at most a narrow median longitudinal impressed line, if this line is rather broad then it is situated mainly in the front portion of the sclerite. Propodeal spiracles not overlapped by a raised flap. The other characters not present simultaneously . 3 3 (2) Ant-like species with head, thorax, and gaster all at least partly testaceous. Foramen magnum situated near the top of the head. Face, on either side of the clypeus, often with a tubercle, crest, or forwardly-projecting tooth (Text-fig. 34), sometimes (Text-figs. 70, 71) with a second crest on each side just below the level of the antennal toruli ; malar sulcus absent. Antennae 8- to 11-segmented, without anelli or, some males only, with one anellus. Propodeal spiracles separated by much more than their own length from the hind margin of the metanotum. Wings sometimes vestigial ; when developed having the marginal vein very long, the stigmal vein short, the postmarginal vein equal to or shorter than the stigmal ; parastigma with a callus which often bears a conspicuous tuft of dark bristles. Body of Theocolax 9, Text-fig. 50 CEROCEPHALINAE (p. 56) - Species rarely ant-like ; head, thorax and gaster rarely all testaceous- marked, if so then the foramen magnum is not situated near the top of the head, and the face has neither crests nor teeth. Antennae often with a different formula. Propodeal spiracles rarely separated by more than their own length from the hind margin of the metanotum , 4 4 (3) Spiracles of propodeum situated about half-way between the front and hind margins of the sclerite. Antennal toruli (Text-fig. 35) placed on either side of the clypeus and close to the edge of the oral fossa, separated from it by a distance at least slightly less than the height of the toruli ; antennae with three anelli and five funicular segments. Malar sulcus absent. Mandibles bidentate. Body of Cea 9, Text-fig. 51. ‘ i CEINAE (p. 45) - Spiracles of propodeum always nearer to the front margin of the sclerite than to its hind margin, sometimes even touching the metanotum.! Antennal toruli separated from the edge of the oral fossa by at least their own height except in Neodipara, some Eunotinae, and some Cleonyminae, in which the antennae have a different formula : 5 5 (4) Antennae inserted on either side of the clypeus, with their toruli touching the edge of the oral fossa ; with five funicular segments, without anelli or with only one minute saaltee? Body black with a weak metallic tinge ; gastral petiole elongate, yellow. Mandibles bidentate . NEODIPARINAE (p. 66) = Antennal toruli at least slightly separated from the edge of the oral fossa, far above it in male Dipara petiolata, the only species having a blackish body and elongate yellow gastral petiole : : 6 6 (5) Vertex (Text-fig. 36), in addition to some fine hairs, with 6 to 12 conspicu- ously strong dark bristles, most or all of which curve forwards ; scutellum with four long bristles only, usually (at least the frenum) longitudinally strigose. Notauli usually complete and more or less strongly convergent, 1 The male of Merostenus excavatus [Eupelmidae] has the propodeal spiracles only slightly nearer to the front margin than to the hind margin of the propodeum, but it has 1 anellus and 7 funicular segments in the antenna. 26 (to) M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM sometimes incomplete but meeting on the disc of the mesoscutum. Gaster (Text-fig. 39) usually attached to the propodeum at a relatively high level, the lower edge of the petiolar foramen being usually level with the upper surface of the hind coxae as seen in profile ; one or more of the bristles of each pygostyle very long. Antennae 11- to 13-segmented, with one anellus ; in female with seven funicular segments and a solid or three-segmented clava ; in male with nine funicular segments and a short clava which is solid or imperfectly two-segmented. Body of Dipara 2 3 Text-figs. 39, 52 DIPARINAE (p. 63) Vertex clothed with hairs or bristles which are relatively uniform in length and most often finer and shorter than in the above ; scutellum usually with more than four bristles, if with only four then the scutellum is not longi- tudinally strigose. Notauli complete, not meeting posteriorly. Gaster usually attached to propodeum at a lower level, with the petiolar foramen situated between the hind coxae Macropterous ; front edge of costal cell of fore wing (Text- fig. 37) strongly curved apically, so that the wing appears excised at the point where the submarginal vein meets the marginal vein (Epicoptevus and some exotic genera) ; 3 . EUNOTINAE (part) (p. 67) Either the front aiige of esc etl of ie wing in its apical portion is straight or at most weakly sinuate ; or the species is brachypterous Species with the following combination of characters : head (Text-fig. 38) with posterior ocelli touching the occipital edge, which is sharp ; head in front view subtriangular ; genae long to very long ; scutellum large, slightly to considerably longer than the mesoscutum, sometimes more or less overlapping the gaster ; fore wing with postmarginal vein usually at most as long as, rarely slightly longer than, the stigmal vein ; first tergite of gaster very large, usually concealing the remaining tergites though some- times (Scutellista) occupying only about half the gaster, in which case the scutellum partly overlaps the gaster ; propodeal callus with a raised longi- tudinal crest which ends posteriorly in a tooth ; antennae eight- to ten- segmented, inserted at least slightly below the level of the ventral edge of 8 the eyes. Body of Eunotus 9, Text-fig. 54 . EUNOTINAE (part) (p. 67) If the occipito-vertical edge is sharp, then the posterior ocelli do not touch it (except sometimes in Pivene, in which the head is not subtriangular, the genae are short, the scutellum is smaller, and the other characters do not all agree with the above). Head in front view more often more or less oval ; scutellum rarely distinctly longer than the mesoscutum, not over- lapping the gaster [except partly in some exotic Cleonyminae] ; fore wing with postmarginal vein often longer than the stigmal ; first tergite of gaster rarely occupying more than half the total length ; propodeal callus rarely with a longitudinal ridge ; antennal formula often otherwise . Wings bitten off somewhere near their bases, so that the venation, except part of the submarginal vein, is missing (dealate specimens of Batvamlia) ASAPHINAE (part) (p. 77) Wings fully developed with complete venation . : Fore wing with marginal vein conspicuously thickened, either throughout, or in its proximal half (cf. Text-figs. 285, 286, 291, 323, 324) Fore wing with marginal vein not conspicuously thickened. Note : the para- stigma, which may be thickened, is not counted as part of the marginal vein Clypeus with at most a trace of strigose sculpture at the sides, its anterior margin subtruncate ; hind tibia with one spur ; antennal formula 11263 (male Epicopterus only) (Text-figs. 72-74) Io II 13 . EUNOTINAE (part) (p. 67) 13 14 15 16 (11) (10) (13) (15) PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 27 Either the clypeus is wholly radiately strigose ; or its anterior margin is bilobed, and the hind tibia has two spurs ; or the antennal formula is different . ; ; F 12 Either the head and ieee are xellow And ek, non- neti ; or the antennal formula is 11173. ‘ . MISCOGASTERINAE (part) (p. 95) Head and thorax usually metallic, if non-metallic then without yellow mark- ings ; antennal formula otherwise - PTEROMALINAE (part) (p. 352) Females with tarsi heteromerous, mid tarsi with only four segments ; fore and hind tarsi with five ; face with a longitudinal impressed line on either side, each lying somewhat mesad of its corresponding malar sulcus, extending from the eye towards the oral edge ; postspiracular sclerite imperfectly developed and not distinctly separated from the mesopleuron, sometimes apparently absent ; antennal formula 11172. Males with face with longi- tudinal impressed lines like those of the female ; postspiracular sclerite as described for females ; antennal formula 11173 or 11182. Body and appendages, Text-figs. 49, 61-66 . : : . MACROMESINAE (p. 42) Females with tarsi not heteromerous, all with five segments ; face, except in some species of the exotic genus Belonea, without longitudinal impressed lines like those described for Macromesinae ; postspiracular sclerite distinctly separated from the mesopleuron by a suture, sometimes very small or narrow but often large. Males with face lacking longitudinal impressed lines like those described above ; postspiracular sclerite as in females. Antennal formula most often otherwise . ; 14 Males only with eyes very large and dorsally touching or almost touching the posterior ocelli, but their inner orbits diverging strongly ventrad. Antennae (cf. Text-figs. 276, 278-280) very short: either with two anelli and three funicular segments ; or three anelli and two funicular segments ; or four anelli but only one funicular segment. Small species, at most 2 mm. in length. (Some Pirenini) - ; . MISCOGASTERINAE (part) (p. 95) Either females ; oy males with eyes smaller and not nearly touching the posterior ocelli dorsally, and the other characters not all present simul- taneously. Males with inner orbits diverging strongly have longer antennae, with either one anellus and seven funicular segments ; or no anelli but eight funicular segments . . : - : : ‘ . . 15 Inner orbits of eyes (Text-fig. 41) diverging strongly ventrad, at an angle of 20° to 45° to the vertical axis of the head. Antennae with seven or eight funicular segments ; with only one anellus, or without true anelli ; clava sometimes solid, sometimes two- or three-segmented. Labrum often visible even when the mandibles are closed. Head and thorax often with numerous and conspicuous piliferous punctures. Postspiracular sclerite large and broad, often more or less hairy ; 49 Inner orbits of eyes parallel or diverging only slightly ventrad. Antennae rarely with more than six funicular segments, if with seven, some Chryso- lampinae, some Asaphinae, Skelocevas (Miscogasterinae), some ¢ Tory- midae, then the inner orbits of the eyes are nearly parallel ; at least one anellus present, often two, occasionally three or four ; clava most often three-segmented, occasionally two-segmented. Labrum very rarely visible. Head and thorax usually with sparser or inconspicuous piliferous punctures. Postspiracular sclerite large or small, nearly always bare . : 16 Antennae 13-segmented ; most often with two anelli and six (occasionally seven) funicular segments, or three anelli and five funicular segments ; occasionally with only one anellus, but then with seven funicular segments. Petiolar foramen of propodeum most often bounded by a more or less cre- 28 ME Wi RS pm Vie (GIRSASEWAUVE Fics. 40-47. 40, Macromesus amphivetus Walker, g, thorax, lateroventral ; 41, Cleo- nymus laticorvnis Walker, 9, head ; 42, Macroneura vesicularis (Retzius), J, scape and pedicellus ; 43, Halticoptera hippeus (Walker), 2, head; 44, Callimerismus fronto (Walker), 9, clypeus and genae ; 45, Colotvechnus subcoevuleus Thomson, 9, hind leg, excluding tarsus ; 46, same, fore wing, part ; 47, Cvatomus megacephalus (F.), 2, head. 17 18 19 22 (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (20) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 29 scentic, smooth or transversely-aciculate strip; or with a convex, reticulate nucha. The propodeum, medially, is often produced caudad of the bases of the hind coxae ; the supracoxal flanges, except in a few species, are not very narrow and linear. Anterior margin of clypeus often with teeth. Postmarginal vein of fore wing often longer than the marginal vein. Petiole of gaster often distinctly sculptured, sometimes longer than broad ; : ¥ ; : ‘ 5 , ‘ uy) Antennae I0-, II-, or 12- segmented : if with two anelli, then only five funicular segments ; sometimes three or four anelli but in that case at most three funicular segments ; often only one anellus but then at most six funicular segments. Propodeum without a nucha, its petiolar foramen bounded by a simple ridge ; propodeum, medially, not or hardly produced caudad of the bases of the hind coxae ; supracoxal flanges, except in a few species, very narrow and linear. Anterior margin of clypeus rarely with teeth. Postmarginal vein of fore wing in most species shorter than, and only rarely longer than, the marginal vein. Petiole of gaster smooth, usually more or less transverse, rarely as long as broad. Body of Semiotellus 2, Text-fig. 56 ; of Pivene O lext-fie. 57 . ‘ ‘ : . MISCOGASTERINAE (part) (p. 95) Antennae inserted very high on the head, their toruli distinctly nearer to the median ocellus than to the anterior margin of the clypeus ; 18 Antennae inserted lower down the head, their toruli equidistant from the median ocellus and the anterior margin of the clypeus, or nearer to the latter : 19 Antennal formula 11263 ; ; marginal vein of fore Ww ing 4 to 4°5 times as 1s long as the stigmal vein, costal cell very narrow, 12 to 20 times as long as its maximum breadth ; all coxae, femora, and tibiae red, sometimes also the gastral petiole and part of the gaster. Body of Panstenon 9, Text-fig. 55 PANSTENONINAE (p. 92) Either the antennal formula is 11173 ; or else the marginal vein of the fore wing is less than three times as long as the stigmal vein, the costal cell is ee broader, and at least the coxae are mainly metallic . ; : 19 Marginal vein of fore wing 3-5 to 6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; pro- notal collar (Text-fig. 53) large, at least half as long as the mesoscutum, sharply margined anteriorly. Antennal formula 11263 or 11173 ; hind tibia with two strong apical spurs ; petiole of gaster usually distinctly sculptured, longer than broad, and subrectangular (Text-fig. 53) CHRYSOLAMPINAE (p. 86) Marginal vein of fore wing rarely more than three times as long as the stigmal vein; if more than three times, then either the pronotal collar is shorter, or else it is immarginate F : : c : : : 20 Body either brown to black and non- 1-metallic ; or else the head and thorax at least partly yellow to reddish . 21 Body at least slightly metallic ; head and thorax without ‘yellow or reddish markings . ; 22 Pronotum short, in dorsal view with its sides converging strongly forwards (a few Ormocerini ; some exotic Brachyscelidiphagini) MISCOGASTERINAE (part) (p. 95) Pronotum long, in dorsal view appearing subrectangular, or having its sides at most slightly convergent . : : : : . TORYMIDAE (part) Genae with a sharp edge or border which extends well up the temples ; occiput also margined. Pronotum (Text-fig. 75) large and subrectangular. 30 M. W. R. ve V. GRAHAM Ma | ial i Fics. 48-55. Body, excluding appendages. 48, Cleonymus laticornis Walker, 9 ; 49, Macromesus amphivetus Walker, 9 ; 50, Theocolax formiciformis Westwood, Or 51, Cea pulicaris Walker, 9 ; 52, Dipara petiolata Walker, 3 ; 53, Chrysolampus thenae (Walker), 2 ; 54, Eunotus cretaceus Walker, 2 ; 55, Panstenon oxylus (Walker), 9. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Figs. 56-59. 56, Semiotellus mundus (Walker), 9, body, excluding appendages ; 57, Pirene chalybea Haliday, 9, body, excluding appendages ; 58, Colotrechnus subcoeruleus Thomson, ?, body excluding appendages ; 59, Pteryomalus puparum (L.), 2, whole insect. 31 32 23 24 25 28 29 30 3h 32 33 (27) (26) (29) (30) (31) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Antennae inserted below level of ventral edge of eyes, 11263 or I1173 ASAPHINAE (part) (p. 77) Genae without a sharp edge except sometimes near the mandibles, in which case the occiput is not margined, while the pronotum is shorter and not subrectangular, and the antennae are inserted higher on the head , : 23 Postmarginal vein of fore wing shorter than the marginal vein ; antennae inserted well below the level of the ventral edge of the eyes, 11263 in male, 11353 in female. Anterior margin of clypeus without teeth (Baivamlia) ASAPHINAE (part) (p. 77) Either the postmarginal vein of the fore wing is at least slightly longer than the marginal vein ; or else the antennae are inserted level with or above the ventral edge of the eyes. Antennal formula sometimes otherwise. An- terior margin of clypeus often with a tooth or teeth . : ; : 24 Antennae lacking clearly differentiated anelli, or with only one anellus : ‘ 25 Antennae with two or more anelli_. : é : 26 Males only : either petiole and base of gaster reddish ; or pedicellus (Text- fig. 42) with a comb of outstanding hairs beneath, andl genae with some conspicuously long hairs. Scutellum tapering forwards toa point . : 49 Females, or males not having the above characters [Brachyelatus (p. 92) ; some male Torymidae, and some non-European Miscogasterinae (Brachyscelidiphagini) | Fore wing with ates vein at least slightly longer than the marginal vein . : F Z 27 Fore wing with postmarginal vein not longer than the marginal v vein. 29 Postspiracular sclerite narrow ; clypeus wholly strigose [Only a very few species would run out here] . : : PTEROMALINAE (part) (p. 352) Postspiracular sclerite large and broad ; clypeus either mainly to entirely reticulate, or smooth , Z ‘ : ; ; : 28 Occiput margined, at least medially : ‘ : : ; : : 50 Occiput not margined . : ; . MISCOGASTERINAE (part) (p. 95) Anterior margin of clypeus with three asymmetric teeth (Text-fig. 44), or with two teeth of which the left-hand one is more or less bifid (Text-fig. 43) MISCOGASTERINAE (part) (p. 95) Anterior margin of clypeus either edentate or, if teeth are present, ba are neither asymmetrically placed nor bifid : 30 Petiole of gaster strongly sculptured, reticulate or strigose, often - more or less rectangular, or longer than broad . . MISCOGASTERINAE (part) (p. 95) Petiole oi gaster smooth or nearly so, usually more or less transverse though sometimes as long as broad - 31 Antennae inserted low down, their toruli not or hardly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes, 11263. Clypeus without, or with at most some vague, striae : : . MISCOGASTERINAE (part) (p. 95) Either the antennae are ieeered distinctly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; or else their formula is 11353 ; or the clypeus has numerous radiating striae . i 3 : : : : - é 32 Either the clypeus is mainly striate ; or its anterior margin has a tooth, or two lobes . . : : PTEROMALINAE (part) (p. 352) Clypeus not striate, its aaeeee margin without teeth : ‘ 52 Face and/or frons with a crest or tubercle on each side (see Text- fig. aye or the outer edges of the deep antennal scrobes are raised to form crests . F 47 Face and frons without crests or tubercles, the interantennal tubercle, which is sometimes carinate, is not counted ; outer edges of antennal scrobes not crested, the scrobes often shallow ks 2 : 3 : s 5 34 34 35 38 (34) (36) (40) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 33 Inner orbits of eyes (Text-fig. 41) diverging strongly ventrad, at an angle of 20° to 45° to the vertical axis of the head. Antennae either with one anellus and seven funicular voneee ; or without anelli but having eight funicular segments : 49 Inner orbits of eyes parallel or diverging only slightly. “Antennae almost always with two or three anelli, and rarely more than six funicular segments ; if there are seven or eight funicular segments, then nearly always two anelli are present, c A . : : : : . 35 Brachypterous or apterous species (some Callitula, Meraporus, Leptomera- porus, Arthrolytus, Nasonia, Platypteromalus and Eupteromalus) PTEROMALINAE (part) (p. 352) Macropterous species ; ; : : : : E : 36 Antennae I0-, II-, or 12- segmented . ‘ : ‘ ‘ : c : 37 Antennae 13-segmented ; : c - ¢ . 38 Antennae without anelli or with only one anellus ; clava neither acutely pointed nor with an apical process, two- or three- -sepmented MISCOGASTERINAE (part) (p. 95) Antennae with two or three anelli ; clava (Text-figs. 299-301) acutely pointed, acuminate, or with an apical process, usually solid or indistinctly seg- mented (Callitula, Merisus ; some Homoporus, Norbanus and Picroscytoides would run here) . : : PTEROMALINAE (part) (p. 352) Axillae (Text-fig. 58) produced forwards far in advance of the scutellar base, the latter broad. Fore wing (Text-fig. 46) with stigmal vein very short, the stigma almost sessile, marginal vein three to four times as long as the stigmal vein, postmarginal vein relatively short. Hind tibiae (Text-fig. 45) somewhat compressed, their posterior edge with a row of spines, two strong apical spurs present of which the second is only slightly shorter than the first ; hind coxae very long, at least three quarters as long as their femora, the latter compressed. Spiracles of propodeum touching the metanotum, the latter often covering the front part of the spiracular rim. Last two or three segments of female gaster clothed with dark bristles. Antennal formula 11263 in female, 11353 in male COLOTRECHNINAE (p. 850) Axillae very rarely produced so far in advance of the scutellar base, if so then the latter is narrower. Venation of fore wing usually quite unlike the above, if somewhat similar then the hind tibiae have no spines along their posterior edge, and have only one apical spur, whilst the hind coxae are relatively shorter and the propodeal spiracles are at least slightly separated from the metanotum : 39 Antennae inserted high on the head, ‘their ‘toruli nearer to the median ocellus than to the anterior margin of the clypeus . 40 Antennae inserted at a lower level, their toruli either midway between the median ocellus and the anterior margin of the clypeus, or nearer to the latter ; : : 41 Marginal vein of fore wing 4 to 4°5 times as long as the stiemal v vein ; costal cell narrow, 12 to 20 times as long as its maximum breadth PANSTENONINAE (p. 92) Marginal vein of fore wing less than three times as long as the stigmal vein ; costal cell relatively broader than in the above : 41 Marginal vein of fore wing (Text-figs. 285, 286, 291, 323, 324) conspicuously thickened, either throughout or in its proximal half PTEROMALINAE Cee (p. 352) Marginal vein of fore wing not conspicuously thickened . : . 42 34 46 47 48 49 50 51 (41) (28) (50) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Anterior margin of clypeus with three asymmetric teeth (Text-fig. 44) MISCOGASTERINAE (part) (p. 95) Anterior margin of clypeus either edentate, or if with teeth or lobes, then these are not asymmetric . 43 Petiole of gaster conspicuous, sculptured, reticulate or = Bake usually more or less elongate, rarely transverse c 44 Petiole of gaster smooth or nearly so, usually more or less transverse and relatively inconspicuous, rarely somewhat longer than broad . 45 Anterior margin of clypeus bi- or tridentate MISCOGASTERINAE (part) (p. 95) Anterior margin of clypeus without teeth. PTEROMALINAE (part) (p. 352) Anterior margin of clypeus (cf. Text-figs. 170, 685) with two slightly pro- jecting sharp teeth. 46 Anterior margin of clypeus not of this form ; often 1 more or less emarginate (Text-figs. 346, 394, 496, 510, 514, 526, 529, 566, 655, 658-660) or incised (Text-figs. 361, 393, 528, 654) but then the angles on either side of the emargination are blunt : . PTEROMALINAE (most species) (p. 352) Antennae inserted low on the head, not or hardly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; axillae meeting or nearly meeting, so that the scutellum touches the mesoscutum only on a narrow base or at a point (as in Text-figs. 130, I41, 143, 169) ; clypeus reticulate or smooth MISCOGASTERINAE (part) (p. 95) Antennae inserted higher, distinctly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; axillae (cf. Text-figs. 316, 317, 511) widely separated, so that the scutellum touches the mesoscutum on a broad base ; clypeus most often striate : : PTEROMALINAE (part) (p. 352) Antennae with eee aoelld and oe funicular segments (Nikolskayana only) PTEROMALINAE (part) (p. 352) Antennae with one anellus, or without anelli ; with seven or eight funicular segments . : 48 Head (Text-fig. 47) massive, in ‘female much, in male somewhat, broader than thorax ; clypeus with strong radiating striae which extend some distance up the face and genae ; inner orbits of eyes virtually parallel. Head and thorax without conspicuous piliferous punctures. Antennal formula 11083 (anelli not clearly differentiated) . ; : CRATOMINAE (p. 848) Head less massive, not much broader than thorax ; clypeus without strong radiating striae (nearly always reticulate without any striae) ; inner orbits of eyes usually diverging ventrad, sometimes strongly so. Head and thorax sometimes with conspicuous piliferous punctures ; antennae often with an anellus : 49 Males only. Either the pedicellus has a comb of outstanding hairs beneath (Text-fig. 42) ; ov the coxae, gastral petiole, and base of gaster are all more or less red, the propodeal spiracles are small, circular, and separated by much more than their own diameter from the hind margin of the metanotum EUPELMIDAE (part) Either females ; ov males in which the antennal pedicellus lacks a comb of outstanding hairs beneath, the coxae petiole and base of gaster are not simultaneously red, and the propodeal spiracles are not more than their own diameter from the hind margin of the metanotum CLEONYMINAE (p. 35) Antennae with two or more anelli_. : F y ’ : ; 3 51 Antennae with only one anellus (11173) . ‘ 54 Either the hind femora beneath have a tooth, some teeth, or fine serrations ; or else the occiput is margined . : : 3 : TORYMIDAE (part) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 35 - Hind femora without teeth or serrations ; occiput not margined . : ‘ 52 52 (32) Antennae with two anelli : : : : é . TORYMIDAE (part) - Antennae with three or more anelli : ‘ : ; ; : 53 (52) Proximal segments of antennal flagellum increasing gradually in size, so that there is no very clear distinction between anelli and funicular segments TORYMIDAE (part) - Antennae with three anelli which are obviously smaller than any of the suc- ceeding funicular segments (antennal formula 11353) PTEROMALINAE (part) 54 (50) Anterior margin of metapleuron not sinuate ; ventral edge of hind femora without teeth or serrations ; occiput not margined EUPELMIDAE (part) - Either the anterior margin of the metapleuron is sinuate (Text-fig. 15) ; or the ventral edge of the hind femora has a tooth, teeth, or fine serrations ; or the occiput is margined . ‘ - 2 : . TORYMIDAE (part) CLEONYMINAE Head in frontal view (Text-fig. 41) with the inner orbits diverging strongly in their lower part, at an angle of 20° to 45° to the vertical. Antennae either with one anellus and seven funicular segments ; or without anelli but with eight funicular segments ; clava solid, two- segmented, or three-segmented. Mandibles bi- or tridentate. Pronotum relatively large, its median length from nearly half, to as great as, that of the mesoscutum. Mesoscutal notauli complete or incomplete. Postspiracular sclerite relatively large, sometimes pilose. Hind tibiae with two apical spurs. The concept of this group has changed considerably since its proposal by Walker (1833 : 370). His diagnosis is very vague, and it is not clear from his later work what he supposed the limits of the group to be. Forster (1856 : 46-47) brought together a heterogeneous assemblage of genera under the family name Cleonymoidae; these genera are now referred to three different families of Chalcidoidea. Thomson (1878 : 3-4) treated the group as a subtribe Cleonymides of his tribe Pteromalina, including in it 5 genera, 4 of which are now referred to Pteromalinae. Ashmead (1904 : 280-286) redefined a family Cleonymidae, to some extent following Foérster’s and Thomson’s ideas but adding others of his own. His Cleonymidae includes several genera which are currently referred to Pteromalinae. Schmiedeknecht (1909 : 149-169) adopted Ashmead’s concepts, except that he reduced the group to the rank of a subfamily. Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 265-311) followed to a large extent the arrangement proposed by Ashmead, simply for reasons of convenience, although they had realized the diversity of the elements composing his group. Bouéek’s study of Cleonyminae (1958 : 353-386) was a great advance on earlier : ideas. After removing a number of genera which had no connection with Cleonymus and its allies, Bouéek succeeded in defining Cleonyminae (ibid. : 354) in a very satis- | factory manner. He gave sound reasons for regarding the group as merely a sub- family of Pteromalidae, and divided it into several tribes. My own views are in close agreement with his, the only point regarding which I feel some doubt being the systematic position of the genus Ooderva Westwood. In the above paper Bouéek transferred this genus from Eupelmidae to Pteromalidae Cleonyminae. I would myself prefer to keep it in Eupelmidae, although I admit that Bouéek has some valid 36 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM reasons for his view. The genus in fact forms a link between Eupelmidae and Cleonyminae, having some characters peculiar to both. These two groups must I think have originated from a common stock. Their respective females have in most cases diverged considerably in structure, their males on the whole less so. The latter fact makes it difficult to separate Eupelmidae from Pteromalidae by a set of characters which will apply consistently to both sexes. Much further research upon exotic Cleonyminae will be necessary before a solution to this difficulty can be found. Chalcedectinae, a group most highly developed in South America and Australia, are distinguished from Cleonyminae by their greatly swollen hind femora, which are armed beneath with teeth or serrations, much as in Chalcididae. Bouéek regards this group as a separate subfamily of Pteromalidae. Except in the characters of the hind femora they certainly appear to be very close to Cleonyminae, but are perhaps better kept separate for the present. Typical Chalcedectinae are not known from Europe. Steffan (1964 : 104-106) has described a new genus and species from France, Agrilocida ferrieret, of which only the male is known. This has the hind femora strongly swollen and serrate beneath as in Chalcedectinae, but differs in some other characters from typical members of that subfamily. Perhaps it should form a subfamily of its own. Meanwhile it is placed provisionally in Cleonyminae, from all other European members of which it may be distinguished by the charac- teristic hind femora. Cleonyminae are better represented in subtropical and tropical regions, where some very large and striking forms occur, than in the temperate zones. Kry TO EUROPEAN GENERA I Wings rudimentary, not reaching beyond level of propodeal spiracles. PANNONIELLA Brides (p. 40) Wings fully developed . ‘ 2 2 (1) Fore wing with base of pateoeme eee: thickened and) forming a “callus which bears a group of black bristles. Scrobes deep, their sides with a sharp edge, at least ventrally. Fore femora, except in dwarfs, with teeth or serrations beneath. Females with last segment of antennal funicle of normal shape, sym- metrical and without a process ; clava without a terminal stylus ; ovi- positor sheaths distinctly exserted ’ : HEYDENIA Forster (p. 39) - Fore wing with base of parastigma not thickened, without a group of black bristles. Scrobes shallow or very shallow, their sides not sharply defined. Fore femora without teeth or serrations beneath. Females with last segment of antennal funicle asymmetrical, ventrally (Text-fig. 60) produced into a process which lies along the basal part of the clava, the latter apically acuminate or with a ta ; Ovipositor sheaths not, or only very slightly, exserted : 3 (2) Fore wing almost wholly pilose, without a speculum. Peepedeata (neces) shorter than the scutellum. Head, and dorsum of thorax excluding pro- podeum, thickly and conspicuously pilose ; eyes densely, though some- times shortly, pilose. Antennal flagellum of male without branches CLEONYMUS Latreille (p. 37) - About the basal third of the fore wing bare or nearly so. Propodeum (medially) as long as the scutellum. Head, and dorsum of thorax often with sparse or PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 37 less conspicuous hairs ; eyes sometimes with inconspicuous Ls ail Antennal flagellum of male with five or six branches : 4 4 (3) Females with the three basal tergites of the gaster subequal in length : feo in dorsal view less than twice as broad as its maximum length ; its length in the middle about equal to the distance between the eyes ; propodeum with a complete median carina. Males with antennal flagellum with five branches . ; : : NOTANISUS Walker (p. 41) = Females with second tergite of gaster extremely short, transversely linear ; head in dorsal view fully twice as broad as its maximum length ; its length in the middle less than the distance between the eyes ; median carina present only at the front of the propodeum, or at least not reaching its hind margin. Males with antennal flagellum with six branches PANNONIELLA Etdés (p. 40) CLEONYMUS Latreille Cleonymus Latreille, 1809 :29. Type-species: Diplolepis depressa Fabricius, 1804, by designation of Latreille, 1810 : 436. Cleonymus Latreille ; Walker, 1837 : 349. Cleonymus Latreille ; Thomson, 1878 : 4. Cleonymus Latreille ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 155, 156, 160. Cleonymus Latreille ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 210. Cleonymus Latreille ; Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 267-270. Cleonymus Latreille ; Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958 : 22, 25. Cleonymus Latreille ; Bouéek, 1958 : 363, 369. Cleonymus Latreille ; Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 42. Two European species were recognized as a result of the revision by Kerrich (in Kerrich & Graham, 1957). KEy TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (MALEs) 1 Head, and dorsum of thorax with strong bronze, brassy, or coppery reflections. Fore wing with distinct fuscous markings, a usually broad transverse band across the stigmal vein, often another below the parastigma, the two bands sometimes joined by a curved dark streak. Malar space at least a little more than half the length of an eye. Eyes separated by their own length or even very slightly more laticornis Walker (p. 38) — Head, and dorsum of thorax dull green to blue-green, with at most faint brassy reflections. Fore wing immaculate or with only a faint transverse fuscous band across the stigmal vein. Malar space slightly less than half, or barely half, the length of aneye. Eyes ein eee than in laticornis, separated by about 0-9 times their length : ; : : é obscurus Walker (p. 39) (FEMALES) I Head, and dorsum of thorax, with strong brassy to coppery reflections. Fore wing with sharply-defined fuscous markings (as in male, q.v.). Gaster 2-7 to 3-1 times as long as broad. Malar space at least very slightly more than half the length of an eye, nearly two thirds in one specimen. Eyes paar by o-9 to 1 times their own length . : ; : : : ; : laticornis Walker (p. 38) 38 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM — Head and dorsum of thorax dull green or blue-green, without or with at most weak brassy reflections. Fore wing with fuscous markings more indefinite, the trans- verse bands not joined, sometimes faint. Gaster about 2-5 times as long as broad. Malar space approximately half the ae of aneye. Eyes separated by 0-8 to 0:85 times their own length . : ; obscurus Walker (p. 39) Cleonymus laticornis Walker (Text-figs. 41, 48) Ichneumon depressus Fabricius, 1798 : 231, no. 220 [9] [mec Gmelin 1790]. Ichneumon depressus Fabricius ; Coquebert, [?1798] 1799 : 21, pl. 5, fig. 5 [9]. Diplolepis depressa Fabricius, 1804 : I5I. Cleonymus depressus (Fabricius) Westwood, 1828 : 16, pl. 2, fig. 1, 9. Cleonymus depressus (Fabricius) Walker, 1837 : 350, ¢ 9. Cleonymus laticoynis (Haliday MS.) Walker, 1837 : 351, 6. Cleonymus depressus (Fabricius) Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 267-270, g Q. Cleonymus depressus (Fabricius) Ferriére & Kerrich, 1958: 25, gd 9. Type material. Ichnewmon depressus Fabricius. The original record given by Fabricius (1798 : 231) is ‘‘ Habitat Parisilis Dom. Bosc.’’ The species was later figured in colour by Coquebert (1799, pl. 5, fig. 5), whose work comprises illustrations of the insects in the Paris Museum which had been described by Fabricius. From these two references one might expect the type or types of depressus to be in the collection of Bosc d’Antic which is still preserved in the Musée d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. In 1962 I examined the Bosc collection but was unable to find any specimen of depressus ; it may have been subsequently lost. Coquebert’s figure agrees very well indeed with the female of Cleonymus depressus as generally understood. In the private collection of Fabricius (Kiel University) there is one specimen, attached to the pin of which is a piece of paper on which is written (in a handwriting probably that of Fabricius himself) ‘‘ depressus”’. This specimen lacks the head and gaster but is clearly a female of Cleonymus depressus in the generally accepted sense. If no material is subsequently discovered in Paris, then the Kiel specimen should be taken as lectotype. The name Ichnewmon depressus Fabricius is twice a primary homonym, being preoccupied by J. depressus Gmelin im Linnaeus, 1790, Syst. Nat., ed. 13, I : 2687, and by I. depressus Gmelin im Linnaeus, 1790, op. cit. : 2706. Cleonymus laticornis Walker. Type (probably holotype) male in Haliday collec- tion (no. 68) ; it bears a white ticket numbered “ 583’, also a pink label “ lati- cornis”’ in Haliday’s handwriting. The species was placed in synonymy with depressus (F.) by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 268). The type of laticornis differs from all the other British males I have seen in its very dark legs ; the coxae are black with a metallic tinge, the femora blackish except at their tips ; and the tibiae are fuscous, pale only at their bases and tips ; the wing-markings are less strong than usual. Widely distributed in EUROPE. Biology. Parasitic on xylophagous Coleoptera; reared in England from Molorchus minor L. (Cerambycidae), see Kerrich & Graham (1957: 269). On PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 39 sunny days in May and June, females may be seen searching for their hosts on the boles and branches of old trees (particularly Salix and Corylus) attacked by beetles. I have watched females marching to and fro, rather slowly and deliberately, their antennae tapping on the wood ; after walking a few inches they turn abruptly (like a sentry on duty) and proceed in the opposite direction. May-June ; some records for July and August. Westwood (1839, Introd. Mod. Class. Ins., 1 : 272) stated that depressus had been reared as a parasite of the larvae of Ochina hederae [Mill.; = ptinoides Marsh.] (Col., Anobiidae) on a crab-tree covered with ivy. Lichtenstein (1919 : 273) recorded it in France as having emerged in October from branches of a nut-tree in which there were numerous larvae of Gracilia minuta F. (Col., Cerambycidae), and stated that he had also been given a specimen which had emerged from branches of “ronce ’’ [Rubus] which were similarly attacked by Gracilia. Thompson (1946 : 269) wrongly cited the above host as “ Gracilaria ’’ [Lep.]! Cleonymus obscurus Walker Cleonymus obscurus Walker, 1837 : 352, 36. Cleonymus depressus Thomson, 1878 : 5-6, 9. [nec Fabricius, 1798]. Cleonymus thomsoni Erdos, 1957 : 361 [n. n. for depressus Thomson nec Fabricius]. Cleonymus obscurus Walker ; Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 269-270, gd Q. Cleonymus obscurus Walker ; Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958, :25, g 9. Type material. Cleonymus obscurus Walker. Lectotype (possibly holotype) ¢ recognized by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 270) ; it bears a Waterhouse label, and is indexed as Type Hym. 5. 1627. BRITAIN, FRANCE, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. eared in France from Scolytus scolytus F. (Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 270) ; Bouéek (1958 : 369) considered that a female reared in Czechoslovakia from Hylesinus toranio Bern. probably belonged to obscurus. Imagines July—Aug. HEYDENIA Forster Heydenia Forster, 1856 : 46, 48, 49. Type-species : H. pretiosa Forster, by monotypy. Heydenia Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 154, 156, 158. Heydenia Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 209. Heydenia Forster ; Heqvist, 1957a : 39-48. Heydenia Forster ; Boucek, 1958 : 365-3609. Heydenia Forster ; Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 29. Heqvist (1957a) revised the world species of this genus. In Europe only one species is known to occur. Heydenia pretiosa Forster Heydenia pretiosa Forster, 1856:49, 3S Q. Heydenia excellens Wachtl, 1889 : 89-91, ¢ @. Lycisca Silvestrii Russo, 1939 : 195-205, & 9. 40 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM Heydenia pretiosa Forster ; Heqvist, 1957a : 40-43, 3 Q. Heydenia silvestyii (Russo) Heqvist, 1957a : 47-48, g Q. Heydenia pretiosa Forster ; Boucek, 1958 : 368-3690, 3 Q. Heydenia pretiosa Forster ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 53-54, 3 9. Type material. Types of Heydenia pretiosa Forster, H. excellens Wachtl, and Lycisca silvestyi Russo, re-examined by Boutek (1958 : 365-366). H. excellens Wachtl was placed in synonymy with pretiosa Forster by Heqvist (1957 : 40) and this synonymy was confirmed as correct by Boucéek (1958 : 365). Lycisca silvestrir Russo was transferred to Heydenia by Heqvist (1957a@ : 47) who remarked that it appeared to be very near pretiosa Forster ; later Boucek (1958 : 368) synonymized silvestria with pretiosa. The variation of pretiosa is discussed by Boucek (1958 : 365-368) and is parti- cularly evident in the structure of the fore femora in males, a range of variations being illustrated by the same author (1958, figs. 10-24). FRANCE, SWEDEN, FINLAND, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, Irary, U:S:sck. Biology. Parasite of various Ipidae, especially Myelophilus minor Htg., but also Ips acuminatus Gyll. and I. typographus L.; and of Scolytus ratzeburg: Jans. It has been reared in Italy from olive-branches together with species of Scolytidae (Phloeotribus scarabaeoides Bern., Leperesinus fraximi (Pz.) and Hylesinus toranio Bern.) ; in Slovakia from fir branches with Pityokteines vorontzovt Jac. and from elm branches with Scolytus pygmaeus F., S. multistriatus (Marsh.), Magdalis armigera (Geoffr.) and species of Cerambycidae ; for details see Boucek (1958 : 368) and Hedgqvist (1963 : 54). Imagines mainly in June (single records for March, Aug. and Dec.). PANNONIELLA Erdos Pannonica Erdés, 1946: 131. Type-species: P. sevvamosa Erdos, by original designation [generic name pre-occupied by Pannonica Loerenthey, 1895, Foéldtani kozlony, 25 : 392]. Pannonica Erdos, 1957 : 61. Pannonica Erdés ; Boucek, 1958 : 371. Pannoniella Erd6és, 1960 : 306 [n. n. for Pannonica Erdos nec Loerenthey]. Pannoniella Erdos ; Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 29. Only one species is known. Pannoniella sexramosa (Erdos) Pannonica sexvamosa Erdos, 1946 : 132-133, 6. Pannonica sexvamosa Erdos, 1957 : 361, 9. Pannonica sexvamosa Erdés ; Boucek, 1958 : 371, figs. 25-26, g Q. Pannoniella sexvamosa (Erd6és) ; Erdés, 1960 : 306. Type material. Holotype gj, Hungary, Hogyész, 26.vi.1946 (Erdés) in coll. Erdos. FRANCE, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, BULGARIA, U.S.S.R. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 41 Biology. Parasite of Tetvamesa species (Eurytomidae) in culms of Gramineae ; Bouéek (1958 : 371) records having reared it in Bohemia from Tetramesa [=Harmo- lita] calamagrostidis (Hed.) in culms of Calamagrostis. Imagines Apr.—July. According to Boucek (1958 : 371) most females have rudimentary wings, the form with fully developed wings being comparatively rare. NOTANISUS Walker Notanisus Walker, 1837 : 352. Type-species : N. versicolor Walker, by monotypy. Notanisus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 155, 164. Notanisus Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 210-211. Notanisus Walker ; Kerrich, 1957 : 270, figs. 6-8. Notanisus Walker ; Boucéek, 1958 : 363, 369-371. Notanisus Walker ; Bouéek, 1961b : 471-474. Notanisus Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 30. The generic characters of Notanisus are discussed by Boucek (19615). Two species are now known. Kry TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) The following key is adapted from that of Bouéek (19616 : 474). t Petiole of gaster about 1:5 times as long as broad, its length more than half the median length of the propodeum. Disc of propodeum, except the median crenulated double groove, smooth. Scutellum moderately convex, its reticulation sharp and deep, with the bottom of the individual areolae shiny. Fore wing with hyaline band between the fuscous fasciae equally wide throughout ; postmarginal vein longer than the stigmal vein. Antenna with anellus transverse ; flagellum relatively less slender. : versicolor Walker (p. 41) — Petiole of gaster transverse, its length only about one quarter the median length of the propodeum. Disc of propodeum distinctly reticulate. Scutellum weakly convex and quite dull, its reticulation extremely dense, much denser than that of the mesoscutum. Fore wing with hyaline band constricted in the middle ; post- marginal vein about as long as the stigmal vein. Antenna with anellus quadrate ; flagellum relatively more slender. ; : 3 ; clavatus Bouéek (p. 42) Notanisus versicolor Walker Notanisus versicoloy Walker, 1837 : 352-353, . Notanisus versicoloy Walker ; Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. A. fig. 3, 9. Notanisus versicoloy Walker ; Kerrich, 1957 : 270, figs. 6-8, 9. Notanisus versicoloy Walker ; Boucéek, 1958 : 369-371, fig. 27, ¢ 9. Notanisus versicoloy Walker ; Bouéek, 1961b : 474, ¢ 9. Type material. One female, designated as type by Kerrich (1957 : 270) ; it bears a Waterhouse label. FRANCE, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, JUGOSLAVIA, GEORGIA, ITALY, SPAIN, ALGERIA. Biology. Unknown. Fulmek (1957 : 172, 174) mentions it as an Aphid parasite but Boucek (1958 : 371) thinks that it probably parasitizes insects living in grasses, as does Pannomiella. Imagines June—Aug. 42 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM Notanisus clavatus Bouéek Notanisus clavatus Bouéek, 1961b : 471-474, Q. Type material. Holotype 9, Transcaucasia, Georgia, Lisic ozero near Tbilisi, vi.1957 (J. Diabola) in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 2912). The male of clavatus is unknown. GEORGIA. Biology. Unknown. MACROMESINAE Antennae of male 13-segmented (formula 11173), of female 12-segmented (formula 11172). All tarsi of male five-segmented ; tarsi of female heteromerous, fore and hind tarsi five-, mid tarsi four-segmented ; first segment of mid tarsi in female very long. Head somewhat Eupel- moid in facies ; inner orbits of eyes diverging rather strongly in their lower part ; face, between malar sulcus and antennal torulus, usually with a supplementary longitudinal impressed line ; both mandibles with three teeth. Notauli complete. Hind margin of propodeum almost truncate (Text-fig. 65). Postspiracular sclerite absent, or imperfectly developed and marked off from the mesopleuron by a superficial groove only. Fore wing (Text-fig. 66) venation characteristic : basal vein indicated by an oblique pigmented spur which projects from the parastigma. Other characters of the genus Macromesus are listed by Graham (1959a : 77). The only known representative of this group, Macromesus Walker, was originally described as being possibly allied to the Eupelmidae. It was not captured again for nearly a century, and the characters attributed to it by Ashmead (1904) and Schmiedeknecht (1909) were not based on personal observation but drawn from Walker’s description ; they placed the genus in Cleonymidae and in Cleonyminae respectively. In 1943 Kryger captured Macromesus and described it under the name Wesenbergia ; he did not place it in any of the recognized families, although he noted certain characters in which it appeared to resemble Torymidae (= Callimom- idae). Macromesus amphiretus Walker, the type-species, was recognized by Graham (1959a) who erected a new subfamily of Pteromalidae, Macromesinae, for its reception. Later in the same year Szczepanski added some further information on the structure and biology of the genus, but proposed for it a tribe Macromesini in the subfamily Tridyminae. It seems to me, however, to have little in common with any Tridymine, and I prefer to retain for it the subfamily Macromesinae. Bouéek (1961 : 57) suggested that its nearest relations appeared to be the genera Cea and Spalangiopelta. There are certainly some resemblances between these two genera and Macromesus, but more study is needed before it can be assumed that a real affinity exists between them. MACROMESUS Walker Macromesus Walker, 1848 : 106, 161. Type-species : N. amphiretus Walker, by monotypy. Macromesus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, rg09 : 168. Wesenbergia Kryger, 1943 : 360. Type-species : W. occulta Kryger, by monotypy and original designation. Crossotomoria Delucchi, 1956 : 173. Type-species : C. filicorvnis Delucchi, by monotypy. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 43 Macromesus Walker ; Graham, 1959a : 73-78. Macromesus Walker ; Szczepanski, 1959 : 97-104. Macromesus Walker ; Heqvist, 1960 : 140-143. Macromesus Walker ; Boucéek, 1961 : 57. Macromesus Walker ; Ghesquiere, 1963 : 81-90. The genus Macromesus remained unrecognized after its description until 1959, when I redescribed it on the basis of fresh material compared with Walker’s descrip- tion, the type of its single included species being apparently lost. Later I found the type specimen, which confirmed the correctness of my interpretation (see below under ampiuretus). Heqvist subsequently (1960 : 140) placed Wesenbergia Kryger in synonymy with Macromesus. Crossotomoria Delucchi was synonymized with Macromesus by Ghesquiere (1963 : 82, 85). I am not sure whether the genus Crossotomoria is valid ; it was named but not described, whilst no formal description of a type-species was given, the single included species C. filicornis was, however, fully described. Macromesus has already proved to be widely distributed. Besides the European species amphiretus Walker, Heqvist (1960) has described a new species americanus from the U.S.A. ; in 1956 Delucchi described another new species (as Crossotomoria filicornis) from the Belgian Congo ; and Ghesquiére (1963 : 86-89) a fourth species africanus from Morocco. I have examined additional material from Corsica, India, and New Zealand, which may represent other (undescribed) species. Ghesquiére (1963 : 89-90) has given a key to the described species. The species are parasites of Scolytidae and Curculionidae on coniferous trees. Macromesus amphiretus Walker (Text-figs. 40, 61-66) Macromesus amphiretus Walker, 1848 : 106, 162, Q. Wesenbergia occulta Kryger, 1943 : 362-363, ¢ Q. Macromesus amphiretus Walker ; Graham, 1959a : 73-78, 3 Q. Macromesus amphivetus Walker ; Szczepariski, 1959 : 97-104. Macromesus amphiretus Walker ; Heqvist, 1960: 142, ¢ Q. Macromesus amphivetus Walker ; Ghesquiére, 1963 : 85, 89-90. Type material. Macromesus amphiretus Walker. In a previous paper (1959a : 73) I stated that the type-material of amphiretus appeared to be lost. In 1961, however, I found in the BM(NH) a female specimen in a drawer not incorporated with the main collection. This agrees well with the description and is undoubtedly a Walker specimen ; it bears a printed label MACROMESUS and is now designated LECTOTYPE of amphiretus. It also agrees with my redescription of the genus (19594 : 77) and with the diagnosis of amphivetus given by Heqvist (1960 : 142). The species has been redescribed by Szczepanski (1959). Wesenbergia occulta Kryger. Syntypes, not seen by the writer, 1 f and 1 9, mounted on separate slides, in Universitetets Zoologiske Museum, Copenhagen. Denmark, North Sealand, Strgdam, ¢ 10.v.1931, 2 4.v.1930 (Kryger). BRITAIN, DENMARK, SWEDEN, FINLAND, POLAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. 44 M. W. R. DEV.GRAHAM Fics. 60-66. 60, Cleonymus laticornis Walker, 2, antenna, excluding scape ; 61, Macro- mesus amphivetus Walker, 3, left antenna ; 62, same, 9, left antenna ; 63, same, 9, right mid leg ; 64, same, 9, right hind leg; 65, same, 9, metanotum and propodeum ; 66, same, 9, fore wing, part. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 45 Biology. Recorded as a parasite of the bark-beetle Phthorophloeus spinulosus Rey in Sweden, by Heqvist (1960: 140) ; of Pityophthorus micrographus (L.) and Polygraphus sp. on Picea excelsa Link. in Poland, by Szczepanski (1959 : 103) ; and of Pityogenes (Pityoceragenes) bistridentatus Eich. in Slovakia (Ghesquiere, 1963 : 85). Imagines May and Oct.—Nov. CEINAE The type-genus of this group, Cea Walker, was originally placed in the vicinity of other genera which are for the most part now referred to Eupelmidae and Cleony- minae. Forster (1856 : 46, 47—48) placed it in his family Cleonymoidae, which was an unnatural assemblage of genera which belong to three different families according to modern concepts. Forster’s view was followed by Ashmead (1904) and Schmiedeknecht (1909). Boucek, however (1952 : 157-160) considered the group including Cea Walker and Spalangiopelta Masi to be a relatively isolated one showing some affinities with Diparinae (= Lelapinae), Cerocephalinae, and Spalangiinae. Later (1961 : 55, 57) he established the tribal name Ceini for this group ; and in his Key to the Czechoslovak Pteromalidae (7m Peck et al., 1964 : 29) he raised it to the rank of asubfamily. I had independently come to the conclusion that the latter represented appropriate status for the group. KEY TO EUROPEAN GENERA (Note: macropterous and brachypterous forms occur in both genera.) 1 Hind margin of mesopleuron raised above the level of the metapleuron and partly covering it. Fore wing in macropterous forms with at most a fuscous cloud in the middle. Antennae of female with at least some of the funicular segments distinctly less than twice as long as broad : SPALANGIOPELTA Masi (p. 46) — Mesopleuron lying in virtually the same plane as the metapleuron, and not over- lapping it. Fore wing in macropterous forms with two fuscous clouds, one below the base of the marginal vein, the other below the stigma. Antennae of female with the funicular segments about twice as long as broad : . CEA Walker (p. 45) CEA Walker Cea (Haliday MS.) Walker, 1837 : 355. Type-species: C. pulicavis Walker, by monotypy. Cea Walker, 1851 : 213. Cea Walker ; Forster, 1856 : 46, 47-48. Cea Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 154, 155, 157-158. Cea Walker ; Jansson, 1945 : 44-50. Cea Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 209. Cea Walker ; Boucek, 1952 : 157-160. Cea Walker ; Kerrich, in Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 276. Cea Walker ; Ferriére & Kerrich, 1958 : 22, 25. Cea pulicaris Walker (Text-fig. 51) Cea pulicaris Walker, 1837 : 356, 9. Cea pulicaria Haliday, 1841-1842 : vi, pl. O, figs. 4, 4a, 9. 46 M. W. R. bE V. GRAHAM Cea Ivene Walker, 1851 : 213, . Cea pulicaria Haliday ; Forster, 1856 : 48. Cea pulicaris Walker ; Jansson, 1945 : 48, 4, fig. 2, 9. Cea Ivene Walker ; Jansson, 1945 : 48, fig. 3, 9. Cea pulicaris Walker ; Bouéek, 1952 : 158, 159, 160, 3 Q. Cea pulicaris Walker ; Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 276. Cea pulicaris Walker ; Ferriére & Kerrich, 1958 : 25. Cea pulicaris Walker ; Bouéek, 1961 : 55-56. Type material. Cea pulicaris Walker. Type (probably holotype) 9, Ireland, Co. Down, Holywood (Haliday) in Haliday coll. ; it was mounted on a card and the pin bears a green label “ pulicaris”’ in Haliday’s handwriting, also a white one ‘587’; I have given the specimen the serial number (Haliday coll. 11). In 1954 I examined the type which was in perfect condition except that the clava was missing from both antennae ; the figures in Entomologist 1 (pl. O, figs. 4, 4a) which were drawn by Haliday himself, show the antennal clava as missing, so that the illustra- tions must have been made from the type female. Unfortunately the type has since been broken off the card by some person and lost. Cea tvene Walker. Type (probably holotype) 9 (Ireland) in Haliday coll. ; it is mounted on a card and bears a label “‘ Cea Irene’ in Walker’s handwriting ; I have given it the serial number (Haliday coll. 10). When first examined by the writer only the wings and legs of the type remained, the rest had been broken off sometime before 1922, when Blood noted its damaged condition in his manuscript. Jansson (1945 : 44-50) recorded having taken, in the vicinity of Orebro in Sweden, females of both pulicaris and irene, as well as winged males which he referred to pulicaris. He captured all his specimens in the same locality and concluded that pulicaris and irene were respectively the brachypterous and macropterous forms of one species, pulicaris Walker. The characters of the male of pulicaris were diagnosed, and its antenna figured, by Bouéek (1952 : 160, fig. 4). BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Bouéek (1961 : 55-56) examined a female of pulicaris from northern Germany, which had been reared from a mine of Phytomyza pauliloewi Hend. (Dipt., Agromyzidae), 9.vii.1927 (Prof. M. Hering). Imagines July—August. SPALANGIOPELTA Masi Spalangiopelta Masi, 1922c : 169-174. Type-species : S. brachyptera Masi, by monotypy. Spalangiopelta Masi ; Boucek, 1952 : 158, 160-163. Spalangiopelta Masi ; Erdés, 1956 : 193-194. The differences between Spalangiopelta and Cea were noted by Bouéek (1952) who described a new species of the former genus and gave a key to the European species. Another species was described by Erdés (1956) who gave a revised key to the European species. I have since described a fourth species. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 47 KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALEs) I Wings vestigial, the fore wing not reaching the level of the middle of the propodeum. Ovipositor sheaths only slightly exserted. Antennal scape, pedicellus, and legs including the coxae, testaceous. Funicular segments of antenna only slightly longer than broad . ; brachyptera Masi (p. 47) - Wings well-developed, the fore wing reaching the tip of the gaster or beyond it. Either the ovipositor sheaths are quite strongly exserted ; or the legs are mainly blackish . 3 2 2 (1) Fore wings reaching about level with tip of gaster, relatively narrow, strongly infumate. Ovipositor sheaths only slightly exserted. Body relatively squat. Antennae with funicular segments relatively long, the first nearly twice, the fifth 1-5 to 1-6 times, as long as broad. Legs mainly blackish alata Bouéek (p. 47) - Fore wings reaching distinctly beyond tip of gaster. Ovipositor sheaths more strongly exserted, length of their exserted portion two fifths to nearly half that of the hind tibia. Body squat or slender. Antennae with funicular segments rather shorter, the fifth hardly longer than broad : : 3 3 (2) Antennal scape and pedicellus, and the tibiae, testaceous or brownish testa- ceous. Eyes slightly larger, malar space slightly less than half the length of an eye. Antennal scape not longer than an eye. Thorax more squat, 1-5 to 1-6 times as long as broad ; scutellum as broad as long, only moder- ately convex in the transverse axis : - dudichi Erdés (p. 48) - Antennae fuscous to black ; tibiae mainly faccous. Eyes slightly smaller, malar space fully half the length of aneye. Antennal scape slightly longer than an eye. Thorax slender, 1-9 to 2 times as long as broad ; scutellum slightly longer than broad, strongly convex in the transverse axis procera Graham (p. 48) The males of Spalangiopelta are not sufficiently well known for a key to be provided at present. Spalangiopelta brachyptera Masi Spalangiopelta brachyptera Masi, 1922c : 170-174, Q. Spalangiopelta brachyptera Masi ; Bouéek, 1952 : 158, 160, 9. Spalangiopelta brachyptera Masi ; Bouéek, 1961 : 57. Type material. Syntypes, 2 9, Italy, Isle of Giglio, March 1902 ; Province of Salerno, Vallo Lucano, June 1904, in Museo Civico di Storia naturale, Genoa ; no lectotype has yet been designated. FRANCE, ITaLy, HuNGARY, RUMANIA. Biology. Unknown. Spalangiopelta alata Bouéek | Spalangiopelta alata Bouéek, 1952 : 159, 160-163, Q. Spalangiopelta alata Bouéek, 1961 : 56. Type material. Holotype 9, North-eastern Bohemia, Tynisté nad Orlici, in | forest humus, 5.xi.1943 (Boucek), in Narodni Museum, Prague. | The male has not yet been described. 48 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Boucek (1961 : 56) examined a female from northern Germany which had been reared I0.viii.1g26 from a mine of Scaptomyza flaveola Mg. (Dipt., Dros- ophilidae) on Cakile maritima Scop., by O. Hering. Imagines Aug. and November. Spalangiopelta dudichi Erdos Spalangiopelta dudichi Erdés, 1956 : 193-194, fig. 2, 9. Spalangiopelta dudichi Erdés ; Graham, 1966 : 188, 9. Type material. Syntypes, Hungary, 14 9 from several localities, in coll. Erdés and in Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HuNGARY, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown ; the specimens so far taken have been captured between October and March, in one case under moss. Note. The figure of dudichi given by Erdos in his paper of 1956 is Fig. 2, which is labelled [in error, see corrigenda to his paper] ‘‘ Pseuwdotorymus semicarinatus ”’ Spalangiopelta procera Graham Spalangiopelta procera Graham, 1966 : 187-188, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, England, Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 23.ix.1960, in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in Sept. SPALANGIINAE Includes only a single genus, Spalangia Latreille. It is a very distinct group and may be worthy of family rank (for a discussion of this question, see Boucek, 1963 : 431-433). SPALANGIA Latreille Spalangia Latreille, 1805 : 227-228. Type-species : S. nigra Latreille, by monotypy. Spalangia Latreille ; Haliday, 1833 : 268, 333-335. Spalangia Latreille ; Curtis, 1839 : folio 740. Spalangia Latreille ; Forster, 1850 : 505-518. Spalangia Latreille ; Forster, 1851 : 1-5. Spalangia Latreille ; Thomson, 1878 : 207, 214-215. Spalangia Latreille ; Ashmead, 1904 : 334. Spalangia Latreille ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 386-387. Prospalangia Bréthes, 1915 : 314. Type-species : P. platensis Bréthes, by original designation. Spalangia Latreille ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 250-253. Spalangia Latreille ; Boucek, 1963 : 429-512. Bouéek’s excellent monograph on Spalangia (1963) includes a key to, and full descriptions of, all the described Holarctic species, illustrated by admirable figures. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 49 With his kind permission I include here a transcript (very slightly altered) of his key. The rest of my account is mainly a condensed version of the information already given in Dr. Boucek’s paper, the only original contributions being a few remarks on some of the synonymy. A detailed redescription of the genus is given by Bouéek (1963 : 433), who also synonymized Prospalangia Bréthes with it. 3 (2) 4 (2) 6 (4) 6 (5) m@ (1) Key To HoLarctTic SPECIES Pronotum with an isolated transverse line, composed of closely-set piliferous punctures, near its hind margin ; disc of collar more or less smooth and impunctate at least down the middle . : 2 Pronotum without any distinct isolated transverse line of piliferous puuetares, though sometimes with a transverse impression in which the sll are deeper and denser than elsewhere - 7 Front edge of pronotal collar with a fine margin or ridge, best seen with the light coming from behind . : F : : : ; 3 Front edge of pronotal collar rounded on. : 4 Surface of pronotal collar nearly flat between its front edge and the posterior transverse line of punctures. Females with all funicular segments of an- tennae usually longer than broad, the distal segments rarely quadrate ; head in frontal view about 1-25 times as high as broad . nigroaenea Curtis (p. 52) Surface of pronotal collar distinctly arched. Females with distal segments of antennal funicle subquadrate ; head in frontal view hardly 1-1 times as high as broad. : slovaka Bouéek (p. 52) Antero-lateral parts of pronotal collar: rugulose, or - densely rugulosely punctate ; a discal triangle on the collar smooth, sometimes with a shallow longitudinal groove ; cameroni Perkins (p. 53) Antero-lateral parts of pronotal collar punctate, "with wide or narrow smooth interspaces between the punctures : 5 Pronotal collar very convex, its piliferous punctures sparse, separated by mach more than their own diameter, and rather regularly distributed ; posterior transverse line of punctures often slightly angulate forwards in the middle. Distal funicular segments of female slightly transverse, of male quadrate endius Walker (p. 53) Pronotal collar less convex, its piliferous punctures closer together, at least some of them separated by their own diameter or less, tending to be more irregularly distributed ; posterior transverse line of punctures curved, not angulate . ‘ 6 Head and pronotum with very ‘dense puncturation, exeept sometimes a , small triangular area on the disc of the pronotal collar; hte subpentagonal ; body and wings very hairy . : - . [see nigra, couplet 9] Head and pronotum with less dense puncturation, some of the interspaces wider than the punctures ; pronotal collar appearing almost semicircular in dorsal view, its sides strongly curved ; body and wings less hairy [see slovaka, couplet 3] Pronotum, and head, very densely punctate or rugose-punctate, the inter- spaces much narrower than the punctures themselves, sometimes ace absent : ‘ 8 Pronotum sparsely punctate, with at least most of the interspaces as wide as or wider than the punctures themselves : c : : ‘ : Io 590 II 12 13 (ro) (12) M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM Surface of antennal scape dull, with granulate sculpture. Head and pronotum with irregular, extremely densely distributed punctures which often leave no interspaces, in places the sculpture may be rugose-punctate rugulosa Forster (p. 51) Surface of antennal scape, at least on its inner aspect, more or less shiny. Punctures of head and pronotum more regular and less crowded, leaving at least some narrow smooth interspaces : : . : : : 9 Antennal scape longitudinally striate-reticulate. Pronotal collar with circular or subcircular piliferous punctures’. : nigra Latreille (p. 51) Antennal scape having its outer aspect finely granulate, its inner aspect nearly smooth. Pronotal collar with most of the piliferous punctures irregular in shape [Near East] : : : . trregularis Boucek (p. 51) Piliferous punctures of pronotum aa head subcircular and fairly regularly distributed, the interspaces smooth and on the average about as wide as the diameter of the punctures, on the head sometimes slightly less wide ; pronotal collar semicircular. Females with head about as high as broad ; distal segments of antennal funicle transverse. Mid and hind tarsi in both sexes black : : nigripes Curtis (p. 53) Piliferous punctures of Ba ACE TM ae head more Se spaced, at least some of the interspaces wider than the diameter of the punctures ; the inter- spaces on the pronotum sometimes with traces of alutaceous sculpture, or tugulose. Females with head often higher than broad ; distal eae of funicle sometimes not transverse : II Body, including the head, strongly depressed, deca. not more chia fe 8 mm. in length. Scutellum without a transverse line, or with this indicated only laterally by one or two punctures. Females with head in profile about three times as high as thick ; antennal scape very short ; second segment of funicle much smaller than the third, almost anelliform. Males with flagellum clothed with hairs whose length is about equal to the breadth of the segments that bear them ; first funicular segment about four times as long as the pedicellus. [North and Central America] drosophilae Ashmead Body not remarkably flattened ; length sometimes greater. Scutellum with or without a transverse punctate line. The other characters not agreeing with the above . E : f 12 Pronotal collar more or less sitiones vith at are a transverse band of longitudinal rugae near the hind margin, this band indistinct in some small specimens. Transverse punctate line of scutellum complete. Tarsi usually testaceous at least proximally (occasionally wholly black in evythromera). Females with distal segments of antennal funicle transverse 13 Pronotal collar without rugae, the interspaces between the scattered punc- tures smooth or finely alutaceous. Transverse line of scutellum in smaller specimens interrupted or absent. Tarsi mainly dark. Larger females with the distal segments of the antennal funicle not or hardly transverse . 14 Myrmecophilous species associated with Lasius fuliginosus. Females with legs and antennae unusually thick ; antennal flagellum very compact, third funicular segment about 1-5 times as broad as long ; gaster broad, its tergites smooth ; pronotal collar often with indications of a median longitudinal rugose groove ; only the first segment of the tarsi pale crassicornis Boucek (p. 54) Species not myrmecophilous. Legs and antennae not unusually thick or compact ; third funicular segment in female relatively less transverse ; gaster less broad, the tergites in most specimens with some delicate ——EE — PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 51 alutaceous sculpture ; pronotal collar without a median longitudinal groove erythromera Forster (p. 54) 14 (12) Females with antennal flagellum in dorsal view very slender, with the first funicular segment about twice as long as broad, the distal segments sub- quadrate to slightly longer than broad ; transverse line of scutellum usually complete. Males. Length 2:1 to 2:7 mm.; funicular segments two to seven longer than broad [Europe] ; : subpunctata Forster (p. 55) - Females with antennal flagellum relatively less slender, with the first funicular segment relatively shorter, the distal segments at least slightly transverse ; transverse line of scutellum usually absent or broadly interrupted in the middle, rarely complete (if so, very faint). Males. Length 1-3 to 2 mm. ; funicular segments two to seven subquadrate or, if longer than broad, then North American species . 15 15 (14) Females with antennae longer, first funienlar seement longer ilies broad, the following segments subquadrate, distal segments slightly transverse. Males with funicular segments two to seven longer than broad. Length 2 mm. or slightly more. Scutellum usually weakly convex. Tarsi often pale proximally. {North America] : ; haematobiae Ashmead (p. 55) - Females with antennae shorter, first funicular segment subquadrate, the following segments transverse, distal segments 1-5 to 2 times as broad as long. Males with funicular segments two to seven subquadrate. Length 1-3 to2 mm. Scutellum flat. Tarsi black. [Europe] Suscipes Nees (p. 56) Spalangia rugulosa Forster Spalangia rugulosa Forster, 1850 : 507-509, ¢. Spalangia rugulosa Forster ; Bouéek, 1963 : 438, 439-440, gd 9. Type material. Lectotype ¢ in Forster coll., designated by Bouéek (1963 : 439). Europe (Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia) ; CenTRAL Asia. New to Britain, England: Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 1 9, 9.1v.1952 (Graham). Biology. eared in Uzbekistan from Muscina stabulans (Fln.) (Dipt., Muscidae) ; see Bouéek, 1963 : 440. Spalangia irregularis Bouéek Spalangia ivregularis Bouéek, 1963 : 438, 442-443, 3 9. Type material. Holotype 4, Israel, Kirjat Anawim, 20.v.1931 (Bodenheimer), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 25403). ISRAEL, CYPRUS. Biology. Unknown. Spalangia nigra Latreille Spalangia nigra Latreille, 1805 : 228. Spalangia hirta Haliday, 1833: 334, 9. Spalangia rugosicollis Ashmead, 1894 : 35, 36, 9. Spalangia nigra Latreille ; Bouéek, 1963 : 438, 443-448, d 9. For a detailed discussion of the identity of migra, and designation of a lectotype, see Boucéek (1963, 443-445). 52 M. W. R. bE V. GRAHAM Type material. Spalangia mrta Haliday was placed in synonymy with nigra by Bouéek (1963 : 443, 445) on the basis of information supplied by the writer, who had examined Haliday’s material. As no lectotype of jivta has been formally designated, this may now be done. Haliday’s collection contains only one specimen actually labelled as /ivta, a female which is indicated as Irish [Haliday’s record states “ Taken in England ”’] and which does not fit the description. Immediately below this specimen stands another which agrees well with the description of /irta and is now designated LECTOTYPE ; it bears a white original label “592” and a modern one “See R-C.L.P..[.R. C. L. Perkins] im litt. to A.W.S. [A. W. Steliax] 5/2/24’. The number 592 is a serial number such as Haliday used to attach to specimens when sending them to Walker and other correspondents. Spalangia rugosicollis Ashmead. Placed in synonymy with mgra Latreille by Boucéek (1963 : 443) who examined specimens compared with the type of vugosi- cols by A. B. Gahan. Widely distributed in Europe (including Britain) ; NortH America (Canada, U.S.A.) ; Hawaii. Biology. Confirmed hosts include species of Muscidae, Anthomyiidae and Trypetidae (for details see Boucek, 1963: 448). Spalangia nigroaenea Curtis Spalangia nigroaenea Curtis, 1839 : folio 740, g. Spalangia homalaspis Forster, 1850 : 505-507, 3. Spalangia astuta Forster, 1850 : 1-2, Q. Spalangia muscidarum Richardson, 1913 : 38-39, 3 9. ? Spalangia abenabooi Girault, 1932 : I. Spalangia sundaica L. F. Graham, 1932 : 22, 24, g Q. ? Spalangia mors Girault, 1933 : I. Spalangia nigroaenea Curtis ; Bouéek, 1963 : 437, 448-453, 3 Q. Type material. For a full discussion of the synonymy, designation of lectotypes, and redescription of the species, see Bouéek (1963 : 449-450). EvuROPE (widely distributed, including Britain), CENTRAL AsIA, AFRICA, AUSTRALIA, NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA. Biology. Hosts chiefly various species of Muscidae, Calliphoridae and Sarco- phagidae (for a full list see Boucek, 1963 : 452). Spalangia slovaka Boucéek Spalangia slovaka Bouéek, 1963 : 437, 453-454, 9. Type material. Holotype 2, Czechoslovakia, S.E. Slovakia, Turna nad Bodvou, 12.vili.1948 (Boudéek) in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 25402). CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. | | PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 53 Spalangia cameroni Perkins Spalangia cameroni Perkins, 1910 : 656, 3 . Spalangia melanogastra Masi, 1940 : 295-297, 3. Spalangia atherigonae Risbec, 1951 : 361-363, d Q. Spalangia cameyoni Perkins ; Bouéek, 1963 : 437, 454-457, 3d Q. Type material. Spalangia cameroni Perkins. Types, Oahu, Hawaii, Molokai ; not seen by Boucek or the writer, presumed to be in Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Boucek’s interpretation of the species was based on material from Fiji identified as cameroni by Dr. Ch. Ferriére. Spalangia melanogastra Masi. Holotype g, Italy, Villagio Duca degli Abruzzi, 1930 (Russo), in Museo Civico di Storia naturale, Genoa (not seen by Boucek or the writer). Viggiani (1967 : 3) found a specimen in the above museum which agreed with the description of melanogastra and bore the correct data ; he designated it lectotype, though presumably it is the holotype, and confirmed Boucéek’s surmise that it was the same as cameroni Perkins. Spalangia atherigonae Risbec. Lectotype 9, M’Bambey, Senegal, in Muséum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (designated by Boucek, 1963 : 454). Europe (including Britain), CENTRAL and SOUTHERN ASIA, AFRICA, AUSTRALIA, PaciFic ISLANDS, CENTRAL and SoutH AMERICA. In some of these localities (Fiji Islands, possibly Hawaiian Islands) it has been introduced. Biology. Hosts, various species of Muscidae, Sarcophagidae and Trypetidae (for a full list see Boucek, 1963 : 457). Spalangia endius Walker Spalangia endius Walker, 1839a : 96, 3. Spalangia muscidarum var. stomoxysiae Girault, 1916 : 37-38, 9. Spalangia philippinensis Fullaway, 1917 : 292, 3 9. Spalangia orientalis L. F. Graham, 1932 : 21. Spalangia endius Walker ; Bouéek, 1963 : 438, 458-461, ¢ 9. Type material. For a full discussion of the synonymy (which was worked out by Boucéek) and designation of lectotype for endius Walker, see Boucéek (1963 : 458— 459). Europe (Czechoslovakia, Cyprus), As1A, AFRICA, AUSTRALIA, PaciFic ISLANDs, Nortu America, British West INDIES, SOUTH AMERICA. Biology. Hosts, various species of Muscidae, Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae and Trypetidae (see Boucéek, 1963 : 460). Spalangia nigripes Curtis Spalangia nigvipes Curtis, 1839 : folio 740, 9. Spalangia hyaloptera Forster, 1850 : 509-511, 3 . Spalangia formicaria Kieffer, 1905 : 1-2, 9. Spalangia muscarum Girault, 1920a : 213-214, 9. Spalangia nigripes Curtis ; Bouéek, 1963 : 438, 461-464, 3 Q. 54 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Type material. For designation of lectotypes see Boucéek (1963 : 461-462) who established the above synonymy. Widely distributed in Europe (including Britain) ; LEBANON and CENTRAL Asta ; NortH AMERICA (U.S.A.). Bouéek (1963 : 464) considers that it is probably a primarily European species which has been introduced into other regions. Biology. Hosts, species of Muscidae and Calliphoridae (see Bouéek, 1963 : 464). Spalangia crassicornis Bouéek Spalangia crassicornis Bouéek, 1963 : 438, 464-466, ¢ Q. Type material. Holotype 9, Czechoslovakia : Revnice near Prague, vii.1952, taken in company with Lasius fuliginosus (Latr.) (L. Masner) in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 25401). EvurRopE (Britain, France, Holland, Luxembourg, Germany, Sweden, Czecho- slovakia, Jugoslavia). Biology. Hosts, myrmecophilous Diptera associated with the ant Lasius fuli- ginosus Latr., e.g., Milichia ludens Wahl. and Phyllomyza lasiae Collin (Milichiidae). For further details concerning the biology see Bouéek (1963 : 466). Spalangia erythromera Forster (Text-figs. 32, 33) Spalangia nigra Haliday, 1833 : 334 et auctt. plur. [nec Latreille, 1805]. Spalangia erythromera Forster, 1850 : 512-513, Q. Spalangia umbellatarum Forster, 1850 : 513-515, do 8. Spalangia spuria Forster, 1850 : 515-516, 9. Spalangia evythromeva Forster ; Bouéek, 1963 : 439, 466-471, ¢ Q. Type material. For designation of lectotypes see Bouéek (1963 : 466-468). This author established the synonymy cited above ; he also redescribed the species (ibid. : 468-470) and gave a valuable account of its variation. The species for long erroneously regarded as nigra Latreille by British authors such as Haliday, Curtis, Walker, and Westwood, was in fact primarily erythromera Forster, as suggested by Boucek (1963 : 445), although Walker regarded mnigripes Curtis and nigroaenea Curtis as “ varieties’ of “ nigra” [= erythromera]. Boucek (1963 : 445) suggested that Haliday’s description (1833 : 334-335) of supposed nigra seemed to fit rather evythromera Forster, in particular his statement “ toler- ably abundant ...in pastures and marshes...”. I can confirm this from an examination of Haliday’s collection, which contains several specimens of erythromera one of which bears his label “nigra”. S. evythromera is in fact the commonest species of the genus in the British Isles, as judged from collections and my own experience. Bouéek (1963 : 470-472) discussed the variation of erythromera, which is considerable. Amongst other features he mentioned (ibid. : 470) that the tarsi of specimens from some regions, e.g., Northern Europe, may be black instead of partly testaceous. In British material I find a predominance of forms having the PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 55 first segment of the tarsi bright or reddish testaceous, the second and third segments more brownish, the fourth and fifth dark ; in some only the first segment is pale, whilst in a few the tarsi are entirely black. Bouéek (1963 : 468-470) showed by a detailed study that erythromera can be split on morphological characters into two forms which he regards as subspecies. The nominotypical form erythromera erythromera Forster, has the head of the female clearly longer than broad, the genae converging moderately, the first funicular segment longer than broad, size larger (1-7-3:2 mm.) ; whilst the male has the funicular segments clearly longer than broad, size 1-g-2-7 mm. In the form erythromera brachyceps Bouéek, the female has the head hardly longer than broad, the genae converging strongly, the first funicular segment subquadrate, size less, rarely exceeding 2:3 mm. ; the male has the funicular segments hardly longer than broad, size relatively less. The geographical distribution of the two forms appears tobethesame. This is a most interesting case and merits further study, particularly from the biological point of view. EvuROPE (widely distributed) ; ? CANADA ; ? U.S.A. Biology. Until recently there were host records only for erythromera brachyceps ; I am now able to include one for erythromera erythromera. S. erythromera erythromera. Dr. R. A. Beaver reared specimens of this form from puparia of Lonchaea cariecola Cz. collected at Wytham Wood, Berkshire, England, in June 1963. Boucéek (1963 : 470-471) says that in Munich, Germany it ‘“ was taken in numbers on windows of a room where carcasses of various animals were prepared for conservation in the collections. In Czechoslovakia I often found it on windows of sties or near dung heaps... Males often fly on flowering umbellifers ”’. : This agrees with my own collecting experience in England, where I have taken _erythromera erythromera in places where cattle or other farm stock were present, and at the edge of sewage works and silos ; I have also frequently captured both sexes on the flowers of umbellifers, especially Angelica sylvestris L. | S. erythromera brachyceps. Bouéek (1963 : 472) recorded as hosts the Muscid flies Phorbia cinerea Fin. and Pegomyia sp. in Germany ; Phorbia platura (Mg.) (= cilicrura Rond.) in Switzerland. He also mentioned that it was found associated with horse droppings in Bulgaria. | | | Spalangia subpunctata Forster Spalangia leptogramma Forster, 1850 : 511-512, 9. | Spalangia subpunctata Forster, 1850 : 516-518, 9. ? Spalangia haematobiae Ashmead, 1894 : 35, 37, 9. | Spalangia subpunctata Forster ; Bouéek, 1963 : 439, 473-475, 3 &. _ Type material. For designation of lectotypes of Férster species see Bouéek | (1963 : 473). This author established the above synonymy and also redescribed the species. He mentioned the small differences between subpunctata and haematobiae Ashmead and suggested that the latter might eventually prove to be a form of subpunctata. He also (ibid. : 474-475) described the considerable variation that ‘exists in subpunctata. 56 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM EuRopE (widely distributed ; including Britain), CENTRAL Asia, NORTH AFRICA. Biology. Bouéek (1963 : 475) lists as hosts Syrvitta pipiens L. (Dipt., Syrphidae) in the Caucasus region and Physiphora demandata ¥F. (Ulidiidae) in Uzbekistan ; he records that in Czechoslovakia most specimens were found associated with sheep and cattle droppings in pastures. Spalangia fuscipes Nees Spalangia fuscipes Nees, 1834 : 270, g Q. Spalangia fuscipes Nees ; Bouéek, 1963 : 439, 476-479, 3 @. Type material. Original material presumed lost ; Bouéek (1963 : 476) discussed the question and erected as plesiotype of fuscipes a female from Forster’s collection. This author also redescribed the species and gave notes on its variation. Europe (not recorded from the British Isles) ; Ast4 Minor, NortH AFRICA. Biology. The only host record regarded as certain by Boucek (1963 : 477) is that of Oscinella frit (L.) (Dipt., Chloropidae) in the European U.S.S.R., Bulgaria, and (probably) Germany. CEROCEPHALINAE This subfamily appears to approach more closely to Spalangiinae than to any other subfamily in Pteromalidae. Forster (1856) placed Cerocephala, together with Spalangia, in his family Spalangoidae. Thomson (1878) included it with Theocolax, Spalangia, and other genera, in his tribe Spalangiina. Ashmead (1904) placed Cerocephala, Paralaesthia, and the Spalangia-group of genera in Pteromalidae, as a subfamily Spalangiinae. L. F. Gahan (1946) proposed a new subfamily Cero- cephalinae, to include Choetospila, Theocolax, Cerocephala, Theocolaxia, Paralaesthia, Acerocephala, Neosciatherus, and Sciatherellus ; he gave a detailed diagnosis of the subfamily and listed the characters by which it differed from Spalangiinae. Peck (1963 : 599) accepted the limits of the group as defined by Gahan, but regarded it as a tribe of Sphegigasterinae. Boucek (im Peck ef al., 1964 : 28) accepted Cero- cephalinae as a subfamily of Pteromalidae. With the latter view I agree. Kry TO EUROPEAN GENERA In all the European genera the fore wing in macropterous forms has a tuft of blackish bristles on the parastigma. I Antennae of female inserted about level with, of male above, the ventral edge of the eyes. Head in frontal view as broad as or slightly broader than high, its sides not subparallel. Antennal funicle of female with six, of male with seven, segments. Propodeum reticulate, rather dull. Gastral petiole of female transverse ; of male as long as or longer than broad . CEROCEPHALA Westwood (p. 57) - Antennae of both sexes inserted distinctly below the ventral edge of the eyes. Head in frontal view slightly higher than broad, its sides tending to be subparallel (Text-fig. 34) : : : ; F : : 5 : 2 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 57 2 (1) Antennal funicle of female with five, of male with six, segments. Propodeum reticulate, rather dull. Gastral petiole of female slightly transverse ; of male as long as or slightly longer than broad CHOETOSPILA (Westwood) (p. 61) - Antennal funicle of female with six, of male with seven, segments. Pro- podeum posteriorly rather shiny with weak sculpture. Gastral petiole of female strongly transverse ; of male slightly so. Body of 9, Text-fig. 50 THEOCOLAX (Westwood) (p. 62) CEROCEPHALA Westwood Cerocephala Westwood, 1832 : pl. 4. Type-species : C. cornigera Westwood, by monotypy. Epimacrus Walker, 1833 : 308. Type-species : E. vufus Walker, by monotypy. Sciatherus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 209. Type-species : S. trichotus Ratzeburg, by monotypy. Cerocephala Westwood ; Thomson, 1876 : 207, 210-212. Cerocephala Westwood ; Ashmead, 1904 : 334. Cerocephala Westwood ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 385, 386. Pavrasciatherus Masi, 1917 : 189. Type-species : Cerocephala (Parasciatherus) caelebs Masi, 1917, by monotypy. Proamotura Girault, 1920 : 143. Type-species : P. aquila Girault, by monotypy. Cerocephala Westwood ; Gahan, 1946 : 357-363. Cerocephala Westwood ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 250, 255-257. Cerocephala Westwood ; Peck et al., 1964 : 28. Epimacrus was synonymized with Cerocephala by Walker (1834 : 148). Scia- therus Ratzeburg was synonymized with Cerocephala by Forster (1856: 41). Parasciatherus Masi and Proamotura Girault were placed in synonymy with Cero- cephala Westwood by Gahan (1946 : 358). KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (MALEs) 1 Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 69) appearing strongly tridentate ; the lateral pro- cesses of the face forming prongs which are almost as long as the eyes, and have their outer edges converging only slightly forwards. Interantennal crest strongly developed, in profile (Text-fig. 71) forming a pointed spike which is longer than its basal breadth ; in profile the dorsal and front edges of the upper facial process (Text-fig. 71, ufp.) form about a right angle. Face between the lateral crests strongly concave, without a median carina. Antennal scape (Text-fig. 67) thick and considerably expanded distally. Scutellum (cf. Text-fig. 69) narrowing for- wards almost to a point ; frenum indicated by an area of delicate alutaceous sculpture. : cornigera Westwood (p. 59) — Head in dorsal view (Text: fig. 68) yety Peay tridentate, the lateral processes of the face hardly developed, hence the sides of the head converge strongly forwards. Interantennal crest less strongly developed, in profile less projecting and not longer than its basal breadth, often obtuse ; in profile the dorsal and front edges of the upper facial process form an obtuse angle with each other. Face between the lateral crests weakly concave, usually with a distinct median longitudinal carina. Antennal scape rather more slender and less expanded distally. Scutellum more rounded at its base ; frenum not marked off, except sometimes at the sides, usually smooth like the rest of the scutellum, at most alutaceous at the sides and posteriorly . : ; : : : : c : . rufa (Walker) (p. 60) 58 M. W. R.p—EV. GRAHAM 7\ Fics. 67-71. Cerocephala spp. 67, cornigera Westwood, holotype g, antenna (dotted part of hairs restored conjecturally) ; 68, vufa (Walker), 3, head ; 69, cornigera Westwood, 9, scutellum, axillae, and hinder part of mesoscutum ; 70, same, holotype ¢, head ; 71, same, profile. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 59 (FEMALES) 1 Interantennal crest in profile appearing like an acute spike (though rather less de- veloped than that of the male, cf. Text-fig. 71). Antennal scape relatively stouter, 3°3 to 3°5 times as long as its maximum breadth. Scutellum (Text-fig. 69) narrowing forwards almost to a point ; frenum indicated by an area of delicate alutaceous sculpture, anteriorly often marked off at the sides by a weak impressed line. Larger species, 2-5 to 3-4 mm. Infuscate cloud below the stigmal vein usually weak, sometimes absent : ; : cornigera Westwood (p. 59) - Interantennal crest in profile appearing right- angled or slightly obtuse-angled, less prominent than in cornigera. Antennal scape relatively less stout, about four times as long as its maximum breadth. Scutellum more rounded at base ; frenum not indicated, smooth like the rest of the scutellum or with at most traces of ex- tremely weak sculpture. Smaller species, 2 to 3 mm. Infuscate cloud below the stigmal vein usually stronger and extending well across the wing rufa (Walker) (p. 60) The BM(NH) collection contains specimens of a Cerocephala (some determined as eccoptogastri Masi, others as cornigera Westwood) from Turkey, Palestine, and Egypt, which resemble rufa (Walker) in size and in the structure of the scutellum. The females differ from those of vwfa in having the interantennal crest acute in profile, the upper lateral processes of the face forming small though distinct pointed teeth, these are hardly developed, and obtuse, in rufa ; the antennal scape is also rather stouter than in vuwfa. The males differ from those of vwfa in having the interantennal crest appearing like an acute spike in profile, as in male cornigera, the upper lateral process of the face in profile forms an acute tooth, in cornigera and rufa it does not form a tooth ; the malar space is more than three quarters the length of an eye, in vufa it is three quarters or rather less. These specimens may well be eccoptogastri Masi, the types of which I have not seen ; if not, then they must represent a new species. Cerocephala cornigera Westwood Genus 172 (746), species 5351, covnigeva, Stephens, 1829 : 394 [nom. nud.]. Cerocephala cornigera Westwood, 1832 : pl. 4, 3. Cerocephala cornigera Westwood ; Walker 1834 : 149, ex parte [Stephens record]. Cevocephala cornigera Westwood ; Stephens, 1846 : 6, pl. 45, fig. 1, ¢. Sciatherus trichotus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 209, pl. 3, fig. I. Cerocephala cornigera Westwood ; Gahan, 1946 : 358-360, ex parte. Cerocephala trichotus (Ratzeburg) Szczepanski, 1960 : 415, 420, figs. 2, 4. Type material. Cevocephala cornigera Westwood. Holotype g¢ in BM(NH), pinned to an oblong card and bearing the following labels: ‘‘ Stephens’ Coll. 53-46”; “‘Cerocephala cornigera Steph.” [sic] ; “cornigera mihi”; ‘“‘ CERO- CEPHALA ”’ (the latter label handwritten). Gahan (1946 : 359) reported “‘... during a visit to the Hope Museum at Oxford, England, I saw the type of Cerocephala cornigera Westwood ...”’. The specimen in the Hope Department is not, however, the type of cornigera ; the label bears data which disagree with that originally given by Westwood, moreover the specimen does not fit the description. The label states that it was captured by R. Lewis in St. 60 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM James’s Park, London, in the spring of 1832 ; whereas Westwood (1832 : classe IX) explicitly stated ‘Mon ami J. Stephens...a trouvé un seul individu de ce joli insecte pres du village de Ripley, dans le comté de Surrey en Angleterre, au mois de juillet, 1827...”. This supposed type in Oxford is a male of rufa (Walker) ; see below. Sciatherus trichotus Ratzeburg. The type 9 is presumed to be destroyed. It was, however, examined in 1927 by Gahan who later (1946 : 358-359) published some notes upon it. He concluded that it was conspecific with the male in the Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford, which he regarded [erroneously, as I have shown above] as the type of corvmigera. This male belongs, not to cornigera Westwood, but to rufa (Walker) so that if Gahan was right in regarding it as con- specific with the type of tvichotus Ratzeburg then the latter would be a synonym of vufa. Gahan’s published notes on the type female of Sciatherus trichotus, however, suggest to me that it must have been conspecific with the true cornigera of Westwood. This view would also agree with the interpretation of tvichotus expressed by Szczepariski (1960). The species described in detail by Russo (1938 : 206-215, 3 Q) is not cormigera Westwood, as supposed by Russo ; it is also probably not the same as rufa (Walker) but may be either eccoptogastvi Masi or an undescribed species. BRITAIN, FRANCE, DENMARK, SWEDEN, POLAND, CENTRAL EUROPE, U.S.S.R. Biology. Several hosts have been recorded for cornigera, e.g., by Nikol’skaya (1952 : 256), but because cornigera has been misidentified by several authors, these records need to be confirmed. One record which certainly refers to the true cornigera recorded under the name “ ¢vichotus Ratz.’’, in Poland in tunnels of Leperesinus ormt (Fuchs) (Col., Scotylidae). Probably cornigera will prove to be parasitic on several species and genera of Scolytidae. Cerocephala rufa (Walker) Epimacrus rufus Walker, 1833 : 369-370, 9. Cerocephala cornigera Walker, 1834 : 149, ex parte [nec Westwood, 1832]. Cerocephala cornigera Szczepanski, 1960 : 417-418, 420-421, figs. 1, 3 [vec Westwood, 1832]. Cerocephala vufa (Walker) Graham, 1967a : 77-78. Type material. Lectotype (probably holotype) 9 in G. T. Rudd coll., Yorkshire Museum, York, England ; it stands below a label “‘ 588° CEROCEPHALA West.” and above another label “2 cornigera West. rufus Walk.”. Walker (1833 : 370) stated that Epimacrus rufus had been “ taken near Stockton-upon-Tees, by the Rev. G. T. Rudd” but did not state whether Rudd had more than one specimen ; it seems likely, however, that the one designated lectotype is the holotype. Walker (1834: 149) placed rufus in synonymy with Cerocephala cornigera Westwood, mentioning, incidently that cornigera had been taken “ by Mr. Lewis, near London’; this undoubtedly refers to the male in the Hope Department which was erroneously supposed by Gahan to be the type of cornigera. This synynomy was subsequently accepted without comment until I rediscovered the missing type of rufus and showed that it represented a valid species. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 61 I have only been able to make a critical examination of specimens of rufa from BRITAIN and CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; probably, however, the species will prove to be quite widely distributed in Northern and Central Europe. Biology. Some of the published host-records for “‘ cornigera’’ may actually refer to rufa but this cannot be checked without an examination of the material on which the records are based. Dr. Boucek has shown me material of rufa from Central Europe which he said were reared from Anobiidae, Agrvilus and Xylocleptes. Szczepanski’s (1960 : 417-418, 421) notes on the biology of the species he calls cornigera almost certainly refer to rufa (Walker) ; he states that his observations indicate that it attacks Anobium punctatum (DeG.), very probably as a secondary parasite through Spathius exarator (L.) (Braconidae). Cerocephala sp. indet. ? Cerocephala eccoptogastri Masi, 1922 : 189-193, 3 9. ? Cerocephala cornigera Russo, 1938 : 206-215, 3g 2 [nec Westwood] Specimens of this species from Turkey, Palestine, and Egypt, are contained in the BM(NH) ; some are determined as eccoptogastvi Masi, others as cornigera Westwood. I have mentioned the characters by which it differs from rufa (Walker) in the addendum to my key above. It may well be eccoptogastri Masi, the types of which Ihave not seen. It may also be identical with the species described, erroneously as cormigera, by Russo (1938) and recorded from Italy and Sicily as a parasite of several Scolytidae. CHOETOSPILA Westwood Choetospila Westwood, 1874 : 137. Type-species : Ch. elegans Westwood, by monotypy. Spalangiomorpha Girault, 1913 : 333. Type-species: S. fasciatipennis Girault, by original designation. Choetospila Westwood ; Waterston, 1921 : 19-21. Choetospila Westwood ; Gahan, 1946 : 352. Chaetospila [sic] Westwood ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 250-255. Choetospila Westwood ; Peck e# al., 1964 : 28. Spalangiomorpha Girault was placed in synonymy with Choetospila Westwood by Girault himself (1917d : 37). Both Waterston (1921 : 25) and Gahan (1946 : 352) accepted this synonymy. Several species of Choetospila are known ; Ch. elegans Westwood, which is para- sitic on weevils in stored grain, has been transported to many parts of the world in shipments of stored products and is now cosmopolitan. Choetospila elegans Westwood Choetospila elegans Westwood, 1874 : 157, pl. 25, fig. 10 [9]. Spalangiomorpha fasciatipennis Girault, 1913 : 334, 9. Spalangia metallica Fullaway, 1913 : 286-287, 9. Choetospila elegans Westwood ; Waterston, 1921 : 25, fig. 13. Choetospila elegans Westwood ; Gahan, 1946 : 353, pl. 47, figs. 1, Ia. 62 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Spalangia vhizoperthae Risbec, 1951 : 365-366, 3 8. Choetospila elegans Westwood ; Peck, 1963 : 599. Type material. Choetospila elegans Westwood. For a long time I could not locate the types in the Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford, as no speci- men bore this name. Recently, however, I found a group of 7 females which are certainly syntypes of elegans. They are mounted on rectangular cards and all except two bear a distinctive blue lozenge-shaped label, on which is written in Westwood’s handwriting “‘ W/India com corn Raddon Africa’ [the word “ corn ”’ has been rather badly written in the first instance, and has been scored out and rewritten ; the letter ‘“ W ”’ is Westwood’s monogram, which he often attached to the labels of his specimens]. The mandibles, palpi, and antennae of one specimen are dissected off and gummed on the card ; evidently Westwood’s figures of these structures (pl. 25, figs. Ioa, 1ob, 10d) were made from this specimen. I designate as LECTOTYPE another specimen which is in perfect condition and fits the description and figure best of all ; it bears a lozenge-shaped label as described above, also my lectotype label. Spalangiomorpha fasciatipenmis Girault. Types (not seen by the writer) from Port Douglas, Nelson, and Cooktown, Queensland, Port Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia : in Queensland Museum. The species was placed in synonymy with Choetospila elegans by Waterston (1921 : 20) whose conclusion was accepted by Gahan (1946 : 353). Spalangia metallica Fullaway. Holotype 92 (not seen) in U.S.N.M.; Gahan (1946 : 353) examined it and stated that it differed in no way from typical Choeto- spila elegans. Spalangia rhizoperthae Risbec. Type, Africa, Senegal, M’Bambey, in Muséum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris. It was re-examined by Steffan (see Boucek, 1963 : 505 ; this author synonymized the species with Choetospila elegans). In both sexes of elegans macropterous, brachypterous and apterous forms occur. Cosmopolitan. Biology. Recorded as a parasite of various beetles associated with stored grain. Gahan (1946 : 353) stated that its most common host is apparently the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryza (L.). For a complete host-list see Peck (1963 : 599). There are also records of elegans having been reared from Scolytidae on certain trees in British Honduras and the Panama Canal zone (see Gahan, 1946 : 353). THEOCOLAX Westwood Theocolax Westwood, 1832a :127. Type-species : Th. formiciformis Westwood, by monotypy. Laesthia Haliday, 1833 : 335. Type-species: L. vespertina Haliday, by monotypy. Theocolax Westwood ; Thomson, 1876a : 207, 212-213. ? Cerocephala Ashmead, 1904 : 334, ex parte. Theocolax Westwood ; Gahan, 1946 : 355. Theocolax Westwood ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 250, 253-255. Theocolax Westwood ; Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 28. The respective type-species of Theocolax Westwood and Laesthia Haliday (form- PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 63 ciformis Westwood and vespertina Haliday) were synonymized by Walker (1834 : 149) and this synonymy has been generally accepted. It cannot be confirmed because the syntypes of vespertina have not been identified as such ; but there is little doubt that Walker’s conclusion was correct. Only one European species is known. Theocolax formiciformis Westwood (Text-fig. 50, 2) Theocolax formiciformis Westwood, 1832a : 127. Laesthia vespertina Haliday, 1833 : 336, 3 &. Cerocephala formiciformis (Westwood) Walker, 1834 : 149, 3 . Cerocephala formiciformis [Westwood] Haliday, 1841-1842 : vi, pl. N, fig. 4, 9. Theocolax formiciformis Westwood, 1874 : 138, pl. 25, fig. 11, 9. Theocolax formiciformis Westwood ; Gahan, 1946 : 356-357, pl. 47, figs. 3, 3a, pl. 48, figs. 1, 1a, Ib, fg. Type material. Theocolax formiciformis Westwood. There are several specimens in Westwood’s collection but some of them were taken later than 1832 or are other- wise disqualified from being syntypes. I choose as LECTOTYPE a female mounted on a rectangular card and bearing a pink label reading (in Westwood’s handwriting) “ formiciformis Westw.’’. Laesthia vespertina Haliday. The only Theocolax which I can find in Haliday’s collection appears to be a Walker specimen and bears a label possibly in his hand- writing ; it cannot therefore be a syntype of vespertina. Perhaps the missing syntypes may yet turn up because some parts of Haliday’s collection have not been thoroughly examined. Haliday’s excellent description, however, leaves no doubt that vespertina must be the same as formiciformis ; probably his specimens of vespertina were taken in Ireland (his MS. catalogue of Irish insects lists the species as taken at Holywood, Co. Down). Most individuals of formiciformis are micropterous, the fore wings being reduced to short stubs which are hardly twice as long as the tegulae. In macropterous _ individuals the fore wing has a tuft of black hairs on the parastigma, and a fuscous _ cloud just beyond the middle. _ WESTERN and CENTRAL Europe (but probably more widely distributed) ; NEw ZEALAND. Biology. T. formiciformis is well known as a parasite of Anobium species (Col.). It has also been said to attack Leperesinus fraxini (Panz.) but this may be erroneous (see Waterston, 1921: 12). The adult insect is rarely seen in the daytime, its _ habits apparently being crepuscular (see, e.g., Haliday, 1833 : 336) ; January—July. | DIPARINAE The first described genus of this group, Dipara Walker, was originally placed by the latter in Miscogasteridae (1833 : 371). Forster (1856 : 46) placed Tricoryphus | [the female sex of Dipara] in his family Cleonymidae, whilst (op. cit. : 51) he placed 64 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM the male of Dipara in Miscogastroidae. Similarly Thomson (1876a : 207) put Tricoryphus in Spalangiina, and later (1878 : 175) referred male Dipara to another group, his subtribe Diparides, in which he also included the genus Panstenon. Ashmead (1904 : 334) elevated Thomson’s tribe Diparides to the rank of a subfamily. Tricoryphus was transferred from Spalangiinae to Lelapinae (= Diparinae) by Gahan (1946 : 375). Only recently Novitzky concluded that Tricoryphus Forster was the female sex of Dipara Walker, of which only males were known, and that Hispanolelaps Mercet was the same as Trvicoryphus ; his conclusions were published by Domenichini (1953 : 80). As a result of this synonymy, Boucek (1954 : 54) put the subfamily name Lelapinae in synonymy with Diparinae. In the same paper (p. 52) he made Diparinae a more homogeneous group by excluding from it the genus Panstenon. In his key to the Czechoslovak Pteromalidae (7m Peck et al., 1964 : 28) Bouéek redefined Diparinae in a more satisfactory way. In the present work I have employed much the same set of characters as those used by him. In doing so I have taken into account a number of exotic species as well as the European. The sub- family would appear to be better represented in subtropical and tropical areas, particularly in Africa and South America. KEY TO EUROPEAN GENERA I Female antennae with three anelli and five funicular segments. Wings rudi- mentary. Male unknown . : TRIMICROPS Kieffer (p. 66) - Female antennae with one anellus ‘and < seven funicular segments. Wings rudimentary or developed. Male wings fully developed ; antennae with one anellus, followed by ten flagellar segments which are not differentiated into funicle and clava ; body entirely or mainly black . : 2 2 (1) Female wings fully developed or somewhat shortened, fore wing te be fuscous spots, one below the marginal vein, the other in the distal part of the wing ; body squat, the thorax only about 1-5 times as long as broad, gaster ovate ; gastral petiole broader than long ; body mainly testaceous. Males with segments of flagellum closely compacted, cylindrical, with extremely short pubescence ; gastral petiole broader than long, dark ; coxae black, legs otherwise mainly fuscous ; body squat NETOMOCERA Bou€ek (p. 66) - Female wings rudimentary ; body slender, thorax about twice as long as broad, gaster (Text-fig. 39) lanceolate ; gastral petiole about as long as broad ; body reddish with dark markings. Males with segments of flagellum suboval and separated by distinct constrictions, clothed with bristly hairs whose length is greater than the breadth of the segments ; gastral petiole (Text-fig. 52) about three times as long as broad, reddish ; coxae, and remainder of legs mainly to entirely, reddish testaceous DIPARA Walker (p. 64) DIPARA Walker Dipara Walker, 1833 : 371, 373. Type-species : D. petiolata Walker, by monotypy. Tricoryphus Forster, 1856 : 46, 47. Type-species : T. fasciatus Thomson, 1878, by subsequent reference. Tricoryphus Forster ; Thomson, 1876a : 209-210. Dipara Walker ; Thomson, 1878 : 177-178. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 65 Apterolelaps Ashmead, 1901 : 312. Type-species: A. nigvicepbs Ashmead, by monotypy and orginal designation. Dipara Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 335. Dipava Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 366, 367. Hispanolelaps Mercet, 1927 : 60. Type-species : H. covalis Mercet, by monotypy. Dipara Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 241-242. Dipara Walker ; Bouéek, 1954 : 53-54. Trichoryphus [sic] Forster ; Delucchi, 1958a@ : 56-57. A frolelaps Hedqvist, 1963 : 47. Type-species : A. maculata Hedqvist, by original designation. Dipara Walker ; Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 28. Only one species is known in Europe. The male is fully winged, the female micro- pterous, whilst they differ considerably in other respects, so much so that until recently they were placed in different subfamilies! Tricoryphus Forster and Hispanolelaps Mercet were recognized as synonyms of Dipara Walker by Novitzky, whose discovery was published by Domenichini (1953 : 80, footnote). Later Delucchi (1958a@ : 56) synonymized Apterolelaps Ashmead with Tricoryphus Forster. A/frolelabs Hedqvist is stated to differ from Dipara in having 11-segmented antennae and notaulices which meet in the middle of the mesoscutum ; but the antennae of A/frolelaps do not appear to me essentially different from those of Dipara, whilst the relative convergence of the notauli is hardly of generic value. Dipara petiolata Walker (Text-figs. 39, 52) Dipara petiolata Walker, 1833 : 373, 6. Dipara cinetoides Walker, 1834 : 166, 3. Dipara petiolata Walker ; Haliday, 1841-1842 : vi, pl. J., fig. 1, 3. Tricoryphus fasciatus Thomson, 1876a : 210, Q. Dipara petiolata Walker ; Thomson, 1878 : 177-178, d. Hispanolelaps coxalis Mercet, 1927 : 62, 9. Dipara petiolata Walker ; Bouéek, 1954 : 53-54, 6, 2 (fig. 2). Type material. Dipara petiolata Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE (possibly it is holotype) : it bears a Waterhouse label “‘ Dipara petiolata Walker” and a modern label “‘ Type gC. F.”’ [C. Ferriére]. Dipara cinetoides Walker. One male (probably holotype) in G. T. Rudd coll., Yorkshire Museum, York, bearing a label “3 ’’. Placed in synonymy with petiolata by Graham (1967a : 78) who recognized the type. Tricoryphus fasciatus Thomson. Coll. Thomson, 2 specimens, but one cannot be a syntype as Thomson (1876a : 210) expressly stated that he had only one. I identify as the holotype a female labelled ‘‘ Tkv ” [Torekov]. Placed in synonymy with Dipara petiolata by Domenichini (1953 : 80 [footnote]) on the authority of Novitzky. Hispanolelaps coxalis Mercet. Holotype 9, Spain, La Pedriza de Manzares, 19.v.1922, in Instituto Espafiol de Entomologia, Madrid (not seen). Placed in synonymy with D. petiolata by Domenichini (1953 : 80, footnote) where the species name is incorrectly spelt “ casalis’’. 66 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM BRITAIN, SWEDEN, SPAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. ; probably more widely distributed in Europe. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May-July ; one record for August. NETOMOCERA Bouéek Netomoceva Bouéek, 1954 : 49. Type-species: N. setifera Bouéek, by original designation. Netomocera setifera Bouéek Netomocera setifera Boucek, 1954 : 50-53, 4, 9. Type material. Holotype 2, Southern Moravia, Pouzdiany, 3.vi.1941 (A. Hoffer) in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3001). CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R., SOUTHERN EUROPE. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June—July. TRIMICROPS Kieffer Trimicrops Kieffer, 1906 : 142. Type-species: T. claviger Kieffer, by monotypy. Trimicrops Kieffer ; Ferriére, im Beier, 1930 : 401-403. Trimicrops Kieffer ; Bouéek, 1954 : 52. Trimicrops Kieffer ; Peck et al., 1964 : 28. This genus was originally described as belonging to the family Ceraphronidae of Proctotrupoidea ; it was correctly referred to Lelapinae (= Diparinae) by Ferriére, 72 Beier (1930) and Bouéek (1954). Trimicrops claviger Kieffer Trimicrops claviger Kieffer, 1906 : 142, 9. Trimicrops claviger Kieffer ; Ferriere in Beier, 1930 : 401-403, figs. 3, 4, 2. Type material. Syntypes, Italy : several localities, in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa ; one example from Rumania, location unknown, but possibly in coll. Kieffer (not seen). Lectotype not yet selected. ITALY, RUMANIA, HERZEGOVINA, DALMATIA, CORFU. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in autumn and spring. NEODIPARINAE The type-genus of this group, Neodipara, was originally placed by Erdos (1955 : 296) in his new subfamily Panstenoninae, together with the genus Panstenon. Neodipara, however, has little connexion with Panstenon, as Boucek (1961 : 66) remarked. Boutéek (1961 : 66) erected for it a new tribe Neodiparini which he placed in the subfamily Tridyminae. The affinities of Neodipara are difficult to decide ; it does not seem to be very closely related to any of the other subfamilies PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 67 of Pteromalidae. The females of Neodipara are unknown ; when discovered they may help to solve the question of the relationships of the genus. As the latter appears relatively isolated, I propose to treat the group provisionally as a sub- family. NEODIPARA Erdés Neodipava Erd6s, 1955 : 296-297. Type-species : N. perbella Erdés, by monotypy and original designation. Two species of the genus have been described, but only in the male sex. Kery TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (MALEs) 1 Less slender species ; thorax about 1-75 times as long as broad ; scutellum a little broader than long. Gaster forming a relatively shorter oval ; hind margin of basal tergite weakly curved. Distal segments of antennal funicle strongly trans- verse. Legs yellowish with fore and mid coxae dark ; fore and mid femora slightly infuscate . : ; ; : : : perbella Erdés (p. 67) -— More slender species ; thorax about twice as long as broad ; scutellum as long as broad. Gaster long-oval ; hind margin of basal tergite quite strongly curved. Distal segments of antennal funicle only moderately transverse. All coxae, femora, and tibiae, except their articulations, black . - masneri Bouéek (p. 67) Neodipara perbella Erdés Neodipara perbella Erd6és, 1955 : 297, 6. Neodipara perbella Erdos ; Bouéek, 1961 : 64, 3. Type material. Syntypes, Hungary, Tompa (Zsiroskuti erd6), 4 g, in coll. Erdés. HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in June. Neodipara masneri Bouéek Neodipara masneri Bouéek, 1961 : 64-65, 3. Type material. Holotype g, Czechoslovakia, Bohemia, Brehyné near Doksy, 8.x.1957 (Masner) in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 2968). CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. EUNOTINAE This group is easily recognized by the squat shape of the body and the characters of the head (see key to subfamilies). The type-genus of this group, Euwnotus, was placed in Pteromalidae by Walker (1834) and Forster (1856, as Megapelte). Motschulsky (1863 : 69-70) coined the _ name Muscidides for some members of the group, but it has not been accepted. 68 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Thomson (1876-8) apparently did not know the group at all. Ashmead (1904 : 312-325) proposed a subfamily of Pteromalidae which he named Eunotinae. Most of the genera which he included in the subfamily are still regarded as belonging to it; but he excluded Epicopterus, which is currently placed in Eunotinae. Ashmead’s concept of the group has in the main been generally accepted, though its scope has been extended to include Epicopterus and some related genera ; but authors differ in their views on the status of the group, some regarding it as a subfamily, others as merely a tribe. I consider it sufficiently distinct, both in the structure and biology of its members, to be regarded as a subfamily. KEY TO EUROPEAN GENERA I Females with antennae with two anelli and five funicular segments (formula 11253) ; fore wing with front edge of costal cell strongly curved inwards at apex, so that the wing appears excised at this point. Males with antennal formula 11263. Both sexes with head not sharp-edged at the junction of vertex and occiput ; antennae inserted at least slightly above level of ventral edge of eyes ; both mandibles with four teeth ; fore wing with marginal vein thickened, only three to six times as long as broad, post- marginal vein much longer than the marginal vein EPICOPTERUS Westwood (p. 69) = Females with antennae without anelli, or if one is present, it is invisible in dried specimens ; with four or five funicular segments ; fore wing with front edge of costal cell straight or less strongly curved. Males with antennae without anelli, with four or five funicular segments. Both sexes with head (Text-figs. 38, 54) with a sharp edge at the junction of vertex and occiput ; antennae inserted below level of ventral edge of eyes ; mandibles with two or three teeth ; fore wing with loc vein not, or relatively less strongly, thickened : ; 2 2 (1) Propodeum, medially, about half as dong t as the scutellum and strongly oe duced beyond the bases of the hind coxae. Sculpture of scutellum tending to form longitudinal striae ; mesoscutum and scutellum with relatively few but long bristles. Fore wing with basal half almost bare ; submarginal vein strongly sinuate before its apex. Head at least partly reddish. Basal tergite of gaster with a tuft of pale hairs on either side at extreme base MORANILA Cameron (p. 70) — Propodeum sometimes concealed beneath the scutellum, but when exposed clearly less than half as long as the scutellum ; medially not or hardly produced beyond the bases of the hind coxae. Sculpture of scutellum composed of ordinary reticulation ; mesoscutum and scutellum densely pilose. Fore wing with basal half at least fairly extensively, usually mainly, pilose ; submarginal vein not or hardly sinuate apically. Head black with a metallic tinge. Basal tergite of gaster without tufts of hairs at its base . é ‘ : : : : : ‘ : 5 3 3 (2) Scutellum very large, fully twice or more than twice as long as mesoscutum, covering the propodeum and overlapping the gaster to a greater or less extent. Mandibles with three teeth, the inner tooth obtuse SCUTELLISTA Motschulsky (p. 75) - Scutellum (Text-fig. 54) less than twice as long as mesoscutum, not covering the propodeum, and not overlapping the gaster. Mandibles with two acute teeth . j : j : ; ‘ ‘ EUNOTUS Walker (p. 71) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 69 EPICOPTERUS Westwood Epicopterus Westwood, 1833b : 418. Type-species : E. choreiformis Westwood, by monotypy. Simopterus Forster, 1851 : 22, pl. 1, fig. 8. Type-species : S. venustus Forster, by monotypy. Epicopterus Westwood ; Ashmead, 1904 : 274, 275. Epicopterus Westwood ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 275, 276, 280. Simopterus Forster ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 9. Simopterus Forster ; Masi, 1928 : 318-323. Epicopterus Westwood ; Kryger, 1943 : 68-72. Epicopterus Westwood ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 239. Epicopterus Westwood ; Graham, 1964 : 45-51. Epicopterus Westwood ; Peck et al., 1964 : 31. Epicopterus was not recognized either by Forster (1851) or Thomson (1876-8). Ashmead placed it in Tridyminae ; he did not recognize Simopterus. Kurdjumov (1913) and Masi (1928) correctly referred Simopterus to Eunotinae, but made no mention of Epicopterus. Kryger (1943) recognized Epicopterus as a Eunotine and synonymized Simopterus with it. Kryger (1943 : 72, fig. 1) described and figured the hind tibia of Epicopterus as having 2 apical spurs, a long and a short one. I can detect only one spur ; Masi (1928 : 319) also stated that Simopterus had one spur. Epicopterus choreiformis Westwood (Text-figs. 37, 72-74) Epicopterus choreiformis Westwood, 18330 : 418, 9. Ormocerus Borges Walker, 1839 : 208, 3. Simopterus venustus Forster, 1851 : 23-24, pl. 1, fig. 8, 9. Epicopterus choreifovmis Westwood ; Kryger, 1943 : 72-74, 9. ? Simopterus Solarii Masi, 1928 : 320-323, 9. Epicopterus choreiformis Westwood ; Graham, 1964 : 48-50, g 9. Type material. Epicopterus choreiformis Westwood. Lectotype 92 designated by Graham (1964 : 50). Ormocerus borges Walker. Lectotype g designated by Graham (1964 : 50), who placed borges in synonymy with choreiformis. Simopterus venustus Forster. Syntypes, Germany, near Aachen, and Veen, 3 9, presumably in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). The species was - synonymized with Epicopterus choreiformis Westwood by Kryger (1943 : 72). Simopterus solarii Masi. Holotype 9, Italy, near Genoa (F. Solari), in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa (not seen). I have compared the lectotype of choreiformis Westwood with Masi’s description of solarii, which it fits almost exactly, except that the antennae and legs of the lectotype are a little darker, but this might be expected in a British specimen. I believe that solavii must be identical with choreiformis, which Masi did not mention and evidently did not know. The above synonymy (except solarit) was discussed fully by Graham (1964 : _ 48-50). BRITAIN, DENMARK, GERMANY, ? ITALY. 70 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Biology. Unknown. Kryger (1943 : 71) considered that choretformis might be parasitic on Coccids occurring on fir-trees, from his observations in Denmark. The hosts suggested seem not unlikely, although the species is probably not always associated with fir-trees ; in England I have taken it in marshy places where no coniferous trees were present in the vicinity. Imagines appear in July and August. MORANILA Cameron Tomoceva Howard, 1881 : 368. Type-species: T. califoynica Howard, by monotypy. [Pre- occupied by Tomoceva Desmarest, 1858]. Moranila Cameron, 1883 : 188. Type-species: M. testaceipes Cameron, by monotypy. Dilophogaster Howard, 1886 : 98 [n. n. for Tomocera Howard nec Desmarest]. Tomoceva Howard ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 368, 369. Eunotomyia Masi, 1917 : 297. Type-species: E. festiva Masi, by monotypy. Tomocera Howard ; Mercet, 1924 : 422-426. Tomoceva Howard ; Masi, 1928a : 56-58. Tomocera Howard ; Smith & Compere, 1928 : 317-321. Tomocera Howard ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 236. Moranila Cameron Burks, in Krombein, 1958 : 75. Moranila Cameron ; Peck, 1963 : 631-632. Moranila Cameron ; Peck et al., 1964 : 31. Mercet (1924 : 422) suggested that Tomocera Howard might be the same as Moranla Cameron. Smith and Compere (1928 : 317) considered them to be identical, but adopted the name Tomocera. Eunotomyia was synonymized with Tomocera by Masi himself (1928a : 56-57). In 1958 Burks (#7 Krombein) adopted the name Moranila Cameron, placing Tomocera, Dilophogaster, and Eunotomyia in synonymy with it. Moranila californica (Howard) Tomocera californica Howard, 1881 : 352, 368-369, ¢ 9. Moranila testaceipes Cameron, 1883 : 188-189. Tomocera californica Howard ; Mercet, 1924 : 424-426, 9. Tomocera californica Howard ; Masi, 1928a : 57. Tomocera californica Howard ; Smith & Compere, 1928 : 317-321. Moranila californica (Howard) Burks, in Krombein, 1958 : 75. Moranila californica (Howard) ; Peck, 1963 : 631-632. Moranila californica (Howard) ; Peck et al., 1964 : 31. For a complete list of references, see Peck (1963). Type material. Tomocera californica Howard. Syntypes, U.S.A., California, Los Angeles, in U.S.N.M. (not seen). Moranila testaceibes Cameron. Described from Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. A female in BM(NH) is taken to be the type ; it is labelled ‘“‘ Cameron 99-30”; “testaceipes Cam.” (possibly in Cameron’s handwriting) ; and “ Moranila”’ (in handwritten print). The species was apparently recognized as being identical with californica (Howard) by Howard himself (1896 : 165). This synonymy was accepted by Smith and Compere (1928), Burks im Krombein (1958) and Peck (1963). PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 71 Masi (1928a : 57) remarked that his Eunotomyia festiva was probably only a variety of Tomocera californica. The holotype female of festiva is in BM(NH) under Type Hym. 5. 655 ; it is labelled “‘ Percy Sladen Trust Exped. B.M. 1913-170’; “ Eunotomyia festiva Masi 2” and pinned to a piece of cork on which is written ““ Mahe, ‘ 08-09 Seychelles Exp.’”’ It appears to be very similar to californica and might even be the same. Cosmopolitan ; in Europe only in the south. It has been introduced into some areas. Smith and Compere (1928 : 317) stated that it probably originated from AUSTRALIA and that it was probably introduced into the U.S.A. and Hawau along with the black scale. Biology. Parasitic on scale-insects, particularly Coccidae such as Sazssetia and Ceroplastes spp. ; rarely hyperparasitic through Encyrtid species. For a list of hosts see Peck (1963 : 632). EUNOTUS Walker Eunotus Walker, 1834 : 297. Type-species : E. cretaceus Walker, by monotypy. Tritypus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 227. Type-species : T. aveolatus Ratzeburg, by monotypy. Megapelte Forster, 1856 : 63 [n. n. for Eunotus Walker, supposedly pre-occupied]. Eunotus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 304, 306. Eunotus Walker ; Masi, 1931 : 423-438. Eunotus Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 236. Eunotus Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 31-32. The European species of Eunotus are badly in need of revision. The writer has not seen the types of the majority of them and so is not in a position to prepare a revision. At present the most useful paper for identification purposes is that of Masi (1931). PROVISIONAL KEY TO SOME EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) The following key is adapted from that of Masi (1931 : 424). Although some of the characters used by him will undoubtedly continue to be useful, additional ones should be sought for more accurate delimitation of some of the species. I Antennae with five funicular segments, the first segment sometimes smaller than the second but always quite distinct (sgen. Eunotus Walker) . : 2 Antennae with four funicular segments (sgen. Ewnotellus Masi). ; : 5 2 (1) Basal tergite of gaster (Text-fig. 54) mainly to entirely alutaceous. Marginal vein of fore wing 1-7 to 1-8 times as long as the stigmal vein ; hind margin of wing nearly straight in its distal part, just before the apex of the wing cretaceus Walker (p. 72) = Basal tergite of gaster entirely, or almost entirely, smooth. Marginal vein of fore wing sometimes relatively shorter ; hind margin of wing more ge? curved in its distal part ‘ : : 3 3 (2) Fore wing with marginal vein only slightly longer then, the stigmal vein. Pro- podeum with the raised crest formed by the anterior part of the median carina, when seen in profile, jutting out somewhat beyond the level of the tip of the scutellum. Antenna with funicle (except proximally) testaceous, clava mainly fuscous to black : : : . nigriclavis Forster (p. 73) 72 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM - Fore wing with marginal vein from nearly twice, to slightly more than twice, as long as the stigmal vein. Propodeum with the raised crest formed by the anterior part of the median carina hardly ae beyond the level of the tip of the scutellum . 4 4 (3) Antenna with flagellum moderately clavate, fuscous or brown with Be eg: the funicle testaceous beneath ; clava as long as 3 to 3:5 of the preceding funicular segments together. Length 1-1 to 1-6 mm. ? areolatus (Ratzeburg) (p. 73) - Antenna with flagellum strongly clavate ; antenna yellowish with the pedi- cellus black and the base of the funicle slightly darkened ; clava about as long as the four preceding funicular segments together. Length 1 mm. merceti Masi (p. 74) 5 (1) Fore wing with marginal vein from nearly twice, to slightly more than twice, as long as the stigmal vein. Antennal clava hardly longer than the three preceding funicular segments together . : . aquisgranensis Masi (p. 74) - Fore wing with marginal vein only about 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennal clava about as long as the whole funicle . . parvulus Masi (p. 74) Two other species, swbcyaneus Erdés and acutus Kurdjumov, are not included in the above key ; for further information on these, their original descriptions should be consulted. EUNOTUS (EUNOTUS) Walker Eunotus (Eunotus) cretaceus Walker Eunotus cretaceus Walker, 1834 : 298, “3” [vecte 9], “2” Eunotus cretaceus Walker ; Haliday, a —1842 : Vv, pl. , fig. 4, “dg” [vecte 9]. Eunotus festucae Masi, 1928b : 128, 3 Q. Eunotus cretaceus Walker ; Masi, 1931 : 426-428, g 9. Type material. Eunotus cretaceus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE ; “ Isle of Wight ” and Waterhouse label ‘‘ Eunotus cretaceus Walker’’. Walker’s Latin diagnosis and description apply well to the lectotype, the sex of which he mistook. His ‘‘ female ’’, which he described solely as “‘ aptera’’, must have been something different. He further says “ I found one specimen of the female in the same situa- tion, but have since lost it ”’ Eunotus festucae Masi. Types (not seen) presumably in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa. From Masi’s description there is no doubt that it is the same as cretaceus. It was placed in synonymy with that species by Masi himself (1931 : 426, 428) after Ferriére had compared a specimen of festucae with the type female of cretaceus and recognized that the two were identical. Widely distributed in EUROPE. Biology. In Oxford, Professor Varley has recently studied cretaceus in relation to one of its hosts, Eviopeltis ? strelkovi Borchsenius. He states (personal communica- tion) that the Ewnotus larva is predatory and eats the eggs of the Eviopeltis. A few of the Eunotus imagines may emerge from one host ovisac. Imagines June-August. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 73 Eunotus (Eunotus)? areolatus (Ratzeburg) ? Tridymus (Tritypus) aveolatus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 227, 9, figs. [mot numbered]. Eunotus cretaceus Forster, 1856 : 66 [nec Walker, 1834]. Eunotus obscurus Masi, 1931 : 482, 3 9. Type material. Tvidymus areolatus Ratzeburg. Types presumed lost. Ratze- burg’s description and figures apply very well to the present species. Eunotus obscurus Masi. Syntypes in Muséum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, coll. Giraud (two labelled “‘ Megapelte obscura var.’”’ and “‘ éx Cocco crataegi crista galli’’) ; and in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, coll. Férster (3 2 labelled “Aachen, Forster’”’ and ‘“‘ Eunotus cretaceus det. Foérster”’; 1 9 labelled ‘ Ex Coccus vitis ’’). FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, SPAIN. : Biology. Reared in Italy by Masi from Parthenolecanium (= Lecanium) persicae (F.) ; Masi also mentions several specimens collected by earlier authors and labelled with the names of other hosts, the identity of which is rather uncertain (recorded under Eunotus obscurus). Eunotus (Eunotus) nigriclavis Forster Eunotus nigriclavis Forster, 1856 : 66 [9]. Eunotus nigriclavis Forster ; Masi, 1931 : 431, 9. Type material. Holotype 9 (lacking head) in Forster coll., Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; labelled “Eun. nigriclavis Forster—Type’’ and ‘“ Aachen, Forster *. GERMANY, ITALY. May also occur in ENGLAND but this is not certain (see Bouéek, 1965d : 83). Biology. Unknown. Eunotus (Eunotus) acutus Kurdjumov Eunotus acutus Kurdjumov, 1912 : 330-331, fig. 1, A-D, J 9. Eunotus acutus Kurdjumov ; Masi, 1931 : 430-431. Type material. Syntypes, 5 9 and 1d reared from Eviococcus greeni Newstead on Agropyron repens at Poltava Experimental Station, Ukraine, Russia ; location of types not known to the writer. This may be a valid species, but the question can only be settled by an examina- tion of the types. According to Kurdjumov’s description, the marginal vein is only slightly longer than the stigmal vein ; in this respect acutus resembles nigriclavis (Forster) more than any other European species of Eunotus (Eunotus). Masi (1931 : 431) examined two males, collected in Austria by Ruschka, which agreed with the description of acutus ; from this he considered that acutus was similar to obscurus Masi, but differing in its shorter marginal vein and the form of the propodeum. 74 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM WESsouixe Biology. See above, under type material. Eunotus (Eunotus) merceti Masi Eunotus merceti Masi, 1931 : 433-435, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Spain, El Pardo, presumably in Instituto Espanol de Entomologia, Madrid. Male unknown. SPAIN. Biology. Unknown. Eunotus (Eunotus) subcyaneus Erdos Eunotus subcyaneus Erdés, 1953 : 222-223, fig. I, Q. Type material. Holotype 2 (not seen), Hungary, Kelebia, 19.iv.1950, from foliage of Pinus mgra Arn. (Erdés) in coll. Erdés, Tompa, Hungary. HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown. EUNOTUS (EUNOTELLUS) Masi Eunotus sgen. Eunotellus Masi, 1931 : 424. Type-species: E. (£.) aquisgranensis Masi, by present designation. Eunotus (Eunotellus) parvulus Masi Eunotus (Eunotellus) parvulus Masi, 1931 : 435-437, 3 9. Type material. Type g and paratypes (I 9, 3 g) in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen) ; the type male was captured in Bohemia. CZECHOSLOVAKIA, AUSTRIA. Biology. Unknown. Eunotus (Eunotellus) aquisgranensis Masi Eunotus (Eunotellus) aquisgranensis Masi, 1931 : 437, 9. Type material. Holotype 9 in coll. Forster, Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; labelled ‘‘ Aachen—Juli—17/171 ”’. Britain ; new, Dorset, South Haven Peninsula, I 9, 30.vi.1935 (C. D. Day) ; GERMANY. Biology. Unknown. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 75 SCUTELLISTA Motschulsky Scutellista Motschulsky, 1859 : 172, 177. Type-species : S. cyanea Motschulsky, by monotypy. Aspidocoris Costa, 1863 : 25. Type-species : A. cyaneus Costa, by monotypy. Enargopelte Forster, 1878 : 62-63. Type-species : E. obscura Forster, by monotypy. Scutellista Motschulsky ; Ashmead, 1904 : 325, 326. Euargopelte [sic] Forster ; Ashmead, 1904 : 326. Scutellista Motschulsky ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 304, 305. Euargopelte Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 304, 305-306. Scutellista Motschulsky ; Kurdjumov, 1912 : 331-332. Enargopelte Forster ; Masi, 1931 : 443-452. Scutellista Motschulsky ; Masi, 1931 : 456-459. Enargopelte Forster ; Kryger, 1943 : 78-81. Scutellista Motschulsky ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 234. Scutellista Motschulsky ; Peck, 1963 : 633-636. Scutellista Motschulsky ; Peck et al., 1964 : 32. I do not think that the differences between the species of Scutellista and Enargo- pelte are great enough for these two entities to be regarded as distinct genera, although they are treated as such by Peck et al. (1964 : 32). The two have more recently been united by Boucek (1966 : 35). The European species need revision ; but not having seen their types I am unable to do so. PROVISIONAL KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) This key is partly adapted from Masi’s key to Enargopelte (1931 : 445). I Fore wing with a subtriangular bare area about in the middle of its hind margin ; postmarginal vein distinctly shorter than the stigmal vein. Scutellum about 2-5 times as long as the mesoscutum, overlapping about half of the gaster. Length 1-5 to 4 mm. Antennal flagellum yellow (Scutellista Mots., s.str.) : ; cyanea Motschulsky (p. 76) - Fore wing wholly pilose except for a narrow line below the cubital vein ; postmarginal vein usually almost as long as the stigmal vein. Scutellum at most twice as long as the mesoscutum, usually overlapping less than half the gaster. Length 1to1:8mm. Antennal flagellum yellowish, brown, or black (Enargopelte Forster) . : 2 2 (1) Antenna with first funicular segment as long as the second and ane I° 5 es as long as broad ; clava nearly as long as the whole funicle. Fore wing with marginal vein about three times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennal flagellum yellowish with the clava slightly darker above hispanica (Masi) (p. 77) - Antenna with first funicular segment slightly shorter than the second, quad- rate to slightly transverse ; clava not or only slightly longer than the three preceding funicular segments together. Fore wing with marginal vein about twice as long as the stigmal vein. Antennal flagellum usually brown to black, sometimes paler proximally . : 3 3. (2) Vertex and upper part of frons with numerous distinct piliferous punctures amongst the reticulation. Length about 1 mm. obscura (Forster) (p. 76) ~ Vertex and frons with indistinct, weakly-impressed piliferous punctures amongst the reticulation. Length 1:5 to 1-8 mm. or (f. minor) about I mm. : : : F é : : : nigra (Mercet) (p. 77) 76 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Scutellista cyanea Motschulsky Encyrtus caevuleus Fonscolombe, 1832 : 304, [9], Syn.n. Scutellista cyanea Motschulsky, 1859 : 172-173. Aspidocoris cyaneus A. Costa, 1863 : 24-26. Scutellista cyanea Motschulsky ; Cockerell, 1898 : 65. Scutellista cyanea Motschulsky ; Howard, 1898 : 19. Scutellista cyanea Motschulsky ; Masi, 1907 : 266-269. Scutellista cyanea Motschulsky ; Smith & Compere, 1928 : 322-333. Scutellista cyanea Motschulsky ; Masi, 1931 : 457-459. Scutellista cyanea Motschulsky ; Peck, 1963 : 633-636. There are so many references to cyanea in the literature that only a few are cited here ; a full list is given by Peck (1963). Type material. Encyrtus caeruleus Fonscolombe. Location of type unknown (possibly in Muséum Nationale d’ Histoire Naturelle, Paris). In Westwood’s foreign collection in Oxford there is a female labelled “‘ Aspidocoris caeruleus Fonscolombe ”’. Fonscolombe’s description of caeruleus, especially his reference to the long scutellum, applies very well to Scutellista cyanea Motschulsky, and I have no hesitation in synonymizing the two. The name cyanea is so well known that Fonscolombe’s name should be rejected even though it has priority. I propose to submit an application for the retention of the name Scuwtellista cyanea to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. Scutellista cyanea Motschulsky. Type (not seen) in Zoological Museum, Leningrad. Aspidocoris cyaneus Costa. Location of type not known. In Westwood’s collection in Oxford there is a specimen donated by Haliday and labelled “ Costa Acad. aspir. Nat. Napoli...reared from Aspidiotus myrti by A. H. Haliday & from Coccus of orange by Costa, 1863. A.H. Haliday’’; it isa female of Scutellista cyanea. Although it is not a syntype, it is a useful indication because Haliday saw Costa’s original specimens, as the latter mentions in his paper. The species was synonymized with Scutellista cyanea by Masi (1907 : 266). FRANCE, SPAIN, ITALY, GREECE ; PALESTINE, INDIA, CEYLON, CHINA, JAPAN, Hawail ; NortTH and SouTtH AFRICA, ERITRAEA, KENYA, UGANDA; U.S.A., PERU ; AUSTRALIA. It was introduced into the U.S.A. from Italy, for the purpose of biological control, in 1895. Biology. Parasite of various species and genera of Coccoidea (chiefly Pseudo- coccidae and Coccidae) ; a host-list and full references are given by Peck (1963). An important paper is that of Smith & Compere (1928) which includes an account of S. cyanea as a parasite of the black scale, Satssetia oleae (Bern.), of citrus fruit. Scutellista obscura (Forster) Enargopelte obscura Forster, 1878 : 62-63, 3 9. Enargopelte obscura Forster ; Masi, 1931 : 446-448, 3 9. Enargopelte obscurus Forster ; Kryger, 1943 : 80-81, g 9. Type material. Syntypes (France) presumably in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 77 FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; ? U.S.S.R. Biology. Masi (1931 : 448) identified as obscura specimens reared from an unidentified Coccid on Pistacia, but suggested that obscura is probably polyphagous. Kryger (1943 : 81) records having taken a male and a female in Denmark, on Salix repens L. infested by scale-insects. Scutellista aenea Kurdjumov Scutellista aenea Kurdjumov, 1912 : 331-332, 3 Q. Scutellista aenea Kurdjumov ; Masi, 1931 : 446, 448. Type material. Syntypes, one 9, one g, reared from Eviococcus greent Newstead on Agropyron repens L., at Poltava Experimental Station, Ukraine, U.S.S.R., possibly in Zoological Museum, Leningrad. Masi (1931 : 446) cited aenea as a doubtful synonym of obscura Forster. The description of aenea does not allow one to form a definite conclusion ; it is necessary to examine Kurdjumov’s types in order to decide whether aenea falls within the range of variation of obscura. Riso. Biology. See above. Scutellista nigra Mercet Scutellista cyanea var. nigra, Mercet, 1910 : 185-190. Enargopelte nigra Masi, 1931 : 448, 3 . Enargopelte nigra forma minor ?, Masi, 1931 : 450-451, 3 . Type material. Holotype 9 and allotype ¢ in Instituto Espafiol de Entomologia, Madrid. SPAIN, ALGERIA. Biology. Masi (1931 : 450) recorded the form minor as having been reared in Spain from Lecanodiaspis sardoa Targ. on Cistus ladaniferus L. Scutellista hispanica (Masi) Enargopelte hispanica Masi, 1931 : 451, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Spain, Arenas de San Pedro (Mercet), in Instituto Espafiol de Entomologia, Madrid. SPAIN. Biology. Unknown. ASAPHINAE The type-genus of this group, Asaphes Walker, was placed by Forster (1856 : 53, under the name Jsocratus) in his family Miscogastroidae. Thomson (1876a : 207) 78 M. W. R. bE V. GRAHAM transferred it to his tribe Spalangiina. Ashmead (1904 : 328) placed it, as a tribe in his subfamily Sphegigasterinae, in the family Pteromalidae. This was followed by Peck (im Muesebeck et al., 1951 : 536) who included also Hyperimerus Girault in the same tribe. Boucéek (1955 : 313) regarded Asaphes and Parasaphodes as forming a tribe Asaphini of Pteromalidae ; and im Peck et al. (1964 : 36) he maintained this view but included in Asaphini a third genus, Mespilon Graham [= Hyperimerus Girault]. The group appears to me distinct enough to be regarded, at least pro- visionally, as a subfamily. KEY TO EUROPEAN GENERA In all three genera the spur of the mid tibia is unusually weak, its length not greater than the maximum breadth of the tibia. Baivamlia in some respects is very unlike the other two genera, but seems best placed in Asaphinae. I Fore wing with marginal vein about 2:5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein not or only slightly longer than the stigmal vein. Occiput not margined. Mesopleuron mainly reticulate, only the subtriangular area below the base of the hind wing being smooth. Dorsal surface of hind coxae bare in the basal half. Both mandibles with four teeth. Anterior margin of clypeus slightly curved forwards. Temples and genae terete. Second tergite of gaster very short. Antennal formula 11353 in female, 11263 in male . : - . BAIRAMLIA Waterston (p. 84) - Fore wing with mereinell vein at most 1-3 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein longer than the marginal vein. Occiput margined. Mesopleuron mainly smooth or with subobsolete sculpture. Dorsal surface of hind coxae hairy in the basal half. Left mandible with two teeth, right mandible with three. Anterior margin of clypeus truncate. Genae and temples sometimes sharp-edged. Second tergite of so at least half as long as first. Antennal formula 11263 or 11173. 2 2 (1) Genae bordered by a strong carina which extends some distance 45 the temples. renal line (furrow) of scutellum strongly impressed. Gaster with petiole quadrate or slightly longer than broad ; basal tergite with only a very few hairs, at base, on either side of the petiolar insertion ASAPHES Walker (p. 78) - Genae compressed but not bordered by a sharp carina. Frenal furrow of scutellum weakly impressed. Gaster with petiole broader than long ; basal tergite in female extensively pilose in its anterior half. Structure of body and appendages, Text-figs. 75-78 . . HYPERIMERUS Girault (p. 83) ASAPHES Walker Asaphes Walker, 1834 : 151. Type-species : A. vulgaris Walker, by monotypy. Isocratus Forster, 1856 : 53, 58-59 [n. n. for Asaphes Walker, supposedly pre-occupied]. Isocratus Forster ; Thomson, 1876a : 207-208. Asaphes Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 328. Asaphes Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 368, 369, 370-371. Asaphes Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 245-246. Asaphes Walker ; Peck, 1963 : 601-604. Asaphes Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 36. Hitherto only one species of the genus (vulgaris Walker) has been generally PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 79 = — Fics. 72-80. 72, Epicopterus choreiformis Westwood, ¢, body, excluding appendages ; 73, same, head; 74, same, antenna; 75, Hyperimerus pusillus (Walker), 2, body excluding appendages ; 76, same, antenna; 77, same, sculpture of mesoscutum ; 78, same, fore wing, part ; 79, Asaphes suspensus (Nees), 2, head ; 80, Asaphes vulgaris Walker, 9, head. 80 M. W. R. bE V. GRAHAM recognized in Europe ; in the present paper a second species (suwspensus (Nees)) is regarded as valid. Other species have been described from North America ; some of these might prove to be synonymous with suspensus. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 80) with temples rather straight, only moderately convergent, forming an angle with the occipital edge of the head ; speculum of fore wing well-defined ; femora mainly fuscous to black, tibiae at least slightly brownish, usually mainly fuscous to almost wholly black . vulgaris Walker (p. 80) — Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 79) with temples curved and rather strongly conver- gent, not angulate posteriorly ; speculum of fore wing indistinct or absent ; legs, not counting the coxae, testaceous with the femora sometimes more or less infuscate proximally, rarely the tibiae with a dark ring . : 3 suspensus (Nees) (p. 82) (MALES) 1 Antennal scape more slender, 5-5 to 6 times as long as broad ; second anellus, at most 1:5 times as broad as long ; funicular segments one to two (sometimes also three) only slightly transverse ; pedicellus and flagellum brown to fuscous, or at most testaceous beneath : : : é ‘ : vulgaris Walker (p. 80) — Antennal scape stouter, only about 4:5 times as long as broad ; second anellus nearly twice as broad as long, all funicular segments distinctly transverse ; at least the antennal clava testaceous, but more often the whole flagellum more or less so, sometimes also the pedicellus . : : : i : suspensus (Nees) (p. 82) Asaphes vulgaris Walker (Text-fig. 80) Asaphes vulgaris Walker, 1834 : 152, 3 Q. Eurytoma aenea Nees, 1834 : 42, 9. Pteromalus petiolatus Zetterstedt, 1838 : 432, 2, Chrysolampus aeneus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 185, 9. Isocratus vulgaris (Walker) Thomson, 1876a : 208, ex parte. Asaphes vulgaris Walker ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 24, ex parte. Asaphes vulgaris Walker ; Dunn, 1949 : 104-105. Asaphes vulgaris Walker ; Bakkendorf, 1955 : 138, 144. Asaphes vulgaris Walker ; Peck, 1963 : 603-604. A number of other references are given by Peck (1963), but the species to which some of these refer may not be the true vulgaris. Type material. Asaphes vulgaris Walker. One specimen that stands under this name in the British collection of BM(NH) is not original material. In the foreign section of this collection there are I1 specimens standing under the name Asaphes vulgaris Walker, and these are clearly syntypes which have been misplaced. They have been remounted on card-points, and all are labelled ‘‘ Asaphis [sic] aenea Nees. Stood under this name in the old B.M. collection. C. Waterhouse”. Walker himself (1846 : 23) placed vulgaris in synonymy with [Eurytoma] aenea Nees and, incidently mispelt the generic name as ‘“‘ Asaphis’”’. He also noted (op. cit.: 24) that specimens PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 81 were in the British Museum collection at that time. The above syntypes comprise ro 9 and 14; the female standing ninth in the series is now designated LECTO- TYPE of Asaphes vulgaris Walker and has been so labelled. The description of Asaphes vulgaris Walker was published in April 1834, that of Eurytoma aenea Nees probably not before October 1834 at the earliest, according to the records of library accessions. Walker’s name therefore has priority, and has, moreover, been generally accepted. The holotype female of Ewrytoma aenea Nees is lost, but there is no doubt that it was the same as Asaphes vulgaris Walker. Chrysolampus suspensus Nees, 1834, was placed in synonymy with Asaphes vulgaris Walker by Reinhard (1857 : 76). In the present work suspensus is regarded as a valid species. Pteromalus petiolatus Zetterstedt. One female, presumed to be the holotype, is in Zetterstedt’s collection ; it is placed on the same pin as the type of his Pteromalus violaceus, and their common label reads “‘ P. violaceus 9. P. petiolatus 9. Wittang ”’. The type of petiolatus is the same as vulgaris Walker. Chrysolampus aeneus Ratzeburg. This was evidently considered as a new species, since Ratzeburg does not mention the Neesian species Eurytoma aenea. Ratzeburg later (1852 : 229) mentioned that he no longer possessed the holotype @ of his aeneus. From his description it must certainly have been the same as vulgaris (Walker), with which Reinhard (1857 : 76) synonymized it. Boucéek (19645 : 672) reported that he had found a specimen labelled as Chryso- lampus aeneus in the remnants of Ratzeburg’s collection recently discovered in Eberswalde. He stated that this specimen, a female, agreed with Ratzeburg’s description and was labelled “ C. pomor. [Curculio Pomorum]’’, “‘ aeneus Rtz.’’ and “Chryso-lampus Spin.”’. Bouéek was unwilling to designate this specimen as lectotype because Ratzeburg, as mentioned above, had stated in 1852 that he no longer possessed the holotype. It is remarkable, however, that the above specimen has the correct data ; Ratzeburg (1848 : 185) stated ‘“‘ Ich erzog ein Stiick aus Curculio Pomorum’’. I consider that it could be regarded as the holotype ; it might not have been lost, but only mislaid, when Ratzeburg wrote in 1852. In addition to those given in my key, vulgaris has the following characters : 9. Head, thorax and gastral petiole varying through bronze, or bronze with a greenish or bluish tinge, to nearly black ; the scutellum is often more conspicuously tinged with bronze than the rest of the thorax ; gaster black or virtually so. Length 1:2 to 2-3 mm. Head and thorax with more numerous bristles than in suspensus. Ocelli disposed in a triangle of about 110°. Antennal scrobes (Text-fig. 80) deeply excavated. Pronotal collar with shoulders rather prominent. Antennal pedicellus nearly twice as long as broad. 6. Head, thorax, gastral petiole, and coxae, varying from dark to bright green, blue-green, or blue ; remainder of legs testaceous with the hind femora infuscate at least proximally ; sometimes the fore and mid femora are slightly infuscate, occasionally the hind tibiae are slightly darkened. Length 1-1 to 1:5 mm. Bristles of head and thorax, antennal scrobes, and pronotal collar, much as in the female. Ocelli disposed in a triangle of 110° to 115°. A widely distributed and very common species. EUROPE (probably the whole continent), ICELAND, GREENLAND ; ? CANADA, ? U.S.A., ? ARGENTINA (the New World records need checking). | | 82 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Biology. This was discussed by Dunn (1949 : 104—105) who stated that vulgaris is an extremely common and polyphagous species. It is said to be hyperparasitic on many species of aphids through various Aphidiinae (Braconidae). Peck (1963 : 603-604) gives a list of recorded hosts, some of which he regards as doubtfully correct ; he states (ibid. : 603) “‘ Nearctic records of this species, except those from Greenland, probably should be placed elsewhere ’’. There are several host-records, from Europe, North Africa, and Israel, listed in Entomophaga (1956, 1 : 320, 331 ; 1961, 6 > 215; 320 ; 1963, 8/342, 370 ; 1966, 11 : 119, 133, 138, 150).) Wlamyeae the foregoing records are doubtless correct but need checking in view of the fact that vulgaris s. lat. in Europe is now shown to comprise two species. Probably vulgaris has at least two generations per annum ; in Britain I have captured imagines in every month of the year. Asaphes suspensus (Nees) (Text-fig. 79) Chrysolampus suspensus Nees, 1834 : 127, 9. Chrysolampus altiventris Nees, 1834 : 127, ex parte. Pteromalus petioliventris Zetterstedt, 1838 : 429 [vecte 427], g, syn. n. ? Colax aphidii Curtis, 1842 : 60. Chrysolampus aphidiphagus Ratzeburg, 1844a : 181, syn. n. Chrysolampus aphidiphagus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 184. Asaphes aphidiphagus (Ratzeburg) Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 24. Type material. Chrysolampus suspensus Nees. One female in coll. Westwood, ex coll. Nees ; it bears a small pink square with the number “ 8 ’’, and is labelled “D, Div. 1 B, i. « (Podagrion Spin.) 48 suspensus mihi. 2 [? Sept.] 12”’ (in the handwriting of Nees) and “ Chrysolampus suspensus Es. 2. 127. E. Mus. Esenb.”’, in Westwood’s handwriting. I designate this specimen LECTOTYPE of suspensus. Chrysolampus altiventris Nees. One female in coll. Westwood, ex coll. Nees ; it bears a small pink square with the number “ 8 ’’, also a label in the handwriting of Nees “B. 8. interm. inter altiventris et suspensus. 28 [? Sept.] 12”. The label implies that the specimen represents a varietal form, moreover the date of capture does not correspond with that given by Nees (1834: 127). The specimen agrees very well, however, with his description of the female and may be taken as an indica- tion of the identity of altiventris. Pteromalus petioliventris Zetterstedt. One pinned specimen, which is clearly the type, stands in Zetterstedt’s collection ; it is labelled (in his handwriting) “ P. petioliven = tris. 9. Moly Ro”’. Although described as female, it is actually a male. Colax aphidu Curtis. I do not know whether the types still exist. The descrip- tion suggests that aphidii was the same as suspensus (Nees). Chrysolampus aphidiphagus Ratzeburg. Holotype (lacking head) presumed lost. The species was synonymized with Asaphes vulgaris Walker by Kurdjumov (1913). It is certainly correctly placed in Asaphes, but from the original description I con- sider it to have been the same as suspensus (Nees) ; Ratzeburg stated that it had wholly yellow legs, excluding the coxae. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 83 Note. Asaphes lucens (Provancher) (= Euplectrus lucens Provancher, 1887 : 206-207) ; A. fletcheri (Crawford) (= Megorismus Fletcher Crawford, 1909 : 98, 3 9); and A. americana Girault (1914 : 114-115, 5 Y) might all prove to be syn- onyms of A. suspensus (Nees), to judge by their respective descriptions. The latter, however, are short, and I would not propose a definite synonymy without having seen the type material of the North American species. Besides the characters given in my key, suspensus also differs from vulgaris as follows : 9. Head and thorax more brightly metallic, dark to bright green or blue, the propodeum and petiole less bright. Head and thorax with rather less numerous bristles. Ocelli forming a slightly less obtuse triangle (about 100°). Antennal scrobes rather less deeply excavated (Text-fig. 79). Pronotal collar with the shoulders rather more rounded. Antennal pedicellus relatively a little shorter. : g. Head and thorax tending to be a brighter green or blue ; legs, not counting the coxae, yellow to testaceous, rarely with the hind femora slightly brownish-tinged. Bristles of head and thorax, disposition of ocelli, antennal scrobes, and pronotal collar, as in female (see above). I have examined material which can be referred to suspensus from BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY and CENTRAL Europe. In Britain the species appears to be much less common than vulgaris. Biology. Apparently similar to that of vulgaris. I have seen a number of specimens reared from parasitized aphids on several species of plants but I consider that the data is not sufficiently precise for inclusion here. Imagines July—August. HYPERIMERUS Girault Hyperimerus Girault, 1917a :5. Type-species : H. corvus Girault, by original designation. Mespilon Graham, 1957 : 406. Type-species : M. exiguum Graham, by original designation. Mespilon Graham ; Peck et al., 1964 : 36. When describing Mespilon I compared the type-species with the description of Hyperimerus, which I thought must be different. Boucéek (19650 : 549) states that he received specimens of Hyperimerus corvus Girault from Burks, compared these with Mespilon exigwum, and concluded that the two were congeneric. Hyperimerus pusillus (Walker) comb. n. (Text-figs. 75-78) Cyrtogaster pusilla Walker, 1833 : 383, 9. Mespilon exiguum Graham, 1957 : 406-408, 9, syn. n. Mespilon exiguum Graham ; Bouéek, 1961 : 67, 3 9. Type material. Cyrtogaster pusilla Walker. One female (LECTOTYPE), bearing a Waterhouse label. Delucchi (1955a : 175) wrongly stated it to be an Asaphes. Mespilon exiguum Graham. Holotype 2, England, Berkshire, Farmoor, 11.vi. _ 1955, from nest of Passer domesticus (L.) (J. K. Bates) in Hope Dept., University _ Museum, Oxford. 84 M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, JUGOSLAVIA. Biology. Unknown. Imagines mainly Aug.—Oct. (some records for June and July). Hyperimerus corvus Girault (N. America) differs from pusillus (Walker) chiefly in having an exserted ovipositor, also in having a more finely scupltured propodeum and denser whitish pubescence on some parts of the body (see Bouéek, 19560 : 549) ; it is a hyperparasite of Pseudococcus citri Risso. BAIRAMLIA Waterston ?Parasaphes Ashmead, 1904 : 328 [mec Candéze, 1882]. Type-species : P. iceryae Ashmead, by monotypy and original designation. ? Pavasaphes Ashmead ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 368, 369, 371. ? Parasaphodes Schulz, 1906 : 146 [n. n. for Pavasaphes Ashmead nec Candeéze]. ? Amiscogaster Girault, 1917e : 144,145. Type-species : A. ruskini Girault, by monotypy. Bairamlia Waterston, 1929 : 103. Type-species : B. fuscipes Waterston, by monotypy. Bairamlia Waterston ; Ferriére, 1934 : 85, 87, 89-90. Parasaphodes Schulz ; Bouéek, 1955 : 310-311. Baivamlia Waterston ; Peck et al., 1964 : 36. The valid name for this genus may be Parasaphodes Schulz. Bouéek (1955 : 311) redescribed Parasaphodes, but from European material since he had not seen the original specimens of P. iceryae Ashmead (the type-species). Until the types of iceryae have been re-examined and definitely shown to be congeneric with the type- species of Baivamlia, it seems advisable to adopt the latter name, following Peck et al. (1964). Parasaphes was placed by Ashmead, together with Asaphes, Tomocera, and some other genera, in a tribe Asaphini of Sphegigasterinae. Baivamlia was originally described in Miscogasteridae (Tridyminae), but was transferred by Ferriére (1934) to Pteromalidae subfamily Pireninae. Boucéek, who discussed its systematic posi- tion (under the name Parasaphodes), considered it to belong to Asaphini and remarked that this tribe was near to Spalangiinae and Diparinae. He retained the genus in Asaphini later (1964, 7m Peck et al. : 36). I agree with Boucek that Bairamlia has no connexion with Pireninae but should be placed near Asaphes. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Head in dorsal view 1-9 to 2 times as broad as long ; POL 1°35 to 1-5 OOL nidicola Ferriére (p. 85) — Head in dorsal view about 1-75 times as broad as long ; POL about 1:25 OOL fuscipes (Waterston) (p. 85) I cannot see any other good differences between the above. Smaller females of nidicola tend to have the funicular segments, especially segments 1-3, rather strongly transverse, larger females have these segments only slightly transverse. In the type specimens of fuscipes they are rather strongly transverse. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 85 Bairamlia fuscipes Waterston Baivamlia fuscipes Waterston, 1929 : 104-106, 3 Q. Baivamlia fuscipes Waterston ; Ferriére, 1934 : 87, 90. Type material. Holotype 9, allotype 3, and paratypes, in BM(NH), the holotype indexed as Type Hym. 5. 669 ; paratypes, g and 9, in U.S.N.M. Described from a series bred from cocoons of Ceratophyllus wickhami Baker taken from a squirrel’s nest at Gerrard’s Cross, Buckinghamshire, England (E. K. Sikes). The holotype 2 has the head (in dorsal view) only about 1-75 times as broad as long, with the temples only moderately convergent ; POL 1-25 times OOL. BRITAIN. Biology. Parasite of the flea Ceratophyllus wickhami Baker (= Orchopeas howard: (Baker)) in dreys of the American Grey Squirrel (Sciwrus carolinensis Gmel.) (Waterston, 1929 : 106) ; this Nearctic flea was introduced into Britain with its host. Bairamlia nidicola Ferriére Baivamlia nidicola Ferriére, 1934 : 89-90, 3 8. Parasaphodes atrovirens Bouéek, 1955 : 311-313, figs. 2a-c, fo Q. Type material. Baivamlia nidicola Ferriére. Syntypes in BM(NH). LECTO- TYPE 9, Type Hym. 5.670, Wales, Pembrokeshire, Tenby, 29.viii.1932, reared (I. Warwick), from nest of Sand-Martin. The lectotype of midicola differs from that of fwscipes Waterston in having the head (in dorsal view) more transverse, twice as broad as long, with the temples converging more strongly, POL about 1-5 times OOL. Other British material that I have examined agrees in these respects with the type of nidicola. If these differences are valid then nidicola is specifically distinct from fuscipes. Ferriére (1934 : 90) notes some differences between nidicola and fuscipes in the relative proportions of the antennal segments, the sculpture of the mesoscutum, and the relative length of the basal tergite of the gaster ; these characters appear to be variable and I cannot appreciate any valid differences in these respects between nidicola and fuscipes. Parasaphodes atrovirens Bouéek. Holotype 2, Central Bohemia, Riéany, reared April-May 1955 from a nest of Sturnus vulgaris L. (M. Bouchner) in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3019). The species was synonymized with Bairamlia nidicola Ferriére by Bouéek (1958a: 401). Note. A specimen in the BM(NH) supposed to be the type of Entedon glabrio Walker is a female of Baivamlia nidicola Ferriére. The description of Entedon glabrio (1846a : 184, g) disagrees with the above specimen in several respects, e.g., the structure of the antennae, colour of the legs, although it agrees in some | ways. Either the description is faulty, or some mistake was made in labelling the specimen. I am reluctant to accept the latter as the type of glabrio. 86 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; probably widely distributed in Europe. Biology. The species has been reared from the nests of Sturnus vulgaris L., Ripanria riparia (L.) and Aegithalos caudatus rosaceus Matth. (Aves) (see Ferrieére, 1934 : 90). Some females of nidicola captured in a nest of Riparia riparia (L.) near Oxford, on 2.X.1955 (J. K. Bates), had their wings bitten off at about the level of the junction of the parastigma with the marginal vein. It looks as though the female does this in in order to facilitate her movements in the nest. So far as I know, this interesting phenomenon has not been observed in any other Chalcidoid, though it is well known that female ants do it when going underground. Granger (1944 : 91) found it in some numbers in hens’ nests infested by the flea Cevatophyllus gallinae Schr. at Chartrettes, France, on 18.viii.1937 and it was also found in hens’ nests near Oxford (J. K. Bates). Imagines Aug.—October. CHRYSOLAMPINAE This group has most often been placed in Perilampidae but Peck (im Muesebeck, Krombein & Townes, 1951 : 539) transferred two of its component genera, Chrysolampus and Elatus, to Pteromalidae (subfamily Sphegigasterinae, tribe Lamprotatini). In my opinion this action was correct. Chrysolampus (including Elatus), Chrysomalla, and Brachyelatus appear to me to have no real connexion with Perilampidae, although superficially they resemble them in many respects. These genera, however, do not have the characteristic thoracic structure of Peri- lampidae, the pronotum in particular, being free and not immovably co-adapted to the mesopleuron. A study of the biology of these genera is very desirable, par- ticularly of the eggs and larvae. The known larvae of true Perilampidae are peculiar in being planidial in their earliest stage, whereas this type of larvae is unknown in Pteromalidae. Meanwhile I regard the Chrysolampinae as being fairly close to Miscogasterinae (= Lamprotatinae) though sufficiently distinct to warrant their separation as a subfamily. KEY TO EUROPEAN GENERA In all the genera, both mandibles have two teeth. I Gastral petiole (Text-fig. 53) longer than broad, its dorsal surface nearly flat, reticulate, with three or five longitudinal carinae (one median, two lateral, sometimes two submedian) ; basal tergite of gaster dorsally subconnate with the second tergite, nearly as in Perilampus. Thorax sometimes with coarse punctures. : s CHRYSOLAMPUS Spinola (p. 87) = Gastral petiole at least Slightly franeyere. weakly sculptured, without longi- tudinal carinae ; hind margin of basal tergite of gaster overlapping the second tergite. Thorax without coarse punctures . : 2 2 (1) Fore wing with marginal vein with several rather long outstanding bristles along its front edge ; postmarginal vein approximately as long as the stigmal vein ; wing witha yellowish discalcloud. Pronotal collar sharply margined. Axillae approximated, the scutellum therefore narrowing strongly towards its base. Gaster with second tergite distinctly longer than the third ; PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 87 hind margin of basal tergite entire. Funicular segments of antenna less transverse than in Brachyelatus . : . CHRYSOMALLA Forster (p. 91) - Fore wing with marginal vein with only short fine hairs along its front edge ; postmarginal vein distinctly longer than the stigmal vein ; wing hyaline. Pronotal collar not margined. Axillae not approximated, the base of the scutellum therefore broad. Gaster with second tergite not longer than the third ; hind margin of basal tergite slightly incised medially. Funicular segments of antenna strongly transverse, those of the female about twice as broad as long ; the middle segments in the male about three times as broad as long j : ‘ : . BRACHYELATUS Hoffer & Nowicky (p. 92) CHRYSOLAMPUS Spinola Chrysolampus Spinola, 1811 : 147, no. 6. Type-species : Diplolepis splendidula Spinola, by monotypy. Elatus Walker, 1848 : 104, 153. Type-species : E. thenae Walker, by monotypy. Lamprostylus Forster, 1856 : 42. Type-species: L. punctatus Forster [included by Forster, 1859 : 113]. Lamprostylus Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 81, 84-85. Elatus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 81, 85. Chrysolampus Spinola ; Ruschka, 1924@ : 93-95. Elatus Walker ; Ruschka, 1924a : 95-96. Chrysolampus Spinola ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 198-199. Elatus Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 199-200. Chrysolampus Spinola ; Bouéek, 1956 : 97-98. Chrysolampus Spinola ; Kerrich, 1958 : 82-84. Chrysolampus Spinola ; Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958 : 18, 20, 21. Chrysolampus Spinola ; Peck ef al., 1964 : 26. _ Lamprostylus Forster was placed in synonymy with Chrysolampus Spinola by Crawford (1914: 74). Elatus Walker was united with Chrysolampus by Bouéek (1956). KerEy TO EUROPEAN SPECIES I Anterior margin of pronotal collar with two teeth. Gastral petiole, dorsally, with five longitudinal carinae (median, two submedian, two lateral). Thorax shiny and nearly smooth. Body violet-black dentatus (Bouéek) (p. 88) - Anterior margin of pronotal collar (Text-fig. 53) without teeth. Gastral petiole with three longitudinal carinae (median, two lateral). Thorax cae sculptured, green to blue, or partly copper to bronze : 2 2 (1) Whole surface of pronotal collar, mesoscutum, and scutellum with a coarse honeycomb sculpture formed of large coalescent piliferous punctures, rela- tively dull. Thorax blue to blue-green, with the pronotal collar green to golden or copper ; lateral angles of pronotal collar nearly rectangular. Last segment of antennal funicle in female about twice as broad as long. Large species, 3 to 4:5 mm. : : splendidulus (Spinola) (p. 88) = Thorax with at least the aise 68 the Scuteilenn devoid of coarse punctures ; at least some parts of the pronotal collar and mesoscutum with their piliferous punctures either small or, if large, then not coalescent ; often the whole thorax has relatively finer sculpture, which is sometimes partly composed of strigosity é ; ‘ c : : : : : : : 3 88 3 «(2) Zig) 5 (3) M. W. R. vpE V. GRAHAM Thorax having coarse piliferous punctures, or rugose-punctate, on the following areas : a broad stripe behind the carina of the pronotal collar, the middle of the mesoscutum and along the notauli, the scutellum except its disc. Length 3 to 4 mm. : 4 Thorax without coarse punctures, or with at most some seal ae pase distributed punctures on the areas mentioned above. Length 1-6 to 3 mm. 5 Coarse punctures of thorax very dense ; the interspaces on the middle part of the mesoscutum very narrow and transversely rugulose ; scutellum anter- iorly and laterally very densely coarsely punctate ; side-lobes of meso- scutum (along thneo tauli) with more than one row of coarse punctures punctatus Forster (p. 89) Coarse punctures of thorax rather sparse ; interspaces on the most densely punctate parts about as wide as the punctures themselves ; side-lobes of mesoscutum (along the notauli) with only one row of coarse punctures prominens (Ruschka) (p. 89) Propodeum, on either side of the median carina, irregularly sculptured, nearly always with one to four transverse carinulae crossing the median carina ; the area between the basal pits and the spiracles very shiny, smooth or nearly so. Gastral petiole of female 2-1 to 2-4 times as long as its apical breadth. Fore wing usually more or less infumate discally. Length 3 to 3 mm. : : rufitarsis (Forster) (p. 90) Propodeum, on either ae of the achat carina, Gaatioenslay or nearly uniformly reticulate (rarely with just a trace of one or two transverse carinulae), the reticulation becoming gradually finer towards the spiracles but not disap- pearing completely. Gastral petiole of female 1-75 to 1-9 times as long as its apical breadth. Fore wing hyaline or (sometimes) whitish hyaline. Length 1-6 to 2-5 mm. é é : : : thenae (Walker) (p. 89) Chrysolampus dentatus (Bouéek) Elatus dentatus Bouéek, 1955 : 327-329, 3. Chrysolampus dentatus Bouéek, 1956 : 97. Type material. Holotype g, Czechoslovakia, Bohemia, Velky VieSt’ov, in a mixed wood, 9.vii.1954 (Boucek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3067). The female is unknown. CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. Chrysolampus splendidulus (Spinola) Diplolepis splendidula Spinola, 1808 : 223-224. Chrysolampus splendidulus (Spinola) Spinola, 1811 : 147. Lamprostylus auricollis Forster, 1859 : 114-115, 9. Chrysolampus cyaneus (Fabricius) Dalla Torre, 1898 : 163 [nec Ichneumon cyaneus Fabricius, 1798]. Chrysolampus splendidulus (Spinola); Ruschka, 1924a : 93-94. Chrysolampus splendidulus (Spinola); Bouéek, 1956 : 97. Type material. Diplolepis splendidula Spinola. Types (Italy “‘ prope Novas ’’) presumably in Spinola coll. (not seen). PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 89 Lamprostylus auricollis Forster. Type 2, neighbourhood of Aachen, Germany, in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. The species was synonymized with splendi- dulus Spinola by Ruschka (1924a : 93). Dalla Torre (1898) listed splendidulus as a synonym of [chnewmon cyaneus Fabricius (1798 : 231). Peck (tm Muesebeck et al., IQ5I : 539) also cites splendidula Spinola and cyaneus Fabricius as being synonymous. Steffan (1952 : 73) pointed out that this was incorrect, and synonymized Ichneumon cyaneus Fabricius with Perilampus ruficornis (F.). I have myself seen the type of cyaneus in the Bosc collection in Paris, and can confirm Steffan’s statement. SWEDEN, GERMANY, CENTRAL and SOUTHERN EUROPE, NORTH AFRICA. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in May and June. Chrysolampus punctatus Forster Lamprostylus punctatus Forster, 1859 : 113-114, ‘‘3.”’ [vecte 9]. Chrysolampus punctatus (Forster) Ruschka, 1924a@ : 93-94, 9. Chrysolampus punctatus (Forster); Boucéek, 1956 : 97. Type material. Holotype 9, Kéln am Rheinufer, in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; it was described as a male, but Ruschka (19244 : 94) pointed out that it was a female. GERMANY, CENTRAL Europe, U.S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in May and June. Chrysolampus prominens (Ruschka) Elatus prominens Ruschka, 1924a : 95, 96, 3 &. Chrysolampus prominens (Ruschka) Bouéek, 1956 : 97. Type material. Syntypes, g and 9, Trieste (Graeffe) in Naturhistorisches Museum, ' Vienna. IsTRIA. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May-June. Chrysolampus thenae (Walker) (Text-fig. 53, 9) Elatus Thenae Walker, 1848 : 104, 154, 3. Pevilampus obscurus Walker, 1874 : 314, “3 ”’ [recte 9]. Elatus thenae Walker ; Ruschka, 1924a : 95, 5 9. Elatus thenae Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 199. Chrysolampus thenae (Walker) Bouéek, 1956 : 98. Chrysolampus thenae (Walker); Kerrich, 1958 : 83. Chrysolampus thenae (Walker); Ferriére & Kerrich, 1958 : 20, 3 2. Type material. Elatus thenae Walker. Type ¢ (probably holotype), Type Hym. 5. 1685, bearing a Waterhouse label, also another ‘“‘ Type Gahan, 1927’. Penlampus obscurus Walker. One 92, Type Hym. 5. 396, labelled ‘“‘ Amurland. go M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Coll. F. Walker 1913-71” and, in Walker’s handwriting, “‘ Perilampus obscurus ’’. P. obscurus was placed in synonymy with Chrysolampus thenae (Walker) by Kerrich (1958 : 83). BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, ? HunGARY, U.S.S.R., SIBERIA. Biology. Reared in Britain as a parasite of Meligethes pedicularius (Gyll.) by Dr. A. M. Easton (1963 : 11). Dr. Easton stated that mature host larvae collected from Stachys officinalis (L.) Trev. from Flintshire and Denbighshire were allowed to enter soil placed in tubes. Several days later a few of the larvae which had failed to pupate were seen to have a minute ectoparasite lying transversely across their ventral surface. These grew extremely rapidly and, when the host was consumed, entered upon a winter diapause. Imagines emerged the following spring. Only one parasite was found on each host larva. Of two batches of the host larvae, 5 out of 19, and 4 out of 25 respectively, were infested by the parasite. If the earliest stage of the larvae of thenae can be studied, this may provide an answer to the question of the systematic position of the genus Chrysolampus. Imagines April—July in Britain. Chrysolampus rufitarsis (Forster) Elatus vufitaysis Forster, 1859 : 111-113, d @. Elatus rufitarsis Forster ; Ruschka, 1924a : 95, 96, 5 @. Chrysolampus rufitaysis (Forster) Boucek, 1956 : 97. Chrysolampus vufitarsis (Férster) ; Kerrich, 1958 : 83, 5 9. Chrysolampus rufitaysis (Forster) ; Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958 : 21, g 9. Type material. Syntypes, § from Aachen, 9 from Tyrol, in coll. Forster (Natur- historisches Museum, Vienna) re-examined by Ruschka, but not apparently since then. It will be necessary to select a lectotype. BRITAIN, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, ? U.S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May—July in Britain. Chrysolampus shurik (Nikol’skaya) Elatus shuritk Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 200. Elatus shurik Nikol’skaya ; Bouéek, 1956 : 97. Chrysolampus shurik (Nikol’skaya) Kerrich, 1958 : 82, 83, 84. Type material. Type (European part of U.S.S.R.) presumably in Zoological Museum, Leningrad (not seen). Boucek (1956) suggested that shurik was probably the same as vufitarsis Forster, but later he regarded it as a valid species (see Kerrich, 1958 : 82). Kerrich (ibid. : 83) listed some characters for distinguishing rufitarsis and shurtk. Dr. Bouéek, who has had his material of shuvik confirmed by Dr. Nikol’skaya, tells me that the species can easily be separated from thenae by having much more distinct transverse rugae on the pronotum and mesoscutum, and by its colour. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE gl CENTRAL Europe, U.S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. Note. The identity of the genus Acroclisis Forster (1878 : 43) is problematic. It was described from Germany with a single included species, nigricornis Forster (ibid. : 44) ; the type-material of this species does not appear to have been located. Subsequent references to Acroclisis, e.g., in Ashmead (1904) and Schmiedeknecht (1909) were based partly on the original description, and partly on a North American species A. carolinensis Ashmead which has since been removed to the Miscogasterine genus Bubeckia (by Peck, in Muesebeck et al., 1951 : 538). In his key to the Czecho- slovak genera of Pteromalidae Bouéek (in Peck et al., 1964 : 37) includes Acroclisis, but evidently his diagnosis of it is based on the original description only. Recently, when re-reading Forster’s description of Acroclisis, I was struck by the fact that in most respects it agreed extremely well with the characters shown by species of the thenae-group (Elatus Walker) of the genus Chrysolampus. His statement “ An den Vorderfltigeln der Randabschnitt [marginal vein]... wenigstens fiinf mal so lang wie der Radialabschnitt [stigmal vein] ...’’ fits the above-mentioned Chrysolampus species very well ; moreover, there appears to be no other genus of Pteromalidae which has such a long marginal vein, and at the same time fits the other characters mentioned in Forster’s description. Forster himself knew two species of the thenae-group of Chrysolampus and in 1859 had described a new one, vujitarsis (q.v., supra). It seems remarkable (though not perhaps impossible) that he should have forgotten this when he described Acroclisis in 1878. CHRYSOMALLA Forster Chrysomalla Forster, 1859 : 115. Type-species : Ch. voseri Forster, by monotypy. Chrysomalla Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 81, 82. Chrysomalla Forster ; Ruschka, 1924@ : 93. Chrysomalla Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 196-108. Chrysomalla Forster ; Erdés, 19556 : 39 ex parte. Chrysomalla Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 26. Chrysomalla roseri Forster Chrysomalla Roseri Forster, 1859 : 116-117, 3. Chrysomalla voseri Forster ; Ruschka, 1924a : 93, 3. Chrysomalla voseri Forster ; Erdés, 19556 : 39. Type material. Holotype g, Germany, Wutrtemberg (von Roser) in Natur- historisches Museum, Vienna (not seen by the writer). GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HunGaRY, southern U.S.S.R., KAZAKHSTAN. Biology. Erdos (19555 : 39) gave some biological notes on voseri ; I wish to thank the Director, and Miss Gombrich, of the Commonwealth Forestry Bureau, Oxford, for the following translation of the Hungarian text : “It was bred from the curculionid beetle Tychius flavus Beck. It has been found in Germany, the southern part of the Soviet Union and locally in Kazakhstan. It was collected 92 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM on sand in the environs of Budapest, at Siofok and Bony in late June and early July and subsequently in places with Gypsophila arenania in greater numbers ”’. BRACHYELATUS Hoffer & Nowicky Brachyelatus Hoffer & Nowicky, 1954 : 110. Type-species: B. vividis Hoffer & Nowicky, by monotypy and original designation. Brachyelatus Hoffer & Nowicky ; Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 26. This genus was united with Chrysomalla Forster by Erdés (19550 : 39) but I think it might be considered distinct. Brachyelatus viridis Hoffer & Nowicky Brachyelatus viridis Hoffer & Nowicky, 1954 : 110-111, ¢ 9. Type material. Holotype 2, Czechoslovakia, Moravia, Ceé¢j, 1940 (A. Hoffer), ? in coll. Hoffer, Prague (not seen). CZECHOSLOVAKIA, AUSTRIA. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June-August. PANSTENONINAE PANSTENON Walker Panstenon Walker, 1846 : 29. Type-species : Miscogaster oxylus Walker, 1839, by monotypy. Caudonia Walker, 1850 : 125-126. Type-species : C. agylla Walker, by monotypy. Panstenon Walker ; Forster, 1856 : 52, 58. Panstenon Walker ; Thomson, 1878 : 175-177. Panstenon Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 334, 335. Panstenon Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 366-367. Panstenon Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 242. Panstenon Walker ; Graham, im Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 276-280. Caudonia Walker ; Graham, ibid. Panstenon Walker ; Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958 : 22, 26. Panstenon Walker ; Bouéek, 1961 : 71-72. The genus Panstenon was recognized correctly by Forster (1856) and Thomson (1878) and has been in general use since then. Originally placed by Walker in Pteromalidae, it was transferred by Forster (1856) to his family Miscogastroidae. Thomson (1878) placed it, together with Dipara Walker, in his subtribe Diparides of Pteromalina. Ashmead (1904) put these two genera in the subfamily Diparinae of Pteromalidae. Schmiedeknecht (1909) followed Ashmead, except that he regarded Diparini as a tribe. Kerrich & Graham (1957) included Panstenon in their study of Cleonymidae, although in this paper Graham suggested that its affinities lay rather with Miscogasterinae [= Lamprotatinae]. Erdés had already (1955 : 296) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 93 proposed a new subfamily Panstenoninae, in which he included Panstenon Walker and Neodipara Erdés. The latter genus has no connexion with Panstenon and must be excluded from the present subfamily. Caudoma was described by Walker without his placing it in any of the recognized subfamilies, although he remarked that it was “allied to Tvigonoderus, Heteroxys and Notanisus’”’. Forster (1856: 47) included it in his key to the genera of Cleonymoidae, although he had not seen the genus. Later Walker (1872 : 80) accepted this view without comment. The genus remained in Cleonymidae until 1957, when Graham synonymized it with Panstenon Walker. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES I Eyes smaller ; malar space from two thirds, to nearly three quarters, the length of an eye. Pronotal collar sharply margined anteriorly ; notauli, and frenal line of scutellum strongly impressed. Gaster of female usually convex dorsally and usually with at least some trace of a red band in the middle ; petiole with one to two hairs on each side : ; : : : : : F : . agylla (Walker) (p. 93) — Eyes larger ; malar space about two fifths the length of an eye. Pronotal collar weakly margined, or immarginate ; notauli tending to be less strongly impressed ; frenal line of scutellum fine and weak. Gaster of female usually sunken dorsally, rarely red-marked dorsally though sometimes red beneath in the basal half ; petiole without hairs. Body of 9, Text-fig. 55 . : : : oxylus (Walker) (p. 94) Panstenon agylla (Walker) Caudonia Agylla Walker, 1850 : 125, 9. Panstenon agylla (Walker) Graham, in Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 276-280, 9. Panstenon agylla (Walker) ; Bouéek, 1961 : 71-72, 3 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Scotland, Duddingston Loch, near Edinburgh, between June 27 and June 30, 1825 (J. C. Dale) in Hope Dept., Oxford ; it is gummed on an octagonal card and bears a printed label “ Dale’. BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; apparently very local and rare. Biology. Unknown. Bouéek (1961 : 72) suggested that it might be parasitic on some host living in a species of marsh grass. I believe it might be associated with Phragmites in old fens. On gth June 1963 I captured a female amongst Phragmites at Wood Walton Fen, Huntingdonshire (a relict of ancient fen). There are also large reed-beds at the edge of Duddingston Loch, where Dale took the holotype of agylla ; I looked for the latter in these reeds some years ago, but the weather was bad and I had no success. Imagines found in Britain in June, in Czechoslovakia in August (Bouéek, 1961). Cameron (1935 : 300) recorded having reared agylla from puparia of Agromyza [= Melanagromyza) aeneiventris (Fln.) found in stems of Senecio jacobaea L. in several localities to the west of London ; the specimens appear to be lost, but it seems likely that the parasite was wrongly determined (see Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 277). 94 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Panstenon oxylus (Walker) (Text-fig. 55) ? Pteromalus assimilis Nees, 1834 : 116-117, 9. Miscogaster Oxylus Walker, 1839 : 196, ¢ 9. Pteromalus omissus Forster, 1841 : 30, 9. Panstenon oxylus Walker, 1846 : 29. Panstenon Pidius Walker, 1850 : 132, ¢, syn. n. Panstenon oxylus (Walker) ; Reinhard, 1858 : 17. Panstenon assimilis (Nees) Thomson, 1878 : 176-177, 4 9. Panstenon oxylus (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1956 : 1-72 (passim). Panstenon oxylus (Walker) ; Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 280. Panstenon oxylus (Walker) ; Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958 : 26. Panstenon assimilis (Nees) ; Boucéek, 1961 : 72. Type material. Pteromalus assimilis Nees. Type lost. Thomson (1878) con- sidered it apparently the same as oxylus, and Boucek accepted this synonymy. Nees’ description of assimilis (‘‘ nigro-aeneus...metathorace laevi, nitido, tri- carinato...’’) leaves some doubt, however. Miscogaster oxylus Walker. There are 4 Walker specimens in the BM(NH) but only two (in the British collection) can be considered syntypes ; they are 2 g. One of these is designated LECTOTYPE ; it is card-pointed (remounted) and bears a Waterhouse label “‘ Panstenon Oxylus Walker ”’. Pteromalus omissus Forster. Type 2 presumably in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. Reinhard (1858 : 17) synonymized it with oxylus. The original descrip- tion of omissus certainly suggests that it is identical with oxylus. Panstenon pidius Walker. In Haliday’s collection there are two males having narrow wings ; both are presumably syntypes of pidiws. One (Hal. coll. no. 100) is designated LECTOTYPE ; it is mounted on a card, and the pin which carries it has its head coated with green sealing-wax (one of Haliday’s methods of indicating Irish origin) ; it bears a label in Walker’s handwriting “‘ Panstenon Pidius”’. The lectotype has very narrow wings. The wings in oxylus vary considerably in their proportions (especially in males) and I have intergrades between the typical form and the form pidius. The body in the forms with narrow wings is sometimes more slender than usual, and in the most extreme specimens appears slightly deformed. These variations are probably caused by pressure during the development of the pupa. BRITAIN, IRELAND, DENMARK, SWEDEN, FINLAND, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, CENTRAL EUROPE. Biology. See von Rosen (1956: 1-72, passim). This author states that the larva of oxylus lives as a predator on the eggs of Javesella (= Delphacodes) pellucida (F.) (Hem., Delphacidae) in the internodes of various grasses ; he figures the egg, larva, and adult, and summarizes the life-history on p. 65 of the above paper. Walker (1850 : 132) recorded ‘‘ Panstenon Oxylus, reared by Mr. Haliday from the pupa of a Dipterous insect (Agromyza pisi, Kaltenbach) on the pea”’. In Haliday’s collection there is a female of oxylus, labelled as such, mounted upon a card on which | PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 95 he has written “ pea’’; to the right of the specimen is mounted a Dipterous pupa- rium ; this must be the specimen to which Walker referred. It seems unlikely that Haliday, who was an outstanding Dipterologist, made a mistake about his rearing of oxylus, but it would be interesting to have a confirmation of this host record. Imagines May to September in Britain. MISCOGASTERINAE Miscogasteridae was originally proposed as a family-group name by Walker (1833 : 370). Forster (1856 : 51) used it (as Miscogastroidae) to include a number of genera some of which are currently referred to Pteromalinae. Thomson (1878 : 216) emended the name to Mischogastrides, which he regarded as a subtribe of his tribe Pteromalina. Ashmead (1904 : 270) again raised Miscogasteridae to family rank; his concept of the limits of the group (with some exceptions) makes some approach to that adopted in the present work. More recently the view has gained support that the group is of tribal, or at most of subfamily, rank within the family Pteromalidae. Thus it is regarded as a tribe of Sphegigasterinae by Peck (1963 : 606) ; and as a subfamily by Peck et al. (1964 : 36). My own concept of the subfamily Miscogasterinae is somewhat similar to the view of the latter authors, except that I exclude Asaphinae as being a separate subfamily, but include Pirenini and Tridymini, which they place together with Eunotini to form a separate subfamily Tridyminae. At present I recognize 8 tribes within Miscogasterinae: Micradelini, Pirenini, Termolampini, Ormocerini (=Tridymini), Brachyscelidiphagini, Trigonoderini, Sphegigasterini, and Miscogasterini, of which the Brachyscelidiphagini is not represented in Europe. At an earlier stage of my work I sought to define some of these tribes as subfamilies, but found the limits between them so slight, even when only the European fauna was considered, that the attempt proved impracticable. For example, some Pirenini approach extremely closely to Ormocerini through the genus Gastvancistrus; some Ormocerini (e.g., Ovmocerus) are near to certain Miscogasterini; whilst some of the latter are not far removed from such genera of Sphegigasterini as Polycystus and Toxeuma. Halticoptera and some other genera have often been regarded as constituting a separate tribe or even subfamily; but I have been forced to unite them with Miscogasterini because of the existence of intermediate forms. In this connection it is interesting to note that Peck (1963) regards Halticopterini as a separate tribe, but places Bubeckia, a genus which I consider extremely close to Halticoptera, in the tribe Miscogasterini. Brachyscelidiphagini, a tribe not dealt with here, is better represented in the southern hemisphere where (especially in Australasia) there are some very aberrant forms. The group is very difficult to define and its characters need to be re-assessed ; it appears to come nearest to Ormocerini. Gahan & Ferriére who revised this tribe (1947 : 271-302) stated (ibid. : 272) “‘ It is not easy to define this group. While the various forms have a common habitus somewhat different from other Chalcidoids and by which they can usually be recognized at sight, there appears to be no _ structural character common to all of them which is not duplicated somewhere else | | | 96 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM in the Chalcidoidea. They differ from other lamprotatines chiefly by the more compact form of the thorax, the bidentate mandibles and the fact that the scutellum is usually without a transverse groove.”’ Their biology presents some interesting features. Several species are known to be gall-makers, though some are probably true parasites. Perhaps some of the genera now included in this tribe should be transferred to Ormocerini; for example some species currently placed in Brachyscelidiphagini but which do not conform to Gahan & Ferriére’s diagnosis of that tribe because they have distinctly tridentate mandibles. The number of apical spurs on the hind tibiae is not a satisfactory character for distinguishing tribes within Miscogasterinae. The number sometimes varies even within the limits of a single genus, and is to some extent correlated with absolute size; for example, in Halticoptera, large species have two very distinct spurs, very small species may have only one. Key TO TRIBES (EUROPEAN) i Antennae (Text-figs. 103-109, 118-121, 142, 144, 145, 156, 157, 165-168, 172, 176-185) 13-segmented : either with two distinct anelli and six or seven funicular segments, or aie often) with three anelli and five funicular segments . : : 5 : : : : : 6 - Antennae (Text-figs. ee 194, 199-200, 209-211, 221, 223-225, 229, 239-247, 257, 268, 275-280) with 10 to 12 segments : either with only one anellus visible in dried specimens ; or if with two anelliform segments, then rarely having more than five funicular segments ; if with three anelliform seg- ments, then only two funicular segments : : : 2 Postmarginal vein of fore wing 1-7 to 2 times as tong as fe areal vein ; speculum absent, the fore wing almost entirely pilose ; mandibles bidentate, separated even when closed (Text-fig. 186) from the clypeal margin by a space, in which the labrum is usually visible ; head, and dorsum of thorax excluding the propodeum, thickly though shortly pilose ; eyes conspicu- ously hairy ; body black, non-metallic . 5 : MICRADELINI (p. 247) - Postmarginal vein of fore wing rarely longer than the marginal vein and then only slightly so ; speculum most often present ; mandibles with three or four teeth, when closed not leaving a space between their upper edge and the clypeus ; body most often more or less metallic, if black without metallic tinge, then either the head and thorax are more sparsely pilose or the eyes are nearly bare F : : : : 3 3 (2) Antennae (Text-figs. 275-280) 10- sepriionteeelds with only fue scements one to four of which may be anelliform, between the pedicellus and the clava ; usually at most four of these segments have sensilla PIRENINI (part) @. 328) - Antennae (Text-figs. 189-194, 199-200, 209-211, 221, 223-225, 229, 239-247, 257, 268) II- or 12-segmented : with six or seven segments (one or two of which are anelliform) between the pedicellus and the clava ; five or six of these segments have sensilla : 4 4 (3) Females with tip of hypopygium canted Den, or ne ror with Gn of gaster. Both sexes with antennal toruli touching the clypeus ; meso- scutum and scutellum sparsely pilose ; body black or weakly metallic PIRENINI (part) (p. 328) - Females with tip of hypopygium nearly always remote from tip of gaster, if nearly level with it then the antennal toruli are separated by at least their iS) — i) ~— 10 (6) (rr) (12) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 97 own diameter from the clypeus, while the mesoscutum and scutellum are thickly pilose ; body usually metallic. Males with body usually con- spicuously metallic, at least in part ; if black or nearly so, then the antennal toruli are separated by at least their own diameter from the clypeus, and the mesoscutum is usually more thickly pilose. : : 5 5 Notauli incomplete, indicated at front of mesoscutum only. Antennal formula 11253. Head and thorax with irregular, unusually deep and fine reticulation. Anterior margin of clypeus truncate TERMOLAMPINI (p. 249) Notauli complete, nearly always deep throughout, rarely rather superficial posteriorly . ; 5 : : : . ORMOCERINI (most) (p. 250) Anterior margin of clypeus edentate or with only one tooth or angular pro- jection : i Anterior margin on -clypeus with ae or three projections ‘(teeth or, rarely, rounded lobes) . i : : : . : : - , , II Postmarginal vein of fore wing at least slightly longer than the marginal vein 8 Postmarginal vein of fore wing not longer than the marginal vein . : 9 Pronotum either long, in dorsal view more than half the length of the meso- scutum, or else with a sharply margined collar ; petiole of gaster smooth or nearly so, subconical, usually transverse, occasionally slightly longer than broad ; c A : : : TRIGONODERINI (part) (p. 98) Pronotum in dorsal view less than half as long as the mesoscutum, the collar not defined but rounded off anteriorly .. : 9 Petiole of gaster conspicuous, reticulate, often longer than broad though occasionally transverse ; pronotal collar more or less distinctly margined SPHEGIGASTERINI (part) (p. 123) Petiole of gaster inconspicuous, smooth or virtually so, transverse ; pronotal collar not margined, rounded off anteriorly . : - : : Io Anterior margin of clypeus with a median tooth or tubercle MISCOGASTERINI (part) (p. 149) Anterior margin of clypeus without a tooth or tubercle, truncate or curved forwards (Ovmocerus, Meromalus) . : : ORMOCERINI (part) (p. 250) Anterior margin of clypeus with (Text-fig. 128) three asymmetric teeth, or (Text-fig. 127) three curved lobes . . MISCOGASTERINI (part) (p. 149) Anterior margin of clypeus either with two teeth ; or, if with three, then ward are sharp and symmetrically placed : é 12 Pronotum viewed dorsally, about two thirds as long as the mesoseutum ; petiole of gaster small, subconical, smooth ; postmarginal vein of fore wing slightly longer than the marginal vein . TRIGONODERINI (part) (p. 98) Pronotum usually sloping quite steeply and, in dorsal view, appearing less than half as long as the mesoscutum ; if longer than this, then either the gastral petiole is conspicuous and sculptured, or else the postmarginal vein is not longer than the marginal vein. 13 Hind margin of basal tergite of gaster not broadly sue ee at meee = ziti sinuate laterally ; anterior margin of clypeus bidentate (Text-fig. 170) or at most (Text-fig. 43) with the left-hand tooth slightly notched or weakly bifid . : ‘ . MISCOGASTERINI (part) (p. 149) Hind margin of Baal kesaite of ate (Text-figs. 95, 96, 100) broadly emargin- ate, except in Novitzkyanus, which has three symmetrically-placed teeth on the anterior margin of the clypeus, and the basal tergite of the gaster very large, almost covering the rest 2 . SPHEGIGASTERINI (part) (p. 123) 98 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM TRIGONODERINI Trigonoderus Westwood and Plutothrix Forster were included by the latter in his family Cleonymoidae (1856 : 46, 47). Thomson also placed the species belonging to the two above genera, together with Platygerrhus and Photismus, in his “ subtribe ”’ Cleonymides. The same genera were also placed in Cleonymidae, together with several diverse elements, by Ashmead (1904) and Schmiedeknecht (1909). For some years Dr. Bouéek and I had considered that the 77igonoderus-group had no close connection with Cleonyminae; Bouéek referred to this in his study of the latter (1958 : 355). Later (im Peck et al., 1964 : 35) he treated Tvigonoderus and allied genera as a tribe Trigonoderini. My own view (reached independently) agrees with his. I consider this tribe to come nearest to Miscogasterini; certain features in Trigonoderini seem to suggest this, for example the structure of the thorax, the relatively long postmarginal vein, the antennae, and the well-defined clypeus. The latter in Tvigonoderus and Plutothrix has its front margin angulate ; it is interesting to note that this angulation is very slightly asymmetric and not placed exactly in the median line. This recalls the asymmetric teeth on the clypeus of many Miscogasterini, the only other group of Pteromalidae known to me in which such asymmetric teeth occur. Trigonoderini and Miscogasterini appear to be well- defined biologically, the former being parasites of Coleoptera, the latter of Diptera, especially of Agromyzidae. KrEy TO EUROPEAN GENERA I Anterior margin of clypeus bidentate. Postspiracular sclerite without an oblique carina; scutellar frenum marked off by an impressed line . ‘ : ERDOESIA Bouéek (p. 123) - Anterior margin of clypeus either (Text-figs. 92, 93) with one submedian tooth; or edentate : . 2 2 (1) Anterior margin of clypeus without teeth, Franeate or * challoyly emarginatel: postspiracular sclerite uniformly reticulate, without an oblique carina. Female with hind margin of basal tergite of gaster not emarginate or incised medially . : 3 - Anterior margin of Giynene with a eabmetiad tooth or aaeaiation = postspiras cular sclerite with an oblique carina which marks off a triangular upper area. Female with hind margin of basal tergite of : eis por always more or less incised or emarginate medially : 5 3 (2) Scutellum (Text-figs. 86, 88) without a ovum flattened or swear convex, with reticulation composed of more or less elongated areoles PLATYGERRHAUS Thomson (p. 108) - Scutellum with a frenum, marked off by an impressed line, more a convex, its reticulation composed of nearly isodiametric areoles 5 4 4 (3) Female with hind margin of basal tergite of gaster not produced in the muddle ; pronotum shorter, its median length at most about half its breadth, in dorsal view ; fore wing immaculate in European species. Male with petiole of gaster not longer than broad ; funicular segments of antenna not nodulose, with hairs only moderately outstanding JANSSONIELLA Kerrich (p. 106) - Female with hind margin of basal tergite of gaster produced into a rounded lobe ; pronotum longer, its median length more than half its breadth ; fore wing nearly always with fuscous markings. Male with petiole of gaster PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 99 at least slightly longer than broad ; funicular segments of antenna with numerous small nodules from which strongly outstanding hairs arise GASTRACANTAUS Westwood (p. 122) 5 (2) Fore wing with a moderately large speculum ; upper triangle of postspiracular sclerite shiny, weakly sculptured or smooth . PLUTOTHRIX Forster (p. 102) - Fore wing without, or with at most a rudimentary speculum ; upper triangle of postspiracular sclerite distinctly reticulate TRIGONODERUS Westwood (p. 99) TRIGONODERUS Westwood Trigonoderus Westwood, 1832a : 127. Type-species : T. princeps Westwood, by monotypy. Trigonoderus Westwood ; Walker, 1837 : 15, ex parte. Pterolycus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 208. Type-species : Pteromalus (Pterolycus) brandtii Ratzeburg, by designation of Gahan & Fagan, 1923. Trigonoderus Westwood ; Thomson, 1878 : 7, ex parte. Trigonoderus Westwood ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 156, 157, 166-167, ex parte. Trigonoderus Westwood ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 212, ex parte. Trigonoderus Westwood ; Novitzky, 1955 : 26-34. Trigonoderus Westwood ; Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 285-293. Trigonoderus Westwood ; Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958 : 26-27. Trigonoderus Westwood ; Peck et al., 1964 : 35. The European species were revised by Kerrich & Graham (1957) ; three being recognized as valid. In the following account four species are recognized, T. pulcher, previously placed in synonymy with princeps Westwood, being considered to be a valid species. Consequently there are some alterations in the synonymy. Kery TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Fore wing with two fuscous clouds, one below the base of the marginal vein, the other lying across the stigmal vein. Postmarginal vein not strongly curved, ending remote from the tip of the wing. Gaster reddish at base, at least beneath . : ‘ cyanescens (Forster) (p. 102) - Fore wing with at most one fuscous cloud, below the stigma. Either the postmarginal vein is strongly curved and almost reaches the tip of the wing, or else the gaster is not distinctly reddish at the base : 2 2 (1) Fore wing with postmarginal vein strongly curved and almost reaching the tip of the wing. Gaster reddish at base, at least beneath ; hypopygium short, extending one third or hardly one third along the gaster. Temples con- verging quite strongly behind eyes. Femora and tibiae reddish testaceous. Fuscous cloud of fore wing normally very well-defined, extending from the stigma in a direction approximately at right angles to the costal margin filatus Walker (p. 101) - Fore wing with postmarginal vein less strongly curved and not nearly reaching the tip of the wing. Gaster not distinctly reddish at base ; hypopygium longer, extending two fifths along gaster, or rather more. Temples con- verging less strongly behind eyes. Femora often infuscate, tibiae occasion- ally so. Fore wing sometimes immaculate ; the fuscous cloud, when present, tending to be diffuse and to curve towards the base of the wing. 3 100 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM 3. (2) Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-5 to 1-65 times the breadth of the head. Dorsellum with 3 to 12 hairs. Malar space from barely two fifths, to slightly less than half, the length of an eye. Fore wing with parastigma usually as long as or longer (rarely slightly shorter) than the marginal vein. Gaster 3:2 to 4-5 times as long as broad, 1-2 to 1-4 times as long as head plus thorax. Vertex nearly always bright to dark blue princeps Westwood (p. 100) - Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-3 to 1-35 times the breadth of the head. Dorsellum bare. Malar space approximately half the length of aneye. Fore wing with parastigma usually slightly shorter than, occasion- ally as long as, the marginal vein. Gaster 2-3 to 3:2 times as long as broad, not more than 1-2 times as long as head plus thorax. Vertex usually greenish . : : : : : P : pulcher Walker (p. ror) (MALEs) I Antennal flagellum having all its segments distinctly separated, not differen- tiated into funicle and clava : : cyanescens (Forster) (p. 102) — Antennal flagellum with six funicular semen and a three-segmented clava 2 (1) Postmarginal vein of fore wing strongly curved and almost reaching the tip of the wing . 3 filatus Walker (p. 101) — Postmarginal vein ies eaouehy curved ead not coy reaching the tip of the wing . : : : : : : : princeps Westwood (p. 100) pulcher Walker (p. 101) It is not possible at present to distinguish the males of princeps and pulcher. Trigonoderus princeps Westwood Trigonoderus princeps Westwood, 18324 : 127. Pteromalus invenustus var. B Walker, 1836a : 11, 3. Trigonoderus obscurus Walker, 1836a : 21, 9. Trigonoderus atrovirens Walker, 1836a : 22, 2. Pteromalus hirtipes Zetterstedt, 1838 : 422, “dj?” [vecte 9]. Trigonoderus obscurus Walker ; Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. E, fig. 1, 9. Pteromalus Lichtensteinit Ratzeburg, 1844a : 188, 9. Trigonoderus princeps Westwood ; Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 287. Type material. For a full discussion of the synonymy, and designation of lecto- types, see Kerrich & Graham (1957: 287-292). In that paper Trigonoderus pulcher Walker, T. tristis Walker, and T. contemptus Walker were all placed in synonymy with princeps Westwood ; I now regard pulcher as a valid species, with tvistis and contemptus as synonyms (see below). BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, ?MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Reared in Sweden from Scolytus rvatzeburgi Jans., by A. Jansson (see Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 292). The record of its having been reared in the U.S.S.R. (W. Caucasus, Sotchi) from Parmena balteus L. (Col., Lamiidae) by S. Novitzky (Kerrich & Graham, ibid.) needs confirmation ; the specimen there referred to might in my opinion prove to be distinct from princeps. Imagines May— September. | | | | | | PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 101 Trigonoderus pulcher Walker Trigonoderus pulcher Walker, 1836a : 16, 9. ? Trigonoderus tristis Walker, 1836a : 17, 9. Trigonoderus contemptus Walker, 1836a : 22, 9, syn. n. Trigonoderus Lichtensteini (Ratzeburg) Thomson, 1878 : 10 [ex parte]. ? Trigonoderus sokanowskii ssp. pseudoprinceps Novitzky, 1955 : 31. Trigonoderus princeps Westwood ; Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 287-293 [ex parte]. Trigonoderus princeps Westwood ; Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958 : 27 [ex parte]. Type material. Tvigonoderus pulcher Walker. Lectotype designated by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 290) and the species placed in synonymy with princeps Westwood (ibid. : 287). I have re-examined the lectotype and now consider it to represent a valid species. T. tristis Walker. Type female recognized by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 290) and the species placed in synonymy with princeps Westwood (ibid. : 287). On examining the type again I think it may be a rather aberrant example of pulcher Walker. T. contemptus Walker. Type female recognized by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 290), the species being then placed in synonymy with princeps Westwood (ibid. : 289). After re-examining the type female of contemptus I consider it to be the same as pulcher Walker. Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 290-292) discussed some wing-characters by which Novitzky had sought to divide princepbs Westwood (s. lat.) into two species, but found them to be too variable to provide a satisfactory criterion. Since then I have re-examined all the material available, from which I conclude that two species (princeps Westwood and pulcher Walker) may in fact be recognized, though the characters which I use to separate them (see key to females) are somewhat different. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May—June. Trigonoderus filatus Walker Trigonoderus filatus Walker, 1836a : 17, 9. ? Cleonymus occultus Forster, 1841 : 33, 3. Cleonymus signatus Forster, 1841 : 34, 9. Pteromalus Brandtii Ratzeburg, 1844a ; 188, 9. Trigonoderus filatus Walker ; Novitzky, 1955 : 29. Trigonoderus filatus Walker ; Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 286. Trigonoderus filatus Walker ; Ferriére & Kerrich, 1958 : 26, 27, ¢ 9. Type material. For designation of lectotype for filatus Walker see Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 286). Pteromalus brandtii Ratzeburg (type now destroyed, but previously seen by Novitzky) was synonymized with filatus by Novitzky (1955 : 29). That author also stated (ibid.) that Cleonymus occultus Forster (type not found in Vienna) might be another synonym ; also that Cleonymus signatus Forster (type female in Vienna) was the same as filatus. BRITAIN, FRANCE, SWEDEN, GERMANY. 102 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Biology. Reared in Sweden from Pogonocherus lispidus L. (Col., Lamiidae), see Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 287). One female reared “‘ from beetle burrow in apple twig,’ England, Bedfordshire, Leighton Buzzard, v. 1906 (H. Donisthorpe). Imagines May—August. Trigonoderus cyanescens (Forster) Cleonymus cyanescens Forster, 1841 : 31, 9. Trigonoderus pedicellavis Thomson, 1878 : 8, g 9. Hetroxys Gribodoi van Vollenhoven, 1878 : 176, pl. 11, fig. 5, 9, syn. n. Trigonoderus cyanescens (Forster) Novitzky, 1955 : 26-33. Trigonoderus cyanescens (Forster); Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 285-2806. Trigonoderus cyanescens (Forster); Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958 : 26, 27, 3 9. Type material. For designation of lectotypes for Cleonymus cyanescens Forster and Trigonoderus pedicellaris Thomson, see Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 285-286). These two were synonymized by Novitzky (1955 : 27). Hetroxys gribodoi van Vollenhoven. Syntypes, 2 9, taken in the north of Italy by J. Gribodo of Turin (location of types unknown, perhaps in Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden). From Vollenhoven’s description and his coloured figure of the female, I have no doubt that gvzbodoi is the same as cyanescens (Forster). BRITAIN, FRANCE, SWEDEN, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MoLpDAVIAN S.S.R., POLAND, ITALY. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May—August. Species incorrectly placed in Trigonoderus : Trigonoderus contractus Walker (1872 : 85, 9) was listed by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 299) as a doubtful species because the type could not be located. I have since found the type : a female labelled ‘‘ Marshall coll. 1904-120 ”’ ; ‘“‘contractus Walk” ; “In BM (1938) as Trigonoderus contractus ’’. It is a female of Calosota acron (Walker) in Eupelmidae (syn. n.). PLUTOTARIX Forster Plutothvix Forster, 1856 : 46, 49. Type-species : P. férstevi Mayr, 1904, by subsequent reference. Trigonoderus Westwood ; Thomson, 1878 : 11-13 [ex parte]. Anoglyphis Forster, 1878 : 49. Type-species : A. nubilosa Forster, by monotypy and original designation. Plutothrix Forster ; Mayr, 1904 : 586-588. Trigonoderus Westwood ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 156, 157, 166-167 [ex parte]. Plutothvix Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 212. Plutothrix Forster ; Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 284-299. Plutothvix Forster ; Ferriére & Kerrich, 1958 : 27-28. Plutothrix Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 35. The European species were first revised by Kerrich & Graham (1957) and keys for their identification were provided by Ferriére & Kerrich (1958). Three species were recognized in these two papers ; a fourth has since been described by Hedqvist, and is included here. (1) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Kry TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) Gaster usually conspicuously red at the base, at least beneath, if hardly so, then fore wing with three fuscous clouds. Fore wing either with more than one cloud or, if only one, then this does not proceed from the stigma ; basal part of stigmal vein forming an angle of 35° to 40° with the postmarginal vein. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-25 to 1-35 times the breadth of the head ; proximal segments of funicle relatively long, the first two to three times as long as broad : : : e : Gaster not, or only very obscurely, red at base. Fore wing either immaculate, or with one fuscous cloud which proceeds from the stigma ; basal part of stigmal vein forming an angle of about 45° with the postmarginal vein. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum from 1-05 to hardly 1-2 times the breadth of the head ; proximal segments of funicle relatively short, the first 1-5 to 1-8 times as lone as broad . : ‘ Fore wing trifasciate, the middle fascia arising from the stigma and usually joining the proximal fascia on the disc of the wing. Basal tergite of gaster with its hind margin deeply incised medially . _trifasciatus (Thomson) (p. Fore wing not trifasciate ; occasionally immaculate, but nearly always with a fuscous discal cloud, often with a second cloud near the tip of the wing. Basal tergite of gaster with its hind margin weakly to moderately deeply incised medially . : : scenicus (Walker) (p. Scutellar frenum rather more coarsely Weticulate than the disc of the scutellum. Genae (Text-fig. 93) less buccate. Lower edge of antennal toruli about level with the ventral edge of eyes. Metapleuron more strongly reticulate. Fore wing usually with a fuscous cloud proceeding from the stigma coelius (Walker) (p. Scutellar frenum not more coarsely, or even rather more finely, reticulate than the disc of the scutellum. Genae (Text-fig. 92) strongly buccate. Lower edge of antennal toruli slightly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes. Metapleuron more weakly reticulate. Fore wing immaculate or with a faint cloud proceeding from the stigma : cisae Hedqvist (p. (MALEs) Antennae with seven funicular segments and a two-segmented clava ; flagel- lum slender, rather sparsely clothed with whorls of long hairs (the length of the hairs about twice the breadth of the segments that bear them) which stand out at an angle of 70° to 80° ; scape rather long, reaching to about level of vertex, rather more than three quarters the length of an eye, about four times as long as broad, hardly dilated above the middle trifasciatus (Thomson) (p. Antennae with six funicular segments and a three-segmented clava ; flagel- lum rather thickly clothed with hairs whose length is at most slightly greater than the breadth of the segments that bear them, and which stand out less strongly ; scape shorter, reaching at most to about level of middle of median ocellus : Antenna : combined length of pedicels aad eeeetlam eeice or ather more than twice the breadth of the head ; funicular segments elongate (the first 3 to 3°5 times, the sixth 2:2 to 3 times, as long as broad) ; scape only about two thirds as long as an eye, about three times as long as broad, distinctly dilated above the middle and with a large shiny boss. Stigmal vein of fore wing forming a relatively acute angle with the postmarginal vein scenicus (Walker) (p. 103 105) 106) 104) 104) 104 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM - Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum at most 1-5 times the breadth of the head ; funicular segments relatively shorter (the first 1-72 to 2, the sixth 1 to 1:3 times, as long as broad) ; scape fully three quarters as long as an eye, hardly dilated above the middle, with only a short and indistinct shiny area subapically. Stigmal vein forming a less acute angle with the postmarginal vein . : : ; : ‘ ; : F : 3 (2) Antennal flagellum stouter, atleast slightly stouter than the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view. Genae moderately buccate. Scutellar frenum distinctly more coarsely reticulate than the disc of the scutellum. Femora at least slightly infuscate, tibiae sometimes slightly so coelius (Walker) (p. 105) = Antennal flagellum more slender, not stouter than the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view. Genae strongly buccate. Scutellar frenum not more coarsely, or even rather more finely, reticulate than the disc of the scutellum. Femora and tibiae testaceous ; : cisae Hedqvist (p. 106) Plutothrix trifasciatus (Thomson) Trigonoderus trifasciatus Thomson, 1878 : II, g 9. Plutothrix Forsteri Mayr, 1904 : 586-587, 6. Plutothrix trifasciatus (Thomson) Novitzky, 1955 : 31, 3d 9. Plutothrix trifasciatus (Thomson); Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 293. Plutothrix trifasciatus (Thomson); Ferriére & Kerrich, 1958 : 28, d 9. Type material. For designation of lectotype for Tvigonoderus trifasciatus Thomson see Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 293). Plutothrix foersteri was synonymized with tvifasciatus by Ferriére & Novitzky (see Novitzky, 1955 : 31). BRITAIN, 7? DENMARK, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN SSR. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June-Sept. Plutothrix scenicus (Walker) ? Diplolepis bicolovata Spinola, 1808 : 221. Pteromalus scenicus Walker, 1836a : 10, ¢ 9. Piteromalus invenustus Walker, 1836a : II, 6. Pteromalus praepileus Walker, 1836a : 12, 9. Hetroxys scenicus (Walker) Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. G, fig. 1, 9. Trigonoderus vittigey Thomson, 1878 : 12, g Q. Trigonoderus apicalis Thomson, 1878 : 12, g 9. Plutothrix scenicus (Walker) Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 293-296. Plutothrix scenicus (Walker) ; Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958 : 28, 5 @. Type material. Dzplolepis bicolorata Spinola. Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 294) reported that the type of this species could not be located and stated that the original description was insufficient to justify the adoption of the name. Walker himself queried bicolorvata as a synonym of scenicus (1846: 50). After reading Spinola’s description again I think that bicolovata may well have been the same as scenicus. Spinola’s mention that he had often seen bicolovata at rest beneath leaves of Corylus might apply to several species but is rather interesting, because on more than one occasion I have observed scenicus doing this. PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 105 For designation of lectotypes for the above Walker and Thomson species, see Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 293-295). BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, FINLAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. eared, together with Anobiwm punctatum DeG. (Col., Anobiidae) from stems of gorse (Ulex) in the Isles of Scilly, by O. W. Richards (see Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 295). Imagines May—August. Plutothrix coelius (Walker) Pteromalus Coelius Walker, 1839 : 272, 9. Pteromalus Eleuthera Walker, 1848 : 125, 193, 9. Pteromalus Coelius Walker, 1848 : 126, 211, 9. Anoglyphis nubilosa Forster, 1878 : 49, 9. Trigonoderus acuminatus Thomson, 1878 : 11, . Pteromalus britannicus Morley, 190 : 47 [n. n. for P. coelius Walker, 1848, nec 1839]. Trigonoderus tvistis Walker ; Lyngnes, 1956 : 368-375 [misidentified]. Plutothrix coelius (Walker) Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 296-299. Plutothrix coelius (Walker); Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958 : 27, 28, 3 9. Plutothrix coelius (Walker); Lyngnes, 1960 : 122-134, passim. Type material. The designations of lectotypes for the above species, given by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 296-298) are not sufficiently precise in some respects, hence the following notes are added : Pteromalus coelius Walker, 1839.—‘‘ Found by Mr. Haliday, at Holywood, near Belfast, Ireland’. (Walker, 1839 : 273). The type female (Type Hym. 5. 1638), bears a small green ticket (indicating Irish origin and also showing that it is a Haliday specimen) and a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus coelius Walker, 1848.—The type locality cited (Walker, 1848 : 126) is “a. England. From Mr. Walker’s collection ’’, and the species is described on p. 211 of the same work. Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 297) thought it likely that the two descriptions of coelius by Walker (1838 and 1848) referred to the same species and incidently to the same type specimen. However, the type localities cited for the two are different, also further specimens have been found which confirms that coelius Walker (1848) was described from different material from that which formed the basis for his description of coelius (1839). Recently I found two female Plutothrix standing amongst the Walker series of Rhopalicus tutela. One of these is labelled “ 38. 8. 13. 64’, a serial number which is listed in the old BM register of accessions as “ Pteromalus near London (May) ”’ ; it agrees very well with the description of Pieromalus coelius Walker, 1848, and is now designated LECTOTYPE. Pieromalus eleuthera Walker. Type designated by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 279-298) ; it bears the serial number Type Hym. 5. 1639. BRITAIN, IRELAND, NoRWAY, SWEDEN, GERMANY, MoLpDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Reared in England and Norway from Anobiwm punctatum DeG. (see Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 298-299). Lyngnes (1956) gave an account (under the name T7igonoderus tristis) of its egg-laying apparatus, copulation, and life history; in 106 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM 1960 he described the structure and function of its ovipositor. Imagines usually in May and June, in Britain sometimes also in July and August. Plutothrix cisae Hedqvist Plutothrix cisae Hedqvist, 1966 : 197-198, 3 Q. Type material. Holotype 9, Sweden, Upland, Uppsala, 15.xi.1963, reared from Polyporus sp. infested with Cs boleti (Scop.) (I. Palm), and paratypes, ¢ 9, in coll. Hedqvist ; two paratypes in Institute of Agricultural and Forest Zoology, University of Helsinki. Mr. Hedqvist kindly sent the holotype and some paratypes for examination. This species is very close to coelius (Walker) but may be distinguished by the characters given in my key to species; in addition the head and thorax in the specimens seen are brighter in colour, tending towards bright green, whilst the legs are paler, both femora and tibiae testaceous, or at most the fore and mid femora slightly brownish beneath and the hind femora broadly brownish in the middle. ENGLAND [new record] : Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, 1), 18. viii. 1961 (Graham) ; SWEDEN; CANADA. Biology. Probably a parasite of C7s boleti (Scop.) (Col., Ciidae). JANSSONIELLA Kerrich Janssoniella Kerrich, in Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 303. Type-species : J. caudata Kerrich, by original designation. Janssoniella Kerrich ; Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958 : 24, 30. Janssoniella Kerrich ; Peck et al., 1964 : 35. Five species of the genus are now known, including one described from Japan by Kamijo (1960 : IoI—102). KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Larger species, length 6:5 mm. in the single known 2. Propodeum medially slightly more than one third as long as the scutellum. Ovipositor sheaths less exserted, the length of their projecting portion hardly half that of the last tergite major Kerrich (p. 107) — Smaller species, length 3 to 4:5 mm. Propodeum medially one third or a little less than one third as long as the scutellum. Ovipositor sheaths on the average rather more exserted, the length of their projecting portion from slightly more than half, to more than two thirds, the length of the last tergite ; 2 2 Combined length of antennal pedicellus and flagellum at least sham I: 75 eaegs the breadth of the head ; funicular segments relatively longer (the first nearly three times, the sixth nearly twice, as long as broad) ; scape 0-97 the length of an eye caudata Kerrich (p. 107) — Combined length of antennal pedicellus and flagellum 1-5 to 1:6 times the breadth of the head (Text-fig. 90) ; funicular segments relatively shorter (the first 2-0 to 2:5 times, sixth 1-5 to 1-7 times, as long as broad) ; scape 0:8 to 0-89 the length of an eye. Head, Text-fig. 91 . : : : : ambigua sp. n. (p. 107) PIE ROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 107 The males of Janssoniella need further study before a key can be provided. The male of major has the antennal scape slightly expanded above the middle, with a shiny elongate boss on its front edge, extending about half way down. The probable male of ambigua has the scape hardly at all expanded, and a boss is not distinctly developed. I am not sure if the true male of caudata has yet been recognized. Note. Hedgqvist has recently described (1968, Ent. Tidskr., 89 : 57, 58) a new species Jannsoniella intermedia, from material captured in Finland and Canada. I have seen a 2 paratype, which agrees with the type of cawdata in antennal characters, but is much larger, with a longer propodeum. It does not appear to be identical with major but I cannot now compare it with the type of that species. Janssoniella major Kerrich Janssoniella major Kerrich, in Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 305, d &. Type material. Holotype 9, Sweden, Sdédermanland, Vasby6n, 24.vi.19g49 (A. Jansson), in coll. A. Jansson. SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Imaginesin June. Janssionella caudata Kerrich Janssoniella caudata Kerrich, in Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 304, ¢ 9. Janssoniella caudata Kerrich ; Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958 : 30. Type matenal. Holotype 9, Sweden, Skane, Ringsj6, in coll. Thomson, Lund. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, CANADA, U.S.A. Biology. Reared from Polyporus spp., including versicolor (L.) Fries, in Czecho- slovakia and the U.S.A. (see Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 304). Imagines June— August in Europe; one recorded in U.S.A. for March. Janssoniella ambigua sp. n. Janssoniella caudata Kerrich, in Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 304-305 [ex parte], 9. | 9. Length 3:0 to 3:7 mm. | | | | Extremely close to the 2 of caudata Kerrich, and differs from it only in its distinctly shorter antennal flagellum, slightly shorter funicular segments and scape (see key to species). The corresponding characters noted for caudata in my key are taken from the holotype 2 ; this isa small specimen, which might be expected to have relatively shorter funicular segments if it were conspecific with ambigua sp.n., instead of having them longer. I therefore regard the specimens here included under ambigua to be outside the range of variation of caudata. The shape of the head in 9 Janssoniella varies somewhat, the relative depth of the scrobes and of the occipital excavation being rendered deeper in some specimens by shrinkage of the head. Therefore the difference in the shape of the head between caudata and major as given by Kerrich (1957 : 304-305 and figs. 18, 21) may not be a reliable character. 3. Unknown. 108 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Holotype 9. England : unlocalized, Cooke coll., BM(NH). Paratypes. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 1 9, 29.vill.1962 ; Bucking- hamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, I 9, 27.vill.1959 (Graham), coll. Graham. CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Bohemia, Hradec Kralové, 1 2 (J. Gekina) ; Praha-Revnice, I 9 reared from Polyporus, vii.1953 (L. Masner), (BM(NH)). Biology. Unknown. PLATYGERRAUS Thomson Platygerrhus Thomson, 1878: 4, 13. Type-species : P. gracilis Thomson, by monotypy. Platygervrhus Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 284, 285. Platygervhus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 156, 157, 169. Platygerrhus Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 213. Platygervrhus Thomson ; Bouéek, 1954 : 67. Platygervrhus Thomson ; Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 300-303. Platygervrhus Thomson ; Ferriére & Kerrich, 1958 : 30. Platygerrhus Szczepanski, 1961 : 3-11. Platygerrhus Thomson ; Peck, 1963 : 750. Platygeryhus Thomson ; Peck et al., 1964 : 35. Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 300) recognized only two European species of Platy- gerrhus, viz., dolosus (Walker) and ductilis (Walker). Even at that time I had some reservations regarding the number of species, which I felt might well be greater. Since then I have studied much new material, as a result of which I now recognize more species and have to make some changes in the synonymy. Although the females of Platygerrhus are in general rather difficult to separate, the males often show good characters in their antennae. In some cases, however, recognizably distinct males have not yet been associated with any female. Hence it is very desirable to breed the species carefully in order to correlate the sexes in all of them ; if any worker could perform this task it would be an invaluable contribution to knowledge of this group. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Propodeum between the spiracles, the callus, and the metapleuron, with strong raised reticulation (hence relatively dull) ; all these parts green to blue. Metapleuron with three to ten hairs. Gena often smooth in the neighbour- hood of the malar sulcus. Fore wing sometimes with a fuscous cloud below the stigmal vein ; basal cell open below in at least its proximal half ; row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell often incomplete. (Species-group of maculatus Erd6s) s : : : ‘ : ¢ é - : - Propodeum between the spiracles with sculpture which is weaker than that of the callus and metapleuron, and green to blue in colour; callus and metapleuron varying from bronze to coppery and violet, area around each spiracle nearly always blue to violet. Metapleuron most often bare, very occasionally with one or two hairs. Gena entirely reticulate, or with at most a very narrow smoother strip running along the malar sulcus. Fore wing immaculate ; basal cell closed below except sometimes at extreme base ; row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell always complete . c 4 EUROPE PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. (7 tL Shas ee eee eee ae ee — <= te SS Wo SES fF oS, Sa —— > — —— ee OE — iG) 82, longigena sp. N. ; (Walke io) ae e. 81, dolosus (Walke 83, unicoloy sp.n. ; 84, subglaber sp.n. ; 85, ductilis Platygerrhus spp., g antenna Fics. 81-85. 2 (1) 3°72) 4s) Soe) 6 (4) 7 (6) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Malar space only one third the length of an eye or even slightly less. Length of antennal scape slightly less than the transverse diameter of an eye. Fore wing with proximal half of costal cell virtually bare (Text-fig. 87). Dorsellum distinctly reticulate. Gaster 1-1 to 1-2 times as long as head plus thorax. Clypeus, lower face, and genae, purplish bronze subglaber sp. n. (p. 115) Malar space somewhat more than one third the length of an eye. Length of antennal scape equal to or slightly greater than the transverse diameter of aneye. Fore wing with lower surface of costal cell with at least some hairs in the proximal half, sometimes with a complete row. Gaster 1:1 to 1-4 times as long as head plus thorax . 3 Fore wing with row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell at least nattowly broken in the middle ; basal cell open below except at apex. Clypeus, genae, and at least the lower part of the face, purplish bronze maculatus Erdos (p. 114) Fore wing with row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell complete, sometimes partly double ; basal cell closed below in its distal half. Head entirely greenish . unicolor sp.n. (p. 116) Hypopygium Sfoccee its Ep Situated at one third the length of the gaster or slightly more. Slender species. Gaster elongate, 1-3 to 1-5 times as long as head plus thorax and 3:5 to 4 times as long as broad ; last tergite 1-7 to 2 times as long as its basal breadth. oe of eye 1°85 to 2-2 times the malar space . 5 Hypopygium longer, its tip situated at or eae ae half the length of the gaster, the latter at most 1-25 times as long as head plus thorax. Species sometimes more squat or with the malar space relatively shorter F 6 Basal cell of fore wing (Text-fig. 89) quite extensively pilose (less so in ee small specimens). Legs, except coxae and sometimes the mid and hind femora, testaceous. Funicular segments relatively long (the first 1-9 to 2-3 times as long as broad, 1-4 to 2 times as long as the pedicellus). Length 3°5to5‘Imm. . : . ductilis (Walker) (p. 117) Basal cell of fore wing jess extensieely, pilose. Legs dark, femora mainly fuscous to black ; at least the hind tibiae infuscate medially. Funicular segments relatively shorter (the first 1-5 to 1:6 times as long as broad) not or only slightly (up to 1-2 times) longer than the pedicellus. Length 2-8 to 3-4 mm. May be only an abnormally dark small form of ductilis (q.v.) ?ductilis f. linearis (Walker) (p. 118) Length of eye 1-8 to 2:1 times the malar space. Funicular segments relatively short, the first quadrate to 1-6 times as long as broad ; sixth usually quadrate to slightly transverse, occasionally slightly longer than broad. Legs very dark ; femora mainly fuscous or black, at least the hind tibia more or less infuscate, sometimes the legs are mainly black. (Species- group of dolosus Walker) ; : : : : ; : 9 Length of eye 2-3 to 3 times the mailer s0ece. Funicular segments relatively longer, the first 1-6 to 2-4 times as long as broad ; sixth nearly always at least slightly longer than broad, rarely quadrate. Legs almost always paler ; tibiae usually testaceous, occasionally the hind ones slightly infuscate . : 5 , : : ; : : 7 Scutellum moderately sna; convex ; a broad strip running down its middle is not distinctly striate-reticulate, most of the areoles being hardly longer than broad. Gaster only 2:1 to 2-2 times as long as broad, not longer than head plus thorax ; only the basal tergite tinged with green or PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE III Set tN A ig -—$—_ FEL R Llp thy — Disee oy a es 9| Fics. 86-93. 86, Platygerrhus longigena sp.n., 3, scutellum ; 87, P. subglaber sp. n., 2, fore wing, part ; 88, P. dolosus (Walker), 9, scutellum ; 89, P. ductilis (Walker), 9, fore wing, part ; 90, Janssoniella ambigua sp.n., 9, antenna ; 91, same, head ; 92, Plutothrix cisae Hedqvist, 9, head ; 93, Plutothrix coelius (Walker), 3, head. 112 eG) 9 (6) I 6 3.) 2) 4 (2) M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM blue, the rest purplish black. Scape not or hardly more than three quarters as long asaneye . : ?tarrha (Walker) (p. 122) Scutellum weakly convex to nearly ae a See running down the middle has striate-reticulate sculpture, most of fhe areoles being distinctly longer than broad. Gaster 2:2 to 4 times as long as broad, from as long, to 1:25 times as long, as head plus thorax. Scape most often somewhat more than three quarters the length of an eye : ; : : : ; : : 8 Gaster 2-2 to 2:8 times as long as broad . c ; affinis (Walker) (p. 118) Gaster 3 to 4 times as long as broad : : millenius Szczepanski (p. 119) Scutellum reticulate with elongate areoles, but these do not give the appear- ance of strigosity. Propodeum usually without a purplish or violet zone around each spiracle . : : : longigena sp. n. (p. 120) Scutellum (Text-fig. 88) very finely ead Tceoenly, strigose, at least over its middle third. Propodeum nearly always with a purplish or violet zone around each spiracle . : : : : : dolosus (Walker) (p. 120) (MALES) Antennal flagellum (Text-figs. 81, 82, 84) with outstanding hairs, whose length is about as great as the breadth of the funicular segments ; sensilla sparse, arranged in one, sometimes slightly irregular, row situated in the distal half of each funicular segment . 2 Antennal flagellum (Text-figs. 83, 85) ia, oalylacnmaliene ners, eee ieaaer is at least somewhat less than the breadth of the funicular segments ; sensilla most often numerous and arranged in two to three rows on each funicular segment, sometimes even four rows on the proximal segments . 6 Propodeum between the spiracles as strongly reticulate as the callus and metapleuron ; all these areas blue or greenish. Scutellum reticulate with little tendency towards striation. Fore wing with row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell often broken a st ; basal cell sometimes partly or entirely open below . 3 Propodeum between the spiracles more any retenlate and more eotiey (hea the callus and metapleuron ; the former area blue or green, the two latter most often bronze or coppery bronze. Scutellum sometimes partly strigose. Fore wing with row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell complete ; basal cell closed below : 4 Antenna (Text-fig. 84) with funicle slender, steels hardly as stout. as the pedicellus ; its first segment about 2:5 times, the sixth nearly twice, as long as broad. Dorsellum with distinct, raised reticulation subglaber sp. n. (p. 115) Antenna with funicle stouter (proximally as stout as or rather stouter than the pedicellus), its first segment hardly twice as long as broad, the sixth only slightly longer than broad. Dorsellum with relatively weaker sculpture ?maculatus Erdés (p. 114) Antennal scape (Text-fig. 81) reaching slightly above the level of the vertex, its length fully equal to or slightly greater than the transverse diameter of an eye. About the middle third of the scutellum has very regular striate sculpture whose areoles are for the most part three times as long as broad or more, the sculpture even more regular than that of the female (cf. Text- fig. 88) c : . dolosus (Walker) (p. 120) Antennal scape reaching only to about the level of the middle of the median ocellus, its length hardly equal to the transverse diameter of aneye. Scutel- lum with more reticulate sculpture with little tendency towards striation (Text-fig. 86) ; over its middle third most of the areoles are less than three times as long as broad . ‘ t F c 6 . : c P 5 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 113 5 (4) Antenna with hairs of flagellum standing out strongly ; scape 3:5 to 3-7 times as long as broad, only slightly expanded above the middle, where its front edge has a small boss which extends hardly half way down the scape. Scutellum moderately convex ; tarrha (Walker) (p. 122) - Antenna (Text-fig. 82) with hairs of flagellum standing out only moderately ; scape 2-9 to 3-1 times as long as broad, more distinctly expanded above the middle, its front edge with a larger boss. Scutellum weakly convex longigena sp. n. (p. 120) 6 (1) Propodeum between the spiracles as strongly reticulate as the callus and metapleuron ; all these parts greenish or bluish. Gena, just behind the malar sulcus, shiny and nearly smooth. Antennal scape (Text-fig. 83) hardly expanded above the middle, the boss on its front edge very indistinct and only slightly smoother than the rest of the scape _. wnicolor sp. n. (p. 116) - Propodeum between the spiracles less strongly reticulate than the callus and metapleuron ; the former area green to blue, the latter areas normally bronze to coppery. Gena usually reticulate or alutaceous all over, some- times narrowly shiny along the malar sulcus. Antennal scape with a distinct shiny boss on its front edge : a 7 (6) Antenna with first funicular segment 1-5 to 1-8 times ; as long as broad, 1-3 fo 1-8 times as long as the pedicellus ; flagellum appearing rather rougher than in the following species. Legs relatively dark: normally all the femora are mainly fuscous to black, the hind ones often wholly so ;_ tibiae (at least the hind ones) usually infuscate medially ; sometimes the legs are mainly blackish. Length 1-7 to 2-7 mm. Head shaped as in ductilis. Basal cell of fore wing usually with only one row of hairs below the submarginal vein, sometimes two. Eye 2-3 to 2-7 times the malar space . 3 . ?ductilis f. linearis (Walker) (p. 118) - Antenna (Text-fig. 85) with first funicular segment 2 to 2:5 times as long as broad, 1-8 to 2-6 times as long as the pedicellus ; flagellum appearing relatively smooth. Legs relatively paler ; mid femora often testaceous, sometimes also the fore femora ; tibiae most often testaceous, sometimes the hind ones infuscate. Length 2-5 to 4 mm. 2 8 8 (7) Head in dorsal view 2:15 to 2:25 times as broad as long. Fore wing with teal cell usually with two or even three rows of hairs below the submarginal vein, rarely only one row in small specimens ; stigma tending to be subcircular, its lower edge sites curved. Eye 2:25 to 2:5 times as long as the malar space : F . ductilis (Walker) (p. 177) - Head in dorsal view 2°35 to 2°4 Pres as broad as long. Fore wing with basal cell usually with only one row of hairs below the submarginal vein, some- times two rows ; stigma tending to be longer than high, its lower edge often straight in the middle. Eye 2-7 to 2-9 times as long as the malar space affinis (Walker) (p. 118) THE MACULATUS-GrRovup The three forms included here are characterized by their very strongly and coarsely reticulate propodeum, and by the similar colour of the propodeum and metapleuron (see key to species). At first I believed that all three forms might belong to one variable species ; but the discovery of three male forms having different antennae negatived this view. The differences between the respective females are small, but this seems to be the rule in Platygerrhus ; however, they work out consist- ently in the material studied. It will be interesting to see whether they prove to 114 M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM be valid after a study of further material. The presence of a fuscous cloud on the fore-wing is not diagnostic for this species-group, as it is absent in some specimens ; such a cloud does not, however, occur in the other species-groups of Platygerrhus. Trigonoderus algonquinia Girault (1917, Ent. News 28 : 396-397) belongs to the maculatus-group of Platygerrhus according to Hedqvist (1968, Ent. Tidskr. 89 : 36). I have not seen its type, which must be re-examined to see how it differs from the three species here placed in the group. Platygerrhus maculatus Erdos Platygerrhus maculatus Erdés, 1957 : 362-363, Q. Type material. Holotype 9, Hungary, Budapest, Hiivésvélgy, 22.1x.1929 (Biré) and paratype, same locality, 23. ix. 1928 (Bzvd) in Hungarian National Museum, Budapest. Dr. L. Moczar and Dr. Erdés at my request kindly looked for the holotype of maculatus but reported that they were unable to find it ; however, they sent the paratype to me for examination. Some discrepancies between the characters shown by the paratype and those mentioned in the original description suggest the possibility that it and the holotype may not have been conspecific. However, unless the latter is found, this cannot be ascertained. Therefore I assume that the two original specimens were in fact the same and base my interpretation on the paratype. The 9, as thus interpreted, has the following characters : Whole face, including the clypeus, purplish bronze. Clypeus very shiny, alutaceous dorsally but smooth over about its anterior half ; anterior tentorial pits notably large, separated by hardly their own diameter ; genae smooth behind the malar sulcus, sometimes also in front of it ; malar space about two fifths the length of an eye. Antennal scape fully equal to or very slightly greater than the transverse diameter of an eye, reaching the level of the vertex ; pedicellus in profile about twice as long as broad, about as long as the first funicular segment ; funicle slightly clavate, proximally hardly stouter than the pedicellus, its first segment nearly twice as long as broad, sixth segment about 1-3 times as long as broad ; clava slightly broader than the funicle, slightly longer than the two preceding funicular segments together ; sensilla relatively sparse, in one row on each segment, slightly irregular on the proximal segments of the funicle. Thorax similar to that of subglabey sp.n. Metapleuron with about six hairs. Fore wing with lower surface of costal cell with a row of hairs which is broken in the middle, and with scattered hairs in the distal third, its upper surface bare except for a row of hairs in the distal third ; basal vein with three to six hairs ; basal cell virtually bare, both it and the speculum open below ; an oval fuscous cloud below the stigmal vein in the specimens examined. Gaster lanceolate, 3 to 3-5 times as long as broad, 1:25 to 1-4 times as long as head plus thorax ; otherwise much as in subglaber sp.n. dg. Ag determined as maculatus by Dr. Erdés and which probably belongs to the above female, resembles the latter but differs as follows : Antennae similar to those of subglaber sp. n., but with the flagellum rather stouter, proximally as stout as or slightly stouter than the pedicellus, its first segment hardly twice as long as broad, sixth segment only slightly longer than broad. Dorsellum smoother. Row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell only very narrowly broken in the middle, the speculum partly closed below ; the wing immaculate. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 115 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY. A female from Czechoslovakia, in the collection of Dr. Bouéek, agrees with the paratype of maculatus. Biology. Unknown. The imagines examined were captured in April (g), July and September (99). Platygerrhus subglaber sp. n. (Text-figs. 84, 87) 9. Head green to blue-green ; clypeus, lower face, and genae, purplish bronze ; dorsum of thorax including the propodeal callus green to blue-green, the pronotum with a blue or violet spot on each side ; sides and venter of thorax with more obscure greenish reflections, but the metapleuron sometimes green like the propodeal callus ; gaster dull bronze, laterally and ventrally greenish, and with the whole of the first tergite, except its hind margin narrowly, green to blue-green ; mandibles brownish with darker teeth ; antennal scape testaceous, darkened at the tip dorsally ; pedicellus brownish, testaceous beneath ; flagellum fuscous ; fore coxae blackish with a metallic tinge, their inner aspect sometimes pale ; mid and hind coxae testaceous, their outer aspect (except apically) fuscous ; legs otherwise testaceous with only the fifth tarsal segment brownish, the femora are deeper in colour, whilst the tarsi proxi- mally are very pale, almost whitish testaceous ; tegulae testaceous ; wings hyaline, venation testaceous or brownish testaceous. Length, 2-7 to 3:2 mm. Clypeus mainly or entirely smooth and polished ; anterior tentorial pits large and very deep, subcircular, separated by about their own diameter ; genae on both sides of the malar sulcus very shiny and virtually without sculpture, the edge of the oral fossa between clypeus and genae also polished ; remainder of head with reticulation which is distinctly raised above the general surface ; eyes large, separated by barely 1-1 times their length ; malar space very short, one third the length of an eye or slightly less. Antennal scape barely reaching level with the vertex, about four times as long as broad, its length slightly less than the transverse diameter of an eye ; pedicellus in profile nearly twice as long as broad, from two thirds to slightly less than the length of the first funicular segment ; funicle filiform, slightly stouter than the pedicellus, its first segment 1-7 to 2 times, sixth segment 1-25 to 1-5 times, as long as broad ; clava hardly broader than the funicle, 2-5 to nearly 3 times as long as broad, its length about equal to that of the two preceding funicular segments together, its first segment occupying nearly half of the total length ; sensilla fairly numerous, in the larger specimens forming two irregular rows on each funicular segment, though in a small specimen the number in the proximal row is reduced. Thorax weakly arched dorsally, so that the dorsellum and propodeum are only gently de- clived. Pronotum, mesoscutum, and axillae with strong raised reticulation. Scutellum weakly convex in its longitudinal axis, relatively strongly sculptured ; along a narrow strip down the middle the sculpture is engraved with strongly elongated areoles, elsewhere the sculpture is slightly raised with the areoles only slightly elongated. Dorsellum slightly shiny, but with distinct, slightly raised reticulation. Propodeum including the calli, and the meta- pleura, with strong and distinctly raised reticulation, relatively dull for the genus ; metapleuron with three to eight hairs in its apical half ; mesepimeron moderately shiny, with delicate alutaceous (engraved) sculpture except ventrally where the sculpture is a little raised. Fore wing (Text-fig. 87) with costal cell with its lower surface bare or virtually bare in the proximal half but with scattered hairs in the distal half, its upper surface bare except for a row of hairs in the distal third ; basal vein with a few hairs ; the basal cell virtually bare, both it and the speculum open below. Gastral petiole about 2:5 times as broad as long. Gaster lanceolate, 3 to 3:3 times as long as broad, slightly (1-1 to 1-2 times) longer than head plus thorax, nearly as broad as the _ thorax ; hind margin of first tergite slightly curved ; last tergite about as long as its basal _ breadth ; hypopygium extending slightly less than half way along the gaster. 116 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM The female differs from those of maculatus Erdés and unicoloy sp. n. in the characters given in my key to species. 6. Differs from the female as follows : Length 1-7 to 2 mm. Antennal scape (except proximally) more brownish tinged ; pedi- cellus darker than in the female ; clypeus, genae, and lower face greenish with only a slight bronze tinge. Antennae (Text-fig. 84) with scape not quite reaching the level of the median ocellus, slightly more than three times as long as broad, its length somewhat less than the transverse diameter of an eye, only very slightly expanded just above the middle, where there is a small shiny boss on its anterior margin ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-8 times the breadth of the head ; pedicellus rather shorter (1-6 to 1-7 times as long as broad) ; funicle proximally slender, hardly as stout as the pedicellus in profile, but thickening slightly distad, its first seg- ment about 2-5 times, sixth segment about twice, as long as broad ; clava about three times as long as broad, slightly broader than the sixth funicular segment, its length about equal to that of the two preceding funicular segments together ; flagellum with few sensilla, which are relatively long but placed in a single row in the distal part of each segment ; funicle clothed with long bristly hairs which stand out at an angle of about 30°, their length being somewhat greater than the breadth of the segments which bear them ; on the clava the hairs are similar but decrease somewhat in length. Metapleuron with only two to six hairs. Lower surface of costal cell of fore wing in one specimen with three to four hairs in the proximal third. Gastral petiole about as long as broad, about two thirds as long as the propodeum. Gaster oblong-sublinear, as long as but somewhat narrower than the thorax, ventrally concave with a median plica. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Norfolk, 10.vii.1955, reared from logs of Alnus glutinosa L. (G. H. Thompson), BM(NH). Paratypes. ENGLAND: Norfolk, 1 g, 7.vii.1955, I 9, 10.vil.1955, reared from logs of Alnus glutinosa L. (G. H. Thompson), BM(NB). The holotype 9 is labelled ‘‘ Alnus glutinosa Cage No. : 21 10 July 1955” ; “England G. H. Thompson B.M. 1956—194”’ ; and “ Platygerrhus ductilis Walk. Q“ July form ” G. J. Kerrich det. 1955 ”’. Biology. Unknown. Platygerrhus unicolor sp. n. 9. Differs from that of swbglaber sp. n. as follows : Lower part of head not tinged with purplish bronze. Fore wings immaculate in the British specimens, but in the Czechoslovak female with a fuscous cloud anterior to the stigmal vein. Clypeus alutaceous, only its anterior margin polished ; genae sculptured, except for a strip immediately behind the malar sulcus ; malar space longer, somewhat more than one third the length of an eye. Antennal scape reaching the level of the vertex, its length very slightly greater than the transverse diameter of an eye. Dorsellum rather more shiny and less strongly sculptured, its hind margin smooth. Meta- pleuron with seven to ten hairs scattered over its surface. Mesepimeron with rather stronger, slightly raised, sculpture. Fore wing with lower surface of costal cell with a complete, even partially double, row of hairs extending to its base, also with more numerous scattered hairs in the distal half ; basal cell closed below in about its distal half by a line of hairs on the cubital vein, and with a few hairs below the submarginal vein. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 117 Gaster a little longer, 3-5 times as long as broad and about 1-3 times the length of head plus thorax. The vertex, mesoscutum, axillae and scutellum are of a duller more bronze-green, whilst the scape and pedicellus are slightly darker than in subglaber sp. n. The female differs from that of maculatus Erdos in the characters mentioned in my key to species (q.v.). 3g. Differs from the female in the structure of its antennae and gaster, also in its slightly darker colour. The antennae are blackish with only the base of the scape narrowly pale ; the trochanters and femora are brownish, the tibiae are brownish along their outer edge ; and the tegulae are fuscous. The antenna (Text-fig. 83) is quite different from that of subglabey sp.n. in its broadened scape and thicker flagellum with numerous sensilla and subadpressed hairs. Length of antennal scape about equal to the transverse diameter of an eye ; funicle rather stout, distinctly broader than the pedicellus in profile, its segments relatively shorter, the first hardly twice, the sixth hardly 1-5 times, as long as broad ; clava slightly broader ; funi- cular segments with numerous sensilla which are grouped in two rows upon each segment, the clava also with numerous sensilla which are arranged in one row on each segment ; the hairs of the flagellum are shorter than the breadth of the segments which bear them, and stand out only very slightly. Holotype 9. ENGLanD : Norfolk, 17.vi.1955, reared from logs of Alnus glutinosa L. (G. H. Thompson), BM(NH). The holotype is labelled ‘‘ Alnus glutinosa Cage No.: 21 17 June 1955” ; “England G. H. Thompson. B.M. 1956-194”’ ; and “ Platygerrhus ductilis Walk. 9 intermediate G. J. Kerrich det. 1955’. Paratypes. 1 g, same data as holotype, I.vi.1955, BM(NH) ; CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Praha-okolf. Kré, 1 9, 22.vi.1957, on Pinus (Bouéek), in coll. Bouéek. Biology. Unknown. THE DUCTILIS-Group The species of this group have the propodeum weakly sculptured, and have the callus and metapleuron differently coloured from the middle part of the propodeum. Females have the funicular segments relatively longer, the malar space relatively shorter, and the legs paler, than those of the dolosus-group. The known males differ from those of the dolosws-group in having the hairs of the antennal flagellum subdecumbent. Platygerrhus ductilis (Walker) Trigonoderus ductilis Walker, 1836 : 17, 3 9. ? Tvigonoderus linearis Walker, 1836 : 19, 9. Trigonoderus figuratus Walker, 1836 : 20, g. ? Trigonoderus deductoy Walker, 1836 : 20, 3. ? Trigonoderus Lappa Walker, 1848 : 128, 216, 3. Platygervhus ductilis (Walker) Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 300-302, [ex parte]. : : - Type material. Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 300) placed Trigonoderus affinis Walker, T. amabilis Walker, and Platygerrhus gracilis Thomson, in synonymy with ductilis. 1 now consider affinis to be a valid species, with amabilis and gracilis as | synonyms (see below). 118 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM For designation of lectotypes, and discussion of the synonymy of the other species (except lappa) see Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 300-302). Trigonoderus linearis is a small slender form with very dark legs ; it may be a form of ductilis, though I have found small differences which suggest that it might be a valid species. Further study of the range of variation in ductilis is necessary to settle this question. Trigonoderus lappa Walker. Lectotype 9 designated by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 303), who placed it in synonymy with dolosus (Walker). It has the striate sculpture of the scutellum rather similar to that of male dolosus but its antennae are quite different. It certainly belongs either to ductilis or to affinis. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, ?CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Because ductilis (Walker) and affinis (Walker), regarded by Kerrich & Graham as forms of one species, are now considered to be distinct, it is difficult to be sure which host-records apply to the true ductilis without re-examining the speci- mens. The record given by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 301) under forma deductor refers to true ductilis (England, Berkshire, Windsor Forest, 19.iv.1933, a female taken from burrows of [ps (=Tomucus) suturalis Gyll. in spruce bark). Szczepanski (1961 : 5) recorded ductilis as a parasite of Scolytus ensifer Eichh. in Poland ; but his species was probably not the true ductilis. Walker (1836 : 18) recorded ductilis as occurring “‘ May and June ; on posts and beams of wood perforated by Anobium, etc.’’ During May 1963, in my garden in Oxford, I observed males and females of ductilis walking about trellis-work made of old Corylus twigs which were heavily infested by Anobium punctatum DeG. ; it seems very likely that they were parasitizing this beetle. On 29.v.1968, at Southgate, Middlesex (which is probably the type-locality for this species) I captured a 9 ductilis as it was investigating holes made by Anobiwm, on the bole of a decaying Salix fragilis. Imagines appear in May and June. Platygerrhus affinis (Walker) agg. Trigonoderus affinis Walker, 1836 : 19, 9. Trigonoderus amabilis Walker, 1836 : 20, 9, Syn. n. ? Pteromalus (Pterolycus) Gravenhorstit Ratzeburg, 1852 : 245, &. Platygervhus gracilis Thomson, 1878 : 14, 9, syn. n. Trigonoderus ductilis f. affinis (Walker) Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 300, 301. ? Platygerrhus millenius Szczepanski, 1961 : 5-10, 5 . Type material. For designation of lectotypes for the above species, and discussion of synonymy, see Kerrich & Graham (1957). In that paper the names here cited under affinis were regarded as synonyms of ductilis (Walker). Pteromalus (Pterolycus) gravenhorstii Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. The species was thought by Novitzky to be a Platynocheilus, but in an earlier paper (Graham, 1963, Trans. Soc. Brit. Ent. 15 (9) : 169-170) I gave my reasons for thinking PIEROMALIDAE OF N-W. EUROPE 119 that his view was incorrect and that gravenhorstii may have been a Platygerrhus. Of the species of that genus, the description seems to fit affints best. Platygerrhus millenius Szczepanski. Holotype 9, Poland, Hajnéwka County, Bialowieza National Park, 31.viii.1959, in coll. Szczepanski ; allotype 3, same locality, 8.ix.1959, in Forest Entomology Section of Central Agricultural College, Warsaw. Thanks to the kindness of Dr. Szczepanski, I have been able to examine the holotype ; it may fall within the limits of variation of affinis (but see below). I refer to the entity now being discussed as affinis aggregate, since it contains two forms which might be distinct species. The aggregate comes very close to ductilis (Walker) but may be distinguished as follows : 2. Hypopygium extending nearly or quite half way along the gaster ; the latter on the aver- age shorter than in ductilis, especially in large specimens, only as long as head plus thorax in some specimens, but up to 1-4 times as long in occasional smaller ones. Malar space relatively shorter (length of eye 2-3 to 3 times the malar space, as against 2-05 to 2-2 times in ductilis). Basal cell of fore wing with fewer hairs, usually only one row below the submarginal vein, two rows in large specimens ; lower margin of stigma less evenly and strongly curved, sometimes nearly straight in the middle, the stigma more oblong in shape, usually subcircular in ductilis. There is considerable variation within the limits of the affinis-aggregate. P. millenius Szczepanski falls within these limits and may be a form of affinis, the differences between them being only very small and possibly inconstant. Females of the aggregate, however, seem to fall into two groups : (1) affinis s. str., with gaster 2:2-2°8 times as long as broad, (2) millenius with gaster 3-4 times as long as broad. There is considerable variation in the length of the malar space, but no correlation between this and the relative length of the gaster appears to exist. The range of variation in the ratio of length to breadth of the gaster seems rather great for a single species, for which reason I treat millenius as a doubtful synonym of affinis. Further research is needed to show whether these two forms are specifically distinct or not. The males which I have associated with affinis differ from those of ductilis only in a few very small characters (see key to males). BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, POLAND. Biology. The specimens reared in England from Anobium punctatum DeG (O. W. Richards), and referred to as ductilis f. affinis by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 301) belong here. In Britain I have captured imagines of f. affinis from August to November ; those of f. millenius in May, June and August. THe DOLOSUS-GrRovupP Females have the characters of the propodeum and metapleuron as in the ductilis- _ group, from which they differ in having the funicular segments relatively short, the malar space relatively longer, and the legs darker. Males differ from those of the _ ductilis-group in having the hairs of the antennal flagellum more or less outstanding. 120 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Platygerrhus dolosus (Walker) Trigonoderus dolosus Walker, 1836a : 23, 2 (nec g). Trigonoderus hirticornis Walker, 1836a : 23, 5, Syn. n. Platygerrhus dolosus (Walker) Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 303, d 9. Platygerrhus dolosus (Walker) ; Ferriére & Kerrich, 1958 : 30. Type material. Tvigonoderus dolosus Walker. Lectotype 9 designated by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 303). Trigonoderus hirticornis Walker. Two specimens stand under this name. One is labelled “‘ hirticornis? Moncreaff ’’ and cannot be a syntype ; it is ag Eupelmella vesicularis. The other, bearing a Waterhouse label ‘‘ Tvigonoderus hirticornis ’’, is represented by the wings and one mid tarsus only ; these remains indicate that it was also a § Eupelmella. I have not seen any ¢ of the latter which would fit the description of jirticornis. On the other hand the description fits some small males of Platygerrhus dolosus extremely well, so that I feel justified in synonymizing hirticornis with dolosus. Walker (1836a : 23) described what he supposed to be the 6 of his dolosus but his identification was wrong since the $ syntype of dolosus (the only § standing under that name) does not belong to that species, but possibly to longigena sp. Nn. Trigonoderus lappa Walker, 1848, placed in synonymy with dolosus by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 303) does not belong to that species, but probably to ductilis (see below). BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. eared in England as an external parasite of Laemophloeus ater (Oliv.) (Col., Cucujidae), a predator of Phloephthorus rhododactylus (Marsh.) (Col., Scolytidae) on broom, Sarothamnus scoparius (L.) Wimmer (M. R. Smith) ; see Ferriére & Kerrich, 1958 : 30. Imagines Apr._May and Aug.—Sept. Note. Whilst this paper was in proof, Hedqvist (1968, Ent. Tidskr. 89 : 38) described a new species Platygerrhus americanus, which he compared particularly with dolosus. Ihave seen a paratype 9 of americanus, which differs from 2 longigena in having the costal cell of the fore wing very narrow (length : breadth about I5: 1), its upper surface virtually bare, lower surface (and the rest of the wing) more sparsely pilose ; base of costal and basal cells broadly infuscate ; middle of propodeum wholly violet. Platygerrhus longigena sp. n. (Text-figs. 82, 86) 6. Head and dorsum of thorax deep bluish green, the scutellum mainly bronze, mesoscutum and axillae partly tinged with the same colour; sides of thorax with weaker greenish and bronze reflections ; propodeum including the spiracular regions bluish or greenish, except the calli which are bronze or purplish bronze ; gaster black with a weak violet tinge, the basal tergite partly blue-green. Mandibles reddish. Antennae black ; scape slightly metallic. Coxae concolorous with sides of thorax ; trochanters partly fuscous, partly testaceous ; femora black- ish with a metallic gloss, except their tips very narrowly, and a stripe on the mid femur, which PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 121 are testaceous ; fore tibiae testaceous to fuscous, mid and hind tibiae fuscous with their bases and tips narrowly pale, or testaceous with a median infuscate band ; tarsi pale testaceous proximally, darkening gradually to brown distally, the fore tarsi darker than the others. Tegulae fuscous. Wings slightly greyish ; venation brownish testaceous. Length 2:3 to 2-5 mm. Clypeus alutaceous, its anterior margin with a smooth strip. Tentorial pits as in subglaber sp.n. Genae and face wholly reticulate. Eyes separated by 1-2 to 1-3 times their length ; eye-length 2-2 to 2-7 times the malar space. Antenna (Text-fig. 82) with scape 2:8 to 3 times as long as broad, not reaching above the level of the middle of the median ocellus, expanded above the middle, its outer surface with vague indications of a boss ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-7 to 1-9 times breadth of head ; funicle slightly stouter than the pedicellus, but only when the latter is seen in profile, its first segment 1-8 to 2 times, sixth 1-4 to 1-6 times, as long as broad ; clava 3 to 3:5 times as long as broad, slightly longer than the two preceding funicular segments together ; flagellum fairly thickly clothed with hairs which stand out at 30° to 45°, the length of these hairs about equal to, the breadth of the segments that bear them ; sensilla relatively sparse, arranged in one irregular row on each segment, or in two rows on some of the segments. Scutellum (Text-fig. 86) with sculpture of about middle third engraved, with elongate areoles, though not quite so elongate as in male dolosus ; elsewhere the sculpture is very slightly raised above the general surface, with the areoles only moderately (some hardly) elongate. Dorsellum polished, smooth or virtually so. Propodeum (except the calli) moderately shiny, with fine reticulation which is only very slightly raised ; calli a little less shiny, with their sculpture slightly more raised. Metapleuron bare, sculptured much like the calli. Mesepimeron with sculpture like that of the main part of the propodeum. Fore wing : costal cell moderately broad (8-5 to 9 times as long as broad), its front edge slightly curved outwards, its lower surface with a complete, sometimes partly double, row of hairs, plus some scattered ones in the distal third, its upper surface with a single row in the distal third ; basal vein pilose ; basal cell closed below except at base, and with one to two irregular rows of hairs below the submarginal vein ; speculum closed below. Closely resembles the male of dolosus (Walker), but has the antennal scape shorter and broader, not reaching the vertex, flagellum with somewhat less outstanding hairs ; sculpture of scutellum rather less fine and less obviously striate ; propodeum not tinged with violet or purple behind the spiracles (as it often is in dolosus). ©. Differs from the ¢ as follows: Head, and thorax dorsally, green to blue-green, the side-lobes of the mesoscutum bluish discally ; axillae and scutellum somewhat duller than the rest of the thorax (tending towards bronze). Antennal scape sometimes more or less testaceous proximally. Malar space longer (length of eye 1-8 to 2:1 malar space). Antenna with scape reaching level of vertex or (usually) a little above it, slightly more than three quarters as long as an eye, and its length slightly to very distinctly greater than the transverse diameter of an eye ; combined length of pedi- cellus and flagellum 1-3 to 1:35 times breadth of head ; pedicellus 1-7 to 1-8 times as long as broad, slightly shorter than the first funicular segment ; flagellum subclavate ; funicle proxi- mally distinctly a little stouter than the pedicellus, thickening very slightly distad, its first segment 1°55 to 1-8 times as long as broad, sixth quadrate or very slightly transverse ; clava as long as, or somewhat longer than, the two preceding funicular segments together ; hairs of flagellum standing out only very slightly ; sensilla not very numerous, sometimes in one irregular (distal) row on each segment, but usually with a partial second (proximal) row on at least the proximal segments of the funicle. Scutellum flatter and broader, rather less finely sculptured. Fore wing with costal cell ro to 12 times as long as broad, sometimes slightly infuscate basally. Gaster slightly longer than head plus thorax, 2-3 to 2-7 times as long as broad, about as broad as the thorax ; last tergite about as long as its basal breadth ; hypopygium extending half, or a little more than half, way along the gaster. The female is very close to that of dolosus (Walker), which differs in having the side-lobes of the 122 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM mesoscutum blue, almost always with a violet discal spot ; spiracular areas of propodeum more or less violet or purplish ; scutellum more regularly sculptured, with the striations more extensive. Holotype g. IRELAND: Co. Wicklow, The Glen of the Downs, 23.viii.1954 (Graham), in Graham collection. Paratypes. ENGLAND: Oxfordshire, Otmoor, I 9, 2.v1.1956, I 9, 6.vili.1956 (Graham) ; IRELAND : North Kerry, Headley Bridge, 1 4, 28.vi.1934 (A. W. Stelfox), in Graham collection. Unlocalized, but probably IRELAND : 1 g in Haliday collec- tion (No. 874). Biology. Unknown. Platygerrhus tarrha (Walker) comb. n. Trigonoderus Tavrha Walker, 1848 : 128, 217, 3. Trigonoderus tarrha Walker ; Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 299. Type material. Listed by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 299) as a doubtful species. The single male standing under this name is now designated LECTOTYPE;; it is represented only by the antennae, wings, and parts of the legs. From these remains it is clearly a Platygerrhus, whilst the antennae are distinctive and agree exactly with those of a recently caught male in my collection. Hence I feel confident that I can identify the lectotype, which represents a valid species. So far I have not been able to associate any females with this male. BRITAIN : “ England” (Walker, 1848 : 128) ; Oxfordshire, Otmoor, I g, 29.vill 1956 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. GASTRACANTHUS Westwood Gastvacanthus Westwood, 1833 : 121. Type-species : G. pulcherrimus Westwood, by monotypy. Hetroxys Westwood, 1833¢ : 495 [n. n. for Gastvacanthus, supposedly pre-occupied]. Photismus Thomson, 1878 : 4, 15. Photismus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 156, 157, 165-166. Photismus Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 212. Gastvacanthus Westwood ; Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 281-284. Gastvacanthus Westwood ; Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958 : 24-25, 29. Gastracanthus Westwood ; Kamijo, 1960a : 102-106. Gastracanthus Westwood ; Peck et al., 1964 : 35. Gastracanthus was misinterpreted until Kerrich & Graham (1957) recognized its true position. Hetyvoxys Westwood had earlier been wrongly identified by Thomson (1878 : 48, 86, as “ Etroxys ’’) asa Pteromaline genus. Photismus Thomson was placed in synonymy with Gastracanthus by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 281). The genus is widely distributed in the northern hemisphere ; one species is known in Europe, others in North America (see Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 283) and in Japan (Kamijo, 1960a : 102-106). PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 123 Gastracanthus pulcherrimus Westwood Gastracanthus pulcherrimus Westwood, 1833 : 121, 9. Pteromalus pulcherrimus (Westwood) Walker, 1836a : 9-10, 9. Pteromalus macromerus Walker, 1836a : 11, 3. Trigonoderus elegans Walker, 1836a : 21, 3. Cleonymus transversus Forster, 1841 : 33, d- Photismus nubilosus Thomson, 1878 : 15-16, ¢ 8. Gastvacanthus pulcherrimus Westwood ; Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 281-283, 284, pl. 2, 3 9. Gastracanthus pulcherrimus Westwood ; Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958 : 29. Type material. The types of pulcherrimus Westwood appear to be lost ; for designation of lectotypes for the other species mentioned in the above synonymy, see Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 281-282). The same authors were responsible for the synonymy. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, FINLAND, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Otten (1940 : 187-188) stated that he had reared a female of Photismus nubtlosus in Germany from an imago of Byrrhus fasciatus (Forster) (Col., Byrrhidae) found 20.viii.1939, under stones ; but I do not know if the parasite was correctly identified. Females of this species may often be found on the foliage of hazel (Corylus avellana L.). Imagines chiefly May—June and Aug.—Sept. (one record for July). ERDOESIA Bouéek Evdoesia Bouéek, 1957a : 157. Type-species : E. tessellata Bouéek, by original designation. Evdoesia Bouéek ; Peck et al., 1964 : 35. Erdoesia tessellata Boucek Evdoesia tessellata Bouéek, 1957a : 159, . Type material. Holotype 9, Bohemia, Hradec Kralové, Nov. 1916 (J. Sekera), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. No. 3014). GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown. Imaginesin June, Aug. and November. SPHEGIGASTERINI KEY TO EUROPEAN GENERA In all the genera, both mandibles have four teeth. I Pronotal collar either not margined or, if slightly so, then the anterior margin of the clypeus is bidentate and the second gastral (fourth abdominal) tergite (Text-figs. 96, 100) is large, in the female as long as or longer than the basal tergite. Pronotal collar often with front edge waved or with teeth : ‘ 2 124 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM ~ Pronotal collar sharply margined anteriorly, at least in the middle but usually throughout ; anterior margin of clypeus tridentate, edentate, or with a median tubercle ; second gastral (fourth abdominal) tergite at least slightly shorter than the basal tergite, sometimes wholly concealed beneath it : 3 2 (1) Anterior margin of clypeus bidentate. Gena with a large fovea above base of mandible. Mesoscutal notauli incomplete. Second tergite of gaster (fourth abdominal) large, in female (Text-figs. 96, 100) as long as or longer than the basal tergite ; : , SPHEGIGASTER Spinola (p. 124) = Anterior margin of clypeus tridentate. Gena with at most a very narrow fovea along oral edge above base of mandible. Notauli usually traceable nearly or quite to hind margin of mesoscutum, though very superficial posteriorly. Second tergite of gaster (fourth abdominal) much shorter than the basal tergite : ‘ : : . SYNTOMOPUS Walker (p. 137) 3. (1) Scutellum with a discal fovea. Basal tergite of gaster very large, as in Cryptoprymna. Anterior margin of clypeus edentate, almost truncate . . NOTOGLYPTUS Masi (p. 140) = Scutellum without a discal fovea. The other characters rarely present in combination ‘ 4 4 (3) Basal tergite of gaster veny ate at Teac slightly loneer than broad, seooele convex, concealing or almost concealing the remaining segments, its hind margin straight or nearly so. Anterior margin of clypeus either produced and shallowly emarginate, or tridentate 5 5 ~ Basal tergite of gaster not longer than broad, noe eee epneeae the remaining segments, except very rarely in some Toxveuma, which have the anterior margin of the clypeus truncate ; the hind margin of the tergite often broadly emarginate . : 6 5 (4) Anterior margin of clypeus produced aad Seallowely spaces medially, Gastral petiole reticulate, in female about twice, in male more than twice, as long as broad . ; : . CRYPTOPRYMNA Forster (p. 140) - Anterior margin of clypeus pedenecis Gastral petiole longitudinally striate, in female not longer than broad, in male at most 1-5 times as long as broad NOVITZKYANUS Bouétek (p. 141) 6 (4) Anterior margin of clypeus without teeth or with at most a very small median tubercle. Hind margin of basal tergite of gaster straight or weakly bi- sinuate. Palpiin male normal . : ; TOXEUMA Walker (p. 144) - Anterior margin of clypeus tridentate. Hind margin of basal tergite of gaster broadly, almost semicircularly emarginate. Maxillary palpi of male with the terminal segment, or the penultimate segment, strongly swollen to form a metallic bladder-like structure . 7 7 (6) Fore wing with a distinct speculum ; at least ne prcocmell ‘third ioe the paca cell bare. Maxillae of male with penultimate segment of palpus strongly swollen, the terminal Sak small and clavate or subclavate ; stipites not enlarged . : ; ‘ CYRTOGASTER Walker (p. 141) - Fore wing without a ere ; basal cell wholly pilose. Maxillae of male with terminal segment of palpus strongly swollen ; stipites also swollen POLYCYSTUS Westwood (p. 144) SPHEGIGASTER Spinola auctt. Sphegigastey Spinola, 1811 : 149, no. 11. Type-species : Diplolepis pallicornis Spinola, 1808, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 330. Merismus Walker, 1833 : 371, 375, 377, ex parte [Divisions 1, 3]. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 125 Sphegigaster Spinola ; Forster, 1856 : 53, 57 [ev parte]. Sphegigaster Spinola ; Thomson, 1878 : 17, 20. Trigonogastva Ashmead, 1904 : 330, 331. Type-species : T. auwvata Ashmead, by monotypy and original designation. Sphegigastey Spinola ; Ashmead, 1904 : 330, 332. Trigonogastva Ashmead ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 374, 375, 378. Sphegigastey Spinola ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 375, 376, 378. Sphegigastey Spinola ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 248. Sphegigastey Spinola ; Peck et al., 1964 : 40. The identity of Sphegigaster is not absolutely certain, since the original material of the type-species, Diplolepis pailicornis Spinola, has not been located. However, there is nothing in Spinola’s very brief diagnosis to suggest that it is not the present genus and in this sense it has been generally accepted since the time of Walker. Trigonogastra Ashmead was placed in synonymy with Sphegigaster Spin. auctt. by Delucchi (1958a : 56) ; he stated that the type-species of Tvigonogastra (aurata Ashmead) resembled Sphegigaster mutica Thomson in the form of its pronotum but did not consider the structure of the pronotum in these two species a sufficient reason for regarding them as generically distinct from the rest of Sphegigaster. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Hind margin of basal tergite of gaster (Text-fig. 96) with its middle portion truncate or virtually so : 2 - Hind margin of basal tergite of gaster (Text. fig. 100) with its middle portion at least slightly curved : 9 2 (1) Antennal funicle with all its segments slightly transverse, ‘the first seement obviously shorter than the pedicellus. Small species, 1:6 to 2 mm., with head and thorax dark bluish green to bluish, legs relatively dark, femora mainly so, tibiae more or less infuscate ; gaster oval, shorter than the thorax ; the petiole nearly three times as long as broad. (Central Europe and Algeria) : : stepicola Bouéek (p. 130) - Antennal funicle with at ea it first and eeeana segments quadrate or longer than broad. Species often larger, head and thorax often brighter green to blue, legs sometimes relatively paler ; gaster often ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate . P 3 3 (2) Fore wing (Text-fig. 94) with costal cell with oaly one ie green ; row of hairs on its lower surface ; basal vein bare ; speculum extending as a bare strip below the marginal vein right to the stigmal vein ; radial cell, on upper surface of wing, mainly bare ; disc of wing beyond speculum sparsely pilose. Antennal flagellum (Text-fig. 107) with almost decumbent bristles. Gaster ovate é ; : glabrata sp. n. (p. 133) - Fore wing with lower surface of costal cell with at least a partial second row of hairs in the distal half, sometimes three rows ; basal vein usually pilose ; speculum usually not extending far below the marginal vein ; radial cell mainly pilose ; disc of wing beyond the speculum relatively more thickly pilose. Antennal flagellum (Text-figs. 103, 105, 106) with at least aay outstanding bristles. Gaster ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate . - 4 4 (3) Amtenna (Text-figs. 103, 104) with clava with its sutures oblique as seen in profile, with a large area of micropilosity which extends nearly two thirds of the length of the clava ; first funicular segment nearly twice as long as the 126 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM , LA) 101 x v 102 Fics. 94-102. 94, Sphegigaster glabrata sp. n., 2, fore wing, part ; 95, Sphegigaster mutica Thomson, 2, head and front of thorax ; 96, S. tvuncata Thomson, , petiole and gaster ; 97, same, head ; 98, S. glabrata sp.n., 2, head and pronotum ; 99, S. nigricornis (Nees), 9, head and pronotum ; 100, S. flavicornis (Walker), 9, basal and second tergites of gaster ; 101, Syntomopus incurvus Walker, 3, pronotum and mesoscutum ; 102, Syn- tomopus thovacicus Walker, 3, pronotum and mesoscutum. 127 EUROPE PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. p | BAe eae ia Se, 103, mutica Thomson, 2 ; 104, same (clava only) ; 105, nigricornis (Nees), 2 ; 106, tyuncata Thomson, 2 ; 107, glabrata sp.n., 9 ; 108, obliqua sp. n., 2 ; 109, glabrata sp. n., ¢. Fics. 103-109. Sphegigastey spp., antennae. 128 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM pedicellus. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 95) hardly twice as broad as long, with temples not strongly convergent ; POL slightly less than OOL mutica Thomson (p. 130) = Antenna (Text-figs. 105, 106) with clava with its sutures not or hardly oblique, with a smaller area of micropilosity which extends at most slightly more than one third the length of the clava ; first funicular gest not, or cs slightly, longer than the pedicellus : 5 5 (4) Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 97) slightly less than twice as broad as long? : POL slightly less than OOL. Antennal flagellum (Text-fig. 106) with rather strongly outstanding bristles ; third funicular segment quadrate to slightly transverse, segments four to six slightly transverse truncata Thomson (p. 130) - Head in dorsal view (Text-figs. 98, 99) twice or slightly more than twice as broad as long ; POL about equal to, or slightly greater than, OOL. An- tennal flagellum (Text-fig. 105) with rather less outstanding bristles ; third funicular segment sometimes longer than broad, segments four to six sometimes not transverse. 6 6 (5) Antenna with combined length of perieelins and fascia Sienily less fete breadth of head. Body dark green or blue-green. Antennal scape hardly reaching the median ocellus . : intersita sp. n. (p. 131) - Antenna (Text-fig. 105) with combined eae of pedicels and flagellum equal to or slightly greater than breadth of head. Either the body is a brighter green or blue ; or else the antennal scape reaches to or above the median ocellus_ . : 77 7 (6) Antenna with pedicellus, in dorsal view, ea nee as plone as broadly coe mal segments of funicle slightly constricted basally. Pronotal collar with a transverse ridge anteriorly, but with very weak teeth. Antennal scape, and legs except coxae, entirely or nearly entirely reddish : : sp. indet. - Antenna with pedicellus relatively shorter ; segments of funicle not con- stricted basally. Pronotal collar with more distinct teeth. Antennal scape mainly to ae black with a metallic tinge ; femora infuscate at least basally ‘ : : é : : 8 8 (7) Petiole of gaster 2 to 2:3 ules as long as Pee. Head, thorax, and gaster mainly bright green to blue. Median carina of propodeum indicated at least by a blunt ridge : : aculeata Walker (p. 131) - Petiole of gaster 2-8 to 3:3 times as long as = broad Body dark green or dark blue. Median carina of propodeum absent, or indicated at base only. Head, text-fig. 99 ; antenna, text-fig. 105. . nigricornis (Nees) (p. 132) g (1) Fore wing with distal half to two-thirds of basal cell with scattered hairs except just above the cubital vein. Petiole of gaster hardly 1-5 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum nearly or quite twice as broad as long. Gaster 2+3 to 2-5 times as long as broad, about as long as head plus thorax. Pronotal collar almost rounded off anteriorly : ; brevicornis (Walker) (p. 135) - Fore wing with basal cell bare, at most the basal vein pilose. Petiole of gaster at least nearly twice as long as broad. Mesoscutum often relatively less transverse. Gaster sometimes relatively shorter. Pronotal collar at least very slightly margined : 10 10 6©(9) Antenna (Text-fig. 108) with flagellum slender sedan not stouter than the pedicellus but broadening strongly from the third or fourth funicular segment onwards ; clava fully twice as broad as first funicular segment, in profile appearing strongly asymmetrical, only about 1-5 times as long as broad ; ‘ : . obliqua sp. n. (p. 135) - Antennal flagellum less strongly clavate, becomes only gradually thicker from the first funicular segment to the clava ; the latter much less than twice as PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 129 broad as the first funicular segment, in profile not pied sie nea nearly twice as long as broad j II It (10) Hind margin of basal tergite of gaster (Text-fig. 100) more distinetly eurved 3 in the middle. Antennal flagellum less slender, with bristles more outstanding ; distal segments of funicle slightly transverse. Disc of fore wing rather densely pilose : flavicornis (Walker) (p. 136) Hind margin of basal tergite of gaster only slightly curved in the middle. Antennal flagellum more slender, with bristles less outstanding ; segments of funicle at least slightly longer than broad, except the sixth which is subquadrate. Disc of fore wing less densely pilose cuscutae Ferriére (p. 136) (MALEs) I Hind margin of basal tergite of gaster truncate or very slightly concave in the middle : 2 - Hind margin of basal tergite of gaster slightly to very distinety curved back- wards in the middle . : a 2 (1) Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum more than fwrice the breadth of the head ; flagellum very slender, hardly as stout as the pedicel- lus, clothed with oe whose length is twice the breadth of the segments that bear them, and which stand out at an angle of about 60° ; funicular segments very long, the first more than four times, the sixth about three times, as long as broad. Antennal scape, and legs except the coxae, mainly to entirely testaceous . : ? truncata Thomson (p. 130) - Combined length of pedicellus and ‘flagellum at most about 1-5 times the breadth of the head ; flagellum stouter, clothed with hairs which are shorter than the breadth of the segments, and usually stand out less strongly, or are even subadpressed ; funicular segments relatively short, at most twice as long as broad. Antennal scape and legs usually darker . . 3 3 (2) Antennae testaceous with the pedicellus infuscate, sometimes also the flagel- lum slightly so dorsally, the flagellum with subadpressed hairs ; funicular segments subequal in length, each 1-6 to 2 times as long as broad glabrata sp. n. (p. 133) - Antennal scape and pedicellus (at least mainly) black with a metallic tinge ; distal segments, or all the segments, sometimes relatively shorter. 4 4 (3) Antennal funicular segments quadrate, or at most some of the middle segments slightly longer than broad, the first segment not longer than the pedicellus ; flagellum with subadpressed hairs ; . Stepicola Bouéek (p. 130) | = Antennal funicular segments longer than broad, or at most some of the distal ones quadrate, the first segment at least slightly longer than the pedicellus 5 5 (4) Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum ries 1-2 times the breadth of the head . 4 ? intersita sp. n. (p. 134) - Combined length a pedicellus pad Seelam I: 3 to 1-5 times the breadth of theshead . : 6 6 (5) Petiole of gaster at most Peon three ‘anes as lone as ats maximum breadth. Body bright green to blue. Teeth of pronotal collar strong. Median carina of propodeum indicated in the middle ey at least a slight ridge, its basal portion usually very sharp : . aculeata Walker (p. 131) - Petiole of gaster about 3-5 times as long | as broad. Body relatively darker in colour. Teeth of pronotal collar weaker. Median carina of propodeum absent except at extreme base : . nigricornis (Nees) (p. 132) 7 (1) Antennal flagellum, sometimes also the ce more or less, testaceous to yellowish, with pale, only slightly ay ieee hairs, Legs, except coxae, entirely or mainly testaceous : flavicornis (Walker) (p. 136) 130 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM = Antennal flagellum fuscous to black ; scape and pedicellus often mainly to entirely black ; hairs of flagellum often standing out more strongly. Legs sometimes relatively darker : : 8 8 (7) Fore wing with distal third to half of tel call aa peared fens cone bined length of pedicellus and flagellum of antenna barely 1-5 times the breadth of the head ; funicular segments relatively shorter, the first at most slightly more than twice, the sixth about 1-5 times, as long as broad. Pronotal collar rounded off anteriorly, without teeth brevicornis (Walker) (p. 135) - Fore wing with basal cell bare, or at most with a few scattered hairs at apex. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-75 to 1-8 times the breadth of the head ; funicular segments relatively longer, the first 3 to 3-7 times, the sixth 2 to 2-6 times, as long as broad. Pronotal collar with a transverse ridge, or distinct teeth, anteriorly : 9 9 (8) Pronotal collar with distinct teeth. Hairs of antennal feeelienn abouts as long as the breadth of the segments that bear them, standing out at an angle of about 45° . . cuscutae Ferriere (p. 136) - Pronotal collar an Hadise 4eSth Haics of Geese a little longer than the breadth of the segments that bear them, standing out at about 60° sp. indet. Sphegigaster mutica Thomson Sphegigastey muticus Thomson, 1878 : 22, 9. Type material. One female, LECTOTYPE (may actually be holotype), labelled “Sm ” [Smaland], “ Bhn ” [Boheman] and “ muticus Ths ”’. SWEDEN ; only the type female known to me. Biology. Unknown. Sphegigaster truncata Thomson Sphegigaster truncatus Thomson, 1878 : 21, 9. Type material. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE labelled” Gl” [Gotland “ Bhn ”’ and “truncatus Ths ”’. SWEDEN ; only the syntypes known to me. Bouéek (1965e : 8) recorded the species from Mo paviAn S.S.R. ; his identification is no doubt correct but I have not seen these specimens. Biology. Unknown. Sphegigaster stepicola Boucek Sphegigaster stepicola Boucéek, 1965e : 12-14, g 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Czechoslovakia, Bohemia, Hazmburk Hill, 26.vii. 1948 (Boucek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. No. 26.006). AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R., ALGERIA. Biology. Reared in Austria from Phytomyza albiceps Mg. on Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. (Bouéek, 1965 : 13). Imagines May—August. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 131 Sphegigaster aculeata (Walker) Merismus aculeatus Walker, 1833 : 375, 6 9. ? Merismus flavicornis Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. C, fig. 1, 9 [mec Walker]. Type material. Syntypes, 4g. One, bearing a Waterhouse label, is selected as EECTOTYPE. BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; no doubt widely distributed in Europe. Biology. eared in England from Melanagromyza lappae Lw. (K. A. Spencer). Cameron (1935 : 300) recorded having reared aculeata from puparia of Agromyza aeneiventris Fin. in stems of Senecio jacobaea L. ; I have not located his specimens, but the record seems likely to be correct. Imagines appear in the field May—July. Sphegigaster intersita sp. n. 9. Head mainly, thorax, petiole and gaster, a rather dark green or blue-green ; vertex more or less, occiput, and pronotal neck bluish black. Mandibles testaceous or reddish with darker teeth. Antennal scape and pedicellus black with a metallic tinge, flagellum fuscous. Coxae, trochanters partly, and femora except their tips, black with a green or blue-green gloss ; tibiae testaceous or reddish, paler at base and apex, sometimes slightly infuscate medially ; fore tarsi fuscous, reddish basally ; mid and hind tarsi pale or whitish testaceous basally, gradually darkening to brown, and to fuscous at their tips. Tegulae brown. Wings hyaline ; venation testaceous, the parastigma and stigma sometimes brownish. Length 2-5 to 2-9 mm. Head in dorsal view 2:1 times as broad as long ; temples converging rather strongly and slightly more than one third as long as the eyes ; POL 1-0 to1:2 OOL. Eyes about 1-6 times as long as broad, separated by about 1-25 times their length. Malar space about one third the length of an eye ; hollow of gena moderate-sized, extending slightly more than half way towards the eye. Antennae inserted distinctly above the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape not quite reaching the lower edge of the median ocellus, but its length is greater than the transverse diameter, and nearly three quarters the length, of an eye ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than the breadth of the head ; pedicellus slightly less than twice as long as broad, as long as or slightly longer than the first funicular segment ; funicle proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus in profile, becoming a little stouter distad ; its first segment 1-2 to 1-5 times as long as broad, second quadrate to very slightly elongate, third and fourth subquadrate, or fourth slightly transverse, fifth and sixth slightly transverse ; clava 1-7 to 1-8 times as long as broad, a little broader than the sixth funicular segment, its length about equal to two and a half of the preceding funicular segments ; sensilla in one (sometimes irregular) row on each segment, numerous on the claval and distal funicular segments but less so on the proximal funicular segments ; hairs of flagellum slightly outstanding (about as in nigrvicoynis (Nees), Text-fig. 105). Pronotum as in nigricornis, the lateral angles of the collar forming blunt teeth ; on the front edge of the collar there are three other rather weak teeth (a median and two sublaterals). Mesoscutum nearly twice as broad as long, moderately finely reticulate discally, finely elsewhere. Scutellum as broad as long, rather flat discally, finely reticulate. Propodeum about three quarters the length of the scutellum ; its median area (except the nucha) rather less finely reticulate than the scutellum, especially laterally ; median carina absent, or showing at most a trace. Fore wing with lower surface of costal cell with a complete row of hairs, and some scattered ones in the distal third, its upper surface bare ; basal vein with three to five hairs ; basal cell bare, open below ; speculum open below, the wing beyond it moderately thickly haired ; marginal vein twice as long as the stigmal vein and very slightly (about 1-1 times) 132 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM longer than the postmarginal. Legs not stout ; spur of mid tibia half or virtually half as long as the first tarsal segment. Gastral petiole about 1-3 times as long as the propodeum, 2-7 to 3 times as long as broad, reaching well beyond the tips of the hind coxae, reticulate, broadest slightly in front of the middle and constricted very slightly behind the middle, with one to two inconspicuous hairs on each side. Gaster lanceolate-elliptical, as long as or a little longer than the thorax, slightly narrower than the latter, 2-7 to 2-9 times as long as broad ; basal tergite occupying hardly one third of the total length, its hind margin virtually straight medially (as in Text-fig. 96) ; next tergite (fourth abdominal) nearly 1-5 times as long as broad, about 1-5 times as long as the basal tergite ; following tergites strongly retracted, except the last which is about as long as broad. 6. Not definitely associated. A male which possibly belongs to this species resembles the female except in its antennae and gaster. It has the flagellum slightly shorter than in the male of aculeata (Walker), the combined length of the pedicellus and flagellum being barely 1-2 times the breadth of the head (1-3 to 1-45 times in male aculeata). The female of zntersita sp. n. is very close to that of aculeata (Walker), which differs as follows: Antennal scape reaching about to the middle of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to or very slightly greater than the breadth of the head ; seg- ments of funicle tending to be rather longer (one to four at least slightly elongate, five quadrate or slightly elongate, six quadrate or very slightly transverse). Teeth of pronotal collar more distinct. Propodeal carina indicated by an obtuse ridge, sometimes by a fairly sharp one especially at the base. Spur of mid tibia finer, like the hind tibial spur, and shorter, its length approximately one third that of the first tarsal segment, and hardly greater than the breadth of the tibia. Gastral petiole shorter, 2 to 2-3 times as long as broad, only slightly longer than the propodeum, and reaching only a little beyond the tips of the hind coxae. The body of aculeata is typically bright green to blue. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Surrey, Box Hill, 17.vi.1954, bred (K. A. Spencer) from Melanagromyza aeneiventris (FIn.), in Hope Dept., University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. ENGLAND : Surrey, Betchworth, 2 9, 2.v.1956, bred from Melana- gromyza sativae Spencer (K. A. Spencer), in Hope Dept., University Museum, Oxford ; Berkshire, Wytham, I 9, 27.vii.1960, 2 9, 15.vii.1961, on flowers of Pastinaca sativa L. (Graham) ; Bucks., Hell Coppice, near Oakley, 3 g, I 9, 17.vil.1962, on flowers of Umbelliferae (Graham), in Graham coll. Sphegigaster nigricornis (Nees) comb. n. Chrysolampus nigricornis Nees, 1834 : 133, 9. @. Very close to that of intersita sp. n. but differs as follows: Antennae (Text-fig. 105) with scape longer, reaching to the middle of the median ocellus or even to the vertex ; flagellum longer, combined length of pedicellus and flagellum one to 1:1 times the breadth of the head ; funicular segments on the average slightly longer, 1 to 3 slightly elongate, four slightly elongate or quadrate, five and six usually quadrate, in one large female all the funicular segments are slightly longer than broad. Spur of mid tibia slightly shorter. The female differs from that of aculeata (Walker) as follows : Body dark green or blue, the head and propodeum sometimes bluish or greenish black. Teeth of pronotal collar weaker. Propodeum with median carina absent, or indicated at extreme base only. Spur of mid tibia slightly longer. Gastral petiole longer, 2-8 to 3-3 times as long as broad, reaching far beyond the tips of the hind coxae. Size slightly less (2-6 to 3-2 mm., as against 3-5 to 4 mm.). PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 133 6. Differs from the female as follows : Legs paler, the fore and mid femora testaceous with only a dark stripe beneath the latter. Antennal scape fully three quarters the length of an eye ; pedicellus relatively shorter, about 1-5 times as long as broad and about two thirds as long as the first funicular segment ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-5 times the breadth of the head ; flagellum sub- cylindrical, slightly stouter than the pedicellus ; funicular segments subequal in length, 1-7 to 1-8 times as long as broad ; clava nearly three times as long as broad, about equal in length to the two preceding funicular segments together ; flagellum clothed with hairs whose length is about half the breadth of the segments which bear them, and which stand out at an angle of about 30° ; sensilla fairly numerous, in two rows on each segment, on some segments irregular, almost forming three rows. The male differs from that of aculeata in having the metallic colour of the body darker ; the gastral petiole rather longer and more slender, fully 3-5 times as long as broad ; the teeth of the pronotal collar less strong ; the median carina of the propodeum absent except at the extreme base. The antennal flagellum is perhaps rather more slender and has rather less outstanding hairs, than in male aculeata (also in the latter the proximal funicular segments tend to be slightly longer than the distal ones ; in average-sized specimens the first funicular segment is about 1-8 times, the sixth 1-5 to 1-6 times, as long as broad). LECTOTYPE 9 in Westwood coll. (ex coll. Nees), Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. It is pinned and bears the following labels (the handwriting on each is noted in square brackets) : (1) “8” on a pink square [Westwood] ; (2) “© 11.(?)Sept 12” [Nees] ; (3) ‘‘ Chrysolampus pedunculiventris Esenb. 2. 134. Sphegigaster p. Spin. Class. 7. 149. E Mus. Esenbeck’”’ [Westwood]. I think that Westwood was mistaken in referring it to pedunculiventris, although it may have been placed with Nees’ series of that species (see his remarks, 1834 : 135), because it agrees much better with the description of nigricornis. Additional material examined. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham, I 9, 14.vi.1952, I 9, 10.x.1963 (Graham) ; Lancashire South, Freshfield, 1 9, 23.vi.1962 (Graham) ; Middlesex, Scratch Wood, 3 9 bred in June 1955 from Melanagromyza dettmert Hering (K. A. Spencer) ; Northamptonshire, Salcey Forest, 1 9, 6.vil.1954 (Graham) ; Surrey, Bookham, 1 9, I0.v.1956, reared from Melanagromyza sativae Spencer (K. A. Spencer). ENGLAND, GERMANY. Sphegigaster glabrata sp. n. (Text-figs. 94, 98, 107, 109) ®. Head and thorax mainly, petiole, and coxae, dark bluish green ; occiput and pronotal neck bluish black ; pronotal collar, mesoscutum, axillae and scutellum brighter green ; gaster black with greenish reflections. Mandibles testaceous with reddish teeth. Antennal scape brown, testaceous at base ; pedicellus and flagellum fuscous, testaceous beneath. Legs (apart from coxae) testaceous, the hind femora reddish medially ; fifth tarsal segment of all legs fuscous. Tegulae and wing-venation testaceous, wings hyaline. Length 2-2 mm. Head unusually transverse, in dorsal view about 2:25 times as broad as long ; temples con- verging very strongly and only slightly more than one quarter the length of the eyes ; POL about 1:25 OOL. Eyes long-oval, 1-5 times as long as broad, separated by about 1:35 times | their own length. Malar space one third the length of an eye ; hollow of gena large, extending about three quarters of the way towards the eye. Antenna (Text-fig. 107) inserted well above 134 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape just reaching the median ocellus, its length slightly greater than the transverse diameter of an eye ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 0-85 times the breadth of the head ; pedicellus nearly twice as long as broad, nearly equal to the anelli plus the first funicular segment ; funicle proximally not stouter than the pedicellus but thicken- ing distad, with segments one to three slightly elongate, four quadrate, five and six slightly transverse ; clava 1-75 times as long as broad, slightly broader than the funicle, its length about equal to two and a half of the preceding funicular segments ; flagellum with very short, mostly subadpressed hairs, so that it has an unsually smooth appearance ; sensilla in one row on each segment, sparsely distributed on the proximal segments of the funicle, numerous on the distal segments and clava. Pronotum (Text-fig. 98): collar with its lateral angles slightly toothed, its anterior edge slightly ridged with just a trace of three teeth. Mesoscutum nearly twice as broad as long, finely reticulate. Scutellum as broad as long, slightly convex, sculptured as the mesoscutum; the frenum, which is marked off by a very fine line, slightly more coarsely. Propodeum about three quarters the length of the scutellum ; its median area with sculpture like that of the scutellum, but that of the nucha rather finer ; median carina vaguely indicated in the middle by some stronger sculpture ; spiracles rather small, oval, separated by nearly their own length from the metanotum ; callus alutaceous. Metapleuron finely though strongly reticulate ; mesepimeron rather less strongly. Fore wing (Text-fig. 94) relatively short (about 2-1 times as long as broad), relatively sparsely haired ; lower surface of costal cell with a single row of hairs, partly double in the distal quarter, its upper surface bare ; basal vein bare or with a single hair ; basal cell bare, both it and the speculum open below ; on the upper surface of the wing the speculum large and extended as a bare strip below the proximal half of the marginal vein, whilst there is also a nearly bare triangular area between the postmarginal and stigmal veins ; disc of wing beyond the speculum relatively sparsely haired ; marginal vein about 2:2 times the length of the stigmal vein and 1-4 times the length of the postmarginal vein. Legs not very slender ; spur of mid tibia about half as long as the first tarsal segment. Gastral petiole about 1-3 times as long as the propodeum and reaching well beyond the tips of the hind coxae, nearly three times as long as broad, finely reticulate, its sides converging very slightly posteriorly ; there are two hairs on each side. Gaster ovate, shorter and narrower than the thorax, about 1-8 times as long as broad ; basal tergite occupying more than one third the total length, its hind margin truncate medially ; following tergite slightly longer than broad, about 1-3 times as long as the basal tergite ; remaining tergites retracted. 6. Differs from the 9 as follows: Antennal scape testaceous ; flagellum testaceous, only slightly darker dorsally. Scape (Text-fig. 109) not reaching the median ocellus, its length distinctly less than the transverse diameter of an eye ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-25 times the breadth of the head ; flagellum practically cylindrical, the first funicular segment a little stouter than the others, distinctly stouter than the pedicellus, its segments subequal in length and 1-6 to 2 times as long as broad ; clava about three times as long as broad, its length about equal to that of the two preceding funicular segments together ; flagellum with short, whitish, sub- adpressed hairs ; sensilla very numerous, in three rows on each segment. Scutellum slightly more convex and slightly elongate. Fore wing rather less sparsely haired, there being a few hairs between the base of the postmarginal vein and the stigmal vein ; the basal vein has nought to two hairs. Gastral petiole with three to four hairs on each side. Gaster very much shorter and narrower than the thorax ; fifth and following abdominal tergites more or less retracted. The characters which distinguish glabrata from the other described European species of the genus are given in the accompanying keys to males and females. Holotype g. SWEDEN : Halland, Enslév, 27.vi.1952, reared from galls of Melan- agromyza simplicoides Hendel, (Dipt., Agromyzidae) on Populus tremula L. (Hugo PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 135 Andersson), in Universitetets Zoologiska Institutionen, Lund. Mr. Andersson told me in a letter that he had bred the Dipterous host from Salix sp. in the same area. Paratypes. Same locality as holotype, 1 4, 16.vi.1952, 2 g, 27.Vi.1952 ; in Universitetets Zoologiska Institutionen, Lund. ENGLAND : Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, 1 9, I11.vili.1958, swept from foliage of Salix sp. (either cinerea L. or aurita L.) (Graham), in Graham collection. Sphegigaster brevicornis (Walker) comb. n. Dicyclus brevicornis Walker, 1833 : 456, . Type material. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label, also another in C. Ferriere’s handwriting ““ Type CF ”’. BRITAIN, apparently rare ; near London (Walker) ; IRELAND, Co. Kildare, Grand Canal, 1 g, 12.vi.1954 (A. W. Stelfox). Biology. Unknown. Sphegigaster obliqua sp. n. (Text-fig. 108) 9. Head, thorax mainly, gastral petiole, and coxae, bluish black ; mesoscutum, axillae and scutellum olive-green ; gaster black with weak bronze and bluish reflections, most distinct at the base of the first tergite. Mandibles reddish with darker teeth. Antennae fuscous to black- ish, the clava brownish, the scape proximally more or less testaceous. Legs (apart from coxae) brownish or fuscous ; femora reddish at their tips, or more or less striped with reddish ; tibiae more or less reddish at their apices, and in one specimen also narrowly at their bases, the fore tibiae in one specimen reddish ; mid and hind tarsi more or less reddish proximally. Tegulae fuscous. Wings subhyaline ; venation brownish testaceous. Length 2-2 to 2°5 mm. Head (in dorsal view) about 2-1 times as broad as long, shaped much as in nigricornis (Text- fig. 99) ; temples converging strongly and only about one quarter as long as the eyes ; POL 1:2 to 1:3 OOL. Eyes separated by nearly 1-3 times their length. Malar space slightly more than one third the length of an eye (14 : 37) ; genae with the hollow above the mandibular base rather small, extending hardly half way to the eye. Antennae (Test-fig. 108) with scape reaching the level of the vertex, its length slightly less than the transverse diameter of an eye. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about o-9 the breadth of the head ; pedicellus virtually twice as long as broad, almost equal to anelli plus first funicular segment ; funicle proximally very slender, not stouter than the pedicellus in profile but thickening distad so that the flagellum is strongly clavate, its first segment 1-3 to 1-4 times as long as broad, second slightly elongate, third and fourth subquadrate, fifth and sixth more or less transverse, sixth strongly so ; clava in profile appearing obliquely truncate, only about 1°5 times as long as broad, its length slightly less than that of the three preceding funicular segments together ; flagellum with moderately conspicuous, slightly outstanding hairs ; sensilla in one row on each segment, sparse on the funicular segments but numerous on those of the clava. Pronotum : collar region with its shoulders nearly rectangular, its front edge without teeth but with a trace of a margin over the middle third. Mesoscutum and scutellum moderately finely, strongly reticulate. Mesoscutum 1°5 to 1-6 times as broad as long. Scutellum convex, very slightly broader than long ; frenal line subobsolete. Propodeum slightly more than three quarters the length of the scutellum, its median area with sculpture like that of the scutellum, except the nucha, which is more finely reticulate, especially posteriorly where it is nearly smooth; median carina vaguely indicated by a ridge. Fore wing with costal cell with a complete partly double row of hairs on its lower surface, plus some scattered hairs in the distal quarter, its upper 136 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM surface bare ; basal vein with three to four hairs only ; basal cell bare or with one to two isolated hairs, open below ; speculum open below, the wing beyond it moderately thickly haired ; marginal vein 2:3 to 2:35 times as long as the stigmal vein and about 1-15 times as long as the postmarginal vein. Legs fairly slender ; spur of mid tibia somewhat more than half as long as the first tarsal segment. Gastral petiole slightly longer than the propodeum, about 2:5 times as long as its median breadth, finely reticulate ; its sides subparallel, with prominent teeth subbasally, and with two hairs on each side. Gaster ovate, 1-6 to 1-75 times as long as broad, somewhat shorter than but about as broad as the thorax ; basal tergite occupying slightly more than one third the total length, its hind margin sinuate with the middle portion very distinctly curved backwards ; next tergite somewhat broader than long, nearly as long as the first ; following tergites much retracted, except the last which is slightly shorter than its basal breadth. 6. Unknown. The female of this species is close to that of brevicoynis (Walker) which differs as follows : Distal half to two thirds of basal cell of fore wing with scattered hairs. Mesoscutum nearly or quite twice as broad as long. Gastral petiole barely 1.5 times as long as broad ; gaster relatively longer, 2:3 to 2:5 times as long as broad, about as long as head plus thorax. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham, 13.v.1959, swept from foliage of Salix cinerea L. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Cothill, 1 9, 19.v.1957, swept from foliage of Salix sp. (Graham) ; Oxfordshire, Otmoor, I 9, 6.vii.1956, swept from foliage of Salix fragilis L. (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. Sphegigaster flavicornis (Walker) ? Diplolepis pallicornis Spinola, 1808 : 227-228, 3. Merismus flavicornis Walker, 1833 : 377, 6. Sphegigaster flavicornis (Walker) Thomson, 1878 : 20, ¢ 9. Sphegigaster flavicornis (Walker) ; Ferriere, 1959 : 97, 99, d 9. Type material. Diplolepis pallicornis Spinola. I have not ascertained whether the holotype male still exists ; if it does, and subsequently proves to be the same as flavicornis (Walker), then the latter name will be replaced by Spinola’s. Merismus flavicornis Walker. Four males in the series (one possibly not an original specimen). One, bearing a Waterhouse label, “ Sphegigaster flavicornis Walker ’’, is selected as LECTOTYPE. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN ; probably widely distributed in Europe. Biology. A common parasite of Phytomyza ilicis Curt., on Ilex aquifolium L. A detailed account of its biology is given by Cameron (1959 : 192-197). I have also seen a female reared in England, Middlesex, Scratch Wood, 2.viii.1955 from Phytomyza ramosa Hend. (K. A. Spencer). Imagines appear in the field from May until September, probably more than one generation. Sphegigaster cuscutae Ferriere Sphegigaster cuscutae Ferriére, 1959 : 98-99, ¢ . PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 137 Type material. Syntypes, 4 9, 5g, Germany, Giessen, 1956, reared from puparia of Melanagromyza cuscutae Her. (H. Scherf), in Museum d’Histoire naturelle, Geneva. GERMANY, MoLpAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. See above. Sphegigaster orobanchiae Kurdjumov Sphegigaster ovobanchiae Kurdjumov, 1912 : 233-234, d 9. Sphegigaster ovobanchiae Kurdjumov ; Ferriére, 1959 : 99. Type material. Syntypes 3 9, and 1, Russia, Kursk and in province of Charkov, reared 1907-1908 from Phytomyza orobanchiae Kalt., ; location not known to the writer (? in Zoological Museum, Leningrad). I do not know this species, which appears to be very near cuscutae Ferriere. Ferriére (1959) says that ovobanchiae differs from cuscutae chiefly in having the antennae shorter with the sixth funicular segment transverse, in having the scape green, and the body coppery green with the propodeum and the petiole bluish. In the female of cuscutae the antennae have the sixth funicular segment fully as long as broad, whilst the scape is testaceous and the body is black with obscure green reflections on the head and thorax. CENTRAL EvurRoPE, U.S.S.R. Biology. Parasite of Phytomyza orobanchiae Kalt. in Russia (Kurdjumovy, 1912). SYNTOMOPUS Walker Syntomopus Walker, 1833 : 371, 372. Type-species : S. thovacicus Walker, by designation of Westwood, 1839 : 69. Syntomopus Walker ; Forster, 1856 : 52, 56. Syntomopus Walker ; Thomson, 1878 : 17, 23. Syntomopus Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 330, 331. Syntomopus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 374, 375, 370-377: Syntomopus Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 247-248. Syntomopus Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 40. KerEy TO EUROPEAN SPECIES I Female with head fully as high as broad, in frontal view appearing almost subrectangular, with genae strongly buccate ; eyes separated by hardly more than their own length ; POL about twice OOL ; all funicular seg- ments of antenna strongly transverse ; hind margin of basal tergite of gaster entire. Male with POL about twice OOL ; genae obviously buccate oviceps Thomson (p. 138) = Female with head broader than high, in frontal view appearing oval, with genae less buccate and converging towards the oral fossa ; eyes separated rather more widely ; POL at most 1:5 OOL ; first funicular segment of antenna at most slightly transverse ; hind margin of basal tergite of gaster often incised. Male with POL at most 1:7 OOL; genae only slightly buccate . é : ¢ 5 é : : A é c ‘ 138 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM 2 (1) Median carina of propodeum sharp over at most the anterior quarter of the sclerite, behind this effaced and sometimes replaced by a shallow longitudinal furrow ; gastral petiole twice or slightly more than twice as long as broad, tending to narrow slightly caudad ; body dark blue. Male antennae with funicular segments, except sometimes the sixth, quadrate to slightly longer than broad. Female with first funicular oe quadrate, second only slightly transverse : : incisus Thomson (p. 139) = Median carina of seeder “aS even compliers sometimes very sharp throughout ; if somewhat effaced in the middle, then the gastral petiole is rather less than twice as long as broad and has more parallel sides (males with incomplete propodeal carina have funicular segments three to six of the antenna transverse). Body of male usually more or less tinged with greenish ; that of female usually with a slight greenish tinge in places, sometimes quite extensively greenish on the thorax : ; : : 3 3. (2) Male with scutellum distinctly longer than broad, convex ; mesoscutum rather strongly convex in front ; lateral angles of pronotum not prominent ; flagellum not pale beneath ; funicular segments, except sometimes the sixth, quadrate to slightly longer than broad. Female unknown - Uspriuder: = Males and females with scutellum nearly or quite as broad as long, nearly flat discally ; mesoscutum weakly convex or rather flat ; lateral angles of pronotum sometimes prominent ; flagellum sometimes pale beneath ; distal segments of funicle sometimes transverse. 4 4 (3) Male has antennal funicle with at most the sixth segment Sliehehy Eetecsma the other segments quadrate (or one to three slightly longer than broad) ; flagellum often reddish beneath ; marginal vein of fore wing 2 to 2-5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; lateral angles of pronotum (Text-fig. ror) more or less prominent except in some dwarf specimens ; tibiae usually testaceous or at most slightly infuscate medially, more heavily so in some dwarfs. Female with first segment of antennal funicle quadrate, second at most very slightly transverse ; fore wing with marginal vein 2-3 to 2:5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; tibiae testaceous, or with a moderately broad infuscate band before the middle ; femora usually broadly pale distally ; lateral angles of pronotum tending to be slightly prominent incurvus Walker (p. 139) - Male with antennal funicle with the first, and sometimes the second, segment quadrate, the remaining segments slightly transverse : flagellum not pale beneath ; marginal vein 1-6 to 1-9 times as long as the stigmal vein ; lateral angles of pronotum not prominent (Text-fig. 102) ; tibiae heavily infuscate medially, often mainly black. Female with first segment of antennal funicle slightly, the remaining segments progressively more distinctly, transverse ; marginal vein 1-9 to 2-2 times as long as the stigmal vein ; tibiae heavily infuscate medially, often mainly black, femora black with at most their tips narrowly pale ; lateral angles of pronotum not prominent thoracicus Walker (p. 139) Syntomopus oviceps Thomson Syntomopus oviceps Thomson, 1878 : 24, 9. Type material. Syntypes, 6specimens. LECTOTYPE 9 labelled “ Ld” [Lund], “@”, and “ oviceps Ths ”’ PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 139 BRITAIN, SWEDEN, local. Biology. Reared in England from Phytomyza flavicorms Fln. on Urtica dioica L. (K. A. Spencer and G. C. D. Griffiths). Imagines May—August. Syntomopus incisus Thomson Syntomopus incisus Thomson, 1878 : 23, 3 8. iwpesimaterial Syntypes on 24 pins. LECTOTYPE 9 labelled “Hg” [Halsingborg] on a pale green label. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, not uncommon. Biology. eared in England from Melanagromyza lappae (Lw.) on Arctium vulgare (Hill) Evans, from M. dettmert Her., and M. aeneiventris (Fln.) (K. A. Spencer). I have also examined a female which emerged from a stem of Cirsium evtophorum (L.) Scop., on 30.vil.1952, at Wytham, Berkshire. Imagines occur in the field in May and July—August. Syntomopus incurvus Walker Syntomopus incurvus Walker, 1833 : 372, 9. Miscogaster Dirce Walker, 1839 : 195, g, Syn. n. Lamprotatus Phylander Walker, 1848 : 111, 168, J, syn. n. Type material. Syntomopus incurvus Walker. Syntypes, 2 9 ; one, bearing a Waterhouse label, is selected as LECTOTYPE. Miscogaster dirce Walker. No material found in BM(NH). In Haliday’s collec- tion there is a male which agrees quite well with the description and is designated LECTOTYPE ; it is labelled ‘‘ Dirce ” in Walker’s handwriting. I have given it the serial number 845. Lamprotatus phylander Walker. One male, with the head missing, obviously the holotype ; it bears a Waterhouse label. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, local. Biology. Reared in England from Melanagromyza dettmeri Her. and M. tripolit Spencer (K. A. Spencer). Imagines May and July—August. Syntomopus thoracicus Walker Syntomopus thovacicus Walker, 1833 : 372, 3. ? Syntomopus thovacicus Walker; Haliday, 1841-1842 : vi, pl. J. fig. 3, 9. Type material. Syntypes, 2g. One, bearing a Waterhouse label, is designated EECTOTYPE. BRITAIN, GERMANY, SWEDEN ; fairly common. Biology. A male reared from Melanagromyza eupatorit Spencer, Germany, Heidelberg, 5.v.1956 (K. A. Spencer) appears to belong to this species. Cameron (1935 : 300) recorded having reared it from puparia of Agromyza (= Melanagromyza) 140 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM aenetventris (FIn.) in stems of Senecio jacobaea L. ; but the specimens on which his record was based appear to be lost, and I cannot check the determination of the parasite. Imagines of thoracicus appear May—Sept. NOTOGLYPTUS Masi Notoglyptus Masi, 1917: 181. Type-species : N. virescens Masi, by designation of Gahan & Fagan, 1923 : 98. Notoglyptus Masi ; Peck et al., 1964 : 36. Only one species is known from Europe ; the type-species N. virescens was described from the Seychelles. Notoglyptus niger Masi Notoglyptus niger Masi, 1917 : 181, 6. Notoglyptus niger Masi ; Erdés, 1948 : 38, 9. Notoglyptus niger Masi ; Boucéek, 1961 : 67, 3 Q. Type material (not seen). Holotype 3, Italy, Liguria, in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa. CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, ITALY. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June—Sept. CRYPTOPRYMNA Forster Prosodes Walker, 1833 : 371, 374. Type-species : P. atey Walker, by monotypy [pre-occupied by Prosodes Eschscholz, 1829]. Cryptoprymna Forster, 1856 : 52, 56 [n. n. for Pyosodes Walker nec Eschscholz]. Cryptoprymnus [sic] Forster ; Thomson, 1878 : 17, 22 [invalid emendation]. Cryptoprymna Forster ; Ashmead, 1904 : 330, 332. Cryptoprymna Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 375, 376, 380. Cryptoprymna Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 248. Cryptoprymna Forster ; Boucéek, 1961 : 71. Cryptoprymna Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 40. Peck et al. (1964 : 40) stated that there are two species of Cryptoprymna in Europe. Although my available material shows a fair degree of variation, this seems to be within the range of one species, atva (Walker). Cryptoprymna atra (Walker) Prosodes atey Walker, 1833 : 375, 6. Prosodes atey Walker ; Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. C, fig. 3, 9. Cryptoprymnus cavigena Thomson, 1878 : 22, 3 9. Cryptoprymna atra (Walker) Boucek, 1961 : 71. Type material. Pvosodes ater Walker. In the BM(NH) three specimens stand under this name ; two are Stephens specimens and not syntypes, whilst the third PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 141 [a Psilocera| does not agree with the description. In Westwood’s collection there is a Walker male which stands below a label “ Prosodes’’ and bears a label “ ater’’, both in Walker’s handwriting ; it agrees well with the description and is designated LECTOTYPE. There are also several Prosodes in Haliday’s collection, 3 2 of which are labelled as ater ; one of these may have been that figured by Haliday (1841- 1842 : pl. C, figs. 3, 3a). Cryptoprymnus cavigena Thomson. Syntypes, 5 specimens ; LECTOTYPE, a 9 labelled ‘‘ Hlm ”’ [Holmiae=Stockholm]. Britain, IRELAND, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; uncommon. Biology. Unknown ; the species may be associated with some host on coniferous trees, as it has been taken in Czechoslovakia on Abies (Boucek, 1961 : 71) and I have swept it in Britain from foliage of Pinus sylvestris L. Imagines June-August. The species recorded as “‘ Cryptoprymna ater Walker ”’ from Iceland and Greenland by Bakkendorf (1955 : 146, figs. 7, 21, 35) clearly belongs to some other genus. NOVITZKYANUS Bouéek Novitzkyanus Bou€éek, 1961 : 68. Type-species : N. cryptogaster Bouéek, by original designation. Only one species known in Europe ; another (N. tridentatus Delucchi) has been described from Morocco (Delucchi, 1962 : 118). Novitzkyanus cryptogaster Bouéek Novitzkyanus cryptogaster Bouéek, 1961 : 70-71, 3 8. Type material. Holotype 9, Southern France, Department of Var, Agay, v. 1927 (Obenberger) in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 2969). FRANCE, ISLE OF RHODEs, U.S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. Bouéek (1961: 71) suggests that it might be a parasite of mining insects in stems of cruciferous plants. Imagines April-May and August— September. CYRTOGASTER Walker Cyrtogastey Walker, 1833 : 371, 381. Type-species : C. vufipes Walker, by designation of Westwood, 1839 : 68. Dicormus Forster, 1841 : 38. Type-species : D. aquisgranensis Forster, by monotypy. Cyrtogaster Forster, 1856 : 52, 53, 54-55. Cyrtogastey Walker ; Thomson, 1878 : 18, 25. Cyrtogastey Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 331, 332. Cyrtogastey Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 375, 376, 382-383 [ex parte]. Cyrtogaster Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 248. Cyrtogaster Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 38. Cyrtogaster Walker ; Askew, 1965 : 179-195. The genus Dicoymus was synonymized with Cyrtogaster by Forster himself (1856 : 55). The species of Cyrtogaster have recently been revised by Askew (1965). 142 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Kry TO EUROPEAN AND NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Mesoscutum with notauli usually incomplete, sometimes traceable as far as the hind margin but then very superficial posteriorly. Occiput finely ridged transversely at least behind the ocelli. Basal tergite of gaster smooth. Fore wing with basal cell pilose over at most its distal third vulgaris Walker (p. 142) - Mesoscutal notauli complete, distinct throughout. Occiput not ridged. : 2 2 (1) Thorax weakly arched dorsally. Vertex moderately strongly reticulate, duller. Fore wing with speculum closed below ; distal half or more of basal cell pilose. Basal tergite of gaster alutaceous at least anteriorly. (Europe) . é britteni Askew (p. 143) ~ Thorax strongly arene doealles “Vania bintaceous, shiny. Fore wing with speculum open below ; about the distal third of basal cell pilose. Basal ter- gite of gaster smooth. (North America) ; . glasgowi Crawford (p. 143) (MALEs) I Mid tarsi black, their fifth segment enlarged and subcordiform. Terminal segment of maxillary palpi distinctly clavate. Notauli usually incomplete, sometimes traceable as far as the hind margin of the mesoscutum but then very superficial posteriorly. aes with a fine transverse ridge at least behind the ocelli : : . vulgaris Walker (p. 142) ~ Mid tarsi at least mainly testaceous, their fifth segment not enlarged. Ter- minal segment of maxillary palpi hardly clavate. Notauli complete, distinct throughout. Occiput not ridged : : 2 2 (1) Thorax weakly arched dorsally. Fore wing with eusenien glazed pele Vertex more strongly sculptured . : : britteni Askew (p. 143) = Thorax strongly arched dorsally. Fore wing an speculum open below. Vertex less strongly sculptured . : : . glasgowi Crawford (p. 143) Cyrtogaster vulgaris Walker Cyrtogaster vulgaris Walker, 1833 : 382, 3 9. Cyrtogaster thovacica Walker, 1833 : 382, 9. Cyrtogaster vufipes Walker, 1833 : 383, ¢ 9. Cyrtogaster tenuis Walker, 1833 : 384, &. Cyrtogaster cingulipes Walker, 1833 : 384, 9. Dicormus aquisgranensis Forster, 1841 : 38, 3. ? Cyrtogaster Poesos Walker, 1848 : 107, 164, 9. Lamprotatus Acarnas Walker, 1848 : 111, 168, 9, Syn. n. Cyrtogaster biglobus Forster, 1861 : 33, d. Sphegigastey degeney Walker, 18726 : 117, 9, Syn. n. Cyrtogaster vulgaris Walker ; Askew, 1965 : 179-180, 184, 5 9. Type material. Cyrtogaster vulgaris Walker. Syntypes, 6 9, 4g. None of the females agrees perfectly with the description. LECTOTYPE, a g (tenth in series), bearing a Waterhouse label. Cyrtogaster thoracica Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the second speci- men, bearing a Waterhouse label. Cyrtogaster rufipes Walker. Syntypes, 7 9, 2 6. LECTOTYPE, a 4, bearing a Waterhouse label. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 143 Cyrtogaster tenuis Walker. One 9, designated LECTOTYPE (but possibly holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label ; it is a small specimen of vulgaris. Placed in synonymy with vulgaris by Askew (1965 : 180). Cyrtogaster cingulipes Walker. One 9, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. Cyrtogaster poesos Walker. Type not located. Lamprotatus acarnas Walker. One 9, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. The types of Dicormus aquisgranensis Forster and Cyrtogaster biglobus Forster have not been examined by me. These species were placed in synonymy with vulgaris by Delucchi (19554 : 174-5) and I accepted his opinion. Sphegigaster degener Walker. One 9, LECTOTYPE, labelled ‘“ Madeira Is. Northern Dezerta Wollaston ”’ and (in Walker’s handwriting) “‘ Sphegigaster degener’’. It is the form with red legs. ‘ Cyrtogaster scotica Walker (1833 : 382, ) was placed in synonymy with vulgaris by Askew (1965 : 180-181). I doubt whether this synonymy is correct. Walker’s description (1833 : 382—3) includes the statement “ pedes fusci, tibiis apice tarsisque nigris ’ and I have not seen any female Cyrtogastery in which the tibiae are darker at their apices than elsewhere. There is no specimen in Walker’s collection under the name Cyrtogaster scotica ; but I have found elsewhere a female which may be the type (see below under Seladerma tarsale). Widely distributed and very common in Europe. Females may be found in every month of the year ; they pass the winter concealed amongst the foliage of coniferous trees, Buxus, in débris lodged between sprouts on the boles of oak-trees, in haystacks and similar situations. Biology. Several Agromyzidae are recorded as hosts ; see Askew (1965 : 185- 186). I have also examined specimens reared from Phytomyza atricormis Mg. on Aster sp., from Phytomyza crassiseta Zett. on Veronica officinalis L., and from Phytobia sonderupi Her. on Carex sp. (material reared in England (G. C. D. Griffiths) and now in BM(NH)). Flies belonging to Chloropidae and Lonchopteridae have also been cited as hosts ; these records need confirmation. Cyrtogaster britteni Askew Cyrtogaster britteni Askew, 1965 : 180-182, 184, 3 9. Type material. Holotype 9 in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford, paratypes in the Manchester Museum and in my own collection. Britain : Berkshire, Cheshire, Cumberland ; Inverness-shire. Biology. Unknown. Imagines captured in August, females also in February and March (probably hibernating specimens). Cyrtogaster glasgowi Crawford Cyrtogastey glasgowi Crawford, t9t4a : 36, 3 9. S.A. 144 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Biology. Originally reared from Brachydeutera argentata (Walk.) (Dipt., Ephy- dridae). This species is mentioned only because of its close affinity with brittenz}. POLYCYSTUS Westwood Polycystus Westwood, 1839 : 68. Type-species : P. matthewsti Westwood, by monotypy and original designation. Polycystus Westwood ; Thomson, 1878 : 18, 26. Polycystus Westwood ; Ashmead, 1904 ; 331, 332. Polycystus Westwood ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 375, 376, 380-381. Polycystus Westwood ; Graham, 1956) : 261. Polycystus Westwood ; Peck et al., 1964 : 38. Polycystus Westwood ; Askew, 1965 : 183-184. As Askew (1965 : 184) remarked, Polycystus is very close to Cyrtogaster, of which it may eventually be regarded as a subgenus. Until the Pteromalid fauna has been surveyed over a much wider region, however, I prefer to keep the two as separate genera. Polycystus clavicornis (Walker) Cyrtogaster clavicornis Walker, 1833 : 383, 9. Cyrtogaster obscura Walker, 1833 : 383, . Polycystus Matthewsit Westwood, 1839 : 68, 3. Polycystus scapularis Thomson, 1878 : 26, g 9. Polycystus clavicornis (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 261. Polycystus clavicoynis (Walker); Askew, 1965 : 183-184, 3 9. Type material. Lectotypes of Cyrtogaster clavicornis Walker, C. obscura Walker, and Polycystus matthewsui designated by Graham (19560 : 261). Polycystus scapularis Thomson. Syntypes on 1g pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Ld 8/6” ; “9”; and “scapularis Ths’”’. The species was synonymized with clavicornis (Walker) by Burghele (1959 : 124) on the authority of Boucek. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, DENMARK, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, RUMANIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Locally common ; in damp meadows and marshy places. Biology. Reared in Rumania by Burghele, from puparia of Hydropota (Hydrellia) griseola (FIn.) ; from Hydropota (Hydrellia) nasturtu (Collin) in Algeria (M. Delassus) (see Askew, 1959). Henriksen (1919 : 164-165) cited Ephydridae and Lonchoptera as hosts of Polycystus scapularis and stated that a single parasite was reared from each parastitized host puparium. Imagines May—July. TOXEUMA Walker Toxeuma Walker, 1833 : 371, 378: Type-species. T. fuscicornis Walker, by designation of Westwood, 1839 : 68. Toxeuma Walker; Forster, 1856 : 53, 58. Toxeuma Walker; Thomson, 1876a : 220, 243-245. Toxeuma Walker; Ashmead, 1904 : 278. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 145 Toxeuma Walker; Schmiedeknecht, Ig09 : 291, 296. Toxeuma Walker: Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 246. Toxeuma Walker; Delucchi, 1955 : 7, 91. Toxeuma Walker; Graham, 1959 : IoI—106. Toxeuma Walker; Peck et al., 1964 : 37. The species were revised by Graham (1959). KrEy TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (MALES AND FEMALES) I Gaster (Text-figs. 115, 116) alutaceous except for the major part of the basal tergite ; that of the female usually lanceolate, about three times as long as broad and at least as long as head plus thorax, occasionally only twice as long as broad in one uncommon form, with the basal tergite occupying at most one third of the total length. Pronotal collar (Text-fig. 110) less prominent at the shoulders ; mesoscutum and scutellum with relatively finer sculpture ; head and thorax usually bright green, blue-green, or golden green. Petiole of gaster in female nearly twice as broad as long . 2 - Gaster mainly smooth and shiny, only the last two tergites are more or less alutaceous ; that of the female (Text-figs. 111, 112) ovate, at most twice as long as broad, not longer than the thorax, with the basal tergite occupying at least half the total length. Both sexes with the shoulders of the pronotal collar (Text-fig. 113) prominent and subrectangular ; mesoscutum and scutellum with relatively coarser sculpture. Petiole of gaster varying from longer than broad to slightly transverse. 3 2 (1) Gaster of female (Text-fig. 115) lanceolate, at least slightly longer than head plus thorax, 2-9 to 3-5 times as long as broad ; last tergite 1-6 to 2 times as long as its basal breadth. Gaster of male as in Text-fig. 116 fuscicorne Walker (p. 147) - Gaster of female ovate to lanceolate-ovate, somewhat shorter than or barely as long as head plus thorax, 2 to 2:7 times as long as broad ; last tergite at most 1:2 times as long as (sometimes not longer than) its basal breadth. Male not distinguished from that of fuscicorne, of which it is perhaps only a form : . sp. indet. (p. 148) 3. (x) Sculptured part of petiole (Text: Bes. TL, 114) longer ‘than broad and almost as longas the propodeum. Gaster of 2 (Text-fig. 112) slightly more than half as long as the thorax, hardly 1-5 times as long as broad, with basal tergite occupying about three quarters of its total length. Head (Text-fig. 113) larger, almost 1-5 times as broad as the mesoscutum, with temples longer and converging in a relatively straight line behind the eyes. § antenna, text-fig. 120). . subtruncatum Graham (p. 148) ~ Sculptured part of pent quadrate to slightly transverse, much shorter than the propodeum. Gaster of 2 (Text-fig. 111) normally about three quarters as long (sometimes as long) as the thorax, and 1-5 to 2-0 times as long as broad, with basal tergite occupying about half its total length or slightly more. Head 1-2 to 1:25 times as broad as the mesoscutum, with temples shorter and slightly more rounded off behind the eyes. 4 4 (3) Legs mainly metallic, at most the trochanters partly, the Icnees, tips ‘of the tibiae, and base of the tarsi, testaceous. Mandibles mainly fuscous. General colour of head and thorax dark blue-green. 92 only: antennal funicle (Text-fig. 118) with at most segments one to three quadrate, four slightly transverse, five and six distinctly so ; scape metallic. ¢ only: M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Fics. 110-121. Toxewma spp. 110, fuscicorne Walker, 2, head, pronotum and meso- scutum ; 111, acilius (Walker), 9, petiole and gaster; 112, subtyuncatum Graham, petiole and gaster ; 113, same, 9, head, pronotum and mesoscutum ; 114, same, dg, petiole and gaster ; 115, fuscicorne Walker, 9, petiole and gaster ; 116, same, J, petiole and gaster ; 117, paludum Graham, 4, petiole and gaster ; 118, same, 9, antenna ; 119, acilius (Walker), 3, antenna; 120, paludum Graham, g, antenna; 121, sub- truncatum Graham, g, antenna. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 147 flagellum (Text-fig. 120) stouter, black ; funicular segments quadrate or only a little longer than broad. . paludum Graham (p. 148) - Legs, except the coxae and tips of the tarsi, teddish testaceous, in one specimen the hind femur is slightly darkened medially. Mandibles mainly reddish testaceous. General colour of head and thorax bright green. @Q only: antennal funicle either with all its segments quadrate, or at most with the sixth slightly transverse ; scape usually reddish testaceous basally, rarely wholly metallic. g only: flagellum (Text-fig. 119) more slender, mainly reddish testaceous ; funicular segments 1:5 times as long as broad or more acilius (Walker) (p. 148) Toxeuma fuscicorne Walker Toxeuma fuscicorne Walker, 1833 : 378, . Toxeuma Evricae Walker, 1833 : 379, 9. Toxeuma ericae Walker, Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. D, fig. 1, 9. Gastrancistrus Accia Walker, 1848 : 105, 156, 9. Toxeuma fuscicovne Walker, Delucchi, 1955 : 91 [ex parte]. Toxeuma fuscicorvne Walker, Graham, 1959 : 101-102, 106, g @. Type material. Toxewma fuscicornis Walker. In the BM(NH) collection there is only one male in the British section, and this is clearly not an original specimen. In the foreign section there is a series of 9 Walker specimens (which have been remounted) standing as ‘‘ Toxeuma ericae’’. Since Walker later (1846 : 28) placed fuscicornis as a “‘variety ”’ of evicae, I conclude that the syntypes of both were com- bined into one series which is represented by the 9 specimens mentioned above. From the latter I designate the fourth specimen, a female, as LECTOTYPE of fuscicornis. As regards ericae, only one female stands under that name in the British section of the collection and it is not original material. I select as LECTOTYPE of evicae the seventh specimen (a female) in the series of g previously mentioned. Gastrancistrus accia Walker. One female, designated LECTOTYPE ; it bears a printed label [GASTRANCIS] ‘‘ TRUS ACCIA”’’, also a Waterhouse label. The species was placed in synonymy with Toxeuma fuscicorne Walker by Graham (1959 : IOI). Miscogaster lugubris Walker (1833 : 462, 3) was placed in synonymy with Toxeuma ervicae by Walker himself (1846) : 28). There is now no separate label for Miscogaster lugubris in Walker’s collection ; probably, however, he would have placed the type or types of Jugubris with his series of evicae when he made the synonymy. His series of evicae contains three males, which I thought might represent the missing /ugubris, since he described only the females of evicae and fuscicorne. Unfortunately none of these three agrees well enough with the description of Jugubris to be regarded as its type. Possibly Walker’s synonymy was wrong because the description of the colour of the legs in Jugubris suggests a species of Seladerma (=Telepsogos) and not a Toxeuma. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, HUNGARY. Biology. Reared from seeds of the grasses Avena elatior [=Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Beauv.], A. (=Helictotrichon) pubescens (Huds.) Pilger and A. (=H.) pratensis 148 M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM (L.) Pilger (von Rosen) (1966 : 81). Imagines June and July in Britain ; earlier in Switzerland (see Delucchi, 1955 : 93). Toxeuma sp. indet. ENGLAND : Oxfordshire, Bald Hill, near Lewknor, a few fg and 99, swept amongst Helictotrichon (Gramineae), 18.v1.1958 (Graham). Females of this form (or species) differ from those of fuscicorne in their distinctly shorter gaster (see key to species). Both sexes are rather larger and darker than typical fuscicorne. I have examined the ¢ genitalia and 9 hypopygium of both forms but find no obvious distinctions. Until the biology of fuscicorne and of the present form are properly known, one cannot say whether the two are distinct species or forms of one. Toxeuma acilius (Walker) Lamprotatus acilius Walker, 1848 : I11, 169, d. Toxeuma acilius (Walker); Graham, 1959 : 104, 106, ¢ 9. Type material. Lectotype designated by Graham (1959 : 104). BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June—Aug. (the latter month in Scotland). Toxeuma paludum Graham Toxeuma paludum Graham, 1959 : 102-104, 100, ¢ 9. Type material. Holotype 9 in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. ENGLAND, IRELAND ; very local, in marshy places. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—Aug. Toxeuma subtruncatum Graham Toxeuma subtruncatum Graham, 1959 : 105, 106, ¢ 9. Type material. Holotype g§ in the Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. ENGLAND, very local; the specimens so far taken have been captured in woodland. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May—July. SELIMNUS Walker Selimnus Walker, 1842 : 335. Type-species : S. dioves Walker, by monotypy. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 149 Selimnus diores Walker Selimnus Dioves Walker, 1842 : 335, . Type material. Type 9, Switzerland, neighbourhood of Geneva (de Romana), not found (returned to de Romand coll. by Walker and subsequently destroyed, see below).2 This species, and consequently the identity of the genus Selimnus, has not been recognized by any subsequent author. When described it was not placed in any of the recognized families. In his annotated copy of his 1846 List of Hymenopterous Insects in the British Museum. Part 1. Chalcidites (which is in my possession) Walker has entered Selimnus on the interleaf between pages 28 and 29, 1.e., between the genera of the Sphegigasterine group and Lamprotatus, as if he thought this might be its correct position. The original description suggests to me that Selimnus may have been a genus near to, or identical with, Elatoides Nikol’skaya (1952 : 189, 200). Nikol’skaya placed Elatoides in Perilampidae, but it probably belongs to Ptero- malidae (Sphegigasterini, or near this). MISCOGASTERINI Most of the genera, (Seladerma to Skeloceras inclusive, and Merismus) which I include in this tribe, were dealt with by Delucchi in his study of the European Lamprotatinae (1955: I-97). Toxewma, which Delucchi included in that sub- family, I have transferred to Sphegigasterini. In the above paper Delucchi made considerable advances in the taxonomy of this group, particularly in defining the genera in a more satisfactory manner, and arranging both genera and species in a natural way. His treatment of the species was less satisfactory because often he did not take their variation into account. In the case of several previously described species, only the types were studied ; whilst a number of his new species were apparently described from single specimens. He neglected a number of Walker’s species chiefly on the ground that the types could not easily be identified because of the way they had been prepared. Fortunately I have been able to collect a large number of British Miscogasterini (both reared and swept specimens) with the aid of which I have tried to assess the variation of many species. Since my material came _ from the same country as the Walker species (and often from near the type-localities), it has been possible to identify most of these by direct comparison of the fresh material with the types. In working out the species I have made a large number of measurements, both on my own material and on the types. I believe that this study will therefore provide a reasonably sound account of the British (and some other) species. It must be admitted that some of these are not easy to distinguish. Where special problems of identification occur I have discussed them below. Most of these * Since writing the above I discovered the following statement by Walker in a letter to Haliday dated gth March 1868 : “I described long ago a few species of Chalde found near Geneva and in the collection of De Romand and since in that of de Saussure and since annihilated. One of them is the genus Selimnus _ which I believe is one of the Sphegigasterini, tho’ it has the colour and quadrate prothorax of the Eurytomini— perhaps another specimen of it may come in sight before long ”’. 150 M. W. R. vDE V. GRAHAM problems will certainly be resolved by critical rearing of the species concerned; students of Diptera (particularly Agromyzidae) can assist materially by preserving any Miscogasterini reared from accurately determined hosts, as indeed Mr. K. A. Spencer and Mr. G. C. D. Griffiths have already done. Some species of Miscogasterini described by Delucchi, and mentioned in the text below, are omitted from the keys to species because I have not seen their types or any other material. Io KEY TO EUROPEAN GENERA Pronotal collar not margined : 2 Pronotal collar at least slightly mareinedia in the aide gers aenes Seasity == so throughout II Postmarginal vein of fore: wing shorter than, or at most as long as, ae marginal vein . : 3 Postmarginal vein of ieee wing a es Slishtly lemiese than “he aaa vein 8 Antennae with three anelli and five funicular segments. Maxillary palpi of male with stipites enlarged and the two terminal segments of the palpi coalesced to form a swollen yellow sac . HALTICOPTERINA Etdés (p. 166) Antennae with two anelli and six funicular segments. Maxillary pees of male (except in Halticoptera) unmodified 4 Petiole of gaster either virtually smooth, or else strongly transverse : 5 Petiole of gaster reticulate, at most slightly transverse but aie as long as or longer than broad 7 Panels of median area of peopedered Shay reais, sculptured or “singed 7 Panels of median area of propodeum strongly reticulate, often also with some rugosity 6 Petiole of gaster reoenre at most About twice as broad as eae marginal vein of fore wing 2:5 to 2:8 times as long as the stigmal vein 7 Petiole of gaster at least partly smooth, about three times as broad as ‘Tong : : marginal vein of fore wing at most twice as long as the stigmal vein . II Fore wing with postmarginal vein at least slightly shorter than the marginal vein, the latter 2 to 3:5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennae inserted low on head, the lower edge of toruli level with or slightly below ventral edge of eyes. Male with maxillary palpi modified, their two terminal segments coalesced to form a more or less swollen yellow sac ; stipites often enlarged Postmarginal vein not shorter than the marginal vein. Either the marginal vein is at least slightly less than twice as long as the stigmal vein ; or else the lower edge of the antennal toruli is somewhat above the level of ventral edge of eyes. Male with maxillary palpi not thus modified : Mesoscutal notauli complete, sharply (and usually deeply) impressed through- out ; postmarginal vein of fore wing at least slightly longer than the marginal vein C : : Either the notauli are Sepereecl posteriorly ( ineerpiere) ; or the post- marginal vein of the fore wing is not longer than the marginal vein Stigma of fore wing rather large, tending to be subcircular (as in Text- a 164) Stigma of fore wing small Petiole of gaster conspicuous, receaneular, as lene as broad, roneuiaee! ; ee podeum with complete plicae, the area between these shiny and weakly reti- culate or partly smooth ; scutellar frenum indistinctly marked off except just at the sides; small (up to 1:7 mm). species with dark body and extensively infuscate legs ; : . THINODYTES Graham (p. HALTICOPTERA Spinola (p. 155) 167) II I2 14 5 16 17 18 (ro) (r1) (12) (14) (17) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Either the gastral petiole is inconspicuous, transverse, and weakly and irregularly sculptured ; or the propodeal plicae are at most partly developed, and the median area is strongly reticulate and dull. Scutellar frenum distinctly marked off. Species bein larger and with more ee metallic body and paler legs ‘ Petiole of gaster inconspicuous, smooth or eae so, siisaontiia ws loads slightly transverse. Pronotal collar at most weakly and _ irregularly margined . . 2 : : RHICNOCOELIA Graham (p. Petiole of gaster conspicuous, Ficchaglly reticulate, usually as long as or fa than broad, if transverse then nearly rectangular ‘ Fore wing (Text-fig. 146) entirely pilose except for the speculum which is reduced to a small area below the parastigma . Fore wing with a large speculum which extends down to the cubital vein ; basal cell at least mainly bare Postspiracular sclerite with an oblique carina, which cuts off a 2 smooth or weakly and irregularly sculptured upper triangle. Antennal clava of female with a long strip of micropilosity extending nearly to the base MERISMUS Walker (p. Postspiracular sclerite uniformly reticulate, without an oblique carina. Antennal clava of female with a small area of micropilosity on the third segment only ; : ; : . Panels of median area of propodeum strongly reticulate. Anterior margin of clypeus with three asymmetric teeth (see Text-fig. 44). Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four . CALLIMERISMUS Graham (p. Panels of median area of propodeum weakly sculptured or smooth, shiny. Anterior margin of clypeus with two teeth, the left one occasionally a little larger than the other or (Text-fig. 43) weakly notched. Both man- dibles with four teeth [this needs confirming in Schimitschekia] Pronotal collar weakly margined. Female antenna with at most the distal segments of the funicle slightly transverse. Male with maxillary palpi modified, the two terminal segments coalesced to form a swollen yellow sac ; stipites enlarged . Pronotal collar sharply margined. Hes antenna with all the segments of the funicle transverse. Male unknown. SCHIMITSCHEKIA Boucek (p. Antennae (Text-fig. 132) 11353, with three strongly transverse anelli. An- terior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 131) with three rounded lobes. Fore wing, Text-fig. 133 Antennae 11263, rarely the first funicular segment is smaller than the following one, but in that case it is at least as long as broad and is provided with sensilla : Anterior margin of clypeus with a median tooth: or tubercle only . Anterior margin of clypeus with two or three teeth (Text-figs. 128, 170) or (rarely) with three small lobes or tubercles (Text-fig. 127) Scutellum, not counting the axillulae, subquadrangular with odes ners parallel, almost flat. Anterior margin of clypeus subtruncate with a median tooth (Central Europe, Algeria) . Scutellum not subquadrangular, its sides converging forwards, convex. Anterior margin of clypeus slightly curved forwards, with a median tubercle : Antennal formula 11272, the frst claval segment separated from the others Sy a short peduncle or very deep constriction, and thus appearing like a funicular segment. Petiole of gaster distinctly sculptured, with a sharp . ARDILEA Graham (p. . HALTICOPTERA (part) (p. . TRICYLOMISCHUS Graham (p. KSENOPLATA Bouéek (p. 151 II 168) I2 179) 13 171) 14 176) 15 155) 166) 167) 17 18 19 180) 31 152 20 21 22 24 25 206 (19) (22) (23) (24) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM transverse ridge anteriorly. Other characters as in Lamprotatus (see below) except that stigma of fore wing is sometimes large SKELOCERAS Delucchi (p. 241) Antennal formula 11263, the three claval ee closely approximated, separated by at most shallow constrictions . 20 Fore wing with speculum, at least on upper surface of i qpeeedo broad and extending to the basal vein ; basal cell sometimes mainly bare . : 21 Fore wing with speculum either absent, or represented only by a narrow bare line outside the basal vein, or reduced to a small oval patch which lies below the parastigma but does not reach the basal vein ; basal cell mainly or wholly pilose . : é : 2 ‘ : : : : 26 Lower edge of mandible (Text-fig. 123) rather deeply excised ; stigma of fore wing rather large, subcircular (as in Text-fig. 164) ; gastral petiole as long as or longer than broad, reticulate. Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 170) bidentate GLYPHOGNATHRAUS Graham (p. 208) Lower edge of mandible usually at most weakly sinuate, if excised (Seladerma scaea, Text-fig. 147) then the stigma of the fore wing is smaller and more oval, whilst the gastral petiole is slightly transverse and nearly smooth : 22 Petiole of gaster as long as or longer than the median length of the propodeum ; usually longer than (occasionally only as long as) broad . 23 Petiole of gaster at least slightly shorter than the DES aan: aes) ineaee than broad and often more or less transverse . 25 Basal tergite of gaster (Text-fig. 122) slightly emarginate in the odes of its hind margin : : : ; : : 24 Hind margin of basal ‘emits oe weit saiie : 25 Basal vein of fore wing (Text-fig. 124) very distinct, piemented throughout from the level of the bottom of the speculum to its junction with the parastigma ; costal cell of hind wing nearly always with some hairs basad of the level of the basal cross-vein (as in Text-fig. 125) ; scutellar frenum most often relatively shiny and with some longitudinal costulae, rarely almost uniformly reticulate ; both mandibles with four teeth MISCOGASTER Walker (p. 226) Basal vein of fore wing distinctly coloured only in about its lower half ; costal cell of hind wing bare as far as the level of the basal cross-vein (Text-fig. 126) ; scutellar frenum uniformly reticulate ; left mandible, or both mandibles, with three teeth . 3 25 Stigma of fore wing (Text-fig. 164) reletively, ence Sohail = i than twice its height from the costal edge of the wing. Either the gastral petiole is finely and relatively uniformly reticulate ; or else the petiole is at least slightly longer than broad and the scutellar frenum is uniformly reticulate. Notauli sometimes superficial posteriorly GITOGNATHUS Thomson (p. 209) Stigma of fore wing (Text-figs. 152-155, 158) smaller, separated by at least twice its height from the costal edge of the wing. Gastral petiole not longer than broad and most often transverse, usually smooth or weakly and irregularly sculptured ; if uniformly reticulate then the scutellar frenum has some longitudinal costulae. Notauli sharply impressed throughout . : 28 Petiole of gaster reticulate, at most slightly transverse and usually as long as or longer than broad ; stigma of fore wing large or moderately large ; hind margins of gastral tergites not excised medially ; postspiracular sclerite most often with an oblique carina . . STICTOMISCAUS Thomson (p. 216) Either the gastral petiole is virtually smooth, and obviously transverse ; or the stigma of the fore wing is smaller ; or the hind margin of at least the PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 153 123 ace . et el ee \ \ as ~ =e =e = S Se SF ee Z we — at} ae ait 4 ts! . ACAD NONUNIE u ho INCLAN : ay Mavis u aw AAA WAVAWEN NY ANS ase Versi ee Nes VI 4 \ \ SN WAN y ULE OS a HS / TUS AAA NAYA \\ i 124 rts RecwNE baal ie ATR Mt PENS UST Ap MINAS 4 125 ite aia \V Uh Ban Hes ee TiN Wei eh SN Ta Ave Mi salt eR aa fe i WE SAL YN Pay ae oa\ at 5 NAN \\ RRO AR \ \ 127 128 Fics. 122-128. 122, Miscogaster elegans Walker, 9, gaster; 123, Glyphognathus umbelliferae Graham, 9, right mandible and gena; 124, Miscogaster elegans Walker, 9, fore wing, part ; 125, Stictomischus obscurus (Walker), 9, hind wing, basal part ; 126, Gitognathus grandiclava Thomson, 2, hind wing, basal part ; 127, Nodisoplata diffinis (Walker), 9, clypeus ; 128, Seladeyma breve Walker, 9, clypeus. 154 28 29 30 31 32 (28) (29) (31) MS Wi Re DE) Vie GIWAEVAM basal tergite of the gaster is excised medially. Postspiracular sclerite without an oblique carina . Zi Hind margin of basal tergite of gaster exisel moedeaies enmetmes alee the hind margin of second and third tergites. Female gaster not or only slightly longer than thorax, at most slightly more than twice as long as broad ; antennal clava with micropilosity on third segment only XESTOMNASTER Delucchi (p. 232) Hind margins of gastral tergites not excised. Female gaster as long as head plus thorax, at least 2:5 times as long as broad ; antennal clava with micropilosity on all the segments, or at least on the second and third THEKTOGASTER Delucchi (p. 207) Scutellar frenum marked off by a strongly impressed line, and with some longitudinal costulae, which are often strong, but most often with little or no fine reticulation. Petiole of gaster usually distinctly, even if irregularly, sculptured, often with a transverse crest anteriorly. Antennal funicle usually with numerous short sensilla arranged in two to four rows on each segment, rarely in only one irregular row c 29 Scutellar frenum marked off by a finer line, relatively aniformly and finely reticulate. Petiole of gaster most often nearly smooth ; without a trans- verse crest. Antennal funicle of female often with Hower and longer sensilla arranged in only one row on each segment . . 30 Either the gastral petiole has strong rugulosity or irregular cenieaee usually with a transverse crest anteriorly ; or else the basal cell of the fore wing is open below. Basal vein of fore wing distinctly pigmented, nearly or quite to its junction with the parastigma (as in Text-fig. 124) ; speculum most often open below. Scutellum with at least some trace of a longitudinal impressed line at its base. Left mandible with three or four teeth, right mandible with four . ; : . LAMPROTATUS Westwood (p. 233) Gastral petiole with at most some very fine reticulation, or transverse aciculation, without a transverse crest anteriorly ; basal cell of fore wing closed below in at least the distal half ; speculum closed below. Basal vein usually less distinctly pigmented. Scutellum usually without an impressed line at its base. Left mandible, or both mandibles, with three teeth . 5 30 Females with gaster as long as head plus thorax ; antennal clava with micro- pilosity on second and third segments ; sensilla arranged in two or three rows on all segments of the funicle ; left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four ; basal vein of fore wing pigmented nearly or quite throughout. Males not accurately known : . THEKTOGASTER Delucchi (p. 207) Females with gaster rarely as long as head plus thorax, if so then antennal clava has micropilosity on its third segment only, the sensilla are arranged in one row on at least the distal segments of the funicle, and the basal vein is not pigmented throughout. Both mandibles with three teeth, J? . F 31 Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 127) with a median lobe or tubercle, and usually a smaller one on either side of it. Combined length of pedi- cellus and flagellum in female less than, in male at most equal to, the breadth of the head : : : . NODISOPLATA gen.n. (p. 180) Anterior margin of clypeus either wena or with three asymmetric teeth (Text-fig. 128). Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum nearly always at least slightly greater than breadth of head, only about equal to it in some females : ‘ 32 Females with antennal fagellam very stout proximally, gee Ewiee as broad as the pedicellus in profile, but tapering a little distad ; scape only about half as long as an eye ; funicle with numerous short sensilla arranged in PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 155 two to three irregular rows on each segment ; dorsal surface of hind coxa with a few hairs in the basal half : . TELEPSOGINA Hegqvist (p. 207) - Females with antennal flagellum less stout, filiform or clavate ; scape some- what more than half as long as an eye ; funicle often with relatively long sensilla arranged in one row on each segment ; dorsal surface of hind coxa sometimes bare in the basal half . : ‘ SELADERMA Walker (p. 182) HALTICOPTERA Spinola Halticopteva Spinola, 1811 : 148, no. 9. Type-species : Diplolepis flavicornis Spinola, 1808, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 376. Pachylarthrus Westwood, 1832a : 127. Type-species : P. insignis Westwood, 1832, by mono- typy. Phagonia Curtis, 1832 : folio 427. Type-species : Diplolepis flavicornis Spinola, by original designation. Dicyclus Walker, 1833 : 371, 455. Type-species : D. aeneus Walker, by designation of West- wood, 1839 : 68. Phacostomus Nees, 1834 : 121. Type-species : Diplolepis patellana Dalman, 1818, by monotypy. Megovismus Walker, 1846: 29. Type-species: Muscogastey daiphron Walker, 1839, by monotypy. Tityros Walker, 1848 : 108, 164, syn. n. Type-species : T. poveia Walker, by monotypy. Pachylarthrus Westwood ; Forster, 1856 : 52, 53, 55. Tityros Walker ; Forster, 1856 : 53, 58. Halticoptera Spinola ; Thomson, 1876a : 221, 245. Halticoptera Spinola ; Ashmead, 1904 : 277. Dicyclus Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 277 [ex parte}. Halticoptera Spinola ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 298-299. Dicyclus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 298, 300, ex parte. Halticoptera Spinola ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 249. Halticoptera Spinola ; Peck et al., 1964 : 41. Remarks on generic synonymy. Halticoptera Spinola. Whether this is really the genus to which we currently apply the name is problematic. Spinola’s brief diagnosis would apply to many genera of Pteromalidae, and the original material of his type-species (if it still exists) has not been examined. However, the name has been applied to the present genus for many years and is therefore retained in this sense. IfSpinola’s type material should be located and prove to represent something different, then the valid name for the present genus would be Pachylarthrus. Tityros Walker. This is now recognized with certainty following my discovery of the type specimen of porera Walker, the type-species. Ashmead (1904 : 277) placed Tityros with a query as the male of Dicyclus Walker. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALEs) I Malar space about equal to transverse diameter of eye, and about two thirds as long as an eye. Vertex slightly elevated in middle, behind the ocelli ; temples about half as long aseyes. Median area of propodeum strongly reti- culate. Gastral petiole as long as or (usually) slightly longer than broad, reticulate . : : : : : 3 smaragdina (Curtis) (p. 159) Malar space less than transverse diameter of eye. Vertex not distinctly elevated behind the ocelli ; temples most often distinctly less than half as 156 2 5a) 3. (2) ASN) 5 aa) 6 (5) i (9) M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM long as eyes, if nearly or quite half as long then gastral petiole strongly transverse or smooth. Median area of propodeum sometimes weakly sculp- tured or smooth. Gastral petiole often transverse . F : 5 4 2 Thorax 1:8 to 2 times as long as broad, somewhat flattened ; scutellum in profile appearing flat or virtually so. Gaster lanceolate, slightly longer than head plus thorax, 2:8 to 3:2 times as long as broad ; last tergite as long as or somewhat longer than its basal breadth. Median area of propodeum strongly reticulate and relatively dull . : : collaris (Walker) (p. 159) Thorax less elongate, more arched dorsally ; scutellum in profile appearing at least slightly convex. Gaster at most 2:5 times as long as broad ; if as elon- gate as this, then the median area of the propodeum is weakly sculptured and shiny : 3 Gastral petiole Swi loess hen broad, eetionlate, with mene paeaiiel sides, with three to six hairs on each side. Antennae with funicular seg- ments quadrate, or the proximal ones very slightly longer than broad. Median area of propodeum with distinct reticulation patellana (Dalman) Thomson (p. 160) Gastral petiole usually bare at the sides ; if with one or two hairs then the petiole is either transverse, or subconical and nearly smooth. At least some of the funicular segments transverse. Median area of propodeum shiny ; with weaker reticulation, or mainly to entirely smooth . : 4 Gastral petiole (Text-fig. 129) smooth or with some very weak sculpeane: subconical, as broad as or slightly broader than long. Lower edge of antennal toruli distinctly above level of ventral edge of eyes. Flagellum distinctly stouter than the pedicellus, hardly clavate ; funicular segments, except sometimes the first, at least very slightly transverse. Gaster rhomboid, slightly longer than the thorax. Large species, 2-5 to 3 mm. : . hippeus (Walker) (p. 161) Gastral petiole Snes mel, ete ene or ke phodt twice as broad as long ; usually with subparallel sides (this feature is not so obvious in species with strongly transverse petiole). Lower edge of antennal toruli at or hardly above level of ventral edge of eyes - 5 Gaster 2 to 2-5 times as long as broad, about a as long as head plus thorax : antennal funicle with proximal segments subquadrate, distal segments only slightly transverse ; gastral petiole slightly broader than long laevigata Thomson (p. 160) Either the gaster is less than twice as long as broad, and not longer than the thorax ; or all the funicular segments are transverse, the distal ones strongly so. Gastral petiole varying from strongly transverse to slightly longer than broad : 6 Gastral petiole distinctly (up to 2°5 mie) broader than long, distinctly shorter than the median length of the propodeum. Gaster often about twice as long as broad or rather more, usually longer than the thorax . 7 Gastral petiole quadrate to somewhat longer than broad, not or hardly Shoes than the median length of the propodeum. Gaster less than twice as long as broad, not longer than the thorax . : : II Gaster 1-5 to 1-7 times as long as broad, not longer den the gees Antennal flagellum distinctly clavate, proximally hardly stouter than the pedicellus but thickening distad. Small species, 1-3 to1-°8mm. poreia (Walker) (p. 162) Gaster 1-85 to 2:5 times as long as broad, longer than the thorax, sometimes as long as head plus thorax. Antennal flagellum hardly clavate, proximally at least slightly stouter than the pedicellus. Species usually larger (size 1-8 to 4 mm.) ; : : ; ‘ 9 0 0 : a 8 rae (6) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Smaller species (1-8 to 2-2 mm.). Antennal scape as long as aneye. Gaster with pygostylar bristles subequal in length Usually larger (1-8 to 4 mm.) but if less than 2-4 mm., then the antennal scape is distinctly shorter than an eye. Usually one bristle of each a is somewhat longer than the others . Antennal scape about three quarters as long as an eyed or dichtly more. Length 2:3 mm. Head in dorsal view with AERE SS slightly more than one quarter as long as eyes Antennal scape nearly or quite as lone as an os Length 2:5 to 4 mm. Head in dorsal view with temples about half as long as eyes, subparallel for a short distance behind the eyes. Scutellar frenum marked off by a rather strong impressed line. Length three to fourmm. (Amurland) nobilis (Walker) (p. Head in dorsal view with temples about one third as long as eyes, converging slightly even immediately behind the eyes. Length 2-5 to 3:3 mm. (Europe) . : : brevicornis Thomson (p. Fore wing with anes of asa cell mien a patch of several hairs. Pronotal collar slightly margined anteriorly ; behind this with a broad, shiny and weakly-sculptured strip Fore wing with apex of basal cell bare or aah Onis a very few hairs. Pronotal collar rounded off anteriorly, reticulate with at most a very narrow shiny strip along its hind margin (MALEs) Malar space slightly greater than transverse diameter of eye, and fully three quarters as long as an eye. Vertex slightly elevated in middle, behind the ocelli ; temples more than half as long as eyes. Maxillary stipites very large. Median area of propodeum strongly reticulate. Gastral petiole as long as or (usually) slightly longer than broad, reticulate smaragdina (Curtis) (p. Malar space at least slightly less than transverse diameter of eye. Vertex not distinctly elevated behind ocelli ; temples one quarter to slightly more than half as long as eyes. Maxillary stipites large or small. Median area of propodeum sometimes weakly reticulate or smooth. Petiole sometimes transverse . , : : Thorax 1-8 to 2 times as ; long as broad, somewhat flattened ; scutellum in profile appearing flat or virtually so. Maxillary stipites very small, virtually unmodified. Median area of propodeum strongly reticulate and relatively dull . : : collaris (Walker) (p. Thorax less elongate, more arched dorsally ; seutelhian 1 in profile appearing at least slightly convex. Maxillary stipites large or small. Median area of propodeum sometimes shiny and weakly sculptured : Gastral petiole slightly longer than broad, reticulate, with three to six hairs on each side, the sides nearly parallel. Antennae with funicular segments, except the sixth, slightly longer than broad. Median area of propodeum with distinct reticulation. Maxillary stipites rather small patellana (Dalman) Thomson (p. Gastral petiole usually bare at the sides ; rarely with one or two hairs, in which cases the petiole is either transverse, or else subconical and nearly smooth. Antennae either with all funicular segments quadrate or trans- verse ; or with at most the proximal segments slightly longer than broad. Median area of propodeum more shiny, with weaker reticulation, or mainly to entirely smooth . politau (Walker) (p. mustela (Walker) (p. aenea (Walker) (p. circulus (Walker) (p. 161) 164) 163) 159) 159) 160) 158 4 Io II (3) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Gastral petiole smooth or with only some very weak sculpture, subconical, as broad as or slightly broader than long. Antennal flagellum stout, distinctly stouter than the pedicellus, hardly clavate, with all the funicular segments (except sometimes the first) at least very slightly transverse. Maxillary stipites large, reaching up to near the vertex ; last two segments of maxil- lary palpi forming a moderately large sac which is about 1-5 times as long as broad and subelliptical. Large species, 2-5 to 3 mm. hippeus (Walker) (p. 161) Gastral petiole either wholly reticulate, or else about twice as broad as long ; usually with subparallel sides though this feature is not so obvious when the petiole is strongly transverse. Antennal flagellum sometimes different in form. Species sometimes smaller Maxillary palpi only slightly dilated apically, ihe sac foamed by ine two fer minal segments elliptic and about three times as long as broad. Antennae with proximal segments of funicle quadrate to slightly longer than broad, distal segments hardly transverse. Maxillary stipiteslarge. Antennae, and legs except coxae, yellow. Gastral petiole as long as broad laevigata Thomson (p. 160) Either the maxillary palpi are strongly dilated apically, with the sac formed by the two terminal segments subglobose ; or if the sac is more elongate and elliptic, then the distal segments of the funicle are strongly transverse. Maxillary stipites sometimes small. Gastral petiole often transverse Gastral petiole distinctly (up to 2:5 times) broader than long, distinctly shorter than the median length of the propodeum . P Gastral petiole quadrate to somewhat longer than broad, not or Hardly shorter than the median length of the propodeum . Maxillary stipites small, practically unmodified ; palpi not much iswalien the sac formed by the two terminal segments elliptic and slightly longer than broad. Antennal scape, all femora, and sometimes the tibiae, more or less infuscate. Small species, 1-3 to 1-8 mm. Maxillary stipites large, reaching up to near the vertex ; the sac formed by the two terminal segments of the palpi elliptic or subglobose. Species usually larger (size 1-8 to 3:5 mm.) : Smaller species, 1-8 to 2:2 mm. Sac formed by the two feeeeell seen of the maxillary palpi subglobose . Usually larger (1-8 to 3-5 mm.). Sac formed by the two terminal ia of the maxillary palpi 1-5 to 2 times as long as broad Head in dorsal view with temples fully half as long as eyes, Daeamel fone a short distance behind the eyes. Length about threemm. Sac formed by the two terminal segments of the Set palpi about 1:5 times as long as broad II poreia (Walker) (p. 162) 8 polita (Walker) (p. 162) 9 (Amurland) : : : nobilis (Walker) (p. 161) Head in dorsal view with enniptes one third as sini as eyes or slightly less, converging slightly even just behind the eyes. Species either smaller, or else with the sac formed by the two terminal segments of the maxillary Mey relatively longer . Sac formed by the two terminal sepments ai the fenuilae palpi about twice as long as broad. Scutellar frenum marked off by a fine line. Length 2-5 to Io 3 mm. : ‘ ‘ brevicornis Thomson (p. 161) Terminal sac of ia Sillary pati soureawat less than twice as long as broad. Scutellar frenum marked off by a very chee impressed line. Length hardly2mm. . : , : . _mustela (Walker) (p. 161) Maxillary stipites large, vias up to near vertex, and clearly visible when the head is seen in dorsal view. Apex of basal cell of fore wing with a patch PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 159 of several hairs. Pronotal collar slightly margined anteriorly aenea (Walker) (p. 164) - Maxillary stipites small, reaching only to level of top of foramen magnum, not visible when the head is seen in dorsal view. Apex of basal cell of fore wing bare or with only a very few hairs. Pronotal collar not margined but rounded off anteriorly . F : : = . circulus (Walker) (p. 163) Halticoptera collaris (Walker) Pteromalus collarvis Walker, 1836 : 427, 8. Halticoptera planiscuta Thomson, 1876a : 248, 9. Halticoptera collaris (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 255. Type material. Pteromalus collaris Walker. Syntypes, 29. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, which bears a Waterhouse label and a green-bordered Type label. Halticoptera planiscuta Thomson. Syntypes on Io pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled ““ Yd” [Yddingen] on a pink label, and “Scan”. Placed in synonymy with collaris (Walker) by Graham (19566 : 255). BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; probably widely distributed in Europe. Biology. Unknown. In England I have most often captured collavis upon bracken (Pteridium aquilinum L.) so it may be associated with a host upon this plant. Imagines appear May—June. Halticoptera smaragdina (Curtis) Phagonia smaragdina Curtis, 1832 : folio 427, 3. Pachylarthrus insignis Westwood, 1832a : 127, 6. Halticoptera flavicornis Spinola ; Thomson, 1876a : 248, 3 Q. Type material. Phagonia smaragdina Curtis. Described by Curtis from material “In the Cabinet of Mr. F. Walker’”’. There is only one specimen, a male, now standing under this name in Walker’s collection, with a Waterhouse label “ Pachylarthrus smaragdinus Walker ”’ ; it is designated LECTOTYPE (possibly it is a holotype). Pachylarthrus insignis Westwood. One male, LECTOTYPE. It is pinned, the pin thrust through a rectangular card ; it bears a tiny white ticket, also two labels in Westwood’s handwriting, a pink one reading “ insignis Westw. ”’ and a white one “ Dipl. patellana Dalm.”’. This species may be [Dzflolepis] flavicornis Spinola, as Thomson thought. The type material of flavicornis has not been located, so that the application of the name is a matter of opinion. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN ; fairly common. Biology. eared in England from Philophylla heraclei (L.) on parsnip, celery, and Smyrnium olusatrum L. (A. H. Hamm). In Sweden Jansson (1952 : 7) recorded as hosts of ‘‘ favicornis Thomson ”’ the flies Scaptomyzella flava Mg. (Drosophilidae) and Liriomyza strigata (Mg.) (Agromyzidae). Imagines in June and Aug.—Sept. 160 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Halticoptera patellana (Dalman), sensu Thomson ? Diplolepis Patellana Dalman, 1818 : 80-81 [3]. Phagonia flavicornis Curtis, 1832 : folio 427 (? nec Halticoptera flavicornis Spinola, 1811). Pachylarthrus smaragdinus (Curtis) Walker, 1833 : 457, “? 2” [nec 3}. Miscogaster Aevatus Walker, 1839 : 202 “@2”’ [recte 3], syn. n. Ormocerus Pisuthrus Walker, 1839 : 207, 9, Syn. n. Halticoptera patellana (Dalman) Thomson, 1876a : 246, g 9. Type material. Dzplolepis patellana Dalman. I could not find any specimens in Dalman’s collection. The males of most of the species mentioned in the present paper are ruled out because they disagree with Dalman’s description ; the only males which agree well are those of smaragdina (Curtis) and patellana (Dalman) sensu Thomson, of which the latter seems to agree best. Thomson is more likely than anyone else to have seen the type (possibly now misplaced or lost). That he was familiar with Dalman’s material seems clear from the fact that he used Dalman manuscript names for other species (e.g., festiva, brevicornis and laevigata). Peck (1963 : 623) has used patellana as the valid name for the species which I call civculus (Walker) in the present work. I do not know his reasons for this usage ; my remarks above will show that it is unlikely to be correct. Miscogaster aeratus Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE, labelled ‘“‘ Aeratus”’ in Walker’s handwriting. Ormocerus pisuthrus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label, also another in the handwriting of C. Ferriére ‘‘ Halticoptera sp. 2”. BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; probably widely distributed in Europe. Biology. Reared in England from Spilographa zoe (Mg.) (Dipt., Trypetidae) on Senecio, and from an undetermined host on bracken (Pteridium aquilinum L.) (A. H. Hamm). Jansson (1952 : 5) recorded as hosts in Sweden Agromyza reptans Fln., Phytomyza lappae, R—D. [=lappina Gour.], Liriomyza congesta (Becker), and Phytomyza sedicola Hering. In Britain the species is commonest where bracken occurs. Imagines June-August. Halticoptera laevigata Thomson Halticoptera laevigata (Dalmas MS.) Thomson, 1876a : 253, 9. Halticoptera levigata Dalla Torre, 1898 : 198 (emendation). Type material. Syntypes, 8 specimens. I have not yet selected a lectotype. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY ; uncommon. The characters by which the hitherto undescribed male may be recognized are given in my key to males (q.v.). Biology. I have seen males reared in Germany, Berlin-Dahlem, 5-—11.iii.1954, from Anomoia (=Phagocarpus) permunda (Harris) (Dipt., Trypetidae) in fruits of Cotoneaster multiflora Bge. (Prof. E. M. Hering) ; and both sexes reared in England (Surrey, Ranmore Common, 17.vi1.1939) from the same host on Crataegus monogyna L. (M. Niblett). Imagines (in Britain) occur in the field July—October. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 161 Halticoptera hippeus (Walker) comb. n. Miscogaster Hippeus Walker, 1839 : 203, 3. Miscogaster Eurybia Walker, 1839 : 203, 9, syn. n. Miscogaster Tyrrhoeus Walker, 1839 : 204 ““2”’ [vecte 3], syn. n. Halticoptera crassipes Thomson, 1876a : 252, 2, syn. n. Type material. Muiscogaster hippeus Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE, labelled “ Hippeus ”’ in Walker’s handwriting, also bearing a label “‘ Halticoptera sp. § Ch. Herriére det.’’. Miscogaster eurybia Walker. Two females (one possibly not original material). LECTOTYPE bearing a Waterhouse label “‘ Pachylarthrus Eurybia Walker ’’. Miscogaster tyrrhoeus Walker. Two males. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, labelled “‘ Tyrrhoeus ”’ and with a BM(NH) Type label. Halticoptera crassipes Thomson. Syntypes, 6 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled ‘‘ Bas ”’ [Bastad]. BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; uncommon. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June and July. Halticoptera brevicornis Thomson Halticoptera brevicornis (Dalman MS.) Thomson, 1876a : 251, 3 . Type material. Syntypes on 25 pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Ar”’ paArriel|/and “ Scan.”’. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN. In southern England I have found this species to be common on chalk downland. Biology. Unknown. Halticoptera nobilis (Walker) comb. n. Lamprotatus nobilis Walker, 1874 : 314, . Pachylarthrus promerus Walker, 1874 : 316, 3, Syn. n. Type material. Lamprotatus nobilis Walker. LECTOTYPE, 2 Type Hym. 5. 807, labelled “‘ Amurland. Coll. F. Walker 1913-71 ”’ and (in Walker’s handwriting) “ Lamprotatus nobilis ’’. Pachylarthrus promerus Walker. LECTOTYPE, § Type Hym. 5. 849, labelled “ Amurland. Coll. F. Walker 1913-71” and (in Walker’s handwriting) “ Pachyl- arthrus promerus ”’. Asia : Amurland. Biology. Unknown. Halticoptera mustela (Walker) comb. n. Pachylarthrus Mustela Walker, 1839 : 194, d. Pachylarthrus Elyces Walker, 1839 : 195, 9, Syn. n. Type material. Pachylarthrus mustela Walker. LECTOTYPE (?holotype) 3, 162 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Type Hym. 5. 848, labelled “ 38. 8. 13. 77” ; ‘‘Fontainbleau ”’ ; “‘ Pachylarthrus Mustela Walker ”’ ; ‘‘ Type CF ”’ [C. Ferriére]. Pachylarthrus elyces Walker. One female, Type Hym. 5. 847, designated LECTO- TYPE (possibly holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. FRANCE ; only the type material known to me. Biology. Unknown. Halticoptera poreia (Walker) comb. n. ? Ovmocerus Aletes Walker, 1848 : 107, 163, 9. Tityros poreia Walker, 1848 : 108, 165, 3. Pteromalus Cercaphrus Walker, 1848 : 125, 191, dg, Syn. n. Type material. Ovmocerus aletes Walker. None found. The original descrip- tion accords well with the female of Halticoptera poreia except that the size mentioned (“‘ Length of the body 14 line ’’) is too great. Walker might have had an unusually large specimen. Tityros poreia Walker. I could not locate the type in the main collection in the BM(NH) and for a long time thought it was lost. Eventually, in a drawer apart from the main collection I found a male which agrees well with the description and is designated LECTOTYPE ; it bears a printed label ‘‘ Poreico”’ [sic]. This is the type-species of Tityros, which is now established as a synonym of Halticoptera. Pteromalus cercaphrus Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. BRITAIN, rare ; “ England”’ (Walker, 1848 : 108) ; Oxfordshire, Otmoor, 1 4, I Q, 21.vill.1955, 14, I 9, 28.vill.1955 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. Imagines in August in damp or marshy ground. Halticoptera polita (Walker) comb. n. Eutelus politus Walker, 1834 : 369, . Ormocerus Mandrocles Walker, 1839 : 206, 9, syn. n. Halticoptera festiva (Dalman MS.) Thomson, 1876a : 250, g, 9, syn. n. Type material. Eutelus politus Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. The second specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label, is designated LECTOTYPE. Ormocerus mandrocles Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label, also another reading “ Halticoptera sp. ? Ch. Ferriére det.”’. Halticoptera festiva Thomson. Syntypes on 22 pins. LECTOTYPE, a male labelled ‘‘ Lund ” and “ festiva Dalm.”’. BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; uncommon. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May—July (rarely in Aug.). PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 163 Halticoptera circulus (Walker) comb. n. Dicyclus circulus Walker, 1833 : 456, 9. Dicyclus fuscicornis Walker, 1833 : 456, 9, Syn. n. Ptevomalus palpigerus Zetterstedt, 1838 : 425 ““9?”, syn. n. Pteromalus brevicornis Zetterstedt, 1838 : 426 “gd ?”’, syn. n. [nec Walker, 1835]. Miscogaster Daiphron Walker, 1839 : 198, 2, syn. n. Miscogaster Crius Walker, 1839 : 201, 9, Syn. n. Miscogastey Suilius Walker, 1839 : 202 “2” [vecte 3], syn. n. Halticoptera petiolata Thomson, 1876a : 250 [ex parte}. Pteromalus lapponicus Dalla Torre, 1898 : 131 [n. n. for P. brevicornis Zetterstedt nec Walker]. Halticoptera fuscicornis (Walker) Imms, 1930 : 13-19, figs. 1-3, ¢ 2. Halticoptera aenea Gahan, 1933 : 116-121, g 2 [mec Dicyclus aeneus Walker, 1833]. Halticoptera patellana Peck, 1963 : 623-625 [nec Diplolepis patellana Dalman, 1818]. Type material. Dicyclus circulus Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, one bearing a Waterhouse label and another in C. Ferriére’s handwriting ““ Type CF ”’. Dicyclus fuscicornis Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus palpigerus Zetterstedt. One male, LECTOTYPE, labelled in Zetterstedt’s handwriting “ Pt. palpi-gerus. Q ?Talvig’’. The head and gaster are missing but from the remains I consider it the same as cirvculus (Walker). Pteromalus brevicornis Zetterstedt. One male, LECTOTYPE (but probably holotype), labelled in Zetterstedt’s handwriting ‘“‘ P. brevicornis J. Kengis ”’. Miscogaster daiphron Walker. One female, accepted as TYPE ; Waterhouse label, also one ‘“‘ Type Gahan 1927 ”’. Miscogaster crius Walker. Syntypes, in BM(NH), one female ; and in Haliday collection, two females (nos. 681, 684), of which one is labelled ‘‘ Crius ” in Walker’s handwriting, while the other bears a green label indicating Irish origin. LECTOTYPE, the female in BM (NH), which is labelled “ Crius”’ in Walker’s handwriting. Miscogaster swilius Walker. Syntypes, 2 fg. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. The species identified by Gahan (1933) as Halticoptera aenea (Walker) was evidently not aenea, but circulus (Walker). In the same paper Gahan cited fuscicornis (Walker) as a synonym of the supposed aenea; he identified fuscicornis on the basis of American specimens which had been compared with the types of fuscicornis, and on a probable syntype of that species sent to him, by Waterston. He also stated (1933 : 119) that he had later seen the type female of aenea, and concluded that it was the same species as fuscicornis. Moreover, he cited (ibid. : 116) fuscicornis as interpreted by Imms (1930) as being the same as aenea. In his redescription of the supposed aenea, Gahan mentioned (ibid. : 117) that the pronotal collar of the female is not margined, and that the fore wing is bare basally except for a few hairs in the costal cell. Further he stated (ibid. : 120) that the maxillary stipes of the male is not greatly enlarged and is not visible from above. All these features indicate that the species he had before him was ciyculus and not aenea. Gahan also cited (ibid. : 116) the names of five other North American species which he considered to be 164 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM synonyms of “aenea’’. I have not seen the types of these species but if, as I assume, Gahan was correct in regarding them as conspecific, then all of them must be synonyms of civculus (Walker). Peck (1963) used patellana [Dalman] as the valid name for aenea (Walker) sensu Gahan, 1933 (=circulus Walker, nec aenea Walker) ; I do not, however, believe that the true patellana of Dalman was the same as circulus (for my reasons see above (p. 160) under fatellana). BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. ; CANADA, U.S.A. Biology. Reared in England from Phytomyza petor Hering (Dipt., Agromyzidae) on Mentha spicata L. (G. C. D. Griffiths) (material in BM(NH). One female reared 24.Vil.1955 from Phytomyza atricorms Mg., on Sonchus oleraceus L., Oxford district (K. G. V. Smith). The species redescribed and figured under the name fuscicornis (Walker) by Imms (1930) as an endoparasite of the larvae of Oscinella frit (L.) in Britain, was certainly civculus (Walker). Imms unfortunately did not mention any of the characters which would enable one to decide whether his species was circulus (Walker) or aenea (Walker); but he did not state that the pronotal collar was margined, whilst his figure 1 of the female shows the basal cell of the fore wing to be virtually bare, features which make it pretty certain that he had civculus before him. Gahan (1933) also recorded it (under the name aenea Walker) as an unimportant parasite of the frit fly ; he cited several other hosts, most of which are Agromyzidae and may be correct, but in view of the confusion between aenea and circulus, it is desirable to have them confirmed. Halticoptera aenea (Walker) Dicyclus aeneus Walker, 1833 : 456, . Dicyclus tristis Walker, 1833 : 456, 2, Syn. n. Pachylarthrus patellanus (Dalman) sensu Walker, 1833 : 458. Miscogaster cinctipes Walker, 1833 : 462, 9, Syn. n. Miscogaster nigro-aenea Walker, 1833 : 462, 2, syn. n. Pteromalus Sophron Walker, 1839 : 270, g, Syn. n. Halticoptera petiolata Thomson, 1876a : 250, § [lectotype], 9 [ev parte], syn. n. ?Halticoptera patellana Dalman ; Ferriére, 1952 : 172. Type material. Dicyclus aeneus Walker. Four females now stand under this name but two are probably not original material. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label, and another in C. Ferriére’s handwriting “‘ Type C.F.”’. Dicyclus tristis Walker. Three specimens now stand here (but one is the lectotype of Miscogaster tristis Walker, 1833). LECTOTYPE, the third specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Miscogaster cinctipes Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label, also one in C. Ferriére’s handwriting “‘ Type CF ”’. Miscogaster nigroaenea Walker. Syntypes, 29 ; LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label “‘ Dicyclus nigroaeneus Walker’’. The species was transferred to Dicyclus by Walker (1846 : 27). PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 165 Pteromalus sophron Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label ; it is clearly a Haliday specimen, mounted on a hexagonal card which is itself gummed to a rectangular card. Halticoptera petiolata Thomson. Syntypes on 39 pins, a mixed series including males and female of both ciyculus (Walker) and aenea (Walker). LECTOTYPE, a maled labelled “ L-d’”’ [Lund] and “ petiolata m.”’. Ferriere (1952) recorded a species under the name Halticoptera patellana Dalman (citing aeneus Walker as a synonym) from the neighbourhood of Venice. According to the lectotype of aeneus selected by Ferriere himself and which I have validated above, that species is the same as patellana in his opinion. However, he gave no reasons for his view, and I prefer to follow Thomson’s (1876) interpretation of patellana. Peck (1963 : 623) followed Ferriére’s interpretation of patellana, although most of the North American records which he cited under that name probably refer to a different species (civculus Walker, q.v.)._ Thus the situation is very confused, chiefly because hitherto no lectotypes have been validated for any of the species- names involved. Europe (widely distributed), Canadian and U.S. records of aenea presumably refer to circulus (Walker). Biology. A parasite of Diptera (Drosophilidae and Agromyzidae). In Britain it has been reared from Phytomyza plantaginis R.—D. on Plantago coronopus L. and from Scaptomyza graminum Fn. on Spergularia rupicola LeJ. (G. C. D. Griffiths) (material in BM(NH)). Imagines (in Britain) June-November, evidently therefore more than one generation per annum. The North American records of aenea need checking because at least some of them refer to ciyculus (Walker) and not to the true aenea. Notes on other species which belong to Halticoptera but have not been investigated in detail : 1. European species : Halticoptera citritibius (Rondani) Chrysolampus citvitibius Rondani, 1877 : 170-171, pl. 4, figs. 132-137. Halticoptera citritibius (Rondani) Delucchi, 1955a : 174. , Type material in Museum ‘La Specola”’, Florence. It was examined by Delucchi who stated (1955) that the species belonged to Halticoptera, but did not mention any further details. 2. Extra-limital species (Types in BM(NA)) : Halticoptera arduine (Walker) comb. n. Dicyclus Avduine Walker, 18434 : 115, 9. Type Hym. 5. 854, 9. Type locality. Near Lima. 166 M. W. R. vpE V. GRAHAM Halticoptera cleodoxa (Walker) comb. n. Pachylarthrus Cleodoxa Walker, 1843a : 116, 3. Type Hym. 5. 852,¢. Type locality. Near Lima. Halticoptera sariaster (Walker) Pachylarthrus Sariaster Walker, 1842a : 271, d 9. Pachylarthrus Sariaster Walker ; Spinola, in Gay, 1851 : 459, 6. LECTOTYPE, Type Hym. 5. 851, 9°. Type locality. Valdivia. The species was referred to Halticoptera by Dalla Torre (1898 : 199). SCHIMITSCHEKIA Bouéek Schimitschekia Bouéek, 1965e¢ : 14. Type-species : S. populi Boucek, by original designation. I have not seen the type-species of this genus, which is evidently extremely close to Halticoptera. It contains only one species. Schimitschekia populi Boucek Schimitschekia populi Bouéek, 1965¢ : 16, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, W. Germany, Lorsch,viii.1g61 (Nieman), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 26.008). GERMANY, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Male unknown. Biology. Reared from Phytagromyza populi (Kalt.) Boucek, 1965e. Imagines July and August. HALTICOPTERINA Erdos Halticopterina Erdés, 1946: 160. Type-species : H. tviannulata Erdos, by original designation. Halticopterina Erdos ; Peck et al., 1964 : 40. Peck e¢ al. (1964) remark that Halticopterina might be better placed as a subgenus of Halticoptera. This may well be so, but as I have seen neither of the two species included in Halticopterina, I cannot give a definite opinion. The detailed descrip- tions of these two species should be sufficient for their recognition. The female of H. moczari is unknown. Halticopterina triannulata Erdos Halticopterina triannulata Erd6s, 1946 . 161-162, ¢ 9. Type material. Syntypes, Hungary, Kisk6rés, 8,vii.1943 (Erdos), in coll. Erdos. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 167 Huneary, MotpavIiaNn S.S.R. Biology. Unknown ; the original material swept from Medicago sativa L. Halticopterina moczari Erdos Halticopterina moczari Erdés, 1954 : 153-154, d- Type material. Holotype J, Hungary, Olcsa I0.vii.1953 (Moczdr), in Hungarian National Museum, Budapest. HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown ; the holotype g was swept from Medicago sativa L. I have seen females of a species from Czechoslovakia which appear to belong to Halticopterina but not to either of the described species; they have the gastral petiole strongly transverse and almost smooth, whereas the petiole of tviannulata is said to be quadrate and strongly punctate, and that of moczari male slightly transverse and punctate. THINODYTES Graham Dicyclus Thomson, 1876a : 221, 253 [nec Walker, 1833]. Thinodytes Graham, 1956b : 261. Type-species : Miscogaster cyzicus Walker, 1839, by original designation. Thinodytes Graham ; Peck et al., 1964 : 41. Thinodytes cyzicus (Walker) Miscogastey Cyzicus Walker, 1839 : 200, 3 9. Syntomopus cyzicus Walker, 1846 : 28. Dicyclus civculus Thomson, 1876a : 253 [nec Walker, 1833]. Type material. Lectotype designated by Graham (19560 : 262). BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN SSR; rather uncommon. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July-August. TRICYCLOMISCHUS Graham Tricyclomischus Graham, 1956: 80. Type-species: T. celticus Graham, 1956, by original designation. Tricyclomischus celticus Graham (Text-figs. 130-133) Tricyclomischus celticus Graham, 1956 : 80, g 9. Type material. Holotype 9 in my own collection (ex coll. Stelfox). 168 M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM BRITAIN, IRELAND, very local or rare. Biology. Unknown. Imagines captured in July and September ; females also in winter, Mr. Stelfox beat some from foliage of Avaucaria at Killakee Park, Dublin, on 7.11.1956. RHICNOCOELIA Graham Megorvismus Thomson, 1876a : 220, 240 [mec Walker, 1846]. Rhicnocoelia Graham, 1956b : 262. Type-species : Pteromalus constans Walker, 1836, by original designation. Doghmiella Delucchi, 1962a : 7, Syn. n. Type-species : D. viridis Delucchi, 1962, by original designation. Rhicnocoelia Graham, Peck et al., 1964 : 35, 38. The question of speciation in Rhicnocoelia requires careful study. Some of the following are not easy to distinguish, in particular the complex of constans and impar ; whilst I have no difficulty in referring the majority of specimens of the complex to one or other of these two, a few are less easy to place. Possibly constans and impar may be forms of a single polymorphic species, but the information at present avail- able is insufficient for providing an answer to this question. Fics. 129-133. 129, Halticoptera hippeus (Walker), 2, gastral petiole ; 130, Tvicyclo- mischus celticus Graham, 9, body ; 131, same, g, head; 132, same, 9, antennae excluding scape ; 133, same, 9, fore wing. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 169 KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) u Head in dorsal view about 2:2 times as broad as long. Head and thorax mainly dark blue. Antennal flagellum rather strongly clavate ; fourth funicular segment slightly transverse, fifth and sixth about 1-5 times as broad as long. Legs very stout ; hind femur (excluding trochantellus) hardly more than three times as long as broad. (Czechoslovakia) sp. indet. (p. 171) = Head in dorsal view 1-9 to 2-05 times as broad as long. Head and thorax some tint of green, blue-green, or bronze-green ‘ 2 2 (1) Antennal flagellum more strongly clavate ; third funieulan segment “ae slightly transverse, fourth slightly so, fifth and sixth 1-5 times as broad as long. Rather squat species ; thorax about 1-75 times as long as broad. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-7 to 1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein. Legs stout . : ; coretas (Walker) (p. 172) - Antennal flagellum less strongly Glavate ; as a rule only the sixth funicular segment is somewhat transverse, occasionally the fifth is slightly so, rarely the fourth very slightly transverse. More slender species ; thorax 1-8 to 2 times as long as broad : : 3 3. (2) Gaster 1:75 to 2 times as long as broad, not or hardly ioneer than one oe : tip of hypopygium situated at two thirds to three quarters the length of the gaster. Marginal vein of fore wing 1:8 to 2 times as long as the stigmal vein. Femora and tibiae red, usually with at most a black stripe on the external aspect of the fore femora ; occasionally with a dark stripe on the mid femora beneath, rarely with a dark stripe on the hind femora in some specimens from northern Britain . 2 c . constans (Walker) (p. 169) - Gaster 2-2 to 2-7 times as long as broad, distinctly longer than the thorax ; tip of hypopygium situated only slightly beyond half the length of the gaster. Marginal vein of fore wing 2 to 2-2 times as long as the stigmal vein. Femora and tibiae sometimes red, but often all the femora are partly to mainly infuscate, whilst some or all of the tibiae may be partly so impar (Walker) (p. 170) I am unable to provide a key to males at present. Rhicnocoelia constans (Walker) Ptevomalus constans Walker, 1836 : 468, 9. Pteromalus cliens Walker, 1836 : 469, 9. ? Pteromalus Vindalius Walker, 1839 : 256, d. ? Pteromalus Archidemus Walker, 1839 : 259-260, 6. ? Pteromalus Orsippus Walker, 1839 : 260, 3. ? Lamprotatus Labarvis Walker, 1848 : 111, 170, d. ? Pteromalus Phalasarna Walker, 1848 : 126, 206, 9. Megorismus chloris (Dalman MS.) Thomson, 1876a : 241, 3 . Rhicnocoelia constans (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 263. Type material. Pteromalus constans Walker. Syntypes, 6 specimens. Lecto- type designated by Graham (19560 : 263). Pteromalus chens Walker. Type Hym. 5. 1697, lectotype designated by Graham (1956d : 263), who synonymized the species with constans. Pteromalus vindalius Walker. Syntypes, 2¢. LECTOTYPE, the first, bearing a Waterhouse label. 170 M. W. R. vpE V. GRAHAM Pteromalus archidemus Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE ; Waterhouse label. It probably belongs to constans. Pteromalus orsippus Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Lamprotatus labaris Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus phalasarna Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Megorismus chloris Thomson. Syntypes on 15 pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “‘ Bas” [Bastad]. The species was synonymized with constans by Graham (1956). BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN ; probably widely distributed in Europe. In the British Isles it is most frequent in damp places, on moorland and the coast. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July-September. Rhicnocoelia impar (Walker) Ptevomalus imparv Walker, 1836 : 469, 9. ? Pteromalus brevivitta Walker, 1836 : 470, 9. Pteromalus Crotopus Walker, 1839 : 258, g, syn. n. ? Trigonoderus Alebion Walker, 1848 : 128, 127, 6. Type material. Pteromalus impar Walker. Syntypes, I 9, 2g. LECTOTYPE, the female, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus brevivitta Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. The other specimen appears to be var. y. Pteromalus crotopus Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Trigonoderus alebion Walker. One male, Type Hym. 5. 1640, designated lectotype by Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 299). BRITAIN, IRELAND ; less frequent than constans. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June—Sept. Rhicnocoelia viridis (Delucchi) comb. n. (=Doghmiella viridis Del., 1962a : 8, 9), described from Morocco, is probably very near impar (Walker). Rhicnocoelia coretas (Walker) comb. n. Lamprotatus coretas Walker, 1848 : 111, 173, 6. Rhicnocoelia covetas (Walker) Graham, 19560 : 263, d. Type material. One male, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. BriTaIn, rare: “‘ England” (Walker, 1848 : 111) ; Scotland, Perthshire, Ben Lawers, I Q, I.vil.1952 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 171 Rhicnocoelia sp. indet. Amongst some material kindly given to me by my friend Dr. Augustin Hoffer I found a female Rhicnocoelia which is rather distinct and must certainly represent a new species. It was captured by him in Czechoslovakia (Karlstejn, 9.v.1959). I think it advisable, however, to await the capture of additional material before describing the species. MERISMUS Walker Merismus Walker, 1833 : 371, 375 [Divisions 4, 5]. Type-species : M. rufipes Walker, by designation of Westwood, 1839 : 68. Sphegigastey Spinola; Forster, 1856 : 53, 57 [ex parte]. Merismus Walker ; Thomson, 1878 : 17, 18-20. Merismus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 374, 375, 377. Merismus Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 245. Kentema Delucchi, 1953a : 218. Type-species : “ Lamprotatus ovatus Walker ’”’ [recte Misco- gastey ovata Walker!], by original designation. Merismus Walker ; Graham, 1956 : 77-78. Merismus Walker, Peck et al., 1964 : 37. Kentema Delucchi was placed in synonymy with Merismus Walker by Graham (1956 : 77). Five European species of Merismus (one of them described as new) are recognized in the present work. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (MALES AND FEMALES) I Petiole of gaster (Text-figs. 137, 138) without a raised transverse crest near its base. Mesoscutal notauli complete, sharply impressed throughout. Fore wing with postmarginal vein slightly to considerably longer than the marginal vein ; speculum closed below. Keticulation of lower face, on either side of clypeus, tending towards transverse strigosity ; genae, just behind the malar sulcus, shiny and nearly smooth. Scutellar frenum irregularly wrinkled or with some longitudinal carinulae, sometimes nearly smooth apart from the latter. Females with antennal clava without a spine at its tip ; second gastral (fourth abdominal) tergite (Text-figs. 137, 138) relatively large. (Species-group of megapterus Walker = Merismus Ss. str.) : : : : : c : : : ; c : - Petiole of gaster (Text-fig. 139) with a strongly raised transverse crest near its base. Mesoscutal notauli superficial posteriorly, sometimes not reaching the hind margin. Fore wing with postmarginal vein not, or only slightly longer than the marginal vein ; speculum usually at least partly open below, rarely completely closed. Reticulation of lower face forming more nearly circular areoles ; genae wholly reticulate. Scutellar frenum with relatively uniform reticulation, much like that of the rest of the scutellum though rather coarser. Female with antennal clava with a short black spine at its tip ; second gastral (fourth abdominal) tergite (Text-fig. 139) relatively smaller. (Species-group of vufipes Walker = Stylomerismus sgen. n.) : 3 172 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM 2 (i) Female with mesoscutum not very shiny, the reticulation of its mid lobe distinctly raised above the general surface, its areoles with thick walls and tending to be subcircular ; inner angle of each axilla with slightly raised reticulation ; petiole of gaster as long as or slightly longer than the pro- podeum, 2 to 2-7 times as long as broad. Male with sculpture of mid lobe of mesoscutum and axillae much as in female ; antennal scape hardly or only just reaching lower edge of median ocellus, its length hardly equal to transverse diameter of eye . : : megapterus Walker (p. 173) - Female with mesoscutum shiny, the eeereron of its mid lobe only very slightly raised above the general surface, its areoles with thinner walls and tending to be rhomboidal or irregular in shape; axillae with engraved reticulation ; petiole of gaster slightly shorter than the propodeum, 1-4 to 1:8 times as long as broad. Male with sculpture of mid lobe of mesoscutum and axillae much as in female ; antennal scape reaching middle of median ocellus, its length virtually or quite equal to transverse diameter of eye splendens sp. n. (p. 174) Fics. 134-139. Merismus spp. 134, splendens sp. n., 2, head ; 135, vufipes Walker, 9, head ; 136, nitidus (Walker), 2, head ; 137, megapterus Walker, 9, gastral petiole and gaster ; 138, splendens sp.n., 2, petiole and gaster ; 139, Jasthenes (Walker), 9, petiole and gaster. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 173 3. (1) Eyesseparated by 1-5 to 1-55 times their length ; POL1-oto1-2OOL. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 136) with temples straighter and converging more strongly. Female with antennal flagellum more strongly clavate ; at most the fifth and sixth funicular segments slightly transverse. Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. : nitidus (Walker) (p. 176) - Eyes separated by 1-25 to 1°35 times their length ; POL 1-3 to 1:4 OOL. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 135) with temples more rounded. Female with antennal flagellum less strongly clavate ; funicular segments four to six transverse (sixth strongly so). Mandibular formula 3.4 or 4.4. 4 4 (3) Female with gastral petiole (Text-fig. 139) only 1°25 to 1-35 times as long as broad, distinctly shorter than the propodeum ; femora mainly dark, tibiae sometimes more or less brownish. Male with gastral petiole slightly shorter than the propodeum. Both sexes with both mandibles with four teeth ; median area of propodeum tending to be finely wrinkled, sometimes reti- culate, without distinct median carina or costula . lasthenes (Walker) (p. 176) - Female with gastral petiole 1-5 to 1-8 times as long as broad, virtually or quite as long as propodeum ; legs (not counting coxae) usually wholly reddish testaceous, occasionally the hind femora, rarely also the mid ones, partly infuscate. Male with gastral petiole about as long as the pro- podeum. Both sexes with left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four ; median area of propodeum with several coarse wrinkles, some of which indicate a median carina and costula ‘ rufipes (Walker) (p. 176) Sgen. MERISMUS s:.str. Merismus (Merismus) megapterus Walker Merismus megapterus Walker, 1833 : 377, 3 9. Merismus clavicornis Walker, 1833 : 377, 9, syn. n. ? Miscogastey tenuicornis Walker, 1833 : 462, 9. Miscogaster ovata Walker, 1833 : 462, 2, syn. n. Sphegigaster Agriope Walker, 1848 : 108, 165, 3, syn. n. Mevismus megalopterus Schulz, 1906 : 143 [emendation]. ? Kentema viride Delucchi, 1955 : 94, 96, 5 2. Type material. Merismus megapterus Walker. Syntypes, 4 specimens. LECTO- TYPE, a male bearing a Waterhouse label. Merismus clavicornis Walker. No specimens under this name. Under Merismus flavicornis Walker there is a series of 2 g and 1 9 ; Walker, however, described no female of flavicornis. The female in his series of flavicornis agrees well with the description of clavicornis and is designated LECTOTYPE of the latter (it is probably the holotype). It could easily have been transposed due to confusing the two similar names. Miscogaster tenuicornis Walker. No specimen under this name ; none found elsewhere. In his annoted copy of his List of 1846 (in my library) Walker has written on the interleaf opposite page 28 “ Spheg. megapterus=Miscogaster tenuicornis E.M.2. 462. M. C. I. 287”. I therefore examined the syntypes of megapterus to see whether any fitted the description of tenuicornis, but found that none did. I have not seen any 99 of megapterus which have the scape and legs dark enough to 174 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM fit Walker’s description of tenwicornis (1833) or his redescription (1839 : 287), though some Scottish 99 approach the required condition. Possibly Walker’s synonymy was correct, though it seems rather doubtful. Miscogaster ovata Walker. Lectotype 9 designated by Graham (1956 : 77). Sphegigaster agriope Walker. Syntypes, 2 gj. LECTOTYPE, the first, bearing a Waterhouse label. Kentema viride Delucchi. I have not seen the type, which is in Dr. Delucchi’s collection ; but from the description viride seems likely to be a form of megapterus. I have dwarf specimens of megapterus which fit the description of wivide ; the characters used for distinguishing the latter from ovatum Walker [=megapterus Walker] by Delucchi (1955 : 94) do not seem to be constant. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN. Not uncommon in Britain. Biology. eared in England from Phytobia pygmaea (Mg.) on Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) Beauv. and on Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) Beauv. ; from Phytobia incisa (Mg.) on Phalaris arundinacea L. (G. C. D. Griffiths) (material in BM(NH)). Imagines taken in June and August—October. Merismus (Merismus) splendens sp. n. @. Body and coxae bright green to blue-green. Antennae blackish ; scape more or less testaceous in its proximal half. Legs except coxae bright testaceous with the fifth segment of all tarsi brown ; sometimes the rest of the fore tarsi is brown, whilst the mid tibia is sometimes brownish. Tegulae testaceous, or partly infuscate. Wings hyaline ; venation fusco-testa- ceous. Length 2:15 to 2:7 mm. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 134) twice or hardly more than twice as broad as long ; temples rounded off, usually converging only slightly, rather less than half as long as eyes ; POL about 1-3 times OOL. Eyes 1-3 times as long as broad, separated by about 1-35 times their length. Malar space very slightly more than one third the length of an eye. Clypeus polished, nearly smooth. Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. Head with reticulation only very slightly raised above the general surface ; genae, immediately behind the malar sulcus, shiny and smooth or virtually so ; lower face (on either side of clypeus) tending to have the areoles of the reticulation slightly elongated in the transverse axis. Anten- nae inserted well above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape nearly reaching the level of the vertex, its length about equal to the transverse diameter of an eye, and equal to or slightly greater than the length of the clava ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1:25 to 1-3 times breadth of head ; pedicellus nearly twice as long as broad, from a little shorter than, to 1-4 times as long as, the first funicular segment ; funicle proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus, thickening only very slightly distad ; first funicular segment 1:3 to 1-7 times as long as broad, following segments slightly longer than broad, except the sixth which is quadrate ; clava hardly broader than the sixth funicular segment, 2-7 to 2-9 times as long as broad, nearly or fully as long as the three preceding funicular segments together, without a terminal spine ; sensilla numerous, in one (sometimes slightly irregular) row on each funicular segment. Pronotal collar with a very sharp, rather strongly raised anterior carina, behind this nearly smooth except for some alutaceous sculpture at the shoulders. Mesoscutum about 1-8 times as broad as long, with strong, complete, punctate notauli ; its surface shiny, the reticulation only slightly raised above the general surface and with rather thin walls, somewhat coarse on the mid lobe, very fine on the lateral lobes, the areoles composing it tending to be rhomboidal or PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 175 irregular in shape. Axillae with very fine engraved reticulation. Scutellum about as long as broad, convex ; its reticulation similar to that of the mesoscutum but finer (especially laterally) ; frenum marked off by a strong punctate line, very shiny, with a few irregular longitudinal carinulae between which there is some weak alutaceous sculpture. Dorsellum shiny, nearly smooth. Propodeum about three quarters as long as scutellum ; median area very coarsely rugose, except the nucha which is extremely finely reticulate or nearly smooth ; median carina more or less indicated in the basal half by some of the rugosites ; plicae strong but irregular ; spiracular sulci smooth, crossed by three to four strong costulae ; spiracles oval, slightly less than twice as long as broad. Fore wing with lower surface of costal cell with a complete single or partly double row of hairs and with some additional hairs scattered over the distal third or more, upper surface bare except for a row of hairs extending over about the distal third ; basal vein pilose ; basal cell bare or with a few hairs distally, open below except apically ; speculum closed below ; marginal vein 1-9 to 2-2 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein 1-2 to 1:3 times as long as the marginal ; surface beyond the speculum thickly pilose. Legs rather slender ; spur of mid tibia about half as long as the first tarsal segment. Gastral petiole (Text-fig. 138) 1-4 to 1-8 times as long as broad, slightly shorter than the propodeum, reaching hardly beyond the tips of the hind coxae, without a transverse carina near its base, mainly finely reticulate but often with some longitudinal wrinkles at base and apex, its sides subparallel. Gaster ovate, slightly shorter than but almost as broad as the thorax, 1‘5 to 1-8 times as long as broad, convex dorsally ; basal tergite occupying about half the total length, its hind margin curved ; second tergite (fourth abdominal) slightly transverse and about two thirds as long as the basal tergite ; last tergite slightly shorter than its basal breadth. g. Differs from the female as follows : Mid tibia sometimes with a fuscous subbasal ring. Antennae with scape reaching to middle of median ocellus, its length virtually or quite equal to transverse diameter of eye ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum nearly twice breadth of head ; pedicellus only 1-6 to 1-7 times as long as broad and about half as long as the first funicular segment ; flagellum filiform, hardly stouter than the pedicellus ; first funicular segment 2-7 to 3 times, sixth 1-9 to 2 times, as long as broad ; clava not broader than the funicle, 4 to 4-5 times as long as broad, about as long as the two preceding funicular segments together, tapering to a point ; flagellum clothed with hairs which stand out at an angle of 35° to 45°, the length of these hairs slightly less than the breadth of the flagellar segments. Gastral petiole slightly longer than the propodeum, 2-4 to 2:6 times as long as broad ; gaster very much shorter than the thorax, bluntly pointed apically. Holotype 9. ENGLAND: Surrey, Ash Vale, reared 18.ix.1960 from Agromyza albipennis Mg. on Phalaris arundinacea L. (G. C. D. Griffiths), BM(NH). Paratypes. Same data as holotype, males and females, 23.ix.1960, 30.ix.1960, 5-x.1960 ; IRELAND : Co. Sligo, shore of Lough Gill, 2 9, 23.vi.1959 (A. W. Stelfox). In BM(NH) and author’s collection. This species closely resembles megapterus Walker, which differs as follows : 9. Mesoscutum less shiny, the reticulation of its mid lobe strong, distinctly raised above the general surface, its areoles with relatively thick walls and tending to be more subcircular in shape, the reticulation also rather finer than in splendens. Axillae having some of their reticula- tion, at least at the inner angles, slightly raised. Scutellum also less shiny and rather more strongly sculptured. Genae, immediately behind the malar sulcus, not quite smooth but with some very delicate alutaceous sculpture. Temples, in dorsal view of head, rather more strongly convergent. Gastral petiole (Text-fig. 137) as long as or slightly longer than the propodeum, 2 to 2-7 times as long as broad, reaching slightly beyond tips of hind coxae ; gaster often telatively longer (1-8 to 2-25 times as long as broad), the basal tergite sometimes occupying rather less than half the total length. 176 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM g. Antennae with scape slightly shorter, not quite or only just reaching the lower edge of the median ocellus ; hairs of flagellum slightly longer, length about equal to breadth of flagellar segments, and tending to stand out a little more strongly. Mid lobe of mesoscutum less shiny, with stronger sculpture (as in 2). Temples, in dorsal view of head, converging more strongly. STYLOMERISMUS sé€en. n. (Derivation : Greek otvaog, a pillar or pale, + Merismus. Gender : Mas- culine). Type-species. Merismus rufipes Walker, 1833. Merismus (Stylomerismus) lasthenes (Walker) comb. n. Sphegigastey Lasthenes Walker, 1848 : 108, 165, 9. Type material. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. BRITAIN, rare : “ England’ (Walker, 1848 : 108) ; Scotland, Perthshire, Lawers, 19.Vll.1954 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. Merismus (Stylomerismus) rufipes (Walker) Merismus rufipes Walker, 1833 : 378, 9. Type material. Three Walker specimens (2g, 12 ) stand under this name but I am not sure that all are original specimens. Lectotype, the female (designated by Graham, 1956 : 77). BritAIn, local : Isle of Wight (Walker, 1833 : 378) ; Cornwall, Marazion, 7.vii. 1955 ; Oxfordshire, Otmoor, 18.1x.1956 (Graham). My specimens were all captured in marshy places. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—Sept. Merismus (Stylomerismus) nitidus (Walker) comb. n. Miscogaster nitida Walker, 1833 : 462, 3 9. Type material. Two g, 1 9. LECTOTYPE, the female, bearing a Waterhouse label. BRITAIN, IRELAND, local. Biology. Unknown. Imagines Aug._November. CALLIMERISMUS Graham Callimerismus Graham, 1956: 78. Type-species: Merismus fronto Walker, 1833, by original designation. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Lay) Kry TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Body bright green to blue. Head (Text-fig. 141) less transverse, hardly twice as broad as long ; eyes larger, separated by only about 1-1 times their own length ; malar space about one quarter the length of aneye. Antennal flagellum (Text-fig. 142) slightly stouter and rather more clavate. Thorax more elongate ; pronotum (Text-fig. 141) longer, its collar relatively less transverse and with its sides sub- parallel ; mesoscutum 1-3 to 1-5 times as broad as long. Fore wing with marginal vein about twice as long as the stigmal vein. Petiole of gaster at most about 1-6 times as long as broad, obviously shorter than the propodeum fronto (Walker) (p. 177) — Body dull green. Head (Text-fig. 140) more transverse, slightly more than twice as broad as long; eyes smaller, separated by 1-4 times their own length ; malar space rather more than one third the length of an eye. Antennal flagellum slightly more slender and rather less clavate. Thorax less elongate ; pronotum (Text-fig. 140) shorter, its collar more transverse and with its sides converging slightly towards the front ; mesoscutum about 1-8 times as broad as long. Fore wing with marginal vein about 1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein. Petiole of gaster twice as long as broad and almost as long as the propodeum suecicus sp. n. (p. 179) Callimerismus fronto (Walker) Merismus fronto Walker, 1833 : 376, °. Miscogaster breviventris Walker, 1833 : 462, 3, syn. n. Miscogaster breviventris Walker, 1839 : 286. Miscogaster breviventris Walker, 1846 : 34. Callimerismus fronto (Walker) Graham, 1956 : 78-80, ¢ 9. Miscogaster breviventris Walker ; Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 308-309. Type material. Merismus fronto Walker. Lectotype 9 designated by Graham (1956 : 80). Miscogaster breviventris Walker. Graham (im Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 309) regarded breviventris as a species dubia because no specimen so labelled had been found in Walker’s collection in the BM(NH). Walker (1846 : 34) had synonymized breviventris with Isocyrtus laetus ; but as pointed out by Graham (ibid.) the only male standing under the latter name disagrees with the description of breviventris. Recently, when looking over the Dale collection in the Hope Department (which contains many Walker specimens), I noticed a male specimen standing as Jsocyrtus laetus. This male agrees very well with the description of Miscogaster breviventris, and is a Walker specimen which was sent by him to Dale in 1847 ; I therefore desi- gnate it LECTOTYPE of breviventris. At atime when the concept of types was not in vogue, Walker could easily have disposed of what perhaps was his only specimen, regarding it as a duplicate after he had synonymized the species with Isocyrtus laetus. The lectotype is labelled ‘‘ Isocyrtus laetus Walk. Name in Dale Coll.”’ ; and“ e Coll. J.C. Dale. C. W. Dale pres. 1906. C.W.D.” BriTAIn, local ; in rough grassy places. Biology. The only record of a host for fronto is that of Walker (18484 : 77) where he stated that it “‘ destroys a subcutaneous insect in Sinapis arvensis, charlock”’ ; 178 M. W. R. bE V. GRAHAM Fics. 140-146. 140, Callimerismus suecicus sp.n., 2, head, pronotum and mesoscutum ; 141, Callimerismus fronto (Walker), 9, body excluding appendages; 142, same, Q, antenna, excluding scape ; 143, Avdilea convexa (Walker), 9, body, excluding appendages ; 144, same, g, antenna ; 145, same, 9, antenna ; 146, same, 3, fore wing. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 179 the material on which this record was based has not been located, so that it cannot be confirmed. Imagines appear mostly in June and July (one record for August). Callimerismus suecicus sp. n. 9. Head and thorax dull green with some golden reflections here and there ; clypeus, lower face, and pronotal collar, brassy-tinged ; gaster with green and bluish green reflections (which are less intense than in fyonto Walker). Mandibles mainly testaceous ; palpi brownish. Anten- nal scape and pedicellus black with a greenish tinge ; flagellum black. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters mainly black, trochantelli testaceous ; femora black with a greenish tinge, their tips testaceous ; tibiae testaceous with a fuscous stripe (most pronounced on the mid tibiae) along their outer aspect, this stripe not reaching their bases or apices ; tarsi fuscous, the mid and hind ones testaceous basally. Tegulae fusco-testaceous. Wings hyaline ; venation testaceous, the parastigma and stigma of the fore wing brown. Length 1:85 mm. Structurally resembles the female of fyonto (Walker), but differs in the characters indicated in the key, which may be supplemented as follows : Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 140) slightly more transverse (breadth to maximum length as 2:15: 1, about 1-9: 1 in fronto). Antennal scape relatively longer, its length slightly greater, instead of slightly less, than the transverse diameter of an eye. Propodeum, medially, rather less produced beyond the bases of the hind coxae. Basal tergite of gaster distinctly shorter than its maximum breadth, in fronto about as long or only slightly shorter than its breadth. The gaster proper in suecicus forms a short ellipse in dorsal view, about 1-25 times as long as broad, whilst in fronto it is long-elliptic, 1-7 to 1-9 times as long as broad, but this difference might be due to abnormal retraction of the posterior segments in swecicus. The sculpture of the head and thorax in suecicus is slightly more irregular than in fronto ; that of the scutellum and propodeum is also slightly coarser. 3. Unknown. Holotype 9. SWEDEN : Skane, Falsterbo, 27.vii.1959, swept from vegetation in a marshy place on the edge of the sand dunes (Graham), in my own collection. Biology. Unknown. ARDILEA Graham Ardilea Graham, 1959 : 97-98. Type-species : Miscogaster convexa Walker, 1833, by original designation. Ardilea convexa (Walker) (Text-figs. 143-146) Miscogaster convexa Walker, 1833 : 463, 3. Piteromalus pubicornis Zetterstedt, 1838 : 426, f, syn. n. Ardilea convexa (Walker) Graham, 1959 : 98-101, 3 . Type material. Miscogaster convexa Walker. Lectotype ¢ designated by Graham (1959 : Ior). Pteromalus pubicornis Zetterstedt. One male, LECTOTYPE (probably holotype), labelled in Zetterstedt’s handwriting ‘‘ Pt. pubicornis 3. Keng.” [sic]. The type locality cited was ‘‘ Karesuand ” but “ Keng.” [Kengis] on the label is doubtless a 180 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM lapsus. Both fore wings are missing, but the type is certainly the same as convexa (Walker). BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN (Lapland), ICELAND, GREENLAND ; very local, so far found only in coastal areas. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—Sept. KSENOPLATA Bouéek Ksenoplata Bouéek, 1965 : 373-374. Type-species : K. quadrata Bouéek, by original designation. Two species known (for their distinguishing characters, see Bouéek, 1965). Ksenoplata quadrata Boucéek Ksenoplata quadrata Bouéek, 1965 : 374-376, 3 Q. Holotype 9. SLovaKiA: Banska Stiavnica, 19.vii.1959 (Boutek) and paratypes in Narodni Museum, Prague (holotype, cat. no. 25.603). CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BULGARIA. Biology. Unknown. Ksenoplata medicaginis Boucek Ksenoplata medicaginis Boucéek, 1965 : 376, 2. Holotype 9. ALceErtA : le Hamiz, near Alger (Y. de Luca), in the Identification Centre of C.I.L.B., Geneva-Villereuse). ALGERIA. Biology. Reared from Bruchidius bimaculatus Ol. (Col., Chrysomelidae) on Medicago lappacea (see Bouéek, 1965). NODISOPLATA &en. n. Type-species : Lamprotatus diffinis Walker, 1874. (Derivation : a compound of the generic name Jsoplata with the Greek voddc, toothless. Gender : feminine). Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 127) curved forwards, with a median tooth or tubercle, usually also a smaller tubercle on either side (occasionally these are nearly obsolete). Both mandibles with three teeth in the type-species (in vividipes not seen). Antennae inserted slightly above level of ventral edge of eyes, 11263 ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum in female less than, in male at most equal to, the breadth of the head ; flagellum in female clavate, in male subclavate ; funicular segments in female not longer than broad, sensilla numerous but in one row on each segment ; clava with a small area of micropilosity on third segment only. Thorax quite strongly arched dorsally. Pronotum without acollar. Mesoscutum and scutel- lum convex, with very fine reticulation which is hardly raised above the general surface and, on the disc of the scutellum, sometimes engraved. Notauli complete, deep. Scutellum nearly ovate, its base very. narrow because the scutello-axillar sutures converge strongly ; without, or PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 181 with a very short, longitudinal impressed line at the base ; frenum reticulate, separated from the rest of the scutellum by a fine impressed line. Dorsellum large, about as long as scutellar frenum, convex, weakly sculptured, sloping steeply with respect to the dorsal surface of the scutellum. Propodeum sloping at about the same angle as the dorsellum, medially somewhat longer than the latter, only slightly produced beyond the bases of the hind coxae, lightly reticulate ; median carina straight, usually distinct ; plicae absent or indicated only posteriorly ; nucha represented by a shiny, transversely-lunate strip ; supracoxal flanges very narrow, sublinear ; spiracles circular, close to metanotum, spiracular sulci shallow. Postspiracular sclerite reticulate, without an oblique carina. Mesosternal mesolcus distinctly impressed. Mesepimeron marked off from mesepisternum. Legs rather stout ; dorsal surface of hind coxae bare ; hind tibia with two spurs. Fore wing with basal cell with some hairs distally on the upper surface ; basal vein more or less pigmented, but in its lower half only ; speculum moderate-sized, extending as far as the base of the marginal vein ; marginal vein at most 1°5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal at least slightly longer than the marginal ; stigmal vein rather strongly curved, but not forming a very acute angle with the postmarginal vein ; stigma small to moderate-sized. Gastral petiole inconspicuous, transverse, nearly smooth. Gaster of female ovate, about as long as thorax ; hind margin of basal tergite entire or at most very shallowly emarginate medially. Noditsoplata is very close to Seladerma Walker, which differs as follows: Anterior margin of clypeus with three asymmetric teeth. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum in female equal to or greater than breadth of head, in male at least slightly greater than breadth of head. KEy TO SPECIES (MALEs) 1 Marginal vein of fore wing 1-4 to 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein, stigma small. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head ; pedicellus distinctly longer than first segment of funicle, sometimes nearly twice as long. Malar space about one third the length of an eye. (Europe) diffinis (Walker) (p. 181) — Marginal vein of fore wing hardly longer than the stigmal vein, stigma moderate- sized. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum almost equal to breadth of head ; pedicellus not longer than first segment of funicle. Malar space hardly more than one quarter the length of aneye. (Amurland). viridipes (Walker) (p. 182) (FEMALES) 1 Marginal vein of fore wing 1-4 to 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly less than breadth of head ; pedicellus distinctly longer than first segment of funicle ; funicular segments transverse, the first only slightly, the distal segments rather strongly so . diffinis (Walker) (p. 181) The female of vividipes (Walker) is unknown. Nodisoplata diffinis (Walker) comb. n. Lamprotatus diffinis Walker, 1874 : 314, 5 [nec Miscogaster diffinis Walker, 1833]. Lamprotatus curvus Thomson, 1876a : 228, 3 2, syn. n. Lamprotatus Amurensis Dalla Torre, 1898 : 187 syn. n. (n. n. for Lamprotatus diffinis Walker, 1874). Telepsogos cuvvus (Thomson) Delucchi, 1955 : 34, 36-38, 3 2. 182 M. W. R. bE V. GRAHAM Type material. Lamprotatus diffinis Walker. One male (Type Hym. 5. 810), LECTOTYPE, labelled “ Amurland. Coll. F. Walker, 1913-71’, “142”’, and (in Walker’s handwriting) ““ Lamprotatus diffinis ”’. Lamprotatus curvus Thomson. Syntypes in Moller coll., Goteborg Museum (1 specimen) ; and in Thomson coll., Lund (10 specimens). Of the specimens in Thomson’s collection, only two bear the correct locality data, the type localities being Tvedora and Dalarne ; from these I select as LECTOTYPE a male labelled “Dic alp” [Dalecarlia (=Dalarne) alpina] and “‘ Bhn”’ [Boheman]. The other specimens are conspecific with it. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, ICELAND. It occurs commonly upon Salix species (cinerea L., caprea L., aurita L., repens L.) in spring and early summer (imagines Apr.—July, the latter month in northern Britain). Biology. Unknown. Nodisoplata viridipes (Walker) comb. n. Lamprotatus viridipes Walker, 1874 : 315, 6. Type material. One male, LECTOTYPE (Type Hym. 5. 808), bearing a Waterhouse label. Asta: Amurland (Walker). Biology. Unknown SELADERMA Walker Seladerma Walker, 1834 : 288. Type-species : S. laetwm Walker, by designation of Westwood, 1839 : 70. Seladerma Walker; Westwood, 1839 : 70. Isoplata Forster, 1856 : 60, 62, Syn.n. Type-species : J. geniculata Forster, by monotypy. Selaoderma Forster, 1856 : 67 [invalid emendation]. Lamprotatus Thomson, 1876a : 221-232 [ex parte]. Seladerma Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 290, 291, [ex parte]. Isoplata Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 364, 365. Isoplata Forster ; Erd6s, 1946 : 155-157. Isoplata Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 238. Lamprotatus Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 244 [ex parte]. Seladerma Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 246. Telepsogos Delucchi, 1955 : 7, 32-46, syn. n. Seladerma Walker ; Delucchi, 1955 : 7, 46-55. Isoplata Forster ; Delucchi, 1955 : 6, 63-66. Isoplata Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 34, 38. Seladerma Walker ; Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 38. Telepsogos Delucchi; Peck e# al., 1964 : 38. Isoplata Forster; Boucéek, 1965) : 549. The type-species of Isoplata (geniculata Forster) differs from the species of Telep- sogos in little more than the flattened form of the thorax. This might have been PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 183 enough to allow the two genera to be kept distinct, but I have now found a species which is intermediate as regards the flattening of the thorax between IJsoplata geniculata and normal species of Telepsogos. Hence I am uniting the two genera. There are similar difficulties in distinguishing Telepsogos from Seladerma. The type-species of Seladerma (and some other species of the genus) have the stigmal vein of the fore wing curved and forming a relatively acute angle with the post- marginal vein (Text-fig. 155), whilst the body is large and robust and the antennal flagellum has relatively numerous sensilla. The type-species of Telepsogos (and most other species of the genus) have the stigmal vein forming a relatively less acute angle, whilst the body is relatively smaller and the antennal flagellum has relatively sparse sensilla. These distinctions, however, do not work out consistently. Seladerma convexum Walker, which in most respects is very like the type-species S. Jaetum, has the stigmal vein at a less acute angle than usual ; whereas S. saurus Walker, which in most respects is a typical Telepsogos, often has the stigmal vein forming an angle as acute as in the type-species of Seladerma. As other distinguishing characters appear to be lacking, I have decided to unite Telepsogos with Seladerma. Seladerma, in the sense used in the present paper, may be divided into several species-groups. KrEy TO BRITISH AND SWEDISH SPECIES (FEMALEs) I Spur of mid tibia weak, its length hardly equal to the maximum breadth of the tibia. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum hardly greater than breadth of head ; funicular segments short, with numerous sensilla arranged in one row on each segment. Thorax strongly arched dorsally, scutellum in profile appearing convex simplex (Thomson) (p. 194) - Spur of mid tibia stronger, its length at least slightly greater than the breadth of the tibia. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum usually at least slightly greater than breadth of head, if hardly greater than the thorax is weakly arched dorsally and the scutellum in profile appears virtually flat : B 2 (1) Postspiracular sclerite with a more or less dicepet t oblique carina nde Hacses off a triangular upper area . : : ; : : 3 Postspiracular sclerite without an oblique carina : ; : : 4 3 (2) Either the scutellar frenum has some longitudinal Gariaulae ; or else the stig- mal vein (Text-fig. 155) forms a relatively acute angle with the postmarginal vein. Gaster about twice as long as broad, usually slightly narrower than the thorax . ‘ : : : 28 = Scutellar frenum romenicke! without fonerendincl eae ; stigmal vein forming a relatively less acute angle with the postmarginal vein. Gaster ovate, rather less than twice as long as broad, about as broad as the thorax . 4 4 (3) Stigmal vein of fore wing (Text-fig. 155) strongly curved and forming an angle of only 35° to 40° with the postmarginal vein ; sensilla arranged in two rows on at least some of the funicular segments ; scutellum (not counting the frenum) and axillae, with engraved sculpture ; hind coxae bare dor- sally ; gaster not longer than head plus thorax ; large species, 2-7 to 36mm. . : 3 : : : c : ‘ : F 5 30 184 M. W. R. bE V. GRAHAM = Stigmal vein forming a slightly less acute angle with the postmarginal, except in some saurus, in which the sensilla are arranged in one row on each of the funicular segments, the scutellum and axillae have at least some of the walls forming their reticulation slightly raised above the general surface, the hind coxa has some hairs on its dorsal surface, and the gaster is slightly longer than head plus thorax. Species often smaller than the above, if as large then the hind coxa nearly always has some hairs on its dorsal surface 149 147 hypostomal carina 153 Fics. 147-155. Seladerma spp. 147, scaea (Walker), 3, right mandible and lower part of gena ; 148, genale (Thomson), 9, head, ventral ; 149, antennatum (Walker), 9, head ; 150, tavsale (Walker), 9, head ; 151, bveve (Walker), 9, head ; 152, diffine (Walker), 9, fore wing venation ; 153, favsale (Walker), 9, fore wing venation ; 154, convexum (Walker), 9, fore wing venation ; 155, gelanoy (Walker), 2, fore wing venation. Io 1a 12 43 (10) PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 185 Thorax weakly arched dorsally : in profile the scutellum appears virtually flat or at most weakly convex. Axillae and scutellum with delicate, en- graved reticulation. All funicular segments, except sometimes the first, transverse (Isoplata Forster) ; : ; ‘ : 6 Thorax moderately to strongly arched dorsally, : in profile the scutellum appears distinctly convex. Axillae and scutellum nearly always having their reticulation at least slightly raised above the general surface. At least some of the funicular segments are quadrate or longer than broad . 7 Scutellum about as broad as long, in profile appearing virtually flat. Pro- podeum strongly transverse, about five times as broad as its median length geniculatum (Zetterstedt) (p. 193) Scutellum slightly longer than broad, in profile appearing slightly convex. Propodeum only about four times as broad as its median length ‘ Scutellum weakly convex, in profile appearing only slightly curved ; scutellum and axillae with delicate, engraved reticulation. Propodeum medially less than half as long as the scutellum, about four times as broad as long. Otherwise much like geniculatum . : a Sspyindets An i(p: 193) Scutellum moderately to strongly convex ; seutellam and axillae nearly always with at least some of their reticulation slightly raised above the general surface. Propodeum rarely less than half as long as the scutellum and rarely so strongly transverse as in the above . 8 Lower edge of mandible (Text-fig. 147) excised in the middle, ‘and with a conspicuous lobe at the base. Malar space almost half the length of an eye. Length about 1-8 mm. ; similar in general facies to alpestve (Ruschka) scaea (Walker) (p. 198) Lower edge of mandible at most shallowly emarginate in the middle, and without a conspicuous lobe at the base. Malar space nearly always relatively shorter F : : : : : 9 Ventral opening of oral fossa (Text fig. 148) large : the hypostomal carinae curving strongly, the greatest distance between them more than one third the breadth of the head. In a ventral view of the head the hypostomal carinae are clearly visible even when the maxillae and labium are in situ . 10 Ventral opening of oral fossa smaller, hypostomal carinae not curving strongly, the greatest distance between them at most one third the breadth of the head. Ina ventral view of the head, the hypostomal carinae lie close to the maxillae and labium and are not readily visible. : 13 Marginal vein of fore wing only about 1-15 to 1-2 times as long as ake Saeccal vein. Antennal scape reaching virtually to lower edge of median ocellus. Breadth of oral fossa (Text-fig. 148) about 2:35 times the malar space, the latter slightly more than one third as long as an eye genale (Thomson) (p. 197) Marginal vein 1-4 to 1-65 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennal scape not reaching the median ocellus_ . II Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum i003) to 1°35 times the breadiite of he head, flagellum relatively less stout ; oe aay of funicle slightly longer than broad : . Sp. indet. Combined length of pedicellus paul eaeelhan LECIU TKO) 0H fumes ne breadth of the head, flagellum relatively stouter ; sane segments of funicle quadrate . 3 : : : 12 Breadth of oral gees about emee the neler Baa . scoticum (Walker) (p. 196) Breadth of oral fossa about 2°5 times the malar space . : . sp. indet. Gaster distinctly longer than head plus thorax, 2-2 to 3:3 funes as long as broad : : : , ‘ : * ‘ ; : ; : 14 7, 18 19 (13) (15) (16) (15) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Gaster at most as long as head plus thorax, often less than twice as long as broad F : : : j 15 Legs (not counting coxae aad bs: ene a rai) Be aos. Head in dorsal view 2-1 to 2:15 times as broad as long, with temples converging strongly. Antennal scape reaching the median ocellus ; flagellum slender, proximally not stouter than the pedicellus ; funicular segments on the average longer, the sixth quadrate or slightly longer than broad. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-6 to 1-85 times as long as the stigmal vein, the latter forming an angle of 35° to 40° with the postmarginal ‘ i : saurus (Walker) (p. 197) All femora at least broadly infuscate at their bases, often mainly black ; tibiae sometimes more or less infuscate. Head in dorsal view at most 2-05 times as broad as long, with temples converging less strongly (Text-fig. 149). Antennal scape not reaching the median ocellus ; flagellum stouter, proximally at least slightly stouter than the pedicellus in profile ; funicular segments on the average shorter, the sixth quadrate or slightly transverse. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-47 to 1:65 times as long as the stigmal vein, the latter forming an angle of about 45° with the postmarginal . : 16 Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 149) only 1-8 to 2:05 times as broad as ieee ; temples converging less strongly, more rounded. Gaster 2 to 3:3 times as long as broad, at least somewhat longer than the thorax. Propodeum medially hardly produced beyond the bases of the hind coxae. Antennal scape not reaching the median ocellus. Head, thorax, and gaster cae blue-green or green. 16 Head in dorsal view (Text- ripe 150, 151) 22 to 2°4 mes as road as Jong ; ; temples converging more strongly. Gaster often relatively shorter. Propodeum medially usually slightly produced backwards beyond the bases of the hind coxae. Antennal scape often reaching the median ocellus. Head, thorax, and gaster sometimes bronze-green or bronze 3 18 Propodeum, medially, slightly more than half as long as the scutellum ; head in dorsal view only 1-85 times as broad as its maximum length. Gaster not quite as long as head plus thorax . : . Sp. indet. Propodeum, medially, at most half as long as the scutellum ; ead in dorsal view 2 to 2-05 times as broad as its maximum length . ; 17 Gaster not quite as long as head plus thorax, 2 to 2-3 times as long as broad propodeum, medially, nearly or just half as long as the scutellum caledonicum sp. n. (p. 195) Gaster distinctly longer than head plus thorax, 2-4 to 3:3 times as long as broad ; propodeum, medially, somewhat less than half as long as the scutellum . i F ; : ; é antennatum (Walker) (p. 194) and sabbas (Walker) (p. 194) Gaster as long as head plus thorax, nearly 2:5 times as long as broad ; flagellum stout, in profile distinctly stouter than the pedicellus ; sixth segment of funicle slightly transverse . . Sp. indet. Gaster at least slightly shorter than head plus flor ; at most bwice as long as broad, but nearly always less than twice. If the gaster is twice as long as broad, then the antennal nee is slender, hardly stouter than the pedicellus . ‘ 19 Antennal scape entirely “hesieie Soe or with a most its aver third dark. Malar space almost half the length of an eye (14 : 30). Gaster about twice as long as broad, slightly longer than the thorax ; basal tergite occupying only about one third the total length. Antennal funicle slender, proximally hardly stouter than the pedicellus ; first funicular segment about twice as long as broad, sixth slightly longer 20 21 22 23 24 (19) (22) (23) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE than broad. Marginal vein about 1:6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; 187 stigma small : : 3 . ? berani (Delucchi) (p. 198) Antennal scape usually mainly to entirely dark, if extensively testaceous then the malar space is only about two fifths the length of an eye. Gaster at least slightly less than twice as long as broad, usually not longer than the thorax (occasionally slightly so) Antennae with sensilla of funicle Peace Shot arranged in twa iregalar rows on each segment, sometimes three rows on the first segment ; flagel- lum filiform or virtually so. Relatively large species, 2-4 to3 mm. Gastral petiole 1-5 to 2:2 times as broad as long Antenna with sensilla of funicle relatively long, arranged d in one emetic slightly irregular) row on each segment ; flagellum usually subclavate, if virtually filiform then smaller species not more than 2:2 mm. in length. Gastral petiole often relatively less transverse : Thorax short, in dorsal view only 1-25 to 1:35 times as long : as Bueads paces arched dorsally so that the dorsellum and propodeum slope nearly or quite vertically to the plane of the mesoscutum. Malar space slightly more than one third the length of an eye. Stigma of fore wing rather small (slightly larger than in farsale, cf. Text-fig. 153). Gaster 1-5 to 1-6 times as long as broad, as long as or slightly longer than the thorax 20 26 21 parviclava (Thomson) (p. 199) Thorax longer, in dorsal view 1°5 to 1-75 times as long as broad, usually less strongly arched dorsally with the dorsellum and propodeum sloping less steeply ; if the thorax is only 1-5 times as long as broad and is nearly as strongly arched as in parviclava, then the malar space is only about one third the length of an eye, and the stigma of the fore wing is larger . Malar space approximately one third the length of an eye. Thorax 1°5 to 1:6 times as long as broad. Gaster not or only slightly (up to 1-2 times) longer than broad, slightly shorter than the thorax ; basal tergite occupying from two fifths to slightly more than half the total length. Fore wing with stigma moderate-sized (much as in diffine, cf. Text-fig. 152). Thorax, excluding propodeum, usually dull bronze, often suffused with violet especially on the mesoscutum and scutellum . Malar space at least slightly more than one third the length of aneye. Thorax 1-6 to 1-75 times as long as broad. Gaster 1-3 to 1-6 times as long as broad, usually as long as or a little longer than the thorax ; basal tergite sometimes relatively shorter. Thorax varying from olive-green to bright green or blue ; occasionally the scutellum and axillae tinged with bronze . Stigma of fore wing relatively smaller (Text-fig. 153), separated by 2:5 to 3:8 times its height from the costal edge of the wing ; first funicular segment of antenna most often slightly shorter than the pedicellus, funicle proximally tending to be rather slender : Stigma of fore wing on the average larger (ext: ae 152), separated by 2 to 2°5 times its height from the costal edge of the wing ; first funicular segment usually as long as, or slightly longer than, the pedicellus ; funicle proxi- mally tending to be slightly stouter than the pedicellus Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only 1-1 to I: 15 times breadth of head ; flagellum stout, filiform or virtually so. Gastral petiole 1-6 to 1-8 times as broad as long. Length 2-1 to 2-4 mm. 22 aeneum (Walker) (p. 199) 23 tarsale (Walker) (p. 201) 24 euroto (Walker) (p. 204) Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-3 to 1-4 times breadth of head ; flagellum subclavate, rather more slender proximally. Gastral petiole 1-1 to 1:5 times as broad as long. Length 1-5 to 2 mm. 25 27 28 29 30 (26) (28) (29) (30) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Gastral petiole 1-1 to 1-2 times as broad as long, slightly more than half as long as the propodeum : : diffine (Walker) (p. 200) Gastral petiole 1-4 to 1-5 times as Broad as lene hardly half as long as the propodeum é : . alpestre (Ruschka) (p. 200) Eye 1:25 to 1:27 times as slong as broad: antecietll scape reaching to about middle of median ocellus or slightly above this level. Body bronze-green sp. indet. Eye 1-3 to 1:37 times as long as broad. Antennal scape not or hardly reaching the lower edge of the median ocellus. Body blue-green or blue . : ; 27 Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-1 to 1:15 times breadth of head. Smaller, 2:1 to 2:4mm. . : euroto (Walker) (p. 204) Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1:25 to 1-35 times breadth of head. Larger, 2-4 to3:2mm. . breve (Walker) (p. 203) Postspiracular sclerite with a distinct oblique carina which marks off a triangular upper area. Hind coxae with some hairs on their dorsal surface. Stigmal vein (Text-fig. 154) forming a relatively less acute angle with the postmarginal. Antennal clava with micropilosity on third segment only. Median area of propodeum (except sometimes on either side of the median carina) rather strongly reticulate : : . convexum (Walker) (p. 206) Postspiracular sclerite without an oblique carina except sometimes a trace of one in Jaetum, but in this species the hind coxa is bare dorsally, the stigmal vein forms a more acute angle with the postmarginal, and the antennal clava has micropilosity on the second and third segments epee ae of laetum Walker = Seladerma s. str.) : 29 Stigmal vein forming a relatively less acute ample oan the postmarginal vein. Hind coxae usually with some hairs on the dorsal surface. Antennal clava with micropilosity on its third segment only. Gaster rather less than twice as long as broad : ‘ breve (Walker) (p. 203) Stigmal vein (Text-fig. 155) Seeachy eae and forming a more acute angle with the postmarginal vein. Hind coxae bare dorsally. Antennal clava sometimes with micropilosity on its second and third segments. Gaster (except in gelanor) twice as long as broad ‘ 5 30 Gaster shorter than thorax, 1-5 to 1-6 times as long as Poe seed eee occupying about two fifths of the total length ; mid femuanas not counting the trochantellus, more slender than fore femora, about five times as long as broad, their ventral edge nearly straight ; clava with micropilosity on third segment only ‘ ; é gelanor (Walker) (p. 205) Gaster as long as or slightly longer aa cieced 2 to 2:3 times as long as broad ; basal tergite occupying about one third of the total length ; mid femora stout like the fore femora, only about four times as long as broad, their ventral edge curved . F 2 : 31 Antennal clava with micropilosity on its eecoad eal third seements): POL 1-3 to 1-5 OOL ; all femora usually infuscate at least proximally, rarely the hind femora wholly testaceous ; antennal scape at least infuscate dorsally at apex, sometimes mainly so ; head and thorax most often green or bronze-green, occasionally blue : ; laetum (Walker) (p. 204) Antennal clava with micropilosity on its third segment only ; POL hardly greater than OOL ; all femora bright testaceous, scape at least mainly so ; head and thorax tending towards blue-green or blue bicolor Walker (p. 206) KEY TO SOME MALES Spur of mid tibia weak, its length hardly equal to the maximum breadth of the tibia. Antennal flagellum with very short subdecumbent pubescence ; PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 189 Fics. 156-166. 156, Seladeyma caledonicum sp. n., 3, antenna ; 157, same, 9, antenna ; 158, same, g, fore wing venation ; 159, same, g, head ; 160, Seladerma breve (Walker), 6, head ; 161, Seladerma diffine (Walker), 5, head ; 162, Seladevma tarsale (Walker), 3, scape ; 163, Seladeyma diffine (Walker), 3, scape ; 164, Gitognathus microstolus sp.n., 3, fore wing venation ; 165, same, g, antenna ; 166, same, ?, antenna. 190 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only about 1-2 times breadth of head ; funicular segments five and six quadrate . simplex (Thomson) (p. 194) Spur of mid tibia stronger, its length at least slightly greater than the maximum breadth of the tibia. Antennal flagellum with longer hairs, their length at least fully half the breadth of the segments that bear them , ; : 2 Postspiracular sclerite with a more or less distinct aa carina which marks off a triangular upper area : : Postspiracular sclerite without an suihene. carina : : 5 f 4 Either the scutellar frenum has some longitudinal carimulae ; or else the stigmal vein (Text-fig. 155) forms a relatively acute angle with the post- Ww marginal vein. : : : : : : - é : 18 Scutellar frenum roneniaes without longitudinal carinulae ; stigmal vein forming a relatively less acute angle with the postmarginal vein : 4 Stigmal vein of fore wing (Text-fig. 155) forming an angle of only 35° to 40° with the postmarginal vein. Antennal scape not nearly reaching the median ocellus, distinctly expanded above the middle, where there is a large shiny boss on the outer surface. 5 Stigmal vein of fore wing forming a less agute ‘angle with ‘the postmarginal. Antennal scape sometimes reaching the median ocellus, sometimes hardly expanded or with a smaller boss 2 < 6 Scutellum, not counting the frenum, and axillae with engraved sculpture ; hind coxae bare dorsally ; relatively large species, 2 to 3-5 mm. ; 19 Scutellum, not counting the frenum, and axillae with at least some of the walle forming their reticulation slightly raised above the general surface ; hind coxae with some hairs upon their dorsal surface . ? saurus (Walker) (p. 197) Thorax weakly arched dorsally ; in profile the scutellum appears only weakly convex. Axillae and scutellum with delicate, engraved reticulation geniculatum (Forster) (p. 193) Thorax moderately to strongly arched dorsally ; in profile the scutellum appears distinctly, sometimes quite strongly, convex. Axillae and scutellum nearly always having their reticulation at least slightly raised above the general surface. : : 5 5 : ‘ : : 7 Lower edge of mandible (Text-fig. 147) excised in the middle, and with a conspicuous lobe at the base. Malar space almost half the length of an eye. Similar in general facies to alpestve (Ruschka) . scaea (Walker) (p. 198) Lower edge of mandible at most shallowly emarginate in the middle, and without a conspicuous lobe at the base. Malar space nearly always rela- tively shorter. : : : ; : : 8 Ventral opening of orall fossa (cf. tee ae 148) large ; the hypostomal carinae curving strongly, the greatest distance between them more than one third the breadth of the head; in a ventral view of the head, the hypostomal carinae are clearly visible even when the maxillae and labium are in situ 9 Ventral opening of oral fossa smaller ; hypostomal carinae not curving strongly, the greatest distance between them at most one third the breadth of the head; in a ventral view of the head, the hypostomal carinae lie close to the maxillae and labium, and are not readily seen . 12 Antennal scape distinctly expanded on its front edge above the middle evita a large shiny boss which extends nearly half way down the scape ; funicle less slender than in the following species, proximally almost or quite as thick as the pedicellus in profile : : . scoticum (Walker) (p. 196) Antennal scape not expanded above the middle, with only an inconspicuous shiny area on its front edge ; funicle slender, especially proximally where it is much less stout than the pedicellus : : : - : . 10 Io Wit 12 (9) (10) (12) (13) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 19I Propodeum medially hardly half as long as the scutellum, sloping at a steep angle (about 60°) relative to the plane of the mesoscutum and scutellum ; its hind margin virtually truncate, not counting the petiolar foramen. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-45 times breadth of head. Marginal vein of fore wing 1-4 to 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Thorax in dorsal view about 1-65 times as long as broad ? parviclava (Thomson) (p. 199) Propodeum medially from fully half, to nearly two-thirds, as long as the scutellum, sloping at an angle of 45° to 50° relative to the plane of the mesoscutum and scutellum ; its hind margin very slightly produced in the middle beyond the bases of the hind coxae. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-35 to 1-4 times breadth of head : ‘ me Marginal vein of fore wing 1-4 to 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Thorax in dorsal view about 1:65 times as long as broad. ? genale (Thomson) (p. 197) Marginal vein of fore wing 1-65 to 1-8 times as long as the stigmal vein. Thorax in dorsal view about 1°75 times as long as broad. : a )Spaandet, Thorax short, in dorsal view barely 1-6 times as long as broad. Malar space approximately one third the length of aneye. Antennal scape reaching the median ocellus ; the smooth shiny area on the distal part of its outer aspect poorly-defined and extending hardly half way down. Thorax, excluding propodeum, dull bronze, varied with violet especially on the mesoscutum and scutellum . ; . aeneum (Walker) (p. 199) Thorax longer, in dorsal view 1-75 to 2 times as lone as broad. Malar space at least slightly more than one third the length of an eye. Antennal scape sometimes not reaching the median ocellus, sometimes with a large shiny boss on its outer surface. Thorax most often some tint of greenor blue . é 13 Malar space nearly or quite half the length of an eye. Antennal scape (Text- fig. 162) 3:5 to 3-8 times as long as broad, reaching (unless the head is distorted) to the middle or top of the median ocellus, only slightly ex- panded above the middle, its external aspect with only a very small boss (6) which extends at most half way down. Stigma of fore wing relatively small, separated by 2:5 to 3 times its height from the costal edge of the wing. Antennal flagellum slender, its hairs sparser and tending to stand out less strongly than in the following species ; tarsale (Walker) (p. 201) Malar space two fifths the length of an eye or slightly less. Antennal scape (Text-figs. 156, 163) 2-5 to 3 times as long as broad, reaching at most to the lower edge of the median ocellus, distinctly expanded above the middle, its external aspect with a conspicuous shiny boss which often extends more than half way down. Stigma of fore wing tending to be relatively larger. Antennal flagellum with its hairs tending to be more numerous and standing out more strongly 14 Antenna : combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only 1-4 to I “45 times breadth of head ; first funicular segment at most twice, sixth at most 1-5 times, as long as Brae Head in dorsal view only 2:05 to 2-15 times as broad as long. Mid tarsi with their first, and sometimes also the second, segment wholly testaceous, the rest brownish ; mid tibia usually extensively infuscate . : k sabbas (Walker) (p. 194) Antenna: combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-6 to 1:75 times breadth of head ; first funicular segment 2 to 2:5, sixth 1-5 to 1-8 times, as long as broad. ‘Head sometimes relatively more transverse. Mid tarsi, except in some alpestre, blackish with only the base of their first segment pale ; mid tibiae usually brown or black at their tips, sometimes more extensively infuscate ; 6 ° : : ; : : . 15 16 07 18 19 20 (15) (16) (18) (19) M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM Larger species, 2-4 to 3:3 mm. ; head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 160) 2:2 to 2-4 times as broad as long. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-6 times breadth of head. Thorax 1-85 to 2 times as long as broad breve Walker (p. 203) Smaller species, mostly 1-5 to 2:2 mm. ; rarely (some caledonicum) as much as 2:4 mm., in which case the head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 159) is only 2:05 to 2-1 times as broad as long, and the combined length of pedicellus and flagellum is 1-65 to 1-75 times breadth of head : : : - 16 Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 159) only 2:05 to 2-1 times as broad as long, with temples about one third as long as eyes . caledonicum sp. n. (p. 195) Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 161) about 2-2 times as broad as oe with temples only about one quarter as long as eyes. c . 09) Antennal scape (Text-fig. 163) more strongly expanded distally, the eugae boss extending about two thirds down the scape ; hairs of flagellum standing out at an angle of 45° to 60° : : : : diffine (Walker) (p. 200) Antennal scape less strongly expanded distally, the shiny boss extending only about half way down ; hairs of flagellum standing out rather less strongly than in diffine . : ¢ : : : . alpestre (Ruschka) (p. 200) Antennal scape only slightly expanded distally, the shiny boss indistinct ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only about 1-45 times breadth of head ; flagellum rather stout, sixth funicular segment about 1-3 times as long as broad. Hind coxae with some hairs on their dorsal surface. Postspiracular sclerite often with a distinct oblique carina which marks off a triangular upper area. Stigmal vein of fore wing only very slightly curved, forming an angle of about 45° with the postmarginal convexum (Walker) (p. 206) Antennal scape distinctly expanded distally, the shiny boss large and extend- ing from fully half, to two thirds, down the scape ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-6 to 1-75 times breadth of head ; sixth funicular segment 1-5 to 1-8 times as long as broad. Hind coxae (except in some breve) bare dorsally. Postspiracular sclerite most often without an oblique carina (occasionally a trace of one). Stigmal vein usually distinctly curved, and usually forming a more acute angle with the postmarginal : 19 Mid tibiae blackish at apex ; mid tarsi blackish with only the base of their first segment pale. Antennal flagellum relatively slender. Median carina of propodeum usually irregular. Hind coxae usually with a few hairs on their dorsal surface. F : : : : : . breve Walker (p. 203) Mid tibiae testaceous, or at most indefinitely brownish at apex ; mid tarsi usually mainly testaceous, fuscous in some /aetum, which has the antennal flagellum relatively stouter. Median carina of propodeum usually straight and sharp, rarely irregular. Hind coxae bare dorsally . : : : 20 Mid femora less slender, about 4:5 times as long as broad. Antennal flagel- lum rather stouter ; first funicular segment 2 to 2:3 times as long as broad. Scutellum usually with at least a short median longitudinal impressed line at the base. é : ; : : é é laetum Walker (p. 204) Mid femora more slender, about five times as long as broad. Antennal flagellum rather more slender ; first funicular segment 2-2 to 2:5 times as long as broad. Scutellum usually without (occasionally with an extremely short) median line at the base : : : : gelanor (Walker) (p. 205) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 193 THE GENICULATUM-GRovuP (= ISOPLATA Forster) Seladerma geniculatum (Zetterstedt) comb. n. Pteromalus parvulus Zetterstedt, 1838 : 423, 9, syn. n. Entedon geniculatus Zetterstedt, 1838 : “‘ 430” [vecte 428] d. Pteromalus celery Forster, 1841 : 14, 9. Pteromalus platynotus Forster, 1841 : 27, 3, syn. n. Isoplata geniculata Forster, 1856 : 62, 3 Q. Ormocerus vernalis Thomson, 1876a : 242, g 2 [nec Walker, 1834]. TIsoplata geniculata Forster ;, Delucchi, 1955 : 6, 63-66, 3 Q. TIsoplata geniculata (Zetterstedt) Boucek, 1965 : 549. Type material. Pteromalus parvulus Zetterstedt. One female, LECTOTYPE, labelled in Zetterstedt’s handwriting “‘ P. parvulus. 9. Bossekop ”’. Entedon geniculatus Zetterstedt. One male. LECTOTYPE, labelled in Zetter- stedt’s handwriting “ E. geni=culatus ¢ Bossekop”’. Transferred to Isoplata by Boucéek (1965 : 549). Pteromalus celer Forster. Syntypes, 2 2 in Forster coll., Vienna [not seen] ; a lectotype has been selected by Delucchi (1955a : 172). The species was synonymized with geniculata (Zetterstedt) by Boucek (19650 : 549). Pteromalus platynotus Forster. Type male in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, a damaged specimen lacking head ; it was recognized as being identical with Isoplata geniculata Forster by Delucchi (19554 : 172). Isoplata geniculata Forster. I have examined syntypes from Forster’s collection but have not selected a lectotype. The specimens in Thomson’s collection ‘“‘ Ormocerus vernalis’’ are actually Seladerma geniculatum (Zett.). The species recorded from Iceland by Bakkendorf (1955 : 139, figs, I, 15, 28) as Ovmocerus vernalis, is also certainly geniculatum. By a curious coincidence Zetterstedt and Forster both chose the name geniculatum for this species. The name Pteromalus parvulus Zetterstedt actually has page priority over Entedon geniculatus but I am adopting the latter so that the species name may be unchanged. Isoplata geniculata Girault (1913 : 312) was proposed by him because he thought Forster’s species and generic names were nomina nuda. Girault’s genus is said to have 4 teeth in both mandibles and must be different from Jsoplata Forster. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, ICELAND, GERMANY. Biology. I reared a male of geniculatum on 5.vi.1948, from a puparium of Phyto- myza varipes Macq. in seeds of Rhinanthus collected the previous year on the North Bull, Dublin (E. O'Mahony). On 8.vii.1955 I swept numerous males and females on a coastal sward where Rhiinanthus minor Ehrh. was abundant, at Marazion, Cornwall. Imagines June-August. Seladerma sp. indet. A SCOTLAND : Perthshire, Lawers, 19, 12.vli.1952 (Graham). 194 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM This species, which differs from geniculatum in the characters given in my key to species, is probably undescribed ; it forms a link between Jsoplata and the species of Seladerma. Species sola Seladerma simplex (Thomson) comb. n. Lamprotatus simplex Thomson, 1876a : 227, 3 . Telepsogos simplex (Thomson) Delucchi, 1955 : 34, 38-39, d 9. Telepsogos simplex (Thomson) ; Graham, 1967 : 75-76, 3 8. Type material. Syntypes, 5 specimens, of which 2 have wrong locality data. LECTOTYPE, a female (lacking head) labelled “‘ O.G.”’ [Oster Gottland] ‘ Bhn ’ and “ simplex Ths ”’. BRITAIN, DENMARK, SWEDEN. Biology. Parasite of Phytomyza krygeri Hering on Aquilegia spp. (see Graham, 1967). Imagines June—July. This species may be recognized by the short apical spur of the mid tibia. THE ANTENNATUM-GRovpP Seladerma antennatum (Walker) comb. n. Miscogastey antennata Walker, 1833 : 460, 9. Type material. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. It is extremely close to the type 2 of sabbas (Walker) but has the gaster rather shorter, the propodeum sloping a little more steeply. The two might prove to be conspecific but for the present I prefer to keep them separate. BRITAIN, rare. Biology. Unknown. Seladerma sabbas (Walker) comb. n. Ovmocerus Sabbas Walker, 1848 : 106, 162, 9. Lamprotatus gracilis Thomson, 1876a : 231, g 9. Telepsogos sabbas (Walker) Delucchi, 1955 : 34, 39-40, 3 8. Type material. Orvmocerus sabbas Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. Lamprotatus gracilis. Syntypes, several specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Lund and ~ 9”. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, very local. Imagines in May. Jansson (1952 : 6) gave several host records for gracilis Thomson, amongst which is Phytomyza krygert Hering ; the latter record may refer in fact to Seladerma simplex (Thoms.) and needs checking. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 195 Anoglyphis transdanuviana Erdés (1946 : 158-160, 2 g) cannot belong to that genus but is perhaps a Seladeyma. From the description it might be near sabbas (Walker). Types (not seen) in coll. Erdés (Tompa, Hungary). Delucchi, however, suggested (1955 : 60) that transdanuviana might belong to his genus Thektogaster. Seladerma caledonicum sp. n. (Text-figs. 156-159) ©. Body blue-green ; hind margins of the gastral segments sometimes narrowly tinged with dull bronze. Mandibles chestnut-brown, their base, teeth, and transverse ridge fuscous. Antennae black ; scape with a distinct blue-green metallic gloss, pedicellus weakly metallic. Coxae, and femora except their tips, concolorous with the body ; trochanters partly fuscous, partly reddish ; tips of femora, tibiae more or less, and bases of mid and hind tarsi, reddish testaceous (the fore tibiae have a fuscous stripe externally) ; the mid and hind tibiae may have only their tips blackish, though often there is also a subbasal infuscate ring, or the tibiae may be dark with only their bases and apices pale ; usually only the first segment of the mid and hind tarsi is more or less pale, while the remaining segments become progressively darker. Tegulae blackish with a metallic tinge. Wings slightly greyish ; venation fuscous. Length 1:8 to 2-4 mm. Head about 1-2 times the breadth of the mesoscutum, in dorsal view 2 to 2:05 times as broad as long ; temples rounded off and hardly one-third as long as the eyes ; POL 1-4 to 1:5 OOL. Eyes about 1-35 times as long as broad, separated by 1-3 to 1-35 times their length. Malar space slightly more than one third the length of an eye. Breadth of oral fossa about 2-5 times the malar space. Clypeus weakly alutaceous, its anterior margin with three strong teeth placed asymmetrically. Mandibles not large, their lower margin weakly sinuate, without a lobe at the base. Hypostomal carinae normal, i.e., the distance separating the outermost part of their curvature less than one third the breadth of the head. Antennae (Text-fig. 157) with scape about 3°5 times as long as broad, its length slightly less than the transverse diameter of an eye, hardly reaching the level of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-25 times the breadth of the head ; pedicellus (in profile) 1-6 to 1-7 times as long as broad, approximately equal in length to the first funicular segment ; funicle fairly stout, proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus in profile, thickening slightly distad, its first and second, sometimes also third, segments a little longer than broad, the fourth and fifth about quadrate, sixth tending to be slightly transverse ; clava 2-1 to 2-3 times as long as broad, its length equal to about two and a half of the preceding funicular segments, with a patch of micropilosity on its last segment only ; sensilla of flagellum fairly numerous in large specimens, less so in small ones. Thorax fairly elongate (length : breadth 1-7-1-8: 1), rather strongly arched dorsally, the dorsellum and propodeum sloping at an angle of 45° to 55° relative to the tangential plane to the mesoscutum and scutellum. Mesoscutum 1:6 to 1-7 times as broad as long, its mid lobe moderately convex. Scutellum almost as long as the mesoscutum, distinctly longer than broad, strongly convex ; frenum with uniform, delicately reticulate sculpture like that of the rest of the scutellum, and marked off by a fine weak impressed line. Dorsellum slightly shorter than the scutellar frenum, shiny, weakly alutaceous. Propodeum medially slightly more than half as long as the scutellum, its median part hardly produced backwards, only a little behind the level of the hinder edge of the supracoxal flanges, which are rather narrow ; surface between the spiracles moderately finely, irregularly reticulate, the sculpture slightly raised ; median carina complete and strong, usually slightly broken just before its middle by a short transverse crest. Legs neither unusually short nor stout ; hind coxae strongly though finely reticulate externally, their dorsal surface with a few hairs ; spur of mid tibia slightly more than half as long as the first tarsal segment, the length of the spur distinctly greater than the apical breadth of the tibia. 196 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Fore wing with costal cell with a row of hairs on its upper surface, extending over about the distal half of the cell, the lower surface with one complete row of hairs plus two or partial rows in the distal half ; basal cell, on upperside of wing, closed below except proximally by a line of hairs on the cubital vein, also with its distal quarter or so hairy ; speculum closed below, on the lower surface of the wing partly effaced by several hairs below the parastigma ; disc of wing rather thickly haired ; marginal vein 1:55 to 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein, the latter slightly curved, not forming a very acute angle with the postmarginal vein ; stigma moderate-sized, oval. Petiole of gaster small, subconical, about 1-5 times as broad as long, with some weak sculpture posteriorly, otherwise smooth. Gaster long-ovate, as long as or usually somewhat longer than the thorax, but barely as broad as the latter, acutely pointed, 2:0 to 2-4 times as long as broad ; first tergite usually occupying about one third of the total length, occasionally slightly more ; last tergite a little shorter than its basal breadth ; ovipositor sheaths slightly exserted ; ventrally the gaster is keeled, the tip of the hypopygium situated about half way along. After death the dorsal surface of the gaster tends to remain convex, though sometimes it is slightly sunken discally. 6. Differs from the female as follows: Antennal (Text-fig. 156) scape broader, 2:6 to 2-9 times as long as broad, its outer aspect with a smoother and somewhat shiny boss in the upper part, extending half or slightly more than half way down ; pedicellus hardly longer than broad ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-6 to 1-75 times the breadth of the head ; first funicular segment 1-8 to 3 times as long as broad, and 1-5 to 1-8 times as long as the pedicellus, sixth segment 1-5 to 1-7 times as long as broad ; clava 3:5 to 4 times as long as broad, somewhat longer than the combined length of the two preceding funicular segments ; flagellum clothed with hairs whose length is nearly or quite as great as the breadth of the segments, and which stand out at an angle of 45° to 50°. Gaster oblong, about as long as but narrower than the thorax, subobtuse apically, with a ventral plica. The female of caledonicum sp. n. is distinguished from those of antennatum (Walker) and sabbas (Walker) primarily by the characters given in the key ; also the propodeum of caledonicum slopes rather less steeply than in those species. I am unable at present to distinguish the male of caledonicum from those of antennatum and sabbas. Holotype 9. ScoTranp : Mid Perth, Lawers, 29.vi.1952, swept amongst mixed scrub near the shore of Loch Tay (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality as holotype, 2g, I 9, 29.vi.1952, I 9, 28.vi.1953, I 9, 29.V1.1953 (Graham) ; West Inverness, Isle of Rhum, Kinloch, I g, 30.vii.1962, I 9, 9.V1.1963, I gf, I 9, 28.vi.1963 (Graham), in the author’s collection. Biology. Unknown. THE SCOTICUM-Group Seladerma scoticum (Walker) comb. n. Miscogaster scotica Walker, 1833 : 461, 3. ? Lamprotatus niger Delucchi, 1953a : 205, 9. ? Telepsogos niger Delucchi, 1955 : 35, 41, &. Type material.. Miscogaster scotica Walker. The series contains a female and PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 1907 two males (but the female is not a syntype, though possibly the type of Cyrtogaster scotica Walker, q.v.). LECTOTYPE, the second male, bearing a Waterhouse label. Lamprotatus niger Delucchi. Type 2, Lower Austria, Puchberg in Wienerwald, 13.vill.1915, in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, not seen, but the description suggests that it may be the same as scoticum. BRITAIN, IRELAND ; ? AustriA. In the British Isles the species is very local ; I have captured it on coastal sand dunes, also on moorland in inland situations. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June—August. Seladerma genale (Thomson) comb. n. Lamprotatus genalis Thomson, 1876a : 231, 9. Type material. One female (lacking the gaster), the holotype ; labelled ‘Sm ”’ [Smaland], ‘‘ Bhn ” [Boheman] and “ genalis Ths ’’. SWEDEN : Smaland (holotype 2). I have taken a male Seladerma in Britain which may be that of genale and have mentioned its characters in my key to males (q.v.). Seladerma helveticum (Delucchi) comb. n. Telepsogos helveticus Delucchi, 1955 : 35, 41, 9. Type material. Type (?holotype) 9, Switzerland, Valais, Saas Fee, 16.vii.1953, in coll. Delucchi (not seen). SWITZERLAND. Biology. Unknown. From the description it seems likely that helveticus belongs to the species-group of scoticum (Walker). THe SAURUS-GrRovup Seladerma saurus Walker Seladerma Saurus Walker, 1844a : 338, 9. Type material. One female (Type Hym. 5.794) with Waterhouse label ; it is formally designated LECTOTYPE though in fact it may be holotype. Britain, Norway (Alten), apparently rare. New records : Scotland, Perthshire, Lawers, 29, 29.vi.1952 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. Imagines in June. Seladerma diutinum (Delucchi) comb. n. Telepsogos diutinus Delucchi, 1955 : 35, 41-42, d 9. Type material. Type, sex not mentioned, Germany, Miinchen-Forstenried, 27.1.1952 (F. Groschke), in coll. Delucchi (not seen). 198 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM GERMANY. Biology. Parasite of Phytomyza crassiseta Zett. on Veronica (Delucchi, 1955 : 42). From the description this species might belong to the species-group of saurus (Walker). Seladerma longulum (Delucchi) comb. n. Lamprotatus longulus Delucchi, 1953a : 204, 9. Telepsogos longulus Delucchi, 1955 : 35, 42, 2. Type material. Type (? holotype) 9, Lapland, Abisko, viii.1g48 (Pfeffer), in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). SWEDEN (Lapland). Biology. Unknown. THE DIFFINE-GrRovup (= TELEPSOGOS Delucchi s. str.) Seladerma berani (Delucchi) comb. n. Lamprotatus bevani Delucchi, 19534 : 202, 3 8. Telepsogos bevani Delucchi, 1955 : 35, 42,4 9. Type material (not seen) described from localities in Germany, Austria, and Bohemia ; Delucchi (1953a : 202) stated that the type was in his personal collection but did not mention from which locality it came. ? BRITAIN ; GERMANY, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HuNGARY. A female, which I hope is correctly identified, was captured in England (Lancashire, Freshfield, 19.1x.1959 (A. Brindle). Biology. Reared from Phytomyza nervi Groschke on Lonicera alpigena L. ; from Phytomyza atricornis Mg. ; and from a Dipterous miner on Anemone hepatica L. (see Delucchi, 1955 : 42). Seladerma scaea (Walker) comb. n. Lamprotatus Scaea Walker, 1844a : 335, 3. Type material. One male, now designated LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype) (Type Hym. 5.805, bearing a Waterhouse label). BRITAIN, IRELAND, Norway (Alten), rare. New records: Britain, Scotland, Perthshire, Killin, r 9, 21.vi.1962 (A. W. Stelfox) ; the specimen was kindly presented tome. IRELAND, Co. Clare, Mullagh More, 1 J, 19.11.1966 (G. C. D. Griffiths). Biology. The Irish male recorded above was reared from Phytomyza calthophila Hering on Caltha palustris L., by Mr. Griffiths. This species is easily recognized by the form of the mandibles in both sexes. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 199 Seladerma parviclava (Thomson) comb. n. Lamprotatus pavviclava Thomson, 1876a : 230, 2 (?nec 8). Telepsogos parviclava (Thomson), Delucchi, 1955 : 35, 44-45. Type material. Syntypes on 19 pins. Lectotype, a female labelled “‘ Hbg ”’ [Halsingborg] and “ parviclava Ths”’ ; this is probably the specimen figured by Delucchi (1955 : figs. 52-54). The male described by Thomson may not belong to this species, according to Delucchi (1955 : 45). In my key to males (q.v.) I have included one which may belong to parviclava. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, uncommon. New record : England, Lincolnshire, Coningsby, I 9, 27.Vil.1951 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. Imagines in July. Seladerma icelos (Walker) comb. n. Lamprotatus Icelos Walker, 18444 : 337, 3. Type material. Syntypes, 2 g. LECTOTYPE, Type Hym. 5. 800), with a Waterhouse label. Norway (Alten) ; only the type specimens known. Biology. Unknown. The type male of icelos resembles that of aenewm (Walker), particularly in its squat thorax and rather flattened mesoscutum ; but it has a longer malar space (malar space 11, length of eye 30), rather longer stigma, and slightly more strongly expanded antennal scape, which has its distal boss extending nearly half-way down. Probably therefore it is a distinct species. Seladerma aeneum (Walker) comb. n. Miscogaster aenea Walker, 1833 : 461, 5 . Miscogaster nitidipes Walker, 1833 : 462, 5, Syn. n. Type material. Miscogaster aenea Walker. Syntypes, 3 9,1¢. LECTOTYPE, a female with a Waterhouse label, another ‘‘ Lamprotatus aeneus ’’, and one in C. Ferriere’s handwriting “ Type CF ’”’. Miscogaster nitidipes Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. BRITAIN, rather uncommon. Biology. eared in England from cocoons of Stigmella sp. (regiella (H.-S.) or pygmaeella (Haw.) ; of Stigmella centifoliella (Zett.) or anomalella (Goeze) ; of Stigmella atricapitella (Haw.) or ruficapitella (Haw.) (Lep., Stigmellidae) ; all reared (E. G. R. Waters), material in Hope Dept., University Museum, Oxford. These reared specimens emerged in February and March, but under natural conditions would certainly have emerged later. I have captured specimens in the field in August and September. 200 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Seladerma globosum (Delucchi) comb. n. Lamprotatus globosus Delucchi, 1953a : 203, 9. Telepsogos globosus Delucchi, 1955 : 35, 42, 2. Type material. Type (? holotype) 9, Germany, Miinchen-Obermenzingen, iv.1950 (Groschke), in coll. Delucchi (not seen). GERMANY. Biology. Parasite of Dizygomyza verbasci (Bouché) on Scrophulariaceae (Delucchi, 1953a : 203). From the description this species appears to be near aeneum (Walker). Seladerma diffine (Walker) comb. n. ? Miscogastey lucida Walker, 1833 : 460, d. Miscogaster diffinis Walker, 1833 : 460, d. Miscogaster viridis Walker, 1833: 461, 9, Syn. n. Lamprotatus Mazoeus Walker, 1844a : 333, 2, syn. n. Lamprotatus Amulius Walker, 1848 : 111, 169, 9, Syn. n. Type material. Miscogaster lucidus Walker. Syntypes, 6 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a male with Waterhouse label “‘ Lamprotatus lucidus Walker ’’, also one in C. Ferriére’s handwriting ““ Type CF’’. It is very close to the type of diffinis Walker but shows some small differences which make me doubtful if it is really conspecific with it. Miscogaster diffinis Walker. Syntypes, 4 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a male with Waterhouse label “‘ Lamprotatus diffinis Walker ’’, also another “‘ Type CF ”’. Miscogaster viridis Walker. Syntypes, 5 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female bearing a rectangular label “‘ 1049 ”’ and another “‘ Type CF ”’. Lamprotatus mazoeus Walker. LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype) 9, Type Hym. 5. 801, with a Waterhouse label. Lamprotatus amulius Walker. LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype) 9 bearing a green-bordered type label, also a Waterhouse label ‘“‘ Lamprotatus Amulius Walker’. BRITAIN, not uncommon. Biology. I have examined the following reared material of difine :—England, Berkshire, Bagley Wood, males and females reared in September and October 1931 from Phytomyza conyzae Hendel on Inula conyza DC. (A. H. Hamm). Imagines appear in the field May—October (probably therefore there is more than one generation). Seladerma alpestre (Ruschka) comb. n. Lamprotatus alpestvis Ruschka, 1912 : 242, 4 9. Telepsogos alpestvis (Ruschka) Delucchi, 1955 : 35, 43-44, d & [redescr.]. Type material. Syntypes 1 g, 1 9, in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, pinned to a block of pith and bearing the following labels : (1) “‘ e Phytomyza asclepiadeae PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 201 Hdl” ; (2) “leg. 18/8.1891 Schneealpe ” [following word illegible] ; (3) ““ Lampro- tatus alpestris type ¢ 2”’ ; (4) “ alpestris Ruschka det. Ruschka ”’ ; (5) ‘‘ Genot.”’ ; (easseo label “TYPE” ; (7) ~“ TELEPSOGOS alpestris R.. V. Delucchi det,”’. LECTOTYPE, the male specimen. AustTRIA (Schneealpe). Biology. Reared from Phytomyza asclepiadae Hend. (Ruschka). Seladerma annulipes (Walker) comb. n. Miscogastey annulipes Walker, 1833 : 461, 3 9. ? Miscogaster dissimilis Walker, 1833 : 463, 5 9. ? Lamprotatus Venilia Walker, 1846a : 113, 3. Type material. Miscogaster annulipes Walker. Four specimens, two of which are possibly not original material. None fits the description completely but the third specimen agrees best on the whole and is designated LECTOTYPE ; it is a male, labelled ‘‘ Walker coll. 1904-120” and (in Walker’s handwriting) ‘‘ Lamprotatus annulipes ”’. Miscogaster dissimilis Walker. Syntypes, 1 9, 2 g. LECTOTYPE, a male bearing a Waterhouse label ‘‘ Lamprotatus dissimilis Walker ’’. Lamprotatus venilia Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype), with a Waterhouse label. BRITAIN. Biology. Unknown. Seladerma tarsale (Walker) comb. n. ? Cyrtogastey scotica Walker, 1833 : 382, 9. Miscogaster tarsalis Walker, 1833 : 461, d 9. Miscogaster apicalis Walker, 1833 : 463, 2, syn n. Miscogaster tristis Walker, 1833 : 463, 9, Syn. n. Miscogastey semiaurata Walker, 1833 : 463, 5 9, Syn. n. Miscogaster costalis Walker, 1833 : 463, dg, syn. n. Miscogaster philochortoides Walker, 1833 : 463, ¢, syn. n. Miscogaster brevis Walker, 1833: 464, 3, Syn. n. Miscogaster cyanea Walker, 1833 : 463, d, Syn. n. Miscogaster contigua Walker, 1833 : 464, 5, Syn. n. Miscogaster linearis Walker, 1833 : 464, 3, Syn. n. Miscogaster filicorvnis Walker, 1833 : 464, 5 2, syn. n. ? Miscogaster femorata Walker, 1833 : 464, 9. Lamprotatus Brises Walker, 1844a : 333, 2, Syn. n. Lamprotatus Cleta Walker, 1844a@ : 334, 6, Syn. n. Lamprotatus Leucon Walker, 18444 : 335, 9, Syn. n. Lamprotatus Oebaves Walker, 1848 : 111, 167, 9, syn. n. Lamprotatus Bolgius Walker, 1848 : 111, 171, 9, Syn. n. Lamprotatus pilicornis Thomson, 1876a : 229, ¢ ° [ex parte (lectotype)]. Telepsogos pilicovnis (Thomson) Delucchi, 1955: 35, 45, 09. Type material (unless otherwise stated, each lectotype bears a Waterhouse label with the name of the species). 202 M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM Cyrtogaster scotica Walker. There is no specimen under this name. Under Miscogaster scotica, however, there is a series of 2 § and 1 9 ; the female clearly does not belong there because no female of Miscogaster scotica was described. It agrees reasonably well with the description of Cyrtogaster scotica and could be its type. The fact that the species-name is the same in each case could have led to misplacement during rearrangement. In view of the slight doubt I am not adopting the name scotica for the present species. Miscogaster tarsalis Walker. A series of 6 specimens of which one is probably not original material. LECTOTYPE, the third, a male. Miscogaster apicalis Walker. One female, which is designated LECTOTYPE, though agreement with the description is poor. Miscogaster tristis Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE. Miscogaster semiaurata Walker. 5 specimens (the fifth an Omphale!) LECTO- TYPE, the third, a male. Miscogaster costalis Walker. One male, designated LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype). Miscogaster philochortoides Walker. One female, 5g. LECTOTYPE, one of the males. Miscogaster cyanea Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype). Miscogaster brevis Walker. Syntypes,2¢g. The first is designated LECTOTYPE. Miscogaster contigua Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype). Miscogaster linearis Walker. Two males, one of which is designated LECLORYPE, Miscogaster filicornis Walker. Three males, the second designated LECTOTYPE. Miscogaster femorata Walker. Types not located. Lamprotatus brises Walker. One female, Type Hym. 5. 804, designated LECTOTYPE: Lamprotatus cleta Walker. Two males, one female (but the female was described with a query). LECTOTYPE male, Type Hym. 5. 802c. Lamprotatus leucon Walker. Two females. LECTOTYPE, Type Hym. 5. 803a. Lamprotatus oebares Walker. One female, designated LECTOTYPE. Lamprotatus bolgius Walker. Two females. The first specimen is designated LECTOTYPE. The other one is a Cyrtogaster vulgaris. Lamprotatus pilicornis Thomson. Syntypeson17 pins. The fifth pin in the series carries 2 9 and I g and a label “Lund”; the uppermost female is designated LECIOTY PE. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN ; no doubt widely distributed in Europe. In the British Islands, it is the commonest species of the genus and may be found almost everywhere, even in large cities (in parks and other suitable places). Biology. I have examined the following reared material :—England : Surrey, Bookham, g em. 21-23.vii.1955 from Phytomyza nigra Mg. on Holcus lanatus L. (G. C. D. Griffiths); Middlesex, Hampstead, § em. v.1955 from Phytomyza soncht R.-D. (K. H. Spencer); Oxfordshire, Marston, 9 em. 12.iv.1926 from Phytomyza sp. PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W- EUROPE 203 on Salix (A. H. Hamm). Probably the species is polyphagous. Imagines captured in the field May—September (probably more than one generation). [Seladerma diaeus (Walker) comb. n. Lamprotatus Diaeus Walker, 1844 : 16, 9. Type material. One female, designated LECTOTYPE (Type Hym. 5. 822), labelled “‘ Bred from pupa of Vanessa cardui’”’ and “ Martin’s Falls ’’. CANADA : Ontario, Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay (G. Barnston). The host data given on the label attached to the specimen is erroneous. Walker’s record of Vanessa cardi (1844 : 16) actually refers to Pteromalus puparum (L.), a redescription of which was given immediately below that of Lamprotatus diaeus. This host record has found its way into the current catalogues (e.g., that of Peck, 1963 :607). The true host will probably prove to be an Agromyzid. | Seladerma meracum (Delucchi) comb. n. Lamprotatus meracus Delucchi, 1953a : 204-205, 9. Telepsogos mervacus Delucchi, 1955 : 35, 44, 9. Type material. Type 2 (locality unknown), in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). Distribution and biology unknown. THe BREV E-Grovup Seladerma breve Walker Seladerma breve Walker, 1834 : 290, 9. Scladerma [sic] Lalage Walker, 1845 : 263, 9, Syn. n. Ptevomalus Lalage Walker, 1846b : 272, 9. Scladeyma [sic] Lalage Walker, 1846c : 161, 9. ? Lamprotatus Pycnos Walker, 1848 : 111, 172, 4. Telepsogos lalage (Walker) Graham, 1963 : 72, ¢ 9. Type material. Seladerma breve Walker. One female, designated LECTOTYPE ; it bears a Waterhouse label, a printed label “‘ breve ’’, and a green-bordered type label. Lamprotatus pycnos Walker. Syntypes, 2g. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. It fits the males which I believe to belong to breve. Seladerma lalage Walker. Two females, LECTOTYPE, one labelled “ Lalage ” in Walker’s handwriting. BRITAIN, not uncommon. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June-July. 204 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Seladerma euroto (Walker) comb. n. Miscogaster Euvoto Walker, 1839 : 198 “‘3\”” [rvecte 9]. Type material. Syntypes, 1 9 in BM(NH), Walker coll., ex coll. Haliday ; 1 Q in coll. Haliday (no. 729). LECTOTYPE, the female in coll. Haliday, labelled “ Euroto’”’ in Walker’s handwriting. The two syntypes are conspecific, but the BM(NH) female (which is larger) disagrees in colour with the description of the nominotypical form (it is probably var. 8). Both females have the apex of the gaster eaten off, leaving the yellowish ovipositor projecting ; if this damage had already occurred when Walker saw the specimens, it would account for his having mistaken their sex. S. euroto is very close to breve and might be the same ; but it has the funicular segments of the antenna (females) shorter than in any of my specimens of breve, also there is a slight difference in the venation of the fore wing. I have no fresh material which exactly fits the syntypes of ewroto and consider it advisable to regard it provisionally as a valid species. IRELAND : Co. Down, Holywood (A. H. Haliday). Biology. Unknown. THE LAETUM-GrRoup (= SELADERMA Walker, s. str.) Seladerma laetum Walker Seladerma laetum Walker, 1834 : 289, 9. ? Miscogaster Dryops Walker, 18396 : 31, d. Seladeyma laetum Walker, Delucchi, 1955 : 47, 51-53, 4 &. Type material. Seladerma laetum Walker. Syntypes, 3 specimens. LECTO- TYPE, a female bearing a Waterhouse label, also one in C. Ferriére’s handwriting © Nive Gabe. >. Miscogaster dryops Walker. One male (probably holotype) in coll. Greville, Edinburgh, labelled “‘ Miscog. Dryops, Wk. n. sp. Fide Wk. Edinb.” and “ Greville 1936-50. 287’. This seems to fit the male of /aetum, but the males of some species of this group are not easy to distinguish. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. ; probably more widely distributed in Europe. Common in Britain and Ireland. Biology. Reared from Amaurosoma armillatum (Zett.) (Dipt., Scatophagidae) (J. J. F. X. King), Scotland, Glasgow, 5-7.vi.1934. Also recorded as a parasite of Amaurosoma flavipes (Fln.) and A. armillatum (Zett.) in Sweden (Secrétariat, etc. 1957 : 321, 330). Imagines June—July. Seladerma violaceum Delucchi Seladerma violaceum Delucchi, 1955 : 47, 49-50, 9. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 205 Type material. Type (? holotype) in coll. Forster, Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). From the description there seems a possibility that it might be an abnormal specimen of lJaetum Walker. Probably GERMANY. Biology. Unknown. Seladerma nobile Delucchi Seladerma nobile Delucchi, 1955 : 47, 51, . Type material. Type (? holotype), in coll. Forster, Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). Delucchi (1955 : 47) in his key to the species of Seladerma (s. str.) separated nobile from laetum Walker on the basis of characters which I find to be variable in daetum. S. nobile is said to have the sixth funicular segment subtransverse, the basal cell of the fore wing nearly closed below, the trochanters and hind femora fulvous, and the propodeum in profile evenly convex. S. laetwm (female) is said to have the sixth funicular segment subelongate, the basal cell of the fore wing open below except apically, the trochanters dark brown, the hind femora infuscate, and the propodeum in profile strongly convex and nearly pointed in the middle. The above characters noted for /aetum hold good for many specimens ; but I have some in which the basal cell of the fore wing is completely closed below, and one in which the hind femora are wholly fulvous. The sixth funicular segment in female /aetwm varies from quadrate to slightly longer than broad ; the propodeum in profile is most often as described by Delucchi, though sometimes it is evenly curved as described for nobile. Thus, whilst nobile may be a valid species, it cannot be satisfactorily distinguished by the charac- ters which Delucchi mentions. Distribution. Not certain, but the type female probably came from Germany. Biology. Unknown. Seladerma gelanor (Walker) Miscogaster Gelanor Walker, 18396 : 31, d. Seladerma gelanoy (Walker) Graham, 1963 : 72, 2. Type material. One male (probably holotype) in coll. Greville, Edinburgh, labelled ‘‘ Miscog. Gelanor Wk. n. sp. Fide Wk. Edinb.” and “ Greville 1936-50. 288.” Britain: local, apparently a northern species; I have records only from Scotland, Greville coll. ; Perthshire, Lawers, 17.vii.1952 (Graham) ; and Yorkshire, Malham, 17.viii.1955 (W. D. Hincks), see Graham (1963 : 72). : Biology. Unknown. 206 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Seladerma bicolor Walker Seladerma bicoloy Walker, 1834 : 289, 9. ? Seladerma luteolum Delucchi, 1955 : 53, 9. Type material. Seladerma bicolor Walker. One female in BM(NH), LECTO- TYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label, also one in C. Ferriére’s handwriting “‘ Type CF”. There is a female in the Greville collection but probably this is not a syntype. Seladerma luteolum Delucchi. Type 9 (not seen) in coll. Férster, Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. Delucchi’s description of /uteolum suggests that it might be the same as bicolor Walker. BRITAIN : England, near London (Walker) ; Scotland (probably near Edinburgh), one female in coll. Greville ; ? Germany (coll. Forster). Apparently rare. Biology. Unknown. Seladerma coeruleovirens (Forster) Lamprotatus coeruleovirens Forster, 1861 : 34, ““3.”’ [vecte 9]. Seladerma coeruleovivens (Férster) Delucchi, 1955 : 49, 54, 9. Type material. Type (? holotype) 9 in coll. Forster, Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; Delucchi (1955 : 54) pointed out that Forster had mistaken its sex. I have not seen the specimen. SWITZERLAND : Oberengadin, Rosegtal. Biology. Unknown. Seladerma convexum Walker Seladerma convexum Walker, 1834 : 290, 9. Type material : one female, designated LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label and a green-bordered type label. Britaln, local : near London (Walker) ; Berkshire, Wytham, 9.vi.1962, females and male swept on calcareous grassland (Graham). Biology. Unknown. It is possible that S. agreste Delucchi (1953a : 216, 9) might be the same as con- vexum Walker ; I have not seen the type 9 of agreste and Delucchi does not mention some distinctive characters which are present in convexum, hence I am uncertain. Species belonging to Seladerma but whose specific identity is uncertain :— Lamprotatus Phlegias Walker, 18444 : 332, § (Lapland). LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype) 3, Type Hym. 5. 798, bearing a Waterhouse label. This must belong to the group of diffine (Walker), i.e., to Telepsogos s. str., but it does not quite fit the known males of any of the species listed above. It may therefore represent a valid species. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 207 TELEPSOGINA Hedavist Telepsogina Heqvist [Hedqvist], 1958: 58. Type-species : T. adelognathi Hedqvist, by original designation. This genus is very close to Seladerma Walker but may be kept separate for the present. The antennae of the type-species are unlike those of any species of Seladerma, though in other respects it is very similar to some species of that genus. Telepsogina adelognathi Hedqvist Telepsogina adelognathi Heqvist [Hedqvist], 1958 : 59-60, 9. Type material. Holotype 2, Sweden, Dalarne, Alvdalen, Mossiberg, reared from a batch of cocoons of Adelognathus tetracinctorius (Thunb.) (K. H. Forsslund), in coll. Hedqvist, Stockholm. I have examined the holotype. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Britain (new record) : Oxfordshire, Otmoor, I 9, 17.vi11.1957 (Graham). Biology. Seeabove. Imagines appear in August. THEKTOGASTER Delucchi Thektogastey Delucchi, 1955 : 59. Type-species : Lamprotatus abdominalis Delucchi, 1953, by original designation. Thektogastey Delucchi ; Peck et al., 1964 : 39. The species were revised by Delucchi (1955) who recognized two. In the present work three species are considered to be valid. Their females only are known. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (IEMALEs) I Costal cell of hind wing bare up to the level of beginning of marginal vein. Scutellar frenum with some longitudinal costulae. Speculum of fore wing reaching the basal vein. Gaster about 3:5 times as long as broad and about 1-5 times as long as the thorax. Antennal clava with micropilosity on its second and third segments only abdominalis Delucchi (p. 208) - Costal cell of hind wing with a row of hairs extending nearly to its base. Scutellar frenum either reticulate, or if with some longitudinal costulae as well, then the speculum of the fore wing is reduced to an oval area lying below the parastigma and does not reach the basal vein. Gaster 2°5 to 2:8 times as long as broad é : - . ; 5 ; : 2 (x) Antennal clava with micropilosity on its second and third segments. Fore wing with speculum, on upper surface of wing, extending as far as the basal vein. Scutellar frenum finely reticulate with at most some indistinct longitudinal striae. Hypopygium reaching about half way along gaster subvirescens (Zetterstedt) (p. 208) = All three segments of the antennal clava with micropilosity. Fore wing with speculum reduced to an oval area lying below the parastigma, and not reach- ing the basalvein. Scutellarfrenum with longitudinal striae. Hypopygium reaching hardly one third along the gaster_ . chrysis (Forster) (p. 208) 208 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Thektogaster subvirescens (Zetterstedt) comb. n. Pteromalus subvivescens Zetterstedt, 1838 : 424, 9. Lamprotatus elevatus Thomson, 1876a : 227, 9, syn. n. Type material. Pteromalus subvirescens Zetterstedt. One female, LECTOTYPE (probably holotype), labelled in Zetterstedt’s handwriting “ P. subvi=rescens 9. Karesuand ”’. Lamprotatus elevatus Thomson. No specimens under this name. Amongst Thomson's series of L. wngularis I found a female specimen which agrees very well with the description of L. elevatus and is now designated LECTOTYPE ; it is labelled Epl” and 9. SWEDEN (Lapland) ; only the above type-specimens known. Biology. Unknown. Thektogaster chrysis (Forster) Lamprotatus chrysis Férster, 1861 : 34, dQ. Thektogaster chrysis (Forster) Delucchi, 1955 : 61-63, 3 8. Type material. Holotype 9, Switzerland, Oberengadin, Rosegtal, taken in July, in coll. Férster, Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen by the writer). SWITZERLAND, AUSTRIA, SWEDEN, ? JUGOSLAVIA. Biology. Unknown. Imaginesin July. Thektogaster abdominalis (Delucchi) Lampyrotatus abdominalis Delucchi, 19534 : 201, 9. Thektogaster abdominalis Delucchi, 1955 : 61, 63, 9. Type material. Type 9, Austria, Steiermark, Hochschwab, 12.11.1951, in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen by the writer). AUSTRIA. Biology. Unknown. GLYPHOGNATAUS Graham Glyphognathus Graham, 1956 : 81. Type-species : G. umbelliferae Graham, by original designa- tion. Glyptognathus Bou€éek, 1961 : 67 [lapsus]. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES 1 Fore wing with stigma larger, separated by only slightly more than its own height from the lower edge of the postmarginal vein, as high as long. Propodeum (Text- fig. 169) with median area reticulate ; plicae usually developed in at most the hinder half of the sclerite, rarely extending somewhat farther basad. Structure-of body and antennae (Text-figs. 167-170) umbelliferae Graham (p. 209) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 209 — Fore wing with stigma smaller, separated by distinctly more than its own height from the lower edge of the postmarginal vein, distinctly longer than high. Propodeum with median area virtually smooth ; plicae traceable nearly to the base of the sclerite : : : : : : : : flammeus (Delucchi) (p. 209) Glyphognathus umbelliferae Graham ? Stictomischus convexus Delucchi, 19534 : 210, 9. Glyphognathus umbelliferae Graham, 1956 : 82-83, 3 9. Glyptognathus [sic] umbelliferae Graham ; Bouéek, 1961 : 67. Type material. Stictomischus convexus Delucchi. Type 2 (not seen), Upper Austria, Weyer, 5.ix.1918, in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. Delucchi makes no mention of the excised mandible in his description but in other respects this agrees well with uwmbelliferae. It will be necessary to re-examine the type of convexus. Glyphognathus umbelliferae Graham. Holotype 2 in Hope Department, Oxford, England, Berkshire, Bagley Wood, em. 23.vii.1927 from Phytomyza sphondyli R—D. on Heracleum (A. H. Hamm). BRITAIN, IRELAND, ? AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Reared in England from Phytomyza sphondylit R.-D. on Heracleum ; Ph. pastinacae Hend. ; Ph. solidaginis Hend. on Solidago virgaurea L. Glyphognathus flammeus (Delucchi) comb. n. Stictomischus flammeus Delucchi, 19534 : 211, 212, . Gitognathus flammeus Delucchi, 1955 : 68, figs. 93, 94, 9. Type material in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (Delucchi, 1953a : 212). Delucchi cited two localities, Bohlerwerk an der Ybbs (Niederdésterreich) (S. Novicky) ; Hogyész (Ungarn), 27.6.1946 (J. Evdds) but did not designate a type specimen. I have not seen the syntypes ; however, my British specimen agrees so well with Delucchi’s description that I am convinced it must be fammeus ; he does not mention the form of the mandibles, which would decide the question. Britain, AustriA, Huncary. New record: England, Oxfordshire, Otmoor, 2I.vill.I955, one female taken on a flower-head of Angelica sylvestris L. (Graham). Biology. Unknown. GITOGNATAUS Thomson ? Sphaeripalpus Forster, 1841 : 38. Type-species : S. vividis Forster, 1841, by monotypy. Gitognathus Thomson, 1876a : 220, 232. Type-species: G. grandiclava Thomson, by desig- nation of Delucchi (1955 : 67). Gitognathus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 291, 295-296. Gitognathus Thomson ; Delucchi, 1955 : 6, 66-74. Gitognathus Thomson ; Peck et al., 1964 : 38. ? Xestognathus Kamijo, 1960b : 118. The generic name Sphaeripalpus Forster has priority over Gitognathus Thomson ; 210 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM the latter author rejected the name Sphaeripalpus on grounds not now considered valid, giving the genus a new name. Delucchi (1955 : 66) stated that the type material of Sphaeripalpus viridis Forster, the type-species of the genus, could not be found in Vienna and appeared to be lost ; consequently he adopted provisionally the name Gitognathus Thomson. Reinhard (1858a : 318, pl. 3, fig. 1c) described and figured the maxilla and palpi of the male of Sphaeripalpus viridis Forster, but there is no evidence that he actually saw Forster’s types. If Reinhard correctly identified S. viridis, then that species would appear to be the same as Gitognathus grandiclava Thomson. The question must remain an open one until Forster’s type of viridis is discovered. KEy TO MOST EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Gastral petiole smooth or mainly so. Mesoscutal notauli weak or even absent posteriorly. Antennal clava with micropilosity on third segment only ; sensilla arranged in one row on each segment of the funicle. Both mandibles with three teeth . ‘ 2 — Gastral petiole, not counting the small basal stalk, wholly ‘reticulate. "Meso- scutal notauli distinct throughout. Antennal clava with micropilosity on the second and third segments, sometimes even extending on to part of the first segment ; sensilla usually arranged in two rows on all the funicular segments, occasionally in one irregular row on some of the segments. Mandibular formula 3.3 or 3.4 : : 2 4 2 (1) Gastral petiole about 1-5 times as broad as long, isubecaicall Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum approximately equal to breadth of head ; flagellum (Text-fig. 166) distinctly clavate ; proximal segments of funicle subquadrate ; distal segments transverse. Upper surface of costal cell of fore wing bare except for a row of two to four hairs at its apex microstolus sp. n. (p. 213) - Gastral petiole slightly to distinctly (up to 1-6 times) longer than broad, its sides in the hinder half nearly parallel. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly greater than breadth of head ; flagellum almost fili- form ; all funicular segments, except sometimes the sixth, at least slightly longer than broad. Upper surface of costal cell of fore wing with a row of several hairs, extending over the distal third or more : 3 3 (2) Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-35 to 1-4 . times breadth of head ; sixth funicular segment at least slightly longer than broad, the other funicular segments distinctly longer than broad. Head in dorsal view about 2:15 times as broad as long. Gastral petiole 1-5 to 1-6 times as long as broad. Body usually dull green often suffused with bronze or purplish dorsally ; occasionally bright green laevis (Delucchi) (p. 212) Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1:25 times breadth of head ; sixth funicular segment subquadrate, segments two to five only very slightly longer than broad. Head in dorsal view about 2-05 times as broad as long. Gastral petiole 1:3 to 1-4 times as long as broad. Body mainly bright blue-green . é . laevigatus (Delucchi) (p. 213) 4 (zt) Fore wing with speculum, on tower schfees of wing, with at most a few (up to five) scattered hairs in the middle. Postspiracular sclerite with a weak oblique carina, or without one. Length of eye 2-8 to 3 times the malar space grandiclava Thomson (p. 211) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 211 - Fore wing with speculum, on lower surface of wing, with more numerous hairs in the middle. Postspiracular sclerite with a more distinct oblique carina. Length of eye 3:2 to 3-35 times the malar space . fuscipes (Walker) (p. 211) (MALEs) I Gastral petiole smooth or mainly so. Mesoscutal notauli weak or even absent posteriorly. Both mandibles with three teeth. Maxillary aie not modified . : : 2 - Gastral petiole, nat counting the basal stalk, wholly reticulate. Mesoscutal notauli distinct throughout. Mandibular formula 3.3 or 3.4. Maxillary stipites sometimes swollen . 3 2 (i) Antenna with combined length of pedicellus ‘and flagellum only slightly greater than breadth of head ; flagellar hairs (Text-fig. 165) standing out only slightly ; funicular segments subquadrate, or the proximal ones very slightly longer than broad. Fore wing with upper surface of costal cell bare except for a short row of two to four hairs at its apex microstolus sp. n. (p. 213) = Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly greater than breadth of head ; flagellar hairs standing out moderately strongly ; all funicular segments longer than broad. Fore wing with upper surface of costal cell with a row of several hairs extending over the distal third or more laevis (Delucchi) (p. 212) 3. (1) Maxillary stipites swollen to form a large black sac. Antenna with hairs of flagellum standing out only slightly ‘ ‘ grandiclava Thomson (p. 211) - Maxillary stipites normal, not swollen. Antenna with hairs of flagellum standing out at an angle of about 45° . : . fuscipes (Walker) (p. 211) Gitognathus grandiclava Thomson Lamprotatus Zipoetes Walker, 1848 : 111, 167, 2, Syn. n. Gitognathus grandiclava Thomson, 1876a : 233, 3 2. Gitognathus grandiclava Thomson ; Delucchi, 1955 : 68, 73-74, & 9. Type material. Lamprotatus zpoetes Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Agreement with the description is poor, hence I adopt the name grandiclava, which has already been recognized and which is represented by a type specimen in good condition. An application for the conservation of the name Gitognathus grandiclava Thomson is being submitted to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. Gitognathus grandiclava Thomson. ne on 20. pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled ‘‘ L-d ” [Lund] and “ 2” BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Imaginesin June, Aug.—Sept. Gitognathus fuscipes (Walker) comb. n. Miscogaster fuscipes Walker, 1833 : 460, 2. ? Chrysolampus punctulatus Forster, 1841 : 36-37, 9. Lamprotatus Rubyius Walker, 1846a : 111, g, syn. n. Lamprotatus Babilus Walker, 1846a : 112, gf, syn. n. ? Stictomischus sericeus Thomson, 1876a : 236, 9. 212 M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM Type material. Miscogaster fuscipes Walker. Syntypes, 3 specimens. LECTO- TYPE, the first specimen, a male bearing a Waterhouse label. Lamprotatus rubrius Walker. A male and a female stand under this name, but no female was described. LECTOTYPE, the male, bearing a green-bordered type label, also a Waterhouse label. Lamprotatus babilus Walker. Syntypes. 2 specimens. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label, also one in C. Ferriére’s handwriting wdlivpeCh. < Stictomischus sericeus Thomson. One female and two males stand under this name, but Thomson did not mention the male. LECTOTYPE, the female specimen; this lacks the head and fore wings but may be the same as fuscipes (Walker). Note. Chrysolampus punctulatus Forster was transferred to Gitognathus and regarded as a valid species by Delucchi (1955 : 68, 71—72). Delucchi also cited Lamprotatus babilus Walker as a synonym of punctulatus. I have not seen the types of punctulatus, which are in Forster’s collection in Vienna, but from Delucchi’s redescription of the species (1955 : 71-72) it seems likely to be a synonym of fuscipes (Walker). The differences which Delucchi mentions in his key to Gitognathus species (1955 : 68) as existing between punctulatus Forster and sericeus Thomson appear to be based on variable and therefore unreliable characters. Thus ina series which I believe to represent only a single species { fuscipes (Walker) | the last segment of the antennal funicle varies from slightly transverse to slightly longer than broad ; the median carina of the propodeum may be complete and sharp, incomplete, or partly replaced by a furrow ; whilst the oblique carina of the postspiracular sclerite (prepectus of Delucchi) may be distinct, weak, or virtually absent. BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; uncommon. Biology. Unknown. Otten (1942 : 227) recorded Stictonuschus sericeus Thomson as a parasite of Agromyza rufipes Mg. on Echium vulgare, but his determination of the parasite was probably wrong. Imagines appear June—August. Gitognathus laevis (Delucchi) Stictomischus laevis Delucchi, 1953a : 213, 9. Gitognathus laevis Delucchi, 1955 : 69, Q. Type material. Holotype 9, Hungary, Készegi, 22.v.1944 (Erdés), in Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest ; it is labelled “‘ Koszegi h 1944.v.22 dr. Erdés ” ; “rét” ; “9” ; “14.” ; and “ Stictomischus laevis n. V. Delucchiidena? Britain, Huncary. New records :—England : Oxfordshire, Bald Hill, near Lewknor, 2 9, 4 g, 18.vii.1957 (Graham) ; see other records under biology below. Biology. One female reared 17.1x.1954, from Phytomyza solidaginis Hend. on Solidago virgaurea L. collected at Eynsford, Kent ; one female reared 28.x.1954, from the same host and plant collected at Westerham, Kent (G. C. D. Griffiths ; material in BM(NH). The records cited suggest that two broods occur in the season. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Dig Gitognathus laevigatus (Delucchi) Stictomischus laevigatus Delucchi, 1953a@ : 212-213, Q. Gitognathus laevigatus Delucchi, 1955 : 69, 74, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Hungary, Fokt6, 13.vili.1943 (Erdos), in Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest ; it is labelled “ Fokt6 1943 vii.13 dr. Erdés”’ ; “Oo” ; “ 17.” ; and “ Stictomischus laevigatus n. V. Delucchi det.’’. I have seen no other material. G. laevigatus is very close to laevis ; their respective females may be distinguished by the characters given in my key. The structure of the median carina of the propodeum, and the colour of the tibiae, characters used by Delucchi (1955) are variable in /aevis and therefore of little value. Another character mentioned by him, the presence in Jaevis of a fine longitudinal carina on each side of the petiole, and its absence in laevigatus, appears to have some value although it is slightly variable. In Jaevis the carinae are usually traceable from the base to the apex of the petiole, but they are not always very distinct throughout. In the holotype of /aevigatus the carinae are not completely absent, but are traceable in the basal half of the petiole. In /aevigatus the head and thorax are green ; in laevis they are most often suffused with bronze or purplish bronze. HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown. This species and laevis probably belong to the genus Xestognathus Kamijo (1960a : 118), described from Japan. Gitognathus microstolus sp. n. ®. Head and dorsum of thorax green to blue-green ; sides and ventral part of thorax with less intense metallic tints which tend towards bronze, especially on the mesepimeron ; gaster tinged with greenish and bronze. Mandibles reddish with darker teeth. Antennae black, the scape and pedicellus with a metallic gloss. Legs mainly blackish, the coxae, femora and parts of the tibiae with a greenish or bronze tinge ; trochanters partly, knees, and tarsi except their tips, testaceous ; the fore tibiae have a testaceous stripe on their inner aspect, or are wholly testaceous ; the hind tibiae sometimes have a reddish stripe along their flexor surface. Tegulae black with a metallic gloss. Wings hyaline ; venation brown. Length 1-8 to 2 mm. Head hardly 1-2 times as broad as the mesoscutum, in dorsal view twice as broad as long or very slightly more, with temples converging somewhat and hardly one quarter the length of the eyes, POL about 1-4 OOL, the hind ocelli separated by about twice their own length from the eyes. Head in front view oval, about 1-3 times as broad as high, the genae converging moderately strongly and having a slightly curved outline ; eyes separated by 1-25 times their own length ; malar space only about one quarter the length of an eye ; breadth of oral fossa somewhat more than three times the malar space ; clypeus alutaceous, anteriorly with a shiny depression, its anterior margin with a bifid tooth on the left side and a large simple tooth on the right side, separated by a deep incision. Mandibles similar in shape, moderately large, their lower margin sinuate, both with three teeth of which the inner one is broadly rounded or subtruncate. Antennae (Text-fig. 166) inserted distinctly above the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape not nearly reaching the median ocellus, its length about equal to the transverse diameter of an eye ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum virtually equal to the breadth of the head ; pedicellus nearly twice as long as broad, about equal in length to the anelli plus the first funicular segment ; funicle proximally not or hardly stouter than the 214 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM pedicellus, but thickening distad, its first segment quadrate, the second and third subquadrate, the fourth usually very slightly transverse, the fifth and sixth slightly transverse ; clava slightly more than twice as long as broad, its length about equal to that of the three preceding funicular segments together ; sensilla long, in a single row on each segment, sparse on the proximal segments but rather more numerous on the distal ones and on the clava. Thorax hardly more than 1-5 times as long as broad, very strongly arched dorsally so that the dorsellum and propodeum descend at an angle of nearly 90° relative to the plane of the mesoscutum and scutellum. Pronotum with sides converging strongly forwards, the shoulders not prominent. Mesoscutum about 1:6 times as broad as long, moderately convex, its hind margin very strongly sinuate, moderately finely reticulate discally where the sculpture is distinctly raised, finely on the side lobes where the sculpture is almost alutaceous ; notauli deep only in front, otherwise superficial. Scutellum almost as long as the mesoscutum, slightly longer than broad, strongly convex, with fine reticulation which is hardly raised above the general surface ; frenum marked off by a fine impressed line ; the grooved lines which separate the scutellum from the axillae become deep anteriorly. where they curve round and join, so that the scutellum touches the mesoscutum only at a point. Dorsellum nearly smooth, slightly shorter than the frenum. Propodeum medially about half as long as the scutellum, almost truncate posteriorly ; area between the spiracles shiny, finely reticulate with its sculpture only slightly raised ; median carina fine, complete or slightly broken medially ; nucha a polished, lunate strip ; spiracles subcircular, close to the metanotum ; spiracular sulci shallow, alutac- eous ; callus polished externally, otherwise with numerous hairs arising from small tubercles. Metapleuron shiny, alutaceous; mesepisternum with a polished triangular area below the hind wing, otherwise (including the mesepimeron) finely reticulate with slightly raised sculpture ; mesosternum shiny, weakly alutaceous, mesolcus fine but distinctly impressed. Postspiracular sclerite reticulate, finely below and more coarsely above, but without, or with only traces of, an oblique carina. Legs somewhat short and stout ; hind coxae with a few hairs on their dorsal surface. Fore wing twice as long as broad ; upper surface of costal cell bare or with two to three hairs at its apex, its lower surface with a complete row of hairs plus some scattered ones in the distal half ; basal cell bare except for a few hairs just below the submarginal vein, open below ; basal vein pilose ; speculum closed below, on the upper surface of the wing extending to the base of the marginal vein, on its lower surface with some scattered hairs ; marginal vein 1:25 to 1:35 times the length of the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein 1-4 to 1°5 times as long as the marginal ; stigmal vein weakly curved, thickening slightly towards the stigma which is subcircular and large, its height about two-thirds the distance separating it from the front edge of the wing. Gastral petiole almost cordiform, about two thirds the length of the propodeum, slightly (up to 1-5 times) broader than long, nearly smooth except posteriorly where it has a few very fine weak transverse striae. Gaster ovate, slightly longer than and about as broad as the thorax, 1-8 to 2 times as long as broad ; dorsally hardly sunken ; the basal tergite occupying about one third of the total length, with a large basal fovea, and having its hind margin some- times weakly emarginate medially ; last tergite slightly broader than long ; ovipositor sheaths hardly exserted ; ventrally convex, the hypopygium not visible but probably extending about half way along. 6. Differs from the female as follows : Antenna (Text-fig. 165). Scape slightly shorter, its length somewhat less than the transverse diameter of an eye, only about three times as long as its maximum breadth, slightly expanded in its upper half, where there is an oblong, oblique shiny boss (on the outer aspect of the scape) which extends nearly half way down ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than the breadth of the head ; pedicellus very slightly shorter, not or hardly longer than the first funicular segment ; flagellum only very slightly clavate, proximal funicular segments slightly elongate, the first about 1-5 times as long as broad, the fifth and sixth sub- quadrate ; clava about three times as long as broad, tapering to a sharper point ; flagellum PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 215 clothed with whitish hairs most of which stand out only slightly, the whorl at the base of each segment more outstanding, at an angle of about 40°. Fore wing with speculum, on lower surface of wing, with more numerous scattered hairs ; marginal vein slightly shorter relative to the stigmal vein. Petiole about as long as broad, only slightly shorter than the propodeum. Gaster oval, shorter and narrower than the thorax, with a ventral plica. The female of micvostolus sp. n. differs from that of /Jaevis (Delucchi) as follows : Colour of head and thorax brighter (green, instead of greenish varied with bronze and pur- plish) ; tibiae more or less infuscate. Head slightly less transverse, temples slightly less convergent ; malar space slightly shorter. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum shorter, in microstolus barely equal to, in /aevis distinctly greater than, the breadth of the head ; flagel- lum rather more slender proximally but thickening distinctly distad, so as to be clavate ; funicular segments shorter, in /aevis all the segments, except sometimes the sixth, are longer than broad ; the first segment is about 1-5 times as long as broad, and about equal in length to the pedicellus. Thorax rather more strongly arched. Fore wing with upper surface of costal cell with fewer hairs, in /aevis there is a row extending over the distal half of the cell ; basal cell with fewer hairs, in Jaevis the cell has a few hairs apically near the basal vein, and is partly closed below ; stigma as high as long, in Jaevis tending to be very slightly longer than high. Gastral petiole shorter, in Jaevis about as long as the propodeum and about 1°5 times as long as broad ; gaster longer, in /aevis shorter than the thorax. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Oxfordshire, Otmoor, 28.viii.1955, on Angelica (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. ENGLAND : Oxfordshire, Radcot, 2 9, 5.ix.1954, on flowers of Angelica sylvestris ; Otmoor, 2 g, I 9, 27.vill.I955, in a marshy place with much Angelica. 3d, 28.vili.1955, on Angelica ; Berkshire, Wytham, I 9, 5.1x.1959, in a marshy place between Wytham Wood and the River Thames. Paratypes in author’s collection. All the above specimens were captured by the writer. Biology. Unknown. I have not seen the types of the three following species, which are omitted from my key to species. They should be recognizable from the characters given by Delucchi in his key to the species (1955). Gitognathus nitidus Delucchi Gitognathus nitidus Delucchi, 1955 : 68, 69-70, 9°. Type material. Holotype 9, Germany, Wolfratshausen, iv.1950 (F. Groschke), in coll. Delucchi (not seen). GERMANY. Biology. Reared from Phytomyza obscurella Fln. on Aegopodium (Delucchi, 1955 : 70). This appears to be a valid species. From the description it might come near the species I have assigned to the genus Glyphognathus. 216 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Gitognathus gibberosus Delucchi Gitognathus gibberosus Delucchi, 1955 : 68, 71, 9. Type material. Type 2 (Hungary, locality not stated) in Hungarian National Museum, Budapest (not seen). HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown. Gitognathus kerrichi (Delucchi) Lamprotatus kervicht Delucchi, 1953a : 203-204, 9. Gitognathus kerrichi, Delucchi, 1955 : 68, 74, 9. Type material. Type 9 (locality unknown) in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). Distribution and biology unknown. STICTOMISCHUS Thomson Stictomischus Thomson, 1876a : 220, 234. Type-species : S. scaposus Thomson, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 278. Stictomischus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1go09g : 291, 296. Stictomischus Thomson ; Delucchi, 1955 : 6, 75-90. Stictomischus Thomson ; Kamijo, 1960 : 28-37. Stictomischus Thomson ; Peck et al., 1964 : 38. Key To NORTH-WEST EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Antennal clava with micropilosity extending over the whole length of its second and third segments, and on to the distal half of the first segment. Scutellar frenum shiny, with some longitudinal carinulae, otherwise often nearly smooth. Postspiracular sclerite : oblique carina weak and irregular, or sometimes absent. Fore wing with stigma longer than high, moderate- sized ; wing without a speculum, or with an isolated bare spot below the parastigma. Both mandibles with four teeth . obscurus (Walker) (p. 224) — Antennal clava with micropilosity either present on third segment only, or else extending at most some way along the second segment as well. Scutellar frenum finely reticulate, with or without longitudinal carinulae. Post- spiracular sclerite : oblique carina often strong and sharp. Fore wing with stigma sometimes differently shaped, or large ; wing never with an isolated bare spot below the parastigma, though most often with a narrow bare line just outside the basal vein. Left mandible sometimes with three teeth . 2 2 (1) Gaster 2-3 to 3 times as long as broad ; fully as long as, or slightly longer than, head plus thorax ; basal tergite occupying at most one third of the total length ; petiole 1-2 to 1-6 times as broad as long, subcordiform. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum hardly greater than breadth of head ; sixth funicular segment quadrate or slightly transverse. Head and thorax black with a very weak bluish or bronze tinge ; antennal scape at least mainly testaceous : é : : : longiventris Thomson (p. 220) PITEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Fics. 167-175. antenna ; 167, Glyphognathus umbelliferae Graham, g, antenna; 168, same, 9, 169, same, 9, body, excluding appendages ; 170, same, 9, clypeus ; 171, Stictomischus scaposus Thomson, 9, gastral petiole ; 172, Stictomischus lampyosomus sp. n., 9, antenna ; 173, Stictomischus tumidus (Walker), J, head ; 174, Stictomischus gibbus (Walker), J, head ; 175, Stictomischus lamprosomus sp. n., g, head. 217 218 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Gaster at most twice as long as broad, not or hardly longer than the thorax ; if as much as twice as long as broad, then basal tergite occupying nearly or quite half the total length, and petiole not transverse. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-15 to 1-5 times breadth of head ; sixth funicular segment usually longer than broad, rarely quadrate. Head and thorax varying from bronze-green through green to violet-blue. Gastral petiole usually as long as or longer than broad, only occasionally transverse. é 3 Both mandibles with four teeth. Antenna with first funicular segment not or hardly longer than the pedicellus, the latter (in dorsal view) 1-6 to 1-7 times as long as broad ; scape entirely blackish, or at most pale at the extreme base. POL slightly greater than OOL. Gastral petiole 1-7 to 2 times as long as broad, its sides virtually parallel. Small species, 2-2 mm. or less ; legs relatively dark, the tibiae usually more or less infuscate, sometimes almost entirely so. Gaster shorter than thorax, 1-1 to 1-5 times as long as broad. Stigma of fore wing nearly as high as long, tending to be sub- circular or subrectangular in shape ‘ : . tumidus (Walker) (p. 221) Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. Antenna with first funicular segment distinctly longer than the pedicellus, the latter usually less than 1-6 times as long as broad ; scape at least broadly pale at base, sometimes wholly pale. POL about equal to, or even a little less than, OOL. Species often larger ; tibiae often wholly pale, rarely heavily infuscate. Gaster sometimes rather longer. Stigma of fore wing sometimes differently shaped 4 Gastral petiole (Text-fig. 171) with the main, sculptured portion raised above the basal stalk, and bounded anteriorly by an arcuate crest. Large species, 2:7 to 3:6 mm. Stigma of fore wing at least slightly longer than high, tending to be subtriangular in shape. Scutellar frenum more coarsely sculptured than the rest and usually with some longitudinal carinulae scaposus Thomson (p. 220) Gastral petiole with the main, sculptured portion not bounded anteriorly by a raised crest. Species sometimes ee smaller, or with stigma differ- ently shaped ; : 5 Gastral petiole about twice as fone as Broad! roaehiae to level ae tips a hind coxae. Thorax only moderately arched dorsally ; metanotum and propodeum sloping at an angle of 45° or less relative to the plane of the mesoscutum and scutellum ; propodeum medially weakly sculptured and shiny. Antenna (Text-fig. 172) with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1:5 times breadth of head ; funicular segments relatively long (the first 2 to 2:2, the sixth 1-6 to 1-75 times, as long as broad) lamprosomus sp. n. (p. 222) Gastral petiole at most 1-7 times as long as broad, at least not quite reaching the level of the tips of the hind coxae. Thorax more strongly arched dorsally ; metanotum and propodeum sloping more steeply. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-15 to 1-25 times breadth of head ; funicular segments relatively shorter (the first 1-6 to 1-9, the sixth 1 to 1-5 times, as long as broad) : : 6 Fore wing with stigma fully as high as long, fendline to be squnesengules or subcircular in shape. Large species, 2:7 to 3:2 mm. Scutellar frenum reticulate, without evident longitudinalcarinulae . gibbus (Walker) (p. 220) Fore wing with stigma at least slightly longer than high, often more sub- triangular in shape. Smaller species, at most 2-5 mm. Scutellar frenum less uniformly sculptured, most often with some longitudinal carinulae as well as reticulation . i : : . groschkei Delucchi agg. (p. 221) (3) (5) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE (MALEs) Scutellar frenum shiny, with some longitudinal carinulae, but otherwise weakly reticulate or nearly smooth. Postspiracular sclerite with oblique carina weak and irregular, or absent. Fore wing with stigma longer than high, moderate-sized ; no bare line just outside the basal vein, but sometimes an isolated bare spot a little below the parastigma. Both mandibles with four teeth Scutellar frenum not very shiny, finely reticulate, ) or valent Tonpiendinal carinulae. Postspiracular sclerite with oblique carina usually strong and sharp. Fore wing with stigma sometimes as high as long, sometimes large ; often a bare line just outside the basal vein, but no isolated bare spot below the parastigma. Left mandible with three teeth except in tumidus, which has a very sharp oblique carina on the postspiracular sclerite F All femora, tibiae, and tarsi except their tips, yellow. Mesoscutum mainly with delicate engraved sculpture. Sculptured part of gastral petiole somewhat broader than long : : : lesches (Walker) (p. Femora infuscate at least proximally. Mesoscutum, at least mainly, with scaly-reticulate sculpture which is slightly raised above the general surface. Sculptured part of gastral petiole as long as or longer than broad obscurus (Walker) (p. Gastral petiole with the main, sculptured portion raised above the basal stalk, and bounded anteriorly by an arcuate crest. Antennal scape at least mainly testaceous. Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. Hairs of flagellum standing out only slightly scaposus Thomson (p. 2: Gastral petiole with the main, sculptured part not delimited anteriorly by a crest. Antennal scape at most broadly testaceous basally POL slightly greater than OOL ; head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 173) only 2:2 to 2:25 times as broad as long, with temples rounded posteriorly. Both mandibles with four teeth. Antenna with hairs of flagellum standing out at an angle of about 45°. Small species, not more than 2:2 mm., with relatively dark legs. Fore “ia with stigma tending to be subcircular or subrectangular . : ; . tumidus (Walker) (p. POL about equal too, or even a little less than, OOL ; head in dorsal view (Text-figs. 174, 175) rather more transverse, or with the temples rather more prominent. Left mandible with three teeth, right with four. Species sometimes with hairs of flagellum standing out less strongly, or larger, or with stigma differently shaped Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum aeoae Ti 75 times breadth of head ; hairs of flagellum standing out at an angle of about 45° scape slightly expanded above its middle, its outer surface with a shiny boss which extends nearly half way down. Large species, 2:5 to 3:3 mm. Thorax not strongly arched dorsally ; metanotum and propodeum sloping at an angle of about 45° relative to the plane of the mesoscutum and scutellum. Propodeum shiny medially, on either side of the median carina lamprosomus sp. n. (p. Antenna with either combined length of pedicellus and flagellum at most 1-6 times breadth of head ; or hairs of flagellum standing out only slightly, and size at most 2:3 mm. Thorax usually more strongly arched ea with metanotum and propodeum sloping at a steeper angle Fore wing with stigma fully as high as long, tending to be sueeniae or subrectangular in shape. Large species, 2:7 to 3:2 mm. Scutellar frenum reticulate, without any obvious longitudinal carinulae. Antenna with 219 221) 222) 220 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM scape slightly expanded above the middle, its outer surface with a shiny boss which extends fully half way down ; hairs of flagellum standing out only very slightly. Head, Text-fig. 174 F gibbus (Walker) (p. 220) - Fore wing with stigma at [ease slightly longer than high, often tending to be subtriangularinshape. Smaller species,atmost2:5mm. Scutellar frenum less uniformly sculptured and often with some distinct longitudinal carinulae 7 7 (6) Antenna with hairs of flagellum standing out at angle of about 45° ; external surface of scape with a relatively indistinct boss which extends less than half way down. Gastral petiole at most about 1:5 times as long as broad. Fore wing with speculum represented by a (sometimes narrow) bare line just outside the basal vein ; stigma tending to be subtriangular in shape groschkei Delucchi (p. 221) - Antenna with hairs of flagellum standing out only slightly ; external surface of scape with a distinct boss which extends about half-way down. Gastral petiole 1-6 to 2 times as long as broad. Fore wing with speculum absent ; stigma subrectangular in shape . : : . ?miniatus Delucchi (p. 225) Stictomischus longiventris Thomson Stictomischus longiventvis Thomson, 1876a : 237, 9. Stictomischus longiventris Thomson ; Delucchi, 1955 : 77, 79, 81, 9. Type material. There are 8 specimens in Thomson’s collection but only one bears the correct locality-data. This specimen is designated LECTOTYPE ; it is labelled “Sm Bhn” [Smaland, Boheman] and (in Thomson’s handwriting) “ longiven=tris Ths’. The male is unknown. SWEDEN, GERMANY ; ? AUSTRIA. Biology. Unknown. Stictomischus scaposus Thomson Stictomischus scaposus Thomson, 1876a : 235, 5 . Stictomischus scaposus Thomson ; Delucchi, 1955 : 78, 86-88, 5 9. Syntypes, 5 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “Scan camp” and “scaposus Ths ’’. Thomson published no locality for scaposus but in his own hand- copy of his ‘“‘ Hymenoptera Scandinaviae’”’ he wrote against scaposus a pencilled note : “ Sallsynt, funnen i Skane vid Lindholmen Yddinge och in Smaland ”’. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, RuMANIA, U.S.S.R. Not uncommon in the British Isles ; I sweep it most often from foliage of bracken (Pterrdium aquilinum L.). Biology. Reared in England as parasite of Phytobia (=Dizygomyza) hilarella (Zett.) (R. R. Askew) ; this fly mines the fronds of Pterzdiwm and other ferns. Stictomischus gibbus (Walker) Miscogaster gibba Walker, 1833 : 459, 9. Chrysolampus sublaevis Forster, 1841 : 37, 3. PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W: EUROPE 221 Chrysolampus phyllochlorus Forster, 1841 : 37, 2. Stictomischus pleuralis Thomson, 1876a : 236, 9. Stictomischus gibbus (Walker) ; Delucchi, 1955 : 77, 81-83, 3 9. Type material. Muscogaster gibba Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE (but possibly holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. Stictomischus pleuralis Thomson. Syntypes, 4 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “‘ Sthm ” [Stockholm] and “ pleuralis Ths ”’. Chrysolampus sublaevis Forster and Ch. phyllochlorus Forster were placed in synonymy with gibbus (Walker) by Delucchi (1955 : 81). I have not seen the types of Foérster’s species but accept Delucchi’s opinion. BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; rather uncommon. Biology. Recorded from Sweden as a parasite of Amaurosoma flavipes (F ln.) and A. armillatum Zett. (Dipt., Scatophagidae) (Secrétariat, etc., 1957 : 321, 330). Otten (1942 : 226) recorded Stitomischus pleuralis Thomson from Germany as a parasite of Chylizisoma vittata Mg. on Listera ovata L., but I agree with Delucchi who considered (1955 : 83) that Otten’s determination of the parasite was probably wrong. Imagines June—July. Stictomischus tumidus (Walker) Miscogaster tumida Walker, 1833 : 463, 9. Stictomischus rugicollis Thomson, 1876a : 236, 5 2, syn. n. [nec Delucchi, 1955]. Stictomischus tumidus (Walker) Delucchi, 1955 : 78, 84-85, 5 9. Type material. Muscogaster tumida Walker. A male and a female stand under this name. The female is designated LECTOTYPE ; it bears a Waterhouse label, also one in C, Ferriére’s handwriting “‘ Type CF ”’. Stictonuschus rugicolis Thomson. Syntypes, 8 specimens. The only type localities which Thomson specifically mentions are Tvedora, Bastad, and Lund. A female labelled ‘‘ Ld 8/6” and “ L-d”’ [Lund] is designated LECTOTYPE. Delucchi (1955 : 88) treated rugicollis as a distinct species. However, the only specimen in Thomson’s collection which agrees with Delucchi’s description of supposed rugicollis is the first in the series ; it was taken at Ringsj6 and therefore cannot be the type, moreover it disagrees with Thomson’s description, which Delucchi can hardly have consulted. Delucchi’s supposed rugicollis is evidently very near, and might be the same as, groschkei Del. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Rather uncommon ; in England I have swept it from the foliage of Quercus robur and Q. petraea. Biology. Unknown. Imagines captured in May, July and August. Stictomischus ? groschkei Delucchi ? Stictomischus groschkei Delucchi, 19534 : 212, 3 2. ? Stictomischus groschkei Delucchi, 1955 : 78, 83, 4 9. Type material (not seen). Type 9, from material reared from Phytomyza 222) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM aconitophila Hendel, Preisberg near Berchtesgaden, Germany (Ff. Groschke), in coll. Delucchi. ? BRITAIN ; GERMANY. Delucchi’s original host-record was Phytomyza aconitophila Hend. on Aconitum. The British specimens presumed to be groschker were reared from Agromyza spivaeae Kalt. on Filipendula ulmaria (L.), Phytomyza sphondylivora Spencer, and Calycomyza artenisiae (Kalt.) on Eupatorium cannabinum L. (G. C. D. Griffiths) ; materialin BM(NH)). Imagines June—August. Stictomischus lamprosomus sp. n. (Text-figs. 172, 175) 9. Body green, more or less tinged with golden in places, especially on the vertex and the sides of the mesoscutum. Mandibles reddish to brown, with fuscous teeth and base. Antennal scape testaceous, its tip fuscous ; pedicellus and flagellum blackish. Coxae concolorous with the body ; rest of legs testaceous, with the fore femora broadly banded with blackish medially, the mid and hind femora slightly brownish medially in one specimen, the fifth segment of the mid and hind tarsi and the pretarsi of all the legs, brown. Tegulae blackish with a metallic gloss. Wings subhyaline ; venation brownish, with the submarginal vein, parastigma and stigma fuscous. Length 3 to 3-2 mm. Head about 1-25 times the breadth of the mesoscutum ; in dorsal view about 2-25 times as broad as long with temples converging rather strongly behind the eyes, and from hardly one fifth to nearly one quarter the length of the eyes, POL approximately equal to OOL ; head in front view subtrapeziform with the genae converging in straight lines towards the mouth ; eyes separated by about 1-35 times their length, their inner orbits virtually parallel ; malar space virtually one third the length of an eye ; breadth of oral fossa three times the malar space ; clypeus shiny, nearly smooth, its anterior margin deeply incised medially, with a double tooth on the left side and a large single tooth on the right side of the incision, the clypeus above the incision with a median depression ; mandibles rather large, their lower margin sinuate, the left with three and the right with four teeth, the outer tooth of each acute, the inner one truncate, the intervening ones subobtuse ; the head apart from the clypeus is very finely reticulate, the sculpture slightly raised above the surface ; antennal toruli separated from eyes by about 1-5 times their distance apart. Antennae (Text-fig. 172) inserted well above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape short, its length somewhat more than half the length, and less than the transverse diameter of an eye, not reaching the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-5 times the breadth of the head ; pedicellus in profile barely 1-5 times as long as broad, about half the length of the first funicular segment ; funicle slender, proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus, filiform or even tapering very slightly distad, its first segment 2 to 2:2 times, the sixth 1-6 to 1-75 times, as long as broad ; the funicular seg- ments are distinctly separated from each other while each is a little swollen proximally and tapers slightly distad ; clava hardly broader than the sixth funicular segment, slightly more than three times as long as broad, its length about equal to that of the two preceding funicular segments together, its first segment distinctly elongate and somewhat less than half the total length of the clava ; there is a patch of micropilosity on the third claval segment, and a few hairs of the same type on the distal part of the second segment ; sensilla numerous, relatively short, arranged in three irregular rows on each funicular segment, and in two rows on each claval segment. Thorax about 1°8 times as long as broad, therefore relatively elongate for the genus, only moderately arched dorsally, the dorsellum and propodeum sloping at an angle of about 45° to the tangential plane of the mesoscutum and scutellum. Pronotum narrowing forwards, not PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 223 prominent at the shoulders. Mesoscutum about 1-6 times as broad as long, somewhat glittering, with very fine slightly raised scaly-reticulation, and with numerous hairs which arise from minute tubercles ; mid and side lobes convex, notauli deeply impressed ; hind margin of mesoscutum strongly sinuate. Scutellum only moderately convex, slightly longer than broad, slightly shorter than the mesoscutum, separated from the latter by a broad sculptured depression, with very fine engraved reticulation, with a short median longitudinal groove at the base ; frenum marked off by a distinct line, sculptured much like the rest of the scutellum but with in addition some longitudinal costulae. Dorsellum large, only about twice as broad as long, slightly shorter than the frenum, shiny and nearly smooth. Propodeum not strongly transverse, long, medially about two thirds as long as the scutellum, its sides converging posteriorly, the nuchal area distinctly produced backwards beyond the bases of the hind coxae ; area between the spiracles nearly smooth medially, alutaceous laterally ; median carina fine, complete (in one specimen, double), plicae sharp over hinder half of the sclerite ; along the base of the propodeum there are several short longitudinal costulae ; nucha a convex, almost semicircular, polished boss ; spiracles subcircular, separated by slightly less than their diameter from the metanotum ; spiracular sulci strongly impressed, punctate ; supracoxal flanges broad, oblique but only slightly curved ; callus with numerous bristles ; also several bristles between each plica and the corresponding spiracular sulcus. Metapleuron and mesepimeron with fine, slightly raised reticulation, the mesepimeron marked off anteriorly by a curved punctate line. Postspiracular sclerite finely reticulate, its lateral panel, marked off by a strong oblique carina, forming a shiny, nearly smooth, and almost equilateral triangle. Fore wing with costal cell (lower surface) with scattered hairs which are more numerous distad, upper surface with two to three rows of hairs in the distal half ; basal cell hairy except for a longitudinal strip in its lower half ; basal vein pigmented except in its upper third ; speculum absent on both surfaces of the wing : marginal vein about 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein about 1-25 times as long as the marginal ; stigmal vein curved, stigma large, separated by only about 1-5 times its height from the costal edge of wing, slightly longer than high, subtrapeziform (slightly higher basally than apically). Petiole of gaster about as long as the propodeum and reaching level with the tips of the hind coxae, 1-8 to 2 times as long as broad, with very fine but raised reticulation, its sides subparallel except in the proximal quarter where they converge to the junction with the propodeum. Gaster ovate, convex dorsally and ventrally, slightly shorter than the thorax, about 1-7 times as long as broad ; basal tergite occupying somewhat less than half the total length, its hind margin entire but strongly curved ; tip of hypopygium situated about half way along the gaster. 6. Differs from the female as follows : Antennal scape black with a metallic tinge. All femora blackish medially (the mid pair only beneath). Antennal scape slightly shorter, 2-7 to 2:9 times as long as broad, narrowest proxi- mally and expanding slightly distad, its outer surface with a small shiny boss in the upper half, otherwise alutaceous ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-75 to 1-8 times the breadth of the head ; funicular segments more elongate, the first about three times as long as broad and about 2-5 times the length of the pedicellus, the sixth about 2:5 times as long as broad ; clava 4°3 to 4:6 times as long as broad, more pointed apically, a little shorter than the two preceding funicular segments together ; hairs of flagellum longer, their length nearly two thirds the breadth of the segments which bear them, and standing out at an angle of about 45° ; sensilla sparser. Gastral petiole with its sides slightly curved. Gaster narrower than the thorax, widening gradually from its base to near the apex, which is + obtuse ; basal tergite occupying half or rather more than half the total length, its hind margin nearly straight. The combination of long and slender flagellum, elongate and not strongly arched thorax, shiny propodeum, and elongate petiole, makes this a very distinct species. In the general shape of the thorax, the deep notauli, and the flagellum, it somewhat resembles obscurus _ (Walker), but it differs from it greatly in other respects. Neither is it at all near any of the : other European species. It is, however, evidently very close to the Japanese species elongatus 224 M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM described by Kamijo (1960 : 30). According to the description, the female of elongatus has the malar space slightly more than one quarter the length of an eye, whereas in lJamprosomus it is virtually one third ; the stigma of the fore wing in elongatus, according to Kamijo’s figure (1960, fig. 3B) is somewhat smaller than that of lamprosomus, being separated by about 1:8 times its height from the costal edge of the wing (in Jamprosomus by only about 1°5 times its height). In some other small details Jamprosomus does not quite fit the description of elongatus and there- fore I presume it to be a valid species. I have not had an opportunity of examining the type of elongatus. Holotype 9. ENGLAND: Berkshire, Cothill, 19.v.1957 (Graham), in the Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. SCOTLAND: Wester Ross, Arisaig, Sunisletter, 1 g, I 9, 2.vil.1961, swept in a marshy place near a small wood composed of oak, birch and sallow (Salix aurita L.) ; I 4, 5.vil.19g61, beaten either from Betula or Salix aurita near Kinloid farm (Graham), in the author’s collection. Biology. Unknown. Stictomischus obscurus (Walker) Miscogaster obscura Walker, 1833 : 459, 3 8. Miscogaster obscuripennis Walker, 1833 : 460, 3 8. Miscogaster chrysochlova Walker, 1833 : 461, 3 9. Chrysolampus splendens Forster, 1841 : 37, 9. Chrysolampus subquadratus Forster, 1841 : 37, 2. Lamprotatus Mallius Walker, 1848 : 111, 166, 3. Stictomischus obscurus (Walker) Delucchi, 1955 : 79, 89-90, ¢ 8. Type material. Miscogaster obscura Walker. Of the specimens standing under this name only 5 appear to be original material. One of these, a female bearing a Waterhouse label, is designated LECTOTY PE. Miscogaster obscuripennis Walker. Syntypes, 3 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female bearing a Waterhouse label, also one in C. Ferriére’s handwriting “ Type CR: Miscogaster chrysochlora Walker. Syntypes, 3 specimens. LECTOTYPE, the first, a female with Waterhouse label, also one in C. Ferriére’s handwriting ““ Type CH. Lamprotatus mallius Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. I have not seen the types of Chrysolampus splendens Forster and Ch. subquadratus Forster but accept Delucchi’s synonymy (Delucchi, 1955 : 89). BRITAIN, IRELAND, FRANCE, SWEDEN, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, U.S.S.R. Common in Britain. Biology. Cameron (1935 : 299) recorded having reared obscurus from puparia of Pegohylemytia seneciella Meade (Dipt., Anthomylidae) in capitula of Senecio jacobaea L. in Britain ; the specimens have not been seen, and confirmation of the record is desirable. Imagines appear June—July. : : : | | | | PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 225 Stictomischus lesches (Walker) comb. n. Lamprotatus Lesches Walker, 1844a : 336, 3. Syntypes, 2g. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen (Type Hym. 5. 799a), bearing a Waterhouse label. This is very close to obscurus (Walker) but differs from all the specimens of that species which I have seen in the characters given in my key. No material other than the types has been seen. Norway, Alten (type-locality) ; taken by F. Walker [during his visit in the summer of 1836]. Biology. Unknown. Stictomischus cumatilis Delucchi Stictomischus cumatilis Delucchi, 1953a@ : 210-211, 9. Stictomischus cumatilis Delucchi, 1955 : 77, 81, 9. Type material. Type (? holotype) 9, Austria, Boheimkirchen, 1910 (J. Fahringer), in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). AUSTRIA. Biology. Parasite of a mining Dipteron on Aruncus silvestey Kostel (Delucchi, 1953a@ : 211). Stictomischus maculatus Delucchi Stictomischus maculatus Delucchi, 1953a : 213-214, 9. Stictomischus maculatus Delucchi, 1955 : 77, 81, 9. Type material. Type (? holotype) 9, Austria, neighbourhood of Vienna, viii.1g19 (J. Fahringer), in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). AUSTRIA. Biology. Parasite of Phytomyza angelicae Kalt. (Delucchi, 1953a : 214). Stictomischus miniatus Delucchi Stictomischus miniatus Delucchi, 19534 : 214, 9. Stictomischus miniatus Delucchi, 1955 : 78, 83, 9. Type material. Type @ (locality unknown) in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). GERMANY. Biology. Reared in Germany from Phytomyza actaeae Hendel on Actaea (F. Groschke) ; the type female also from a mining Dipteron on Actaea (probably the host cited above). 2206 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Stictomischus nitentis Delucchi Stictomischus nitentis Delucchi, 1955 : 90, g. Type material. Type (? holotype) g, Germany, Wolfratshausen, I9.vil.19g51 (F. Groschke), in coll. Delucchi (not seen). GERMANY. Biology. Parasite of Chylizosoma [= Parallelomma] sp. (Dipt., Scatophagidae) on Majanthemum (Delucchi, 1955 : 90). MISCOGASTER Walker Miscogasteyr Walker, 1833 : 371, 458. Type-species : M. hortensis Walker, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 278, 381. Mischogaster Walker ; Thomson, 1876a : 220, 239 [invalid emendation]. Miscogaster Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 278, 279. Miscogaster Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 291, 295, [ev parte]. Miscogaster Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 244-245. Miscogaster Walker ; Delucchi, 1953a : 214-215. Miscogaster Walker ; Delucchi, 1955 : 7, 55-59. Miscogastey Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 38. Delucchi’s account of Miscogaster (1955) is unsatisfactory. He misinterpreted M. elegans Walker (hence the synonymy which he listed under that species is incorrect) ; and in his key to the species (1955 : 56) he used some characters which are variable and not reliable (shape of gastral petiole, pilosity of antennal clava, plicae of propodeum). I have constructed a new key based on a study of the types of the species involved and of much British and foreign material compared with the types. Some of the species are not easy to distinguish ; I believe that others, as yet undescribed, exist on the Continent of Europe. KeEy TO SPECIES (FEMALES) I Antennal scape not reaching the median ocellus, its length only slightly greater than half that of an eye, and distinctly less than the transverse diameter of aneye. All tibiae, trochanters, and femora testaceous elegans Walker (p. 228) Antennal scape reaching at least to the level of the lower edge of the median ocellus, its length about two thirds that of an eye, and from nearly as great, to slightly greater than, the transverse diameter of an eye. In most specimens at least the mid tibiae have a dark spot at their tips, or else the tibiae are more extensively infuscate ; femora and trochanters sometimes more or less infuscate . : ‘ : : : é : : : 2 2 (1) Antenna (Text-fig. 176) with first funicular segment 2 to 2:3 times as long as broad, and 1-6 to 1-9 times as long as the pedicellus ; sixth segment 1-6 to 2 times as long as broad ; clava slightly shorter than, or at most as long as, funicular segments five plus six; flagellum virtually filiform ; only the second and third segments of the clava with micropilosity. Eye 3-5 to 4-4 times as long as malar space. Large species, 2:2 to 3 mm. rufipes Walker (p. 230) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 227 Antennae (Text-figs. 177, 178): either the funicular segments are relatively shorter, the first 1-61 to 1-85 times, sixth 1-3 to 1:5 times, as long as broad, and the clava is at least slightly longer than funicular segments five plus six ; oy the first funicular segment is at most 1-4 times as long as the pedicellus. Flagellum often slightly clavate. Micropilosity of clava usually extending at least a little way on to the first segment. Species often smaller (length 1-6 to 2-5 mm.) . F : : : : 5 é (2) Legs relatively stouter, especially the hind femora which, excluding the trochantellus, are only 3:8 to 4:5 times as long as broad. Antennal flagel- lum (Text-fig. 177) relatively stouter, proximally slightly broader than the pedicellus in profile. Gastral petiole tending to be short (1-5 to 1-8 times as long as broad). Body almost always bright green or blue-green hortensis Walker (p. 230) Legs relatively more slender, especially the hind femora which, excluding trochantellus, are about five times as long as broad. Antennal flagellum (Text-fig. 178) relatively more slender, proximally not or hardly stouter than the pedicellus in profile. Gastral petiole tending to be relatively longer. Body varying from bright green or blue to dull bronze maculata Walker (p. 231) Fics. 176-178. Miscogastey spp., 9, antennae. 176, vufipes Walker ; 177, hortensis Walker ; 178, maculata Walker. 228 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM (MaLEs) I Antennal flagellum (Text-fig. 179) noticeably hairy, its hairs standing out at an angle of about 45° and relatively long ; scape not expanded distally, about three times as long as broad, hardly more than half as long as an eye, its external surface wholly reticulate. Legs (except coxae) yellowish testace- ous, with the fifth tarsal segment usually fuscous, occasionally segments two to four of the hind tarsi dusky above. Eye rather more than four times as long as malar space : 5 elegans Walker (p. 228) - Antennal flagellum (Text-figs. 180- 182) oe Sees hairy, its hairs sub- adpressed (or at most a few of them outstanding) and relatively short ; scape sometimes expanded distally, distinctly more than half as long as an eye, its outer surface with at least a small smooth boss at the distal end. At least the mid tibiae slightly infuscate at their tips ; mid tarsi blackish with at most their first segment pale ; sometimes the hind tibiae, the tarsi, and the femora, are more or less infuscate 2 2 (1) Antennal scape (Text-figs. 180, 181) strongly Sqeneed in is digel half, cle 2 to 2:6 times as long as broad, the smooth boss on the outer surface extend- ing at least half way down the scape. 3 — Antennal scape (Text-fig. 182) only slightly sounded distally, ‘the smooth boss extending at least slightly less than half way down . 4 3. (2) Eye 4-1 to 6 times as long as the malar space. Mid tarsi black with only the proximal half to two thirds of their first segment pale or whitish-testaceous. Segments of antennal funicle often with four rows of sensilla (Text-fig. 180) rufipes Walker (p. 230) - Eye 3-1 to 3-4 times as long as the malar space. Mid tarsi black with their first segment wholly or mainly testaceous. ee of antennal funicle with three rows of sensilla (Text-fig. 181) : . Sp. indet. 4 (2) Hind femora, excluding trochantellus, stout, hardly more fiend fou times as long as broad. Antennal flagellum (Text-fig. 182) relatively stouter ; funicular segments shorter, the first hardly or only just twice as long as broad, the middle segments 2 to 2:25 times as long as broad hortensis Walker (p. 230) - Hind femora more slender, excluding the trochantellus, 4:8 to 5-7 times as long as broad. Antennal flagellum relatively more slender ; funicular segments longer, the first 2:2 to 2:25 times as long as broad, the middle segments 2:5 to 2:8 times as long as broad. . maculata Walker (p. 231) Miscogaster elegans Walker Miscogaster elegans Walker, 1833 : 459, 3 Q. ? Chrysolampus punctigey Nees, 1834 : 131, 9. Lamprotatus Helenorv Walker, 1846a : 111, g, Syn. n. Miscogaster gracilipes Thomson, 1876a : 239, 9 [ex parte]. ? Stictomischus discedens Otten, 1942 : 227, pl. 4, figs. 3, 4, 9. Type material. Miscogaster elegans Walker. Syntypes, 5 specimens. LECTO- TYPE 9, the second in the series, bearing a Waterhouse label. Chrysolampus punctiger Nees. Types destroyed. Lamprotatus helenor Walker. One male, which has the gastral petiole abnormally short (teratological) ; Walker is hardly likely to have had more than one specimen showing such an abnormality, therefore this male is presumed to be the holotype. —————— PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Miscogaster spp., d, antennae. 179, elegans Walker ; 180, rufipes Fics. 179-182. ; 181, sp. indet. ; 182. hortensis Walker. Walker 230 M. W. R. pbE V. GRAHAM Stictomischus discedens Otten. Types not seen ; it seems possible that the species might be a form of elegans. Otten’s material was reared from a Dipterous mine on Pulmonania sp. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, CENTRAL EuROPE. Common in Britain. Biology. Chiefly a parasite of Agromyza reptans Fln. on Urtica dioica L. ; but also parasitizes A. anthracina Mg. on the same plant ; Phytomyza symphyti Hend. on Symphytum officinale L. ; and Phytobia labiatarum (Hend.) on Teucrium scorodonia L. (British records, material bred by G. C. D. Griffiths and K. A. Spencer). Imagines May—June and Sept.—Nov. Miscogaster rufipes Walker Miscogaster vufipes Walker, 1833 : 459, 3 9. Miscogaster gracilipes Thomson, 1876a : 239, [ex parte (g)]. ? Miscogastey fulgens Delucchi, 1953a : 214, 4 Q. Miscogaster rvufipes Walker ; Boutéek, 1965¢ : 7. Type material. Muiscogaster rufipes Walker. Syntypes,19,2¢. LECTOTYPE, the female specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label and another in Ch. Ferriére’s handwriting “ Type C.F.”’. Miscogaster gracilipes Thomson. Thomson’s description of the male (1876 : 240) applies well to the male of rvufipes Walker and there is a male of this in his series. Miscogaster fulgens Delucchi. Type, Germany, Mindelheim, I0.v.1952, from Agromyza reptans FIn. (Groschke) in coll. Delucchi (not seen by the writer). From the description it may well be the same as rufipes Walker. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, ? Germany. Biology. In Britain this species has been reared from Agromyza reptans Fln. on Urtica dioica L. ; also from A. rufipes Mg. on Echium vulgare L., Cynoglossum officinale L., Borago officinalis L., Lycopsis arvensis L., and Myosotis sp. ; and from Phytomyza symphyti Hend. on Symphytum officinale L. (G. C. D. Griffiths and A. H. Hamm) ; material in BM(NH), and Hope Dept., Oxford. On 28.vi.1959 I observed females ovipositing in mines of Phytomyza atricornis Mg. (agg.) in leaves of Echiwm vulgare L. in my garden ; females were also seen on the leaves in July. Imagines (in Britain) May—July and Sept.—Nov. Miscogaster hortensis Walker Miscogaster hortensis Walker, 1833 : 460, g @. Miscogaster gracilipes Thomson, 1876a : 239, 9 [ex parte (lectotype)], syn. n. Type material. Mzscogaster hortensis Walker. Syntypes, 4 specimens. LECTO- TYPE, a female bearing a Waterhouse label, also one in C. Ferriére’s handwriting ~ bypeChr 2 Miscogaster gracilipes Thomson. Syntypes on 28 pins, a mixed series containing specimens of elegans Walker, rufipes Walker, hortensis Walker and maculata Walker. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 230 I found it rather difficult to select a lectotype that agreed with all points of Thomson’s description ; on the whole the female standing tenth in the series fits best and I designate it LECTOTYPE. It is a female hortensis. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. In Britain this species seems to be most common in open habitats (rough pastures, downland, etc.). Biology. A female bred in England from Agvomyza genistae Hendel (G. C. D. Griffiths), seems to be hortensis. Imagines appear in the field June-August. Note. Miscogaster lucens Delucchi (1953a : 215, 9), which was described from material (number of specimens not stated) taken probably in Sweden, appears to be very near hortensis Walker ; I have specimens of the latter from Scotland which much resemble /ucens in the shape of the gastral petiole, which is said to be character- istic of Jucens. However, I have not seen the type of /ucens (in’ Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna) and in view of the difficulty of distinguishing the females of some Miscogaster species, I hesitate to synonymize it with hortensis. Miscogaster maculata Walker Miscogaster maculata Walker, 1833 : 459, 4 . Miscogaster fuscipennis Walker, 1833 : 459, ¢ 2, Syn. n. Miscogaster notata Walker, 1833 : 459, dg, Syn. n. ? Miscogaster maculipes Walker, 1833 : 460, 9. Miscogaster Methymna Walker, 1848 : 111, 171, 6 2, Syn. n. Miscogaster elegans Delucchi, 1955 : 58-59, [ex parte, nec Walker, 1833]. Miscogaster maculata Walker ; Bouéek, 1965¢ : 7. Type material. Miscogaster maculata Walker. Syntypes, 7 specimens. LECTO- TYPE, a female bearing a rectangular label “ 1047’. Miscogaster fuscipennis Walker. Syntypes, 1 9,2¢. LECTOTYPE, the female, bearing a Waterhouse label, also one in C. Ferriére’s handwriting “ Type CF ”’. Miscogaster notata Walker. Syntypes, 5 specimens. LECTOTYPE, the first, a male bearing a Waterhouse label. Miscogaster maculipes Walker. The series of 5 specimens under this name are all males, whereas only the female was described. It seems likely that maculipes was the same as maculata, because there are three females of maculata (probably Walker specimens) in the old Hope-Westwood collection, labelled as maculipes by Walker himself. Miscogaster methymna Walker. Syntypes, I 9, 2g. LECTOTYPE, the female, bearing a Waterhouse label. BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; no doubt widely distributed in Europe. In the British Isles maculata is a very common species which occurs in a variety of habitats, both in woods and on open ground. Specimens tend to fall into two rather distinct colour- forms : one having the body greenish and the legs relatively paler, the other having the body bronze and the legs very dark. At one time I thought that two species might be involved, but the two forms may be taken together and intermediates occur. 232 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Biology. I have seen British material reared from many different Agromyzid hosts on a variety of host-plants, chiefly Scrophulariaceae. At least two genera- tions appear to occur during the year and the species may be captured in the field from April until November. In Britain maculata has been reared from the following hosts : Phytomyza ranunculi (Schr.) on Ranunculus acris L. ; Ph. petot Her. on Mentha sp. ; Ph. symphyti Hend. on Myosotis sp. ; Ph. fallaciosa Br. ; Napomyza glechomae (Kalt.) on Glechoma hederacea L. ; Phytobia (Dizygomyza) labiatarum Hend. on Stachys palustris L. and Lamium album L. (specimens reared by G. C. D. Griffiths and K. A. Spencer). A. H. Hamm reared specimens from Phytomyza ? milu Kalt. on grass and from Agromyza ? nigripes Mg. on Phragmites communis Trin. ; these records need confirmation. In Sweden, Jansson (1952 : 6, 7) records several hosts for ‘“‘ Miscogaster gracilipes Th.’’ ; these need to be checked in view of the fact that gracilipes is a species-complex. Imagines appear in Britain chiefly May—July and Sept.—Oct. Note. Stictomischus phytomyzae Ghesquiere (1949 : 566-568, figs. I, 2) appears from the description and figures to be a Miscogaster, perhaps near hortensis (Walker) or rufipes (Walker). The mandibles are described as “ tridentées ’’, but as the type specimens were mounted on microscope slides, the innermost tooth might have been concealed. Syntypes (not seen), 2 9, France, Seine, Bois de Clamart, 20.x.1897, parasites emerged 20.iv.1898 (P. Marchal), in Laboratoire d’Entomologie coloniale, Muséum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (mounted on a slide). The species was originally recorded (as S. phytomyzae Ashmead MS.) by Marchal (1900 : 106) as having been reared at Fontenay-aux-Roses from larvae of Phytomyza xylostet [Kalt.] on Lonicera xylostea. XESTOMNASTER Delucchi Xestomnastey Delucchi, 1955 : 7, 30. Type-species : Lamprotatus mirificus Delucchi, 1953, by original designation. Xestomnaster Delucchi ; Peck et al., 1964 : 39. KrEy TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (MALES AND FEMALES) 1 Fore wing with stigma small, separated by rather more than twice its height from the lower edge of the postmarginal vein ; marginal vein 1-8 to 1-85 times as long as the stigmal vein : . mazares (Walker) (p. 233) — Fore wing with stigma larger, scans by somewhat less than twice its height from the lower edge of the postmarginal vein ; marginal vein 1-27 to 1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein : : : : ‘ . chrysochlorus (Walker) (p. 232) Xestomnaster chrysochlorus (Walker) comb. n. Lamprotatus chrysochlorus (Haliday MS.) Walker, 1846 : 30, 90, ¢ 2 [nec Miscogaster chrysochlova Walker, 1833 : 461]. Lamprotatus mirificus Delucchi, 1953a : 205, 3 9, Syn. n. Lamprotatus parkeri Delucchi, 1953a : 206-207, 9, Syn. n. Lamprotatus smavagdus Delucchi, 1953a : 209, 9, syn. n. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 233 Xestomnastey mirificus Delucchi, 1955 : 32, 9. Xestomnastey smavagdus Delucchi, 1955 : 32, 9. Xestomnaster parkeri Delucchi, 1955 : 32, 9. Type material. Lamprotatus chrysochlorus Walker. In the BM(NH) there are 3 specimens under this name but they are clearly the syntypes of Miscogaster chrysochlora Walker, 1833 ; the two species-names evidently having been confused. In Haliday’s collection there is a female (No. 796) labelled “ chrysochlorus”’ ; it agrees with the description and is designated LECTOTYPE of Lamprotatus chrysochlorus Walker, 1846. The differences said by Delucchi (1955 : 32) to exist between his mirificus, parkert, and smavagdus do not work out consistently ; I believe these all represent forms of one species, chrysochlorus (Walker). BRITAIN, IRELAND, GERMANY. Not uncommon in Britain. Biology. Reared in Germany as parasite of Tvypeta zoe Mg. on Adenostyles (Delucchi, 1953a : 207) ; reared from Acidia cognata (Wied.) in England (A. dH. Hamm) ; and from a Dipteron (possibly Phytomyza atricornis Mg.) (R. R. Askew). Imagines chiefly June—July, occasionally also Sept.—Oct. Xestomnaster mazares (Walker) comb. n. Seladeyma Mazares Walker, 1844 : 337,64 9. Selaoderma Mazaves Walker ; Forster, 1856 : 67, 3. Sytypes, 1d,1 9. LECTOTYPE (Type Hym. 5. 793b). Norway, Alten (type locality) ; IRELAND (new record), South Kerry, Caragh Lake, I g, 17.1x.1953 (R. C. Faris). There is a female, without locality data (but probably from near Edinburgh or else Northumberland) in the Greville collection (Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh). Biology. Unknown. LAMPROTATUS Westwood Lamprotatus Westwood, 1833 : 121. Type-species : L. splendens Westwood, by monotypy. Lamprotatus Westwood ; Thomson, 1876a : 221, [ex parte]. Lamprotatus Westwood ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 291, 292-294, [ex parte]. Lamprotatus Westwood ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 244, [ex parte]. Lamprotatus Westwood ; Delucchi, 1955 : 7, 8-20. Lamprotatus Westwood ; Peck e# al., 1964 : 38. Kery TO NORTH-WEST EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALEs) I Antenna with length of flagellum, not counting the pedicellus, not or only just equal to breadth of head ; sixth funicular segment subquadrate or even very slightly transverse. Gastral petiole without, or with only a weak, transverse crest . : ; . : : 5 ; c ; : 2 234 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Antenna with length of flagellum, not counting the pedicellus, slightly to (usually) distinctly greater than breadth of head ; sixth funicular segment most often longer than broad. Gastral petiole often with a sharp trans- verse crest, which forms the front edge of its main sculptured portion . Gaster much shorter than thorax, 1 to 1-5 times as long as broad, obtuse apically ; basal tergite occupying half or slightly more than half the total length. Propodeum with spiracular sulci distinctly impressed, reaching as far as the supracoxal flanges. Antenna with third segment of clava very small, its length at most about one fifth that of the whole clava. Mandi- bular formula 3.4 3 : . picinervis Thomson (p. 240) Gaster not or only slightly Sree fhe the thorax, 1:5 to 2-15 times as long as broad, pointed apically ; basal tergite occupying at least slightly less than half the total length. Propodeum with spiracular sulci shallow and poorly- defined. Antenna with third segment of clava ee fully one as of the total length : Both mandibles with four teeth. pra podent with fedea carina preent gece lar or incomplete, sometimes straight and sharp ; panels of median area most often with some fine carinulae or rugosities as well as the reticulation brevicornis Thomson (p. 240) Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. Propodeum with median carina complete, straight and sharp ; panels of median area rela- tively uniformly reticulate, without or with few rugosities simillimus Delucchi (p. 241) Antenna with length of flagellum, not counting the pedicellus, only very slightly (1.05 times) greater than breadth of head ; sixth funicular segment quadrate or at most 1-2 times as long as broad, not or hardly longer than first segment of clava ; clava 2 to 2:5 times as long as broad, all its seg- ments closely compacted, the third segment occupying one fifth or less of the total length of the clava. Gastral petiole without a distinct anterior transverse crest, its main portion transversely aciculate picinervis Thomson (p. 240) Antenna with length of flagellum, not counting the pedicellus, 1-2 to 1-4 times the breadth of the head ; sixth funicular segment 1-5 to 1-8 times as long as broad, often distinctly longer than the first segment of the clava ; clava 3 to 3:5 times as long as broad, with a deep suture between at least its first and second segments, the third segment occupying one quarter to one third of the total length of the clava. Gastral petiole often with a distinct anterior transverse crest ; : : : : : Malar space fully one-third the jenn of an Vee. Legs extensively testaceous as in crassipes (q.v.), but femora less stout. Sculptured part of gastral petiole about twice as broad as long : - SpE Either (cvassipes) malar space about one quarter the legeth a an eye or slightly more, sculptured part of petiole at most 1-5 times as broad as long, and femora very stout ; or legs relatively darker : : : Mid femora pale, or with at most a small dark streak beneath ; fore femora pale, or with at most their proximal third dark ; femora stout, especially the hind ones, which are, excluding the trochantellus, only 3-2 to 3-5 times as long as broad. Sculptured part of gastral petiole varying from quadrate to 1-5 times as broad as long . Mid femora with at least a bold dark streak beneath ; fore femora with at least rather more than their proximal half dark ; hind femora less stout, excluding the trochantellus 3-7 to 5 times as long as broad. Sculptured part of petiole varying from quadrate to three times as broad as long indet. crassipes Thomson (p. 238) (6) (1) (4) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 235 Sculptured part of gastral petiole quadrate or at most very slightly transverse, slightly more than half as long as the propodeum ; its front edge with a sharp transverse carina. Mid femora more slender, excluding the trochan- tellus, about five times as long as broad. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-5 times breadth of head ; flagellum rather more slender than in splendens : é . annularis (Walker) (p. 237) Sculptured part of petiole 1-6 to 3 fines as broad as long, less than half as long as the propodeum ; its front edge sometimes with a sharp transverse carina, sometimes without. Mid femora rather stouter, excluding the trochan- tellus, 4 to 4:5 times as long as broad. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-3 to 1-4 times breadth of head ; flagellum rather stouter splendens Westwood (p. 238) (MALEs) Antenna (Text-fig. 184) with pedicellus longer than the scape, greatly swollen ; flagellum subclavate ; first funicular segment shorter and narrower than the second. Hind margin of basal tergite of gaster distinctly, that of the two following tergites slightly, emarginate in the middle pschorni Delucchi (p. 241) Antennae with pedicellus much shorter than the scape, not swollen ; flagellum filiform, or even tapering very slightly distad ; first funicular segment slightly longer than, and as broad as, the second. Hind margins of gastral tergites often entire . : : : : ; ‘ : : : 2 Antenna (Text-fig. 183) with flagellum with subdecumbent hairs ; clava relatively short, 2 to 2-8 times as long as broad ; scape about three times as long as broad, two thirds or slightly more than two thirds as long as an eye. Gastral petiole without a distinct anterior crest . picinervis Thomson (p. 240) Antennal flagellar hairs standing out at an angle of 30° to 60° ; clava 3 to 3'5 times as long as broad ; scape 2:3 to 2-5 times as long as broad and, except in cvassipes, not or only slightly more than half as long as an eye. Gastral petiole sometimes with a sharp transverse anterior crest ? : 3 Antenna : outer surface of scape with a large shiny boss in its upper part, extending about two thirds down ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-9 to 2 times breadth of head ; hairs of flagellum standing out at an angle of 45° to 60°, their length at least two thirds the breadth of the segments that bear them. Sculptured part of gastral petiole about as long as broad, its front edge raised to form a sharp transverse crest annularis (Walker) (p. 237) Antennae : outer surface of scape without a shiny boss, or with at most a small one which extends less than half way down ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-3 to 1-7 times breadth of head ; hairs of flagellum tending to stand out less strongly. Sculptured part of gastral petiole very often distinctly transverse, sometimes without a distinct anterior crest ‘ 4 Sculptured part of gastral petiole having its front edge raised to form a sharp transverse crest, which is usually curved : ; 5 Sculptured part of gastral petiole without, or with at most a meal aad irregular transverse crest anteriorly : : 6 Hind femora very stout, excluding the feaebeoicelins: ork 3 to x 5 dmcs as long as broad ; usually only partly, rarely mainly, infuscate ; fore and mid femora pale, or with at most a small dark streak beneath. Antenna with hairs of flagellum standing out at an angle of 30° to 40°. Sculptured part of gastral petiole varying from quadrate to 1-3 times as broad as long ; its front edge raised to form a sharp transverse crest crassipes Thomson (p. 238) 236 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM Fics. 183-185. 183, Lamprotatus picinevvis Thomson, g, antenna; 184, Lamprotatus pschorni (Delucchi), 3, antenna ; 185, Skelocevas novickyi Delucchi, g, scape. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 237 - Hind femora rather less stout than in crassipes, with at most their distal quarter pale ; at least the proximal two thirds of the fore and mid femora black with a metallic tinge. Antennae with hairs of flagellum standing out rather more strongly, most of them at about 45°. Sculptured part of gastral petiole 1-5 to 2 times as broad as long, its front edge with a less sharp and conspicuous transverse crest . ; splendens Westwood (p. 238) 6 (4) Sculptured part of gastral petiole 1-5 to 2 times as broad as long, without hairs at the sides. Median area of propodeum nearly always with a transverse costula, or some coarse wrinkles. Antennal sixth funicular segment 1-6 to 1-9 times as long as broad. Large species, 2:8 to 4 mm. splendens Westwood (p. 238) - Sculptured part of petiole 2-5 to 3 times as broad as long, often with one to three hairs on each side. Median area of propodeum without a transverse costula, without coarse wrinkles, though sometimes with fine oblique car- inulae. Either the sixth funicular segment is at most 1-5 times as long as broad ; or size is at most 2-6 mm. ; 7 | 7 (6) Both mandibles with four teeth. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-3 to 1-4 times breadth of head ; sixth funicular segment 1-3 to 1:5 times as long as broad. : brevicornis Thomson (p. 240) - Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-5 times breadth of head ; sixth funicular segment 1-4 to 1-8 times as long as broad ‘ simillimus Delucchi (p. 241) Lamprotatus annularis (Walker) Ichneumon nigricornis Fabricius, 1793 : 185, no. 216, syn. n. [pre-occupied]. Diplolepis nigricornis (Fabricius), 1804 : 150, Syn. n. Miscogaster annularis Walker, 1833 : 461, d 9. Pteromalus mandibularis Zetterstedt, 1838 : 424, 3. Lamprotatus petiolaris Thomson, 1876a : 224, 3 2, syn. n. Lamprotatus annularis (Walker) Delucchi, 1955 : 16-18, 3 9. Type material. Ichnewmon nignicornis Fabricius. Three specimens stand under this name in the private collection of Fabricius in Kiel, and one in the Lund collection in Copenhagen. The original description contains the words ‘“‘ Habitat Hafniae Dom. Lund ”’, and the specimen in the Lund collection agrees with the description and is designated LECTOTYPE. The specimens in Kiel are Torymus (one which I have examined critically being a female of the overwintering form of T. auratus Fourcroy) and do not agree with the description. The name Jchneumon nigricornis Fabricius is twice pre-occupied, by J. migricornis Retzius (1783, Gen. Sp. Ins. : 70) and I. migricornis Gmelin (1790, Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, 1 (5) : 2719), and therefore falls into synonymy. The lectotype of migricornis Fabricius bears three labels, (I) an original label of the Lund-Sehested collection, ‘‘ D. nigricornis”’, (2) a red label ““ TYPE ”’, (3) one reading ‘“‘ Lamprotatus nigricornis (F.) det. K.-J. Hedqvist Eo62.”’. Miscogaster annularis Walker. Syntypes 3 9. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label, also another label in C. Ferriére’s handwriting “‘ Type cr”. Pteromalus mandibularis Zetterstedt. Type (presumably holotype) $ (Lapland, 238 M. W. R. vpE V. GRAHAM Bjorkvik) in coll. Zetterstedt, labelled in his handwriting “ P. mandi=bularis ¢ Bjorkvik ”’ ; also labelled by Ch. Ferriére ‘‘ Lamprotatus annularis Walk.” Lamprotatus petiolaris Thomson. Syntypes, 4 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a male labelled ““ Hma’”’ [Holmeja], “Scan ”’, and “ petiolaris Ths.”’. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN. Fairly common in Britain. Biology. Reared in England from a Dipterous host on Stellaria media (L.) (Delucchi, 1955 : 18). Imagines May-—Sept. (? possibly two generations). Lamprotatus crassipes Thomson Lamprotatus cyassipes Thomson, 1876a : 224, 3 8. Lamprotatus crassipes Thomson ; Delucchi, 1955 : 12, 20, 5 9. Type material. Syntypes on 8 pins. LECTOTYPE female labelled “ L-d” [Lund] and “ crassipes Ths.”’ ; the specimen has been remounted by A. Jansson. In a small series of specimens, all of which appear to belong to crassipes, there is the following variation : Fore femora pale, or with a dark subbasal streak, rarely the basal third darkened ; mid femora usually pale, rarely with a small dark streak beneath ; hind femora typically with a dark mark basally on their external aspect, occasionally with the dark colour somewhat more extensive. Gastral petiole varying from copper through golden-green to bronze. Pro- podeum with panels of median area reticulate, or obliquely strigose-reticulate ; median carina strong to rather weak, either complete and straight, or slightly irregular, or interrupted, or forked in its anterior half ; plicae present in about the posterior half of the propodeum. Raised sculptured part of gastral petiole varying from quadrate to about 1-5 times as broad as long. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; apparently uncommon. Biology. Unknown. Lamprotatus flavus Delucchi Lamprotatus flavus Delucchi, 1953a : 203, 9. Lamprotatus flavus Delucchi, 1955 : 12, 20, 9. Type material. Type (? holotype) 9, Austria, Innsbruck, 20.v.1923 (E. Clément), in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). The characters given by Delucchi (1955 : 12) for separating this species from crassipes do not work satisfactorily (compare them with my notes on the apparent variation of crassipes above). It will be necessary to reassess the status of flavus. Lamprotatus splendens Westwood Lamprotatus splendens Westwood, 1833 : 121, fig. 120, g. Lamprotatus splendens Westwood ; Delucchi, 1955 : 12, 18-19, ¢ 9. LECTOTYPE ¢ in coll. Westwood, the specimen pinned and the pin thrust through a rectangular card ; it bears a tiny yellow ticket, also a label in Westwood’s handwriting ““ LAMPROTATUS splendens Westw. Mag. Nat. Hist.”. Westwood PLEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 239 mentioned three type-localities (‘‘ Surrey, Oxford and Hertford ’’) but I can find only the above male in his collection. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, SWITZERLAND, AUSTRIA ; no doubt widely distributed in Europe. Common in Britain. Biology. Reared from Pegomyia nigritarsis Zett. (Delucchi, 1955 : 19) ; Jansson (1952 : 7) recorded Pegomyia albimargo Pand. and Pegomyza sp. as hosts in Sweden. Claridge (1958a : 227) recorded it as a solitary internal parasite of larvae of Pegomyia mgritarsis (Zett.) on Rumex sp. Cameron (1935 : 299) recorded it as parasitizing puparia of Hylemyia seneciella Meade in England, but I have not been able to check the specimens. Imagines May-—Sept. (perhaps more than one generation). Lamprotatus rusticus Delucchi Lamprotatus rusticus Delucchi, 1953a : 208, 9. Lamprotatus rusticus Delucchi, 1955 : 12, 20, 9. Type material. Type 9 (provenance unknown), in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). Distribution and biology unknown. Delucchi (1955 : 12) distinguishes the female of vwsticus from those of ornatus and splendens by its more strongly transverse gastral petiole, twice as broad as long, whilst the petiole of ovnatus and splendens is said to be less than 1-5 times as broad as long ; and by the sculpture of the propodeum, which is said in ornatus and splendens to have the median carina, if present, never bifurcate, whilst in vusticus it is described as bifurcate. These characters undoubtedly vary considerably. I have females which I consider to be splendens that have the petiole about twice as broad as long, as described for vusticus, yet they do not agree with the description of the latter in other respects. The status of rusticus needs re-investigation. Lamprotatus ornatus Delucchi Lamprotatus ornatus Delucchi, 19534 : 206, 9. Lamprotatus ornatus Delucchi, 1955 : 12, 18, 9. Type material. Type (? holotype) 9, Austria : Piesting bei Wien, Tschek, in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). In his key to the species of Lamprotatus Delucchi (1955 : 12) gives some characters, relating to the sculpture of the propodeum and petiole, for distinguishing the female of ornatus from that of splendens. I find these characters to be very variable in splendens, for example the median carina of the propodeum may be strong and straight, or weak, or irregular and partly resolved into oblique carinulae. The type of ornatus should be examined to see if better characters exist for distinguishing it from splendens. AUSTRIA, Biology. Unknown. : 240 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Lamprotatus cupreus Delucchi Lamprotatus cupreus Delucchi, 19534 : 202-203, 9. Lamprotatus cupreus Delucchi, 1955 : 12, 18, 9. Type material. Type 9, Czechoslovakia, Moravia, Weisskirchen, in Natur- historisches Museum, Vienna. I have not seen the type of this species, which would appear from the characters mentioned in the original description, and in Delucchi’s key to the species of Lamprotatus (1955 : 12) to be valid. No other material which fits the description is available. CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. Lamprotatus picinervis Thomson Lamprotatus picinervis Thomson, 1876a : 224, 3 Q. ? Lamprotatus montanus Delucchi, 1955 : 10, 12-14, 9. Type material. Lamprotatus picinervis Thomson. Syntypes, II specimens. LECTOTYPE, the fourth in the series, a male labelled “‘ L-d”’ [Lund]. The only female with locality data has the flagella broken off, but is undoubtedly conspecific with the lectotype. It is quite satisfactory to have a male as lectotype because that sex has some distinctive characters, particularly the subadpressed pubescence of the flagellum (Text-fig. 183), which Thomson mentioned. Delucchi overlooked picinervis when writing his revision (1955). L. montanus Delucchi. Holotype 9, Switzerland, Valais, Saas Fee, 1800m., 15.Vil.1953, in coll. Delucchi. I have examined the specimen, which is probably the same as the British females which I have identified as picinervis (see below). In some respects, e.g., the relatively short antennal flagellum of the female, and the shape of the petiole, this species is intermediate between the species-group of splendens and that of brevicornis. ENGLAND : Oxford, University Parks, 1 9, 23.iv.1920, 2 9, 26.iv.1920, 2 9, IT.iv. 1g2I, I 9, 13.iv.1g92I, all reared from a Pegomyia species (Dipt., Anthomyiidae) on dock (Rumex sp.) (A. H. Hamm). SWEDEN : Skane, Lund, 6 4, 1 @ (coll. Thomson). Lamprotatus brevicornis Thomson Lamprotatus brevicornis Thomson, 1876a : 226, g 9. Lamprotatus brevicornis Thomson, Delucchi, 1955 : 10, 14-16, ¢ 9. Syntypes, 9 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Lpl” and “ brevi- cornis Ths ’’. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Not uncommon on the foliage and catkins of Salix spp. (especially of the cimevea-group) in spring. Biology. Unknown. Imagines April—May. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 241 Lamprotatus simillimus Delucchi Lamprotatus simillimus Delucchi, 19534 : 208, 9. Lamprotatus simillimus Delucchi, 1955 : 10, 14, 2. I have not seen the type of this species but hope I have interpreted it correctly. Type (? holotype) 9, Austria, Bisamberg near Vienna, in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. Britain, Austria. In Britain it is locally common and occurs on the foliage and catkins of Salix spp. (cinerea L., aunita L., repens L., etc.) in spring and early summer (imagines April—June). Biology. Unknown. Lamprotatus pschorni Delucchi (Text-fig. 184) Lamprotatus pschorni Delucchi, 19534 : 207, 3 9. Telepsogos pschorni Delucchi, 1955 : 35, 46,4 9. Type material. Type, sex not mentioned, Austria, Waidhofen an der Ybbs, iv.1949-1950 (S. Novwitzky), in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). AUSTRIA ; ? BRITAIN ; ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. I am adopting the name pschorni for a species in which the antennal pedicellus of the male (Text-fig. 184) is enormously swollen. Dr. Bouéek has specimens which he showed to Dr. Delucchi, who thought they belonged to pschormi. The original description does not, however, emphasize the extremely large pedicellus. I had originally considered the species under discussion to be new ; it does not belong to Telepsogos (=Seladerma) but to Lamprotatus. SKELOCERAS Delucchi Skeloceras Delucchi, 1953a: 216. Type-species S. seiunctum Delucchi, by original designation. Skeloceras Delucchi, 1955 : 6, 20-30. Skelocevas Delucchi ; Kamijo, 1960 : 37-41. Skelocevas Delucchi ; Peck et al., 1964 : 38. This genus differs from Lamprotatus Westwood only in having the first segment of the clava separated from the others by a deep constriction, so that the funicle has 7 segments. However, this character is easily seen [though rather less obvious in socium (Zett.)] and results in a very natural division of the species. Kamijo (1960) has given a very good account of the Japanese species of this genus. Key TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALEs) I Sculptured part of gastral petiole as long as, or slightly longer than, broad ; its front edge raised to form a sharp curved transverse carina. Stigma of 242 (1) (3) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM fore wing large and subtriangular, as in Miscogaster, separated by at least slightly less than twice its height from the costal edge of the wing. Costal cell of hind wing with hairs scattered over at least its distal half. Hind femora usually testaceous, sometimes slightly infuscate medially, rarely (some very dark British specimens) with their proximal two thirds dark clavigerum (Thomson) (p. 243) Sculptured part of gastral petiole transverse ; its front edge sometimes indistinctly carinate. Stigma of fore wing moderate-sized or rather small, not subtriangular, separated by at least slightly more than twice its height from the costal edge of the wing. Costal cell of hind wing usually bare, occasionally with some scattered hairs in its distal half. Hind femora blackish at least proximally, sometimes wholly so except their tips . 5 2 Mesoscutum and vertex with numerous and very distinct piliferous punc- tures ; mid lobe of mesoscutum with hairs scattered over its whole surface. Antennal seventh funicular segment quadrate, not so very distinctly separat- ed from the clava. Propodeum, just on either side of the median carina, with obsolescent sculpture, hence shiny . : socium (Zetterstedt) (p. 244) Mesoscutum and vertex with fewer and rather indistinct piliferous punctures ; mid lobe of mesoscutum most often lacking hairs down its middle part. Antennal seventh funicular segment at least slightly longer than broad, very distinctly separated from the clava. Panels of median area of pro- podeum distinctly reticulate and often with strong wrinkles as well . : 3 Antennal scape distinctly shorter than the transverse diameter of an eye, 2°6 to 2-7 times as long as broad. Sculptured part of gastral petiole nearly always with one to three (or four) hairs on each side, its front edge raised to form a sharp curved transverse carina ; 4 Antennal scape nearly or quite as long as the transverse diene tee of an oe 3 to 3:5 times as long as broad. Sculptured part of gastral petiole without hairs at the sides, its front edge usually having a less eee and sometimes weak, transverse carina ; : ; 5 Malar space slightly more than two athe. the lenpeh ‘of an eye ; breadth of oral fossa about 2-6 times the malar space. Propodeum with a pair of straight submedian longitudinal carinae present, the median carina straight and strong; costula strong throughout. Mid and hind femora more extensively pale, only about the proximal third of the hind femora dark triangulare (Thomson) (p. 244) Malar space about one third the length of an eye ; breadth of oral fossa about 3:5 times the malar space. Propodeum without straight submedian longi- tudinal carinae, though sometimes irregular oblique carinae are present ; median carina irregular, or forked from its base ; costula tending to be irregular and sometimes weak. Mid and hind femora with at least their proximal two thirds blackish : . mirabile Delucchi (p. 245) Antennal seventh funicular segment I- : to I: 1-8 times as long as broad. Cubital vein, on lower surface of fore wing, with at least some hairs novickyi Delucchi (p. 245) Antennal seventh funicular segment about 1:35 times as long as broad. Cubital vein, on lower surface of fore wing, bare ? glaucum Delucchi (p. 246) (MaLEs) Antennal pedicellus strongly swollen, as long as anelli plus first funicular segment. In other respects similar to the male of sociwm (see couplet 3 below), but piliferous punctures of vertex and mesoscutum less distinct, PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 243 median area of propodeum more coarsely sculptured with several strong wrinkles (Ireland) : ‘ = Sp. indet: - Antennal pedicellus not swollen, tes dee than anelli sine first funicular segment. 2 2 (1) Sculptured part bE gastral petiole fully as s long as, Or slightly longer than, broad ; its front edge raised to form a sharp, curved transverse carina. Stiema of fore wing large and subtriangular, as in Miscogaster. Costal cell of hind wing with hairs scattered over most of its surface clavigerum (Thomson) (p. 243) - Sculptured part of gastral petiole at least slightly broader than long ; its front edge sometimes less distinctly carinate. Stigma of fore wing moderate- sized or small, not Pape ae Costal cell of hind wing with at least its basal half bare. 3 = 3. (2) Mesoscutum and vertex with numerous and distinct piliferous punctures ; mid lobe of mesoscutum with hairs scattered over its whole surface. Antennal seventh funicular segment varying from quadrate to 1-5 times as long as broad ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum hardly 1-5 times breadth of head, flagellum stout ; scape hardly expanded distally. Pro- podeum, just on either side of the median carina, with weak or subobsolete sculpture, hence shiny : ; socium (Zetterstedt) (p. 244) - Mesoscutum and vertex with less numerous and rather indistinct piliferous punctures ; mid lobe of mesoscutum tending to be bare down the middle. Antennal seventh funicular segment 1-8 to 2-3 times as long as broad ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-7 to 2 times breadth of head 4 4 (3) Antennal scape hardly expanded distally, its outer surface wholly or nearly wholly reticulate. Gastral petiole usually with one to three hairs on each side. Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four triangulare (Thomson) (p. 244) and mirabile Delucchi (p. 245) - Antennal scape (Text-fig. 185) strongly expanded distally, its outer surface with a large shiny boss which extends at least half way down. Gastral petiole bare at sides. Both mandibles (in the specimens ts aie with four teeth . : 5 5 (4) Antenna with combined length of pedicellus aad faectumn rt: 9 to 2 ice breadth of head ; seventh funicular segment 2 to 2-3 times as long as broad ; shiny boss of scape extending more than half way down (Text-fig. 185) novickyi Delucchi (p. 245) - Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-7 times breadth of head ; seventh funicular segment hardly twice as long as broad ; shiny boss of scape extending about half way down ? glaucum Delucchi (p. 246) Skeloceras clavigerum (Thomson) comb. n. Lamprotatus claviger Thomson, 1876a : 225, ¢ 2 [nec Delucchi, 1955]. Skeloceras seiunctum Delucchi, 1953a@ : 217, 5 9, Syn. n. : Skeloceras seiunctum Delucchi, 1955 : 21, 22, 3 9. Type material. Lamprotatus claviger Thomson. There are 8 specimens under this name but the first and fourth disagree with the description and are probably not syntypes. The others are all conspecific and are clearly syntypes ; from them | I select a female labelled “Tor” [Torekov] and “Scan”, as LECTOTYPE. 244 M. W. R. bE V. GRAHAM Delucchi (1955 : 89) misinterpreted claviger as a synonym of Stictomischus obscurus (Walker), probably by assuming that the first specimen in Thomson’s series of claviger was the type ; but a reference to Thomson’s description would immediately have shown that such could not be the case. Skeloceras sevunctum Delucchi. Type (? holotype) 9, Germany, Thuringia (Schmiedeknecht), in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. Variation in clavigerum is apparently slight. In most females the basal half to two-thirds of the fore femora is fuscous and the mid femora have a dark stripe beneath ; in some British specimens the hind femora are also infuscate basally, whilst I have one British female, which otherwise differs from typical clavigerum only in small details of structure, in which the proximal two-thirds of all the femora is fuscous. The raised sculptured part of the gastral petiole is as long as, or slightly longer than, broad. The median carina of the propodeum may be simple, forked, or irregular. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown ; imagines have been captured in the field in June and October. Skeloceras socium (Zetterstedt) Pieromalus socius Zetterstedt, 1838 : 425, 9. Lamprotatus puncticollis Thomson, 1876a : 225, 9. Skeloceras socium (Zetterstedt) Delucchi, 1955 : 29, 5 2. Type material. Pteromalus socius Zetterstedt. Syntypes, 2 specimens. LECTO- TYPE, a female labelled in Zetterstedt’s handwriting “‘ Pt. socius 9. Kengis”’ ; it also bears a red type label, and another in C. Ferriére’s handwriting “ Type redécrit par Delucchi 1955 ”’. Lamprotatus puncticollis Thomson. Syntypes, 20 specimens on g pins. LECTO- TYPE, a female labelled ‘“‘O” [Oland] and “‘ puncticollis Ths.’”. L. puncticollis was placed in synonymy with P. socius by Delucchi (1955 : 29). BRITAIN, SWEDEN (Lapland). Biology. Unknown. Imagines in June. Skeloceras triangulare (Thomson) Lamprotatus triangularis Thomson, 1876a : 223, 5 . Skeloceras tviangulare (Thomson) Delucchi, 1955 : 22, g 9. Syntypes, 2 9, 3 6. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled ‘ Lpl’”’ and “‘triangularis Dis. SWEDEN (Lapland). Biology. Unknown. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 245 Skeloceras mirabile Delucchi Skeloceras mirvabile Delucchi, 1955 : 26, 9. I presume the type of muirabile to be a female placed second in the series of Lamprotatus picinervis in Thomson’s collection ; it is labelled in Delucchi’s hand- writing “ Skeloceras mirabilis n. sp.’”’ and also bears a label “‘ Lund”. Delucchi stated (1955 : 27) that mivabile was described from a female in Thomson’s collection probably placed under the name Lamprotatus crassipes Thomson ; but there is no such female in that series and the only one I can find is that placed in picinervis. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. A female was reared in England, Oxfordshire, Shotover, 28.1x.1923, from an unspecified host on Rumex acetosa L. (E. G. R. Waters). . Imagines appear May—June and August. Skeloceras cerebrosum Delucchi Skeloceras cevebvosum Delucchi, 1955 : 21, 24-26, 9. Type material. Type (? holotype) 2 (probably from Germany) in Naturhistor- isches Museum, Vienna. I have not seen the type of this species, and cannot recognize it from the description. In his key to the species of Skeloceras (1955 : 21-22) Delucchi distin- guishes cerebrosum from triangulare (Thomson) and mirabile Delucchi mainly upon characters of the propodeal sculpture. This shows considerable variation in most of the species I have examined, and may be unreliable in the case of cerebrosum also. The latter species would appear to be near mirabile Delucchi. It will be necessary to re-examine the type of cerebroswm and compare fresh material with it before its status, and reliable characters for its recognition, can be ascertained. ? GERMANY ; ITALY. Biology. Reared as a parasite of Hylemyia sp. (Dipt., Anthomyiidae) in Italy (three females determined by Delucchi, see Secrétariat, etc., Ig61 : 215, 229). Skeloceras novickyi Delucchi Skeloceras novickyi Delucchi, 1953a : 217-218, 9. Skelocevas novickyi Delucchi, 1955 : 22, 27, 9. Type material. Type (? holotype) 9, Switzerland, Valais, Saas Fee, 15.vii.1953, at 1800 m., in coll. Delucchi (not seen). Some of my British and Irish Skeloceras run in Delucchi’s key (1955 : 21-22) to the couplet including novickyi and glaucum ; they agree quite well with the diagnosis and also with the original description of novickyi, and I believe that they are that species. My specimens show some variation, which it may be useful to note. In females the line of hairs along the cubital vein (lower surface of wing) is 246 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM sometimes complete, sometimes present only in the distal half of the basal cell. The seventh funicular segment (detached first segment of the clava) is 1-6-1-7 times as long as broad, usually as long as the sixth segment though occasionally very slightly shorter. The propodeum has its median carina relatively strong and straight, most often complete though sometimes extending only half way to the hind margin (occasionally it is slightly irregular) ; the costula is usually distinct but very weak in one specimen ; the plicae are strong and extend nearly to the spiracles. The costula usually intercepts the median carina at (though sometimes before) its middle. The anterior transverse crest of the gastral petiole is usually sharp, occasionally weak. Males presumed to be conspecific with these females have the antennal scape strongly dilated above the middle, where there is a shiny boss which extends more than half way down the external surface ; they have the funicular segments rather longer than those figured by Delucchi (1955, fig. 25) for the male of glaucum. Most of these specimens have 4 teeth in both mandibles (one female, which does not appear to differ in other respects, has only 3 teeth in the left mandible). ENGLAND : Berkshire, Tubney Wood, 2 g, I0.v.1952. SCOTLAND : Perthshire, Lawers, I g, II.vll.1952, I 9, 29.vi.1962 ; Killin, 1 g, 15.vii.1954 ; East Inverness, Granish, I 9, 17.vi.1965. IRELAND : Co. Down, Tollymore Park, I 9, 25.v.1957 ; Co. Wicklow, Glencree, 1 9, 4.vli.1949 (all Graham). SwiTZERLAND (type female, see above). Biology. Unknown. Skeloceras glaucum Delucchi Skeloceras glaucum Delucchi, 1955 : 22, 27-29, 6 9. Type material. Type, sex not mentioned but probably female ; Austria, Steier- mark, Stuhleck am Wechsel (R. Hicker), in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). AUSTRIA. Biology. Unknown. I have not seen any fresh material which completely fits Delucchi’s description of glaucum. In his key (1955 : 21-22) he distinguished the female from that of novickyi as follows : cubital vein bare on both surfaces of the fore wing ; seventh funicular segment (detached first segment of clava) hardly longer than broad and shorter than the sixth segment ; propodeum without a costula, its surface reticulate. As regards the propodeum, he contradicted the above statement in his description of the female (ibid. : 28) in which he stated that each plica was connected to the median carina by a costula or a complex of small costulae. I have a female from Scotland in which the antennae agree fairly well with Delucchi’s description and figure, having the seventh funicular segment only slightly longer than broad ; but this specimen does not agree completely with the description of glaucum as regards the cubital vein and the propodeum. Possibly it is an aberrant specimen of novickyt. PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 247 MICRADELINI MICRADELUS Walker Micradelus Walker, 1834 : 170. Type-species : M. votundus Walker, by monotypy. Micradelus Walker ; Forster, 1856 : 60, 61. Micradelus Walker ; Thomson, 1878 : 6-7. Micradelus Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 283, 284. Micradelus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 155, 156, 159-160. Micradelus Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 209-210. Micradelus Walker ; Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 271-275. Micradelus Walker ; Ferriere & Kerrich, 1958 : 22, 25. Micvadelus Walker ; Bouéek, 1961 : 62-63. This genus was recognized and redescribed by Thomson (1878) as a Cleonymid, but hardly noticed subsequently until its characters were re-assesséd by Kerrich & Graham (1957), who objectively defined the type-species. In the latter paper Graham (pp. 271-272) followed Thomson’s suggestion that it might be related to the Tridymine group and proposed to form for it a subfamily Micradelinae. In the present work the above placing is retained but the group is considered to have only tribal status. Two European species were recognized by Kerrich & Graham (1957). One of these (obscurus Thomson) is now regarded as a probable synonym of votundus ; but a new species is described in the present work. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Gaster short-oval or subcircular, 1-1 to 1-5 times as long as broad, apically, not counting the ovipositor sheaths, subobtuse ; last tergite subtrapeziform, its hind margin truncate or slightly emarginate. Antenna (Text-fig. 187) with two anelli and five funicular segments. Length 1:2 to 1-6mm. Head in dorsal view 2:05 to 2:2 times as broad as long ; temples one quarter as long as eyes or slightly more rotundus Walker (p. 247) — Gaster long-ovate, 1-7 to 2:1 times as long as broad, apically acute or slightly acumin- ate ; last tergite triangular. Antenna (Text-fig. 188) with three anelli and four funicular segments. Length 0-9 to 1-2 mm. Head in dorsal view 1-95 to 2 times as broad as long ; temples about one third as long as eyes . acutus sp. n. (p. 249) (MALEs) I Length 1:2 to 1-8 mm. Head in dorsal view rather more transverse (as in female). Antennae with two anelli and five funicular segments . rotundus Walker (p. 247) Length 0-9 to 1-1 mm. Head in dorsal view rather less transverse (as in female). Antennae usually with three anelli and four funicular segments, occasionally with two anelli and five funicular segments. : ; . acutus sp. n. (p. 249) Micradelus rotundus Walker Micradelus votundus Walker, 1834 : 170, 3 . ? Micradelus obscurus Thomson, 1878 : 6-7, 3 8. Micradelus votundus Walker ; Kerrich & Graham, 1957 : 273-275, pl. 1,3 9. Micradelus votundus Walker ; Ferriére & Kerrich, 1958 : 25. Micradelus votundus Walker ; Bouéek, 1961 : 62-63, [ex parte]. Type material. Micradelus rotundus Walker. Lectotype g in Hope Dept., 248 M. W. R. vpE V. GRAHAM Fics. 186-194. 186, Micvadelus votundus Walker, 3, head; 187, same, 9, antenna ; 188, Micvadelus acutus sp. n., 9, antenna; 189, Semiotellus mundus (Walker), 3, antenna ; 190, Semiotellus diversus (Walker), g, antenna ; I91, Systasis tenuicoynts Walker, g, antenna ; 192,same, 9, antenna ; 193, Systasis parvula Thomson, g, antenna ; 194, same, 9, antenna. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 249 , Oxford (Type Hym. 17), labelled in Walker’s handwriting “‘ Micradelus rotundatus ’ [sec]. Micradelus obscurus Thomson. Lectotype g (Sweden, Lulea Lappmark) in Universitetets Zoologiska Institution, labelled “‘ Lpl”’ [Lapland]. In Kerrich & Graham (1957 : 275) I regarded obscurus as a valid species and mentioned the characters by which the lectotype ¢ differed from that of votundus Walker. Since then I have seen other specimens which appear to bridge the gap between the two and indicate that obscurus is merely a very large and robust example of votundus. Boucéek (1961) drew attention to the extreme variation of what he considered to be votundus Walker, in particular the shape of the female gaster, illustrating (fig. 6) a female in which this is long-ovate in shape. He also refers to the variation of the antennae in both sexes. For some time I had also been aware of considerable variation of a similar kind in my own material placed under votundus. I now think that two species are involved because the variation does not appear to be continuous ; the differences between them are summarized in my key. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. My own specimens have for the most part been swept in open situations (grassland, including chalk downland). Imagines May—June. Micradelus acutus sp. n. Micradelus votundus Bouéek, 1961 : 62, [ex parte] ; fig. 6, 9 [nec Walker, 1834]. ®. Differs from that of votundus Walker as follows : Body smaller and rather less robust ; gaster longer and acute or even slightly acuminate apically, the last tergite being triangular. Antenna (Text-fig. 188) with flagellum rather more clavate, the funicle more slender proximally ; only four (instead of five) funicular segments. Head in dorsal view only 1:95 to 2 times as broad as long ; temples rather longer, about one third as long as eyes, and slightly more bulging. Fore wing with stigmal vein tending to be slightly curved, straighter in votundus ; uncus on the average rather shorter ; marginal vein 1-2 to 1°5 times as long as the stigmal vein. 6- Differs from that of votundus in the characters given in the key above. Holotype 2. EncGLanp : Oxfordshire, Bald Hill, near Lewknor, 22.v.1960, on chalk downland (Graham), in the Hope Dept., University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality as holotype, 3 g, 2 9, 22.v.1960, 2 9, 2.vi.1957, on chalk downland ; Berkshire, Wytham, 1 g, 26.v.1955, 3 d, 7-v-1960, all swept in a damp meadow between Wytham Wood and the River Thames (Graham). Biology. Unknown. TERMOLAMPINI TERMOLAMPA Bouéek Termolampa Bouéek, 1961 : 60-61. Type-species : T. pinicola Bouéek by monotypy and original designation. Bouéek (1961 : 61) proposed a new tribe, Termolampini, of the Tridyminae, for the reception of this genus. This seems to be a natural arrangement. 250 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Termolampa pinicola Boucéek Tevmolampa pinicola Boucek, 1961 : 60-61, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Czechoslovakia, Bohemia, Tynisté nad Orlici, 8.viti. 1959 (Boucek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 2967). GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. A female was reared 26.v.1956 in the neighbourhood of Berlin, from Evetria resinella (L.) (Lep., Tortricidae) (Schwenke), Bouéek (1961 : 61). Imagines May and August. ORMOCERINI (= Tridymini) Walker (1833 : 370) proposed the family name Ormoceridae, in which he included not only true Ormocerines such as Ormocerus, Glyphe, Gastrancistrus and Meromalus, but also other genera which have no close connection with them. Forster’s family Hormoceroidae (1856 : 19, 59) also contained diverse elements. Thomson’s “ tribe ”’ Tridymina (1876 : 192) was (if one excepts Metastenus) a natural group. The tribe Tridymini of Ashmead (1904 : 273) included not only the genera placed there by Thomson, but also some which are currently referred to other tribes or even subfamilies. Schmiedeknecht (1909 : 274) followed Ashmead. Peck (7m Muesebeck et al., 1951 : 545-547) also included the unrelated genus Tvigonoderus in Tridymini. Bouéek (7m Peck et al., 1964 : 30, 34, 35), regarding Tridyminae as a subfamily, treated it in a wider sense, including Eunotini, Pirenini and Neodiparini, as well as the genera referred in the present work to Ormocerini. I regard the Eunotine and Neodiparine groups as relatively distinct ; I am treating Pirenini and Ormocerini as distinct (though very closely allied) tribes of Miscogasterinae. Some genera here placed in Ormocerini (e.g., Ormocerus) approach very closely to certain Misco- gasterini on the other hand. These are only some of the difficulties which confront any worker investigating the higher categories of Chalcidoidea. Ormocerini appear to be mainly parasites of Diptera (especially Cecidomyiidae), although Ovmocerus species have been reared from galls of Cynipidae, whilst other hosts are recorded for certain species. KEY TO EUROPEAN GENERA Males . , : é 0 5 , : é : 3 : : 2 Females ; ; : : : : : : : ‘ ; 3 5 Antennae with six funicular segments 5 : : . ; : : 3 Antennae with five funicular segments : : : : : : (2) Antennal clava with three segments ; two very distinct anelli present (anten- nal formula 11263). Postmarginal vein of fore wing somewhat longer than the marginal vein : 2 ; : 3 ‘ : : 3 Either the antennal clava has only two segments ; or else there is only one distinct anellus (the other being absent or so minute as to be invisible in dried specimens). Postmarginal vein of fore wing rarely longer than the marginal vein . : : : : : : : : : F 6 CONST N es — 4 — (7) PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 251 Anterior margin of clypeus slightly produced, but almost truncate medially ; metapleuron narrowing to a point dorsally and not reaching the cavity from which the hind wing arises . ; ; . ORMOCERUS Walker (p. 252) Anterior margin of clypeus evenly and quite strongly curved forwards ; metapleuron narrowing less strongly dorsad and reaching the cavity from which the hind wing arises . : : . ?-MEROMALUS Walker (p. 328) Antennae with six funicular segments (formula 11263 ; both anelli very distinct). Postmarginal vein of fore wing somewhat longer than the mar- ginal vein. Metapleuron narrowing to a point dorsally and not reaching the cavity from which the hind wing arises . ORMOCERUS Walker (p. 252) Antennae with five funicular segments (formula 11153 or 11253). Post- marginal vein of fore wing usually shorter than or about as long as, rarely a little longer than, the marginal vein. Metapleuron (except in Bugacia) narrowing less strongly dorsad and reaching the cavity from which the hind wing arises . : : é : : ; 6 Pronotal collar margined at (east in the middie ; metapleuron narrowing to a point dorsally and not reaching the cavity from which the hind wing arises. Vertex usually with a transverse ridge or elevation behind the ocelli. Antennal formula 11163 ing, 11153 in? . BUGACIA Erdos (p. 264) Pronotal collar immarginate, rounded off in front ; metapleuron narrowing only slightly dorsad and reaching the cavity from which the hind wing arises. Vertex without a ridge or elevation . F 7 Antennae inserted low on the head, the lower edge of their botislie at moe very slightly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes, usually lower than this ; usually only one anellus visible in dried specimens, the other anellus (if present) being almost always minute, and discoid (Text-figs. 199-200, 209-211, 221, 223-225, 229, 239-247, 257). Clypeus convex, its anterior margin more or less curved forwards, though sometimes with an emargin- ation in the middle of the curve, (Text-figs. 214-216). Mandibles, except in Oxyglypta, with four teeth. Scutellar frenum more or less distinctly marked off, at least by a very fine line. Male antenna usually with six funicular segments and a two-segmented clava ; rarely six funicular seg- ments and a three-segmented clava : 8 Antennae inserted higher, the lower edge of fier art al ies ‘lie feral of the ventral edge of the eyes ; two anelli clearly visible in dried specimens (Text-figs. 189-194). Clypeus flat or nearly so, sometimes with a slight depression before its anterior margin, which is truncate or slightly curved forwards. Both mandibles with three teeth. Scutellar frenum not, or at most very indistinctly, marked off. Male antenna nearly always with five funicular segments and a three-segmented clava (Text-figs. 189, 190, 193) (with six funicular segments and a two-segmented clava in Semiotellus fumipennis ; with five funicular segments and an apparently ie ieeey mented clava in Systasis annulipes) : ; ; ‘ 10 Mesoscutum with sculpture composed of transverse Aipptds or skies Both mandibles with three teeth. Body black with at most obscure metallic reflections. Median carina of propodeum fine, neither raised into a tubercle medially, nor traversed by a crest. Hypopygium of female extending two thirds or slightly more than two thirds length of gaster, but without a mucro at apex : ¢ : OXYGLYPTA Forster (p. 265) Mesoscutum reciedaee, at meee re a trace of transverse rippling in front, in the latter case the body is distinctly metallic. Both mandibles with four teeth , : d : P : , : : ; H : 9 252 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM 9 (8) Gaster of female (Text-fig. 201) with the hypopygium extending far caudad and ending ina membranous mucro (m). Dorsal surface of hind coxae with indications of a longitudinal crest. Median carina of propodeum strongly raised, crossed at about the middle of its length by a transverse crest which in profile appears dentiform. Body black, or black with a weak bluish tinge ; length 2to3 mm. . C MELANCISTRUS gen. n. (p. 266) - Gaster of female with the hmwereioan extending at most about half way along, and without a mucro. Dorsal surface of hind coxae without a longitudinal crest. Median carina of propodeum (when present) not stongly raised, and not traversed by a crest. Body most often distinctly metallic, rarely black or nearly so ; GASTRANCISTRUS Westwood (p. 270) {see also MEROMALUS Walker] 10 =. (7)_~SMesoscutum and scutellum relatively shiny, their reticulate sculpture hardly raised above the general surface ; with several piliferous punctures which, even if small, are clearly visible, but most often they are very conspicuous. Anterior margin of clypeus slightly curved, tending to be produced slightly ventrad of the lower edge of the genae. Except in one species, each gastral pygostyle has one of its bristles conspicuously longer than the others. Fore wing : pilosity of disc extending to near the marginal vein at least below the distal half of the vein. é . SEMIOTELLUS Westwood (p. 254) - Mesoscutum and scutellum relatively dull, their reticulate sculpture dense and distinctly raised above the general surface ; piliferous punctures minute and scattered, not easily seen on account of the dense reticulation. Anterior margin of clypeus truncate ; lower edge of genae adjacent to clypeus produced slightly ventrad of its anterior margin. Bristles of gastral pygostyles not very dissimilar in length. Fore wing (Text-figs. 195, 196) with a broad bare strip, upon which is situated a row of long hairs, below the marginal vein : : ° : - . SYSTASIS Walker (p. 257) ORMOCERUS Walker Ormocerus Walker, 1834 : 168. Type-species : O. vernalis Walker, by designation of Westwood, 1839 : 69. Ovmocerus Walker; Westwood, 1839 : 69. Hormocerus Forster, 1856 : 59, 60 [emendation]. Terobia Forster, 1878 : 64. Type-species : T. dispila Forster, by monotypy. Tevobia Forster ; Ashmead, 1904 : 274, 275. Terobia Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 275, 276, 283. Terobia Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 239-240. Ormocerus Walker ; Delucchi, 1955a : 175. Ormocerus Walker ; Askew, 1961a : 193-195. Ormocerus Walker; Boucek, 1961 : 64. The type-species of Tevobia (dispila Forster) was synonymized with Ormocerus vernalis Walker by Delucchi (1955 : 175). Until then the genus Ovmocerus had been misinterpreted (e.g., by Ashmead (1904), Schmiedeknecht (1909) and Nikol’skaya (1952), who followed Thomson). Thomson’s supposed Ovmocerus (1876a : 220, 242) was in fact Seladerma (=TIsoplata) geniculata (q.v.). Kery TO EUROPEAN SPECIES 1 Female. Fore wing with two fuscous clouds (one below the parastigma, the other below the stigma) which sometimes join on the disc of the wing ; basal cell, on upper PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 253 surface of wing, pilose in distal quarter only ; stigmal vein nearly straight ; palpi fuscous ; flagellum stout, with distal funicular segments strongly transverse, the sixth about twice as broad as long ; head and thorax dull green, the scutellum and axillae often more or less bronze. Male. Unknown vernalis Walker (p. 253) — Female. Fore wing immaculate ; basal cell mainly pilose, at most with a small bare area in the middle ; stigmal vein distinctly curved ; palpi yellow ; flagellum more slender, with distal funicular segments less transverse, the sixth about 1-5 times as broad as long ; head and thorax bright or golden green to blue. Male. Charac- ters of female, but antennal scape broader, flagellum nearly filiform latus Walker (p. 253) Ormocerus vernalis Walker Oymocerus vernalis Walker, 1834 : 169, 9. Terobia dispila Forster, 1878 : 65, 9. Ormocerus vernalis Walker ; Askew, 1961a : 193, 9. Ormocerus vernalis Walker ; Bouéek, 1961 : 64. Type material. Ovmocerus vernalis Walker. Syntypes, 6 9. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Terobia dispila Forster. Location of type not known to the writer. The species was placed in synonymy with Ormocerus vernalis Walker by Delucchi (19554 : 175). Walker cited no locality for his original material of vernalis. However, in his annoted hand-copy of his Monographia (which I possess) he has entered against vernalis ‘“‘ May Woods near London. Holywood Mr. Haliday”’. Most likely the original specimens came from near London because there is reason to suppose that he did not have material from Haliday until later than 1834. BRITAIN, IRELAND, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Parasitic in galls of Neuroterus albipes (Schenck) and Andricus ostreus f. furunculus (Beyer) ; see Askew (1961 : 193). I have swept only single females on various dates in April, May and June of differ- ent years. The male is still unknown. Note. The species recorded as Ormocerus vernalis by Thomson (1876a : 242) was wrongly identified ; it is in fact the same as Seladerma (Isoplata) geniculatum (Zett.). Ormocerus latus Walker Ormocerus latus Walker, 1834 : 168, 3. ? Ormocerus vernalis var. € Walker, 1834 : 169, 9. Ormocerus latus Walker ; Askew, 1961a : 193, 3 9. Type material. One male, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label and another “‘ Type Gahan 1927 ”’. BRITAIN. Biology. Parasitic in galls of Neuwroterus albipes (Schenck) ; see Askew, 1961 : 193. I find it not uncommonly in mixed oakwoods during the spring months ; I have often swept it from foliage of Betula. The other species originally placed by Walker in Ovmocerus belong to other genera, and are mentioned in the appropriate places. | 254 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM SEMIOTELLUS Westwood Semiotus Walker, 1834 : 288, 290. Type-species : S. mundus Walker, by designation of West- wood, 1839 : 70. [Generic name pre-occupied by Semiotus Eschscholtz, 1829]. Semiotellus Westwood, 1839 : 70 [n. n.]. Stictonotus Forster, 1856 : 64, 68 [n. n. for Semiotus Walker nec Eschscholtz]. Semiotellus Westwood ; Thomson, 1876a : 193, 201. Semiotellus Westwood ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 275, 276, 280-282. Semiotellus Westwood ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 240. Semiotellus Westwood ; Peck et al., 1964 : 33. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Antennal clava obliquely subtruncate at apex, the third segment with a rather large area of micropilosity ventrally ; the second suture of the clava in profile distinctly oblique. Gaster with bristles of pygostyles not very dissimilar in length. Fore wing with speculum large, extending as a bare wedge below the marginal vein for more than half the length of the latter ; stigma rather large, separated by about twice its height from the costal margin of the wing. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head. Large species, about three mm.; body blue-green ;_ piliferous punctures of head, mesoscutum and scutellum very distinct ; gaster short sp. indet. (p. 255) - Antennal clava not subtruncate at apex, the third segment with only a small tuft of micropilosity at its apex ; sutures not oblique. Gaster with one bristle of each pygostyle (Text-fig. 56) nearly twice the length of the other bristles. Fore wing with speculum nearly always less extended, there being, on upperside of wing, at least one row of hairs below the marginal vein and extending to near the base of the latter ; stigma relatively smaller 2 2 (1) Fore wing with marginal vein about 3-5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; upper surface of wing, below the marginal vein, with a band (three to five rows) of hairs which extends basad nearly to the junction of the marginal vein with the parastigma. Large species, about 3 mm; body bronze- black ; head, mesoscutum, and scutellum extremely finely and delicately alutaceous, their piliferous punctures very small ; gaster hardly 1-5 times as long as head plus thorax . 4 0 > fumipennis Thomson (P- 255) - Fore wing with marginal vein 2-4 to 3 finies as long as the stigmal vein ; upper surface of wing with the band of hairs below the marginal vein less broad and, below the basal half of the vein, often reduced to a single row of hairs. Body most often some tint of green or blue. Piliferous punctures of head, mesoscutum, and scutellum usually larger and more ae (Text-fig. 56) ; gaster sometimes relatively longer : 3 3. (2) Gaster 1:75 to 2 times as long as the thorax, and 2:7 to 3:3 fumes as lene as broad ; hypopygium extending hardly half way along. Legs relatively more slender, especially the tibiae and tarsi ; spur of mid tibia about two thirds the length of the first tarsal segment. Large, 1-9 to 2-9 mm. diversus (Walker) (p. 256) - Gaster (Text-fig. 56) 1:3 to 1:65 times as long as the thorax, and 1°5 to 2:7 times as long as broad ; hypopygium extending half or rather more than half way along. Legs relatively stout ; spur of mid tibia about four fifths the length of the first tarsal segment. Species sometimes smaller . ; 4 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 255 4 (3) Lengthi-6to2:7mm. Antennal clava slightly shorter than, or at most as long as, the three preceding funicular segments together. Fore wings not shortened, and not markedly narrowed . - mundus (Walker) (p. 256) - Length 1-4 to 1:7 mm. Antennal clava Slightly longer than the three pre- ceding funicular segments together, sometimes equalling three and a half segments. Fore wings often shortened and narrowed, sometimes hardly reaching the apex of the gaster . : . laevicollis Thomson (p. 257) (MALEs) I Antennae apparently with six funicular segments and a two-segmented clava, the sixth funicular segment being separated from the clava by a deep constriction, though not apparently by a peduncle. Large species, 2:75 mm., body bronze-black ; head, mesoscutum, and scutellum extremely finely and delicately alutaceous, with minute piliferous punctures ; antennal scape reaching slightly above level of vertex . - fumipennis Thomson (p. 252) - Antennae with five funicular segments and a three-segmented clava. The other characters not present in combination . . 2 2 (1) Antennal scape (Text-fig. 190) reaching above level of reves with a row BE minutely-pitted foveae along its front edge ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-6 to 1-7 times the breadth of the head, the flagellum more slender than in the species which follow : . diversus (Walker) (p. 256) - Antennal scape (Text-fig. 189) not reaching above level of vertex, without foveae along its front edge ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1°35 to 1-45 times the breadth of the head, the flagellum stouter than in diversus. : : : P : : : ; : 3 Ree(2)ee larger, 1-55 to 2: 4 mm.; funicular segments (Text-fig. 189) slightly to considerably longer than broad, the first as long as or longer than the pedicellus ; fore pee not narrow : . mundus (Walker) (p. 256) - Smaller, 1-3 to1-8mm. ; funicular segments Grediate or practically so, at least slightly shorter than ‘the pedicellus ; fore wing relatively narrow (2:35 to 2-65 times as long as broad) : - : laevicollis Thomson (p. 257) Semiotellus sp. indet. The characters of this rather distinct undescribed species are given in my key above. GERMANY : Isle of Rugen, Baabe, 2 9, vii.tg60 (Boucek). Dr. Boucek very kindly allowed me to examine these. | Semiotellus fumipennis Thomson | Semiotellus fumipennis Thomson, 1876a : 203, 3, ?9. Type material. Syntypes, 2 g. LECTOTYPE bears a tiny dark green ticket, also a label “‘ fumipenis Thom.”. Thomson mentions the female in his diagnosis but I cannot find any female specimen in his collection. SWEDEN ; ? ENGLAND [a female captured by me at Wytham Wood, Berkshire, 12.v1.1964, amongst Phalaris arundinacea L., resembles the lectotype male except in sexual characters and could be the female of fumipennis]. Biology. Unknown. 256 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Semiotellus diversus (Walker) Semiotus clarus Walker, 1834 : 291, 2 [nec 3}. Semiotus tarsalis Walker, 1834 : 292, 9 [nec 3]. Semiotus diversus Walker, 1834 : 294, 3 8. Type material. Semiotus diversus Walker. BM(NH), British section of the collection, 1 2 which is probably not original material ; foreign section, 3 9 and 24, all bearing Waterhouse labels. From the latter series I designate a female as LECTOTYPE. Walker’s series of both clarus and tarsalis are mixed, the females being the same as diversus, whilst the males belong to mundus. Their respective males on the whole agree best with his descriptions, hence lectotypes of that sex have been selected. This leaves diversus as the valid name for the present species. BRITAIN (rather uncommon) ; SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Imagines chiefly in June (some records for Aug.—Sept.). Semiotellus mundus (Walker) Semiotus mundus Walker, 1834 : 291, 3 8. Semiotus clavus Walker, 1834 : 291, $ [nec 2], syn. n. Semiotus tarsalis Walker, 1834 : 292, 3 [nec 9], Syn. n. Semiotus scoticus Walker, 1834 : 292, 9, syn. n. Semiotus varians Walker, 1834 : 293, ¢ 9, Syn. n. Semiotus praestans Walker, 1834 : 293, d 2, Syn. n. ? Semiotus quadratus Walker, 1834 : 295, 3 9. Semiotus maerens Walker, 1834 : 295, 6, Syn. n. ? Pteromalus punctifrons Nees, 1834 : 117, 9. Ptevomalus Japis Walker, 1839 : 222, g, syn. n. Semiotus varians Walker ; Haliday, 1841-1842 : vi, pl. J, fig. 2, 9. Semiotus tauriscus Walker, 1848 : 173, g, Syn. n. Semiotellus puncticollis Thomson, 1876a : 202, 3 2, Syn. n. Semiotellus mundus (Walker) ; Peck ef al., 1964 : 33. Type material. Semiotus mundus Walker. A female standing in the British collection in the BM(NH) is clearly not the type. In the foreign section there is a male which has been misplaced ; it is designated LECTOTYPE and is labelled “Semiotus mundus Walk. Type 9. G. J. Kerrich det. 1958’. Semiotus clarus Walker. Five specimens (one a Eulophid!). LECTOTYPE, the third, a male. Semiotus tarsalis Walker. One 9 and 7g (but two probably not original material). LECTOTYPE, the fitth, a.male. Semiotus scoticus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE ; it bears a printed label “ Scouicus Wie Semiotus varians Walker. In the British section of the BM(NH) collection there are 3 g, two of which are not original material, whilst the third disagrees with the description. In the foreign section of the collection there are 14 specimens which I regard as syntypes (4 9, 10 g). From these I select the first female as LECTO- PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 257 frie itis labelled “38. 7. 12. 79’ “Clermont, France’, and also bears a Waterhouse label. Semiotus praestans Walker. Syntypes, 2g,29. LECTOTYPE, the first female, bearing a Waterhouse label. Semiotus quadratus Walker. Syntypes, 7 specimens. LECTOTYPE, the fourth, a female bearing a Waterhouse label. It is probably within the range of variation of mundus. Semiotus maerens Walker. Syntypes,3g. LECTOTYPE, the third ; Waterhouse label. Pteromalus punctifrons Nees. Types lost. Pteromalus japis Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE ; Waterhouse label. Semiotus tauriscus Walker. One male, designated LECTOTYPE ; bears a green- bordered ‘‘ Type ”’ label, also a printed one “ Tauriscus ”’. Semiotellus punctifrons Thomson. Syntypes on 25 pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Rsié ” [Ringsjén]. This is a very common species (at least in Britain) and also extremely variable in _ size, colour of body and legs, size of wings and proportions of the flagellar segments ofthe antennae. All these variations seem to me to be within the range of variation of one species ; at all events the different forms cannot be separated at present by any reliable characters. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, FRANCE; no doubt widely distributed in Europe. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May—Aug. (mostly June—July). Semiotellus laevicollis Thomson _ Semiotellus laevicollis Thomson, 1876a : 203, ¢ 9. Type material. Syntypes,6Q@and1g. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Esp ” | [Esperéd]. I retain Jaevicollis for the present as a valid species, though I am not sure whether it might not be a habitat-form of mundus, dwarfs of which approach very closely to _ the larger specimens of what I am calling Jaevicollis. I have taken several specimens of both sexes of /aevicollis in Britain (on chalk-downland in Oxfordshire, on moorland in Perthshire, Scotland). i BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; very local. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in June. SYSTASIS Walker Systasis Walker, 1834 : 288, 296. Type-species : S. encyrtoides Walker, by designation of West- wood, 1839 : 70. Systasis Walker ; Thomson, 1876a : 193, 203. Syntasis [sic] Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 274, 275. _ Systasis Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 275, 276, 280. ? Guieralia Risbec, 1951 : 253. Type-species : G. guievae Risbec, by monotypy. 258 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Systasis Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 240. Systasis Walker: Bouéek, 1955 : 324-327. Systasis Walker ; Peck, 1963 : 644. Systasis Walker ; Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 33. The European species of Systasis have not been revised ; Bouéek (1955) described two new species, one of which falls into synonymy. Guwieralia Risbec (described from Senegal) appears to me, from the descriptions of the genus and its type-species, as well as Risbec’s figure (136a) of the fore wing, to be probably a synonym of Systasis. Kery to EUROPEAN SPECIES (MALES AND FEMALES) I Metapleuron and sides of propodeum shiny and weakly sculptured ; meso- pleuron mainly, and mesosternum, with obsolescent alutaceous sculpture, hence very shiny. Fore wing (upper surface) with basal cell closed below, basal vein pilose, sometimes also a few hairs in the distal part of the basal cell. Antennae with scape only slightly more than half as long as an eye and not reaching the median ocellus ; sutures of clava, in female only the second suture, oblique. Female with gaster lanceolate, as long as or longer than head plus thorax ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum less than breadth of head, flagellum strongly clavate ; funicular segments all transverse, distal ones strongly so ; clava broader than, and almost as long as, the funicle. Male with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum less than breadth of head ; flagellum distinctly clavate ; all funicular segments transverse ; clava nearly as long as the funicle, apparently four-segmented, there being a large offset portion at the apex of the third segment. (subgenus Systasina Bouéek) : : . annulipes (Walker) (p. 266) - Metapleuron and sides of propodeum strongly reticulate and relatively dull ; mesopleuron, and usually mesosternum, entirely reticulate or strouely alutaceous. Fore wing (upper surface) with basal cell bare, open below ; basal vein bare or with few hairs. Antennae with scape reaching at least level with lower edge of median ocellus ; sutures of clava not oblique. Female with gaster often relatively shorter ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum at least equal to breadth of head ; flagellum weakly clavate ; funicular segments at most slightly transverse ; clava only slightly broader than funicle, at most slightly longer than the three preceding funicular segments together. Male with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum at least slightly greater than breadth of head ; flagellum filiform or very weakly clavate ; funicular segments not all transverse ; clava at most as long as the three preceding funicular segments together, three-segmented, with only a minute offset portion at the apex of the third isa a Systasis s. str.) . 2 2 (1) Fore wing (Text-fig. 195) beyond the siecrim sowie more eke nieces ; no bare area either between the postmarginal and stigmal veins, or below the stigma. Lower face, laterad of the clypeus, either with very few and shallow punctures which are relatively inconspicuous amongst the reticul- ation of the surface, or virtually impunctate. Male antennal scape only 2:6 to 2:7 times as long as broad. Antennal scape of both sexes hardly reaching above the level of the vertex ; flagellum of female (Text-fig. 192) rather slender, the funicle not stouter than the pedicellus ; ; ; ‘ ; . tenuicornis Walker (p. 260) a OO ———————eEeE——rrrnnn— PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 259 - Fore wing (Text-fig. 196) beyond the speculum relatively more sparsely pilose ; with at least a small bare area between the postmarginal and stigmal veins, and another just below the stigma. Lower face, laterad of the clypeus, usually with more numerous and quite conspicuous punctures, these may be less distinct in some small a gat Male antennal scape at least three times as long as broad : : ; 3 3. (2) Female antennal scape reaching to, or above, the level of the vertex ; funicle of practically uniform thickness and slightly stouter than the pedicellus ; clava, except in small specimens, at least slightly shorter than the combined length of the three preceding funicular segments. Male antennal scape reaching slightly to far above the level of the vertex, its length fully equal to or slightly greater than the transverse diameter of an eye ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-3 times the breadth of the head ; first funicular segment at least slightly longer than the pedicellus, all the funicular segments distinctly Dee than broad ; bristles of flagellum standing out at an angle of 40° to 45° . : : : é 4 - Female antennal scape hardly reaching level of vertex. ; funicle (Text-fig. 194) thickening slightly towards the clava, which is as long as the three preceding funicular segments together. Male scape not reaching above level of vertex, its length hardly as great as the transverse diameter of an eye ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only slightly greater than the breadth of the head ; first funicular segment (Text-fig. 193) shorter than the pedicellus, funicular segments quadrate or at most slightly longer than broad ; bristles of flagellum oe out at a smaller angle, sometimes nearly decumbent : ; : 5 4 (3) Female larger (length 1-6 to 2-4 mm., but panels more than, I‘9 ee) ; gaster 1-4 to 1-7 times as long as broad, usually slightly shorter than, occasionally as long as, head plus thorax : . encyrtoides Walker (p. 261) = Female 1-6 to 1:9 mm. ; gaster 1-75 to 1-9 times as long as broad, slightly longer than head plus thorax. Slovakia : perhaps only a form of encyrtoides sp. indet. 5 (3) Female gaster about 1-3 times as long as head plus thorax, and about 2:5 times as long as broad. Head in frontal view with vertex strongly arched ; eyes separated by about 1-45 times their length . longula Bouéek (p. 263) Figs. 195-196. Systasis spp., fore wings (part): 195, tenuicornis Walker, 2; 1096, parvula Thomson, 9. 260 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM - Female gaster at most very slightly longer than head plus thorax, and at most about 2-3 times as long as broad, if as long as this, then the head in frontal view has the vertex weakly arched, and the eyes are separated by only 1:25 to 1-3 times their length : 6 6 (5) Female antennal pedicellus about as 5 ee as anelli plus first faniedlar Ge ment ; fifth funicular segment hardly shorter than the first segment of the clava ; gaster 2 to 2-3 times as long as broad, as long as head plus thorax, slightly narrower than the thorax ; length 1:8 to2:omm. Male length 1-5 to 1-6 mm. ; antennal funicle fully as stout as the pedicellus angustula sp. n. (p. 262) - Female antennal pedicellus (Text-fig. 194) distinctly longer than anelli plus first funicular segment ; fifth funicular segment distinctly shorter than the first segment of the clava ; gaster 1-3 to 1-6 times as long as broad, as broad as or broader than the thorax ; length 1-4 to1-8mm. Male length 1-0 to 1-4 mm.; antennal funicle (Text-fig. 193) usually slightly thinner than the pedicellus . ‘ : 5 : : : . parvula Thomson (p. 263) Subgenus SYSTASINA Bouéek Systasis (Systasina) annulipes (Walker) comb. n. Gastrancistvus annulipes Walker, 1834 : 176, 9. Ormocerus Bambyce Walker, 1839 : 208, 2, Syn. n. Systasis (Systasina) clavicornis Bouéek, 1955 : 324, d 2, Syn. n. Type material. Gastrancistrus annulipes Walker. Syntypes, 2 2 which are conspecific. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, with Waterhouse label, and another Ply pe Cab wesc hentere|: Ormocerus bambyce Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE. Systasis (Systasina) clavicornis Bouéek. Type 9, Bohemia, valley between Noutounice and Kovary, 6—11.v1.1953 (Boucek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3063). I have examined the type. BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HunGARY. In England, locally common on rough grassland, particularly chalk downland. Biology. Unknown. Imagines mainly in June—July, single records for end of May, and August, in Czechoslovakia. Subgenus SYSTASIS Walker, s. str. Systasis (Systasis) tenuicornis Walker (Text-figs. 191, 192, 195) Systasis tenuicornis Walker, 1834 : 297, 9. Type material. Syntypes, 1 9, 2 g. LECTOTYPE, the female, bearing a Waterhouse label and another in C. Ferriére’s handwriting “‘ same sp. as above ? “. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Windsor Forest (Walker, 1834 : 297) ; Wytham Wood, 1 9, 12.vii.1956 (Graham) ; Bagley Wood, I 9, 28.vii.1955, I g, I 9, 30.v.1957 (Graham). This species appears to be much less common than encyrtoides. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June—August. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 261 Systasis (Systasis) encyrtoides Walker Systasis encyrtoides Walker, 1834 : 296, 3 9. Systasis encyrtoides Walker ; Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. B, fig. 1, 9. ? Tridymus punctatus Ratzeburg, 1852 : 227. Hormocerus impletus Walker, 1872 : 96, 2, syn. n. Systasis longicovnis Thomson, 1876a : 204. Type material. Systasis encyrtoides Walker. Syntypes, 5 specimens. One T-shaped card carries a male and a female ; the latter is designated LECTOTYPE ; the specimens bear a Waterhouse label. Tridymus punctatus Ratzeburg. Types presumed lost. So far as one can tell from the description, punctatus probably was a Systasis, and might have been the same as encyrtoides. Reinhard (1857 : 78) synonymized punctatus with encyrtoides, apparently because the recorded biological data for the two were similar. Walker (18484 : 77) had stated that Systasts encyrtoides “ Destroys an Apion on Spartium Scoparium, broom.”’ ; the specimen or specimens of encyrtoides on which this record was based had been sent to him, together with the biological data, by Kaltenbach. Ratzeburg (1852 : 227) cited ‘‘ Bruchus Spartii 2 ”’ as host of his Tvidymus punctatus, though from his further remarks it would seem that the parasite was merely reared _ from pods of broom (“‘ aus den Schoten von Spartium scoparium ’’) together with the beetle mentioned. These two records support the idea that encyrtoides and punctatus ' could be the same. The records themselves are, however, rather circumstantial and need confirmation. At least three species of Cecidomyiidae are associated with the pods of broom (Sarothamnus scoparius (L.) Wimm.) and it seems more likely that the _ specimens of encyrtoides and punctatus recorded by Walker and Ratzeburg had been attacking one or other of these Diptera. Hormocerus impletus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE ; labelled “ Corsica ’’, “Marshall coll. 1904-120”, “‘implet{us] Corsfica]’’. The specimen lacks the gaster ; I cannot distinguish it from encyrtoides. Systasis longicornis Thomson. Two females, one of which disagrees with the description. LECTOTYPE labelled “Sm” [Smaland] and “ Bhn ’”’ [Boheman]. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Corsica, MoLpaviANn S.S.R.; a fairly - common species in Britain. _ Biology. Reared in Britain from galls of Dasyneura epilobit (F. Loew) on Chamaenerion angustifolium L. in Norfolk (S. A. Manning) ; from Phytomyza isais Her. in seeds of Odontites verna (Bell.) Dum. (G. C. D. Griffiths) ; material in BM (NH). It has also been recorded as a parasite of Contarinia medicagimis Kieff. in France (Secrétariat, etc. 1961 : 215, 228) ; of Conchylidea implicatans Wek. (Lep., Tortricidae) in Yugoslavia (ibid., 1963 : 343, 359) ; of Contarinia ilicis Kieffer in France, and of Tortrix viridana L. in Portugal (ibid., : 121, 129, 130). Of the continental records quoted, those referring to Cecidomyiid hosts are probably correct ; those of lepidopterous hosts seem rather unlikely and it would be satis- factory to have them confirmed. Imagines May-Sept., possibly more than one generation. | 262 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Systasis (Systasis) angustula sp. n. 9. Bright green to bluish green. Antennae black, scape and pedicellus with green reflec- tions. Legs mainly blackish with a green tinge ; knees and apices of tibiae, also an external stripe on the fore tibia, testaceous ; fore tarsi brownish, mid and hind tarsi pale testaceous becoming brownish distally, their fifth segment fuscous. Tegulae black with a metallic tinge ; wings hyaline, venation brownish testaceous. Length 1-8 to 2 mm. Lower face, on either side of clypeus, rather irregularly reticulate and with several con- spicuous piliferous punctures. Head in dorsal view 2:1 to 2-2 times as broad as long ; temples about one quarter as long as eyes. Head in frontal view about 1-25 times as broad as high, with vertex not strongly arched. Eyes separated, on vertex, by 1-25 to 1-3 times their length. Antenna with scape reaching about to level of lower edge of median ocellus, its length slightly less than the transverse diameter of an eye ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to breadth of head ; pedicellus (profile) nearly twice as long as broad, approximately as long as anelli plus first funicular segment ; flagellum slightly clavate, proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus (in profile) ; funicular segments increasing very slightly in length, the fifth as long as the first segment of the clava ; the segments are quadrate, or the fourth and fifth very slightly transverse ; clava about as long as the three preceding funicular segments together ; sensilla sparse ; hairs of flagellum subdecumbent. Thorax squat, 1:3 to 1-4 times as long as broad. Fore wing much as in parvula (cf. Text-fig. 196) ; basal vein bare or with one or two hairs ; speculum broad and continued, on upper surface of wing, as a bare strip below the marginal vein as far as the stigmal vein ; the triangular area between the postmarginal and stigmal veins is mainly bare, and there is a small bare spot below the stigma ; disc of wing, beyond the speculum, rather sparsely haired ; postmarginal vein 1-2 to 1:3 times as long as the stigmal vein. Spur of mid tibia about three quarters the length of the first tarsal segment. Gaster long-ovate, as long as head plus thorax, slightly narrower than the thorax, 2 to 2:3 times as long as broad, acutely pointed apically. 6. Differs from 9 chiefly in the antennae, gaster, and smaller size (1-5 to1-6mm.). Antenna with scape broader, only slightly more than three times as long as broad, with a row of small pits along its front edge ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head ; pedicellus slightly shorter than in 9 ; funicle proximally as stout as the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view, hardly thickening distad ; its segments quadrate, or the proximal ones very slightly longer than broad ; clava nearly as long as the three preceding funicular segments together ; hairs of flagellum subdecumbent. Postmarginal vein only slightly longer than the stigmal vein. Gaster oval, depressed ; hardly as long as, and slightly narrower than, the thorax. This species is very close to parvula Thomson and differs only in the characters mentioned in my key. The Q is also very near that of Jongula Bouéek, but differs particularly in its relatively shorter gaster, also in some smaller details, as follows : eyes rather larger, separated (on vertex) by 1:25-1:3 times their length (by about I-45 times in /ongula) ; head in frontal view distinctly transverse, with vertex less strongly arched (in Jongula more subcircular, with vertex strongly arched) ; in dorsal view the head is rather more transverse (in Jongula hardly twice as broad as long), with the temples shorter (more than one third as long as eyes in longula). Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Surrey, Riddlesdown, from Kiefferia pimpinellae Hed. (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae), 20.ix.1947 (M. Niblett), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 3 g, 3 2 ; Surrey, Effingham Common, from PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 263 Putoniella marsupials (F. Loew), 3 3, 3.vil.1947 (M. Niblett), in Hope Department, Oxford and in Manchester Museum. Systasis (Systasis) parvula Thomson (Text-figs. 193, 194, 196) Systasis parvula Thomson, 1876a : 205, 5 . Type material. Syntypes, 8 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Ar”’ [Arrie] and “ par-vula”’ ; the specimen remounted by A. Jansson. IRELAND, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. All the specimens which I have captured were taken from weeds at the edges of cultivated fields. Imagines in July. Systasis (Systasis) longula Boucek Systasis longula Bouéek, 1955 : 326, . Type material. Holotype 9, S. Moravia, Hlohovec, 8.vi.1948 (Boucek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3065) ; I have examined the type. The male is unknown. CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. It may be remarked here that the following extralimital species also belong to Systasts according to their respective types in BM(NH). Miscogaster Cernus Walker, 1839a: 11, “2” [recte 3]. (Tasmania). LECTO- TYPE g. Type Hym. 5.796. It appears to be quite near encyrtoides Walker. Semiotus Merula Walker, 1839a:17, 9 (Tasmania). LECTOTYPE 9. Type Hym. 5.667. A valid species, having the radial cell of the fore wing pilose as in tenuicornis Walker, but the face with distinct piliferous punctures and the gaster _ longer than head plus thorax. Semotus Dice Walker, 1839a : 15, g (Australia) LECTOTYPE. Type Hym. 5. 668. Pieromalus Lelex Walker, 18394: 95, @ (Australia). LECTOTYPE. Type Hym. 5.739. Pteromalus Euctemon Walker, 18392: 88, 2 (Chile) LECTOTYPE. Type Hym. 5. 744. Note. Systasis celey Goureau (1851: 151, pl. Io, figs. Io. 11) reared from Phytomyza geniculata Mg., probably does not belong to Systasis but to some genus of _ Miscogasterini. I have looked for the types in the Muséum Nationale d’ Histoire Naturelle, Paris, and elsewhere, but have failed to locate any. 264 M. W. R. vpE V. GRAHAM BUGACIA Erdos Bugacia Erdés, 1946 : 162. Type-species : B. avenavia Erdés, by monotypy and original designation. Bugacia Erdos ; Peck et al., 1964 : 33. Bugacia Erdés ; Boucek, 1965d : 84-86. The species have been revised by Bouéek (1965). KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (MALES AND FEMALES) I Vertex posteriorly with a strongly raised and sharp transverse crest which extends laterally well outside the level of the posterior ocelli ; in frontal view this crest appears like three waves, separated by slight indentations at the level of each posterior ocellus. Antennal flagellum subfiliform, in female relatively thick throughout, the distal funicular segments only slightly transverse. Scutellar frenum more shiny than the rest of the scutellum, smooth at least in the middle. Basal cell of fore wing in female hairy only at extreme apex and along the basal vein. Tibiae testaceous or hardly at all infuscate : : submontana Bouéek (p. 264) - Vertex with a weaker transverse vidge which is not sharp and extends at most very slightly outside the level of the posterior ocelli, sometimes the ridge is absent ; in frontal view the vertex does not appear to have three waves. Antennae either with the proximal funicular segments narrower than the distal ones; or with the latter strongly transverse, the fifth nearly twice as broad as long. Scutellar frenum finely reticulate like the rest of the scutellum and relatively dull. Basal cell of fore wing with scattered hairs over its distal third to half . . 2 2 (1) Vertex posteriorly with a fairly distinct transverse ridge hel seeds slightly laterad of the posterior ocelli. Antennal flagellum strongly clavate, the funicle proximally more slender with its second segment only slightly more than half as broad as the fifth segment. Propodeum nearly smooth, with plicae strong, often also with supplementary carinae between them and the median carina. Hind margin of basal tergite of gaster deeply, rectan- gularly emarginate ‘ , : arenaria Erdés (p. 265) - Vertex without a ridge or with at mae a 1 yeealk one which does not extend laterad of the posterior ocelli. Antennal flagellum less strongly clavate, the funicle relatively thicker proximally with its second segment not much narrower than the fifth segment. Propodeum delicately wrinkled, the wrinkles tending to radiate from the base of the median carina ; plicae weaker, no obvious supplementary carinae present. Hind margin of basal tergite of gaster shallowly emarginate . ; classeyi Bouéek (p. 265) Bugacia submontana Boucéek Bugacia submontana Bouéek, 1955 : 322, 2 Bugacia submontana Bouéek, 1961 : 66, J. Bugacia submontana Bouéek, 1965d : 86. Type material. Holotype 9, Western Bohemia, Kamenna near Karlovy Vary, in a wet meadow, 20.vil. 1951 (Boucek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3042). PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 265 BRITAIN [new : England, Warwickshire, Waverley Wood, I § swept in a damp rushy area, 5.vii.1954 (Graham)] ; CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Rare. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in May and July. Bugacia arenaria Erdos Bugacia avenaria Erdos, 1946 : 163, 3 Q. Bugacia avenaria Erdos ; Bouéek, 1965d : 86. Type material. Syntypes, Hungary, Bugac, 28.iv.1944, 5 g, 11 9, in coll. Erdos and in National Museum of Hungary, Budapest (not seen). BriTAIn [new : England, Berkshire, Bagley Wood, 1 9, 30.V.1954 (Graham)] ; CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HunGARy, MoLpaAvVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. Imagines Apr.—May. Bugacia classeyi Bouéek Bugacia classeyi Bouéek, 1965d : 84, 3 9. Type material. Holotype 9, England, Middlesex, Hampton, 11.vi.1964 (Boucek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 26011) ; also paratypes in same institution. BRITAIN (new record) : Middlesex, Southgate, gg, 99 swept on rough grassland, II.v1.1965 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. OXYGLYPTA Forster Oxyglypta Forster, 1856 : 64, 68. Type-species : O. yvugosa Ruschka, 1912, by subsequent reference. Oxyglypta Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 275, 276, 279. Oxyglypta Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 238-239. Oxyglypta Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 33. Oxyglypta rugosa Ruschka Oxyglypta rugosa Ruschka, 1912 : 240-242, 3 Q. Type material. Syntypes, Lower Austria, Gross-Enzersdorf, 9.iii.1g1I, 22 2 and 8 g from galls of Oligotrophus bergenstammi Wachtl, presumably in Naturhistorisches Museum. Vienna. AUSTRIA. _ Biology. Reared from galls of Oligotrophus bergenstammi Wachtl (Dipt., Cecido- mylidae) in twigs of pear-tree (Ruschka, ibid.). 266 M. W. R. p—E V. GRAHAM MELANCISTRUS gen. n. Derivation : Greek «yy.otpov, hook ; weaus, black. Gender : masculine. Type-species : Tvidymus mucronatus Thomson, 1876a : 194. Occiput not margined. Clypeus marked off from the face by a weak groove, its anterior margin strongly curved. Both mandibles with four teeth. Antennae inserted below the middle of the face but above the level of the ventral edges of the eyes, 12-segmented (11262 in male, 11253 in female) ; first funicular segment longer than the pedicellus. Pronotum short, without a collar. Mesoscutum and scutellum having their surface uneven, reticulate and also with numerous small piliferous tubercles, hence appearing almost rugulose. Notauli complete, deep. The scutello-axillar sutures are straight and converge strongly to- wards the mesoscutum, so that the base of the scutellum is only about one fifth the breadth of the mesoscutum. Scutellum hairy, except its sides and the frenum ; frenum marked off by a weak grooved line. Axillae hairy, except laterally. Propodeum with a median carina which is crossed at about the middle of its length by a transverse crest or ridge which in profile appears like a tooth ; plicae and nucha absent ; callus hairy all over right to the edge of the meta- pleuron, the bases of the hairs giving it a roughened appearance, convex, with a raised tubercle in the middle ; spiracles small, nearly circular, close to the hind margin of the metanotum. Postspiracular sclerite broad, sometimes with indications of an oblique carina. Dorsal surface of hind coxae roughened, with indications of a longitudinal crest, hairy along its whole length. Hind tibiae each with two spurs, the second weaker and about half the length of the first. Fore wing with no hyaline break between parastigma and marginal vein ; marginal vein longer than the curved stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein variable, from slightly shorter than to slightly longer than, the marginal. Gaster compressed laterally, strongly so in female and strongly carinate ventrally ; hypopy- gium of female very long, its tip situated at about three quarters the length of the gaster, and provided with a membranous process or mucro (Text-fig. 201). Melancistrus is close to Gastrancistrus Westwood, from which it differs by the following combination of characters. Propodeal callus hairy all over as far as the edge of the metapleuron, convex and with a raised tubercle in its middle ; median carina of propodeum strongly raised, crossed at about the middle of its length by a transverse crest which in profile appears tooth-like. Dorsal surface of hind coxae with indications of a longitudinal crest, and hairy along their entire length. Gaster of female with the hypopygium extending far caudad, with a membranous mucro. Body black, or black with a very weak bluish tinge. In females of Gastrancistrus species, the hypopygium is shorter, reaching at most about half way along the gaster and lacks a mucro. Gastrancistrus coxalis Thomson approaches Melancistrus in the structure of the propodeum and has the hind coxae hairy dorsally ; but in coxalis the propodeal callus has only a weak tubercle, the median carina of the propodeum is not raised and is not transversed by a crest, the dorsal surface of the hind coxae has no longitudinal crest, whilst the body is metallic green. In facies Melancistrus much resembles Oxyglypta Forster ; but in that genus the sculpture of the mesoscutum is composed of transverse ripples or striae, both mandibles have 3 teeth, the median carina of the propodeum is neither raised into a tooth medially nor traversed by a crest, whilst the hypopygium of the female gaster lacks an apical mucro. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 267 Fics. 197-201. 197, Melancistrus specularis sp.n., 9, fore wing, part ; 198, Melancistrus mucronatus (Thomson), 2, fore wing ; 199, same, g, antenna ; 200, same, 9, antenna ; 201, Melancistrus specularis sp. n., 9, gaster. 268 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Fore wing (Text-fig. 198) with speculum absent ; postmarginal vein as long as, or very slightly longer than, the marginal vein ; costal cell relatively more hairy. Hind wing with costal cell with an irregular row of hairs extending its whole length mucronatus (Thomson) (p. 268) — Fore wing (Text-fig. 197) with speculum present ; postmarginal vein distinctly shorter than the marginal vein ; costal cell relatively less hairy. Hind wing with costal cell bare . : : : : : : : specularis sp. n. (p. 270) The male of mucronatus only is known (see p. 269). Melancistrus mucronatus (Thomson) comb. n. (Text-figs. 198-200) Trvidymus mucronatus Thomson, 1876a : 194-195, 9. 9 (redescription of type). Black ; gaster brown at the base and more or less so on its sides, but possibly faded. Antennal scape testaceous ; pedicellus fuscous, paler beneath ; flagellum fuscous. Coxae black ; the mid and hind ones reddish testaceous apically ; femora and tibiae reddish testaceous, the former infuscate except narrowly at their bases and more broadly at their apices ; tarsi testaceous, the pretarsi brown. Tegulae brown ; wings hyaline, the fore wing with a faint brownish discal cloud which touches the marginal vein ; venation reddish testaceous ; the wings are clothed with brownish hairs, which appear rather golden in some lights. Length 2:55 mm. Head slightly broader than the mesoscutum (85 : 80), in dorsal view 2-4 times as broad as its maximum length ; frontovertex where narrowest 0-65 the breadth of the head, therefore nearly four times the breadth of an eye ; temples extremely short ; POL : OOL as 17 : 15, ocelliina triangle with base 31, height 14:5. Head in front view about 1-4 times as broad as high, subtrapeziform, the vertex moderately arched ; genae converging strongly towards the mouth, but buccate, their outline being distinctly curved ; eyes separated on the vertex by nearly 1-7 times their own length, their inner orbits diverging very slightly ventrad ; malar space 0-6 the length of an eye, malar sulcus distinct. Clypeus about 1-75 times as broad as high, convex, shiny and nearly smooth except for some piliferous punctures which bear long hairs. Genae compressed, ventrally with a sharp edge or margin which runs outward from the base of the mandibles for a short distance. Eyes nearly 1:2 times as long as broad, with short sparse pubescence. The surface of the head is moderately shiny, more so on the face, finely reticulate, the sculpture lightly engraved, tending to be transverse on the face below the antennal toruli, more longitudinal on the orbital region and genae, intricate on the vertex, which is duller than the rest of the head. Face and frons clothed with long hairs ; vertex thickly clothed with shorter, more bristly hairs. Antennae (Text-fig. 200) inserted in a position such that the lower edges of the toruli are slightly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; toruli nearer to each other than to the eyes ; scape slightly shorter than the transverse diameter of an eye, hardly four times as long as broad, not reaching the level of the lower edge of the median ocellus, with numerous hairs dorsally and along its front edge ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-1 times the breadth of the head ; pedicellus about 1-5 times as long as broad ; anelli transverse, the first small, second larger ; funicle cylindrical, its first segment 1-6 times the length of the pedicellus and slightly more than twice as long as broad, the following segments decreasing in length, the fifth hardly longer than broad ; clava hardly broader than the funicle, slightly more than twice as long as broad ; hairs of funicle rather thick, rather strongly outstanding. Thorax scarcely 1:5 times as long as broad. Pronotum short, transversely crescentic ; PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 269 dorsally shiny and nearly smooth, except the strip corresponding to the collar, which is aluta- ceous and thickly clothed with dark subadpressed hairs, the latter arising from small tubercles ; laterally the sclerite is lightly reticulate and nearly bare. Mesoscutum about twice as broad as long, uneven, intricately and finely reticulate, rather thickly clothed with dark hairs which are only slightly outstanding, these hairs arising from small tubercles ; notauli very deep and sharply defined. Axillae rather shiny, alutaceous, fairly thickly clothed, except along their outer edge, with dark hairs like those of the mesoscutum. Scutellum 1:25 times as long as broad, strongly convex, moderately shiny, finely intricately alutaceous, clothed, except the frenum, with numerous slightly outstanding fuscous hairs ; frenum bare, rather narrow, its length hardly one fifth of the total length of the scutellum, marked off by a weak line, with traces of longitudinal costulae. Dorsellum small, alutaceous. Propodeum medially nearly one third as long as the scutellum, with a row of irregular punctures along its base and along its hind margin, the rest of its surface, between the spiracles, very shiny and almost smooth, some traces of very weak oblique striae ; median keel a raised crest which in profile appears dentate in its middle, channelled longitudinally, this channel interrupted at the point where the tooth is situated ; callus clothed all over with long whitish hairs which spring from warts which give the surface a rough appearance ; spiracles small, nearly circular, separated by only about one third of their diameter from the hind margin of the metanotum. Postspiracular sclerite shiny, with some weak irregular wrinkles. Femoral groove of mesopleuron more or less reticulate ; mese- pisternum polished and smooth, extending down nearly to the mid coxa ; mesepimeron nearly smooth, separated from the mesepisternum by an incomplete groove ; metapleuron shiny, finely obliquely reticulate. Mesosternum finely reticulate and hairy, except for a shiny and nearly smooth oval patch on each side of the middle ; mesolcus a shallow but distinct groove. Fore wing (Text-fig. 198) hardly more than twice as long as broad, surpassing the tip of the gaster ; costal cell about eight times as long as broad, its lower surface hairy throughout, its upper surface hairy over the distal half but with a bare strip just above the submarginal vein in the proximal half, the hairs long ; the rest of the wing is hairy except for a narrow strip below the submarginal vein and another along the hind margin of the wing in its basal third ; fringe of wing very short ; marginal vein about 2-4 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal slightly longer than the marginal ; stigmal vein strongly curved, the stigma nearly parallel to the costal edge of the wing, oblong and with a long uncus. Hind wing rounded at apex ; costal cell with a row of hairs which extends throughout its length ; rest of wing hairy. Hind coxae rather dull like the propodeal callus, finely reticulate except dorsally where it is somewhat rough- ened, the rough sculpture forming a weak crest ; a band of hairs extends right along the dorsal surface of the coxa, another runs along its ventro-lateral surface. The legs from the trochanters onwards are thickly hairy. The spur of the mid tibia is nearly two thirds the length of the first tarsal segment. Petiole of gaster very strongly transverse. Gaster (cf. Text-fig. 201) about 2-5 times as long as broad in dorsal view, oblong-elliptic, slightly longer and much narrower than the thorax, pointed apically, sunken dorsally, strongly compressed so as to be higher than broad, ventrally strongly carinate over three quarters of its length ; the tip of the hypopygium is situated very far from the base of the gaster and is provided with a long pale mucro (Text-fig. 201, m). The sides of the gaster have a row of hairs on each segment (the apical segments have two or more rows). The hind margin of the first tergite is entire. Tips of ovipositor sheaths projecting very slightly. 6 [undescribed]. Differs from 9 as follows: Antennae and coxae black ; mid tibiae fuscescent, hind tibiae fuscous except their bases and apices narrowly ; tarsi infuscate, except the bases of the mid and hind ones ; fore wing in- fumate, with a strong brown cloud which extends from the marginal vein about two thirds across the wing ; basal and costal cells somewhat brownish, the basal vein marked by a brown curved line ; hind wings infumate, more distinctly brownish beneath the marginal vein ; venation of both wings fuscous. Antennae (Text-fig. 199) with scape more flattened and expanded, hardly 2-5 times as long 270 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM as broad, broadening slightly in its upper half ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1°45 times the breadth of the head ; pedicellus somewhat flattened, in dorsal view hardly longer than broad ; flagellum subfiliform ; first funicular segment proximally slightly less stout than the pedicellus in profile, but broadening distally, about 2-5 times as long as broad ; the follow- ing segments about equal in breadth to the thickest part of the first segment, but gradually decreasing in length, the sixth about 1-5 times as long as broad ; clava about 3:5 times as long as broad, about equal in length to the two preceding funicular segments including their peduncles, constricted about half way along, two-segmented, pointed apically and with a terminal spine. Each funicular segment is constricted apically to form a conspicuous peduncle, and is clothed with strongly outstanding bristly hairs whose length is about equal to that of the segments themselves ; clava with similar hairs ; these hairs form irregular whorls. Gaster sublinear in dorsal view, compressed and somewhat higher than broad, sunken dorsally, ventrally with a very strong sharp plica. Fore wing with marginal vein rather shorter than in the female, only 1-5 to 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham Wood, g¢ captured 13.vi.1959, 20.v1.1959, 28.v1. 1960, all on Picea (Graham). SWEDEN : Stockholm, without other data, one female (the type, presumably holotype) in Thomson collection, labelled ““ Hlm ”’ [Holmiae], ““ Bhn ”’ [Boheman], and in Thomson’s handwriting “‘ mucronatus ”’. Biology. Unknown. Melancistrus specularis sp. n. (Text-figs. 197, 201) 9. Differs from that of mucronatus (Thomson) as follows : Fore wings hyaline ; head, thorax, and gaster with at least a faint bluish tinge in places. Antennal scape with fewer hairs along its front edge. Sculpture of vertex, mesoscutum, axillae, and scutellum relatively a little stronger, so that these parts appear slightly duller. Fore wing (Text-fig. 197) with upper surface of costal cell less hairy, there being one irregular row, or two rows, of hairs near the costal edge plus some additional scattered hairs in the distal third of the cell ; there is a moderate-sized speculum which is partially effaced on the lower surface of the wing by a few hairs ; the postmarginal vein is 1:2 to 1-45 times as long as the marginal vein ; the latter is 2-15 to 2:3 times the length of the stigmal vein. The costal cell of the hind wing is bare. Gaster, Text-fig. 201. 36. Unknown. Holotype 9. ScoTLaND : West Inverness, Isle of Rhum, Kinloch, 26.viii.1961, probably beaten from Betula (Graham), in Hope Department of Entomology, University Museum, Oxford. Paratype 9. ENGLAND: Berkshire, Bagley Wood, 12.x.1957 (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. GASTRANCISTRUS Westwood Gastrancistvus Westwood, 1833a : 444. Type-species : G. vagans Westwood, by monotypy. Glyphe Walker, 1834 : 168, 170. Type-species : G. autumnalis Walker, by monotypy. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 271 Tridymus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 183. Type-species : T. aphidum Ratzeburg, by designation of Gahan Fagan, 1923 : 148. Tripedias Forster, 1856: 60. Type-species : Gastrancistrus (Tripedias) tripedias Bouéek, 19644, by subsequent reference. Tridymus Ratzeburg ; Thomson, 1876a : 193—201. Tridymus Ratzeburg ; Ashmead, 1904 : 273, 274. Gastvancistrus Westwood ; Ashmead, 1904 : 273, 275. Tridymus Ratzeburg ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 274, 275, 276-277. Gastrancistrus Westwood ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 275, 276, 277-279. Tridymus Ratzeburg ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 238. Gastrancistvus Westwood ; Bouéek, 1964a : 259-261. Gastrancistrus Westwood ; Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 34. The type-species of Glyphe Walker (autumnalis Walker) was transferred to Gastrancistrus by Walker (1846 : 25). Tridymus Ratzeburg. Ratzeburg described this genus with three included species: aphidum Ratzeburg, 1848 ; [Pteromalus| salicis Nees, 1834; and xylophagorum Ratzeburg, 1848. Ashmead (1904) designated two different species as type-species of the genus : Tvidymus aphidum Ratzeburg on p. 273, Pteromalus salicis Nees on p. 392. Gahan and Fagan (1923 : 148) adopted aphidum Ratzeburg as type-species. This decision was unfortunate because aphidum has not been recognized by any author subsequent to Ratzeburg. It might be more satisfactory if Gahan and Fagan’s designation could be annulled and Pteromalus salicis Nees adopted instead as type-species, which course would objectively define the genus Tridymus. Dr. Bouéek agrees with me on this point. An application may be made to the International Commission on Zoological Commission on this change. Tripedias Forster. Described without included species. Bouéek (1964a : 259) described a new species Gastrancistrus tripedias (which he at the same time designated as type-species of 77ipedias Forster) from material in Forster’s collection which with little doubt represented that on which Forster had originally based his genus Tripedias. The species of Gastrancistrus will certainly prove to be very numerous ; already there is a large total for western Euope alone. One encounters some taxonomic difficulties, particularly with regard to certain species-groups. For example there are four closely allied species, not very easy to distinguish, in the group of fuscicornis Walker. Especially troublesome situations exist in the species-groups of salicis (Nees), vagans Westwood, and compressus Walker. In these groups, some of the forms here treated as valid species differ only slightly inter se, and it is difficult in certain cases to be sure whether some of them are really distinct or merely forms of one variable species. Much further research is needed to clarify such problems, and the present work should be regarded only as a beginning. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (This key is intended primarily for the identification of females. In most cases it should also help to refer males to their correct species-group.) I Scutellum, except sometimes the axillulae, wholly reticulate, not noticeably more shiny than the mesoscutum ; in nearly all the species the scutello- 272 M. W. R. bE V. GRAHAM axillar sutures (Text-figs. 253, 255) meet the mesoscutum at least a little mesad of the hind ends of the notauli, or even converge so strongly that they meet (Text-figs. 202, 204) . i ‘ : ; : : : ; = Scutellum generally entirely smooth and polished, occasionally more or less alutaceous anteriorly, but always for the most part conspicuously more shiny and smoother than the mesoscutum ; scutello-axillar sutures (Text- mesepisternum mesepisternum 207 Fics. 202-208. Gastrancistrus spp. 202, salicis (Nees), 9, thorax; 203, compressus Walker, 9, pronotum, mesoscutum and scutellum ; 204, vevnalis sp. n., 9, thorax ; 205, indivisus sp. n., 9, meso- and metapleura, mid and hind coxae ; 206, atropurpureus Walker, 2, meso- and metapleura, mid and hind coxae ; 207, vernalis sp. n., 9, meso- and metapleura, mid and hind coxae ; 208, alectus Walker, 3, head. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE fig. 203) meeting the hind margin of the mesoscutum at approximately the same point as the hind ends of the notauli : : : Mesepimeron not marked off from the mesepisternum (Text- fig. 205), or rarely weakly separated at its lower end ; hinder part of mesopleuron entirely or almost entirely smooth and polished. Scutello-axillar sutures not strongly convergent, so that the base of the scutellum (Text-figs. 253, 255) is more than half the distance which separates the hind ends of the notauli . Mesepimeron (Text-figs. 206, 207) marked off from the mesepisternum by a distinct impressed line, or elongate fovea, and often more or less reticulate. Scutello-axillar sutures often strongly convergent or even meeting anteriorly (Text-figs. 202, 204) . : : : é 2 : : - Upper (inner) tooth of mandible (Text-fig. 208) smaller than the others, which are large and acute. Anterior margin of clypeus angulate or with a weak median tubercle, sometimes with a median and two submedian tubercles (Text-fig. 208). Mesosternal mesolcus absent, or very fine and superficial. Female gaster subcircular, shorter than the thorax ; petiole as long as broad. Antennal scape in both sexes as long or practically as long asaneye . Upper tooth of maneible fase figs. : 235, 248) not obviously emailer: than fe others, which are sometimes rather obtuse. Anterior margin of clypeus without tubercles ; either curved, subtruncate, or emarginate medially. Mesosternal mesolcus distinct, usually deeply impressed. Female gaster rarely subcircular ; petiole nearly always transverse. Antennal scape usually shorter than an eye, except in two species, which have the pte in the female lanceolate and acute : Male flagellum (Text-fig. 209) with less outstanding aes, with numerous sensilla, distinctly stouter than the pedicellus ; axillae with alutaceous sculpture all over. Female axillae with alutaceous sculpture all over ; 273 52 50 all coxae entirely dark ; radial cell of fore wing pilose . dispar sp. n. (p. 289) Male flagellum (Text-fig. 211) with hairs standing out at an angle of 45° to 50°, with sparse sensilla, sometimes relatively less stout ; axillae usually having their inner angle more or less smooth, or with weaker sculpture than elsewhere. Female axillae usually with their inner angle more or less smooth, or with weaker sculpture than elsewhere, if not, then either the coxae are Pes testaceous, or the radial cell of the fore wing is more or less bare ; : Male flagellum more slender, not or hardly stouter than the pedicellus ; first segment of funicle slightly to distinctly longer than the pedicellus, the fol- lowing segments, except sometimes the sixth, at least slightly longer than broad ; scape as long asaneye. Female pedicellus at least slightly shorter than first segment of funicle ; funicular segments, except sometimes the fifth, at least very slightly longer than broad ; clava about as long as two and a half preceding funicular segments ; legs testaceous, with at most the bases of the coxae infuscate . Male flagellum (Text-fig. 211) rather stout, slightly stouter than the pedicellus ; first funicular segment not or only slightly longer than the pedicellus, segments two to six quadrate or hardly longer than broad ; scape slightly shorter than aneye. Female pedicellus (Text-fig. 210) as long as, or usually slightly longer than, first segment of funicle ; at most, funicular segments one and two slightly elongate, the rest quadrate ; clava nearly or quite as long as the three preceding funicular segments together ; coxae, and femora mainly, black with a metallic tinge ; hind tibiae sometimes more or less infuscate alectus Walker (p. 287) 274 M. W. R. vpE V. GRAHAM 215 Z 218 220 Fics. 209-220. Gastrancistrus spp. 209, dispar sp. n., fg, antenna; 210, fuscicornis Walker, 9, antenna; 211, same, g, antenna; 212, same, 9, fore wing ; 213, alectus Walker, 9, fore wing venation ; 214, pyricola (Marchal), 9, clypeus and genae ; 215, cupreus sp. n., 9, clypeus and genae ; 216, unicoloy Walker, g, clypeus ; 217, coxalis (Thomson), 9, fore wing venation ; 218, pyricola (Marchal), 9, fore wing venation ; 219, cupreus sp. n., 9, fore wing venation ; 220, unicolor Walker, 9, fore wing venation. 6 7 10 (5) (3) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Fore wing with radial cell pilose in both sexes ; speculum, on upper surface of wing, not extending below the marginal vein Fore wing (Text-fig. 212) with radial cell more or less bare in both sexes ; speculum of female, and sometimes that of male, on upper surface of wing, extending as a bare strip below the marginal vein as far as the stigmal vein. 275 . consors sp. 0. (p. 290) ¢ antenna (Text-fig. 211) ; 9 antenna (Text-fig. 210) fuscicornis Walker (p. 287) Fore wing hairy all over, without a speculum ; upper surface of costal cell mainly pilose over its distal half. Propodeal callus hairy all over, as far as the edge of the metapleuron, and with a weak tubercle in its middle. Pronotum more hairy, with a broad band of hairs (three to four irregular rows) in its hinder part, reaching nearly half way to the front of the sclerite. Scutellum, except the frenum, with hairs scattered over its whole surface ; axillae hairy except along their outer edge. Dorsal surface of hind coxa pilose along its whole length. Legs, including all coxae except the base of the hind ones, lemon-yellow. Antenna of female with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum greater than breadth of head ; all funicular seg- ments except sometimes the fifth longer than broad. Female gaster obovate, obtuse apically, slightly shorter than thorax. Fore wing venation, Text-fig. 217 Fore wing with at least a small speculum below the parastigma, though in most species it is moderate-sized or large ; upper surface of costal cell usually with only a single, occasionally a double, row of hairs in the distal half. Propodeal callus rarely pilose as far as the edge of the metapleuron, often with few hairs, sometimes only one row. Pronotum usually less hairy. Hairs of scutellum most often arranged in two longitudinal rows, leaving a median strip bare ; axillae usually with one irregular row of hairs in its mesal half, otherwise bare or nearly so. Dorsal surface of hind coxae usually not pilose throughout. Coxae usually dark, legs rarely so extensively pale as in above : : é : : . : Antennae entirely, and fore coxae, clear citron-yellow Antennae sometimes testaceous or fulvous, but never entirely clean citron- yellow ; rarely the flagellum citron-yellow, but then the scape and fore coxae dark Female with antennal fagetinans eithiex onto ale yellow, or with at most the anellus and basal segments of the funicle slightly darker ; gaster depressed, shortly oval and not longer than the thorax, obtuse apically, the ovipositor sheaths concealed in dorsal view ; funicular segments transverse ; scutello- axillar sutures converging strongly so that the base of the scutellum is at most half the distance which separates the hind ends of the notauli coxalis (Thomson) (p. 291) $35) pusztensis (Erdés) (p. 290) Female. If the flagellum is wholly or mainly pale, then it is fulvous or testaceous, while the gaster is pointed apically, with the tips of the ovipositor sheaths just visible in dorsal view ; sometimes also the funicular segments are not all transverse, or the scutello-axillar sutures converge less strongly Anterior margin of clypeus oe 214, 215) very distinctly emarginate medially : : : é : é : Anterior margin of uy ee (Text-figs. 258, 259), truncate medially (Text-fig. 260), or at most shallowly emarginate (Text-fig. 216) Fore wing (Text-fig. 222) with speculum, on upper surface of wing, with its lower part interrupted by a band of hairs so that it does not reach the cubital vein ; postmarginal vein nearly or quite as long as the marginal vein To I2 II I2 I2 13 14 15 16 17 (11) (12) (13) (13) (15) (r1) M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Fore wing with speculum, on upper surface of wing, usually extending right to the cubital vein, if not then the postmarginal vein is distinctly shorter than the marginal vein : 17 Female propodeum broadly emarginate posteriorly, ppeeely shorter than the scutellar frenum ; gaster at base convex medially, with a fovea on each side. Scutello-axillar sutures not very strongly convergent. Postmarginal vein of fore wing distinctly shorter than the marginal vein. Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 214) deeply emarginate. Fore wing (Text-fig. 218) with stigma large . . ?pyricola (Marchal) (p. 291) Female propodeum not broadly emarginate posteriorly, as long as or slightly longer than the frenum ; gaster at base with a median, subtriangular or semicircular depression. Scutello-axillar sutures strongly convergent (as in Text-figs. 202, 204). Postmarginal vein of fore wing nearly or quite as long as the marginal vein . : : : : 3 . : : 13 Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 215) more distinctly emarginate ; speculum of fore wing large and closed below only by a single line of hairs on the cubital vein . ; ; ; 14 Anterior margin of clypeus axe fig, 216) shallowly emeretere ; speculum of fore wing, on upper surface of wing, interrupted below by several scattered hairs and so not reaching the cubital vein (Text-fig. 222) . : 15 Head and thorax mainly green to blue. Mesepisternum with upper triangular area (below base of hind wing) smooth at least dorsally fusmipennis Walker (p. 291) Head and thorax coppery to bronze. Mesepisternum with upper triangular area alutaceous. Fore wing venation, Text-fig. 219 . cupreus sp. n. (p. 291) Female gaster lanceolate, usually strongly compressed and much narrower than thorax ; including the ovipositor sheaths, 1-35 to 1-5 times as long as head plus thorax. Fore coxae mainly to wholly testaceous ; fore and mid femora often wholly pale, hind femora sometimes so. Stigma of fore wing rather small, slightly longer than high, separated by fully twice its height from costal edge of wing coniferae sp. n. (p. 291) Female gaster ovate to sublanceolate, ne or ‘only slightly narrower than thorax ; including ovipositor sheaths, not or only slightly longer than head plus thorax. Fore coxae metallic, or indefinitely testaceous on their inner aspect only ; all femora more or less infuscate, at least proximally . 16 Stigma of fore wing (Text-fig. 222) smaller, slightly longer than high, seperated by fully twice its height from costal edge of wing or even by rather more than twice . c vulgaris Walker (p. 293) Stigma (Text-fig. eae) larger, subcircular, ceed by slightly less than twice its height from costal edge of wing unicolor Walker (p. 295) Antennal scape in both sexes very nearly as long as an eye and, unless head is abnormally collapsed and distorted, reaching the median ocellus. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum in female slightly, in male obviously, greater than breadth of head. In female at least funicular segments one to three are longer than broad, and at most segment six is slightly transverse ; in male all funicular segments are obviously longer than broad. Mesepimeron nearly three times as long as broad ‘ 18 Antennal scape in both sexes distinctly shorter than a an Si not reaching the median ocellus. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum in female at most equal to breadth of head, but usually less. In the female of most species at most the first funicular segment is longer than broad, occasionally also the second segment, but rarely the third. Males of most species with at least the distal funicular segments subquadrate : F : : : 19 ———————— a PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 27, 18 (17) Fore wing with speculum open below, or only partly closed. Larger (2-1 to 2:7 mm.), relatively more squat species. Scutellum with four to six pairs of bristles. Gaster, not counting ovipositor sheaths, not longer than head plus thorax. Fore wing venation, Text-fig. 227 : : autummnalis (Walker) (p. 297) - Fore wing with speculum closed below. Smaller (1-7 to 2 mm.), relatively more slender species. Scutellum with three to four pairs of bristles. Gaster, not counting ovipositor sheaths, somewhat longer than head plus thorax. Antennae ¢ 9, Text-figs. 224, 225 ; fore wing venation, Text-fig. 226 oporinus sp. n. (p. 297) Ss NC 227 298 Fics. 221-228. Gastvancistrvus spp. 221, coniferae sp.n., 2, antenna ; vulgaris Walker, 9, fore wing, part ; 223, cupreus sp. n., 2, antenna; 224, opovinus sp. n., J, antenna ; 225, same, 9, antenna ; 226, same, fore wing venation ; 227, autumnalis Walker, 9, fore wing venation ; 228, acutus Walker, 9, fore wing venation. 21 22 (19) (20) (21) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Scutello-axillar sutures (Text-figs. 202, 204) converging strongly so as to meet the hind margin of the mesoscutum well mesad of the notauli, sometimes curving round and meeting, in which case the scutellum is separated from the mesoscutum by a deep, often more or less punctate, groove. Propodeum of female usually as long as or longer than the scutellar frenum : Scutello-axillar sutures (Text-figs. 253, 255) converging less strongly, so as fo meet the hind margin of the mesoscutum only slightly mesad of the notauli. Propodeum of female often relatively shorter, sometimes extremely short . Postmarginal vein of fore wing (Text-fig. 228) nearly or quite as long as the marginal vein ; lower part of speculum, on underside of wing, more or less effaced by scattered hairs or hair-bases ; on the upperside of the wing the speculum is closed below ; distal two thirds or more of the basal cell pilose. Female propodeum broadly emarginate posteriorly, medially shorter than the scutellar frenum ; callus with at most four bristles ; flagellum very short, 20 strongly clavate, with all funicular segments transverse acutus Walker (p. 295) Postmarginal vein of fore wing (Text-figs. 230-233) slightly to very distinctly shorter than the marginal vein ; if only slightly so, then the speculum, on upperside of wing, is more or less open below and at most the distal quarter of the basal cell is pilose. Propodeum of female not broadly emar- ginate posteriorly, medially as long as or longer than the frenum ; callus nearly always with more numerous bristles, often quite mee clothed with them . Mesepimeron (ses fig. Aap) raed) as shone reticulate as the metapleacas and relatively dull ; at least the lower angle of the triangular area of the mesepisternum reticulate. Mesoscutum (Text-fig. 204) with notauli rela- tively shallow ; mesoscutum, axillae, and scutellum relatively dull, with very fine dense sculpture and very weak short bristles, the piliferous punctures extremely small and hardly visible. Prosternum strongly reticulate and relatively dull. Propodeum of female medially somewhat more than one third as long as scutellum, finely densely reticulate and dull 21 vernalis sp. n. (p. 300) Mesepimeron (Text-fig. 206) more elongate, more weakly reticulate, and more or less shiny ; upper triangular area of mesepisternum wholly smooth. Mesoscutum (Text-fig. 202) with notauli deep ; mesoscutum, axillae, and scutellum with longer and stronger bristles ; at least the mesoscutum has distinct piliferous punctures, or small tubercles. Prosternum less saa sculptured, more or less shiny Base of scutellum separated from the Feesesauiet bya udeep and broad eeoere (Text-fig. 202) ; the surfaces of both the mesoscutum and the scutellum dip more or less towards this groove. Fore wing (Text-figs. 230-233) : marginal vein 2:2 to 3 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein distinctly shorter than the marginal vein ; basal cell with scattered hairs over its distal half to two thirds, except in clavatus, which has a large stigma, few hairs on the propodeal callus, and none above the supracoxal flange. Mesoscutum, except in clavatus, tending to have its reticulation more or less raised above the general surface, and often more or less strigose transversely in front Base of scutellum eed from seaneeeten Be a relatively Shallcee Pal BOE always very broad, groove ; in profile the surfaces of the two sclerites therefore form an almost straight line. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-8 to 2-1 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein usually only slightly shorter than the marginal vein ; basal cell bare or with scattered hairs over at most its distal quarter ; stigma (Text-figs. 249, 250) small or 22 23 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 279 moderate-sized. Mesoscutum and scutellum with delicate sculpture which is engraved, or at most hardly raised above the general surface in places . 30 23 (22) Fore wing (Text-fig. 231) with stigma very large, subcircular, separated by less than its own height from the lower edge of the postmarginal vein ; basal cell bare. Propodeum smooth or virtually so, without a median carina ; callus with two to four bristles. Mesoscutum with delicate engraved sculpture ; inner angle of axilla more or less smooth and shiny. Female gaster lanceolate, somewhat compressed, longer than head plus thorax ; ovipositor sheaths projecting, their exserted portion about as long as the first segment of the hind tarsus or slightly more . clavatus (Thomson) (p. 296) = Fore wing (Text-figs. 230, 232, 233) with stigma usually smaller and differently shaped ; basal cell with scattered hairs over its distal half or more. Pro- podeum nearly always with a median carina, often more or less reticulate ; callus often with numerous bristles. Mesoscutum with its sculpture at most partly engraved, otherwise scaly or very slightly raised above the general surface ; inner angle of axilla rarely smooth . : ; : : - 24 233 234 236 237 238 Fics. 229-238. Gastrancistvus spp. 229, vernalis sp. n., 9, antenna ; 230, same, fore wing venation ; 231, clavatus (Thomson), ?, fore wing venation ; 232, praecox sp.n., 9, fore wing venation ; 233, salicis (Nees), 2, fore wing venation ; 234, fulvicoxis sp.n., 2, head ; 235, coactus sp. n., 9, head, frontal ; 236, same dorsal ; 237, salicis (Nees), 9, head ; 238, praecox sp. n., 9, head. 280 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM 24 (23) Fore and mid coxae fulvous, or with at most a dark spot basally ; hind coxa usually with its distal third or more fulvous, occasionally almost entirely metallic ; femora fulvous, or at most very slightly brownish proximally. Antennal scape at most infuscate at apex dorsally. Malar space about two thirds the length of an eye ; breadth of oral fossa 1-47 to 1-7 times the malar space ; clypeus at most 1-5 times as broad as long. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 234) only 1-8 to 2 times as broad as long ; temples not obviously convergent behind eyes. Head and thorax with Sr sels rather dull ; bristles of scutellum short . F . 25 - All coxae most often entirely metallic, seoasiomenly chit fos coxae falGous distally, femora at least slightly infuscate at base, most often their proximal one third to three quarters fuscous with a metallic tinge. Antennal scape often more heavily infuscate, sometimes entirely so. Except in longigena the malar space is at most slightly more than half the length of an eye, and the breadth of the oral fossa is 1-9 to 2:5 times the malar space. If the head is similar in shape to the above, then the head and thorax are less strongly sculptured and relatively shiny, the propodeum is more or less shiny, and the scutellar bristles are longer. . : - 26 25 (24) Anterior margin of clypeus moderately curved. Thorix ralatiwely longer, 1-7 to 1:8 times as long as broad ; dorsellum strongly reticulate and relatively dull. Speculum of fore wing open below. Head, Text-fig. 234 . : é fulvicoxis sp. n. (p. 304) = Anterior margin of clypeus bikiot aapatats mieavamy: Thorax relatively shorter, about 1:65 times as long as broad ; dorsellum delicately reticulate and moderately shiny. eee of fore wing partly or completely closed below : : : triandrae sp. n. (p. 305) 26 (24) Breadth of oral foe only 1:5 to 1-7 times the eae space ; the latter nearly or quite two thirds the length of aneye. Clypeus only about 1-6 times as broad as long, alutaceous except sometimes its anterior edge. Speculum, on upperside of wing, open below except sometimes at apex. Eyes almost circular. : : ; é longigena sp. n. (p. 306) = Breadth of oral fossa 1: 8 to 2:5 times ee malar space ; the latter from slightly less than half, to slightly more than half, the length of an eye. Clypeus nearly or quite twice as broad as long, sometimes partly to almost entirely smooth. Speculum closed or nearly closed below : 3 : Bi 27 (26) Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 237) more transverse, 2-1 to 2-3 times as broad as its maximum length ; eyes separated by 1-3 to 1:55 times their own length ; temples converging fairly strongly. Malar space half the length of an eye or slightly more. Antennal clava usually slightly shorter than the combined length of the three preceding funicular segments. Scutellum with 10 to 24 bristles. Larger species, 2:0 to 3-1 mm. c : . Salicis (Nees) (p. 303) - Head in dorsal view (Text-figs. 236, 238) less transverse, 1-8 to 2 times as broad as its maximum length ; eyes usually separated by 1:15 to 1:25 times their own length, if by rather more, then head of characteristic shape (Text- fig. 236). Malar space usually slightly less than half the length of an eye. Antennal clava as long as the combined length of the three or four preceding funicular segments. Scutellum with 6 to 10 bristles. Smaller species, 1-6 to 2:3 mm. : 28 28 (27) Head in dorsal view (Text- fig. 236) with tenigless naval, nasrowede behind eyes coactus sp. n. (p. 307) = Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 238) with temples more or less narrowed behind eyes . ; : : : c : : : : : : : 29 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 281 SSS SSE EE = 250 amar 252 5 Fics. 239-252. Gastvancistvus spp. 239, longigena sp.n., ?, antenna ; 240, salicis (Nees), 9, antenna ; 241, same, g, antenna ; 242, fulvicoynis (Walker), 9, antenna ; 243, same, : dg, antenna ; 244, venustus sp.n., 9, antenna; 245, same, g, antenna; 246, citripes (Thomson), 9, antenna; 247, lativentyis sp. n., G, antenna; 248, venustus sp. n., 9, right mandible ; 249, hamillus Walker, 9, fore wing venation ; 250, acontes Walker, 9, fore wing venation ; 251, venustus sp. n., 9, fore wing venation ; 252, citvipes (Thomson), 9, fore wing venation. 31 32 33 34 (22) (19) (31) (32) (31) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Length 1:8 to 2:1 mm. Posterior ocelli 1-3 to 1-4 times their diameter from the eyes ; POL 1-75 toz times OOL . : A . praecox sp. n. (p. 307) Length 1:6 to 1-9 mm. Posterior ocelli 1-4 to 1:75 times their diameter from the eyes ; POL 1-6 to 1-8 times OOL . 5 fulvicornis (Walker) (p. 308) Fore wing (Text-fig. 249) with stigma smaller. Mesepimeron rather less than three times as long as broad. Legs, excluding coxae, flavous to fulvous. Antennal scape usually wholly fulvous, sometimes infuscate dorsally. Propodeum with a more or less distinct median carina hamillus Walker (p. 296) Fore wing (Text-fig. 250) with stigma larger. Mesepimeron about three times as long as broad. Legs with all femora more or less infuscate with a metallic gloss. Antennal scape infuscate at least dorsally, sometimes more or less metallic. Propodeum medially raised like a roof, but usually without a distinct median carina ; ; acontes Walker (p. 297) Propodeal callus with numerous pristles eee are Satie over its surface and extend quite near to the metapleuron. Gaster of female with a subtri- angular median depression at the base. Postmarginal vein distinctly longer than stigmal vein. Propodeal spir- acles not quite touching the metanotum. Mesoscutum quite thickly pilose ; head and thorax bright green to blue. ‘ : : : 32 Propodeal callus with only three to six (seven) brie arranged in one or two longitudinal rows and leaving a broad bare strip between the bristles and the edge of the metapleuron. Gaster of female at base usually with two lateral foveae, convex or ridged between these ; = with a median depression . ‘ : 34 Antennal scape at least ee ad all coxae, ‘ee ich a Aetaiiie tiagele femora black proximally ; tegulae yellowish to brown ; antennal pedicellus and flagellum testaceous with their dorsal surface more or less infuscate. Gaster lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, 2-5 to 3 times as long as broad, slightly to distinctly longer than head plus thorax . venustus sp. n. (p. 320) Antennal scape, fore coxae, femora, and tegulae, citron-yellow ; pedicellus and flagellum yellow, the incisures of the latter sometimes brownish. Gaster sometimes relatively shorter ; F 33 Female gaster 2 to 2:5 times as long as Bioda: fdclnciug OvRDORIGE sheaths somewhat compressed and narrower than the thorax, slightly to distinctly (up to 1-3 times) as long as head plus thorax ; ovipositor sheaths exserted to a length about equal to the first segment of the hind tarsus. Antenna (Text-fig. 246) with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to or slightly greater than breadth of head ; first funicular segment quadrate or very slightly longer than broad, second subquadrate, fifth 1-55 to 1-8 times as broad as long ; clava as long as, or hardly longer than, the three preceding funicular segments together . : : . citripes (Thomson) (p. 318) Female gaster 1-3 to 1-6 times as long as broad, flattened and as broad as the thorax, only about as long as the thorax ; ovipositor sheaths at most slightly exserted. Antenna (Text-fig. 247) with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head ; first funicular segment quad- rate to slightly transverse, second slightly transverse, fifth about twice as broad as long ; clava as long as 3-33 to 3:5 of the preceding funicular seg- ments ; : ‘ lativentris sp. n. (p. 318) Female gaster oval, ae longer than cess obtuse or subobtuse apically, the ovipositor sheaths concealed in dorsal view ; last tergite lying in about the same place as the preceding one and not separated from it dorsally by a membranous gap : : : : ‘ : . aequus sp. n. (p. 321) Bie, 36 37 38 39 40 41 (36) (40) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 283 Female gaster ovate to lanceolate, pointed apically, the ovipositor sheaths at least very slightly, but often far, exserted ; last tergite almost always turned upwards with respect to the mane one and separated from it dorsally by a membranous gap. : : ; F 35 Female propodeum extremely short, Bietoct ail, medially exserted portion of ovipositor sheaths, in profile, as long as or somewhat longer than the hind tibia ; basal cell of fore wing pilose except at its base, speculum closed below ; thorax dorsally with at most the mesoscutum obscurely greenish, the rest bronze or dull purplish atropurpureus Walker (p. 311) Female propodeum medially not so extremely short as in the above ; if ap- proaching this condition then the basal cell of the fore wing is pilose over at most its distal half, the speculum is at least partly open below, and either the thorax dorsally is bright green to blue, or the ovipositor sheaths are rather less far exserted . ‘ Nite cs ; : 30 Fore wing with basal cell pilose except at its ae ; speculum closed below. Mesoscutum thickly hairy (Text-fig. 253) : : 37 Fore wing (Text-figs. 254, 256) with basal cell pilose over ae most ts distal half ; speculum most often open below. Mesoscutum more sparsely hairy as in Text-fig. 255 ‘ 39 Spiracles of propodeum distinctly peeaeaied be a srnall epaee from the hind margin of the metanotum. Thorax dorsally more or less, at least the mesoscutum, greenish ; scutellum with three to four pairs of bristles hirtulus sp.n. (p. 309) Spiracles of propodeum (Text-fig. 253) touching the hind margin of the metanotum. Mesoscutum most often bronze or purplish black, less often somewhat greenish ; scutellum with five to ten pairs of bristles : 38 Eyes inconspicuously hairy, the longest hairs not exceeding the diameter os an ocular facet in length. Scutellar frenum with nearly isodiametric reticulation. Mesoscutum rarely greenish. Thorax, Text-fig. 253 : : . laticornis Walker (p. 308) Eyes more obviously hairy, the length of their longest hairs about 1-5 times the diameter of an ocular facet. Scutellar frenum in some lights appearing longitudinally strigose-reticulate. Mesoscutum often greenish. : Fore wing venation, Text-fig. 261 : : . terminalis Walker (p. 309) Ovipositor sheaths far exserted, the length of the exserted portion, as seen in profile, from about three quarters as long as, to somewhat longer than, the hind tibia, and directed strongly obliquely upwards : : ; : 40 Ovipositor sheaths at least slightly less far exserted . : , : 42 Body, except pronotum, usually entirely bright green to blue ; occasionally the scutellum and axillae darker, in which case the anterior margin of the clypeus (Text-fig. 258) is almost angulate : : : : 41 Body mainly bronze, usually with some purplish reflections ; at most the mesoscutum bright green or bluish. Anterior margin of clypeus evenly curved, or even slightly truncate medially 2 42 Fore wing (Text-fig. 254) with basal cell bare except for a single or double: row of hairs on the basal vein ; speculum extending as a broad bare strip below the marginal vein as far as the stigmal vein ; radial cell mainly bare. Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 258) almost angulate. Antennal scape at least ventrally, sometimes mainly, testaceous. Surface of mesoscutum and scutellum, especially the latter, relatively duller amaboeus Walker (p. 311) Fore wing with basal cell more or less pilose over its distal third ; speculum extending below the marginal vein only to about half its length ; radial cell more or less pilose. Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 259) roundly 284 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM } 258 259 260 > re ee — a SS SSS = oa —— 265 aa 262 geese Tony the OS We Se aa 266 Dey Te Wes 264 SJ 267 FIGs. 253-267. Gastvancistvus spp. 253, laticovnis Walker, 9, thorax ; 254, amaboeus Walker, 9, fore wing, part ; 255, hemigaster sp. n., 9, thorax ; 256, same, fore wing, part ; 257, same, 2, antenna ; 258, amaboeus Walker, 9, clypeus ; 259, vividis Walker, 9, clypeus ; 260, vagans Westwood, 2, clypeus ; 261, teyminalis Walker, 2, fore wing vena- tion ; 262, laticeps sp. n., 9, forewing venation ; 263, cvassus Walker, ?, forewing vena- tion ; 264, puncticollis (Thomson), ?, fore wing venation ; 265, indivisus sp. n., 9, fore wing venation ; 266, compressus Walker, 2, fore wing venation ; 267, glabellus (Nees), 9, fore wing venation. 42 43 44 45 47 (40) (42) (44) (46) (47) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 285 produced, but almost truncate medially. Antennal scape black or mainly so. Surface of mesoscutum and scutellum more shiny . viridis Walker (p. 311) Head and thorax, except pronotum, and occasionally the scutellum and axillae, green to blue, usually brightly so ; exserted portion of ovipositor sheaths, in profile, at least half as long as hind tibia 6 49 Either the thorax at least is bronze to coppery with at most the mesoscutum slightly greenish ; or the ovipositor sheaths are less far exserted c : 43 Ovipositor sheaths hardly exserted, just the tips visible in dorsal view ; marginal vein of fore wing about 2-8 times as long as the stigmal vein ; body mainly bronze or coppery ; head strongly transverse, in dorsal view nearly 2:5 times as broad as its maximum length . é < . sp. indet. Ovipositor sheaths usually distinctly exserted ; if hardly so, then the marginal vein is at most 2-4 times as long as the stigmal vein, the body is partly greenish or bluish, and the head is relatively less transverse . ; 44 Female gaster, not counting ovipositor sheaths, as long as, or slightly longer than, head plus thorax, tending to be lanceolate and somewhat compressed 45 Female gaster, not counting ovipositor sheaths, not or hardly longer than the thorax, more ovate and not or only slightly compressed . : 2 : 46 Anterior margin of clypeus slightly truncate medially (Text-fig. 260). Fore wing with speculum extending only as far as the end of the proximal third of the marginal vein ; about the distal third to half of the basal cell has scat- tered hairs. Exserted portion of ovipositor sheaths, in profile, from three quarters as long as, to slightly longer than, the hind tibia vagans Westwood (p. 312) Anterior margin of clypeus strongly curved. Fore wing with speculum, on upper surface of wing, extending as a bare strip nearly or quite to the stigmal vein ; basal cell pilose only at apex, next to the basal vein. Exserted portion of ovipositor sheaths, in profile, from slightly more than one third, to slightly more than half, as long as the hind tibia . . affinis sp.n. (p. 312) Antennal flagellum proximally hardly as stout as the pedicellus in profile, but strongly clavate distally, testaceous proximally and darkening distad ; head and thorax mainly to entirely bronze or coppery bronze ; small species, 1-4 to 1-6 mm. : clavellatus sp. n. (p. 315) Antennal flagellum (Text-fig. 257) promimelly as stout, or usually slightly stouter than the pedicellus, more weakly clavate, entirely fuscous to black ; at least the mesoscutum bluish or greenish, sometimes the body is more extensively blue or green. : : : : : : : < 47 Larger species, 1:7 to 2:3 mm. ; mid lobe of mesoscutum with numerous con- spicuous piliferous punctures amongst the reticulation ; ovipositor sheaths only slightly exserted, at most as long as first segment of hind tarsus ; scutellum with three to four pairs of bristles. Fore wing venation, Text-fig. 262 F ; . laticeps sp. n. (p. 316) Smaller species, 1-3 to 1-8 mm. ; mid lobe of mesoscutum with fewer, and often less distinct, piliferous punctures ; ovipositor sheaths usually farther exserted, if not then scutellum with only two pairs of bristles . ‘ 48 Ovipositor sheaths, in dorsal view, exserted to a length at most equal to that of first segment of hind tarsus ; scutellum with two pairs of bristles. Marginal vein of fore wing 2:25 to 2-4 times as long as the stigmal vein ; speculum extending below marginal vein only for about half the length of the latter (Text-fig. 256) . ‘ : . hemigaster sp. n. (p. 314) Exserted portion of ovipositor sheaths from one third to about half as long as hind tibia ; scutellum nearly always with three pairs of bristles, rarely two pairs. Either the marginal vein is 2-5 to 2-8 times as long as the stigmal vein, 286 49 50 51 52 53 (48) (50) (52) M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM and the speculum on the upper surface of wing extends to the stigmal vein ; or the head and thorax are almost entirely bright green or blue . : 49 Marginal vein of fore wing (Text-fig. 263) 2-5 to 2-8 times as long as the signe vein ; speculum, on upper surface of wing, extending right to the stigmal vein ; head and thorax a less bright blue or green, the scutellum and axillae often bronze, mesoscutum and scutellum not very shiny crassus Walker (p. 314) Marginal vein of fore wing 2:2 to 2-3 times as long as the stigmal vein ; speculum, on upper surface of wing, extending below the marginal vein to only about half the length of the latter ; head, and thorax except pronotum, bright green or blue, mesoscutum and scutellum rather shiny torymiformis (Ratzeburg) (p. 311) Propodeum with plicae, which are sharp at least in the hinder half of the sclerite ; median carina sharp and straight. Basal cell of fore wing in female bare, or with at most four scattered hairs in its distal part. Side- lobes of mesoscutum, like the mid-lobe, with numerous piliferous punc- tures. Fore wing venation, Text-fig. 264 2 . puncticollis (Thomson) (p. 324) Propodeum without plicae ; median carina sometimes absent. Basal cell of fore wing in female with its distal third to half pilose. Side-lobes of meso- scutum tending to be more sparsely hairy than the mid-lobe . : : 51 Propodeum medially nearly one fifth as long as scutellum, without a median carina. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head ; first funicular segment as long as or slightly longer than second segment, quadrate to 1-7 times as long as broad; at most the fourth and fifth funicular segments slightly transverse. POL 1-5 to 1-7 OOL. Fore wing venation, Text-fig. 265 ‘ F : indivisus sp. n. (p. 324) Propodeum medially at most slightly more than one seventh as long as scutel- lum, its median carina more or less indicated. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head ; all funicular segments slightly transverse, the first slightly shorter than the following ones. POL about twice OOL : c . walkeri sp. n. (p. 326) Gaster including ovipositor sheaths not or hardly longer than the thorax ; sheaths, as seen in dorsal view, only slightly exserted and not projecting beyond the level of the tips of the pygostylar bristles. Anterior margin of clypeus evenly curved. Marginal vein of fore wing 2:1 to 2-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than the breadth of the head ; second funicular segment at least slightly transverse, distal segments strongly so . : . latifrons (Thomson) (p. 324) Ovipositor sheaths in dorsal view projecting at least slightly beyond the level of the tips of the pygostylar bristles ; either the gaster including ovipositor sheaths is longer than head plus thorax, or the ai oka vein is 2-8 to 3-3 times as long as the stigmal vein . : 53 Anterior margin of clypeus produced, but cannes or even wealely Seeceica: medially. Marginal vein of fore wing (Text-fig. 266) 2-8 to 3-3 times as long as the stigmal vein ; on the upper surface of the wing the speculum extends as a broad bare strip below the marginal vein, as far as the stigmal vein, and the radial cell is also bare. Exserted portion of ovipositor sheaths, in pro- file, from two fifths to slightly more than half as long as the hind tibia compressus Walker (p. 323) Anterior margin of clypeus evenly curved. Marginal vein of fore wing some- times relatively shorter ; speculum on upperside of wing, below the PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 287 marginal vein, tending to narrow distally, and not always reaching the stigmal vein. Ovipositor sheaths sometimes less far exserted . : 3 54 54 (53) Gaster including ovipositor sheaths longer than head plus thorax ; exserted portion of ovipositor sheaths, in profile, from slightly more than half as long, to as long as, the hind tibia. Marginal vein of fore wing (Text-fig. 267) 2:3 to 2:95 times as long as the stigmal vein : : glabellus (Nees) (p. 323) - Gaster including ovipositor sheaths nearly or just as long as head plus thorax ; exserted portion of ovipositor sheaths, in profile, from one quarter, to about two fifths, as long as the hind tibia. Marginal vein 2-8 to 3-3 times as long as the stigmal vein. ; : c : : c : 7 Spoandet: THe FUSCICORNIS-Grovup Gastrancistrus fuscicornis Walker Gastrancistrus fuscicornis Walker, 1834 : 171, 3. ? Tridymus Aphidum Ratzeburg, 1848 : 183, 9. Type material. Gastrancistrus fuscicornis Walker. Syntypes, 2 g. LECTO- TYPE, the second specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Tridymus aphidum Ratzeburg. Types presumed lost. Hartig’s collection (Munich) contains 3 9 of Gastrancistrus fuscicornis mounted with some rose-leaves bearing the skins of parasitized aphids, from which the Chalcidoids were evidently reared. These are the only Gastrancistrus known to me which have been reared from aphids, and as they agree well enough with Ratzeburg’s description of Tvidymus aphidum they may be taken as an indication of the identity of that species. It might even be convenient to select one of the Hartig specimens as neotype of aphidum, BRITAIN, GERMANY ; uncommon, I have swept it from foliage of Quercus and Salix spp. Boucek (1965 : 7) recorded it from MoLpDAVIAN S.S.R. ; this record is possibly correct but needs checking since fuscicornis is now shown to be one of a complex of species. Biology : see above. Imagines July—August. Gastrancistrus alectus Walker Gastrancistrus Alectus Walker, 1848 : 105, 158, ‘‘3”’ [vecte 9]. 2 (redescription). Body black, with some metallic reflections as follows : head usually olive greenish, sometimes more or less suffused with purplish bronze ; petiole brown or partly testaceous ; base of gaster with rather conspicuous greenish reflections ; mesoscutum, scutel- lum sometimes, axillae, propodeum and disc of gaster, with obscure metallic reflections which vary from olive greenish to purplish bronze. Palpi and mandibles testaceous, the latter with reddish teeth. Scape testaceous, brownish apically ; pedicellus and flagellum fuscous. Legs testaceous, the knees and the mid and hind tarsi slightly paler than the rest ; hind coxae with their basal third or rather more infuscate, fore and mid coxae slightly infuscate basally ; fifth segment of all tarsi fuscous. Tegulae testaceous in front, more brownish posteriorly. Wings hyaline ; venation testaceous. Length 1 to 1-6 mm. Head 1-3 to 1-4 times as broad as the mesoscutum, in dorsal view about 2:2 times as broad as long ; temples very short and receding ; ocelli in a very obtuse triangle whose base is about 2°5 times its height, POL about 1-2 OOL. In front view the head (Text-fig. 208) is transversely 288 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM oval, nearly 1-3 times as broad as high, with the vertex fairly strongly arched ; the genae hardly curved but converging strongly towards the mouth. Eyes separated by about 1-4 times their own length. Malar space slightly less than half the length of an eye. Breadth of oral fossa nearly 2:5 times the malar space. Clypeus (Text-fig. 208) relatively small, only about twice as broad as long, its anterior margin with a rounded median tooth or tubercle, usually also with some indication of a smaller tubercle on either side of the median one. Mandibles (Text-fig. 208) moderately large, somewhat falcate, with their lower margin sinuate ; teeth acute, the lower (outermost) one long, the next two progressively a little shorter, the inner one very small. Head, except clypeus and scrobes, which are polished and virtually smooth, with very fine delicately engraved alutaceous sculpture, rather shiny. Antennae with scape as long or practically as long as an eye ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-25 times the breadth of the head ; pedicellus in profile about 1-5 times as long as broad, slightly shorter than the first funicular segment ; funicle of uniform thickness, slightly stouter than the pedicellus in profile, its segments, except usually the fifth, at least very slightly longer than broad, the first segment up to 1-5 times as long as broad ; clava slightly broader than the funicle, about three times as long as broad, slightly shorter than the three preceding funicular segments together ; sensilla of flagellum relatively sparse. Thorax about 1-6 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum 1-5 to 1-7 times as broad as long, moderately shiny, with very fine delicately engraved reticulation, whose areoles are nearly isodiametric ; mid lobe with a few hairs, which arise from distinct pits ; notauli deep, nearly straight. Axillae mainly sculptured like the mesoscutum, but their inner angles are more shiny with the sculpture weaker or nearly obsolete. Scutellum slightly longer than broad, a little longer than the mesoscutum, strongly convex in the transverse axis, bearing three to four pairs of bristles in two longitudinal rows ; frenum marked off by a fine, superficial grooved line ; the main portion of the scutellum has sculpture like that of the mesoscutum, perhaps very slightly finer, but the frenum has rather wider-meshed reticulation ; the scutello-axillar sutures run forward as straight lines to meet the hind margin of the mesoscutum somewhat mesad of the hind ends of the notauli, the base of the scutellum being about one fifth the breadth of the mesoscutum. Dorsellum shiny, virtually smooth. Propodeum unusually long, medially almost half as long as the scutellum ; median carina fine, complete, the surface between it and the spiracles shiny with at most some weak alutaceous sculpture ; plicae absent ; spiracles circular, separated by about one third their diameter from the metanotum ; callus shiny and almost smooth, with three to five bristles. Metapleuron and mesepimeron shiny, with some very weak reticulation ; mesepimeron distinctly separated from the mesepisternum, ovate- subtriangular, less than twice as long as broad ; the triangular area in front of the mesepimeron is smooth and polished ; mesosternum, except laterally, polished and virtually smooth, its mesolcus absent. Postspiracular sclerite moderately shiny, with moderately fine, slightly raised reticulation. Legs not stout ; hind coxae rather slender, about 2-5 times as long as broad, shiny and weakly alutaceous, their dorsal surface bare ; spur of mid tibia about two thirds the length of the first tarsal segment. Fore wing about twice as long as broad ; costal cell broad (length : breadth about 8 : 1), its lower surface sparsely hairy, its upper surface bare except for a row of 6 to 11 hairs in the distal third ; basal cell bare except just near the pilose basal vein ; speculum closed below, on the upper surface of the wing moderate-sized though not extending below the marginal vein, on the lower surface more or less effaced by scattered hairs ; there is sometimes a small bare area in the angle formed by the bases of the postmarginal and stigmal veins, but usually this is absent ; wing beyond the speculum moderately thickly haired; marginal vein 1-2 to 1-4 times as long as the postmarginal vein and 2-25 to 2:35 times as long as the stigmal vein, the latter slender ; stigma small, suboval, with a distinct uncus. Gastral petiole nearly as long as broad, about two thirds the median length of the propodeum, shiny and almost smooth, its sides nearly parallel, diverging very slightly caudad. Gaster obovate-subcircular, nearly as broad as but much shorter than the thorax, rounded apically, depressed dorso-ventrally ; dorsally the surface beyond the basal tergite is slightly sunken, ventrally the gaster is slightly convex ; the basal tergite occupies somewhat more than one PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 289 third of the total length, the following tergites are very strongly transverse ; tips of ovipositor sheaths not or hardly projecting beyond the last tergite ; ventrally, the hypopygium is not clearly visible owing to overlapping of the tergites, but its tip appears to be situated somewhat beyond the middle of the gaster. 3. Differs from the female as follows : Fore and mid femora infuscate over their basal half ; hind femora mainly fuscous. Antennae with scape as long as an eye, 4°5 to 4-8 times as long as broad, not broadened in its upper half ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-35 to 1-4 times the breadth of the head ; funicle nearly cylindrical, slender, proximally not or hardly stouter than the pedicellus, its first segment 1-25 to 1-4 times as long as the pedicellus and 1-8 to 2 times as long as broad ; the following segments progressively a little shorter, but all, except sometimes the sixth, slightly longer than broad ; clava not broader than the funicle, barely as long as the two preceding funicular segments together, about 2:3 times as long as broad ; funicle clothed with hairs which stand out at an angle of 45° to 60°, the length of these hairs about equal to the breadth of the segments which bear them ; sensilla sparse. Gaster very strongly compressed, almost knife-like, about as long as the thorax. The @ of alectus closely resembles that of fuscicorynis Walker, which differs as follows : Clypeus more transverse, 3-I—3-3 times as broad as long, its anterior margin not denticulate, or with at most a weak median tubercle. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum hardly equal to the breadth of the head ; funicular segments, except the first, quad- rate or even very slightly transverse, the first slightly shorter than the pedicellus. Fore wing with speculum open below, extending as a bare strip below the marginal vein as far as the stigmal vein ; the space between the base of the postmarginal vein and the stigmal vein more or less bare, at least on the upper surface of the wing ; marginal vein slightly longer, costal cell with a row of only 4—5 hairs on its upper surface. Legs with coxae dark ; femora infuscate at least over their basal half ; hind tibiae sometimes more or less infuscate. The ¢ of alectus differs from that of fuscicorynis Walker in the structure of its antennae (see key to species) as well as in the characters mentioned above for the female. Type material. None found. From the description, however, I am certain that alectus must be the species redescribed above. Walker described what he supposed to be the male, but I am sure that he must have had the female before him ; the latter has a short obtuse gaster and might easily be mistaken for a male. Briraln : [the following are new records]. ENGLAND : Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, 1 g, I 9, 2.viii.1953 ; Berkshire, Bagley Wood, 1 J, 29.vili.1954 (Graham) ; Kent, “ July, Birchwood ” (Walker MS.). Scottanp : Mid Perth, Killin, 1 9, 24.vii.1954 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. Gastrancistrus dispar sp. n. (Text-fig. 209) ®. Differs from that of alectus as follows : All coxae black with a slight metallic tinge ; femora fuscous, the fore and mid ones broadly, the hind ones narrowly, pale at the apex. Inner angles of axillae neither smoother nor more weakly sculptured than the rest. The female differs from that of fuscicoynis in having the space between the postmarginal and stigmal veins hairy, the speculum not extended as a bare strip below the marginal vein, and in having the axillae uniformly sculptured, their inner angles not smoother than the rest. 290 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM g. Differs considerably from those of the other species of this group in the form of the anten- nal flagellum (Text-fig. 209), particularly in its numerous sensilla and relatively less strongly outstanding hairs. From ¢ fuscicornis it also differs in the more thickly hairy disc of the fore wing, with the speculum not extended below the marginal vein, and in having the space between the postmarginal and stigmal veins hairy. From ¢ alectus it also differs in its much stouter flagellum and relatively shorter funicular segments. The sculpture of the axillae is similar in both sexes. Holotype g. ENGLAND : Lancashire South, Freshfield, 26.vi.1962, from foliage of an isolated oak (Quercus robur L.), growing in an area of birch-scrub behind the dune-slacks (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality as holotype, 2 J, 1 9, 28.vi.1962, 2 g, 2 2, 29.vi.1962, 8 g, 2 2, 26.vii.1962 (Graham), in BM(NH) and Graham collections. Biology. Unknown. Gastrancistrus consors sp. n. 6. Differ from those of fuscicorynis as follows : Fore wing with speculum, on upper surface of wing, not extending beyond the proximal end of the marginal vein ; the space between the postmarginal and stigmal veins mainly hairy ; the wing beyond the speculum more thickly haired. Axillae with a conspicuous smooth shiny area at their inner angles, this area larger and more distinct than in fuscicornis. The characters by which consors differs from the other species of this group are summarized in the key. Holotype g. ENnGLanp: Lancashire South, Freshfield, 29.vi.1962. (Graham), in the Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality as holotype, I g, 3.vi.1959, 2 d, 2 9, 26.vi.1962, I dg, 28.vi.1962, 4 dg, 29.vi.1962 (Graham), in BM(NH) and Graham collections. With the exception of the male captured in 1959, all the above were taken from foliage of the same oak upon which G. dispar was found, and at the same time as the latter. Biology. Unknown. Species sola Gastrancistrus pusztensis (Erd6s) comb. n. Meromalus pusztensis Erdos, 1946 : 153-154, fig. 10, 3 9. Gastrancistrus tripedias Boucéek, 1964a : 259-261, 2, Syn. n. Type material. I have not seen the types of Meromalus pusztensis Erdés, but from the description am confident that it must be the same as Gastrancistrus tripedias Bouéek, the holotype of which I have examined. Three paratypes of the latter evidently represent the material upon which Forster based his genus Tripedias, described without included species (Bouéek, 1964 : 259). A detailed redescription of the female was given by this author ; the only male specimen available was too damaged to be described. BRITAIN [new] : Scotland, East Inverness, Aviemore, I 9, 17.vi.1965, swept from foliage of Populus tremula L. (Graham). GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 291 Biology. Parasitic on Syndiplosis petioli (Kieff.) (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) on Populus tremula L. (Bouéek, 1964). Species sola Gastrancistrus coxalis (Thomson) comb. n. Tridymus coxalis Thomson, 1876a : 195, 9. Type material. One female, LECTOTYPE (though possibly holotype), labelled ” ce eco , ©” and “coxalis”’. SWEDEN ; so far known only from the type specimen. Biology. Unknown. THE FUMIPENNIS-GrRovup Gastrancistrus ? pyricola (Marchal) ? Tridymus pyricola Marchal, 1907 : 20-23, 9. Type material. Location not known to me. The original material was reared from Contarinia pyrivora Riley (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae). In the BM(NH) there are some specimens determined as pyvicola by Dr. Ferriere ; in some respects they do not agree completely with the original description, but the latter may be faulty. I include the species here tentatively as pyricola, on the basis of these specimens. ? BRITAIN ; FRANCE. Biology. Endoparasite of the larvae of Contarinia pyrivora Riley on pear-trees (Marchal, 1907). The British specimens presumed to be pyricola were reared (H. F. Barnes) from the same host, ENGLAND : Kent, 1938, 1g ; Norfolk, 64, 1 9, 1936 ; Shropshire, near Oswestry, 3 g, 3 9, 1938. Wales, Caernarvonshire, 4 4, 3 2, 1937. Gastrancistrus fumipennis Walker Gastrancistrus fumipennis Walker, 1834 : 174, ‘“?”’ [vecte 3]. Type material. Three males in Walker collection (one of which may not be original material). LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label ; the gaster is squashed and looks rather like that of a female, which would account for Walker’s having mistaken its sex. BRITAIN ; uncommon ; near London (Walker) ; Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, 2 9, 24.vi.1958 (Graham). Imagines in June. Biology. Unknown. Gastrancistrus cupreus sp. n. (Text-figs. 215, 219, 223) 9. Head bronze ; face with greenish reflections, the frons mainly violet. Thorax and gaster black with a slight bronze tinge ; mesoscutum, scutellum, dorsellum and propodeum coppery 292 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM bronze ; base of gaster greenish. Mandibles testaceous with reddish teeth. Antennae testa- ceous ; sometimes scape at apex, and pedicellus more or less dorsally, brown ; flagellum dor- sally brown. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters more or less infuscate ; femora bronze-black, their tips, those of the fore and mid femora broadly, of the hind ones narrowly, testaceous ; tibiae testaceous, tarsi paler testaceous with their fifth segment brown. Tegulae brownish testaceous. Wings hyaline ; venation testaceous. Length 1-7 to 1-95 mm. Head about 1-2 times as broad as the mesoscutum, in dorsal view strongly transverse, breadth to maximum length about 2-35 to 2-4 : 1, with POL about 1-25 OOL, the ocelli in a triangle whose base is about 2:25 times its height ; temples extremely short. Eyes separated by about 1-4 times their own length. Malar space slightly more than one third the length of an eye. Breadth of oral fossa nearly three times the malar space. Clypeus (Text-fig. 215) about twice as broad as long, its anterior margin produced but shallowly emarginate medially. Mandi- bles moderate-sized, hardly falcate, their lower margin weakly sinuate ; teeth acute, not very dissimilar in length although the outer one as usual is rather longer than the others. Head with extremely fine reticulation which is not or hardly raised above the general surface. An- tenna (Text-fig. 223) with scape much shorter than an eye and not nearly reaching the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than the breadth of the head ; pedicellus in profile about 1-5 times as long as broad ; funicle proximally hardly stouter than the pedicellus, but thickening distad, its first segment about as long as the pedicellus and 1-5 to 1-6 times as long as broad ; second and following segments subquadrate ; clava slightly more than twice as long as broad, slightly broader than the funicle, nearly as long as the three preceding funicular segments together. Thorax nearly 1-5 times as long as broad. Meso- scutum about 1-6 times as broad as long, slightly shiny, with extremely fine alutaceous sculpture which is hardly raised above the surface, with numerous bristles which arise from small warts ; notauli deep, straight. Scutellum about as long as mesoscutum, distinctly longer than broad, strongly convex in the transverse axis, sculptured like the mesoscutum ; frenum marked off by a fine grooved line ; the scutello-axillar sutures curve round and join anteriorly, so that the scutellum touches the mesoscutum only in the middle. Axillae sculptured like the scutellum. Dorsellum shiny, weakly alutaceous, shorter than the frenum. Propodeum strongly transverse, medially hardly more than one third as long as the scutellum, shiny, weakly alutaceous ; median carina fine but complete ; plicae indicated at the hind margin of the sclerite ; spiracles circular, touching the metanotum ; callus with five to six bristles. Metapleuron and mesepimeron rather shiny, with moderately fine delicate reticulation ; mesepimeron distinctly separated from the mesopleuron, about 2-5 times as long as broad ; mesosternum delicately reticulate laterally, nearly smooth medially, its mesolcus distinctly impressed, at least posteriorly. Legs not stout ; hind coxae about twice as long as broad, with delicate sculpture which is only very slightly raised above the general surface ; their dorsal surface with a few hairs ; spur of mid tibia about two thirds the length of the first tarsalsegment. Fore wing slightly more than twice as long as broad ; costal cell broad (length : breadth about 7 : 1), its lower surface sparsely hairy, its upper surface with a row of several hairs in the distal half ; basal cell, on the upper surface of the wing, with its distal quarter hairy ; speculum closed below, on the lower surface of the wing partly effaced by scattered hair-bases ; wing beyond the speculum moderately thickly haired ; marginal vein as long as or very slightly (up to 1-15 times) longer than the postmarginal vein, and 1-4 to 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma moderate-sized, subrectangular, its uncus long. Gaster obovate, broadest slightly behind the middle and narrowing gradually basad ; about as long and as broad as the thorax, 1-25 to 1-55 times as long as broad, obtuse or bluntly pointed apically ; basal tergite occupying one third of the total length or rather more, with a triangular basal fovea, and with a grooved impression running back from the fovea for some distance ; beyond the basal tergite the gaster is slightly concave dorsally ; ventrally it is moderately convex, with the hypopygium reaching about half way along. g. Differs from the female only in the antennae and gaster. The antennae of the only known PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 293 male are broken, hence a complete description of this sex is postponed until fresh material is available. G. cupreus appears to be most closely allied to G. fumipennis Walker, which differs chiefly in the characters mentioned in the key. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Surrey, Box Hill, bred 20.v.1946 from Craneiobia corni (Giraud) (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) (M. Niblett), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as Holotype, 1 g, 2 2 ; Northamptonshire, Salcey Forest, I 9, 6.vil.1954 (Graham) ; Oxfordshire, Bald Hill, near Lewknor, 1 9, 8.vi.1958 (Graham), in Hope Department and Graham collections. THE VULGARIS-GrovuP Gastrancistrus vulgaris Walker Gastrancistrus vulgaris Walker, 1834 : 175, 4 &. Type material. Syntypes, 4 g. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label, also one reading “‘ Type C.F.”’ [C. Ferriére]. BRITAIN, not uncommon ; SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May—July. Gastrancistrus coniferae sp. n. (Text-fig. 221) 2. Body green to blue-green ; dorsal surface of gaster, except the greater part of the basal tergite, bronze. Mandibles testaceous with darker teeth. Antennal scape testaceous, darker distally ; pedicellus and flagellum fuscous. Coxae concolorous with the thorax, except the fore coxae which are mainly to entirely testaceous ; legs otherwise testaceous with the femora sometimes more or less infuscate, especially the hind ones ; mid and hind tibiae occasionally brownish ; fifth segment of all tarsi brownish. Tegulae brownish testaceous. Wings slightly greyish-tinged ; venation brownish testaceous to brown. Length 1-7 to 2-1 mm. Head about 1-25 times as broad as the mesoscutum, in dorsal view 2-2 to 2:25 times as broad as long ; temples very short and receding strongly ; ocelli in a triangle whose base is about 2:25 times its height, POL 1-2 to 1:35 OOL. In front view the head is transversely oval, about 1-4 times as broad as high, with the vertex moderately arched ; genae very slightly curved, con- verging strongly towards the mouth. Eyes separated by nearly 1-5 times their own length. Malar space somewhat more than one third the length of an eye. Breadth of oral fossa about 2-5 times the malar space. Clypeus slightly more than twice as broad as long, its anterior margin produced but truncate or shallowly emarginate medially. Mandibles rather small, hardly falcate, their outer tooth longest, the others decreasing regularly in length. Head, especially face, shiny, with very fine reticulation which is not raised above the general surface and is, on the lower part of the head, more or less engraved. Antennae (Text-fig. 221) with scape much shorter than an eye, hardly four times as long as broad ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to or slightly greater than the breadth of the head ; pedicellus in profile about 1-7 times as long as broad, as long as or very slightly longer than the first funicular segment ; flagellum moderately clavate ; funicle proximally very slightly stouter than the pedicellus, 294 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM thickening slightly distad, its first segment usually 1-5 to 1-6 times as long as broad, but quad- rate in small specimens, the following segments subquadrate or some of the distal ones very slightly transverse ; clava fully twice as long as broad, about as long as two and a half funicular segments ; flagellum with rather conspicuous and somewhat outstanding bristles ; sensilla not very numerous. Thorax barely 1-5 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum 1-7 to 1-8 times as broad as long, shiny, with fine delicate reticulation which is for the most part engraved ; mid lobe fairly thickly hairy, the hairs rather long ; notauli deep, slightly curved. Scutellum about as long as mesoscutum, slightly longer than broad, strongly convex in the transverse axis, with sculpture, excepting the frenum, rather finer than that of the mesoscutum ; four to five pairs of bristles ; frenum marked off by a distinct line ; scutello-axillar sutures converging strongly and curving round so as to meet ; the scutellum therefore touches the mesoscutum only on a narrow base. Dorsellum about one third as long as the frenum. Propodeum about as long as the frenum, and about one third as long as the whole scutellum, shiny with very weak alutaceous sculpture ; median carina virtually obsolete, though the propodeum is raised in a roof-like manner in the middle ; plicae absent ; spiracles suboval, not quite touching the metanotum ; callus with four to five bristles. Metapleuron, and mesopleuron except the smooth subtriangular dorsal area, shiny with fine delicate and hardly raised reticulation ; mesepimeron distinctly marked off, nearly three times as long as broad ; mesosternum shiny, with subobsolete sculpture, mesolcus distinctly impressed. Postspiracular sclerite with rather coarse, slightly raised, reticulation. Legs somewhat slender ; hind coxae nearly 2-5 times as long as broad, shiny, with not very fine longitudinally strigose-reticulate sculpture, which is very slightly raised above the general surface, the dorsal surface of the coxae with some hairs ; spur of mid tibia slightly more than two thirds the length of the first tarsal segment. Fore wing slightly more than twice as long as broad ; costal cell broad (eight to nine times as long as broad), its lower surface fairly thickly hairy, its upper surface with a row of numerous hairs in the distal half and with several additional hairs below this row in the distal third ; basal cell with scattered hairs over its distal third to half, and partly closed below by a line of hairs ; speculum small, reduced to an oval area below the parastigma and not reaching the cubital vein ; wing beyond the speculum quite thickly hairy ; veins rather thin, the postmarginal nearly or quite as long as the marginal vein, which is 1-7 to 1-8 times as long as the stigmal vein, the latter slightly curved ; stigma rather small, oval, slightly longer than high, with a long uncus. Gaster lanceolate, including the ovipositor sheaths 1-35 to 1-5 times as long as head plus thorax, usually strongly compressed and much narrower than the thorax ; sunken dorsally beyond the basal tergite, the latter with a subtriangular basal fovea ; ovipositor sheaths, as seen in dorsal view, projecting beyond the apex of the gaster by a length varying from about one quarter to nearly one third that of the hind tibia ; hypopygium extending distinctly less than half way along the gaster. 6. Unknown. The female of coniferae sp. n. closely resembles that of vulgaris Walker, which differs as follows : Fore coxae mainly to entirely metallic, at most with an indefinite pale stripe along the inner aspect ; all femora more or less infuscate, at least basally. Gaster shorter, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, including ovipositor sheaths from hardly longer than the thorax to slightly longer than head plus thorax, less compressed and as broad as or broader than high, only slightly narrower than the thorax, sometimes not narrower ; ovipositor sheaths rather less exserted. Holotype 2. ScoTLAND : East Inverness, Rothiemurchus, 21.vi.1965, beaten from Picea (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 295 Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 5 2 ; West Inverness, Isle of Rhum, 2 9, 21.vi.1963 (Graham). ENGLAND: Berkshire, Wytham Wood, I 9, 25.v.1959 (Graham), Bagley Wood, I 9, 4.vi.1954, beaten from foliage of Larix decidua Mill (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. Gastrancistrus unicolor Walker (Text-figs. 216, 220) Gastrancistvus unicoloy Walker, 1834 : 175, 6. Tridymus frenalis Thomson, 1876a : 199, d [nec 9], Syn. n. Type material. Gastrancistrus unicolor Walker. Syntypes, 4g. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Tridymus frenalis Thomson. Five specimens, male and female ; the females disagree with the description and belong to puncticollis (Thomson). LECTOTYPE, a male labelled “ Esp” [Esperéd] and “ 3”. BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; uncommon. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May—June. Gastrancistrus obscurellus Walker Gastrancistrus obscurellus Walker, 1834 : 175, 6. Type material. One male, designated LECTOTYPE (possibly it is holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. I cannot definitely associate this male with any female known to me, so that it may well represent a valid species. No other specimen except the type has been seen. ENGLAND : “ June ; on grass beneath trees ; near London ” (Walker, 1834 : 175). Biology. Unknown. Species sola Gastrancistrus acutus Walker (Text-fig. 228) Gastrancistrus angulus Walker, 1834 : 177, 6 2, syn. n. Gastrancistrus acutus Walker, LOQAu 7 7a Gastrancistvus Panares Walker, 1844a : 339, 9, Syn. n. Gastrancistrus Loelianus Walker, 1848 : 105, 160, 9, syn. n. Tridymus acutus (Walker) ; Thomson, 1876a : 200, 9. Type material. Gastrancistrus angulus Walker. Syntypes, 29. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing Waterhouse label, also one ‘“‘ Type C.F.” [C. Ferriére]. G. acutus Walker. Syntypes, 7 9. LECTOTYPE, the fifth, with Waterhouse label. 296 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM G. panares Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, with Waterhouse label. It is an unusually large robust acutus. G. loehanus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, with Waterhouse label, also “ Type C.F.” [C. Ferriere). Since Thomson (1875 : 200) has already used the name acutus, I propose, under the First Reviser principle, to continue with this usage, although the name angulus has line priority. BRITAIN, SWEDEN to LapLaAnD. Uncommon ; I have found it both in rough pastures and meadows and on sand-dune vegetation. The g is unknown to me. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June—July. Species sola Gastrancistrus clavatus (Thomson) (Text-fig. 231) ? Gastvancistrus Fulginas Walker, 18394 : 85, 9. Tridymus clavatus Thomson, 1876a : 199, 9. Gastvancistrvus clavatus (Thomson) Dalla Torre, 1898 : 203. Type material. Gastrancistrus fulginas Walker. One female was found standing above a label “‘ Pteromalus Felginas W. 1842”’’ ; it is labelled “‘ Felginas”’ in Walker’s handwriting. It disagrees with the description of Pteromalus felginas and could not be the type of that species. However, it fits very well the description of Gastrancistrus fulginas and could well be its type. I believe that it is in fact the type of fulginas and that there has been a mistake in labelling. This idea seems to be confirmed by evidence in the old B.M. register of accessions, where there is the entry “‘Gastrancistrus Fulginas Chiloe”’ ; the name has originally been written as Felginas but altered to Fulginas. G. fulginas (type locality : Chiloe) is so like clavatus (Thomson) that I cannot at present distinguish them ; but in view of their widely different provenance it appears safer to use the Thomson name for our European species. Tridymus clavatus Thomson. Syntypes, 7 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled ““ Hbg ”’ [Halsingborg] and “ clavatus”’ ; the specimen remounted by A. Jansson. BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; ? CHILE. New record: England, Berkshire, Thatcham Reeds, near Newbury, several 99, 17.vill.1966, swept from inflorescences of Artemisia vulgaris L. (Graham). Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—August. THE HAMILLUS-GRovup Gastrancistrus hamillus Walker (Text-fig. 249) Gastrancistvus Hamillus Walker, 1848 : 105, 156, 9. Tridymus flavipes Thomson, 1876a : 195, 2, Syn. n. PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 297 Type material. Gastrancistrus hanullus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, with Waterhouse label. Tridymus flavipes Thomson. Syntypes, 6 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “‘ Sm ” [Smaland] and “ Bhn ”’ [Boheman]. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. I take it not uncommonly from the foliage of Salix species, also occasionally from that of Betula. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—August. Gastrancistrus acontes Walker (Text-fig. 250) Gastvancistrus Acontes Walker, 1840 : 32, d. Tridymus convergens Thomson, 1876a : 199, 9, syn. n. Type material. Gastrancistrus acontes Walker. LECTOTYPE (? holotype) ¢ in Greville coll., Edinburgh, stand’ng above a label ‘‘ Gastrancistrus Acontes W. s. n. fide Wk. Edinb.”’ ; the specimen also bears a red-bordered Type label and another reading “‘ Greville 1936-50. 290”’. Tridymus convergens Thomson. Syntypes, 4 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “‘ L-d”’ [Lund] and “ convergens Ths ”’ ; also bearing A. Jansson’s lectotype-label. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, apparently rare. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in June. THE AUTUMNALIS-GrRoup Gastrancistrus autumnalis (Walker) (Text-fig. 227) Glyphe autumnalis Walker, 1834 : 171, 9. Gastrancistvus autumnalis (Walker) Walker, 1846 : 25. Tridymus productus Thomson, 1876a : 196, 9, syn. n. Type material. Glyphe autumnalis Walker. Two specimens stand here, but one is probably not original material. The other, a female with a Waterhouse label, also labelled “‘ Type’ in A. B. Gahan’s handwriting, is designated LECTOTYPE. Tridymus productus Thomson. Syntypes, 2 females. LECTOTYPE labelled “V.G.” [Vestra Gottland], ““ Bhm.” [Boheman] and “ productus ”’. BriTAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN. Occurs commonly on the foliage of Fagus sylvatica L. in the autumn. Walker (1834 : 171) first recorded it ‘“‘ on flowers of the ivy ; near London ”’ ; I have taken it in the same situation. Biology. Host unknown, but seems likely to be some Cecidomyiid associated with Fagus. Imagines Sept.—Oct. Gastrancistrus oporinus sp. n. 9. Head and thorax dark green ; gaster bronze-black, with greenish or bluish reflections on the 298 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM basal tergite and on the sides. Antennae testaceous ; pedicellus and flagellum darker dorsally ; scape sometimes with a dark streak dorsally. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; femora black with a metallic tinge, more or less pale at their tips ; remainder of legs testaceous, with the fore tarsi, and the tips of the mid and hind tarsi, fuscous. Tegulae mainly testaceous. Wings hyaline ; venation testaceous. Length 1-7 to 2mm. Head about 1-2 times as broad as the mesoscutum, in dorsal view 2:25 to 2-35 times as broad as long ; temples about one fifth length of eyes, rounded off ; POL about 1-7 OOL, ocelli in a triangle whose base is nearly three times its height. Eyes separated by about 1-3 to 1-4 times their own length. Head in front view transversely oval, about 1:25 times as broad as high, with the vertex strongly arched, but the cheeks nearly straight in outline. Malar space slightly less than half the length of an eye. Breadth of oral fossa about 2:5 times the malar space. Clypeus about 2-3 times as broad as long, shiny with obsolescent sculpture, its anterior margin produced and almost angulate medially. The head is shiny, with fine, on the vertex very fine, alutaceous sculpture which is not distinctly raised above the general surface. Antenna (Text- fig. 225) with scape nearly as long as an eye, but not quite reaching the median ocellus, 4:5 to 4:8 times as long as broad ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-15 times the breadth of the head ; pedicellus in profile about 1-7 times as long as broad ; funicle proximally not stouter than the pedicellus, thickening distad, its first segment as long as or somewhat longer than the pedicellus and 1-6 to 1-8 times as long as broad, the second, and sometimes the third, segment slightly elongate, the fourth and fifth quadrate, or the fifth very slightly transverse ; clava about 2:5 times as long as broad, slightly broader than the funicle, nearly as long as the three preceding funicular segments together ; flagellum with rather bristly hairs which are slightly outstanding. Thorax about 1:6 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum about 1-8 times as broad as long, shining, with very fine reticulation which is hardly raised above the general surface ; mid lobe moderately thickly haired ; notauli deep, slightly curved. Scutellum distinctly longer than the mesoscutum, longer than broad, strongly convex in the transverse axis, shiny, with very fine engraved sculpture, that of the frenum less fine, with three to four pairs of bristles ; frenum marked off by a fine line ; the scutellum also has a short longitudinal impressed line at its base ; the scutello-axillar sutures converge strongly and meet the hind margin of the mesos- cutum well mesad of the notauli, the base of the scutellum being less than one sixth the breadth of the mesoscutum. Dorsellum about half as long as the frenum, shiny, weakly alutaceous. Propodeum medially barely as long as the scutellar frenum, and less than one third as long as the scutellum, shiny and weakly alutaceous or nearly smooth ; median carina weak or absent ; plicae absent ; spiracles circular, touching the metanotum ; callus with several hairs which are distributed from its base right to the supracoxal flange. Metapleuron and most of the meso- pleuron, with fine delicately-engraved sculpture ; mesepisternum with a smooth subtriangular area dorsally ; mesepimeron distinctly marked off from the mesepisternum, about 2-5 times as long as broad ; mesosternum shiny and nearly smooth, mesolcus distinctly impressed. Postspiracular sclerite with somewhat coarse, but hardly raised, sculpture. Legs not stout ; hind coxae rather more than twice as long as broad, with delicate, hardly raised sculpture ; their dorsal surface with some hairs ; spur of mid tibia about two thirds the length of the first tarsal segment. Fore wing about twice as long as broad ; costal cell broad (length : breadth about 8 : 1), its lower surface with scattered hairs, its upper surface with a row of several hairs in the distal third ; basal cell hairy over about its distal third ; speculum closed below, on the upper surface of the wing moderate-sized and not extending below the marginal vein ; wing beyond the speculum thickly hairy ; marginal vein (Text-fig. 226) 1-1 to 1-25 times as long as the postmarginal vein and 2 to 2:2 times as long as the stigmal vein ; the latter slightly curved, the stigma moderate-sized and suboval, with a moderately long uncus ; submarginal vein with 12 to 15 bristles. Petiole of gaster strongly transverse. Gaster lanceolate, even without the ovipositor some- what longer than the head plus thorax, slightly narrower than the thorax, acute apically, 3 to 4:2 times as long as broad ; basal tergite with a semicircular basal fovea ; disc of gaster PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 299 sunken ; last tergite slightly transverse ; ovipositor sheaths slightly exserted ; ventrally the gaster is convex and keeled, the hypopygium extending about half way along or slightly less. 6 Differs from the female as follows : Antennal scape black with a metallic tinge, except its base and apex ; femora more or less infuscate, the infuscate parts with a metallic tinge, the fore and mid femora have about their basal half dark, the hind femora are mainly dark ; mid and hind tibiae sometimes with a faint infuscate band before their apices. Antennae (Text-fig. 224) with scape shorter, its length only slightly greater than the trans- verse diameter of an eye, and broader, about four times as long as broad, but practically reaching the level of the lower edge of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum fully 1-5 times the breadth of the head ; pedicellus barely 1-5 times as long as broad, much shorter than the first funicular segment ; flagellum of uniform thickness, not or hardly stouter than the pedicellus ; funicular segments all longer than broad, the first 1-8 to 2-2 times, the sixth 1-3 to 1-7 times, as long as broad ; clava tapering and acutely pointed, not broader than the funicle, about 3-5 times as long as broad, hardly as long as the two preceding funicular segments together ; the funicular segments and the clava are clothed with long and strongly outstanding hairs, which form three whorls on each segment, sometimes four on the first funicular segment, the length of these hairs somewhat greater than the breadth of the segments which bear them. Propodeum somewhat longer. Marginal vein of fore wing slightly shorter relative to the stigmal vein. Gaster oblong-sublinear, slightly shorter, and much narrower, than the thorax, subtruncate apically ; basal fovea of the basal tergite Y-shaped. The female of opovinus on the whole most resembles that of autumnalis (Walker), from which it differs as follows : Average size less, body more slender. Head in dorsal view less transverse, in autumnalis it is 2:4 to 2:5 times as broad as long ; clypeus slightly less transverse, about three times as broad as long in autumnalis and more weakly sculptured ; temples slightly longer, in autumnalis one sixth to one seventh the length of the eyes. Antennae with its funicular segments on the average rather shorter ; clava relatively a little longer, in autumnalis its length barely equals that of funicular segments five plus four plus half of three. Scutellum longer relative to the mesoscutum with fewer bristles (in autuwmnalis four to six pairs), the lines separating it from the axillae converging more strongly so that the base of the scutellum is less broad. Sculpture of mesoscutum and scutellum less fine ; that of the mesopleuron engraved, in autumnalis very slightly raised above the surface. Upper surface of costal cell of fore wing with fewer hairs, in autumnalis there are two rows, or even a partial third row, in the distal half of the cell ; speculum closed below ; submarginal vein with fewer bristles. Gaster rather longer, in autumnalis, excluding the ovipositor sheaths, not longer than head plus thorax ; basal fovea of basal tergite semicircular instead of triangular of Y-shaped ; the hind margin of the basal tergite is not emarginate medially, in autwmnalis it is sometimes slightly so. The male resembles that of autumnalis, which differs as follows : Antennal scape yellow, or with at most its apex + infuscate ; femora and tibiae yellow, or at most the hind femora + infuscate. Clypeus rather more transverse, about 2:5 times as broad as long, with its anterior margin rather less strongly curved. Funicular segments of anten- nae relatively longer, the first 2:2 to 3 times, the sixth 1-5 to 2 times, as long as broad. The lines which separate the scutellum from the axillae converge less strongly, so that the base of the scutellum is broader, about one fifth the breadth of the mesoscutum, whilst the scutellum has four to five pairs of bristles. The fore wing has the speculum open below, or imperfectly closed by one or two widely-spaced hairs ; the submarginal vein has more numerous (17 or more) and rather shorter bristles. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Bagley Wood, 14.x.1954, found on flowers 300 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM of Angelica sylvestris L. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 2 3, 2 2 ; same locality, 4.x.1957, 2d, 4 and I gynandromorph, beaten from foliage of oak trees (Quercus robur L.) (Graham), in Graham collection. The gynandromorphic specimen just mentioned is interesting as this condition appears to be rare in Chalcidoidea ; the specimen is female except for its antennae, which are those of a normal male. Biology. Unknown. Species sola Gastrancistrus vernalis sp. n. (Text-figs. 204, 207, 229) 9. Head and thorax green to blue ; gaster bronze, its dorsal surface, except as a rule the disc, with greenish or bluish reflections which are most conspicuous on the basal tergite. Anten- nae brownish testaceous ; scape dorsally, or mainly, infuscate ; pedicellus infuscate over its proximal half or more ; incisures between the flagellar segments often brown, sometimes the flagellum infuscate dorsally. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters partly dark ; femora blackish, except their tips which, like the tibiae and tarsi, are yellowish testaceous ; tips of tarsi fuscous. Tegulae testaceous anteriorly, fuscous posteriorly. Wings slightly infumate or subhyaline ; venation testaceous, the parastigma and stigmal vein often darker. Length 2 to 2-4 mm. Head about 1-2 times as broad as the mesoscutum, in dorsal view 1°85 to 2 times as broad as long ; temples one fifth to more than one quarter the length of the eyes, rounded off ; POL about twice OOL, ocelli in a triangle whose base is about twice its height. Eyes rather large, separated by hardly 1-2 times their own length. Head in front view a nearly regular oval, about 1:25 times as broad as high ; both the vertex and the cheeks with a curved outline. Malar space slightly less than half the length of an eye. Breadth of oral fossa about twice the malar space. Clypeus only 1-5 to 1-8 times as broad as long, alutaceous, its anterior margin strongly and evenly curved. Mandibles rather small, their lower margin nearly straight ; the outer (lower) tooth moderately long, the others decreasing gradually in length. The head, apart from the smooth scrobes, has slightly, though distinctly, raised reticulation ; on the vertex the reticulation is extremely fine, elsewhere it is rather less fine. Antenna (Text-fig. 229) with scape approximately equal in length to the transverse diameter of an eye, about four times as long as broad, not reaching the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum nearly equal to the breadth of the head ; pedicellus in profile about twice as long as broad, distinctly longer than the first funicular segment ; flagellum of characteristic appearance because of the hairs which clothe it being very short ; funicle proximally hardly stouter than the pedicellus, thickening slightly distad, its first segment 1-2 to 1-4 times as long as broad, the following segments subquadrate, or the distal segment very slightly transverse ; clava very slightly broader than the fifth funicular segment, unusually long, about three times as long as broad, nearly or quite as long as the four preceding funicular segments together. Thorax (Text-fig. 204) unusually elongate, 1-9 to 2-4 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum only about 1-4 times as broad as long, only slightly shiny, with rather strong reticulation which is distinctly raised above the general surface ; this sculpture is extremely fine except in the front portion of the mid lobe ; the scattered hairs which clothe the mesoscutum are unusually short and arise from minute pits which are inconspicuous amid the reticulation ; notauli relatively shallow. -Scutellum hardly longer than the mesoscutum, much longer than broad, PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 301 very strongly convex in the transverse axis, sculptured like the mesoscutum but rather more finely, except the frenum which on the contrary is more coarsely so, with two to three pairs of bristles which are short for the genus and tend to get broken off ; frenum marked off by an extremely fine line ; the scutello-axillar sutures converge strongly, then curve round anteriorly and meet, so that the scutellum is separated from the mesoscutum by a groove which is strong and more or less sculptured. Axillae sculptured like the scutellum. Dorsellum a raised, slightly reticulate transverse crest, whose length is slightly more than half that of the frenum. Pro- podeum long, medially distinctly more than one third the length of the scutellum, between the spiracles with very fine, but distinctly raised, reticulation, relatively dull ; median carina indicated but irregular ; plicae usually indicated at the hind margin of thesclerite ; at the base of the propodeum, on each side of the median carina, there are two or three foveae ; spiracles suboval, separated by about half their major diameter from the metanotum ; callus with rather weaker sculpture than the rest of the propodeum, very hairy, the hairs extending to the supra- coxal flange, and laterally almost to the edge of the metapleuron. Metapleuron, and meso- pleuron mainly (Text-fig. 207) with fine but strong reticulation which is distinctly raised above the general surface, on the mesopleuron the sculpture becomes obsolescent dorsad below the base of the hind wing ; mesepimeron unusually large, rhomboidal, sculptured like the meta- pleuron. Mesosternum shiny, with fine, delicate alutaceous sculpture which is hardly raised above the surface ; mesolcus strongly impressed. Postspiracular sclerite, and prosternum, strongly though moderately finely reticulate. Legs rather short and stout ; hind coxae only about 1-75 times as long as broad, with fine though strong reticulation, rather stronger than that of the mesopleuron, their dorsal surface with hairs extending to the base. Spur of mid tibia about three quarters the length of the first tarsal segment. Forewing rather long, about 2:25 times as long as broad, with the costal margin unusually straight : costal cell broad (length : breadth about 8 : 1), its lower surface with scattered hairs, its upper surface bare except for a very short row of two to four hairs at the apex of the cell ; basal cell, on upper surface of wing, bare, though the basal vein is pilose ; speculum partly open below, on the upper surface of the wing moderate-sized, not extending below the marginal vein, on the lower surface somewhat effaced by scattered hairs ; beyond the speculum the wing is rather thickly haired ; marginal vein 1:25 to 1-45 times as long as the postmarginal vein, 2:1 to 2-5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; the latter curved, with the stigma rather small, suboval, its uncus rather short. Petiole strongly transverse. Gaster oblong-ovate, acute apically, about as long as but slightly narrower than the thorax, 2-1 to 2:5 times as long as broad, sunken on the disc dorsally ; basal tergite with a subtriangular basal fovea ; last tergite broader than long ; tips of ovipositor sheaths just visible in dorsal view ; ventrally the gaster is keeled, with the hypopygium ex- tending about half way along. $. Differs from the female as follows : Antennal scape broader, about three times as long as broad, and relatively a little shorter ; pedicellus very slightly shorter ; flagellum hardly thickening distad, clothed with bristly hairs which are slightly longer than those of the female, though still very short for a male of this genus ; clava only about twice as long as broad, about equal to two and a half of the preceding funicular segments. Gaster oblong, nearly as long as but narrower than the thorax, obtuse apically. This species much resembles those of the group of salicis (Nees) to which it is evidently closely related. It differs from them particularly in its weak notauli ; the fine short bristles of the head, mesocutum, axillae, and scutellum, which thus appear subglabrous (these bristles easily become rubbed off) ; and the strongly reticulate and relatively dull mesepimeron and prosternum. 302 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 15.v.1952, on Salix cinerea L. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality as holotype, I 9, 16.v.1952, I 9, 17.v.1952, both on Salix cinerea L., I 8, 30.v.1953 on sallow (probably S. cinerea L.), I 9, 26.v.1954, I Q, 13.v.1959 (both on sallow) (all Graham) ; Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, I 3, 31.v.1953 (on sallow), 2 9, (on Salix cinerea) (Graham) ; Surrey, Effing- ham, Barnthorns Wood, I g, bred I.vii.1942 from Rhabdophaga salicis (Schr.) on Salix atrocinerea Brot. (= cinerea L.) (M. Niblett), One paratype ¢ in Hope Department, remainder 3, 9 in Graham collection. THe SALICIS-Group Scutellum wholly reticulate, not noticeably more shiny than the mesoscutum ; the scutello- axillar sutures converge strongly so as to approach the hind margin of the mesoscutum well mesad of the hind ends of the notauli (Text-fig. 202), whilst anteriorly these grooved lines curve round and meet so that the scutellum is separated from the mesoscutum by a deep, more or less sculptured groove. Mesepimeron marked off from the mesepisternum by a distinct grooved line or elongate fovea, not very elongate (about 1-5 to 2-5 times as long as broad). Propodeum more or less alutaceous or reticulate, medially as long as or (usually) a little longer than the scutellar frenum, its median carina nearly always more or less indicated, often complete though sometimes irregular ; callus with two to seven hairs, but except in fulvicoxis sp. n., without hairs above the supracoxal flange. Mesoscutum having its reticulation at least very slightly raised above the general surface ; anteriorly the sculpture tends towards a transversely- strigose or rippled type. Scutellar frenum distinctly marked off. Hind coxae usually with some hairs dorsally, except in some very smallspecimens. Mesosternal mesolcus distinctly impressed. Fore wing with marginal vein long, 2 to 2-3 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein distinctly shorter than the marginal ; basal cell with some scattered hairs in its distal half to two thirds, on the upper surface of the wing. Antennal scape shorter than an eye, not reach- ing the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum less than or at most barely equal to the breadth of the head ; male flagellum clothed with relatively short bristles. Gaster of female not strongly compressed, ovate to lanceolate, with ovipositor sheaths at most slightly projecting beyond the last tergite ; basal tergite usually with a subtriangular to semicircular median depression at the base ; in most specimens of fulvicovis sp. n., however, there is a fovea on each side, separated by a convex ridge. Some of the taxa included here as distinct species have previously been regarded as forms of one, salicis (Nees). It is possible, however, to segregate those dealt with below fairly well on morphological characters. Their biology is too imperfectly known as yet to provide useful information. All of them are apparently associated with willows (Salix spp.) and the available breeding records refer to Rhabdophaga spp. (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) as hosts. At present it is difficult to assess how much of the variation shown is due to host differences, to the same host on different species of willow, or to geographical variation. As the Cecidomyiid hosts, and sometimes the host willows, are by no means easy to determine, this is not surprising. A special study of the species of this group of Gastrancistrus would be a very interesting and valuable contribution to our knowledge, which is at present rudi- mentary. This can only be done by careful breeding from critically determined hosts whose host.willow species are accurately named. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 303 Gastrancistrus salicis (Nees) (Text-figs. 203, 233, 237, 240, 241) Pteromalus Salicis Nees ; 1834 : 105-107, 3 9. Seladerma Capreae Walker, 1848 : 112 [nec Cynips Capreae Linnaeus, 1761]. Tridymus salicis (Nees) Ratzeburg, 1848 : 183, 3 9. Pteromalus (Seladerma) salicis Walker, 1848b : 218. Tridymus salicis (Nees) ; Thomson, 1876a : 196-197, 3 9. ? Tridymus salicis (Nees) ; Felt, 1902 : 744. Type material (presumably destroyed). Original specimens reared in April and May from galls on Salix aunta L., near Munich, Germany (‘‘ inter Sebersbrunn et Starenberg prope Monacum ”’’), by Alexander Braun of Karlsruhe. The interpreta- tion of Thomson (1876) is followed here, and the name salicis is restricted to the forms which agree with the redescription given below ; the latter is based on a number of accurate measurements taken from the British and other specimens mentioned below, of which those from Sweden are particularly important because they were reared from a host on the plant originally mentioned by Nees, i.e., Salix aurita. ®. Head and thorax varying from golden or bronze-green through green to greenish blue ; disc of gaster, or the hind margins of its segments, usually tinged with bronze. Mandibles varying from testaceous with darker teeth, to fuscous. Antennae testaceous, usually with their scape infuscate at the tip dorsally, the pedicellus fuscous dorsally over its basal half, and the flagellum more or less infuscate dorsally ; in the darkest forms the scape may be wholly fuscous with a metallic tinge, the pedicellus and the flagellum pale only beneath. Coxae concolorous with the thorax, or with at most their tips pale ; trochanters usually + infuscate ; femora more or less infuscate proximally with a metallic tinge ; otherwise the legs are usually testaceous with only the fifth tarsal segment brown or fuscous, sometimes the tibiae are more or less infuscate in British specimens. Wings subhyaline ; venation brownish testaceous to fuscous. Tegulae testaceous, their hind edge sometimes darker. Length 2 to 3:1 mm. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 237) 2:15 to 2-3 times as broad as long ; temples converging fairly strongly behind the eyes ; ocelli in a triangle whose base is 2 to 2:2 times its height, POL 1:5 to1:7 OOL. Eyes 1-15 to 1-25 times as long as broad, separated by 1-3 to 1°55 times their own length. Malar space half, or slightly more than half, the length of aneye. Breadth of oral fossa 1-9 to 2:5 times the malar space. Clypeus from nearly twice, to slightly more than twice as broad as long, often rather strongly alutaceous but sometimes shiny and almost devoid of sculpture, its anterior margin gently curved. Antennae (Text-fig. 240) with scape about four times as long as broad, its length very slightly less than the transverse diameter of an eye, slightly broader in the middle than at either end ; pedicellus in profile about 1-6 times as long as broad, as long as or slightly longer than the first funicular segment ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than the breadth of the head ; funicle proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus in profile, becoming a little thicker distad ; first funicular segment quadrate or slightly longer than broad, the second quadrate to very slightly transverse, the following segments slightly transverse; clava hardly more than twice as long as broad, not quite as long as the three preceding funicular segments together ; sensilla of flagellum fairly numerous, disposed in a single row on each segment. Thorax (Text-fig. 202) 1°55 to 1:65 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum 1:5 to 1-7 times as broad as long, moderately shiny, with very fine scaly-reticulate sculpture ; on the front part of the mid lobe this sculpture is slightly raised above the general surface and tends to be transversely strigose-reticulate ; mid lobe with numerous bristles, most of which arise from minute tubercles ; notauli very deep, slightly curved. Axillae with extremely fine alutaceous sculpture. Scutellum distinctly longer than broad, strongly convex, with (5-) 6-12 pairs of 304 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM bristles ; surface with extremely fine, engraved or hardly raised alutaceous sculpture, that of the frenum, which is marked off by a fine but distinct line, is a little coarser. Dorsellum weakly alutaceous, shiny. Fore wing with speculum, on upper surface of wing, closed or nearly closed below ; stigma moderate-sized, its height slightly less than, or at most as great as, the distance between its upper edge and the lower edge of the postmarginal vein. Gaster lanceolate-ovate to lanceolate, 2-15 to 2:7 times as long as broad, about as long as head plus thorax on the average, sometimes a little less or a little greater. 6. Differs from the female as follows: Antennal scape varying from brownish testaceous to entirely black with a metallic tinge ; in British examples the flagellum is more or less heavily infuscate dorsally. Antennae (Text-fig. 241) with scape slightly broader, about 3-5 times as long as broad, a little wider above the middle than below it ; flagellum practically filiform, distinctly thicker than the pedicellus in profile, with its bristles relatively a little longer and rather more outstanding ; the first funicular segment is quadrate to very slightly elongate, the rest are quadrate to slightly transverse ; clava about twice as long as broad, only about as long as the two preceding funicular segments together. Gaster sublinear, about as long as, but only about half as broad as, the thorax. BRITAIN, IRELAND, GERMANY, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVOKIA (but probably more widely distributed). Felt (1902) recorded it from New York State as a parasite of Rhabdophaga salicis on galled willows which may have been of European origin ; the parasite was identified by Ashmead, possibly correctly though the specimens should be checked if still in existence. Detailed measurements were made on the following material : ENGLAND : Cambridge, 2 3, 1937, reared from “‘Cecidomyiid galls on willow” (FE. McC. Callan) ; Surrey, Epsom, 10 9, 23.iv.1927, I gf, I &, 4.vi.1928, I 9, 9.vi.1928, all reared from galls of Rhabdophaga salicis (Schr.) (M. Niblett) ; unlocalized, 2 9, 27.vi.1917, from “ galls of Cecidomyza sp. on long-leaved willow ” (F. D. Morice), 1 9 in coll. Marshall as “‘ Seladerma capreae’’, 2 9 and 1 @ in coll. Walker as “ Tvidymus salicis”’ ; all these specimens are in the BM(NH). Others, probably all Walker material, stand in the Hope-Westwood and Dale collections (Oxford) under the name “ Seladerma capreae’’. North Wales, unlocalized : 2 9 from galls of Rhabdophaga salicis (Schr.), reared June 1912 (A. W. Dennis), in BM(NH). Ireland : Co. Antrim, Ballycastle, 5S 29, 7.Vi.1927, reared from Cecidomyiid galls on Salix (Miss Knowles). GERMANY : Aachen, specimens in coll. Férster, labelled “‘ Pteromalus salicis Nees’. SWEDEN : Halland, Enslov, gg reared 14.ii1.1954 and 15.il1.1954, 92 reared 17.11.1954 and 20.111.1955, from galls of Rhabdophaga on Salix aurita L. (Hugo Andersson). Gastrancistrus fulvicoxis sp. n. (Text-fig. 234) 2. Head and thorax varying from golden green through green to greenish blue. Mandibles testaceous with darker teeth. Antennae fulvous ; scape usually more or less darkened at the apex dorsally ; pedicellus more or less so in its basal half dorsally ; flagellum infuscate dorsally. Legs fulvous with knees slightly paler ; fore and mid coxae sometimes with a dark spot at the base ; hind coxae usually having their proximal half to two-thirds black with a metallic tinge, occasionally almost entirely dark ; rarely the femora are faintly brownish proximally ; tarsi usually brownish distally, their fifth segment fuscous. Tegulae fulvous ; wings hyaline or PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 305 faintly yellowish ; venation testaceous, the parastigma, and usually the point of junction of the marginal and stigmal veins, darker. Length 2-6 to 3 mm. In addition to the structural characters which are common to all species of this group, fulvicoxis has the following : Body relatively elongate and slender, the thorax 1-7 to 1:8 times as long as broad, the gaster lanceolate. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 234) only 1-8 to 2 times as broad as long ; temples not obviously converging behind the eyes ; eyes about 1-2 times as long as broad, separated by about 1°3 times their own length ; malar space approximately two thirds the length of an eye ; breadth of oral fossa 1-47 to 1-7 times the malar space ; clypeus rather small, not strongly transverse, at most 1-5 times as broad as long, alutaceous or reticulate all over, its anterior margin moder- ately but not strongly curved. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum practically equal to the breadth of the head ; scape about 3-8 times as long as broad, its length equal to or slightly greater than the transverse diameter of an eye ; pedicellus twice as long as broad, as long as or very slightly longer than the first funicular segment ; funicle proximally not stouter than the pedicellus, thickening slightly distad, its first segment 1-8 to 2 times as long as broad, second segment slightly longer than broad, the following segments quadrate or very slightly elongate ; clava slightly broader than the funicle, twice as long as broad, nearly as long as the three preceding funicular segments together. Head and thorax with rather stronger sculpture than in the other species, hence rather dull ; on the mesoscutum, axillae, and scutellum, the transverse walls of the areoles are slightly stronger than the other walls, so that the sculpture tends to have a transversely-rippled or substrigose appearance. Scutellum with five to seven pairs of bristles ; frenum often with some delicate wrinkles in addition to the reticulation. Dorsellum very finely but quite strongly reticulate, relatively dull. Propodeum finely but relatively strongly reticulate, only slightly shiny. Fore wing with speculum open below. Gaster lanceolate, slightly to obviously longer than head plus thorax, 2-8 to 4 times as long as broad ; basal tergite usually with a longitudinal fovea on each side, separated by a convex median ridge ; tip of hypopygium situated about half way along the gaster. 3. Differs from the female as follows : Antennal scape and flagellum hardly at all darkened dorsally ; scape broader (length : breadth about 3:2: 1) ; pedicellus a trifle shorter ; flagellum filiform ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum very slightly greater than the breadth of the head ; clava nearly 2:5 times as long as broad, but only as long as the two preceding funicular segments together. Gaster sublinear ; about as long, but only about half as broad, as the thorax. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : ? Norfolk, Merton, iv.1914, from Helicomyia saliciperda (Duf.) (C. B. Williams), in BM(NH). Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 1 g, 4 2; Kent, unlocalized, from Rhabdophaga sp. on Salix fragilis L., 3 9, 1933 (H. F. Barnes), in BM(NH). Gastrancistrus triandrae sp. n. 9. Differs from that of fulvicoxis sp. n. as follows: Anterior margin of clypeus strongly produced, almost angulate medially. Antennal pedi- cellus 1-8 to 2 times as long as broad, distinctly longer than the first funicular segment, which is 1-4 to 1-6 times as long as broad, therefore somewhat shorter than in fulvicoxis ; the second funicular segment is quadrate or hardly elongate, the following segments are quadrate, or the fifth very slightly transverse. Thorax slightly shorter, about 1-65 times as long as broad. Dorsellum delicately reticulate and moderately shiny. Speculum of forewing partly or completely closed below. Gaster relatively shorter, as long as or rather shorter than head plus thorax, about 2-8 times as long as broad. 306 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM 6. Differs from that of fulvicoxis as follows : Anterior margin of clypeus almost angulate medially. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum hardly as great as breadth of head ; funicular segments slightly shorter, the first distinctly shorter than the pedicellus and only 1-4 to 1-6 times as long as broad. Holotype 9. ENGLAND: Suffolk, 1930, bred from Rhabdophaga sp. on Salix triandra L. (H. J. Barnes), in BM(NH). Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 3 g, 1 9, in BM(NH). Gastrancistrus longigena sp. n. (Text-fig. 239) ®. Differs from that of fulvicoxis sp. n. as follows : Antennal scape rather more extensively infuscate apically ; coxae black with a metallic tinge, or at most the distal third of the fore coxae is yellowish ; all the femora more or less infuscate proximally, at least with a dark stripe or mark beneath ; all tibiae, except their bases and tips, reddish, the mid and hind ones sometimes slightly infuscate medially ; wing venation somewhat darker, the parastigma, base and apex of the marginal vein, the stigmal vein and the stigma, brown. Length 1-9 to 2-6 mm. Body less elongate, much as in salicis (Nees). | Head in dorsal view 1-9 to 2 times as broad as long ; temples converging slightly behind the eyes. Eyes nearly circular, separated by 1-31 to 1°35 times their own length. Malar space nearly or quite two thirds the length of an eye. Breadth of oral fossa 1-5 to 1-7 times the malar space. Clypeus only about 1-6 times as broad as long, alutaceous, except sometimes its anterior margin. Antenna (Text-fig. 239). Head and thorax with rather weaker sculpture, hence rather more shiny. Dorsellum weakly alutaceous, shiny. Speculum of fore wing, on the upper surface of the wing, open below except sometimes proximally. Gaster ovate, as long as or somewhat longer than the thorax, but shorter than head plus thorax, 1-8 to 2:3 times as long as broad. 6. Unknown. The female of G. salicis (Nees), as interpreted here, differs from that of longigena in its rather more transverse head, 2-15—2-3 times as broad as long ; slightly oval eyes, I:I5—I-2 times as long as broad ; rather shorter malar space, half the length of an eye or slightly more ; broader oral fossa, which is I-g—2-5 times the malar space ; and broader clypeus, which is nearly or quite twice as broad aslong. The speculum of the fore wing in salicis is closed or nearly closed below on the upper surface of the wing. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Oxfordshire, Marston Ferry, near Oxford, 13.v.1961, swept from foliage of Salix purpurea L. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality as holotype, 2 9, I1.v.1961, 4 2, 13.v.1961, swept from foliage of Salix purpurea L. (Graham) ; Berkshire, Wytham, 2 9, 24.v.1961, swept from foliage of Salix viminalis L. (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 307 Gastrancistrus coactus sp. n. (Text-figs. 235, 236) Q. Colour as in salicis (Nees) but the body tends more towards blue-green or blue ; scape often extensively infuscate with a metallic tinge, sometimes wholly so, or pale at the base only ; femora tending to be darker, their proximal half to two thirds black ; tibiae often more or less broadly brown to blackish medially. Structurally differs from salicis as follows ; Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 236) less transverse, 1-8 to 2 times as broad as long, shaped much as in fulvicoxis, with the temples hardly converging behind the eyes. Eyes 1:2 to 1°35 times as long as broad, separated by 1:15 to 1-25 times their own length. Malar space variable, from slightly less than half to slightly more than half the length of an eye. Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 235) gently curved or occasionally almost truncate.. Antennae similar to those of longigena sp.n. (Text-fig. 239) ; pedicellus about as long as anelli plus first funicular segment or even a little more ; first funicular segment subquadrate, the following segments at least very slightly transverse ; clava as long as, or somewhat longer than, the three preceding funicular segments together. Scutellum usually with three, occasionally four, rarely five, pairs of bristles. Propodeum medially approximately one third the length of the scutellum ; median carina more or less indicated but not sharp ; callus with four to six bristles. Fore wing with speculum open or closed. Gaster ovate, 1-8 to 2-3 times as long as broad, about as long as or a little longer than the thorax. 36. Unknown. Holotype 2. ENGLAND : Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, 2.vi.1953, from Salix cinerea L. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 1 9 ; Berkshire, Wytham, 2 9, 2.vi.1g61, swept from Salix (cinerea L. or caprea L.) (Graham) ; Huntingdonshire, Woodwalton Fen, I Q, 9.vi.1953, from Salix sp. (Graham), in Graham collection. SCOTLAND : West Inverness, Arisaig, I 9, 5.vil.1g61, swept from Salix aurita L. (Graham), in Graham collection : IRELAND : West Donegal, Sessiagh or Kill Lough, 1 9, 10.vi.1955 (A. W. Stelfox), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. Gastrancistrus praecox sp. n. (Text-figs. 232, 238) Semiotus fulvicornis Walker, 1874 : 316, 2 [secondary homonym of Lamprotatus fulvicornis Walker, 1874 : 315, 3]. 9%. Colour as in salicis (Nees) ; tibiae sometimes heavily infuscate. Length 1-8 to 2-1 mm. Structurally differs from salicis as follows : Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 238) very slightly less transverse (breadth : length 1-95 to 2). Eyes separated by 1-1 to 1-2 times their own length. Antennae with funicle rather more slender proximally, its first segment not stouter than the pedicellus in profile, sometimes even rather less stout, the flagellum therefore appears more distinctly clavate than in salicis ; clava slightly longer, its length equalling 3 to 3:5 of the preceding funicular segments ; sensilla of flagellum less numerous. Each posterior ocellus is separated by 1-3 to 1-4 times its own major diameter from the adjacent eye ; POL 1:75 to 2 OOL. 308 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM 3g. Very similar to that of salicis, but on the average slightly smaller. Flagellum slightly longer, combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to, or even very slightly greater than, the breadth of the head ; first funicular segment quadrate to slightly elongate, the following segments often quadrate though sometimes slightly transverse. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham, 17.v.1952, from Salix cinerea L. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype, a few males and females ; same locality as holotype, 2 9, 16.v.1951, 1g, 2 2, 26.v.1954 (Graham) ; Oxfordshire, Marston Ferry, near Oxford, several males and females, I11.v.1g61, 13.v.196I, I14.v.19g61, swept from Salix purpurea L. (Graham) ; Lancashire South, Formby Moss, a few males and females, 29.vi.1962, swept from S. cinerea L. (Graham), in Graham collection. AMURLAND : one female (Type Hym. 5.665, LECTOTYPE of Semiotus fulvicornis Walker), in BM(NH). Biology. Unknown. Gastrancistrus fulvicornis (Walker) comb. n. (Text-figs. 242, 243) Lamprotatus fulvicornis Walker, 1874 : 315, “‘3.”’ [recte 9]. ©. Resembles that of praecox sp.n., but is on the average slightly smaller (length 1-6 to 1-9 mm.). Each posterior ocellus is separated by 1-4 to 1-75 its major diameter from the adjacent eye ; POL 1-6to1-8 OOL. The antennal flagellum (Text-fig. 242) tends to be rather shorter ; the first funicular segment is quadrate or even very slightly transverse, the following segments are slightly transverse ; the length of the clava equals that of 3-5 to 4 of the preceding funicular segments. Scutellum with three to four pairs of bristles. 6. Differs from that of praecox sp. n. in having a shorter flagellum, combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 0-85 to 0-9 the breadth of the head ; the hairs which clothe it tend to be slightly less outstanding. The first funicular segment is about quadrate, the following segments are at least slightly, sometimes rather strongly, transverse (Text-fig. 243). ENGLAND : Lancashire South, Freshfield, a number of g¢ and 99, 31.v.1959, I.V1.1959, 3.v1.1959, swept from Salix repens L. in a dune-slack (Graham). AMURLAND : one female, the LECTOTYPE, in Walker collection, BM(NH), Type Hym. 5.809, labelled ‘“‘ Amurland. Coll. F. Walker, 1913-71 ”’ and in Walker’s handwriting “‘ Lamprotatus fulvicornis ’’. Biology. Unknown. THE VAGANS-GRovupP Gastrancistrus laticornis Walker (Text-fig. 253) ? Gastvancistrus tenuicornis Walker, 1834 : 172, 6 9. Gastrancistrus laticornis Walker, 1834 : 174, 9. Gastrancistrus laticornis Walker ; Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. D, fig. 2, 9. Type material. Gastrancistrus tenuicornis Walker. Syntypes, I g, I 9, the PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 309 latter lacking the head. LECTOTYPE, the female, bearing a Waterhouse label ; it is almost certainly the same as /aticornis. G. laticornis Walker. Syntypes, 3d¢,1 9. LECTOTYPE, the female, bearing a Waterhouse label. BRITAIN ; not uncommon. Biology. Unknown. Imagines April-June. Gastrancistrus terminalis Walker (Text-fig. 261) Gastrancistrus terminalis Walker, 1834 : 176, 3 9. Type material. Five specimens, but one is probably not original material. LECTOTYPE, a female bearing a Waterhouse label, also one in C. Ferriére’s hand- writing ‘‘ Type C.F.”’. BRITAIN, apparently rare ; ‘‘ June ; on grass beneath trees ; Windsor Forest, and near London ’”’ (Walker, 1834 : 176) ; Berkshire, Wytham, 17.vi.1960, I 9 (R. R. Askew) ; Middlesex, Southgate, 99, 11.vi.1965, I 9, 24.vi.1966 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. Gastrancistrus hirtulus sp. n. 9. Head and thorax greenish with some brassy and bronze reflections ; frons, and sometimes genae, coppery ; gaster violet-bronze-black. Antennae blackish ; scape weakly metallic. Coxae, and femora except their tips narrowly, black with a metallic tinge ; tibiae fuscous, narrowly testaceous at their base and apex ; fore tarsi brownish, mid and hind ones testaceous with their fifth segment fuscous. Tegulae brownish. Wings faintly greyish ; venation fusco- testaceous. Length (including ovipositor) 1-4 to 1-9 mm. Head about 1-35 times the breadth of the mesoscutum, in dorsal view about 2:25 times as broad as long ; temples very short and receding ; ocelli in a triangle whose base is about 2-7 times its height, POL nearly twice OOL. Eyes separated by about 1-35 times their length, with extremely short inconspicuous pubescence ; malar space slightly more than one quarter the length of an eye ; breadth of oral fossa about 3:5 times the malar space ; clypeus fully three times as broad as long, its anterior margin produced but truncate medially (as in vagans, Text- fig. 260) or even weakly though broadly emarginate ; mandibles not large, their outer tooth the longest, the others decreasing slightly in length ; clypeus nearly smooth ; face, cheeks, and frons, shiny, with delicate hardly raised sculpture ; vertex less shiny, with very fine, slightly raised reticulation. Antennal scape short, its length about equal to the transverse diameter of an eye, not reaching the median ocellus, about 3-5 times as long as broad ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than the breadth of the head ; pedicellus about 1-7 times as long as broad, slightly to very distinctly longer than the first funicular segment ; funicle proximally very slightly stouter than the pedicellus, thickening distad ; first funicular segment quadrate to slightly transverse, the second slightly transverse, and the following segments rather more so, the fifth being about 1-5 times as broad as long ; clava about twice as long as broad, nearly as long as the three preceding funicular segments together ; flagellum with rather conspicuous, somewhat outstanding bristles. Thorax about 1-4 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum about 1-8 times as broad as long, shiny, with fine and very delicate sculpture which is about level with the general surface, 310 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM neither engraved nor raised ; mid lobe with numerous hairs, especially anteriorly ; notauli deep, slightly curved. Scutellum about as long as the mesoscutum, slightly longer than broad, with sculpture like that of the mesoscutum but slightly finer, with three to four pairs of bristles ; frenum marked off by a fine line ; the scutello-axillar sutures converge only moderately, about as in affinis sp.n. Axillae with sculpture like that of the scutellum. Dorsellum about half as long as the frenum, shiny, smooth or weakly alutaceous. Propodeum short, medially nearly as long as the frenum, and about one fifth the length of the scutellum, shiny and, including the callus, virtually devoid of sculpture ; median carina absent or very fine ; plicae absent ; spir- acles circular, separated by about half their diameter from the metanotum ; callus with three to four bristles. Metapleuron shiny, weakly alutaceous. Mesepimeron shiny, weakly alutaceous, distinctly marked off, about 2-5 times as long as broad ; mesepisternum with moderately fine, delicate alutaceous sculpture, shiny, with a smooth triangular area dorsally ; mesosternnm polished and nearly smooth, mesolcus distinctly impressed and nearly complete. Legs rather short but not stout ; hind coxae about twice as long as broad, shiny, with delicate though not very fine alutaceous sculpture, their dorsal surface with a row of hairs ; spur of mid tibia about two thirds the length of the first tarsal segment. Fore wing practically twice as long as broad ; costal cell somewhat narrow (length : breadth about ro : 1), its lower surface sparsely haired, its upper surface with a row of hairs extending over nearly the distal half ; basal cell, on upper- side of wing, hairy over about its distal third ; speculum closed below, on the upperside of the wing only moderate sized and not extending below the marginal vein ; disc rather thickly haired ; marginal vein slightly longer than the postmarginal and 1-8 to 1-9 times as long as the stigmal vein ; the latter hardly curved, the stigma rather large, subrectangular, longer than high, the length of the stigma is fully equal to the interval between its upper edge and the lower edge of the postmarginal vein, or even slightly greater. Petiole strongly transverse. Gaster oblong, excluding the ovipositor sheaths as long as head plus thorax, much narrower than the thorax, widening gradually from base to near its apex, then narrowing suddenly ; basal tergite convex medially at the base, with a fovea on each side ; disc sunken ; last tergite more or less compressed and projecting upwards ; ovipositor sheaths, as seen in profile, exserted to a length equal to two thirds to three quarters that of the hind tibia, slightly ascending ; gaster ventrally convex, keeled, hypopygium extending slightly less than half way along. 3. Unknown. The @ of hirtulus resembles those of laticornis Walker and terminalis Walker in most characters, especially in having the mesoscutum relatively densely haired, the basal cell of the fore wing hairy except at its base, and the speculum closed below. It differs from them in having the propodeal spiracles distinctly separated from the metanotum, the thorax dorsally more tinged with greenish, the stigma of the fore wing larger, the gaster rather more compressed, the ovipositor sheaths slightly farther exserted, and the eyes less distinctly hairy. It also much resembles the female of vagans Westwood, which differs in having the thorax more bronze, the mesoscutum and scutellum more sparsely haired, the basal cell hairy in the distal half only, and the speculum more or less open below. Holotype 9. ENGLAND: Berkshire, Wytham Wood, Ig.iv.1961, from Larix decidua Mill (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. ENGLAND: Berkshire, Bagley Wood, 1 9, 28.iv.1957 ; Wytham Wood, I 9, 7.v.1955, probably from Betula (Graham) ; Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, 1 9, 8.v.1952, from foliage of Betula, 1 9, 9.v.1954, also from Betula (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 311 Gastrancistrus atropurpureus Walker Gastvancistrus atro-purpureus Walker, 1834 : 173, d. Gastrancistrus vagans Walker, 1834 : 173, 2 [nec Westwood, 1833]. Type material. Syntypes, 2g. LECTOTYPE, the first, bearing a Waterhouse label, also one in C. Ferriére’s handwriting ‘‘ Type C.F.”. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. In Britain it is common in mixed oakwood during the spring. Biology. Unknown. Imagines April—June. Gastrancistrus viridis Walker (Text-fig. 259) Gastrancistrus vividus Walker, 1834 : 173, 9. Gastrancistrus Dryas Walker, 1839 : 209, 2, Syn. n. Type material. Gastrancistrus viridis Walker. LECTOTYPE 9 in BM(NH), bearing a Waterhouse label, also one in C. Ferriére’s handwriting ‘‘ Type C.F. ”’. Walker stated (1834 : 173) that vividis was also taken by the Rev. G. T. Rudd, but I cannot find any specimen so labelled in the Rudd collection. G. dryas Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. BRITAIN, FRANCE, SWEDEN. In England I have taken it frequently in rough grassy fields and sometimes on flowers of Crataegus. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May—June. Gastrancistrus torymiformis (Ratzeburg) Tridymus torymiformis Ratzeburg, 1852 : 226, 9. Gastrancistrus torymiformis (Ratzeburg) Reinhard, 1858 : 320. Type material. Holotype presumed lost. I refer to this species some females which resemble those of vividis Walker except that they have the exserted portion of the ovipositor sheaths somewhat shorter. Possibly they may be only a form of viridis, but for the present, it seems better to regard them as distinct. BRITAIN, GERMANY. Biology. Ratzeburg reared the holotype 9 “‘ aus Cecidomyia an Werftweiden ”’ [Salix cinerea L.]. On 30.iv.1960 I swept males and a female of the species I believe to be torymiformis from foliage of the same species of willow at Wytham Wood, Berkshire. Gastrancistrus amaboeus Walker (Text-figs. 254, 258) Gastrancistvus Amaboeus Walker, 1848 : 105, 155, 9. Type material. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. 312 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, apparently rare. New records. ENGLAND : Berk- shire, Wytham, 22.vi.1960, 1 9 (R. R. Askew). CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Slovak Paradis, Klastorisko, 27.vii.1965, I 2 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. Gastrancistrus vagans Westwood (Text-fig. 260) Gastrancistvus vagans Westwood, 1833 : 444, 9. ? Gastrancistrus tenebricosus Walker, 1834 : 174, 3. Gastrancistvus Pacilus Walker, 1848 : 105, 160, 9, Syn. n. Type material. Gastrancistrus vagans Westwood. LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype) 2 in Westwood coll., labelled in Westwood’s handwriting “‘ Cb. [Coombe] 102 2. beginning of summer” and “ GASTRANCISTRUS vagans Westw. Phil. Mag.”’. G. tenebricosus Walker. Two males stand under this name but one (a Pszilocera) is possibly not a syntype. LECTOTYPE, the other male, bearing a Waterhouse label ; it is probably a male of vagans. G. pacilus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label, also one in C. Ferriére’s handwriting ‘‘ Type C.F.”’. BRITAIN, apparently rare ; Surrey, Coombe Wood (Westwood) ; Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 1 9, 21.iv.1959 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. The species recorded as vagans by Walker (1834 : 173) was really atropurpureus (q.v.). Gastrancistrus affinis sp. n. 9. Body for the most part bronze-black ; propodeum, and gaster more or less, at least at its base, green ; front of head, and mid lobe of mesoscutum often more or less greenish, side lobes of mesoscutum obscurely bluish. Mandibles mainly reddish testaceous. Antennal scape usually wholly testaceous, sometimes + infuscate dorsally ; pedicellus and flagellum brown or fuscous, + testaceous beneath. Coxae, and femora except their tips broadly, bronze- black ; trochanters partly testaceous ; tibiae usually bright testaceous, occasionally slightly infuscate medially ; tarsi testaceous, their tips brown. Tegulae fuscous. Wings subhyaline ; venation testaceous, or more or less brown. Length 1-8 to 2:05 mm. Head hardly 1-2 times the breadth of the mesoscutum, in dorsal view about 2-25 times as broad as long ; temples receding strongly and only about one tenth the length of the eyes ; POL nearly twice OOL, ocelli in a triangle whose base is nearly 2-5 times its height. Head in front view as broad as high. Eyes 2:25 to 2:5 times the malar space, separated by about 1-3 times their length. Breadth of oral fossa about three times the malar space. Anterior margin of clypeus evenly, fairly strongly curved. Antennal scape 0-8 to 0-85 the length of an eye, and not or only very slightly longer than the transverse diameter of an eye, not reaching the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to breadth of head ; pedicellus 1-6 to 1-7 times as long as broad, as long as, or usually slightly longer than, the first funicular segment ; flagellum moderately clavate ; funicle proximally hardly stouter than the pedicellus, but thickening slightly distad, its first segment slightly elongate or quadrate, second and third PEEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 313 quadrate, fourth and fifth slightly transverse ; clava slightly more than twice as long as broad, its length about equal to two and a half of the preceding funicular segments ; flagellum with somewhat outstanding hairs, sensilla sparse. Thorax about 1-5 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum about 1-8 times as broad as long, shiny, with fine delicate, for the most part engraved, sculpture ; mid lobe more sparsely haired than in Jaticornis (cf. text-fig. 253) ; notauli deep. Scutellum somewhat longer than meso- scutum, distinctly longer than broad, strongly convex in its transverse axis, with sculpture like that of the mesoscutum, with three to four pairs of bristles ; frenum marked off by a fine, weak line ; scutello-axillar sutures not converging strongly, meeting the mesoscutum slightly mesad of the notauli, the base of the scutellum being about one fifth the breadth of the mesoscutum. Dorsellum hardly half as long as the frenum, nearly smooth. Propodeum rather broadly and moderately deeply emarginate medially, where its length is hardly more than one fifth that of the scutellum ; surface shiny and virtually smooth ; median carina absent or, in one specimen, represented by a mere trace ; plicae absent ; spiracles subcircular, not quite touching the metanotum ; callus with four to six bristles. Metapleuron shiny, with fine delicate alutaceous, hardly raised, sculpture. Mesepimeron distinctly marked off, nearly three times as long as broad, with some very weak alutaceous sculpture ; mesepisternum smooth. Mesosternum medially smooth with mesolcus distinctly impressed, laterally with rather fine, hardly raised sculpture. Legs somewhat short though not stout ; hind coxae about twice as long as broad, shiny, with rather fine, hardly raised sculpture, dorsally bare or with only one or two hairs ; spur of mid tibia about three quarters the length of the first tarsal segment. Fore wing slightly more than twice as long as broad ; costal cell about 8-5 times as long as broad, its lower surface with a complete row of hairs, also some additional ones scattered over the distal half, its upper surface with a row of hairs in the distal third ; basal vein pilose, basal cell bare except for a few hairs near the basal vein ; speculum open below, on the upperside of the wing extending below the marginal vein for about half the length of the latter ; the area between the postmarginal and stigmal veins is partly bare on the upper surface of the wing ; disc moderately thickly haired ; margined vein about twice as long as the postmarginal, and 2-2 to 2:5 times as long as the stigmal vein, the latter hardly curved ; the stigma moderate-sized, subrectangular, longer than high, its uncus moderately long. Petiole of gaster strongly transverse. Gaster, not counting the ovipositor sheaths, as long as or very slightly longer than the head plus thorax, narrower than the thorax, pointed apically, 2-3 to 3 times as long as broad ; base of first tergite with a curved longitudinal fovea on each side, between these usually convex ; disc of gaster sunken ; last tergite slightly compressed, projecting upwards ; ovipositor sheaths slightly ascending, in profile exserted to a length varying from slightly more than one third to a little more than half the hind tibia ; ventrally the gaster is convex, with the hypopygium extending rather less than half way along. 3. Unknown. Holotype 9. ENGLAND: Oxfordshire, Bald Hill, near Lewknor, 22.v.1960 (Graham), in the Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. ENGLAND : Same locality as holotype, I 9, 31.v.1963 (Graham) ; Oxfordshire, Wychwood, I 9, 5.vi.1960 (R. R. Askew) ; Berkshire, Bagley Wood, I 9, 23.v.1954 (Graham) ; Wytham Mead, I 9, 7.v.1960 (Graham) ; Buckinghamshire, Bledlow Wood, 1 9, v.vi.1955 (Graham) ; Cheshire, Rostherne, I 9, 5.vi.1g62 (R. R. Askew), in Graham and Askew collections. Biology. Unknown. This species is very close to vagans Westwood, the female of which differs as follows : antennal scape black, pedicellus and flagellum fuscous ; mesoscutum more coppery bronze ; tibiae more or less infuscate ; clypeus (Text-fig. 260) having its anterior margin less strongly curved, virtually truncate medially ; propodeum a little 314 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM longer with its median carina fine but distinct ; callus with only three bristles ; speculum of fore wing extending only as far as the end of the proximal third of the marginal vein ; area between postmarginal and stigmal veins mainly hairy ; about the distal third to a half of the basal cell hairy ; stigma more subcircular ; ovipositor sheaths slightly more exserted, to a length varying from three quarters, to slightly more than the whole length, of the hind tibia ; antennal funicle proximally a little stouter, the funicular segments a little shorter, I-2 quadrate, 3 very slightly trans- verse, 4 and 5 slightly transverse, clava slightly longer, about equal to the three preceding funicular segments together. Gastrancistrus crassus Walker Gastrancistrus crassus Walker, 1834 : 177, 4 9. Type material. Syntypes, 7 specimens (but possibly 2 are not original material). LECTOTYPE, a female bearing a printed label “crassus W.”, also one in C. Ferriére’s handwriting “‘ Type C.F.”’. BriTAIN, IRELAND, uncommon ; I have swept it in rough grassy fields and damp meadows. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June-August. Gastrancistrus hemigaster sp. n. (Text-fig. 255) 9. Head and thorax dark green or bluish green, with brassy and bronzy tinge in places ; gaster bronze, slightly greenish at sides and apex. Antennal scape blackish with a metallic tinge ; pedicellus and flagellum fuscous. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters mainly dark ; femora, except their tips, black with a metallic gloss ; tibiae brownish, their bases and tips paler ; fore tarsi mainly fuscous, mid and hind tarsi dull testaceous proximally and fuscous distally. Tegulae brownish testaceous ; wings subhyaline, venation fuscous. Length 1-35 to 1-45 mm. Head hardly 1-2 times as broad as the mesoscutum, in dorsal view appearing strongly trans- verse, but as the frons usually collapses, the overall length cannot be measured accurately ; temples rounded off, hardly one fifth as long as the eyes ; POL about 1-8 OOL, ocelli in a very obtuse triangle. Head in front view oval, hardly 1-2 times as broad as high. Eyes separated by about 1-3 times their length. Malar space slightly more than one third the length of an eye. Breadth of oral fossa about 3-5 times the malar space. Clypeus about 2-5 times as broad as long, its anterior margin produced and curved but almost truncate medially, much as in vagans (cf. text-fig.260). Mandibles rather long and narrow, not falcate, their teeth decreasing gradually in length from the outer one. Head shiny, with fine delicate, hardly raised, sculpture. Antenna (Text-fig. 257) with scape distinctly shorter than an eye ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head ; pedicellus about 1-7 times as long as broad, distinctly longer than the first funicular segment ; funicle proximally hardly stouter than the pedicellus, but thickening distad so that the flagellum is fairly strongly clavate ; first funicular segment subquadrate, the following segments more or less transverse, the distal ones strongly so ; clava hardly twice as long as broad, its length about equal to that of the three preceding funicular segments together ; sensilla of funicle relatively sparse. Thorax (Text-fig. 255) about 1-5 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum about 1-8 times as PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 315 broad as long, shiny, with fine delicate, for the most part engraved, sculpture ; mid lobe rather sparsely haired ; notauli deep, slightly curved. Scutellum somewhat longer than the mesoscutum, slightly longer than broad, strongly convex in the transverse axis, with sculpture like that of the mesoscutum but rather finer, with two pairs of bristles ; frenum only weakly marked off medially by an extremely fine line ; the scutello-axillar sutures converge only moderately and meet the mesoscutum slightly mesad of the hind ends of the notauli, the base of the scutellum being about one fifth the breadth of the mesoscutum. Axillae with sculpture like that of the scutellum, but slightly weaker at their inner angles, which are therefore slightly more shiny. Dorsellum about half as long as the frenum, shiny, nearly smooth. Propodeum rather deeply emarginate medially, when its length is hardly one-quarter that of the scutellum, shiny and weakly alutaceous ; median carina present, plicae absent ; spiracles subcircular, separated by about half their diameter from the metanotum ; callus with three to five bristles. Metapleuron and mesopleuron shiny, with rather fine delicate, hardly raised, sculpture ; the triangular area of the mesepisternum is smoother ; mesepimeron distinctly marked off, nearly three times as long as broad ; mesosternum shiny and almost smooth, its mesolcus distinctly impressed. Legs moderately short though not stout ; hind coxae hardly twice as long as broad, shiny, with moderately fine hardly raised reticulation, dorsally with a few hairs ; spur of mid tibia slightly more than three quarters the length of the first tarsal segment. Fore wing (Text- fig. 256) about twice as long as broad ; costal cell broad (length : breadth about g : 1), its lower surface with scattered hairs, its upper surface bare except for a row of several hairs in the distal third ; basal vein pilose, basal cell bare except for a few hairs near those of the basal vein ; speculum rather narrow, open or only partly closed below, on upperside of wing extending below the marginal vein for about half the length of the latter ; space between postmarginal and stigmal veins partly bare on upper surface of wing ; disc moderately thickly haired ; mar- ginal vein 1-6 to 1-7 times as long as the postmarginal and 2-25 to 2-4 times as long as the stigmal vein ; stigmal vein slightly curved ; stigma moderate-sized, oval or subrectangular, with a moderately long uncus. Petiole of gaster strongly transverse. Gaster, excluding the ovipositor sheaths, oval, about as long and as broad as the thorax, subobtuse apically, 1-5 to 1:6 times as long as broad ; base of first tergite convex medially, with a longitudinal impression on each side ; disc of gaster sunken dorsally ; ovipositor sheaths slightly exserted ; gaster ventrally convex, hypopygium extending slightly less than half its length. 6. Not definitely associated. This species closely resembles crassus Walker, which differs in having the ovipositor sheaths more strongly exserted, the marginal vein 2:5—2-8 times as long as the stigmal vein, the speculum extending as far as the latter, the scutellum with 3 pairs of bristles ; the anterior margin of the clypeus evenly curved, and the propodeal spiracles closer to the metanotum. Holotype 9. Scotranp: Mid Perth, Kenmore, Taymouth Castle, 2.vii.1953, swept from grass under beeches (Fagus) (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 1 @ ; Mid Perth, Lawers, I 9, I1.vii.1952 (Graham). IRELAND : Co. Down, Tollymore Park, 2 9, 24.vi.1957 (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. Gastrancistrus clavellatus sp. n. 2. Bronze to coppery bronze ; propodeum and basal tergite of gaster greenish-tinged ; lower face and genae sometimes partly greenish. Antennae testaceous ; pedicellus infuscate 316 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM dorsally in the proximal half or more ; funicle becoming brownish distally, the clava brown. Coxae, and femora except their tips narrowly, concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters partly dark ; legs otherwise testaceous with the mid and hind tibiae at least broadly infuscate medially, usually fuscous except their bases and tips, the fore tibiae sometimes infuscate medially ; tips of tarsi fuscous. Tegulae brown to fuscous. Wings subhyaline ; venation brownish tes- taceous, the parastigma and stigma sometimes darker. Length 1-4 to 1-6 mm. Differs from hemigaster sp. n. as follows : Body rather less squat ; head in dorsal view 2-15 to 2-3 times as broad as long ; POL 1-4 to 1-7 OOL ; breadth of oral fossa 2-7 to 3 times the malar space, the latter slightly longer than in hemigastey, though less than half as long as an eye. Antennae with combined length of pedi- cellus and flagellum distinctly less than breadth of head ; funicle proximally not or hardly as stout as the pedicellus, but thickening distad so as to be strongly clavate ; first funicular segment quadrate to slightly longer than broad, second quadrate to very slightly transverse, the remaining segments transverse, the fifth about 1-7 times as broad as long. Mesoscutum only 1-6 to 1-7 times as broad as long. Scutellum with two pairs of bristles, in one female with an additional bristle anteriorly on one side. Propodeum medially about one quarter as long as the scutellum or rather more, a little more distinctly alutaceous. Hind coxae bare dorsally. Fore wing with marginal vein 2 to 2-3 times as long as the stigmal vein, and 1-7 to 1-9 times as long as the postmarginal ; space between the postmarginal and stigmal veins, on upper sur- face of wing, pilose ; stigma subrectangular. Gaster slightly narrower than the thorax, excluding the ovipositor sheaths 1:55 to 1-8 times as long as broad. 6. Unknown. Holotype 9. ENGLAND: Berkshire, Bagley Wood, 13.vii.1957, on Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum Oxford. Paratypes. ENGLAND: Oxfordshire, Bald Hill, near Lewknor, 1 9, 8.vi.1958, swept from chalk-downland vegetation (Graham) ; Lancashire South, Freshfield, I 9, 28.vi.1962, from foliage of Quercus robur L. (Graham). SCOTLAND : Mid Perth, Killin, i 9, 24.vii.1954, from foliage of Quercus (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. Gastrancistrus laticeps sp. n. (Text-fig. 262) 9. Head and thorax usually bright green, in an Irish female bronze-green, the head tending to be more blue-green, especially on the vertex ; basal half or less of the scutellum, and some- times the axillae partly, bronze ; gaster dorsally more or less green or blue-green in the basal half, sometimes only the basal tergite, the remainder purplish bronze. Antennal scape test- aceous, sometimes more or less heavily infuscate dorsally ; pedicellus and flagellum fuscous, the former sometimes paler apically. Coxae, and femora except their tips narrowly, concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters partly fuscous, partly testaceous ; tibiae bright testaceous, sometimes more or less infuscate medially ; tarsi paler testaceous with their fifth segment brown. Tegulae brown with a metallic gloss. Wings subhyaline ; venation brownish test- aceous. Length 1-7 to 2:3 mm. Head about 1-2 times as broad as the mesoscutum, in dorsal view strongly transverse (2-4 to 2-5 times as broad as long ); temples extremely short ; ocelli in a triangle whose base is about 2'5 times its height, POL about 1-6 times OOL. Head in front view broadly oval, 1-3 to 1°35 times as broad as high. Eyes separated by about 1-5 times their own length. Malar space nearly half the length ofaneye. Breadth of oral fossa about 2:8 times the malar space. Clypeus PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 317 about 2-5 times as broad as long, its anterior margin evenly but not strongly curved. Mandibles moderate-sized, not falcate, their teeth only moderately long, the outer one longest, the others decreasing slightly in length. Head with extremely fine sculpture which is hardly raised above the general surface, rather shiny, slightly duller on the vertex. Antennal scape distinctly shorter than an eye, not reaching the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to the breadth of the head ; pedicellus in profile about 1-8 times as long as broad, as long as or very slightly longer than the first funicular segment ; funicle proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus, thickening distad, its first segment 1-3 to 1-6 times as long as broad, second segment quadrate, the fifth slightly transverse, the fourth and fifth seg- ments are also slightly asymmetric, somewhat oblique ; clava slightly more than twice as long as broad, about as long as two and a half of the preceding funicular segments. Thorax about 1-6 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum about 1-6 times as broad as long, with extremely fine engraved sculpture ; mid lobe fairly thickly haired ; notauli nearly straight, deep. Scutellum about as long as the mesoscutum, distinctly longer than broad, its sculpture, except that of the frenum, rather finer than that of the mesoscutum, with three to four pairs of bristles ; the scutello-axillar sutures converge moderately strongly forwards in straight lines to meet the mesoscutum somewhat mesad of the hind ends of the notauli, the base of the scutellum being about one sixth the breadth of the mesoscutum. Dorsellum slightly more than one third as long as the frenum, weakly alutaceous, shiny. Propodeum rather deeply emarginate posteriorly, hence rather short medially, rather more than one quarter as long as the scutellum, with fine alutaceous sculpture which is hardly raised above the surface, moderately shiny ; median carina fine though complete ; plicae absent ; spiracles slightly oval, transversely so, nearly touching the metanotum ; callus with three to four bristles. Metapleuron with fine alutaceous, hardly raised, sculpture ; mesepisternum with similar sculpture, but slightly smoother below the bases of the wings ; mesepimeron marked off by a distinct grooved line, nearly four times as long as broad ; mesosternum with sculpture similar to that of the mes- episternum but slightly smoother medially, its mesolcus sharply impressed ; postspiracular sclerite with reticulate sculpture which is slightly coarser and more raised than that of the mesopleuron. Legs somewhat short and stout ; hind coxae about twice as long as broad, sculptured much as the metapleuron, their dorsal surface with two to three hairs ; spur of mid tibia more than three quarters the length of the first tarsal segment. Fore wing about twice as long as broad ; costal cell broad (length : breadth nearly 8:1), its lower surface fairly thickly hairy, its upper surface with one, sometimes partly double, row of hairs in the distal half of the cell ; basal cell hairy over its distal third ; speculum open or partly closed below, moderate-sized, on the upper surface of the wing extending as a bare strip under the proximal half of the marginal vein ; wing beyond the speculum rather thickly haired ; marginal vein 1-5 to 1-6 times as long as the postmarginal vein and 2-1 to 2-3 times the length of the stigmal vein, the latter straight with a moderate-sized stigma which is subrectangular and longer than high (Text-fig. 262). Gastral petiole strongly transverse. Gaster ovate, excluding the ovipositor sheaths nearly or about as long as the thorax, almost as broad as the thorax, 1-5 to 1-75 times as long as broad ; basal tergite basally convex with a longitudinal impression on each side, occupying about one third of the total length of the gaster ; last tergite tramsverse ; ovipositor sheaths slightly exserted ; ventrally the gaster is convex, the tip of the hypopygium situated about in the middle. 3g. Unknown. This species is very near hemigaster sp. n. and crassus Walker, but differs from both in being on the average larger, with more numerous, and very conspicuous, piliferous punctures on the mesoscutum, with the antennal scape at least partly testaceous, the head and thorax usually more brightly metallic. From hemigaster it also differs in having 3-4 (instead of 2) pairs of bristles on the scutellum, the propodeum rather 318 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM more strongly alutaceous and less shiny, its spiracles nearly touching the metanotum. From crassus it also differs in having the ovipositor sheaths only slightly exserted, the marginal vein only 2-1-2-3 (instead of 2:5—2-8) times as long as the stigmal vein, the speculum extending only about half way below the marginal vein, the propodeum longer, medially about as long as the scutellar frenum, in crassus slightly to much shorter than the frenum. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, 2.vi.1953, swept from mixed herbage (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype. 1 @ ; same locality as holotype, I 9, 24.vi. 1958 (Graham) ; Berkshire, Bagley Wood, 1 9, 23.v.1954 (Graham) ; Shropshire, Wyre Forest, 1 9, 14.v.1960 (R. R. Askew). IRELAND : Co. Wicklow, Knickeen, I 9, 2.vi1.1950 (Graham), in Graham and Askew collections. Biology. Unknown. THE CITRIPES-Grovup Gastrancistrus citripes (Thomson) (Text-figs. 246, 252) Tridymus cityipes Thomson, 18764 : 197. Gastrancistrus cityipes (Thomson) Dalla Torre, 1898 : 203. Type material. Syntypes, 5 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Lp in ’’ [Lapponia inferioris] ; ‘“‘ Bhn’”’ [Boheman] ; “14/6”’ ; and “citripes’’. Two of the other syntypes (females) represent a new species, which is described below. SWEDEN, apparently rare. Biology. Unknown. Gastrancistrus lativentris sp. n. (Text-fig. 247) 9. Body bright green, golden or blue-green ; middle tergites of gaster tinged with bronze or purplish, which tends to form transverse fasciae. Mandibles yellow with reddish teeth. Antennae, palpi, tegulae, and legs including fore coxae, citron-yellow ; tips of tarsi brownish. Wings hyaline, venation yellowish. Length 1-3 to 2 mm. Head about 1-2 times as broad as mesoscutum, in dorsal view 1:15 to 1:2 times as broad as long, with temples short, about one seventh as long as eyes, and rounded off ; ocelli in a triangle whose base is about 1-3 times its height, POL 1:6 to 1-7 OOL. Head in frontal view about 1°3 times as broad as high. Eyes separated by about 1-25 times their length. Malar space slightly more than one third the length of an eye ; breadth of oral fossa about 2-7 times the malar space. Clypeus about 2-7 times as broad as long, its anterior margin evenly and quite strongly curved. Mandibles moderate-sized, not falcate, their lower margin hardly sinuate ; all four teeth acute, much as in venustus sp. n. Head with fine engraved sculpture, moderately shiny, the vertex rather duller ; scrobes smooth and polished. Antennae (Text-fig. 247) very similar to those of citvipes (Thomson) but with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head ; first funicular segment nearly two thirds as long as the pedicellus, varying PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 319 from subquadrate to slightly transverse ; second segment slightly transverse, the following ones distinctly so, fifth nearly or quite twice as broad as long ; clava broader than the funicle, 1-5 to 1-7 times as long as broad, its length equalling 3-33 to 3-5 of the preceding funicular seg- ments. Thorax about 1-6 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum about 1:6 times as broad as long, moderately shiny, especially in front, with very fine engraved sculpture ; mid lobe with numerous hairs ; notauli deep, slightly bisinuate. Scutellum hardly longer than the meso- scutum, distinctly longer than broad, sculptured like the mesoscutum but more finely and deli- cately, with three to four pairs of bristles ; frenum marked off only by a fine and superficial line ; scutello-axillar sutures converging only moderately, meeting the mesoscutum somewhat mesad of the hind ends of the notauli. Axillae sculptured like the scutellum. Dorsellum about half as long as the scutellar frenum, polished and smooth. Propodeum medially nearly one third as long as the scutellum, shiny and weakly alutaceous ; median carina fine ; plicae absent ; spiracles nearly circular, very close to hind edge of metanotum ; callus with several hairs, the pilosity extending nearly to the edge of the metapleuron. Metapleuron shiny, weakly alutaceous ; mesepisternum delicately alutaceous below, but with an upper subtriangular area which is shiny and virtually smooth ; mesepimeron distinctly marked off, nearly three times as long as broad, nearly smooth ; mesosternum polished and nearly smooth, mesolcus fine and weak. Postspiracular sclerite shiny, with some delicate alutaceous sculpture. Legs rather short ; femora moderately stout ; hind coxae nearly twice as long as broad, shiny, with delicate engraved, or hardly raised, alutaceous sculpture which is rather wide-meshed, with hairs along the whole length of their dorsal surface ; spur of mid tibia about two thirds the length of the first tarsal segment. Fore wing about twice as long as broad ; costal cell nine to ten times as long as broad, its lower surface with two irregular rows of hairs plus some additional hairs in the distal quarter, upper surface bare except for a row of hairs extending over the distal third to half of the cell ; basal cell hairy over about its distal third ; speculum partly open below, on upper surface of wing moderate-sized but not extending farther than the base of the marginal vein ; wing beyond the speculum thickly pilose ; marginal vein from very slightly to distinctly longer than the postmarginal vein, but 2 to 2-5 times as long as the stigmal vein, the latter shaped much as in venustus sp. n. (cf. Text-fig. 251). Gastral petiole strongly transverse. Gaster oval or elliptic, depressed dorsally, about as long and as broad as the thorax, 1-3 to 1-5 times as long as broad, bluntly pointed apically ; ovipositor sheaths only slightly exserted ; basal tergite occupying about one third of the total length, with a subtriangular basal fovea ; last tergite much broader than long ; ventrally the gaster is only slightly convex, with the tip of the hypopygium situated about half way along. 3. Unknown. Holotype 9. ? LapLanp : Wittang, labelled ‘‘ Wit ’’, and remounted on a card, on the same pin as, but below, a female of citvipes (Thomson), in Thomson collection Universitetets Institutionen, Lund, Sweden. Paratypes. SWEDEN: Skane, Ringsjén, 1 9, in Thomson collection, Lund, labelled by A. Jansson “ lativentris n. sp.’’ [unpublished name]. ScoTLAND : Inverness-shire, Aviemore, I 9, 16.vi.1965, swept from foliage of Populus tremula L., near the railway station (Graham), in Graham collection. The female of Jativentris sp. n. is very close to that of citripes (Thomson) which differs in having the gaster from slightly to as much as 1-3 times as long as head plus thorax, narrower than the thorax and slightly compressed, including the ovi- positor sheaths 2-0-2-5 times as long as broad, the ovipositor sheaths slightly more exserted, to a length about equal to that of the first segment of the hind tarsus, the tip of the hypopygium situated slightly before the middle ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum fully equal to, or slightly greater than, the breadth of the 320 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM head ; postmarginal vein (Text-fig. 252) rather more distinctly shorter than the marginal. It differs from venustus sp. n. in its much shorter not compressed, short-oval gaster with longer hypopygium ; longer propodeum ; wholly citron-yellow antennae, fore coxae, femora, and tegulae ; as well as in some smaller details (compare the respective descriptions). Gastrancistrus venustus sp. n. (Text-figs. 244, 248, 251) 2. Body bright green to blue-green, sometimes with slightly golden reflections in places. Mandibles testaceous with reddish teeth. Antennal scape metallic, sometimes narrowly pale at apex ; pedicellus and flagellum testaceous, more or less infuscate dorsally. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; legs otherwise citron-yellow with the trochanters partly infuscate, about the basal half of all the femora black with a metallic tinge, fore tarsi brownish, mid and hind tarsi brownish distally with their fifth segment fuscous. Tegulae yellowish to brown. Wings hyaline ; venation yellow or yellowish testaceous, the parastigma and stigmal vein often some- what darker. Length 1-3 to 1-8 mm. Head about 1-2 times as broad as the mesoscutum ; in dorsal view 2:1 to 2:2 times as broad as long, with temples short, about one sixth length of eyes, and rounded off behind the eyes ; ocelli in a triangle whose base is about 2-2 times its height, POL about 1-6 times OOL. Head in front view about 1:25 times as broad as high. Eyes separated by about 1-35 times their own length. Malar space somewhat more than one third the length of an eye. Breadth of oral fossa about 2-5 times the malar space. Clypeus nearly three times as broad as long, its anterior margin evenly and fairly strongly curved. Mandibles rather small, not falcate, their lower margin hardly sinuate ; teeth acute, the outer one long, the others decreasing slightly in size. Head with fine engraved sculpture, moderately shiny with the vertex slightly duller ; scrobes smooth and polished. Antenna (Text-fig. 244) with scape not nearly reaching the median ocellus, its length only about equal to the transverse diameter of an eye, about four times as long as broad ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum somewhat less than breadth of head ; pedicellus, in profile, about 1-7 times as long as broad, nearly twice as long as the first funicular segment ; funicle proximally about as stout as the pedicellus, thickening distad ; its first segment quadrate or very slightly transverse, the following segments slightly transverse, the fifth about 1-5 times as broad as long ; clava only 1-5 to 1-8 times as long as broad, but somewhat longer than the three preceding funicular segments together ; sensilla not numerous. Thorax hardly 1-5 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum about 1-8 times as broad as long, moderately shiny, with very fine engraved sculpture ; mid lobe with numerous hairs ; notauli deep, slightly bisinuate. Scutellum slightly longer than the mesoscutum, distinctly longer than broad, sculptured like the mesoscutum though rather more delicately with three to four pairs of bristles ; frenum weakly marked off by a superficial line ; scutello-axillar sutures converging only moderately and meeting the mesoscutum only slightly mesad of the hind ends of the notauli. Axillae sculptured like the scutellum. Dorsellum about half as long as the frenum, polished and nearly smooth. Propodeum medially hardly more than one fifth the length of the scutellum, shiny and weakly alutaceous ; median carina fine ; plicae absent ; spiracles subcircular, separated by nearly half their diameter from the metanotum ; callus with several hairs, but these do not extend as far as the metapleuron. Metapleuron shiny, weakly alutaceous ; mesepisternum delicately alutaceous below, but with an upper subtrian- gular area which is nearly smooth ; mesepimeron distinctly marked off, about three times as long as broad, nearly smooth ; mesosternum polished and nearly smooth, mesolcus fine but distinctly impressed ; postspiracular sclerite with moderately fine reticulation which is slightly raised above the surface. Legs rather short, the femora stout ; hind coxae about 1-8 times as long as broad, with moderately fine alutaceous sculpture which is hardly raised above the PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 321 general surface, with hairs extending the whole length of their dorsal surface ; spur of mid tibia more than three quarters the length of the first tarsal segment. Fore wing about twice as long as broad ; costal cell not very broad (length : breadth about 10 : 1), its lower surface with two irregular rows, sometimes three rows in the distal part, of hairs, its upper surface bare except for a row of hairs extending over the distal half of the cell or rather less ; basal cell hairy over rather less than its distal half ; speculum open below, on the upper surface of the wing moderate-sized but not extending farther than the base of the marginal vein ; wing beyond the speculum thickly hairy ; marginal vein only very slightly longer than the post- marginal vein, but 1-7 to 2 times as long as the stigmal vein ; the latter slightly curved with a small, subcircular stigma which has a long uncus (Text-fig. 251). Gastral petiole strongly transverse. Gaster lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, if the ovipositor sheaths are included slightly to distinctly longer than head plus thorax, slightly narrower than the thorax, 2°5 to 3 times as long as broad, excluding the ovipositor sheaths, which are slightly exserted, acute apically ; the basal tergite occupies about one quarter or slightly more of the total length, and has a subtriangular basal fovea ; ventrally the gaster is keeled, the tip of the hypopygium situated somewhat before the middle. 6. Differs from the female as follows : Antennal scape (Text-fig. 245) shorter, its length distinctly less than the transverse diameter of an eye, and broader, only about 3:5 times as long as broad ; pedicellus only about 1-5 times as long as broad ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only slightly less than the breadth of the head ; pedicellus slightly shorter, 1-2 to 1:5 times as long as the first funicular segment ; funicle stout, proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus, hardly thicker distally, its first segment quadrate, or hardly longer than broad, the following segments very slightly transverse ; clava hardly broader than the funicle, very short (1-5 to 1-7 times as long as broad), very slightly longer than the two preceding funicular segments together ; flagellum clothed with quite strongly outstanding hairs whose length is slightly less than the breadth of the segments which bear them. Gaster compressed, nearly as long as but much narrower than the thorax. The female of venustus differs from those of citvibes (Thomson) and Jlativentris sp. n. in the darker colour of its antennae and legs (see key to species). It also differs from that of citvipes in having the combined length of the pedicellus and flagellum somewhat less than the breadth of the head ; first funicular segment hardly more than half as long as the pedicellus, about two thirds as long in citripes ; clava a little longer. It also differs from the female of lativentris sp. n. in its much longer, compressed and lanceolate or sublanceolate gaster, which has a relatively shorter hypopygium ; shorter propodeum ; and other small details, for which see the respective descriptions. Holotype 9. Encranp : Oxfordshire, near Stanton St. John, I.vili.1g54, on Pastinaca sativa L. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 53, 42 ; Berkshire, Wytham, 3 9, 29.vili.1954 on Umbelliferae (G. R. Gradwell) ; Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, 3 29, 26.v11.1953, captured on flowers of Pastinaca sativa L., 99, 2.viil.1953, swept from grasses (Graham), in Graham and Gradwell collections. Biology. Unknown. Species sola Gastrancistrus aequus sp. n. 9. Head and thorax green to blue-green ; gaster bright green at the base, otherwise greenish 322 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM with the disc coppery bronze. Mandibles testaceous with darker teeth. Palpi yellowish. Antennae testaceous with the scape, pedicellus, and flagellum more or less infuscate dorsally. Coxae, about the basal half of the fore and mid femora, and the whole of the hind femora except their tips narrowly, concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters partly infuscate ; rest of legs bright testaceous with only the pretarsi and claws brown. Tegulae brownish testaceous. Wings hyaline ; venation testaceous with the parastigma, stigmal vein and stigma brownish. Length 2-1 to 2:2 mm. Head about 1:2 times as broad as the mesoscutum, in dorsal view 2:25 to 2-3 times as broad as long ; temples short, one sixth to one fifth length of eyes, and rounded off ; ocelli in a triangle whose base is about 2-25 times its height, POL about twice OOL. Head in front view about 1-3 times as broad as high. Eyes separated by 1-3 times their own length. Malar space slightly more than one third the length of an eye. Breadth of oral fossa slightly more than three times the malar space. Mandibles moderate-sized, slightly falcate, their teeth decreasing slightly in size from the outside, though the innermost is not very short. Head with very fine, only slightly raised, sculpture ; moderately shiny with the vertex a little duller. Antenna with scape short, its length only about three quarters the length of an eye, only about 3:5 times as long as broad, not reaching the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly less than the breadth of the head ; pedicellus in profile about 1-6 times as long as broad ; funicle proximally hardly as stout as the pedicellus, becoming conspicuously thicker distad, its first segment somewhat shorter than the pedicellus and quadrate, the second segment very slightly transverse, the following segments distinctly so, the fifth about twice as broad as long ; clava slightly less than twice as long as broad, about as long as the three pre- ceding funicular segments together ; sensilla of flagellum moderately numerous. Thorax about 1-6 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum about 1-5 times as broad as long, not very shiny, with extremely fine engraved sculpture ; mid lobe with numerous hairs ; notauli deep, nearly straight. Scutellum a little longer than the mesoscutum, distinctly longer than broad, sculptured like the mesoscutum but rather more finely, with four to six pairs of bristles, arranged in two longitudinal rows ; frenum marked off by a very fine, almost imper- ceptible, line ; the scutello-axillar sutures converge only moderately so as to meet the meso- scutum only slightly mesad of the hind ends of the notauli, the base of the scutellum being slightly less than one quarter the breadth of the mesoscutum. Dorsellum hardly half as long as the frenum, forming a strongly raised, slightly alutaceous, crest. Propodeum moderately long, medially slightly less than one third as long as the scutellum, shiny and weakly alutaceous ; median carina fine but complete ; plicae absent ; spiracles suboval, separated by about one third their diameter from the hind margin of the metanotum ; callus slightly less shiny than the rest of the propodeum, with extremely fine though slightly raised reticulation, with four to five bristles. Metapleuron and mesepimeron with fine, only slightly raised sculpture ; mesepimeron sharply marked off from the mesepisternum, hardly more than twice as long as broad ; mesepisternum with similar sculpture, except a nearly smooth sub- triangular area below the base of the wings ; mesosternum shiny, with very delicate alutaceous sculpture, its mesolcus sharply impressed throughout ; postspiracular sclerite slightly shiny, with distinctly raised, and not very fine, reticulation. Legs somewhat short and moderately stout ; hind coxae about twice as long as broad, not very shiny, with rather coarse, distinctly raised reticulation, their dorsal surface bare ; spur of mid tibia about three quarters as long as the first tarsal segment. Fore wing about twice as long as broad ; costal cell moderately broad (length : breadth about 9 : 1), its lower surface sparsely hairy, its upper surface bare except for a row of several hairs extending over the distal third of the cell ; basal cell bare except in the vicinity of the basal vein where there are two to three rows of hairs ; speculum partly open below, on the upper surface of the wing not broad though extending as a bare strip below the marginal vein nearly to the stigmal vein ; wing beyond the speculum moderately thickly haired ; marginal vein about 1-7 times as long as the post- marginal vein and 2 to 2-1 times as long as the stigmal vein ; the latter curved, with a moder- ate-sized stigma which is longer than high and has a rather short uncus. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 323 Gaster oval, depressed dorso-ventrally, nearly as long as and broad as the thorax, about 1°5 times as long as broad, obtuse apically ; dorsally slightly to distinctly sunken on the disc, the basal tergite with a semicircular fovea which has a median longitudinal ridge ; last tergite very short, much broader than long ; ovipositor sheaths concealed in dorsal view ; ventrally the gaster is strongly convex and keeled, with the tip of the hypopygium situated at about the middle. g. Unknown. In general facies, and particularly in the shape of the gaster, aeqguus much resembles pusztensis (Erdos), but differs in its darker antennal flagellum, relatively longer marginal vein, shorter postmarginal vein, and in having the scutello-axillar sutures only slightly convergent. From all the other species having the latter character, it differs in the shape of the gaster (see couplet 34 of key to species), though in other respects it much resembles Jaticeps sp. n. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Bagley Wood, 30.v.1954, swept from mixed herbage (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratype. Same data, 1 9, in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. THE COMPRESSUS-GrovupP Gastrancistrus compressus Walker (Text-fig. 266) Gastrancistrus compressus Walker, 1834 : 172, 3. Tridymus pallicornis Thomson, 1876a : 200, 2, syn. n. [pre-occupied by Gastrancistrus pallicornis Walker, 1872 : 116, 9.] Gastrancistvus thomsonii Dalla Torre, 1898 : 205 [n. n. for G. pallicoynis Thomson nec Walker]. Type material. Gastrancistrus compressus Walker. Syntypes, 2 g. LECTO- TYPE, one bearing a Waterhouse label, also one in C. Ferriére’s handwriting “ Type ce.” Tridymus pallicornis Thomson. Syntypes, 7 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled ‘‘ Ar 6/56” ; the specimen has been remounted by A. Jansson and also bears his lectotype-label. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. In England it is not uncommon in pastures and meadows. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June—August. Gastrancistrus glabellus (Nees) comb. n. (Text-fig. 267) Eulophus glabellus Nees, 1834 : 187, 9. Tridymus laeviscuta Thomson, 1876a : 200, 2, syn. n. Gastrancistrus leviscuta Dalla Torre, 1898 : 204 [emendation]. Type material. Eulophus glabellus Nees. One female, from the collection of Nees, exists in the Westwood collection in the Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. It bears a small pink square with the number “ 12’’; a label 324 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM in the handwriting of Nees “ D.gb. glabella f. a. 9. 12 Augt. 12”’; another in Westwood’s handwriting “ Eulophus glabellus Es. 2. 187. E Mus. Esenb.”’ The specimen lacks both flagella ; it agrees with the description except that the colour of the body is green rather than aeneous, and I designate it as LECTOTYPE. Tridymus laeviscuta Thomson. Syntypes, 7 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “‘ Hbg ” [Halsingborg] and “ laeviscuta’’; the specimen has been remoun- ted by A. Jansson. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY ; uncommon. Occurs in the same habitats as compressus. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June—August. Gastrancistrus latifrons (Thomson) Tridymus latifrons Thomson, 1876a : 201, g 9. Gastrancistrus latifyrons (Thomson) Dalla Torre, 1898 : 204. Type material. Syntypes on 31 pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “0” [Oland] ; the specimen has been remounted by A. Jansson and bears his lectotype- label. BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; uncommon. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June—July. THe PUNCTICOLLIS-Grovup Gastrancistrus puncticollis (Thomson) (Text-fig. 264) Tridymus puncticollis Thomson, 1876a : 200, § 9. Gastrancistrus puncticolus (Thomson) Dalla Torre, 1898 : 204. Type material. Syntypes on 23 pins. LECTOTYPE, a female standing seventh in the series and bearing my lectotype-label. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN. Fairly common in rough grassy fields and meadows. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May—August. Gastrancistrus indivisus sp. n. (Text-figs. 205, 265) 9. Head and thorax black with blue-green and bronze reflections ; gaster with similar but weaker tints. Mandibles testaceous with darker teeth. Antennal scape and pedicellus black, the latter sometimes testaceous beneath and at the apex ; flagellum fuscous, the clava sometimes slightly paler distally. Coxae, and femora except their tips rather narrowly, concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters more or less infuscate ; tibiae and tarsi testaceous, the tibiae often slightly infuscate medially, the fifth tarsal segment more or less brown. Tegulae fuscous. Wings greyish, the fore wing usually more or less infumate medially. Length 1-6 to 2:1 mm. Head only slightly broader than the mesoscutum, in dorsal view 2-2 to 2:3 times as broad as PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 325 long ; temples extremely short, receding strongly ; POL 1°-5 to 1-6 OOL, ocelli in a triangle whose base is about 2:25 times its height. Eyes rather small, separated by about 1-5 times their length. Head in front view suboval, the vertex strongly arched, the cheeks converging moder- ately strongly and in straight lines towards the mouth. Malar space slightly less than half the length of an eye. Breadth of oral fossa about 2-5 times the malar space. Clypeus about 2°5 times as broad as long, its front margin evenly and quite strongly curved. Mandibles moderate- sized, not falcate, their teeth only moderately long, the lower (outer) one longest, the other becoming progressively a little shorter. Vertex and upper part of frons rather dull, with extremely fine, engraved sculpture ; lower frons, face, clypeus and cheeks shiny, with delicate, only weakly engraved sculpture. Antennal scape almost as long as an eye, but not reaching the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than the breadth of the head ; pedicellus (in profile) about 1-7 times as long as broad, from as long as to distinctly longer than the first funicular segment ; funicle proximally not or hardly stouter than the pedicellus, becoming thicker distad, its first segment as long as or slightly longer than the second, varying from subquadrate to 1-7 times as long as broad, the second segment quadrate or very slightly longer than broad, the fifth, or fourth and fifth, slightly transverse ; clava hardly broader than the fifth funicular segment, nearly twice as long as broad, slightly shorter than the combined length of the three preceding funicular segments ; flagellum with rather outstanding, bristly hairs ; sensilla not numerous. Thorax nearly 1-5 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum about 1-7 times as broad as long, somewhat shiny, with very fine delicately engraved sculpture ; its mid lobe with numerous bristles which arise from tiny warts, the bristles are especially numerous anteriorly ; notauli deep, nearly straight. Axillae and scutellum sculptured much like the mesoscutum. Scutellum very slightly longer than the mesoscutum, slightly longer than broad, strongly convex, with three to four pairs of bristles arranged in two longitudinal rows ; frenum marked off by a very fine line ; the scutello-axillar sutures meet the hind margin of the mesoscutum only a little mesad of the hind ends of the notauli. Dorsellum very short, only about one third the length of the frenum, polished and without sculpture. Propodeum short, medially hardly one fifth the length of the scutellum, smooth and polished ; median carina and plicae absent ; spiracles subcircular, separated by about one third their diameter from the hind edge of the metanotum ; callus thickly hairy, the hairs extending almost to the edge of the metapleuron. Metapleuron (Text-fig. 205) with a trace of weak alutaceous sculpture ; mesopleuron and mesosternum wholly polished and smooth ; mesepimeron not marked off from the mesepisternum ; mesolcus nearly obsolete. Legs with hind coxae somewhat more than twice as long as broad, shiny, with very weak alutaceous sculpture, hairy along the whole length of their dorsal surface. Fore wing slightly more than twice as long as broad ; costal cell broad (length : breadth about 8 or 9 : 1), its lower surface with rather numerous hairs, its upper surface bare except for a row of several hairs in the distal half ; basal cell hairy over about its distal third ; speculum closed below by a line, sometimes even by two lines, of hairs on the cubital vein, on the upper surface of the wing moderately large, on the lower surface more or less effaced by scattered hairs ; wing beyond the speculum rather thickly haired ; marginal vein 1-3 to 1-4 times as long as the postmarginal vein and 1-7 to 1-9 times as long as the stigmal vein, the latter curved, the stigma moderate-sized and obliquely oval, with a distinct uncus. Gaster lanceolate, slightly longer than head plus thorax, somewhat narrower than the thorax, acute apically, slightly compressed, sunken dorsally beyond the basal tergite, the latter usually remains convex after drying and its basal fovea is absent or hardly indicated ; ovipositor sheaths slightly exserted, to at most the length of the last tergite ; hypopygium extending only about one third the length of the gaster. 6. Differs from the female as follows : Antennal scape somewhat shorter than an eye, hardly more than three times as long as broad ; pedicellus in profile, only about 1-5 times as long as broad ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-2 times the breadth of the head ; funicle hardly stouter distally than proxi- mally ; first funicular segment varying from almost quadrate to 1-7 times as long as broad, as 326 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM long as or slightly longer than the pedicellus, second and following segments quadrate, or the fourth to the sixth sometimes very slightly transverse ; clava two-segmented, subconical, about 2-3 times as long as broad, hardly longer than the combined length of the two preceding funicular segments ; the flagellum is clothed with quite strongly outstanding bristly hairs whose length about equals the breadth of the segments which bear them ; the hairs are arranged in two or three irregular rows on each segment. Propodeum longer, medially more than one quarter the length of the scutellum, and about as long as the frenum. Gaster strongly compressed, about as long as but much narrower than the thorax. This is a rather isolated species, though in some respects it seems to be near puncticollis (Thomson). It may easily be recognized by the combination of the polished mesopleuron which lacks a mesepimeron ; the thickly hairy propodeal callus, dorsal surface of the hind coxae, and mid lobe of the mesoscutum ; polished propodeum which lacks a median carina and plicae ; and the relatively long flagellum and funicular segments. Holotype 9. ScoTLAND : West Inverness, Isle of Rhum, Kinloch, 29.viii.1961, beaten from foliage of Betula sp. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype, gg, 92 ; Wester Ross, Badachro, 4 3, 2 9, 20.Vill.1953, taken when beating foliage of Quercus and Betula (Graham), in BM(NH), Universitetets Zoologiska Institutionen, Lund and in Graham collections. Biology. Unknown. Gastrancistrus walkeri sp. n. ®. Resembles indivisus sp.n., but differs especially in having shorter antennae and propo- deum, more sparsely pilose propodeal callus and hind coxae. POL slightly greater relative to OOL. The differences are given in more detail, as follows : Mid and hind tibiae, except their bases and tips, fuscous to black ; fore tibiae, and fore tarsi dorsally, often more or less infuscate. Smaller species 1:35 to 1:7 mm. POL about twice OOL. Eyes slightly smaller, separated by slightly less than 1-5 times their own length. Genae slightly curved. Vertex rather more glossy. Antennal scape slightly shorter than an eye ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head ; pedicellus slightly longer than anellus plus first funicular segment ; all funicular segments slightly trans- verse, the first slightly shorter than the others ; clava as long as the three preceding funicular segments together. Propodeum medially at most slightly more than one seventh as long as scutellum, with a median carina more or less indicated ; callus with two to four bristles only. Metapleuron alutaceous ; mesopleuron with traces of alutaceous sculpture. Hind coxae hardly twice as long as broad, with rather more distinct alutaceous sculpture than in indivisus, their dorsal surface with a few hairs in the basal half only. Fore wing with costal cell rather nar- rower ; speculum open, or partly closed below by a line of hairs. 6. Differs from that of indivisus as follows : Tibiae tending to be darker (asin). Sizeless (1:2 to1-5mm.). Antennae with first funicular segment distinctly shorter than the pedicellus, usually slightly transverse though sometimes quadrate, remaining funicular segments slightly transverse ; clava slightly longer than the two preceding funicular segments together. Median carina of propodeum more or less indicated. With regard to the ratio POL : OOL, size of eyes, curvature of genae, pilosity of propodeal callus and of hind coxa, sculpture of meta- and mesopleuron, it resembles the female, and differs from the male of indivisus in these respects. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 327 Holotype 9. ENGLAND: Middlesex, Southgate, 29.iv.1965, from foliage of Betula sp. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 4 g, 5 2; Berkshire, Wytham Wood, I 8, 14.v.1964, swept from foliage of Betula sp. (Graham) ; Oxfordshire, Shirburn Hill, near Lewknor, 1 9, 16.v.1960 (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. This species is named after Francis Walker, who collected many of his Chalcidoidea at Southgate. It is the first new species to be described from that neighbourhood since his time, some 130 years ago ; the holotype was captured within a mile or so of his former home, Arno’s Grove. Note. I have not seen the types of the following species of Gastrancistrus, which were described from Switzerland by Forster (1861) ; at least some of them are likely to be valid and may in such case take priority over certain Thomson names : Gastrancistrus speculifer Forster, 1961 : 35, g. Probably belongs to the species- group of compressus Walker. G. refulgens Forster, 1961 : 35, 2. Probably also belongs to the species-group of compressus. G. claviger Forster, 1961 : 35,4 9. G. erythropus Forster, 1861 : 36, 3. G. subpunctatus Forster, 1961 : 36, g. Probably belongs to the species-group of compressus Walker. Notes on some extra-limital species of Gastrancistrus and on species wrongly placed in that genus A. Gastrancistrus Polles Walker, 1843b : 186, 9 (Chile) is correctly placed in this genus (Type Hym. 5. 660). B. The following also belonging to Gastrancistrus according to their respective types, which I have examined : Miscogaster Menaetes Walker, 1839a : 20, g (Australia) (Type Hym. 5. 662). M. Psapho Walker, 1839a : 23, 3 (Australia). I found a male of this species, now designated LECTOTYPE, standing in the British collection under the name “ Lamprotatus psapho’’; it bears a handwritten label “‘ Psapho”’. Seladerma Epulo Walker, 1839a : 86, 2 (Chile) (Type Hym. 5. 797). C. The following species were described as Gastrancistrus but do not belong to it : G. Vonones Walker, 1839a : 67, g (Brazil) (Type Hym. 5. 663). This belongs to the Eulophid genus Chrysocharis ! G. Cephalon Walker, 1843 : 30, 2 (Chile) (Type Hym. 5. 661). This is a Ptero- malid ; I am unable at present to place it to genus, although it is not a Gastrancistrus. G. Hierocles Walker, 1848 : 105, 158, g¢ (England, type in British collection) ; this is a male of Coruna clavata Walker (q.v.). G. Iriarte Walker, 1848 : 105, 159, ¢ (England, type in British collection) ; a male of Chrysocharis idyia (Walker) ! 328 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM MEROMALUS Walker Meromalus Walker, 1834 : 168, 178. Type-species : M. flavicovnis Walker, by monotypy. The identity of this genus cannot be definitely settled at present because the original material of its type-species has not been located in BM(NH). My own view is that Meromalus is probably the same as Gastrancistrus but the question must be left open for the time being (see further remarks below under flavicornis). Meromalus flavicornis Walker Meromalus flavicornis Walker, 1834 : 178, d. ? Ormocerus Drymo Walker, 1839 : 205, 6. Type material. Meromalus flavicornis was originally captured in “ June ; on grass in fields ; near London” (Walker, 1834: 178). In spite of several years’ search I have not located the original material in Walker’s collection ; but perhaps it may yet turn up. Ormocerus drymo was placed in synonymy with Meromalus flavicornis by Walker himself (1848 : 106). I cannot find any material of dvymo in Walker’s collection ; but in Haliday’s collection there are remnants (antennae, parts of the wings) of a specimen which is labelled “‘ Drymo”’ in Walker’s handwriting. This specimen belongs, I believe, to the salicis-group of Gastrancistrus. If Walker was correct in his synonymy, then this is the nearest indication we have at present to the probably identity of Meromalus. It is interesting to note that Thomson, in a Swedish foot- note to his account of Tvidymus (= Gastrancistrus) salicis (Nees), remarked (1876 a, 197) that Meromalus probably represented the male of salicis, although he could not have seen the type of Meromalus flavicorms. Peck et al. (1964 : 33) place salicis (Nees) in the genus Mevomalus, which they remark is probably synonymous with Gastvancistrus. They state, however, that the antennae of the male of Meromalus have 13 segments ; whereas the antennae of male salicis have 12 segments. Erdos (1946 : 154) claimed to recognize Meromalus flavicornis, with which he compared his new species M. pusztensis. The latter is a very distinct species which I include in the genus Gastrancistrus (see above) but the description of flavicornis does not suggest to me that it might be near to pusztensis. PIRENINI Haliday (1844 : 295) established a tribe Pireniani [szc] in which he placed Calypso [= Stenophrus|, Macroglenes and Pirene. Forster (1856 : 40) regarded it as a family (Pyrenoidae). Thomson (1876 : 12, 187) treated it as a “ tribe’ Pirenina (most of his “ tribes ”’ are the equivalent of families according to modern concepts). Ashmead (1904 : 271) made it a subfamily of Miscogasteridae. Ferriére (1934 : 85) redefined Pireninae as a subfamily of Pteromalidae, giving a key to the genera which he regarded as being true Pirenines, and mentioning certain others to be excluded from PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 329 this group. He described a new genus Platecrizotes (ibid. : go-g1) which he regarded as a Pirenine ; but Boucek (1963 : 503) considered it to be rather closely related to Pachycrepoideus Ashmead [q.v.] and not a Pirenine. I agree with Bouéek’s view. Bairamlia Waterston, also included in Pireninae by Ferriére (1934 : 85, 89-90) was later transferred to Asaphini by Boucek (vide supra, under Baivamlia). Some of the remaining genera which Ferriere included in Pireninae (especially those described by Girault) are not very well known, and some may not be correctly placed there. The genera placed in Pirenini by Peck (1963 : 637-640) show a diversity of hosts which may indicate that the tribe is heterogeneous. He includes not only Macroglenes and Pirene (known hosts : Cecidomyiidae) but also Mesopeltitia (hosts : Coccidae), Herbertia (Agromyzidae), Morodora (Calliphoridae), Bairamlia (Aphaniptera) and Dipachystigma (Col., Scolytidae). Clearly the constitution of the Pirenini needs to be re-investigated, especially with regard to the New World genera. Pirenini, even if only the European genera are considered, approach very closely to Ormocerini ; I cannot therefore give to either of these groups a status higher than that of a tribe. KEY TO EUROPEAN GENERA I Males with at least the mid and hind tibiae strongly swollen, broader than their respective femora. Females with fore tibiae armed with several short stout spines arranged in a row along their outer edge ; all the tibiae stout but less so than in males. Antennal scape very short, reaching hardly half way from the torulus to the median ocellus. Stigmal vein of fore wing nearly half as long as the marginal vein . . SPATHOPUS Ashmead (p. 332) - Males with tibiae not strongly swollen, not broader than their respective femora. Females with fore tibiae without spines, or (Ecrizotes) with at most four rather stout spines at the apex of the tibia and a row of fine slender spines along the dorsal edge. Antennal scape relatively longer. ee vein of forewing often relatively shorter : 2 2 (1) Females with antennae with four or five large fomionlat seeicute eich, are provided with sensilla. Males [that of monticola unknown] with antennae without visible anelli, with six large funicular segments which are provided with sensilla ; flagellum subfiliform ; hind tibiae (Text-fig. 270) compressed and more or less expanded, without a pecten. Fore wing (Text-fig. 269): stigmal vein long, from somewhat more than one third, to half, as long as the marginal vein, the stigma with a long petiole ; postmarginal vein fully half as long as the marginal vein, and slightly longer than the stigmal vein ECRIZOTES Forster (p. 330) = Females with antennae (Text-figs. 276-278) with at most three large funicular segments which are provided with sensilla. Males with antennal flagellum (Text-figs. 275, 279, 280) clavate, with some anelliform segments, and at most three large funicular segments ; hind tibiae neither compressed nor expanded, and nearly always with a more or less developed pecten (Text- figs. 281-283). Fore wing (Text-figs. 271, 272) with stigmal vein shorter, from one eighth to one third as long as the marginal vein ; postmarginal vein from one sixth to slightly more than one third as long as the marginal vein, about as long as or shorter than the stigmal vein and often ae oe defined ; : 3 3. (2) Fore wing withouta Speculum ; Vpasal cell pilose cere for a narrow Pottip shows the cubital vein. Antennae with flagellar segments three to five large and 55o M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM provided with sensilla, as in Text-fig. 276. Thorax strongly arched dorsally. Propodeal callus with six or more bristles ; hind coxae with some hairs on their dorsal surface. Eyes of § very large, approximated on vertex and touching the posterior ocelli ; antennal scape not swollen STENOPHRUS Forster (p. 333) Fore wing with at least a narrow speculum on the upper surface, in most species it is present on both surfaces of the wing ; basal cell at most pilose in its distal third. Either the antennae have at most two large funicular segments provided with sensilla (Text-figs. 277-280) ; or if with three large segments (Text-fig. 276) then the thorax is flattened dorso-ventrally. Propodeal callus with only one to four bristles ; hind coxae bare dorsally. Eyes of 3 large or small ; antennal scape sometimes swollen (Text-fig. 275) PIRENE Haliday (p. 334) ECRIZOTES Forster Ecrizotes Forster, 1861 : 33. Type-species : E. monticola Forster, by monotypy. Henicetyus Thomson, 1876 : 188, 190. Type-species : H. annellus Thomson, by designation of Gahan & Fagan, 1923. Ecrizotes Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 270, 271, 273. Ecrizotes Forster ; Ferriere, 1934 : 86, 88. Ecrizotes Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 237. Ecrizotes Forster ; Graham, 1956b : 263. Ecrizotes Forster ; Bouéek, 1961 : 57-58. Ecrizotes Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 32. Henicetrus Thomson was placed in synonymy with Ecrizotes Forster by Ashmead (1904 : 377). KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES Female with gaster not strongly compressed, not longer than head plus thorax ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum less than breadth of head ; pedicellus slightly longer than combined length of funicular segments one and two ; all funicular segments transverse ; clava nearly as long as the four preceding funicular segments together ; scape slightly shorter than an eye, 4 to 4-5 times as long as broad, reaching only about two thirds the distance from the toruli to the median ocellus. Male unknown monticola Forster (p. 331) Females with gaster very strongly compressed like a knife-blade, much longer than head plus thorax ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to or greater than the breadth of the head ; pedicellus shorter than combined length of funicular segments one and two; at least the first funicular segment slightly longer than broad, the remaining segments not or hardly transverse ; clava at least slightly shorter than the four preceding funicular segments together ; scape at least very slightly longer than an eye, 4:8 to 6:5 times as long as broad, reaching nearly or quite to the median ocellus. Males : for characters see below (1) Female with antennae (Text-fig. 268) with all funicular segments longer than broad, the fifth 1-3 to 1-5 times as long as broad ; clava at most as long as, but usually slightly shorter than, the three preceding funicular segments to- gether ; scape about 1-2 times as long as an eye, 6 to 6-5 times as long as broad. ~Male with mid and hind tibiae, especially the latter, (see Text-fig. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 331 270) much expanded ; the maximum breadth of the hind tibia fully equal to, or even very slightly greater than, the breadth of the hind femur longicornis (Walker) (p. 331) ~ Female with antennae with only the first and second funicular segments distinctly longer than broad, the remaining segments subquadrate or hardly longer than broad ; clava as long as 3} to 3 of the preceding funi- cular segments ; scape hardly longer than an eye, 4-8 to 5-5 times as long as broad. Male with mid and hind tibiae not obviously expanded ; the maxi- mum breadth of the hind tibia slightly less than that of the hind femur filicornis (Thomson) (p. 332) Ecrizotes monticola Forster Ecrizotes monticola Forster, 1861 : 33, 9. Henicetrus annellus Thomson, 1876 : 1901, 9. ? Henicetyvus caudatus Thomson, 1876 : 191, 9. Ecrizotes monticola Forster ; Bouéek, 1961 : 57-58, 9. Type material. Ecrizotes monticola Forster. Syntypes in Zoologisches Museum, Berlin. Lectotype designated by Boucek (1961 : 58) : it is the female nearest the pin, staged on a block of pith, the latter bearing a red mark beneath the specimen ; the pin bears two labels “ 17/276 Frst.”’ and (in Forster’s handwriting) ‘‘ Roseggthal Ecrizotes monticola m. 9 N. 8 u. 122’’. One antenna of the lectotype has been mounted on a microscope slide by Novitzky. Henicetrus annellus Thomson. Holotype @ labelled ‘“‘ Hbg”’ [Halsingborg] ; “oO” ; “Scan” ; “annellus’’ (the latter in Thomson’s handwriting. Henicetrus caudatus Thomson. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “OQ” [Oland] and remounted by A. Jansson. It differs from the type of monticola Forster in having the gaster slightly longer, the hypopygium projecting slightly farther, and the ovipositor sheaths rather more exserted. It is difficult, without a study of much more fresh material, to be sure whether more than just one variable species is involved, as Bouéek (1961 : 58) remarks. BRITAIN [new : Scotland, Mid Perth, Kenmore, 4 9, I9.vil.1954 (Graham)] ; SWEDEN, SWITZERLAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; apparently rare, or very local. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—August. Ecrizotes longicornis (Walker) (Text-figs. 268-270) Gastrancistrus longicornis Walker, 1848 : 105, 155, 9. Ecrizotes longicornis (Walker) Graham, 19560 : 263. Type material. Lectotype female designated by Graham (19560 : 263). In the same paper I placed Henicetrus filicornis Thomson in synonymy with longicornis Walker. I now believe that these two represent close but different species (for distinguishing characters see key to species). B82 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM BRITAIN. Biology. Unknown ; the species may be associated with some host on Betula, on which I have more than once taken it. Imagines June-July. Ecrizotes filicornis (Thomson) Henicetrus filicovnis Thomson, 1876 : 191, 9. Type material. Lectotype 9 labelled ‘““O”’ [Oland] ; “ 2” ; “ filicornis”’ [in Thomson’s handwriting]. The specimen also bears two labels added by A. Jansson viz., his lectotype label and another reading “ Ecrizotes filicornis Ths. A. Jansson ’’, BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June-August. Note. The male taken in a nest of Formica rufa by Donisthorpe in England, and referred to Ecrizotes filicornis by Ferriere (1934 : 88, footnote? and fig. Ic) does not belong to that species. A specimen in the BM(NH) which appears to be this male, is a Gastrancistrus. The specimens recorded as longicornis (Walker), from Czechoslovakia by Bouéek (1961 : 58) will have to be re-examined in order to determine whether they are filociynis (Thomson) or longicornis (Walker). SPATHOPUS Ashmead Spathopus Ashmead, 1904 : 272. Type-species: S. anomalipes Ashmead, by monotypy and original designation. Spathopus Ashmead ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 270, 271-272. Spathopus Ashmead ; Ferriere, 1934 : 86, 88. Spathopus Ashmead ; Bouéek, 1964a : 254-257. This genus was little understood until Bouéek (1964) discovered a new species in Europe ; this was compared by Burks with the type-specimen of anomalipes Ashmead, following which Bouéek gave a redescription of the genus (1964 : 255-257). Only one European species is known. Spathopus hofferi Boucek Spathopus hofferi Bouéek, 1964a : 257-258, 3 8. Type material. Holotype 9, Southern Slovakia, Kamenin near Sturovo, on halophilous vegetation, 17.1x.1947, (A. Hoffer), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 25.7060). Paratypes in coll. Bouéek and in Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Leningrad. CZECHOSLOVAKIA, U.S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. The differences between hoffert and anomalipes Ashmead are summarized by Bouéek (1964a : 258). PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 333 STENOPHRUS Forster Stenophrus Forster, 1841 : 40, pl. fig. 12 a-d. Type-species : S. compressus Forster, by mono- typy. Calypso Haliday, 1844 : 295, syn.n. [nec Risso, 1816]. Type-species : C. servatulae Haliday, by monotypy. Euryophrys Forster, 1856 : 144 [n. n. for Calypso Haliday nec Risso], syn. n. Euryophrys Forster ; Ferriére, 1934 : 86, 88. Euryophrys Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 32. I have not seen any specimens of the type-species of Stenophrus, compressus Forster, from Foérster’s collection in Vienna. However, the Hope Department, Oxford, possesses a Foérster female labelled in his handwriting “‘ Stenophrus com- pressus Foerst. Aachen ”’ ; this agrees with his figures (1841, pl..fig. 12 a-d) and is taken as an indication of the true identity of the species. Stenophrus was treated as a synonym of Macroglenes Westwood by Thomson (1876 : 188), Ashmead (1904 : 389), and Schmiedeknecht (1909 : 272). Ferriere (1937) and Peck et al. (1964) used the name Euryophrys Forster for the present genus. Stenophrus compressus Forster Stenophrus compressus Forster, 1841 : 40, pl. fig. 12 a-d, 3 . Calypso servatulae Haliday, 1844 : 295, 9, syn. n. Macroglenes umbellatarum Haliday, 1844 : 295, 3, syn. n. Macroglenes occultus Thomson, 1876 : 188, 3 9, syn. n. Type material. Stenophrus compressus Forster. See above under generic synonymy. Calypso serratulae Haliday. No material so named in Haliday’s collection, though in Box 67 there is a group of specimens on a card (serial No. 1984) on which is written “ serratula ’”’ in Haliday’s handwriting ; these are probably syntypes. BM(NH) coll. : one female, LECTOTYPE ; it is mounted on a pentagonal card and bears three labels reading (1) “‘ Calypso serratulae Hal. 2” in a handwriting not that of Haliday, (2) a blue circular label “‘ 59.4’, (3) Waterhouse label “‘ Calypso serratulae Haliday ”’. Macroglenes umbellatarum Haliday. Haliday coll. : no material so named, but there is a card of two males and a female, with the word “ jacobe’”’ written on the card in Haliday’s handwriting. These are regarded as syntypes. Haliday (1844 : 295) says of wmbellatarum “ In floribus . . . etiam Senecio Jacobeae’”’. BM(NH) : two Haliday specimens which are clearly syntypes of wmbellatarum and are both labelled with this name. One of them is designated LECTOTYPE : it is mounted on a rectangular card and bears a green label “ Macroglenfes] umbellata{rum] ”’ in Haliday’s handwriting ; its head is missing, but the antennae and mouth-parts have been dissected off and placed near the upper end of the card. Macroglenes occultus Thomson. Syntypes, 8 g, 4 9. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Ld [Lund] 8/57’. Britain, IRELAND, GERMANY, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; probably widely distributed in Europe. 334 M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM Biology. Unknown. Haliday (1844 : 295) recorded having taken the species [as Macroglenes umbellatarum| on flowers of Angelica sylvestris and Senecio jacobaea ; also (ibid., as Calypso serratulae) on flowers of ‘‘ Serratula arvensis’’. The latter plant was undoubtedly Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. ; Haliday probably used Mackay’s Flora Hibernica (1836) in which Serratula arvensis L. is cited (p. 155) as a synonym of ‘““Cnicus arvensis Hoffm. Creeping Plume-Thistle’’. Many Pirenines visit flowers of Umbelliferae and there is probably no specific association of compressus with Angelica, but its occurrence on the other plants mentioned might be worth investiga- tion. Imagines of compressus appear in July and August. PIRENE Haliday Macroglenes Westwood, 1832a : 127, Syn.n. Type-species : M. oculatus Westwood, by mono- typy. Pirene Haliday, 1833 : 336. Type-species : P. varicornis Haliday, by designation of Westwood, 1839 : 67. Corynocere Nees, 1834 : 123. Type-species: C. deplana Nees, by designation of Gahan & Fagan, 1923 : 39. Macroglenes Westwood ; Haliday, 1844 : 295. Pivene Haliday, 1844 : 296. Macroglenes Westwood ; Thomson, 1876a : 188-189 [ex parte]. Pivene Haliday ; Thomson, 1876 : 189-190. Pivene Haliday ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 271, 273. ? Phocion Girault, 1925 : 91-92. Type-species : Ph. ipswichi Girault, by original designation. Macroglenes Westwood ; Ferriére, 1934 : 86, 88. Pivene Haliday ; Ferriere, 1934 : 86, 89. Pivenisca Ghesquiére, 1946 : 369 (n. n. for Pivene Haliday, supposedly pre-occupied by Pyrene Bolten, 1798). Pirene Haliday ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 237. Macroglenes Westwood ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 237-238. Pivene Haliday ; Peck et al., 1964 : 32. Macroglenes Westwood ; Peck et al., 1964 : 32. Hitherto Macroglenes Westwood and Pirene Haliday have been regarded as distinct genera. Males with enlarged eyes were referred to the former genus, those with normal eyes to the latter ; females were referred to one or other genus on the basis of the number of funicular segments. Haliday (1844 : 295) defined Macro- glenes as follows : “ Palpi maxillares 4-articulati. Oculi g maximi vertice approxi- mati’’, and Pirene (ibid. : 296) thus “ Palpi maxillares 2-articulati. Labiales obsoleti’’. In Macroglenes he included umbellatarum Haliday [which is now referred to Stenophrus], penetrans Kirby, and muicrocerus Haliday, giving Pivene graminea Haliday, 1833 as a synonym of the latter. It does not seen possible to achieve a natural arrangement of the species on the basis of the number of segments in the maxillary palpi, as suggested by Haliday. The distinction he drew between Macroglenes and Pirene does not hold good partly because he miscounted the number of segments in the maxillary palpi of some species. I have examined these structures in 9 of the species which I now refer to Pivene. It is not easy to ascertain the exact number of segments, because in some species one is not sure whether the most PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 335 proximal portion of the maxillary palpus is articulated to the maxilla, or whether it merely forms a process of the latter, i.e., a structure which Kutter (1934 : 21, and fig. 9) terms the “ podium ”’. In penetrans (Kirby), microcera (Haliday), conjungens sp. n., and paludum sp. n., the “ podium ”’ is definitely articulated to the maxilla ; thus in these species the palpus is 4-segmented. On the other hand, in eximia Haliday, chalybea Haliday, varicornis Haliday, and herbacea sp. n., the podium does not seem to be distinctly articulated, hence the palpus appears to have only 3 segments. An attempt to define Macroglenes as having 4-segmented maxillary palpi, and Pivene as having them 3-segmented, results in an arrangement which cuts across other characters ; for example, conjungens and paludum would have to go in Macroglenes although their males do not have the enlarged eyes characteristic of the type-species of that genus. ; Thomson (1876 : 188) distinguished Macroglenes and Pirene as follows : oe a) Antennae funiculi articulis 2 primis annuli formibus. Scutellum postice declive. Oculi maris rubri superne valde convergentes. Macroglenes. aa) Antennae funiculi articulis saltim 3 primis annuliformibus. Scutelli frenum horizontale. Pirene.” The above characters suggested by Thomson do not work out any more consistently than do the number of segments in the maxillary palpi. Two species (bowceki sp. n. and conjungens sp. n.) which should go in Macroglenes according to Thomson’s definition of the antennal segments, have males with the normal eyes characteristic of Pirene. The degree of slope of the scutellar frenum also cuts across other characters. Finally, the male of decipiens sp. n. has large eyes as in Macroglenes, the male of conjungens sp.n. has normal eyes as in Pivene ; but the females of these two species are hard to distinguish. Thus there appears to be no really satisfactory way of distinguishing the two genera, consequently I synonymize them. I have felt some doubt as to which name to use. Macroglenes has priority, on the other hand Pirene has been more often used and has also formed the basis of tribal or subfamily names, therefore I have decided that its use would be more acceptable, and am applying to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature for the retention of Pirene. The earliest paper on the taxonomy of Pivene was that of Haliday (1833), in which he described four species ; the descriptions, although brief, are excellent. His revision of Pivene and Macroglenes (1844) contributed some valuable information. Thomson’s account (1876) of Pivene added nothing of real value, and in fact intro- duced some errors because he wrongly associated the sexes of some species. Since the time of Haliday there has been no critical revision of the species of Pivene (including Macroglenes) and one is badly needed. In my keys to the species I have utilized many characters which have previously been used ; but a new one, the “pecten ”’ (a row of specialized hairs on the inner aspect of the hind tibiae) is now introduced. The head provides some good structural characters, but unfortunately it very often collapses after death unless the specimens are specially prepared, and 336 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM in such cases the characters are obscured. In spite of this I have used the size and shape of the eyes in my key to species, as additional characters for separating the males of microcera (Haliday) from those of graminea Haliday, and the males and females of decipiens sp. n. from those of penetrans (Kirby). The specimens on which these head characters were measured have been left overnight in the vapour of ethyl acetate ; this procedure often ensures that the head retains its normal proportions, and only specimens in which this was the case were utilized. The gaster in many males, and in some females, is more or less strongly compressed after death ; but this feature is not constant, being dependent on the condition of the internal organs in the gaster at the time the specimens are killed. At one stage in my studies on Pirene it occurred to me that perhaps dimorphism might occur in the males of some species, with respect to the relative size of the eyes. This now seems to me unlikely. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Antenna (Text-fig. 276) with third to fifth flagellar segments large and pro- vided with sensilla. Fore wing with speculum, on lower surface, nearly effaced by scattered hairs, on upper surface small and not extending beyond level of middle of marginal vein. Hind tibia withoutapecten. Thorax de- pressed, the surfaces of the mesoscutum, scutellum, and propodeum all lying in virtually the same plane ; gaster oval, hardly as long as thorax, ovipositor sheaths not projecting . . bouceki sp. n. (p. 350) - Antennae (Text-figs. 277-278) with at most fhe fourth nal fifth flagellar segments large and provided with sensilla. Fore wing with speculum, on lower surface, at most partly effaced, on upper surface large and extending, as a bare strip below the marginal vein, as far as the stigmal vein. Hind tibia with at least a slightly developed pecten. Thorax often strongly arched dorsally ; if nearly as strongly depressed as in the above, then the ovipositor sheaths project very distinctly, and sometimes the gaster is a longer : 2 2 (1) Antenna (cf. Text- wee 275) atl Poredei Fees seeucut meine aceiteen nor much shorter than the fifth, with sensilla : ‘ 3 - Antenna (Text-figs. 277, 278) with fourth flagellar segment 2s Pe hhc sensilla, often much shorter than the fifth 4 5 5 3 (2) Eyes larger, 1-3 to 1-33 times aslongas broad. Larger Sones I ee to 1- 8 mm. Head and thorax with fairly strong greenish to bluish metallic reflections. Fore wing (upper surface) with speculum extending right to the stigmal vein ; beyond the stigma an area which is almost or quite devoid of hairs (see Text-fig. 271) : . penetrans (Kirby) (p. 341) - Eyes smaller, 1-4 to 1:45 nee as Jong as broad. Smaller species, 1:2 to 1-4 mm. MHead and thorax with weaker metallic reflections, which are usually bluish or bronze 5 4 4 (3) Upper surface of fore wing with a ane or anos: pare swe wate sends fom the stigma for some distance towards the apex of the wing, but on the under surface of the wing the strip is effaced by scattered hairs ?decipiens sp. n. (p. 342) = Upper surface of fore wing without a distinct bare strip in this position (as in Text-fig: 272). . conjungens sp. n. (p. 344) 5 (2) Ovipositor sheaths (Text- 2 273) exserted toa Jength almost or quite equal to that of the hind tibia ; gaster, not counting the ovipositor, nearly 1-5 times as long as the thorax, with the tip of the hypopygium very nearly or PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 337 273 274 Fics. 268-274. 268. Ecrizotes longicornis (Walker), 9, antenna; 269, same, fore wing venation ; 270, same, g, hind leg, excluding coxa and tarsus ; 271, Pivene penetrans (Kirby), 3, fore wing, part ; 272, Pivene conjungens sp.n., g, fore wing, part ; 273, Pivene eximia Haliday, 9, body excluding head, profile ; 274, Pivene paludum sp. n., 9, body excluding head, profile (tip of hypopygium indicated by arrow). 338 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM | quite level with the tip of the last tergite ; thorax in profile (Text-fig. 273) only slightly arched dorsally, the scutellum flat or nearly so ; head and thorax black with weak bluish and bronze reflections eximia Haliday (p. 345) - Ovipositor sheaths rarely exserted to a length more than slightly over half that of the hind tibia ; if somewhat more than this (Text-fig. 274), then the gaster is relatively shorter, the tip of the hypopygium does not lie so near the apex of the gaster, the thorax in profile is distinctly arched dorsally, and the head and thorax are metallic green, blue- or bronze-green : 6 6 (5) Antenna (Text-fig. 277) with fifth flagellar segment without sensilla, and vith only one, sometimes slightly irregular, row of bristles, twice or rather more than twice as broad as long, short, its length varying from hardly one third to less than half that of the first claval segment. Gaster, not counting 281 ; ———— SSS == apm ——s— XZ A LPLLLTTLLL 283 pecten 282 Fics. 275-283. Pivene spp. 275, bouceki sp. n., 5, antenna; 276, same, 9, antenna ; 277, varicornis Haliday, 9, antenna ; 278, paludum sp. n., 2, antenna ; 279, conjungens sp.n., g, antenna; 280, hervbacea sp.n.,g, antenna ; 281, paludum sp. n., 4, left hind tibia, inner aspect ; 282, penetvans (Kirby), left hind tibia, inner aspect ; 283, graminea Haliday, 2, left hind tibia, inner aspect. (6) (7) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 339 the ovipositor sheaths, as long as or slightly longer than head plus thorax ; ovipositor sheaths exserted to a length equal to half that of the hind tibia or slightly more. Head and thorax black with weak metallic reflections varicornis Haliday (p. 348) Antenna (Text-fig. 278) with fifth flagellar segment with sensilla and with two to three rows of bristles, at most about 1-5 times as broad as long ; 7 Fore wing with basal cell with a large patch of hairs in its apical portion, on upper surface of wing ; exserted part of ovipositor sheaths (Text-fig. 274) two thirds to three quarters the length of the hind tibia. Antenna (Text-fig. 278) with flagellar segments one to four relatively less transverse, their combined length equal to or even slightly greater than the length of the pedicellus. Head and thorax Ap mae metallic, green, blue-green, or bronze-green : 5 paludum sp. n. (p. 345) Fore wing with basal cell ith nile a fom aes in its distal portion, most of them on the basal vein ; exserted part of ovipositor sheaths at most slightly more than one third the length of the hind tibia. Antenna (cf. Text-figs. 279, 280) with flagellar segments one to four relatively more transverse, their combined length at least slightly less than the length of the Coa tine Head and thorax sometimes with only weak metallic reflections : 8 Thorax in profile only weakly arched dorsally, scutellum appearing flat or nearly so ; gaster with tip of hypopygium situated nearly level with the apex of the last tergite. Eyes 1-6 to 1:65 times as long as broad. Flagellar segments one to three distinctly separated from each other chalybea Haliday (p. 349) Thorax in profile rather more distinctly arched, scutellum slightly convex ; tip of hypopygium not so near the level of the apex of the gaster. Eyes 1-4 to 1-5 times as long as broad. Flagellar segments one to three closely com- pacted as in conjungens (cf. Text-fig. 279), sometimes virtually fused . : 9 Hind tibial pecten hardly developed, much as in ¢ paludum (Text-fig. 281). Head and thorax with strong greenish to blue reflections ; knees distinctly testaceous herbacea sp. n. (p. 346) Hind tibial pecten (Text. ae 283) well- developed and ‘regular, extending over whole length of tibia except its proximal quarter. Head and thorax with weak bluish reflections, sometimes stronger on head ; at least mid and hind knees not or hardly at all pale. : ; . graminea Haliday (p. 347) (MALEs) Fore wing with speculum, on lower surface, nearly effaced by scattered hairs, on upper surface small and not extending farther than middle of marginal vein. Antenna (Text-fig. 275) characteristic ; clava distinctly shorter than the funicle ; flagellar segments not transverse, or at most the three proximal ones slightly so ; scape strongly swollen, with an apical excision which extends more than one third down the scape. Hind tibia without a pecten. Eyes small, with facets of uniform size ; separated from the posterior ocelli by fully twice the diameter of an ocellus bouceki sp.n. (p. 350) Fore wing with speculum, on lower surface, at most partly effaced, on upper surface large and extending, as a bare strip below the marginal vein, as far as the stigmal vein. Antenna (Text-figs. 279, 280) with clava as long as or longer than the funicle ; at least the three proximal flagellar segments quite strongly transverse ; scape often slender, but if strongly swollen, then its apical excision extends hardly one third down the scape. Hind tibia with at least a slightly ya sail We = 281-283). Eyes sometimes enlarged. : : c 2 340 2 (a) 372 °@) 4 (3) 5 (3) 6 (2) 7 (6) 87 @) M. WR: DE Vi. GIA AW Eyes unusually large, touching or almost touching the posterior ocelli, sepa- rated by only half their length or less ; malar space from rather more than one quarter, to nearly one third, the length of an eye ; eye-facets of unequal size, those in the upper part of the eye larger than those of the lower part. Ocelli in a nearly equilateral triangle. Legs with the knees black or ve! very indistinctly pale. Antennal scape not strongly swollen . : 3 Eyes of normal size, separated from the posterior ocelli by fully the major diameter of an ocellus or rather more, the distance between the eyes about equal to their length ; eye-facets of uniform size. Ocelli in a right- or obtuse-angled triangle. Malar space fully one third the length of an eye or somewhat more. Legs with the knees more or less reat | testaceous. Antennal scape sometimes swollen : 6 Antenna with fourth flagellar segment very mack shorter and narrower fhe the fifth, less than half as long, without sensilla 4 Antenna with fourth flagellar segment much larger than the eal an ieee slightly more than half as long as the fifth, with sensilla, and with bristles arranged in two to three irregular rows : 5 Antenna with segments one to three of flagellum distinctly separated from each other, their combined length about three quarters that of the pedi- cellus ; segment four not much larger than three, the funicle much as in 2 paludum (Text-fig. 278). Eyes 1-5 to 1:55 times as long as broad ; only their upper half, or barely as much, with larger facets ; average diameter of these large facets 23-251 ; upper part of eye with moderately short hairs. Stigma of fore wing subtriangular, subsessile, fuscous microcera (Haliday) (p. 343) Antenna with segments one to three of flagellum closely applied to each other as in conjungens (cf. Text-fig. 279), sometimes hardly distinguishable as separate segments, their combined length less than half that of the pedi- cellus ; segment four somewhat larger than three. Eyes 1-3 to 1-41 times as long as broad ; at least rather more than the upper half, to rather more than two thirds, of the eye has larger facets ; average diameter of these large facets 28-33 ; upper part of eye with extremely short hairs. Stigma of fore wing sometimes petiolate, occasionally subcircular graminea Haliday (agg.) (p. 347) Eyes moderately large, 1-35 to 1:5 times as long as broad ; the upper half, or hardly more, of the eye has larger facets than the part below this. Head and thorax black with hardly any metallic tinge. Fore wing with stigma tend- ing to be subtriangular (as in Text-fig. 272). Relatively smaller species, length 1-2 to 1-5 mm. . : : z decipiens sp. n. (p. 342) Eyes very large, only 1-15 to 1:25 Yaes as long as broad ; the upper two thirds to nearly three quarters of the eye has larger facets than the part below this. Head and thorax with a rather strong bluish to greenish tinge. Fore wing (Text-fig. 271) with stigma tending to be subcircular. Relatively large species, length 1-4 to 1-9 mm. : . penetrans (Kirby) (p. 341) Antennal scape not strongly swollen, at least rather more than three times as long as broad : : : i Antennal scape strongly Salles! oaly 2 tor 28 mee as 5 long ; as broad : 10 Antenna (Text-fig. 279) with fourth flagellar segment nearly as large as ANS fifth, the latter about 1-3 times as broad as long. Fore wing, Text-fig. 272 conjungens sp. n. (p. 344) Antenna (Text-fig. 280) with fourth flagellar segment much smaller than the fifth . 5 8 Fore wing with sae cell eke a laree patel of evn at its apes on the upper surface of the wing. Head and thorax conspicuously metallic, green to PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 341 blue- or bronze-green. Antennal clava with a strong constriction between its first and second segments ; flagellar segments one to four not very dis- similar in size, their combined length as great as that of the pedicellus. Hind tibial pecten (Text-fig. 281) hardly developed paludum sp. n. (p. 345) - Fore wing with basal cell with at most two rows of hairs on the basal vein. Head and thorax less conspicuously metallic. Antennal clava with a weaker constriction between its first and second segments : 9 9 (8) Antenna (Text-fig. 280) with fifth flagellar segment quadrate or only slightly transverse ; flagellar segments one to three rather smaller than four, the combined length of one to four rather less than that of the pedicellus. Thorax relatively more arched dorsally. Hind tibial pecten hardly deve- loped, much as in paludum sp. n. (Text-fig. 281). herbacea sp. n. (p. 346) - Antenna with fifth flagellar segment nearly or quite twice as broad as long ; segments one to four not very dissimilar in size, much as in, Text-fig. 278, their combined length as great as that of the pedicellus. Thorax weakly arched, the upper surfaces of the scutellum, dorsellum, and propodeum lie in nearly the same plane. Hind tibial pecten nearly as well-developed as in penetrans (cf. Text-fig. 282) but more irregular basad and usually not quite reaching the base of the tibia ; = eximia Haliday (p. 345) Io 6. (6) ‘Antenna: fifth flagellar segment with sensilla, and with bristles arranged in two rows, one half to three quarters as long as the first claval segment, distinctly longer than the fourth flagellar segment, at most 1-6 times as broad as long. Fore wing relatively shorter and broader, about 2-1 to 2:3 times as long as broad ‘ , . Chalybea Haliday (p. 349) - Antenna : fifth flagellar segment without sensilla, with bristles arranged in a single row, one third or slightly more than one third as long as the first claval segment, not or only slightly longer than the fourth flagellar segment, rather more than twice as broad as long. Fore wing relatively long and narrow, about 2:4 to 2:5 times as long as broad . varicornis Haliday (p. 348) Pirene penetrans (Kirby) (Text-figs. 271, 282) Ichneumon penetvans Kirby, 1800 : 109, pl. 4, figs. 10, 11, 5 Q. Macroglenes oculatus Westwood, 1832 : 127, 3. Macroglenes penetrans (Kirby) Haliday, 1844 : 295, 3 9. Macroglenes penetrans (Kirby); Curtis, 1860 : 283. Macroglenes brevicornis Thomson, 1876 : 189, 9 (ev parte (lectotype)], syn. n. Macroglenes umbellatarum Ferriere, 1934 : fig. 1d [mec Haliday, 1844]. Macroglenes penetvans (Kirby); Johansson, 1936 : 4—6, figs. I, 2, 5 9. Macroglenes penetvans (Kirby); Peck, 1963 : 637. Type material. IJchneumon penetrans Kirby. No specimens which can be definitely identified as the original material of penetrans exist in the BM(NH) ; there is a series of 4 old specimens but 3 of these are Walker specimens and one is a Haliday specimen. In Westwood’s collection in Oxford there is one very ancient female specimen, with a blue label and another reading “ penetrans’”’, which might possibly be part of Kirby’s original material. In this connection it is relevant to note that Curtis, who was the first subsequent author to redescribe and figure penetrans, published an interesting note (1860 : 283) as follows ‘‘ Mr. Westwood . . has examined Mr. Kirby’s original specimen of Ichneumon penetrans, and informs me 342 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM that it is identical with his genus Macroglenes ...” Curtis’s description and figures (1860 : 283 and Plate J, figs. 3 [dg], 4 [9]) are good enough to identify his penetrans as being the present one. In view of these facts, it is possible that the female in Westwood’s collection is the type of penetrans. Unless contrary evidence is forth- coming it seems appropriate to regard it as such. Macroglenes oculatus Westwood. A male stands below a pink label ““ MACRO- GLENES Westw. in Phil. Mag.” and above a white label “ MACROGLENES oculatus Westw.” It is mounted on a card and bears a pink label “‘ oculatus Westw.”’ All these labels are written in Westwood’s handwriting. This male is designated LECTOTYPE ; it lacks the antennae, apart from the scape of the left antenna, but is otherwise intact. Some other Pivene, including two males of oculatus, stand below the lectotype, and might be syntypes (hence the labelled male is designated lectotype although it might actually have been the holotype). Macroglenes brevicornis Thomson. In Thomson’s series, only 3 specimens (I 4, 2 9) are labelled with the correct locality (Ringsjon). The male disagrees with the description and is a Stenophrus. One female has the body hardly metallic and the ovipositor sheaths not projecting far enough. The other female is greenish-tinged and has a more strongly exserted ovipositor, hence it is designated LECTOTYPE ; it bears a label “ Rsio ”’ (Ringsj6n). The head of the lectotype is broken off, but the specimen shows a combination of small characters which indicate that it is certainly the same as penetrans (Kirby). In the male of penetrans the hind tibial pecten (Text-fig. 282) extends virtually or quite to the base of the tibia, and is composed of numerous regularly disposed hairs which stand out nearly at right angles. In the female the pecten is absent in the basal third or so of the tibia, and its hairs are rather less regularly disposed. EvuROPE (widely distributed and common) ; CANADA. Biology. Originally reared from Contarinia tritici (Kirby) ; in the BM(NH) there is a series bred in 1936 from the same host in Southern Sweden by E. Johansson; reared from Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin) in Southern Sweden by E. Johansson 1936) and from the same host in Ottawa, Canada (see Peck, 1963 : 637). Johansson gave some notes on the life-history. Imagines appear June-August ; they often visit the flowers of Angelica sylvestris L., Rubus spp., and other plants. Pirene decipiens sp. n. 6. Colour as in conjungens sp.n., but the marginal, stigmal and especially the postmarginal veins are paler brown, although the stigma itself tends to be fuscous. The mid and hind tarsi are blackish, or obscurely testaceous medially. The metallic (bluish) tinge of the head and thorax is very weak. Length 1-3 to 1-5 mm. Head in front view slightly broader than high ; eyes large, separated by a distance which is hardly equal to half their own length, 1-35 to 1-5 times as long as broad ; the facets in about the upper half, or hardly more, of the eye are large, the remaining facets are small ; ocelli placed in a nearly equilateral triangle, the posterior ones almost touching the eyes ; malar space nearly one third the length of an eye. Antennae similar to those of conjungens (cf. Text- fig. 279). PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 343 Thorax in profile strongly arched dorsally, the scutellum appearing convex. Mesoscutum with notaulices deep, both it and the scutellum with very delicate engraved sculpture. Fore wing similar to that of conjungens, but its upper surface with a bare or nearly bare strip ex- tending from the stigma some distance towards the apex of the wing. Hind tibial pecten complete and regular, much as in penetyvans (cf. Text-fig. 282). Gaster very strongly compressed, almost knife-like. The male of decipiens resembles even more closely that of penetrans (Kirby), from which it differs in the characters given in my key. The eyes are separated by a distance which varies from rather more than one third to a half of their own length, whilst in male penetrans they are separated by rather less than one third of their own length ; this character, however, can only be measured in specimens which have the head undistorted. Holotype §. ENGLAND : Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, 2.viii.1953 (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 2 g ; IRELAND : Co. Wicklow, coast near Bray Head, 1 g, 16.vili.1954, the Glen of the Downs, I g, 23.vili.1954 (Graham), in Graham collection. I have taken some females which may belong to this species in two of the above localities (Hell Coppice ; the Glen of the Downs). They differ from females of penetrans (Kirby) in being smaller (length 1-2-1-4 mm.), with only weak metallic reflections on the head and thorax, the eyes slightly smaller and the malar space slightly longer. The mid and hind tarsi are testaceous with their tips brown, sometimes brownish dorsally on segments 3-5 ; in British specimens of penetrans the mid and hind tarsi are brown to fuscous with at most segments I—4 more or less testaceous beneath. These small distinctions may be valid, but it seems advisable to postpone describing females of decipiens until they can be definitely associated with the males by breeding. Biology. Unknown. Pirene microcera (Haliday) comb. n. Macroglenes microcerus Haliday, 1844 : 295, 3 [nec 2]. Type material. Syntypes in the BM(NH) and in Haliday collection. BM(NH) : one male, certainly a Haliday specimen, with a small green square label, also a Waterhouse label ‘“‘ Macroglenes microcerus Haliday’”’. MHaliday coll., box 23, one male (No. 1662) with a green label “‘ microcerus ”’ in Haliday’s handwriting, also a modern label “Ireland, Haliday”’ ; I select this male as LECTOTYPE. The syntype in BM(NH) is conspecific with it. I have seen no other males which agree in structure with the syntypes of microcerus, and have not been able to identify the female. The latter might be expected to differ from that of graminea in the characters of segments I-3 of the antennal flagellum, in the same way as their respective males (see key to males). Haliday (1844 : 295) synonymized his Pirvene graminea, 1833 (described from the female only) with microcerus, of which he evidently knew only the male. However, I have 344 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM associated (I believe correctly) with the female of graminea a male which differs from that of microcerus. The hind tibial pecten in the male of microcera resembles that of male penetrans. IRELAND. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June-July. Pirene conjungens sp. n. (Text-figs. 272, 279) 6. Black, with weak metallic reflections, mainly bluish but some bronze, on the body, antennal scape, coxae, femora, and tibiae. Mandibles partly reddish. Knees hardly paler than the rest of the legs ; tarsi fuscous, or the mid and hind ones obscurely testaceous proximally. Wings subhyaline, venation fuscous ; tegulae dark. Length 1-2 to 1-75 mm. Head in front view slightly broader than high ; eyes separated by a distance about equal to their own length, 1-4 to 1-45 times as long as broad, their facets of uniform size ; posterior ocelli separated by about their own major diameter from the eyes ; malar space about half the length of an eye. Antenna (Text-fig. 279) with scape relatively slender, about 4:5 times as long as broad ; pedicellus distinctly less than twice as long as broad ; flagellar segments one to three, especially one and two, very short and strongly transverse, anelliform, without sensilla ; four moderately large, with sensilla, about 1-5 times as broad as long ; five similar to four but slightly larger ; clava somewhat longer than pedicellus plus funicle. Thorax in profile fairly strongly arched dorsally, the scutellum appearing convex. Meso- scutum and scutellum with very delicate engraved sculpture. Fore wing slightly more than twice as long as broad ; basal cell, on upper surface of wing, with only one to two hairs besides those on the basal vein ; marginal vein 4 to 4-7 times as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma moderate-sized, tending to have a subtriangular shape ; upper surface of wing without a bare strip extending distad from the stigma. Legs rather slender ; hind tibial pecten similar to that of 2 graminea (cf. Text-fig. 283), not extending into the basal quarter of the tibia, its hairs moderately regularly disposed. Gaster moderately to fairly strongly compressed, narrower than the thorax. ®. Differs from the male as follows : Length about 1:25 mm. Antennal scape rather more slender, about five times as long as broad. Gaster about as long as, but narrower than, the thorax, somewhat depressed dorsally but strongly keeled ventrally ; ovipositor sheaths exserted to a length about equal to the first segment of the hind tarsus ; hypopygium extending about three quarters of the distance from the base of the gaster to the tips of the ovipositor sheaths. The ¢ of conjungens differs from those of all the other species of the genus, except penetrans and decipiens sp. n., in having the fourth flagellar segment large and pro- vided with sensilla. From these two species, which otherwise it most resembles, it differs in its relatively small eyes having facets of uniform size, broader frontovertex and longer genae. The @ of conjungens is very close to those of penetrans and decipiens sp. N., differing only in the small characters given in the key (q.v.). Holotype g. ENGLAND : Gloucestershire, Hallen Wood, near Bristol, 25.x.1928 (B. N. Blood), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. ENGLAND : Cumberland, Skirwith, I g, 31.vil.1953 (H. Britten) ; Oxfordshire, Otmoor, 1 9, 27.viiil.1955, I gf, I5.1x.1956 (Graham) ; Wiltshire, near PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 345 Salisbury, 1 g, I.ix.1962 (Graham). IRELAND: Co. Kildare, Royal Canal, 1 3, 5.vili.19g51 (A. W. Stelfox), in Manchester Museum and Graham collections. Biology. Unknown. Pirene eximia Haliday (Text-fig. 273) Pivene eximia Haliday, 1833 : 338, 9. Pivene eximia Haliday, 1844 : 296, 9. Pivene eximia Haliday ; Thomson, 1876 : 190, 9 [nec 3]. Type material. Syntypes (2 9) in BM(NH). LECTOTYPE, the second specimen which bears a small green ticket, indicating Irish origin. There are several specimens belonging to the same species in Haliday’s collection, but not labelled as eximia, therefore possibly not syntypes. The hind tibial pecten of male eximia resembles that of male penetvans except that towards the base of the tibia its hairs are rather less numerous, and neither so closely nor so regularly spaced. The pecten of the female resembles that of female graminea (cf. Text-fig. 283). BRITAIN, IRELAND ; apparently rare. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in July. Pirene paludum sp. n. (Text-figs. 274, 278, 281) 9. Head and thorax with fairly bright metallic reflections, green, blue- or bronze-green ; gaster with less intense tints which tend to be bluish. Antennae black, with slight metallic reflections which are most distinct on the scape and pedicellus ; tip of the scape pale ; radicula, and apex of pedicellus, sometimes testaceous. Mandibles testaceous with their teeth darker. Palpi testaceous. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters fusco-testaceous, the fore ones sometimes testaceous. Legs otherwise fuscous with the following parts testaceous : fore femora at apex or mainly, apices of mid and hind femora narrowly, bases and apices of tibiae, of the fore tibiae broadly, of the mid and hind tibiae narrowly ; tarsi slightly paler beneath. Sometimes the inner aspect of the fore tibiae is testaceous, or the whole tibiae are of this colour except for a dark mark on their outer aspect. Tegulae metallic. Wings hyaline ; venation testaceous. Length (including ovipositor sheaths) 1-7 to 2 mm. Head in front view slightly broader than high ; eyes separated by somewhat more than their own length, about 1-5 times as long as broad ; malar space slightly more than one third the length of aneye. Antenna (Text-fig. 278) with scape, minus radicula, nearly five times as long as broad, slightly shorter than an eye ; pedicellus in profile not quite twice as long as broad ; flagellar segments one to four small and anelliform, without sensilla, their combined length about equal to that of the pedicellus, all subequal in length, but the fourth a little broader than the others ; segment five large, slightly transverse, up to I-5 times as broad as long, provided with sensilla, and with two to three irregular rows of bristles ; clava nearly as long as pedicellus plus funicle, about 2:5 times as long as broad, with a rather strong constriction between its first and second segments ; bristles of flagellum not unusually long. Thorax in profile (Text-fig. 274) distinctly arched dorsally. Mesoscutum and scutellum with delicate, though distinct, engraved sculpture. Fore wing about 2-2 times as long as broad ; 346 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM costal cell rather narrow, its front margin slightly concave ; basal cell, on upper surface of wing, with a patch of several hairs in its distal portion ; marginal vein, not including the para- stigma, 6 to 6-5 times as long as the stigmal vein, the latter forming a moderately acute angle with the postmarginal vein ; stigma small, subtriangular ; postmarginal vein about as long as the stigmal ; fringe of apical margin long, its longest bristles equal to or greater than the length of the stigmal vein. Legs rather slender ; hind tibial pecten (cf. Text-fig. 281) hardly developed. Gaster (Text-fig. 274) about as long as head plus thorax, more or less, though not strongly, compressed ; hypopygium extending to between two thirds and three quarters of its length ; exserted portion of ovipositor sheaths two thirds to three quarters the length of the hind tibiae. 6. Differs from the female as follows : Legs tending to be more extensively pale ; sometimes the fore tibiae, occasionally also the fore femora, are wholly testaceous ; tarsi sometimes more or less testaceous. Antennal scape slightly broader, hardly four times as long as broad. Gaster hardly longer, but much narrower, than the thorax, strongly compressed. Pecten of hind tibia slightly more developed (Text-fig. 281). Holotype 9. ScoTLanp : Mid Perth, Killin, 7.vii.1952, swept in a marshy place near Finlarig Castle (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype, many gg and 99 (Graham). ENGLAND : Yorkshire, Askham Bog, 2 g, 12.vii.1953 (W. D. Hincks), in Graham collection and Manchester Museum. Biology. Unknown. This is a very distinct species, easily recognizable by the conspicuously metallic tints of the head and thorax, combined with the large patch of hairs in the distal part of the basal cell of the fore wing, and the ovipositor sheaths of the female which are more strongly exserted than in all the other species with the exception of eximia Haliday. Pirene herbacea sp. n. (Text-fig. 280) 9. Resembles that of paludum sp. n., but differs as follows : Antennae darker, the scape and pedicellus not distinctly pale-marked. Legs darker ; only the knees and sometimes the tips of the tibiae narrowly, testaceous ; tarsi sometimes testaceous beneath. Antennae with flagellar segments one to three relatively a little smaller, distinctly smaller than four, the combined length of segments one to four at least slightly less than that of the pedicellus (as in Text-fig. 280) ; segment five quadrate or at most very slightly transverse ; clava slightly longer, nearly as long as pedicellus plus funicle. Fore wing : basal cell, on upper surface of wing, with only one or two hairs distally besides those on the basal vein and the adjacent parts of the cubital vein ; marginal vein only about five times as long as the stigmal vein. Ovipositor sheaths less exserted, their projecting portion at most slightly more than one third the length of the hind tibia. 6. Differs from the female as follows : Antenna (Text-fig. 280) with scape slightly more expanded, hardly four times as long as broad. Gaster hardly longer, but much narrower, than the thorax, strongly compressed. The eyes resemble those of the female in having their facets of uniform size, and are I-5 to 1:6 times as long as broad. Holotype g. ENGLAND: Berkshire, Wytham, 29.vi.I951, swept in a damp PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 347 meadow between Wytham Wood and the River Isis (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality as holotype, 1 g, 29.vi.1951, I gd, 3 Q, II.vil.1951 (Graham) ; Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, 2 3, 24.vi.1958 (Graham) ; Oxfordshire, Otmoor, 3 ¢, 6.vii.1962 (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. P. herbacea appears to be most closely related to paludum sp. n., from which it differs in having the basal cell of the fore wing less pilose distally, fourth flagellar segment distinctly larger than third, fifth segment quadrate or only slightly transverse, ovipositor of female less strongly exserted. The male might be confused with that of eximia Haliday, from which it differs in the characters noted in the key to males. The female is extremely close to that of graminea Haliday, differing only in the small features given in the key to females. Pirene graminea Haliday (agg.) (Text-fig. 283) Pivene gvaminea Haliday, 1833 : 338, . Macroglenes microcervus Haliday, 1844 : 295 [ex parte (2)]. Type material. In the BM(NH) 9g specimens, mounted on two cards, stand as graminea ; but in my opinion they are probably not Haliday material. In Haliday’s collection, Box 23, there is a female (No. 1661) with a green label “ graminea ”’ in Haliday’s handwriting and a modern label “ Ireland, Haliday”’ ; I designate it LECTOTYPE. Haliday (1844 : 295) synonymized graminea with his Macroglenes microcerus (of which he evidently knew only the male). However, I have been able to associate with the female of graminea several males which differ from those of microcera ; hence I regard the two as valid species, although the female of microcera is still unknown. The males which I regard as those of graminea are rather variable as regards the size of the eyes and of their facets, and in the shape of the stigma of the fore wing. Possibly this is within the range of variation of a single species, but it may be worth while to note its details. The males which I have measured seem to fall into two forms, as follows : (1) Eyes 1-3-1-32 times as long as broad ; large facets in upper part 30—33y in diameter. Stigma of fore wing moderate-sized, tending to be subcircular, more distinctly petiolate than that of 3 microcera. (2) Eyes 1-4-1-41 times as long as broad ; large facets 28-29 yw in diameter. Stigma of fore wing subcircular to triangular, sometimes nearly as large as in ¢ microcera, sometimes only shortly petiolate. The hind tibial pecten of the males of graminea (agg.) resembles that of penetrans. The pecten of the female is illustrated in Text-fig. 283. BriTAIn, IRELAND. I have examined specimens from the following localities : England, Berkshire, Wytham, 1 4, II.vil.1951 ; Lancashire South, Formby Moss, 348 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM bd, 22, 29.vi.1962 ; Oxfordshire, Marston Ferry, gg, 99, I9.vi.1961 ; Otmoor, I g, 6.vii.1962. I have also captured males and females in other localities, but the sexes not taken together in these cases. Biology. Unknown. The species, identified as graminea Hal., whose morphology and biology were described by Kutter (1934 : 16-62) was not graminea, but chalybea Haliday (q.v.). I have captured imagines of graminea (agg.) in the field from June to August. Pirene varicornis Haliday Pivene varicornis Haliday, 1833 : 337, 4 9. Corynocere deplana Nees, 1834 : 123, 9. Pivene varicormis Haliday, 1841-1842 : vi, pl. N, fig. 3,d 9. Pivene varicornis Haliday, 1844 : 296, d 9. Pivene varicornis Haliday ; Thomson, 1876 : 189-190, g 9. Pivene varicornis Halliday ; Dalla Torre, 1898 : 216. Pivene varicornis Haliday ; Ferriere, 1934 : fig. Ie. Type material. Pivene varicornis Haliday. Syntypes as follows : BM(NH) :14, 5 2 ; the females are all mounted on one octagonal card, bear a green label “ vari- cornis ’’ in Haliday’s handwriting and on the lower surface of the card (in pencil) “567” ; I have selected and marked one female as LECTOTYPE. Haliday coll. : several males and females, but only 4 are labelled varicornis (two pairs, bearing my serial numbers I and 7). Corynocere deplana Nees. Amongst Westwood’s MSS. there is a small sheet of paper with some pencil sketches of the holotype 9 of deplana (now lost). The sketches comprise an enlarged figure of the whole insect ; one of the antenna on a larger scale, against which Westwood has written, with a bracket pointing to the first three segments of the funicle ‘“‘ I am not sure whether there are 3 or 4 jts here Haliday says 4”’ ; also a sketch, to the same scale, of the antenna, copied from Nees’ own drawings (‘‘ fm. Esenbeck’s drawings’). At the bottom Westwood has written “ Corynocere deplana Esenb. 2. 123 [Pirene Hal. Ent. Mag. 1. 337] drawn from Esenbeck’s unique specimen”’. From these figures I would say that deplana could only have been a female of Pivene varicormis Haliday. The hind tibial pecten in the male and female of vavicornis much resembles that of the corresponding sexes in chalybea (q.v.). BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN ; probably widely distributed in Europe. In the British Isles it is fairly common although the male, as Haliday remarked, is rare. I find it most abundantly in damp meadows. Biology. In BM(NH) there is a female varvicornis reared in Southern Sweden, in 1936, from Contarinia tritici (Kirby). Haliday (1833 : 338) said that the female could be found commonly on the flowering panicles of Anthoxanthum. Imagines June-July. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 349 Pirene chalybea Haliday Pivene chalybea Haliday, 1833 : 338, 2 [nec 3]. ? Corynocere brevicornis Nees, 1834 : 124, 9. Pirvene rubi Haliday, 1844 : 296, 9, Syn. n. Pivene chalybea Haliday, 1844 : 296, 9. Pirene Scylax Walker, 1848 : 106, 162, J, syn. n. ? Pivene eximia Haliday ; Thomson, 1876 : 190 [nec 9]. Pivene graminea Kutter, 1934 : 16-62 [nec Haliday 1833]. Pivene chalybea Haliday ; Johansson, 1936 : 6 [ex parte]. Type material. Pirene chalybea Haliday. Syntypes in BM(NH), one female (probably not a Haliday specimen) and 2 ¢ ; Haliday coll., Box 23, a female (No. 1663) labelled “‘ Ireland, Haliday ’’, also several other males and females which are not labelled as chalybea. WHaliday’s description of the female is more detailed than that of the male ; hence I choose as LECTOTYPE the female in Haliday’s collection (No. 1663). Corynocere brevicornis Nees. Types now lost. I surmise that this species may have been the same as chalybea. Pirene rubi Haliday. Haliday’s description (1844 : 295) states ‘‘ Abdomine 9 depressiusculo thoracis longitudine ”’ but gives no characters for the male, hence a female must be chosen as lectotype. In BM(NH) there is only one male labelled as vyubi but as just remarked, Haliday did not describe this sex. Assuming that he had correctly associated the sexes of rwbi, I assembled those males in his collection which agreed with the male in the BM(NH), together with all the females conspecific with these males. Amongst these specimens in Haliday’s collection there is a batch of males and females (Nos. 1767-1773) mounted on a card which bears the word “ Rubus ” in his handwriting ; I consider them to be syntypes of rwbi and designate a female (No. 1770) as LECTOTYPE. Pirene scylax Walker. One male in BM(NH), LECTOTYPE, bearing a Water- house label. The hind tibial pecten of male chalybea extends over the distal two-thirds of the tibia ; its hairs are regularly disposed in the distal part, but more irregularly basad, much as in female graminea, Text-fig. 283. The pecten of the female is less regular than that of the male, though more regular than that of paludum. BRITAIN, IRELAND (common), GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, SWEDEN ; probably widely distributed in Europe. Biology. Kutter (1934) gave a lengthy account of the morphology and biology of this species (under the name gvaminea Hal.) ; he reared it in the Rheintal province of Switzerland as an endophagous parasite of Contarinia pisi (Winn.). In BM(NH) there is a series of specimens reared in July 1931 from this locality, evidently representing part of Kutter’s material ; these specimens are chalybea Haliday, and not graminea. Probably the species recorded under the name graminea, as a parasite of the same host in Germany (Secretariat, etc. 1966 : 120, 130) was also chalybea ; the material was determined by Delucchi, who had not seen the type of graminea. In BM(NH) there are also series of chalybea swept from a field of peas, on 27.vii and 350 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM 2.Vvill.1956, at Crowle, North Lincolnshire (D. Lomas) ; and others reared in southern Sweden in 1936, from Contarinia tnticc (Kirby) by E. Johansson. The latter evidently had a mixed series included in his record (1936) of chalybea, only part of which represented the true chalybea ; he stated that in chalybea the antennae were similar in both sexes, i.e., that the scape in the male was not swollen. This error can be traced back to Thomson (1876 : 190) who stated under chalybea “‘ scapo g haud dilatato ’’, he had associated the male of some other species with the female of chalybea. I have also examined a male of chalybea reared in England (Lincolnshire, Fulstow, 1956) from Dasyneura viciae (Kieffer) on Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Schreb. (C. J. Guile). Imagines appear in the field June-August. Kutter (1934) stated that there are two generations per annum, although the second may be incomplete because some larvae may overwinter. Pirene bouceki sp. n. (Text-figs. 275-277) 2. Shiny, black, with a faint bronze tinge in places. Mandibles, knees, tips of tibiae very narrowly, and tarsi proximally, brownish testaceous. Wings hyaline, or faintly brownish in the middle ; venation fuscous. Length 1-3 to 1-4 mm. Head much compressed antero-posteriorly, hence in dorsal view appearing very short and strongly transverse, with the temples extremely short ; in frontal view slightly broader than high, unless abnormally collapsed after death. Edge of occiput, just behind the ocelli, rather sharp, probably not a post-mortem phenomenon. Eyes about 1-7 times as long as broad, some- times relatively longer owing to shrinkage of head, separated by about 1-25 times their length, rather sparsely pilose, the length of the hairs fully 1-5 times the diameter of the ocular facets. Ocelli in an obtuse-angled triangle, but this is not easy to see because of the collapse of the frons ; POL about equal to OOL. Malar space slightly less than half the length of aneye. Antennae (Text-fig. 276) with scape shorter than an eye, about six times as long as broad ; pedicellus in profile 1-7 to 1-8 times as long as broad, about as long as flagellar segments one to three together ; flagellum fusiform, with its first and second segments anelliform, transverse, about equal in length, but the second segment slightly broader than the first ; segments three to five subequal in length and breadth, slightly transverse, provided with sensilla ; clava about twice as long as broad, slightly longer than the three preceding flagellar segments together ; flagellum clothed with rather short hairs. Thorax depressed, the surfaces of the mesoscutum, scutellum, dorsellum, and propodeum all lying in virtually the same plane. Pronotum narrowing strongly forwards, somewhat shorter than the mesoscutum. Mesoscutum fully twice as broad as long, nearly flat, with delicate engraved (alutaceous) sculpture ; its mid lobe with six suberect bristles, four in an anterior transverse row and two posteriorly, occasionally a seventh bristle anteriorly. Scutellum about as broad as long, nearly flat, shiny, nearly smooth ; frenal groove weak or subobsolete ; six bristles present, two very near the front margin of the scutellum, two posteriorly, and one on each axillula. Dorsellum long, semicircular, smooth. Propodeum nearly horizontal, more than half as long as the scutellum, smooth, without a median carina ; spiracles circular, close to the metanotum ; callus with one to three bristles. Legs rather short and fairly stout ; hind tibia without a pecten. Fore wing slightly more than twice as long as broad ; lower surface of costal cell with scattered hairs in the distal half, upper surface with a row of eight to ten hairs in the distal third ; basal cell, on upper surface of wing, pilose in its distal third, on the lower surface of the wing with some hairs below the submarginal vein ; speculum on upper surface narrow but extending below the marginal vein for nearly half the length of the latter, on lower PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 351 surface of wing effaced by scattered hairs ; surface beyond the speculum rather thickly pilose throughout ; marginal vein 4:5 to 6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma moderate-sized, slightly longer than high ; postmarginal vein fairly distinct, nearly or just as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster oval, nearly as long as but slightly narrower than the thorax, sunken dorsally, not much compressed laterally, hence about as broad as high, carinate ventrally ; hypopygium very long, its tip situated at about five sixths the length of the gaster, or more ; tips of ovipositor sheaths just visible in profile but not projecting beyond the level of the apex of the last tergite. 6. Differs from the female as follows : Malar space half the length of aneye. Antennae (Text-fig. 275) with scape strongly swollen, only about twice as long as broad, as long as an eye, with a deep membrane-lined excavation in the upper part of its front surface, for the reception of the pedicellus ; pedicellus nearly as long as flagellar segments one to four, in profile about 2-5 times as long as broad, but flattened dorso- ventrally so that in dorsal view it appears only about 1-6 times as long as broad ; first flagellar segment subquadrate and slightly longer than the second segment, the latter slightly transverse, third segment subquadrate and about as long as the first ; fourth slightly larger than the third ; fifth distinctly longer than the fourth, quadrate or slightly longer than broad ; the fifth segment is provided with sensilla, the other segments lack them (there may be one sensillum on the fourth segment, but I am not quite sure). Thorax not quite so flattened, the dorsal surface being slightly arched and the scutellum weakly convex. Gaster oval, shorter than but almost as broad as the thorax, flattened dorso-ventrally. Holotype 9. CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Praha-Bohnice, 4.vili.1965 (Z. Boudcek), in National Museum, Prague. Paratypes. CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Bohemia, Kytin (Brdy), I 9, vii.1959 (J. Macek) ; Praha-Bohnice, I g, 4.vil.1965 (Z. Bouéek) ; Luka pod mednikem, I 9, 4.vil.1954 (Z. Boucek), in National Museum, Prague. ENGLAND : Oxfordshire, Otmoor, I g, 5.vi.1958, on a flower-head of Angelica sylvestris L. (Graham), in Graham collection. I have great pleasure in naming this species after my friend, Dr. Boucek. The female of bouceki differs from all the other described species of Pivene in having three of the flagellar segments provided with sensilla (in the other species at most two segments have sensilla) and in having the speculum of the fore wing nearly effaced on the lower surface of the wing, whilst on the upper surface it extends barely half way along the marginal vein (in the other species it is at most partly effaced on the lower surface, whilst on the upper surface it extends at least as a narrow bare strip below the marginal vein as far as the stigmal vein). The pecten of the hind tibia is not developed ; it is at least slightly developed in the other species. The male of bouceki differs from all the other described Pirene in its rudimentary speculum (as in the female) ; in having at most the first three flagellar segments slightly transverse, the other segments being subquadrate ; the clava distinctly shorter than the funicle ; the excision at the apex of the scape much larger than in any other species, extending more than one third down the scape. The pecten of the tibia is not developed. In all the other species, either the antennal scape is not swollen, or if strongly swollen, then the apical excision extends less than one third down the scape ; the clava is as long as or longer than the funicle : at least three of 352 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM the flagellar segments are quite strongly transverse ; and the pecten of the hind tibia is at least slightly developed. From Stenophrus compressus Forster, the new species differs in the characters given in the key ; also in its strongly flattened thorax, in having the ocelli disposed in an obtuse-angled triangle, and in lacking a pecten on the hind tibia. The male of bouceki also differs from compressus in having the eyes small and widely separated, remote from the ocelli, their facets of uniform size ; the scape strongly swollen, with a large distal excavation ; the proximal segments of the flagellum at most slightly transverse ; and the clava shorter than the funicle. The female of bouceki also differs from that of compressus in having shorter and less conspicuous hairs on the eyes. At first I thought that bowceki might be referred to Stenophrus, but now consider it better placed in Pivene. It must be admitted, however, that these two general are pretty close to one another. Biology. Unknown. PTEROMALINAE This is regarded as the central subfamily of Pteromalidae ; it is the largest, and includes a formidable number of genera. The other subfamilies are for the most part distinguished from it by more positive characters which are given in my key to subfamilies. Pteromalinae, however, show less positive characters, for which reason not attempt is made here to give a formal definition of the group. The main difficulty which the worker may encounter is that of distinguishing certain Miscogasterinae from Pteromalinae, because in such cases the characters given in the key are rather slight. The majority of Miscogasterinae have the notauli complete, though some- times superficial posteriorly. Most Pteromalinae have the notauli incomplete ; of the genera which have complete notauli, only four (Perniphora, Dorcatomophaga, Coruna, Platecrizotes) have them sharply impressed throughout, whilst in the others they are superficial posteriorly. Many Miscogasterinae have two distinct apical spurs on each hind tibia, whilst the majority of Pteromalinae have only one spur. In Miscogasterinae this character is correlated to some extent with absolute size, larger species having as a rule two spurs, small species only one ; most Sphegi- gasterini, however, have only one spur irrespective of size, whilst Micradelini, Termolampini and Pirenini also have one spur. Sphegigasterini have a conspicuous, distinctly sculptured gastral petiole, which is found in only a few genera of Pteromalinae. Micradelini, Termolampini, Pirenini, and nearly all Ormocerini have only 12 antennal segments, whilst nearly all Pteromalinae have 13 antennal segments. The various exceptions to the above general rules are allowed for in the keys and it is hoped that careful attention to the other characters used will ensure correct identi- fication in most cases. I have not found it practicable to divide Pteromalinae into tribes ; it may be possible to do so when the genera are surveyed on a wider basis. (4) (5) (6) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 353 KEY TO EUROPEAN GENERA (FEMALES) Brachypterous forms Macropterous forms c Antennal clava (Text-fig. 299) acute apically: with a Gieauael eens ; pro- podeum as long as or slightly longer than scutellum, with a large reticulate nucha which projects well beyond the bases of the hind coxae ; legs including coxae, and gaster more or less, reddish yellow. Antennae with three anelli and five funicular segments. Wing rudiments not project- ing beyond propodeal nucha, truncate apically CALLITULA Spinola (p. 458) Antennal clava obtuse or subobtuse apically. Propodeum sometimes shorter or without a distinct nucha. Coxae dark, or only gs ee ; gaster not pale-marked . : : 3 Propodeum only about half as tong as ssonteitian. its Lee cenveceuited merely by a lunate or triangular area which is weakly sculptured or smooth ; occiput not margined ; antennae with three anelli and five funicular segments é : . MERAPORUS Walker (p. 681) Propodeum longer fiat half ite scuttle, with a moderate-sized to large strongly reticulate nucha ; occiput margined except sometimes in small specimens ; antennae most often with two anelli and six funicular seg- ments : : ; : EUPTEROMALUS Kurdjumovy (p. 737) Flagellum (Text-fig. 284) aberrant, with a slightly curved finger-like process at the tip ; there are two anelli, followed by seven flagellar segments which are not clearly differentiated into funicle and clava ; marginal vein of fore wing very thick, only three to five times as long as broad RHAPHITELUS Walker (p. 420) Flagellum rarely with a terminal process, if so (Novbanus, Picroscytoides, Callitula, Homoporus) then the process (Text-figs. 299, 301) is pointed, and the flagellum is clearly differentiated into funicle and clava ; whilst except in some Homoporus, the marginal vein is not thickened . : 5 Antennae with funicle fuscous, clava white. Marginal vein of fore wine rather thick, about three times as long as the stigmal vein. Funicular segments subquadrate, or the distal ones slightly transverse ; clava three-segmented, not acute at apex. Propodeum shiny, nearly smooth NEANICA Erdés (p. 422) Antennae rarely with funicle dark and clava contrastingly pale. In such cases the clava is yellowish, and either the marginal vein is only slightly longer than the stigmal vein and the funicular segments are longer than broad ; or else the antennal clava is acutely pointed, and the propodeum distinctly sculptured . 6 Fore wing with marginal vein my GBexct figs. 285, 286, 323) cose er ily thick ened throughout, usually only three to five (occasionally six) times as long as broad, sometimes a little thicker at its apex than at its base. : 7 Fore wing with marginal vein either not or only slightly thickened, at least about seven times as long as broad ; or thickened only in its proximal half (Text-fig. 291) . 14 Antennae with first anellus somewhat longer than broad, longer than the second anellus ; clava, and sometimes distal segments of the funicle, yellow. Pronotum more or less, and all coxae, yellow. First tarsal segment of mid and hind legs very elongate, about nine times as long as broad and two fifths the length of the hind tibia. 354 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Shree ae ep eee Fics. 284-291. 284, Rhaphitelus maculatus Walker, 9, antenna ; 285, Homoporus chalcidt- phagus (Walsh & Riley), 9, fore wing venation ; 286, Pachyneuron formosum Walker, 9, fore wing venation ; 287, Perniphova robusta Ruschka, 9, head ; 288, Xiphydriophagus meyerinckit (Ratzeburg), 9, head; 289, Psilocera atva (Walker), 9, gaster; 290, Habritys brevicornis (Ratzeburg), 2, head ; 291, Muscidifurax raptor Girault & Sanders, 9, fore wing venation. 10 If 12 15 (11) (14) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Fore wing with a diffuse brown discal cloud which sometimes touches the marginal vein, the latter about five times as long as broad PANDELUS Féorster (p. Antennae with anelli more or less transverse ; clava not yellow. Pronotum and coxae usually dark, rarely more or less yellow. First tarsal segment of mid and hind tarsi almost always relatively shorter Fore wing with postmarginal vein at least slightly shorter than the marginal vein, and at most slightly longer than the stigmal vein ; post-spiracular sclerite, and dorsal surface of hind coxae, with some hairs ; notauli incomplete. Clypeus mainly reticulate . METACOLUS Forster (p. Fore wing with postmarginal vein nearly always at least slightly longer than, rarely only as long as, the marginal vein ; postspiracular sclerite, and dorsal surface of hind coxae, bare ; notauli complete or incomplete. Clypeus, except in some Homoporus, radiately strigose : Antennal clava acute or acuminate apically ; fore wing with a fuscous cloud below the marginal vein ; genae not sharp HOMOPORUS Thomson (p. Antennal clava not acute apically ; fore wing immaculate ; genae usually with a sharp edge : : : : A . ; Notauli complete, deep throughout ; gaster in dorsal view appearing clavate, its basal tergite narrow and nearly twice as long as broad ; speculum of fore wing, on lower surface of wing, more or less effaced by scattered hairs ; stigma moderately large ; anterior margin of clypeus angularly produced CORUNA Walker (p. Notauli either incomplete or, if complete, then superficial posteriorly ; gaster not clavate, the basal tergite in dorsal view not longer than broad ; speculum of fore wing not effaced ; stigma large or small ; clypeus often otherwise : : : 6 < 3 : - Mesopleuron entirely reticulate ; antennae inserted level with ventral edge of eyes ; pronotal collar not margined ; notauli sometimes complete. Antennal formula 11353 Mesopleuron with a smooth shiny triangular area below the base of the hind- wing ; antennae inserted at least slightly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; pronotal collar nearly always margined ; notauli in- complete. Antennal formula usually 11263 (11353 in some Pachyneuron) Gaster dorsally usually more or less sunken, or flat, discally ; if somewhat convex, then the anterior margin of the clypeus is produced and bluntly pointed medially : 5 . PACHYNEURON Walker (p. Gaster strongly convex dorsally. Anterior margin of clypeus gr Se ape medially, sometimes rather deeply so Apical margin of fore wing ciliate ; postmarginal vein n fally I°5 times as long as the stigmal vein . ; EUNEURA Walker (p. Apical margin of fore wing Bane ; mestndacetced vein less than 1:5 times as long as the stigmal vein Face just below level of antennal toruli with a conspicuous blunt crest on each side, the face below this strongly excavated ; a strong crest present be- tween the toruli ; head massive, though only slightly broader than thorax, with temples long ; pronotum large ; hind femora strongly swollen ; antennal formula 11353 (Central Asia) NIKOLSKAYANA Bouéek (p. Face without crests below antennal toruli, at most weakly excavated. The other characters not all present in combination Notauli traceable, at least as a superficial line, as far as the hind margin of the mesoscutum, but often distinctly and quite deeply impressed through- out : : 5 : ; 5 : : : PACHYCREPOIDEUS Ashmead (p. GYGAXIA Delucchi (p. 355 418) 444) 845) II 846) 12 830) 13 843) 845) 429) T5 16 356 U7] 18 20 21 (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) M. W. R. vpE V. GRAHAM Notauli not nearly reaching the hind margin of the mesoscutum . : 18 Marginal vein of fore wing rather abruptly thickened in its proximal half, much as in Muscidifurax (Text-fig. 291) ; antennae 11353, inserted at least slightly below the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; thorax much depressed, scutellum nearly flat . . PLATECRIZOTES Ferriére (p. 848) Marginal vein of fore wing thickening only slightly and gradually from apex to base ; either the antennal formula and insertion otherwise, or else thorax not depressed : 17 Frons (Text-fig. 287) with a strongly paiced crest berae the poeaeed scrobes ; face slightly concave ; hind tibia with two spurs, of which the outer one is short but very thick ; clypeus (Text-fig. 287) large, its anterior margin with a pair of large rounded lobes ; notauli distinctly impressed throughout ; hind femora strongly swollen, excluding the trochantellus, only about 2-5 times as long as broad ; antennae with two anelli and six funicular segments . : : : . PERNIPHORA Ruschka (p. 428) Frons with at most a weak crest between the antennal toruli ; hind tibia with only one (the innermost) apical spur ; anterior margin of clypeus of different form ; except in Dovcatomophaga, which sometimes has three anelli and five funicular segments, the notauli are very bgoe posteriorly and the hind femora are not so strongly swollen ; 18 Head massive, in dorsal view (Text-fig. 288) less than twice as broad as long, with the temples fully three quarters as long as the small eyes ; POL equal to OOL ; malar space three quarters the length of an eye ; mesopleuron wholly reticulate ; scrobes rather deep, with a crest or tubercle between the antennal toruli . : : XIPHYDRIOPHAGUS Ferriére (p. 426) Either the head is less massive or, if it approaches the above in form (Text-fig. 304) then POL is slightly greater than OOL ; the mesopleuron has a more or less smooth area below the base of the hind wing ; and either the temples are relatively shorter, or the scrobes are shallow without a crest or tubercle between the toruli : 19 Clypeus (Text-fig. 290) Bereiely eae “08 breadth tally, equal to me fee separating its lateral border from the adjacent eye, reticulate, its anterior margin not sinuate laterally but weakly emarginate over its whole breadth ; labrum partly visible ; POL slightly less than OOL ; antennae with three anelli and five funicular segments ; hind tibiae with two spurs, the second quite strong ; mesopleuron wholly reticulate HABRITYS Thomson (p. 427) Not having the above combination of characters. Clypeus nearly always relatively smaller, if approaching the above in size then it is more or less strigose with its anterior margin sinuate laterally, whilst the labrum is concealed, POL is not less than OOL, the antennae have two anelli and six funicular segments, and the hind tibiae have only one spur . 20 Ovipositor far exserted, the length of the exserted portion of its sheaine at least half that of the hind tibia ; antennae with three anelli and five funicular segments. : 171 Ovipositor sheaths rarely so far exceed if so ) thes ‘the antennae ee two anelli and six funicular segments. : 21 Gastral tergites one to five more or less, sometimes deeply, peced in the middle of their hind margin (Text-fig. 289) ; antennal clava (Text-figs. 339-341) with a large area of micropilosity ; flagellum more or less strongly clavate, either with two anelli and six funicular segments, or with three anelli and five funicular segments ; anterior margin of clypeus bidentate ; 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 357 propodeum with at least some trace of a transverse costula ; body bluish or bronze-black ; mandibles similar, both with three acute teeth PSILOCERA Walker (p. 462) Either at most the first gastral tergite is incised posteriorly ; or if the hind margin of some of the following tergites is slightly emarginate, then the antennal clava has only a small area of micropilosity, and the other characters do not all agree with the above . 22 Second flagellar segment large, quadrate, only slightly shorter flee the third, usually provided with sensilla ; marginal vein of fore wing thickened in its proximal half (Text-fig. 291) ; head protuberant at level of antennal toruli, face receding almost horizontally ; antennal scape very long, much longer than aneye . : MUSCIDIFURAX Girault & Saunders (p. 822) Second flagellar segment usually small and anelliform without sensilla ; if approaching the third segment in size, then the marginal vein of the fore- wing is not thickened : : : ; ; 23 Antennae with two anelli and six fueioulan Seementy ; : : : 24 Antennae with three anelli and five funicular segments. : 2 : 168 Postmarginal vein of fore wing (Text-figs. 293, 294, 296) approximately equal in length to, or even slightly shorter than, the stigmal vein. In most species either the gaster is subcircular, or else the apical margin of the fore wing lacks cilia at least over a short space between the postmarginal vein and the tip of the wing : c 25 Postmarginal vein of fore wing at least slightly longer than the shemal vein 38 Head compressed antero-posteriorly, hence appearing very transverse in dorsal view (2-2 to 2-3 times as broad as long ); thorax flattened, distinctly broader than high, hardly arched dorsally ; scutellum virtually flat in the longitudinal axis, broader than long, very shiny discally where its sculpture is obsolescent . c é . PLATNEPTIS Bouéek (p. 800) Head not so compressed, in dorsal view at most about twice as broad as long ; thorax more or less distinctly arched dorsally, if only weakly so then the scutellum is distinctly reticulate all over . “ : < : 26 Propodeum with a distinct, strongly reticulate nucha ; mesoscutum and scutellum with delicate, for the most part engraved, reticulation cf. NASONIA (p. 799) Propodeal nucha represented by a sublunate strip which is weakly sculptured, transversely aciculate, or with reticulation having areoles elongated in the transverse axis ; mesoscutum and scutellum having reticulation at least slightly raised above the general surface : 27 Marginal vein of fore wing (Text-fig. 292) 3:5 to 4 times as long as the here vein ; wing beyond the speculum, and especially below the marginal vein, densely pilose ; POL about twice OOL ; hind corners of propodeum pro- minent, almost dentiform. Antennae inserted below level of ventral edge of eyes ; flagellum slender, hardly stouter than the pedicellus. Gaster broad, subcircular . : STICHOCREPIS Forster (p. 822) Marginal vein of fore wing at ‘most three times as long as the stigmal vein ; if as much as three times, then the wing is less densely pilose below the marginal vein, POL is distinctly less than twice OOL, and the hind corners of the propodeum are not prominent, often also the gaster is ovate 28 Eyes with rather long and conspicuous hairs. Antennal flagellum strongly clavate ; clava ventrally with a large area of micropilosity which extends nearly to its base. Fore wing with basal cell more or less extensively pilose; speculum rather small, closed below; apical margin of wing ciliate. Occiput margined. Gaster subcircular DIGLOCHIS Forster (p. 782) M. W. R. vpE V. GRAHAM 358 TE re Pee 7% TD leisy “ib ayges M1 Ger 125 Fics. 292-298. 292, Stichocrepis arvmata Forster, 3, fore wing, part ; 293, Schizonotus latus (Walker), 2, fore wing ; 194, Dibvachys cavus (Walker), 2, fore wing, part ; 295, Cono- morium patulum (Walker), 2, pedicellus and proximal segments of flagellum ; 296, Erdoesina alboannulata (Ratzeburg), 9, fore wing ; 297, Tvichomalus posticus (Walker), 9, left hind coxa, profile ; 298, Habyrocytus musaeus (Walker), 9, left hind coxa, profile. ? 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (29) (34) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 359 Eyes bare or with relatively short inconspicuous pubescence. Antennal clava with a small area of micropilosity on its apical segment only. Except in some Tritneptis and Cyclogastrella, which have the occiput immarginate, the basal cell of the fore wing is bare or virtually so, and the speculum is larger and open below. Gaster sometimes pointed apically . 29 Fore wing (Text-fig. 293) with upper surface, just beyond the aude, with notably sparse pilosity : 30 Fore wing (Text-figs. 294, 296) : nae eaeeee beyond the manic. with ordinary, moderately dense or dense pilosity : 34 Fore wing (Text-fig. 293) with a broad bare strip below the mare vein, extending to the stigmal vein and broken by at most a few scattered hairs on the lower surface of the wing. Genae moderately to strongly com- pressed, usually sharp near the bases of the mandibles . . 31 Fore wing (Text-fig. 294) either without a bare strip below the qmarcinal vein, or else having one on the upper surface only, effaced on the lower surface by numerous hairs. Genae at most slightly compressed, not sharp : 35 Vertex, behind the ocelli, horizontal and nearly flat, forming a sharp abrupt edge with the occipital surface, which descends at about a right angle to the vertex. Gaster ovate, at least slightly pointed apically DIBRACHOIDES Kurdjumov (p. 814) Vertex curving over into the occiput and at most forming a vague ridge where the two surfaces join, but usually without a ridge. Gaster sub- circular, obtuse apically, not counting the ovipositor sheaths, which sometimes project very slightly . : 32 First funicular segment of antenna (Text-fig. Za) pabeomeal Bonstnieted in its proximal half, about as long as the second and third segments together ; anelli short and strongly transverse. Marginal vein of fore wing only 1-2 to 1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein . z CONOMORIUM Masi (p. 821) First funicular segment of antennae not constricted proximally, at most a little longer than the second segment ; anelli sometimes longer and less transverse. Marginal vein of fore wing 1-7 to 2 times as long as the oh vein. : 33 Head strongly protuberant at evel of patedaal toruli, ace receding strongly ; ; antennae inserted at or below level of ventral edge of eyes ; anelli large, at least the second anellus quadrate or only slightly transverse. Scutellar frenum not distinctly marked off, except sometimes at the sides KRANOPHORUS Graham (p. 819) Head not protuberant at level of toruli, face not receding strongly ; anten- nae inserted very slightly above level of ventral edge of eyes; anelli moderate-sized, both quite strongly transverse. Scutellar frenum marked off by a distinct impressed line. . SCHIZONOTUS Ratzeburg (p. 817) Antennae inserted at or even slightly below level of ventral edge of eyes. Fore wing usually immaculate, occasionally with a fuscous cloud in the middle ; apical margin nearly always bare at least between the end of the postmarginal vein and the tip of the wing, if not then the head is ie protuberant at the level of the antennal toruli : : 35 Antennae inserted at least slightly above level of ventral edge of eyes. Fore wing usually with a fuscous cloud below the marginal vein ; apical margin ciliate throughout. Head slightly to moderately arian at level of antennal toruli A 37 Vertex separated from the occipital surface by a aera carina, at least in the middle. 360 37 38 39 40 41 (35) (24) (38) (39) (40) M. W. R. pDE V. GRAHAM Gaster varying from almost circular to sublanceolate DIBRACHYS Forster (p. 804) Vertex not separated from the occipital surface by a carina : : < 36 Gaster usually ovate and distinctly pointed or acute apically ; if sub- circular and hardly pointed, then slightly longer than the thorax TRITNEPTIS Girault (p. 801) Gaster broad and circular, obtuse apically, at least slightly shorter than the thorax . : CYCLOGASTRELLA Bukovskij (p. 796) First funicular sacmee? of antenna (Text-figs. 651, 652) long and slightly constricted in its proximal half, much longer than any of the other seg- ments. Propodeum with plicae complete or nearly so, costula sometimes indicated. Gaster ovate, pointed apically. Fore wing with only moder- ately dense pilosity below the marginal vein ARTHROLYTUS Thomson (p. 789) First funicular segment of antenna (Text-fig. 656) short, subquadrate, subequal in length to each of the following segments. Propodeum (Text- fig. 657) without plicae or costula. Gaster subcircular. Fore wing (Text- fig. 296) with very dense pilosity below the marginal vein ERDOESINA Graham (p. 796) Antennae inserted below the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; head protuberant at level of antennal toruli, the face receding strongly relative to the frons ; postmarginal vein of fore wing only slightly longer than the stigmal vein ; gaster subcircular. F 27 If the antennae are inserted below the level oe the veut edge of the eyes and at the same time the front of the head is protuberant, then the post- marginal vein of the fore wing is much longer than the stigmal vein . : 39 Gaster with a pale transverse band near the base ; basal cell of fore wing pilose over at least its distal half ; pronotal collar rounded off in front ; mesoscutum with numerous shallow but distinct piliferous punctures visible amongst the reticulation ; hind corners of propodeum appearing sharp in dorsal view ; hind tibiae with two apical spurs DIMACHUS Thomson (p. 823) Not having the above combination of characters : : 40 Clypeus shiny, its anterior margin with a median tooth or (angulation two bristles of each gastral pygostyle much longer than the others ; meso- scutal notauli usually traceable to hind margin, though very superficial posteriorly ; pronotal collar rounded off in front ; marginal vein of fore wing tending to be somewhat thickened towards the base HEMITRICMHUS Thomson (p. 826) Anterior margin of clypeus rarely with a median tooth or angulation, if so then the bristles of the gastral pygostyles are subequal in length and relatively shorter, the notauli are incomplete, the pronotal collar is some- times margined, whilst the marginal vein of the fore wing is not obviously thickened : é : 41 Mesoscutal notauli RS ana sharply empeced iunonebout! Hind cor- ners of propodeum as seen in dorsal view sharp, rectangular or acute, the propodeal callus slightly ridged longitudinally. Gaster alutaceous all over. Pronotal collar rounded off in front. Marginal vein of fore wing about 2-5 times as long as the stigmal vein DORCATOMOPHAGA Kryger (p. 828) Notauli almost always incomplete and reaching at most somewhat more than half way across the mesoscutum ; very rarely traceable to its hind margin but then very superficial posteriorly, and the other characters not all agreeing with the above . é : . : : é é : 42 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 (41) PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 361 One or two bristles of each pygostyle (Text-figs. 344, 349) much ae than the others (only a few species have this character) . : 43 Pygostylar bristles subequal in length, paca shorter than in fie. Shove (the majority of species) . , ‘ ; 44 Pronotal collar rounded off in front ; gaster not Fie Seamed : hana’ ¢ corners of propodeum in dorsal view appearing prominent, rectangular or acute, the callus with a longitudinal ridge (Text-fig. 313). Fore wing immaculate. Propodeum with a distinct, reticulate nucha, usually also with at least some trace of a costula ; ; : LARIOPHAGUS Crawford (p. 823) Either the pronotal collar is sharply margined ; or the gaster is more or less extensively red basally. Hind corners of propodeum in dorsal view rounded, not prominent, callus without a longitudinal eo Fore wing sometimes with fuscous markings : : : 44 Occiput finely to sharply margined at least medially (care is tested: as saben the margin is fine it might be overlooked) . - ; ; ; é 45 Occiput not margined . ; : ; 51 Vertex curving over strongly into the cena Sue eee the obnipital carina at least slightly nearer to the foramen magnum than to the hind ocelli. Propodeum most often with a distinct and strongly reticulate nucha. é 46 Vertex forming a rather abrupt edge with the occipital surface, the transverse ridge which separates them (Text-figs. 437, 438, 440) quite near the hind ocelli ; propodeal nucha represented merely by a narrow, weakly sculp- tured, transverse strip (some Holcaeus) . : ; 80 Antennal clava ventrally with a large area of pietaniene: which otends nearly to its base ; flagellum strongly clavate ; postmarginal vein of fore wing at most slightly longer than the stigmal vein ; gaster subcircular, obtuse apically ; propodeum with nucha not well developed ; eyes with rather long and conspicuous hairs : : DIGLOCHIS Forster (p. 782) Antennal clava with only a small area of micropilosity on its third segment ; postmarginal vein usually distinctly, rarely only slightly, longer than the stigmal vein ; gaster ovate to sublanceolate, pointed apically ; propodeum with a well-developed, often large, reticulate nucha s : : 47 Fore wing almost wholly pilose, the speculum absent or small. Eyes with rather long and conspicuous hairs , F UROLEPIS Walker (p. 780) Fore wing with a large speculum ; basal cell at least partly bare. Eyes with less conspicuous hairs, sometimes virtually bare . , 48 Face es strongly towards the oral cavity and forming an angle of only about 110° with the frons, as seen in profile ; mesoscutum and scutellum, at least mainly, with delicate engraved reticulation NASONIA Ashmead (p. 779) Face receding less strongly and forming a more obtuse angle, usually about 130° with the frons ; reticulation of mesoscutum and scutellum at least very slightly raised above the general surface z : : : : 49 Hind coxae with some hairs dorsally in the proximal half. Fore wing basally with a band of fine hairs just above the anal margin, on lower surface of wing. Anterior margin of clypeus virtually truncate GYRINOPHAGUS Ruschka (p. 777) Hind coxae bare dorsally. Fore wing lacking the above band of hairs. Anterior margin of clypeus usually more or less emarginate . 50 Thorax not or hardly broader than high, distinctly arched eee in the long axis. Head in dorsal view with temples at least one fifth as long ASTCY. ES ams : : : c EUPTEROMALUS Kurdjumov (p. 737) 362 51 52 53 54 55 56 (51) (52) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Thorax obviously broader than high, only weakly arched dorsally. Head in dorsal view strongly transverse, about 2-3 times as broad as its maximum length, with temples extremely short, hardly one eighth as long as eyes PLATYPTEROMALUS Boukek (p. 737) Dorsal surface of hind coxae more or less hairy proximally (Text-fig. 297). Basal tergite of gaster often more or less pope a oat hairy ac ae ; propodeal callus often densely pilose : Dorsal surface of hind coxae bare in its basal hale (Text- fig. Zan Basal tergite of gaster most often with few hairs Antennal clava, ventrally, with a line of micropilosity which extends Eee its whole length ; the sutures of the clava oblique as seen in profile. Segments of funicle, except sometimes sixth, longer than broad, each with sensilla arranged in at least two rows. Propodeum moderately long, reticulate ; nucha not distinctly developed ; costula more or less indicated 52 59 APELIOMA Delucchi (p. 582) Antennal clava with only a small area of micropilosity on the ventral surface of its third segment ; sutures of the clava not oblique. Segments of funicle often shorter, or with sensilla in one row. Propodeum often with a well- -developed nucha : Stigma of fore wing (see Text-fig. 324) anne. euler Semounded oy a Esuors cloud ; nucha of propodeum not developed, represented only by a ridge, or a transverse lunate strip which is defined anteriorly by a sharp edge and is at most weakly aciculate. Clypeus reticulate, without or with at most a few striae : : ; : : : ; : é Stigma of fore wing smaller ; nucha of propodeum often developed. a often radiately strigose Marginal vein of fore wing Slightly shorter than, or ae most as ‘long as, the stigmal vein ; hind tibia with two distinct spurs ; pronotal collar not margined ; clypeus mainly reticulate, its anterior margin with two rounded lobes between which there is a deep incision. Propodeal nucha represented only by a transverse ridge. Disc of fore wing often infumate, or with two 53 205 54 fuscous clouds . : : : CAENOCREPIS Thomson (p. 429) Marginal vein at least very slightly longer than the stigmal vein ; hind tibia with one spur; pronotal collar often margined ; clypeus often mainly to wholly striate, its anterior margin often shallowly emarginate ; propodeum often with nucha developed : Nucha of propodeum not developed, represented merely e a ieee strip which is tranversely aciculate or smooth, and defined anteriorly by a sharp edge ; clypeus mainly reticulate, without or with at most weak traces of striation, its anterior margin often incised medially, or bidentate. Pro- podeum with at most about four hairs between the plica and the spiracular sulcus. Both mandibles with three teeth Nucha of propodeum most often developed and ieaenete. sometimes large, strongly reticulate, and not sharply defined anteriorly ; if poorly developed, then the clypeus is mainly or entirely striate and its anterior margin is at most weakly emarginate, or the propodeum has a conspicuous tuft of whitish hairs between the plica and the spiracular sulcus. At least the right mandible with four teeth : Sides of propodeum extremely hairy, the wiles extending over the whole callus, except just mesad of the spiracles, and supracoxal flange, also encroaching upon the median area ; hind corners of propodeum dentate. Basal tergite of gaster not conspicuously hairy laterally 55 205 56 PEZILEPSIS Delucchi (p. 782) Si 58 59 60 61 62 (51) (59) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 363 Sides of propodeum never so extensively hairy, the pilosity not encroaching upon the median area ; if the pilosity covers nearly the whole of the callus, then the basal tergite of the gaster is conspicuously hairy laterally, Hind corners of propodeum not dentate ; 57 Both mandibles with four teeth ; pronotal rat Bd ere Bae shay nd very regularly margined throughout anteriorly. Sides of basal tergite of gaster with a conspicuous or fairly conspicuous patch of whitish hairs TRICHOMALUS Thomson (p. 707) Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four ; either the pronotal collar is not distinctly margined or else the sides of the basal segment of the gaster have only an inconspicuous patch of hairs . : 58 Head in dorsal view less transverse (1-9 to 2-1 times as broad as long) - temples from one quarter to three quarters as long as eyes ; fore wing usually with brownish cloud or clouds. Propodeum with a large, strongly reticulate nucha, often also with a costula. Sides of basal tergite of gaster with a relatively inconspicuous patch of hairs SPANIOPUS Walker (p. 702) Head in dorsal view more transverse (2:2 to 2:5 times as broad as long) ; temples one eighth to one quarter as long as eyes ; fore wing immaculate. Either the propodeal nucha is narrow and very weakly sculptured, or there is no costula. Sides of basal tergite of gaster with a conspicuous patch of whitish hairs. : . PERIDESMIA Forster (p. 701) Tip of antennal clava aante or p (Text- figs. 299-301) with a pointed stylus. 60 Tip of antennal clava obtuse or only bluntly pointed ; : , é 62 Postspiracular sclerite visible only as a small subequilateral and weakly- sculptured triangle just in front of the tegula (cf. Text-fig. 318) ; head and thorax with rather conspicuous whitish hairs ; hind tibia with two spurs, but the second spur is weak, only about half as long as the first one : 195 Postspiracular sclerite larger, reticulate, forming a triangle which is higher than broad and descends well ventrad (cf. Text-fig. 20) ; head and thorax often with brownish hairs, if the hairs are whitish then they are relatively inconspicuous ; hind tibia with one spur. : ; : ; : 61 Gaster subcylindrical, convex dorsally, metallic ; fourth abdominal tergite shorter than the fifth, the latter shorter than the sixth ; fore wings immaculate, the marginal vein about 2-3 times as long as the stigmal vein MERISUS Walker (p. 443) Gaster usually more or less flattened or sunken dorsally ; if convex then more ovate in outline with abdominal tergites four, five and six equal or sub- equal in length, and fore wing with a fuscous cloud below the marginal vein. Marginal vein 1 to 2-2 times as long as the stigmal vein ; if as much as twice the stigmal vein, then the gaster is sunken dorsally and is more or less yellow : . HOMOPORUS Thomson (p. 444) Distal half or more of Bacal cell in tore wing pilose ; gaster (Text-fig. 349) more or less extensively red at the base, and one bristle of each pygostyle much longer than the others ; funicular segments, except the first and second, not longer than broad, most often transverse ; anterior margin of clypeus incised medially ; fore wing usually with fuscous markings ERYTHROMALUS Graham (p. 468) If the basal cell of the fore wing is so extensively pilose and the gaster is also more or less red, then the pygostylar bristles are subequal in length and relatively short, all the funicular segments are longer than broad, the anterior margin of the clypeus is shallowly emarginate, and the fore wings are immaculate : é : ‘ 5 : 4 : : : 63 364 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 79 (62) (63) (64) (65) (64) (67) (68) (69) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Gaster (Text-fig. 344) having two bristles of each pygostyle about twice as long as the others. Pronotal collar sharply margined anteriorly. Pro- podeum with a moderate-sized reticulate nucha. Gaster not pale-marked. Anterior margin of clypeus weakly emarginate. Fore wing immaculate CALLIPRYMNA Graham (p. 467) In most species the pygostylar bristles are subequal in length and relatively short ; but if one or two are somewhat longer than the others, then the pronotal collar is rounded off anteriorly and the propodeal nucha is represented merely by a narrow weakly sculptured strip : : 64 Antennae inserted very high, their toruli at least slightly nearer to the sedioe ocellus than to the anterior margin of the clypeus ; scape usually reaching above level of vertex. Propodeal nucha represented merely by a lunate, smooth or transversely-aciculate strip . : 65 Antennae inserted at a lower level, their toruli ener neg Heoteen me median ocellus and the anterior margin of the clypeus, or nearer to the latter é : ‘ ‘ : j 3 ; : : 67 Small (1-2 to I- ear mm.) spesies with thorax only about 1-5 times as long as broad, mesoscutum nearly twice as broad as long, pronotum appearing very short in dorsal view ; head and thorax bronze- or bluish black ; anten- nal toruli distinctly nearer to the median ocellus than to the anterior mar- gin of the clypeus, the latter with or without a median tooth APSILOCERA Bouéek (p. 696) Larger species with thorax 1-8 to 2 times as long as broad, mesoscutum much less transverse, pronotum appearing longer in dorsal view; thorax, and usually head, bright green to blue ; antennal toruli only slightly nearer to the median ocellus than to the anterior margin of the clypeus : 66 Anterior margin of clypeus with a median tooth or tubercle, sometimes also (Text-fig. 468) with an angular protection on either side of it STENOMALINA Ghesquiere (p. 600) Anterior margin of clypeus without a median tooth or tubercle CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. 611) Anterior margin of clypeus with a median tooth or tubercle, sometimes also (Text-fig. 468) with an angular protection on either side of it : : : 68 Anterior margin of clypeus without a median tooth or tubercle ; truncate, emarginate, or bidentate 69 Propodeum with nucha represented only on a narrow, + ReRSTSE = sean or smooth strip which is sharply-defined in front ; genae not projecting below level of anterior margin of clypeus, the latter nearly always with an angular projection (Text-fig. 468) on either side of the median tooth STENOMALINA Ghesquiére (p. 600) Propodeum with nucha large, occupying about half the length of the propodeum, strongly reticulate, not sharply-defined in front; genae projecting at least slightly below level of anterior margin of clypeus, the latter with a median tooth only (some Rohatina) . 69 Antennae inserted very low down ; the lower edge of their orale at or slightly below the level of the ventral edge of the eyes . 70 Antennae inserted higher ; the lower edge of their toruli at rea a little above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes. 73 Postmarginal vein of fore wing ie very siastioas (up to 1-2 times) a as long as the stigmal vein . 71 Postmarginal vein of fore ine more than 1-2 (panes as long as ‘the peiguaal vein. c : < = : : 2 : : : < : 72 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 365 302 () \ last tergite 304 Figs. 299-309. 299, Callitula bicolor Spinola, 9, antennal clava ; 300, Merisus splendidus Walker, 9, antennal clava ; 301, Norbanus scabriculus (Nees), 9, antennal clava ; 302, Catolaccus ater (Ratzeburg), 2, head ; 303, Heteroprymna longicornis (Walker), 9, head, profile ; 304, Gbelcia crassiceps Bouéek, 2, head; 305, Endomychobius endomychi (Walker), 9, head ; 306, Tomicobia promulus (Walker), 9, gaster, caudal view ; 307, Hobbya stenonota (Ratzeburg), 2, head ; 308, Psychophagus omnivorus (Walker), 9, fore wing venation ; 309, Arthrolytus (Anarthrolytus) ocellus (Walker), 9, fore wing venation. 366 71 72 73 74 75 76 (70) (72) M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Head distinctly protuberant at level of antennal toruli, face receding ; postmarginal vein of fore wing at most slightly more than half as long as the marginal vein, wing immaculate with its apical margin nearly always bare, at least between the tip of the postmarginal vein and the tip of the wing ; first funicular segment much shorter than the pedicellus TRITNEPTIS Girault (p. 801) If the head is protuberant at the level of the antennal toruli, then the post- marginal vein of the fore wing is much more than half as long as the marginal vein ; and either the fore wing is maculate, or the apical margin is ciliate throughout, or the first funicular segment is not shorter than the pedicellus ; 72 Antennae (Text-fig. oe) wiih fawelaes Senden peoviciaili hardy stotiter than the pedicellus, with the proximal funicular segments longer than broad ; scape distinctly longer than an eye ; clava as long as the three preceding funicular segments together. Head (Text-fig. 303) slightly protuberant at level of toruli. Postmarginal vein of fore wing about as long as the marginal vein ; : . HETEROPRYMNA Graham (p. 697) Antennae different in form ; either the flagellum is stouter or has shorter segments, or the scape is not longer than an eye, or the clava is relatively shorter. Most often the head is not protuberent at the level of the toruli. Postmarginal vein sometimes shorter than the marginal vein . : 73 Gena, above base of mandible, with a large hollow, which extends about one third to half way to the eye (Text-fig. 302). Either the gastral petiole is lon- ger than broad, nearly as long as the propodeum ; or the pronotal collar is sharply and regularly margined anteriorly ; or else the fore wing virtually lacks a speculum . : ‘ : 74 Gena usually without a hollow, if a S57 sual one is fier (Capellia, Spilomalus, some Pteyomalus) then the gastral petiole is as broad as long and shorter than the propodeum, the pronotal collar is usually weakly and irregularly margined, and the fore wing has a large speculum . : 79 Fore wing without a speculum or with at most a very narrow bare strip just outside the basal vein. Pronotal collar not margined but somewhat roun- ded off anteriorly. Petiole of gaster transverse. Head in front view (Text-fig. 302). Mandibles similar, both with four teeth, of which the second is smaller than the others and approximated to the third CATOLACCUS Thomson (p. 467) Fore wing with a moderate-sized to large speculum. Pronotal collar usually sharply and regularly margined anteriorly. if immarginate then gastral petiole longer than broad. Head of different form. Mandibles most often otherwise ; ; : 75 Pronotal collar not margined, as cee angles hee promiener petiole of gaster fully 1-5 times as long as broad, nearly as long as the propodeum, lightly reticulate, its sides nearly parallel ; all funicular segments, except sometimes the first, transverse EURYDINOTA Forster (p. 474) Pronotal collar sharply margined anteriorly, its lateral angles not prominent. Petiole of gaster usually shorter than the propodeum and not longer than broad, if approaching the above in length and shape, then smooth, and the funicular segments not distinctly transverse , 76 Gaster (Text-fig. 463) lanceolate, acuminate, much foment has Peed Sus thorax ; last tergite much longer than its basal breadth. Proximal seg- ments of funicle longer than broad. Marginal vein of fore wing (Text-fig. 467) fully twice as long as the stigmal vein. Nucha of propodeum not developed d : : 4 ¢ LONCHETRON Graham (p. 596) 78 79 80 81 (76) (73) (79) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 367 Gaster ovate to subcircular, not or hardly longer than the thorax ; last tergite at most very aie longer than its basal breadth, but often trans- verse : | Antennal — (Text- fig. ikea) tenis Gplimeltica, “vit all finietiian seg- ments, except sometimes the sixth, longer than broad, each of these seg- ments with at least two rows of sensilla, often three ; marginal vein of fore wing (Text-figs. 351, 353) at most 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein, basal cell pilose at least distally. Gaster at most slightly longer than broad, bluntly pointed apically with the ovipositor sheaths projecting very slightly (Text-fig. 352). Mandibles similar ; both with four acute teeth, of which the third and fourth are smaller and approximated CAPELLIA Delucchi (p. 475) Antennal flagellum shorter, usually more or less clavate, with funicular segments not or hardly longer than broad, each of them with only one row of sensilla ; marginal vein of fore wing 1-7 to 2 times as long as the stigmal vein ; basal cell often bare except for a row of hairs in the basal vein. Mandibles either not both four-dentate ; or if so, then their third and fourth teeth are not approximated : ; 78 Anterior margin of clypeus produced, and distinctly emarginate medially : : propodeal spiracles touching the metanotum and partly hidden beneath its hind margin ; medially the propodeum is produced well beyond the bases of the hind coxae, and has a convex nucha which is reticulate in front but has a more weakly sculptured lunate posterior strip ; gaster ovate, acutely pointed apically, the last tergite about as long as its basal breadth ; ovipositor sheaths projecting slightly VRESTOVIA Bouéek (p. 828) Anterior margin of clypeus hardly produced, truncate or very broadly and shallowly emarginate (Text-fig. 457) ; propodeal spiracles separated by about their own length from hind margin of metanotum ; propodeum medially produced only slightly beyond bases of hind coxae, nucha represented only by a transversely lunate, weakly sculptured strip ; gaster oval or elliptic, obtuse apically, the last tergite very short and transverse ; ovipositor sheaths concealed (Text-figs. 459, 461) KALEVA Graham (p. 596) Gaster (Text-figs. 436, 451) with last tergite in dorsal view, not counting its extreme basal portion, linear or sublinear, much longer than broad . : 80 Gaster with last tergite in dorsal view, if longer than broad, triangular. : 81 Vertex (Text-figs. 437, 438, 440) with a transverse ridge behind the ocelli. Antennal clava (Text-fig. 439) as long as the three preceding funicular segments together, ventrally with a long band of micropilosity, the clava seen in profile having its sutures oblique ‘ HOLCAEUS Thomson (p. 584) Vertex (Text-fig. 451) without a ridge behind the ocelli. Antennal clava shorter than the three preceding funicular segments together, with only a small area of micropilosity on its third segment, in profile having its sutures not oblique ‘ F . EULONCHETRON Graham (p. 599) The edge of the gena, pocdeniae the oral fossa, is raised to form a flange which is often tuberculate medially (Text-figs. 572, 573) ; genae projecting slightly to very distinctly below level of anterior margin of clypeus, the latter slightly produced forwards in the middle and occasionally with a small median tooth ; propodeum with a large reticulate nucha ROHATINA Bouéek (p. 700) Edge of the gena not thus flanged ; or with at most a very weak flange, in which case the genae do not project ventrad of the clypeal margin, whilst the latter is emarginate medially. : : ; . : : : 82 368 83 84 85 86 87 (81) (82) (84) (85) (86) M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM Head thick, in dorsal view (Text-fig. 304) less than twice as broad as its maximum length ; marginal vein of fore wing 2-3 to 2-6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; propodeum with a moderately large, reticulate nucha ; flagellum short, all funicular segments transverse GBELCIA Bouéek (p. 699) If the head is comparably thick and also the marginal vein is more than twice as long as the stigmal vein, then the propodeal nucha is nae merely by a narrow transversely-aciculate strip . : 83 Gaster, not counting the ovipositor sheaths, if visible, ee or at its apex obtuse, and with the last tergite shorter than its basal breadth, some- times so short as to be hardly visible, in one genus turned downwards, so as to be visible only from behind ; ovipositor sheaths hardly or only just reaching tip of last tergite and so invisible in dorsal view. : : : 84 Gaster ovate to lanceolate, distinctly pointed apically, sometimes acuminate ; tips of ovipositor sheaths normally projecting at least very slightly beyond tip of last tergite and so visible in dorsal view. : : 90 Mesopleuron wholly reticulate ; gena with a small hollow above Bake of mandible ; head in front view (Text-fig. 457) narrowing strongly towards the mouth, mandibles large and falcate ; all funicular segments transverse KALEVA Graham (p. 596) Mesopleuron most often with a mainly to entirely smooth subtriangular area below the base of the hind wing ; if this area is at all extensively reticulate, then the gena lacks a hollow, the head is not narrowed towards the mouth, the mandibles are smaller, and the funicular segments are not transverse 85 Gena with a small hollow above base of mandible ; flagellum (Text-fig. 354) cylindrical, all funicular segments except sometimes the sixth longer than broad, each of these segments with at least two rows of sensilla, often with three : j 5 : CAPELLIA Delucchi (p. 475) Gena without a pallor: At tesa femontar segments five and six quadrate to transverse ; flagellum often slightly clavate, funicular ‘ei some- times with only one row of sensilla : ; 86 Head (Text-fig. 305) : oral fossa small, its breadth only Shen 1°5 times the malar space ; genae converging strongly ; both mandibles with four teeth, the two middle ones approximated ; anterior margin of clypeus slightly curved forward. Propodeum with a small reticulate nucha. Petiole and base of gaster often testaceous. All or most of the funicular segments transverse : : ENDOMYCHOBIUS Ashmead (p. 470) Oral fossa larger, its breadth twig or more than twice the malar space ; genae more or less buccate. Left mandible, or both mandibles, with three teeth, none of the teeth approximated. Anterior margin of clypeus emarginate or truncate. Propodeum without a distinct nucha. Petiole and gaster usually dark, rarely a little pale 87 Last tergite of gaster (Text-fig. 306) earned downwards at eee a right sree to the preceding tergite, so as to be nearly vertical ; ovipositor sheaths, visible only from behind, stout. Pronotal collar not margined. Post- marginal vein at least a little shorter than the marginal vein TOMICOBIA Ashmead (p. 784) Last tergite of gaster not turned abruptly downwards, but if sloping some- what steeply then the pronotal collar is sharply margined ‘ ; 88 Postmarginal vein of fore wing distinctly shorter than the marginal vein. Pronotal collar sharply margined except just at the sides. Usually both mandibles have three teeth, occasionally the right mandible has four, or both have four . : : : : . DIRHICNUS Thomson (p. 787) 89 go QI 92 95 (91) (94) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 369 Postmarginal vein of fore wing about as long as, or even a little longer than, the marginal vein. Pronotal collar at most weakly margined in the middle. Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four : 89 Anterior margin of clypeus deeply emarginate, almost incised, medially. Scutellum more shiny, its sculpture not distinctly raised, or even mainly engraved. Fore wing (Text-fig. 308): stigmal vein strongly curved. Antennal funicle subcylindric ; the clava a little broader than the funicle PSYCHOPHAGUS Mayr (p. 473) Anterior margin of clypeus shallowly emarginate, almost truncate. Scutel- lum duller, its sculpture distinctly raised above the general surface. Fore wing : stigmal vein nearly straight. Antennal funicle thickening slightly distad, the flagellum therefore slightly clavate CHLOROCY TUS Graham (p. 611) Hind tibia with two distinct apical spurs : : : - : 91 Hind tibia with only one apical spur : : vee : : 92 Fore wing either with two fuscous clouds present ; or else the marginal vein shorter than, or at most as long as, the stigmal vein. Pronotal collar not margined, rounded off into the neck region. Propodeal nucha not developed. Clypeus reticulate, without or with at most a few indistinct striae. Fore and hind femora more or less swollen : 204 Fore wing hyaline or faintly greyish ; marginal vein at least slightly Neneer than the stigmal vein. Either the pronotal collar is margined, or else the propodeum has a nucha. Clypeus mainly to entirely striate 92 Clypeus (Text-fig. 307) with coarse radiating striae which extend well on me genae and face ; marginal vein of fore wing twice, or slightly more than twice, as long as the stigmal vein, postmarginal vein much shorter than the marginal ; propodeal nucha represented merely by a narrow, transversely- aciculate to smooth strip ; pronotal collar long, medially one fifth length of mesoscutum or slightly more, finely but sharply margined except at the sides. Antennal scrobes rather deep . HOBBYA Delucchi (p. 596) Striae of clypeus when present nearly always finer and hardly extending on to the genae or face ; if they do extend up somewhat more, then the mar- ginal vein of the fore wing is less than twice as long as the stigmal vein and/or the propodeum has a large reticulate nucha. 93 Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-figs. 361, 393, 528) deeply incised medially or bidentate. 94 Anterior margin of clypeus not deeply incised : at most moderately emar- ginate as in Text-fig. 526 ; sometimes with a ‘median tooth . ; 102 Propodeum (Text-fig. 360) with a reticulate nucha which occupies nearly half of its length and is not sharply-defined anteriorly ; plicae absent. Fore wing (Text-fig. 359) most often with two fuscous clouds, one below the stigma, the other below the proximal part of the marginal vein. Clypeus striate . : : . SPILOMALUS Graham (p. 479) Propodeal nucha represented merely by a lunate strip which is weakly sculptured or smooth, and is usually defined anteriorly by a sharp edge. Fore wing often immaculate, if with fuscous clouds then the clypeus is mainly reticulate ‘ 95 Antennae inserted low down, the lower edge of the toruli not or hardly sens the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; marginal vein of forewing 2 to 2-25 times as long as the stigmal vein. Body green ; antennae and legs mainly yellowish. Median area of propodeum shiny, at most weakly sculptured ; spiracular sulci extremely shallow and smooth MESOPOLOBUS Westwood (p. 638) 37° 96 97 98 99 100 Io! 102 (95) (97) (98) (93) M. W. R. vpE V. GRAHAM Lower edge of antennal toruli distinctly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; marginal vein of forewing usually 1-2 to 1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein, if twice as long then the median area of the propodeum is distinctly reticulate . ‘ 4 : ; ; : 96 Clypeus reticulate, except somichines at thie sie Fore wing usually with a fuscous cloud, either below the stigma or below the proximal part of the marginal vein . . : 205 Clypeus mainly to entirely anes the Saee pometines extending slightly up the face and genae_ . 97 Pronotal collar either jemaen erates or at eee eel peeenaedl over its middle third ; medially one seventh to one sixth as long as the meso- scutum. Propodean medially one third as long as the scutellum or slightly more, its median area smooth or weakly sculptured, without or with a weak costula ; spiracles long-oval, nearly touching the metanotum HABROCYTUS Thomson (p. 494) Pronotal collar sharply margined throughout except sometimes just at the sides ; medially sometimes much less than one seventh as long as the mesoscutum. Propodeum sometimes different in Hee or ie he its spiracles sometimes smaller : 98 Propodeum short, medially from slightly fess than one quarter, to one ae) as long as the scutellum . ; : ; : 99 Propodeum longer, about half as long as the scutellum : . 100 Basal cell of fore wing with hairs scattered over its distal half or more ; wing beyond the speculum with dense pilosity 3 IOI Basal cell of fore wing, not counting hairs on basal vein, bare or with a oe a few hairs distally ; wing beyond speculum with pilosity less dense CECIDOSTIBA Thomson (p. 564) Propodeum (Text-fig. 356) with petiolar foramen deeply, semicircularly excised ; costula absent. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-5 to 2 times as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma small. Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 355) with two curved lobes between which there is a narrow incision. Hind tibia with two apical spurs MOKRZECKIA Mokrzecki (p. 478) Propodeum with petiolar foramen only shallowly excised ; costula often present. Fore wing with marginal vein hardly 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma rather large, its height about half the distance between its upper edge and the costal margin of the wing. Anterior margin of clypeus with a broader incision, its lobes often pointed. Hind tibia usually with one spur (if two, the second weak) . : : : 101 Either the distal half of the basal cell in the fore wing is hairy ; or else the propodeum has a strong costula and the panels of its median area are shiny and have little if any fine reticulation, though some coarser wrinkles may be present . : - . CAENACIS Forster (p. 569) Basal cell of fore wing bare or with at ones a very fon isolated hairs distally ; median area of propodeum relatively dull, finely and nearly uniformly reticulate, the costula tending to be weak or even absent DINOTOIDES Bouéek (p. 571) Antenna (Text-figs. 651, 652) with first funicular segment elongate, slightly constricted in its proximal half, longer than the pedicellus and much longer than any of the other funicular segments ; clava very short, at most about 1-5 times as long as broad, asymmetrical. Fore wing usually with a fuscous cloud below the marginal vein. Propodeal nucha represented merely by a lunate strip which is weakly sculptured or smooth ; propodeum often with some indication of a costula ‘ ARTHROLYTUS Thomson (p. 789) 103 (102) 104 (103) 105 (104) 106 (105) 107 (106) 108 (105) 10g (108) TIO (100) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 371 First funicular segment of antenna not constricted proximally, often rela- tively short ; clava often relatively longer. When the fore wing is maculate, then the marking usually consists of a cloud around or below the stigmal vein ; but if there is a single cloud below the marginal vein, then the first funicular segment of the antenna is nearly always shorter than the pedicellus . : ; : 2 : : . 103 Fore wing with infumate cloud, or conta markings . : : 5 uty Fore wing immaculate . é 105 Fore wing with a fuscous cloud immediately beyond the speculum, this cloud usually extending to the marginal and stigmal veins and often forming a transverse band ; pronotal collar rounded off in front ; first funicular seg- ment of antennae as long as or slightly longer than the pedicellus, flagellum stout and cylindrical, clava very short, only about 1-5 times as long as broad ; stigmal vein (Text-fig. 309) forming an acute dngle with the postmarginal vein. Antennae inserted hardly above level of ventral edge of eyes ; scape almost as long as an eye, legs stout, especially femora ARTHROLYTUS Thomson (p. 789) If the fore wing has a more or less developed cloud in this position, then either (1) the pronotal collar is sharply margined anteriorly; or (2) the first funicular segment of the antenna is very distinctly shorter than the pedicellus ; or (3) the stigmal vein forms a less acute angle with the postmarginal vein. ; 105 Antennal clava ventrally with a arate area or ‘Band of nievo plasity (Text- figs. 363, 365, 368, 430, 439) which extends at least half way to the base ; sutures of clava in profile appearing oblique, or at least the second suture 106 Antennal clava with a small area of micropilosity which extends less than half way to the base ; sutures of clava not or hardly oblique é 108 Propodeum with a large, strongly reticulate nucha, whose length is at least one third that of the propodeum. Pronotal collar usually weakly and irregularly margined. Gaster ovate . SCEPTROTHELYS Graham (p. 482) Propodeal nucha represented merely by a narrow, weakly aciculate transverse strip, or a ridge. Pronotal collar sharply margined. Gaster most often long-ovate or lanceolate. : : 107 Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. “Propodeum with a more or less distinct costula. Vertex without a transverse ridge APELIOMA Delucchi (p. 582) Both mandibles with three teeth. Propodeum without a costula or with only vague traces ofone. Vertex often with a transverse ridge behind the ocelli HOLCAEUS Thomson (p. 584) Mesopleura entirely reticulate ‘ 109 Mesepisternum with a partly to entirely smooth and polished triangular area below the base of the hind wing . III Propodeal plicae sharp only posteriorly, otherwise represented only ir broad convex elevations ; median part of propodeum quite strongly reticulate and relatively dull ; antennae inserted at least very slightly above level of ventral edge of eyes c 110 Propodeal plicae complete, distinct to base of propodeum, mSually, sharp throughout ; median area of propodeum usually more shiny and rela- tively weakly sculptured, if not then antennae inserted level with ventral edge ofeyes . : : . MESOPOLOBUS Westwood (p. 638) Thorax (Text-fig. 311) risideratelsy arched dorsally, the scutellum in profile distinctly convex ; mesoscutum convex, without visible piliferous punc- 372 ee 118 (108) (115) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM tures ; basal cell of fore wing with at most a few hairs distally TRYCHNOSOMA Graham (p. 594) Thorax very weakly arched dorsally, the surface of the scutellum in profile appearing virtually flat ; mesoscutum flat discally, with some shallow though distinct piliferous punctures amongst the reticulation ; basal cell of fore wing pilose over about its distal third ANOGMUS Forster (p. 628) Propodeum with nucha not developed but represented merely by a ridge or a narrow lunate strip, which is very weakly reticulate, transversely aciculate, or smooth, and is usually defined anteriorly by a sharp edge . : 112 Propodeum with a convex, reticulate nucha whose length is at least one third that of the eee air ; usually this nucha is not sharply-defined anteriorly 157 Pronotum without a collar, or if ae a Heaced Boriaeatal collar, then this has no trace of a carina anteriorly, though its front edge may be abrupt 113 Pronotum with an offset collar which is at least slightly margined in the middle by a raised carina, sometimes sharply so throughout : ; : : 123 Fore wing with distal quarter to one third of basal cell pilose. 114 Fore wing with basal cell, not counting any hairs which may be on the pasa vein, bare or virtually so ; basal vein sometimes also bare . 115 All funicular segments, except sometimes the first, transverse ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum less than breadth of head. Propodeum short, medially about one third as long as the scutellum, reticulate. Fore wing infumate at least below the marginal vein, sometimes mainly so. Mesoscutum with some shallow though distinct piliferous punctures amongst the reticulation . CECIDOSTIBA (ANASTIBA) sgen. n. (p. 565) Either some of the funicular segments besides the first are quadrate to elon- gate ; or the propodeum is virtually smooth and the fore wing is hyaline ; or the propodeum is longer than half the scutellum : 115 Antennae inserted low down, the lower edge of their toruli mot or eli; above level of ventral edge of eyes : 116 Antennae inserted higher, the lower edge of their ‘toruli distinctly ‘above level of ventral edge of eyes : 118 Gaster oval, not longer than thorax ; propodeum fone segdtlie more than half as long as scutellum . : : CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. 611) Gaster lanceolate or sublanceolate, as long as or longer than head One thorax ; propodeum medially less than half as long as scutellum . 117 Antennal clava appearing asymmetrical in profile, its upper edge more strongly curved than the lower edge ; anterior margin of clypeus truncate ; postspiracular sclerite relatively uniformly reticulate, not shiny LEPTOMERAPORUS Graham (p. 687) Antennal clava appearing virtually symmetrical in profile ; anterior margin of clypeus distinctly emarginate medially ; postspiracular sclerite unevenly sculptured and partly smooth . HABROCYTUS Thomson (p. 494) Antennal flagellum (Text-fig. 310) much stouter than the pedicellus, cylindri- cal or tapering very slightly distad ; funicular segments with very numer- ous short sensilla, arranged in two rows on each segment, or even three on the proximal ones ; pronotal collar rounded off in front ; spiracles of propodeum circular ; gaster ovate, not longer than the thorax PS YCHOPHAGOIDES gen. n. (p. 471) Either the antennal flagellum is at least slightly clavate ; or some of the funicular segments have sensilla arranged in one row only ; or the pro- notal collar has an abrupt front edge ; or the spiracles of the propodeum are long-oval to sublinear . ; § i 5 . é 5 : 119 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 373 Fics. 310-318. 310, Psychophagoides cvassicornis gen. et sp. n., 9, antenna excluding scape ; 311, Tvychnosoma punctipleura (Thomson), 9, thorax, profile ; 312, Ablaxia anaxenoy (Walker), 9, metanotum and propodeum ; 313, Lariophagus distinguendus (Foérster), 2, propodeum ; 314, Stauvothyreus crucigey Graham, 2, metanotum and propodeum ; 315, Phaenocytus glechomae (Forster), 9, fore wing venation ; 316, Cecido- stiba hilaris (Walker), 2, thorax, excluding metanotum and propodeum ; 317, Dinarvmus acutus Thomson, @, thorax, excluding metanotum and propodeum ; 318, same, 9, thorax, profile. 374 [20 I2I I22 123 124 (118) (119) (120) (120) (112) (123) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM The tip of the hypopygium, which is always clearly visible and sometimes rather prominent, is situated at two thirds to three quarters along the gaster ; body obscurely bluish or greenish ; marginal vein of fore wing about 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein . SPINTHERUS Thomson (p. 480) Tip of hypopygium usually situated in or before the middle of the gaster ; if beyond this, then the body is bright green to blue, and the marginal vein of the fore wing is 1-8 to 2 times as long as the stigmal vein . ; 120 Propodeum (Text-fig. 562) with spiracles small, circular to shortly oll separated by nearly or quite their own length from the hind margin of the metanotum ; propodeum short, medially one quarter to one third as long as the scutellum, the surface including that of the shallow spiracular sulci shiny, alutaceous to nearly smooth, plicae absent or sharp only posteriorly. Pronotum without a collar, curving downwards right from its hind margin. Anterior margin of clypeus truncate or slightly curved forwards . ‘ 121 Either the propodeal spiracles are long-oval to sublinear and close to or nearly touching the metanotum ; or else the propodeum has a quite strongly reticulate median area defined laterally by complete or nearly complete plicae. Spiracular sulci usually with some transverse costulae, rarely smooth. Pronotum nearly always with at least a short subhorizontal collar. Anterior margin of clypeus at least slightly emarginate medially 122 Postmarginal vein of fore wing (Text-figs. 563, 564) slightly shorter than, or at most as long as, the marginal vein, straight or nearly so ; marginal vein slightly thickened, seven to nine times as long as broad. Tibiae, sometimes also femora, occasionally some of the coxae, yellow ; gaster sometimes reddish basally . STINOPLUS Thomson (p. 690) Postmarginal vein of fore wing (Text-fig. 560) distinctly longer than the marginal vein, curved ; marginal vein thinner, about ten times as long as its medial breadth. Tibiae at least slightly infuscate ; femora mainly, coxae and gaster entirely dark LAMPOTERMA Graham (p. 687) Antennal clava in profile asymmetrical, its upper edge strongly curved, its lower edge straighter ; marginal vein of fore wing 1-8 to 2 times as long as the stigmal vein ; propodeum more than half as long as the scutellum, its spiracles shortly oval and not very near the metanotum. Postspiracular sclerite broad, uniformly or nearly uniformly reticulate CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. 611) Antennal clava in profile symmetrical ; marginal vein usually less than 1-8 times as long as the stigmal vein, if more, then the propodeum has its spiracles elongate and very close to the hind margin of the metanotum. Postspiracular sclerite narrower, irregularly reticulate and often partly smooth . : : 3 : : HABROCYTUS Thomson (p. 494) and PTEROMALUS Swedetus (p. 488) Petiole of gaster about 1-5 times as long as broad, subcylindrical, with one or two hairs on each side, about two thirds as long as the propodeum, which is more than half as long as the scutellum ; almost the whole dorsal surface of the antennal clava clothed with whitish subadpressed micropilosity, the clava appearing very asymmetrical in profile ISOCYRTUS Walker (p. 624) Gastral petiole at least slightly transverse, subconical, without hairs laterally, less than half as long as the propodeum, unless the latter is itself very short. Dorsal surface of antennal clava without whitish subadpressed micropilosity, the clava itself usually not asymmetrical . , ; i : : 124 Clypeus without striae, entirely or mainly reticulate ; antennae inserted distinctly above level of ventral edge of eyes (some Dinotiscus) é 205 Either the clypeus is mainly to entirely striate ; or the antennae are inserted 125 (124) 126 (125) 127 (126) 128 (127) 129 (125) 130 (129) 131 (130) 132 (131) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 375 lower down, the lower edge of their toruli about level with the ventral edge of the eyes ; sometimes both characters are present simultaneously : 125 Propodeum more than half as long as the scutellum, with a distinct costula (Text-figs. 312, 314) . 126 Propodeum usually without a costula, but if ah indications ace one then the propodeum is less than half as long as the scutellum 129 Propodeum (Text-fig. 314) with panels of median area tia, with some irregular wrinkles, but with little trace of fine reticulation : 149 Propodeum with meas of median area uniformly reticulate and relatively dull . : 127 Head in dorsal view free fig. 428) notably feameyerse G. 5 ee 2°6 times as broad as its maximum length). Antenna with first funicular segment at least slightly longer than the pedicellus, and at least 1-6 times as long as broad ; funicle with sensilla numerous, arranged in two rows on all the segments, or even three rows on some of them . AGGELMA Delucchi (p. 580) Head in dorsal view (Text-figs. 425-427) not notably transverse (at most 2:25 times as broad as its maximum length). Antenna with first funicular segment usually not longer, sometimes slightly shorter, than the pedicellus, and usually relatively shorter in proportion to its breadth than in the above ; funicle with sensilla less numerous, usually arranged in one row on each segment, rarely two irregular rows on the proximal segments . : 128 Gaster lanceolate, 4 to 5:5 times as long as broad, nearly twice as long as head plus thorax. Propodeum with costula slightly angulate in its middle. : : , AGGELMA Delucchi (p. 580) Gaster at most 2:5 ates as one as qroael at most slightly longer than head plus thorax. Propodeum with costula straight or nearly so ABLAXIA Delucchi (p. 572) Anelli, or at least the second anellus, quadrate or hardly transverse (Text- fig. 517) . : : : : : : : 130 Anelli distinctly transverse, often strongly Sole : 2 Lge Pronotal collar with a very sharp, usually very strongly raised, front margin. Propodeum (Text-fig. 522) nearly or quite half as long as the scutellum ; median area reticulate ; plicae complete. All or most of the hairs of the head and thorax whitish or pale . : EUMACEPOLUS Graham (p. 633) Pronotal collar with at most a weak, hardly raised margin . 13% Pronotal collar finely though sharply margined throughout, or exec re at the sides ; either the mesoscutum has several shallow though distinct piliferous punctures, as well as the reticulation, or else the posterior ocelli are large, separated by only about their own major diameter from the eyes. Fore wing often with fuscous markings : 132 If the pronotal collar is sharply margined throughout, then the mesosentum has no clearly distinguishable piliferous punctures and the posterior ocelli are smaller, separated by distinctly more than their own major diameter from the eyes. Fore wing usually immaculate . : 133 Stigma of fore wing moderate-sized, often with a fuscous mark below and touching it. Propodeum very short, medially from hardly one quarter to slightly more than one third as long as the scutellum ; plicae usually weak or absent anteriorly ; median area often irregularly sculptured CECIDOSTIBA Thomson (p. 564) Stigma of fore wing (Text-fig. 571) small ; fuscous markings, when present, placed differently. _Propodeum medially about half aslong as thescutellum, its median area uniformly reticulate ; plicae complete and sharp NEPHELOMALUS Graham (p. 697) 133 (131) 134 (133) 135 (134) 136 (135) 137 (136) 138 (137) 139 (138) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM First funicular segment of antennae as long as or longer than the pedicellus 134 First funicular segment of antennae shorter than the pedicellus . : 143 Pronotal collar evenly and sharply, though sometimes finely, margined throughout, or except sometimes just at the sides ; : 135 Pronotal collar less distinctly and more irregularly pongo the carina eo at all sharp over the middle third or less. 136 Gaster at most slightly longer than broad, barely as jong as the ora ; marginal vein of fore wing at most 1:5 times as long as the stigmal vein, basal cell pilose at least distally ; funicle with all segments except some- times the sixth longer than broad, with (except in dwarfs) very numerous sensilla arranged in two to three rows on each segment. Pronotal collar very short medially (Text-figs. 351-354) ; CAPELLIA Delucchi (p. 475) Either the gaster is longer, 1-7 to 4 times as long as broad and at least slightly longer than the thorax ; or the marginal vein is nearly to quite twice as long as the stigmal vein ; or the basal cell is bare and at least segments five and six of the funicle are quadrate to transverse. Pronotal collar often relatively long medially . ; : : 136 Propodeum with complete plicae, and with the mene of the Teen area very shiny, smooth or having only traces of weak sculpture ; basal tergite of gaster with a large patch of about 20 hairs on each side ; pronotal collar finely though sharply margined throughout ; spiracular sulci of propodeum distinctly impressed . : TRICHOMALUS Thomson (p. 707) If the median area of the Sromodeutie is shiny and very weakly sculptured or smooth, then the plicae are at most indicated posteriorly, the basal tergite of the gaster has fewer hairs at the sides, and the spiracular sulci of the propodeum are very shallow : 137 Propodeum (Text-fig. 492) shiny and “esis rebienlate to virtually eae medially usually less than half as long as the scutellum ; plicae absent or indicated only posteriorly. Postspiracular sclerite broad, its upper margin rather longer than the tegula, almost uniformly reticulate CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. 611) Median area of propodeum quite strongly reticulate, sometimes also with some coarser wrinkles or rugosity, often more than half as long as the scutellum ; plicae variable, sometimes nearly absent but often nearly or quite complete. Postspiracular sclerite sometimes narrower . : 138 Propodeum (Text-fig. 356) with petiolar foramen deeply, sete excised, bordered by a strongly-raised, crescentic carina which represents the nuchal strip. Gaster ovate, about as long as thorax. Head in dorsal view not notably transverse, about twice as broad as long ; POL equal to or slightly less than OOL. Plicae of propodeum sometimes traceable to base, but often weak or absent anteriorly ; spiracular sulci relatively shallow, smooth or nearly so. Antennal clava in profile appearing sym- metrical . ; ‘ : : MOKRZECKIA Mokrzecki (p. 478) Petiolar foramen of propadeuia rarely so deeply excised, or bordered by a strongly raised carina ; if so (some Aggelma) then either the gaster is lanceolate and longer than head plus thorax, or else the head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 428) is notably transverse. POL at least slightly greater than OOL. Plicae of propodeum sometimes sharp throughout ; spiracular sulci sometimes deeper and punctate or transversely costulate. Antennal clava in profile sometimes appearing asymmetrical 3 139 Plicae complete, extending to base of propodeum, quite aise eon: although not always very sharp . : ‘ : : : ; . ado 140 141 142 143 147 (139) (140) (141) (133) (143) (144) (145) PIEROMALIDAE OF NoW. EUROPE 377 Plicae present at hind margin of propodeum only ; or at least more or less effaced anteriorly and not reaching the base of the sclerite : : 142 Thorax not slender, in dorsal view 1°5 to 1-7 times as long as broad ; past spiracular sclerite weakly and irregularly sculptured, usually more or less smooth dorsally, with a curved impression in front. Spiracular sulci of propodeum distinctly impressed, with some punctures or transverse costulae . : ‘ : ‘ : HABROCYTUS Thomson (p. 494) and PTEROMALUS Swederus (p. 488) Either the thorax is slender, in dorsal view about twice as long as broad ; or the postspiracular sclerite is almost uniformly reticulate, without a distinct impression in front. Spiracular sulci of propodeum sometimes shallow . 141 Antennal clava in profile appearing asymmetrical, its dorsal edge curved, its ventral edge nearly straight. Propodeum medially half or somewhat more than half as long as scutellum : CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. 611) Antennal clava in profile appearing symmetrical or ane ee so. 7 Saciage sometimes relatively shorter : 142 Antennal clava, unless abnormally collapsed, twice or somewhat more than twice as long as broad, at least as long as funicular segments 5 + 6. Either the postmarginal vein of fore wing is not longer than the marginal vein, or else the thorax is slender (length : breadth about 2 : 1) and the pro- podeum is fully half as long as the scutellum. Body usually bright green to blue, occasionally olive or bronze-green CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. 611) Antennal clava either less than twice as long as broad, or shorter than funicular segments 5 + 6. Postmarginal vein slightly longer than the marginal vein. Thorax 1-65 to 1-75 times as long as broad. Propodeum less than half as long as the scutellum except in violacea, which has a notably transverse head (Text-fig. 428). Body sometimes olive-green, but often with bronze to coppery or violet tinge . AGGELMA Delucchi (p. 580) Thorax depressed ; the mesoscutum, scutellum, and propodeum all lying in the same or nearly the same plane ; scutellum in profile flat or virtually so ; either the distal third or so of the basal cell in the fore wing pilose, or else the antennae are inserted below the ventral edge of the eyes ANOGMUS Forster (p. 628) Thorax distinctly arched dorsally ; dorsal surface of scutellum in profile at least slightly convex ; basal cell of fore wing often bare ; antennae inserted level with or above the ventral edge of the eyes . 144 Antennae inserted distinctly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes 145 Lower edge of antennal toruli level with or hardly above a line joining the ventral edges of the eyes . 153 Basal cell of fore wing, not counting a row of hairs which is sometiaies present on the basal vein bare, or virtually bare . ; , : : 146 Basal cell of fore wing pilose over its distal quarter to half . : Re Pers Marginal vein of fore wing about 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; tip of hypopygium situated very distinctly beyond the middle of the gaster ; eyes about 1-5 times as long as broad ; both mandibles with four teeth SPINTHERUS Thomson (p. 480) Either the marginal vein is nearly or quite twice as long as the stigmal vein ; or the tip of the hypopygium is situated at most half way along the gaster. Eyes usually less elongate. Left mandible often with three teeth . é 147 Antennal clava in profile appearing asymmetrical, its dorsal edge curved, its ventral edge nearly straight. Propodeum medially half or somewhat more than half as long as the 378 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM scutellum. Marginal vein of fore wing 1-8 to 2 times as# long as the stigmal vein : : 4 : - CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. 611) - Antennal clava in prone appearing symmetrical or virtually so . : : 148 148 (147) Plicae complete and extending to base of propodeum ; their anterior half represented at least by a distinctly impressed longitudinal groove, though most often the outer edge of this groove is raised to forma sharp fold . 149 - Plicae incomplete ; either present only at hind margin of iach or else more or less effaced in the middle or in front : 152 149 (148) Propodeum (Text-fig. 314) : the median area with a oa distinct costula, its panels shiny and with irregular wrinkles. Basal tergite of gaster with few hairs at the sides. Pronotal collar finely, sharply margined. Spira- cular sulci of propodeum distinctly impressed STAUROTHYREUS Graham (p. 699) - Propodeum without a costula, or with at most a vague trace of one ; panels of median area most often relatively uniformly reticulate and relatively dull, if shiny then without conspicuous irregular wrinkles 5 150 150 (149) Propodeum with panels of median area very shiny, smooth or ogi sae traces of weak sculpture ; basal tergite of gaster with a large patch of 20 or so hairs on each side ; pronotal collar finely though sharply margined throughout ; spiracular sulci of propodeum distinctly impressed TRICHOMALUS Thomson (p. 707) = Panels of median area of propodeum nearly always strongly reticulate, if very weakly so then the basal tergite of the gaster has only a few hairs at the sides, and the spiracular sulci of the propodeum are very shallow. Prono- tal collar sometimes weakly margined . : 151 I51 (150) Spiracular sulci of propodeum distinctly impressed, more or less punctate or with some transverse costulae. Postspiracular sclerite (Text-fig. 336) usually weakly and irregularly reticulate, sometimes partly smooth. Marginal vein of fore wing sometimes less than 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein. ; : ; : HABROCYTUS Thomson (p. 494) and PTEROMALUS Swederus (p. 488) = Spiracular sulci shallow, alutaceous to nearly smooth. Postspiracular sclerite (Text-fig. 335) nearly uniformly reticulate, relatively broad. Marginal vein of fore wing 1-7 to 2:3 times as long as the stigmal vein CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. 611) 152 (148) Marginal vein of fore wing 1-7 to 2:3 times as long as the stigmal vein. Spiracular sulci of propodeum shallow, broad CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. 611) - Marginal vein of fore wing about 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Spiracular sulci of propodeum distinctly impressed, narrow (conopidarum Bouéek) . : F HABROCYTUS Thomson (p. 494) 153 (144, 145) Mesepisternum wholly or almost wholly reticulate, the upper triangular area below the base of the hind wing being reticulate or at most smooth posteriorly ; propodeal spiracles large, oval, close to the hind margin of the metanotum t F . MESOPOLOBUS Westwood (p. 638) = Mesepisternum having its upper triangular area smooth or mainly so ; pro- podeal spiracles smaller, often subcircular, sometimes aa by ee their own diameter from the metanotum : 154 154 (153) Gaster subcircular to ovate, 1:2 to 1-7 times as eae as Bron ice or paler slightly longer than the thorax ; distal ‘Part of basal cell of fore wing more or less pilose . 155 — Gaster lanceolate, ice or (asaally) more Mea eee as long 2 as broad, at least as long as head plus thorax ; basal cell of fore wing bare, a row of hairs which is sometimes present on the basal vein is not counted . : . 156 155 (154) 156 (154) 157 (111) 158 (157) 159 (158) 160 (157) 161 (160) 162 (11) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Head and thorax green to blue ; POL hardly greater than OOL ; antennal clava (Text-fig. 502) shorter than the three preceding funicular segments together . : : : CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. Head and thorax eee to piechiath bronze ; POL 1-4 to 1-6 OOL ; antennal clava about as long as the three preceding funicular segments together PEGOPUS Forster (p. POL about 1-5 times OOL ; antennal clava asymmetrical, its dorsal edge more strongly curved than its ventral edge LEPTOMERAPORUS Graham (p. POL equal to, or hardly greater than, OOL ; antennal clava in profile appearing symmetrical or virtually so . HABROCYTUS Thomson (p. Propodeum with a more or less distinct costula (Text-figs. 312, 373-376, 378-380) . ; Propodeum without a sae foie Pronotal collar sharply, though sometimes finely, margined thronghout, or except just at the sides ; propodeum more than half as long as the scutellum, its median area wholly reticulate, the costula distinct, straight or only slightly angled . ; : Either the pronotal collar is ae most wenicty margined in ne middle only or the propodeum is less than half as long as the scutellum ; or the costula is weak, or distinctly angled in its middle (Text-figs. 374-380) Antennal flagellum stout, subfusiform, with all the funicular segments quis strongly transverse ; head thick antero-posteriorly ; propodeal nucha convex, strongly reticulate, and distinctly limited in front by a transverse depression F F : HALOMALUS Etrdés (p. Antennal flagellum cipaiavade. ith at least the proximal funicular segments not transverse ; head relatively more transverse ; propodeal nucha (Text-fig. 312) relatively less convex and not, or not very distinctly, limited in front . i : . ABLAXIA Delucchi (p. Anelli, or at least the Beco nie quadrate or hardly transverse ; pro- notal collar margined anteriorly by a sharp carina which is usually very strongly raised. Spiracular sulci of propodeum rather shallow, finely reticulate or alutaceous 4 : EUMACEPOLUS Graham (p. Anelli distinctly, often strongly, transverse. If the pronotal collar is sharply margined, then the carina is fine and only slightly raised, or else the spiracular sulci of the propodeum are distinctly impressed and punctate Posterior ocelli rather large, separated by only about 1-5 times their own major diameter from the eyes, the latter separated by only 1°15 to 1:2 times their own length ; mesoscutum with several shallow though distinct piliferous punctures ; anterior margin of clypeus truncate. Pronotal collar finely but sharply ec als throughout. Fore wing usually with fuscous clouds : c . NEPHELOMALUS Graham (p. Posterior ocelli tise Lratiniss and separated by at least twice their own major diameter from the eyes, if by somewhat less then the mesoscutum has no piliferous punctures and the anterior margin of the clypeus is emarginate medially. Pronotal collar often weakly margined, or im- marginate. Fore wing sometimes infumate, but rarely with definite fuscous markings Propodeum with panels of net - area 35 shiny, smooth or f oe ooo weakly sculptured : Propodeum with median area Hermetee and roel Sei ee Seaiaterede reticulate, wrinkled, or obliquely strigose-reticulate 161 781) 572) 633) 161 697) 162 163 164 380 163 (162) 164 (163) 165 (164) 166 (165) 167 (166) 169 (168) M. W. R. bE V. GRAHAM Pronotal collar finely though sharply margined throughout ; basal tergite of gaster with a large patch of 20 or more hairs on each side TRICHOMALUS Thomson (p. 707) Pronotal collar at most weakly margined in the middle ; basal tergite of gaster with few hairs at the sides . : 164 Mesoscutum and scutellum with delicate. for the ane part ae, re culation ; face receding strongly so as to form an angle of only about 110° with the frons ; antennae inserted level with ventral edge of eyes, all funicular segments transverse. ; . cf. NASONIA Ashmead (p. 779) Mesoscutum and scutellum with stronger reticulation which is at least slightly raised above the general surface ; face not receding so strongly ; antennae most often inserted above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes : : : : ; : 165 Hind tibia ae oma ay distinct spurs. Propodeum : plicae absent or represented only by weak convex elevations. Large species, 3:8 to 5 mm., with elongate subconical gaster. Pronotal collar not margined, almost rounded off in front. Both mandibles with four teeth [Central and Southern Europe] ; : . STENETRA Masi (p. 474) Hind tibia with only one ee (eeopodeum nearly always with plicae which are at least sharp posteriorly, but often complete. Pronotal collar sometimes margined, or with an abrupt front edge. Left mandible some- times with three teeth : : : : 2 - = s866 Propodeum with spiracular sulci Seller se bese ; plicae at most sharp posteriorly, effaced in the middle, anteriorly represented only by foveae ; fore wing with stigma (Text-fig. 315) rather large, separated by only about 1-6 to 1°8 times its height from the lower edge of the postmarginal vein, the wing often with a fuscous mark or transverse band in the middle (at the edge of the speculum) ; gaster elongate and conical, often reddish at the base ; pronotal collar not or hardly margined PHAENOCYTUS gen. n. (p. 561) Propodeum (Text-figs. 373-389) : spiracular sulci rather deep, with some transverse costulae or punctures ; plicae at least sharp posteriorly but most often traceable as a fold or ridge to the base of the propodeum; stigma of fore wing smaller, separated by at least twice its height from the lower edge of the postmarginal vein, the wing immaculate or at most indefinitely infumate ; gaster not reddish-marked ; conan collar sometimes margined 167 Sutures of antennal clava not oblique, the clava with only a small a area of micropilosity on its third segment ventrally HABROCYTUS Thomson (p. 494) and PTEROMALUS Swedetus (p. 488) Second suture of clava (seen in profile) distinctly oblique ; the area of micropilosity on the third segment ventrally (Text-fig. 363) larger and extending nearly half way to the base of the clava Sceptrothelys parviclava sp. n. (p. 487) Hind corners of propodeum in dorsal view appearing prominent and sharp, rectangular or acute ; notauli most often traceable to hind margin of mesoscutum even if abe rae sees ; pronotal collar rounded off in front : 169 Hind corners of propels in dowel view noe prominent rounded off, notauli incomplete ; pronotal collar sometimes margined ; 170 Notauli complete and fairly sharply impressed throughout ; gaster whelly alutaceous ; marginal vein of fore wing somewhat more than twice as long as the stigmal vein ; propodeum without a distinctly-defined nucha, plicae vague, costula absent j DORCATOMOPHAGA Kryger (p. 828) 170 (168) 171 (170) 172 (170) 173 (172) 174 (173) 175 (173) 176 (175) 177 (175) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 381 Notauli incomplete or, if complete, very superficial posteriorly ; gaster at least partly smooth ; marginal vein of fore wing not more than twice as long as the stigmal vein ; propodeum with a nucha marked off by a con- striction, plicae and costula more or less indicated LARIOPHAGUS Crawford (p. 823) Ovipositor sheaths far exserted, the exserted portion at least half as long as the hind tibia . : : : : : : 171 Ovipositor sheaths at most slightly ‘exserted : : : 172 Face below level of antennal toruli and clypeus, with several a distinct piliferous punctures. Antennae inserted at least slightly above level of ventral edge of eyes . : : . ROPTROCERUS Ratzeburg (p. 423) Face and clypeus without piliferous punctures. Antennae inserted at or slightly below level of ventral edge of eyes . ‘ : - - ; 190 Antennal clava either acute apically (Text-fig. 300) ; or with a terminal spur (Text-fig. 299 ; often indistinctly segmented or solid. : 173 Antennal clava neither acute nor with a terminal spur, distinctly three- segmented ; 175 Gaster ovate to lanceolate, distinetly pointed apically ; ; postmarginal vein distinctly longer than the stigmal vein. Gaster often more or less extensively red or yellow . 5 174 Gaster subcircular, obtuse apically, disreparding the ouigositer pneatet A visible ; postmarginal vein usually not or hardly as than the stigmal vein. Gaster not pale-marked . : 175 Propodeum as long as or longer than the seuteltena, strongly reticulate, its nucha large and strongly produced backwards so that (in dorsal view) its hinder edge is nearly or quite level with the tips of the hind coxae. Gaster usually reddish-marked ; all coxae mainly to entirely reddish. Underside of fore wing with a row of rather long, downward-pointing hairs a little below the marginal vein . ‘ : CALLITULA Spinola (p. 458) Propodeum shorter than the couiisiinany its nucha short or indistinct, more weakly reticulate, and produced at most slightly beyond the bases of the hind coxae. Pale areas of gaster (when present) more yellowish ; coxae often dark, occasionally all pale. Underside of fore wing, below marginal vein, with only fine, short scattered hairs . HOMOPORUS Thomson (p. 444) Gaster subcircular, obtuse apically, disregarding the ovipositor sheaths, if visible ; postmarginal vein of fore wing usually about equal in length to, or hardly longer than, the stigmal vein . 176 Gaster ovate to lanceolate, usually distinctly pomied apically but if obtuse then obviously longer than broad ; postmarginal vein usually tae longer than the stigmal vein, rarely only slightly so ‘ a7] Occiput margined. Antennae clavate ; clava subobtuse, ventrally with a large area of micropilosity which extends nearly to its base. Eyes with rather long conspicuous hairs. Fore wing with basal cell extensively pilose, speculum small and not reaching down to cubital vein, apical margin of wing ciliate ; : : DIGLOCHIS Forster (p. 782) Occiput not margined. Antennae: subfusiform ; clava pointed, ventrally with only a small area of micropilosity on its third segment. Eyes with very short inconspicuous pubescence. Fore wing with basal cell bare or pilose in distal part only, speculum large and extending to cubital vein CYCLOGASTRELLA Bukovkij (p. 796) Pronotal collar usually (Text-fig. 317) as wide as the mesoscutum, if slightly less wide, then the hairs of the head and thorax are conspicuous and, at least most of them, whitish. Pronotum, in front of the collar, descending 382 178 (177) 179 (178) 180 (179) 181 (176) 182 (181) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM almost vertically to the neck, which is very short and hardly visible from above. Postspiracular sclerite most often visible only as a small plate in front of the tegula (Text-fig. 318), rarely broad or descending far ventrad. Hind tibiae usually with two apical spurs (but one of these often weak and hard to see). Body usually bronze, bluish black, or dark greenish, rarely more brightly coloured. Species more frequent in xerotherm habitats, isi a in Central and Southern Europe ; not yet found in Britain : + 96 Pronotal collar usually distinctly less wide than the mesoscutum, if only slightly so then the hairs of the head and thorax (excluding propodeum) are inconspicuous and not whitish, or the pronotum descends less abruptly in front of the collar. Postspiracular sclerite most often broader or descending far ventrad. Hund tibiae with one apical spur. Body often brightly metallic (green or blue). Almost all the genera of this section occur in North-western Europe, in varied habitats, some represented by numerous species . : ; c 178 Fore wings without a speculum, hairy almost all over. Thorax much flattened dorso-ventrally, scutellum almost flat ; mesoscutum, scutellum and propodeum all lying in nearly the same plane. Eyes rather con- spicuously hairy. Occiput deeply concave, forming a fairly sharp edge where it joins the vertex, and sometimes slightly margined at this point RAKOSINA Bouéek (p. 781) Fore wing with a speculum ; basal cell most often mainly bare, sometimes with its distal half more or less hairy. Thorax usually not flattened : ‘ 179 Occiput finely margined medially. Propodeum with a reticulate nucha : 180 Occiput not margined. Propodeal nucha sometimes eee only by a narrow transverse strip or ridge . : 181 Face receding strongly so as to form an angle of Bpene TOF iia tus fone! Mesoscutum and scutellum with delicate, for the most part engraved, reticulation : : . cf. NASONIA Ashmead (p. 779) Face receding less Laonere Mieceseunee and scutellum with stronger reticu- iation which is slightly raised above the general surface EUPTEROMALUS (part) (p. 737) Propodeum with a conspicuous tuft of white hairs between the callus and the plica, on each side ; dorsal surface of hind coxae with some hairs ; prono- tal collar finely though sharply aie Antennae and body, Text-figs. 580, 582 : . ATRICHOMALUS Graham (p. 737) Propodeum, between the caine each the plica, with at most a few hairs which do not form a conspicuous tuft [the callus itself is always more or less hairy] ; dorsal surface of hind coxae without hairs ; pronotal collar some- times immarginate . 182 Antennae (Text-figs. 431, Aes) sri dae ventrally mae a cies oie micro- pilosity extending nearly to its base, the sutures of the clava strongly oblique. Gena with a fairly large hollow above the base of the mandible. Propodeum (Text-fig. 433) medially strongly produced beyond bases of hind coxae, with a large reticulate nucha, often also traces of a costula. Stigma of fore wing usually (Text-fig. 434) moderate-sized SYNEDRUS Graham (p. 583) Antennal clava with a smaller area of micropilosity which is confined to its third segment and extends at most half way to the base of the clava ; sutures of the latter not or hardly oblique. The other characters not all present in combination f ; ; F : : 4 : , 183 EEE ee eEeee—ueEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEGuGuGu0uqQeeeEeEeEeEeEamSeeEeaeEeEeEeEmama=E=EEEEEEeeeEEeE—EEEEeEeEeEEEEEE—EEOEOEEEEEEEEEEEEEeEeeeeO 183 (182) 184 (183) 187 (186) Igo (171) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 383 Propodeum with a moderate-sized reticulate nucha, whose length is about one third that of the median length of the propodeum ; antennae inserted about level with the ventral edge of the eyes, the head somewhat protuber- ant at level of antennal toruli ; mesoscutum and scutellum, at least mainly, with delicate engraved reticulation NASONIA Ashmead (p. 779) Either the propodeal nucha is a narrower weakly sculptured transverse strip or ridge ; or the antennae are inserted well above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; or the reticulation of the mesoscutum and scutellum is slightly raised above the general surface ; 184 Propodeum with a moderate-sized reticulate nucha, es eee one ae ie half that of the propodeum ; antennae inserted well above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes. 185 Propodeal nucha nearly always Peprecented merely ee a wenoese oes or narrow strip, which is aciculate or smooth ; but if the nucha is rather more distinct then the antennae are inserted about level with the ventral edge of the eyes ; 186 Gena with a hollow above the base of the mandible, exeodine fal one third up the malar space ; marginal vein of fore wing somewhat thickened METASTENUS Walker (p. 829) Gena without a hollow above the base of the mandible ; marginal vein of fore wing not thickened . - 3 TRICOLAS Bouéek (p. 563) Gena with a large hollow above the Bare of the mandible ; stigma of fore wing (Text-fig. 319) rather large, subcircular ; first funicular segment obviously longer than broad . PSEUDOCATOLACCUS Masi (p. 694) Gena without a hollow. Stigma of fore wing smaller, tending to be oval or oblong ; first funicular segment often quadrate or transverse . : 187 Tip of hypopygium situated near apex of gaster, which in dorsal view appears blunt, the tips of the ovipositor sheaths rounded, and is hardly longer than the thorax ; propodeum without plicae ; antennae inserted somewhat above level of ventral edge of eyes. Head distinctly broader than thorax, rather thick antero-posteriorly. Both mandibles with three teeth : ‘ : KARPINSKIELLA Bouéek (p. 632) Tip of hypopygium remote from apex of gaster except in some Psi/onotus and Mesopolobus, in which the gaster is pointed or acute apically with tips of the ovipositor sheaths pointed, the gaster is at least somewhat longer than the thorax, the propodeum has plicae at least sharp posteriorly, and the right mandible has four teeth ; often also, the antennae are inserted at or slightly below the level of the ventral edge of the eyes . 188 Hypopygium very long, its tip situated at least at three quarters the eae of the gaster, or even beyond . 189 Hypopygium shorter, its tip situated at sae a little more than half “ae along the gaster. 5 190 Anterior margin of Ginens incised saaiheithe Wiereacl, vein of ore he at most 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein nearly or quite as long as the marginal vein . PSILONOTUS Walker (p. 625) Anterior margin of clypeus truncate or shallowly emarginate. Marginal vein of fore wing sometimes twice, or rather more than twice, as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein sometimes distinctly shorter than the marginal vein . . MESOPOLOBUS Westwood (p. 638) Thorax distinctly flattened dorso- -yentrally ; scutellum in profile appearing flat or virtually so, at least very slightly broader than long ; third anellus - of antenna usually about twice as broad as long or more. Either the mesopleuron is entirely reticulate ; or the ovipositor sheaths are far 384 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM 322 Fics. 319-324. 319, Pseudocatolaccus nitescens (Walker), 9, fore wing venation ; 320, Picroscytoides cevasiops Masi, 9, gaster ; 321, Stenoselma nigrum Delucchi, 9, gaster ; 322, Cheivopachus quadrum (F.), 3, left hind tibia ; 323, Metacolus unifasciatus Forster, 9, fore wing, part ; 324, Acrocorymus semifasciatus Thomson, 3, fore wing, part. IgI 192 (190) (r9r) (60) (177) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE exserted, the exserted part about half as long as hind tibia; or the antennae are inserted well below the ventral edge of the eyes and very close to the clypeus. Basal cell of fore wing more or less extensively pilose distally . : : ANOGMUS Forster (p. Thorax nearly always disdactly nacticd dereiliy? with the upper surface of the scutellum appearing distinctly curved in profile ; if the thorax is rather distinctly flattened, then the scutellum is slightly longer than broad and the third anellus is subquadrate. Mesopleuron rarely entirely reticulate, usually with a partly to wholly smooth area below the base of the hind wing. Ovipositor sheaths never so far exserted. Antennae usually inserted level with or slightly above the ventral edge of the eyes, rarely slightly below Plicae of propodeum usually aes or smectic oily in the sides half of the sclerite, occasionally traceable farther forward, but then extremely weak ; antennae inserted distinctly above level of ventral edge of eyes, their toruli nearly equidistant from the median ocellus and the anterior margin of the clypeus ; clypeus reticulate or at most partly striate. Postmarginal vein of fore wing usually as long as or longer than the mar- ginal vein, rarely slightly shorter. Both mandibles with three teeth Plicae of propodeum usually complete, if vague anteriorly or incomplete then the antennae are inserted at or hardly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes, and at least slightly nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus, whilst the clypeus is sometimes wholly striate. Right mandible, rarely also left mandible, with four teeth. Pronotal collar finely though sharply margined anteriorly. Propodeum (medially) slightly more than half as long as the scutellum ; surface be- tween the spiracles finely reticulate, not very shiny ; plicae often indicated posteriorly and sometimes traceable well forward CRICELLIUS Thomson (p. Pronotal collar rounded off anteriorly into the neck. Propodeum (medially) hardly one third as long as the scutellum ; surface between the spiracles shiny, weakly alutaceous to virtually smooth ; plicae absent LAMPOTERMA Graham (p. MESOPOLOBUS Westwood (p. and STUROVIA Bouéek (p. POL 1°8 to 2:2 times OOL POL 1:3 to 1-6 times OOL 3 ; : Left mandible with three teeth, right snaneibie with four. Mesoscutum without, or with hardly perceptible piliferous punctures. Propodeal spiracles large, oval. Pronotal collar reticulate. Antenna with third anellus quadrate or only slightly transverse MESOPOLOBUS Westwood (p. Both mandibles with four teeth. Mesoscutum with numerous fairly distinct piliferous punctures. Propodeal spiracles small, subcircular. Pronotal collar with a more or less shiny strip along its hind edge. Antenna with third anellus about three times as broad as long MERAPORUS Walker (p. Hind margin of basal segment of gaster not trilobed. Basal cell of fore wing bare, speculum large . ‘ : : NORBANUS Walker (p. Hind margin of basal segment of gaster (Text-fig. 320) trilobed. Basal cell of fore wing mainly to entirely pilose, speculum absent or rudimentary PICROSCYTOIDES Masi (p. Fore wing with speculum absent or rudimentary ; basal cell mainly to en- tirely pilose ; hind margin of basal tergite of gaster (Text-fig. 321) pro- duced and emarginate medially ; antennae inserted at or hardly above level of ventral edge of eyes STENOSELMA Delucchi (p. 385 628) IgI 192 193 591) 687) 638) 637) 194 638) 681) 437) 441) 437) 386 197 198 199 200 201 202 204 (196) (197) (198) (91) M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM Fore wing speculum distinct, often large ; basal cell usually mainly to en- tirely bare, if extensively pilose then the basal tergite of the gaster is not produced as in the above. Antennae often inserted distinctly above level of ventral edge of eyes : 197 Fore wing with two fuscous clouds, one = below the parastigma, the other below the stigmal vein. Propodeum with a convex reticulate nucha ; mesopleuron with a smooth triangular area below the base of the hind- wing ; anterior margin of clypeus incised medially. Antennae inserted only very slightly above level of ventral edge of eyes DINARMOIDES Masi (p. 436) Fore wing immaculate. Either the propodeal nucha is not developed ; or the triangular area of the mesopleuron is at least mainly reticulate ; or the anterior margin of the clypeus is not incised . : 198 Propodeum with a subglobose reticulate nucha which projects pegead the bases of the hind coxae ; mesopleuron wholly reticulate, or with the triangular area below the base of the hind wing at most partly smooth . 199 Propodeum usually without a subglobose nucha ; if with one then it does not project beyond the bases of the hind coxae, whilst the triangular area of the mesopleuron, below the base of the hind wing, is entirely smooth . : 200 Anterior margin of clypeus bidentate ; marginal vein of fore wing slightly shorter than the stigmal vein, stigma rather large OEDAULE Waterston (p. 435) Anterior margin of clypeus shallowly emarginate ; marginal vein of fore wing at least slightly longer than the stigmal vein, stigma small DINARMUS Thomson (p. 434) Antennae inserted only very slightly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; propodeum with a convex, weakly sculptured and shiny nucha ANISOPTEROMALUS Ruschka (p. 433) Antennae inserted well above level of ventral edge of eyes ; propodeal nucha not developed but represented merely by a narrow transverse strip . . 20% Antennal toruli situated much nearer to the median ocellus than to the anterior margin of the clypeus ; funicular segments very long, the first about four times, fifth about twice, as long as broad. Malar space from two thirds to nearly three quarters the length of an eye, the latter relatively small. Anterior margin of clypeus virtually truncate GUGOLZIA Delucchi (p. 430) Antennal toruli situated about midway between the median ocellus and the anterior margin of the clypeus, or only slightly above this level ; funicular segments relatively less elongate. Malar space relatively shorter, eyes larger. Anterior margin of clypeus at least slightly emarginate . 2 202 Marginal vein of fore wing thickened at the base ; third anellus quadrate ISCHYROPTYX Delucchi (p. 433) Marginal vein not thickened basally ; third anellus transverse . f - =203 Pronotal collar finely though fairly sharply margined throughout. Antennal clava in the type-species with its sutures oblique, and with a line of micro- pilosity extending fully half way to the base. Genae, at least near the mandibles, with a rather sharp edge . . OXYSYCHUS Delucchi (p. 432) Pronotal collar not margined, or with at most a weak carina in the middle. Antennal clava with sutures not oblique, and with only a small area of micropilosity on its third segment. Genae without a sharp edge CYRTOPTYX Delucchi (p. 430) Anterior margin of clypeus with two rounded lobes between which is an incision. Pronotal collar virtually as wide as the mesoscutum ; thorax in dorsal view squat, only slightly longer than broad. Postspiracular sclerite PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 387 very narrow and inconspicuous. Bristles along the posterior edge of the hind tibiae not unusually short or spine-like. Fore wing with marginal vein usually at least slightly shorter than, occasionally as long as, the stigmal vein, and tending to be somewhat thickened towards the base ; wing sometimes immaculate, sometimes with dusky clouds below the parastigma and the stigma ‘ . c CAENOCREPIS Thomson (p. 429) - Anterior margin of clypeus shallow emarginate medially. Pronotal collar distinctly less wide than the mesoscutum ; thorax in dorsal view obviously longer than broad. Postspiracular sclerite broad and conspicuous. Hind tibiae (cf. Text-fig. 322) with a row of short spines along their posterior edge. Fore wing with marginal vein at least very slightly longer than the stigmal vein, not thickened ; wing with two fuscous clouds, one below the parastigma, the other lying across the stigmal vein CHEIROPACHUS Westwood (p. 416) 205 (124) Pronotal collar margined anteriorly. Hind tibia with one apical spur DINOTISCUS Ghesquieére (p. 409) - Pronotal collar not margined. Hind tibia with one or two apical spurs . 206 206 (205) Hind tibia with two apical spurs ; pronotum witha short subhorizontal collar, in front of this falling steeply to the neck ACROCORMUS Forster (p. 415) - Hind tibia with one apical spur ; pronotum without a distinct subhorizontal collar, but rounded off into the neck region RHOPALICUS Forster (p. 412) Kry TO Most EUROPEAN GENERA (MALEs) The following genera are not included in the key because their males are unknown to me; in some cases they have not yet been recognized : Gygaxia Delucchi, Platecrizotes Bouéek, Nikolskayana Bouéek, Neanica Erdos, Gbelcia Bouéek, Stinoplus Thomson, Trychnosoma Graham, Heteryopyymna Graham, Metastenus Walker, Mokr- zeckia Mokrzecki, Eurydinota Forster, Aggelma Delucchi. The males of many Pteromalinae species are less well known than the females, and often present poor characters which make tabulation difficult. However, in some cases they show more obvious features than their females, and this may be useful if one has a bred series of both sexes, when the key to males can be used as a check against the key to females. Hence it was thought worthwhile to include the following key to males, although the writer is very conscious of its imperfections. I Brachypterous forms. ‘ ; ; : 5 : : : : 2 Macropterous forms . 8 2 (1) Face, frons, and vertex ee a pattern formed i a sinuous smooth ae (Text-figs. 325-327) 3 = Face and frons without such a pattern ; very, rarely the temples may baer a smooth band extending from mandibular base to vertex (Text-fig. 574) . 4 3 (2) Antennal flagellum rather stout, subfusiform ; fifth flagellar segment fully as broad as the pedicellus ; anellitransverse ; proximal segments of funicle usually slightly transverse. Pattern of head, Text-fig. 325. Both mandibles with four teeth. Pronotum and mesoscutum, Text-fig. 330 MERAPORUS Walker (p. 681) - Antennal flagellum (Text-fig. 329) clavate, proximally slender with fifth flagellar segment less broad than the pedicellus ; anelli as long as broad ; segments one to four of funicle quadrate or even very slightly longer than broad. Pattern of head, Text-figs. 326, 327. Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. Pronotum and mesoscutum, Text-fig. 328 LEPTOMERAPORUS Graham (p. 687) 388 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM fv fv. fv ty 325 ? ~ 327° “t¥ 326 330 328 FIGS. 325-334. 325, Meraporus graminicola Walker, g, head; 326, Leptomervaporus nicaee (Walker), 3, head, frontal view ; 327, same, dorsal ; 328, same, pronotum and mesoscutum ; 329, same, left antenna; 330, Mevaporus graminicola Walker, g, pronotum and mesoscutum ; 331, Stichocrepis armata Forster, 3, scape and pedicellus ; 332, Kvanophorus extentus (Walker), 3, head ; 333, Chlorocytus pulchripes (Walker), 9, thorax excluding metanotum and propodeum ; 334, Apsilocera bramleyi Graham, g, antenna. bis (4) (x) (10) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 389 Fore wing with fuscous markings, at least a dark cloud below the stigma ; occiput not neta ; antennae with two anelli and six funicular seg- ments ; : ; . ARTHROLYTUS Thomson (p. 789) Fore wings ee or, if Aiebty infumate discally, then the occiput is finely margined : 5 Propodeum with a large ecieubne smokin oe prcices mel botind the Fawes of the hind coxae ; all coxae, and gaster more or less, red to reddish yellow. Antennae with three anelli and five funicular segments. Occiput not margined . : - : Callitula pyrrhogaster (Walker) (p. 462) Propodeum with a elt smaller nucha which projects less strongly ; coxae and gaster dark with a metallic tinge. Antennae usually with two anelli and six funicular en ae Occiput usually at least slightly mar- gined c 6 Thorax flattened, af least I°5 times as broad as high! eae arched dorsally : : head in dorsal view strongly transverse, 2:25 to 2:3 times as broad as its maximum length c : PLATYPTEROMALUS Bouéek (p. 737) Thorax not or hardly broader than high, usually strongly arched dorsally ; head rarely so strongly transverse, usually not more than twice as broad as long. : 7 Face receding strongly below the aeteanal toruli, and forming an tangle of at most about 110° with the frons ; mesoscutum and scutellum shiny, their reticulation hardly raised above the general surface, or even partly engraved NASONIA Ashmead (p. 779) Face not receding strongly, forming an angle of about 130° with the frons ; mesoscutum and scutellum less shiny, their reticulation distinctly raised above the general surface : EUPTEROMALUS Kurdjumovy (p. 737) Antennal formula 11353 ; flagellum very stout and short, combined length of pedicellus and flagellum hardly two-thirds the breadth of the head. POL slightly less than OOL. Genae fringed with black bristly hairs which point downwards. Mesepisternum wholly reticulate. Clypeus large, reticulate, its anterior margin virtually truncate. Body, and legs (especi- ally femora) stout ; hind tibia with two spurs HABRITYS Thomson (p. 427) If the antennal formula is 11353, then POL is not less than OOL, and the genae are not fringed with black bristly hairs ; usually also the mesepi- sternum has a partly smooth area below the base of the hind wing, the clypeus is of different form or sculpture, and the hind tibia has only one spur : 9 Notauli traceable ia ee maanein rae niesoseugaie and cone Gs sreneliy impressed throughout, though more often superficial posteriorly . : 10 Notauli not nearly reaching the hind margin of the mesoscutum . : 12 Clypeus (cf. Text-fig. 287) reticulate, its anterior margin with two rounded lobes separated by an incision ; POL distinctly less than OOL ; notauli sharply impressed throughout ; marginal vein of fore wing thickening only gradually towards its base . ; : . PERNIPHORA Ruschka (p. 428) Clypeus either mainly to entirely striate, or its anterior margin of different form ; POL equal to or greater than OOL ; notauli sometimes superficial posteriorly ; marginal vein sometimes thickened throughout . II Postero-lateral angles of propodeum dentate or sharp ; notauli sharply impressed throughout ; marginal vein not conspicuously thickened DORCATOMOPHAGA Kryger (p. 828) Postero-lateral angles of propodeum not sharp ; notauli sharp throughout or superficial posteriorly ; marginal vein often conspicuously thickened, at least in its basalhalf . : . : : ¢ : : : 12 390 13 14 18 19 20 21 (11) (13) (14) (17) (16) (19) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Marginal vein of fore wing (cf. Text-figs. 285, 286, 323, 324) conspicuously thickened throughout, usually only three to five (occasionally six) times as long as broad, sometimes a little thicker at its apex than at its base Marginal vein of fore wing either not or only slightly thickened, at least about seven times as long as broad ; or else thickened only in its proximal half . Antennal formula 11353 ; postmarginal vein of fore wing not or hardly longer than the marginal vein ; notauli incomplete MESOPOLOBUS Westwood (p. Either antennal formula 11262 ; or else the postmarginal vein of the fore wing is nearly to quite 1-5 times as long as the marginal vein. Notauli some- times complete . : F : i 2 ‘ ‘ Mesepisternum wholly reticulate ; pronotal collar not margined. Notauli usually traceable to hind margin of mesoscutum, but super- ficial posteriorly é : 3 PACHYCREPOIDEUS Ashmead (p. Mesepisternum with a mainly to entirely smooth subtriangular area below the base of the hind wing. Pronotal collar sometimes margined . : Notauli complete, deep throughout ; stigma of fore wing moderately eee : anterior margin of clypeus angularly produced medially CORUNA Walker (p. Notauli incomplete ; stigma large or small ; anterior margin of clypeus of varied form, sometimes emarginate : Pronotal collar margined, at least in the middle, bat often throughout Pronotal collar not margined : Clypeus reticulate ; hind coxae fay dorsally in their basal half ; genae rounded ; fore wing with parastigma conspicuously thickened, stigma large, often surrounded by a fuscous cloud (cf. Text-fig. 324) DINOTISCUS Ghesquiere (p Clypeus striate ; hind coxae bare dorsally in their basal half ; genae most often compressed with a sharp edge near the mandibles ; fore wing with parastigma not conspicuously thickened, stigma smaller : Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum hardly equal to breadth of head ; flagellum subclavate, funicular segments subquadrate. Gaster convex dorsally ; second tergite slightly shorter than the third EUNEURA Walker (p. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum at least slightly greater than breadth of head ; flagellum filiform ; funicular segments sometimes longer than broad. Gaster usually sunken or flat dorsally ; second tergite as long as or longer than the third PACHYNEURON Walker (p. Antennae having first anellus longer than broad, longer than the second anellus. Pronotum more or less, and all coxae, yellow PANDELUS Forster (p. Antennae having anelli at least slightly transverse. Pronotum, and often coxae, dark : Fore wing (Text-fig. 324) with parastipma eonspicueucly: thickened, at es broadest part, almost as broad as the marginal vein ; stigma very large, separated by hardly more than its own height from the costal edge of the wing, surrounded by afuscous cloud. Hind coxae pilose dorsally, virtually to their bases . ; . ACROCORMUS Forster (p. Parastigma usually not Ghickencd, if slightly so then the stigma is smaller ; if the fore wing has a fuscous cloud then it is situated below the eae! vein : “ é : ‘ Antennae with flagellum at least slightly clavate ; combined length of pedicel- 13 24 638) 14 846) 15 845) 16 17 19 409) 18 843) 830) 422) 20 415) 21 22 23 29 30 (21) (12) (24) (25) (29) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 391 lus and flagellum at most equal to the breadth of the head. Marginal vein of fore wing of uniform thickness throughout, or slightly thicker at apex than at base. ; 3 ; : : : : 22 Antennae with Aaeelleed filiform ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum usually greater than breadth of head. Marginal vein at least very slightly thicker at base than at apex . 23 Fore wing with postmarginal vein at least slightly Shorted than the mareenal vein, and sometimes not longer than the stigmal vein ; marginal longer than the stigmal (cf. Text- ee 32 a Hind coxae pilose dorsally, virtually to base. : . METACOLUS Forster (p. 418) Fore wing with pestanel pial vein as long as or longer than the marginal vein, the latter not longer than the stigmal vein. Hind coxae dorsally usually bare in their basal half, occasionally with one or two hairs RHAPHITELUS Walker (p. 420) Anterior margin of clypeus incised medially, with a rounded lobe on either side of the incision. Hind tibia with two spurs. Propodeum medially somewhat shiny, weakly reticulate : CAENOCREPIS Thomson (p. 429) Anterior margin of clypeus truncate or virtually so. Hind tibia with one spur. Propodeum medially strongly reticulate and relatively dull HOMOPORUS Thomson (p. 444) Antennae with two anelli : usually with six funicular segments, occasionally seven, rarely eight . : : ; : : 25 Antennae with three anelli and fe funicular ceements : : 159 Marginal vein of fore wing (Text-fig. 291) conspicuously and rather Bbeaptly thickened in its proximal half. : 26 Marginal vein either not thickened, or at aye iiiekening very gradually towards its base ‘ 27 Antennae inserted low on head, lower Bree of feral about level with eeacell edge of eyes ; head protuberant at level of toruli MUSCIDIFURAX Girault & Sanders (p. 822) Antennae inserted higher on head, lower edge of toruli at least slightly above level of ventral edge of eyes ; head not protuberant . ; 27 Temples with a shiny band which extends from base of mandible to vertex (Text-fig. 574) . : : A . PERIDESMIA Forster (p. 701) Temples without a shiny ae : : 28 Mid tibia either conspicuously expanded, and at least partly fattened or with a process on its outer edge. Face and SSUPENS without conspicuous piliferous punctures . ‘ 29 Mid tibia neither conspicuously equated nor HEE a pineees if Senay expanded, then face below toruli, and clypeus, with conspicuous Baer punctures amongst the reticulation . 31 Propodeum with a large, quite strongly reticulate mache hin also with a costula ; dorsal surface of hind coxae with some hairs in its basal half SPANIOPUS Walker (p. 702) Propodeum with nucha represented only by ashort, transversely lunate, weakly aciculate or smooth strip ; dorsal surface of hind coxae bare in its basal half ; 30 Mid tarsi pececmmellle comes sented and fatrened tapering Aasesilis, Body dark or bronze-green ; legs ocupahanee infuscate ; antennae brown or testaceous . 5 . PEGOPUS Forster (p. 684) Mid tarsi neither eapandda nor datiened Body bright green to blue ; legs and antennae mainly to wholly yellow MESOPOLOBUS Westwood (p. 638) 392 32 33 34 35 37 38 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Penultimate segment of the yellow maxillary palpi with a long flattened subspatulate process. Head in dorsal view only 1-6 to 1-8 times as broad as long ; thorax elongate, 1-8 to 2:3 times as long as broad MESOPOLOBUS Westwood (p. 638) Penultimate segment of maxillary palpi without a process, the palpi sometimes dark. Head usually relatively more transverse ; thorax often less elongate . 32 Antennal scape (ext: ie £55) eeeed in ‘ins middle of is front edee) Dill with a triangular projection above this STICHOCREPIS Forster (p. 822) Antennal scape neither excised nor with a triangular projection . ; 33 Genae forming convex protuberances which, in frontal view of head, eer conspicuously below the level of the anterior margin of the clypeus. Eyes with long conspicuous hairs. Lower edge of antennal toruli, except in Halomalus, not or hardly above level of ventral edge of eyes ; antennae yellow or testaceous with at most the clava black ; : ; ‘ : , 34 Genae rarely produced anes of the elypeal margin ; ifso, then not forming convex protuberances, and the eyes with short inconspicuous hairs, the antennae sometimes extensively darkened . : 36 Antennal flagellum subcylindrical, much stouter than the nedicelng alll funicular segments transverse. Occiput sharp, or margined. Propodeal nucha represented by a short, transversely-lunate strip which is very weakly reticulate ; costula weak or irregular DIGLOCHIS Forster (p. 782) Antennal flagellum clavate, proximally not stouter than the pedicellus ; at most some of the distal segments of the funicle transverse. Occiput neither sharp nor margined. Propodeum with a moderate-sized or large, strongly reticulate nucha ; costula strong . ‘ : : ; : 35 Propodeum with hind corners with a small tooth ; callus densely pilose, the hairs also covering the supracoxal flange and even encroaching upon the median area ; nucha moderate-sized PEZILEPSIS Delucchi (p. 782) Propodeum with hind corners rounded off ; callus sparsely pilose ; nucha large, subglobose ‘ : HALOMALUS Erdés (p. 781) Antennae (Text-figs. 334, ale His) aie funicular segments separated by peduncle-like constrictions, and with whorls of outstanding hairs ; often seven funicular segments, sometimes six 5 37 Antennae with funicular segments more spre cial serneced oa incon- spicuous peduncles . 39 Antennae (Text-fig. 334) inserted high on the Head, their toruli much - nearer to the median ocellus than to the anterior margin of the clypeus, with scape reaching far above level of vertex ; antennal formula 11263 ; propodeum hardly half as long as the scutellum, its median area not uniformly reticulate, without a costula, the nucha short APSILOCERA Bouéek (p. 696) Antennal toruli at most slightly nearer to the median ocellus than to the anterior margin of the clypeus ; scape reaching at most slightly above level of vertex, if reaching above it then antennal formula 11272 ; pro- podeum at least half as long as scutellum . : : : : : 38 Gena with a hollow above the base of the mandible ; pronotum not as wide as the mesoscutum ; propodeum with a costula and the anterior part of the plicae more or less indicated, nucha moderate-sized ; antennal formula 11263 or 11272 (Text-figs. 342, 343) PSILOCERA Walker (p. 462) Gena without such a hollow ; pronotum as wide as the mesoscutum ; pro- podeum without costula or plicae, nucha poorly-defined ; antennal formula-11272 . : 5 : : ; NORBANUS Walker (p. 437) = — 39 40 43 44 45 (42) (44) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Antennal formula 11272 or 11281 ; funicular segments very elongate, the first segment 3-5 to 5 times, the last eae 1-7 to 2°5 times, as long as broad . Antennal formula 11263 ; ; funicular segments eealllys relatively shorter Propodeum without plicae ; postspiracular sclerite very small ; head and thorax with conspicuous whitish hairs. Antennal formula 11272 ISCHYROPTYX Delucchi (p. Propodeum with plicae indicated in at least the basal half ; postspiracular sclerite moderate-sized ; head, and thorax excluding propodeum, with very inconspicuous hairs which are not whitish. Antennal formula 11272 On Tz oTey. : : . ARTHROLYTUS Thomson (p. Postmarginal vein of fore oe only as long as, sometimes even slightly shorter than, the stigmal vein ; Postmarginal vein at least slightly longer than the stiemal vein’ Face below antennal toruli, and clypeus, with numerous Cae enue pier ous punctures amongst the reticulation. Antennae inserted well above level of ventral edge of eyes Face and clypeus with at most inconspicuous piliferous punctures. Antennae most often inserted at or hardly above level of ventral edge of eyes . Temples (Text-fig. 332) strongly produced backwards, in dorsal view at least half as long as eyes, forming acute points. Apical margin of fore wing bare. Antennae with anelli large, only moderately transverse, the second anellus more than half as long as the first funicular segment ; antennae inserted slightly below ventral edge of eyes, head very prominent at level of toruli . : : : KRANOPHORUS Graham (p. Temples rarely ee aetely pointed in dorsal view, if so then they are slightly less than half as long as the eyes, whilst the apical margin of the fore wing is at least partly ciliate, the anelli are short and strongly trans- verse, and the head is only slightly prominent at level of toruli Vertex behind the ocelli almost flat, the occipital surface descending at almost a right angle to it, the edge separating the two surfaces sharp ; gena witha small hollow above the base of the mandible DIBRACHOIDES Kurdjumov (p. Vertex behind the ocelli curved in the longitudinal axis, most often not separated from the occipital surface by a sharp pon ; gena most often without a distinct hollow Head compressed antero-posteriorly, in ‘dorsal view 2: 25 itomze 14 times as broad as long ; thorax somewhat flattened, distinctly broader than high ; scutellum in profile ar ee flat, its disc shiny with extremely weak sculpture . ‘ 5 . PLATNEPTIS Bouéek (p. Head not compressed, in dorsal view at most about twice as broad as long ; thorax rarely distinctly flattened, the scutellum more convex, with distinct reticulation all over : : : : : ‘ ‘ , Occiput margined, at least meals Fore wing, beyond the speculum, with normal moderately dense pilosity, and without a broad bare strip below the marginal vein ; Occiput usually immarginate ; if with a vague indication of a margin, then the fore wing beyond the speculum is sparsely pilose and there is a broad bare strip below the marginal vein, on upperside of wing Costal cell of fore wing narrow, at least ten times as long as broad, its frout edge straight or slightly concave in the middle TRITNEPTIS Girault (p. Costal cell of fore wing at most about eight times as long as broad, its front edge at least slightly curved forwards . ROPTROCERUS Ratzeburg (p. DIBRACHYS Forster (p. 393 40 41 433) 789) 42 51 423) 43 819) 44 814) 45 800) 46 804) 47 801) 48 49 54 55 56 (48) M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Upper surface of fore wing with a broad bare strip below the marginal vein ; and rather sparsely pilose beyond the speculum . : é , 49 Upper surface of fore wing without a bare strip below the ioedepine vein ; disc of wing fairly thickly to rather densely pilose. : 50 Mesosternum posteriorly, just in front of the trochantinal lobes, clothed with long whitish hairs which stand out almost vertically. Head protuberant at level of antennal toruli. Antennae with first funicular segment about 1-5 times as long as the second segment, and at least 1-5 times as long as broad é ‘ ‘ . CONOMORIUM Masi (p. 821) Mesosternum Weise with ings eas slightly outstanding. Head convex, but not protuberant, at level of antennal toruli. Antennae with first funicular segment not or hardly longer than the second segment, and slightly transverse . ‘ . SCHIZONOTUS Ratzeburg (p. 817) Posterior half of ass sa clothed with long, outstanding white hairs ERDOESINA Graham (p. 796) Mesosternum with sparse, only slightly outstanding hairs CYCLOGASTRELLA Bukovskij (p. 796) Lower edge of antennal toruli at or even slightly below level of ventral edge ofeyes . 52 Lower edge of petcaeel forall at ieaee slightly cpare level oF Coon pape of eyes. : : 54 Hind corners of propodeant Gapceatl flanges) in udorsal view appearing right-angled or even slightly acute : : : : 56 Hind corners of propodeum in dorsal view rounded o or obtuse : 53 Postmarginal vein of fore wing only slightly (up to 1-2 times) longer than the stigmal vein. Head rather strongly protuberant at level of antennal toruli ‘ : F : 46 Postmarginal vein Nop iecely longer than the stipnial vein. Head at most slightly protuberant at level of antennal toruli_. : 54 Clypeus shiny and nearly smooth, its anterior margin with a median foothee hind tibia with two spurs ; pronotal collar long, at least one quarter as long as mesoscutum, rounded off in front ; notauli usually traceable to hind margin of mesoscutum, though very superficial posteriorly HEMITRICAUS Thomson (p. 826) If the clypeus has a median tooth, then the surface of the clypeus is striate or reticulate, the hind tibia has one spur, the pronotal collar is a shorter and is often margined, and the notauli are incomplete E 55 Hind corners of propodeum, in dorsal view, appearing sharp (right-angled or acute) ; basal cell of fore wing with scattered hairs over the distal half or more ; hind tibia with two spurs, but the second spur is weaker than the first ; anterior margin of clypeus truncate or curved slightly forwards DIMACHUS Thomson (p. 823) Hind corners of propodeum rarely appearing sharp, if so then the basal cell of the fore wing is at most pilose at apex, the hind tibia has only one spur, and the anterior margin of the clypeus is emarginate medially : 5 : 56 Hind corners of propodeum (supracoxal flanges) in dorsal view appearing right-angled or even slightly acute ; propodeal callus sparsely pilose, supracoxal flange bare ; genae curved ; antennal clava pointed, often acutely . ‘ : ; LARIOPHAGUS Crawford (p. 823) Hind corners of peepereend Gapracoxal flanges) nearly always rounded or obtuse ; if sharply-pointed, then the propodeal callus and supracoxal flanges are densely pilose, the genae are prominent, almost angled, and the antennal clava is obtuse . : ; : : : : , ; 57 57 58 64 (57) (61) (62) (63) (64) (62) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Occiput finely to very strongly margined, at least medially. Notauli usually quite sharply impressed to about halfway across the mesoscutum Occiput not margined. Notauli usually less sharply impressed . Transverse ridge separating occiput from vertex situated only slightly behind the ocelli, separated from them by hardly their own diameter. Propodeal nucha not developed, but represented merely by a ridge or narrow, weakly-sculptured transverse strip . HOLCAEUS Thomson (p. Transverse carina separating occiput from vertex situated farther back, and separated from the posterior ocelli by more than their own diameter. Propodeum with a reticulate nucha which occupies at least about a third of the median length of the sclerite Fore wing almost wholly pilose, the speculum eee or a small UROLEPIS Walker (p. Fore wing with a large speculum ; basal cell at least partly bare Hind coxae hairy dorsally in their basal half GYRINOPHAGUS Ruschka (p. Hind coxae bare dorsally, at least in their basal half EUPTEROMALUS ai umov (p. Hind coxae hairy dorsally in their proximal half or more . Hind coxae bare dorsally in their proximal half at least : Clypeus mainly to entirely reticulate, its anterior margin usually micited Propodeal nucha not developed. Pronotal collar often immarginate Clypeus mainly to entirely strigose, its anterior margin at most moderately deeply emarginate. Propodeal nucha usually developed, sometimes large. Pronotal collar usually margined ‘ é ‘ : : : Hind tibia with two distinct spurs. Pronotal collar rounded off in front. Fore wing with marginal vein usually shorter than, sometimes as long as, the stigmal vein, no fuscous cloud around the latter. Anterior margin of clypeus with two rounded lobes separated by a moderately deep incision CAENOCREPIS Thomson (p. Hind tibia with only one spur. Pronotal collar sometimes margined. Fore wing with marginal vein sometimes longer than the stigmal vein, some- times with a fuscous cloud around the latter. Anterior peste of ree either with two pointed teeth, or subtruncate Face below level of antennal toruli, and clypeus with gel feoueprenors piliferous punctures amongst the reticulation. Anterior margin of clypeus not, or only very shallowly, emarginate. Pronotal collar rounded off in front . : 3 . ROPTROCERUS Ratzeburg (p. Face and clypeus often without obvious piliferous punctures ; if with some, then either the anterior margin of the aes is incised medially, or the pronotal collar is margined 4 Pronotal collar margined. Fore wing sual with a Scomam DINOTISCUS Ghesquiere (p. Pronotal collar not margined. Speculum of fore wing sometimes absent or rudimentary . : . RHOPALICUS Forster (p. Scutello-axillar sutures oe Bateniorhy, and meeting ; the scutellum there- fore touches the mesoscutum only at a point, or has only a very narrow base. Propodeal callus not densely hairy ; sides of basal tergite of gaster nearly bare. Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. Funicular segments of antenna all longer than broad, the first much longer than the pedicellus . : Scutello-axillar sutures converging less strongly in front ; the base of the scutellum at least slightly more than half the maximum breadth of an APELIOMA Delucchi (p. 395 58 61 584) 429) 64 423) 65 409) 412) 582) 396 67 68 69 7° 71 (66) (69) (70) (71) (69) M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM axilla, sometimes as great as that of an axilla. Propodeal callus some- times densely hairy ; sides of basal tergite of gaster sometimes conspicuously so. Sometimes both mandibles have four teeth. Funicular segments very variable in length, from shorter than to much ping than the pedicellus . : : 67 Sides of propodeum excteuraly hase ie pairs extending over the witele callus nearly to the plicae, over the supracoxal flanges, and even partly on to the median area ; postero-lateral corners of the propodeum with a small tooth. Basal tergite of gaster not conspicuously hairy. Genae, in frontal view of head, almost angulate PEZILEPSIS Delucchi (p. 782) Sides of propodeum less extensively pilose, the hairs not encroaching on the median area ; if they cover nearly the whole of the callus, then the basal tergite of the gaster is conspicuously hairy laterally. Postero-lateral corners of propodeum rounded off. Genae curved 68 Both mandibles with four teeth. If the propodeum tes a fare cater reticulate nucha, then the costula is rarely present, whilst the gaster is oblong or sublinear . : TRICHOMALUS Thomson (p. 707) Left mandible with three beet right mandible with four. Propodeum with a large strongly reticulate nucha, and usually with a costula, which may be strong. Gaster subcircular or shortly oval, much shorter than the thorax SPANIOPUS Walker (p. 702) Antennae inserted very high on the head, their toruli distinctly nearer to the median ocellus than to the anterior margin of the clypeus ; scape reaching above level of vertex. Postspiracular sclerite rather large, reticulate. Propodeal nucha repre- sented merely by a transverse, weakly-sculptured or smooth strip . 70 Antennae inserted less high, their toruli either midway between the median ocellus and the anterior margin of the clypeus, or else nearer to the latter 73 Face below level of antennal toruli, and the clypeus, with several conspicuous piliferous punctures ; the clypeus otherwise mainly reticulate. Pronotal collar not margined . : : . ROPTROCERUS Ratzeburg (p. 423) Face and clypeus without piliferous punctures ; theclypeusstriate. Pronotal collar at least slightly margined . . é ; : : c : 71 Antennal flagellum (Text-fig. 334) with a whorl of very long, strongly outstanding hairs on each segment; funicular segments somewhat nodulose ; scape reaching very far above level of vertex. Body bronze to bluish black. Anterior margin of clypeus emarginate or with a median tooth APSILOCERA Bouéek (p. 696) Antennal flagellum with hairs not arranged in a single whorl on each segment, the hairs neither so long nor so strongly outstanding ; funicular segments not nodulose but cylindrical. Body bright green to blue ; é : FZ Anterior margin of clypeus with a median tooth STENOMALINA Ghesquiere (p. 600) Anterior margin of clypeus without a tooth CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. 611) Gena with a large hollow which extends one third to half the distance between the base of the mandible and the eye ; 74 Gena usually without a hollow, rarely with a very narrow one “3! hae the base of the mandible . : 80 Fore wing without a speculum. Pronotal collar not margined fe some- what rounded off anteriorly ; j CATOLACCUS Thomson (p. 467) Fore wing with a large speculum. Pronotal collar at least weakly margined 75 75 76 He 78 80 (75) (77) (78) (73) (80) (81) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 397 Pronotal collar weakly and irregularly margined. Stigma of fore wing (Text- fig. 319) subcircular, rather large, separated by less than twice its height from the lower edge of the postmarginal vein. Propodeal nucha represented only by a narrow, smooth or weakly aciculate transverse strip PSEUDOCATOLACCUS Masi (p. 694) Pronotal collar sharply and regularly margined. Stigma of fore wing smaller except in Synedrus, in which it is oval in a in that genus also the pro- podeum has a reticulate nucha . : 76 Spiracles of propodeum touching the hind Caeeth of the meeanonatn the front part of the spiracular rim partly hidden ; propodeum medially more than half as long as the scutellum and produced well beyond the bases of the hind coxae ; the nucha short, transversely aciculate, rather well-defined in front. Funicular segments about 1:5 times as long as broad VRESTOVIA Bouéek (p. 828) Spiracles of propodeum at least slightly separated from the hind margin of the metanotum. If the propodeum is more than half as long as the scutellum, then the nucha is reticulate and not very distinctly defined in front, while the funicular segments are relatively longer . : FG Propodeum, medially, more than half as long as the sentelleem, produced well beyond the bases of the hind coxae ; nucha reticulate, not very distinctly defined in front. Stigma of fore wing rather large, separated by less than twice its height from the lower edge of the postmarginal vein. At least the proximal funicular segments twice or more than twice as long as broad SYNEDRUS Graham (p. 583) Propodeum, medially, at most half as long as the scutellum, less strongly produced backwards ; nucha represented only by a narrow, transversely- lunate strip which is smooth or transversely aciculate. Stigma of fore wing often smaller. Funicular segments sometimes relatively shorter : 78 First funicular segment shorter than, or at most as long as, the pedicellus ; all the funicular segments varying from slightly transverse to slightly longer than broad. Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four : : . KALEVA Graham (p. 596) First funicular segment longer than the pedicellus ; all the funicular seg- ments longer than broad. Both mandibles with four teeth . ¢ 79 Marginal vein of fore wing twice or nearly twice as long as the stigmal vein. Anterior margin of clypeus very broadly truncate. Body bright green LONCHETRON Graham (p. 596) Marginal vein 1-2 to 1-3 times as long as the stigmal vein. Anterior margin of clypeus shallowly emarginate. Body dark green, bluish, or bronze CAPELLIA Delucchi (p. 475) Mesepisternum wholly reticulate. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum much less than breadth of head ; flagellum strongly clavate, with distal segments of funicle strongly transverse. Gena with a small hollow : KALEVA Graham (p. 596) Mesepisternum usually with a mainly to eaticcly smooth subtriangular area below the base of the hind wing ; if this area is wholly reticulate, then the antennae are different inform. 81 Anterior margin of clypeus with a median tooth or tubercle, ‘often also with an angular projection on either side of it (Text-figs. 468, 469) . : 5 82 Anterior margin of clypeus without a median tooth or tubercle . 83 Propodeum with a rather large reticulate nucha. Genae (Text- Be ane) produced somewhat ventrad of level of anterior margin of clypeus ; the latter with a median tooth only. Thorax slightly flattened ; scutellum 398 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 go M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM weakly convex, frenum marked off by a rather distinct impressed line ROHATINA Boucek (p. 700) Propodeal nucha represented merely by a lunate, transversely-aciculate to smooth strip. Genae not distinctly produced ventrad of anterior margin of clypeus, the latter with a median tooth or tubercle and usually an angular projection on either side of it. Thorax arched dorsally ; scutellum convex, its frenum not very distinctly marked off STENOMALINA Ghesquiere (p. 600) Oral fossa greatly enlarged (Text-figs. 337, 338), so that genae are very short, breadth of oral fossa 5 to 30 times the malar space . 3 84 Oral fossa not greatly enlarged, its breadth at most about 3:5 times He malar space ‘ 86 Mandibles (Text-fig. 338) sme Seeerated moe the peace by a nee. bec spherical pit, which appears to be membranous PTEROMALUS Swederus (p. 488) and HABROCYTUS Thomson (p. 494) Mandibles (Text-fig. 337) large, the base of each mandible forming a flat or convex lamina, whose rounded edge fits closely to the edge of the gena or is separated from it only by a narrow lunate space . ; : 85 Anterior margin of clypeus broadly and shallowly cmanpinatS Antennae with funicular segments quadrate ‘ HABROCYTUS Thomson (p. 473) Anterior margin of clypeus moderately deeply incised. Antennae with funicular segments, except sometimes the sixth, somewhat longer than broad : . “ PSYCHOPHAGUS Mayr (p. 473) Anterior margin of apotie (Text- te 307, 361) deeply and rather narrowly incised medially, sometimes bidentate . : 87 Anterior margin of clypeus more broadly and Steller, eee (@exe figs. 394, 435, 450, 457, 464, 496, 523-527, 529, 506, 568, 655) . . 04 Pronotum as wide or virtually as wide as the mesoscutum. Genae, he: above bases of mandible, with a sharp edge. Head and thorax usually with whitish hairs. Mesepisternum sometimes wholly reticulate . : 155 Either pronotum distinctly less wide than the mesoscutum ; or else genae without a sharp edge, and vertex and dorsum of thorax, excluding the propodeum, with dark hairs. Mesepisternum with a partly to et smooth area below the base of the hind wing 5 ‘ 88 Propodeum (cf. Text-fig. 360) with a reticulate nucha which occupies fanone one third of the median length of the sclerite, and is not sharply defined in front. Basal cell of fore wing bare, or pilose only just at its apex ; wing sometimes with a trace of two fuscous clouds SPILOMALUS Graham (p. 479) Either the propodeal nucha is represented merely by a narrow, weakly- sculptured transverse strip ; or the basal cell of the fore wing is ied over at least its distal half j : 89 Propodeum (cf. Text-fig. 349) witha “ences Jarge reticulate acne Pier nearly complete ; costula usually indicated. Basal cell of fore wing with its distal half or more pilose : . ERYTHROMALUS Graham (p. 468) Propodeal nucha represented only by a transverse ridge, or a lunate nearly smooth or weakly transversely-aciculate strip ; plicae sometimes very incomplete ; costula often absent. Basal cell of fore wing most often bare, extensively pilose only in some Caenacis : 90 Clypeus reticulate. Marginal vein of fore wing slightly shorter Aon, or 2 most as long as, the stigmal vein. Hind tibia with two spurs. Pronotal collar not margined . : : : CAENOCREPIS Thomson (p. 429) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 399 - Clypeus, at least mainly, striate. Marginal vein 1-2 to 2 times as long as the stigmal vein. Hind tibia usually with one spur, a weak second spur present in Dinotoides. Pronotal collar usually margined : 91 91 (90) Clypeus with strong striae which extend well up the face (Text- Ae 307). Marginal vein of fore wing about twice as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma small, separated by about twice its height from costal edge of wing ; post- marginal vein much shorter than the marginal vein. Pronotal collar long, even medially about one fifth as long as mesoscutum HOBBYA Delucchi (p. 569) - Clypeus with finer striae which hardly extend up the face. Marginal vein 1-2 to 1°5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma often rather large ; postmarginal vein about as long as the marginal vein. Pronotal collar relatively shorter medially . : 92 92 (91) Mesoscutum (Text-fig. 316) with pee See thoush distinet sisson punctures amongst the reticulation ; sides of frons, and face, with rugulose- reticulate sculpture. Propodeum without a distinct costula, medially only about one third as long as the scutellum CECIDOSTIBA Thomson (p. 564) Fics. 335-338. 335, Chlovocytus pulchripes (Walker), 9, postspiracular sclerite, ventral ; 336, Habrocytus elevatus (Walker), 2, postspiracular sclerite, ventral ; 337, Psychophagus omnivorus (Walker), g, lower part of head ; 338, Ptervomalus squamifey Thomson, 6, lower part of head. 400 93 94 95 96 OF, 98 99 100 (92) (95) (96) (99) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Mesoscutum without evident piliferous punctures; frons and face not rugulosely reticulate. Propodeum usually with some trace of a costula, medially at least slightly more than one third as long as the scutellum . 93 Either the distal half or more of the basal cell of the fore wing is pilose ; or the median area of the propodeum has a strong costula and some irregular wrinkles, but little fine reticulation . : . CAENACIS Forster (p. 569) Basal cell of fore wing, not counting the basal vein, bare or nearly so ; median area of propodeum nearly uniformly reticulate, the costula weak DINOTOIDES Bouéek (p. 571) Postspiracular sclerite (Text-fig. 318) visible only as a small subequilateral triangle lying against the tegula ; pronotum (Text-fig. 317) as wide or virtually as wide as the mesoscutum, the surface in front of the pronotal collar descending vertically to the very short neck ; head and thorax most often with whitish hairs . : : ‘ : : ; : ; 153 Postspiracular sclerite often large ; if narrow (Text-fig. 336) then visible as an elongate triangle which descends well ventrad, and the pronotum (Text- figs. 316, 333) at least slightly less wide than the mesoscutum ; head, mesoscutum, and scutellum usually with at least most of their hairs dark . 95 External edge of hind tibia (Text-fig. 322) with several short spines in addition to the ordinary hairs ; fore femur more or less swollen ; clypeus mainly reticulate ; fore wing usually with two fuscous clouds, one below the parastigma, the other around the stigmal vein CHEIROPACHUS Westwood (p. 416) External edge of hind tibia without spines. Fore femur usually not swollen. Clypeus usually striate. Fore wing usually immaculate, occa- sionally with a fuscous cloud below the marginal vein, rarely with a cloud around the stigmal vein. : : : : : 2 96 Face below level of antennal toruli, and clypeus, itis sever conspicuous piliferous punctures ; the clypeus otherwise mainly reticulate. Pronotal collar not margined. Propodeal nucha represented only by a narrow, weakly-sculptured transverse strip, or a ridge . : . ROPTROCERUS Ratzeburg (p. 423) Face and clypeus nearly always without piliferous punctures ; if with a few, then either the clypeus is mainly striate, or the pronotal collar is margined 97 Clypeus (Text-fig. 572) abnormal, bent under anteriorly, its front margin angularly produced ; ina frontal view of the head, the anterior edge of the clypeus appears to lie at least slightly farther dorsad than the lower edge of the genae. Propodeum with a distinct, reticulate nucha. Pronotal collar sharply margined . ; 3 5 ROHATINA Bouktek (p. 700) Anterior part of ypens not bent under, its front margin not angularly produced ; anterior edge of clypeus rarely lying farther dorsad than the lower edge of the genae ; ; 5 A 6 : 98 Propodeum with a more or less developed conti : 5 5 3 F 99 Propodeum without a costula : 102 Propodeum medially half or more than half as s long as the sensi =v produced well beyond the bases of the hind coxae. Pronotal collar sharply margined almost throughout : : . 00 Either the propodeum (medially) is less than half as long as the penretiaen ; or the pronotal collar is at most margined in the middle . é 102 Median area of propodeum shiny, its panels with some irregular wiinidles but little or no fine reticulation ; costula not straight, usually irregular ; IOI (100) 103 (102) 104 (102) 105 (104) 106 (105) 107 (106) 108 (107) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 401 nucha represented merely by a sharply-defined transverse ridge STAUROTHYREUS Graham (p. 699) Median area of propodeum relatively dull, uniformly reticulate ; costula often straight ; nucha more or less ae though not very oe defined anteriorly, reticulate . é IOI Propodeum medially at least somenhat more fhaa half as long as the seutel lum ; costula straight or nearly so, if not quite straight, then the median length of the propodeum is about two thirds that of the scutellum ABLAXIA Delucchi (p. 572) Propodeum medially about half as long as the scutellum ; costula not quite straight, often weak, especially in the middle APELIOMA Delucchi (p. 582) Antennae with usually both anelli, occasionally only the second anellus, quadrate ; the anelli very conspicuous, their combined length at least somewhat more than half that of the first funicular segment (Text-figs. 518, 520, 521). POL much greater than OOL. Propodeal nucha represented only by a narrow, transversely lunate strip, which is weakly sculptured : : : 103 Antennae with both anelli usually moderately to strongly transverse Sot only slightly transverse, then POL is only about equal to OOL : ; 104 First funicular segment of antennae not longer, and often shorter, than the sixth segment, and usually shorter than the second segment. Pronotal collar with at most a weak irregular marginal carina. MHairs of vertex, mesoscutum, and scutellum sometimes dark MESOPOLOBUS Westwood (p. 683) First funicular segment slightly to much longer than the sixth segment, and as long as, or slightly longer than, the second segment. Pronotal collar with a strongly raised, very sharp front margin, except in one species which has the hairs of the vertex, mesoscutum, and scutellum pale EUMACEPOLUS Graham (p. 633) Propodeal nucha represented only by a ridge ; or a narrow transverse strip which is weakly aciculate (transversely) or smooth, and is usually defined anteriorly by a sharp edge . : 105 Propodeum with a convex reticulate nucha which occupies at least about one third of the median length of the propodeum, and is not, or not very aes defined anteriorly 5 . 144 Postmarginal vein of fore wing only slightly longer than the stigmal vein . 106 Postmarginal vein obviously longer than the stigmal vein . : 109 Fore wing (upper surface) with a broad bare strip below the marginal vein, extending right to the stigmal vein ; on the lower surface of the wing this bare strip is interrupted only by a few scattered hairs ; disc of wing rather sparsely pilose. Head protuberant at level of antennal toruli. Posterior half of mesosternum clothed with long whitish hairs which stand out nearly at a right angle to the surface. : - CONOMORIUM Masi (p. 821) Fore wing with at most a narrow bare strip below the marginal vein ; if such a strip is present, then the disc of the wing is not sparsely pilose, the head is not protuberant at the level of the antennal toruli, and the hairs of the mesosternum are not strongly outstanding . ‘ 107 Posterior half of mesosternum clothed with strongly outstanding whitish hairs ERDOESINA Graham (p. 796) Posterior half of mesosternum with hairs only slightly outstanding . ; 108 Antennal toruli much nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus, their lower edges not or hardly above the ventral edge of the eyes. Head somewhat protuberant at level of toruli, the face distinctly 402 109 (108) 110 (109) III (110) 112 (111) 113 (112) 114 (£13) 115 (114) 116 (115) 117 (116) M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM receding. Antennal scape virtually as long as an eye CYCLOGASTRELLA Bukovskij (p. 796) Either the antennal toruli are not or hardly nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus ; or else the head is not aio at level of toruli and the face hardly recedes : 109 Mesepisternum wholly reticulate. POL only about satel to OOL. Fore wing with basal cell with some scattered hairs ; speculum, on lower surface of wing, somewhat effaced by scattered hairs ; marginal vein about twice as long as the stigmal vein. Pronotal collar not margined XIPHYDRIOPHAGUS Ferriére (p. 426) Mesepisternum usually with a shiny and mainly to entirely smooth area below the base of the hind wing ; if this area is reticulate, then the other characters do not all agree with the above . : : : : a 110 Oral fossa (cf. Text-fig. 305) small, its breadth at most 1-5 times the malar space. Gaster subcircular or subtriangular, shorter than the thorax ; petiole yellowish. Pronotal collar very short medially, usually slightly margined ENDOMYCHOBIUS Ashmead (p. 470) Oral fossa larger, its breadth more than 1-5 times the malar space. Gaster most often oblong to sublinear, if subcircular then the petiole is not yellowish . III Pronotal collar without trace a a sane. often ronaded ome in font though sometimes forming an abrupt edge with the pronotal neck . : ; 112 Pronotal collar margined, at least in the middle : : : é : 124 Fore wing with distal half or more of basal cell pilose : 113 Basal cell of fore wing, not counting any hairs on basal vein, bare or ae Bs most a very few hairs near the basal vein . 114 Propodeum short, medially only slightly more than one . third as long as scutellum ; plicae absent or indicated only posteriorly. All funicular seg- ments, except sometimes the first, at least slightly transverse CECIDOSTIBA (ANASTIBA) sgen. n. (p. 565) Either the propodeum is relatively longer, or has plicae distinct throughout, or some of the funicular segments in addition to the first are quadrate to longer than broad . c 114 Propodeum with plicae represented only by ferent a the ese of the a podeum ; spiracular sulci shallow or almost absent : : : : 115 Propodeal plicae sharp at least posteriorly : ; : 118 Propodeum between the spiracles very shiny, smooth or asi Ameer Fore wing with postmarginal vein somewhat longer than the marginal vein ; basal cell with scattered hairs distally LAMPOTERMA Graham (p. 687) Propodeum between the spiracles not very shiny, distinctly, sometimes quite strongly, reticulate. Fore wing with postmarginal vein shorter than, or at most as long as, the marginal vein ; basal cell, not peg basal vein, usually bare, rarely with a few hairs distally ‘ 116 Flagellum with numerous short sensilla arranged in two to four rows on each segment ; hairs of flagellum subadpressed. Marginal vein of fore wing 2 to 2:3 times as long as the stigmal vein . . MERISUS Walker (p. 443) Flagellum with sparser sensilla which are arranged in one row on at least the distal segments of the funicle ; hairs of flagellum outstanding. ee vein often shorter relative to the stigmal vein . Pe 8 31307/ Marginal vein of fore wing 1-5 to 2-5 times as long as the stiemal vein HOMOPORUS Thomson (p. 444) 120 (119) 123 (121) 124 (III) 125 (124) 126 (125) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Marginal vein at most 1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein SPINTHERUS Thomson (p. Lower edge of antennal toruli hardly above level of ventral edge of eyes Lower edge of antennal toruli distinctly above level of ventral edge of eyes POL hardly greater than OOL. Postmarginal vein of fore wing about as long as the marginal vein. Pedicellus in dorsal view somewhat less than twice as long as broad. Body green to blue : : CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. POL much greater than OOL. Postmarginal vein shorter than the marginal vein. Pedicellus in dorsal view fully twice as long as broad : Antennal flagellum clavate ; antennae mainly to wholly yellow. Body bright green to blue ; legs, except coxae, mainly to wholly yellow ; gaster usually with a yellowish spot or band. MESOPOLOBUS Westwood (p. Antennal flagellum filiform, black. Body bronze or olive-bronze ; legs testaceous or partly infuscate ; gaster immaculate TOMICOBIA Ashmead (p. Antennae with first funicular segment at least slightly shorter than the pedicellus Antennae with first funicular ae as long as Or lonser yee the pedicels Either the clypeus is mainly reticulate ; or the metanotal dorsellum is reticulate. Both mandibles with three teeth. Scutellar frenum distinctly marked off ; : ; . TOMICOBIA Ashmead (p. Clypeus strigose ; metanotal dorsellunt smooth or nearly so. Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. Scutellar frenum not distinctly marked off except at the sides. > HABROCYTUS Thomson (p. In a dorsal view of the thorax, the pronotal neck (Text-fig. 333 1) appears at least slightly longer than the collar, the latter short medially. Post- spiracular sclerite (Text-fig. 335) broader, relatively uniformly reticulate. Marginal vein of fore wing 1:65 to 1-85 times as long as the stigmal vein CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. In a dorsal view, the pronotal neck is usually invisible (cf. Text-fig. 405) or appears shorter than the collar, occasionally as long as the collar, the latter often long medially. Postspiracular sclerite (Text-fig. 336) narrower, more weakly and irregularly sculptured. Marginal vein 1-35 to 1-7, but usually not more than 1°5, times as long as the stigmal vein HABROCYTUS Thomson (p. and PTEROMALUS Swederus (p. Clypeus (Text-fig. 307) with strong striae which extend some way up the face and genae ; pronotal collar long, medially about one fifth as long as the mesoscutum or slightly more ; marginal vein of fore wing nearly twice as long as the stigmal vein. : . HOBBYA Delucchi (p. Clypeus with finer striae ; pronotal collar often shorter medially ; marginal vein sometimes shorter relative to the stigmal vein. Fore wing with distal third to half of basal cell pilose ; thorax deans: de pressed, scutellum in profile appearing nearly flat ; gaster immaculate ANOGMUS Forster (p. Basal cell, not counting basal vein, usually bare, but if somewhat pilose distally then the thorax is convex dorsally and the scutellum in profile appears distinctly curved ; sometimes also the gaster has a yellowish spot or band : ; : : Gena with a small pollens abowe the base of the aes” marginal vein of fore wing only 1-2 to 1-3 times as long as the stigmal vein ; all funicular segments longer than broad, the first at least twice as long as the pedicellus ; 403 480) 119 121 611) I20 638) 784) E22 123 784) 494) 611) 494) 488) 569) 125 628) 126 404 129 (128) 132 (131) 133 (132) 134 (132) 135 (134) 136 (135) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM propodeum with plicae weak, often sharp only at hind margin and other- wise represented only by basal foveae . : CAPELLIA Delucchi (p. 475) Gena without a hollow above base of mandible. Either the marginal vein is 1-5 to 2-3 times as long as the stigmal vein ; or the first funicular segment is at most slightly longer than the pedicellus : : 127 Propodeum with plicae represented only by foveae at base of peered : spiracular sulci absent or very shallow. : 128 Propodeal plicae at least sharp posteriorly ; Spiaeulen! Bales most Gfren distinctly impressed, sometimes punctate or with transverse costulae . 131 Marginal vein of fore wing only about 1-2 times as long as the stigmal vein ; body bronze-black ; both mandibles with four teeth ; first funicular segment not or hardly longer than the pedicellus PEGOPUS Forster (p. 684) Marginal vein 1-4 to 2-3 times as long as the stigmal vein. Head and thorax sometimes mainly green to blue. Mandibles sometimes with three teeth. First funicular segment sometimes much longer than the pedicellus . : 129 Propodeum between the spiracles convex, shiny, smooth or weakly aluta- ceous ; pronotal collar sharply margined ; left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four ; marginal vein 1-7 to 2:3 times as long as the stigmal vein ; head and thorax mainly bright green CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. 611) Propodeum between the spiracles distinctly reticulate ; pronotal collar sometimes weakly margined ; mandibular teeth sometimes otherwise ; marginal vein sometimes relatively shorter ; head and thorax often dark blue or dark green. 130 Both mandibles with three teeth, Pronotal calle evenly margined through- out, sometimes very finely, but most often strongly HOLCAEUS Thomson (p. 584) Left mandible with three or four teeth, right mandible with four. Pronotal collar weakly and irregularly margined . HOMOPORUS Thomson (p. 444) Gastral petiole 1-6 to 1-8 times as long as broad, about two-thirds as long as the propodeum, subcylindrical, with one to two hairs on each side. Marginal vein about twice as long as the stigmal vein. Propodeum medially slightly more than half as long as the scutellum ISOCYRTUS Walker (p. 624) Gastral petiole at most as long as broad, but most often transverse, sub- conical, without hairs laterally . : ; 132 Lower edge of antennal toruli not or hardly acore eral of ventral edge of eyes 133 Lower edge of antennal toruli distinctly above level of ventral edge of eyes 134 Antennae blackish with at most the scape partly pale ; femora mainly black ; gaster immaculate. : é : CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. 611) Antennae and legs, except coxae, mainly to entirely yellow ; gaster usually with a yellowish spot or band. . MESOPOLOBUS Westwood (p. 638) Pronotal collar margined at most over its middle third, and sometimes weakly so : F : : 135 Pronotal collar margined faves sue or Scospe just at the sides : c . 137 Antennal pedicellus, in dorsal view, about twice as long as broad, at least slightly longer than the first funicular segment. Either the metanotal dorsellum is finely reticulate ; or the clypeus is mainly reticulate TOMICOBIA Ashmead (p. 784) Antennal pedicellus in dorsal view usually 1 to 1-6 times as long as broad, if rather longer then the metanotal dorsellum is smooth. Clypeus striate 136 In exact dorsal view of thorax, the pronotal neck (Text-fig. 333 ”) appears at least slightly longer than the collar, which is short medially. Post- 137 (134) 138 (137) 139 (137) 140 (139) I4I (140) 142 (141) PITEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE spiracular sclerite (Text-fig. 335) broader, relatively uniformly reticulate. Marginal vein 1-65 to 1-85 times as long as the stigmal vein CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p. In exact dorsal view of thorax, the pronotal neck appears shorter than, or at most as long as, the collar, the latter often long medially, sometimes as much as one fifth the length of the mesoscutum. Postspiracular sclerite (Text-fig. 336) narrower, more weakly and irregularly reticulate. Mar- ginal vein 1-35 to 1-7, but sae 3 not more than 1:5 times as long as the stigmal vein. ‘ ; HABROCYTUS Thomson e- Antennal scape as fee as an on Antennal scape somewhat, often much, shorter fons an ae ; Antennal pedicellus, in dorsal view, about 1-5 times as long as broad. ieiead slightly protuberant immediately below antennal toruli, the face forming an angle of about 45° with the frons. Spiracular sulci of propodeum shallow, not or hardly sculptured : . DIRHICNUS Thomson (p. Antennal pedicellus in dorsal view appearing hardly longer than broad. Head not protuberant at level of toruli. Spiracular sulci of propodeum distinctly impressed, more or less punctate or with transverse costulae HABROCYTUS Thomson (p. Marginal vein of fore wing 1-1 to 1-2 times as long as the stigmal vein ; body bronze-black, legs mainly dark, antennae blackish ; both mandibles with four teeth. First funicular segment at most slightly longer than the pedicellus : - . PEGOPUS Forster (p. Either the marginal vein is mf least I°5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; or else the head and thorax are mainly green to blue-green, the tibiae and tarsi are at least mainly yellowish, and the antennal flagellum is yellowish beneath. Left mandible, or both mandibles, with three teeth 3 Marginal vein 1-2 to 1-3 times as long as the stigmal vein ; mesoscutum with several shallow piliferous punctures in addition to the reticulation, much as in Text-fig. 316 ; pronotal neck sloping vertically with respect to the surface of the collar, so that in an exact dorsal view of the thorax the neck is invisible : : : CECIDOSTIBA Thomson (p. Marginal vein 1-5 to 2 jaeitaes as long as the stigmal vein. Mesoscutum usually without piliferous punctures, if with a few then the pronotal neck slopes less steeply and is visible in a dorsal view of the thorax ; Propodeum (cf. Text-figs. 371-381) with plicae distinct throughout ; spiracu- lar sulci distinctly impressed, even just behind the spiracles, and with some transverse costulae or punctures. Base of scutellum nearly as broad as base of axilla. Mesosternal mesolcus subobsolete. Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four . . : HABROCYTUS Thomson (p. Propodeal plicae usually absent, or subobsolete anteriorly (Text-figs. 492, 493) ; if distinct throughout, then the base of the scutellum is at most half as broad as the base of an axilla. Spiracular sulci of propodeum usually shallow, and without costulae or punctures ; Both mandibles with three teeth. Vertex usually (Text-figs. for yen ee with a transverse ridge behind the ocelli ; if lacking a ridge, then the mesosternal mesolcus is a sharply-impressd line, and the head and thorax are usually dark blue . HOLCAEUS Thomson (p. Left mandible with three teeth ee mele with four. Vertex without a transverse ridge. Head and thorax at least mainly bright green to blue. Mesosternal mesolcus at most weakly impressed, sometimes obsolete anteriorly 405 611) 494) 138 139 787) 494) 684) 140 564) I4I 494) 142 584) 143 149 151 152 (150) (151) M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Propodeum medially barely half as long as the scutellum. Stigma of fore wing moderate-sized : : . EULONCHETRON Graham (p. Propodeum, medially, slightly more than half as long as the scutellum except in one species which has the stigma small CHLOROCYTUS Graham (p Propodeum with panels of median area shiny, smooth or virtually so. Pronotal collar finely though sharply margined throughout TRICHOMALUS Thomson (p. Propodeum with panels of median area at least mainly reticulate or other- wise sculptured. Pronotal collar sometimes immarginate Hind tibia with two spurs. Propodeal plicae represented only tele convex elevations ; spiracular sulci distinctly impressed. Antennal flagellum very short, only about equal to the distance between the eyes. Vertex and dorsum of thorax with rather stiff dark hairs STENETRA Masi (p. Hind tibia with one spur. The other characters not all present in combin- ation Propodeum with pheae represented only by feel foveae and a sharp porte” occupying at most the hinder half ; spiracular sulci absent or very shallow Propodeum either with the plicae nearly or quite complete ; or with the spiracular sulci distinctly impressed : : : Either the marginal vein is about twice as long as the eeemal vein ; or else the antennal scape does not reach the level of the median ocellus. Pronotal collar sometimes margined. Left mandible with three or four teeth, right mandible with four HOMOPORUS Thomson (p. Marginal vein at most 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennal scape reaching the level of the median ocellus. Pronotal collar not margined Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. Scutellum strongly convex. Head 1-3 to 1-4 times as broad as mesoscutum PHAENOCYTUS gen. n. (p. Both mandibles with four teeth. Scutellum only moderately convex. Head about 1-25 times as broad as mesoscutum SPINTHERUS Thomson (p. Fore wing with marginal vein about 1-8 times as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma rather large, aa by barely twice its height from the costal edge of the wing ‘ : : APELIOMA Delucchi (p. Fore wing with marginal vein rarely as much as 1°8 times as long as the stigmal vein, if so then the stigma is relatively smaller Postspiracular sclerite broad, mainly reticulate ; pronotal collar sharply margined throughout ; spiracles of propodeum small, subcircular, sepa- rated by about their own diameter from hind margin of metanotum NEPHELOMALUS Graham (p. Postspiracular sclerite narrower, weakly sculptured. Pronotal collar sometimes margined only in the middle. Spiracles of propodeum often oval and close to the metanotum Antennal clava as long as, or somewhat longer Hea ie combined length & the three preceding funicular segments ; funicular segments quadrate or nearly so, the first at least very slightly shorter than the pedicellus. Mandibular formula 3-4 : Antennal clava shorter than the combined length of the three preceding funicular segments ; funicular segments sometimes relatively longer, the first often as long as or longer than the pedicellus . Both mandibles with four teeth. Postmarginal vein or fore ie as long as, or longer than, the marginal vein. [Species included in key tog Habrocytus] PTEROMALUS Swederus (p. SCEPTROTHELYS Graham (p. 599) . 611) 797) 145 474) 146 147 149 444) 148 561) 480) 582) 150 697) 151 482) 152 488) 155 150 (153) (155) (155) (157) (24) (159) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 407 Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. Postmarginal vein as long as, or shorter than, the marginal vein HABROCYTUS Thomson (p. 494) SCEPTROTHELYS Graham (p. 482) Fore wing with speculum absent or rudimentary ; basal cell wholly pilose. 154 Fore wing with a moderate-sized or large speculum ; basal cell partly to entirely bare. 155 Antennae with first funicular segment longer ‘than broad, longer than the pedicellus ; the following segments subquadrate to slightly longer than broad ; sensilla numerous, in three to four rows on all the funicular segments ; : PICROSCYTOIDES Masi (p. 441) Antennae with funicular segments slightly broader than long, the first seg- ment shorter than the pedicellus, and slightly shorter than the second segment; sensilla sparse, in one row on all the funicular segments STENOSELMA Delucchi (p. 437) Propodeum with a large, subglobose, quite strongly reticulate nucha which projects well beyond the bases of the hind coxae. Mesepisternum wholly reticulate, or with at most a narrow vertical smooth line below the base of the hind wing . 156 Propodeum with at most a small, “weakly: reticulate sucha which projects only slightly beyond the bases of the hind coxae ; most often with nucha undeveloped and represented only by a transverse lunate strip. Mese- pisternum most often with a shiny, weakly sculptured or smooth area below the base of the hind wing . : j 157 Anterior margin of clypeus deeply emarginate and pileeee, Fore wing with stigma rather large, separated by somewhat less than twice its height from the costal edge of the wing ; costal cell very broad, at most five times as long as broad, its lower surface with a very broad longitudinal band of densely-aggregated hairs. : , OEDAULE Waterston (p 435) Anterior margin of clypeus shallowly emarginate. Fore wing with stigma small, separated by at least twice its height from the costal edge of the wing ; costal cell less broad, its lower surface with sparser hairs DINARMUS Thomson (p. 434) Propodeum with a convex, delicately reticulate nucha which projects slightly beyond the bases of the hind coxae, and is not very sharply-defined anteriorly ; : . ANISOPTEROMALUS Ruschka (p. 433) Propodeal nucha Pecan only by a transverse lunate strip which is sharply-defined anteriorly, and is transversely aciculate orsmooth . , 158 Anterior margin of clypeus deeply emarginate, virtually incised. Pronotal collar usually sharply margined OXYSYCHUS Delucchi (p. 432) Anterior margin of clypeus shallowly emarginate. Pronotal collar not or hardly margined : : : . CYRTOPTYX Delucchi (p. 430) Hind femora strongly swollen, at Toe slightly more than twice as long as broad ; postspiracular sclerite very small, visible only as a minute triangle in front of the tegula ; pronotum almost as wide as the mesoscutum ; fore wing with two fuscous clouds , . DINARMOIDES Masi (p. 436) Hind femora not, or only slightly, swollen ; postspiracular sclerite larger, extending well ventrad ; pronotum usually less wide ; fore wing immacu- late or with at most one fuscous cloud : : 160 Fore wing without a speculum ; marginal vein about three times as long as the stigmal vein. Eyes conspicuously hairy RAKOSINA Bouéek (p. 781) Fore wing with a speculum ; marginal vein rarely so long in proportion to the stigmal vein. Eyes rarely conspicuously pilose 6 ; : ELON 164 (160) (161) (162) (162) (164) (165) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Occiput margined medially. Propodeum with a convex, quite strongly reticulate nucha : ; : EUPTEROMALUS Kurdjumov (p. 737) Occiput not margined. Propodeal nucha often narrow and nee sculp- tured, or hardly developed : : ‘ > 62 Dorsal surface of hind coxa with some hairs in the proximal hale: propodeal callus thickly hairy . : : 163 Dorsal surface of hind coxa bare in ae proximal half or more ; propodeal callus less thickly hairy . i : 164 Third anellus at least fully 1°5 ee as Saeed as fone fae he with basal cell thickly pilose over at least its distal half ; thorax only about 1-4 times as long as broad : c é < ATRICHOMALUS Graham (p. 737) Third anellus not or hardly transverse ; fore wing with basal cell less thickly hairy, or bare ; thorax 1-55 to 1-7 times as long as broad TRICHOMALUS Thomson (p. 707) Propodeum medially as long as or longer than the scutellum, very strongly produced beyond the bases of the hind coxae, with a large convex strongly reticulate nucha. Antennal clava in profile appearing asymmetrical, with one edge strongly curved, the other nearly straight. Legs, including the coxae at least mainly, testaceous to reddish. Lower surface of fore wing, below the marginal vein, with a row of rather long, downward- pointing hairs . : c : CALLITULA Spinola (p. 458) Propodeum medially at least slightly shorter than the scutellum, not or only slightly produced beyond the bases of the hind coxae ; nucha most often undeveloped, if developed then relatively small and not strongly reticulate. Antennal clava in profile not or hardly asymmetrical. Coxae usually dark, occasionally the fore coxae yellow. Lower surface of fore wing, below the marginal vein, with shorter hairs which do not form a distinct row . . 16e Face, frons, and vertex with a pattern formed by a smooth sinuous line (Text-figs. 325-327) : 3 2 : : : : 166 These parts without such a pa : : : : . : : 167 Antennal flagellum rather stout, subfusiform ; fifth flagellar segment fully as broad as the pedicellus ; anelli transverse ; proximal segments of funicle usually slightly transverse. Pattern of head, Text-fig. 325. Both mandibles with four teeth . : : MERAPORUS Walker (p. 681) Antennal flagellum clavate, proximally slender with fifth flagellar segment less stout than the pedicellus ; anelli as long as broad ; segments one to four of funicle quadrate or even very slightly longer than broad. Pattern of head, Text-figs. 326, 327. Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four . : : LEPTOMERAPORUS Graham (p. 687) Anterior margin of clypeus incised medially (cf. Text-fig. 528) . : i 168 Anterior margin of clypeus at most moderately deeply emarginate as in Text-fig. 526, sometimes truncate F 170 Lower edge of antennal toruli distinctly sere level oe ventral edge of Sus Propodeum without plicae . KARPINSKIELLA Bouéek (p. 632) Lower edge of antennal toruli not, or only slightly, above level of ventral edge of eyes. Plicae at least indicated in the posterior part of the propo- deum, sometimes reaching its base . 169 Marginal vein of fore wing about 1-5 pmeae as jong as the stoma vein. Terminal segment of maxillary palpi not dilated PSILONOTUS Walker (p. 625) Marginal vein about 1-8 times as long as the stigmal vein. Terminal seg- ment of maxillary palpi dilated . . MESOPOLOBUS Westwood (p. 638) Thorax somewhat depressed dorso-ventrally, the scutellum in profile appear- ' | | | } ! PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE ing nearly flat. Fore wing with at least the distal pe of the basal cell pilose - Thorax arched dorsally, the ee: in profile appearing distmedly cc convex. Basal cell of fore wing usually bare or nearly so 171 (170) Either the antennae are inserted below the level of the ventral edge & the eyes ; or the mesepisternum is wholly reticulate and dull, and the genae are prominent just above the bases of the mandibles (frontal view) ANOGMUS Forster (p. - Lower edge of antennal toruli at or slightly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; genae not prominent above bases of mandibles, but evenly curved ; mesepisternum with the subtriangular area below base of hind wing as a rule partly smooth MESOPOLOBUS Westwood (p. 172 (170) Antennal flagellum fuscous, subfiliform, with relatively long, moderately to strongly outstanding hairs ; lower edge of antennal toruli well above ventral edge of eyes. Legs testaceous with at least the femora more or less in- fuscate, sometimes also the tibiae. Both mandibles with three teeth CRICELLIUS Thomson (p. - Antennal flagellum partly to entirely yellow or testaceous, clavate, with short at most slightly outstanding hairs ; lower edge of toruli sometimes not or hardly above ventral edge of eyes. Femora and tibiae most often entirely bright yellow, sometimes with the femora, occasionally also the tibiae more or less, infuscate. Right mandible, or both mandibles, with four teeth. 173 (172) Propodeum with plicae asdally comiplete, occasionally indieated at hiad margin only. Second tergite of gaster not, or only slightly, shorter than the third. Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. Antennal clava often obtuse : . MESOPOLOBUS Westwood (p. = Propodeum with plicae represented only by basal foveae. Second tergite of gaster distinctly shorter than the third. Both mandibles with four teeth. Antennal clava pointed at apex HOMOPORUS Thomson (p. DINOTISCUS Ghesquiére 409 171 172 628) 638) 591) 173 638) 444) Dinotus Forster, 1856 : 66, 70, 71. Type-species : D. bidentulus Thomson, 1878, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 316 [pre-occupied by Dinotus Guettard, 1770 (Verm., Polych.)]. Dinotus Forster ; Thomson, 1878 : 32, 38. Dinotus Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 316, 317, 318. Dinotus Forster ; Kurdjumoy, 1913 : 4, 10. Dinotiscus Ghesquiere, 1946 : 370 [n.n. for Dinotus Forster nec Guettard]. Dinotiscus Ghesquiere ; Ferriere, 1948 : 524-526. Dinotus Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 216. Dinotiscus Ghesquiére ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 83-93. Dinotiscus Ghesquiére ; Peck et al., 1964 : 44. The European species were revised by Ferriere (1948) and again by Hedgqvist (1963). Key TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALEs) I Anterior margin of clypeus slightly produced but without teeth. Fore wing immaculate ; basal cell usually having a few hairs scattered over its distal part, in addition to those on the basal vein ; stigma moderate-sized, tending to be somewhat quadrangular, as long as or slightly longer than high. 410 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM - Anterior margin of clypeus bidentate. Fore wing usually with a fuscous cloud around the stigma, sometimes with another below the parastigma . 3 2 (1) Propodeum (medially) one quarter as long as scutellum or slightly more. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-7 to 1-8 times as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma moderate-sized. Antennae with first funicular segment as long as or slightly longer than, and as broad as, the second segment. Head dis- tinctly reticulate and not very shiny* . : . eupterus (Walker) (p. 410) - Propodeum (medially) about half as long as the scutellum. Fore wing with marginal vein 2 to 2-1 times as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma small. Antennae with first funicular segment slightly shorter and slightly nar- rower than the second segment. Head more weakly reticulate and more shiny. : . Sp. indet. 3. +«=(1) Fore wing with Bema ae east slightly lence than high - a feces cloud usually present around the stigma ; basal vein with six or more hairs, the basal cell often with a few hairs in its distal part . aponius (Walker) (p. 411) = Fore wing with stigma higher than long ; a fuscous cloud present around the stigma, and usually a dusky spot below the parastigma ; basal vein sparsely pilose, basal cell usually bare } ; : : colon (Linnaeus) (p. 411) (MALEs) I Anterior margin of clypeus slightly produced but without teeth. Fore wing immaculate ‘ eupterus (Walker) (p. 410) - Anterior margin of clypeus bidentate. Fore wing usually with a fuscous cloud around the stigma, sometimes with another below the parastigma . 2 2 (1) Fore wing with stigmal vein much shorter than the stigma, which is large and as high as or higher than long ; wing usually with a fuscous cloud around the stigma, and another below the parastigma . ; colon (Linnaeus) (p. 411) - Fore wing with stigmal vein as long as the stigma, which is at least slightly longer than high ; wing usually with a fuscous cloud around the stigma, but none below the parastigma . ¢ : : . aponius (Walker) (p. 411) Dinotiscus eupterus (Walker) Pteromalus eupterus Walker, 1836 : 482, 9. Pteromalus dimidiatus Walker, 1836a : 12, 9. ? Pteromalus capitatus Forster, 1841 : 21, 3. Pteromalus lanceolatus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 204, ¢ 9. Dinotus clypealis Thomson, 1878 : 40, 5 9. Dinotiscus capitatus (Forster) Ferriére, 1948 : 525, 4 . Dinotiscus eupterus (Walker) Hedqvist, 1963 : 84, 90-93, 3 9. Type material. Pteromalus eupterus Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus dimidiatus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Water- house label. Pteromalus capitatus Forster. Types not seen ; I am not aware if they have been critically re-examined in recent years. Pteromalus lanceolatus Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. The species was placed in Dinotus [=Dinotiscus] by Kurdjumov (1913 : Io) and his conclusion has been generally accepted. * D. wichmani Bouéek (1967 : 635-637 ; Austria) runs out here but has forewing more extensively pilose, stigma larger. a PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 41L Dinotus clypealis Thomson. Syntypes examined by the writer, but no lectotype has yet been selected. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, CENTRAL EUROPE. Biology. Parasitic on several species of Scolytidae, e.g., Polygraphus sp., Phthoro- phloeus spinulosus Rey, Cryphalus spp., Pityophthorus spp., Pityogenes sp., Dryo- coetes autographus Ratz. (see Hedqvist, 1963 : 92-93). Stewart’s record of the rearing of Etvoxys dimidiatus Walker from Pityogenes bidentatus Herbst in Scotland (1923 : 138) probably refers to Dinotiscus eupterus (Walker). Imagines most often in June and Aug.—Sept. (apparently 2 generations in some areas). Dinotiscus aponius (Walker) Hetroxys Aponius Walker, 1848 : 127, 215, 4 9. Pteromalus capitatus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 196, pl. 3, fig. 7, ¢ 2 [? nec Forster, 1841}. Dinotus bidentulus Thomson, 1878 : 39, d 9. Dinotus capitatus (Ratzeburg) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 10. Dinotiscus bidentulus (Thomson) Ferriere, 1948 : 525-526, 3 9. Dinotiscus aponius (Walker) Hedqvist, 1963 : 84, 85-87, 3 9. Type material. Hetroxys aponius Walker. Syntypes, 1 g, 19. LECTOTYPE, the male specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus capitatus Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. Ratzeburg’s figure of the fore wing (1848, pl. 3, fig. 7) agrees best with that of aponius (Walker). The species was transferred to Dinotus by Kurdjumov (1913 : Io). Dinotus bidentulus Thomson. Syntypes examined by the writer, but no lectotype yet selected. NorTH-WEsT (including BRITAIN) and CENTRAL EUROPE. Biology. Parasite of Scolytus rugulosus Ratz., S. multistriatus Marsh., S. ratzeburgt Jans., Hylesinus fraximi Pz. (see Hedqvist, 1963 : 86-87). Imagines May-— September (possibly more than one brood). The species varies considerably in size. Dinotiscus colon (Linnaeus) comb. n. Sphex colon Linnaeus, 1758 : 571. Sphex colon Linnaeus, 1761 : 413. Dinotus calcavatus Thomson, 1878 : 40, 9, syn. n. Dinotiscus calcavatus (Thomson) Ferriére, 1948 : 525, 526, dg 9. Dinotiscus calcavatus (Thomson) ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 84, 87-90, 3 @. Type material. Sphex colon Linnaeus. In the Linnean collection (The Linnean Society, London) there is a pinned specimen labelled “colon”. It agrees well enough with the original description (and also with the rather more detailed one by Linnaeus, 1761) and is designated LECTOTYPE. Contrary to all expectation, it is a g of Dinotiscus calcaratus (Thomson). Walker (1848 : 127) incorrectly synonymized Diplolepis [= Cheiropachus| quadrum Fabricius with Sphex colon, 412 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM probably on the evidence of the type g in the Linnean collection, whose identity he mistook. He certainly saw this specimen, because his interleaved copy of a set of some of his papers [in my library] contains MS. remarks headed “ Linn. Cabinet ”’, one of which states “ Colon so ticketed is Cheiropachus quadrum ” Dinotus calcaratus Thomson. Syntypes examined by the writer, but no lecto- type yet selected. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, FINLAND, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Parasite of Blastophagus piniperda L., B. minor Htg., and Ips acumina- tus Gyll. (see Hedqvist, 1963 : 90). Imagines most often in June. Note. Most or all of the North American species placed in Cecidostiba by Peck (in Muesebeck, Krombein & Townes, 1951 : 557) belong in or very near Dinotiscus. Pteromalus dulcis Walker (1872 : 121, 3) from Madeira appears, according to its type (Type Hym. 5. 714) to be very near Dinotiscus. RHOPALICUS Forster Rhopalicus Forster, 1856 : 66, 70. Type-species : Cleonymus maculifey Forster, 1841, by monotypy. Rhopalicus Forster ; Thomson, 1878 : 32, 41. Rhopalicus Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 316, 317, 319. Rhopalicus Forster ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 4, 10 [ex parte]. Rhopalicus Forster ; Ferriere, 1948 : 519-522. Rhopalicus Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 216. Rhopalicus Forster ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 71-83. Rhopalicus Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 44. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Fore wing with lower surface of costal cell with two to four rows of hairs even in its proximal half; basal cell with a few scattered hairs distally in addition to those on the basal vein ; stigma conspicuously longer than high. Gaster at least slightly longer than head plus thorax. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum fully equal to breadth of head. Head in dorsal view 2-1 to 2:15 times as broad as long ; temples from one quarter to nearly one third as long as eyes. Fore wing often with a fuscous cloud around the stigma . : tutela (Walker) (p. 413) - Fore wing with lower surface of pera cell with only one row of hairs in its proximal half ; basal cell bare, not counting the row of hairs on the basal vein ; stigma sometimes less elongate. Gaster at most as long as head plus thorax. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head. Head in dorsal view 2-15 to 2:45 times as broad as long, relatively more transverse in larger specimens ; temples from one sixth to one fifth as long as eyes. Fore wing either immaculate, or with a fuscous spot below the basal part of the marginal vein. ; : : 2 2 (1) Fore wing immaculate ; stigma distinctly longer than high ; stigmal vein forming a relatively acute angle (barely 35°) with the postmarginal vein. Antennal flagellum oe clavate. Scutellum, in profile, appearing virtually flat : ; c : Z brevicornis Thomson (p. 414) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 413 - Fore wing with a fuscous spot below the basal part of the marginal vein ; stigma subcircular or short-oval ; stigmal vein forming a rather less acute angle with the postmarginal vein. Antennal flagellum virtually cylindrical. Scutellum, in profile, appearing slightly convex guttatus (Ratzeburg) (p. 415) (MALEs) I Fore wing without a speculum or with at most a very narrow bare strip ; the upper surface of the wing, not counting the costal cell, otherwise entirely pilose ; lower surface of costal cell with two or more rows of hairs even in its proximal half ; usually a large fuscous blotch below but touching the stigma, often another spot on the disc of the wing below the parastigma. Antenna with proximal segments of funicle, in larger specimens, longer than broad : . é : : : ; : tutela (Walker) (p. 413) - Fore wing with a moderate-sized or large speculum ; basal cell often sparsely pilose ; lower surface of costal cell with only one row of hairs in its proximal half ; wing immaculate é : ; ; brevicornis Thomson (p. 414) and guttatus (Ratzeburg) (p. 415) I am not able at present to give good characters for distinguishing the males of brevicormis and guttatus. Rhopalicus tutela (Walker) Chetropachus tutela Walker, 1836 : 14, 5 9. Cleonymus maculifer Forster, 1841 : 34, 9. Pteromalus suspensus Ratzeburg, 1844a : 189 [9]. Pteromalus Spinolae Ratzeburg, 1844a : 189, ¢ 9. Pteromalus immaculatus Ratzeburg, 1844a : 189, 205. Pteromalus lunula Ratzeburg, 1848 : 193, 9. Pteromalus multicoloy Ratzeburg, 1848 : 193 [n. n. for P. spinolae Ratz. 1844, nec Forster, 1841]. Pteromalus aemulus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 203 [9]. Rhopalicus Annellus Thomson, 1878 : 42, 5 9. Rhopalicus tutela (Walker) Ferriére, 1948 : 519-521, ¢ 9. Rhopalicus tutele [sic] (Walker) ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 71-79, d 2. Type material. Cheiropachus tutela Walker. Six specimens stand under this name but the series is very mixed and clearly the types of some other species have been misplaced here. LECTOTYPE, a female bearing a Waterhouse label “ Cheiropachus Tutela Walker ”’ and my lectotype label. Cleonymus maculifer Forster. Types not seen (presumably in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna). Ferriére (1948 : 520) stated that he had seen a specimen of maculifer from Forster’s collection and found it to be the same as Rhopalicus tutela. Pteromalus suspensus Ratzeburg. The types of this and the following Ratzeburg species are presumably destroyed. Kurdjumov (1913 : 10) transferred suspensus to Rhopalicus, at the same time synonymizing with it Ratzeburg’s species spinolae (=multicolor), lunula, and aemulus. This synonymy has been generally accepted. In the case of suspensus Ratzeburg must have had a mixed series because he stated (1844a@ : 189) that his original specimens had been obtained both from “‘ Kegelf6rm- igen Gallen der Buchenblatter (Cecidomyia fagi) ’’ and from the larvae of Bostrichus 414 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM laricis ; the specimens from beech galls must have belonged to some other genus than Rhopalicus. Pteromalus immaculatus Ratzeburg. Transferred to Dinotus [=Dinotiscus] by Kurdjumoy (1913 : 10) who remarked “ this species is a transitional form to the genus Rhopalicus’’. Ratzeburg, however (1848 : 189) considered zmmaculatus to be probably only a form of spinolae [= Rhopalicus tutela| and this seems more likely. Rhopalicus annellus Thomson. Type @ not seen ; Ferriére (1948 : 520) stated that he had examined it and found it to be the same as tutela (Walker). As Hedgqvist (1963) remarked, this species varies greatly in size and wing-markings. Females usually have a dark cloud beneath the stigma of the fore wing, but this may be absent (most often in small specimens). Large males have bold and extensive wing-markings, consisting of a smaller cloud on the disc below the parastigma and a larger one below the stigma ; sometimes the two spots are joined. Smaller males tend to have the spots reduced, and one (or rarely both) may be absent. Widely distributed in EUROPE. Biology. A common parasite of a number of genera and species of Scolytidae ; also recorded from species of Pissodes (Curculionidae) ; for a list see Hedqvist, 1963. The latter gave a full account of the known facts relating to the biology of the species. He stated that its time of appearance extends over most of the summer and that it has no marked peak-period. There appear to be 2 generations in good seasons, possibly more in some Continental countries. In Britain imagines have been captured in the field from May until September. Rhopalicus brevicornis Thomson Pteromalus quadvatus Ratzeburg, 1844a : 203, 9. Pteromalus Neostadiensis Ratzeburg, 1844a : 204, 9. Rhopalicus brevicornis Thomson, 1878 : 43, 8. Rhopalicus brevicornis Thomson ; Ferriére, 1948 : 519, 521, 9. Rhopalicus brevicornis Thomson ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 71, 79-82, d 9. Type material. Pteromalus quadratus Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. The species was placed in Rhopalicus by Kurdjumov (1913 : 10) and the description certainly suggests that it may have been the same as brevicornis Thomson. Pteromalus neostadiensis Ratzeburg. Holotype 2 presumed lost. The species was placed in synonymy with brevicornis Thomson by Kurdjumov (1913 : 10) and this seems a reasonable conclusion. Rhopalicus brevicornis Thomson. Types seen but no lectotype yet selected. NORTH-WESTERN EuROPE, including BRITAIN. Biology. Parasite of Hylurgops palliatus Gyll., Phloeosinus thwyae Perr., Blasto- phagus minor Htg., B. piniperda L., Pityogenes bidentatus Herbst., P. quadridens Htg., P. monacensis Fuchs, Orthotomicus proximus Eichh., Ips acuminatus GylL., I. amitinus Eichh. (for details of the biology see Hedqvist, 1963 : 80-82). Imagines may be found over most of the summer (mostly June-July) ; there is often more than one generation. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 415 Pteromalus azureus Ratzeburg (1844a : 203) has sometimes been regarded as being identical with Rhopalicus brevicornis Thomson but Szczepanski (1960 : 411, 416) maintained that this view could not be correct. I agree with his opinion ; moreover I consider that azwreus is recognizable as a valid species of the genus Metacolus (see below). Rhopalicus guttatus (Ratzeburg) Ichneumon (Pteromalus) guttatus Ratzeburg, 1844 : 29, pl. 8, fig. 5, 9. Pteromalus guttatus Ratzeburg, 1844a : 188, pl. 8, fig. 5, 9. Rhopalicus guttatus (Ratzeburg) Thomson, 1878 : 43, 9. Rhopalicus guttatus (Ratzeburg) ; Ferriére, 1948 : 519, 521, 9. Rhopalicus guttatus (Ratzeburg) ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 71, 82-83, 9. Type material. Syntypes presumed destroyed. The identity of the species, however, is perfectly clear from Ratzeburg’s description and figure, particularly that in Die Forst-Insecten, vol. 3, which in the copies I have seen is coloured. If it is considered necessary to erect a neotype at some stage, one could be selected with advantage from the material of Thomson, the first reviser. BRITAIN, GERMANY, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Reared in Sweden by Hedqvist from Pissodes validirostris Gyll. (Col., Curculionidae) ; also from other species of that genus (Hedqvist, 1963). Imagines July—Sept. Most females of guttatus have a characteristic fuscous spot on the fore wing, just below the parastigma ; occasionally this spot is absent (Ratzeburg himself (1852 : 236) noted such a variation). ACROCORMUS Forster Acrocormus Forster, 1856 : 66, 70, 71. Type-species : A. semifasciatus Thomson, by subsequent reference. Acrocormus Forster ; Thomson, 1878 : 32, 34. | Acrocormus Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 155, 157, 165 [ex parte]. Acrocormus Forster ; Ferriére, 1948 : 524. Acrocoymus Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 211-212. Acrocoymus Forster ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 107-109. | Acrocoymus Forster ; Peck ef al., 1964 : 44. Only one European species is known : Acrocormus semifasciatus Thomson Acrocoymus semifasciatus Thomson, 1878 : 34, dQ. _ Acrocormus semifasciatus Thomson ; Ferriére, 1948 : 524, ¢ 9. Acrocormus semifasciatus Thomson ; Hedgqvist, 1963 : 107-1090, ¢ Q. Type material. LECTOTYPE 9 (Lapland, Boheman) in Thomson coll., selected by Delucchi and validated by Hedqvist (1963 : 109). 416 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Reared in Sweden from Scolytus intricatus Ratzeburg (Hedqvist, 1963 : 109) ; in Bohemia from Magdalis armigera (Geoffr.) in twigs of elm (Ulmus) and in Slovakia from Hylesinus toranio Danth. on ash (Fraxinus) according to Boucek 1957 : 164). Beaver (1965) reared it in England from Ulmus logs infested by Acrantus vittatus (F.) (Col., Scolytidae). Imagines in spring and late summer. Note. Acrocormus megastigmus Ashmead (in Riley et al., 1894 : 155, type-locality St. Vincent, Grenada) is represented in BM(NH) by the g type (Type Hym. 5. 678). It does not belong to Acrocormus, but to some genus of Pteromalidae unknown to me and not allied to any of our European forms. CHEIROPACHUS Westwood Cheiropachus Westwood, 1828 : 23. Type-species : Diplolepis quadvum Fabricius, by original designation. Cheiropachys Haliday, 1833 : 268 [erroneous subsequent spelling]. Pachychirus Agassiz, 1846 : 777 [n. n. for Cheivopachus Westwood, supposedly pre-occupied by Chiropacha Carpentier, 1841]. Pachychirus Agassiz ; Forster, 1856 : 66, 69. Chiropachys van Vollenhoven, 1871, fasc. 3, pl. 10 [erroneous subsequent spelling]. Tropidogastva Ashmead, 1904 : 323. Type-species : T. avizonensis Ashmead, by monotypy. Chetropachys Westwood ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 155, 157, 162 [ex parte]. Cheiropachys Westwood ; Kurdjumoy, 1913 : 22-23. Cheivopachus Westwood ; Ferriére, 1948 : 522-523. Cheiropachus Westwood ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 102-110. Cheivopachus Westwood ; Peck e¢# al., 1964 : 44. The genus Tvopidogastra Ashmead was placed in synonymy with Cheiropachus Westwood by Gahan (1938 : 219). In the same paper (pp. 219-220) Gahan gave a key to the North American species of Chetropachus. In Europe only one species is known : Cheiropachus quadrum (Fabricius) ?Cynips tripunctatus Fourcroy, 1785 : 389. Ichneumon quadrum Fabricius, 1787 : 270. Pteromalus bimaculatus Swederus, 1795 : 222. Cleonymus maculipennis Curtis, 1827 : folio 194, g. Chetvopachus quadrum (Fabricius) Westwood, 1828 : 25. Pteromalus bimaculatus (Spinola) Nees, 1834 : 96, 3. Pteromalus bicaliginosus Ratzeburg, 1844a : 190 [4]. Pteromalus binaevius Ratzeburg, 1844a : 190, 3. Pteromalus Fraxini Ratzeburg, 1844a : 191, 9. Pteromalus binimbatus Ratzeburg, 1844a : 191, 9. Pteromalus binubeculatus Ratzeburg, 1844a : 191, 9. Pachychivus quadrum (Fabricius) Forster, 1856 : 70. Pachychirus intermedius Forster, 1856 : 70. Cheiropachys colon (Linnaeus) Thomson, 1878 : 33, ¢ 9 [nec Sphex colon Linnaeus, 1758]. Chetropachys colon (Linnaeus) ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 22-23. Cheivopachys colon (Linnaeus) ; Russo, 1938 : 181-195. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 417 Cheivopachus colon (Linnaeus) ; Ferriére, 1948 : 522-523, 3 . Cheivopachus colon (Linnaeus) ; Sachtleben, 1952 : 178-181. Cheivopachus colon (Linnaeus) ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 103-110, ¢ 9. Type material. Cynips tripunctatus Fourcroy. Types probably lost. Identity very doubtful. Ichneumon quadrum Fabricius. Syntypes, 2 specimens in the private collection of Fabricius, Kiel University. LECTOTYPE 4, a pinned specimen labelled “ quad- rum ”’, probably in the handwriting of Fabricius. Cleonymus maculipenmis Curtis. Described from material “in the Cabinets of Mr. Cooper and the Author’’. The collection of Cooper cannot be traced ; Westwood’s collection contains some Chalcidoidea from Cooper, but no specimens of maculipennis. Dr. A. Neboiss kindly sent me notes on the specimens standing as such in Curtis’ collection. They comprise 5 specimens, 2 g and 3 9, of which only the 2 fg can be regarded as syntypes. None of the specimens bears any label on the pin, but in Curtis’ notebook there is the following information : “‘ June, 4 gf trunks of decayed elms nr. Knight’s hill Cottage, Dulwich. July & Aug. J 2 Coomb wood on an old rail in the sunshine, and ¢ 9 from an oak Oxford, 9 Southgate.” Of the two male syntypes, one is carded and the other pinned. The carded male has exactly the same type of mounting as a female which is also carded ; Dr. Neboiss therefore believes that it could have been part of the July and August collecting. This leaves the pinned male which presumably represents one of the June specimens ; as the latter are the only ones originally mentioned by Curtis in folio 194, p. [2], this pinned male is selected as LECTOTYPE of maculipennis. The type material of the other species cited in the above synonymy has not been examined. The Ratzeburg species were synonymized with colon (L.) by Kurdjumov (Ig13 : 22-23) ; their respective types are now presumed to be destroyed. Since the time of Thomson (1878) this species has generally been known by the name Cheiropachus colon (Linnaeus), although prior to that date the name C. quadrum (F.) was in general use. Thomson evidently followed Walker who (1848) incorrectly synonymized guadrum with colon. The Linnean type of colon belongs to Dinotiscus (see discussion, p. 411 under Dznotiscus colon). This means that Cheiropachus colon auctt. [nec Linnaeus] must once more be known as C. quadrum (Fabricius). The transfer of the name colon to another genus is unfortunate, but unavoidable. Whole of EuROPE ; TURKESTAN ; NORTH AFRICA ; CANADA ; U.S.A. ; ARGENTINA. Biology. Reared from many species of Coleoptera Scolytidae (see Sachtleben, 1952 ; Hedqvist, 1963). Russo (1938) gave a very detailed account of the biology (as colon) studied in Italy, where several annual generations may occur, the insect being found from early spring until November. Hedqvist (1963) considered that at most 2 generations occur in Sweden. In Britain I have captured specimens in the field in July, August, and September ; in Poland it has been recorded in June—July and Oct.—Nov. Adults of quadrum vary greatly in size, males 1-8-3 mm., females 1-83—4-65 mm. according to Russo, who stated that variations in size and colour were connected 418 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM with the quantity of food available to the host larva. Large specimens tend to have bold wing-markings and relatively paler legs, small specimens have the wing- markings reduced and the legs darker. C. intermedius Forster was regarded by Russo as merely a small form of colon [= quadrum]. Extra-limital species incorrectly referred to Chetropachus Cheiropachus genualis Walker (1862 : 389, 2 ; type locality, Port Natal, Africa) is represented in BM(NH) by the type 9 (Type Hym. 5.677). It appears to belong somewhere in the neighbourhood of the genus Picroscytoides Masi. METACOLUS Forster Metacolus Forster, 1856 : 65, 70. Type-species : M. unifasciatus Forster, by monotypy. Pterosema Forster, 1878 : 44. Type-species : P. varicoloy Forster, by monotypy and original designation. Metacolus Forster ; Thomson, 1878 : 32, 36. Metacolus Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 316, 317-318. Metacolus Forster ; Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 4. Metacolus Forster ; Mercet, 1926 : 41-47. Metacolus Forster ; Ferriere, 1948 : 529-530. Metacolus Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 215-2106. Metacolus Forster ; Bouéek, 1957) : 75-76. Metacolus Forster ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 97—102. Metacolus Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 43. The genus Pterosema Forster was placed in synonymy with Metacolus by Bouéek (19576 : 76). Kry TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Fore wing with a fuscous band extending from the marginal vein, usually at least half way across the wing. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head ; pedicellus not, or only slightly, longer than first funicular segment ; proximal segments of funicle at least slightly longer than broad . : : unifasciatus Forster (p. 419) - Fore wing “naga on eve. i qeetias a pominingd length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head ; pedicellus distinctly longer than first funicular segment ; proximal segments of Pace quadrate to very slightly transverse azureus (Ratzeburg) (p. 419) (MALEs) 1 Fore wing with a fuscous band (asin 9). Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to breadth of head ; unifasciatus Forster (p. 419) — Fore wing immaculate. Combined length ‘of pedicels and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head . : : ; : ; azureus (Ratzeburg) (p. 419) Burks (1965 : 116-119) gives some information about the characters which distinguish the North American Metacolus fasciatus Girault from the European species mentioned here. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 419 Metacolus unifasciatus Forster Metacolus 1-fasciatus Forster, 1856 : 70, g 2 [sine descr.]}. Metacolus unifasciatus Thomson, 1878 : 36, ¢ 9. Metacolus unifasciatus Thomson ; Mercet, 1926 : 43-45, 47. Metacolus unifasciatus Thomson ; Ferriére, 1948 : 529-530, ¢ 9. Metacolus unifasciatus Thomson ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 97-99, 3 9. The name uwnifasciatus Forster is presumably validated by Forster’s description of the genus (1856 : 65). This would be an “‘indication’’, according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1961), in which one form of indication is defined (Art. 16 (a) vi) as “‘ a single combined description of a new nominal genus and a new nominal species, which provides an indication foreach name”. I have not seen the types of unifasciatus, although I have examined Thomson’s specimens. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, Norway, FINLAND, U.S.S.R., CZECHOSLOVAKIA, ISTRIA, SPAIN. Biology. Parasite of Blastophagus minor Htg., Ips acuminatus Gyll., Pityogenes quadridens Htg. ; other hosts are also mentioned in the literature (see Hedqvist, 1963: 99). Hedqvist states that in Sweden there is only one generation per annum. The species has been taken in the field June-August. Metacolus azureus (Ratzeburg) comb. n. Pteromalus azureus Ratzeburg, 1844a : 203, d [? nec 9]. Pteromalus azureus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 191, 3 &. ? Pteromalus azurescens Ratzeburg, 1852 : 235, 4. Ptevosema varicoloy Forster, 1878 : 44-45, 9, syn. n. Metacolus aulloi Mercet, 1926 : 45-47, 2, Syn. n. Metacolus aulloi Mercet ; Ferriére, 1948 : 530, . Metacolus varicoloy (Forster) Bouéek, 19576 : 76. Metacolus varicoloy (Forster) ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 97, 100-102, $ 9. Type material. Pteromalus azureus Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. This species was placed in Rhopalicus as a synonym of brevicornis Thomson, by Kurdjumov (1913 : 10) but Ratzeburg’s description does not agree with the male of that species. It does, however, agree very well with the male of Metacolus varicolor (Forster), especially Ratzeburg’s amplified description of 1848. Pteromalus azurescens Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. Pterosema varicolor Forster. This species was not recognized until Boucek (19570 : 76) transferred it to the genus Metacolus and remarked that it might be conspecific with aulloi Mercet. I have not seen the type of varicolor, which is presumably in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, but I think Bouéek’s opinion is correct. Metacolus aullot Mercet. Type 2 (not seen), Spain, Province of Avila, Pinares Llanos, presumably in Instituto Espafiol de Entomologia, Madrid. SWEDEN, Norway, FINLAND, GERMANY, POLAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, JUGOSLAVIA, SPAIN. Biology. Parasite of Pityogenes bidentatus Herbst and P. quadridens Htg. (on biology see Hedqvist, 1963 : 102). Imagines in spring and early summer. 420 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM RHAPHITELUS Walker Rhaphitelus Walker, 1834 : 168, 178. Type-species : R. maculatus Walker, by monotypy. Styloceras Ratzeburg, 1844a : 207. Type-species : S. Ladenbergii Ratzeburg, by designation of Gahan and Fagan, 1923 : 138. Rhaphidotelus Agassiz, 1846 : 932 [invalid emendation]. Storthygocerus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 208 [n. n. for Styloceras Ratzeburg, considered an inappropriate name]. Rhaphidotelus Agassiz ; Forster, 1856 : 60, 62-63. Raphitelus Walker ; Thomson, 1878 : 37 [erroneous subsequent spelling]. Rhaphitelus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 316, 318. Rhaphiteles {sic} Walker ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 4. Eucerchysius Bréthes, 1913 : 103. Type-species : E. scolytii Bréthes. Rhaphitelus Walker ; Ferriére, 1948 : 526-528. Rhaphitelus Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 214. Rhaphitelus Walker ; Boucéek, 19576 : 76-78. Rhaphitelus Walker ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 93-96. Rhaphitelus Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 42. Eucerchysius Brethes was synonymized with Rhaphitelus by de Santis (1952 : 271). The European species were revised by Boucek (19570 : 76-78). KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) r Antennae inserted hardly above the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape slightly shorter than an eye, barely reaching the level of the median ocellus. Fore wing with marginal vein thicker, only about three times as long as broad ; height of stigma not greater than breadth of marginal vein. Mesoscutum anteriorly hardly more coarsely reticulate than the collar region of the pronotum maculatus Walker (p. 420) — Antennae inserted distinctly above the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape relatively longer, reaching above the level of the median ocellus. Fore wing with marginal vein less thick, about four times as long as broad ; height of stigma distinctly greater than breadth of marginal vein. Mesoscutum anteriorly more coarsely reticulate than the collar region of the pronotum . ladenbergi (Ratzeburg) (p. 421) (MaALEs) 1 Fore wing with marginal vein about three times as long as broad ; stigma smaller, its height not greater than the breadth of the marginal vein. Mesoscutum anteriorly not more coarsely reticulate than the collar region of the pronotum. Antennal scape shorter than an eye, not expanded distally maculatus Walker (p. 420) — Fore wing with marginal vein about four times as long as broad ; stigma larger, its height distinctly greater than the breadth of the marginal vein. Mesoscutum anteriorly more coarsely reticulate than the collar region of the pronotum. Anten- nal scape as long as an eye, somewhat expanded just before its apex ladenbergi (Ratzeburg) (p. 421) Rhaphitelus maculatus Walker (Text-fig. 284) Rhaphitelus maculatus Walker, 1834 : 179, “‘g”’ [vecte 9]. Pteromalus Hecato Walker, 1839 : 271, dg, syn. n. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 421 Rhaphitelus maculatus Walker ; Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. A, fig. 2, 9. Pteromalus subulifer Forster, 1841 : 30, 9. Styloceras subulifer (Forster) Ratzeburg, 1844a : 208, 3 @. Storthygoceras subulifey (Forster) ; Ratzeburg, 1848 : 208-209, ¢ 9. Rhaphidotelus maculatus Walker ; Forster, 1856 : 56. Raphitelus [sic] maculatus Walker ; Russo, 1938 : 216-225, d 9. Rhaphitelus maculatus Walker ; Ferriere, 1948 : 527-528, 3 2 [ex parte]. Rhaphitelus maculatus Walker ; Bouéek, 1957) : 76, 3 9. Rhaphitelus maculatus Walker ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 94-96, ¢ 9. Rhaphitelus maculatus Walker ; Peck, 1963 : 654-655. Type material. Rhaphitelus maculatus Walker. One female, mounted on a card and unlabelled (though standing under this name). I identify this as the Holotype ; Walker (1873 : 298) stated that he had seen only one specimen of maculatus in England. His description applies well to the female and clearly he mistook the sex of the holotype. Pteromalus hecato Walker. One male, designated LECTOTYPE (but probably holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus subulifer Forster. Type 9 (presumably in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna) not seen. De Santis (1952 : 272) synonymized Eucerchysius scolytit Bréthes (1913 : 103-104) with Rhaphitelus maculatus. He did not, however, observe any differences between the latter species and Jadenbergi, so that his synonymy will have to be rechecked. Widely distributed in EuropPE (probably the whole) ; also said to occur in the U.S.A. and ARGENTINA (but specimens from these countries not examined). Biology. Recorded in Europe and North America as a parasite of various Scolytidae, especially species of Scolytus, Hylesinus, and Phloeotribus (see Hedqvist, 1963 : 96) ; also in North America, of some Curculionidae (Magdalis and Pissodes spp.), see Peck, 1963. Probably most of these records are correct, though in some cases the allied species R. ladenbergi may have been confused with maculatus. Russo (1938) gave a very detailed account of the biology of maculatus, which he studied in Italy as a parasite of Phloeotribus scarabaeoides (Bern.). Russo considered that maculatus could produce 5-7 annual generations ; in northern Europe, however, there are probably fewer. Imagines have been captured in the field from April to October (most records for June—July). Rhaphitelus ladenbergi (Ratzeburg) Styloceras Ladenbergii Ratzeburg, 1844a : 208, 3 9. Storthygocerus Ladenbergui Ratzeburg, 1848 : 208, pl. 3, fig. 11. ? Pteromalus distinctus Rudow, 1866 : 268. Rhaphitelus ladenbergi (Ratzeburg) Bouéek, 19576) : 76-78, 3 &. Type material. Styloceras ladenbergi Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. The species had often been regarded as identical with maculatus Walker until Boucek (1957) : 76) pointed out that Ratzeburg’s figures of the wing and antenna (1848 : pl. 3, fig. 11) indicated that ladenbergi was a distinct species. Bouéek 422 M. W. R. p—E V. GRAHAM (19570 : 78) designated as plesiotypes of Jadenbergi a female and a male from Czecho- slovakia (To¢na, south of Prague) ; these are in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. nos. 3077, 3078). Pteromalus distinctus Rudow. Location of types (if extant) not known to me. According to Masi (1921 : 238) the species is the same as Jadenbergi Ratzeburg. FRANCE, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, ITALY, ? SICILY. Biology. Parasite of Scolytus carpint Ratzeburg, and of S. intvicatus Ratz. in twigs of Fagus, Crataegus, and Sorbus (see Boucek, 1957) : 78). Imagines in May and June. PANDELUS Forster Pandelus Forster, 1856 : 65,70. Type-species : Cleonymus flavipes Forster, 1841, by monotypy. Zapachia Forster, 1878 : 47. Type-species : Z. spilopteva Forster, 1878, by monotypy. Pandelus Forster ; Thomson, 1878 : 32, 35. Pandelus Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 316, 317. Pandelus Forster ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 4. Pandelus Forster ; Ferriére, 1948 : 528-529. Zapachia Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 211. Pandelus Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 216. Pandelus Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 43. Zapachia Forster was placed in synonymy with Pandelus Forster by Ferriere (1948 : 528) on the authority of Novitzky, who may have seen the respective types. Pandelus flavipes (Forster) Cleonymus flavipes Forster, 1841 : 33, 2. Pandelus flavipes (Forster) Forster, 1856 : 70, 2. Pandelus flavipes (Forster); Thomson, 1878 : 35, 9. Zapachia spiloptera Forster, 1878 : 47, . Pandelus flavipes (Forster) ; Ferriére, 1948 : 528-529, ¢ 9. Type material. I have seen neither the types of Cleonymus flavipes Forster nor that of Zapachia spiloptera Forster. These two species were synonymized by Ferriére (1948 : 528). GERMANY, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Bouéek (19570 : 81) says that in Czechoslovakia it has been found on the trunks of old worm-eaten willows in company with Piilinus sp. (Col., Anobiidae), also with Lyctus linearis Goeze (Lyctidae) and Teretrius picipes (F.) (Histeridae). Hedqvist (personal communication) has reared it in Sweden from Ptilinus sp. Imagines appear in June and July. NEANICA Erdés Neanica Erdés, 1953 : 225-226. Type-species: N. clavalis Erdos by monotypy and original designation. Neanica Erdés ; Peck et al., 1964 : 43. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 423 I have not seen the type-species of this genus, which Erdos considered to be near Metacolus Forster ; some points in his description (mandibular formula 3.4, clypeus striate) suggest that it does not belong here, but perhaps in the vicinity of Homoporus. Neanica clavalis Erdos Neanica clavalis Erdos, 1953 : 226-227, 9. Type material. Syntypes, Hungary, Tompa, 2 9, 7.v.1949, taken from flowers of Lepidium draba L., in coll. Erdés, Tompa. The male of clavalis is unknown. HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown. Note. Four of the following genera (Roptrocerus, Xiphydriophagus, Perniphora, and Nikolskayana) have much in common as regards morphological characters, e.g., the shape of the head, which tends to be swollen ; the mandibles, both of which have 3 teeth, the upper tooth occasionally slightly emarginate ; relatively small eyes and short antennae ; thick legs, especially the femora ; fore wing having a constriction or hyaline break marking the junction of the parastigma with the marginal vein ; pronotum without a margined collar. Although some of the similarities might be due to convergence, these genera give the impression of really being fairly closely related. Habritys also shares most of the above characters, but has no hyaline break between the parastigma and marginal vein. Roptrocerus also appears to have some slight affinity with certain genera allied to Cheiropachus (e.g., to Rhopalicus). ROPTROCERUS Ratzeburg Pachyceras Ratzeburg, 1844a : 217. Type-species : P. xylophagorum Ratzeburg (autobasic). Roptrocerus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 209. Type-species : P. xylophagorum Ratzeburg, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 388. Roptrocerus Ratzeburg ; Forster, 1856 : 64, 68-69. Roptrocerus Ratzeburg ; Ashmead, 1904 : 323. Roptrocerus Ratzeburg ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 360. Rhoptrocerus [sic] Ratzeburg ; Kurdjumov, 1913: 3. Rhoptrocerus Ratzeburg ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 214. Pachycerus Ratzeburg ; Gy6rfi, 1952 : 113-117. Roptrocerus Ratzeburg ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 61-70. Roptrocerus Ratzeburg ; Peck et al., 1964 : 42. Ratzeburg thought that his generic name Pachyceras was pre-occupied (by Pachy- cerus Gyllenhal, 1826) and he proposed the name Roftrocerus to replace it. Roptro- cerus iS a nomen conservandum by the decision of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1957, Opin. Decl. int. Commn zool. Nom. 15 : 35-40) ; Pachyceras Ratzeburg is a rejected and invalid name by the same decision. The European species have been revised by Hedqvisit (1963). The earlier paper 424 by Gyé6rfi (1952) employed unreliable characters for identifying the species, some of M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM which were known to the author only through the literature. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) Fore wing with postmarginal vein about twice as long as the stigmal vein ; marginal vein 2:3 to 2-7 times as long as the stigmal vein ; wing beyond the speculum densely pilose ; the area between the postmarginal and stigmal veins completely pilose ; speculum, in upper surface of wing, extending below the marginal vein for at most about half the length of the latter. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum approximately equal to breadth of head ; anelli subequal in length, the third anellus at most very slightly longer than either of the others. Ovipositor sheaths in dorsal view with hairs standing out at an angle of 20° to 25°, none of these bristly in appearance. Anterior margin of clypeus slightly produced in the middle : ; : mirus (Walker) (p. 425) Fore wing with sos Greens vein at meee Epo 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein, marginal vein 1-75 to 1-9 times as long as the stigmal vein, if the postmarginal vein is as much as 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein, then the wing beyond the speculum is less densely pilose and the area be- tween the postmarginal and stigmal veins is partly bare ; speculum on upper surface of wing extending nearly or quite to the stigmal vein Fore wing with postmarginal vein about 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; marginal vein 1-75 to 1-8 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum approximately equal to breadth of head ; pedicellus not or hardly longer than first funicular segment ; third anellus longer than either of the others ; segments of funicle relatively longer, at most four and five slightly transverse. Ovipositor sheaths with short hairs which in dorsal view appear subadpressed, except at the tips of the sheaths, where there are several longer, more outstanding bristly hairs. Anterior margin of clypeus slightly produced in the middle xylophagorum (Ratzeburg) (p. 425) Fore wing with postmarginal vein not or hardly longer than the stigmal vein ; marginal vein 1-8 to 1-9 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum somewhat less than breadth of head ; pedicellus distinctly, up to about twice, longer than first funicular segment ; anelli subequal in length ; segments of funicle relatively short, the second at least very slightly, fifth strongly, transverse. Ovipositor sheaths in dorsal view similar to those of mivus, but with some stronger bristly hairs at their tips. Anterior margin of clypeus truncate or virtually SOW a c é : : i : ‘ brevicornis Thomson (p. 426) (MALEs) Some differences in the male genitalia of the three species have been illustrated by Hedgqvist (1963, fig. 32). I Fore wing with postmarginal vein nearly twice as long as the stigmal vein ; speculum, on upper surface of wing, extending below the marginal vein for only about half the eae of the latter. Base of gaster more or less yellowish . é : , : : mirus (Walker) (p. 425) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 425 - Fore wing with postmarginal vein at most about 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; speculum, on upper surface of wing, extending below the marginal vein nearly or quite to the stigmal vein. Base of gaster not or only indistinctly yellowish . ; 2 2 (1) Antenna with combined length of pedieelius and flagellar 1-4 to I G Sn breadth of head ; funicular segments relatively longer, the first 1-6 to 1-8, sixth 1-3 to 1-7 times, as long as broad. Anterior margin of clypeus slightly produced . ‘ xylophagorum (Ratzeburg) (p. 425) - Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only slightly greater than breadth of head ; funicular segments relatively shorter, subquadrate or only slightly longer than broad. Anterior margin of clypeus virtually truncate. , ; : ; ; : brevicornis Thomson (p. 426) Roptrocerus mirus (Walker) Amblymerus mirus Walker, 1834 : 351, 9. Roptrocerus mivus (Walker) Thomson, 1878 : 84-85, 9. Pachyceras janssoni Hedqvist, 1955 : 84-85, 9. Roptrocerus mivus (Walker) ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 61, 62-63, gd 9. Type material. Amblymerus mirus Walker. One female, designated LECTO- TYPE (possibly holotype), lacking the head, bearing a Waterhouse label “‘ Ptero- malus mirus ” Pachyceras janssoni Hedqvist. Holotype 2, Sweden, Ostergétland, Simonstorp, I—4.viii.1955, in coll. Hedqvist. Placed in synonymy with mirus (Walker) by Hedgqvist (1963 : 62). BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. Parasite of Coleoptera Scolytidae. eared in Britain from Myelophilus (=Blastophagus) piniperda (L.) according to Hanson (1940 : 505) ; and in Sweden from Ips typographus L. by Hedqvist (1963). The records for mirus in the paper by Gyorfi (1952) need checking as it is not certain whether he identified the species correctly. Imagines appear in August. Roptrocerus xylophagorum (Ratzeburg) Pachycevas Xylophagovrum Ratzeburg, 1844a : 218, 9. Pachycevas Eccoptogastri Ratzeburg, 1844a@ : 218, 9. Roptrocerus Xylophagorum (Ratzeburg) Ratzeburg, 1848 : 209, pl. 3, fig. 2. Roptrocerus vectus Provancher, 1887 : 202, 9. Platygerrhus ? scolyti Ashmead, 1894) : 335, &, ? 6. Roptrocerus xylophagorum (Ratzeburg) ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 61, 62, 66-70, ¢ 9. Type material Pachyceras xylophagorum Ratzeburg. Type presumed destroyed. Pachyceras eccoptogastri Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. The species was placed in synonymy with xylophagorum by Hedqvist (1963 : 66). Roptrocerus rectus Provancher. Lectotype (Canada, Quebec, Cap Rouge) in Museum of the Province of Quebec, designated by Gahan and Rohwer (1918 : 171) ; it is stated to bear a yellow label with the number 1386. The species was placed in 426 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM synonymy with xylophagorum (Ratzeburg) by Burks (in Krombein et al., 1958 : 76) ; Burks stated that Peck had examined Provancher’s type. Platygerrhus ? scolyti Ashmead. Type (U.S.A., West Virginia, Morgantown) in U.S. Nat. Mus. (not seen by the writer). Placed in synonymy with xylophagorum by Peck (1m Muesebeck et al., 1951 : 549). Widely distributed, probably the whole of Europe ; U.S.A. ; GUATEMALA ; JAPAN. Biology. Reared from many species of Scolytidae ; for its biology see Hedqvist (1963 : 70) who says that it is apparently more frequently found on spruce than on pine. Usually 1 generation per annum, 2 in good seasons ; imagines normally in June and late summer. Note. Pachyceras typographt Gyorfi (1952 : 114, 116-117, 9) was reared by Gyorfi in the middle of April 1947, from Ips typographus L. under bark of spruce at Sopron, Hungary. I have not seen the holotype female. Gyé6rfi says (ibid. : 171) that it differs from xylophagorum Ratzeburg in its larger size (4-5 mm.), darker colour, and the yellowish brown middle part of the ovipositor. These distinctions are of doubtful validity ; xylophagorum is quite variable in colour, and I have a female which, including ovipositor sheaths, measures 5-4 mm. in length. Unless other differences not mentioned in the description exist, typographi would appear to be a form of xylophagorum which, incidentally, has been reared from the same host as that cited for typograph. Roptrocerus brevicornis Thomson Roptrocerus brevicornis Thomson, 1878 : 85, 9. Roptrocerus brevicornis Thomson ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 61, 62, 64-66, ¢ Q. Type material. One female, LECTOTYPE, labelled ‘“‘ Dic Bhn”’ [Dalecarlia, Boheman] and “ brevicornis Ths ’’. SWEDEN, FINLAND, U.S.S.R. Biology. Hosts Pityogenes quadridens Htg., P. bidentatus Htg. and other Scoly- tidae (see Hedqvist, 1963: 66, who says that it is apparently associated with Pinus). XIPHYDRIOPHAGUS Ferriére Xiphydriophagus Ferriere, 1952 : 323. Type-species : Ptevomalus meyerinckit Ratzeburg, 1848, by original designation. Xiphydriophagus Ferriere ; Peck et al., 1964 : 42. Xiphydriophagus meyerinckii (Ratzeburg) (Text-fig. 288) Pteromalus Meyerinckit Ratzeburg, 1848 : 198-199, 9. Pteromalus meyerincku Ratzeburg ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 22. Pteromalus xiphydriae Fahringer, 1935 : 212. Xiphydriophagus meyerincki (Ratzeburg) Ferriere, 1952 : 323-324, d &. Type material. Pteromalus meyerinckui Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 427 They were seen by Kurdjumov who redescribed the species (1913 : 22) and noted that it probably represented a new genus near Habritys. Ferriére (1952 : 322) proposed the genus Xiphydriophagus for it. Pteromalus xiphydriae Fahringer. Types in Hochschule fur Bodenkultur, Vienna ; re-examined by Novitzky, on the basis of which Ferriére (1952 : 322) decided that xiphydriae was a synonym of meyerinckit. BRITAIN, GERMANY, MorRAvIA. Biology. eared from Xziphydria camelus (L.) and X. prolongata (Geoffr. in Fourcr.) (=dvromedarius (F.) (Hym., Xiphydriidae). Xiphydniophagus meyerincki has the distinction of being the first Chalcidoid whose life history has been filmed (in “‘ The Alder Woodwasp ” made in the Department of Forestry, Oxford, by G. H. Thompson and E. R. Skinner). The film shows how the female meyerincku enters an old burrow of the host, the woodwasp Xiphydria camelus. When such a burrow is near to a living woodwasp larva, the parasite bites a tunnel through the solid wood towards it, and on entering the woodwasp gallery she paralyzes the larva and lays her eggs upon it. A year later her offspring escape by following the route made by the mother. HABRITYS Thomson Dimachus subg. Habritys Thomson, 1878: 50, 54. Type-species: Pteromalus brevicornis Ratzeburg, 1844a, by monotypy. Habritus [sic] Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 276. Habritys Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 285, 288. Habrytis [sic] Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 233. Habritys Thomson ; Peck et al., 1964 : 45. Only one European species is known, but another has been described from North America by Wallace (1954 : 199-200). Habritys brevicornis (Ratzeburg) (Text-fig. 290) Pteromalus brevicornis Ratzeburg, 1844a : 201. Pteromalus (Schizonotus) Pannewitzit Ratzeburg, 1852 : 230, 9, syn. n. Habritys brevicornis (Ratzeburg) Thomson, 1878 : 55, 3 2. Schizonotus pannewitzi Ratzeburg, Boucek, 1958a : 396. Habritys brevicornis (Ratzeburg) ; Askew, 1962a : 126. Type material. Types of Pteromalus brevicornis Ratzeburg and P. (S.) panne- witzi Ratzeburg presumed destroyed. The name brevicornis, however, has been generally accepted. Bouéek (1958a : 396) said that he believed pannewitzt Ratzeburg was probably the same as brevicornis ; I had come to the same conclusion, from Ratzeburg’s description and the host which he mentioned, “ Crabro cephalotes” [=Clytochrysus sp.]. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY ; no doubt widely distributed in Europe. 428 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Biology. Parasitic chiefly on Crabronid wasps (Hym., Sphecoidea). In Britain it has been reared from Coelocrabro leucostomoides Rich. by Saunt (1925 : 257-258) ; from Clytochrysus chrysostomus (LeP.) by Hallet (1927 : 54) ; and from Coelocrabro ambiguus (Dahlb.) in a dead willow, by Callan (1936 : 128). Valkeila (1959 : 181) reared brevicornis in Finland from cocoons of Ectemnius (=Clytochrysus) cavifrons (Thomson) ; 16-24 larvae developed in each coccoon. An unusual host was recorded by Askew (1962a : 126) who stated that specimens were reared from puparia of the Stratiomyid fly Pachygaster meromelas Duf. (=orbitalis Wahlb.) found beneath bark of horse-chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) at Moccas, Herefordshire, 20.v.1961 (P. Skidmore) ; apparently only a single chalcid emerged from each host puparium. Ruschka (1923 : 201) recorded having obtained some specimens of brevicornis in a rearing along with four species of Scolytid and Lymexylonid beetles, but it seems likely that the parasite was not attacking them but some Hymenopteron. PERNIPHORA Ruschka Perniphora Ruschka, 1923 : 198. Type-species : P. vobusta Ruschka, by monotypy. Perniphora Ruschka ; Nikol’skaya 1952 : 210. Perniphora Ruschka ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 118-121. Perniphova Ruschka ; Peck ef al., 1964 : 34. Only one European species of the genus is known ; another species has been described from North America by Miller (1965 : 78-82). Perniphora robusta Ruschka (Text-fig. 287) Perniphora vobusta Ruschka, 1923 : 198-201, ¢ 9. Perniphora robusta Ruschka ; Thomsen et al., 1949 : 250-253, 324. Perniphora robusta Ruschka ; Hedqvist, 1963 : 118-121, ¢ 9. Type material. Types in Deutsches Entomologisches Museum, Berlin, and cotypes in Forstakademie Eberswalde (coll. Ruschka) according to Ruschka (not seen by the writer). BRITAIN, SWEDEN, DENMARK, FINLAND, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, PoLanD, U.S.S.R. Not previously recorded from Britain, new records : ENGLAND ; Hampshire, New Forest, I g, I.vi.tg00 (D. Sharp) the specimen in Cambridge University Museum ; 1 4, 30.v.1910 (H. Donisthorpe), specimen in Hope Dept., Oxford. Biology. Parasite of Trypodendron domesticum L. and other species of that genus ; Xyleborus spp., etc. For accounts of the biology of robusta see Thomsen et al. (1949) and Hedqvist (1963 : 121). Thomsen et al. studied it as a parasite of Xyloterus domesticus L. on Fagus in Denmark. They state that it oviposits in June and July on the host larva. The chalcid larva lives as an ectoparasite, matures in about 2 weeks and hibernates in the larval state. Imagines June-July. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 429 [NIKOLSKAYANA Bouéek Nikolskayana Bouéek, 19654 : 377. Type-species : N. mirabilis Bouéek, by original designa- tion. Nikolskayana mirabilis Bouéek Nikolskayana mirabilis Bouéek, 1965a : 378-380, ¢ 9. CENTRAL AsIA (Turkmenian S.S.R.). Biology. Parasite of Carpophoborus perrisi Chap. (Col., Scolytidae) on Pistacia (Bouéek, 19654 : 380). | CAENOCREPIS Thomson Dimachus sgen. Caenocrepis Thomson, 1878 : 50, 51. Type-species : C. avenicola Thomson, by monotypy. Xenocrepis Ashmead, 1904 : 276 [nec Forster, 1856]. Xenocrepis Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 284, 285, 286 [mec Forster]. Xenocrepis Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 223 [nec Forster]. Caenocrepis Thomson ; Bouéek, 1958a : 398-401. Caenocrepis Thomson ; Peck et al., 1964 : 44, 45. The two European species of this genus were revised by Bouéek (19582). Kry TO EUROPEAN SPECIES [The following key is adapted from that of Bouéek, 1958a : 400—401.] 1 Fore wing beyond the speculum quite densely pilose ; speculum ending about level with the beginning of the marginal vein ; lower surface of costal cell with more than two irregular rows of hairsin the distalhalf. Gaster of female short-ovate, about as long as head plus thorax ; hind margin of basal tergite only very shallowly emarginate medially : , : ; 2 . arenicola Thomson (p. 429) — Fore wing beyond the speculum with sparse pilosity ; speculum extending as a bare strip below the marginal vein as far as the stigmal vein ; lower surface of costal cell with one complete row of hairs, and with at most a few additional hairs in the distal part. Gaster of female sublanceolate, longer than head plus thorax ; hind margin of basal tergite distinctly incised medially . bothynoderi Gromakov (p. 430) Caenocrepis arenicola Thomson Caenocrepis avenicola Thomson, 1878 : 51, 9. Caenocrepis avenicola Thomson ; Bouéek, 1958a : 400-401, figs. 3, 4, d &. Type material. Syntypes, 7 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “O” (Oland], “‘ arenicola Ths ’’, and bearing a label “ TYPE ”’. SWEDEN, FRANCE, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HunGaRY, U.S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. 430 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Caenocrepis bothynoderi Gromakov Caenocrepis bothynodert Gromakov, 1940, Dopov. Akad. Nauk U.R.S.R., 5 : 11-13 [not seen]. Caenocrepis bothynodert Gromakov, 1941 : 122-120. Caenocrepis bothynoderi Gromakov ; Bouéek, 1958a : 400-401, g 9. Type material. Syntypes (not seen by the writer) examined by Boucek (1958a : 400). U.S.S.R., ANATOLIA. Biology. Egg-parasite of Bothynoderes punctiventris Germ. (Gromakov, 1940, 1941). GUGOLZIA Delucchi & Steffan Gugolzia Delucchi & Steffan, 1956 : 30-34. Type species: G. harmolitae Del. & Steffan, by monotypy and original designation. Gugolzia harmolitae Delucchi & Steffan Gugolzia harmolitae Delucchi & Steffan, 1956 : 31-34, 9. Type material (not seen). Holotype and 2 paratypes in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris ; 2 paratypes in coll. Delucchi, France, Alpes-Maritimes, Menton, June, 1953 (J. R. Steffan). FRANCE. Biology. According to Delucchi and Steffan the species is a solitary ectophagous parasite of Harmolita [=Tetramesa| romana (Walker) (Hym., Eurytomidae) which lives in Avundo donax L. CYRTOPTYX Delucchi Cyrtoptyx Delucchi, 1956a : 240, 252. Type-species : Dinarmus robustus Masi, 1907, by original designation. Delucchi (1956a : 254) published a key to the European species of which he recognized three. I have not seen the types of two of these species, hence I cannot add any further information. They occur in the Mediterranean area, but probably not in north-western Europe. Cyrtoptyx dacicida (Masi) Trichomalus spivacularis Del Guercio, 1900 : 65 [mec Thomson, 1878]. Psilocera concolor Paoli, 1907 : 38, fig. 22 [nec Metopon concoloy Thomson, 1878]. Dinarmus dacicida Masi, in Silvestri et al., 1908 : 20-29, ¢ 9. ? Dinarmus dacicida ssp. virescens Masi, in Silvestri et al., 1908 : 191-192, g 9. ? Dinarmus lesbiacus Masi, 19214 : 271, 276, 6. ? Dinarmus virescens Masi, 19214 : 271, 276-277, 3 @. Dinarmus dacicida Masi, 1921a : 277-278. Cyrtoptyx dacicida (Masi) Delucchi, 1956a : 254, 255. Type material (not seen) in Istituto di Entomologia agraria, Portici. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 431 Dinarmus dacicida Masi. Syntypes, Italy, several localities in Puglia, Calabria, Umbria, and Tuscany. D. lesbiacus Masi. Holotype g, Italy, Isle of Metelino, x.1906. Delucchi (1956a : 254-255) suggests that it is probably the same as dacicida. D. virescens Masi. Syntypes, g and 99, Syria, Beirut, 1907. Delucchi (1956a : 254-255) believes it may be the same as dacicida. MEDITERRANEAN REGION. Biology. Parasite of Dacus oleae Gmel. (Dipt., Trypetidae) ; dacicida, lesbiacus, and virescens were all originally reared from this host. Cyrtoptyx robustus (Masi) Dinarmus robustus Masi, 1907 : 288, 3 9. Dinarmus robustus Masi, 19214 : 271, 275. ? Dinarmus cynipidis Masi, 1921a : 271, 275-276, 9. Cyrtoptyx robustus (Masi) Delucchi, 1956a : 254. Type material (not seen) in Istituto di Entomologia agraria, Portici. Dinarmus robustus Masi. Syntypes, Italy, Umbria, Bevagna, several specimens reared from galls of Cynips coriaria Htg. D. cynipidis Masi. Syntypes, Italy, S. Vito de’ Normanni, one female from gall of Cynips tomentosa Trotter ; Corigliano Calabro, one female from gall of Cynips argentea Hartig. These specimens have not been examined either by Dr. Delucchi or the writer; Delucchi (1956a : 254-255) suggested that they were probably the same as vobustus Masi. MEDITERRANEAN REGION. Biology. Parasitic on Cynipidae, see above under type material ; also records of rearing from Cynips [Andricus] kollari (Htg.) and C. polycera Giraud mentioned by Delucchi (1956a : 255) which refer to material apparently identical with robustus. Cyrtoptysx lichtensteini (Masi) Dinarmus lichtensteini Masi, 1921a : 271, 275. Cyrtoptyx lichtensteini (Masi) Delucchi, 1956a : 254-255. Cyrtoptyx lichtensteini (Masi) ; Delucchi, 1962 : 123. Type material (not seen). Syntypes, Southern France, reared from Mononychus punctumalbum Herbst (J. Lichtenstein) ; one at least of these specimens is in Muséum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (see Delucchi, 1956a : 255). FRANCE, NORTH AFRICA. Biology. Parasite of Mononychus punctumalbum Herbst in France (see above) ; also recorded from North Africa as a parasite of Lixus sp. on Halogeton, by Delucchi (1962). 432 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM OXYSYCHUS Delucchi Oxysychus Delucchi, 1956a : 240, 246. Type-species: Dinarmus silvestyii Masi, 1921, by original designation. Oxysychus Delucchi ; Peck et al., 1964 : 46-47. Delucchi (19564 : 247-248) published a key to the European species, of which he recognized four. Of these, I have seen the types only of pzlosulus (Thomson) and have nothing to add to Delucchi’s information. Oxysychus silvestrii (Masi) Dinarmus silvestrvit Masi, 1921a : 271, 272-273, 9. Oxysychus silvestvii (Masi) Delucchi, 1956a : 248-249, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Italy, Isle of Giglio, July 1go1 (G. Doria), in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa. ITALY. Biology. Unknown. [Oxysychus regnieri (Masi) Dinarmus regniert Masi, 1934a : 98, 9. Oxysychus vegniert (Masi) Delucchi, 1956a : 248, 249-250, 9. Type material. Holotype 2, Moroccan Sahara, Oasis of Tarzougeurt, in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa. MoROcCAN SAHARA and TANGIER. Biology. Reared, according to Masi (1934a : 98) together with Hesperophanes fasciculatus Flin. (Col., Cerambycidae) and Hypoborus ficus Erik. (Col., Ipidae) on fig}. Oxysychus pilosulus (Thomson) Dimachus (Dinarmus) pilosulus Thomson, 1878 : 57, 9. Dinarmus pilosulus Thomson ; Masi, 19214 : 270. Oxysychus pilosulus (Thomson) Delucchi, 1956a : 247, 251, 9. Type material. Syntypes, 3 9. LECTOTYPE, a specimen labelled “ KK Bhn ” [Kinnekulle, Boheman] and “ pilosulus Ths ”’. SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Oxysychus planiscuta Delucchi Oxysychus planiscuta Delucchi, 1956a : 247-248, 251-252, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, France, Var, Gorges d’Ollioules, 23.vili.1947 (J. Barbier), in coll. C. Granger, Paris. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 433 FRANCE. Biology. Unknown. ISCHYROPTYX Delucchi Ischyroptyx Delucchi, 1956a : 240, 256. Type-species : Dinarmus ligusticus Masi, 1921, by original designation. Only one species described. Ischyroptyx ligusticus (Masi) Dinarmus ligusticus Masi, 1921a@ : 271, 274-275, 9. Ischyroptyx ligusticus (Masi) Delucchi, 1956a : 256, 3 9. Type material. Syntypes, 3 9, Italy: Stazzano Scrivia, 1x.1883 (P. M. Ferrart) ; Genoa, vii.18g0 (Solari) ; Genoa, vili,1895 (Mantero) in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa (not seen). ITALY. Biology. Unknown. ANISOPTEROMALUS Ruschka Anisopteromalus Ruschka, 1912 : 243. Type-species : A. mollis Ruschka, by monotypy. Aplastomorpha Crawford, 1913 : 252. Type-species : A. pratti Crawford, by monotypy. Anisopteromalus Ruschka ; Peck im Muesebeck ef al., 1951 : 563-564. Aplastomorpha Crawford ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 225. Anisopteromalus Ruschka ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 225. Anisopteromalus Ruschka ; Peck et al., 1964 : 46. Aplastomorpha was synonymized with Anisopteromalus by Peck (im Muesebeck et al., 1951). Anisopteromalus calandrae (Howard) Pteromalus calandrvae Howard, in Comstock, 1881 : 273, 3. Meraporus Vandinei Tucker, 1910 : 342-344, 3 Y. Anisopteromalus mollis Ruschka, 1912 : 243-245, 3 @. Aplastomorpha pratti Crawford, 1913 : 252-253, @. A plastomorpha vandinei (Tucker) Waterston, 1921 : 8, 11-12, g 9. A plastomorpha calandrae (Howard) Gahan, 1923a : 188. ? Neocatolaccus indicus Ayyar & Mani, 1937 : 126-127, 9. Neocatolaccus mamezophagus Ishii & Nagasawa, 1942 : 67-68, 3 . Anisopteromalus calandvae (Howard) ; Peck in Muesebeck ef al., 1951 : 564. Anisopteromalus calandvae (Howard) ; Peck, 1963 : 733-735. Type material (not seen). Pteromalus calandrae Howard. Type, U.S.A., Texas, Waller Co., Hempstead, formerly in U.S.N.M. (destroyed, according to Gahan, 1923a : 187-188). That author considered calandrae to have been the same as vandinei (Tucker). 434 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM Meraporus vandinei Tucker. Types, Texas, Plano, in U.S.N.M. Anisopteromalus mollis Ruschka. Syntypes, Austria, Vienna, 7 9 and 5 ¢ from larvae of Laemophloeus ferrugineus Creutz, presumably in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. Aplastomorpha pratti Crawford. Type 9, Texas, Dallas, in U.S.N.M. Meraporus vandinet and Aplastomorpha pratti were placed in synonymy with A plastomorpha {[=Amsopteromalus] calandrae by Gahan (19234). Neocatolaccus indicus Ayyar & Mani. Holotype 9, India, Coimbatore, 1932 (Ramakrishna and Margabandhu), on 3 slides in collection of Zoological Survey, Indian Museum, Calcutta, no.1572/H.3 (not seen by the writer). Ferriére (1939 : 165-166) remarked that the species was probably the same as Aplastomorpha calandrae. Neocatolaccus mamezophagus Ishii & Nagasawa. Location of type not known to the writer. The species was synonymized with A. calandrae by Tachikawa (1966 : 99). Only the chief references are quoted here ; many others are listed by Peck (1963). COSMOPOLITAN. Biology. A. calandrae is a well-known parasite of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera which attack stored products. A list is given by Peck (1963) of the recorded hosts up to that date. In addition it was recorded [as mollis Ruschka] as a parasite of Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zell. (Lep., Phycitidae) in Israel (Secrétariat, etc. 1966: E19) 127): DINARMUS Thomson Dimachus sgen. Dinarmus Thomson, 1878 : 50, 56. Type-species: D. acutus Thomson, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 276. Dinavmus Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 276. Bruchobius Ashmead, 1904 : 314. Type-species: B. laticebs Ashmead, by monotypy and original designation. Dinarvmus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 285, 288-289 [ex parte]. Bruchobius Ashmead ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 310, 311, 314. Bruchobius Ashmead ; Kurdjumoy, 1913 : 6. Sphaerakis Masi, 1924a : 214. Type-species: S. mayri Masi, by monotypy. Dinarvmus Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 233 [ew parte]. Bruchobius Ashmead ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 233. Dinarvmus Thomson ; Delucchi, 1956a : 238, 240. Dinavmus Thomson ; Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 46. The genus, in its restricted sense, was revised by Delucchi (1956a) who recognized 2 European species (not counting D. laticepbs Ashmead, which is sometimes introduced). Dinarmus acutus Thomson (Text-figs. 317, 318) Pieromalus robustus Walker, 1847 : 230, g, Syn. n. [nec Walker, 1835]. Dinarmus acutus Thomson, 1878 : 56, 9. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 435 Pteromalus kollavi Dalla Torre, 1898 : 131 [n. n. for Pferomalus robustus Walker, 1847, nec 1835]. Sphaerakis mayri Masi, 1924a : 215, 3 &. Dinarmus acutus Thomson ; Delucchi, 1956a@ : 243-245, d @. Type material. Pteromalus robustus Walker, 1847. One male in Hope-Westwood coll., Oxford, now designated LECTOTYPE ; it is card-pointed and labelled “ Pteromalus robustus Kll”’. It is a very large specimen (2-5 mm.) but I think the same as acutus Thomson. Dinarmus acutus Thomson. Type (probably holotype) 2 labelled “Sm. Bhn”’ [Smaland, Boheman] and “ acutus Ths ”’. Sphaerakis mayri Masi. Syntypes, from various localities in Italy, Sardinia, and Austria, in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa (not seen by the writer). Widely distributed in EuRopE ; NorTH AFRICA. Biology. Recorded as a parasite of Bruchus lentis Frol. in Italy (Secrétariat, etc., I96I : 215, 221), and of Bruchidius gilvus Gyll. and B. lividimanus Gyll. in Algeria and Italy (Secrétariat, etc., 1963 : 342, 355). Dinarmus bifoveolatus Delucchi Dinarmus bifoveolatus Delucchi, 1956a : 243, 246, 3. Type material : type (? holotype), France: Seine et Marne, Chartrettes, 10.vil.1947 (Granger), in coll. Granger, Paris (not seen). I have seen no other specimens which agree with the description. FRANCE. Biology. Unknown. OEDAULE Waterston Oedaule Waterston, 1922: 81. Type-species: O. styvingifrons Waterston, by monotypy and original designation. Oedaule Waterston ; Masi, 1922c : 161. Oedaule Waterston ; Masi, 1924: 152. Oedaule Waterston ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 233. Oedaule Waterston ; Delucchi, 1956a : 238. Oedaule Waterston ; Peck ef al., 1964 : 45. The European species of Oedaule are badly in need of revision. Four were described from Italy by Masi, but no key to these species exists. In order to prepare a sound revision it will be necessary to re-examine the types of Masi’s species, which are all preserved in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa ; I have not seen these. Oedautle italica Masi Oedaule italica Masi, 1922¢ : 162, g 9. Oedaule italica Masi, 1924 : 154. Type material. Syntypes, Italy, Isle of Giglio, 13 9 and 1 4g, captured in Igor and 1902. 436 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM IraLy, ALGERIA. Biology. Reared in Algeria from Bruchidius albosparsus Fahr., the material determined by Dr. Delucchi (Secrétariat, etc., 1966 : 120, 125). Oedaule parvula Masi Oedaule parvula Masi, 1922¢ : 167, 3. Type material. Syntypes, Italy, Isle of Giglio, 2 3, captured in March, rgor. TrAwy, Biology. Unknown. Oedaule major Masi Oedaule major Masi, 1924 : 154, 3 Q. Type material. Syntypes, Italy, Liguria, Varazze, viii.1920, 2 g, I 9. ITALY. Biology. Unknown. Oedaule latialis Masi Oedaule latialis Masi, 1924 : 156, g Q. Type material. Syntypes, Italy, environs of Rome, vii.19g18 ; Monte Cimino (Lazio), 29.vii. and I.vili.1907 (G. Leprt), 2 3, 3 9. ITALY. Biology. Unknown. DINARMOIDES Masi Dinarmoides Masi, 1924a : 232. Type-species: D. spiloptevyus Masi, by monotypy. Gothbergia Heqvist, 1957 : 23. Type-species: G. elymi Heqvist, by monotypy and original designation. Dinarmoides Masi ; Boucéek, 1958a : 400, 402. Dinarmoides Masi ; Peck et al., 1964 : 45. Delucchi (1958a : 57) noted the close affinity of Dinarmoides and Gothbergia, though without synonymizing them. Gothbergia was placed in synonymy with Dinarmoides by Boucéek (1958a : 400, 402). The male of the single known species, D. spilopterus Masi, is easily recognized on account of its greatly swollen hind femora, in combination with the fuscous wing-markings. The hind femora of the female, however, are not unusually swollen. Dinarmoides spilopterus Masi Dinarmoides spilopterus Masi, 1924a : 20-23, 9. Gothbergia elymi Heqvist, 1957 : 23-24, 26, d. Dinarmoides spilopterus Masi ; Bouéek, 1958a : 400, 402, 3 9. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 437 Type material. Dinarmoides spilopterus Masi. Syntypes, 4 Q, Italy, Isle of Giglio, June 1903, in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa (not seen by the writer). I have examined females from Central Europe which agree with Masi’s description of spilopterus. Gothbergia elymi Heqvist. Holotype g, Sweden, Gotska Sandon, 17.vili.1955 and paratype g in coll. Hedqvist (Stockholm) ; I have seen these specimens. The species was synonymized with Dinarmoides spilopterus by Bouéek (1958a : 400, 402). SWEDEN (Island of Gotska Sand6én), CzEcHosLovakiA, ITALy (Isle of Giglio) ; in sandy or xerothermic habitats. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June-August. STENOSELMA Delucchi Stenoselma Delucchi, 1956b : 65. Type-species : S. nigyum Delucchi, by monotypy and original designation. Only the type-species is so far known. Stenoselma nigrum Delucchi (Text-fig. 321) Stenoselma nigyum Delucchi, 1956b : 66, 67, figs. 1-5, d 9. Type material. Syntypes, 2 2 (one the type), Italy, Tuscany, 4.ix.1951, in coll. Delucchi. I have not seen the type but have females from Czechoslovakia which agree perfectly with Delucchi’s description. CZECHOSLOVAKIA, ITaALy, NortH AFRICA (probably widely distributed in the Mediterranean and Central European regions). Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—Sept. NORBANUS Walker Norbanus Walker, 1843e :159. Type-species : N. dysaules Walker, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 320. Arthrolysis Forster, 1856 : 52. Type-species : Pteromalus scabriculus Nees, 1834, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 276, 367. Picroscytus Thomson, 1878 : 50, 58. Type-species : Pteromalus scabriculus Nees, by monotypy. Stylophorella Ashmead, 1904 : 275, 389. Type-species : S. perpleva Ashmead, by monotypy. Arthvrolysis Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 284, 285, 287-288 [ex parte]. Norbanus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 328, 356. Picroscytus Thomson ; Szelényi, 1941 : 116-131. Picroscytus Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 231. Norbanus Walker ; Peck in Muesebeck et al., 1951 : 565. Norbanus Walker ; Peck, 1963 : 740-741. Norbanus Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 46. Arthrolysis Forster, Picroscytus Thomson, and Stylophorella Ashmead, were 438 M. W. R. bE V. GRAHAM placed in synonymy with Norbanus Walker by Peck (im Muesebeck et al., 1951). I have examined the syntypes of the type-species of Norbanus (dysaules Walker) in BM(NH) ; the species was described from material taken at St. John’s Bluff, Florida. I have not seen the type-species of Stylophorella Ashmead but I accept the synonymy proposed by Peck (1951). The European species of Norbanus need revision. I feel uncertain as to how many are valid ; Szelényi (1941) recognized three belonging to the group of scabriculus (Nees), but the differences between them are very small, whilst some of those he mentioned do not seem to work out consistently. At present I am prevented by lack of material from attempting a revision of the species. In my key I have noted some differences between scabriculus (Nees) and meridionalis (Masi) which may be valid. The other species, globulariae (Szelényi), grordaniw (Ferriére) and albicans (Masi) I have not seen. Key TO Two EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Antennal flagellum fuscous to black with at most the apex of the clava pale. Head, and thorax dorsally, relatively duller, with rather denser sculpture. Head 1-2 to 1:25 times as broad as the mesoscutum. Legs with femora and tibiae fuscous, only the knees and the tips of the tibiae narrowly pale. Stigmal vein of fore wing dis- tinctly curved 3 : : . scabriculus (Nees) (p. 438) — Antennal flagellum brown, or testaceous with the incisures between its segments blackish. Head, and thorax dorsally, more shiny, with rather less dense sculpture. Head 1-3 to 1:33 times as broad as the mesoscutum. Legs relatively paler, especially the tibiae which are more broadly pale apically, sometimes fully the distal third of the hind tibiae is pale. Stigmal vein hardly curved meridionalis (Masi) (p. 439) I am unable to provide a key to males. Norbanus scabriculus (Nees) (Text-fig. 301) Pteromalus scabriculus Nees, 1834 : 100, ¢ @. Dimachus (Picroscytus) scabriculus (Nees) Thomson, 1878 : 58-59, ¢ 9. Picroscytus scabriculus (Nees) ; Masi, 1922c : 148. Picroscytus scabriculus (Nees) ; Szelényi, 1941 : 124. Norbanus scabriculus (Nees) Peck, 1963 : 740-741. Type material. Types presumed lost (none amongst the remnants of Nees’ collection in Oxford). It will probably be necessary to erect a neotype when the species of the genus are revised. This could be selected from the material in the collection of Thomson, who first revised scabriculus ; but preferably perhaps from that in the collection of Ruschka, which seems to agree better with the original description. Ruschka’s specimens were also re-examined by Masi (1922c) who noted some differences between them and his new species meridionalis. Nees (1834) stated that the wings of female scabriculus were “ obscure hyalinae ”’ PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 439 Thomson, however (1878 : 59) mentioned that the fore wings of his specimens had a discal cloud (“ umbra longitudinali subfumata sub radio et stigmate’”’). Masi (1922c) said that Ruschka’s specimens of scabriculus had a brownish yellow discal cloud. Szelényi (1941) distinguished scabriculus (Nees) from meridionalis (Masi) and his own species globulariae by the presence of a distinct cloud on the wing of scabriculus and its absence in the other species. I have seen specimens which agree with the redescriptions of scabriculus given by Thomson and Masi except that they have the fore wings immaculate. Probably, therefore, this character is variable and not diagnostic. Masi (1922c) stated that females of his meridionalis differed from those identified as scabriculus by Ruschka in having the head a little broader relative to the breadth of the thorax, as well as in some other details of colour and structure. Possibly the distinguishing characters given by Masi (with the exception of the presence or absence of a cloud on the fore wing) have specific value ; at all events, they seem to be borne out fairly well in the material I have seen. SWEDEN, GERMANY ; recorded also from U.S.S.R. and ITAty, but this material has not been examined ; released in Canada but not established, according to Peck (1963). Biology. The species was recorded as a parasite of Cephus pygmaeus L. and Trachelus tabidus F. (Hym., Tenthredinoidea) on cereals in U.S.S.R., by Borodin (1915, Choziajstvo Kiev, nos. 33-36, passim) ; and as a parasite of Lixus junc Boh. (Col., Curculionidae) on sugar-beet in Italy, by Menozzi (1936). The material upon which these records were based is not traceable, and confirmation is desirable. Norbanus meridionalis (Masi) comb. n. Arthvrolysis scabricula Masi, 1919 : 162-163 [nec Ptervomalus scabriculus Nees, 1834]. Picroscytus meridionalis Masi, 1922c : 147-150, 3 9. Picroscytus meridionalis Masi ; Szelényi, 1941 : 124. Type material. Syntypes, Italy, Liguria, 1 9; Isle of Giglio, 36 2 captured June-August rgor and 6 g captured in May 1go1 and July 1902, in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa (not seen). Masi originally recorded his material as scabricula, but in 1922 decided that it represented a distinct species after comparing it with specimens determined by Ruschka as Picroscytus scabriculus. For a discussion of the differences between scabricula and meridionalis see Masi (1922c). CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HuNnGARY, ITALY. Biology. Unknown. Norbanus globulariae (Szelényi) comb. n. Picroscytus globulariae Szelényi, 1941 : 124-125, 126-130, ¢ . Type material. Holotype 9, Hungary, Budapest, Harmashatarhegy, in Hunga- 440 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM rian National Museum, Budapest ; paratypes in the Hungarian National Institute for Plant Hygiene (Zoological Dept.). Szelényi (1941 : 126-130) has given a very detailed description of globulariae. In his key to species (ibid : 124-125) he distinguishes globulariae from meridionalis Masi by the following characters : in globulariae the postmarginal vein is a little shorter relative to the marginal vein (ratio of m to pm 1-62: 1-91 instead of 1:63 : 2-01) and the stigmal vein is slightly longer relative to the marginal (ratio of m to s I-91 : I instead of 2-01 : 1) ; the antennae are uniformly black, instead of brown with darker rings ; the tibiae are blackish brown and only the extreme tips of the mid and hind tibiae are obscurely brownish, in meridionalis the tibiae are brownish, becoming gradually paler distad, the hind tibiae having their distal third yellowish white ; the fore wings are hyaline, in meridionalis slightly yellowish ; and the length of the body is less (female 2-8-3 mm., male 2-5-2-9 mm. ; in meridionalis 4-5 mm. and 2-5-3 mm. respectively). These differences, although small, probably do indicate that globulariae is a valid species. HUNGARY. Biology. Reared from flower-heads of Globularia willkommiu Nym., in which the Lepidopteron Stagmatophora albiapicella H.-S. lives; there are apparently two generations, which emerge in spring and summer. Szelényi (1941 : 126-127) gives further details of the biology of globulariae, including a description of the larva. Norbanus giordanii (Ferriére) comb. n. Picroscitus Giordanii Ferriére, 1952a : 166-167, 5 9. Type material. Syntypes, Italy, Barena near Chioggia, I.vil.1944 ; Ile Campana, 4.vill.1g46 ; Marghera, 1I9.iv.1947 in halophile zone, 20.vi.1947 in Salicornietum ; Moranzani, 12.v.1947 in Salicornietum ; S. Giuliano, 7.vii.1947 in Scirpetum, in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Venice, and in coll. G. Soika. ITALY. Biology. Unknown. Norbanus albicrus (Masi) comb. n. Picroscytus albicrus Masi, 19346 : 17-18, 9. Picroscytus albicrus Masi ; Szelényi, 1941 : 125. Type material. Holotype 2, Cyprus, Limassol, August (G. A. Mavromoustakis), in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa (not seen). The female of this species should be recognizable by its entirely white hind tibiae. CYPRUS. Biology. Unknown. PIL EROMALIDAE OF NW: EVUROPE 440 PICROSCYTOIDES Masi Picroscytoides Masi, 1922c : 151-158. Type-species : P. cevasiops (Ruschka MS.) Masi, by original designation. Picroscytoides Masi ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 232. Picroscytoides Masi ; Peck et al., 1964 : 47. Two species of this genus from southern Europe (obscurus and cerasiops) were described by Masi (1922c). I have seen some other species from central Europe and the Mediterranean region, but I do not think it advisable to describe them at present, although I have mentioned their chief diagnostic characters in my key (see below). Probably others will be discovered in the regions mentioned, but hitherto no representative has been found in north-west Europe. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Head in dorsal view only 1-9 to 1-95 times as broad as long. Antennal flagel- lum fuscous proximally but becoming gradually paler, the distal part of the funicle and the clava being yellowish testaceous. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to breadth of head ; flagellum slender, proximally not stouter than the pedicellus in dorsal view ; third segment of clava forming a sublinear stylus. Fore wing with an incipient speculum, forming a narrow bare strip outside the basal vein and below the marginal vein. Head and thorax black with weak bluish and bronze reflections ; gaster violet-tinged . obscurus Masi (p. 442) - Head in dorsal view 2:15 to 2:25 times as broad as long. Antennal flagellum black with at most the anelli and the clava pale. The other characters not all present in combination . : : : : : 2 2 (1) Body black with weak bluish and bronze reflections ; eyes brown or reddish brown. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to or slightly greater than breadth of head ; flagellum slender ; third segment of clava forming a sublinear stylus. Edge of gena, for a short distance above the base of the mandible, with a sharp lamina. Species not more than 5:5 mm. in length. Gaster black or bronze-black sp. indet. A (p. 442) - At least the thorax bright green, blue, or violet ; eyes bright red. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly less than breadth of head ; flagellum rather less slender ; clava tapering to an acute point but having its third segment triangular, not styliform. Edge of gena, near mandible, fairly sharp but without a lamina. Species up to 7 mm. in length. Gaster sometimes partly red . F 3 3. (2) Gaster not red-marked, or at most very obscurely cedenen about the Baers ment of the petiole, 2:2 to 2:5 times as long as broad. POL approximately equal to OOL. Marginal vein of fore wing 1-8 to 2 times as long as the stigmal vein. Tibiae infuscate medially ; cerasiops Masi (p. 442) = Gaster broadly red at base, sometimes the proximal half or more red . 2 4 4 (3) Gaster about twice as long as broad. Marginal vein about 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein. POL slightly less than OOL. Tibiae infuscate medially sp. indet. B (p. 442) - Gaster about 2-5 times as long as broad. Marginal vein 2:2 times as long as the stigmal vein. POL hardly less than OOL. Tibiae pale sp. indet. C (p. 442) I am unable to provide a key to males. 442 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Picroscytoides obscurus Masi Picroscytoides obscurus Masi, 1922¢ : 151-154, 6 Q. Picroscytoides obscurus Masi ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 232. Type material. Syntypes, Italy, Isle of Giglio, 4 9 captured in June and July, 3 gin July, r901 and 1902, presumably in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa. ITALY, TURKEY. Biology. Nikol’skaya (1952) says that the species parasitizes the “ cereal sawfly ”’, but I cannot trace the record on which this statement is based. Picroscytoides sp. indet. A. Cyprus : Limassol, 2 2, 12.v.1934 and 1.v1.1934 (Mavromoustakis). Picroscytoides cerasiops Masi (Text-fig. 320) Picroscytoides cevasiops (Ruschka MS.) Masi, 1922¢ : 154-158, 3 9. Picroscytoides cevasiops Masi ; Menozzi, 1930 : 58. Type material. Syntypes, Italy, Isle of Giglio, 2 9 and 6 g, captured in July Igor and 1902, presumably in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa ; specimens taken in southern France (Prof. J. Lichtenstein), location unknown ; one specimen from Dalmatia, coll. Ruschka, Vienna. FRANCE, ITALY, DALMATIA, ?CYPRUS. I have not seen the types of this species, but have included it in my key on the basis of females from Cyprus which I believe to be correctly determined. Biology. Menozzi (1930) recorded this species from the mainland of Italy as a parasite of Lixus zunci Boh. ; he remarked that it appeared to be an endophagous parasite of the beetle larvae, though he admitted the possibility that it might be acting as a hyperparasite through Bracon intercessor Nees or Eurytoma sp., both of which were present as primary parasites of the Lixuws. The species was also mentioned by the same author in other papers which the writer has not seen (19304, 1934, 1936). Picroscytoides sp. indet. B. Cyprus : Limassol, 16.vi.1934, I 2 (Mavroumoustakis), specimen in BM(NH). Picroscytoides sp. indet. C. ISRAEL : Tiberias, 16.v.1945, 1 9 (Dr. Bytinski-Salz). PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 443 MERISUS Walker Merisus Walker, 1835 : 166. Type-species : M. splendidus Walker, by monotypy. Merisus Walker ; Forster, 1856 : 53, 58. Merisus Walker ; Thomson, 1878 : 60, 62. Merisus Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 324. Merisus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 362, 364 [ex parte]. Merisus Forster [sic] ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 3. Merisus Walker ; Delucchi, 1956a : 229-233. Merisus Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 47. Merisus Walker ; Bouéek, 1965e : 22-23. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Malar space one quarter length of an eye or hardly more. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly less than breadth of head ; funicular segments relatively short, the first subquadrate, fourth to sixth slightly transverse ; clava slightly longer than funicular segments five plus six, acuminate apically, its sutures indistinct. Ocelli large, the hind ones distinctly less than twice their own major diameter from the eyes ; . . splendidus Walker (p. 443) — Malar space about one third length of an eve. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum hardly less than breadth of head ; funicular segments relatively longer, the first slightly longer than broad, sixth quadrate ; clava about as long as funicular segments five plus six, blunter apically, its sutures more distinct. Ocelli smaller, the hind ones more than twice their own major diameter from the Eves) : : , ; 2 F ‘ : ; . flagellatus Bouéek (p. 444) (MALEs) 1 Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-3 times breadth of head ; scape much longer than first funicular segment, the latter slightly less than twice as long as broad ; remaining funicular segments less than twice as long as broad, the sixth quadrate or only slightly longer than broad splendidus Walker (p. 443) — Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about twice breadth of head ; scape about as long as first funicular segment ; the latter nearly 2-5 times as long as broad ; remaining funicular segments about twice as long as broad flagellatus Bouéek (p. 444) Merisus splendidus Walker (Text-fig. 300) Merisus splendidus Walker, 1835 : 167, 9. Merisus splendidus Walker ; Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. A, fig. 1, 2. Merisus acutangulus Thomson, 1878 : 64, 9. Merisus splendidus Walker ; Delucchi, 1956a : 231-233, d 9. Type material. Merisus splendidus Walker. Type not yet found. Delucchi (1956a : 233) erected a neotype from Varinella, Val Scrivia, Italy, collected between July and September, 1927 (Mancini). Probably the type was loaned to Haliday for the purpose of his figure (1842) and might not have been returned to Walker. Merisus acutangulus Thomson. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE labelled “ Hg ”’ [Halsingborg] on a pale green label. Thomson’s acutangulus was treated as a 444 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM distinct species by Delucchi (1956a : 233) but Boucek (1965e : 23) considered Thomson’s type to be a dwarf of splendidus. Although slight differences are discernible between the types of acutangulus and splendidus, I am disposed to accept Boucek’s view. The colour of the body in splendidus varies considerably from bright green (some English females) through bright blue, to violet. A violet tinge seems more common in Swedish specimens and in those from Central and Southern Europe ; I have not seen it in British specimens. The length of the body in females varies from 2‘6 to 5:5 mm. (rarely more). BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, FRANCE, ITALY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, MoLpAvVIAN S.S.R. ; NoRTH AFRICA. Biology. A male of splendidus was reared in southern England from a group of galls produced by Tetramesa brevicormis (Walker) in stems of Festuca rubra L. var. arenaria (Osb.) Fr., by Dr. Claridge (1958 : 227). In Britain imagines appear in June and July ; in North Africa they have been taken in March and April. Merisus flagellatus Boucek Merisus flagellatus Bouéek, 1965¢e : 22, gd 8. Type material. Holotype g, Moldavian SSR, Rybnitsa, 12.v.1959 (V. J. Talitzkt), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 26.009). MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in April, May, July. HOMOPORUS Thomson Merisus sgen. Homoporus Thomson, 1878: 60, 64. Type-species: Ptervomalus fulviventris Walker, 1835, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 324. Phaenacra Forster, 1878 : 51. Type-species : Ph. nubigera Forster, by monotypy. Parapteromalus Ashmead, 1904 : 320, 384, Syn.n. Type-species : P. tsosomatis Ashmead, by monotypy. Phaenacva Forster ; Ashmead, 1904 : 323, 324. Homoporus Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 324. Homoporus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 362, 363. Phaenacra Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 362, 363-364. Phaenacra Forster ; Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 3-4, Io. Merisoporus Masi, 1924a : 226-230. Type-species: (?) Ptevomalus lunigey Nees, 1834, by original designation. Merisus Gahan, 1933 : 89-109 [mec Walker, 1835]. Merisus Peck in Muesebeck e# al., 1951 : 547-548 [nec Walker]. Phaenacra Forster ; Nikol’skaya 1952 : 217. Merisus Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 217 [ev parte]. Merisoporus Masi ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 218. Homoporus Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 218. Pseudomerisus Erdos & Novitzky im Erdos, 1953 : 236. Type-species: Ps. stipae Erdos & Novitzky, by original designation. Homoporus Thomson ; Szelényi, 1956 : 167-180. Homoporus Thomson ; Delucchi, 1957a : 400-421. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 445 It is doubtful whether Homoporus Thomson or Phanacra Forster (both published in the same year) has priority. I follow the lead of Delucchi who adopted (1957a : 400-401) the name Homoporus in his revision of the European species. Paraptero- malus Ashmead was synonymized with Merisus (sensu Gahan, 1933, nec Walker) by Peck (tn Muesebeck e¢ al., 1951 : 547), but as Mervisus in the sense of American authors is the same as Homoporus Thomson, Parapteromalus Ashmead now becomes a synonym of the latter. The genera Merisoporus Masi and Pseudomerisus Erdos & Novitzky were united with Homoporus by Delucchi (1957a). The revision of Homoporus by Szelényi (1956) contains some useful information but that author was at a disadvantage because he had not seen the types of most of the species with which he dealt. Delucchi’s (1957a) revision is a very useful contribution and has cleared up many problems ; it does not, however, take Szelényi’s work into consideration. Delucchi’s key to the species, which is on the whole very good, will not work satisfactorily for some species, especially for British material, because the colour of the coxae and femora is too variable. Some changes in nomenclature have also occurred since the publication of his paper. The key to species presented here deals mainly with the north-west European species ; I have not seen the types of several of those described from Central Europe, which still need further revision. The form of the antennal clava is a useful character in 9 Homoporus. In some species it is merely conically pointed apically ; in others it is acuminate and ends in a very narrow “ terminal stylus’ which apparently represents the third claval segment. ” Key TO BRITISH (AND SOME OTHER EUROPEAN) SPECIES (FEMALES) I Pronotum as wide as the mesoscutum. Gaster fulvous, except sometimes at the base. Basal cell of fore wing with hairs scattered over its distal third to half. Head and thorax with conspicuous whitish hairs. Squat species ; thorax only about 1-4 times, gaster about 1-3 times, as long as broad. Legs, except coxae, fulvous. First funicular segment about half as long as pedicellus, subquadrate, fifth and sixth distinctly transverse. : semiluteus (Walker) (p. 458) — Either the pronotum is bcictinetiys jeee wide than the mesoscutum ; or the gaster is wholly black with a metallic tinge. Basal cell of fore wing, not counting any hairs which may be on the basal vein, usually bare, rarely with a few hairs. Hairs of head and thorax rarely at all conspicuously whitish . 2 2 (1) Antennae with third segment of flagellum anelliform, at most half as long as the fourth segment, without sensilla, quadrate to distinctly transverse . ‘ 3 - Antennae with third segment of flagellum not anelliform, usually as long as or longer than the fourth segment, provided with sensilla ; sometimes somewhat shorter than the fourth, but then quadrate to slightly ctl than broad . 4 3 (2) Gaster black with metallic tints : : : 13 = Gaster at least partly yellowish, some specimens of fulviventris : : 12 4 (2) Fore wing with postmarginal vein longer than the marginal vein, the latter slightly to quite conspicuously thickened, five to nine times as long as its breadth in the middle. Pronotum as wide as the mesoscutum. Both mandibles with three teeth. Scutellum discally with coarse reticulation, almost or quite as coarse as that of the posterior part of the mesoscutum . 5 446 5 (4) 6 (4) 7) 8 (6) 9 (8) Io = (8) LI (LO) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Fore wing with postmarginal vein at most as long as the marginal vein, the latter not noticeably thickened. Pronotum nearly always at least slightly less wide than the mesoscutum. Right mandible, or both mandibles, with four teeth. Scutellum discally with in most cases finer reticulation, rarely as coarse as that of the posterior part of the mesoscutum . : : : 6 Marginal vein 1-1 to 1-25 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antenna with sutures of clava indistinct . : chalcidiphagus (Walsh & Riley) (p. 449) Marginal vein 1:25 to 1-65 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antenna with first suture of clava fairly distinct é ; . apharetus (Walker) (p. 449) Pronotum, in front of the collar, descending vertically with respect to the plane of the mesonotum and scutellum, the pronotal neck is therefore hardly visible in dorsal view. Gaster black with metallic reflections, or at most reddish at the base. Legs relatively stout. Fore wing often with a fuscous cloud Ti Pronotum, in front of the collar, not descending vertically with respect to the plane of the mesoscutum and scutellum, the pronotal neck at least partly visible in dorsal view. Gaster often partly to wholly fulvous or yellow. Legs sometimes slender. Fore wing immaculate . : : : : 8 Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. Malar space half or slightly more than half as long as an eye ; breadth of oral fossa hardly twice the malar space. Fore wing most often with a fuscous cloud below the base of the marginal vein. Gaster not reddish-marked, on the average relatively longer, normally 1:75 to 2-2 times as long as broad, rarely less. Tibiae usually more or less infuscate medially : . luniger (Nees) (p. 450) Both mandibles with four teeth. Malar space one third or slightly more than one third as long as an eye ; breadth of oral fossa 2-3 to 2:7 times the malar space. Fore wing immaculate, sometimes faintly yellowish-tinged. Gaster sometimes reddish basally, relatively short, 1-4 to 1-65 times as long as broad. Tibiae yellow or testaceous . : destructor (Say) (p. 450) Left mandible with three teeth, right “aagetibiells with four. Gaster blackish with a weak metallic tinge, or at most somewhat reddish or testaceous at the base ventrally. Antennal clava with a terminal stylus . : 9 Both mandibles with four teeth. Gaster, except in avestoy, in which the antennal clava has no terminal stylus, at least partly yellow peer often mainly so both dorsally and ventrally . : aCe) Speculum of fore wing open below. Antennal scape reaching barely or only just to the lower edge of the median ocellus . . subniger (Walker) (p. 451) Speculum of fore wing virtually closed below. Antennal scape reaching about to the level of the middle of the median ocellus crassiceps Thomson (p. 452) Antennal clava without a terminal stylus, merely conically pointed. Fore wing with postmarginal vein distinctly shorter than the marginal vein. Gaster wholly metallic, or pale beneath at its base only. Legs relatively stout, with femora more or less infuscate. Malar space barely or just one third the length of aneye . : arestor (Walker) p. 452) Antennal clava acuminate with a foraaiaeal eomle except in gibbiscuta, which has the postmarginal vein virtually or quite as long as the marginal vein, the gaster at least partly yellow dorsally (sometimes wholly yellow) and the legs slender with wholly yellow femora. Gaster usually at least partly yellow both dorsally and ventrally, rarely almost wholly dark in some extreme forms of fulviventris. Malar space, except in gibbiscuta, about half the length of an eye ; II Postmarginal vein of fore wing virtually or Gets as long as the eee vein. Malar space only about one third the length of an eye. Scutellum strongly convex, best seen in profile. Legs slender ; spur of mid tibia hardly half as PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 447 long as the first tarsal segment, the latter five to six times as long as thick gibbiscuta Thomson (p. 452) Postmarginal vein distinctly shorter than the marginal vein. Malar space from virtually half, to slightly more than half, the length of aneye. Scutel- lum, as seen in profile, only moderately convex. Legs rather stouter ; spur of mid tibia half or rather more than half as long as the first tarsal segment, the latter 4 to 4:5 times as long as thick . : ; : : 12 2 (3,11) Antennae inserted well above level of ventral edge of eyes ; scape reaching level of vertex or slightly above it ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to breadth of head ; first funicular segment 1-3 to 1:6 times as long as broad, not or hardly shorter than the second segment, sixth segment quadrate or slightly longer than broad. Malar space about half the length of aneye . : febriculosus (Girault) (p. 453) Antennae inserted only slightly sree level of ventral edge of eyes ; scape not nearly reaching the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly less than breadth of head ; first funicular segment at least slightly shorter and narrower than the second segment, usually quadrate, occasionally a little longer than broad ; distal segments quadrate to slightly transverse. Malar space slightly more than half the length of an ever ‘ fulviventris (Walker) (p. 454) (3) The two Central European species pulchyipes Erdos (p. 456) and sashegyensis Erdos (p. 456) would run here. They need revision and might be only forms of one variable species ; the differences noted by Delucchi (1957a : 404-405, 409) do not appear to work out very satisfactorily. MALES Antennae with three anelli and five funicular segments ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head ; flagellum sub- clavate, clothed with short subdecumbent hairs ; funicular segments short. Head and thorax golden to blue-green. [The two Central European species pulchripes Erdoés and sashegyensis Erdés would run here. } Antennae with two anelli and six funicular segments ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly to much greater than breadth of head ; flagellum filiform, clothed with hairs whose length is at least half the breadth of the segments that bear them and which stand out moderately to quite strongly ; funicular adh often long. Head and thorax often more obscurely coloured . : 2 (1) Fore wing with postmarginal vein vail least slightly longer ‘han the meee vein, the latter slightly to rather conspicuously thickened ; wing often with a fuscous cloud below the marginal vein. Pronotum as wide as the mesoscutum. Both mandibles with three teeth. Gaster oval, much shorter than the thorax, immaculate. Marginal vein of fore wing at most about 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. 8 Fore wing with poctmarpinal vein at most z as long as, often ‘shorter eee the marginal vein ; the latter not thickened ; wing immaculate. Pronotum at least slightly less wide than the mesoscutum. Both mandibles with four teeth, except in Juniger and subnigery in which the left mandible has three teeth. Gaster oblong-oval to oblong, nearly or about as long as the thorax, often with a pale subbasalspot. Marginal vein of fore wing (except in destructor, subniger, and some /uniger) twice or rather more than twice as long as the stigmal vein 3 (2) Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about twice the breadth of the head ; flagellum very slender ; all funicular segments con- spicuously elongate, the first 3-5 to 4 times, sixth 2:5 to 3 times, as long as 448 4 (3) | (4) 6 (5) (6) 8 (2) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM broad ; scape reaching slightly above the vertex. Head and thorax golden to bronze-green, or coppery ; gaster with a pale subbasal spot, sometimes also partly pale ventrally : : febriculosus (Girault) (p. 453) Antennae with combined length of pédiceliaes and flagellum at most 1-7 times the breadth of the head ; flagellum relatively less slender ; funicular segments relatively shorter, the distal segments sometimes not longer than broad ; scape not reaching above the vertex. Head and thorax often more obscurely metallic ; gaster sometimes immaculate . : 4 Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum I: 6-1 77 times the breadth of the head ; all funicular segments very distinctly longer than broad, even the sce 1-7 to 2 times as long as broad. Head and thorax mainly green. Marginal vein of fore wing about twice as long as the stigmal vein. Both mandibles with four teeth . : : arestor (Walker) (p. 452) Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum at most 1-4 times the breadth of the head ; funicular segments relatively shorter, the sixth at most 1-5 times as long as broad, sometimes quadrate or very slightly trans- verse. Head and thorax dark blue or dark greenish blue . ¢ 5 Fore wing with marginal vein twice, or rather more than twice, as long! as the stigmal vein ; venation yellowish. Scutellum rather shiny. Antennae with scape shorter than the transverse diameter of an eye and not nearly reaching the median ocellus, slightly expanded above the middle ; funicular segments short, the first at most slightly longer than the pedicellus, sixth subquadrate. Malar space more than half the eae of an eye. Both mandibles with four teeth : ; fulviventris (Walker) (p. 454) Fore wing with marginal v vein I: 5 to 1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein ; venation yellow to fuscous. Scutellum duller. Antennae with scape nearly or quite as long as the transverse diameter of an eye, nearly or quite reaching the median ocellus ; funicular segments sometimes eae oe Left mandible often with three teeth : : 6 Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and dagellum Th 3 to 1-4 ee the breadth of the head ; flagellum rather slender ; scape reaching the median ocellus, not expanded above the middle, without a shiny boss, usually partly or wholly testaceous ; sixth funicular segment about 1-5 times as long as broad. Both mandibles with four teeth . é : destructor (Say) (p. 450) Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-1 to 1-15 times the breadth of the head ; flagellum tending to be thicker ; scape hardly reaching the median ocellus, slightly expanded above the middle and with a shiny boss which extends about half way down, black ; sixth funicular segment quadrate to 1-3 times as long as broad. Left mandible usually with three teeth (with four in aberrant luniger) . Thorax nearly twice as long as broads : pronotal collar not marpined: Tibiae infuscate medially, usually broadly so ; : . luniger (Nees) (p. 450) Thorax about 1-7 times as long as broad ; pronotal collar slightly margined medially. Tuibiae aie A or at most the hind tibiae at all distinctly infuscate medially : . subniger (Walker) (p. 451) Marginal vein of fore. wing gine thickened, five to six times as long as its maximum breadth, 1-1 to 1-3 times as long as the stigmal vein ; wing usually with a distinct fuscous cloud below the marginal vein chalcidiphagus (Walsh & Riley) (p. 449) Marginal vein of fore wing only slightly thickened, about eight times as long as its maximum breadth, 1-2 to 1-45 times as long as the stigmal vein ; wing immaculate or with only a weak and diffuse cloud below the marginal vein apharetus (Walker) (p. 449) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 449 Homoporus chalcidiphagus (Walsh and Riley) (Text-fig. 285) Pteromalus tricoloy Walker, 1836 : 190, [ex parte (excl. lectotype)]. Pteromalus Nypsius Walker, 1839 : 274, 2, Syn. n. Semiotellus chalcidiphagus Walsh & Riley, 1869 : 152, ¢ 9. Homoporus crassinervis Thomson, 1878 : 68, 9. Merisoporus crassinervis (Thomson) Masi, 1924a@ : 230, 9. Merisoporus chalcidiphagus (Walsh & Riley) Gahan, 1933 : 104-109, J, 9. Homoporus chalcidiphagus (Walsh & Riley) ; Delucchi, 1957a : 407, 417, 3 9. Type material. Pteromalus nypsius Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE labelled “38. 8. 13. 69”. This name has priority over chalcidiphagus, but the latter is well known and generally accepted. Semiotellus chalcidiphagus Walsh & Riley. Type, Canada, Ontario, Grimsby, in U.S.N.M. (not seen by the writer). The species was redescribed and figured by Gahan (1933). Homoporus crassinervis Thomson. Syntypes, 4 9. LECTOTYPE labelled “Ar” [Arrie], also bearing A. Jansson’s lectotype label. The species was synonymized with chalcidiphagus by Gahan (1933 : 107-108) although he did not see the type of crassinervis. Widely distributed in Europe, but apparently not very common ; NorTH Arrica (Morocco) ; U.S.A. Biology. Peck (1963 : 652) lists as hosts the Cecidomyiid Phytophaga destructor Say ; various Eurytomidae (Eurytoma and Tetramesa spp.) living in grasses ; and the Torymid Ditropinotus aureoviridis Crawf. In north-western Europe imagines appear July—August. Homoporus apharetus (Walker) Pteromalus Apharetus Walker, 1839 : 228, 3. Homoporus flaviscapus Thomson, 1878 : 69, ¢ 9. Phaenacra nubigera Forster, 1878 : 52, 2 [ex parte]. Homoporus flaviscapus Thomson ; Delucchi, 1957a@ : 407, 416, 3 8. Type material. Pteromalus apharetus Walker. Syntypes, 2g. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Homoporus flaviscapbus Thomson. Syntypes, 5 specimens. LECTOTYPE 9 labelled “‘ Bas’ [Bastad] and “ flaviscapus Ths ”’’. H. flaviscapus Thomson was synonymized with P. apharetus Walker, on the basis of information supplied by the writer, by Bouéek (1965¢ : 35). BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Not uncommon in Britain. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July-August. 450 M. W. R. p—E V. GRAHAM Homoporus luniger (Nees) Pteromalus luniger Nees, 1834 : 119, 9. Pteromalus tricolor Walker, 1836 : 190, 3 9 [ex parte (incl. lectotype)], syn. n. Pteromalus Zonaras Walker, 1839 : 227, g, Syn. n. Homoporus lunigery (Nees) Thomson, 1878 : 67, ¢ 9. Phaenacra nubigera Forster, 1878 : 52, 2 [ex parte (lectotype)]. Merisoporus luniger (Nees sensu Thomson), Masi, 1924a : 227-230, 9. Homoporus luniger (Nees) ; Delucchi, 1957a : 408, 419, 3 Q. Type material. Pteromalus lunmiger Nees. Types now destroyed. The inter- pretation of Thomson has been generally accepted. Delucchi (1957a : 420) suggested that the type of nubigera Forster might be taken as neotype of lumiger. Pteromalus tricolor Walker. Syntypes, 18 specimens. None agrees really well with the description, but 14 are females of /uniger (Nees) which suggests that this species formed the basis of his description. One of these females, bearing a Waterhouse label, is selected as LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus zonaras Walker. Syntypes, 3 §. LECTOTYPE labelled “38. 7. D2. SS). 7 Phaenacra nubigera Forster. Type 9 in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen by the writer). Delucchi (1957a : 401) stated that only one of the specimens so named in Forster’s collection agreed with his description ; but he did not mention the labels on the specimen. Widely distributed in EUROPE ; one of the commonest species of the genus. Biology. Females of luwnigey were reared in England (M. F. Clandge), from Tetramesa calamagrostidis (Hed.) (Hym., Eurytomidae), as follows:—Berkshire, Cothill, 5.iv.1957 ; Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, 29.1v.1957, Oakley Wood, Q.1V.1957, 29.1v.1957 ; Warwickshire, Waverley Wood, 19.v.1956. Delucchi (1957 : 420) stated that it was probably parasitic on Mayetiola spp., but this needs con- firmation. Imagines appear in the field May—September (probably representing several broods). Ferriere & Faure (1925 : 227-228) recorded, under the name Homoporus luniger var. braconidis, a species which they had reared from A panteles glomeratus (L.) ; it is in fact a Dibrachys (q.v.). Homoporus destructor (Say) Ceraphron destructor Say, 1817 : 47-48, 3 Q. Merisus intermedius Lindeman, 1887 : 179-183, 192, d 9. Merisus destructoy (Say) Gahan, 1933 : 89-95, 3 @. Homoporus destructoy (Say) Delucchi, 1957a : 407-408, 418, 3 9. Merisus destructor (Say) ; Peck, 1963 : 645-648. A full list of references to this species is given by Peck (1963). Type material. Ceraphon destructor Say. Types presumed destroyed ; see Gahan, 1933 : 94, who gave sound reasons for his adoption of this name. Merisus intermedius Lindeman. Gahan (1933 : 94) referred to specimens which PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 451 he had examined and considered to be part of Lindeman’s original material ; he stated that they could not be distinguished from American specimens of destructor. BRITAIN, FRANCE, CENTRAL Europe, U.S.S.R ; NortTH AFRICA ; CANADA, U.S.A. Biology. This species was regarded by Gahan (1933) as one of the most important parasites of the Hessian-fly, Mayetiola destructor Say ; he stated that it is normally a solitary, primary ectoparasite. Occasionally, however, it may act as a secondary parasite through Platygaster hiemalis Forbes or P. zosine Walker. According to other authors it will also attack Mayetiola avenae Marsh., Oscinella frit (L.) and Elachiptera cornuta (Fln.) (see Gahan, 1933 : 94). Imagines July— August in Britain. Homoporus brunneiventris Szelényi Homoporus brunneiventris Szelényi, 1956 : 172, 175-176, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Hungary, Nagykovacsi, Nagyszénas, 7.vii.1953, in a Festucetum sulcatae community (Szelény:) in Hungarian National Museum, Budapest (not seen). Szelényi (1956: 172, 176) stated that the female of brunneiventris differed from that of destructor in having the antennal clava distinctly 3-segmented and shorter than the two preceding funicular segments together, the first funicular segment being subequal in length to the sixth, and in having the propodeal nucha present and occupying more than half the length of the propodeum. HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown. Homoporus subniger (Walker) Pteromalus subniger Walker, 1835 : 95, 3 &. Pteromalus chalcomelas Walker, 1836 : 476, 2, Syn. n. Homoporus (Phaenacrinodes) kurdjumovi Szelényi, 1956 : 179-180, ¢ 9. Homoporus danuvianus Delucchi, 1957a : 413, 6 2, Syn. n. Type material. Pteromalus subniger Walker. Syntypes, 9 specimens. LECTO- TYPE, the fourth specimen, a female, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus chalcomelas Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. One is selected as LECTO- TYPE ; it bears a Waterhouse label. Homoporus kurdjumovi Szelényi. Holotype, Hungary, Budapest, ? in coll. Szelényi (not seen by the writer). The species was placed in synonymy with subniger (Walker) by Bouéek (1965¢e : 35). Homoporus danuvianus Delucchi. Type 9 in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; Delucchi mentioned several specimens but did not specify which was the type. BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Several specimens were reared in England: Cambridgeshire, The Devil’s Dyke, in June and July 1965, from stems of Centaurea scabiosa L. (host not ascertained, but probably Phanacis centaureae Forster). Recorded [as kurdjumovi 452 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Szel.] by Szelényi (1956 : 171, 180) as a primary parasite of Timaspis papaveris Kieffer in the stems of Papaver somniferum L. ; and from galls of Phanacts centaureae Forster in stems of Centaurea sadleriana Janka. Imagines chiefly June—Sept. (one record for April, specimens reared under artificial conditions). Homoporus crassiceps Thomson Homoporus crassiceps Thomson, 1878 : 66, 9. Homoporus crassiceps Thomson ; Delucchi, 1957a : 406, 412, 9. Type material. Syntypes, 4 specimens. LECTOTYPE 9® labelled “ Hg” [Halsingborg] on a green label ; “ crassiceps Ths” ; ““ HOMOPORUS crassiceps Ths. V; Delucchi det.” ; and “ LECTOTYPE” on ared labelt I am not sure whether crassiceps may not be a form of subniger (Walker) ; but none of my own specimens of the latter agree completely with the type of crassiceps, so the possibility that the latter is a valid species should not be ruled out. SWEDEN. Biology. Recorded by Lebedeva (1926) as a parasite of Theresia (Procris) ampelophaga Bayle (Lep., Zygaenidae) in U.S.S.R.; but this record cannot be checked and the parasite may not have been correctly identified. Homoporus arestor (Walker) Pteromalus Avestoy Waller, 1848 : 124, 179, 8. Homoporus chlorogastey Thomson, 1878 : 66, 3 9. ? Homoporus (Pseudomerisus) simplex Szelényi, 1956 : 171, 177-179, &. Homoporus chlorogastey Thomson ; Delucchi, 1957a : 406, 414, 9. Homoporus avestoy (Walker) Bouéek, 1965e : 35. Type material. Pteromalus arestor Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. Homoporus chlorogaster Thomson. Syntypes, 10 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled ‘‘Lund”’ and “ chlorogaster Ths’’. The species was placed in synonymy with arestor by Bouéek (1965e : 35). Homoporus (Pseudomerisus) simplex Szelényi. Holotype 2 (not seen), Hungary, Matra, Sask6-Diszn6k6, 13.ix.1949, presumably in Hungarian National Museum, Budapest. According to the description it might be the same as arestor (Walker) (=chlorogaster Thomson). Szelényi had not seen the types of arestor or chlorogaster ; he included the latter in his key to the species of Homoporus (1956 : 172), on the basis of Thomson’s description. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CENTRAL Europe. Apparently uncommon (or perhaps very local). Biology. Unknown. Homoporus gibbiscuta Thomson Homoporus gibbiscuta Thomson, 1878 : 66, 9. Homoporus gibbiscuta Thomson ; Delucchi, 1957a@ : 406, 412. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 453 Type material. Syntypes, 2 9; LECTOTYPE, labelled ‘“ Mrl” ([?] and “ gibbiscuta Ths ”’. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY ; NoRTH AFRICA. Biology. Unknown. Imagines appear in August. The colour of the coxae varies in this species. In the lectotype 9 the fore and mid coxae are dark ; but I have a British 9, otherwise indistinguishable from the lectotype of gibbiscuta, in which all the coxae are yellow with the exception of the proximal part of the hind coxae. Homoporus febriculosus (Girault) comb. n. Stictonotus Isomatis Webster, 1885 : 387 [nec Riley, 1882]. Merisus febriculosus Girault, 1917 : 17, 9. Merisus febriculosus Girault ; Gahan, 1933 : 95-99, 3 &. ?Homoporus filicornis Erd6s, 1953 : 241-242, fig. oc, 9. ? Homoporus filicornis Erdos ; Delucchi, 1957a : 405, 410-411, Q. ? Homoporus filicornis Erdos, 1961 : 188-189, 201, figs. I, 2, 5 &. Merisus febriculosus Girault ; Peck, 1963 : 648-649. Type material. Merisus febriculosus Girault. Types, U.S.A., Ohio, Wooster, in U.S.N.M. (not seen by the writer). Gahan (1933 : 96-97) gave a very detailed redescription of febriculosus. The European specimens which I have identified as febriculosus agree perfectly with his description ; they are also conspecific with North American specimens identified as febriculosus (by Gahan and by Peck) which I have been able to examine. Gahan (1933 : 99) also mentioned “ In the British Museum the writer has seen two female specimens collected on the Isle of Wight which seemed to agree in every way with American representatives of febriculosus. These two specimens constituted a part of the material identified as Homoporus fulviventris (Walker) ..... ” | have myself examined these specimens [there are actually three, not two] and find that they agree with my own material already presumed to be febriculosus. I am therefore confident that I have identified the species correctly. Homoporus filicornis Erdos. Holotype 9, Hungary, Soltvadkert, 14.vili.1945, taken in a Phragmitetum bordering the salt-marsh Varosi-td, in coll. Erdds (not seen). I am somewhat puzzled about the identity of filicornis. Some of my specimens of febriculosus, those with entirely pale femora, run in Delucchi’s key (19574 : 404) to filicornis Erdés. These specimens, however, do not agree completely with Erdés’ original description. For example, they have the postmarginal vein shorter than the marginal, whereas Erdés (1953 : 242) stated that these two veins were equal in length ; and they have the antennal flagellum less slender proximally than is shown in the figure given by Erdos (1953, fig. oc). On the other hand, my specimens of febriculosus agree well with Erdés’ later figures (1961, figs. 1 (g) and 2 (9)) ; in these the postmarginal vein is shown as slightly shorter than the marginal, whilst the antennal flagellum of the 9 is not quite so slender as that shown in Erdos’ figure of 1953. If the earlier figure, and description of the length of the 454 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM postmarginal vein were not quite accurate ; and if the later figures, and Delucchi’s key-description, are correct, then it seems likely that filicornis is the same as febriculosus. There is some variation in British specimens of febrviculosus as regards the colour of the legs. Most of the females have all the coxae black and the femora entirely yellow ; some, however, have the femora darkened proximally (in one specimen they are extensively infuscate). On the other hand, one female has the internal aspect of the fore coxae pale. The specimens with darkened femora would run in Delucchi’s key (19574) to fulviventris and budensis, which are quite different in other respects from febriculosus. The proportions of the funicular segments also vary somewhat in females of febriculosus ; in large specimens these segments may be 1-6 times as long as broad, while in some small ones they are nearly quadrate. EUROPE (BRITAIN, CENTRAL EuROPE, U.S.S.R.) ; CANADA, U.S.A. Biology. A list of the recorded hosts of febriculosus is given by Peck (1963 : 649). It includes Hymenoptera of the families Cephidae, Braconidae, Eupelmidae, Eurytomidae (Tetvamesa spp.) and Platygasteridae ; also Phytophaga (=Mayetiola) destructor (Say) (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae). The species is a solitary (and normally primary) ectoparasite. In America some workers have observed at least two generations per annum (see Gahan, 1933 : 98) with a wide range over the season. In Britain adults have been captured in the field from May until August (but most in June—July). Homoporus fulviventris (Walker) Pteromalus fulviventris Walker, 1835 : 190, 9. Pteromalus bicoloy Forster, 1841 : 24, “‘3”’ [vecte 9]. ? Merisus bicolor Six, 1876 : 135, pl. 6, fig. 4, 9. Homoporus fulviventris (Walker) Thomson, 1878 : 64-65, 3 9. Homoporus fulviventris (Walker) ; Delucchi, 1957a@ : 407, 415, 3d 9. Type material. Pteromalus fulviventris Walker. Several specimens are so labelled but some are probably not original material. LECTOTYPE, a 9 bearing a Waterhouse label, also one in Ch. Ferriére’s handwriting “‘ This seems to be the Type. Ese Pteromalus bicolor Forster. The probable type, according to Delucchi (1957a : 416) is a 9 in the Forster collection in Vienna. I have not seen the specimen but accept the opinion of Delucchi, who synonymized bicolor with fulviventris (ibid. : 416). Merisus bicolor Six. Location of types unknown to me (? possibly in Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden). The species was evidently described as new, as Six made no reference to Forster’s bicolor. The description and figure suggest that it must be the same as fulviventris (Walker). Widely distributed in Europe. In my experience it occurs most frequently in dry habitats (e.g., chalk downland, sand-dunes). Biology. Unknown. Imagines May—Sept. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 455 This species varies considerably in colour. In females the head and thorax vary from bright blue to almost black. In pale specimens only the hind femora are marked with black ; in dark ones all the femora may be mainly black ; in exceptionally dark British females the tibiae are more or less infuscate medially. In bright coloured examples the gaster is yellow with only a dark stripe down the middle of the ventral surface ; at the other extreme I have a female from southern England in which the gaster is brown with only traces of yellowish coloration here and there. Again, in bright coloured specimens the antennal flagellum is entirely yellow ; but in others the funicle is more or less infuscate, occasionally almost entirely so. The following Central and Southern European species, with the exception of semtluteus Walker, are not included in my key because I have not seen their respective types. Most of the species described by Erdés were examined by Delucchi, who redescribed them and included them in his key to the European species (19572). The new species described by Szelényi (1956), however, were not seen by Delucchi and are not mentioned in his paper of 1957a. Before a comprehensive key to the European species can be produced, it will be necessary to re-examine and compare all those described by Erdés and Szelényi. No doubt some names will fall into synonymy as a result of such a revision. Most of these species fall into the species- group of fulviventris (Walker) ; stipae (Erd. & Nov.), cupreus Erd., pulchripes Erd., and sashegyensis Erd., appear a little more distinct and might form a separate species-group ; semiluteus (Walker), bivoi Szel., and possibly cephalotes Szel., form another species-group. It was thought advisable to include the references to all these species although they do not apparently occur in north-western Europe. Several North American species included in Merisus by Peck (1963 : 644-650) probably belong to Homoporus. No doubt most of them are valid, but their comparison with the European species seems desirable. Homoporus stipae (Erdos & Novitzky) Pseudomerisus stipae Erdos & Novicky [Novitzky] in Erdos, 1953 : 237-238, d @. Homoporus (Pseudomerisus) stipae (Erdos & Novicky) Szelényi, 1956 : 171. Homoporus stipae (Erdés & Novicky) ; Delucchi, 1957a : 406-407, 415, 3 9. Described originally as the type-species of a new genus Pseudomerisus. Szelényi (1956 : 171) reduced Pseudomerisus to the rank of a subgenus of Homoporus. Delucchi (1957a) did not consider it generically distinct from Homoporus. When the species of Homoporus are better known, it is possible that Psewdomerisus will be regarded as a species-group. Type material. Syntypes, Hungary, Tompa, Kelebia, April and May 1949, April and May 1950, reared from Stipa joannis Cel. (Dr. J. Erdés) in Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, in coll. Novitzky, in coll. Ferriére, and in coll. Szelényl. HuNGARY. 456 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Biology. In May 1949 Erdés reared a number of stipae together with many Tetramesa [=Harmolita] scheppigi Hed., which he suggested might be its host. Homoporus cupreus Erdos Homoporus cupreus Erdos, 1953 : 245, 9. Homoporus cupreus Erdos ; Delucchi, 1957a@ : 407, 415. Type material. Holotype 9, Hungary, Kelebia (Darvas erd6) swept from grass, 18.vi.195I, in coll. Erdos. HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown. Homoporus pulchripes Erdos Homoporus pulchripes Erdés, 1953 : 245, 6 9. Homoporus pulchripes Erdos ; Delucchi, 1957a : 405, 408. Pseudomerisus pulchvipes Erdos, 1961 : 202. Type material. Syntypes, Hungary, Buda mountains (Sashegy) near Berhida ; Sopron (Bécsi domb) (Evdés), in coll. Erdos. SWITZERLAND, HunGaARy, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Reared in Hungary as a parasite of Tetvamesa aciculata v. Schlecht. in culms of Stipa capillata L. (Dr. J. Evdés) (Erdés, 1961 : 202). Homoporus sashegyensis Erdos Homoporus sashegyensis Erd6s, 1953 : 247, 9. Homoporus sashegyensis Erdés ; Delucchi, 1957a : 405, 408. Pseudomerisus sashegyensis Erdés, 1961 : 194, 202, 6. Type material. Holotype 9, Hungary, Buda mountains (Sashegy), 16.vil.1951 (Erdés), in coll. Erdés. HUNGARY. Biology. Paratypes were reared in Hungary, as parasites of Tetramesa cylindrica Hed. in seeds of Stipa capillata L. (Dr. J. Evrdés) (Erdés, 1961 : 202). Homoporus auratus Erdos Homoporus auratus Erdos, 1953 : 241, 9. Homoporus auratus Erdés ; Delucchi, 1957a : 405, 410. Type material. Holotype 9, Hungary, near Péterréve, in a partly dry Phragmi- tetum named Csikér, 28.vili.1944 (Erdos) in coll. Erdos. HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 457 Homoporus laeviusculus Erdos Homoporus laeviusculus Erdos, 1953 : 242, 9. Homoporus laeviusculus Erdés ; Delucchi, 1957a : 405, 409. Type material. Holotype 9, Hungary, Kalocsa, 10.vi.1946 (Evdds) and paratypes in coll. Erdos. HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown. Homoporus clavicornis Erdos Homoporus clavicornis Erdos, 1953 : 243-244, 6 9. Homoporus clavicornis Erdés ; Szelényi, 1956 : 171. Homoporus clavicornis Erdos ; Delucchi, 19574 : 4060, 411. Type material. Syntypes, Hungary, Miske, Tompa, Csillebérc, Berhida, in coll. Erdés. Delucchi (1957a : 411) stated that the syntypes represented a mixed series ; he selected as lectotype, a female captured at Miske, 16.vi.1944. HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown. Homoporus titanes Szelényi Homoporus titanes Szelényi, 1956 : 171, 176-177, 3 Q. Type material. Holotype 9, Hungary, Nagykovacsi, Nagyszénas, vi.1954, presumably in Hungarian National Museum, Budapest. HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown. Homoporus elegans Delucchi Homoporus elegans Delucchi, 19574 : 406, 411-412, g 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Lower Austria, Kaltleutgeben, 2.vii.1g16, in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. AUSTRIA. Biology. Unknown. Possibly elegans is the same as titanes Szelényi. Homoporus budensis Erdos Homoporus budensis Erdos, 1953 : 244, 9. Homoporus budensis Erdos ; Delucchi, 19574 : 407, 4106. Type material. Syntypes, Hungary, in Buda mountains (Sashegy), 22.v.195I, 10.v.1951 (Erdos), in coll. Erdos. 458 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM HunGary, MoLpaAvIAN S.S.R. Biology. Szelényi (1956: 171) stated that he had a single female of budensis which had been bred by Prof. Balas from galls of Xestophanes szepligetii Balas in stems of Potentilla recta L. Homoporus cephalotes Szelényi Homoporus cephalotes Szelényi, 1956 : 172, 174-175, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Hungary, Vac, Gajari-telep, 18.vi.1924 (Biro), presumably in Hungarian National Museum, Budapest. HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown. Homoporus semiluteus (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus semiluteus Walker, 1872a : 101, 9. Picroscytus bicolor Erdos, 1955 : 294-295, 9, syn. n. Homoporus bicolor (Erdés) Szelényi, 1956 : 171. Homoporus vobustus Delucchi, 1957a : 408, 420, 2, syn. n. Type material. Pteromalus semiluteus Walker. One 9, LECTOTYPE, labelled “ Marshall coll. 1904-120 ”’. Picroscytus bicolor Erdos. Holotype 9, Hungary, Tompa (Zsiroskuti erd6), 7.vil.1951, in coll. Erdds (not seen). The description agrees well with the lectotype female of semiluteus (Walker) and I consider it to be the same species. Homoporus robustus Delucchi. Holotype @ (not seen) in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; Delucchi (19574 : 420) gives two localities (Germany, Blanken- burg ; Italy, Trieste) but does not state from which the holotype came. GERMANY, Corsica, ITALY, HUNGARY, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. Homoporus biroi Szelényi Homoporus Bivoi Szelényi, 1956 : 171, 172-174, gd Q. Type material. Holotype 9, Hungary, Szigetszentmikl6és, 25.vil.1g12 (Biro), in Hungarian National Museum, Budapest. HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown. Szelényi (1956 : 174) states that bzvoz is closely related to H. bicolor Erdos, from which it differs in the sharp margin of the pronotum, the depressed mesoscutum and scutellum, the more slender legs (femora) and the longer funicle joints. CALLITULA Spinola Callitula Spinola, 1811 : 151, no. 20. Type-species : C. bicoloy Spinola, by monotypy. Micromelus Walker, 1833 : 371, 464. Type-species: M. vufomaculatus Walker, by desig- nation of Westwood 1839 : 69. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 459 Micromelus Walker ; Forster, 1856 : 53, 57. Baeotomus Forster, 1856 : 145 [n. n. for Micromelus, supposedly pre-occupied in botany]. Merisus subg. Baeotomus Forster ; Thomson, 1878 : 60. Micromelus Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 323, 324. Micromelus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 362-363. Micromelus Walker ; Kurdjumoy, 1913 : 3. Callitula Spinola ; Hill & Smith, 1928 : 153-155. Callitula Spinola ; Gahan, 1933 : 109-114. Callitula Spinola ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 217. Callitula Spinola ; Peck, 1963 : 652-653. Callitula Spinola ; Bouéek, 1964 : 9-15. Callitula Spinola ; Peck et al., 1964 : 30, 47. The name Callitula Spinola was adopted for this genus by Gahan (1933) and has been generally accepted since. Gahan, who gave (1933 : I1I-113) a detailed historical account of the generic nomenclature, pointed out that Spinola’s description was quite inadequate for recognition of the type-species (bicolor Spin.) but gave plausible reasons for his adoption of the name in spite of this. KEy TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Antennal scape somewhat longer than an eye, reaching well above the level of the vertex. Gaster sublanceolate, slightly longer than head plus thorax, 2-3 to 2:4 times aslongas broad. Anterior margin of clypeus deeply emarginate, appearing bidentate in some ees Large species, length 2 to 3:2 mm. Wings fully developed : : . elongata (Thomson) (p. 460) - Antennal scape at most as long as an wee reachine at most slightly above level of vertex. Gaster short- to long-ovate, at least somewhat shorter than head plus thorax. Anterior margin of clypeus less deeply emarginate, sometimes almost truncate. Species on the average smaller, up to 2:2 mm. 2 2 (1) Antennalscape as long or virtually as long as an eye, reaching slightly above the level of the vertex. Gaster usually at least slightly sunken dorsally, even tergites one and two ; tergite two at most half as long as one, and usually only slightly longer than three. Anterior margin of clypeus distinctly emarginate, but less deeply than in elongata. Wings fully developed ferrierei Boucéek (p. 460) - Antennal scape slightly shorter than an eye. Gaster weakly to strongly con- vex dorsally ; tergite two, two thirds to three quarters as long as one, and much longer than tergite three. Anterior margin of clypeus very ame zt emarginate, almost truncate 2 3 3. (2) Wings fully developed. Head in dorsal view aes fies as broad as long. Gaster, dorsally, usually immaculate or with a reddish spot in its basal half, rarely more extensively reddish . : bicolor Spinola (p. 460) - Wings rudimentary, tips of fore wings reaching at most hardly beyond apex of propodeal nucha. Head in dorsal view only 1-8 to 1-85 times as broad as long. Gaster, dorsally, usually with its basal half or more red pyrrhogaster (Walker) (p. 462) (MALEs) I Anterior margin of clypeus deeply emarginate, appearing bidentate in some lights. Fore tibiae at most weakly infuscate at apex ; fore tarsi at most 460 (2) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM weakly fuscous-marked. Malar space virtually two thirds the length of an eye. Antenna with scape reaching well above level of vertex ; proximal segments of funicle, except in small aes longer than broad ; flagellum uniformly brown to fuscous . E : . elongata (Thomson) (p. 460) Either the anterior margin of the clypeus is very paelowty, emarginate, almost truncate ; or else the fore tibia are blackish at apex and the fore tarsi are annulated with fuscous or black. Malar space slightly less than two thirds the length of aneye. Antennae with scape reaching at most slightly above level of vertex ; proximal segments of funicle usually subquadrate, some- times slightly longer than broad . : ; : : F : ‘ 2 Fore tibiae blackish at apex ; spur black ; fore tarsi annulated with fuscous or black. Wings fully developed. Anterior margin of clypeus distinctly emarginate. Antennal flagellum testaceous with the clava brownish ferrierei Boucek (p. 460) Fore tibiae testaceous ; spur pale ; fore tarsi not annulated with fuscous. Fully winged or brachypterous. Anterior margin of clypeus very shallowly emarginate. Antennal flagellum uniformly coloured, testaceous to brownish 3 Wings fully developed. Gaster, dorsally, usually immaculate or with a reddish spot in the basal half, rarely the whole basal half reddish bicolor Spinola (p. 460) Wings rudimentary. Gaster, dorsally, having its basal half or so usually reddish : ‘ ‘ ; F F . pyrrhogaster (Walker) (p. 462) Callitula elongata (Thomson) Merisus (Baeotomus) elongatus Thomson, 1878 : 62, 9. Callitula elongata (Thomson) Bouéek, 1964 : 10, 14-15, 3 Q. Type material. One female, LECTOTYPE (but probably holotype), labelled “ HIm ” [Holmiae], “ Bhn ”’ [Boheman] and “ elongatus Ths ”’ The species has been redescribed by Boucéek (1964). SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown, but the species appears to be associated with Phragmites. Imagines July. Callitula ferrierei Boucek Callitula ferrievet Bouéek, 1964 : 10, 11-14, d Q. Type material. Holotype 9, Czechoslovakia, Bohemia, Novy Hradec Kralové, 22.Vil.1955, on Phragmites (Boucek) in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 25660). BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BULGARIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Host not known, but the species appears to be associated with Phragmites. Imagines chiefly July-Sept., some British records for April and May. Callitula bicolor Spinola (Text-fig. 299) Callitula bicoloy Spinola, 1811 : 151. Micromelus vufo-maculatus Walker, 1833 : 465, ¢ 2. Pteromalus plagiatus Nees, 1834 : 115, . PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 461 Merisus (Baeotomus) plagiatus (Nees) Thomson, 1878 : 61, ¢ 9. Callitula bicoloy Spinola ; Hill & Smith, 1928 : 153-155. Callitula bicolor Spinola ; Imms, 1932 : 443-447. Callitula bicolor Spinola ; Gahan, 1933 : 109-114, 3 9. Callitula bicolor Spinola ; Peck, 1963 : 652-653. Callitula bicolor Spinola ; Bouéek, 1964 : 10-11, J 9. Type material. Callitula bicolor Spinola. Location of types, if extant, not known. Synonymized by Nees (1834 : 115) with his Pteromalus plagiatus, which is the present species. The name bicolor Spinola has been generally accepted since its adoption by Gahan (1933). Micromelus rufomaculatus Walker. Six specimens stand under this name (but probably some are not original material). LECTOTYPE, a female bearing a label “ 1045’, also a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus plagiatus Nees. LECTOTYPE 92 in Westwood coll., Oxford (ex coll. Nees). It bears the following labels : a pink one with the number “8 ”’ ; one in the handwriting of Nees “ D. 48. b (25) plagiata mihi 9 2. N. 12” ; another in Westwood’s handwriting “‘ Pteromalus plagiatus Es. 2. 115. Callitula bicolor Spin. E Mus. Esenb’”’. Nees himself cited Callitula bicolor Spinola as a synonym of plagiatus, but seems to have regarded Spinola’s name as a nomen nudum. It is just possible that Nees may have seen Spinola’s types of bicolor, because he mentions (1834, passim) having been sent material of other species by that author. Thomson (1878 : 61) cited ‘‘ Pteromalus futilis Foerster’? as a synonym of plagiatus [=bicolor]. There is no Forster species having this name ; probably Thomson meant mutilus Forster which, however, is almost certainly the same as C. pyrrhogaster, see below. C. bicolor was redescribed in detail and figured by Gahan (1933), also by Imms (1932). Widely distributed in EurorE ; NORTH AMERICA. Biology. The species is a primary or secondary parasite of various small Diptera in stems of Gramineae. It has been reared in Europe and North America from Mayetiola destructor (Say) (Cecidomyiidae) ; and from the following Chloropidae : from Chlorops taeniopus Mg. and Lasiosina cinctipes Mg. in U.S.S.R. ; Meromyza americana Fitch in North America, M. saltatrix (L.) in U.S.S.R., Oscinella frit (L.) in Europe and North America, O. minor (Adams) in North America, possibly also O. carbonaria (L6w) and O. soror (Macq.) in North America. C. bicolor has also been recorded as a hyperparasite, attacking Proctotrupoidea (Platygasteridae) which are primary parasites of the above Diptera : e.g., Platygaster vernalis (Myers) and P. zosine Walker, in U.S.S.R. and North America. Females evidently hibernate in Britain ; Mr. Gradwell and I have both found females during the winter in grass tussocks (particularly of Deschampsia caespitosa). I have rarely found any other Chalcidoid (except Cyrtogaster vulgaris) hibernating in grass. In Britain adults of bicolor also occur in the field from May until October ; probably therefore more than one brood per annum. 462 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Callitula pyrrhogaster (Walker) Micromelus pyrrhogaster Walker, 1833 : 465, 3 9. Micromelus pyrrhogaster Walker ; Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. E, fig. 2, 3. Pteromalus mutilus Forster, 1841 : 29, ¢ 8. Micromelus pyrrhogastey Walker ; Reinhard, 1858 : 17. Merisus (Baeotomus) pyrrhogaster (Walker) Thomson, 1878 : 62. Callitula pyrrhogaster (Walker) Goodliffe, 1942 : 323. Callitula pyrrhogaster (Walker) ; Bouéek, 1964 : 10, 3 Q. Type material. Micromelus pyrrhogaster Walker. Three specimens (one probably not original material) stand under this name. LECTOTYPE, a female bearing a label “‘ 1046’, also a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus mutilus Forster. I have not seen the types (which are presumably in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna), but the description immediately suggests that the species is the same as pyrrhogaster, as already stated by Reinhard (1853 = 17); Widely distributed in EuROPE. Biology. Reared in England from puparia of Oscinella frit (L.) (see Goodliffe, 1942 : 323) ; and from Mayetiola poae (Bosc) (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) in Czechoslo- vakia, according to Bouéek (1964 : Io). C. pyrrhogaster so closely resembles bicolor that it has sometimes been thought to be a form of it ; for example, Goodliffe (1942 : 323) mentions a suggestion by Nixon that pyrrhogaster might represent merely a phase of bicolor. Earlier Kurdju- mov (1914: 2) had suggested the same possibility. However, at present there is no definite proof of this idea. Females apparently hibernate, like those of bicolor ; in January 1953 Mr. Gradwell found a female pyrrhogaster amongst grass roots. Otherwise adults occur in the field most frequently from July until October. PSILOCERA Walker Psilocera Walker, 1833 : 373. Type-species : Ps. obscura Walker, by monotypy. Metopon Walker, 1834 : 302. Type-species : M. atyum Walker, by monotypy. Eupsilocera Westwood, 1839 : 69 [n. n. for Psilocera Walker, supposedly pre-occupied]. Metopum Agassiz, 1846 : 670 [invalid emendation]. Dichalysis Forster, 1856 : 52, 56 [n. n. for Psilocera Walker, supposedly pre-occupied]. Metopum [sic] Walker ; Forster, 1856 : 64, 69. Metopon sgen. Metopon Walker ; Thomson, 1878 : 165-168. Psilocera Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 315 [ex parte}. Metapon [sic] Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 314 [ex parte]. Psilocera Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 311, 315 [¢ only]. Metopon Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 310, 315 [ex parte]. Metapon [sic] Walker ; Kurdjumov, 1913: 6. Psilocera Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 222-223. ?Psilocera Walker ; Peck, 1963 : 628-629, [ex parte]. Psilocera Walker : Peck et al., 1964 : 54. Walker (1848: 113) synonymized his genera Psilocera and Metopon, and this has been accepted by authors who had personal acquaintance with both sexes. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 463 Forster (1856 : 64, 69) stated that the genus Metopum [=Psilocera] had 3 anelli (Ringeln) in the antennae. Thomson (1878 : 166, ““ Anm.’’) refers to Forster’s statement and says that he has not himself seen any species of Metopon with 3 anelli. Of the species placed in Psilocera in the present work, one has 3 anelli, whilst two have 2 anelli, in the female antenna. Males of all three species, however, have 2 anelli. In the female Psilocera the segments of the flagellum tend to be very closely compacted so as to be difficult to count, especially the anelli. In spite of the difference in the number of anelli between the females of some species of Psilocera, these species are so similar in other respects that their inclusion in a single genus is justified. I am not sure whether any of the species referred to Psilocera by Peck (1963) really belong to it. Metopon deiphon Walker, which he includes in Psilocera, appears to be near Spamiopus or Trichomalus according to the type specimen (Hym. 5. 693) in BM(NH). The original descriptions of the other two species, Metapon californicum Ashmead and M. rufipes Ashmead, fit the characters of Psilocera ; but I am acquainted with another North American genus very near Psilocera, to which they might equally well belong. Ashmead did not mention the characters which would allow one to decide the question. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Antenna (Text-fig. 341) with three anelli and five funicular segments, the third flagellar segment being without sensilla, not or hardly half as long as the fourth segment, and quadrate or even very slightly transverse. Rather small species, length 2 to 2-7 mm. _ Basal cell of fore wing having about its distal third pilose. Propodeal costula separated from base of propodeum by hardly one third the total length of the propodeum. Anten- nal scape mainly, sometimes also the pedicellus and anelli, reddish (Metopon Walker). Gaster, Text-fig. 289 . : . atra (Walker) (p. 465) - Antennae (Text-figs. 339, 340) with two anelli and six funicular segments, the third flagellar segment provided with sensilla, at least about two thirds as long as the fourth segment, and quadrate or longer than broad (Pszlocera Walker) ; : : : : ; : : 2 ; : 2 (1) Antenna (Text-fig. 340) with flagellum strongly clavate (the clava about twice as broad as the first funicular segment) its segments closely compacted ; area of micropilosity on the clava occupying nearly two thirds its length ; first funicular segment 1-6 to 1-9 times as long as broad, as long as or a little longer than the pedicellus. Large species, length 2-6to 4mm. _ Basal cell of fore wing often having its distal half or more pilose crassispina (Thomson) (p. 466) = Antenna (Text-fig. 339) with flagellum only moderately clavate (the clava about 1-5 times as broad as the first funicular segment) its segments sepa- rated by deep constrictions ; area of micropilosity on the clava occupying only half or barely half its length ; first funicular segment varying from quadrate to 1-5 times as long as broad, at most barely as long as the pedi- cellus. Smaller species, length 2:05 to 2-9 mm. Basal cell of fore wing with only a few hairs in its upper distal corner ; obscura Walker (p. 466) (MALEs) I Antenna (Text-fig. 342) with funicle with only six segments separated by 464 M. W. R. p—E V. GRAHAM peduncles ; clava three-segmented ; hairs of flagellum standing out less strongly, at an angle of about 30° to 40° : 5 . atra (Walker) (p. 465) — Antenna (Text-fig. 343) with funicle with seven segments separated by ped- uncles ; clava two-segmented ; hairs of flagellum standing out at an angle of 45° to 60° : : : : : 6 ; : : : : 2 Fics. 339-343. Psilocera spp., antennae. 339, obscura Walker, 2; 340, crassispina (Thomson), 2 ; 341, atva (Walker), 2 ; 342, same, 5 ; 343, obscura Walker, 3. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 465 2 (1) Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only 1-3 to 1-4 times the breadth of the head ; seventh funicular segment quadrate or very slightly transverse : . crassispina (Thomson) (p. 466) - Antenna (Text-fig. 343) with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-6 to 1-7 times the breadth of the head ; seventh funicular segment at least very slightly longer than broad, up to 1-6 times as long as broad obscura Walker (p. 465) Psilocera atra (Walker) Metopon atrum Walker, 1834 : 303, . Metopon atrum Walker ; Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. B, fig. 3, 9. Metopon punctifrons Thomson, 1878 : 168, g 2, syn. n. Type material. Metopon atrum Walker. One female, designated LECTOTYPE (probably holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. Metopon punctifrons Thomson. Syntypes, 5 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a male labelled ‘“‘ Bas ”’ [Bastad]. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. The species generally occurs in open grassy situations. Imagines May—August. Psilocera obscura Walker Psilocera obscura Walker, 1833 : 374, 3. Psiloceva obscura Walker ; Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. D, fig. 3, d. Metopon concoloy Thomson, 1878 : 168, 2 [lectotype], syn. n. Type material. Psitlocera obscura Walker. In BM(NH) there are no specimens labelled as obscura ; but standing with the series of Prosodes ater Walker (and bearing a Waterhouse label “ Prosodes ater ’’) there is a male Psilocera which fits the description of obscura well and is now designated LECTOTYPE. It could easily have been misplaced and wrongly labelled, especially since in Walker’s Monographia (Ent. Mag., 1) the genus Prosodes follows immediately after Pszlocera. Other evidence supports the conclusion that my identification of obscura is correct. Thus in Haliday’s collection there is a male (No. 641) labelled “‘ Psilocera obscura ”’ and conspecific with the lectotype. In Westwood’s collection there is a Walker male labelled ‘‘ Psilocera obscura’”’ in his handwriting, also conspecific with the lectotype. The specimen in Westwood’s collection could well be taken as lectotype but I have chosen the male in BM(NH) in preference, since most of Walker’s types are in that museum. The male in Haliday’s collection may well be that from which Haliday’s figures (1841-1842 : pl. D, figs. 3, 3a) were drawn. Metopon concolor Thomson. Syntypes, 6 specimens. Lectotype, a female labelled “6” [Oland]. The male associated with this species by Thomson may be a small specimen of crassispina. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May—August. 466 M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM Psilocera crassispina (Thomson) Pteromalus curtus Zetterstedt, 1838 : 422, 2 [nec P. curtus Walker, 1835 : 490]. ?Pteromalus obumbratus Walker, 1874 : 316, g [nec P. obumbratus Walker, 1872 : 122]. Metopon crassispina Thomson, 1878 : 166, 3 Q. Pteromalus curtulus Dalla Torre, 1898 : 119 [n. n. for Pteromalus curtus Zetterstedt nec Walker]. ?Piervomalus nicaeensis Dalla Torre, 1898 : 137 [n. n. for Pteyomalus obumbratus Walker 1874, nec 1872). Psiloceva crassipina (Thomson) Dalla Torre, 1898 : 157. Metopon crassispina Thomson ; Masi, 1944 : 84, g 9. Type material. Pteromalus curtus Zetterstedt. One female designated LECTO- TYPE, labelled in Zetterstedt’s handwriting “‘ P. curtus 9. Kengis’”’. Pteromalus obumbratus Walker, 1874. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE labelled “Amurland. Coll. F. Walker 1913-71 ”’ and “ 661 ”’ ; the specimen is card-pointed. It may be within the range of variation of male crassispina. Metopon crasstpina Thomson. Syntypes, 7 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “O.G. Bhn”’ [Oster Gottland, Boheman] and “ crassispina Ths’’. It is not easy to decide just how extensive is the variation of crassispina. As regards females from Britain, France and Sweden, there is some variation in the fore wings, which may be relatively broad or rather narrow, subhyaline or slightly infumate ; the basal cell may have only a few hairs distally or, at the other extreme, may be mainly pilose. The length of the first funicular segment relative to that of the pedicellus varies slightly (from 0-9 to 1-15). A number of females from Czechoslovakia which Dr. Bouéek kindly allowed me to examine, show greater variation and are rather puzzling. One form from Moldavia has the fore wing very narrow and strongly infumate, with the basal cell pilose except at its base. Others have the fore wing rather broad, subhyaline or weakly infumate, with the basal cell, not counting the basal vein, sometimes bare, sometimes with about the distal third pilose ; in some of these specimens the first funicular segment is shorter, in others longer, than the pedicellus. A few specimens are intermediate. At first sight the Moldavian form with narrow infuscate wings appear as though it might be distinct, but the existence of intermediate forms seems to negative this idea. Possibly all these forms from Czechoslovakia are crassispina, however. Whatever their status, the apparent variation of crassispina in Central Europe will pose some problems. BRITAIN, FRANCE, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, ITALY. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June-August. Psilocera ? pandens (Walker) Pteromalus pandens Walker, 1872 : 101, 6. Type material not located. The species was described from Spain. Walker (1874 : 316) says that his Pteromalus obumbratus, 1874 [which is a Psilocera, see above under crassispina] is allied to pandens, so that the latter may also have belonged to this genus. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 467 Extra-limital species wrongly placed in Psilocera Metopon Deiphon Walker (1843e : 161, 9) is represented in BM(NH) by Type Hym. 5. 693 ; the specimen appears to be near Spaniopus or Trichomalus. CALLIPRYMNA Graham Calliprymna Graham, 1966b : 295-297. Type-species : C. bisetosa Graham, by monotypy and original designation. Calliprymna bisetosa Graham (Text-figs. 344-348) Calliprymna bisetosa Graham, 1966b : 297-298, Q. Type material. Holotype 9, England: Oxfordshire, 14.viii.19g55, in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. ENGLAND. Biology. Unknown ; the holotype was beaten from foliage of Salix fragilis L. CATOLACCUS Thomson Pteromalus sgen. Catolaccus Thomson, 1878 : 146, 152. Type-species : C. cavigena Thomson, by monotypy. Catolaccus Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 320, 322. Catolaccus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 328, 330, 355-356 [ex parte]. Merisoides Masi, 1911 : 141. Type-species : M. crassiceps Masi, by monotypy. Catolaccus Thomson ; Kurdjumovy, 1913: 5. Merisoides Masi ; Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 5. Catolaccus Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 223. Catolaccus Thomson ; Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 50. In the opinion of Dr. Delucchi, who has seen the type-species of Merisoides Masi, this genus is the same as Catolaccus Thomson. Only one European species is recognized here ; this shows some variation, however, and it seems possible that it may not be a homogeneous entity. Catolaccus ater (Ratzeburg) (Text-fig. 302) Pteromalus ater Ratzeburg, 1852 : 233, 5 9. Catolaccus cavigena Thomson, 1878 : 152, 9. ?Mertsoides crassiceps Masi, 1911 : 141-145, Q. Catolaccus ater (Ratzeburg) Kurdjumov, 1912 : 232-233, d 8. Catolaccus atey (Ratzeburg) ; Bouéek, 1965e : 8. Type material. Pteromalus ater Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. Kurd- jumov (1912) who had seen the type of ater, placed it in Catolaccus and cited C. cavigena Thomson as a synonym ; his opinion has been generally accepted. 468 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM Catalaccus cavigena Thomson. Syntypes, 3 9. Lectotype labelled ‘Sm. Bhn”’ [Smaland, Boheman] and “ cavigena Ths ”’ Merisoides crassiceps Masi. Holotype 9, Italy, Catanzaro, from the cocoon of an Ichneumonid on Inula viscosa, presumably in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa. Masi (1911 : fig. 3) shows the antenna of crassiceps as having 3 anelli and 5 funicular segments, whereas all the females of ater that I have seen have 2 anelli and 6 funicular segments ; crvassiceps may, however, have been a very aberrant female of ater. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Reared in Sweden as a hyperparasite of an unknown host through Apanteles globatus (L.) by A. Jansson (1952a : 180) ; also recorded as a parasite of Apanteles spurius Wesm. in Germany (Secrétariat, etc., 1957 : 320, 325), and of Rhynchaenus salicis L. in Italy (ibid., 1963 : 342, 357). Otten (1940 : 185) recorded having reared it in Germany, often from Apanteles congestus Nees and Gelis sp., and twice from Chamaepora [=A patele| rumicis (L.) (Lep., Noctuidae). Imagines in April, May, July and August. ERYTHROMALUS Graham Evythromalus Graham, 1956 : 83. Type-species : Pteromalus nubilipennis Walker, 1835, by original designation. The two species included here are somewhat variable, particularly in the relative length of the gaster in the female, and the pilosity of the basal cell of the fore wing ; but I believe they are distinct. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to or slightly greater than breadth of head. Basal cell of fore wing (Text-fig. 350) having at most its distal half pilose. Gaster slightly longer than head plus thorax, 1-9 to 2-2 times as long as broad (Text-fig. 349) 2 nubilipennis (Walker) (p. 468) — Antenna with combined length of pedeciee) and Papelieen slightly to quite distinctly less than breadth of head. Basal cell of fore wing having at least its distal two thirds pilose, sometimes wholly pilose except just at the base. Gaster shorter than, or at most as long as, head plus thorax, 1-65 to 1-9 times as long as broad rufiventris (Walker) (p. 470) The males of Evythromalus are not keyed because that of nubilipennis has not definitely been identified. Erythromalus nubilipennis (Walker) Piteromalus nubilipennis Walker, 1835a : 195, 9. ?Pteromalus Faustina Walker, 1839 : 251, 3. Erythromalus nubilipennis (Walker) Graham, 1956 : 84-86, 9. Type material. Pteromalus nubilipennis Walker. Lectotype designated by Graham (1956 : 86) who also redescribed the 9. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 469 345 Fics. 344-350. 344, Calliprymna bisetosa Graham, 92, body, excluding appendages ; 345, same, fore wing venation ; 346, same, head ; 347, same, antenna ; 348, same, postspiracular sclerite (ps) and mesopleuron (me) of right side ; 349, Evythromalus nubtlipennis (Walker), 2, body, excluding appendages ; 350, same, fore wing. 470 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Pteromalus faustina Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE ; Waterhouse label. It could well be the g of nubilipenms. BRITAIN, IRELAND. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—Aug. Erythromalus rufiventris (Walker) Pteromalus vufiventris Walker, 1835 : 192, 9. Pteromalus Empoclus Walker, 1839 : 214, 3. Evrythromalus rvufiventvis (Walker) Graham, 1956 : 86, 9. Type material. Pteromalus rufiventris Walker. Lectotype 9, designated by Graham (1956 : 86). Pteromalus empoclus Walker. One male, designated LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. It definitely belongs to Evythromalus, and probably to rufiventris (Walker). BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in September. ENDOMYCHOBIUS Ashmead Endomychobius Ashmead, 1896 : 227. Type-species: E. flavipes Ashmead, by monotypy. Endomychobius Ashmead ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 328, 330, 335. Endomychobius Ashmead ; Ruschka, 1924 : 14-15. I have not seen the type-species of this genus but presume that it is correctly identified here. The only European species, endomychi (Walker), was referred to Endomychobius by Ruschka (1924 : 14). Endomychobius endomychi (Walker) (Text-fig. 305) Pteromalus Endomychi (Curtis MS.) Walker, 1836 : 496, “3 ”’ [vecte 9]. Pteromalus Mazaces Walker, 1844a : 341, ““d”’ [vecte 9], syn. n. Endomychobius endomychi (Walker) Ruschka, 1924 : 14. Type material. Pteromalus endomycht Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label ; it is evidently a Curtis specimen, being mounted in his style, on a small card-point which is gummed to a rectangular card. Pteromalus mazaces Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. One, bearing a Waterhouse label, is selected as LECTOTYPE: BRITAIN, GERMANY, Norway (Alten), SWEDEN ; uncommon. Biology. eared in 1835 from larvae of Endomychus coccineus (L.) found by John Curtis under the bark of “the decayed stump of a Fir-tree’”’ (Curtis, 1835 : folio 570). He stated that he found the larvae “in the plantations of my PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 471 friend Philip Bennet, Esq., of Rougham Old Hall’’ [this locality is in Suffolk, just east of Bury St. Edmunds]. Ruschka (1924 : 14) recorded the rearing of endomycht in Sweden, by F. Nordstrom, from the same host. In BM(NH) there is a large series, reared in England (Somerset, Bridgwater, July 1923) from the same host, by Miss Barrington. Imagines have been taken (in Britain) in May, July, and September. PSYCHOPHAGOIDES €en. n. (Derivation : from Psychophagus, and -oides, like. Gender: masculine). Type-species: Psychophagoides crassicornis sp. n. Only the female sex is known and has the following characters: Occiput not margined. Genae without a hollow above the bases of the mandibles. Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. Clypeus strigose, its anterior margin shallowly emarginate. Antennae (Text-fig. 310) inserted distinctly above level of ventral edge of eyes, toruli about equidistant from anterior margin of clypeus and the median ocellus, formula 11263 ; anelli strongly transverse ; flagellum notably stout, with very numerous sensilla arranged in two rows on each segment ; sutures of clava not oblique. Pronotum short, without a collar, the dorsal part rounded off anteriorly. Notauli incomplete. Scutellar frenum marked off by a fairly distinct line. Propodeum rather short, medially not produced beyond the bases of the hind coxae, its hind margin therefore nearly straight ; median carina weak, plicae indistinct ; nucha represented only by a small subtriangular, weakly sculptured area ; spiracular sulci moderately distinct, spiracles rather small, subcircular, nearly touching the metanotum ; callus sparsely pilose. Postspiracular sclerite rather large, mainly reticulate. Mesepisternum with a partly smooth area below base of hind wing ; mesosternal mesolcus subobsolete. Hind coxae bare dorsally ; hind tibia with one strong spur, and a second very weak spur, which is only about one third as long as the first. Fore wing with a speculum ; marginal vein much longer than the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein slightly shorter than the marginal ; stigma small. Costal cell of hind wing bare. Gastral petiole transverse, smooth. Gaster ovate, pointed apically ; ovipositor sheaths hardly projecting beyond the last tergite ; tip of hypopygium situated about half way along the gaster ; pygostylar bristles relatively short, subequal in length. This genus is on the whole nearest to Psychophagus Mayr ; the female differs as follows : Antennal flagellum stouter, thicker proximally (thinner and filiform in Psychophagus) with more numerous sensilla, in Psychophagus arranged in one row on each segment, or at most a partial second row on the proximal segments ; anelli more transverse, only about twice as broad as long in Psychophagus ; pronotal collar not differentiated, in Psychophagus there is a subhorizontal collar which has at least a weak margin anteriorly ; sculpture of scutellum slightly raised, engraved in Psychophagus, frenum longer and more distinctly marked off ; propodeum not produced medially, distinctly so in Psychophagus, with basal foveae small, instead of large and oblong, spiracles close to metanotum, separated from it by nearly their own length in Psychophagus ; gaster pointed, instead of obtuse apically ; marginal vein longer relatively to the stigmal vein, the latter nearly straight, very distinctly curved in Psychophagus, Text-fig. 308 ; postmarginal vein slightly shorter, instead of slightly longer than the marginal. In Psychophagoides the anterior margin of the clypeus is shallowly emarginate instead of incised, whilst the ratio of POL to OOL is relatively greater than in Psychophagus. 472 M. W. R. p—E V. GRAHAM Psychophagoides crassicornis sp. n. (Text-fig. 310) Q. Head and thorax bluish black ; gaster black, basal tergite and last tergite bluish-tinged. Antennal scape testaceous, slightly darker at tip ; pedicellus fuscous, testaceous apically ; flagel- lum brown. Mandibles brown. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; femora mainly fuscous, testaceous at tips ; trochanters partly fuscous ; rest of legs testaceous with tips of tarsi brown. Tegulae black ; wings subhyaline, venation brown. Length 2:5 mm. Head only slightly broader than the mesoscutum, in dorsal view about 2-15 times as broad as long, with temples moderately convergent and about one quarter as long as eyes ; POL 1:7 OOL, ocelli in a triangle of about 135°. Genae moderately buccate, malar space half the length of an eye. Eyes separated by 1-4 times their length, inner orbits diverging very slightly ventrad. Breadth of oral fossa about 2:15 malar space. Mandibles moderate-sized, their lower edge slightly curved ; outer tooth acute, middle ones subobtuse, inner one truncate, in the left mandible broadly so. Clypeus radiately strigose, the striae extending some way up the genae ; head otherwise very finely reticulate ; vertex clothed with black bristly hairs. Antenna (Text-fig. 310) : scape about three quarters the length of an eye, about four times as long as broad, barely reaching the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to breadth of head ; pedicellus (profile) about 1-5 times as long as broad, nearly as long as first funicular segment ; anelli about three times as broad as long ; flagellum stout, subfusiform, thickest at about the second funicular segment, thence tapering slightly distad, proximally distinctly stouter than the pedicellus ; first funicular segment about 1-2 times as long as broad, second and third subquadrate, following segments slightly transverse ; clava about 2:3 times as long as broad, about as long as 2-5 of the preceding funicular segments, with a small tuft of micropilosity at the tip of its third segment ; sensilla short and thick, arranged in two rows on each segment, a partial third row on the first segment. Thorax about 1°5 times as long as broad. Pronotum, mesoscutum and scutellum with black bristly hairs. Pronotum very finely reticulate, with a narrow smooth line along its hind margin. Mesoscutum about 1-75 times as broad as long, its reticulation slightly raised above the general surface, very fine, except discally where it is slightly stronger and coarser. Scutellum as long as the mesoscutum and about as broad as long, moderately convex ; frenum unusually long, about one third the total length of the scutellum ; very finely reticulate, extremely finely on disc, the frenum somewhat more coarsely. Dorsellum a convex transverse strip, about four times as broad as long, finely reticulate. Propodeum about two fifths as long as the scutellum ; median carina weak and irregular ; plicae indicated only by a pair of small depressions at the base of the propodeum and by a pair of sharp carinae in the posterior third ; area between the Plicae obliquely strigose-reticulate, moderately shiny, that between plicae and spiracular sulci longitudinally strigose-reticulate ; spiracular sulci distinct but shallow, with a number of fine transverse ridges. Postspiracular sclerite finely reticulate. Mesosternum finely reticulate, more coarsely at sides ; mesepisternum finely reticulate, the upper subtriangular area having its dorsal half smooth ; mesepimeron rather coarsely reticulate. Legs rather short, femora rather stout. Fore wing moderately broad ; costal cell about nine times as long as broad, its upper surface bare, lower surface with a single complete row of hairs plus some scattered hairs in the distal third ; parastigma somewhat thickened ; basal cell virtually bare, open below except at apex ; basal vein pilose throughout ; speculum moderate-sized, on upper surface of wing extending hardly beyond the beginning of the marginal vein, open below ; marginal vein 1-9 times as long as the stigmal vein and 1-1 times as long as the postmarginal ; stigmal vein nearly straight, stigma small, suboval, separated by nearly three times its height from the costal edge of the wing ; fringe of apical margin of wing very short. Gastral petiole more than three times as broad as long. Gaster about as long as, but some- what broader than, the thorax, 1:3 times as long as broad, slightly sunken dorsally and convex ventrally ; basal tergite occupying rather less than one third of the whole, its hind margin PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 473 weakly curved ; last tergite nearly three times as broad as long ; ovipositor sheaths projecting by a length nearly equal to that of last tergite. Holotype 9. ENGLAND: Oxfordshire, Chiltern Hills, Christmas Common, I2.vili.1962 (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. PSYCHOPHAGUS Mayr Pteromalus sgen. Diglochis Thomson, 1878 : 147, 156. Type-species : Pteromalus omnivorus Walker, 1835, by monotypy [nec Diglochis Forster, 1856]. Psychophagus Mayr, 1904 : 598 [n. n. for Diglochis Thomson nec Forster]. Diglochis Ashmead, 1904 : 320, 322 [mec Forster]. Diglochis Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 329, 330, 357 [nec Forster]. Psychophagus Mayr ; Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 8, 16. Psychophagus Mayr ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 228. Psychophagus Mayr ; Peck, 1963 : 696-608. Psychophagus Mayr ; Peck et al., 1964 : 54. Only one species is found in Europe ; another occurs in North America. Psychophagus omnivorus (Walker) (Text-fig. 308) Pteromalus omnivorus Walker, 1835 : 204, 3 . Pteromalus Processionae Ratzeburg, 1844a : 194, . Pteromalus votundatus Ratzeburg, 1844a : 194 (footnote). Pteromalus Antorides Walker, 1845 : 262, f, syn. n. Pteromalus Coeruleocephalae Ratzeburg, 1852 : 237. Diglochis omnivorus (Walker) Thomson, 1878 : 157. Pieromalus chrysorrhoeae Dalla Torre, 1898 : 117 [n. n. for Ptevomalus rotundus Ratzeburg nec Fonscolombe]. Psychophagus omnivorus (Walker) Mayr, 1904 : 598. Psychophagus omnivorus (Walker) ; Kurdjumoy, 1913 : 16. Psychophagus omnivorus (Walker) ; Boucek, 1961 : 83-84. Psychophagus omnivorus (Walker) ; Peck, 1963 : 696-608. Many other references are cited by Peck (1963). Type material. Pteromalus omnivorus Walker. Syntypes, 2 9 and 2 males. One female is pinned and is labelled “ Paris reared from Coccinella [sic!]’’ ; it clearly came from Laporte (Castelnau) who is mentioned by Walker (1835 : 205), but the host cited on the label is incorrect. The other syntypes probably represent the British material referred to by Walker. The specimen which agrees best with the description, a male, is designated LECTOTYPE ; it has been remounted on a card-point, and bears a Waterhouse label “‘ Pteromalus omnivorus Walker ’’. Pteromalus processionae Ratzeburg and P. rotundatus Ratzeburg. Type material presumably destroyed. The former species was synonymized with ommnivorus (Walker) by Reinhard (1858: 18), the latter by Kurdjumov (1913) who also accepted processionae as a synonym of omnivorus. 474 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Pteromalus antorides Walker. One male, designated LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus coeruleocephalae Ratzeburg. Syntypes, 2 3, in Zoologisches Museum, Berlin (from coll. Ratzeburg), both card-pointed ; the specimen nearest the pin was designated lectotype by Bouéek (1961 : 84) who synonymized the species with ommivorus (Walker). It is just possible that Ichneumon cyniphidis Linnaeus (1758 : 567) (= I. cyni- pedis L., 1761 : 1639) is the same as Psychophagus omnivorus. The Linnean collection (Linnean Society, London) contains a carded ¢ of omnivorus, marked “g42’’ and labelled “‘ cynipedis ’’, which agrees with the description. The number 942 (on the card) refers to species no. 942 in Linnaeus, 1746, Fauna Svecica (first edition), which reference was cited later by Linnaeus (1758 : 567). His original specimens were reared from terminal twig-galls on Salix pentandra L. (? possibly galls of Euura amerinae (L.) (Hym., Tenthredinoidea)). Widely distributed in EUROPE. Biology. Recorded as a parasite of many species of Lepidoptera, and of a few Tenthredinoidea ; also as a hyperparasite, attacking Ichneumonidae, Braconidae and Tachinidae (see host-list in Peck, 1963). Imagines June—Sept. STENETRA Masi Stenetva Masi, 1931 : 170. Type-species : S. ligustica Masi, by monotypy. Stenetva Masi ; Peck et al., 1964 : 47. Masi considered this genus to be near Dinarmoides. In my opinion it is rather close to Habrocytus Thomson, from which it differs in having two distinct spurs on the hind tibia, both mandibles with 4 teeth, and to a lesser extent in the structure of the propodeum and pronotal collar. Stenetra ligustica Masi Stenetra ligustica Masi, 1931a@ : 170-172, 9. Type material. Type (? holotype) 9, Italy, Liguria, Borgio Verezzi, vii.1g21 (fF. Invrea), in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa. The male of Jigustica has not been described. CZECHOSLOVAKIA, ITALY. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in July. EURYDINOTA Forster Eurydinota Forster, 1878 : 42-43. Type-species: E. leptomeva Forster, by monotypy. Eurydinota Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 375, 376, 381. Eurydinota Forster ; Delucchi, 1958a : 57-59. Eurydinota Forster ; Boucek, 1961 : 73-74. Eurydinota Forster ; Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 41. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 475 This genus was not correctly recognized until 1958, when Delucchi redescribed it. Boucek (1961 : 73-74) added further notes on the genus and also objectively defined the type-species, which is the only one so far known. Eurydinota leptomera Forster Eurydinota leptomera Forster, 1878 : 42-43, 9. Eurydinota leptomera Forster ; Delucchi, 1958a : 59, fig. 1, 9. Eurydinota leptomera Forster ; Bouéek, 1961 : 73-74, &. Type material. Lectotype 9 in Zoologisches Museum, Berlin (designated by Bouéek, 1961 : 74) ; it is mounted on a micro-pin attached to a block of pith and is labelled “‘ 17/185 Aachen Frst.’’ and (in Forster’s handwriting) ‘‘ Eurydinota m. leptomeras m. 9. Aachen ”’ [the letter “s”’ at the end of leptomeras crossed out}. One antenna, the left fore wing, and the left hind leg, have been slide-mounted by Novitzky. GERMANY, AUSTRIA. Biology. Unknown. Boucek (1961 : 74) recorded a female captured near Vienna in September. Note. The North American species placed in Eurydinota by Peck (in Muesebeck et al., 1951 : 543) belong to other genera ; lividicorpus Girault belongs to Sceptrothelys, rufiventris Girault to Capellia (q.v.). CAPELLIA Delucchi Capellia Delucchi, 1958a : 59. Type-species : Eurydinota rufiventris Girault, 1920a, by original designation. Hylocomus Graham, 1959: 107. Type-species : Metopon (Dirhicnus) magnicoynis Thomson, 1878, by original designation. Capellia Delucchi ; Bouéek, 1965) : 550-551. Hylocomus Graham was placed in synonymy with Capellia by Boucek (19650 : 550), after examining the respective type-species. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Fore wing (Text-fig. 351) with basal cell closed below throughout or except just at base, pilose all over except just above the cubital vein ; lower surface of costal cell with a broad band of hairs, composed of two to four rows ; marginal vein 1-1 to 1-3 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennal scape reaching only about level with lower edge of median ocellus, its length hardly greater than the transverse diameter of an eye. Hind margin of basal tergite of gaster from very weakly, to quite distinctly emarginate in the middle. Legs on the average darker ; femora nearly always mainly fuscous, tibiae sometimes more or less so. Body and antennae, Text-figs. 352, 354 : . cecidomyiae (Ratzeburg) (p. 477) - Fore wing (Text-fig. 353) with basal cell open below except distally, with at most its distal third pilose, and a row of hairs below the submarginal vein ; lower surface of costal cell usually with only one complete row of hairs, rarely two ; marginal vein 476 M. W. R. p—E V. GRAHAM 356 Fics. 351-357. 351, Capellia cecidomyiae (Ratzeburg), 9, fore wing ; 352, same, 9, body excluding appendages ; 353, Capellia orneus (Walker), ?, fore wing, part ; 354, Capellia cecidomyiae (Ratzeburg), 9, antenna ; 355, Mokrzeckia pini (Hartig), 9, clypeus ; 356, same, lectotype 9, metanotum and propodeum ; 357, Mokrzeckia obscura sp.n., 9 antenna excluding scape. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 477 1-25 to 1-55 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennal scape reaching at least to level of middle of the ocellus, sometimes to level of vertex, its length clearly greater than the transverse diameter of an eye. Hind margin of basal tergite of gaster usually entire, occasionally very weakly emarginate in the middle. Legs on the average paler ; femora often wholly reddish ; tibiae usually reddish or fulvous orneus (Walker) (p. 477) (MALEs) I Fore wing with basal cell closed below except at extreme base, its surface pilose except for a band above the cubital vein ; lower surface of costal cell with two to three complete rows of hairs ; speculum nearly closed below. Hind wing with costal cell with some hairs : : . cecidomyiae (Ratzeburg) (p. 477) — Fore wing with basal cell closed below i in at ae its distal half, with at most its distal third pilose and a line of hairs below the submarginal vein ; lower surface of costal cell with one or two complete rows of hairs ; speculum partly open below. Hind wing with costal cell bare : : : ’ ; ‘ orneus (Walker) (p. 477) Capellia cecidomyiae (Ratzeburg) Pteromalus Cecidomyiae Ratzeburg, 1844a : 192, 5 9. Metopon (Dirhicnus) magnicornis Thomson, 1878 : 173, 3 . Pseudocatolaccus Strvandi Masi, 191ta : 206-207, “3 ”’ [vecte 9}. Pteromalus cecidomyiae Ratzeburg ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 23. Hylocomus magnicornis (Thomson) Graham, 1959 : 109, 9. Capellia cecidomiae (Ratzeburg) Bouéek, 1965) : 550-551. Type material. Pteromalus cecidomyiae Ratzeburg. Lectotype ¢ designated by Bouéek (19650 : 550) ; full details are given in his paper. Ratzeburg’s cecidomyiae was first recognized as belonging to Capellia by Boucéek, who also placed Metopon magnicornis Thomson and Pseudocatolaccus strandi Masi in synonymy with it. Metopon (Dirhicnus) magnicorms Thomson. Syntypes, 2 9,1g. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled ““Dlc Bhn” (Dalecarlia, Boheman) and “ magnicornis Ths. ”’ The species was placed in synonymy with cecidomyiae (Ratzeburg) by Boucéek (19650 : 550). Pseudocatolaccus strandi Masi. Type 92 (wrongly described as 3) in Zoological Museum, Berlin, labelled ‘‘ Norvegia. E. Tonsat 3.iv.03. coll. Strand” (see Bouéek, 1961 : 82-83). BRITAIN, SWEDEN, NORWAY, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, POLAND, JUGOSLAVIA, W.S.S.R. Biology. eared in Poland from the resin galls of Cecidomyia (=Itonida) pint (DeG.) on Pinus (see Bouéek, 1965) : 550). Imagines mainly July—Sept. (single records for April and June). Capellia orneus (Walker) Pteromalus Orneus Walker, 1839 : 275, 9. Pteromalus Tychon Walker, 1848 : 124, 178, 9. Hylocomus orneus (Walker) Graham, 1959 : I1I-112, 9. Capellia orneus (Walker) Bouéek, 1965) : 550. 478 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Type material. Lectotypes of Pteromalus orneus Walker and P. tychon Walker designated by Graham (1959 : III-I12). BRITAIN, FRANCE, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, POLAND. Biology. Associated with galls of Lepidoptera (Exoteleia dodecella (L.)) on pine shoots (see Bouéek, 1961 : 83). Imagines June—Sept. MOKRZECKIA Mokrzecki Mokrzeckia Mokrzecki, 1933 : 143. Type-species: Ptevomalus pini Hartig, 1838, by monotypy. Mokrzeckia Morawski, 1934 : 18-20. Beierina Delucchi, 1958 : 271. Type-species : Pteromalus pini Hartig by orginal designation. Mokrzeckia Mokrzecki ; Bouéek, 1961 : 74. Mokrzeckia Mokrzecki ; Peck et al., 1964 : 40. As Bouéek (1961) has pointed out, the original diagnosis of Mokrzeckia was very imperfect ; hence, as it was published after 1931, it may not be valid according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. This question can only be decided by the International Commission ; meanwhile the name Mokrzeckia is provisionally accepted. The genus Beivina was synonymized with it by Boucek (1961). Kry TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 355) deeply emarginate with a notch in the middle of the emargination. Legs, including at least the fore coxae partly, yellow- testaceous. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head ; flagellum testaceous or brownish, stout ; proximal segments of funicle quadrate or very slightly longer than broad. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-7 to 1-9 times as long as the stigmal vein ; basal cell, on upperside of wing, with some hairs scattered over its upper half. Mesoscutum about twice as broad as long, extremely finely reticulate. Median area of propodeum (Text-fig. 356) delicately reticulate, moderately shiny. Hind tibia with two spurs, but the second is weak, hardly half as long as the first : pini (Hartig) (p. 478) — Anterior margin of clypeus shallowly emarginate. Coxae black with a metallic tinge ; femora extensively infuscate. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head ; flagellum (Text-fig. 357) fuscous, more slender ; funicular segments slightly longer than broad, or at most the sixth quadrate. Fore wing with marginal vein 1:55 times as long as the stigmal vein ; basal cell bare or virtually so. Mesoscutum hardly 1-7 times as broad as long, its disc moderately coarsely reticulate. Median area of propodeum more strongly reticulate, duller. Hind tibia with one spur . 2 ‘ . obscura sp. 0. (p. 479) Mokrzeckia pini (Hartig) (Text-figs. 355, 356) Pteromalus pint Hartig, [?1837] 1838 : 253, d 9. Pteromalus pini Hartig ; Ratzeburg, 1844a : 193, pl. 8, fig. 6, 5 9. ? Pteromalus Halidayanus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 207, 9. PPEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 479 Pteromalus pini Hartig sensu Ratzeburg ; Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 23. Schizonotus Pailloti Ferriere & Faure, 1925 : 221. Mokrzeckia pini (Hartig) Mokrzecki, 1933 : 143. Mokrzeckia pint (Hartig) ; Morawski, 1934 : 18-20. Beievina pint (Hartig) Delucchi, 1958 : 271-273, d &. Mokrzeckia pini (Hartig) ; Bouéek, 1961 : 74. Type material. Pteromalus pini Hartig. Syntypes in Zoologische Sammlung des Bayerischen Staates, Munich : a whorl of 8 card-pointed specimens (4 3, 4 9) labelled “‘ Pteromal Pini’. LECTOTYPE, a female whose card-point I have marked with a red spot. Pteromalus halidayanus Ratzeburg. Types presumed lost. Bouéek (1961 : 75) says that, according to the description and host cited, it could be the same as pint (Htg.). Kurdjumovy (1913 : 23) had already remarked that the two were congeneric, and he had seen the type of halidayanus. Schizonotus pailloti Ferriere & Faure. Holotype female -in BM(NH), Type Hym. 5. 701 ; I have examined the specimen. The synonymy is fully discussed by Bouéek (1961 : 74-75). FRANCE, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, POLAND. Biology. Hyperparasite of Lepidoptera through Apanteles species (Ferriere & Faure, 1925 ; Mokrzecki, 1933; Delucchi, 1958; Boucek, 1961). Imagines June—Aug. Mokrzeckia obscura sp. n. (Text-fig. 357) ®. Head and thorax bluish green ; gaster bronze-green, its basal tergite mainly blue-green, the remaining tergites extensively suffused with purplish. Antennae fuscous ; proximal half of scape testaceous. Coxae concolorous with thorax ; femora mainly fuscous ; rest of legs testaceous with tips of tarsi brownish. Wing hyaline, veins brownish. Length 2:6 mm. Resembles the 2 of pini (Hartig) but differs mainly in the characters noted in my key to species (q.v.) Other differences are : in pini the head, pronotal collar, and mesoscutum are densely clothed with short whitish hairs, whilst in obscuva the hairs are much sparser and darker ; the propodeal callus of obscura is more sparsely pilose than that of pini, whilst the reticulation of the head, axillae, and scutellum is less fine and less dense then in pini. Although obscura thus differs in several characters from pini, it seems appropriately placed in the same genus ; the structure of the propodeum and petiole is identical in the two species and appears to be characteristic. 36. Unknown. Holotype 9. ENncGianp: Lancashire South, Freshfield, from Betula in the vicinity of pinewood, 5.1x.1960 (Graham), in the Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Biology. Unknown. SPILOMALUS Graham Spilomalus Graham, 1956 : 88. Type-species : Pteromalus quadrinota Walker, 1835, by original designation. 480 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Spilomalus quadrinota (Walker) (Text-figs. 359-361) Pteromalus quadrinota Walker, 1835 : 501, 9. Spilomalus quadrinota (Walker) Graham, 1956 : 88-89, 9. Type material. Lectotype 9 designated by Graham (1956: 89) ; the species was redescribed in the same paper (ibid. : 88-89). BRITAIN: rare, apparently associated with sandy habitats, particularly on the coast. It has also been recorded from Sardinia (Secrétariat, etc., 1966 : 121, 125) but I have not seen the specimens. Imagines July—Sept. Biology. The specimens recorded from Sardinia were reared from Avletobius politus Serv. (Col., Curculionidae). Spilomalus biquadratus (Wollaston) comb. n. Pteromalus biquadratus Wollaston, 1858 : 27, 9. Type material. LECTOTYPE 9, Type Hym. 5. 723, labelled “‘ Madeira Wollas- ton’ and (on a blue label) “ Pteromalus biquadratus W.”’. MaApEIRA (Lombo dos Pecegueiros). Biology. Unknown. This is probably a valid species. The female differs from that of quadrinota in having the antennal flagellum more slender, proximally not stouter than the pedicellus ; pronotum, mesoscutum, and scutellum more finely reticulate and more matt, possibly also with more numerous hairs ; fore wing extensively yellowish infumate, with the spots more or less joined. SPINTHERUS Thomson Etroxys sgen. Spintherus Thomson, 1878 : 88, 129. Type-species : S. obscuvus Thomson, by monotypy. Spintherus Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 314, 315. Spintherus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 310, 313-314 [ex parte]. Spintherus Thomson ; Kurdjumoy, 1913 : 9, 17-18. Spintherus Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 231 [ex parte]. Spintherus Thomson ; Peck et al., 1964 : 58. Spintherus is very close to Habrocytus Thomson and Pteromalus Swederus. It differs from Habrocytus chiefly in having 4 teeth in both mandibles. The long hypopygium, extending distinctly beyond the middle of the gaster, of female Spintherus distinguishes them from all female Habrocytus except those of platyphilus and crassicornis ; those species, however, have a large reticulate propodeal nucha and distinct plicae, whereas the nucha of Spintherus is very short and weakly sculptured, and the plicae are distinct only posteriorly. Spintherus differs from Pteromalus in its propodeal characters (short, weakly sculptured nucha, indistinct plicae, and smaller spiracles) and in the longer hypopygium of the female. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 481 Spintherus dubius (Nees) Pteromalus dubius Nees, 1834 : 99, 9. Pteromalus nigyo-aeneus Walker, 1835a : 206, 2, syn. n. Pteromalus signatus Walker, 1836 : 479, 9, Syn. n. Pteromalus orbiculatus Walker, 1836 : 490, 2, Syn. n. Ptevomalus caligatus Walker, 1836 : 494, 9, syn. n. Pteromalus conterminus Walker, 1836 : 494, 2, Syn. n. Pteromalus Codrus Walker, 1839 : 249, 5, Syn. n. Pteromalus triquetey Forster, 1841 : 21, 9, syn. n. Pteromalus flavitarsis Forster, 1841 : 21, 9, syn. n. Ptevomalus lutescens Forster, 1841 : 30, 2, Syn. n. Pteromalus Opheltes Walker, 1848 : 124, 183, g, syn. n. Pteromalus Hermachus Walker, 1848 : 124, 187, 3, Syn. n. Pteromalus Anchinoe Walker, 1848 : 125, 192, 5, Syn. n. Pteromalus Alimentus Walker, 1848 : 126, 210, 9, syn. n. Ptevomalus caligatus Walker, 1874 : 318, 9. Spintherus obscurus Thomson, 1878 : 129, 3 . Spintherus lineavus Kurdjumov, 1913 : 17-18 [mec Pteromalus linearis Walker]. Spintherus dubius (Nees) Bouéek, 1961c : 13. Spintherus dubius (Nees); Bouéek, 1965¢ : 8. Type material (all Walker lectotypes bear Waterhouse labels unless otherwise stated). Pteromalus dubius Nees. One female in coll. Westwood, ex coll. Nees, lacking the gaster ; now designated LECTOTYPE. It is pinned and bears a small pink label with the figure “8” ; a label in Nees’ handwriting “ D. 17. dubia m. « 2” ; one in Westwood’s handwriting “‘ Pteromalus dubius Es. 2. 99. E Mus. Esenb.’’. The identity of dubius was communicated to Dr. Bouéek, who published the fact (r961). Pteromalus nigroaeneus Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen. Pteromalus signatus Walker. No specimen stood under this name, but one female (LECTOTYPE) was located in the series of Eutelus signatus ; it bears a Waterhouse label ‘‘ Pteromalus signatus’’. Walker described only the male of Eutelus signatus ; evidently the female lectotype of Pteromalus signatus had been misplaced with the male syntypes of Eutelus signatus when he transferred the latter species to Pteromalus (1846 : 39) owing to their having the same trivial name. Pteromalus orbiculatus Walker. One 3, two 9 (but ¢ not described). LECTO- TYPE, the second female specimen. Pteromalus caligatus Walker, 1836. Nospecimens under this name. The seventh specimen standing under Pteromalus subniger Walker, a female, agrees well with the description of caligatus and is designated LECTOTYPE. Walker (1846 : 42) placed caligatus as a “ var.’’ of subniger, for which reason I sought the type of caligatus under that same. Pteromalus conterminus Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen. 482 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Pteromalus codrus Walker. Syntypes, 4 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a male labelled “ 38. 7. 12. 217 ”’. Pteromalus triqueter Forster, P. flavitarsis Forster and P. lutescens Forster. Types (not seen by the writer) in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. Delucchi saw these types and placed the three species in synonymy with Spintherus obscurus Thomson (Delucchi, 1958a : 52). Pteromalus opheltes Walker. One 3, LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus hermachus Walker. One 3g, LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus anchinoe Walker. One g, LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus alimentus Walker. One 9, LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus caligatus Walker, 1874. One 9, Type Hym. 5. 725, LECTOTYPE, labelled “142”, “ Amurland. Coll. F. Walker 1913-71’ and (in Walker's handwriting) “‘ Pteromalus colligatus”’ [sic]. It is not clear whether the species name as written on the label is a Japsus, or whether Walker intended to describe it under that name. I assume that he had forgotten his earlier caligatus (1836). Spintherus obscurus Thomson. Syntypes on 25 pins. One pin carries 5 females and is labelled “O” [Oland] and “‘ obscurus Ths” ; the uppermost female is designated LECTOTYPE. Widely distributed in Europe, from the Britisu IsiEs to U.S.S.R., and extending nearly to the eastern limit of the Siberian region. Biology. Kurdjumov (1913 :18) recorded this species [under the name “ Spintherus linearis Walker ’’| as having been reared in U.S.S.R. from Apion trifoli [?=aestivum Germar] and “ A. africum””’ [? apricans Herbst] ; also as a parasite of Apion sp. on clover. I have examined some specimens reared in Britain from Apion sp. in the seeds of Trifoliwm pratense L. In Britain imagines appear in the field in April-May and August-September (I swept I 9 on 21.11.1950, from foliage of Cupressus, at Salmonby, Lincolnshire). Note. Spintherus dubius Ashmead (in Riley et al. 1894c : 159, 9), the type 9 of which is in BM(NH) as Type Hym. 5. 783, is not a Spintherus. It may belong in the neighbourhood of the genus Chlorocytus Graham. SCEPTROTHELYS Graham Sceptrothelys Graham, 1956: 89. Type-species: Ptervomalus grandiclava Walker, 1835a, by original designation. Sceptrothelis Graham ; Delucchi, 1958a : 51 [invalid emendation]. Sceptrothelys Graham ; Peck et al., 1964 : 46. » Kry TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) - Antenna (Text-fig. 362) with first funicular segment slightly longer than broad, about equal in length to the pedicellus, second and third subquadrate, the following segments very slightly transverse. Clava viewed ventrally (Text- fig. 363) with its area of micropilosity extending about half way towards the base ; apical margin of first claval segment nearly straight parviclava sp. n. (p. 487) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 483 Figs. 358-370. 358, Spintherus dubius (Nees), 2, head ; 359, Spilomalus quadrinota (Walker), 9, fore wing, part; 360, same, propodeum ; 361, same, clypeus ; 362, Sceptrothelys parviclava sp.n., 9, antenna ; 363, same, clava, ventral ; 364, Sceptrothelys grvandiclava (Walker), 9, antenna ; 365, same, clava, subventral ; 366, Sceptrothelys intermedia sp.n., antenna ; 367, Sceptrothelys deione (Walker), 2, antenna ; 368, same, clava, ventral ; 369, same, g, antenna ; 370, same, 2, pronotum. 484 2) 3 (2) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Antennae (Text-figs. 364, 366, 367) with first funicular segment clearly shorter than the pedicellus and quadrate to slightly transverse, second at least slightly transverse, third to sixth distinctly so. Clava viewed ventrally (Text-figs. 365, 368) with its area of micropilosity extending more than half way towards the base ; apical margin of first claval segment distinctly excised 2 Antenna (Text-fig. 364) with clava about as long as the five preceding funicular segments together, sometimes nearly as long as the whole funicle ; viewed ventrally (Text-fig. 365) its area of micropilosity extends nearly to the base of the clava, whose first segment has its apical margin deeply semicircularly excised ; distal funicular segments strongly transverse, the sixth about twice as broad as long ; scape not reaching the median ocellus. Propodeum with nucha occupying about one third of the total length or slightly more grandiclava (Walker) (p. 486) Antenna (Text-figs. 366, 367) with clava about as long as the three or four preceding funicular segments together ; viewed ventrally its area of micropilosity extends two thirds to three quarters of the distance towards the base : distal funicular segments less strongly transverse, the sixth at most about 1-7 times as broad as long : scape reaching at least to the level of the lower edge of the median ocellus. Propodeum with nucha occupying about half the total length : 5 ; ; : : ; : Antennal scape partly to wholly fulvous : legs except coxae, usually fulvous, sometimes the femora more or less reddish. Pronotal collar indistinctly margined, reticulate except for a very narrow strip along its hind margin. Head and thorax with strong green to greenish blue metallic reflections ; gaster strongly metallic-tinged. Antennal funicle (Text-fig. 366) rather less attenuate proximally, where it is usually slightly stouter than the pedicellus, only just as stout as the pedicellus in small females intermedia sp. n. (p. 486) Antennalscape metallic ; femora mainly dark, tibia usually more or less broadly infuscate. Pronotal collar (Text-fig. 370) distinctly margined, with a fairly broad smoother strip along its hind margin. Head and thorax usually with obscure bluish and bronzy reflections, less often with the mesoscutum and scutellum greenish or coppery. Antennal funicle (Text-fig. 367) rather more attenuate proximally, where it is not stouter than the pedicellus, in small females even less stout : ; : , deione (Walker) (p. 485) (MALEs) Head and thorax bluish black, usually with some bronze reflections on the scutellum and mesoscutum ; legs very dark, the femora mainly blackish, tibiae more or less broadly infuscate. Antenna (Text-fig. 369) with flagellum with subdecumbent hairs, funicular segments quadrate or hardly longer than broad, the first at most as long as the pedicellus ; clava nearly as long as the three preceding funicular segments together. Mesoscutum relatively shiny, its sculpture having wider-meshed areoles. Pronotal collar rather sharply and evenly margined, except just at the sides deione (Walker) (p. 485) Head and thorax usually green to blue-green, occasionally bronze-green ; tibiae nearly always testaceous, sometimes also the femora. Antenna with flagellum clothed with pale or whitish hairs which stand out at an angle of about 30° ; proportions of funicular segments and clava usually otherwise. Mesoscutum relatively duller, its sculpture usually denser. Pronotal collar tending to be less distinctly margined, sometimes nearly immarginate . 2 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 485 2 (1) Antenna with clava only about as long as 2:5 of the preceding funicular segments ; funicular segments, except sometimes the sixth, longer than broad, the first at least slightly longer than the pedicellus. Larger species, length 2-1 to 2-5 mm. . : . ? parviclava sp. n. (p. 487) - Antenna with clava slightly longer than the three preceding funicular seg- ments together ; at most some of the funicular segments very slightly longer than broad, the first shorter than or at most as long as the pedicellus. Smaller species, 1:7 to 2 mm. : 3 3 (2) Antenna with funicular segments quadeate, or fe pipe ones Sr slightly longer than broad : : . intermedia sp. n. (p. 487) = Antenna with funicular segments a slightly transverse, or at most the proximal ones quadrate : : : : grandiclava (Walker) (p. 486) Sceptrothelys deione (Walker) (Text-figs. 367-370) Miscogaster Deione Walker, 1839 : 199, 9. Pteromalus Charops Walker, 1839 : 242, 3, syn. n. Dicyclus deione (Walker) Walker, 1846 : 28. Pteromalus Aeacus Walker, 1848 : 211, ?. Metopon punctatum Thomson, 1878 : 169, 9. Metopon aeneiscapus Thomson, 1878 : 169, 2, syn. n. Sceptrothelys deione (Walker) Graham, 1956 : 91-92, 3 . ? Eurydinota lividicorpus Girault, 1917e : 86-87. ? Eurydinota leptomera Bakkendorf, 1955 : 148 [nec Forster, 1878]. Type material. Miscogaster deione Walker and Pteromalus aeacus Walker. Lectotypes designated by Graham (1956 : 92). Pteromalus charops Walker. Syntypes, 3 ¢. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label ; it is a large male of dezone. Metopon punctatum Thomson. One 9, LECTOTYPE, labelled “ Reftera’”’ and “transitus ad hona in Foer”’ ; at first sight it looks different from dezone but I now consider it must a very large robust example of that species. Metopon aeneiscapus Thomson. Syntypes, 3 9 LECTOTYPE, one labelled “ Hg ” [Halsingborg] on a mauve label, and “‘ aeneiscapus Ths ”’ From Dr. O. Peck (Ottawa) I have received specimens, identified as Eurydinota lividicorpus Girault, which are the same as Sceptrothelys deione (Walker). Presum- ably therefore E. lividicorpus (1g17e : 86-87 ; reared from Coleophora malivorella Riley) (Lep., Coleophoridae) is a synonym of deione. Incidentally, Bouéek’s state- ment (1965) : 550) attributing lividicorpus Girault to the genus Spaniopus Walker was a lapsus [personal communication]. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, ? ICELAND ; NORTH AMERICA. Biology. eared in England “ from rose leaves, probably a parasite of Nepticula (=Stigmella) centifoliella (Zell.)’ in 1932, by E. G. R. Waters (specimen in Hope Department, Oxford). Four species of Coleophora are cited as hosts of Eurydinota lividicorpus Gir. by Peck (1963 : 627-628). Imagines May, July—Sept. Note. The species recorded from Iceland as Eurydinota leptomera Forster by 486 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Bakkendorf (1955) is not that species, but may be Sceptrothelys detone (Walker). That recorded from England as a parasite of Coleophora laricella (Hbn.) under the name Eurydinota lanicinellae (Ratzeburg), by Ferriere (4m Thorpe 1933 : 272, 289) was probably not a Eurydinota, but may also have been Sceptrothelys deione. Ratzeburg originally described lavicinellae as a Pteromalus (1852 : 198), from the same host, and there is nothing in his description which seems to contradict the supposition that it is the same as dezone. Sceptrothelys grandiclava (Walker) Pteromalus gvandiclava Walker, 1835a : 193, 9. Pteromalus clavigey Forster, 1841 : 24, 9. Sceptrothelys gyvandiclava (Walker) Graham, 1956 : 89-91, ¢ @. Sceptrothelys grandiclava (Walker) ; Bouéek, 1961 : 79. Type material. Pteromalus grandiclava Walker. Lectotype designated by Graham (1956 : 91) ; it bears a Waterhouse label. The species was redescribed in the same paper (1956 : 89-91). Pteromalus claviger Forster. Lectotype 9 (not seen by the writer) selected by Delucchi (19584 : 51) who stated it to be the same as grandiclava. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. The record of ‘‘ Pteromalus claviger Forst.”’ from Hungary by Erdos (1948 : 46) evidently refers to some other species than grandiclava (Walker). Biology. Unknown. In Britain the species occurs in open situations (chiefly rough grassland). Imagines June-August. Sceptrothelys intermedia sp. n. (Text-fig. 366) Sceptrothelys grandiclava (Walker) Graham ; Markkula, 1960 : 227 [mec Walker]. ®. Head and thorax olive-green, or brighter green to greenish blue ; gaster with strong metallic reflections, especially upon its basal tergite. Mandibles testaceous with reddish teeth. Antennal scape bright testaceous, its distal part more or less infuscate ; pedicellus and flagellum fuscous. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; legs otherwise bright or reddish testaceous ; the knees, tips of the tibiae, and bases of the tarsi, paler ; tarsi distally, the fore tarsi sometimes wholly, brownish. Tegulae bright or reddish testaceous ; wings subhyaline, venation testaceous. Length 1:5 to 2:2 mm. Structurally this species closely resembles gyvandiclava (Walker) a redescription of which was given earlier (Graham, 1956: 89). It differs from gvandiclava as follows : The antennal scape is slightly longer, reaching level with the lower edge of the median ocellus or somewhat above this level. The flagellum (Text-fig. 366) is rather less clavate ; the distal funicular segments are less strongly transverse, the sixth being about 1-5 times (instead of about twice) as broad as long ; the clava is relatively shorter, its length about equalling the combined lengths of the three or four preceding funicular segments ; ventrally the clava has a shorter area of micropilosity, which extends from the tip about three quarters of the distance towards the base, whilst the apical margin of the first claval segment is less strongly excised than in gvandiclava. The propodeum has a slightly larger nucha, whose length is about half, instead of one third or hardly more, the length of the sclerite. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 487 3g. Very similar to that of grandiclava (redescribed by me, 1956:91). The funicular seg- ments of the antenna appear to be relatively very slightly longer than in male grandiclava, quadrate, or the proximal ones very slightly elongate, whilst the propodeal nucha is perhaps slightly larger. Holotype 9. Fintanp : Tikkurila, beginning of May 1956 (M. Markkula), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotypes, several gg and 99, in Graham collection ; ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham, 3 9, 23.vi.1956 (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. The specimens reared by Mr. Martti Markkula were obtained when investigating the biology of the clover weevil, Phytonomus nigrirostris F., but it is not certain whether they were actually parasitizing this beetle. They were identified by me as S. grandiclava (Walker) since at that time I thought them to come within the range of variation of that species. Sceptrothelys parviclava sp. n. (Text-figs. 362, 363) ®. Head and thorax deep green, verging towards bluish in parts ; almost the whole surface of the gaster with strong bluish green reflections. Mandibles reddish with fuscous teeth. Antennal scape reddish testaceous, its distal third fuscous ; pedicellus fuscous ; flagellum black. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; legs otherwise mainly reddish testaceous ; femora basally, the hind ones mainly, fuscous ; knees, tips of mid and hind tibiae, and bases of mid and hind tarsi, paler testaceous ; tips of tarsi fuscous. Tegulae and wing venation brownish testaceous ; wings hyaline. Length 2:7 mm. Antenna (Text-fig. 362) with scape reaching level with the lower edge of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to breadth of head ; pedicellus in profile nearly twice as long as broad ; flagellum only moderately clavate ; first funicular segment about as long as, and distinctly stouter than, the pedicellus, slightlyfelongate, second and third subquadrate, fourth to sixth more or less transverse, the fourth slightly so, sixth about 1-5 times as broad as long. Clava about equal in length to the three preceding funicular seg- ments ; in ventral view (Text-fig. 363) the apical margin of the first claval segment is nearly straight, that of the second segment is deeply excised ; the area of micropilosity extends about half way towards the base of the clava. Pronotal collar indistinctly margined, reticulate, with a narrow shiny strip along its hind margin. Propodeum with median carina strong ; nucha occupying rather more than one third of the total length of the sclerite. Fore wing with basal vein pilose throughout ; marginal vein 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein nearly as long as the marginal. Gaster conic-ovate, about twice as long as broad, slightly longer than the thorax ; basal tergite (third abdominal) occupying hardly one third of the total length, last tergite about as long as its basal breadth. Otherwise resembles grandiclava (Walker) (see my redescription of that species, 1956 : 89-91) ; the chief characters which distinguish it from that species and the others of the genus are given in the accompanying key. dg. The males mentioned in my key to Habrocytus §g as doubtfully those of S. parviclava may in fact belong to it, but I am not certain. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Lancashire South, Freshfield, 2.vi.1959, swept from a patch of Carex nigra (L.), in the northern part of Massam’s Slack (Graham), in Graham collection. 488 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Biology. Unknown. The following extra-limital species also belong to Sceptrothelys :— Sceptrothelys consocius (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus consocius Walker, 1874 : 317, 6. Type material LECTOTYPE 4, Type Hym. 5. 727, labelled ‘‘ Amurland. Coll. F. Walker 1913-71 ”’ and (in Walker’s handwriting) “‘ Pteromalus consocius ”’. The lectotype male of consocius is very close to that of grandiclava (Walker) but has rather longer funicular segments in the antennae, slightly smaller ocelli, and POL less (only about 1-15 OOL) ; it may, therefore, represent a good species. Asia : Amurland. Biology. Unknown. Sceptrothelys placens (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus placens Walker, 1874 : 319, d. Type material. LECTOTYPE 3, Type Hym. 5. 731, labelled “ 142 ”, “ Amur- land. Coll. F. Walker 1913-71’ and (in Walker’s handwriting ‘‘ Pteromalus placens ”’. The lectotype male is very close to that of zntermedia sp. n. but has the antennal flagellum longer (combined length of pedicellus and flagellum greater than breadth of head) ; funicular segments longer ; propodeal nucha rather shorter. No doubt it represents a distinct species. Asia : Amurland. Biology. Unknown. PTEROMALUS Swederus Pteromalus Swederus, 1795 : 16: 201. Type-species: Ichneumon puparum L., 1758, by designation of Westwood, 1839 : 71. Coelopisthia Forster, 1856 : 65. Type-species : Ptevomalus cephalotes Walker, 1836, by desig- nation of Ashmead, 1904 : 320 [nec Coelopisthia of authors]. Pteromalus (Pteromalus) Swederus ; Thomson, 1878 : 153-155 [ex parte ; sect. A]. Ptevomalus Swederus ; Ashmead, 1904 : 320, 321. Ptervomalus Swederus ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 328, 330, 335-354 [ex parte]. Pteromalus Swederus ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 9, 17 [ex parte]. Heterolaccus Masi, 1937 : 371. Type-species : H. mauritanicus Masi by original designation. Pteromalus Swederus ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 230. Pteromalus Swederus ; Peck et al., 1964 : 58. Heterolaccus Masi was placed in synonymy with Pteromalus by Bouéek (1961 : 93). The great majority of species described in Pteromalus by the earlier authors do not belong to that genus in its restricted sense. Thomson (1878) was the first to redefine it (as a subgenus) in a more natural way, although he included in it two PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 489 species which have since been removed to Eupteromalus ; his section A corresponds to Pteromalus as restricted in the present work. However, the genus Habrocytus is extremely close to Pteromalus, and it is a matter of opinion whether the two should be united or not. Because of the difficulty in deciding whether some species belong to Pteromalus or Habrocytus without the inconvenience of looking at the mandibles, I have included the species of both in a single key (see under Habrocytus). Pteromalus puparum (Linnaeus) (Text-figs. 59, 392) Ichneumon puparum Linnaeus, 1758 : 567. Pteromalus puparum (Linnaeus) Swederus, 1795 : 203. Pteromalus latifrons Walker, 1835 : 501, 9, Syn. n. Ptevomalus cephalotes Walker, 1836 : 481, 2, syn. n. Pteromalus comes Walker, 1836 : 492, 9, syn. n. Pteromalus Ornytus Walker, 1839 : 238, 3, syn. n. Pteromalus Brassicae Curtis, 1842 : 8, pl. E, fig. 13, 9. Pteromalus Pontiae Curtis, 1842 : 8, g. Pteromalus Ovinus Walker, 1845 : 263, 9, syn. n. Pteromalus Brassicae Curtis, 1860 : 100, 9. Pteromalus Pontiae Curtis, 1860 : 100, g. Pteromalus nigricans Walker, 1872b : 121, 9, syn. n. [nec Forster, 1841]. Pteromalus brassicae Packard, 1877 : 747, 9. Pteromalus pievidis Provancher, 1881 : 296, 3 9. Pteromalus nigrvitulus Dalla Torre, 1898 : 137 [n.n. for nigrvicans Walker, 1872, nec Forster, 1841]. Pteromalus puparum (Linnaeus) ; Masi, 1908a@ : 119-122, 3 Q. Pteromalus puparum (Linnaeus) ; Peck im Muesebeck ef al., 1951 : 561. Pteromalus puparum (Linnaeus) ; Peck, 1963 : 718-721. Type material. Ichnewmon puparum Linnaeus. There are 10 specimens in the Linnean collection (Linnean Society, London). They are mounted on two large cards, on each of which is written ‘“‘ In puppa Urticana’’; one card bears 6 gg and a pupal skin, the other 4 99, all belonging to the species currently known as Plero- malus puparum. I designate as LECTOTYPE the uppermost 2 (that nearest the word “ Urticana’”’ on the second card. Linnaeus (1758 : 567) cited DeGeer (‘‘ De Geer ins. I. t.30. f.18”) which suggested to me the possibility that syntypes might also have been in DeGeer’s collection. In 1959 I examined that collection in Stockholm ; in Cabinet 36, drawer 5, I found a large square card on which numerous males and females of the species commonly known as Pleromalus puparum were mounted. The card bears a label in DeGeer’s handwriting “I. verd doré des crisalides I. puparum L. [? T.3] 883’. I consider these also as syntypes. Pteromalus latifrons Walker. One 9, LECTOTYPE, Waterhouse label ; it is a small specimen of puparum. Pteromalus cephalotes Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, one bearing a Waterhouse label, also another “‘ Type Gahan 1927’. Pteromalus comes Walker. One 9, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype) ; Water- house label. 490 MW see, DE SVs IG RGAGED AU Pteromalus ornytus Walker. Syntypes, 2g. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen ; Waterhouse label. Pteromalus brassicae Curtis and P. pontiae Curtis. Types probably in Curtis collection, National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia (not seen). Both species were later synonymized with puparum (Linnaeus) by Curtis himself (1860 : 100, footnote). These are not nomina nuda, as supposed by Sherborn (1924, 1929). Pteromalus orinus Walker. One 9, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label ; a very small specimen with antennal funicular segments unusually short. Pteromalus mgricans Walker. Syntypes, 2 2 mounted on the same card (Type Hym. 5. 713); LECTOTYPE, the left-hand specimen. Labels ‘“ Madeira Wollaston ” and (in Walker’s handwriting) “‘ Pteromalus nigricans ”’. Pteromalus pieridis Provancher. Lectotype, Canada, Quebec, in Museum of the Province of Quebec (not seen) ; the species was placed in synonymy with puparum by Peck (¢m Muesebeck et al., 1951 : 561). EuROPE, MADEIRA, ASIA, NoRTH AFRICA, CANADA, U.S.A. ; NEw ZEALAND (introduced). Biology. Well known as a parasite of the pupae of Lepidoptera, particularly Rhopalocera ; in Europe most often on Pieris spp., Nymphalis spp., also on Papilio machaon L., Aglais urticae (L.), Pyrameis cardui (L.), Vanessa atalanta (L.) and other butterflies. Peck im Muesebeck, et al. (1951) and Peck (1963) cited records of rearings from species belonging to other families of Lepidoptera ; from Ichneu- monidae, Braconidae, and in one case from the Chalcidoid Dibrachys cavus (Walker), in these instances as a hyperparasite ; and from species of Vespidae and Sphecidae. In Europe imagines may be found in the field May—October. Pteromalus bifoveolatus Forster Pteromalus bifoveolatus Forster, 1861 : 36, 3. ? Pteromalus Saturniae Rudow, 1886 : 266. Heterolaccus mauritanicus Masi, 1937 : 371-372, 6 9. Ptevomalus bifoveolatus Forster ; Delucchi, 1958a@ : 53-54. Pteromalus (Heterolaccus) bifoveolatus Forster ; Bouéek, 1961 : 93-94. Type material. Pteromalus bifoveolatus Forster. Type ¢ (not seen by the writer) in coll. Forster, Vienna, labelled with the number 103 (see Delucchi, 1958a : 53). Pteromalus saturniae Rudow. Types ? in coll. Rudow, Phyletischen Museum der Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat, Jena. Boucek (1961: 94) suggested that saturniae might be the same as bzfoveolatus (Forster). Heterolaccus maurnitanicus Masi. Syntypes, Morocco, Rabat, 3 ¢ and 3 9, reared from Cerura (= Dicranura) vinula (L.), in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa. The species was synonymized with dzfoveolatus (Forster) by Delucchi (1958a : 53-54). BRITAIN, CONTINENTAL EvROPE (probably widely distributed), ? Sici_Ly ; NorTH AFRICA. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 491 Biology. Parasite of Lepidoptera (Lasiocampidae, Notodontidae and Saturni- dae) ; reared in Britain from Philudoria (=Odonestis) potatoria (L.) ; in Czechoslo- vakia, Sicily and Italy as a gregarious parasite of Saturnia pyri Schiff., and more rarely from Malacosoma neustria L. (see Bouéek, 1961 : 94) ; in North Africa from Cerura vinula (L.) according to Masi (1937). Imagines April-July. Pteromalus squamifer Thomson (Text-fig. 338) Ptevomalus squamifey Thomson, 1878 : 155, 3 Q. Pteromalus squamifer Thomson ; Valkeila, 1959 : 181. Type material. Syntypes, 8 9,1 g. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled ‘‘ Lund ”’. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, FINLAND. : Biology. eared in Finland as a parasite of Scoliopteryx libatrix (L.) ; see Valkeila (1959). Imagines June-August. Pteromalus venustus Walker Pteromalus venustus Walker, 1835 : 494, . Pteromalus planiscuta Thomson, 1878 : 155, 5 2, Syn. n. Type material. Pteromalus venustus Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen ; Waterhouse label. Pteromalus planiscuta Thomson. Syntypes, 7 9, 2 g. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “‘ Sm” [Smaland] and “ Bhn ”’ [Boheman]. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. Parasite of Megachile spp. (Hym., Apoidea). Imagines June-August. The females of this species show considerable variation in the proportions of the funicular segments, the presence or absence of a median carina on the propodeum, and the breadth of the base of the scutellum relative to the breadth of an axilla. At first I thought that planiscuta could be separated from venustus on the basis of these characters, but further investigation has shown that they are apparently too variable to form reliable criteria. Pteromalus proprius Walker Pteromalus proprius Walker, 1874 : 318, 3. Type material LECTOTYPE g, Type Hym. 5. 733, labelled “142 ”’, ‘‘ Amur- land. Coll. F. Walker 1913-71” and (in Walker’s handwriting) ‘‘ Pteromalus proprius ”’. The lectotype 3 of proprius is very close to the § of venustus Walker but possibly represents a distinct species. It differs in having the head and thorax green, the mesoscutum rather more coarsely reticulate, the median carina of the propodeum sharp, the stigma of the fore wing rather smaller. The 9 is unknown. 492 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Asia (Amurland). Biology. Unknown. Pteromalus vopiscus Walker Pteromalus Vopiscus Walker, 1839 : 274, 9. Type material. One 9 stands under this name and is accepted as the TYPE. It bears no label except my own, which reads “ Pteromalus vopiscus Walker, Type ” The type was captured by Walker in the south of France, and I have seen no other material. It is very close to Pteromalus and Habrocytus and may belong to one or other of these genera. I retain it provisionally in Pteromalus until additional material is forthcoming and allows the mandibular formula, and some other characters not visible in the type, to be ascertained. In facies, sculpture, and shape of the propodeum it is rather like Habrocytus platyphilus, but has the distal half of the basal cell in the fore wing pilose, and the proximal segments of the antennal funicle slightly longer than broad. FRANCE. Biology. Unknown. Pteromalus sp. indet. A BRITAIN : Scotland, Wester Ross, Badachro, 1 9, 20.vil.1953 (Graham). Pteromalus procerus sp. n. (Text-figs. 389, 390) @. Body bright green to blue-green. Antennal scape testaceous, more or less infuscate in its distal half ; pedicellus fuscous, usually pale below and at apex ; flagellum more or less distinctly testaceous beneath, infuscate dorsally. Coxae concolorous with the thorax; femora infuscate over their proximal half or more ; legs otherwise testaceous with the tips of the tarsi fuscous, the fore tarsi brownish, and sometimes with the tibiae slightly infuscate medially. Tegulae testaceous, or infuscate posteriorly. Wings hyaline ; venation fulvous to testaceous. Length I-9 to 2-4 mm. Head about 1-2 times as broad as the mesoscutum ; in dorsal view about twice as broad as long ; temples slightly more than one third as long as eyes, converging moderately and rather straight ; ocelli rather small, the posterior ones separated by about 2-5 times their major diameter from the eyes, POL 1-2 to 1:25 OOL. Head in front view suboval ; eyes separated by about 1-4 times their length. Malar space nearly or just half as long as an eye. Both mandibles with four teeth. Anterior margin of clypeus shallowly emarginate, hardly impressed in the middle. Head finely reticulate, rather more coarsely on the frons ; clypeus strigose, the striae hardly extending on to the face and genae. Antennae (Text-fig. 390) inserted well above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes, the toruli about equidistant from the median ocellus and the anterior margin of the clypeus ; scape only slightly shorter than an eye, reaching to level of vertex or slightly above it ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum almost equal to breadth of head ; pedicellus (profile) 1-7 to 1-8 times as long as broad, slightly to distinctly longer than the first funicular segment ; flagellum moderately clavate ; funicle proximally hardly stouter than the pedicellus, its first segment quadrate or very slightly longer than broad, PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 493 the following segments quadrate, or the sixth very slightly transverse ; clava 1-6 to 1-8 times as long as broad, about as long as two and a half of the preceding funicular segments ; sensilla rather sparse, in one row on each of the funicular segments. Thorax about 1-6 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar distinctly less wide than the mesoscutum, shorter medially than at the sides, medially from slightly more than one eighth, to one seventh, as long as the mesoscutum, finely reticulate with a narrow shiny strip along its hind edge, slightly to distinctly margined anteriorly. Mesoscutum 1°-8 to 1-85 times as broad as long, somewhat coarsely reticulate, more finely at the sides. Scutellum about as broad as long, moderately convex, moderately finely reticulate, the frenum hardly more coarsely than the rest. Propodeum (Text-fig. 389) somewhat more than half as long as the scutellum, medially produced well behind the bases of the hind coxae ; median area 1-3 to 1:55 times as broad as long, its panels almost uniformly reticulate and not very shiny ; median carina complete or incomplete ; plicae sharp throughout, hardly sinuate in the middle, their posterior part converg- ing slightly ; costula absent ; nucha occupying about one third the median length of the pro- podeum, convex, rather more strongly reticulate than the panels of the median area, with the areoles slightly lengthened in the transverse axis ; spiracles moderate-sized, oval, separated by about one third their length from the metanotum ; callus moderately shiny, lightly reticulate, rather sparsely pilose ; on the posterior part of the callus, above thé supracoxal flange, there are one to two hairs only. Postspiracular sclerite narrow, shiny, nearly smooth, with an impressed line along its front edge. Mesepisternum moderately finely reticulate, with a nearly smooth area below the base of the hind wing ; mesepimeron rather more coarsely reticulate ; metapleuron finely reticulate. Legs rather short, moderately stout. Fore wing with upper surface of costal cell bare, lower surface with a complete row of hairs and some additional ones scattered over the distal third ; basal cell bare, open below ; basal vein bare or with 1 to 5 hairs ; speculum open below, on upper surface of wing extending below the marginal vein for about half the length of the latter ; wing beyond the speculum moderately thickly pilose, the area between the postmarginal and stigmal veins pilose ; apical margin ciliate ; marginal vein I-4 to 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein from slightly shorter, to slightly longer, than the marginal vein ; stigmal vein slightly curved, forming a somewhat acute angle with the postmarginal ; stigma small, suboval. Gaster lanceolate or sublanceolate, usually as long as or slightly longer than the head plus thorax, occasionally slightly shorter, 1-8 to 2-3 times as long as broad ; basal tergite occupying from one quarter, to slightly less than one third, the total length ; last tergite as long as or somewhat longer than its basal breadth ; ovipositor sheaths slightly exserted ; hypopygium extending about half way along the gaster. 6. Differs from the female as follows: Antennal scape testaceous, or more or less infuscate distally ; flagellum testaceous with the incisures dark, or somewhat infuscate dorsally. Pale parts of the legs yellowish ; femora lightly infuscate at the base only, or the fore and mid femora immaculate. Malar space slightly to somewhat more than half the length of an eye ; oral fossa enlarged, its breadth 2-5 to 3 times the malar space. Mandibles separated from the edges of the genae by a large semicircular membranous space. Antennal scape as long as, or even slightly longer than, an eye ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to breadth of head or hardly greater ; pedicellus 1-6 to 1-7 times as long as broad, about as long as the first funicular segment ; flagellum subcylindrical, hardly stouter than the pedicellus ; first funicular segment 1-6 to 1-8 times, sixth 1 to 1-4 times, as long as broad ; clava about three times as long as broad, somewhat longer than the combined length of the two preceding funicular segments ; hairs of flagellum standing out at an angle of 30° to 40°, their length about half the breadth of the segments ora little more. Propodeum about two thirds as long as the scutellum ; median area about 1:25 times as broad as long. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-5 to 1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein ; basal vein with up to eight hairs. Gaster oval, shorter than but hardly narrower than the thorax, with a ventral plica. This species may be known from the other described species of Pteromalus dealt 494 M. W. R. p—E V. GRAHAM with in the present paper, by its relatively long marginal vein combined with the long gaster of the female. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 30.ix.1951 (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality as holotype, 2 g, 23.vili.195I, I g, 20.1x.19Q51, I Q, 5.1x.1959 (Graham) ; most of these specimens were swept in a damp meadow between Wytham Wood and the River Thames. IRELAND : Co. Dublin, Golliers- town, 2 9, 1.1x.1954 (Stelfox), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. Pteromalus smaragdus sp. n. (Text-fig. 391) 9. Differs from that of procerus sp. n. as follows: Size larger (2:6 to 2-8 mm.). Antennal scape entirely or almost entirely testaceous ; flagel- lum conspicuously testaceous beneath. Head in dorsal view with temples longer (half or slightly more than half as long as the eyes). POL 1-15 to 1:2 OOL. Antennae (Text-fig. 391) : flagellum only very slightly clavate ; proximal segments of funicle relatively longer, the first segment as long as the pedicellus and 1-4 to 1-5 times as long as broad. Propodeum medially more obviously produced beyond the bases of the hind coxae ; median area only 1-25 to 1-35 times as broad as long ; nucha larger, occupying more than one third, though not quite half, the median length of the propodeum. Gaster ovate, longer than the thorax but shorter than head plus thorax, 1-55 to 1-6 times as long as broad, as broad as or slightly broader than the thorax ; basal tergite occupying about one third the total length ; last tergite slightly shorter than its basal breadth. In the two specimens described, the postmarginal vein is slightly longer than the marginal vein. From P. puparum, bifoveolatus, squamifer, venustus and planiscuta, this species differs particu- larly in its longer marginal vein (see key to females). Holotype 9. SwEDEN : Skane, Falsterbo, I0.vili.1g51, swept from sand-dune vegetation (Graham), in Graham collection. Paratype 9. Same locality and habitat, I 9, 27.viil.1959 (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. HABROCYTUS Thomson Colas Curtis, 1827 : folio 166. Type species : C. dispay Curtis, by monotypy and original designation. Gnatho Curtis, 1829 : col. 118, genus 641 [n. n. for Colas Curtis]. Colax Curtis, 1829, ibid. [emendation of Colas Curtis]. Colax Stephens, 1829 : 395 [n. n. for Colas Curtis]. Metopachia Westwood, 1839: 71. Type-species : Colas dispar Curtis, by monotypy and origi- nal designation. Etroxys sgen. Habrocytus Thomson, 1878 : 88, 109. Type-species : Pteromalus albipennis Walker, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 316. Metopopachia Dalla Torre, 1898 : 159 [emendation of Metopachia Westwood]. Habrocytus Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 316, 317. Habrocytus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 316, 317, 321-322 [ex parte]. Pteromalus Swederus ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 335-354 [ex parte]. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 495 Habrocytus Thomson ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 9, 18-21 [ex parte]. Habrocytus Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 231 [ex parte]. Habrocytus Thomson ; Peck et al., 1964.: 58. The identity of Colas Curtis has not hitherto been recognized in any publication, though for some years I have known that its type-species belonged to the genus which is generally known as Habrocytus Thomson. In view of the widespread usage of the latter name, and also because Habrocytus is in any case perhaps doubt- fully distinct from Pteromalus, I reject Colas Curtis although it has priority. On the other hand it is possible that at some future time, the species-group of Habrocytus to which the type-species (dispar Curtis) of Colas belongs, may be regarded as a good genus ; in that case the name Colas would be available for it. It is quite difficult to construct a workable key to the species of Habrocytus and Pteromalus, even when only the British species are taken into consideration. This is due to the considerable variation presented by some characters. Those used in the following key to females have resulted in what is, I believe, a fairly natural grouping of the species within the key, although this was not a primary aim. Hence one hopes that it may be a reasonably sound basis for work on the European species. The latter will undoubtedly prove to be very numerous, consequently the difficulties already apparent will increase. I have included Habrocytus and Pteromalus in a single key because at present I know of only one character (the number of teeth in the mandibles) which will separate them. This character cannot always be seen and is therefore not a practical one. It should be noted that I have examined the mandibular teeth in all the species included in the key ; those having 4 teeth in both mandibles have been referred to Pteromalus, those with 3 teeth in the left mandible to Habrocytus. The number of teeth appears to be very constant within the species. Rarely aberrations occur, however, and these are somewhat embarrassing. For example, I possess a female of Habrocytus isarchus (Walker) which has 4 teeth in both mandibles! Logically the best course might be to unite both genera under Pteromalus, but as Habrocytus is so well known I hesitate to do this at present. The males of many of the species are known to me. Some present very good and obvious characters, but more often the males of allied species are very difficult to separate. I consider it advisable to await the study of more extensive, and in particular, bred material before attempting to publish a comprehensive key to the males even of British species. A tentative key to some of the more easily recogniz- able species is given, however ; it should help to assign a number of males at least to their correct species-group. An exhaustive study of Habrocytus, perhaps the largest genus of Pteromalidae, would itself be almost the work of a lifetime. HABROCYTUS Thomson and PrEROMALUS Swederus Key TO BRITISH (AND SOME OTHER EUROPEAN) SPECIES (FEMALES) I Lower edge of antennal toruli not or hardly above the level of the ventral 496 M. W. R. bE V. GRAHAM edge of the eyes. Propodeum (Text-fig. 371) less than half as long as the scutellum, its nucha represented only by a narrow, transversely-striate strip. Ocelli very small, each posterior ocellus separated by 3 to 3:5 times its major diameter from the adjacent eye (Text-fig. 414). Malar space nearly or quite two thirds the length of aneye . : . H.microps sp. n. (p. 556) Either the lower edge of the toruli distinctly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; or the propodeum is at least half as long as the scutellum and has a large reticulate nucha, the ocelli are not so very small, and the malar space is relatively shorter . : : : < : . 2 Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 303) deeply incised medially, hence appearing almost bidentate. Propodeal nucha represented only by a narrow, transversely-aciculate to smooth strip : 3 Anterior margin of clypeus at most moderately deeply Sena as in ie fig. 394, sometimes truncate. Note : there is often a fovea immediately above the clypeal emargination, which in some lights might be mistaken for an incision, see Text-fig. 394. Propodeal nucha often ties and reticulate . : 7 Fore wing with basal cell ian at least a en scattered hairs over FS distal third ; lower surface of costal cell with a complete row of hairs ; speculum on upper surface of wing extending hardly as far as the middle of the marginal vein ; postmarginal vein curved, about as long as the marginal vein. Pronotal collar very short medially, less than one tenth as long as the mesoscutum. POL about 1-5 OOL. Plicae of propodeum indicated only at the hind margin of the sclerite . : : . H.janssoni sp. n. (p. 558) Fore wing with basal cell bare or virtually so, basal vein usually bare ; lower surface of costal cell with the row of hairs usually widely broken in the middle (cf. Text-fig. 403) ; speculum on upper surface of wing extending nearly or quite to the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein straight or virtually so, usually shorter than the marginal vein. Pronotal collar longer, medially one eighth to one sixth as long as the mesoscutum. POL 1-65 to 1-8 OOL. Plicae of propodeum often complete. é 4 Gaster short-ovate, not or hardly longer than the Figure oaly anentt I: 3 times as long as broad. Antennal flagellum moderately stout ; proximal segments of funicle quadrate, distal segments slightly transverse. (Slovakia) H.sp. indet. I (p. 556) Gaster long-ovate, as long as or slightly ome than head plus thorax, 1-75 to 2-3 times as long as broad : 5 Propodeum with plicae represented by sharp carinae on n the sides of the nuche, and foveae at the base of the propodeum, but effaced in the middle. Anten- nal flagellum stout, distinctly stouter proximally than the pedicellus in dorsal view ; proximal segments of funicle subquadrate, distal segments at least slightly transverse ; ¢ : H. cionobius (Erdés) (p. 555) Propodeum with plicae complete, sometimes not sharp in the middle but always distinct there. Antennal flagellum sometimes less stout ; per segments of funicle sometimes slightly longer than broad ; 6 Antennae with scape reaching or nearly reaching the level of the verte ; proximal segments of funicle usually at least slightly longer than broad, occasionally subquadrate, distal segments subquadrate or at most the sixth slightly transverse. Propodeum, Text-fig. 372. ‘ : H. sequester (Walker) (p. 554) Antennae with scape reaching only ite about level of lower edge of median ocellus ; proximal segments of funicle subquadrate, distal segments slightly transverse. (Czechoslovakia) . : : . H.sp. indet. J (p. 556) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 497 Fics. 371-381. Habrocytus spp., metanotum and propodeum. 371, microps sp. n., 9 ; 372, sequestey (Walker), 2 ; 373, cavdui (Erdos), 9 ; 374, glabyiculus Thomson, lectotype 2; 375, cont Thomson, 9 ; 376, parietinae sp.n., 2; 377, wipoliisp.n., 2; 378, berylh (Walker), 2; 379, elevatus (Walker), 2; 380, myopitae sp. n., 2; 381, ochvocerus Thomson, lectotype 9. Io II M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM Median area of propodeum polished and virtually smooth ; plicae sharp only posteriorly, otherwise represented only by foveae at the base of the pro- podeum ; spiracular sulci shallow and virtually smooth. All funicular segments, except sometimes the first, at least slightly transverse. (Slovakia) H. sp. indet. K (p. 556) Median area of propodeum distinctly sculptured, reticulate, strigose-reticulate, wrinkled, or with costulae ; plicae usually traceable to the base of the propodeum ; spiracular sulci distinctly impressed, nearly always punctate or with some transverse costulae (Text-figs. 373-389) ‘ Genae, near base of mandibles, strongly compressed and with a sharp ‘edge: antennae usually having at most the sixth funicular segment slightly trans- verse, rarely also the fifth in some dwarfs ; pronotal collar (Text-fig. 405) long, medially almost or quite one fifth as long as mesoscutum. Striae of clypeus extending as far as the malar sulcus, and some distance up the face. Propodeum with a large reticulate nucha ; the panels of the median area uniformly reticulate . : F : H. chrysos (Walker) (p. 527) Genae nearly always terete, if sightly sharp near the base of the mandibles, then all the funicular segments, except sometimes the first, are slightly transverse, and the pronotal collar is very short medially . Lower edge of antennal toruli not or hardly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes, toruli distinctly nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus. Propodeum at least half as long as the scutellum and with a rather large, convex reticulate nucha. Postmarginal vein as long as or longer than the marginal vein Lower edge of antennal toruli distinctly above the fecal of the ventral edee of the eyes, toruli usually about equidistant from the median ocellus and the anterior margin of the clypeus, sometimes slightly nearer to the latter. Propodeum sometimes relatively shorter ; nucha large or small. Post- marginal vein often not longer than the marginal vein Gaster lanceolate, at least as long as head plus thorax, 2-3 to 3:2 Gees as lane as broad ; hypopygium extending only half way along the gaster. Flagel- lum not short ; at most the distal segments of the funicle slightly transverse ; clava obviously shorter than the combined length of the three preceding funicular segments. Striae of clypeus extending only slightly on to the face and genae ; the latter not compressed but rounded, and without a hollow above the base of the mandibles Gaster ovate, not or hardly longer than the eae at least slightly Tse fan twice as long as broad ; hypopygium extending at least slightly more than half way along the gaster. Flagellum short ; all funicular segments except sometimes the first slightly transverse ; clava nearly or quite as long as the combined length of the three preceding funicular segments. Striae of clypeus strong, and extending some way up the face and genae ; the latter compressed and tending to have a rather sharp edge, sometimes also with a small hollow just above the base of the mandible : Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 395) truncate, or eoanesies even very slightly curved forwards, without a median fovea, its surface flat. Gaster ovate. Propodeum (cf. Text-fig. 387) medially less than half as long as the scutellum ; plicae converging slightly to rather strongly in their posterior part ; panels of median area relatively uniformly reticulate, costula absent or very weakly indicated ; nucha short with its sculpture composed of transversely-lengthened areoles. Pronotal collar sloping down some- what, hence in profile forming an obtuse angle with the neck . Anterior margin of clypeus (cf. Text-fig. 394) at least slightly enmarpinate, Io It 50 93 75 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE nearly always with a median fovea just above the emargination, or with the surface slightly concave anteriorly. The other characters usually not all present simultaneously . : F : c é : - : 2 (11) Propodeum (Text-fig. 373) with median area very strongly transverse, 2-8 to 3 times as broad as long F ‘ : - : ; ; c ~ Propodeum with median area at most about 2:5 times as broad as long 13 (12) Propodeum (Text-fig. 373) with panels of median area with some strong and straight longitudinal carinulae which extend to the costula, which is also sharp and nearly straight ; propodeum medially slightly less than one third as long as the scutellum. Gaster hardly longer than head plus 499 I2 13 14 Fics. 382-389. Habrocytus and Pteromalus spp., metanotum and propodeum. 382, H. chlorvospilus (Walker), 9 ; 383, H. dispar (Curtis), 9; 384, H. grandis (Walker), 9 ; 385, H. semotus (Walker), 2 ; 386, H. fasciatus Thomson, 2 ; 387, H. altus (Walker), 9 ; 388, H. crassinervis Thomson, 2 ; 389, P. procerus sp. n., &. 500 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM thorax. Fore wing with lower surface of costal cell with its row of hairs complete, or at most very slightly interrupted in the middle H. cardui (Erd6s) (p. 540) - Propodeum with the longitudinal carinulae of the median area, if present, are irregular or do not reach the costula, or else the latter is weak or absent. Gaster sometimes longer than head plus thorax. Fore wing with lower surface of costal cell with its row of hairs sometimes widely interrupted in the middle or before the middle . - 3 - s : , , 14 14 (13) Propodeum (Text-figs. 374-377, 379-381, 385, 386) with posterior part of plicae, at sides of nucha, converging slightly to strongly towards the median line. Fore wing with line of hairs on lower surface of costal cell sometimes widely broken medially, or before the middle . : 15 - Propodeum (Text-figs. 378, 382-384, 387-389) with posterior part of shee = sides of nucha, parallel or virtually so. Fore wing with line of hairs on lower surface of costal cell always complete . : 49 15 (14) Propodeum (Text-fig. 385) with posterior part of plicae converging only slightly ; median area without a costula, its panels uniformly reticulate. Fore wing with line of hairs on lower surface of costal cell complete. Anten- nal scape often reaching the level of the vertex or slightly above it. Gaster usually at least slightly longer than head plus thorax ¢ 70 = Propodeum (Text-figs. 374-377, 379-381, 386) with posterior eee eo lene converging quite strongly ; median area often with a costula, its panels often irregularly sculptured. Either the line of hairs on the lower surface of the costal cell is broken medially ; or the antennal scape does not quite reach the level of the vertex ; or the gaster is not longer than head plus thorax 16 16 (15) Fore wing with row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell (Text-fig 403) broken medially or before the middle, often widely so ; : : 17 = Fore wing with row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell couplets : : 26 17 (16) Gaster as long as, or longer than, head plus thorax ; usually 2 to 4-5 times as long as broad, only occasionally a little less than twice . 18 = Gaster at least slightly shorter than head plus thorax, 1-2 to 1-9 Himes 2 as long as broad . : 36 18 (17) Pronotal collar very lone medially one uae as long as miesaseneae or slightly more. Large species, over 3 mm. in length ; gaster nearly three times as long as broad, longer than head plus thorax ; proximal segments of antennal funicle subquadrate, the first segment hardly as long as the pedicellus ; body mainly coppery green. (Madeira) H. integer (Walker) (p. 538) - Pronotal collar at most slightly more than one fifth as long as mesoscutum ; if as much as one fifth, then the gaster is at most 2-65 times as long as broad 19 19 (18) Pronotal collar longer, medially as a rule one fifth or sughtly more than one fifth as long as mesoscutum, slightly less in dwarfs ; very sharp anteriorly and sometimes with a slightly raised carina anteriorly. Antennal flagellum testaceous at least beneath ; head and thorax often dull or bronze-green, sometimes brighter green to blue. isch usually 2-5 mm. or more, rarely less . 6 20 = Pronotal collar shorter, steaieil one eat to one sixth as long as Segre sometimes not sharp anteriorly. Antennal flagellum often black ; head and thorax usually bright green to blue, olive to bronze in the Madeiran species altevnipes. Length sometimes less than 2:5 mm. : 21 20 (19) Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 408) 2-15 to 2-25 times as Broad as SEnE. : temples at most somewhat more than one third as long as eyes, tending to converge rather distinctly, especially in smaller specimens. Gaster only I:I to 1:2 times as long as head plus thorax, 2 to 2-35 times as long as PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 501 Fics. 390-399. Pteromalus and Habrocytus spp. 390, P. procerus sp. n., 2, antenna ; 391, P. smavagdus sp.n., 9, antenna; 392, P. puparum (L.), 2, pronotum ; 393, H. sequester (Walker), 2, clypeus ; 394, H. albipennis (Walker), 2, clypeus ; 395, H. altus (Walker), 9, clypeus ; 396, H. ochvocerus Thomson, lectotype 2, antenna ; 397, H. helenomus sp. n., 9, antenna ; 398, H. decipiens sp. n., 9, antenna ; 399, H. scandiae sp. n., 2. antenna. 502 21 22 23 24 25 26 (19) (21) (24) (16) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM broad ; last tergite rarely more than 1-2 times as long as its basal breadth. Head and thorax often dull or bronze-green . H. intermedius (Walker) (p. 542) Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 410) twice or hardly more than twice as broad as long ; temples nearly half as long as eyes, converging only very slightly. Gaster 1:25 to 1°35 times as long as head plus thorax, 2-3 to 2:65 times as long as broad ; last tergite 1-3 to 1-6 times as long as its basal breadth. Head and thorax bright green . : H. temporalis sp. n. (p. 547) Malar space nearly two thirds the length of an eye. Head and thorax olive- green with bronze reflections. Gaster hardly three times as long as broad, only slightly longer than head plus thorax. Antennae with proximal seg- ments of funicle subquadrate, distal segments slightly transverse. (Madeira) H. alternipes (Walker) (p. 543) Malar space rarely more than slightly over half the length of an eye ; if nearly two thirds, then the head and thorax are bright green to blue, and the gaster is longer, distinctly longer than head plus thorax, and three to four times as long as broad (European species) . 22 Smaller (1-8 to 2-5 mm.). Antennae with prenaenell eee of faniele quadrate, the first segment at least very slightly shorter than the pedicellus ; sensilla in one, sometimes irregular, row on all the funicular segments : 23 Larger (2:5 to 4 mm.). Antennae with proximal segments of funicle at least very slightly longer than broad, the first segment as long as or longer than the pedicellus ; sensilla in two rows on at least some of the funicular segments . : 24 Gaster 1:65 to 2:1 times as lone as ueecd deiceneed flagellum seca beneath. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-27 to 1:45 times as long as the stigmal vein. Head in dorsal view with temples hardly more than one quarter as long as eyes - ; ; : . H. decipiens sp.n. (p. 548) Gaster 2:2 to 3 times as long as broad. Antennal flagellum usually black, occasionally slightly testaceous beneath. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-35 to 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein. Head in dorsal view with temples from nearly, to slightly more than, one third as long as eyes (Text- fig. 406) . : P P : : . H.albipennis (Walker) (p. 544) Marginal vein of fore wing 1:65 to 1-9 times as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster 1-3 to 1-5 times as long as head plus thorax, 3-4 to 4 times as long as broad. Malar space from somewhat more than half, to nearly two thirds, the length of an eye. Veins of fore wing fulvous or testaceous. Length of body 4 to 4:8 mm. Gaster of male without a pale spot. : . H. caudiger sp. n. (p. 548) Marginal vein 1:35 to 1:65 times as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster 1-1 to 1°3 times as long as head plus thorax, 2-2 to 3:5 times as long as broad. Malar space from hardly half, to somewhat more than half, the ee of an eye. Veins of fore wing often pale yellowish . : 25 Gaster 2-2 to 3 times as long as broad, 1-1 to 1°3 Pe as Jong as head ae thorax. Marginal vein 1-35 to 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster of male without a pale spot . . H.albipennis (Walker) (p. 544) Gaster 3 to 3-5 times as long as broad, 1:25 to 1-3 times as long as head plus thorax. Marginal vein 1-5 to 1-65 times as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster of male with a yellowish subbasal spot . 4H. patro (Walker) (p. 547) Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum fully equal to, or slightly greater than, the breadth of the head ; all funicular segments longer than broad, or at most the sixth quadrate ; scape reaching middle of median ocellus, or nearly to level of vertex. Gaster from nearly as long as, PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE to slightly longer than, head plus thorax. Propodeum (Text-figs. 374, 376) with a distinct, often strong, costula : ; ; : : Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head ; funicular segments sometimes quadrate, or the distal ones transverse ; scape often reaching only to lower edge of median ocellus. Gaster sometimes much longer than head plus thorax. Propodeum with costula present or absent 5 27 (26) Antennal flagellum (Text-fig. 401) slender, hardly stouter than the pedicellus, Fics. 400-405. Habrocytus spp. sp.n., 2, antenna ; 402, évipolii sp.n., 9, antenna ; 403, albipennis (Walker), 9, fore wing, costal cell ; 404, cvassinervis Thomson, 2, fore wing venation ; 405, chrysos (Walker), 9, thorax excluding metanotum and propodeum. 400, glabriculus Thomson, 9, antenna ; 401, parietinae 593 27 29 504 28 29 30 Bu 32 33 34 35 (27) (26) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) M. W. R. vpE V. GRAHAM bright testaceous beneath. Head and thorax bright green to blue-green. Head in dorsal view with temples nearly half as long as eyes H. parietinae sp. n. (p. 553) Antennal flagellum less slender, proximally distinctly stouter than the pedicel- lus, fuscous or at most obscurely testaceous beneath. Head and thorax sometimes bronze-green. Temples sometimes a gr shorter in dorsal view of head : 28 Median area of propodeum exe Fe a I°5 2 1-6 ines as teed as Geaee : propodeum, medially, about half as long as the scutellum. Head in dorsal view with temples half or practically half as long as eyes. Head and thorax a rather dull green to blue-green. Head, Text-fig. 411 . ; : : . H. glabriculus Thomson (p. 542) Median area of propodeum 1:7 to 1-9 times as broad as long ; propodeum, medially, slightly less than half as long as the scutellum. Head in dorsal view with temples somewhat less than half as long as eyes. Head and thorax tending to be bronze-green : : . H.sp. indet. H (p. 542) Propodeum (Text-figs. 375, 381) without a poceala ; panels of the median area uniformly or almost uniformly reticulate or strigose-reticulate . : 30 Propodeum (Text-figs. 376-380) with a costula ; panels of the median area aie irregularly sculptured . : 35 POL hardly greater than OOL. Prone deme (exe fig. 375) half as see as the scutellum ; posterior part of the plicae not reaching the hind edge of the nucha, somewhat convergent : . H.cioni Thomson (p. 526) POL distinctly greater than OOL except ina a species, which have the posterior part of the plicae extending to the hind edge of the nucha, and the propodeum itself less than half as long as the scutellum . ‘ 31 Antennae with proximal segments of funicle subquadrate, distal sepments slightly transverse ; scape reaching at most to level of lower edge of median ocellus , 32 Antennae with prosenal, segments of funicle Peters longer than SEED distal segments usually not transverse ; scape sometimes reaching level with middle or top of median ocellus_ . 3 33 Antennae with flagellum stout, proximally very distinctly stouter than the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view, cylindrical or only weakly clavate ; sensilla numerous, usually in two rows, rarely one row, on each funicular segment. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 412) with temples one third as long as eyes or slightly more, not converging very strongly . ; 46 Antennae with flagellum slightly to very distinctly clavate, proximally not or hardly stouter than the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view ; sensilla in one, sometimes slightly irregular, row on each funicular segment. Head in dorsal view with temples one quarter as long as eyes or mea more 33 Propodeum, medially, virtually half as long as the scutellum : 34 Propodeum, medially, at most slightly more than one third as tong. as the scutellum . 35 Gaster about as long as, OF r slightly longer than, head plus thorax. Either the pronotal collar medially 1 is only about one eighth as long as the mesoscutum ; or its front edge is somewhat obtuse. : : : ‘ ; 78 Gaster distinctly shorter than head plus thorax. Pronotal collar one sixth to one fifth as long as the mesoscutum, its front edge abrupt, the dorsal surface of the collar forming about a right angle with the pronotal neck, and sometimes slightly margined : 35 Gaster at least slightly shorter than head plus thorax, 2 as 1-9 ages as lone as broad . ‘ : * 6 c ‘ 5 , 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 (36) (39) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 505 Gaster as long as, or longer than, head plus thorax ; ey 2 to 4°5 times as long as broad, rarely somewhat less ; 41 Small species, length 1-7 to2:3mm. Antennae with scape reaching only about level with lower edge of median ocellus ; proximal segments of funicle not or hardly longer than broad, distal segments at least very slightly transverse ; sensilla in one, sometimes irregular, row on each funicular segment . : 37 Larger species, length 2:5 to 3:1 mm. Antennae with scape reaching about level with middle of median ocellus, or even to vertex ; proximal segments of funicle at least slightly longer than broad, distal segments not, or at most the sixth, transverse ; sensilla usually in two rows on each funicular segment . , 39 Antennal flagellum (Text- fig. 399) proximally more slender, not stouter than the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view, but thickening distad. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-5 to 1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein distinctly shorter than the marginal vein H. scandiae sp. n. (p. 550) Antennal flagellum proximally stouter, slightly to distinctly’ stouter than the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view. Fore wing with a vein I-15 to 1°45 times as long as the stigmal vein . : 38 Postmarginal vein slightly to quite distinctly shorter than the marginal vein. Gaster 1-85 to 2 times as long as broad. Flagellum testaceous beneath H. tibiellus (Zetterstedt) (p. 550) Postmarginal vein usually as long as, or very slightly longer than, the marginal vein, rarely very slightly shorter. Gaster 1-4 to 1-9 times as long as broad. Flagellum usually not paler beneath, apart from the sensilla H. brachygaster sp. n. (p. 549) Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 407) with temples nearly half as long as eyes. Fore wing with row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell complete. Anten- nal flagellum bright testaceous beneath. Gaster longer than thorax, 1:5 to 1-9 times as long as broad. Propodeum, Text-fig. 376. . H. parietinae sp. n. (p. 553) Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 409) with temples 1 one third, or slightly more than one third, as long as eyes. Fore wing with row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell usually widely broken in the middle. Antennal flagellum ae black, sometimes obscurely testaceous beneath : 40 Pronotal collar, medially, from slightly more than one sixth, to slightly more than one fifth, as long as the mesoscutum. Gaster not longer than thorax, 1-2 to 1-6 times as long as broad ; last tergite at least slightly shorter than its basal breadth. Head and thorax brightly metallic, green to blue, brassy, or coppery. Propodeum, Text-fig. 377. ; H. tripolii sp. n. (p. 551) Pronotal collar, medially at most Shiehtly more than one sixth as long as the mesoscutum. Gaster slightly longer than the thorax, 1-5 to 1-85 times as long as broad ; last tergite as long as, or slightly longer than, its basal breadth. Head and thorax with weaker metallic tints, bluish, bronze, or olive . : : . H. conformis sp. n. (p. 553) Antennae with prominiall sesments of fanicle quadrate, the first usually at least very slightly shorter than the pedicellus ; sensilla usually in one, sometimes irregular, row on all funicular segments. Smaller species, length 1-8 to 2-5 mm. . : 42 Antennae with proximal segments of fanicle at least slightly longer than broad, the first usually as long as or longer than the pedicellus ; sensilla in two rows on at least some of the funicular segments. Larger species, 506 42 43 44 45 46 47 (41) (32) M. Wok: pe Vie GRA AM length 2°5 to 5-5 mm., but usually more than 2-5 mm. . 43 Gaster 1:65 to 2:1 times as long as broad. Head and thorax eee blue Pace or golden-green. Fore wing with speculum, on upper surface, reaching nearly or quite to the stigmal vein ; venation pale yellowish. Antennae with sensilla in one row on all segments of the funicle. Panels of median area of propodeum reticulate, often irregularly . H. decipiens sp. n. (p. 548) Gaster 2-5 timesaslongas broadormore. Headand thorax bronze, olive-green, or dark bluish. Fore wing with speculum, on upper surface, not nearly reaching the stigmal vein ; venation often relatively dark. Panels of median area of propodeum often irregularly sculptured, with coarser wrinkles, or partly smooth . : ; 43 Antennal scape reaching at least to level Gf maidele op median ocellus. oFiead distinctly broader than mesoscutum. Scutellum discally nearly or quite as coarsely reticulate as the inner half of the axillae 3 44 Antennal scape reaching at most to level of lower edge of medic Feline. Head hardly broader than mesoscutum. Scutellum discally finely to very finely reticulate, not more coarsely than the outer half of the axillae . . 45 Body mainly deep blue or greenish blue. Propodeum (Text-fig. 378) with posterior part of plicae, at sides of nucha, hardly convergent. Pronotal collar with an abrupt edge anteriorly, sometimes slightly margined in the middle : : : : ; ; : . H. berylli (Walker) (p. 544) Body green, bronze- or coppery green. Propodeum with posterior part of plicae strongly convergent (as in Text-fig. 379). Pronotal collar usually somewhat rounded off in front, at least in the middle H. musaeus(Walker) (p. 540) Postmarginal vein of fore wing as long as or slightly longer than the marginal vein. Propodeum (Text-fig. 379) with panels of median area quite strongly sculptured, for the most part very finely reticulate ; median carina raised to form a tooth subbasally. Gaster 1-1 to 1-6 times as long as head plus thorax H. elevatus (Walker) (p. 538) Postmarginal vein slightly shorter than the marginal vein. Propodeum (Text- fig. 380) with median area relatively shiny, its sculpture, apart from some irregular wrinkles, weak ; median carina not raised into a tooth. Gaster from as long as, to 1-3 times as long as, head plus thorax H. myopitae sp. n. (p. 540) Postspiracular sclerite quite strongly reticulate except along its edges. Spiracles of propodeum small and oval, hardly 1-5 times as long as broad. Ocelli moderate-sized, the posterior ones separated by less than twice their major diameter from the eyes. Plicae of propodeum weak anteriorly H. conopidarum (Bouéek) (p. 559) Postspiracular sclerite shiny, weakly and irregularly sculptured or partly smooth, with an impression along its front edge. Spiracles of propodeum relatively larger or more elongate. Ocelli small, the posterior ones separated by 2 to 2:5 times their major diameter from the eyes : 47 Propodeum with plicae sharply defined throughout. Tibiae broadly eee medially. Middle segments of gaster hardly tinged with purplish. Basal cell of fore wing with a few hairs distally, the basal vein also pilose. Scutel- lum rather more convex than in the following species. (Alten, Finmark) H. rhinthon (Walker) (p. 525) Propodeum (Text-fig. 381) with plicae weak or effaced in the middle or anteriorly. Tibiae usually wholly yellowish, rarely faintly infuscate medially. Middle segments (tergites two to four) of gaster mainly to entirely purplish. Basal cell of fore wing bare ; basal vein pilose or bare. Scutel- lum rather weakly convex . é : : : < : 3 ‘ 48 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 507 406 407 408 409 410 413 Cc 414 416 Fics. 406-416. Habrocytus spp., heads. 406, albipennis (Walker), 2; 407, parietinae sp.n., 2; 408, intermedius (Walker), 2 ; 409, Wipolii sp.n., 2; 410, temporalis sp.n., 9 ; 411, glabriculus Thomson, 2; 412, ochrvocerus Thomson, lectotype 2; 413, tsarchus (Walker), 2 ; 414, microps sp.n., 2 ; 415, cvassinervis Thomson, 2 ; 416, ? brachygaster sp. n., dg. 590 51 52 54 (10) (50) (49) (52) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 412) 2:17 to 2:33 times as broad as long. Host on Centaurea scabiosa . ; : . H.ochrocerus Thomson (p. 526) Head in dorsal view 2-1 to 2-15 times as broad as ee Host on Papaver . ? papaveris (Forster) (p. 526) The striations of the clypeus extend well up the genae, nearly to the lower corners of the eyes, and as far as the malar sulcus. Costal cell of fore wing with upper surface with a row of short hairs in the distal half, lower surface with two or three complete lines of hairs. Antennae with all funicular segments, except sometimes the first, slightly transverse ; scape not reach- ing the median ocellus. Hypopygium extending at least slightly more than half way along the gaster. Propodeum, medially, more than half as long as the scutellum, with a large reticulate nucha : : The striations of the clypeus extend at most slightly up the gene. Costal cell of fore wing with upper surface bare or with at most one or two hairs distally, lower surface usually with only one complete line, rarely two complete lines, of hairs. Antennae sometimes otherwise. Hypopygium extending at most about half way along the gaster. niga often relatively shorter, or with a poorly-developed nucha é : Gaster 2:5 to 3:2 times as long as broad, average about three pads ; last tergite 1-5 to 2 times as long as its basal breadth 93 52 H. vibulenus (Walker) (p. 525) Gaster 2-3 to 2:5 times as long as broad ; last tergite from hardly as long, to 1-3 times as long, as its basal breadth Mesoscutum and scutellum more glittering. Propodeadl Geax figs 382) with costula absent, or sharp only at the sides of the median area H. chlorospilus (Walker) (p. Mesoscutum and scutellum rather dull. Propodeum with costula complete and sharp : : : : : : : ; H. sp. indet. A (p. Propodeum (Text-fig. 378) with a strong costula ; panels of median area irregularly sculptured, with some wrinkles or longitudinal carinulae. Pro- notal collar long, medially nearly or quite one fifth as long as mesoscutum. Marginal vein of fore wing 1-35 to 1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster lanceolate, 2:5 to 2:7 times as long as broad, slightly longer than head plus thorax ; last tergite longer than its basal breadth. Head and thorax bright to dark blue or greenish blue Propodeum (Text-figs. 375, 383-389) nearly always without a costula, but if one is at all distinctly indicated then the panels of the median area are nearly uniformly reticulate, or the pronotal collar is relatively shorter, or the marginal vein is at least 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein . é Fore wing with distal quarter to one third of basal cell pilose ; marginal vein about 1:6 times as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster slightly longer than head plus thorax. Pronotal collar short medially, only about one ninth as long as mesoscutum. (Sweden: on Picea) . : . H. sp. indet. B (p. Basal cell of fore wing with at most one to three isolated hairs, not as any hairs which may be present on the basal vein . Gaster usually obviously longer than head plus thorax, only slightly ee in some aberrant specimens. Fore wing with speculum, on upper surface of wing, extending only about as far as the beginning of the marginal vein, the latter only 1-15 to 1:35 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein distinctly longer than the marginal vein ; disc of wing beyond the speculum densely pilose, with fuscous hairs . : If the gaster is longer than head plus thorax, then the speculum of the fore wing extends beneath at least the proximal half of the marginal vein ; in most H. berylli (Walker) (p. H. bedeguaris Thomson (p. 51 524) 525) 544) 53 531) 54 527) 55 56 58 532) 62 63 64 (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (60) (62) (62) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 509 cases also the marginal vein is at least 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein and the postmarginal vein is not longer than the stigmal 55 Propodeum (Text-fig. 375) with posterior part of plicae sonyersing slightly, but extending only a little way on to the sides of the nucha. Gaster hardly as long as head plus thorax. POL not or hardly greater than OOL. Post- marginal vein of fore wing slightly to distinctly longer than the marginal vein H. cioni Thomson (p. 526) Propodeum (Text-figs. 383-389) with posterior part of plicae either virtually parallel or, if converging somewhat, then extending nearly or quite to the hind edge of the nucha. Gaster sometimes longer than head plus thorax. POL sometimes distinctly greater than OOL. Mirae ag vein often not longer than the marginal vein . : 56 Antennal scape virtually as long as an eye, and reaching to, or even slightly above, level of vertex . : 57 Antennal scape distinctly shorter than an neve! ‘and not Abnvens reaching the level of the vertex ‘ 58 Gaster at least as long as, but usually longer fant head plus thorax. Left mandible usually with three teeth, rarely with four 3 ; 58 Gaster at least slightly shorter than head plus thorax. Both mandibles with four teeth . : 88 Pronotal collar sharply iemeimed over at least ‘the middle third, sometimes throughout : ‘ 59 Pronotal collar imarginate, or ae niet eae weakly marpined in the middle : 72 Gaster lanceolate, slightly to much longer than head plus thorax. Marginal vein of fore wing 1-6 to 2 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennal scape, except in one species, reaching to or above the level of the vertex : 60 Gaster not longer than head plus thorax. Marginal vein often less than 1: 6 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennal scape often not reaching the level of the vertex : 70 Combined length of pedicellus and fapellum slightly less than the breadth of the head. 61 Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal te or slightly ereater than, the breadth of the head ; 62 Gaster 1-8 to 2-3 times as long as broad, only slightly longer than head plus thorax ; tergites bright green to blue-green. First funicular segment of antenna (Text-fig. 390) at least slightly shorter than the pedicellus. Both mandibles with four teeth . : : . PP. procerus sp. n. (p. 492) Gaster 2-5 to 3:7 times as long as broad, digintiy to much longer than head plus thorax ; tergites 2-3 (—4) partly to entirely purplish bronze. First funicular segment usually as long as, or longer than, the pedicellus. Left mandible with three teeth . ; . H. dispar (Curtis) (p. 532) Antennal scape not quite reaching the level of the vertex . : 63 Antennal scape reaching the level of the vertex or even slightly above it 5 64 Gaster distinctly longer than head plus thorax. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum usually not greater than breadth of head, very slightly greater in occasional dwarfs. Propodeum, Text-fig. 383 . . H. dispar (Curtis) (p. 532) Gaster hardly longer than head plus thobass, Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head . . H.sp. indet. C (p. 531) Propodeum with nucha occupying rather more than one third the total length, strongly reticulate, rather more coarsely so than the panels of the median area ; median area hardly 1-5 times as broad as long, its reticulation com- posed of nearly isodiametric areoles ; occasionally some trace of a costula 65 66 67 68 69 70 (66) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM present. Gaster conical, clearly longer than head plus thorax. Basal vein of fore wing with about six hairs. : H. ? tereus (Walker) (p. 531) Propodeum (Text-figs. 384, 385) with reticulation of nucha not coarser, and often finer, than that of the panels of the median area, with its areoles more or less lengthened in the transverse axis ; costula absent. Basal vein of fore wing sometimes bare or nearly so . : t : ; 65 Gaster nearly to quite twice as long as the eee Laas ; last tergite 1:7 to 2:5 times as long as its basal breadth. Pronotal collar very short medially, one ninth to one eighth as long as the mesoscutum : 68 Gaster distinctly less ee ee as long as the thorax, less apaniate aS bet tergite relatively shorter ¢ 66 Pronotal collar, medially, usually one Sevens to one a as Jong « as the mesoscutum ; if shorter then the gaster has well-defined purplish fasciae on the middle tergites, the disc sometimes entirely purplish bronze. Body most often dull or bronze- (occasionally bright) green. 67 Pronotal collar medially shorter, one ninth to one eighth as ‘long 2 as the meso- scutum. Gaster without, or with poorly-defined, purplish fasciae. Body usually bright green to blue, sometimes gaa eae associated with sawfly galls on Salix . : 69 Propodeum (Text-fig. 384) with median area 25 anon Te 5 mae as prod as long ; the median length of the propodeum slightly more than half that of the scutellum ; nucha occupying slightly more than one third the total length of the propodeum ; plicae, on sides of nucha, hardly converging. Marginal vein of fore wing 1-65 to 1-8 times as long as the stigmal vein H. grandis (Walker) (p. 528) Propodeum (Text-fig. 385) with median area 1-7 to 1-8 times as broad as long ; the median length of the propodeum about half that of the scutellum ; nucha occupying slightly more than one quarter the total length of the propodeum ; plicae, on sides of nucha, converging somewhat. Marginal vein of fore wing 1-35 to 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein H. semotus (Walker) (p. 529) Gaster nearly to quite twice as long as the thorax, acuminate ; last tergite 1-8 to 2-5 times as long as its basal breadth ; hypopygium extending one third or slightly less than one third along the gaster. Median area of propodeum only 1-5 to 1-6 times as broad as long H. capreae (L.) Thomson (p. 533) Gaster usually distinctly less than twice as long as the thorax ; if nearly twice then the median area of the propodeum is nearly twice as broad as long. Gaster with its last tergite 1-3 to 1-8 times as long as basally broad ; hypopygium extending somewhat more than one third along the gaster . 69 Gaster somewhat, to considerably, less than twice as long as the thorax ; last tergite 1-3 to 1-6 times as long as its basal breadth. Median area of pro- podeum 1-5 to 1:65 times as broad as long. Femora usually pale, rarely all of them mainly dark ‘ F ‘ . H.dolichurus Thomson (p. 533) Gaster nearly twice as long as thorax ; last tergite 1-7 to 1-8 times as long as its basal breadth. Median area of Mp ieeyies 1-8 to 2 times as broad as long. All femora mainly black . : : . H.sp. indet. D (p. 533) Pronotal collar sharply margined throughout, or except ae: at the sides. Propodeum much like that of altus (cf. Text-fig. 387), the nucha relatively short and separated from the median area by a deep, longitudinally costate constriction. Antennal scape reaching to or above the level of the vertex 71 Pronotal collar usually at most weakly margined in the middle ; but if at all Vas 72 13 74 75 (70) (70) (72) (72) (74) (75) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 511 sharply margined, then the propodeum has a longer nucha which is separated from the median area by a shallower and less obviously costate constriction ; often the antennal scape does not reach the level of the vertex . 72 Body green to golden green. Combined length of pedicellus and dapetiac fully equal to breadth of head. Gaster as long as, or slightly longer than, head plus thorax. Scutellum and mesoscutum moderately convex. Femora and tibiae yellow . ; . H. chlorogaster Thomson (p. 534) Body mainly coppery, with some panne especially the gaster, fiery red. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head. Gaster slightly shorter than head plus thorax. Mesoscutum tending to be somewhat flat ; scutellum weakly convex. Femora reddish to brown ; tibiae usually partly reddish . ‘ H. aureolus Thomson (p. 535) Gaster much longer than head plus thorax. Propodeum (Text-figs. 385, 386) with posterior part of plicae converging somewhat. Antennae with first funicular segment usually as long as, or longer than, the pedicellus ; scape reaching the level of the vertex or even slightly ee HUE ‘ ; 73 Gaster at most slightly longer than head plus thorax . : 74 Pronotal collar sloping forwards, in profile forming a slightly obtese angle with the pronotal neck, tending to be somewhat rounded off in front. Upper surface of mesoscutum in profile appearing distinctly curved. Marginal vein of fore wing 1-7 to 1°85 times as long as the stigmal vein H. fasciatus Thomson (p. 538) Pronotal collar nearly horizontal, abrupt in front, forming a right angle with the neck. Upper surface of mesoscutum in profile appearing hardly curved. Marginal vein of fore wing 1-35 to 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein H. semotus (Walker) (p. 529) Median produced part of clypeus only very shallowly emarginate, without (Text-fig. 395) an impression above the emargination. Propodeum medially distinctly less than half as long as the scutellum, its nucha (Text-fig. 387) relatively short and with sculpture composed of transversely-lengthened areoles. Pronotal collar sloping down somewhat, hence in profile sical an obtuse angle with the neck : : : 75 Median produced part of clypeus either more ‘distinctly emarginate Gs in Text-fig. 394) ; or, if only slightly so, then the propodeum is at least slightly more than half as long as the scutellum, and has a larger nucha whose sculpture is composed of more nearly isodiametric areoles : 78 Antennae with scape reaching to level of vertex, or even slightly above it : toruli slightly nearer to median ocellus than to anterior margin of clypeus ; proximal segments of funicle slightly longer than broad, the first slightly longer than the pedicellus, distal segments at most slightly transverse H. sp. indet. E (p. 538) Antennae with scape reaching only to about level of middle of the median ocel- lus ; toruli about equidistant from the median ocellus and the anterior margin of the clypeus ; proximal segments of funicle usually subquadrate with the first not longer than the pedicellus, occasionally the first is slightly longer than broad and a little Eos than the alia ; distal segments distinctly transverse . : : 76 Marginal vein of fore wing 1-75 10. 18 tapes as long as the ebemall vein ; postmarginal vein distinctly shorter than the marginal (Austria) H. sp. indet. F (p. 538) Marginal vein 1-4 to 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein nearly or quite as long as the marginal . : : : : : Wal 78 WY) 80 82 83 (80) (81) (82) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Malar space virtually, or fully, half the length of an eye Propodeum, text-fig. 387 . H. altus (Walker) (p. 537) Malar space slightly less than half the ieee of an eye. (Slovakia) H. sp. indet. G (p. 538) Fore wing (Text-fig. 404) with parastigma notably thickened, its breadth about equal to the greatest breadth of the marginal vein ; marginal vein 1-6 to 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennal scape reaching only to about middle of median ocellus Propodeum, Text-fig. 388 ; head, Text-fig. 415 H. crassinervis Thomson (p. 537) Fore wing with parastigma not notably thickened ; marginal vein sometimes shorter relative to the stigmal vein. Antennal scape sometimes reaching level of vertex . 2 79 Antennae with scape much Sneries es an a eae ae eS to level a middle of median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum at least slightly less than breadth of head . : 80 Antennae with scape nearly as long as an eye, reaching to level of renee or even above it ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum most often equal to, occasionally slightly less than, the breadth of the head. ; 84 Scutellum in profile appearing weakly convex or virtually flat. Marginal vein only 1-15 to 1-35 times as long as the stigmal vein. Mandibular formula 4.4. Body dark bluish or bluish bronze . : . P. venustus Walker (p. 491) Scutellum in profile appearing moderately to strongly convex. Marginal vein 1-3 to 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein. Mandibular formula almost always 3.4 (4.4 only in rare aberrations) ‘ : i : : 81 Genae much compressed, though not sharp- edged : temples posteriorly appearing angulate, much as in 4, cf. Text-fig. 419, and converging only slightly. Head and thorax bronze- or olive-green. Propodeum (Text-fig. 375) with nucha with areoles lengthened in the transverse axis ; posterior part of plicae extending only a little way on to sides of nucha. POL not or hardly greater than OOL .. : : . HH. cioni Thomson (p. 526) Genae at most slightly compressed ; temples usually less angulate and converg- ing more distinctly, but if approaching the shape seen in czoni then head and thorax green to blue-green and nucha with more isodiametric areoles. Propodeal plicae usually extending farther along sides of nucha. POL slightly greater than OOL . : 3 82 Propodeum medially half or slightly less than half as long as ‘scutellum ; meds ian area 1-6 to 1-7 times as broad as long. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 413) 2:2 to 2:3 times as broad as long. Marginal vein 1-3 to 1:55 times as long as the stigmal vein. Head and thorax, and gaster mainly, bronze H. isarchus (Walker) (p. 527) Propodeum medially slightly more than half as long as scutellum ; median area 1:3 to I°5 times as broad as long. Head in dorsal view 2 to 2-15 times as broad as long. Marginal vein 1:5 to 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein. Head and thorax, and gaster mainly, dull to bright green or blue ‘ 83 Head in dorsal view with temples fully, or even slightly more than, one third as long as the eyes. Upper triangular area of mesepisternum polished and smooth. All femora, at least proximally, infuscate or black. Flagellum brown or subtestaceous 3 : H. hieracii Thomson (p. 536) Head in dorsal view with temples hardly one third as long as eyes. Upper triangular area of mesepisternum having its dorsal part delicately aluta- ceous. Femora reddish, or slightly infuscate proximally. Flagellum blackish. ; : : Sceptrothelys parviclava sp. n. (p. 487) 84 85 86 87 88 90 oI (79) (84) (86) (84) (88) (89) (89) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 513 Gaster as long as, or slightly longer than, head plus thorax. POL 1°15 to 1°5 OOL. Mandibular formula 3.4 or 4.4 . : : 2 : : 85 Gaster not or only slightly longer than the thorax. POL usually not or hardly greater than OOL. Mandibular formula 4.4 . : ; : é 88 POL hardly greater than OOL. Mandibular formula 4 4.4. Body with obscure bronze, bluish, and greenish tints. Marginal vein of fore wing only 1-2 to 1-35 times as long as the stigmal vein. Propodeum slightly more than half as long as the scutellum : : . P. bifoveolatus Forster (p. 490) Either POL 1:25 to 1-5 OOL and siehchiireti formula 3.4 ; or else body bright green to blue-green, and marginal vein 1-4 to 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein. Propodeum often not more than half as long as the scutellum : 86 Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to or slightly greater than breadth of head. Marginal vein of fore wing 1°35 to 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Mandibular formula 3.4. Head and thorax most often bronze or bronze-green : 87 Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head. Marginal vein 1-4 to 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein. Mandibular formula 4.4. Body bright green to blue-green . 90 Propodeum (Text-fig. 385) with nucha shorter, its length heaediyo one third the median length of the propodeum ; spiracles large, nearly twice as long as broad, nearly touching the metanotum. Basal vein of fore wing usually bare, occasionally with one to three hairs : H. semotus (Walker) (p. 529) Propodeal nucha longer, its length one third that of the propodeum or slightly more ; spiracles smaller, about 1-5 times as long as broad, separated by a short space from the hind margin of the metanotum. Basal vein of fore wing with two to nine hairs ; , H. helenomus sp. n. (p. 535) Antennae inserted unusually high on the fies their toruli slightly nearer to the median ocellus than to the anterior margin of the clypeus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head ; flagellum slender, hardly stouter than the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view ; scape reaching well above level of vertex. Propodeum medially only about half as long as the scutellum . P. sp. indet. A (p. 429) Antennae inserted rather less high on the head, their toruli about equidistant from the median ocellus and the anterior margin of the clypeus, or a little nearer to the latter ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum at most equal to breadth of head ; flagellum rather less slender, than in above ; scape not always reaching above vertex. Propodeum medially a little more than half as long as the scutellum. , 89 Fore wing with marginal vein 1-4 to 1-7 times as long as ‘the stigmal vein. POL 1-15 to 1:25 OOL. Body bright green or blue-green. : go Fore wing with marginal vein 1-1 to 1-3 times as long as the stigmal vein. POL not or hardly greater than OOL. Body sometimes with more obscure, bronze-green to bronze or dark bluish, tints Q gI Gaster lanceolate or sublanceolate, 1-8 to 2-3 times as long as pecd: sauder as long as or slightly longer than head plus thorax, only occasionally a little shorter. Antennae (Text-fig. 390) with funicular segments relatively shorter ; the first at least slightly shorter than the pedicellus. Propodeum, text-fig. 389 : . P. procerus sp. n. (p. 492) Gaster ovate, 1°55 to 1-6 times as long as ; broad, slightly shorter than head plus thorax. Antennae (Text-fig. 391) with funicular segments relatively longer ; the first as long as the pedicellus. . P. smaragdus sp. n. (p. 494) Head in dorsal view twice or hardly more than twice as broad as long ; POL tending to be slightly less than OOL ; temples about two thirds as long as 514 92 93 (91) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM the eyes. Mesoscutum more coarsely reticulate, especially posteriorly where its reticulation is much coarser than that of the scutellum. Head and thorax green : : . P.squamifer Thomson (p. 491) Head in dorsal view 2-2 to 2°35 Ries as broad as long ; POL equal to or very slightly greater than OOL ; temples at most slightly more than half as long as the eyes. Mesoseutum usually more finely sculptured with the reticulation of its posterior part not much coarser than that of the scutellum, if much coarser, then the head and thorax are dark green or bronze . ‘ 92 Gaster at least slightly longer than the thorax, acute at apex. Propodeum usually with some trace of a median carina. Postmarginal vein 1-2 to 1-35 times as long as the marginal vein P. bifoveolatus Forster (p. 490) Gaster usually slightly shorter than the thorax, occasionally as long as the thorax in small specimens, bluntly pointed at apex. Propodeum with median carina nearly always absent, rarely very vaguely indicated in part. Postmarginal vein 1-1 to 1-2 times as long as the marginal vein P. puparum (L.) (p. 489) Fore wing with basal cell, at least mainly, bare ; speculum open below. Hind wing with costal cell bare to level of beginning of marginal vein. Gena without a hollow above the base of the mandible. Head and dorsum of thorax slightly shiny, with relatively weaker sculpture H. platyphilus (Walker) (p. 524) Fore wing with basal cell hairy all over ; speculum closed below except proximally. Hind wing with costal cell with a few hairs before the beginning of the marginal vein. Gena with a narrow hollow above the base of the mandible. Head and dorsum of thorax duller with relatively stronger sculpture . : : ; : . #H.crassicornis (Zetterstedt) (p. 523) HABROCYTUS and PrEROMALUS Kry To MALes OF SOME EUROPEAN SPECIES Edge of oral fossa, on either side of the clypeus, with a projecting flange rather like that of Rohatina inermis (Text-fig. 572) ; breadth of oral fossa about twice the malar space. Antenna with flagellum with subdecumbent hairs ; segments of funicle often annulated, each segment partly pale, partly fuscous ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum less than breadth of head. Propodeum more than half as long as the scutellum, with a distinct reticulate nucha . : j H. ? platyphilus (Walker) (p. 524) Edge of oral fossa without projections, Antennal flagellum often with moderately outstanding hairs ; segments of funicle not annulated with contrasting colours ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum most often as great as, or greater than, the breadth of the head. Propodeum some- times shorter, or with a less distinctly developed nucha . . 2 Base of mandible forming a large convex plate (as in Text-fig. 337) with only a narrow lunate gap between it and the gena ; oral fossa enlarged, its breadth about six times the malar space. Postspiracular sclerite fairly strongly reticulate except along its edges H. conopidarum (Bouéek) (p. 559) Base of mandible normal, not forming a large convex plate ; breadth of oral fossa not more than 4:3 times the malar space except in two species which have a large subcircular pit (Text-fig. 338) between base of mandible and gena. Postspiracular sclerite more weakly and irregularly sculptured, sometimes nearly smooth . ; : : , 0 : : c 3 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 515 (2) Oral fossa extremely wide, reaching nearly to the eyes, its breadth 11 to 34 times the malar space. Base of mandible separated from edge of gena by a large subcircular pit (Text-fig. 338) which is membranous at the bottom. Ocelli moderate-sized, the posterior ones separated by about twice their major diameter from the eyes : 4 Oral fossa not nearly reaching the eyes, its breadth at most 4° 3 times ihe malar space. Usually there is no large subcircular pit between base of mandible and gena, but if such a pit is present then the ocelli are small, the posterior ones Pee by about three times their major diameter from the eyes . : 5 (3) Head in dorsal view with temples eanwereiie strongly and only one Sixth as long as the eyes or less ; the head relatively more transverse. POL greater than OOL. Fore wing with postmarginal vein nearly 1-5 times as long as the marginal vein ; the latter equal in length to, or slightly shorter than, the stigmal vein . : : . PP. bifoveolatus Forster (p. 490) Head in dorsal view with temples conversing only slightly and about one third as long as the eyes ; the head relatively less transverse. POL hardly greater than OOL. Fore wing with postmarginal vein only slightly longer than the marginal vein ; the latter slightly longer than the stigmal vein P. squamifer Thomson (p. 491) (3) Base of mandible separated from gena by a large subcircular or semicircular membranous area. Oral fossa large, its breadth 2-5 to 4-3 times the malar space. POL about equal to OOL ; posterior ocelli small, separated ey about three times their major diameter from the eyes : : : z 6 YO 419 420 418 ae eae, Fics. 417-421. Habrocytus and Pteromalus spp., 3. 417, H. berylit (Walker), g, head ; 418, H. elevatus (Walker), 3, head ; 419, H. ciont Thomson, g, head ; 420, P. venustus (Walker), g, head ; 421, H. dolichurus Thomson, 4, scape of right antenna. 516 Io iat 12 Mo We Re DE VerGReATvAN Base of mandible in most species separated from gena by only a narrow lunate membranous area ; if this area is large and semicircular, then the breadth of the oral fossa is only about twice the malar space, POL is greater than OOL, and the ocelli are relatively larger. ‘ : ; : : ; Gh Breadth of oral fossa 4 to 4:3 times the malar space. Mandibular formula 3.4. Eyes small, separated by about 1-8 times their length. Propodeum less than half as long as the scutellum ; plicae converging fairly strongly at sides of nucha, the latter a narrow transversely-aciculate strip. Antenna with scape not reaching above vertex ; funicular segments subquadrate H. microps sp. n. (p. 556) Breadth of oral fossa 2-5 to 3 times the malar space. Mandibular formula 4.4. Eyes separated by 1-5 to 1-6 times their length. Propodeum somewhat more than half as long as the scutellum ; plicae subparallel posteriorly, on sides of nucha ; nucha partly reticulate. Antenna with scape reaching slightly above the vertex ; funicular Sigg tending to be slightly longer than broad 5 : : . P. procerus sp. n. (p. 492) Anterior margin of — (Text- Be 393) cneised medially . : é 8 Anterior margin of clypeus at most moderately emarginate, gometimies trun- cate, medially (Text-figs. 394, 395) : 10 Propodeal spiracles small and subcircular. Fore oe with postrareinel vem longer than the marginal vein. Pronotal collar medially very short, its front edge sharply margined. [No species as yet known, but the male of janssoni sp. n. might be expected to have these characters] Propodeal spiracles large, long-oval or sublinear. Fore wing with post- marginal vein at most as long as the marginal vein. Pronotal collar relatively longer medially, its front edge usually not sharply margined : 9 Pronotal collar, medially, from one-sixth, to nearly one-fifth, as long as the mesoscutum : : : H. sequester (Walker) (p. 554) Pronotal collar, medially rather shorter than in the above H. ? cionobius (Erdés) (p 555) Gena, near base of mandible, so strongly compressed that it forms a sharp edge Strigose sculpture of clypeus extending up the sides of the face to near the eyes. Pronotal collar, medially, long, about one fifth as long as the meso- scutum, its front margin raised and almost reflexed. Propodeum more than half as long as the scutellum, with a fairly large nucha, uniformly reticulate, without a costula. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head H. chrysos (Walker) (p. 527) Gena, although sometimes moderately compressed, always rounded even near the base of the mandible. Strigose sculpture usually extending less far up the face. The other characters usually not all agreeing with the above Il Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 395) truncate or even slightly curved forwards, without an impression in the middle é 12 Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 394) at least slightly ‘emarginate med ally, very often with an impression just above the emargination : 14 Antenna with scape reaching the vertex, its length slightly greater than the transverse diameter of an eye ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head ; all funicular segments, except some- times the sixth, longer than broad. (Czechoslovakia) . H. sp. indet. E (p. 538) Antenna with scape not reaching the vertex, its length barely or just equal to the transverse diameter of an eye ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum approximately equal to breadth of head ; at most segments one to three of funicle slightly longer than broad, the distal eae pane (or the sixth very slightly transverse) . . 5 3 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 (12) (11) (14) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 517 Fore wing with postmarginal vein slightly shorter than the marginal vein, the latter 1-45 to 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; wing hyaline. Malar space approximately 0-4 length of eye. (Czechoslovakia) H.sp. indet. G (p. 538) Fore wing with postmarginal vein slightly longer than the marginal vein, the latter 1-3 to 1:35 times as long as the stigmal vein ; wing sometimes slightly infuscate. Malar space about 0-47 length of eye. (Britain) H. altus (Walker) (p. 537) Fore wing (cf. Text-fig. 404) with parastigma notably thickened, nearly or quite as thick as the broadest part of the marginal vein ; the other veins relatively thick ; marginal vein 1:65 to 1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein. Base of mandible separated from gena by a nearly semicircular mem- branous space. Antenna: combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to, or hardly greater than, breadth of head H. crassinervis Thomson (p. 537) Fore wing with parastigma not so obviously thickened ; marginal vein often shorter relative to the stigmal vein. Base of mandible separated from gena by only a narrow lunate space. 15 Antenna with combined length of pedicellas aad flagellum about ie 75 times breadth of head ; all funicular segments about 2:5 times as long as broad H. tereus (Walker) (p. 531) Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum at most about 1-4 times breadth of head ; first funicular segment at most 2-3 times, sixth at most barely twice, as long as broad. : 16 Antennae, and legs, not counting coxae, entirely bright yellow to orange. Propodeum more than half as long as the scutellum ; its median area uniformly or nearly uniformly reticulate, without a costula or with at most a trace of one , ; s : 40 Antennae and legs never ‘both Suitivaly bright yellow or orange ; at least the flagellum, or the femora, more or less infuscate or brownish . : Ly Propodeum with a distinct costula ; plicae posteriorly, at sides of nucha, con- verging only moderately strongly. Species parasitic on Diptera Trypetidae 23 Either the propodeum lacks a costula ; or else the plicae posteriorly con- verge strongly . c : : 2 18 Propodeum distinctly less than half as long as ; the scutellam ; plicae pos- teriorly, at sides of nucha, converging strongly or moderately strongly, reach- ing or nearly reaching the hind bes: of the Ugg Ube ; costula often indicated . : 20 Propodeum from nearly half, to more than half, as long as the scutellum : ; plicae posteriorly usually converging less strongly, sometimes not nearly reaching the hind edge of the propodeum ; costula rarely present . 19 Propodeum with plicae posteriorly, at sides of nucha, converging strongly, reaching or virtually reaching the hind edge of the nucha ; the propodeum is at most half as long as the scutellum, but usually slightly less than half 20 Propodeum with plicae posteriorly either subparallel or only converging slightly ; or else not nearly reaching the hind edge of the nucha ; LP aaeg aay at least slightly more than half as long as the scutellum . ; 40 Propodeum with plicae sharp only posteriorly, absent or hardly traceable in the middle, though represented at the base of the propodeum by a pair of foveae ; : H. ? ochrocerus Thomson (p. 526) Propodeum with plea traceable from base to hind aa of propodeum, distinct, and sometimes sharp, throughout : 21 Antennal scape as long or virtually as long as an eye. Species moe parasitic on Diptera Trypetidae. : 2 : H. semotus (Walker) (p. 529) Antennal scape distinctly, sometimes much, shorter than an eye. Species (so far as known) parasitic on Diptera Trypetidae : 3 : : : 22 518 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM 22 (21) Pronotal collar, medially, about one quarter as long as the mesoscutum. (Madeira) . : . ‘ ‘ ‘ : . H. integer (Walker) (p. 538) - Pronotal collar, medially, at most slightly more than one fifth as long as the mesoscutum. European species 23 23 (22) Antennal flagellum very slender, not or hardly etoutee than fae pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view ; funicular segments long, the first 2 to 2:25 times, the sixth 1-6 to 1-7 times, as long as broad. Propodeum slightly more than half as long as the scutellum. Antennal scape reaching a little above the vertex. Gasterimmaculate . . H. parietinae sp. n. (p. 553) - Antennal flagellum at least somewhat stouter than the pedicellus in dorsal view ; funicular segments rarely so long. Propodeum rarely more than half as long as the scutellum ; if so, then the scape does not reach the vertex, and the gaster has a yellowish spot . 24 24 (23) Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-3 ae breadth of head funicular segments long, the first 1-6 to 1-8 times as long as the pedicellus, sixth distinctly, usually about 1-5 times, longer than broad. Gaster either with a pale dorsal spot, or with the ventral plica pale medially. Row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell of fore wing complete . H.sp. indet. (p. 542) - Either combined length of pedicellus and flagellum not or hardly greater than breadth of head, and funicular segments relatively shorter ; or ae including the ventral plica immaculate : 25 25 (24) Gaster with at least a small pale dorsal spot, or with the Pentel ae pale i in the middle. Head and thorax usually bright green to blue-green, occasion- ally bronze-green : : : : : - : 26 = Gaster, including its ventral plica, iaearenite : : 27 26 (25) Fore wing with postmarginal vein fully as long as, or slightly lonzer than) the marginal vein. Pronotal collar, medially, slightly more than one fifth as long as the mesoscutum : : : H. ? intermedius (Walker) (p. 542) - Fore wing with postmarginal vein slightly shorter than the marginal vein. Pronotal collar, medially, from slightly more than one sixth, to one fifth, as long as the mesoscutum . : . 4H. patro (Walker) (p. 547) 27 (25) Antenna with combined length of pediocin and flagellum about 1-3 times the breadth of the head . 28 = Combined length of pedicellas and flagellum not or heres ereater than the breadth of the head . 5 29 28 (27) Fore wing with row of hairs on lower sobee of esa cell Se interrupted in the middle. Antenna with scape reaching the vertex ; funicular seg- ments relatively long, the first 1-7 to 2 times, the sixth about 1-5 times, as long as broad. : ; H. tripolii sp. n. (p. 551) - Row of hairs on lower surtace: of castal cell complete. Antenna with scape reaching at most to level of middle of median ocellus ; funicular segments often relatively shorter E 39 29 (27) Fore wing with row of hairs on lower Beeeee of cede eal feed medially, sometimes widely so_ . ‘ 2 30 = Fore wing with row of hairs on ewes surface & costal cell complete ‘ : 32 30 (29) Head in dorsal view (Text-figs. 417, 418) with temples half or even slightly more than half as long as the eyes, converging only slightly ; frons pro- jecting somewhat, the antennal toruli visible from above ; SEY deeply excavated. Antennal scape reaching the vertex . : 31 = Head in dorsal view with temples relatively shorter, converging more strongly, more rounded ; frons not projecting medially, toruli hardly visible from above ; ecciput less deeply excavated. Antennal scape hardly reaching the vertex . : . . 2 0 c : : ‘ : : 33 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 (30) (29) (32) (33) (34) (37) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 519 Head and thorax blue or greenish blue. Row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell only narrowly interrupted medially H. berylli (Walker) (p. 544) Head and thorax green or bronze-green. Row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell widely interrupted medially . : H. temporalis sp. n. (p. 547) Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 417) hardly twice as broad as long ; temples half or even slightly more than half as long as eyes, converging only slightly ; frons projecting somewhat, the antennal toruli visible from above ; occiput deeply excavated. Antennal scape reaching the vertex H. berylli (Walker) (p. 544) Head in dorsal view at least twice as broad as long ; temples usually shorter and converging more distinctly, if nearly half as long as the eyes then (Text- fig. 418) frons not projecting medially, toruli not visible from above, occiput less deeply excavated, scape not reaching the vertex. : 33 Fore wing with speculum, on upper surface of wing, extending as a bare strip below the marginal vein and nearly or quite reaching the base of the stigmal vein. Head and thorax nea bright green to blue, occasionally a more bronzy green - 34 Fore wing with speculum, on upper surface of wing, extending below the mar- ginal vein to at most about half way along this vein, not reaching the stigmal vein. Head and thorax most often bronze- or dark bluish green, sbi occasionally a brighter green : 36 Fore wing with postmarginal vein very slightly longer than the marginal vein, the latter only 1 to 1-22 times as long as the stigmal vein. Small species, 1-5 to 2 mm. Median area of propodeum nearly uniformly reticulate ; costula absent or hardly indicated : . H.? brachygaster sp. n. (p. 549) Fore wing with postmarginal vein only as long as, or slightly shorter than, the marginal vein ; the latter 1-3 to 1-45 times as long as the stigmal vein. Species sometimes larger. Propodeum with median area sometimes unevenly sculptured ; costula sometimes distinct . : 35 Smaller species, 1:7 to 2 mm. Antenna with first funicular segment not or hardly longer than the pedicellus, at most 1-3 times as long as broad ; funicular segments, except the first and sometimes the second, quadrate. Propodeum with costula absent or hardly traceable H. ? decipiens sp. n. (p. 548) Larger species, 2:2 to 2-8 mm. Antenna with first funicular segment 1-2 to 1-5 times as long as the pedicellus, 1-4 to 1-6 times as long as broad ; usually at least some of the funicular segments in addition to the first and second are slightly longer than broad. Propodeum with costula, except in very small specimens, usually distinct . : H. albipennis (Walker) (p. 544) Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 415) with temples rounded and hence nl agi? to converge more strongly . 37 Head in dorsal view esa fig. 418) with temples less rourided and conversing less strongly ‘ - 38 Small species, 1-5 to 2 mm., a head and thorax bright ereen or Tshae: _green ; antennal flagellum most often testaceous beneath. Median area of propo- deum nearly uniformly reticulate ; costula absent or at most very vaguely indicated . ; ; : : ; : : 34 Species usually more than 2 mm. in length ; if only 2 mm., then head and thorax dark blue-green or bronze-green, and flagellum brown to blackish. Median area of propodeum irregularly sculptured, sometimes partly smooth anteriorly ; costula nearly always indicated, sometimes strong : 38 Antennal scape reaching the top of the median ocellus, or nearly to the vertex. Fore wing with postmarginal vein as long as, or slightly longer than, the marginal vein. Head distinctly broader than the mesoscutum. Combined 520 39 40 41 44 45 (38) (16) (40) (40) (42) M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to breadth of head. Reticu- lation of disc of scutellum about as coarse as that of the frenum H. musaeus (Walker) (p. 540) Antennal scape reaching at most slightly above the lower edge of the median ocellus, if reaching slightly above the lower edge, then postmarginal vein slightly shorter than the marginal vein, and combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-25 to 1-3 times breadth of head. Reticulation of disc of scutellum very fine, at least slightly finer than that of the frenum . 39 Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum barely or just eal to breadth of head ; scape not quite reaching lower edge of median ocellus ; hairs of flagellum very short and standing out only slightly. Head hardly broader than the mesoscutum. Propodeum, in front of the costula, for the most part distinctly sculptured . ; H. elevatus (Walker) (p. 538) Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-25 to 1-3 times breadth of head ; scape reaching to, or slightly above, the lower edge of the median ocellus ; hairs of flagellum longer, their length more than one third the breadth of the segments and standing out at 30° to 4o°. Head slightly broader than the mesoscutum. Propodeum, in front of the costula, weakly sculptured or almost smooth ‘ : . H. myopitae sp. n. (p. 540) Antennae entirely citron-yellow, or with the dagellam orange-yellow ; legs, except the hind coxae and sometimes the mid and fore coxae, bright yellow 41 Antennal flagellum testaceous with darker incisures, or infuscate dorsally, or wholly brown to black ; scape often more or less infuscate ; femora often more or less infuscate, sometimes also the tibiae ; usually all the coxae are dark . ; 44 Gaster with a yellow spot or seaeeeuee paads Fore, and sometimes mid, coxae often partly or entirely yellow. Postmarginal vein often not longer than the marginal vein ; : : : 42 Gaster immaculate. All coxae black with a metallic fitiee: ae vein at least slightly longer than the marginal vein : : : 44 Fore wing with postmarginal vein longer than the marginal vein. All coxae black with a metallic tinge . é : . H. cioni Thomson (p. 526) Fore wing with postmarginal vein not longer than the SRE vein. Fore, and even mid, coxae often more or less yellow ‘ : 43 Antenna with scape reaching above the vertex, nearly as ‘domes as an wee : first funicular segment slightly to quite distinctly longer than the pedicellus, sixth about 1-5 times as long as broad. Larger species, up to 2:7 mm. in length é : : . 4H. dispar (Curtis) (p. 532) Antenna with scape barely eociee the were much shorter than an eye ; first funicular segment not or only very slightly longer than the pedicellus, sixth quadrate or only slightly longer than broad. Smaller species, at most 2:3 mm. in length ; : : H. hieracii Thomson (p. 536) Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum less than, or at most equal to, the breadth of the head . : 45 Antenna with combined length of pedicellus ad flagellum at least slightly greater than the breadth of the head . 50 Fore wing with postmarginal vein at least slightly iaeeed mae the marginal vein, the latter at most 1:25 times as long as, sometimes not longer than, the stigmal vein. Antenna with hairs of flagellum most often subdecumbent or standing out only slightly : 46 Fore wing with postmarginal vein not longer, Serre anes slightly shorter, en the marginal vein, the latter sometimes more than 1-25 times as long as the the stigmal vein. Antenna with hairs of flagellum often standing out at a 46 47 48 49 50 (46) (47) (48) PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE on nN moderate angle . ‘ 54 Fore wing with speculum, on upper surface of mine extending nearly or r quite to the stigmal vein. Genae strongly compressed. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 419) with temples converging only slightly. Antennal scape reaching the vertex. Gaster with a distinct yellow spot. Propodeum with plicae hardly extending on to sides of nucha, as in female, Text-fig. 375. Antennae yellowish with pedicellus and flagellum more or less infuscate dor- sally. Femora and tibiae yellow, the hind femora sometimes infuscate. Mandibular formula 3.4 . - : : . H.cioni Thomson (p. 526) Fore wing with speculum, on upper surface of wing, not reaching the stigmal vein, extending below the marginal vein for at most half the length of the latter. Genae not strongly compressed. Either the head in dorsal view has the temples (Text-fig. 420) converging quite strongly ; or else the anten- nal scape does not reach the vertex. Gaster usually immaculate, with a pale spot in some bedeguaris. Propodeal plicae usually extending on to sides of nucha and often reaching its hind edge. pein goss formula 3.4 Or 4.4 ; . : : 47 Antennal scape reaching slightly above ‘the ventes: Legs, except coxae, yellow. Head and thorax bright or golden green. Antennal flagellum rather slender ; all funicular segments, except sometimes the sixth, at least slightly longer than broad. Mandibular formula 4.4 ; P. puparum (Linnaens) (@. 489) Antennal scape not or only just reaching the vertex. Legs with all femora more or less infuscate. Head and thorax tending towards a dull blue or blue-green. Antennal flagellum sometimes rather stouter, sometimes with distal segments of funicle not longer than broad. 48 Antennal toruli slightly nearer to anterior margin of clypeus than to median ocellus. Head in dorsal view with temples converging only slightly ; the head 2 to 2:15 times as broad as long. Pronotal collar, medially, slightly more than one fifth as long as mesoscutum. Fore wing with stigma rather small, separated by 2-6 to 3 times its height from costal edge of wing. Antennal flagellum usually testaceous with darker incisures, sometimes infuscate dorsally. Mandibular formula 3.4 . H. vibulenus (Walker) (p. 525) Antennal toruli about equidistant from anterior margin of clypeus and median ocellus. Head in dorsal view normally with the temples converging more strongly (as in Text-fig. 420), and rather more transverse. Pronotal collar, medially, from one sixth to nearly one fifth as long as the mesoscutum. Fore wing with stigma rather larger, separated re oe 2 to 2:5 times its height from costal edge of wing. : : : 49 Mandibular formula 3.4. Scutellum moderately convex. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to breadth of head ; funicular segments variable, sometimes short as in venustus (see below), sometimes with the first segment up to twice as long as broad and distinctly longer than the pedicellus, and the sixth slightly longer than broad H. bedeguaris Thomson (p. 527) Mandibular formula 4.4. Scutellum rather weakly convex. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head ; first funicular segment at most 1-5 times as long as broad, not or only slightly longer than the pedicellus, sixth quadrate or slightly transverse P. venustus Walker (p. 491) Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only very slightly greater than breadth of head : 51 Antenna with combined length of nedicellus and flagellum distinctly greater 522 52 53 55 59 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM than breadth of head : Fore wing with postmarginal vein aoe as long as, Or slightly sliartae a the marginal vein Fore wing with sete eal vein distinetly longer than the eel vein Fore wing with row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell interrupted medially Fore wing with row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell complete Fore wing with speculum, on upper surface of wing, extending hardly beyond the base of the marginal vein, the latter at most 1:25 times as long as, and sometimes not longer than, the stigmal vein. Antennal scape just reaching the vertex ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum hardly greater than breadth of head. Gaster immaculate or with a small pale spot 52 54 52 22 53 H. bedeguaris Thomson (p. 527) Fore wing: either the speculum, on upper surface of the wing, extends below the marginal vein for at least half the length of the latter ; or else the mar- ginal vein is at least 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennal scape sometimes not reaching, or reaching above the vertex ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum often distinctly greater than breadth of head. Gaster often with a distinct pale spot : Median area of propodeum as long as broad, about aos thirds as Jong. as the scutellum ; nucha large, its length slightly more than one third that of the propodeum, its sculpture composed of strong reticulation with subcircular areoles ; posterior portions of plicae, on sides of nucha, parallel and relatively long. Antennal scape distinctly shorter than an eye, hardly reaching the vertex ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head ; flagellum fuscous. Gaster oblong, at least twice as long 54 as broad . : ‘ ‘ ‘ ?Sceptrothelys parviclava sp. n. (p. 487) Median area of propodeum at least slightly broader than long, relatively shorter than in the above ; nucha occupying at most one third the length of the propodeum, its sculpture composed of weaker reticulation whose areoles are more or less lengthened in the transverse axis ; posterior por- tions of plicae, on sides of nucha, often converging gre sometimes relatively short : Antennal scape (Text-fig. 421) with a small boss- like expansion on its front edge, above the middle ; the scape reaching virtually to, or slightly above, the vertex . Antennal scape without an nexpansion on its front edge, ‘sometimes not reaching the vertex . Antennal scape disenactly, Shere wee an Ee Antennal scape as long or virtually as long as an eye Gaster immaculate Gaster with at least a small yelewct ooae or eth, the ventral pla pale medially : Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and dagelien aaa ihe 5 auc the breadth of the head ; flagellum very slender, hardly stouter than the pedicellus in dorsal view ; funicular segments elongate, the first 2 to 2:25 times, the sixth 1-6 to 1:7 times, as long as broad. Head and thorax green H. parietinae sp. n. (p. 553) Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only 1-1 to 1-15 times the breadth of the head ; either the flagellum is less slender, or has shorter funicular segments. Head and thorax most often bases or bronze Antenna with combined length of pediceiins fad flagellum about 16 3 times the breadth of the head ; clava at least slightly shorter than funicular 60 60 61 62 (59) (60) (61) (56) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 523 segments five plus six ; funicular segments long, the sixth rather more than 1-5 times as long as broad . 24 Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum Ter tor 12 anes the breadth of the head ; clava as long as, or longer than, funicular segments five plus six ; funicular segments often relatively shorter . ‘ j ‘ 60 Gaster oval, shorter than the thorax, less than twice as long as broad ; usually with a pale spot. Head and thorax mainly dull green, bronze-green, or bronze : ; ; H. isarchus (Walker) (p. 527) Gaster oblong, hardly shorter than the thorax, at least twice as long as broad. Head and thorax usually mainly green or blue-green . 61 Antenna with first funicular segment only slightly longer than the pedicellus : ; proximal funicular segments only slightly longer than broad, distal segments subquadrate ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-1 times the breadth of the head. Darker species : all femora infuscate, scape and tegulae partly so ; gaster with a hardly visible pale spot. Fore wing with postmarginal vein about as long as the marginal vein, the latter hardly I'5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Propodeum with plicae curved, but only weakly sinuate posteriorly, at sides of nucha ; median area hardly 1-5 times as broad as long . H. sophax (Walker) (p. 560) Antenna with first funicular segment distinctly longer than the pedicellus ; all funicular segments longer than broad, even the sixth at least slightly so ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-15 to 1-2 times the breadth of the head. Species usually brighter in colour : usually at most the hind femora more or less infuscate ; scape usually, tegulae sometimes, wholly testaceous ; gaster with a distinct pale spot . : 62 Head in dorsal view with temples converging only slightly. Pronotal ‘collar, medially, only one ninth as long as the mesoscutum or rather less, sharply margined except at the sides : : : : ; H. ortalus (Walker) (?2=aureolus Thomson) (p. 535) Head in dorsal view with temples converging quite strongly. Pronotal collar, medially, about one seventh as long as the mesoscutum or rather more, weakly margined orimmarginate . ’ : 63 Fore wing with postmarginal vein slightly shorter than the marginal vein H. fasciatus Thomson (p. 538) Fore wing with postmarginal vein about as long as the marginal vein H.? helenomus sp. n. (p. 535) Antennal scape (Text-fig. 421) with a small boss-like expansion on its front edge, just above the middle ; the scape slightly shorter than an eye and hardly reaching the vertex . : : . H. dolichurus Thomson (p. 533) Antennal scape either lacking a boss-like eeaied or else as = as an eye and reaching distinctly above the vertex. : : 65 Front edge of antennal scape with a small boss near its ape. All femora usually yellow, the hind ones sometimes slightly infuscate. Antennal flagellum testaceous or yellowish with darker incisures, sometimes also darkened dorsally. Pale spot of gaster usually large H. grandis (Walker) (p. 528) Front edge of antennal scape without a boss. Hind femora mainly black, fore and mid femora usually more or less infuscate. Antennal flagellum brown to blackish. Pale spot of gaster small or absent H. sernotus (Walker) (p. 529) Tue PLATYPHILUS-Grovup Habrocytus crassicornis (Zetterstedt) comb. n. Pteromalus crassicornis Zetterstedt, 1838 : 424, 9. 524 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Type material. One female, LECTOTYPE (probably holotype), labelled in Zetterstedt’s handwriting “‘ P. crassicornis. 9. Kengis”’ SWEDEN (Lapland) ; only the type 2 known to me. Biology. Unknown. Habrocytus platyphilus (Walker) Pteromalus amplus Walker, 1836 : 480, 9 [nec 1835 : 480]. Pteromalus platyphilus Walker, 1874 : 317, . Pteromalus amplissimus Dalla Torre, 1898 : 110 [n. n. for amplus Walker, 1836, nec 1835]. Habrocytus platyphilus (Walker) Bouéek, 1965¢e : 8. Type material. Pteromalus amplus Walker, 1836. One female, LECTOTYPE, labelled “ Isle of Wight ”’ and also bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus platyphilus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE (Type Hym. 5. 732), labelled “142”, ““ Amurland. Coll. F. Walker 1913-71’ and (in Walker’s hand- writing) “‘ Pteromalus platyphilus ”’ Europe (Britain, Czechoslovakia, Moldavian S.S.R.) ; Asta (Amurland). Biology. A female in BM(NH) was reared from an egg-sac of the spider Dictyna arundinacea (L.) (Dictynidae) on 12.vi.1952, England, Surrey, Bookham Common (A. E. Le Gros). Imagines appear in the field May—August and I have found some females during the winter amongst the foliage of coniferous trees, evidently hibernating. The male of platyphilus has not been described ; but I have seen some males in Dr. Boucéek’s collection which he considers to belong to this species. Tue CHLOROSPILUS-GrRovup Habrocytus chlorospilus (Walker) comb. n. (Text-fig. 382) Eutelus chlorospilus Walker, 1834 : 368, g 9. Pteromalus sevvulus Walker, 1836 : 481, 92, syn. n. Pteromalus obscuratus Walker, 1836 : 493, 9, Syn. n. ? Pteromalus Ormenus Walker, 1839 : 269, 6d. Type material (all lectotypes bear Waterhouse labels). Eutelus chlorospilus Walker. Syntypes, 1 g, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the first female specimen. Pteromalus servulus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype). Pteromalus obscuratus Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen. Pteromalus ormenus Walker. Syntypes, 2 g mounted on the same card, bearing a small green ticket (indicating Irish origin) ; LECTOTYPE, the right-hand specimen, which is complete and mounted with the dorsal surface uppermost. BRITAIN, IRELAND. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 525 Biology. I have examined a female which is said to have been reared, England, Surrey, Ashtead Common, I1.v.1946 (M. Niblett) from Trypeta [=Orellia} ruficauda F. on Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop. Imagines have been captured in the field in May, June, and September. Habrocytus sp. indet. A ENGLAND : Oxfordshire, near Oxford, 1 2 reared from pupa on Knapweed (Centaurea sp.), 2.vi.1919 (A. H. Hamm), Hope Dept., University Museum, Oxford. Habrocytus vibulenus (Walker) comb. n. Ormocerus Vibulenus Walker, 1839 : 205, 6. Habrocytus bluncki (Nowicky MS.) Blunck, 1944 : 480, d 2, syn. n. Habrocytus sp. (Arbeitsnummer Chalc. 36), Blunck, 1944 : 485, 3 Q. Type material. Ormocerus vibulenus Walker. Syntypes, 2 g. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen ; Waterhouse label. Habrocytus bluncku Blunck. Syntypes, 2 9, 4 g, in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled ‘“‘ Habrocytus sp’”’ and “ 42/226 Be. 13. 12. 42 Ch. 36”. I presume that the name is valid. The species was actually described as “‘ Habrocytus sp.’”’ by Blunck (1944 : 485), though in the same paper (p. 480) the name H. blunckit Nowicky is mentioned and seems to refer to the species described on page 485. BRITAIN, IRELAND, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Reared in Germany (under the name blunckii) as a hyperparasite of Pieris brassicae (L.) through A panteles glomeratus (L.) ; see Blunck, 1944. I have also examined the following specimens reared in England :—1 9, emerged vii.1931 from Salebria obductella F.R., Kent, reared (H. C. Huggins). Cambridgeshire, The Devil’s Dyke, 2 2 reared from flower-heads of Centaurea nemoralis Jord., on 21.vi. 1932 and viii.1935, the latter specimen being labelled “on Euxanthis”’ [Lep., Tortricidae] ; 2 2 reared 31.v.1934 from heads of Centaurea scabiosa L. (G. C. Varley). Berkshire, Cothill, 1 2 reared 12.vi.1957 from Isocolus rogenhofert Wachtl (M. F. Claridge). Berkshire, Cumnor Hill, 3 2 from cocoons of Zygaena filipendulae (L.), July 1943 (G. D. H. Carpenter) ; this is the species recorded doubtfully as Habrocytus trypetae Thomson by Carpenter (1945 : 282-283). Imagines appear in the field most often from July until September (some in June or even May). Habrocytus rhinthon (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus Rhinthon Walker, 1844a : 341, 9. Type material. One female LECTOTYPE, Waterhouse label. Norway (Finmark). Biology. Unknown. 526 Ma Wit Roepe) VieiG RAAT THE OCHROCERUS-Grovup Habrocytus ochrocerus Thomson Pteromalus ovatus Walker, 1835a : 77, 3 9 [nec Nees, 1834]. ? Pteromalus Bienna Walker, 1848 : 125, 195, 6. Habrocytus ochrocerus (Dalman MS.) Thomson, 1878 : 114, ¢ @. Pteromalus ovatulus Dalla Torre, 1898 : 139 [n. n. for P. ovatus Walker nec Nees], syn. n. Type material. Pteromalus ovatus Walker. 6 specimens under the name ovatulus, bearing Waterhouse labels “‘ Pteromalus ovatus Nees ’’ [sic]. Two of these at least are syntypes of ovatus Walker ; LECTOTYPE, third in series. Pteromalus bienna Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE ; Waterhouse label. It might well be the male of ochrocerus Thomson but I am not absolutely certain. Habrocytus ochrocerus Thomson. Syntypes, 8 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female bearing a tiny white ticket, also a label “‘ ochrocerus Dalm.”’. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. 3 2 were reared in Cambridgeshire on 13.vi.1932, from galls of Isocolus rogenhofert Wachtl on Centaurea scabiosa L. (G. C. Varley), material in Hope Dept., University Museum, Oxford. Imagines occur in the field May—July. Habrocytus ? papaveris (Forster) ? Pteromalus papaveris Forster, 1841 : 21, g 8. ? Habrocytus papaveris (Forster) Kurdjumoy, 1913 : 20. Type material. Syntypes (not seen) in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. I have examined a Forster specimen in the collection of Zoologische Sammlung des Bayerischen Staates, Munich. ? BRITAIN ; GERMANY. Biology. Reared in England: Sussex, Peacehaven, 24.iv.1929, from Avylax papaveris (Perris) on Papaver rhoeas L. (M. Niblett). The British specimens are hardly distinguishable from females of ochrocerus Thomson except that they have the postmarginal vein only as long as the marginal vein, the head very slightly less transverse, and the antennal flagellum a little stouter. The variation and host-range of ochrocerus needs to be studied in detail before one can be sure if the species here presumed to be papaverts is really distinct. Species sola Habrocytus cioni Thomson Habrocytus ciont Thomson, 1878 : 115, g 9. Habrocytus cioni Thomson ; Otten, 1940 : 184. Type material. Syntypes, 2 g, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “Sm.” [Smaland], ‘“‘ Bhn ”’ [Boheman] and “ Cioni Ths ’’. BRITAIN, GERMANY, SWEDEN. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 527 Biology. Reared from Czonus sp. (Col., Curculionidae) on Scrophularia sp. at Wytham Wood, Berkshire, England (G. R. Gradwell). Otten (1940 : 184) reared it in Germany from pupae of Cionus tuberculosus (Scop.) ; he obtained up to 7 of the parasites from a single host-pupa, though in most cases 3-5, in a single case only 1. Imagines July—August. THe BEDEGUARIS-Grovup Habrocytus bedeguaris Thomson Habrocytus bedeguaris Thomson, 1878 : 123, g 9. Habrocytus bedeguaris Thomson; Callan, 1944 : 90-91. Type material. Syntypes, 6 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Jvg 12/6” and “ Bedeguaris Ths ”’. Widely distributed in Europe ; Canapa, U.S.A. (introduced into the latter two countries). Biology. A well-known parasite of Diplolepis rosae L. (Hym., Cynipidae). Imagines in May, June and August. Habrocytus isarchus (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus Isarchus Walker, 1839 : 216, 3. Type material. 4 g¢ stand under this name, but one is probably not original material ; LECTOTYPE, the fourth specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. eared in England from Xestophanes potentillae Vill. on Potentilla reptans L. (Dr. M. F. Claridge). I have captured the species where no P. reptans was present but P. erecta (L.) Rausch. was common, so that it probably also parasi- tises a host on the latter plant. Imagines Aug.—Sept. (one record for May). Species sola Habrocytus chrysos (Walker) Pteromalus chrysos Walker, 1836 : 491, 9. Pteromalus inclusus Walker, 1836 : 493, 2, Syn. n. Pteromalus Zipaetes Walker, 1839 : 213, 5, Syn. n. Pteromalus Telon Walker, 1839 : 216, ¢, syn. n. ? Pteromalus eucerus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 198, Jd 9. Habrocytus acutigena Thomson, 1878 : 117, ¢ 2. syn. n. ? Habrocytus distinguendus Masi, 1908a : 113-115, 9. ? Habrocytus hyponomeutae Masi, 1909 : 13-15, 9. ? Habrocytus metallifemur Bukovskij, 1938 : 157-159, d &. Habrocytus eucerus (Ratzeburg) Otten, 1942a : 122-124, pl. 5, figs. 1, 4, 6: pl. 6, fig. 4, d 2. Habrocytus cf. eucerus (Ratzeburg) ; Blunck, 1944 : 483-485, 3 9. Habrocytus eucerus (Ratzeburg) ; Ferriére, 1952a : 171. Habrocytus chrysos (Walker) Bouéek, 1965¢ : 8. Type material (all Walker lectotypes bear Waterhouse labels). 528 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM Pteromalus chrysos Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen (the second is var. 8). Pteromalus incusus Walker. Syntypes, 1 g, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the first female specimen. Pteromalus zpaetes Walker. Syntypes, 2g. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen. Pteromalus telon Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype). Pteromalus eucerus Ratzeburg. Syntypes, Germany, 2 g and 1 Q from cocoons of Microgaster on Bombyx salicis, presumed destroyed. The types were examined by Otten (1942a : 122) and the species was redescribed by him from material compared with them ; it is clear from his redescription and figures that his eucerus is the same as chrysos (Walker). Actually Ratzeburg’s original description of eucerus suggests rather that it was the same as semotus (Walker), and the material identified as such in some collections, e.g., in BM(NH), is mainly semotus. It is perhaps best, however, to accept Otten’s identification of euwcerus, which agrees with that of Ferriere (19524). Habrocytus acutigena Thomson. Syntypes, 23 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “‘ Hbg ”’ [Halsingborg] and “ acutigena Ths ”’ Habrocytus distinguendus Masi. Holotype 9, Italy, Umbria, Bevagna, reared from cocoon of Angitia armillata, in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa (not seen). The description and host suggests that it is almost certainly the same as chrysos (Walker). Habrocytus hyponomeutae Masi. Syntypes, 5 9, Italy, Umbria, Bevagna, reared from larva of Hyponomeuta malinellus, in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa (not seen). From the description and host it is very probably the same as chrysos. Habrocytus metallifemur Bukovskij. Location of syntypes, Russia, Crimea, reared from Tortrix viridana L., unknown to me. The combination of characters mentioned in Bukovskij’s description, particularly the striation of the clypeus which is said to extend nearly to the eyes, and the host, suggest to me that metallifemur may well be the same as chrysos (Walker). Widely distributed in EUROPE. Biology. eared in Sweden as a hyperparasite of Hyponomeuta padellus (L.) through Angitia [=Diadegma] armillata (Grav.) (S. Johanssen) ; from Tortrix viridana L. by the same collector ; in England from Pieris rapae L. (possibly as a hyperparasite) (G. D. H. Carpenter). Also recorded as a parasite of Thaumatopoea pityocampa in Italy (Secrétariat, etc., 1966 : 119, 129). Imagines occur in the field from May until October (Britain). Walker (1848a : 77) recorded Pteromalus zipaetes as a parasite of ‘‘ Bruchus in Vicia sepium ”’ but the parasite involved seems more likely to have been Habrocytus semotus. THe DISPAR-GRovup Habrocytus grandis (Walker) (Text-fig. 384) Pteromalus grandis Walker, 1835 : 487, 9. Pteromalus latipennis Walker, 1835a : 96, 9, Syn. n. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 529 ? Pteromalus tenuicornis Forster, 1841 : 16, 9. ? Pteromalus tenuicornis Forster ; Kurdjumov, 1912 : 230-231, 3 Q. ? Habrocytus tenuicornis (Forster) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 21. Habrocytus grandis (Walker) Bouéek, 1965e : 8. Type material (Walker types bear a Waterhouse label). Pteromalus grandis Walker. Syntypes, 49. LECTOTYPE, the third specimen. Pteromalus latipennis Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus tenuicornis Forster. Types in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). Kurdjumov (1913) transferred tenwicornis to Habrocytus and stated that it was identical with specimens reared from Anthonomus pomorum [Col., Curculionidae]. Earlier (1912) he had redescribed tenwicornis and synonymized Habrocytus chlorogaster Thomson with it, although he had not seen the type-material of the latter. His redescription of tenwicornis agrees well with the species here identified as grandis (Walker), and the host cited by him supports the idea that the two are identical. BRITAIN, FRANCE, ? SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R., BsSs:R. Biology. Parasite of Anthonomus spp. (Col., Curculionidae). I have examined the following reared material of grandis (in BM(NH), determined as tenwicornis Forster) :—-ENGLAND : Kent, East Malling, 99 reared 15.vi.1936 from Anthonomus pomorum (L.) ; Sussex, Stonegate, 99 reared in 1936 from the same host. FRANCE : Lyon, St. Genis Laval, gg, 99 reared in June 1930 from Anthonomus spilotus Redt. The specimens recorded from A. pomorum, under the name tenuicornis Forster, by Kurdjumovy (1913) were almost certainly grandis. Imagines have been reared, or captured in the field, in April and June-August. Habrocytus semotus (Walker) (Text-fig. 385) Eutelus semotus Walker, 1834 : 367, 9. Pteromalus imbutus Walker, 1835a : 96, 9, Syn. n. Pteromalus solutus Walker, 1835a : 199, 2, Syn. n. Pteromalus cupreus Walker, 1835a : 200, 9, syn. n. [nec Nees, 1834]. Pteromalus lugubris Walker, 1835a : 205, 2, Syn. n. Pteromalus maerens Walker, 1836 : 474, 2, syn. n. Pteromalus thalassinus Walker, 1836 : 485, 2, Syn. n. Pteromalus equestvis Walker, 1836 : 495, 9, Syn. n. Pteromalus Pione Walker, 1839 : 224, 3, syn. n. ? Pteromalus Mutia Walker, 1839 : 246, 3. Pteromalus variabilis Ratzeburg, 1844a : 201, 9. Pteromalus Glautias Walker, 1848 : 124, 181, 9, Syn. n. Pteromalus Amnisos Walker, 1848 : 124, 182, 9, Syn. n. Habrocytus parvinucha Thomson, 1878 : 117, 2, syn. n. Pteromalus cupreicoloy Dalla Torre, 1898 : 119 [n. n. for cupreus Walker, nec Nees]. ? Habrocytus microgastris Kurdjumov, 1912 : 231, ¢ Q. Habrocytus rvemotus [sic] (Walker) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 20. Habrocytus poecilopus (Crawford) ; Blunck, 1944 : 478, 480. Habrocytus millevi Delucchi & Verbeke, 1953 : I-14, ¢ 9, Syn. n. Habrocytus semotus (Walker) ; Bouéek, 1965¢ : 8, 35. 530 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Type material (all Walker lectotypes bear Waterhouse labels, unless otherwise stated). Eutelus semotus Walker. Syntypes, 4 9. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen. Pteromalus imbutus Walker. 10 specimens (possibly some are not original material). LECTOTYPE 9, the third specimen. Pteromalus solutus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus cupreus Walker. Syntypes, 32. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen. Pteromalus lugubris Walker. Syntypes,29. LECTOTYPE, thesecond specimen. Pteromalus maerens Walker. Syntypes, 3 9. LECTOTYPE, one marked “ ype OPS ite itennere| Pteromalus thalassinus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype). Pteromalus equestris Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype) ; it is recognizable, though much damaged. Pteromalus pione Walker. Syntypes, 3 g. LECTOTYPE, a specimen labelled only “‘ Pione ” in Walker’s handwriting. Pteromalus mutia Walker. Syntypes, 3 6. LECTOTYPE, the third specimen ; it has shorter funicular segments and scape than typical males of semotus but it may be conspecific with it. Pteromalus variabilis Ratzeburg. Location of holotype 9 unknown (probably destroyed). In my opinion it is most likely to have been the same as semotus (Walker) ; Bouéek (1965e : 35) also takes this view. Pteromalus glautias Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus amnisos Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE. Habrocytus parvinucha Thomson. Syntypes on 11 pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “‘ Hbg ”’ [Halsingborg} and “ parvinucha Ths ”’ ; it is a very small specimen. Habrocytus microgastris Kurdjumov. Syntypes, Russia, province of Charkov, Krasnokutsk, 1907, reared from Apanteles glomeratus L. and A. pieridis Bouché ; location unknown to me. The description suggests that the species is identical with semotus (Walker). The specimens recorded by Blunck (1944) as Habrocytus poecilopus (Crawford) are 1dentical with semotus. I am not able to say whether Blunck’s determination was correct because I have not seen the type of poecilopus. Crawford described this species (1910 : 21-22, 3, 9, as Hypopteromalus poecilopus) from material from Europe ; the type is catalogued as no. 12974 in U.S.N.M. The description is inadequate for recognition of the species. Habrocytus milleri Delucchi & Verbeke. Type 2 in European Laboratory of C.I.B.C., Feldmeilen, Zurich ; paratypes in Institut Royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Brussels. Described from material reared at Virton, Luxemburg, and at Montmédy, France, in Aug.Sept. 1951. I have examined the types, which are conspecific with semotus (Walker). EUROPE (widely distributed). Biology. This species develops chiefly as a primary parasite or a hyperparasite, of various lepidoptera ; it has also been reared in association with certain Coleoptera, but in these cases it is not known whether it was a primary or secondary PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 531 parasite. It was reared under the name H. mulleri (Del.) in Belgium and France, as an ectoparasite of mature larvae of Coleophora frischella L., by Delucchi who described (1953) its life-history in detail. He stated that it is generally a solitary, occasionally slightly gregarious, parasite. In two cases larvae of milleri were found to be hyperparasitic on the Coleophora through Bracon osculator Nees. Blunck (1944) reared specimens (determined as poecilopus Crawf.) in Germany from Pieris brassicae L. through Apanteles glomeratus L. ; I have examined his material. dg and 99 were reared in England (Oxford, Cumnor Hill, 1—3.viii.1g42) from Apanteles sp. (probably zygaenarum Marsh.) found amongst a colony of Zygaena filipendulae L., (G. D. H. Carpenter), material in Hope Dept. On 5.vii.1960 I reared it from a Hyponomeuta (probably padellus L.) on Prunus spinosa L. found at Otmoor, Oxfordshire ; and I have seen specimens reared in 1956 (Germany, Berlin) from Hyponomeuta evonymellus L. Another @ is labelled as having been reared in England (Yorkshire, Bawtry) on 13.vii.1948 from Evetria purdeyi (Durrant) (Lep., Tortricidae) on Corsican Pine (H. S. Hanson). The BM(NH) collection contains a 2 obtained at Blekinge, Sweden, in 1936, from pine shoots infested by Evetria buoliana (Schiff.). In the same collection there are also specimens from Germany and Czechoslovakia said to have been reared from cocoons of Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffr.) (Hym., Diprionidae). Both sexes were reared near Oxford in Aug. and Sept. 1951 “ from Apion pomonae (F.) in Vetch pod”’, (G. R. Gradwell). In April 1966 I reared 1 g, 1 9 from pods of Lathyrus pratensis L. infested by Bruchus loti Payk., collected near London. Imagines most often July—October, occasionally earlier. Habrocytus tereus (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus Tereus Walker, 1839 : 255, 6. Type material. One male, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. The female is not yet definitely associated, though I have a female from England which may belong to it and have included the characters of this specimen tentatively inmy key. The male is easily recognized because of its extraordinary long antennal flagellum. BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in July. Habrocytus sp. indet. B I cannot find a name for this species, which is probably undescribed. SWEDEN: Skane, Dalbyhagen, I 9, I.vill.1959, beaten from spruce (Picea) (Graham). I have seen a female which appears to be conspecific, reared in Czechoslovakia from Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffr.), in the collection of Dr. Bouéek. Habrocytus sp. indet. C ENGLAND : Oxfordshire, Bald Hill, near Lewknor, 1 9, 15.ix.1957 (Graham). 532 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Habrocytus dispar (Curtis) comb. n. (Text-fig. 383) Colas dispar Curtis, 1827 : folio 166, 3 9. Diplolepis Byraconidis Bouché, 1834 : 171, 5 9, syn. n. Ptevomalus basalis Walker, 1835a : 185, 9, Syn. n. Pteromalus mesochlorus Walker, 1835a : 201, 2, Syn. n. Pteromalus Cabarnos Walker, 1839 : 211, g, syn. n. Pteromalus cubarmes Walker ; Blanchard, 1840 : 271 [lapsus]. Pteromalus Savavus Walker, 1845 : 262, “3” [vecte 9], syn. n. Ptevomalus Javavus Walker, 1846¢ : 157-158, 9, Syn. n. ? Pteromalus Jouanensis Ratzeburg, 1848 : 199, 3 Q. Habrocytus vadialis Thomson, 1878 : 119, 3 9, syn. n. Habrocytus braconidis (Bouché) Kurdjumoy, 1913 : 18. Habrocytus tenuicornis (Forster) Kurdjumoy, 1913 : 21. Type material. Colas dispar Curtis. Syntypes in Curtis coll., National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne ; also I g and 1 @ in coll. Westwood, Oxford (recorded in Westwood’s entomological diary as having been received from Curtis in exchange for other material). No lectotype selected at present. The material of dispar used in the preparation of my key to species was compared both with the syntypes in the collection of Curtis and that of Westwood. Diplolepis bracomidis Bouché. Types presumed lost ; they are not mentioned in Sachtleben’s report on the remains of Bouché’s collection in Deutsche Entomolo- gische Institut (1944 : 65-76). The description suggests that the species was the same as dispar (Curtis). Pteromalus basalis Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus mesochlorus Walker. Syntypes, 4 specimens. LECTOTYPE, the second, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus cabarnos Walker. Syntypes, 4 g. LECTOTYPE, the fourth, a complete specimen bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus saravus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE ; Waterhouse label “Saravus’”’. It seems clear that Walker’s statement “ g”’ in his 1845 paper was an error ; also that the name “ javavus”’ in his paper of 1846c was a lapus or misprint for savavus (another obvious error in the same paper is “ Scladerma’”’ for Seladerma). 1 conclude that both descriptions refer to the same specimen or specimens, which were female. Pteromalus jouanensis Ratzeburg. Syntypes presumed destroyed. Kurdjumov (1913 : 21) who saw the types, synonymized it [as “ jouaensis’’] with tenwmcornis Forster. The original description suggests rather that it may have been the same as dispar. Habrocytus radialis Thomson. Syntypes on 16 pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “‘ Hbg ”’ [Halsingborg]. Widely distributed in EUROPE ; ? PAKISTAN. Biology. I have examined specimens of dispar which were reared in southern PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 533 Sweden (Mr. Sven Johanssen), from Macrocentrus linearis (Nees) (Hym., Braconidae) ; also some reared I4.viii.1g40 from cocoons of Apanteles glomeratus (L.) on Pieris brassicae L. collected at Shotover, Oxford (E. Taylor and P. M. Miles). A female in the BM(NH) from Pakistan (determined as radialis Thomson and reared from a larva of the Pyralid Notarcha ruralis Scop. on Urtica dioica L.) appears to be identical with dispar (Curtis). Imagines July—Sept. Ruschka (1924 : 12) recorded Habrocytus radialis Thomson as having been reared from Anthonomus varians Payk. in Sweden, and stated that he had compared his specimens with a Thomson specimen in Vienna. There is reason to suppose that he misidentified vadialis ; a female in the BM(NH) determined by him as rvadialis is not that species but probably fasciatus Thomson. THE CAPREAE-GrRovup . Habrocytus capreae (Linnaeus) sensu Thomson Cynips capreae Linnaeus, 1761 : 388, no. 1531. Etroxys (Habrocytus) capreae (Linnaeus) Thomson, 1878 : 122, ¢ 9. ? Habrocytus capreae (Swederus) ; Peck, 1963 : 725. [nec Plevomalus capreae Swederus, 1795.] Type material. I cannot locate any possible types either in the Linnean collection or elsewhere. Under these circumstances it seems advisable to select a neotype. In Thomson’s collection 8 specimens stand as capreae ; one of them, a female labelled “‘ Dic”’ [Dalecarlia] ‘““Bhn” [Boheman] and “ Capreae Lin” could be designated neotype of Cynips capreae Linnaeus, 1761, but it will be necessary to apply to the Commission to have this selection validated. ? Britain (Blood coll., Oxford : 2 9, unlocalized but probably British ; SWEDEN, FINLAND, ITALy ; but no doubt more widely distributed in Europe. Recorded from ALASKA according to Peck (1963). Biology. eared in Italy from galls of Pontania viminalis L. on Salix sp. (Prof. E. Tremblay, Portici) ; I have examined the specimens. Habrocytus sp. indet. D ENGLAND : Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, I 9, 2.vill.1953 (Graham). Habrocytus dolichurus Thomson (Text-fig. 421) ? Entedon albipes Zetterstedt, 1838 : 430, 3. ? Pteromalus excrescentium Ratzeburg, 1848 : 197 [ex parte]. Habrocytus dolichurus Thomson, 1878 : 119, g 9. Habrocytus capreae Thomson ; Carleton, 1939 : 597, 611-615, fig. 9 [mec Thomson]. Type material. Entedon albipes Zetterstedt. TYPE ¢ in Zetterstedt collection, mounted on the same pin as the types of Cynips tibialis Zett. and Eulophus aethiops Zett. It bears a comprehensive label in Zetterstedt’s handwriting, reading “ 1. Cyn. 534 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM tibialis. 2. E. aethiops 9. 3. idem 6 9. 4 E. albipes Lyngen’’. I think that the type of albipes is probably a male of Habrocytus dolichurus Thomson. Pteromalus excrescentium Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. The original description suggests that the species is identical with dolichurus Thomson, parti- cularly the fact that one of the syntypic males was reared with “ Eulophus Tischbeinu ’’ [=Pnigalio nemati Westw.] from galls of “‘ Nematus Saliceti’”’ [=Pon- tania proxima LeP.] on willow leaves. Thomson (1878 : 122) considered that excrescentium was probably the same as capreae (L.) ; but Ratzeburg’s description of the female of excrescentium states that the female gaster is one and a quarter times as long as the head and thorax, which agrees better with the female of dolichurus Thomson, the female of capreae having a relatively much longer gaster. Habrocytus dolichurus Thomson. Syntypes on 18 pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled ‘‘ L-d”’ [Lund], bearing also a tiny pale blue ticket and a label “ dolichurus Ths.” BRITAIN, SWEDEN, ? GERMANY. Biology. Recorded (under the name capreae Thomson) by Carleton (1939) as a common parasite of Pontania proxima (LeP.) on Salix triandra L. and S. viminalis L. ; I have seen some of these specimens, which are dolichurus Thomson. Carleton stated that there are probably two broods in the year, emerging from a week to a fortnight after the host. I have reared dolichurus from galls of Pontania proxima on Salix fragilis L. in England, Berkshire, Wytham, Io.vii.1960 ; and from galls of P. bridgmaniu (Cam.) on S. cinerea L., Scotland, Isle of Rhum, 14.viii.1962. I have also swept specimens from foliage of Salix aurita L. and S. purpurea L.; galls of Pontania viminalis (L.) were common on the latter plant, and the Habrocytus may have been parasitizing that insect. Imagines chiefly July—Sept. (occasionally June). Otten (1940 : 186) recorded “‘ Pteromalus excrescentium Ratzeburg ’’ as a parasite of Pontania viminalts (L.) in Germany ; his records very probably refer to Habrocytus dolichurus Thomson. Habrocytus chlorogaster Thomson Habrocytus chlovogastey Thomson, 1878 : 119, ¢ 9. Type material. Syntypes mounted on 4 pins. The first pin carries a female and a male and bears labels reading ‘‘ Lund ’”’ and “ chlorogaster Ths ”’ ; the female is designated LECTOTYPE. The lectotype of chlorogaster differs only slightly from females of dolichurus Thomson. It has the median area of the propodeum slightly more transverse (length 20, breadth 38) and the nucha more delicately reticulate, the spiracular sulci deeper, and very strongly punctate ; the scutellum relatively broader (length 46, breadth 50) ; the gaster, which is slightly longer than head plus thorax, is rather less acuminate, with the last tergite relatively shorter (length 33, basal breadth 31). These differences are small, but I think chlorogaster may be a valid species. On PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 535 27.vil.1959, I swept a 9 at Falsterbo, Skane, Sweden, which has the gaster only about equal in length to the head plus thorax, but otherwise agrees with the lectotype. SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Habrocytus aureolus Thomson ? Pteromalus Ortalus Walker, 1839 : 241, 3. Habrocytus aureolus Thomson, 1878 : 125, °. Type material. Pteromalus ortalus Walker. Syntypes, 6 specimens. LECTO- TYPE, the third specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. I think it quite possible that the lectotype is a male of awreolus Thomson but as I have seen no bred males of the latter, I cannot be sure. Habrocytus aureolus Thomson. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE labelled “Sm” [Smaland] and “‘ Bhn ”’ [Boheman]. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; rather rare. New to Britain : Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 2 9, 8.vii.1956, 7.x.1956 (Graham) ; Kent, Lewisham, I 9, 29.v.1892 (A. J. Chitty). Biology. eared in Germany, Neuenburg, June 1964, by Dr. H. Pschorn- Walcher, from Lycaota xylostei (Giraud), a sawfly which forms galls on Lonicera xylosteum L. Dr. Boucek showed me specimens from Czechoslovakia which he had obtained from a host on Ligustrum. Imagines June—October (one record for May). The female of this beautiful species is easily recognized by the coppery or purplish copper colour of the body, the margined pronotal collar, somewhat flattened thorax, and the form of the propodeum. Species sola Habrocytus helenomus sp. n. (Text-fig. 397) 9. Head and thorax bronze, the front of the head greenish ; propodeum often olive or bluish-tinged ; basal tergite of gaster partly green, rest of gaster bronze with some weak greenish reflections. Antennal scape testaceous, usually more or less infuscate apically ; pedicellus and flagellum fuscous. Coxae concolorous with thorax ; trochanters mainly test- aceous ; femora fuscous, rather broadly pale apically ; rest of legs testaceous with tips of tarsi brown ; mid and hind tibiae sometimes slightly brownish medially. Tegulae testaceous to brown. Wings subhyaline ; venation testaceous with the parastigma and stigma slightly darker. Length 2-3 to 2-9 mm. Head slightly broader than the mesoscutum, in dorsal view hardly more than twice as broad as long ; temples slightly more than one third as long as eyes, converging moderately strongly and rather straight ; POL 1-25 to 1:3 OOL. Head in frontal view transversely oval ; eyes separated by 1-3 to 1-35 times their length. Malar space one third the length of an eve or slightly more. Anterior margin of clypeus moderately deeply emarginate, with an impression in the middle. Head finely reticulate ; clypeus strigose, the striae extending slightly on to the face and genae. Antennae (Text-fig. 397) inserted distinctly above the level of the ventral 536 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM edge of the eyes ; scape more than three quarters as long as an eye, reaching the level of the vertex or slightly above it ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to breadth of head ; pedicellus (profile) 1-8 to 2 times as long as broad, from slightly shorter to very slightly longer than the first funicular segment ; funicle cylindrical or nearly so, slightly stouter than the pedicellus ; first funicular segment 1-3 to 1-7 times as long as broad, sixth quadrate ; clava slightly longer than funicular segments five plus six ; sensilla fairly numerous, in two rows on each funicular segment, or in one irregular row on the distal segments. Thorax 1-4 to 1:5 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar distinctly less wide than the mesoscutum, medially from one seventh to slightly more than one sixth as long as the meso- scutum, rather coarsely reticulate especially in the middle, subhorizontal, its front edge abrupt and often weakly and irregularly margined in the middle. Mesoscutum 1-6 to 1-7 times as broad as long, finely reticulate, rather more coarsely on the disc. Scutellum about as broad as long, with reticulation like that of the mesoscutum, but on the front part of the scutellum rather finer. Propodeum in general shape much like that of dispar (Text-fig. 383), medially about half as long as the scutellum and distinctly produced beyond the bases of the hind coxae ; median area I-5 to I-7 times as broad as long, its panels not very shiny, very finely and almost uniformly reticulate ; costula absent ; median carina complete, or incomplete and irregular ; plicae distinct throughout, basally subparallel, strongly sinuate medially, then becoming sub- parallel on the sides of the nucha ; nucha occupying one third the length of the propodeum or slightly more, with very fine, slightly raised reticulation whose areoles are slightly elongated in the transverse axis ; spiracles oval, about 1-5 times as long as broad, slightly separated from the metanotum ; spiracular sulci distinctly impressed, with some punctures or transverse costulae ; callus alutaceous, rather shiny, moderately thickly pilose. Postspiracular sclerite narrow, shiny, nearly smooth, with an impression along its front edge. Mesepisternum moder- ately finely, though strongly, reticulate, with a mainly smooth subtriangular area below the base of the hindwing ; mesepimeron and metapleuron rather more coarsely reticulate. Legs rather short, moderately stout. Fore wing with upper surface of costal cell bare, lower surface with a complete row of hairs and some additional ones scattered over the distal third ;_ basal cell bare, open below ; basal vein with two to nine hairs ; speculum open below, on upper surface of wing not extending below the marginal vein except as an extremely narrow bare line ; wing beyond the speculum moderately thickly pilose, the area between the postmarginal and stigmal veins pilose ; apical margin ciliate ; marginal vein 1-35 to 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein as long as, or slightly longer than, the marginal ; stigmal vein slightly curved, stigma small and oval or subcircular. Gaster long-ovate or sublanceolate, as long as or slightly longer than head plus thorax, 2 to 2:25 times as long as broad, acute and usually slightly acuminate apically, not or only slightly narrower than the thorax ; basal tergite occupying about one quarter of the total length ; last tergite slightly shorter than, or as long as, its basal breadth ; ovipositor sheaths slightly exserted ; hypopygium extending about half way along the gaster. 6. Unknown. Holotype 2. ENGLAND : Oxfordshire, Otmoor, 8.ix.1956, swept from flowers of Angelica sylvestris L. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality as holotype 9, I 9, 25.vill.1956, I 9, 29.vill.1956, 2 9, 8.1x.1956, I 9, 20.ix.1956, all swept from flowers of Angelica sylvestris L. (Graham), in Graham collection. Species sola Habrocytus hieracii Thomson ? Pteromalus aurantiacus Ratzeburg, 1852 : 242 ““2”’ [vecte 3]. Habrocytus hievacit Thomson, 1878 : 128, 3 8. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EVROPE 537 Type material. Pteromalus aurantiacus Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. The description suggests the male of Habrocytus Mieracit Thomson, which has a rather distinctive coloration. Habrocytus hieracii Thomson. Syntypes on g pins. The first pin carries 4 9 (one LECTOTYPE) and is labelled “ Lhw 9/6” ; “in Gall. G. Hieracii’’ ; and © Hieraciti Ratz ”’ [sic]. BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; no doubt more widely distributed in Europe. Biology. eared in England from Phanacis centaureae Forst. on Centaurea scabtosa L. (M. Niblett). Thomson (1878 : 129) stated that it had been reared in Sweden from “ Cynips hieracii and tragopoginis’’ [=Aulacidea hieraciit (Bouché) and A. tragopogonis Thoms.]. Imagines in May, July, and Sept. Species sola Habrocytus crassinervis Thomson Habrocytus crassinervis Thomson, 1878 : 118, 3 . Type material. Several syntypes. The first pin of the series carries 2 2? and 1g and is labelled “ Bas”’ [Bastad] and “ crassinervis’’ ; the uppermost of the two females is designated LECTOTYPE. SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Reared in Sweden by Hedqvist and in Czechoslovakia by Bouéek, from Miarus campanulae (L.) on Campanula (unpublished information kindly supplied by Dr. Bouéek). Imagines July—August. The species described as crassinervis by Masi (1909 : 15-17) from material reared from an Ichneumonid parasitizing Heliothis peltigera Schiff. was probably not the true crassinervis. THE ALTUS-GrRoup Habrocytus altus (Walker) (Text-figs. 387, 395) Eutelus altus Walker, 1834 : 367, 3 9. Eutelus fuscipennis Walker, 1834 : 368, 9, Syn. n. Eutelus altus Walker ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 21. Habrocytus altus (Walker) Bouéek, 1965¢e : 8. Type material. Eutelus altus Walker. Syntypes, 1 g, 1 9. LECTOTYPE, the female specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Eutelus fuscipennis Walker. Syntypes, 1 g, 3 9. LECTOTYPE, a female bearing a Waterhouse label ; also, on the lower surface of the card, the letter “ W ”’ [probably standing for Windsor Forest, the type-locality]. BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May-July. 538 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM Habrocytus sp. indet. E CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Moravia, Pavlovské Kopce, I 9, 6.v.1961 (A. Hoffer). Habrocytus sp. indet. F AustrIiA : Tirol, Igls, 1 9, 1.vii.1953 (J. Vockeroth). Habrocytus sp. indet. G CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Sturovo-Nana, 2 9, 8.vi.1958 (A. Hoffer). This may be just a form of altus. Species sola Habrocytus fasciatus Thomson (Text-fig. 386) Habrocytus fasciatus Thomson, 1878 : 115, 3 9. Type material. Syntypes on g pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “0” [Oland]. SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. THe ALBIPENNIS-Grovup Habrocytus integer (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus integey Walker, 1872b : 119, 3 8. Pteromalus contaminatus Walker, 18726 : 120, “‘9”’ [vecte g], syn. n. Type material. Pteromalus integer Walker. Syntypes, 1 g,29. LECTOTYPE. a female (Type Hym. 5. 720), labelled ‘‘ Madeira Is. Porto Santo Wollaston ”’ and “ Pteromalus integer ”’. Pteromalus contaminatus Walker. One male (Type Hym. 711), LECTOTYPE, labelled “‘ Madeira Is. Porto Santo Wollaston ”’ and “ Pteromalus contaminatus ”’. MADEIRA ; only the syntypic material known. Biology. Unknown. This species may be recognized by its unusually long pronotal collar in both sexes, in addition to the other characters given for the female in my key to species. In most respects it is near to intermedius (Walker). Habrocytus elevatus (Walker) (Text-figs. 379, 418) Eutelus elevatus Walker, 1834 : 366, 9. Pteromalus Ceropasades Walker, 1839 : 214, g, Syn. n. Pteromalus Boreus Walker, 1839 : 245, g, Syn. Nn. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 539 Pteromalus Deucetius Walker, 1839 : 245, 3, Syn. n. Pteromalus elevatus Walker, 1848a : 77. Habrocytus dentifey Thomson, 1878 : 113, ¢ 2, syn. n. Habrocytus elevatus (Walker) Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 19. Habrocytus trypetae Varley, 1937 : 129-130 [nec Thomson, 1878]. Habrocytus trypetae Varley; Varley, 1947 : 143, 168-171, fig. 10, B, 3 Y [nec Thomson]. Habrocytus elevatus (Walker) ; Bouéek, 1965¢ : 8. Type material (the Walker lectotypes all bear a Waterhouse label). Eutelus elevatus Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen, mounted on its side. Pteromalus ceropasades Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus boreus Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus deucetius Walker. Syntypes, 23g. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen ; the other is var. y. Habrocytus dentifer Thomson. Syntypes on 21 pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “‘ L-d”’ [Lund]. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. ; NEWFOUNDLAND. Biology. H. elevatus is a parasite of Trypetid flies on certain Compositae. Varley (1937, 1947) recorded it [under the name of Habrocytus trypetae Thomson] as an ectoparasite of Urophora (=Euribia) jaceana (Hering) in galled florets of Knapweed (Centaurea nemoralis Jord.) and described its life-history in detail. He stated that the eggs are laid in gall-cells containing larvae or puparia of the gall-fly, or in gall-cells already containing other parasites ; many eggs may be laid on a single host, but invariably only one larva matures because newly-hatched larvae destroy any other eggs or larvae which they find. He remarked (1937 : 129) that the parasite “is not very particular in its choice of hosts in the galls . . . and may attack the larvae of Eurytoma curta [=tibialis Boh.}, and other parasites too if it encounters them’”’. Varley found that there were two or three generations per annum, depending on weather conditions ; in 1935 adults emerged mainly in May, July and September, but in the cold year 1936 they emerged in June and September. The Habrocytus was not found to attack non-gall-forming Trypetidae which occurred in the Knapweed. Newly-emerged females feed on the blood of the host through a suction-tube. The following specimens of elevatus reared by Prof. Varley from U. jaceana are in the BM(NH) : Cambridgeshire, Madingley, females emerged August 1934 and June 1936 ; Suffolk, Barton Mills, females em. June and July 1934; Yorkshire E., Rudston, female em. June 1934. Other specimens, mostly reared in subsequent years, are in the Hope Dept., Oxford. Besides the material of elevatus on which Varley’s account was based, I have checked specimens reared in England by other workers from different Trypetid hosts, as follows :—Males and females reared from Urophora stylata (F.) on Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten., Buckinghamshire, Oakley, 5.v.1957 (M. F. Claridge) ; Surrey, Ashtead Common, v. 1946 (M. Niblett), Females reared from Uvophora cardwm (L.), Oxfordshire, Wolvercote, 27.vil.1956, (M. F. Claridge) ; and (as “ trypetae ?’’) from galls of the same fly, reared June 1930, at Bookham, Surrey (K. G. Blair). 540 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Males and females reared from Uvophora cuspidata Mg. in florets of Centaurea scabiosa L., Cambridgeshire, Burwell, Devil’s Ditch, vii.1939 (M. Niblett). All the above Trypetidae form galls, either in the florets or in the stem of the host plant. Dr. O. Peck sent me specimens of elevatus, labelled as follows: “‘ St. John’s, Newfoundland, 12.v.1958, Ray F. Morris, ex Knapweed seed pod ’’. It is interesting to note that as early as 1848 Walker recorded that elevatus ‘‘ Destroys Trypeta pugillata”’ [sic] and that ceropasades “ Destroys Trypeta pupillata and T. mar- ginata’”’ [Hoplochaeta pupillata Fln. and ? Sphenella marginata (Fln.)| ; but these records cannot now be checked. Imagines of elevatus may be found in the field from May until August or (occasionally) September. Habrocytus musaeus (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus tarsatus Zetterstedt, 1838 : 422, 9, syn. n. [primary homonym of P. tayvsatus Nees, 1834]. Pteromalus Musaeus Walker, 1844a : 340, 9. Habrocytus tvrypetae Thomson, 1878 : 112, 9, syn. n. Type material. Pteromalus tarsatus Zetterstedt. Syntypes, 29. LECTOTYPE labelled in Zetterstedt’s handwriting “ P. tarsatus 9. Kengis”’ Pteromalus musaeus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, remounted on a card-point and bearing a Waterhouse label. Habrocytus trypetae Thomson. Syntypes on 28 pins. The first pin bears labels “L-d 27/6”, “ exclus. e Tephritis serratulae’’ and “ Trypetae Ths ’”’ ; it carries 3 males and 2 females, of which the lowermost female is designated LECTOTYPE. BRITAIN, SWEDEN (but no doubt widely distributed in Europe). Biology. I have examined many specimens which were reared in England ; Berkshire, Cumnor Hill, near Oxford in March 1941 (Prof. G. D. H. Carpenter), from heads of Spear Thistle (Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.) infested by Terellia serratulae (L.) ; and some from the same host on Carduus nutans L. (M. Niblett) (material in the Hope Dept., Oxford). Thomson reared it in Sweden (Skane, Lund), also from the same host. Imagines appear in the field May—July. Habrocytus cardui (Erd6s) comb. n. Cecidostiba cavdui Erdos, 1953 : 228, 230-231, ¢ 8. Type material. Syntypes, Kalocsa, Hungary, reared 18.viii.1946 from inflores- cences of Carduus acanthoides L., in coll. Erdés. I have not seen the types but believe I have interpreted the species correctly. BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY. Biology. See above. Imagines in August. Habrocytus myopitae sp. n. (Text-fig. 380) 2. Body black with rather weak metallic reflections ; thorax bronze, olive, or dark bluish, PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 541 head similar but tending most often towards dark bluish or olive ; basal tergite of gaster more or less tinged with bronze, brassy, or coppery. Antennae fuscous ; scape more or less test- aceous basally. Coxae, and femora except their tips, concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters mainly dark ; tibiae mainly fuscous to black, their bases and tips testaceous ; tarsi testaceous proximally, brown distally, the fore tarsi usually wholly brown. Tegulae black with a metallic tinge. Wings slightly greyish ; venation testaceous to fuscous. Length 2:6 to 3:2 mm. Head only slightly broader than the mesoscutum ; in dorsal view shaped much as in albi- pennis, but with the temples hardly one third as long as the eyes. Eyes separated by about 1-3 times their length. Malar space hardly half aslongasaneye. Sculpture of head, and structure of clypeus, much as in albipennis. Antennae inserted distinctly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape about three quarters as long as an eye, reaching only to the level of the lower edge of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only very slightly less than breadth of head ; pedicellus in profile 1-6 to 1-7 times as long as broad, as long as or slightly longer than the first funicular segment ; funicle slightly stouter than the pedicellus, cylindrical or weakly clavate ; first funicular segment quadrate or slightly, up to 1-3 times, longer than broad, distal segments quadrate, or the sixth slightly transverse ; clava hardly twice as long as broad, slightly longer than the combined length of the two preceding funicular segments ; sensilla fairly numerous, usually in two irregular rows on at least the proxi- mal segments of the funicle, sometimes in only one irregular row. Thorax, excluding propodeum, similar to that of albipennis. Propodeum (Text-fig. 380) about one third as long as the scutellum ; median area 2:25 to 2-5 times as broad as long, its panels shiny with some longitudinal costulae or coarse wrinkles, but with little fine reticulation ; costula fairly distinct, strongly angulate in the middle, where it nearly touches the base of the propodeum ; median carina usually absent, occasionally extending as far as the nucha ; other details much as in albipennis. Fore wing with lower surface of costal cell with one com- plete row of hairs, and some other hairs scattered over the distal third of the cell ; basal vein usually with some (up to six) hairs ; speculum open below, extending below the marginal vein for at most half the length of the latter ; wing beyond the speculum moderately thickly pilose, the area between the postmarginal and stigmal veins mainly pilose ; apical margin of wing ciliate ; marginal vein 1-35 to 1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein at least very slightly shorter than the marginal. Gaster lanceolate, as long as or longer than, up to 1-3 times, head plus thorax, 2:5 to 2-8 times as long as broad, somewhat compressed though usually only a little narrower than the thorax ; basal tergite occupying hardly one quarter of the total length, its hind margin usually distinctly emarginate medially, rarely entire ; last tergite as long as, or slightly longer than, its basal breadth ; ovipositor sheaths distinctly exserted, often to a length equal to about half that of the last tergite ; hypopygium extending about half way along the gaster. 3. Differs from the female as follows : Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-1 to 1-2 times the breadth of the head ; pedicellus in profile 1-5 to 1-6 times as long as broad, slightly shorter than or as long as the first funicular segment ; flagellum moderately stout, slightly stouter than the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view, cylindrical ; first funicular segment 1-2 to 1°5 times as long as broad, sixth usually quadrate or very slightly longer than broad, very slightly trans- verse in dwarfs ; clava 2-7 to 2:8 times as long as broad, slightly longer than the combined length of the two preceding funicular segments ; most of the hairs clothing the flagellum stand out at rather less than 45°, the length of the hairs is about equal to half the breadth of the segments that bear them. Gaster oval, slightly shorter and narrower than the thorax, with a ventral plica. The female of myopitae sp. n. most closely resembles that of cardui (Erdés), but differs in having the propodeum slightly longer, its median area less strongly transverse with the costula distinctly angulate in the middle and less strong ; 542 M. W.’R. pe V. GRAHAM also the longitudinal costulae situated in the panels of the median area are less regular and usually do not reach the transverse costula. Holotype 9. Encrianp: Isle of Wight, Yarmouth, 21.v.1938, reared from Myopites blotii Bréb., on Inula sp. (M. Niblett), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality and host as holotype 9, 3 g, 19.v.1938, 3 g, 21.v.1938, 5S, 22, 30.V.1938, 2 9, 4.vi.1938, 3 g, 10.vi.1938 (M. Niblett), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Habrocytus glabriculus Thomson (Text-figs. 374, 400, 411) Habrocytus glabyiculus Thomson, 1878 : 113-114, 9. Typé material. Syntypes, 3 9. LECTOTYPE labelled” Lp, in.“ ; Shame and bearing my lectotype label. I have not seen any additional material. SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Habrocytus sp. indet. H ENGLAND : Surrey, Ashstead Common, ¢ 2 em. vii.1963 from stem galls on Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L.) (A. F. Amsden) ; Oxfordshire, Thatcham Reeds, near Newbury, 28.viii.1964, 99 on the same plant species (Graham). This is very near to glabriculus Thomson, but not I think within the range of variation of that species. Habrocytus ? lactucae (Erdés & Szelényi) comb. n. ? Cecidostiba lactucae Erdés & Szelényi, in Erdés, 1953 : 228, 231-232, ¢ 9. Type material. Syntypes, Hungary, Heves, Atany, 15-17.vii.1935, from inflorescences of Lactuca sativa L., with Trypanea amoena Frauenf. ; Kalocsa, 24-25.vil.1946, 13-17.vil.1g48 together with the host, in Hungarian National Museum and in the Phytopathological Institute, Budapest, also in the collections of Novitzky and Ferriére. I have seen some specimens, said to be syntypes, from the Hungarian National Museum, but these do not seem to fit the description well. Before selecting a lectotype it will be necessary to examine all the syntypes, since the possibility that the series is a mixed one cannot be overlooked. HUNGARY. Biology. Parasite of Trypanea amoena (Frauenf.) (Dipt., Trypetidae). Habrocytus intermedius (Walker) (Text-fig. 408) Eutelus intermedius Walker, 1834 : 366, 2. PIEROMALIDAE OF NOW. EUROPE 543 ? Pteromalus impeditus Walker, 1835a : 187, 9. ? Habrocytus obscurus Thomson, 1878 : 113, 9. Habrocytus intermedius (Walker) Kurdjumoy, 1913 : 20. Type material. Eutelus intermedius Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE labelled ‘‘ Walker coll. 1904-120” and (in Walker’s handwriting) “‘ intermedius ”’ ; on the lower surface of the card are the letters ““ IW ”’ [standing for Isle of Wight, the type-locality]. Pteromalus impeditus Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the second ; Waterhouse label. Probably small intermedius with distorted gaster. Habrocytus obscurus Thomson. Syntypes on 36 pins. LECTOTYPE labelled “ Bas ”’ [Bastad] and “‘ obscurus Dalm.”’ [sic]. The lectotype differs from that of intermedius only in small details and I believe it may fall within the range of variation of intermedius. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. Reared from stems of Artemisia vulgaris L. (A. F. Amsden) {unpublished information], perhaps a parasite of Oxyna parietina L.; I have also found intermedius in some numbers on the above plant during August and September, in southern England. Imagines occur in the field July—Sept. Habrocytus albidovenosus (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus albidovenosus Walker, 1874 : 317, 9. Type material. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, Type Hym. 5.724, labelled “42”; “ Amurland. Coll. F. Walker. 1913-71” ; and (in Walker’s handwriting) “ Pteromalus albovenosus ”’ [sic]. Asta (Amurland) ; only the syntypes known. Biology. Unknown. The female of albidovenosus is extremely close to that of intermedius (Walker) but has the body rather more slender, the temples in dorsal view slightly shorter and more convergent, the ocelli smaller, the genae perhaps a little more buccate, and the disc of the mesoscutum rather more coarsely reticulate. It is not possible to decide, without seeing fresh material from the type locality, whether it is a form of intermedius or a distinct species. Habrocytus alternipes (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus alternipes Walker, 1872b : 120, 9. Type material. One female, LECTOTYPE (Type Hym. 5. 712) labelled “Madeira Id. Porto Santo Wollaston ”’ and (in Walker’s handwriting) ‘“‘ Pteromalus alternipes ”’. MADEIRA. Biology. Unknown. 544 M. W. R. bE V. GRAHAM The female of alternipes closely resembles that of intermedius (Walker) but differs as follows : pronotal collar shorter, its front edge not raised ; funicular segments relatively shorter ; gaster narrower, coppery bronze, with slight greenish reflections only at the base and apex. Habrocytus berylli (Walker) comb. n. (Text-figs. 378, 417) Pteromalus berylli Walker, 1835a : 199, 9. Pteromalus Avriomedes Walker, 1839 : 210, g, Syn. n. Habrocytus aviomedes (Walker) Bouéek, 1965¢ : 8. Type material (lectotypes bear a Waterhouse label). Pteromalus berylli Walker. Syntypes, 2 9 ; LECTOTYPE, the first specimen. Pteromalus ariomedes Walker. Syntypes, 3 ¢ ; LECTOTYPE, the first specimen. BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Not definitely ascertained, but probably a parasite of Trypetid flies. Walker (1848a : 77) recorded it as reared from Trypeta parietina [Oxyna parietina L.] but this record cannot now be checked. Imagines June-July. Habrocytus albipennis (Walker) (Text-figs. 394, 403, 406) Pteromalus coeruleus Dalman, 1820 : pl. 7, figs. 29-31. Pteromalus cingulipes Walker, 1835a : 197, 3 2, Syn. n. Pteromalus albipennis Walker, 1835a : 198, 9. Pteromalus plenus Walker, 1835a : 199, 3 2, Syn. n. Pteromalus albipennis Zetterstedt, 1838 : 424, 2, syn. n. ? Pteromalus Hedymeles Walker, 1839 : 215, 6. Pteromalus Zelus Walker, 1839 : 270, 3, Syn. n. ? Pteromalus Suia Walker, 1848 : 124, 181, 3. Pteromalus Coeno Walker, 1848 : 124, 186, g, syn. n. ? Pteromalus Larymna Walker, 1848 : 126, 204, 9. Pteromalus Priansos Walker, 1848 : 126, 208, 9, syn. n. Pteromalus Orthagus Walker, 1848 : 126, 209, 9, syn. n. Pteromalus Diomedon Walker, 1848 : 126, 209, 2, Syn. n. Habrocytus albipennis (Walker) Thomson, 1878 : 110, g 9. Habrocytus beryllinus Thomson, 1878 : 112, f 9, Syn. n. Habrocytus albipennis (Walker) ; Varley, 1947 : 170. Habrocytus albipennis (Walker) ; Bouéek, 1965e : 8. Type material (all Walker lectotypes bear Waterhouse labels). Pteromalus coeruleus Dalman. This species was figured by Dalman but not described (the name merely included in a list). I have not located any specimens so named ; but probably Thomson saw the original material, since he synonymized coeruleus with albipennis (1878 : 110) without question. Pteromalus cingulipes Walker. Syntypes, 3 ¢, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the third specimen, a female ; it is within the range of variation of albipennis although it has an unusually short gaster. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 545 Pteromalus albipennis Walker. Syntypes, 22. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen. Pteromalus plenus Walker. Syntypes, 1 g, 1 9. LECTOTYPE, the female specimen ; it has an unusually short gaster but is I think the same as albipennis. Pteromalus albipennis Zetterstedt. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE labelled in Zetterstedt’s handwriting “‘ Pt. albipennis 9. Kengis’’. Zetterstedt described it without any reference to Walker’s earlier name albipennis, so presumably it was thought to be a new species. Pteromalus hedymeles Walker. Syntypes, 2 3. LECTOTYPE, the first speci- men ; it probably belongs to albipenmis. Pteromalus zelus Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype). Pteromalus suia Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE. This may be a male of albipennis. Pteromalus coeno Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus larymna Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE. It appears to be a small specimen of albipennis. Pteromalus orthagus Walker. One female, designated LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus priansos Walker. Syntypes, 2 9 ; LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, a dwarf of albipennis. Pteromalus diomedon Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE. Habrocytus beryllinus Thomson. Syntypes on ro pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled ‘* Lund ”’. The name albipennis (Walker) was adopted for this species by Thomson (1878) and is now generally accepted. As it is the type-species of Habrocytus, and because there are some other apparently valid species which are difficult to distinguish from it, I give a redescription below. (Redescription). 9. Body green to blue, sometimes with violet reflections in places. Anten- nal scape usually more or less testaceous at the base ; flagellum fuscous to black, occasionally somewhat testaceous beneath. Coxae, and femora except their tips, concolorous with the body ; trochanters dark, trochantelli at least partly yellowish ; tibiae varying from entirely yellowish, through testaceous, often more or less broadly brownish to fuscous medially ; tarsi pale yellowish, brown distally, fore tarsi sometimes wholly brown. Wings hyaline or whitish hyaline ; veins usually pale yellowish, sometimes pale fulvous, the parastigma and stigma sometimes fulvous to brownish. Length 2-5 to 4-3 mm. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 406) from hardly broader than, to 1-1 times as broad as, the mesoscutum, 2:15 to 2:25 times as broad as long ; temples from nearly to slightly more than one third as long as eyes, moderately convergent ; POL 1-5 to1-7 OOL. Head in frontal view subtrapeziform, with genae slightly buccate ; eyes about 1-5 times as long as broad, separated by 1-4 to 1°5 times their length. Malar space from hardly half, to somewhat more than half, the length of aneye. Anterior margin of clypeus shallowly emarginate, with a depression in the middle touching the emarginate edge. Head finely reticulate, especially on the temples and genae. Clypeus (Text-fig. 394) radiately strigose, the striae extending a little way up the genae and face. Antennae inserted well above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape fully three quarters as long as an eye, reaching about level with the middle of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than the breadth of the head ; pedi- cellus (in profile) about 1-7 times as long as broad, usually somewhat shorter than, or as long as, the first funicular segment, slightly longer in small females ; funicle slightly stouter than the pedicellus, usually cylindrical, very weakly clavate in the smallest specimens ; first funicular 546 M. W. R. de V. GRAHAM segment 1-1 to 1-6 times as long as broad, sixth quadrate to slightly transverse, sometimes also the fifth and even the fourth are quadrate ; clava usually collapsing slightly and then appearing slightly broader than the funicle, 1-8 to 2-3 times as long as broad, its length slightly greater than the combined length of the two preceding funicular segments ; sensilla numerous, usually in two, sometimes irregular, rows on each funicular segment, sometimes only one row on the distal segments or, in very small specimens, on all the segments ; hairs of flagellum mostly sub- adpressed. Thorax about 1-4 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar somewhat less wide than the mesoscutum, appearing hardly longer at the sides than in the middle, subhorizontal, its front edge abrupt or weakly irregularly margined in the middle ; one seventh to one sixth as long as the mesoscutum, somewhat more coarsely reticulate than the front part of the latter. Mesoscutum 1:5 to 1-65 times as broad as long, rather dull, very finely reticulate, slightly more coarsely in the middle posteriorly. Scutellum about as broad as long, very finely reticulate, slightly more coarsely on the frenum. Inner angles of axillae with rather coarser reticulation than that of the scutellum. Propodeum about one third as long as the scutellum or slightly more, sloping at an angle of about 45° to the plane of the mesoscutum and scutellum ; median area 2 to 2:6 times as broad as long, its panels somewhat shiny, irregularly sculptured, partly finely reticulate, with some carinulae or wrinkles, with some longitudinal carinulae at the base ; median carina complete and sharp, slightly raised basally though not dentiform ; there is a large oval fovea on each side of the median area, touching the base of the propodeum ; costula more or less indicated, usually represented by a slightly raised reticulate ridge, but rarely at all sharp ; nucha about one third the median length of the propodeum, separated from the median area by a deep and longitudinally-costate furrow, the nucha with very fine reticulation whose areoles are broader than long; plicae anteriorly subparallel and forming convex elevations just outside the basal foveae, posteriorly sharp and extending along the sides of the nucha to its hind edge, the part on the sides of the nucha converging strongly towards the med- ian line ; callus lightly and finely reticulate ; spiracles large, sublinear, touching or almost touching the metanotum ; spiracular sulci distinctly impressed, punctate or with some trans- verse costulae. Postspiracular sclerite narrow, very weakly sculptured and shiny, with an impression along its front border. Mesepisternum finely reticulate, with a mainly to wholly smooth area below the base of the hind wing ; mesepimeron finely reticulate ; metapleuron rather more finely reticulate than the mesepimeron. Legs rather short ; femora relatively stout. Fore wing with upper surface of costal cell bare, lower surface with a row of widely- spaced hairs (Text-fig. 403) which is interrupted in or before the middle, often very widely ; basal cell bare, basal vein bare or virtually so ; speculum open below, on upper surface of wing extending below the marginal vein for more than half the length of the latter, or even as far as the stigmal vein ; wing beyond speculum with its pilosity not dense, the area between the post- marginal and stigmal veins partly bare ; marginal vein 1:35 to 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein usually a little shorter than the marginal ; stigmal vein slightly curved, forming an angle of 40° to 45° with the postmarginal ; stigma small, obliquely suboval ; apical margin of wing ciliate in fresh specimens, but tending to lose the cilia later so that the margin becomes at least partly bare. Gaster lanceolate, 1-1 to 1-3 times as long as head plus thorax, slightly to distinctly narrower than the thorax, acute and sometimes slightly acuminate apically, 2-2 to 3 times as long as broad ; hind margin of basal tergite entire or very weakly emarginate medially ; last tergite from as long as, to slightly longer than, its basal breadth, its front third to half bare ; hypopy- gium extending about half way along the gaster ; ovipositor sheaths projecting slightly so that their tips are visible in dorsal view. ¢. Antennal scape often wholly dark, rarely with more than its proximal half testaceous in British specimens, reaching about to level of middle of median ocellus. Gaster immaculate. In structure much like the female, but with the propodeum somewhat longer, its median area less transverse ; antennae and gaster different. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head ; flagellum not slender, distinctly stouter PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 547 than the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view ; pedicellus about 1:5 times as long as broad ; first funicular segment from slightly longer than, to about 1-5 times as long as, the pedicellus, 1:25 to 1-6 times as long as broad, sixth segment quadrate or slightly longer than broad. Row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell complete or somewhat interrupted. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Varley (1947: 170) found that albipennis attacked Chaetostomella cylindrica R.-D. (=onotrophes Loew) and Chaetoriella jaceae (R.-D.), two non-gall- forming Trypetid flies occurring in the flower-heads of Centaurea nemoralis Jord.; I have examined Professor Varley’s material. Other specimens which I have identified as albipennis were reared in England by Mr. M. Niblett, from the following hosts (according to their labels) :—Tephritis bardanae Schr. and Trypeta [=Orellia] tussilagimis F. on Arctium lappa L.; Trypeta [=Orellia| winthemi Mg. on Carduus crispus L. (material in Hope Dept., Oxford). Imagines occur in the field June— August (occasionally some appear in May). Habrocytus temporalis sp. n. (Text-fig. 410) 2. Very close to albipennis (Walker) and intermedius (Walker). Differs from albipennis as follows: Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 410) slightly less transverse, only 2 to 2-05 times as broad as long ; temples longer, nearly half as long as the eyes, converging only slightly. Fore wing with postmarginal vein longer, 1-1 to 1-25 times as long as the marginal vein ; marginal vein 1:25 to 1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein. Pronotal collar rather longer, medially about one fifth as long as the mesoscutum, its front edge sharp. From intermedius it differs in the characters given in the key to females (see couplet 20). 6. Differs from that of albipennis in having a pale subbasal spot on the gaster ; antennal scape reaching the level of the vertex ; temples, in dorsal view of head, longer and less con- vergent. From that of bevylli (Walker) it differs in the characters given in my key to males of Habrocytus. Holotype 9. Sweden: Holland, Snéstorp, 17.vii.1954 (H. Andersson : serial no. M408), in Universitetets Zoologiska Institution, Lund. Paratypes. Same locality, 1 g, 14.vii.1954, I 9, 17.vii.1954 (H. Andersson). Biology. Unknown. Habrocytus patro (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus Patro Walker, 1848 : 125, 195, 3. The male of fatro is easy to distinguish from that of albipennis ; but the female here associated with it (I presume correctly) is very similar to that of albipennis. ®. Differs from that of albipennis as follows : Gaster on the average slightly longer, 3-2 to 3°5 times as long as broad, 1-25 to 1-3 times as long as head plus thorax, rather more compressed. Venation more fulvous in colour. Malar space somewhat more than half as long as an eye. Length of body, 3:5 to 3:7 mm. 6. Differs from that of albipennis as follows : Gaster with a yellowish subbasal spot. Anten- nal scape reaching the level of the vertex, entirely testaceous or darkened only distally ; flagel- 548 M. W. RK. pe Vi. GRAELAM lum testaceous, somewhat brownish dorsally, the segments brownish at their bases. Pronotal collar margined in the middle, the front edge sometimes strongly raised. Length 2-3 to 2-8 mm. One male (now designated LECTOTYPE) stands under the name patro in Walker’s collection ; it bears a Waterhouse label. Additional material :— ENGLAND : Surrey, Mickleham Downs, gg, 992 emerged 18.iv.1938, from Ovellia winthenn (Mg.) on Carduus crispus L., reared by (M. Niblett), material in the Hope Dept., University Museum, Oxford. Habrocytus caudiger sp. n. 2. Differs from that of albipennis (Walker) as follows : Length 4 to 4:8 mm. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-65 to I-g times as long as the stigmal vein ; venation fulvous, the para- stigma and stigma sometimes brownish testaceous. Gaster relatively longer, 1:3 to 1-5 times as long as head plus thorax, 3-4 to 4 times as long as broad, more compressed, conical, broadest at about the level of the apex of the basal tergite, in albipennis usually with its broadest part somewhat farther back ; last tergite 1-35 to 1-55 times as long as its basal breadth. Malar space from somewhat more than half, to nearly two thirds, the length of an eye. 3. Resembles that of albipennis but is larger (length 3-4 to 3-5 mm.). Holotype 9. England: Berkshire, Hinksey, emerged 2.vi.1925, from Terellia longicauda (Mg.), in flower-head of Cirsiwm eriophorum L. (E. G. R. Waters), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality and host as holotype, I g, I Q I-2.vi.1925 (E. G. R. Waters) ; Wytham, 99 emerged 31.11.1953, 3.V.1953, 4.V-1953 from flower-heads of C. ertophorum (G. C. Varley) ; Oxfordshire, Shotover, 1 9, emerged I.vi.1925 from Terellia longicanda on the same host-plant (A. H. Hamm), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Habrocytus decipiens sp. n. (Text-fig. 398) 9. Differs from that of albipennis as follows : Flagellum most often distinctly testaceous beneath. Size relatively less (length 1-8 to 2-5 mm). Head in dorsal view with temples only one quarter as long as eyes or hardly more, and converging rather more strongly Flagellum (Text-fig. 398) distinctly clavate, strongly so in small specimens ; pedicellus at least very slightly longer than the first funicular segment, usually obviously longer ; first funicular seg- ment quadrate or hardly longer than broad, the following segments quadrate, or the sixth, sometimes also the fifth, slightly transverse ; sensilla relatively less numerous, arranged in one, sometimes irregular, row on each funicular segment. Fore wing with row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell often complete ; marginal vein only 1-27 to 1-45 times as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster relatively shorter, ovate-lanceolate, from nearly as long as, to slightly longer than, head plus thorax, 1-65 to 2-1 times as long as broad, not compressed and nearly or quite as broad as the thorax ; last tergite at most as long as, but usually shorter than, its basal breadth. 6. Not definitely associated. Holotype 2. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Thatcham Reeds, near Newbury, 29.vili.1964, swept from flowers of Avtemisia vulgaris L. (Graham), Hope Dept., University Museum, Oxford. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 549 Paratypes. Same locality and plant as holotype, 11 9, 26.vili.1964, 7 9, 29.viil. 1964 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. Habrocytus brachygaster sp. n. (Text-fig. 416) 2. Body dark green to dark blue-green ; occipital surface of head, pronotal neck, meso- pleuron partly, and sometimes disc of gaster, bluish black. Antennal scape more or less test- aceous at base, otherwise blackish with a metallic tinge, like the pedicellus ; flagellum fuscous, not distinctly paler beneath excepting the sensilla. Coxae, and femora except their tips, black with a metallic tinge ; trochanters mainly to entirely dark ; legs otherwise testaceous with at least the mid and hind tibiae more or less broadly infuscate medially ; tarsi fuscous at tips, fore tarsi mainly fuscous. Tegulae blackish with a metallic tinge. Wings hyaline ; venation pale yellowish to fulvous, the parastigma and stigma sometimes slightly darket. Length 2 to 2:2 mm. Head only slightly broader than the mesoscutum ; in dorsal view 2:25 to 2-3 times as broad as long, with temples hardly more than one quarter as long as eyes and rounded off ; POL 1:65 to 1-8 OOL. Head in front view suboval with genae moderately buccate. Eyes separated by about 1°5 times their length. Malar space slightly less than, or nearly, half the length of an eye. Structure of clypeus, and sculpture of head, as in albipennis ; frons rather more coarsely reticulate than rest of head. Antennal scape more than three quarters as long as an eye, reaching level with the lower edge or the middle of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum much less than breadth of head ; pedicellus in profile about 1-6 times as long as broad, as long as or distinctly longer than the first funicular segment ; flagellum only moderately clavate, proximally distinctly stouter than the pedicellus ; first funicular segment quadrate or subquadrate, following segments subquadrate, the sixth, sometimes also the fifth, very slightly transverse ; clava about twice as long as broad, as long as two and a half or three of the preceding funicular segments ; sensilla fairly numerous, in one row on all the funicular segments. Thorax barely 1-5 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar slightly less wide than the meso- scutum, about as long medially as at the sides, one fifth or slightly more than one fifth as long as the mesoscutum, coarsely reticulate in the middle, more finely so at the sides ; its front edge abrupt, sometimes weakly and irregularly margined in the middle. Mesoscutum 1:6 to 1°65 times as broad as long, finely reticulate at the sides, more coarsely so discally. Scutellum hardly longer than broad, finely reticulate, the frenum slightly more coarsely than the rest. _Propodeum, medially, slightly more than one third as long as the scutellum ; median area 2 to 2-2 times as broad as long, similar to that of scandiae sp.n. but rather more shiny and more irregularly sculptured, the plicae rather more distinct anteriorly, the callus more shiny, alutaceous. Post- spiracular sclerite, meso- and metapleuron much as in scandiae. Fore wing much like that of scandiae, but having the row of hairs on the lower surface of the costal cell usually complete, occasionally narrowly broken, marginal vein only 1-15 to 1:35 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein usually as long as or slightly longer than the marginal, rarely very slightly shorter. Gaster short-ovate, as long as or slightly longer than the thorax, about as broad as the thorax and not compressed, 1-4 to 1-9 times as long as broad, acute though not acuminate apically ; basal tergite occupying about one third of the total length ; last tergite only about half as long as its basal breadth ; ovipositor sheaths slightly exserted ; hypopygium extending about half way along the gaster. 3g. Not definitely associated. Some males taken in company with the above females may be conspecific with them ; they are much like those of albipennis (Walker) but smaller (Text- fig. 416). 550 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Thatcham Reeds, near Newbury, 29. viii.1964, swept from plants of Avtemisia vulgaris L. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality and host-plant as holotype, 5 9, 29.viii.1g64, 2 Q, 31.vill.1964 (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. Habrocytus tibiellus (Zetterstedt) comb. n. Pteromalus tibiellus Zetterstedt, 1838 : 425, 9. Type material. One female, LECTOTYPE, labelled in Zetterstedt’s handwriting “ Pt. tibiellus 2 Joh. Ro.’”’ The specimen was partly covered with mould but I have managed to determine its characters fairly well. The male is unknown. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. England [new record] : Oxford, I 9, 27.1x.1954 (Graham) ; this appears to be identical with the lectotype of tubzellus. Biology. Unknown. Habrocytus scandiae sp. n. (Text-fig. 399) ®. Head and thorax mainly dark green ; occipital surface of head, pronotal neck, meso- pleuron mainly, mesoscutum sometimes partly, bluish black ; basal tergite of gaster green, the rest of the gaster varied with greenish and bronze, the disc bronze or purplish. Antennal scape blackish with a metallic tinge, testaceous basally ; pedicellus blackish, paler apically ; flagellum brown, slightly paler beneath. Coxae, and femora except their tips rather narrowly, concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters mainly dark ; tibiae fuscous except at base and apex ; remaining parts of legs testaceous, with tips of tarsi fuscous. Tegulae black with a metallic gloss. Wings hyaline ; venation fulvous to testaceous, parastigma and stigma some- times slightly darker. Length 1-7 to 2 mm. Head about 1-2 times as broad as mesoscutum, in dorsal view about 2:2 times as broad as long ; temples hardly more than one quarter as long as eyes, converging strongly and curved ; POL 1°5 to 1:6 OOL. Head in frontal view suboval; eyes separated by 1°5 to 1°55 times their length. Malar space from barely half to slightly more than half, the length of an eye. Clypeus finely strigose, its anterior margin shallowly emarginate and with a slight impression in the middle, the striae extending only slightly on to the genae and face. Head finely reticulate, the frons rather more coarsely. Antennae (Text-fig. 399) with scape slightly more than three quarters the length of an eye, but reaching only to the level of the lower edge of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum much less than breadth of head ; pedi- cellus (profile) about 1-6 times as long as broad, distinctly longer than the first funicular seg- ment ; flagellum proximally not stouter than the pedicellus, but thickening distad so as to be rather strongly clavate ; first and second funicular segments quadrate or slightly longer than broad, the following subquadrate, or the sixth, and sometimes the fifth, very slightly transverse ; clava about twice as long as broad, its length equalling two and a half to two and three quarters of the preceding funicular segments ; sensilla not very numerous, in one row on each funicular segment. Thorax about 1:5 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar slightly less wide than the meso- scutum, about as long medially as at the sides, from slightly less than to about one fifth as long PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 551 as the mesoscutum, rather coarsely reticulate in the middle, more finely at the sides ; front edge very abrupt, sometimes weakly and irregularly margined in the middle. Mesoscutum about 1-6 times as broad as long, finely reticulate, rather more coarsely on the disc. Scutellum hardly longer than broad, finely reticulate, the frenum hardly more coarsely than the rest. Propodeum somewhat more than one third as long as the scutellum ; median area 1-8 to 2 times as broad as long, its panels not very shiny, very finely and fairly uniformly reticulate, with some longitudinal carinulae at the base ; median carina complete but usually not very strong ; costula subobsolete ; plicae traceable throughout but only sharp posteriorly where they converge strongly on the sides of the nucha ; nucha about one quarter as long as the median area, delicately transversely strigose-reticulate, separated from the median area by a transverse impression which has some longitudinal costulae ; spiracles long-oval, nearly touch- ing the metanotum ; spiracular sulci distinct ; callus alutaceous, not very shiny, rather sparsely pilose. Postspiracular sclerite and mesepisternum as in albipennis. _Mesepimeron more coarsely reticulate than the mesepisternum. Metapleuron somewhat shiny, finely reticulate. Fore wing with upper surface of costal cell bare, lower surface with the row of hairs usually widely broken, but complete in one female ; basal cell bare, open below, basal vein bare ; speculum open below, on upper surface of wing extending below marginal vein to fully half the length of the latter ; wing beyond speculum not very thickly pilose, the area between postmarginal and stigmal vein partly bare ; apical margin of wing ciliate ; marginal vein 1-5 to 1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein distinctly shorter than the marginal ; stigmal vein slightly curved, stigma small and suboval. Gaster ovate, about as long and as broad as the thorax, not compressed, 1-5 to 1-6 times as long as broad, acute but not acuminate apically ; basal tergite occupying rather more than one third the total length ; last tergite distinctly shorter than its basal breadth ; tips of ovipositor sheaths just visible in dorsal view ; hypopygium extending about half way along the gaster. 3. Unknown. The female is nearest to that of tibiellus (Zetterstedt), but differs in having the antennal flagellum more clavate, more slender proximally, gaster shorter, marginal vein longer relative to the stigmal vein. Holotype 9. SwEDEN: Skane, Falsterbo, 27.vii.1959, swept from sand-dune vegetation (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype 9, 6 9, in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. Habrocytus tripolii sp. n. (Text-figs. 377, 402, 409) 9. Head and thorax usually bright green to blue, sometimes with strong brassy or coppery reflections ; occipital surface of head and neck of pronotum bluish black. Antennal scape testaceous basally ; flagellum fuscous, sometimes obscurely testaceous beneath. Legs coloured much as in albipennis (Walker). Tegulae black with a metallic tinge. Wings hyaline ; venation fulvous to testaceous. Length 2-7 to 3:1 mm. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 409) shaped much as in albipennis ; POL 1-4 to 1-5 OOL. Eyes separated by about 1-5 times their length. Sculpture of head, and structure of clypeus, as in albipennis. Antennae (Text-fig. 402) inserted distinctly above level of ventral edge of eyes ; scape slightly more than three quarters as long as an eye, reaching the level of the middle or the top of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly less than the breadth of the head ; pedicellus in profile about 1-6 times as long as broad, slightly shorter than or as long as the first funicular segment ; funicle rather slender, but slightly 552 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM stouter than the pedicellus, nearly cylindrical ; first funicular segment 1-1 to 1-5 times as long as broad, the following segments slightly shorter, the sixth quadrate or very slightly transverse ; clava hardly twice as long as broad, slightly longer than the combined length of the two pre- ceding funicular segments ; sensilla usually numerous and in two irregular rows on at least the proximal segments of the funicle, in small females sparser and in only one row. Thorax like that of albipennis, but with the pronotal collar a little longer and rather more abrupt in front ; and propodeum different. Pronotal collar medially from slightly more than one sixth, to slightly more than one fifth, as long as the mesoscutum. Propodeum (Text-fig. 377) medially a little less than half as long as the scutellum, rather more strongly produced posteriorly than in albipennis ; median area 1-75 to 1-9 times as broad as long, its panels rather dull, mainly finely and rather uniformly reticulate, with some longitudinal carinulae at the base ; costula hardly indicated ; plicae rather more distinct in their posterior half than in albipennis ; median carina often irregular, weak, or even absent ; callus finely and lightly reticulate. Fore wing much as in albipennis ; row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell widely broken medially ; marginal vein 1-4 to 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; apical margin of the wing ciliate. Gaster short-ovate, about as long as, or slightly shorter than, the thorax, about as broad as the latter, 1-2 to 1-6 times as long as broad, acute but not acuminate apically ; basal tergite occupying one third to two fifths of the total length ; last tergite slightly to very distinctly shorter than its basal breadth ; ovipositor sheaths projecting at most very slightly beyond the top of the last tergite ; hypopygium extending about half way along the gaster, but usually overlapped by the tergites and not visible. 6. Differs from the female as follows : POL 1:°6 to 1:65 OOL. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-3 to 1:35 breadth of head ; pedicellus about 1-5 times as long as broad, from half to two thirds as long as the first funicular segment ; flagellum cylindrical, distinctly stouter than the pedicellus ; first funicular segment 1-7 to 2 times as long as broad, following segments slightly shorter though all longer than broad, the sixth about 1-5 times as long as broad ; clava nearly or quite three times as long as broad, hardly longer than the combined length of the two preceding funicular segments ; hairs of flagellum standing out at an angle of about 45°, their length about half the breadth of the segments that bear them. Propodeum slightly longer, its median area less transverse. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-35 to 1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster oblong-obovate, slightly shorter and narrower than the thorax, with a ventral plica. The female of this species is similar to that of albipennis (Walker) in many respects, but differs from it particularly in its much shorter gaster ; other differences are mentioned in the description. The male of trvipolii differs from that of albtpennis in having the flagellum rather longer, the funicular segments relatively more elongate. Holotype @. EncLranp: Kent, Stone Marshes, 18.vii.1935, emerged from Paroxyna plantaginis (Hal.), in flower-heads of Aster tripolium L. (M. Niblett), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. ENGLAND : Same data as holotype, 3 9, 18.vii.1935, in Hope Dept., University Museum, Oxford ; Dorset, Lodmoor, near Weymouth, gg, 99, swept in a salt-marsh, 13.ix.1962 (Graham), in Graham collection. IRELAND : Co. Dublin, Swords Estuary, 3 9, 26.vili.1954 (Stelfox), North Bull, several 99, 13.vili.1962, collected in the salt-marsh (Mrs. Healy) ; Co. Wicklow, The Murrough, 2 9, 25.viii.1955 (Stelfox), in Graham collection. Aster tripolium was seen in the other localities mentioned, and it is probably the main host-plant of tvipolit. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 553 Habrocytus conformis sp. n. 9. Head and thorax with a weak bluish, bronze, or olive tinge ; gaster bronze with the basal tergite more or less brassy, green, or coppery. Antennae blackish with the scape sometimes testaceous proximally. Coxae, and femora except their tips, concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters mainly dark ; rest of legs testaceous with the mid and hind tibiae more or less infuscate medially, tips of tarsi brown, the fore tarsi more extensively so. Wings subhyaline ; venation testaceous with the parastigma and stigma slightly darker. Length 2-5 to 3-1 mm. Differs structurally from the female of tvipolii as follows : Pronotal collar slightly shorter medially, at most slightly more than one sixth as long as the mesoscutum. Propodeum slightly shorter, about two fifths as long as the scutellum, its median area 1:85 to 2 times as broad as long, the panels less uniformly reticulate and with some longi- tudinal or oblique carinulae in addition to those present at the base of the propodeum. Gaster slightly longer than the thorax, 1-5 to 1-85 times as long as broad, more acute, and slightly acuminate, apically ; last tergite as long as or slightly longer than its basal breadth. 3. Unknown. Holotype 2. ENGLAND : Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, 25.vi1.1957, swept from grassy vegetation (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratype. ENGLAND : Oxfordshire, Otmoor, I 9, 29.vili.19g56, on a flower-head of Angelica sylvestris L. (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. Habrocytus parietinae sp. n. (Text-figs. 376, 401, 407) ®. Colour much as in polit sp. n., but antennae and legs paler. Antennal scape often more extensively, sometimes entirely, testaceous ; flagellum testaceous at least beneath, sometimes testaceous with only a little infuscation dorsally ; pedicellus often pale beneath and apically. Tibiae usually entirely bright testaceous, occasionally the hind ones slightly infuscate medially. Tegulae testaceous to fuscous. Body green to blue, without brassy or coppery tints. Length 2-6 to 3-1 mm. Structurally, differs from tvipolii as follows : Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 407) 2:05 to 2-1 times as broad as long ; temples longer, only slightly less than half as long as the eyes. Antennal scape (Text-fig. 401) more than three quarters as long as an eye, reaching the level of the top of the median ocellus or even the vertex ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum hardly less than the breadth of the head ; pedi- cellus about 1-6 times as long as broad, slightly to distinctly shorter than the first funicular segment ; funicle slender, proximally only slightly stouter than the pedicellus, weakly clavate ; first funicular segment 1-8 to 2 times as long as broad, the following segments relatively shorter though all longer than broad, except the sixth which is quadrate ; clava about twice as long as broad, slightly longer than the combined length of the two preceding funicular segments. Propodeum (Text-fig. 376) medially almost or quite half as long as the scutellum ; median area 1°55 to 1:75 times as broad as long, its panels more irregularly sculptured with some coarse wrinkles, some of them longitudinal, mixed with the reticulation ; costula rather more distinct ; median carina distinct and sharp as far as the costula. Fore wing with lower surface of costal cell with a complete row of hairs, also a few other hairs scattered over the distal quarter of the cell ; speculum extending below the marginal vein for at most half the length of the latter ; wing beyond the speculum more thickly pilose, the area between the postmarginal and stigmal veins almost wholly pilose ; marginal vein 1-4 to 1:6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; post- marginal vein from slightly shorter, to somewhat longer, than the marginal. 554 M. W. R. p—E V. GRAHAM Gaster longer than in ¢tvipolii, 1-55 to 1-9 times as long as broad, longer than the thorax though slightly shorter than head plus thorax, slightly more acute apically ; basal tergite occupying about one third of the total length ; last tergite less transverse ; ovipositor sheaths projecting more distinctly. 6. Differs from the 9 as follows : POL 1:6 to 1:7 OOL. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-3 times breadth of head ; pedicellus about 1-5 times as long as broad, half or slightly more than half as long as the first funicular segment ; flagellum subcylindrical, not or hardly stouter than the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view ; first funicular segment 2 to 2-25 times as long as broad, the following segments relatively shorter though all longer than broad, the sixth 1-6 to 1-7 times as long as broad ; clava about three times as long as broad, about as long as the combined length of the two preceding funicular segments ; hairs of flagellum standing out at about 45°, their length about half the breadth of the segments that bear them. Marginal vein 1-35 to 1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein as long as or slightly longer than the marginal. Gaster oval, slightly shorter and distinctly narrower than the thorax, with a ventral plica. On the whole parietinae most resembles tvipolii sp. n.; the differences between the two have been mentioned in the description. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Kent, Eltham, 16.vi.1943, reared from Oxyna panetina (L.), on Artemisia vulgaris L. (M. Niblett), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. ENGLAND: Same data as holotype, 2 9, in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford ; Surrey, Richmond, gg, 99, 8.vi.1961, swept from Artemisia vulgaris L. (Graham), in Graham collection. THe SEQUESTER-GRovup Habrocytus sequester (Walker) (Text-figs. 372, 393) Pteromalus varius Walker, 1835 : 494-495, 9, Syn. n. Pteromalus sequester Walker, 1835 : 495, 9. Pteromalus infectus Walker, 1835a : 186, 9, Syn. n. Pteromalus placidus Walker, 1835a : 187, 9, syn. n. ? Pteromalus epimelas Walker, 1836 : 486, 9. Pteromalus simulans Walker, 1836 : 495, 2, Syn. n. Pteromalus Orvoetes Walker, 1839 : 211, g, Syn. n. ? Semiotus apionis Goureau, 1847 : 252, pl. 3, no. 2, figs. 13-15. Pteromalus Eulimene Walker, 1848 : 124, 179, 9, Syn. n. Pteromalus Leguminum Ratzeburg, 1852 : 234, ¢ 9, Syn. n. Ptevomalus insularis Walker, 1872b : 100, 9, syn. n. Habrocytus sequester (Walker) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 21. Type material (Walker types bear a Waterhouse label unless otherwise stated) : Pteromalus varius Walker. Syntypes, 3 9. LECTOTYPE, the third. Pteromalus sequester Walker. Syntypes, 4 9. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen. Pteromalus infectus Walker. Syntypes, 29. LECTOTYPE, the second. Pteromalus placidus Walker. Syntypes, 3 specimens. LECTOTYPE, the third, a Q. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 555 Pteromalus epimelas Walker. Three females stand under this name, but none agrees well with the description ; all are the same as sequester. Pteromalus simulans Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype). Pteromalus oroetes Walker. Syntypes,5¢. Lectotype labelled “ 38. 7. 12. 184’. Semiotus apionis Goureau. Type material possibly lost ; I could find none so named amongst the Goureau material in Paris and in Oxford. The description is very brief but fits the female of Habrocytus sequester quite well ; and apionis was reared from Apion ulicis, which has also been recorded as a host for sequester (see below). Pteromalus eulimene Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus leguminum Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. The description, and the presumed host material (Apion or Bruchus on Spartium scoparium) convince me that it must have been the same as sequester. Pteromalus insularis Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, labelled “ Marshall coll. 1904-120 ”’ ; “ insularis Wlk. (Corsica) ’’ ; and (on the lower surface of the Gard) “ Corsica ’’. BRITAIN, FRANCE, CORSICA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. eared in France from galls of Asphondylia mayert Lieb. (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) on Sarothamnus scoparius (L.) Wimmer, Varengeville, S. Mar., 27.Vi1.1953 (J. Steffan) ; also Oedaule italica Masi in pods of Calycotome spinosa Link, Menton, A. M., vi.1952 (J. Steffan). In the BM(NH) there are specimens from Brussels, Belgium, reared from larvae of Apion fuscirostre (F.) in seeds of Sarothamnus (Prof. P. Gerard). The species recorded in Britain by Davies (1928 : 284), under the name Spintherus leguminum Ratzeburg, as a parasite of Apion ulicis (Forst.), was Habrocytus sequester. Imagines June—Sept.; I have also found females during the winter, amongst dead foliage of Ulex europaeus L. Habrocytus cionobius (Erdés) comb. n. ? Habrocytus cionicida Lichtenstein, 1921 : 733-735, fig. ; 1416-1417. Cecidostiba cionobia Erdos, 1953 : 228-230, Jd 9. Type material. Habrocytus cionicida Lichtenstein. Location of original material unknown. This species was not formally described, but the name is available because it was accompanied by an “ indication’’ (in this case an account of its biology). Judging from its host, Cionus thapsi (F.) it may well have been the same as cionobius (Erdés). Because the types are not available and the adult was not described, I reject the name in favour of cionobius. Cecidostiba cionobia Erdés. Syntypes, g and 9, Hungary, Hogyész, 21-23.vii. 1947, in coll. Erdés (not seen). HUNGARY ; ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA, ? FRANCE. Biology. Reared in Hungary from cocoons of Czonus thapsi (F.) in fruits of Verbascum phlomoides L., near Hogyész, 21-23.vili.1947 (J. Erdés). Imagines ? July ; August. 550 M. W. R. de V. GRAHAM Dr. Erdos placed this species in Cecidostiba. It is indeed very like some species of that genus, but differs in the following combination of characters : anterior margin of clypeus incised medially ; anterior margin of pronotal collar rather irregularly and not very sharply margined ; mesoscutum with few and very indistinct piliferous punctures. Those species of Cecidostiba which have an incised clypeus, jilaris (Walker) and adana Askew, have the pronotal collar evenly and sharply, even though finely, margined, whilst the mesoscutum has numerous and fairly distinct piliferous punctures. The other species of Ceczdostiba have the anterior margin of the clypeus subtruncate ; and they either have the pronotal collar evenly and sharply margined, or else have numerous distinct piliferous punctures on the mesoscutum. In its wing-venation, and in other small details of structure, as well as the above characters, cionobia accords best with the sequester-group of Habrocytus. Habrocytus sp. indet. I CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Slovakia, Kovaéov, near Sturova, I 9, 23.vil.1963 (Graham). Habrocytus sp. indet. J CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Slovakia, Sturova, I 9, 22.vii.1963 (Graham). Habrocytus medicaginis Gahan Habrocytus medicaginis Gahan, 1914 : 163-164, 9. Habrocytus medicaginis Gahan ; Nikol’skaya, 1932 : 107-113 [not seen]. Habrocytus medicaginis Gahan ; Peck, 1963 : 727. This species, well known in America as a parasite of Bruchophagus spp. (Hym., Eurytomidae), was recorded from Poltava, U.S.S.R, by Nikol’skaya (1932). It seems to belong to the sequester-group and might even be identical with one of the species mentioned above, but I have not seen the type of medicaginis and so cannot decide this question. Species sola Habrocytus sp. indet. K CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Slovakia, Sturova, I 9, 22.vil.1963 (Graham). A rather isolated species, though in some respects resembling those of the sequester-group. Species sola Habrocytus microps sp. n. (Text-figs. 371, 414) . Body green with or without golden reflections, or blue. Antennal scape fuscous, testa- ceous basally and sometimes beneath ; pedicellus fuscous, paler beneath ; flagellum slightly to conspicuously testaceous beneath, infuscate dorsally. Coxae and femora except their tips, PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 557 concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters partly dark ; rest of legs testaceous with tips of tarsi fuscous, the fore tarsi mainly brownish ; tibiae in one specimen very slightly darkened medially. Tegulae testaceous anteriorly, dark posteriorly. Wings hyaline ; venation yellowish or testaceous. Length 2-6 to 3 mm. Head about 1-2 times as broad as mesoscutum ; in dorsal view (Text-fig. 414) about 2:25 times as broad as long ; temples slightly more than one third as long as eyes, rounded off ; ocelli unusually small, the posterior ones separated by 3 to 3:5 times their major diameter from the eyes, POL hardly greater than (at most 1:1) OOL. Head in front view subtrapeziform with the genae only slightly curved ; eyes separated by 1-5 times their length or slightly more. Malar space nearly or quite two thirds as long as aneye. Breadth of oral fossa 1-9 to 2 times the malar space. Clypeus radiately strigose, its anterior margin shallowly emarginate and hardly impressed in the middle. Head finely reticulate, very finely on the genae ; malar sulcus absent, its position partly indicated by a band of excessively fine reticulation. Antennae inserted low on the head, the lower edge of the toruli at or hardly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape only slightly shorter than an eye, reaching about level with the middle of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head, in one female virtually equal to it ; pedicellus in profile 1-7 to 1-8 times as long as broad, at least slightly longer than the first funicular segment ; flagellum slightly clavate ; funicle proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus, its first segment quadrate to 1-25 times as long as broad, the following segments quadrate or hardly longer than broad, the fifth and sixth sometimes very slightly transverse ; clava about 2-5 times as long as broad, its length about equal to two and a half of the preceding funicular segments ; sensilla not very numerous, in one row on each funicular segment. Thorax nearly 1-5 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar much less wide than the meso- scutum, medially much shorter than at the sides, from slightly more than one eighth, to one seventh, as long as the mesoscutum, moderately finely reticulate, more or less distinctly margined over the middle third, or almost throughout. Mesoscutum 1:6 to 1-7 times as broad as long, finely reticulate, slightly less finely on the disc posteriorly. Scutellum hardly longer than broad, very finely reticulate, the frenum more coarsely. Axillae very finely reticulate. Pro- podeum (Text-fig. 371) medially slightly more than one third as long as the scutellum and only slightly produced beyond the bases of the hind coxae ; median area 1-9 to 2:2 times as broad as long, its panels moderately shiny and very finely obliquely strigose-reticulate ; median carina complete, usually strong ; costula absent ; plicae distinct throughout, curved and hardly sinuate, their posterior part, on sides of nucha, converging quite strongly ; nucha very short, transversely aciculate ; spiracles long-oval, separated by about one third their length from the metanotum ; spiracular sulci distinctly impressed, punctate or with a few transverse costulae ; callus alutaceous, shiny, rather sparsely pilose. Postspiracular sclerite narrow, shiny, weakly sculptured, with an impressed line along its front margin. Mesepisternum moderately finely reticu- late, with a mainly smooth area below the base of the hind wing ; mesepimeron usually rather less finely reticulate ; metapleuron finely, and sometimes weakly, reticulate. Legs not very slender. Fore wing with upper surface of costal cell bare, lower surface with a complete row of hairs and a few additional ones in the distal third ; basal cell bare, open below ; basal vein bare or with a few hairs ; speculum open below, on upper surface of wing extending below the marginal vein for about half the length of the latter ; wing beyond the speculum moderately thickly pilose, the area between the postmarginal and stigmal veins sometimes bare at the base ; apical margin of wing ciliate ; marginal vein 1-5 to 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein slightly shorter than, or at most as long as, the marginal vein ; stigmal vein straight or slightly curved, stigma small and suboval. Gaster lanceolate, 1-15 to 1-4 times as long as head plus thorax, only slightly compressed and usually not or only slightly narrower than the thorax, 2-7 to 3-5 times as long as broad ; basal tergite occupying about one fifth the total length ; last tergite slightly to considerably, up to 1-7 times, longer than its basal breadth ; ovipositor sheaths slightly exserted ; hypopygium extending about half way along the gaster. 558 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM g. Easily recognized by the characters of the oral fossa, mandibles, ocelli, antennae and propodeum, for which see my key to ¢ Habrocytus. In other, non-sexual, characters it much resembles the 9, but has the head less transverse, the gaster oval and hardly longer than the thorax. The @ of this species may be known from those of all the other described species of Habrocytus by the combination of the following characters : low insertion of antennae, very small ocelli, unusually long malar space and small eyes, and the almost undeveloped propodeal nucha. Holotype 9. IRELAND: Co. Down, Glasdrumman, 21.vili.1956 (Stelfox), in Graham collection. Paratypes. IRELAND : Co. Down, same data as holotype, 1 9 ; Benagh, 1 9, I.vll.1957 (Stelfox) ; Co. Dublin, Swords Estuary, I g, 2 9, 26.vi.1954 (Stelfox), in Graham collection. BriTaIN (unlocalized) : 1 9, reared from Gymnetron antirrhina (Paykull) (K. G. Blair), in B. S. Doubleday coll., Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Species sola Habrocytus janssoni sp. n. ©. Body green to blue ; disc of gaster purplish. Mandibles testaceous with darker teeth. Antennae black ; scape testaceous at extreme base. Coxae, and femora except their tips, concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters partly pale ; tibiae fuscous, testaceous at base and apex ; fore tarsi mainly fuscous, mid and hind tarsi testaceous at base and becoming fuscous distally. Tegulae partly testaceous. Wingssubhyaline ; venation brown or blackish. Length 2 to 2-I mm. Head in dorsal view 2:15 to 2:2 times as broad as long ; temples about one quarter as long as eyes, strongly rounded off ; POL about 1-5 OOL. In frontal view the head is subtrapeziform, with genae slightly buccate. Eyes separated by about 1-4 times their length. Malar space about 0-45 the length of an eye. Clypeus strigose, the strigosity hardly extending on to the face or genae, its anterior margin deeply incised so as to appear almost bidentate. Rest of head moderately shiny, finely reticulate. Lower edge of antennal toruli distinctly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape slightly more than three quarters the length of an eye, reaching to about the middle of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-1 times breadth of head ; pedicellus in profile slightly less than twice as long as broad, from slightly to distinctly longer than the first funicular segment ; flagellum nearly filiform ; funicle proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus ; all the funicular segments subquadrate, or the proximal ones up to 1-3 times as long as broad ; clava about as long as two and a half of the preceding funicular segments ; sensilla fairly numerous. Thorax 1-5 to 1:6 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar finely though sharply margined throughout, medially extremely short, only one eighteenth to one sixteenth as long as the mesoscutum. Mesoscutum 1-5 to 1-6 times as broad as long, moderately shiny, finely reticulate, a little less finely in the middle of its front part. Scutellum convex, slightly shorter than the mesoscutum, about as broad as long, moderately shiny and very finely reticulate, like the axillae. Propodeum medially one third or slightly more than one third as long as the scutellum, much resembling that of microps sp. n. (Text-fig. 371) in shape ; medially hardly produced beyond the bases of the hind coxae ; median area 2 to 2:5 times as broad as long ; median carina distinct ; plicae sharp only posteriorly where they are strongly convergent, otherwise indistinct except near the basal foveae ; nucha a mere transverse ridge ; panels of median area moderately shiny, weakly obliquely strigose-reticulate ; spiracular sulci shallow and PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 559 nearly smooth ; spiracles short-oval, separated by about half their length from hind margin of metanotum ; callus sparsely haired. Postspiracular sclerite for the most part irregularly reticulate, with a curved oblique impression. Lower part of mesepisternum, and mesepimeron, rather coarsely reticulate, the metapleuron rather more finely. Legs rather slender. Fore wing slightly more than twice as long as broad ; upper surface of costal cell bare except for a few hairs near its apex, lower surface with a complete row of hairs plus some scattered hairs in the distal third ; basal vein pilose throughout, also a few hairs in the distal third of the basal cell, the latter open below ; speculum partly open below, on upper surface of wing extending a little beyond the beginning of the marginal vein ; marginal vein 1-5 to 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein, the latter only very slightly curved and with a moderate-sized subrectangular stigma ; postmarginal vein slightly longer than the marginal ; apical margin of wing ciliate throughout, the fringe fairly long. Gaster long-ovate, about as long as head plus thorax, 2 to 2-3 times as long as broad ; basal tergite occupying about a quarter of the total length ; last tergite about as long as its basal breadth ; ovipositor sheaths slightly projecting ; hypopygium extending about half way along the gaster. 3. Unknown. Holotype 2. SWEDEN : Narke, Orebro, 18.vii.1947 (A.Jansson), in Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum, Stockholm. Paratype. ScoTLranD: Mid Perth, Kenmore, I 9, 19.vii.1954 (Graham), in Graham collection. In the collection of the late Dr. A. Jansson there is another, slightly deformed, specimen, captured at Orebro on 26.vii.1952. It is mainly female, but has peculiar antennae with the scapes broader than in the normal female, and the left scape very broadly expanded above the middle ; it may be an imperfect gynandromorph, and is not included in the above description. Biology. Unknown. This species is rather isolated in Habrocytus, as may be seen from the characters used in the key to species, and is almost intermediate between that genus and Cecidostiba. Species sola Habrocytus conopidarum (Boucek) comb. n. Dirhicnus subcoeruleus Postner, 1951 : 79 [nec Thomson, 1878}. Dirhicnus conopidarum Bouéek, 1961a : 445-449, 3 &. Type material. Holotype 9, Czechoslovakia, Bohemia, Filipov, 6.viii.1959, ex Physocephala vittata (F.) in adult Bombus lapidarius, in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 2975) ; paratypes in the same museum and in Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Berlin. This interesting species is rather difficult to place generically. Boucéek referred it to Dirhicnus but admitted that the characters by which it differed from the type-species of that genus might be great enough for it to be considered generically distinct. I do not think it is satisfactorily placed in Dirhicnus ; in particular the form of the gaster in the female differs considerably from that of Dirhicnus pirus. On the other hand it is not easy to separate from Habrocytus, although it has a 560 M. W. R. vpE V. GRAHAM larger and more distinctly sculptured postspiracular sclerite, and a rather different propodeum. These differences are, however, small. The male has the gena deeply excised above the base of the mandible, so that the malar space is short. This character, however, occurs in the males of some Habrocytus and Pteromalus (as well as in other genera). HOLLAND, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Parasite of Physocephala vittata (F.) and Ph. sp. (Dipt., Conopidae), developing as endoparasites of adult bumble-bees, e.g., Bombus lapidarius L. and B. agrorum F. Details of its life-history were given by de Meijere (1904), Postner (1951) and Bouéek (1961a). According to Postner often more than 40 of the chalcids develop in one Conopid puparium and emerge by a single hole. The Conopids are probably attacked shortly before pupation. Usually the fully-grown chalcid larvae hibernate within the host puparium and emerge the following summer, though when reared indoors they may emerge the same autumn. Species incertae sedis Habrocytus sophax (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus Sophax Walker, 1839 : 249, 3. Type material. One gj, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. This species is included in my key to males of Habrocytus from characters observed in the lectotype. It appears to be a valid species, but so far I have not definitely associated any female with this male. BRITAIN : Cornwall, Land’s End (Walker, 1839) ; a g taken by me at Marazion, 7.Vil.1955, appears to be conspecific with the lectotype. Biology. Unknown. Extra-limital species which belong to Habrocytus The following appear to be very near the European species H. intermedius (Walker) : Habrocytus unca (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus Unca Walker, 18394 : 28, 9. Type locality. Tasmania, “ Hobart Town, Van Diemen’s Land’’. Syntypes, 2 9, which are probably conspecific (Types Hym. 5. 736a, b). Habrocytus niphe (Walker) comb. n. Pieromalus Niphe Walker, 18394 : 29, 9. Type locality. Tasmania, “ Hobart Town, Van Diemen’s Land”. One female, Type Hym. 5. 746. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 561 Habrocytus baton (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus Baton Walker, 18394 : 32, 3. Type localities. TaAsmanté, “ Hobart Town, Van Diemen’s Land” ; AUSTRALIA, Sydney, New South Wales. A male and a female stand under this name but no female was described. LECTOTYPE, the male specimen, Type Hym. 5. 742b. The female may well be conspecific with the lectotype. Habrocytus epicles (Walker) comb. n. Ptevomalus Epicles Walker, 1847a : 394-395, 9. Type locality. North America. One female, Type Hym. 5. 758. The following species may belong to the species group of albipennis (Walker), Silat..: Habrocytus damo (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus Damo Walker, 1847a : 395. Type locality : North America. Type Hym. 5. 759, a female lacking the head. Species wrongly placed in Habrocytus : Habrocytus morio Masi Habrocytus morio Masi, 1917 : 174-175, d 2 (Seychelles). Syntypes in BM(NH), 2 2 (Types Hym. 5. 787a, b). The species is not a true Habrocytus, but should probably form a new genus near Psilocera Walker. PHAENOCYTUS €en. n. (Text-fig. 315) (Derivation : Greek gaivo, to appear + part of the generic name Habrocytus. Gender : masculine.) Type-species : Pteromalus glechomae Forster, 1841 : 21 [sensu Giraud]. Head notably wide, 1-3 to 1-4 times as wide as the mesoscutum ; occiput not margined ; genae without a hollow ; clypeus strigose, its anterior margin shallowly emarginate. Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. Antennae inserted distinctly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes, 11263 ; sutures of clava not oblique, but the micropilosity of the clava present on the third and part of the second segment. Pronotal collar not margined, not abrupt in front but somewhat rounded off into the neck. Notauli incomplete. Propodeum reticulate ; plicae represented only by foveae at the base of the propodeum and a short carina on each side of the nucha ; spiracular sulci very shallow, subobsolete ; spiracles small, about 1-5 times as long as broad, separated by slightly less than their length from the metanotum ; nucha moderate-sized, lightly reticulate, not very sharply defined in front ; callus sparsely pilose. Postspiracular sclerite as in Habrocytus. Mesepister- num with a mainly smooth area below the base of the hind wing. Hind coxae bare dorsally ; hind tibiae with one spur. Fore wing with basal vein bare ; speculum moderate-sized ; mar- ginal vein (Text-fig. 315) longer than the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein about as long as the marginal ; stigma moderate-sized, subcircular. Petiole inconspicuous, transverse, subconical, smooth. Female gaster lanceolate, longer than 562 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM head plus thorax, acuminate, with tips of ovipositor sheaths just visible in dorsal view ; bristles of pygostyles not very dissimilar in length. This genus is very close to Habrocytus Thomson, but differs by the following combination of characters : Fore wing (Text fig. 315) with stigma larger. Propodeum with plicae incomplete ; spiracular sulci subobsolete ; spiracles smaller than in the majority of Habrocytus and more widely separated from the metanotum. Phaenocytus glechomae (Forster) comb. n. (Text-fig. 315) Pteromalus glechomae Forster, 1841 : 21, no. 138 g 9, [sensu Giraud]. 9. (Redescription). Head and thorax dark to bright blue ; frons sometimes more greenish ; gaster dorsally with basal tergite mainly green to blue, the remaining tergites varied with purplish, bronze, and greenish ; ventrally the gaster is reddish at least at the base, but often extensively. Antennal scape testaceous, somewhat darkened distally ; pedicellus and flagellum fuscous, the pedicellus sometimes paler beneath. Coxae mainly blue, but having their inner aspect, and sometimes their apices, usually reddish ; rest of legs pale yellow to testaceous with tips of tarsi brown ; femora often infuscate basally, sometimes mainly so. Tegulae testaceous to brown. Wings subhyaline, but often with a brownish discal cloud at the outer limit of the speculum ; venation testaceous to brownish, stigma usually slightly darker. Length 2:9 to 4 mm. Head in dorsal view 2:2 to 2-25 times as broad as long, 1-3 to 1-4 times as wide as the meso- scutum ; temples about one third as long as eyes, rather straight, converging moderately ; POL 1-15 to 1:2 OOL. MHead in frontal view subtrapeziform, with genae curved and con- verging moderately strongly. Eyes separated by 1-35 times their length. Malar space about two fifths the length of an eye. Clypeus with fine striae which extend a little way up the genae and face ; rest of head with very fine reticulation, that of the frons slightly coarser. Antennal scape slightly more than three quarters as long as an eye, reaching level with the middle of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum virtually equal to breadth of head ; pedicellus about twice as long as broad, slightly shorter than the first funicular segment ; flagellum not stout, though slightly stouter than the pedicellus, nearly cylindrical ; first funicular segment 1-7 to 2 times as long as broad, the following segments slightly shorter though all are usually longer than broad, except the sixth which is quadrate, sometimes also the fifth is quadrate ; clava somewhat longer than the combined length of the two preceding funi- cular segments, 2:5 to 2:8 times as long as broad, pointed apically ; ventrally the clava has a line of micropilosity which extends the whole length of its third segment, and about half way along the second ; sensilla of funicle moderately numerous, usually in two rows on each seg- ment, sometimes only one row on the distal segments. Thorax about 1-6 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar medially about one seventh as long as the mesoscutum, finely reticulate with only a very narrow smoother line along its hind edge. Mesoscutum 1-6 to 1-8 times as broad as long, finely reticulate at the front and sides, more coarsely on the disc ; notauli distinctly impressed to about half way across the mesoscutum. Axillae moderately finely reticulate at their inner ends, very finely so externally. Scutellum about as broad as long, strongly convex, finely reticulate, the frenum hardly more coarsely than the rest. Dorsellum alutaceous. Propodeum about half as long as the scutellum, medially somewhat produced beyond the bases of the hind coxae ; median area very finely reticulate ; median carina usually distinct as far as the nucha but sometimes irregular ; plicae incomplete ; costula sometimes indicated ; nucha delicately aciculate-reticulate with transverse areoles, its length about one third that of the propodeum. Postspiracular sclerite narrow, weakly PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 563 sculptured. Metapleuron finely, mesepimeron more coarsely, reticulate ; mesepisternum, apart from the smooth area below the base of the hind wing, rather finely reticulate. Meso- sternal mesolcus subobsolete. Fore wing (Text-fig. 315) with upper surface of costal cell bare, lower surface with a complete row of hairs and some additional hairs scattered over the distal third ; basal cell bare, open below ; basal vein bare or with one to two isolated hairs ; speculum open below, on upper surface of wing reaching only to the base of the marginal vein ; wing beyond the speculum rather densely pilose ; marginal vein 1-5 to 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein as long as, or slightly shorter than, the marginal ; stigmal vein straight or very slightly curved, stigma moderate-sized and subcircular, with a very short uncus. Gaster lanceolate, 2-6 to 3:3 times as long as broad, acuminate, 1:2 to 1-3 times as long as head plus thorax, slightly narrower than the thorax ; last tergite 1-5 to 2-2 times as long as its basal breadth ; hypopygium extending from one third to two fifths along the gaster. 3. Differs from the female as follows : Fore wing immaculate ; gaster not reddish-marked. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-1 to 1-15 times the breadth of the head ; pedicellus 1-6 to 1-7 times as long as broad, distinctly shorter than the first funicular segment ; distal segments of funicle relatively longer, even the sixth is usually a little longer than broad, sometimes quadrate ;, flagellum clothed with hairs which stand out at an angle of 40° to 45°, the length of the hairs equal to about half the breadth of the segments that bear them. Marginal vein 1-4 to 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma a little smaller than in the female ; basal vein with up to four hairs. Gaster sub- linear, as long as but much narrower than the thorax, convex or hardly sunken dorsally, with a strong plica ventrally. Material examined. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham, I 9, 29.vi.1958, swept on calcareous grassland (Graham) ; Surrey, Oxshott, I 9, 9.vili.1893 (A. J. Chitty). FRANCE (unlocalized) : several g, 9 in the collection of J. Giraud (Muséum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris). Biology. Reared from Awlax glechomae (L.) (Hym., Cynipidae) (Givaud) ; see Giraud & Laboulebéne, 1877 : 429. TRICOLAS Bouéek Tricolas Bouéek, 1967 : 644. Type-species: T. xylocleptis Bouéek, by monotypy and original designation. This genus is very similar to Habrocytus, but the female differs from those of Habrocytus in having 3 transverse anelli, whilst the male differs from those of Habrocytus in having the first funicular segment shorter than the second. Tricolas xylocleptis Boucek Tricolas xylocleptis Bouéek, 1967 : 644-646, 3 Q. Type material. Holotype 2, Bohemia, Praha-Bubeneé, 1959 (Z. Hostounsky), in Narodni Museum, Prague ; paratypes in the same institution and in Zoologische Staatssammlung, Munich. GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Parasites of the bark-beetle Xylocleptes bispinus (Duft.) in Clematis vitalba L. (Bouéek, 1967). 564 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM CECIDOSTIBA Thomson Etroxys sgen. Cecidostiba Thomson, 1878 : 87, 92. Type-species: C. vugifrons Thomson, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 316. Cecidostiba Thomson ; Mayr, 1903 : 395-397, [ex parte]. Cecidostiba Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 316. Cecidostiba Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 316, 317, 320, [ex parte}. Cecidostiba Thomson ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 8, 16 [ex parte]. Cecidostiba Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 227. Cecidostiba Thomson ; Erdos, 1953 : 228, [ex parte]. Cecidostiba Thomson ; Graham, 1956) : 256-257. Cecidostiba Thomson ; Delucchi, 1957 : 140, 150-153. Cecidostiba Thomson ; Askew, 1961 : 58-65. Cecidostiba Thomson ; Peck et al., 1964 : 56. KrEy TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) All the species have the gaster lanceolate, at least as long as the head plus thorax, but usually longer than this. I Pronotal collar not margined, or with at most a trace of a carina visible in some lights. Basal cell of fore wing having its distal third or more pilose. Antennae with all funicular segments, except sometimes the first, at least slightly transverse. Ocelli small, the hind ones separated by 2 to 2°5 times their own major diameter from the eyes. Body mainly bronze to coppery bronze ; fore wing infumate, especially discally, sometimes quite strongly so. Anterior margin of clypeus subtruncate. (ANASTIBA sen. n.) geganius (Walker) (p. 565) - Pronotal collar with a fine sharp carina throughout, or except just at the sides. Basal cell of fore wing bare or with at most a few isolated hairs. Antennae usually with some of the funicular segments besides the first quadrate or longer than broad. Ocelli larger, the hind ones separated by at most about 1-5 times their own major diameter from the eyes. Body mainly green to blue ; fore wing not infumate, though sometimes with a fuscous cloud below or across the stigma (CECIDOSTIBA s.str.) . 2 2 (1) Anterior margin of clypeus quite deeply emarginate, almost incised, racers Fore wing immaculate ; stigma not or only slightly longer than high. Body usually bright green to blue-green, occasionally bronze-green : 3 - Anterior margin of clypeus truncate or curved slightly forwards. Fore wing often with a fuscous cloud, proceeding from or lying across the stigma, the latter usually longer than high ; 3. (2) Propodeum medially only one fifth to one ies as fone as the seiueluan : its median area 2:6 to 3:5 times as broad as long . hilaris (Walker) (p. 567) - Propodeum medially from slightly more than one quarter, to nearly one third, as long as the scutellum ; its median area 2-2 to 2-7 times as broad as long adana Askew (p. 568) 4 (2) Eyes large, separated by their own length or hardly more ; ocelli large, the hind ones separated by only about their own major diameter from the eyes. Fore wing with speculum closed or almost closed below ; stigma moderate- sized, separated by 2 to 2:5 times its height from the costal edge of the wing. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head. Head and thorax mainly dark blue. . docimus (Walker) (p. 566) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 565 - Eyes smaller, separated by about 1-25 times their own length ; ocelli smaller, the hind ones separated by slightly more than, usually about 1-5 times, their own major diameter from the eyes. Fore wing with speculum open below ; stigma smaller, separated by 3 to 3:5 times its height from the costal edge of the wing. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to breadth of head. Head and thorax bright green to bronze-green semifascia (Walker) (p. 566) (MALEs) I Pronotal collar not margined, or with at most a trace of a carina visible in some lights. Basal cell of fore wing having its distal third or more pilose. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head ; all funicular segments, except sometimes the first, at least slightly transverse. Body mainly Lge bronze to coppery (ANASTIBA sé§en. n.) : . geganius (Walker) (p. 565) - Pronotal collar sharply margined fe onenone, or except just at the sides. Basal cell of fore wing bare, or with relatively few hairs distally. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to, or slightly greater than, breadth of head ; at least some of the funicular segments, besides the first, quadrate or longer than broad. Body mainly green to blue (CECIDOSTIBA s.str.) : 2 2 (x) Anterior margin of clypeus deeply emadrginate or jneised medially. Fore wing with stigma usually about as vee as long, sometimes slightly longer than high ‘ : : hilaris (Walker) (p. 567) - Anterior margin of clypeus tiuneate. or slightly curved forwards. Fore wing with stigma slightly to very distinctly longer than high . , 3 3. (2) Fore wing with speculum closed below ; basal cell closed below except a base. Eyes separated by only 1-15 to 1-2 times their length. Head and thorax dark to bright blue. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to breadth of head. Mesoscutum thickly clothed with dark bristles docimus (Walker) (p. 566) - Fore wing with speculum open below at least proximally ; basal cell open below. Eyes separated by 1-4 to 1-45 times their length. Head and thorax mainly some shade of green. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head. Mesoscutum less thickly clothed with dark bristles . , : ‘ semifascia (Walker) (p. 566) CECIDOSTIBA (ANASTIBA) sgen. n. (Derivation : Greek ava, towards, + part of the generic name Cecidostiba. Gender : feminine). Type-species. Gastrancistrus geganius Walker, 1848. For characters, see key (pp. 564, 565). Cecidostiba (Anastiba) geganius (Walker) Gastrancistrus Geganius Walker, 1848 : 105, 157, 3. Cecidostiba geganius (Walker) Askew, 1961 : 59, 60, 3 9. Type material. Type male in BM(NH), bearing a Waterhouse label ; recognized by Graham, validated by Askew (1961 : 60) who redescribed the species. BRITAIN, FRANCE. 566 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Biology. Reared from galls of Andricus quercusradicis (F.) in France (see Askew, 1961 : 62). Imagines in May and June. CECIDOSTIBA (CECIDOSTIBA) Thomson Cecidostiba (Cecidostiba) docimus (Walker) comb. n. Ptevomalus Docimus Walker, 1839 : 217, 3. Ptervomalus jucundus Forster, 1841 : 13,¢ 9, syn. n. Cecidostiba fasciata Askew, 1961 : 59, 62-63, 9, Syn. n. Cecidostiba jucundus (Forster) Askew, 1963 : 275-276. Type material. Pteromalus docimus Walker. One male, accepted as TYPE ; Waterhouse label. Pteromalus jucundus Forster. Syntypes (not seen) in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, under the name “‘Ptevomalus aceris’’ (Forster MS.), labelled “‘jucundus m. olim’”’ (see Delucchi, 1958a:52). I have examined specimens from Giraud’s collection named as jucundus Forster and believe they are correctly identified. Cecidostiba fasciata Askew. Holotype 9, France, La Rochelle, July 1960 (R. Fozlliot), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. BRITAIN, FRANCE, GERMANY. Biology. Reared from galls of Pediaspis aceris Forster (see Askew, 1961 : 63). Imagines in July. Delucchi (1958a : 52) transferred Pteromalus jucundus Forster to the genus Trychnosoma Graham. Askew (1963 : 276) preferred to place it in Cecidostiba. In my opinion the species is not congeneric with punctipleura Thomson, the type-species of Tvychnosoma ; I agree with Askew that it is better placed in Cecidostiba. Cecidostiba (Cecidostiba) semifascia (Walker) ? Cynips fungosus Fourcroy, 1785 : 380. Pteromalus semifascia Walker, 1835 : 494, 9. Pteromalus mundus Walker, 1836 : 479, 2, syn. n. Pteromalus Pronax Walker, 1839 : 220, g, syn. n. Pteromalus perditoy Forster, 1841 : 27, 3. Pieromalus gallicus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 193. Etroxys (Cecidostiba) truncata Thomson, 1878 : 94, 4 9. Cecidostiba gallica (Ratzeburg) Erdés, 1953 : 228. Cecidostiba semifascia (Walker) Graham, 19566 : 257. Cecidostiba semifascia (Walker) ; Askew, 1961 : 65, 3 9. Type material. Cynips fungosus Fourcroy. Types not located (probably lost). Kurdjumov (1913 : 19) considered it to be the same as semifascia (Walker), probably on the basis of two specimens identified by Forster as fungosus. Delucchi (19584 : 53) thought this synonymy very doubtful. From the original description, fungosus might have been either semifascia (Walker) or hilaris (Walker). PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 567 Pteromalus semifascia Walker. Lectotype female designated by Graham (19560 : 257). Pteromalus mundus Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. It is a very small, and slightly aberrant, specimen. Pteromalus pronax Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE ; Waterhouse label. Pteromalus perditor Forster. Type male (not seen) in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; it was examined by Delucchi who placed it in synonymy with semifascia (19584 : 53). Pteromalus gallicus Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. The species was put in synonymy with semifascia by Graham (19560 : 257). Etroxys (Cecidostiba) truncata Thomson. Syntypes on 14 pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Thn 5/7” ; “‘ truncata Ths”’ ; and “ gallica Ratz. V. Delucchi det... Widely distributed in EuRopE. Biology. Reared from galls of Biorrhiza pallida (Oliv.). For details of its biology see Askew (1961 : 65). Askew stated that rearing showed semifascia to be bivoltine. I have captured imagines in the field from June to September (inclusive). Cecidostiba (Cecidostiba) hilaris (Walker) comb. n. (Text-fig. 316) Pteromalus hilavis Walker, 1836 : 489, 9. Pteromalus leucopezus Ratzeburg, 1844a : 204, 3, syn. n. Pteromalus anomalicornis Forster, 1841 : 15, 4. Pteromalus Naubolus Walker, 1845 : 263, d 9. Pteromalus meconotus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 206, 9. Cecidostiba vugifyons Thomson, 1878 : 92, ¢ &. Pteromalus leucopygus [sic] Ratzeburg ; Dalla Torre, 1898 : 133. Cecidostiba leucopezus (Ratzeburg) Mayr, 1903 : 395-396. Cecidostiba leucopyga [sic] Ratzeburg ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 227. Cecidostiba leucopeza (Ratzeburg) ; Erdos, 1953 : 228, 3 9. Cecidostiba leucopeza (Ratzeburg) ; Graham, 19566 : 256. Cecidostiba leucopeza (Ratzeburg) ; Delucchi, 1957 : 151, 152-153, d 9. Cecidostiba leucopeza (Ratzeburg) ; Askew, 1961 : 64-65, ¢ Q. a Type material. Pteromalus Milaris Walker. Syntypes, 3 females. LECTO- TYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label ; it is a dwarf. Pteromalus leucopezus Ratzeburg. Types presumed lost. The interpretation of Erdés (1953 : 228) was followed by me in my paper of 1956d and has been accepted by Askew. Ratzeburg’s original description does not convey very much but fits the present species. Later (1848 : 204) he described the female and referred to its extremely short propodeum ; this is very characteristic and leaves no doubt regarding the identity of his female, this could not have been adana, which has a longer propodeum. Delucchi (1957 : 153) proposed the lectotype of Cecidostiba vugifrons Thomson as neotype of leucopezus Ratzeburg (but did not publish a valid lectotype selection for the former). 568 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Pteromalus naubolus Walker. Lectotype female designated by Graham (1956 : 250). Pteromalus meconotus Ratzeburg. Type presumed lost. The species was placed in synonymy with leucopezus Ratzeburg by Mayr (1903 : 395). Etroxys (Cecidostiba) rugifrons Thomson. Syntypes, 12 specimens. LECTO- TYPE, a female labelled “‘ Nat 15/7’ and “ rugifrons Ths ’’. Thompson (1958, Cat. Paras. Predat. Ins. Pests, sect. 2, pt. 5 : 589) stated that “ Ratzeburg is not known to have described a species under the name “ leucopeza”’ ; the species referred to is probably C. leucopyga Ratz., described in the genus Ptero- malus’’. This statement is erroneous, and the fictitious name “ leucopyga’’ was previously cited by Dalla Torre (1898 : 133) and Nikol’skaya (1952). Widely distributed in EuROPE. Biology. Probably associated specifically with the galls of Biorrhiza pallida (Oliv.), according to Askew (1961 : 65) who found its larvae feeding on those of Olynx skianeuros (Ratzeburg) in these galls. Mayr (1903 : 395-396) listed other Cynipids as hosts [of leucopeza], but these records need checking in view of the recognition of a second species (adana Askew) closely related to Mularis. I have captured imagines of /ilaris in the field from May to July. Askew (1961 : 64-65) says that there are two annual generations, emerging May—June and July-September. Cecidostiba (Cecidostiba) adana Askew Cecidostiba adana Askew, 1961 : 60, 63, g Q. Type material. Holotype 9, France: Rennes, reared from gall of Andricus calicis Burgsd. (R. Folliot), in Hope Department ; paratypes in the same collection. FRANCE. Biology. Reared from galls of Andricus calicis Burgsd., A. kollan1 Htg., and Cynips longiventris Htg. Imagines April—May. At first I felt doubtful whether adana was really distinct from hilaris (Walker). However, its relatively longer propodeum, as well as its biology, indicate that it is a valid species. Dr. Askew pointed out to me that adana is known only from the Continent of Europe and attacks Andvicus kollari amongst other hosts. In Britain hilaris does not seem to attack kollavi at all, which one might expect it to do if adana and jularis were merely forms of one species. The relative curvature of the dorsal surface of the thorax, as seen in profile, appears to me to be variable and not a reliable character for separating adana and hilaris. Note. The North American species (Dinotus acutus Provancher, Cectdostiba dendroctont Ashmead, and probably the others mentioned) placed in Cecidostiba by Peck (in Muesebeck, Krombein and Townes, 1951 : 557) and Peck (1963 : 699~700) do not belong to this genus. They should be placed in or near the genus Dinotiscus Ghesquiere. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 569 HOBBYA Delucchi Hobbya Delucchi, 1957: 142. Type-species: Ptevomalus stenonotus Ratzeburg, by original designation. Hobbya Delucchi ; Askew, 1959 : 69-70. Hobbya Delucchi ; Peck et al., 1964 : 55. Hobbya stenonota (Ratzeburg) (Text-fig. 307) Pteromalus stenonotus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 206, 9, pl. 3, fig. 3. Etroxys (Cecidostiba) collavris Thomson, 1878 : 93, ¢ @. Cecidostiba collaris Thomson ; Mayr, 1903 : 396. Hobbya stenonota (Ratzeburg) Delucchi, 1957 : 142, ¢ 8. Hobbya kollavi Askew, 1959 : 69-70, 3 2, syn. n. Hobbya stenonota (Ratzeburg) ; Askew, 1961 : 65-66. Hobbya kollavri Askew ; Askew, 1961 : 66. Type material. Pteromalus stenonotus Ratzeburg. Original material presumed destroyed ; neotype (a female in coll. Thomson standing under the name collaris Thomson) designated by Delucchi (1957 : 143). Etroxys (Cecidostiba) collaris Thomson. Syntypes, 8 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “Bok” [? Bokebergsslatt] and, in Delucchi’s handwriting, “ Cecidostiba collaris Ths=syn. stenonotus R.” Hobbya kollari Askew. Holotype female in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. I have re-examined the holotype and paratypes of kollavi and consider it to be an unusually large and robust form of stenonota (Ratzeburg). BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, AUSTRIA. Biology : A common parasite of Biorrhiza pallida (Oliv.) ; occasionally reared from cells of Synergus reinhardi Mayr in the galls of Andricus kollari Htg. (Askew, 1961 : 66). Mayr (1903) gave a list of other Cynipid hosts for this species (under the name collaris Thomson). Askew (1961 : 66) stated that stenonota is bivoltine. In the field I have captured specimens in May—June and Aug.—Sept. CAENACIS Forster Caenacis Forster, 1856 : 64. Type-species : C. gyandiclava Thomson, 1878, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 316. Etvoxys sgen. Caenacis Forster ; Thomson, 1878 : 87, 94. Caenacis Forster ; Mayr, 1903 : 397. Caenacis Forster ; Ashmead, 1904 : 316. Caenacis Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 316, 317, 320 [ex parte]. Caenacis Forster ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 8, 16. Caenacis Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 227 [ex parte]. Cecidostiba Erdos, 1953 : 228 [ex parte}. Caenacis Forster ; Delucchi, 1957 : 140, 153-157. Caenacis Forster ; Askew, 1961 : 57-58. Caenacis Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 56. 570 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM KEy TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Gaster ovate, 1:55 to 1:7 times as long as broad, slightly shorter than head plus thorax. Propodeum medially nearly or about half as long as the scutellum ; its median area about 1-5 times as broad as long ; costula usually sharp. Fore wing with basal cell, not counting the basal vein, bare, or with at most one to three isolated hairs distally, open below ; stigmal vein forming a less acute angle (about 45°) with the postmarginal vein, stigma moderate sized : , lauta (Walker) (p. 570) — Gaster sublanceolate, 2 to 2-6 times as long as broad, as one as or slightly longer than head plus thorax. Propodeum medially about two fifths as long as the scutellum; its median area nearly twice as broad as long ; costula weak and irregular. Fore wing with basal cell with hairs scattered over its distal third or more ; stigmal vein forming a more acute angle (35° to 40°) with the postmarginal vein, stigma rather smaller than in Jauta . : : : : . inflexa (Ratzeburg) (p. 571) (MALEs) 1 Antenna with hairs of flagellum virtually decumbent ; funicle with numerous sensilla which are arranged in more than one row on each segment. Wing-charac- ters as in female, but the stigma tends to be relatively a little larger lauta (Walker) (p. 570) -— Antenna with hairs of flagellum standing out at an angle of about 30° ; funicle with sparser sensilla, arranged in one, sometimes irregular, row on each segment. Wing- characters as in female . : : : : : . inflexa (Ratzeburg) (p. 571) Caenacis lauta (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus lautus Walker, 1835a : 186, 9. Ptevomalus divisus Walker, 1836 : 480, 9, syn. n. Pteromalus stvenuus Forster, 1841 : 11, 9, syn. n. Pteromalus nervosus Forster, 1841 : 15, g, Syn. n. Pteromalus humilis Forster, 1841 : 15, g, Syn. n. ?Pteromalus capnopterus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 189. Pteromalus incrassatus Ratzeburg, 1852 : 243, d, Syn. n. Etroxys (Caenacis) gvandiclava Thomson, 1878 : 95, g 2, syn. n. Caenacis grandiclava Thomson ; Mayr, 1903 : 397. Caenacis dwisa (Walker) Delucchi, 1957 : 157, 5 9. Caenacis divisa (Walker) ; Askew, 1961 : 58. Type material. Pteromalus lautus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE ; Water house label. Pteromalus divisus Walker. Four males and one female stand under this name (but only the female was described) ; LECTOTYPE, the female specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus strenuus Forster, P. nervosus Forster and P. humilis Forster were placed in synonymy with divisa (Walker) by Delucchi (1958a : 55) and I accept his opinion. I have not seen the types of these species, which are in the Naturhistori- sches Museum, Vienna. Pteromalus capnopterus Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. Kurdjumov (1913 : 16) placed it in Caenacis. The description certainly suggests that it might be the same as lauta (Walker). PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 571 Pteromalus incrassatus Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. The species was synonymized with Caenacis grandiclava by Mayr (1903 : 397) and this was accepted by Delucchi (1957 : 157) ; according to Ratzeburg’s description it appears to be correct. Etroxys (Caenacis) grandiclava Thomson. Syntypes on 13 pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “17” and “‘ Esp’”’ [Esperéd] ; the lectotype has a Cynipid gall attached to its pin. Widely distributed in EUROPE. Biology. Mayr (1903 : 397) recorded several Cynipidae as hosts of this species, under the name Caenacis grandiclava Thomson, mainly species of Andricus and Dryophanta. Askew (1961) gave an account of the biology (as divisa) as observed in Britain. Imagines July-August (reared specimens may emerge earlier). Caenacis inflexa (Ratzeburg) Pteromalus inflexus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 196, pl. 3, fig. 5, 5 9. Caenacis punctulata Thomson, 1878 : 96, g . Cecidostiba inflexus (Ratzeburg) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 16. Habrocytus perviclisti Callan, 1944 : 91-92, d . Cecidostiba inflexa (Ratzeburg) ; Erdos, 1953 : 228. Caenacis inflexa (Ratzeburg) Delucchi, 1957 : 156-157, 3d 9. Caenacis inflexa (Ratzeburg) ; Askew, 1961 : 57-58. Type material. Pteromalus inflexus Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed. Delucchi (1957 : 157) proposed as neotype the lectotype of Caenacis punctulata Thomson. Caenacis punctulata Thomson. Syntypes, 1 9 and 2 g. LECTOTYPE, the female specimen, labelled “ Gl Belf.’”’ [Gottland, Belfrage] and ‘‘ punctulata Ths ”’ ; also labelled by Delucchi “‘ Caenacis punctulata’”’ and “ Caenacis inflexa Ratz.”’. Habrocytus periclisti Callan. Holotype, allotype and paratypes in BM(NH), paratypes in U.S.N.M.; England, various localities in south Buckinghamshire, reared from galls of Rhodites rosae (L.) as a parasite of Periclistus brandtii Ratz., 470 females and 488 males, May—June 1935 (E. McC. Callan). BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CENTRAL EUROPE. Biology. Parasitic on the larvae of the Cynipid Periclistus brandtii Ratzeburg in the galls of Diplolepis (=Rhodites) rosae (L.) ; see Callan (1944), Askew (1961). Valkeila (1959 : 181) recorded it from Finland as a parasite of Periclistus caninae (Htg.) in galls of Diplolepis mayri (Schlect.) on Rosa cinnamomea L. Imagines July-August. DINOTOIDES Bouéek Dinotoides Bouéek, 1957: 161. Type-species: D. bicalcavatus Bouéek, by monotypy and original designation. Dinotoides Bouéek ; Peck et al., 1964 : 44. This genus is very near to Ablaxia Delucchi but its single species differs from 572 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM those of Ablaxia in having the anterior margin of the clypeus incised, and in its shorter propodeum which has a less distinct costula. It is also very close to Apelioma Delucchi but differs in its incised clypeus, also in the antennal clava of the female which has only a small area of micropilosity. These genera are very close to one another and some or all of them may eventually have to be united. Dinotoides tenebricus (Walker) comb. n. Amblymerus tenebricus Walker, 1834 : 351, 9. Pteromalus Carcinus Walker, 1839 : 229, g 2, syn. n. Pteromalus Ariovistus Walker, 1839 : 244, g, Syn. n. Pteromalus Antho Walker, 1845 : 262, 3, syn. n. Dinotoides bicalcavatus Boucéek, 1957 : 162-164, gd 9, Syn. n. Type material (all the Walker species bear a Waterhouse label). Amblymerus tenebricus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype). Pteromalus carcinus Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus aniovistus Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype). Pteromalus antho Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE ; it is a dwarf of tenebricus. Dinotoides bicalcaratus Bouéek. Holotype 9, Czechoslovakia, north-eastern Bohemia, Holovousy, May 1954, reared from twigs of Malus silvestris Mill. (H. Hostounsky) in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3088). BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, SARDINIA. Biology. Reared from twigs of Malus silvestris Mill. with Magdalis ruficornis (L.), Tetrops praeusta (L.) and Scolytus sp. in Czechoslovakia (see Bouéek, 1957 : 164) ; also recorded [under the name Dinotoides bicalcaratus| as a parasite of Magdalis barbicornis Latr. in Sardinia (1963, Entomophaga 8 : 343, 356). In England I have beaten it from the foliage of Quercus robur L. Imagines in May (Czechoslo- vakia), Aug.—Sept. (Britain). ABLAXIA Delucchi Etroxys sgen. Caenacis Forster ; Thomson, 1878 : 98-100 [ex parte]. Ablaxia Delucchi, 1957 : 143. Type-species : Etvoxys (Caenacis) squamifera Thomson, 1878, by original designation. Ablaxia Delucchi ; Peck et al., 1964 : 56. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Antennae with anelli not strongly transverse, their combined length nearly as great as that of the first funicular segment. Fore wing (Text-fig. 422) with marginal vein only 1-3 to 1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein, the latter forming a very acute angle (about 30°) with the postmarginal vein. Gaster ovate, not longer than the thorax . ? . anaxenor (Walker) (p. 576) - Antennae with anelli strongly transverse, their combined length much less than that of the first funicular segment. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-4 to 1:8 times as long as the stigmal vein, the latter usually forming a less PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 422 423 427 428 FIGs. 422-430. 422, Ablaxia anaxenor (Walker), 9, fore wing venation ; 423, Ablaxia parviclava (Thomson), lectotype 9, fore wing venation ; 424, Ablaxia crassicornis (Thomson), type 9, fore wing venation; 425, same, head ; 426, Ablaxia parviclava (Thomson), lectotype 2, head ; 427, Ablaxia squamifera (Thomson), lectotype 9, head ; 428, Aggelma violacea (Zetterstedt), 9, head ; 429, Apelioma rvestrictum Graham, 9, antenna ; 430, same, antennal clava, profile. 574 7 (Gi) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6 (3) 7 a(6) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM acute angle with the postmarginal vein. Gaster sometimes relatively longer ‘ : ‘ : Sutures of antennal care (ste fig. 4 30) sonels: oblique ; clava slightly more than twice as long as broad. Propodeum with costula usually weak, not quite straight but more or less angulate in the middle Apelioma restrictum Graham (p. 583) Sutures of antennal clava not, or only slightly oblique ; clava 1-3 to 1-9 times as long as broad. Propodeum with costula relatively strong, straight Gaster 2 to 2:5 times as long as broad ; from nearly as long as, to slightly longer than, head plus thorax. Head in dorsal view with temples con- verging rather strongly, about one-third as long as the eyes or slightly more Gaster ovate, 1-4 to 1-7 times as long as broad ; not or only slightly longer than the thorax. Head in dorsal view with temples sometimes cae less strongly and relatively longer Fore wing (Text-fig. 423) with stigma rather small, separated by slightly more than twice its height from the costal edge of the wing. Scutellum slightly broader than long, rather weakly convex. Antennae with pedicellus at least very slightly longer than the first funicular segment ; funicular seg- ments relatively short, the first 1 to 1-5 times as long as broad, third quadrate to very slightly transverse, fifth slightly transverse, sixth very distinctly so. Propodeum about two thirds as long as the scutellum ; costula situated slightly before the middle. Head, Text-fig. 426 parviclava (Thomson) (p. 577) Fore wing with stigma larger (cf. Text-fig. 424), separated by hardly twice its height from the costal edge of the wing. Scutellum slightly longer than broad, moderately convex. Antennae with pedicellus shorter than, or about as long as, the first funicular segment ; funicular segments relatively longer, the first 1-7 to 2 times as long as broad : : : Propodeum (medially) hardly more than half as long as the Poeealiven ; costula placed in, or slightly behind, the middle. Antennae with first funicular seg- ment about 1-5 times as long as the pedicellus and about twice as long as broad ; sensilla in two rows on all the segments of the funicle megachlora (Walker) (p. 576) Propodeum (medially) nearly two thirds as long as the scutellum ; costula placed slightly in front of the middle. Antennae with first funicular seg- ment about as long as the pedicellus and about 1-7 times as long as broad ; sensilla in two imperfect rows on the proximal en of the funicle, in only one row on the distal segments. (Sweden) . -) Sps Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 427) with temples converging more strongly and hardly more than one third as long as the eyes. Antennae with first funicular segment at least very slightly, but often much, shorter than the pedicellus. Scutellum as broad as, or slightly broader than, long. Smaller species, up to 2:5 mm. in length, less robust than the following indet. squamifera (Thomson) (p. 576) Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 425) with temples converging less strongly and distinctly more than one third as long as the eyes. Antennae with first funicular segment about as long as, or slightly longer than, the pedicellus. Scutellum tending to be a little longer than broad. Larger, more robust species, up to 3:2 mm. in length ‘ Propodeum (medially) only slightly more than half as s long as the scutellum. Antennal scape barely reaching the level of the lower edge of the median ocellus, its length hardly greater than the transverse diameter of an eye. Temples, in dorsal view of head (Text-fig. 425) somewhat less than half as PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 575 long as eyes ; the latter separated by 1-6 times their length. Base of scutellum only about one quarter the distance which separates the outer edges of the axillae. Antennae with pedicellus relatively a little broader ; funicle proximally rather stouter. Stigmal vein forming a rather less acute angle with the postmarginal vein . crassicornis (Thomson) (p. 579) Propodeum (medially) about two thirds as long as the scutellum. Antennal scape reaching about to middle of median ocellus, its length distinctly greater than the transverse diameter of aneye. Temples, in dorsal view of head virtually half as long as the eyes ; the latter separated by 1-4 to 1°5 times their length. Base of scutellum a little broader than in the above. Antennae with pedicellus rather more slender ; funicle proximally rather less stout. Stigmal vein forming a rather more acute angle (about 35°) with the postmarginal vein . : . F . temporalis sp. n. (p. 577) KEY TO SOME MALES Antenna with anelli subquadrate or only slightly transverse, their combined length as great as that of the first funicular segment ; flagellum subclavate ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum somewhat less than breadth of head ; clava obtuse apically, barely twice as long as broad ; flagellum usually extensively testaceous. Fore wing with marginal vein only 1:25 to 1-3 times as long as the stigmal vein, the latter forming an acute angle (about 35°) with the postmarginal vein, which is distinctly longer than the marginal . * : . anaxenor (Walker) (p. 576) Antenna with anelli strongly fransverse, their combined length much less than that of the first funicular segment ; flagellum filiform ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum variable, often greater than breadth of head ; clava pointed apically, 2-5 to 3 times as long as broad ; flagellum fuscous to black. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-4 to 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein, the latter usually forming a relatively less acute angle with the i ee vein, which is not or hardly longer than the marginal . ‘ 2 Fore wing with postmarginal vein distinctly shorter than the marginal vein. Propodeum with costula usually weak, slightly angulate forwards in the middle. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-25 to 1-3 times breadth of head ; first funicular segment at least slightly longer than the pedicellus, sixth slightly longer than broad. Head and thorax greenish . : : . Apelioma restrictum Graham (p. 583) Fore wing with postmarginal vein as long, or virtually as long, as the marginal vein. Propodeum with costula usually distinct, forming a straight or virtually straight transverse ridge. ; 3 Head in dorsal view (cf. Text-fig. 425) with temples only, moderately convergent, more than one third as long as the eyes. Antennal flagellum slightly stouter than the pedicellus, even when the latter is seen in dorsal view. Fore wing with stigma moderate-sized, separated by only 1-5 to 1-6 times its height from the costal edge of the wing. First funicular segment distinctly longer than the pedicellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1:2 times breadth of head. Larger species, 2-4 to 2:7 mm. Pro- podeum only about half as long as the scutellum ? temporalis sp. n. or crassicornis (Thomson) (pp. 577, 579) Head in dorsal view (cf. Text-fig. 427) with temples converging strongly, less than one-third as long as the eyes. Antennal flagellum proximally at most as stout as the pedicellus in dorsal view. Fore wing with stigma usually relatively smaller. First funicular segment sometimes not longer than the pedicellus. Smaller species, 1-6 to 2 mm. : ; 3 : : : 4 576 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM 4 (3) Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to, or hardly greater than, the breadth of the head ; first funicular segment as long as, or very slightly shorter than, the pedicellus, sixth quadrate to slightly transverse. Propodeum with costula situated slightly before the middle. Fore wing with stigma small, separated by about twice its height from the costal edge of the wing. Propodeum about two thirds as long as the scutellum. Head and thorax mainly dark bluish ; gaster with a small pale spot, or immaculate : : parviclava (Thomson) (p. 577) - Antenna with combined length of pedicailus and flagellum 1-2 to 1-25 times the breadth of the head ; first funicular segment usually slightly longer than the pedicellus, sometimes barely as long as the pedicellus, sixth segment quadrate to somewhat longer than broad. Propodeum with costula in or slightly behind the middle. Gaster with a distinct pale spot . ‘ 5 5 (4) Fore wing with stigma small, separated by about twice its height from the costal edge of the wing. Propodeum about two thirds as long as the scutellum. Head and thorax mainly a fairly bright green squamifera (Thomson) (p. 576) = Fore wing with stigma moderate-sized, separated by about 1-7 times its height from the costal edge of the wing. Propodeum hardly more than half as long as the scutellum. Head and thorax mainly dark blue-green . sp. indet. Ablaxia anaxenor (Walker) comb. n. (Text-fig. 422) Pteromalus Anaxenor Walker, 1845 : 262, 9. Pteromalus Anaxenor Walker, 18466 : 271, 9. Pteromalus Anaxenor Walker, 1846c : 158, 9. Type material. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. BriTAINn : “England. From the collection of the Rev. G. T. Rudd” (Walker, 1846c : 158). The Rev. G. T. Rudd collected chiefly in Yorkshire, so that his anaxenoyr may have been taken in that county. Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 15.X1.1955, I 9, 25.X.1955, I g, 19.1x.1956, I 9, 18.vill.1957, I 2 (Graham) in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. Ablaxia megachlora (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus megachlorus Walker, 1835 : 486-487, 9. Type material. Syntypes, 2 9 ; LECTOTYPE, the second specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. BRITAIN : “near London” (Walker, 1835 : 487) ; two females (syntypes) in BM(NH). I have not seen any other material. Biology. Unknown. Ablaxia squamifera (Thomson) (Text-fig. 427) Etroxys (Caenacis) squamifera Thomson, 1878 : 99, 8. Ablaxia squamifera (Thomson) Delucchi, 1957 : 146, 9. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 577 Type material. One female, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype), labelled “ Gl.” [Gottland] ; ‘“Bhn” [Boheman] ; “ squamifera Ths.” ; (in A. Jansson’s hand- writing) ““ Lectotype des. by A. Jansson”’ ; and “ ABLAXIA squamifera Ths. V. Delucchi det ’’. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. New records :—England : Oxfordshire, Otmoor, 99, 25.vill.1956, 8.ix.1956, in a lane near oak trees (Quercus robur L.). The male of sguamifera has not yet been described. I have a male which probably belongs to this species but do not think it appropriate to describe it at present. Biology. Has been reared in England in association with wood-boring beetles (Magdalis, Scolytus, etc.) of which it is probably a parasite. Imagines Aug.—Sept. Ablaxia parviclava (Thomson) (Text-figs. 423, 426) Etroxys (Caenacis) parviclava Thomson, 1878 : 99, 9. ? Etroxys (Caenacis) planiscuta Thomson, 1878 : 99, 9. Ablaxia parviclava (Thomson) Delucchi, 1957 : 146, Q. ? Ablaxia planiscuta (Thomson) Delucchi, 1957 : 146, 9. Type material. Etroxys (Caenacis) parviclava Thomson. Lectotype 9 designated by Delucchi (1957 : 146). E. (C.) planiscuta Thomson. Two specimens stand under this name but one disagrees with the description and is a Habrocytus. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “‘ Lp. in.” [Lapponia inferioris] ; ‘“‘ Bhn”’ [Boheman] ; “ planiscuta Ths. V. Delucchi det.”’ ; and ‘‘ LECTOTYPE ”’ on a red label. The head and gaster are now missing. The character ‘“‘ scutello subdepresso’”’ to which Thomson refers (1878 : gg) is an artefact ; the scutellum of the lectotype is squashed and would originally have been slightly convex, also the pin goes through the hinder half of the mesoscutum and has caused its surface to be abnormally depressed. ” BRITAIN, SWEDEN. New records.—England : Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, 99, 25.vili.1958, 30.vill.1958 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. Imagines Aug.—Sept. I believe that planiscuta Thomson is probably a form of parviclava Thomson. The lectotype of planiscuta differs from that of parviclava [not counting the characters of the flattened mesoscutum and scutellum, which are produced by distortion] in having the pronotal collar slightly shorter medially, the mesoscutum rather more coarsely reticulate, the plicae and costula of the propodeum weaker and the median carina weaker, fine and irregular. These differences could in my opinion be within the range of variation of a single species. Ablaxia temporalis sp. n. 9. Head and dorsum of thorax dull green, the scutellum more or less tinged with brassy or coppery, in one specimen the vertex and most of the thoracic dorsum are coppery ; sides and ventral parts of thorax black with greenish, bronze and bluish reflections ; gaster with strong 578 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM green or brassy reflections dorsally, especially upon the basal tergite ; hind margins of tergites two to six each with a broad purplish bronze band, sometimes this colour extends over the whole surface of these tergites except their extreme bases. Mandibles chestnut-red with darker teeth. Antennae black ; scape weakly metallic-tinged, more or less testaceous proximally. Legs blackish with varied metallic reflections like those on the sides of the thorax ; trochanters partly or wholly, extreme tips of femora, and bases and tips of the tibiae, testaceous ; fore tarsi fuscous, mid and hind tarsi pale or whitish testaceous proximally, fuscous distally. Tegulae fuscous. Wings hyaline ; venation fuscous, except the submarginal vein, not counting the parastigma, of the fore wing, which is more testaceous ; and the veins of the hind wing, which are mainly pale. Length 2-9 to 3:2 mm. Head in dorsal view 2-1 to 2-15 times as broad as long, with temples approximately half as long as the eyes and converging only moderately ; POL about 1:3 times OOL. Eyes separated by 1-4 to 1-5 times their length. Genae slightly buccate ; malar space from half to three fifths the length of an eye. Clypeus striate, the striae extending a little way on to the face, its anterior margin broadly but very shallowly emarginate. Head finely reticulate, the genae very finely so, clothed with pale hairs. Left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four, the teeth acute, the inner tooth of the left mandible obliquely truncate and less acute than the others. Antennae with scape reaching about level with the middle of the median ocellus, its length distinctly greater than the transverse diameter of an eye ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head ; pedicellus slightly less than twice as long as broad, slightly shorter than or as long as the first funicular segment ; flagellum distinctly clavate ; funicle proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view ; first funicular segment 1-4 to 1-6 times as long as broad, second and third segments slightly longer than broad or quadrate, fourth quadrate, fifth slightly transverse, sixth about 1-5 times as broad as long ; clava 1-6 to 1-8 times as long as broad, about as long as two and a half of the preceding funicular segments ; sensilla fairly numerous, in one row on each funicular segment, sometimes irregular on the proximal segments. Pronotal collar variable in length, medially from one eighth, to about one fifth, as long as the mesoscutum, finely though sharply margined anteriorly. Mesoscutum 1-3 to 1-4 times as broad as long, finely reticulate, with pale hairs. Scutellum about as broad as long, or very slightly longer than broad, moderately convex, very finely reticulate. Propodeum (medially) nearly or quite two thirds as long as the scutellum, very finely reticulate ; costula placed in the middle, strong ; median carina single or double. Fore wing with basal cell closed below except proxi- mally ; basal vein pilose ; speculum open below ; marginal vein 1-5 to 1-65 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein about as long as the marginal vein ; stigmal vein forming a relatively acute angle (about 35°) with the postmarginal vein ; stigma moderate-sized, oblong and nearly twice as long as high, separated by 2-3 to 2-6 times its own height from the costal edge of the wing. Gaster ovate, not or barely as long as the thorax, 1-4 to 1-6 times as long as broad, about as broad as the thorax ; basal tergite occupying about one third the total length, its hind edge entire or very weakly emarginate medially ; last tergite somewhat shorter than its basal breadth ; ovipositor sheaths hardly projecting beyond the last tergite ; hypopygium extending half or slightly more than half way along the gaster. 6. Unknown. Holotype 9. England : Oxfordshire, Otmoor, I9.ix.1956, swept from foliage of Quercus robur L. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality and host plant as holotype, 1 9, 4.1x.1955, I 9, 15.1. 1950, I Q, 19.ix.1956 (Graham), in Graham collection ; Kent, Lewisham, 1 9, ix.18g90 (A. J. Chitty), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. The female of A. temporalis is very close to that of crassicornis (Thomson), from which it differs in a few small characters which are listed in the key to species. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 579 Ablaxia crassicornis (Thomson) (Text-fig. 424) Etroxys (Caenacts) crassicornis Thomson, 1878 : 98, 9. Ablaxia crassicornis (Thomson) Delucchi, 1957 : 147, &. Type material. LECTOTYPE Q, labelled ‘“‘ Rsid’”’ [Ringsj6] ; “‘ crassicornis Ths ”’; “ Caenacis crassicornis Ths. 9 Lectotype des. by A. Jansson ’’; “ ABLAXIA crassicornis Ths. V. Delucchi det’ ; and “‘ LECTOTYPE ”’ on a red label. SWEDEN ; probably MotpaviANn S.S.R. (recorded, probably correctly, by Bouéek, 1965¢ : 8). Biology. Unknown. Note. The following extra-limital species belong to Ablaxia : Pteromalus Prothous Walker, 1839a : 87, 2 (Chiloe). Syntypes, 2 9. LECTO- TYPE, Type Hym. 5. 770 b, bearing a green-bordered type label, also one reading “Isle of Chiloe’’ and a Waterhouse label. (= Ablaxia prothous (Walker) comb. n.). Pteromalus Traulus Walker, 1839a : 88, 9. Type Hym. 5. 771, a female lacking head and antennae ; it bears a green-bordered type label, one reading “ Isle of Chiloe’’’ and a Waterhouse label. In my opinion it could be a small female of prothous Walker (= Ablaxia traulus (Walker). comb. n.). Note. The following species belong to Ablaxia but probably form a distinct subgenus : Ablaxia discalis (Wollaston), comb. n. Pteromalus discalis Wollaston, 1858 : 26, 9. Type material. LECTOTYPE 9, Type Hym. 5. 722. Type locality : Madeira “ occurring in the sylvan districts (Lombo dos Pecegueiros, &c.) of intermediate altitudes ’’ (Wollaston, ibid.). Ablaxia tinctipennis (Walker) comb. n. Pieromalus tinctipennis Walker, 1872b : 118-119, 9. Type material. LECTOTYPE 4, Type Hym. 5. 721. Type locality : Madeira. Ablaxia obumbrata (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus obumbratus Walker, 1872b : 122-123, 9. Type material LECTOTYPE 9, Type Hym. 5. 717. Type locality : Madeira. Ablaxia basicyanea (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus basicyaneus Walker, 1872b : 123-124, 9. Type material. LECTOTYPE 9, Type Hym. 5. 719. Type locality : Madeira. 580 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM AGGELMA Delucchi Etroxys sgen. Caenacis Forster ; Thomson, 1878 : 96-98 (ex parte). Aggelma Delucchi, 1956b : 70. Type-species : A. abdominalis Delucchi, by original designation. KEy TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) Gaster lanceolate, 4:5 to 5:5 times as long as broad, 1-5 to 1:9 times as long as head plus thorax ; last tergite twice or more than twice as long as its basal breadth, the penultimate tergite nearly twice as long as broad, the ante- penultimate about as long as broad ; basal tergite with a short, transverse basal fovea. Head in dorsal view only 2 to 2-1 times as broad as long Gaster at most hardly three times as long as broad, at most 1-4 times as long as head plus thorax ; last tergite at most 1-3 times as long as its basal breadth, the two preceding tergites relatively shorter than in the alternate couplet ; basal tergite with a long, subtriangular basal fovea which reaches scaly half way towards the hind margin of the aie Head in dorsal view 2:25 to 2:55 times as broad as long Beerodenm (medially) fully two thirds as long as the sorta aad ovednned well behind the level of the bases of the hind coxae ; plicae distinct, and rather sharp both at the front and hind margins of the propodeum ; costula distinct. Antennal scape reaching only to the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only slightly greater than breadth of head ; first funicular segment about twice as long as broad, sixth quadrate ; sensilla in one row on all segments of the funicle. Fore wing with postmar- ginal vein somewhat shorter than the marginal vein, the latter more than twice as long as the stigmal vein . . : . agrili Bouéek (p. 581) Propodeum (medially) only about one third as long as the scutellum and pro- duced only slightly behind the level of the bases of the hind coxae ; plicae sharp at hind margin only ; costulaabsent. Antennal scape reaching above the level of the vertex ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-4 times breadth of head ; first funicular segment somewhat more than twice as long as broad, sixth slightly longer than broad ; sensilla numerous, arranged in three to four rows on the proximal segments, in two rows on the distal segments, of the funicle. Fore wing with post- marginal vein slightly longer than the marginal vein, the latter hardly twice as long as the stigmal vein . : ; abdominalis Delucchi (p. 580) Head in dorsal view 2-25 to 2-35 times as Broad as long ; temples nearly one third as long as eyes. Propodeum shorter, medially rather more than one third as long as the scutellum. Dorsellum weakly reticulate, the sculpture hardly raised above the general surface, rather shiny. Antennae with first funicular segment as long as the clava and about twice as long as broad spiracularis (Thomson) (p. 581) Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 428) 2:5 to 2:55 times as broad as long ; temples about one quarter as long as eyes. Propodeum longer, medially rather more than half as long as the scutellum. Dorsellum strongly reticu- late, relatively dull. Antennae with first funicular segment somewhat shorter than the clava, and at most 1-7 times as long as broad violacea (Zetterstedt) (p. 581) The 3¢ of Aggelma are unknown to me. Aggelma abdominalis Delucchi Aggelma abdominalis Delucchi, 1956b : 70, 9. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 581 Type material. Syntypes, Czechoslovakia, Moravia, Ungarschiitz, 7—-8.v.1907, on Pinus montana (Wachil) ; Austria, Piesting, 21.iv. and 6.v.1869, in Naturhistori- sches Museum, Vienna. One of these specimens is the holotype but Delucchi does not specify which. AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown ; some specimens have been found on Pinus mugo Turra (=montana Mill.). Aggelma agrili Boucek Aggelma agrili Bouéek, 1965e : 23-26, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Moldavian S.S.R., Plot’, 27.vi.1959, reared from Agrilus viridis (L.) (V. I. Talitzkt), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 26.007). MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Host Agrilus viridis (L.) in twigs of black currant (Bouéek, 1965e : 25). Aggelma spiracularis (Thomson) Etroxys (Caenacis) spivaculavis Thomson, 1878 : 96, 9. Aggelma spivacularis (Thomson) Delucchi, 1957 : 150, 9. Type material. One female, LECTOTYPE (probably holotype), labelled ‘“ Gl.” [Gottland] ; “ Belf.”’ [Belfrage] ; “‘ spiracularis Ths” ; ““ AGGELMA spiracularis Ths. V. Delucchi det.” ; and ‘““ LECTOTYPE ” (on a red label). BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; apparently rare. New to Britain ; England, Lancashire, Grange-over-Sands, I 9, 4.ix.1949 (A. E. Wright), in BM(NH) collection. Biology. Unknown. Aggelma violacea (Zetterstedt), comb. n. (Text-fig. 428) Ptevomalus violaceus Zetterstedt, 1838 : 423, 9. Etroxys (Caenacis) pilosella Thomson, 1878 : 97, 2, Syn. n. Aggelma pilosella (Thomson) Delucchi, 1957 : 149-150, 9. Type material. Pteromalus violaceus Zetterstedt. One female, LECTOTYPE, mounted on a pin together with the type of Pteromalus petiolatus Zett. and bearing a comprehensive label in Zetterstedt’s handwriting “ P. violaceus 9. P. petiolatus 2. Wittang”’. Etroxys (Caenacis) pilosella Thomson. Five specimens stand under this name but some bear the wrong locality data. LECTOTYPE, a pinned female labelled “HIm ” [Holmiae] and “Stal”. Delucchi previously (1957 : 150) designated a lectotype for pilosella in the following words “‘ Lectotypus Nv.alp./Bhn etikettiert ”’. This specimen cannot be the type as it comes from Norway [“‘ Nv. alp.’’] wheras the localities given by Thomson (1878 : 98) were “‘ norra och medlersta Sverige ”’ 582 Mo Wie Ro DE Ve iG RAED AM I can see no valid structural differences between the lectotype of violaceus Zetter- stedt and that of pzlosella Thomson. The head and thorax vary from mainly olive-green as in the type of pzlosella, to blue with a violet tinge in places as in the type of violaceus ; some of Thomson’s specimens are intermediate in colour. SWEDEN, Norway. Biology. eared in Germany from Magdalis violacea L. by M. Postner, the material determined by Dr. Delucchi (Secrétariat, etc., 1957 : 319, 324.) APELIOMA Delucchi Apelioma Delucchi, 1956) : 68-70. Type-species : Dinotus pteromalinus Thomson, 1878, by original designation. Apelioma Delucchi ; Graham, 1961 : 171-173. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Hind coxae pilose dorsally in their basal half. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-3 to 1-4 times the breadth of the head ; line of micro- pilosity on the clava extending nearly to its base. Anterior margin of clypeus distinctly emarginate. Fore wing with marginal vein shorter than, or at most as long as, the postmarginal vein : ; pteromalinum (Thomson) (p. 582) - Hind coxae bare dorsally in their basal half or more. Antenna (Text-fig. 429) with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only slightly greater than breadth of head ; line of micropilosity on the clava (Text-fig. 430) extending hardly half way to the base. Anterior margin of clypeus very shallowly emarginate, almost truncate. Fore wing with marginal vein a little longer than the postmarginal vein restrictum Graham (p. 583) (MALEs) 1 Hind coxae pilose dorsally in their basal half. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-5 to 1:65 times the breadth of the head. Anterior margin of clypeus distinctly emarginate . 5 : pteromalinum (Thomson) (p. 582) — Hind coxae bare dorsally in their basal half or more. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1:25 times the breadth of the head. Anterior margin of clypeus very shallowly emarginate, almost truncate . . restrictum Graham (p. 583) For other small differences between these two species see Graham (1961 : 172). Apelioma pteromalinum (Thomson) Dinotus pteromalinus Thomson, 1878 : 40, g 9. Apelioma pteromalinum (Thomson) Delucchi, 19566 : 69-70. Apelioma pteromalinum (Thomson) ; Graham, 1961 : 171, g 9. Type material. Syntypes, 3 9, 1g. Lectotype 9 selected by Delucchi (1956) : 69). BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Imagines captured in June and August. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 583 Apelioma restrictum Graham (Text-figs. 429, 430) Apelioma restrictum Graham, 1961 : 171-172, 4 9. Type material. Holotype 9, England, Lancashire, Freshfield, 7.1x.1960 (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown ; the species appears to be associated with Pinus. Imagines captured in June, July and Sept. SYNEDRUS Graham Synedrus Graham, 1956 :97. Type-species: S. cavigena Graham, by,monotypy and original designation. Only one species known. Fics. 431-435. Synedrus transiens (Walker), 9. 431, antenna; 432, antennal clava, ventral ; 433, body ; 434, fore wing venation ; 435, head, frontal view. 584 M. W. R. p—E V. GRAHAM Synedrus transiens (Walker) comb. n. (Text-figs. 431-435) Pteromalus tvansiens Walker, 18354 : 192, 9. Synedrus cavigena Graham, 1956 : 97, g 9, syn. n. Type material. Pteromalus transiens Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE (probably holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. Synedrus cavigena Graham. Holotype 2, England, Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 25.1X.1953, on Quercus (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. BRITAIN. Biology. Unknown ; the species appears to be associated with Quercus as I have several times swept it from the foliage of oak-trees. Imagines June and September. HOLCAEUS Thomson Etroxys Forster, 1856 : 66, 71 [nec Hetroxys Westwood, 1833]. Etroxys sgen. Etvoxys Thomson, 1878 : 88, roo. Etroxys sgen. Holcaeus Thomson, 1878 : 88, 104. Type-species : H. dichvous Thomson, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 313. Holcaeus Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 313, 314. Etroxys Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 309, 310, 311 [ev parte, nec Westwood]. Holcaeus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 209, 310, 312 [ev parte}. Etroxys Kurdjumov, 1913 : 8, 16 [mec Westwood]. Holcaeus Thomson ; Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 8, 17 [ex parte]. Etroxys Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 230 [vec Westwood]. Holcaeus Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 230. Holcaeus Thomson ; Graham, 1956a : 79-80. Holcaeus Thomson ; Peck et al., 1964 : 51, 55. The biology of this genus is unknown. The species occur most often in woods, particularly in shady places. Kry TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Clypeus finely reticulate. Antennae short, combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to breadth of head ; funicle conspicuously stouter than the pedicellus, all its segments transverse, the first clearly shorter than the pedicellus ; scape, not counting the radicula, at least slightly longer than the clava ; clava 2 to 2:25 times as long as broad. Gaster ovate, not longer than the thorax, its last tergite shorter than its basal breadth ; tip of hypopygium (valvula ventralis) situated at two thirds the length of the gaster as measured from the base. Spur of mid tibia half as long as the first tarsal segment. Small species, length 1-8 to 2:1 mm. ; body mainly dark bluish ; femora extensively darkened, tibiae sometimes more or less so ; median carina of propodeum absent or weak and irregular calligetus (Walker) (p. 588) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 585 Fics. 436-446. 436, Holcaeus stylatus sp.n., 9, petiole and gaster ; 437, same, head ; 438, Holcaeus varvo (Walker), 9, head; 439, same, Q antenna (hairs and sensilla omitted) ; 440, Holcaeus breviusculus (Thomson), lectotype 2, head ; 441, Holcaeus stenogastey (Walker), 9, pronotum ; 442, Holcaeus compressus (Walker), 2, pronotum ; 443, Cricellius vepandus sp.n., 9, head ; 444, Cricellius gracilis (Walker), head ; 445, Cricellius sp.indet. A, 2, antenna ; 446, Cricellius vepandus sp.n., 2, antenna. 586 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM - Clypeus strigose, except sometimes in the middle. Antennae longer, com- bined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly greater than breadth of head ; none of the funicular segments, or at most the fifth and sixth, trans- verse, the proximal segments nearly always elongate, rarely nearly quad- rate ; first funicular segment usually as long as or longer than the pedicellus, rarely slightly shorter ; scape usually equal in length to the clava, occasion- ally slightly longer ; clava 2:3 to 2-5 times as long as broad. Gaster ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, at least somewhat, usually very much, longer than the thorax, its last tergite not shorter than its basal breadth ; tip of hypopygium situated at least slightly less than half the length of the gaster. Spur of mid tibia less than half as long as the first tarsal segment. Length usually greater ; median carina of propodeum usually distinct . 2 2 (1) Gaster (Text-fig. 436) 2:2 to 2:4 times as long as the thorax ; last tergite strongly compressed, in dorsal view appearing linear throughout most of its length, which is nearly or quite one third that of the whole gaster, its proximal half reddish. Fore wing with basal cell closed below throughout its length by a line of hairs on the cubital vein. Head and pronotum much as in stenogaster (cf. Text-fig. 441) stylatus sp. n. (p. 589) - Gaster at most about twice as long as the thorax ; last tergite shorter, less strongly compressed, in dorsal view tapering gradually from base to apex, at most reddish at the base. Fore wing with basal cell open below, or at most closed in the distal half by a line of hairs on the cubital vein . 3 3. (2) Antenna (Text-fig. 439) with sixth funicular segment at least slightly longer than broad, the segments proximal to this more distinctly elongate, first funicular segment obviously longer than the pedicellus. Head in dorsal view (Text- fig. 438) strongly transverse (2-4 to 2:5 times as broad as long), temples very strongly convergent and very short ; vertex with only a weak transverse ridge behind the ocelli . A : ‘ : : varro (Walker) (p. 589) - Antenna with sixth funicular segment quadrate to very slightly transverse, fifth subquadrate, fourth at most slightly longer than broad ; first funicular segment at most slightly longer, sometimes even shorter, than the pedicellus. Head in dorsal view usually less transverse, the temples often less conver- gent ; often the vertex has a more distinct transverse ridge behind the ocelli 4 4 (3) Vertex without, or with at most a very indistinct ridge behind the ocelli ; temples very strongly narrowed behind the eyes and the head strongly transverse, almost as in varvo cf. Text-fig. 438. Propodeum short, its median length hardly more than one third that of the scutellum. Fore wing with basal cell usually open below ; marginal vein 1-6 to 1-8 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal distinctly longer than the stigmal. Head and thorax usually bluish, less often bronze-, black. Pronotum as in compressus (cf. Text-fig. 442). : . gorgasus (Walker) (p. 588) = Vertex (Text-fig. 440) with a distinct, sometimes rather sharp, ridge behind the ocelli ; temples usually less strongly narrowed, head usually less transverse. Propodeum longer, slightly less than half as long as the scutellum . 5 5 (4) Gaster elongate, twice or nearly twice the length of the thorax, strongly acu- minate ; last tergite two to three times as long as its basal breadth, and longer than the basal tergite. Pronotum (Text-fig. 441) with sides of collar nearly parallel, slightly toothed anteriorly at the points where the transverse carina (or ‘“‘ margin ’’) meets them ; the carina distinctly raised, slightly angled towards each side, and usually with a short longitudinal costula behind each angle. : stenogaster (Walker) (p. 590) = Gaster shorter, distinctly less than twice dhe length of the thorax, less acu- oy) (5) (5) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 587 minate ; last tergite varying from slightly longer than, to nearly twice its basal breadth. Pronotum (Text-fig. 442) with sides of collar converging jonas, not or hardly toothed anteriorly ; the transverse carina . mar- gin ’’) fine and only slightly raised, forming an even curve. : 6 Head (Text-fig. 440) more transverse (breadth to overall length 2-3 tor 2-3) 5); temples strongly narrowed and short . . breviusculus (Thomson) (p. 591) Head less transverse (breadth to overall length 2-1 to 2:15) ; temples less strongly narrowed : : : : ‘ compressus (Walker) (p. 590) Key To Most EUROPEAN SPECIES OF HoOLCAEUS THOMSON AND CRICELLIUS THOMSON (MALEs) Antennae with first funicular segment at least very slightly shorter than the second segment, the latter 1-5 to 1-8 times as long as broad - 0 2 Antennae with first funicular segment as long as, or usually slightly longer iba, the second segment, the latter occasionally quadrate .- , 4 Vertex without, or with at most a very weak transverse ridge behind the ocelli. Pronotal collar having its anterior transverse carina only slightly Taised : ‘ : : ; A 3 Vertex with a distinct transverse ridge behind the ocelli. Pronotal collar hav- ing its anterior transverse carina fairly strongly raised H. compressus (Walker) (p. 590) Postmarginal vein of fore wing slightly shorter than, or at most as long as, the marginal vein. Head in dorsal view 1-9 to 2 times as broad as long C. gracilentus (Bouéek) (p. 593) Postmarginal vein 1-1 to 1-2 times as long as the marginal vein. Head in dorsal view 2-05 to 2:1 times as broad as long . C. gracilis (Walker) (p. 592) Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only 1-2 to 1-3 times the breadth of the head ; pedicellus as long as, or longer than, the first funicular seg- ment ; all the funicular segments quadrate, or at most the proximal seg- ments slightly longer than broad. Vertex without, or with at most a weak, transverse ridge behind the ocelli. Anterior transverse carina of pronotal collar not strongly raised. 5 Either the combined length of the pedicels and flagellum ; is 1°5 to ut 6 times the breadth of the head ; or else the pedicellus is at least slightly shorter than the first funicular segment, the latter 1-5 to 3 times as long as broad. Vertex often with a distinct transverse ridge behind the ocelli. Anterior transverse carina of pronotal collar often strongly raised . 6 Anterior margin of clypeus slightly curved forwards. Spur aE mid fbi slightly more than half the length of the first tarsal segment. Antennal flagellum as stout as, or even slightly stouter than, the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view . j H. calligetus (Walker) (p. 588) Anterior margin of clypeus asnally: shallowly emarginate, rarely truncate. Spur of mid tibia only about half the length of the first tarsal segment. Antennal flagellum, proximally, usually slightly less stout than the pedicel- lus when the latter is seen in dorsal view (dwarfs of gorgasus) . 6 Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only 1-25 to 1-3 times the edie of the head ; funicular segments relatively shorter, the first at most 1-5 times as long as the pedicellus and at most twice as long as broad, sixth not or hardly longer than broad ; flagellum proximally usually as stout as or a little stouter than the pedicellus in dorsal view. Vertex without, or with at most a weak, transverse ridge behind the ocelli. Lateral front 588 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM angles of pronotal collar not prominent ; anterior transverse carina of collar not strongly raised. : H. gorgasus (Walker) (p. 588) — Combined length of pedicellus and dagelhena 1-5 to 1-6 times the breadth of the head ; funicular segments relatively longer, the first 1-5 to 2-5 times as long as the pedicellus and two to three times as long as broad, the sixth usually slightly longer than broad ; flagellum proximally often rather less stout than the pedicellus in dorsal view. Vertex often with a distinct ridge. Lateral front angles of pronotum often prominent ; anterior transverse carina of collar often strongly raised : Fi 7 (6) Head in dorsal view (cf. Text-fig. 438) 2-15 to 2°35 pee as eect as Tease ; vertex without, or with only a weak, transverse ridge. Pronotal collar with lateral front angles not prominent ; anterior transverse carina only moderately raised. First funicular segment 2-5 to 3 times as long as broad, and 2-2 to 2-5 times as long as the pedicellus. Basal cell of fore wing closed below over at most its distal half, and sometimes completely open H. varro (Walker) (p. 589) - Head in dorsal view (cf. Text-fig. 437) differently shaped, 2 to 2-15 times as broad as long ; vertex with a distinct, sometimes very strong, transverse ridge. Pronotal collar with lateral front angles prominent or dentiform ; anterior transverse carina strongly raised, sometimes with its edge waved or almost dentate. First funicular segment 2 to 2-7 times as long as broad, at most twice as long as the pedicellus. Basal cell of fore wing anc closed below, sometimes closed only in its distal half . : 3 < 8 8 (7) Marginal vein of fore wing 1-8 to 2 times as long as the stigraal vein. Anterior margin of clypeus tending to be shallowly emarginate H.? stylatus sp. n. (p. 589) - Marginal vein 1-6 to 1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein. Anterior margin of clypeus truncate or slightly curved forwards H. stenogaster (Walker) (p. 590) Holcaeus calligetus (Walker) Pteromalus Calligetus Walker, 1839 : 222, 3. Holcaeus calligetus (Walker) Boucéek, 1965e : 8. Type material. One male, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN SSR ; uncommon. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June—Aug. (one female captured in April). Holcaeus gorgasus (Walker) comb. n. Ptevomalus Gorgasus Walker, 1839 : 229, 3. Etroxys (Holcaeus) dichvous Thomson, 1878 : 104, 3 2, syn. n. Type material. Pteromalus gorgasus Walker. Syntypes, 2 g. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Etroxys (Holcaeus) dichrous Thomson. Syntypes, 5 specimens. Lectotype not yet selected. Widely distributed in Europe ; fairly common. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May—June (occasionally July). PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 589 Holcaeus varro (Walker) comb. n. (Text-figs. 438, 439) Pteromalus Varro Walker, 1839¢ : 233, 6. Type material. One male, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype) in Greville coll., Edinburgh, labelled ‘‘ Pteromal. Varro W. n. sp. Fide Wk. Edinb.” and “ Greville 1936-50. 292” BRITAIN : England [new records] : Berkshire, Bagley Wood, 1 ¢, 4.v.1957, I Q, 21.vil.1957 ; Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, I g, I 9, 12.vili.1g60 (Graham). Scotland : near Edinburgh (Walker, 1839c : 233). Biology. Unknown. Imagines May—Sept. ; but the species is uncommon. Holcaeus stylatus sp. n. (Text-figs. 436, 437) 2. Head bronze, the face in one specimen greenish. Thorax black, the mesoscutum, axillae and scutellum brassy green, the propodeum tending more towards bluish, remainder of thorax with weak metallic tints. Gaster fuscous or black with weak metallic reflections ; the petiole, proximal part of venter more or less, and about the proximal half of the last tergite, reddish testaceous. Mandibles red with blackish teeth. Antennal scape testaceous, slightly darker at the apex ; rest of antenna blackish. Legs testaceous ; coxae sometimes darkened basally and the hind coxa metallic-tinged ; pretarsus and claws brown. Tegulae and wing-venation testaceous ; wings subhyaline. Length 3-6 to 4-45 mm. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 437) twice or hardly more than twice as broad as its maximum length ; temples converging moderately strongly, relatively long, about one quarter to one fifth the length of the eyes ; vertex with a strong ridge behind the ocelli, extending laterally as far as the upper part of the temples. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-5 times the breadth of the head ; flagellum similar to that shown in Text-fig. 439, but with the funicular segments slightly shorter, the sixth very slightly longer than broad. Pronotum like that of stenogaster (cf. Text-fig. 441) in outline ; collar sharply margined throughout, the carina quite strongly raised. Propodeum short, its median length about one third that of the scutellum ; plicae sharp in the posterior half of the sclerite. Fore wing with basal vein pilose, basal cell completely closed below by a line of hairs on the cubital vein ; specu- lum open below ; marginal vein 2-2 to 2-3 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein equal in length to the marginal. Gaster (Text-fig. 436) elongate, 2-2 to 2-4 times as long as the thorax, but much narrower than the latter ; last tergite strongly compressed almost from its base, thus appearing linear, the length of this tergite is nearly or quite one third that of the whole gaster ; ovipositor sheaths distinctly exserted. 3g. Not definitely associated. I have two gg which may belong to this species ; the characters which distinguish them from males of stenogaster are noted in the key to males. Holotype 9. ENnGLanp : Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 2.viii.1958 (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. ENGLAND: Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 2 9, 2.vi.1962, I9.vii.1964 (Boucek) ; Oxfordshire, Chiltern Hills at Swyncombe Down, I 9, 3.vi.1956 (Graham) ; Yorkshire, V.C.64, Malham Tarn, 1 Q, 9.vili.1956 (W. D. Hincks). 590 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM SCOTLAND : West Inverness, Isle of Rhum, Papadil, 1 9, 4.vii.1962 (P. Wormell). CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Bohemia, Stéchovice near Prague, 2 9, 20.vil.1957, on a stump (L. Masner) ; Velky VreStov, 1 9, vi.1954 (Boucek) ; Eastern Slovakia, Zadiel, I Q, vi.1956 (L. Masner). WESTERN GERMANY : Minchen, I 9, 14.v.1961 (Bachmeier). Paratypes in the Graham collection, in that of the Manchester Museum and in that of the National Museum, Prague. This species is near stenogaster (Walker) but may be distinguished from it and from the other described species by its longer gaster, and especially by the form and colour of the last tergite ; and by the basal cell of the fore wing, which is closed below. Biology. Unknown. Holcaeus stenogaster (Walker) comb. n. (Text-fig. 441) Pteromalus stenogaster Walker, 1836a : 11, 9. ? Pteromalus Styrus Walker, 1839 : 243, d. ? Pteromalus Cabades Walker, 1839 : 264, 3. ? Gastrancistrus Amnisos Walker, 1848 : 105, 182, 9. Etroxys longicauda Thomson, 1878 : 102, f 2, syn. n. Type material (all Walker types bear a Waterhouse label). Pteromalus stenogaster Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen ; Waterhouse label “‘ Hetroxys stenogaster Walker ”’. Pteromalus styrus Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus cabades Walker. Syntypes, 2g. LECTOTYPE labelled “ 38. 7. 12. TOT oe Gastrancistrus amnisos Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE, with a printed label “ GASTRANCISTRUS Amnisos ”’. Etroxys longicauda Thomson. Syntypes on 7 pins. The first pin bears a male and a female, labelled ““ Hg ”’ [Halsingborg] on a pale green label, also “‘ longicauda Ths.” The female is designated LECTOTYPE. I consider styrus Walker and cabades Walker to be probably the males of stenogaster (I am not absolutely certain of the distinctions between the males of stenogaster and compressus). Widely distributed in Europe and fairly common. Biology. Unknown. On one occasion I captured a female upon a bracket-fungus (Polyporus sp.) but there may be no particular significance about this. Imagines Apr.—July. Holcaeus compressus (Walker) comb. n. (Text-fig. 442) Pteromalus compressus Walker, 1836 : 477, 9. Pteromalus fuscescens Walker, 1836a : 12, 9, syn. n. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 591 ? Pteromalus Ection Walker, 1845 : 262, 3. Pteromalus Hyrtacus Walker, 1848 : 127, 214, 9, syn. n. Etroxys elongatus Thomson, 1878 : 100, g 2, syn. n. Type material (Walker types bear a Waterhouse label). Pteromalus compressus Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen. Pteromalus fuscescens Walker. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen ; Waterhouse label “‘ Hetroxys fuscescens Walker ”’. Pteromalus ection Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE ; I think it is probably the male of compressus. Dalla Torre (1898 : 122) listed this species as “ eciton Walk.” in error. Pteromalus hyrtacus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE. Etroxys elongatus Thomson. Syntypes on 28 pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Rsi6 ”’ [Ringsj6] and remounted by A. Jansson. Widely distributed in Europe ; in BRITAIN the commonest species of this genus. Biology. Unknown. Imagines Apr.—Aug. Holcaeus breviusculus (Thomson) comb. n. Etroxys breviusculus Thomson, 1878 : 102, 9. Type material. Syntypes. 3 9. LECTOTYPE labelled ‘“ Bh.” [Bohuslan] and ‘“ Bhn ”’ [Boheman]. SWEDEN ; only the type material known to me. It is very close to compressus (Walker) and might be a form of it but as slight differences are present I retain it tentatively as a valid species. Biology. Unknown. CRICELLIUS Thomson Etroxys subgen. Cricellius Thomson, 1878 : 88, 102. Type-species : C. decipiens Thomson, by monotypy. Cricellius Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 313, 314. Cricellius Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 309, 310, 312. Cricellius Thomson ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 6. Cricellius Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 225. Dibrachella Bouéek, 1954 : 55. Type-species : D. gracilenta Bouéek, by monotypy and original designation. Cricellius Thomson ; Bouéek, 1958a : 401. Cricellius Thomson ; Peck et al., 1964 : 54. Bouéek himself (1958a : 401) synonymized his genus Dibrachella with Cricellius Thomson. This genus is extremely close to Holcaeus Thomson and may eventually have to be united with it. Females of the two genera may be distinguished easily, but the limits between certain males of Holcaeus and Cricellius are very slight. 592 I 2) Bre) 4 (3) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) Scutellum distinctly duller than the mesoscutum, with very fine and dense reti- culation. Head, mesoscutum, axillae, and scutellum bright to dark blue, the vertex and scutellum sometimes dark violet or violet-bronze. Clypeus relatively dull, with moderately strong reticulation. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum approximately equal to, or very slightly less than, breadth of head; scape beneath, sometimes entirely, testaceous. Gaster slightly shorter than head plus thorax, 1-7 to 1:9 times as long as broad. Head in dorsal view 2-2 to 2-4 times as broad as long. 2 Scutellum not or hardly less shiny than the mesoscutum, with relatively lg fae and less dense reticulation. Head, mesoscutum, axillae, and scutellum greenish or bronze-green, the scutellum sometimes bronze. Clypeus, except in one species which has the antennal scape dark, with delicate alutaceous sculpture and relatively shiny. Proportions of flagellum, gaster, and head sometimes otherwise than in the above. 3 Fore wing with marginal vein 1-45 to 1-5 times as long as the Stipmal vein ; eae: marginal 1-15 to 1-2 times as long as the marginal; stigmal vein forming an angle of about 40° or slightly less with the postmarginal . decipiens Thomson (p. 594) Fore wing with marginal vein about 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein ; post- marginal approximately equal in length to the marginal ; stigmal vein forming an angle of about 45° with the postmarginal. Antenna, Text-fig. 445 . sp. indet. Clypeus relatively dull, with rather strong reticulation which is slightly raised above the general surface. Postmarginal vein approximately equal in length to the marginal. Head in dorsal view 2-2 to 2-25 times as broad as long. Antenna (Text-fig. 446) with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum barely equal to breadth of head. Gaster 1-65 to 1-9 times as long as broad, hardly as long as head plus thorax . : repandus sp. n. (p. 593) Clypeus relatively shiny, with delicate altaceous Geulpanre which is not raised above the general surface. The other characters not all present in combina- tion : 4 Fore wing with sostnereieel vein oO: 85 to I as ones the leuech of the Seucnal vein. Head in dorsal view 1-92 to 2-05 times as broad as long. Gaster 1-7 to 2 times as long as broad, at least slightly shorter than head plus thorax gracilentus (Boucek) (p. 593) Fore wing with postmarginal vein 1-1 to 1-2 times the length of the marginal vein. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 444) 2-1 to 2-2 times as broad as long. Gaster 2 to 2-55 times as long as broad, as long as, or even very slightly longer than, head plus thorax . ; : : : : gracilis (Walker) (p. 592) Males are included in my key to ¢ Holcaeus (q.v.). (p. 587) Cricellius gracilis (Walker) comb. n. (Text-fig. 444) Pteromalus gracilis Walker, 1836 : 477, 2 [nec Eutelus gracilis Walker, 1834]. ? Pteromalus Aleman Walker, 1839 : 265, 3. Type material. Pteromalus gracilis Walker. Lectotype 2 designated by Graham (in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 284). Pteromalus aleman Walker. Syntypes, 3¢. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label ; I believe it is the male of graczlis. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 593 Britaln : local, in woods, particularly in shady areas. Biology. Unknown. Imagines Apr.—Aug. Cricellius gracilentus (Bouéek) Dibrachella gracilenta Bouéek, 1954 : 55-57, 3 8. Cricellius gracilentus Bouéek, 1958a : 401. Type material. Holotype 9, Czechoslovakia, Bohemia, neighbourhood of Velky VieStov, in the second half of August, 1953 (Boucek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3005). CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—Aug. I have seen a number of specimens of gracilentus (including the holotype) and have checked the differences mentioned in my key below, between it and gracilis (Walker), by measurements. I feel sure that they are distinct, although close, species. Cricellius repandus sp. n. (Text-figs. 443, 446) 9. Head and dorsum of thorax dull green, the occipital surface more bluish, the scutellum slightly tinged with bronze ; sides and venter of thorax dark bluish. Gaster bronze, with some greenish reflections, especially on the basal tergite. Antennae fuscous. Coxae dark blue ; trochanters dark, trochantelli paler ; femora black, narrowly testaceous at apex ; tibiae mainly fuscous, their bases and tips testaceous ; tarsi testaceous, their tips brown, the fore tarsi mainly brown. Tegulae fuscous ; wings subhyaline, venation brown to fuscous. Length 2 to 2:1 mm. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 443) 2:2 to 2:25 times as broad as long (and 1-2 to 1:25 times as broad as mesoscutum) ; temples converging strongly, barely one quarter as long as eyes ; posterior ocelli separated by about 1-5 times their major diameter from the eyes. Eyes sepa- rated by about 1:5 times their length. Malar space nearly three fifths the length of an eye. Clypeus rather dull, mainly reticulate with the sculpture slightly raised above the general surface, its anterior margin slightly curved forwards. Head somewhat shiny, finely reticulate. Antenna (Text-fig. 446) with scape reaching to about middle of median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum barely equal to breadth of head ; pedicellus 1-6 to 1-8 times as long as broad ; the three anelli together about as long as the first funicular segment, the first and second anelli subequal in length and breadth, the third slightly longer and broader ; flagellum clavate, funicle stout, proximally nearly 1-5 times as stout as the pedicellus ; funicular seg- ments one to four quadrate or very slightly transverse, five slightly transverse ; clava 1:6 to 1:8 times as long as broad, somewhat longer than the combined length of the two preceding funicular segments, obtuse apically, its first suture not oblique, the second very slightly so ; ventrally there is a line of micropilosity extending along the whole of the third segment, and encroaching very slightly on the second. Sensilla of funicle not very numerous, in one row on each segment. Thorax about 1-6 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar with its sides converging slightly forwards ; sharply margined in front, but the carina fine and not strongly raised. Mesoscutum 1-4 to 1°5 times as broad as long, moderately shiny, finely reticulate, more coarsely on the disc posteriorly, the reticulation distinctly but not strongly raised above the general surface. Axillae very finely reticulate, moderately shiny. Scutellum about as broad as long, hardly less shiny than the mesoscutum, very finely reticulate ; base of scutellum relatively broad. Propodeum medially slightly more than half as long as the scutellum, finely and irregularly reticulate. Fore wing with upper surface of costal cell bare, lower surface with one complete 504 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM row of hairs, and a few others in the distal half of the cell ; basal cell with a few hairs scattered over its distal quarter to one-third, basal vein pilose ; speculum open below, extending as far as the beginning of the marginal vein ; the latter 1-7 to 1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein as long as, or hardly longer than, the marginal ; stigmal vein forming an angle of about 45° with the postmarginal. Gaster ovate, 1:65 to 1-9 times as long as broad, slightly shorter than head plus thorax, about as broad as the thorax ; last tergite slightly shorter than its basal breadth ; hypopygium extending about half way along the gaster. 3. Unknown. Holotype 9. ScoTLanp : West Inverness, Isle of Rhum, Kinloch, 29.viii.1961, swept from foliage of Betula sp. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratype 9. ENGLAND : Middlesex, Southgate, 20.vili.1964 (Graham), in Graham collection. This species is very close to gracilis (Walker) and gracilentus (Boucek). It differs from the former in having the postmarginal vein slightly shorter, body rather less slender ; gaster shorter than head plus thorax ; flagellum slightly shorter and distinctly stouter, funicular segments a little shorter ; clypeus duller and more strongly reticulate. From grvacilentus it differs in its rather more transverse head, rather shorter flagellum, duller clypeus ; also its darker antennae and legs, the colour-features, however, might be due to regional variation. It differs from decipiens Thomson and its closest ally in its mainly greenish head and thorax, darker scape, less dense sculpture of the scutellum, which is therefore more shiny, and rather shorter and stouter flagellum. Cricellius decipiens Thomson Cricellius decipiens Thomson, 1878 : 103, 9. Type material. Thomson’s collection contains 2 9, neither of which bears the correct locality data [Smaland] ; they agree, however, with the description, especially the second specimen labelled “‘ Nv. alp. Bhn”’ [Norvegia alpina. Boheman] which is taken as an indication of the identity of decipiens. SWEDEN, Norway. Biology : Jansson (1952a : 181) recorded the rearing of two specimens of C. decipiens, from thin lime-twigs attacked by insect larvae, by Prof. O. Lundblad at Harparbol, Uppland, Sweden, in 1951. He mentioned four species of predatory beetles reared from the lime-twigs and suggested that the Cvicellius might have been attacking the larvae of one of them, or else those of some Ipid or Anobiid beetle, or other insect living on the plant in question. TRYCHNOSOMA Graham Trychnosoma Graham, 1957¢: 140-141. Type-species: Etvoxys (Habrocytus) punctipleura Thomson, by monotypy and original designation. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 595 Trychnosoma punctipleura (Thomson) (Text-figs. 447-449) Etroxys (Habrocytus) punctipleuva Thomson, 1878 : 122-123, 9. Trychnosoma punctipleura (Thomson) Graham, 1957¢ : 141-142, 9. Type material. Syntypes, 29. Lectotype designated by Graham (1957¢ : 142). Male unknown. ENGLAND, SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Fics. 447-451. 447, Tvychnosoma punctipleura (Thomson), 9, body; 448, same, dorsellum and propodeum ; 449, same, 9, antenna; 450, Eulonchetron torymoides (Thomson), 2, head, frontal view ; 451, same, body. 596 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM LONCHETRON Graham Lonchetron Graham, 1956a : 80. Type-species L. fennicum Graham, by original designation. Lonchetvon Graham ; Bouéek, 1961 : 79. Lonchetrvon Graham ; Peck et al., 1964 : 55. Lonchetron fennicum Graham (Text-figs 463-467) Lonchetron fennicum Graham, 1956a : 81-83, 3 8. Type material. Holotype 9, Finland, EH., Vanaja, 1954 (E£. Valkeila), in Zoological Museum, Helsinki. FRANCE, FINLAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Parasite of Spilomena enslint Blithgen (Hym., Sphecoidea) ; see Graham, 1956a : 83. Imagines July—Aug. KALEVA Graham Kaleva Graham, 1957a : 72. Type-species: K. livida Graham, by original designation. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) i Mesopleuron entirely reticulate. Antenna (Text-fig. 452) with flagellum strongly clavate ; first funicular segment slightly transverse, the following segments more strongly so, the sixth nearly twice as broad as long. Head in dorsal view hardly twice as broad as long ; POL greater than OOL. Thorax about 1-75 times as long as broad. Head and thorax black with very weak violet and bronze reflections. Antennal scape black. Femora usually mainly fuscous. Structural features, text-figs. 452-454, 460-462 . : : corynocera Graham (p. 598) — Mesepisternum with a partly to wholly smooth triangular area below the base of the hind wing. Antenna (Text-fig. 455) with flagellum only slightly clavate, the funicle nearly cylindrical ; funicular segments subquadrate, or the distal segments very slightly transverse. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 459) 2:15 to 2:2 times as broad as long ; POL less than OOL. Thorax about 1-5 times as long as broad. Head and thorax dark blue or greenish blue. Antennal scape mainly to wholly testaceous. Legs, except coxae, testaceous, with the femora at most slightly darkened. Other structural features, text-figs. 457,458 . livida Graham (p. 598) (MALEs) 1 Mesopleuron entirely reticulate. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum much less than breadth of head ; flagellum distinctly clavate ; first funicular segment quadrate to distinctly transverse, sixth from 1-7 times to nearly twice as broad as long ; scape hardly expanded distally, with only an indistinct boss : : . corynocera Graham (p. 598) — Mesepisternum with a partly to Geol: smooth triangular area below the base of the hind wing. Antenna (Text-fig. 456) with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum nearly equal to breadth of head ; flagellum hardly clavate, only the clava slightly broader than the rest ; funicular segments quadrate, or the proximal ones slightly longer than broad ; scape slightly peer in its upper half, with a long shiny boss which extends half way down : : . livida Graham (p. 598) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 597 Fics. 452-462. Kalevaspp. 452, corvynoceva Graham, 9, antenna ; 453, same, fore wing, part ; 454, same, hind wing, costal cell ; 455, ivida Graham, 9, antenna ; 456, same, dg, antenna ; 457, same, 9, head, frontal view ; 458, same, g, sculpture of frons between scrobe and eye ; 459, same, 9, body ; 460, corynocera Graham, 9, pronotum and meso- scutum ; 461, same, 2, petiole and gaster ; 462, same, 9, sculpture of frons between scrobe and eye. 598 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Kaleva livida Graham (Text-figs. 455-459) Kaleva livida Graham, 1957a : 72-75, 3 2. Type material. Holotype 9, Finland, EH, Hameenlinna, 1954 (E. Valkeila), in Zoological Museum of Helsinki University. FINLAND. Biology. Reared from Spilomena enslimi Blithgen in Finland, by E. Valkeila (Graham, 1957). Kaleva corynocera Graham (Text-figs. 452-454, 460-462) Kaleva corynocerva Graham, 1957a : 75-76 “3g” [vecte 9]. Kaleva corvynocera Graham ; Boucek, 1961 : 79. Fics. 463-467. Lonchetron fennicum Graham, 2. 463, body ; 464, head, frontal view ; 465, antenna ; 466, sixth funicular segment and clava ; 467, fore wing. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 599 Type material. Holotype 9 [originally described in error as a male], Czecho- slovakia, Hradec Krdalové, 25.vili.1955 (Boucek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3028). BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. I have reared two specimens of corynocera, together with Spilomena troglodytes (v.d.L.), from the decayed branch of an old oak (Quercus vobur L.) found at East Wretham, Norfolk ; the parasites, which emerged in late July, 1963, may have been attacking the Spilomena. Imagines July—Aug. The original specimens of corynocera were described as male. Boucéek (1961 : 79) pointed out that this was an error and that they were really females. The reason for this mistake was that the ovipositor of female corynocera is very fine and concealed by the hypopygium ; whilst the gaster ventrally is unusually flat, more like that of some male Pteromalidae. EULONCHETRON Graham stat. n. Etroxys sgen. Holcaeus Thomson 1878 : 88, 106 [ex parte]. Lonchetron Graham, 1956a : 80, ex parte. Lonchetron Graham ; Askew, 1962 : I-3. Lonchetron sgen. Eulonchetyon Graham, 1966a : 290-291. Type-species: Etvoxys (Holcaeus) torymoides Thomson, 1878, by original designation. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Gaster extremely elongate, including the ovipositor sheaths 3-3 to 3-7 times as long as the thorax ; distance from base of last tergite to tips of ovipositor sheaths about equal to the combined length of the preceding tergites. Legs rather more slender, especially the femora. ; . scalprum (Askew) (p. 600) — Gaster (Text-fig. 451) less elongate, including the ovipositor sheaths at most 2°5 times as long as the thorax ; distance from base of last tergite to tips of ovipositor sheaths distinctly less than the combined length of the Pear tergites. Legs rather less slender, especially the femora : . torymoides (Thomson) (p. 600) Note. Askew (1962 : 3) stated that in female torymoides the antennal scape “extends well above vertex’, while in scalprum it “ extends only slightly above vertex’. I cannot detect any real difference between the two species in this respect. The head is sometimes distorted so that the vertex is abnormally raised and the scape in consequence appears to reach less far above the vertex ; this is so in some of the type specimens in Dr. Askew’s original series. I have other specimens in which the head is not at all distorted, and in these the scape reaches well above the level of the vertex. (MALEs) 1 Legs rather more slender, especially the femora ; hind femur, not counting the trochantellus, 5:3 to 5:7 times as long as broad : . scalprum (Askew) (p. 600) — Legs rather less slender, especially the femora ; hind femur, not counting the trochan- tellus, about 4-5 times as long as broad. - . torymoides (Thomson (p. 600) 600 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Eulonchetron scalprum (Askew) Lonchetron scalprum Askew, 1962 : 1-3, 3 9. Eulonchetron scalprum (Askew), Graham, 1966a : 291, ¢ 9. Type material. Holotype 9, England, Oxford, near Marston Ferry, July or August 1960, from gall of Pontania viminalis (L.) on Salix purpurea L., and paratypes in Hope Dept., University Museum, Oxford ; other paratypes in the collections of Askew and Graham. BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; CANADA. Biology. Reared in England from galls of Pontania viminalis (L.) on Salix purpurea L. and S. viminalis x purpurea (Askew, Graham) and in Czechoslovakia (Boucek, unpublished). In the BM(NH) there are 4 9 reared from Pontania galls on Salix discolor Muhl., collected at Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, v.1958 (Eva Beckett). In Britain imagines appear in July and August (occasionally Sept.). Eulonchetron torymoides (Thomson) (Text-figs. 450, 451) Etvoxys (Holcaeus) torymoides, Thomson, 1878 : 106-107, g 9. Lonchetron torymoides (Thomson) Graham, 1956a : 81, g 9. Eulonchetron torymoides (Thomson) Graham, 1966a : 290-291. Type material. Syntypes, 9 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a pinned 9 labelled “Lp. in.” [Lapponia inferioris] ; ““ Bhn.”’ [Boheman] ; and “‘ Torymoides Ths ”’. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Reared from galls of Pontania collactanea Forster on Salix repens L. in Britain (see Graham, 1966a). Imagines July—Aug. STENOMALINA Ghesquieére Etroxys sgen. Stenomalus Thomson, 1878: 87, 88. Type-species : S. cvassicorvnis Thomson, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 316 [pre-occ. by Stenomalus Gemminger & Harold, 1872]. Stenomalus Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 316. Stenomalus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 316, 317, 319-320. Stenomalus Thomson ; Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 7, 13-15. Stenomalina Ghesquiére, 1946 : 370 [n. n. for Stenomalus Thomson, nec Gemminger & Harold]. Stenomalus Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 226. Stenomalina Ghesquiére ; Peck et al., 1964 : 51, 58. Stenomalina Ghesquiére ; Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 268-285. For a revision of the European species of the genus, see Graham & Claridge (1965). KeEy TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 469) with a small median tubercle only ; antennal scape unusually short, its length at most equal to the transverse diameter of an eye, not or hardly reaching the median ocellus. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 601 469 Fics. 468-477. Stenomalina and Chlorocytus spp. 468, S. micans (Olivier), 2, clypeus ; 469, C. formosus (Walker), 2, clypeus ; 470, S. lipavae (Giraud), 9, head ; 471, S. fervida Graham, 9, head ; 472, S. favorvinus (Walker), 9, head ; 473, S. micans (Olivier), 9, head ; 474, S. muscarum (L.) auctt., 9, head ; 475, S. favorinus (Walker), 2, antennal clava, ventral ; 476, S. micans (Olivier), 9, antennal clava, ventral ; 477, S. continua (Walker), 2, antennal clava, ventral. 602 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Antenna (Text-fig. 501) with flagellum only slightly clavate ; clava in pro- file having the dividing lines between its segments not oblique ; first funicular segment not longer than the pedicellus ; postmarginal vein of fore wing obviously shorter than the marginal vein, the latter 2-2 to 2:5 times as long as the stigmal vein . cf. Chlorocytus formosus (Walker) (p. 619) Fics. 478-485. Stenomalina spp. 478, fervida Graham, 9, antenna; 479, micans (Olivier), 9, antenna ; 480, epistena (Walker), 9, antenna ; 481, fontanus (Walker), 4, head ; 482, favorinus (Walker), 3, head; 483, continua (Walker), 3g, scape of right antenna; 484, fontanus (Walker), 3, scape; 485, zlludens (Walker), 3 scape. (3) (4) (3) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 603 Anterior margin of clypeus normally (Text-fig. 468) with a median tooth and a projection on either side of it, in runts of muscarum the lateral projections may be virtually absent, but this species has the antennal scape ad as long as an eye and reaching slightly above the vertex . 2 Gaster conical, acuminate, much longer than head plus thorax, 3 e 3: ; faies as long as broad ; last tergite 2 to 2:5 times as long as its basal breadth ; ovipositor sheaths distinctly exserted. Antennal clava with its sutures not oblique ; tuft of micropilosity on its third segment small, extending over at most about one third the length of the clava ; fourth funicular segment quadrate . oxygyne (Walker) (p. 607) Gaster ovate to lanceolate-ovate, not longer than head plus thorax, at most about 2-5 times as long as broad ; last tergite at most slightly longer than its basal breadth : 3 Fourth funicular segment of ae distinetly elongate, usually about I 3 to 1:5 times as long as broad ; fifth usually slightly elongate, sixth most often quadrate or very slightly elongate ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum usually distinctly greater than the breadth of the head 4 Fourth funicular segment of antenna, often also the third, quadrate to slightly transverse ; fifth and sixth more or less transverse, sometimes about 1°5 times as broad as long ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum, except in some micans, not greater than the breadth of the head 6 Temples, in dorsal view of the head (Text-fig. 470), converging only slightly behind the eyes, slightly more than one third as long as the eyes. Malar space slightly more than half the length of an eye. Large species, 3:8 to 5-3mm. A 3 liparae (Giraud) (p. 607) Temples converging ite bts behind the eyes (Text-figs. 471-474), less than one third as mae as the eyes. Malar space rarely so long. Size usually less ‘ 5 First funicular segment 1-4 to 1-7 fies as s long as the pedicellas, 22 ‘to 2: 6 times as long as broad ; flagellum fusiform or clavate, fairly stout laticeps (Walker) (p. 607) First funicular segment at most slightly longer than the pedicellus and at most twice as long as broad ; flagellum only feebly clavate . : : 10 Antennal clava with the dividing lines between its segments oblique as seen in profile, the patch of micropilosity (Text-fig. 475) larger and extending about half way along the clava : 7 Antennal clava with the dividing lines between its segments not or hardly oblique, the patch of micropilosity (Text-figs. 476, 477) smaller and extending over at most slightly more than one third the length of the clava 10 Third funicular segment (Text-fig. 478) slightly to distinctly elongate, except in small specimens. Temples (Text-fig. 471) about one quarter as long as the eyes. Malar space 0-44 to 0-47 the length of aneye. Basal vein of fore wing usually bare, in one specimen with a single hair. Large species, 3:1 to 4:8 mm. Head and thorax not dark blue or bluish black ; only the fore and mid femora more or less infuscate . ; fervida Graham (p. 608) Third funicular segment usually quadrate, rarely very slightly elongate. Temples (Text-fig. 472) about one fifth as long as the eyes. Malar space 0°37 to 0-4 times the length of aneye. Basal vein of fore wing bare or with one to nine hairs; in favorinus, which often has the basal vein bare, the head and thorax are dark blue to bluish black and all the femora are mainly black. Species usually smaller (1-9 to 3-9 mm.) : 8 Head and thorax dark blue to bluish black. Postmarsiaall vein of Pais Sie not, or only slightly, shorter than the marginal vein, the latter 1-65 to 1°85 604 MES We dR Dae Vien GRATE AUN times the length of the stigmal vein ; basal vein bare or with one to two hairs. All femora mainly black with a metallic tinge . favorinus (Walker) (p. 608) - Head and thorax varying from bright blue to bronze-green, bronze, or coppery bronze. Postmarginal vein of fore wing slightly to very distinctly shorter than the marginal vein, the latter 1-8 to 2 times the length of the stigmal vein ; basal vein with two to ten hairs . : : : 9 9 (8) Head and thorax bronze to brassy or coppery bronze, rarely somewhat tinged with olive-greenish in places ; femora sometimes wholly reddish to fulvous, though often more or less infuscate, in which case the fore femora are most heavily so, the hind femora having at most a fuscous patch on their external aspect and a dark interno-dorsal stripe. Scutellum not or hardly longer than broad. Gaster 1-55 to 1°75 times as long as broad, as long as or slightly longer than the thorax. Basal vein of fore wing with two to four hairs dives (Walker) (p. 608) - Head and thorax varying from bright blue to green or bronze-green ; femora very variable in colour, the range of coloration much as in dives but some- times all the femora mainly black. Scutellum slightly longer than broad. Gaster 1-7 to 2-4 times as long as broad, somewhat longer than the thorax. Basal vein of fore wing with one to ten hairs . . illudens (Walker) (p. 608) 10 (5,6) Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than the breadth of the head : : II ~ Combined length of pedicellus a fagelinin at east canes greater {ian ine breadth of the head. 5 ; 12 Iz (z0) Antennal toruli slightly farther from ine menian pecline then fom! the anibenies margin of the clypeus ; scape (Text-fig. 480) relatively shorter, not reaching above the ocellus ; pronotal collar less sharply margined, usually sharply margined only over about the middle third, sometimes immarginate ; marginal vein of fore wing 2 to 2:1 times as long as the stigmal vein ; femora mainly black ; tibiae often more or less broadly infuscate medially ; median area of propodeum oe reticulate, the median carina usually straight and sharp . : : . epistena (Walker) (p. 610) = Antennal toruli slightly nearer to the nee ocellus than to the anterior margin of the clypeus ; scape relatively longer, reaching slightly above the vertex ; pronotal collar sharply margined except just at the sides ; mar- ginal vein of fore wing 2-2 to 2:5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; femora usually reddish testaceous, sometimes partly or mainly brown ; tibiae pale; median area of propodeum usually with some strong wrinkles as well as the reticulation, the median carina tending to be irregular, or crossed a one to two crests é : . continua (Walker) (p. 610) 12 (10) Antennal toruli slightly facther eam the median ocellus than from the anterior margin of the clypeus ; head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 474) with the frons not protuberant ; legs slender, mid tibia nine to ten times, first segment of mid tarsus 8 to 8-5 times, as long as broad, spur of mid tibia somewhat less than half the length of the first tarsal segment ; marginal vein of fore wing 2:2 to 2:5 times as long as the stigmal vein. muscarum (L.) auctt. (p. 611) = Antennal toruli about equidistant from the median ocellus and the anterior margin of the clypeus, or nearer to the ocellus ; head (Text-fig. 473) with the frons somewhat protuberant ; legs stouter, mid tibia 7:5 to 8 times, first segment of mid tarsus six to seven times, as long as broad, spur of mid tibia rather more than half as long as the first tarsal segment ; marginal vein of fore wing 1-7 to 2-2 times as long as the stigmal vein . ‘ : 13 13 (12) Antennal toruli slightly nearer to the median ocellus than to the anterior 14 (13) (3) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 605 margin of the clypeus ; flagellum virtually filiform, with sixth funicular segment quadrate. Malar space fully half the length of an eye or even slightly more sp. indet. A. (p. 609) Antennal toruli about equidistant from the median ocellus and the anterior margin of the clypeus ; flagellum (Text-fig. 479) thickening slightly distad, sixth funicular segment quadrate to slightly transverse . 14 Malar space slightly less than half the length of an eye ; proneral collar hen weakly margined, if sharply so, then ai over more than about the middle third : : micans (Olivier) (p. 609) Malar space half the length of an eye : " pronotal collar very sharply and strongly margined, except just at the sides. : . tera (Walker) (p. 600) (MALEs) Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 469) with a median tubercle only. Antennal scape slightly shorter than the transverse diameter of an eye, not or only just reaching the level of the lower edge of the median ocellus. Marginal vein of fore wing more than twice as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein obviously shorter than the marginal. All coxae metallic ; legs fairly stout ; spur of mid tibia half the length of the first tarsal segment cf. Chlorocytus formosus (Walker) (p. 619) Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 468) with a median tooth and a small projection on each side of it, some dwarfs of muscarvum have these projections very weak, but in this species the antennal scape is much longer, and the fore and mid coxae are flavous. Marginal vein of fore wing often rather less than twice as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein sometimes hardly shorter than the marginal . : : - : : : : : 2 Fore and mid coxae flavous. Mesosternum, except the fore coxal acetabula, thickly clothed with subadpressed white hairs, these being particularly dense just in front of the mid coxae. Antennal scape virtually as long as an eye, reaching slightly above the vertex, tending to be a little broader in its lower part. Marginal vein of fore wing rather more than twice the length of the stigmal vein ; aetias vein distinctly shorter than the marginal ; F . muscarum (L.) auctt. (p. 611) All the coxae metallic, or at most the fore coxae testaceous or reddish on their inner aspect. Mesosternum with a bare patch on either side of the mesol- cus ; the hairs that clothe the rest of the surface are not so thickly distribu- ted as in muscarum, and are slightly outstanding. Antennal scape at least very slightly shorter than an eye, not broadest in its lower a Eee often slightly expanded in its upper part : : 3 Temples, in dorsal view of the head, converging only slightly, more than one third as long as the eyes. Malar space half the length of an eye or even rather more. Large species, usually 4 to 5 mm. in length; head and thorax green varied with coppery or crimson . : liparae (Giraud) (p. 607) Temples converging relatively strongly, and relatively shorter than in the above. Malar space often less than half the length of an eye. Species usually smaller than the above, or else the head and thorax without coppery or crimson tints : 4 Antennal scape nearly as longa: as an oe with a slightly projecting Sone carina or boss extending over the upper half of its anterior edge ; antennal toruli placed approximately midway between the anterior margin of the clypeus and the median ocellus ; marginal vein of fore wing 1-8 to 1-85 times as long 606 Io M. W. R. bE V. GRAHAM as the stigmal vein ; femora and tibiae yellow, or at most the mid and hind femora reddish to brownish . : : : . oxygyne (Walker) (p. 607) Antennal scape clearly shorter than an eye, sometimes without a projecting carina on its anterior edge ; antennal toruli placed at least slightly nearer to the median ocellus than to the anterior margin of the ate ; ae often darker F : F : : : 5 5 Antennal scape (Text- fig. 483) raat a eee carina, canay with a small shiny area (b) ; antennae inserted relatively high, in front view of head the toruli are not or hardly below the level of the middle of the eyes ; gaster with a distinct, often rather large, yellow spot ; legs, apart from the coxae, often wholly or mainly yellow ; marginal vein of fore wing 2 to 2-3 times as long as the stigmal vein : : : : : : , : 6 Antennal scape (Text-figs. 484, 485) with a long slightly projecting shiny carina or boss in its upper part ; toruli situated at least slightly below the middle of the eyes ; pale spot of gaster usually indistinct, sometimes absent, rarely large ; legs often darker ; marginal vein of fore oe often shorter relative to the stigmal vein : : . c q. Antennal toruli situated at about level ae mideile of eyes ; legs, apart from coxae, yellow, with hind, less often mid, femora reddish to fuscous continua (Walker) (p. 610) Antennal toruli slightly below level of middle of eyes ; femora, especially mid and hind ones, often more or less infuscate ; tibiae sometimes with a fuscous band : : ‘ : : ‘ ; . epistena (Walker) (p. 610) Head in exact dorsal view (Text-fig. 481) only 1-8 to 1-9 times as broad as its maximum length, with the frons projecting in an even curve and the antennal toruli clearly visible. Flagellum rather slender, hardly as stout as the pedicellus in dorsal view ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-7 to 1-8 times the breadth of the head ; funicular segments relatively long, the first 2:5 to 3 times as long as broad ; carina of scape (Text-fig. 484) extending over nearly two-thirds of its length . fontanus (Walker) (p. 609) Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 482) 2 to 2-2 times as broad as its maximum length, the frons not projecting medially. Flagellum sometimes relatively shorter and stouter, or with relatively shorter funicular segments ; carina of scape usually extending over about half its length : 8 Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-7 to 1-8 times fhe prea at the head ; flagellum slender, not or hardly stouter than the pedicellus when the Tennesse is seen in dorsal view ; funicular segments relatively long, the first 2:5 to 3 times, sixth 1-6 to 1-8 times, as long as broad 4 9 Either the combined length of pedicellus and flagellum is only 1-4 to 1: 6 fimes the breadth of the head, or the funicular segments are relatively shorter, the first 1-6 to 2:5 times, sixth 1-2 to 1:6 times, as long as broad . ; II Length of antennal scape only about equal to the transverse diameter of an eye ; smaller species, 2 to 3-4 mm. Head, text-fig. 482 . : : : . favorinus (Walker) (p. 608) Length of antennal scape at least suehey greater than tie transverse diameter of an eye ; larger species, 3:2 to 4:5 mm. 10 Hind femora mainly fuscous to black, mid femora more or - less ¢ so pee head, including occipital surface, dark blue, or partly bluish ; postmarginal vein of fore wing as long as or slightly longer than the marginal vein laticeps (Walker) (p. 607) Femora fulvous to reddish, the fore femora sometimes more or less infuscate ; head varied with greenish and bronze, the occipital surface sometimes bluish ; PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 607 postmarginal vein of fore wing usually slightly shorter than the marginal vein fervida Graham (p. 608) 1 (8) Length of antennal scape (Text-fig. 485) at least slightly greater than the transverse diameter of an eye ; flagellum somewhat stouter than the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-4 to 1-6 times the breadth of the head illudens (Walker) (p. 608) - Length of antennal scape only about equal to the transverse diameter of an eye ; flagellum sometimes rather more slender, or relatively longer . ; 12 12 (11) Antennal scape 3:5 to 3-7 times as long as broad . favorinus (Walker) (p. 608) - Antennal scape about three times as long as broad. 2 sp. indet. B (p. 610) Stenomalina oxygyne (Walker) Pteromalus oxygyne Walker, 1835 : 486, 9. Pteromalus dorsalis Walker, 1836 : 478, 9. Stenomalina oxygyne (Walker) Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 272-273, 3 . - For synonymy and designation of lectotypes see Graham & Claridge (1965 : 272-273). BRITAIN. Uncommon. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June—July (one record for September). Stenomalina liparae (Giraud) (Text-fig. 470) ? Pteromalus spectabilis Forster, 1841 : 20, . Pteromalus liparae Giraud, 1863 : 1271, 3 8. Stenomalus lipavae (Giraud) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 14. Stenomalina liparae (Giraud) Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 269, 271, 273, 5 9. For synonymy, and designation of lectotype for iparae, see Graham & Claridge (1965 : 273). Probably widely distributed in Europe ; I have seen specimens from Britain, FRANCE, DENMARK, SWEDEN, FINLAND, GERMANY and CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. A local species, associated with Phragmites communis Trin.; it is a solitary larval endoparasite of Lipara lucens Mg. (see Claridge, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 273 for further biological details and figures of the larval head). Imagines in June. Stenomalina laticeps (Walker) Pteromalus laticeps Walker, 1848 : 117 [nom. nud.}. Pteromalus laticeps (Forster MS.) Walker, 1850 : 128, 9. Stenomalina laticeps (Walker) Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 269, 272, 273-274, 3 &. For designation of lectotype see Graham & Claridge (1965 : 273). BRITAIN, GERMANY ; apparently rare. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—Aug. 608 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Stenomalina fervida Graham (Text-figs. 471, 478) Stenomalina fervida Graham, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 269, 272, 275, d 9. BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; very local, perhaps associated with Calamagrostis. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in August. Stenomalina favorinus (Walker) (Text-figs. 472, 475, 482) Pteromalus Favorinus Walker, 1839 : 263, 3. Stenomalina favorinus (Walker) Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 269, 272, 276-277, & 9. Type material. Holotype 3, England, Isle of Wight, in Walker coll., bearing a Waterhouse label. BRITAIN, IRELAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown ; the species appears to be associated with calcareous formations. Imagines June—July. Stenomalina dives (Walker) Pteromalus dives Walker, 1835 : 489, 9. Pteromalus Mesapos Walker, 1848 : 126, 204, 9. Stenomalina dives (Walker) Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 269-270, 277, 9. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes see Graham & Claridge (1965 : 277). BRITAIN, IRELAND ; MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. ; uncommon. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June—Sept. Stenomalina illudens (Walker) (Text-fig. 485) Pteromalus illudens Walker, 1836 : 470, 9. Pteromalus gaudens Walker, 1836 : 473, 9. Pteromalus Hyloe Walker, 1848 : 123, 176, 9. Stenomalus crassicornis Thomson, 1878 : 89, [ex parte, lectotype 9]. Stenomalina illudens (Walker) Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 270, 272, 278-279, g 2. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes, see Graham & Claridge (1965 : 278-270). Probably widely distributed in EUROPE ; very common in Britain. In summer it often gathers in swarms on the foliage of trees. Biology. The species has been obtained from shoots of barley (see Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 279) but no more definite biological information is available. Imagines June—Oct. PIEBROMALIDAE OB N.W. EUROPE 609 Stenomalina micans (Olivier) (Text-figs. 468, 473, 476, 479) Chalcis micans Olivier, 1813 : 20, figs. 12, 12a, 12b, g Q. Pteromalus bellus Walker, 1836 : 466, 3 8. ? Pteromalus chloris Walker, 1836 : 467, 3. Stenomalus micans (Olivier) Kurdjumoy, 1913 : 14-15, ¢ 9. Stenomalina micans (Olivier) Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 270, 279-280, 9. For a discussion of the synonymy and designation of lectotypes, see Graham & Claridge (1965 : 279). The male of micans has not been definitely identified and breeding experiments are necessary to settle this question. Widely distributed in EUROPE. Biology. The species has been reared in Sweden from Chlorops pumilionis (Bjerk.) (see Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 280). Kurdjumov, who figured the larva and redescribed the adult, reared it as an external parasite of the larva of Meromyza saltatrix Mg. in stems of wheat. Stenomalina fontanus (Walker) (Text-figs. 481, 484) Pteromalus Fontanus Walker, 1839 : 262, 3. Pteromalus Cosingas Walker, 1839 : 263, 3. Stenomalina fontanus (Walker) Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 272, 281, d. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes see Graham & Claridge (1965 : 281) The males here referred to as fontanus may actually belong to micans (Olivier) but this is not certain and needs to be ascertained by breeding experiments. BRITAIN ; uncommon. Biology. Unknown. Stenomalina iera (Walker) Pteromalus Teva Walker, 1844a : 339, ¢ 9. Stenomalina Tera (Walker) Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 270, 281, 9. Type material. Lectotype 2 designated by Graham (7m Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 281). Norway (Alten, Finmark) ; only the syntypic material known. Biology. Unknown. Stenomalina sp. indet. A Stenomalina sp. indet. A, Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 270, 281, 9. ENGLAND : Dorsetshire, Studland, 1 9, 4.vi.1950 (A. W. Stelfox). Biology. Unknown. 610 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Stenomalina sp. indet. B Stenomalina sp. indet. B, Graham & Claridge, 1965: 272, 281, d. ENGLAND : Oxfordshire, Otmoor, I g, 28.vili.1963 (M. W. R. de V. Graham). Biology. Unknown. Stenomalina epistena (Walker) (Text-fig. 480) Ptevomalus epistenus Walker, 1835 : 493, 9. Pteromalus linearis Walker, 1836 : 189, 9. Pteromalus Crotus Walker, 1839 : 252, 3. Ptevomalus Elyros Walker, 1848 : 125, 197,64. Ptervomalus Themiso Walker, 1848 : 126, 206, 9. Stenomalus subfumatus Thomson, 1878 : go, 9. Stenomalina epistena (Walker) Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 270, 272, 281-282, g 9. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes see Graham & Claridge (1965 : 281-282). BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. ; rather uncommon. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—Sept.; females then overwinter in the foliage of coniferous trees, débris on the boles of Quercus, cavities in old Cynipid galls, and similar situations. Stenomalina continua (Walker) (Text-figs. 477, 483) Pteromalus continuus Walker, 1836 : 471, 9. Pieromalus bifrons Walker, 1836 : 485, 9. Pieromalus Mycale Walker, 1839 : 253, 6. Pteromalus Nyctimus Walker, 1839 : 257, 6. ? Pteromalus Dercyllus Walker, 1839 : 259, 3. Pteromalus Evasippus Walker, 1839 : 261, dg. Pteromalus Cerycus Walker, 1848 : 124, 178, 9. Stenomalus rugosus Thomson, 1878 : 90, 9. Stenomalus laetus Ruschka, 1912 : 242, gf 9. Stenomalus continuus (Walker) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 13. Stenomalina continua (Walker) Claridge & Graham, 1965 : 270, 272, 282-283, ¢ 9. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes, see Graham & Claridge (1965 : 282-283). Probably widely distributed in EUROPE. Biology. Reared in Sweden from Chlorops pumilionis (Bjerk.) by H. Andersson (see Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 283). Imagines June—Aug.; females overwinter in the foliage of coniferous trees and similar situations. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 611 Stenomalina muscarum (Linnaeus) auctt. (Text-fig. 474) Pteromalus muscarum (Linnaeus) sensu Walker, 1835a : 184, 2 [mec Ichneumon muscarum Lin- naeus, 1758 : 567]. Eutelus gracilis Walker, 1834 : 365, 9. Pteromalus aurifer Walker, 1835 : 487, 9. Pteromalus Thessalus Walker, 1839 : 268, g. Etroxys (Stenomalus) muscavum (Linnaeus) Thomson, 1878 : 91, ¢ @. Stenomalina muscarum (Linnaeus) ; Herrstrom, 1964 : 447, 448. Stenomalina muscarum (Linnaeus) ; v. Rosen, 1964 : 453-454. Stenomalina muscarum (Linnaeus) auctt. ; Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 270, 271, 283-285, ¢ 9. Type material. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes, see Graham & Claridge (1965 : 283-284). In that paper it was shown (pp. 283-284) that the present species could not have been the Ichneumon muscarum of Linnaeus ; but since the name has been consistently used in that sense, it seems desirable to maintain the usage. Widely distributed in EuRoPE and very common. Biology. eared in Britain from puparium of Melanagromyza symphyti Griff. on Symphytum officinale (L.) and from Phytomyza ramosa Hd. (see Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 284-285). Fulmek (1962 : 35, 42, 64) records the following hosts : Agromyza apfelbecki Strobl in Italy and Spain, Chlorops pumilionis (Bjerk.) in Poland, Napomyza lateralis (Fln.) in Belgium, Phytomyza cineracea Hend. in Denmark and Tylomyza pinguis (FIn.) in Belgium. MHerrstr6m, and von Rosen (1964), in their studies on the parasites associated with Rape (Raps) in Sweden, mentioned its having been obtained in rearings ; von Rosen (1964 : 454) suggested that it may have been attacking Phytomyza rufipes Mg. Imagines of both sexes may be found from June until October ; females overwinter in buildings and amongst the foliage of evergreens. Before and after hibernation, swarms of females sometimes appear in old houses, particularly on windows and ceilings (see Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 285). The species is sometimes transported on boats ; for example, on 29.ix.1956, I collected females from the windows of a deckhouse on a ferry boat going from the Isle of Wight to Lymington in Hampshire. CHLOROCYTUS Graham Chlorocytus Graham, 1956: 92. Type-species : Pteromalus pulchripes Walker, 1836, by original designation. Chlorocytus Graham ; Peck et al., 1964 : 58. Chlorocytus Graham ; Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 285-308. The genus has been revised by Graham & Claridge (1965) ; for descriptions and detailed biological information see that paper. These authors remarked (1965 : 264) on the fact that no species belonging to the group of genera to which Chlorocytus belongs had been recorded from the Nearctic region. Since then Dr. George Wallace has sent me some species of the genus from the U.S.A., so I feel sure it will] eventually be discovered also in Canada. M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Kery TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 469) with a small median tubercle or tooth. Postmarginal vein of fore wing obviously shorter than the marginal vein. Spur of mid tibia half as long as the first tarsal segment. Antenna (Text-fig. 501) inserted distinctly above ventral edge of eyes ; scape hardly reaching the median ocellus ; clava, viewed in profile, symmetrical, the lines separating its segments not oblique 5 . formosus (Walker) (p. 619) Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-figs. 495, 496) shallowly emarginate or sub- truncate medially, without any tubercle or tooth. Postmarginal vein of fore wing usually about as long as the marginal vein, though slightly shorter in two or three species. Spur of mid tibia sometimes less than half as long as the first tarsal segment. Antennal scape reaching at least to the level of the median ocellus, except, in Ch. breviscapus, in which the antennae are inserted practically level with the ventral edge of the eyes and the clava in profile is asymmetrical Antenna (Text-fig. 502) with scape short, not nearly reacline the level of the median ocellus ; antennae inserted relatively low on the face, the lower edge of their toruli being hardly above the ventral edge of the eyes. Size and build much as in Ch. pulchripes ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum clearly less than breadth of head, anelli relatively large, clava asymmetrical ; fore wing (Text-fig. 507) with veins rather thick, basal vein thickly pilose, usually two, three or even four irregular rows of hairs on the vein ; gaster with posterior half of basal tergite nearly always alutaceous, remaining tergites entirely or almost entirely so breviscapus Graham (p. 624) Antennal scape reaching at least the level of the lower edge of the median ocel- lus ; antennae inserted distinctly above the ventral edge of the eyes. Species sometimes slender with an elongate gaster ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum often equal to or slightly greater than breadth of head ; anelli less conspicuous ; clava sometimes symmetrical ; fore wing with veins less thick, basal vein with at most one complete row of hairs, sometimes bare ; gaster with basal tergite usually smooth, sometimes weakly alutaceous along its hind margin, the three following tergites with a broad strip, behind the row of hairs, which is nearly smooth and more shiny than the rest Antennae (Text-fig. 503) inserted far above the ventral edge of the eyes, the lower edge of their toruli is situated exactly half way between the anterior margin of the clypeus and the front edge of the median ocellus ; scape reaching well above the median ocellus and usually slightly above the vertex ; funicle very slender, filiform ; clava, viewed in profile, symmetrical, the lines separating its segments not oblique longiscapus Graham (p. 619) Antennae inserted less far above ventral edge of eyes, the lower edge of their toruli situated distinctly nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the front edge of the median ocellus ; scape rarely reaching above the top of this ocellus, or if so (phalaridis, Text-fig. 498) then the funicle is stouter and the clava, viewed in profile, is asymmetrical, the lines separating its segments slightly oblique Gaster (Text-fig. 494) lanceolate, fous to ane ees as long as Jeans and a or quite 1-5 times the length of head plus thorax ; last tergite 1-7 to 2 times as long as its basal breadth. Propodeum much as in Text-fig. 492, about one third or slightly less than one third as long as the scutellum ; its median area hardly produced beyond the level of the hind edges of the supracoxal flanges (which are only slightly curved), weakly sculptured, PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 613 495 496 Fics. 486-496. Chlovocytus spp. 486. phalaridis Graham, 9, gaster ; 487, pulchripes (Walker), 2, gaster ; 488, deschampsiae Graham, 9, gaster ; 489, spicatus (Walker), 9, gaster ; 490, same, 9, left mid leg, excluding coxa ; 491, pulchvipes (Walker), 9, propodeum ; 492, diversus (Walker), 9, metanotum and propodeum ; 493, spicatus (Walker), 9, metanotum and propodeum ; 494, longicauda (Thomson), 9, gaster ; 495, pulchripes (Walker), 2, clypeus ; 496, diversus (Walker), 2, clypeus. 614 5 4) G95) 7 © oh) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM relatively shiny, its hind margin deeply emarginate ; plicae absent, or indicated only posteriorly F ; : ; : Boas Gaster short ovate to lanceolate (1-4 to 3:6 times as long as broad), from about as long as the thorax to slightly longer than head plus thorax ; but even in examples having the longest gasters, the last tergite is at most 1-5 times as long as its basal breadth. Except in Ch. diversus Walker, the propodeum (Text-figs. 491, 493) is about half as long as the scutellum, with its median area distinctly produced behind the level of the supracoxal flanges (which are strongly curved) and more strongly sculptured, its hind margin shallowly emarginate ; the plicae are usually distinct. Ch. diversus, in which the propodeum is like that described in the alternate part of the couplet, has the gaster at most 3:2 times as long as broad, and the last tergite hardly longer than its basal breadth. Mid leg with tibial spur half, or even slightly more than half, as ie as the maximum length of the first tarsal segment ; legs relatively short and stout. In most species the antennal clava (Text-figs. 497-500) is short, in profile asymmetrical, the dorsal edge being more strongly curved than the ventral edge, with the dorsal surface of its second and third segment more densely hairy than the rest. Costal cell of fore wing without hairs upon its upper surface. Gaster often less than twice as long as broad. Mid leg (Text-fig. 490) with tibial spur obviously less than half the maximum length of the first tarsal segment ; legs long and slender. Antennal clava (Text-figs. 504, 506) appearing symmetrical in profile with the dorsal sur- faces of its second and third segments not more densely hairy than the rest, except in Ch. pilosus, in which the fore wing (Text-fig. 508) has a few hairs upon the upper surface of the costal cell near its apex. Gaster 2:3 to 3:6 times as long as broad : : é é ; : é Antennal clava (Text-figs. 497-500) in profile appearing asymmetrical, the dorsal surface of its second and third segments clothed with a dense pile of hairs ; the clava itself short, not or hardly twice as long as broad, the lines separating its segments tending to be oblique. Combined length of pedi- cellus and flagellum usually equal to or less than the breadth of the head, rarely very slightly greater. Pronotal collar as a rule less distinctly margined, the margin often irregular, or sharp only medially Antenna (Text-fig. 506) ; clava in profile appearing symmetrical, the dorsal surface of its second and third segments without dense pilosity ; com- bined length of pedicellus and flagellum usually slightly greater than, at all events not less than, the breadth of the head. Pronotal collar, except just at the sides, with a fine but sharp margin Gaster (Text-fig. 486) ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, two to three times as long as broad, nearly or quite as long as head plus thorax, or even longer in some specimens of phalaridis, especially those under 2-5 mm. in length ; last tergite usually as long as, or longer than, its basal breadth ; distance from base of eighth tergite to tip of gaster SL, Sy aunt aes than the length of the basal tergite : Gaster (Text-figs. 487, 488) ovate, less ce twice as long as Diond We not longer than the thorax; last tergite shorter than its basal breadth ; distance from base of eighth tergite to tip of ope less than the length of the basal tergite . Tip of hypopygium situated at about one ane, or Sligttly Tess the length a the gaster. Antenna (Text-fig. 498) with proximal funicular segments relatively elongate, the fourth distinctly longer than broad ; length of 20 19 13 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 615 Fics. 497-506. Chlovocytus spp., antennae. 497, pulchripes (Walker), 2; 4098, phalaridis Graham, 2 ; 499, deschampsiae Graham, 2 ; 500, ultonicus Graham, 2 ; 501, formosus (Walker), 2 ; 502, breviscapus Graham, 2 ; 503, Jongiscapus Graham, 9 ; 504, longicauda (Thomson), 9 ; 505, laogove (Walker), 3 ; 506, spicatus (Walker), 9. 616 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM scape obviously greater than the transverse diameter of an eye. Pronotal collar sharply margined except just at the sides. Fore wing with basal vein normally with 6 to 13 hairs, fewer in dwarfs, which have the gaster longer than head plus thorax phalaridis Graham (p. 623) - Either the tip of the hypopygium is situated at nearly or quite half the length of the gaster ; or else the fourth funicular segment of the antenna is not longer than broad. Pronotal collar often less sharply margined . 9 9 (8) Antenna with fourth funicular segment 1-3 to 1-5 times as long as broad, fifth very slightly elongate or quadrate. Gaster 1-4 to 1-7 times as long as broad, at most as long as the thorax ; distance from base of eighth tergite to tip of gaster less than the length of the basal tergite. Femora usually fulvous to red, occasionally infuscate basally ; mesoscutum with close- meshed reticulation, hence rather dull ; basal vein of fore wing with four to ten hairs. Large species, length 3:0 to 4:2 mm. . harmolitae Bouéek (p. 622) = Either the fourth funicular segment is quadrate or hardly longer than broad ; or the gaster is at least somewhat longer than the thorax, with the combined length of tergites eight and nine equal to or greater than the length of the 509 Fics. 507-509. Chlorocytus spp., fore wings, part. 507, breviscapus Graham, 9 ; 508, pilosus Graham, 9 ; 509, longicauda (Thomson), 9. Io (9) (10) (13) (14) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 617 basal tergite, and the mesoscutum has wider-meshed reticulation and is more glittering. Femora often broadly infuscate basally : : : 10 Fore wing with basal vein bare or with one to four scattered hairs ; femora nearly always fulvous or red, rarely slightly infuscate basally. Gaster (Text-fig. 487) 1-4 to 1-7 times as long as broad, at most as long as the thorax ; distance from base of tergite eight to tip of gaster less than the length of the basal tergite. Mesoscutum with close-meshed reticulation, hencerather dull. Propodeum having well-marked spiracular sulci which are often more or less costulate transversely ; plicae short, beginning at hind margin of propodeum and curving outwards towards the spiracular sulci, where they end. Antenna with fourth funicular segment quadrate or hardly elongate. Antenna, Text-fig. 497. : : : pulchripes (Walker) (p. 622) Either the basal vein of the fore wing has a regular row of 6 to 13 hairs ; or else all the femora are more or less broadly infuscate proximally, the gaster (Text-fig. 488) is relatively longer, with the combined length of tergites eight and nine equal to or greater than the length of the basal tergite, and the mesoscutum has wider-meshed reticulation and is more glittering. Propodeum with spiracular sulci usually shallow, sometimes nearly absent ; plicae often traceable to near the base of the propodeum, their posterior portion nearly straight . : II Antenna (Text-fig. 500) with fourth funicular segment slightly elongate, fifth quadrate ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to breadth of head ; flagellum slender proximally, hardly stouter than the pedicellus. Antennal scape reaching to middle, or at most to the top, of median ocellus. Fore wing with basal vein bare or with up to nine hairs ultonicus Graham (p. 623) Antenna (Text-fig. 499) with fourth funicular segment quadrate, or even very slightly transverse, fifth slightly transverse. Flagellum sometimes rather stouter and the combined length of pedicellus and flagellum less than the breadth of the head ; if not, then the basal vein of the fore wing has a more regular row of 6 to 13 hairs . i Zz Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to breadth of head . . . agropyri Graham (p. 624) Antenna (Text-fig. 408) awit combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly to distinctly less than breadth of head deschampsiae Graham (p. 623) All coxae mainly testaceous. Malar space short, only slightly more than one third the length of an eye. Anterior margin of clypeus curved slightly forwards. (Pakistan) murriensis Graham (p. 621) At most the fore coxae partly pale. Malar space relatively longer. European species. 14 Anterior margin of clypeus curved forwards slightly ; : head in ‘dorsal view barely twice as broad as long ; Te vein of fore wing fully 2-5 times as long as the stigmal vein : : sp. indet. A. (p. 621) Anterior margin of clypeus erunicate or shallowly emarpinate ; head in dorsal view at least slightly more than twice as broad as long ; marginal vein of fore wing usually less than 2-5 times as long as the stigmal vein ‘ 15 Propodeum (Text-fig. 492) shiny, weakly sculptured to nearly smooth, short, its median length somewhat less than half that of the scutellum, its middle part hardly produced caudad of the level of the hind edges of the supracoxal flanges ; plicae absent or indicated at the hind margin only . 16 Propodeum (cf. Text-fig. 493) not so shiny, distinctly reticulate, relatively 618 ro (15) 17 (15) 18 (17) 19 6 (5) 20 (4) Note. female type specimen, and has therefore been omitted from the key. it is not possible at present to give a practical key to the males of Chlorocytus. M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM longer, its median length from nearly half, to slightly more than half, the length of the scutellum, its middle part at least slightly produced caudad of the supracoxal flanges ; plicae sharp over at least the posterior half of the propodeum, sometimes traceable to its base : : ; Fore wing with marginal vein nearly 2-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Clypeus without a depression in the middle of its front edge. (Czechoslo- vakia) c : : : : : : : 2) Sprindets Si(p: Fore wing with marginal vein 1-7 to 2 times as long as the stigmal vein. Clypeus (Text-fig. 496) with a depression in the middle of its front edge diversus (Walker) (p. Propodeum (Text-fig. 493) medially more distinctly produced caudad of the level of the supracoxal flanges, the latter being strongly curved. Metapleuron for the most part more weakly sculptured than the mesepim- eron . : : . Spicatus (Walker) (p. Propodeum A tigen Sar slightly a ee caudad of the supracoxal flanges, the latter only moderately curved : ‘ : - : Metapleuron for the most part as strongly, though more finely, reticulate than the mesepimeron. Gaster slightly longer than head plus thorax, 2-5 to 2-7 times as long as broad : : . laogore (Walker) (p. Metapleuron for the most part more eee sculptured than the mesepimeron. Gaster not or hardly longer than head plus thorax . inchoatus Graham (p: Fore wing (Text-fig. 508) with costal cell with a short row of hairs on its upper surface in the distal half ; basal cell closed below except at its base. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to breadth of head ; flagellum distinctly clavate ; clava, in profile, appearing asym- metrical, the dorsal surface of its second and third segments with dense pilosity. Gaster similar to that of spicatus (q.v.) . pilosus Graham (p. Fore wing with upper surface of costal cell glabrous (as in Text-fig. 509) ; basal cell sometimes partly open below. Antenna (Text-fig. 506) with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum a little greater than breadth of head ; flagellum only very slightly clavate ; clava, in profile, appearing practi- cally symmetrical, without dense pilosity upon its second and third segments. Gaster (Text-fig. 489) . : k 4 : . Spicatus (Walker) (p. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to the breadth of the head ; distal funicular segments shorter, the sixth quadrate. Legs relatively shorter and stouter ; spur of mid tibia nearly half as long as the first tarsal segment, the latter only about six times as long as its maxi- mum thickness. Fore wing with See vein about 2-3 times the length of the stigmal vein . : : . sSpenceri Graham (p. Antenna (Text-fig. 504) with a ian of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly greater than the breadth of the head ; distal funicular segments relatively longer, even the sixth being slightly longer than broad. Legslonger and more slender ; spur of mid tibia distinctly less than half the length of the first tarsal segment, the latter about 7:5 times as long as thick. Fore wing (Text-fig. 509) with marginal vein 2:5 to 2-8 times as long as the stigmal vein ; : : ; : ‘ longicauda (Thomson) (p. 17 620) 619) 621) 18 620) 620) 621) 621) 622) 622) One species, Ch. tenellus (Walker) is known only from the damaged I regret that PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 619 Chlorocytus formosus (Walker) (Text-figs. 469, 501) Pteromalus formosus Walker, 1835a : 189, 9. Chlorocytus formosus (Walker) Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 268, 271, 285, 289-291, ¢ 9. Type material. Lectotype 2 designated by Graham (im Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 290). The species was redescribed by Graham in the same _ paper (1965 : 289-290). BRITAIN, IRELAND ; widely distributed but local ; AMuRLAND, BM(NH) coll., one female under a Walker manuscript name “‘ aequalis ”’). Biology. Reared from stems of Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) Beauv., together with Tetramesa fulvicollis (Walker), the latter possibly being its host (see Claridge in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 290-291). Imagines chiefly June and July (occasionally August). Chlorocytus longiscapus Graham (Text-fig. 503) ? Trvigonoderus Polichna Walker, 1848 : 128, 218, 3. Chlorocytus longiscapus Graham in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 286, 291-292, 9. Type material. Tvigonoderus polichna Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label ‘“‘ Hetroxys Polichna ”’ also a printed label “ Polichna ” This specimen appears to be identical with a male in my collection which may well be that of Chlorocytus longiscapus ; they show the unusual feature of the middle tibia being somewhat darkened medially. In view of the difficulty of associating the sexes of some Chlovocytus without reared material, I am not proposing a definite synonymy for the present. Chlorocytus longiscapus Graham. Holotype 9, England, Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 3.vili.1952 (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, AUSTRIA. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—Sept. Chlorocytus diversus (Walker) (Text-fig. 492) Pteromalus diversus Walker, 1836 : 483, 9. Pteromalus Rhytium Walker, 1848 : 125, 198, d. Pteromalus Sybritia Walker, 1848 : 126, 203, . Etroxys (Habrocytus) laeviusculus Thomson, 1878 : 121, d . Chlorocytus diversus (Walker) Graham, 1956 : 94. Chlorocytus diversus (Walker) ; Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 289, 292-294, d 9. Type material. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes, see Graham and Claridge (1965 : 293-294) ; the species was redescribed by Graham in the same paper (1965 : 293). 620 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN. Biology. A common parasite of Phanacis centaureae Forster in the stems of Centaurea species, particularly C. scabiosa L. Other specimens have been reared as a parasite of the early instar larva of Hartigia xanthostoma Eversm.; these are morphologically indistinguishable from diversus reared from Phanacis centaureae and I consider them to be conspecific. Dr. Claridge, however, thinks that two species may be involved since the host-range is unusual (see Claridge im Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 295). The larva of diversus is figured by Claridge in the same paper (1965, figs. 5, 6). Imagines June to August. Chlorocytus sp. indet. B. Chlorocytus sp. indet. B, Graham, im Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 289, 295, @. CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. Chlorocytus inchoatus Graham Chlorocytus inchoatus Graham, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 289, 295-296, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, England, Oxfordshire, Yarnton district, 29.iv.1957, reared from puparia of Melanagromyza dettmer. Hering in stem of Centaurea mgra L., (M. F. Claridge) in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. BRITAIN. Biology. eared in Britain by Dr. Claridge, from Melanagromyza dettmert Hering in stems of Centaurea nigra L.; and from M. cirsii Rond. in stems of Senecio yacobaea L. The larval head has been figured by Claridge (in Graham & Claridge, 1965, figs. 3, 4) and further remarks on the biology of the species are given by him (op. cit. : 296). Chlorocytus laogore (Walker) (Text-fig. 505) Pteromalus teyminalis Walker, 1836 : 476, . Piteromalus Laogore Walker, 1839 : 267, 3. Pteromalus terminalis Walker, 1846 : 44 [nec Walker, 1848 : 114]. Chlorocytus laogove (Walker) Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 289, 296-298, 3 9. Type material. For discussion of synonymy and designation of lectotypes, see Graham & Claridge (1965 : 296-298) ; in that discussion I have explained why the name Jaogore was adopted in preference to terminalis. BRITAIN. Biology. Reared as a parasite of the larvae of Apzon sp. in the stems of Rumex spp. (see Claridge, 7x Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 298). Imagines in June. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 621 [Chlorocytus tenellus (Walker) Hetroxys tenellus Walker, 1874 : 319, 8. Chlorocytus tenellus (Walker) Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 298, 9. Type material. Lectotype designated by Graham (im Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 298) ; some descriptive notes are also given in the same place. Asia : Amurland (only the type material known). Biology. Unknown. | [Chlorocytus murriensis Graham Chlorocytus murriensis Graham, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 288, 298-299, 9. Type material. Holotype 9. Pakistan, Murree, 26.vi.1g61, reared from pupa in stem of Urtica sp., in BM(NH). Biology. See above.] Chlorocytus sp. indet. A. Chlorocytus sp. indet. A, Graham, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 288, 299, 9. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham, 19.v1.1955 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. Chlorocytus spicatus (Walker) (Text-figs. 489, 490, 493, 506) Pteromalus spicatus Walker, 1835a : 97, 9. Pieromalus junceus Walker, 1835a : 182, 9. Pteromalus filicornis Walker, 1835a : 183, 9. Pteromalus Abila Walker, 1839 : 252, 3. Etroxys (Habrocytus) simulans Thomson, 1878 : 121, 9. Chlorocytus spicatus (Walker) ; Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 289, 299-300, ¢ 9. Type material. For synonymy, designation of lectotypes, and redescription of the species, see Graham & Claridge (1965 : 299-300). In that paper (p. 300) I stated that the lectotype of Etvoxys simulans Thomson bore a label “ 23 ”’ ; this was a mistake, the specimen in fact having a pale green label “‘ Hg”’ [Halsingborg]. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN. Biology. eared in Britain from larvae of Melanagromyza angelicae (Frost) in stem of Angelica sylvestris L., and of Melanagromyza lappae Loew (see Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 300). Imagines May—July (occasionally August). Chlorocytus pilosus Graham (Text-fig. 508) Chlorocytus pilosus Graham, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 289, 300-301, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, England: Berkshire, Bagley Wood, 30.v.1957 (Graham) in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. 622 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM ENGLAND. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May—June. Chlorocytus longicauda (Thomson) (Text-figs. 494, 504, 509) Etroxys (Habrocytus) longicauda Thomson, 1878 : 122, 9. Chlorocytus longicauda (Thomson) Graham, 1956 : 94. Chlorocytus longicauda (Thomson) ; Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 289, 301-302, 9. Type material. Lectotype designated by Graham (7m Graham & Claridge, 1965 : ZO). BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. Reared in Britain from Melanagromyza angelicae (Frost) in stems of Angelica sylvestris L. and from M. cirsit Rond. in stems of Senecio jacobaea L. (see Claridge, 7m Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 301-302). Imagines June-August. Chlorocytus spenceri Graham Chlorocytus spencert Graham, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 289, 302, Q. Type material. Holotype 9, Spain : Barcelona, Casteldefels, 26.v.1958, reared from Melanagromyza foeniculi Spencer (K. A. Spencer) in BM(NH). SPAIN. Biology. See above. Chlorocytus pulchripes (Walker) (Text-figs. 487, 491, 495, 497) Eutelus planus Walker, 1834 : 365, 9. Pteromalus pulchripes Walker, 1836 : 470, °. Pteromalus Aglaope Walker, 1839 : 261, 3. Chlorocytus pulchripes (Walker) Graham, 1956 : 93, 3 8. Chlorocytus pulchripes (Walker) ; Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 288, 302-303, 3 9. Type material. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes, see Graham, 1956 : 94 ; 1965, 7» Graham & Claridge : 303. The species was also redescribed in the latter paper. BRITAIN. Biology. A parasite on stem-living Eurytomidae, mostly Tetramesa angustipennis (Walker) in stems of Alopecurus pratensis L. and A. gemiculatus L. (see Claridge, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 303). Imagines May—June (rarely some in July). Chlorocytus harmolitae Boucek Chlorocytus havmolitae Bouéek, 1957 : 156, figs. 1-3, 5 9. Chlorocytus harmolitae Bouéek ; Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 287, 304, 3 . PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EVROPE 623 Type material. Holotype 9, Czechoslovakia, Hradec Krdalové-Piletice 1.vi.1952 (Bouéek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3044). BRITAIN, FRANCE, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Parasite of Tetramesa eximia (Giraud) in stems of Calamagrostis spp. (see Claridge, 7» Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 304). Imagines May and June. Chlorocytus ultonicus Graham (Text-fig. 500) Chlovocytus ultonicus Graham, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 288, 304-305, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, England: Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 29.vi.1958 (Graham) in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. ENGLAND, IRELAND. Biology. Not definitely known ; some Chlorocytus reared from stems of Phleum sp. by Dr. Claridge may belong to ultonicus, but this is not certain. Chlorocytus phalaridis Graham (Text-figs. 486, 498) Chlorocytus phalaridis Graham, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 287, 305-306, ¢ 9. Type material. Holotype 9, England : Buckinghamshire, Oakley Wood, reared 5.V.1957 from shoots of Phalaris arundinacea L. (M. F. Claridge) in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. BRITAIN, IRELAND. Biology. Dr. Claridge has found that this species normally attacks Tetramesa longicornis (Walker) in the upper internodes of Phalaris arundinacea L. (see Claridge, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 306). Imagines mainly May—August (occasionally some in April). Chlorocytus deschampsiae Graham (Text-figs. 488, 499) Chlorocytus deschampsiae Graham, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 288, 306-307, ¢ 9. Type material. Holotype 9, England: Buckinghamshire, Oakley Wood, reared 28.v.1958 from culm of Deschampsia (M. F. Claridge), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. BRITAIN. Biology. Parasite of some of the Eurytomid species, especially Tetramesa petiolata (Walker), whose larvae live above the internodes (without gall-formation) in the stems of Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) Beauv. (see Claridge, 21 Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 307). Imagines May—June. 624 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM Chlorocytus agropyri Graham Chlorocytus agropyri Graham, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 288, 307, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, England : Buckinghamshire, Oakley Wood, reared 6.v.1958 from culm of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. (M. F. Claridge), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. ENGLAND. Biology. This species attacks the non-gall-forming Eurytomid larvae associated with Agropyron species, particularly A. repens (L.) Beauv.; its chief host is Tetvamesa cornuta (Walker) (see Claridge, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 307). Imagines May— June. Chlorocytus breviscapus Graham (Text-figs. 502, 507) Chlovocytus breviscapus Graham, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 286, 307-308, ¢ 9. Type material. Holotype 9, England : Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, reared 9.v.1958 from Calameuta filiformis Eversm., in stem of Calamagrostis (M. F. Claridge), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. BRITAIN, HUNGARY. Biology. Reared from Calameuta filiformis Eversm. in stems of Calamagrostis epigeros L. and from Calameuta in stems of Phalaris arundinacea L. (see Claridge, in Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 308). ISOCYRTUS Walker Isocyrtus Walker, 1833 : 462. Type-species : I. Jaetus Walker, by monotypy. Kodysia Bouéek, 1954 : 65. Type-species : K. tibialis Bouéek, by monotypy and original designation. Tsocyrtus Walker ; Graham, 19560 : 255. Isocyrtus Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 41. Isocyrtus Walker ; Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 308. Kodysia Bouéek was placed in synonymy with Isocyrtus Walker by Graham (1956) : 255). Isocyrtus was wrongly interpreted by Thomson (1878). So far only one species of the genus is known. Isocyrtus laetus Walker Isocyrtus laetus Walker, 1833 : 466, 9. Chrysolampus contractus Nees, 1834 : 130, 9. Kodysia tibialis Boucéek, 1954 : 29 (426) : 65, g . Isocyrtus laetus Walker ; Graham, 1956) : 255. Isocyrtus laetus Walker ; Graham & Claridge, 1965 : 308-309, g 9. Type material. Jsocyrtus laetus Walker. One female and one male stand under PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 625 this name, but the male was not described. LECTOTYPE, the female specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Chrysolampus contractus Nees. Type material lost. Placed in synonymy with laetus (Walker) by Bouéek (1961 : 72) ; this synonymy seems reasonable and is followed here. It is supported by a manuscript note in Walker’s annotated copy of his List of Hymenopterous Insects in the British Museum (part 1, 1846) ; on page 34 he has written against Isocyrtus laetus ‘‘ =Chrysolampus contractus’’. As the Nees collection was for some years on loan to Westwood, the latter may have informed Walker of the synonymy. Kodysia tibialis Bouéek. Holotype 9, Western Moravia, Hodice at Jihlava, 7.Vi.1953 (Kodys), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3013). BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown ; the species occurs in grassy situations and is probably associated with some host on Gramineae. Imagines May—June in England and Czechoslovakia ; into July in Scotland. PSILONOTUS Walker Psilonotus Walker, 1834 : 168, 179. Type-species : Ps. adamas Walker, by monotypy. Psilonotus Walker; Forster, 1856 : 60, 62. Eutelus sgen. Psilonotus Walker ; Thomson, 1878 : 70, 81-83. Psilonotus Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 317. Psilonotus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 322, 324. Psilonotus Walker ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 4. Psilonotus Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 224. Janvartsovia Nikol’skaya, 1954 : 412. Type-species : J. betulae Nikol’skaya, by monotypy and original designation. Psilonotus Walker ; Graham, 1957d : 230-232. Janvartsovia Nikol’skaya ; Graham, 1958 : 120. Psilonotus Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 52. The genus Janvartsovia was synonymized with Psilonotus by Graham (1958 : 120). In my earlier paper (1957d : 231-232) I stated that none of the types of Walker’s Psilonotus species could be found. Since then I have located all of them ; some had been placed (probably by J. Waterston) in a drawer apart from the main collection of the BM(NH), whilst another was found in Haliday’s collection in Dublin. The synonymy can therefore be completed and the species objectively defined. All the species occur on Betula spp. Kry TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (MALES AND FEMALES) I Both sexes with pronotum (Text-fig. 511) longer ; the collar longer medially, not distinctly margined in front, but almost rounded off into the pronotal neck, which does not slope vertically; antenna (Text-fig. 512) with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum at most equal to breadth of head, scape relatively broad, flagellum relatively more clavate, distal segments of funicle 626 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM strongly transverse ; plicae of propodeum incomplete or absent. Female only with scutellum nearly flat. E adamas Walker (p. 627) - Both sexes with pronotum (Text-fig. 515) short, the collar very short medially, finely margined in front hence sharply marked off from the pronotal neck, which slopes almost vertically ; antennae (Text-figs. 513, 516) with scape relatively more slender, flagellum less clavate, distal segments of funicle not or only slightly transverse ; plicae of propodeum usually complete, some- times quite sharp. Female with scutellum relatively more convex . 2 2 (1) Female with antennae (Text-fig. 513) inserted slightly below level of eos edge of eyes (as in adamas, text-fig. 510) ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head ; flagellum more slender with all the segments of the funicle subquadrate ; scutellum weakly convex, as broad aslong. Male with antennae inserted at or slightly below the level of the ventral edge of the eyes. : : achaeus Walker (p. 627) — Female with antennae (Text-fig. 516) inserted slightly above level of ventral Fics. 510-516. Psilonotus spp. 510, adamas Walker, 9, head; 511, same, 9, body ; 512, same, 9, antenna ; 513, achaeus Walker, 9, antenna ; 514, hortensia Walker, 9, head ; 515, same, 9, pronotum and mesoscutum ; 516, same, 9, antenna. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 627 edge of eyes (Text-fig. 514) ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum not greater than breadth of head ; flagellum less slender with distal segments of funicle slightly transverse ; scutellum moderately convex, slightly longer than broad. Male with antennae inserted slightly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes : : : : . hortensia Walker (p. 628) Psilonotus adamas Walker (Text-figs. 510-512) Psilonotus Adamas Walker, 1834 : 179, 9. Psilonotus Adamas Walker ; Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. B, fig. 2, 9. Psilonotus catuli Forster, 1856 : 62, 9. Eutelus (Psilonotus) aureolus Thomson, 1878 : 82, 9. Janvartsovia betulae Nikol’skaya, 1954 : 413,d 9. Psilonotus adamas Walker ; Graham, 1957d : 230, 232, 5 Q. Psilonotus adamas Walker ; Graham, 1958 : 120. Type material. Psilonotus adamas Walker. Syntypes, 2 9 ; LECTOTYPE, the second, bearing a Waterhouse label. It agrees with my earlier interpretation (1957d : 230, 231) of the species. Psilonotus catuli Forster. Syntypes, a mixed series in Forster coll., Vienna. Lectotype @ designated by von Rosen (1958 : 237) ; it is labelled “ Frankf. Birkenkatzchen ”’ and marked with a red ticket. Eutelus (Psilonotus) aureolus Thomson. Lectotype 9 designated by Graham (19574 : 230). Janvartsovia betulae Nikol’skaya. Syntypes, 1 9 and 3 g, Russia, Yanvartsevo, near R. Ural, 2.viii.1g50, reared (A. V. Vyrshikovskaya), in Zoological Museum, Leningrad. The species was placed in synonymy with Psilonotus adamas Walker by Graham (1958 : 120). BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, U.S.S.R. Biology. Reared from seeds of Betula, which bore gall-like swellings and were infested by the Cecidomyiid fly Semudobia betulae Winn., in U.S.S.R. (Nikol’skaya, 1954). Earlier Mayr (1903 : 387, footnote) recorded having reared Psilonotus catul1 Forster from birch catkins deformed by the above Cecidomyiid. Imagines June—Aug. (one record for Oct.). Psilonotus achaeus Walker (Text-fig. 513) Psilonotus Achaeus Walker, 1848 : 105, 161, 9. Pteromalus Cyamon Walker, 1848 : 123, 176, d. Psilonotus vividulus Thomson, 1878 : 83, 9. Psilonotus achaeus Walker ; Graham, 1957d : 231, 232, 5 @. Type material. Psilonotus achaeus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE bearing a Waterhouse label, was found in BM(NH). Pteromalus cyamon Walker and Psilonotus viridulus Thomson. Lectotypes designated by Graham (1957d : 231). 628 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY. Biology. Associated with Betula but host not yet determined. Imagines June-August. Psilonotus hortensia Walker (Text-figs. 514-516) Psilonotus Hortensia (Haliday MS.) Walker, 1846a : 113, ¢ 9. Psilonotus alticorvnis Graham, 1957d : 232, d 9, syn. n. Type material. Psilonotus hortensia Walker. There is one female so labelled in BM(NH) but it disagrees with the description in having the legs much too dark. LECTOTYPE, a @ in the Haliday collection (no. 1708), bearing a white label “hortensia ”’ in Haliday’s handwriting. Psilonotus alticornis Graham. Holotype 9, England : Berkshire, Bagley Wood, 31.Vl.1954, in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. BRITAIN. Biology. Unknown ; the species occurs with adamas and achaeus on Betula, but is more uncommon. Imagines June—Sept. Note. Eutelus betulae Girault (1917) : 93) from Albany, New York, U.S.A., host Semudobia betulae, might well belong to Psilonotus. I have not seen the species. ANOGMUS Forster Anogmus Forster, 1856 : 59, 61. Type-species : A. stvobilovum Thomson, 1878, by subsequent reference. Anogmus Forster, Giraud, 1877 : 427. Roptrocerus sgen. Anogmus Forster ; Thomson, 1878 : 83, 85. Eutelus (Platytermus) Thomson, 1878 : 77 [ex parte]. Anogmus Forster ; Ashmead, 1904 : 323. Anogmus Forster ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 3. Anogmus Forster ; Erd6és, 1948a : 2-7, 9. Platythorax Erdés, 1948a: 4,6. Type-species : Eutelus piceae Ruschka, by original designation. Anogmus Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 214. Anogmus Forster ; Bakke, 1955 : 177-187. Anogmus Forster ; Graham, 1957d : 233-235. Anogmus Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 49, 52. Anogmus Forster ; Boutek, 1966a : 52-57. The genus has just been revised by Boucek (1966a) who gives a key to the European species, one of which is described as new, information on distribution and biology, and a discussion of some synonymy. My own key to the European species was produced independently and to a slight extent uses characters not employed by Bouéek. I think it will be a useful complement to his key ; I have modified it to include his new species. All the European species develop in cones of coniferous trees, where they attack PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 629 Cecidomyiidae or (occasionally) other insects. Five of the species are associated mainly with spruce (Picea), one with larch (Larix). 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (1) KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) Upper subtriangular area of mesepisternum, below base of hind wing, more weakly sculptured and more shiny than the rest of the mesopleuron, with delicate engraved reticulation, or partly smooth. Antennal formula 11353 OF 11263 . : 2 Entire mesopleuron relatively dull, ae strong Gemedation eh is slightly raised above the general surface. Antennal formula 11353 5 Lower edge of antennal toruli below the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; antennal formula 11353 ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum virtually equal to breadth of head ; funicular segments slightly longer than broad, or at most the distal segments quadrate. Frons with numerous distinct piliferous punctures amongst the reticulation hungaricus (Erdos) (p. 630) Lower edge of antennal toruli at or slightly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; antennal formula 11353 or 11263 ; combined length of pedi- cellus and flagellum less than breadth of head ; proximal segments of funicle quadrate to slightly transverse, distal segments at least slightly transverse. Frons with less numerous and less distinct piliferous punctures 3 Ovipositor sheaths strongly exserted, to a length at least slightly more than one third that of the hind tibia. Antennal formula 11353 strobilorum Thomson (p. 630) Ovipositor sheaths only slightly exserted. Antennal formula 11353 or 11263 Antennal formula 11353. Combined length of dorsellum and propodeum, in the median line, about two thirds that of the scutellum. Antennae and legs fuscous, only the knees, apices of tibiae, and bases of tarsi pale laricis Bouéek (p. 631) Antennal formula 11263. Combined length of dorsellum and propodeum only about half that of the scutellum. Antennal scape normally more or less testaceous, legs relatively paler than in laricis hohenheimensis (Ratzeburg) (p. 631) Gaster 1-3 to 1:5 times as long as head plus thorax, 2 to 2-5 times as long as broad. Fore wing with marginal vein about twice as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein shorter than the marginal. Legs darker ; femora, and sometimes the tibiae, extensively darkened ‘ piceae (Ruschka) (p. 632) Gaster not or only slightly longer than head plus thorax, 1:5 to 1-8 times as long as broad. Fore wing with marginal vein about 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein hardly shorter than the marginal. Legs paler ; femora and tibiae testaceous, or only the hind femora darkened vala (Walker) (p. 632) (MALEs) Upper subtriangular area of mesepisternum, below base of hind wing, more weakly sculptured and more shiny than the rest of the mesopleuron, with delicate engraved reticulation, or partly smooth. Genae curved as seen in frontal view of head. Either the antennal formula is 11263 ; or the lower edge of the toruli is below the level of the ventral edge of the eyes . 2 Entire mesopleuron relatively dull, with strong reticulation which is slightly raised above the general surface. Genae, in frontal view of head, appearing prominent or angulate just above the bases of the mandibles. Antennal 630 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM formula 11353 ; lower edge of toruli slightly above the ventral edge of the eyes . : ; 5 3 , c c b F z : : 5 2 (x) Antennae with lower edge of toruli below level of ventral edge of eyes ; antennal formula 11353 ; flagellum relatively slender ; proximal segments of funicle quadrate to slightly elongate, distal segments at most very slightly transverse. Oral fossa large, its breadth 3-5 to 4 times the malar space hungaricus (Erd6s) (p. 630) - Antennae with lower edge of toruli level with or slightly above the ventral edge of the eyes ; antennal formula 11263 ; flagellum, except in Javicis, relatively stouter ; sometimes all the funicular segments are slightly trans- verse. Oral fossa relatively smaller, its breadth 2-5 to 3 times the malar space. é : : ; : : : : : : , F 3 3. (2) Antenna with funicle yellowish at least distally, the clava black ; all funicular segments usually slightly transverse : . strobilorum Thomson (p. 630) - Antenna with flagellum, at least dorsally, uniformly brown or fuscous ; proxi- mal segments of funicle subquadrate or slightly longer than broad . : 4 4 (3) Combined length of dorsellum and propodeum (in median line) somewhat more than half that of the scutellum. Pronotal collar sharply margined over about its middle third. Antennal flagellum relatively slender ; most of the funicular segments tending to be slightly longer than broad laricis Bouéek (p. 631) = Combined length of dorsellum and propodeum only about half that of the scutellum. Pronotal collar usually weakly margined. Antennal flagellum relatively thick ; funicular segments usually quadrate hohenheimensis (Ratzeburg) (p. 631) 5 (xz) Antenna with scape distinctly dilated above the middle ; clava dark except apically, but the fifth segment of the funicle pale . piceae (Ruschka) (p. 632) = Antenna with scape not or hardly dilated ; fifth segment of funicle, as well as the clava, dark = 3 : a : ‘ . vala (Walker) (p. 632) Anogmus strobilorum Thomson Roptrocerus (Anogmus) strobilovum Thomson, 1878 : 85, 3 9. Anogmus strobilor'um Thomson ; Erd6s, 1948a : 4, 5, 6, 7, 9,3 9. Anogmus strobilorum Thomson ; Bakke, 1955 : 184-187, ¢ 2. Anogmus strobilorum Thomson ; Graham, 1957d : 233. Anogmus strobilorum Thomson ; Bouéek, 1966a : 53, 56, 3 9. Type material. Several specimens on 6 pins ; a lectotype has not yet been selected. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, NORWAY, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, ? RUMANIA, US:SaR: Biology. Reared in Norway, probably from Kaltenbachiola strobi (Winn.), on Picea, by Bakke (1955, 1956, 1963) ; and in Bavaria, probably as parasite of Plemeliella abetina Seitn. (Holste, 1922). There are specimens in BM(NH) which are said to have been reared in Scotland from Megastigmus spermatrophus Wachtl ; it is desirable to have this record confirmed, as it seems likely to be incorrect. Anogmus hungaricus (Erdos) Platythovax hungaricus Erd6s, 1948a : 4, 5, 7, 8-9, 3 8. Anogmus hungaricus (Erdés) Bakke, 1956 : 43-45, 3 9. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 631 Anogmus hungaricus (Erdés) ; Graham, 1957d : 235. Anogmus hungaricus (Erdés) ; Bouéek, 19664 : 53, 56, 3 Q. Type material (not seen). Syntypes in coll. Erdés, Tompa, Hungary. SWEDEN, Norway, GERMANY, Huneary, U.S.S.R. Biology : Parasite of Kaltenbachiola strobi (Winn.) and Coprodiplosis coni Kiefé. in the Carpathian Basin, according to Gyérfi (1956) ; Bakke (1963) records only the former host in Norway. Anogmus hohenheimensis (Ratzeburg) Pteromalus Hohenheinensis Ratzeburg, 1844a : 198 [hohenheimensis in Index, p. 222]. Platythovax conobius Erdos, 1948a : 4, 5, 7-8, 3 9. Anogmus hohenheimensis (Ratzeburg) Bakke, 1956 : 46-47, 5 9. Anogmus hohenheimensis (Ratzeburg) ; Bouéek, 1966a : 53, 54-55, 3 &. Type material. Pteromalus hohenheimensis Ratzeburg. Types presumed lost. Platythorax conobius Erdés. Location of type material not known to me (possibly some in coll. Erdés). Von Rosen (1959 : 133) used the name einersbergensis (Ratzeburg) for the present species, following Kurdjumov (1913: 10), who had, without further comment, placed Pteromalus hohenheimensis Ratzeburg in synonymy with P. einersbergensis Ratzeburg, 1844. When describing P. einersbergensis Ratzeburg (1844a : 198) stated that he had two females, one of which emerged from leaf-galls on beech (Fagus), the other being taken on spruce [Fichte]. Clearly the first-mentioned female could not have belonged to Anogmus, while the identity of the female from spruce is far from clear. On the other hand P. hohenheimensis, reared “ aus Fichtenzapfen’”’ (Ratzeburg, 1844a : 198) appears well substantiated. Boucéek (1966a@ : 54) who also discusses the question, holds the same view. NORWAY, GERMANY, POLAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HuncaRy, Rumania, U.S.S.R. Biology. The true host of hohenheimensts is Plemeliella abtetina Seitner, according to the careful researches of Madziara-Borusiewicz in Poland (1965), although other hosts have been recorded (see Bouéek, 1966a : 55). Anogmus laricis Boucek Anogmus lavicis Bouéek, 1966a : 53, 55,4 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Italy, South Tyrol, Ahrntal, St. Peter, from larch cones, 1963 (E. Schimitschek), in Narodni Museum, Prague ; 3 paratypes in the same collection. IraLy (South Tyrol). Biology. eared from cones of larch (Larix sp.), probably from the larch-seed fly Chortophila laricicola Macq. (Dipt., Anthomylidae) ; see Bouéek (1966a : 55). 632 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Anogmus piceae (Ruschka) Eutelus piceae Ruschka, 1922 : 161, g @. Platythovax piceae (Ruschka) Erdés, 19484 : 4, 5, 7, 6 9. Eutelus piceae Ruschka ; Bakke, 1955 : 177-181, 3 9. Anogmus piceae (Ruschka) Graham, 1957d : 233-234, d @. Anogmus piceae (Ruschka) ; Boucek, 1966a : 53, 54, 3 9. Type material. Lectotype 9 designated by Graham (1957d : 233). NORWAY, SWEDEN, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, RUMANIA, WSp Sel Biology. Develops in spruce-cones as a parasite of Kaltenbachiola strobi (Winn.) in Norway, according to Bakke (1955 : 180, although other hosts have been recorded (see Bouéek, 1966a : 54). Anogmus vala (Walker) Pteromalus Vala Walker, 1839 : 234, 3. ? Pteromalus complanatus Ratzeburg, 1844a : 197, 9, [ex parte]. Eutelus (Platytermus) speculavis Thomson, 1878 : 88, 9. ? Dirhicnus complanatus (Ratzeburg) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 16. Eutelus stvobicola Ruschka, 1922 : 161, g 9. Eutelus stvobicola Ruschka ; Bakke, 1955 : 181-184, g 9. Anogmus vala (Walker) Graham, 1957d : 233, 234, 3 9. Anogmus vala (Walker) ; Bouéek, 1966a : 53-54, 3 @. Type material. Lectotypes of Pteromalus vala Walker, Eutelus specularis Thomson and Eutelus strobicola Ruschka, designated by Graham (1957d : 233), who established the above synonymy. Pteromalus complanatus Ratzeburg. Types presumed lost. Placed as a doubtful synonym of vala (Walker) by Bouéek (1966a : 53). Part of Ratzeburg’s original material was obtained from spruce-cones, so that the synonymy seems possible ; see discussion p. 782, under the genus Diglochis. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, NoRWAY, FINLAND, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Develops in spruce-cones ; Bakke (1963) considered after careful investigation that Kaltenbachiola stvobt (Winn.) was the true host of vala ; other hosts have been recorded but are somewhat doubtful (see Bouéek, 1966a@ : 53-54). KARPINSKIELLA Bouéek Karpinskiella Bouéek, 1954a : 86-87. Type-species: K. pityophthovi Bouéek by original designation. Karpinskiella Bouéek ; Peck et al., 1964 : 42. Only the type species is known, Karpinskiella pityophthori Bouéek Karpinskiella pityophthort Boucek, 19544 : 87, g 9. Karpinshiella pityophthori Bouéek ; Bakke, 1956 : 41. Karpinskiella pityophthori Bouéek ; Hedgqvist, 1963 : 117-118, g 9. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 633 Type material. Holotype 2 and allotype g in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. nos. 3053, 3054) ; paratypes in Forest Research Institute, Warsaw ; Poland, Pieniny, Polish Carpathians, reared in 1948 from Pityophthorus polonicus Karp., (J. J. Karpinshki). NORWAY, SWEDEN, FINLAND, POLAND. Biology. Parasite of Coleoptera Scolytidae, e.g., Pityophthorus polonicus Karp. (Bouéek, 1954a), Pityogenes quadridens (Htd.) Bakke, 1956 ; Hedqvist, 1963), Pityogenes chalcographus (L.) (Nuorteva, 1957 ; Hedqvist, 1963). EUMACEPOLUS Graham Eumacepolus Graham, 1957¢ : 137-138. Type-species : Pteromalus saxeseni (Ratzeburg) sensu Thomson, 1878, by monotypy and original designation [=Eumacepolus grahami v. Rosen, 1960]. ‘ Eumacepolus Graham ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 48. Eumacepolus Graham, 1961 : 173-176. When the genus was described, the type-species was designated as ‘‘ Pteromalus saxesem (Ratzeburg) Thomson (=Habrocytus saxesent (Ratz.) Thomson, 1878) ”’. My reason for specifying that the type-species was saxeseni Ratzeburg in the sense of Thomson was that I felt some doubts as to whether Thomson had correctly interpreted Ratzeburg’s species. My action proved to be well-founded because von Rosen (1959 : 134-6) showed that Thomson’s interpretation of Pteromalus saxeseni Ratzeburg was in fact incorrect ; consequently (1960a : 48) he renamed the type-species of Eumacepolus as E. grahami v. Rosen. Because of the way in which I originally formulated my designation of the type-species, the genus name remains valid. The mandibles are exceptionally variable in this genus. In pulcher, both mandibles may have 4 teeth ; or the left mandible may have 3 and the right one 4. In the specimens of obscurior so far captured, both mandibles have 3 teeth (the inner tooth being broadly truncate in both mandibles). In grahami the mandibular formula is 3.4. The female recorded by me (1961 : 175) as being probably that of obscurior, does not belong to it but evidently represents an undescribed species. The characters of what is almost certainly the true female of obscurior are given in the accompanying key. Eumacepolus presents some taxonomic problems. The species grahami differs in several respects from the others (see key) and appears to be very close to Mesopolobus ; it differs from all our species of Mesopolobus, however, in having only 2 anelli followed by a relatively elongate first funicular segment. In Mesopolobus, when only two anelli are present, the first funicular segment is relatively short, subquadrate to transverse, and often shorter than the second funicular segment. On the other hand, Ewmacepolus pulcher and E. obscurior appear to be less close to Mesopolobus and to resemble in some ways certain species of Ablaxia ; they seem more appropriately placed in a distinct subgenus of Ewmacepolus. MW RK pe VG RAHAM KrEy TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) Antennae (Text-fig. 517) inserted lower on head, the lower edge of their toruli level with ventral edge of eyes. Fore wing with marginal vein twice, or slightly more than twice, as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma small, sepa- rated by about three times its height from the costal edge of the wing ; basal vein with scattered hairs. Gaster 2 to 2:5 times as long as broad, about as long as head plusthorax. Median area of propodeum (Text-fig. 522) shiny, irregularly reticulate with some wrinkles. Pronotal collar with its anterior carina only moderately raised. (EUMACEPOLUS s. str.) grahami v. Rosen (p. 636) Antennae inserted higher, the lower edge of their toruli slightly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes. Fore wing (Text-fig. 519) with marginal vein 1-4 to 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma larger, separated by at least slightly less than three times its height from the costal edge of the wing ; basal vein pilose throughout, basal cell also with a few scattered hairs distally. Gaster 1-3 to 1-6 times as long as broad, only slightly longer than the thorax. Median area of propodeum duller, uniformly reticulate. Pronotal collar with a very sharp and strongly raised (sometimes almost reflexed) anterior carina. (OX YCEPOLUS sgen.n.) . : : : : ‘ : : : : é - (1) Antenna with scape as long as an eye, reaching level with top of median ocellus; pedicellus (dorsal view) 2-5 to 2-8 times as long as broad ; anelli quadrate ; flagellum only very weakly clavate with proximal funicular segments obviously longer than broad, and at most the sixth slightly transverse. Propodeum medially slightly more than half as long as the scutellum ; median area only about 1-25 times as broad as long. Femora and tibiae yellow, or at most the femora dark at the base. Large species, length up to4mm. Fore wing, Text-fig. 519 : pulcher Graham (p. 636) Antenna with scape shorter than an eye, reaching only level with lower edge of median ocellus ; pedicellus 2 to 2:2 times as long as broad ; anelli slightly transverse ; flagellum distinctly clavate ; first funicular segment quadrate to slightly longer than broad, fifth and sixth distinctly transverse, sometimes the fourth slightly so. Propodeum medially only about two fifths as long as the scutellum ; median area 1-7 to 1-8 times as broad as long. Femora mainly dark ; tibiae more or less infuscate medially. Smal- ler species, length 1-9 to 2-5 mm. : : . obscurior Graham (p. 636) (MALEs) Lower edge of antennal toruli about level with ventral edge of eyes ; scape (Text-fig. 518) slightly longer than an eye. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-7 to 1:8 times as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma small, separated by fully three times its height from the costal edge of the wing ; basal cell bare or nearly so, basal vein with a single row of hairs, often only afew. Median area of propodeum shiny, weakly and irregularly reticulate. Gaster witha yellowish spot or transverse band. (EUMACEPOLUS s. str.) grahami v. Rosen (p. 636) Lower edge of antennal toruli slightly above level of ventral edge of eyes ; scape (Text-figs. 520, 521) slightly shorter than an eye. Fore wing with marginal vein 1:25 to 1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma rather larger than in alternate ; basal vein thickly pilose, basal cell with some scattered hairs next to the basal vein. Median area of propodeum duller, PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 635 more strongly and uniformly reticulate. Gaster immaculate. (OX YCE- POLUS ségen. n.) , : : F ‘ : ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ (1) Antenna (Text-fig. 520) with flagellum more slender ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head ; anelli quadrate ; first funicular segment nearly or quite twice as long as broad, segments two to four longer than broad, five and six subquadrate. Head and thorax bright green varied with golden ; flagellum orange, the anelli often dusky. Legs, except coxae, clear yellow, or with at most the hind femora slightly infuscate. Larger species, 3 to 3:7 mm. pulcher Graham (p. 636) Antenna (Text-fig. 521) with flagellum more clavate ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to breadth of head ; anelli slightly trans- verse ; first and second funicular segments only slightly longer than broad, Fics. 517-522. Eumacepolus spp. 517, grahami v. Rosen, 2, antenna; 518, same, dg, antenna ; 519, pulchey Graham, 9, fore wing, part; 520, same, g, antenna; 521, obscurioy Graham, g, antenna ; 522, gvahami v. Rosen, 2, propodeum. 636 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM three and four subquadrate, five and six transverse. Head and thorax duller green ; flagellum infuscate dorsally ; all femora mainly dark. Smaller species, not more than 2:5 mm. in length . obscurior Graham (p. 636) Sgen. EUMACEPOLUS s. str. Eumacepolus (Eumacepolus) grahami von Rosen (Text-figs. 517, 518, 522) Etroxys (Habrocytus) Saxeseni (Ratzeburg), sensu Thomson, 1878 : 126-127, 3 2 [nec Ptervomalus Saxesenit Ratzeburg, 1844a : 203]. Eumacepolus saxeseni (Ratzeburg) sensu Thomson; Graham, 1957¢ : 138-140, ¢ Q. Eumacepolus grahami v. Rosen, 1960a : 48 [n. n. for savesent Thomson nec Ratzeburg]. Type material. Syntypes, 2 9 in Thomson collection ; 1 g, 1 9 in Domenichini coll. (Milan). LECTOTYPE 9 in Thomson collection, labelled ‘“‘ Scan ”’ [Scania]. SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Reared from Mzkiola fag: (Hartig) by Schmiedeknecht (see Graham, 1957¢ : 140). OXYCEPOLUS ségen. n. Derivation : Greek 6¢0o0, sharp, + part of Ewmacepolus. Gender : masculine. Type-species. Eumacepolus pulcher Graham, 1961. For characters, see key above. Eumacepolus (Oxycepolus) pulcher Graham (Text-figs. 519-520) Eumacepolus pulcher Graham, 1961 : 173-175, 3 9. Type material. Holotype g, Ireland, Co. Dublin, The Furry Glen, 26.ix.1937 (Stelfox), in Graham collection. IRELAND, DENMARK. Biology. Unknown. Eumacepolus (Oxycepolus) obscurior Graham (Text-fig. 521) Eumacepolus obscuriov Graham, 1961 : 175, 5 (nec 9). Type material. Holotype g, Ireland, Co. Down, Donard Lodge Woods, near Newcastle, 25.1x.1958 (Graham), in Graham collection. When describing obscurior I mentioned (1961 : 175, 176) a female specimen which I supposed might be conspecific with the type ¢ ; but I have now decided that it is not. I have, however, since collected other females which certainly belong to obscurior, hence I have included this sex in my revised key to the species (see above). PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 637 BRITAIN : Scotland (new records) : Perthshire, Lawers, 1 9, 13.vii.1954, East Inverness-shire, Granish, near Aviemore, I 9, 17.vi.1965 (Graham). IRELAND : holotype g (see data above). Biology. Unknown. Imagines captured in June, July, and Sept. STUROVIA Bouéek Sturovia Bouéek, 1961 : 86. Type-species : S. tenuicornis Bouéek, by monotypy and original designation. Females of the type-species of Sturovia, squamifera Thomson (=tenuicornis Boucek), differ from those of all the species of Mesopolobus in the shape of the head, particularly when seen in frontal view. If this character alone were considered, one might regard Sturvovia as a genus distinct from, though very close to, Mesopolobus. However, in males of squamifera the shape of the head is more like that of some Mesopolobus. Moreover, the female of albitarsus (Walker), although it has essentially the same type of venation, antennae, and thorax (parti- cularly the propodeum) as squamifera, has the head shaped much as in some species of Mesopolobus. This bridges the gap between Sturovia and Mesopolobus. Undoubtedly squamifera and albitarsus are closely allied, and share a combination of characters (striate clypeus and face, venation, structure of propodeum, and coloration) which mark them off as a group rather distinct from Mesopolobus. Provisionally I am treating this group as a distinct genus, although it might be better regarded as a species-group, or at most a subgenus, of Mesopolobus. The species are included in my keys to Mesopolobus. Sturovia squamifera (Thomson) (Text-fig. 523) Eutelus (Amblymerus) squamifer Thomson, 1878 : 81. Sturovia tenuicornis Bouéek, 1961 : 87-88, 9. Sturovia squamifera (Thomson) Bouéek, 1965¢ : 35. Type material. Evutelus (Amblymerus) squamifer Thomson. One female, accepted as type (probably holotype), labelled ““ Hbg ”’ [Halsingborg] and “‘ squamifer Ths ’’. Sturovia tenuicornis Bouéek. Holotype 9, Southern Slovakia, between Kamenica nad Hronom and Kovaéov, near Sturovo, 19.v.1960 (Boucek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 2973). The species was synonymized with Eutelus squamifer Thomson by Bouéek (1965¢e). Britain : New record, Buckinghamshire, Hell Coppice, near Oakley, I 9, I9. viii. 1960 (Graham) ; SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. This species has been reared in Czechoslovakia from twigs of oak (‘aus Eichenzweigen ’’) according to Bouéek (1961 : 88) ; my British specimen was swept from foliage of Quercus robur L. Imagines April-May and Aug.—Sept. 638 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM Sturovia albitarsus (Walker) comb. n. (Text-fig. 524) Amblymerus albitarsus Walker, 1834 : 346, 9. Pteromalus Corion Walker, 1848 : 124, 186, 9. Eutelus (Amblymerus) peduncult Thomson, 1878 : 81, 9. Platymesopus albitarsus (Walker) Graham, 1957d : 230. Mesopolobus albitarsis (Walker) v. Rosen, 1958 : 232-233, 9. Mesopolobus albitavsus (Walker); v. Rosen, 1960a : 20-21, g 9. Type material. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes see (Graham (1957d). In that paper I designated as lectotype of Eutelus pedunculi Thomson the second specimen in the series, labelled “‘ Hbg ”’ [Halsingborg]._ Later von Rosen (1958 : 233) disputed my selection, stating that the specimen in question lacked the antennal flagella. He selected another female, the fourth in the series, labelled “ Rsid ” [Ringsjo] as lectotype. Thomson cited Tvedora as type-locality, and von Rosen pointed out that Ringsj6 is nearer to Tvedéra than Halsingborg. I am willing to accept his lectotype designation. BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; very local and apparently rather rare. Biology. Reared in England from Andricus curvator (see Askew, 19610 : 172). The species is apparently univoltine (imagines June-July). I have seen some female Mesopolobus from Central Europe which have a fuscous cloud on the fore wing, below and touching the stigma, but which do not appear to differ in other respects from albitarsus. They may be a form of that species. MESOPOLOBUS Westwood Mesopolobus Westwood, 18334 : 443. Type-species : WM. fasciiventris Westwood, by monotypy. Platymesopus Westwood, 1833a : 444. Type-species: P. tibialis Westwood, by monotypy. Platyterma Walker, 1834 : 303. Type-species : P. nobile Walker, by designation of Westwood, 1839 : 70. Amblymerus Walker, 1834 : 303, 306. Type-species : A. amaenus Walker, by designation of Westwood, 1839 : 70. Eutelus Walker, 1834 : 351, 356. Type-species: E. dilectus Walker, by designation of West- wood, 1839 : 71. Xenocrepis Forster, 1856 : 64. Type-species : X. pura Mayr, 1904, by subsequent reference. Asemantus Forster, 1878 : 51. Type-species : A. amphibolus Forster, by monotypy and original designation. Syntomocera Forster, 1878 : 52. Type-species: S. clavicornis Forster, by monotypy and original designation. Disema Forster, 1878 :54. Type-species: D. pallipes Forster, by monotypy and original designation. Platytermus Thomson, 1878 : 75 [emendation]. Amblymerus Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 317. Eutelus Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 317. Platymesopus Westwood ; Ashmead, 1904 : 317. Platyterma Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 317, 318. Mesopolobus Westwood ; Ashmead, 1904 : 317, 318. Amblymerus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 322, 323 [ex parte]. Eutelus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 322, 324-325 [ex parte]. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 639 Platymesopus Westwood ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 322 325. Platyterma Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 323, 326, [ex parte}. Mesopolobus Westwood ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909, ibid. : 323, 326-327. Eutelus Walker ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 4, II. Amblymerus Walker ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 4. Baeoponerus Masi, 1924a : 222, Syn.n. Type-species : B. aeneus Masi by monotypy. Euamblymerus Hincks, 1944 : 37 [n. n. for Amblymerus partim]. Syntomocerella Ghesquiére, 1946 : 369 [n. n. for Syntomocera Forster, 1878, nec Schiner, 1861]. Disemisca Ghesquiere, 1946 : 369 [n. n. for Disema Forster, 1878, nec Maeklin, 1875]. Eutelus Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 22 Amblymerus Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 225. Ahlbergiella v. Rosen, 1955 : 88. Type-species: Eutelus aequus Walker, 1834, by original designation. Mesopolobus Westwood ; Graham, 1957d : 220-221. Platyteyrma Walker; Graham, 1957d : 221-222. Ahlbergiella v. Rosen ; Graham, 1957d : 222-223. Platymesopus Westwood ; Graham, 1957d : 223-230. Mesopolobus Westwood ; v. Rosen, 1958 : 203-240. Mesopolobus Westwood ; v. Rosen, 1958a : 51-54. Mesopolobus Westwood ; v. Rosen, 1959 : 131-146. Mesopolobus Westwood ; v. Rosen, 1959a : 146-162. Mesopolobus Westwood ; v. Rosen, 1960 : 1-29. Mesopolobus Westwood ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 1-48. Mesopolobus Westwood ; v. Rosen, 1961 : 116-122. Mesopolobus Westwood ; v. Rosen, 1962 : 141-148. Mesopolobus Westwood ; v. Rosen, 1966 : 76-84. Key To Most EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Marginal vein of fore wing only 1-1 to 1-2 times as long as the stigmal vein. Clypeus (Text-figs. 523, 524) mainly to entirely strigose ; the lower part of the face and the genae also with some striae, or strigose-reticulate. Head and thorax deep blue or greenish blue to violet-black ; femora mainly black, tibiae more or less infuscate. Median area of propodeum uniformly reticulate ; plicae sharp in at most the hinder half of the propodeum. Antennae with flagellum slender, proximally not or hardly stouter than the pedicellus in profile ; funicular segments quadrate or slightly longer than broad. Gaster with tip of hypopygium situated slightly to quite distinctly beyond the middle (Stuvovia Bouéek) . : 2 - Marginal vein rarely so short relative to the stigmal vein, if so then the Glypeus is mainly reticulate, the face and genae have no trace of strigose sculpture, the head and thorax are green, bright blue, or bronze, and the legs are more extensively yellowish. Median area of propodeum often irregularly or weakly sculptured ; plicae most often complete. (Mesopolobus Westwood) 3 2 (1) Head in frontal view (Text-fig. 523) almost circular, with genae buccate ; in dorsal view approximately twice as broad as long. Breadth of oral fossa only 1:3 to 1-5 times the malar space. Gaster only slightly longer than thorax, 1:35 to 1-6 times as long as broad. Antennae with scape not reach- ing the median ocellus ; first funicular segment hardly as stout as the pedicellus, even when the latter is seen in profile. Scutellum very slightly broader than long : 3 F Sturovia squamifera (Thomson) (p. 637) - Head in frontal view (Text-fig. 524) trapeziform with the oral edge sub- truncate and the genae only slightly curved ; in dorsal view 2-1 to 2-15 times 640 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM as broad as long. Breadth of oral fossa about 1-8 times the malar space. Gaster nearly as long as head plus thorax, 1-7 to 2 times as long as broad. Antennae with scape reaching or virtually reaching the median ocellus ; first funicular segment as stout as, or even a little stouter than, the pedicellus when the latter is seen in profile. Scutellum very slightly longer than broad Sturovia albitarsus (Walker) (p. 638) Genae (Text-fig. 525) converging strongly towards the oral fossa, the breadth of the latter only about 1-5 times the malar space. Marginal vein only 1:25 to 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Pronotal collar not distinctly margined. Mesoscutum with several shallow but distinct ae punc- tures . 4 Either the genae converge © (Text- fig. — — Groadly Xe) that ie prenditt of the oral fossa is nearly or quite twice the malar space ; or else the marginal vein is about twice as long as the stigmal vein. Pronotal collar often margined. Mesoscutum sometimes without piliferous punctures . ; 5 Tip of hypopygium situated somewhat beyond the middle of the gaster ; the latter long-oval, 1-8 to 2-4 times as long as broad, usually slightly longer than, occasionally only as long as, head plus thorax incultus (Walker) (p. 654) Tip of hypopygium situated about in the middle of the gaster ; the latter broad-oval, 1-35 to 1-6 times as long as broad, usually only slightly longer than the thorax, occasionally as long as head plus thorax morys (Walker) (p. 653) Antennae inserted distinctly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes, their toruli only slightly nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus. Breadth of oral fossa only about 1-7 times the malar space. Pronotal collar not sharply defined in front. Marginal vein of fore wing about twice as long as the stigmal vein aequus (Walker) (p. 655) Antennae usually inserted lower, so that the lower edge of their toruli is about at the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; if inserted a little above this level, then still distinctly nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus, and the pronotal collar with a sharp front edge, or margined . 6 Hind margin of gages ee a abel or eee om in as madelee frenum distinctly marked off from the rest of the scutellum, except some- times just in the middle, by an impressed line. Median area of propo- deum nearly always with a transverse ridge (costula) a little in front of the nucha. Antennae, except in dwarfs, with two anelli and six funicular seg- ments. Gaster lanceolate, longer than head plus thorax. Marginal vein 2 to 2:5 times as long as the stigmal vein . F . phragmitis (Erdos) (p. 664) Hind margin of scutellum without a tubercle or tooth ; frenum not distinctly marked off by an impressed line, except just at the sides. Median area of propodeum without a costula, though sometimes with oblique wrinkles. Antennae most often with three anelli and five funicular segments. Gaster and marginal vein often relatively shorter . : 7 Fore wing : distal third to half of basal cell, on upper Sarees of wing, pilose. Small (2 to 2:3 mm.) species ; propodeum only about one third as long as the scutellum, with plicae sharp only posteriorly, otherwise weak or absent ; upper triangular area of mesepisternum smooth ; gaster lanceolate, longer than head plus thorax, with ovipositor sheaths very distinctly exserted, to about the length of the first segment of the hind tarsus anogmoides sp. n. (p. 678) Basal cell of fore wing usually bare ; if conspicuously pilose distally, then larger and less slender species, with propodeum relatively longer and having its plicae distinct throughout, the upper triangular area of the mesepisternum mainly reticulate, and the ovipositor sheaths hardly exserted . : : 8 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 641 at si My wa it VA a wep 4% 25,3 ce te? SF 1H Wa a) 2 SHAE ae Te, es RS WG 534 537 Fics. 523-537. Sturovia and Mesopolobus spp. 523, S. squamifera (Thomson), 9, head ; 524, S. albitaysus (Walker), 9, head; 525, M. incultus (Walker), 9, head ; 526, M. amaenus (Walker), 9, clypeus ; 527, M. aspilus (Walker), 9, head ; 528, M. jucundus (Walker), 2, clypeus ; 529, M. longicollis sp. n., 9, clypeus ; 530, M. ? semiclavatus (Ratzeburg), 9, head ; 531, M. fuscipes (Walker), 2, head ; 532, M. longicollis sp. n., 9, anterior part of thorax ; 533, M. subfumatus (Ratzeburg), 9, median area of propodeum ; 534, M. diffinis (Walker), 9, head ; 535, M. mediterraneus (Mayr), 9, right mid tibia ; 536, M. diffinis (Walker), 9, right mid tibia ; 537, M. fasciuventris Westwood, 9, head. pO) Ter I2 13 14 (9) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Basal cell of fore wing with at least a few hairs distally, as well as those on the basal vein. Dorsellum, at least mainly, reticulate and dull. Upper tri- angular area of mesepisternum at least mainly reticulate. Large species, length 2-5 to 3:7 mm. Gaster not longer than thorax (if about as long as head plus thorax, see pinus Hussey, p. 680) spermotrophus Hussey (p. 680) Basal cell of fore wing, not counting any hairs which may be present on the basal vein, usually bare ; if with a very few isolated hairs distally, then the dor- sellum is mainly shiny and weakly sculptured or smooth, and the upper tri- angular area of the cine ou. ismainlysmooth. Species often relatively smaller : ; : : 4 3 4 5 - ‘ 3 9 Antennae with two rele and six funicular segments, the third flagellar seg- ment sometimes shorter than the fourth but always provided with sensilla 10 Antennae with three anelli and five funicular segments, the third flagellar segment not only distinctly shorter than the fourth but also sii sensilla F : 13 Head in dorsal view (ext: fig. 531) relatively, strongly iasverse, 22 ao 2°4 times as broad as long. Gaster not or hardly longer than head plus thorax. Lower edge of antennal toruli at level of ventral edge of eyes, the toruli about twice as far from the median ocellus as from the anterior margin of the clypeus : F , 30 Head in dorsal view acealb, only Te 8 to 2 times as broad as ; long ; if slightly more than the gaster lanceolate and much longer than head plus thorax, and the lower edge of the antennal toruli slightly above the ventral edge of the eyes. II Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to hreariels of head. Gaster lanceolate, acuminate, much longer than head plus thorax ; last tergite much longer than its basal breadth. Pronotal collar weakly margined. Thorax 1-5 to 1-6 times as long as broad. Head and thorax bronze-green to bronze : : juniperinus v. Rosen (p. 670) Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head. Gaster at most slightly longer than head plus thorax ; last tergite at most slightly longer than its basal breadth. Pronotal collar sharply margined, the carina sometimes strongly raised. Thorax 1-7 to 1-75 times as long as broad. Head and thorax bright green to blue, or golden green : 12 Anterior margin of clypeus shallowly to moderately deeply emarginate medially. Fore wing with stigmal vein slightly bisinuate or nearly straight ; parastigma usually somewhat darker than the rest of the venation, some- times also the stigmal vein. Head, Text-fig. 537. fasciiventris Westwood (p. 666) Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 528) deeply incised medially. Fore wing with stigmal vein evenly curved ; parastigma not darker than the rest of the venation . : jucundus (Walker) (p. 667) Mesoscutum only 1-2 to 1:25 ee as seed as long, strongly reticulate and rather dull. Antenna (Text-fig. 538) with three anelli and five funicular segments ; the third anellus about quadrate. Anterior margin of clypeus very shallowly emarginate, almost truncate. Upper triangular area of mesepisternum having its lower part reticulate mesostenus sp. n. (p. 664) Either the mesoscutum is at least 1:35 times as broad as long ; or the antennae have two anelli and six funicular segments ; or the third anellus is trans- verse ; or the anterior margin of the clypeus is distinctly emarginate . 14 Tip of hypopygium situated at two thirds to three quarters the length of the gaster, and sometimes very prominent ; the gaster not or hardly longer than head plus thorax 5 é : : : ! : : é 15 15 20 21 22 23 (14) (19) (20) (21) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 643 Tip of hypopygium situated at most slightly more than half way along the gaster, but usually not more than half way ; the gaster sometimes much longer than head plus thorax : ¢ : : : ‘ : : 16 Mesoscutum with several shallow but distinct piliferous punctures visible amongst the reticulation, 1-6 to 1-8 times as broad as long. Thorax squat, hardly 1-5 times as long as broad : : : : : : - 29 Mesoscutum without piliferous punctures, 1-3 to 1-5 times as broad as long. Thorax 1-6 to 1-7 times as long as broad. , : : : ; : 42 Gaster at least slightly longer than head plus thorax, ae more than twice as long as broad ‘ : : ; ; 17 Gaster not longer than head 7 ane at most twice as nae as pose ‘ 27 Anterior margin of clypeus Sa ke or incised medially (Text-figs. 526, 528) . ; ‘ : : ‘ é 18 Anterior margin of clypeus dheilGely Reacts uote) ‘ ; 19 Gaster 1-5 to 1-6 times as long as head plus thorax maculicornis (Gicand) (p. 667) Gaster at most about 1-2 times as long as head plus thorax F 12 Marginal vein of fore wing normally only 1-3 to 1-6 (rarely 1-7) times 2 as long as the stigmal vein. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum nearly equal to breadth of head. Head and thorax usually bronze to coppery, occasionally green. Median area of propodeum, text-fig. 542. . aspilus (Walker) (p. 669) Marginal vein 1-8 to 2-3 times as long as the stigmal vein. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum usually slightly less than breadth of head . : 20 Gaster 3 to 3-5 times as long as broad, 1-3 to 1-5 times as long as head plus thorax. Pedicellus in dorsal view about 2-5 times as long as broad. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 545) 2:15 to 2:25 times as broad as long. Propo- deum medially less than half as long as the scutellum ; its median area 1-8 to 2 times as broad as long (Text-fig. 541) . rhabdophagae (Graham) (p. 667) Either the gaster is at most 2-7 times as long as broad ; or, if longer, then the pedicellus in dorsal view is only 1-8 to 2 times as long as broad, and the head is only 1-9 to 2 times as broad as long, sometimes also the propodeum is about half as long as the scutellum with its median area at most 1-5 times as broad as long . 21 Pronotal collar (cf. Text- ae 5 32) relatively 1) miedially one Seroutti to slightly more than one sixth as long as the mesoscutum, rather coarsely reticulate. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum nearly or quite equal to breadth of head. Head and thorax bright green to aoe Head in dorsal view only 1-9 to 2 times as broad as long. : 22 Either the pronotal collar, medially, is only one eleventh to one eighth a as long as the mesoscutum ; or if about one seventh, then the combined length of the pedicellus and flagellum is distinctly less than the breadth of the head, whilst the head and thorax are bronze- to coppery green : : : 23 Propodeum medially about half as long as the scutellum ; its median area only 1:35 to 1-4 times as broad as long. Head in dorsal view with temples about one quarter as long as eyes . . pseudofuscipes v. Rosen (p. 667) Propodeum medially less than half as long as the scutellum ; its median area 1:7 to 1-9 times as broad as long. Head in dorsal view (fig. 530) with temples about one third as long as eyes. : ? semiclavatus (Ratzeburg) (p. 671) Eyes relatively large, separated by only about their own length. Head and thorax golden green, green, or blue-green. Marginal vein 2-2 to 2:3 times as long as the stigmal vein . ¢ 12 Eyes relatively smaller, separated by 1-15 to 117) times their own length. “Head 644 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 (23) (24) (25) (27) (15) (10) M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM and thorax sometimes tinged with bronze or coppery. Marginal vein sometimes relatively shorter. : 24 Malar space only about one third the length of an eve, the latter I°5 ‘to I 6 times as long as broad. Flagellum, not counting pedicellus, very short, its length hardly greater than distance between eyes. Head and thorax bronze-green to bronze or coppery : é citrinus (Ratzeburg) (p. 673) Malar space at least somewhat more than one third the length of an eye, the latter 1-25 to 1-35 times as long as broad. Either the length of the flagellum is somewhat greater than the distance between the eyes ; or the head and thorax are golden green to blue . : : : : 25 Head and thorax olive-green to bronze, the mesoscutum and scutemae etude tinged with bronze or coppery, sometimes other parts of these colours. Pale parts of legs tending to be testaceous or brownish testaceous. Malar space nearly or quite half the length of an eye . : é : : ; 26 Head and thorax golden green to green or blue. Pale parts of legs most often yellow or yellowish testaceous. Malar space sometimes relatively shorter, or longer, than in the alternate. C : : é 41 Thorax relatively squat (1-5 to 1-55 times as loae as proaa) ; median area of propodeum 1-75 to 2 times as broad as long. Scutellum, including frenum, with extremely fine reticulation. Antennal funicle proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus, and thickening only slightly distad. Meso- scutum anteriorly with at least some trace of shallow scattered piliferous punctures . ; typographi (Ruschka) (p. 673) Thorax relatively longer (2: 7 Ae 1°8 ane. as long as broad) ; median area of propodeum about 1-6 times as broad as long. Scutellum with rather less fine reticulation. Antennal funicle more slender proximally, the first seg- ment hardly stouter than the pedicellus, but thickening distinctly distad. Mesoscutum without piliferous punctures ; : sp. indet. A (p. 673) Head in dorsal view with temples nearly three quarters as long aseyes. Malar space more than half the length of an eye. Anterior margin of clypeus deeply emarginate medially. Gaster ovate. apicalis (Thomson) (p. 677) Head in dorsal view with temples appearing one quarter to one third as long as eyes. Malar space often relatively shorter than in above : 28 Pronotal collar very long, medially from nearly one fifth, to fully one quarter, as long as the mesoscutum. Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 526) deeply emarginate medially, witha distinct impression above the emargination. Gaster ovate, about as long as thorax, less than twice as long as broad amaenus (Walker) (p. 676) Pronotal collar rarely approaching the above in length ; if so then either the anterior margin of the clypeus is shallowly emarginate, or the gaster is relatively longer 31 Tip of hypopygium situated at stem three quarters ane length of the gaster. Antennae with scape testaceous ; pedicellus and flagellum more or less testaceous at least beneath . . s«anthocerus (Thomson) (p. 675) Tip of hypopygium situated at about two thirds the length of the gaster. Antennae with scape brownish to fuscous ; flagellum brown to blackish fuscipes (Walker) (p. 675) Antenna with third flagellar segment not or only slightly shorter than the fourth, provided with sensilla. Head in dorsal view 2-2 to 2-4 times as broad as long . ; : . tibialis (Westwood) (p. 676) Antennae with third flagellar soem at most half as long as the fourth and without sensilla. Head in dorsal view 2 to 2:25 times as broad as long . 31 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 645 Fics. 538-548. Mesopolobus spp. 538, mesostenus sp.n., $, antenna ; 539, vhabdophagae Graham, 9, antenna ; 540, same, g, antenna ; 541, same, 9, median area of propodeum ; 542, aspilus (Walker), 2, median area of propodeum ; 543, longicollis sp.n., 2, antenna ; 544, telifoyvmis (Walker), 9, antenna ; 545, vyhabdophagae Graham, 92, body ; 546, nobilis (Walker), 9, antenna ; 547, prasinus (Walker), 9, antenna ; 548, teliformis f. cincti- cornis (Walker), 9, antenna, excluding scape. 646 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 (30) (34) (34) (37) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Sculpture of median area of propodeum about as strong as that on the disc of the scutellum. Pronotal collar often sharply margined except at the sides 32 Sculpture of median area of propodeum distinctly weaker than that on the disc of the scutellum. Pronotal collar sometimes weakly Sy ads ial occa- sionally margined in the middle only . ; ; : 33 Plicae, in their posterior half, straight or slightly Seuae Ae Fore wing usually with a small brownish cloud on, or below but touching, the stigmal vein . : : 5 . subfumatus (Thomson) (p. 678) Plicae of propodeum amore Peenly ee Fore wing immaculate sp. indet. B (p. 673) Mesoscutum with some shallow though distinct piliferous punctures, most clearly visible on its front part . ‘ : : : : : : 34 Mesoscutum without piliferous punctures . : : 36 Mesoscutum with several piliferous punctures, 1:6 fe 1°8 fimes as broad as long. Median area of propodeum with moderately strong, reticulate or obliquely strigose-reticulate sculpture. Species associated with Cynipid galls on Quercus . : : ; 35 Mesoscutum with only a few piliferous puneeaces in its front part ; either the mesoscutum is relatively less transverse, or the median area of the propo- deum is shiny with very weak sculpture. Species not associated with Cynipid galls on Quercus . 36 Tip of hypopygium situated at Beals oa thirds the length of the gaster. Legs very dark, the femora mainly to entirely black, the tibiae heavily infuscate. Median area of propodeum rather shiny, with delicate sculpture fuscipes (Walker) (p. 675) Tip of hypopygium situated hardly beyond the middle of the gaster. Legs relatively paler. Median area of propodeum with relatively strong reticu- late or strigose reticulate sculpture : : . dubius (Walker) (p. 674) Pronotal collar (Text-fig. 532) long, medially one seventh to one sixth as long as the mesoscutum, coarsely reticulate. Squat species with gaster slightly shorter than head plus thorax, and at least slightly less than twice as long as broad. Head and thorax golden green to blue longicollis sp. n. (p. 671) Either the pronotal collar, medially, is at most one eighth as long as the mesoscutum ; or the gaster is about as long as head plus thorax and at least twice as long as broad, and the head and thorax are gf ne to bronze ‘ 37 Marginal vein of none ae I*4 te I: a feavely, I: 7) ages as ie as ire stigmal vein. Thorax 1-4 to 1:5 times aslongas broad . F 38 Marginal vein usually 2 to 2-2 times as long as the stigmal vein, Ses6 some- what less than 2 times, but then the thorax nearly 1-7 times as long as broad 39 Mid tibia (Text-fig. 536) six to seven times as long as broad, usually with a dark stripe along its inner edge. Malar space from two fifths, to nearly half, the length of an eye. Median area of propodeum slightly more than twice as broad as long. Head in dorsal view usually 2-05 to 2:25 times as broad as long (Text-fig. 534) : . diffinis (Walker) (p. 669) Mid tibia (Text-fig. 535) eight to nine times as long as broad, without a distinct dark stripe on its inner edge. Malar space two fifths the length of an eye or slightly less. Median area of propodeum about twice as broad as long. Head in dorsal view 1-95 to 2:05 times as broad as long mediterraneus (Mayr) (p. 668) Malar space only about one third the length of an eye, the latter about 1-6 times as long as broad. Face with a prominent boss just below the antennal toruli. Body greenish bronze to bronze ; legs brownish testaceous with PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 647 dark femora. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only about 0-7 times the breadth of the head ; flagellum strongly clavate ; first funicular segment papi to slightly transverse, fifth strongly transverse . : 2 citrinus (Ratzeburg) (p. 673) = Malar space from sonaewhat more fon one died to fully half, the length of an eye. Eyes 1:25 to 1-4 times as long as broad. Face below antennal toruli not noticeably prominent. Head and thorax usually green to blue ; less often greenish bronze to bronze, in which case the antennal flagellum has its distal segments at most slightly transverse Anterior median incision Antero-lateral - | angle Sublateral sclerotized area 549 Median Posterior sclerotized area lobe Posterior median incision 550 552 554 555 553 Fics. 549-555. Mesopolobus spp. 549, decorus (Walker), 2, hypopygium ; 550, prasinus (Walker), 9, hypopygium ; 551, teliformis (Walker), 9, hypopygium ; 552, Jaticornis (Walker), 9, hypopygium ; 553, pseudolaticovnis v. Rosen, 2, hypopygium ; 554. nobilis (Walker), 3, head ; 555, agvopyricola v. Rosen, g, head. 40 648 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM 40 (39) Head and thorax greenish bronze to bronze ; all femora heavily infuscate, sometimes also the tibiae. Antennal flagellum rather slender ; funicular segments quadrate, or at most the fourth and fifth slightly transverse sp. indet. A (p. 673) = Head and thorax golden green to green or blue ; femora and tibiae usually clear yellow, the femora sometimes infuscate but rarely the tibiae. Antennal flagellum sometimes stouter, sometimes with the distal funicular See strongly transverse . 41 41 (40) Eyes larger, separated by eet cy own (engi eo with third flagellar segment quadrate or only slightly transverse, usually rather more than half as long as the fourth segment. eure a associated with Cynipid galls on Quercus. ; < : : 3 12 - Eyes smaller, separated by 1-1 to 1:2 times their own length, Antennae with third flagellar segment nearly or quite twice as broad as long, usually less than half as long as the fourth eons le associated with Gramineae : : 42 42 (41) Tip of hypopygium, sage is ieieaimere sata at sie bikce Pee. length of gaster, the latter not or only slightly longer than head plus thorax. Median carina of propodeum ap 8 at base but tending to fork or become indistinct in the middle : : agropyricola v. Rosen (p. 674) - Tip of hypopygium situated at most ribet half way along the gaster, the latter slightly to much longer than head plus thorax. Median carina of propodeum usually sharp and distinct as far as the nucha. : 3 : 43 43 (42) Gaster at least slightly less than twice as long as broad, not aes as long as head plus thorax ; : : ‘ : : 44 - Gaster at least twice as long as bided at least as 1eHe as fea plus aE : 45 44 (43) Median area of propodeum fairly strongly strigose-reticulate, half or slightly more than half as long as the scutellum : . . Sp. indet. B (p. 673) - Median area of propodeum shiny, with only weak traces of reticulation, or virtually smooth, one third or slightly more than one third as long as the scutellum . é 48 45 (43) Antennae (Text- bes 256: 548) wit eclinc only moderately Cawate. first funicular segment quadrate or only very slightly transverse, usually as long as the second, rarely very slightly shorter ; fifth funicular segment at most 1-6 times as broad as long ; clava at most as long as the three preceding funicular segments together, often more than 1-7 times as long as broad . 46 _ Antennae (Text-figs. 544, 547) with flagellum strongly clavate ; first funicular segment usually more or less transverse (only occasionally quadrate), often shorter than the second segment ; fifth funicular segment 1-6 to 2 times as broad as long ; clava most often as long as 3:5 to 4 of the preceding funicular segments together, only 1-5 to 1-7 times as long as broad . : 48 46 (45) Antennal scape virtually as long as an eye, reaching or virtually ee the lower edge of the median ocellus. Fore wing with postmarginal vein more than three quarters as long as the marginal vein. Malar space slightly more than half the length of an eye c . graminum (Hardh) (p. 663) - Antennal scape distinctly shorter than an ee not reaching the median ocellus. Fore wing with postmarginal vein at most three quarters as long as the marginal vein. Malar space 0-42 to 0-5 the length of an eye . 47 47 (46) Antenna (Text-fig. 546) with pedicellus not quite as long as anelli plus first funicular segment. Gaster 2 to 2-8 times as long as broad. Malar space 0-42 to 0-45 length of eye. Hypopygium as in Text-fig. 549. nobilis (Walker) (p. 655) 48 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 649 Antenna (Text-fig. 544) with pedicellus as long as anelli plus first funicular segment. Gaster 2-4 to 3:5 times as long as broad. Malar space 0-45 to 0°5 length of eye. Hypopygium (Text-fig. 551) . . teliformis (Walker) (p. 659) Gaster 1:75 to 2-1 times as long as broad, not or only slightly longer than head plus thorax ; last tergite shorter than its basal breadth. Antenna (Text- fig. 547) with first funicular segment as long as or very slightly longer than the second, quadrate to slightly transverse ; pedicellus in dorsal view about twice as long as broad, or even slightly more than twice prasinus (Walker) (p. 657) Gaster 2-4 to 4-3 times as long as broad, 1-1 to 1-5 times as long as head plus thorax ; last tergite usually as long as or longer than broad, only occa- sionally slightly broader than long. Antenna (cf. Text-fig. 544) with first funicular segment at least a little shorter than the second, slightly to strongly transverse ; pedicellus in dorsal view often somewhat less than twice as long as broad ; : ; . laticornis (Walker), agg. (p. 658) (MALEs) Penultimate segment of maxillary palpi conspicuously dilated, and usually somewhat spatulate. Head in dorsal view only 1:65 to 1-8 times as broad as long ; 2 Penultimate segment of maxillary palpi at most very slightly dilated, ‘Head in dorsal view usually more transverse than in above - 4 Terminal segment of maxillary palpi inserted near the apex of the penultimate segment, the latter dilated but hardly spatulate. Antennae with scape broadest below the middle and narrowing upwards, longer than an eye ; flagellum with one anellus and seven funicular segments, yellow with the last funicular segment and the clava marked with black. Anterior margin of clypeus very shallowly emarginate . : ? mesostenus sp. n. (p. 664) Terminal segment of maxillary palpi inserted near the base of the penultimate segment, the latter spatulate. Antennal scape broadest about in the middle, hardly as long as an eye ; flagellum with two anelli and six funicular segments, wholly yellow : 3 External edge of mid tibia, just before the apex, with a triangular process which is fringed with dark hairs. Anterior margin of clypeus shallowly emarginate. Venation of fore wing infuscate at the junction of the sub- marginal and marginal veins, also on the stigmal and postmarginal veins fasciiventris Westwood (p. 666) External edge of mid tibia without any process. Anterior margin of clypeus deeply emarginate medially. Venation of fore wing entirely yellowish jucundus (Walker) (p. 667) Mid tibia conspicuously expanded, at most four times as long as broad, and flattened ; sometimes also with a black callosity at its apex, or with a process on its external edge. Antennal scape broadest below the middle and tapering upwards . : 5 Mid tibia neither conspicuously flattened nor expanded, at least six times as long as broad, without a black apical callosity or process on its external edge. In diffinis the mid tibia is slightly expanded and flattened, but is about six times as long as broad . 8 Mid tibia less broadly expanded, aiaout four times as long as sibroad, mahoute a process on its external edge, yellowish with a dusky stripe. Antennal flagellum slender ; none of the funicular segments transverse, or at most the last one slightly so : : pseudofuscipes v. Rosen (p. 667) Mid tibia either more broadly expanded, about three times as long as broad or, if rather less than three times as long as broad, then with a triangular sub- 650 Io M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM apical process on its external edge ; the tibia yellow with a reddish stripe or stripes. Antennal flagellum stouter ; at least the fifth funicular segment distinctly transverse, sometimes also the fourth and even the third . 3 6 Mid tibia with a triangular blackish subapical process on its external edge ; fore tibia hardly swollen and not flattened, about five times as long as broad. Antenna with funicle testaceous ; clava mainly brown to fuscous, rather pointed apically, more than 1-5 times as long as broad ; third flagellar segment often distinctly shorter than the fourth and often lacking sensilla xanthocerus (Thomson) (p. 675) Mid tibia without a subapical process, though in fbialis with a circular black callosity at apex on its outer edge ; fore tibia slightly to distinctly swollen, sometimes flattened. Antenna with funicle usually having one or more of its distal segments marked with black at least above ; clava large, black, subobtuse apically, hardly 1-5 times as long as broad ; third flagellar segment usually not or hardly shorter than the fourth and often with sensilla ‘ < : : o) Mid tibia with a circular place eles ae ae on ae oe She ; fore tibia expanded and flattened, hardly four times as long as broad. Antennae with seventh flagellar segment subquadrate, slightly longer than the sixth or the eighth, the latter less than twice as broad as long tibialis (Westwood) (p. 676) Mid tibia without a black callosity ; fore tibia slightly swollen but not flattened. Antennae with flagellar segments six to eight distinctly trans- verse, eight about twice as broad as long, these segments subequal in length Suscipes (Walker) (p. 675) Mid tibia slightly expanded and flattened, only about six times as long as broad ; length of mid tibial spur hardly as great as the maximum breadth of the tibia. Gaster with a yellowish spot or transverse band . : 9 Mid tibia neither expanded nor flattened, usually more than six times as jong as broad, if hardly more than six times, then the length of its apical spur slightly greater than the maximum breadth of the tibia . 10 Mid tibia with a dark stripe or spot on its inner edge. Hind wing cies i two fuscous spots, which are sometimes joined ; sometimes one or both of these spots are absent. Marginal vein 1-3 to 1-45 times as long as the stigmal vein. Upper triangular area of mesepisternum mainly or wholly smooth. Small species, length 1-2 to 1-7 mm . Giffinis (Walker) (p. 669) Mid tibia yellow. Hind wing immaculate. Marginal vein 1-7 to 1-9 times as long as the stigma vein. Upper triangular area of mesepisternum having its lower half or more finely reticulate. Larger species, length 2 to 3 mm. spermotrophus Hussey (p. 680) Antennae inserted relatively high on the head, their toruli hardly nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus. Marginal vein 2:2 to 2-7 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head ; flagellum slender, proximally distinctly more slender than the pedicellus, its third segment usually slightly longer than broad, quadrate in dwarfs, the following segments, ian the last one, usually at least slightly longer than broad. . ‘ ; : aequus (Walker) (p. 655) Antennae inserted relatively pectic pace ate lower edge of their toruli level with ventral edge of eyes or only slightly above this, but the toruli always distinctly nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus. Marginal vein 1-0 to 2:2 times as long as stigmal vein. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum at most equal to breadth II 14 17 18 (11) (12) (12) (16) (17) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 651 of head ; third flagellar segment most often transverse, rarely longer than broad : : 3 : : : : ; : : : c II Marginal vein strongly inflated, convex, hardly five times as long as its maximum breadth. Antennae with three anelli and five funicular segments. Head and thorax green ; antennal scape, and legs except coxae yellow. Plicae of propodeum usually sharp only posteriorly : ‘ morys (Walker) (p. 653) Marginal vein not inflated, relatively thinner, at least six times as se as its maximum breadth 2 : : : ‘ ; : A I2 Antennal flagellum yellow with its sixth segment, occasionally also the fifth or seventh, brown to black ; clava extensively infuscate, sometimes mainly dark. Gaster often with a pale transverse band or spot . : : : : 13 Antennal flagellum differently coloured ; never with one or more of its middle segments alone dark ; clava sometimes less extensively infuscate . : 14 Pronotal collar longer, medially from slightly more than one sixth, to nearly one quarter, as long as mesoscutum. Antennae with shiny boss on front edge of scape extending at most half way down ; third flagellar segment often similar to the fourth, in such cases the funicle has six segments. Anterior margin of clypeus rather deeply emarginate. Fore femora often with a dark spot at the base beneath : . amaenus (Walker) (p. 676) Pronotal collar shorter, medially from hardly one seventh, to one sixth, as long as the mesoscutum. Antennae with shiny boss on front edge of scape extending more than half way down ; third flagellar segment anelliform, at most slightly more than half as long as the fourth segment, without sensilla. Anterior margin of one less deeply emarginate. Fore femora wholly yellow . 3 : : . dubius (Walker) (p. 674) Pronotal collar ee long, fest frdu slightly more than one sixth, to nearly one quarter, as long as the mesoscutum. Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 526) rather deeply emarginate amaenus (Walker)(p. 676) Pronotal collar usually relatively shorter medially, if approaching the above then the anterior margin of the clypeus is shallowly emarginate. ; : 15 Gaster with a yellowish transverse band, or a distinct yellowish spot . : 16 Gaster nearly always immaculate, rarely with an extremely small and faint spot visible by transmitted light . ; 21 Antennal clava large, only a little longer than broad, obtuse apically, beck or blue-black. Length of mid tibial spur not greater than the maximum breadth of the tibia. : . mediterraneus (Mayr) (p. 668) Antennal clava smaller, 1-7 to 2 times as jong as broad, more or less pointed apically, usually only partly black or brown. Length of mid tibial spur, except in aspilus, greater than the maximum breadth of the tibia : 17 Length of mid tibial spur hardly as great as the maximum breadth of the tibia. Marginal vein at most 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennal fun- icle yellowish, usually slightly infuscate proximally aspilus (Walker) (p. 669) Length of mid tibial spur slightly greater than the maximum breadth of the tibia. Marginal vein usually 1-7 to 1-9 (occasionally only 1-6) times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennal funicle entirely yellow . : 18 Antennae with third flagellar segment quadrate or distinctly longer than broad, often provided with sensilla, the funicle therefore six- or virtually six-segmented ; distal segments of funicle quadrate ; some of the other proximal segments of the funicle usually longer than broad . 5 19 Antennae with third flagellar segment anelliform, distinctly transverse, 652 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 (15) (21) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM without sensilla, funicle therefore five-segmented ; at least the last segment of the funicle slightly to distinctly transverse : Median area of propodeum quite strongly sculptured. Beltenaee a third flagellar segment longer than broad, as long as the fourth, with sensilla ; flagellum less slender than in juniperinus zetterstedti (Dalla Torre) (p. Median area of propodeum more weakly sculptured. Antennae with third flagellar segment quadrate or slightly longer than broad, usually slightly shorter than the fourth and sometimes lacking sensilla ; flagellum rela- tively slender. : ‘ ‘ : . juniperinus v. Rosen (p. Median area of propodeum with relatively strong strigose-reticulate sculpture. Pronotal collar sharply margined throughout, or except just at the sides. Fore wing usually with a small brownish cloud below and touching the stigmal vein : : . subfumatus (Ratzeburg) (p. Median area of ane a wich ree weak sculpture. Pronotal collar at most sharply margined in the middle. Fore wing immaculate longicollis sp. n. (p. Fore wing with marginal vein 1 to 1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein often a little longer than the marginal vein : : Fore wing with marginal vein 1-6 to 2-2 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein at most as long as, but usually shorter than, the marginal vein . . . . . . . . . . Clypeus and eee reiealate ; breadth of oral fossa only 1-5 to 1-7 times the malar space. Pronotal collar not distinctly margined, occasionally some trace of a margin in the middle. Median area of propodeum weakly and irregularly sculptured, or smooth. Marginal vein of fore wing 1-2 to 1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein. Head and thorax green to blue-green, or bronze-green ; femora and tibiae usually yellow or testaceous, the femora sometimes slightly infuscate : . incultus (Walker) ( Clypeus and face strigose or strigose- reticulate ; breadth of oral fossa 1-8 or more times the malar space. Pronotal collar with a fine though sharp margin. Median area of propodeum relatively uniformly reticulate. Marginal vein of fore wing 1 to 1-2 times as long as the stigmal vein. Head and thorax varying from dark blue or blue-green to violet-black ; femora mainly black, tibiae usually infuscate (Sturovia Bouéek) : : Anterior margin of clypeus very shallowly emarginate ; breadth of oral fossa about 1-8 times the malar space . Sturovia squamifera (Thomson) (p. Anterior margin of clypeus curved slightly forwards ; breadth of oral fossa more than twice the malarspace . . Sturovia albitarsus (Walker) (p. Hind margin of scutellum with a small tooth or tubercle in the middle ; frenum marked off as an area of coarser sculpture. Antennae with third flagellar segment sometimes more than half as long as the fourth and often with sensilla : : . phragmitis (Erdés) (p. Hind margin of Semeetian eae a tooth or fubevele ; frenum often less distinctly defined. Antennae with third flagellar segment, except in maculicornis, anelliform and lacking sensilla Anterior margin of clypeus deeply emarginate medially. Anpennae ae Be anelli and six funicular segments. Anterior margin of clypeus shallowly emarginate or subtruncate. Antennae with three anelli and five funicular segments . Antennae with funicular segments not transverse, or at Gee ae fourth ee fifth slightly so ; the proximal segments often slightly longer than broad Antennae with at least the distal segments of the funicle moderately to strongly transverse, the proximal segments sometimes slightly so maculicornis (Giraud) (p. 20 678) 670) 678) 671) 22 24 Pp. 654) 23 637) 638) 664) 25 667) 26 27 28 27 28 29 30 ou 32 33 (26) (27) (28) (27) (30) (31) (32) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 653 Antennae with pedicellus in dorsal view 2 to 2:4 times as long as broad ; scape, except in some typographi, nearly as long as an eye and about 4:5 times as long as broad. Malar space half, or slightly more than half, the length of an eye . ; 28 Antennae with pedicellus in dorsal view distinctly less than twice as long as broad ; scape distinctly shorter than an eye. Malar space sag less than half the length of aneye . 30 Parasite of bark beetles. Antennae with third anellus quadrate « or only very slightly transverse. Scutellum, including the frenum, with extremely fine reticulation. Median area of propodeum 1-6 to 1-75 times as broad as long. Fore wing with postmarginal vein not, or only very slightly, shorter than the marginal vein ; basal cell often with a few hairs in its distal part typographi (Ruschka) (p. 673) Not parasitic on bark beetles. Antennae with third anellus distinctly trans- verse. Scutellum with rather less fine reticulation, that of the frenum often a little coarser than the rest. Median area of propodeum 1-4 to 1-6 times as broad as long. Fore wing with postmarginal vein sometimes distinctly shorter than the marginal vein ; basal cell, not counting any hairs on the basal vein, bare or virtually so j c . : E Z s ; 29 Parasite of Rhabdophaga (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) on Salix. Pedicellus in dorsal view 2-1 to 2-4 times as long as broad rhabdophagae (Graham) (p. 667) Species living in grasses. Pedicellus in dorsal view twice as long as broad graminum (Hardh) (p. 663) Antenna with pedicellus in dorsal view virtually twice as long as broad ; flagellum moderately strongly clavate ; first funicular segment subquadrate to slightly transverse, as long as or very slightly longer than the second, fifth segment strongly transverse ; clava about as long as the three pre- ceding funicular segments together. Malar space half, or very slightly more than half, the length of aneye_ . : prasinus (Walker) (p. 657) Antenna with pedicellus in dorsal view distinctly less than twice as long as broad ; the other characters not all present in combination . 31 Antennae with flagellum strongly clavate ; all funicular segments transverse, the fifth strongly so ; clava as long as 3:5 to 4 of the preceding funicular segments . ; . laticornis (Walker) agg. (p. 658) Antennae with flagellum moderately clavate ; proximal segments of funicle at most slightly transverse, the fifth only moderately so ; clava at most as long as the three preceding funicular segments together . ; : ; 32 Malar space only slightly more than one third the length of an eye. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 555) with the temples rather strongly convergent, and the occiput rather more deeply excavated : agropyricola v. Rosen (p. 664) Malar space 0-4 to 0-48 the length of an eye. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 554) with the temples converging only moderately, the occiput less reo excavated, than in the above : - 33 Marginal vein of fore wing 1-8 to 2-1 anes as long as the stigmal vein nobilis (Walker) agg. (p. 654) Marginal vein of fore wing 1:55 to 1:8 times as long as the stigmal vein (f. cincticornis) . ; < ; : teliformis (Walker) part. (p. 659) Mesopolobus morys (Walker) Pteromalus Morys Walker, 1848 : 125, 197, 6. Disema pallipes Forster, 1878 : 54, gd. Xenocrepis pura Mayr, 1904 : 584, d. 654 M. W. R. p—E V. GRAHAM Xenocrepis morys (Walker) Graham, 1957d : 235. Xenocrepis morys (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1958 : 235, 6 Q. Mesopolobus morys (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1960 : 9-11, g 9. Mesopolobus morys (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 32-33, 3 &. Type material. Pteromalus morys Walker. Lectotype designated by Graham (19574 : 235). Disema pallipes Forster. Placed in synonymy with morys by V. Rosen (19602 : 32-33) on the basis of a Forster male in Berlin Museum. Xenocrepis pura Mayr. Type ¢ (not seen) in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. Placed in synonymy with morys by Graham (1957d : 235). BRITAIN, FRANCE, SWEDEN, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Parasite of Ceuthorrhyncus assimilis Payk. (Col., Curculionidae), also recorded in Sweden as a parasite of Dasyneura brassicae (Winn.) (Dipt., Cecidomyi- idae) (see v. Rosen, 1960: 11). Imagines July—August. Mesopolobus incultus (Walker) (Text-fig. 525) Platyterma incultum Walker, 1834 : 340, 3. Platyterma femorale Walker, 1834 : 341, ¢ 9. Amblymerus stupidus Walker, 1834 : 348, 2. Ormocerus Trasullus Walker, 1839 : 207, 9. Pteromalus Leodocus Walker, 1839 : 237, 6. Pteromalus Ergias Walker, 1839 : 238, 3. Pteromalus Amyntor Walker, 1845 : 263, 9. Pteromalus Urgo Walker, 1845 : 263, 9. Pteromalus Belesis Walker, 1848 : 125, 189, ¢. Pteromalus Berecynthos Walker, 1848 : 125, 190, 3. Pteromalus Lissos Walker, 1848 : 125, 196, 3. ? Pteromalus clavicornis Walker, 1874 : 318, 9. Eutelus (Amblymerus) crassicornis Thomson, 1878 : 80, 3 9. Platymesopus incultus (Walker) Graham, 1957d : 229. Xenocrepis inculta (Walker) v. Rosen, 1958 : 236, 3 Q. Mesopolobus incultus (Walker) v. Rosen, 1960a : 26-28. Type material. For synonymy, and designation of lectotypes for nearly all of the above species, see Graham (1957d : 229-230). Pteromalus clavicornis Walker. One female, the TYPE (Type Hym. 5. 726) ; this specimen lacks the antennal flagella, but I think it is probably the same as incultus. M. incultus has been redescribed (as Xenocrepis inculta) by von Rosen (1958 : 236). Widely distributed in EUROPE ; SYRIA. Biology. Chiefly a hyperparasite (sometimes a primary parasite) of Apion spp. on Trifolium repens L. in Sweden (see von Rosen, 1962 : 141-142). It has also been reared in England, Cornwall, Looe, 29.vii.1957 (P. J. Osborne) from a weevil in seeds of Plantago (the host probably Gymnetron pascuorum Gyll. or Mecinus sp.). Females overwinter amongst the foliage of coniferous trees and in similar situations. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 655 On 29.ix.1956 I captured two females in a window of a ferry boat going from the Isle of Wight to Lymington, Hampshire. Mesopolobus aequus (Walker) Eutelus aequus Walker, 1834 : 364, 9. Pteromalus purpureus Walker, 1835 : 493, 9. Pteromalus contractus Walker, 1836 : 188, 9. Pteromalus Leogoras Walker, 1839 : 269, 3. Pteromalus Odites Walker, 1845 : 261, 9. Pteromalus Temesa Walker, 1848 : 124, 188, 3, Syn. n. Metastenus purus Walker, 18726 : 118, 9. Eutelus (Platytermus) decipiens Thomson, 1878 : 77, 9. Mormoniella oviphaga Ahlberg, 1925 : 82. Amblymerus graminum Hardh, 1950 : 88, 2 [nec J]. Ahlbergiella aequa (Walker) v. Rosen, 1955 : 88-90, 3 9. Ahlbergiella aequa (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1956 : 1-72, [passim]. Ahlbergiella aequa (Walker) ; Graham, 1957d : 222-223. Mesopolobus aequus (Walker) v. Rosen, 1958 : 230-231, 3 9. Mesopolobus aequus (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 19-20, 3 9. Type material. For synonymy, also designation of lectotypes for most Walker and the Thomson species, see Graham (1957d). Mormoniella oviphaga was synony- mized with [Ahlbergiella} aequa by von Rosen (1955) who had examined the slide-mounted types of oviphaga. M. aequus was redescribed by von Rosen (1958). Pteromalus temesa Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE ; Waterhouse label. Widely distributed : probably the whole of EURoprE ; MApeErRa ; U.S.A. Biology. A predator in grasses, feeding on the eggs and larvae of other insects (von Rosen, 1955, 1956) ; also reared from Achillea millefolium L. and Medicago sativa L. (v. Rosen, 1960a : 19). Females pass the winter amongst the foliage of coniferous trees and similar situations ; sometimes they appear on the windows of buildings. Mesopolobus nobilis (Walker) Platyterma nobile Walker, 1834 : 304, 9. ? Platyterma decorum Walker, 1834 : 342, 3 [? nec 9]. ? Platyterma citripes Ashmead, 1896 : 223, 9. Platyterma nobile Walker ; Graham, 1957d : 221. Mesopolobus nobilis (Walker) v. Rosen, 1958 : 212-213, 3 @. Mesopolobus nobilis (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 33-34, 3 2 [separatum]. Mesopolobus nobilis (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1966 : 82-83, 3 9. Type material. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes for the above Walker species see Graham (1957d). Platyterma citripes Ashmead was synonymized with nobilis by von Rosen (1959a : 160) after examining a female determined as citripes by Dr. Burks. Ashmead, however, described the female of citripes as having all the funicular segments of the antenna transverse, which does not agree with the female of nobilis. 656 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM A good redescription of the typical form of nobilis was given by von Rosen (1958), who later added some useful notes and photomicrographs of the female hypopygium (1966 : 82, fig. 2). Von Rosen (1966 : 82) mentioned having reared several particularly large and fine examples of nobilis from Avena [=Helictotrichon| pubescens and A. [=H.] pratensis in Sweden. He stated that slight differences could be found between the female hypopygium of this form and that of typical nobilis, which he illustrated by photomicrographs (1966, fig. 2). On 18.vi.1960 I captured a number of both sexes of this large form of nobilis on Helictotrichon sp. at Bald Hill, near Lewknor, Oxfordshire. The males of this large form agree well with the lectotype of Platyterma decorum Walker and are clearly conspecific with it. The females of this form have a hypopygium which does appear to differ slightly from that of female nobilis, and agrees with von Rosen’s figure. It seems just possible that the large form from Helictotrichon spp. may represent a species distinct from (although extremely close to) nobilis ; if this form subsequently proves to be distinct, the name decorus (Walker) will be available for it. The following notes on the typical form of nobilis are intended to supplement von Rosen’s redescription : 9. Head and thorax varying from bronze-green through green to blue. Antennae varying from testaceous with only the pedicellus infuscate proximally, to wholly brown. Legs, except- ing coxae and tips of tarsi, sometimes yellow, sometimes with the femora more or less testaceous, brown, or fuscous ; rarely the fore and mid tibiae are slightly darkened medially. In Scottish and Irish specimens all the femora are sometimes mainly fuscous. Length 1-9 to 2:8 mm. Antenna (Text-fig. 546) with all five funicular segments usually subequal in length, with the first segment subquadrate and the fifth moderately transverse, at most 1-6 times as broad as long ; in some specimens the first funicular segment is very slightly longer, in others very slightly shorter, than the second ; the first segment is always much longer (two to three times) than the third anellus ; in large specimens the proximal segments of the funicle tend to be very slightly longer than broad, in small ones very slightly transverse ; the clava is at most about as long as the three preceding funicular segments. Malar space 0-42 to 0-46 the length of aneye. Median area of propodeum varying from nearly smooth to lightly obliquely strigose- reticulate. Marginal vein 2 to 2-3 times as long as the stigmal vein, the latter weakly curved or straight, the stigma small. Gaster long-ovate to lanceolate, 2 to 2:8 times as long as broad. from as long as, to 1-3 times as long as, head plus thorax. Hypopygium much as in text-fig. 549 with anterolateral angles relatively prominent ; median sclerotized area long, reaching much farther back than the level of the hind edges of the sublateral sclerotized areas ; posterior lobes relatively long. 6. Femora apparently always yellow. Malar space 0-4 to 0-46 length of eye. Funicular segments much asin. Marginal vein 1-8 to 2-11 times as ong as the stigmal vein. The form decorus (Walker) is on the average slightly larger than typical nobilis ($ up to 2-8 mm., 9 up to 3-2 mm., in length) and tends to be more richly coloured ; the male often has the gaster extensively suffused with purple, whilst sometimes the antennal clava and pedicellus, and even the base of the funicle, are conspicuously infuscate so that the antenna appears variegated. The median area of the propo- deum tends to be more distinctly, and sometimes strongly, strigose-reticulate. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 657 Biology. Von Rosen (1962 : 144) stated that nobilis lives in the seeds of grasses and that he had reared it from Avena elatior [=Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Beauv.] and Bromus inermis [= Zerna inernus (Leyss.) Lindm.]. Later, however (1966 : 82) he suggested that those reared from the latter plant might represent a distinct species. He also (1966: 82) reared specimens from Avena [= Helictotrichon|] pubescens (Huds.) Pilger and A. [=H.] pratensis (L.) Pilger which he thought might be another distinct species ; from his description these specimens evidently belong to the form referred to above as decorus (Walker). Imagines June—July. Mesopolobus prasinus (Walker) (Text-figs. 547-550) Platyterma prasinum Walker, 1834 : 305, &. Asemantus amphibolus Forster, 1878 : 51, 9. Platyterma prasinum Walker ; Graham, 1957d : 221. Mesopolobus prasinus (Walker) v. Rosen, 1958 : 214, 3 @. Mesopolobus prasinus (Walker); v. Rosen, 1960a : 33-34, 35 [Separatum]. Mesopolobus prasinus (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1962 : 145-146. Mesopolobus prasinus (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1966 : 82-83. Type material. Platyterma prasinum Walker. Lectotype designated by Graham (19574). Asemantus ampibolus Forster. Type 2 (not seen by the writer) in Zoologischen Museum der Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin, according to von Rosen (1962 : 146) who then considered it to be the same as prasinus (Walker). In 1957 I noted some differences between the type females of nobilis (Walker) and prasinus (Walker). Von Rosen thought (1960a) that the latter might be a form of nobilis, but later (1962, 1966) decided to leave the question an open one. In 1966 (fig. 2) he illustrated slight differences between the female hypopygia of nobilis and prasinus. Since the above papers were published I have examined a series of females captured in southern England within 50 miles of the type locality, which fit the syntypes of prasinus perfectly (incidentally all 5 of the syntypes are very similar and could have been captured together). A study of this material shows that prasinus is without doubt a species distinct from nobilis ; in fact it is usually possible to recognize females of prasinus by their general facies, without detailed examination. The antennae (Text-fig. 547) of pvasinus are particularly characteristic. The following redescription has been made from all the above specimens. . Body and coxae varying from bright golden green through green to blue ; legs otherwise yellow to fulvous with the femora usually more or less infuscate proximally, the hind ones often dark with only their bases and tips pale, and the tips of the tarsi darkened. Antennae sometimes fulvous with only the pedicellus more or less infuscate proximally ; sometimes with the scape and the proximal part of the flagellum, slightly infuscate. Wings hyaline ; venation yellowish to testaceous. Tegulae partly to wholly yellow. Length 1-5 to 2-5 mm. Head in dorsal view 1-9 to 2 times as broad as long ; temples slightly less than one third as long as the eyes. Malar space half, or very slightly more than half, the length of aneye. Cly- peus strigose or strigose-reticulate. Antennal scape (Text-fig. 547) shorter than an eye, not 658 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM reaching the median ocellus ; pedicellus in dorsal view about twice as long as broad, therefore slightly longer than in nobilis ; flagellum strongly clavate and relatively short, combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 0-75 to 0-85 breadth of head ; first funicular segment very slightly longer than the second segment, varying from quadrate to slightly transverse ; second segment slightly transverse, the following segments progressively more so, the fifth varying from 1-6 to 1-9 times as broad as long, the latter segment also is slightly longer than any of the preceding ones ; clava short and broad, on the average about 1-6 times as long as broad, its second suture oblique. Pronotal collar very short medially, only one fifteenth to one twelfth the length of the meso- scutum, not or only indistinctly margined. Propodeum medially one third or slightly more than one third as long as the scutellum ; median area I-9 to 2-1 times as broad as long, its panels shiny and nearly smooth or with traces of weak reticulation. Fore wing with row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell complete, or else broken in the middle, sometimes widely so ; basal vein with three to six hairs ; marginal vein 1-85 to 2:15 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein from two thirds to nearly three quarters as long as the marginal vein ; stigma tending to be a little larger and more subcircular than in nobilis. Legs rather short ; femora stout. Gaster ovate, 1:75 to 2:1 times as long as broad, from slightly shorter than, to 1:15 times as long as, head plus thorax ; last tergite somewhat shorter than its basal breadth, usually about 1:5 times as broad as long ; hind margin of basal tergite sometimes rather distinctly emarginate medially ; gaster ventrally only moderately convex, the hypopygium extending nearly or quite to half its length. Hypopygium (Text-fig. 550) with anterolateral angles rather less prominent than in nobilis ; median sclerotized area rather shorter and broader, reaching only a little farther back than the level of the hind edges of the sublateral sclerotized areas. The most reliable distinctions from the female of nobilis seem to be the relatively longer malar space of pvasimus, and the shorter and more strongly clavate flagellum with relatively shorter funicular segments of which the distal ones are more strongly transverse. The gaster of prasinus is on the average shorter than that of nobilis. Small females of nobilis may approach those of prasinus in the shape of the antennal flagellum, but they have the distal segments of the funicle less transverse, whilst their malar space is relatively shorter. gd. Similar to the female, but femora pale or brown at the base only ; scape stouter ; flagel- lum with rather more conspicuous hairs ; clava beneath with a large collapsed area which extends nearly to the base, this area and the last funicular segment thickly clothed with rather short, outstanding hairs. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, AUSTRIA. Biology. Von Rosen (1966 : 83) recorded having reared 4 3 from a laboratory culture of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. infested with frit-fly, and according to him imagines appear in Sweden in the spring. In England prasinus has so far been captured in the field only in September: Isle of Wight (Walker, 1834) ; Dorsetshire, Lodmoor, near Weymouth, 13.1x.1962, several gg and 92 swept from a stand of Agropyron (Graham). Possibly the species has two generations per annum. Mesopolobus laticornis (Walker), agg. This aggregate includes several puzzling forms which might prove to be “ sibling species ’’ ; von Rosen (1966) in fact recognized 4 of the latter, all of which had been PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 659 reared from the seeds of various grasses. Morphological differences between forms reared from different species of grass apparently exist but are very slight, particularly inmales. Von Rosen drew attention to small differences in the hypopygia (valvulae ventrales) of their respective females and illustrated them by photographs. I have examined the hypopygia of the forms occurring in Britain, and find small differences which are suggestive and seem to be consistent with those visible in von Rosen’s figures. Even so I regard the problem as being far from settled. The hypopygia of large number of reared specimens will have to be compared to ascertain whether the differences are constant. Also, it has not been so far determined whether any of the forms will cross with one another, nor are the details of their biology known. Von Rosen has done very useful pioneer work in studying this complex, but much still remains to be learnt. Keeping an open mind, I list here the forms which he regards as sibling species, mentioning the characters which appear to have some significance. If further research shows that some of the forms are conspecific, the synonymy can be adjusted accordingly. Mesopolobus teliformis (Walker) (Text-figs. 544, 548, 551) Platyterma teliforme Walker, 1834 : 305, ¢ 9. Platyterma cincticorne Walker, 1834 : 306, 3 (nec 9). Pteromalus placidus Forster, 1841 : 11, 9 [mec Walker, 1835a]. Eutelus (Platyterymus) brevicornis Thomson, 1878 : 77, 3 &. Pteromalus suavis Dalla Torre, 1898 : 149 [n. n. for placidus Forster nec Walker]. Platyterma teliforme Walker ; Graham, 1957d : 222. Mesopolobus cincticovnis (Walker) v. Rosen, 1958 : 213-214, ¢ 8. Mesopolobus telifoymis (Walker) v. Rosen, 1958 : 214-215, d 9. Mesopolobus laticornis (Walker) v. Rosen, 1960 : 16-22 [ex parte] Mesopolobus laticornis (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 19604 : 29 [ex parte]. Mesopolobus telifoymis (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1962 : 142-144. Type material. Platyterma teliforme Walker and Eutelus brevicornis Thomson ; lectotypes designated by Graham (19574). Platyterma cincticorne Walker. Two males and one female stand under this name, but the female disagrees with the description of that sex, which suggests a different species. LECTOTYPE, the second male, bearing a Waterhouse label. Von Rosen first (1958) regarded it as a distinct species, then (1960) synonymized it with laticornis, and finally (1962) treated it as a form of teliformis. From the evidence which he has presented, and from a study of the lectotype and my own material, I also believe that it is a form of teliformis. The form cincticornis comprises large specimens of telaformis in which the flagellum is rather less clavate, and the first funicular segment relatively larger, than in typical teliformis. Pteromalus placidus Forster. Syntypes presumably in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. The species was synonymized with teliformis (Walker) by von Rosen (1962 : 142). 660 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM The following notes on the characters of teliformis are intended to supplement the redescription given by von Rosen (1958) : 9. Head and thorax varying from bright golden green through green to blue. Legs, except coxae and tips of tarsi, usually wholly yellow, occasionally with the hind femora dark at the base, rarely the fore and mid femora slightly brownish at base. Length 1-8 to 3-2 mm. Head in dorsal view 1-75 to 2 times as broad as long, tending to be relatively less transverse in smaller specimens ; temples nearly or quite one third as long as eyes ; malar space 0-4 to 0°5 length of eye, but rarely less than 0-45. Antennae with scape shorter than an eye, not reaching the median ocellus ; pedicellus in dorsal view usually less than twice as long as broad, virtually twice in some small specimens ; flagellum relatively short, in most specimens strongly clavate, though in some large ones rather less so and thus approaching that of nobilis ; first funicular segment, except in some large specimens, at least a little shorter than the second segment, varying from strongly transverse (smaller specimens) to quadrate (large specimens) ; distal segments strongly transverse ; clava 1-5 to 1-7 times as long as broad, in average-sized and small specimens as long as 3:5 to 4 of the preceding funicular segments, in some large specimens hardly longer than the three preceding segments. In some females, especially small ones, there is hardly any distinction between the anelli and the proximal funicular seg- ments, as they all increase gradually in length ; in such specimens the third anellus may be three quarters as long as the first funicular segment. In very large females, however, the third anellus may be hardly more than one-third as long as the first funicular segment, and the latter may be quadrate. Gaster 2:7 to 4:3 times as long as broad, 1-25 to 1-5 times as long as head plus thorax. The hypopygium appears to be characteristic (Text-fig. 551) ; anterolateral angles very prominent ; median sclerotized area rather narrow and long, reaching much farther back than the level of the hind edges of the sublateral sclerotized areas. g. Femora apparently always yellow. Malar space 0-42 to 0-48 length of eye. The female of teliformis differs from that of laticornis in its paler femora, in its gaster, which is on the average longer, and especially in its hypopygium. Most females are easy to distinguish from those of nobilis, having relatively shorter and strongly clavate flagellum and shorter proximal funicular segments (Text-fig. 544). Large females of the form cincticornis (Walker), which have the antennal flagellum (Text-fig. 548) less strongly clavate and the proximal funicular segments longer, are sometimes not easy to distinguish from some females of nobilis, however. The best diagnostic character in such cases appears to be the hypopygium ; as compared with female nobilis, those of the form czncticornis have a relatively longer gaster, rather longer malar space, and slightly longer pedicellus, but there is some overlap in the ranges of variation. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, FRANCE, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, U.S.S.R. Biology. Von Rosen (1960 : 16-17) stated that he had obtained teliformis in Sweden from inflorescences of Agvopyron repens (L.) Beauv.; also that he had received specimens reared in U.S.S.R. from seeds of A. cristatum [(L.) ? J. Gaertn.]. I have found it to be abundant on A. junceiforme A. & D. Love. In Britain imagines may be found from late June to early September, peak period apparently July—August. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 661 Mesopolobus laticornis (Walker) (Text-fig. 552) Platyterma laticorne Walker, 1834 : 304, 9. Platyterma laticorne Walker ; Graham, 1957d : 221-222. Mesopolobus laticornis (Walker) v. Rosen, 1958 : 215, 9. Mesopolobus laticornis (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1960 : 16-22, [ev parte]. Mesopolobus laticornis (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 29, [ex parte). Mesopolobus laticornis (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1962 : 142-144. Mesopolobus laticornis (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1966 : 78, fig. 1, gd 2. Type material. Lectotype designated by Graham (19574¢). In my paper of 1957d I suggested that /aticornis might be only a colour form of teliformis, although I provisionally kept the two separate. Von Rosen at first (1958) followed this view, later (1960) united them ; still later (1962) he found differences between the hypopygia of their respective females and once more regarded them as distinct species. These oscillations of opinion reflect the diffi- culties inherent in a study of this species-complex. My latest research confirms von Rosen’s view that teliformis and laticornis are distinct. . Differs from that of telifoymis in its darker femora, on the average shorter gaster, and hypopygium ; from clavicoynis (Forster) in the shape of its hypopygium ; and from that of pseudolaticornis in its hypopygium, and in having the femora on the average more extensively infuscate. Head and thorax often more obscurely metallic than in teliformis, tending towards bronze-green in some specimens ; fore and mid femora infuscate at least basally, hind femora with at least their basal half fuscous to black with a metallic tinge, often wholly so except their tips. Length 1-6 to 2:7 mm. Gaster 2-4 to 3 times as long as broad, 1-1 to 1-3 times as long as head plus thorax. Hypopygium (Text-fig. 552) with anterolateral angles not very prominent ; median sclerotized area broad and short, reaching at most slightly farther back than the level of the hind edges of the sublateral sclerotized areas ; the whole hypopygium appearing rather strongly transverse. dg. Femora more or less infuscate, at least the hind femora dark at base ; but most often the fore and mid femora have at least a dark spot at the base beneath. Malar space 0:47 to 0°5 length of eye. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN. Biology. Von Rosen (1966 : 78) recorded having reared Jaticornis in Sweden from Avena elatior [=Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Presl.] ; in Britain imagines appear from mid-June until early September. Mesopolobus clavicornis (Forster) Syntomocera clavicornis Forster, 1878 : 53, 3 9. Mesopolobus laticoynis (Walker) v. Rosen, 19602 : 29, [ex parte]. Mesopolobus clavicornis (Forster) v. Rosen, 1966 : 81-82, 3 9. Type material. Lectotype g (in Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin) selected by Novitzky and validated by von Rosen (1960a : 29). It is labelled “17/291, 30/6 Montjoie, Frst, Syntomocera clavicornis Forst. g¢ 9 Typi Det. S. Novickij ’’. There are two female paratypes in the same collection. 662 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM In 1960 von Rosen recognized clavicornis which he synonymized with laticornis (Walker) ; in 1966, however, he indicated differences between the female hypopygia of laticornis and the species which he determined as clavicornis, consequently he separated them as distinct species. It is unfortunate that a female was not selected as lectotype of clavicormis, because then the hypopygial characters could have been confirmed ; the male is very difficult to separate from that of laticornis. According to von Rosen (1966) the female of clavicornis is very similar to that of laticornis but differs in the shape of its hypopygium, also in being smaller (mostly I:5-I-g mm., seldom 2 mm. or more, in length) and darker. Males are even smaller, and relatively darker. He stated that clavicornis could be distinguished from pseudolaticornis only with the aid of its colour, absolute size, and flight-period. Hypopygium with anterolateral angles prominent ; median sclerotized area narrower and longer than in laticornis, reaching somewhat farther back than the level of the hind edges of the sublateral sclerotized areas ; the whole hypopygium appearing less transverse than in Jaticornis. ? BRITAIN ; SWEDEN ; FRANCE. Biology. Von Rosen (1966) stated that he captured specimens in June and July in Sweden, on panicles of Avena [= Helictotrichon| pubescens (Hud.) Pilger and (less frequently) on those of A. [=H.] pratense (L.) Pilger ; and that he had taken other specimens in August. Mesopolobus pseudolaticornis v. Rosen (Text-fig. 553) Mesopolobus pseudolaticornis v. Rosen, 1966 : 78-81, fig. I, d 9. Type material. Holotype 9 and allotype J, Sweden, Skane, Lomma, 13.vili.1963, in Universitetets Zoologiska Institutionen, Lund ; paratypes in Statens Vaxtskydd- sanstalt, Stockholm (not seen by the writer). Von Rosen states that the female of pseudolaticornis differs from that of laticornis (Walker) in the shape of its hypopygium, also in being rather more slender, with the mesoscutum more flattened, and in having the femora only slightly darkened. The female of teliformis (Walker) is said to differ from that of pseudolaticornis in having the antennae in general longer and the pronotal collar more sharply margined, but the latter distinction is not evident in smaller specimens. The male of pseudolaticornis, in which the femora are said to be always pale, cannot be distinguished with certainty from those of Jaticornis and teliformis, according to the same author. His figure of the female hypopygium of pseudolaticornis shows a structure which does not differ greatly from that of clavicornis (Forster) and teliformis (Walker). On 13.ix.1962 I captured several specimens of a Mesopolobus which agree with the description of pseudolaticorms, in a marsh at Lodmoor, near Weymouth, Dorset, England. The females of this series have the femora more or less suffused with brown ; in some the fore femora are wholly pale ; one has the mid femora also pale ; PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 663 but the rest have about the basal half of the fore and mid femora, and the basal two thirds of the hind femora, brownish. The gaster is 2:4—2-85 times as long as broad. The pronotal collar is indistinctly margined, and the mesoscutum in some of the specimens is flattened. The structure of the hypopygium (Text-fig. 553) agrees with that shown in von Rosen’s photomicrograph of pseudolaticornis. These British specimens differ recognizably from my British females of /aticornis, particularly in the shape of the hypopygium. It is more difficult to be sure whether they are really different from ¢eliformis or clavicornis, however. They have the femora paler than in typical examples of the former, darker than in females of the latter. Their hypopygia do not differ very much from those of ¢eliformis which I have dissected, nor from those of clavicornis. Jam willing to regard pseudolaticornis provisionally as a distinct species, but further investigation is desirable. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. The type material was reared from seeds of Festuca arundinacea Schreb. by von Rosen, who suggested that it was not impossible (though unlikely) that the species is phytophagous and produces more than one brood per annum. He also (1966 : 80) reared, from Dactylis glomerata L., some specimens which he considered might belong to the same species. Mesopolobus graminum (Hardh) Amblymerus graminum Hardh, 1950 : 88, g [nec 9}. Amblymerus graminum Hardh ; v. Rosen, 1956 : 18. Platymesopus graminum (Hardh) Graham, 1957d : 229. Mesopolobus graminum (Hardh) v. Rosen, 1958 : 215-216, 3 9. Mesopolobus graminum (Hardh) ; v. Rosen, 1960 : 25-28, ¢ &. Mesopolobus gyvaminum (Hardh) ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 26, 3 9. Type material. Lectotype ¢ designated by von Rosen (1956 : 18) who synony- mized the species with Eutelus elongatus Thomson ; but this synonymy was later corrected and graminum shown to be a valid species (Graham, 1957d : 228-220). The female syntype of graminum belongs to a different species (aequus Walker). BRITAIN, DENMARK, SWEDEN, FINLAND, U.S.S.R. Biology. An account was given by von Rosen (1960 : 25-28). In Sweden he found graminum living as a predator on eggs of Calligypona [= Delphacodes] pellucida (F.) (Hemipt., Delphacidae) in grass culms ; also parasitizing larvae of the Eurytomid species Eurytoma suecica v. Rosen and Tetramesa angustipennis (Walker), and their parasites Pedobius eubius (Walker) and Chlorocytus pulchripes (Walker) ; he also reared it from galls of Tetramesa hyalipennis (Walker) and T. linearis (Walker) on Agropyron repens. He recorded an interesting case where a few specimens of graminum were reared from galls of the Cynipid Tvigonaspis synaspis (Hartig) on an oak-seedling hardly half a metre in height, growing amongst tall grasses. In Britain gramunum has been reared from cells of Tetramesa calama- grostidis (Hed.) by Claridge (see Graham, 1957d). Imagines chiefly June—July (some specimens in May and August in Britain). 664 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Mesopolobus agropyricola von Rosen (Text-fig. 555) Mesopolobus agropyricola von Rosen, 1960 : 22-25, ¢ Q. Type material. Holotype 9 in Universitetets Zoologiska Institutionen, Lund ; paratypes in Statens Vaxtskyddsanstalt, Stockholm. Described from material reared in Sweden (Uppland, Solna) in 1958-1959, from Agropyron, and swept from the same plant. BRITAIN [new record]: Berkshire, Wytham, 2 4, 7.vili.1956 (G. R. Gradwell) ; SWEDEN. Biology. Reared from stems of Agropyron repens L. in Sweden (von Rosen, 1960). Imagines July-August. Mesopolobus phragmitis (Erdos) Eutelus phragmitis Erdés, 1957 : 63, fig. 5, 2. Mesopolobus phragmitis (Erdos) v. Rosen, 1960a : 34-35, 9. Mesopolobus phragmutis (Erd6s) ; v. Rosen, 1962 : 146-147, 3 9. Type material. Type 9 and paratype 9, Hungary, Gardony, 14.v.1955, from Thomastella arundinis Schin. in lateral shoots of Phragmites communis Trin. (Erdés), in coll. Erdos. BRITAIN, IRELAND, DENMARK, SWEDEN, HuNnGARY, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. ; evidently widely distributed, but very local (probably only in old reed-beds). New record : England, Dorsetshire, Lodmoor, near Weymouth, a few 99, 13.ix.1962, captured in a reed-bed (Graham). Biology. Parasitic on Thomasiella arundinis (Schin.) (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae), see Erdos (1957). Imagines May, Aug.—Sept. Mesopolobus mesostenus sp. n. (Text-fig. 538) ®. Head and thorax green, with some brassy reflections which may invade the whole of the dorsal surface ; gaster brassy, varying towards greenish in places, or towards coppery. Antennae testaceous ; pedicellus more or less infuscate dorsally ; anelli and proximal segments of funicle slightly brownish, the other funicular segments sometimes a little darkened dorsally. Coxae concolorous with thorax ; legs otherwise yellowish with the tips of the tarsi brownish, the femora and tibiae sometimes testaceous medially. Tegulae yellowish, sometimes a little darkened posteriorly. Wings subhyaline ; venation yellowish to testaceous. Length 2:5 to 2-9 mm. Head about 1-25 times as broad as the mesoscutum ; in dorsal view approximately twice as broad as long ; temples hardly more than one quarter as long as eyes, converging rather strongly, nearly straight ; POL 1:8 to 2 times OOL. Head in front view subtrapeziform with the oral edge truncate, genae slightly buccate. Eyes separated by 1-2 to 1:25 times their length. Malar space half, or very slightly more than half, the length of an eye. Breadth of oral fossa about 1:8 times the malar space. Clypeus reticulate, or with only traces of striation, its anterior PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 665 margin very shallowly emarginate. Face, just below antennal toruli, slightly prominent. Antennal scrobes extremely shallow. Head moderately finely reticulate, the genae finely, the frons rather more coarsely so. Antennae (Text-fig. 538) inserted low on the head, the lower edge of their toruli at or hardly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum somewhat less than breadth of head ; pedicellus (profile) about twice as long as broad, slightly longer than the three anelli together ; flagellum proximally less stout than the pedicellus, but strongly clavate distally ; first anellus short, moderately tramsverse ; second slightly longer and less transverse ; third still longer, subquadrate ; first funicular segment quadrate or a little longer than broad, second and third segments sub- quadrate, fourth slightly transverse, fifth very distinctly so ; clava slightly broader than the funicle, slightly less than twice as long as broad, as long as or slightly longer than the three preceding funicular segments together ; sensilla sparse on the funicular segments, more num- erous on the clava, in one row on each segment. Thorax elongate, nearly twice as long as broad. Pronotal collar slightly less wide than the mesoscutum, fairly long medially, one eighth as long as the mesoscutum or slightly more, and still longer at the sides, somewhat coarsely reticulate, its front edge very sharp throughout and with a slightly raised margin. Mesoscutum only 1-2 to 1-25 times as.broad as long, strongly and somewhat coarsely reticulate discally, more finely at the sides. Scutellum rather weakly convex, slightly longer than broad, finely reticulate, like the axillae. Dorsellum a narrow almost smooth transverse crest which is separated from the scutellum by a longitudinally costate suture. Propodeum about half as long as the scutellum, medially somewhat produced beyond the bases of the hind coxae ; median area 1-1 to 1-2 times as broad as long, well-defined laterally, the plicae being very distinct, and often sharp, throughout ; panels of median area finely, obliquely strigose-reticulate, with some short carinulae at the base ; median carina irregular ; nucha almost smooth, separated from the median area by a groove which has some longitudinal costulae ; spiracles oval, separated by about half their length from the metanotum. Postspiracular sclerite rather shiny, irregularly, and in its upper part rather weakly, reticulate. Mesepisternum moderately finely reticulate ; its upper triangular area only partly smooth, its lower part being very finely reticulate. Mesepimeron rather more coarsely reticulate than the mesepisternum ; metapleuron more weakly sculptured than the mesepimeron. Legs rather short and not slender. Fore wing with costal cell having its upper surface bare, lower surface with a complete row of hairs and with some additional hairs scattered over the distal third ; basal cell and basal vein bare ; speculum, on upper surface of wing, extending below the marginal vein for about one third the length of the latter ; surface beyond the speculum moderately densely pilose ; marginal vein 2-1 to 2:5 times as long as the stigmal vein, and 1-1 to 1:25 times as long as the postmarginal ; stigmal vein slightly curved, stigma small and obliquely suboval. Gaster long-ovate, from nearly as long as, to somewhat longer than, the head plus thorax, 2 to 2:5 times as long as broad ; basal tergite occupying one quarter of the total length, or slightly less, its hind edge weakly emarginate medially ; last tergite slightly shorter than, or as long as, its basal breadth ; hypopygium extending about half way along the gaster. 6. Not definitely associated (see note below). Holotype 9. ENGLAND: Marston Ferry, near Oxford, 23.ix.1960, swept from foliage of Salix purpurea L. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality as holotype;1 Q, 21.1x.1960, 1 9, 23-1x.1960, 1 9, 5.vi.1g61, swept from foliage of Salix purpurea L. (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. This species appears to be most closely allied to fascuiventris Westwood and gucundus (Walker), which it resembles in the shape of the head, pronotum, sculpture of mesepisternum, and venation of fore wings. It differs from both in its longer 666 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM genae, smaller and anelliform third flagellar segment, rather longer and more strongly sculptured median area of propodeum, and stronger and coarser sculpture of the mesoscutum. It also differs from jucundus in having the anterior margin of the clypeus shallowly, instead of deeply, emarginate. A male specimen swept from Salix purpurea in the type-locality on 19.vi.1961, very probably belongs to this species, but I prefer to await confirmatory evidence. It is a very handsome insect, resembling fasciiventris in general facies and having the maxillary palpi modified as in that species ; but it differs in having the mid tibiae simple ; the antennal scape longer than an eye ; broadest below the middle and narrowing upwards ; the flagellum strongly clavate but proximally very slender, much less stout than the pedicellus ; only the first flagellar segment small and transverse, the second segment being slightly longer than broad and only slightly shorter than the third, thus the funicle is almost 7-segmented ; the last segment of the funicle, and the clava, are marked with blue-black. Mesopolobus fasciiventris Westwood (Text-fig. 537) Mesopolobus fasciiventvis Westwood, 1833a : 443, 3. Eutelus fulvicornis Walker, 1834 : 363, 9. Eutelus flavipes Walker, 1834 : 364, 9. Pieromalus fasciculatus Forster, 1841 : 11, 3. Pteromalus Saxesenit Ratzeburg, 1844a : 203, 9. Mesopolobus fasciiventvis Westwood ; Graham, 1957d : 220-221. Mesopolobus fasciiventris Westwood ; v. Rosen, 1958 : 208-210, ¢ 9. Mesopolobus fasciiventris Westwood ; v. Rosen, 1960 : 1-7, ¢ 9. Mesopolobus fasciiventris Westwood ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 24-25, 3 Q. Type material. For most of the above synonymy, and designation of lectotypes, see Graham (1957d : 220-221). In the above paper (p. 221) I cited Eutelus flavipes Walker as a possible synonym of Mesopolobus jucundus (Walker) but mentioned that none of the specimens in Walker’s collection agreed with the description of flavipes. Later von Rosen (1959@ : 150) found a Walker female in the collections of the Muséum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, and designated it as type of flavipes. Pteromalus saxeseni Ratzeburg. Original material presumed lost. Placed in synonymy with fasciiventris, and a neotype designated, by von Rosen (19602 : 48). Ratzeburg’s species was wrongly interpreted by Thomson (1878 : 126) ; see note below, under Eumacepolus grahamu. The neotype of saxesenii is a female in the Saxesen collection, Forstzoologischer Institute, Hannover, Minden, Germany. Widely distributed (probably the whole of Europe). Biology. Reared from many different Cynipid galls, see references in von Rosen, 1958 : 212; also Askew, 19615 : 163-165 for host-list and detailed biological observations. The species attacks either the larvae or pupae of Cynipids, or those of other Chalcidoidea occurring in their galls ; according to Askew (19610 : 172) it shows a preference for small leaf-galls. Bivoltine ; adults (in Britain) April—Nov. PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 667 Mesopolobus jucundus (Walker) (Text-fig. 528) Eutelus jucundus Walker, 1834 : 358, 3. Eutelus flavipes Walker, 1834 : 364, 9, [ex parte]. Eutelus (Platytermus) simplex Thomson, 1878 : 221, 3 9. Mesopolobus jucundus (Walker) Graham, 1957d : 221. Mesopolobus jucundus (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1958 : 212, 35 9. Mesopolobus jucundus (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 19604 : 28, ¢ 9. Type material. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes, see Graham (19574). Widely distributed (probably the whole of EuRoPE). Biology. Similar to that of fasciiventris ; see Askew (19615 : 163-165) for detailed information. According to Askew jucundus shows a: preference for the larger leaf-galls, and bud-galls. Bivoltine : adults Apr._Nov. A species which is morphologically indistinguishable from jucundus has been found associated with the gall of Diplolepis rosae L. (see Askew, 19610 : 160). Mesopolobus pseudofuscipes v. Rosen Mesopolobus pseudofuscipes v. Rosen, 1958a : 51-54, 5 @. Mesopolobus pseudofuscipes v. Rosen, 19604 : 35, 3 3. Type material. Type 9, Sweden, Halland, Enslov, 29.v.1954 (H. Andersson), in Universitetets Zoologiska Institutionen, Lund. SWEDEN, AUSTRIA. Biology. Reared from galls of Rhabdophaga dubiosa Kieff. and R. salicis (Schr.) on Salix aurita L. (von Rosen, 1958 : 52-53). Mesopolobus rhabdophagae (Graham) (Text-figs. 539-541, 545) Platymesopus rhabdophagae Graham, 1957d : 227-228, 3 . Mesopolobus rhabdophagae (Graham) v. Rosen, 1958 : 217. Type material. Holotype 9, England : Berkshire, Wallingford, 1.vi.1938, in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CENTRAL EUROPE. Biology. Reared from Rhabdophaga salicis (Schrank) in Britain (see Graham, 1957d : 228). Imagines July—Aug. Mesopolobus maculicornis (Giraud) Pteromalus maculicornis Giraud, 1863a : 1303, d 9. Mesopolobus maculicornis (Giraud) v. Rosen, 1958 : 217-218, 3 9. Mesopolobus maculicornis (Giraud) ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 30, 3 Q. 668 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Type material. Syntypes (holotype and allotype) in Muséum Nationale d’ Histoire Naturelle, Paris (von Rosen, 1958 : 218). WESTERN and SOUTHERN EvuRoPE (not found in Britain). Biology. Reared from Cvaneiobia corm (Giraud) by Giraud and others (see von Rosen, 1958 : 218). Mesopolobus flaviclavatus (Ferriere) Amblymerus flaviclavatus Ferriere, 1952 : 168-169, fig. 2, 9. Mesopolobus flaviclavatus (Ferriére) v. Rosen, 1958 : 218, 9. Mesopolobus flaviclavatus (Ferriere); v. Rosen, 1960 : 25, 9. I have not seen the types of this species ; the female has been redescribed from a paratype by von Rosen (1960). ITALY. Biology. Unknown. Mesopolobus mediterraneus (Mayr) (Text-fig. 535) Eutelus mediterrvaneus Mayr, 1903 : 388, 389, 3 8. Mesopolobus mediterraneus (Mayr) v. Rosen, 1958 : 227-228, ¢ 9. Mesopolobus mediterraneus (Mayr) ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 31-32, 3 &. Type material. Syntypes in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; lectotype ¢ designated by von Rosen (1961 : 31). The species was redescribed by von Rosen (1958 : 227-228) and notes on its variation were published by the same author (1960a : 31-32). The female of mediterraneus is very difficult to distinguish from that of diffinis (Walker), though their respective males are very different. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CENTRAL and SOUTHERN EUROPE, TURKEY. Biology. A polyphagous species ; recorded hosts (see von Rosen, 1958 : 227-228) include species of various genera of Cecidomyiidae (Dipt.), Tortricidae, Hypono- meutidae, Pyralidae and Pieridae (Lep.), and Apanteles glomeratus (L.) (Hym.). Probably it is often hyperparasitic (e.g., on the larvae of Lepidoptera). Imagines June-July. Mesopolobus heterotomus (Thomson) Eutelus heterotomus Thomson, 1878 : 74, ¢ 9. Mesopolobus heterotomus (Thomson) v. Rosen, 1958 : 228-229, ¢ &. Mesopolobus heterotomus (Thomson) ; v. Rosen, 19604 : 26, 3 9. Type material. Syntypes, 5 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Hbg ”’ [Halsingborg] and “heterotomus Ths’’, also bearing Dr. A. Jansson’s lectotype label. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 669 The female of heterotomus is extremely close to those of mediterraneus (Mayr) and diffinis (Walker). When examining the lectotype female of heterotomus selected by Jansson, I thought it was probably the same as diffinis. Von Rosen (1958 : 229), however, considers that it is the same as mediterraneus. SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Mesopolobus diffinis (Walker) (Text-figs. 534, 536) Amblymerus latus Walker, 1834 : 343, 9. Amblymerus pusillus Walker, 1834 : 347, 9. Amblymerus fulvipes Walker, 1834 : 348, 9. Amblymerus linearis Walker, 1834 : 348, 9. Amblymerus stenomerus Walker, 1834 : 350, 9. Eutelus pygmeus Walker, 1834 : 358, 3. Eutelus diffinis Walker, 1834 : 358, 3. Eutelus vagans Walker, 1834 : 369, 9. Pteromalus exilis Walker, 1836 : 487, . Pteromalus Aenicus Walker, 1846 : 38 [n. n. ?]. Pteromalus Leuce Walker, 1848 : 127, 214, 8. Platymesopus diffinis (Walker) Graham, 1957d : 226-227. Mesopolobus diffinis (Walker) v. Rosen, 1958 : 229-230, 3 &. Mesopolobus diffinis (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 23, 3 &. Mesopolobus diffinis (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1961 : 118, 3 9. Type material. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes see Graham (19574) ; in that paper the name diffinis was adopted for the species although some of the other names have page priority. The species was redescribed by von Rosen (1958 : 229-230). BRITAIN, IRELAND, DENMARK, SWEDEN, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. In Britain it appears to be rather local, occurring mainly in rough grassland habitats ; on several occasions it has been found on the sea coast. Biology. Reared in Denmark from galls of Misospatha tubifex (Bouché) on Artemisia campestris L. according to von Rosen (1961 : 118). Barnes (1939 : 505) recorded it (under the name Eutelus diffinis) as having been reared in England from galls of Diarthronomyia chrysanthenn Ahlberg, the Chrysanthemum-midge. This midge was apparently introduced into Europe from North America with imported plants and cannot be the chief host of diffinis. I have not seen Barnes’s specimens of diffinis and so cannot be sure if the identification is correct. Imagines Aug.—Sept. in Britain, earlier in some parts of the Continent. Mesopolobus aspilus (Walker) (Text-figs. 527, 542) Pteromalus aspilus Walker, 18354 : 485, 9. Eutelus elongatus Thomson, 1878 : 75, 2, syn. n. 670 M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM Platymesopus aspilus (Walker) Graham, 1957¢ : 227. Platymesopus elongatus (Thomson) Graham, 1957d : 228. Mesopolobus aspilus (Walker) von Rosen, 1958 : 218, 9. Mesopolobus elongatus (Thomson) vy. Rosen, 1959a : 153-160, ¢ 9. Mesopolobus elongatus (Thomson) ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 24, d 9. Type material. Pteromalus aspilus Walker. Lectotype 2 designated by Graham (1957¢ : 227). Eutelus elongatus Thomson. Lectotype designated by Graham (1957d : 228-220). When writing my earlier paper (1957d: 228-229) I regarded aspilus (Walker) and elongatus (Thomson) as distinct species ; at that time nothing was known about the biology of either. Von Rosen (1959a : 153-160) published a valuable account of the biology and variation of M. elongatus (Thomson) with a redescription of the species, many specimens of which he had bred in Sweden from galls of Oligotrophus juniperinus (L.) on twigs of Juniperus. These specimens were compared with the lectotype of elongatus and found to be the same. Early in 1960 I gathered a number of the galls made by Taxomyia taxi (Inchb.) on shoots of Taxus baccata L. growing wild on the slopes of the Chiltern Hills, near Lewknor, Oxfordshire. During April, May and June several Mesopolobus emerged from the above galls and I was able to ascertain that they were parasitizing the Taxomyta. I found that these Mesopolobus agreed with my notes on the lectotype of elongatus (Thomson) and also with von Rosen’s (1959a) redescription of that species. In most of these specimens the body is a rather bright green, some (especially small examples) tending towards bronze-green. Von Rosen (1959a : 157) mentioned that his specimens from Oligotrophus juniperinus were “mehr smaragdgriin’’. I am convinced that the material from both Taxomyia and Oligotrophus can be referred to aspilus. At the beginning of October, 1960, in the same locality in Oxfordshire, I observed many females of a Mesopolobus on terminal shoots of wild Taxus trees and collected a number of them. Most of them agreed exactly with the lectotype of Mesopolobus aspilus (Walker) and had the body bronze or coppery-tinged. In May 1965, I reared a female which also agrees with aspilus, from a gall of Taxomyia taxi. After comparing all these specimens I consider that elongatus (Thomson) must be a form of aspilus (Walker). The colour of the body varies from bright green to copper ; the legs may be mainly pale, or on the other hand rather extensively infuscate ; and the relative length of the gaster varies considerably. In all these respects, however, variation appears to be continuous. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. See discussion above. Besides the Cecidomyiidae mentioned as hosts, von Rosen (1959a : 153) says that he saw two females reared from Euura amerinae (L.) (Hym., Tenthredinidae) which agreed well with his specimens of elongatus from Oligotrophus. Mesopolobus juniperinus v. Rosen Mesopolobus juniperinus v. Rosen, 1958 : 218-220, g 9. Mesopolobus juniperinus v. Rosen, 1960a : 28-20, ¢ @. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 671 Type material. Holotype and allotype, Sweden, Uppland, Solna, reared from galls of Oligotrophus juniperinus (L.), in Universitetets Zoologiska Institution, Lund. DENMARK, SWEDEN, eastern EUROPE. Biology. Reared from galls of Oligotrophus juniperinus (L.) on Juniperus (von Rosen). Imagines in June and August. Mesopolobus ? semiclavatus (Ratzeburg) (Text-fig. 530) ? Pteromalus semiclavatus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 202, 3, ? 9. Type material. Presumed destroyed. A few years ago Mr. von Rosen kindly sent me from Sweden both sexes of a species which he had named semiclavatus Ratzeburg. Later, however, he told me that he was not sure if his specimens were really semiclavatus. In my opinion they agree quite well with Ratzeburg’s description (this author described both sexes, but was not sure whether the single 2 he possessed was conspecific with his 3). Hence I am using the name semzclavatus as possibly the correct one. Britain : Scotland, West Inverness, Arisaig, from a Betula-Salix aurita association, 24, 1 Q, 2.vil.1961 (Graham). SWEDEN : Skane, Falsterbo, g and 9, 22.vii.1963 (v. Rosen). Biology. Unknown. Mesopolobus longicollis sp. n. (Text-figs. 529, 532, 543) ®. Body green, sometimes with golden reflections ; gaster bronze-black discally, some of the tergites occasionally with blue or violet flecks. Antennae testaceous ; pedicellus proxim- ally, and some of the proximal funicular segments, sometimes a little infuscate. Coxae concolorous with the thorax, legs otherwise yellowish or testaceous with the femora usually in- fuscate at least proximally, sometimes mainly so, the tips of the tarsi fuscous, occasionally some or all of the tibiae slightly infuscate medially. Tegulae yellow, usually slightly infuscate posteriorly. Wings hyaline ; venation pale yellow. Length 1-4 to 1-8 mm. Head 2:1 to 2-15 times as broad as mesoscutum ; in dorsal view 1-9 to 2 times as broad as long, with temples rounded off and slightly more than one third as long as eyes ; POL 1-9 to 2 times OOL. Head in front view suboval with the genae slightly buccate. Eyes separated by about 1-2 times their length. Malar space slightly less than half the length of an eye. Breadth of oral fossa 2 to 2:25 times the malar space. Clypeus strigose-reticulate, its anterior margin rather shallowly emarginate, with a slight impression just above the emargination. Head moderately finely reticulate, more finely on face, genae, and middle of vertex. Antennae (Text-fig. 543) inserted low on head, lower edge of toruli at or hardly above level of ventral edge of eyes ; scape almost as long as an eye, reaching lower edge of median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum hardly less than breadth of head ; pedicellus (profile) about twice as long as broad, about as long as anelli plus half the first funicular segment, or slightly less than this ; flagellum rather weakly clavate, proximally as stout as or slightly stouter than the pedicellus ; first and second anelli short, twice or rather more than twice as broad as long, third anellus longer and about 1-5 times as broad as long ; funicular segments subquadrate, 672 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM the proximal ones sometimes very slightly longer than broad, the distal ones occasionally very slightly transverse ; clava rather more than twice as long as broad, nearly as long as the three preceding funicular segments together ; sensilla in one row on each segment, sparse on the funicle, more numerous on the clava. Thorax about 1-6 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar (Text-fig. 532) moderately long medially, one seventh to one sixth as long as mesoscutum, and much longer at the sides, strongly and coarsely reticulate, very slightly margined in the middle anteriorly. Mesoscutum 1-45 to 1:5 times as broad as long, rather coarsely reticulate discally, more finely laterally, without piliferous punctures. Scutellum virtually as broad as long, moderately convex, finely reticulate, the frenum rather more coarsely. Axillae finely reticulate. Dorsellum a narrow, alutaceous transverse crest which is separated from the scutellum by a longitudinally-costate suture. Propodeum medially slightly less than half as long as the scutellum ; median area 1-5 to 1-65 times as broad as long, well-defined laterally, the plicae distinct throughout and sharp over at least their hinder half ; median carina distinct, straight ; panels of median area finely, slightly irregularly reticulate ; nucha transversely aciculate, separated from the median area by an impressed line which has a few longitudinal costulae ; posterior foveae, at sides of nucha, large and deep ; spiracles short-oval, separated by nearly half their length from the metanotum. Postspiracular sclerite narrow, shiny, weakly and irregularly sculptured. Mesepisternum moderately finely reticulate, its upper triangular area very finely reticulate below but smooth above ; mesepimeron rather more coarsely reticulate than the mesepisternum, metapleuron more finely so. Legs rather short ; femora rather stout ; mid tibiae fairly slender, seven to eight times as long as their maximum breadth. Fore wing rather broad ; costal cell fairly broad, its upper surface bare, lower surface with a complete row of hairs and some additional hairs scattered over the distal third to half ; basal cell bare, open below ; basal vein bare or with one to two hairs ; speculum open below, on upper surface of wing extending below the marginal vein for about half the length of the latter ; surface beyond the speculum thickly pilose ; marginal vein 1-65 to 2 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein slightly shorter than the marginal. Gaster ovate, slightly longer than the thorax, as broad as or slightly broader than the thorax, I°5 to 1:85 times as long as broad ; basal tergite occupying from slightly more than one quarter, to nearly one third, the total length ; last tergite somewhat shorter than its basal breadth ; ovipositor sheaths projecting at most very slightly ; hypopygium reaching a little beyond the middle of the gaster. g. Not identified with certainty. Some males were taken in company with the females described here, but they may belong to the species mentioned under the name “ ? semiclavatus (Ratzeburg) ”’ Holotype 2. ScoTLanp : West Inverness, Arisaig, 5.vi.1961, on Salix aurita L. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality as holotype, 1 9, 29.vi.1961 (probably on Salix aurita), I 9, 30.vi.19g61, on Betula, 1 9, 5.vii.1g61, on Salix aurita ; Isle of Rhum, Kinloch, I 9, 4.ix.61, on Betula, 2 9, 5.ix.1961, on Salix aunta, I 9, 24.vii.1962, on Salix aurita (Graham), in Graham collection. The female of longicollis sp. n. is extremely close to that of the species listed above as ‘‘? semiclavatus’’, which appears to differ only in having a longer gaster, lanceolate, slightly longer than head plus thorax, 2-3-2-7 times as long as broad, with the basal tergite relatively shorter than in longicollis and the last tergite about as long as its basal breadth. Exceptionally small females of amaenus (Walker) might be mistaken for longicollis ; however, they have the anterior margin of the clypeus (Text-fig. 526) rather deeply emarginate and with a distinct impression in PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 673 the middle ; whilst the antennal clava is shorter and broader, rather less than twice as long as broad ; also they have the pronotal collar at least slightly longer than in longicollis. Biology. Unknown. Mesopolobus typographi (Ruschka) Eutelus typographi Ruschka, 1924 : 13-14, 3 8. Mesopolobus typographi (Ruschka), v. Rosen, 19604 : 38, ¢ Q. Type material. Syntypes (not seen by the writer) in the Hochschule fiir Boden- kultur and Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; in Swedish Forestry Academy, and in coll. Ruschka. CENTRAL and NORTH-WESTERN Europe (not yet found in Britain). Biology. Ectoparasite of Tomicobia seitneri (Ruschka), hence hyperparasite of Ips typographus L. and other species of [ps (see Sachtleben, 1952 : 175-179). M. typographi has been redescribed by von Rosen (1960a) who pointed out how it differs from elongatus, with which he had incorrectly synonymized it (1958 : 216). Mesopolobus citrinus (Ratzeburg) Pteromalus citrinus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 248, 3 Q. Mesopolobus citvinus (Ratzeburg) v. Rosen, 1959 : 136-139, gd @. Mesopolobus citrinus (Ratzeburg) ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 23, 9. Type material. Presumed destroyed. The original description is very short, but mentions that the species was reared from Lasioptera [=Helicomyia] saliciperda. Von Rosen found a series in Vienna, reared from Helicomyia saliciperda (Duf.), which agreed with Ratzeburg’s description ; he designated these specimens as neotypes of citrinus. He selected two of them as type ? and allotype 3, marking them with red tickets ; they are labelled “ C. saliciperda, Eisgrub 1916, Fulmek, E. citrinus Ratz., det. Ruschka”’. The same author (1958) gave a detailed redescription of the species. BRITAIN, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, SWEDEN (Lapland) ; ? ITaty. New to Britain, Oxfordshire, Otmoor, 8.ix.1956, 2 swept from foliage of Salix fragilis L. (Graham). Biology. eared from Helicomyia saliciperda (Duf.) (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) by Ruschka (see above). Von Rosen thought that the “ Eutelus sp.” reared in Italy from Rhabdophaga saliciperda by Cecconi (1912 : 328) was probably citrinus. Mesopolobus sp. indet. A ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham, 1 92, 24.v.19g61 (Graham). This seems to be near citrinus. Mesopolobus sp. indet. B IRELAND : Co. Down, Sliddery Ford, 1 9, 22.viil.1957 (Stelfox). 674 M. W. R. p—E V. GRAHAM Mesopolobus mayetiolae (Gahan) Eutelus mayetiolae Gahan, 1919a : 128, g 9. Amblymerus mayetiolae Gahan, 1933 : 65-67, ¢ 9. Mesopolobus mayetiolae (Gahan) v. Rosen, 1958 : 228. Amblymerus mayetiolae (Gahan) ; Peck, 1963 : 661. Type material. Type 9, U.S.A., California, Salinas, in U.S.N.M. (not seen by the writer). NortH AMERICA. Von Rosen’s statement (1957 : 228) that it has been recorded from Russia was a mistake. There seems to be no reason, however, why it should not eventually be found in Europe. Biology. Reared from Mayetiola destructor (Say) (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) ; Ceuthorhynchus assimilis Payk. (Col., Curculionidae) ; and Tetvamesa sp. (Hym., Eurytomidae) in Phalaris arundinacea L. (see Gahan, 1933 ; Peck, 1963). Mesopolobus dubius (Walker) Amblymerus dubius Walker, 1834 : 308, 9. Amblymerus validus Walker, 1834 : 308, 2. Amblymerus ruralis Walker, 1834 : 343, 2, Syn. n. Amblymerus truncatellus Walker, 1834 : 344, 9. Amblymerus fulvipennis Walker, 1834 : 344, °. Amblymerus trossulus Walker, 1834 : 350, 9. Eutelus signatus Walker, 1834 : 357,46, Syn. n. Ptevomalus pinguis Walker, 1835 : 490, 9. Platymesopus dubius (Walker) Graham, 1957d : 224-225. Mesopolobus dubius (Walker) v. Rosen, 1958 : 221-222, 3 Q. Mesopolobus dubius (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1960a@ : 23-24, ¢ 9. Type material. For synonymy, and designation of lectotypes for most of the species, see Graham (1957d : 224-225). Amblymerus ruralis Walker. Syntypes, 2 2 ; LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Eutelus signatus Walker. Previously (1957d : 225) I regarded this as a doubtful species because neither of the two syntypes agreed with the description. The latter, however, fits the male of Mesopolobus dubius (Walker) very well and I feel confident in placing signatus as a synonym of that species. Mesopolobus dubius was redescribed by von Rosen (1958 : 221-222). BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; probably widely distributed in EUROPE. Biology. Reared in England from galls of Cynips divisa Hartig, Newroterus quercusbaccarum (L.) f. lenticularis and Biorrhiza pallida (Oliv.) (see Askew, 19610 : 171, for host-list and detailed biological observations). Bivoltine : June, and July—Sept. with some females passing the winter as adults and living until the following April. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 675 Mesopolobus fuscipes (Walker) (Text-fig. 531) Amblymerus fuscipes Walker, 1834 : 346, 9. Amblymerus humilis Walker, 1834 : 346, 2. Cinips luteicornis Fonscolombe, 1840 : 189, 3, syn. n. Platymesopus Evichsonii Ratzeburg, 1844a : 206, g. ? Baeoponerus aeneus Masi, 1924a : 223-225, 9. Platymesopus fuscipes (Walker) Graham, 1957d : 224. Mesopolobus fuscipes (Walker) v. Rosen, 1958 : 222, ¢ 9. Mesopolobus fuscipes (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 19604 : 25-26. Type material. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes of Walker species, see Graham (1957d : 224). Cimips luteicornis Fonscolombe. No material found. From the description and biology I consider that it must have been the same as Mesopolobus fuscipes. Baeoponerus aeneus Masi. Holotype 9, Italy, Isle of Giglio, iv.tgo0, in Museo Civico di Storia naturale, Genoa, not seen by the writer ; from the description it would appear to be very near or identical with Mesopolobus fuscipes. Mesopolobus fuscipes has been redescribed by von Rosen (1958 : 222). Widely distributed in EUROPE. Biology. Reared from various Cynipid galls, especially of Newroterus spp., Andricus spp., Cynips longiventris Hartig and C. quercusfoli L. ; early bud-galls are most heavily attacked (see Askew, 1961) : 165-166, for host-list and detailed biological observations). Univoltine : Apr.—July, with females overwintering as adults outside the galls. According to Askew (19610 : 165) females pass the winter chiefly in twigs and debris on the boles of Quercus, and not amongst the foliage of coniferous trees ; I have, however, occasionally found them on the latter. Mesopolobus xanthocerus (Thomson) Eutelus xanthocerus (Dalman MS.) Thomson, 1878 : 72, 3 9. Platymesopus xanthocerus (Thomson) Graham, 1957d : 225. Mesopolobus xanthocerus (Thomson) v. Rosen, 1958 : 222, ¢ &. Mesopolobus xanthocerus (Thomson) ; v. Rosen, 19604 : 39. Type material. Lectotype ¢ in Universitetets Zoologiska Institution, Lund, selected by Graham (1957d : 225). Britain, IRELAND, DENMARK, SWEDEN, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R., and probably more widely distributed in Europe. Biology. eared from the galls of various Cynipids on Quercus, especially those forming catkin-galls and early bud-galls (see Askew, 1961b : 169). Apparently univoltine, most imagines recorded in July and August ; females then overwinter amongst the foliage of coniferous trees. 676 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Mesopolobus tibialis (Westwood) Platymesopus tibialis Westwood, 18334 : 444, fig. 5, 3. Eutelus platycerus Walker, 1834 : 360, 9. Eutelus bicolor Walker, 1834 : 361, 9. Eutelus platynotus Walker, 1834 : 361, 9. Eutelus sobrinus Walker, 1834 : 362, 9. Pteromalus anticus Walker, 1835 : 494, 9. ? Cinips fuscicornis Fonscolombe, 1840 : 189, 9. Platymesopus Westwood Ratzeburg, 1844a : 206 [dg]. Pteromalus platymesopus Reinhard, 1856 : 108 [n. n.}. Platymesopus apicalis Westwood, 1882 : 326, pl. 14, figs. 21, 22, g. Platymesopus tibialis Westwood ; Graham, 1957d : 223-224. Mesopolobus tibialis (Westwood) v. Rosen, 1958 : 220-221, ¢ Q. Mesopolobus tibialis (Westwood) ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 37-38, ¢ 2. Type material. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes see Graham (1957d : 223-224). The species was redescribed by von Rosen (1958 : 220-221). Cintps fuscicornis Fonscolombe. No material found. The description and biology suggests that fuscicornis may have been the same as Mesopolobus tibialis. Widely distributed, probably the whole of EUROPE ; SyRIA. Biology. Reared from various Cynipid galls, especially of Neuroterus spp. and Andricus spp. (for host-list and detailed biological observations, see Askew, 1961d : 166-169). According to Askew, tibialis shows a preference for Cynipids which cause leaf-galls, but occasionally attacks those in bud-galls. Normally bivoltine, the two generations appearing in spring and summer, rarely a partial third generation in autumn. Mesopolobus amaenus (Walker) (Text-fig. 526) Amblymerus amaenus Walker, 1834 : 307, 9. Platyterma vemotum Walker, 1834 : 342, 9, syn. n. Amblymerus nanus Walker, 1834 : 349, . Eutelus dilectus Walker, 1834 : 356, 3. Eutelus immaculatus Walker, 1834 : 357, 6. Eutelus eximius Walker, 1834 : 360, 9. Eutelus catenatus Walker, 1834 : 362, 9. ? Pteromalus Lebene Walker, 1848 : 125, 190-191, 9. Eutelus collaris Thomson, 1878 : 73, 3 8. ? Eutelus lichtensteini Mayr, 1903 : 388, 390, 3 8. Platymesopus amaenus (Walker) Graham, 1957d : 225-226. Mesopolobus amaenus (Walker) v. Rosen, 1958 : 225-226, ¢ 9. Mesopolobus amaenus (Walker) ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 21-22, ¢ 9. Mesopolobus amaenus (Walker) ; Askew, 19610 : 171. Type material. For designation of lectotypes, and most of the above synonymy, see Graham (1957d : 225-226). Platyterma remotum Walker. In my paper (19574 : 226) I placed this as doubt- fully the same as amaenus (Walker). I have re-examined the type 9 and am now PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 677 convinced that it is a small and rather slender specimen of amaenus ; in the form of the clypeus and in other respects it agrees with typical examples of that species. Pteromalus lebene Walker. One female, accepted as TYPE. It has the clypeus rather deeply emarginate and may be a somewhat aberrant amaenus, though the pronotal collar is rather shorter than in any females which I definitely regard as that species. Eutelus lichtensteint Mayr. Type g, France, Montpellier, May and June, from galls of the Cecidomyiid Dryomyia lichtensteint Lw., in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. This species was placed in synonymy with amaenus (Walker) by von Rosen (1958 : 225). Askew (19610) considered that lichtensteini might represent a distinct species. He stated that the type ¢ differed from males of amaenus in having the antennal funicle wholly yellow, and in its relatively shorter pronotal collar. In British males of amaenus the antennal flagellum has its sixth segment at least slightly marked with fuscous, and often wholly of that colour., I have, however, examined some specimens reared in Italy from Plagiotrochus sp., males of which have a very long pronotal collar and appear to belong to amaenus ; one of these males has the sixth segment of the flagellum fuscous, another has the funicle entirely yellow. The colour of the funicle is therefore not a reliable character for separating males of lichtensteini from those of amaenus. The shorter pronotal collar of male lichtensteim might be a valid distinction, but it will be necessary to re-examine the type male and other material in order to decide whether it is a good species. M. amaenus was redescribed by von Rosen (1958). Widely distributed in EUROPE. Biology. Reared from various Cynipid galls, chiefly bud-galls (for host-list and detailed biological information see Askew, 1961b). M. lichtensteini was reared from galls of Dryomyia lichtensteini Loew (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) on Quercus ilex L., by Loew and Mayr ; Frediani (1955, Redia 40 : 174) stated that it was an ecto- phagous parasite of the Cecidomyiid. Mesopolobus apicalis (Thomson) Eutelus apicalis Thomson, 1878 : 74, d 9 [mec Ptervomalus apicalis Nees, 1834]. Eutelus thomsonii Dalla Torre, 1898 : 93 [nom. n.] Mesopolobus apicalis (Thomson) v. Rosen, 1958 : 231, d 9. Mesopolobus apicalis (Thomson) ; v. Rosen, 1959 : 131-132. Mesopolobus apicalis (Thomson) ; v. Rosen, 1960a : 22. Type material. 4 g and 1 9stand under the name apicalis in Thomson’s collection, but only one male and the female agree with the description ; the male was selected as lectotype by me and validated by von Rosen (1958 : 231), who also redescribed the species. SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. 678 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Mesopolobus zetterstedti (Dalla Torre) comb. n. Pieromalus apicalis Zetterstedt, 1838 : 426, 5 [nec Nees, 1834]. Pteromalus zetterstedtii Dalla Torre, 1898 : 154 [n. n. for Pteromalus apicalis Zetterstedt, nec Nees]. Type material. One male, LECTOTYPE, labelled in Zetterstedt’s handwriting “ P. apicalis ¢. _Kengis “. I cannot correlate this male at present with any female. No other material agreeing with it has been seen. LAPLAND. Biology. Unknown. Mesopolobus subfumatus (Ratzeburg) (Text-fig. 533) Pieromalus subfumatus Ratzeburg, 1852 : 236, 9. Eutelus punctiger Thomson, 1878 : 75, 9. Platyterma ecksteint Wolff, 1916 : 166, 168-169, figs. 1-19, ¢ 9. Amblymerus subfumatus (Ratzeburg) Nowicki, 1939 : 473. Amblymerus subfumatus (Ratzeburg) ; Otten, 1942a : 114-117. Mesopolobus subfumatus (Ratzeburg) v. Rosen, 1958 : 223-224, ¢ 9. Mesopolobus subfumatus (Ratzeburg) ; v. Rosen, 1960a@ : 36-37, 3 Q. Amblymerus subfumatus (Ratzeburg) ; Peck, 1963 : 661-662. Type material. Pteromalus subfumatus Ratzeburg. Types presumed destroyed ; but the name has became generally accepted, following its recognition by Nowicki (1939) and Otten (1942a). The latter author probably saw the types. Eutelus punctiger Thomson. Syntypes, 4 9. LECTOTYPE labelled “Sm. Bhn ” [Smaland, Boheman]. Platyterma ecksteint Wolff. Syntypes, Germany, in sylvis Borussiae. Hospes : Lophyrus pini L.; coluit Prof. Dr. C. Eckstein’’, presumably in Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde. The species was synonymized with subfumatus Ratzeburg by Nowicki (1939). The species was redescribed by von Rosen (1958 : 223-224). ¢ Widely distributed in Europe (not yet found in the British Isles) ; CANADA (introduced). Biology. Chiefly a primary parasite of Diprion spp. (Hym., Diprionidae), attacking the cocoons ; occasionally hyperparasitic through Ichneumonidae or Braconidae. The majority of imagines have been reared in August and September ; but there is probably an earlier generation emerging in May and June (see Otten, 1942a). Mesopolobus anogmoides sp. n. 9. Head and thorax green to blue-green ; gaster with weaker reflections of the same tints, dorsally bronze-black on the disc and the hinder part of the basal tergite. Antennal scape PLEROMALEIDAE OF NW. EUROPE 679 proximally, to wholly, testaceous ; pedicellus and flagellum infuscate dorsally, more or less testaceous beneath. Coxae, and femora except their tips, concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters dark, trochantelli and rest of legs testaceous, the tibiae usually broadly infuscate medially, the tips of the tarsi, the fore tarsi mainly, brownish. Tegulae more or less testaceous anteriorly, fuscous posteriorly. Wings slightly tinged with grey ; venation testaceous or brownish. Length 2 to 2:3 mm. Head only slightly broader than the mesoscutum ; in dorsal view approximately twice as broad as long, with temples rounded off and only about one quarter as long as eyes ; POL 1°85 to 2 times OOL. Head in frontal view subtrapeziform, with genae converging towards the oral fossa and nearly straight ; eyes separated by about 1-1 times their length ; malar space slightly less than half the length of an eye. Clypeus mainly striate, its anterior margin narrowly shiny and nearly truncate. est of head finely reticulate, the frons rather more coarsely. Antennae with lower edge of toruli at about level of ventral edge of eyes ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum very slightly less than breadth of head ; pedicellus (profile) about twice as long as broad, about as long as anelli plus half of the first funicular segment ; flagellum proximally hardly stouter than the pedicellus but clavate distally ; anelli distinctly though not very strongly tranvserse, the first and second very short, the third longer and 1-5 to 1-7 times as broad as long ; proximal segments of funicle subquadrate, distal segments slightly transverse ; clava broader than fifth funicular segment, hardly twice as long as broad, virtually as long as the three preceding funicular segments together ; sensilla sparse, in one row on each segment of the funicle. Thorax about 1:6 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar somewhat less wide than the meso- scutum, extremely short medially, from one sixteenth to one twelfth as long as the mesoscutum, but quite long at the sides, finely reticulate, its front edge with a trace of a fine margin in the middle. Mesoscutum 1-4 to 1-5 times as broad as long, moderately convex, finely reticulate, a little more coarsely posteriorly, and rather dull, with some small and shallow piliferous punc- tures which are not easily seen amongst the reticulation. Scutellum slightly longer than broad, rather weakly convex, but with its surface appearing distinctly curved in profile, very finely reticulate like the axillae. Dorsellum a convex transverse strip which is separated from the scutellum by a non-costate suture. Propodeum only about one third as long as the scutellum, medially produced only slightly beyond the bases of the hind coxae ; median area very finely reticulate, not distinctly defined laterally, the plicae being weak or obsolete in front, and sharp only posteriorly, with the basal foveae small and transversely oval, the posterior foveae, at sides of nucha, large and deep ; median carina weak or indistinct ; spiracles short-oval, sepa- tated by about half their length from the metanotum. Postspiracular sclerite fairly broad, mainly very finely, though quite strongly, reticulate. Mesepisternum and mesepimeron finely reticulate, the mesepisternum with a mainly smooth triangle below the base of the hind wing ; metapleuron more finely and weakly reticulate than the mesepimeron, especially dorsally. Fore wing with costal cell rather narrow, its upper surface bare or virtually so, its lower surface with a complete row of hairs and some additional hairs scattered over the distal third ; basal cell on upper surface of wing with its distal third to half pilose ; speculum open or partly open below, on upper surface of wing extending only to the base of the marginal vein ; surface beyond the speculum rather densely, and nearly uniformly, pilose ; marginal vein 1-75 to 1°85 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal as long as, or even a little longer than, the marginal. Gaster, including ovipositor sheaths, 1:25 to 1-4 times as long as head plus thorax, somewhat compressed and narrower than the thorax ; basal tergite occupying about one fifth of the total length, its hind margin entire ; last tergite 1-4 to 1-7 times as long as its basal breadth, its posterior portion, behind the pygostyles, sublinear and closely applied to the ovipositor sheaths, the latter very distinctly exserted, their projecting part nearly or about as long as the first segment of the hind tarsus ; hypopygium extending nearly half the distance from base of gaster to tips of ovipositor sheaths. g. Unknown. 680 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Bagley Wood, on foliage of Larix decidua Mill., 3.1x.1954 (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotypes, I 9, 4.vi.1954, I 9, 3.v1.1962 (Graham), in Graham collection. This very distinct species may be known from the other described species by the combination of the extensively pilose basal cell of the fore wing, short propodeum which has rather weak plicae, and lanceolate gaster having the ovipositor sheaths distinctly exserted. In the pilosity and venation of the fore wing it much resembles Anogmus strobilorum Thomson ; in the sculpture of the dorsum of the thorax, the shape of the thorax, and in the propodeum, it somewhat resembles Tvychnosoma punctipleura (Thomson). Biology. Unknown. Mesopolobus spermotrophus Hussey Amblymerus apicalis Hussey, 1955 : 147-150, g 2 [nec Thomson, 1878]. Mesopolobus sp., v. Rosen, 1960 : 40-41, ¢ 9. Mesopolobus spermotrophus Hussey, 1960 : 237, 5 Q. Type material. Holotype 9, and paratypes, J 9, Scotland : Ross-shire, Rose- haugh, i.1952, from seeds of Pseudotsuga douglasii Carriere infested with Megastigmus spermotrophus Wachtl, parasitizing the latter in BM(NH). SCOTLAND. Biology. A detailed account was given by Hussey (1955). Mesopolobus pinus Hussey Mesopolobus pinus Hussey, 1960 : 237-238, ¢ 9. Type material. Holotype 2 and paratypes, g 9, Scotland: Aberdeenshire, Blackhall, 1953, from seeds of Abies procera Rehd. infested with Megastigmus pinus Parfitt, stated to be in BM(NH), but I cannot locate them. I am not certain of the identity of this species, which appears to be a valid one. I have seen a 2 which fits the description and may be finus ; it is very like spermotrophus Hussey but has the gaster about as long as head plus thorax. SCOTLAND. Biology. See above. Mesopolobus maculipennis (Mercet) Eutelus (Amblymerus) maculipennis Mercet, 1923 :105,4g. Mercet, 1924 : 429-430, 9. Mesopolobus maculipennis (Mercet) v. Rosen, 1958 : 232, 6. Mesopolobus maculipennis (Mercet); v. Rosen, 19604 : 30-31, g 9. I have not seen the type-material of this species. Von Rosen (1960a) gave a redescription of both sexes from material (not the types) determined by Mercet PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 681 himself. The species is not included in my key and reference should be made to von Rosen’s papers for information. SPAIN. Biology. Unknown. Mercet (1924) took the male and female im copula, on Olea europea. MERAPORUS Walker Meraporus Walker, 1834 : 298. Type-species: M. gvaminicola Walker, by designation of Westwood, 1839 : 70. Pteromalus sgen. Meraporus ; Thomson, 1878 : 146, 150. Meraporus Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 319, 321. Meraporus Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 328, 330, 334-335. Mevaporus Walker ; Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 7, 13 [ex parte]. Mevaporus Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 226. Meraporus Walker ; Graham, 1957d : 217-218. Meraporus Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 30, 54. There has been some confusion in the literature regarding the identity of Meraporus. This arose partly because Curtis (1860 : pl. K, fig. 19) figured Mera- porus graminicola Walker, and at the same time stated (op. cit. : 322) that a parasite which he had obtained from a grain of Ancona wheat [probably as a parasite of some grain weevil] was the same as, or closely allied to, graminicola. In fact it cannot have been graminicola or even a Meraporus species at all, but was probably Lanophagus distinguendus (Forster), as Waterston (1921 : 11-12) suggested. The latter author discussed the question in detail and stated (ibid.: 11) “‘ So far as I know no parasite of grain pests is a true Meraporus’’. Unfortunately Kloet and Hincks (1945 : 293) misinterpreted Waterston’s account and wrongly cited Laniophagus as a synonym of Meraporus, as I have already pointed out (Graham, 1957d : 217). The North American species Meraporus requisitus Tucker is retained in Meraporus by Peck (1963 : 695) ; this species is a parasite of the Curculionid beetle Sitophilus oryza (L.) in rice, and seems unlikely to be a true Meraporus. The type-species of Meraporus, graminicola Walker, is not known to occur in stored products, but is very common amongst grasses and has been reared from the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say). The genus Parmicromelus Girault (Ig17c : 4) was synonymized with Meraporus Walker by Peck (2m Muesebeck ef al., 1951 : 556). This synonymy is almost certainly incorrect. The original description of the type-species of Parmicromelus, europaeus Girault (France, Lille) includes the statements that the male has the “abdomen orange between base and middle” and “one mandible 3-dentate ”’, both characters that disagree with those of the known European species of Meraporus. It seems likely that Parmicromelus comes somewhere near Am- sopteromalus. KrEy TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Median area of propodeum 2 to 2-5 times as broad as long, its panels reticulate or 682 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM obliquely strigose-reticulate ; plicae curved, not strongly raised, and sometimes weak. Pronotal collar anteriorly often with indications of a fine carina. Length rarely more than 2 mm. Wings fully developed or rudimentary. Widespread in Europe : graminicola Walker (p. 682) — Median area of fpropedenm are ay three fmes as bread as long, its panels irregularly sculptured and with some longitudinal carinulae ; plicae strongly raised and outwards-angulate in their middle. Pronotalcollarnot margined. Length2-4mm. Wings rudimentary in the single known female. Bulgaria rambouseki Boucek (p. 684) (MALES) Only that of gvaminicola Walker is known. It resembles the female in the characters of the propodeum, pronotum, and wings, but differs in having a striking pattern on the head formed by smooth sinuous lines (Text-fig. 325) ; this pattern is slightly variable, as shown by Delucchi (1962 : 124, figs. 13-18) but always maintains its essential character. The antennae and gaster also differ slightly from those of the female. Notes on the variation of the male are given in the text. Meraporus graminicola Walker (Text-fig. 325) Meraporus graminicola Walker, 1834 : 299, 3 8. Mevaporus alatus Walker, 1834 : 300, 3. Amblymerus modestus Walker, 1834 : 344, 2. Amblymerus hebes Walker, 1834 : 348, @. Amblymerus temperatus Walker, 1834 : 349, 2. Amblymerus inevs Walker, 1834 : 350, 9. Pteromalus tenuiscapus Forster, 1841 : 18, “‘3”’ [vecte 9}. Ptervomalus pulex Forster, 1861 : 36, 3. Pteromalus micropterus Forster, 1861 : 36, 9. Pteromalus Myle Walker, 1848 : 125, 198, ““2”’ [vecte 3], syn. n. Ptevomalus Allutius Walker, 1848 : 126, 207, 9. Ptevomalus Gigon Walker, 1848 : 126, 208, 9, syn. n. Pteromalus (Mervaporus) graminicola Walker ; Thomson, 1878 : 150-151, ¢ 9. ? Meraporus crassicornis Kurdjumov, 1914 : 4, g 9. Meraporus crassicornis Kurdjumov ; Gahan, 1933 : 70-71, 9. Meraporus gvaminicola Walker ; Graham, 1957d : 217-218. Mevaporus gvaminicola Walker ; Bouéek, 1961 : 90-92. Meraporus graminicola Walker ; Delucchi, 1962 : 124, figs. 13-18, dQ. Type material. For synonymy, and designation of lectotypes for most of the above Walker species, see Graham (1957d : 217-218). It should be noted that the reference to the original description of Amblymerus modestus Walker [cited above] was accidentally omitted from the synonymy given in that paper. Other species, not dealt with in the above paper, are the following : Pteromalus tenuiscapus Forster. The type (not seen) in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, is in reality a female in poor condition, according to Delucchi (1958a : 55). Pteromalus pulex Forster and P. micropterus Forster. Types in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen) ; according to Delucchi (1955a@ : 173-174) who saw the types, they are the same as graminicola Walker. PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 683 Pteromalus myle Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus gigon Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Meraporus crassicornis Kurdjumov. Types (not seen) ? in Zoological Museum, Leningrad. Boucéek (1961 : go) considers that crassicornis is very probably the same as graminicola ; I had also reached the same conclusion. Parmicromelus europaeus Girault, 1917, was synonymized with Meraporus graminicola Walker by Peck (im Muesebeck ef al., 1951 : 556) but as I have already noted above under my discussion of the genus, this cannot be correct. Gahan (1933) gave a good redescription of the female of graminicola (under the name crassicornmis Kurdjumoy). Micropterous and macropterous forms occur in both sexes of graminicola. In the British Isles, macropterous specimens appear to be rather less common than micropterous individuals, especially in the male sex. Some notes on the variation of graminicola may be useful (eurtienlealy that of the male, so as to facilitate recognition of the unknown male of vambousekt) : §. Length 0-8 to 1-8 mm. Wings either fully developed, or rudimentary ; in macropters hyaline or subhyaline. Head and thorax varying from green through bronze-green to bronze or coppery bronze ; antennae sometimes entirely testaceous, but more often having the scape, pedicellus, and base of the flagellum more or less infuscate, occasionally with the whole flagellum brown ; legs, not counting coxae and tips of tarsi, often wholly testaceous, sometimes with the femora infuscate, occasionally with the tibiae more or less so, in exceptionally dark forms the legs may be almost wholly fuscous. First funicular segment usually somewhat shorter than the second, occasionally hardly two thirds its length, usually transverse but occasionally quadrate; second segment quadrate or slightly transverse ; fifth distinctly transverse. Pronotal collar anteriorly with as a rule some indication of a fine transverse carina, at least in the middle. Median area of propodeum 1-5 to 2-1 times as broad as long. Gaster varying from circular to oval. The pattern (Text-fig. 325) formed by the smooth sinuous lines on the head is some- what variable ; Delucchi (1962, figs. 13-18) has illustrated some of the variations. The smooth lines in text-figs. 325-327 (fv, facial vittae ; tv, temporal vittae) are discussed fully in Graham (1957d : 218). 9. Length 1-5 to 2:1 mm. Wings either fully developed, or rudimentary ; in macropters the wings are hyaline or infumate. Head and thorax varying in colour much as in the male. Antennae fuscous to black with the scape usually more or less testaceous. Legs, not counting coxae and tips of tarsi, sometimes wholly testaceous, but usually with the femora infuscate, sometimes with the tibiae also more or less so ; in very dark specimens the legs are mainly fuscous. Details of propodeum and pronotal collar are given in my key to the species. EuROPE (widely distributed and one of the commonest species of Pteromalidae) ; IcELAND ; NortH Arrica. Delucchi (1962 : 124) said that it was cosmopolitan, but this is an overstatement because material from regions other than the above has not been critically examined. Biology. Reared in U.S.S.R. from puparia of the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say) according to Gahan (1933: 70-71, as Meraporus crassicornis Kurdj.) ; Delucchi (1962) recorded it from the same host, and from Mayetiola avenae Marchal, in North Africa. It may well prove to have other hosts. In Britain imagines occur in the field from June until October ; in North Africa it appears earlier (Feb.—April according to Delucchi, 1962). 684 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Meraporus rambouseki Boucek Meraporus vambousekt Boucek, 1961 : 92-93, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Bulgaria, Midzor, Stara Planina-mountains, 1.ix.1923 (F. Rambousek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 2974). BULGARIA. Biology. Unknown. PEGOPUS Forster Prosopon Walker, 1837 : 356. Type-species : P. montanum Walker, by monotypy [pre-occupied by Prosopon Meyer, 1835]. Pyosopon Walker ; Forster, 1856 : 47, 51. Pegopus Forster, 1856 : 145 [n. n. for Prosopon Walker nec Meyer]. Arthrolytus sect. C ; Thomson, 1878 : 160. Pegopus Forster ; Ashmead, 1904 : 285 [¢ only]. Pegopus Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 157, 168 [¢ only]. Meraporus Walker ; Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 7, 13 [ex parte]. Pegopus Forster ; Graham, 1956) : 252-254. Pegopus Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 48, 56. Prosopon was described originally in the neighbourhood of some genera of Cleonymidae and Eupelmidae, being no doubt placed there because of the expanded mid tibiae and tarsi of the male. Forster (1856) and Ashmead (1904) included it in Cleonymidae. Thomson (1878) correctly placed the type-species in Pteromalinae, although he did not recognize the generic name. Ashmead (1904) and Schmiedeknecht (1909) continued to place Pegopus (=Prosopon) in Cleonymidae, and incorrectly attributed the characters of the modified mid legs to the female as well as the male. Graham (1956) : 254) pointed out that Pegopus was very close to Meraporus. These two genera are in fact so close that they might eventually be united. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Fore wing with marginal vein 1:65 to 1-9 times as long as the stigmal vein ; distal third to half of basal cell pilose. Antennae with scape distinctly shorter than an eye ; flagellum stout ; first funicular segment as stout as or slightly stouter than the pedicellus in dorsal view, second segment slightly transverse, sixth quite strongly so. Eyes separated by about 1-2 times their own length. Mid tibia slightly expanded, about 6-5 times as long as broad . inornatus (Walker) (p. 685) — Fore wing with marginal vein 1-35 to 1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein ; basal cell rather less pilose distally. Antennae with scape fully as long as an eye ; flagellum rather slender proximally, first funicular segment barely as stout as the pedicellus in dorsal view, segments one to four quadrate or hardly transverse, sixth only slightly transverse. Eyes separated by about 1:5 times their own length. Mid tibia not expanded, about 8-5 times as long as broad leptomerus sp. n. (p. 685) (MALEs) 1 Mid tibia strongly expanded and flattened in its distal half, only about 4:5 times as PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 685 long as its maximum breadth ; first segment of mid tarsus expanded and flattened, only about 2-5 times as long as broad, second segment slightly expanded. Mar- ginal vein of fore wing 1-5 to 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein inornatus (Walker) (p. 685) — Mid tibia neither expanded nor flattened, 8 to 8-5 times as long as its maximum breadth ; mid tarsus neither expanded nor flattened. Marginal vein of fore wing 1-25 to 1-3 times as long as the stigmal vein. ; . leptomerus sp. n. (p. 685) Pegopus inornatus (Walker) Eutelus inornatus Walker, 1834 : 363, 9. Pieromalus sobrius Walker, 1836 : 484, 9. Prosopon montanum Walker, 1837 : 356, d. Prosopon montanum (Walker) Haliday, 1841-1842 : pl. D., fig. 4, g. Pteromalus Pyttalus Walker, 1844a : 340, 9. Pteromalus Aollius Walker, 1845 : 262, g, syn. n. Prosopon montanum Walker, 1850 : 132-133, 9. Arthrolytus rugifrons Thomson, 1878 : 160, 9. Pegopus inornatus (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 254. For most of the above synonymy, and designation of lectotypes for all the above species except the two mentioned below, see Graham (1956b : 254). Pteromalus aollius Walker. Syntypes, 2 g ; LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Arthrolytus rugifrons Thomson. Syntypes, 8 9; LECTOTYPE, one labelled “Dic” [Dalecarlia] and “‘ Bhn”’ [Boheman]}. The species was synonymized with tnornatus by Graham (1956b : 254). BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. In Britain it occurs only on moorland, often at relatively high altitudes. I have taken it up to 2,500 feet. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July-September. Pegopus leptomerus sp. n. (Text-figs. 556-558) 9. Body bronze-black. Mandibles reddish, darker at the base. Antennae black ; scape and pedicellus with a weak bronze tinge. Coxae concolorous with the body ; legs otherwise blackish with the knees reddish. Wings subhyaline ; venation brown, parastigma and stigma darker. Length 1-7 to 1-8 mm. Head in front view (Text-fig. 556) about 1:35 times as broad as high. Eyes 1-25 to 1-3 times as long as broad, separated by virtually 1-5 times their own length. Malar space slightly more than half the length of an eye. Head somewhat shiny, its reticulate sculpture rather less strong than that of inovnatus (Walker). Antennae inserted relatively low, the lower edge of their toruli being about level with the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape equal in length to an eye, reaching distinctly above the level of the vertex ; flagellum more slender proximally than in inornatus, the first funicular segment barely as stout as the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view ; distal segments of funicle less transverse than in znornatus, funicular segments one to three or one to four are quadrate or hardly transverse, five and six are slightly transverse. Pronotal collar sharply margined. Mesoscutum, axillae, and scutellum rather more shiny than 686 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM in inornatus, their reticulation a little less strong ; mesoscutum without piliferous punctures, its hairs arising from minute tubercles; the mesoscutum of znornatus has some shallow piliferous punctures. Fore wing with veins relatively thin ; marginal vein shorter than in inornatus, 1-35 to 1-4 times, instead of 1-65 to 1-9 times, as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein at most slightly longer than the marginal vein, 1-2 to 1-3 times as long in inornatus ; upper surface of costal cell with a row of four to six hairs at its apex ; basal vein pilose, basal cell with a few (up to nine) scattered hairs in its distal quarter ; disc of wing, beyond the speculum, thickly haired. Mid tibia not expanded, about 8-5 times as long as broad ; its apical spur distinctly longer than the maximum breadth of the tibia, hardly longer in inornatus. Gaster oval, somewhat longer than the thorax but hardly as long as head plus thorax, as broad as the latter, 1-4 to 1-6 times as long as broad, pointed apically but not acute, its sides converging at about a right angle ; last tergite short, hardly as long as the preceding one, somewhat shorter than its basal breadth. 6. Differs from the female as follows :- Malar space slightly less than half the length of aneye. Eyes separated by 1-4 to 1-45 times their own length. Antenna (Text-fig. 557) with scape somewhat shorter than an eye, though reaching to the level of the vertex, or even slightly above it, its outer aspect not entirely reticu- late but having a narrow shiny boss extending over about the distal third ; pedicellus shorter ; flagellum filiform or virtually so ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head ; first funicular segment nearly or quite as long as the pedicellus and 1-3 to 1:6 times as long as broad, following segments decreasing in length, the sixth about quadrate ; clava not broader than the funicle, tapering ; flagellum with long outstanding hairs. Fore wing with marginal vein only 1-2 to 1-3 times as long as the stigmal vein. Legs with mid tibia neither expanded nor flattened, 8 to 8-5 times as long as its maximum breadth ; length of mid tibial spur fully as great as, or slightly greater than, the breadth of the tibia ; mid tarsi neither expanded not flattened. Gaster oblong, nearly as long as but somewhat narrower than the thorax, with a ventral plica. The male differs from that of :mornatus (Walker) most obviously in the characters of the mid legs and fore wing (see key). It also differs from it in having the head rather more transverse, 2°15-2-2 times as broad as long in dorsal view ; about twice as broad as long in inornatus ; eyes more widely separated, in inornatus separated by only about 1-2 times their own length ; antennal scape with a shorter shiny boss, extending hardly more than one third down the scape, as against half way down in inornatus ; flagellum filiform or nearly so, blackish, in inornatus slightly clavate, brown or testaceous. The spur of the mid tibia in inornatus is distinctly shorter than the maximum breadth of the tibia, but in /eptomerus sp. n. it is relatively longer. Holotype 9. ScoTLanD : Inverness-shire, Isle of Rhum, 31.vili.1961, beaten from foliage of birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype, I 9, 29.vili.1g61, in Graham collection. IRELAND : Co. Wicklow, Glending, 2 g, I9.vili.1954, swept from herbage in a deciduous wood (Graham), in Graham collection. SwEDEN : Narke, Orebro district, 1 2, 25.vii.1953 (A. Jansson), in collection of the late Dr. A. Jansson. CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Bohemia, Brehyné near Doksy, I9 9, 3 3, 8.x.1957 (Boucek), in Bouéek collection. Biology. Unknown. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 687 LEPTOMERAPORUS Graham Meraporus sgen. Leptomeraporus Graham, 1957d : 218. Type-species: M. (L.) tenuicornis Graham, by monotypy. Leptomeraporus Graham ; Bouéek, 1961 : 88. Leptomeraporus nicaee (Walker) comb. n. (Text-figs. 326-320) Miscogastey Nicaee Walker, 1839 : 197, 6. Megorismus Aon Walker, 1848 : 109 [n. nud.]. Pteromalus Zagreus Walker, 1848 : 124, 183, 9, Syn. n. Meraporus (Leptomeraporus) tenuicornis Graham, 1957d : 218, 3, syn. n. Meraporus tenuicornis Graham ; Bailey, 1960 : 40-43, 9. Leptomeraporus tenuicornis (Graham) ; Bouéek, 1961 : 88-89, 3 9. Meraporus tenuicornis Graham ; Erdés, 1961 : 203-204, figs. 5, 6, d 9. Type material. Muscogaster nicaee. None found. The description answers so well to the present species (especially the statements that the head is much broader than the thorax, antennae clavate and very slender, wings narrow and short) that I am sure it is interpreted correctly. Pteromalus zagreus Walker. Syntypes, 29. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen (lacking gaster), bearing a Waterhouse label. Meraporus (Leptomeraporus) tenuicornis Graham. Holotype ¢, Ireland, Co. Dublin, North Bull, 11.v.1949 (Stelfox), in coll. Graham. Megorismus aon Walker is represented in his collection by a male specimen, but it was never described. BRITAIN, IRELAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY. Biology. Bailey (1960 : 40) recorded micaee [under the name of tenuicornis Graham] as a parasite of Tetyamesa linearis (Walker) and Eurytoma flavimana Boh. in the galls produced by the former on stems of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. ; he also (ibid., fig. 1) figured the larva of Leptomeraporus tenuicornis Graham (=ntcaee Walker). Erdoés (1961) figured both sexes of tenwicornis and stated that he had reared it from galls of Tetyamesa horde: (Harr.) on Agropyron repens L. Imagines appear in May—July and September. LAMPOTERMA Graham Metastenus Thomson, 1876a : 205 [nec Walker, 1834]. Lampoterma Graham, 1956b : 256. Type-species : Metastenus viridis Thomson, 1876a, by ori- ginal designation. This genus is not very distinct from St:noplus Thomson, of which it may eventually be regarded as a subgenus. 688 M. W. R. vE V. GRAHAM KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Antenna with three anelli and five funicular segments ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum less than breadth of head ; flagellum strongly clavate, all the funicular segments strongly transverse ; clava slightly longer than the three pre- ceding funicular segments together ; both mandibles with three teeth viride (Thomson) (p. 690) — Antenna (Text-fig. 558) with two anelli and six funicular segments ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum fully equal to, or slightly greater than, the breadth of the head ; flagellum slightly clavate, the funicular segments only slightly trans- verse ; Clava slightly shorter than the three preceding funicular segments together ; left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. Fore wing venation, Text-fig. 560 ‘ 3 : . bianellatum sp. n. (p. 688) (MALEs) 1 Antenna with three anelli and five funicular segments ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum barely equal to the breadth of the head ; all the funicular segments slightly transverse ; clava about as long as the three preceding funicular segments together ; both mandibles with three teeth . : : viride (Thomson) (p. 690) — Antenna (Text-fig. 559) with two anelli and six funicular segments ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than the breadth of the head ; funicular segments subquadrate ; clava slightly shorter than the three preceding funicular segments together ; left mandible with three teeth, right mandible with four. : é : : : : 2 : bianellatum sp. n. (p. 688) Lampoterma bianellatum sp. n. 9. Head, thorax and gaster green to bluish green, some parts occasionally tending towards brassy. Antennal scape and pedicellus black, the former distinctly, the latter faintly, metallic- tinged ; flagellum fuscous to black. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; trochanters partly testaceous ; femora blackish with a metallic gloss, their tips testaceous; tibiae testaceous at base and apex, otherwise brownish, or mid and hind tibiae blackish with a metallic gloss ; tarsi testaceous with their fifth segment brown. Tegulae brown, or testaceous basally. Wings subhyaline ; venation greyish testaceous. Length 1-75 to 2 mm. Head (dorsal view) about 1:25 times as broad as the mesoscutum, 2:1 to 2:15 times as broad as long ; temples rather strongly convergent, their outline curved, about one quarter as long as an eye; ocelli in a triangle of about 120°, POL nearly twice OOL. Head (front view) subtrapeziform, about 1-25 times as broad as high ; eyes separated by about 1-25 times their own length, inner orbits almost parallel, hardly diverging ventrad ; malar space about 0-4 length of eye, genae converging moderately strongly towards the mouth, their outline only slightly curved ; breadth of mouth-opening about 2-5 times the malar space. Mandibles small, the left one with three, the right with four, teeth. Head somewhat glittering, the reticulation relatively fine, especially on the face, and not strongly raised ; the areoles composing it tend to be somewhat elongated transversely on the vertex, longitudinally on the frons and temples. Clypeus reticulate with only a slight tendency towards strigosity, its anterior margin more or less broadly smooth and polished. Antennae (Text-fig. 558) inserted distinctly above the ventral edge of the eyes, but a little nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus ; scape hardly three quarters the length of an eye ; pedicellus about 1-7 times as long as broad ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to, or slightly greater than, the breadth of the head ; funicle proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus, becoming very slightly thicker distad, its segments slightly to distinctly transverse ; clava hardly more than twice as long as broad, slightly shorter than the three preceding funicular segments to- gether. Flagellum with subdecumbent hairs. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 689 Pronotum, viewed dorsally, very short and strongly transverse, wholly reticulate, with a transverse row of bristles close to its hind margin. Mesoscutum hardly 1-5 times as broad as long, moderately shiny, its reticulation rather fine, though tending to be wider-meshed on the disc, and only slightly raised above the general surface ; some scattered small punctures are visible amongst the reticulation ; notauli traceable about half way across the mesoscutum ; hind margin of the latter moderately strongly produced backwards in the middle, sinuate on either side of this. Scutellum hardly longer than broad, the breadth of its base about one- quarter the breadth of the mesoscutum ; moderately convex, sculptured like the mesoscutum but more finely. Axillae sculptured like the scutellum. Dorsellum not ridge-like, but forming a transverse convex band which is about four times as broad as long, weakly alutaceous and shiny, not narrowed laterally. Propodeum short, medially one quarter to about one third as long as the scutellum and nearly twice as long as the dorsellum, weakly reticulate and shiny ; raised in a roof-like manner in the middle ; the median part is hardly produced behind the level of the supracoxal flanges, which are extremely narrow ; median carina fairly distinct, plicae indicated at hind margin only ; nucha represented by a narrow transverse strip which is weakly reticulate ; spiracular sulci broad but very shallow, nearly smooth ; callus sparsely pilose. Postspiracular sclerite not very broad, irregularly reticulate. Reticulation of meta- pleuron very fine, that of the mesepimeron and mesepisternum coarser ; mesepisternum with a large subtriangular, almost smooth area below the base of the hind wing. Fore wing with costal cell bare on its upper surface except for a short row of hairs at its apex, its lower surface with one complete row of hairs and two other partial rows in its distal third ; basal vein pilose, basal cell (upper surface) with several hairs in the distal third, but open below ; speculum more or less open below. Gaster lanceolate, acuminate, 1-25 to 1°45 times as long as head plus thorax, compressed and narrower than the thorax, 2:7 to 4 times as long as broad ; last tergite 1-2 to 1-5 times as long as its basal breadth ; tips of ovipositor sheaths just visible in dorsal view ; tip of hypopy- gium situated at two fifths the length of the gaster or slightly more. 6. Differs from the female as follows: Length 1:6 mm. Eyes separated by about 1-15 times their own length. Antennal scape (Text-fig. 559) only about two thirds as long as an eye, more expanded, hardly four times as long as broad, slightly broader in its upper part than at the base ; pedicellus about 1-6 times as long as broad ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head ; flagellum nearly filiform, its segments subquadrate ; clava about 2:5 times as long as broad, more pointed than in the female ; flagellum clothed with short hairs which stand out at an angle of 30° to 45°. Scutellum somewhat longer than broad. Propodeum, medially, rather more than one third the length of the scutellum. Fore wing with marginal vein about 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster oblong, about as long as but narrower than the thorax, depressed dorsally, with a strong median plica ventrally. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Oxfordshire, Otmoor, 21.viil.1955, on flowers of Angelica sylvestris L. (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype, I 9, 21.vili.1955, I 9, 8.1x.1956 ; Berkshire, Wytham, I 4, I9.vii.1953, on flowers of Angelica sylvestris L. (Graham), in Graham collection. All taken in marshy places. IRELAND : Antrim, Selshan, I 9, 26.vi.1957, taken in marshy ground by the shore of Lough Neagh (Graham), in Graham collection. The distinctions between this species and wivide (Thomson) are summarized in the accompanying key. Biology. Unknown. 690 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Lampoterma viride (Thomson) Metastenus viridis Thomson, 1875 (1876a) : 206, 9. Lampoterma viride (Thomson) Graham, 1956b : 256. Type material. Syntypes, 69. LECTOTYPE labelled “ Scor ”’ [Scanér]. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, MotpaviaNn SSR ; local, in marshy places. Biology. Unknown. Imagines chiefly May-June (one record for August). STINOPLUS Thomson Etroxys sgen. Stinoplus Thomson, 1878 : 88, 107. Type-species: S. militayvis Thomson, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 314. Stinoplus Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 314, 315. Stinoplus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 309, 310, 313. Stinoplus Thomson ; Kurdjumoy, 1913 : 8. Stinoplus Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 230. Stinoplus Thomson ; Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 58. KrEy TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Head and thorax bright green to blue, or even violet-tinged in places ; all coxae, and gaster, entirely black with a metallic tint ; dorsellum distinctly reticulate ; malar space half the length of an eye ; antennal scape reaching only level with the lower edge of the median ocellus, its length slightly less than the transverse diameter of an eye ; large species (up to 3-75 mm.). Fore wing, Text-fig. 564 . : . militaris Thomson (p. 692) - Head and thorax green varied with bronze and golden, the sides of the thorax at least partly purplish or coppery ; dorsellum smooth or virtually so ; malar space usually distinctly less than half the length of an eye, if nearly half then the antennal scape reaches level with the vertex; fore coxae usually more or less fulvous ; gaster usually more or less reddish at base, at least ventrally ; length at most 2-6 mm. : 2 2 (1) Propodeum (Text-fig. 562) strongly transverse, short, medially one fifth to barely one quarter the length of the scutellum, and only about 1-5 times as long as the dorsellum ; marginal vein of fore wing 1°85 to 1-95 times as long as the stigmal vein, postmarginal vein slightly shorter than the marginal. Length of scape slightly less than the transverse diameter of an eye ; gaster lanceolate, 1-35 to 1:6 times as long as head plus thorax lapsanae sp. n. (p. 692) ~ Propodeum less transverse, longer, medially nearly or quite one third the length of the scutellum, and about twice the length of the dorsellum ; mar- ginal vein of fore wing 1-65 to 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein ; post- marginal vein at most very slightly shorter than, sometimes as long as, the marginal. Length of scape equal to or greater than the transverse diameter of an eye ; gaster sometimes relatively shorter . 3 3 (2) Length of antennal scape obviously greater than the franeyerse Giameter of an eye ; malar space nearly half the length of an eye. Gaster distinctly longer than head plus thorax, red at base . . sp. indet. - Length of antennal scape approximately equal to the transverse diameter of an eye ; malar space about two fifths length of eye or slightly more . : 4 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 691 4 (3) Gaster distinctly longer than head plus thorax, 2-7 to 3-4 times as long as broad : ‘ ; ; : : : etearchus (Walker) (p. 693) | | inl | \ A ee \\ yy} Fics. 556-564. 556, Pegopus leptomerus sp. n., 9, head ; 557, same, g, antenna; 558, Lampoterma bianellatum sp.n., 2, antenna; 559, same, g, antenna; 560, same, 9, fore wing venation ; 561, Stinoplus lapsanae sp. n., 9, gaster ; 562, same, metanotum and propodeum ; 563, Stinoplus pervasus (Walker), 9, forewing venation ; 564, Stinoplus militavris Thomson, 2, fore wing venation. 692 M. W. R. vpE V. GRAHAM — Gaster at most as long as head plus thorax, 2 to 2-5 times as long as broad. Fore wing, part, Text-fig. 563 . : : . pervasus (Walker) (p. 693) The males of Stinoplus are unknown to me. Stinoplus militaris Thomson (Text-fig. 564) Stinoplus militaris (Dalman MS.) Thomson, 1878 : 107, ¢ 9. Stinoplus militaris Thomson ; Boucek, 1965¢ : 8. Type material. Syntypes, 3 9, 1 g. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Gl” [Gottland] and “ militaris Dalm.”’. SWEDEN, MoLpaviaNn SSR. Biology. Unknown. Gyorfi (1941 : 88) recorded this species from Finland as a parasite of Phthoro- phloeus spinulosus Rey on spruce. Nuorteva (1957 : 69) suggested that the parasite had been wrongly identified, and this seems very probable. Stinoplus lapsanae sp. n. (Text-figs. 561, 562) Pteromalus lapsanae Giraud MS. 9. Head bronze ; thorax dorsally greenish, in some specimens varied with bronze or coppery bronze, more especially on the scutellum and axillae ; sides of thorax, especially the meso- and metapleuron, coppery to purplish coppery ; gaster tinged with bronze and purplish, its basal tergite more or less green ; ventrally the gaster is reddish at the base, sometimes the basal tergite is also slightly reddish basally. Antennal scape testaceous, more or less infuscate dorsally ; pedicellus, except sometimes beneath, and the flagellum, fuscous. Coxae fuscous, the fore coxae sometimes testaceous distally, with a purplish tinge especially on the hind coxae ; hind femora mainly fuscous, the fore and mid femora often more or less so proximally ; legs otherwise yellowish testaceous with the tips of the tarsi brown. Tegulae partly testaceous. Wings slightly yellowish-tinged ; veins bright testaceous. Length 2-3 to 2-5 mm. Malar space about two fifths the length of an eye. Antennal scape reaching about level with the middle of the median ocellus, its length about equal to the transverse diameter of an eye ; pedicellus slightly longer than the first funicular segment ; funicle nearly filiform, thick- ening only very slightly distad, proximally a little stouter than the pedicellus ; funicular seg- ments one to five usually slightly longer than broad, sometimes the fifth quadrate, six quadrate ; clava slightly broader than the funicle, about twice as long as broad, about as long as two and a half of the preceding funicular segments together ; sensilla of flagellum rather numerous ; some of the hairs of the flagellum standing out at an angle of about 45°. Thorax barely 1-5 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum about 1-6 times as broad as long. Dorsellum convex, shiny, smooth or virtually so. Propodeum (Text-fig. 562) strongly trans- verse, Short, medial length one fifth to barely one quarter that of the scutellum, and only about 1-5 times that of the dorsellum, its median carina usually indicated. Fore wing with marginal vein slightly thickened, 9 to 12 times as long as its breadth in the middle, 1-85 to 1-95 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein distinctly shorter than the marginal vein ; stigmal vein nearly straight with a small, suboval stigma. Gaster (Text-fig. 561) lanceolate, 1-35 to 1-6 times as long as head plus thorax, 3-1 to 4 times as long as broad ; hind margin of basal tergite weakly excised medially ; last tergite somewhat PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 693 (up to 1°5 times) longer than its basal breadth ; hairs of dorsal surface numerous, especially on the last three tergites ; tip of hypopygium situated at about one third the length of the gaster, or slightly more. 6 Unknown. FRANCE : unlocalized, 10 99, the first two labelled “‘ Pteromalus lapsanae m.”’ in Giraud’s handwriting ; one of the remaining females is the holotype and bears my determination label. Holotype female and paratypes in Muséum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (Giraud coll.). The main distinctions between Japsanae and the other described species are summarized in the accompanying key. Biology. eared from “ Aulax lapsanae, sur Lapsana communis” (Giraud & Laboulbéne, 1877 : 429). Stinoplus etearchus (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus Etearchus Walker, 1848 : 126, 205, 9. Stinoplus aureolus Thomson, 1878 : 109, 2, syn. n. Type material. Pteromalus etearchus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Stinoplus aureolus Thomson. Syntypes on g pins. The third pin bears 3 9 and a pale green label “Hg” [Halsingborg] ; the third specimen from the top is designated LECTOTYPE, and I have marked its card-point with a red line. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN. Biology. Females were reared I.vii.1923, Ireland, Co. Dublin, Rush (A. W. Stelfox) from Hypochoeris radicata L. together with several Phanacis hypochoeridts (Kieffer) which may have been their host. Stinoplus pervasus (Walker) comb. n. (Text-fig. 563) Ptevomalus pervasus Walker, 1836 : 489, 9. Pteromalus Tedanius Walker, 1845 : 262, 2, Syn. n. Ptevomalus Tedanius Walker, 18466 : 271, 9. Ptervomalus Tedanius Walker, 1846c : 158-159, 9. Type material. Pteromalus pervasus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE (but possibly holotype) ; a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus tedanius Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE ; Waterhouse label. BRITAIN. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June-July. 694 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM PSEUDOCATOLACCUS Masi Pseudocatolaccus Masi, 1908a : 138-142. Type-species : P. asphondyliae Masi, by monotypy. Pseudocatolaccus Masi ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 328, 330, 355. Pseudocatolaccus Masi ; Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 7. Pseudocatolaccus Masi ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 226. Pseudocatolaccus Masi ; Peck, 1963 : 708. Pseudocatolaccus Masi ; Peck et al., 1964 : 53. There is apparently only one (rather variable) species in Europe ; another is known in North America. Pseudocatolaccus nitescens (Walker) Amblymerus mitescens Walker, 1834 : 347, 2. Pteromalus thovacicus Walker, 1835a : 200, 9, syn. n. Pteromalus Elymus Walker, 1839: 212, g, syn. n. Pteyvomalus Bebryce Walker, 1839 : 273, ““2”’ [vecte $], syn. n. Pteromalus euryops Forster, 1841 : 12, d. Ptevomalus polyphagus Forster, 1841 : 12, 9, syn. n. Ptevomalus validus Forster, 1841 : 12, 9, syn. n. Pseudocatolaccus asphondyliae Masi, 1908a : 139-142, d 2 Syn. n. Pseudocatolaccus polyphagus (Férster) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 7. Pseudocatalaccus [sic] asphondyliae Masi ; Parker, 1924 : 267, 291, 309. Pseudocatalaccus [sic] asphondyliae Masi ; Parker & Thompson, 1928 : 430-431. Pseudocatolaccus polyphagus (Forster) ; Delucchi, 1955a@ : 171-172. Pseudocatolaccus thovacicus (Walker) Parnell, 1964 : 263-265. Pseudocaiolaccus thovacicus (Walker) ; Boucek, 1965e : 8. Type material. Amblymerus mitescens Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE bearing a Waterhouse label. It has the median carina of the propodeum forked, represented by two straight carinae which diverge from the base of the propodeum and extend to the nucha ; the stigma of the fore wing is a little smaller than in the type of thoracicus. On account of these features I thought at first that the two might represent distinct species (see discussion of variation below). Pteromalus thoracicus Walker. Syntypes,29. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus elymus Walker. Syntypes, 4g. LECTOTYPE, the second. Pteromalus bebryce Walker. Syntypes, 2g. LECTOTYPE, a specimen labelled “38. 8. 13. 68’, “ South of France’, and bearing also a Waterhouse label. The lectotype has the genitalia slightly projecting so that the tip of the gaster appears pointed, whilst the ventral plica is very sharp ; these features cause the gaster to appear rather like that of a female, hence Walker’s error regarding the sex. Pteromalus euryops Forster. According to Delucchi (19554: 172) two males stand under this name in Forster’s collection (Vienna) ; the specimen which he considered to be the type has a forked median carina on the propodeum [similar to that of the type female of nitescens Walker]. The species was synonymized with thoracicus (Walker) by Boucek (1965¢ : 8). Pteromalus polyphagus Forster. Syntypes, 7 2 in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (Delucchi, 19554 : 171) ; no lectotype has so far been validated. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 695 Pteromalus validus Forster. One damaged female in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; regarded as the type by Delucchi (1955a : 172), who synonymized validus with ewryops. Pseudocatolaccus asphonydyliae Masi. Syntypes, Italy, Nola, from galls of Asphondylia sp. on lupin, presumably in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa, or in Laboratorio Naturale, Genoa, or in Laboratorio di Entomologia agraria, Portici. The species was synonymized with polyphagus (Forster) by Kurdjumov (1913 : 7). I am able to recognize with certainty only one European species, nitescens (Walker), although there is considerable variation in the antennae, propodeum and wings of the specimens which I refer to it. At one time I thought that more than one species might be involved, but the variation does not appear to be discontinuous, whilst the characters occur in different combinations. In the material now referred to nitescens, the following variation occurs: 9. Length 2to4mm. Colour of head and thorax varying from olive-green through bronze- green to bronze or even coppery bronze. Sculpture of propodeum variable : median carina usually absent or represented only at the front of the propodeum, behind this effaced or resolved into oblique carinulae, occasionally replaced by two carinae which diverge from the base of the propodeum, these carinae may be unequally developed ; panels of median area obliquely stri- gose, reticulate, or nearly smooth. The median length of the propodeum varies from slightly less than two fifths, to slightly more than two fifths, that of the scutellum. Pilosity of fore wing, beyond the speculum, usually rather dense, but sometimes relatively sparse ; stigma usually subcircular and large, separated by at least slightly less than twice its height from the costal edge of the wing, but sometimes rather smaller and suboval. As a rule the segments of the funicle are at least slightly longer than broad, the fifth is usually subquadrate, but in a few specimens the proximal segments are hardly longer than broad, whilst the fourth may be quad- rate and the fifth slightly transverse. 6. In very small males the first funicular segment may be slightly shorter than the second, though not anelliform ; but usually it is as long as the second, or even slightly longer than the second in large specimens. Pseudocatolaccus americanus Gahan (1919 : 164-165, 3, 2) was said to differ from asphondyliae Masi in its smaller size (2:5 mm.), shorter malar space, shorter than height of eye, and slightly shorter funicular segments, the first about 1-5 times as long as broad, the fifth subquadrate or very slightly transverse. The malar space in mitescens is always distinctly shorter than the height of an eye, whilst the other characters mentioned for americanus occur also in some specimens of nitescens. It seems possible that the two species may be identical, but their respective types will have to be compared before this can be decided. BRITAIN, IRELAND, FRANCE, ITALY, GREECE, SWEDEN, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. The species has been recorded as a parasite of Asphondylia spp. (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae). Parker and Thompson (1928) reared it in the region of Hyéres (Var), France, from A. savothamnt H. Loew and A. calycotomae Kieff. on Calycotome spinosa Link (Papilionaceae) ; they found it to be bi- or trivoltine, the first generation occurring in galls of A. savothamm towards the end of February, 696 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM the second in galls of A. calycotomae in May, and a third in galls of A. sarothamni in September and October. They thought that adults of the parasite might pass the winter in sheltered situations, since they appeared as early as February. The immature stages were described (under the name asphondyliae Masi) by Parker (1924). Parnell (1964) described and figured the egg, first instar and mature larvae, and the pupa (as thoracicus). He found it to be an infrequent parasite of A. sarothamni on broom (Sarothamnus scoparius (L.) Wimmer) in southern England ; he suggested that it may be polyphagous and that the Asphondylia is not its chief host. According to Parnell the parasite larvae feed ectoparasitically on the pre- pupae or pupae of the host. Parker and Thompson, however, stated that the parasite larvae live in the body of the host. No doubt the species has other hosts ; Kurdjumov (1913 : 7) stated that it [as polyphagus Forster] had been reared from “ Aspbhondilia verbasci, ononidis, Cecidomyia ulicis and others’’, according to material in Vienna. APSILOCERA Bouéek Apsilocera Bouéek, 1955 : 319-321. Type-species: A. verticillata Boucéek, by original desig- nation. Apsiloceva Bouéek; Graham, 1966c : 301-304. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (MALEs) i Anterior margin of clypeus produced, with a median tooth or tubercle. Malar space only half the length of aneye. Fore wing with marginal vein 2.3—2.7 times as long as the stigmal vein; postmarginal vein slightly shorter than, or at most as long as the marginal vein : : verticillata Bouéek (p. 696) — Anterior margin of clypeus (cf. Text- Be, 566) tens its produced part emarginate medially, but without a tooth. Malar space slightly more than half the length of aneye. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-7-2 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein slightly longer than the marginal vein . bramleyi Graham (p. 697) The female of bvamleyi only is known. That of verticillata may be expected to differ from it chiefly in the form of the clypeus, as does its male. Antenna and clypeus of 2 bramleyi, Text-figs. 565, 566. Apsilocera verticillata Bouéek A psilocera verticillata Bouéek, 1955 : 321-322, 3. Apsilocera verticillata Bouéek, 1965e : 8 Apsilocera verticillata Bouéek ; Graham, 1966c : 301, 304, 3. Type material. Holotype g, Southern Slovakia, Gbelce (formerly K6bolkut), 29.Vili.1955 (Boucek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. n. 3086). CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 697 Apsilocera bramleyi Graham (Text-figs. 565, 566) A bpsilocera bramleyi Graham, 1966c : 301-304, 4, 9. Type material. Holotype 9 in Hope Dept., University Museum, Oxford ; paratypes in the Manchester Museum and in my own collection. Described from 2 9 and 6 9 reared in England, Yorkshire, Thornton-le-Dale, 5.v.1959 and 7.v.1959 (W. G. Bramley). BRITAIN. Biology. eared from galls of Mycocecis ovalis Edw. (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) ; see Graham (1966c). HETEROPRYMNA Graham Heteroprymna Graham, 1956b : 259. Type-species : Pteromalus longicornis Walker, 1835, by monotypy and original designation. Heteroprymna Graham ; Peck et al., 1964 : 56. Only the type-species so far known. Heteroprymna longicornis (Walker) (Text-figs. 303, 567-569) Pteromalus longicornis Walker, 1835a : 94, 9. Pteromalus Camma Walker, 1848 : 123, 175, 2, Syn. n. Heteroprymna longicornis (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 259-260, 9. Heteroprymna longicornis (Walker) ; Bouéek, 1965e : 8. Type material. Pteromalus longicornis Walker. Lectotype female designated by Graham (1956) : 260) ; in this paper (ibid. : 259) the date of publication and page-reference to Jongicornis were misquoted. Pteromalus camma Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. The female of longicornis was redescribed by Graham (1956) : 259-260) ; the male is still unknown. BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. ; rather rare. Biology. Unknown. In southern England I have swept the species on two different occasions from the foliage of lime trees (Tilia sp.) but it may not really have any closer association with these plants. Imagines July-August. NEPHELOMALUS Graham Nephelomalus Graham, 1956b : 251. Type-species : Pteromalus conspersus Walker, 1835, by original designation. 698 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Figs. 565-571. 565, Apsilocera bramleyi Graham, 9, antenna ; 566, same, lower part of head ; 567, Heteroprymna longicornis (Walker), 2, body ; 568, same, 9, head ; 569, same, 9, antenna excluding scape ; 570, Nephelomalus conspersus (Walker), 2, body ; 571, same, 9, fore wing, part. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 699 Nephelomalus conspersus (Walker) (Text-figs. 570, 571) Pteromalus conspersus Walker, 1835 : 486, 9. Nephelomalus conspersus (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 252, 9. Type material. Lectotype 2 designated by Graham (1956b : 252). BRITAIN, IRELAND ; apparently rare. England : 3 9 in Walker collection, taken on windows, near London ; 1 9 in Dale coll. (Oxford) probably also a Walker specimen from southern England ; 1 2 in Rudd coll. (York) probably from Yorkshire. Ireland : Co. Wicklow, The Glen of the Downs, I 9, 23.viii.1954 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. Imagines June and August. STAUROTHYREUS Graham Staurothyreus Graham, 1956 : 86. Type-species : S. crucigey Graham, by original designation. Staurothyreus cruciger Graham (Text-fig. 314) Staurothyreus cruciger Graham, 1956 : 87, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, England, Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 9.xii.1951, in the Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford ; paratype in the writer’s collection. BRITAIN ; apparently rare. Biology. Unknown. Imagines captured in August and (female) December (in the latter case evidently overwintering). GBELCIA Bouéek Gbelcia Bouéek, 1961 : 76. Type-species : G. crassiceps Boucéek, by original designation. Gbelcia crassiceps Boucek (Text-fig. 304) Gbelcia crassiceps Bouéek, 1961 : 76, 8. Type material. Holotype 9, Czechoslovakia, southern Slovakia, Gbelce (formerly Kobolkut), 29.vii.1955 (Boucek) in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 2970). BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R., in marshy places, very local. New record : England, Berkshire, Wytham, 2 9, 23.vi.1956, 30.vi.1956 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. Imagines June—July. 700 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM ROHATINA Bouéek Rohatina Bouéek, 1954 : 61. Type-species : R. monstrosa Boucek, by original designation. Rohatina Bouéek ; Peck et al., 1964 : 41, 47. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Face, on either side of clypeus, with a large forwards-projecting tooth or tubercle, Reticulation of scutellum very slightly raised above the general surface. Marginal vein of fore wing about twice as long as the stigmal vein monstrosa Bouéek (p. 700) - Face without conspicuous tubercles in this position, merely (Text-figs. 572, 573) with a small one on either side just above the edge of the oral fossa. At least the discal area and frenum of the scutellum with engraved sculpture . 2 2 (1) Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-figs. 572, 573) produced medially, but wit the projecting portion blunt or very weakly emarginate. Marginal vein about twice as long as the stigmal vein. Median area of propodeum with some trace of a costula. Head in dorsal view 2:1-2:15 times as broad as long inermis Boucek (p. 700) — Anterior margin of clypeus produced to form a sharp median tooth. Marginal vein 1-75—1°8 times as long as the stigmal vein. Median area of propodeum without a costula. Head in dorsal view 2-2 times as broad as long denticulata sp. n. (p. 700) The ¢ of montrosa only is known. Rohatina monstrosa Boucek Rohatina monstrosa Bouéek, 1954 : 62-64, 5 @. Type material. Holotype 9, North-eastern Bohemia, Velky VieStov, end of August 1953 (Boucek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3009). CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; rare. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—Sept. Rohatina inermis Boucek (Text-figs. 572, 573) Rohatina inermis Bouéek, 1954 : 64, 9. Type material. Holotype g, Czechoslovakia, Velky Vrestov, Aug. 1953 (Boucek) in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3011). BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, AUSTRIA, HUNGARY, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. New record : Britain, Berkshire, Bagley Wood, I 9, 3.ix.1954 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—Sept. (one record for March). Rohatina denticulata sp. n. Q. Head and thorax dull blue-green ; gaster green at base, its disc violet-black. Antennal scape testaceous, darker at apex ; rest of antenna brown, the pedicellus paler beneath. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 7OL Mandibles reddish with darker teeth. Coxea concolorous with thorax ; legs otherwise testa- ceous, tips of tarsi brownish. Tegulae testaceous ; wings subhyaline, veins testaceous. Length 1-7 mm. Differs from the female of ineymis Bouéek in the characters given in my key to species. 3g. Unknown. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham, 2.1x.1951, swept from vegetation at the edge of a Phalaris-Glyceria maxima marsh between Wytham Wood and the River Thames (Graham), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. PERIDESMIA Forster Peridesmia Forster, 1856: 65. Type-species: Isocyrtus (Trvichomalus) aquisgranensis Mayr, 1903, by designation of Gahan, 1923 : 408. Peridesmia Forster ; Mayr, 1903 : 394-395. Peridesmia Forster ; Delucchi, 1955b : 147-150. Peridesmia Forster ; Graham, 1956) : 246. Peridesmia Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 53. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Propodeum, medially, about two thirds as long as the scutellum, with a large rect- angular nucha which is strongly reticulate, like the panels of the media area ; the nucha is separated from the median area by a groove but its front edge is not sharply-defined. Front edge of pronotal collar not very abrupt but tending to be somewhat rounded off ; the collar itself is much less wide than the mesoscutum. Eyes separated by hardly more than their own length. . congrua (Walker) (p. 702) — Propodeum, medially, only about half as long as the scutellum ; nucha represented only by a very short subtriangular area which is very weakly sculptured, tending to be transversely aciculate, and has its front edge rather sharply-defined. Front edge of pronotal collar more abrupt ; the collar itself nearly as wide as the meso- scutum. Eyes separated by fully 1-5 times their own length discus (Walker) (p. 701) (MALEs) 1 Eyes larger, separated by about 1-2 times their length. Propodeum and pronotal collar as in female. Smooth shiny band of temple narrow, extending up the middle of the temple and leaving a reticulate strip on either side ; the smooth bands reach almost to the posterior ocelli (Text-fig. 574). Antennae bright testa- ceous with at most the clava and pedicellus slightly brownish congrua (Walker) (p. 702) — Eyes smaller, separated by 1-6—1-65 times their length. Propodeum and pronotal collar as in female. Smooth band of temple broader, leaving only a narrow reticulate strip along the hind edge of the temple, its upper end touching the posterior orbit of the eye ; the smooth bands reach hardly to the level of the top of the eyes and therefore do not nearly reach the posterior ocelli. Antennal pedicellus and flagellum brown to blackish : c : discus (Walker) (p. 701) Peridesmia discus (Walker) Pteromalus discus Walker, 1835 : 482, 9. Pieromalus subquadratus Walker, 1836 : 478, ‘‘ 2”’ [vecte 3). 702 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Pteromalus Phyllus Walker, 1839 : 272, 9, syn. n. Peridesmma phytonom Gahan, 1923 : 410, g @. Peridesmia discus (Walker) Graham, 1956) : 246. Peridesmia discus (Walker) ; Peck, 1963 : 694-695. Other important references are cited by Peck (1963). Type material. Pteromalus discus Walker and P. subquadratus Walker. Lecto- types designated by Graham (1956D : 246). Pteromalus phyllus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Peridesmia phytonom: Gahan. Syntypes, France, Hyéres, in U.S.N.M. (not seen by the writer). Synonymized with discus (Walker) by Graham (19560). BRITAIN, FRANCE, ITALy, SiciLy, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. ; U.S.A. (introduced from Europe). Biology. Reared from Hypera postica (Col., Curculionidae). Imagines in spring (May in Britain, earlier in S. Europe) and late summer. Peridesmia congrua (Walker) (Text-fig. 574) Pteromalus congruus Walker, 1836 : 194, 9. Pteyomalus Lucilla Walker, 1839 : 231, 6. ? Pteromalus Lentulus Walker, 1839 : 232, 3. Pteromalus claripennis Forster, 1841 : 30, 3. Ptevomalus Otos Walker, 1848 : 126, 202, 9. Isocyrtus ([richomalus) aquisgranensis Mayr, 1903 : 394-395, 3 8. Peridesmia claripennis (Forster) Delucchi, 19556 : 148-150, 3 8. Peridesmia congrua (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 246. Type material. For discussion of synonymy and designation of lectotypes for most of the above Walker species, see Graham (19560 : 246). Pteromalus lentulus Walker. None found. The description suggests that lentulus was the g of Peridesmia congrua. Pteromalus claripennis Forster. Type 3, Germany, near Aachen, in Natur- historisches Museum, Vienna. Isocyrtus (Trichomalus) aquisgranensis Mayr. Syntypes, g and 9, Germany, Lousberg near Aachen, in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). The species was synonymized with claripennis (Forster) by Delucchi (19550 : 148). BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—Sept. SPANIOPUS Walker Spaniopus Walker, 1833 : 466. Type-species : S. dissimilis Walker, by monotypy. Spaniopus Walker ; Forster, 1856 : 52, 56. Polycelis Thomson, 1878 : 131, 143 [mec Ehrenberg, 1831]. Type-species : Pteromalus con- spersus Walker, 1835, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 386. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 703 Polyscelis Ashmead, 1849a : 52 [nec Girard, 1850]. Polyscelis Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 319, 321, 386. Polyscelis Thomson ; Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 4. Neopolycelis Hincks, 1944 : 38 [n. n. for Polycelis Thomson nec Ehrenberg]. Spaniopus Walker ; Graham, 1956b : 250. Spaniopus Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 53. For a discussion of the generic synonymy, see Graham, 1956) : 250-251. There appear to be several European species of Spaniopus, some of them not yet described. My friend Dr. Boucéek has captured most of the species and would like to revise the genus ; hence I refer here in detail only to those species already found in north-western Europe, although I include some others in my keys in order that our own species may not be mistaken for them. KeEy TO BRITISH SPECIES (FEMALEs) 1 Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 576) with temples one third as long as eyes, or hardly more. Mid tibia (Text-fig. 579) very slightly expanded and flattened in its distal third. Smaller species, 1-9-2: mm. Propodeum without a distinct costula. Fore wing tending to be rather narrow and short, sometimes not reaching beyond the apex of the gaster, immaculate or with a fuscous discal cloud dissimilis Walker (p. 705) — Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 575) with temples two fifths to two thirds as long as eyes. Mid tibia not at all expanded distally. Larger species, 2:2-3-2 mm. Propodeum usually with a costula more or less indicated, often complete. Fore wing relatively broad, surpassing the apex of the gaster ; usually with a fuscous discal cloud and one or two other clouds beyond it, occasionally with only the discal cloud present, or the wing immaculate . ; . polyspilus Graham (p. 706) The females of monospilus (Thomson) and amoenus Forster are unknown to me. KEY TO MOST EUROPEAN SPECIES (MALEs) I Antennal funicle abnormal : segments 1, 3 and 5 narrower and shorter than the other segments, whitish ; segments 2, 4 and 6 annulated with fuscous distally. Mid tibia, on its external edge expanded into a flattened lobe just beyond the middle . : . monospilus (Thomson) (p. 706) - Antennal funicle none Sere gaadacel all ie segments of approximately the same breadth ; if some of the funicular segments are annulated with fuscous, then the dark ring is situated on the middle of each segment. Mid tibia sometimes not expanded. 2 5 : : : : : : ; 2 2 (1) Mid tibia (Text-fig. 577) simple, not expanded, its posterior surface flat. Antennal funicle pallid or testaceous, usually having some or all of the segments annulated with fuscous medially. Propodeum often with a distinct costula. Fore wing sometimes with a brownish spot in the middle polyspilus Graham (p. 706) - Mid tibia (Text-fig. 578) somewhat expanded and flattened distally, its posterior surface concave ; tibia pale at base but more or less broadly fuscous to black distally. Propodeum without a costula . ‘ : : : : : 3 704 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM ly reece (ee 577 575 573 576 FIGs. 572-582. 572, Rohatina inermis Bouéek, 2, head ; 573, same, 2, clypeus and genae in a slightly more ventral view ; 574, Peridesmia congrua (Walker), g, head, profile ; 575, Spantopus polyspilus Graham, 9, head ; 576, Spaniopus dissimilis Walker, 9, head ; 577, Spaniopus polyspilus Graham, ¢, mid tibia ; 578, Spaniopus dissimilis Walker, 3, mid tibia ; 579, same, 2, mid tibia ; 580, Atrichomalus triannellatus Graham, 9, antenna excluding scape ; 581, same, g, antenna excluding scape ; 582, same, 9, body. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 705 3 (2) Antennal flagellum uniformly yellowish brown to fuscous, occasionally with some of the incisures between its segments slightly darker. Fore wing immaculate dissimilis Walker (p. 705) - Antennal funicle pale with either the middle segments, or the distal segments, contrastingly dark ; clava dark. Fore wing sometimes with a fuscous cloud 4 4 (3) Flagellum yellowish with saa ia 5 and 6 of the funicle, and the clava, blackish. Fore wing immaculate . . amoenus Forster (p. 706) - Flagellum dark with segments 1-2 anid 5-6 of the fanicle pale. Fore wing with a fuscous cloud below the marginal vein . : : - - ») speaindet: Spaniopus dissimilis Walker (Text-figs. 576, 578) Spaniopus dissimilis Walker, 1933 : 466, 3. Polyscelis modestus Gahan, 1922 : 10-12, 9 2 syn. n. Polyscelis modestus Gahan, 1933 : 67-70, 3 &. Spaniopus dissimilis Walker ; Graham, 1956b : 251. Spaniopus modestus (Gahan) Peck, 1963 : 695-696. For discussion of synonymy, and designation of lectotype for S. disstmilis Walker see Graham (1956) : 251). This specimen (the only one in Walker’s collection) may actually be the holotype, though this is not specifically stated by Walker. Polyscelis modestus Gahan. Type, U.S.A., Pa., Hanover, in U.S.N.M., Cat. no., 22834 (not seen) ; I am now certain, from Gahan’s description and figures, that it must be the same as dissimilis. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; CANADA, U.S.A. Biology. An account was given (under the name Polyscelis modestus) by Gahan (1933). He stated that the species was normally a primary, solitary, external parasite of the larvae and pupae of Mayetiola (=Phytophaga) destructor (Say) (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae), but that it might develop as a secondary parasite through Platygaster zosine Walker and possibly other parasites of Diptera. The egg is placed upon the host within its puparium, and the parasite may develop either upon the larva or the pupa of the host. In Britain imagines occur in the field from May until September, probably more than one generation. Spaniopus elegans Forster Spaniopus elegans Forster, 1856 : 56, 3. Type material (? Germany) presumably in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. The male was briefly described as differing from dissimilis Walker in having the mid tibiae blackish brown with their base yellow, and in having the antennae clear yellow ; Forster stated that the male of dissimilis had straw-yellow legs and brown antennae, but as regards the colour of the legs he was mistaken because male dissimilis has the mid tibiae coloured as described for elegans. It seems just possible that elegans might be a form of dissimilis having the antennal flagellum paler than usual. 706 M. W. R. pF V. GRAHAM ? GERMANY. Biology. Unknown. Spaniopus amoenus Forster Spaniopus amoenus Forster, 1856 : 56, 3. Type material (? Germany) presumably in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. The male of amoenus was briefly described as having the antennae yellow with the fifth and sixth funicular segments, and the clava, black. Dr. Bouéek has some males which agree with this description and are probably the true amoenus. The female has not been described. ? GERMANY ; CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. Dr. Bouéek tells me that he finds it to be associated with xerothermic habitats. Spaniopus monospilus (Thomson) Polycelis monospila Thomson, 1878 : 145, 3, ?2. ? Polyscelis Webstert Ashmead, 1894a@ : 52-53, 3 Q. Spaniopus monospilus (Thomson) Graham, 1956) : 251. Type material. Polycelis monospila Thomson. Syntypes, 18 specimens. LEC- TOTYPE, a male labelled “ KK” [Kinnekulle]. It is not certain whether the females in Thomson’s series are conspecific with the male lectotype. Polyscelis websteri Ashmead. Types, U.S.A., Indiana, Lafayette, in U.S.N.M. (not seen by the writer). In his key to the North American species of Polyscelis, Gahan (1922 : 10-11) mentioned some characters of the male of P. websteri which suggest that it must be very near to, if not identical with, Spaniopus monospilus (Thomson). Thus he stated that in male webster: the funicular segments of the antenna are alternatively white and dark brown ; whilst the third and fifth segments are subquadrate, narrower and much shorter than the other segments. Also he stated that the mid tibiae are strongly compressed and expanded between the middle and the apex. SWEDEN ; ? U.S.A. Biology. Unknown. The species may be associated like polyspilus, with Phragmiteta. Spaniopus polyspilus Graham (Text-figs. 575, 577) Polycelis conspersa (Walker) sensu Thomson, 1878 : 143, 2 [nec Pteromalus conspersus Walker, 1835]. Spaniopus polyspilus Graham, 1956b : 251, 9 [n. n. for conspersa Thomson nec Walker}. ? Gyrinophagus peisonis Erdés, 1957 : 64, 3 &. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 707 Type material. Spamopus polyspilus Graham. Lectotype female in coll. Thomson, designated by Graham (19560 : 251). Gyrinophagus peisonis Erdés. Type Q and allotype g, Hungary, Vors (Kisbalaton), 16.v1.1955, from Phragmites communis Trin., in coll. Erdés (not seen by the writer). From the description it would appear to be probably the same as polyspilus. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; ? HUNGARY. Biology. Associated with Phragmites communis Trin.; I have captured several specimens in a large reed-bed at Yddingen in Skane, Sweden. Imagines (? June) July-August. TRICHOMALUS Thomson Isocyrtus sgen. Tvichomalus Thomson, 1878 : 131, 134. Type-species: T. punctinucha Thomson, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 318. Trichomalus Thomson ; Mayr, 1903 : 393-394. Trichomalus Thomson ; Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 4, II. Trichomalus Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 222. Lanceosoma Erdés, 1953 : 234-235. Type-species: L. althaeae Erdés by monotypy and original designation. Trichomalus Thomson ; Graham, 1956b : 247-250. Trichomalus Thomson ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 543-576. Trichomalus Thomson ; Peck et al., 1964 : 53. Ashmead (1904) designated 7. punctinucha Thomson as the type-species of Trichomalus. He actually misidentified the genus [see Ewpteromalus] as pointed out by Kurdjumov (1913 : 12), although this does not invalidate his type selection. I have not seen the type-species of Lanceosoma Erdés. Dr. Bouéek has shown me a species which must be very near it and he thinks the genus must be the same as Trichomalus. The name Lanceosoma would then be applicable to a species-group of Trichomalus including althaeae (Erdés), elongatus Delucchi & Graham, and possibly other species. Graham (1956d) revised the synonymy of Tvichomalus and designated lectotypes for most of the Walker species. Delucchi & Graham (1956) redescribed the European species and provided a key to the females. Since that time the writer has made some changes in the nomenclature and added a few more synonyms. Previously no lectotypes had been designated for Thomson’s species ; this is now done. The key to European species given by Delucchi & Graham (1956 : 547-551) needs revision because some additional species have since been recognized, also because some changes in nomenclature are necessary (partly as a result of a redefinition of certain species). Since then I have been able to study much additional material and compare it with the respective types. Consequently I believe I have formed a better concept of the range of variation of the species, most of which can now be defined fairly satisfactorily. Some difficulties remain, chiefly concerning the group of posticus (Walker) which contains some rather variable species. 708 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM The males of Tvichomalus are still rather imperfectly known. They would repay further investigation because they often show good characters ; in the case of some closely-allied species (e.g., campestris and inops) the males are easy to distinguish although their females are very similar. I am providing a tentative key to the males of some European species, so that at least a number of the more distinct ones may be recognized. Where particular males have been only doubtfully correlated with females, a query is inserted before the name. KEY TO MOST EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Fore coxae entirely reddish testaceous or (rarely) infuscate at extreme base only. Fore wing with basal vein bare ; marginal vein only 1-25-1:5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; surface beyond the speculum with relatively dense pilosity : : 33 - Fore coxae in most species sect ie ene eck San a metallié fuees rarely only black on their external aspect, in which case the basal vein of the fore wing is pilose. Fore wing with marginal vein sometimes longer in relation to the stigmal vein ; surface beyond the speculum often less densely pilose . : : 2 2 (1) Propodeum with nucha ose reticulate, and ipfea Peltavely large - Propodeum with nucha weakly reticulate, transversely aciculate, or alutaceous, often relatively short . : é : : : : é é ; II 3. (2) Basal vein of fore wing bare . : : ‘ : ‘ sp. indet. B (p. 736) - Basal vein of fore wing pilose . ; : : : : 4 4 (3) Propodeum: panels of median area mieuvel: dull, strongly and nearly uniformly reticulate, nearly as strongly as the nucha, though rather more finely ; costula usually absent or vaguely indicated, if at all distinct then not straight. Gaster without purplish transverse fasciae on the tergites, though its disc is often indefinitely suffused with purplish or violet-bronze 5 - Propodeum with panels of median area more weakly or irregularly sculptured, usually relatively shiny and sometimes nearly smooth ; costula nearly always present, straight and often sharp (Text-fig. 583) . Gaster most often with purplish or purplish bronze transverse fasciae on the hinder part of some of the tergites . j : : F : : ; 9 5 (4) Head in dorsal view (Text- aig 585) with temples less strongly convergent, and one third or slightly more than one third as long as the eyes ; head about 1-3 times as broad as the mesoscutum. Antennal flagellum testa- ceous, at least beneath ; legs except coxae testaceous ; head and thorax tending towards bright green : : : repandus (Walker) (p. 722) - Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 584) with feumples more convergent, from one fifth to hardly more than one quarter as long as eyes ; head at most 1:2 times as broad as the mesoscutum. Antennal flagellum fuscous to black ; legs often relatively darker ; head and thorax most often a dull or bronze- green, sometimes bronze or coppery : - : c : 6 6 (5) More elongate species: gaster lanceolate- ome slight tly longer than head plus thorax, 2:2—2-5 times as long as broad, reaching level with the tips of the fore wings when these are laid back. : 3 oxygyne sp. n. (p. 720) - Less elongate species : gaster ovate, 1-5—2-0 times as long as broad, at least slightly shorter than head plus thorax, at least not quite cs the tips of the fore wings when these are laid back . 2 : . : 7, PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 709 Figs. 583-593. Tvichomalus spp. 583, flagellaris sp. n., 9, median area of propodeum ; 584, oxygyne sp. n., 9, head; 585, vepandus (Walker), 2, head ; 586, gracilicornis (Zetterstedt), 9, head ; 587, lucidus (Walker), 2, head ; 588, flagellaris sp.n., 9, antenna ; 589, apertus (Walker), 9, antenna ; 590, perfectus (Walker), 9, antenna ; 591, bracteatus (Walker), 9, antenna ; 592, vufinus (Walker), 9, antenna ; 593, fuluipes (Walker), 9, antenna. Io II 14 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Median area of propodeum 1-35-1-5 times as broad as long. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly less than breadth of head ; first funicular segment distinctly shorter than the pedicellus, quadrate to slightly transverse, segments 2—4 usually a little transverse ; scape barely reaching the lower edge of the median ocellus. Small species, length 1-6—2 mm. : é : : : : nanus (Walker) (p. 721) Median area of propodeum at most 1-25 times as broad as its median length. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than, or as great as, the breadth of the head ; funicular segments 1-3 (—4) quadrate, or 1-3 even slightly longer than broad ; scape sometimes reaching level of vertex. Species sometimes relatively larger : 8 Fore wing with basal cell, not counting the hairs on the basal vein, fe or with at most 1-2 hairs distally. Antennae with scape not quite reaching the level of the vertex ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum usually not quite equal to breadth of head. Nucha occupying somewhat less than half the median length of the propodeum . posticus (Walker) (p. 718) and statutus (Forster) (p. 719) Fore wing with basal cell with 5-13 hairs scattered over its distal third. Antennae with scape reaching to level of vertex or even slightly above it ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to, or even a little greater than, the breadth of the head. Nucha occupying half the median length of the propodeum_ . coryphe (Walker) (p. 717) Thorax longer, 1-65-1-7 times as fee as peoad Gaster 1-5-1-8 times as long as broad ; hind margin of basal tergite distinctly curved backwards. Antennae ul first funicular segment only about two thirds the length of the pedicellus, quadrate or hardly longer than broad rugosus Delucchi & Graham (p. 724) Thorax shorter, 1:35-1:45 times as long as broad. Gaster 1-85—2-1 times as long as broad ; hind margin of basal tergite weakly curved. First funicular segment varying from slightly shorter, to jill longer, than the pedicellus; usually longer than broad . 10 Median area of propodeum 1-6-1: 85 tees as broad as clades Pronotal collar (medially) from one ninth to one seventh as long as the mesoscutum. Gaster 1-85-2 times as long as broad. : : conifer (Walker) (p. 722) Median area of propodeum (Text-fig. 583) about 1-3 times as broad as long. Pronotal collar (medially) slightly more than one sixth as long as the mesoscutum. Gaster about 2-2 times as long as broad flagellaris sp. n. (p. 723) Fore wing with basal cell, on upper surface of wing, with at least a few hairs distally, as well as those on the basal vein, sometimes its distal third to half pilose ; surface beyond the speculum relatively densely pilose ; marginal vein at most I-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. F : 28 Fore wing with basal cell bare, at most the basal vein pilose ; surface beyond the speculum usually not densely pilose ; ee vein often more than 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein . ; : 12 Fore wing with basal vein at least partly pilose, stags on eeeecact : 13 Fore wing with basal vein entirely bare . ; 19 Antennae with flagellum slender, proximally not or hadi same! than the pedicellus, subclavate (Text-figs. 591, 593) _ —« ‘ 14 Antennae with flagellum stout, even proximally dicnetl: fone flea the pedicellus, fusiform (Text-figs. 589, 590) : : 19 Fore wing with marginal vein only 1-3—1-6 times as long as ie See vein ; basal vein, except in lonchaeae, pilose throughout. Thorax squat, about 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 (14) (15) (16) (17) (13) (19) PIEROMALIDAE OF NW, EUROPE 71 1°5 times as long as broad or hardly more : : c 29 Either the marginal vein is 1-:75—1-9 times as long as ie eee vein ; or else the thorax is slender, 1-65—1-7 times as long as broad : ; 15 Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 586) only 2-2-05 times as broad as ae 2 most 1-1 times as broad as the mesoscutum. Fore wing usually with a fuscous cloud surrounding the stigma ; marginal vein 1-41-75 times as long as the stigmal vein. Legs relatively dark, the femora mainly blackish, the tibiae often darkened. Dorsal surface of hind coxae rather densely hairy, the hairs extending nearly to their bases. Median area of propodeum with fairly strong, obliquely strigose-reticulate sculpture gracilicornis (Zetterstedt) (p. 725) Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 587) 2:15—2:3 times as broad as long, 1-I-1:25 times as broad as the mesoscutum. Fore wing immaculate ; marginal vein 1-75-1-9 times as long as the stigmal vein. Legs relatively paler, the tibiae not darkened and the femora often pale. Dorsal surface of hind coxae more sparsely pilose, the hairs not nearly extending to its base. Median area of propodeum often weakly sculptured : : : : 16 Fore wing with basal vein with only 1-3 isolated hairs ; basal cell open below throughout. Legs, except coxae, reddish or fulvous. Gaster not longer than head plus thorax . ‘ : : : . tenellus (Walker) (p. 723) Fore wing with basal vein pilose throughout ; usually also the basal cell is closed below in its apical part. Legs sometimes having the femora darkened. Gaster usually longer than head plus thorax . : 17 Gaster very elongate and acuminate, about twice as long as the thorax : : last tergite 1-7-2 times as long as its basal breadth ; penultimate tergite as long as, or even very slightly longer than, its basal breadth. Stigma of fore wing a little larger than in bracteatus gynetelus (Walker) (p. 725) Gaster less elongate, at most 1-6 times as long as the thorax ; last tergite at most 1-3 times as long as its basal breadth ; ee pa tergite at least slightly shorter than its basal breadth . : 18 Median area of propodeum 1-5—1-8 times as broad as lone, ieialy saouele sculptured, often with a costula more or less indicated. Gaster somewhat longer than head plus thorax. Antenna, Text-fig. 591 bracteatus (Walker) (p. 725) Median area of propodeum at most 1:35 times as broad as long, relatively more weakly sculptured, usually without a distinct costula. Gaster not or hardly longer than head plus thorax . : : lucidus (Walker) (p. 726) Gaster lanceolate, acuminate, 3-5-4 times as long as broad, nearly twice as long as the thorax. Antennal flagellum fusiform, stout, distinctly stouter than the pedicellus. Basal vein of fore wing bare or virtually so. Propo- deum with panels of median area shiny, weakly and irregularly sculptured 20 Gaster at most 3 times as long as broad, but usually less ; if as much as 3 times, then the antennal flagellum is slightly clavate, thinner proximally, the first funicular segment only slightly stouter than the pedicellus . c Ait Marginal vein of fore wing 1-8—1-9 times as long as the stigmal vein. Seg- ments of antennal funicle with relatively few sensilla. Body coppery bronze. (Madeira) . . cupreus Delucchi & Graham (p. 727) Marginal vein 1:5-1-6 times. as Jong as the stigmal vein. Segments of antennal funicle with numerous sensilla. Body greenish. (Europe) acuminatus Delucchi & Graham (p. 727) Gaster 2-5-3 times as long as broad, acuminate ; last tergite 1-3-1-5 times as long as its basal breadth. Antennal flagellum rather slender proximally, 22 23 24 25 26 (22) (24) M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM only slightly stouter than the pedicellus, subclavate. Basal vein of fore wing bare. Dorsal surface of hind coxae virtually bare. Legs (except coxae) testaceous. Propodeum with panels of median area shiny, weakly sculptured or virtually smooth . . elongatus Delucchi & Graham (p. 727) Either the gaster, and its last tergite, are relatively shorter ; or the antennal flagellum is stout and fusiform ; or the femora are mainly dark, and some- times the tibiae are infuscate ; or the propodeum has the panels of its median area distinctly sculptured : 7 : : : : 22 Propodeum with panels of median area smooth or virtually so, polished Antennal flagellum subclavate, slender, funicle proximally hardly stouter than the pedicellus. Legs with femora mainly dark, the tibiae usually more or less infuscate. Head and thorax dorsally usually bronze or purplish bronze, sometimes dark green. Dorsal surface of hind coxae virtually bare. . inscitus (Walker) (p. 728) Either the panels of the pueden area of the peonadeen are distinctly sculp- tured ; or the antennal flagellum is stout, even proximally distinctly stouter than the pedicellus, and subfusiform ; or the legs are paler, with the tibiae pale and the femora not or hardly infuscate. Dorsal surface of hind coxae often thickly pilose, rarely nearly bare . ; c : 23 Marginal vein of fore wing 1:65—2 times as long as the cieael vein. Antennal flagellum subclavate ; funicle relatively slender proximally, only slightly stouter than the pedicellus. Body bright green; legs (except coxae) fulvous. Dorsal surface of hind coxae with few hairs. Propodeal callus somewhat sparsely pilose ; the hairs in its posterior half do not extend as far as the plicae . ‘ . tenellus (Walker) (p. 732) Marginal vein 1-:3—1-6 times as long as the Stigmiall vein ; if more than 1-4 times, then the antennal flagellum is stout, the maximum breadth of the funicle about 1-5 times the breadth of the pedicellus in dorsal view. Body often more obscurely coloured ; legs sometimes darker. Dorsal surface of hind coxae, and propodeal callus, moderately thickly to densely pilose ; in the posterior part of the propodeum the hairs extend virtually to the plicae . 24 Fore wing with surface beyond the speculum densely pilose. Antenna (Text- fig. 592) with flagellum subclavate ; funicle proximally only slightly stouter than the pedicellus ; the latter fully twice as long as broad in dorsal view. Basal vein of fore wing bare. Dorsal surface of hind coxae, propodeal callus, and sides of basal tergite of gaster densely pilose : ? rufinus (Walker) (p. 734) Fore wing with surface beyond the epeeaieed rather less densely pilose. Antennae with flagellum (Text-fig. 590) relatively stout, subfusiform ; funicle proximally distinctly stouter than the a Basal vein of fore wing sometimes pilose . 25 Antennae (Text-fig. 590) with pediocin in dorsal view a least ‘slightly ese than twice as long as broad. Basal vein of fore wing pilose throughout or nearly throughout. Talia Oi with panels of median area reticulate or strigose-reticulate : : : . perfectus (Walker) (p. 729) Antennae with pedicellus in dirs view 2—2:5 times as long as broad, if only twice as long as broad, then the basal vein ofthe fore wing is bare or nearly SOME : : - - : : é : ; : : : 26 Antennae with pedicellus in dorsal view only about twice as long as broad. Basal vein of fore wing bare, or with at most 2 hairs. Head and thorax usually bright green, sometimes bronze-green. Propodeum with panels of median area reticulate or strigose-reticulate, sometimes with a costula lonchaeae Bouéek (p. 730) 27 28 29 30 31 32 333) (26) (28) (29) (30) (r) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Antennae with pedicellus in dorsal view 2:2—2:5 times as long as broad. Basal vein sometimes with more numerous hairs. Body sometimes more obscurely coloured. oe with Lagi of median area sometimes smooth Propodeum with panels of median area See or having ouly aces of i weak sculpture. Basal vein of fore wing more or less pilose, at least in its upper half. Head and thorax olive- or bronze-green. Antenna, Text-fig. 589 . - ; apertus (Walker) (p. Propodeum with Panes a median area nee strongly reticulate, or obliquely strigose-reticulate. Basal vein usually bare, occasionally with 1-2 hairs. Head and thorax bronze or greenish bronze . . robustus (Walker) (p. Fore wing with distal third to half of basal cell pliose ; marginal vein only I-I-1'15 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein as long as, or even a little longer than, the marginal vein : lepidus (Forster) (p. Fore wing with basal cell, not counting the basal vein, usually bare, rarely with 1-4 scattered hairs distally, in which case the marginal vein is at least 1-3 times as long as the stigmal vein : : : : Basal vein of fore wing with only 1-3 isolated hairs. Antennal flagellum rather stout : : . lonchaeae Bouéek (p. Basal vein pilose throughout. arceal flagellum more slender (Text-fig. 593) Propodeum with panels of median area shiny, smooth or virtually so, without a costula. Gaster sometimes more than twice as 5 as broad, sometimes distinctly longer than head plus thorax . Propodeum : either the panels of the median area are reticulate, or “else a a costula is present. Gaster at most twice as long as broad ; slightly shorter than, or at most as long as, head plus thorax Gaster at most twice as long as broad, but usually somewhat less than brice, not or hardly longer than head plus thorax. Femora usually more or less infuscate, tibiae occasionally so. : . helvipes (Walker) (p. Gaster 2-:2—2:°5 times as long as broad, at least very slightly longer than head plus thorax. Femora fulvous to reddish ; tibiae pale. Antenna, Text- fig. 593 E . fulvipes (Walker) (p. Propodeum with panels of median area reticulate and not very shiny, without a distinct costula. Postmarginal vein of fore wing as long as, or slightly shorter than, the marginal vein . . pexatus (Walker) (p. Propodeum with panels of median area weakly sculptured and shiny, with a distinct costula. Postmarginal vein of fore wing distinctly shorter than the marginal vein ; . . exilis (Forster) (see conifer, p. Fore wing with line of hairs on lower surface of costal cell distinctly broken in the middle, often widely so ; wing often with a fuscous discal cloud campestris (Walker) (p. Fore wing with line of hairs on lower surface of costal cell complete ; wing immaculate : : : 5 : : : inops (Walker) (p. (MALEs) Antennae with flagellum somewhat flattened, fusiform, broadest at about the middle of the funicle and thence tapering to the tip of the clava ; first segment of funicle subquadrate and about as long as the second segment, segments 3-6 transverse, 4 nearly twice as broad as long ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to breadth of head ; flagellum with rather short and slightly outstanding whitish hairs ; antenna yellowish with the clava brown, the pedicellus and middle of the flagellum sometimes slightly brownish. Median area of propodeum irregularly strigose-reticulate, about 27 730) 730) 731) 733) 734) 722) 735) 735) 714 2 iy 3. (2) 4 (3) 5 @) Gry (G) 7 7) 8 (3) 9 (8) M: We Ko be Vo GRAEAM 1-6 times as broad as long. Stigma of fore wing rather large, separated by about 2-5 times its height from costal edge of wing. . sp. indet A (p. 736) Antennae with flagellum not flattened ; either filiform, or more or less clavate with its broadest part beyond the middle of the funicle ; middle segments of funicle not or at most slightly transverse ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum sometimes greater than breadth of head ; flagellum sometimes with longer hairs. Median area of propodeum usually less strongly transverse Antennae with combined length of pediecties aa flagella. distinctly eee than breadth of head ; flagellum filiform, its hairs usually outstanding ; first funicular segment nearly always as long as or longer than the second segment, and nearly always as long as or longer than the pedicellus, provided with sensilla ; sixth (last) funicular segment sometimes wise than broad. Gaster nearly always oblong . ; : : 19 Antennae with either combined length of pedicellus not greater ‘ath Biosci of head, or flagellum at least slightly clavate ; first funicular segment often shorter than the second segment, sometimes anelliform and lacking sensilla, most often shorter than, and at most as long as, the pedicellus ; last funicular segment not longer than broad. Gaster often subcircular or shortly oval : : 3 Fore coxae entirely yellow, or at eee fae on nes Gates peeee or oe ue base ; mid and hind coxae sometimes partly yellow ; 4 Fore coxae usually wholly black with a metallic tinge, eee Ae fheix tips pale. : 8 Basal vein of fore wing bane or fe yieeeally so. Gate usually on a rede transverse band, sometimes reduced to a spot ‘ Basal vein of fore wing pilose. Gasterimmaculate . : 9 Antennae with scape very stout, only about 3 times as long as pene slightly longer than an eye ; flagellum fuscous with funicular segments (4—-) 5-6 yellow. Fore coxae entirely yellow, or at most dusky at extreme base campestris (Walker) (p. 735) Antennae with scape slender, 5—6 times as long as broad, approximately equal in length to an eye ; flagellum testaceous to brown, sometimes with the funicular segments more or less spotted with fuscous dorsally . 6 Mid tibia with a fuscous or black subapical ring. Combined ieuets oF pedicellus and flagellum barely equal to breadth of head. Fore coxae entirely yellow ; mid and sometimes hind coxae partly so annulatus (Forster) (p. 735) Mid tibia entirely yellow. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum very slightly greater than breadth of head . : 7 Fore coxae entirely yellow, or at most slightly free ee Senet eee inops (Walker) (p. 735) n External aspect of fore coxae dark . : : rufinus (Walker) (p. 734) Antennae with first segment of funicle pee ligeee distinctly (often much) shorter than the second segment, lacking sensilla . c 10 Antennae with first segment of funicle not anelliform, not or at aoe? Ss slightly shorter than the second segment, provided with sensilla : ; 9 Antennal flagellum slightly to quite distinctly clavate ; first funicular segment much shorter than the pedicellus. Gaster subcircular or shortly oval, immaculate ; 10 Antennal flagellum not Blowers or, fe ae so, oe ee eotone: ene usually with a pale spot. First funicular segment of antennae sometimes Io uae 12 13 14 15 16 i7 (9) (10) (11) (13) (16) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 715 nearly or quite as long as the pedicellus ‘ : : : : : 16 Fore wing with basal vein bare or virtually so. Gaster subcircular or shortly oval, usually with a reddish transverse fascia, occasionally only a spot. Antennal flagellum brownish : ; - : rufinus (Walker) (p. 734) Fore wing with basal vein pilose. Gaster either immaculate, or else oblong with a pale spot . : : : : II Gaster short and broad, shanthy oval to Gubeteulen, ipnde emia : : : 12 Gaster more oblong in shape with a yellowish spot or a transverse fascia : 15 Antennal scape slightly shorter than an eye and not reaching the level of the vertex. Marginal vein of fore wing about 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Basal tergite of gaster with few hairs at the sides ; propodeal callus not very thickly pilose. Antennal flagellum brown, or testaceous with darker incisures between the segments : : : : : : . ? apertus (Walker) (p. 730) Antennal scape virtually or quite as long as an eye and reaching the level of the vertex, except in /epidus, in which the marginal vein is’ hardly longer than the stigmal vein, the sides of the basal tergite of the gaster have several hairs, and the propodeal callus is thickly pilose. : 13 Antennal scape somewhat shorter than an eye and not reaching the level of the vertex ; flagellum brown or fuscous. Fore wing with distal third or so of basal cell pilose ; marginal vein hardly longer than the stigmal vein lepidus (Forster) (p. 734) Antennal scape virtually or quite as long as an eye and reaching the level of the vertex ; flagellum partly testaceous or yellow. Fore wing with basal cell often bare, if so extensively ger then pain gland vein rather longer relative to the stigmal vein . - : : : 14 Marginal vein 1:15-1:35 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antenna with funicle testaceous, sometimes brownish proximally ; clava brown, except sometimes apically. Mandibles with a strong longitudinal crest in their basal half . : : : : . pexatus (Walker) (p. 734) Marginal vein about 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Antennal flagellum annulated, fuscous with the anelli, first funicular segment and funicular segments 4-6 at least beneath, eae Mandibles with a small tubercle near their bases . : : . placidus (Walker) (p. 736) Antennae with funicle eine very Sander hardly more than half as thick as the pedicellus. Body bronzy green . : . ? fulvipes (Walker) (p. 733) Antennae with funicle proximally rather less slender than in the above. Body green : : : sp. indet. C (p. 737) Antennal flagellum siete oatnally decucabent hea: Gaster subcircular or shortly oval, immaculate, typically green with its disc ss gh or bronze. Median area of propodeum reticulate or smooth . : : : 17 Antennal flagellum with hairs standing out at an angle of 20 30°, Gaster oblong, most often with a pale spot. Median area of propodeum smooth or very weakly sculptured . : 18 Median area of propodeum diceneceg Eeennes or Sieipase- eee Usually at least the fore femora have a dark streak at base beneath, some- times all the femora are darkened basally. Larger species, length 2-3 mm. Stigma of fore wing usually fuscous and often rather large robustus (Walker) (p. 730) Median area of propodeum virtually smooth. Femora yellow, immaculate. Smaller species, 1-5-2 mm. Stigma of forewing paler and smaller ? apertus (Walker) (p. 730) 716 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (16) (19) (22) (23) (24) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Head in dorsal view with temples nearly half as long as eyes. Antennal flagellum hardly stouter than the pedicellus, when the latter is seen in dorsal view, brownish. Hind coxae dorsally with very few hairs, or bare. Antennal scape, and legs, tending towards testaceous. Gaster with at most a faint pale spot . : i : : . inscitus (Walker) (p. 728) Head in dorsal view with temples about one third as long as eyes. Antennal flagellum slightly stouter than the pedicellus in dorsal view, yellowish beneath, and often testaceous above. Hind coxae distinctly hairy dorsally. Antennal scape, and legs, flavous. Gaster usually with a distinct yellowish spot . c : : : é . helvipes (Walker) (p. 731) Antennae with flagellum with virtually decumbent hairs ;_ sensilla con- spicuous, very numerous, arranged in 3 rows on each of the funicular segments, except the distal ones. Propodeum with median area with a costula, which is sometimes strong ; nucha fairly strongly reticulate ? flagellaris sp. n. (p. 723) Antennae with flagellum with hairs standing out at an angle of 30°-45° ; sensilla usually less conspicuous, sparser, arranged in I or 2 rows on each of the funicular segments. Propodeum with costula often absent ; nucha usually more weakly sculptured . : 20 Propodeum with nucha with strong raised renoeiercon! Pettey elg dull and large . ; 21 Propodeum with nace he eae eee altaceous sculpiure; or transversely strigose, relatively shiny, often short . : 22 Propodeum with panels of median area relatively strongly al meng uniformly reticulate . < 29 Propodeum with panels of median area coailly vaeacly sculptured or nearly smooth, if more strongly then the EE is eee of oblique See reticulation : 22 Thorax in dorsal view ae Le = 1°55 omen as foe as “broad. Head I- ae I: ° times as broad as the mesoscutum. Antenna with first funicular segment as long as or slightly longer than the pedicellus ; scape distinctly shorter than an eye. Fore wing with marginal vein 1:55—1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; stigma small . c : conifer (Walker) (p. 722) Thorax in dorsal view 1-7—1-8 times as long as Becad. Head usually rather less broad relative to the mesoscutum. The antennal and fore wing characters sometimes not agreeing with the above . ; 23 Antennae with first funicular segment slightly Sorter on the Secon aad slightly shorter than the pedicellus ; flagellum subtestaceous ; scape as long as an eye, distinctly expanded above its middle. Fore wing usually with a brownish cloud around the stigma ; marginal vein about 1:5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Head in dorsal view only 1-85-1-9 times as broad as long. : gracilicornis (Zetterstedt) (p. 725) Antennae with first feuitealer eee as long as or slightly longer than the second, as long as or longer than the pedicellus ; flagellum brown to black ; scape at least somewhat, sometimes much, shorter than aneye. Fore wing immaculate ; marginal vein sometimes rather longer relative to the stigmal vein. Head in dorsal view usually 2—2-15 times as broad as long 24 Fore wing with marginal vein only 1-3—1-45 times as long as the stigmal vein ; basal vein pilose or bare ; oe moderate-sized and tending to be dark, fuscous or brown ‘ ‘ é 25 Fore wing with marginal vein 1-55—-1:9 ere as fee as the see vein ; basal vein pilose ; stigma small or moderate-sized . : 26 Dorsal surface of hind coxae hairy. Antennal scape reaching to pout level of PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 717 middle of median ocellus, slightly expanded in its upper part. Basal vein of fore wing often pilose throughout. - ? perfectus (Walker) (p. 729) - Dorsal surface of hind coxae bare or virtually so. Antennal scape reaching to about level of top of median ocellus, not expanded in its upper part. Basal vein of fore wing bare or virtually so . elongatus Delucchi & Graham (p. 727) 26 (24) Stigma of fore wing small, separated by about 3 times its height from the costal edge of the wing. Propodeum ee about half as long as the scutellum . : 27 - Stigma of fore wing larger, sepacited se 1-Q—2°5 times ifs height eon the costal edge of the wing 28 27. (26) Antennal scape slightly expanded i in its upper part, its front edge reiebia a shiny boss which extends fully half way down. Basal vein of fore wing pilose throughout ; basal cell usually closed below distally. Antennal scape often fuscous distally ; gaster immaculate or with a faint yellowish spot bracteatus (Walker) (p. 725) - Antennal scape hardly expanded, with an indistinct boss which extends less than half way down. Basal vein of fore wing usually with only 1-4 hairs ; basal cell open below. Antennal scape yellow ; gaster with a distinct, often large, yellowish spot . : : . tenellus (Walker) (p. 732) 28 (26) Propodeum medially slightly less than half as long as the scutellum gynetelus (Walker) (p. 725) ~ Propodeum medially virtually half as long as the scutellum lucidus (Walker) (p. 726) 29 (21) Antennal flagellum yellowish beneath, sometimes also testaceous above. Gaster with a distinct yellowish spot . : . repandus (Walker) (p. 722) - Antennal flagellum fuscous, or at most obscurely testaceous beneath. Gaster usually immaculate, sometimes with a small pale spot . ; 30 30 (29) Antennae with sixth funicular segment quadrate or hardly longer than broad : scape barely reaching level of vertex . ; nanus (Walker) (p. 721) - Antennae with funicular segments relatively longer, the sixth usually 1-5-1-7 times as long as broad ; scape sometimes reaching —— above the level of the vertex . : ; : 31 31 (30) Antennal scape not quite reaching the level of the vertex, "Basal cell of fore wing bare or virtually so... . posticus (Walker) (p. 718) - Antennal scape reaching slightly to quite distinctly above the level of the vertex. Basal cell of fore wing with 5-7 hairs scattered over its distal part coryphe (Walker) (p. 717) Trichomalus coryphe (Walker) comb. n. Pieromalus Coryphe Walker, 1839 : 266, 3. Type material. One male, LECTOTYPE (but possibly holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. It is very close to the male of posticus (Walker) but differs in small characters which are mentioned in my key to males (q.v.). I have males and females of a species which is certainly different from, although very close to posticus, and the males of this species appear to be identical with the lectotype of coryphe. BRITAIN (new records) : Berkshire, Wytham, in a marshy place between the Wood and the River Thames, I 9, 30.vili.1953 (Graham) ; Cheshire, Redesmere, 718 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM I 9, 4.111.1951, amongst Typha (S. Shaw) ; Oxfordshire, Otmoor, I g, I 9, 20.vili.1955 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. All the above specimens were taken in marshy places. Trichomalus posticus (Walker) Eutelus posticus Walker, 1834 : 366, 9. ? Pteromalus Deudorix Walker, 1839 : 225, 3. ? Pteromalus intestinarius Forster, 1841 : 17-18, 9. ? Pteromalus cristatus Forster, 1841 : 20, . Pteromalus Sunides Walker, 1845 : 261, 3 Q. ? Pteromalus Xanthe Walker, 1845 : 262, 3. Isocyrtus (Tvichomalus) punctinucha Thomson, 1878 : 134, ¢ . ? Trichomalus cristatus (Forster) Nikol’skaya, 1937 : 12-13, [ev parte]. Trichomalus posticus (Walker) Graham, 1956) : 247. Trichomalus punctinucha Thomson ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 548, 554-555, 9. Type material. For designation of lectotypes for most Walker species, see Graham (1956) : 247). Pteromalus deudorix Walker. Syntypes, 3g. LECTOTYPE, the third specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label ; it appears to be a male of fosticus. Pteromalus intestinarius Forster. One female, LECTOTYPE, labelled ‘‘ Collect. G. Mayr” ; *‘ Tr. intestinarius Forster Type” ; and (in Forster’s handwriting) “intestudinarius [sic] m.’’. I think it is probably conspecific with posticus (Walker). Pteromalus cristatus Forster. Types probably lost (see Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 545). Meyer (1923 : 117) mentioned Ruschka’s opinion that cristatus might be the same as frontalis Thomson [=nanus (Walker) ], but some features in Foérster’s description of cristatus (“ Beine rotlichgelb, Schenkel an der Basis griin.. . Lg. 1 1/4 Lin.”’) suggest rather that it might have been the same as posticus (Walker). Four specimens in the BM(NH) determined as cristatus by Ruschka, are actually posticus. The redescription of cristatus given by Nikol’skaya (1937), particularly the large size (‘‘ 2-3 mm.’’) suggests that she had fosticus before her, although her figure of the male antenna is like that of manus (Walker). Possibly the series from which the redescription was made was a mixed one. Pteromalus xanthe Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE ; it is probably a male of posticus. . Isocyrtus (Trichomalus) punctinucha Thomson. Syntypes, II specimens. LECTO- TYPE, a female labelled “ Reft ”’ [Reftera] and “ punctinucha Ths ”’. The description of the female of punctinucha (Thomson) [=fosticus (Walker) ] given by Delucchi and Graham (1956) did not take into account the variation of the species. Therefore a redescription, based on the types and on fresh material compared with them, is given here : 9. Length 2-0-2:9 mm. Colour of head and thorax much as in nanus (Walker), but bright green and coppery specimens are less frequent ; femora sometimes entirely testaceous, some- times more or less infuscate ; tibiae usually testaceous, occasionally slightly darkened medially. Basal cell of fore wing usually bare, occasionally with 1—2 isolated hairs in its distal part. Gaster ovate, 1-6—1-9 times as long as broad, somewhat longer than the thorax, but at least PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 719 slightly shorter than head plus thorax ; length of last tergite from about two thirds, to as long as, its basal breadth, therefore on the average rather longer than in nanus. Propodeum and antennal segments as described in my key to species (q.v.). BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, ? GERMANY, ? U.S.S.R. Biology. Very probably the species is parasitic on Chloropid flies. T. cvistatus (Forster), which is probably a synonym of posticus (Walker), has been recorded as parasitizing Oscinosoma Oscinella| frit (L.) and Chloropisca notata (Mg.) ; see Nikol’skaya, 1937. These records need confirmation. Imagines appear July— September. Trichomalus statutus (Forster) Pteromalus fertilis Forster, 1841 : 20, 2, Syn. n. Pteromalus statutus Forster, 1841 : 20, 9. Trichomalus statutus (Forster) Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 552-554, 2 [ex parte}. Type material : Pteromalus fertilis Forster. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, a specimen labelled “‘ Collect. G. Mayr ”’ ; “ Tr. fertilis Forster Type ”’ ; ‘‘ fertilis m.” (in Foérster’s handwriting) ; ‘ Trichomalus fertilis F6. 9. V. Delucchi det. 54”’ ; and (on a red label) ““ TYPE”. The specimen lacks the wings and one antenna, but agrees in other respects with the type of statutus. Pteromalus statutus Forster. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE labelled “ Collect. G. Mayr”’ ; “ Pt. statutus Forster Type ”’ ; “ statutus m.” (in Forster’s handwrit- ing) ; ‘‘ Trichomalus statutus F6. V. Delucchi det.’ ; and (on a red label) ““ TYPE ”’. The redescription of the female of statutus in Delucchi & Graham (1956) is incorrect in some respects. Thus the gaster was said to be “ aussi long ou peu plus long que le thorax, une fois et demie plus long que large ’’ ; but in the lectotype (which I have re-examined) it is nearly as long as the head plus thorax and twice as long as broad. The gaster of the lectotype of fertilis is very similar, but just a little less elongate. In the same paper (p. 552) lucidus Forster, versutus Forster, and frontalis Thomson, were cited as synonyms of statutus ; but as a result of further study, I now regard all these as synonyms of nanus (Walker). I have examined a few females from Czechoslovakia which agree with the lectotypes of statutus and fertilis. They differ from those of manus (Walker) in their longer gaster, slightly different propodeum, and antennae ; and from those of oxygyne in their slightly shorter gaster. They are in fact very close to the females of posticus (Walker) and might prove to be a form of that species ; however, they have the gaster slightly more acuminate than in any of my British postzcus, and appear to be doubtfully within the range of variation of that species. At present statutus is kept separate until its status can be confirmed. GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. This species was recorded (Secrétariat, etc., 1966: 12I, I3I) as a parasite of Oscinella frit (L.) (Dipt., Chloropidae) in Czechoslovakia, but the record needs to be checked in view of the confusion between statutus (Forster) and nanus (Walker). 720 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Trichomalus oxygyne sp. n. (Text-fig. (584)) 9. Body greenish bronze or dark bluish ; disc of gaster bronze-black. Antennae fuscous ; scape testaceous at base, or mainly so. Coxae concolorous with thorax ; trochanters testa- ceous ; femora fuscous, their tips fairly broadly testaceous ; tibiae and tarsi testaceous, the tibiae usually somewhat infuscate medially, tips of tarsi brown. Tegulae fuscous, or partly testaceous. Wings slightly tinged with grey ; venation brownish testaceous, the stigma a little darker. Length 2-5—2-:8 mm. Head barely 1-2 times as broad as mesoscutum ; in dorsal view 2-I-2:2 times as broad as long, with temples converging rather strongly and one quarter as long as eyes or slightly more ; POL 1:-5-1-65 OOL. Eyes separated by about 1-4 times their length. Malar space slightly less than half the length of an eye. Clypeus strigose, its anterior margin truncate or very weakly emarginate. Head moderately finely reticulate, the genae finely so. Antennae with toruli about equidistant from the anterior margin of the clypeus and the median ocellus ; scape almost reaching the vertex ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum approximately equal to breadth of head ; pedicellus virtually twice as long as broad, slightly longer than the first funicular segment ; flagellum rather slender, subclavate ; funicle proximally only slightly stouter than the pedicellus ; funicular segments subquadrate, or the proximal segments very slightly longer than broad, the sixth, and sometimes the fifth, very slightly transverse ; sensilla not very numerous, in one row on each segment. Thorax 1-6-1:8 times as long as broad. Mesoscutum 1:6—1-7 times as broad as long, finely reticulate laterally, rather more coarsely so on the disc. Scutellum slightly longer than broad ; slightly more finely, or as coarsely, reticulate as the disc of the mesoscutum. Propodeum medially about two thirds as long as the scutellum and produced well beyond the bases of the hind coxae ; median area 1-3—1-4 times as broad as long ; median carina strong, often raised ; panels of median area strongly though finely, nearly uniformly reticulate ; costula sometimes slightly indicated ; nucha occupying about one third the median length of the propodeum, convex, strongly and more coarsely reticulate than the panels of the median area ; callus, except around the spiracle, thickly pilose. Hind coxa thickly pilose dorsally. Fore wing with basal cell bare, or with a few hairs distally, open below ; basal vein pilose ; speculum open below ; surface beyond the speculum moderately thickly pilose ; marginal vein 1-6—-1-9 times as long as the stigmal vein, and 1-2—1-35 times as long as the postmarginal vein. Gaster lanceolate, slightly longer than head plus thorax, 2:2-2-5 times as long as broad ; last tergite as long as, or slightly longer than (up to 1-3 times) its basal breadth ; sides of basal tergite with a conspicuous patch of whitish hairs at the base, the hind margin of the tergite entire or hardly at all emarginate medially. 3g. Unknown. Holotype 9. ENGLAND: Berkshire, Wytham, 22.1x.1951 (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality as holotype, I 9, 31.v.1952 (Graham), in Graham collection. SCOTLAND : Mid Perth, Lawers, 1 9, 19.vii.1952 (Graham), in Graham collection. Closely resembles the female of posticus (Walker) but differs in its longer gaster ; in posticus this is ovate, 1-6-1-9 times as long as broad, at least slightly shorter than head plus thorax. Biology. Unknown. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 721 Trichomalus nanus (Walker) Pteromalus nanus Walker, 1836 : 472, Q. ? Pteromalus Cerpheres Walker, 1839 : 255, 4. Pteromalus lucidus Forster, 1841 : 18, 9, syn. n. [nee Walker, 1835]. ? Pteromalus Aglaus Walker, 1845 : 263, 3. Pteromalus Dipoenos Walker, 1848 : 124, 180, 9, Syn. n. Pteromalus versutus Forster, 1861 : 36, 9, syn. n. Isocyrtus (Trichomalus) frontalis Thomson, 1878 : 136, 3 Q. Pteromalus speciosus Dalla Torre, 1898 : 148, syn. n. [n. n. for P. lucidus Forster, nec Walker]. ? Trichomalus cristatus (Forster) Meyer, 1923 : 113, 117. ? Trichomalus cristatus (Forster) ; Nikol’skaya, 1937 : 12-13, [ex parte}. Trichomalus nanus (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 247. Trichomalus statutus (Forster) Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 548, 552-554, d 9, [ex parte]. Type material. Pteromalus nanus Walker. Lectotype female designated by Graham (19560 : 247). Pteromalus cerpheres Walker. Syntypes, 3¢ ; LECTOTYPE, thesecond specimen, which I consider is probably a male of manus, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus lucidus Forster. Syntypes, 3 9. LECTOTYPE labelled “ Collect. G. Mayr” ; “ Pt. lucidus Forster Type ”’ and (in Forster’s handwriting) ‘“ lucidus mM, Pteromalus aglaus Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus dipoenos Walker. One female, accepted as TYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. It is aberrant in having the propodeal costula stronger than usual, Pteromalus versutus Forster. Syntypes, a male and a female, pinned and staged on a pith block. LECTOTYPE, the female, labelled “ Roseggthal”’ (in Forster’s handwriting) ; “ Collect. G. Mayr” ; “‘ Pt. versutus Forster Type” ; ‘‘ Pteromal. versutus I11. N. 109. 9. 2”’. Isocyrtus (Trichomalus) frontalis Thomson. Syntypes on 35 pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Lpl”’ [Lapland], “‘ frontalis Ths ’’, and (on a red label) ‘‘ Type”. Q (redescription). Length 1-6-2 mm. Head and thorax varying in colour from a rather bright green through bronze-green to coppery bronze ; legs with femora more or less infuscate, often mainly so, tibiae often infuscate medially, sometimes mainly. Basal cell of fore wing often with a few scattered hairs in its distal part. Gaster short-ovate, as long as or somewhat longer than the thorax, 1:5—1-75 times as long as broad ; last tergite at least slightly shorter than its basal breadth, sometimes hardly more than half as long as broad. Propodeum and antennae as described in my key to species. The female differs from that of fosticus (Walker) mainly in its rather smaller size, somewhat shorter antennal flagellum, and rather more transverse median area of the propodeum ; from that of (?) coryphe (Walker) in the same characters and in its shorter antennal scape ; and from that of statwtws (Forster) particularly in its shorter gaster and antennal flagellum. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Hee).S.S.R. Biology. Not definitely known, but possibly the species is parasitic on Chloropid 722 M. W. R. nE V. GRAHAM flies. Some of the host records for Tvichomalus cristatus (Forster) mentioned by Nikol’skaya (1937) might refer to the species here called manus. In Britain imagines have been captured in the field from May until October ; I have also taken a female in December and another in March, which suggests that females hibernate. If so, the life-cycle of manus differs somewhat from that of posticus (Walker) because I have never found females of the latter during the winter months. Trichomalus repandus (Walker) (Text-fig. 585) Ptevomalus repandus Walker, 1835 : 501, 9. Pteromalus stenotelus Walker, 1836 : 487, &. Pteromalus Samus Walker, 1839 : 221, d. Pteromalus cryptophagus Forster, 1841 : 14, 9. Pteyomalus praetermissus Forster, 1841 : 19, 9, Syn. n. Isocyrtus ([vichomalus) pallicorvnis Thomson, 1878 : 136, 3 &. Trichomalus cryptophagus (Forster) Mayr, 1903 : 393. Trichomalus vepandus (Walker) Graham, 1956) : 247. Trichomalus vepandus (Walker) ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 547-548, 551-552, d @. Type material. For designation of lectotypes for, and synonymy of, the above Walker species, see Graham (19560 : 247). Pteromalus cryptophagus Forster. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE labelled “Collect. G. Mayr” ; “ Pt. cryptophagus Fo6rster Type”; and, in Férster’s handwriting, “cryptophagus m’”’. The species was synonymized with repandus (Walker) by Delucchi & Graham (1956 : 551). Pteromalus praetermissus Forster. Three females in Forster collection (Vienna). Only one (LECTOTYPE) agrees well with the description in having its thorax coppery-tinged ; but only the thorax, left wings, fore legs, and one mid leg remain. It is labelled “‘ Collect. G. Mayr ”’ ; “‘ Pt. praetermissus Forster Type’. Delucchi & Graham (1956 : 545) stated that the type was indeterminable because of its damaged state. However, I have re-examined the lectotype and am convinced it is the same as vepandus (Walker). One of the other syntypes, which is in good condition but has the thorax green, and so disagrees with the description, is also a female of vepandus, which supports my conclusion. Isocyrtus (Irichomalus) pallicornis Thomson. Syntypes on 27 pins. LECTO- TYPE, female labelled “ Reft ” [Reftera]. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY ; uncommon. Biology. Unknown. Imagines May-July. Trichomalus conifer (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus laticornis Walker, 1836: 475 ¢ [nec 2], syn. n. Pteromalus conifer Walker, 1836 : 484, 9. ? Pteromalus exilis Forster, 1841 : 13, 9 [nec Walker, 1836]. ? Pteromalus germanus Dalla Torre, 1898 : 127 [n. n. for evilis Forster nec Walker}. ? Trichomalus exilis (Forster) Mayr, 1903 : 393. ? Trichomalus exilis (Forster) ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 549, 564-565, 9. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 723 Type material. Pteromalus conifer Walker. Syntypes, 3 9. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label ; it is unusually large and has the first funicular segment about 1-6 times as long as broad. Pteromalus laticornis Walker. Syntypes, 19, 2¢. LECTOTYPE,ag ; Water- house label. Pteromalus exilis Forster. One female, LECTOTYPE, in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; it is card-pointed and labelled “ Collect. G. Mayr”’ ; “ Tr. exilis Forster Type” ; and, in Forster’s handwriting, “ exilis m.’’. The redescription of exilis in Delucchi & Graham (1956 : 564-565) applies well to smaller females of conifer, except that the propodeum is said to be slightly more than half as long as the scutellum. In spite of this exilis may be identical with conifer. However, I have not been able to re-examine the lectotype of exilis and therefore only cite it as a possible synonym of conzfer. Redescription (?).—Head, thorax, and basal tergite of gaster green to bronze-green ; re- mainder of gaster purplish black with at most a few greenish flecks. Antennal scape, except sometimes its tip, and legs except mid and hind coxae and the fore coxae externally or wholly, reddish testaceous. Length 1-7-2 mm. Head very broad, 1:25-1:31 times as broad as the mesoscutum, in dorsal view 2:05-2:15 times as broad as long ; temples one quarter length of eyes or somewhat more. Antennal scape not reaching the median ocellus; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum nearly equal to breadth of head ; pedicellus in profile nearly twice as long as broad ; flagellum moder- ately clavate, proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus ; first funicular segment from slightly shorter than, to slightly longer than, the pedicellus, 1-2~-1-6 times as long as broad, second segment at least slightly shorter than the first, subquadrate, distal segments slightly transverse ; sensilla fairly numerous, in one row on each of the segments except sometimes the first, which has two rows in large specimens. Thorax squat, 1:35-1:45 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar, medially, one ninth to one seventh as long as the mesoscutum, the latter about 1-9 times as broad as long. Scutellar frenum with coarse reticulation. Propodeum medially somewhat less than half as long as the scutellum ; median area 1-6—-1-85 times as broad as long ; costula present, sometimes very strong ; panels of median area shiny, smooth or weakly wrinkled, often with a few longitudinal costulae at the base ; nucha marked off by a deep constriction, occupying about half the median length of the propodeum, with rather coarse raised reticulation ; spiracles oval ; callus with only moderately dense pilosity. Fore wing with basal cell virtually bare ; basal vein pilose throughout ; speculum open below ; disc beyond speculum quite densely pilose ; marginal vein 1-55—-1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein slightly shorter than the marginal. Gaster conic-ovate, broadest near the base, acutely pointed apically, 1-9—2-1 times as long as broad, nearly as long as head plus thorax ; dorsal surface often convex, sometimes slightly sunken ; hind margin of basal tergite nearly straight. Britain : “ Found near London” (Walker, 1836 : 484) ; Oxfordshire, Bald Hill, near Lewknor, I Q, 18.vi.1958 (Graham) ; unlocalized, 2 2 (certainly Walker specimens) in the Dale collection, Oxford. ? GERMANY: ? type of exilis (Forster). Biology. Unknown. Trichomalus flagellaris sp. n. (Text-figs. 583, 588) 9. Body greenish with bronze reflections on the mesoscutum and scutellum ; pleura of thorax more bluish ; middle tergites of gaster with faint purplish transverse fasciae. Antennae 724 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM black ; scape, and pedicellus beneath, reddish. Coxae concolorous with thorax ; rest of legs reddish, the knees and tarsi slightly paler ; tarsi brownish apically. Wings subhyaline ; venation testaceous. Length 2:75 mm. Head in dorsal view about twice as broad as long, with temples converging moderately strongly, rather straight, slightly more than one-third as long as eyes ; POL 1-35 OOL. Eyes relatively large, separated by only 1-3 times their length. Malar space slightly more than one third the length of an eye. Clypeus strigose, the striae extending some way up the face and genae, its anterior margin slightly emarginate medially. Head finely reticulate, the frons more coarsely so. Antennae (Text-fig. 588) very characteristic : toruli placed well above level of ventral edge of eyes, and hardly nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus ; scape not quite reaching level of vertex ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum not quite equal to breadth of head ; pedicellus about twice as long as broad, slightly shorter than the first funicular segment ; flagellum stout, subfusiform ; first funicular segment much stouter than the pedicellus, constricted proximally much as in some Arthrolytus species, about 1-6 times as long as broad, with a row of sensilla in its distal third ; second segment hardly transverse, the following segments distinctly so, each with a row of sensilla in its distal part ; clava hardly twice as long as broad, nearly as long as the three preceding funicular segments together. Thorax about 1-6 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar, medially, rather more than one sixth as long as the mesoscutum. Mesoscutum nearly twice as broad as long. Scutellum about as broad as long. Propodeum medially about two thirds as long as the scutellum and produced well beyond the bases of the hind coxae ; median area (Text-fig. 583) about 1-3 times as broad as long ; median carina distinct ; panels of median area shiny, with only traces of weak sculpture, but traversed by a distinct costula which is angulate medially ; nucha occupying slightly more than one third the median length of the propodeum, convex, strongly reticulate ; callus, except around the spiracle, thickly pilose. Hind coxae thickly pilose dorsally. Fore wing with basal cell bare, open below ; basal vein pilose ; speculum open below ; surface beyond the speculum rather thickly pilose ; marginal vein 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein and 1-15 times as long as the postmarginal vein. Gaster lanceolate, slightly acuminate, about as long as head plus thorax, about 2-2 times as long as broad ; last tergite slightly longer than its basal breadth ; basal tergite with a con- spicuous patch of whitish hairs at base laterally, its hind margin slightly curved and entire. 6. Unknown. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 24.viil.1952 (Graham), in Graham collection. Closely resembles the female of conifer (Walker) from which it differs mainly in the much less transverse median area of the propodeum, in its rather longer pronotal collar, and slightly longer gaster. Biology. Unknown. Trichomalus rugosus Delucchi & Graham Trichomalus vugosus Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 548, 555-556, 9. Type material. Holotype 9. Leitha-Au, Vimpacs, lower Austria, 27.vi.1951 (Ruschka), in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. BRITAIN ; AUSTRIA ; apparently rare. Newrecord : England, Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 3 9, 27.vill.1952 (Graham). Biology. Unknown. Imagines in June and August. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 725 Trichomalus gracilicornis (Zetterstedt) comb. n. (Text-fig. 586) Pteromalus gracilicornis Zetterstedt, 1838 : 423-424, 9. Isocyrtus (Tvichomalus) punctigey Thomson, 1878 : 137, 5 2, syn. n. Trichomalus punctigey Thomson ; Graham, 1956b : 249. Trichomalus punctigey Thomson ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 550, 570-571, 3 9. Type material. Pteromalus gracilicornis Zetterstedt. One female, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype), labelled in Zetterstedt’s handwriting “ P. gracili-cornis 9. Giebostad.”’ ; the antennae are aberrant for the species in having the first funicular segment unusually small. Isocyrtus (Trichomalus) punctiger Thomson. Syntypes, 7 specimens. LECTO- TYPE, a female labelled “ Lp. in”’ [Lapponia inferioris] and ‘“‘ Bhn”’. BRITAIN, SWEDEN ; uncommon. The females of gracilicornis overwinter amongst the foilage of coniferous trees and in spring may be found visiting the catkins of Salix species. Biology. Unknown. Imagines captured in July in Britain (females also through- out winter, and in spring). Trichomalus gynetelus (Walker) Pteromalus gynetelus Walker, 1835 : 483, 9. Trichomalus gynetelus (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 247, 9. Trichomalus gynetelus (Walker) ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 550, 568-570, 3 9. Type material. Lectotype designated by Graham (19560 : 247). BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN ; not uncommon. The females of this species, like those of bracteatus and lucidus, overwinter amongst the foilage of coniferous trees. Biology. Unknown. Trichomalus bracteatus (Walker) (Text-fig. 591) Pteromalus bracteatus Walker, 1835 : 483, 9. Pieromalus herbidus Walker, 1835 : 484, 9. Pteromalus flammigey Walker, 1835 : 485, 9. Pteromalus attenuatus Walker, 1836 : 479, &. Pteromalus balux Walker, 1836 : 488, 9. Pteromalus longulus Walker, 1836 : 491, 9. ? Pteromalus Daimenes Walker, 1839 : 250, 6. ? Pteromalus Automedon Walker, 1839 : 254, 6. ? Pteromalus Acraea Walker, 1839 : 266, 3. Pteromalus fasciatus Forster, 1841 : 12, 9. ? Pteromalus stigmatizans Walker, 1872b : 123, 6. Trichomalus bracteatus (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 247. Trichomalus bracteatus (Walker) ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 568, 3 9. Type material. For synonymy of most of the above Walker species, and designa- 726 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM tion of lectotypes, see Graham, 1956b : 247-248. Species not dealt with in that paper are: Pteromalus daimenes Walker. Syntypes, 3 ¢. LECTOTYPE, the third ; Waterhouse label. It may belong to bracteatus. Pteromalus automedon Walker. Syntypes, 2 ¢; LECTOTYPE, the second specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus fasciatus Forster. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE labelled “ Collect. G. Mayr” ; “ Pt. fasciatus Worster, Type > 72.51. fasciaius 14° | Pteromalus stigmatizans Walker. One male, Type Hym. 5. 718, LECTOTYPE ; labelled “Madeira Wollaston” and (in Walker’s handwriting) ‘‘ Pteromalus stigmatizans ”’. BRITAIN, IRELAND ; SWEDEN, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, ? MADEIRA ; common in Britain. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July-August, females also Sept.—April, over- wintering in the same situations as gynetelus. Trichomalus lucidus (Walker) (Text-fig. 587) Pteromalus lucidus Walker, 1835 : 484, 9. Ptevomalus chalceus Walker, 1835 : 491, 9. Pieromalus brevicornis Walker, 1835 : 491, 9. Pteromalus despectus Walker, 1835 : 491, 9. Pieromalus vusticus Walker, 1836 : 482, 9. Ptevomalus mundus Forster, 1841 : 12, dg. Ptevomalus Lyttus Walker, 1848 : 125, 194, 9. Isocyrtus (Trichomalus) fasciatus Thomson, 1878 : 139, ¢ 2 [mec Forster, 1841]. Trichomalus lucidus (Walker) Graham, 1956) : 248. Trichomalus lucidus (Walker) ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 572-573, do . Type material. For synonymy, and designation of lectotypes for Walker species, see Graham (1956) : 248). Species for which no lectotypes have so far been designated are : Pteromalus mundus Forster. One card-pointed male, LECTOTYPE ; it is labelled ‘“‘ Collect. G. Mayr” ; “ Pt. mundus Forster Type” ; and, in Forster’s handwriting, “‘ mundus m.”’. Isocyrtus (Trichomalus) fasciatus Thomson. Syntypes on 27 pins. LECTO- TYPE, a female labelled “ Lhn ” [Lindholmen] and “ fasciatus Ths ’’. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY ; fairly common. Biology. Unknown ; imagines July-August, females also Sept.—April. Trichomalus althaeae (Erdés) comb. n. Lanceosoma althaeae Erdos, 1953 : 235, d Q. Type material. Syntypes in coll. Erdés, Hungary, Calocsa, May 1947, 1 4, 6 9, PIEROMALIDAE OF NOW: EWVROPE 727 reared from cells of Apion validum Germ. in stems of Athaea officinalis L. (Dr. J. Erdos). This species is very close to elongatus D. & G., but differs in the relatively longer gaster of the female. HUNGARY. Biology. Reared from cocoons of Apion validum Germ. in stems of Althaea officinalis L. (Dr. J. Evdés). Trichomalus elongatus Delucchi & Graham Trichomalus elongatus Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 559-560, @. Type material. Holotype and 4 paratypes in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; one paratype in coll. Delucchi, another in coll. Graham. BRITAIN ; ? AUSTRIA. Biology. Reared with Eurytoma sp. from stems of Althaea rosea (L.) Cav., probably as a parasite of Apion radiolus Marsh., Sept. 1874 (G. Mayr). Imagines chiefly Aug.—Sept. (One record for April). Lanceosoma cardui Masi, (1953 : 391) might be near T. clongatus. Trichomalus acuminatus Delucchi & Graham Trichomalus acuminatus Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 556-557, @. Type material. Holotype and one paratype in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; one paratype in coll. Delucchi, another in coll. Graham. CZECHOSLOVAKIA (Moravia), Frain, 3—16.vili.1883. Biology. Reared from Gymnetron villosulum Gyll. on Linaria sp. (see Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 557). Trichomalus cupreus Delucchi & Graham ? Pteromalus consuetus Walker, 1872b : 121-122, 6. Trichomalus cupreus Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 560-561, 9. Type material. Pteromalus consuetus Walker. One male, accepted as TYPE, labelled “‘ Madeira Wollaston” and (in Walker’s handwriting) ‘‘ Pteromalus consuetus’”’. It might be the male of cupveus, though I cannot be certain. Trichomalus cupreus Delucchi & Graham. Holotype 9 in BM(NH), labelled “Madeira Wollaston” and, in Walker’s handwriting, ‘“‘ Pteromalus flammifer {nom. nud.]’’. No other material has been seen. MADEIRA. Biology. Unknown. 728 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Trichomalus inscitus (Walker) Pteromalus affinis Walker, 1835 : 492, 9, syn. n. Pteromalus inscitus Walker, 1835 : 499, 9. Pteromalus tristis Walker, 1835 : 500, 9. Ptevomalus microcerus Walker, 1835 : 500, 9. Ptevomalus Deiochus Walker, 1839 : 240, 3, Syn. n. Pteromalus veconditus Forster, 1841 : 13, 9. Pteromalus Diachymatis Ratzeburg, 1844a : 203, g, Syn. n. Pteromalus Orchestis Ratzeburg, 1844a : 205, 9, Syn. n. Pteromalus Lampe Walker, 1848 : 125, 192, 2, Syn. n. Isocyrtus (Tvichomalus) subnudus Thomson, 1878 : 140, 3 9, syn. n. Trvichomalus veconditus (Forster) Mayr, 1903 : 393. Habrocytus orchestis (Ratzeburg) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 20. Trichomalus diachymatis (Ratzeburg) Ruschka, 1924 : 14. Trichomalus orchestis (Ratzeburg) Ruschka, 1924 : 14. Trichomalus diachymatis (Ratzeburg) ; Bukovskij, 1938 : 159-160, ¢9. Trichomalus inscitus (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 248-249. Trichomalus inscitus (Walker) ; Delucchi & Graham 1956 : 549, 562-564, 3 Q. Type material. Pteromalus affinis. Lectotype designated by Graham (19566 : 250). In that paper I synonymized affinis with apertus (Walker) ; but I now consider that the lectotype of afinis to be a female of imscitus having the legs paler than usual. Actually none of the syntypes of affinis agrees perfectly with the description ; that designated as lectotype agrees best, although it has the femora darkened ; they were, however, partly hidden beneath the thorax and their colour could have been mistaken. Pteromalus inscitus Walker, P. tvistis Walker, and P. microcerus Walker. Lecto- types designated by Graham (1956b : 240). Pteromalus detochus Walker. Syntypes, 3 ¢ ; LECTOTYPE, the third specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus reconditus Forster. Syntypes, 29. LECTOTYPE labelled “ Collect. G. Mayr”’ and “ Pt. reconditus Forster Type ”’ Pteromalus diachymatis Ratzeburg and P. orchestis Ratzeburg. Types formerly in Ratzeburg collection, Eberswalde, now presumed destroyed. P. orchestis was transferred to Habrocytus by Kurdjumov (1913 : 20). Ruschka (1927 : 14) stated that, through Professor Eckstein, then in charge of Ratzeburg’s collection, he had compared the types of diachymatis and orchestis and considered them to be the sexes of one species. He also corrected Kurdjumov, who had placed orchestis in Habrocytus, pointing out that it had 4 teeth in both mandibles and a thickly pilose propodeal callus, characters which associated it with Tvichomalus. Ratzeburg’s original material of both diachymatis and orchestis was reared from “‘ Orchestes viminalis”’ [=Rhynchaenus quercus (L.)]. This data, together with Ratzeburg’s descriptions and the information later supplied by Ruschka, leave no doubt that his two species were the same as inscitus (Walker). Pteromalus lampe Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 729 Isocyrtus (Trichomalus) subnudus Thomson. Syntypes on 11 pins. LECTO- TYPE, a female labelled ‘‘ Lhn”’ [Lindholmen]. Widely distributed in Europe ; ? U.S.A. The species reared in the Ohio area, U.S.A., from Rhynchaenus pallicornis Say, and determined as Habrocytus orchestis (Ratzeburg) (see Mundinger, 1951 : 30) might be the same as Tvichomalus inscitus but the specimens are not available for checking. Biology. eared in England from Orchestes alni L. on Ulmus (B. S. Doubleday) (material in Hope Dept., University Museum, Oxford) and from the same host by Forster (see Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 564) ; from O. fag: L. on Fagus in the canton of Zurich 15-20.v.1954 (Delucchi) (Delucchi and Graham, 1956 : 564) ; from O. fagi L., O. quercus L. and O. testaceus Mull. in U.S.S.R. (Bukovsky) (Bukovskij, 1938 : 160, as Tvichomalus diachymatis) ; also from O. testaceus Mull. in Sweden (Ruschka) (Ruschka, 1924:14). Imagines captured in the field June—Sept., females also throughout the winter and in the spring. Trichomalus perfectus (Walker) (Text-fig. 590) Pteromalus perfectus Walker, 1835 : 488, 9. Pteromalus decorus Walker, 1835 : 496, 9. Pteromalus decisus Walker, 1836 : 185, 9. ? Pteromalus Hippo Walker, 1839 : 247, 3. Pteromalus opulentus Forster, 1841 : 26, 9. Isocyrtus (Trvichomalus) laevinucha Thomson, 1878 : 140, 3 &. Tvichomalus perfectus (Walker) Graham, 1956) : 250. Trichomalus perfectus (Walker) ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 550-551, 571-572, 9. Trichomalus perfectus (Walker) ; Peck, 1963 : 669. Type material. For most of the above synonymy, and designation of lectotypes for Pteromalus perfectus, P. decorus, and P. decisus, see Graham (1956b : 250). Pteromalus hippo Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus opulentus Forster. One female, pinned to a block of pith, LECTO- TYPE ; labelled “ Collect. G. Mayr”’ and, in Foérster’s handwriting, “‘ Pteromalus opulentus nob. det. For. 18’. Isocyrtus (Trichomalus) laevinucha Thomson. Syntypes, 9 specimens. LECTO- TYPE, a female labelled ‘‘ Scan ’’. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, HOLLAND, FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, U.S.S.R.; CANADA. Biology. Reared from Ceuthorrhynchus assimilis Payk. in Holland, France and Switzerland (Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 572 ; Delucchi, in Secrétariat, etc. 1961 : 215) ; also recorded as a parasite of Ceuthorrhynchus pleurostigma Marsh. (Secrétariat, etc., 1963 : 344, 355). Peck (1963 : 669) states that specimens from British Columbia, “‘ reared from Ceutorhynchus assimilis, agree with Delucchi & Graham’s description of T. perfectus. The other Pacific Coast records without much doubt 730 M. Wo Re pe _V, "GRAHAM , refer to the same species ”’. in winter and early spring. Kapucinski (1946 : 92-93, IoI, 127, pl. 2, figs. 8, 9) recorded Tvichomalus laevinu- cha Thomson as a parasite of the larvae of Megastigmus kuntzer Kap. in seeds of Juniperus. Possibly the parasite was misidentified ; at all events, the record needs to be checked. Imagines in Europe chiefly July-Aug.; females also Trichomalus lonchaeae Boucek Trichomalus lonchaeae Boucek, 1959 : 37-40, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Germany, S. Bavaria, Allgauer Alps, Kornau near Oberstdorf, reared in summer 1957 from larvae of Lonchaea zetterstedti Becker collected on Picea logs (G. Morge), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3463). BRITAIN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. See above. Trichomalus robustus (Walker) Ptevomalus vobustus Walker, 1835 : 488, 9. Pteromalus nubilus Walker, 1835 : 488, 9. Pteromalus Vibullius Walker, 1839 : 221, 3, Syn. n. Ptevomalus xanthopterus Ratzeburg, 1844a : 200, 2, syn. n. Pteromalus Inatos Walker, 1848 : 126, 200, 9. Isocyrtus (Tvichomalus) spivacularis Thomson, 1878 : 139, 3 &. Trichomalus vobustus (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 250. Trichomalus vobustus (Walker); Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 548, 558-559, 9. Type material. For designation of lectotypes for Pteromalus robustus, P. nubilus and P. inatos, see Graham (19560 : 250). Pteromalus vibullius Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE ; Waterhouse label. Pteromalus xanthopterus Ratzeburg. Holotype 9 presumed destroyed. The description applies very well to Tvichomalus robustus (Walker), the female of which sometimes has a dark cloud on the fore wing. Isocyrtus (Trvichomalus) spiracularis Thomson. Syntypes, 6 specimens. LECTO- TYPE, the first female in the series. BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July-August ; females also in winter (amongst foliage of coniferous trees) and in spring. Trichomalus apertus (Walker) Pteromalus apertus Walker, 1835 : 489, 9. ? Pteromalus Alopius Walker, 1848 : 124, 185, 6. Trichomalus apertus (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 250. Trichomalus apertus (Walker) ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 551, 572, 9. ? Trichomalus palustris Erd6és, 1957 : 65, fig. 7f, g, 2. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 731 Type material. Pteromalus apertus Walker. Lectotype designated by Graham (1956b : 250). In the same paper P. afinis Walker was synonymized with apertus ; this was a mistake, the lectotype being a female of Tvichomalus inscitus (q.v.). Pteromalus alopius Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. It might belong to apertus. Trichomalus palustris Erdos. Holotype 9, Hungary, Gardony (Velencei-t6), 24.V11.1952, from Phragmites communis Trin. (Erdos) in coll. Erdés (not seen by the writer). From the description and figures it would appear to be near apertus (Walker). BRITAIN, apparently rare ; ? HUNGARY. Biology. Unknown. Imagines captured in the field during August ; females also in winter, I have twice taken them hibernating amongst foliage of Cupressus sp. Trichomalus curtus (Walker) comb. n. Pteromalus curtus Walker, 1835 : 490, 9. Type material. One female, which is accepted as TYPE ; it bears a Waterhouse label. This appears to be a valid species of Tvichomalus, but as I have no other material which fits the type and therefore cannot check some of the characters, it is not included in my key to species. It has the median area of the propodeum shiny and nearly smooth, and in this and several other characters much resembles the female of apertus (Walker) ; but it differs from that in having a shorter pedicellus more like that of perfectus (Walker). BRITAIN. Biology. Unknown. Trichomalus helvipes (Walker) Eutelus helvipes Walker, 1834 : 365, 9. Pteromalus cuprinus Walker, 1835 : 489, 9. Pteromalus obtusus Walker, 1835 : 490, 9. Pteromalus futilis Walker, 1835 : 496, 9. Pteromalus famulus Walker, 1835 : 496, &. Pieromalus perpetuus Walker, 1835 : 497, &. Pteromalus detritus Walker, 1835 : 499, 9. Pteromalus chrysammos Walker, 1836 : 487, 9. ? Pteromalus Saptine Walker, 1839 : 224, 3. Ptevomalus Crocale Walker, 1839 : 239, 3. Pteromalus Janiva Walker, 1839 : 248, 3. Pteromalus peregrinus Forster, 1841 : 11, 9. Pteromalus lethargicus Forster, 1841 : 13, 9. Pteromalus quaesitus Forster, 1841 : 13, 9. Pteromalus delectus Forster, 1841 : 26, 9. Pteromalus Mese Walker, 1848 : 124, 184, 3. Pteromalus Lebadeia Walker, 1848 : 125, 189-190, 9, Syn. n. 732 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM Pteromalus Carma Walker, 1848 : 126, 202, 9. Pteromalus Hyrtacina Walker, 1848 : 127, 213, 9. Isocyrtus ([vichomalus) laticepbs Thomson, 1878 : 138, 3 9. Trvichomalus helvipes (Walker) Graham, 1956) : 248. Trichomalus helvipes (Walker) ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 551, 573-4, 46 9. Type material. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes for most of the above Walker species, see Graham (1956) : 248). Species for which lectotypes were not selected are: Pteromalus saptine Walker. Syntypes, 2 g; LECTOTYPE, the second specimen, bearing a circular label “ 38. 7. 12. 216”. It may be a slightly aberrant male of helvipes. Pteromalus peregrinus Forster. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE labelled “ Pt. peregrinus Forster Type ”’ and, in Forster’s handwriting, “‘ peregrinus m.”’. Pteromalus lethargicus Forster. One female, LECTOTYPE ; labelled “ Collect. G. Mayr”; “ Pt. lethargicus Forster Type” ; and, in Forster’s handwriting, “lethargicus m.”’. Pteromalus quaesitus Forster. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE labelled “ Collect. G. Mayr”; “Pt. quaesitus Forster Type”; and, in Forster’s handwriting, “ quaesitus m.”’. Pteromalus delectus Forster. One female which agrees only poorly with the description but is accepted as TYPE ; it is labelled, in Forster’s handwriting, “ Pteromalus delectus nob. det. Forst.”’. Pteromalus lebadeia Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. The following notes on the female of helvipes are intended to supplement the redescription given in Delucchi & Graham (1956 : 573-574): Length 1-4-2:9 mm. Colour of head and thorax usually greenish, but varying from blue through green and bronze-green to coppery bronze ; pale parts of legs tending to be pale or yellowish testaceous, occasionally fulvous ; femora often more or less infuscate, sometimes mainly so ; tibiae sometimes brownish or fuscous medially. POL 1-2—1-4 times OOL. Mar- ginal vein 1:3—1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein about as long as, or a little longer than, the marginal. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, NORWAY, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND. One of the commonest species of the genus in Britain. Biology. Recorded asa parasite of Brachonyx pineti Payk. in Norway (Secrétariat, etc., 1957 : 321, 324). I have seen a female obtained from an inflorescence of Trifolium sp. in southern England, possibly parasitizing one of the “‘ Clover weevils ”’ (Apion sp.). Imagines June—October, females then over-wintering in dry situations, particularly amongst the foliage of Cupressus and other coniferous trees. Trichomalus tenellus (Walker) Amblymerus tenellus Walker, 1834 : 348, 9. Ptevomalus saturatus Walker, 1835 : 495, 9. Piteromalus viridulus Walker, 1835 : 497, 9. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 733 Pteromalus gentilis Walker, 1836 : 493, 9. Pteromalus Axos Walker, 1848 : 126, 201, 9. Trichomalus tenellus (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 249. Trichomalus tenellus (Walker) ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 549, 562, 9. Type material. For synonymy and designation of lectotypes for the above Walker species, see Graham (1956) : 249). BRITAIN ; not common. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—August ; females also in winter, hibernating amongst the foliage of coniferous trees and of Buxus, and in similar situations. Trichomalus fulvipes (Walker) Pteromalus fulvipes Walker, 1836 : 490, 9. ? Pteromalus Amphimedon Walker, 1839 : 235, 3. Pteromalus operosus Forster, 1841 : 13, 9, Syn. n. Trichomalus fulvipes (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 250. Trichomalus operosus (Forster) Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 550, 565, 9. Type material. Pteromalus fulvipes Walker. Lectotype female designated by Graham (1956) : 250). Pteromalus amphimedon Walker. Syntypes, 3 ¢ ; LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pieromalus operosus Forster. Syntypes, 3 9. LECTOTYPE labelled “ Pt. operosus Forster Type ”’ and, in Forster’s handwriting, “‘ operosus m.”’. Although the males which I believe may belong to fulvipes are very different from those of helvipes (Walker), it is difficult to assign some females with certainty to one or the other species. The distinctions given in my key to species (females) hold good for most specimens, but a few cause doubt. Females which I can refer definitely to fulvipes have the following characters (compare with the corresponding ones in helvipes) : Legs, not counting the coxae, bright testaceous, the femora sometimes reddish. POL 1-45-1°5 OOL. Marginal vein 1-4-1-55 times as long as the stigmal vein. Body more slender than in female helvipes, gaster relatively longer (see key to species). These differences are mainly average ones, and are perhaps not very helpful ; but I have no doubt that fulvipes represents a distinct species. Perhaps further investigation will reveal some better characters for distinguishing its female from that of helvipes. Delucchi and Graham, when dealing with operosus (Forster) (=fulvipes Walker) and helvipes (Walker), placed them (1956 : 550, 551) in different sections of their key, because the former species was considered to have the pilosity of the fore wing shorter and denser than the latter. After recomparing the females of fulvipes and helvipes, however, I find this distinction to be very slight and hard to appreciate. BRITAIN, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND. Biology. Unknown. Imagines (in Britain) captured in August. 734 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM Trichomalus pexatus (Walker) Pteromalus pexatus Walker, 1835 : 499, Q. Pteromalus intermedius Forster, 1841 : 18, 9. Trichomalus pexatus (Walker) Graham, 1956) : 250. Trichomalus pexatus (Walker) ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 550, 565-566, 9. Type material. Pteromalus pexatus Walker. Lectotype designated by Graham (19560 : 250). Pteromalus intermedius Forster. One female, accepted as TYPE ; it is labelled “intermedius m.”’, in Forster's handwriting; “Collect; G. Mayr i) ee intermedius Forster Type ”’ BRITAIN, GERMANY. Biology. Unknown. Imagines Aug.—Sept. Trichomalus lepidus (Forster) Pteromalus lepidus Forster, 1841 : 11, 9. Isocyrtus ([vichomalus) aeneicoxa Thomson, 1878 : 142, 5 2, syn. n. Trichomalus lepidus (Forster) Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 550, 566-568, 3 9. Type material. Pteromalus lepidus Forster. Syntypes,2g,29. LECTOTYPE a male labelled “‘ Pt. lepidus Forster Type ”’ and, in Forster’s handwriting, ‘‘ Lepidus MM. \. Isocyrtus (ITrichomalus) aeneicoxa Thomson. Syntypes on 18 pins. LECTO- TYPE, a female labelled “‘ Hg” [Halsingborg] on a mauve label. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, ? GERMANY. Biology. Unknown. Females evidently hibernate as I took one from needles of Ulex during the winter. Trichomalus rufinus (Walker) (Text-fig. 592) Ptevomalus rufinus Walker, 1835 : 495, 9. Pteromalus Ivus Walker, 1839 : 235, 3. Ptevomalus mtefactus Forster, 1841 : 26, 9. Isocyrtus (Tvichomalus) pedicellayis Thomson, 1878 : 142, 3 9. Trichomalus rufinis (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 250. Trichomalus rufinis (Walker) ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 549, 561-562, ¢ 9. Type material. Pteromalus rufinus Walker and P. irus Walker. Lectotypes designated by Graham (19560 : 250). Pteromalus nitefactus Forster. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE labelled “ Collect. G. Mayr” ; “Pt. nitefactus Forster Type”; and, in Forster’s handwriting, “ Pteromalus nitefactus m. 2’. Isocyrtus (Trichomalus) pedicellaris Thomson. Syntypes on 8 pins. LECTO- TYPE : one of 2 2 mounted on a pin together with 3 g¢ and labelled “ 295” and “ pedicellaris m.”’. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 735 BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY ; not uncommon. Biology. Reared in England, under the name ivws Walker, as a parasite of Apion loti Kirby, by Richards (1935 : 83-84). Reared specimens emerged in September and October ; I have captured specimens in the field in May and Sept.—Nov. Trichomalus annulatus (Forster) Pteromalus annulatus Forster, 1841 : 11, 3. Pteromalus annulatus Forster ; Mayr, 1903 : 393, 3. Type material. One male, accepted as TYPE (probably holotype) ; it is labelled “ Collect. G. Mayr ’’ ; “ P. annulatus Forster Type ”’ ; and, in Forster’s handwriting, “annulatus m.”’. Female unknown. GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. Trichomalus inops (Walker) Pteromalus inops Walker, 1835 : 499, 9. Pteromalus confinis Walker, 1836 : 486, 9. Isocyrtus (Trichomalus) yrufimanus Thomson, 1878 : 142, 3 9. Trichomalus inops (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 249-250. Trichomalus inops (Walker) ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 551, 575-576, 3 9. Type material. For synonymy, and designation of lectotypes for the above Walker species, see Graham (1956) : 249-250). Isocyrtus (Trichomalus) rufimanus Thomson. Syntypes, 15 specimens. LECTO- TYPE, a male labelled “ Reft ”’ [Reftera]. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; common. Biology. I have seen three females which were obtained in England from inflorescences of Tvifolium sp. Females overwinter in similar situations to those of campestris (Walker) ; both sexes may be taken in late spring and summer. Trichomalus campestris (Walker) Amblymerus campestris Walker, 1834 : 343, 9. Amblymerus tenuicornis Walker, 1834 : 347, 9. Pteromalus fumipennis Walker, 1835 : 492, 9. Pteromalus vedactus Walker, 1835 : 492, 9. Pteromalus tenuis Walker, 1835: 498, 3. Pteromalus concisus Walker, 1836 : 488, 9. ? Pteromalus nubeculosus Forster, 1841 : 30, 9. Isocyrtus (Tvichomalus) coxalis Thomson, 1878 : 141, 3 9. Trichomalus campestris (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 249. Trichomalus campestris (Walker) ; Delucchi & Graham, 1956 : 551, 574-575, 6 2. Type material. For synonymy, and designation of lectotypes for above Walker species, see Graham (19560 : 240). 736 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Pteromalus nubeculosus Forster. Type apparently lost ; see Delucchi & Graham (1956 : 544-545). The species was synonymized with fumipennis by Walker himself (18485 : 219) and his remarks there suggest that he saw Forster’s material of nubeculosus when visiting Aachen. Isocyrtus (Trichomalus) coxalis Thomson. Syntypes on 4o pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “‘ Lund ”’ and “ coxalis ’’, also bearing A. Jansson’s lectotype label. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Very common in the British Isles. Biology. Reared in England from clover-seed, probably as a parasite of Apion sp. The females overwinter amongst the foliage of coniferous trees and, especially, Ulex ; also on Buxus, in haystacks and similar dry situations. I have sometimes found great numbers of the females congregated amongst dry, withered needles of Ulex during the winter. Both sexes are common during the summer (chiefly Aug.—Sept.). Note. Pteromalus obsessorius Forster (1841 : 26, 9) belongs to the species-group of campestris (Walker) and is probably the same as the latter. The wings, flagella, and gaster of the type female, however, are missing, so that one cannot be absolutely sure ; the type is labelled “‘ obsessorius m.’’, in Foérster’s handwriting ; “ Collect. G. Mayr”’ ; and “ Pt. obsessorius Foérster Type ” Trichomalus placidus (Walker) comb. n. Eutelus placidus Walker, 1834 : 359, d- Pteromalus Learchus Walker, 1845 : 262, 3, syn. n. Type material. Eutelus placidus Walker. Syntypes, 2 g. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus learchus Walker. One male, which is accepted as the TYPE. The males of placidus may well belong to one of those species which is known in the female sex only, and mentioned here under some other name. At present, however, I cannot definitely correlate them with any females. BRITAIN. Biology. Unknown. - Trichomalus sp. indet. A CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Podhor, near Prague, I 4, 16.vii.1963 (Graham) ; Dolni Postevna, I g, 18.vii.1950 (A. Hoffer). I do not yet know the 9 of this very distinct 3. Trichomalus sp. indet. B ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham, 1 9, 12.vii.1960 (Graham). This 9 appears to be rather distinct, but I do not wish to describe it at present. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 737 Trichomalus sp. indet. C ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham Wood, a few gg, 22.1x.1951 (Graham). Very near the possible $ of fulvipes, but may be distinct. ATRICHOMALUS Graham Atvichomalus Graham, 1956: 95. Type-species: A. trianellatus Graham, by monotypy and original designation. Atrichomalus Graham ; Peck et al., 1964 : 53. Atrichomalus trianellatus Graham (Text-figs. 580-582) Atrichomalus trianellatus Graham, 1956 : 95-97, 3 &. Type material. Holotype 9, England, Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 24.viii.1952 (Graham), in the Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford ; paratypes in the writer’s collection. BRITAIN. Biology. Unknown. Imagines captured in April and August. PLATYPTEROMALUS Bouéek Platypteromalus Bouéek, 1955 : 313. Type-species: P. pragensis Bouéek, by original desig- nation. Platypteromalus Bouéek ; Peck et al., 1964 : 51. Platypteromalus pragensis Bouéek Platypteromalus pragensis Bouéek, 1955 : 315-316, 5 Q. Type material. Holotype 9, Bohemia, between Chuchle and Slivenec, near Prague, on limestone steppe, 24.vi.1955 (Bouéek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3073). CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June and August. EUPTEROMALUS Kurdjumov Pteromalus (Pteromalus), section B Thomson, 1878 : 155-156. Trichomalus Ashmead, 1904 : 318-321 [mec Thomson, 1878]. Trichomalus Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 327, 329, 331 [vec Thomson, 1878]. ? Trichomalopsis Crawford, [May] 1913 : 251. Type-species : T. shivakii Crawford, by mono- typy and original designation. Eupteromalus Kurdjumoy, [July] 1913: 12. Type-species : Pteromalus nidulans Thomson, by original designation. 738 M. W. R. ve V. GRAHAM Nemicromelus Girault, 1917c : 4. Type-species: Merisus subapterus Riley, by original designation. Eupteromalus Kurdjumoy ; Gahan, 1921 : 240-241. Eupteromalus Kurdjumov ; Gahan, 1933 : 75-89. Eupteromalus Kurdjumov ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 221 Eupteromalus Kurdjumov ; Graham, 1956) : 254-255. Eupteromalus Kurdjumovy ; Peck, 1963 : 683-690. Eupteromalus Kurdjumov ; Peck e¢ al., 1964, : 51. Both Ashmead (1904) and Schmiedeknecht (1909) misidentified the genus Trichomalus Thomson, which they described as having the occiput margined, whereas in the true Tvichomalus it isnot margined. Kurdjumov (1913 : 12) proposed the name Eupteromalus for the genus misidentified by these authors. Nemicromalus Girault was synonymized with Eupteromalus by Gahan (1933 : 80-81). From the original description, Tvichomalopsis Crawford might be the same as Eupteromalus ; but I have not seen the type-species and cannot check this. If Trichomalopsis should prove to be identical with Eupteromalus it would take priority as it antedates the latter by two months. The name Eupteromalus, however, is so well known that its replacement in that event seems undesirable. The European species of Eupteromalus badly need revision. I have attempted to go some way towards this in the present work, but much remains to be done. The North American species are better known, thanks especially to the work of Gahan. Dr. B. D. Burks very kindly sent me types of several of these species for examination. When writing he mentioned the great difficulties encountered when attempting to construct a key to the North American species. As a result of my experience in trying to make one for the European species, I can heartily sympathize. Some of the American species proved to be so close to certain European ones that I decided it would be helpful to include the former in the present study, in order to show such differences as I have found. By so doing I hope that my key may help students in North America. It seems likely that some of our European species which have not hitherto been recorded from the Nearctic region, may eventually be found there. KEY TO EUROPEAN AND NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Wings fully developed with normal venation . 2 - Wings more or less abbreviated, not reaching to the tip of the easter: venation often abnormal ; 41 2 (1) Fore wing with basal cell (upper ure) with 8. 13 hairs: in fs diel pare, Gaster (Text-fig. 595) subcircular, shorter than the thorax ; ovipositor sheaths testaceous Antenna, Text-fig. 597 . pompilicola sp. n. (p. 752) = Fore wing with basal cell (upper snenge bares or ely, with 1-3 isolated hairs near the basal vein. Gaster ovate to lanceolate-ovate ; ovipositor sheaths dark . : 3 3 (2) Gaster (Text-fig. E06) oe pasa forette mitt a eae one band af nintaeeante sculpture about in the middle, and with 1-2 rows of hairs; the three PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 739 Fics. 594-602. Eupteromalus spp. 594, pompilicola sp. n., 2, head; 595, same, 9, propodeum and gaster ; 596, subapterus (Riley), syntype 2, metanotum, propodeum and gaster ; 597, pompilicola sp.n., 9, antenna ; 598, tachinae Gahan, 9, antenna; 599, leguminis Gahan, 9, antenna ; 600, vividescens (Walsh), 9, antenna ; 601, savcophagae Gahan, 9, antenna ; 602, americanus Gahan, 9, antenna. 740 Io MEW Re Delve. 2 G:ReAEUA NE following tergites with similar sculpture and pilosity. Propodeum nearly or quite as long as the scutellum Head, Text-fig. 606 (North America). Gaster with basal tergite smooth, or rarely with some very weak alutaceous sculpture along its hind margin, bare except at the sides ; the three following tergites also bare except laterally, sometimes smooth though often with some alutaceous sculpture. iS tea usually relatively shorter than in the above Antenna (Text-fig. 598) with flagellum very stout, nearly twice as stout as the pedicellus, subfusiform ; clava broadest across its first segment, thence tapering to apex ; second anellus large, only slightly transverse. Gaster with basal tergite occupying two thirds to three quarters of the whole. Head (Text-fig. 608) ne 1-3 times as broad as the mesoscutum. (North subapterus (Riley) (p. 776) America) . ; : tachinae Gahan (p. 777) Antennae (Text- a 599-602, ee 78) with flagellum not so stout, usually thickening at least slightly from base to tip ; clava tapering less strongly ; second anellus, except in /eguminis, smaller and transverse. Gaster with basal tergite occupying at most about half the total length, but Se less. Head rarely so broad relative to the mesoscutum . : Antenna (Text-fig. 599) with second anellus subquadrate, very ioe aaa half as long as the first funicular segment ; lower edge of toruli hardly above level of ventral edge of eyes ; scape distinctly shorter than eye. Fore wing with marginal vein at most 1-2 times as long as the stigmal vein. Median area of propodeum (Text-fig. 604) rather strongly transverse. (North America). Head, Text-fig. 610 . : : : : : leguminis Gahan (p. 776) Antennae (Text-fig. 600-602, 629-640) with second anellus transverse, never so hairy as in the above . : : : : : F Fore wing with marginal vein at most 1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein Fore wing with marginal vein more than 1:6 (up to 2:2) times as long as the stigmal vein North American species mich ae Ase or quite ie as long as broads aud about as long as head plus thorax ; antenna (Text-fig. 602) with lower edge of toruli only very slightly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes, scape nearly as long as an eye, proximal segments of the funicle slightly longer than broad or quadrate. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 609) 6 29 americanus Gahan (p. 775) Either European species ; or gaster at most 1-75 times as long as broad, and the other characters not all present in combination. Antennae with lower edge of toruli at or hardly above the level of the coal edge of the eyes, distance between toruli and front margin of clypeus not or hardly greater than the malar space ; scape, except in maurus sp. N., as long as an eye and reaching the vertex . : Antennae with lower edge of toruli distinctly above the level oe the Fennell edge of the eyes, distance between toruli and front margin of clypeus usually distinctly greater than the malar space ; if only slightly ok then scape shorter than an eye and not reaching the vertex North American species European species : Pronotal collar sharply acd Soci ened pxeepe just a the ace “Malar space slightly more than half the hey ofaneye. Antenna (Text-fig. 600) ; 8 head (Text-fig. 611). : j . viridescens (Walsh) (p. 777) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 741 607 ) ¢ ae ” a ia 612 ae 614 ae G ae 616 617 Fics. 603-617. Eupteromalus spp. 603, dubius (Ashmead), 2, propodeum ; 604, legu- minis Gahan, syntype 9, propodeum ; 605, cognatus Gahan, syntype 9, propodeum ; 606, subapterus (Riley), 9, brachypterous form, head ; 607, savcophagae Gahan, syntype 9, propodeum ; 608, ftachinae Gahan, 9, head ; 609, americanus Gahan, 9, head ; 610, leguminis Gahan, 9, head ; 611, vividescens (Walsh), 9, head ; 612, savcophagae Gahan, 9, head ; 613, maurus sp. n., 9, head ; 614, cavicicolasp.n., 9, head; 615, laticeps sp. n., 2, head ; 616, micropterus (Lindeman), 9, head ; 617, tigasis (Walker), 9, head. II I2 13 14 15 16 (11) (14) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Pronotal collar weakly and irregularly margined. Malar space slightly less than half the length of an eye. Antenna (Text-fig. 601) ; head (Text- 1H (uA) : . : . sarcophagae Gahan (p. 776) Head in dorsal view (Text- fas 61 Be with ‘aan hardly one-quarter as long as eyes, rounded off. Pronotal collar sharply and evenly margined except just at the sides. Antennae with scape slightly shorter than an eye ; all funicular segments slightly transverse. Propodeal callus not densely pilose, the hairs not hiding the surface. Malar space half the length of an aye - : : ; Z ‘ . maurus sp. n. (p. 770) Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. Hope with eae nearly or quite one third as long as eyes, less strongly rounded. Pronotal collar often more weakly and irregularly margined. Antennal scape as long as an eye; proximal segments of funicle often not transverse. Either the propodeal callus is densely clothed with white hairs which virtually hide the surface ; or the malar space is somewhat more than half the length of an eye . 12 Propodeal callus densely clothed with white hairs which hide most & the surface. Malar space half, or slightly less than half, the length of an eye. Head and thorax bronze- or bluish black. Antenna, Text-fig. 631 albopilosus sp. n. (p. 753) Propodeal callus less thickly pilose. Malar space from ae three fifths, to two thirds, the length of aneye . : 13 POL only 1-2-1:27 OOL. Fore wing with posee eee vein as long as, OF slightly longer than, the marginal vein. Malar space o-4—0-45 the length of an eye. Antenna (Text-fig. 633) with funicular segments relatively longer, the first segment as long as the second, quadrate. Length 1-7— 26 mm. Species found in salt-marshes, but apparently not associated with seaweed z : littoralis sp. n. (p. 755) POL 1-35-1:55 OOL. gee ee ah postmareinal vein usually at least a little shorter than, rarely as long as, the marginal vein. Malar space from three fifths, to two thirds, the length of an eye. Antenna with funicular segments relatively shorter, the first segment at least slightly shorter than the second, usually slightly transverse. Length 1-3-2: mm. Species associated with seaweed (Fucus) . : . fucicola (Walker) (p. 753) Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to breadth of head . : 15 Antennae with comoieed iength of aetirete ava aeeellena at least Shee less than breadth of head . 16 Antenna (Text-fig. 635) with first Poaienles seereen as See as or slightly longer than the second ; none of the funicular segments, except sometimes the sixth, transverse. Pronotal collar finely though sharply margined except just at the sides. Both mandibles with 4 teeth. Larger species, I-9-2°2 mm. Head, Text-fig. 614 . . caricicola sp. n. (p. 768) Antenna (Text-fig. 639) with first feted seenea slightly to very distinctly shorter than the second, and at least slightly transverse ; some or all of the following segments usually slightly transverse. Either pronotal collar less distinctly and more irregularly margined, and left mandible with 3 teeth ; or smaller species (length 1-2-1:75 mm.) . 38 Head in dene! view (Text-fig. 615) 2:25 times as broad as lone, ee fhe sos prominent and the temples converging strongly. Pronotal collar sharply margined except just at the sides. Antenna (Text-fig. 630) with all funicular segments slightly transverse ; flagellum with rather conspicuous hairs. Head and thorax bluish black . : : . laticeps sp. n. (p. 760) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 7 - If the head is nearly as strongly transverse and has a similar shape to the above, then the pronotal collar is less distinctly margined, the proximal segments of the antennal funicle are not or hardly transverse and the flagellum has less conspicuous hairs, whilst the head and thorax are tinged with greenish or bronze J 618 { 62 624 625 628 Fics. 618-628. Euptevomalus spp., 2, heads. 618, genalis sp. n., holotype 2 ; 619, same, frontal view ; 620, cognatus Gahan, 2 ; 621, submarginatus (Thomson), lectotype @ ; 622, potatoriae sp. n., holotype 2 ; 623, dubius (Ashmead), 2 ; 624, acuminatus sp. n., ; 625, lasiocampae sp.n. ¢ ; 626, peregyinus sp.n., 2; 627, fucoicla (Walker), 2; 628, hemipterus (Walker), 9. 17 744 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (17) (18) (23) (24) M. WwW: Ro pEe_yy,. GRATAM Pronotal collar sharply and evenly margined except just at the sides. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 613) with temples strongly rounded and from hardly one quarter to slightly more than one quarter as long as eyes. First segment of antennal funicle slightly to distinctly transverse, and usually shorter than the second : 3 38 Pronotal collar less distinctly and more iccealanly: eee or ferme pies when present the transverse carina is sharp at most over about the middle third. Head in dorsal view often with temples relatively longer or less rounded. First segment of antennal funicle sometimes otherwise . 18 Antennal scape as long or virtually as long as an eye, reaching the level of the vertex ; proximal segments of funicle usually quadrate or slightly longer than broad, rarely slightly transverse ; median carina of propodeum weak or absent . 19 Antennal scape aeracclys shorter than an ee. often not cue the vertene : ’ segments of funicle variable, but sometimes all are transverse ; median carina of propodeum most often distinct and sharp. : : 21 Head in dorsal view with temples more than one third as long as ae "Both mandibles with 4 teeth ‘ : sp. indet. A (p. 756) Head in dorsal view (Text-figs. 616, 61 7) ie fons one quarter or slightly more than one quarter as long as eyes. Left mandible (in the specimens examined) with 3 teeth . : ; ; 20 Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 616) 2-2-2: 35 Games as ea as lee micropterus (Lindeman) (p. 766) Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 617) 2:05-2:15 times as broad as long tigasis (Walker) (p. 767) Head in dorsal view (Text-figs. 618, 620-623, 625) with temples one third as long as eyes or more . 22 Head in dorsal view (Text- figs, 613, 624, 626; 628) wie denales) one deanee as long as eyes or less . : 34 Head of characteristic shape ; in frontal oe Glee sts, 610) with lower margins of oral fossa, on either side of the clypeus, distinctly curved and projecting slightly below the level of the front margin of the clypeus ; in dorsal view (Text-fig. 618) only 1-8-1-85 times as broad as long, with temples fully half as long as eyes . 5 . genalis sp. n. (p. 757) Head in frontal view with lower margins of oral cose not or hardly curved, and not projecting distinctly below the level of the front margin of the clypeus ; in dorsal view (Text-figs. 620-623, 625) twice or slightly more than twice as broad as long, with temples at most barely half as long as eyes 23 Antennae (Text-fig. 634) with all funicular segments at least slightly transverse. Relatively small nee rarely over 2 mm. in length, and not more than 2-2 0miiiey 24 Antennae (Text- fee. Be, 636, G4) with at are ssenene C6 of the famiele transverse. Species sometimes relatively larger (length 1-7—3:3 mm.) : Zi Scutellum somewhat flattened discally, its reticulation only very slightly raised above the general surface ; both it and the mesoscutum relatively shiny. Left mandible with 3 teeth, right mandible with 4 _ sp. indet. H (p. 775) Scutellum moderately convex, its reticulation distinctly raised above the general surface ; both it and the mesoscutum relatively less shiny. Both mandibles with 4 teeth : : é E : : : : : 25 North American species. Median area of propodeum (Text-fig. 605) about 1-7 times as broad as long. Mesoscutum somewhat more than twice as broad as long. Scutellum slightly longer than the mesoscutum. Antennal scape not nearly reaching the median ocellus. PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 745 Head, Text-fig. 620 . F 2 j : : cognatus Gahan (p. 776) = European species. Median area of propodeum 1-1—1-4 times as broad as long. Mesoscutum 1-8—1-9 times as broad as long. Scutellum at most as long as the mesoscutum. Antennal scape sometimes reaching the median ocellus 26 (25) Antenna (Text-fig. 632) with scape not quite, or only just, reaching the lower edge of the median ocellus. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 621) with scrobes 26 Fics. 629-635. Eupteromalus spp., 2, antennae. 629, mauyvus sp. n.; 630, laticeps sp. n.; 631, albopilosus sp. n. ; 632, submarginatus (Thomson) ; 633, littovalis sp. n. ; 634, potatoriae sp. n. ; 635, caricicola sp. n. 746 27/ 28 29 30 32 34 35 (23) (27) (27) (29) (30) (31) (32) (29) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM rather deeply excavated. Propodeum about two thirds as long as the scutellum, its median area 1-2—1-4 times as broad as long submarginatus (Thomson) (p. Antenna (Text-fig. 634) with scape nearly reaching the level of the vertex. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 622) with scrobes less deeply excavated. Propodeum three quarters as long as the scutellum or rather more, its median area I-I-1-:2 times as broad as long . : potatoriae sp. n. (p. Gaster lanceolate-ovate, 1-8-2 times as long as broad, distinctly longer than the thorax. Larger species, length 2:3-3:3 mm. Left mandible with 3 teeth, right mandible with 4 Gaster ovate, 1-3-1-65 times as long as prone cea as ISEe as ‘the chores! Smaller species, length 1-7—2:5 mm. : Head in dorsal view very like that of SERS (Text. ae Gan with the temples slightly more than one third as long as eyes. Antenna (Text-fig. 636) with scape not reaching the vertex : . germanicus sp. n. (p. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 624) with temples at most one third as long as eyes. Antenna with scape reaching or virtually reaching the vertex acuminatus sp. n. (p. Head in dorsal view (Text-figs. 621-623, 625) with temples one third or more than one third as long as eyes. Gaster at most 1-6 times as long as broad. Both mandibles with 4 teeth [mandibular formula of dubius unknown] Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 626) with temples one quarter as long as eyes or even less. Gaster sometimes relatively longer than in the above. Left mandible often with 3 teeth. North American species with scutellum flattened. epee (Pee fig. éyaye Propodeum with a distinct, sharp median carina. Head, Text-fig. 623 dubius ae (p. European species with scutellum moderately convex . : Antennal scape barely reaching the lower edge of the median ooo “Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 621) with scrobes deeply excavated, temples slightly angulate posteriorly. Median carina of propodeum distinct submarginatus (Thomson) (p. Antennal scape reaching nearly or quite to the level of the vertex. Head in dorsal view (Text-figs. 622, 625) with scrobes less deeply excavated ; temples sometimes rounded posteriorly . Antenna (Text-fig. 634) with all funicular ee slightly foe Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 622) with temples somewhat rounded posteriorly . : : potatoriae sp. n. (p. Antenna with proximal fons a fame eat transverse. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 625) with temples rounded nodeiadee Median carina of propodeum distinct : Head in dorsal view with temples slightly angulate posteriorly, much as in submarginatus, ee 621. Median carina of propodeum vague or absent : - sp. indet. A (p. Head in dorsal view Ge fe Geet 626), he ets relatively straight ; head 2:03-2:15 times as broad as long. Gaster 1-7-2 times as long as broad, at least somewhat longer than the thorax. Length 1-8-3-3 mm. Head in dorsal view (Text-figs. 613, 628) with temples rounded ; head 1-9-2 times as broad as long. Gaster sometimes relatively shorter. Length I-3-2°3 mm. , : : : : : : : ; : Head (Text-fig. 624) I-2-1:3 times as broad as the mesoscutum. Marginal vein I:55—-1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster slightly acuminate apically ; last tergite as long as, or slightly longer than, its basal breadth ; lasiocampae sp. n. (p. 756) 758) 28 29 761) 762) 30 32 758) 33 759) 756) 35 36 PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 747 Nhs 642 644 645 SaaS, 647 Fics. 636-647. 636, Eupteromalus geymanicus sp. n., 9, antenna ; 637, Eupteromalus scaposus sp.n., 2, antenna ; 638, same, gj, antenna ; 639, Eupteromalus exiguus (Walker), ®, antenna; 640, Eupteromalus dubius (Ashmead), 2, antenna; 641, Eupteromalus hemipterus (Walker), 3, head ; 642, Eupteromalus micropterus (Lindeman), g, head ; 643, Eupteromalus potatoriae sp.n., 3, head ; 644, Eupteromalus littoralis sp. n., 3, head ; 645, Eupteromalus exiguus (Walker), 3, head ; 646, Divhicnus pirus (Walker), 2, head ; 647, Dirhicnus ferrierei Hedqvist, syntype 2, head. 748 30 37 39 40 4I (34) (39) M. W. R. DE Vv. GRAHAM the three tergites following the basal one nearly always with some trace of alutaceous sculpture in their basal part . : . acuminatus sp. n. (p. 762) Head (Text-fig. 626) 1:07-1:15 times as broad as the mesoscutum. Marginal vein 1:18-1:45 times as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster acute but not acuminate apically ; last tergite slightly shorter than its basal breadth ; the three tergites following the basal one are smooth peregrinus sp. n. (p. 764) Antenna (Text-fig. 637) with scape reaching above the level of the vertex, and virtually as long as an eye. Body elongate; gaster lanceolate, slightly longer than head plus thorax, fully twice as long as broad. Pro- podeum almost as long as scutellum, its median area about as long as broad. Fore wing with marginal vein about twice as long as the stigmal vein . : : : ; : : scaposus sp. n. (p. 774) Antenna (Text-fig. 639) ‘with scape not eaenie above the level of the vertex, somewhat shorter than an eye. Body more squat ; gaster not longer than head plus thorax, usually ovate, rarely lanceolate. Propodeum about three quarters as long as the scutellum, its median area at least slightly broader than long. Fore wing with marginal vein sometimes shorter relative to the stigmal vein ; ‘ 37 Eyes relatively smaller, separated by 1-3-1-4 Hs an: length - alee space half or virtually half the length of an eye. Antenna (Text-fig. 639) with first funicular segment distinctly shorter than the second, slightly to distinctly transverse. Fore wing with sae vein I-4-1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein : 38 Eyes relatively larger, separated by eas I-I-I'25 mee ae length ; Gaales space 0:35—0-4 the length of aneye. Antennae with first funicular segment usually as long as the second, rarely very slightly shorter. Fore wing with marginal vein sometimes longer relative to the stigmal vein. 39 Left mandible with 3 teeth, right mandible with 4. Gaster 1-15-1-4 Pee as long as the thorax, 1-55—1-9 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar more weakly and irregularly margined . : . exiguus (Walker) (p. 770) Both mandibles with 4 teeth. Gaster 1-0-1:05 ‘times as long as the thorax, 1°35-1°55 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar tending to be distinctly, sometimes sharply, margined g ; ; . maurus sp. n. (p. 770) Fore wing with marginal vein only 1-3-1-4 fee as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein as long as the marginal. Left mandible with 3 teeth, right mandible with 4 ‘ sp. indet. E (p. 773) Fore wing with marginal vein 1-7—2:25 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein often shorter than the marginal . . 40 Left mandible with 3 teeth, right mandible with 4. jeseiene deine) vein age always at least slightly shorter than, rarely as long as, the marginal hemipterus (Walker) (p. 771) Both mandibles with 4 teeth. Postmarginal vein as long as or virtually as long as the marginal. (Possibly an aberrant form of hemipterus) sp. indet. F (p. 773) Gaster (Text-fig. 596) : the first four tergites have a transverse row of hairs, and also at least some trace of alutaceous sculpture. Propodeum (Text- fig. 596) with plicae indistinct or nearly absent in the front half of the sclerite ; callus with only a row of short hairs next to the edge of the meta- pleuron, and a very few isolated hairs above the supracoxal flange. (North America) . ‘ . subapterus (Riley) (p. 776) Gaster : the first four Nowe 296 are bare Peeoee laterally ; the basal tergite, and sometimes the three following ones, smooth, Propodeum with plicae distinct throughout ; callus with more numerous, and longer, hairs. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 749 (European species, not definitely known to occur in North America). : 42 42 (41) Lower edge of antennal toruli about at level of ventral edge of eyes. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 627) with temples about one third as long as the eyes. Malar space from three fifths to two thirds the length of an eye. Head and thorax bronze- or bluish black ; legs very dark, the femora mainly, the tibiae usually more or less, infuscate. Species associated with Fucus on the sea-shore : . fucicola (Walker) (p. 753) - Lower edge of antennal toruli distinctly hice the level of ventral edge of eyes. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 628) with temples one fifth to one quarter as long as the eyes. Malar space 0-35-0-4 the length of an eye. Head and thorax green to blue or greenish bronze ; legs apart from coxae often wholly testaceous, the femora sometimes infuscate. Species not associated with Fucus . : : : 5 hemipterus (Walker) (p. 771) KEY To MOST EUROPEAN MALES Note. The unknown male of pompilicola sp. n. may be expected to differ from those of all the other European species in having an extensively pilose basal cell in the fore wing, combined with quadridentate mandibles. x Brachypterous forms : : ; : : ; : é : ; 2 - Macropterous forms 5 : : : : : : . 2 (1) Species associated with beawecd (Fucus). Lower edge of antennal toruli hardly above level of ventral edge of eyes. Head and thorax bronze- or bluish black ; legs reddish with the femora often, the tibiae sometimes, infuscate medially. Both mandibles with 4 teeth . fucicola (Walker) (p. 753) - Species not associated with Fucus. Lower edge of antennal toruli distinctly above level of ventral edge of eye. Head and thorax bronze-green, green, or blue ; legs, not counting coxae, testaceous to yellowish, sometimes with the femora some infuscate. Left mandible with 3 teeth, pies mandible with 4 : : . 3 3 (2) Head in dorsal view (Bex: fig. Gaye 1-9-2 fmnes 2 as poe as lone hemipterus (Walker) (p. 771) - Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 642) 2:05—-2-1 times as broad as long micropterus (Lindeman) (p. 766) 4 (1) Fore wing with marginal vein twice as long as the stigmal vein . ‘ ‘ 5 Fore wing with marginal vein at most 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein . 7 5 (4) Thorax twice as long as broad. Antenna (Text-fig. 638) with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-25 times the breadth of the head ; scape as long as an eye and reaching slightly above the vertex. Head and thorax green ; legs except coxae yellowish . : scaposus sp. n. (p. 774) _ Thorax somewhat less than twice as long as broad. Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum not or hardly greater than breadth of head. Either the head and thorax are bronze- to bluish black ; or the antennal scape is slightly shorter than an eye : 3 : : 6 6 (5) Head and thorax bright green ; legs except coxae feoideceus Left mandible with 3 teeth, right mandible with 4. Species not associated with seaweed sp. indet. G (p. 774) - Head and thorax bronze- or bluish black ; legs reddish with the femora often, the tibiae sometimes, partly infuscate. Both mandibles with 4 teeth. Species associated with seaweed (Fucus) j . fucicola(Walker) (p. 753) | Io If I2 13 (11) (11) M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 644) strongly transverse, 2-35-2-4 times as broad as long. Genae so strongly buccate as to appear almost angulate in frontal view. Antenna with pedicellus in dorsal view about 2:5 times as long as broad ; scape slightly longer than an eye and reaching above the vertex ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than the breadth of the head ; flagellum slightly clavate littoralis sp. n. (p. 755) Head in dorsal view at most 2-2 times as broad as long. Genae less strongly buccate. Antenna with pedicellus in dorsal view rarely more than twice as long as broad, if so then scape shorter than an eye. In most species the combined length of the pedicellus and flagellum is not sa than the breadth of the head, and the flagellum is not clavate ‘ 8 Eyes very large, separated by only o-9 their length ; malar apace very seoas hardly more than one third the length of an eye ; head in dorsal view with temples hardly one sixth as long as the eyes. Pronotal collar sharply margined except just at the sides . : : sp. indet. D (p. 769) Eyes smaller, separated by at least slightly more ene their length ; malar space usually longer ; head in dorsal view with temples at least one fifth as long as the eyes. Pronotal collar often indistinctly margined i i 9 Species associated with seaweed (Fucus). Lower edge of antennal toruli hardly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes. Head and thorax bronze- or bluish black ; legs reddish with the femora often, the tibiae sometimes, more or less infuscate. Marginal vein 1-7—2-1 times as long as the stigmal vein . F ; : ; ; . fucicola (Walker) (p. 753) Species not associated with seaweed. Lower edge of antennal toruli slightly to very distinctly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; if only slightly above, then head and thorax greenish and legs, not counting coxae, testaceous or yellowish. Marginal vein usually less than 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein . 10 Propodeal callus densely clothed with eee tes wiieh hide fost oi aie surface. Head and thorax bronze-black ; femora mainly, tibiae slightly, infuscate ; antennae black with the scape partly testaceous. Pronotal collar fairly sharply margined : : . albopilosus sp. n. (p. 753) Propodeal callus less thickly pilose, the fone not hiding the whole surface, and usually not conspicuously white. Head and thorax most often some tint of green; legs, not counting coxae, usually testaceous or yellow, occasionally the femora partly infuscate ; antennal scape often mainly to wholly testaceous, sometimes the whole antenna of this colour. ; II Pronotal collar evenly and sharply margined throughout, or except just at the sides. Antenna with scape as long or virtually as long as an eye, reaching above the vertex ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum I-I5-I-2 times the breadth of the head. Propodeum with a distinct median carina. Both mandibles with 4 teeth . : : 12 Pronotal collar usually weakly and irregularly mangined! or fear ene 5 if at all sharply margined, then only over about the middle third, and combined length of Ue poas and flagellum not or hardly greater than breadth of head . { 13 All funicular segments eee sometimes ‘the paeehn are slightly longer than broad ; the first ees as long as the second. Larger species, 1-6— 18mm. . : caricicola sp. n. (p. 768) First funicular sepment stent deagvens inl slightly shorter than the second. Small species, length about 1mm. . : sp. indet. B (p. 757) Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and eee I:25—-1°35 times the breadth of the head ; funicular segments, except occasionally the 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 (13) (13) (15) (16) (15) (18) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 751 sixth, distinctly longer than broad ; scape nearly or quite as long as an eye, reaching slightly above the vertex . ; : . : : : 14 Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum at most 1-1 times the breadth of the head, but often less ; funicular segments most often quadrate or slightly transverse, the proximal ones a little longer than broad ; scape sometimes shorter than an eye and sometimes not reaching the vertex . ¢ : , - : : 15 Left mandible with 3 teeth, right sales ied 4. Propodeum with a strong median carina. . acuminatus sp. n. (p. 762) Both mandibles with 4 fect Median carina of PeNEee weak or absent (Czechoslovakia) . ‘ : : ; sp. indet. C (p. 757) Head in dorsal view with temples slightly more than half as long as eyes, much as in the female of submarginatus, cf. Text-fig. 621. : : : 16 Head in dorsal view with temples at least slightly less than half as long as eyes 18 Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly less than breadth of head. Head in dorsal view only 1-8—1-85 times as broad as long genalis sp. n. (p. 757) Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to breadth of head. Head in dorsal view approximately twice as broad as long 17 Antenna with first funicular segment as long as the second ; proximal segments of funicle slightly longer than broad, distal segments quadrate. Larger species, length about 2 mm. é ° sp. indet. A (p. 756) Antenna with first funicular segment shorter flan ‘the second ; proximal segments of funicle very slightly transverse, distal segments distinctly so. Smaller species, length about 1-5 mm. . 22 Antenna with all funicular segments except sometimes the sixth distinctly longer than broad ; flagellum very slender, proximally hardly as stout as the pedicellus, only very weakly clavate ; pedicellus in dorsal view rather more than twice as long as broad. Eyes separated by only 1-15~—1-2 their length. Propodeum with median carina absent or vague. sp. indet. I (p. 775) Antennae with funicular segments not or only slightly longer than broad ; if slightly so, then either the flagellum is distinctly clavate, or the pedicellus in dorsal view is hardly twice as long as broad, and the eyes are rather more widely separated. é 19 Antennae with scape distinctly shorter then an see at Jeast not quite =e the vertex, sometimes only reaching the lower edge of the median ocelius ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head. Head in dorsal view with temples appearing slightly angulate posteriorly. Malar space 0-3—0-47 the ‘tie of an eye ; eyes separated by I-I-1-3 times their length . : 20 Antennae with scape as long or virtually as long as an veye, seaehing the level of the vertex or above it ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum [not known in /asiocampae sp. n] about equal to or slightly greater than breadth of head. Head in dorsal view (cf. Text-figs. 625, 643, 645) with the temples tending to be rounded posteriorly. Malar space virtually or fully half the length of an eye ; eyes separated by 1-35—1-6 times their length : 21 Malar space about o-3 the length of an eye. Mesoscutum weakly convex, about twice as broad as long : . germanicus sp. n. (p. 761) Malar space 0-4—0-47 the length of an ae Mesosentam moderately convex, not quite twice as broad as long . . peregrinus sp. n. (p. 764) Head in dorsal view (Text-figs. 625, 643) te semnes half or nearly half as long as eyes. Both mandibles with 4 teeth . 5 ‘ 3 : : 22 752 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM = Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 645) with temples at most one third as long as eyes. Left mandible with 3 teeth, right mandible with 4 : 23 22 (21) Antenna with first funicular segment subtransverse and distinctly Ses than the second. Head, Text-fig. 643 . F ; potatoriae sp. n. (p. 758) - Antenna with first funicular scene queens ae as long as the second lasiocampae sp. n. (p. 759) 23 (21) Antenna with first segment of funicle quadrate, not or hardly shorter than the second d : tigasis (Walker) (p. 767) - Antenna with first segment oF finan slightly 6 very distinctly transverse, from very slightly to much shorter than the second, in small specimens virtually anelliform. Head, Text-fig. 645 . ‘ : ‘ : . exiguus (Walker) (p. 770) Eupteromalus pompilicola sp. n. (Text-figs. 594, 595, 597) 2. Body with rather weak bluish and bronze reflections. Mandibles reddish with darker teeth. Antennal scape and pedicellus bright testaceous, the latter often more or less infuscate distally ; flagellum brown. Coxae concolorous with the thorax; legs otherwise bright testaceous, except the fifth segment of all the tarsi, which is more or less brownish. Tegulae and wing-venation testaceous, wings hyaline. Ovipositor sheaths testaceous. Length 1-55- 1-8 mm. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 594) about twice as broad as its maximum length, temples nearly half the length of the eyes ; POL slightly greater than OOL. In front view the head forms a regular oval, the genae being buccate, and is slightly broader than high. Anterior margin of clypeus very distinctly produced medially. Mandibles large, both with 4 teeth. Antennae (Test-fig. 597) inserted nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus, but the lower edge of the toruli slightly above the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape, not counting the radicula, slightly shorter than an eye and not nearly reaching the level of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly less than the breadth of the head ; pedicellus rather more than twice as long as broad, about as long as the anelli plus the first two funicular segments ; flagellum distinctly clavate ; first funicular segment slightly transverse, the following segments more distinctly so. Thorax about 1-6 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar, except laterally, with a distinct, though irregular and not sharp, margin, reticulate, with a narrow smooth strip along its hind edge. Mesoscutum rather more than twice as broad as long, convex, finely reticulate except in the middle posteriorly. Scutellum slightly longer than the mesoscutum, finely reticulate. Propodeum sloping at a moderate angle relative to the plane of the mesoscutum and scutellum, medially about three quarters as long as the scutellum ; its median area hardly broader than long, moderately finely reticulate, the nucha more coarsely so ; nucha occupying rather more than one third the length of the propodeum ; plicae sharp, especially basally ; median carina distinct but tending to be irregular ; callus rather sparsely haired. Fore wing with basal cell with 8—13 hairs scattered over its distal half, upon the upper surface of the wing ; veins thin, marginal vein about 1-5 times as long as the postmarginal, and about 1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster (Text-fig. 595) almost circular, much shorter than but slightly broader than the thorax ; basal tergite (the third abdominal) occupying about two thirds of the whole gaster, its lateral margins almost bare ; remaining tergites very strongly transverse ; ovipositor sheaths projecting slightly. 6. Unknown. Differs from all the other described species of the genus in the extensively pilose PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 753 basal cell of the fore wing, the testaceous ovipositor sheaths, and almost circular gaster. Holotype 9. IRELAND: Co. Wicklow, Powerscourt, 3.vi.1937, bred from a cocoon of Anoplius migerrimus (Scop.), (Hym., Pompilidae) (A. W. Stelfox), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 8 9 ; ScoTLanp : Mid Perth, Killin, 1 9, 7.Vil.1952, swept from herbage near the River Tay (Graham), in Hope Department and Graham collections. Eupteromalus fucicola (Walker) (Text-fig. 627) Pteromalus fucicola Walker, 1835 : 194-195, 3 &. Eupteromalus fucicola (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 255-256, 3 9. Type material. Lectotype female designated by Graham (1956b : 255). This species should be recognizable by the dark colour of the body and legs, low insertion of the antennae, quadridentate mandibles, and its habitat. The funicular segments of the antennae vary somewhat in proportions ; especially the first segment, which may be as long as the second, quadrate, and provided with sensilla, or distinctly shorter than the second, sometimes virtually anelliform. The latter condition occurs in small specimens. The wings vary considerably in size. In the female they are usually large, but occasionally somewhat shortened and narrower than usual. In the male they are usually more or less abbreviated and narrow. The length of the marginal vein of the fore wing varies considerably relative to that of the stigmal vein ; sometimes the fore wing is hyaline, sometimes infumate discally. BRITAIN, IRELAND ; widely distributed on the coast, associated with seaweed (Fucus sp.). Biology. Host unknown, but possibly some Dipteron. Females crawl about in masses of rotting Fucus at high-water mark, occasionally wandering over adjacent rocks or sand. Males occur in the same situations ; during spells of bright sunshine I have several times seen them running over rocks by the shore. They jump briskly, but most specimens do not seem able to fly. Imagines from end of June until September (occasionally into October). Euteromalus albopilosus sp. n. (Text-fig. 631) 9. Body with bronze and bluish reflections. Mandibles reddish with darker teeth. Anten- nae blackish, the scape reddish at the base. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; legs otherwise rust reddish with the knees rather paler ; the femora and tibiae banded more or less broadly with fuscous, sometimes mainly dark, the fore tarsi and tips of the mid and hind tarsi fuscous. Tegulae fusco-testaceous ; wings subhyaline, venation brownish testaceous. Propodeal callus densely covered with silvery white hairs. Length 1-9-2:5 mm. Head in dorsal view similar to that of acuminatus sp. n. (Text-fig. 624) but with frons slightly 754 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM less prominent ; POL 1-3-1-4 times OOL. In front view the head is subtrapeziform, narrowing towards the mouth, the genae converging quite strongly. Malar space half or slightly less than half the length of an eye. Mandibles moderate-sized, both with 4 teeth. Antennae (Text-fig. 631) inserted well below the middle of the face, the lower edge of the toruli being level with the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape as long as an eye and reaching the level of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly less than the breadth of the head ; pedicellus about twice as long as broad, rather longer than the anelli plus the first funicular segment ; flagellum moderately clavate, funicle proximally not or only slightly stouter than the pedicellus ; funicular segments subequal in length, 1-4 subquadrate, 5 quadrate or very slightly transverse, 6 very slightly transverse. Occasionally the first funicular segment is very slightly transverse and a shade shorter than the second. Thorax about 1-6 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar with a fairly distinct though fine margin, behind this reticulate with a smoother strip along the hind margin. Mesoscutum about twice as broad as long, finely reticulate, a little more coarsely in the middle posteriorly ; notauli fairly sharply impressed. Scutellum as long as the mesoscutum, rather finely reticulate. Propodeum sloping at an angle of about 40° relative to the plane of the mesoscutum and scu- tellum, medially about two thirds the length of the scutellum ; its median area somewhat broader than long, rather finely reticulate, the nucha somewhat more coarsely ; nucha occupy- ing slightly less than half the total length ; median carina sharp, plicae moderately so ; whole callus very densely clothed with silvery white hairs which in some aspects completely hide the surface. Fore wing with basal cell and basal vein bare ; veins thin, marginal vein slightly shorter than the postmarginal and hardly 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein ; surface of wing beyond the speculum uniformly and rather densely haired. Gaster ovate, slightly acuminate apically, hardly broader than but slightly longer than the thorax ; basal tergite (third abdominal) occupying rather more than one third of the whole gaster, its lateral margins with several whitish hairs, as in Tvichomalus species ; fourth less than half as long as third ; 5~—7 extremely short, transversely linear ; 8 slightly shorter than 4 ; 9 triangular, as long as its basal breadth ; tips of ovipositor sheaths just visible in dorsal view. 3. Differs from the 9 as follows : Antennae inserted very slightly above the ventral edge of the eyes. Scape reaching the level of the vertex. Combined length of pedicellus almost equal to the breadth of the head. Flagellum more slender, proximally not stouter than the pedicellus, and less clavate ; funicular segments quadrate. Gaster nearly circular, much shorter but slightly broader than the thorax ; basal tergite occupying more than half the total length, fourth abdominal tergite about one third the length of the third, remaining tergites retracted and strongly transverse. This species closely resembles fucicola (Walker), especially in the dark colour of the body and relatively dark legs, low insertion of the antennae, quadridentate mandibles, structure and sculpture of the thorax, wing-venation, and shape of the gaster. It differs from fucicola especially in its densely pilose propodeal callus, also in some less obvious features as follows: The head is slightly more transverse (breadth : length in fucicola about 2 : 1) with the temples shorter (in fucicola half or nearly half the length of the eyes). The funicular segments are longer (in fuczcola all are transverse, the proximal ones at least very slightly, the distal ones obviously so) ; in fucicola the first funicular segment is at least slightly shorter than the second, in dwarfs much shorter and more like an anellus. The sculpture of the head and thorax is slightly denser so that their surface is more opaque, particularly noticeable on the axillae, which are dull, whereas in fucicola they are glittering. In albopilosus the plicae of the propodeum proceed straight backwards from the base for a short distance and then PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 755 converge strongly towards the nucha ; in fucicola the plicae curve outwards from the base and then sweep inwards towards the nucha in a regular arc. Finally, in albopilosus the hairs clothing the surface of the wing beyond the speculum are rather denser than in fucicola. In female fucicola the wings are sometimes reduced in size, but all my specimens of albopilosus are macropterous. Holotype 9. SWEDEN: Skane, Falsterbo, 8.vili.1g59 (Graham) in Graham collection. Paratypes. Same locality as holotype, 1 g, 8 9, 8.vil.1959 (Graham), in Graham collection. All the series from sand-dunes, some swept from herbage, others from foliage of Salix cinerea L. Biology. Unknown. Eupteromalus littoralis sp. n. (Text-figs. 633, 644) 2. Body with greenish and brassy or bronze reflections. Mandibles reddish with darker teeth. Antennae blackish, the proximal part of the scape more or less extensively reddish. Coxae concolorous with the thorax, legs otherwise mainly rust-red ; sometimes the knees, apices of the tibiae, and bases of the tarsi are paler than the rest, on the other hand in darker specimens the femora, less often the tibiae and the tips of the tarsi, may be infuscated. Tegulae testaceous to fuscous ; wings sometimes hyaline, but more often the fore wing is yellowish- tinged and sometimes it is clouded with brownish. Length 1-7—2:6 mm. Resembles the female of fucicola (Waller), from which it differs in the characters mentioned in the key. It also resembles albopilosus, but differs as follows : Malar space slightly longer, about three fifths the length of an eye. Left mandible with 3, right mandible with 4, teeth. Antennal scape slightly longer than an eye and reaching the level of the vertex ; pedicellus slightly longer ; POL 1-2-1:27 OOL. Hairs on the propodeal callus much less dense, hardly concealing the surface beneath, not covering the spiracular sulci and not extending so close to the nucha ; plicae arcuate right from the base as in fucicola ; nucha larger, occupying fully half the length of the propodeum ; basal tergite of gaster with few hairs at the sides. The marginal vein of the fore wing is 1-3—-1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein. The distal funicular segments (Text-fig. 633) tend to be slightly shorter and broader than in albopilosus, the fourth sometimes being very slightly transverse and 5 and 6 distinctly so. 6. Colour as in female, but femora and tibiae not infuscate. Length 1-6-2 mm. Head of characteristic shape (Text-fig. 644 and couplet 7 of key to gg). Antenna with first anellus somewhat transverse, second quadrate or very slightly transverse ; funicle proximally not stouter than the pedicellus in profile ; first funicular segment half to two thirds as long as the pedicellus, about 1-5 times as long as broad, second similar, rest decreasing gradually in length, fifth quadrate, sixth quadrate or very slightly transverse ; clava about as long as 24 funicular segments ; hairs of flagellum standing out slightly. Gaster slightly longer than broad, shorter than but a little broader than the thorax ; basal tergite occupying about half the total length. Holotype 9. ENGLAND: Dorsetshire, Lodmoor, near Weymouth, 13.1x.1962, swept from marsh vegetation (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 2 g, 15 2 ; IRELAND : Co. Dublin, coast at Portrane, 2 9, 20.vil.1950 (A. W. Stelfox), 1 9, 11.vili.1954 (Graham) ; Co. Wicklow, 756 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM The Murrough, near Newcastle, I 9, 30.v.1954, I 2, 25.V.1955 (Stelfox), in BM(NH) and Graham collections. Biology. Unknown. Eupteromalus submarginatus (Thomson) (Text-figs. 621, 632) Pteromalus submarginatus Thomson, 1878 : 156, 2 [?nec 3]. Eupteromalus submarginatus (Thomson) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 13. Eupteromalus submarginatus (Thomson) ; Delucchi, 1958a : 56, 9. Type material. Syntypes, 16 specimens. LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, a female, labelled “‘ Hbg”’ [Halsingborg], “‘submarginatus Ths” [in Thomson’s handwriting], ““ LECTOTYPE ” on a red label, and “‘ Eupteromalus submarginatus Ths. V. Delucchi det.’’. Delucchi (1958a@ : 56) stated that the lectotype differed only in small characters from apicalis [=hemipterus| and should be regarded as identical with it. I have re-examined the lectotype and find it to be quite distinct from hemipterus ; it differs especially in its much longer temples, and shorter marginal vein. The female has a head of characteristic shape (Text-fig. 621), the scrobes being deeply exca- vated and the temples very long ; malar space 0-42—0-46 the length of aneye. Antenna (Text- fig. 632) with scape short, distinctly shorter than an eye, not or only just reaching the lower edge of the median ocellus ; pedicellus in dorsal view barely twice as long as broad ; funicle proxim- ally at least a little stouter than the pedicellus, thickening slightly distad ; first and second segments of funicle sometimes quadrate, sometimes slightly transverse, the following segments at least very slightly transverse. Pronotal collar weakly and irregularly margined, the carina at most sharp over the middle third, or immarginate. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-55-1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein from very slightly, to quite distinctly, shorter than the marginal. Gaster ovate, about as long as the thorax, 1-5—1-65 times as long as broad. Length 1-7-2:3 mm. Head and thorax varying from bright green or blue-green through dark green to bronze-green ; scape mainly or wholly testaceous, pedicellus and flagellum brownish above, testaceous beneath ; legs, apart from coxae, testaceous. 3g. Not definitely associated. One male in Thomson’s syntypic series might belong to the above female, but as I am not quite sure no redescription of the male is being given here. SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. The three following species are near submarginatus : Eupteromalus sp. indet. A CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Bohemia, Brehyné, near Doksy, I 9, 6.vi.1958 (A. Hoffer). IRELAND : Co. Kildare, Brockagh, north of Clane, 1 g, 29.viii.1948 (Stelfox) ; this may be conspecific with the above 9. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 757 Eupteromalus sp. indet. B CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Slovakia, Sturova, I 3, 22.vii.1963 (Graham). Eupteromalus sp. indet. C CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Slovakia, Sturovo-Nana, I 4, 8.vi.1958 (A. Hoffer). Eupteromalus genalis sp. n. (Text-figs. 618, 619) 9. Head and thorax bronze-green, in places with a bluish tinge, especially on the pleuron, head, and propodeum ; gaster bronze with slight greenish reflections. Mandibles, scape, pedicellus and anelli testaceous ; rest of antennae brown. Coxae concolorous with the thorax, fore coxae sometimes partly testaceous ; rest of legs testaceous, tips of tarsi brownish. Wings hyaline, veins pale testaceous. Length 1-8—-2-3 mm. Head of characteristic shape (see Text-figs. 618, 619 and explanation in key to females). Antennal scrobes moderately deeply excavated. POL 1-25-1-3 OOL. Eyes elongate, separated by 1-31-45 times their length. Malar space 0-44—-0-54 the length of an eye. Both mandibles with 4 teeth (only one female examined). Head finely reticulate ; clypeus radiately strigose, the striae extending some distance up the genae and face. Lower edge of antennal toruli distinctly above the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape somewhat shorter than an eye, reaching about to the lower edge of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum very distinctly less than breadth of head ; pedicellus about twice as long as broad, much longer than the first funicular segment ; funicle virtually cylindrical, slightly stouter than the pedicellus, all its segments very slightly transverse, or the first segment quadrate ; clava about twice as long as broad, its length slightly less than that of the three preceding funicular segments together. Sensilla fairly numerous, in one row on each segment. The antenna is very similar to that of submarginatus (cf. Text-fig. 632). Thorax somewhat flattened, slightly broader than high, in dorsal view 1-5—1-6 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar sometimes irregularly margined almost throughout, sometimes hardly at all, mainly reticulate, with a smoother strip along the hind margin. Mesoscutum about twice as broad as long, finely reticulate, slightly more coarsely in the middle posteriorly. Scutellum as long as the mesoscutum, slightly broader than long, only slightly convex, finely reticulate. Propodeum about, or slightly more than, three quarters as long as the scutellum ; median area 13-14 times as broad as long, strongly, moderately finely reticulate ; median carina distinct, extending a little way on to the nucha ; plicae very sharp and strongly bisinuate ; nucha occupying slightly more than one third the total length ; callus moderately thickly pilose. Lower part of mesepisternum, and mesepimeron, moderately finely reticulate ; upper sub- triangular part of mesepisternum mainly alutaceous ; metapleuron rather more coarsely reticu- late. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-5-1-7 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein variable, from distinctly shorter to slightly longer, than the marginal. Gaster ovate, nearly or just as long as the thorax, 1-3-1-45 times as long as broad ; basal tergite occupying slightly less than half the total length ; the first four tergites smooth, bare except at the sides. 6. Differs from 9 in having the antennae wholly testaceous ; flagellum subclavate ; funicle proximally not stouter than the pedicellus ; proximal segments of funicle subquadrate, the first a little shorter than the second ; distal segments slightly transverse. Holotype 9. Irary : Alto Polesine, reared in 1931 from Masicera [=Paraphoro- cera] semlis (Mg.) (A. Gotdanich), in BM(NH). 758 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Paratypes. ItaLy: S. Giorgio di Nogaro, 1 9 ; Lombardy, unlocalized, 1 g, from the same host as the holotype. JuGOSLAvIA : Zagreb, 2 9, reared 17.v.1929 from M. [P.] senilis on Pyrausta nubilalis Hb. (B. Hergula), in BM(NH). This species falls into the species-group of submarginatus (Thomson), which it resembles in many ways. It differs particularly in the characteristic features of the head, especially in having the edges of the oral fossa, on either side of the clypeus, distinctly curved and projecting below the front margin of the clypeus, in submarginatus they are hardly curved and do not project ; the temples in dorsal view also appear rather longer, and the scrobes are rather less deeply excavated (compare Text-figs. 618 and 621). The thorax of submarginatus is not flattened, the mesoscutum and scutellum being more convex than in genalis ; its propodeum is slightly shorter and has the plicae rather less sharp and not so distinctly bisinuate. Eupteromalus potatoriae sp. n. (Text-figs. 622, 643) 9. Body olive-green; disc of gaster bronze. Antennae testaceous; pedicellus and flagellum more or less brown dorsally. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; legs otherwise testaceous, with the tips of the tarsi brown. Tegulae testaceous. Wings hyaline ; veins testaceous. Length 1-5-1-:7 mm. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 622) about twice as broad as long ; temples slightly more than one third as long as eyes, converging fairly strongly, somewhat rounded posteriorly ; ocelli very small, separated by rather more than three times their major diameter from the eyes ; POL 1:15-1:25 OOL. Head in front view subtrapeziform, about 1-3 times as broad as high. Genae somewhat buccate, malar space nearly half length of eye. Eyes about 1-4 times as long as broad, separated by about 1-4 times their length. Mandibles rather small, both with 4 teeth. Clypeus strigose, its anterior margin hardly produced and very shallowly emarginate medially. Head otherwise finely reticulate. Antennae (Text-fig. 634) inserted distinctly above level of ventral edge of eyes ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head; scape a little shorter than an eye, reaching nearly to the level of the vertex ; pedicellus nearly twice as long as broad, distinctly longer than anelli plus first funicular segment ; flagellum fairly stout, subclavate, proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus ; funicular segments all very slightly transverse, the first sometimes very slightly shorter than the second segment ; clava about as long as the three preceding funicular segments together ; sensilla of funicle fairly numerous. Thorax about 1-6 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar weakly irregularly margined, reticulate with a smooth strip along its hind edge. Mesoscutum about twice as broad as long, finely reticulate ; notauli moderately deep. Scutellum about as long as mesoscutum, slightly broader than long, convex, finely reticulate (especially posteriorly). _Propodeum medially fully three quarters as long as scutellum ; median area I-1—1-2 times as broad as long, finely reticu- late ; nucha more coarsely reticulate, occupying somewhat less than half the length of the pro- podeum ; median carina fairly strong, reaching to the base or to the middle of the nucha ; plicae complete but sharp only posteriorly ; callus rather thinly pilose with only 1-2 hairs above the supracoxal flange. Fore wing about 2-3 times as long as broad ; basal cell and basal vein bare ; speculum open below ; marginal vein 1:65-1:75 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein distinctly shorter than the marginal. Gaster ovate, about as long as the thorax and about 1:5 times as long as broad, acute apically ; basal tergite occupying slightly more than one third the total length ; last tergite slightly shorter than its basal breadth ; tips of ovipositor sheaths just visible. 6. Differs from the female as follows: PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 759 Fore and mid coxae partly testaceous. Head (Text-fig. 643) barely twice as broad as long. Eyes rather smaller, separated by rather more than 1-5 times their length ; malar space longer, fully half as long as an eye. Genae, as seen in frontal view, weakly concave just below the eyes, then somewhat convex just above the oral fossa. Antennal scape as long as an eye, reaching almost above the level of the vertex, broader than in female, about 4:5 times as long as broad ; funicle not stout, proximally hardly as stout as the pedicellus, its first segment distinctly shorter than the second segment and subtransverse, segments 2 and 3 quadrate, 4-6 very slightly transverse ; clava nearly three times as long as broad and fully as long as the three preceding funicular segments together. Marginal vein hardly 1-5 times as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster obtuse at apex, only about 1-3 times as long as broad, somewhat broader than the thorax. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Devon, Braunton, bred 17.vili.1929 from the puparium of a Tachinid fly (possibly Tachina sorbillans Wied.) which had parasitized Philudoria (=Odonestis) potatoria (L.) (G. C. Varley), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data, I gf, 2 9, in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. The female of potatoriae most resembles that of swbmarginatus (Thomson), from which it differs in the characters mentioned in my key to species. The North American species cognatus Gahan also resembles potatoriae, but the female differs from that of potatoriae as follows : antennal scape shorter, about three quarters as long as an eye, and not nearly reaching the median ocellus ; eyes slightly larger, separated by about 1-2 times their length ; median area of propodeum (Text-fig. 605) strongly transverse, about 1-7 times as broad as long ; sculpture of mesoscutum and scutellum rather coarser. Eupteromalus lasiocampae sp. n. (Text-fig. 625) @. Head and thorax bright blue-green ; gaster sometimes tinged with bronze discally. Mandibles, antennal scape, and pedicellus beneath, testaceous ; rest of antenna brown. Coxae concolorous with thorax ; rest of legs testaceous, with the tips of the tarsi brown. Wings hyaline, venation testaceous. Length 2-1-2:3 mm. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 625) 2-05—-2-1 times as broad as long ; temples slightly more than one third as long as eyes, evenly rounded off ; eyes slightly prominent ; POL 1:2-1:-3 OOL. Head in frontal view subtrapeziform with genae moderately buccate ; edges of oral fossa, on either side of clypeus, hardly curved. Eyes separated by 1-4—1-55 times their length. Malar space 0:45-0-5 the length of an eye. Both mandibles with 4 teeth. Anterior margin of clypeus very slightly produced, the produced portion very shallowly emarginate, almost truncate. Lower edge of antennal toruli distinctly above ventral edge of eyes ; scape slightly shorter than an eye, but reaching or nearly reaching the vertex ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly less than breadth of head ; pedicellus in dorsal view about twice as long as broad, distinctly longer than the first funicular segment ; flagellum stout ; funicle proxim- ally much stouter than the pedicellus, its proximal segments quadrate, the sixth, and some- times the fifth, very slightly transverse ; clava a little broader than the funicle, about twice as long as broad, not quite as long as the three funicular segments together ; sensilla numerous, in one row on each flagellar segment. Thorax about 1-5 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar distinctly but rather irregularly 760 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM margined except at the sides, behind the carina mainly smooth in the middle third. Meso- scutum about twice as broad as long, moderately finely reticulate, rather more coarsely in the middle. Scutellum about as long as the mesoscutum, slightly broader than long, moderately convex, somewhat coarsely reticulate, the frenum rather more finely than the rest. Propodeum about, or slightly more than, three quarters as long as the scutellum ; median area 1-1-1-2 times as broad as long, strongly and somewhat coarsely reticulate ; median carina distinct, extending slightly on to the nucha, the latter occupying slightly less than half the total length ; callus moderately thickly pilose. Mesopleuron moderately finely reticulate ; upper triangular area of mesepisternum not quite smooth but with traces of alutaceous sculpture. Fore wing with marginal vein 1-45-1-65 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein slightly shorter than the marginal. Gaster ovate, about as long as the thorax, 1-4-1-5 times as long as broad ; basal tergite occupying slightly less than half the total length ; the first four tergites smooth, bare except at the sides. 6. Differs from the 9 as follows : Eyes smaller, separated by 1-55—1-6 times their length ; malar space 0:52-0:58 the length of an eye ; antennal scape fully as long as an eye, reaching slightly above the vertex ; pedicellus barely twice as long as broad ; funicle proximally not stouter than the pedicellus [distal part of flagellum missing] ; gaster subcircular, shorter than but as broad as the thorax. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Dorsetshire, Studland Bay, 26.vii.1g21, reared from a cocoon of Lasiocampa trifolit (Esp.) (I. E. Belcher), in BM(NH). Paratypes. Same data, 2 g, 4 9, in BM(NH). The female is near that of swbmarginatus (Thomson) but differs in having the antennal scape longer, reaching above the median ocellus ; head in dorsal view slightly more transverse, with scrobes less deeply excavated, temples more rounded posteriorly, hind ocelli more remote from edge of occiput. It differs from that of potatoriae sp. n. in having the proximal segments of the antennal funicle quadrate, the occiput rather more deeply excavated, size slightly greater. The male is very close to that of potatoriae but has the first segment of the antennal funicle quadrate and as long as the second. Eupteromalus laticeps sp. n. (Text-figs. 615, 630) 9. Body black with a slight bluish tinge. Antennal scape testaceous, fuscous distally ; pedicellus and flagellum fuscous. Coxae concolorous with thorax, legs otherwise reddish testaceous with the fifth tarsal segment brownish. Tegulae brownish testaceous. Wings faintly tinged with grey ; venation brownish testaceous. Length 1-75 mm. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 615) notably transverse, nearly 1-3 times as broad as the meso- scutum, 2:25 times as broad as long ; temples slightly more than one quarter as long as eyes, converging strongly ; POL 1-25 OOL, ocelli very small, separated by 3 times their major diameter from the eyes. Head in frontal view oval. Eyes separated by 1-4 times their length. Malar space slightly less than half length of eye. Anterior margin of clypeus hardly produced, shallowly emarginate. Head moderately finely, but rather strongly, reticulate. Both mandibles with 4 teeth. Antennae (Text-fig. 630) inserted distinctly above level of ventral edge of eyes ; scape nearly seven eighths length of an eye, reaching the median ocellus ; com- bined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly less than breadth of head ; pedicellus slightly more than twice as long as broad, slightly longer than anelli plus first funicular segment ; flagellum distinctly clavate ; funicle proximally distinctly stouter than the pedicellus ; proxi- PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 761 mal segments of funicle slightly, distal segments distinctly, transverse ; clava about twice as long as broad, nearly as long as the three preceding funicular segments together ; sensilla not very numerous ; flagellum rather hairy, the hairs standing out somewhat. Thorax about 1-5 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar sharply margined almost through- out, behind this mainly shiny with only traces of weak alutaceous sculpture. Mesoscutum about 2:2 times as broad as long, rather dull, moderately finely but quite strongly reticulate. Scutellum fully as long as the mesoscutum, distinctly broader than long, about as strongly reticulate as the mesoscutum. Propodeum about two thirds as long as the scutellum ; median area about 1-5 times as broad as long ; median carina fairly distinct ; plicae fairly sharp throughout ; panels of median area finely reticulate ; nucha coarsely and strongly so, occupying fully half the length of the propodeum ; callus moderately thickly pilose, with a few hairs above the supracoxal flange. Fore wing with basal cell and basal vein virtually bare ; speculum open below ; marginal vein 1-45 times as long as the stigmal vein ; post- marginal vein slightly shorter than the marginal. Gaster ovate, 1-4 times as long as broad, about as long and as broad as the thorax, acute apically ; basal tergite occupying about half the total length ; last tergite slightly shorter than its basal breadth ; ovipositor sheaths projecting slightly beyond the tip of the last tergite. 3. Unknown. Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Oxfordshire, Bald Hill, near Lewknor, 8.ix.1957 (Graham), in Graham collection. A very distinct species, recognizable by its notably transverse head, shiny and sharply margined pronotal collar, relatively dull and strongly reticulate mesoscutum and scutellum, transverse funicular segments, and the dark colour of the body. It resembles the American species vividescens (Walsh) in the position of the antennal toruli, the shiny and sharply margined pronotal collar, and some other characters ; but vividescens has the head (Text-fig. 611) hardly more than twice as broad as long, malar space slightly more than half the length of an eye, antennal scape as long as an eye and reaching the level of the vertex, funicle proximally not stouter than the pedicellus, its segments, except the sixth, not transverse, and differs also in other small details. Biology. Unknown. Eupteromalus germanicus sp. n. (Text-fig. 636) 2. Head and thorax dull greenish varied with bronze ; gaster bronze-black with some weak greenish reflections. Mandibles reddish with darker teeth. Antennal scape testaceous, darker apically ; pedicellus testaceous, infuscate dorsally ; flagellum fuscous, slightly paler beneath. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; remainder of legs testaceous ; the femora tend to be brownish medially, whilst the tibiae have a broad brownish band before the middle. Tegulae and wing-venation testaceous ; wings hyaline. Length 2:-5-2:8 mm. Head 1-1-1-15 times as broad as the mesoscutum, in dorsal view similar to that of sub- marginatus (Text-fig. 621) twice as broad as long ; temples somewhat more than one third as long as the eyes, not strongly convergent ; POL about 1-4 OOL. In front view the head is subtrapeziform, broadest above the middle and narrowing ventrad, about 1-25 times as broad as high ; genae very slightly buccate, malar space not quite half the length of an eye. Left mandible with 3 teeth, right mandible with 4. Antennae (Text-fig. 636) with lower edge of toruli slightly above the ventral edge of the eyes ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 762 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM distinctly less than the breadth of the head ; scape slightly shorter than an eye, but reaching the level of the median ocellus ; pedicellus twice as long as broad, about equal in length to the anelli plus the first funicular segment ; flagellum slightly clavate ; funicle stout, proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus ; funicular segments 1 and 2 subquadrate, 3-6 slightly transverse ; clava about twice as long as broad, slightly shorter than the combined length of the three preceding funicular segments ; sensilla of flagellum fairly numerous. Thorax 1:5-1:6 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar rather weakly and irregularly margined except at the sides, reticulate with a narrow smooth strip along its hind margin. Mesoscutum twice as broad as long, finely reticulate. Scutellum practically as long as the mesoscutum, very finely reticulate. Propodeum sloping at only a moderate angle relative to the plane of the mesoscutum and scutellum, medially about three quarters the length of the scutellum ; its median area somewhat broader than long ; nucha occupying somewhat less than half the length of the propodeum ; plicae and median carina sharp, the latter sometimes extending on to the nucha for a short distance ; callus thickly haired. Fore wing about 2-3 times as long as broad ; basal cell, basal vein, and proximal part of cubital vein, bare, basal cell and speculum open below ; marginal vein about 1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein slightly longer than the marginal. Gaster nearly as long as head plus thorax, long-ovate, about as broad as the thorax, 1-8-2 times as long as broad, acute apically ; basal tergite occupying slightly more than one third of the total length, with several rather conspicuous hairs ; the three following tergites smooth, bare except at the sides ; last tergite slightly shorter than its basal breadth ; tips of ovipositor sheaths just visible in dorsal view. 6. Differs from the 9 as follows: Body with brighter green tints ; antennae testaceous with the funicle and clava slightly darker than the rest ; legs paler, not brownish-marked. Antenna : funicle slightly less stout, proximally not thicker than the pedicellus, its segments quadrate, except the sixth which is slightly transverse, sometimes the fifth is very slightly so. Fore wing with ratio of lengths of marginal vein to stigmal vein a little less than in the female. Gaster almost circular, flattened ; much shorter, though broader, than the thorax ; basal tergite occupying half the total length, the remaining tergites very strongly transverse. Holotype 9. GERMANY: Berlin, reared 1956 from Hyponomeuta evonymella L., in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same data, I g, I 9, in Hope Department, Oxford ; Germany : Kitzeberg, I 9, 5.1.1932, reared from Apanteles glomeratus (L.), on Pieris brassicae (L.) (H. Blunck), in BM(NH). The female is very near to that of acuminatus sp. n., but differs chiefly in the shape of its head, which is less broad relative to the mesoscutum, less transverse, with longer temples. The antennae are inserted a little lower on the head, and have a slightly shorter scape. The gaster is not acuminate apically and its last tergite is slightly shorter than its basal breadth ; the first four tergites are smooth. Eupteromalus acuminatus sp. n. (Text-fig. 624) Pteromalus submarginatus Thomson, 1878: 156, 2, ex parte. 9. Head and thorax dull bluish or dull olive-green, often with some bronze reflections dorsally. Antennae blackish ; scape with at least its proximal third testaceous, sometimes only its apex infuscate. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; legs otherwise testaceous or reddish with the tips of the tarsi brownish ; knees, tips of the tibiae, and bases of the tarsi, PIE ROMALIDAE Of NOWs EUROPE 763 usually paler. Wings subhyaline ; venation mainly testaceous, the parastigma and stigma sometimes slightly darker. Length 2-3-3 mm. Head 1-2~1-3 times as broad as the meso- scutum, in dorsal view (Text-fig. 624) 2:03-2:15 times as broad as long ; temples from one quarter to nearly one third as long as the eyes, rather straight ; POL 1-2-1-45 OOL. Eyes separated by 1:2-1-35 times their length. Malar space o-4—0-45 the length of an eye. Left mandible with 3 teeth, right mandible with 4. Antenna with lower edge of toruli distinctly above level of ventral edge of eyes ; scape as in pevegryinus sp. n., but sometimes reaching the middle of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly less than breadth of head ; pedicellus about twice as long as broad, nearly or quite as long as anelli plus first funicular segment ; flagellum fairly stout, only slightly clavate ; funicle proximally slightly stouter than the pedicellus ; proximal segments of funicle quadrate in small specimens, up to 1-3 times as long as broad in large ones, sixth, and occasionally fifth and fourth, segments very slightly transverse ; the first segment as long as, or slightly longer than, the second. Thorax 1-6—-1:65 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar weakly margined (the margin irregular, at most sharp over the middle third) its surface reticulate with a narrow smooth strip along the hind margin. Mesoscutum about twice as broad as long, ftnely reticulate, a little more coarsely in the middle posteriorly. Scutellum nearly or just as long as the mesoscutum, slightly broader than long, finely reticulate. Propodeum from two thirds to three quarters as long as the scutellum ; median area 1-:15—1-4 times as broad as long, rather finely reticulate, the nucha rather more coarsely, occupying slightly less than half the total length ; plicae and median carina sharp, the latter extending for a short distance on to the nucha ; callus moderately thickly pilose, the hairs extending along the hind margin, above the supracoxal flange, as far as the sides of the nucha. Fore wing rather narrow, about 2:5 times as long as broad ; basal cell, basal vein, and proximal portion of cubital vein, bare ; marginal vein 1-5—1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein uSually slightly shorter than, occasionally as long as, the marginal. Gaster long-ovate, at least somewhat longer than the thorax and sometimes as long as head plus thorax, slightly broader than the thorax, 1-75—2 times as long as broad, slightly acuminate apically ; basal tergite occupying one third or (usually) rather more than one third of the total length, smooth ; the three following tergites nearly always with at least some trace of alutaceous sculpture at their bases ; last tergite as long as or slightly longer than its basal breadth ; tips of ovipositor sheaths just visible in dorsal view. Of the species previously described, the female of acuminatus sp. n. comes near to that of americanus Gahan, which differs as follows : both mandibles with 4 teeth ; antennae inserted only very slightly above the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape nearly as long as an eye, reaching the vertex ; funicle proximally not stouter than the pedicellus ; median carina of propodeum less strong, sometimes very weak or even absent, the nucha a little shorter. The characters by which it differs from other species of the genus may be seen by reference to my key to females. 6. Differs from the 9 as follows : Length 1-7 mm. Head in dorsal view twice as broad as long. Eyes separated by 1-25-1°3 times their length. Genae more strongly buccate ; malar space half the length of an eye. Antennae inserted higher, their toruli midway between the anterior margin of the clypeus and the median ocellus ; scape nearly as long as an eye, reaching above the vertex ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-25 times the breadth of the head ; pedicellus hardly twice as long as broad, about as long as the first funicular segment ; flagellum nearly filiform, slightly stouter than the pedicellus ; all funicular segments about 1-5 times as long as broad ; clava about 3:5 times as long as broad, somewhat longer than the two preceding funicular segments together, pointed apically ; flagellum clothed with hairs which stand out at an angle 764 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM of 30°-40°, the length of these hairs slightly less than the breadth of the segments that bear them ; sensilla sparse. Propodeum rather longer, its median area hardly broader than long. Upper surface of basal cell of fore wing with a few scattered hairs. Gaster subcircular, much shorter than the thorax ; basal tergite occupying more than half the total length. Holotype 9. SwEDEN : Dalarne, in coll. Thomson under the name submarginatus, in Universitetets Zoologiska Institutionen, Lund. The holotype is pinned and is labelled “‘ Dic” [Dalecarlia=Dalarne] and “‘ Bhn ”’ [Boheman]. Paratypes. SWEDEN : Skane, Halsingborg, 2 9 ; Lund, 2 Q, in coll. Thomson, Universitetets Institutionen, Lund, under the name submarginatus. IRELAND : Co. Kildare, marsh near Newbridge, I g, I 9, 22.vi.1953 (A. W. Stelfox), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. Eupteromalus peregrinus sp. n. (Text-fig. 626) Pteromalus nidulans Forster MS., [ex parte]. Ptevomalus egregius Howard & Fiske, 1911 : 69, 87, 262-263. Pteromalus nidulans Kurdjumovy, 1912 : 228-229, [ex parte] [nec Thomson, 1878]. Eupteromalus nidulans Gahan, 1914 : 163 [vec Thomson}. Eupteromalus nidulans Proper, 1931 : 360-375 [nec Thomson]. Eupteromalus hemipterus Burks, in Krombein et al., 1958: 77 [nec Pteromalus hemipterus Walker, 1836]. Eupteromalus hemipterus Peck, 1963 : 684-686 [nec Walker]. 9. Head and thorax deep blue-green or dark blue, sometimes with weak bronze reflections on dorsum of thorax ; gaster with a blue or green tinge, its disc sometimes bronze. Antennal scape either wholly testaceous, or infuscate distally ; pedicellus usually pale beneath ; rest of antenna fuscous. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; femora usually more or less infuscate, sometimes only at their base, sometimes mainly ; tibiae sometimes more or less infuscate medially. Wings hyaline, venation testaceous. Length 1-8—2-7 mm. Structurally most resembles acuminatus sp. n. and differs only as follows : Head (Text-fig. 626) only 1-07—1-15 times as broad as the mesoscutum. POL 1:3-1-55 OOL. Malar space 0-47—0'5 the length of aneye. Antenna with scape 0-85—0-86 the length of an eye, hardly reaching the level of the median ocellus ; proximal segments of funicle subquadrate, the distal segments slightly transverse ; in small specimens the first segment is a little shorter than the second, in larger specimens it is as long as or even very slightly longer than the second. Median area of propodeum 1:13-1:25 times as broad as long ; median carina usually strong but occasionally weak. Fore wing with marginal vein only 1:18-1:45 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein slightly longer than the marginal. Gaster somewhat longer than the thorax but not quite as long as head plus thorax, 1-7-2 times as long as broad, acute but not acuminate apically ; basal tergite and the two or three following tergites entirely smooth ; last tergite slightly shorter than its basal breadth. The female differs from that of exiguus (Walker) mainly in its straighter temples, as seen in dorsal view, relatively larger first funicular segment, and greater average size. From that of maurus sp. n. it differs in its straighter temples, shorter marginal vein, relatively longer gaster and greater average size, and in having 3 teeth in the left mandible. From that of hemipterus (Walker) it differs in its straighter temples, shorter marginal vein and longer postmarginal, PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 765 slightly longer malar space and rather smaller eyes ; the median area of the propodeum is rather less transverse, its median carina usually strong, rarely weak, and the plicae rather sharper throughout ; the legs are on the average darker. 3. Differs from the 9 as follows : Body green, blue-green or bronze-green ; antennae, and legs, not counting coxae, testaceous, the pedicellus and flagellum sometimes brown, the femora occasionally brownish proximally. Length 1-3-1-°9 mm. Eyes slightly larger, separated by only 1-1-1-25 times their length ; malar space 0-4—0-47 the length of aneye. Antennal scape slightly shorter than an eye, reach- ing about to the level of the middle of the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head. Gaster subcircular ; shorter, but a little broader, than the thorax. The male differs from that of exiguus in its straighter temples, slightly larger eyes and shorter malar space, relatively larger first funicular segment, and rather greater average size. It differs from that of hemipterus in its straighter temples, slightly larger eyes and in being macropterous. Holotype 9. ENGLAND: Kent, Romney Marsh, reared 111.1920 “ from nest of Brown-tail Moth” [Euproctis phaeorrhoea (Don.) (=chrysorrhoea auctt. nec L.)], (F. W. Theobald), in BM(NH). Paratypes. Same data as holotype 9, 2 3, 3 2 ; Cambridgeshire, Cambridge, 24, 2 9, from “hibernating nest of Euproctis chrysorrhoea’’, presented by Agricultural Research Council ; U.S.S.R., Voronezh, 1 gf, I 9, 29.1v.1927, from ‘‘ Euproctis chrysorrhoea ’’ (also determined as nidulans), the foregoing paratypes in BM(NH). GERMANY : unlocalized, 1 g, 1 9, from Forster coll., and determined by him as “ nidulans Foerst.”’, in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. The species mentioned in the North American literature under the names egregius, nidulans, and hemipterus, and which was introduced into the U.S.A. from Europe in 1905 to aid in the control of the brown-tail moth, Euproctis phaeorrhoea (Don.) [=chrysorrhoea (L.)], appears to be the present one. It was identified as egregius Forster on the basis of a specimen named by that author in Sichel’s collection in Paris (see Howard and Fiske, 1911 : 69), but this was a misidentification. Later it was misidentified as nidulans (Thomson) by Gahan (1914) and as hemipterus (Walker) by Burks (in Krombein et al., 1958). It has been cited several times under one or other of these three names ; for a comprehensive list of references see Peck (1963). I have not seen any of the material mentioned in these references, but in view of the fact that this was originally reared from the brown-tail moth, and that Proper’s figure (1931, fig. 1) of the female agrees very well with my European specimens of peregrinus sp. n., I have no doubt that all are the same species. EvuRopPE, widely distributed ; CANADA, U.S.A. (introduced). Biology. Most of the type-specimens of peregrinus sp. n. were reared from webs formed by the hibernating larvae of the brown-tail moth, Ewproctis chrysorrhoea (L.), but more precise data is not available. Much information, however, has been published on the Eupteromalus parasite of this moth introduced into North America, which I have concluded above to be the same as pevegrinus. Proper (1931) gave a summary to that date of the history of its introduction and the known facts regarding 766 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM its biology. In 1905-6 and succeeding years large numbers of the parasite were imported into Massachusetts and it soon spread over most of the area infested by the brown-tail moth. In 1920 the satin moth, Stilpnotia salicis L., was discovered in Massachusetts where it soon spread over a considerable area, and in 1926 the Eupteromalus was found to be also attacking this species. In both cases its life history is similar. The larvae of the Eupteromalus feed externally on the small hibernating larvae of the hosts during the autumn, then when fully fed spend the winter within the hibernation web of the hosts. Pupation occurs in the web in the following spring, and adults emerge in May and early June. Females of this overwintering generation may then attack the cocoons of some of the primary parasites of the moths, such as Apanteles spp. and Meteorus versicolor Wesm. The latter has two generations, both of which may be parasitized by the Eupteromalus. There may be as many as two generations of the Ewpteromalus in the year upon primary parasites of the moth in spring, and up to three generations upon the moth itself in the autumn. On the other hand there may be no reproduction upon the primary parasites, and only one or two generations upon the moth in the autumn. Under laboratory conditions some females lived for as long as four months ; if the same holds good under natural conditions, then some females of the overwintering generation would be able to parasitize the young larvae of the moths in autumn. Usually only one Eupteromalus emerges from each moth larva, but sometimes two or three. In one case seven Eupteromalus were observed to develop to maturity on a single larva of Apanteles melanoscelus (Ratz.). Other details of the biology of this Chalcid, including descriptions of the early stages, were given by Proper (1931). I am using the name chrysorrhoea (L.) for the brown-tail moth, a host of Eupteromalus peregrinus sp. n., following Continental lepidopterists and the opinion of Collenette (1947 : 259) who examined the syntypes of chrysorrhoea in the Linnean collection. Kurdjumov (1912 : 228-229) noted considerable variation in the number of teeth in the mandibles in the species which he identified as nidulans, some reared from Euproctis chrysorrhoea ; most specimens had three teeth in the left mandible, four in the right one, some four teeth in both mandibles, whilst one female had five in both mandibles. I have not examined enough material of peregrinus sp. n. to know whether the mandibles are variable. On the whole, however, the dental formula in other species of this genus appears to be reasonably constant. Eupteromalus micropterus (Lindeman) (Text-figs. 616, 642) Merisus intermedius var. microptera Lindeman, 1887 : 182, 3 9. Baeotomus coxalis Ashmead, 1897 : 83, 3 8. Eupteromalus arvensis Kurdjumov, 1914 : 3-4, d @. Eupteromalus micropterus (Lindeman) Gahan, 1933 : 86-89, 3 9. Eupteromalus micropterus (Lindeman) ; Nikol’skaya, 1937 : 10-11, g 9. Type material (not seen). PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 767 Merisus intermedius var. microptera Lindeman. Location of original material not known. Gahan (1933 : 87-88) mentioned that the U.S.N.M. possessed 5 g and 1 9 labelled “ Merisus intermedius var. micropterus Lindeman ”’ ; Howard had assured him that these specimens had been received from Lindeman himself, and that the label was in Lindeman’s handwriting. Howard believed that they were part of the original material. I follow Gahan as first reviser of the species. If no further material is discovered, a lectotype might be selected from that in the U.S.N.M. Baeotomus coxalis Ashmead. Syntypes, France, 1 9 and 4 g, in U.S.N.M.; they were compared with the above specimens of Merisus intermedius var. microptera by Gahan, who declared them to be identical (1933 : 88). Eupteromalus arvensis Kurdjumov. Location of syntypes (U.S.S.R.: Poltava, Moscow, Kiev) not known, possibly in Leningrad. Gahan (1933 : 88) considered that his available material of muicropterus (Lindeman) agreed completely with the description of arvensis, which he therefore put in synonymy. I agree with Gahan’s opinion. 2. Extremely close to that of peregrinus sp. n., but differs as follows : head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 616) rather more transverse, 2:2—2:35 times as broad as long and 1-2-1-25 times as broad as the mesoscutum ; antennal scape a little longer, 0-9—0-95 the length of an eye, reaching or virtually reaching the level of the vertex ; proximal segments of funicle sometimes a little longer than broad ; median carina of propodeum weak or absent ; antennal scape fuscous with its base, or at most its basal half, testaceous ; femora and tibiae usually testaceous, the femora sometimes slightly infuscate. 6. Kurdjumov, when describing avvensis (now regarded as a synonym of micropterus) stated that males with fully-developed wings exist. I have seen only the brachypterous form ; apart from the shortened wings, this is extremely close to the male of pevegrinus sp. n., but has the combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to the breadth of the head ; it is also very close to the male of hemipterus (Walker) but seems to have a slightly more transverse head, with the temples rather less rounded ; the funicular segments tend to be a little longer. Additional material of micropterus is desirable in order to study its range of variation. ? BRITAIN ; FRANCE, U.S.S.R. In U.S.N.M. are some specimens labelled as having come from Ohio, U.S.A.; but Gahan (1933 : 88) suspected that an error might have been made in labelling, and that these specimens may have come from Europe. Miss Ormerod (1887 : 317) recorded specimens of Merisus intermedius var. mucropterus from Scotland, which had been reared from puparia of the Hessian fly and identified by Lindeman himself. I cannot locate these specimens and so am unable to check the record ; I have seen no other British specimens. Biology. Parasite of Diptera Cecidomyiidae, e.g., Mayetiola destructor (Say) (Lindeman, Ashmead, Kurdjumov) and M. avenae (Marchal) (Marchal, 1897). I have examined specimens reared from the former host in the U.S.S.R. Nikol’skaya (1935 : II) mentioned that it had been obtained in 1924, at Poltava, U.S.S.R., from seeds of lucerne. Details of its biology are apparently unknown. Eupteromalus tigasis (Walker) (Text-fig. 617) Pteromalus Tigasis Walker, 1839 : 233, d. Eupteromalus tigasis (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 255, 3. 768 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Type material. Lectotype male designated by Graham (19560). The males in a series of Eupteromalus from Holland in BM(NH) agree very well with the lectotype of tigasis ; I believe all these specimens to be conspecific and the following redescription is drawn from them. 9. Extremely close to that of microptevus (Lindeman) but has the head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 617) slightly less transverse, 2-08—2:15 times as broad as long ; the femora in three of the specimens seen are mainly brownish or fuscous, and the tibiae are sometimes infuscate medially. The host of micropterus is a Dipteron, that of tigasis a Lepidopteron. E. tigasis differs from peregrinus sp. n. in having the antennal scape slightly longer, o-9—0-96 the length of an eye, reaching the vertex or even slightly above it ; median area of propodeum slightly more transverse, 1:35-1:45 times as broad as long ; postmarginal vein not longer than the marginal, the latter 1-5—1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein. 6. Differs from that of micropterus in being macropterous, and initshost. It differs from that of pevegyinus sp. n. in having the antennal scape slightly longer, the combined length of pedicellus and flagellum fully equal to the breadth of the head ; postmarginal vein not longer than the marginal. ENGLAND : Isle of Wight (Lectotype g, coll. Walker). HoLLAND : Wieringermeer, 3.5, I Q, 25.vill.1937, I gf, 3 Y, 10.1x.1937, all reared from Bucculatrix maritima Stainton (D. C. Geisjkes) ; specimens in BM(NH). Walker’s original material was captured in September, in the Isle of Wight, where the host cited above is known to occur. Eupteromalus caricicola sp. n. (Text-figs. 614, 635) 9. Head and thorax olive-green, here and there verging towards brassy and bluish ; gaster with reflections of similar tints, particularly at the base and apex. Mandibles reddish with darker teeth. Antennae fuscous ; the proximal half or rather more of the scape reddish ; pedicellus slightly reddish beneath and at its apex ; clava slightly reddish beneath. Coxae concolorous with the thorax, except their tips and the internal aspect of the fore coxa, which are bright testaceous ; remainder of the legs bright or reddish testaceous, the knees, tips of the mid and hind tibiae, and the bases of the mid and hind tarsi, paler. Tegulae mainly testaceous ; wings hyaline or faintly yellowish, venation pale testaceous. Length 1-9—-2-2 mm. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 614) slightly more than twice as broad as long ; temples about one quarter as long as the eyes ; POL 1-3-1-4 OOL. In front view the head forms a regular oval, the genae being moderately buccate, and is broader than high, ratio about 1:25 : I. Eyes rather large, separated by about 1-3 times their own length ; malar space slightly less than half the length of an eye. Mandibles moderate-sized, both with 4 teeth. Antennae (Text-fig. 635) inserted slightly nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus, but distinctly above the ventral edge of the eyes ; scape slightly shorter than an eye, but reaching to or distinctly above the level of the vertex ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to the breadth of the head ; pedicellus twice as long as broad, as long as anelli plus first funicular segment ; flagellum only moderately clavate ; funicle proximally not stouter than the pedicellus, its segments very slightly longer than broad, except the fifth and sixth which are quadrate, or the sixth very slightly transverse ; clava about 2-5 times as long as broad, slightly shorter than the combined length of the three preceding funicular segments ; sensilla of funicle not very numerous. Thorax about 1-6 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar margined throughout, the margin PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 769 sharp, especially medially ; behind this margin the surface is relatively smooth and shiny, except at the sides. Mesoscutum about twice as broad as long, convex, finely reticulate, more coarsely in the middle posteriorly. Scutellum fully as long as the mesoscutum. Propodeum medially about three quarters as long as the scutellum ; its median area slightly broader than long, moderately finely reticulate, the nucha rather more coarsely ; nucha occupying slightly less than half the length of the propodeum ; median carina distinct ; plicae sharp ; callus moderately thickly haired. Fore wing about 2-4 times as long as broad, far surpassing the tip of the gaster ; basal cell, basal vein, and proximal portion of cubital vein, bare, basal cell and speculum open below ; marginal vein about 1-5—1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; post- marginal vein subequal in length to the marginal Gaster ovate, about as long and as broad as the thorax, about 1-6 times as long as broad ; acute but not acuminate apically ; basal tergite occupying rather less than half the total length, its sides with a few hairs only ; last tergite distinctly shorter than its basal breadth ; ovipositor sheaths projecting very slightly. 6. Differs from the 9 as follows : Antennal scape reddish, darker at the apex ; pedicellus sometimes more extensively pale ; mid coxa more or less reddish. Eyes larger, separated by about 1-2 times their length. Malar space half or virtually half the length of an eye. Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than the breadth of the head ; scape almost as long as an eye ; flagellum more slender, only very slightly clavate ; funicular segments slightly longer than broad, except the sixth which is quadrate ; flagellum clothed with hairs which stand out at an angle of about 30°, the length of these hairs slightly less than the breadth of the segments that bear them, Marginal vein 1-5—1-65 times as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster almost circular, flattened, distinctly shorter than the thorax, but slightly broader ; basal tergite occupying half the total length, the following tergite (second) about half as long as the basal tergite, remaining tergites retracted and very strongly transverse. The female is very near that of maurus sp. n., but has the funicular segments of the antenna relatively longer, the first segment not shorter than the second ; malar space a little shorter ; size greater ; flagellum rather more slender. In female maurus the combined length of pedicellus and flagellum is usually slightly less than, occasionally equal to, the breadth of the head. The female of caricicola differs from that of exiguus (Walker) in having 4 teeth in both mandibles ; pronotal collar sharply margined ; malar space a little shorter ; antennae differing in the same feature as those mentioned as distinguishing it from maurus. Most females of exigwus are smaller than those of caricicola. Holotype 9. ENGLAND: Oxfordshire, Otmoor, 9.1x.1955 (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. Same locality as holotype, 1 9, 28.viii.1955, I g, I7.1x.1955, I 9, 24.1X.1955, I 9, 6.vili.1956 (Graham), in Graham collection. SWEDEN : Skane, Halsingborg, 1 2 in the syntypic series of swbmarginatus (Thomson), in Thomson collection, Lund. Biology. Unknown ; the British specimens were captured in a Caricetum. Eupteromalus sp. indet. D ENGLAND : Oxfordshire, Otmoor, I g, 12.vi.1956 (Graham). Appears to be near caricicola. 770 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM Eupteromalus exiguus (Walker) (Text-figs. 639, 645) Mevaporus exiguus Walker, 1834 : 301, ¢. Eupteromalus exiguus (Walker), Graham, 1957d : 218, 3. Type material. Lectotype designated by Graham (1957d) ; as it is the only extant specimen, it may actually be a holotype. 9. Head and thorax coloured as in hemipterus (Walker), but sometimes darker, varying to olive- or bluish black. Legs on the average darker, the femora usually more or less infuscate, sometimes mainly so, the tibiae sometimes infuscate medially. Length 1-3-2 mm. Malar space half, or virtually half the length of an eye ; eyes rather smaller than in hemip- terus, separated by 1-3-1-4 times their length. Antenna (Text-fig. 639) with first funicular segment at least very slightly shorter than the second, sometimes almost anelliform, slightly to quite distinctly transverse ; the middle segments of the funicle are sometimes quadrate, but usually all the segments are slightly transverse. Pronotal collar usually weakly and irregularly margined, occasionally the transverse carina is sharp over about the middle third. Median area of propodeum 1-2—1-32 times as broad as long. Macropterous : fore wing with marginal vein 1-4—1-6 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein usually as long as, or even very slightly longer than, the marginal, occasion- ally slightly shorter. Gaster ovate, 1-15—1-4 times as long as the thorax, 1-55—1-9 times as long as broad. The female differs from that of hemipterus (Walker) in its relatively shorter first funicular segment, rather smaller eyes and longer malar space, and relatively shorter marginal vein. 6. Colour as in 9, but femora usually testaceous, occasionally slightly infuscate proximally ; flagellum testaceous or brownish. Malar space half, or slightly more than half, the length of an eye ; eyes separated by 1-37—1°5 times their length. Antennal scape nearly or quite as long as an eye, reaching to or slightly above the level of the vertex ; first funicular segment from half to three quarters as long as the second, slightly to very distinctly transverse, in the smallest specimens virtually anelliform. Fore wings fully developed. Gaster subcircular, hardly as long as the thorax. Length 1-1-4 mm. Head, Text-fig. 645. The male differs from that of hemipterus in being macropterous, and in having rather smaller eyes and longer malar space. ENGLAND : “near London’ (Walker, 1834 : 301) ; Middlesex, Southgate, 2 9, 20.Vill.1964, 2g, I 9, 27.vill.1964 (Graham). Biology. Unknown ; the Southgate specimens were swept from grassy habitats. Eupteromalus maurus sp. n. (Text-figs. 613, 629) . Closely resembles that of exigwus (Walker) but differs as follows : Both mandibles with 4 teeth ; marginal vein 1-55—1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein, postmarginal vein at least very slightly shorter than the marginal ; gaster relatively shorter, I-0-1-05 times as long as the thorax and 1-35-1°55 times as long as broad. Head and thorax on the average darker, bluish black or with at most a weak olive tinge on parts of their dorsal surface. Pronotal collar tending to be fairly regularly and distinctly margined (the transverse PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 771 carina sometimes sharp except just at the sides) its surface usually extensively shiny. Length 1-2-1°75 mm. 3g. Unknown. Holotype 9. SWEDEN: Skane, Falsterbo, 27.vii.1959, swept from sand-dune vegetation (Graham), in Graham collection. Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 5 2; ENGLAND: Berkshire, Wytham, I 2, 12.vii.1956, swept in a meadow between Wytham Wood and the River Thames (Graham), all in Graham collection. Eupteromalus hemipterus (Walker) (Text-figs. 628, 641) Pteromalus apicalis Walker, 1836 : 196, 2 [nec Nees, 1834]. Pteromalus hemipterus Walker, 1836 : 196-197, 3 9. Pteromalus pedestris Forster, 1861 : 36, 3 Q. Pievomalus nidulans (Forster MS.) Thomson, 1878 : 155-156, 3 9 [ex parte]. Eupteromalus hemipterus (Walker) Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 13. Eupteromalus nidulans (Thomson) Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 13. Eupteromalus pedestris (Forster) Kurdjumovy, 1913 : 13. Eupteromalus hemipterus (Walker) ; Hardh, 1950 : 92-93. Eupteromalus apicalis (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 255. Eupteromalus apicalis (Walker) ; Delucchi, 1958a : 56. Type material. Pteromalus apicalis Walker and P. hemipterus Walker. Lecto- types designated by Graham (1956) : 255). Pteromalus pedestris Forster. Syntypes, 6 specimens in Forster collection, Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; lectotype designated by Delucchi (1958a : 56), who synonymized the species with apicalis (Walker). Pteromalus nidulans Thomson. Syntypes, 22 specimens representing at least 3 different species (including 5 g of Meraporus!). None of the specimens agrees absolutely perfectly with the description. Most of the females, and some of the males, however, are the same as hemipterus (Walker), which Thomson (1878 : 155) cited as a probable synonym of nidulans. Thomson (ibid.) included the brachy- pterous form in his concept of the range of variation of nidulans, so it is clear that the species here called hemipterus was uppermost in his mind when he described nidulans. Most of the female syntypes have damaged antennae, but one (on the last pin in the series) is a perfect specimen of the brachypterous form ; I designate this specimen, which is labelled “ 9” and “ Lund”’,as LECTOTYPE. It is particularly important to have a perfect specimen as lectotype because nidulans is the type-species of the genus. The species identified as nzdulans Thomson by Masi (1908 : 122-123, figs. 25, 26) cannot have been the same as the true nidulans. Masi’s figure 25 of the female shows the marginal vein as only slightly longer than the stigmal vein, and the eyes relatively small. I have not seen his specimens and so cannot be sure whether his nidulans is identical with any of the other species mentioned in the present work. The species identified by several American authors as nidulans was introduced into 772 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM the U.S.A. in 1905, from Europe, and might be the same as Masi’s nidulans ; it is not the true midulans [=hemtpterus (Walker) ]. As some confusion has arisen over the identity of hemipterus, I give a redescription of the species : © (macropterous form).—Green to blue- or bronze-green. Antennal scape fuscous, more or less testaceous proximally ; pedicellus black or fuscous ; flagellum brown to fuscous, often rather paler distally and beneath. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; legs otherwise testa- ceous with the tips of the tarsi brown ; femora sometimes more or less infuscate. Tegulae testaceous to brown. Wings hyaline or faintly yellowish ; veins yellowish testaceous. Length 1-6—2°3 mm. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 628) 2-2-1 times as broad as long ; temples from one fifth to nearly one quarter as long as eyes, converging strongly ; ocelli very small, POL 1-3-1-5 OOL. Head in frontal view transversely oval with the vertex rather strongly arched, genae converging strongly though very slightly buccate. Eyes 1-3-1-35 times as long as broad, separated by only 1-1—1-25 times their length, their inner orbits tending to converge slightly ventrad. Malar space 0-35-0-4 the length of an eye. Mandibles small, the left one with 3 teeth, right with 4. Antennae inserted distinctly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes, though their toruli are slightly nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head ; scape fully three quarters as long as an eye, reaching nearly to level of vertex ; pedicellus nearly twice as long as broad, slightly longer than anelli plus first funicle segment ; flagellum proximally about as stout as the pedicellus, thickening somewhat distad ; first funicular segment usually as long as the second but sometimes very slightly shorter, subquadrate ; segments 2-4 often quadrate but sometimes very slightly transverse, 5 and 6 slightly transverse ; clava 2-1—2-5 times as long as broad, nearly as long as the three preceding funicular segments together ; sensilla rather sparse, especially on the proximal segments of the funicle. Thorax about 1-5 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar weakly and irregularly margined or immarginate, usually with only a narrow shiny strip (sometimes absent) along its hind edge. Mesoscutum about twice as broad as long, finely reticulate ; notaulirather shallow. Scutellum about as long as mesoscutum, slightly broader than long, moderately convex, very finely reticulate, especially the frenum. Propodeum about three quarters as long as scutellum ; median area 1:25-1°5 times as broad as long ; median carina usually indicated, sometimes strong ; plicae distinct throughout, but sharp only posteriorly ; panels of median area finely though strongly reticulate, nucha more coarsely so, the latter occupying nearly half the length of the propodeum ; spiracles small, short oval, separated by slightly less than their length from the metanotum ; callus sparsely pilose, especially posteriorly where there are usually no (at most 2) hairs above the supracoxal flange. Legs rather short, not slender, the femora relatively stout. Fore wing 2-3—2-5 times as long as broad, reaching at least slightly beyond the tip of the gaster ; basal cell and basal vein bare or virtually so ; speculum open below ; marginal vein 1-8—2:25 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein distinctly shorter than the marginal. Gaster ovate, acute apically, somewhat longer than thorax, as broad as or slightly broader than the latter, 1-6—2-1 times as long as broad ; basal tergite occupying slightly more than one third the total length ; last tergite slightly shorter than its basal breadth ; tips of ovipositor sheaths just visible in dorsal view ; tergites 3 (basal tergite), 4 and 5 smooth or with some very weak alutaceous sculpture along their bases, bare except laterally, 7 more or less alutaceous, 8 and 9 wholly so. 2 (brachypterous form). Wings more or less shortened and narrowed, with their apical portion, beyond the stigmal vein, relatively shorter than in macropters ; marginal, stigmal, and postmarginal veins thickened, the stigma larger than in macropters. In specimens having the shortest wings, the forewings reach only to the middle of the gaster and may be fully 3 times as long as broad. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 773 3. Differs from the 9 as follows : Antennal scape often entirely testaceous ; pedicellus often pale beneath, or entirely so ; flagellum brownish-testaceous to fuscous. Length 1-1:75 mm. Apparently always brachypterous. Fore wings reaching at most to about middle of gaster, sometimes hardly beyond the apex of the propodeum ; very narrow, with the marginal, stigmal and postmarginal veins thickened, stigma relatively large; sometimes the triangular area between the postmarginal and stigmal veins is sclerotized like the veins; apical portion of wing, beyond the stigmal vein, reduced, the apical margin usually rounded but sometimes subtruncate in specimens with exceptionally short wings. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 641) 1-9-2 times as broad as long. Eyes separated by 1:3- 1:35 times their length. Antennal scape reaching level of vertex or very slightly above it ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to, or slightly greater than, the breadth of the head ; funicle cylindrical, hardly stouter than the pedicellus ; first funicular segment as long as or distinctly shorter than the second segment, quadrate to somewhat transverse ; following segments usually about quadrate, occasionally very slightly longer than broad, or slightly transverse ; clava 3:2-3:5 times as long as broad, hardly broader than the funicle, rather more pointed apically than in the female. Gaster oval or, if the apical segments are retracted, subcircular or somewhat transverse, broader than the thorax. EvuROPE, possibly the whole, but only specimens from BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, and CZECHOSLOVAKIA critically examined ; it appears to be one of the commonest species of the genus. The species recorded from North America under the name nidulans Thomson by several authors, and later as hemipterus (Walker) by Peck (1963 : 684-686) is misidentified ; there is no undoubted record of the true hemipterus from North America. Biology. The following reared specimens are in the BM(NH). Sweden, Vaster- gotland, Tiarp, 18.vii.1958, one female, from Mayetiola destructor (Say) (A. Borg). Switzerland, Zurich, 31.vii.1935, one male and one female, from pupa of Chlorops taemopus Mg. [=pumilionts (Bjerk.)] (K. Roos). The record of Hardh (1950) from M. destructor is probably correct. The hosts cited for hemipterus by Peck (1963 : 686) refer to another species (peregrinus sp. n.). On 15.vii.1959 I swept several specimens of hemipterus from lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) at Wytham, Berkshire ; these might have been attacking some host on this plant. Note that the allied species micropterus has been recorded from seeds of lucerne. Eupteromalus sp. indet. E ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham, I 9, 31.vii.1958 (Graham). Might be a form of hemipterus, but the marginal vein seems too short for it to be within the range of variation of that species. Eupteromalus sp. indet. F IRELAND : Co. Wicklow, Manor Kilbride, 1 9, 18.vi.1953 ; coast near Bray, I 9, 16.vill.1954 (Graham). Also very near hemipterus ; perhaps a form of it. 774 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM Eupteromalus sp. indet. G ENGLAND : Lincolnshire, Tetford Hill, 1 g, 27.vii.1951 (Graham). Not associated with any 9. Eupteromalus scaposus sp. n. (Text-fig. 637) 2. Body green. Mandibles reddish with darker teeth. Antennal scape testaceous, fuscous distally ; pedicellus and flagellum dull testaceous, infuscate dorsally. Coxae concolorous with the thorax, except the inner aspect of the fore coxa, which is reddish ; remainder of legs bright testaceous with the lest segment of all the tarsi brown. Tegulae and wing-venation testaceous ; wings hyaline. Length 2-1 mm. Head in dorsal view about twice as broad as its maximum length ; temples about one quarter the length of the eyes ; POL about 1:25 OOL. In front view the head forms an almost regular oval and is about 1-25 times as broad as high. Eyes separated by 1-35 times their length. Genae very slightly buccate, slightly less than half the length of an eye. Mandibles moderate- sized, the left one with 3, right with 4, teeth. Antennae (Text-fig. 637) inserted well above the ventral edge of the eyes though somewhat nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus. Scape as long as an eye and reaching distinctly above the level of the vertex ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum equal to the breadth of the head ; pedi- cellus about twice as long as broad, slightly longer than the anelli plus the first funicular seg- ment ; flagellum distinctly clavate ; first funicular segment quadrate, slightly shorter and narrower than the second, the second to fifth segments slightly longer than broad, sixth sub- quadrate ; clava hardly more than twice as long as broad, about as long as two and a half of the preceding funicular segments ; sensilla of funicle relatively sparse. Thorax elongate, about 1-8 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar weakly and irregularly margined in the middle only. Mesoscutum convex, fully twice as broad as long. Scutellum slightly shorter than the mesoscutum. Propodeum sloping only slightly relative to the plane of the mesoscutum and scutellum, medially only slightly shorter than the scutellum ; its median area about as long as broad ; median carina subobsolete ; nucha occupying rather less than half the length of the propodeum ; plicae sharp posteriorly, weak but just traceable anteriorly ; callus sparsely haired. Fore wing rather narrow, reaching the tip of the gaster ; basal cell, basal vein, and proximal part of the cubital vein bare, both the basal cell and the speculum being open below ; marginal vein nearly twice as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein nearly three quarters the length of the marginal. Gaster slightly longer than head plus thorax, 2-2 times as long as broad ; basal tergite occupy- ing about one third of the total length ; apically the gaster is slightly acuminate, the last tergite fully as long as its basal breadth ; tips of ovipositor sheaths just visible in dorsal view. 6. Differs from the female as follows : Antennae somewhat paler, more extensively testaceous. Length 1:5 mm. POL about 1-4 OOL. Eyes separated by 1:25 times their length. Antennal toruli about equidistant from the anterior margin of the clypeus and the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about 1-2 times the breadth of the head ; flagellum (Text-fig. 638) only slightly clavate ; funicular segments 2—5 rather more elongate, about 1-4 times as long as broad, 6 very slightly longer than broad ; clava 2-7—2:8 times as long as broad, nearly as long as the three preceding funicular segments together. Mesoscutum only about 1-75 times as broad as long. Fore wing about 2-75 times as long as broad, narrower than in the female ; basal vein with a few hairs ; marginal vein 2-4 times as long as the stigmal vein. Gaster oval, distinctly shorter than, but as broad as, the thorax ; basal tergite occupying about half the total length ; gaster slightly convex both dorsally and ventrally, without a ventral plica. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 775 Holotype 9. ENGLAND : Lincolnshire, Woodhall Spa, 25.vii.1951 (Graham), in Graham collection. Paratype g. Same data as holotype, in Graham collection. This species belongs to the group of hemipterus (Walker) and may be distinguished from the other species of that group by the characters given in the key. Biology. Unknown. The types were captured in a marshy field. Eupteromalus sp. indet. H ENGLAND : Oxfordshire, Otmoor, I 9, 27.vili.1955 (Graham). Appears to be a rather distinct species. Eupteromalus sp. indet. I ENGLAND : Berkshire, Wytham, I 4, 2.vii.1960 (Graham). Not associated with any 9. Eupteromalus caesareus (Dalla Torre) comb. n. Pteromalus gentilis Forster, 1841 : 19, 2 [nec Walker, 1836.]. Ptervomalus caesareus Dalla Torre, 1898 : 115 [nom. n.]. Eupteromalus gentilis (Forster) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 13. Eupteromalus gentilis (Forster) ; Delucchi, 1958a : 56, 9. Type 2 (Germany) recognized by Delucchi (1958a) who stated that it is a valid species. I have not seen the type and cannot recognize the species. Eupteromalus pospelovi (Kurdjumov) Pteromalus pospelovi Kurdjumov, 1912 : 229-230, 9. Eupteromalus pospelovi (Kurdjumov) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 13. Type material. 6 9, U.S.S.R., reared from Agrvilus hastulifer (V. Pospelov) stated to have been in the Entomological Station, Kiev (not seen). I have nothing which seems to fit the description of this species and cannot recognize it. UCSESa@ The chief references to the following North American species which are included in my key to females, are given below ; many other references will be found in Peck (1963 : 683-690). Eupteromalus americanus Gahan (Text-figs. 602, 609) Eupteromalus americanus Gahan, 1933 : 82-86, 3 Q. IDES 2A. Biology. Host Phytophaga destructor Say (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae). 776 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Eupteromalus cognatus Gahan (Text-figs. 605, 620) Eupteromalus cognatus Gahan, 1924 : 16-18, ¢ 9. USA. Biology. Hosts, the spiders Epeiva foliata (Fourcr.), E. undata (Oliv.) (Epeiridae), Philodromus aureolus (Oliv.) (Thomisidae). Eupteromalus dubius (Ashmead) (Text-figs. 603, 623, 640) Mevaporus dubius Ashmead, 1896 : 219-220, ¢ 9. Eupteromalus dubius (Ashmead) Gahan, 1921 : 240. Seas Biology. Hosts, various Lepidoptera and their Ichneumonid and Braconid parasites, Diptera (for a list see Peck, 1963 : 684). Eupteromalus leguminis Gahan (Text-figs. 599, 604, 610) Eupteromalus leguminis Gahan, 1937 : 63-65, 3 9. WES Piet Biology. Hosts, Bruchus pisorum (L.) (Col., Bruchidae), Hypera postica Gyll. (Curculionidae) ; Bathyplectes curculionis (Thoms.) (Hym., Ichneumonidae). Eupteromalus sarcophagae Gahan (Text-figs. 601, 607, 612) Eupteromalus sarcophagae Gahan, 1914 : 162-163, g Q. UES Biology. Hosts, mine of Nepticula [=Stigmella| sp. in Scirpus occidentalis ; Sarcophaga kellyi Ald. Eupteromalus subapterus (Riley) (Text-figs. 596, 606) Pieromalus ? fuluipes Forbes, 1885 : 47-49 [nec Pteromalus fuluvipes Walker, 1836]. Merisus (Homoporus) subapterus Riley, 1885 : 416-417, 3 Q. Eupteromalus fulvipes (Forbes) Gahan, 1933 : 75-82, ¢ 9. Eupteromalus subapterus (Riley) Peck in Muesebeck e# al., 1951 : 555. CaNnaDA, U.S.A. Biology. Hosts, the Diptera Phytophaga destructor (Say) (Cecidomyiidae), Meromyza americana Fitch (Chloropidae) ; Hymenoptera, Platygaster vernalis (Myers) (Platygasteridae). PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Gla | Eupteromalus tachinae Gahan (Text-figs. 598, 608) Eupteromalus tachinae Gahan, 1917 : 211-212, 9. CANADA, U.S.A. Biology. Hosts, the Lepidoptera Cirphis untpuncta (Haw.) (Noctuidae), Ostrinia nubilalis (Hiibn.) (Pyralidae) ; Diptera, Archytas analis (F.) (Tachinidae). Eupteromalus viridescens (Walsh) (Text-fig. 611) Glyphe vividascens [sic] Walsh, 1861 : 264, 370, 9. Eupteromalus viridescens (Walsh) Gahan, 1921 : 240-241. U.5.%. Biology. The species has many recorded hosts, mostly Lepidoptera and their Ichneumonid and Braconid parasites. GYRINOPHAGUS Ruschka Isocyrtus Thomson, 1878 : 131-133, ex parte [mec Walker, 1833]. Gyrinophagus Ruschka, 1914 : (208)—-(209). Type-species: G. luteipes Ruschka, by mono- typy. Gyrinophagus Ruschka ; Delucchi, 1955b : 150-153. Gyrinophagus Ruschka ; Graham, 19566 : 246. Gyrinophagus Ruschka ; Peck et al., 1964 : 48, 50. This genus is extremely close to Eupteromalus Kurdjumov, as will be seen from the small differences between them that are mentioned in my key to genera. The males differ from those of Eupteromalus in having conspicuously enlarged eyes ; this, however, is a sexual character, and moreover the males of one species of Eupteromalus show a tendency to be rather large in some specimens. Further research may indicate the desirability of uniting these genera. Two species are known from Europe ; another, dimeutis (Ashmead) occurs in North America. Gyrinophagus aper (Walker) Ptevomalus Aper Walker, 1839 : 234, 6. ? Urolepis Cychreus Walker, 1850 : 131, 3. Isocyrtus marginatus Thomson, 1878 : 132, ¢ Q. Gyrvinophagus marginatus (Thomson) Delucchi, 1955) : 151-153, 3 &. Gyrinophagus aper (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 246. Type material. Pteromalus aper Walker. Lectotype designated by Graham (19566 : 247). Urolepis cychreus Walker. There are no specimens so named in the BM(NH). In Haliday’s collection I found an unnamed male which, although it bears the 778 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM wrong data, agrees remarkably well with the original description of cychreus and in my opinion indicates that cychreus must have been the male of Gyrinophagus aper (Walker). It is a Haliday specimen, labelled in his handwriting ‘‘ Waterside Glassnevin [sic] 49.8.2’ and [a modern printed label] “Ireland. Haliday”. The locality mentioned (Glasnevin) contains the Botanical Gardens and is a suburb of Dublin, not so far from the original locality, Phoenix Park (Walker, 1850 : 132 “Found on the edge of a pond in the Zoological Gardens, Phoenix Park in September ’’). Isocyrtus marginatus Thomson. Syntypes, 8 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a male labelled ‘‘ WIl [?] 7/69” and “ marginatus Ths ”’. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN. Biology. Reared from cocoons of Sisyra fuscata (F.) at Oxford, 24.v.1932 (fF. J. Killington). Imagines May—Sept. Gyrinophagus luteipes Ruschka Gyrinophagus luterpes Ruschka, 1914 : (209), 3 Q. Gyrinophagus luterpes Ruschka ; Delucchi, 19550 : 153, fig. 7, E, F., gd 9. Type material. Syntypes, Germany, Westphalia, Munster, 3 9 and 1 dg, reared from pupal cocoons of Gyrinus natator L., in coll. Ruschka, Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; re-examined by Delucchi. According to Delucchi (19550) the types of luteipes are very close to marginatus (=aper) but differ in being smaller (9 1-7 mm., fg 1-4 mm.) ; the female has all the funicular segments of the antenna slightly transverse, the first segment shorter than the sixth, and the sensilla sparser ; the male has smaller eyes and uniformly yellow antennae ; the basal cell and costal cell of the fore wing are relatively less thickly haired. Excepting the colour of the antennae, the above differences are such as one might expect if the types of luteipes were just unusually small examples of aper. The range of variation in size of the available specimens which I regard as belonging definitely to aper is 2-0-2:8 mm. for females, 1-7-2-7 mm. for males. The sizes given by Delucchi for the two sexes of /uteipes fall outside this range, so that there is some room for doubt. Further study is necessary to settle the problem. Note. Gyrinophagus splendens Erdos (1957 : 64, fig. 7b-e, d 2) is probably not a Gyrinophagus but a Eupteromalus ; Erdos states “ coxis posticis nudis ’’, a character which suggests the latter genus. Note. Sisyridivora Gahan (1951 : 100) must be near Gyrinophagus. It is said, however, to have a large triangular hollow on the gena, extending to the lower edge of the eye ; the female of Gyrinophagus lacks such a hollow, whilst the male has a small one which does not extend to the eye. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 779 NASONIA Ashmead Mormoniella Ashmead, 1904 : 316, 317. Type-species: M. brevicovnis Ashmead, by mono- typy. Nasonia Ashmead, 1904 : 317, 318, x1. Type-species : N. brevicoynis Ashmead, by monotypy. Mormoniella Ashmead ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 316, 317, 322. Nasonia Ashmead ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 323, 325-326. Nasoma Ashmead ; Girault & Sanders, 1g09 : 119-132. Nasonia Ashmead ; Brues, 1910 : 259-260. Mormoniella Ashmead ; Kurdjumov, 1913: 5. Mormoniella Ashmead, Gahan, 1927 : 5-7. Nasonia Ashmead ; Muesebeck e¢ al., 1951 : 559. Mormoniella Ashmead ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 221. Nasomia Ashmead ; Peck, 1963 : 709. Nasonia Ashmead ; Peck et al., 1964 : 30, 48. Brues (1910 : 260) was informed by Kurdjumov that Ashmead had based his genera Mormoniella and Nasonia on the same type specimen, and that therefore these names were synonyms. Brues adopted Nasonia because the genus had been redescribed more fully under that name by Girault and Sanders (1909). Kurdjumov (1913 : 5) preferred to use the name Mormoniella, which has page-priority, and since then this name has been more often used than Nasonia. Muesebeck et al. (1951 : 559) adopted Nasonia because this name had been selected by Brues, the first reviser of the genus. Peck (1963 : 709) followed the latter usage and it is adopted here. Nasonia vitripennis (Walker) Pteromalus vitripennis Walker, 1836 : 492, 9. Pteromalus muscavum Hartig, 1838 : 256, syn. n. Pteromalus abnoymis Boheman, 1858 : 58, 59, pl. 2, fig. 3, d @. Dicyclus pallinervosus Walker, 1872b : 117, 2. Syn. n. Stictonotus insuetus Walker, 1872b : 117, 9, Syn. n. Pteromalus abnoymis Boheman ; Thomson, 1878 : 174, ¢ 9. Mormoniella brevicornis Ashmead, 1904 : 316, 382, 9. Nasonia brevicornis Ashmead, 1904 : 317, 9. Mormoniella vitvipennis (Walker) Gahan, 1927 : 5-7. Nasonia vitripennis (Walker) Peck, in Muesebeck et al., 1951 : 559. Mormoniella vitvipennis (Walker) ; Edwards, 1954 : 88-112. Nasonia vitripennis (Walker) ; de Santis, 1957 : 81-85. Mormoniella vitvipennis (Walker) ; Whiting, 1958 : 857-860. Mormoniella vitvipennis (Walker) ; Barrass, 1960 : 185-209, 210-218. Mormoniella vitvipenmis (Walker) ; Barrass, 1961 : 288-312. Nasonia vitripennis (Walker) ; Peck, 1963 : 709-711. The above references do not include many on the biology of the species, for which see Peck (1963). Further papers, not cited by Peck, are those by Edwards (1954) on host-finding and oviposition behaviour ; Whiting (1958, and others) on the genetics ; and Barrass (1960, 1961) on the courtship behaviour of vitripennis. Type material. Pteromalus witripennis Walker. Syntypes, 2 2. LECTOTYPE female bears a Waterhouse label and a green-bordered type label. 780 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Pteromalus muscarum Hartig. No specimens so labelled in Hartig collection ; but three groups of 8 9, 10 9, and 2 g respectively, mounted with Muscid puparia, and ticketed 988, 987, and 986, are regarded as syntypes. The specimens of each group are mounted on card-points arranged in a whorl, with a puparium below. LECTOTYPE, a female in the first group (988) whose card-point I have marked with a red spot. Pteromalus abnormis Boheman. I recall having seen the syntypes of abnormis and concluding that it was in fact the same as vitripennis (Walker), but cannot now find my notes on the specimens. No lectotype has yet been designated. Dicyclus pallinervosus Walker. One female (Type Hym. 5. 856) accepted as HOLOTYPE, labelled ‘“‘ Madeira Wollaston’, ‘ Dicyclus pallinervosus’”’, in Walker’s handwriting, and “ Walker ”’. Stictonotus insuetus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE (Type Hym. 5. 664), labelled ‘‘ Madeira Wollaston ”’ and “ Stictonotus insuetus ”’. Mormomella brevicornis and Nasonia brevicornis Ashmead. Type material in U.S.N.M. (not seen). Placed in synonymy with vitripennis (Walker) by Gahan (1927) from information supplied by Waterston. Cosmopolitan. Biology. Chiefly a parasite of Diptera (Calliphoridae and Muscidae), but has been reared from Diptera of other families ; for a list of hosts, see Peck (1963 : 711). In Britain, imagines have been captured in the field June-August. UROLEPIS Walker Urolepis Walker, 1846 : 26. Type-species : Ovmocerus maritimus Walker, by monotypy. Urolepis Walker ; Forster, 1856 : 59, 60-61. Halizoa Forster, 1856 : 145 [n. n. for Uvolepis Walker, supposedly pre-occupied]. Ptevomalus sgen. Halizous Thomson, 1878 : 146, 147. Uvolepis Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 327, 329, 332. Uvolepis Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 220. Uvolepis Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 49. Urolepis maritima (Walker) Ormocerus maritimus Walker, 1834 : 169, 9. ? Miscogastey Stygne Walker, 1839 : 201, 6. Ormocerus maritimus [Walker] ; Haliday, 1841-1842 ; pl. E, fig. 4, 9. Pteromalus salinus v. Heyden, 1844 : 205. Pteromalus Alope Walker, 1848 : 127, 212, 2, syn. n. Halizous maritimus (Walker) Thomson, 1878 : 147, 5 9. Urolepis maritima (Walker) Dalla Torre, 1898 : 106. Type material. Ovmocerus maritimus Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, Waterhouse label. Miscogaster stygne Walker. “‘ Found by Mr. Haliday, at Holywood, near Belfast, Ireland’ (Walker, 1839 : 201). I have not found the type material, either in Walker’s or Haliday’s collections. The species was placed in synonymy with PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 781 Urolepis maritimus by Walker himself (1846 : 26) and it seems best to accept this as correct. Pteromalus salinus v. Heyden. This is possibly a nomen nudum ; von Heyden gave no description but merely stated that the species often emerged from pupae of Coenia halophila v. Heyd. [=Ephydra riparia Fln.]. It was cited as a possible synonym of maritimus by Walker (1848 : 107). Forster (1856 : 60) stated that he had compared a syntype of maritimus with von Heyden’s specimens of salinus, so that the synonymy may be accepted. Pteromalus alope Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE ; Waterhouse label. BRITAIN, IRELAND, DENMARK, SWEDEN, GERMANY, RUMANIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. In the Blood coll. (Oxford) there is a female stated to have been reared from a pupa of Themira putris (L.) (Dipt., Sepsidae) in Denmark ; both sexes were reared from Dipterous puparia (? Ephydridae) found amongst Lemna and A2zolla at Appleton Pond, Berkshire, England (Dr. B. M. Hobby). Henriksen (1919 : 161) stated that it had often been reared from puparia of Ephydra riparia Fin. in Denmark. Von Heyden’s record (under the name Pteromalus salinus) of rearings from the same host has already been quoted. Imagines in May and Aug.—Sept. RAKOSINA Bouéek Rakosina Bouéek, 1955 : 316. Type-species: R. deplanata Bouéek, by original designation. Rakosina Bouéek ; Peck et al., 1964 : 48. Rakosina deplanata Boucek Rakosina deplanata Bouéek, 1955 : 319-319, 3 8. Type material. Holotype 9, Southern Slovakia, Gbelce (formerly Ko6bdélkut), 29.Vili.1955, from Phragmites (Boucek) in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3075). CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown ; the species is associated with Phragmites. Imagines captured in August and October. HALOMALUS Erdés Halomalus Erdos, 1953 : 233. Type-species : H. crucifer Erdés, by monotypy and original designation. Halomalus Erdos ; Peck et al., 1964 : 50. Halomalus crucifer Erdés Halomalus crucifer Erdés, 1953 : 233-234, fig. 7, 5 9. Type material (not seen). Syntypes, Hungary, Soltvadkert, 14.viii.1945, from Gramineae in the salt-marshes known as Hosszuviz and Varosi-t6, in coll. Erdos. CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. ; in salt-marshes. Biology. Unknown. 782 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM PEZILEPSIS Delucchi Pezilepsis Delucchi, 1955b : 153. Type-species : Isocyrtus dentifer Thomson, 1878, by original designation. Pezlepsis Delucchi ; Peck et al., 1964 : 49-50. Pezilepsis dentifer (Thomson) Isocyrtus dentifer Thomson, 1878 : 133, d Q. Pezilepsis dentifer (Thomson) Delucchi, 1955) : 154, d 8. Type material (Isocyrtus dentifer (Th.)). Syntypes, 5 specimens in coll. Thomson (Lund), 1 in coll. Méller (G6teborg). Thomson (1878 : 134) stated that the species was taken in Skane, at Wallerup by Moller, and at Ringsj6 by himself. A male from Yddingen in Thomson’s collection has been labelled “‘ Type ”’ by Delucchi ; as this specimen does not appear to come from the right locality, I prefer not to validate his selection at present. SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. In marshy places ; apparently rare. DIGLOCHIS Forster Diglochis Forster, 1856 :65. Type-species : Ptevomalus complanatus Ratzeburg, 1844a, by subsequent reference. Pteromalus sgen. Tvichoglenus Thomson, 1878: 146, 149. Type-species: Pteromalus complanatus Ratzeburg, by monotypy. Diglochis Forster ; Mayr, 1904 : 598. Trichoglenes Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 318, 321 [emendation]. Trichoglenus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 327, 329, 333. Dirhicnus Thomson ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 16, [ex parte}. Diglochis Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 220. Diglochis Forster ; Peck, 1963 : 670. Diglochis Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 49. Diglochis Forster was described without included species. Mayr (1904) included Pteromalus complanatus Ratzeburg, which automatically became the type-species of the genus. Thomson’s (1878) interpretation of complanatus is provisionally accepted here, following Mayr (1904), in spite of the fact that Kurdjumovy (1913 : 16) considered complanatus Ratzeburg to be different from that of Thomson. Actually the question of the identity of complanatus is somewhat complicated. Probably neither Thomson nor Mayr ever saw the types of complanatus although Kurdjumov evidently did ; and they are presumed to have been destroyed in 1945. Ratzeburg stated (18444 : 197) that his original material had come from two different sources : “Vier 9, welche ich besitze, stammen theils von Hrn. Nordlinger her, der sie aus Fichtenzapfen erzog, theils von Hrn. Saxesen, der sie aus Bedeguars der Feldrosen zu haben vermeint, doch aber seiner Sache nicht ganz gewiss ist’’. It appears very likely that the females from spruce-cones and from (?) bedeguar galls belonged PITEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 783 to two different species. Those from spruce-cones might have been Anogmus vala according to Boucek (1966a, see under A. vala), a view which I consider quite possible. The identity of the other females, from Saxesen, is problematic ; presum- ably Thomson had them in mind when he identified complanatus as belonging to his genus Tvichoglenus (1878 : 149), which has conspicuously pilose eyes and a margined occiput. However, Kurdjumov (1913 : 16) remarked of complanatus Ratzeburg “‘this is not the same as Diglochis (Trichoglenus) complanatus Th., differing in the naked eyes and immargined occiput ’’. Although Kurdjumov saw Ratzeburg’s types (including presumably those of complanatus) he did not say whether he had in mind the material which Ratzeburg had received from Nordlinger (reared from spruce-cones) or the Saxesen material. To decide which of these conflicting views should finally be accepted, it may be necessary to apply to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. If it should be decided that complanatus Ratzeburg (based on his material from Saxesen) is the same as sylvicola Walker (=complanatus sensu Thomson) then the name Diglochis Forster could be retained for the present genus. On the other hand, if the interpretation of complanatus Ratzeburg based on his material from spruce-cones should be accepted, the Diglochis would become a synonym of Anogmus Forster, and the valid name for the present genus would be Tvichoglenus Thomson. On the whole the first alternative (that provisionally followed here) seems preferable in the interest of uniformity. Diglochis sylvicola (Walker) Pteromalus sylvicola Walker, 1835 : 481, 9. ? Pteromalus crinifrons Forster, 1841 : 23, 3. Pteromalus complanatus Ratzeburg, 1844a : 197, &, [ex parte]. Trichoglenus complanatus (Ratzeburg) Thomson, 1878 : 149-150, ¢ 9. Diglochis sylvicola (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 260. Type material. Pteromalus sylvicola Walker. Lectotype designated by Graham (1956b : 260). Pteromalus crinifrons Forster. I have not seen the type, which according to Delucchi (1958a : 51) is a badly-damaged male ; he says that it is very probably identical with complanatus (Ratzeburg). Pteromalus complanatus Ratzeburg. Types presumed lost. The interpretation of Thomson (1878 : 149), which was accepted by Mayr (1904 : 598) is provisionally followed here. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY. Local, often in woodland habitat ; I have sometimes swept it from foliage of willows (Salix spp.). Biology. Thomson (1878 : 150) stated that in Sweden this species had been reared from a pupa of “ Lipara salicis’’. There appears to be no such species. Perhaps Thomson’s record was a mistake for the Lymantriid moth Stilpnotia salicis (L.), which in nineteenth-century literature was often called Liparis salicis. 734 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM TOMICOBIA Ashmead Tomicobia Ashmead, 1899 : 203. Type-species : T. tibialis Ashmead, by subsequent reference. Tomicobia Ashmead ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 155, 161-162. Ipocoelius Ruschka, 1924 : 6-12. Type-species: J. seitneyi Ruschka, by original designation. Tomicobia Ashmead ; Gahan, 1938 : 221-222. Tomicobia Ashmead ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 216. Tomicobia Ashmead ; Erdés, 1963 : 223. Tomicobia Ashmead ; Hedqvist, 1959 : 177-184. Tomicobia Ashmead ; Peck et al., 1964 : 44. Ipocoelius Ruschka was placed in synonymy with Tomicobia Ashmead by Gahan (1938 : 221), who compared two syntypes of Ipocoelius seitneri Ruschka (type- species of Ipocoelius) with the type of Tomicobia tibialis Ashmead and found them to be congeneric. The European species were revised by Hedqvist (1963). My views differ slightly from those expressed in his paper, and his species ferrievei I have transferred to Dirhicnus. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) Gaster subcircular, as broad as or broader than the thorax ; in dorsal view its apex does not appear conspicuously bristly. Head, mesoscutum, and scutel- lum shiny, their sculpture for the most part engraved ; frons, vertex, and mesoscutum with some small but distinct piliferous punctures. Pronotal collar medially one twelfth to one eighth as long as the mesoscutum. Antennal ati subclavate ; distal segments of funicle slightly trans- verse Gaster oval, narrower - than the thorax ; in dorsal view its apex appears very bristly. Head, mesoscutum, and scutellum less shiny, their sculpture at least slightly raised above the general surface ; piliferous punctures of head and mesoscutum not easily visible because of the relatively stronger reticulation. Pronotal collar medially one sixth to one fifth as long as the mesoscutum. Median area of propodeum nearly uniformly reticulate. Tarsi relatively short and stout ; first segment of mid and hind tarsi only 2:5—3 times as long as thick ; hind tarsi from hardly more than half, to about two thirds, as long as their tibiae. Fore wing usually immaculate Antennal scape reaching almost or quite to the level of the verem, its length slightly greater than the transverse diameter of an eye. Tibiae and tarsi relatively less stout ; the first segment of the mid and hind tarsi nearly 4 times as long as thick ; hind tarsi slightly more than two thirds as long as their tibiae. Median area of propodeum usually with some irregular wrinkles as well as reticulation. Fore wing often with a distinct brownish cloud below the marginal vein. Larger species, 2-2-8 mm. . . promulus (Walker) (p. 785) Antennal scape not nearly reaching the median ocellus, its length hardly greater than the transverse diameter of an eye. Tibiae and tarsi stout ; the first segment of the mid and hind tarsi only 2-2-2-7 times as long as thick ; hind tarsi hardly two thirds as long as their tibiae. Median area of propodeum uniformly or nearly uniformly reticulate. Fore wing with a hardly visible in- fumation below the marginal vein ; stigmal vein forming a rather more acute angle with the postmarginal than in promulus. Smaller species, less than 2mm.inlength . : ; : : subincrassata (Thomson) (p . 786) PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 785 3 (1) Head in dorsal view about 2:2 times as broad as its maximum length ; temples about one third as long as eyes. Scutellum slightly longer than broad, moderately convex. Antennae with all funicular segments slightly trans- verse, or at most the first and second quadrate ; sensilla in one, sometimes irregular, row on each funicular segment. Smaller species, length 2-2-8 mm. acuminati Heqvist (p. 786) ~ Head in dorsal view 2:35—2-4 times as broad as its maximum length ; temples about one quarter as long as eyes. Scutellum hardly longer than broad, less convex. Antennae with proximal funicular segments usually at least slightly longer than broad, occasionally quadrate, distal segments subquadrate ; sensilla in two rows on at least some of the funicular aa moe species, 2-5-4 mm. . 4 4 (3) Malar space about two thirds the transverse ‘diameter of an eve. (Europe) seitneri (Ruschka) (p. 786) - Malar space about seven eighths the transverse diameter of an eye. (North America) : : ; : : : : : tibialis Ashmead (p. 787) (MALEs) I Head, mesoscutum, and scutellum shiny, their sculpture for the most part engraved ; frons, vertex, and mesoscutum usually with some discernible pili- ferous punctures. Pronotal collar medially very short, one twelfth to one eighth as long as the mesoscutum. Median area of propodeum usually with some irregular wrinkles as well as reticulation. Hairs of antennal flagellum longer, their length about half the breadth of the segments, and standing out at 30-45°. Head and thorax bright green to blue promulus (Walker) (p. 785) - Head, mesoscutum, and scutellum less shiny, their sculpture at least slightly raised above the general surface ; piliferous punctures of head and meso- scutum not or hardly visible amongst the dense reticulation. Pronotal collar longer, medially one sixth to one fifth as long as the mesoscutum. Median area of propodeum uniformly or nearly uniformly reticulate. Hairs of flagellum shorter and tending to stand out less ee Head and thorax usually duller green or bronze . : 2 2 (1) Head in dorsal view 2-2-1 times as broad < as its maximum length. fnees with scape distinctly shorter than an eye, not reaching the vertex ; funicular segments subquadrate, the first distinctly shorter than the pedicellus. Head and thorax green to bronze-green . : acuminati Hedqvist (p. 786) - Head in dorsal view 2:25-2:35 times as Pee as its maximum length. Antenna with scape virtually as long as an eye, reaching level of vertex ; funicular segments, except sometimes the sixth, at least slightly longer than broad, the first only slightly shorter than the pedicellus. Head and thorax bronze with at most slight greenish reflections. : ; . seitneri (Ruschka) (p. 786) and tibialis Ashmead (p. 787) Tomicobia promulus (Walker) Pteromalus Promulus Walker, 1840 : 232, 9. Pteromalus Acrotatus Walker, 1845 : 261, 9, syn. n. Metopon (Dirhicnus) sublaevis Thomson, 1878 : 172, 9 9, Syn. n. ? Ipocoelius votundiventris Ruschka, 1924 : 11-12, 9. Tomicobia promulus (Walker) Bouéek, 1965¢e : 8 Type material. Pteromalus promulus Walker. One female in Greville collection 786 MWe Ro DEV" GRAHAM (Edinburgh), designated LECTOTYPE, labelled “ Pteromal. Promulus W Fide Wk. Edinb.” and “ Greville 1936-50. 291’. Pteromalus acrotatus Walker. One female, designated LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Metopon (Dirhicnus) sublaevis Thomson. Syntypes, 8 specimens ; LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “‘ Hlm ” [Holm.=Stockholm] and “ Bhn”’ [Boheman]. Ipocoelius rotundiventris Ruschka. Holotype 2 said to be in Ruschka collection ; but I have not located it. From the description it might well be the same as promulus (Walker). BRITAIN, SWEDEN, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Not certain (Ipocoelius rotundiventris was reared in Austria from Otiorrhynchus ligustici L.). Imagines June—Sept. Tomicobia subincrassata (Thomson) comb. n. Metopon (Dirhicnus) subincrassatus Thomson, 1878 : 172, g Q. Type material. Syntypes on 3 pinns. LECTOTYPE, a @Q labelled “O” [Oland] and (in Thomson’s handwriting) “‘ subincras—satus Ths.”’. I have not properly assessed the characters of the 3, which is therefore omitted from my key. SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Tomicobia acuminati Hedqvist Tomicobia acuminati Heqvist [Hedqvist], 1959 : 179-180, ¢ 9. Tomicobia acuminati Hedqvist, 1963 : 111-112. Type material. Holotype 9, Swedish Lapland, Stensele, 28-30.vii.?, and para- types in coll. Hedqvist ; I have examined the holotype and some paratypes. SWEDEN (Lapland). Biology. Parasite of Ips acuminatus Gyll. (Col., Scolytidae) ; see Hedqvist, 1959. Tomicobia seitneri (Ruschka) Ipocoelius seitnert Ruschka, 1924 : 7-11, 3 Q. Tomicobia seitneri (Rushcka) Erdos, 1953 : 223-225, d¢ &. Tomicobia seitneri (Ruschka) ; Hedqvist, 1959 : 178, 181-182, ¢ Q. Type material. Syntypes in Hochschule fiir Bodenkultur and Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; in Swedish Forestry Academy, and in coll. Ruschka. Lectotype female selected by Graham in 1956 from syntypes in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. These are Ig specimens pinned to a block of pith and labelled “ typograph. Weyer 27.7.1921’”’ and “ Ipocoelius seitneri Ruschka Type ”’ ; I now designate the fourth specimen, a female, as LECTOTYPE and have marked it with a small dark red ticket ; my lectotype label has also been added. ” PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 787 SWEDEN, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, POLAND, HUNGARY. Biology. Endoparasite of imago of Ips typographus L. ; also recorded from Ips acuminatus Gyll., I. duplicatus Sahlb., and I. amitinus Eichh. (Col., Scolytidae). For a detailed account of the biology see Sachtleben (1952 : 175-179). {Tomicobia tibialis Ashmead Tomicobia tibialis Ashmead, 1904 : 283, 9. Tomicobia tibialis Ashmead ; Gahan, 1938 : 221-222. Tomicobia tibialis Ashmead ; Hedgqvist, 1959 : 178, 180-181. This species was not described by Ashmead, but is validated by the generic diagnosis in Ashmead’s key (1904 : 283). Later it was described by Gahan (1938). I have not seen the types which are in U.S.N.M., but have examined authenticated material from North America. The species is included in my key to show the differences between it and seztneri (Ruschka).] DIRHICNUS Thomson Metopon sgen. Divhicnus Thomson, 1878 : 165, 170. Type-species : D. subcoeruleus Thomson, by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 314. Dirvhicnus Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 314, 315. Dirhicnus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 309, 310, 313, [ex parte]. ? Dirhicnus Thomson ; Kurdjumoy, 1913 : 16, [ex parte]. Dirvhicnus Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 228, ex parte. Divlicnus Thomson ; Bouéek, 1961a : 448, [ex parte]. Dirhicnus Thomson ; Peck et al., 1964 : 56. This genus has been little noticed since its description. Most or all of the species referred to it by Kurdjumov (1913) do not belong here. Boutéek (1961) described a new species conopidarum which he placed provisionally in Dirhicnus ; I think, however, that it belongs rather to Habrocytus, or is at least very near it. Consequently only two species remain in the genus. The mandibles of pivus (Walker) are unusually variable. Of the specimens examined, most have the mandibular formula 3.4 with the inner tooth of the left mandible truncate, the inner tooth of the right mandible obtuse ; one has the formula 4.4 with the inner tooth of both mandibles obtuse ; one has the formula 3.3 with the inner tooth of both truncate. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 646) with temples one quarter to one third as long as the eyes, less convergent. Antennae brown to fuscous with at most the scape and pedicellus more or less testaceous ; tegulae usually brown to black, occasionally partly testaceous ; femora infuscate at least proximally . . pirus (Walker) (p. 788) — Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 647) with temples one fifth as long as eyes or even rather less, more convergent. Antennae, tegulae, and legs, not counting coxae, yellowish or testaceous . : : : : : . ferrierei (Hedqvist) (p. 788) 788 M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM Males of ferrieret seem to differ from those of pivus only in having the body more brightly metallic and the antennae and legs paler. Dirhicnus pirus (Walker) comb. n. (Text-fig. 646) Pteromalus Pirus Walker, 1839 : 219, 6. Pteromalus Toxicrate Walker, 1839 : 226, g, Syn. n. Pteromalus Sisenna Walker, 1839 : 227, ‘‘ 3” [recte 9], syn. n. Pteromalus Gonatas Walker, 1839 : 231, “3” [recte 9], syn. n. Pteromalus separatus Forster, 1841 : 14, d, Syn. n. Pteromalus insidiator Forster, 1841 : 25, g, Syn. n. Pteromalus Bubaris Walker, 1845 : 261, 2, Syn. n. Pteromalus Nestocles Walker, 1845 : 261, ¢ 9, syn. n. Pteromalus Cercides Walker, 1845 : 262, d 2, Syn. n. Pteromalus Gallonius Walker, 1848 : 125, 193, g, Syn .n. Metopon (Dirhicnus) subcoeruleus Thomson, 1878 : 170, § 9, Syn. n. Type material (all the Walker lectotypes bear Waterhouse labels). Pteromalus pirus Walker. Syntypes, 4 g; LECTOTYPE, the second specimen. Pteromalus toxicrate Walker. Syntypes, 3¢ ; LECTOTYPE, the second specimen. Pteromalus sisenna Walker. Syntypes, 2 9, which are not congeneric. LECTO- TYPE, the second specimen. Pteromalus gonatas Walker. One female, now designated LECTOTYPE ; Walker described it as male, but his description shows that he had a female before him. Pteromalus separatus Forster. Syntypes, 2 in Forster coll. ; lectotype designated by Delucchi (1958a:55) who placed separatus and subcoeruleus Thomson in synonymy. Pteromalus insidiator Forster. Type g recognized by Delucchi (19584 : 55) who stated the species to be the same as separatus Forster. Pteromalus bubaris Walker. One female, now designated LECTOTYPE. Pteromalus nestocles Walker. Syntypes, 4g ; LECTOTYPE, the third specimen. Pteromalus cercides Walker. Syntypes, 2 9 ; LECTOTYPE, the second specimen. Pteromalus gallonius Walker. One male, now designated LECTOTYPE. Metopon (Dirhicnus) subcoeruleus Thomson. Syntypes, a long series mounted on 31 pins. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “‘ Lund ” and, in Thomson’s handwriting, “ subcoerule=us Ths ”’ ; the specimen also bears A. Jansson’s lectotype label. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; probably more widely distributed in Europe. Biology. Unknown (but see host record for the following species, ferrierer, which may prove to be identical with pirus). Imagines June—Sept. Dirhicnus ferrierei (Hedqvist) comb. n. (Text-fig. 647) Tomicobia ferriever Heqvist, 1959 : 178-179, 3 &. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 789 Type material. Holotype 9, France, Antibes, 7.vili.1934, reared from adult of Ottorrhynchus rugosostriatus (Goeze) (R. Pussard) in BM(NH) ; paratypes in the same collection. This species is so close to pirus (Walker) that I feel doubtful whether it is really distinct. The most obvious difference lies in the pale antennae and legs of ferrieret, as compared with those of north-west European examples of pivus. One might expect, however, that pirus from more southern localities in Europe, such as the south of France, where ferrieret was taken, would have relatively paler appendages than the northern specimens, since that is the case with several species belonging to other genera. As regards females, those of ferrierei have the temples a little shorter and more convergent than in pirus ; this might prove to be a valid distinction. For the present I treat ferriere: as being possibly distinct from pirus ; but it will be necessary to evaluate the variation of pivus by examining material from as many different regions in Europe as possible, before the status of ferrierei can be confirmed. ARTHROLYTUS Thomson Pteromalus sgen. Arthrolytus Thomson, 1878 : 147, 158. Type-species : A. punctatus Thomson by designation of Ashmead, 1904 : 320. Arthrolytus Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 320, 322. Arthrolytus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 329, 331, 358-359, [ex parte]. Arthrolytus Thomson ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 7-8, ex parte. Arthrolytus Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 228-229. Arthrolytus Thomson ; Graham, 1956b : 254. Arthrolytus Thomson ; Peck et al., 1964 : 57. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Antenna (Text-fig. 648) with first funicular segment not constricted basally ; flagellum stout, cylindrical or subfusiform ; second anellus fully twice as long as the first. Antennae inserted low on head, much nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus, the lower edge of the toruli hardly above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes ; head strongly pro- tuberant at level of toruli. Malar space hardly one third the length of an eye. Propodeal plicae weak, curved. (ANARTHROLYTUS s€en. n.) ‘ 2 - Antennae with first funicular segment (Text-figs. 651, 652) usually distant. constricted basally ; if hardly so then the lower edge of the antennal toruli is well above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes, and the head is hardly protuberant at the level of the toruli. Antennal flagellum clavate ; anelli subequal in length. Malar space slightly more than one third the length of of an eye. Propodeal plicae strong, slightly curved or nearly straight. (Arthrolytus Thomson, s. str.) . g 2 (1) Fore wing with stigmal vein (Text- fig. Boa) ‘eoniee an foul pagle ae the postmarginal vein. Femora usually entirely pale, sometimes with a dark stripe beneath. Fore wing with a broad and very intense fuscous cloud which is usually extended to the hind margin of the wing. Head in dorsal view thicker antero-posteriorly, twice as broad as long or hardly more ocellus (Walker) (p. 793) 790 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM - Fore wing with stigmal vein forming a less acute angle with the postmarginal vein. Femora mainly dark. Fuscous cloud of fore wing relatively narrower and less intense, often not reaching the hind margin of the wing. Head in dorsal view relatively thinner antero-posteriorly . glandium Bouéek (p. 793) Fics. 648-653 Arthrolytus spp. 648, ocellus (Walker), 9, antenna; 649, same, g, antenna ; 650, slovacus sp. n., 9, head; 651, same, 9, antenna; 652, maculipennis (Walker), 2, antenna ; 653, discoideus (Nees), 9, head. () PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE Antennae (Text-fig. 651) inserted well above level of ventral edge of eyes, their toruli about equidistant from the anterior margin of the clypeus and the median ocellus ; head hardly protuberant at level of toruli. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 650) strongly transverse, about 2:25 times as broad as its maximum length, with temples hardly one sixth as long as eyes. Propodeum (medially) hardly half as long as scutellum ; its median area about 1-8 times as broad as long, the panels finely reticulate. Thorax squat, about 1-4 times as long as broad. Gaster with a yellowish band across the basal tergite ; 791 venter extensively pale. (Czechoslovakia) : . slovacus sp. n. (p. 793) Antennae (Text-fig. 652) inserted less high, their faa slightly nearer to the anterior margin of the clypeus than to the median ocellus ; head somewhat protuberant at level of toruli. Head in dorsal view 2—2-15 times as broad as long, with temples one fifth to more than one quarter as long as eyes. Pro- podeum (medially) slightly more than half as long as the scutellum ; its median area 1:5—1-7 times as broad as long, the panels often rather coarsely reticulate. Thorax often more elongate, 1-4~1:7 times as long as broad. Gaster sometimes immaculate . Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum ngually: slightly less than, rarely almost equal to, the breadth of the head. Costal cell of fore wing 9-9'5 times as long as broad. Gaster without pale markings ; 1-5-1-7 times as long as broad, slightly shorter than head plus thorax Combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than the breadth of the head. Costal cell of fore wing 10-5—11 times as long as broad. Gaster often with a pale transverse band on the basal tergite, sometimes the whole base yellowish ; sometimes relatively longer than in the above : Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 653) 2-2-1 times as broad as long. Panels Ee median area of propodeum rather more coarsely reticulate (Europe) discoideus (Nees) (p. 795) Head in dorsal view 2:15 times as broad as long. Panels of median area of propodeum rather more finely reticulate (Amurland) megaspilus (Walker) (p. 795) Larger species, up to 3-4 mm. in length. Gaster 1-8—2-15 times as long as broad, at least very slightly longer than head plus thorax. Antenna, Text-fig. 652 : : . maculipennis (Walker) (p. 794) Smaller species, up to 2:3 mm. in length. Gaster 1:55-1:65 times as long as broad, at least slightly shorter than head plus thorax. . ; SeeSD-muder. (MALEs) Antennal formula 11263 (Text-fig. 649) with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum only equal to breadth of head ; pedicellus about twice as long as broad, as long as or slightly longer than the first funicular segment ; second anellus distinctly longer than the first ; funicle stout, with very short and subdecumbent hairs, funicular segments relatively short, the first at most twice as long as broad, the sixth subquadrate to slightly transverse. Eyes large, separated by only about 1-15 times their length ; malar space hardly one third the length of an eye. Antennae inserted only slightly above level of ventral edge of eyes. Propodeum with plicae weak or incomplete ; costula absent. Fore wing in one species shortened and narrow, with a fuscous cloud below the stigmal vein, often also with the apical margin of the wing infuscate. (ANARTHROLYTUS sé€en. n.) Antennal formula most often otherwise ; combined length ie aad asin and flagellum at least 1-3 times the breadth of the head ; pedicellus at most 1:5 792 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM times as long as broad, much shorter than the first funicular segment ; anelli strongly transverse, the second only slightly longer than the first ; funicle varying from moderately stout to very slender, clothed with longer hairs which stand out at about 45°, the length of these hairs is at least half the breadth of the segments that bear them ; funicular segments relatively longer, the first from more than 1-5 times to 5:5 times, as long as broad ; the sixth usually longer than broad. Eyes smaller, somewhat more widely separated ; malar space more than one third the length of aneye. Antennae inserted well above the level of the ventral edge of the eyes. Propodeum with plicae distinct and usually sharp ; costula sometimes indicated. Fore wing long and broad, immaculate or at most slightly infumate (Avthrolytus Thomson, s. str.) . : 3 2 (1) Gaster with a pale spot or transverse band on the basal tergite. Femora pale. Fore wing with a fuscous spot or spots . : : ocellus (Walker) (p. 793) - Gaster immaculate. Femora mainly infuscate. Fore wing immaculate glandium Bouéek (p. 793) 3 (1) Antennae with 6 funicular segments and a 3-segmented clava ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 1-3—1-4 times the breadth of the head ; segments of funicle short, the first at most twice as long as broad, the sixth at most slightly longer than broad. (Czechoslovakia) . : slovacus sp. n. (p. 793) - Antennae either with 7 funicular segments and a 2-segmented clava ; or else with all 9 flagellar segments separated by peduncles ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 2-1—2:75 times the breadth of the head ; segments of funicle elongate, the first 3-5-5:5 times, the seventh 1-8-3 times as long as broad : : : 5 ’ : : : : : : : 4 4 (3) Antennae with 7 funicular segments and a 2-segmented clava. Fore wing with costal cell 9-9-5 times as long as broad ; speculum bare or nearly so. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 2-2-2-3 times the breadth of the head ; seventh funicular segment 2-5—2-6 times as long as broad ; scape hardly expanded in its upper half, the subapical shiny boss tending to be indistinct . . discoideus (Nees) (p. 795) — All 9 flagellar segments Pe eer by rn ee therefore no clava is differen- tiated. Fore wing with costal cell 10-13 times as long as broad ; speculum sometimes effaced by scattered hairs ; : ‘ : ; : : 5 5 (4) Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 2-1-2-35 times the breadth of the head ; scape distinctly expanded in its upper half, where there is a distinct shiny boss on its outer aspect. Fore wing with speculum, on lower surface of wing, more or less effaced by scattered hairs ; basal cell partly, sometimes entirely, pilose. Larger species, up to 3-1 mm. maculipennis (Walker) (p. 794) - Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum 2-5-2-75 times the breadth of the head ; scape hardly expanded distally, its shiny boss often indistinct. Fore wing with speculum and basal cell bare or with only a few hairs. Smaller species, up to 1-8 mm. : ‘ : : : . Sp. indet. ARTHROLYTUS (ANARTHROLYTUS) sgen. n Derivation : Greek «, not, compounded with Arthrolytus. (Gender : Masculine). Type-species : Eutelus ocellus Walker. For characters, see key (p. 791). PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 793 Arthrolytus (Anarthrolytus) ocellus Walker (Text-figs. 648, 649) Eutelus ocellus Walker, 1834 : 359, 6. Arthrolytus albiscapus Thomson, 1878 : 159, 9. Arthrolytus ocellus (Walker) Graham, 1956) : 254. Type material. Evutelus ocellus Walker. Lectotype designated by Graham (19566 : 254). Arthrolytus albiscapus Thomson. Syntypes, 6 specimens. LECTOTYPE female labelled ‘“‘ Rsid ’’ [Ringsj6] and “ albiscapus Ths ”’. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. Imagines captured in May, June, September. Bouéek (1967 : 639) when comparing the female of his species glandium with that of ocellus, remarks that in 9 ocellus the marginal vein is on the average 1-62 times as long as the stigmal vein, and is not less than I-49 times as long. The 9 of glandium is said to have the marginal vein 1:3-1-43 times as long as the stigmal vein. Some females of ocellus have the fore wings rather shorter and narrower than usual, and in these the marginal vein is sometimes only 1-4 times as long as the stigmal. One of the best criteria for distinguishing the two species appears to be the angle which the stigmal vein makes with the postmarginal. Arthrolytus (Anarthrolytus) glandium Bouéek Arthrolytus glandium Bouéek, 1967 : 637-639, figs. 4, 5,3 . Type material. Holotype 9, allotype g, and paratypes g 9, Czechoslovakia : Slovakia, in Narodni Museum, Prague. CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Parasite of Curculio (=Balaninus) sp. (Col., Curculionidae) living in acorns (Bouéek, 1967). Sgen. ARTHROLYTUS, s. str. Arthrolytus (Arthrolytus) slovacus sp. n. (Text-figs. 650, 651) The diagnostic characters of this species are given in my keys to species of Arthrolytus (g, 9) and need not be repeated here. Some additional characters are the following: 9.—Head and thorax bluish black ; gaster, excepting the pale areas, bronze with purplish reflections. Antennal scape and pedicellus testaceous, the latter darker apically ; flagellum black. Legs testaceous ; fore coxa blackish externally, mid and hind coxae blackish at base ; fore and mid femora slightly infuscate medially ; pretarsus and claws of all tarsi fuscous. Tegulae testaceous, brown posteriorly ; wings slightly yellowish, with a faint infumate discal cloud. Length 2:5 mm. 704 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Antenna (Text-fig. 651) with scape distinctly shorter than an eye, reaching level of vertex or a little above it ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about equal to breadth of head ; flagellum subcylindrical, rather more slender than in maculipennis ; first funicular segment longer than the pedicellus, segments 2-5 a little longer than broad, sixth subquadrate ; clava longer and narrower than that of maculipennis, nearly 2-5 times as long as broad. Legs stout, especially femora ; fifth tarsal segment of all tarsi rather swollen, pulvilli and claws large. Fore wing with costal cell with upper surface bare, lower surface with a complete row of hairs ; proximal part of wing bare, except for 2-3 hairs on the basal vein ; marginal vein about 1:8 times as long as the stigmal vein, and slightly longer than the postmarginal vein. Gaster about 1-6 times as long as broad, slightly longer than head plus thorax, slightly acuminate apically. g.—Colour as 2 but pedicellus brown ; all coxae mainly black ; gaster blackish with a yellow- ish spot on the basal tergite. Antenna: pedicellus only about 1-5 times as long as broad, somewhat shorter than the first funicular segment ; flagellum distinctly stouter than the pedicellus, latter as seen in dorsal view ; clava about 3-5 times as long as broad, about as long as 24 of the preceding funicular segments ; hairs of flagellum slightly shorter than the breadth of the segments that bear them, standing out at about 45°. Thorax nearly 1-6 times as long as broad. Median area of propodeum fully half as long as the scutellum, only about 1-5 times as broad as long. Postmarginal vein hardly shorter than the marginal. Gaster oval, as long as but narrower than the thorax. Holotype 9. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Southern Slovakia, Kovacov, 7.vi.1958 (A. Hoffer), in Graham collection. Paratype g. CZECHOSLOVAKIA : Moravia, Pavlovské Kopce, 6.v.1961 (A. Hoffer), in Graham collection. These specimens were amongst some material kindly given to me by Dr. Hoffer. Arthrolytus (Arthrolytus) maculipennis (Walker) (Text-fig. 652) Pteromalus maculipennis Walker, 1836 : 191, 9. Arthrolytus punctatus Thomson, 1878 : 158, ex parte [excluding lectotype]. Holcaeus cecidomyiae Ashmead, 1897 : 137, ex parte (3). Holcaeus cecidomyiae Ashmead ; Marchal, 1897 : 83. Homoporus lanigey Marchal, 1897 : 83, 95. Arthrolytus maculipennis (Walker) ; Gahan, 1933 : 71-75, fig. 17, 3 9. Arthrolytus maculipennis (Walker) ; Graham, 1956) : 254. Type material. Pteromalus maculipennis Walker. Lectotype 9 designated by Graham (1956) : 254). In that paper I mentioned the possibility that Avthrolytus punctatus Thomson might be a synonym of maculipennis. Since then I have re-examined Thomson’s syntypic series of punctatus, which proves to be a mixed one, containing some specimens of maculipennis, others (including the lectotype) which are the same as discoideus (Nees). Holcaeus cecidomyiae Ashmead. Lectotype (actually cited as “ holotype ’’) male selected by Gahan (1933 : 73-74). It is in U.S.N.M. and according to Gahan, bears the name label in Ashmead’s handwriting, also a small hand-written label ““Type’’. Gahan considered it to be the same as maculipennis. The species was described from material reared in France from the Hessian fly, by P. Marchal. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 795 Arthrolytus maculipenms was redescribed in detail by Gahan (1933). His description and figure (17C) of the male antenna, particularly the form of the scape and his statement (p. 73) that the antennal club is not differentiated, as well as some points in his description of the female, show that he had before him the true maculipennis. It is true that he synonymized A. punctatus Thomson with maculi- pennis, but he did not see the syntypes of punctatus, some of which (but not the lectotype) are in fact the same as maculipennis. BRITAIN, FRANCE, SWEDEN, GERMANY ; probably widely distributed in Europe, but I have not checked any specimens from countries other than those mentioned. In Britain I find it most often in damp meadows and marshy places. Biology. eared in France, under the names Holcaeus cecidomyiae Ashmead and Homoporus laniger, from the Cecidomyiid species Mayetiola (=Phytophaga) destructor (Say) and M. (=P.) avenae (Marchal) ; see Marchal, 1897. Gahan (1933 : 75) remarked that, in view of the apparent abundance and wide distribution of maculipennis and the fact that it had been recorded only once as a parasite of these common pests, it seemed hardly likely that either of them was the normal host. No doubt this will prove to be the case. Imagines May—Sept. Arthrolytus (Arthrolytus) discoideus (Nees) comb. n. (Text-fig. 653) Pteromalus discoideus Nees, 1834 : 119, 9. Pteromalus Artembares Walker, 1839 : 257, gd, Syn. n.° Arthrolytus punctatus Thomson, 1878 : 158, 2, syn. n. Type material. Pteromalus discoideus Nees. LECTOTYPE, a female in coll. ~ Westwood (Oxford), e coll. Nees, bearing a small pink square label numbered “7, also labelled in Westwood’s handwriting ‘“‘ Pteromalus discoideus Esenb. 2. 119. E Mus. Esenb.”. Pteromalus artembares Walker. Syntypes, 2g. One bearing a Waterhouse label, is selected as LECTOTYPE. Arthrolytus punctatus Thomson. Syntypes, several specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled ‘“‘ Lp in” {Lapponia inferioris] ; ‘‘ Bhn’”’ [Boheman] ; “ 14/G”’ ; “ punctatus Ths” ; and “ TYPE” (on a red label). BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY ; probably widely distributed in Europe. Biology. Unknown. Imagines Aug.—Sept. Arthrolytus (Arthrolytus) megaspilus (Walker) comb. n. Ptevomalus megaspilus Walker, 1874 : 318, 9. Type material. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, Hym. 5. 728, bearing a red- bordered type label and also labelled “142”, ‘“‘ Amurland. Coll. F. Walker 1913-71’, and, in Walker’s handwriting, “‘ Pteromalus megaspilus ”’ Asia (Amurland). Biology. Unknown. 796 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM ERDOESINA Graham Evdoesina Graham, 1957b : 180. Type-species : Pteromalus alboannulatus Ratzeburg, 1852. Evdoesina Graham ; Peck et al., 1964 : 57. Two species are known, one only from Siberia. Erdoesina alboannulata (Ratzeburg) (Text-figs. 296, 656, 657) Pteromalus alboannulatus Ratzeburg, 1852 : 231. Ptervomalus alboannulatus Ratzeburg; Otten, 1940 : 185-186. Evdoesina alboannulata (Ratzeburg) Graham, 1957) : 180-181, g 9. Type material. Types presumed lost. The species was redescribed by Graham (19576). GERMANY. Biology. Parasite of the pupae of Panolis griseovaniegata (Goeze) ; reared from this host by Ratzeburg [under the name of Noctua piniperda (Pz.)| and by Sachtleben (see Graham, 1957) : 181) ; Otten (1940 : 185-186) recorded it in Germany from Bupalus piniarius (L.), Polia [=Ceramica] pist (L.), and from cocoons of Banchus sp. (Hym., Ichneumonidae). [Erdoesina boarmiae Boucek Evdoesina boavmiae Bouéek, 1967 : 640-641, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Siberia, Tomsk region, 18.1.1962, in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 26.101). AsIA: Siberia. Biology. Parasite of pupae of Boarmia crepusculana (Schiff.) (Boucek, 1967). For the differences between boarmiae and alboannulata (Ratzeburg) see Bouéek (1967 : 641)]. CYCLOGASTRELLA Bukovskij Cyclogastrella Bukovskiyj, 1938 : 153-156. Type-species: C. queycina Bukovskij, by mono- typy- Pseudomicromelus Gahan & Fagan ; Gahan, 1938 : 226, [ex parte}. Pseudomicromelus Gahan & Fagan ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 224. Cyclogastvella Bukovskij ; Graham, 1956b : 258. Cyclogastrella Bukovskij ; Peck et al., 1964 : 51. Cyclogastrella Bukovskij ; Bouéek, 1965e : 26-27. The genus Pseudomicromelus Gahan and Fagan, 1923, which is very close to Cyclogastrella, has been recorded from Europe, but I think in error. Thus Boucek (tn Peck et al., 1964 : 51) records “‘ Only P. stlanus (Walker) in western Europe, not found in C.S.R., reared from Anarsia lineatella.’”’ The type-species of Pseudom- PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 797 cromelus (Micromelus silanus Walker, 1843) is Australian. It seems likely that the European record of P. silanus is a mistake for Cyclogastrella deplanata (Nees). KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Antenna with flagellum slender, only slightly stouter than the pedicellus ; distal segments of funicle quadrate ; 3 anelli present. Fore wing with postmarginal vein 1-:2-1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein ; basal vein pilose throughout, basal cell usually with a few scattered hairs in its distal part. Mesoscutum and scutellum relatively shiny, with very fine and delicate reticulation. Anterior margin of clypeus shallowly emarginate medially. Antennal pedicellus (and scape) mainly to wholly testaceous ; tibiae testaceous, femora less strongly infuscate than in the following species . flavius (Walker) (p. 800) - Antenna with flagellum distinctly stouter than the pedicellus ; distal segments of funicle slightly to quite obviously transverse ; 2 or 3 anelli present. Fore wing with postmarginal vein usually approximately as long as the stigmal vein, rarely very slightly longer; basal vein usually bare, occasionally sparsely pilose, basal cell bare. Mesoscutum and scutellum relatively duller, with stronger reticulation. Antennal pedicellus often infuscate ; tibiae sometimes more or less so ; femora usually mainly dark . : : : : - : : : 2 Fics. 654-657. 654, Cyclogastrella clypealis Bouéek, 9, head ; 655, Cyclogastrella deplanaia (Nees), 9, head ; 656, Evdoesina alboannulata (Ratzeburg), 2, antenna; 657, same, 2, body. 708 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM 2 (1) Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 654) projecting as two semicircular flat lobes which are separated by a deep incision ; head in frontal view appearing more subcircular. Antenna with pedicellus nearly or quite as long as the four succeeding flagellar segments together : : clypealis Bouéek (p. 800) -- Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 655) projecting less strongly, with two short lobes between which there is only a shallow emargination ; head in frontal view appearing more transversely oval. Antenna with pedicellus not or barely as long as the four succeeding flagellar segments together deplanata (Nees) (p. 798) (MALEs) I Antenna with anelli moderately transverse, each anellus rather more than twice as broad as long ; scape nearly as long as an eye, reaching the median ocellus, mainly to wholly testaceous. Fore wing with basal vein pilose throughout ; basal cell usually with some scattered hairs in its distal part. Mesoscutum and scutellum more shiny, with delicate reticulation. Anterior margin of clypeus shallowly emarginate medially flavius (Walker) (p. 800) - Antenna with anelli strongly transverse, each anellus more than three times as broad as long ; scape either distinctly shorter than an eye and not reaching the median ocellus, or else mainly fuscous. Fore wing with basal cell most often bare ; basal vein bare or pilose. Mesoscutum and scutellum less ae with stronger reticulation 2 (1) Anterior margin of clypeus ageue nee as two eeereaeien ines Se are separated by a deep incision (cf. Text-fig. 654). Antennal scape distinctly shorter than an eye, not reaching the median ocellus. Head in dorsal view 2:I-2-15 times as broad as long ‘ : ; clypealis Bouéek (p. 800) - Anterior margin of clypeus projecting ies strongly, with two short lobes between which there is only a shallow emargination (cf. Text-fig. 655). Antennal scape virtually as long as an eye, reaching the lower edge of the median ocellus. Head in dorsal view 2:25—2°4 times as broad as long deplanata (Nees) (p. Cyclogastrella deplanata (Nees) auctt. plur. (Text-fig. 655) Ormocerus simplex Walker, 1834 : 169, 3, Syn. n. Pteromalus deplanatus Nees, 1834 : 110, ¢ 9, [ex parte]. Pteromalus domesticus Walker, 1835 : 481, 9. Pteromalus Artemon Walker, 1839 : 218, 3, Syn. n. Pteromalus Merope Walker, 1839 : 219, g, Syn. n. Pteromalus Phasis Walker, 1848 : 119, 175, gd, Syn. n. Pteromalus Acco Walker, 1848 : 120, 177, 9, Syn. n. Pteromalus Androbius Walker, 1848 : 126, 200, 9, Syn. n. Cyclogastrella quercina Bukovskij, 1938 : 154-156, 3 9. Cyclogastrella deplanata (Nees) Graham, 1956b : 259. Cyclogastrella deplanata (Nees) ; Bouéek, 1965e : 27. 798) Type material. The name deplanata (Nees) is well known and has been used for the present species by many authors following its adoption by Walker (1846 : 40) as a senior synonym of his own species domesticus. The name, however, has never been objectively defined by selection of a lectotype because the collection of Nees PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 799 was thought to have been destroyed. Actually there are remains of the collection in Oxford and it contains two specimens identified as deplanatus ; one is a female of Psychophagus omnivorus (Walker), the other a female of Diglochis sylvicola (Walker) ! It seems advisable to preserve the current usage of the name deplanatus and disregard the above specimens. From the description of deplanatus by Nees (1834 : 110) it appears very probable that he had at least three species mixed under that name. On page 111 he states “‘ Mares et feminas primo vere et autumno ad fenestras cubiculi Sickershusae observavi. Majo mense in Pruno Pado, Julio aliis in floribus deprehendi’”’. The first sentence suggests the species currently known as Cyclogastrella deplanata, which sometimes swarms in old houses ; the second sentence might refer to the specimens still extant, particularly to the female of Psychophagus omnivorus, which according to its label was captured in July. In order to define objectively the name deplanatus, the best course would be to apply to the International Commission with a proposal that the lectotype of domesticus (Walker), the next junior synonym, should be made neotype of deplanatus. Ormocerus simplex Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus domesticus Walker. Lectotype designated by Graham (1956b : 259). Walker synonymized his species with deplanatus Nees in 1845) : 1142, footnote. Pteromalus artemon Walker. Syntypes, 5 specimens. LECTOTYPE, the third specimen, an unlabelled male. Pteromalus merope Walker. Syntypes, 3 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a male bearing a Waterhouse label, also one reading “ 38. 7. 12. 205’. Pteromalus phasis Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus acco Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE ; it bears a Waterhouse label, also one in C. Ferriére’s handwriting ““ Pseudomicromelus deplanatus Nees ”’. Pteromalus androbius Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE, bearing a Waterhouse label. Cyclogastrella quercina Bukovskij. Location of type material (from Tortrix viridana L. in the Crimea) not known to me. Widely distributed in EuRoprE ; Nortu ArFrica (Morocco). Biology. Parasite of various Tortricoidea, e.g., Tortvix viridana L., Cacoecia sorbiana Hiibn., Semasia diniana Gmel. Long ago Walker (18454 : 850) recorded the species (under the name of Pteromalus domesticus) aS a parasite of Lozotaenia (=Cacoecia) xylosteana (L.) and (18450 : 1142) of Tortrix viridana (L.). These records went unnoticed for some years and there was some speculation regarding the hosts of deplanata until Scott (1922 : 56) bred several from pupae of Tortrix viridana (L.). C. deplanata often appears in large swarms in buildings. Walker (1835 : 481) recorded it “ on the windows and walls of houses in infinite numbers during July, and more sparingly throughout the rest of the year” ; later (1845a : 850). he remarked that it “ lives throughout the year, being torpid during the cold weather, though the occurrence of a mild day often draws it from its retreats’. Scott (1919 : 13-16; and 1922 : 59-60) 800 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM recorded numerous other cases of swarms of deplanata in buildings. Such swarms occur most often in July and August, though sometimes as late as December in Britain. Extreme abundance of deplanata and consequent swarming, appears to coincide with severe infestations by Tortrix viridana. Cyclogastrella flavius (Walker) Pteromalus Flavius Walker, 1839 : 230, 3. Pteromalus Cepio Walker, 1848 : 127, 213, 2, Syn. n. Metopon (Divhicnus) heterotomus Thomson, 1878 : 171, 9, syn. n. Cyclogastrella flavius (Walker) Bouéek, 1965e : 27. Type material (Walker types bear a Waterhouse label). Pteromalus flavius Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype). Pteromalus cepio Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE. Metopon (Dirhicnus) heterotomus Thomson. Syntypes, 2 g, I 9. LECTO- TYPE, the female, labelled “ Lund’, “2” and (in Thomson’s handwriting) “ Heterotomus ” BRITAIN, SWEDEN. Biology. Unknown. Imagines Aug.—Sept. Cyclogastrella clypealis Bouéek (Text-fig. 654) Cyclogastrella clypealis Bouéek, 1965e : 26, 3 Q. Type material. Holotype 9, Czechoslovakia, Praha-Hanspaulka, 3.x.1947, on a window (Bouéek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 26.010). CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. Imagines June—Oct. PLATNEPTIS Bouéek Platneptis Bouéek, 1961 : 84. Type-species : P. maceki Bouéek by monotypy and original designation. Platneptis laeta (Walker) Pteromalus Laeta Walker, 1848 : 125, 199, 9. Platneptis maceki Bouéek, 1961 : 84, &. Platnepis laeta (Walker) Boucek, 19656 : 549. Type material. Pteromalus laeta Walker. One female, probably holotype, bearing a Waterhouse label. Platneptis maceki Bouéek. Holotype 9, Czechoslovakia, Bohemia, Kytin in PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 801 Brdy mountains, vii.1959 (J. Macek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 2972). Placed in synonymy with Jaeta (Walker) by Bouéek (19650 : 549). The male of /aeta is unknown. BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in July. TRITNEPTIS Girault Tritneptis Girault, 1908: 92. Type-species: T. hemerocampae Girault, by monotypy and original designation. Tritneptis Girault ; Gahan, 1938 : 213-219. Tritneptis Girault ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 229. Tritneptis Girault ; Peck et al., 1964 : 51. This genus is very close to Dibrachys Forster, from which it differs chiefly in the immarginate occiput. It was in fact synonymized with Dibrachys by Girault himself (1926 : 63). In 1938 Gahan treated Tritneptis as a valid genus, gave a key to the North American species, and corrected the synonymy. No revision of the European species has appeared, though certain collectors have been aware for some years that several species occur in this region. I give below a tentative key to those which I have been able to examine critically. Before a complete revision can be achieved, however, it may be necessary to examine the types of some American species and much more material from Europe than is available to me. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Head thick antero-posteriorly, only about 1:75 times as broad as its maximum length ; temples, in dorsal view of head, more than half as long as eyes ; antennal scrobes deeply excavated. Gaster shortly ovate to subcircular, 1-1— 1-4 times as long as broad, broader than but only slightly longer than the thorax, nearly always more or less reddish basally. Marginal vein 2-5-3 times as long as the stigmal vein. : . lophyrorum (Ruschka) (p. 802) - Head more transverse, 1-9-2 times as broad as its maximum length in dorsal view ; temples at least slightly less than half as long as eyes; antennal scrobes less deep. Gaster usually relatively longer, not reddish basally. Marginal vein at most about 2-3 times as long as the stigmal vein ; 3 2 2 (1) Fore wing with marginal vein about 2-3 times as long as the stigmal vein. Head in dorsal view with temples rather more than one third as long as eyes. Anterior margin of clypeus broadly but shallowly emarginate ._ sp. indet. (p. 803) - Fore wing with marginal vein 1-75—2 times as long as the stigmal vein. Head in dorsal view with temples one quarter to one third as long as eyes. Anterior margin of clypeus less broadly but more deeply emarginate : 3 3 (2) Apical margin of fore wing completely bare all round. Gaster hardly as long as head plus thorax, slightly broader than the thorax, 1-35—1-6 times as long as broad. Head shaped much as in Dibrachys lignicola (Text-fig. 668), with temples about one third as long as eyes and converging only moderately. Legs, apart from the coxae, usually testaceous, occasionally the femora infuscate é : ; 3 : : : : diprionis Gahan (p. 803) 802 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM - Apical margin of fore wing ciliate over at least its posterior half. Gaster as long as or somewhat longer than head plus thorax, 2:25—2-7 times as long as broad, not broader than the thorax. Head shaped much as in Dibrachys cavus (Text- fig. 670), with temples only about one quarter as long as eyes and converging strongly. Femora, and hind tibiae, usually more or less infuscate klugii (Ratzeburg) (p. 803) I am unable to provide a key to the males of T7itneptis at present. Tritneptis lophyrorum (Ruschka) Diglochis lophyrorum Ruschka, in Ruschka & Fulmek, 1915 : 400-401, fig. 1, 3 9. Type material. Syntypes, Bohemia, Humprecht, 1911, bred from cocoon of Lophyrus pint L., presumably in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. I have not seen the types of lophyrorwm, but Ruschka’s description accords very well with the specimens I have so named. Gahan (1938 : 215) placed lophyrorum in synonymy with Tvitneptis klugi (Ratzeburg) but he had not seen the types of either species. There seems to be no doubt that Gahan was right in his interpreta- tion of klugiz, but I cannot follow his opinion regarding the identity of lophyrorum ; the respective original descriptions suggest to me that two different species are involved. Ruschka’s description of the female of lophyrorum (1915 : 400-401) states “ Hinterleib sehr Kurz, oval, Bohrer etwas vorstehend . .. Kopf und Thorax dunkel erzfarben . . . Hinterleib an der Basis braun durchscheinend, hinten pechbraun ’’. On the other hand, Ratzeburg’s description of the female of klugi (1844a : 198) includes the following statements: “ Hinterleib langer, als Rumpf, eiformig, stachelspitzig-kurzzugespitzt . . . Rumpf und Kopf stahlblau (letzterer 6fters grunlich), Hinterleib metallisch braunlich.”” Gahan (1938 : 216) supplements Ratzeburg’s description by saying that the abdomen of female klugzi is “‘ as long as the head and thorax or longer, elongate ovate in outline, and fully twice as long as broad. The venation, shape of the abdomen, and most of the other characters agree very closely with those of the genus Dibrachys Foerster, but the absence of any semblance of an occipital carina at once excludes the species from that genus ”’. Tritneptis klugi (Ratzeburg), as interpreted here following Gahan, has indeed much the same facies as Dibrachys cavus (Walker), having a dark bluish head and thorax and an elongate, immaculate gaster. Incidently Ratzeburg (1844a : 198) compared klugit with his Pteromalus tenuis, which is now considered to be the male of cavus. On the other hand, Tvitneptis lophyrorum (Ruschka) has more of the general facies of a Diglochis as regards the head and the short, oval to subcircular gaster, the latter also paler at its base. It may also be pointed out that Ratzeburg later (1852) placed klugi in his section II of Pteromalus, which section is characterized (p. 236) as having the postmarginal vein 1-5-2 times as long as the stigmal vein (‘‘ Der Costalnerv ist 14-2 Mal so lang, als der Radialnerv’’). Females which I presume to be klugi PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 803 have the postmarginal vein slightly longer than the stigmal vein. On the other hand, in lophyrorum (Ruschka) the postmarginal vein is approximately equal in length to, or even very slightly shorter than, the stigmal vein. In view of these differences I maintain lophyrorum as a valid species. SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, U.S.S.R. ; CANADA, U.S.A. Biology. Ruschka’s original material was bred from cocoons of Diprion (=Lophy- rus pim (L.) (Hym., Diprionidae)). Imagines July—August. Tritneptis diprionis Gahan Tritneptis diprionis Gahan, 1938 : 214, 217, 3 9. Tritneptis diprionis Gahan ; Peck, 1963 : 670. Type material (not seen) from four localities in U.S.A., the type under no. 52891 in U.S.N.M. I refer to this species some males and females bred from cocoons of Neodiprion sp. taken at Arnhem, Holland, by Prof. G. C. Varley, the parasites emerging 14.111. 1952 ; also many males and females reared from cocoons of Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffr.) at Ameibischl, Carinthia, Austria, ix.1g61—v.1962, by K. Schedl (material in BM(NH)). HOLLAND, Austria ; CanaDA, U.S.A. Biology. The host records for diprionis in North America (see Peck, 1963 : 670) include three species of Diprion, four species of Neodiprion, and two of the genus Pikonema. Tritneptis sp. indet. FINLAND : Ta., Vanaja, females reared in 1952 (Mr. Erkki Valkeila). This species does not agree with any of those given in Gahan’s key to the North American species (1938 : 213-214) and is presumably undescribed. I think it advisable, however, to defer describing it until the whole genus can be critically revised. Tritneptis klugii (Ratzeburg) Pteromalus klugii Ratzeburg, 1844a@ : 198, 9. Tritneptis klugui (Ratzeburg) Gahan, 1938 : 213, 214-216, ¢ @. Tritneptis klugu (Ratzeburg) ; Peck, 1963 : 671-673. Type material. Syntypes, Germany, Grand Duchy of Posen, 1841, from cocoons of Nematus erichsonii, in Ratzeburg collection, Eberswalde, now presumed destroyed. I accept the interpretation of klugii proposed by Gahan (1938) whose supplementary notes have been used in my determinations. BRITAIN (new record): Scotland, Perthshire, Rannoch, I 9, 3.vii.1953 (Graham); SWEDEN: Skane, Sjoholmen, 1 Q, 31.vii.1959 (Graham); GERMANY, CANADA, WS.A: 804 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Biology. The list of hosts in North America given by Peck (1963) includes species of Diprion and Neodiprion (Hym., Diprionidae) ; Pristiphora erichsonii (Htg.) (Tenthredinidae) ; and Mesoleius tenthredinis Morley (Ichneumonidae). Imagines June—July. DIBRACHYS Forster Dibrachys Forster, 1856: 65. Type-species : Pteromalus boucheanus Ratzburg, by designation of Thomson, 1878 : 47. Pteromalus sgen. Dibrachys Forster ; Thomson, 1878 : 147, 160-162. Dibrachys Forster ; Ashmead, 1904 : 320, 322. Dibrachys Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 329, 330, 358, [ex parte]. Dibrachys Forster ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 11-12. Coelopisthoidea Gahan, 1913 : 179. Type-species : C. cladiae Gahan, by original designation. Dibrachys Forster ; Gahan, 1938 : 211-213. Dibrachys Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 218-2109. Dibrachys Forster ; Peck, 1963 : 674-683. Dibrachys Forster ; Bouéek, 1965e : 28-30. The genus was erected by Forster (1856 : 65) without included species. The type-species is Pteromalus boucheanus Ratzeburg (1844a : 196), according to Gahan & Fagan (1923 : 43) who stated that it was designated as such by Thomson (1878 : 47). Thomson’s statement occurs in a Swedish footnote referring to the genus Colotrechnus, and may be translated as follows : ‘“ Note. Duzbrachys Foerster would agree best with this genus [i.e., with Colotrechnus| but Reinhard has sent me Pteromalus Boucheanus as type for that genus” [Dibrachys|. Farther on in the same volume (loc. cit. : 161-2) Thomson included two species in Dibrachys, viz. boucheanus (Ratzeburg) and acutus Thomson. It seems clear that Thomson accepted Reinhard’s selection of boucheanus as the type-species. Reinhard’s interpretation of Dibrachys has been accepted by all authors subsequent to Thomson, and there would be no point in attempting to alterit. It is interesting to note, however, that Thomson, with his remarkable insight, was evidently right in his surmise that Férster’s concept of Dibrachys really referred to the genus now known as Colotrechnus Thomson, because Dr. Novitzky wrote to me some years ago “Forster created Dibrachys for an undescribed species, remains of which in the Vienna Museum are clearly a species of Colotrechnus’’. The type-species of Dibrachys (boucheanus Ratzeburg) has hitherto been only subjectively defined ; the type material appears to have been destroyed in 1945 together with most of Ratzeburg’s collection, hence no lectotype can be selected. However, Thomson (1878 : 161) cited Pteromalus cavus Walker (1835 : 477) as a probable synonym of boucheanus, and his view has gained general acceptance (for an extensive list of references to cavus and boucheanus see Peck, 1963). As cavus Walker is the earlier name, and the species is represented by several original specimens in Walker’s collection, it can be objectively defined by selecting a lecto- type, and one is designated in the present paper. Failing the discovery of original material of boucheanus, the lectotype of cavus might conveniently be made neotype PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 805 of boucheanus, since Ratzeburg’s description suggests that the two are in fact identical. The taxonomy of the European species of Dibrachys is not yet completely cleared up. At least five species occur in Britain, and I have seen about as many additional species from the Continent. The morphological characters separating some of the presumed species are rather small, whilst on the other hand the biology of some is not known so that evidence is not forthcoming from this aspect. Some species have been recorded from only one or two hosts, while on the other hand cavus (Walker) in the sense of recent authors (e.g., Peck, 1963) has an enormous list of hosts. Perhaps cavus is in fact very polyphagous, but I would not rule out the possibility that it (in the current sense) may include two or more sibling species. Only an extensive assessment of morphological characters combined with careful biological observations can settle this question. Until recently no key to the European species of Dibrachys existed ; that of Bouéek (1965e) has, however, clarified their relationships. My own key was produced independently, but to some extent employs characters also used by Bouéek. KEY TO MOST EUROPEAN SPECIES (MALES AND FEMALES) I Vertex curving very strongly in the longitudinal axis, the occipital carina very close to the foramen magnum. Left mandible with 3 teeth, right mandible with 4. Body squat. Gaster of female only 1-1-1-4 times as long as broad, not or only slightly longer than the thorax, only emi pointed eS (Sgen. Allodibrachys Bouéek) . , 2 - Vertex curving less strongly in the longitudinal axis, the eniaral carina at most slightly nearer to the foramen magnum than to the posterior ocelli. Both mandibles with 4 teeth. Body sometimes more slender. Gaster of female 1-6—2-6 times as long as broad, usually longer than the thorax, often acute apically. (Dibrachys Forster, s. str.) . 3 2 (1) Genae, in frontal view of head, almost stéaight, formiae 2 a distinct angle with ihe oral edge of the head. POL about 1:8 OOL. Marginal vein of fore wing 2-2'1 times as long as the stigmal vein. Larger species, length 2-2-5 mm. hians Bouéek (p. 808) ~ Genae in frontal view evenly curved, not forming a distinct angle where they meet the oral edge of the head. POL approximately twice OOL. Marginal vein 1-75-1-9 times as long as the stigmal vein. Smaller species, length 1-6-2 mm. Clypeus, Text-fig. 658 . : . affinis Masi (p. 808) 3 (1) Face below antennal toruli flat, finely wrinkled transversely. Fore wing strongly and extensively infumate discally. Large species, 2-9-3-8 mm. maculipennis Szelényi (p. 814) - Face below antennal toruli convex, reticulate. Fore wing usually hyaline or with a small infumate discal cloud, uaa with a large one. sp some- times relatively smaller . : 4 4 (3) Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 660) more fecal Sete paaan a long and deep median impression above the emargination. Breadth of oral fossa 2-8-3 times the malar space. Antennal flagellum of female stout ; second 806 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM 670 Fics. 658-671. Dibvachys spp. 658, affinis Masi, 9, clypeus ; 659, cavus (Walker), 9, clypeus ; 660, fuscicornis (Walker), 2, clypeus ; 661, same, gf, antenna ; 662, same, 9, scape, profile ; 663, ignicola sp.n., 3, scape, front view ; 664, cavus (Walker), 3, scape, front view ; 665, same, g, antenna ; 666, same, 2, antenna ; 667, fuscicornis (Walker), 9, head ; 668, lignicola sp.n., 9, head ; 669, boarvmiae (Walker), 9, head ; 670, cavus (Walker), 9, head ; 671, boavmiae (Walker), 9, fore wing venation. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 807 anellus about 1-5 times as broad as long ; all funicular segments, except the first, at least slightly transverse. Fore coxae partly to wholly testaceous. Head, Text-fig. 667. Male with antennal scape (Text-fig. 661) relatively stout ; funicle with relatively shorter and straighter hairs fuscicornis (Walker) (p. 808) ~ Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 659) shallowly emarginate, with a short and shallow median impression. Breadth of oral fossa 2-1-2-7 times the malar space. Antennal flagellum of female more slender ; second anellus some- times quadrate or only slightly transverse ; at most the distal segments of the funicle slightly transverse. Fore coxae dark. Male with antennal scape (Text- fig. 665) more slender ; funicle with relatively longer and more curved hairs 5 5 (4) Female. Eyes only 1-35-1-4 times as long as broad, their posterior orbits, as seen in profile hardly emarginate ; breadth of oral fossa 2-55—2-7 times the malar space ; gaster short, 1-6—1-8 times as long as broad, at most as long as head plus thorax ; marginal vein of forewing 1-8-2 times as long as the stigmal vein ; temples in dorsal view of head (Text-fig. 668) about one third as long as eyes. Male. Antennal scape in front view (Text-fig. 663) with a small projecting lobe at its apex ; gaster with a testaceous subbasal spot lignicola sp. n. (p. 810) - Female. Eyes 1:5-1:85 times as long as broad, their posterior orbits some- times shallowly emarginate ; breadth of oral fossa 2:1-2-5 times the malar space ; gaster usually relatively longer ; marginal vein 1-75—2-9 times as long as the stigmal vein ; temples in dorsal view of head (Text-figs. 669, 670) tending to be less than one third as long as eyes. Male. Antennal scape in front view (Text-fig. 664) without a distinct lobe at its apex ; gaster with or without a pale spot : 9 6 (5) Female. Fore wing with a large strongly qahutaate discal cloud . meneumal vein only about 1-75 times as long as the stigmal vein ; head about 1-3 times as broad as the mesoscutum ; head and thorax bright blue or blue green. Male. Not known to me : : braconidis (Ferriere & Faure) (p. 814) - Males and females. Female. Fore wine immaculate, or with at most a weak infumate discal cloud, in the latter case (boavmiae) the marginal vein is 1-8—2-1 times as long as the stigmal vein, the head is rather less broad relative to the mesoscutum, and the head and thorax are bronze or dark bluish : 7 | 7 (6) Female. Head (Text-fig.- 669) exactly or almost exactly twice as broad as = maximum length ; eyes 1:5-1:6 times as long as broad ; when the head is seen in profile the posterior orbit of the eye is not or hardly emarginate ; disc of fore wing often slightly suffused with yellowish or brownish, the stigma (Text-fig. 671) tending to be slightly larger and more oblong than in cavus, the postmarginal vein often slightly shorter than the stigmal vein. Male. Gaster with a distinct testaceous subbasal spot . . boarmiae (Walker) (p. 812) - Female. WUHead (Text-fig. 670) 1-85-1-9 times as broad as its maximum length ; eyes 1:65-1:85 times as long as broad ; when the head is seen in profile the posterior orbit of the eye appears shallowly emarginate in the middle ; fore wing hyaline or whitish hyaline, the stigma (Text-fig. 294) usually small and not distinctly oblong, the postmarginal vein usually as long as the stigmal vein. Male. Gaster immaculate, or with at most a minute and indistinct pale subbasal spot : : : : : ; . cavus (Walker) (p. 810) DIBRACHYS (ALLODIBRACHYS) Bouéek Dibvachys sgen. Allodibrachys Bouéek, 1965e : 30. Type-species : Dibrachys hians Bouéek, by original designation. 808 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Bouéek created this subgenus for Dibrachys affinis Masi and his new species D. hians, designating (1965e : 30) the latter as type-species. The species differ from those of Dibrachys s. str. in having the left mandible 3-dentate and the right mandible 4-dentate ; the occipital carina is situated low down near the foramen magnum. In addition they have the body more squat, and the appendages less slender, than in Dibrachys s. str. Dibrachys (Allodibrachys) hians Bouéek Dibrachys (Allodibrachys) hians Bouéek, 1965e : 28-29, 30, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Czechoslovakia, Bohemia, Kunratice near Prague, 29.Vili.1964, on window of Entomology Dept. of the National Museum of Natural History (P. Mikula), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 26.003). The male is unknown. CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MoLpAvVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown, but two of the paratypes were captured in the Moldavian S.S.R., on a plum tree and on a hollow walnut tree respectively (Boucek, 1965¢ : 29). Imagines June—Oct. (one record of a female in March). Dibrachys (Allodibrachys) affinis Masi (Text-fig. 658) Dibrachys affinis Masi, 1907 : 250-252, 3 Q. Dibrachys affinis Masi; Thompson, 1958, sect. 2, pt. 5 : 591. Dibrachys (Allodibrachys) affinis Masi ; Bouéek, 1965e : 30. Type material (not seen). Syntypes, Italy, Portici, reared from Eudemis botrana (Schiff.), in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa. BRITAIN, FRANCE, AUSTRIA, SPAIN, ITALY, ALGERIA. New to Britain ; Berkshire, Bagley Wood, 2 9, 24.vi.1954 (Graham). Biology. Thompson (1958) gives a list of the recorded hosts of affinis, which includes Anilastus ebeninus (Gr.) (Ichneumonidae), Afpanteles glomeratus (L.) (Braconidae) ; Diptera Calliphoridae (Calliphora spp.) ; and Lepidoptera of the families Tortricidae, Gelechiidae, Hyponomeutidae, and Oleuthridae. It has also been recorded (Secrétariat, etc., 1956 : 119, 126) as a parasite of Stilpnotia salicis (L.) (Lep., Lymantriidae) in Italy. Masi’s original material was reared from Eudemis botrana (Schiff.) (Lep., Tortricidae). Adults appear during the summer in western Europe, specimens captured in the field in June, July and September. DIBRACHYS (DIBRACHYS) Forster Dibrachys (Dibrachys) fuscicornis (Walker) comb. n. (Text-figs. 660, 667) Pteromalus fusci-cornis Walker, 1836 : 484-485, 9. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 809 Type material. Syntypes, 3 9; LECTOTYPE, the first specimen, bearing a Waterhouse label. Besides the characters given in my key (see above) fuscicorms has the following: 2. Antennal scape either entirely testaceous, or else more or less infuscate distally ; pedi- cellus sometimes partly testaceous ; legs varying in colour, sometimes entirely testaceous with only the hind coxae darkened proximally, sometimes having the hind- (less often the mid-) coxae blackish with a metallic tinge, occasionally with the hind femora infuscate ; tegulae testaceous to brown ; gaster often more or less reddish at the base ventrally. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 667) only about 1-85 times as broad as long, with the temples more than one third as long as the eyes and forming distinct angles posteriorly. Mandibles large, their lower margin sinuate and, in its basal half, strongly reflexed. Scutellum rather more convex than in lignicola, cavus, boarvmiae, and braconidis. Plicae of propodeum distinctly curved. Gaster hardly or only just as long as head plus thorax, 1-75—2 times as long as broad. dg. Colour as in the female, but the gaster with a distinct, often large, subbasal testaceous spot, which is sometimes extended to form a transverse band ; hind’ coxae, often also the fore coxae more or less, black with a bluish metallic tinge. Antennal scape (Text-fig. 661) somewhat expanded, only 4-5-5 times as long as broad ; funicle stout, rather shorter than that of the female, all its segments except the first very slightly transverse ; clava about twice as long as broad ; flagellum clothed with short straight hairs. Britain : “near London. Isle of Wight ’”’ (Walker, 1836 : 485) ; Oxfordshire, Otmoor, gg, 92, 13.1X.1954, I2.Vili.1955, 14.Vill.1955, 18.ix.1956 (Graham) ; most of these were captured on foliage of Salix fragilis L. Biology. Unknown ; there is a strong suggestion that the species is associated with some host or hosts on Salix. Imagines Aug—Sept. Note. Dibrachys saltans (Ratzeburg) (=Pteromalus saltans Ratzeburg, 1852: 232, d 2) must be close to fuscicornis (Walker) through probably not identical with it. The types of saltans (2? Germany ; from cocoons of ‘ Cladius uncinatus’’), formerly in the Ratzeburg collection in Eberswalde, are now presumably destroyed. Gahan (1938 : 212) stated that in 1927 he had examined “ the type ”’ of Pteromalus saltans, and in the same paper he gave some notes on its characters. His notes apply well to the female of fuscicornis, with the exception of his statement that the second ring joint (anellus) of saltans is subquadrate ; that of fuscicornis is very distinctly transverse. He did not mention some of the other characters given here in my redescription of fuscicornis, so these cannot be checked. Bouéek (1965e : 30) in his key to most European species of Dibrachys, distinguishes saltans (Ratzeburg) from cavus (Walker) by several characters. One of these “ clypeal lobes shorter and turned more backwards, therefore not well visible in facial view’ does not agree with those structures in fuscicornis (Walker), which suggests that the species regarded as saltans by Boucek is different from fuscicornis. The identity of saltans will have to remain an open question for the present. Dibrachys (Dibrachys) vesparum (Ratzeburg) Pteromalus vesparum Ratzeburg, 1852 : 233, . Type material. Syntypes (Germany : locality not specified, 30 9, reared (Rezssig) from a wasp nest attached to a wall) presumably destroyed. According to informa- 810 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM tion kindly supplied by Dr. Novitzky, who saw the types, vesparum is a valid species of Dibrachys. Dr. Bouéek recently sent me both sexes of a Dibrachys which might be the true vesparum, reared in Germany (Eschbach, 2.11.1966, R. Gauss) from a nest of Dolichovespula saxonica (F.) (Hym., Vespoidea). It differs from all the species included in my key above. At this late stage I cannot modify my key, and prefer in any case to leave to Dr. Boucéek the decision whether the species is vesbarum or not. Dibrachys (Dibrachys) lignicola sp. n. In addition to the characters given in my key (which are considered diagnostic), lignicola has also the following: 9. Antennal scape testaceous, or more or less infuscate distally ; head and thorax olive or bronzy olive greenish dorsally, dark blue ventrally ; legs, apart from the coxae, testaceous with the hind femora usually, the fore and mid femora sometimes, more or less infuscate ; rarely some or all of the tibiae (e.g., in Irish 99) are brownish medially. Tegulae brown. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 668) about 1-9 times as broad as long, with temples slightly angulate posteriorly ; ocelli in a very low triangle (about 122°-125°) ; mandibles moderate-sized, their lower margin hardly sinuate or margined. Scutellum not strongly convex, less so than in cavus. Plicae of propodeum distinctly curved, converging posteriorly. 3d. Colour as 9, but gaster with a subbasal testaceous spot ; flagellum brown or brownish testaceous. Antennal scape (Text-fig. 663) with a small projection at its upper internal angle, the antenna otherwise much as in g cavus (Text-fig. 665). Holotype 9. IRELAND: Co. Dublin, Harold’s Cross, 22.viii.1954, on a wooden post in garden at 14, Clareville Road (Graham), in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. Paratypes. ENGLAND: Berkshire, Wytham, 99, I0.vill.1952, 17.Vvill.1952 (Graham). IRELAND : Co. Dublin, Harold’s Cross, I 9, 14.vi.1937, I 2, 15.V1.1937, E 9, .27.1K.1937; 1 Q, 17.vi.1941 (Sitelfox) ; 1 9, 21.vili.1954, several O°, x Gyasamie data as holotype. Paratypes in Stelfox and Graham collections. Biology. Unknown. Dibrachys (Dibrachys) cavus (Walker) (Text-figs. 659, 664, 670) ? Diplolepis microgastvi Bouché, 1834 : 168, g Q. Pteromalus cavus Walker, 1835 : 477, 2 [?] 6d. Pteromalus decedens Walker, 1835 : 478, 3 2, syn. n. ? Pteromalus perversus Walker, 1835 : 479, “ @”’ [recte 3]. Pteromalus tenuis Ratzeburg, 1844a : 195, 6. Pteromalus Bouchéanus Ratzeburg, 1844a : 196, 9. Dibrachys Boucheanus (Ratzeburg) Thomson, 1878 : 161, 3 9. Dibrachys cavus (Waller) Kurdjumoy, 1913 : If. Dibrachys cavus (Walker) ; Muesebeck ef al., 1951 : 553-554. Dibrachys cavus (Walker) ; Peck, 1963 : 674-682. Dibrachys cavus (Walker) s. lat. ; Boucéek, 1965e : 30. The literature on cavus (Walker) is very extensive ; for very useful summaries PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W:. EUROPE 811 see Muesebeck eé¢ al., 1951, and Peck, 1963. Several synonyms of cavus, other than those cited above, are given by these authors. Some of them refer to American species which I have not been able to examine ; consequently I have not included them here as definite synonyms of cavus although in all probability they are so. My chief concern here is to designate a lectotype for cavus ; also to give a short redescription of the species, which is desirable in order to indicate the differences between the nominotypical form and certain others (such as boarymiae) which may be specifically distinct. Type material. Dzplolepis microgastyi Bouché. Types presumed lost ; there is no mention of them in Sachtleben’s report (1944 : 65-76) on the remains of Bouché’s collection in the Deutsche Entomologische Institut. Pteromalus cavus Walker. The syntypic series comprises 1 g and 6 Q, all labelled “ Pteromalus cavus Walker. Stood under this name in the old B.M. collection. C. Waterhouse’. Two of the females may belong to a different species from the rest. LECTOTYPE, the last specimen in the series, a female. It agrees well with specimens bred from Apanteles on Pieris brassicae L. [see new records below] ; the original description of cavws mentions (Walker, 1835 : 478) “ Pontia [=Pieris] brassicae’ as a host. Pteromalus decedens Walker. Syntypes, 4 3,7 9, all bearing Waterhouse labels. LECTOTYPE, the ninth in the series, a female ; it is very close to the lectotype of cavus and I consider it to be within the range of variation of that species. Pteromalus perversus Walker. One male stands under this name and is certainly the TYPE (probably holotype) ; it bears a Waterhouse label. The gaster is broadly oval and slightly pointed apically ; this explains Walker’s supposition that it was a female. It is a very small (length 1-35 mm.) very dark specimen which comes extremely close to some males of cavus in the Oxford collections which were bred from Digonochaeta setipennis Fln. (Dipt., Tachinidae), although the head appears rather more transverse. I regard it as probably within the range of variation of male cavus. Pteromalus tenuis Ratzeburg and P. boucheanus Ratzeburg. Types, formerly in Ratzeburg collection, Eberswalde, now presumed destroyed. P. tenuis was later stated to be conspecific with boucheanus by Ratzeburg himself (1848 : 189) and there seems to be no reason to doubt the correctness of his conclusion. Thomson (1878 : 161) recognized boucheanus as a Dibrachys, citing cavus as a probable synonym ; his specimens seem to bear out this conclusion. In addition to characters mentioned in my key to species (see below) cavus has the following, as seen in specimens from southern England. 9. Head and thorax bronze, dark bluish, or dark greenish blue. Antennal scape (Text-fig. 666) often entirely fuscous, but sometimes testaceous proximally, rarely mainly so ; pedicellus and flagellum usually fuscous to black, occasionally the pedicellus paler beneath. Wing veins varying from brownish testaceous to almost white. Legs variable in colour, from almost entirely black to extensively testaceous ; in those having the palest legs only the coxae are black, the remainder being testaceous with the femora and tibiae slightly brownish. The tarsi are sometimes mainly testaceous but are more often mainly brown or fuscous. Marginal vein 2-0-2-9 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal usually as long as or even very slightly 812 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM longer than the stigmal vein, rarely very slightly shorter ; the stigma (Text-fig. 294) tends to be smaller than in boaymiae and as a rule not subrectangular. dg. Head and thorax greenish to bluish, the axillae and scutellum concolorous, or the scutellum at most slightly tinged with bronze ; gaster nearly always without, or with a very small and indistinct pale spot, rarely with the spot distinct. Antennae variable in colour, often entirely testaceous but sometimes having the pedicellus and scape infuscate, occasionally with the flagellum brownish. Legs sometimes as pale as in boavmiae, but in dark forms having both the femora and tibiae heavily infuscate. Antenna (Text-figs. 664, 665) with scape slender, 6:5-7°5 times as long as broad, without a projecting lobe at its distal end ; pedicellus shorter than in the female, hardly more than twice as long as broad ; funicle slender, its segments quadrate, or the proximally ones slightly longer than broad ; clava 2-3-3 times as long as broad ; flagellum clothed with hairs most of which are curved, subdecumbent, and longer than those of fuscicornis. Europe (probably whole) ; CANapA, U.S.A. It has also been reported from China, Korea, North Africa, and Uruguay, but these records need confirmation. Biology. If all the host-records in the huge list of Peck (1963 : 682) are correct, then cavus is a very polyphagous species. They include many records of cavus as a secondary parasite in the cocoons of Ichneumonidae and Braconidae which attack lepidopterous, and sometimes coleopterous, hosts ; but sometimes cavus acts as a primary parasite of the larvae. Sometimes it has been reared from the puparia of Tachinidae which are parasites on insects of other orders. It has even been recorded as parasitizing other Chalcidoidea, or even other individuals of its own species. Balduf (1937 : 181) remarked “‘ Perhaps no other species of parasitic Hymenoptera is reported more frequently in the literature than this small chalcid ”’. In Britain imagines have been captured in the field May—Sept. (one record for November). Dibrachys (Dibrachys) boarmiae (Walker) comb. n. (Text-figs. 669, 671) Pievomalus Mesoleptorum (Kollar MS.), Walker, 1847 : 230 [nom. nud.}. Pteromalus Boarmiae Walker in Newman, 1863 : 8609, [8610], 9. Type material. Pteromalus boarmiae Walker. Syntypes, 3 2 mounted on the same card and bearing a label “‘ boarmiae”’ in Walker’s handwriting ; the third (right-hand) specimen is designated LECTOTYPE. Walker’s description of boarmiae is rather confused. On page 8609 of his 1863 paper he gave a Latin diagnosis of Pteromalus boarmiae, followed by an English description. On page 8610 he gave a latin diagnosis of Tetrastichus decisus, likewise followed by an English description. The respective English descriptions have clearly been accidentally transposed ; that on page 8610 really applies to Pteromalus boarmiae and not to Tetrastichus decisus, that on page 8609 applies to T. decisus, as a comparison with the respective Latin diagnoses shows. The differences between boarmiae and cavus are very small but I think that the PTEROMALIDAE OF N-W. EUROPE 813 two may be distinct species. Besides the characters mentioned in my key to species (see below), boarmizae tends to have the reticulation of the head rather denser than in cavus, the plicae of the propodeum slightly more curved, and the venation of the fore wing rather thicker. The following notes on the characters of boarmiae will supplement the foregoing : 9. Head and thorax black with a weak bluish or bronze tinge. Antennal scape usually entirely testaceous, sometimes infuscate distally ; pedicellus often testaceous beneath and apically, occasionally brown ; flagellum brown to fuscous. Wing-veins on the average rather darker than in cavus. legs varying in colour much as in cavus but tending to be on the average rather paler ; the tibiae often testaceous ; tarsi at least proximally, often mainly, clear testa- ceous. Marginal vein 1-8—2-1 times as long as the stigmal vein ; postmarginal vein often slightly shorter than, sometimes as long as, the stigmal ; stigma (Text-fig. 671) tending to be slightly larger and more subrectangular than that of cavus ; fore wing sometimes with a weak yellowish or brownish discal cloud. : ¢. Head and thorax greenish to bluish with the axillae and scutellum bronze. Gaster with a distinct subbasal testaceous spot, which sometimes spreads out to form a transverse band. Antennae testaceous with the pedicellus a little darkened dorsally. Legs, apart from the coxae, testaceous, or with some or all of the femora brown. Other details as in male cavus (q.v.). I have examined the following material of boarmiae : ENGLAND : Buckinghamshire, Slough, a large number of gg and 99, bred vii.1961, from pupae of Hoffmannophila pseudospretella (Stt.) at the Pest Infestation Research Laboratory, Slough. Dr. G. E. Woodroffe kindly informed me that the original specimens came from a field experiment where they were breeding Hoffmannophila. They were kept going on Galleria mellonella (L.) and were tested against spun-up larvae of a number of host species. They bred successfully on the following : Lepidoptera : Galleria mellonella (L.), Achroia grisella (F.), Aphomia gulans (Zell.), Corcyra cephalonica (Stt.) and Suitotroga cerealella (Oliv.) (Pyralidae) ; Hoffmannophila pseudospretella (Stt.) (Oecophoridae). Coleoptera : Stegobium paniceum (L.), Lasioderma serricorne (F.) (Anobiidae) ; Ptinus tectus Boield. (Ptini- dae) ; Caryedon gonagra F. (Bruchidae). Hymenoptera : Bracon hebetor (Say) (Braconidae). Two pupae of Pieris brassicae (L.) were successfully attacked when the pharate adult had separated inside the pupal skin. Oxfordshire, Oxford, gg, 99 reared at some time between 1892 and 1900 from cocoons of Apanteles sp. on larvae of Pieris rapae (L.) (G. D. H. Carpenter). Warwickshire, Birmingham, gg, 99 reared 19.ix.1952 from cocoons of Orgyia antiqua (L.) (Lep., Lymantriidae) (G. C. Varley). Britain, unlocalized : 1 2 found in a breeding-case with Melitaea aurinia (L.), possibly hyperparasitic through A panteles bignelli Marsh. Imagines July—Sept. Walker’s type specimens were reared from larvae of Cleora [‘‘ Boarmia ’’| rhombot- daria (Schiff.) ab. perfumaria Newman (see Newman, 1863 : 8609) ; no doubt as hyperparasites through Microgaster alvearia (F.) In the old Hope-Westwood collection in Oxford there are 3 2 of boarmiae from Austria, unlocalized (Kollar), labelled ‘‘ Pteromalus mesoleptorum KIl.’”’ [nom. nud.]. 814 M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM Dibrachys (Dibrachys) braconidis (Ferriére & Faure) Homoporus lunigey Nees var. braconidis Ferriere & Faure, 1925 : 226, fig. 1, 9. Dibrachys (Dibrachys) braconidis (Ferr. & Faure) Bouéek, 1965¢e : 30. Type material. Type female, France, region of Lyon, in BM(NH) as Type Hym. 5. 683. This specimen is very near to the female of boarmiae (Walker) but has the head and thorax more brightly metallic (blue), whilst the head is slightly broader, 2:1 times as broad as long in dorsal view, and 1-3 times as broad as the mesoscutum ; the head and thorax have rather stronger and denser sculpture, and the fore wing has a large yellowish brown cloud below the stigma. Unless these differences are due to geographical variation, it seems likely that braconidis represents a distinct species. It was recognized as a Dibrachys by Novitzky some years ago, and was later recombined into that genus by Bouéek (1965e). FRANCE : region of Lyon, 1923, reared as an external (and often gregarious) parasite of the larvae of A panteles glomeratus (L.) Biology. Original material reared from Apanteles glomeratus (L.), see above ; also recorded as a parasite of Luffia lapidella (Goeze) and L. ferchaultella (Steph.) (Lep., Tinaeidae), Secrétariat, etc., 1960 : 342, 350. Dibrachys (Dibrachys) maculipennis Szelényi Dibrachys maculipennis Szelényi, 1957 : 307-308, fig. 1, 5 Q. Dibrachys maculipennis Szelényi ; Boucéek, 1965¢ : 30. Type material. Syntypes, 15 9 and 7 ¢g reared (Dr. Jermy) from pupae of Hyphantria cunea Drury collected at Adony, Hungary, 11-16.vili.1948, presumably in Hungarian Research Institute for Plant Protection, Budapest. HUNGARY. Biology. See above. Note. Pteromalus transversus Forster (1841) was referred to Duibrachys by Delucchi (1955a : 174) ; later the same author (1958a@ : 54) corrected his earlier statement and stated that the type female of trvansversus was in fact the same as [Dibrachoides| dynastes (Forster). DIBRACHOIDES Kurdjumov Dibrachoides Kurdjumov, 1913 : 2-3, 12. Type-species : Ptevomalus dynastes Forster, 1841, by monotypy and original designation. Dibrachoides Kurdjumov ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 218. Dibrachoides Kurdjumoy ; Peck et al., 1964 : 50. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 676) with temples not acutely pointed posteriorly, and about half as long as eyes. Antenna with pedicellus slightly more than twice as PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 815 long as broad ; second anellus large, subquadrate, about two thirds as long as the first funicular segment . . dynastes (Forster) (p. 815) — Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. es 5) ice temples Beutel pointed posteriorly, hardly half as long as eyes. Antenna (Text-fig. 673) with pedicellus about twice as long as broad ; second anellus about twice as broad as long, less than half as long as the first funicular segment é : : : : cionobius sp. n. (p. 816) (MALEs) 1 Head in dorsal view with temples only slightly acute posteriorly, virtually half as long aseyes. Antenna (Text-fig. 672) with second anellus only slightly transverse, about two thirds as long as the first funicular segment dynastes (Forster) (p. 815) — Head in dorsal view with temples distinctly acute (nearly as in the female, cf. Text- fig. 675), somewhat less than half as long as eyes. Antenna (Text-fig. 674) with second anellus fully twice as broad as long, slightly less than half as long as the first funicular segment . : : : ; : : cionobius sp. n. (p. 816) Dibrachoides dynastes (Forster) (Text-figs. 672, 676) Pteromalus transversus Forster, 1841 : 18, 9. Pteromalus dynastes Forster, 1841 : 24, 9. Pteromalus (Dibrachys) acutus Thomson, 1878 : 162, d 9, syn. n. Dibrachoides dynastes (Forster) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 12 Dibrachoides dvuso Graham, 1956b : 260, ¢ [nec Pteromalus druso Walker, 1839}. Dibrachoides dynastes (Forster) ; Peck, 1963 : 667. Type material. Pteromalus transversus Forster. Delucchi (19584 : 54) saw the Fics. 672-676. Dibrachoides spp. 672, dynastes (Forster), 3, pedicellus and proximal part of flagellum ; 673, cionobius sp.n., 9, antenna ; 674, same, J, antenna ; 675, same, 9, head ; 676, dynastes (Forster), 9, head. 816 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM damaged type female of transversus and stated it to be the same as dynastes Forster ; in doing so he corrected his earlier view (1955a@ : 154) that it belonged to Dibrachys. Pteromalus dynastes Forster. Type material not seen (in Forster coll., Natur- historisches Museum, Vienna) ; it was re-examined by Kurdjumoy (1913). Pteromalus (Dibrachys) acutus Thomson. Syntypes, 2 9, 1g. LECTOTYPE female labelled ‘‘ L-d”’ [Lund] and “ acutus Ths ”’. Note. Both P. dynastes Forster and P. acutus Thomson were erroneously placed in synonymy with druso Walker by me (Graham, 1956) : 260). The type ¢ of druso was thought to belong to Dibrachoides, but in fact as I later realized it is a male of Kranophorus extentus (Walker). Bouéek (1965e : 35) has pointed out my error. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. ; NORTH AFRICA (Morocco). Biology. D. dynastes was reared as a parasite of the larvae of the alfalfa-weevil, Phytonomus posticus (Gyll.) (Col., Curculionidae) in Portici, Italy, then imported into the U.S.A. during 1911-1912. These specimens were compared with Forster’s type by Kurdjumov (1913 : 12). The species has also been reared from Phytonomus (=Hypera) nigrirostris (F.) and Ph. rumicis (L.), and has been mentioned in several papers on economic entomology published in North America ; for a list of these see Peck (1963). Imagines appear in the field in July and August (Europe). Dibrachoides cionobius sp. n. (Text-figs. 673-675) ®. Head and thorax olive-green, with a coppery bronze tinge in part, particularly on the mesoscutum and scutellum ; gaster mainly bronze, its first tergite mainly bright green. Mandibles testaceous. Antennal scape and pedicellus testaceous, the latter darker above ; flagellum brown, paler beneath. Coxae concolorous with the thorax ; rest of legs brownish testaceous with the trochanters partly, the knees very narrowly, the tips of the tibiae broadly, and the tarsi proximally, pale testaceous. Tegulae brownish testaceous. Wings hyaline, venation testaceous. Length 2-4—2:5 mm. Head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 675) about twice as broad as long ; temples hardly half as long as the eyes, converging moderately, their outline almost straight, posteriorly produced to an acute point ; POL slightly greater than OOL. In front view the head is transversely oval. Eyes ovate, about 1-5 times as long as broad, their inner orbits diverging slightly ventrad. Malar space about two fifths the length of an eye. Antenna (Text-fig. 673) with scape not reaching the median ocellus ; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum about two thirds the breadth of the head ; pedicellus fully as long as anelli plus first funicular segment, in dorsal view about twice as long as broad ; first anellus short and strongly transverse, second somewhat longer, though fully twice as broad as long, and hardly more than one-third the length of the first funicular segment ; funicle stouter than the pedicellus, nearly cylindrical, all its segments, except perhaps the first, very slightly transverse ; clava hardly broader than the funicle, about 1-75 times as long as broad, nearly as long as the three preceding funicular segments together ; sensilla fairly numerous except on the proximal funicular segments. Thorax like that of dynastes (Forster) female, but rather more squat, length: breadth viewed dorsally about 1-35 : I, with the mesoscutum a little more strongly transverse, slightly more than twice as broad as long ; median area of propodeum more shiny, its sculpture less PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 817 strong, especially posteriorly. Fore wings similar to those of female dymastes, but with the apical margin ciliate over at least its hinder half. Gaster ovate, slightly shorter than head plus thorax, 1-5—1-6 times as long as broad ; its apex pointed but not acutely so, the sides of the last tergite meeting at an angle of about go”. 6. Differs from the female as follows: Head, thorax, and coxae bright green ; gaster greenish bronze, with a yellowish transverse band before the middle ; antennal scape, tegulae, and remaining parts of legs, bright yellow ; rest of antenna orange-yellow with the clava slightly darker ; mandibles yellowish ; wing- veins yellowish. Length 1-38 mm. Antenna (Text-fig. 674) with pedicellus slightly shorter, hardly twice as long as broad ; funicle more slender, hardly stouter than the pedicellus. Thorax less squat, 1:5—1-6 times as long as broad, with the mesoscutum rather less than twice as broad as long ; propodeum slightly longer, its median area less transverse. Gaster oval, about as long and as broad as the thorax. Holotype 9. ENGLAND: West Kent, Belgebury [? Bedgebury] Park, reared from cocoon of Cronus sp. (Col., Curculionidae) on Scrophularia sp., collected on 4.vill.1935, the parasites emerging II.vili.1935 (O. W. Richards), in BM(NH). Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 1 g in BM(NH), 1 9 in United States National Museum. D. cionobius is easily distinguished, in both sexes, from dynastes (Forster) by the shape of the head as seen from above, and by the larger second anellus of the antenna. In female dynastes the head in dorsal view (Text-fig. 676) is slightly less transverse than in cionobius ; the temples are relatively longer, about half as long as the eyes, and are not acutely pointed posteriorly ; POL is about equal to OOL. The eyes are rather longer (length : breadth nearly 1-7 : 1) and their inner orbits are virtually parallel. The pedicellus is slightly longer, in dorsal view a little more than twice as long as broad ; the second anellus is large, subquadrate, twice as long as the first anellus and about two thirds as long as the first funicular segment. The gaster is relatively longer (as long as, or very slightly longer than, head plus thorax) and is more sharply pointed apically, the sides of the last tergite meeting at a slightly acute angle. Slight differences in the thoracic structure of of the two species have already been mentioned. The head and thorax of female dynastes tend to be a brighter green than in female cionobius. In male dynastes the head is shaped much as in the female (cf. Text-fig. 676) though with the temples very slightly acute, but not so distinctly so as in cionobius. The eyes are relatively longer than in male cionobius, and have their inner orbits virtually parallel. The second anellus is only slightly transverse, and is a half to two thirds as long as the first funicular segment. SCHIZONOTUS Ratzeburg Pteromalus sgen. Schizonotus Ratzeburg, 1852 : 230. Type-species : Pteromalus (Schizonotus) sieboldi Ratzeburg, by designation of Ashmead, 1904. Schizonotus Ratzeburg ; Ashmead, 1904 : 283, 284, 388. Schizonotus Ratzeburg ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 155, 157, 162-163. Schizonotus Ratzeburg ; Kurdjumovy, 19173: 7. Schizonotus Ratzeburg ; Ferriere & Faure, 1925 : 233, ex parte. 818 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Schizonotus Ratzeburg ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 227. Schizonotus Ratzeburg ; Graham, 1956b : 260. Schizonotus Ratzeburg ; Boucéek, 1956a : 395-398. Schizonotus Ratzeburg ; Peck et al., 1964 : 48. For a revision of the European species, see Bouéek (19582). KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Head in frontal view with clypeus projecting somewhat below the level of the ventral ends of the genae. Antennal funicle yellowish beneath, darker above, clava fuscous to blackish ; combined length of the two anelli greater than the breadth of the second anellus ; second funicular segment subquadrate sieboldi Ratzeburg (p. 819) — Head in frontal view with clypeus not projecting below the level of the ventral ends of the genae. Antennal flagellum uniformly fuscous to black ; combined length of the two anelli approximately equal to the breadth of the second anellus ; second funicular segment 1-2-1-5 times as broad as long . latus (Walker) (p. 818) (MALES) 1 Flagellum yellowish with the clava blackish ; clava often not longer than the combined length of funicular segments 5 and 6; first funicular segment sub- quadrate, distal segments broader than long. : . sieboldi Ratzeburg (p. 819) — Flagellum uniformly testaceous to brown, the clava not distinctly darker than the funicle ; clava longer than the combined length of funicular segments 5 and 6 ; all funicular segments slightly broader than long, the first segment usually smaller than the second and sometimes almost anelliform . : latus (Walker) (p. 818) Schizonotus latus (Walker) (Text-fig. 293) Ptevomalus latus Walker, 1833 : 481, 9. ? Pteromalus latus Walker ; Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. G, fig. 2, ? 9. Arthrolytus incongruens Masi, 1907 : 252-254, d &. Schizonotus latus (Walker) Graham, 1956) : 260. Schizonotus latus (Walker) ; Bouéek, 1958a : 395-397, fig. 2, 3 Q. Type material. Pteromalus latus Walker. Lectotype female designated by Graham (19560 : 260). Arthrolytus incongruens Masi. Syntypes (not seen), Italy, Napes, Cancello, reared from pupae of Plagiodera versicolor, in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa. The species was placed in synonymy with latus (Walker) by Graham (19560: 260). Schizonotus sieboldi Ratzeburg of authors was synonymized with latus (Walker) by Graham (1956) : 260) but Bouéek has since shown that the true sveboldi of Ratzeburg is a valid species (see below). Widely distributed in EurorPeE ; probably also N. Arrica, but the records for the latter need confirming. Biology. Chiefly a parasite of Plagiodera versicolor Laich.). (Col., Chrysomel- idae.) Imagines chiefly Aug.—Sept. (some females taken in April). PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 819 Schizonotus sieboldi Ratzeburg Pteromalus (Schizonotus) Sieboldi Ratzeburg, 1852 : 230, 9, [dg]. Schizonotus sieboldi Ratzeburg ; Bouéek, 1958a : 395-397, fig. 1, d 9. Pteromalus (Schizonotus) sieboldi Ratzeburg ; Bouéek, 1964) : 672. Type material. Types presumed lost. Boucéek (19584 : 395-397) discussed the identity of szeboldi and concluded that it was a valid species, basing his conclusions on the host mentioned by Ratzeburg and the latter’s mention of the colour of the antennae in one of his specimens, which could only have been a male of the present species. Later (1964) : 672) he found, in a remnant of Ratzeburg’s collection in Eberswalde, a female which could be one of the original specimens ; it agreed with his earlier definition. GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, U.S.S.R. Biology. Chief host Melasoma populi (L.) (Col., Chrysomelidae) ; see Bouéek, 19584. KRANOPHORUS Graham Pteromalus sgen. Coelopisthus Thomson, 1878 : 162 [emendation of Coelopisthia Forster, 1856]. Coelopisthia Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 220, ex parte [nec Forster, 1856]. Kranophorus Graham, 1956b : 257. Type-species: Pteromalus extentus Walker, 1835, by original designation. Coelopisthia Peck, 1963 : 665-667 [nec Forster, 1856]. Kranophorus Graham ; Peck ef al., 1964 : 50. It seems quite certain that Coelopisthus Thomson was intended as an emendation of Coelopisttia Forster, from Thomson’s reference in his Swedish footnote (1878 : 162) ; it was also regarded as such by Gahan & Fagan (1923 : 38). Now Ashmead (1904 : 320, 371) designated Pteromalus cephalotes Walker [1836] as type-species of Coelopisthia Forster, which had originally been described without included species. Unfortunately the lectotype of Pteromalus cephalotes Walker is a female identical with Pteromalus puparum (L.) ; hence Coelopisthia falls as a synonym of Pteromalus Swederus (q.v.). The species included in Coelopisthus by Thomson as “‘ Pteromalus cephalotes Walker ’’ was in fact erroneously identified on the basis of false informa- tion supplied by Reinhard ; it has nothing to do with Walker’s cephalotes but is the same as extentus Walker. For this reason I redescribed (1956b) the genus Coelopisthia of authors (nec Forster) as Kvanophorus. Peck would prefer to preserve the customary usage of the name Coelopisthia and suggested (1963 : 665) that the International Commission should be asked to reject Ashmead’s designation of Pteromalus cephalotes Walker as type-species and to replace it by that of Coelopisthia cephalotes Thomson [= C. extentus (Walker)]. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) The fore wing in both species may be immaculate or have a brownish discal cloud. r Antennal flagellum relatively slender, its maximum breadth hardly 1-5 times that of 820 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view ; both anelli subquadrate or at most very slightly transverse ; proximal segments of funicle quadrate, distal seg- ments only very slightly broader than long. Head strongly protuberant at level of antennal toruli ; the face receding strongly and forming an angle of about 100° with the frons. Marginal vein 1-6—1-9 times as long as the stigmal vein extentus (Walker) (p. 820) — Antennal flagellum stout, its maximum breadth nearly twice that of the pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view ; first anellus distinctly broader than long, the second anellus at least very slightly so ; funicular segments, except some- times the first, distinctly broader than long. Head less strongly protuberant at level of toruli ; the face receding less strongly and forming an angle of 130°-135° with the frons. Marginal vein 1-9-2 times as long as the stigmal vein pachycerus (Masi) (p. 821) (MALES) Only the male of extentus is known to me. It has the head strongly protuberant at the level of the toruli and the face receding strongly, as in the female ; antennae with anelli about as in the female, but the distal segments of the funicle usually a little more distinctly transverse ; temples (Text-fig. 332) strongly produced backwards and appearing acute in dorsal view. Kranophorus extentus (Walker) (Text-fig. 332) Pteromalus extentus Walker, 1835 : 480, 9. Pteromalus Catillus Walker, 1835 : 480, 9. Pteromalus rotundiventris Zetterstedt, 1838 : 426, 2, syn. n. Pteromalus Druso Walker, 1839 : 132, d. Pteromalus brevivamulus Forster, 1841 : 99, 3. ? Pteromalus eurynotus Forster, 1841 : 116, 3. Coelopisthus cephalotes Thomson, 1878 : 163, ¢ 9 [nec Pteromalus cephalotes Walker, 1836). Kvranophorus extentus (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 258. Type material. Pteromalus extentus Walker and P. catillus Walker. Lectotypes designated by Graham (19560 : 258). Pteromalus rotundiventris Zetterstedt. Five specimens stand under this name in Zetterstedt’s collection, but one does not fit the description. LECTOTYPE, the second specimen (a female) in the series, unlabelled. Three of the other specimens are conspecific with the lectotype. Pteromalus druso Walker. Lectotype designated by Graham (1956) : 261, when it was incorrectly stated to be the same as Dibrachoides dynastes Forster). My error has since been pointed out by Boucek (1965¢ : 35). Pteromalus breviramulus Forster. Delucchi (1955a@ : 174) stated that the badly damaged type is probably the same as catillus Walker [=extentus Walker]. Pteromalus eurynotus Forster. Delucchi (1955a@ : 174) saw the type and stated that it was probably the same as catillus (Walker). Widely distributed in EUROPE. Biology. Recorded as a parasite of Cacoecia murinana (Hbn.) (Lep., Tortricidae) in Czechoslovakia (Secrétariat, etc., 1957 : 320, 326). Imagines May—August, females overwintering and becoming active in the following spring. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 821 Kranophorus pachycerus (Masi) comb. n. Coelopisthia pachyceva Masi, 1924a : 220, Q. Type material. Syntypes, Italy, Isle of Giglio, 9 2, captured in January, February, June, July and November, 1901-1904 ; Camoligure, 1 9, April, 1915 (A. Andreint), in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa ; lectotype not yet selected. Britain, ITALy, HunGary. New to Britain ; England: Berkshire, Wytham Wood, 1 9, 31.x.1953 (Graham) ; Dorset, Portland, West Weares Cliff, 1 9, 24.vii. 1935 (C. D. Day). Biology. Unknown. Imagines June, Aug.—Oct. CONOMORIUM Masi Conomorium (Mayr MS.) Masi, 1924a : 215-217. Type-species : Pteromalus evemita Forster, 1841, by monotypy. Conomorium Masi ; Peck et al., 1964 : 41, 50. Conomorium patulum (Walker) Pteromalus patulus Walker, 1835 : 479, 9. Pteromalus amplus Walker, 1835 : 480, 9. Pteromalus Evemita Forster, 1841 : 29, 9. Coelopisthus vitvipennis Thomson, 1878 : 163, 3 Q. Conomorium evremita (Forster), Masi, 1924a : 217-220, 9. Conomorium patulum (Walker) Graham, 1956b : 257. Conomorium patulum (Walker) ; Bouéek, 196Ic : 14. Type material. Pteromalus patulus Walker and P. amplus Walker. Lectotypes designated by Graham (1956d : 257). Pteromalus eremita Forster. Type (not seen) in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; the species was redescribed by Masi (1924a) from material compared with the type. Coelopisthus vitripennis Thomson. Syntypes, 3 9, 4g. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “ Rsid ”’ [Ringsj6] and “ vitripennis Ths ”’. BRITAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HunGaARY, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R., Imary. Biology. The species has been recorded as a parasite of various Lepidoptera, e.g. Hyphantria cunea Drury (Arctiidae) and Evannts bajaria (Schiff.) (Selidosemidae), according to Boucek (1961c) ; also [under the name eremita] of Malacosoma neu- strium (L.) (Lasiocampidae) in Sardinia (Secrétariat, etc., 1957 : 320-328) ; of Lithocolletis platani Stgr. (Gracillariidae) and Paraleucoptera sinuella Reutti (Lyonetiidae) in Italy (Secrétariat, etc., 1966 : 119, 128). Imagines appear in the field June—Oct.; females possibly overwinter. 822 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM STICHOCREPIS Forster Stichocrepis Forster, 1860 : 130-132. Type-species : S. avmata Forster, by monotypy. Stichocrepis Forster, 1878 : 63-64. Stichocrepis Forster; Erdés, 1955 : 295. Stichocrepis Forster ; Peck et al., 1964 : 51. After its description this genus remained unnoticed until its recognition by Erdos (1955). Stichocrepis armata Forster (Text-figs. 292, 331) Stichocrepis avmata Forster, 1860 : 131-132, ¢. Stichocrepis avmata Forster, 1878 : 64, 3. Stichocrepis avmata Forster ; Erdés, 1955 : 295, figs. d-g, 5 9. Type material. Type ¢ (Tyrol) presumably in Forster coll., Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen). After Forster described the male, the species remained unnoticed until Erdds (1955) described the female and figured the antenna of the male. In the only female that I possess (from Czechoslovakia) the hind wings are much reduced in size, but I do not know whether such is the usual condition in this Sex. SWITZERLAND, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. Occurs in xerothermic habitats ; the male is not uncommon but the female is rarely captured. Imagines June—August. MUSCIDIFURAX Girault & Sanders Muscidifurax Girault & Sanders, 1910: 146-149. Type-species: M. vaptor G. & S., by original designation. Muscidivorax [sic] Girault ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 5. Muscidifurax Girault & Sanders ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 221. Muscidifurax Girault & Sanders ; Peck, 1963 : 708-709. Muscidifurax Girault & Sanders ; Peck eé¢ al., 1954 : 45. Both the genus and its type species were very fully described in the above paper by Girault and Sanders. Muscidifurax raptor Girault & Sanders (Text-fig. 291) Muscidifurax vaptoy Girault & Sanders, 1910 : 149-153, figs. 1-4, gd Q. Muscidifurax vaptoy Girault & Sanders ; Peck, 1963 : 708-709. Type material (not seen). Syntypes, 32 g and 81 Q in Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History, Urbana, Illinois, Cat. no. 40,250 ; 2 g and 2 2 in U.S.N.M., Cat. no. 12,240. PIEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 823 The species is virtually cosmopolitan. Biology. Reared as a parasite of Musca domestica L. (Dipt., Muscidae) ; in America also from Phormia regina (Mg.) and Chrysomyia macellaria (F.) (Dipt., Calliphoridae) ; see Peck (1963). Imagines (in Britain) Aug.—Sept. DIMACHUS Thomson Dimachus sgen. Dimachus Thomson, 1878: 50, 52. Type-species: Ptevomalus discolor Walker, 1836, by monotypy. Dimachus Thomson ; Ashmead, 1904 : 276. Dimachus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 284, 285, 287. Dimachus Thomson ; Peck et al., 1964 : 47. Dimachus discolor (Walker) ? Pteromalus Cingolum Nees, 1834 : 95, 3. Pteromalus discolov Walker, 1836 : 473, 9. Pteromalus Emathion Walker, 1839: 243, 3, Syn. n. Pteromalus Drepanon Walker, 1848 : 124, 188, 3, syn. n. Dimachus discoloy (Walker) Thomson, 1878 : 52-53, d @. Type material. Pteromalus cingulum Nees. Type destroyed. The description suggests the g of Dimachus discolor. Pteromalus discoloy Walker. One female, LECTOTYPE ; Waterhouse label. Pteromalus Emathion Walker. Syntypes, 33. LECTOTYPE labelled ‘‘38.7.12. 208.” Pteromalus drepanon Walker. One 3, LECTOTYPE. BRITAIN, IRELAND, SWEDEN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; but probably more widely distributed in Europe. Biology. A female was captured on 23.vi.1952, at Henley, Oxfordshire (Mr. G. R. Gradwell), who believed that the specimen may have emerged from Stegobium paniceum L. (Col., Anobiidae). Imagines June-August. LARIOPHAGUS Crawford Lariophagus Crawford, 1909a : 52. Type-species : L. tevanus Crawford, by monotypy. Laniophagus Crawford ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 8, 15-16, [ev parte]. Laniophagus Crawford ; Waterston, I92I : 13-19. Lariophagus Crawford ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 229. Laniophagus Crawford ; Peck, 1963 : 690. Laniophagus Crawford ; Peck e# al., 1964 : 56. Lariophagus Crawford ; Bouéek, 1965e : 20-22. Kurdjumov (1913 : 15-16) recognized that Lariophagus occurred in Europe ; but he placed in it not only distinguendus Forster and puncticollis Moller, but also some other species that do not belong to it. Waterston (1921) gave some useful notes on the genus. Boucek (1965e) described a new European species. 824 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Hind tibia with two distinct spurs. Fore wing with basal cell with scattered hairs over most of its surface ; costal cell broad, length to breadth about 8 : 1 Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum distinctly less than breadth of head; funicle stouter than the pedicellus, its segments subquadrate or slightly transverse. Gaster dorsally convex. Mesoscutum with rather indistinct piliferous oe Bare Malar space slightly more than half length of an eye : ; . sp. indet. (p. 826) - Hind tibia with only one spur. Bore ee ites eal ell bare, or with at most a very few isolated hairs ; costal cell narrower, length to breadth about 10:1 2 (1) Apical margin a fore wing ciliate except sometimes fora iene space just beyond the postmarginal vein. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head; flagellum rather stout, segments of funicle subquadrate. Malar space only about half length of an eye. Gaster dorsally flat or slightly concave . . fimbriatus Boucek (p. 826) - Apical margin of fore wing without cilia. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum approximately equal to breadth of head ; flagellum slender, proximally not stouter than the pedicellus. Malar space about two thirds the length of an eye. Gaster dorsally convex. Propodeum, Text-fig. 313 : : : : : : : . distinguendus (Forster) (p. 824) (MALEs) I Fore wing with apical margin mainly to entirely bare. Antennae with pedi- cellus fully twice as long as broad ; flagellum rather slender ; at least some of the proximal funicular segments slightly longer than broad, in large specimens segments 1-4 may be very distinctly longer than broad, and only the sixth segment quadrate . P : . distinguendus (Forster) (p. 824) — Fore wing with apical margin ieee Antennae with pedicellus about 1-5 times as long as broad ; flagellum relatively stouter ; all funicular segments subquadrate . : : : : : : . fimbriatus Bouéek (p. 826) Lariophagus distinguendus (Forster) (Text-fig. 313) Pteromalus distinguendus Forster, 1841 : 17, 6. Ptevomalus Calamis Walker, 1849 : 207, d 9, syn. n. Pievomalus ovyzinus Rondani, 1874 : 131. Pteromalus oryzinus Rondani, 1877 : 195. Mevraporus utibilis Tucker, 1910 : 341-343, Q. Lariophagus distinguendus (Forster) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 15. Lariophagus distinguendus (Forster) ; Gahan, 1921 : 239. Lariophagus distinguendus (Forster) ; Waterston, 1921 : 9, 13-15, 9. Lariophagus utibilis (Tucker) Waterston, 1921 : 8-9, 18-19, ¢ @. Lariophagus distinguendus (Forster) ; Peck, 7m Muesebeck e¢ al., 1951 : 555. Lariophagus distinguendus (Forster) ; Peck, 1963 : 601. Several other references to this species, which is well-known in the economic literature, are given by Peck (1963). PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 825 Type material. Pteromalus distinguendus Forster. Syntypes presumably in Forster coll., Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (not seen) ; I have examined some Forster specimens, determined by him as distinguendus, in the Westwood collection in Oxford. Pteromalus calamis Walker. Syntypes, 11 specimens ; LECTOTYPE, the first one, a male (Type Hym. 5.708) labelled ‘‘ Madeira, Wollaston ’’ and ‘‘ Pteromalus calamis ” Pteromalus oryzinus Rondani. Type in Museum “La Specola’’, Florence, according to Delucchi (1955a@ : 174) who stated it to be the same as distinguendus. Meraporus utibilis Tucker. Type 92 (U.S.A., Texas, Plano) in U.S.N.M. (not seen). The species was synonymized with L. distinguendus by Gahan (1921), who considered the type of wtibilis to be a rather small and poorly developed specimen of distinguendus. Cosmopolitan. Biology. Parasite of beetles associated with stored products, e.g. Calandra (=Sitophilus) oryzae (L.), Lastoderma serricorne (F.) (Anobiidae), Bruchus brachialis Fahr. (Briichidae). A detailed list of references to its hosts is given by Peck (1963). Occasionally the species is captured in open country. Lariophagus puncticollis (Moller) Arthrolytus puncticollis Moller, 1882 : 180, 3 Q. Laniophagus puncticollis (Moller) Kurdjumov, 1913 : 16. Lariophagus puncticollis (Moller) ; Ruschka & Fulmek, 1915 : 401. Lariophagus puncticollis (Moller) ; Waterston, 1921 : 9, 16-18, 9. Lariophagus puncticollis (Moller) ; Ruschka, 1921 : 463, 464-465. , Type material. Kurdjumov (1913) stated that he had seen “the type” in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; Ruschka (1921 : 464-465) also mentioned having examined the types in that museum. According to Ent. Tidskr. (1883 : 223), Méller presented specimens of puncticollis to the Entomological Society of Stockholm ; I am not aware of the present location of these. It will be necessary to re-examine all the extant syntypes and to select a lectotype. Meanwhile the status of puncticollis is rather doubtful. Kurdjumov (1913) transferred it to Lariophagus and gave some brief notes on the specimen which he considered to be the type. Waterston (1921) referred to Kurdjumov’s notes, and also redescribed and figured puncticollis from three other females which he considered to belong to that species ; one of them is now in the BM(NH) and has been examined by me. According to Waterston (1921 : 9) puncticollis differs from distinguendus in its larger size [actual dimensions not mentioned], more distinct and numerous setigerous punctures of the mesoscutum, more numerous bristles on stigmal vein [wrongly termed “marginal vein’”’ on p. gj, and structure of the propodeum, the front part of the latter being divided into four rectangular cells. The distinctions enumerated by Waterston do not appear at all obvious to me. One of the females which he 826 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM identified as puncticollis is certainly large (length about 2-5 mm.) ; but some other specimens which seem to be otherwise typical distinguendus are just as large. Ruschka (1921 : 463) synonymized puncticollis with distinguendus, stating (ibid. : 464-465) that he had seen the types of both in Vienna. It seems likely that punctz- collis represents a large and robust form of distinguendus. Lariophagus fimbriatus Bouéek Lanophagus fimbriatus Bouéek, 1965¢e : 20, 5 Q. Type material. Holotype 9, Czechoslovakia, southern Slovakia, Pukanec (between Levice and Banska Stiavnica), 31.vii.1955 (Dlabola), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 26.005). CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. Lariophagus sp. indet. BRITAIN : unlocalized, one female in Dale collection, Hope Dept., University Museum, Oxford. This species appears to be a true Lariophagus, but is remarkable in having two distinct spurs on the hind tibia. HEMITRICHUS Thomson Dimachus subgen. Hemitrichus Thomson, 1878 : 50, 54. Type-species : H. vufipes Thomson, by monotypy. Uriella Ashmead, 1896 : 221. ‘Type-species U. rufipes Ashmead, by monotypy. Hemitrichus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 284, 285, 287. Hemuitrichus Thomson ; Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 46. Uniella was placed in synonymy with Hemitrichus by Gahan & Wallace (1950 : 97). KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) 1 Gaster 2—2:5 times as long as broad, at most slightly longer than head plus thorax ; last tergite not or hardly longer than its basal breadth. Marginal vein of fore wing I-7—1'75 times as long as the stigmal vein. Propodeum less constricted posteriorly, the nucha therefore relatively less distinct f : : seniculus (Nees) (p. 827) — Gaster 2-8-3-3 times as long as broad, nearly or quite 1-5 times as long as head plus thorax ; last tergite nearly or quite twice as long as its basal breadth. Marginal vein of fore wing about 1-8 times as long as the stigmal vein. Propodeum more constricted posteriorly so that the nucha is relatively more distinct oxygaster Boucek (p. 827) Other smaller difference between the females of these two species are given by Bouéek (1965e : 19). The male of oxygastery is unknown. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 827 Hemitrichus seniculus (Nees) Pteromalus seniculus Nees, 1834 : 101, 423, 9. Pteromalus Phylacis Walker, 1848 : 120, 185, g, Syn. n. Dimachus (Hemitrichus) rufipes Thomson, 1878 : 54, 9. Uriella rufipes Ashmead, 1896 : 222-3, g 9. Hemitrichus assimilis Masi, 1922 : 158-159, 9. Hemitrichus seniculus (Nees) Delucchi, 1955@ : 173. Type material. Pteromalus seniculus Nees. Delucchi (1955a : 173) stated that he had found, in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, a specimen of seniculus marked “Or. Ex.’ [Original Exemplar] ; this specimen agreed with Nees’ description and Delucchi evidently regards it as lectotype. Pteromalus phylacis Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. It is a very small specimen’ (length 1-7 mm.) with unusually short funicular segments, the first being hardly 1-5 times as long as broad, the sixth even shorter. I have, however, seen other rather similar males in a reared series with normal males of seniculus, and I think phylacts is probably within its range of variation. Hemitrichus rufipes Thomson. One female, clearly the holotype, labelled palm 24/7’. Uriella rufipes Ashmead. Lectotype female, U.S.A., Ohio, in U.S.N.M. (not seen) ; it was re-examined by Gahan and Wallace, who placed Ashmead’s species in synonymy with H. rufipes Thomson (1950 : 97). Hemitrichus assimilis Masi. Syntypes, two 9, Italy, Isle of Giglio, iv.1go1 and i(?)1904, in Museo Civico di Storia naturale, Genova. The species was synonymized with seniculus (Nees) by Delucchi (1955a : 173) after comparing the respective types. BRITAIN, FRANCE, SWEDEN, GERMANY, CENTRAL EvuROPE, ITALY ; NORTH AMERICA. Biology. Most often found in association with stored products. The published records include as hosts Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Diptera. Gahan & Wallace (1950 : 98) suggested that this indicates that some of the records may be wrong. There is a female in the Hope Dept., University Museum, Oxford, reared at Summertown, Oxford “ from Ptinus tectus Boield. [Col., Ptinidae] in dog-biscuits ’’. Occasionally specimens have been captured in open country. Bouéek (1954 : 61) recorded Eurygaster maura (L) [Hem., Pentatomidae] as a host. Imagines May- June, September. Hemitrichus oxygaster Boucek Hemitrichus oxygastey Bouéek, 1965e : 19, 9. Type material. Holotype 2, Moldavian S.S.R., Sadovo, 24.vill.1963 (Boucek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 26.000). CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. Imagines in August. 828 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM DORCATOMOPHAGA Kryger Dorcatomophaga Kryger, 1951 : 103-104. Type-species : D. westt Kryger, by monotypy. Dorcatomophaga Kryger ; Peck et al., 1964 : 35. Dorcatomophaga westi Kryger Dorcatomophaga westi Kryger, 1951 : 105-106, g Q. Type material. Syntypes (not seen) presumably in Universitetets Zoologiske Museum, Copenhagen. The antennae seem to be unusually variable in this species. Kryger (1951, fig. 8) showed the antenna of a normal female as having the formula 11263, but he also figured an abnormal female in which the first and second segments of the funicle are coalesced. In his generic diagnosis (1951 : 104) he described the antennae of both sexes as having 2 anelli and 6 funicular segments ; but he remarked that the antennae are variable and stated that he had males and one female in which the antennae had only 5 funicular segments. I have myself seen a female in which the antennae have 3 anelli and 5 funicular segments. DENMARK, SWEDEN. Biology. ‘‘ Parasitic in larvae of Dorcatoma in old oak-trees’’’ (Kryger, 1951 : 106). Kryger (ibid. : 103) stated that he had reared the parasite from wood taken from an old oak infested with larvae of Dorcatoma and that no other insects except the beetle and the Chalcidoid were reared, hence the latter must be parasitic on the Dorcatoma. VRESTOVIA Bouéek Vvestovia Bouéek, 1961 : 79. Type-species: V. clypealis Bouéek, by monotypy and original designation. This genus is close to Metastenus Walker but differs in having the marginal vein not thickened, the left mandible with 3 teeth and the right mandible with 4 (both mandibles with 4 teeth in Metastenus) ; and, at least in the female, in having 2 instead of 3 anelli in the antennae. So far only one species is known. Vrestovia fidenas (Walker) Gastvancistvus Fidenas Walker, 1848 : 105, 157, d- Vrestovia clypealis Bouéek, 1961 : 79, 3 &. Vrestovia fidenas (Walker) Bouéek, 19656 : 548. Type material. Gastrancistrus fidenas Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE (but probably holotype), bearing a Waterhouse label. Vrestovia clypealis Bouéek. Holotype 9, eastern Bohemia, Velky VreStov, 8.vii.1957 (Boudcek), in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 2971). The species was synonymized with jfidenas (Walker) by Boucek (19650 : 548). BRITAIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Unknown. Imagines July—August. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 829 METASTENUS Walker Metastenus Walker, 1834 : 301. Type-species : M. concinnus Walker, by monotypy. Scymnophagus Ashmead, 1904 : 319. Type-species : S. townsendi Ashmead by monotypy and original desingation. Scymnophagus Ashmead ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 328, 330, 335. Metastenus Walker ; Graham, 1956b : 256. Metastenus Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 39. Scymnophagus Ashmead was placed in synonymy with Metastenus Walker by Graham (1956) : 256). The latter genus had been misinterpreted by Thomson (1876a : 205). Metastenus concinnus Walker Metastenus concinnus Walker, 1834 : 302 ‘‘g”’ [recte 9). Type material. Lectotype 9 designated by Graham (19560 : 256). BRITAIN, rare : only the lectotype of concinnus (taken in “‘ August ; on grass in fields ; near London ” by Walker) is known to me. It is clear that Walker originally had more than one specimen, however, since he described a var. 8. The lectotype female has the head and thorax bronze, with a faint olive tinge in places ; the gaster is twice as long as broad, distinctly longer and also narrower than the thorax, its apex relatively strongly acute, forming an angle of about 45°. Biology. Unknown. Metastenus mesnili (Delucchi) comb. n. Scymnophagus mesnili (Ferriére MS.) Delucchi, 1954 : 264-266, 9. Type material. Holotype 2? in BM(NH), Type Hym. 5. 696 ; paratypes in coll. Mesnil. I am not sure whether mesnili is a form of concinnus (Walker) or a valid species. The two are very similar, but the female of concimnus has the gaster relatively longer, 1-8-2 times as long as broad, and somewhat longer than the thorax, and more acute apically ; whilst the type 2 of mesmili has the gaster 1-6-1-7 times as long as broad, hardly longer than the thorax, and relatively less acute apically. The head, mesoscutum, and scutellum of female mesnili appear rather more shiny than those of concinnus, their reticulation being rather weaker. The respective types differ somewhat in colour, but this feature seems to be variable. Study of further material may show that mesnili is just a form of concinnus. GERMANY, SWITZERLAND. Biology. Parasite of the pupae of Pullus impexus (Mulsant). Delucchi (1954 : 265-266) stated that in some cases the parasites emerged in June and July, though a number of them remained in larval diapause until the following spring. It is not 830 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM known what happens to those imagines which emerge in June and July ; possibly they have another host on which further generations develop. Note. Scymnophagus latithorax Risbec (1951 : 275-277, fig. 142), described from Senegal, does not belong to that genus ; it is probably near Dinarmus Thomson. PACHYNEURON Walker Pachyneuron Walker, 1833 : 371, 380. Type-species : P. foymosum Walker, by monotypy. Pachyneuron Walker ; Forster, 1856 : 52, 54. Pachyneuron Walker ; Thomson, 1878 : 18, 27. Pachyneuron Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 329. Pachyneuron Walker ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 371, 372, 373- Sevimus Brethes, 1913 : 90. Type-species : S. argentinus by monotypy. Pachyneuron Walker ; Szelényi, 1942 : 93-105. Pachyneuyon Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 247. Pachyneuron Walker ; Delucchi, 1955) : 122-139. Atrichoptilus Delucchi, 1955b: 141. Type-species: Pachyneuvon aeneum Masi, 1929, by original designation. Pachyneuron Walker ; Peck, 1963 : 612-619. Pachyneuron Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 39-40. Pachyneuron Walker ; Bouéek, 1965e : 16-18. Serimus Bréthes was synonymized with Pachyneuron by de Santis (1957 : 118) after having examined the original material of its type-species. Bouéek (1965e) placed Atrichoptilus Delucchi in synonymy with Pachyneuron, pointing out that the characters used by Delucchi (1955) for separating the two are too variable to be considered of generic value. This conclusion is accepted here. The Palaearctic species of Pachyneuron were revised by Szelényi (1942) ; but he did not see the types of most of the species and for this reason his revision is unsatisfactory. The European species were revised by Delucchi (1955) who placed their taxonomy on a much sounder basis. Since then, however, some changes in the synonymy and nomenclature have been made. The earlier-described species are now reasonably well understood, but some of those described more recently need further study. In particular the North American species, of which Peck (1963) lists 14, need to be compared with those from Europe ; possibly some of the former will prove to be identical with European species. The identity of Ichnewmon coccorum Linneaus (1758 : 567) is very doubtful and has been the subject of some controversy ; the available evidence suggests that it was not a Pachyneuron. It was transferred to that genus by Reinhard (1857 : 77). The type or types of coccorum are not in the Linnean collection in London, and I could not find any specimens that agreed with the description in the DeGeer collection in Stockholm. The original description, of course, is very brief and conveys little ; but Linnaeus cited a reference to the work by DeGeer, “‘ De Geer ins. 1. t. 35. f. 17”. Plate 35, fig. 17 of this work represents an adult Hymenopteron which can hardly be anything except a Chalcidoid ; the antennae are shown as having a scape, pedicellus, four funicular segments, and a clava. Although one must not place too much emphasis on a figure drawn at that period, it would seem to rule out any PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 831 Pachyneuron. The insect shown in the figure was described by DeGeer in his 17th Memoir, section 8, p. 604, and he obtained it from some parasitized “ Gallinsectes ’’ which he had found on elm ; his figure 14 on pl. 35, representing this “‘ Gallinsecte ’’ shows what appears to be a Lecaniine Coccid. 3 «(2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6) (5) KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (MALES AND FEMALEs) Fore wing with apical margin without cilia ; postmarginal vein only slightly longer than the stigmal vein; marginal vein strongly thickened, only about 1:25 times as long as its maximum breadth. Pronotal collar some- times immarginate. Antennal scape not reaching the median ocellus. Gastral petiole slightly transverse, subconical. ‘ aeneum (Masi) (p. 834) Fore wing with apical margin ciliate ; postmarginal vein 1-5-2 times as long as the stigmal vein ; marginal vein less strongly thickened, 2-7-4 times as long as its maximum breadth. Pronotal collar nearly always distinctly margined, very weakly so in some dwarfs. Antennal scape often reaching the median ocellus. Gastral petiole sometimes otherwise : 2 Thorax weakly arched dorsally ; scutellum in profile nearly flat, its disc with weaker sculpture, hence more shiny, than the rest. Marginal vein of fore wing 1I-3—-1-4 times as long as the stigmal vein. Genae only slightly com- pressed, hardly sharp-edged above the bases of the mandibles, and with only asmall hollow. Head in frontal view about 1:5 times as broad as high planiscuta Thomson (p. 834) Thorax usually moderately to strongly arched dorsally with the scutellum convex ; if not, then the scutellum is distinctly reticulate all over. Marginal vein of fore wing at most 1-2 times as long as the stigmal vein. Genae usually very distinctly compressed and sharp above the bases of the mandibles, usually with a larger hollow. Head in frontal view ah less transverse . : 3 Median produced portion ‘of elypeus (Text fig. 678) iaaue its eae margin slightly emarginate or truncate, and its surface virtually flat . - ; 4 Median produced portion of clypeus (Text-fig. 678) having its anterior margin obtuse or rounded, and its surface convex in the transverse axis : : 9 Gastral petiole slightly broader than long, smooth or virtually so. Thorax very strongly arched dorsally ; dorsellum and propodeum sloping at an angle of about 80° relative to the tangential plane of the mesoscutum and scutellum. Gena with only a very weak lamina above the base of the mandible . : : gibbiscuta Thomson (p. 838) Gastral petiole at least slightly longer than broad, mainly reticulate or trans- versely aciculate. Thorax less strongly arched dorsally ; dorsellum and propodeum sloping at a relatively less steep angle. Gena often with a stronger lamina above the base of the mandible. : 5 Fore wing with speculum closed below ; upper surface of aoeel cell wie a row of hairs extending over its distal quarter to one third. 2 clypeus, Text-fig. 677 ; antenna excluding scape, Text-fig. 679 solitarium (Hartig) (p. 838) Fore wing with speculum open below ; upper surface of costal cell often bare 6 Thorax relatively weakly arched dorsally, scutellum in profile appearing only weakly convex ; propodeum sloping at an angle of only 30°-35° relative to the tangential plane of the mesoscutum and scutellum. Propodeum only slightly more than half as long as the scutellum ; nucha mainly 832 M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM Fics. 677-686. 677, Pachyneuron solitarium (Hartig), syntype 9, clypeus ; 678, Pacyh- neuron concoloy (Forster), 9, clypeus ; 679, Pachyneuron solitarium (Hartig), syntype 9, antenna, excluding scape ; 680, Pachyneuron grande Thomson, 9, head, profile ; 681, Pachyneuron formosum Walker, 9, head, profile; 682, same, 9; 683, Pachyneuron umbratum Delucchi, ¢, head, profile ; 684, same, 2; 685, Euneuva augarus Walker, 9, head ; 686, Euneura laeviuscula sp. n., 2, head. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 833 smooth or virtually so, and marked off by a very distinct constriction. Gaster of female generally 2-2-5 times, occasionally a little less than twice, as long as broad . : : : 2 , cremifaniae Delucchi (p. 838) Thorax moderately strongly arched dorsally, scutellum in profile appearing more convex ; propodeum sloping at a relatively steeper angle, often rather longer than in cvemifaniae ; nucha mainly to entirely reticulate or transversely aciculate. Gaster of female at least slightly less than twice as long as broad, average about 1-5 times . : : : : 5 : 7 Lamina of gena ending, next to base of mandible, in an acute point (Text-fig. 680). Costal cell of fore wing (upper surface) with a row of hairs extending over its distal third to half . : : ; grande Thomson (p. 837) Lamina of gena (Text-figs. 681-684) eae? in a blunt or rounded lobe which is sometimes not very prominent. Costal cell of fore wing (upper surface) bare . : c : : - : : 2 : c : - 8 Fore wing with marginal vein a little shorter than the stigmal vein ; basal vein usually bare, rarely with 1-2 isolated hairs. Lamina of gena (Text- figs. 681, 682) more prominent. : : . formosum Walker (p. 836) Fore wing with marginal vein approximately as long as, or slightly longer than, the stigmal vein ; basal vein with 2-12 hairs. Lamina of gena (Text-figs. 683, 684) less prominent : : umbratum Delucchi (p. 834) Fore wing with marginal vein thick, only 2-7-3 times as long as its maximum breadth ; speculum open below. Antennae of female with 3 strongly transverse anelli and 5 funicular segments; gaster short and broad. Thorax very strongly arched dorsally ; propodeum sloping at an angle of about 60° relative to the tangential plane of the mesoscutum and scutellum. Gastral petiole not longer than broad, virtually smooth aphidis (Bouché) (p. 842) Fore wing with marginal vein less thick, 4-5 times as long as its maximum breadth ; speculum closed or nearly closed below. Antennae of female with 2 anelli and 6 funicular segments, in small specimens the first funicular segment may be somewhat shorter than the second and slightly transverse, but it is never markedly anelliform. Female gaster relatively longer. Thorax at least rather less strongly arched dorsally é 10 Female with gastral petiole slightly less than half as long as the propodeum, slightly broader than long, nearly or quite smooth ; gaster 2—2-4 times as long as broad. Propodeal nucha weakly aciculate transversely, or nearly smooth, its front edge distinctly defined. Thorax not very strongly arched dorsally . : : vitodurense Delucchi (p. 841) Female with gastral petiole at least two thirds as long as the propodeum, 1°5-1°8 times as long as broad, its dorsal surface, not counting the basal stalk, transversely aciculate or aciculate-reticulate ; gaster at least slightly less than twice as long as broad. Propodeal nucha finely reticulate, its front edge not distinctly defined. Thorax oe ig strongly arched dorsally . : : : : II Fore wing with upper surface @ basal cell ia eae fea Female with first funicular segment of antenna (Text-fig. 679) from virtually as long as, to slightly longer than, the pedicellus, quadrate or slightly longer than broad. Some specimens might run here if the clypeus is viewed from a rather more dorsal direction . : . cf. solitarium (Hartig) (p. 838) Fore wing with upper surface of Basal cell bare or with at most 5 hairs. Female with first funicular segment at most three quarters as long as the 834 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM pedicellus, varying from slightly transverse to very slightly longer than broad. 2 clypeus, Text-fig. 678 . P ; ‘ . concolor (Forster) (p. 840) Pachyneuron aeneum Masi Pachnyeuron aeneum Masi, 1929 : 229, 9. Atrichoptilus aeneus (Masi) Delucchi, 19556 : 141-142. Pachyneuron aeneum Masi ; Bouéek, 1965e : 16-18, 5 @. Type material. Holotype 9, North Africa, Libya, Oasis of Giarabub, iii.1927, in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa (not seen). Delucchi (1955) : 141-142) mentioned some characters by which he considered aeneum to differ from the other species of Pachyneuron, and erected the genus Atrichoptilus on the basis of these characters. Boucéek re-examined the type of aeneum as well as additional material, and consequently was able to form a more satisfactory concept of the variation of the species ; he concluded (1965e : 18) that the main character used by Delucchi for separating Atvichoptilus from Pachyneuron was too variable to be of value. Consequently he referred aenewm once more to Pachyneuron ; at the same time he redescribed the species (1965e : 16-18). Europe (Moldavian S.S.R.) ; TURKEY ; LIBYA. Biology. Bouéek (1965e : 18) stated that aenewm had been reared in Moldavia from Syrphid puparia found amongst aphids (‘‘ Yezabura reaumurn ’’, presumably Patchella veaumuri (Kalt.)). Imagines chiefly July-August (some records for March and April). Pachyneuron planiscuta Thomson Pachyneuron planiscuta Thomson, 1878 : 29, 3d 9. Pachyneuron planiscuta Thomson ; Szelényi, 1942 : 100, tot, J 9. Pachyneuron planiscuta Thomson ; Delucchi, 1955b : 126, 129-130, 3 9. Type material. Syntypes, 3 g, 2 9. LECTOTYPE: the lowermost of two males which are mounted on the same pin and labelled “‘ Hma ”’ {[Holmeja]. IRELAND, SWEDEN, HuNGARY, MOoLpAviANn S.S.R. The species appears to be associated with Phragmites ; in Sweden I captured many specimens in a reed-bed at Yddingen, very near to Holmeja (the type-locality). Imagines June-August. Biology. Unknown. Pachyneuron umbratum Delucchi (Text-figs. 683, 684) ? Pachyneuron coeruleum Delucchi, 19558 : 127, 131-132, 3 &. Pachyneuron umbratum Delucchi, 19550 : 127-128, 132-133, 3 Q. Pachyneuron umbratum Delucchi ; Bouéek, 1965¢ : 8, 18. Type material. Pachyneuron coeruleum Delucchi. Type 92, and paratypes, PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 835 Holland, Deventer, 1952 and 1953, 19 9 and 2 g (Betrem) in Muséum d’Histoire naturelle, Geneva. P. umbratum Delucchi. Type 92, and paratypes, Switzerland, Lausanne, Mt. Calme, 24—29.vii.1942, 18 9 and 12 g ; Holland, Baarn, vi.1947, 8 2 (Doesburg), in Muséum d’Histoire naturelle, Geneva. I have examined these types which are further discussed below. Bouéek (1965e : 18) suggested that wmbratum Del. may be the same as formosum Walker. He pointed out that British specimens of formosum differed from most Continental specimens mainly in their relatively shorter marginal vein, but that this character appeared to be variable and therefore unreliable [for distinguishing formosum and umbratum). After having examined the types of formosum and umbratum, as well as other material from the Continent, I feel confident that these two represent distinct, though very closely allied, species. I agree with Boucek that the length of the marginal vein relative to that of the stigmal vein is slightly variable, but an average difference exists. There is also a distinct difference between formosum and umbratum in the form of the genal flange, as explained in my key to species. Other small differences between the respective females, not completely diagnostic, exist in the degree of pilosity of the basal vein of the fore wing, and the colour of the head and thorax. In addition to the syntypes of wmbratum, I have a number of specimens captured in southern Sweden which are clearly wmbratum and which differ from formosum in the characters mentioned. The question whether coerulewm Delucchi is distinct from uwmbratum is more difficult to answer at present. My impression is that coeruleum probably represents a form of umbratum, after examining the syntypes of both. Delucchi (19556 : 127-128) distinguished the two as follows: 9 (10) Propodeum dreimal langer als das Metanotum, relativ kurz, mit stark ent- wickelten Lateralfalten (Langswolbungen) innenseits des Sulcus spiracu- laris, die bei der Abschniirungsstelle des Hinterrandsstreifens zu scharfen Lateralkielen umgewandelt werden. Propodeumsoberflache stark punk- tiert, Hinterrandstreifen quer strichliert. Beine vom Trochanter an bei beiden Geschlechtern gelb. Diskalregion des Metanotums beim Mannchen flach ; erstes Funiculusglied beim Mannchen langer als das sechste und fast zweimal langer als breit. , c . P. coeruleum n. sp. 10 (9) Propodeum relativy langer, mit cehwacheven eects innenseits des Sulcus spiracularis, die vor der Abschniirungsstelle des Huinterrands- streifens abgebrochen sind. Propodeumsoberflache schwach punktiert, Hinterrandsstreifen im allgemeinen ziemlich glatt und starker abges- chniirt. Abschniirungsstelle glatt und glanzend. Beine beim Weibchen mit gebraiinten Femora und im allgemeinen mit gebraiinter Basis der Hintertibien. Diskalregion des Metanotums beim Mannchen gewéolbt ; erstes Funiculusglied beim Mannchen Kiirzer als das sechste und 1, 5 mal langer als breit . c : P. umbratum n. sp.’ I do not find any tangible iene Betas ine syntypes of coeruleum and umbratum, as regards the characters mentioned by Delucchi. In both the median length of the propodeum is two thirds or slightly more than two thirds that of the scutellum. Delucchi compares the length of the propodeum with that of the 836 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM metanotum, but the latter is a small and variable structure, probably not a reliable feature. The propodeal plicae (Langsfalten) form well-marked, convex ridges in the syntypes of coeruleum ; in most of the types of wmbratum they are weak, though in one female just as distinct as in coeruleum. The other propodeal characters, the colour of the legs, and the characters of the male metanotum and antennae, do not hold good for all the syntypes of the respective species. In the female syntypes of coerulewm the head and thorax are a bright blue-green ; in some of the syntypes of umbratum these parts are dull blue-green, though in one female just as bright as in coeruleum. In 1959 I captured a number of Pachyneuron, which I refer to umbratum, in southern Sweden (Yddingen and Falsterbo). I feel certain that these all represent only one species, yet they show considerable variation as regards size, colour of body and legs, structure of the propodeum, and proportions of antennal segments in the males. The smaller specimens exactly fit the types of wmbratum, and some of them are very close to the types of coerulewm, but differ in having the head and thorax a duller blue-green, and in having the propodeal plicae weaker. Thus there is just a slight doubt as to whether coeruleum is really the same as wmbratum, although the differences causing this dubiety are extremely small. The range of variation of wmbratum (as observed in the syntypes and my Swedish specimens) is as follows: Q. Length 1-5-2-6 mm. Head and thorax varying from dull olive-green or bluish olive to a fairly bright green or blue-green. Femora often more or less infuscate, sometimes wholly pale ; tibiae pale, or with a fuscous subbasal ring, or (occasionally) mainly fuscous. Reticula- tion of scutellar frenum finer in large specimens, coarse in small ones. Propodeal plicae varying from very weak to quite distinct. Basal vein of fore wing usually with 2—9 hairs, occasionally bare. g. Antenna with first funicular segment from 1-5 times to nearly twice as long as the pedi- cellus, 1-6—2-3 times as long as broad, and approximately equal in length to, or very slightly longer than, the sixth segment ; the latter 1-6-2 times as long as broad. Upper surface of costal cell usually with a few hairs in its distal part. Head and thorax bright green to blue ; legs (except coxae) yellow. SWEDEN, HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. P. wmbratum has been recorded as a parasite of Oscinella frit (L.) (Dipt., Chloropidae) in Czechoslovakia (Secrétariat, etc., 1966 : 120, 131), the material being determined by Dr. Delucchi himself. Delucchi originally (19556 : 133) stated that it has been reared in Lausanne from Syrphid pupae on willows. In late July and early August, 1959, I captured a number of wmbratum in Skane, Sweden, on foliage of Salix cinerea L. at Falsterbo, and amongst reeds (Phragmites communis Trin.) at Yddingen ; in the latter case I also reared some specimens from the puparia of an undetermined Syrphid found on the leaves of these reeds. Imagines June-August. Pachyneuron formosum Walker (Text-figs. 681, 682) Pachyneuron formosum Walker, 1833 : 380, 5 9. Pachynevron speciosum [sic] Walker ; Blanchard, 1840 : 266 [lapsus]. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 837 Ptevomalus incubator Forster, 1841 : 28, 3. Pteromalus amoenus Forster, 1841 : 28, “3” [vecte 9]. Pachyneuron formosum Walker ; Thomson, 1878 : 28-29, 3 9. Pachyneuron formosum Walker ; Delucchi, 19556 : 128, 133, d Q. Type material. Pachyneuron formosum Walker. Syntypes, 7 specimens. LECTOTYPE, the seventh in the series, a female, bearing a Waterhouse label. Pteromalus incubator Forster and P. amoenus Forster. Type material in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (coll. Forster). I have not seen the types of these species, which were placed in synonymy with Pachyneuron formosum by Delucchi (19550 : 133) ; this author stated (ibid. : 124) that Forster’s type of amoenus (described as a male) is really a female. Bouéek (1965e : 18) has suggested that Pachyneuron umbratum Delucchi may be the same as formosum Walker. I find some small though apparently constant differences between the two, and regard wmbratum as a valid species (for additional details, see wmbratum). BRITAIN, FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY. Biology. P. formosum has been recorded as a parasite of Syrphus vibes L. in Germany and of Xanthandrus comtus (Harr.) in Italy (Secrétariat, etc., 1963 : 343, 368) ; also of Epistrophe [=Syrphus] balteata (DeG.) in France (Ibid., 1966 : 120, 130). These records, based on specimens determined by Dr. Delucchi, are accepted as correct. I have seen the specimens to which Delucchi (1955) : 133) refers, reared from a “‘ Syrphus”’ on cabbage at Levallois-Perret, near Paris ; they are typical formosum. Delucchi’s earlier record (1954 : 246) of formosum as a parasite of Syrphus arcuatus Fln. was later stated (Delucchi, 19550 : 133) to refer to grande Thomson and not to formosum. Imagines appear (in Britain) Aug.—Nov. Pachyneuron grande Thomson (Text-fig. 680) Pachyneuron gvande Thomson, 1878 : 29, 9. Pachyneuron grande Thomson ; Delucchi, 19556 : 128, 133-134, 3 Q. Type material. Syntypes, 2 9. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “‘ Dic Bhn ” [Dalecarlia, Boheman] and “ grande Ths ”’. Delucchi (19550) has given a good redescription of grande. Most of the characters he describes hold good for all the specimens I have seen. The range of variation in size, however, is rather greater than he states ; females vary in length from 1-8 to 3mm. He says (19550 : 128) “‘ Funiculusglieder beim Weibchen immer langlich ”’ ; but although the majority of females have the proximal segments of the funicle slightly longer than broad, the distal segments are usually quadrate, whilst in one exceptionally small specimen all the segments are quadrate. SWEDEN, FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Reared in Switzerland from puparia of Syrphus arcuatus Fln. (Delucchi, 19550 : 134) ; recorded as a parasite of Epistrophe [= Episyrphus]| balteata (DeG.) in France (Secrétariat, etc. 1966 : 120, 130). Imagines July—Sept. 838 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Szelényi (1942 : 103-104) gave a description of a species which he considered to be grande, from material reared in Hungary from Eviopeltis festucae. He stated that specimens of Leucopis silesiaca Egg. (Dipt., Chaemaemyiidae) had emerged together with the Pachyneuron, which he thought had very probably parasitized larvae of the Leucopis. He had not seen the type of P. grande and some features in his description suggest that he had misidentified the species. Pachyneuron cremifaniae Delucchi Pachyneuron cremifaniae Delucchi, 1953 : 8, 8. Pachyneuron cremifaniae Delucchi, 1955) : 127, 131, 9. Type material (not seen). Syntypes reared at Laimbach, near Munich, Germany, Spéck (Bavaria), and Seegraeben (Switzerland, Canton of Zurich) in May and August 1950 ; type @ in coll. C.I.B.C. Females of cremifaniae appear to vary somewhat in the relative length of the gaster and the degree of flattening of the thorax. BRITAIN, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Delucchi (1953, 1954) and Delucchi and Pschorn (1954) originally reared the species as a parasite of Cremifania nigrocellulata Cz. (Dipt., Chamaemyi- idae) ; Delucchi (19550) also recorded two females reared from a species of Leucopis (Dipt., Chamaemyiidae). Pachyneuron gibbiscuta Thomson Pachyneuron gibbiscuta Thomson, 1878 : 29, 3 9. Pachyneuron gibbiscuta Thomson ; Szelényi, 1942 : 100, 101, ¢ @. Pachyneuron gibbiscuta Thomson ; Delucchi, 1955) : 128, 134-135, 3 9. Type material. Syntypes, 5 specimens. LECTOTYPE, a female labelled “OQ” [Oland] and also bearing a modern red type label. SWEDEN, AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ; apparently rather rare. Biology. Unknown. Pachyneuron solitarium (Hartig) (Text-figs. 677, 679) Pachyneuron coccorum auctt., ex parte [nec Ichneumon coccorum Linnaeus, 1758]. Chrysolampus solitarius Hartig, 1838 : 250. ? Chrysolampus solitarius Hartig ; Ratzeburg, 1844 : 29, pl. 8, fig. 7. ? Chrysolampus solitarius Hartig ; Ratzeburg, 1844a : 180, p. 8, fig. 7, 9. Pachyneuron solitarius (Hartig) Reinhard, 1857 : 77. Pachyneuron solitarius (Hartig sensu Ratz.) ; Kurdjumov, 1913 : 24. Chrysolampus solitarius Hartig ; Boucéek, 19646 : 672. Pachyneuron solitarium (Hartig) ; Boucek, 1965e : 18, [ex parte]. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 839 Type material. Syntypes, 8 9 in Hartig collection, Munich. Seven of these are mounted on card-points which are grouped in a tree-like whorl on one pin, and labelled “ 786”’. The eighth specimen (which actually stood first in the series) is mounted, together with an egg of Dendrolimus pint which has an emergence-hole, upon a red-bordered card, and labelled “ solitarius’ ; this specimen is designated LECTOTYPE. All the syntypes stood next to a Hartig label “‘ Chrysolampus ’’. Hartig originally described the species from material reared from eggs of Gastropacha {[=Dendrolimus| pini (L.) (Lep., Lasiocampidae). The name solitarius has sometimes been attributed to Ratzeburg who, however (1844a : 180) expressly quoted Hartig (and incidentally, referred to the host-species as “‘ Kiefernspinner ’’). Some confusion was caused later by Szelényi who remarked (1942 : 96) “ Pachyneuron concolor Forst. (solitarius Ratz.) lebt nach Ratzeburg einzeln in Eiern von Bupalus piniarius L.”. Clearly Szelényi has here mistaken the “ Kiefernspanner ”’ (B. piniarius L., family Selidosemidae) for the “‘ Kiefernspinner ”’ of Ratzeburg (Dendrolimus pint (L.)). Pteromalus {=Pachyneuron] concolor Forster has sometimes been considered to be the same as solitarius. Ratzeburg (1848 : 184) mentioned that he had received specimens of concolor from Forster himself, and found them to be the same as solitarius. There is some reason for doubting the correctness of his conclusion, however. Although it is not clear whether he had seen Hartig’s types, he presumably had specimens of the true solitarius, since he mentioned (loc. cit.) material reared from the original host by Reissig. Even so, the differences between solitarius and concolor are so small that he was hardly likely to have noticed them. Bouéek (1965e : 18) also stated that he considered concolor to be the same as solitarius, which he thought to have a very wide range of hosts. However, Dr. Bouéek’s own specimens of solitarium, reared from eggs of Dendrolimus pini, differ from concolor Forster (as redescribed by Delucchi) in the shape of the clypeus, a character which appears to be of relatively high taxonomic value in Pachyneuron. Also, the known facts regarding the biology of solitariwm and concolor seem to suggest that they are not identical. The female of P. solitarium, as interpreted here, is remarkably like that of concolor (Forster). It differs in having the anterior margin of the clypeus (Text-fig. 677) slightly produced, the produced part weakly emarginate or subtruncate, and the surface of the clypeus only weakly convex. In concolor (Text-fig. 678) the anterior margin of the clypeus, which is more strongly convex, has a blunt, rounded median projection. There appear to be other small differences between the two species, in the proportions of the flagellar segments and the gastral petiole, but I have not been able to study a sufficient number of specimens to confirm this. GERMANY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, ? MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. At present only those specimens reared from eggs of Dendrolimus pint (L.) can be definitely identified as solitariwm. In view of the confusion of concolor with solitarium, other records relating to the latter will have to be re-examined. 840 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Pachyneuron concolor (Forster) Pachyneuron coccorum auctt. [ex parte] [nec Ichneumon coccorum Linnaeus, 1758]. Ptevomalus concoloy Forster, 1841 : 28, 9. Pteromalus concoloy Forster ; Ratzeburg, 1848 : 184. ? Pachyneuron Prumi (Forster MS.) Walker, 1850 : 128, [ex parte]. ? Pachyneuron psyllaephaga Mani, 1939 : 84, ¢ Q. Pachyneuron siculum Delucchi, 19556 : 135, d 2, Syn. n. Type material. Pteromalus concolor Forster. Syntypes in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna ; lectotype female designated by Delucchi (19550 : 136, 137). I have not seen the lectotype, but have examined another female from Forster’s collection which agrees with Delucchi’s redescription. This species was regarded as being identical with solitariwm (Hartig) by Ratzeburg (1848) and Bouéek (1961c : z2). Pachyneuron prum Walker. Walker’s collection contains a male and a female. He described only the female but his description does not apply well to the female in his collection. His male, which appears to be a small concolor, is labelled in Forster’s handwriting “ Pachyneuron Pruni Foerst. Aachen ’’. Pachyneuron psyllaephaga Mani. Holotype 9 and allotype ¢ in Pusa collection, Imperial Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (not seen). From the description and host it seems to me likely that it may be the same as concolor (Forster). Mani’s types were bred from nymphs of Psylla peregrina Forster, the type-locality being Edinburgh ; I have seen Scottish specimens of concolor bred from the same host. Pachyneuron siculum Delucchi. Holotype 9, Sicily, 3.ix.1950 (Pviesner), in Muséum d’Histoire naturelle, Geneva. In my opinion it is an extremely small, dark-coloured female of concolor (Férster) ; I have examined a range of forms intermediate between the type of siculwm and typical concolor. Boucek (1965¢ : 18) expressed the opinion that szculwm was a small form of solitar1wm (Htg.) ; but he considered solitarium to be identical with concolor (Forster), whereas in my opinion these two are distinct. Widely distributed in Europe, from BritaIn to U.S.S.R. ; ISRAEL. Biology. A number of hosts have been recorded for concolor and siculum, but the data given are not always very precise and there is room for further research. The species has been recorded as a parasite of Oscinella frit (L.) in Czechoslovakia (Secrétariat, etc., 1966 : 120-131) ; also (under the name szculum Delucchi) as a parasite of Coccus hesperidum L. (ibid., 1963 : 343, 370), of Chilochorus bipustulatus L., Ceroplastes floridensis Comst., Pseudococcus citriculum Green, and Saissetia oleae Bern. (ibid., 1966 : 120, 125) in Israel. In the case of the records from Israel I have been informed that the Pachyneuron were hyperparasitic on the above species ; and it seems likely that the species is normally a hyperparasite. Recently Professor G. C. Varley has reared a number of Pachyneuron concolor from samples of Enopeltis ? strelkovi Borchs. collected on Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) Beauv. at Wytham Wood, Berkshire, and at Blenheim, Oxfordshire. From these samples Eunotus cretaceus Walker, and five species of Encyrtidae (including Tvichomasthus PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 841 frontalis Alam and T. marsus Walker), and a Dipteron, Leucopis silesiaca Egger (Chamaemyiidae), were also reared. A number of the Eviopeltis ovisacs were isolated and their contents investigated. From a study of this material Professor Varley (1966) concludes that the Pachyneuron is a hyperparasite of the Eviopeltis through the species of Tvichomasthus. None of the Leucopis had been attacked by the Pachyneuron ; this is interesting because certain other species of this genus (crenufaniae Delucchi and vitodurense Del., q.v.) have been recorded as parasites of Chamaemyiidae. Evidently more research is needed on the precise relationships between various species of Pachyneuron and their hosts. Imagines of concolor are most frequent in the field from July until September in Britain, though some may be found earlier. Considerable variation exists in the reared series of concolor, and it may be useful to record this here. The females vary in length from 1-3 to 2 mm.; the head and thorax are most often bluish black or dark blue, but the colour ranges from dark blue-green to violet-black, the propodeum tending more towards greenish ; usually only the femora, especially the hind ones, are more or less infuscate, but sometimes the tibiae are also more or less infuscate, mainly so in some specimens from northern Britain ; the first segment of the antennal funicle varies from slightly transverse to very slightly longer than broad (in large specimens), and this segment is usually slightly shorter than the second segment, hardly two thirds as long as the second in very small specimens, occasionally as long as the second in large ones ; segments 2-5 are usually a little longer than broad (up to 1-5 times) though sometimes quadrate ; segment 6 is usually quadrate, occasionally very slightly transverse in small specimens, very slightly longer than broad in large ones ; the sensilla are relatively sparse, very sparse in small specimens ; the propodeum, above the supracoxal flange and mesad of the spiracular sulcus, has 1-3 hairs on each side ; the basal vein of the fore wing is pilose throughout, whilst the speculum is normally closed below, occasionally partly open. Males vary from 0-9 to 1-7 mm. in length ; the head and thorax vary from a fairly bright green, to dark blue, in the latter case the front of the head tends to remain green ; the femora are sometimes pale, some- times (especially the hind ones) more or less infuscate ; the tibiae occasionally have a fuscous antemedial band ; the first funicular segment varies from quadrate (small males) to 1-8 times as long as broad, this segment being sometimes as long as the second though usually slightly shorter ; the middle segments of the funicle vary from 1-5 to 2 times as long as broad ; the sixth is usually a little shorter than segments 2-5. Pachyneuron vitodurense Delucchi Pachyneuron ferrievei Delucchi, 1953 : 2-8, 3 9 [nec Mani, 1939]. Pachyneuron ferrievei Delucchi, 1954 : 246. Pachyneuron vitodurense Delucchi, 1955) : 137, 2 [n. n. for ferrievei Delucchi nec Mani). Type material (not seen). Delucchi (1953) stated that the type [data not specified] of ferrieve: had been placed in the European Laboratory of the Common- wealth Institute of Biological Control, with 4 paratypes in the Institut Royal des 842 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Brussels ; when he renamed the species as vitodurense, however, he stated (19550 : 137) ‘“‘ Typus (9) in meiner Sammlung ’”’. His original material (of ferrierer) came from Germany (Laimbach, near Munich, 4~-9.vli.1950 and Bavaria, Spock, 25.vi—18.vili.1g50) and from Switzerland (Zurich Canton, Seegraeben, v.1950). BRITAIN, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND. Biology. According to Delucchi (1954), this species is a parasite of Leucopomyia obscura Hal., Cremifania nigrocellulata Czerny and Leucopts griseola Fln., attacking the puparia ; these three species are predators of the Balsam Woolly aphid, Adelges (Dreyfusia) piceae (Ratzeburg). Delucchi (1954 : 244-246) has given a very interesting account of the predator-parasite complex associated with this aphid. Imagines of vitodurense have been taken in the field June—-September. Pachyneuron aphidis (Bouché) Diplolepis Aphidis Bouché, 1834 : 170, 3 @. Ptevomalus minutissimus Forster, 1841 : 28, 3. Pachyneuron pruni (Forster MS.) Walker, 1850 : 128, 2, syn. n. Pachyneuron aphidis (Bouché) Reinhard, 1859 : 195, 5 9. Pachyneuron aphidis (Bouché) ; Thomson, 1878 : 30, 3 Q. Pachyneuron aphidis (Bouché) ; Szelényi, 1942 : 99, 100, 101, ¢ 9. Pachyneuron minutissimum (Forster) Delucchi, 1955b : 129, 137-139, 3 &. Pachyneuron aphidis (Bouché) ; Boucek, 1961c : 12. Pachyneuron aphidis (Bouché) ; Boucek, 1965e : 18. Type material. Dzplolepis aphidis Bouché. Types probably no longer extant ; although I have made enquiries I have failed to locate them. Delucchi (19550 : 125) regarded aphidis as a ‘“‘ phantom species” ; but I am prepared to follow the interpretation of Reinhard (1859) which is accepted by Dr. Boucek. Pteromalus minutissimus Forster. Lectotype g (not seen) in Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, according to Delucchi (1955) : 138). I have examined some other specimens so named by Forster. P. minutissimus was synonymized with aphidis Bouché by Reinhard (1859 : 195). Pachyneuron pruni Walker. Walker described only the female. His collection contains a male and a female, neither of which agrees well with the description. However, in order to settle the name, I designate the female as LECTOTYPE ; it is labelled ‘‘ Named by F. Walker 1907-345 ”’ and, in Walker’s handwriting, “ Pruni IROCTSE. «. Widely distributed in EUROPE. Biology. Szelényi (1942 : 99) gave a list of the recorded hosts of aphidis, all of them either aphid species or their parasites, chiefly Braconidae Aphidiinae, the Chalcidoid Aphelinus mali Hald. recorded a few times. It has also been recorded (Secrétariat, etc., Ig6I : 215, 230) under the name minutissimum (Forster) as a parasite of Myzus persicae Sulz. and of Brevicoryne brassicae L. in Holland ; and (Secrétariat, etc., 1963 : 343, 372) as a parasite of Toxoptera auranti Fonsc. in PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 843 Israel. I have been informed that in the latter case it was a hyperparasite. One suspects that it may normally act as a hyperparasite. Ferriére and Voukassovich (1928 : 28) found that in the vicinity of Belgrade it was hyperparasitic on eight species of Braconidae Aphidiinae which were attacking various aphids on different plants ; they also suggested that aphidis might sometimes be a hyper-hyperparasite. There are other host-records for aphidis in the literature, but those mentioned above are the best authenticated. In western Europe imagines are most frequent in the field in July and August. EUNEURA Walker Euneura Walker, 1844a : 331. Type-species : E. augavus Walker, by monotypy. Eunevra Agassiz, 1846 : 427 [invalid emendation]. Hypsicamara Forster, 1856: 52, 54. Type-species: H. rvatzeburgi Reinhard, 1859, by sub- sequent reference. Hypsicamera Dalla Torre, 1898 : 168 [invalid emendation]. Euneura Walker ; Ashmead, 1904 : 329. Euneura Walker ; Schmeideknecht, 1909 : 372, 374. Hypsicamera [sic] Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 372, 373-274. Hypsicamera {sic] Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 247. Eunera Walker ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 247. Euneura Walker ; Muesebeck e¢ al., 1951 : 541. Euneura Walker ; Delucchi, 19556 : 142-144. Euneuva Walker ; Peck, 1963 : 621-622. Euneura Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 39. Hypsicamara Forster was synonymized with Euneura by Peck (in Muesebeck et al., 1951 : 541). As will be seen from my keys to the genera of Pteromalinae above, the differences between Euneura and Pachyneuron are slight. Perhaps Euneura may eventually be regarded as a subgenus of Pachyneuron though for the present I consider it best to keep them separate. KEY TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) I Clypeus, face, and frons (Text-fig. 685) with coarser and conspicuously strigose sculpture, the longitudinal striae being strong, the transverse walls of the areoles weak. Fore wing with distal half or more of basal cell pilose ; speculum nearly always closed below, occasionally partly open ; marginal vein hardly thicker at apex than at base . ; é augarus Walker (p. 844) — Clypeus, face, and frons (Text- fig. 686) i Gace sculpture: the longitudinal striae relatively less strong, the transverse walls of the areoles more distinct, than in augavus. Fore wing with basal cell bare, or with at most 4 isolated hairs distally ; speculum open below ; marginal vein about 1-5 times as thick at apex as at base laeviuscula sp. n. (p. 844) The 3g of augarus has the same characters as those noted above for its 9 ; that of laeviuscula sp. n. is not yet described. 844 Mi. Wises a Van (GRAN Ae Euneura augarus Walker (Text-fig. 685) Miscogaster Sopolis Walker, 18396 : 32, 5, syn. n. Euneura Augarus Walker, 18444 : 331, 9. Hypsicamara Ratzeburgi Reinhard, 1859 : 195, 5d @. Euneura augurus [sic] Walker ; Delucchi, 1955b : 144, 9. Although the name sopolis Walker has priority, I retain augarus as it is well known and is the type-species of the genus. Type material. Miscogaster sopolis Walker. LECTOTYPE (probably holotype) in Greville coll., labelled “‘ Miscog. sopolis, Wk. n.sp. Fide Wk. Edinb.” and “ Greville 1936-50. 289”’. Euneura augarus Walker. LECTOTYPE (possibly holotype) 9, Type Hym. 5. 862, labelled “ Type Gahan 1927” and, in Walker’s handwriting, “ Euneura Augarus ” Hypsicamara ratzeburgi Reinhard. Location of type material not known (possibly Zoologisches Museum, Berlin). From the description this species would appear to be the same as Euneura augarus. Britain, Norway (Alten), GERMANY, CENTRAL EUROPE. Biology. Reared in Germany from Cinaropsis (Cinara) pruinosa Htg. and Cupressobium juniperinum Mordv. (Hem., Aphididae) the material determined by Dr. Delucchi (Secrétariat, etc., 1963 : 343, 370). Imagines July—Sept. Euneura laeviuscula sp. n. (Text-fig. 686) 9.—Body blue-green or greenish blue, sometimes with some bronze reflections on dorsum of thorax. Antennal scape usually testaceous, occasionally partly infuscate ; pedicellus brown, flagellum fuscous. Coxae concolorous with thorax ; femora mainly fuscous, hind ones nearly wholly black with a metallic tinge ; rest of legs testaceous, the mid and hind tibiae usually slightly infuscate medially, occasionally mainly so. Wings subhyaline, venation brown. Length 1-6—2°3 mm. Similar to augarus Walker (redescribed by Delucchi, 19550 : 144), but differs in the charac- ters given in my key tospecies. Anterior margin of clypeus (Text-fig. 686) shallowly emarginate, in most specimens of augavus deeply emarginate as in Text-fig. 685. Basal cell, not counting the basal vein, bare or with at most 4 hairs, open below or closed only in its distal third, in augavus entirely or mainly closed below. 6.—A specimen from Italy (Gran Paradiso, Tignet, 27.xi.1958) probably belongs here, but as it lacks the head I cannot describe it. Holotype 2. ItaLy : Gran Paradiso, Valsavaranche, 17.vi.1958 (A. Gotdanich), in Narodni Museum, Prague. Paratypes. Irary : Livionaz, I 9, 30.x.1958 (A. Goidanich) ; Firenze, Viala dei colli, 1 9, 19.ix.1957 (A. Gotdanich), in Narodni Museum, Prague. CZECHOSLO- VAKIA : Bohemia, Dolni Postevna, 1 9, 14-16.vil.1959 (A. Hoffer), in Graham collection. Biology. Unknown. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 845 GYGAXIA Delucchi Gygaxia Delucchi, 1955b : 145. Type-species : G. saetosa Delucchi, by monotypy and original designation. This genus is very close to Euneura Walker but differs in having unusually strong thick bristles on the vertex, pronotal collar, mesoscutum, scutellum, and apex of the gaster ; apical margin of fore wing lacking cilia, postmarginal vein only about 1-2 times as long as the stigmal vein, and the latter 1-35-1-4 times as long as the marginal vein. Gygaxia saetosa Delucchi Gygaxia saetosa Delucchi, 1955) : 145-146, 9. Type material. Holotype 9, Germany, Haimhausen near Munich, 27.vi.1948 (Wichmann), in Muséum d’ Histoire naturelle, Geneva. The male of saetosa is unknown. GERMANY. Biology. eared as a hyperparasite of an aphid of the subfamily Chaitophorinae, which had been parasitized by Coelonotus pini (Hal.) (Braconidae), on Acer pseudoplatanus L. (Delucchi, 1955) : 147). CORUNA Walker Coruna Walker, 1833 : 371, 379. Type-species : C. clavata Walker, by monotypy. Coryna Walker, 1846 : 29 [invalid emendation ; pre-occupied]. Pachycrepis Forster, 1856 : 51, 54, 59 [n. n. for Coruna Walker, supposedly pre-occupied]. Pachycrepis Forster ; Thomson, 1878 : 18, 26. Pachycrepis Forster ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 371, 372. Pachycrepis Forster ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 242. Coruna Walker ; Peck et al., 1964 : 36. Coruna clavata Walker Coruna clavata Walker, 1833 : 380, ¢ 9. Chrysolampus lagenarius Nees, 1834 : 132, d., Syn. n. Coruna clavata Walker ; Haliday, 1841-1842 : v, pl. C, fig. 2, 3 9. Gastrancistvus Hierocles Walker, 1848 : 105, 158, 5, syn. n. Coryna dubia Buckton, 1879 : 86, pl. 64, syn. n. Coruna clavata Walker ; Peck, 1963 : 620. Type material. Coruna clavata Walker. In BM(NH) there are 3 specimens in the British section, none original material. In the foreign section there are 2 § and 2 9 which are clearly the syntypes (misplaced). From the latter a female is selected as LECTOTYPE ;; it is card-pointed (remounted) and bears a Waterhouse label. Chrysolampus lagenarius Nees. Typed destroyed ; I believe, from the description, that it was the same as Coruna clavata Walker. Gastrancistrus hierocles Walker. One male, LECTOTYPE ; it bears a printed label ““ GASTRANCISTRUS Hierocles ”’. 846 M. W. R. DE‘V. GRAHAM Coryna dubia Buckton. No material found in BM(NH) ; a note by Claude Morley, pinned in the space reserved for this species, states ‘‘ Does not appear to be in coll. Buckton (in Brit. Mus.) C.M. iii.og’’. From the brief description, and the figure, I think it can hardly have been anything but clavata Walker. Widely distributed in Europe, as far as U.S.S.R. ; NortH AMERICA. Biology. This species is a hyperparasite of aphids through various species of Braconidae Aphidiinae. Ferriére and Voukassovitch (1928 : 28) recorded it from Serbia as a hyperparasite of ‘ Macrostphonella absinthi Roch ” [? = Macrosiphoniella absinthi (L.)] through Ephedrus lacertosus Hal.; they did not obtain it from any of the other Aphidiine species which they observed during their investigations. Dunn (1949 : 103) recorded it from Aphidiinae attacking Myzus persicae (Sulz.), Macrosi- phum solanifolit (Ashm.) [=euphorbiae (Thomas) ], and Aulacorthrum solani (Kalt.) ; he stated that the Coruna larvae attack the Aphidiinae whilst these are still immature within their aphid host and feed either externally upon their victims, from inside the cocoons of the latter, or internally as endoparasites. They pupate within the cocoons and the adults emerge through jagged holes cut through the dorsal cuticle of the dead aphids. Maud Haviland (1922 : 321-338) described the post-embryonic development of Pachycrepis [Coruna] clavata, which she obtained in considerable numbers from cocoons of Ap/fidius ervi Hal., a parasite of Macrosiphum urticae Kalt. [2 Microlophium evansi (Theob.)] on Urtica dioica L. She concluded that the Coruna had at least two generations per annum, the exact number not ascertained, and probably dependent on the number of hosts available. In Britain I have taken adults in the field at various dates between May and October. C. clavata has also been recorded in North America as a hyperparasite on Macrosiphum solanifolia (Ashm.) and Chaitophorus spp. (see Peck, 1963). PACHYCREPOIDEUS Ashmead Pachycrepoideus Ashmead, 1904 : 329. Type-species : P. dubius Ashmead, by monotypy. Pachycrepoideus Ashmead ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 371, 372-373. Pachycrepoideus Ashmead ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 242-243. Anisopteromalia Bouéek, 1954 :57. Type-species: A. crassinervis Boucéek, by original designation. Pachycrepoideus Ashmead ; Delucchi, 1955) : 139-141. Pachycrepoideus Ashmead ; Peck, 1963 : 620. Pachycrepoideus Ashmead ; Peck ef al., 1964 : 39. Anisopteromalia was placed in synonymy with Pachycrepoideus by Boucek himself (1957 : 165). Pachycrepoideus vindemiae (Rondani) Encyrtus vindemiae Rondani, 1875 : 145-148, [not seen]. Ptevomalus vindemmiae Rondani, 1875 : 3, figs. 4—6 [off-print. ] Encyrtus vindemmiae Rondani, 1876 : 84-85 [emendation]. Pachycrepoideus dubius Ashmead, 1904 : 329, 383. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 847 Amntsopteromalia crassinervis Bouéek, 1954 : 57-60, 2. Pachycrepoideus elongata Delucchi, 1955) : 141, 9, Syn. n. Pachycrepoideus vindemiae (Rondani) ; Peck, 1963 : 620-621. Type material. Encyrtus vindemiae Rondani. Lectotype 2 in Museum “ La Specola ’’, Florence, according to Delucchi (1955b : 441) ; I have not seen it. Pachycrepoideus dubius Ashmead. Type 9, U.S.A., Michigan, East Lancing, in U.S.N.M. (not seen). The species was synonymized with vindemiae by Delucchi (1955b : 139) ; it was not described by Ashmead but the name is validated by the generic diagnosis in his key (1904 : 329). Amsopteromalia crassinervis Bouéek. Holotype 92, Czechoslovakia, Hradec Kralové-VékoSe, 7.ix.1952, in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 3007). Bouéek himself later synonymized crassinervis with vindemiae (1957, : 165). Pachycrepoideus elongata Delucchi. Holotype 9, Morocco, Rabat, 30.x.1928 (J. Mimeur), in Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, Geneva. Delucchi distinguished it from vindemiae on the basis of its relative longer funicular segments and the more strongly developed tubercle at the base of the propodeum. In a series of vindemiae in BM(NH) reared from puparia of Musca sp. at Giza, Egypt, some females have the antennae and propodeum as in typical vindemiae, others are intermediate in the structure of these parts between vindenuae and elongata ; whilst one large specimen has the funicular segments virtually as long as in the type of elongata, and has a large tubercle on the propodeum. On the other hand there are females in Geneva and BM(NH), reared from the same host as elongata (Ceratitis capitata Wied.), which are typical vindemiae in the structure of the antennae and propodeum. I consider, therefore, that the type of elongata is just an unusually large specimen of vindemiae. The size, form of the antennal flagellum, and the development of the propodeal tubercle, vary considerably even in European females. The body-length varies from 1-0 to 2-3 mm. In very large females the propodeal tubercle is strongly developed, as in the type of elongata, in very small ones it may be virtually absent. Larger females have the antennal flagellum cylindrical, usually with the proximal segments of the funicle longer than broad, whilst occasionally even the last funicular segment may be very slightly elongate. Very small females tend to have the flagellum subclavate, a little attenuated basad, with the first funicular segment sometimes very slightly transverse and the distal segments distinctly so. All intermediate forms occur. Cosmopolitan. Biology. Recorded as a pupal parasite of numerous Diptera, including species of Musca, Fannia and Hylemyia (Muscidae), Calliphora, Lucilia and Phormia (Calliphoridae), Drosophila (Drosophilidae), Piophila (Piophilidae), Rhagoletis and Ceratitis (Tephritidae=Trypetidae) (see Nostvik, 1954 : 195-204 ; Peck, 1963 : 621). Ngstvik (1954) gave an account of the biology of vindemiae [under the name dubius Ashmead]. He noted (ibid. : 197-198) that parthenogenesis occurs ; progeny resulting from unfertilized females were all males. Imagines appear in Britain May—June and Aug.—September. 848 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM PLATECRIZOTES Ferriére Platecrizotes Ferriére, 1934 : 90-92. Type-species : P. sudanensis Ferriére, by monotypy. Platecrizotes Ferriere ; Bouéek, 1963 : 503-505. Platecrizotes Ferriere ; Bouéek, 1964a : 261. This genus was originally described in Pireninae, but Bouéek (1963 : 503) considered that it might be rather closely allied to Pachycrepoideus Ashmead. The type-species is from Africa (Anglo-Egyptian Sudan), but recently Bouéek discovered a new species in Europe. Platecrizotes europaeus Boucek Platecrizotes europaeus Boucéek, 1964a : 262-263, 9. Type material. Holotype 2, Moldavian S.S.R., Vadu-lui-Vody, 29.viii.1963 (Boucek) in Narodni Museum, Prague (Cat. no. 25768). POLAND, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. Biology. Reared in Poland from puparia of a Dipterous genus near Drosophila Fln., hidden in leaves of rosette-galls of the Cecidomyiid Rhabdophaga rosania (Lw.) on Salix purpurea L. (see Boucek, 1964a : 263). CRATOMINAE This subfamily, as defined in the present work, includes only one genus, Cratomus Dalman, which is easily recognized by its characteristic head (Text-fig. 47) having crests on the face and frons, in combination with the structure of the antennae. The latter have the formula 11083 ; between the pedicellus and the clava there are 8 segments none of which is truly anelliform. Forster (1956 : 51) included Cratomus (=Caratomus) in his family Miscogastroidae. Thomson (1876a : 217) formed for it a subtribe Caratomides of his tribe Pteromalina. Ashmead (1904 : 327-332) regarded Cratomus and Paracaratomus as forming a tribe within the subfamily Sphegigasterinae of Pteromalidae. Peck (in Muesebeck et al., 1951: 541 ; and 1963: 622) follows Ashmead, but (rightly) excludes Paracaratomus from Cratomini. The structure of the head, together with that of the antennae, seems to make the group distinct enough to be regarded as a subfamily. Amongst European Pteromalinae, the nearest approach to Cratomus seems to be Kaleva corynocera Grah., which resembles it in many features of its thorax and gaster ; it differs considerably, however, in the form of its head, antennae, and wings. Possibly the resemblances do not indicate a real affinity between these two genera. Paracaratomus Ashmead (1894) : 335), according to the characters of its type-species P. cephalotes Ashmead, is not a Cratomine. It belongs to Miscogaster- inae, probably to the tribe Sphegigasterini as defined in the present work. It differs from Cratomus in lacking crests on the head, and in having 2 anelli in the antennae, whilst the gastral petiole is much more elongate than in Cratomus, the fore wing PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 849 has the marginal vein about 3 times as long as the stigmal vein, and the postmarginal vein is long. Peck (1963 : 611) placed Paracaratomus in Miscogasterini. CRATOMUS Dalman Perilampus sgen. Cratomus Dalman, 1820 : 173, 177, pl. 7, figs. 32-33. Type-species : Cynips megacephala Fabricius, 1793 by monotypy. Caratomus Dalman, 1823 : 403 [invalid emendation]. Cratomus Dalman ; Walker, 1833 : 367. Caratomus Dalman ; Thomson, 1878 : 44. Cavatomus Dalman ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 384. Caratomus Dalman ; Mercet, 1924 : 426-429. Cavatomus Dalman ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 242. Cratomus Dalman ; Peck et al., 1964 : 39. Three species occur in North America, including megacephalus (F.) ; but only the latter species is known from Europe. Cratomus megacephalus (Fabricius) (Text-fig. 47) Cynips megacephala Fabricius, 1793 : 103, no. 17. Perilampus (Cratomus) megacephalus (Fabricius) Dalman, 1820 : 177, pl. 7, figs. 32, 33. Cratomus megacephalus (Fabricius) ; Walker, 1833 : 368, 3. Cratomus nigripes Walker, 1833 : 368, Syn. n. Cavatomus megacephalus (Fabricius) ; Thomson, 1878 : 44-46, ¢ 9. Caratomus megalocephalus Schulz, 1906 : 144 [invalid emendation]. Cavatomus megacephalus (Fabricius) ; Mercet ; 1924 : 426-429, figs. 2, 3. Cratomus megacephalus (Fabricius) ; Peck, 1963 : 622. Type material. Cynips megacephala Fabricius. Syntypes, two specimens, one in Universitetets Zoologiske Museum, Copenhagen [LECTOTYPE], the other in the private collection of Fabricius in Kiel University. The specimen in Copenhagen was selected a lectotype in 1962 by Hedqvist and I now validate his selection ; it is labelled “‘ Caratomus megacephalus det. Hedqvist 1962 ”’. Cratomus nigripes Walker. Walker published Stephens’ manuscript description of nigripes, based upon specimens which Stephens had captured in his garden at the Hermitage, South Lambeth, London. Stephens’ material of Cvatomus is in BM(NH) and comprises 5 specimens. Three are labelled as having stood under the name megacephalus in his collection. The other two (males) are labelled “Cratomus ater. stood under this name in Stephens’ collection’’. One of these males, which is card-pointed and staged on a strip of pith, also bears a manuscript label “‘ater’’ ; I designate this specimen LECTOTYPE of Cvatomus migripes Walker, as it agrees well enough with the description. It has subhyaline wings, whilst the legs are dark enough to be described as “ black’, they are black with the tarsi fuscous, only the base of the first segment of the mid and hind tarsi being pale. The name might well have been altered from ater to nigripes before publication. 850 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM BRITAIN, FRANCE, SPAIN, SWEDEN, GERMANY, U.S.A. Biology. Virtually nothing appears to be known of the biology of megacephalus. When first describing it, Fabricius (1793 : 103) mentioned that it had been found in old wood (“ Habitat in Daniae ligno antiquo Dom. Lund ’’)._ Walker (1833 : 368) stated that it had been taken “ on palings ; near London ’’, and Stephens (1846 : 8) says ‘‘ Found occasionally on new palings near London’’. On 29.vi.1958 I captured two females of megacephalus indoors, in a window of my house in Oxford ; and on 6.vi.1960 I watched a female walking slowly about the wooden gate of our garden, and investigating cracks in its surface. Imagines appear in June and July., Mercet (1924) gave good figures of the head, and the female, of megacephalus. COLOTRECHNINAE Colotrechninae contains a single genus Colotrechnus, whose precise affinities are rather difficult to decide. It was originally placed by Thomson (1878 : 46) in a subtribe Colotrechnides of his tribe Pteromalina [most of his subtribes are roughly equivalent to the subfamilies recognized in the present work]. Ashmead (1904 : 281, 285) put it in Cleonymidae and established for it a subfamily Colotrechninae, although the genus was in fact known to him only from Thomson’s description. Schmiedeknecht (1909 : 270, 289) made it a tribe Colotrechnini of the Miscogaster- inae. In his key to the Czechoslovak Pteromalidae, Boucek (zm Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 41) placed Colotrechnus in a subfamily Colotrechninae. I agree with the latter view. When compared with the other subfamilies of Pteromalidae, Colotrechninae appear to me to be nearest Pteromalinae, from which they differ chiefly in the characters given in my key to subfamilies. The forward position of the axillae and the shape of the scutellum in Colotrechnus do not occur in other Pteromalids, but rather resemble these structures in some Eulophidae. COLOTRECHNUS Thomson Colotrechnus Thomson, 1878 : 46. Type-species : C. subcoevuleus Thomson by monotypy. Colotvechnus Thomson ; Schmiedeknecht, 1909 : 289. Zanonia Masi, 1921 : 184-186. Type-species : Z. viridis Masi by monotypy. Colotvechnus Thomson ; Nikol’skaya, 1952 : 209. Colotrechnus Thomson ; Delucchi, 1956a : 233-237. Colotrechnus Thomson ; Peck e¢ al., 1964 : 41-42. Zanonia Masi was placed in synonymy with Colotrechnus Thomson by Delucchi (1956a : 233), who revised the European species. Burks (1958 : 13-14) is not sure whether this action is justified but tentatively regards Zanonia as being of subgeneric rank. Personally I do not think that the differences between the respective type-species are of generic value. KEy TO EUROPEAN SPECIES (FEMALES) t Antenna with segments of funicle longer than broad, or at most the distal segments quadrate. Disc of fore wing usually with a yellowish or brownish cloud. Body PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 851 varying from dark blue, sometimes with weak greenish reflections in places, to violet subcoeruleus Thomson (p. 851) — Antenna with segments of funicle transverse. Fore wing immaculate. Body dark Breen ~ : : : : ‘ : : ; : viridis (Masi) (p. 851) (MALEs) 1 Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum much greater than breadth of head ; segments of funicle longer than broad, the first usually more than twice, the fifth usually about 1-5 times, as long as broad subcoeruleus Thomson (p. 851) — Antenna with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum not greater than breadth of head ; segments of funicle, except sometimes the first, at least slightly broader than long. : ; : : ; F : : . viridis (Masi) (p. 851) Colotrechnus subcoeruleus Thomson (Text-figs. 45, 46, 58) Colotrechnus subcoeruleus Thomson, 1878 : 46, 3 8. Colotrechnus subcoeruleus Thomson ; Delucchi, 1956a : 234-236, 3 9. Type material. Syntypes from Oland, Gottland and Skane. Lectotype desig- nated by Delucchi (1956a : 236) ; ag from Oland. BRITAIN (Bouéek, unpublished), SwEDEN, AuSTRIA, ITALY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Biology. Unknown. Colotrechnus viridis (Masi) Zanonia viridis Masi, 1921 : 187-189, 9°. Coloivechnus viridis (Masi) Delucchi, 1956a : 234, 236-237, ¢ 8. Type material. Type 2, Libya, Bengasi, v.1g06 (V. Zanon), in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa. CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MOLDAVIAN S.S.R. ; LIBYA. Biology. Unknown. Species wrongly placed in Pteromalidae Gastrancistrus Iriarte Walker, 1848 : 105, 159, g. Type material. 1 g, LECTO- TYPE ; Waterhouse label. It is a § of the Entedontine species Chrysocharis idyia (Walker) syn. n. G. Vonones Walker, 1839, Mon. Chalciditum, 2 : 67, 3 (Brazil) (Type Hym. 5. 663). This belongs to the Eulophid genus Chrysocharis! comb. n. Pteromalus cruciatus Ratzeburg, 1848 : 205, ¢. Holotype presumably destroyed ; Ratzeburg mentioned that it lacked the head. From his description, and figure of the propodeum (1848 : 3, fig. 8) there is little doubt that cruciatus was a male of the Eulophid genus Pnigalio, possibly of agraules (Walker) ; since the holotype 852 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM lacked head and antennae, Ratzeburg’s mistake in placing it in Pteromalidae is not surprising. Pteromalus Ortha Walker, 1839 : 223, g. Type material: 1 g, LECTOTYPE, Waterhouse label. It is a § of Eupelmus urozonus Dalman, syn.n. Nomina nuda 1. Megorismus Aon Walker, 1848 : 109. (See note under Leptomeraporus nicaee.) 2. Pteromalus Cytoeum Walker, 1848: 125. This is represented in Walker’s collection by a § Habrocytus, but was never described. 3. Pteromalus festucae (Walker) Moncreaff, 1871 ; see Moncreaff, 1871 and Walker, 1871 : 2436. Walker merely stated “‘ Mr. Moncreaff .. . reared Decatoma mellea, Pteromalus fulviventris and P. festucae (n.sp.) from galls on Festuca’’. He also appended a note in Moncreaff’s paper, stating that one specimen of P. festucae had been reared from stems of Festuca ovina. The name is cited without comment in all the catalogues but I doubt if it is valid, since there is no description and the data given in the papers cited can hardly be construed as indicating the “ work” of the species. I have found no specimen labelled festucae in Walker’s collection. One of three cards marked “‘ Moncreaff’’ standing under Pteromalus imbutus Walker bears a 9 of Habrocytus microps sp.n. which might have been the original specimen of festucae, but there is no proof of this. REFERENCES Acassiz, L. J. R. 1846. Nomenclatoy Zoologicus, continens nomina systematica generum Animalium tam viventium quam fossilium. Fasc. 9. Hymenoptera. 36 pp. Solothurn. AHLBERG, O. 1925. Zikadenparasiten unter den Strepsipteren und Hymenopteren. Meddn CentAnst. FérsVas. JovdbyOmrad., Stockh. (Ent.) 46 : 79-86, 6 figs. ASHMEAD, W. H. 1894. A synopsis of the Spalangiinae of North America. Pyoc. ent. Soc. Wash. 3 : 27-37. 1894a. Descriptions of thirteen new parasitic Hymenoptera, bred by Prof. F. M. Webster. J. Cineinn. Soc. nat. Hist. 17 : 45-55, 2 pls. 1894b. Descriptions of new Parasitic Hymenoptera. Tvans. Am. ent. Soc. 21 : 318-344. 1894c. In Riley, C. V., et al. Report upon the Parasitic Hymenoptera of the Island of St. Vincent. J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zool.) 25 : 56-254. 1896. Descriptions of New Parasitic Hymenoptera. Tvans. Am. ent. Soc. 23 : 179-234. 1897. Notes on some European parasites of the Hessian-fly, Cecidomyia destructor Say, and other insects bred by Dr. Paul Marchal, the French government entomologist. Psyche, Camb. 8 : 133-137. 1899. On the genera of the Cleonymidae. Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 4 : 200-206. 1901. Hymenoptera Parasitica. Fauna hawaii 1 (3) : 277-364, 2 pls. 1904. Classification of the Chalcid Flies or the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Mem. Carneg. Mus. 1 (4) : i-xi, 225-551, 39 pls. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 853 AskKEw, R. R. 1959. A new species of Hobbya (Hym., Pteromalidae) from Britain. Ento- mologist’'s mon. Mag. 95 : 69-70, 7 figs. 1961. Some biological notes on the Pteromalid (Hym., Chalcidoidea) genera Caenacis Forster, Cecidostiba Thomson and Hobbya Delucchi, with descriptions of two new species. Entomophaga 6 : 57-67, 13 figs. 1961a. Ovmocerus latus Walker and O. veynalis Walker (Hym., Pteromalidae) parasites in Cynipid Oak Galls. Entomologist 94 (1179) : 193-195, I fig. 1961b. A study of the biology of species of the genus Mesopolobus Westwood (Hymen- optera : Pteromalidae) associated with cynipid galls on oak. Tvans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 113 : 155-173, 11 figs. 1962. A new species of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera : Chalcidoidea) reared from galls of Pontania viminalis (L.) (Hymenoptera : Tenthredinidae). Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (B) 31 : 1-3. 1962a. An unusual Host of Habritys brevicovnis (Ratzeburg) (Hym. Pteromalidae). Entomologist 95 (1188) : 126. 1963. Some Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) reared from galls of Pediaspis aceris (Forster) (Hym., Cynipidae). Entomologist 96 (1207) : 273-276, 8 figs. 1965. The Holarctic species of Cyrtogastey Walker and Polycystus Westwood (Hym., Pteromalidae) including the description of a new species of Cyvtogastey from Britain. Entomophaga 10 : 179-187, 12 figs. Ayyar, T. V., RAMAKRISHNA & Mani, M.S. 1937. On three Chalcidoid parasites of Cotton borer-Beetles from South India. Rec, Indian Mus. 39 : 125-127. BaiLEy, R. 1960. Description of the female of Meraporus tenuicornis Graham and its habitat, with a brief redescription of M. graminicola Walker (Hym. Pteromalidae). Entomologist 93 : 40-43, 5 figs. BakkE, A. 1955. Insects reared from spruce cones in Northern Norway 1951. Norsk ent. Tidsskr. 9 : 152-212, 31 figs. 1956. Two little known species of Chalcid-flies from spruce cones in Norway. Norsk ent. Tidsskr. 10 : 43-47, 2 figs. 1963. Studies on the spruce-cone Insects Laspeyresia stvobilella (L.) (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae), Kaltenbachiola styvobi (Winn.) (Diptera: Itonidae) and their parasites (Hymenoptera) in Norway. Meddyr norske SkogsforsVess. 19 : 13-151, 43 figs., 6 tables. BAKKENDORF, O. 1955. Notes on Icelandic and Greenlandic Chalcidoideous Hymenoptera. Ent. Meddr 27 : 135-162, 41 figs. Ba.pur, W. V. 1937. Bionomic Notes on the Common Bagworm, Thyridopteryx ephemerae- formis Haw., (Lepid., Psychidae) and its insect enemies (Hym., Lepid.). Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 39 : 169-184. Barnes, H. F. 1939. The Chrysanthemum Midge. J/ R. hort. Soc. 64 : 503-506. Barrass, R. 1960. The courtship behaviour of Mormoniella vitripennis Walk. (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae). Behaviour 15 : 185-209. 1960a. The effect of age on the performance of an innate behaviour pattern in Mor- moniella vitvipennis Walk. (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae). Behaviour 15 : 210-218. 1961. A quantitative study of the behaviour of the male Mormoniella vitripennis (Walker) (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) towards two constant stimulus-situations. Behaviour 18 : 288-312. BEAVER, R. A. 1965. Two Braconids and a Pteromalid (Hymenoptera) new to Britain. Entomologist 98 (1229) : 238-240. BLANCHARD, E. 1840. Hlistoive naturelle des insectes 3. 672 pp. Paris. Biuneck, H. 1944. Zur Kenntnis der Hyperparasiten von Pieris brassicae L. Z. angew. Ent. 30 : 418-491. Boueman, C. H. 1858. Ko6nskillnad hos Pteromaliner. Ofvers. K. VetenskAkad. Férh. 15 : 58-59, 1 pl. 854 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM Boropin, D. N. 1915. [Cephus pygmaeus, L., on the western experimental field of the Agri- cultural Experimental Station of Stavropol, Caucasus.] [In Russian]. Khozaijstvo nos. 33-36 : 876-883. Boucéex, Z. 1952. ‘“‘Skupina Cea”’ z €eledi Pteromalidae (The ‘“‘ group Cea”’ of the Chalci- doid family Pteromalidae). Sb. ent. Odd. nav. Mus. Praze 28 (407) : 157-164, 4 figs. 1954. Chalcidologické poznamky I, Pteromalidae, Torymidae, Eurytomidae, Chalcididae (Hymenoptera). [In Czech with English descriptions]. Sb. ent. Odd. ndv. Mus. Praze 29 (426) : 49-80, 12 figs. 1954a. Hymenopterous parasites of Pityophthorus polonicus Karp. [In Czech and English]. Roczn. Nauk les., 11 : 83-92. 1955. Chalcidologické poznamky III, Torymidae, Pteromalidae, Perilampidae a Eucharitidae. [In English and Czech]. Sb. ent. Odd. név. Mus. Praze 30 (462) : 305-330, 9 figs. 1956. Poznamky o Ceskoslovenskych Perilampidae (Notes on the Czechoslovak Perilam- pidae). Sb. faun. Praci ent. Odd. néy. Mus. Praze 1 : 83-89, 9 figs. 1957. Chalcidological notes IV, Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Cas. ésl. Spol. ent. 53 : 155-165, 8 figs. 19574. A new genus of the Tvigonoderus-group of the Hymenopterous family Ptero- malidae. Cas. ésl. Spol. ent. 54 : 157-161, 3 figs. 19570. Uber einige forstwirtschaftlich wichtige Pteromaliden aus der Tschechoslowakei. Sb. faun. Praci ent. Odd. név. Mus. Praze 2 : 75-81, 3 figs. 1957¢. Perilampidae and Pteromalidae. In Kii¢é Zviveny CSR (Key to the Fauna of Czechoslovakia ; in Czech) 2 : 219-242. 1958. Eine Cleonyminen-Studie ; Bestimmungsstabelle der Gattungen mit Beschrei- bungen und Notizen, eingeschlossen einige Eupelmidae (Hym. Chalcidoidea). Sb. ent. Odd. nav. Mus. Praze 32 : 353-386, 40 figs. 1958a. To the taxonomy of the European species of Schizonotus and Caenocrepis— parasites of economic importance—with notes, and some synonymy in Pteromalidae and Eurytomidae (Hym.). Sb. ent. Odd. ndv. Mus. Praze 32 : 395-404, 5 figs. 1959. Tvichomalus lonchaeae, n.sp. (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae), a parasite of Lon- chaeidae (Diptera) in Germany. Sb. ent. Odd. név. Mus. Praze 33 : 37-40, I fig. 1961. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Pteromaliden-fauna von Mitteleuropa, mit Beschrei- bungen neuer Arten und Gattungen (Hymenoptera). Sb. ent. Odd. nav. Mus. Praze 34 : 55-95, 33 figs. 1961a. A new Dirhicnus—parasite of Conopids in adult bumble-bees (Hym., Ptero- malidae). Sb. ent. Odd. ndy. Mus. Praze 34 : 445-449, 1 fig. 1961b. A new species of Notanisus Walk. from Georgia, USSR (Hym., Pteromalidae). Sb. ent. Odd. nav. Mus. Praze 34 : 471-474, 8 figs. 1961c. Notes on the Chalcid fauna (Chalcidoidea) of Moldavian SSR. [In Russian with English summary]. Tvudj moldav. nauchno-issled. Inst. Sadov. Vinogr. Vinod. 7 : 5-30, I fig. 1963. A taxonomic study in Spalangia Latr. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Sb. ent. Odd. név. Mus. Praze 35 : 429-512, 81 figs. 1964. Die europaischen Arten der Gattung Callitula Spinola (Hymenoptera : Ptero- malidae). Entomophaga 9 : 9-15, 6 figs. 1964a. On three little known genera of Pteromalidae, with descriptions of three new European species (Hymenoptera). Cas. ésl. Spol. ent. 61 : 253-264, Io figs. 1964b. Proctotrupoidea und Chalcidoidea aus den Resten der RATZEBURG-Sammlung. Beity. Ent. 14 : 663-673. 1965. Description of a new Pteromalid genus with two species from Algeria and Czechoslovakia (Hym., Chalc.). Sb. ent. Odd. ndv. Mus. Praze 36 : 373-376. 1965a. Description of Nikolskayana mirabilis n.g. n.sp., a new bark-beetle parasite from Soviet Central Asia (Hym., Pteromalidae). Sb. ent. Odd. nav. Mus. Praze 36 : 377-381. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 855 BouceEk, Z. 19656. Synonymic and taxonomic notes on some Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera), with corrections of my own mistakes. Sb. ent. Odd. nav. Mus. Praze 36 : 543-554. 1965c. Descriptions of new species of Spalangia Latr. (Hym., Chalc.) from Africa and South America, with notes on some known species. Sb. ent. Odd. nav. Mus. Praze 36: 593-602. 1965d. Some interesting records of chalcid flies from Great Britain, with the description of Bugacia classeyi n.sp. (Hymenoptera : Pteromalidae). LEntomologist’s Gaz. 16 : 83-86. 1965e. A review of the Chalcidoid fauna of the Moldavian SSR, with descriptions of new species (Hymenoptera). Sb. faun. Praci ent. Odd. néyv. Mus. Praze 11 : 5-37. 1966a. Die europaischen Arten der Gattung Anogmus Forst. (Hymenoptera : Ptero- malidae), Parasiten von Insekten in Nadelholzzapfen. Anz. schdédlingsk., 39 (4) : 52-57. 1967. New reared palaearctic Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera). Sb. ent. Odd. nér. Mus. Praze 37 : 635-647, 13 figs. Bouéek, Z., Ptrpdn, J. & SEpIvyY, J. 1953. Notizen iiber die parasitischen Hymenopteren des Fichtenborkenkafers Ips typographus L. in CSR. [In Czech with German summary]. Zool. ent. Listy 2 : 145-158, 4 pls. Bovéek, Z. & Sepivy, J. 1954. Die Hymenopteren-Parasiten von Hyphantria cunea Drury in der Tschechoslowakei. [In Czech with German summary]. Zool. ent. Listy 3 : 169-189, Io figs. BoucueE, P. F. 1834. Naturgeschichte dey Insekten, besonders in Hinsicht ihrer ersten Zustdnde als Lavven und Puppen. v + 216 pp., to pls. Berlin. BRETHES, J. 1913. Himendpteros de la América meridional. An. Mus. nac. Hist. nat. B. Awes 24 : 35-160. BruEs, C. T. 1910. A new Pteromalid parasitic on Tortvix fumiferana. Can. Ent. 42 : 259. Bucxton, G. B. 1879. Monograph of the British Aphides. 2: 176 pp., 49 pls. London. Buxovsklj, W. 1938. Neue und wenig bekannte Chalcididen (Hymenoptera). I. [In Russian and German]. Ent. Obozy. 27 : 152-171, 9 figs. BuRGHELE, A. 1959. New Rumanian species of Dacnusini (Hym., Braconidae) and some ecological observations upon them. Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 95 : 121-126. Burks, B. D. 1958. A North American Colotrechnus (Zanonia) (Hymenoptera: Ptero- malidae). Fla Ent. 41 : 13-16. 1963. The Provancher species of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Can. Ent. 95 : 1254- 1263. 1965. 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Fortsdttning af Svenska Pteromalinernes beskrifning. K. svenska VetenskAkad. Handl. 43 : 394-403. Davies, W.M. 1928. The bionomics of Apion ulicis Forst. (gorse weevil), with special reference to its rdle in the control of Ulex europaeus in New Zealand. Ann. appl. Biol. 15 : 263-286, 3 pls., 3 figs. Det GuErRciIo,G. 1900. Sulla dominante infezione della mosca delle olive e sui provvedimenti con i mezzi piu adatti per limitarne la diffusione. Nuove Relazion: R. Stazione Ent. Agrar. Firenze (1) 3 : 27-86. —— In Berlese et al. 1907. Materiali per la Storia di alcuni Insetti dell’ olivo. Redia 4: I-95, 3 pls., 60 figs. DELuccHI, V. 1953. Deux espéces nouvelles de Pachyneuron Walker, parasites de Dipteres. Bull. Inst. v. Sci. nat. Belg. 29 : 1-14, 16 figs. 1953a. Neue Chalcidier aus der Subfamilie der Lamprotatinae (Pteromalidae). Mzzt. schweiz. ent. Ges. 26 : 201-218, 4 figs. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 857 DeE.uccul, V. 1954. Pullus impexus (Muls.) 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Ent. 40 : 400-421, 2 figs. 1958. Pteromalus pini Hartig (1838) : Specie tipo di Beierina gen. nov. (Hym., Chalci- doidea). Entomophaga 3 : 271-274, 2 figs. 1958a. Sinonimie nei Pteromalidi e descrizione di un nuovo genere (Hymenoptera : Chalcidoidea). Boll. Zool. agy. Bachic. (2) 1 : 51-60. 1962. Hyménopteres Chalcidiens du Maroc. I. Pteromalidae. Al Awamia no. 2: 113-135, 3 pls. 1962a. Hyménopteéres Chalcidiens du Maroc. II. Pteromalidae (suite). Al Awamia no. 4 : 7-25, 6 figs. 1962b. Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea im Résultats scientifiques des missions zoologiques de VI.R.S.A.C. en Afrique orientale (P. Basilewsky et N. Leleup, 1957), 81. Annis Mus. r. Afr. cent. Séy. 8vo (Zool.) 110 : 363-392. Devuccui, V. & GRAHAM, M. W. R. DEV. 1956. La révision du genre Tvichomalus Thomson (1878) (Chalcidoidea : Pteromalidae). Beitr. Ent. 6 : 543-576, 4 figs. DeEvuccul, V. & STEFFAN, J. R. 1956. Gugolzia harmolitae, nouveau genre et nouvelle espéce, parasite de Harmolita romana (Walk.). [Hym. 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Descriptions of some new parasitic Hymenoptera. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus. 53: 195-217. 1919. Some Chalcid-wasps reared from Cecidomyid Galls. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 12: 159-170. 1919. New reared parasitic Hymenoptera, with some notes on synonymy. Pyvoc. U.S. natn. Mus. 55 : 113-128. 1921. On the identity of several species of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Pyvoc. ent. Soc. Wash. 22 : 235-243. 1922. Descriptions of miscellaneous new reared parasitic Hymenoptera. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus. 61 : 1-24. 1 pl. 1923. On the identity of a European Chalcidoid parasite of the alfalfa leaf-weevil. /. Wash. Acad. Sci. 13 : 408-411. 1923a. Types of two Chalcid-flies misidentified. Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 25 : 185-188. 1924. Some new parasitic Hymenoptera with notes on several described forms. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus. 65 : 1-23. 1927. Miscellaneous descriptions of new parasitic Hymenoptera with some synonymical notes. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus. 71 : 1-39, I pl. 1933. The Serphoid and Chalcidoid parasites of the Hessian fly. Misc. Publs U.S. Dep. Agric. 174 : 1-147. 860 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM GAHAN, A. B. 1937. Eupteromalus leguminis, new species (Hymenoptera : Pteromalidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 39 : 63-65. 1938. Notes on some genera and species of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Pyvoc. ent. Soc. Wash. 40 : 209-227. 1946. Review of some Chalcidoid genera related to Cevocephala Westwood. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus. 96 : 349-375. 2 pls. 1951. Climacia areolaris (Hagen) parasitized by a new Pteromalid. Amn. ent. Soc. Am. 44 : 100-102, 4 figs. GauHan, A. B. & Facan, M. M. 1923. The type species of the genera of Chalcidoidea or Chalcid-flies. Bull. U.S. natn. Mus. 124 : 1-173. GaHaNn, A. B. & FERRIERE, C. 1947. Notes on some gall-inhabiting Chalcidoidea (Hymen- optera). Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 40 : 271-302, 2 pls. Ganan, A. B. & Rouwer, S. A. 1918. Lectotypes of the species of Hymenoptera (except Apoidea) described by Abbé Provancher. Can. Ent. 50 : 166-171. Gauan, A. B. & WaLLAcE, G. E. 1950. 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Descriptions Hymenopterorum Chalcidoidicarum Variorum cum Observationibus. V. i16pp. Glenndale, Md. [Privately printed]. 1917d. Some new Australian Chalcid-flies, mostly of the family Encyrtidae. Imnsecutor Inscit. menstr. 5 : 29-37. 1917e. New Australian chalcid-flies (Hymenoptera, Chalcididae). Insecutor Inscit. mensty. 5 : 133-155. 1917f. New Chalcid flies, with notes. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 12 : 86-89. 1920. New genera of Chalcid flies from Australia. Insecutoy Inscit. menstr. 8 : 142-146. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 861 GIRAULT, A. A. 1920a. New serphidoid, cynipoid and chalcidoid Hymenoptera. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus. 58 : 177-216. 1925. Notes and descriptions of Australian Chalcid-flies—III (Hymenoptera). IJnsecutor Inscit. menstr. 13 : 91-100. 1926. Notes and descriptions of Australian Chalcid-flies (Hymenoptera). Insecutor Inscit. menstr. 14 : 58-73. 1931. Hymenoptera, Thysanoptera Nova Australiensis. 2 pp. Brisbane. 1932. Hymenoptera, Thysanoptera Nova Australiensis. Il. 1p. Brisbane. 1933. Some Beauties Inhabitant not of the Boudoirs of Commerce but of Nature’s Bosom— New Insects. 2 pp. Brisbane. GriraAuLt, A. A. & SANDERS, G. E. 1909. The Chalcidoid parasites of the common house or typhoid fly (Musca domestica Linnaeus) and its allies. I. Psyche, Cambr. 16 : 119-132, 5 figs. 1910. The Chalcidoid parasites of the common house or typhoid fly (Musca domestica Linn.) and its allies. III. Psyche, Camby. 17 : 145~160. GoovLiFFE, F. D. 1942. Studies on insects bred from barley, wheat, maize and oats. Bull. ent. Res. 32 : 309-325. GourREAU, C.C. 1847. Note pour servir a l'histoire des insectes qui vivent dans les gousses du Genét épineux (Ulex europaeus). Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (2) 5 : 245-253, I pl. 1851. Mémoire pour servir a l’histoire des Diptéres dont les larves minent les feuilles des plantes et a celle de leurs parasites. Annis Soc. ent. Fr. (2) 9 : 131-176, 3 pls. GRAHAM, L. F. In HANDSCHIN, E. 1932. A preliminary report on investigations on the buffalo fly (Lyperosia exigua de Meij.) and its parasites in Java and Northern Australia [Appendix]. Pamphl. Austral. Counc. sci. ind. Res. 31 : 1-24. GraHaAM, M. W. R. DE V. 1956. A revision of the Walker types of Pteromalidae (Hym., Chalcidoidea). Part 1 (including descriptions of new genera and species). Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 92 : 76-98, 37 figs. 1956a. Redefinition of the genus Holcaeus Thomson (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae) with a description of a new genus and species allied to it. Suomen hydnt. Aikak. 22: 79-83, 8 figs. 1956b. A revision of the Walker types of Pteromalidae (Hym., Chalcidoidea). Part 2 (including descriptions of new genera and species). Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 92 : 246- 263, 6 figs. 1957. A new genus and species of Pteromalidae (Hym., Chalcidoidea). Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 92 : 406-408, 4 figs. 1957a. A new genus and two new species of Pteromalidae (Hym., Chalcidoidea) from Europe. Suomen hyént. Aikak. 23 : 71-77, 11 figs. 19570. A new European genus of Pteromalidae (Hym., Chalcidoidea). Entomologist's mon. Mag. 93 : 180-181, 3 figs. 1957c. Two new genera of Pteromalidae (Hym., Chalcidoidea) based upon material in the collection of C.G. Thomson. Opusc. ent. 22 : 137-142, 8 figs. 1957d. A revision of the Walker types of Pteromalidae (Hym., Chalcidoidea). Part 3 (including descriptions of new species). Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 93 : 217-236, 18 figs. 1958. The identity of the genus Janvartsovia Nikol’skaya (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Ptero- malidae). Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 94 : 120. 1958a. Merisus splendidus Walker (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae) new to Britain. Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 94 : 131. 1959. Notes on Pteromalidae (Hym., Chalcidoidea), with descriptions of new genera and species. Tvans. Soc. By. Ent. 13 : 97-112, 20 figs. 1959a. Rediscovery of Macromesus amphiretus Walker (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Ptero- malidae) in Britain, with a discussion of its systematic position. Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 95 : 73-78, 8 figs. 862 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM GranaM, M. W. R. DE V. 1961. Three new species of the Caenacis-Cecidostiba group (Hym., Pteromalidae), and a British record of a fourth species. Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 97 : 171-176, 8 figs. 1963. Chalcidoidea. Jn Insects of the Malham Tarn area by members of the Ento- mological Section of the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union. Proc. Leeds phil. lit. Soc. sci. sect. 9 : 71-74. 1964. Evidence that Ovmocerus borges Walker is the male of Epicopterus choreiformis Westwood (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae). Entomophaga 9 : 45-51, 3 figs. 1966. A new species of Spalangiopelta (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae) from the British Isles. Entomologist 99 (1239) : 187-189. 1966a. A second species of Lonchetron Graham (Hym., Pteromalidae) from Britain, with a host-record. Entomologist 99 (1239) : 290-201. 1966b. Calliprymna bisetosa, a new genus and species of Pteromalidae (Hym., Chalci- doidea) from England. Entomologist 99 (1239) : 295-298, 5 figs. 1966c. A new species of Apsiloceva (Hym., Pteromalidae) from England, parasitising a fungus Gall-Midge. Entomologist 99 (1239) : 301-304, 2 figs. 1967. Phytomyza krygeri Hering (Dipt., Agromyzidae) and its Chalcid parasite Telepsogos simplex (Thomson), new to Britain. Entomologist 100 (1246) : 75-76. 1967a. Note on two type specimens of British Pteromalidae (Hym., Chalcidoidea) in the G. T. Rudd collection (Yorkshire Museum, York). Entomologist 100 (1246) : 77-78. GRANGER, C. 1944. Notes biologiques sur les Hyménopteres de France. Bull. Soc. ent. Fr 49 : gI-92. Gromakov, P. M. 1941. [On the egg-parasite of Bothynoderes punctiventris.| Sb. nauchno- issled. Rab. borbe sveklovié dolgonosikom VNIS : 122-126. [In Russian]. GyoOrFI, J. 1941. Beitrage zur geographischen Verbreitung der Schlupfwespen in Finnland und zur Kenntnis deren Wirte. Swomen hyént. Atkak. 7 : 86-01. 1952. Notizen tiber das Genus Pachyceras Rtzb. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Ann. hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. (n.s.) 2 : 113-117, I fig. — 1956. Nadelholzzapfen-und Nadelholzsamenschadlinge und ihre Parasiten. Acta agron. hung. 6 : 321-373. Hatipay, A. H. 1833. An essay on the Classification of the Parasitic Hymenoptera of Britain, which correspond with the Ichneumones minuti of Linnaeus. Ent. Mag. 1 : 259- 276, 333-350. 1841-1842. [No title]. Entomologist 1 : v—vi, pls. A—P. 1844. Contributions towards the Classification of the Chalcididae. Tvans. ent. Soc. Lond. 3 : 295-401. Harrett, H. M. 1927. The Hymenoptera Aculeata of Glamorgan. Crabronidae. Tvans. Cardiff Nat. Soc. 60 : 54-56. Hanson, H. S. 1940. Further notes on the ecology and control of pine beetles in Great Britain. Bull. ent. Res. 30 : 483-536. HArpu, H. J. E. 1950. Amblymerus graminum n.sp. (Hym., Chalcididae), a Pteromalid living in the wheat stem. Suom—hydnt. Aikak. 16 : 84-88, 4 figs. Hartic, T. 1838. Uber den Raupenfrass im Kéniglichen Charlottenburger Forste unfern Berlin, wahrend des Sommers 1837. Jahresb. Forstwiss. forst. Naturk. 1 : 246-274. Haviranp, M. D. 1922. On the Postembryonic Development of certain Chalcids, Hyper- parasites of Aphides, with remarks on the Bionomics of Hymenopterous Parasites in general. Q. Jl microsc. Sci. 66 : 322-338, 7 figs. Hepoevist, K.-J. 1955. Studien tiber Chalcidoidea. I. Eine neue Pachycevas-Art aus Schweden. Ent. Tidskr. 76 : 84-85. 1957. Notes on Chalcidoidea. I. Two new genera of the family Pteromalidae. Ent. Tidskr. 78 : 23-27, 2 figs. 1957a. Uber die Gattung Heydenia Forst. (Hym. Chalc.). Opusc. ent. 22 : 39-48, 4 figs. 1958. Notes on Chalcidoidea. III. A new genus and species of Lamprotatinae. Ent. Tidskv. 79 : 58-60, 5 figs. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 863 HeEpovist, K.-J. 1959. Notes on Chalcidoidea. IV. Genus Tomicobia Ashm. Opusc. ent. 24 : 177-184, 6 figs. 1960. Notes on Macromesus Walk. (Hym. Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae) and description of a new species. Ent. Tidskr. 81 : 140-143, 2 figs. 1961. Notes on Cleonymidae (Hym. Chalcidoidea). I. Ent. Tidsky. 82 : 91-110. 1963. Die Feinde der Borkenkafer in Schweden. I. Erzwespen (Chalcidoidea). Stud. forestal. suec. no. 11 : 1-176, 81 figs. 1963a. New Diparini from Angola (Hym. Chalcidoidea). Publgoes cult. Co. Diam. Angola no. 63 : 47-51, 2 figs. 1966. Notes on some reared chalcid flies from Finland (Hym., Chalcidoidea). Suomen hyont. Aikak. 32 : 194-199, 3 figs. HENRIKSEN, K. L. 1919. De europaeiske Vandsnyltehvespe og deres Biologi. Ent. Meddy 12 : 137-229. Heovist see HEDOVIST. HeErRstROM, G. 1964. Untersuchungen iiber Parasiten von Olfruchtschadlingen in Schweden. Meddn St. VaxtskAnst. 12 : 437-448, 5 figs. HEYDEN, C. von. 1844. Fernere Nachrichten tiber Insecten der Salinen. Stettin. ent. Zig 5 : 202-205. Hixi, C. C. & Smitu, H. D. 1928. Status of the Parasites of the Hessian Fly, Phytophaga destructor (Say), in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. J. agvic. Res. 36 : 151-155. Hincxs, W. D. 1944. Notes on the nomenclature of some British parasitic Hymenoptera. Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (B) 13 : 30-39. Horrer, A. & Nowicky, S. 1954. Families Eucharididae and Perilampidae (Hym., Chalci- doidea) in Czechoslovakia. [In Czech and English]. Sb. ent. Odd. naéy. Mus. Praze 29 : 105-112. HotstEe, G. 1922. Fichtenzapfen- und Fichtensamenbewohner Oberbayerns. Z. angew. Ent. 8 : 125-160. Howarp, L. O. Jn Comstock, J. H. 1881. Report of the Entomologist .... for 1880. Rep. U.S. Dep. Agric., Ent. 1880 : i-iv, 235-373, I-IV, 24 pls. 1886. A generic Synopsis of the Hymenopterous family Chalcididae. Ent. Am. 2: 97-101. 1896. On two interesting new genera of scale insect parasites. Can. Ent. 28 : 165-167. 1898. Report of the Entomologist for 1898. Rep. U.S. Dep. Agric. 1898 : 17-25. Howarp, L. O. & Fiske, W. F. 1911. The importation into the United States of the parasites of the gipsy moth and the brown-tail moth : a report of progress, with some consideration of previous and concurrent efforts of this kind. Bull. Bur. Ent. U.S. Dep. Agric. 91: 312 pp., 74 figs. Hussty, N. W. 1955. The life-histories of Megastigmus sperymotrophus Wachtl (Hymen- optera : Chalcidoidea) and its principal parasite, with descriptions of the developmental stages. Tyvans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 106 : 133-151. 1960. Two new species of Mesopolobus Westwood (Hym., Pteromalidae) with notes on other parasites of Megastigmus Dalman (Hym., Torymidae). Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 95 : 237-239, I fig. Imms, A. D. 1930. Observations on some parasites of Oscinella frit Linn. Part 1. Para- sitology 22 : 11-36, 14 figs. 1932. Observations on some parasites of Oscinella frit Linn. Part II. Parasitology 24 : 440-447, 2 figs. IsHi1, T. & NaGasawa, S. 1942. A new chalcidoid reared from Callosobruchus chinensis (L.). Kontyt 16 : 67-68. Jansson, A. 1945. Studier 6ver svenska chalcidider. I. De olika formerna hos Cea puli- cavis Walk. Ent. Tidskr. 66 : 44-50, figs. 1-3. 1952. Studier Over svenska Chalcidider. 2. Ur minerande smafluger och smafjarilar klackta arter. Opusc. ent. 17 : I-10. 864 M. W. R. dE V. GRAHAM Jansson, A. 1952a. Studier 6ver svenska chalcidider. 3. Klackta arter. Ent. Tidsky. 73: 178-182. Jouansson, E. 1936. Studier och fors6k rérande vetemyggorna, Contarinia tritici Kirby och Clinodiplosis mosellana Géh., samt deras bekAmpande. IV. Meddn St. VaxtskAnst. 15 : 1-109, 8 figs. Kamijo, K. 1960. Descriptions of a new genus and ten new species of Lamprotatinae (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae). Insecta matsum. 23 : 28-45. 1960a. One new genus and four new species of the Gastvacanthus-complex (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Insecta matsum. 23 : 101-108. 1960b. A new genus and a new species of Lamprotatinae (Hymenoptera : Pteromalidae). Insecta matsum. 23 : 118-120. KapucinskI, S. 1946. [Megastigmus kuntzei n.sp. (Hymenoptera, Chalcididae) destructive insect feeding on seeds of common junipers (Juniperus communis L.).] Trav. Inst. polon. Rech. for. Crakow (A) 47 : 129 + [24] pp., 12 pls. [In Polish with English summary]. KeErricH, G. J. 1957. Description of a new species of Callocleonymus Masi, with a note on the genus Notanisus Walker. Eos, Madr. 33 : 269-272. 1958. Systematic notes on Perilampidae (Hym. Chalcidoidea). Opusc. ent. 23 : 77-84, 9 figs. KeErrIicuH, G. J. & GRaHam, M. W. R. DE V. 1957. Systematic notes on British and Swedish Cleonymidae, with description of a new genus (Hym., Chalcidoidea). Tvans. Soc. Brit. Ent. 12 : 265-311, 2 pls., 24 figs. KIEFFER, J. J. 1905. Ueber neue myrmekophile Hymenopteren. Berl. ent. Z. 50 : 1-10. 1906. Description de nouveaux Hyménoptéres. Aznls Soc. scient. Brux. 30 : 113-178, — 19 figs. Kirsy, W. 1800. A Continuation of the History of Tipula tritici, in a Letter to Thomas Marsham, Esq. Tvans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 5 : 96-111, 1 pl. Kioet, G. S. & Hincxs, W. D. 1945. A Check List of British Insects. lix + 483 pp. Stockport. 1964. A Check List of British Insects. Second Edition (Revised). Part 1: Small Orders and Hemiptera. Handbk Ident. By. Insects 11 (1). xv + 119 pp. London. KromBEINn, K. V. 1958. Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico. Synoptic Catalog. Agriculture Monogr. 2, first supplement. 305 pp. —— & Burks, B. D. 1967. Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico. Synoptic Catalog. Agriculture Monogr. 2, second supplement. 584 pp. KRYGER, J. P. 1934. Bestemmelsetabel over de Danske Chalcidiesldegter (Chalcidoidea). 30 pp. 27 figs. Copenhagen. 1943. Two Notes on Chalcid Flies. Ent. Meddr 22 : 360-366. 1943a. The Chalcid subfamily Eunotinae. Ent. Meddr 23 : 66-81, 6 figs. 1951. Notes on Chalcids. II. Ent. Meddr 26 : 98-121. Kurpjumov, N. V. 1912. Hyménoptéres-parasites nouveaux ou peu connus. fRussk. ent. Obozr. 12 : 223-240. 1912a. Six new species of Chalcid flies parasitic upon Eviococcus greent Newstead. Russk. ent. Obozr. 12 : 329-335. 1913. Notes on Ptevomalidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidodea). Russk. ent. Obozr. 13: I-24, 2 figs. 1914. Pteromalid (Pteromalidae) parasitic upon hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor Say) with description of two new species. [In Russian and English]. Ent. Vest. 2 : 1-4. Kutter, H. 1934. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber Kakothrips robustus Uzel und Contarimia pisi Winn., sowie deren Parasiten, insbesondere Pivene graminea Hal. Mutt. schweiz. ent. Ges. 16 : 1-82, 56 figs. LaTREILLE, P. A. 1805. Histoive naturelle générale et particuliére des Crustacés et des Insectes. 13. 432 pp. Paris. 1809. Geneva Crustaceorum et Insectorum. 4. 399 pp. Paris & Strasbourg. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 865 LATREILLE, P. A. 1810. Considérations générales sur l’ordre naturel des Animaux composant les classes des Crustacés, des Arachnides et des Insectes... pp. 444. Paris. LEBEDEVA, V. A. 1926. [On the Biology of Theresia (Procris) ampelophaga Bayle.] [In Russian]. Zashch. Rast. Vredit. 3 : 4-15, 15 figs. LICHTENSTEIN, J. L. 1919. Notes biologiques sur les Hyménoptéres méditerranéens. 2e. note. Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 1919 : 270-275. 1921. Sur la biologie d’un Chalcidien. C.r. hebd. séanc. Acad. Sci. Paris 173 : 733-735, I fig. 1921a. Le déterminisme de la ponte chez un Chalcidien Habrocytus cionicida J.-L. Licht. C.r. hebd. séanc. Acad. Sci. Paris 173 : 1416-1417. LINDEMAN, K. 1887. Die Pteromalinen der Hessenfliege (Cecidomyia destructor Say). Byull. mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prir. (2) 1 : 178-192, 6 figs. Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae (1oth edition) 1. 824 + iii pp. Stockholm. 1761. Fauna Svecica. Editio altera. 578 pp. Stockholm. LyGnes, R. 1956. A useful Chalcidid, Tvigonoderus tristis Walk. Z. angew. Ent. 39 : 368— 375, 6 figs. 1960. Shape and Function of the Ovipositor in the three Hymenopterous species : Ephialtes extensoy Thom. (Ichneumonidae), Spathius exavatoy L. (Braconidae), and Pluto- thrix coelius Walk. (Chalcididae). Norsk. ent. Tidsskr. 11 : 122-134, Io figs. Mani, M.S. 1939. Descriptions of New and Records of some known Chalcidoid and other Hymenopterous Parasites from India. Indian J. Ent. 1 : 69-99, 11 figs. MarcuHaL, P. 1897. Les Cécidomyies des céréales et leurs parasites. Annis Soc. ent. Fr. 66 : 1-105, 9 figs. 1g00. Notes biologiques sur les Chalcidiens et Proctotrypides obtenus par voie d’élévage pendant les années 1896, 1897 et 1898. Annls Soc. ent. Fr. 69 : 102-112. 1907. La Cécidomyie des poires Diplosis (Contarinia) pirivora Riley. Annls Soc. ent. Fr. 76 : 5-27. Markkura, M. 1960. Five parasitic Hymenoptera and two Itonidid species new to Finland. Suom. hyont. Atkak. 26 : 227-228. Masi, L. 1907. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza dei Calcididi Italiani. Boll. Lab. Zool. gen. agy. R. Scuola Agric. Portici 1 : 231-295, 47 figs. 1908. Jn Silvestri e¢ al. Sugli Imenotteri parassiti ectofagi della mosca della olive... Boll. Lab. Zool. gen. agr. R. Scuola Agric. Portici 2 : 18-82. 1g08a. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza dei Calcididi Italiani. Boll. Lab. Zool. gen. agy. R. Scuola Agric. Portici 3 : 86-149, 45 figs. 1909. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza dei Calcididi Italiani (parte 3a). Boll. Lab. Zool. gen. agy. R. Scuola Agric. Portici 4 : 3-37, 29 figs. 1g11r. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza dei Calcididi Italiani (parte IV). Boll. Lab. Zool. gen. agy. R. Scuola Agric. Portici 5 : 140-171, 11 figs. 1gt1a. Due nuove specie di Calcididi dei generi Caenacis e Pseudocatolaccus. Boll. Lab. Zool. gen. agy. R. Scuola Agric. Portici 5 : 205-208, 1 fig. 1917. Chalcididae of the Seychelles Islands. Novit. Zool. 24 : 121-230. 1919. Res Ligusticae XLV. Note sui Calcididi raccolti in Liguria. Prima serie. Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Giacomo Doria 48 : 121-171. 1921. Chalcididae raccolte in Cirenaica dal Dott. V. Zanon. Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Giacomo Doria 49 : 168-193, 7 figs. 1921a. Le specie del genere Dinaymus (Hymenoptera-Chalcididae). Boll. Lab. Zool. gen. agr. R. Scuola Agric. Portici 15 : 268-278, 3 figs. 1922. NReperti di Chalcididae (Hym.) rare 0 poco note. Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 54 : 53-54. 1922a. Nuova specie di Dinarmus (Hymen. Chalcididae). Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 54 : 76-78. 1922b. Sui generi Colotrechus e Zanonia (Hymen. Chalcididae). Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 54 : 111-112. 866 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM Masi, L. 1922c. Calcididi del Giglio. Terza serie: Eupelminae (seguito), Pteromalinae (partim). Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Giacomo Doria 50 : 140-174, 8 figs. 1924. Note sui generi Bruchobius, Oedaule e Sphaerakis con descrizione di nuove specie. (Hymen. Chalcididae). Annah Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Giacomo Doria 51 : 149-160, 4 figs. 1924a. Calcididi del Giglio. Quarta serie : Pteromalinae (seguito). Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Giacomo Doria 50 : 213-235, 9 figs. 1927. Note sul genere Picyvoscytus Thoms. con diagnosi di nuove specie (Hym. Chalci- didae). Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Giacomo Doria 52 : 263-268. 1928. Res Ligusticae LIX. Sul genere Simopteyus Forster (Hymen. Chalcididae). Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Giacomo Doria 52 : 318-323, I fig. 1928a. Identita dei generi Ewnotomyia mihi e Tomocerva Howard. Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 60 : 56-58. 1928b. Diagnosi di una nuova specie di Eunotus (Hymen. Chalcididae). Boll. Soc. ent. Ital. 60 : 128. 1929. Risultati zoologici della Missione inviata dalla R. Societa Geografica Italiana per Vesplorazione dell’ Oasi di Giarabub (1926-1927). Hymenoptera Chalcididae. Awnnali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Giacomo Doria 53 : 195-240, 5 figs. —— 1931. Contributo alla sistematica degli Eunotini (Hym. Chalc.). Eos, Mady. 7 : 411- 459. 1931a. Descrizione di un nuovo genere appartenente al grupo (Hymen. Chalc.). Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 63 : 169-172. 1934. Reperti di Calcididi con note critiche e sinonimiche (Hymen.). Boll. Soc. ent. ital. “ Dimachus’’ Thomson. 66 : 86-89. 1934a. Descrizione di alcuni Calcididi del Marocco (Hymen.). Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 66 : 97-102. 1934b. 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Menozzi1, C. 1930. Insetti dannosi alla barbabietola. (Osservazioni ed appunti preliminari). 98 pp. Genova. 1930a. Insetti dannosi alla barbabietola osservati durante la campagna 1929. (Osser- vazioni ed appunti preliminari). Indust. saccavif. ital. 23, nos. 1, 2, 4. (Offprints 24, 19 and 28 pp., 13 pls.). 1934. Rilievi ed appunti entomologici sulla campagna saccarifera 1933. Indust. saccarif. ital. 27, no. 1 (offprint 6 pp. I fig.). 1936. La campagna saccarifera 1935 nei riguardi delle infestioni entomatiche. Indust. saccavif. ital. 29 (2) : offprint 8 pp., 4 figs. Mercet, R.G. tr910. Nota sobre un insecto “ Scutellista cyanea ’’, beneficioso para la agricul- tura. Revia R. Acad. Cienc. exact. fis. nat. Madr. 9 : 185-1090. 1923. Un parasito de Torvtrix viridana y una especie nueva de Eutelus. Revta Fitopatol. 1 : 100-107, 4 figs. PTEROMALIDAE OF N-W. EUROPE 867 MERcET, R.G. 1924. Pteromalidos de Espana (Hym., Chalc.). (Primera nota). Boln R. Soc. esp. Hist. nat. 24 : 421-430, 4 figs. 1926. Calcidoideos parasitos de Curculionidos y Escolitidos. Revta Fitopatol. 1924-25, no. 5 : 40-47. 1927. Nota sobre Lelapinos (Hym. Chalc.). Eos, Madr. 3 : 49-63. MEYER, R. 1923. Die parasitischen Hymenopteren der Fritfliege (Oscinosoma frit L.). Z. angew. Ent. 9 : 111-120. MitterR, C.D. F. 1965. A new species of Perniphorva Ruschka (Hymenoptera : Cleonymini). Can. Ent. 97 : 78-82, 14 figs. Mo tier, G. F. 1882. Novae hymenopterorum species descriptae. Ent. Tidsky. 3 : 179-181. MoKRrZEckI, Z. 1933. [Die in den Forstschadlingen lebenden Parasiten des 1. und 2. Grades aus der Gruppe der Chalcidoidea.] [In Polish]. Polskie Pismo ent. 12 : 143-144. MoncrearF, H. 1871. Notes on Gall-makers and their Parasites. Entomologist 5 : 239-241. MorawskI, F. 1934. [Secondary Parasites of the Superfamily Chalcidoidea of Forest Pests.] {In Polish with German summary]. Wydaw. gospod. wiejsk. Warsz. 1 [offprint 21 pp., 15 figs.]. MorteEy, C. 1910. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera of the family Chalcididae. 74 pp. London. Motscnutsky, V. DE. 1859. Etudes entomologiques 8. 187 pp. Helsingfors. 1863. Essai d’un Catalogue des Insectes de l’Ile Ceylan. [Suite]. Byull. mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Priv. 36 no. 3 : 1-153. MUESEBECK, C. F. W., KRomBEIN, K. V. & Townes, H. K. 1951. Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico. Synoptic Catalog.. Agriculture Monogr. 2 : 1420 pp. MUNDINGER, F.G. 1951. The Apple Flea Weevil. J. econ. Ent. 44 : 28-33. NEES AB ESENBECK, C. G. 1834. Hymenopterorum Ichneumonibus affinium monographiae, geneva Euvopaea et species illustvantes. 2. 448 pp. Stuttgart and Tubingen. NeEwman, E. 1863. Parasites and Hyperparasites. Zoologist 21 : 8609 [with postscript by Walker, F., pp. 8609-8610}. Nikov’skaya, M. N. 1932. [The clover seed chalcid and its parasites on lucerne in the USSR.] [In Russian]. Plant Protect. : 107-113 [not seen]. 1937. [The Chalcidoid parasites (Hymenoptera) of some injurious flies of the grain crops.] [In Russian with English summary]. Russk. ent. Obozy. 27 : 3-27, 16 figs. 1952. [The Chalcid fauna of the USSR (Chalcidoidea).| [In Russian]. 574 pp., 592 figs. Moscow and Leningrad. 1954. [Chalcid fauna of the middle course of the river Ural and its economic importance. ] [In Russian]. Tyvudy zool. Inst. Leningy. 16 : 404-416, 6 figs. 1963. The Chalcid fauna of the USSR (Chalcidoidea). [English translation by Birron, A. & Cole, Z.S.]. Israel Program for Scientific Translations. Jerusalem. Ngstvik, E. 1954. Biological Studies of Pachycrepoideus dubiuws Ashmead (Chalcidoidea : Pteromalidae), a pupal parasite of various Diptera. Oikos 5 : 195-204, 5 figs. Novicki, Nowicki, Nowicky. See Novitzky. Novitzky, S. 1939. Uber einige in Diprion (Lophyrus) schmarotzende Pteromaliden (Hym. Chalc.). Z. angew. Ent. 25 : 472-477, 6 figs. 1955. Bemerkungen zu den Gattungen Tvigonodeyus Westw. und Pterolycus Ratz. (Hym. Chale. Cleon.). Ent. Nachrichtenbl. 7 (2) : 26-34. Nuorteva, M. 1957. Zur Kenntnis der parasitischen Hymenopteren der Borkenkdafer Finnlands. Swomen hyént. Aikak. 23 (2) : 47-71. OxiviER, G. A. 1813. Premiere mémoire sur quelques insectes qui attaquent les céréales. Mém. Soc. agr. Dép. Seine 16 : 477-495. ORMEROD, E. A. 1887. Parasites of the “‘ Hessian Fly’ (Cecidomyia destructor, Say). Ento- mologist 20 : 317-318. Otten, E. 1940. Gezogene Chalcididen und ihre Wirte. Avb. morph. taxon. Ent. Berl. 7: 176-202. 868 M. W. R. pE V. GRAHAM OTTEN, E. 1942. Beitrag zur Systematik und Biologie der Gattung Stictomischus Thoms. (Hymenoptera : Chalcidoidea : Miscogasteridae). Avb. morph. taxon. Ent. Berl. 9: 225-229, I pl. 1942a. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Diprion-Parasiten. 2. Chalcididen als Diprion- Parasiten. Avb. physiol. angew. Ent. Berl. 9 : 108-169, 2 pls. PackKarD, A.S. 1877. Report on the Rocky Mountain Locust and other insects now injuring or likely to injure field and garden crops in the western states and territories. Rep. U.S. geol. geogy. Surv. 9 : 589-827. Paow, G. 1907. In BERLESE ef al. Materiali per la Storia di alcuni Insetti dell’ olivo. Redia 4 : 1-95. ParKER, H. L. 1924. Recherches sur les formes post-embryonnaires des Chalcidiens. Annls Soc. ent. Fr. 93 : 261-379. ParKER, H. L. & THompson, W. R. 1928. Contribution a la biologie des Chalcidiens ento- mophages. Anmnls Soc. ent. Fr. 97 : 425-465. PaRNELL, J. R. 1964. Investigations on the biology and larval morphology of the insects associated with the galls of Asphondylia savothamni H. Loew (Diptera : Cecidomyidae) on broom (Savothamnus scoparius (L.) Wimmer. Tyvans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 116 : 255-273, 35 figs. Peck, O. 1963. A Catalogue of the Nearctic Chalcidoidea (Insecta : Hymenoptera). Can. Ent. Suppl. 30. 1092 pp. Peck, O., BouéeK, Z. & Horrer, A. 1964. Keys to the Chalcidoidea of Czechoslovakia (Insecta : Hymenoptera). Mem. ent. Soc. Canada no. 34. 170 pp., 289 figs. Perkins, J. F. & Eapy, R. D. 1960. On a character for distinguishing the Encyrtidae. Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 95 : 280. PERKINS, R. C. L. 1910. Fauna Hawaiiensis. Supplement to Hymenoptera. 2 part 6: 600-686. London. PostNER, M. 1951. Biologisch-dkologische Untersuchungen an Hummeln und ihren Nestern. Veroff. Mus. nat.-Volker-Handelsk. Bremen A2 : 45-86, 2 maps. PRoPER, W. B. 1931. Euptevomalus nidulans, a Parasite of the Brown-Tail and Satin moths. J. agric. Res. 43 : 37-56, 5 figs. PROVANCHER, L. 1881. Faune Canadienne. Les Insectes-Hyménoptéres. Naturaliste can. 12 : 291-304. 1887. Faune entomologique de Canada, 2. Additions et Corrections a la faune Hymén- optérologique de la province de Québec, pp. 184-211. RatzEBurG, J. T.C. 1844. Die Forst-Insecten. 3. viii + 314 pp., 16 pls. Berlin. 1844a. Die Ichneumonen dey Forstinsecten in entomologischer und forstlicher Beziehung. 1. 224 pp.,4 pls. Berlin. 1848. Die Ichnewmonen dey Forstinsecten... 2. vi -+ 238 pp., 4 tables, 3 pls. Berlin. 1852. Die Ichneumonen dey Forstinsecten... 3. vi-xviii + 272 pp., 3 tables. Berlin. REINHARD, H. 1856. Entomologische Bemerkungen. Stettin. ent. Zig 17 : 103-110. 1857. Beitrage zur Geschichte und Synonymie der Pteromalinen. Berl. ent. Z. 1 : 70-80. 1858. Beitrage zur Geschichte und Synonymie der Pteromalinen (Schluss). Berl. ent. Z. 2 : 10-23. 1858a. Arn. Férster’s hymenopterologische Studien (II. Heft). Berl. ent. Z. 2 : 311- 324, pl. 3, fig. I. 1859. Die Blattlausen lebenden Pteromalinen. Stettin. ent. Zig 20 : 191-197. RICHARDS, O. W. 1935. Some breeding records of Hymenoptera. J. Soc. Br. Ent. 1: 81-86. 1956. Hymenoptera. Introduction and keys to families. Handbk Ident. Br. Insects 6 (1), 94 pp., I1 pls., 196 text-figs. London. RicHaRDsoNn, C.H. 1913. An undescribed Hymenopterous parasite of the Housefly. Psyche, Camb. 20 : 38-39, I pl. “ PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 869 Ritey, C. V. 1885. On the Parasites of the Hessian Fly. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus. 8 : 413-422, ipl: RisBEc, J. 1951. Les Chalcidoides d’A.O.F. Mem. Inst. fr. Afr. noive 13 : 7-409. RonpDANI, C. 1874. Nuove osservazioni sugli Insetti fitofagi e sui loro Parassiti fatte nel 1873. Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 6 : 130-136. 1875. Notasul Moscherino dell’Uva (Drosophila uvavum). Bull. Comizio Agrar. Pavmense 8 : 145-148. [not seen]. [An offprint with the note ‘‘ Estratto dal Giornale La Cam- pagna, 5 gennaro 1876’’, pp. 1-3, with a plate of figs. 1-10]. 1876. Diagnosi di tre Vesparii microsomi insetticidi. Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 8 : 83-86. 1877. Vesparia parasita non vel minus cognita observata et descripta. Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 9 : 166-205, 4 pls. Rosen, H. von. 1955. Die Identitat zweier fiir die Landwirtschaft wichtiger Erzwespen (Hym., Chalcidoidea) und Bemerkungen zu ihrer Lebensweise. Ent. Tidsky. 76 : 88-91, 4 figs. 1956. Untersuchungen iiber drei auf Getreide vorkommende Erzwespen und iiber die Bedeutung, die zwei von ihnen als Vertilger von Wiesenzirpeneiern haben. K. Lantbr- Hogsk. Annly 23 : 1-72. 1958. Zur Kenntnis der europdischen Arten des Pteromaliden-Genus Mesopolobus Westwood 1833 (Hym., Chalc.). Opusc. ent. 23 : 203-240, 39 figs. 1958a. Ein neuer Mesopolobus aus Schweden (Hym., Chalc., Pteromalidae). Ent. Tidsky. 79 : 51-54, Io figs. 1959. Zur Deutbarkeit einiger alterer Mesopolobus-Arten (Hym., Chalc., Pteromalidae). Ent. Tidskr. 79 : 131-146, 3 figs. 1959a. Zur Kenntnis des Pteromaliden-Genus Mesopolobus Westwood 1833 (Hym., Chalcidoidea) IV. Ent. Tidsky. 80 : 146-162, 5 figs. —— 1960. Zur Kenntnis des Pteromaliden-Genus Mesopolobus Westwood 1833 (Hym., Chalc.), Vund VI. Opusc. ent. 25 : 1-15, 16-29, 7 + 7 figs. 1g60a. Zur Kenntnis des Pteromaliden-Genus Mesopolobus Westwood 1833 (Hym., Chalc.) VII. Ent. Tidsky. 82 : 1-48, 5 figs. [Separata issued 20 February 1960]. 1961. Zur Kenntnis des Pteromaliden-Genus Mesopolobus Westwood, 1833 (Hym., Chale.) VIII. Mesopolobus-Arten im Zoologischen Museum der Universitat in Kopen- hagen. Ent. Meddr 31 : 116-122. 1962. Zur Kenntnis des Pteromaliden-Genus Mesopolobus Westwood 1833 (Hym., Chalc.) IX. K. LantbrHogsk. Anniy 28 : 141-148. 1964. Untersuchungen uber die Verbreitung und Biologie von zwei Pteromaliden im Rapsschoten (Hym., Chalcidoidea). Meddn St. VaxtskAnst. 12 : 449-465. 1966. Zur Kenntnis des Pteromaliden-Genus Mesopolobus Westwood 1833 (Hym., Chalc.) X. Ent. Tidskr. 87 (1-2) : 76-84, 2 figs. Rupow, F. 1886. Nonnulli Pteyvomalini a do. de Stefani-Perez in Sicilia lecti. Natuvalista sicil. 5 : 265-268. Ruscuka, F. 1912. Ueber erzogene Chalcididen aus der Sammlung der K.K. landwirt- schaftlich-bakteriologischen und Pflanzenschutzstation in Wien. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 62 : 238-246. 1914. [No title : account of aquatic Hymenoptera exhibited at meeting of 13th Feb. 1914]. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 64 : (208-)(209). 1921. Zur Morphologie und Systematik des Kornkafer-Chalcidiers Laviophagus dis- tinguendus Forst. Z. angew. Ent. 7 : 463-465. 1922. Zwei neue Chalcidier aus Fichtenzapfen. Z. angew. Ent. 8 : 161-162. 1923. Ein neuer Holzkaferparasit aus der Tribus Cleonymini Schmiedekn. [Hym. Chal- cididae). Ent. Mitt. 12 : 198-201. 1924. Kleine Beitrage zur Kenntnis der forstlichen Chalcididen und Proctotrupiden von Schweden. Ent. Tidsky. 45 : 6-16, 14 figs. 870 M. W. R. dpE V. GRAHAM RuscuKA, F. 1924a. Die europdisch-mediterranen Eucharidinae und Perilampinae. (Hym. Chalc.). Dt. ent. Z. 1924 : 82-96, 12 figs. Ruscuka, F. & Furmex, L. 1915. Verzeichnis der an der K. K. Pflanzenschutz-Station in Wien erzogenen parasitischen Hymenopteren. Z. angew. Ent. 2 : 390-412, 2 figs. Russo, G. 1938. VI. Contributo alla conoscenza dei Coleotteri Scolitidi. Fleotribo : Phloeotribus scavabaeoides (Bern.) Fauv. Parte Secunda. Boll. Lab. Ent. agr. Portici 2 : 3-420, 215 figs. SACHTLEBEN, H. 1944. Uber ein Rest der Sammlung Bouché’s und die in ihm enthaltenen Cocciden. Avb. morph. taxon. Ent. Berl. 11 : 65-76, 6 figs. 1952. Die parasitischen Hymenopteren des Fichtenborkenkafers Ips typographus L. Beitr. Ent. 2 : 137-189. Saunt, J. W. 1925. Notes on the prey of Cvabro (Coleocrabro) leucostomus Linn. Ento- mologist’s mon. Mag. 61 : 257-258. SCHMIEDEKNECHT, O. 1909. Hymenoptera fam. Chalcididae. In Wytsman, P. Geneva Insectorum 97. 550 pp., 8 pls. Brussels. ScHuLtz, W. A. 1906. Spoha Hymenopterologica. 355 pp. Paderborn. Scott, H. 1919. Swarming of the Chalcidid Ptevomalus deplanatus Nees in buildings. Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 55 : 13-16. 1922. Note on some Hymenopterous parasites and other enemies of Tovtvix viridana Linn. ; with further records of Chalcididae swarming in buildings. Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 58 : 56-61. SECRETARIAT DU SERVICE D’IDENTIFICATION DES ENTOMOPHAGES. 1956. Liste d’Identifica- tion No.1. Entomophaga 1 : 113-127. — 1957. Liste d’Identification No. 2. Entomophaga 2 : 313-332. — 1960. Liste d’Identification No. 3. Entomophaga 4 : 337-353. — 1961. Liste d’Identification No. 4. Entomophaga 6 : 211-231. — 1963. Liste d’Identification No. 5. Entomophaga 8 : 335-373. —— 1965. Liste d’Identification No. 6. Entomophaga 11 : 115-134. — 1966. Liste d’Identification No. 7. Entomophaga 11 : 135-151. SHERBORN, C.D. 1924. Index Animalium. Sectio secunda. Part 4. London. 1929. Index Animalium. Sectio secunda. Part 20. London. Six, G. A. 1876. Opmerkingen omtrent zes merkwaardige inlandsche Pteromalinen en eene Proctotrupide. Tijdschr. Ent. 19 : 133-137. SmitH, H. S. & ComMPERE, H. 1928. A preliminary report on the insect parasites of the black scale, Saissetia oleae (Bernard). Univ. Calif. Publs Ent. 4 : 231-334, 63 figs. SPINOLA, M. 1808. Insectorum Liguriae species novae aut vaviores... 2 fasc. 4: pp. 209- 262 + v, synoptic table. Genoa. 1811. Essai d’une nouvelle classification générale des Diplolépaires. Annls Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 17 : 138-152. 1851. In Gay, C. Historia fisica y politica de Chile... (Zool.) 6. 572 pp. Paris & Santiago. STEFFAN, J. R. 1952. Les especes frangaises du genre Pevilampus Latr. [Hym. Perilamp- idae]. Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 57 : 68-74. 1964. Deux nouveaux genres de Tovymidae et de Cleonymidae paléarctiques. Entomo- phaga 9 : 101-106, 7 figs. STEPHENS, J. F. 1829. A systematic catalogue of British insects. xxxiv + 388 pp. London. 1846. JIilustvations of British Entomology. Supplement. vi + 32 pp., 9 pls. London. Stewart, H. G. 1923. A Chalcid parasite of Pityogenes bidentatus Herbst. Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 59 : 138. SwEDERUS, N.S. 1795. Beskrifning pa et nytt genus Pteyomalus ibland Insecterna, hoerande til Hymenoptera. .... K. svenska VetenskAkad. Handl. 16 : 201-205, 216-222. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 871 SZCZEPANSKI, H. 1959. [An approach to systematics and biology of Macvomesus amphiretus Walk. (Hym. Pteromalidae).] [In Polish with English summary]. Zeszyty nauk. Szk glow. Gosp. wiejsk Lésnictwo no. 3 : 97-104, 4 figs. 1960. [On Chalcidoid wasps (Hymenoptera) parasiting at the bark-beetles (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Borecka Forests (distr. Wegorzewo, Poland).] [In Polish with English summary]. Polskie Pismo ent. 30 : 405-416. 1960a. [Remarks about three species of the subfamily Cevocephalinae (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) new for Polish fauna.] [In Polish with English summary]. Polskie Pismo ent. 30 : 417-421. SzELENYI, G. von. 1941. Uber die Chalcididen-Gattungen Arthvolysis Férst. und Picroscytus Thoms. (Hym.). Annls hist-nat. Mus. natn. hung. (Zool.) 34 : 117-131, 4 figs. —— 1942. Uber die Chalcididen-Gattung Pachyneuron Walk. (Hymen.). Zentbl. ges. Forstw. 68 : 93-105. 1956. Notes on the Merisina (Hym., Chalcidoidea). I. The subtribe Merisina. Anmnls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. (n.s.) 7 : 167-180, 3 figs. 1957. [The hymenopterous parasites of Hyphantria pee [In Hungarian]. Noéveny- termelés 7 : 295-312, 2 figs. SZELENYI, G. von & ERD6s, J. Jn ERpDOs, J. 1953. Pteromalidae hungaricae novae. Acta biol. hung. 4 : 221-247. TacHIKAWA, T. 1966. [On the identity of Neocatolaccus mamezophagus Ishii et Nagasawa (Hymenoptera : Pteromalidae).] [In Japanese]. Jap. J. appl. Ent. Zool. 10 : 99. TuHompson, W. R. 1943-1965. A catalogue of the parasites and predators of insect pests. Section 1. Parasite Host Catalogue, parts 1-10. Section 2. Host Parasite Catalogue, parts 1-5. Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control, Ottawa. TuHomseEN, M., BucHwa tp, F. & HauBerG, P. A. 1949. Angreb af Cryptococcus fagi, Nectria galligena og andre parasiter paa bog i Danmark 1939-43. [In Danish with English summary]. Jorst. ForsVaes. Danm. 18 : 97-326, 43 pls. TuHomson, C.G. 1876. Skandinaviens Hymenoptera. 4, 192 pp. Lund. 1876a. Hymenoptera Scandinaviae. 4. Pteromalus (Svederus), pp. 193-259. Lund. 1878. Hymenoptera Scandinaviae. 4. Pteromalus (Svederus) continuatio. 307 pp., 1 pl. Lund. TuckeER, E.S. 1910. New parasites of the genus Mevaporus. Can. Ent. 42 : 341-346. VALKEILA, E. 1959. Beitrage zur Erzwespenfauna (Hym., Chalcidoidea) Finnlands. Suom. hyont. Aikak. 25 : 180-181. VaRLEY,G.C. 1937. Description of the eggs and larvae of four species of Chalcidoid Hymen- optera parasitic on the Knapweed gall-fly. Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. B 6 : 122-130, 5 figs. 1947. The natural control of population balance in the Knapweed gall-fly (Uvophora jaceana). J. Anim. Ecol. 16 : 139-187, 11 figs. VaRLEY, G. C. & BoraAtynsxi, K. 1966. [No title : predators and parasites of the scale insect Eviopeltis ? stvelkovi Borchsenius]. Pvroc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (C) 31 : 45-46. VIGGIANI, G. 1967. Richerche sugli Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea XII. Su alcuni Calcidoidei del Museo Civico di Storia naturale di Genova, con vari lectotipi designati su materiale descritto da Masi (1940). Doriana 4 : 1-7. VOLLENHOVEN, S. C. S. VAN. 1871. Schetsen ten Gebruike by de studie dey Hymenoptera. Ill. Ptevomalinen. 4 pls. ’s Gravenhage. 1878. Especes nouvelles ou peu connues d’Hyménopteres térébrants. Tijdschy. Ent. 21 : 153-177, 3 pls. WacnutL, F. A. 1889. Heydenia excellensn.sp. 6 2. Wien. ent. Zig 8 : 89-91. WaLKER, F. 1833. Monographia Chalcidum. Ent. Mag. 1 : 367-384, 455-466. 1834. Monographia Chalciditum. Ent. Mag. 2 : 148-179, 286-309, 340-369. —— 1835. Monographia Chalciditum. Ent. Mag. 2 : 476-502. —— 1835a. Monographia Chalciditum. Ent. Mag. 3 : 94-97, 182-206. — 1836. Monographia Chalciditum. Ent. Mag. 3 : 465-496. 872 M. W. R. DE V. GRAHAM WALKER, F. 1836a. Monographia Chalciditum. Ent. Mag. 4 : 9-23. — 1837. Monographia Chalciditum. Ent. Mag. 4 : 349-358. —— 1839. Monographia Chalciditum, 1. 333 pp. London. — 1839a. Monographia Chalciditum, 2. 100 pp. London. —— 1839). Descriptions of British Chalcidites. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 4 : 29-32, 232-236. —— 1842. Description of Chalcidites. Entomologist 1 : 334-339. —— 1842a. Descriptions of Chalcidites discovered by C. Darwin, Esq., near Valparaiso. Ann, Mag. nat. Hist. 10 : 113-117, 271-274. 1843. Descriptions of Chalcidites discovered near Conception, in South America, by C. Darwin, Esq. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 11 : 30-32. 1843a. Descriptions of Chalcidites found near Lima by C. Darwin, Esq. Ann. Mag. nat. Ast. 11 : 115-117. —— 1843b. Descriptions of Chalcidites discovered in Coquimbo by C. Darwin, Esq. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 11 : 185-188. 1843c. Descriptions of Chalcidites discovered by C. Darwin, Esq. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 12 : 45-40. 1843d. Descriptions of Chalcidites discovered in St. Vincent’s Isle by the Rev. Lansdown Guilding. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 12 : 46-49. 1843e. Description des Chalcidites trouvées au Bluff de Saint-Jean, dans la Floride orientale, par MM. E. Doubleday et R. Forster. Annis Soc. ent. Fr. (2) 1 : 145-162. 1844. Descriptions of some Chalcidites of North America, collected by George Barnston, Esq. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 14 : 14-17. 1844a. On the species of Chalcidites inhabiting the Arctic Region. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 14 : 331-342. 1845. Characters of undescribed species of British Chalcidites. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zool.) 1 : 261-263. 1845a. Parasitism of Pteromalus domesticus. Zoologist 3 : 850. 18456. Parasitism of Chalcidites. Zoologist 3 : 1010, 1092, 1142. 1846. List of the specimens of Hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part 1.—Chalcidites. vii + 100 pp. London. 1846a. Characters of some undescribed species of Chalcidites. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 17 : 108-115, 177-185. 1846b. Characters of undescribed species of British Chalcidites. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 17 : 270-272. 1846c. Descriptions of Chalcidites. Tvans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 20 : 153-162. 1847. Notes on some Chalcidites and Cynipites in the Collection of the Rev. F. W. Hope. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 19 : 227-231. 1847a. Characters of undescribed Chalcidites collected in North America by E. Doubleday, Esq., and now in the British Museum. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 19 : 392-398. 1848. List of the specimens of Hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part Il.—Chalcidites. Additional species. iv + 237 pp. London. 1848a. Notes on Diptera, Chalcidites, and other Insects. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (2) 2 : 73-78. 1848b. Notes on Chalcidites and other Insects. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (2) 2 : 218-220. 1849. Notes on Chalcidites, and descriptions of various new species. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (2) 3 : 204-210. 1850. Notes on Chalcidites, and descriptions of various new species. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (2) 5 : 125-133. 1851. Notes on Chalcidites, and descriptions of various new species. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (2) 7 : 210-216. 1862. Notes on Chalcidites, and characters of undescribed species. Tvans. ent. Soc. Lond. (3) 1 : 345-397. PTEROMALIDAE OF N.W. EUROPE 873 WALKER, F. 1863. In NEwMaAn, E. Parasites and Hyperparasites [postscript]. Zoologist 21: 8609-8610. 1871. Notes on the Chalcidiae. Part 1.—Isosoma. Zoologist (2) 6 : 2429-2437. 1872. Notes on Chalcidiae. Pavts5. 18 pp., 16 figs. London. 1872a. Notes on Chalcidiae. Part 6. 17 pp., 18 figs. London. 1872b. Notes on Chalcidiae. Part 7. 21 pp., 17 figs. London. 1873. Economy of Chalcidiae. Entomologist 6 : 298-300. 1874. Descriptions of Amurland Chalcidiae. Cist. ent. 1 : 311-321. WaLtace, G. E. 1954. A new wasp of the genus Habritys (Pteromalidae : Hymenoptera) from Wisconsin and New York. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 33 : 199-200. 1959. A new Pteromalid parasite of the Eastern Death Watch beetle, Hadvobregmus cavinatus (Say). Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 54 : 84-86. WatsuH, B.D. 1861. The army-worm. Trans. Illin. State agric. Soc. 4 : 373-375. Watsu, B. D. & RitEy, C. V. 1869. The joint-worm (Isosoma hordei, Harris). Am. Ento- mologist 1 : 149-158, 6 figs. : WATERSTON, J. 1921. Report on parasitic Hymenoptera, bred from pests of stored grain. Rep. Grain Pests Comm. R. Soc. 9 : 8-32, 15 figs. 1922. OnChalcidoidea. (Mainly bred at Dehra Dun, U.P., from pests of Sal, Toon, Chir and Sundri). Indian Forest Rec. 9 : 1-44. 1929. Onachalcidoid parasite bred from a flea larva. Parasitology 21 : 103-106. WEBSTER, F. M. 1885. Insects affecting fall-wheat. Rep. U.S. Dep. Agr. 1884 : 383-393. WEstwoop, J.O. 1828. On the Chalcididae. Zool. J. 4 : 3-31, 1 pl. 1832. Cérocephale. Cevocephala Westwood. In GuERIn, F. E. Mag. Zool. Classe IX, pl. 4. Paris. 1832a. Descriptions of several new British Forms amongst the Parasitic Hymenopterous Insects. Phil. Mag. (3) 1 : 127-129. 1833. On the probable Number of Species of Insects in the Creation ; together with Descriptions of several minute Hymenoptera. Mag. nat. Hist. 6 : 116-123, 1 fig. 1833a. Descriptions of several new British Forms amongst the Parasitic Hymenopterous Insects. Phil. Mag. (3) 2 : 443-445, 14 figs. 1833b. Further notices of the British parasitic Hymenopterous insects ; together with the ‘“‘ Transactions of a Fly with a long Tail ’’, observed by Mr. E. W. Lewis ; and addi- tional Observations. Mag. nat. Hist. 6 : 414-421, I fig. 1833c. Notice of the Habits of a Cynipideous Insect, parasitic upon the Rose Louse (Aphis rvosae) ; with Descriptions of several other parasitic Hymenoptera. Mag. nat. Hist. 6 : 491-497. 1839. Synopsis of the genera of British insects, pp. 49-80. [Issued with : An introduc- tion to the modern classification of insects, no. 13}. London. 1874. Thesaurus entomologicus Oxoniensis ; or, illustrations of new, rare, and interesting insects, for the most part contained in the collections presented to the University of Oxford by the Rev. F. W. Hope. xxiv + 205 pp., 40 pls. Oxford. 1882. On the supposed abnormal habits of certain species of Eurytomides, a group of the Hymenopterous family Chalcididae. Tvans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1882 : 307-328. Wuitinec, P. W. 1958. Mormoniella and the Nature of the Gene : Mormoniella vitripennis (Walker) (Hymenoptera : Pteromalidae). Proc. 10th Int. Congr. Ent. 2 : 857-866. Wotrr, M. 1916. Uber die Pteromalinengattung Platyteyma Walker (1834) und iiber eine deutsche, von C. Eckstein aus Lophyrus pini erzogene, neue Art. Z. angew. Ent. 3 : 157- 171, 19 figs. Wo taston, T. V. 1858. Brief Diagnostic Characters of undescribed Madeiran Insects. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (3) 1 : 18-28. ZETTERSTEDT, J. W. 1838. Insecta lapponica descripta. Sectio secunda Hymenoptera. 150 pp. Lipsiae. HITT | 874 M. W. R. pe V. GRAHAM HOST INDEX Valid names are in roman letters, synonyms in ttalics. abietina, Plemeliella, 630, 631 apricans, Apion, 482 absinthi, Macrosiphonella, 846 arcuatus, Syrphus, 837 absinthii, Macrosiphoniella, 846 argentata, Brachydeutera, 144 aceris, Pediaspis, 566 argentea, Cynips, 431 aciculata, Tetramesa, 456 armigera, Magdalis, 40, 416 aconitophila, Phytomyza, 222 avmillata, Angitia, 528 actaeae, Phytomyza, 225 armillata, Diadegma, 528 acuminatus, Ips, 40, 412, 414, 419, 786, 787 armillatum, Amaurosoma, 204, 221 aeneiventris, Melanagromyza, 93, I3I, 139, artemisiae, Calycomyza, 222 140 arundinacea, Dictyna, 524 aestivum, Apion, 482 arundinis, Thomasiella, 664 africum, Apion, 482 asclepiadae, Phytomyza, 201 Agrilus sp., 61 Asphondylia spp., 695 Agromyzidae, 143, 150 assimilis, Ceuthorhynchus, 674, 729 agrorum, Bombus, 560 atalanta, Vanessa, 490 albiapicella, Stagmatophora, 440 ater, Laemophloeus, 120 albiceps, Phytomyza, 130 atricapitella, Stigmella, 199 albimargo, Pegomyia, 239 atricornis, Phytomyza, 143, 164, 198, 230 albipennis, Agromyza, 175 aurantii, Toxoptera, 842 albipes, Neuroterus, 253 aureolus, Philodromus, 776 albosparsus, Bruchidius, 436 aureoviridis, Ditropinotus, 449 Alder woodwasp, 427 aurinia, Melitaea, 813 alni, Orchestes, 729 autographus, Dryocoetes, 411 alvearia, Microgaster, 813 avenae, Mayetiola, 451, 683, 767, 795 ambiguus, Coelocrabro, 428 americana, Meromyza, 461, 776 amerinae, Euura, 670 bajaria, Erannis, 821 amitinus, Ips, 414, 787 Balaninus sp., 793 amoena, Trypanea, 542 balteata, Epistrophe, 837 ampelophaga, Procris, 452 balteata, Episyrphus, 837 ampelophaga, Theresia, 452 balteus, Parmena, 100 analis, Archytas, 777 Banchus sp., 796 Andricus spp., 571, 675, 676 barbicornis, Magdalis, 572 angelicae, Melanagromyza, 621, 622 bardanae, Tephritis, 547 angelicae, Phytomyza, 225 beetles in stored grain, 62, 434, 825 angustipennis, Tetramesa, 622, 663 bergenstammi, Oligotrophus, 265 Anobium sp., 63, 118 betulae, Semudobia, 627, 628 anomalella, Stigmella, 199 bidentatus, Pityogenes, 414, 419, 426 Anthomyiidae, 52 bignelli, Apanteles, 813 Anthonomus spp., 529 bimaculatus, Bruchidius, 180 anthracina, Agromyza, 230 bipustulatus, Chilochorus, 840 antiqua, Orgyia, 813 bispinus, Xylocleptes, 563 antirrhini, Gymnetron, 558 bistridentatus, Pityogenes, 45 Apanteles spp., 479, 813 bloti, Myopites, 542 apfelbecki, Agromyza, 611 boleti, Cis, 106 Aphidiinae, 82, 842, 846 botrana, Eudemis, 808 aphids, 82, 287, 842, 846 brachialis, Bruchus, 825 Apion sp., 482, 620, 654, 732, 736 Braconidae, 454, 474, 678, 776, 777, 812 HOST INDEX 875 brandtii, Periclistus, 571 brassicae, Brevicoryne, 842 brassicae, Pieris, 525, 533, 762, 811, 813 brevicornis, Tetramesa, 444 bridgmanii, Pontania, 534 Brown-tail moth, 765, 766 Bruchophagus spp., 556 buoliana, Evetria, 531 calamagrostidis, Harmolita, 41 calamagrostidis, Tetramesa, 41, 450, 663 Calameuta sp., 624 calicis, Andricus, 568 Calliphora sp., 808, 847 Calliphoridae, 53, 54, 780, 808 calthophila, Phytomyza, 198 calycotomae, Asphondylia, 695 camelus, Xiphydria, 427 campanulae, Miarus, 537 caninae, Periclistus, 571 capitata, Ceratitis, 847 carbonaria, Oscinella, 461 cardui, Pyrameis, 490 cardui, Vanessa, 203 cardui, Urophora, 539 cariecola, Lonchaea, 55 carpini, Scolytus, 422 cavifrons, Clytochrysus, 428 cavifrons, Ectemnius 428 cavus, Dibrachys, 490 Cecidomyia, 311 Cecidomyiidae, 668 centaureae, Phanacis, 451, 452, 537, 620 centifoliella, Stigmella, 199, 485 cephalonica, Corcyra, 813 cephalotes, Crabro, 427 Cephidae, 454 Ceratitis spp., 847 cerealella, Sitotroga, 813 Cerambycidae, 40 ceratoniae, Ectomyelois, 434 cereal sawfly, 442 Ceroplastes sp., 71 Chaitophorinae, 845 Chaitophorus sp., 846 chalcographus, Pityogenes, 633 Chloropidae, 719, 721 chrysanthemi, Diarthronomyia, 669 chrysorrhoea, Euproctis, 765 chrysostomus, Clytochrysus, 428 Chylizosoma sp., 226 cilicruva, Phorbia, 55 cinctipes, Lasiosina, 461 cineracea, Phytomyza, 611 cinerea, Phorbia, 55 Cionus sp., 527, 817 cirsii, Melanagromyza, 620, 622 citri, Pseudococcus, 84 citriculum, Pseudococcus, 840 Clover weevils, 732 Clytochrysus sp., 427 Coccids, 70, 71, 76 coccineus, Endomychus, 470 cognata, Acidia, 233 Coleophora spp., 485 Coleoptera, 827 collactanea, Pontania, 600 comtus, Xanthandrus, 837 congesta, Liriomyza, 160 congestus, Apanteles, 468 coni, Coprodiplosis, 631 conyzae, Phytomyza, 200 corni, Craneiobia, 293, 668 cornuta, Elachiptera, 451 cornuta, Tetramesa, 624 Crabronid wasps, 428 crassiseta, Phytomyza, 143, 198 crepuscularia, Boarmia, 796 Cryphalus sp., 411 cunea, Hyphantria, 814, 821 Curculio sp., 793 curculionis, Bathyplectes, 776 curta, Eurytoma, 439 curvator, Andricus, 638 cuscutae, Melanagromyza, 137 cuspidata, Urophora, 540 cylindrica, Chaetostomella, 547 cylindrica, Tetramesa, 456 Cynipidae, 569, 571, 666, 667, 675, 676, 677 demandata, Physiphora, 56 destructor, Mayetiola, 451, 454, 461, 674, 683, 704, 767, 773, 775» 795 destructor, Phytophaga, 449 dettmeri, Melanagromyza, 133, 139, 620 diniana, Semasia, 799 Diprion sp., 678, 804 Diptera, 780, 827 divisa, Cynips, 674 dodecella, Exoteleia, 478 domestica, Musca, 823 domesticum, Trypodendron, 428 domesticus, Xyloterus, 428 Dorcatoma sp., 828 876 HOST INDEX dromedarius, Xiphydria, 427 Drosophila spp., 847 Dryophanta spp., 571 dubiosa, Rhabdophaga, 667 duplicatus, Ips, 787 ebeninus, Anilastus, 808 ensifer, Scolytus, 118 enslini, Spilomena, 598 epilobii, Dasyneura, 261 evichsonu, Nematus, 803 erichsonii, Pristiphora, 804 ervi, Aphidius, 846 eubius, Pediobius, 663 eupatorii, Melanagromyza, 139 Eupelmidae, 454 euphorbiae, Macrosiphum, 846 Eurytoma sp., 442 Eurytomidae, 449, 454, 622 Euxanthis, 525 evansi, Microlophium, 846 evonymellus, Hyponomeuta, 531, 762 exarator, Spathius, 61 eximia, Tetramesa, 623 fagi, Mikiola, 636 fagi, Orchestes, 729 fallaciosa, Phytomyza, 232 Fannia spp., 847 fasciatus, Byrrhus, 123 fasciculatus, Hesperophanes, 432 festucae, Eriopeltis, 838 ferchaultella, Luffia, 814 ficus, Hypoborus, 432 filiformis, Calameuta, 624 filipendulae, Zygaena, 525, 531 flava, Scaptomyzella, 159 flaveola, Scaptomyza, 48 flavicornis, Phytomyza, 139 flavimana, Eurytoma, 687 flavipes, Amaurosoma, 204, 221 flavus, Tychius, 91 floridensis, Ceroplastes, 840 foeniculi, Melanagromyza, 622 foliata, Epeira, 776 fraxini, Hylesinus, 411 fraxini, Leperesinus, 40, 63 frischella, Coleophora, 531 frit, Oscinella, 56, 164, 451, 461, 462, 719, 836, 840 frit, Oscinosoma, 719 frontalis, Trichomasthus, 840, 841 fuliginosus, Lasius, 54 fulvicollis, Tetramesa, 619 fuscata, Sisyra, 778 fuscirostre, Apion, 555 gallinae, Ceratophyllus, 86 Gelechiidae, 808 geniculata, Phytomyza, 263 genistae, Agromyza, 231 genus near Drosophila, 848 gilvus, Bruchidius, 435 glechomae, Aulax, 563 glechomae, Napomyza, 232 globatus, Apanteles, 468 glomeratus, Apanteles, 525, 530, 533 gonagra, Caryedon, 813 graminum, Scaptomyza, 165 grass-living insects, 41 greeni, Eriococcus, 73, 77 grisella, Achroia, 813 griseola, Hydropota, 144 griseola, Leucopis, 842 griseovariegata, Panolis, 796 gularis, Aphomia, 813 halophila, Coenia, 781 hastulifer, Agrilus, 775 hebetor, Bracon, 813 hederae, Ochina, 39 heraclei, Philophylla, 159 hesperidum, Coccus, 840 hiemalis, Platygaster, 451 hieracii, Aulacidea, 537 hilarella, Dizygomyza, 220 hilarella, Phytobia, 220 hispidus, Pogonocherus, 102 hordei, Tetramesa, 687 howardi, Orchopeas, 85 hyalipennis, Tetramesa, 663 Hylemyia sp., 847 Hylesinus spp., 421 hypochoeridis, Phanacis, 693 Hyponomeutidae, 668, 808 Ichneumonidae, 474, 678, 776, 777, 812 ilicis, Contarinia, 261 ilicis, Phytomyza, 136 impexus, Pullus, 829 implicitans, Conchylidea, 261 incisa, Phytobia, 174 intercessor, Bracon, 442 intricatus, Scolytus, 416, 422 Ips spp., 673 isais, Phytomyza, 261 italica, Oedaule, 555 jaceae, Chaetoriella, 547 jaceana, Euribia, 539 jaceana, Urophora, 539 junci, Lixus, 439, 442 juniperinus, Oligotrophus, 670, 671 juniperinum, Cupressobium, 844 kellyi, Sarcophaga, 776 Kiefernspanner, 839 Kiefernspinner, 839 kollari, Andricus, 431, 568, 569 kollari, Cynips, 431% krygeri, Phytomyza, 194 kuntzei, Megastigmus, 730 labiatarum, Phytobia, 230, 232 lacertosus, Ephedrus, 846 lapidarius, Bombus, 559 lapidella, Luffia, 814 lappae, Melanagromyza, 131, 139, 621 lappae, Phytomyza, 160 lappina, Phytomyza, 160 lapsanae, Aulax, 693 laricella, Coleophora, 486 laricicola, Chortophila, 631 lasiae, Phyllomyza, 54 lateralis, Napomyza, 611 lentis, Bruchus, 435 Lepidoptera, 474, 490, 776, 777, 827 Lepidoptera in stored products, 434 Leucopis sp., 838 leucostomoides, Coelocrabro, 428 libatrix, Scoliopteryx, 491 lichtensteini, Dryomyza, 677 ligustici, Otiorrhynchus, 786 linearis, Lyctus, 422 linearis, Macrocentrus, 533 linearis, Tetramesa, 663, 687 lineatella, Anarsia, 796 lividimanus, Bruchidius, 435 Lixus sp., 431 Lonchoptera sp., 144 longicauda, Terellia, 548 longicornis, Tetramesa, 623 HOST INDEX 877 longiventris, Cynips, 568, 675 loti, Apion, 735 loti, Bruchus, 531 lucens, Lipara, 607 Lucilia sp., 847 ludens, Milichia, 54 Lymexylonidae, 428 macellaria, Chrysomyia, 823 machaon, Papilio, 490 Magdalis, 577 mali, Aphelinus, 842 malivorella, Coleophora, 485 marginata, Sphenella, 540 maritima, Bucculatrix, 768 marsupialis, Putoniella, 263 marsus, Trichomasthus, 841 maura, Eurygaster, 827 mayeri, Asphondylia, 555 Mayetiola spp., 450 mayri, Diplolepis, 571 Mecinus sp., 654 medicaginis, Contarinia, 261 Megachile spp., 491 melonella, Galleria, 813 meromelas, Pachygaster, 428 micrographus, Pityophthorus, 45 milii, Phytomyza, 232 mining insects, 141 minor, Blastophagus, 411, 414, 419 minor, Molorchus, 38 minor, Myelophilus, 40 minor, Oscinella, 461 minuta, Gracilia, 39 monacensis, Pityogenes, 414 mosellana, Sitodiplosis, 342 multistriatus, Scolytus, 40 murinana, Cacoecia, 820 Musca sp., 847 Muscidae, 52, 53, 54, 780 myrmecophilous Diptera, 54 nasturtii, Hydropota, 144 natator, Gyrinus, 778 Neodiprion spp., 804 Nepticula sp., 776 nervi, Phytomyza, 198 Neuroterus spp., 675, 676 neustria, Malacosoma, 491 neustrium, Malacosoma, 821 nigerrimus, Anoplius, 753 878 HOST INDEX nigra, Phytomyza, 202 permunda, Anomia, 160 nigripes(?), Agromyza, 232 permunda, Phagocarpus, 160 nigrirostris, Hypera, 816 perrisi, Carphoborus, 429 nigvivostyis, Phytonomus, 487, 816 persicae, Myzus, 842, 846 nigritarsis, Pegomyia, 239 persicae, Parthenolecanium, 73 nigrocellulata, Cremifania, 838, 842 petiolata, Tetramesa, 623 notata, Chloropisca, 719 petioli, Syndiplosis, 291 nubilalis, Ostrinia, Pyrausta, 758, 777 petoi, Phytomyza, 164 Nymphalis spp., 490 phaeorrhoea, Euproctis, 765 Phloeotribus spp., 421 Phormia spp., 847 Physocephala sp., 560 oak bud-galls, 675, 676, 677 Phytomyza sp., 202 oak leaf-galls, 676 piceae, Adelges, 842 obductella, Salebria, 525 picipes, Teretrius, 422 obscura, Leucopomyia, 842 Pieridae, 668 obscurella, Phytomyza, 215 Pieris spp., 490 oleae, Dacus, 431 Pikonema spp., 803 oleae, Saissetia, 76, 840 pimpinellae, Kiefferia, 262 Oleuthridae, 808 pineti, Brachonyx, 732 ononidis, Asphondilia, 696 pinguis, Tylomyza, 611 onotrophes, Chaetostomella, 547 pim, Cecidomyia, 477 orbitalis, Pachygaster, 428 pini, Coelonotus, 845 orni, Leperesinus, 60 pini, Dendrolimus, 839 orobanchiae, Phytomyza, 137 pini, Diprion, 803 oryza, Sitophilus, 62 pint, Gastropacha, 839 oryzae, Calandra, 825 pini, Itonida, 477 oryzae, Sitophilus, 825 pini, Lophyrus, 803 osculator, Bracon, 531 piniarius, Bupalus, 839 ostreus, Andricus, 253 piniperda, Blastophagus, 412, 414, 425 ovalis, Mycocecis, 697 piniperda, Noctua, 796 Piophila spp., 847 pipiens, Syritta, 56 pisi, Agromyza, 94 padellus, Hyponomeuta, 528, 531 pisi, Ceramica, 796 palliatus, Hylurgops, 414 pisi, Contarinia, 349 pallida, Biorrhiza, 567, 568, 569, 674 pisi, Polia, 796 pallicornis, Rhynchaenus, 729 pisorum, Bruchus, 776 paniceum, Stegobium, 813, 823 Pissodes spp., 414, 415 papaveris, Aylax, 526 pityocampa, Thaumatopoea, 528 papaveris, Timaspis, 452 Pityogenes sp., 411 Parallelomma sp., 226 Pityophthorus sp., 411 parietina, Oxyna, 543, 544, 554 plantaginis, Paroxyna, 552 pascuorum, Gymnetron, 654 plantaginis, Phytomyza, 165 pastinacae, Phytomyza, 209 platani, Lithocolletis, 821 pauliloewi, Phytomyza, 46 platura, Phorbia, 55 pedicularius, Meligethes, 90 Platygasteridae, 454 Pegomyia sp., 55, 239, 240, 245 pleurostigma, Ceuthorrhynchus, 729 pellucida, Calligypona, 663 poae, Mayetiola, 462 pellucida, Delphacodes, 94, 663 politus, Auletobius, 480 pellucida, Javesella, 94 polonicus, Pityophthorus, 633 peltigera, Heliothis, 537 polycera, Cynips, 431 peregrina, Psylla, 840 Polygraphus sp., 45, 411 HOST INDEX pomonae, Apion, 531 pomorum, Anthonomus, 529 populi, Melasoma, 819 populi, Phytagromyza, 166 postica, Hypera, 702, 776 posticus, Phytonomus, 816 potatoria, Odonestis, 491, 759 potatoria, Philudoria, 491, 759 potentillae, Xestophanes, 527 praeusta, Tetrops, 572 Predator in grasses, 655 prolongata, Xiphydria, 427 proxima, Pontania, 534 proximus, Orthotomicus, 414 pruinosa, Cinaropsis, 844 Pseudococcidae, 76 pseudospretella, Hoffmannophila, 813 Ptilinus sp., 422 ptinoides, Ochina, 39 pulchripes, Chlorocytus, 663 pumilionis, Chlorops, 609, 610, 611, 773 punctatum, Anobium, 61, 105, 119 punctiventris, Bothynoderes, 430 punctumalbum, Mononychus, 431 pupillata, Hoplochaeta, 540 purdeyi, Evetria, 531 putris, Themira, 781 pygmaea, Phytobia, 174 pygmaeella, Stigmella, 199 pygmaeus, Cephus, 439 pygmaeus, Scolytus, 40 Pyralidae, 668 pyri, Saturnia, 491 pyrivora, Contarinia, 291 quadridens, Pityogenes, 414, 419, 426, 633 quercus, Orchestes, 729 quercusbaccarum, Neuroterus, 674 quercusfolii, Cynips, 675 quercusradicis, Andricus, 566 radiolus, Apion, 727 ramosa, Phytomyza, 136, 611 ranunculi, Phytomyza, 232 rapae, Pieris, 528, 813 ratzeburgi, Scolytus, 40, 100, 411 reaumuri, Patchiella, 834 reaumuri, Yezabura, 834 regiella, Stigmella, 199 regina, Phormia, 823 reinhardi, Synergus, 569 reptans, Agromyza, 160, 230 resinella, Evetria, 250 Rhabdophaga sp., 304, 305, 306 Rhagoletis spp., 847 rhododactylus, Phloeophthorus, 120 vhomboidaria, Boarmia, 813 rhomboidaria, Cleora, 813 ribesii, Syrphus, 837 riparia, Ephydra, 781 rogenhoferi, Isocolus, 525, 526 vomana, Harmolita, 429 romana, Tetramesa, 429 rosae, Diplolepis, 527, 571, 667 vosae, Rhodites, 571 rosaria, Rhabdophaga, 848 rufa, Formica, nest of, 332 ruficapitella, Stigmella, 199 ruficauda, Orellia, 525 ruficornis, Magdalis, 572 rufipes, Agromyza, 212, 230 rufipes, Phytomyza, 611 rugosostriatus, Otiorrhynchus, 789 rugulosus, Scolytus, 411 rumicis, Apatele, 468 rumicis, Chamaepora, 468 rumicis, Phytonomus, 816 ruralis, Notarcha, 533 Saissetia, 71 saliciperda, Helicomyia, 305, 673 salicis, Bombyx, 528 salicis, Lipara(!), 783 salicis, Rhabdophaga, 304, 667, 673 salicis, Rhynchaenus, 468 salicis, Stilpnotia, 783, 808 saltatrix, Meromyza, 461, 609 Sarcophagidae, 53 sardoa, Lecanodiaspis, 77 sarothamni, Ashpondylia, 695 sativae, Melanagromyza, 132, 133 saxonica, Dolichovespula, 810 scale-insects, 71 scarabaeoides, Phleotribus, 40, 421 scheppigi, Tetramesa, 456 Scolytidae, 60, 62, 411, 414, 417, 421, 426 Scolytus sp., 572, 577 scolytus, Scolytus, 39 sedicola, Phytomyza, 160 seitneri, Tomicobia, 673 seneciella, Pegohylemyia, 224, 239 senilis, Masicera, 757 senilis, Paraphorocera, 757 879 880 HOST INDEX serratulae, Terellia, 540 serricorne, Lasioderma, 813, 825 sertifer, Neodiprion, 531 setipennis, Digonochaeta, 811 silesiaca, Leucopis, 841 simplicoides, Melanagromyza, 134 sinuella, Paraleucoptera, 821 skianeuros, Olynx, 568 solani, Aulacorthrum, 846 solanmifoli, Macrosiphum, 846 solidaginis, Phytomyza, 209 sonchi, Phytomyza, 202 sonderupi, Phytobia, 143 sorbiana, Cacoecia, 799 sorbillans, Tachina, 759 soror, Oscinella, 461 spermotrophus, Megastigmus, 630, 680 Sphecidae, 490 sphondylii, Phytomyza, 209 sphondylivora, Phytomyza, 222 spilotus, Anthonomus, 529 spinulosus, Phthorophloeus, 45, 411, 692 spiraeae, Agromyza, 222 spurius, Apanteles, 468 stabulans, Muscina, 51 Stigmella sp., 776 ?strelkovi, Eriopeltis, 72, 840 strigata, Liriomyza, 159 strobi, Kaltenbachiola, 630, 631, 632 stylata, Urophora, 539 suecica, Eurytoma, 663 suturalis, Ips, 118 symphyti, Melanagromyza, 611 symphyti, Phytomyza, 230, 232 synaspis, Trigonaspis, 663 Syrphid, 836 szepligetii, Xestophanes, 458 tabidus, Trachelus, 439 Tachinidae, 474, 812 taeniopus, Chlorops, 461, 773 taxi, Taxomyia, 670 tectus, Ptinus, 827 tenthredinis, Mesoleius, 804 Tenthredinoidea, 474 testaceus, Orchestes, 729 tetracinctorius, Adelognathus, 207 Tetramesa sp., 41, 449, 674 thapsi, Cionus, 555 thuyae, Phloeosinus, 414 tibialis, Eurytoma, 539 tomentosa, Cynips, 431 toranio, Hylesinus, 39, 40, 416 Tortricidae, 808 Tortricoidea, 799 tragopogonis, Aulacidea, 537 trifoli, Apion, 482 trifolii, Lasiocampa, 760 tripolii, Melanagromyza, 139 tritici, Contarinia, 342, 348, 350 troglodytes, Spilomena, 599 Trypetidae, 52, 53, 539 tuberculosus, Cionus, 527 tubifex, Misospatha, 669 tussilaginis, Orellia, 547 tussilaginis, Trypeta, 547 typographus, Ips, 40, 425, 426, 673, 787 ulicis, Apion, 555 ulicis, Cecidomyia, 696 uncinatus, Cladius, 809 undata, Epeira, 776 unipuncta, Cirphis, 777 urticae, Aglais, 490 urticae, Macrosiphum, 846 validirostris, Pissodes, 415 validum, Apion, 727 varians, Anthonomus, 533 varipes, Phytomyza, 193 verbasci, Asphondilia, 696 verbasci, Dizygomyza, 200 vernalis, Platygaster, 461, 776 versicolor, Plagiodera, 818 Vespidae, 490 viciae, Dasyneura, 250 villosulum, Gymnetron, 727 viminalis, Pontania, 533, 534, 600 vinula, Cerura, 490, 491 violacea, Magdalis, 582 viridana, Tortrix, 261, 528, 799 viridis, Agrilus, 581 vittata, Chylizisoma, 221 vittata, Physocephala, 559, 560 vittatus, Acrantus, 416 vorontzovi, Pityokteines, 40 wasp nest, 809 wickhami, Ceratophyllus, 85 winthemi, Orellia, 547, 548 xanthostoma, Hartigia, 620 Xylocleptes, sp. 61 Xyleborus spp., 428 xylosteana, Cacoecia, 799 xylosteana, Lozotaenia, 799 xylostei, Lycaota, 535 xylostei, Phytomyza, 232 HOST INDEX 881 zetterstedti, Lonchaea, 730 zoe, Spilographa, 160 zoe, Trypeta, 233 zosine, Platygaster, 451, 461, 705 zygaenarum, Apanteles, 531 882 PARASITE INDEX Valid names are in roman type, synonyms in italics. For valid specific names, references to keys are given first, followed by a semicolon; where there are two such references, the first refers to a key to females, the second to a key to males. References following the semicolon are to the text. For genera, subgenera, and higher categories, the principal (text-) references precede a semicolon; references following the semicolon indicate the position of the taxon in a key to genera or to tribes or subfamilies. abenabooi, Spalangia, 52 abila, Pteromalus, 621 abdominalis, Aggelma, 580 abdominalis, Lamprotatus, 208 abdominalis, Thektogaster, 207; 208 Ablaxia, 572; 375, 379, 401 abnormis, Pteromalus, 779 acarnus, Lamprotatus, 142 accia, Gastyvancistrus, 147 acco, Pteromalus, 798 achaeus, Psilonotus, 626, 627 acilius, Lamprotatus, 148 acilius, Toxeuma, 147, 148 acontes, Gastrancistrus, 282; 297 acraea, Pteromalus, 725 Acroclisis, 91 Acrocormus, 415; 387, 390 acrotatus, Pteromalus, 785 aculeata, Sphegigaster, 128, 129; 131 aculeatus, Merismus, 131 acuminati, Tomicobia, 785, 786 acuminatus, Eupteromalus, 746, 748, 751; 762 acuminatus, Tvigonoderus, 105 acuminatus, Trichomalus, 711; 727 acutangulus, Merisus, 443 acutigena, Habrocytus, 527 acutus, Dibvrachys, 815 acutus, Dinarmus, 568 acutus, Eunotus, 73 acutus, Gastrancistrus, 278; 295 acutus, Micradelus, 247; 249 adamas, Psilonotus, 626, 627 adana, Cecidostiba, 564; 568 adelognathi, Telepsogina, 207 aeacus, Pteromalus, 485 aemulus, Pteromalus, 413 aenea, Eurytoma, 80 aenea, Halticoptera, 157, 159; 164 aenea, Miscogaster, 199 aenea, Scutellista, 77 aeneicoxa, Trichomalus, 734 aeneiscapus, Metopon, 485 aeneum, Pachyneuron, 831; 834 aeneum, Seladerma, 187, 191; 199 aeneus, Atrichoptilus, 834 aeneus, Baeoponerus, 675 aeneus, Chrysolampus, 80 aeneus, Dicylus, 164 aenicus, Pteromalus, 669 aequa, Ahlbergiella, 655 aequus, Eutelus, 655 aequus, Mesopolobus, 640, 650; 655 aequus, Gastrancistrus, 282; 321 aevatus, Miscogaster, 160 aeson, Pteromalus, 9 affinis, Dibrachys, 805; 808 affinis, Gastrancistrus, 285; 312 affinis, Platygerrhus, 112, 113; 118 affinis, Pteromalus, 728 affinis, Trigonoderus, 118 Afrolelaps, 65 Aggelma, 580; 375, 377 aglaope, Pteromalus, 622 aglaus, Pteromalus, 721 agrili, Aggelma, 580; 581 Agrilocida, 36 agriope, Sphegigaster, 173 agropyri, Chlorocytus, 617; 624 agropyricola, Mesopolobus, 648, 653; 664 agylla, Caudonia, 93 agylla, Panstenon, 93 A hilbergiella, 639 alata, Spalangiopelta, 47 alatus, Meraporus, 682 albicrus, Norbanus, 440 albicrus, Picroscytus, 440 albidovenosus, Habrocytus, 543 albidovenosus, Pteromalus, 543 albipennis, Habrocytus, 502, 519; 544 albipennis Walker, Pteromalus, 544 albipennis Zetterstedt, Pteromalus, 544 albipes, Entedon, 533 albiscapus, Arthrolytus, 793 albitarsus, Amblymerus, 652 albitarsus, Platymesopus, 625 albitarsus, Sturovia, 640, 652; 638 alboannulata, Erdoesina, 796 alboannulatus, Pteromalus, 796 albopilosus, Eupteromalus, 742, 750; 753 alcman, Pteromalus, 592 alebion, Trigonoderus, 170 PARASITE INDEX alectus, Gastrancistrus, 273; 287 aletes, Ormocerus, 162 algonquinia, Platygerrhus, 114 algonquinia, Trigonoderus, 114 alimentus, Pteromalus, 481 Allodibrachys, 805, 807 allutius, Pteromalus, 682 alope, Pteromalus, 780 alopius, Pteromalus, 730 alpestre, Seladerma, 188, 192; 200 alpestris, Lamprotatus, 200 alternipes, Habrocytus, 502; 543 alternipes, Pteromalus, 543 althaeae, Lanceosoma, 726 althaeae, Trichomalus, 726 alticornis, Psilonotus, 628 altiventris, Chrysolampus, 82 altus, Eutelus, 537 altus, Habrocytus, 512, 517; 537 amabilis, Pteromalus, 9 amabilis, Trigonoderus, 118 amaboeus, Gastrancistrus, 283; 311 amaenus, Amblymerus, 676 amaenus, Mesopolobus, 644, 651; 676 ambigua, Janssoniella, 106, 107 Amblymerus, 638 americana, Asaphes, 83 americanus, Eupteromalus, 740; 775 americanus, Platygerrhus, 120 americanus, Pseudocatolaccus, 695 Amiscogaster, 84 amnisos, Gastrancistrus, 590 amnisos, Pteromalus, 529 amoenus, Pteromalus, 837 amoenus, Spaniopus, 705, 706 amphibolus, Asemantus, 657 amphimedon, Pteromalus, 733 amphiretus, Macromesus, 43 amplissimus, Pteromalus, 524 amplus 1835, Pteromalus, 821 amplus 1836, Pteromalus, 524 amulius, Lamprotatus, 200 amurensis, Lamprotatus, 181 amyntor, Pteromalus, 654 Anarthrolytus, 789, 791, 792 Anastiba, 564, 565; 372, 402 anaxenor, Ablaxia, 572, 575; 576 anaxenor, Pteromalus, 576 anchinoe, Pteromalus, 481 androbius, Pteromalus, 798 angulus, Gastrancistrus, 295 angustula, Systasis, 260; 262 Anisopteromalia, 846 Anisopteromalus, 433; 386, 407 annellus, Henicetrus, 331 annellus, Rhopalicus, 413 annularis, Lamprotatus, 235; 237 annularis, Miscogaster, 237 annulatus, Pteromalus, 735 annulatus, Trichomalus, 714; 735 annulipes, Gastrancistrus, 260 annulipes, Miscogaster, 201 annulipes, Seladerma, 201 annulipes, Systasis, 258; 260 Anoglyphis, 102 anogmoides, Mesopolobus, 640; 678 Anogmus, 628; 372, 377, 385, 403, 409 anomalipes, Spathopus, 332 antennata, Miscogaster, 194 antennatum, Seladerma, 186; 194 antho, Pteromalus, 572 anticus, Pteromalus, 676 antorides, Pteromalus, 473 aollius, Pteromalus, 685 aon, Megorismus, 687, 852 Apelioma, 582; 362, 371, 395, 401, 406 aper, Gyrinophagus, 777 aper, Pteromalus, 777 apertus, Pteromalus, 713, 715; 730 apertus, Trichomalus, 730 apharetus, Homoporus, 446, 448; 449 apharetus, Pteromalus, 449 aphidit, Colax, 82 aphidiphagus, Asaphes, 82 aphidiphagus, Chrysolampus, 82 aphidis, Diplolepis, 842 aphidis, Pachyneuron, 833, 842 aphidum, Tridymus, 287 apicalis, Eutelus, 677 apicalis, Mesopolobus, 644, 677 apicalis, Miscogaster, 201 apicalis, Platymesopus, 676 apicalis, Walker, Pteromalus, 771 apicalis Zetterstedt, Pteromalus, 678 apicalis, Trigonoderus, 104 apionis, Semiotus, 554 A plastomorpha, 433 aponius, Dinotiscus, 410, 411 aponius, Hetroxys, 411 Apsilocera, 696; 364, 392, 396 A pterolelaps, 65 aquisgranensis, Dicormus, 142 aquisgranensis, Eunotus, 72, 74 aquisgranensis, Isocyrtus, 702 aquisgranensis, Trichomalus, 702 archidemus, Pteromalus, 169 883 884 PARASITE INDEX Ardilea, 179; 151 avduine, Dicyclus, 165 arduine, Halticoptera, 165 arenaria, Bugacia, 264, 265 arenicola, Caenocrepis, 429 areolatus, Eunotus, 72; 73 aveolatus, Tridymus, 73 arestor, Homoporus, 446, 448; 452 avestoy, Pteromalus, 452 aviomedes, Pteromalus, 544 aviovistus, Pteromalus, 572 armata, Stichocrepis, 822 avtembares, Pteromalus, 795 arvtemon, Pteromalus, 798 Arthrolysis, 437 Arthrolytus, 789; 370, 371, 389, 393 arvensis, Eupteromalus, 766 Asaphes, 78 Asaphinae, 77; 26, 32 Asemantus, 638 asphondyliae, Pseudocatolaccus, 694 Aspidocoris, 75 aspilus, Mesopolobus, 643, 651; 669 aspilus, Pteromalus, 669 assimilis, Hemitrichus, 827 assimilis, Pteromalus, 94 astuta, Spalangia, 52 ater, Prosodes, 140 ater, Catolaccus, 467 ater, Ptervomalus, 467 athevigonae, Spalangia, 53 atra, Cryptoprymna, 140 atra, Psilocera, 463, 464; 465 Atrichomalus, 737; 382, 408 Atrichoptilus, 830 atropurpureus, Gastrancistrus, 283; 311 atrovirens, Pavasaphodes, 85 atrovirens, Tvigonoderus, 100 atvum, Metopon, 465 attenuatus, Pteromalus, 725 augarus, Euneura, 843; 844 augurus, Euneura, 844 aulloi, Metacolus, 419 auvantiacus, Pteromalus, 536 auratus, Homoporus, 456 aureolus, Habrocytus, 511, 523; 535 aureolus, Psilonotus, 627 aureolus, Stinoplus, 693 auricollis, Lamprostylus, 88 aurifer, Pteromalus, 611 automedon, Pteromalus, 725 autumnalis, Gastrancistrus, 277; 297 autumnalis, Glyphe, 297 axos, Pteromalus, 733 azurescens, Pteyomalus, 419 azureus, Metacolus, 418; 419 azureus, Pteyromalus, 415, 419 babilus, Lamprotatus, 211 Baeoponerus, 639 Baeotomus, 459 Bairamlia, 84; 78 balux, Pteromalus, 725 bambyce, Ormocerus, 260 basalis, Pteromalus, 532 basicyanea, Ablaxia, 579 basicyaneus, Pteromalus, 579 baton, Habrocytus, 561 baton, Pteromalus, 561 bebryce, Pteromalus, 694 bedeguaris,_Habrocytus, 508, 521, 522; 527 Beievina, 478 belesis, Pteromalus, 654 bellus, Pteromalus, 609 beram, Lamprotatus, 198 berani, Seladerma, 187; 198 bevani, Telepsogos, 198 berecynthos, Pteromalus, 654 berylli, Habrocytus, 506, 508, 519; 544 berylli, Pteromalus, 544 beryllinus, Habrocytus, 544 betulae, Eutelus, 628 betulae, Janvartsovia, 627 bianellatum, Lampoterma, 688 bicalcavatus, Dinotoides, 572 bicaliginosus, Pteromalus, 416 bicolor, Callitula, 459; 460 bicolor, Eutelus, 676 bicolor, Homoporus, 458 bicolor, Merisus, 454 bicolor, Picroscytus, 458 bicolor, Pteromalus, 454 bicolor, Seladerma, 188; 206 bicolovata, Diplolepis, 104 bidentulus, Dinotiscus, 411 bidentulus, Dinotus, 411 bienna, Pteromalus, 526 bifoveolatus, Dinarmus, 435 bifoveolatus, Pteromalus, 513, 515; 490 bifrons, Pteromalus, 610 biglobus, Cyrtogaster, 142 bimaculatus, Pteromalus, 416 binaevius, Pteromalus, 416 PARASITE INDEX 885 binimbatus, Pteromalus, 416 binubeculatus, Pteromalus, 416 biquadvatus, Pteromalus, 480 biquadratus, Spilomalus, 480 biroi, Homoporus, 458 bisetosa, Calliprymna, 467 bluncku, Habrocytus, 525 boarmiae, Dibrachys, 807; 812 boarmiae, Erdoesina, 796 boarmiae, Pteromalus, 812 bolgius, Lamprotatus, 201 boreus, Pteromalus, 538 borges, Ovmocerus, 69 bothynoderi, Caenocrepis, 429; 430 bouceki, Pirene, 336, 339; 350 boucheanus, Dibrachys, 810 boucheanus, Pteromalus, 810 Brachyelatus, 92; 87 brachygaster, Habrocytus, 505, 519; 549 brachyptera, Spalangiopelta, 47 Brachyscelidiphagini, 95; 32 braconidis, Dibrachys, 807; 814 braconidis, Diplolepis, 532 braconidis, Habrocytus, 532 bracteatus, Pteromalus, 725 bracteatus, Trichomalus, 711, 717; 725 bramleyi, Apsilocera, 696, 697 brandtii, Pteromalus, 101 brassicae, Pteromalus, 489 breve, Seladerma, 188, 192; 203 brevicornis, Corynocere, 349 brevicornis, Dicyclus, 135 brevicornis, Eutelus, 659 brevicornis, Habritys, 427 brevicornis, Halticoptera, 157, 158; 161 brevicornis, Lamprotatus, 234, 237; 240 brevicornis, Mormoniella, 779 brevicornis, Nasonia, 779 brevicornis, Ratzeburg, Ptevomalus, 427 brevicornis, Walker, Pteromalus, 726 brevicornis Thomson, Rhopalicus, 412, 413; 414 brevicornis Thomson, Roptrocerus, 424, 425; 426 brevicornis, Sphegigaster, 128, 130; 135 brevivamulus, Pteromalus, 820 brevis, Miscogaster, 201 breviscapus, Chlorocytus, 612; 624 breviusculus, Etroxys, 591 breviusculus, Holcaeus, 587; 591 breviventris, Miscogaster, 177 brevivitta, Pteromalus, 170 brises, Lamprotatus, 201 britannicus, Pteromalus, 105 britteni, Cyrtogaster, 142, 143 Bruchobius, 434 brunneiventris, Homoporus, 451 bryce, Pteromalus, 8, 9 bubaris, Pteromalus, 788 Bubeckia, 91 budensis, Homoporus, 457 Bugacia, 264; 251 cabades, Pteromalus, 590 cabarnos, Pteromalus, 532 Caenacis, 569; 370, 400 Caenocrepis, 429; 362, 387, 391, 395, 398 caeruleus, Encyrtus, 76 caesareus, Eupteromalus, 775 calamis, Pteromalus, 824 calandrae, Anisopteromalus, 433 calandvae, Aplastomorpha, 433 calandvae, Pteromalus, 433 calcavatus, Dinotiscus, 411 calcavatus, Dinotus, 411 caledonicum, Seladerma, 186, 192; 195 californica, Moranila, 70 califovnica, Tomocera, 70 caligatus, Walker 1836, Pteromalus, 481 caligatus Walker, 1874, Pteromalus, 481 calligetus, Holcaeus, 584, 587; 588 calligetus, Pteromalus, 588 Callimerismus, 176; 151 Calliprymna, 467; 364 Callitula, 458; 353, 381, 389, 408 Calypso, 333 cameroni, Spalangia, 49; 53 camma, Pteromalus, 697 campestris, Amblymerus, 735 campestris, Trichomalus, 713, 714; 735 Capellia, 475; 367, 368, 376, 397, 404 capitatus Férster, Pteromalus, 410 capitatus Ratzeburg, Pteromalus, 411 capnopterus, Pteyomalus, 570 capreae, Cynips, 533 capreae, Habrocytus, 510; 533 capreae, Seladerma, 303 Caratomus, 849 carcinus, Pteromalus, 572 cavdui, Cecidostiba, 540 cardui, Habrocytus, 500; 540 cardui, Lanceosoma, 727 caricicola, Eupteromalus, 742, 750; 768 cavma, Pteromalus, 732 cavolinensis, Acroclisis, 91 886 PARASITE INDEX carolinensis, Bubeckia, 91 casalis, Hispanolelaps, 65 catenatus, Eutelus, 676 catillus, Ptevomalus, 820 Catolaccus, 467; 366, 396 catuli, Psilonotus, 627 caudata, Janssoniella, 106, 107 caudatus, Henicetrus, 331 caudiger, Habrocytus, 502; 548 Caudonia, 92 cavigena, Catolaccus, 467 cavigena, Cryptoprymnus, 140 cavigena, Synedrus, 584 cavus, Dibrachys, 807; 810 cavus, Pteyomalus, 810 Cea, 45 cecidomyiae, Capellia, 475; 477 cecidomyiae, Holcaeus, 794 cecidomyiae, Pteromalus, 477 Cecidostiba, 564; 370, 372, 375, 399, 402, 405 Ceinae, 45; 25 celery, Pteromalus, 193 celer, Systasis, 263 celticus, Tricyclomischus, 167 cephalon, Gastrancistrus, 327 cephalotes, Coelopisthus, 820 cephalotes, Homoporus, 458 cephalotes, Pteromalus, 489 cephalotes, Paracaratomus, 848 cepio, Pteromalus, 800 cerasiops, Picroscytoides, 441; 442 ceycaphrus, Pteromalus, 162 cercides, Pteromalus, 788 cerebrosum, Skeloceras, 245 cernus, Miscogaster, 263 cernus, Systasis, 263 Cerocephala, 57; 56 Cerocephalinae, 56; 25 cevopasades, Ptevomalus, 538 cerpheres, Pteromalus, 721 cevycus, Pteromalus, 610 Chaetospila, 61 chalceus, Pteromalus, 726 chalcidiphagus, Homoporus, 446, 448; 449 chalcidiphagus, Merisoporus, 449 chalcidiphagus, Semiotellus, 449 chalcomelas, Pteromalus, 451 chalybea, Pirene, 339, 341; 349 charops, Pteromalus, 485 Cheiropachus, 416; 387, 400 Chetvopachys, 416 Chiropachys, 416 chloris Thomson, Megorismus, 169 chloris Walker, Pteromalus, 609 Chlorocytus, 611; 364, 369, 372, 374, 376, 377, 378, 379, 396, 403, 404, 405, 406 chlorogaster, Habrocytus, 511; 534 chlorogaster, Homoporus, 452 chlorospilus, Eutelus, 524 chlorospilus, Habrocytus, 508; 524 Choetospila, 61; 57 choreiformis, Epicopterus, 69 chrysammos, Pieromalus, 731 chrysis, Lamprotatus, 208 chrysis, Thektogaster, 207; 208 chrysochlova, Miscogaster, 224 chrysochlorus, Lamprotatus, 232 chrysochlorus, Xestomnaster, 232 Chrysolampinae, 86; 29 Chrysolampus, 87; 86 Chrysomalla, 91; 87 chrysorrhoeae, Pteromalus, 473 chrysos, Habrocytus, 498, 516; 527 chrysos, Pteromalus, 527 cincticorne, Platyterma, 659 cinctipes, Miscogaster, 164 cinetoides, Dipara, 65 cingulipes, Cyrtogaster, 142 cingulipes, Pteromalus, 544 cingulum, Pteromalus, 823 cioni, Habrocytus, 504, 509, 512, 520, 521; 526 ciontcida, Habrocytus, 555 cionobia, Cecididostiba, 555 cionobius, Dibrachoides, 815; 816 cionobius, Habrocytus, 496, 516; 555 civculus, Dicyclus, 163 circulus, Halticoptera, 157, 159; 163 cisae, Plutothrix, 103, 104; 106 citritibius, Chrysolampus, 165 citritibius, Halticoptera, 165 citrinus, Mesopolobus, 644, 647; 673 citvrinus, Pteromalus, 673 citripes, Gastrancistrus, 282; 318 citvipes, Tridymus, 318 citripes, Platyterma, 655 claripennis, Peridesmia, 702 claripennis, Pteromalus, 702 clavus, Semtiotus, 256 classeyi, Bugacia, 264; 265 clavalis, Neanica, 423 clavata, Coruna, 845 clavatus, Gastrancistrus, 279; 296 clavatus, Tridymus, 296 clavatus, Notanisus, 41, 42 clavellatus, Gastrancistrus, 285; 315 PARASITE INDEX clavicornis, Cyrtogaster, 144 clavicornis, Homoporus, 457 clavicornis, Merismus, 173 clavicornis Forster, Mesopolobus, 661 clavicornis, Polycystus, 144 clavicornis Walker, Pteromalus, 654 clavicornis Forster, Syntomocera, 661 clavicornis, Systasina, 260 clavicornis, Systasis, 260° claviger, Gastrancistrus, 327 claviger, Lamprotatus, 243 claviger, Pteromalus, 486 claviger, Trimicrops, 66 clavigerum, Skeloceras, 242, 243 cleodoxa, Halticoptera, 166 cleodoxa, Pachylarthrus, 166 Cleonyminae, 35; 34 Cleonymus, 37; 36 cleta, Lamprotatus, 201 chiens, Ptervomalus, 169 clypealis, Cyclogastrella, 798; 800 clypealis, Dinotus, 410 clypealis, Vrestovia, 828 coactus, Gastrancistrus, 280; 307 coccorum, Ichneumon, 830 coccorum, Pachyneuron, 838 codrus, Pteromalus, 481 coelius Walker, 1839, Plutothrix, 103, 104; 105 coelius Walker, 1839, Ptevomalus, 105 coelius Walker, 1848, Pteromalus, 105 Coelopisthia auctt., 819 Coelofisthia Forster, 488 Coelopisthoidea, 804 Coelopisthus, 819 coeno, Pteromalus, 544 coervuleocephalae, Ptevomalus, 473 coevuleovivens, Lamprotatus, 206 coeruleovirens, Seladerma, 206 coervuleum, Pachyneuron, 834, 835 coeruleus, Pteromalus, 544 cognatus, Eupteromalus, 745; 776 Colas, 494 Colax, 494 collaris, Cecidostiba, 569 collaris, Eutelus, 676 collaris, Halticoptera, 156, 157; 159 collavis, Pteromalus, 159 colon auctt., Cheivopachus, 416, 417 colon, Cheivopachys, 416 colon Linnaeus, Dinotiscus, 410, 411 colon, Sphex, 411 Colotrechnus, 850 comes, Pteromalus, 489 complanatus, Pteromalus, 632, 783 complanatus, Trichoglenus, 783 compressus, Gastrancistrus, 286; 323 compressus, Holcaeus, 587; 590 compressus, Pteromalus, 590 compressus, Stenophrus, 333 comptum, Platyterma, 9 concinnus, Metastenus, 829 concisus, Pteromalus, 735 concolor, Metopon, 465 concolor, Pachyneuron, 834; 840 concolor, Psiloceva, 430 concolor, Pteromalus, 840 confinis, Pteromalus, 735 conformis, Habrocytus, 505; 553 congrua, Peridesmia, 701, 702 congruus, Pteromalus, 702 conifer, Pteromalus, 722 conifer, Trichomalus, 710, 716; 722 coniferae, Gastrancistrus, 276; 293 conjugens, Pirene, 336, 340; 344 conobius, Platythovax, 631 Conomorium, 821; 359, 394, 401 conopidarum, Dirhicnus, 559 conopidarum, Habrocytus, 506, 514; 559 consocius, Pteromalus, 488 consocius, Sceptrothelys, 488 consors, Gastrancistrus, 275; 290 conspersa, Polycelis, 706 conspersus, Nephelomalus, 699 conspersus, Pteromalus, 699 constans, Pteromalus, 169 constans, Rhicnocoelia, 169 consuetus, Pteromalus, 727 contaminatus, Pteromalus, 538 contemptus, Trigonoderus, 101 conterminus, Pteromalus, 481 contigua, Miscogaster, 201 continua, Stenomalina, 604, 606; 610 continuus, Pteromalus, 610 contractus, Chrysolampus, 624 contractus, Pteromalus, 655 contractus, Tvigonoderus, 102 convergens, Tridymus, 297 convexa, Ardilea, 179 convexa, Miscogaster, 179 convexum, Seladerma, 188, 192; 206 convexus, Stictomischus, 209 coretas, Lamprotatus, 170 coretas, Rhicnocoelia, 169; 170 888 PARASITE, INDEX covion, Pteromalus, 638 cornigera, Cerocephala, 57; 59 Coruna, 845; 355, 390 corvus, Hyperimerus, 84 Coryna, 845 corynocera, Kaleva, 596; 598 Corynocere, 334 coryphe, Pteromalus, 717 coryphe, Trichomalus, 710, 717 cosingas, Pteromalus, 609 costalis, Miscogaster, 201 coxalis, Baeotomus, 766 coxalis, Gastrancistrus, 275; 291 coxalis, Hispanolelaps, 65 coxalis, Trichomalus, 735 coxalis, Tridymus, 291 crassiceps, Gbelcia, 699 crassiceps, Homoporus, 446; 452 crassiceps, Merisoides, 467 crassicornis, Ablaxia, 575; 579 crassicornis, Amblymerus, 654 crassicoynis, Caenacis, 579 crassicornis, Eutelus, 654 crassicornis, Habrocytus, 514; 523 crassicorynis, Mevraporus, 682 crassicornis, Psychophagoides, 472 crassicornis, Pteromalus, 523 crassicornis, Spalangia, 50; 54 crassicornis, Stenomalus, 608 crassinervis, Anisopteromalia, 847 crassinervis, Habrocytus, 512, 517; 537 crassinervis, Homoporus, 449 crassinervuis, Merisoporus, 449 crassipes, Halticoptera, 161 crassipes, Lamprotatus, 234, 235; 238 crassispina, Metopon, 466 crassispina, Psilocera, 463, 465; 466 crassus, Gastrancistrus, 286; 314 Cratominae, 848; 34 Cratomus, 849 cremifaniae, Pachyneuron, 833; 838 cretaceus, Eunotus, 71, 72 Cricellius, 591; 385, 409 crinifrons, Pteromalus, 783 crvistatus, Ptevomalus, 718, 721 crius, Miscogaster, 163 crocale, Pteromalus, 731 Crossotomoria, 42, 43 crotopus, Pteromalus, 170 crotus, Pteromalus, 610 cruciatus, Pteromalus, 851 crucifer, Halomalus, 781 cruciger, Staurothyreus, 699 cryptogaster, Novitzkyanus, 141 cryptophagus, Pteromalus, 722 Cryptoprymna, 140; 124 Cryptoprymnus, 140 cubarmes, Pteromalus, 532 cumatilis, Stictomischus, 225 cupreicolor, Pteromalus, 529 cupreus, Gastrancistrus, 276; 291 cupreus, Homoporus, 456 cupreus, Lamprotatus, 240 cupreus, Walker, Pteromalus, 529 cupreus, Trichomalus, 711; 727 cuprinus, Pteromalus, 731% curtulus, Pteromalus, 466 curtus Walker, Pteromalus, 731 cuvtus Zetterstedt, Pteromalus, 466 curtus Walker, Trichomalus, 731 cuvvus, Lamprotatus, 181 cuscutae, Sphegigaster, 129, 130; 136 cyamon, Pteromalus, 627 cyanea, Miscogaster, 201 cyanea, Scutellista, 75, 76 cyanescens, Cleonymus, 102 cyanescens, Trigonoderus, 99; 102 cyaneus, Aspidocoris, 76 cyaneus, Chrysolampus, 88 cychreus, Urolepis, 777 Cyclogastrella, 796; 360, 381, 394, 402 cynipedis, Ichneumon, 474 cyniphidis, Ichneumon, 474 cynipidis, Dinarmus, 431 Cyrtogaster, 141; 124 Cyrtoptyx, 430; 386, 407 cytoeum, Pteromalus (nom. nud.) 852 cyzicus, Miscogaster, 167 cyzicus, Thinodytes, 167 dacicida, Cyrtoptyx, 430 dacicida, Dinaymus, 430 daimenes, Pteromalus, 725 daiphron, Miscogaster, 163 damo, Habrocytus, 561 damo, Pteromalus, 561 danuvianus, Homoporus, 451 decedens, Ptevomalus, 810 decipiens, Cricellius, 592; 594 decipiens, Eutelus, 655 decipiens, Habrocytus, 502, 519; 548 decipiens, Pirene, 336, 340; 342 decisus, Pteromalus, 729 decorum, Platyterma, 655 decorus, Mesopolobus, 656 PARASITE INDEX 889 decorus, Pteromalus, 729 deductor, Tvigonoderus, 117 degener, Sphegigaster, 142 deiochus, Pteromalus, 728 deione, Miscogaster, 485 deione, Sceptrothelys, 484; 485 deiphon, Metopon, 467 delectus, Ptervomalus, 731 dendroctoni, Cecidostiba, 568 dentatus, Chrysolampus, 87; 88 dentatus, Elatus, 88 denticulata, Rohatina, 700 dentifer, Habrocytus, 539 dentifer, Isocyrtus, 782 dentifer, Pezilepsis, 782 deplana, Corynocere, 348 deplanata, Cyclogastrella, 798 deplanata, Rakosina, 781 deplanatus, Pteromalus, 798 depressa, Diplolepis, 38 depressus, Cleonymus, 38 dercyllus, Pteromalus, 610 deschampsiae, Chlorocytus, 617; 623 despectus, Pteromalus, 726 destructor, Cevaphyon, 450 destructor, Homoporus, 446, 448; 450 destructoy, Meyisus, 450 detritus, Pteromalus, 731 deucetius, Pteromalus, 539 deudorix, Pteromalus, 718 diachymatis, Pteromalus, 728 diaeus, Lamprotatus, 203 diaeus, Seladerma, 203 Dibrachella, 591 Dibrachoides, 814; 359, 393 Dibrachys, 804; 360, 393 dice, Semiotus, 263 dice, Systasis, 263 Dichalysis, 462 dichrous, Holcaeus, 588 Dicormus, 141% Dicyclus, 155 diffine, Seladerma, 188, 192; 200 diffinis, Mesopolobus, 646, 650; 669 diffinis, Miscogaster, 200 diffinis, Nodisoplata, 181 diffinis, Platymesopus, 669 Diglochis Forster, 782; 357, 361, 381, 392 Diglochis Thomson, 473 dilectus, Eutelus, 676 Dilophogaster, 70 Dimachus, 823; 360, 394 dimidiatus, Pteromalus, 410 Dinarmoides, 436; 386, 407 Dinarmus, 434; 386, 407 Dinotoides, 571; 370, 400 Dinotiscus, 409; 387, 390, 395 Dinotus, 409 diomedon, Pteromalus, 544 diores, Selimnus, 149 Dipachystigma, 329 Dipara, 64 Diparinae, 63; 26 dipoenos, Pteromalus, 721 diprionis, Tritneptis, 801; 803 dirce, Miscogaster, 139 Dirhicnus, 787; 368, 405 discalis, Ablaxia, 579 discalis, Pteromalus, 579 discedens, Stictomischus, 228 discoideus, Arthrolytus, 791, 792; 795 discoideus, Pteromalus, 795 discolor, Dimachus, 823 discolor, Pteromalus, 823 discus, Peridesmia, 701 discus, Pteromalus, 701 Disema, 638 Disemisca, 639 dispar, Gastrancistrus, 273; 289 dispar, Colas, 532 dispar, Habrocytus, 509, 520; 532 dispila, Terobia, 253 dissimilis, Miscogaster, 201 dissimilis, Spaniopus, 703; 705 distinctus, Pleromalus, 421 distinguendus, Habrocytus, 527 distinguendus, Lariophagus, 824 distinguendus, Pteromalus, 824 diutinum, Seladerma, 197 diutinus, Telepsogos, 197 diversus, Chlorocytus, 618; 619 diversus, Pteromalus, 619 diversus, Semiotellus, 254; 256 diversus, Semiotus, 256 dives, Pteromalus, 608 dives, Stenomalina, 604; 608 divisa, Caenacis, 570 divisus, Ptervomalus, 570 docimus, Cecidostiba, 564, 565; 566 docimus, Pteromalus, 566 Doghmiella, 168 dolichurus, Habrocytus, 510, 523; 533 dolosus, Platygerrhus, 112; 120 dolosus, Tvigonoderus, 120 domesticus, Pteyvomalus, 798 Dorcatomophaga, 828; 360, 380, 489 890 PARASITE INDEX dorsalis, Pteromalus, 607 dvepanon, Pteromalus, 823 drosophilae, Spalangia, 50 dvuso, Dibrachoides, 815 drvuso, Ptevomalus, 820 dryas, Gastyancistrus, 311 drymo, Ormocerus, 328 dryops, Miscogaster, 204 dubia, Coryna, 845 dubius, Walker, Amblymerus, 674 dubius Ashmead, Eupteromalus, 746; 776 dubius Ashmead, Mevaporus, 776 dubius Walker, Mesopolobus, 646, 651; 674 dubius, Pachycrepoideus, 846 dubius, Platymesopus, 674 dubius Nees, Pteromalus, 481 dubius Ashmead, Spintherus, 482 dubius Nees, Spintherus, 481 ductilis, Platygerrhus, 110, 113; 117 ductilis, Trigonoderus, 117 dudichi, Spalangiopelta, 47, 48 dulcis, Pteromalus, 412 dynastes, Dibrachoides, 815 dynastes, Pteyvomalus, 815 dysaules, Norbanus, 438 eccoptogastri, Cerocephala, 59, 61 eccoptogastri, Roptocerus, 425 ecksteini, Platyterma, 678 Ecrizotes, 330; 239 ection, Pteromalus, 591 egvegius, Pteromalus, 764 einersbergensis, Pteromalus, 631 Elatoides, 149 Elatus, 87 elegans, Choetospila, 61 elegans, Homoporus, 457 elegans, Miscogaster, 226, 228 elegans, Spaniopus, 705 elegans, Trigonoderus, 123 eleutheva, Pteromalus, 105 elevatus, Eutelus, 538 elevatus, Habrocytus, 506, 520; 538 elevatus, Lamprotatus, 208 elongata, Callitula, 459, 460 elongata, Pachycrepoideus, 847 elongatus, Baeotomus, 460 elongatus, Etvoxys, 591 elongatus, Eutelus, 669 elongatus, Merisus, 460 elongatus, Stictomischus, 223, 224 elongatus, Trichomalus, 712, 717; 727 elyces, Pachylarthus, 161 elymt, Gothbergia, 436 elymus, Pteromalus, 694 elyvos, Pteromalus, 610 emathion, Pteromalus, 823 empoclus, Pteromalus, 470 Enargopelte, 75 encyrtoides, Systasis, 259; 261 endius, Spalangia, 49; 53 endomychi, Endomychobius, 470 endomychi, Pteromalus, 470 Endomychobius, 470; 368, 402 epicles, Habrocytus, 561 epicles, Pteromalus, 561 Epicopterus, 69; 68 Epimacrus, 57 epimelas, Pteromalus, 554 epistena, Stenomalina, 604, 606; 610 epistenus, Pteromalus, 610 epulo, Gastrancistrus, 327 epulo, Seladerma, 327 equestris, Pteromalus, 529 evasippus, Pteromalus, 610 Erdoesia, 123; 98 Erdoesina, 796; 360, 394, 401 evemita, Conomorium, 821 evemita, Ptervomalus, 821 evgias, Pteromalus, 654 evicae, Toxeuma, 147 evichsoni, Platymesopus, 675 Erythromalus, 468; 363, 398 erythromera, Spalangia, 51; 54 erythropus, Gastrancistrus, 327 etearchus, Pteromalus, 693 etearchus, Stinoplus, 691; 693 Etroxys, 584 Euamblymerus, 639 Euargopelte, 75 Eucerchysius, 420 eucerus, Pteromalus, 527 euctemon, Pteromalus, 263 euctemon, Systasis, 263 eulimene, Pteromalus, 554 Eulonchetron, 599; 367, 406 Eumacepolus, 401; 375, 379 Euneura, 843; 355, 390 Eunevra, 843 Eunotellus, 71; 74 Eunotinae, 67; 26 Eunotomyia, 70 Eunotus, 71; 68 Eupsilocera, 462 Eupteromalus, 408; 353, 361, 382, 389, 395 PARASITE INDEX eupterus, Dinotiscus, 410 eupterus, Pteromalus, 410 europaeus, Parmicromelus, 681, 683 europaeus, Platecrizotes, 848 euvoto, Miscogaster, 204 euroto, Seladerma, 187; 204 eurvybia, Miscogaster, 161 Eurydinota, 474; 366 euvynotus, Pteromalus, 820 Euryophrys, 333 euvyops, Pteromalus, 694 Eutelus, 638 excellens, Heydenia, 39 excrescentium, Pteromalus, 533, 534 exiguum, Mespilon, 83 exiguus, Eupteromalus, 748, 752; 770 exiguus, Mevaporus, 770 extlis Forster, Pteromalus, 723 exilis Walker, Pteromalus, 669 exitlis Forster, Trichomalus, 713, 722; 723 eximia, Pirene, 338, 341; 345, 349 eximius, Eutelus, 676 extentus, Kranophorus, 820 extentus, Pteromalus, 820 famulus, Pteromalus, 731% fasciata, Cecidostiba, 566 fasciatipennis, Spalangiomorpha, 61 fasciatus, Habrocytus, 511, 523; 538 fasciatus, Pteromalus, 725 fasciatus, Trichomalus, 726 fasciatus, Tricoryphus, 65 fasciculatus, Pteromalus, 666 fasciiventris, Mesopolobus, 642, 649; 666 faustina, Pteromalus, 468 favorinus, Pteromalus, 608 favorinus, Stenomalina, 604, 606; 608 febriculosus, Homoporus, 447, 448; 453 febriculosus, Merisus, 453 felginas, Pteromalus, 8, 9 femorale, Platyterma, 654 femorata, Miscogaster, 201 fennicum, Lonchetron, 596 ferrierei, Agrilocida, 36 ferrierei, Callitula, 459; 460 ferrierei, Dirhicnus, 787, 788 ferrieret, Pachyneuron, 841 fevrieret, Tomicobia, 788 fertilis, Pteromalus, 719 fervida, Stenomalina, 603, 607; 608 festiva, Eunotomyia, 71 festiva, Halticoptera, 162 festucae, Eunotus, 72 festucae, Pteromalus (nom. nud.?), 852 fidenas, Gastrancistrus, 828 fidenas, Vrestovia, 828 jfiguratus, Trigonoderus, 117 filatus, Trigonoderus, 99, 100; I1o1 filicornis, Crossotomoria, 43 filicornis, Ecrizotes, 331; 332 filicornis, Henicetrus, 332 filicornis, Homporus, 453 filicornis, Miscogaster, 201 filicornis, Pteromalus, 621 fimbriatus, Lariophagus, 826 flagellaris, Trichomalus, 710, 716; 723 flagellatus, Merisus, 443; 444 flammeus, Gitognathus, 209 flammeus, Glyphognathus, 209 flammeus, Stictomischus, 209 flammiger, Pteromalus, 725 flaviclavatus, Mesopolobus, 668 flavicornis, Diplolepis, 159 flavicornis, Merismus, 136 flavicornis, Meromalus, 328 flavicornis, Phagonia, 160 flavicornis, Sphegigaster, 129; 136 flavipes, Cleonymus, 422 flavipes, Endomychobius, 470 flavipes, Eutelus, 666 flavipes, Pandelus, 422 flavipes, Tridymus, 296 flaviscapus, Homoporus, 449 flavitarsis, Pteromalus, 481 flavius, Cyclogastrella, 797, 798; 800 flavius, Pteromalus, 800 flavus, Lamprotatus, 238 fletcheri, Asaphes, 83 fletchernt, Megorismus, 83 foerstert, Plutothrix, 104 fontanus, Pteromalus, 609 fontanus, Stenomalina, 606; 609 formicaria, Spalangia, 53 formiciformis, Cerocephala, 63 formiciformis, Theocolax, 63 formosum, Pachyneuron, 833; 836 formosus, Chlorocytus, 612, 619; 602, 605 fraxini, Pteromalus, 416 frenalis, Tridymus, 295 frontalis, Trichomalus, 721 fronto, Callimerismus, 177 fronto, Merismus, 177 fucicola, Pteromalus, 752 891 fucicola, Eupteromalus, 748, 749, 750; 753 fulgens, Miscogaster, 230 892 PARASITE INDEX fulginas, Gastrancistrus, 296 fulvicornis, Eutelus, 666 fulvicornis, Gastrancistrus, 282; 308 fulvicornis, Lamprotatus, 308 fulvicorms, Semiotus, 307 fulvicoxis, Gastrancistrus, 280; 304 fulvipennis, Amblymerus, 674 fulvipes, Amblymerus, 669 fulvipes, Eupteromalus, 776 fuluipes, Pteromalus, 733 fulvipes, Trichomalus, 713, 715; 733 fulviventris, Homoporus, 447, 448; 454 fulviventris, Pteromalus, 454 fumipennis, Gastrancistrus, 276; 291 fumipennis, Pteromalus, 735 fumipennis, Semiotellus, 254}; 255 fungosus, Cynips, 566 fuscescens, Pteromalus, 590 fuscicorne, Toxeuma, 145; 147 fuscicornis, Cinips, 676 fuscicornis, Dibrachys, 807; 808 fuscicornis, Dicyclus, 163 fuscicornis, Gastrancistrus, 275; 287 fuscicornis, Pteromalus, 808 fuscipennis, Eutelus, 537 fuscipennis, Miscogaster, 231 fuscipes, Amblymerus, 675 fuscipes, Bairamlia, 84, 85 fuscipes, Gitognathus, 211 fuscipes, Mesopolobus, 644, 650; 675 fuscipes, Miscogaster, 211 fuscipes, Spalangia, 51; 56 futilis, Pteromalus, 731 gallicus, Pteromalus, 566 gallonius, Pteromalus, 788 Gastracanthus, 122; 99 Gastrancistrus, 270; 252 gaudens, Pteromalus, 608 Gbelcia, 699; 368 geganius, Cecidostiba, 564, 565 geganius, Gastrvancistyus, 565 gelanor, Miscogaster, 205 gelanor, Seladerma, 205 genale, Seladerma, 185, 191; 197 genalis, Eupteromalus, 744, 751; 757 genalis, Lamprotatus, 197 geniculata, Isoplata, 193 geniculatum, Seladerma, 185, 190; 193 geniculatus, Entedon, 193 gentilis, Eupteromalus, 775 gentilis Forster, Pteyomalus, 775 gentilis Walker, Pteromalus, 493 genualis, Cheiropachus, 418 germanicus, Eupteromalus, 746, 751; 761 germanus, Pteyvomalus, 722 gibba, Miscogaster, 220 gibberosus, Gitognathus, 216 gibbiscuta, Homoporus, 447; 452 gibbiscuta, Pachyneuron, 831; 838 gibbus, Stictomischus, 218; 220 gigon, Pteromalus, 682 giordanii, Norbanus, 440 giordanii, Picroscitus, 440 Gitognathus, 209; 152 glabellus, Eulophus, 323 glabellus, Gastrancistrus, 287; 323 glabrata, Sphegigaster, 125, 129; 133 glabriculus, Habrocytus, 504; 542 glabrio, Entedon, 85 glandium, Arthrolytus, 790, 792; 793 glasgowi, Cyrtogaster, 142; 143 glaucum, Skeloceras, 242, 243; 246 glautias, Pteromalus, 529 glechomae, Phaenocytus, 562 glechomae, Pteromalus, 562 globosum, Seladerma, 200 globosus, Lamprotatus, 200 globosus, Telepsogos, 200 globulariae, Norbanus, 439 globulariae, Picroscytus, 439 Glyphe, 270 Glyphognathus, 208, 152 Glyptognathus, 208 Gnatho, 494 gonatas, Pteromalus, 788 gorgasus, Holcaeus, 586, 688 gorgasus, Pteyomalus, 588 Gothbergia, 436 gvacilenta, Dibrachella, 593 gracilentus, Cricellius, 587, 592; 593 gvacilicornis, Pteromalus, 725 gracilicornis, Trichomalus, 711, 716; 725 grvacilipes, Miscogaster, 228, 230 gracilis, Cricellius, 587, 592 gracilis, Eutelus, 611 gracilis, Lamprotatus, 194 gracilis, Platygerrhus, 118 gracilis, Pteromalus, 592 grahami, Eumacepolus, 634, 636 graminea, Pirene, 339, 340; 347, 349 graminicola, Meraporus, 682 gvaminum, Amblymerus, 663 graminum, Mesopolobus, 648, 653, 663 grande, Pachyneuron, 833; 837 PARASITE INDEX 893 grvandiclava, Caenacis, 570 Heteroprymna, 697; 366 grandiclava, Gitognathus, 210, 211 hetevotomus, Dirhicnus, 800 grandiclava, Pteromalus, 486 heterotomus, Eutelus, 668 grandiclava, Sceptrothelys, 484, 485; 486 heterotomus, Mesopolobus, 668 grandis, Habrocytus, 510, 523; 528 Hetroxys, 122 grandis, Pteromalus, 528 Heydenia, 39; 36 gravenhorstit, Pterolycus, 118 hians, Dibrachys, 805; 808 gravenhorstii, Pteromalus, 118 hieracii, Habrocytus, 512, 520; 536 grvibodoi, Hetroxys, 102 hierocles, Gastvancistrus, 327, 845 groschkei, Stictomischus, 218, 220; 221 hilaris, Cecidostiba, 564, 565; 567 Gugolzia, 430; 386 hilaris, Pteromalus, 567 Guieralia, 257, 258 hippeus, Halticoptera, 156, 158; 161 guttatus, Pteromalus, 415 hippeus, Miscogaster, 161 guttatus, Rhopalicus, 413; 415 hippo, Pteromalus, 729 Gygaxia, 845; 355 hivta, Spalangia, 51% gynetelus, Pteromalus, 725 hivticornis, Trigonoderus, 120 gynetelus, Trichomalus, 711, 717; 725 hirtipes, Pteromalus, 100 Gyrinophagus, 777; 361, 395 hirtulus, Gastrancistrus, 283; 309 hispanica, Enargopelte, 77 hispanica, Scutellista, 77 Habritus, 427 Hispanolelaps, 65 Habritys, 427; 356, 389 Hobbya, 569; 369, 399, 403 Habrocytus, 494; 370, 372, 374, 377, 378, hofferi, Spathopus, 332 379, 380, 398, 403, 405 hohenheimensis, Anogmus, 629; 631 haematobiae, Spalangia, 51; 55 hohenheimensis, Pteromalus, 631 halidayanus, Pteromalus, 478 Holcaeus, 584; 367, 371, 404, 405 Halizoa, 780 homalaspis, Spalangia, 52 Halizous, 780 Homoporus, 444; 355, 363, 381, 391, 402, 404, Halomalus, 781; 379, 392 406, 409 Halticoptera, 155; 150 Hormocerus, 252 Halticopterina, 166; 150 hortensia, Psilonotus, 627, 628 hamillus, Gastrancistrus, 282; 296 hortensis, Miscogaster, 227, 228; 230 harmolitae, Chlorocytus, 616; 622 humilis, Amblymerus, 675 harmolitae, Gugolzia, 430 humilis, Pteromalus, 570 hebes, Amblymerus, 682 hungaricus, Anogmus, 629, 630 hecato, Pteromalus, 420 hungaricus, Platythovax, 630 hedymeles, Pteromalus, 544 hyaloptera, Spalangia, 53 helenomus, Habrocytus, 513, 523; 535 Hylocomus, 475 helenor, Lamprotatus, 228 hyloe, Pteromalus, 608 helveticum, Seladerma, 197 Hyperimerus, 83; 78 helveticus, Telepsogos, 197 hyponomeutae, Habrocytus, 527 helvipes, Eutelus, 731 Hypsicamara, 843 helvipes, Trichomalus, 713, 716; 731 Hypsicamera, 843 hemigaster, Gastrancistrus, 285; 314 hyvtacina, Pteromalus, 732 hemipterus, Eupteromalus, 748, 749; 771 hyvtacus, Pteromalus, 591 hemipterus, Pteromalus, 771 Hemitrichus, 826; 360, 394 Henicetrus, 330 icelos, Lamprotatus, 199 herbacea, Pirene, 339, 341; 346 icelos, Seladerma, 199 Herbertia, 329 iceryae, Parasaphodes, 84 herbidus, Pteromalus, 725 ieva, Pteromalus, 609 hermachus, Pteromalus, 481 iera, Stenomalina, 605; 609 Heterolaccus, 488 illudens, Pteromalus, 608 894 PARASITE INDEX illudens, Stenomalina, 604, 607; 608 imbutus, Pteromalus, 529 immaculatus, Eutelus, 676 immaculatus, Pteromalus, 413 impar, Pteromalus, 170 impar, Rhicnocoelia, 169; 170 impeditus, Pteromalus, 543 impletus, Hormocerus, 261 inatos, Pteromalus, 730 inchoatus, Chlorocytus, 618; 620 incisus, Syntomopus, 138; 139 inclusus, Pteromalus, 527 incongruens, Arthrolytus, 818 incrassatus, Pteromalus, 570 incubator, Pteromalus, 837 inculta, Xenocrepis, 654 incultum, Platyterma, 654 incultus, Mesopolobus, 640, 652; 654 incurvus, Syntomopus, 138; 139 indicus, Neocatolaccus, 433 indivisus, Gastrancistrus, 286; 324 inermis, Rohatina, 700 iners, Amblymerus, 682 infectus, Pteromalus, 554 inflexa, Caenacis, 570; 571 inflexus, Pteromalus, 571 inops, Pteromalus, 735 inops, Trichomalus, 713, 714; 735 inornatus, Eutelus, 685 inornatus, Pegopus, 684, 685 inscitus, Pteromalus, 728 inscitus, Trichomalus, 712, 716; 728 insidiatoy, Pteromalus, 788 insignis, Pachylarthrus, 159 insuetus, Stictonotus, 779 insularvis, Pteromalus, 554 integer, Habrocytus, 500, 518; 538 integer, Pteromalus, 538 intermedia, Janssoniella, 107 intermedia, Sceptrothelys, 484, 485, 486 intermedius, Eutelus, 542 intermedius, Habrocytus, 502, 518; 542 intermedius, Merisus, 450; 766 intermedius, Pachychirus, 416 intermedius, Pteromalus, 734 intersita, Sphegigaster, 128, 129; 131 intestinarius, Pteromalus, 718 invenustus, Pteromalus, 100; 104 Ipocoelius, 784 avene, Cea, 46 iviarte, Gastrancistrus, 327, 851 irregularis, Spalangia, 50, 51 wus, Pteromalus, 734 isarchus, Habrocytus, 512, 523; 527 isarchus, Pteromalus, 527 Ischyroptyx, 433; 386, 393 Isocratus, 78 Isocyrtus, 624; 374, 404 Isoplata, 182 tsosomatis, Stictonotus, 453 italica, Oedaule, 435 janiva, Pteromalus, 731 janssoni, Habrocytus, 496; 558 janssoni, Pachyceras, 425 Janssoniella, 106; 98 Janvartsovia, 625 japis, Pteromalus, 256 javavus, Pteromalus, 532 jouanensis, Pteromalus, 532 jucundus, Eutelus, 667 jucundus, Mesopolobus, 642, 649; 667 jucundus, Pteromalus, 566 junceus, Pteromalus, 621 juniperinus, Mesopolobus, 642, 652; 670 Kaleva, 596; 367, 368, 397 Karpinskiella, 632; 383, 408 Kentema, 171 kerrichi, Gitognathus, 216 kervicht, Lamprotatus, 216 klugui, Pteromalus, 803 klugii, Tritneptis, 802, 803 Kodysia, 624 kollan, Hobbya, 569 kollari, Pteromalus, 435 Kranophorus, 819; 359, 393 Ksenoplata, 180; 151 kurdjumovi, Homoporus, 451 labaris, Lamprotatus, 169 lactucae, Cecidostiba, 542 lactucae, Habrocytus, 542 ladenbergi, Rhaphitelus, 420; 421 ladenbergii, Storthygoceras, 421 ladenbergui, Styloceras, 421 Laesthia, 62 laeta, Platneptis, 800 laeta, Pteyomalus, 800 laetum, Seladerma, 188, 192; 204 laetus, Isocyrtus, 624 laetus, Stenomalus, 610 laevicollis, Semiotellus, 255; 257 PARASITE INDEX laevigata, Halticoptera, 156, 158; 160 laevigatus, Gitognathus, 210; 213 laevigatus, Stictomischus, 213 laevinucha, Trichomalus, 729 laevis, Gitognathus, 210, 211; 212 laevis, Stictomischus, 212 laeviscuta, Tridymus, 323 laeviuscula, Euneura, 843, 844 laeviusculus, Etroxys, 619 laeviusculus, Habrocytus, 619 laeviusculus, Homoporus, 457 lagenarius, Chrysolampus, 845 lalage, Seladerma, 203 lalage, Telepsogos, 203 lampe, Pteromalus, 728 Lampoterma, 402; 374, 385 lamprosomus, Stictomischus, 218, 219; 222 Lamprostylus, 87 Lamprotatus, 233; 154 lanceolatus, Pteromalus, 410 Lanceosoma, 707 laniger, Homoporus, 794 laogore, Chlorocytus, 618; 620 laogore, Pteromalus, 620 lappa, Trigonoderus, 117 lapponicus, Pteromalus, 163 lapsanae, Stinoplus, 690; 692 laricinellae, Eurydinota, 486 larvicinellae, Pteromalus, 486 laricis, Anogmus, 629, 630; 631 Lariophagus, 823; 361, 381, 394 larymna, Pteromalus, 544 lasiocampae, Eupteromalus, 746, 752; 759 lasthenes, Merismus, 173; 176 lasthenes, Sphegigaster, 176 latialis, Oedaule, 436 laticeps, Eupteromalus, 742; 760 laticeps, Gastrancistrus, 285; 316 laticeps, Pteromalus, 607 laticeps, Stenomalina, 603, 606; 607 laticeps, Trichomalus, 732 laticorne, Platyterma, 661 laticornis, Cleonymus, 37, 38 laticornis, Gastrancistrus, 283; 308 laticornis, Mesopolobus, 649, 653, 658; 661 laticornis, Pteromalus, 722 latifrons, Gastrancistrus, 286; 324 latifrons, Pteromalus, 489 latifrons, Tridymus, 324 latipennis, Pteromalus, 528 latithorax, Scymnophagus, 830 lativentris, Gastrancistrus, 282; 318 latus, Amblymerus, 669 latus, Ormocerus, 253 latus, Pteromalus, 818 latus, Schizonotus, 818 lauta, Caenacis, 570 lautus, Pteromalus, 570 learchus, Pteromalus, 736 lebadeia, Pteromalus, 731 lebene, Pteromalus, 676 leguminis, Eupteromalus, 740; 776 leguminum, Pteromalus, 544 leguminum, Spintherus, 555 lelex, Pteromalus, 263 lelex, Systasis, 263 lentulus, Pteromalus, 702 leodochus, Pteromalus, 654 leogovas, Pteromalus, 655 lepidus, Pteromalus, 734 lepidus, Trichomalus, 713, 715; 734 leptogramma, Spalangia, 55 leptomera, Eurydinota, 475; 485 Leptomeraporus, 687; 372, 379, 387, 408 leptomerus, Pegopus, 684, 685 lesbiacus, Dinarmus, 430 lesches, Lamprotatus, 225 lesches, Stichtomischus, 219; 225 lethargicus, Pteromalus, 731 leuce, Pteromalus, 669 leucon, Lamprotatus, 201 leucopeza, Cecidostiba, 567 leucopezus, Pteromalus, 567 leucopyga, Cecidostiba, 567 levigata, Halticoptera, 160 leviscuta, Gastrancistrus, 323 lichtensteini, Cyrtoptyx, 431 lichtensteini, Dinarymus, 431 lichtensteini, Eutelus, 676, 677 lichtensteinii, Pteromalus, 100 lignicola, Dibrachys, 807; 810 ligustica, Stenetra, 474 ligusticus, Dinarmus, 433 ligusticus, Ischyroptyx, 433 linearis, Amblymerus, 669 linearis, Miscogaster, 201 linearis, Platygerrhus, 110, 113 linearis, Pteromalus, 610 linearis, Spintherus, 481 linearis, Trigonoderus, 117, 118 lipavrae, Pteromalus, 607 liparae, Stenomalina, 603, 605; 607 lissos, Pteromalus, 654 littoralis, Eupteromalus, 742, 750; 755 livida, Kaleva, 596; 598 lividicorpus, Eurydinota, 475, 485 896 PARASITE INDEX loelianus, Gastrancistrus, 295 maculatus, Stictomischus, 225 lonchaeae, Trichomalus, 712, 713; 730 maculicornis, Mesopolobus, 643, 652; 667 Lonchetron, 596; 366, 397, 599 maculicornis, Pteromalus, 667 longicauda, Chlorocytus, 618, 622 maculifer, Cleonymus, 413 longicauda, Etroxys, 590 maculipennis, Arthrolytus, 791, 792; 794 longicauda, Habrocytus, 622 maculipennis, Cleonymus, 416, 417 longicollis, Mesopolobus, 646, 652; 671 maculipennis, Dibrachys, 805; 814 longicornis, Ecrizotes, 331 maculipennis, Mesopolobus, 680 longicornis, Gastrancistrus, 331 maculipennis, Pteromalus, 794 longicornis, Heteroprymna, 697 maculipes, Miscogastey, 231 longicornis, Ptevomalus, 697 maerens, Pteromalus, 529 longicornis, Systasis, 261 maerens, Semiotus, 256 longigena, Gastrancistrus, 280; 306 magnicornis, Dirhicnus, 477 longigena, Platygerrhus, 112, 113; 120 magnicormis, Hylocomus, 477 longiscapus, Chlorocytus, 612; 619 major, Janssoniella, 106, 107 longiventris, Stictomischus, 216; 220 major, Oedaule, 436 longula, Systasis, 259; 263 mallius, Lamprotatus, 224 longulum, Seladerma, 198 mamezophagus, Neocatolaccus, 433 longulus, Lamprotatus, 198 mandibularis, Pteromalus, 237 longulus, Pteromalus, 725 mandrocles, Ovmocerus, 162 longulus, Telepsogos, 198 marginatus, Isocyrtus, 777 lophyrorvum, Diglochis, 802 maritima, Urolepis, 780 lophyrorum, Tripneptis, 801; 802 maritimus, Oymocerus, 780 lucens, Asaphes, 83 masneri, Neodipara, 67 lucens, Ewplectrus, 83 matthewsi1, Polycystus, 144 lucens, Miscogaster, 231 mauritanicus, Heterolaccus, 490 lucida, Miscogaster, 200 maurus, Eupteromalus, 748; 770 lucidus Forster, Pteromalus, 721 mayetiolae, Amblymerus, 674 lucidus Walker, Pteromalus, 726 mayetiolae, Eutelus, 674 lucidus Walker, Trichomalus, 711, 717; 726 mayetiolae, Mesopolobus, 674 lucilla Walker, Pteromalus, 702 mayrt, Sphaerakis, 435 lugubris, Miscogaster, 8, 147 mazaces, Pteromalus, 470 lugubris, Pteromalus, 529 mazares, Seladerma, 232 luniger, Homoporus, 446, 448; 450 mazares, Xestomnaster, 232 luniger, Merisoporus, 450 mazoeus, Lamprotatus, 200 luniger, Pteromalus, 450 meconotus, Pteyvomalus, 567 lunula, Pteromalus, 413 medicaginis, Habrocytus, 556 luteicormis, Cinips, 675 medicaginis, Ksenoplata, 180 luteipes, Gyrinophagus, 778 mediocris, Pteromalus, 9 luteolum, Seladerma, 206 meditervaneus, Eutelus, 668 lutescens, Pteromalus, 481 mediterraneus, Mesopolobus, 646, 651; 668 lyttus, Pteromalus, 726 megacephala, Cynips, 849 megacephalus, Cratomus, 849 megachlora, Ablaxia, 574; 576 macekt, Platneptis, 800 megachlorus, Pteromalus, 576 Macroglenes, 334, 335 megalopterus, Merismus, 173 macromerus, Pteromalus, 123 Megapelte, 71% Macromesinae, 42; 27 megapterus, Merismus, 172; 173 Macromesus, 42 megaspilus, Arthrolytus, 791; 795 maculata, Miscogaster, 227, 228; 231 megaspilus, Pteromalus, 795 maculatus, Platygerrhus, 110, 112; 114 megastigmus, Acrocormus, 416 maculatus, Rhaphidotelus, 420 Megorismus, Thomson, 168 maculatus, Rhaphitelus, 420 Megorismus, Walker, 155 PARASITE INDEX 897 Melancistrus, 266; 252 melanogastra, Spalangia, 53 menaetes, Gastrancistrus, 327 menaetes, Miscogaster, 327 meracum, Seladerma, 203 meracus, Lamprotatus, 203 meracus, Telepsogos, 203 Meraporus, 681; 353, 385, 387, 408 merceti, Eunotus, 72; 74 meridionalis, Norbanus, 438, 439 meridionalis, Picroscytus, 439 Merismus, I71; 151 Merisoides, 467 Merisoporus, 444 Merisus, 443; 363, 402, 444 Meromalus, 251, 328 merope, Pteromalus, 798 merula, Semiotus, 263 merula, Systasis, 263 mesapos, Pteromalus, 608 mese, Pteromalus, 731 mesnili, Metastenus, 829 mesnili, Scymnophagus, 829 mesochlorus, Pteromalus, 532 mesoleptorum, Pteromalus, 812 Mesopeltitia, 329 Mesopolobus, 638; 369, 371, 378, 383, 385, 390, 391, 392, 40T, 403, 404, 408, 409 mesostenus, Mesopolobus, 642, 649; 664 Mespilon, 83 Metacolus, 418; 355, 391 metallica, Spalangia, 61 metallifemur, Habrocytus, 527 Metapon, 462 Metastenus, 829; 383 methymna, Miscogaster, 231 Metopachia, 494 Metopon, 462 meyerincki, Pteromalus, 426 meyerinckii, Xiphydriophagus, 426, 427 micans, Chalcis, 609 micans, Stenomalina, 605; 609 Micradelini, 247; 96 Micradelus, 247 microcera, Pirene, 340; 343 microcerus, Macroglenes, 343, 347 microcerus, Pteromalus, 728 microgastri, Diplolepis, 810 microgastris, Habrocytus, 529 Micromelus, 458, 459 microps, Habrocytus, 496, 516; 556 micropterus, Eupteromalus, 744, 749; 766 micropterus, Pteromalus, 682 microstolus, Gitognathus, 210, 211; 213 militaris, Stinoplus, 690; 692 millenius, Platygerrhus, 118, 119 milleyvi, Habrocytus, 529 miniatus, Stictomischus, 220; 225 minutissimum, Pachyneuron, 842 minutissimus, Pteromalus, 842 mirabile, Skeloceras, 242, 243; 245 mirabilis, Nikolskayana, 429 mirificus, Lamprotatus, 232 mirificus, Xestomnaster, 233 mirvus, Amblymerus, 425 mirus, Roptrocerus, 424; 425 Miscogaster, 226; 152 Miscogasterinae, 95; 27, 29, 32, 33, 34 Miscogasterini, 149; 97 moczari, Halticopterina, 167 modestus, Amblymerus, 682 modestus, Polyscelis, 705 Mokrzeckia, 478; 370, 376 mollis, Anisopteromalus, 433 monospila, Polycelis, 706 monospilus, Spaniopus, 703; 706 monstrosa, Rohatina, 700 montanum, Prosopon, 685 montanus, Lamprotatus, 240 monticola, Ecrizotes, 330; 331 Moranila, 70; 68 morio, Habrocytus, 561 Mormoniella, 779 Morodora, 329 mors, Spalangia, 52 morys, Mesopolobus, 640, 651; 653 morys, Pteromalus, 653 morys, Xenocrepis, 654 mucronatus, Melancistrus, 268 mucronatus, Tridymus, 269 multicolor, Pteromalus, 413 mundus Forster, Pleromalus, 726 mundus Walker, Pteromalus, 566 mundus, Semiotellus, 255; 256 mundus, Semiotus, 256 murriensis, Chlorocytus, 617; 621 musaeus, Habrocytus, 506, 520; 540 musaeus, Pteromalus, 540 muscavum, Ichneumon, 611 muscarum, Pteromalus, 779 muscavum, Spalangia, 53 muscarum, Stenomalina, 604, 605; 611 muscavum, Stenomalus, 611 muscidarum, Spalangia, 52 Muscidifurax, 822; 357, 391 Muscidivorax, 822 898 PARASITE INDEX mustela, Halticoptera, 157, 158; 161 mustela, Pachylarthrus, 161 mutia, Pteromalus, 529 mutica, Sphegigaster, 128; 130 muticus, Sphegigaster, 130 mutilus, Pteromalus, 462 mycale, Pteromalus, 610 myle, Pteromalus, 682 myopitae, Habrocytus, 506, 520; 540 nanus, Amblymerus, 676 nanus, Pteromalus, 721 nanus, Trichomalus, 710, 717; 721 Nasonia, 779; 357, 361, 380, 382, 383, 389 naubolus, Pteromalus, 567 Neanica, 422; 353 Nemicromelus, 738 neostadiensis, Ptevomalus, 414 Neodipara, 67 Neodiparinae, 66; 25 Neopolycelis, 703 Nephelomalus, 697; 375, 379, 406 nervosus, Pteromalus, 570 nestocles, Pteromalus, 788 Netomocera, 66; 64 nicaee, Leptomeraporus, 687 nicaee, Miscogaster, 687 nicaeensis, Pteromalus, 466 nidicola, Bairamlia, 84, 85 midulans, Pteromalus, 764, 771 niger, Lamprotatus, 196 niger, Notoglyptus, 140 niger, Telepsogos, 196 nigra, Scutellista, 75; 77 nigra, Spalangia, 50; 51 nigricans, Pteromalus, 489 nigriclavis, Eunotus, 71; 73 nigricornis, Acroclisis, 91 nigvicornis, Chrysolampus, 132 nigvicornis, Diplolepis, 237 nigricornis, Ichneumon, 237 nigricornis, Sphegigaster, 128, 129; 132 nigrvipes, Cratomus, 849 nigripes, Spalangia, 50; 53 migritulus, Pteromalus, 489 nigroaenea, Miscogaster, 164 nigroaenea, Spalangia, 49; 52 nigroaeneus, Pteromalus, 481 nigrum, Stenoselma, 437 Nikolskayana, 429; 355 niphe, Habrocytus, 560 niphe, Pteromalus, 560 nitefactus, Pteromalus, 734 nitentis, Stictomischus, 226 nitescens, Amblymerus, 694 nitescens, Pseudocatolaccus, 694 nitida, Miscogaster, 176 mitidipes, Miscogaster, 199 nitidus, Gitognathus, 215 nitidus, Merismus, 173; 176 nobile, Platyterma, 655 nobile, Seladerma, 205 nobilis, Halticoptera, 157, 158; 161 nobilis, Lamprotatus, 161 nobilis, Mesopolobus, 648, 653; 655 Nodisoplata, 180; 154 Norbanus, 437; 385, 392 Notanisus, 41; 37 notata, Miscogaster, 231 Notoglyptus, 140; 124 novickyi, Skeloceras, 242, 243; 245 Novitzkyanus, 141; 124 nubeculosus, Pteromalus, 735 nubigerva, Phaenacra, 450; 449 nubilipennis, Erythromalus, 468 nubtlipennis, Pteromalus, 468 nubilis, Pteromalus, 730 nubilosa, Anoglyphis, 105 nubilosus, Photismus, 123 nyctimus, Pteromalus, 610 nypsius, Pteromalus, 449 obliqua, Sphegigaster, 128; 135 obscura, Cyrtogaster, 144 obscura, Enargopelte, 76 obscura, Miscogaster, 224 obscura, Mokrzeckia, 478; 479 obscura, Psilocera, 463; 465 obscura, Scutellista, 75; 76 obscuratus, Pteromalus, 524 obscurellus, Gastrancistrus, 295 obscurior, Eumacepolus, 634; 636 obscuripennis, Miscogaster, 224 obscurus, Cleonymus, 37, 38; 39 obscurus, Eunotus, 73 obscurus, Habrocytus, 543 obscurus, Micradelus, 247 obscurus, Perilampus, 89 obscurus, Picroscytoides, 441; 442 obscurus, Spintherus, 481 obscurus, Stictomischus, 216, 219; 224 obscurus, Trigonoderus, 100 obsessorius, Pteromalus, 736 obsessorius, Trichomalus, 736 obtusus, Pteromalus, 731 obumbrata, Ablaxia, 579 PARASITE INDEX 899 obumbratus Walker, 1872b, Pteromalus, 579 obumbratus Walker 1874, Pteromalus, 466 occulta, Wesenbergia, 43 occultus, Cleonymus, 101 occultus, Macroglenes, 333 ocellus, Arthrolytus, 789, 792; 793 ocellus, Eutelus, 793 ochrocerus, Habrocytus, 508, 517; 526 oculatus, Macroglenes, 341 odites, Pteromalus, 655 oebares, Lamprotatus, 201 Oedaule, 435; 386, 407 omissus, Pteromalus, 94 omnivorus, Psychophagus, 473 omnivorus, Pleromalus, 473 Oodera, 14, 35 operosus, Pteromalus, 733 opheltes, Pteromalus, 481 oporinus, Gastrancistrus, 277; 297 opulentus, Pteromalus, 729 orbiculatus, Pteromalus, 481 orchestis, Pteromalus, 728 orchestis, Trichomalus, 728 orientalis, Spalangia, 53 ovinus, Pteromalus, 489 ormenus, Pteromalus, 524 Ormocerini, 250; 97 Ormocerus, 252; 251 ornatus, Lamprotatus, 239 orneus, Capellia, 477 orneus, Hylocomus, 477 orneus, Pteromalus, 477 ornytus, Pteromalus, 489 orobanchiae, Sphegigaster, 137 oroetes, Pteromalus, 544 orsippus, Pteromalus, 169 ortalus, Pteromalus, 523, 535 orthagus, Pteromalus, 544 orthia, Pteromalus, 852 oryzinus, Pteromalus, 824 otos, Pteromalus, 702 ovata, Miscogaster, 173 ovatus Nees, Pteromalus, 526 ovatus Walker, Pteromalus, 526 ovatulus, Pteromalus, 526 oviceps, Syntomopus, 137; 138 oviphaga, Mormoniella, 655 Oxycepolus, 634, 635, 636 oxygaster, Hemitrichus, 826, 827 Oxyglypta, 265; 251 oxygyne, Trichomalus, 708; 720 oxygyne, Pteromalus, 607 oxygyne, Stenomalina, 603, 606; 607 oxylus, Miscogaster, 94 oxylus, Panstenon, 93, 94 Oxysychus, 432; 386, 407 pachycera, Coelopisthia, 821 Pachyceras, 423 pachycerus, Kranophorus, 820, 821 Pachychirus, 416 Pachycrepis, 845 Pachycrepoideus, 846; 355, 390 Pachylarthrus, 155 Pachyneuron, 830; 355, 390 pacilus, Gastvancistrus, 312 pailloti, Schizonotus, 479 pallicornis, Diplolepis, 136 pallicornis, Trichomalus, 722 pallicornis, Tridymus, 323 pallinervosus, Dicyclus, 779 pallipes, Disema, 653 palpigerus, Pteromalus, 163 paludum, Pirene, 339, 341; 345 paludum, Toxeuma, 147, 148 palustris, Trichomalus, 731 panares, Gastrancistrus, 295 Pandelus, 422; 355, 390 pandens, ?Psilocera, 466 pandens, Pteromalus, 466 pannewitzii, Pteromalus, 427 pannewitzi1, Schizonotus, 427 Pannonica, 40 Pannoniella, 40; 36, 37 Panstenon, 92 Panstenoninae, 92; 29, 33 papaveris, Habrocytus, 508; 526 papaveris, Pteromalus, 526 Parapteromalus, 444 Parasaphes, 84 Parasaphodes, 84 Parasciatherus, 57 parietinae, Habrocytus, 504, 518, 522; 553 parkeri, Lamprotatus, 232 parker, Xestomnaster, 233 Parmicromelus, 681, 683 parviclava, Ablaxia, 574, 576; 577 parviclava, Caenacis, 577 parviclava, Lamprotatus, 199 parviclava, Sceptrothelys, 482, 485; 487, 512, 522 parviclava, Seladerma, 187, 191; 199 parviclava, Telepsogos, 199 parvinucha, Habrocytus, 529 parvula, Oedaule, 436 900 PARASITE INDEX parvula, Systasis, 260; 263 parvulus, Eunotus, 72; 74 pavvulus, Pteromalus, 193 patellana, Diplolepis, 160 patellana, Halticoptera, 156, 157; 160 patellanus, Pachylarthrus, 164 patro, Habrocytus, 502, 518; 547 patro, Pteromalus, 547 patulum, Conomorium, 821 patulus, Pteromalus, 821 pedestris, Pteromalus, 77% pedicellaris, Trichomalus, 734 pedicellaris, Trigonoderus, 102 pedunculi, Eutelus, 638 pedunculiventris, Diplolepis, 133 Pegopus, 684; 379, 391, 404, 405 peisonis, Gyrinophagus, 706 penetvans, Ichneumon, 341 penetrans, Macroglenes, 341 penetrans, Pirene, 336, 340; 341 perbella, Neodipara, 67 perditor, Pteromalus, 566 peregrinus, Eupteromalus, 748, 751; 764 peregrinus, Pteromalus, 731 perfectus, Pteromalus, 729 perfectus, Trichomalus, 712, 717; 729 periclisti, Habrocytus, 571 Peridesmia, 701; 363, 391 Perniphora, 428; 356, 389 perpetuus, Pteromalus, 731 pervasus, Pteromalus, 693 pervasus, Stinoplus, 692, 693 perversus, Pteromalus, 810 petiolaris, Lamprotatus, 237 petiolata, Dipara, 65 petiolata, Halticoptera, 163, 164 petiolatus, Pteromalus, 80 petioliventris, Pteromalus, 82 pexatus, Pteromalus, 734 pexatus, Trichomalus, 713, 715; 734 Pezilepsis, 782; 362, 392, 396 Phacostomus, 155 Phaenacra, 444 Phaenocytus, 561; 380, 406 Phagonia, 155 phalaridis, Chlorocytus, 616; 623 phalasarna, Pteromalus, 169 phasis, Pteromalus, 798 philippinensis, Spalangia, 53 philochortoides, Miscogaster, 201 phlegias, Lamprotatus, 206 phlegias, Seladerma, 206 Phocion, 334 Photismus, 122 phragmitis, Eutelus, 664 phragmitis, Mesopolobus, 640, 652; 664 phylacis, Pteromalus, 827 phylander, Lamprotatus, 139 phyllochlorus, Chrysolampus, 221 phyllus, Pieromalus, 702 phytomyzae, Stictomischus, 232 phytonomi, Peridesmia, 702 piceae, Anogmus, 629, 630; 632 piceae, Eutelus, 632 piceae, Platythovax, 632 picinervis, Lamprotatus, 234, 235; 240 Picroscytoides, 441; 385, 407 Picroscytus, 437 pidius, Panstenon, 94 pilicornmis, Lamprotatus, 201 pilicornis, Telepsogos, 201 pilosella, Aggelma, 581 pilosella, Caenacis, 581 pilosulus, Dinarmus, 432 pilosulus, Oxysychus, 432 pilosus, Chlorocytus, 618; 621 pinguis, Pteromalus, 674 pim, Beierina, 479 pini, Mokrzeckia, 478, 479 pimt, Pteromalus, 478 pinicola, Termolampa, 250 pinus, Mesopolobus, 642; 680 pione, Pteromalus, 529 Pirene, 335; 330, 334 Pirenini, 328; 96 Pivenisca, 334 pirus, Dirhicnus, 788 pirus, Pteromalus, 788 pisuthrus, Ormocerus, 160 pityophthori, Karpinskiella, 632 placens, Ptevomalus, 488 placens, Sceptothelys, 488 placidus, Eutelus, 736 placidus Forster, Pteromalus, 659 placidus Walker, Pteromalus, 554 plagiatus, Merisus, 460 plagiatus, Pteromalus, 460 planiscuta, Caenacis, 577 plamscuta, Halticoptera, 159 planiscuta, Oxysychus, 432 planiscuta, Pachyneuron, 831; 834 planiscuta, Pleromalus, 491 planus, Eutelus, 622 Platecrizotes, 848; 356 Platneptis, 800; 357, 393 platycerus, Eutelus, 676 PARASITE INDEX gor Platygerrhus, 108; 98 Platymesopus, 638 platymesopus, Pteromalus, 676 platynotus, Eutelus, 676 platynotus, Pteromalus, 193 platyphilus, Habrocytus, 514; 524 platyphilus, Pteromalus, 524 Platypteromalus, 737; 362, 389 Platyterma, 638 Platytermus, 638 Platythovax, 628 plenus, Pteromalus, 544 pleuralis, Stictomischus, 221 Plutothrix, 102; 99 poecilopus, Habrocytus, 529, 530 poesos, Cyrtogaster, 142 polichna, Trigonoderus, 619 polita, Halticoptera, 157, 158; 162 politus, Eutelus, 162 polles, Gastrancistrus, 327 Polycelis, 702 Polycystus, 144; 124 polyphagus, Pteromalus, 694 Polyscelis, 703 polyspilus, Spaniopus, 703; 706 pompilicola, Eupteromalus, 738, 749; 752 populi, Schimitschekia, 166 poreia, Halticoptera, 156, 158; 162 poreia, Tityros, 162 pospelovi, Eupteromalus, 775 pospelovi, Pteromalus, 775 posticus, Eutelus, 718 posticus, Trichomalus, 710, 717; 718 potatoriae, Eupteromalus, 746, 752; 758 praecox, Gastrancistrus, 282; 307 praepileus, Pteromalus, 104 praestans, Semiotus, 256 praeterymissus, Pteromalus, 722 pragensis, Platypteromalus, 737 prasinum, Platyterma, 657 prasinus, Mesopolobus, 649, 653; 657 pratti, Aplastomorpha, 433 pretiosa, Heydenia, 39 priansos, Pteromalus, 544 princeps, Trigonoderus, 100 Proamotura, 57 procera, Spalangiopelta, 47, 48 procerus, Pteromalus, 509, 513, 516; 492 processionae, Pteromalus, 473 productus, Tridymus, 297 promerus, Pachylarthrus, 161 prominens, Chrysolampus, 88; 89 prominens, Elatus, 89 promulus, Pteromalus, 785 promulus, Tomicobia, 784, 785 pronax, Pteromalus, 566 proprius, Pteromalus, 491 Prosodes, 140 Prosopon, 684 prothous, Ablaxia, 579 prothous, Pteromalus, 579 prum, Pachyneuron, 840; 842 psapho, Gastrancistrus, 327 psapho, Miscogaster, 327 pschorni, Lamprotatus, 235; 241 pschorni, Telepsogos, 241 Pseudocatolaccus, 694; 383, 397 pseudofuscipes, Mesopolobus, 643, 649, 667 pseudolaticornis, Mesopolobus, 662 Pseudomerisus, 444 Pseudomicromelus, 796 pseudoprinceps, Trigonoderus, 1o1 Psilocera, 462; 357, 392 Psilonotus, 625; 383, 408 Psychophagoides, 471; 372 Psychophagus, 473; 369, 398 psyllaephaga, Pachyneuron, 840 Pterolycus, 99 Pteromalinae, 352; 27, 32, 33, 34, 35 pteromalinum, Apelioma, 582 pteromalinus, Dinotus, 582 Pteromalus, 488; 374, 377, 378, 380, 398, 403, 406 Pterosema, 418 pubicornis, Pteromalus, 179 pulcher, Eumacepolus, 634, 635; 636 pulcher, Trigonoderus, 100; ror pulcherrimus, Gastracanthus, 123 pulcherrimus, Pteromalus, 123 pulchripes, Chlorocytus, 617; 622 pulchripes, Homoporus, 447; 456 pulchrvipes, Pseudomerisus, 456 pulchripes, Pteromalus, 622 pulex, Pteromalus, 682 pulicaria, Cea, 45, 46 pulicaris, Cea, 45 punctatum, Metopon, 485 punctatus, Arthrolytus, 794, 795 punctatus, Chrysolampus, 88; 89 punctatus, Lamprostylus, 89 punctatus, Tridymus, 261 puncticollis, Arthrolytus, 825 puncticollis, Gastrancistrus, 286; 324 puncticollis, Lamprotatus, 244 puncticollis, Lariophagus, 825 punceticollis, Senriotellus, 256 902 PARASITE INDEX puncticollis, Tridymus, 324 punctifrons, Metopon, 465 punctifrons, Pteromalus, 256 punctiger, Eutelus, 678 punctiger, Chrysolampus, 228 puntiger, Trichomalus, 725 punctinucha, Trichomalus, 718 punctipleura, Habrocytus, 595 punctipleura, Trychnosoma, 595 punctulata, Caenacis, 571 punctulatus, Chrysolampus, 211, 212 punctulatus, Gitognathus, 212 puparum, Ichneumon, 489 puparum, Pteromalus, 514, 521; 489 pura, Xenocrepis, 653 purpureus, Pteromalus, 655 purus, Metastenus, 655 pusilla, Cyrtogaster, 83 pusillus, Amblymerus, 669 pusillus, Hyperimerus, 83 pusztensis, Gastrancistrus, 275; 290 pusztensis, Meromalus, 290 pycnos, Lamprotatus, 203 pygmaeus, Eutelus, 669 pyricola, Gastrancistrus, 276; 291 pytrhogaster, Callitula, 459, 460; 462 pyrvhogaster, Merisus, 462 pyrvhogaster, Micromelus, 462 pyttalus, Pteromalus, 685 quadrata, Ksenoplata, 180 quadratus, Pteromalus, 414 quadratus, Semiotus, 256 quadrinota, Pteromalus, 480 quadrinota, Spilomalus, 480 quadrum, Cheiropachus, 416 quadrum, Ichneumon, 416 quadrum, Pachychirus, 416 quaesitus, Pteromalus, 731 quercina, Cyclogastrella, 798 vadialis, Habrocytus, 532 Rakosina, 781; 382, 407 rambouseki, Meraporus, 682; 684 Raphitelus, 420 raptor, Muscidifurax, 822 vatzeburg1, Hypsicamara, 844 vecondttus, Pteromalus, 728 vectus, Roptrocerus, 425 vedactus, Pteromalus, 735 refulgens, Gastrancistrus, 327 vegniert, Dinarmus, 432 regnierl, Oxysychus, 432 vemotum, Platyterma, 676 remotus, Habrocytus, 529 repandus, Cricellius, 592; 593 vepandus, Pteromalus, 722 repandus, Trichomalus, 708, 717; 722 restrictum, Apelioma, 582, 583; 574, 575 rhabdophagae, Mesopolobus, 643, 653; 667 vhabdophagae, Platymesopus, 667 Rhaphidotelus, 420 Rhaphiteles, 420 Rhaphitelus, 420; 353, 391 Rhicnocoelia, 168; 151 rhinthon, Habrocytus, 506; 525 vhinthon, Pteromalus, 525 vhizoperthae, Spalangia, 62 Rhopalicus, 412; 387, 395 Rhoptrocerus, 423 vhytium, Pteromalus, 619 robusta, Perniphora, 428 robustus, Cyrtoptyx, 431 vobustus, Dinaymus, 431 vobustus, Homoporus, 458 vobustus Walker, 1835, Ptevomalus, 730 vobustus Walker, 1847, Pteromalus, 434 robustus, Trichomalus, 713, 715; 730 Rohatina, 700; 367, 398, 400 Roptrocerus, 423; 381, 393, 395, 396, 400 roseri, Chrysomalla, 91 votundatus, Pteromalus, 473 votundiventris, Ipocoelius, 785 votundiventris, Pteromalus, 820 rotundus, Micradelus, 247 vubi, Pivene, 349 vubrius, Lamprotatus, 211 rufa, Cerocephala, 57, 59; 60 vufimanus, Tvichomalus, 735 vufinus, Pteromalus, 734 rufinus, Trichomalus, 712, 714, 715; 734 vufipes, Cyrtogaster, 142 vufipes, Hemitrichus, 827 rufipes, Merismus, 173; 176 tufipes, Miscogaster, 226, 228; 230 vufipes, Uriella, 827 rufitarsis, Chrysolampus, 88; 90 vufitarsis, Elatus, 90 rufiventris, Capellia, 475 rufiventris, Erythromalus, 468; 470 vufiventris, Pteromalus, 470 vufomaculatus, Micromelus, 460 vufus, Epimacrus, 60 vugicollis, Stictomischus, 221 PARASITE INDEX vugifrons, Arthrolytus, 685 rugosa, Oxyglypta, 265 vugosicollis, Spalangia, 51 vugosus, Stenomalus, 610 rugosus, Trichomalus, 710; 724 rugulosa, Spalangia, 50, 51 vuralis, Amblymerus, 674 rusticus, Lamprotatus, 239 vusticus, Pteromalus, 726 sabbas, Ovmocerus, 194 sabbas, Seladerma, 186, 191; 194 sabbas, Telepsogos, 194 saetosa, Gygaxia, 845 salicis, Gastrancistrus, 280; 303 salicis, Pteromalus, 303 salicis, Seladerma, 303 salicis, Tridymus, 303 salinus, Pteromalus, 780 saltans, Dibrachys, 809 saltans, Pteromalus, 809 samus, Pteromalus, 722 saptine, Pteromalus, 731 savavus, Pteromalus, 532 sarcophagae, Eupteromalus, 742; 776 sariaster, Halticoptera, 166 sarviastey, Pachylarthrus, 166 sashegyensis, Homoporus, 447; 456 sashegyensis, Pseudomerisus, 456 saturatus, Pteromalus, 732 saturniae, Pteromalus, 490 saurus, Seladerma, 186, 190; 197 saxesent Thomson, Habrocytus, 636 saxesenit Ratzeburg, Pleyomalus, 666 scabricula, Arthrolysis, 439 scabriculus, Norbanus, 438 scabriculus, Picroscytus, 438 scaea, Lamprotatus, 198 scaea, Seladerma, 185, 190; 198 scalprum, Eulonchetron, 599; 600 scalprum, Lonchetron, 600 scandiae, Habrocytus, 505; 550 scaposus, Eupteromalus, 748, 749; 774 scaposus, Stictomischus, 218, 219; 220 scapularis, Polycystus, 144 scenicus, Plutothrix, 103, 104 scenicus, Pteromalus, 104 Sceptrothelis, 482 Sceptrothelys, 482; 371, 380, 406, 407 Schimitschekia, 166; 151 Schizonotus, 817; 359, 394 Sciatherus, 57 scolyti, Platygerrvhus, 425 scolytii, Eucerchysius, 421 scotica, Cyrtogaster, 143, 201 scotica, Miscogaster, 196 scoticum, Seladerma, 185, 190; 196 scoticus, Semiotus, 256 Scutellista, 75; 68 scylax, Pirene, 349 Scymnophagus, 829 seiunctum, Skeloceras, 243 seitneri, Ipocoelius, 786 seitneri, Tomicobia, 785, 786 Seladerma, 182; 155 Selaoderma, 182 Selimnus, 148 semiaurata, Miscogaster, 201 semiclavatus, Mesopolobus, 643; 671 semiclavatus, Pteromalus, 671 semifascia, Cecidostiba, 565; 566 semtfascia, Pteromalus, 566 semifasciatus, Acrocormus, 415 semiluteus, Homoporus, 445; 458 semiluteus, Pteromalus, 458 Semiotellus, 254; 252 Semiotus, 254 semotus, Eutelus, 529 903 semotus, Habrocytus, 510, 511, 513, 517, 522; 529 seniculus, Hemitrichus, 826, 827 seniculus, Pteromalus, 827 separatus, Pteromalus, 788 sequester, Habrocytus, 496, 516; 554 sequester, Pteromalus, 554 seviceus, Stictomischus, 211 Serimus, 830 sevvatulae, Calypso, 333 sevuulus, Pteromalus, 524 setifera, Netomocera, 66 sexvamosa, Pannonica, 40 sexramosa, Pannoniella, 40 shurik, Chrysolampus, 90 shurth, Elatus, 90 siculum, Pachyneuron, 840 sieboldi auctt., Schizonotus, 818 sieboldi Ratzeburg, Schizonotus, 818, 819 sieboldi Ratzeburg, Pteromalus, 819 signatus, Cleonymus, 101 signatus, Eutelus, 674 signatus, Pteromalus, 481 silanus, Micromelus, 796, 797 silvestviu, Dinarmus, 432 silvestyu, Lycisca, 39 silvestrii, Oxysychus, 432 904 PARASITE INDEX simillimus, Lamprotatus, 234, 237; 241 Simopterus, 69 simplex, Homoporus, 452 simplex, Ovmocerus, 798 simplex, Eutelus, 667 simplex, Lamprotatus, 194 simplex, Seladerma, 183, 190; 194 simplex, Telepsogos, 194 simulans, Etvoxys, 621 sisenna, Pteromalus, 788 Sisyridivora, 778 Skeloceras, 241; 152 slovacus, Arthrolytus, 791, 792; 793 slovaka, Spalangia, 49; 52 smaragdina, Halticoptera, 155, 157; 159 smavagdina, Phagonia, 159 smaragdinus, Pachylarthrus, 159, 160 smarvagdus, Lamprotatus, 232 smaragdus, Pteromalus, 513; 494 smarvagdus, Xestomnaster, 233 sobrinus, Eutelus, 676 sobrius, Ptevomalus, 685 socium, Skeloceras, 242, 243; 244 socius, Pteromalus, 244 sokanowskii, Trigonoderus, 1o1 solavrii, Simopterus, 69 solitarium, Pachyneuron, 831, 833; 838 solitarius, Chrysolampus, 838 solutus, Pteromalus, 529 sophax, Habrocytus, 523; 560 sophax, Pteromalus, 560 sophron, Pteromalus, 164 sopolis, Miscogaster, 844 Spalangia, 48 Spalangiinae, 48; 24 Spalangiomorpha, 61 Spalangiopelta, 46; 45 Spaniopus, 702; 363, 391, 396 Spathopus, 332; 329 speciosum, Pachynevron, 836 speciosus, Pteromalus, 721 spectabilis, Pteromalus, 607 specularis, Eutelus, 632 specularis, Melancistrus, 268; 270 speculifer, Gastrancistrus, 327 spenceri, Chlorocytus, 618; 622 Sphaerakis, 434 Sphaeripalpus, 209 Sphegigaster, 125; 124 Sphegigasterini, 123; 97 spicatus, Chlorocytus, 618; 621 spicatus, Pteromalus, 621 Spilomalus, 479; 369, 398 spiloptera, Zapachia, 422 spilopterus, Dinarmoides, 436 spinolae, Pteromalus, 413 Spintherus, 480; 374, 377, 406 spiracularis, Aggelma, 580; 581 spivacularis, Caenacis, 581 spivacularis Del Guercio, Tvichomalus, 430 spivacularis Thomson, Tvichomalus, 730 splendens, Chrysolampus, 224 splendens, Gyrinophagus, 778 splendens, Lamprotatus, 235, 237; 238 splendens, Merismus, 172; 174 splendidula, Diplolepis, 88 splendidulus, Chrysolampus, 87; 88 splendidus, Merismus, 443 spuria, Spalangia, 54 squamifer, Amblymerus, 637 squamifer, Eutelus, 637 squamifer, Pteromalus, 514, 515; 491 squamifera, Ablaxia, 574; 576 squamifera, Caenacis, 576 squamifera, Sturovia, 639, 652; 637 statutus, Pteromalus, 719 statutus, Trichomalus, 710; 719 Staurothyreus, 699; 378, 401 Stenetra, 474; 380, 406 stenogaster, Holcaeus, 586, 588; 590 stenogaster, Pteromalus, 590 Stenomalina, 600; 364, 396, 398 Stenomalus, 600 stenomerus, Amblymerus, 669 stenonota, Hobbya, 569 stenonotus, Pteromalus, 569 Stenophrus, 333; 330 Stenoselma, 437; 385, 407 stenotelus, Pteromalus, 722 stepicola, Sphegigaster, 125, 129; 130 Stichocrepis, 822; 357, 392 Stictomischus, 216; 152 Stictonotus, 254 stigmatizans, Pteromalus, 725 Stinoplus, 690; 374 stipae, Homoporus, 455 stipae, Pseudomerisus, 455 stomoxysiae, Spalangia, 53 Storthygocevas, 420 stvandi, Pseudocatolaccus, 477 stvenuus, Pferomalus, 570 strobicola, Eutelus, 632 strobilorum, Anogmus, 629, 630 stvobilorum, Roptrocerus, 630 stupidus, Amblymerus, 654 Sturovia, 637; 385 PARASITE INDEX 905 stygne, Miscogaster, 780 stylatus, Holcaeus, 586, 588; 589 Styloceras, 420 Stylomerismus, 171, 176 Stylophorella, 437 styrus, Pteromalus, 590 suavis, Pteromalus, 659 subapterus, Eupteromalus, 740, 748; 776 subapterus, Merisus, 776 subcoeruleus, Dirhicnus, 788 subcoeruleus, Colotrechnus, 851 subcyaneus, Eunotus, 74 subfumatus, Amblymerus, 678 subfumatus, Mesopolobus, 646, 652; 678 subfumatus, Pteromalus, 678 subfumatus, Stenomalus, 610 subglaber, Platygerrhus, 110, 112; 115 subincrassata, Tomicobia, 784; 786 subincrassatus, Dirhicnus, 786 sublaevis, Chrysolampus, 220 sublaevis, Dirhicnus, 785 sublaevis, Metopon, 785 submarginatus, Eupteromalus, 746; 756 submarginatus, Pteromalus, 576 submontana, Bugacia, 264 subniger, Homoporus, 446, 448; 451 subniger, Pteromalus, 451 subnudus, Trichomalus, 728 subpunctata, Spalangia, 51; 55 subpunctatus, Gastrancistrus, 327 subquadratus, Chrysolampus, 224 subquadratus, Ptevomalus, 701 subtruncatum, Toxeuma, 145; 148 subulifer, Pteromalus, 42% subulifer, Storthygoceras, 421 subulifer, Stylocevas, 421 subvivescens, Pteromalus, 208 subvirescens, Thektogaster, 207; 208 suecicus, Callimerismus, 177; 179 suia, Pteromalus, 544 suilius, Miscogaster, 163 sundaica, Spalangia, 52 sunides, Pteromalus, 718 suspensus, Asaphes, 80; 82 suspensus, Chrysolampus, 82 suspensus, Pteromalus, 413 sybritia, Pteromalus, 619 sylvicola, Diglochis, 783 sylvicola, Pteromalus, 783 Synedrus, 583; 382, 397 Syntomocera, 638 Syntomocerella, 639 Syntomopus, 137; 124 Systasina, 258, 260 Systasis, 257; 252 tachinae, Eupteromalus, 740; 777 tarrha, Platygerrhus, 112, 113; 122 tavvha, Trigonoderus, 122 tarsale, Seladerma, 187, 191; 201 tavsalis, Miscogaster, 201 tarsalis, Semiotus, 256 tarsatus Nees, Pteromalus, 540 tavsatus Zetterstedt, Pteromalus, 540 taurviscus, Semiotus, 256 tedanius, Pteromalus, 693 Telepsogina, 207; 155 Telepsogos, 182 telifovme, Platylterma, 659 teliformis, Mesopolobus, 649, 653; 659 telon, Pteromalus, 527 temesa, Pteromalus, 655 temperatus, Amblymerus, 682 temporalis, Ablaxia, 575; 577 temporalis, Habrocytus, 502, 519; 547 tenebricosus, Gastvancistrus, 312 tenebricus, Amblymerus, 572 tenebricus, Dinotoides, 572 tenellus, Amblymerus, 732 tenellus, Chlorocytus, 621 tenellus, Hetroxys, 621 tenellus, Trichomalus, 711, 712, 717; 732 tenuicornis, Amblymerus, 735 tenuicornis, Gastrancistrus, 308 tenuicornis, Habrocytus, 532 tenuicornis, Leptomeraporus, 687 tenuicornis, Meraporus, 687 tenuicornis, Miscogaster, 173 tenuicornis, Ptervomalus, 529 tenuicornis, Sturovia, 637 tenuicornis, Systasis, 258; 260 tenuis, Cyrtogaster, 142 tenuis Ratzeburg, Pleromalus, 810 tenuis, Walker, Pteromalus, 735 tenuiscapus, Pteromalus, 682 tereus, Habrocytus, 510, 517; 531 teveus, Pteromalus, 531 terminale, Platyterma, 9 teyminalis, Pteyomalus, 620 terminalis, Gastrancistrus, 283; 309 Termolampa, 249 Termolampinae, 249; 97 Terobia, 252 tessellata, Erdoesia, 123 testaceipes, Movanila, 70 906 PARASITE INDEX thalassinus, Pteromalus, 529 Trichoryphus, 64 Thektogaster, 207; 154 tvichotus, Cerocephala, 59 themiso, Ptervomalus, 610 wichotus, Sciatherus, 59 thenae, Chrysolampus, 88; 89 Tricolas, 563; 383 thenae, Elatus, 89 tricolor, Pteromalus, 450; 449 Theocolax, 62; 57 Tricoryphus, 64 thessalus, Pteromalus, 611 Tricyclomischus, 167; 151 Thinodytes, 167; 150 tridentatus, Novitzkyanus, 141 thomsom, Cleonymus, 39 Tridyminae, 95, 250 thomsonu, Eutelus, 677 Tridymini, 95, 250 thomsonii, Gastrancistrus, 323 Tridymus, 271 thovacica, Cyrtogaster, 142 trifasciatus, Plutothrix, 103; 104 thovacicus, Pteromalus, 694 trifasciatus, Trigonoderus, 103 thoracicus, Syntomopus, 138; 139 Trigonoderini, 98; 97 tibialis, Kodysia, 624 Trigonoderus, 99 tibialis, Mesopolobus, 644, 650; 676 Trigonogastra, 125 tibialis, Platymesopus, 676 Trimicrops, 66; 64 tibialis, Tomicobia, 785; 787 Tripedias, 271 tibiellus, Habrocytus, 505; 550 tripedias, Gastvancistrus, 290 tibtellus, Pteromalus, 550 tripolii, Habrocytus, 505, 518; 551 tiburtus, Pteromalus, 9 tyvipunctatus, Cynips, 416 tigasis, Eupteromalus, 744, 752; 767 triqueter, Pteromalus, 481 tigasis, Pteromalus, 767 tvistis, Dicyclus, 164 tinctipennis, Ablaxia, 579 tristis, Miscogaster, 201 tinctipennis, Pteromalus, 579 tristis, Pteromalus, 728 titanes, Homoporus, 457 tristis, Trigonoderus, 101, 105 Tityros, 155 Tritneptis, 801; 360, 366, 393 Tomicobia, 784; 368, 403, 404 Tritypus, 71 Tomocera, 70 Tropidogastra, 416 torymiformis, Gastrancistrus, 286; 311 tvossulus, Amblymerus, 674 torymiformis, Tridymus, 311 tyvuncata, Cecidostiba, 566 torymoides, Eulonchetron, 599 truncata, Sphegigaster, 128, 129; 130 torymoides, Holcaeus, 600 truncatellus, Amblymerus, 674 torymoides, Lonchetron, 600 tvuncatus, Sphegigaster, 130 Toxeuma, 144; 124 Trychnosoma, 594; 372 toxicrate, Pteromalus, 788 tyypetae Thomson, Habrocytus, 540 transdanuviana, Anoglyphis, 195 trypetae auctt. nec Thomson, Habrocytus, 539 tvansiens, Pteromalus, 584 tumida, Miscogaster, 221 transiens, Synedrus, 584 tumidus, Stictomischus, 218, 219; 221 tvansversus, Cleonymus, 123 tutela, Cheivopachus, 413 tvansversus, Pteromalus, 815 tutela, Rhopalicus, 412, 413 tvasullus, Ormocerus, 654 tutele, Rhopalicus, 413 traulus, Ablaxia, 579 tychon, Pteromalus, 477 tvaulus, Pteromalus, 579 typograpm, Eutelus, 673 triandrae, Gastrancistrus, 280; 305 typographi, Mesopolobus, 644; 653, 673 trianellatus, Atrichomalus, 737 typographi, Pachyceras, 426 triangulare, Skeloceras, 242, 243; 244 tyrrhoeus, Miscogaster, 161 triangularis, Lamprotatus, 244 triannulata, Halticopterina, 166 Trichomalopsis, 737, 738 ultonicus, Chlorocytus, 617; 623 Trichomalus, 707; 376, 378, 380, 396, 406, umbellatarum, Macroglenes, 333 408 umbellatarum, Spalangia, 54 Trichoglenus, 782 umbelliferae, Glyphognathus, 208, 209 PARASITE INDEX 907 umbelliferae, Glyptognathus, 209 violaceus Zetterstedt, Pteromalus, 581 umbratum, Pachyneuron, 833; 834 virescens, Dinarymus, 430 unca, Habrocytus, 560 virescens, Notoglyptus, 140 unca, Pteromalus, 560 viridascens, Glyphe, 777 unicolor, Gastrancistrus, 276; 295 viride, Kentema, 173 unicolor, Platygerrhus, 110, 113; 116 viride, Lampoterma, 688; 690 unifasciatus Forster, Metacolus, 418; 419 viridescens, Eupteromalus, 740; 777 unifasciatus Thomson, Metacolus, 419 viridipes, Lamprotatus, 182 urgo, Pteromalus, 654 viridipes, Nodisoplata, 181; 182 Uriella, 826 viridis, Brachyelatus, 92 Urolepis, 780; 361, 395 viridis, Colotrechnus, 851 utibilis, Laviophagus, 824 viridis, Doghmiella, 170 utibilis, Mevaporus, 824 viridis, Gastrancistrus, 285; 311 viridis, Metastenus, 690 viridis, Miscogaster, 200 vagans, Gastrancistrus, 285; 312 viridis, Rhicnocoelia, 170 vagans, Eutelus, 669 viridis, Zanonia, 851 vala, Anogmus, 629, 630; 632 viridulus, Pteromalus, 732 vala, Pteromalus, 632 vitodurense, Pachyneuron, 833; 841 validus, Amblymerus, 674 vitripennis, Coelopisthus, 821 validus, Pteromalus, 694 vitripennis, Mormoniella, 779 vandinet, Aplastomorpha, 433 vitripennis, Nasonia, 779 vandinet, Meraporus, 433 vitripennis, Pteromalus, 779 variabilis, Pteromalus, 529 vittiger, Trigonoderus, 104 varians, Semiotus, 256 vonones, Chrysocharis, 327 varicolor, Metacolus, 419 vonones, Gastrancistrus, 327, 851 varicolor, Pteyvosema, 419 vopiscus, Pteromalus, 492 varicornis, Pirene, 339, 341; 348 Vrestovia, 828; 367, 397 varius, Pteromalus, 554 vulgaris, Asaphes, 80 varro, Holcaeus, 586, 588; 589 vulgaris, Cyrtogaster, 142 varvo, Pteromalus, 589 vulgaris, Gastrancistrus, 276; 293 venilia, Lamprotatus, 201 venustus, Simopterus, 69 venustus, Gastrancistrus, 282; 320 walkeri, Gastrancistrus, 286; 326 venustus, Pteromalus, 512, 521; 491 websteri, Polyscelis, 706 vernalis, Gastrancistrus, 278; 300 Wesenbergia, 42 vernalis, Ormocerus, 253 westi, Dorcatomophaga, 826 versicolor, Notanisus, 41 westwoodi, Platymesopus, 676 versutus, Pteromalus, 721 verticillata, Apsilocera, 696 vesparum, Dibrachys, 809 xanthe, Pteromalus, 718 vesparum, Pteromalus, 809 xanthocerus, Eutelus, 675 vespertina, Laesthia, 63 xanthocerus, Mesopolobus, 644, 650; 675 vibulenus, Habrocytus, 508, 521; 525 xanthopterus, Pteromalus, 730 vibulenus, Ovmocerus, 525 Xenocrepis auctt., 429 vibullius, Pteromalus, 730 Xenocrepis Forster, 638 vindalius, Pteromalus, 169 Xestognathus, 209, 213 vindemiae, Encyrtus, 846 Xestomnaster, 232; 154 vindemiae, Pachycrepoideus, 846 aiphydriae, Pteromalus, 426 vindemmiae, Encyrtus, 846 Xiphydriophagus, 426; 356, 402 vindemmiae, Pteromalus, 846 xylocleptis, Tricolas, 563 violacea, Aggelma, 580; 581 aylophagorum, Pachyceras, 425 violaceum, Seladerma, 204 xylophagorum, Roptrocerus, 425 908 PARASITE INDEX zagveus, Pteromalus, 687 zetterstedti1, Pteromalus, 678 Zanonia, 850 zipaetes, Pteromalus, 527 Zapachia, 422 zipoetes, Lamprotatus, 211 zelus, Pteromalus, 544 zonavas, Pteyvomalus, 450 zetterstedti, Mesopolobus, 652; 678 M. W. R. DE VERE GRAHAM, M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon.), B.Sc. (Dublin) Hope Department of Entomology UNIVERSITY MusEuM OXFORD is \ TA 15. A LIST OF SUPPLEMENTS TO THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SERIES OF THE BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) . Masner, L. The types of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera) in the British Museum (Natural History) and in the Hope Department of Entomology, Oxford. Pp. 143. February, 1965. {5. . Nixon, G. E. J. A reclassification of the tribe Microgasterini (Hymenoptera : Braconidae). Pp. 284 : 348 text-figures. August, 1965. £6. . Watson, A. A revision of the Ethiopian Drepanidae (Lepidoptera). Pp. 177: 18 plates, 270 text-figures. August, 1965. {£4 4s. . SANDS, W. A. A revision of the Termite Subfamily Nasutitermitinae (Isoptera, Termitidae) from the Ethiopian Region. Pp. 172: 500 text-figures. Sep- tember, 1965. {£3 5s. . AHMAD, I. The Leptocorisinae (Heteroptera: Alydidae) of the World. Pp. 156 : 475 text-figures. November, 1965. {2 I5s. . OxapDa, T. Diptera from Nepal. Cryptochaetidae, Diastatidae and Droso- philidae. Pp. 129 : 328 text-figures. May, 1966. £3. . GILIOMEE, J. H. Morphology and Taxonomy of Adult Males of the Family Coccidae (Homoptera : Coccoidea). Pp. 168 : 43 text-figures. January, 1967. £3 3s. . FLetcHer, D. S. A revision of the Ethiopian species and a check list of the world species of Cleora (Lepidoptera : Geometridae). Pp. 119 : 14 plates, 146 text-figures, g maps. February, 1967. £3 Ios. . HemminG, A. F. The Generic Names of the Butterflies and their type-species (Lepidoptera : Rhopalocera). Pp. 509. £8 Ios. . STEMPFFER, H. The Genera of the African Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera : Rho- palocera). Pp. 322 : 348 text-figures. August, 1967. £8. . Mounp, L. A. A review of R. S. Bagnall’s Thysanoptera Collections. Pp. 172 : 82 text-figures. May, 1968. £4. . Watson, A. The Taxonomy of the Drepaninae represented in China, with an account of their world distribution. Pp. 151 : 14 plates, 293 text-figures. November, 1968. £5. . AFIFI, S. A. Morphology and Taxonomy of Adult Males of the families Pseudococcidae and Eriococcidae (Homoptera: Coccoidea). Pp. 210 : 52 text- figures. December, 1968. £5. CrossKEY, R. W. A Re-classification of the Simuliidae (Diptera) of Africa and its Islands. Pp. 198: 1 plate, 331 text-figures. July, 1969. £4 I5s. Exiot, J. N. An analysis of the Eurasian and Australian Neptini (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae). Pp. 155: 3 plates, ror text-figures. July, 1969. Price £4. aphle ww 4s Printed in England by Staples Printers Limited at their Kettering, Northants, establishment YJ) ~Y > = ee a = Hi att i Hi ae rf i th catia u saearses patetereselnas amesesss