I Hie } i aH fia HEE sity! Sige Sr ATEE speedy iy i i TOE i Hil j A A == = Soe ences Soe a ee ae a ee eee ee ee ee ee FOR THE PEOPLE | FOR EDVCATION FOR SCTENCE THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY i Wann ae ; erree dua y Fie . Bre et ip ak Bok BW OK WK oS kK FF FE i FR th a ees THE BULLETIN ce ne: allege of Agriculture. TOKYO IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY, JAPAN. Vol. II. 1894-1897. ait HT ME AY, ae - Ee, ‘ i RU) ta ieee? OS VAAL : ai CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. Pace. The Energy of the Living Protoplasm. By Prof. Oscar Lorw Gm fi : si, (6 ox pee de. ky 435% 150: On the Poisonous Action of eee By Prof. O. Lozw and M. Tsuxamoto, Mogakusht. .. .. .. .. . pee-Claees ye On the Vegetable Cheese, Na/oo. By K. Yasr, Mogakusht. .. 68. On the Poisonous Action of the Hydroxyl-derivatives of Benzol upon Yeast and Bacteria. ByK. Yas, Mgakusht. 73. On the Quantity of Wood-Gum (Xy/an) Contained in Different Kinds of Wood. By J. Oxumura, Mogakusht. .. 76. On the Reserve Proteinin Plants. By G. Darkunara, Mogakusht. 79. On the Occurence of Mucinin Plants. By J. Isuu, Nogakusht. 97. Iiannane as a Reserve Material in the Seeds of Diospyros aka is. (ost ISHIL, IWeakusht, 0 eS EOL. Mannane as an Article il Human Food. By C. Tsvuyl, Nogakushi. a) = 103° On the Scale Insect of raibaery Trees | (Diaspis Sabet formis,) (Plates I-II.) he Prof. C. Sasaki, Regwku- RGRUSHD ss Plakis Ween Boe 1O7: On the Ss conietia a of the Silk-Worm. (Plates III-iV.) ame OVA A GSMS eM Lie ie) ice Pras ey aay foe TRS: On the Reserve Protein in Plants. II. By G. Darxun,ra, OGRA: SA Me ie oy tO es Fa 5. TOO: On the Consumption of Asparagine in the Nutrition of Plants, By Y. Kinosaira, Wogakusht. .. .. .. .. «.. 196. On the Assimilation of Nitrogen from Nitrates and Am- monium Salts by Phaenogams. By Y. Kinosuita, M- CORUS/iim hr a 2 ZOO: On the Presence ae eee, in the Root of Nelu::bo nucifera. By. Y. Krinosuita, Nigakushi. LS OT! BMT E2035 On the Occurence of Two Kinds of Mannane in the Root of Conophallus konyaku. By Y. Kivosuita, Nogakushi. 205. Wote on the Chemical Composition of some Mucilages. Byam MoswiMurA, WVogakushi, © <0 <. «+ «0 se 04 0% 207. eee | The Preparation and Chemical Composition of TZo/u. By M. Inouye, Mogahkushii .. .. Poy (we are OOS Note on Nukamiso. By M. Inouye, Nogabushe Wee Preliminary Note on the Sake Yeast. By K. Yanr, Nogakusht. 219. Note on the Behaviour of Hyppurie Acid in Soils. By K. WosHimura, JVogakushz, .. <2 (acura es eer Does Hydrogen Peroxide occur in Plants? By J. Cxuo os, B25. Die Japanischen Laubholzer im Winterzustande. Bes- timmungstabellen. Von H. Suirasawa, Ringakushi. sv 220) Untersuchungen uber das Klemmen der Technisch Wich- tigsten Japanischen Holzarten. Von F. Kor, Ringaku- 7) Sc oS OOP CE cee 2S Ertragstafel und Zuwachsgesetz fur Sugi (Cryplomeria Fapo- nica) zum Gebrauch fur die Japanischen Forstmanner. Von Serroku Honpa, Ringakusht et Dr. Oec. publ... .. .. 335. Uber den Hinfluss Wechselnder Mengen von Kalk und Magnesia auf die Entwicklung der Nadelbaume. Von Prof. Dr. O. Lozw und Prof Dr. S. Honpa. = oa nS Uber die Entstehung der Verkrummungen an Fotsuya- maruta (Sugi-Stangenholz). Von Prof. Dr. S. Honpa. .. 387. Besitzen die Kiefernadeln ein Mehrjahriges Wachstum ? Von Prof. Dr. 5: HONDA 20 1.) S| Lability and Energy in Relation to Protoplasm. By Prof. Dr. O. Loew. ee CCM MEEIESES 65 a BOS On the Formation of Mannan in Amorphophalus Kowjak. By M. Tsuxamoro, ogakusht) me, .. .. .@aen) =u On the Formation of Asparagine in Plants under Different Conditions. By U. Suzuxt, Mogakusht. .. .. ..... «. 409. Can Old Leaves of Plants produce — by Starva- tion? By T. Mivacui, Mogakushr ..° .. . - 459. On the Relative Value of Asparagine as a Nutrient for Phaenogams. By T. Nakamura, Mogakusht. «oR 465. On the Relative Value of Asparagine as a Nutrient for Fungi. By T. Nakamura, Mogakusht, .. .. . «.. «. 468. On the Quantities of Nitrates Stored up in Plants under Different Conditions. By T. Isnizuxa, Migakusht. .. .. 471. —_ 3 — On the Significance of the Nitrates Contained in Plants for Animals and Men. By T. Isuizuxa, Nogakusht. .. .. 475. On the Physiological Behaviour of Maleic and Fumaric Acids. By T. Isuizuxa, Mogakusht. .. .. - 484. On the Physiological Action of Amiosulphonie Acid. By N. Magno, Mogakusht. .. .. . Og ob ee Neco ae ty Investigations on the maiperes Tree. By N. Magno. JVWo- I ORUS hte mele : ert OA. Notes on the Metabolism in the Cherry Tree wy S. Aoyama, JVogakushi. Aa ae - 499. Physiological Observations on Lecithin. By T. Hanat, UNO SCRUSHE = iy eel anes Wie Seem) Pie is elas. ~ ie sg. 5O35 On a Compound of Albumen with Phenol. By M. Surmapa, Nogakusht. Gi | aS OE Mgpae SOL COC ECCON, sith OCMC Same OH EN hil hi! Wr ol. IIe EEE WORE | POTS i eK ge we a ek | HOS ieinete at pene te ) ORES | + | Seas = a ivi The Energy of the Living Protoplasm. BY Dr. Oscar Loew. Professor of Agricultural Chemistry. CHAPTER I. FORMER VIEWS ON THE CAUSE OF THE VITAL PHENOMENA. The change from life to death is so striking, that it has been from the oldest times up to the present day considered as a mystery, as an inconceivable supernatural process. Not less striking than the death of a larger animal or plant is the death- moment of the lowest forms of animal or vegetable life, watched under the microscope. The motions of infusoria cease, the diatoms stop, the spirogyracells show contraction of their green spirals, their cytoplasm loses its shape, their nucleus leaves its normal position. All energy, mechanical or chemical, is gone !— Living organisms produce /eat, the nervous system electricity, certain fishes even powerful electrical phenomena, a number of animals and fungi emanate Jight and all the animals as well as some forms of lower vegetable organisms are capable of locomo- tion. And what a great amount of chemical energy is actively engaged in producing organic matter in plants, on the one hand, and in decomposing and oxydising it in animals on the other! All these phenomena stop at the moment of death. But what is the cause of the disappearance of the forms of energy? It is of no avail to answer: ‘‘ Respiration produces heat which can be converted into other forms of energy;”’ here the fundamental question is: What has produced the respiration process ?. Why does this process stop at once at the moment of death ?— Before we enter upon the discussion and scientific treatment of this question let us glance at the opinions of ancient philoso- phers and modern physiologists in regard to the cause of the vital functions. 2 FORMER VIEWS ON THE CAUSE Anaxagoras defined an animal as an automatic machine, but he left undecided what cause moved the machinery. Socrates ridiculed this idea even on his death-bed.) According to Ari- stotle the animal motions and animal heat are intimately con- nected; the heat is produced by the food. The heart is the centre of motion and sensation, has a life of its own, and is the hottest part of the body.” Plato considered the red color of the blood as an effect of the life-fire, and the blood itself as the bearer of the vital force, as the seat of the soul.?) The Pytha- goreans defined animal life as the result of the entrance of the ‘‘life-spirit’”” into the body’) by the respiration-process, and declared the brain to be the seat of sensation.—As the scientific development ceased in Europe for a very long time, we do not find any discussions upon this subject up to Descartes, who in the year 1637 expressed his conviction that all the forces of nature consist in certain motions of the molecules; the animals were in his opinion caloric automatic machines, in which the motions of the blood and of the organs are the effects of chemical heat-producing processes. The finest parts of the blood are a kind of nervous ether that ascends from the heart to the brain.*? Baco and Descartes were the first, who considered heat as a mode of motion, and Descartes extended his views also to light, electricity, and magnetism. With the observation of Galvani in the year 1780 of the convulsions of a frog’s leg brought in contract with two metals, the view of Galvani found numerous followers, and men like Humboldt were among the admirers of the new vital theory. However Volta’s experiments an contact-electricity soon eclipsed the results of Galvani, and when the latter succeeded in the year 1793 in adducing irrefutable proof of the presence of an electrical current in the animal: electrical contraction without metals, it did not find grace with the scientific public; the doubts and distrusts created by Volta were mightier than the 1) Plato, Phaedon 97, 98. 2) Aristotle (Editio Bekkeri) de part. anim. II, 1; III. IV, 4, 7; V. 2.—Hist. anim. I. XVII.—De respiratione VI. 3) Plato, Tim. 493 etc. 4) Democrit, in: Aristotle, de respiratione IV. 5) René Descartes works, edited by H. Kirchmann, II, 27. OF THE VITAL PHENOMENA. 3 language of the new experiments; Galvani did not receive any satisfaction, he died without having found any recognition. And when Du Bois Reymond proved in the year 1843 the cor- rectness of Galvani’s views of the presence of electrical currents in animals, nevertheless no voice was raised in favour of the theory that electricity is the ‘‘pvimum movens”’ of all the vital phenomena. And indeed the electrical phenomena observed are just like the heat secondary actions, but not the first cause of life. Since the middle of last century another view has gained much foothold—, a view that was even defended by Liebig—, the theory that organisms are ruled by quite a specific force, different from any other, inscrutable to men, and supernatural: this force was called vital force. Fustus Liebig said: ‘‘the cause of vital force is not chemical force, not electricity, not magnetism; it is a force that possesses the most general qualities of all causes of motion, of variation of form and qualities of matter, and a specific force,’ because it produces effects like no other force.” “The laws of life and every thing disturbing, promoting, or varying them can doubtless be investigated, but without ever knowing what life really is.” Even in the third edition of this work’), published 1846, we find upon the first page: ‘‘in the animal egg, in the plant-seed is recognizable a remarkable activity, a cause of increase in substance, a compensation of loss, aguioceein the state of mesti.4.c:cn0 this force we call vital force.” From page 225 the following characteristic passage may be quoted : “ another fundamental error entertained by physiologists is, that physical or chemical forces alone or in combination with anatomy could suffice to explain the vital phenomena.” This reactionary movement of Liebig was principally due to the opposition to the great and fervent hopes created by the first synthesis of an organic compound, namely that of urea by Woehley in the year 1828. Previous to this year it was often asserted that organic substances could only be formed by “ vital 1) Die organ. Chem. in ihrer Anwendung auf Physiol. und Pathol., Braun- schweig 1842 p. 7 and p. 237. These few quotations will clearly show how erroneous the opinion is, that Liebig was the first, who combated the hypothesis of the supernatural vital force, an opinion, which we find in some german textbooks of physiological chemistry. See also Chem. Briefe of 1858. Chapt. 23. 4 FORMER VIEWS ON THE CAUSE force,” a view that was adopted by Berzelius in 1827 in Vol. III p. 1. of his textbook of chemistry. But even in the year 1847 this prominent chemist declared that life is something mysterious and inscrutable; “once connected with matter it produces de- velopment and growth, but how this proceeds is an insoluble mystery"). Similar declarations were made by Tvevivanus, who believed that the vital principle passes off into the air with the death of an organism”). ‘The view that ‘life was not in any way related to the physical forces and had nothing in common with any material forces, powers, or properties,” was even defend- ed quite recently by some learned professors of the Victoria Institute, London>). ‘‘ Different views however were entertained nearly a hundred years ago by the German physiologist Rel,” : “the socalled vital force has fooled us long enough, and has led us into sterile deserts. Matter itself and not a specific new force is the cause of vital phenomena.”’ Such was essentially also the conviction of Oken and of De Candolle, while Mulder>) declared: “the vital force is a sfecific force connected with the 4 elements: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen.” —Evlenmeyer, well known for his numerous investigations in the domain of theoretical or- ganic chemistry declared®: “all our knowledge of chemistry and physics has been set in motion to solve the mystery of life, and we have made a great step forward; but if a physiologist like C. Ludwig identifies the progress of physiology with the pro- gress of chemistry, then the chemists must feel anew instigated to devote themselves to physiological problems.” ‘‘ The vitalistic school had more power in former times, chemistry and physics having been too imperfectly developed.’’ To similar opinions inclined the physiologist Lehmann (1853): ‘‘if many vital phe- nomena are inexplicable up to the present day, we still do not feel the necessity of nominating such a governor as vital force.”) ”’ Quite differently expressed himself another physiologist, Gorup- Besanez (1874): ‘‘ All the physical and chemical laws known to 1) Lehrbuch der Chemie, 5th Edition, Vol. 4, p. 5. 2) Physiologie der Gewachse 1835. Vol. I, p. 12. 3) Compare ‘‘ Science” of March 1893. 4) Reil’s Archiv III, 424 (1798). 5) Versuch einer allg. physiol. Chem. p. 92 (1843). 6) Zeitschrift f. Chem. 1859. 7) Lehrbuch d. physiol. Chem. II, Ed. Vol. III, p. 154. OF THE VITAL PHENOMENA. 5 us at the present day are not sufficient to explain the formation of a plantcell, the process of generation or the conduction of the sense-impressions to the brain.”) ” Among those who most emphatically denied the necessity for the hypothesis of a special supernatural force were: Schleiden, Matteucct, Moleschott, Huxley, Haeckel, R. Mayer, F. Hiippe, Heidenhain and Halliburton. Schleiden® uttered the following philippica: “Only ignorance and indolence of spirit are the defenders of the vital force at the present state of development of the natural sciences, of a force that can accomplish every- thing and explain everything, and of which nobody can tell, how it acts nor what laws it obeys. The savage, who takes a locomotive for a wild animal, is not more ignorant, than the natural philosopher who talkes about vital force in organisms.”’ Matteucci : “‘ to explain everything by vital force, and yet not to know the laws of this supposed force, explains nothing; it is even worse than nothing, it prevents the mind from searching after the truth.?) ” Moleschott : ‘‘ Life is not the result of a specific force, it isa certain state of matter caused by peculiar motions produced by heat and light, water and air, electricity and mechanical con- vulsions.*) ”” Th. Huxley): ‘To speak in what is not altogether a metaphor, the atoms, which enter the body are for the most part piled up in large heaps and tumble down into small heaps before they leave it. The force, which they set free in thus tumbling down, is the active power of the organism.” Huxley forgets, however, to mention the cause of the “‘ tumbling down.” Haeckel takes the question still easier, he finds the formation of a cell as simple as that of a crystal, and assumes the existence of sensation and motion in every atom. This “soul” is modified and perfected by the development of the organisms.® Very naturally Robert Mayer did not believe in a mysterious 1) Lehrbuch der organ. Chem. 3rd Ed. p. 6. 2) Grundziige der wissenschaftl. Botanik I, p. 60 (1844) 3) Lezioni sui fenomeni fisico-chimici dei corpi viventi. 2d Ed. p. 10. (1846) 4) Kraft and Stoff, 3rd Ed. p, 256 (1856) 5) Lessons on elementary physiology, lesson VII (1870). 6) Generelle Morphologie der Organismen, Vol. I p. 143 and 148. See also: Tageblatt der Naturforscherversammlung zu Munchen 1877 p. 22. 6 FORMER VIEWS ON THE CAUSE OF THE VITAL PHENOMENA. force in the cells, he declared vital activity to be the result of chemical processess whereby energy is liberated. What caused those chemical processes he could not tell. Heidenhain takes it for granted, that all the vital actions are nothing but peculiar connections of physical and chemical forces exerted from the living cells," and similar views were entertained by the well known Chemical Physiologist of Great Britain: Halliburton,” and by the physiologist F. Hiippe>) in Prague. It will be forever remembered how Du Bois-Reymond undertook to draw bound- aries of knowledge in pronouncing his ‘‘zgnorabimus”’ in regard to the more complicated vital actions, at the meeting of the German Association for the advancement of science, in Leipzig, 1872. The learned professor however expressed 30 years earlier a different view: ‘‘Those who preach the erroneous doctrine of the vital force, under whatever form and in whatever disguise it may be, such heads have—they may believe it—never reached the boundaries of thinking.) ”’ The “ignorabimus” of Reymond would certainly not have found favor with A. Humboldt, who in the year 1797 stigmatised all exertions to draw boundaries of knowledge as paralysing scientific activity.°) Of the German physiologists it was especially Pfliiger who protested against such a thing by declaring: ‘* Who- ever in our time undertakes to draw boundaries for the develop- ment of science thinks his own brain-work worth at least just as much as that of numberless generations to come.®)’’ We con- clude with citing the view of the great French physiologist Claude Bernard: “ Pour comprendre les fonctions de l’organisme il faut connaitre celle de la cellule. La raison des phénomenes vitaux est dans cette fonction élémentaire: le moyen de les maitriser, de les modifier, d’agir sur eux, consiste a agir sur activité cellulaire.” ” 1) Handbuch der Physiologie V p. 11. (1880). 2) Chemical Physiology, Chapt. 14. 3) On the cause of fermentations etc. Berlin 1893. p. 14. 4) Preface to the first edition of his work on animal electricity; p 39. 5) Versuche uber de gereizte Nerven-und Muskelfaser, Vol. II p. 77. 6) Die allgemeinen Lebenserscheinungen, Bonn 188s, p. It. 7) Lecons sur les phénoménes de la vie communs aux animaux et aux végétaux. p. 458 (1878). CHAPTER II: MoDERN STEPS OF PROGRESS. The attempts to penetrate the mysteries of the morpholo- gical and chemical conditions of living cells are of comparatively recent date. After Rk. Brown for the first time described the cellular nucleus in the year 1833, and a few years later were published the investigations of Schwann and of Schleiden on the cellular structure of the organisms, when attention was drawn by Dujardin to the apparent structureless, semifluid contractile substance of some of the lowest kinds of animal forms, called by him sarcode. Soon afterwards Mo/hl observed (1846) the pre- sence of a similar substance in plant cells, which he called protoplasm. Schulze demonstrated later the chemical identity and showed that this substance lies at the base of all the phenomena of animal and vegetable life. Every vital act depends upon the some mode or property of protoplasm, which is of albuminous character, and is the tangible reality, the chemical foundation of life. That was the first important generalisation in the domain of biological science.—Numerous observations followed : the circulation in the vegetable protoplasm and its dependence upon the access of air, the division of the nucleus and, quite recently, the central corpuscles were discovered, the protoplas- matic nature of the chlorophyllcorpuscles was demonstrated, the leukoplasts were described. Important qualities of the cyto- plasm became known and the different functions of the outer and inner layer (cortical layer and tonoplast) were noted. Attempts were even made to decipher the finer structure of the cytoplasm and nucleus, and a reticular structure was dis- tinguished from a hyaline and apparently uniform interfilar pro- toplasm. It was further shown, that not a single chemical process of importance can take place without the participation of protoplasm; even each single starch-granule has its own protoplasmatic manufacturer. Protoplasm is artist and tool simultaneously, it cannot be a formless albuminous slime, it must possess specific organisations according to the different functions it performs. In the molecular condition of protoplasm 8 MODERN STEPS OF PROGRESS. there is probably as much complexity as in the disposition of the organs of the higher animals. The variations of protoplasm are astonishing; the adaptivness to different functions unsurpassed by any of the higher developed organisms. How different must be the molecular arrangement in the celles of the bile- producing liver from that of the cells of saliva-and again of the cells of milk-producing glands! How different a machine must exist in the cells of the resin-producing glands of the conifers from that of the sugar-secreting cells of the nectaries. What a wide difference again must exist between the organi- sation of a fungus-spore and a pollen-cell! Only individualised, specifically organised, till to the finest detail jointed and dif- ferentiated structures can be the sources of the different actions connected with life! Hanstein expressed this logical conclusion in the following words: ‘‘ Even the most simple Protococcus or Monad-cell is certainly of a complicated organisation, even if so small that the best microscopes do not reveal a differentiation of the cytoplasm; there is no vital action without a vital struc- tuxe:-? But nothing would be gained from the differentiation of the protoplasmatic machines, if there were no motive power. What kindles then the fire, that produces the necessary steam ? That ‘‘ primum movens” must be united with the machine, most intimately connected with it, and is absolutely necessary for bringing on the most wonderful differentiations in form and functions, which arise from a single original egg-cell, when developing itself to an animal with the complicated system of nerve,-muscles and gland-cells, with the different cellular forms in epidermis and in bones. What a great variety of cellular forms are found in a tree! How many cells must sacrifice their individual existence during the development of an organism for the formation of tubular systems and aquaeducts ! How in view of these most complicated phenomena the older opinion can still be defended by some physiologists that the protoplasm is a varying mixture of different substances, is a ‘ mix- tum compositum’”’, remains incomprehensible to a logical mind. Reinke found for instance in the plasmodium of Aethalium septicum (a fungus belonging to the mixomycetes), 27 percent of carbonate 1) Das Protplasma, p. 308 ff, (1880). MODERN STEPS OF PROGRESS. 9 of lime, and concludes, that this belongs to the molecular system of this organism and contributes to its vitality! But if all the substances found in protoplasm participated in the first cause of life, then all excretionary substances that remain previous to their expulsion for a certain time in the protoplasm, further the sugar formed from starch and converted the next moment into cellulose, the hydrocarbons, aldehydes and esters produced to attract insects for fecundation of the flowers, the wax secreted to form a film upon the epidermis of leaves, the urea and uric acid produced in animals from proteids: all these substances would be parts of protoplasm and would participate in the cause of vital functions. All these combinations are formed in the protoplasm of different cells and must exist there even if only for a short time. This old view of declaring everything found in pro- toplasm to be an essential part of the protoplasm, and attribut- ing to it even vital actions leads simply to absurdities !— Hanstein defined protoplasm “as a ‘semiliquid substance consisting of proteids, insoluble in water, generally of neutral reaction, transparent and refracting the light a little more than water.”’ ‘This definition however is not perfect; we miss the chemical side of the question, above all the distinction between living and dead protoplasm. The first, who treated this problem scientifically, was E. Pfliiger’) in the year 1875. He started from the chemical fact that the living cells take up oxygen, while the dead do not. From this fundamental difference the conclusion is justified, that the albuminous substance of the living protoplasm has another chemical character than that of the dead protoplasm. In other words: the living protoplasm is ex- ceedingly liable to chemical change, and if that change takes place, death results. Pfliiger pointed out also, that the decom- position of albuminous matter in the living animal organism yields other products that the decompositions artificially accom- plished in the laboratory and concluded, that the nitrogen of the “living albumen” is linked in a different manner to other atoms. He supposed that the cyanogen-group is this form, 1) Pfliig. Arch. Vol. 10. 2) This conclusion is however not justified; the same albuminous matter can yield under different conditions very different products. The albumen, which is oxydised in the living body is certainly for the greater part circulating dead albumen and not living protoplasm. The latter brings on the oxydation of the former. Io MODERN STEPS OF PROGRESS. and that this form is changed by the fixation of water when the cell dies : ECN=+H,0=) CONE: But it may be here objected, that such changes do not take place spontaneously or easily.” The conclusion however that a chemical difference exists between living and dead protoplasm is plain logic.—If the dead matter of our food is converted into the living matter of our nerves, muscles and glands, a considerable chemical change must take place and just in the opposite direction to that connected with the loss of life. Pfliiger (I. c.) expressed his conviction in the following words: ‘An albumen-molecule, which in the brain concurs in the production of thought, which in the spinal column mediates sensation, which in the muscles performs mechanical work or in the glands starts chemical activity, is doubtless derived from the same dead albumen of the blood, but it is changed in chemical character as soon as it enters the living cell.» From the moment it forms a part of the living protoplasm, it commences to respire, to live. Only the cells have the property of life; such albumen, which has not become protoplasm, is dead albumen, even in the living body.” The deductions of Pfliigey did not attract the attention they deserved, they were even ignored by most physiologists. The cause may be found on the one hand in want of knowledge of the progress of modern chemistry, and on the other in the reac- tionary situation created by the echo of the ‘‘ignorabimus” of 1872, still vibrating through the sultry atmosphere. Foremost among those who assented, stood of M. Nenckt, who declared * : ‘‘T have repeatedly expressed my opinion, that investigation into the albuminous bodies must take a new direction, if we want to 1) Pfliiger had here evidently the comparison with nitriles in view. Certain other cyanogen-combinations, as cyanic acid, cyanamid, which undergo spontaneous changes, of course can not serve here for comparison or explanation.— 2) This production of living matter from dead was declared by Pfliiger to be one of the greatest enigmas of nature (Die allgemeinen Lebenserscheinungen, Bonn, 1889). The supposition of Pfliiger that Liebig entertained the belief in a chemical difference between albuminous matter in living and dead cells, is an error. Nowhere in Liebig’s writings can a decisive opinion be found. 3) Arch. f. exper. Pathol. und Pharmacol. Vol. 20, p. 343. and Journ. f. prakt. Chem. Vol. 26. MODERN STEPS OF PROGRESS. rE undertake with success the closer investigation of those actions we call ‘‘life;”’ the proteids of the living cells must have another chemical constitution than that of the dead cells.” And”: ‘It is of essential significance, that albuminous substances isolat- ed at very low temperatures from living animals, are of a very changeable character, as for instance the blood plasm, the oxy- haemoglobin, the myosin.”’ “The most important function, nay even the most characteristic feature of life itself is the formation of labil albumen molecules.” ” O. Rosenbach, discussing the vital phenomena® concludes: *‘Death is the suspension of the labil equilibrium of atoms in the living matter.” Among the plant-physiologists was Detmer the only one, who defended the new ideas; but his modifications will hardly find approval. He assumes, that the atoms of the ‘living albumen molecules” are in such a lively motion, that a continuous dissociation of the albumen-molecules takes place, forming thereby on the one hand non-nitrogenous substances as glucose and on the other amides. By this dissociation respiration is induced, and the other vital phenomena are made possible.) Such a hypothesis however is incompatible with the great sensibility of the protoplasm towards every disturbing influence. The con- tinuous regeneration supposed by Detmer would be simply an impossibility, as death would have resulted from the dissociation. The view of Detmer would well nigh answer for a description of a protoplasm committing suicide. 1) Ber. d. Deutschen Chem. Ges. Vol. 18, p, 385. 2) Pflugers Arch. Vol. 31, p. 336. 3) Aufgaben der Therapie, Chapt. 14. (1891). 4) Vergleichende Physiologie des Keimungsprocesses, Jena 1880,—Ber. d. Deut- schen Botan. Ges, 1893. CHAPTER, te LIVING PROTOPLASM AND CHEMICAL LABILITY. The view that at the moment of death a chemical change of the living matter takes place, finds support not only in the loss of affinity to the molecular oxygen of the air, but also in the different behaviour towards certain coloring matters as anilin colors, by which no living protoplasm, but only dead, can be stained, the latter even if the coloring substance be very diluted. Some phenomena accompanying the death of an animal are also in this relation very noticeable, siz. the vise of temperature observed, when soon after the death of the nervous system the muscular tissue is also succumbing, not being nourrished any longer by currents of oxygenated blood. This socalled post mortal rise of temperature known long ago and often incorrectly interpreted is really the mortal rise con- nected with the proceeding death of the muscular tissue. Heat is produced by chemical changes; chemical energy being easily transformed into heat. Intimately connected with the death of the muscles is the formation, resp. the increase of an acid reaction and of rigidness. All these facts can only be explained if the proteids of the living cells undergo a chemical change; and we may therefore distinguish them as active proteids from the passive proteids of the dead protoplasm. The name “living albumen,” used some- times, cannot signify anything else but living protoplasm, as life is always the result of an organisation, of functions of proto- plasmatic machines, and albumen itself without organisation cannot be called “living,” even if a high lability should lead to much chemical energy. All the steam of a locomotive would not pull the train, if the machine were not properly constructed. The name ‘‘ living albumen”’ should be discarded altogether, as it might lead to erroneous conceptions. The name active albumen, on the other hand, expresses merely a chemical quality, a distinction of ordinary albuminous matter. — Still preferable is the name ‘‘active proteids,” when the whole living matter of a cell comes into consideration, because also active LIVING PROTOPLASM AND CHEMICAL LABILITY. 13 nucleins and perhaps related proteids participate in the composi- tion of the organoids of the cell. The active proteids become living protoplasm by the process of organisation. What kind of chemical character must then be ascribed to the active proteids? We can answer this question but in one and that at being decided sense: They are exceedingly labil com- pounds that can be easily converted into relatively stable ones. A great lability is the indispensable and necessary founda- tion for the production of the various actions of the living pro- toplasm, for the mode of motions that move the life-machinery. There is a source of motion in the labil position of atoms in mole- cules, a source that has hitherto not been taken into considera- tion either by chemists, or by physicists. The opinion that at a given temperature the motions of all atoms in a compound are equal must be refuted as erroneous. Labil atoms have a greater energy of motion than the stable ones of the same substance.’) We know, that the atoms with their sphere of oscillations occupy in different compounds different volumes ;”) the oxygen in the aldehydegroup occupies a larger volume than in the hydroxylgroup, the ratio being 1:0, 6. The atomic volume of nitrogen in the cyanogengroup is larger than in the nitrogroup and here again larger than in the amido- group, the ratio being 1:0,50:0,13. Andif the atomic volume of hydrogen were determined carefully in different combina- tions we should very probably find, that it occupies, in an aldehyde-and in an amidogroup a larger volume than in a methyl-and in a hydroxylgroup. It will perhaps be not out of place to explain the nature of chemical lability in a few words. . A labil position exists, if in a molecule one atom is influ- enced simultaneously by the affinities of two neighboring atoms. Thus lively oscillations are produced bringing on a great ability for reactions and an inclination for a spontaneous migration of the labil atom into a stable position. 1) Atoms moved simultaneously by heat and by chemical affinity must possess more energy than those moved by heat alone. 2) Unsaturated carbon compounds occupy a larger molecular volume than calculated from the numbers belonging to the saturated ones.—Aldehyde has further a larger specif. volume than the isomeric ethylenoxyde, the ratio being 56, 4: 50, 6. I4 LIVING PROTOPLASM AND One of the most interesting labil atomic groups is the aldehydegroup Ost in which the oxygen exerts an attract- ing influence upon the hydrogen connected with the carbonatom, which is generally tetravalent, but can in some instances also functionate bivalent. Thus the hydrogenatom is subjected to continuous vibrations from the carbon to the oxygen and back, as may be indicated by the following formulas: aces BH oa =052 =¢ (1) (2) (3) (4) These motions are accelerated by rise of temperature ; in the —-O-—H same measure the inclinations to chemical reactions increase. Ammonia, diamid, hydroxylamin, hydrocyanic acid, sulfuretted hydrogen, primary sulfites act with great facility upon alde- hydes and even the molecular oxygen is taken up easily by certain aldehydes. Certain substances bring on a rapid change: thus a little sulfuric acid will transform ethylaldehyde into paraldehyde, a polymeric modification, whereby a contraction and development of heat takes place. Caustic potash converts that aldehyde into a resin. Another group of a certain lability is represented by the following position : —C=0 —C—OH | easily passing into: I —CH, —CH One of the laws of lability can therefore be generally ex- pressed thus: Jf in a chain of carbonatoms one of these atoms has two affinities saturated by one oxygenatom, while the other two affinities of the same carbonatom are saturated hy positive atoms or groups of atoms, a labil group is formed. This lability is increased with the entrance of stronger positive groups and is lessened by negative groups ; amido-benzaldehydes show a far greater lability as nitvo-or oxy-benzaldehydes. The saturated hydrocarbons, alcohols and acids of the methanseries are in comparison with the aldehydes very stable compounds; also the saturated hydrocarbons of the benzol series. The stability however decreases with the number of entering hydroxylgroups. Now taking the proteids into consideration, it must be borne CHEMICAL LABILITY. 15 in mind, that these are the most complicated combinations of all, and that up to the present day our slow inductive methods have not yet elucidated their chemical structure, although numerous facts relating to the decompositions under different circumstances have been discovered within the last ten years, especially by Maly, Nencki, Drechsel, E. Schulze. It was there- fore not possible to look here for an explanation in regard to the constitution of the active albumen or proteids. A more pro- mising way seemed to me to study at first the formation of albuminous substances within the life-plant, as it was most -probable, that the active proteids were products of direct synthesis. In this regard an important observation made at first by Th. Hartig and later studied by Borodin, Pfeffer, Kellner and especially by EZ. Schulze put us upon the right track: the observation that in many cases of albuminous decompositions in plants asparagin is formed in surprisingly large quantities, and that this asparagin quickly disappears again in the formation of new proteids, without any intermediate product being dis- cernible. (See Chapt. V.). This led me to the conclusion, that albumen is formed by a rapidly proceeding condensation-process. But in order to render this possible, the asparagin had to be transformed first into an aldehyde, the aldehyde of aspartic acid, from which by condensation and reduction substances of the composition of albuminous matter could be formed, as may be expressed by the following equations : I. 3(C,H,NO,)=C,,H,,N;0,+2H,O II. 6(C,,H,,N,0,)+12H+H,S=C,,H, ,.N:3SO,,+2H,O0 Simplest expression for albumen If the condensation were to take place between the alde- hyde-and methylengroups and the hydrogen indicated in the equation II were to be used for reduction of 12 aldehydegroups, the final product would still contain r2 aldehyde-and 18 amidogroups and would therefore be of an extraordinary lability. The energetic motions in such a product could bring on oxydative processes (see Chapt. VI.), in which easily oxydisable products as sugar, lecithin, could participate. This process might lead in 1) O. Loew. Pfliig. Arch, Vol. 22, p. 503. 16 LIVING PROTOPLASM AND the living protoplasm by regulating contrivances to the respira- tionprocess. The question arises now: can it be proved directly or indirectly that aldehyde-and amidogroups are really present in the living protoplasm ?—If our hypothesis is correct, that the vital motion emanates from labil aldehyde-and amidogroups, it follows, that every substance reacting in great dilution with those groups must prove a poison for every living vegetable or animal organism.” As experiments confirmed this conclusion, our hypothesis of the formation and nature of active albumen has thus received essential support. Very correct views were expressed by Nencki in regard to the cause of poisonous actions.» ‘‘ Why is it that a poison- ous substance has a well defined action, while slight changes in the chemical constitution of the poison bring on quite different actions? This depends on the one hand upon the chemical constitution of the protoplasm and on the other hand upon the chemical structure of the poisonous substance.” Indeed in most cases the poisonous actions are the result of a chemical reaction upon the albuminous substances of the living cells. If we lessen the chemical energy of a poisonous substance by introducing a carboxyl-,-or a sulfogroup, the physiological action will be also lessened. If we substitute alkyls for the hydrogenatoms of amido-or imidogroups the poisonous character is decreased ; while on the other hand innocuous substances might turn into poisons if imidogroups, or amidogroups of a certain lability are formed. Thus the non-poisonous hydrobenzamid can be trans- formed by atomic migrations into the potsonous amarin, isomeric to the former.— And what an enormous change in the poisonous qualities is observed, if one hydrogenatom of the ammonia-molecul is re- placed by the hydroxyl,-or by the amido-group! While ammonia in form of neutral salts is in a certain dilution no poison for animals, the substitution-products thus obtained, viz. the hy- droxylamin resp. diamid in the same dilution in neutral solutions are very strong poisons.—Bacteria and mouldfungi, that are not 1) Compare O. Loew, A natural system of poisonous actions, Munich, 1893. Chapt. 4. 2) Arch des scienc. biolog. St. Pétersburg 1892 p. 61. CHEMICAL LABILITY. 17 poisoned by concentrated solutions of neutral ammoniasalts, are easily attacked by hydroxylamin even at dilutions of 1: 10,000"). I found, that diatoms are killed within 24 hours by hydroxyl- amin in a dilution of 1: 100,000 and that in a dilution of 1: 20,000 it is a stronger poison for infusoria than strychnin! Ina dilution of 1: 15,000 it kills within a few days phaenogamous plants, as was shown by me with young plants of maize and helianthus and by E. Schulze with maize and barley.—Marpman observed later also the poisonous qualities for pathogenic microbes. In short, while ammonia is next to nitrates the most important source of nitrogen for the nutrition of plants, hydroxylamin never can be used for this purpose, being a deadly poison !— In regard to lower animals I observed, that while sal-am- moniac in a dilution of 1:10,000 had no noxious effect upon crustaceans (copepodes) the equally diluted solution of hydro- chlorate of hydroxylamin (neutralised with soda) killed them within 3 hours. A solution of 1:20,000 killed aquatic snails, worms, and larvae of insects within 36 hours.—Raimundi and Bertom, Binz, Lewin studied the poisonous action on the higher animals. 0,05g. of hydrochlorate of hydroxylamin kills a pigeon in 3 minutes; 0,1g pro Kilo. of a warmblooded animal will pro- duce convulsions. When the diamid was discovered by Th Curtius in the year 1887, and its remarkable affinities for aldehydes became known,”? I predicted at once, that this substance must prove a universal poison, a poison for all kinds of living cells. Indeed I observed afterwards that the neutralised sulfate in a dilution of 1: 10,000 kills algae in 1-2 days; at 1: 5,000 bacteria ; at 1: 2,000 infusoria, crustacea, mollusca and aquatic larvae of insects within 12 hours, while neutral ammoniumsulfate in this dilution produced not the slightest effect whatsoever. I found further, that young plants of Helianthus died within 4 days, and of barley within 2 days, if placed into a solution containing 0,2 p. mille neutralised sulfate of diamid, while the controlplants treated with equal quantities of ammoniumsulfate developed normally.*) 0,5 ¢. of 1) O. Loew, Pfliigers Arch. Vol. 35, p. 515 (1885). 2) According to Curtius diamid attacks aldehydes even in strong acid solutions, while it combines with ketons only in form of the free base. 3) O. Loew, Berichte d. D. Chem. Ges. Vol. 23, p. 3204. 18 LIVING PROTOPLASM AND diamid sulfate will kill a rabbit in 1} hour (Buchner). Why is it then,—it will be asked that hydroxylamin and diamid are such strong poisons compared with ammonia? The answer can only be found in the marked difference of behaviour to aldehydes (resp. Ketons). It has been demonstrated by recent investigations, that salts of hydroxylamin and of diamid (hydrazin) act even in high dilutions upon aldehydes while ammonia acts only as free base or as carbonate and with less energy. This difference is due to the greater lability of the hydrogenatoms in the former, attacking thus easier the labil oxygen of aldehydes and ketons. ae ve we Not N—H N—H \ H BS OH \ NHa2 Ammonia. Hydroxylamin. Diamid. We find analogous differences of intensity of toxicological actions between anilin C;H,.NH, and phenylhydrazin, C.H.. NH.NH,; between pyridin C,H,N and piperidin C,H,,.NH; between phenol and amidophenol, which latter is,-im accordance with the behaviour to aldehydes,-also a stronger poison than anilin.— The reaction between hydroxylamin and an aldehyde is expressed by the following equation : = =—N—OH (@) Ci, +HIN= On = @)=C2ne eee ——— ee An aldehyde. An aldoxim. It is of considerable interest, that also certain derivatives of hydroxylamin react easily with aldehydes and exhibit in ac- cordance therewith a poisonous character; these derivatives are the ‘‘amidoxims,” prepared by Tiemann by the action of con- centrated hydroxylamin upon nitriles at higher temperatures : (@)+C=N+H,NA0H = @e Onna A nitrile) An amidoxim. ()— Cin on @)—Can, =) Cm -cErons ————— ~ An aldehyde. 1) The product thus formed can undergo an atomic migration; Tiemann, Ber. 22, p. 3124. CHEMICAL LABILITY. Ig One of the amidoxims, the benzenylamidoxim C,H, “estes was shown by Mering to be poisonous: 0,5 g. will kill a dog; 0,1 g. a rabbit ; 0,03 g. a frog.” But we observe also on the other hand that substances acting readily upon labil amidogroups are equally poisonous; above all may be mentioned the formic aldehyde, the free cyanogen, and the nitrous acid, which latter is far more poison- ous than nitric acid. I observed that formic aldehyde CH,O in a dilution of r: 10000 kills readily microbes and algae; of I: 2000 in 2 hours crustaceans, worms and mollusca.*”) Rabbits are killed by 0,24g. pro Kilo. (Zuntz). Phaenogams watered with a I p. mille solution will die in from 2-6 days (Bokorny). This aldehyde annihilates also as I have found (Jahresber. f. Thierchemie 1888) the actions of the enzymes. The action on amines is shown by the equation : H,CO+H,N—(x) = H,C=N—(x)+H,0 The free cyanogen is for lower vegetable and animal organ- isms a stronger poison than hydrocyanic acid; in a dilution of 1: 5000 it kills cells of the bear-yeast, in dilution of 1: 10000 infusoria and algae.) Its action upon labil amidogroups may be represented by the following equation: =NH —NHz CN C _NnH-(z) acta CN CN CN The action of mztrous acid upon labil amidogroups is shown by the following equation: NO OH+H,N—(«s) = OH—N=N—(x)+H,0 and: OH—N=N-—-(s) = OH—-(«)+N, Free nitrous acid in a dilution of 1:100000 kills algae within 48 hours (Loew and Bokorny*)). Nitrites are poisonous in all those cases, where nitrous acid is set free by organisms, thus for plants containing free acids or acid salts, and for the 1) Ber. D. Chem. Ges. 1885 p. 1054. 2) The great antiseptic properties of formic aldehyde were first observed by myself. Jahresb. f. Thierchemie 1888. 3) According to investigations which were carried on by myself and Mr. Tsuka- moto in the laboratory of Komaba. 4) Botan. Zeitg. Dec. 1887. 20 LIVING PROTOPLASM AND higher animals. 0,03g. sodium nitrite kills a frog, 005g a rabbit (Emmerich and Tsubot:;’) Binz). We observe therefore: The conclusion that the labil atom- groups in the living protoplasm are aldehyde-and amidogroups, agrees exactly with physiological phenomena, with toxicological facts, which cannot be said of the views of Pfliiger and of Latham assuming the labil groups to be cyanogengroups. Ac- cording to the view of Pfliiger the chemical change connected with the loss of life consists in the chemical fixation of the elements of water, according to our view, however, in a migration of atoms from labil to stable position without water being taken up. Cyanides will react with hydroxylamin only in concentrated solutions and at higher temperatures, aldehydes however in the cold and in high dilutions. The poisonous actions of all the substances above mentioned, furthermore, are not in ac- cordance with the cyanogen-hypothesis. As labil amidogroups act readily upon labil aldehydegroups there arises a constant danger to the living cells themselves of an inter-molecular poisoning taking place; indeed we need only to heat the living organisms to 45-50° and death will result with rare exceptions; the continuous danger has become a reality. I expressed this chemical change by the following equation: —CH—NH, —CH—NH Wore = pte, ——— An active group2). A passive group. Substances that contain simultaneously aldehyde- (resp. keton-) groups and amidogroups are indeed of an extraordinary lability and when I first published my views upon the formation of active albumen in plants (1880, Pfliig. Archiv.); no such combinations were yet known. But soon afterwards the or- thoamidobenzaldehyde was prepared by Friedlaendey and found to be a very reactive substance. 1) These two bacteriologists have demonstrated that also the poisonous symp- toms in cholera depend upon the formation of nitrites from nitrates by the cholera- bacillus. 2) Twelve of such groups are—according to my hypothesis of the formation of active albumen—contained in one molecule of the latter; if the simplest expression for albumen is taken as a foundation. CHEMICAL LABILITY. aI Later followed the preparation of paraamidobenzaldehyde and of amidovaleraldehyde.’) Quite recently the amidoethyl- aldehyde was prepared by E. Fischer.?) This substance is only stable in form of salts, and changes so rapidly after being set free, that it loses its power of reducing Fehling’s solution within one hour, and becomes transformed into a gelatinous substance. Also the diamido-aceton soon changes spontaneously to an amor- phous substance if set free from its combination with acids.° We observe therefore, that there exist labil amido-combinations which undergo spontaneously a rapid change,—losing thereby their original characteristics.—That here is a certain analogy to the change of protoplasm, when it passes from life to death, can hardly be denied if we see, that hydroxylamin and diamid, the most characteristic properties of which is their great ability to react in high dilution and at ordinary temperature upon al- dehydes,—have no longer any action upon dead protoplasm, nor any influence upon ordinary soluble proteids at ordinary temperature.” —Those physiologists, who still cling to the old notions of the identity of proteids in the living and the dead protoplasm, will never have an understanding of the cause of the vital functions, they will be at a loss to conceive the method of poisonous actions ! If a change takes place from a labil to a stable character, if the cell dies, the reverse transformation must succeed, if by growing and multiplying animal cells pepton is resorbed for the formation of living protoplasm. Here kinetic energy is trans- formed into potential energy, passive groups become active ones. Labil combinations occupy a larger molecular volume than the isomeric stable ones, hence work must be produced by the conversion of the latter into the former. On the other hand contraction and development of heat will result if the active, labil albumen passes into the passive condition. Contraction of the protoplasm is indeed taking place with the death of the 1) Wolffenstein, Ber. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. Vol. 25, p. 2777. 2) Ibid. Vol. 26, p. 92. 3) Riigheimery and Mischel, Ibid. Vol. 25, p. 1563. 4) It would be incompatible with the spirit of science to avoid the logical conclusions to which the toxicological facts mentioned, must lead. There exist physiologists who would declare all conclusions premature, but have they considered what good grounds exist for such an assertion ? 22 LIVING PROTOPLASM AND CHEMICAL LABILITY. cells"), and the heat developed on the death of larger cellular complexes like muscles can be measured with the thermometer.— The vital phenomena depend upon the labil aldehydic charac- ter of the living protoplasm; this labil character gives rise to respiration. Respiration produces heat, and heat again increases the oscillations of the labil atomic groups in the living proto- plasm, until a certain limit is reached. Hereby a transformation of heat into chemical activity results, the vital motion thus leads to vital functions. We propose to call the resulting vital motion: plasmic force, instead of vital force, which name would recall the erroneous conceptions of former times. We define therefore the plasmic energy as a mode of motion produced by ‘the labil atomgroups in the proteids of the living protoplasm and intensifi- ed by the process of respiration, induced by the labil character. However not only is the chemical structure of the proteids a labil one, but so also is the morphological structure of the proto- plasm, the tectonic, i.e. the invisible arrangement of the molecules of active albumen to small particles of protoplasm, composing the organoids of the cells (nucleus, chloroplasts, filarplasm, tonoplast etc.).7) Slight disturbances of a mechanical nature produce contraction and death. The chemical attack of a poison upon only a mznute portion of the protoplasm of a living cell may cause the collaps of the entire protoplasm. The morphological construction and the chemical nature of the living protoplasm are evidently most intimately connected; an injury to one will also damage the other: The living protoplasm is a labil structure built up of labil material. 1) Contraction of cytoplasm in plantcells is not observed however in some special cases, as treatment with absolute alcohol, acids and dilute caustic lyes. But an invisible contraction has nevertheless taken place also in these cases, as can be demonstrated by the loss of the osmotic qualities of the cytoplasm. The pores have become so large, that the osmotic membrane has changed into a filter, that now permits easily the exit from the vacuole of various substances, as tannin etc. 2) It is convenient to distinguish the invisible organisation as ‘‘ tectonic”’ from the visible organisation, i.e. differentiation into different organoids of a cell. CHAP Thi tv. ACTIVE ALBUMEN AS RESERVE-MATERIAL IN PLANTS. The facts described in the last chapter lead us immediately to the questions: Do the active proteids also exist as such, 1. e. in the xon-organised condition, in plantcells? If so, are they just as labil as in the organised state, i. e. as living protoplasm? Is it possible to obtain directly the chemical reactions upon the aldehydnature of those compounds ?—To these questions Dr. Thomas Bokorny and myself have devoted considerable time and attention and our investigations’) have shown: 1. That there exists in many plants, apparently in a state of solution a certain protein-substance quite different from ordinary proteids ; 2. That this substance is capable of giving certain reactions, of which the living protoplasm on account of its great lability is incapable, and which neither dead protoplasm nor the known soluble proteids show; 3. That this substance is used up during the growth and multiplication of cells, and that it plays therefore the réle of a reserve-material. The reader will be made acquainted in the following lines with the principal observations relating to this discovery.77— Many vegetable objects, algae as well as parts of higher deve- loped plants, show under the influence of weak bases like coffein (0,1-0,5%) or antipyrin (best in 0,5% solutions) a remarkable phenomenon, consisting in the appearance of a large number of minute transparent colorless globules,*?) that gradually unite 1) Of our publications I mention here merely: O. Loew and Th. Bokorny: Die chemische Kraftquelle im lebenden Pro- toplasma, Munich 1882.— Botan. Centralbl, 1889, and 1893.—Biol. Centralbl. Vol 11.— Flora 1892. p. 117.— Dr. Th, Bokoryny, now professor at the Military Academy in Munich, publish- ed contributions in: Pringsheims Jahrb. Vol 19. and Vol. 20. Pfliig. Arch. Vol. 45 and Vol. 50. 2) I describe here the facts in the order, in which it appears most convenient for the reader to conceive. I neither enter therefore upon a sketch of the develop- ment of our investigations, nor upon a relation of the discussions brought on by our publications. Suffice it to say that the objections have been refuted as wholly unfounded. 3) Coffein acts still in higher dilutions than antipyrin. 24 ACTIVE ALBUMEN into larger globules and droplets, losing thereby their original motions (Brown’s so-called molecular motions?). As regards most of the objects these droplets are situated in the vacuole, in some however in the cytoplasm as well. All kinds of Spirogyra, an alga of common occurrence, are for these observations es- pecially well adapted; they remain for some time—even for a series of days—alive in the solutions mentioned. If the objects, in which the droplets have been produced, are taken from these solutions and replaced in pure water, the droplets will gradually disappear again in proportion as the bases mentioned leave the cells by osmosis. The cells continue thereby their life as before the treatment. This dissolving process is quickened at higher temperatures, at 30°C. it requires but a few minutes. Replace- ment of the objects in the solutions of these bases makes the droplets reappear. If however the cells die by the prolonged influence of coffein or antipyrin, or if they are killed by dilute acids or by poisons like formic aldehyde, hydroxylamin, or salts of copper, etc., or by vapors of ether, then these droplets also change their properties, soon after the death of the cells. Hereby the close chemical resemblance of matter in the protoplasm and in the droplets becomes manifest. The droplets become turbid from numerous and minute vacuoles, formed by a sudden loss of ab- sorbed water, and, in coagulating, lose their solubility.) In some cases the small vacuoles unite into one large one, a hollow sphere thus resulting, in other cases the spherical form is lost entirely, leaving an irregular shaped mass. In some objects the vacuoles disappear again by. further contraction, and the globules again turn transparent; the insolubility however remains. This turn- ing from the soluble into the insoluble state is a decisive proof of a chemical-change.— It is of special interest to observe under the microscope the change brought on by the action of a 0,2-0,5 per cent solution of acetic or sulphuric acid or by a diluted alcohol of 10-20 per cent.” t) It is of rare occurrence, for the droplets to lose their solubility, before the death of the cells is observed in the above named solution of coffein or antipyrin. 2) If instead of diluted alcohol absolute alcohol is employed, the coffein is so rapidly extracted that the smaller globules dissolve before they are coagulated, while the larger ones shrink to irregular shaped thin films. Here the exosmose of coffein proceeds quicker, than the endosmose of a sufficient quantity of alcohol. All the experiments mentioned are best made with the larger globules ; the changes cannot be well observed if the globules are too minute.— AS RESERVE-MATERIAL IN PLANTS. 25 Still more striking is the effect of the vapors of ether. If spirogyra-threads containing freshly produced droplets are ex- posed in a flask at ordinary temperature to the vapors of ether, the cells are found killed in a few seconds, and about 20 minutes afterwards: all the globules change their aspect, losing their brightness and their solubility! The coagulation by heat is easily observed if the objects are dipped in boiling water containing 5 per cent of chloride of sodium, all droplets exhibiting then a turbid appearance ; neither boiling water nor absolute alcohol will change them any fur- ther. It is well known, that the presence of salts facilitates the coagulation of albuminous matters. The substance in question is also changed quickly in the dissolved state, with the death of the cells; in dead cells coffein never produces any globules. If for instance we treat Spirogyra Webert for one minute with a very dilute aqueous solution of iodine, the globules may be still produced by coffein immediately afterwards, but after 10 minutes action of the iodine, no more. That our substance had not left the dead cell by osmosis can be easily shown, if we add to the small quantity of the iodine- solution, in which we left a larger quantity of the algae to die, coffein in a sufficient quantity: no trace of the above described phenomenon is observed. The same experiment may be made with cells killed in any other way. All these facts demonstrate beyond a doubt, that we have a peculiar protein-substance before us, distinguished from the or- dinary soluble proteids not only by its being separable from the dissolved state in globules by coffein or antipyrin, but also by a very great lability, as these globules become coagulated by influences, which do not at all change the ordinary soluble pro- teids, as alcohol of 20 per cent or vapors of ether. We called these globules protcosomes, thus reminding us on the one hand of the proteids, on the other of the ‘‘microsomes.” In the coagulated state they exhibit all the properties of ordinary co- agulated proteids. Treated with phosphortungstic acid (10 per cent) they remain insoluble even after weeks, while hydrochloric acid of to per cent changes them gradually and dissolves them after a series of days at ordinary temperature.—A solution of “caustic soda or potash of moderate strength soon dissolves the 26 ACTIVE ALBUMEN proteosomes, but if they had been treated with a neutral solution of formic aldehyde (5-10 per cent), they would have lost their easy solubility in caustic lyes,—exactly like the behaviour of ordinary proteids, I observed some time ago...—The Millons reaction is obtained if the objects are left for 8-10 hours in a solution of mercuric nitrate containing some potassium nitrite, and then heated for a short time to the boiling point.—The ‘‘biuret- reaction’? is obtained on treating the protecsomes first with diluted ammonia (0,1 %), then for 12 hours with a dilute solution of acetate of copper, and finally with dilute caustic potash.?)— While the fresh proteosomes soon disappear by treatment with dilute carbonate of soda, such proteosomes, as were changed by the death of the cells, offer considerable resistance to it. Of special interest is the behaviour to diluted ammonia, whereby the proteosomes are solidified, another and marked dif- ference from ordinary proteids being thus demonstrated.*) These solidified proteosomes are chemically not identical with the co- agulated proteosomes mentioned before; the ammonia brought on a different change, being taken up and having entered into an intimate combination, which however has no salt-like constitution, as the chemical behaviour clearly indicates. A dilute hydro- chloric acid (0,5 per cent) will at 40°C gradually attack the coagulated proteosomes, but not those solidified by ammonia. Even a to per cent hydrochloric acid dissolves at 80° the latter ones with difficulty, compared with the former. This chemical fixation of ammonia recalls the formation of pyrrols from 1.4 diketons or the formation of aldehyde-ammonia-groups, with subsequent changes to a more intimate fixation of the nitrogen. If aldehyde-groups be present in our labil proteosomes, the behaviour towards ammonia can be understood, and as aldehydes retain their silver-reducing properties even after combining with ammonia, this question could be settled by experiment. But care had to be taken to exclude every trace of other reducing compounds as glucose or tannin, frequently occurring in plant- cells.— 1) Compare O. Loew, Jahresbericht f. Thierchemie 1892 p. 29 and 1888 p. 273. 2) For further details see Botan. Centralbl. 1889 Nr. 39 and 45. 3) This behaviour to ammonia may serve in some cases to distinguish small and indistinct proteosomes from tannates of coffein or antipyrin, which will be readily dissolved by ammonia. AS RESERVE-MATERIAL IN PLANTS. 27 To select objects free of glucose, is not difficult, but rarer are such as unite with an abundance of proteids the absence of tannin, seemingly a frequent by-product in the synthesis of proteids. It collects in the proteosomes in combination with albumen.—We have shown however, that tannin might be used as a source of carbon in the formation of proteids under favorable circumstances. These experiments were made with Penicillium, cultivated in nutrifying solutions containing as sole organic sub- stance tannin. The produced mass of the fungus amounted to 12,4 per cent of the tannin applied, after a growth of four weeks, at the end of which time no trace of tannin was present any longer.’) This result led us to experiments with Spivogyra” and indeed the tannin disappeared, the best reactions failed finally, and when the cells were boiled with a little water, neither the acqueous liquid nor the cells themselves showed any reaction with a 1 per cent solution of nitrate of silver supersaturated with ammonia; hence it was evident that neither a soluble nor an insoluble reducing substance was present any longer in the killed cells. Still, the proteosomes were capable, even after treatment with ammonia (1 p. m.), of reducing even very highly diluted alkaline silver solutions, the globules thereby turning black. Such proteosomes however as were changed by acetic acid, or by any other death of the cells were found incapable of reducing the same silversolutions, even after 24 hours contact. This silver reagent was always left with the objects in the dark, and was applied ina highly diluted state, because it is charac- teristic of aldehydegroups, to bring on a silver reduction in far greater dilutions, than many other reducing substances or atomic groups. A suitable silver solution may be obtained by super- saturating 1 cc. of a I per cent solution of silver-nitrate with ammonia, adding a few drops of a diluted solution of caustic potassa and diluting this mixture to one liter with distilled water. This solution contains 100000 parts of water for 1 part of silver-nitrate employed (present now as oxyde in solution) and is still easily affected by aldehydes. 1) Botan. Centralbl. 1889 Nr. 39. 2) The smaller kinds of Spirogyra are sometimes found also in nature free of tannin. Of the larger kinds most tannin is found in Sp. crassa and Sp. majuscula, which therefore are not so favorable for these experiments, as other kinds. iS) 2) ACTIVE ALBUMEN The solution, in which we cultivated Spirogyra nitida and Sp. Weberi for the purpose of making the tannin disappear, contained: calcium-nitrate, magnesium-nitrate and potassium- sulphate, 0,05 per cent of each, monopotassium-phosphate 0,005 per cent and a trace of chloride of iron. A few threads were placed in a liter of this solution, which was at a temperature of 15—16° left exposed to only a moderate amount of light for 2—3 weeks.” An object entirely free of tannin or related compounds are the snowberries (Symphoricarpus racemosus). If the fleshy tissue of unripe snowberries be treated first with coffein, and the pro- teosomes be left in diluted (0,1 per cent) ammonia, the tissue then washed with tepid water to remove every trace of sugar, we observe also here an intense blackening of the proteosomes by the silver reagent mentioned. The question, whether our labil proteosomes represent the active albumen of our theory is easily proven. If favorable con- ditions for growth and multiplication of cells were offered and at the same time the formation of new albumen was made im- possible, then the reserve-albumen had to be used up gradually. We shall indeed observe this result if we cultivate for instance threads of Spirogyra in a comparatively large volume of the following solution : 0,05 per cent calcium sulfate, 0,02 ,, ,, calcium bicarbonate, 0,02 ,, ,, magnesium sulphate, 0,005 ,, ,, monopotassium phosphate, Small trace of chloride of iron. In this solution were present all the mineral constituents necessary for development, except every suitable source of nitrogen, hence new albumen could not be formed and the reserve albumen had to be seized upon for the organisation of growing protoplasm, for the nucleus and chlorophyll-bodies of the new cells. Indeed the stored-up albumen disappears here so perfectly, that coffein fails to produce proteosomes after 2-3 1) Hereby the quantity of originally present active albumen is found relatively decreased in the cells, on account of their multiplication, but the proteosomes produced remain perfectly colorless, if the threads are left to die in a solution of ferrous sulphate ; a proof, that every trace of tannin was used up. AS RESERVE-MATERIAL IN PLANTS. 29 weeks of cultivation. The albumen of our proteosomes therefore serves for building up protoplasm.—-If we place now the same threads in a solution containing fotassiwm-nitrate, as for in- stance in: 0,05 per cent potassium nitrate, O03" 5, ., Calcium nitrate, 0,005 ,, 5, magnesium sulphate, 0,005 ,, ,, monopotassium phosphate, trace chloride of iron, we obtain after 3 weeks with coffein an intense formation of proteosomes, more active albumen having been produced than was required for organisatory purposes. Potassium nitrate is not only a suitable source of nitrogen, but the potassium of this salt is also important for the chlorophyll function, yielding an increased quantity of starch for the synthesis of proteids. Spzro- gyra majuscula forms in this solution after several weeks such large quantities of active albumen, that this commences in some cells to separate in globules even without the coffein-treatment.— Also changes of temperature have a great influence. Hot weather favors growth and the active albumen may be more quickly used than formed; hence a decrease of the reserve- albumen; if now cold weather follows, growth is more retarded than the synthetical preparation of proteids, hence an accumula- tion of active albumen results...—Also phosphates interfere with the accumulation. In the absence of these salts (other conditions being favorable) albumen will continue to be formed, but organisation and multiplication of cells will have stopped, hence accumulation increases.” 1) It was quite natural for us to take, at the beginning of our studies, the proteosomes of the cytoplasm for an essential part of the protoplasm, as it was not known before, that dissolved proteids occur as reserve material in the living pro- toplasm itself. The recent attack of P. Klemm upon our definition of active albumen (Bot. C. March 1894) contains no arguments, but merely a series of assumptions disregarding the main facts we described, especially the most important change of the proteosomes as soon as the cells are killed in one way or other. The state of copulation does not depend upon the amount of stored up active albumen; I have observed in some cases much of the latter, in other cases none at all,.— 2) O. Loew, On the physiological functions of phosphoric acid; Biolog. Cent- tralbl. Vol 11. p. 280. 30 ACTIVE ALBUMEN Active albumen can be stored up in higher and lower plant- forms and in most different parts of plants. Thus we obtain proteosomes by coffein or antipyrin with leaves of all insectivo- rous plants except with Utricularia. Drosera shows it in all parts of the leaves, stem, and flower.*? The most remarkable however among all insectivorous plants is in this regard Cephalotus, con- taining in all parts astonishing quantities of stored-up active albumen. Further objects are: The subepidermial cells of the leaves of Cvrassulaceae as Cotyledon, Echeveria, Sedum; the epidermial cells of Primula sinensis and Pelargonium; the hairs of the stems of Begonia and of many other plants; the petals of Cyclamen, Cornus, Tulipa, Epidendron; the anthers of Eugenia, Melaleuca and Forsythia; the pistils of Crocus vernus, Rhodo- dendron, Salix, Euphorbia; the peduncles and petals (sometimes also young seeds) of: Gentiana, Primula, Scrofularia, Impatiens Sultani, Hoteia japonica, Pirus Malus, Prunus Cerasus, Amorphophallus Rivieri, Viburnum rugosum, Sorbus aucuparia, Thea chinensis ; the flowers and young leaves of Rheum, Acer, Populus, Acacia, Crataegus oxyacantha, Mimosa pudica ; the nectaria of Passiflora. In some plants it is found only at certain stages of develop- ment, as in the petals of malvae, in unripe snowberries (Sym- phoricarpus racemosus), in cotyledons of Helianthus, in the larger cells of Vallisneria-leaves. Whether fungi ever store up active albumen as a reserve- material is still doubtful;? among the algae are the various kinds of Spirogyra the most noticeable ones, Vaucheria contains it occasionally, Mesocarpus, Oscillaria, Oedogonium, Sphaero- plea, Palmella, Desmidiaceae and Diatomeae never, so far as our observations reach. Of higher organised plants not contain- ing this reserve-material may be mentioned: Leaves and roots 1) The socalled aggregation observed first by Darwin with the tentacles of Drosera is a different process, but Bokorny has shown, that there exist certain points of connection between the two phenomena. Compare Pringsheims Jahrb. Vol. 20 p- 465. 2) We have however observed silver-reduction in black dots with spores of Gymnosporangium, and with Saccharomyces cultivated at low temperature in a solution free of sugar. AS RESERVE-MATERIAL IN PLANTS. 35 of Poa; shoots of Pisum and Vicia; leaves, stems, and flowers of Tussilago, Ranunculus, Veronica, Convallaria. The active albumen may serve not only for the growth of protoplasm, but also for the formation of enzymes. It may be changed into passive albumen and then form the aleuron grains and protein crystals, as seems to be indicated by an observation of Peters, who reports: ‘‘ The formation of protein crystals proceeds in cells of Sparganium and Carex in, the interior of a dvop-like accumulation of protein matter by the crystallisation- process.”") The passive proteids as reserve-material in the seeds are most probably always products of change of previously formed active proteids.— In the animal kingdom no such highly labil, dissolved vesevve-proteids, are found; at least the coffein-reaction cannot be obtained. Easily changeable albuminous substances of another character as the active albumen described occur; the proteids of the bloodserum causing the artificial and natural im- munity, as the highly important investigations of Emmerich, Tsuboi, Buchner have shown, and the poisonous proteids of snakes and of the blood of eels may be mentioned in this regard. Also the enzymes or soluble ferments belong to the labil proteids. I have observed, that these latter substances lose their efficacy by treatment with a neutral diluted solution of formic aldehyde, which may be considered as an indication that labil amidogroups play an important role in their active condition.” — The mode of action of coffein or antipyrin upon the vegetable objects mentioned above, consists probably in the formation of very loose combinations of these bases with the active albumen, whereby the original chemical nature of the latter is otherwise not altered, combinations which are less soluble than each of the constituents for itself. But also the hypothesis is admissible, that these bases lead mainly to a loose kind of polymerisation by an irritating influence. Be this as it may, at least it cannot be disputed that the original condition is restored by washing out 1) Botan. Centr. Vol. 48, p. 181. Interesting are also some observations of Molisch, Mikosch and Chmielewsky, relating to the occurrence of spindle-and ringlike bodies of albuminous matter in the leaves of Epiphyllum and Oncidium, Bot. Centr. 1890, II. 341. 2) O. Loew, Jahresbericht f. Thierchemie, 1888, p. 273. 32 ACTIVE ALBUMEN these bases, which remarkably easily and without producing injury can penetrate the living protoplasm. It is different how- ever, if we apply stronger bases (and their salts), as for instance: guanidin, methylamin, propylamin, anilin, toluylendiamin, atro- pin, amarin, piperidin, coniin, nicotin, chinin, strychnin, morphin, codein, chinolin or pyridin in 0,1-0,3 percent solutions. Here also we observe granulations, but they do not coalesce to droplets, and solidify soon, becoming entirely insoluble in water. The protoplasm itself is also attacked with more or less energy by all these bases and killed quickly by chinin and strychnin, more slowly by morphin, atropin or pyridin.‘,—Of inorganic bases: ammonia and its carbonate, hydroxylamin, caustic soda, and caustic potash produce like results: very minute granulations and quick death of the cells. But these bases have to be applied only in 0,1-0,or per cent solutions for a production of a more intense granulation; a I per cent solution of ammonia will yield a lesser granulation, than a 0,2 p. mille solution; and a 5 per cent solution will change the active albumen so rapidly that no granu- lations at all result. Very dilute caustic potassa produces a more intense granulation than a corresponding solution of caustic soda; but neither carbonates nor secondary phosphates of these two bases, nor limewater can produce any granulations worth mentioning. We have seen, that a highly labil, easily changeable albumi- nous substance is often stored up in plant-cells, that it is used up in growth and multiplication of cells, and that it behaves towards ammonia and alkaline silversolution like an aldehyde. We have found on the other hand (Chapt. IIJ), that a series of toxicological facts point to the presence of aldchyde-groups in the proteids of the living protoplasm. This leads us to the logical conclusion, that our labil reserve-albumen is the very substance which yields by the organisation-process the living protoplasm, that it is active albumen, chemically but not morphologically identical with the active albumen of the living protoplasm. That this active albumen in the not-organised state is a little less labil, than in the organised state is intelligible, it brings on 1) Nitrogenous substances deficient of basic qualities do not produce proteo- somes, as: Skatol, hydrobenzomid, dimethyloxypyrimidin, leucin, tyrosin, asparagin, allantoin, kreatin. AS RESERFE-MATERIAL IN PLANTS. 33 some reactions, of which the living protoplasm is not capable on account of changing too quickly.—As to the great difference between the active and the passive albumen, convincing evidence has been furnished, and we recall here the more striking points of this chemical difference : 1. The power of combining with water is greater with the active than with the passive albumen; 2. Coffein and antipyrin exert action upon the active, not upon the passive albumen ; 3. Alcohol of 10-20 per cent, vapors of ether, very dilute acetic acid, change the active, but not the passive albumen; 4. Active albumen absorbs ammonia and turns thereby in- soluble, while passive albumen remains indifferent. 5. Active albumen reduces highly diluted alkaline silver solutions, passive albumen does not. On the Poisonous Action of Di-cyanogen. BY O. Loew, and M. Tsukamoto. Modern investigations lead to the conclusion, that the proto- plasm of living cells is a labil organisation of labil material.” According to the theory advanced by one of us (L.) the great lability of the albuminous matter composing the living protoplasm is caused by the simultaneous presence of aldehyde- and amido- groups. If this is correct then every substance that can react in a high dilution upon aldehyde- or amido-groups must be poison- ous for every living cell and organism, from the lowest fungus to the highest animal. Many toxicological facts and recent ex- periments are in accordance with this conclusion. The highly poisonous action of hydrocyanic acid may be best explained by its easy reaction with aldehyde-groups, while the poisonous action of di-cyanogen can be best explained by its action on labil amido-groups. The former reaction is represented by the following equation: =0 ae (x) CL +HCN = (a)-C=ON , and the cyanogen reaction by the following example: CN 2(CoHjNH,)+ | = SuNDC—CInmy However, the poisonous action of these two substances has been studied so far only in regard to vertebrate animals, and in regard to the lowest forms of life only the action of hydrocyanic acid on yeast cells has been the object of closer observation. It seemed, therefore, of some interest to compare representatives of all kinds of living organisms as regards their behaviour to the two above stated substances. We prepared solutions of di-cyanogen and of hydrocyanic acid of a certain strength. The di-cyanogen was prepared in 1) Compare O. Loew, Natiirl. System der Giftwirkungen, Munich, 1893. ON THE POISONOUS ACTION OF DI-CYANOGEN. 35 the usual way by heating cyanide of mercury; the aqueous solution, obtained by passing the washed gas in water, was analyzed in the following way:—z2o c.c. of that solution were mixed with 2—5 c.c. of concentrated soda lye, and when, after some time, the cyanogen smell had disappeared, a silver-nitrate solution was added and afterwards supersaturated with nitric acid. The washed cyanide of silver was weighed on a dried filter. The calculated quantity of cyanogen was multiplied by 2, because half of the di-cyanogen having been converted into sodium cyanate was excluded in this determination. Thus was found in one case the percentage of cyanogen 0.37%, in another preparation 0.64% and in the third 0.39%. These solutions were kept cool, generally below 10°C, and were used only during the following four or five days for experiments,” because the solutions of di-cyanogen undergo a gradual decom- position. In comparing the di-cyanogen solutions with those of hydrocyanic acid, solutions of equal strength have been used, starting with the fact that two molecules of hydrocyanic acid (54) act upon two aldehyde-groups, while one molecule of di- cyanogen (52) reacts upon two amido-groups. ACTION OF DI-CYANOGEN UPON MICROBES. To 50c.c. of the cyanogen-solution of the dilution of 1: 5000 a drop of putrid meat-water was added, and after standing 24 hours, a sterilized peptone-solution was infected from this aqueous liquid. After standing 8 days there was no bacterial development and no putrid smell perceptible. In the control experiment, in which water was used instead the cyanogen solution, after 3 days a strong development of bacteria with a putrid smell was observed. In the second experiment in which was compared di-cyanogen and hydrocyanic acid both in dilution of 1: 10000 a bacterial developement was observed in both cases, but not till 4 days later than in the control case, which seems to indicate that the bacilli themselves were killed but not the spores. In the third experiment some peas were placed in a cyanogen solution and in a hydrocyanic acid solution of equal strength, both of them in a dilution of r:5000. After three days a very strong develop- 1) The Nessler’s test showed us, that during the time, we experimented with these solutions, no decomposition with formation of NH; could be observed. 36 ON THE POISONOUS ACTION OF DI-CYANOGEN. ment of bacterial vegetation was seen in the control flask, while in the flask of hydrocyanic acid solution a slight incipient turbidity indicated a beginning of vegetation, and in the case of cyanogen the liquid remained entirely clear and unchanged. Several other experiments have been made in a dilution of 1: 5000 and 1: 3000, and in each case the poisonous action of the two substances upon bacteria was clearly observed. In another experiment, 1 gram of peptone was dissolved at ordinary temperature in 100 c.c. of a 1: 1000 solution of hydro- cyanic acid. After filtration, it was infected from putrid meat. At the same time, 1% solution of peptone was infected from the same source. After standing five days the latter solution showed a putrid smell, and white flocculent masses consisting of numer- ous bacteria, while in the first case no trace of turbidity or of putrid smell could be observed and no bacteria were found on examining under a microscope. In a further experiment, 1: 1000 solutions of di-cyanogen and hydrocyanic acid containing 1% of kreatin, 0.1% of di-potassium phosphate and a drop of a 10% solution of magnesium sulphate were infected from a vegetable matter in lactic fermentation. After standing a fortnight in closed vessels at ordinary temper- ature, these liquids") were perfectly clear and free from bac- teria,”) while the control solution showed a strong development. The poisonous action of hydrocyanic acid for bacteria was also proved by the observation of Liebig,*») that blood does not undergo putrefaction for a considerable time, when 1/1000 of its weight hydrocyanic acid is added. He also observed, that yeast- water did not putrefy when some hydrocyanic acid was added to it. ACTION OF DI-CYANOGEN AND HyprocyANIc ACID UPON YEAST CELLS. Some thick yeast’) obtained fresh from a brewery was mixed with a di-cyanogen solution of 1: 2500 and after frequent 1) At that time the di-cyanogen and prussic acid remained unchanged and were perceptible by smell. 2) According to E Schaer the development of mould fungi can be prevented by hydrocyanic acid in a dilution of 1: 10000 (Zeit. f. Biologie 1870, Bd. 6, S. 509.) 3) Ann. der Chemie u. Pharmacie 1870, Bd. 153, S. 137 etc. 4) The yeast-mass of the size ofa pea corresponding to in average 0.07—o.1 grams dry matter was shaken with 50 c.c. of the solution. ON THE POISONOUS ACTION OF DI-CYANOGEN. 37 shaking the supernatant liquid was after 24 hours poured off. The sediment of yeast was then shaken with 5 c.c. sterilized Pasteur’s solution’) and placed in a narrow test-tube. No trace of fermentation was observed even at a temperature of 30°C, while in the control experiment a vivid fermentation was going on after half an hour. In a second experiment about the same amount of yeast was mixed with a di-cyanogen solution in a dilution of 1: 5000, respectively 1: 10000 (30 c.c.), and left to stand, being frequently shaken, for 20 hours. The liquids were poured off from the yeast and the latter was mixed with Ioc.c. of sterilized Pasteur’s solution at 25°C. No fermentation was observed after 3 hours with yeast that had been treated with di-cyanogen solution of 1: 5000, but later a few small gas-bubbles developed, although even after one day the development of gas was very slight, while in the control experiment after 15 minutes a strong fermentation had set in. On the other hand, in the case of the yeast having been in contact with the cyanogen solution of 1: 10000 only 20 gas-bubbles developed in 1 minute after being 15 minutes in Pasteur’s solution at 25°C, but more than 200 gas-bubbles were observed in the control case in the same duration of time. In another experiment it was found that every trace of the fermentative action was annihilated after 24 hour’s contact of yeast with di-cyanogen solution of 1: 2000, while in several ex- periments with hydrocyanic acid the fermentative action was not annihilated. When the yeast was suspended for 24 hours ina sugar solution”? containing hydrocyanic acid in a dilution of I: £000, as long as hydrocyanic acid was present no fermentation was observed, but as soon as it was removed and the yeast settled at the bottom was shaken with plain sugar solution, the fermen- tation was almost as energetic as in the control mixture. This observation confirms those of Schénbein,*) Schaer*) and Liebig (I. c.), that hydrocyanic acid of a certain strength will paralyze 1) Instead of the tartrate of ammonia however extract of meat was used. 2) This solution contained 5°/, cane sugar, 1°/, extract of meat, 0.1°/, KH2,PO4 and a trace of magnesium sulphate and was mixed with so much prussic acid that the percentage corresponded exactly with the stated amount. 3) Zeitsch. fir Biologie 1867, Bd. III, S. 142. 4) Ibid. 1870, Bd. VI, S. 503. 38 ON THE POISONOUS ACTION OF DI-CYANOGEN. the fermentative action of yeast without killing it. But we have found further that if the hydrocyanic acid of the same strength remains in contact with yeast for more than one day, or if, in- stead of hydrocyanic acid solution of 1: 1000 a stronger solution is applied, as 1: 400, it will damage the fermentative activity so much that afterwards the yeast produces only a very faint fer- mentation. It seems to us that only a few yeast cells escaped death under these circumstances. We have found furthermore that 2 day’s contact with hydrocyanic acid in a dilution of r: 5000 with frequent shaking, will kill almost all the cells, so that after pouring off the hydrocyanic acid, the yeast being shaken up in sterilized Pasteur’s solution showed only very slight indications of fermentative action. If we compare this result with our further observation that the fermentative action is not suppressed when we add to the mix- ture of yeast and Pasteur’s solution prussic acid in the proportion of 1: 5000, we are led to the conclusion that in all probability the hydrocyanic acid upon entering the yeast cell undergoes decomposition before it can act poisonously. If, however, the yeast is not in fermenting activity, the entering hydrocyanic acid is not so quickly decomposed, and therefore acts as a slow poison. It may perhaps be assumed that the change consists in the addi- tion of H,O, forming thereby formamid : =O HCN +H;0 = HC=0,,.. ACTION OF DI-CYANOGEN AND PRussic ACID UPON ALGAE. If threads of Spirogyra communis are treated with a solution of di-cyanogen of 0.39%, instantaneous death with contraction and turbidity of the cytoplasm is observed. In solutions of di-cyano- gen, respectively hydrocyanic acid of 1: 1000, no noxious effect was seen after 30 minutes, but after 4 hours most of the cells in the cyanogen solution were killed; in the prussic acid solution, however, a much smaller proportion of cells. After 15 hours, all the cells were dead in both cases. Also solutions of 1: 10000 exerted a poisonous influence after several days", but it could 1) In another case the noxious effects of the two substances in the same dilution were observed after 20 hours; on treating with very dilute methyl violet the cells of the algae in the cyanogen were all coloured, but of those in the prussic acid some cells not, showing these were still alive. ON THE POISONOUS ACTION OF DI-CYANOGEN. 39 be distinctly seen that HCN was less noxious than di-cyanogen. In a dilution of r:100000 of di-cyanogen Spirogyra, Oscillaria and Diatoms were seen alive after several days. ACTION OF DI-CYANOGEN AND HypDROCYANIC ACID UPON PH#NOGAMS. In a solution of prussic acid 1: 1000 which had no reaction upon litmus paper, some young radish plants 4 cm. high were placed. After 15 hours, leaves and stem had withered, lost the turgor, and commenced to dry up. Di-cyanogen solution of I: 5000 acted almost as quickly upon young barley plants with stems I0 cm. high. Even ina solution of di-cyanogen of 1: 10000 young barley plants 5—6 cm. high were attacked after 3 days, turned yellowish, and commenced to dry up. In 200 c.c. of cy- anogen solution 1: 25000, to which were added the necessary mineral salts in the usual proportion, was placed a young water- cultured lupin-plant with a stem 8cm long. After 20 hours the stem was bent down, and also the leaves without any turgor. After further 15 hours, however, the plant seemed to recover, but only for a short time, for 20 hours later the plant commenced to dry up. In another experiment, a stem of Narcissus (N. tazetta, var. chinensis, Roem.) was cut immediately above the bulb and placed in a solution of di-cyanogen in r: 10000. In this case no noxious effect was observed, evidently there was so much dis- solved albuminous matter encountered in the juice by the cyano- gen that this poison could not reach enough cells to kill the plant. Some experiments were made with seeds that were just beginning to germinate after having been soaked in water. Thus the seeds of peas, turnips, radishes, and barley were treated with cyanogen-respectively hydrocyanic acid solution of 1: 5000, in each case 12 seeds being placed in 5o0c.c., and left to stand for 3 days in closed vessels. Control experiments with distilled water were also made. After pouring off the liquid, the vessels were left to stand at 15°—20°C; after 24 hours great differences were noticed: in the control experiments the seeds developed in the normal way, the others, however, remained stationary’). 1) Schoenbein treated some seeds for half an hour with very diluted prussic acid and found that most of these seeds did not germinate any more. Some of the seeds, however ,germinated imperfectly (Zeitschrift. f. Biol. 1867, Bd. 3, S. 1423). 40 ON THE POISONOUS ACTION OF DI-CYANOGEN. Only in one case, where the turnip seeds had remained in the hydrocyanic acid solution, the development of the cotyledons was observed after 6 days while the life of the root-germ was entirely destroyed. Here probably the hydrocyanic acid did not enter far enough into the seeds to kill all the cells, while the root-germs were more exposed. ACTION OF DI-CYANOGEN AND PRussic AcID UPON LOWER AQUATIC ANIMALS. When under the microscope infusoria, nematodes, rotatoria, annelides, Copepodes, and Ostracodes were brought into contact with several drops of dicyanogen-solution in a dilution of 1: 2000, all the life was annihilated within two minutes, while in a parallel experiment with an equal dilution of CNH the animals were alive after 30 minutes, but some time afterwards died under convulsions’). In di-cyanogen solution of 1: 10000 (200 c. c.) the death of these animals very soon took place, also; only the worms lived longer, but after 15 hours they also died. In hydrocyanic acid of the same dilution the animals lived longer than in the cyanogen solution, and still after 15 hours ostracodes showed convulsions in their legs. Even in the dilu- tion of r:100000 of dicyanogen all infusoria with the excep- tion of some monadines were killed. Also the copepodes died, but the ostracodes and worms still showed convulsions. In hydrocyanic acid of the same dilution many infusoria were alive after 5 hours, and some even after 18 hours. Ina second experiment with some mud rich in infusoria (Pavamaecitum) some individuals were found alive after one hour in cyanogen solution of 1: 20000, but all were killed after 20 hours even in the solution of 1: 100000, while in the case of hydrocyanic acid in the same dilution many infusoria were left alive. We see, therefore, that all these experiments prove the di-cy- anogen to be a stronger poison than hydrocyanic acid; and, therefore, the results of B. Bunge*) with vertebrate animals, that 1) The assertion of Schaer (Zeit. f. Biol. 1870, Bd 6, S. 511), that infusoria are not killed by HCN is certainly erroneous. It may be that only an experiment of short duration under the microscope had been made. In our experiments with infusoria ordinary well-water was used for the dilutions. 2) According to B. Bunge (Arch f. exper. Path., Bd. 12, S. 41-75, or, Jahresb. f. Anat. & Physiol., 1879, Bd. 8., Ab. 2, S, 187), small doses of cyanogen produce general central paralysis. With warm blooded animals dyspnoe, and paralysis of respiration are produced. For killing a cat 0.02 grm. cyanogen are necessary while of prussic acid 0.004 grm. suffice. ON THE POISONOUS ACTION OF DI-CYANOGEN. 41 hydrocyanic acid acts about 5 times stronger than di-cyanogen, seems to us exceptional. One experiment, which we made with two white rats, proved indeed that here hydrocyanic acid is much stronger. The one rat weighing 124 grams received by sub- cutaneous injection I c.c. of hydrocyanic acid solution I: 10000, the other rat weighing 156 grams received an equally diluted solution of dicyanogen (1 c.c.). The former rat was found dead after ro hours, the latter, however, remained alive and healthy. The fact that the di-cyanogen here acts less powerfully is probably due to the fact, that free cyanogen can directly act upon proteids in solution,’) and therefore can be changed to a great extent in the blood and lymph, before it reaches the nervous centres. Hydrocyanic acid does not act at all upon the ordinary passive proteids, and can, therefore, without being pre- vented by the serum albumen, reach the nervous centres,and act there upon the active labil proteids of the living protoplasm. As the general result we see, that the prediction that free cyanogen would prove a general poison for all kinds of living organisms, has been confirmed. At the same time, it has been shown that also hydrocyanic acid is a general poison and we hope therefore that the explanation, which we have given above, will prove more durable than the former unsatisfactory hypotheses.” 1) Compare: O. Loew, on the action of di-cyanogen upon albumen, Journ. f. prakt. Chem., 1877. 2) The former hypothesis that hydrocyanic acid acts poisonously merely on ac- count of combining with the haemoglobin has been proved erroneous (J. Belky, Jahresb. f. Thierchemie, 1885, Bd. 15, S. 155). . i - ne) ae Te ed rs Pai p y _ , ; : ’ » 7 A Mayes 1 ’ 1 ” fa . . ‘ LJ P ben a PtP eR Ril we & x 2P@rPYVP eR eV oe Bekewcr ak Fe Kg Fl it i Fe mo hk -& He (Og HE foe HE El ES Hd EO | ee Fl fil iii = ia = Be (HGH I EE |W ve The Energy of the Living Protoplasm. BY Dr. Oscar Loew, Professor of Agricultural Chenustry. CHAPTER V. THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. The formation of albuminous matter in plant-cells is cer- tainly one of the most important processes in the domain of general physiology, as it is upon this process that depends the growth of protoplasm, the multiplication of cells, the develop- ment of plants; upon plant-life again subsists all animal life. This remarkable synthesis takes place in fungi just as well as in chlorophyllaceous plants; but while the latter use principally the carbohydrates as sources of carbon, the former make use of a variety of organic compounds. We consider first : THE FORMATION OF PROTEIN IN MICROBES AND MOULD-FUNGI. Among all the fungi the microbes are especially remarkable for the intensity of their chemical activity. Oxidations and decompositions take place on an extensive scale. Numerous organic combinations are easily split and, under atomic migra- tions, substances of a more solid structure are formed: the products of fermentative actions. And amid this destructive activity there is built up in the interior of the cells the most labil of all combinations, the active albumin, which is organised into living protoplasm. And this is done under favorable conditions with such rapidity that one cell yields by multiplication in 24 hours more than one trillion of new cells. What an energetic synthesis of protein-matter, of preparation of living protoplasm, of living cells! The destructive operations are necessary to carry on the synthetical work, furnishing not only energy but also the required atomic groups; and consisting either in oxida- et Me 44 THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. tions or in fermentations. We leave in this chapter, however, the fermentative activity out of consideration, and mainly treat of the protein formation and nourishment of the aévobic microbes and mould-fungi:—We observe here that a great number of organic compounds of different chemical constitution may serve for nourishment and development. There can be hardly any doubt but that in all these different cases the same proteids result, otherwise the structure and the functions of the pro- toplasm formed would show variations, new species would spring into existence with ease, according to difference in food. We find however the same species of a bacterium’) or of a mould- fungus, whether we nourish them once with peptone, or with sodium tartrate as a source of carbon, whether we offer glycerin, glucose or lzvulose, xylose or arabinose, glycol or chinic acid. It makes no difference in the resulting species, whether we offer once nitrates, the next time leucin or a third time betain as a source of nitrogen. This circumstance teaches us not only that the proteids and protoplasms formed from different food, remain in one species the same, but also that the formation of protetds must commence with relatively simple atomic groups, that ave prepared from the most different kinds of substances by oxidation and decompost- tion.” Certain combinations are excellent nutrients, like peptones, others poor ones, like valerianic acid, others again do not serve at all as sources of carbon, as oxalates or pyridin salts, and others are poisons, as phenylhydrazin. Small chemical changes may convert a nutritive compound into a poison and the poison again into an indifferent body. These qualities depend upon the chemi- cal constitution and are to some extent merely relative concep- tions determined by the degree of concentration. Glucose 1) The characters of bacteria may however be modified by changing the condi- tions of cultivation; but whether such modifications would lead in course of time to new species, which would be of high importance in connection with the problem of evolution, remains to be investigated. 2) Pasteur was the first, who recognised the capability of mould-fungi and bacteria to grow in solutions free from protein compounds, i. e. to form protein and protoplasm from simply constituted combinations, as tartaric acid, ammonia and sulfates. Up to that time (1858) the opinion prevailed that fungi, like animals, could only subsist upon proteids. THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANS-CELLS. 45 can be utilised in higher concentration than sodium acetate, and this in a higher one than acetic ester or phenol, the latter form- ing in 0,08 % solution a meagre food for a micrococcus,” although in higher concentrations a poison for all kinds of bacteria. The more easily a compound is attacked by the cells, the quicker the development of new cells. As sources of carbon: alcohols, acids, ketons, aldehydes, carbohydrates, esters and bases can serve. As sources of nityogen : nitrates, ammonium salts, amido-acids, ureas, guanidins, nitriles, amines, ammonium bases can serve. As sources of sulfur may be utilised not only sulfates but also organic sulfur compounds, as sulfons, sulfonic acids and probably also sulfides (methyl sulfide). Our observations in regard to the sources of carbon teach us :— 1) The nutritive quality of acids is enhanced by the en- trance of alcoholic hydroxyl-groups; thus lactic acid is superior to propionic acid. 2) The nutritive value of alcohols is increased with the number of the hydroxyl-groups: glycerin is better than propyl alcohol. 3) The presence of aldehyde-or keton-groups increases the nutritive qualities: glucose is better than mannite; acetyl acetic ester is better than acetic ester.” 4) The lower alcohols may be used in higher concentration than the higher ones (amyl alcohol). 5) The lower members of the fatty series are more easily assimilated than the higher members; sodium acetate being far superior to sodium valerianate. 6) The unsaturated ring systems are generally not favora- ble; for instance antipyrin and dimethyloxypyrimidin appear to be entirely unsuitable and while benzoic and salicylic acid are very poor sources of carbon, phenyl acetic acid, containing a CH, group, is far better, and chinic acid, containing a saturated benzol-ring with 4 CHOH groups is a very good source. To carry out such experiments, mineral solutions are prepared containing 0,1—0,5% dipotassium phosphate, o,o1— 0,05% magnesium sulfate and 0,1—o0,2% potassium nitrate or 1) Compare Nédgeli, Ber. Bayr. Akad. d. Wiss. 1879. 2) I have here operated with 0,1 °/9 solutions, Biol. C, 10, 585. 46 THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. di-ammonium phosphate.) After addition of the organic nutrient to be tested, the liquids are inoculated with bacteria. In those cases, in which the growth of a specific bacterium has to be tested, a previous sterilisation is of course necessary. An incipient turbidity, the formation of flocculi or of a thin film and the microscopical examination will very soon indicate that the bacteria have grown and multiplied. Organic bases are best neutralised with phosphoric acid, while acids are best applied as sodium salts. It is, however, not only of interest to decide, which combina- tions can serve for nutriment, but also to elucidate the reasons, why often closely related compounds behave far differently from each other, and why certain substances, which are in neutral solution by no means poisonous, cannot be used as food. We find for instance that pyridin, pinacon, dimethyloxy- pytimidin, ethylendiamin, amidoacetal, glyoxal, meconic acid, oxalic acid in dilutions of 0,5 9% do not support bacterial growth, and acetoxim, diacetonamin, citraconic and maleic acid permit only with difficulty after a series of weeks a gradual develop- ment.” These compounds are therefore not well suited for the preparation of those atomic groups that serve for the formation of proteids. Control experiments with addition of 0,2% peptone indicated, by the rapid development of bacteria, that neither of these substances are poisonous in such a degree as to kill the bacteria if well nourished. The fact that fumaric acid supports bacterial life so well, that a few days after the infection the liquid swarms with numberless bacteria, while it takes 4 weeks with the isomeric maleic acid before a slow development, after repeated infection, takes place is of biological interest. Whether here a gradual adaptation took place or only specific germs were developed, remains to be decided. In the case of citraconic acid no development for six weeks was observed; finally, after repeated infections a scanty vegetation set in, consisting of apparently only one kind of bacterium, forming short thick rods often in 1) Calcium salts are not necessary for the life and development of the lower fungi, Compare O. Loew, On the functions of calcium and magnesium salts in plants, Flora 1892. 2) O. Loew, Centr. f. Bacteriol. 22, 361 THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. 47 lively motion. At this time fumaric acid in a control solu- tion had been entirely decomposed and the bacterial vegetation formed slimy flocculi at the bottom of the flask.” Of interest is the contrast between the moderate nutritive qualities of aceton and the exceedingly poor results of diaceto- namin, further that between glycol and the non-nutritive pinacon, i.e. tetramethylglycol, while trimethylcarbinol forms again a moderately good source: ey a CH HC OH (CH)© On CH, >C—OH. H,C—OH (CH,),C—OH CH; Glycol. Pinacon. Trimethylcarbinol. While furthermore betain forms a better source than gly- cocoll, we find that trimethylamin is not so favorable as methyl- amin. If we compare the latter solutions after a strong bacterial turbidity had set in, we have to dilute it at least 5 times with water until the degree of turbidity has reached the weak turbidity of the trimethylamin solution.” H3N CMs CH; CH; tia. \N CH SN CH; SN CH2—CO | CH. aa CH. He 4 lin aa | | po ee SS aeeeee = O—CO Methylamin. Trimethylamin. : : Betain. Glycocoll.3) To the nitrogenous compounds which neither serve as a source of carbon nor as a source of nitrogen, belongs dimethy]- oxypyrimidin® in 0,2% solution, while coffezn serves not only as a source of carbon, but also as a source of nitrogen. 7 N—C—CH; CH3.N—CH GEC al > N= ACH CO C—N—CH; —— 9 __——. ie SCO: Dimethyloxypyrimidin. CH3.N—C= =N Coffeine If we compare the monovalent alcohols, from methyl to 1) In this case as in similar ones the principal bacillus developed resembled Bacillus liquefaciens fluorescens. 2) Both these bases were applied in 0,5 0/o solutions neutralised with phosphoric acid, and were infected with Bacillus methylicus. O. Loew, Centralbl. f. Bacteriol. 12, 465. 3) As regards this formulation of glycocoll, compare Yoji Sakurai, Journal of the College of Science, Vol. 7. 4) The oxypyrimidins first prepared by A. Pinner have a phenol-like character. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. 18, I owe Prof. Pinney many thanks for providing me with a number of pyrimidins, 48 THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. amyl alcohol, we observe that the higher members of the series have noxious qualities. We must apply much higher dilutions to be able to raise a bacterial vegetation. While methyl alcohol in 1% solution, containing 0,1% K,HPO,, 0,1 % (NH,).HPO, and 0,o1% MgSO, develops easily bacterial growth, we have to use amylic alcohol in dilutions of 0,1 % to make this possible.)* Of considerable interest is the decrease in the nutritive quali- ties of the fatty acids with the zzcrease of their molecular weight.” If we prepare for instance 0,5 % solutions of sodium acetate and of sodium valarianate and add to each of them 0,2% K,H,PO,, 0,2% KNO,'and 0,05 % MgSO, and infect a set of these solutions with spores of Penicillium, with Saccharomyces Mycoderma and with bacteria from putrid meat, we observe with acetate of sodium after three days a considerable development, while with the valerianate merely a slight turbidity is visible. After another 3 days a most luxuriant development of Penicillium, Saccharomyces and of large bacteria takes place in the acetate, while neither Penicillium nor Saccharomyces, but merely moderate bacterial vegetation consisting of large bacilli forming zooglcea is observed with the valérianate. In a like manner it was observed that Penicillium did not grow in 0,1 % solution of lecithin,*) but only bacteria to a mode- rate extent; this vegetation made the impression of a pure culture, although the infection was made from putrid meat con- taining various kinds of microbes; probably that solution does not suit for every kind. The lowest of the fatty acids, formic acid, can, as it seems, only be utilised by one kind of bacterium,*) evidently a difficulty being encountered here in transforming it into the suitable group for synthetical operations. The next related compound, form-aldehyde, is as such, in the free state, poisonous, but it ferms combinations with primary sodium sulfite and with ammonia, which can be utilised as sources of carbon for a bacillus and fora kind of Dematium.” 1) According to R. Brown (Chem. Soc. Journ. 1886) Bacterium aceti utilises methyl-, but not amyl alcohol. 2) These observations agree essentially with those of Stutzer, Z. f. physiol. Chem. 1882. 3) Spores of Penicillium were introduced repeatedly during a period of 4 weeks, 4) O. Loew, Centralbl. f. Bacteriol. 12, Nr 14. 5) Ibid. and Botan. Centr. 1890. THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. ze) I have observed farther that not only methyl alcohol, but also methylal and methyl sulfuric acid’) may in proper dilution (0,2-0,3%) be used as food by bacteria, i. e. as material for building up protein and protoplasm. The group then used for this purpose must contain only one atom of carbon and cannot be any thing else but form-aldehyde, the same substance that forms by condensation various kinds of sugar. Neither acetic, glycolic, nor amidoacetic acid can be utilised as such, but they may lead by oxidation to one compound which can be utilised, viz. to form-aldehyde; no other unsaturated atomic group could result, suitable for synthesis. This oxidation” in the cells may be expressed by - the following equation in the case of acetic acid: CH,.COOH+0,=CH,0+C0O,+H,0 If this conclusion,is correct, then we can understand, why substances containing the group CHOH are very favorable for nutriment and why the useful qualities increase with the number of these groups (the polyvalent alcohols, the polyvalent acids). We can understand furthermore, why such substances are capable of nourishing certain bacteria endowed with fermentative properties, even in the absence of airy, while compounds without this group can be used as food only in the presence of air, oxidation being then necessary to produce this CHOH-group or the isomeric formic aldehyde. But can that conclusion be admitted if formic aldehyde is a poison? No doubt this seems an objec- tion of weight, but if we consider how easily the formic aldehyde is changed under condensating influences and how indifferent certain compounds of this aldehyde are, the objection no longer appears so serious ; we must only adopt the view that the formic aldehyde undergoes rapid transformations and that no molecule formed remains unchanged for a second.°? 1) In this case an alkaline reaction is necessary for obvious reasons. 2) Oxidation by respiration has here evidently not only the physical role of yielding energy, but also a direct chemical function in preparing the suitable group for synthesis. 3) Compare O. Loew, Ber. d. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. 22, 484. Synthetical processes require substances of a certain lability; very reactive substances however are more or less poisonous. The objection of some botanists to the view of the formation of sugar from form-aldehyde in plants is not more tenable since Bokorny has shown that the combination of form-aldehyde with primary sodium sulfite can be utilised by plants for the production of starch. Landw. Jahrb. 1892. 50 THE FORMATION. OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. We have mentioned above that a certain kind of bacillus”) can utilise formic acid (as sodium salt) as a source of carbon which is of special interest. Here the first step is most probably a transformation into glyoxylic acid and a subsequent splitting of the latter into form-aldehyde and carbon dioxide,*) as may be expresed by the following equations ; 2 H.COOH = 0:CH.COOH -+ H,0 O:CH.COOM =" CH0 -- ce The necessary energy is evidently furnished here by the oxidation of a certain portion of the sodium formiate into sodium carbonate, clearly indicated by the gradual increase of the alkaline reaction. The more energy, however, a compound yields in being utilised for protein formation, the better the effect must be; we can therefore understand, why methyl alcohol is a better source of carbon than form-aldehyde (in the shape of CH,OH.SO,Na) or formic acid. Methyl alcohol yields by its transformation into form-aldehyde an amount of energy, that form- aldehyde cannot furnish; the necessary energy must be gained here by oxidation of such molecules to carbon dioxide and water. We understand now why oxalic acid, parabanic acid, urea or guanidin cannot be used as sources of carbon; this is because these compounds cannot be transformed by bacteria into form- aldehyde. If pyridin, pinacon or dimethyl-oxypyrimidin will not serve, it is very probably on account of the considerable resistance they offer to oxidising influences. If amidoacetal, glyoxal, or ethylendiamin are incapable of yielding a bacte- rial vegetation, and diacetonamin and acetoxim apparently I do so only with great difficulties, we might suspect a certain degree of poisonous character, that cannot make its appearance in presence of a nutrient like peptone.*) But for the difference of physiological value between the stereo-isomeric maleic and fumaric acid, we have at present no explanation. As a general rule we find that compounds, containing the 1) This bacillus, which I named Bacillus methylicus, can also utilise the combination of form-aldehyde with primary sodium sulfite, CHz0H.SO3Na oxyme- thylsulfonate of sodium in 0,5°/, solution. 2) Compare Koenigs, Ber. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. 25, 801. 3) Some of the combinations of this group might perhaps be utilised in much higher dilutions than tested (0,5°/.)- THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. 51 groups CH,, CH,, CHOH, CH.OH canbe used as sources of carbon, if they neither act poisonously nor offer too much resistance to the attacks of bacteria. If the atomic group CH: CH is utilised, as in the case of fumaric acid, we might easily explain this by the conversion into CH..CH, OH, a molecule of water being taken up. In the following table are enumerated a number of compounds that form very good sources(I), moderatly good sources(II), very poor sources (III) and such, as far as observations reach, cannot be utilised as sources of carbon(IV). I II III IV Glycerin Methyl alcohol Phenol Pinacon Mannite Aethylenglycol Acetoxim Sulfonal Sugars Aceton Diacetonamin Amidoacetal Lactic acid Acetic acid Valerianic acid Oxalic acid Succinic ,, BiimMaTic sss Maleic Pe Meconic ,, Tartaric ,, Pyruvic 3 Citraconic ,, Picric on Citric a Laevulinic ,, Benzoic: ,; Antipyrin Betain Glycocoll Lecithin Dimethyl-oxypy- rimidin Alanin Methylamin Trimethylamin Aethylendiamin Leucin : Cholin Strychnin Pyridin Asparagin Allantoin Hexamethylen- Urea amin Glutamin Coffein Amidobenzoic Parabanic acid acid Kreatin!) Methyl cyanide Glyoxylic acid Guanidin A most remarkable phenomenon in regard to bacterial deve- lopment (therefore also to the formation of protein) was first observed by Ff. Hiippe,”) and later confirmed by Munro and by Winogradzky, that the nitrifying bacteria of the soil may develop in solutions destitute of organic matter, and may utilise ammo- nium carbonate. Hiippe assumed here a decomposition of water, 1) Th. Bokorny and myself have made a series of experiments to nourish also alyae with organic matters, and observed a much more favorable result with kreatin and hydantoin than with leucin or urethan. Recently Th. Bokorny extended these investigations to a larger number of combinations, showing that algae may well utilise organic matters, although they do not require them for supporting their life. (Chemikerzeitg, Jan. 1894). 2) Huppe, Biol, Centralbl. 7, 702. 52 THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. whose oxygen would produce the nitrification in acting upon the ammonia, while the hydrogen would act reducing upon the carbonic acid of this salt, producing thus form-aldehyde, or carbohydrates. The process, however, would appear simpler if a part of the hydrogen of the ammonia could be employed for this reduction. I tried to explain this process by the following equations’ : 2NH,+20,=2NO.H+4H, CO.+4H = CH,0+H8H,0, 6CH.O = Cen This production of organic matter from inorganic without the aid of the chlorophyll apparatus is certainly most extraordi- nary. Some additional remarks may be made on the nutrition of mould-fungi (Penicillium, Aspergillus, Mucor). Substances sup- porting the life of aérobic bacteria generally also serve as food for mould-fungi ; however there exist exceptions: methylamin, methyl alcohol or sodium valerianate are better utilised by bacteria, glyoxal better by mould-fungi. Neutral reaction is best suited for most kinds of fungi, in alkaline liquids however bacteria thrive better than mould-fungi, while in an acid one the contrary is observed (with certain exceptions”). In certain solutions the development of bacteria will prevent the development of mould- fungi, in other solutions again both kinds of fungi may thrive at the same time. I infected for instance a solution containing potassium sodium tartrate 1%, di-potassium phosphate and diam- monium sulfate 0,1% of each, and magnesium sulfate 0,05 %, with bacteria of putrid meat and with spores of Penicillium glau- cunt, Simultaneously, but only the bacteria developed although I rendered after 2 weeks the solution slightly acid with mono- potassium phosphate and infected once more with Pemiczlliwm- spores. On the other hand when glucose was employed instead 1) O. Loew, Ibid. 10, 758 and Centralbl. f. Bacteriol. 9, Nr.20. Warington expressed recently the same idea (Chem. News 68. 175) and gave the following equation : : (NH,4)2CO3+O0=NHy. NOz+CH20+4H20. 2) While Bacterium aceti thrives well in a solution containing several per cent acetic acid, cases may also be observed, where in an alkaline liquid bacteria cannot thrive but only mould-fungi. THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. 53 of the tartrate, both kinds of fungi developed well simultaneously. It is of interest to compare the amount of mould-fungus with the quantity of the compounds used for development; con- siderable differences are here observed. While isobutylic alcohol yields only g—10% fungoid matter, asparagin yields nearly 22%; tartaric acid yields less than succinic, tannin less than sugar. Albumin in 1% solution will yield about 23 % of its weight, while a mixture of albumin (1%,) and cane-sugar (2%) nearly 33 %. To those compounds which cannot be utilised by mould- fungi belong maleic acid,” citraconic, mesaconic, dibenzylma- lonic and diethylsuccinic acid. Benzyl-succinic, disubstituted glutaric acid and oxyisobutylic acid are very poor sources, while malonic, succinic, monomethylsuccinic and monoethylsuccinic acids are well utilised.” But it is not only in regard to the sources of carbon that a great variety exists; this holds good also in regard to the sources of mtrogen. Of the great number of the latter compounds we mention as examples: nitrates, ammonium salts, glycocoll, aspa- ragin, kreatin, allantoin, methylamin, acetamid, methylcy- anide, betain, strychnin. Nitrites are in a certain concentration less favorable than nitrates and are in acid solutions poisonous. Ferrocyanide of potassium is but a poor source of nitrogen while hydroxylamin and diamid cannot be utilised at all, being strong poisons, and azoimid only in high dilutions.*) For the same reasons, as explained above for the sources of carbon, the nitro- gen compounds used must be converted first into the one and the same atomic group, before the synthetical work can begin; this group is evidently ammonia which, in form of salts, is not only very favorable for mould-fungi and bacteria, but also the simplest nitrogen compound that can directly be utilised.) If organic nitrogen compounds are used as sources 1) E. Buchner B. d. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. 1892 p. 1163. 2) B. Meyer, Ibid, 1891 p. 1071. 3) O. Loew, Biol. Centralbl. 10, 588 and Ber. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. Vol. 24, p- 2947. Certain fungi, as Saccharomyces Mycodcyma prefer ammonia as source of nitrogen to amido-acids and peptone (Beyerinck). The common beer-yeast however can at Jow temperature make better use of the latter than of the former, and cannot utilise nitrates (4. Mayer). Laurent has shown that these are converted here into the poisonous nitrites. 4) Nitrates have to be reduced first. 54 THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. of nitrogen, the latter has to be split off in shape of ammonia, before the protein formation can begin. This can be accom- plished in many cases by simple splitting (acetamid, kreatin, urea, etc.), in other cases by oxidation, as with leucin, methyl- amin, betain. Chinin and strychnin are poor sources of nitrogen, being attacked by fungi with difficulty, and antipyprin and dimethyl-oxypyrimidin offer so much resistance, that their nitrogen cannot at all be utilised. The anaérobic microbes may by reducing influences transform nitrogen of certain compounds into ammonia, while the aérobic employ oxidation : 1) H.N.CH;.COOH +2H=NH,+CH,.COOH, 2) H.N.CH:.COOH+30=NH,+2CO,+H,0. A very remarkable case is the assimilation of free nitrogen by certain bacteria of the soil as was asserted years ago by Berthelot? and recently confirmed by Wunogradzki. The free nitrogen is here probably first converted into ammonium nitrite,” and the nitrous acid then also rapidly reduced to ammonia. The proteids of mould-fungi and of yeasts) contain, like the other proteids, sulfur which can partially be split off by diluted alkaline ley in form of sulfide; the sulfur must therefore be in a very loose form of combination, very probably present as—SH in the proteins. Sulfates have to be reduced therefore to sulfuret- ted hydrogen, before the sulfur can be assimilated, and organic sulfur compounds have to be split before reduction and assimi- lation take place. My experiments with sulfonal (CH,).: C: SO,(C,H,). have shown that this substance serves well as a source of sulfur for mould-fungi and yeasts, in the presence of a good source of carbon; but in the absence of such a source, sul- fonal cannot be used, although it contains the methyl and ethyl group, 1.e. otherwise good sources of carbon; the fungi refuse to 1) Compt. rend. ror.—Also Gautier and Drouin, Ibid, 106. 2) About this transformation with the aid of platinum black, see O. Loew, Ber. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. 23, 1444. 3) Nencki found in 2 cases no sulfur in the proteids of bacteria, Mitscherlich found in yeast 0,6°/o sulfur. If yeast be treated with a diluted solution of caustic potash, a considerable amount of potassium sulfide is formed. THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. 55 grow in solutions containing as sole organic matter sulfonal (0,2 %). Of course sulfuretted hydrogen is only produced in the neces- sary amount for immediate need, as accumulation would be noxious ; experiments intented to prove that H.S as such can be assimilated, meet for obvious reasons with some difficulties. Our considerations, therefore, lead logically to the conclu- sion, that the atomic groups, serving for the formation of proteins are three very reactive combinations : Form-aldehyde, ainmonia and sulfuretted hydrogen. IJ]. THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN CHLOROPHYLL-BEARING PLANTS. As chlorophyll-bearing plants produce by assimilation car- bohydrates, it is natural that such well suited compounds should form here also the main source of carbon for the synthe- sis of proteids.’) Nitrates or ammonium salts furnish the nitro- gen, sulfates the sulfur. The chemical behaviour of the protein compounds indicates very clearly, that neither the nitrogen nor the sulfur is connected with oxygen, but only with carbon and hydrogen. It follows, therefore,- that veduction of the nitrates and sulfates has to take place, here as well as in the case with the lower fungi. If all conditions are otherwise favorable, then the synthetical work proceeds so rapidly that the intermediate steps cannot be directly traced. From numer- ous observations, however, the conclusion appears justified that it is aspavagin to which an important réle must be attributed in this connection, a conclusion which at first was arrived by the ingenious Th. Hartig. Borodin, Pfeffer and Kellner declared asparagin to be the form, in which the transportation of albu- minous bodies takes place. The most important investigations, however, we owe to E. Schulze and his school. Asparagin has been found normally in many plants, but under special conditions in still more cases. The root of Althaa contains 1) It can hardly be doubted, that all such substances as are capable of being converted into starch, as glycerine (Arthur Meyer, Laurent) or glycol or methyl alcohol (Th. Bokorny) also serve as sources of carbon for the formation of protein compounds Also the combination of formic aldehyde with primary sodium sulfite may be used under certain circumstances (Th Bokorny). 56 THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. 2%, that of Glycirvrliza 0,8% (Plisson), that of Scorzonera 0,6% (Gorup), Potatoes 3% (E. Schulze). It was found in the root of Symphytum, in Lactuca, in the shoots of Asparagus, of Humulus, and of Bambusa (Kozat)*) in the leaves of Atropa” and in the leaf-buds of Ulimus effusa, Spiraea sorbtfolia, Sp.opulifolia, Populus tremula, Quercus pedunculata, Lonicera tatarica, Tilia parvifolia, Alnus (Borodin). Buds of Betula and of different conifers show normally no asparagin, but soon after the cut twigs are placed in water. Borodin found that, under this condition, also flowers, stems and parts of fruits can form asparagin,?) and E. Schulze found the same with twigs of Fagus sylvatica, Populus nigra, Vitis vinifera, Acer, Platanus; Betula formed after 10 days 2,0% as- paragin. Kisser demonstrated that this production of asparagin is connectedwith a decrease of protein-matter. Kellner observed, that in young grass often more than 30% of the nitrogen is present in form of amido-compounds, especially as asparagin and glutamin.®*) According to Emmerling young leaves of Vicia are richer in asparagin than old ones, and shoots, buds and newly formed fruits contain sometimes considerable quantities. Fresh stems of Medicago sativa contain 7 times as much asparagin as the fresh leaves (0,05%). The inner bark (liber) of Platanus contains asparagin, but not that of Quercus, Tilia, or Fraxinus (E. Schulze). Boussingault was the first, who found asparagin as a constant product in plants that are deprived of light.”) Oats, cultivated in pots, if deprived of light for 7 days, yielded 1,67% asparagin of the dry matter, the nitrogen of which corresponds to 60% of the nitrogen of the decomposed protein compounds. Red clover produced after 8 days in the dark 14 times as much asparagin as under normal conditions.’ The absence of light brings on a gradual decrease of carbohydrates, respiration going on and 1) Bulletin Vol. I, No.7 of the Agricultural Dep. of the Imp. University of Tokio. 2) Husemann and Hilger, Pflanzenchemie Vol. I. 3) Botan. Zeitg. 1878, p. 208. 4) Landw. Jahrb. 1888, p. 702. 5) Ibid. 1879, p, 243. 6) Landw. Versuchsstat. 24, 113. 7) Compt. rend. 58, 881 a. 917. 8) E. Schulze, Landw. Versuchsstat. 36. According to O. Miilley asparagin is also formed if the growing parts alone are kept deprived of light (Ibid. 33, 310). THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS, 57 new production being stopped. ‘There appears in many cases a close connection existing between the decrease of carbohydrates and an incipient decomposition of protein compounds’ with production of asparagin. ‘Thus Monteverde has observed, that twigs of Syrvinga vulgaris, kept in the dark for 15 days, produce a great deal of asparagin; but if the twigs instead of being placed in water are kept in a 6-8 per cent solution of glucose or sucrose, no trace of asparagin is formed, but much starch and mannite.’) Other investigations have elucidated the interesting fact, that the amount of asparagin formed in the germination process increases if the reserve carbohydrates decrease in quantity. The proportion of protein to carbohyrates is in wheat-kernels=1: 5 in peas 18 in beans It Sat pi5) in gourd-seeds =1:1,5 in soya-beans =1:0,9 in lupin-seeds =1:0,5. Germinating peas contain 2,4-2,6% asparagin of the dry substance (Sachsse aud Kormann). In the shoots of Cucurbita (gourd) there are 40% of the nitrogen of the decomposed proteids present in form of asparagin and glutamin; generally more of the latter than of the former (EZ. Schulze).?> In germinating soya-beans half of the nitrogen of the decomposed protein is found again as asparagin. In the Jupin-seeds, however, the greatest amount of asparagin is found; the percentage of nitrogen of the decomposed protein compounds (mostly conglutin), which is present in form of aspavagin, is with germs 4 days old=45,7 We op ” =56,7 Zs ”» = 515 2AwE I ei) = 7394: In the axial parts (root and stem) of lupin-shoots the asparagin amounts to 30% of the dry matter, in the cotyledons to 8-9%.°) The great amount of asparagin in the stem of a 1) Botan. Centralbl. 1891, 380. Also an observation of Church (Journ. Chem. Soc. 49, 840) may be mentioned here, according to which leaves suffering from albinism contain 2,4 times as much nitrogen in form of amido-compounds (which ?) as green leaves of the same trees (Elacagnus pungens). 2) Landw. Jahrb. Vol. 12 p. 916. 3) E. Schulze, Landw. Jahrb. 17; Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 1883. 58 THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. germinating lupin can be well demonstrated by treating a thin cut through the stem with alcohol under the microscope, a large number of asparagin crystals will soon be observed. There exist, however, cases in which a considerable amount of asparagin is found in presence of a large amount of carbo- hydrates, as in the shoots of Cannabis sativa and of Helianthus annuus. In the latter case were found 4% asparagin and 14,7% sucrose.") Scheibler found in the sugar-beet considerable quanti- ties of asparagin; more frequently, however, the next higher homologue, glutamin, in larger quantities than the former.” In the juice of potatoes freed from albumen, more than 46% of the nitrogen is present in form of asparagin, although there is not only a great amount of starch, but also some reducing sugar present (EZ. Schulze). In Trifolium, Medicago and Vicia is found 1-2% asparagin in presence of 1,5-2% of glucose (E. Schulze). These numerous facts doubtless reveal a certain physiolo- gical significance of asparagin. Let us now take a glance at the other nitrogenous compounds formed by decomposition of protein bodies. Small quantities of leucin and tyrosin are en- countered in potatoes, but whether they are formed im loco or had been transported from the leaves to the bulbs is not decided; they are however probably decomposition products of albuminous compounds. The same amido-acids were found by E. Schulze) in small quantities in germinating seeds of Cucurbita. Kozat found tyrosin in bamboo-shoots. Tyrosin was found only in traces in lupin-shoots, leucin however not at all. Phenyl- amido-propionicacid and amidovalerianic acid occur here in larger quantities. Also an interesting new base, arginin, C;H,,N,0. was discovered by E. Schulze and Steiger in the cotyledons of germinating lupin-seeds. These authors proved also that this base is derived from the decomposition of proteids ; it amounted to 7,8% of the dry substance of the cotyledons and was not found in the axial organs. It is probably derived from 1) Frankfurt, Landw. Versuch-Stat. 43, 143. 2) Ber. d. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. 1869. Schulze and Urich, Landw. Versuchs-Stat, 20, 193. 3) Landw. Jahrb. Vol. 9; Vol. 12; Vol. rq. 4) Zeitsch. f. physiol. Chem. Vol. rz p. 43, Ber. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. Vol. LO; ps L775 THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. 59 the same atomic group, that leads by the decomposition of proteids with hydrochloric acid to lysin C;H,,N.O. and lysatin C>H,;N;,0., which were discovered by Drechsel. Arginin is con- tained also in the Cucurbita-shoots but only in very small quantities ; also in the soya-shoots it appears to be present.’ Another nitrogenous substance, not found hitherto in plants, was discovered by E. Schulze and I. Barbiert in the young leaves of Platanus, allantoin.” Also the bark of Aesculus Hypocastanum and leaves of Acer pseudo-platanus and Acer campestve contain small quantities.%) While the shoots of Platanus-buds contain as much as 1% allantoin, it could not be discovered in many other plants (Vzcva, Trifolium, Betula, Fagus, Tilia, Populus, Vitis vinifera, shoots of Cucurbita and Lupinus.) Urea as such has not yet been found in plants, but the closely related guanidin was discovered by FE. Schulze in shoots of Vicia sativa.) Still another base was found by E. Schulze and E. Bosshard in young Vicia and Trifolium, in cotyledons of ger- minating Cucurbita and in ergot (Claviceps purpurea); it was called vermin, corresponds to the formula C,,H,..Ns0;+3H.O and yields by decomposition with hydrochloric acid guanin.® Later the same substance was found by E. Schulze and A. v. Planta also in the pollen of Corylus avellana and of Pinus sylvestris.”) Whether this base results from decomposition of protein has not been proved positively, but as to the other products mentioned, there cannot exist any doubt. Gorup-Besanez, who first discovered leucin in plants (shoots of Vicia), was also the first to demonstrate 1) E. Schulze, Zeitsch. f. physiol. Chem. 11, 43 and Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 32, 433: 2) Ber. d. Deutsch. Chem, Ges. 13, 1602. Allantoin, CyHe@N403, occurs in the animal body and is a derivative of urea, a diureid of glyoxylic acid. Also arginin is a derivative of urea (Schulze) like lysatin (Drechsel). 3) Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem. 9, 420. Richardson and Crampton found small quantities of allantoin in germinating wheat (Ber. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. 19). 4) All these plants were kept for some time in the dark to bring on a decomposi- tion of protein (EZ. Schulze). 5) Ber. d. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. 25, 658. 3 kilo of dry shoots yielded only rg. of nitrate of guanidin. 6) Zeitschr. f, physiol. Chem. 10, 80. 7) Ibid. 10, 326. From 1300 g. of Corylus-pollen about 1g. of vernin was ob- tained. 60 THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. the presence of a digesting ferment, resembling trypsin, in plants, to which he ascribed the production of amido-acids from proteids.” If we compare now the quantities of the different amido- acids and bases with that of asparagin we find generally the latter present in larger quantity, although the decomposition of proteids by enzymes or by mineral acids yields only relatively small quantities of aspartic acid (which in the plant-cells might easily be transformed into asparagin). While roo parts of conglutin (the principal reserve protein in lupins) yield upon decomposition with hydrochloric acid 6 parts of glutaminic acid, 1,5 parts of aspartic acid, 10 parts of leucin and 2 parts of tyrosin, we find in lupin-shoots 12 days old, the asparagin in dominating quantities, amounting to almost 30 per cent of the dry substance, while tyrosin was found only in traces and glutamin could not be found with certainty. Instead of leucin the next lower homologue (perhaps produced from the former by oxidation), was found.” The germinating seeds of Cucurbita contain only a very small amount of leucin, but 1,75 per cent of glutamin and 0,06 per cent of asparagin; tyrosin amounted here to 0,25 per cent. According to Ruitthausen gluten-casein yields on decompo- sition with hydrochloric acid 0,3 % aspartic and 5,3% glutaminic acid; legumin yields 3,5% of the former and 1,5% of the latter (only mucedin yields larger quantities of glutaminic acid, viz. 25%). Still- we find in plants generally asparagin as the main product,?) the other amido-compounds disappearing rapidly again and being found only in relatively small quantities. Schulze supposed that the decomposition of protein in plants would yield the same products and in the same quantities as the decomposition by trypsin or by acids, but that the rege- neration of proteids would proceed more easily from the other amido-compounds than from aspartic acid, hence the latter—transformed into asparagin—must accumulate.*) This is, 1) Ber. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. Vol. 7 and ro. 2) E. Schulze and Barbieri, Landw. Jahrb. 1880, p. 18. Most proteids yield by decomposition with acids more than 20 per cent leucin. ; 3) In certain cases mentioned above, asparagin is fuund replaced by its next homologue, glutamin. This might he gradually transformed into the former in the plant-cells or like asparagin serve in the regeneration of certain proteids. 4) Other views upon this subject were discussed by E. Schulze in Landw. Jahrb, Vol. 17 and 21.—He showed that they are either incorrect or imperfect. THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. 61 however, an erroneous assumption, for experiments with bacteria and with mould-fungi have convinced us that asparagin and aspartic acid form most excellent nutrients, being evidently very favorable sources of carbon and nitrogen for the formation of protein, for the growth of protoplasm, i. e. multiplication of cells. These combinations are far superior to tyrosin or phenyl- amidopropionic acid, which would, moreover, have to undergo a thorough chemical change before the formation of proteids could commence. An observation of E. Schulze is, in this connection, of fun- damental importance. He found that the quantity of amido- acids formed during the first period of germination is con- tinually decreasing, whilst the amount of asparagin is zucreasing ; he showed furthermore, that the proportion of asparagin is much greater in the axial organs than in the cotyledons, as is seen from the following table: The protein-free extract contains nitrogen in form of: Lupin shoots. In the cotyledons. In the axial parts. -_ |Other amido- .. |Other amido- BBE A=AE iD. compounds. A ITEMETEI compounds. () CESS Cel po» 6g co 20,5 7935 68,8 3152 TZNCAYSNOl\eney) lle) wie 26,2 738 78,1 21,1 100 parts of lupin-shoots containing 16,8 parts of asparagin yielded, after 3 weeks vegetation in diffused daylight, 151 parts of green plants with 23,9 parts of asparagin.’) The primary amido-products disappear first, their carbon serves partially to support respiration, while another part of their carbon together with their nitrogen is found now in form of asparagin, and this again disappears finally with the increase of available glucose, formed by the function of the chlorophyll. The asparagin evidently indicates the manner of the protein formation, it is 1) Landw. Jahrb. 9, 41. The sulfur of the decomposed protein is converted into sulfates, which later serve afterwards again in reconstruction of the proteids (E. Schulze ; Tamann). 62 THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. a transitory product, found when the conditions of finishing the process of protein-synthesis are not complete. ‘To these con- clusions we are led by the circumstances under which asparagin appears in shoots, and disappears again. When sugar participates in the formation of proteids from asparagin, it evidently yields the carbon to make up the deficiency ; this function, however, would not be required if aspartic acid were used; the proportion of the number of atoms of N: C is in albumen I34 in aspartic acid 134 in asparagin ar 22 (in tyrosin 1:9, in leucin 1: 6). Several considerations (see Chapt. VIII) make it highly probable, that the formation of protein compounds consists in a rapidly proceeding condensation process, in a certain degree analogous to the formation of sugars from formic aldehyde.” To render, however, such a process possible, asparagin would best be converted into the di-aldehyde of aspartic acid, a reduc- ing process whereby glucose very probably would have to furnish the necessary hydrogen: CONH, COH | | CH, CH, l Senet = | +NH,+H.0. CH.NH, CH.NH, | | COOH COH Asparagin. Aspartic aldehyde. The conditions in the living cells would not permit for a moment these products of reductions in a free state, and in presence of glucose the ammonia set free would be transformed at once into organic combinations, most probably into another molecule of aspartic aldehyde; thus asparagin and glucose would yield directly 2 mol. of this aldehyde, which may be expressed by the following equation : 1) I have been the first to show that formic aldehyde will by condensation yield true sugars, and the first to prove beyond a doubt, that such a synthetical sugar is capable of alcoholic fermentation. No sophistry can disprove these facts. Compare Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 33, 332; Ber. d. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. 20, 142 and 3042; Ibid. 22, 477 and 481; Landw. Versuchstat. 41, 132. THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. 63 C,HsN.0,+CsH,,06+20=2C,H,NO,+2C0O,+3H.0. The condensation process, however, leading from this highly labil’)—and still hypothetical—amido-aldehyde to the active albumen must be accompanied by a reducing process and by the entrance of sulfur. We may express this process by the following equations: 3C, H, NO, = (Craigs Ne O,+2 j8l,©)2 ——— Aspartic aldehyde Intermediate product 6C,. H,, N,0,+12H+H2S=C,, Hire Nig SO2. +2H, 0. Lieberkiihn’s albumin-formula, For the reduction indicated in the latter equation the presence of glucose would be again required.) If we now make the assumption that under certain chemical conditions the aldehyde groups are prevented from acting during the condensa- tion process upon the amido-groups (which is to be expected under normal conditions) and that the hydrogen serving for reduction would transform 12 aldehyde groups into secondary alcoholic groups (CH OH), causing thereby a pinakon-like link- ing—then we should have in the final product—the active albumen-—a substance of extraordinary lability, containing 12 aldehyde- and 18 amido-groups in one molecule, and changing easily into another product with the loss of its aldehydic character—the passive albumen. The accumulation of asparagin is evidently connected with the gradual disappearance of the amido-products, directly result- ing from a decomposition of protein. This fact finds its most natural explanation if we recall the conclusions, to which we were led by the study of the nourishment of the lower fungi (see page 49). We had logically concluded that if different com- pounds serve to yield the same protein, then they must be trans- formed first into one and the same atomic group from which the protein formation can start. We had seen that this group cannot t) Amido-aldehydes are as we have explained in Chapt. III exceedingly unstable compounds, which may play important physiological rdles in more than one respect. Wolffenstein observed recently an easy transformation of amido-valeraldehyde into piperidin, and holds it highly probable that amido-aldehydes form the connecting links between the fatty series and the alkaloids in plants, 2) On glucose as a reducing agent in neutral or even acid solutions, see Chapt. VI. 64 THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. be any other one than form-aldehyde. If the fungi utilise once leucin, another time tyrosin, a third time tartrate of ammonia, then an oxidation must set. in to reach the common starting point.) And this must hold good also for the higher plants, for it can hardly be assumed that the mode of protein formation is here entirely different. If for the purposes of transportation and transformation (conglutin into active albumin and living pro- toplasm), in lupin-shoots, the reserve protein is first dissolved, and split into a series of amido-products (leucin, admido-valeri- anic acid, tyrosin, phenyl amido-propionic acid, arginin, etc.) by an enzyme, then in all probability and logically all those different products must be transformed into the common starting group: formic aldehyde, and their nitrogen be liberated as ammonia; thus the decomposition of leucin by oxidation might be expressed by the following equation : C.H,,NO,+70=2C0.+H,0+4CH,0+NH,. Form-aldehyde and ammonia, however, act noxiously and do not remain as such for a second ; aspartic aldehyde being formed.” This product however does neither remain unchanged, it will yield either directly active albumen when all conditions are fulfilled, or it will be stored up as asparagin if not all conditions are united for protein production.°*) The asparagin in plants has two sources; it may either be formed directly from glucose, ammonia (or nitrates) and sulfates, or it may be a transitory product between protein-decomposition and reconstruction from the fragments. In both cases the am- mediate processes connected with the formation of asparagin have the greatest resemblance or are even identical,—although the original materials are far different. 1) Compare Chapt. III and Chapt. VIII of this essay. I developed the outlines of this hypothesis first in Piifg. Arch. 1880. 2) The still hypothetical formation of aspartic aldehyde, from formic aldehyde and ammonia may be expressed by 4CH20+NH3=C4H7NO2+2H20 3) Closely related to asparagin is succinic acid, found not only often in the higher plants, but also encountered in fungi. I found this acid also in algae (Spirogyra), in hay of meadows, in the cambial sap of conifers and in the common yeast (Ber. Bayr. Akad, d. Wiss. 1878; Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 36). I observed also this acid as a product of oxidation of albumen by potassium permanganate (Journ. prakt. Chem. 31, 152). THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. 65 To effect the synthesis of proteids,—especially in the last phases—a certain amount of energy is required. This energy is procured by respiration. Respiration, however, also brings on the partial oxidations necessary for transforming glucose into asparagin or aspartic aldehyde. Where respira- tion is impeded, the protein production will be retarded. It is, therefore, not surprising that in the interior of potatoes and beets, asparagin is found in company with starch and reducing sugar and that the stem of plants contains more as- paragin than the Jeaves, as Schulze has found. The stalks of Medicago sativa contain 7 times as much asparagin as the leaves. Stems and cotyledons of young lupin-plants cultivated first in the dark and afterwards 4 weeks in daylight, contained 18,4% asparagin, the young leaves, however, only 6%. The structure of the leaves and their numerous stomata certainly secure a much more energetic respiration than the structure of stems, roots and bulbs. As respiration is best supported by carbohydrates, it is clear that glucose plays a still more im- portant rdle in protein formation: it yields chemical energy, and as the /eaves produce by assimilation of carbonic acid a large amount of glucose, it follows that the /eaves must be the most favorable organs of the plants for the production of proteids. The sun-rays are thus indirectly a great supporter of protein- formation. Dzrectly, however, no such influence is required, as I have shown in experimenting with mould-fungi grown in the dark and in diffused day-light; not only was the develop- ment of the fungus just as energetic in the dark as in the light but in some cases it even exceeded the latter. Here glucose and glycerin served as organic nutrients.’) But while access of air is indispensable for the production of asparagin and proteids, such is not the case for the action of the enzymes in peptonising and decomposing the reserve proteids in the germinating seeds. Palladin has proved that shoots,—which remain alive in the absence of air for 24 hours— cease to produce asparagin under this condition,” while the production of amido-acids by enzyme is still going on. Glucose is in more than one respect highly important for 1) O. Loew, Biol. Centralbl. 10, 584. 2) Ber. d. Deutsch. Botan, Ges. 6, 205 and 269. 66 THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. protein formation, it is not only a very suitable source of carbon but also enables reductions, and finally yields the necessary energy by supporting respiration. The utility of glucose (and other carbohydrates) is, however, in connection with the protein still greater than mentioned. It protects—in the fully developed plant at least—the protein against decomposition. It seems that the action of the proteoly- tic enzyme sets in here with the gradual disappearance of the glucose; as for instance in the case of keeping plants in the dark. If the respiration process finds for support neither fat nor sugar, then the reserve protein is attacked and the amido-acids yield a portion of their carbon for the wants of respiration. Another portion of their carbon is transformed into form-aldehyde, their nitrogen into ammonia, and from these two very reactive com- pounds the innocuous asparagin is formed and stored up for later use. The reserve protein supports here respiration and plays therefore a réle different from the case of the development of a shoot or of leaf-buds, where the tvansportation of nitrogen is the main object, where a splitting must take place to produce compounds capable of osmosis.” In many cases this reserve protein is in full grown plants only present in form of solution in the vacuole, and may be there as active or as passive albumen, the latter being easily produced from the former, for instance by dilute acids, perhaps also by enzymes. That the active albumen stands in close connection with asparagin becomes evident in all those cases in which Boro- din observed the production of asparagin during the development of leaf-buds; here this depends upon a decrease of the amount of active albumen stored up in the bark of the twigs, as I have ascertained by the coffein reaction (see Chapt. IV). This decrease is also observed if branches of Fagus, Quercus, or Betula are kept in the dark.” That the passive albumen is not formed by direct synthesis 1) The supposition of several authors that it is the living protoplasm itself, that is constantly dissociated into nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous material, the latter serving for respiration, the former being reconstructed to proteids is simply absurd, entirely unchemical and wholly unphysiological (see Chapt. 1]). 2) This however does not exclude that the passive albumen present, serves the same purpose; moreover the active albumen is passing at first into the passive state before being decomposed into different amido-products, THE FORMATION OF PROTEIDS IN PLANT-CELLS. 67 but is the product of the transformation’) of the directly formed active unstable albumen is plainly logical and needs no further explanation to any one acquainted with the progress of chem- istry; it is no ‘‘doctrinary assumption,’”’ as a botanist in Ger- many has supposed it to be. The development and perfection of the sciences causes a growing division of labor but the increased study of details often impedes an insight into the connection of the phenomena of relat- ed branches of science. A catalogue of isolated facts, however, accumulated with infinite pains by scientific workers, will have a still fuller significance by the establishment of a unifying con- ception. The theory here developed combines and compares observations on the lowest as well as the highest forms of vegeta- tion, gives a very plausible account of the mode of protein forma- tion, leads at the same time to a very natural explanation of the chemical difference between living and dead protoplasm, and points to conclusions as to the nature of poisonous actions, which have been verified by experiments.” Still, new theories are making their way very slowly. The history of opinion, says R. Beeton, has three stages. The first stage is that in which men say it is not true; the second is that in which they say, there may be something in it, and the third stage is that in which they say they have been of that opinion all along! The theory of the active albumen has now reached the second stage. 1) Compare pag. 31. Chapt. IV. 2) Compare Chapt. III of this essay. On the Vegetable Cheese, Natto. BY K. Yabe, Néogakushi. Since remote times there has been prepared in Japan from soya beans, a sort of vegetable cheese called natto. The beans are first boiled in water for five hours to render them exceedingly soft. The still hot mass is in small portions wrapped in straw and the bundles thus formed, well tied at both ends, are then placed in a cellar, in the middle of which a fire is kindled, whereupon the cellar is well closed. The heat is left to act for twenty-four hours, after which the product is ready for con- sumption. Although the moderate heat of the cellar acts only for twenty-four hours, there is still a considerable bacterial change going on. The microbes may be derived either from the air or from the straw. Of course it can not be expected that bacteria on the surface of the soya beans would still be very active. They are probably killed by the five hour’s boiling.) This product has a peculiar but not putrid smell. The soft mass of the beans is kept together by a very thick viscid substance. In this substance I have found four kinds of microbes present, and the chemical decomposition of proteids must be due to one or more of these microbes. 1, The Microbes of Natto. A trace of the viscid liquid of the cheese was inoculated in a gelatine solution and a plate culture was prepared. After a few days numerous colonies (1260) appeared, of which four different kinds could be observed, and of these were prepared pure cultures. Three of these different cultures were formed by micrococci, and one by a small, not motile, bacillus liquifying 1) Exceptional cases where bacteria can stand boiling heat still longer are known, for instance with Bacillus subtilis. ON THE VEGETABLE CHEESE, NATTTO. 69 gelatine and producing a greenish fluorescence. It forms white flocculent masses on potatoes, and on soya beans it forms white colonies. With regard to the micrococci the colonies of the three kinds can be distinguished by their colors: yellow, orange yellow, and white.” The yellow micrococcus belongs to the larger kinds. In gelatine it forms white colonies along the canal. At the head of the canal a concavity is formed. ‘The gelatine is in a small degree liquified. On agar, potatoes, and soya beans, it first forms white colonies that gradually turn yellowish. On soya beans it develops the characteristic smell which is observed with natto itself. In 2% peptone solution it forms a white deposit. The orange yellow micrococcus forms round colonies on gelatine. It has a general resemblance to the former but it does not liquify gelatine at all, and produces on soya beans a dis- agreeable smell. While the former does not spread considerably on potatoes, this one does so forming a slimy cover. The white micrococcus has a general resemblance, in regard to growth and development of its colonies, to the last named. With regard to the specific smell of natto, repeated experiments have convinced me that the above mentioned yellow micrococcus is the chief cause, while with regard to the slimy substance which shows an enormous degree of viscidity further experiments have to be carried out; because the yellow micrococcus is not the cause of this viscidity.?) 2, Chemical Investigation. As the soya bean is very rich in protein, the various decom- position products of proteids might be expected to be present in this cheese to a certain extent. 6.8 kilos. of the raw cheese were extracted with boiling water, and the aqueous solution precipitated with basic acetate of lead. The filtrate from this 1) White colonies were far less numerous than the others. 2) I made also several experiments to observe the degree of resistance to hydrochloric acid, and found that the microbes mentioned remained alive in 2°/, peptone solution containing 0,11 °/, HCl, but they were killed when hydrochloric acid was increased to 0,19°/.. 70 ON THE VEGETABLE CHEESE, NATTO. precipitate was mixed with mercuric nitrate with the gradual addition of small quantities of soda as long as a precipitate was formed. This precipitate, after being washed well on a filter, was decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, and the filtrate evaporat- ed on the water bath, ammonia being, from time to time, added to keep the solution neutral. In the concentrated liquid were formed after some time white crystalline masses composed of radiating needles of the forms characteristic of tyrosin. They were easily soluble in dilute ammonia and in hydrochloric acid, slightly soluble in cold, and easily in hot, water. They were purified by repeated recrystallisation, and then yielded the reac- tion of Pirvia, Wurster and Hofmann for tyrosin. The determina- tion of nitrogen by KAyjeldahl’s method yielded 7,98 %, while the theory requires 7,75 %. Also the copper compound was ob- tained by boiling the solution with copper hydrate and filtering while hot. The total quantity obtained amounted to 3.212 grm. The mother liquor from which the tyrosin was separated was, farther concentrated and divided into two parts (a) and (b). The part (a) was precipitated with phosphotungstic acid after the addition of a little sulphuric acid (c) and the filtrate mixed with caustic baryta to separate the sulphuric acid and phosphotung- stic acid. After the removal of the excess of baryta by a current of carbon dioxide, the filtrate was evaporated. Numerous spherocrystals were obtained with the behavior of leucin mixed with the crystals of ammonium nitrate. To remove the latter, a little baryta was added and by evaporation the ammonia was expelled. When the residue was treated with alcohol, barium nitrate remained behind while the alcoholic solution on evapora- tion yielded crystals of leucin which were converted into the characteristic copper compound which yielded on analysis 19.76% copper, while the formula (Cs H;; NO.). Cu requires 19,5%. The phosphotungstic precipitate (c) was first washed with cold water containing some sulphuric acid and then decomposed in the usual way with caustic baryta and the filtrate after temo- val of the excess of baryta evaporated, whereby a syrupy liquid was obtained. I searched here for lysin, lysatinin (both discovered by Drechsel) and arginin (discovered by Schulze), which are the decomposition products of the proteids of the germinating lupines, but all my efforts were in vain. The syrup gave, however, all ON THE VEGETABLE CHEESE, NATTO. 71 reactions of peptone and consisted for the most part of this substance. The above mentioned part (b) was treated with ammo- niacal solution of silver nitrate whereby a small amount of a white precipitate was obtained which was collected on a filter and washed with dilute ammoniacal solution of silver nitrate, then dissolved in warm nitric acid of sp. gr. 1,1 with the addition of little urea. Upon cooling, microscopical needles were obtain- ed, which proved to be a mixture of the silver compound of guanine and of hypoxanthin. After the removal of the silver with sulphuretted hydrogen, filtering and evaporating with the addition of a little ammonia, a residue was obtained, soluble with great difficulty in water and alcohol but easily soluble in mineral acids. It was treated with ammonia whereby a part was dissolved and a part not. The latter gave the sharp reac- tion of Capranica for guanine. When dried with nitric acid in a platinum dish it gave a yellow residue, which turned red on the addition of soda. The former, i. e., the soluble part was ob- tained by evaporationg the ammoniacal liquor. When evaporat- ed in a platinum dish with nitric acid, and the residue treated with caustic potash, no coloration took place. The reaction of Wedel and of Capranica did not leave any doubt that this substance was hypoxanthin, but there was contained also xanthin in the cheese. This was obtained by adding ammonia to the filtrate separated from the first crystallisation of the guanine and hypoxanthin silver compounds. By adding ammonia, a yellowish flocculent precipitate was obtained from which the silver was removed by sulphuretted hydrogen. The filtrate then evaporated to dryness left a faintly yellowish powder slightly soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol and ether, but easily soluble in alkalies and acids. On treating it with nitric acid a yellow residue was obtained turning red upon the addition of soda and purple on heating. The reaction of Hoppe-Seyler and Wetdel left no doubt that this substance was xanthin. Wheth- er these substances of the xanthin series were formed by the bacterial action during twenty-four hours in the warmed cellar is doubtful. I think it is more probable that they were origi- nally present in the soya bean. But there can be no doubt that a large portion of peptone, and also leucin and tyrosin 72, ON THE VEGETABLE CHEESE, NATTO. were products of the bacterial action. Considering the high temperature of the warmed cellar, the considerable extent of the bacterial decomposition is not very surprising. There can hardly be any doubt that the matto-preparation is more easily digestible than the original soya bean, as it is very soft” and contains more peptone. We add finally the determination of the different forms of nitrogen in the soya been and in natto. Soya Natto prepared bean. from the same soya bean. otal nitrogen.” 75355 % 7,542 % Nitrogen of proteids (excluding peptone) 6,899 4,033 Nitrogen of amides 0,128 1,892 Nitrogen of peptone 0,328 T5007, 1) While the water of the air-dry soya bean, amounted to 15,16 0/o, that of natto amounted to 59,120/o. 2) The relative increase of total nitrogen in natto may be chiefly due to the loss of carbon as carbon dioxide during the fermentation. On the Poisonous Action of the Hydroxyl-derivatives of Benzol upon Yeast and Bacteria. BY K. Yabe, Nogakushi. The toxical action of phenol, of the dioxybenzols (resorcin, pyrocatechin and hydrochinon) and of the trioxybenzols (phloro- glucin,” pyrogallol) has been compared in regard to animals but not yet in regard to the lower fungi. As a general rule, it has been found that the poisonous character increases with the number of hydroxyl groups entering into the benzol ring. Stolnikow observed that phloroglucin is more poisonous for frogs than resorcin, and this is again more poisonous than phenol. While the lethal dose of phenol for warm-blooded animals is 0,3-0,7 gr. per kg., 0,08 gr. resorcin is found to be sufficient (Zent and Betelli). ‘The three isomeric dioxybenzols show a very great difference in their toxical action. Pyrocatechin is strong- est, then follows hydrochinon and finally resorcin. Of-the trioxy- benzols, phloroglucin is less poisonous than pyrogallol. Loew” observed that in r per mille phenol solution some infusoria still remained alive after 15 hours, and certain algee have been found alive after three days, while pyrocatechin solution of the same strength killed infusoria and diatoms after a few minutes, spiro- gyra after several hours. Hydrochinon acts somewhat more slowly, but in resorcin solution of that strength infusoria live several hours, and alge are found alive even after 18 hours. The phenol character is here evidently increased by the toxical effect caused by the capability of absorbing oxygen. Pyrocatech- in and hydrochinon will rob the cells of the dissolved molecular oxygen much more quickly than phloroglucin, and consequently we find with the former also a much more poisonous character. 1) The third isomeride, oxyhydrochinon, has not yet been physiologically studied. 2) Natiirliches System der Giftwirkungen, p. 50-51. 74 ON THE POISONOUS ACTION OF THE HYDROXYL-DERIVATIVES It seemed to be of interest to compare these different phenols in relation to yeast and bacteria as it has been recently asserted by Buernacki (Pfliig. Arch. 49, 112) that phenol is a stronger poison for yeast than pyrogallol which would be an exceptional case, the alcoholic fermentation being prevented by the following solutions :— Phenolac sen eee oe oe 2 OO) RGSOLCIME cee eae LOO Pyrogallol igen oceans eee va Or For this purpose, equivalent quantities of different phenols were dissolved in Pastewr solution, and yeast added. The results are shown in the following table :— Phenol 0,5% no fermentation. || 0,4 % no fermentation. Pyrocatechin 0,585 ,, me 0,468 ,, feeble fermen- tation. Resorcin 0,585 fermentation. Hydrochinon 0,585 Aas SS Pyrogallol 0,670 x —— Phloroglucin 0,670 55 In a second experiment, yeast was shaken first with the solutions of these phenols and left to stand for 70 hours. After decantation of the liquid, the yeast was put in Pastewr solution with the following results: Phenol 0,3 % fermentation. 0,4 % no fermentation. Pyrocatechin 0,351 Ae 0,468 feeble fermenta- tion. Resorcin 0,351 6 0,468 fermentation. Hydrochinon 0,351 re 0,468 -, Pyrogallol 0,402 99 0,536 £ Phloroglucin 0,402 3 0,536 25 Phenol 0,45 % no fermentation. Pyrocatechin 0,527 3 Resorcin 0,527 fermentation. Hydrochinon 0,527 feeble fermentation. Pyrogallol 0,603 “5 Phloroglucin 0,603 fermentation. The same experiment has been carried out with bacteria. A drop of putrid peptone solution was mixed with 50 c.c. of the OF BENZOL UPON YEAST AND BACTERIA. 75 equimolecular solutions of phenols and left to stand for 70 hours. Afterward traces of the different liquids were inoculated in ste- rilised peptone solution with the following results :— Phenol Ae es Pyrocatechin ,468 Resorcin 468 Hydrochinon — ,468 Pyrogallol 9536 Phloroglucin 536 no development. development. no development. development. 99 We observe here, therefore, an exception to the rule, the higher hydroxylated benzols are in the case of the lower fungi less poisonous than phenol itself. Further experiments must be made to bring out a scientific explanation of this exceptional behavior. On the Quantity of Wood-gum (Xylan) contained in Different Kinds of Wood. BY J. Okumura, Nogakushi. The durability of wood is of great importance for industrial purposes. This durability depends not only upon the greater or less density, but also upon the presence of certain chemical cons- tituents. Thus a certain proportion of resinous matters will increase the durability, while the presence of easily soluble carbohydrates may diminish it considerably. The durability consists in a certain resistance to the attacks of different kinds of fungi, as Polyporus, Agaricus, etc. Resinous matters can never be attacked by these fungi, but various carbohydrates, as starch, wood-gum, and even cellulose are sometimes rapidly dissolved by the ferments produced by these fungi which thus prepare their way to penetrate into the interior of the wood." From this stand-point it seemed to me to be of great interest to determine the amount of wood-gum in a series of trees grown in Japan. Of course the quantity of wood-gum will not be found always to be a constant figure. The proportion may differ somewhat between the heart-wood and bark, and also may yary with the age of the tree. It is certainly of physiological interest that Thomsen found great differences in the amount of wood-gum in sap-wood and heart-wood as seen from the following table :— Dried at 100°C. % in dry matter. Sap-wood. Heart-wood. Betula alba L. (old) 13.9 19.7 a (young) 24.9 26.4 Fagus sylvatica, L. (100 years old) 8.2 15.9 95 (young) I1.g 11.3 Quercus glandulifera, Bl. 14.4 10.7 Prunus pseudocerasus, L. 19.3 15-4 1) The observations of R. Hartig in this direction are of special importance. ON THE QUANTITY OF WOOD-GUM (xYLAN) 77 Fraxinus pubinervis, Bl. 9-7 10.7 Ulmus parvifolia, Jacg 8.9 12.0. The samples which I took for the determination of wood- gum were collected from the specimens that belong to the forestry department of our college. 5 grams of the finely powdered air-dried wood’) were extracted with 50 c.c. of 5% solution of caustic soda. After standing for 24 hours with occasional stirring it was filtered and washed with cold water. The filtrate was then mixed with hydrochloric acid until a weak acid reaction was perceptible. The flocculent precipitate was then collected on a weighed filter and dried at 100°C. to con- stant weight. In this way I obtained the following results :— Percentages of wood-gum in the dry matter. 1) Cryptomeria japonica, Don. (Coniferz) 1.742 2) Thuya obtusa, B. et H. Gass! a>) Zea 3) Pinus parviflora, S. et Z. ( a ee) 4.212 4) Ginkgo biloba, L. ( - a) 2.519 5) Pinus thumbergii, parlat. ( re) 4.500 6) Abies firma, S. et Z. ( a, 0.961 7) Torreya nucifera, S. et Z. ( 3 = 4) Pog oa 8) Podocarpusmacrophylla,Don.( ,, ) 2.914 9g) Zelkowa acuminata, Planch. (Ulmaceae) 13.240 10) Castanea vulgaris, Lam. var. japonica, DC. (Cupuliferae) 4.776 11) Fagus Sieboldi, Endl. ( ie ) 19.716 12) Quercus acuta, th. ( m ) 6.609 13) Alnus incana, wild. var. glauca, Ait. (Betulaceae) 6.852 14) Phellodendron amurense, Rupr. (Rutaceae) 6.586 15) Magnolia hypolenca, S. et Z. (Magnoliaceae) 10.327 16) Cladrastis amurensis, B. et H. var. floribunda, Maxim. (Legminaceae) 11.964 17) Melia azedarach, L. var. subtripinnata, Mig. (Maliaceae) 2.634 18) Ternstrcemia japonica, th. (Ternstromiaceae) 3.813 1) All of these were sap-wood except that of Cryptomeria japonica. 78 CONTAINED IN DIFFERENT KINDS OF WOOD. 19) Acanthopanax innovans, (Araliaceae) 8.409 3h cia Za 20) Juglans mandshurica, Maxim. (Juglandaceae) 6.985 21) Phyllostachys nigra, Munro. (Gramineae) 6.234 We see, therefore, that the Coniferze are comparatively poor in wood-gum, and Ternstroemia and Melia are also poor. Cupuliferee are richer, Juglans, Magnolia, Cladrastis, Acantho- panax, etc. are still more so. On the Reserve Protein in Plants. BY G. Daikuhara, Négakushi. While in the seeds the reserve protein forms small globules called aleuron, it is with fully developed plants in many cases not yet decided how the reserve protein occurs. It is, however, generally supposed that albumen is present in solution in all the plant juices and this albumen may be used up in all those instances when a considerable amount is wanted at a certain time, as for instance during the ripening of the seeds. Recent investigations have shown, however, that the albumen dissolved in the vacuole is not always the ordinary or passive albumen, but in many cases a very unstable albuminous body which is closely related to the albuminous substance in the living protoplasm, and which has been called active albumen. This changes its nature soon after the cell dies, and is turned into the ordinary or passive albumen. In many cases, however, this active reserve protein in the vacuole is changed in this way while the cells are still alive. It has not yet been determined how far this active albumen is con- nected with the production of amido-compounds which takes place when the branches of trees are placed in water, or when entire plants are kept deprived of light, or when leaf-buds de- velop on the branches in the spring. I have made, therefore, a series of experiments to obtain some information about the func- tion of the active albumen which is found in the bark, leaves, flowers, and roots of numerous trees, as Quercus, Tilia, Paonia, Fagus, Prunus, etc. This active albumen can be easily found by treatment with coffein under the microscope. Cells con- taining it will show at first numerous little globules in the vacuole, which flow together to one or several large drops, 1) See Loew and Bokorny, Flora 1892; and Biol. Centralbl. 1891. 80 ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. called proteosomes, with a high refractory power for light.” Upon treatment with iodine solution, they assume a yellow tinge and lose their brightness entirely, showing either numerous little vacuoles or one large one and being then hollow spheres. To distinguish them from starch granules or fat drops is, there- fore, a very easy matter. Sometimes it suffices to take a little piece of fresh bark or a leaf and tear it into little particles in a drop of coffein solution and observe the result at once under the microscope with a high magnifying power. Thus, not only the bright drops mentioned can be seen very soon, but also in some early dying cells the change from the bright drops to hollow spheres can be observed even without killing with iodine. With regard to the behavior of the proteosomes, I observed the following: the petals of Saxifraga sarmentosa which had remained in cold saturated coffein solution and showed then numerous proteosomes, were left for 15 hours partly in 1% HCl, partly in 1% HNO,, and partly in dilute phosphotungstic acid. The proteosomes were not dissolved but had become turbid. Nitric acid had produced a yellowish coloration which became stronger on heating. The petals of Punica granatum were, after treatment with coffein, placed (a) partly in 1 p. mille NH,, (b) partly in 1% acetic acid and (c) partly in alcohol of 20%. After 4 hours it was observed that the dilute NH, had not produced any vacuoles in the proteosomes; it seemed that they had become solid, and neither absolute alcohol nor NH, of 10% nor acetic acid of 1% changed them any farther. The portion exposed to the dilute acetic acid (b) showed coagulated masses of irregular form which were not changed any more by absolute alcohol. A portion of proteosomes seemed to have been partly dis- solved. Those proteosomes (c) which had remained 4 hours in alcohol of 20% were partly transformed to hollow spheres, partly to irregular masses which experienced no farther change by treatment with absolute alcohol. 1) Dead cells never give proteosomes on treatment with coffein. If leaves of Pzonia albiflora, for instance, are left for 24 hours in 1°/, acetic acid or for 1 hour in vapors of ether, coffein will not produce any more proteosomes while the fresh leaves give a very strong reaction. ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. 81 By exposure to boiling 5% NaCl solution the proteosomes were coagulated. This was observed with the petals of Punica and of Astilbe and the root of Thestum. Millon’s and biuret reactions are best made on objects free from tannin, as for instance, the root of Thesium. Both reac- tions were obtained after fixation of the proteosomes by dilute ammonia after the modification, described by Loew and Bokorny (Bot. C. 188g); biuret reaction was also obtained by boiling with a concentrated solution of copper sulphate solution, washing and moistening with concentrated solution of caustic potash. A small branch of Quercus dentata, showing in the young leaves as well as in the bark, during development in the spring, a large quantity of active albumen, was left for twelve days with the stem immersed in water. At the same time two of the leaves were placed in a small vessel with water. In the latter case, the respiration was of course restricted to a certain extent for obvious reasons. Both objects were placed in a corner of a room with only a moderate amount of light") for twelve days, and then for two days in the dark. Now the leaves on the branch commenced to show brown spots, whereupon a micros- copical examination was made and it was found that there was no longer any starch in either case, but while the leaves on the branch no longer showed the reaction of active albumen, those kept in water still gave a moderate reaction. It might be objected here that there was just as much albumen still present in the former leaves, but it was only changed to passive albumen. But it has been shown by £. Schulze that protein compounds are transformed in plants kept in darkness into amido-acids, and that finally asparagin remains as a chief product. The gradual disappearance of the active albumen from the leaves stands in close relation to the formation of asparagin; I found that while the fresh leaves of Quercus glandulifera con- tained 0.218% of nitrogen in the form of asparagin (determined after Sachse-Kormann), those kept for seven days in darkness contained 0.606%; therefore the asparagin was increased near- ly three times the original amount. A similar experiment was made with the leaves of Paonia 1) At the lower end of the branch a fresh surface was cut repeatedly in order to secure the sufficient ascent of water. 82 ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. albiflora, which were kept for 25 days in a large glass jar con- taining some water in order to secure perfect saturation of the air with aqueous vapor. The vessel was covered with a glass plate and exposed to a temperature of 25-30°C. in the dark. The air was from time to time renewed. After 25 days the leaves commenced to show black spots and the still healthy part of the leaves failed in many cells to give proteosomes by treatment with coffein, while in the beginning an exceedingly strong reaction, especially in the epidermis-cells, had been ob- served. The decrease of the amount of active albumen stands evidently in close relation to the production of asparagin also in this case where the amount of asparagin was increased con- siderably as seen from the following result :— Fresh leaves. Starved leaves. Total. Ny g:ne0 ween 22227, 2.648 % Album. No x.¢° seer 1.890 ,, it Ata Asparagin-N. os... cs 0.250), 1. 20re Total N: Aspar:No =. 100 : 9.86 100 : 45,72 In order to determine whether the active albumen occurs very frequently in plants, I made numerous microscopical exami- nations, the results of which are shown in the following tables. While a large number of plants contain in different parts active albumen in the vacuole, other plants contain only passive, and again others do not store up any albuminous matter at all in the fully developed tissues. Such parts of plants as grow just as quickly as the formation of albumen proceeds, will of course not be able to store up the latter. Other plants may convert, either by acids or by ferments,’) the active albumen in their vacuole, as soon as it is formed, into passive. ‘Thus, for instance, the leaves of Diospyvos contain neither active nor passive albumen, the leaves of Vicia contain only passive albumen, while the 1) To decide whether a ferment is the cause of this change in some plants, a ~ cold extract of leaves of Vicia Faba was left to act upon small pieces of the leaves of Paeonia but no decrease of the active albumen in the cells of the latter was noticed after 24 hours. Of course it may be doubtful whether a ferment present could have entered easily into the living tissue. ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. 83 leaves of Prunus contain a large amount of active albumen. The passive albumen may easily be found in leaves that do not contain active albumen, by crushing them in a mortar, adding water, filtering, and adding nitric acid to the filtrate. The co- agulation by this acid or by heat leaves no doubt that albumen was present. Some biological relations of interest are re- cognized from the inspection of the following tables :— ROSACEAE, SPECIES. OBJECTS TESTED. ACTIVE REMARKS. ALBUMEN. Prunus persica. Young leaves. Present. No starch. Much Prunus pseudocerasus. Young leaves. present. No starch. ” ” Epidermis of root. Present. No starch. ” ” Inner tissue of root. None. Much starch. Pyrus japonica. Young leaves. Present. No starch. 60 ay Roots. None. sr - Much / Photinia glabra. Young leaves. present, Much starch, Much oa a Flowers. present. Rosa laevigata. Much h. vigata Young leaves. present. No starch Much h ” ” Flowers. present. No starch, Rosa Banksiz. Roots. Present. No starch. Kerria japonica. Much N ch. japonica Young leaves. present. o star Neutral reaction. Rubus palmatus. Young leaves. None. Neutral reaction. ” ” », berries, None. Acid reaction. Rubus Thumbergi. Young leaves. None. No starch. PALMEAE. Trachycarpus excelsa. Young buds. | None. No starch, 84 ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. CUPULIFERAE. SPECIES. Oxyects TESTED. | ACTIVE | REMARKS. Quercus glandulosa. Young leaves. Much No starch. present. 3 “ Roots. Present. Neutral reaction. Much Quercus dentata. Young leaves. present. Much starch. Quercus acuta Young leaves woos No starch cs 8 ; present. ‘ Much Castanea fesca. Young leaves. present. No starch. Acid reaction (trace). TERNSTROEMIAOEAE. Camellia japonica. Young leaves. Present. No starch. Camellia theafera. Young leaves. Present. Little starch. » a3 fas Roots. Trace. Little starch. Eurya japonica. Young leaves. None. SIMARUBIAE. ; Much : : : Ailanthus glandulosa. Young leaves. sesent Slightly acid reaction. Picrasma ailanthoides. | Young leaves. Present. Melia Azedararch. Young leaves. None. | Much starch. HAHAMERIDEAE. Distylium racemosum. Young leaves. None. Corylopsis pauciflora. Young leaves. Present. 1) The same species grown in the shade of large trees contained neither active albumen nor starch. ON THE RESERVE RROTEIN IN PLANTS. ORCHIDEAE. ACTIVE SPECIES. OBJECTS TESTED. Rae: REMARKS. Bletia Hyacinthina. Young leaves. Present. No starch. AD Af Flowers. Present. No starch. “A a Roots. Present. No starch. a rh Tubers. Present. No starch. Gastrodia elata. Flowers. See No starch. Much ” ” Tubers. ese. No starch. Cynbidium virens. Young leaves. None. 9 a Roots. None. Iris tectorum. Young leaves. None. No starch. Much 9 Roots. present, No starch. RANUNCULACEAE, - : Much Pzonia albiflora. Young leaves. present. Much ” af Flowers. present. ” ” Tubers. Present. Slightly alkaline reaction. Pzonia Moutan. Young leaves. Seat No starch. ” ” Young roots. Present. No starch. Clematis florida. Young leaves. None. No starch. Flowers. None. Neutral reaction. MALVANCEAE. (ca + nn EE ee ee ee ee ee Hibiscus syriacus. Young leaves. None. Much starch, Neutral reaction. a ee eee 86 ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. ULMACEAE., A SPECIES. OBJECTS TESTED, | ,700IN" _ Remarks. Zelkowa acuminata. Young leaves. Present. ” ” Roots. None, Ulmus parvifolia. Young leaves. Present. No starch. ELAEAGINEAE. Eleagnus pungens. Young leaves. | None. | Little starch. MAGNOLIACEAE. Cercidiphyllum Much japonicum. Young leaves. present. No starch. Schizandra chinensis. Ay ap None. Much starch. 3 Ay Young seeds. None. Much starch. LYTHRARIAE. Punica Granatum. Young leaves. None. Much 3 x 1) Flowers. present. ane As Much Lagerstroemia indica. Young leaves. present. PAPAVERACEAE, Papaver somniferum. Young leaves. Much starch, Flowers. Neutral reaction. Unripe seeds. 1) Antipyrin acts just as coffein on the active albumen, but its action is much slower than that of coffein. ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. MORACEAE, SPECIES. OBJECTS TESTED. Rha REMARKS, Morus alba. | Young leaves. | None. No starch, ” ” ” ” Much pass. albumen. ” ” ” ” Neutral reaction. ARALIACEAE. Helwingia japonica. Young leaves. Present. Much starch. » ” » ” Neutral reaction. Acanthopanax aculeatum.| Young leaves. Present. No starch. ” » Roots. None, OLEACEAE. Ligustrum ibota. Young leaves. None. Syringa vulgaris. Young leaves. None, | Little starch. ” ” ” ” Little pass. albumen. CAPRIFOLIACEAE, Viburnum dilatatum, Young leaves. None. No starch. Sambucus racemosa, None var. Sieboldiana. onae leaves. 88 ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. POLYGONACEAE. SPECIES. OBJECTS TESTED. eee REMARKS. Polygonum cuspidatum. | Young leaves. Present. Fagopyrum esculentum. | Young leaves. None. Much ‘ 3 Flowers. present. No starch. Pr 3 Roots. None. Much starch. LAURACEAE. Cinnamomum Camphora.| Young leaves. None. Much starch. Meee CACIREE NE EN Young leaves. None. No starch. ajor. SOLANACEAE. Physalis Alkekengi. Young leaves. None. Much starch. es 34 Flowers. None. Much starch. 0 9 Roots. None. Much starch. Solanum tuberosum. Young leaves. None. Little starch. op 0 Flowers. None. No starch. STERCULIACEAE. Sterculia platanifolia. | Young leaves. Present. CORONACEAE. Aucuba japonica. | Young leaves. | “None. ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. §9g SAXIFRAGEAE. < ACTIVE SPECIES. OBJECTS TESTED. AURUMEN. REMARKS. Much } a. Young leaves, Saxifraga sarmentos g macecnt: = a Flowers. Much present, Much Roots. ie ui 28 present. Deutzia scabra. Young leaves. None. No starch. “6 nA Flowers. None. Much starch. 7s 5 Roots. None. : 4 ; The proteosomes contract- Astilbe japonica. Young leaves. Present.| ed here by treatment with iodine in such a way that ie Pe Flowers. Present.| a number of radial fissures were formed. Hydrangea paniculata. | Young leaves. None. VERBENACEAE,. Premna japonica. Young leaves. None. | Little pass. albumen. a F Flowers. None. : P : Much Callicarpa japonica. Young leaves, present. SANTALACEAE. Thesium decurrens. Young leaves. None, Little starch. Much 32 AEE present. 1 % Flowers, Trace. 1) If we make a vertical cut through the surface of the root, we can observe under the microscope in many cells globular masses consisting of active albumen which may have been separated from the dissolved albumen by mechanical action but after treatment with coffein the quantity is considerably increased. There is present much tannin in the hot water extracts of the stem but not in those of the root. go ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS, CORYLACEAE, > A , SPECIES. OBJECTS TESTED. § | J. REMARKS. Carpinus cordata. Young leaves. Present. No starch. BETULACEAE. eee : Much Alnus maritima. | Young leaves. present. No starch. ALISMACEAE. Alisma Plantago. | Young leaves. Present. Much starch. EBENACEAE. i Diospyros kaki. Young leaves. None No pass. albumen. + ; Flowers. None Neutral reaction. 3 9 _ Seeds. None { DIOSCOREAE. Dioscorea japonica. Young leaves None. No starch ” » » ” Neutral reaction ” ” ” ” Much pass. albumen?), = 5 | Roots. None. Neutral reaction. SALICINEAE. Salix japonica. Young leaves. No starch. | None. 1) In this root is also contained about 8‘/, of the dry matter mucin, according to J. Ishii. See this Bulletin, p. g9. ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. OL SAPINDACEAE. SPECIES. OBJECTS TESTED. ake REMARKS. Acer palmatum. Young leaves. Present.) Also leaves suffering from albinism gave ” ” Roots. Present. the reaction, LILIACEAE. Lilium collosum. Young leaves. None. 5 “ Roots. None. Hemerocallis flava. Young leaves. None. | Little pass. albumen. n 5 Roots. None. No starch. 1 t licul- poeone Gar eanakeu) Young leaves. None. No starch. Polygonatum canalicul-| Fjowers, None. No starch. atum. RUBIACEAE. Gardenia florida, Young leaves. None. | Much pass. albumen. ” ” ” ” Much slimy matter. BERBERIDIEAE. Nandina domestica. Young leaves. None, No starch. Much ‘p a Buds. present. No starch. ONAGRACEAE. Oenothera Jacquinii. Young leaves. eee No starch. Much of Flowers. present. No starch. ” " Roots. panels No starch. present. g2 ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. SPECIES. Lychnis floscucculi. CARYOPHYLLEAE, OBJECTS TESTED. pe cTIVE Young leaves. None. Flowers. None. REMARKS. Dianthus superbus. Young leaves. None. Little starch. Pass. albumen is found ” » Boots: was: very much in the leaves. GRAMINEAE. Arundinaria japonica. Young leaves. None. No starch. . FA, Roots. None. Immense quantity of starch in the interior tissue. Young shoots, None. Much starch. Neutral reaction. Epidermis of Bambusa senanensis. Deena oS Dowe Present, Much starch. Triticum vulgare. Bee of young | Present. Little starch. eeds. Brachypodium Epidermis of young | Much Nuch serene japonicum. seeds. present. Epi BES Hordeum disticum. biden Aba None. Much starch. Avena sativa. Epidermis of young | None. Much starch. seeds. CRUCIFERAE. Raphanus sativus. Flowers. No starch. | None. In the root of almost all species of plants, the epidermis is generally richer in active albumen than the interior tissue, while the starch is generally wanting in the epidermis. Often the active albumen decreases in those leaves that are nearest to the flowers, if the latter are very rich in active albumen. ON SPECIES. Vicia sativa. THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. 93 LEGUMINOSAE. OBJECTS TESTED. ACTIVE ALBUMEN. Young leaves. Vicia sativa. Vicia Faba. Vicia Faba. Vicia unijuga. Lespedeza sericea. ” ” Wistaria chinensis. None. REMARKS. Much pass, albumen. Much starch. Neutral reaction. Much pass. albumen. Much starch. Neutral reaction. Much pass. albumen, (Neutral reaction). Ginkgo biloba. ” ” Little starch. Citrus fusca, ” ” No starch. Much starch. Xanthoxylum piperitum.| Young leaves. Orixa japonica. Little starch. Little starch. Much starch. Epidermis of seeds. None. Roots. None. Young leaves. None. Epidermis of seeds. None. Roots. None. Young leaves, None. Young leaves. None. Roots. None. Young leaves. None. | No starch. . CONIFERAE. Young leaves. None. Roots. None. RUTACEAE, Young leaves. None. Roots. None. Much present. Much Roots present. Young leaves. None. 94 ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. COMPOSITAE. SPECIES. OBJECTS TESTED. pone REMARKS, Hieracium umbellatum.| Leaves. None. Acid reaction. Teucane Chry- Young leaves. None. Much starch. Leucanthemum Chry- santhemum. Flowers. None. No starch. Leucanthemum Chry- santhemum. Roots. None. No starch. Petasites japonica. Young leaves. None. Much starch. MENISPERMACEAE. Cocculus indicus. Young leaves. None. Menispermum dahuricum.| Leaves. None. i * Flowers. None. CONVOLVULACEAE. Ipomaea hederacea. Young leaves. None. No starch. * sf Roots. None. Much starch. ANACARDIACEAE. Rhus semi-alata, Young leaves. Present. Much starch. var. Osbeckii. Roots !). Present. ERICACEAE. Pieris japonica. Young leaves. Present. No starch. 1) In the root the active albumen is less than in the leaves. ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. 95 UMBELLIFERAE. SPECIES. OBJECTS TESTED. eee REMARKS, Daucus carota. Nerves of leaves. Present. Thorylis anthriscus. Nerves of leaves. Present. ILICINEAE. Ilex pedunculosa. Young leaves. Present. No starch. Flowers. Present. No starch. LINACEAE. Reinwardtia trigyna. Young leaves. None. Little starch. Flowers. None. Little starch. CELASTINEAE. Evonymus japonicus, Young leaves. None. Little starch. Besvee suberie from | None, Little starch. Elowers. Present. Little starch. From these tables it will be seen that of 104 species of plants, 51 contained albumen stored up, in one part or another, active while 53 did not contain it at all. The plants examined belonged to 52 families. The active albumen was found in 2g families. It is of physiological interest to see how the active albumen often accumulates in the flowers and that in such cases it may be absent in the green leaves or decrease in those parts that are nearest to the flower (compare the above observations with Pumca Granatum, Nandina domestica, Evonymus japonica and Fagopyrum esculentum). In Gramineae I found active albumen thus far only in the epidermis of seeds and only in a certain period of development. 96 ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. In the shade active albumen is formed in smaller quantities than in full sun-light; I found much of it in the leaves of Ailanthus glandulosa in the latter case, but none in shade-plants. Further, the young leaves are richer in it than old ones. Leaves suffering from albinism show it in the white parts of their leaves about just as much as in the green parts (observa- tion with Acer palmatum). On the Occurrence of Mucin in Plants: BY J- Ishii, Nogakushi. In the animal as well as in the vegetable kingdom, there are found substances of slimy nature, which serve for different physiological functions; but while the slimes of animals belong to the protein compounds, all plant-slimes consist, so far as is yet known, of carbohydrates, corresponding either to the formula CsH,.O, or C,,H,,0,, and yielding by hydrolysis different kinds of sugar; as, for instance, carrageen or the slime of an alga Chondrus crispus Lyngb) yields galactose (Hddicke, Bauer and Tollens), cerasin or the gum of the cherry-tree yields arabinose (Scheibler, Kiliant), and the slime of beer-yeast yields mannose (Hessenland). As a number of Japanese plants are so rich in slimy matters as to be applied on account of this quality for industrial pur- poses, I believed it to be, from a physiological as well as a technical point of view, of some interest to investigate their proper chemical relations. To my surprise I have found in the tuberous root of yams a slimy matter that is precipitated from its solution by dilute acetic acid. Further investigation has demonstrated beyond any doubt, that this slime belongs to the class of mucins, and as this remarkable occurrence is the first exception to a generally adopted rule, I will describe in the following lines my observations in detail. 1. Short Description of Japanese Yams. There are two kinds of yams growing in this country, the one is called “yamano-imo” (Dioscorea japonica, Humb.) while the other is called ‘‘jimenjo”’ (Dioscorea batatas, Decaigne.) Both of them are found in a wild state and are very often cultivated. “ Naga-imo,” ‘‘tsukune-imo”’ and ‘‘ichinen-imo’’ are indeed the names given to the three different cultivated forms of ‘‘jinenjo.”’ All of these forms produce the large tuberous roots which are used as food. 98 ON THE OCCURRENCE OF MUCIN IN PLANTS. Composition of the yam.") Water 80.74 In roo parts of dry matter, Crude protein 11.74 Fat 0.84 Fibre 4.36 Ash (free from Co,) 3.60 Starch 22, AZ Other non-nitrogenous substances. 57-33 Total nitrogen 1.879 Nitrogen in amides, etc. 0.675 2. Preparation of the Slime of Yams. The slimy matter forms a thick turbid liquid and can be easily freed from starch granules and other substances by simply filtering. The filtered liquid shows a neutral reaction, and is precipitated by the addition of acids, but the pre- cipitation is prevented to a certain extent by the presence of common salt. Several methods are proposed for the isolation of mucin. Landwehr” prepared the mucin of the bile by precipitating with acetic acid, washing, dissolving in 1%. solution of soda, and precipitating again. Obolenski>) recommended a method of purifying the mucin of the submaxillary glands as follows: The glands are soaked in water over a night and filtered. The filtrate is precipitated with acetic acid, the precipitate washed first with water and a little acetic acid, then with hot alcohol and finally dried. But Hammarsten*) recommended a new method which is well adapted to separate mucin from substances belong- ing to the group of nucleoalbumins. The mucin of the sub- maxillary glands is soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid (o.1— 0.2%) and is precipitated unchanged by adding 3 or 4 times its volume of water to the solution, while the nucleoalbumin dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid together with the mucin, 1) The analysis was made in the agricultural chemical laboratory of the Im- perial College of Agriculture in Tokyo. See Bull. Vol. I. 2) Z. physiol. Chem. Bd. V, 371. 3) Pflig. Arch. 4. 4) Z. physiol. Chem. Bd. XII. ON THE OCCURRENCE OF MUCIN IN PLANTS. 99 but is not precipitated by adding water. As the precipitate obtained by the addition of acetic acid to the extract of yam root was insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid and with difficulty soluble in very dilute alkali (as 1% solution of caustic soda), I worked chiefly according to the method of Obolenskt. The roots were cut into small slices, well crushed and extracted with about three times the volume of water under frequent stirring; the thick liquid thus obtained was filtered, and the filtrate precipitated with a very dilute solution of acetic acid gradually added. The addition of a large amount of acetic acid at once, has to be avoided, otherwise the liquid will become so thick, as to make filtering impossible. The precipitate was washed with dilute acetic acid, and then with dilute hydrochloric acid for the purpose of washing away a trace of another proteid soluble in the latter acid; the precipitate was finally washed with water, with alcohol and ether, and at last again with absolute alcohol. Upon drying, the purified substance formed a hard yellowish mass. 3. Reactions and Composition. The substance obtained has the following chief reactions: It dissolves in caustic alkali of about 2%, but with difficulty, and is soluble in strong mineral acids as well as strong acetic acid. It is not digested by artificial gastric juice, but easily by an alkaline solution of trypsin. When concentrated sulphuric acid is added to its solution in acetic acid, it yields a fine violet coloration. It gives the xanthoproteic and biuret reactions. By boiling with Millon’s reagent, it forms a red precipitate. Tannin precipitates its solution. Double iodide of potassium and mercury yields a turbidity. By boiling for some time with 5% sulphuric acid, it yields not only peptone, but also a substance which reduces Fehling solution. The elementary analysis was made with the purified sub- stance, dried at r10°C. to constant weight, and yielded as average of three experiments the following numbers:— suelo) ON THE OCCURRENCE OF MUCIN IN PLANTS. C 52,82 H 7:53 N 14,20 O-+S (calculated) 25,05 Ashes 0,41. The determination of N was made after the method of Kjeldahl. The substance contains sulphur. By boiling it with caustic potash of 5%, the liquid became yellowish, and when hydrochloric acid was added in excess, sulphuretted hydrogen gas was evolved, and the paper moistened with lead acetate turned black owing to the formation of lead sulphide. The composition of this slime is approximately the same as that of the bile (see the following table). Identity is of course doubtful, as there are many isomeric, especially stereo- isomeric mucins, possible. C lel INI SO) Ashes Mucin of tendon?) 48.30 6.44 11.75 0.81 —— --- 5 Mucin of submaxillary glands?) 48.84 6.80 12.22 0.84 —— —— Mucin of bile?) 53-09 7.60 13.80 1.10 24.41 —— i o_o" Mucinous substance of yam roots 52.82 7.53 14.20 25.04 0,41 Hammarsten declares: ‘‘Die Fahigkeit, beim Sieden mit verdtinnten Sduren eine reducierende Substanz zu geben, die physicalische zihe Beschaffenheit und das Verhalten zu Es- sigsdure sind die drei wichtigsten Eigenschaften, welche die Mucinstoffe in qualitativer Hinsicht von dem Eiweissstoffen unterscheiden.’”’ Our slime shows all the essential charac- teristics of the animal mucin, and differs only in some sub- ordinate points; it is with more difficulty soluble in dilute alkalies and yields a turbidity with potassium ferrocyanide. Our substance is doubtless a kind of mucin, and as this is the first time that such a compound has been found in the vegetable kingdom, it is certainly of physiological interest. The quantily determined as accurately as possible, amounts to 8% of the tuber dried at 100°C. 1) Loebisch, Ztschr. physiol. Chem. Bd. X, S. 61. 2) Hammarsten, Ztschr. physiol. Chem. Bd. XII, 3) Landwher, Ztschr. physiol. Chem. Bd. V, S. 371. Mannane as a Reserve Material in the Seeds of Diospyros Kaki, L. BY J. Ishii, Nogakushi. The fruit of Diospbyros Kaki, L. (date-plum) is consumed in large quantities by the people of this country on account of its richness in saccharine matters. There are many varieties of the fruit, ranging in size from a small hen’s egg to a large apple. In color’) of the epidermis they vary from light orange yellow to deep orange red. My preliminary experiments proved it probable that a wine of good quality might be prepared from the fruit. It may be also mentioned here that this fruit contains, when unripe, a considerable amount of a kind of tan- nin which disappears entirely during the ripening of the fruit. My investigations of the flesh of the fruit have shown that there is a great amount of dextrose and laevulose, but neither mannose nor galactose present. It 1s, therefore, surprising that the sceds of the fruit contain no trace of starch, but a soft white mass as a reserve material, which could be easily con- verted into a sugar by boiling with sulphuric acid of 5% for one hour. After removal of the sulphuric acid with barium carbonate, the filtrate was evaporated, when a red-colored sub- stance was gradually deposited; this was filtered off and the solution after being decolorized with animal charcoal was further concentrated. I obtained a sweet syrup which yielded, with acetate of phenylhydrazin in the cold, a considerable amount of crystalline precipitate, which upon recrystallization formed white tabular rhombic crystals, melting at 195°C (man- nose-phenylhydrazon). By mixing a certain quantity of acetate of phenylhydrazin with the aqueous solution of the crystals and heating the mixture, there were formed gradually yellow 1) This coloring matter is turned blue by treatment with concentrated sul- phuric acid. 102 MANNANE AS A RESERVE MATERIAL. needles soluble with difficulty in hot alcohol and melting at 205°C. evidently phenylglucosazon. ‘Therefore, there can be hardly any doubt that our sugar is mannose, and the white substance in the seeds a polyanhydride of mannose called man- nane. It is physiologically highly interesting to see that the seed stores up here in the form of an anhydride a sugar that is different from the sugars contained in the flesh of the fruit. Mannane as an Article of Human Food- BY C. Tsuji, Nogakushi. Since the discovery of mannose by Reiss by treating the so-called cellulose of the nut of Phytelephas with sulphuric acid, and since its closer description by E. Fischer who obtained it as a product of the oxidation of mannite, there have been found in many plants slime-like and cellulose-like polyanhydrides that yield by hydrolysis mannose. They have been distinguished as mannane, para-mannane and manno-cellulose.’» Thus far, there is not known, however, any article of human food whose nutritive value is due to a polyanhydride of mannose, while polyanhydrides of glucose (starch, glycogen, maltose) play an important role, especially starch.” But there are sold in this country as an article of food gelatinous colorless tablets, apparently consisting of starch paste. called namakonniaku that are largely consumed by the people. These tablets, however, do not give a blue coloration with iodine, and do not, there- fore, consist of starch. My investigation has proved that this substance is a polyanhydride of mannose. In the following lines, I will describe the root from which the konakonmiaku is made, and the experiments which elucidate the nature of the product. This tuberous root-stock is derived from Amorphophallus Rivieri Durien, var, Konjac Engl., a plant belonging to the Aroideae and largely cultivated in the central part of this country. The root resembles in form the taro, has a white spongy flesh of a sharp taste and a brown epidermis. The root- stocks vary in size from that of a potatoe to that of a squash and reach sometimes the weight of several kilos.?) 1) Compare E. Schulze, Z. Physiol. Chem. 16, 386. 2) The refuse of the stone-nut, used in manufacture, is utilized now in some places as a food for animals with good effect. 3) The art of preparing a suitable food from this root-stock and of removing the sharp taste was introduced into this country about a thousand years ago by Chinese. 104 MANNANE AS AN ARTICLE OF HUMAN FOOD. There are prepared a powder and a gelatinous mass from the root-stock. To prepare the powder, the root-stock is sliced into thin pieces after all the skin is removed. These slices are hung up to dry, and after several weeks are ground in a mortar, and sifted. To prepare namakonniaku, as the gelatinous mass is called, the powder or the root-stock is well boiled with water, then ground into a pasty mass, forced through a sieve, and transferred into a large wooden tub, mixed with an equal quantity of slaked lime and double the amount of water, and kneaded with the feet. After the mixture has become homogeneous, it is boiled with lime water until it forms a gelatinous mass.” Chemical Investigation. The powder of konntaku above mentioned served principally for my experiment. It was boiled with 3% solution of sul- phuric acid for several hours. On filtering a yellowish solution was obtained which was neutralized with barium carbonate, decolorised with animal charcoal, filtered, and evaporated to a syrup, from which no crystals could be obtained. It was soluble in cold water and dilute alcohol, had a strong power of reducing Fehling’s solution, had a very sweet taste and turned the plane of polarization to the right. This syrup consists evidently, to a great extent, of mannose, for even a very small quantity of it at once gave in the usual way treated in the cold with solution of acetate of phenylhydrazin, a colorless crystalline precipitate soluble in hot water and hot alcohol, and thus very easily purified. The melting point of this purified precipitate was found to be 195—200C?. There can be no doubt that this was mannose-phenyl- hydrazon, as this substance was easily transformed by further treatment with phenylhydrazin into phenyl-glucosazon melt- 1) The workmen have to avoid inhaling the fine powder by covering the nose with a cloth, as the powder irritates the throat. 2) This mass is made to freeze in winter, whereby its aspect changes; this product is preferred and is called “‘ kovikonniaku.” From the root-stocks, a kind of paste is made which is principally used to in- crease the lustre of clothes and which is far superior to starch paste, and cheaper than the latter. Paper treated with this paste of kunniaku is used instead of oiled paper for our umbrellas and water-proof clothes. MANNANE AS AN ARTICLE OF HUMAN FOOD. 105 ing at 205°C. The characteristic mannose-oxime was also ob- tained by slow evaporation of a portion of the syrup with a mix- ture of hydrochlorate of hydroxylamine with sodium carbonate and purified by recrystallization from absolute alcohol. A por- tion of the sugar-syrup was also repeatedly oxidized with nitric acid to see whether mucic acid could be obtained, but none was found; therefore no galactan was present in the konniaku root- stock. Also, as no pentose reaction with hydrochloric acid and phloroglucin could be observed, there could not be present in the konniaku-root xylan or araban to any considerable extent. If all the sugar obtained was mannose, as is very probable, then the konniaku powder mentioned yielded 55.86% of mannose. This konniakw root is evidently very well suited for the preparation of the polyanhydride of mannose called mannane in a pure state. As this mannane is used as food, it must evidently be digested by the enzymes in the intestines and transformed into mannose or a dimannose corresponding to the maltose made from starch, but my attempts to convert the | mannane of konniaku by diastase made from malt into a sugar, were not successful. The more interesting then is it that the human intestines can digest mannane. } doll ce ere Se aed + Teton nie U a “a f hie Oe + 7 sys ae , ra 3 * . b> e .<., 107 > pr aa) * taal 7 iL ea 7m M - ae iso- TAPE a tees te OLE ea . ata \ | Hts ay "ls > Aw , {A | eat w ty’: [ iis ae a ‘ 4 = > 7 ; : ar ed ot cif) Shoei! 3 P ; so Ty se if age! y SS Pia | : éyet WU ; aa re) “g Bi, oe) et Oh oa ae oe on op: LT jee ye Thy whi =} ‘7 eee et ens ‘08 - TS aoe os . 2 ee ae ae = CY i. 2 ee 2 7 o 7 4c Pus - i » ae a i s vs seh ‘ ' ou Pa a 7 ° epee? eh) Ver BER MC HR co «KK gt Fl i 4 Re ke ae af He (Oe HS Joe HE El GS Hd ET Fe 0] SR Fl fi Wi i ee net i= RE KMS him | wee On the Scale Insect of Mulberry Trees. (DiaSPIS PATELLIFORMIS N. SP.) BY C. Sasaki, Rigakuhakushi, Professor of Entomology, Agricultural College, Impertal University, Tokyo, Fapan. WitTH Prates I.—II. I). Description of the Mature Insects. Male.—The body is orange red; legs, antenna, veins of wings, balancers and anal filament yellow; head comparatively small, slightly pointed in front, where are two long and slender afitenne (Fig. 1; Fig.1, a; Pk 1). The antennz (Fig. 1, d) are composed of ten segments, of which the first is short, large, and stout; the second shorter and smaller than the first; the re- maining eight segments are cylindrical and nearly equal in size and form, while the terminal tenth segment has a pointed end. Its length is 0,7 mm. Eyes (ocelli) are globular, prominent, and four in number, two on the dorsal and two on the ventral side of the head (Fig. 1,bandc; Pl. I.). The dorsal pair of eyes, which lie near the lateral sides of the head, are reddish ochre brown and are surrounded by a dark brownish ring at the base. The ventral pair, which are similar in size, form, and color, to the dorsal pair, lie a little removed from the lateral margin of the head. The thorax is ovate oblong, its anterior edge is nearly straight. The three segments—pro-, meso-, and meta-thorax— are more or less marked off from one another. The pro-thorax which is small, nearly quadrangular in form on its dorsal side, is much longer and broader on its ventral side, and its tergal face is marked with two dark orange inclined lines. The meso-thorax which is the largest of the thoracal seg- ments is somewhat angular in front, and rounded at the posterior end. The tergal side of the same segment is vaulted, and its scutum is marked with a dark broad reddish orange transverse ~-7 7 0? 108 ON THE SCALE INSECT OF MULBERRY TREES. band on the anterior edge, the remaining portion with three lon- gitudinal parallel lines. The postscutellum is small, nearly triangular in form, and there lies, between the scutum and post- scutellum, a broad transverse band of dark reddish orange color. The meta-thorax which is the smallest of the thoracal segments, is wide, and closely jointed on its entire breadth with a first abdominal segment, so that it looks like one of the abdominal segments. The fore wings, thin, membranous and transparent, are long oval, narrowed at their base. They are provided with two nervures—subcostal and cubital. The former is longer and stronger, passing parallel with the costal margin, disappears gradually towards the external margin of the wing. The cubital nervure is shorter and finer than the former, arises near the base of the subcostal nervure, and running obliquely ter- minates about midway of the posterior margin of the wing. The balancer (Fig. 1, f. Pl. I) is composed of two parts nearly equal in length, of which the distal has a form of bristle with a free end slightly curved. The legs (Fig. 1, e. Pl. I) are all of a moderate size, and almost similar in length and structure. The coxal joint is oval and stout, the trochanter which is oblong in form, is closely attached to the femur, so that these two seem to form a single spindle-shaped segment. The tibia which is somewhat more slender than the femur, is beset with a few short hairs. The tarsus is formed of only a single long piece pointed at the free end, which bears a pointed claw. The tarsus is also provided with short hairs as on the tibia. At the insertion of the claw on the tarsus, are three long club-shaped hairs, The abdomen is nearly equal in length to the thorax, but is gradually narrowed towards its free end. It is jointed with the thorax by its entire breadth, and is composed of nine seg- ments. The terminal segment, is provided with two long bristle- like appendages lying close side by side, so as to form a single long filament measuring 0,25 mm. in length. The length and breadth of the body are on an average 0,80 mm. and 0,25 mm. respectively. The expansion of wings is 2,0 mm. and the caudal filament is 0,25 mm. in length (Fig. 15 dean, ele li) ON THE SCALE INSECT OF MULBERRY TREES. 109g Female.—The body is flattened nearly oval, light yellow in color, and covered sparsely with either club-shaped or simple hairs. It is composed of nine segments and on the lateral margins of the segments from the 3rd to the goth, there are beset a number of long simple or 2-3 divided spines ending with an extremely fine slender filament. The dorsal surface of the body is marked by several depressions or wrinkles, and its anterior portion is broader and rounded, while the posterior is abruptly narrowed towards the free end. There is generally no demar- kation between the head, thorax and abdomen, and the entire sur- face of the body is marked with very fine wavy striations lying very closely to each other. The lateral sides of the body are marked symmetrically with blunt processes of unequal size, which however indicate the segments of the body. The segment-lines of the body are rather hard to perceive, but on the posterior portion they become conspicuous. Besides these processes, the segments of the body are to be recognized by rows of oval figures, which lie along the boundary line of a few posterior segments. Judging from the boundary lines marked with figures, as well as the lateral processes, we may say that there are nine segments, which compose the body (Figs. 2, and 3, Pl. I). Pygidium.—This is composed of the two last segments (8th and gth), and is much more chitinous and hard than the remain- ing segments (Figs. 4, and 5, Pl. I.). The dorsal surface of the pygidium is deep orange yellow, and of an almost triangular form. Its surface is uniformly marked out with longitudinal parallel fine striations, and a little above the middle portion of this plate lies a single round opening (anus), while all over the surface are several elongated marks. On either side of the dorsal side of the pygidium, that is, on the boundary line between the 7th and 8th, and the 8th and oth segments, there lies a row ot oval figures mentioned above, which are more or less irregu- larly arranged one after another. These rows of oval figures are not limited to this region, but two imperfect rows of them may also be found on each of the boundary lines (dorsal) of the 5th and 6th, and the 6th and 7th segments. These oval figures secrete delicate transparent band-like materials which are used as the constituents of the scales (Fig. 4, Pi. I.). When highly magnified, these lines are more or less conspicuous by a darker II0 ON THE SCALE INSECT OF MULBERRY TREES. color than the remaining portion of the body. The ventral side of the pygidium is nearly similar in color, form, and nature to the dorsal. The lateral margins of the pygidium are irregularly dentated, and bear a few spines bifurcated, or divided into three short branches ending with a fine slender filament, and also a few short simple hairs. At the free narrow posterior end of the pygidium, there lie two short and wide processes arranged very close side by side. At the portion nearly anterior to one third of the ventral side of the pygidium, there lies a small genital opening. On the three sides of the genital opening, there can be seen five groups of very small polygonal or circular areas, of which one is on the anti-median portion of the opening, and the remaining four (two on each side) on the lateral portion of the same. Each of the groups is more or less oval and elongated, and they lie close to each other end to end. These polygonal or circular areas are marked on their surface with a number of minute dots. They are considered as secretory pores by Tozetti, and Franceschini‘ in the species Diaspis pentagonia, Targ., but I think in my specimen, they are not secretory pores, being simply a sort of markings (Fig. 5, Pl. I.). The antenne (Fig. 6, Pl. I.) are two in number, and lie close at their base on the ventral side of the first segment near its free anterior edge.. They are formed of a single stout broad piece, having three processes of variable size, at the base of which is beset a single long bristle (Fig. 6,° Pl. -1,). The mouth parts (Fig. 7, PL. I) are modified into four long filaments (mandibles and maxilla) which are inserted on a small process at the ventral side of the first segment of the body. They arise from one and the same point, and all of them are closely applied to each other, so as to form a single long brown- ish thread, whose length (1,2 mm.) is a little less than that of the body. Thc insect remains attached to the bark by penetrat- ing the thread deep into the bark of the mulberry tree in order to suck the nourishment. Anterior to the insertion of the thread, there lies a nearly triangular and somewhat concave space, which is protected on all sides by a rectangular chitinous ring which lies just beneath the skin. This concave space seems, however, to have a func- {ion similar to the sucking discs on the arms of the cuttle-fish, ON THE SCALE INSECT OF MULBERRY TREES. Gi in order to attach the insect-body tightly to the surface of the bark. On the front corners of the rectangular chitinous frame- work, lies a wide process of the same chitinous nature, while posterior to this framework is inserted the root of the four modified filamentous mouth parts. Interiorly from this root are projected two pairs of chitinous rods, of which one seems a part of modified mandibles and the other, that of modified maxilla. The three sides (anterior and lateral) of this concave space are somewhat swollen, and marked off from the rest of the body by a horseshoe-shaped line. There are two pairs of spiracles (Fig. 8, a, PL. 1) one on the ventral side of the first segment, and the other on the same side of the third segment of the body. The former pair open on either side of a process, on which the modified mouth-parts are inserted. They are simple oval openings measuring 0,01 mm. in longer diameter. Round this opening, except on its posterior sides, there lies a hemispherical area marked with a number of round spaces having a few fine ‘ perforations (Fig. 8, PL. I.). These perforations seem to secrete sticky filaments, which lie always in a clustre over the spiracle in the form of a white mass. The second pair of spiracles are simple, small, and nearly circular openings, and they lie apart from each other on the ventral side of the third segment. They are smaller than those on the first segment, and measured 0,0073 mm. in diameter (Fig. Sa. PL} J.), The skin is pretty thick, transparent and strong, and there may be found a large number of very fine irregular transverse striations on the entire surface of the body except the pygidium, which is, on the contrary, marked with longitudinal striations. In addition to the striations, the body is covered with fine short hairs, which grow somewhat thicker near the periphery of the body. The average length and breadh of the female insects are 1,3 mm. and 1,0 mm. respectively. The scale which covers the female insect is more or less round, oval, and flat, bearing a slightly projecting apex nearly at the anterior third of the scale, and thus it takes the form of a patella, whence the specific name “ patélliformis”’ is given. It I12 ON THE SCALE INSECT OF MULBERRY TREES. is pretty thick and tenaceous, but is gradually thinned out towards the peripheries. The surface of the scale is of a brownish grey color, and bears on its apex always two oval areas of orange yellow. These two areas are really two moulted skins, and the smaller lies over a portion of the larger. The former is somewhat lighter in color than the latter (Fig. 9 PL. I.). The average diameter of ten large scales is 2 mm. II.) Manner of Copulation. From June to the beginning of November, both sexes of the scale insects appear, the females remaining tightly attached to the bark of the mulberry tree, protected by a patella-like thick scale, which may be formed by the secretion from their bodies. The males, on the contrary, being active and provided with a pair of developed wings, can either walk or fly. When we watch carefully the scales on the bark at this season, we find that many winged males approach the scales on their wings. When the male finds the scale, the former rests quite close to the latter, and then it bends its long bristle-like genital append- ages (caudal filaments) towards the margin of the scale, and projects them inwards under the scale, and copulates. Although Iam unable to state exactly how the male conveys the male elements to the female, yet that such action of the male against the scale, that is, the penetration of the male genital appendages under the scale is a process of copulation, is proved by the examination of the contents of the female insects, in which there may be found a large number of actively moving spermatozoa which are received from the male. The males generally die at the end of a few days after copulation, while the females pass the winter under a scale. Thus our scale insect increases by sexual reproduction which can not be observed in Diaspis penta- gonia, as Mr. Contagne has mentioned. III.) Metamorphosis of the Scale Insects. About March, the body of the female insects is more or less swollen by a large number of developed eggs within the body. The ovarian eggs are numerous, but the large eggs contained, ON THE SCALE INSECT OF MULBERRY TREES, Il3 wd. vary from a hundred to a hundred and fifty in number. The larger eggs are oblong oval, transparent, and measure 0,05 mm. and 0,025 mm. in the longer and shorter axis respectively. The light greenish contents of the eggs are easily seen through the transparent egg-shell. In May and June as well as August and September, the female insects lay eggs by projecting a temporary fleshy process from a genital opening on the ventral surface of the pygidium (Fig. ro, Pl. I.). All the eggs laid, lie usually in groups beneath the body of the mother insect under a scale. Even after the mother insects have finished depositing their eggs, they remain alive for some time. A single female deposits usually about a hundred eggs much larger than the ovarian eggs which were found in the previous spring, but they still retain an oblong and oval form, and measure now 0,247 mm. and 0,114 mm. in the longer and shorter axis respectively (Fig. 11, Pl. I.). The newly laid eggs are always pale yellow, but later as the embryo is fully developed within the egg, the latter changes from light to deep orange yellow. The larve are hatched some days after being deposited, and they crawl about from fissures or cracks formed at one or more places along the marginal edge of the scale. At the moment the young larve are hatched, the transparent thin egg-shell breaks always in one and the same way, that is, from one pole of the egg extends a breaking line as far as the median portion on two sides of the egg-shell. The newly hatched larve (Fig. 12; 12, a. Pl. I.) are oval flat, light orange red in color, the length and breadth of the body 0,266 mm. and 0,193 mm. respectively. The body is covered with a few fine short hairs over its entire surface, and its cuticula is marked all over with very fine wavy lines which are closely arranged side by side (Fig. 1a, c. Pl. I.). The three regions of the body are not distinct, and the latter is composed of nine unequal segments, of which the anterior first segment is much larger than the last, that is the ninth segment, while both are hemispherical in form. The remaining seven segments are short, but their breadth exceeds that of the two extreme segments. The anterior first segment is marked on either side of the dorsal surface with a longitudinal slight de- pression. Onthe front of the same surface there lie two small black simple eyes lying wide apart from each other, and further I14 ON THE SCALE INSECT OF MULBERRY TREES. on the front edge are beset two small bristles. Anteriorly on the ventral surface of the first segment are provided two long antenne. Each of them is composed of five segments, of which a single terminal one is nearly of the same length as that of the four remaining segments taken together. The antennal segments are provided with a few hairs, and the terminal segment with a single long hair. The mouth parts, which are similarly modified as those of the mother insects, lie also on the ventral side of the first segment, and the position where they are inserted is marked off with a slight elevation. ; D. 2c! t TotC, a Ventral ,, _ 1, d. Antenne of ,, 13; OC. E Te. Wee 9 D. oc. £ 1, f. Balancer. - Fig. 2. Female insect. Dorsal view. ASoces: Bie: 3: 8 Ventral ,, So Fig. 4. Pygidium. Dorsal ,, Doe. z Fig. 5. 5 Ventral ,, - areas. Fig. 6. Antenne of female insect. Fig. 7. Mouth parts of i Fig.-8. Spiracle on the rst segment. 8, a. spiracle on the 3rd segment. Fig. 9. Scale of female insect; a, moulted skin of larva; b, moulted skin of pupa. Fig. 10. Ovipositor projecting out on the ventral side of pygidium high- ly mag. Fig. 11. Eggs. Fig. 12. | Newly hatched larva. Dorsal view. i252 Pr Ventral ,, 12, b: Leg of ,, 12, c. Markings on the skin of § PLATE II. Fig. 13. Larva of 2nd stage. Dorsal view. Fig. 14. Pe Ventral 5, ; sp, Spiracle. Fig. 15. Silky threads spun out from secre- tory pores on the dorsal side. 15, a. Hemispherical pieces. Fig. 16. Earlier form of male pupa. Dorsal view. 16, a. Earlier form of male pupa. Ven- tral view. 16, b. Earlier form of male pupa, high- ly mag. Light spots dorsally, shaded spots ventrally opening pores. Fig. 17. | Cocoon of male insect. Fig. 18. | Cocoon with developed pupa within. Fig. 19. Male pupa. Dorsal view. Fig. 20. = Ventral ,, EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 5,a. A group of circular or polygonal 99 Ll 123 124 Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. aI. 22. 2a. 24. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Branch of mulberry tree bearing male cocoons and _ female scales in masses. Female pupa taken out of a scale. Ventral view. Posterior portion of female pupa. Dorsal view. Posterior portion of female pupa. Ventral view. Bull. Agric. Coll. Vol. Il. Pl. I. " C. Sasaki del. Bull, Agrit. Coll. Vol. I. Ph. I. Fig. 16,0 (* Al , pms fai bal GE K. Yokoyama del, _C. Sasaki dei. es On the Spermatogenesis of the Silk-Worm.‘” BY Kametaro Toyama, Assistant in the Zoological Institute, Agricultural College. With Plates III—IV. The work which forms the subject of the following pages was carried on in the Zoological Institute of the Agricultural College during last year. My original intention was to determine the question, whether Verson’s large cell in the blind end of the testicular follicle is truly a genital cell or not, and in studying this I also touched upon the entire developmental history of the spermatozoa as well as the most interesting question in the development of genital cells, namely: the reduction of the chromosomes. Before going any further, I have, in the first place, to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Ishikawa for his kind guidance and friendly counsel throughout the progress of my work in his laboratory. I am also very much indebted to Prof. Mitsukuri of the Science College for his kindness in allowing me to use the library of the Science College, and also for various other matters. To Prof. Sasaki I am also much indebted for the materials. Thanks are also due to the director of the College, Prof. Matsui who allowed me to continue my work in the College after I passed through the university courses. Methods of Investigation. The entire process of the spermato- genesis was studied by means of sections and teased preparations, the former method affording more advantages than the latter for the researches of the division of the genital elements. For teasing the testicular follicles, I used acetic acid methylgreen for fixing and staining. As this causes the swell- ing of the chromosomes, it is very useful in calculating their number. The following fluids are used in hardening the sections: picro-acetic acid, sublimate alcohol, salt sublimate, chromo- (1) The preliminary note of this paper was published in the ‘ Zoologischen Anzeiger” No. 438 this year. 126 ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. formic acid, Rabl’s platinum chloride, chromo-platinum chlo- ride, 1% formic acid, and Flemming’s chromo-osmium acetic acid. Of all these Flemming’s strong solution gives excellent results on fixing the nuclear elements and the cytoplasm. For staining the nuclear elements Flemming’s anilin-water safranin solution, and Hermann’s triple staining is mostly employed, while the cytoplasm is best stained by B6dhmer’s hematoxylin. Most of my figures are, therefore, drawn from preparations fixed by Flemming’s solution and stained by these reagents. For killing embryos 1% formic acid solution gives the best result. It not only preserves genital elements ex- cellently, but other tissues are also very well preserved. Picro- acetic acid is not very bad, but it causes the swelling of the chromosomes, sometimes so intensely that it is impossible to calculate their number; especially the longitudinal splitting of chromosomes is utterly destroyed by its use. For mounting sections, I used Gulland’s method, as it is modified by Mr. S. Ikeda formerly assistant in the laboratory. This is as follows :— A very thin and even layer of the fixative (Mayer’s albumen) is painted on the slide and a little distilled water is poured upon it. The sections are then placed on the slide, the excess of the water is wiped off with blotting paper and the slide is warmed in an oven of about 30-35°C. until the water completely evaporates. After this, it is treated as usual, mounted and stained. By this method there is no need of a section-smoother, as the rolling of sections may be completely prevented and the position of sections may be changed at will while we are placing them on a slide. In Gulland’s method, the same effect may be obtained, but the fixing of sections on a slide is not so strong, so that sometimes sections are removy- ed when treated with alcohol, but in this method such a risk is avoided. Before going into the description of the spermatogenesis, let us briefly describe the structure of the genital organs of the silk-worm in the larval stage, although the same subject has been treated of by other authors such as Cornalia (5), Verson (38, 39), and Haberlandt (11). The testes are paired, kidney-shaped, and lie at the right ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. 127 and the left side of the dorsal vessel over the alimentary canal, in the segment where the sixth stigmata opens (namely eighth segment) and are firmly attached to the body-wall by the trachea of the sixth stigmata and fatty tissues. As in other Lepidoptera, each testis consists of four blind tubes or testicular follicles, which are covered with a common envelope, tunica adventitia, and each is placed facing the other with the concave side, on both sides of the dorsal vessel. From the middle of the concave side of each of these testes one vas deferens arises, and the testicular follicles enter into it. These ducts run, at first, along the dorsal side of the body, gradually changing their course into the ventral side, and finally attach themselves with a uterus-shaped process (fig 3) found on the ventral median side of the twelfth segment. This process seems to be changed into seminal vesicle, accessory glands and ductus ejaculatoris. In the female organs, all the relations are nearly similar to that of the male except the shape of the ovary and the mode of the attachment of the oviducts with it. The ovary of the silk-worm is smaller than the testis from the early beginning till to the last of the larval stage. It is somewhat triangular in shape, and is situated each side facing the other with a side of a triangle, the angles opposite to these sides being produced to form the oviducts. This is the usual form of the genital organ of Bombyx “ mori in its larval stage (Fig. 1—z2). Cases are, however, met with where the vas deferens arises from the outer side of the testes as in the ovary, or one of the testes with its vas deferens on its inner side and the other on the outer side. Terminology. ‘The question of nomenclature presents some difficulty, since so many different names have been given to the same elements by different observers. So far as I could, I have tried to avoid the use of such general terms as ‘‘ sper- matoblast,” “‘spermatocyte,” “spermatogone,’ etc. and have substituted simple descriptive expressions, as has been done by O. Hertwig, C. Ishikawa, and vom Rath. We may distinguish four stages in the sperm-formation of Bombyx mori. The first of which, we may call the formative stage (‘‘ Keimzone”’ of German authors), the second the growing stage (‘‘ Waschsthums- 128 ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. periode”’ of German authors), the third the ripening stage (‘‘ Reifungsperiode’’) and the fourth the stage of metamorphosis (‘* Umwandlungsperiode”’). The cells of the first stage will be called the primary germ-cells (Ursamenzellen), the cells of the second stage, the speym-mother-cells after O. Hertwig. The cells which divide two times successively in the ripening stage, may be called the spevm-daughter-cells. This sperm-daughter- cell changes itself into a spevmatozoon without further division. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GENITAL ELEMENTS. On examining a testis of a larva after the fourth moult, we are struck with the varieties of cellular elements found in it. As in the genital follicles of other Lepidoptera, the more developed elements always lie near the vas deferens, while the younger ones lie near the blind end of the follicle. In the centre of the younger elements, near the blind end of each testicular follicle, we find a large cell around which these younger elements are arranged concentrically (fig. 7). Before passing to a description of the development of the genital elements, I shall say a few words as to the nature of this large cell in the blind end, which I shall call ‘*Veyson’s cell.” As Verson has already worked over the spermatogenesis of the silk-worm and described in two papers, ‘‘la spermatogenesi nel Bombyx mori; Padova, 1889,” and ‘Zur Spermatogenesis”’ in the Zoologischer Anzeiger, it is necessary to quote here his opinion about this large cell. His interpretation of it, as is given in the latter of these works, is as follows: ‘‘In jedem Fache befindet sich nur eine einzige, grosse Keimzelle; und aus dieser nehmen nach und nach alle or- ganisirten Bildungen ihren Ursprung, aus welchen der Inhalt des ganzen Faches besteht.” Let us now see whether this interpretation of Verson corres- ponds with my observations or not. In the embryonic stage of the silk-worm, each testis consists of only one follicle (Fig. 4) within which are scattered round cells with distinct chromosomes and a nucleolus. ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. 129 It is certain that these round cells in the testicular follicle are genital cells. When the larva is about to be hatched, three depressions appear on the follicular wall. These gradually deepen until four cavities are formed. This is shown in fig. 5 f. Hand in hand with this change another depression appears on each of these testicular tubes as fig. 5 7 shows, and in a testis of a larva four days old, there is seen a large cell in each of these secondary depressions of the follicle. This large cell is the origin of Verson’s cell found in the blind end of the testicular follicle. Similar structure is also found in a testis a little younger than this, but here a distinct membrane exists between the depression and the follicular space (fig. 6), so that the depression is produced by the swelling in of one of the cells of the follicular wall, and has no connection with the genital cells lying in the follicular space. It is therefore certain that Verson’s cell is derived from one of the follicular cells, and not from the genital cells. This depressed cell gradually loses its membrane and pro- duces amoeboid processes between the genital cells (fig. 11). It always has an elliptical nucleus which contains many chromatin granules (figs. 9, 10, II, 12, 13, v), staining very deeply by such reagents as hematoxylin, carmine, and aniline dyes, and is connected with the follicular wall by a protoplasmic strand (fig. 8, p). It thus resembles very much the nucleus of follicular cells (fig. 6) which also contains many chromatin granules. Contrary to the assumption of Verson it has no nucleolus, nor any karyokinetic division to be found in it at any stage of its existence from the early beginning till the death of the moth. Verson’s cell is, as stated above, generally situated in the blind end of the testicular follicle, around which the youngest sexual cells are found (fig 7 v). Sometimes, however, it happens to be placed at one side of the follicle (fig. 10 v) where more developed genital cells are found, the most interesting thing about here is that the youngest genital cells are here also found at the blind end and not around Verson’s cell. As will be seen in fig. 10 the genital cells at the blind end of the follicle divide profusely as usual, although Verson’s cell is not present, and this shows that Verson’s cell has nothing to do with the formation of genital cells. The division of Verson’s cell takes place, as Verson states, 130 ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. amitotically. Its nucleus becomes constricted into two or more portions producing from one to many small nuclei on the side of the large one. This mode of division is not to be seen in the first larval stages, but commencing generally at the end of it, gradually increasing to the imaginal stage (Figs. 6, 11, 9, 12, 13 v); but the genital elements are seen to increase in number from the first larval stages, where no division of Verson’s cell is found. In a testis of an imago after copulation, I have also met with Verson’s cell, but now it does not stain so well by the reagents above described as in earlier stages (fig. 13). At this stage, there is seen a number of cells close to Verson’s cell, probably corres- ponding with the cells formed by the above described amitotic division of it. These cells also take no stains and contain large vacuoles, showing thus the process of degeneration. From all this we arrive at the conclusion that Verson’s cell is not a genital cell as Verson states, but it is a supporting cell connecting all the younger genital elements with the wall of the testicular follicle and probably nourishing them. This confirms the assumption of Ziegler and vom Rath (46), who says that ‘‘es erscheint eine Deutung zulassig, welche die Befunde von Verson mit denen von vom Rath in Uebereinstimmung bringen konnte, ndmlich die Auffassung, dass die kleinen Zellen nicht die Ab- k6mmlinge, sondern sozusagen die Geschwister der grossen Zelle (Verson’s cell) sind und dass sie durch successive mitotische Theilung die zahlreichen Samenbildungszellen ‘erzeugen, wahr- end der Kern der grossen Zelle, welche den Character einer Rand- oder Stiitz-zelle hat, mehrfach sich amitotisch theilt.”’ Verson’s cell may therefore be safely assumed to be a supporting cell of the testicular follicle, and is also to be seen in the blind end of an egg tube as is shown in fig. 14 and in quite young stages, it is very difficult to distinguish the male and the female elements except by the external shape of the follicle as already described. (t) The cells which divide amitotically in the genital follicles of the silk-worm do not belong to the cycle of sexual cells as above described and this confirms the opinion of vom Rath (29, Il) who says that “‘Dem Mitosen gegeniiber haben die Amitosen durchweg einen mehr oder weniger deutlich erkennbaren degenerativen Character. Die Mitose hat sich keineswegs aus der Amitose entwickelt, so dass die letztere den urspriinglicheren Theilungsmodus darstellte.”’ ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. I31I We have also met with a similar large cell in the testes of the wild silk-worm (fig. 16), Papilio xuthus L. (fig 15), P. mach- aon, L., P. alcinous, Klug., but not in Antherea yamamai, Guér. Mén., Caligura japonica, Moore., Rhodia fugax, Butl., etc. So it seems evident that in the genital glands of Lepidoptera, such a cell connecting the younger genital elements with the follicular wall, aithough not constant, is not of rare occurrence. ( I. The Formative Stage. The genital cells of this stage or the primary germ-cells, are situated near the blind end of each tes- ticular follicle and are arranged concentrically round the sup- porting cell as already mentioned (figs. 7, 11). The youngest primary germ-cells are round with distinct chromosomes and nucleolus (fig. 4). When the supporting cell enters the testicular follicle and becomes connected with the genital cells, the latter assume a conical shape (figs. 11, 18), the apices of which are connected with the protoplasmic processes of the supporting cell. The nucleus of these germ-cells is always situated at the basal part of the cell, corresponding exactly to the young genital cells of Pyrrhocoris apterus described by Henking (15). In each follicle are seen many generations of the primary germ-cells showing the various stages of typical karyokinesis. In figs. 17-22 are represented various stages of division of primary germ-cells. Fig. 17 and 18 show cells in the resting stage; their nuclei present a spherical shape with a distinct nuclear wall. Chromatins are scattered in fine reticulum. Nucleolus is clearly to be seen in the centre of the nucleus. In a pre- paration fixed by the Flemming’s strong chrom-osmium acetic acid solution and stained by Hermann’s safranin-gentiana-orange the nucleolus is found to be suspended in the chromatin-net as one or two globules, and consists of small round chro- matic bodies. In the nucleus represented by fig. 17, is seen only a single nucleolus in the matrix of which small round granules are clearly to be seen, while in other cells (fig. 18), the (1) Cholodkowsky’s (6) observation on the testis of a Diptera, also confirms the presence of such a large cell in the follicle, but it seems to be of an entirely different nature from that of the silk-worm, as it divides mitotically. 132 ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. nucleolus consists of four somewhat large chromatic bodies. These chromatic bodies arrange themselves in single or double rows, or sometimes very irregularly, Henking (15) also pointed out a case somewhat resembling this in a nucleolus of Pyrrho- coris apterus. When the primary germ-cells begin to divide, the fine net-work of chromosomes gradually becomes coarser (fig 19), and sometime after a beautiful skein stage is to be seen. I was not able to find, at this stage, the longitudinal splitting of the chromosomes, but this is clearly to be observed in such cells in which the nuclear segments can be distinctly made out (fig. 20). This corresponds to the segmented skein of Flemming. Although the chromosomes of the primary germ-cells have divided longitudinally in this stage, they do not separate from each other until they form the equatorial plate. The double chromosomes thus formed present the appearance of being only one when viewed from one side (fig. 21). When the division proceeds a little further, the chromosomes separate from each other and go to the poles (fig. 22). Owing to the small size of the primary germ-cells, the exact number of the chromosomes can not be made out. I was, however, enabled to count, in favorable specimens, twenty-six to twenty-eight chromosomes in polar views. The same mode of division, as now described, takes place many times in this stage, and the primary germ-cells become at last reduced to about two-thirds or less of their original size. II. The Growing Stage. In the first part of this stage, the genital elements are small, in consequence of the repeated karyokinetic divisions of the primary germ-cells. I call these cells by the name of sperm-mother-cells (‘‘Samenmutterzel- len”). In the resting stage (fig. 23), the sperm-mother-cells are similar in appearance to that of the primary germ-cells. A nucleolus is generally seen in the net-work of linin and chromatin. The sperm-mother-cells gradually enlarge, and their nuclei go through marked changes (figs. 24-46). Most of the chromatin granules become collected to one side of the nucleus, and form an irregular mass. Fine linin ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. 133 fibres with scanty chromatin granules are seen radiating from the mass to the wall of the nucleus. This is shown in figs. 24-26. The nucleolus, lying either in the chromatin mass or out- side of it, persists, as is unusual in skein stages of other animals, till to the end of the skein stage shortly to be described. The chromatin granules once collected into a single irregu- lar mass, become again separate from each other and arrange themselves along the radiating linin fibres, and the skein stage is thus obtained (fig. 27). In the nucleus of this stage we can easily observe Rabl’s pole-field. The same change of nucleus of the beginning of the growing stage was observed by Brauer (4) in Ascaris megalocephala where the longitudinal splitting of chromosomes was also observed. I have carefully searched after this in Bombyx, but could not find it in any of the skein stages. The most singular thing about here is that the chromatin substances once more go through changes similar to those now described. In fig. 28 the chromosomes again have lost their even outline, and present a granular appearance. They became moreover much shorter than before. These granulations soon become more defined, and their lineal arrangement is gradually destroyed until the nucleus presents the appearance shown in figs. 28’, 29. The nucleolus, however, shows no change from the first resting stage till the present stage, and always consists of small chromatic granules imbedded ina less stainable matrix (figs. 23-29). Hand in hand with these changes of the nuclear substances, the cell-body gradually enlarges, but no metamorphosis of the cytoplasm is as yet to be recognized. The chromatin granules scattered in the nucleus become again collected in the centre of it and present an irregular mass as before. ‘The position of a nucleolus, or two nucleoli, is also either in the centre of the mass of the chromatin granules or outside of it in the cavity of the nucleus (fig. 30). The same structure of the sperm-mother-cells as now de- scribed is also found in Papilio xuthus, P. alcinous, Calygura japonica, and Rodia fugax. In a still later stage, the chromatin granules again com- mence to separate from one another, and the nucleus again pre- sents the appearance shown in figs. 31 and 32. In most cases I34 ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. two nucleoli are found in the nucleus of this stage, these gradually migrate towards the periphery of the nucleus facing the centre of the cyste (rarely, facing the wall of the cyste) and are finally pushed out into the cytoplasm one after the other through the nuclear wall at this point (figs. 33-38, c,d). Placed in the cytoplasm the nucleoli seem to change their quality, since they now stain differently from what they did when they were in the nucleus. This is shown by the use of Hermann’s triple stain- ing, by which the nucleolus in the cytoplasm takes a brownish colour, while it colours deep red so long as it is within the nucleus. The further fate of the nucleoli in the cytoplasm is not known. After the disappearance of the nucleoli from the nucleus, two attraction-spheres make their appearance in the cytoplasm just at the same place where they disappeared. These two attraction-spheres gradually recede from one another until they come to the opposite poles of the nucleus. Some faint achro- matic fibres are seen running between these two attraction- spheres at this time (fig. 48). Before the extrusion of the two nucleoli from the nucleus, we can distinctly see in the cytoplasm between the nucleus and the wall of the cyste, an aggregation of microsomes (fig. 40), which in all appearance are like the ‘“‘ Nebenkern”’ described by la Valette St. George in a testis of Forficula auricularis (36) and others. This aggregation of cytomicrosomes has not always the same appearance in the sexual cells of the same cyste, and some of them present fibrous structures very similar to those of the achromatic spindle (figs. 36, 41-43, 47). As shown in figs. 36 and 41 this fibrous bundle is seen at first parallel to the base ofa cell. As Henking (15, 16) and others have already shown in other animals, all the genital cells of Bombyx mori m the same cyste are nearly in the same stage of development. Consequently we may say that the aggregation of cytomicrosomes found in one cell and the fibrous bundle in the other are two successive stages, the former changing into the latter. The fibrous bundle, above mentioned, takes somewhat oblique position and gradually approaches the nucleus, and, when the at- traction-spheres come to lie in the opposite sides of the nucleus, it connects with them forming a spindle (figs. 42, 43, 47, 49). The fibrous bundle, or the spindle, thus formed (fig. 49) consists ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. 135 of three parts, the two polar parts which stain faintly with hzmatoxylin and the median part which stains deeply with the same dye. Beside this change there is to be seen a deep colouring spot surrounded by a free area either within the cytoplasm of sperm- mother-cells or in the boundary between two such cells. It is either round or ellipsoidal in shape, and sometimes it has a con- striction in its centre (fig. 33, v) giving it the appearance of a dumb-bell (figs. 32-37 v, 39-43 ¥, 47 v). This is surely the “ Ver- bindungsbriicken” of Platner (27). Nothing can be said of its first appearance or its disappearance, but as it is found in cells in which the centrosomes are already present, it can not be the centrosome, although it appears very much like it, especially when it is found in the cytoplasm. A little before the appearance of the centrosomes in sperm- mother-cells the chromatin granules as shown in fig. 44 gra- dually collect here and there and assume ring-shaped struc- tures. These rings have already been described by Henking (15) and vom Rath. (28). Each of these rings again dissolves into four small chromatin granules (fig. 45) as vom Rath observed in a sperm-mother-cell of Gryllotalpa and Salamandra (28, 29). After the breaking up of the chromatin ring, the separated chromosomes are now ready to divide. In the preparation fixed by Flemming’s strong chrom- osmium acetic acid, the ‘‘ Verbindungsbriicken”’ is clearly to be seen without any staining, while the spindle fibres can not be seen unless they are stained by hematoxylin. I am not able to observe these structures in the preparation fixed by picro- acetic acid and stained by picro-carmine. In the sperm-mother-cells of the silk-worm, no accumula- tion of yolk granules is to be observed in the cell-body, although in other animals, such as in Ascaris and in Pyrrhocoris, this is the case. III. The Ripening Stage. In this stage, we find fully grown sperm-mother-cells each of which divides two times succes- sively and produces four cells which I will call the sperm- daughter-cells. These change themselves, without any further division, into spermatozoa. 136 ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SIKL-WORM. The sperm-mother-cells with large chromatin granules and distinct centrosomes, described in the last part of the grow- ing stage, now entirely lose théir nuclear wall and the chro- mosomes become arranged in an equator of the spindle form- ing a ‘‘Kernplatte” of Strasburger. In this stage, I have not found any nucleolus in the ‘“ Kernplatte,” while Hen- king observed it in a spermatocyte of Pyrrhocoris apterus. Fig. 50 shows a side view of this stage. The chromosomes are arranged in a single row in the equator of the spindle, and not in double rows as Henking (15, 16) and vom Rath (28) ob- served in genital cells of Gryllotalpa, Pyrrhocoris and Pygaera. In a polar view of ‘“ Kernplatte,” twenty-eight chromosomes (fig. 52) in most of the cells, although some with twenty-six or twenty-seven are sometimes to be found. Each of the chromosomes of the ‘‘ Kernplatte,” gradually pro- duces a constriction in the middle of the long axis and forms a dumb-bell-shaped chromosome (figs. 50’, 51). This constriction deepens until two chromosomes are formed. This mode of divi- sion corresponds very well with the division of sperm-mother- cells of Diaptomus described by Ishikawa in the following words: “(In the process of division each dumb-bell-shaped chromosome elongates and becomes divided in its middle part, so that one half of the dumb-bell goes to one pole and the other half to the other. The only difference from the ordinary karyokinesis con- sists in the mode of division of the chromosomes, which general- ly divide longitudinally and not transversely.”” In fig. 50’ isa ‘‘Kernplatte”’ of a cell in which the process of the transverse division of the chromosomes is to be seen. This is certainly an intermediate stage which is described in fig. 50 and fig. 51. After the transverse division, each row of chromosomes gradually re- cedes to the pole and forms a diaster stage (fig 53). This corres- ponds to the first reducing division of Wetsmann, each daughter nucleus containing also twenty-eight chromosomes as the mother- cells. Consequently, in this division no reduction of the number of chromosomes takes place, as Henking observed in the egg-and sperm-cells of many other animals (15, 16), while it corresponds very well with the first division ofa sperm-mother-cell of Ascaris and Gryllotalpa described by O. Hertwig (18) and vom Rath (28). After the division the chromosomes form a somewhat granular we can clearly distinguish ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. 16e}9/ mass collecting in the centre of a nucleus, but no resting stage is formed. The fate of the centrosomes is not known. ‘The collected chromosomes gradually separate from one another and form a loose mass of chromatin granules. A full grown spindle with a “ Kernplatte”’ is again formed. Owing to the reduced size of the cell-body after the first division (compare figs. 51 and 52 with figs. 54 and 55 all of which are magnified to the same diameter), the spindle together with that of the individual chromosome is very small in this spindle, so that we can easily distinguish it from the spindle of the first division. A side view ofa cell in this second division is shown in fig. 54. In this division, the chromosomes are arranged in a single row, and no constriction is to be seen in any of them. In the polar view of the ‘‘ Kernplatte,” twenty-eight chromosomes can be counted (fig. 55). These separate into two groups and form the chromosomes of sperm-daughter-cells, each of which therefore contains fourteen chromosomes. Fig. 56 represents the diaster of this stage. The exact number of the chromosomes can not be made out in the side view, but in the polar view we can clearly count fourteen (fig. 58). Sometimes, a darker structure, somewhat resembling the ‘‘ Verbindungsbriicken,” is to be seen under the polar spindle (fig. 57, lower figure), but I am not able to tell what this really represents. A single or a double row of cell-plates appear at the equator of the ‘‘ Verbindungsfaden” (Figs. 58, 59, 60) and the cell be- comes constricted. The central and the polar spindles can now be clearly distinguished from one another (Fig 59). The former appears as a compact mass presenting a median darkly stainable part, while the polar spindle forms a somewhat semicircular ring having a centrosome in its centre. The daughter-cells, after these changes, completely separate from each other. These we call sperm-daughter-cells which correspond with the ‘‘Spermatides” of Ja Valette St. George. IV. The Stage of Metamorphosis. In this stage, the sperm- daughter-cells gradually change themselves into spermatozoa. In figs. 61 and 62 we have five sperm-daughter-cells. The ‘‘ Verbin- dungsfaden” gradually contracts, accumulating in its end some microsomes (fig. 62 a,b). These ‘‘ Verbindungsfaden ”’ become gradually coarser, as is represented by fig. 62 c, m, and finally 138 ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. change so as to form a granulated ball with a free plasm around them (fig. 62d, ). Along with these changes, the chromosomes gradually separate from one another and arrange themselves at the periphery of the nucleus. Figs. 63 and 64 are drawn from fresh specimens treated with acetic acid methyl-green. Chromo- somes collect near the nuclear wall and present a moniliform appearance in a side view. The fully grown ‘‘ Nebenkern”’ (n) and mitosomes (m) are seen, one of the latter surrounded by a free plasm. In fig. 64 beside the ‘‘ Nebenkern”’ and mitosomes, a row of microsomes is to be seen running through the axis of the tail. A further stage with a more elongated head and a pretty long tail is represented in figs. 65-83. In fig. 65 is given the head of a spermatozoon at a some- what advanced stage. Chromosomes are as in the first stage arranged at the periphery of the nucleus, while the ‘ Neben- kern” appears more compact than before, slightly presenting its granular structure. The position of mitosomes is very irregu- lar, being placed either below or above the ‘‘ Nebenkern”’ (figs. 65, 66 b, 68, 70, 71). Sometimes we see that it is situated at the extreme point of the head of a spermatozoon anterior to the nucleus (fig. 67 m). Beside these structures there are to be seen some other granulated spots, which are sometimes coagulated into a single mass, sometimes scattered more irregularly (figs. 65, 68, 71, 72). These phenomena are very similar to those described by Henking in Pyrrhocoris (25). Gradually these ‘‘ Nebenkern” elongate into the structure of the tail-part (figs. 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 2). In the cross section of the tail passing through the ‘* Nebenkern” of this stage, radial processes are seen from the “Nebenkern”’ to the wall of the tail of the spermatozoa (fig. 70 b, E-2). The ‘‘Nebenkern” elongates more and more, becoming thin- ner, and with this change, the mitosome gradually becomes fainter and smaller. The radial processes of the ‘‘ Nebenkern”’ disappear (figs. 73, 77). In fig. 73 a cross section of the median part of the tail with a ‘“‘ Nebenkern”’ in the centre of it, is represented. Hand in hand with this change, chromosomes gradually accumulate at the one side of the periphery of the nucleus. This accumulation presents a somewhat crescent shaped figure, but the ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. 139 individual chromosomes are still to be recognized (fig. 75 a, 76). An entire spermatozoon of this stage is represented in fig. 83. Here the ‘“‘Nebenkern”’ is no more to be seen as a distinct body as before, but appears only as a thicker mass with a fine thread-like prolongation. The mitosome has also completely vanished from sight. Figs. 78, 79 and 80 show more advanced stages. The chromosomes which are accumulated at the periphery of the nucleus became now coagulated into a single compact mass and form a deeply stainable body with a pointed end and a vacuole in the centre of it. In fig. 82 is shown a spermatocyste with nearly matured spermatozoa contained in it. In the head part of the cyste, is seen a large cell metamorphosed from a nucleus of the cyste and functioning as a supporting cell.@) The form of this cell is very similar to the large supporting cell in the blind end of the testicular follicle and may be compared with the cells des- cribed and figured by Flemming in a spermatocyste of Sala- mandra maculosa (9). ON THE ‘‘ HODENZWISCHENKORPERCHEN.”’ The ‘‘ Hodenzwischenkérperchen”’ of van Beneden are also to be found in the genital follicles of the silk-worm of both sexes. In preparations fixed by Flemming’s strong solution and stained by Hermann’s triple staining very conspicuous cells are to be seen here and there (figs. 7h, 84). They are round with homogeneous protoplasm, in the centre or at the periphery of which a deep stainable chromatin body, sometimes with va- cuoles in it, is to be seen. Beside this, sometimes one or more small deeply stainable spots occur in the cytoplasm. In the early part of the formative stage, these cells are found in the midst of the primary germ-cells, while in later stages the entire mass of cells in a cyste presents such a structure except those at the wall of the cyste (fig. 84). They are also to be seen in the growing stage, where their structure is similar to those of the formative stage. Sometimes the granular stainable spots in the cytoplasm (1) This is already described by Tichomiroff (37). I40 ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. increase in number and in the centre of them a large chromatin body is to be seen (fig. 85). In other cells the central chromatin body is very much reduced in size, and the smaller granules increase profusely. In more advanced stages the outline of the individual ‘‘ Hoden- zwischenkorperchen ” has disappeared and at last we see a cyste which contains only granules (fig. 86). Such cells are more abundant in a testis or an ovary attacked by Nosema bombysis than in healthy ones. These cells are certainly similar to ‘‘globules residule’ (van Beneden) or “‘ Hodenzwischenkorperchen” (O. Hertwig) oi the testes of Ascaris megalocephala. Similar cells are also described by Hermann and Flemming in the genital organ of Salamandra. These authors come to the conclusion that they are degenerating cells. The description above given confirms this view and I am quite of the opinion of O. Hertwig when he says (18):—‘‘die Zwischenkorperchen nichts anderes als verkiimmerte, zu Grunde gehende Hodenzellen sind.” COMPARISON OF VERSON’S OBSERVATIONS WITH MINE. As Verson is the only naturalist who studied the spermato- genesis of Bombyx more or less thoroughly we will here compare the results obtained by this naturalist with mine. His description, as given in Zool. Anz., is as follows :— ‘‘In einem bestimmten Entwicklungsstadium der Hoden schliessen sich nun an die Keimzelle die Gebilde, die sich nach einander beschreibe, in ununterbrochner Reichenfolge bis zur Spitze des Hodenfaches, wo spater dieses letztere in das gemein- schaftliche vas deferens aller vier Facher mit auswachsen wird. ‘‘r. Die friiher erwahnten Kerne haben sich aus dem Ver- bande mit den strahlenartigen Fortsatzen der Keimzelle los- gemacht; sie erscheinen nun selbstandig, und mit einem diinnen Plasmahof umgeben. ‘‘2. Es folgen rundliche oder mehr unregelmdssige Proto- plasma-klumpen, welche mehrere bis zahlreiche Kerne ent- halten, und da die Kerne an masse vorwiegen, so nimmt der ganze Klumpen eine Maulbeerform an. ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. I4t ‘3, Groéssere, ungefahr spharische Klumpen, welche jedoch viel heller und an der adusseren Peripherie durch eine reinere Kreiscontour schon begrenzt erscheinen. Die Kerne sind eben- falls hell, blaschenartig geworden, und anschliessen glanzende, scharf unschriebene, im Profil komma- oder hufeisenformig gestaltete Korperchen. “4. Noch grodssere Blasen, an welchen eine Umhiillungs- schicht und eine Inhalt unterschieden werden muss. Letzterer ist durch Kerne. gegeben, die, viel zahlreicher als in No. 3, hier und dort deutlich eine schmale umgebende Plasmaschicht erken- nen lassen und sich von innen epithelienartig an die Umhiillungs- schicht anlegen, wahrend gleichzeitig ein centraler Raum er- scheint, welcher von geformten Elementen frei bleibt. An Grosse und sonstigem Aussehen ahnliche Kerne erblickt man auch in der Umhiillungsschicht der Blase, wenn auch sparlich vertheilt. fies Ahnliche Blasen wie die unter 4 beschriebenen, nur von grosserem Durchmesser. Demgemass sind auch die einzelnen Elemente der inneren Auskleidung gewachsen, und besonders deren Protoplasma viel breiter in’s Auge fallend. Die Kerne der Umhiillungsschicht sind jetzt abgeplattet, und zeigen sich im Durchschnitt spindelformig. “6. Ahnlich grosse Blasen mit verdindertem Inhalt. Die epithelartige Lagerung der enthaltenen Zellen ist verschwunden. Letztere erscheinen mehrere Mal kleiner als in der vorher- gehenden Reihe, und fiillen ohne Ordnung die ganze Hohlung der Blase aus. Ihre Kerne schliessen haufig scharf markirte Kernkorperchen ein, wie jene sub. 3 angefiihrten. “‘7, Die Blasen dehnen sich ungleichformig und zwar nach einer einzigen Richtung aus, so dass die spharische Form einer birn-oder schlauchartigen zu weichen beginnt. Die Umhiil- lungsschicht wird dabei noch diinner, und die Zellen des In- haltes fangen im Mittelraume des Schlauches so zur zerfallen an, dass die scharf markirten Kernkérperchen frei werden, wahrend das Protoplasma sich in langlich ausgezogene Tropf- chen auflést. Die peripheren noch nicht zerfallenden Zellen stellen sich radiar zur Liangsachse des Schlauches auf, und laufen zunachst gegen dieslbe zipfelig aus. ‘8, Langliche Schlauche, an deren stumpfen, abgerundetem Ende die scharf markirten Kernkérperchen oder Derivate der- I42 ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. selben sich ansammeln, wahrend der iibrige Inhalt durch langlich ausgezogene Trépfen gegeben ist, die sich zu varicésen Faden anreichen.” Let us now compare Verson’s results with mine above de- scribed. The description in his first paragraph is certainly that of my primary germ-cells. The second is also primary germ- cells in their later stages. The third and fourth are the cells of the growing stage and similar to my sperm-mother-cells. The ““komma- oder hufeisenformig gestaltete Korperchen” in the nucleus are undoubtedly derived from a bad preservation of the materials, and seem to be caused by coagulation of the chro- matin granules in the granular stage of the nucleus in young sperm-mother-cells. The fifth and sixth are the cells of the ripening stage. Just, as Verson stated, the sperm-mother-cells are generally arranged peripherally round the inner side of a cyste in a row, while after the first division such an arrange- ment is completely destroyed. Between the two successive divisions of the sperm-mother-cells no nucleolus appears in a nucleus. Consequently his description ‘‘ihre Kerne schliessen haufig scharf markirte Kernkorperchen ein” seems to be due to his mistaking the coagulated mass of chromosomes for the nucleolus. The seventh and eighth are the stage of metamor- phosis. In this stage, he also mistakes the coagulation of the chromosomes for a nucleolus. In general, his result agrees with that of my own investiga- tion, though in the details it differs very much, probably in con- sequence of his defective methods of investigation. SPINDLE FIGURES, ‘‘ NEBENKERN,’ CENTROSOMES AND NUCLEOLUS. As to the origin of the achromatic spindle, many facts have been observed by eminent naturalists such as van Beneden, (1) Flemming (7), O. Hertwig (19), Platner (25), Strasburger (33, 34), Hermann (17), Bovert (2), Brauer (4), Waldyer (40), Rabl, (29) Watase (41) Schewiakoff (3), Ishikawa (21, 22) and many others, in different animals and plants. In general, there are, as far as my knowledge goes, three views as to its origin: (1) the achro- matic threads arise chiefly from the cell protoplasm; (2) they ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. 143 arise from the achromatic thread substance of the nucleus; (3) they arise both from the achromatic nuclear constituents and from the cytoplasm. O. Hertwig states in his celebrated text book ‘“‘ Die Zelle und die Gewebe” that, “Ich have frtiher den Standpunkt vertreten und nehme ihn auch jetzt noch ein, dass, abgesehen von den Polstrahlungen, die dem Protoplasmakorper der Zelle angehoren, die verschiedenen Structurtheile der Kern- figur von den einzelnen Substanzen des ruhenden Kerns abstam- men. Die stoffliche Grundlage fiir die Spindel und die spater aus ihr hervorgehenden Verbindungsfaden suche ich in dem Liningeriist.”’ In the sperm-mother-cells of Bombyx mori, it seems to be a clear fact that the central spindle is derived from the cytoplasm as will be seen in figs. 40, 41, 42, 43, 47, and 49. Of the polar parts of the achromatic spindle, I am strongly inclined to believe that they are derived from the nucleus, because at the time when the central spindle is formed in the cytoplasm (figs. 36, 41, 42 and 43), both the centrosome and radial fibres are as yet not to be seen. When centrosomes appear at the two poles of the spindle, the radiating fibres come distinctly into view (fig. 49). Let us now consider the origin of centrosomes. After the dis- covery of this body by E. van Beneden in Ascaris megalocephala, Flemming (8), Guignard (10), Strasburger (34), Hetdenhein (13) vom Rath (29) and others have shown that they are present in the cytoplasm also during the resting stage of the nucleus. I have also found a distinct centrosome with a well developed ar- choplasm in the resting sperm-mother-cells of Panulirus japonicus (figs, 87, 88, 89 and go), but in the sperm-mother-cells of Bombyx mori, I am unable to detect the centrosome in the resting stage. Watase (42) considers the centrosome as an aggregation o the cytomicrosomes, and states that “‘ for the centre of the aster is the point where the greatest number of cytoplasmic filaments meet with one another and the size of microsomes produced at such a place must be correspondingly large. In other words, the microsome produced in the centre of the aster is the centrosome”.” A. Brauer (3, 4) discovered the formation of 1) Schneiders’s observation is little different from Watase’s. He states that the attractions—spheres consist of a convolution of thin threads, and the radiated threads form the ‘‘ Polsonne.”’ 144 ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. centrosome from a nuclear matter and states in his beau- tiful work recently published ‘‘ Zur Kenntniss der Spermato- > that ‘‘in dem einen Falle, bei Univalens, tritt das Centrosom in Kerne auf, wachst und theilt sich hier, und die Halften riicken dann nach zwei einander entgegengesetzten Punkten auseinander und treten durch Liicken der Membran in das Protoplasma tiber, die Spindelfasern gehen aus den Fasern hervor, welche vom Auftreten des Centrosomes an letzteres und das Chromosom verbinden, die Spindel ist mithin in allen ihren Theilen eine einheitliche Bildung, sie besteht nur aus Kernsubstanz”).” In the testes of Bombyx mori as above stated the extruded nucleoli are probably the origin of the centrosome. Although I was not able to see exactly as Brauer did in the testes of Ascaris, I can not help thinking that there must be some genetic connection between these two bodies, there being such an exact correspondence in the time and the place of the disappearance of the nucleolus and the centrosome. The only difference between them being the size, which is much greater in the nucleolus than in the centrosome. This, however, is probably caused by the formation of the polar spindle from a part of the nucleolus. If this is proved, then the central spindle is derived from the cytoplasm and the polar spindle from the nucleus. In the structure of the spindle, my results are entirely similar to those of Heymann who says: ‘an der fertig ausgebil- deten Spindel wird dieser Theil die axiale Mitte derselben ein- nehmen, weshalb ich ihn mit dem Namen Centralspindel belegen mochte und wird aus Fibrillen bestehen miissen, die direct und continuirlich von Polkoérperchen zu Polk6rperchen ziehen, ohne auf ihrem Wege itiberhaupt mit chromatischen Kernelementen in Beziehung zu treten. Gewissermassen als Mantel werden sich tiber diese Centralspindel jene Fasersysteme heriiberlegen, die von den beiden Centrosomen aus zur Herbeiholung der Chromatinelemente entsendet wurden, und diese Fibrillenziige genese von Ascaris megalocephala,’ 1) Wasielewski (43) also states the relation between centrosome and nucleus in the genital cells of Ascaris megalocephala, while Karsten (23) has observed the extrusion of nucleolus from a nucleus to form centrosome in cells of plants (Sporan- gium of Psilotam). ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. 145 k6nnen nicht von Pol zu Pol ziehen, sondern werden in der Nahe des Spindelaquators durch ihren Ansatz an die sich farbenden Kernbestandtheile eine Unterbrechnung erleiden miissen.”’ The “ Nebenkern” is according to la Vallette derived from cytomicrosomes, where he says (35) “hier wie dort ganz unzweifelhaft seine Entstehung aus dem kornigen Zellplasma zu constatieren,” while Platncr (26) assigns its origin to the nu- cleus. On this point he says: ‘‘ Hier entwickelt sich aus dem Kern ein eigenthiimliches, an frischen Preparaten glanzendes, durch dunkleres Aussehen und homogene Beschaffenheit von dem umgebenden Protoplasma sich unterscheidendes Element. Es ist der Nebenkern in seiner ersten Anlage.” Beside this he (27) describes in the cytoplasm of the spermatocytes of Lepidoptera, a structure which he designates by the name of “* Verbindungsbriicken.” In the sperm-mother-cells of the silk-worm, we also find a body which has the same appearance as both Platner’s ‘‘ Verbin- dungsbriicken”’ and his centrosome. As it is present in the cytoplasm even after the appearance of two centrosomes, it is not a centrosome, so I will call it the ‘‘ Verbindungsbriicken” after Platner, although this body is sometimes found within the cell and not always between the two neighbouring cells. It isa round body surrounded by a free plasm and staining very deeply by methylen-blue or Bohmer’s hematoxylin. There is generally only one but sometimes two. Rarely it has a constriction form- ing a dumb-bell-shaped rod. When it is present in the cyto- plasm, it corresponds very well with the centrosome of Platner (25) who observed it in many Lepidoptera (cf. his figs. 3, 4, 5). After the complete formation of the spindle, it dissolves and is no more to be seen. Up to the present the function of this body is quite obscure and requires further investigations. Besides the ‘“ Verbindungsbriicken’’ we observe in the cytoplasm an aggregated spot of microsomes which afterwards changes into the central spindle. It resembles very much in shape the ‘“‘ Nebenkern”’ of la Valette (35, 36) and originates also from the cytomicrosomes. Hermann (17), Solger (32), Platner (25) Ishikawa (22) and others consider the ‘‘ Nebenkern”’ to be a centrosome with archoplasm. This seems to be the case in Panulirus japonicus referred to above. But the structure known 146 ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. as the ‘‘Nebenkern”’ appears not always to be a centrosome surrounded by an archoplasm, as the ‘‘ Nebenkern”’ of the silk- worm above described, shows very plainly. The formation of the ‘‘Nebenkern”’ of the sperm-daughter-cell from the “ Ver- bindungsfaden”’ of the sperm-mother-cell in the silk-worm con- firms the opinion of Heymann who describes it in the sperma- tocyte of Salamandra in the following words (17).: ‘‘ unleugbar dem Protoplasma entstammend, kehren die Fibrillen der Cen- tralspindel bei Rekonstruction der Tochterkerne, radienartig ausstrahlend, wieder in das Protoplasma zurtick.” ON THE REDUCTION OF CHROMOSOMES. Since the theoretical consideration of Weismann (44), the reduction of chromosomes in sperm-mother-cells has been con- firmed by many eminent authors such as Flemming (8), Hacker (12), Henking (14, 75, 16), O. Hertwig (18), Ishikawa (20) Platner (15, 27), and vom Rath (28, 29), in many animals. Especially by the beautiful researches of O. Hertwig’s “Vergleich der Ei und Samenbildung bei Nematoden ” not only is this fact proved but also the similarity of the development in both sperm- and egg-cells has become clearly known. In general, our researches on the spermatogenesis of Bombyx mori corresponds so exactly with the descriptions given by these authors, that it seems almost superfluous for me to publish them. I have deemed it, however, worth while to record the results of my own investigations because there are some points of controversy among the conclu- sions arrived at by these authors. As the ground of this question we will quote the researches of O. Hertwig on the Nematodes. . His summary is: “1. Die Samenmutterzelle entspricht der Eimutterzelle oder dem unreifen Ei. ‘‘2. Wéahrend des langer dauernden Ruhezustandes des ansehnlichen blaschenformigen Kerns der beiden Geschlechts- producte wird die Kernsubstanz gleich fiir zwei Zelltheilungen, die sich unmittelbar aufeinander folgen, in eigenartiger Weise vorbereitet. HA ~ [1S ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. 147 “3, Die im Keimblaschen und in dem Samenmutterkern vorbereitete Menge wirksamer Kernsubstanz ist gleich gross, wie in jedem andern Kern vor der Theilung. Eine Reduction durch Ausstossung oder Riickbildung hat nicht stattgefunden. “4, Wéahrend der zwei sich unmittelbar aufeinander fol- genden Theilungen findet eine Vermehrung der Kernsubstanz nicht statt, da das blaschenformige Ruhestaduim des Kerns ausfallt, und da die im Keimblaschen und Samenmutterkern vorbereiteten chromatischen Elemente wahrend der zwei Theil- processe weder an Masse zunehmen, noch sich der Lange nach spalten. Die aus dem zweiten Theilungsact hervorgehenden Endproducte enthalten daher in Folge der zweimal eingetretenen Halbirung nur die Halfte der Kernmasse, welche ein gewohn- licher Kern nach der einfachen Theilung besitzt. *¢5. Die Anzahl derim Samenmutterkern und Keimblaschen vorbreiteten chromatischen Elemente ist bei Ascaris ebenso gross, wie bei einem gewohnlichen Kerne in der Mitte des Theilungs- processes, also die doppelte wie sie ein Kern in der Vorphase der Theilung zeigt. Der morphologische Werth dieser Elemente scheint aber ein anderer zu sein, in Folge einer von normalen Verlauf abweichenden Entstehung. Wa&ahrend normaler Weise acht Tochterchromosomen durch einfache Langsspaltung von vier Faden entstehen, scheinen sie hier durch doppelte Langs- spaltung von nur zwei Faden gebildet worden zu sein. Diese zwei Faden enthalten aber dieselbe Substanzmenge, wie vier durch Quertheilung am Anfang der Karyokinese gebildete Faden. “6. Da die Eimutterzelle und die Samenmutterzelle diesel- ben Kerntheilungsprocesse mit allen ihren von der Norm abwei- chenden Eigenthiimlichkeiten in genau der gleichen Weise durchmachen, miissen die Theilproducte auch denselben mor- phologischen Werth besitzen. ““a) Den beiden Samenmutterzellen entsprechen Ei-und erster Richtuugskorper. ‘*b) Den vier Samenenkelzellen (Samenkorpern) sind das reife Ei, der zweite Richtungskérper und die aus Theilung des ersten Richtungsk6rpers entstehenden zwei Kiigelchen zu vergleichen. “‘c) Die Richtungskérper haben daher den morphologischen Werth rudimentarer Eizellen.” 148 ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. The investigations of vom Rath (28) on the spermatogenesis of Gryllotalpa and of Hacker (12) on the egg-formation of Cyclops and Canthocamptus, correspond very well with Hert- wig’s results, and Wetsmann summarises the facts in the follow- ing words: ‘In all those species which have been investigated for this purpose, the germ-cells are formed by the mother- cell undergoing two consecutive divisions, each of which results in a halving of the number of idants, one half passing into the one daughter-cell, and the other half into the other. In the second division this would lead to the presence of only a quarter of the original number of idants, if the number in the mother-cell were not doubled by each idant becoming split into two before the first division takes place. Thus there is first a doubling, and then a halving, of the number of idants. I consider this remarkable and apparently useless process of the doubling and two subsequent halvings of the idants as a method of still further increasing the number of possible combinations of idants in the germ-cell of one and the same individual, and have given reasons for this opinion in the above named essay.” Prof. Ishikawa’s results on the reproductive elements of Diaptomus sp. also correspond with the results of the above named authors except the mode of division, in which he describes the transverse constriction of the chromosomes in the first divi- sion of the sperm-mother-cells giving rise to dumb-bell-shaped bodies. Henking’s researches on the genital elements of many insects (16, 15) are different from the results of all the above named authors, in the time of the reduction of chromosomes. According to this author the reduction of chromosomes takes place in the first division of the spermatocytes or sperm-mother-cells and no doubling of chromosomes takes place in the growing stage of these cells, while their second division is to be looked upon as the ‘‘ Equationstheilung.” In Bombyx mori, as stated above, twently-eight chromo- somes are found in the primary germ-cells. In the growing stage I could not detect any longitudinal splitting or the doubl- ing of the number of chromosomes as vom Rath gives it in the sperm-mother-cells of Gryllotalpa (28). Here I am more in- clined to agree with Henking (15) who denies its occurrence. ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. IA49 In the first division of the sperm-mother-cells (‘‘ Sperma- tocyten 1. Ordn.”), the twenty-eight chromosomes in the equa- torial plane of the spindle divide transversely, as stated above, and produce two rows. Both Henking and vom Rath affirm also the existence of two rows of chromosomes in the equator of the spindle of this stage. But this, according to vom Rath (28), is due to the doubling of the chromosomes in the growing stage of the sperm-mother-cells, while Henking (15) believes it to be formed by the double arrangement of the chromosomes, already existing, so that according to this latter author, the reduction of the number of chromosomes takes place by this division, which according to all other authors occurs by the second “), The reduction of the number of chromosomes in the genital cells of plants has been worked over, so far as I know, only by Guignard (10). The mode of the reduction which he observed of Lilium martagon, however, differs entirely from that of animals. According to this investigator the reduction occurs without a nuclear division in a stage of the ‘‘cellules mére définisives” (pro- bably corresponding to the sperm-mother-cells of animals). My investigation on the formation of the pollens of Lilium tigrinum and Allium fistulosum is not in accordance with this, but shows much similarity with that of animals. This I trust will be soon published. SUMMARY. 1. A large cell in the blind end of the follicle which is de- signated by the name of “‘ Keimzelle”’ by Verson, is not a genital cell but a supporting cell which connects the genital cells with the follicular wall. It always has a large nucleus with finely granular chromosomes collected here and there and staining very deeply with hzmatoxylin, safranin, carmine, and anilin colours. (1) According to the investigations of Moore (24), the sperm-mother-cells of the rat contain sixteen chromosomes, which are reduced into eight, and “the reduction would appear more comparable to the type described by Guignard during the forma- tion of vegerable pollen, than, to that pointed out by Hertwig in the spermatocytes of Ascaris.” This however appears to me very improvable. 150 ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. 2. The primary sperm-cell resembles very much the primary egg-cell, and is conical in shape and contains a nucleus in its broad end. Its nucleolus always consists of an aggregation of chromatin granules, whose number varies from two to four or more. It divides many times in the usual karyokinetic manner, and the cell-body gradually decreases in size until it becomes about two-thirds or less of the original cell. It is then called the sperm-mother-cell and passes to the growing stage. 3- In the early part of the growing stage, the sperm-mother- cell has an ordinary resting nucleus with the chromatin granules scattered in it. It gradually becomes larger, and with this the change of nucleus takes place. The chromatin granules first gather themselves to one side of the nucleus and form an irregular mass from which fine achromatic fibres radiate. This chromatin mass.dissolves and a fine skein stage with a nucleolus is formed. The chromatin granules of this skein again dissolve into many isolated granules and the nucleus again assumes a granular structure. There are now two nucleoli in each nucleus. These nucleoli pass out into the cytoplasm one after the other. An achromatic spindle is also seen at this stage, formed from cytomicrosomes. This spindle consists of two parts, the central and the polar, which latter seems to be derived from the nucleus together with the centrosomes. The granular chromosomes, now again collect themselves and form ‘ring-like structures. Each of these rings dissolves again into four chromosomes and forms “ Kernplatte.” 4. The sperm-mother-cells contain at first twenty-eight chromosomes. In the first division each of these divides trans- versely to its long axis and forms two chromosomes, of which one goes to one pole and the other to the opposite pole. The daughter-cells thus contain each twenty-eight chromosomes as the mother-cell. The nuclei of these daughter-cells form no resting stage, and directly pass over to the second division in which half the number of chromosomes goes to one cell and the other half to the other. The grand-daughter-cells thus formed contain there- fore only fourteen chromosomes, which is half the number of the mother-cell. _ 5. After this division, the fourteen chromosomes nlees at ON THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE SILK-WORM. ape the periphery of the nucleus and finally form a compact, deeply stainable mass with pointed end and vacuole. This chromatin mass gradually elongates and forms a spindle-shaped head of a spermatozoon. From the remnants of the “‘ Verbindungsfaden,”’ a ‘‘Nebenkern” is formed, which elongates and enters into the tail part. A mitosome is also seen, arising from the cytomicro- somes. End of December, 1893. 10. 21Ie 22. LIST OF WORKS REFERRED TO. Van Beneden, Ed.—Recherches sur la maturation de l’oeuf et la fécondation. Arch. d. Biologie. T. IV. 1883. Boveri, Th.—Zellen-Studien. Heft 2. Jena. 1888. Brauer, A.—Zur Kenntniss der Herkunft des Centrosomas. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. XIII. 1893. Brauer, A.—Zur Kenntniss der Spermatogenese von Ascaris megalocephala. Arch. f. mikr. Anatomie. Bd. XXXXII. 1893. Cornalia, E.—Monographia del bombice del gelso. 1856. Cholodkowsky, N.—Zur Kenntniss der mannlichen Geschlechtsorgane der Dip- teren. Zool. Anzeiger. 1892. Flemming, W.—Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Zelle. Arch. f. mikr. Anato- mie. Bd. XXIX. 1887. Flemming, W.—Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Zelle. II. Arch. f. mikr. Anatomie. Bd. XXXVII. 1891. Flemming, W.—Weitere Beobachtungen uber die Entwicklung der Spermato- somen bei Salamandra maculosa. Arch. f. mikr. Anatomie. Bd. XXXI. Guignard, L.—Nouvelles études sur la fécondation. Ann. Sc. Natur., Bota- nique. T. XIV. 18g1. Haberlandt, F.—Der Seidenspinner des Maulbeerbaumes. Wien. 1871. Haecker, V.—Die Eibildung bei Cyclops und Canthocamptus. Zoolog. Jahr- bicher. Bd. V. Abth. f. Morph. r8q1. Heidenhain, M.—Uber Kern und Protoplasma. Festschr. f. Prof. von Kolliker. 1892. Henking, H.—Uber Reduktionstheilung der Chromosomen in den Samenzellen von Insekten. Internat. Monatsschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol. Bd. VII. 1890. Henking, H.—Untersuchungen uber die ersten Entwicklungsvorgange in den Eiern der Insekten. II. Uber Spermatogenese und deren Beziehung zur Eientwicklung bei Pyrrhocoris apterus, L. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zoologie. Bd. LI. 18or. Henking, H.—The same. III. Specielles und Allgemeines. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zoologie. Bd. LIV. 1893. Hermann, F.—Beitrage zur Lehre von der Entstehung der karyokinetischen Spindel. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXVII. Hertwig, O.—Vergleich der Ei- und Samenbildung bei Nematoden. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXVI. 1890. Hertwig, O.—Die Zelle und die Gewebe. Jena. 1893. Ishikawa, C.—Studies of reproductive elements. I. Spermatogenesis, ovoge- nesis and fertilization in Diaptomus. Jour. of the Coll. of science. Imp. Univ. Japan. Vol. V. 1891. ' Ishikawa, C.—The same. II. Noctiluca miliaris, Sur.; its division and spore- formation. Jour. of the Coll. of Science. Vol. VI. 1894. Ishikawa, C.—Uber die Kerntheilung bei Noctiluca miliaris. Bericht. d. naturf, Gesellschaft z. Freiburg. Bd. VIII. 1893. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. LIST OF WORKS REFERRED TO. 153 Karsten, G.—Uber Beziehungen der Nucleolen zu den Centrosomen bei Psilo- tum triquetrum. Bericht d. Deuts. Bot. Gesellschaft. 1893. Moore, J. E. S.—Mammalian Spermatogenesis. Anat. Anzeiger. 1893. Platner, G.—Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Zelle und ihrer Theilungserschei- nungen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXIIT. 1880, Platner, G.—Uber die Entstehung des Nebenkerns und seine Beziehung zur Kerntheilung. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXVI. 1886. Platner, G.—Die Karyokinese bei den Lepidopteren als Grundlage fir eine Theorie der Zelltheilung. Inter. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Histol. Bd. III. 1886. Vom Rath, O.—Zur Kenntniss der Spermatogenese von Gryllotalpa vulgaris Latr.. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XL. 1892. Vom Rath, O.—Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Spermatogenese von Salamandra maculosa. I. Theil. Die Reduktionsfrage. I]. Theil. Die Bedeutung der Amitose in Sexualzellen und ihr Vorkommen im Genitalapparat von Sala- mandra maculosa. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zoologie. Bd. LVII. 1893. Rabl, C.—Uber Zelltheilung. Morphol. Jahrbuch. Bd. X. 1885. Schewiakoff, W.—Uber die Karyokinetische Kerntheilung der Euglypha alveo- lata. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. XIII. 1888. Solger, B.—Zelle und Zellkern. Thiermed. Vortrage. Bd. IIT. 1892. Strasburger, Ed.—Histologische Beitrage. Heft. 1. Uber Kern- und Zelltheilung im Pflanzenreiche etc. Jena. 1888. Strasburger, Ed.—The same. Heft. IV. Schwarmsporen, Gameten, pflanzliche Spermatozoiden, und, das Wesen der Befruchtung. Jena. 1892. St. George, von la Valette.—Spermatologische Beitrage. Heft II. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXVII. 1886. St. George, von la Valette.—Zelltheilung und Samenbildung bei Forficula auricularia. Festschr. f. von Kélliker. 1887. Tichomiroff, A.A—Entwicklungsgeschichte von Bombyx mori L. im Ei (Russ.) Moskau. 1882. Verson, E.—La spermatogenesi nel Bombyx mori, L. Padova. 1889. Verson, E.—Zur Spermatogenesis. Zoolog. Anzeiger. Jahrg. XII. 1889. Waldeyer, W.—Uber Karyokinese und ihre Beziehungen zu den Befruchtungs- vorgangen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXII. 1888. Watase, S.—Karyokinesis and the cleavage of the ovum. Johns Hopkins University Circulars. Vol. IX. 18go. Watase, SimHomology of Centrosome.* Jour. of Molphol. Vol. VIII. 1893. Von Wasielewski.—Die Keimzone in den Genitalschlauchen von Ascaris mega- locephala. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXXI. 1892. Weismann, A.—Essays upon heredity and kindred biological problems. Vol. I. Oxfold. 1891. Weismann, A.—The Germ-plasm. (English translation of ‘‘Keimplasma”’). London. 1893. Ziegler, H. E., und vom Rath, O.—Die amitotische Kerntheilung bei den Arthropoden. Biolog. Centralblatt. Bd. XI. 1891. EXPLANATION OF PLATES, III—IV. All figures are drawn with Abbe’s camera. lucida as well as drawing prism. Objectives and oculars used, are mentioned with explantions of figures. Bigs rs ee 2 Fig, 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5. Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. ro. Fig. 11. Surface view of male sexual organ of larva two days old. Killed with picro-acetic acid and stained with alcohol carmine. (¢) testis, (d) dorsal vessel. (Zeiss, Obj. D, Oc. I). Surface view of female sexual organ of larva two days old. Similarly treated as above. (0) ovary, (d) dorsal vessel. (Zeiss, Obj. D, Oc. I). Terminal portion of vas deferens of larva in fifth stage. (m) muscle, (e) uterus-shaped process of ventral median side of twelfth segment. Treated as above. (Leitz, Obj. 1, Oc. 4). Longitudinal section of testis of embryo, about two days before hatching. It will be seen that here testis consists of single cavity with round genital cells and ‘‘ Hodenzwischenkérperchen”’ (X) scattered in it. Killed with 1°/, formic acid and stained with borax carmine. (Zeiss, Obj. J, Oc. 3). Longitudinal section of testis of larva just hatched. (/) first three de- pressions on follicular wall; (i) second four invaginations. Killed with Flemming’s stronger solution and stained with Hermann’s triple staining. (Leitz, homog. imm. 1/12, Oc. 3). Longitudinal section of testicular follicle, of larva three days old, with invaginated follicular wall and supporting cell (v) (Verson’s cell). Treated as above. (Leitz, homog. imm. !/;2, Oc. 2). Longitudinal section of testicular follicle of larva, one day after fourth moult: left side of figure represents formative zone and right side is place where vas deferens takes its origin. (v) Verson’s cell; (h) ‘‘ Hoden- zwischenkorperchen.” Treated as above. (Zeiss, Obj. BB, Oc. 4). Blind end of testicular follicle, showing protoplasmic strand (f) connecting Verson’s cell with follicular wall. Killed with Rabl’s platinum chloride and stained with Bohmer’s hematoxylin. (Zeiss, Obj. D, Oc. 4). Verson’s cell, with small degenerating cells surrounding it; taken from larva within coccoon. Killed with Flemming’s stronger solution and stained with acid fuchsin. (Leitz, Obj. 7, Oc. 4). Small portion of testicular follicle of larva in third stage. Lower part of figure represents blind end of follicle. Wall seen at right hand side is follicular wall. (v) Verson’s cell; (a) free area at blind end of follicle in which Verson’s cell is normally to be seen. Treated with Flemming’s stronger solution and Hermann’s anilin-water saffranin. (Leitz, homog. imm. 1/12, Oc. 3). Verson’s cell (v) with surrounding protoplasm and primary germ-cells attached to it. Killed with picro-acetic acid and stained with Delafield’s hematoxylin. (Leitz, homog. imm. 2/12, Oc. 3). NI EXPLANATION OF PLATES, III-—IV. 155 Fig. 12, Verson’s cell (v) with surrounding small degenerating cells, taken from testis of imago. Killed with Flemming’s stronger solution and stained with rubin. (Leitz, Obj. 7, Oc. 4). Fig. 13. Verson’s cell (v) with degenerating cells, taken from testis of imago after copulation. Treated as above. (Leitz, obj. 7, Oc. 4). Fig. 14. Longitudinal section of terminal portion of ovarian tube, taken from larva in third stage. (v) Verson’s cell. Treated with Flemming’s stronger solution and stained with Flemming’s saffranin solution. (Leitz, homog. imm. 1/12, Oc. 3). Fig. 15. Testicular follicle of Papilio xuthus with Verson’s cell (v). Treated as above. (Leitz, Obj. 7, Oc. 4). Fig. 16. Testicular follicle of wild silk worm with Verson’s cell (vj. Treated as above. (Leitz, Obj. 7, Oc. 4). PEATE IV. All specimens killed with Flemming’s strong solution, except those shown in figs 63, 64, 82, 81 and 86. Fig. 17. Resting nuclei of primary germ-cells. (7) nucleolus, consisting of chro- matin granules. Treated with Hermann’s triple staining. (Zeiss, homog. imm, 1/12. Oc 4.) Fig. 18. Two nuclei of same stage with greater portion of cell-bodies. Treated as above. (Zeiss, homog. imm, 1/12, Oc. 5.) Fig. 19. Two primary germ-cells at beginning of skein stage. Treated as above. (Zeiss, homog. imm. 1/12, Oc. 4). Fig. 20. Five primary germ-cells, with their Nuclei at stage of segmented skein. In Nucleus represented at right hand side of figure chromosomes are much shortened. Treated as above. (Zeiss, homog. imm. 2/12, Oc. 4). Fig. 21. Stage of division of primary germ-cells. In left lower nucleus, seen from polar view, twenty-eight chromosomes can be distinctly counted. Treated as above. (Zeiss, homog. imm. 1/12, Oc. 5). Fig. 22. Primary germ-cells of more advanced stage of division, ‘Twenty-six, or twenty-seven chromosomes are to be counted_in polar views. Treated as above. (Zeiss, homog. imm., 1/12, Oc. 4). Figs. 23-45. Successive stages of metamorphosis of sperm-mother-cells in growing stage. Figures 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43 are stained with Bohmer’s he- matoxylin, and all others with Hermann’s triple dyes, Fig. 23. Resting nuclei. These are very small in consequence of repeated divi- sions in last stage. (Zeiss, homog. imm. 1/12, Oc. 4). Fig. 24. Resting nuclei at more advanced. (Zeiss, homog. imm. 2/12, Oc. 4). Figs. 25 and 26. Nuclei, before skein stage. Chromatin granules are collected irregularly at one side of nucleus. Nucleolus consists of small chromatic bodies. (Zeiss, homog. imm, 1/12, Oc. 4). Fig. 27. Skein stage., (Zeiss, homog. imm. 1/12, Oc. 4). Figs. 28, 28’. Granulation of chromosomes. (Zeiss, homog. imm., 2/12, Oc. 4). Fig. 29. More advanced stage as above. Here chromosomes are completely dest- royed. (ditto). 156 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, III—IV. Fig. 30. Chromatin bodies represented in last figure are now collected at centre of nucleus. Single nucleolus is seen in centre of these chromatin bodies. (ditto). Fig. 3z. Nucleus in which chromatin granules again separate from one another and show appearance of normal resting nucleus. Large nucleolus consist- ing of small chromatin granules is seen. (ditto). Figs. 32-43. Sperm-mother-cells nearly in same stage of development. (v) ‘ Ver- bindungsbriicken’’; (c) extruded nucleolus; (e) nucleus of cyste. In fig. 40 collection of cytomicrosomes (6) is shown. (Same magnification as above.) Fig. 44. More advanced stage. Chromosomes show ring-like form. (Zeiss, homog. imm. 1/12, Oc. 4). Fig. 45. Similar stage as above. Each ring broken up into four chromosomes. (Same magnification as above.) Figs. 46-53. Various stages of first division of sperm-mother-cells. Figs. 46-48 re- present early stages of division, showing attraction-spheres, oblique spindle and ‘‘ Verbindungsbriicken”’ (v); and in fig. 49 polar and central spindles are seen. Stained with Béhmer’s hematoxylin. (Zeiss, 1/12, Oc. 4). Figs. 50, 50’, 51, 52, Spindle stage. Fig. 53 diaster stage of the same. Treated with Hermann’s triple staining. (Zeiss, 1/12, Oc. 5 except fig. 50’ which is drawn by Zeiss. t/12, Oc. 5.) Figs. 54-60. Second division of sperm-mother-cells, immediately following last divi- sion. Figs. 54 and 55, spindle stage. (Zeiss, homoz. imm. 1/12, Oc. 5). Fig. 56, diaster stage of same. (Zeiss, homog. imm. 1/rz, Oc. 4). Fig. 57 shows polar view of diaster stage. (Zeiss, Obj. 1/12, Oc. 5). Fig. 58, side viw of same. (Magnif. as above). Fig. 59, little more advanc- ed stage. Central and polar spindles have separated from each other. (magnified as above). Fig. 60, more advanced stage of same, showing two cell-plates; (&) nucleus. (Zeiss, Obj. 1/12, Oc. 4), Those shown in figs. 54, 55, 50 stained with Hermann’s triple staining while rest are treated with Bohmer’s hematoxylin. Figs. 61-83. Various stages of metamorphosis of sperm-daughter-cells. Figs. 61, 62, a, b show sperm-daughter-cells with remnant of spindle fibre and collected mirosomes (m). (Zeiss, Obj. t/r2, Oc. 4. and 5). Stained with Bohmer’s hematoxylin. Fig. 62c, d represent more advanced stage of the same, showing ‘‘Nebenkern”’ (n). Treated and magnified as above. In figs. 63 and 64, cell-body is little elongated to form tail of sperma- tozoon; (k) nucleus (7) ‘‘ Nebenkern” (m) mitosome are shown. Acetic acid methyl green preparation and magnified by Zeiss, Obj. J, Oc. 4, Figs. 65-78, 74-76, 78-81 show head and ‘‘ Nebenkern,”” of spermatozoa showing successive stages of metamorphosis. (K) nucleus, (7) ‘‘ Neben- kern,” (m) mitosome. Béhmer’s hematoxylin except fig. 72 which is stained with acid fuchsin and methylen blue. Magnified by Zeiss, homog. imm. !/rz, Oc. 5. except figs. 67, 69, 72, 74, 75 which are drawn with Zeiss, homog. imm. 2/rz, Oc. 4. Fig. 81 shows head of nearly mature spermatozoon, killed with picro-acetic acid and stained with picro-carmine. Fig. 82 represents cyste containing nearly matured spermatozoa. At right end of figure large supporting cell is. shown. Treated as above. Zeiss, homog. imm. 1/12, Oc. 3. Fig. 83 shows EXPLANATION OF PLATES, III—IV. 157 entire spermatozoon in same stage as fig. 74. (homog. imm. 1/12, Oc. 4.) Fig. 69, b. Cross section of tail of spermatozoon at same stage as fig. 69 a, passing through ‘*Nebenkern.”’ Stained with Hermann’s triple staining and drawn by Zeiss, homog. imm. 1/12, Oc. 5. Fig. 73. Similar section of a spermatozoon at the same stage as that shown by fig. 70. Treated and magnified as above. Fig. 77. Similar section through tail of spermatozoon at same stage as that shown by fig. 83. Treated and magnified as above Figs. 84-86. Various stages of ‘‘ Hodenzwischenkérperchen.” Figs. 84 and 85 stained with Hermann’s triple staining; fig. 86 with Bohmer’s hema- toxylin. Fig. 84 and 86, Zeiss, homog. imm, 1/12, Oc. 4; fig. 86 Zeiss, homog. imm. 1/12, Oc. 5. Figs. 87-90. Sperm-mother-cells of Panulirus japonicus, showing resting nucleus with centrosome and archoplasm. Killed with Flemming’s stronger solu- tion and stained with anilin-water saffranin. (Zeiss, homog. imm. 2/12 Oc. 3). Bull, Agric. Coll. Vol. I. Pl. II. es CE = SS = ———— K. Toyama del, Bull, Agric. Coll. Vol. Ui Mt? ary k “Ji i ih r 60. a ss m sy O 14. 3 d 5 a 73. oO 76 w @a i 75 ) 77 on | z 1 ry a a @ ». ®b = b. 8c k. Toyama del. Fl ji Br uh me zk «CS He {05 42 foe el OS Gk Ee 0 | ee i = r= RE | oe The Energy of the Living Protoplasm, BY Dr. Osear Loew, Professor of Agricultural Chemistry. CHAPTER VI. The Chemical Activity of Living Cells. The great chemical activity of living cells astonishes the pondering mind. The synthesis of carbohydrates, the transforma- tion of starch into cellulose and fat, the production of the highly complicated proteids are executed with admirable readiness by plant-cells. Animal protoplasm also—although in extent and power of chemical synthesis far excelled by vegetal protoplasm— is capable of many highly interesting chemical operations, such as the construction of living protoplasm out of inert albuminous matter, the formation of hemoglobin, mucin, elastin, keratin, and glutin from the proteids of the food, the production of enzymes, or the transformation of sugar into fat. And not less remarkable than the synthetical work is the energetic oxidation exhibited by the respiration process.) The character of the chemical work in plant-cells is many- sided: polymerisation, condensation, esterification, formation of amido-compounds, generation of the cyclic constitution, reduc- tions and oxidations are included in it. We find acids and bases, aldehydes and ketones, esters, alcohols, and sulphides in the vegetal kingdom; but neither aldoximes, nor ketoximes,‘” neither sulpho-acids, nor nitro-, nor azo-compounds. ‘Thus, the chemical activity, varied as it is, seems, nevertheless, not to leave certain channels.°) A number of chemical operations (1) See the following chapter. (2) No derivative of hydroxylamine has as yet been discovered in plant-cells. (3) It is a notable fact, for which hitherto explanation has not been given, that especially such benzene derivatives as have a lateral chain of three carbon atoms frequently occur in plants, some in form of glucosides. I will mention: hesperidic acid, caffeic acid, melilotic acid, cumarin, umbelliferone, daphnetin, coniferyl alco- hol, eugenol, anethol, safrol, cinnamic alcohol and aldehyde, cinnamic acid, thymol, scopoletin, asarone, syringin, zsculetin, absinthol, camphor, the terpenes. Also, tyrosin and phenylamidopropionic acid, as decomposition-products of proteids, have to be mentioned (See Ch. V). | ae 160 THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. can be carried out by every plant-cell, others only by specifically endowed ones, and, while certain compounds are found in all cells, such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteids, others are not of universal occurrence, though still very frequent, as tartrates, succinates, glucosides, resins, tannin.“) Others, again, are very rare, being either restricted to one family, as quinine or strych- nine, or to a few families, as caffein.‘® In scrutinising the chemical activity of a plant-cell, we have at first to pay attention to the differentiation of the plasmic contents and the division of chemical labour. The cortical layer of the cytoplasm has not the same function as the inner layer or tonoplast; the former produces the cellulose-wall from starch or sugar, while the latter restrains noxious substances accumula- ted in the vacuole from returning into the protoplasm. ‘The Ieukoplasts form starch from sugar, thereby preventing a higher concentration of the sugar-solution which would to some extent check plasmic activity. The chloroplasts (“ chlorophyll- granules”), again, with the aid of ethereal oscillations of a deter- mined wave-length, transform carbonic acid into sugar.%) The nucleus, finally, is charged with the duty of producing the necessary enzymes; diastase is required to bring starch into solution for purposes of transportation and transformation, and proteolytic enzymes to utilise aleurone-grains, during the germination process. (1) For the chemical relations and full descriptions of tannins see Henry Trinble, The Tannins, Philadelphia, 1894. (2) Cf. A. Husemann and A. Hilger, Die Pflanzenstoffe; also Ed. Schdar, Schweizer Wochenschrift fiir Pharmacie, 27, 197. Certain of the accessory com- pounds may still serve some biological purpose as that of attracting insects for fecun- dation, or of protection against fungi and animal parasites, while others are useless by-products and mere excretions. (3) Carbonic acid is often called a food for plants, although it is only the material from which plant food (glucose, etc.) is prepared in the chlorophyl-bodies, a logical distinction pointed out by F. Stohmann (Z. Biol, 31, 365). In the assimilation of carbonic acid it is generally assumed that formic aldehyde is the first product. This yields, however, upon condensation in solution, as I have shown, not dextrose but other sugars; moreover, it is poisonous. Therefore, I have added the hypothesis that the formic aldehyde first formed combines with certain hydroxyl-groups in the protoplasm of the chloroplasts, the amido-groups being protected. The condensation taking place afterwards must thus lead always to one and the same configuration of the resulting sugar, since the molecules of formic aldehyde have lost their freedom of motion. Cf. O. Loew, Ber. D. Chem. Ges. 1889, 484; also, ibid., 473 and 474. THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. 161 Plant-cells deprived of their nucleus are incapable of trans- forming starch into cellulose (K/ebs). They evidently cannot bring on a sufficient saccharification of the starch granules, to provide the cytoplasm with the necessary amount of sugar. For the lowest animal forms, an analogous case was proved by B. Hofer ; amoebe can no longer digest albuminous particles when deprived of their nucleus. ‘The importance of the nucleus for the secretion processes of animal organisms was also observed by Verworn, Balbiam, and Korschelt. The latter found, for example, consi- derable changes of form of the nuclei in insects during the secretion of chitin. The vegetal nucleus seems to be also the manufacturer of the proteids, as first suggested by Strassburger and Schinitz ; at least protein-crystalloids are frequently found in the nuclei of plant-cells, especially in the orders, Oleacee, Scrophularinea, Bignoniacee, and in the Pteridophytes (Zimmermann). For, it does not seem probable that this protein has its source in the cytoplasm and is then transported into the nucleus for crystallisation. Again, in germinating seeds, where protein formation from fragments of decomposed reserve-proteids proceeds with considerable readiness, the nuclei (and also the nuc- leoli) increase in size.) “The most important function of the nucleus, however, is connected with the division and multiplica- tion of cells and with sexual propagation in plants and animals. (t) Peters, Botan. Centralbl. 48,181. The nuclei are also often relatively large in the epidermis-cells of leaves, which are especially adapted to store up larger quantities of active albumen (Bokorny, Pfliig. Arch 55, 142). Also in the cells of glands relatively large nuclei are often present. It is also a remarkable observation that plant-cells deprived of their nucleus do not produce any more starch by assimilation. Only certain algze, containing pyrenoids (Zygnemacez) have thus far been observed to be exceptions in regard to starch-production under this condition (Klebs). Simpler organisms, like amcebze and alge, are especially well suited for experiments with isolated cytoplasm. Klebs has, by plasmolysis, Gerasimoff by low temperature during the process of karyokinesis, obtained living parts of alge-cells, or living cells without a nucleus. The life of such cytoplasm, however, did not last longer than about six weeks. On the other hand the nuclei of radiolaria can remain alive, if deprived of the cytoplasm, only 10-15 hours, Nucleus and cytoplasm influence each other by certain of their products (Verworn Pfliig, Arch. 51, 113). 162 THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. As the main constituent of the nucleus is nuclein' and as this is essentially a combination of an albuminous substance with phosphoric acid’) the importance of the latter becomes at once conspicuous. The important réle of the nuclein in the division of the nucleus has been demonstrated by staining methods, but it may also be inferred from observations on algz cultivated in liquids devoid of phosphates. If we place some filaments of Spirogyra majuscula in about a liter of distilled water, to which has been added 0.2 p. mille calcium nitrate and 0.02 p. mille ammonium sulphate, and expose the culture to diffused daylight, assimilation as well as protein formation can proceed to a certain extent®’ and even growth of the cells to a considerable size will take place, but 20 multiplication of cellsis noticed. Gradually, however, the threads assume a yellowish tinge and commence to suffer. If after about six weeks we divide the filaments, together with the solution, into two portions, adding to one 0.02 p. mille protosulphate of iron, to the other, besides this, 0.08 p. mille disodium phosphate, we can observe in a few days, in the latter case, not only the restoration of the brilliant green colour but also the process of karyokinesis, in almost every cell, and this too, in the daytime. In the former case, however, where the iron salt alone was added, none of these phenomena was observed, showing, further, that for the production of a normal chlorophyll, phosphoric acid is just as important as iron salts. The nucleus plays also a certain part in the organisation of the cytoplasm. In cases of mutilation, only such cells can be regenerated as still contain the nucleus (Nussbaum, Gruber). That the growth of vegetal cells bears a certain relation to the (1) According to E. Zaccharias, besides nuclein, plastin also occurs in the nucleus and chloroplasts. Plastin appears to be mainly distinguished from nuclein by its greater resistance to acids and alkalies. (2) Liebermann showed that nuclein contains metaphosphoric acid, and Kossel, that bases of the xanthin series and nucleic acid are contained in it. My own observations make it highly probable that the nuclein in the living nucleus is present as a lime compound, that is to say, in chlorophyll-bearing plants. With fungi, however, it is different, lime not being at all required by them. Cf. O Loew, On the functions of calcium and magnesium salts in plants, Flora, 1892, 368; Landw, Versuch-Stat. 41, 467. (3) Traces of potassium salts are probably always stored up in the plant-cells. THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. 163 nucleus was observed by KAlebs and Haberlandt,") so that it is probable that the nucleus prepares the proteids suitable for the purpose of organisation. The vegetal nucleus performs this by far-reaching synthesis, the animal nucleus by transform- ing the resorbed peptone. Clearly, the nucleus of the living cell cannot be identical with that of the dead, and the nuclein known to chemists, ex- tracted with alkalies and precipitated with acids, is a relatively stable compound, which would be entirely incapable of serving the physiological phenomena of karyokinesis, which are made possible only by a highly labile state of the proteid composing the nucleus.) Division of labour, still of restricted compass in a single plant-cell, keeps growing in importance and extent with the development of multicellular organisms, plants as well as animals. Some cells serve mechanical devices, others do (1) Biol. Centralbl. 8, 133. (2) I consider the process of organisation as a sort of polymerisation, in which only molecules of equal configuration can participate, and in which isomeric and stereo- isomeric molecules would be hurtful, the mutual reaction of their labile groups being facilitated (Cf. O. Loew, Natural System of Poisonous Actions, Ch. V. On the poisonous proteids, 82). This, again, would imply a specific tectonic for the nuclei of different species as the necessary condition for yielding one and the same active albumen for the organisation of each cytoplasm. This view could also furnish a plausible explanation of certain observations in regard to the propagation of the species. A specific configuration of the nuclein will naturally lead to a specific tectonic of the nucleus, i.c., the invisible anatomical structure will be in close connec- tion with the configuration of the proteid. Such considerations may finally also throw some light upon the fact, that the fibrins, the oxyhemoglobins, the alexines of different species are by no means identical. The possible stereo-isomers of a proteid reach evidently to an immense number, even if we start from one and the same active peptone. [Stereo-isomerism conceives of compounds as containing the same elements in the same proportion and arranged in the same groups, and yet differing in properties, because of a different arrangement in space of the constituent groups]. (3) Various observations prove that the nucleus is even of much greater lability than the cytoplasm. The problem of karyokinesis appears still more complicated now that the centrosomes have been observed, initiating the division. Differences have been observed between the nuclei of nerves, glands, and muscles ; further, between those of the male and female sexual cells, the former being richer in nuclein (E. Zaccharias). Still greater must be the differences between the nuclei of the germ-cells and those of the somatic cells, especially in animals. 164 THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. specific chemical work, and others again are adapted to functions of propagation, while in the animal kingdom special organs for visible motion and for sensation are developed. ‘The ‘‘ chemical factories in the service of an organism,” the glands, of simple structure in plants, but forming complicated organs in the higher animals, betray again a far-reaching differentiation. They may secrete enzymes, carbohydrates, different acids, fat, or wax. Products secreted by vegetal cells alone are terpenes and resins.“ Glands secreting poisonous compounds (tox- albumins ; carbylamines (?)) occur in the mouth of snakes, in the skin of the toad, on the feet of scolopendras. Crustaceans and beetles produce chitin, spiders and caterpillars fibroin. Carabide secrete butyric, bees and ants formic acid. Especial interest is connected with the anal glands of the skunk,‘? musk deer, beaver, and civet. Again, the livers of different animals vary in their actions, as must be inferred from the composition of bile and urine. Dogs can produce ethyl sulphide (Abel) and an oxyquinoline-carboxylic acid (Kvretschy), birds ornithuric acid;°) the bile of geese contains chenotaurocholic, that of swine hyotaurocholic acid. Birds and snakes produce more uric acid than urea, while the reverse is the case in mam- malia. The products of metabolism exhibit, thus, considerable discrepancies.) This very brief survey may bear sufficient testimony to the variety of the chemical work of organisms, and to the special adaptation of the plasmic energy to the most varied chemical performances. Few authors have thus far tried to propound an (1) An elaborate treatise on the resin-producing glands of the conifers was recently published by H. Mayr, formerly professor in the Imperial University of Japan. (2) The yellow liquid secreted by the skunk-glands and ejected in self-defence is a primitive and effective weapon, having a most repulsive odour. It contains 16 per cent of sulphur (Szarts), and is probably a mixture of several mercaptans with one or more nitrogenous compounds. (3) This acid, a dibenzoyl-ornithin, is secreted after introduction of benzoic acid ; ornithin again is probably a’diamido-valerianic acid (Faff¢). (4) Also, pathological processes may be caused by administration of certain compounds only in certain animals; thus phloridzin will produce diabetes in dogs, but not in rabbits or frogs. THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. 165 acceptable hypothesis for this activity. Nagel in his attempt to explain the fermentative activity of the yeast-cell assumes a certain kind of motion in the living protoplasm, imparted to the glucose molecules, loosening affinities, and leading to dis- ruption into carbon dioxide and alcohol. Mc. Laughlin went still farther, applying the laws of oscillations established by physicists to the action of bacteria in infectious diseases.’ But neither Nageli nor Mc. Laughlin touched the question why such energetic motions stop at once on the death of a cell, although the conclusion that the living protoplasm must consist of easily changeable, labile proteids was close enough at hand. Mc. Laughlin expresses his views upon the fermentative action of bacteria and yeast-cells in the following words: ‘‘ The distinctive energy or waves of a cell can influence those substances only, whose waves bear a certain relationship to those of a yeast-cell ; and they must be equal in their periods, direction, and, perhaps, in other characteristics, before those on one side can influence those on the other. The nature of this influence will again depend on whether the two sets of waves coincide in trough and crest. If they do, the waves will supplement each other and their amplitude will be enlarged; if they do not, they will antagonise each other, and their amplitude will be diminished, or, it may be, the waves will be destroyed by mutual antagonism ; it will be remembered that all this occurs in waves of sound, of light, and of water, and, if analogy has any merit, it can occur in waves of molecular energy.”” Such considerations appear to be justified, but there exist doubtless other influences which may modify the expected result, such as the configuration of the plasmic proteids and the tectonic of the plasmic apparatus (see pag. 163, foot note). Further, it must be borne in mind that the wave motions starting from the living protoplasm are of a far more energetic nature than the molecular oscillations of any other material in the cell. The chemical performances of living organisms could not fail (1) Fermentation, Infection, and Immunity, Austin, 1892. This treatise starts, however, on several occasions from assertions which recently have been proved to be incorrect. ‘The toxalbumins of the infectious diseases are not produced from animal proteids by fermentative actions, but are secretions of the bacterial protoplasm which are formed even in culture media devoid of proteids. 166 THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. to arouse the envy of the chemist and instigate him to try to accomplish the same ends. To these endeavours we owe a long series of interesting syntheses since the artificial preparation of urea by Wohler in the year 1828. Carbon and hydrogen were united in the electric arc by Berthelot ; acetylene, thus formed, leads, among other things, to ethylene, ethyl alcohol, acetic acid, aldehyde, acetone, and glyoxal. Acetylene yields at low red heat benzene, from which, again, numerous derivatives can be obtained. Acetone, further, may easily be converted into trimethyl-benzene, aldehyde into trimethyl-pyridine ; from pyri- dine, again, conine may be reached (Ladenburg). Glyoxal. leads, by way of its cyanhydrin, to tartaric acid. Carbon can be united with aluminium and this product yields, by decomposition with water, methane (Mozssan). Methane, again, yields methyl alcohol and formaldehyde, while the latter yields by condensation several kinds of sugars (O. Loew). Formic acid can be obtained by the action of sodium upon moist carbon dioxide (H. Kolbe), or by the action of iron filings upon bisulphide of carbon in presence of water in sealed tubes at to0o° (O. Loew). Oxalic acid results by passing dry carbon dioxide over hot sodium amalgam (LE. Drechsel), or by treating the product of reduction of bisulphide of carbon by sodium amalgam with fusing potash or boiling baryta water (O. Loew). From a mixture of oxalic ester and acetic ester aconitic acid can be obtained (L. Claisen and E. Hort); from acetone and oxalic ester, oxytoluic acid, and from this an anthracene derivative, (dimethyl-anthrarufin) was obtained (Claisen). From malonic ester phloroglucin can be reached (A. Baeyer), from succinic ester hydroquinone, from malic acid oxynicotinic acid and daphnetin (Pechmann). These and similar synthetic processes, are, however, for the most part only possible by the application of powerful agents, such as strong bases or acids, sodium alcoholate, sodium amalgam, chloride of zinc, etc., and partly by the aid of high temperature; while no light is thrown upon the special method followed by the living protoplasm of plant-cells, a material consist- ing of proteids of neutral reaction or nearly so, and very easily changed by any substance with powerful affinities. The chemical agency consists here merely of specific waves. We are acquaint- THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. 167 ed with chemical actions caused by waves of heat, light, elect- ricity, and even by the waves of sound in some instances (explo- sion of iodide of nitrogen), but concerning the related phenomenon of chemical action set up by oscillating motion of the labile (unstable) position of atoms, our knowledge is but very scanty. Such processes are of the kind termed katalytic actions. This expression was first used by Berzelius to designate chemical phenomena apparently caused by mere contact with a certain substance. The unsatisfactory definition of Berzelius, and the denomination of certain processes as katalytic which in reality were not such at all, implied a misunderstanding, and when Liebig ridiculed the idea of Berzelius, nobody seemed to dare any more to speak of this interesting group of phenomena and to explain satisfactorily, for example, the wonderful activity of platinum black.) Katalytic actions exist, however, but they are not the result of a mere contact, as Berzelius believed, but of a certain amount of energy being conveyed, whereby the katalyser remains entirely intact. If, however, the apparently katalytically acting substance undergoes intermediary chemical changes with final regeneration, the process is not a katalytic one. Such fseudo- katalytic actions are, for example, the role of nitric oxide in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, that of cobaltic oxide in the development of oxygen from chloride of lime, the action of (1) The action of light may consist in bringing about (a) combinations, as that between chlorine and hydrogen, or (b) disruptions ; bisulphide of carbon is split into sulphur and a lower sulphide (O. Loew); aqueous sulphurous acid is split into sulphur and sulphuric acid (O. Loew); nitric acid into oxygen and nitrous acid; silver salts are reduced to metal; (c) reductions of organic compounds: in alcoholic solution quinone is changed into hydroquinone, nitrobenzene into aniline (Ciamician and Silber), benzil into benzil-benzoin, phenanthrene-quinone into phenanthrene-hydro- quinone, a portion of the alcohol present being converted into aldehyde; (d) poly- merisation and condensation; thymoquinone, anethol, phenyl-naphtoquinone are polymerised ; monobromacetylene is converted into tribrombenzene, propargylic acid into trimesic acid (Ber. D. Chem. Ges. 27, 958). (2) The great resemblance of the chemical activity of living cells to katalytic actions was recognised more than thirty years ago by the great physiologist, C. Ludwig. Also C. Lehmann in his “ Lehrb. d. physiolog, Chem.,”’ and, later on, Tvaube and Stohmann expressed themselves in the same sense. But explanation of this katalytic action was wanting. (3) Even now-a-days, isolated voices are raised in the sense of Liebig. See H. Macleod’s lecture at the meeting of the British Assoc. in Edinburgh 1892. 168 THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. aluminium chloride in the synthesis of hydrocarbons, that of zinc chloride in the transformation of glycol into aldehyde, and the accelerating action of iron and copper salts upon the oxidation of phenol by peroxide of hydrogen.“ The genuine katalytic actions may be divided into three groups: 1. Katalysis by labile organic compounds, 2. Katalysis by mineral acids, caustic lyes, and certain salts, 3. Katalysis by finely divided metals. In regard to the first group may be mentioned the conversion of dicyanogen into oxamide by a dilute solution of ethylic aldehyde, a reaction observed by Liebig ; the transformation of thiourea into the isomeric ammonium thiocyanate by an alcoholic solution of ethyl nitrite (Claus) ; the facilitating action of acetic ester upon the combination of hydrocyanic with hydrochloric acid (Claisen and Mathews). Maleic acid transforms ketazines into the isomeric pyrazolines with liberation of heat, whilst fumaric acid can only accomplish this at a temperature of 100.° To this group of actions belongs evidently not only the action of the living cells, but also the action of the enzymes, which have a high degree of lability and betray, by their easily passing into an inactive state, as well as by their proteic nature, a certain rela- tion to the proteids of the living protoplasm. The fact that dilute formic aldehyde destroys their activity even in perfectly neutral solution at the ordinary temperature, makes the presence of highly labile amido-groups probable.) (1) Chem. Centralbl. 1885, p. 224. In certain cases the apparently katalytically acting substance is mainly a suitable medium to bring two compounds into more intimate contact with each other, or by combining with one of two compounds pre- sent to help to loosen somewhat certain affinities in the molecule, and thereby bring about combination with the second compound. (2) Curtius and Foersterling, Ber. D. Chem, Ges. 27,770. F. Stohmann deter- mined the thermic value of maleic acid to be 326.3 cal. and that of fumaric to be 319.7 ; the latter possesses, therefore, less energy than the former. Stohmann recognised by direct experiment, in determining with great exactness the heat ofcombustion, that labile compounds always have a higher thermic value than the isomeric stable ones. (3) O. Loew, Jahresber. f. Thierchem. 1888. I have observed also that a solution of prussic acid of 25 °/, destroys in twelve hours the diastatic but not the pro- teolytic enzyme of the pancreas (Pfliig. Arch. 27, 208). Cf. also Schdry and Fichter, Jahresber f. Thierchem. 5, 269. Certain bacterial enzymes are rendered inactive by sulphuretted hydrogen (Fermi and Bernossi. 1894). Chloroform retards enzyme-action (Salkowski). According to Arsonvale (1894) enzymes are rendered inactive by a temperature of—150°C. . THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. 169 In the second group of katalytic actions may be counted the transformation of maleic into the isomeric fumaric acid by mineral acids, of maleic ester into fumaric ester by contact with hydro- chloric acid at the ordinary temperature (Skvaup) and of citra- conic into mesaconic acid (Delisle, Franz) ; of hydromellitic into isohydromellitic acid by hydrochloric acid (Baeyer) ; of dihydro- terephthalic into an isomeric acid bya solution of caustic soda, the formation of paramidophenol from phenyl-hydroxylamine (E. Bamberger) and that of paranitroso-compounds from nitro- samines by acids. Also the transformation of oleic into elaidic acid by nitrous acid deserves mentioning. In connection with the third group we mention the following observations: platinum black brings about an oxidation of hydrogen, of alcohols, and of various other compounds ; it unites sulphur dioxide with dry oxygen to form sulphur trioxide; it combines hydrogen with hydrocyanic acid into methylamine at 110° (Debus) ; it transforms a mixture of nitric oxide and hydrogen into ammonia and water; it accelerates the decomposition of hydroxylamine in presence of caustic potash; it decomposes peroxide of hydrogen energetically; it transforms ozone into common oxygen (Mulder) ; it decomposes azoimide into ammonia and nitrous oxide (O. Loew), and nitrososulphates into sulphates and nitrous oxide (Pelouze). Finely divided iridium or rhodium decomposes formic acid into carbon dioxide and hydrogen (Deville and Debray) ; palla- dium powder effects an oxidation of hypophosphorous acid with liberation of hydrogen ;“ finely divided copper incites a rapid decomposition of formic aldehyde by caustic potash with libera- tion of hydrogen,'” it also decomposes diazobenzene chloride into nitrogen and chlorbenzene at low temperatures.) Zinc filings condense at 100° acetaldehyde to aldol and crotonaldehyde. All these actions of finely divided metals can be best ex- plained by the assumption that a modification of heat waves takes place in such a manner that this energy can now pass more easily into chemical energy. With platinum black this (1) Engel, Compt. rend. 116, 786. The chemical explanation given by this author is certainly incorrect. (2) O. Loew, Ber. D. Chem. Ges. 20, 145. (3) Gattermann, ibid. 2%, 1218 and 25, togr, footnote, 170 THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. modification is carried still farther by the dense layer of oxygen surrounding the metallic particles.'”) The katalytic action of mineral acids is evidently also due to a certain motion in the molecules.'?) A motion of different character, however, must be assumed in organic compounds of a certain lability (cf. Chap. III). Usually the katalytic reac- tions are exothermic ones, but in special cases, where other agencies render their aid, also endothermic, as in the action of the chlorophyll-bodies upon carbonic acid in sunlight. The katalytic powers of platinum-black are evidently of a very inferior character, compared with the faculties of living protoplasm,—we notice above all an entire want of condensing influence—but in regard to simpler reactions a parallelism can nevertheless be shown to exist, of which I here adduce some further proof. One of the most general synthetical processes is the formation of fat from glucose in living cells, a process consisting in condensation and reduction: 3 Ce it. 710,—16'O— Cy geble OF (stearic acid) Cs Hi2 O6-+4H=2 C, Hs O, glycerol) The remarkable transformation of sugar into the higher fatty acids has thus far not yet been imitated, but we can at least obtain lower fatty acids of rancid odour if we mix a 10 % glucose solution with about half its weight of active platinum-black ; the odour will be perceptible after 1-3 hours and increase gradually. The main action, of course, is a direct oxidation, but simul- taneously a reduction is going on in other molecules which yield up a part of their oxygen also to glucose molecules under the influence of platinum-black.) Neither levulose nor cane sugar will yield this result. Platinum-black, also, deprived of its absorbed oxygen in one way or other, is inactive in this regard. (x) Platinum-black can absorb 800 times its own volume of oxygen (Doebereiner), but this alone would not suffice to explain its oxidising power, compressed oxygen possessing no increased energy at ordinary temperatures. Cf. also O. Loew, Ber. D. Chem. Ges. 23, 290 and 677, where I gave first the above explanation of the katalytic action of platinum black. (2) We will not enter here upon the most recent views in regard to the action of acids, more light being stil! necessary. (3) O. Loew, Ber. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. 23, 865. THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. 1G If we add, for example, to the mixture mentioned, sodium carbonate, or boil the mixture with addition of calcium car- bonate, no trace of the rancid smell will be noticed after addition of a mineral acid; the absorbed oxygen is here too quickly used up for oxidation. Another process, hitherto unexplained, is the easy reduction of nitrates to ammonia in the formation of proteids (cf. Chap. V). As there exists no nascent hydrogen in the living cells, I had long entertained the view that glucose under the katalytic influence of the living protoplasm would be the reducing agent, and recently have succeeded in imitating this reduction by means of platinum-black. I heated in my first experiment a solution of 3 g. potassium nitrate and 10 g. glucose, in 300 g. water with rro g. platinum-black for 6 hours to 60-70° and found that 45.6 % of the nitrogen of the nitrate had been converted into ammonia. This reduction can even succeed at the ordinary temperature. If 50 cc. of a mixture of a 5-10 % glucose solution with 1-2 % calcium nitrate and 10g. platinum-black is left to stand for 4-5 days in a closed flask, we observe upon supersaturation with caustic lye a strong ammoniacal odour, while in a control experiment without the platinum no trace is obser- vable.”) If we modify the experiment by increasing the amount of the nitrate to three times that of the sugar, we find on heating that the acid reaction generated at first soon diminishes and finally gives way to an alkaline one, and then the ammonia pre- viously formed becomes very perceptible by its odour.“) The platinum-black imparts to the hydrogen atoms of the glucose increased motions, thereby loosening the existing affinities, and awakening others, whereby a reduction of the nitrate is caused, 1.¢., an exchange of oxygen and hydrogen between the nitrate and the sugar. In a similar way, chlorates are reduced to chlorides; sulphates however resist its action and require evidently more (1) Other control experiments were also made, which proved beyond any doubt that only the platinum-black itself and not any oxidation product or bacterial action was the cause of the formation of ammonia. (2) Ifthe mixture is rendered alkaline before the platinum-black is added, no ammonia will be produced, a result which finds its explanation in what has been mentioned above. 172 THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. energy ; but at least with a certain sulpho-acid, the combination of formic aldehyde with acid sodium sulphite, I succeeded in effecting reduction; for this in presence of sodium carbonate yielded by moderately heating with platinum-black, small quantities of sodium sulphide,’) while the odour of methyl mercaptan became perceptible. The katalytic action of platinum-black is manifested still in another case of physiological interest. If moistened with pure caustic lye and exposed to pure air it forms from nitrogen and water nitrous acid and ammonia to a small extent.” Such a process may take place when nitrogen is assimilated by legumi- nous plants whose roots have entered into symbiosis with certain bacteria. The reverse process can also be katalytically accomplished ;~ for a neutral solution of ammonium nitrite, which is only decomposed by application of /eat, will in presence of platinum-black show a continuous development of nitrogen at the ordinary temperature. A mixture of 6 g. ammonium sulphate with its equivalent quantity of potassium nitrite dissolved in 130 cc. water developed after addition of 20 g. platinum-black in 24 hours Igt cc. nitrogen, and in 5 daysas much as 768 cc., at 15° and 723 mm. barometric pressure. A similar process takes place in cases of putrefaction when nitrates are present, where the protoplasm of the bacteria present acts upon the nitrite of ammonia formed and liberates nitrogen. In all the cases described here the platinum-black remains exactly what it was; it does not act by virtue of any chemical affinities, but only by a specific mode of motion, Analogous to this is the action of living protoplasm; it remains what it is while it produces various chemical changes in compounds that come into contact with it. If it acted by means of chemical affinities, it would undergo a change, and that would mean the death of a cell when that change amounted to more than slight traces inthe unit of time. There can be no doubt that the active principle is an intense and ceaseless motion of atoms intimately (1) We might express this result by the following equation : 2 CH20H.SO3Na+4NazC03=Na2S+S03Naz+ HCOONa+5NaHCO; Compare O. Loew, Ber. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. 23, 3125. (2) O. Loew, ibid. 23, 1443. (3) O. Loew, ibid. 3019. THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. L732 connected with the chemical constitution of the protetds composing the living protoplasm (cf. Chap. III and V), and intensified by the respiration process (cf. the following chapter). Grant Allen in his admirable treatise ‘‘ Force and Energy” gives the following “Table of kinetic energies :” Separative Separative Separative Separative : , molar motion. molecular MEOTICERIOTOnE electrical Separative. |(Ina body raised motion. Z motion, from the earth’s| (In a body torn | (In chemical | ({n an electrical surface). apart). decomposition). machine). Aggregative Aggregative Aggregative Aggregative : molar motion. molecular atomic motion. electrical Aggregative. ; motion. P : (In a falling (In a body cool- (In chemical motion, body). ing). combination), (In lightning). Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous ue molar motion. molecular . : electrical Continuous. i motion. atomic motion ; (In a top or in (Motion in motion. a planet). heat). Unknown.() (In magnet). Now, the energy produced by continuous atomic motion, for which Allen could not cite an example, must be identical with that displayed by atoms in labile position. The foremost ex- ample of such energy is represented by Plasmic Energy. (Cis ieainin WAIL. Respiration. Philosophers who have recognised respiration as the princi- pal foundation for all the other vital functions have frequently compared the living organism with a machine using coal; in both cases a liberation of energy by combustion and the applica- tion of more or less of it for various useful performances are taking place. This comparison, however, is only admissible (1) The italics are mine. 174 THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. within a very narrow compass, since the difference becomes great with an increased supply of oxygen. Hereby, the coal will burn with much greater vigour, whilst respiration will not be in- tensified, because the amount of oxygen needed is regulated by the living cell (Pfliger). The respiratory intensity not only exhibits great differences in the various species of organisms,’ but also in different organs of one and the same organism. The intensity is greater in flowers than in leaves and roots,’?) greater in leaves than in stem and fruits (Saussure), greater in light-plants than in shade-plants (Adolf Mayer), greater in shoots of oil-seeds than in those of starch-seeds (Godlewski), greater in air-plants than in hydrophytes (Boehm), in the cat double what it is in the sheep (Mumck). While increase of pressure of oxygen will not influence the intensity of respiration, the effect of rising temperature is, on the other hand, very considerable, the activity of the protoplasm being thereby greatly enhanced. At o° the respiration of plants is very slight, at 17-20° it is already twenty times more intense, and still gradually increases with the temperature nearly up to that of death. Cold-blooded animals respire less than warm- blooded," while animals in hybernation exhibit a lower tempe- rature and respire less than those in activity. Heat, visible motion, chemical action, and, in certain cases, (t) To-day it seems hardly credible that Liebig still maintained that chloro- phyll-bearing plants will not carry on respiration, although Saussure had positively proved to the contrary as early as 1805! Another erroneous conception, viz., that the blood is the principal seat of respiratory oxidation in animals was corrected in the year 1868 by Pfliiger, who has recently told us what enormous labour for years it took him to convince physiologists of the truth that oxidations in animals are accomplished by the cells of the various organs. (2) The root-ends of young plants of Vicia Faba consume in 24 hours 5 per cent of their dry matter (Palladin). Young rootlets and especially root-hairs have an energetic respiration, while the interior of large roots respires certainly much less than leaves. Not only the restricted access of air but also the lower temperature to which usually roots are exposed in greater depth will under ordinary conditions lower the intensity of respiration. (3) The intensity in frogs and earthworms is only about one tenth that in the dog; that of higher plants is generally found less than that of warm-blooded animals, in many cases also less than that of cold-blooded, if equal weights of dry matter are considered. It is with pea-shoots about one half that of the frog, while in well nourrished mould fungi it considerably surpasses even that of mammalia. THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. 7 electrical phenomena and light are the forms of energy resulting. A stratum of germinating barley, 15 cm. high, at an air tempera- ture of 7°, reaches, after a few days, a temperature of 18°. One grm. of a stalk of Brassica liberates by respiration in one hour an amount of energy equal to 132.1 gram-meter, amounting for one cell per minute to 2.2 milligram-millimeter (Rodewald). The greater part of the liberated energy assumes the form of heat and is dissipated. Bees produce so much heat that their hives show even in winter a temperature of 30°. Rabbits, with a blood temperature of 38°, consume per kilo. and per hour 0.g14 grm. oxygen, while chickens, with one of 43.9°, consume 1.186 grm. of it. Man produces every hour as much heat as would raise the temperature of an equal amount of water 1.4 degrees. Every increase of muscular exertion requires an increase in respiration ; the work done by a muscle corresponds to about 33 per cent of the energy yielded by respiration, while in a steam- engine only ro per cent of the caloric value is secured in the form of work.’ An animal, therefore, considered as a machine, works economically (Zuntz). Even the finest currents in the protoplasm depend upon the presence of oxygen, as Kiihne has shown, and the increased work connected with a rapid development of shoots and embryos, or with the transportation of starch in plants requires also an increase of respiration. Further, the dependence of the produc- tion of light by fungi and by various animals upon respiration has been proved, and there can be no doubt also that it is the same with regard to the production of electricity in the nervous system and in the electrical organs of fishes. The function of respiration consists, not in all cases, however, in merely yielding kinetic energy ; it serves also to prepare useful (1) The knowledge of the caloric values of the different compounds encountered in organisms being of high physiological interest, Stohmann has determined them with great exactness recently. We mention a few data. The caloric values of 1 gram amounts to, in: Peal UU Ure lintels etelelsleleislelele ciasiticisieleeieieieen (55735. 20 Cale PE DLOUCMelselststeiieeeietsieinl esieisls) siele'slevelelsieisiele) 532000" 35 BCUCIetelereteieiiatlaeistelelslcieleteceidieitetinieisn sistsian | O15 33:0) 45 At) ee etes einisiciele sree eves Sielpieisieleivieieiviccs ccfee 'Q;50G:0) 55 GUNICOS CaereloleleralelnloletslelsieVeloislolelsielsieicieiolele eieieis) 3374250) 8 176 THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. oxidation products, as carbohydrates from fats in plants,"") and it helps to prepare from different materials the necessary starting groups for protein formation (cf. Chap. V). While a unicellular organism obtains the necessary oxygen by a simple diffusion process, more or less complicated contri- vances are necessary to provide the interior cells of multicellular organisms with air. Stomata, lenticells, and intercellular spaces serve this purpose in the vegetable kingdom; tracheids, gills, lungs, hemoglobin, in the animal kingdom. Movements of the abdomen and thorax in insects, of the gills in aquatic animals, of the chest in lung-bearing animals, maintain the exchange of oxygen against the resulting carbon dioxide. Certain insects, as the larve of the Lzbellulidg, and even a fish (Cobitis fossilis), exhibit the remarkable exception, of carrying on their respiration by the intestines, which are provided for this purpose with innumerable blood vessels. Not all organisms, however, produce their physiological energy by respiration ; the fermentative organisms gain it with- out the aid of oxygen, by decomposition of organic matter, Bacteria can utilise various hydroxy-acids, proteids, poly- valent alcohols and sugars, while the yeasts certain kinds of sugar only. We have here the case of the so-called tntramolecular vesptration before us, one which yields considerably less energy than normal respiration. Also certain animals can for a limited (1) The formation of organic acids is also due to respiration, viz., to an imper- fect oxidation of sugar in most cases. An interesting example is furnished by the flowers of Ipomea triloba, which are blue in the morning and remain so during cold foggy, and rainy days, but turn ved on warm bright days. Since this change from blue to red can also be easily accomplished by acids, we must assume that the increased respiration on warm days causes the production of acids. (2) The fact that bacteria can be deprived of their fermentative faculties, without their life being impaired and thus be turned from anaérobs into obligate aérobs, has led me to the view, that there exists a special organoid in those organisms endowed with fermentative action. This would, to a certain degree, be analogous to the chloroplasts of green plants; the latter prepares suitable material for growth from carbonic acid, while the former prepares it by decomposing various organic matters. A small fraction of these fermenting compounds does not appear in form of fermentation products, but in that of new cells of the fermenting organism. We see therefore, here also a double part played, viz, that of liberating energy and that of preparing the necessary groups for protein formation. Cf. O. Loew, Centralbl f. Bacteriologie 9, Nr. 22. THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. 177 time subsist on intramolecular respiration, as Pfliiger has observ- ed in frogs, and Bunge in worms."? Although the comparison of respiration with direct com- bustion was close at hand, still there were many mysteries involved and many questions unsolved, in regard to the laws and to the causation of that energetic combustion going on at rela- tively low temperatures in a substance containing 75 per cent water and more, and yet remaining apparently intact, while effecting the union of the resorbed food with free oxygen. That the protoplasm remains alive while this fierce and destructive oxidation is carried on, appears the more notable as it is known how easily all kinds of living cells are killed by oxidising media in high dilutions, as by peroxide of hydrogen or by potassium permanganate. The views propounded by various authors exhibit conside- rable discrepancy. The oldest hypothesis, that of Schdnbein, assuming the formation of ozone, had soon to be discarded. But nevertheless, the idea that the common oxygen had to be changed into an active form or modification before it could unite with the compounds in the cell, prevails also in the other theories. ‘The supposed activifying process consisted in the splitting of the oxygen molecule into its two atoms with free affinities.) Hoppe- Seyler supposed that the living cells produce hydrogen, which in its nascent state could accomplish the ‘‘ activifying ”’ process by combining with one of the atoms and setting the other free. But it was objected that hydrogen ought to make its appearance at the moment oxygen is being withdrawn. This was, however, never observed. Germinating seeds can exist one day, certain worms (Ascaris) even 5-7 days, alive in absence of oxygen, but no trace of hydrogen is evolved by these organisms during that time.) Reinke holds that there exist in the living cells easily oxidisable ? Organic matters, ‘‘ autoxidisers,’ which are capable of suffering (1) With insufficiency of oxygen, animals will show albumen, glucose, and lactic acip in the urine (Araki), also an increase of oxalic acid (Reale and Boeri). (2) This process would require a large amount of energy. Heat alone can accomplish it only at a temperature not lower than 1400° C. (Troost and Haute- feuille). (3) M. Traube contends, moreover, that nascent hydrogen can activify oxygen ; it can merely produce peroxide of hydrogen. 178 THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. oxidation in contact with molecular oxygen, so as to produce peroxide of hydrogen, which under the influence of enzymes would bring about powerful oxidations.”) But Reinke omitted to prove that the supposed ‘‘ autoxidisers’’ would be really capable of inducing oxidations of sugar or fat, while as regards that perox- ide its absence in plant-cells has been proved by Th. Bokorny'”) and by W. Pfeffer.©) Neither could it be discovered in animal cells. Retnke’s view moreover could not explain how respiration, throughout such a wide range, is independent of the amount of oxygen present. But the belief that there exist in many plants easily oxidisable compounds is no doubt true. Many plant juices acquire soon a reddish or brown coloration, if exposed to air, a phenomenon which illustrates how different a course is that taken by respiration proper, since these same compounds were no doubt formed in the protoplasm and afterwards gradually secreted into the vacuole. Numerous plants, however, do not yield a juice of like behaviour, nor has this been observed in animal juices. Iczinke’s observations have therefore no connec- tion with the respiration process. The theory of Traube) assumes the existence of oxidising enzymes, which would act as transporters of oxygen, somewhat like nitric oxide in the manufacture of sulphuric acid.©) The occurrence of such enzymes was not proved by Tvaube, but has been demonstrated a year ago beyond any doubt by Toyonaga, who, at my request, made a series of investigations. These enzymes are the cause of the darkening of the juices of many plants when easily oxidisable matters are present, as in potatoes, in the roots (1) Botan. Zeitg. 1883. Nr. 5 and 6. (2) Ber. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. 24, r100 and 1848. Pringsh. Jahrb. 17, 347. (3) Ber. Sachs. Akad. d. Wiss, 1889. Recently the presence of Hz Oz in various plants has again been asserted by Bach, but his reaction was unreliable (cf. Cho, this bulletin, and his conclusion not justified). (4) Theorie der Fermentwirkungen, Berlin, 1858. Virch. Arch. 24, 386. Ber. D. Chem. Ges. 10, 984. (5) Analogous processes are the action of ferrous salts in the oxidation of tartaric acid in sunlight (Vries), the oxidation of aniline by a slight trace of ammonium vanadate (Bull. soc. chim. 45, 309) or the oxidation of nitrogenous com- pounds when added to a solution of oxide of copper in ammonia exposed to air (O. Loew, Z. Biol. (1878); Journ. f. prakt. Chem. 1878). Another example, sometimes cited, viz., the oxidation of indigo-white and its regeneration by alkaline glucose solution is for obvious reasons not well suited for comparison in this connection. THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. 179 of Daucus, Beta, Lactuca, and Taraxacum. Among the alge Zygnema may be mentioned, whose fresh juice turns black, and among the fungi Boletus luridus, whose freshly cut surface turns blue in contact with air.) If, however, oxidising enzymes are present while those oxidisable compounds are wanting, then the existence of the former can be shown by adding guaiacum solution or hydroquinone, pyrocatechin, or pyrogallol. Guaiacum will yield a blue color, the latter a brown or black one. Schénbein observed this blue reaction in various seeds, and especially well in those of Cunara ;°?) Molisch in the secretions of various roots, as those of Pisum, Brassica, Cucurbita, Lepidium, Scorzonera and Neottia.2) Some observations of Pfeffer have made it probable that the supposed enzymes are contained in the protoplasm itself, and come therefore into intimate contact with the easily oxidisable compounds contained in the cell-sap only after the death of the cells, when the osmotic properties of the tonoplast have gone.“) ‘That the blue colouration of guaiacum is also due to the action of an enzyme is supported by the fact that fresh diastase can produce the same reaction.©) I have further observed that an enzyme-like compound of proteid nature can be precipitated from potato juice by alcohol, and that it loses its quality of blackening hydroquinone upon drying in the exsiccator. I have also observed that the blackening of Zygnema never takes place after killing the cells with sulphuric acid or absolute alcohol. Toyonaga determined the temperature at which the potato lost its peculiar action upon hydroquinone, pyrogallol, and pyrocatechin, and found it to be 73°. Mercuric chloride destroyed its qualities at 55° in one hour, formic aldehyde (5 %) after 2 (t) Also the cambial sap of the conifers turns gradually brown in contact with air. The turning brown of blossoms and green leaves which sets in after death, belongs to the same group of phenomena. The existence in plants of oxidising enzymes was recently also shown by Bertrand C.r. 120. (2) Journ. prakt Chem., 88 and 105; Gmelin-Kraut, 1. 2. p. 456. (3) Wien, Akad. Ber. 1887. (4) The compound yielding the colouration of potato juice can be extracted with alcohol; it turns dark brown in contact with Fe Cl3. (5) &. Schéne (Z. analyt. Chem., 33, 159) observed that old guaiacum tincture yields a greenish blue colouration with diastase alone; fresh tincture, however, wants the addition of hydrogen peroxide. The substance yielding the blue product is guaiaconic acid, C20 Hz4 Os (Liicker). 180 THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. days standing, almost completely; dilute sulphuric acid and caustic potassa acted in the same way, so that there can be hardly any doubt that the active principle is an enzyme. Oxidising enzymes appear to be present also in the animal body. Saliva produces a blue colour with Wurster’s reagent (tetramethylparaphenylene-diamine), a fact erroneously taken to be a proof of the presence of hydrogen peroxide; it produces further a brown colouration with hydroquinone. E. Salkowski found in the blood, Faguet and also Yamagiwa in the lungs, kidneys, and muscles, enzyme-like agencies, capable of producing small quantities of benzoic acid from benzyl alcohol and of salicylic acid from its aldehyde.) But such actions of enzymes are always of a very narrow compass; they belong to very weak oxidations of certain benzene compounds, but never to an attack upon, to say nothing of a complete combustion of, sugar or fat. We must therefore reject also the theory of Tvaube as wholly unsatisfactory. It appears singular that the authors mentioned all ignored just the most important condition for respiration, 7.c., the /iving state of the protoplasm. ‘Taking a plain chemical start and leaving physiology aside, they endeavored to reach a satisfactory expla- nation, biased by the idea that the albuminous compounds the chemist studies in his vials are the same as those composing living matter. This erroneous conception still governs the minds of many, and by them respiration will never be com- prehended. It was Pfliigey who in the year 1876 drew the inference in plain and forcible logic that the proteids of the diving protoplasm are different from those of the dead, and that their chemical change into the indifferent common proteids signifies the death of the cells. Only those chemical qualities exhibited by the living cells can induce respiratory activity. ‘‘ Oxygen is not made active, but the proteids of the living cells have the activity.”’ Thus, a new foundation was gained, but few physio- logists took notice of it; above all, however, Nenck: assented. Detmer modified Pfliiger’s view, assuming a continuous dissociation (1) Jahresb. f. Thierchem., 22, 387. Also Réhmann and Spitzer: Ber. Chem. Ges., 28, 567. THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. 181 of the “units of life,’ whereby respiration would be induced.” The dissociation he assumed to be followed by regeneration. This barbarous idea of dissociation, however, would be incom- patible with the great sensitiveness of the living protoplasm ; dis- sociation would mean simply death and nothing else. But how can the living protoplasm, in spite of its extraordi- nary sensibility, carry on such a powerful combustion process, surpassing in energy the action of nitric acid, without being injured? Can we hold it possible that the oxygen is first activified before it oxidises? It would seem to us that an activified oxygen would have certainly other ways of action than those observed within the living protoplasm. Respiration exhibits like the well studied oxidations by various agents," its own specific manner of oxidising. An animal capable of oxidis- ing in 24 hours several hundred grams of starch (sugar) completely to carbon dioxide and water,®) is unable to burn up a few grams of oxalic or formic acid.“) It is even unable to oxidise I gram of benzene completely to phenol. And while it destroys tyrosin, quinaldin, and pyrrol, it attacks with difficulty hydroquinon, phenylacetic acid, or naphthoic acid. A series of investigations by Nencki, Mering, Baumann, Salkowski, and others, led to the recognition that certain com- pounds reappear in the urine unchanged, such as benzidine, others in combination with sulphuric acid, as phenol, others again (partially oxidised or not) as derivatives of glycocoll, like picoline or benzoic acid, or of glucuronic acid, as tertiary alcohols and thymol, or of cystin, as brombenzene; they may also re- appear as uramido-compounds like sulphanilic acid, or taurin. (1) Physiologie des Keimungsprocesses, Jena, 1880; Jahresb. Thierchem., 22. (2) Potassium permanganate, nitric acid, hypochlorites, hydrogen peroxide, lead peroxide, silver oxide, have all a specific oxidising action. The results may however sometimes be modified by relatively small changes in the molecules to be oxidised, as by the introduction of an acidic or alkylic radical. (3) The question as to the intermediary products is of relatively small im- portance. The formation of glucuronic acid in animals shows that to a very small extent acids are produced, but formic and oxalic acid certainly only in slight degree. The forerunner of carbon dioxide is probably the bivalent group HC-OH, but that cannot be proved. (4) Oxalate of sodium in non-lethal doses reappears in the urine with a loss of only 7 per cent (Gaglio). Sodium formate reappears to the extent of 4-3 in the urine (Gréhaut and Quinquaud), 182 THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. The lateral chains of aromatic ketones are oxidised to carboxy), if the benzene ring does not contain a hydroxyl-group, otherwise the entire compound will reappear in combination with sulphuric or glucuronic acid in the urine, with the lateral chain preserved (Nenckt). Some sulphur compounds will yield sulphuric acid, while others will not.“ It is, further, of great interest that the oxidation of benzene to phenol and to small quantities of pyrocatechin and hydro- quinone in the animal body (Nencki and Gzacosa) is diminished by the introduction of certain poisons.'”) The difficulty in completely oxidising benzene derivatives of a certain constitution is not only encountered in the animal but also in the vegetal organism. Many plants accumulate tannins and related compounds without ever utilising them again; in most cases they are excreted and may by their repulsive taste prevent depredations by various animals: only under certain conditions may tannin be utilised again.©) Also certain alkaloids in plants undergo no further metamorphosis) and have to be looked upon as excreta. It is, further, very characteristic of the oxidising faculties of plant-cells that certain compounds are left unchanged, which, even by such a comparatively weak oxidising agent as hydrogen peroxide, are attacked readily. Thus, it was observed by Pfeffer that cyanin (a quinoline derivative), introduced into plant-cells is not altered, while it is easily bleached by the peroxide. Also certain compounds in the roots of Vicia and of Trtanea Bogotensis are easily converted into brown oxida- (1) Compounds of the general formula NHz—CO—S—R easily yield sulphuric acid; thiophen or sulphonal do not (Smith). (2) Nencki and Sieber (Pfliig. Arch. 31, 319). found, e.g., that while in the body ofa healthy man 0.82 g. phenol was formed from 2 gram benzene, under normal conditions, only 0.33 g. was formed if 2 gr. ethyl alcohol per kilo of body-weight were administered at the same time. Also individual differences were noticed. Poisons may also interfere with normal oxidising processes; thus, diamide in non-lethal doses leads to the appearance of allantoin in the urine of dogs (Borisson, Z. physiol. Chem., 19, 499)- (3) Small kinds of Spirogyra will use up their tannin after a few weeks cultiva- tion in a solution containing 0.5 °/o KHz PO4; 0.2 0/0 KH CO3 and traces of nitrate and sulphate of calcium. (4) Cf. the investigations of Leo Errera, Maistriau, and Clautriau, especially those of the latter in the Bulletin Belge de Microscopie, 1894. THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. 183 tion products by it, while they remain colourless during their stay in normal cells.“ How weak the oxidising power of the cells appears to be here and then how energetic when sugar comes under action! We search the entire domain of chemistry in vain for a single case of the occurrence of complete combustion when an organic compound in aqueous solution absorbs oxygen from the air; even the well known energetic absorption of oxygen by alkaline solution of pyrogallol does not lead to a complete combustion. Only the action of free permanganic acid can exhibit similar results. However, there exist cases where partial oxidations by molecular oxygen can easily take place. We will mention the transformation of aldehydes into acids, of hydrazo-benzene to azobenzene, of indigo white into indigo blue. Also the be- haviour of anthraquinone, oxindol, and amidophenols to common oxygen may be cited. The total change here taking place consists either in the entrance of one oxygen atom into the molecule or inthe withdrawal of two hydrogen atoms. Other compounds again acquire the property of absorbing free oxygen through the presence of an alkali, as pyrogallol, pyrogalloquinone, chrysarobin, furoin.%) Benzene acquires it by the presence of aluminium chloride. In all these cases there exists evidently a high degree of lability in certain hydrogen atoms leading to the absorption of oxygen. This lability is due to their specific posi- tion in the molecules.“ We observe under ordinary circum- stances, however, no labile hydrogen atoms in the fatty acids proper, but nevertheless the latter are easily burned up in the cells. We must then logically conclude that contact with the living protoplasm suffices to impart a state of lability to the atoms in the molecules of the fatty acids, recalling the action of (1) Ber. Sachs. Akad. d. Wiss., 1889, p. 493. These observations likewise proved the absence of H2Oz2 in plant-cells. (2) It is obvious that the energetic autoxidation of zinc ethyl, dimethyl arsine, monobrom-acetylene and of the sodium compounds of ketones and aldehydes, which burst into flame in contact with air cannot serve for comparison. (3) A preliminary ‘ activifying’”’ of oxygen takes place here just as little as in the living protoplasm, (4) Lability of hydrogen linked to carbon may be of two kinds: one which determines its easy exchange by certain metals, as in acetylene, the other which causes its increased affinity for oxygen, as in aldehydes. 184 THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. platinum-black, which renders the alcohol molecule so labile that it readily takes up oxygen. We must look upon both kinds of phenomena as katalytic oxidations (cf. the foregoing chapter).'” It is the CH.— group in the fatty acids and amido acids, and the CH OH— group in ketoses, aldoses, and hydroxylated acids that are most easily attacked. The carboxyl-group renders the CH OH— group in a molecule much more easily attackable than does the alcoholic group CH,OH. Thus, we see that glycerol and mannitol are (at least in the animal) by no means easily oxidised, while, ¢.g., tartaric acid is. The influence of the carboxyl-group also becomes evident when we compare the bibasic phthalic acid with the monobasic benzoic acid; the latter resists while the former is for the greater part burned up. That in the animal the amido-acids (leucin, glycocoll, tyrosin) undergo combustion with especial facility, yielding thereby urea was demonstrated by Nencki and Schulizen, as early as 1872, and later on by Knuteriem, Schmiedeberg, Weiske, and Lewinsky, in experiments with asparagin. Nencki declared, therefore, the amido- compounds to be the forerunners of urea.”) This view, which does not assume a direct oxidation of dissolved proteids, but a pre- vious splitting into a group of well known amido-acids, is very well supported by observations of Hofmeister, which prove with what difficulty peptone, as such, is oxidised in the living animal. A rabbit of 1.75 kilo. in weight, discharged, after intravenous injec- (1) Nencki and Sieber have tried to determine the extent of oxidation which sugar and albumin can undergo if exposed at 36° in alkaline solution to air, and have found it to be very slight. How little the protoplasm itself participates directly in the oxidation process may be illustrated by the fact that 95 per cent of the matter oxidised may be sugar and only 5 per cent proteids; with bees the percentage of the latter is still less. (2) The amido-acids from proteids are even more quickly oxidised in the cells than the carbohydrates, as must be concluded from investigations by Kumagawa, who nourrished dogs with an excess of lean meat and observed that under this con- dition also the glycogen of the meat was deposited as fat in the animal (Mittheilun- gen der medic. Facultat, Tokyo). It is, moreover, of great interest to observe how the production of urea is influenced by the chemical constitution: negative groups connected with the nitrogen will prevent the formation of urea, as Nencki has shown with acetamide, recalling the resistance of hippuric acid. But taurin and sarkosin are also oxidised with difficulty, reappearing as uramido-compounds in the urine (Salkowski). Urea must be considered as a synthetical product from carbamic acid and ammonia (Drechsel and Abel; Nencki and Hahn). THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. 185 tion of 0.318 g. peptone, over ¢ of it again in the urine, and after subcutaneous injection about 3. Trypsin, present in minute quantities in all parts of the body, may gradually form amido- acids from the circulating protein; also decompositions of an- other kind may simultaneously take place, whereby sugar is one of the products, which process can not only occur in the liver but also in the milt and kidneys (Lefine and Metroz). ‘The great amount of urea discharged a few hours after a meal may be due mostly to the amido-acids formed by the pancreatic juice from a part of the proteids of the food. The view of Nencki is further supported by observations in plants. In all cases where the proteids are attacked in plants to support respiration, a previous formation of amido-acids takes place, whose residues are finally found in form of asparagin (cf. Chap. V); a synthetical product corresponding to the urea of animals. ‘The view here taken as to the cause of respiration, corres- ponds in its principal feature to the definition Nagel: gives of oxidising fermentation.’?) This author says: ‘‘ the specific state of motion in the living protoplasm of the mycoderma cells is extended simultaneously to the alcohol and to the oxygen molecules. If, thus, the equilibrium is disturbed to a certain extent, chemical change takes place by aid of chemical affini- ties.’ This theory, however, is still imperfect, as it does not show how the ‘‘ specific state of motion” in the protoplasm is caused and does not define whether it consists of a molecular or of an atomic motion.%) The new theory which assumes a chemical difference between the protceids of the living and those of the dead protoplasm furnishes the key to the ‘‘ specific state of motion ;” it infers from physiological facts (cf. Chap. V) the presence of highly labile atomic groups, viz., aldehyde- and (1) Asparagin must be defined as the form in which ammonia is stored up in plants, whether it be formed by decomposition of proteids and amido-compounds or it be resorbed from tbe soil. Cf. Kinoshita, this Bulletin. (2) Theorie der Garung, p. 43. (3) Ndgeli published his ** Theorie der Garung”’ in the year 1879. A few years later, | often had discussions with him concerning the difference between living and dead protoplasm, which he had taken for a physical and anatomical one, Later on, however, he agreed that there must exist a chemical difference. 186 | THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. amido-groups in the molecules of the active proteids, a conclu- sion supported again by toxicological observations (cf. Chap. III), and by the study of the active reserve albumen in plants (cf. Chap. IV). The actions of this peculiar energy, so well adapted for transmutation into chemical work, were characterised in Chap. VI. It remains therefore only to explain how the intense and ceaseless oscillations going on in the protoplasm can excite the atoms in the sugar or fat) to such energetic motions that a combination with oxygen will result. In this regard it will suffice to point to the action of heat, which, at a certain tempera- ture, will bring about the combustion of various compounds.) The increased moleculay motion passes partially into atomic motion, rendering the atoms very labile, i.c., imparting to them intense oscillations, whereby the chemical affinities originally governing the molecules are loosened, leading to an increased affinity for oxygen. As cohesion is loosened by heat, so the atomic cohesion, 7.c., the affinities in a molecule, are loosened by plasmic energy ; in both cases atomic oscillations are inaugurat- ed leading to combustion, with the main difference that plasmic energy can accomplish its effect at a much lower temperature than heat energy. When the wave impacts originating from the labile atoms in the protoplasm have fallen upon the atoms of the res- piratory fuel, and have led finally to motions of a certain intensity, the act of combustion sets in with great vigour, not a previous, but a simultaneous splitting up of the oxygen molecule taking place : normal rvesptvalion. But if molecular oxygen is absent, then such “activified ’ sugar molecules will undergo other changes, with the production of fat, lactic acid, or alcohol ; these processes are (1) Fats as such can hardly serve for respiration, not being soluble in aqueous fluids. It was therefore supposed that a previous saponification is necessary. It is however, much more probable that a conversion of the neutral fats into lecithin takes place, which swells up easily in water and is even a little soluble in it. Cf. O. Loew, On the physiological functions of phosphoric acid, Biol. C. 11,270. (2) A previous “ activifying ’’ of the oxygen is here never noticed, for the small amount of ozone formed by rapid combustion under certain circumstances is only a by-product. Cf. O. Loew, On the formation of ozone in rapid combustion, American Journal of Science, Vol. 49. THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. 187 accompanied by a development of carbon dioxide, and have received the name : intramolecular respiration.” If the amount of respiratory fuel decreases, the intensity of respiration will diminish also, and finally, the active proteids of the living protoplasm will, on account of their lability, themselves take up oxygen. And ifina cell a small amount of protoplasm has thus been changed, the equilibrium of the entire tectonic will be disturbed and a rapid chemical change will follow the contrac- tion : death by starvation. The protoplasm, however, as if endow- ed with intelligence, understands how to avoid this dangerous result. It absorbs food and instead of itself taking up oxygen, throws it upon the ‘‘activified’’ molecules of food and thus derives the greatest profit to itself, the liberated energy being utilisd for various vital functions. A great part assumes the form of heat and is dissipated, another part that of mechanical activity, another, again, serves to increase the original plasmic energy and leads thus to the most wonderful chemical perform- ances. But the increased state of lability will lead in turn to an increased respiration, and this, again, to an increased lability. Thus the temperature would continuously rise also, and another dangerous point would be reached: death by heat, at 45-50°C. The increased motions of the labile atoms would facilitate the reaggregation into stable position, the passage into passive proteids by the action of the labile groups upon each other; we may define this death as caused by an intramolecular self- poisoning. However, there exist, again, conditions to prevent this result, heat being lost by conduction, by radiation, and, further, by evaporation of water. Higher animals also enjoy the benefit of regulating contrivances in the nervous system. It is, nevertheless, admirable to see how close the temperature of birds is kept to that dangerous degree which, like an abyss, separates life from death. And still more remarkable are the (1) The view of several authors that the so-called intramolecular respiration is the primary cause of normal respiration has been refuted as erroneous by Sachs, Diakonow, Godlewski, and others. In most organisms absence of oxygen acts detrimentally, but in cold-blooded animals and plants much more slowly than in warm-blooded animals, while anaérobic microbes and yeasts can do without it altogether, 188 THE ENERGY OF THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. few exceptions to the general rule, as observed in certain alge and bacteria, which can remain alive even at temperatures above go® C. If we now consider again the general teaching that ‘‘the potential energy of the food yields the kinetic energies of the organism,’ we must keep in mind that there is originally present a certain energy in the living matter, which liberates that energy by combustion, and that the original energy being thus intensified leads to the vital functions in the various organs and organisms. On the Reserve Protein in Plants. Il, BY G. Daikuhara, Nogakushi. I have given the results of my investigation on the occur- rence of active albumen in a large number of plants in Vol. IT. No. 2 of the Bulletin of this College. As all the objects then examined were collected in spring, it seemed to me of interest to examine them during the fall. We know that an extensive transportation of nutritive materials takes place from the leaves to the stem, roots, and bulbs. I supposed therefore that leaves found rich in active albumen in spring might not show this kind of reserve material in autumn. On the other hand, it seemed also possible that plants of rapid growth and yielding none of the reactions of active albumen in summer might yet accumulate some active albumen late in autumn when development stops. I wanted also to test the leaves of evergreen plants in the fall, as well as a number of fruits. Accordingly, all the objects here mentioned were examined during the months of October, November, and December. The general result of this examina- tion has been that objects not showing any active albumen as reserve-material in spring also show none in autumn ;") and that most objects yielding a positive result in spring, yield the same in autumn, although usually to a much less extent. I have also repeatedly examined leaves partially dead, as shown by their brown and yellow spots, and could never produce proteosomes with caffeine in the brown parts, but always in the still healthy and green cells, even at points very close to the dead portions. In a few cases I could see, without caffeine treatment, bright globules in the cells, which in some in- (1) As examples of those which give no reaction in spring, and do give one in autumn, I will mention the leaves of Deutzia Sieboldiana, Diospyros kaki, and Salix japonica. It should be mentioned here that sometimes the caffeine reaction does not set in immediately, especially in the case of thick cell walls, and can then be detected only after the prolonged action of a saturated caffeine solution. 190 DAIKUBARA 3} stances proved to be fat.) In one case, however, viz., in the epidermis of the midribs of the leaves of Osmunthus Aquifolium, they resembled «impure proteosomes, and were changed and even partly dissolved by alcohol of 20 per cent. The frequent occurrence of active albumen in different parts of the flowery may have an important physiological relation to the formation of seeds. However, the seeds and fruits investigated showed active albumen only in the epidermis in most cases. A phenomenon which resembles, to a certain extent, the formation of proteosomes is plasmolysis. Th. Bokorny has al- ready observed (Pringsheims Fahrb. Vol. 20) that by the action of caffeine both, normal and anomalous plasmolysis, can take place, whereby the tonoplast can become divided into two or more parts keeping their globular shape for some time. According to his theory, these phenomena have to be explained in the same way as the formation of proteosomes, viz., as being caused by the separation of a certain amount of water of imbibition. It was therefore a matter of particular interest to me to observe such phenomena myself in a number of cases: as, for instance, in the petals of Ipomea hedracea,”) the leaves of Camellia theifera, and the leaf-veins of Pyrus Toringo. The two kinds of globular formation may, however, be easily (1) I would here supplement what I have said (loc. cit.) upon the use of alcohol and ether to distinguish proteosomes from fat globules. In order to preserve the globular shape of the former, treatment with 1 p.m, NH3 or with alcohol of 20 9/o is necessary, before the mixture of alcohol and ether is applied. In certain cases the ammonia has to be diluted to 4 p.m. because of the gradual solvent action of more concentrated solution. The caffeine proteosomes are, in exceptional cases, not solidified into bright globules, by the action of dilute ammonia, but are partially or, in some cases, (Acer palmatum) wholly dissolved. This is evidently due to the presence cf a large amount of impurities (tannin especially) in them. The petals of Pwonia yield caffeine proteosomes, which are turned by ammonia into hollow globules without any brightness. There exist evidently many differences between the active albumen of some species, and that of others, ¢.g., many isomers and polymers are possible. (2) Accompanied by comparatively few proteosmes, and only observed in the lower colourless part, not in the upper coloured part of the petals, after treatment with caffeine. Anomalous plasmolysis by 0.5 °/o caffeine solution can also be sometimes ob- served in Spirogyra, after it has been cultivated, for some time, in a 1-5 per mille nutrient fluid. ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. II. Igt distinguished by treatment with 1 p.m. ammonia, by which the forms of true proteosomes are not changed,” while the tonoplast loses its globular shape.) Another reagent for distinguishing the two kinds of globules is iodine solution, which produces vacuoles in the true proteo- somes, while it only causes the tonoplasts to shrivel up. The results of my examinations are shown in the following tables: RANUNCULACEZE. SPECIES. Opjects ACTIVE REMARKS. TESTED. ALBUMEN, Peonia albiflora, Pall. Old leaves Much Even present in those living cells that Anemone japonica, Sieb.)| , were near brown et Zucc.) Blowers None dead portions of the leaves. ” ” Leaves None BERBERIDEZ. Nandina domestica, Thunb. | Old leaves Present ms + Epid. of fruit Moderate TERNSTRGMIACEX. ror 6 (Epid. of old 5 Leaves suffering from Camellia japonica, L. | leaves | Little aihiatcar also gave the reaction. 0 a Midribs Very much ” » Epid. of fruit 7 * Camellia Sasanqua, Thunb. | Epid. of fruit | Very much ” ” ” Leaves ” ” ” » » Flowers an a Camellia theifera, Griff. Epid. of fruit | Much Small fat globules present. ” i Flowers Moderate Ternstreemia —_ japonica, ) Peas Loaves Moderate Also present in the reddish portion of | the leaves. (1) They merely solidiy and seem to shrink a little. (2) In some cases, however, it is well, after the ammoniacal treatment, to apply 10 O/o acetic acid under the microscope, which does not affect the solidified proteo- somes, but destroys the globular shape of the tonoplast. I applied this treatment in the case of the petals of Ipomaa hedracea. DAIKUBARA 3 MALVACE. aan OBJECTS ACTIVE SPECIES. ESTED. a REMARKS. Hibiscus syriacus, L. Flower None Starch present. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, L. Flower None ” ” Leaves None GERANIACE. Oxalis rosea, Jacq. Flower None Strong acid reaction. ” ” Leaves None CELASTRINEA. Celastrus articulatus, Thunb. Contains drops. many fat E ; No decisive Epid. of fruit { TORCLOn \ SAPINDACE#. Acer palmatum, Thunb. Epid. of leaves | Little 3 of Epid. of veins | Very much LEGUMINOS#. Phaseolus radiatus, L. Leaves None Much soluble passive albumen. Wistaria chinensis, Sieb. No passive albumen et duces} acs None in solution. ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. II. 193 ROSACEA, OBJECTS ACTIVE f = PEA TESTED. ALBUMEN. ESS Prunus persica, Benth et\|fOld yellow Very little in the Hey { leaves GSO: epidermal cells and moderate qt. in the Prunus Pseudocerasus, Lindl {Ore as Present pallisade cells. eaves 5p ep August flower | Little Prunus Mume, Sieb. et\|fOld yellow Only in the pallisade Deel leaves } BeGoene cells. Pyrus Toringo, Sieb. Young leaves | Little 33 ap Veins of leaves | Very much In some cells there was produced ano- 7 i Epid. of fruit | None malous plasmoly- sis. Rosa laevigata, Mich. Epid. of fruit | None Rosa indica, L. Leaves None ¥5 5 Flower Very much Photinia glabra, Thunb. Epid. of leaves | None Spongy tissue : ve my { of leaves j SHER SAXIFRAGE. Deutzia crenata, Sieb. et | No passive albumen yes} EEE Very much in solution. Astilbe chinensis, Maxim. Leaves None LYTHRARIE. Lagerstreemia indica, L, Flower Very much ” ” Epid. of fruit | Very much Punica Granatum, L. Epid. of fruit | Very much 194 DAIKUBARA 3 BEGONIACE. OBJECTS ACTIVE SPECIES. Pa Coe REMARKS. Begonia Evansiana, Andr. | Flower None Tenves No decisive » 20 a2 reaction ARALIACEZE. Aralia cordata, Thunb. Leaves Little 3 Epid. of fruit | Little 9 CAPRIFOLIACE. | Sambucus racemosa, L. ; Many fat globules var. Sieboldiana, mia Teayes EES: present also. EBENACE. Diospyros kaki, L. | Old leaves | Much | No passive albumen. OLEACE. Osmunthus Aquifolium, : Benth et ee Flower Moderate + i Epid. of veins | Little ” ” Leaves None CONVOLVULACE. Ipomeea hedracea, L. Leaves None Even in midribs no caffeine reaction during flowering. ” 5 Petals of flower} Present Only in large cells near spiral vessels. Anomalous plasmo- lysis also produced. ” ” Siamiens et Present Also anomalous plas- flower : molysis produced, by caffeine. —e. iia ON THE RESERVE PROTEIN IN PLANTS. II. 195 SOLANACE. SPECIES. Osjects ACTIVE REMARKS. TESTED. ALBUMEN. Solanum Melongena, L. Flower None rr is Leaves None Little passive albu- men in solution. Pe Ar Epid. of fruit | None Nicotiana ‘Tabacum, L. Leaves None ” oh Flowers None nr an Epid. of seeds | None POLYGONACE®, Polygonum ieee Blowers Very much our. 5 7 Leaves None CUPULIFER. Quercus glandulifera, BI. Leaves Little ” ” Midribs Much SALICINEA. Salix japonica, Thunb. Leaves Very much | SCITAMINE#. Canna indica, L. | Flower | Much present On the Consumption of Asparagine in the Nutrition of Plants. BY Y. Kinoshita, Nogakushi. The fact that asparagine is formed whenever proteids undergo decomposition in plants has been repeatedly made the subject of close investigation by various authors, but much less atten- tion has been hitherto paid to the reverse process—the regeneration of proteids from asparagine. C. O. Maiiller™) has asserted that this regeneration can only take place during the process of assimilation in green leaves, and that the action of light and the status nascens of carbohydrates are essential. As this statement did not appear to me to be well-founded, quanti- tative investigations being wanting, I undertook a series of experiments in order to see whether this process might not proceed in the dark. If we look upon the growing root from the physiological point of view, we must hold it highly probable that the cells of the root, although always deprived of light, are capable of forming the proteids necessary for its growth and development from suitable sources, such as sugar, nitrates, and sulphates, or sugar, asparagine, and sulphates. It is a well known fact that mould fungi can form their proteids in this way, in complete darkness, and that certain fungi, especially bacteria, grow even much better in the dark than in day-light; it may, therefore, be surmised that the formation of proteids and protoplasm may also proceed better in darkness. The relative amount of glucose, or other suitable material, seemed to me the most decisive factor in the transformation of asparagine into proteids. I, therefore, selected shoots of soya- beans, which are rich in asparagine, and tried to nourish them with organic materials, repeatedly making microscopical tests, in the usual way, with alcohol, as described by Borodin, Pfeffer, (t) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss d. Eiweissbildung in der Pflanze. Landw. Versuchst. Bd. 33, p. 11. CONSUMPTION OF ASPARAGINE IN NUTRITION. 197 and others, and finally determining the amount of asparagine still present, by crystallisation, according to Z. Schulze’s method.“ Either methyl alcohol, glycerol, or glucose was used as organic nutrient, in solution along with calcium sulphate.?) Every seventh or eighth day, this solution was replaced for a day by one containing 0.5 per mille each of the two potassium phos- phates, and of hydrated magnesium sulphate, so as to furnish the necessary mineral matters. The cotyledons were cut off at the beginning of the experiment, in order to prevent further formation of asparagine by decomposition of the reserve proteids. A control experiment was made at the same time with soya shoots kept in water, in which an asparagine determination was made just before the other shoots were placed in their nutrient solutions, and again in others at the time when the shoots under investigation were analysed. The soya-beans were soaked in water on March 7th, sown on moist saw-dust next day, and kept in the dark. In four days, at rather low. temperatures, the seeds had germinated and the roots had reached the length of 2-3 cm. At this time I tested the tips of several roots microscopically for asparagine and found only doubtful traces; but when the roots had become 6 cm. long the presence of a moderate quantity was easily recognised. At this time the young plants were placed in water on a wire net. After the length of the entire plants had reached 20-27 cm. and the stem and the root had been found to be rich in asparagine, by microscopical tests, a portion of the shoots was placed on April I., (a) in ar % solution of methyl alcohol mixed with 4 of its volume of saturated gypsum solution, (6) in glycerol") solution of r %, with gypsum, and (c) in glucose solution, the cotyledons of all the shoots having now been removed. Whenever the solutions became turbid from bacterial growth, they were renewed at once. When the hypocotylous part of the stem had reached about 30 cm. in length, growth seemed (1) Landw, Jahrbiich., 1888, p. 688 and 701; also 1880, p. 14. (2) In some trials I made use of sodium acetate and tartrate, but not with satisfactory results, perhaps because the conditions were not favourable. (3) Preliminary experiments had convinced me that a solution of 10 °/o or even of 5 °/o glycerol is not adapted for the further development of the plant. Indeed, in the 10 °/o solution the shoots died after 2 days. 198 KINOSHITA ; CONSUMPTION OF to stop in it, while the growth of the shoots above the cotyle- dons was now more marked than before. It may be mentioned that most of the leaves of the shoots cultivated in glycerol solution were somewhat larger than those grown in methyl alcohol. Microscopical examination exhibited now a very great difference between the amount of asparagine present in the control shoots, and that present in the other cases. Direct tests for the presence of dissolved reserve albumen, made upon an aqueous extract by addition to it of nitric acid, showed that there was none present in the control case and much present in the shoots cultivated in sugar and glycerol. We see, therefore, that the decrease of asparagine is coincident with an increase of the dissolved proteids. Microscopical tests made it further highly probable that the amount of other amido-products was con- tinuously decreasing, while tests for sugar with Fehling’s solution revealed its presence in the shoots grown in glycerol, but neither in those grown in methyl alcohol nor in the control case. Soon afterwards, on April 27th, a final measurement of dimensions, and a quantitative determination of asparagine were made. The stem without the hypocotylous part had a length of 4-14 cm., In the control case No. 2; a length, of 11-19 cm. in glycerol, and of 8-1g cm. in methyl alcohol. The quantity of asparagine was as follows: Asparagine Date of Dry matter Asparagine per cent in dry determination. in grammes. in grammes. matter. Control shoots No. r. April 1st. 3-966 0.853 21.5 An No. 2. pe 27 tie 2.948 0°847 28.7 ” ” No. 3. 99 3-611 0.906 24.0 Shoots in methyl alcohol ,, ,, 2.698 0.511 18.9 ee glycerol) ,, ,, 4.590 0.629 13-7 (1) For determining the amount of asparagine in those shoots which had been kept in the dilute glucose solution, the material was not sufficient, but I micros- copically examined the shoots for asparagine on the 8th May, (when some of the leaves showed brownish spots, indicating a gradual decay), and found a not inconsiderable amount of it still present. I do not doubt that if we could introduce more concentrated sugar solution into the cells of the shoots, the shoots would continue to grow in the dark until all the asparagine had been transformed into proteids or protoplasm, provided the necessary mineral salts had been also introduced. ASPARAGINE NUTRITION OF PLANTS. 199 The determination of asparagine in the control shoot No. 1, was made after the removal of the cotyledons (April 1), when the experiment proper commenced. If we compare this result with that yielded by the control shoot No. 2, we find an increase of asparagine in percentage of dry matter, due probably to the gradual conversion of other amido-compounds into asparagine.) The fact that in the control case No. 3, where the cotyledons had not been removed, a smaller percentage of asparagine was found than in No. 2, may probably be due to the galactans and other carbohydrates gradually becoming soluble and getting consumed in support of respiration, thus protecting proteids as well as amido-compounds from further changes, and retarding the production of asparagine. The principal conclusions which we can draw from the results obtained are: (1). Glycerol and methyl alcohol supplied by the roots, can not only hinder the production of asparagine in the shoots, but are also capable of diminishing the amount already formed. (2). Glycerol is much more effective than methyl alcohol. It also forms sugar in the cells. (3). Since shoots have been found to grow better in solu- tions of methyl alcohol and glycerol than in water, and also to show the presence of dissolved proteids by the nitric acid test, it is safe to assume an increasing protein production in the shoots thus nourished; in other words methyl alcohol, as well as gly- cerol, can serve for the regeneration of proteids from asparagine, and as this process can go onin ferfect darkness, light must be denied to have any direct action in supporting it.) (1) Compare O. Loew. This Bulletin, Vol. II. No. 2. (2) This formation of sugar is in accordance with the observations of Laurent, Ar. Meyer, and Th. Bokoyny. ‘The latter author has also observed starch formation from methyl alcohol under the influence of daylight. (3) It is however indirectly of great importance, because it yields the necessary carbohydrates; for the more sugar there is present in a cell, the quicker will asparagine be transformed into proteids. On the Assimilation of Nitrogen from Nitrates and Ammonium Salts by Phaenogams, BY Y. Kinoshita, Nogakushi. There exist many observations on the development of plants, as to whether nitrogen is supplied in the form of nitrates or in that of ammonium salts. One would naturally expect that ammonium salts would be the better source of nitrogen, because nitrates would have to undergo reduction to ammonia before assimilation proper (formation of proteids) could take place, thus causing not only loss of time, but also the waste of such organic material (most probably glucose) as serves for this reduction. But, contrary to expectation, nitrates have been found in many cases to act more favourably than ammonium salts. This result may be due to the noxious qualities which ammonium salts have in a higher concentration than that immediately needed in the cells. Nitrates can be stored up in roots and stems, but ammonium salts cannot. The question, therefore, presents itself, as to the form in which the nitrogen of ammonium salts is stored up, when these salts are absorbed in greater measure than that required for the immediate wants of the plant. Asparagine has been frequently found in the roots and bulbs of many plants, but it has not been positively ascertained yet, whether this compound is in these cases a decomposition product of proteids, as it is in germination, and in the starva- tion of plants kept in the dark. Some authors have assumed that this asparagine is formed in the leaves by the action of nitrates upon carbohydrates, and is then transported to the roots, while others have supposed its synthetical formation in the roots, leaving entirely unsettled whether nitrates, or ammonium salts, or both, equally well contribute to its formation. NITROGEN FROM NITRATES AND AMMONIA. 201 I have, therefore, made several experiments to decide under what conditions the formation of asparagine is brought about, and whether also its formation takes place in the dark, that is, without the reducing action exerted by light in leaves. For these experiments, I selected such plants as are rich in starch and which form, therefore, under ordinary conditions, but very little asparagine by the decomposition of proteids. Barley seeds were distributed in three pots, filled with moist sand, and kept in the dark. After sixteen days the height of the young plants was, on an average 20 cm., but their tips began to dry up gradually. At this time, I subjected the plants of one pot to analysis, while the second pot was treated with a 1 % solution of ammonium chloride, and the third with an equivalent quantity of sodium nitrate. Of each of these solutions, 0.5 litre was administered at three different times. After one week, the growth was found rather insignificant, and the drying at the tips had extended. After the sand had been carefully separated by washing, the whole plants were analysed. Not a trace of ammonia could be discovered in them, in spite of their treatment with ammonium chloride. The total nitrogen was determined by Kjeldahl’s method, the protein nitrogen by that of Stuézer, and the asparagine by that of Sachsse. The result was as follows :— Date 15th May 22nd May Plants in water, amm. chlor. sod. nitr. Total nitrogen 3.512 4.436 4-925 Protein nitrogen 2.704 2.126 2.006 Nitrogen in asparagine”) 0.656 2027 0.977 A very great difference is here seen in the quantity of asparagine, its production being favoured by ammonium salts. In a second experiment, young maize of nearly 4o cm. in height was placed with its roots in solutions of sodium nitrate and of ammonium nitrate, both containing 0.1 % of nitrogen, while the control plants were placed in distilled water. After (1) No especial attention was paid here to the other amido-compounds, which evidently must have been present in all three cases. 202 KINOSHITA ; NITROGEN ASSIMILATION. four days’ standing in diffused day-light, the whole plants were subjected to nitrogen determination, with the following result :— Plants in water, amm. nitr. sod. nitr. Total nitrogen 4.13 4.23 4.15 Nitrogen in asparagine 0.38 0.73 0.24 From this it is evident that ammonium salts are transform- ed into asparagine, while nitrates can be stored up as such. The difference would have been found still greater in the latter case had only roots and stems been tested, and I think it safe to assert that asparagine is the form in which the excess of nitrogen, originally in the ammonium salts, is stored up in the plants, although I regard these investigations merely as a preliminary step to a longer series I intend to carry out in order to decide whether my conclusion can be substantiated. | l] | { | On the Presence of Asparagine in the Root of Nelumbo nucifera. BY Y. Kinoshita, Nogakushi. The root of Nelumbo nucifera is used in this country in the boiled condition as food, and is rich in starch. Its nutritive quality may be judged from the following analysis by Kellner : WPAECT@ kegs SUA S/8 scot cotgycan = toass A vaey sot beat ORrOAe % In too pts of dry matter: Crude HrOveiny Fao, ee ees ooh nee | ce eee FAS He Aeeu reed Ae) Susecie Foods a maoa liseae ty 850) cesie pedo Be UA GC UMra a punt aan es och. cong cash, cumple POLO Non-nitropenous extract; starch ete... =... <«.. 78.59 Ash (free from carbon and carbon dioxide) ... 5.03 I suspected that a certain amount of nitrogen might be present in the form of amides as in potatoes and beets, and actually found the presence of a not inconsiderable quantity of asparagine. This substance is evidently closely connected with the formation of proteids, and is therefore of high physiological interest. It has been frequently found in germinating seeds, which contain the more of it the poorer they are in carbohydrates. It is also present in many buds during their development, but its presence in roots has less frequently been demonstrated. The root of Althea contains 2%, that of Glycirrhiza (Plisson) 0.8 %, that of Scorzonera (Gorup) 0.6%, and potatoes 3 % (E. Schulze). It was also found in the root of Symphytum and in that of Lactuca. In order to obtain asparagine from the root of Nelumbo nucifera, | proceeded as follows :— The fresh root was reduced to a fine pulp and pressed, the residue was mixed with a little water and pressed once more. The filtered liquid was evaporated and the residue was extracted with hot alcohol of 60 %. Upon cooling an abundant crop of crystals was obtained while the mother liquor yielded more 204 KINOSHITA ; ASPARAGINE IN NELUMBO. crystals, on treating it again with hot alcohol and evaporating. An approximate determination showed that this root contains asparagine amounting to nearly 2 % of the dry matter. The purified crystals showed not only the same crystalline forms as asparagine but also yielded up one molecule of water when dried at 100°, while the nitrogen determination according to the method of Kjeldahl also agreed with that for asparagine. For the determination of nitrogen, I took 0.3 gr. of the substance dried at roo° and obtained 0.06232 gr. nitrogen, that is 20.78 %. Calculated. Observed. Water of crystallisation’... ... 7 12ire eG. rea Nitrogen, .i-g cita sd Weta, wae A695 Ash es | ot Ea De crn sip ycoutly tee O24 Tofu is also sold in another form, called kori-dofu. It is prepared by exposing the fresh tofu tablets to the action of frost, under which they shrink considerably, lose water, and become more compact. While fresh tofu contains, on an aver- age, 89.02 % of water, kori-dofu contains only 15.32 %, in the air dry condition. The analysis of kori-dofu gave me the following results :— Rsetbetea © si, oe a ee wo. hed, “Mtes ellsek >) TRAD 9% PE UMNNOS ie Men. fn! aaemes, “Aida % Habeanamlectt hint) seme er. waae eames 2305’ OF Non-nitrogenaus extract® “..% ic) <<. ae F505 % WeMMlOsers.. lacs ienaMedceee ce Sissy + suet | Sdn Aie. 96 chipeee se AUG era e rao ws; | SA) Bk 1 MBLOS: Of The manufacture of tofu") is conducted as follows :— The beans are first soaked for about twelve hours in water and then crushed between two mill-stones until a uniform pulpy mass is obtained. ‘This is then boiled with about three times its quantity of water for about one hour, whereupon it is filtered through cloth. This liquid is white and opaque, exactly like cow’s milk; while the smell and taste remind one of fresh malt. Upon standing, very fine particles separate on the surface which, under the microscope, can easily be recognised to be small globules of fat. Its reaction is neutral or very slightly acid, but after standing for several days it gives a strong acid reaction, ow- (1) Tofu is manufactured only ona small scale, by people who sell it in their own shops. (2) Even continued boiling will not bring on coagulation of the milky liquid, but the addition of an equal volume of alcohol yields a flocculent precipitate. 212 M. INOUYE; ing to the formation of lactic acid, when the separation of casein takes place exactly as in the souring of milk. The lactic acid was determined by shaking out the filtrate repeatedly with ether, evaporating the ether, and boiling the syrupy sour residue with some water and finely suspended oxide of zinc. The filtrate was evaporated to a small volume and after a few days the crystal- lised lactate of zinc was collected, dried, and weighed. Thus, 100 ce. of the milky liquid, that had been left.for two weeks in contact with air, yielded 0.13 grm. of lactate of zinc, corresponding to 0,092 grm. of lactic acid. I also analysed the fresh milky liquid with the following results :— Soya bean milk. Cow’s milk. Witter cco geceieteeess.> oes. a be ROSES IO EOOROOMEE Albuminoids FEM Gig anc: Gecele eegsOemre 4.00 % Fat Lace REESE osha), gee ZaG aes 3.05 % Fibre’ o.u) Seamer V0 arc OnOR Mere — Ash) Go 3: each ee +> + Sas Owetans G70 Non-nitrogenous extract, includ- ing carbohydrates ... «=.» 188 °% = Milk Stigaraemerrigeee soho —_ 5.00) ve The fat contained in this liquid as well as in the ¢ofw-tablets was found to consist partly of lecithin. Tofu dried at 100° yielded 26.65 % fat and 4.83 er. of this fat yielded, after igniting with carbonate of soda and nitrate of potash in the usual way, 0.280 grm. of magnesium pyrophosphate, which, multiplied by the lecithin-factor, 7.2703, corresponds to 2.035 grm. lecithin, amounting to 11.2 % of dried tofu, leaving for the genuine fat 15.4 %;%) more of the latter, therefore, is left in the refuse than of the former. In the manufacture of fofu-tablets from the freshly prepared milky liquid, about 2 % of concentrated brine as it is obtained as mother liquor from the preparation of sea salt, is added with constant stirring, whereupon a flocculent precipitate is soon formed which is separated by means of a cloth filter, slowly (1) A portion of this lecithin was probably present in the soya bean as lecith- albumin; comp. Leo Liebermann, J. B. f. Thierchemie, 1893, p. 32, and E. Schulze, Chemiker Zeitg. 1894, Nr. 43. THE PREPARATION AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TOFU. 213 pressed, and then cut into tabular shape.“ I have tried to arrive at a satisfactory explanation of the nature of tofu, and have found that the salt-brine does not act by its chloride of sodium, but by the calcium and magnesium salts which are in it; for we can at once obtain the precipitate from the milky liquid if we add a little calcium nitrate or magnesium sulphate,” while we can not obtain any separation or precipita- tion by adding even considerable quantities of sodium chloride or sodium sulphate.°) However, ammonium sulphate will, as with cow’s milk, bring on precipitation, if we add 60% of it to the milky liquid. This precipitate is so voluminous that the liquid seems to solidify. The peculiar state of the solution of soya bean casein resembles that of milk; thus, if milk is dropped upon porous clay, the liquid will be absorbed by the clay, but the casein and fat will remain on the surface, and the same is observed with the milk from soya beans. I have analysed a sample of the salt brine used for tofu mak- ing and found it to contain, besides chloride of sodium, 27.9 % of chloride of magnesium and 7.0 % of chloride of calcium. As casein has decidedly an acid character and is only very little soluble in water in the free state, it seemed most probable that the aqueous extract of soya beans contains a sodium or potas- sium compound of casein®) yielding insoluble calcium and magnesium compounds, which constitute tofu. (1) In this way about one fourth of the total amount of proteid in soya beans is obtained in the tofu. (2) An excess of magnesium sulphate is to be avoided, as it would redissolve the precipitate. (3) Ifthe liquid is warm and saturated with sodium sulphate, a very slow and imperfect separation may be noticed. (4) In order to see whether a product similar to Swiss cheese could be obtained from the crude soya casein or tofu, I infected 50 grm. of fresh tofu with a small dose of pulverised Swiss cheese, and added ten per cent of common salt to the mixture, pressed it in cloth, and allowed it to stand in a moist beaker glass for several months. The product resembled, only to a limited extent, the cheese from milk, but further experiments with addition of small quantities of milk sugar are intended. (5) I observed that soya bean casein is easily digested by pepsin solution acidulated with 0.2 /o hydrochloric acid, without leaving any insoluble residue ; in this it resembles human casein, which, according to the valuable investigations of Wroblewski (Berne, 1894) yields, unlike cow’s-casein, no paranuclein. I found also that peas and horse-beans yield aqueous extracts of similar behaviour to that of soya beans. 214 M. INOUYE; I found that, after extracting 100 grms. of fresh tofu with 1% acetic acid, the filtrate contained lime 1.g1 % and magnesia 3.82 % of the dry matter of tofu. A part of this lime and mag- nesia may have been present as phosphate in the tofu, but another part must have been in it in combination with the casein, as also becomes evident from the different behaviour of tofu towards a diluted solution of disodium phosphate. If tofu is boiled with a 1% solution of this salt, the casein goes into solution and soon forms an opalescent liquid, while the calcium of the tofw yields calcium phosphate; if we, however, prepare at first the free casein from tofu by treatment with very dilute acetic acid and thorough washing, we find that it will be soluble only in traces in disodium phosphate even after prolonged boiling, while it is easily soluble in the carbonate. The free soya bean casein thus obtained will, after complete removal of the fatty matters by alcohol and ether, still give an opalescent solution when treated with dilute potash, showing that the opalescence is due not only to suspended fatty matters, but also in part to the casein itself. Such a pure solution of the potassium compound of the casein behaves to- wards calcium and magnesium salts exactly like the original liquid from which ¢ofw is made. The results which we arrive at in regard to the prepara- tion of tofu is as follows: In the soya beans there are contained compounds of casein with potassium or sodium which are not coagulated by boiling, but which yield with the calcium and magnesium salts of the brine that precipitate of insoluble calcium and magnesium compounds of the casein, which con- stitutes tofu. The separation of tofu is therefore not due to coagulation but simply to precipitation. The great similarity between concentrated extract of soya beans and animal milk is also exhibited by the formation of thin surface films on evaporating it at high temperatures. These films contain not only the proteids of the liquid but also include suspended fatty particles and other impurities which are present in the solution. Such films are prepared in this country by evaporating the extract of soya bean, and when dried form (t) Therefore we can safely infer that the solubility of the crude soya bean casein in hot water is not due to the presence of alkaline phosphates. THE PREPARATION AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TOFU. 215 an article of food called yuba. Analyses of the air dry product gave the following results :— NIV ENE” one” leet! @ @ga aaa eae 21C0 1 ae A OKCIASMMI Ne Gon Soe mae (ahs, wie ade, AO! % EE 5) ot eect y esc, c25: | ute QAOR Non-nitrogenous compounds .... ... ... =7.65 % AMEE CA ce mite cree eae so | see 2eO Ze Carbohydrates. trace. Note on Nukamiso. BY M. Inouye, Nogakushi. Nukamiso is rice-bran in a state of lactic fermentation, and is used for softening certain vegetables, such as the fruit of the egg-plant and the radish, which are rendered palatable and easily digestible, when left in a large quantity of nuwkamiso for about 24 hours." Nukamtso is prepared by mixing rice-bran with about four times its amount of hot water and adding 6-10 per cent of salt to the mixture. A small quantity of old nukamiso is added in order to give the fermentation an early start. Very frequently also some fish broth is added, whereby the fer- mentation is considerably enhanced. The mixture acquires gradually a strong acid taste and peculiar smell, and has to be stirred from time to time to avoid the growth of mould fungi on the surface, which would no doubt use up the lactic acid and, by thus rendering the mass gradually neutral, would allow of the growth of putrefactive bacteria, which would spoil the product, more especially if enough salt had not been added. Comparative experiments with one per cent solution of peptone have shown that if the quantity of sodium chloride sinks below 5 per cent, putrefaction can easily set in,’*) while lactic fermentation of a sugar-peptone-solution is not prevented by even 10 per cent of sodium chloride, although it is much retarded. (1) The nukamiso is not eaten, but is carefully washed off from the articles that have been treated with it. (2) An addition of 5 per cent sodium chloride to a peptone-solution will retard the putrefaction to such a degree that after about two weeks the amount of ammonia formed is only about } that of the control case without sodium chloride. This amount of ammonia would be still less, if some lactic acid were present, as in nuka- miso; moreover, 1 may mention that, although an addition of even 8 °/o of sodium chloride to the diluted peptone-solution will not prevent bacterial growth, putrid fermentation is very much retared, if not entirely stopped, by that addition, especi- ally if 0.5 °/o of lactic acid is still present. NOTE ON NUKAMISO. 217 Microscopical investigation of a sample of nwkamzso revealed numerous bacilli, micrococci, a small kind of yeast in state of gemmation, and some mycelium of mucor. Tested with dilute solution of methyl violet, many bacilli became coloured, and were thus proved to be dead. ‘The iodine-test showed the pre- sence of some still unchanged starch by the blue colouration of many of the particles, and of undissolved proteids by the yellow colouration of others.) Upon chemical examination of the filtrate, I found, (besides lactic acid), peptone, sugar, amido-acids, and slight traces of ammonia, but I could not demonstrate the presence of enzymes. Probably such were formed at first by the action of the bacteria, but as the quantity of lactic acid increased, they must gradually have been destroyed.“ Volatile acids were evidently present only in traces, and certainly no butyric acid. Lactic acid was determined by titra- tion with normal soda solution, and found to amount to 2.6 per cent. The general composition of the sample analysed was as follows :— RNAI on, nih eae MME, Uadsce wan Sear 75 KON%G Lactic acid Rem ay aes ace AROS SUPA ue Mose pe a eees Gee - nn enw Bede % odiumnChlonide sme i | aes hte | Oak % Proteids Amido-compounds | Fats Ee Mise ti ics sas eee. LOANS, Mineral matters | Starch My own observation on the fermentation of nukamiso has convinced me that there is always simultaneous development of bacilli and of a peculiar small kind of yeast, incapable of pro- ducing alcoholic fermentation, and forming a scum, like that of (1) An infection from a sample of nukamiso of sterilised one per cent peptone- solution containing some extract of meat, showed after one week a great develop- ment of bacteria, micrococci, mucor, and small yeast cells. (2) The filtered liquid from nwkamiso was neutralised with carbonate of soda and digested at 40° with meat-fibres as well as with boiled starch without any solu- tion being observed. 218 INOUYE ; NOTE NO NUKAMISO. Saccharomyces nrycoderma, on the surface, and that, after a few weeks standing, not only sugar, carbon dioxide, and lactic acid are formed, but also a considerable amount of proteids is dissolved. If, at this time, a plate-culture is made with traces of the liquid, bacterial colonies are observed, that liquefy gelatine, and also colonies of the small yeast already mentioned." The nwkamiso is prepared in barrels by almost every family in this country, and is looked upon as indispensable for the wants of the cuisine. The products treated with it acquire a peculiar fine flavour. The greater digestibility acquired is due to softening, and this process is principally due to the death of the cells of the vegetables caused by the lactic acid, which causes them to lose their fullness. This process has here, therefore, the same effect as the treatment with vinegar in the preparation, in western style, of cucumber or lettuce-salads, or in the cooking of vegetables ; but the experience in Japan is that the treatment with nukamtso produces a superior result in regard to flavour. It may be that nukamiso will gradually find its way into other countries, as our soya-sauce or shoyu has done. ' (1) The colonies of a kind of Aspergillus, which I observed here, are probably not a normal occurrence ; mucor was not observed in this case. Preliminary Note on the Sake Yeast. BY K. Yabe, Nogakushi. It has been repeatedly asserted that a fungus related to Aspergillus called Eurotium Oryze, forms conidia, which can bring on alcoholic fermentation. This fungus plays a great part in the manufacture of sake on account of its high diastatic pro- perties. Rice infected with that fungus, 7.c., koji, is mashed along with freshly boiled rice, whereupon, not only sacchari- fication, but also fermentation gradually sets in. Micros- copical examination now reveals the presence of numerous cells of a Saccharomyces, which have the size of the beer yeast, but also frequently are about $ larger in diameter. We have made several experiments in this Institute in order to see whether this yeast could be transformed into the above named mycelium fungus, and have always failed, from which it is to be concluded that the sake yeast is not a certain stage of development of Eurotium, but a species quite distinct. We hope to communi- cate at a later occasion the details of further investigations. For the present, the remarks which follow may suffice as to the behaviour of the sake yeast. This species exhibits its fermentative activity in solutions containing a much higher percentage of alcohol than certain other kinds of yeasts. A small amount of the yeast was suspended ina Pasteur solution (containing a higher percentage of glucose than usual) and quantities, of 10 cc. each, were placed in seven flasks, to which were added 50 cc. of the Pasteur solution, a measured amount of alcohol of known strength, and the necessary amount of water to make the volume 100 cc. The percentage of sugar in the flasks at the beginning was 9.48. After 6 days the sugar was determined by Allihn’s method in those bottles where the fermentation had been lively, while in others the usual titration method was used. ‘The results are as follows :— 220 YABE ; NOTE ON THE YEAST. Percentage of Sugar still Remarks. alcohol. present, ) 0.024 Yeast multiplied very much. 4 0.098 8 1.649 >» 12 D-409 9 16 8.636 Multiplied but little. 20 9-254 Multiplied very little. 24 9.450 Any multiplication hardly observable. We see, therefore, that the yeast was still very active in presence of 12 % of alcohol, and even when there was 16 % some fermentative activity was observed. A large increase of mineral salts in the solution seems also not to interfere, as is shown by the following results, obtained with Pasteur solution to which increased quantities of sodium chloride had been added. Percentage of Percentage of sugar not Relative fermentative sod. chlor. fermented after 2 weeks. power. .0 0.0826 99.060 .005 0.0711 99.077 .050 0.0557 99-366 aut — — 5 0.0631 99.281 1.0 0.0655 99-255 2.0 0.0741 99-157 4-0 0.0753 99-134 6.0 0.1087 98.764 10.0 4.3982 48.868 12.0 7.5393 14.287 14.0 8.0580 8.391 18.0 8.6360 1.819 22.0 8.7660 fe) Note on the Behaviour of Hippuric Acid in Soils. BY K. Yoshimura, Nogakushi. The manurial effect of urine stands among other things in a certain ratio to its amount of nitrogenous compounds, and to the readiness with which these are converted into ammonia. Kellner has shown that urea as such is not absorbed by the soil and that surface soil more readily converts it into am- monium carbonate than soil from a certain depth. Uric acid can also readily undergo fermentation, with the production of ammonia and carbon dioxide, and with simultaneous oxidation.) C,H,N,0,+8H,0+ 30=4NH,+5CO.+4H,0. But there exists a considerable amount of nitrogen in still another form in the urine of cattle and horses, viz., as hippuric acid. About ro % of the total nitrogen of cattle-urine and about 2% of that of horse-urine are present in this form. As hippuric acid evidently resists the fermentative action of microbes more than urea or uric acid, it seemed to me of interest to observe the behaviour of hippuric acid in soils. At first, however, I tested soil in regard to its absorptive power for this compound. It seemed to me possible that soil rich in hydrated oxide of iron might show some absorptive power, ferric hippurate being insoluble. Two kinds of soils were tested; one, from the farm of this College in Komaba, near Toky6, consists of volcanic ashes and loam, and contains about 8 % of humus and 8-11 % of oxide of iron; it has a high absorptive power for ammonia and phosphoric acid. The jother, from Tochigi, is of clayey nature; both soils are almost free from calcium carbonate. (1) Sestini. Landw. Vers. Stat., 38., 157. 222 YOSHIMURA ; BEHAVIOUR OF 100 cc. of a solution of sodium hippurate, containing 0.340 % hippuric acid, were well shaken with 20 grms. of soil from Komaba and filtered off after 24 hours, without washing out the soil. Of the filtrate 50 cc. were evaporated to a small volume and, after addition of some sulphuric acid, shaken with acetic ether. The latter after separation left on evaporating, 0.169 grm.= 0.338 % of hippuric acid. It may, therefore, be concluded that practically none of it was absorbed. Two experiments were then made with free hippuric acid on both kinds of soils, but no absorptive power could be noticed to any notable extent. In regard to its behaviour towards fungi, I found that dilute solutions of its sodium salt, containing neutral potassium phos- phate and magnesium sulphate, are capable of developing mould fungi and microbes, although this salt must be considered as a poor nourishing material. In order to see whether the microbes of the surface soil would be more energetic in decomposing sodium hippurate than those of the subsoil, I took portions of soil at different depths reaching to 140 centimetres, shook them with sterilised water, and infected a sterilised solution, containing 1 % sodium hippu- rate, 0.2 % potassium phosphate and o.1 % magnesium sulphate. The flasks, plugged with cotton, were allowed to stand from December 29th, 1894, to May 5th, 1895. From time to time, a few drops were withdrawn by means of sterilised glass tubes and tested with Nessler’s reagent, and it was thus found that, after two months, the solutions infected with the soil from a depth of 50 centimetres, showed moderate reaction, while those infected from greater depths, showed no trace™ of it. But, later on, and when the temperature had become warmer, increased vegetation of the microbes was noticed in all the solutions, and by the 4th of May, 1895, a strong ammoniacal reaction was obtained in all of them. It was interesting to find nitrites absent; only in one flask was a very slight trace indicated by Griess’s reaction. (x) The temperature of the room was, until the end of February, generally lower than 5 degrees C. HIPPURIC ACID IN SOILS. 223 Several bottles were examined for undecomposed hippuric acid, but none could be found. The bacterial vegetation consisted mainly of micrococci. Results. Hippuric acid and its sodium salt are not absorbed by the soils tested. Decomposition of hippurates proceeds more quickly in the surface soil than in the subsoil; this decomposition is attended with liberation of ammonia, and is chiefly dependent upon the action of micrococci. Note to the Preceding. BY Prof. Oscar Loew. The fact observed by Yoshimura that nitrification does not take place in solutions of sodium hippurate is in accordance with other similar observations. The nitrifying microbes, able to assimilate ammonium carbonate, according to Huippe and Winogradszki, cannot assimilate ammonium formate, and do not develope well upon ammonium oxalate,’ as I have myself ascertained. In my experiments, the sterilised solutions con- tained, (besides 0.5 per mille of one of these salts), 0.5 per mille each of neutral potassium phosphate, and magnesium sulphate, and were infected from a culture obtained from garden soil exhibiting a moderate nitrifying activity. The flasks, holding (1) The objection that the want of nitrification is not under all conditions a reliable sign of the absence of nitromonas, seems to me not tenable. In those cases, however, in which other microbes are also present, the ammonium nitrite formed can easily be destroyed. 224 LOEW ; BEHAVIOUR OF HIPPURIC ACID IN SOILS. 2 liters each, remained for 12 weeks, in the dark at 16-18°. The fungoid mass which formed was exceedingly small and hardly visible. While there was no nitrite formed in the flask containing the formate,“ there was some in the oxalate flask. A small portion of this liquid was diluted with g times its volume of water, and the coloration obtained by Griess’s reaction compared with that of standard, highly diluted nitrite solutions. In this way, the conclusion was arrived at that the total amount of nitrous acid did not exceed one milligramme, while the control solution with ammonium carbonate contained more than ro times as much. I observed further that the nitrification- process proceeds nearly double as quickly in the dark as in the daylight. (1) There exists however a certain bacillus—I have called it Bacillus methylicus- able to assimilate formates (Centrbl. f. Bact., #2, Nr. 14). Does Hydrogen Peroxide occur in Plants? BY J. Cho. It had been often stated that hydrogen peroxide in small quantities occurs in plants, but it was shown by Th. Bokorny"? and also by W. Pfeffer, that these statements are not well founded. Quite recently, however, it has again been asserted to do so by A. Bach.) After he had tried all known reagents and had found them to be insufficient for proving the presence of very small quantities of hydrogen peroxide in plants, he employed a new reagent which, indeed, may prove useful in certain cases. This consists of a highly diluted mixture of potassium bi- chromate with free aniline. The liquid to be tested has to be mixed with an equal volume of this reagent, in presence of a little oxalic acid. Ifa trace of hydrogen peroxide is present, a violet coloration is pro- duced, due to the action upon aniline of perchromic acid, intermediary formed. I have convinced myself of the delicacy of this interesting reaction. Bach employed it in examining twenty-five species of plants, of which eighteen yielded a positive result. He says, ‘‘Sur les vingt-cing espéces végétales examinées, les dix-huit suivantes ont donné un résultat positif en ce qui concerne la présence de l’eau oxygénée : Brassica asperifolia, B. oleifera, Daucus carota, Beta vulgaris, Geranium rotundifolium, Hedera helix, Lauro- cerasus, Aster, Tropceolum pentaphyllium, Chrysanthe- mum JBalsamita, Mericurialis annua, Urtica, Calla palustris, Vicia fava, Papaver rhoeas, Sisymbrium nastur- (t) Pringsheims Jahrb., vol. 17. (2) Ber. Sachs. Akad. Wiss., 1889. p. 493. (3) Comptes rendus., t. CXIX., p. 286. (4) The solution contains in one liter 0.03 gr. potassium bichromate and 5 drops of aniline. In testing, one drop of a 5 °/, solution of oxalic acid is added for 5 cc. of the reagent. 226 J; CHOY tium, Dianthus Caryophyllus, Apium Petroselinum, Fragaria vesca. Deux plantes ont donné un résultat douteux: Lactuca sativa, Vicia. Cinq plantes ont donné un résultat négatif: Medicago sativa, Cichorium Intybus, Avena sativa, Viola odorata, Lilium bulbiferum.”’ In regard to the mode of application he gives the follow- ing note: “*25 gr. de feuilles bien vertes et cueillies au milieu de la journée ont été placés dans une tasse de porcelaine spa- cieuse, arrosés par 75 cc. d’eau acidulée par 0.1 pour 100 d’acide oxalique. Il faut éviter d’employer les acides mineraux, parce qu ils décomposent certains glucosides et en mettent en liberté la tannin. La tasse, couverte @une soucoupe, a été gardée dans une chambre obscure. A des intervalles déterminés, des portions de 5 cc. ont été relevées sur l’extrait et essayées par le réactif, comme il a été indiqué plus haut. Un essai a blanc a été opéré dans chaque cas avec 5 cc. de réactif, 5 cc. de l’eau acidulée et I ou plusieurs gouttes de la solution d’acide oxalique.” As it seemed to me of great interest to see whether the pre- sence of hydrogen peroxide had thus been positively proved, I subjected the following twenty-one species of plants exactly to the same treatment as Bach: Brassica oleracea. Geranium nepalense. Kerria japonica. Brassica chinensis. Cornus officinalis. Rubus trifidus. + Pisum sativum.-+ Corylopsis spicata. Prunus Lauro-cerasus. Vicia fava. Urtica thunbergiana. Styrax obassia. Papaver rhceas, Hydrangea hortensis.-+- Chrysanthemum coronarium.+ Diervilla grandiflora. Daucus carota.+- Aster tartaricum.+ Lonicera morrowii. Cryptotenia canadensis. Beta vulgaris.+- In nine cases out of these twenty-one, I did, indeed, observe a reddish coloration, but it was not like that in the control test. I have marked these species in the list with+. I found that in these cases parts of the leaves had died from the poisonous action of the oxalic acid, while in the other cases, where no reaction was obtained, all the leaves were still DOES HYDROGEN PEROXIDE OCCUR IN PLANTS, 227 uninjured, and the cuticula had prevented the entrance of the acid solution into the cells. In order to see whether the reaction obtained was, indeed, due to hydrogen peroxide, I added 0.5 gr. of platinum black to 20 cc. of the diluted oxalic acid solution that had been in contact with the leaves for twenty- four hours, and let the mixture stand with occasional stirring in a porcelain dish for one hour. A control experiment with a o.1 % solution of hydrogen peroxide, having shown that by this means hydvogen peroxide) is so perfectly decomposed, that Bach’s reaction shows not a trace of it, it was remarkable to find that in all the plants mentioned the reddish coloration was obtained, and still of the same intensity as before treatment with platinum black. The only conclusion to be drawn is that there was no hydrogen peroxide ever present, and it seems to me that Bach was not justified in declaring that it was so in any of the plants he ex- amined, because he omitted to apply the platinum test to see whether the faculty of giving this reaction would be destroyed or not. The coloration mentioned can very probably be obtained only in those cases where the leaves have been partially killed by the oxalic acid solution, and thus certain easily oxidisable organic matters made able to leave the cells by osmosis. ‘These might by oxidation in presence of the aniline oxalate yield coloured products. I doubt whether Bach ever observed his reaction in leaves that had remained alive in all parts. (1) The energetic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by platinum black is an old and well known fact. ¢ aut Vy wh 3 ae i a ha. bis ae 77 er ov en tail a} Tia. iy ol ij Fl Fl il il Bt NK I se as RIiRE ERM Se IP O+ 1) eR we Hw R se RIKER RMA PO] ee Die Japanischen Laubholzer im Winterzustande. Bestimmungstabellen VON H. Shirasawa, Ringakushi. VORWORT. SCHWARZ hat in seinem ‘‘ Forstliche Botanik”’ die Unter- scheidungsmerkmale angegeben, wonach die forstlich wichtigen Pflanzen in Deutschland auch ohne Bliithen oder Friichte oder im ganz kahlen Zustand zu erkennen sind. Eine Bearbeitung der japanischen Pflanzen in dieser Hin- sicht liegt noch nicht vor, was als eine oft schwer gefiihlte Liicke in unserem forstlichen Wissen zu betrachten ist, und mich darum veranlasst hat, die vorliegende Arbeit durchzufiih- ren. Ich bin dabei hauptsachlich dem System von Schwarz gefolgt, so weit dies bei der naturgemdss grossen Verschieden- heit der deutschen und japanischen Flora moéglich war. Die zu dieser Arbeit verwendeten Examplare (von ungefahr 300 Arten, Baum- Strauch- und Schlinggewachsen) wurden meist in den botanischen Gdrten in Komaba und Koishikawa, und dann in der Umgebung von Tokyo gesammelt. Da die im Garten gezogenen Pflanzen meist kein normales Wachsthum zeigen, so habe ich nebenbei auch frei im Walde erwachsene Pflanzen in Amagi, Nikko, und in der Provinz Shinano zur vergleichenden Betrachtung zugezogen. Zu dieser Arbeit wurden zwei Winter benutzt. Bei dieser Kiirze der Zeit konnten im Nachfolgenden noch nicht alle forst- lich wichtigsten Pflanzen Japans bearbeitet werden. Indessen behalte ich mir vor, im nachsten Winter diejenigen Pflanzen, welche noch nicht beriicksichtigt worden sind, naher zu untersuchen. Ich kann hier nicht umhin den meinen warmsten Dank Herren Dr. Grasmann, Prof. Matsumura, Assist. Prof. Shirai u. | fare 230 SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. Dr Honda, Prof. Dr. Kitao u. Prof. Dr. Ishikawa auszusprechen welche mir ihre giitige Hiilfe bei der vorliegenden Arbeit hatten zu Theil werden lassen. Tokyo Juni, 27 Meiji. TABELLE I. Die Knospen sind an den Langtrieben spiralig angeordenet. I.—Die Knospen sind in der Blattnarbe verborgen. Robinia Pseudacacia, L. WHari-enju. Taf. I, Fig. r. Die Blattnarbe ist ziemlich gross, hockerig, wird zumiest von zwei derben geraden Stacheln flankiert. Die Stacheln konnen auch fehlen. Zweige sparrig, hin- u. hergebogen, kantig, lang. Rinde braun od. griinlichbraun mit zahlreichen, feinen Lenticellen, im Alter braungrau bis grau. Mark un- regelmassig eckig, ziemlich weit (nach Schwarz). II.—Knospen gestielt. a.—Eine gréssere Schuppe umhiillt fast die ganze Knospe. Alnus incana, Willd. var. glauca, Ait. Yama-hannoki. Taf. I, Rigs: Knospen ziemlich gross eiformig, schwach gekriimmt, un- deutlich dreieckig, lang gestielt. Knospenschuppe dunkel- carminroth, bereift. Zweige hin- u. hergebogen, harzig. Die jtingeren Theile der Triebe sind feinfilzig behaart, grau, u. lassen die weissflichen Lenticellen nicht so deutlich erkennen. Mark dreieckig. Alnus japonica, Szeb. ef Zucc. WHannoki. Taf. I, Fig. 3. Knospen schlank, lang, unregelmdssig dreieckig, scharf kantig, etwas gefaltet. Die Spitze der Knospen schwach ge- SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 231 kriimmt, harzig, glanzend. Jungtrieb dreikantig graubraun bereift, altere grau. Lenticellen ziemlich erkennbar. Mark dreieckig. Alnus firma, Sieb. et Zucc. Yashabushi. Taf. I, Fig. 4. Knospen spindelformig, gekriimmt, kurz gestielt, rothbraun glanzend, theilweise griinlichgelb. Blattnarbe abgerundetes Dreieck. Zweige hin- u. hergebogen, auf der Sonnenseite braun, 2uf der Schattenseite graubraun, die jiingeren Theile fein behaart. Lenticellen sehr deutlich. Mark unregelmas- siges Dreieck. Alnus viridis, DC. var. sibirica, Regel. Miyama-hannoki. Taf. I, Pig. 5. Knospen ziemlich gross, spindelig, lang gestielt, zugespitzt u. gekriimmt. Knospenschuppen dunkelcarminroth, glanzend. Die jungen Zweige graubraun, kantig, mit elliptischen, deut- lichen Lenticellen versehen, die alteren Zweige dunkelgriin, mit braunweisslichem Ueberzug. Blattenarbe halbkreis- od. herzformig, u. von unregelmassiger Form. b.—Mehrere Schuppen umgeben die Knospen spiralig. Ribes} fasciculatum, Sieb. et Zucc. Yabu-sanzashi. Taf. I, Fig. 6. Knospen spindelformig, lang, etwas gebogen, den Zweigen angedriickt, hellroth gefarbt. Jiinge Triebe hellbraun, glan- zend, bei Absterben der ausseren Peridermschichten grau, u. leicht sich abschifernd. Blattnarbe sichelformig. Lenticellen undeutlich. Mark ziemlich weit. III.—Knospen von unausgebildeten Blattchen gebildet, (nackt), A.—Zweige auffallend dick. a.—Mark gefachert. Juglans Sieboldiana, Max. Oni-gurumi. Taf. I, Fig. 7. Endknospe viel grésser als Seitenknospe, pyramidal, etwas gebogen, graubraun filzig behaart. Junge Zweige braun be- haart, altere weisslichgrau, kahl. Blattnarbe sehr gross breit 232 SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. herzformig. Mark weit fiinfeckig, gefachert. Bei Verwundung der Basttheile zeigt sich gelbe Farbung. Juglans cordiformis, Max. Hime-gurumi. Taf. I, Fig. 8. Knospen u. Zweige ganz ahnlich wie bei der vorhergehenden Art, daher die Unterscheidung im Winterzustande schwer. Pterocarya rhoifolia, Sveb. ef Zucc. Sawa-gurumi. Taf. Ty Piagwizo: Knospen dreikantig, lang, auf dem Langschnitte spatelfér- mig, an der Spitze etwas gedreht, graubraun filzig behaart. Zweige gerade, ganz kahl, die jiingeren Theile hellbraun od. grau. Mark ziemlich weit, eckig, gefachert. Juglans regia. L. var, sinensis, Cas. ‘Teuchi-gurumi. Taf. I, ite: Endknospen grosser als Seitenknospen, glockenformig, etwas kantig, dunkelgrau filzig behaart; die ausseren 2 od. 4 elgen- tlichen Schuppen leicht ablésbar. Seitenknospen kugelig. Zweige dick, die jiingeren graulich braun od. griin; die alteren grau glanzend. Wenige Lenticellen, an jiingeren Zweigen deutlicher als an alteren. Blattnarbe gross, breitherzformig. Mark gross etwas gefarbt. £.—Mark nicht gefachert. Cedrela chinensis, fuss. Chanchin. Taf. II, Fig. zo. Endknospe sehr viel grdsser als Seitenknospen, von mehreren unausgebildeten Blattchen locker umhiillt, dunkel- braunfilzig behaart. Seitenknospen kugelig. Zweige dick, dunkelgelbbraun, glaénzend, schwarz bestaéubt. Blattnarbe gross, rundlich, grauweiss, mit meist 5 Gefassbundelspuren versehen. Lenticellen wenig, deutlich. Mark weit, rundlich. Rhus vernicifera, DC. Urushi. Taf. I, Fig. 72. Endknospen viel grésser als Seitenknospe, pyramidal, an der Spitze etwas gekriimmt. Zwei od. drei grosse unausgebildete Blattchen umgeben fast die ganze graufilzig behaarte Knospe, Seitenknospen kugelig. Zweige dick, grau, glanzend, mit mehreren Lent. versehen. Blattnarbe breit herzformig QQ. SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 233 Mark weit. Beim Abschneiden der Rinde fliesst gummiartige Fliissichkeit aus, giftig. Rhus trichocarpa, Mig. Yama-urushi. Taf. I, Fig. 74. Endknospe grosser als Seitenknospe, pyramidal, braunfilzig behaart. Seitenknospen etwas flach. Zweige weniger dick als die Rhus virnicifera, mit vielen, feinen Lenticellen, dun- kelgrau gefarbt. Blattnarbe gross, ein gleichschenkliges Drei- eck bildend, glanzend, réothlich gefarbt. Mark weit. Rhus succedanea, L. Haze. Taf. I, Fig. rz. Endknospen sehr gross, pyramidenformig, von unausgebilde- ten Blattchen auf drei Seiten dicht umbiillt; sie sind hell- braufilzig behaart. Seitenknospen klein, keilformig. Zweige graubraun. Blattnarbe halbmondformig. Mark weit, etwas eckig. Rhus sylvestris, Szeb. et Zucc. Yama-haze. Taf. I, Fig. 73. Knospen ahnlich wie bei der vorhergehenden Art, aber locker umhiillt, von unregelmassiger Form, gelblichbraun filzig behaart. Seitenknospen flach, u. lang. Zweige dunkelgrau, schmutzig gefarbt. Blattnarbe wie bei Rhus vernicifera. Mark weit. B.—Zweige weniger dick. a.—Zweige ohne Stacheln od. Dornen. Halesia hispida, Benth. et Hook. Ke-asagara. Taf. I, Fig. 16. Knospen spindelig, gelblichgrau od. gelb gefarbt. Endknos- pen grosser als Seitenknospen, etwas gebogen, lang. Blattnarbe gross schildformig. Seitenknospen parallel stehend an den Trieben. Junge Zweige hellgelbbraun, altere braun. Lenti- cellen deutlich. Mark ziemlich weit, eckig. Die Rinde hat eigentiimlichen Geruch. Halesia corymbosa, Benth. et Hook. Asagara. Taf. I, Fig. 77. Zwei unausgebildete Blattchen umgeben die eifdrmige, dunkelbraune, kleinwalzige Knospe. Zweige hin u. hergebogen, braun, kleinwalzig, dltere dunkelgraubraun. Blattnarbe gross vier eckig. Lent. undeutlich. Mark rund. 234 SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. Ramnus crenata, Sieb. ef Zucc. Isonoki. Taf. I, Fig. ro. Endknospen groésser als Seitenknospen, pyramidenformig, an der Spitze gekriimmt, od. abgeflacht, graubraunfilzig behaart. Zweige schlank, jiingere Theile behaart, dunkelbraun. Lenti- cellen deutlich. Mark rund. Meliosma myriantha, Sieb. et Zucc. Awabuki. Taf. I, Fig. 20. 4 od. 5 pfriemenformige, unausgebildete Blattchen an der Spitze der Triebe zusammensitzend, braunfilzig behaart. Blatt- narbe halbelliptisch, u. die Gefassbiindelspuren U-formig ange- ordnet. Zweige dunkelrothbraun, auf der Schattenseite grau. Lent. deutlich. Mark elliptisch. Mallotus japonica, Muell. Arg. Akame-gashiwa. Taf. I; Fig. 78. Knospen von 4 od. 6 unausgebildeten, gelblichbraunen, weiss- lich bereiften Blattchen umbhiillt, wovon zwei gegenstandig sind meist grésser als die anderen. Endknospen wesentlich grosser als Seitenknospen, die letzteren parallel stehend an der Triebe meist mit Nebenknospen. Zweige dick, dunkel- braun, die jiingeren Theile bereift, kantig. Lenticellen un- deutlich. Mark sehr weit. b.—Zweige mit Stacheln od. Dornen. a.—Zweige mit Stacheln. Caesalpinia sepiaria, Rox). Jaketsu-ibara. Taf. II, Fig. 3, 4. Knospen sind von zwei unausgebildeten Blattchen umgeben, u. tiber den Blattachseln etwas entfernt stehend. Zweige ziemlich dick, mit zahlreichen, derben zuriickgebogenen Stacheln auf der ganzen Flache der Triebe, gelblichbraun od, braun gefarbt. Blattnarbe gross. Lent. deutlich. Mark weit. etwas gefarbt. £.—Zweige mit Dornen. Elaeagnus umbellata, Thunb. Aki-gumi. Taf. II, Fig. 2. Endknospen etwas grésser als Seitenknospen, pyramiden- formig. Seitenknospen etwas flach, an den Trieben senkrecht stehend. Zweige u. Knospen mit kleinen, zusammengedrtick- ten grauweissen Schuppen bedeckt. Zweige schlank. Blattnarbe halbmondfoérmig. Lent. undeutlich. Mark weit, rund. SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 235 Elaeagnus longipes, A. Gray. Natsu-gumi. Taf. IT, Fig. z. Endknospen dreikantig, nicht zugespitzt. Seitenknospen etwas flach. Zweige u. Knospen sind mit kleinen zusam- mengedriickten, braunen, od. dunkelbraunen Schuppen bedeckt, an der ersteren sind starkere Dornen vorhanden. Blattpolster hoch vorspringend; Blattnarbe rundlich, od. halbmondformig. Mark sehr weit, rundlich. IV.—Knospen sitzend, so klein, dass man die Stellung u. Zahl der Schuppen nicht mehr deutlich wahr- nehmen kann. a.—Zweige mit metamorphosierten Nebenzweigen. Lycium chinense, Mill. Kuko. Knospen kugelig. Schuppen braun. Zweige diinn, grau, bei zunehmender Dicke mit 5 zeiligen Korkleisten versehen. Mark weit. Rinde hat eigentiimlichen unangenehmen Geruch. f.—Zweige mit Dornen. Zizyphus vulgaris, Lam. Natsume. Taf. II, Fig. 5. Knospen ziemlich gross, meist unter der halbmondfomigen Blattnarbe sitzend. Junge Zweige lang gestreckt, dunkelgelb- lich braun, altere Zweige schwdarzlich grau mit grossen Kurztrieben. Zweige und Kurztriebe deutlich von einander verschieden. Stacheln schlank, je zwei neben jeder Knospe. Lent. fein, wenig deutlich. Mark von unregelmadssiger Form. Holz gelblich. Paliurus aubletia, Roem et Sch. Hama-natsume. Taf. II, Fig, 6. Knospen klein, gelblich braun, behaart. Zweige hin- u. hergebogen, gelblich- od. graéulichgrtin, bereift. Stacheln lang u. derb, glanzend dunkelbraun, je zwei neben den Knospen stehend. Lenticellen deutlich. Mark rundlich. 7-—Zweige ohne metamorphosierten Nebenzweigen oder Dornen. Ilex Sieboldii, Mig. Umemodoki. Taf. II, Fig. &. Knospen kegelig, etwas zugespitzt. EEndknospe grosser als Seitenknospen, jede mit einer Nebenknospe auf der unteren 236 SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. Seite. Knospenschuppen schwach behaart. Zweige hin- u. hergebogen, dunkelgrau. Blattnarbe halbmondférmig. Lenti- cellen zahlreich, deutlich. Mark schmal, unregelmassiger Form. ‘Tlex geniculata, Max. Furin-umemodoki. Taf. II, Fig. 7. Knospen wie bei der vorhergehenden Art. Zweige dunkel- carminbraun, glanzend, gerade. Blattnarbe halbkreisformig. Die jiingeren Zweige unterscheiden sich von den 4lteren durch ganz verschiedene Farbung. Mark zeimlich weit, von unregel- mdassiger Form. Hibiscus syriacus, L. Mukuge. Knospen grau behaart. Zweige grau, od. dunkelgraubraun, mit feinen Lenticellen, bereift. Blattpolster etwas vorsprin- gend. Blattnarbe rundlich od. halbmondformig. Mark rund. V.—Knospen sitzend, Zahl der Schuppen od. kleinen zusammengedruckten Blattchen undeutlich. A.—Einjahrige Zweige auffallend dick. a.—Zweige ohne Stacheln od. Dornen. a.—Knospen filzig behaart. Ailanthus glandulosa, Desf. Shinju. Knospen gleichgross, verhaltnissmadssig klein, halbkugelig, roth, weisslich behaart. Blattnarbe sehr gross. Zweige un- regelmassig gebogen. Die einjaéhrige Triebe sehr fein od. dicht behaart, hellbraun, die altere grau bis braun. Mark sehr weit, rund. Melia japonica, G. Don. Sendan. Taf. II, Fig. 9. Knospen kugelig, hellbraun dicht behaart. Einjahrige Zweige dick, dunkelgriin, mit vielen deutlichen Lenticellen, bereift. Blattnarbe etwas vorspringend. Mark weit, rundlich. Holz gelb gefarbt. Rhus semi-alata, Murr. var. Osbeckii. DC. Nurude. Taf. TI, Fag 2: End- u. Seitenknospen gleich gross, mit weissbrauner, baumwolle-artiger, dichter Behaarung. Zweige hellgraubraun, schwach glanzend, gerade, schwarzlich gefleckt. Blattnarbe SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 237 gross, umfasst fast die ganze Knospe, von nebenstehender Form, Y. Lenticellen deutlich. Mark sehr weit, etwas gefarbt. £.—Knospen nicht od. wenig behaart. Ehretia acuminata, R. Br. Chishanoki. Taf. II, Fig. z3. Knospen auf dem Zweige ganz dicht sitzend, von kurzer stumpfer Kegelform. Zwei graue, od. dunkelbraune wenig behaarte Schuppen umhiillen die Knospe von beiden Seiten. Zweige ziemlich dick, grau, glanzend, schwach behaart, fiihlen sich rauh an. Lenticellen wenig, deutlich. Blattnarbe rund- lich, od. halbelliptisch. Mark sehr weit, rundlich. Sapindus Mukurosi, Gaertn. Mukuroji. Taf. I], Fig. rz. Knospen dicht sitzend, halbkugelig, 4 Schuppen umgeben ganz dicht die Knospe. Blattnarbe gross herzférmig. Zweige dick, graugriin, schmuzig bestaubt. Lenticellen zahlreich, deutlich. Mark weit, gefarbt. Rinde gelblich. b.—Zweige mit Stacheln oder Dornen. Zanthoxylum ailanthoides, Sich. et Zucc. Karasuno-sansho. Taf, III; Fig.3. Knospen beulenformig, ganz dicht an der Triebe sitzend, so dass man die Zahl der Schuppen nicht deutlich wahrnehmen kann. Zweige affallend dick, dunkelgraubraun mit zahlreichen Stacheln. Blattnarbe gross, rundlich. Mark weit, gefachert. Die Rinde hat einen eigenthtimlichen Geruch. B.—Einjahrige Zweige weniger dick. a.—Zweige ohne Stacheln od. Dornen. a.—Knospen nicht od. wenig behaart. Albizzia Julibrissin, Boiv. Nemu. Taf. II, Fig. 26. Knospen klein kegelformig, etwas flach, iiber der dreieckigen Blattnarbe sitzend. Zweige hin- u. hergebogen; die jiingeren _graubraun schwarz bestadubt, schmutzig. Lenticellen deutlich. Mark weit, strahlenformig. 238 SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 8.—Knospen behaart. Sophora japonica, L. Enju. Taf. II, Fig. 77. Knospe klein, von dem Blattpolster umfasst, u. im inneren Theile derselben sitzend. Schuppen undeutlich, mit dunkel- carminvioletter Behaarung. Ejinjahrige Zweige griin, auf der Sonnenseite gelb od. braunlichgriin, die alteren Zweige grau. Die ausseren Peridermschichten reissen in Langsstrei- fen auf. Markrundlich. Die Rinde hat einen eigenthiimlichen Geruch. Marlea platanifolia, Sieb. et Zucc. Urinoki. Taf. II, Fig. 20. Knospen entwickeln sich aus der Mitte der Blattnarbe, graubraunfilzig dicht behaart, kugelig mit kleinen Nebenknos- pen auf der unteren Seite. Zweige braun, gerade, hin- u, hergebogen. Lenticellen zahlreich. Mark weit, etwas gefarbt. Rinde mit Geruch. . Styrax Obassia, Szeb. et Zucc. Hakuun-boku. Taf. I, Fig. 22. Knospen entwickeln sich aus der Mitte der Blattnarbe, eiformig, lang, etwas flach, mit kleinen Nebenknospen, gelb- braunfilzig behaart. Zweige gerade, hin- u. hergebogen, die jiingeren rothbraun glanzend, glatt, die alteren dunkelbraun. Blattnarbe elliptisch. Lenticellen undeutlich. Mark rund. Styrax japonica, Sieb. et Zucc. Egonoki. Taf. II, Fig. ar. Knospen weniger gross, eiformig etwas kantig, an der Spitze gekriimmt, dichtfilzig behaart. Zweige diinn besenformig, die jiingeren hellbraun glanzend, bei der Alteren die dusseren Peridermschichten in Langenstreifen aufreissend, so dass die- selben mit faserigen Peridermschichten bekleidet erscheinen. Lenticellen undeutlich. Mark klein, rund. b.—Zweige mit Stacheln od. Dornen. a.—Zweige mit Dornen. Cudrania triloba, Hance, Hari-guwa. Taf. II, Fig. 78, 79. Knospen dicht sitzend an der Triebe, beulenformig, Schuppen undeutlich, dunkelgriinbraun gefarbt. Die einjahrigen Zweige griin od. graugriin mit senkrecht stehenden starken Dornen. Blattnarbe halbmondformig. Lenticellen ganz deutlich. Mark rund. SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 239 Gleditschia japonica, Mig. Saikachi. Taf. II, Fig. 74, 75. Die Halfte der Knospen von der Rinde umgefasst, so dass man die Knospenschuppen nicht ganz deutlich wahrnehmen kann. Zweige griin, glanzend, ziemlich dick, mit starken, ver- zweigten Dornen. Die einjahrigen Zweige mit leicht abschilf- baren, feinen Peridermschichten. Blattnarbe von der Form, Lenticellen sehr deutlich, rund. Mark eng. &.—Zweige mit Stacheln. Zanthoxylum piperitum, DC. Sansho. Taf. II, Fig. 23. Knospen von zusammengedriickten Blattchen bekleidet ; die Seitenknospen kugelig. Die Zahl der Blattchen undeutlich, braun. Zweige schwarzbraun. Auf jeder Seite der Knospe . Zwei Stacheln. Blattnarbe halbmondformig. Lenticellen deutlich. Mark rund. Die Rinde hat einen eigenthiimlichen Geruch, u. scharfen Geschmack. Zanthoxylum alatum, Roxb. Fuyu-zansho. Taf. III, Fig. 2. Endknospe lang gestreckt, Seitenknospen kugelig, Schuppen- blattchen wenig deutlich, dunkelgriin gefarbt. Stacheln sind sehr breit u. lang, rothbraun glanzend. Zweige wie Stachein gefarbt. Blattnarbe ziemlich gross, halbmondformig od. halb- elliptisch. Mark weit, rund. Die Rinde hat einen eigen- thiimlichen Geruch, aber weniger scharf als Zan. piperitum. Im Winter verbleiben einige griine Blatter. Zanthoxylum schinnifolium, Szeb. et Zucc. Inu-zansho. Naje LG Bie a. Seitenknospen gegen Triebe zu abgeplattet. Knospenschup- pen undeutlich. Zweige dunkelbraun, schwarz bestaubt. Nur einzelne Stacheln langs des Triebes vorhanden. Blattnarbe halbelliptisch. Lenticellen deutlich. Mark weit, rund. VI.—Knospen sitzend mit einer bezw. zwei Schuppen. A.—Knospen ausgesprochen kegelformig, von der Blatt- narbe ringformig umgeben. a.—Knospen od. junge Zweige behaart. Salix brachystachys, Benth. Osaruko-yanagi. Taf. III, Fig. ee Blitenknospen gross spindelformig; Laubknospen kleiner, 240 SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. kegelig, gegen die Tricbe zu geplattet. Nur eine roéthlich gefarbte, u. weiss od. grau behaarte Schuppe umhiillt die ganze Knospe. Zweige rothlich, dunkelgrau behaart. Lenti- cellen wenig. Mark weit, eckig. b.—Knospen od. Zweige nicht behaart. Salix gracilistyla, Mig. Kuro-yanagi. Taf. III, Fig. 6. Knospen kegelformig, gegen die Zweige zu abgeplattet. Bliitenknospen spindelig, lang, an der Spitze etwas gebo- gen. Zweige u. Knospenschuppen dunkelrothlich, glanzend. Man kann diese von anderen Arten leicht unterscheiden, durch die rothlichen, auf der Lichtseite aber schwarzlichen Bliitenkatzchen. Salix japonica, Thunb. Shiba-yanagi. Taf. III, Fig. 8, 9. Knospen kegelformig, lang, an der dem Treibe zugewendeten Seite abgeplattet. Bliitenknospen grosser als Blattknospen, an der Spitze gekriimmt. Einjahrige Zweige u. Knospenschuppen, auf der Lichseite réthlich gefarbt, glanzend, altere Zweige graubraun, hin- u. hergebogen. Blattpolster vorspringend. Lenticellen wenig, deutlich. Strauchartig, nicht aufrecht stehend. ; Fieus ecarica, L. Ichijiku. Taf. III, Fig. 4. Endknospe kegelig, an der Spitze etwas gebogen. Eine grosse, griinlichgelbe Schuppe umnhiillt fast die ganze Knospe. Seitenknospen halbkugelig, zugespitzt, von mehreren Schuppen umgeben, schwarzlichbraun. Zweige dick, hin- u. hergebo- gen, dunkelbraun. Blattnarbe rundlich, Mark etwas eckig (sechseckig). Die verholzten ‘Triebe von unreglmassiger Form. Bei Verwundung der Basttheile fliesst milchartiger Saft aus. B.—Knospen nicht kegelformig, stehen tiber der Blatt- narbe. Nur eine beiderseits kantige Schuppe (aus zwei Schuppen verwachsen). a.—Zweige dottergelb. Salix purpurea, L. Kawa-yanagi. Taf. III, Fig. zz. Knospen sind an der Spitze der Zweige kleiner als in der Mitte derselben. Die letzteren sind circa 2-3 mal so lang SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 241 als breit, die rothlichbraun behaarten Knospen stehen an dem Zweige sehr dicht. Blattpolster etwas vorspringend. Seiten- zweige sehr diinn, gelblich bis griinlichgrau, behaart. Salix sp. (?) Knospen halbkugelig od. etwas lang gestreckt. Bltitenknos- pen wesentlich grosser, eiformig, an der Spitze gekriimmt, gekielt. Zweige u. Knospenschuppen dottergelb, glanzend. Blattpolster vorspringend. Blattnarbe von der Form @&. Mark ziemlich weit, etwas eckig. b.—Einjahrige Zweige roth od. braun, glanzend wie lackiert. a.—Knospen dichtfilzig behaart. Hovenia duleis, Thunb. Kenponashi. Taf. III, Fig. 78, 79. Zwei Knospen aufeinander sitzend, die untere Nebenknospe kleiner als die obere, die letztere kegelférmig, etwas kantig, schwarlich braun behaart. Die einjahrigen Zweige stark hin- u. hergebogen, auf der Lichtseite dunkelbraun. Lenti- cellen ziemlich deutlich. Mark eng, rund. Magnolia Kobus, DC. Kobushi. Taf. III, Fig. x5. Knospen eiformig, lang gestreckt, an der Spitze etwas gekriimmt (Endknospen grosser als Seitenknospen.) dunkel- grau, schwarz behaart. Zweige dunkelrothbraun, auf der Schattenseite gelblich griin. Blattnarbe sichelformig, schmal. Lenticellen deutlich. Mark gross u. rund. Die Rinde hat eigenthiimlichen, angenehmen Geruch. Magnolia obovata, Tiunb. Mokuren. Taf. III, Fig. rg. Knospen eiférmig ziemlich lang, beiderseits abgeplattet, etwas kantig u. gekriimmt. Knospenschuppen grauweissfilzig behaart. Bliitenknospen bedeutend grosser als Laubknospen, an der Spitze der Triebe sitzend. Blattnarbe von der Form eines abgerundeten Dreiecks. Zweige schwarzlich braun. Mark gross, rund. Lenticellen. deutlich. Die Rinde hat eigenthiimlichen Geruch, jedoch schwacher als die vorige Art. 242 SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE, #.—Knospen nicht behaart, Andromeda ovalifolia, Wall. Kashioshimi. Taf. III, Fig. 26, r7. Knospen eiformig, etwas flach. Schuppen roth, glanzend. Einjahrige Zweige roth gefarbt, glanzend wie lackiert ; altere dunkelgrau. Blattnarbe halbmondformig, in der Mitte mit einer einzigen Gefassbiindelspur. Lenticellen undeutlich. Mark elliptisch. Stachyurus praecox, Szeb. et Zucc. Kifuji. Taf. III, Fig. 2z. Endknospen kugelig zugespitzt. Seitenknospen eiférmig, gespitzt, an der Triebe angedriickt. Schuppen dunkelroth- braun. Zweige von derselben Farbe, glanzend. Lenticellen sehr deutlich. Mark rund, u. sehr weit. Salix Thunbergiana, Neko-yanagi. Taf. III, Fig. 72. Knospen halbkugelig. Nur eine, dunkelrothglanzende Schuppe umgibt fast drei ganze Knospe. Bliitenknospen eiformig, gross, gekielt. Zweige auf der Lichtseite dunkelroth, auf der Schattenseite gelbgriin. Blattpolster vorspringend. Blattnarbe schmal, umfasst die Halfte der Knospe. Lenticellen sehr wenig. Mark ziemlich weit. Itea japonica, Oliv. Zuina. Taf. III, Fig. 20. Hat eigentlich drei Schuppen, wird daher in VII, A, b. beschreiben. Helwingia ruscifolia, Willd. Hanaikada. Taf. V, Fig. 7, 8. Endknospen pyramidenformig, grésser als Seitenknospen. Die letzteren flach, keilformig. Schuppen rothlich griin, kahl. Zweige haben dieselbe Farbung od. gelblichgriin, glanzend. Blattnarbe fast halbkreisformig. Lenticellen deutlich, vereinzelt. Mark weit, rund. c.—Zweige nicht auffallig gefarbt, Knospen lang gestreckt. a.—Knospen nicht behaart, walzig. Magnolia hypoleuea, Sieb. et Zucc. Honoki. Taf. III, Fig. 22. Knospen sehr gross, spindelig, von gleichem Durchmesser wie die Triebe, 4 cm. od. dariiber lang. Die zwei Knospen- schuppen sind verwachsen, u. zeigen an der Verwachsungsstelle eine Naht. Zweige dick, lang gestreckt, aufrecht stehend, SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 243 ohne Nebenzweige. Die einjaéhrigen Zweige griinbraun. Lent. deutlich, lang. Mark rund. Die Rinde hat einen eigen- thiimlichen, angenehmen Geruch. 8.—Knospen sehr wenig od. gar nicht behaart, zugespitzt. Lindera hypoleuca, Max. Kuromoji. Taf. VI, Fig. 4, 5. Knospen spindelig, lang; Schuppen réthlichgelb wenig behaart. Zweige glatt, auf der Lichtseite rothlich, auf der Schattenseite gelbgriin, die alteren schwarzlich. Blattnarbe von der Form, WV. Lenticellen sehr wenig. Mark rund. Die Rinde hat einen eigenthtimlichen, angenehmen Geruch. y-—Knospen behaart, dem Stengel angedriickt. Salix viminalis, 2. Kinu-yanagi. Taf. III, Fig. 73. Knospen sehr verschieden gross, dem Zweige dicht ange- driickt, die Spitze etwas gebogen, (besonders bei den grossen Knospen). Die jiingsten Zweigteile dichtfilzig behaart, altere rothlichgelb, glanzend. Zweige oft von grosser Lange. d.—Zweige griin od. braun; Knospen (vergekehrt) keil- formig. a.—Blattnarbe rundlich. Diospyros Kaki, L. fil. Kaki. Taf. Ill, Fig. 23. Knospen keilformig; Schuppen (oft zwei od. mehr) _hell- braun, schwach behaart. Zweige ziemlich dick, hellbraun; die jiingeren schwach behaart. Blattnarbe gross, rundlich, gewolbt. Lent. deutlich. Mark von unregelmdssiger Form. Diospyros Lotus, L. Mame-gaki. Taf. III, Fig. 24. Knospen keilformig, lang; die Spitze etwas gebogen. Schup- pen griinbraun, schwarzlich gefleckt, wenig behaart. Zweige griinbraun etwas glanzend, schmutzig. Broussonetia Kasinoki, Sieb. Kozo. Taf. IV, Fig. 2. Knospen keilformig, kurz, aufrecht stehend obenhalb der Blattpolster, Knospenschuppen dunkel od. schwarzbraun, schwach behaart. Junge Zweige dunkelbraun od. schwarz- braun, schmutzig. Lent. vorspringend, sehr deutlich. Mark rund, weit. 244 SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. Broussonetia Kasinoki, Sich. vay. Hime-kozo. Taf. IV, Fig. rz. Knospen wie bei der vorgenannten Art, verhaltnissmassig gross, an die Triebe angedriickt. Schuppen dunkelbraun. Blattpolster vorspringend ; Blattnarbe rund. Zweige schlank, hin- u. hergebogen, dunkelbraun od. schwarzlichbraun. Lenti- cellen sehr deutlich. Mark rund. Broussontia papyrifera, Veni. Kajinoki. Taf. IV, Fig. 3. Endknospen grosser als Seitenknospen, die ersteren locker beschuppt, die letzteren dicht, von etwas kegeliger Form. Zweige ziemlich dick, dunkelgraulich griin. Die jiingeren Theile mit weissglanzenden, langen Haaren bedeckt. Blatt- narbe gross, rundlich. Lenticellen deutlich. Mark weit. ?.—Blattnarbe nicht rundlich. * —Zweige diinn. Stillingia sebifera, Boxb. Nankin-haze. Knospen klein, keilformig, an der Langtriebe sehr zahlreich sitzend. Schuppen duukel od. schwarzbraun. Beiderseits der Knospe je eine Nebenknospen sitzend. Jiinge Zweige, griin, schlank, lang gestreckt; altere griinbraun. Blattnarbe halb- mondformig. Lenticellen deutlich. Mark eng, rund. Lagerstroemia indica, L. Sarusuberi. Taf. IV, Fig. 5. Knospen keilformig, zugespitzt; Schuppen dunkelbraun. Zweige diinn, braun gefarbt. Die ausseren Paridermschichten reissen in Langsstreifen auf, und blattern sich in langen unre- gelmassigen Bandern ab. Blattnarbe von Linsenform. Lenti- cellen undeutlich. Mark rund. Die Knospen sind an den Langtrieben zumeist gegenstandig angeordnet. Spiraea betulifolia, Pall. Maruba-shimotsuke. Taf. IV, Fig. 6. Knospen flach, die Spitze pfriemenformig, lang gestreckt, u. gekriimmt, dunkelbraun. Zweige schlank, besenformig, dunkelbraun. Blattpolster vorspringend. Blattnarbe sehr klein. Mark weit, etwas eckig. SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 245 ** —Zweige ziemlich dick. Cladrastis amurensis, Benth. et Hook. var. floribunda, Max. Inu-enju. Taf. IV, Fig. 7. Knospen dicht. sitzend iiber der Blattnarbe, keilformig, am Riicken derselben etwas nach vorne gewolbt; die Spitze schwach gekriimmt. Schuppen schwarzbraun, wenig behaart. Zweige dick, schwarz od. dunkelbraun. Blattnarbe sichelfor- mig. Mark weit, von unregelmdssiger Form. Die Rinde hat einen eigenthtimlichen unangenehmen Geruch. Das Holz nimmt hellgelbe Farbung an. Cereis chinensis, Bunge. Hanazuo. Taf. IV, Fig. 9g, ro. Knospen klein, flach, keilformig, an der dem Triebe zuge- wendten Seite abgeplattet, riickseits derselben eine kleine Nebenknospe. Die Schuppen schwarzbraun. Blattnarbe vor- springend, umfasst die Nebenknospe. Bliithenknospen kiefer- zapfenformig. Zweige hellbraun, hin- u. hergebogen, mit feinen Lenticellen versehen. Mark eng, rundlich. Excoecaria japonica, #. Mucll. Shiraki. Taf. IV, Fig. 8. Knospen keilf6rmig, zugespitzt. Knospenschuppen braun, unterseits derselben Carminviolett gefleckt. Zweige grau- braun, hin- u. hergebogen. Blattnarbe halbmondformig. Lent. deutlich. Mark weit, rundlich. Die Rinde hat einen eigen- thiimlichen Geruch. Koelreuteria paniculata, Laxm. Mokugenju. Taf. IV, Fig. ¢. Knospen ziemlich dick, von kugeliger Form. Schuppen glanzend graubraun, behaart. Zweige dicker als vorgenannte Arten, in der Langsrichtung 2-4 tiefe Furchen laufend, grau- braun schwarzlich bestaéubt, schmutzig. Blattnarbe herzfor- mig. Mark sehr weit, von unregelmassiger Form. VII.—Knospen sitzend, von mehreren Schuppen umgeben. Zweige auffallend schlank, od. besen- formig. A.—Zweige rothbraun, glanzend. a.—Strauchartig. Prunus japonica, Thunb. Niwa-ume. Taf. VI, Pig. 8. Knospen klein, etwas kantig, réthlich, meist zwei derselben 246 SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. nebeneinander sitzend. Zweige schlank, gerade, besenformig, dunkelrotlich od. rothbraun, schmutzig bestaéubt. Blattpolster ziemlich hoch. Itea japonica, Oliv. Zuina. Taf. III, Fig. 20. Knospen halbkugelig, von drei Schuppen (zu beiden Seiten u. Riickwarts) umgeben. Zweige gelblichrothbraun. Blatt- polster vorspringend. Lenticellen deutlich. Mark etwas eckig. Spiraea cantoniensis, Louwr. Kodemari. Taf. IV, Fig. ro. Knospen spindelformig, kurz, schwach eckig, hellbraun. Zweige dunkelrothbraun, glanzend. Die ausseren Korkschich- ten leicht abschalbar. Lenticellen undeutlich. Mark weit, eckig. b.—Baumartig. Betula alba, L. subsp. verrucosa var. vulgaris, Regel. Shirakaba. Taf. IV, Ftg.ce: Knospen spindelig, lang. Schuppen dunkelgelbbraun, harzig. Einjahrige Zweige gelbbraun, hin- u. hergebogen, kleinwalzig mit einem weissen Ueberzug, sehr rauh anzufiihlen; die alteren dunkelgelbbraun. Lent. deutlich. Mark sehr eng. von unregelmassiger Form, dreieckig od. viereckig. Betula Bhojpattra, Wall. var. typica. Regel. Onoore. Taf. 1V, Pigs wees Knospen eiformig, lang, locker beschuppt, behaart, hell- braun teilweise dunkel gefarbt. Zweige schlank, kleinwalzig, mit weisslichem Ueberzug, die jiingeren hellbraun, 4ltere dunkelbraun Blattnarbe schmal. Lent. deutlich. Mark eng. Das Holz dieser Art ist das harteste unter allen Betulaarten; altere Stamme mit rauher Borke. Betula alba, L. subsp. papyrifera var. communis, Rege/. Makamba. Taf. IV, Fig. 415. Knospen u. Zweige ahnlich wie bei der B. vulgaris, u. von dieser unterschieden, durch weissbraune Rinde, wahrend B. vulgaris silberweisse Rinde besitzt. Betula globispica, Shivat. Jizokamba. Taf. IV, Fig. 16. Knospen eiférmig, zugespitzt. Knospenschuppen dunkel- braun od. hellbraun. Zweige schlank, graubraun. Blatt- SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 247 narbe halbmondformig. Lenticellen deutlich, linsenformig. Mark schmal von unregelmassiger Form. Betula alba, subsp. latifolia, var. Tauschii,? Taf. IV, Fig. rz. Blattnarbe kurze, stumpfe Dreiecke. Lent. deutlich. Mark eng, von unregelmassiger Form. Amelanchier asiatica, Koch. Zaifuri-boku. Taf. IV, ig. 77. Die ganze Form der Knospe eiformig, lang, sehr locker be- schuppt. Die dussere Halfte der Schuppen u. die inneren Schuppen pfriemenformig, hellroth gefarbt, am Rande dersel- ben baumwolleartig lang behaart. Zweige schlank, roth od. rothbraun glanzend. Die alteren Zweige dunkelgrau mit mehreren gebriimmten Kurztrieben. Blattnarbe klein. Lent. deutlich. Mark rund, weit. B.—Zweige grau, dunkelgrau od. graubraun. Pourthiana villosa, Decne. Ushikoroshi. Taf. IV, Fig. 78. Knospen kegelig, ziemlich kurz, flach, 3-4 Schuppen erkennbar, rothbraun, weiss gefleckt. Blattpolster vorsprin- gend; Blattnarbe schmal. Zweige braunlich grau, schlank. Lent. deutlich. Stephanandra flexuosa, Sieb. et Zucc. Kogome-utsugi. Taf: IV, Fig. 20. Knospen spindelig, kurz, rothlich gefarbt. Zweige schlank, lang gestreckt, hin- u. hergebogen, graubraun, etwas glanzend. Die Zweige an der Haupttriebe fast senkrecht stehend. Lent. undeutlich. Mark weit, etwas gefarbt. Spiraea japonica, L. fil. Shimotsuke. Taf. IV, Fig. 2z. Knospen kegelformig, kurz, von mehreren pfriemformigen Schuppen umgeben, hellbraun. Zweige graubraun od. braun, kleinwalzig. Lent. undeutlich. Mark sehr weit. Spiraea prunifolia, Sieb. et Zucc. Shijimibana. Knospen spindelig, kurz. Zweige graubraun, schlank, besen- formig. Mark weit, rund. 248 SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. VIII.—Knospen sitzend, von mehreren Schuppen umgeben; einjahrige Zweige aufallend dick. A.—Zweige mit Stacheln. Aralia sinensis, 2. Tara. Taf. IV, Fig. 22. Knospen kegelig, locker beschuppt. Endknospe grésser als Seitenknospen. Schuppen graubraun, od. schwarzgraubraun. Die jungen Zweige graubraun, behaart, wie mit Baumwolle bedeckt. Zahlreiche, weiche Stacheln auf der ganzen Ober- flache der Zweige. Blattnarbe schmal, u. lang, umfasst bei- nahe die ganze Triebe. Mark sehr weit, rund. Die Rinde harzig. Bei Verwundung fleisst eine durchsichtige Fliissig- keit aus. Acanthopanax ricinifolium, S7cb. et Zucc. Hari-giri. Taf. "Vs rigeaean Endknospe grésser als Seitenknospen, halbkugelig, etwas zugespitzt, od. kegelig, am Triebende dicht stehend. Sei- tenknospen keilformig. Schuppen derb, dunkelcarminroth, glanzend. Zweige gelbgriin, teilweise grauweiss glanzend. Zahlreiche, derbe gerade Stacheln an der ganzen Oberflache der Zweige. Blattnarbe schmal, umfasst die Knospe. Mark weit, rundlich. B.—Zweige ohne Stacheln. a.—Knospen lang gestreckt, rothlich od. braun gefarbt.. Pirus sambucifolia, Cham. et Sch. Nanakamado. Taf. V, Fig. 2. Knospen spindelig, lang. Endknospe grosser als Seiten- knospen, die letzteren an die Zweige angedriickt, u. an der Spitze etwas gebogen. Schuppen dunkelroth glanzend. Die Zweige auf der Lichtseite braun, auf der Schattenseite grau- braun, glanzend. Lent. gross, deutlich. Blattnarbe sehr schmal. Mark rund. Die Rinde hat einen eigenthiimlichen Geruch. b.—Knospen sitzend, griingelb od. grau gefarbt. Acanthopanax sciadophylloides, Fr. et Sav. Gonzetsu. . Taf. V, Fig. 3, ¢. Knospen an der Spitze der Triebe dicht sitzend, kegel- formig, kurz. Schuppen griingelb. Junge Zweige gerade, SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 249 grau gefarbt, mit grossen deutlichen Lenticellen versehen ; die alteren grauweiss, dunkelblau gefleckt. Kurztriebe sehen wie grosse Seidenwiirmer aus. Blattnarbe schmal u. lang. Mark gefachert. Die Rinde hat einen Geruch. IX-—Knospen sitzend von mehreren Schuppen umgeben. Die Knospen stehen an der Spitze der Langtriebe einzeln od. an den Kurztrieben einzeln od. gehauft. A.—Zweige mit Stacheln, d. h. mit metamorphosirten Blatt- u. Haargebilden; dornspitzige Zweige nicht vorhanden. a.—Je Zwei gerade Stacheln neben den Knospen. b.—Gerade einfache od. verzweigte 3~5 spitzige Stacheln unter den Knospen. Ribes grossularia, L. Gusuberii. Knospen schief abstehend, spindelig, schlank, von diinnen zugespitzten od. ausgefransten Knospenschuppen, nicht je- doch von Resten der Blattbasis umgeben. Die einjahrigen Zweige sind hellgrau, die Oberhaut springt in Langsrissen auf, u. lasst darunter die graubraune, od. dunkelcarmine, glatte Rinde erkennen. Die Stacheln unter den Knospen meist zu drei beisammenstehend, seltner ist bloss ein Stachel vorhanden. Ausserdem koénnen aber auch noch Stacheln auf der ganzen Oberflache der Zweige vorkommen. Berberis vulgaris, L. Hebinoborazu. Taf. V, Fig. 6. Die Knospen von der stehenbleibenden Basis mehrerer Blatter umgeben. Die braunen Knospenschuppen sehen wie vertrocknet aus. Zweige lang ruthenformig, dunkelbraunge- farbt. Die Rinde nach dem Aufschneiden intensiv gelb ge- farbt. Stacheln an der Spitze der Triebe in der Einzahl, an der tibrigen Theilen verzweigt mit 3, 4 od. 5 Spitzen. Stacheln nur unter den Knospen. Mark ziemlich weit, gelblich gefarbt. Berberis Thunbergii, DC. Megi. Taf. V, Fig. 5. Die Knospen sind kugelig, locker beschuppt. Die schuppen braun. Die zahlreichen feinen Zweige tibereinander hervor- tretend, dunkelrothbraun od. graubraun gefarbt. Die Stacheln 250 SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. in der Einzahl, u. unterseits der Knospen. Die Rinde, Mark u. das Holz intensiv gelb gefarbt. Mark ziemlich weit. c.—Meist Zwei od. nur eine noch riickwarts gebogene, derbe Stachel unter jeder Knospe. Rosa multiflora, Thunb. No-ibara. Knospen eiformig, zugespitzt ; die Schuppen glanzend roth. Die Zweige auf der Sonnenseite dunkelroth, auf der Schatten- seite griin. Je zwei Stacheln unter jeder Knospe einige mm. entfernt.. Lent. wenig. Mark weit. Acanthopanax spinosum, Wig. Ukogi. Knospen klein, halbkugelig, dicht sitzend. Zwei dussere, grossere, hellbraun gefarbte Schuppen umgeben die Knospe von beiden Seiten. Zweige graubraun, theilweise schwarz gefarbt, od. grau. Stacheln meist einzeln. Lent. gross, deutlich. Mark sehr weit. Rinde hat einen eigenthtimlichen Geruch. d.—Zahlreiche derbe, zurtickgebogene Stacheln, ohne Zusammenhang mit den Knospen. Rubus incisus, Thunb. Ki-ichigo. Knospen eiformig, zugespitzt, dunkelréthlich, teilweise schwarz. Zweige gerade, dunkelroth gefarbt, bereift. Blatt- narbe schmal. Mark sehr weit. B.—Zweige ohne Stacheln, mit od. ohne dornige Zweige. a.—Knospenschuppen griin, teilweise braun gerandert. a.—Knospen, besonders die unteren Seitenknospen klein. Ficus erecta, Thunb. Inu-biwa. Taf. V, Fig. 9, Zo. Endknospe wesentlich grésser als Seitenknospen, spindel-od. kegelformig. Seitenknospen spindelig, od. kugelig von mehre- ren Schuppen lose umgeben. Zweige griin. Blattnarbe gross, rundlich. Lent. wenig, deutlich. Mark weit. Helwingia ruscifolia, Willd. Hanaikada. Unter VI, B. b. #. beschrieben. SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 251 £.—Knospen gross, od- ziemlich gross. 1.—Knospen kugelig od. eiformig. Spiraea Thunbergii, Sicb. Hozaki-nanakamado. DG NARS AT, Ls _ Knospen locker beschuppt. Zweige weisslich girau glanzend. Blattnarbe gross von unregelmassiger Form, gewolbt. Lent. wenig, deutlich. Mark sehr weit, hellbraun gefarbt. 2.—Knospen lang gestreckt. Populus suaveolens, isch. Dero. Taf. V, Fig. 73. Knospen spindeliormig lang, etwas kantig. Die Seitenknos- pen an der Spitze gekriimmt. Die Schuppen griin, theilweise braun, harzig, glanzend. Zweige graugriin od. graubraungriin, glanzend. Blattnarbe sichelformig, schmal. Lent. wenig. Mark strahlenformig, griinlich gefarbt. b.—Knospen harzig, glanzend braun. Populus tremula, L. var. villosa, Wesm. Yamanarashi. Taf. V, Fug. 14. Knospen spindelig, kurz, gerade od. nach innen gebogen. Die Schuppen braun glanzend, teilweise mit Harz bedeckt. Die jungen Zweige braun od. rothbraun, glanzend od. behaart ; die alteren grau. Blattnarbe sichelformig. Lent. deutlich. Mark fiinfeckig. Pirus aria, Ehvh. var. Kamaonensis, Wall. Urajironoki. Taj, V, Pig. 27. Knospen kegelig, (die Seitenknospen etwas abgeplattet), kurz, von mehreren Schuppen lose umhiillt. Die Schuppen dunkelbraun, glanzend od. gelbgriinlich. Zweige rothbraun, die alteren mit zahlreichen Kurztrieben. Blattnarbe sichelfor- mig, schmal. Lenticellen deutlich. Mark weit, rundlich. Betula grossa, Sieb. et Zucc. Mizume. Taf. V, Fig. 27. Knospen eiformig zugespitzt, in der Mitte etwas hervor- ragend. Die Schuppen gelblichbraun, dunkelrothbraun geran- dert, glanzend. Am Rande derselben ein wenig behaart. Hin- jahrige Zweige hell- od. graulichrothbraun, glanzend, schwach behaart, die alteren dunkelrothbraun. Mark eng, eckig. Die Rinde hat einen eigenthiimlichen Geruch. 252 SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. < Betula ulmifolia, S. ef Z. Joguso-minebari. Taf. V, Fig. 15, 16. Knospen ziemlich lang, spindelig. Die Schuppen dunkel- rothbraun, glanzend. Blattnarbe flachdreieckig. Die Rinde hat einen eigenthtimlichen Geruch. Betula Maximowicziana, Regel. Saihada. Taf. V, Fig. 78. Knospen ciférmig, zugespitzt od. spindelig. Die Schuppen gelbbraun, dunkel gerandert, glanzend, harzig. Einjahrige Zweige schwach fein behaart, dunkelgelblichbraun, glanzend. Die rundlichen od. elliptischen Lenticellen sind deutlich. Mark sehr eng, eckig. c.—Knospen roth, hell- od. dunkelbraun, od. graubraun, behaart od. nicht. a.—Dornspitzige Zweige sind vorhanden. *,—Knospen behaart. Pirus japonica, Thunb. Boke. Taf. V, Fig. 22. Knospen kegelférmig, kurz, flach, u. klein. Die Schuppen dunkelbraun behaart ; die Zahl der Schuppen ist gering. Ein- jahrige Zweige braun bis griinbraun, die alteren dunkel- od. graubraun. Blattmarbe dreieckig. Lenticellen wenig. Mark - rundlich. Pirus sinensis, Lindl. Nashi. Taf. V, Fig. 27. Endknospen meist grdsser als Seitenknospen, kegelig. Die Schuppen dunkelrothbraun, behaart od. wenig behaart, weiss- lich bereift. Zweige griinlich braun, gerade. Blattnarbe dreieckig, schmal. Lent. ganz deutlich. Mark ziemlich weit, fiinfeckig. ** —Knospen nicht behaart. Mespilus cuneata, Sicb. ef Zucc. Sanzashi. Taf. V, Fig. 23, 24. Knospen kugelig klein, an der Triebe fast senkrecht liegend, rothbraun, glanzend, grauweissgerandert. Schuppen zahl- reich, aber etwas undeutlich. Junge Zweige braun, glanzend, altere grau. Die Verzweigung dicht, die einzelnen Zweige von Zicksackform. SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 253 Glochidion obovatum, Sieb. ef Zucc. Kankonoki. Rape Vi, bigs Tr. Knospen kugelig locker beschuppt, graubraun, sehr wenig behaart. Zweige hellbraun, vertrocknet aussehend. Die dor- nigen Zweige schwach. Lent. wenig. Mark ziemlich weit, eckig. Prunus Mume, Sieb. et Zucc. Mume. Knospen kegelformig, kurz, dunkelréthlich gefarbt. Die jiingen Zweige griin, teilweisse rothlich, altere grau od. grau- lichbraun. Blattpolster hoch. Blattnarbe halbmondformig. Mark weit, etwas eckig. Im Winter sind kugelige Blititen- knospen vorhanden. 8.—Dornspitzige Zweige nicht vorhanden. t.—Blattnarbe halbmondformig, schmal. a.—Knospen behaart. Lindera glauca, Bl. Yama-kobashi. Taf. VI, Fig. 2. Knospen spindelig, ziemlich kurz, u. dick. Die Schuppen hellrothbraun, die inneren behaart, die dusseren nicht. Blatt- narben halbkreisformig. Die jiingen Zweige graubraun, glan- zend. Lenticellen fein, wenig deutlich. Mark rund. Die Rinde hat einen eigenthiimlichen Geruch. Lindera umbellata, Thunb. Kanakuginoki. Taf. VI, Fig. 6. Knospen spindelformig, locker beschuppt, dunkelrothbraun, theilweise hellbraun gefarbt, schwach behaart. Blattnarbe halbmondformig od. etwas rundlich. Die Rinde hat einen eigenttimlichen Geruch. Prunus persica, Sieh. et. Zucc. Momo. Knospen eiformig griinlich, filzig behaart. Zweige griin teilweise dunkelréthlich. Blattpolster vorspringend. Blatt- narbe etwas klein, halbkreisformig. Mark eckig (sechs). Prunus tomentosa, Thunb. Yusuraume. Taf. VI, Fig. 9. Knospen mit pfriemformiger Schuppen neben der Basis, kegelformig, zugespitzt, ziemlich lang, (Endknospen grésser als Seitenknospen, locker beschuppt). Seitenknospen von den Langtrieben abstehend. Die Schuppen dunkelrothlich, behaart. 254 SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. Die jungen Zweige braun od. graulichbraun, dichtfilzig be- haart. Mark klein, rund. Liquidambar Maximowiczii, Mig. Fu. Taf. VI, Fig. 7. Endknospen grésser als die Seitenknospen, spindelig. Die Schuppen carminrothbraun, teilweise hellbraun gerdandert, seidenglanzend, schwach behaart. Zweige hellbraun, wenig behaart. Blattnarbe halbmondformig, schmal. Mark eckig. b.—Knospen unbehaart. Pirus cathayensis, Heml. Kuarin. Taf. VI, Fig. ro. Endknospen etwas kugelig, Seitenknospen dreieckig, gegen Triebe zu abgeplattet. Zwei grosse, glanzend braune Schup- pen umgeben fast die ganze Knospe. Die einjahrigen Zweige hellbraun, glanzend, schwach behaart, die alteren dunkel- braun. Blattpolster hoch. Blattnarbe sichelformig. Zahl- reiche Kurztriebe sind vorhanden, fast gleich lang. Lent. wenig. Mark rund. Orixa japonica, Thunb. Kokusagi. Taf. VI, Fig. rz. Knospen zugespitzt, vierkantig, auf allen Vierseiten von Knospenschuppen umgeben, glanzend dunkelrothbraun ge- farbt. Zweige graugriin, glanzend, auf der Schattenseite griin, auf der Lichtseite etwas dunkel. Blattnarbe halbmond- formig. Lent. deutlich. Mark von unregelmassiger Form. Die Rinde hat einen eigenthiimlichen, unangenehmen Geruch. Disanthus cercidifolia, Max. Beni-mansaku. Taf. VI, Fig. rz. Knospen spindelig etwas geplattet. Mehrere glanzend dunkelrothen Schuppen umgeben, abwechselnd die Knospen von beiden Seiten. Blattnarbe halbmondformig. Zweige hin- u. hergebogen, auf der Lichtseite dunkelrothlich. Lent. zahlreich, deutlich. Mark schmal, rundlich. Kerria japonica, DC. Yamabuki. Knospen spindelformig, rothbraun, die Spitze etwas gebogen. Zweige griin, hin- u. hergebogen. Blattnarbe halbkreisformig, schmal. Lent. deutlich. Mark sehr weit. Lindera triloba, B/. Shiromoji. Taf. VI, Fig. 3. Knospen mit kugeligen Bliitenknospen an der Basis, spin- SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 255 delig, gelblich od. griinlichbraun, dunkel gerandert. Zweige hin- u. hergebogen, auf der Lichtseite dunkelrothbraun, auf der Schattenseite griinlich gelb, die alteren dunkelgrau. Blattnarbe halbmondformig. Mark weit. Die Rinde hat eigenthiimlichen Geruch. 2.—Blattnarbe rundlich. *,.—Knospen kegel od. spindelformig, ziemlich gross. Lindera obutusiloba, B/. Dankobai. Taf. VI, Fig. 73. Die Knospen meist mit kleinen Nebenknospen, rothbraun, glanzend, spindelig, die Spitze etwas gebogen. Die jungen Zweige auf der Lichtseite rothbraun, sonst gelblich griin, die alteren grau. Lenticellen deutlich. Mark sehr weit. Lindera praecox, B/. Aburachian. Taf. VI, Fig. 74, 75. Knospen lang gestreckt, spindelig. Die Seitenknospen nach innen etwas gebogen. Die Seitenknospen dunkelrothbraun. Die “‘jungen Zweige braunlich grau glanzend wie lackiert. Lent. ziemlich deutlich. Die Rinde hat einen eigenthiimlichen Geruch. **.—Knospen sehr klein, kugelig. 3.—Blattnarbe dreieckig, schmal. a.—Knospen behaart. Prunus Miqueliana, Maxim. MHigan-zakura. Lape Vai FO 27; Knospen spindelformig, klein, an der Langtriebe gehauft, od. auch nicht. Schuppen dunkelbraun, behaart. Blattpolster etwas vorspringend. Zweige schlank, die einjahrige hellbraun behaart, die dlteren schwarzbraun. Lent. deutlich. Mark rund. Pirus Toringo, Sicb., var. incisa, Fv. et Sav. Hime-kaido. Taf Ee. 255120. Knospen an der Langtriebe kegelformig, kurz, dreikantig. Seitenknospen flach, an die Zweige gedriickt. Gewéhnlich 2-4 Schuppen sichtbar, glaénzend rothbraun, weisslich bereift. Zweige dunkelréthlich braun, glanzend. Die Seitenzweige aus den Langtrieben fast senkrecht hervortretend, kurz, dorn- 256 SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. spitzig. Mark rund. Nach Abschneiden der Zweige nimmt die Rinde u. das Mark eine gelblichbraune Farbung an. b.—Knospen unbehaart. Prunus Grayana, Max. Uwamizu-zakura. Taf. VI, Fig. 79, 20. Die Endknospe kugelig, die Seitenknospen etwas flach, dunkelrothbraun gefarbt, glanzend. Blattpolster kugelig her- vorgewolbt. Zweige ziemlich dick, die jiingeren dunkelbraun, teilweise weisslich, die alteren schwarzbraun, glanzend. Lent. deutlich. Mark rund. Die Rinde hat einen eigenthiimlichen Geruch. Prunus Buergeriana, Mig. Inu-zakura. Taf. VI, Fig. 78. Endknospe kegelig, kurz, Seitenknospe etwas kugelig od. zugespitzt. Gewodhnlich 4 Schuppen sichtbar, dunkelroth- braun glanzend. Blattpolster ziemlich hoch. Zweige dunkel- braun, Stamm graubraun gefarbt. Mark rund, etwas gefarbt Die Rinde hat einen eigenthiimlichen Geruch, starker als die vorhergenannte Art. Prunus Maximowiczii, Rupy. Mejiro-zakura. Taf. VI, Fig. 23. Endknospen cylindrich zugespitzt ; Seitenknospen eiformig gespitzt ; die Spitze schwach behaart. 6-7 Schuppen sichtbar, locker beschuppt, dunkelbraun, weisslich gefleckt. Junge Zweige grau, schmutzig, altere glanzend dunkelbraun. Lent. deutlich. Mark etwas eckig. Prunus cerasoides, Max. Choji-zakura. Taf. VI, Fig. 27, 22. Knospen an der Langtriebe gehauft, spindelformig, kurz, hellbraun od, dunkelbraun glanzend. Zweige hin- u. hergebo- gen, kurz. Die jiingeren Zweige glanzend braunlichgrau, teilweise weisslich, die alteren hellbraun. Lent. deutlich. Mark rund. Prunus pseudocerasus, Lindl. var. spontanea, Maxim. Yama-zakura. Taf. VI, Fig. 24. Knospen spindelig, an der Langtriebe gehauft od. auch nicht. Die Schuppen dunkel- od. hellbraun, 6-8 sichtbar, locker beschuppt. Junge Zweige graubraun, 4ltere dunkelbraun. Mark 5 eckig. SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 257 Pyrus Miyabei, Sargent. Azuki-nashi. Taf. V, Fig. rg, 20. Knospen eiformig zugespitzt. Schuppen glanzend dunkel- roth, am Rande braun, schwach behaart. Junge Zweige braun, altere dunkelbraun glanzend. Kurztriebe eng geringelt. Lenticellen weissgrau, sehr deutlich. Mark ziemlich weit ; von unregelmassiger Form. Rubus trifidus, Thunb. Kayji-ichigo. Knospen ziemlich gross, spindelig, etwas gekriimmt. Schup- pen dunkelroth, am Rande schwach behaart. Zweige hin- u. hergebogen, auf der Lichtseite dunkelroth, glanzend, auf der Schattenseite griin. Blattnarbe dreieckig, schmal od. sichel- formig. Mark sehr gross, etwas gefarbt. 4.—Blattnarbe gross, herzformig, Platyearya strobilaceae, Sich. et Zucc. Nobunoki. Tap WV ic. 25. Endknospe grosser als Seitenknospe, zugespitzt, rothbraun, dunkelbraun geradndert. Zweige dick, graubraun, die jiingeren behaart, die alteren glanzend. Lent. fein, zahlreich. Mark weit, von unregelmassiger Form. Euptelaea polyandra, Sich. et Zucc. Fusa-zakura. Way Mill) ie, 2. Knospen eiformig zugespitzt. Schuppen glanzend dunkel- violettbraun. Einige an der Basis der Knospe grauweiss be- haart. Blattnarbe gross, umfasst beinahe die ganze Knospe. Junge Zweige braun, altere graubraun. Lent. deutlich. Mark ziemlich eng. Zweige meist zweizeilig angeordnet. X.—Knospen sitzend von mehreren Schuppen umgeben, an der Spitze der Langtriebe gehauft. A.—Knospen nicht von pfriemenformigen Nebenblatt- chen umgeben. Quercus glandulifera, B/. Konara. Taf. VII, Fig. 2. Knospen zugespitzt, fiinfkantig, kahl, schief an der Triebe. Schuppen dunkelbraun, (seltner sind pfriemenformige Schuppen an der Basis der Knospe vorhanden). Blatt- 258 SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. narbe flachdreieckig, etwas vorspringend. Zweige grau, auf der Schattenseite hellbraun. Lent. ziemlich lang, hervor- tretend, sehr deutlich. Mark strahlenformig. Quercus grosseserrata, B/. Mizunara. Taf. VII, Fig. 3. Knospen zugespitzt, undeutlich fiinfeckig, lang. Schuppen hellbraun. Zweige griinlich graubraun glanzend. Die obere, graue feine Haut leicht sich abschilfernd. Blattnarbe drei- eckig od. halbmondformig. Lent. weniger deutlich als bei Quercus glandulifera. Mark strahlenf6rmig. Quercus serrata, var. variabilis, B/. Abemaki. Taf. Vil, Fig. 5. Knospen kegelférmig, etwas kantig, wenig behaart (seltner mit pfriemenformigen Schuppen versehen). Zweige grau, auf der Schattenseite graubraun. Die vertrockeneten Laubblatter den ganzen Winter hindurch nicht abfallend. Lent. zahlreich, fein, breiter als lang. Das Aussehen des Quercus variabilis ist ahnlich wie die Q. serrata, aber die Knospenform ist wie bei der Q. glandulifera. Quercus dentata, Thunb. Kashiwa. Taf. VII, Fig. 4. Endknospe grésser als Seitenknospen, od. als die der vor- gesetzten Arten, kegelig, fiinfkantig. Seitenknospen etwas lang, die Spitze gebogen, iiber der Blattnarbe anfrecht stehend. Schuppen filzig behaart. Zweige dick, schwarzlich- grau bestaubt, schmutzig. Das diirre Laub bleibt den ganzen Winter an den Zweigen. Mark strahlenformig. B.—Endknospen von pfriemenférmigen Nebenblattchen umgeben. Quercus serrata, Thynb. Kunugi. Taf. VII, Fig. 6. Seitenknospen iiber der Blattnarbe stehend, einige derselben mit Nebenknospen. Zweige graubraun dichtfilzig behaart, mit Langsfurchen. Knospenschuppen graubraun, weniger be- haart. Blattnarbe halbmondférmig, etwas vorspringend. Lent. deutlich. Mark strahlenformig. Das diirre Laub bleibt den ganzen Winter hindurch. e SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 259 XI.—Zweige kletternd, (Schlinggewachse). 1.—Knospen sind in der Blattachsel verborgen. Actinidia arguta, Planch. Shira-kuchi. Taf. VII, Fig. 7. Knospen hinter der Blattachsel verborgen, u. aus der hiigeligen W6lbung des Zweiges hervortragend. Blattnarbe halbkreisformig od. rundlich. Die jungen Zweige hell- od. dunkelbraun, die dlteren graubraun, mit kiirzeren Seiten- zweige. Lenticellen lang, viel, deutlich. Mark gefachert, etwas gefarbt. Actinidia polygama, Mig. Matatabi. Taf. VII, Fig. 8, 9. Die Stelle der Knospen wie bei der vorigen Art. Blattnarbe halb-elliptisch, tief gewolbt. Junge Zweige schlank, langge- streckt, dunkelrothbraun glanzend. Lent. deutlich, etwas kurz. Mark gefachert, gefarbt. Menispermum davuricum, DC. Komorti-kazura. Taf. VII, Fig. ro. Knospen sind in der Blattnarbe verborgen, od. zwischen den Kliiften sitzend, welche durch Rindenrisse an den Blatt- achseln entstehen. Zweige glanzend dunkelrothbraun. Blatt- narbe gross, rundlich od. herzformig, gewolbt. Lent. wenig zahlreich, deutlich. Mark weit, rundlich. 2.—Knospen sind von unausgebildeten od. zusammen- gedriickten Blattchen umgeben, a.—Von unausgebildeten Blattchen. Rhus toxicodendron, L. var. radicans, Mig. Tsuta-urushi. Dafa Djs Big.: 75. Ein grosses, hellbraunfilzig behaartes, unausgebildeten Blatt- chen neben der Endknospe stehend. Seitenknospen flach, kleiner. Zweige graulichrothbraun mit vielen deutlichen Lenticellen, die alteren Zweige mit Luftwurzel versehen. Blattnarbe glanzend rothbraun, gefarbt. Mark weit, rundlich. b.—-Von zusammengedriickten Blattchen. Coculus Thunbergii, DC. Ao-tsuzurafuji. Taf. VII, Fig. rz. Knospen tiber der Blattnarbe sitzend. Die Zahl der zusam- mengedriickten Blattchen ganz undeutlich, dunkelgrau, dicht- 260 SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. filzig behaart. Zweige schlank, griin- od. dunkelgriinlich braun, schwach behaart. Blattnarbe rundlich, gewolbt. 3-—Knospen mit einer bezw. zwei Schuppen umgeben. A.—Zweige ohne Ranken. Berchemia racemosa, Sich. et Zucc. Kuma-yanagi. Taf. Vil, tig. ee go- Knospen tiber dem Blattpolster stehend, nur eine Schuppe umhiillt dieselbe vollstandig von der Riickseite aus. Schuppen u. Zweige glanzend dunkelrothbraun, glatt. Lent. undeutlich. Mark rund, ziemlich weit. Wistaria chinensis, Sich. cf Zucc. Murasaki-fuji. Taj. VII, fg. Fe: Knospen kegelformig, gegen die Triebe zu abgeplattet. die Spitze etwas gekriimmt. Schuppen dunkelréthlichbraun, Zweige grau, glanzend. Blattpolster hochspringend, seitwarts mit kleinem Rindenansatz. Blattnarbe rundlich, od. halb- mondformig. Lent. deutlich. Mark weit, rundlich. Wistaria brachybotrys, Sieb. ef Zucc. Shiro-fuji. Taf. VII; Hig zee. Knospen eifo6rmig, zugespitzt, dunkelrothbraun. Blattnarbe halbmondformig. Zweige dunkelbraun. Lent. undeutlich. Mark rundlich, weit. B.—Zweige mit Ranken. Vitis vinifera, L. Budo. Taf. VII, Fig. 77. Knospen eiformig. Zwei Knospen-Schuppen, die innere umhiillt fast die ganze Knospe, u. die dussere steht seitwarts ; die letztere dunkelbraun gefarbt. Zweige von derselben Farbe, hin- u. hergebogen. Lent. undeutlich. Mark rund, etwas gefarbt. Vitis flexuosa, Thunb. Gydjanomizu. Taf. VII, Fig. 78. Knospen eifotmig. Zweige schlank, graubraun glatt ; Knos- penschuppen von derselben Farbe. Blattnarbe undeutlich dreieckig. Mark rund, eng. SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 261 Vitis Thunbergii, Sieb. et Zucc. Ebizuru. Knospen u. Zweige wie bei der vorigen Arten, aber davon leicht zu unterscheiden, durch die baumwolleartige Behaarung, welche die ganze Flache der Zweige umfasst. 4.—Knospen von mehreren Schuppen umgeben. a.—Knospen spindelformig. Schizandra chinensis, Baill. Chosen-gomishi. Lap Vids Beg. 19. Knospen spindelig, von mehreren Schuppen spiralig um- geben. Schuppen tiefrothbraun; Zweige von derselben Farbe auf der Lichtseite graulich. Blattnarbe halbmondformig. Lent. sehr deutlich. Mark weit, rund. Die Rinde hat einen eigenthtimlichen, angenehmen Geruch. £.—Knospen kugel- od. eiformig. Akebia quinata, Decne. Akebi. Taf. VII, Fig. 20. Knospen eiformig, zugespitzt. Zwei od. drei derselben beisammensitzend, locker beschuppt, dunkelbraun. Zweige dunkelbraun, die alteren graubraun, glanzend. Lent. sehr deutlich, zahlreich. Mark eng. Akebia lobata, Decne. Mitsuba-akebi. Taf. VII, Fig. az. Knospen eiformig, dunkelbraun. Seitwarts der grésseren Knospen, die kleineren beisammensitzend. Blattpolster hoch. Zweige braun od. hellbraun, glanzend. Lent. deut- lich, weniger zahlreich als bei Akebia quinata. Mark rund. Celastrus articulatus, T/iwnb. Tsuru-umemodoki. Taf. VII, Fig. 22. Knospen kugelig, an der Triebe senkrecht stehend, dunkel- braun gefarbt. Zweige, gerade, graubraun. Blattnarbe halb- mondformig. Lent. klein, zahlreich. Mark rund. 262 SHIRASAWA!: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. TABELLE II. Knospen stehen an der Langtrieben abwechselnd, ** Zweizeilig.,, I.—Knospen (Laub od. Bliten) gestielt, u. von wenigen Schuppen umgeben. A.—Knospen kugelig od. eiformig. Corylopsis pauciflora, Sieb. et Zucc. Hiuga-mizuki. Taf. VIII, Bigex. Bliitenknospen eiformig od. kugelig, gestielt. Die ausseren Schuppen glanzend hellbraun u. leicht ablosbar, die inneren auf der Lichtseite hellrothlich, sonst griin. Zweige schlank, die jiingeren braun glanzend, die alteren graubraun. Lent. deutlich. Blattnarbe klein, dreieckig. Mark eng. B.—Knospen spindelig od. kegelformig. Corylopsis spicata, Sieb. ef Zucc. ‘Tosa-mizuki. Taf. Vill, Fig. 2. Bliitenknospen lang gestreckt, spindelig. Die dusseren Schuppen leicht ablosbar, die inneren auf der Lichtseite rothlich, od. intensivroth glanzend, sehr schon, sonst gelbgriin. Zweige hin- u. hergebogen, die jiingeren glanzend graubraun, die alteren etwas dunkler. Blattnarbe ziemlich gross, drei- eckig. Mark rund. C.—Knospen etwas flach. Stuartia monadelpha, Sieb. et Zucc. Saruta, Taf. VIH, Fig. 3, 4. Knospen etwas flach, von beiden Seiten beschuppt, scharf- kantig, hellgrau, braun behaart. Zweige schlank, besen- formig. Der Stamm braun, glanzend, glatt. Lent. deutlich. Mark rund. Stuartia pseudo-Camellia, Max. Natsu-tsubaki. Taf. Vill, Fags. Knospen spindelig, etwas abgeflacht. Die ausseren Knos- penschuppen dunkelbraun, leicht ablosbar, die inneren SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 263 griingrau, filzig behaart. Zweige hin- u. hergebogen; die Peridermschichten reissen faserig auf. Die Farbung der ein- jahrigen u. mehrjahrigen Zweige deutlich verschieden. Mark rund, etwas weit. II.—Knospen kugelig, keil- od. eiformig, mit zwei od. weinigen Schuppen. A.—Knospen dusserlich von einer grossen umfassenden, u. einer kleineren Schuppe umgeben. Tilia cordata, Mzll. var. japonica, Mig. Shinanoki. Taj. Vil, Fie. Se Knospen eif6rmig zugespitzt, etwas gekriimmt, Endknospen grosser als Seitenknospen u. von unregelmassiger Form, dunkelrothlich, kahl. Zweige etwas gebogen, die einjahrigen hellbraun, auf der Lichtseite réthlich, glanzend, die alteren dunkelgrauroth. Blattnarbe halbmondformig. Mark schmal. Tilia Miqueliana, Max. Bodaiju. Taf. VIII, Fig. 6, 7. Knospen kugelig zugespitzt, zwei Seiten derselben abge- flacht, gelbgriin schwach behaart, an der Triebe schief an- biegend, u. gebogen. Einjahrigen Zweige gelbgriin, kurz behaart, die alteren graubraun. Mark rund. B.—Knospen von mehreren Schuppen umgeben. a.—Knospen behaart. Celtis sinensis, Pevs. Enoki. Taf. VIII, Fig. 9. Knospen keilformig, flach an der Trieb angedriickt, mit zwei pfriemenformigen Blattchen an der Basis. Zwei Knospenschuppen sichtbar, schwarzlichgrau behaart. Die einjahrigen Zweige dicht behaart, dunkelgraubraun. Blatt- polster hoch. Lent. deutlich. Mark rund. Corylus heterophylla, Fisch. Hashibami. Taf, VU re. £2) 13% Knospen eifoérmig, die vordere u. hintere Seite etwas abge- flacht, dunkelrothbraun, am Rande schwach behaart, sonst kahl. Die jiingere Triebe rothlichbraun, bereift. Im Winter mit rothlichbraun gefairbten Bliitenkatzchen. Blatt- polster hoch. Blattnarbe abgerundet dreieckig. Mark rund, eng. 264 SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. Corylus rostrata, Ait. var. Sieboldiana, Max. Tsuno-hashibami. Taf. VIII, Fig. zz. Knospen kugelig, zugespitzt. Die Spitze u. der Rand der Schuppen behaart, dunkelroth gefarbt. Zweige grau, in den ersten Jahren sehr dicht behaart. Katzchen groésser als bei Corylus heterophylla 2.5-3.5 cm. lang, graubraun gefarbt. Blattnarbe halbmondformig. Mark unregelmassiger Drei- eckig, eng. 2.—Knospen nicht behaart. Castanea vulgaris, L. var. japonica, DC. Kuri. Taf. VIII, Fig: zz. Knospen kugelig, zugespitzt, riickwarts etwas flach. Schup- pen glanzend dunkelrothbraun. Zweige von derselben Farbe. Blattnarbe dreieckig. Lenticellen, weiss, deutlich. Mark strahlenformig. Der Holztheil der jiingeren Zweige nimmt eine unregelmassige Form an. III.—Knospen spitz, walzenformig, spindel- od. kugel- formig, mit zahlreichen Schuppen. A.—Schuppen spiralig angeordnet. a.—Knospen spindelig. Fagus sylvatica L. var. Sieboldi, Max. Buna. Taf. VIU, Fig. Oj, Knospen spindelig. Schuppen hellbraun bis dunkelgrau- braun, die Spitzen derselben sehr fein behaart, weisslich. Zweige hin- u. hergebogen, die jiingeren graubraun griinlich, die alteren weissgrau. Der Stamm hat eine grauweisse Far- bung. Lent. deutlich. Mark von unregelmdssiger Form. Fagus japonica, Max Inu-bara. Taf. VIII, Fig. 75. Knospen sehr lang gestreckt bis 3 cm. lang, spindelformig, zumeist lang gestielt. Schuppen von derselben Farbe wie bei F. sylv. var. Sieboldi, aber ein wenig grau. Zweige schlank hin- u. hergebogen, glatt, in der Jugend hellrothbraun, spater grau. Kurztriebe eng eingeschniirt. Mark unregelmassig eckig. SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER 1M WINTERZUSTANDE. 265 #.—Knospen kegelférmig. Ilex macropoda, Mig. Aohada. Taf. IX, Fig. z, 2. Knospen kegelig, kurz an der Triebe dicht stehend, locker beschuppt. Knospenschuppen u. einjahrige Zweige hellbraun, die alteren glanzend dunkelgrau Kurztriebe eng eingeschniirt. Lent. deutlich. Mark rund. Ginkgo biloba, L. Icho. Taf. IX, Fig. 3, 4. Knospen kegelformig, kurz, Schuppen braun. Die jiingen Zweige hell- od. graubraun glanzend, die alteren weisslichgrau. Blattnarbe halbmondférmig. Lent. undeutlich. Mark un- regelmassig. Zweige mit langen, eng _ eingeschniirten Kurztriebe. 7.—Knospen spitz, walzenformig. Ostrya virginica, Willd. Asada. Taf. IX, Fig. 75, 76. Knospen walzenformig, zugespitzt od. eiformig. Knospen- schuppen braun, od. dunkelréthlichbraun, teilweise gelblich- griin, glanzend. Zweige dunkelrothlichbraun od. hellbraun mit deutlichen Lenticellen. Blattnarbe halbmond- od. sichel- formig. Mark eng und von unregelmassiger Form. B.—Schuppen abwechselnd stehend. a.—Schuppen auf zwei Seiten angeordnet. *.—Knospen behaart. Aphananthe aspera, Planch. Mukunoki. Taf. VIII, Fig. ro. Knospen spindelig, zugespitzt etwas flach, gekriimmt, mit kleinen Nebenknospen an der Trieben gedriickt, locker be- schuppt, dunkelbraun grauweiss behaart. Zweige schlank, besenformig, dunkelgrau, in der Jugend grauweiss, dicht behaart. Mark rund. **,—Knospen gar nicht od. wenig behaart. Ulmus campestris, Sm. var. vulgaris, Planch. Kobu-nire. Tay, Ie. Fig. 55.6: Knospen klein kugelig, etwas abgeflacht, Schuppen schwarz- lichbraun. Die jungen Zweige graubraun od. braun behaart, die alteren grau. Die mehrjibrigen Triebe zeichnen sich durch tiefe Risse in der Epidermis aus. 266 SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. Ulmus parvifolia, Facg. Aki-nire. Knospen meist zu zwei beisammen sitzend, eiférmig, zuge- spitzt, etwas abgeflacht, dunkelbraun. Zahlreiche, diinne fast gleich lange, braune Seitenzweigen entwickeln sich aus der Triebe. Lenticellen deutlich. Mark klein. Ulmus campestris, Si. var, laevis, Planch. WHaru-nire. Taf. IX, Fig. 8, 9. Knospen kegelig, flach gekriimmt, 3-5 mm. lang, grau od. dunkelbraun, schwach behaart. Zweige graubraun, dicker als bei anderen Ulmusarten; die jiingeren ein wenig behaart. Blattnarbe ziemlich gross, halbmondformig. Mark rund, klein. Ulmus montana, Sm. vay. laciniata, Tvautv. Atsushi. Taf TX iene Endknospe etwas grésser als Seitenknospen, die letzteren sind von verschiedener Form, spindelférmig, zugespitzt glan- zend schwarzbraun. Zweige hin- u. hergebogen, auf der Lichtseite graubraun glanzend, sonst grau. Blattnarbe ziem- lich gross, halbmondférmig. Mark klein, rund. Die Rindenfaser aller zu dieser Gruppe gehorigen Holzarten ist meist ziemlich stark, u. das Holz biegsam. b.—Schuppen von vier Seiten abstehend. Carpinus japonica, BJ. Kuma-shide. Taf. IX, Fig. zo. Knospen spindelig, etwas kantig, schlank u. scharf zuge- spitzt. Schuppen hell- od. dunkelbraun glanzend. Zweige schlank, hin- u. hergebogen, glanzend dunkelbraun. Lent. deutlich. Mark rund. Carpinus jedoensis, Max. Inu-shide. Taf. IX, Fig. zz. Die Spitze der Knospen etwas gebogen, spindelig, vier- kantig, dicker als bei Carpinus japonica. Schuppen hell- rothbraun glanzend. Die einjaihrigen Zweige filzig behaart, griinlichgrau. Carpinus laxiflora, BJ. Soro. Taf. IX, Fig. 73. Knospen spindelig etwas dick u. kurz, vierkantig. Die jungen Zweige kahl, od. graugriin behaart. Der Stamm grauweiss. SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 267 Carpinus cordata, BJ. Sawa-shiba. Taf. IX, Fig. r2. Endknospe 12 mm. lang, grésser als Seitenknospen ; beide grosser als bei anderen Carpinusarten, spindelig, vierkantig- die Spitze behaart. Knospenschuppen hellbraun, dunkel ge- randert. Die jiingen Zweige graubraun, die 4lteren grau. Lent. deutlich. Mark eckig. Zelkowa acuminata, Planch. Keyaki. Taf. IX, Fig. r¢. Knospen zumeist zwei beisammen dicht stehend, kegelfor- mig, kantig. Schuppen dunkel- od. schwarzbraun, am Rande ein wenig behaart. Zweige schlank, hin- u. hergebogen, braun od. dunkelbraun. Blattnarbe elliptisch. Lent. rund, deutlich. Mark rund. IV.—Knospen von zusammengedruckten Blattchen gebildet (nackt). Picrasma quassioides, Benn. Nigaki. Taf. IX, Fig. zo. Zwei unausgebildete Blattchen umfassen die Knospe, flach, halbmondférmig, od. quadratisch, gelblich dunkelbraun, filzig behaart. Blattnarbe gross, halbmondformig od. rundlich. Zweige dunkelbraun, graulich. Lent. zahlreich, sehr deutlich. Mark etwas weit. Die Rinde von bitterem Geschmack. Hamamelis japonica, Szeb. ef Zucc. Mansaku. Taf: IX, Bg. 17, 18. Zwei unausgebildete Blatttchen beisammen stehend, wovon das eine lang gestreckt, scalpelfo6rmig, lang gestielt. Sie sind dicht filzig behaart, auf der Lichtseite dunkelgrau, sonst hellbraun. Lent. ziemlich gross, deutlich. Blattnarbe halb- kreisformig od. abgerundet dreieckig. 268 SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. TABELLE fil. ce oe = 27 Knospen ‘‘ gegenstandig. I.—Die Knospen sind in der Blattnarbe verborgen. Philadelphus coronarius, L. var. Satumi, Max. Baikwa-utsug1. laf. Xs Big ee: Blattnarbe dreieckig weissgrau, etwas vorspringend, in der Mitte eine kleine Vorwolbung zeigen, unter welcher die Knospe verborgen ist. Die jungen Zweige gerade, braun etwas glanzend pfeifenrohrartig, sieht ganz diirr aus, die alteren braungrau. Lenticellen undeutlich. Mark weit, rund. II.—Zweige auffallend dick, Endknospen sehr gross. Aesculus turbinata, B/. Tochinoki. Taf. X, Fig. 3. Endknospe r cm. Durchmesser, eifo6rmig, zugespitzt etwas gebogen ; die Seitenknospen kugelig, dunkelbraun sehr harzig. Blattnarbe gross hellbraun gefarbt. An der Grenze der jungen- u. alteren Zweige ringformige Einschniirung. Lent. deutlich. Mark weit, rund u. braun gefarbt. ITI.— Die Zweige sind zumeist dornspitzig. Punica Granatum, lL. Zakuro. Taf. X, Fig. 6, 7. Knospen klein pyramidenformig, kurz, rothlichbraun. Zweige graubraun sehr schlank. Die oberen Peridermschich- ten losen sich in Fasern ab. Lenticellen deutlich. Mark ziemlich weit, rund. Rhamnus japonica, Max. var. genuina, Max. Kuro-umemodoki. Taf. X, Fig. 4, 5. Knospen an der Triebe angedriickt, pyramidenformig, ziem- lich lang, etwas gebogen. Schuppen dunkelbraun, am Rande ein wenig behaart. Blattnarbe hoch, seitwarts pfriemenartige Blattchen hervortretend. Die dornspitzigen Zweige derb, hellgrau od. braungrau, glanzend. Die alteren Zweige dunkel- braun. Blattnarbe halbmondformig od. sichelformig. Die Rinde hat einen eigentiimlichen Geruch. Knospen oft nicht gegenstandig angeordnet. SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 269 IV.—Knospen von unausgebildeten Blattchen, nicht von eigentlichen Schuppen umgeben. A.—Knospen gestielt. a.—Zweige (zweizeilig angeordnet) grau gefarbt. Callicarpa mollis, Sicb. et Zucc. Yabu-murasaki. Taf. X, Fag. 8. Knospen sehr lang gestielt, kleinwalzig; Endknospe grosser als Seitenknospen, die letzteren schmal, gekriimmt. Zweige schlank, griinlich grau. Blattnarbe rundlich. Lent. undeutlich. Mark sehr weit, 6 kantig. Callicarpa japonica, Thunb. Murasakishikibu. Taf. X, Fig. zo. Knospen kurz gestielt, graubraun kleinwalzig. Zweige schlank, graubraun. Mark weit, rundlich. Callicarpa purpurea, Fuss. Ko-murasaki. Taf. X, Fig. 9. Knospen zumeist kugelig, sehr kurz gestielt, (seltner lang gestielt) kleinwalzig. Lent. wenig, deutlich. Mark weit, 4 kantig. b.—Zweige braun gefarbt. Viburunum furcatum, B/. Mushikari. Taf. X, Fig. zz, 72. Zwei lang gestreckte, unausgebildete, braun behaarte Blattchen umfassen die Knospe. Zweige gerade, lang, griin- braun, glanzend. Blattnarbe abgerundet dreieckig, mit 3 Gefassbundelspuren. Lent. wenig. Mark ziemlich weit. B.—Knospen dicht an den Trieben sitzend. Clerodendron trichotomum, Thunb. Kusagi. Taf. X, Fig. 73. Zwei unausgebildete Blattchen umfassen die Knospe. Die letztere an der Triebe fast senkrecht stehend, braunviolett, dicht behaart. Zweige ziemlich dick, auf der Lichtseite dunkelgraubraun, sonst grau, glanzend. Blattnarbe gross. Lent. fein, sehr deutlich. Mark sehr weit, gefarbt. ‘Cornus ignorata, Koch. Kumano-mizuki. Taf. X, Fig. 14, 75. Endknospe (von zwei unausgebildeten Blattchen gebildet) grosser als Seitenknospen, keilformig, lang gestreckt. Die letzteren nadelformig, von der stehenbleibenden Blattbasis umgeben, dunkelgrau behaart. Zweige auf der Lichtseite 270 SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. rothlich, sonst gelblichgriin, 6 kantig. Lent. wenig. Mark rundlich, od. 6 kantig. Premna microphylla, Turcz. Hama-kusagi. Taf. X, Fig. 16. Knospen kugelig etwas gespitzt, hellbraun. Seitenknospen flach. Die einjaéhrigen Zweige gerade, lang, hellbraun. Blattpolster vorspringend. Blattnarbe halbkreisformig, ge- wolbt. Mark ziemlich weit, elliptisch. Durch einen beson- deren Geruch ausgezeichnet. Vitex Negundo, L. Ninjinboku. Taf. X, Fig. 77. Knospen sind unter der Blattachsel verborgen, so dass man die Zahl der Blattchen nicht wahrnehmen kann, graubraun- filzig behaart. Die einjahrigen Zweige viereckig, graubraun, gerade u. lang. Blattnarbe sichelformig. Lent. klein, deut- lich. Mark 4 kantig. Vitex trifolia, L. var. unifoliolata, Schauer. Hamabo. Knospen klein, etwas entfernt oberhalb der Blattnarbe stehend, grau behaart. Die jiingeren Theile der Zweige dicht behaart wie mit Sammet bekleidet, graubraun, 4 bis 5 kantig. Mark weit, eckig. Kriechender Strauch nicht aufrecht stehend. Evodia rutecarpa, Benth. et Hook. Goshiyu. Taf. X, Fig. 78, 79. Knospen flach, viereckig, hellbraunfilzig behaart. Zweige ziemlich dick, gerade, dunkelcarmin roth, der jiingere Theil schwach behaart. Blattnarbe gross halbmondformig, oft ziemlich breit, meist mit 3 Gefassbiindelspuren versehen. Lent. ganz deutlich. Mark weit, eckig. Holz u. Rinde gelblich. V.—End- u. Seitenknospen so von zwei Schuppen dicht umgefasst, dass scheinbar nur eine Knos- penschuppe vorhanden ist. A.—Knospen unbehaart, glanzend. a.—Knospen gestielt. Viburnum opulus, L. Kanboku. Taf. X, Fig. 20. . Knospen dem Stengel angedriickt, auf der Aussenseite kugelig gewolbt, zugespitzt. Schuppen griinlich od. rothlich- braun. Endknospe fehlt meist. Seitenzweige lang, nicht SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 271 abstehend, mehr od. weniger kantig. Junge Triebe braun, altere grau. Mark weit, eckig. Acer rufinerve, Sich. et Zucc. Uri-kaede. Taf. X, Fig. 22. ISndknospe grodsser als Seitenknospe, 4 kantig, zugespitzt. Seitenknospen eiformig, lang gestreckt, etwas gekriimmt. Schuppen dunkelrothlich, glanzend. Zweige gerade, lang, gelblichgriin, auf der Lichtseite réthlich, die alteren griin, mit viereckigen, weissen Flecken versehen. Blattnarbe schmal, mit 3 Gefassbiindelspuren. Lenticellen wenig. Mark weit, rundlich. Acer cratzgifolium, Sieb. et Zucc. - Meuri-kaede. VGjPG) Fig. 23% 22. Knospen eiférmig, zugespitzt; die Seitenknospen an der Triebe angedriickt, meist mit einem Schuppenrisse auf dem Riicken, kurz gestielt, dunkelréthlich. Zweige auf der Lichtseite gelblichgriin od. rothlich, schwarzlich bekleidet. Mark rund. b.—Knospen sitzend. Staphylea bumalda, Sieb. et Zucc. Mitsuba-utsugi. Taf. X, Big. 27. Knospen keilformig, riickwarts etwas gewolbt. Am Ende der Triebe stehen immer je zwei Knospen beisammen. Schuppen schwarzbraun. Zweige im ersten Jahre glanzend dunkelbraun, die dlteren graubraun, feinrissig. Blattnarbe schmal, herzformig, od. dreieckig. Lent. lang, deutlich. Mark weit, rund. Acer palmatum, Thunb. Kaede. Taf. X, Fig. 25, 26. Zwei od. drei Endknospen beisammensitzend, kegelformig, kurz, dunkelréthlich gefarbt. Zweige gelblichgriin, auf der Lichtseite rothlich. Die stehenbleibende Korkschichte in der Blattnarbe umbhiillt die Knospenbasis. Lenticellen undeut- lich. Mark etwas weit, rund. Salix multinervis, fv. ef Sav. Kori-yanagi. Taf. III. Fig. 7. Zahlreiche Knospen an der Triebe angedriickt, kegelig, klein. Bliitenknospen eiférmig, zugespitzt, die Spitze etwas gekriimmt, gestielt. Zweige u. Schuppen glanzend roth, der altere Theil der Zweige hellbraun. Blattnarbe sichelférmig. 272 SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. Salix rubra, L. Saruko-yanagi. Taf. III, Fig. zo. Laubknospen spindelig, schlank, angeplattet. Bliiten- knospen spindelformig, lang; die Spitze gekriimmt. Die . Knospe u. Zweige auf Lichtseite roth, sonst gelblich griin. B.—Knospen behaart. Phellodendron amurense, Rupyv. Kiwada. Taf. X, Fig. 28. End- u. Seitenknospe gleich gross, in der Mitte der Blatt- narbe sitzend, von zwei Schuppen dicht umhiillt, hiigelformig, dunkelbraun filzig behaart. Zweige sehr dick, gerade, die jiingeren hellgelblichbraurr od. grau. Blattnarbe fusssohlen- formig. Mark gross, rund, etwas gefarbt. Die Rinde zeich- net sich durch gelbe Farbung aus. Acer cissifolium, Koch. Mitsude-kaede. Taf. X, Fig. 27. Endknospe von zwei kleineren Seitenknospen umgeben. Seitenknospe an den Zweigen abgeplattet, von der Gestalt eines Kafers. Knospenschuppen u. junge Triebe griinlich, teilweisc grauweiss, die alteren Triebe glanzend grau. Blatt- narbe schmal. Mark etwas weit. Cornus Kousa, Buerg. Yamaboshi. Taf. X, Fig. 30, 37. Knospen nur am Ende der Triebe, kegelig. Zwei dunkel- violettbraun filzig behaarte Schuppen dicht zusammentretend. Bliitenknospen kugelig, zugespitzt, mit mehr als zwei Schuppen versehen. Blattnarbe schmal, umfasst die Knospe ringsum. Zweige gerade, lang, dunkelbraun, teilweise weiss- lich, mit zahlreichen, deutlichen Lenticellen. Mark eng. Cornus Officinalis, Seb. Sanshiyu. Taf. X, Pig. 20; te Naja eet Endknospe groésser als Seitenknospen, zugespitzt, kantig, grau behaart. Die einjahrigen Zweige 4 kantig, rothbraun, weisslich bereift, ein wenig behaart. Blattpolster etwas vor- springend. Blattnarbe dreieckig. Mark rund. VI.—Seitenknospen eiférmig oder spindelig, fast senkrecht abstehend. Lonicera Morrowii, A. Gray. Kinginboku. Taf. XI, Fig. 4. Knospen eiférmig, etwas kantig, locker beschuppt. Schup- SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 273 pen filzig behaart, hellbraunlich. . Endknospe einzeln. Zweige ziemlich diinn, hellgrau, kahl. Die oberen Peridermschichten lésen sich in Fasern ab. Mark innen hohl, am Rande braun. Lonicera glacilipes, Mig. Uguisukagura. Ta/. XI, Fig. 2, 3. Endknospe grésser als Seitenknospen, eiformig zugespitzt, etwas kantig. Knospenschuppen’ diinnhautig, grau od. graubraun. Zweige schlank, auf der Lichtseite grau, auf der Schattenseite hellbraun. Diese Art zeichnet sich aus durch die stehendenbleibenden, braunen halbkreisformigen Blattchen, welche die Triebe ringsum umfassen. Mark rund. Lonicera coerulea, L. Kuromino-uguiskagura. Endknospe wie bei der Lon. gracilipes, locker beschuppt. Seitenknospen etwas flach, u. zwei tibereinander von Zweige abstehend. Zweige schlank, glanzend gelblich rothbraun ; die ausseren Korkschichten losen sich faserig ab. Blattbasis sehr hoch vorspringend, schuppenartig. Mark weit, etwas kantig. VII.—An den Seitenknospen nur wenige Schuppen (2 od. 3) sichtbar. A.—Seiten- (End) knospen kantig. a.—Knospen od. Zweige behaart, od. kleinwalzig. Viburnum dilatatum, Thunb. Gamazumi. Taf. XJ, Fig. 5. Endknospe vierkantig, zugespitzt. Seitenknospen flach, an der Triebe angedriickt, filzig behaart, rothbraun. Zweige auf der Lichtseite graubraun, kleinwalzig. Blattnarbe schmal. Mark weit, rund. Viburnum Sieboldi, Mig. Gomaki. Taf. XI, Fig. 7. Knospen vierkantig, zugespitzt, langer gestreckt als bei der vorigen Art, rothbraun schivach behaart. Zweige dunkelgrau behaart. Blattnarbe gross, von der Gestalt einer fliegenden Fledermaus. Mark rund. Die Rinde hat einen specifischen unangenehmen Geruch. Viburnum tomentosum, Thunb. Yabu-demari. Taf. XI, Fig. 6. Knospen walzenformig, lang gestreckt, zugespitzt, etwas kantig. Seitenknospen etwas gekriimmt. Schuppen u. junge Zweige kleinwalzig, nicht behaart. Zweige graubraun, Blattnarbe schmal. Mark rund. 274 SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. Viburnum Wrightii, Mig. Miyamagamazumi. Taf. XI, Ftg. 8, 9. Endknospe groésser als Seitenknospe, vierkantig zugespitzt. Zwei lockere Schuppen an der Basis der Knospe. Die Bliitenknospe am Triebende vergekehrt kegelférmig. Schup- pen dunkelrothlich, kleinwalzig. Zweige gerade, grauroth- braun. Blattnarbe schmal. Lent. deutlich, gering. b.—Knospen nicht od. wenig behaart. Fraxinus Sieboldiana, B/. Shioji. Taf. XI, Fig. 72. Zwei kleinere Knospen umgeben die Endknospe, die letztere wesentlich grosser als die Seitenknospen, vierkantig, kurz. Schuppen derb, gekielt, dunkelbrau, an der Basis weiss mehlig. Blattnarbe schmal, umfasst fast die ganze Knospe. Zweige sparrig, hellgraugrtin. Lent. ganz deutlich, lang. Mark weit, rund. Fraxinus Bungeana, DC. var. pubinervis, B/. Toneriko. laf. XI, Pigenro, ge Knospen ahnlich wie bei der Fr. Sieboldiana; aussere zwei Schuppen in der Mitte der Knospe meist frei zusammentretend. Die jungen Zweige etwas kantig (4), gerade, an der Basis gewolbt, dunkelbraun, gelb, teilwcise weiss gefleckt. Lent. undeutlich. Mark undeutlich viereckig. Fraxinus longicuspis, Sieb. cf Zucc. Kobano-toneriko. laf. XI, Fig, 23s Endknospen etwas groésser als die Seitenknospen, weniger scharf kantig, etwas flach. Seitenknospen fast senkrecht abstehend. Schuppen schwarlich bereift. Zweige grau, rund- lich ; Blattpolster etwas gewolbt. Blattnarbe halbmondformig. Lent. fein, zahlreich. Mark eng, eckig. Chionanthus retusa, Lindl. et Paxt. Hitotsubatago. Taf. XI, Figs ag. Endknospe grésser als Seitenknospe schaf 4 kantig, kurz. Schuppen dunkelbraun Zweige diinner als die der vorigen Arten, fast senkrecht abstehend, braungrau. Blattpolster hoch. Blattnarbe halbelliptisch. Lent. deutlich, rund. Mark eng. SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 275 B.—Seitenknospen angedriickt, an der dem Zweige zuge- wendeten Seite abgeplattet. a.—Knospen u. Zweige nicht behaart. a.—Blattnarbe schmal. Acer argutum, Maxim. Asanoha-kaede. Taf. XI, Fig. 77, 78. Knospenam Triebende gehauft, die Mittelern lang gestreckt, von zwei Schuppen dicht umbhiillt, grésser als die tibrigen. Seitenknospen von der Gestalt eines Kafers. Schuppen u. einjahrige Zweige dunkelrothlich, dicht bereift, altere Zweige gelblich, auf der Lichtseite rothlich. Zwei schmale Blattnar- ben zusammenstossend. Lent. wenig. Mark rund. Acer distylum, Szeb. ef Zucc. Hitotsuba-kaede. ITE DOG 1B ee Oe Eine grossere Endknospe mit zwei kleineren Seitenknospen seitwarts, kafergestaltig. Unausgebildete Blattchen umgeben haufig die Knospe. Knospenschuppen u. Zweige dunkelroth, graubraunfilzig behaart. Blattnarbe schmal, je zwei zusam- menstossend. Mark rund. Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Szeb. ct Zucc. Katsura. Taf xh, Fig. 10. Am Ende der Triebe zwei Knospen beisammen abstehend, End- u. Seitenknospen gleich gross, kegelig. Eine an dem Zweige abgeplatte Schuppe umhiillt die dussere der Knospe, u. eine andere die innere derselben; die erstere ist dunkel- rothbraun, die letztere rothlich. Zweige schlank u. lang, an der Lichtseite rothbraun, sonst hellbraun. Blattpolster vor- gewolbt. Blattnarbe schmal. Lent. fein, deutlich. Mark eng. #.—Blattnarbe gross rundlich od. halbmondformig. *. —Baumgewachse. Euseaphis japonica, Pax. Gonzui. Taf. XI, Fig. 20. Am Ende der Triebe zwei Knospen; sie sind keilformig, seitwarts gewolbt. Schuppen schwarzlich roth. Zweige ziem- lich dick, auf der Lichtseite glanzend dunkelroth, sonst griin- lich gelbroth. Lent. wenig. Mark weit, rund. 276 SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. Acer japonicum, Thunb. WHauchiwa-kaede. Taf. XI, Fig. 2z. Endknospe zwei beisammenabstehend, eiférmig, zugespitzt, 3 od. 4 Schuppen sichtbar, schwarzlichroth gefarbt. Die stehenbleibende Korkschichte der Blattbasis bildet die Blatt- narbe, sie ist gross u. unterseits eckig, am Rande behaart. Mark weit, eckig. Acer Sieboldianum, Max. Kohauchiwa-kaede. Knospen sind kiirzer, u. Zweige schlanker als bei Acer japonicum. Hydrangea hortensis, Smith. var. japonica, Maxim. Gaku. Taf. XI, Fig. 23: Endknospe grésser als Seitenknospe, spindelformig 4 kantig, die dusseren zwei Schuppen leicht ablésbar. An der Seiten- knospe 3 Schuppen sichtbar, dunkelrothbraun. Zweige glan- zend hellbraun. Blattnarbe gross, abgerundet dreieckig od. halbmondformig. Mark sehr weit. Hydrangea Thunbersgii, Sie). Amacha. Knospen u. Zweige sehr ahnlich wie bei der vorgenannten Mites Hydrangea hortensia, DC. Ajisai. Taf. XI, Fig. 24. Endknospe wesentlich grésser als Seitenknospe, eiformig, zugespitzt. Die ausseren zwei Schuppen leicht ablosbar, die inneren unausgebildeten Blattchen bleiben schallen, glanzend gelblichgriin. Zweige dick, hell- od. graubraun. Blattnarbe gross, halbmondformig od. etwas eckig. Mark sehr weit. b.—Knospen u. Zweige behaart. Ligustrum Ibota, Sieb. Ibotanoki. Taf. XI, Fig. 25. Seitenknospen an der Zweige abgeplattet, keilformig, dunkel- graufilzig behaart. Zweige schlank, filzig behaart, schmutzig bestaubt. Blattpolster vorspringend; Blattnarbe halbmond- formig. Lenticellen undeutlich. Mark eng. VIII.—An den Seitenknospen mehr als 3 Schuppen sichtbar. A.—Knospen u. Blattnarbe gross. a.—Knospen kugelig. SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 277 Sambucus rasemosa, L. var. Sieboldiana, Mig. Niwatoko. Knospen kugelig, gestielt, od. verkehrt eiformig, roth bis violettgefarbt. Die zahlreichen Schuppen umgeben die Knospe ziemlich locker. Oefter stehen noch 1-3 Knospen unter der Hauptknospe. Zweige bogenformig gekriimmt, grau, mit deutlichen Lenticellen versehen. Mark sehr weit, braun gefarbt. b.—Knospen kantig. Syringa vulgaris, 2. Murasaki-hashidoi. Taf. XJ, Fig. 28. Knospen 4 kantig, zugespitzt, kurz. Schuppen carminroth, glanzend. Zweige dunkelgrau, schmutzig bestaubt. Blatt- narbe ziemlich gross, dreieckig, od. halbmondformig. Lent. ziemlich deutlich. Mark eng, eckig. Syringa japonica, Max. MHashidoi. Taf. XI, Fig. 27. Knospen 4 kantig, scharf gespitzt, Schuppen hellbraun. Zweige dunkelegrau, Blattnarbe gross, halbmondformig. Blatt- polster vorspringend. Lent. gross, deutlich. Mark eng, eckig. B.—Knospen weniger gross, von der Schuppe sehr lose umhiillt od. nicht ; Blattnarbe ziemlich gross. a.—Knospen kegel- od. spindelformig. a.—Knospen unbehaart. Enonymus oxyphyllus, Mig. Tsuribana. Taf. XII, Fig. rz. Knospen spindelférmig schlank, sehr lang, dicht beschuppt, auf der Lichtseite dunkelrothlich, sonst dunkelgelblich griin. Zweige diinn auf der Lichtseite rothbraun, auf der Schatten- seite griin, die alteren braun. Blattnarbe dreieckig od. halb- mondférmig.’ Lent. sehr wenig. Mark eckig. Forsythia suspensa, Vahl. Rengyo. Taf. XII, Fig. 3. Bliitenknospen spindelig, locker beschuppt. Zweige u. Schuppen gelblichgrau. Blattpolster vorspringend. Blattt- narbe halbmondformig, in der Mitte mit einer hervortretenden Gefassbiindelspur. Mark hohl. Viburnum phlebotrichum, Sicb. et Zucc. Otokoydzome. Taj Xl, Fig. 2. Endknospen (Bliiten) kugelig, zugespitzt. Seitenknospen liber der Blattnarbe aufrecht stehend, spindelig, etwas flach ; 278 SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 4-5 Schuppen sichtbar. Schuppen schwarzlich roth, glan- zend, Zweige weisslichgrau. Lenticellen wenig. Mark rund. §.—Knospen behaart. Acer nikoense, Maxim. Megusurinoki. Taf. XII, Fig. 4. Knospen spindelig, lang, an der Spitze der Langtrieben gehauft, 4-5. Schuppen schwarzlichbraun, graubraunfilzig behaart. Blattnarbe schmal, umfasst die Knospe, am Rande mit langen Haaren. Zweige schwarzlichbraun schmutzig. Lenticellen zahlreich, deutlich. Mark weit. b.—Knospen kantig. a.—Knospen von eigentlichen schuppen umgeben. Acer carpinifolium, Sieb. ef Zucc. Chidorinoki. Taf. XII, Fre. &2.0: Am Ende der Triebe 2 od. 3 Knospen beisammenstehend, scharfkantig dunkelroth, an der Basis schwach _behaart. Zweige rothlichbraun, auf der Schattenseite graubraun. Blattnarbe umfasst die Knospe. Lenticellen gross, sehr deut- lich. Der Stamm grauweiss. Evonymus alatus, Fr. ef Sav. Nishikigi. Taf. XII, Fig. 8. Drei Knospen an der Spitze der Triebe, kantig, zugespitzt. Schuppen dunkelrothbraun weisslich gefleckt. Zweige griin, auf der Lichtseite rothbraun, mit 2 od. 4 herablaufenden Korkleisten. Mark 4 kantig, die Kante der Lage der Kork- leisten entsprechend. Evonymus europeus, L. var. Hamilitonianus, Wax. Mayumi. Taf. XII, Fug. 9. Knospen ein wenig scharfkantig, etwas flach, von Schuppen lose umhiillt. Schuppen dunkelrothlichbraun, weisslich gerandert. Zweige griinlichroth. Blattpolster vorspringend. Blattnarbe ziemlich gross, halbmondformig. Mark rund. Das Holz hat gelbe Farbung. Calycanthus precox, L. Robai. Taf. XII, tg. 75. Knospen eiformig etwas kantig. Schuppen braun. Zweige braun, weisslich bekleidet, so haben sie eine hellbraue Farbung glanzend. Blattnarbe ziemlich gross, herzformig. Lent. SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 279 deutlich. Mark weit, 6 kantig. Im Winter kugelige Bliiten- knospen tragend. Deutzia scabra, Thunb. Utsugi. Taf. XII, Fig. zo. Knospen 4 scharfkantig, zugespitzt, etwas lang. Schuppen hellbraun, dunkler gerandert, graubraun mehlig. Zweige braun od. dunkelbraun. Die obere Peridermschichte rissig. Mark hohl. Diervilla grandiflora, Sieb. et Zucc. Hakone-utsugi. Daf. ALG hie. 13. Ld. Endknospe grosser als Seitenknospen, die letzteren bogig_ gekriimmt, locker beschuppt. Schuppen graubraun; Zweige von derselben Farbe. Blattnarbe sehr gross. Lent. gross, deutlich. Mark sehr weit. Diervilla japonica, Sieb. ef Zucc. Tani-utsugi. Taf. XIf, Fig. 72. Knospen locker beschuppt. Schuppen u. Zweige dun- kelrothbraun, teilweise schwarzlich. Blattnarbe gross. Mark weit. Ligustrum medium, Fr. ef Sav. Oba-ibotanoki. Lay. XL, Big. 20. Knospen 4 kantig, zugespitzt, locker beschuppt. Schup- pen dunkelcarminrothlich, am Rande hellbraun, von ver- trocknetem Aussehen. Blattpolster sehr hoch vorspringend, Blattnarbe halbmondfoérmig. Lent. wenig vorhanden, aber deutlich. Mark rundlich od. schwach eckig. Acer Ginnala, Maxim. Kara-kogi. Taf. XII, Fig. 7. Endknospe etwas grosser als Seitenknospen, beide 4 kantig, kurz. Schuppen braun, weisslich bereift. Zweige schmal, Blattnarbe schmal, verkehrt V-formig. Lent. deutlich. Mark rund. &.—Knospen von pfriemenformigen Schuppen umgeben. Deutzia gracilis, Sich. et Zucc. Hime-utsugi. Taf. XII, Fig. rz. Knospen kugelig, flach, od. von der form einer gleichschen- klichen Dreieckig, bogig gekriimmt. Schuppen u. Zweige grau, od. graubraun dunkler gefleckt. Blattnarbe schmal sichelformig. Mark hohl. c.—Knospen kugelig. 380 SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. Catalpa Kempferi, Sieh. et Zucc. Kisasage. Taf. XII, Fig. 27. Knospen zumeist quirlstandig (3), kugelig, von dunkel- braunen Schuppen sehr locker umgeben, vom Aussehen gedffeneter Kieférnzapfen. Zweige dick graubraun, die alteren dunkler. Blattnarbe gross, rundlich, gewolbt. Lent. deutlich. Mark sehr weit von unregelmassiger Form. Hydrangea paniculata, Sieb. Norinoki. Taf. XJ, Fig. 22. Endknospe grodsser als Seitenknospen, kugelig, am Trieb- ende ganz dicht sitzend, locker beschuppt, dunkel od. schwarzlichbraun. Die Seitenknospen kegelformig, kurz onv der Triebe fast senkrecht abstehend. Zweige ziemlich dick, gerade pfeifenrohrartig, dunkelrothlich braun. Blattnarbe gross. Lent. deutlich. Mark sehr weit. Knospen oft quirl- standig (3). C.—Knospen an der Spitze der Triebe gross, an der Basis klein. a.—Blattnarbe klein. Acer pyenanthum, C. Koch. WHana-kaede. Taf. XII, Fig. 709. Endknospe wesentlich grdsser als Seitenknospen scharf- kantig, zugespitzt. Seitenknospen etwas flach. Schuppen dunkelréthlich, am Rande wenig behaart. Die einjahrigen Zweige, glanzend roth. Biattnarbe schmal. Lent. wenig, ~ deutlich. Mark weit, rund. b.—Blattnarbe ziemlich gross. Acer purpurascens, Fr. et Sav. Kaji-kaede. Taf. XII, Fig. 20. Knospen kantig, zugespitzt, Schuppen dunkelbraun, grau- weiss, dicht filzig behaart. Zweige etwas dick, graubraun glanzend, fein rissig. Blattnarbe von nebenstehender Form &, Lenticellen vorspringend. Mark rundlich, od. von un- regelmassiger Form. Acer pictum, Thunb. Itaya-kaede. Taf. XII, Fig. 78. Endknospe eiformig, etwas kantig, locker beschuppt. Sei- tenknospen an den Trieben abgeplattet, riickwarts gewolbt, kafergestaltig. Schuppen dunkelrothlich, glanzend. Junge Zweige grauweiss od. graubraun glanzend wie lackiert. SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 281 Lent. deutlich. Blattnarbe schmal, umfasst die Knospe. Die Rinde milchsaftig. Acer pictum, Thunb. var. P Die Form u. Farbe der Knospe ahnlich wie bei der Acer pictum. Junge Zweige rothbraun, glanzend, rissig, die alteren schwarzlichbraun. Blattnarbe schmal. Lent. deutlich. Mark welt. D.—Knospen klein. a.—Schuppen gegenstandig angeordnet. a.—Zweige diinn. Abelia serrata, Sicb. et Zucc. Kotsubane-utsugi. Taf. XII, Fig. 27. Knospen sehr klein, 2-4 mm. lang, eiférmig zugespitzt, etwas kantig. Schuppen braun od. rothbraun, am Rande ein wenig behaart. Zweige auf der Lichtseite dunkelgrau, auf der Schattenseite hell- od. dunkelbraun, glanzend, dltere grau. Lent. undeutlich. Mark weit. 8.—Zweige auffallend dick. Paulownia tomentosa, Baill. Kiri. Taf. XII, Pig. 76. Knospen klein, dicht sitzend, Schuppen dunkelgraubraun. Zweige dick, dunkelgriinlichgrau, mit hellen Flecken u. zahl- reichen rauhen Lenticellen versehen. Blattnarbe gross, rund- lich. Mark gefachert. b.—Schuppen spiralig angeordnet. IX.—Zweige kletternd (Schlinggewachse). 1.—Knospen sind von einer od. zwei Schuppen umgeben. Pedelia foelida, L. WHekuso-kazura. Taf. XII, Fig. 22. Knospen klein, kegelformig, kurz. Schuppen u. Zweige hellbraun ein wenig behaart. Blattnarbe etwas gross, halbel- liptisch gewolbt. Mark bandférmig. Die Rinde hat einen unangenehmen Geruch. Im Winter bleiben die glanzend hellbraune, kleinen kugeligen Friichte. 2.—Knospen vou mehreren Schuppen umgeben. A.—Zweige mit Ranken. Clematis japonica, Thunb. Tsurigane-kazura. Taf. XII, Fig. 23. 282 SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. Knospen kugelig an der Triebe senkrecht stehend. Schup- pen filzig behaart, grauweiss, glanzend, aber die dussersten zwei Schuppen sind derb, schwarzbraun. Zweige dunkel- braun, glatt; die jiingere ein wenig behaart. Lent. undeut- lich. Mark eng. B.—Zweige ohne Ranken. Schizophragma hydrangeoides, Sieb. ef Zucc. Iwagarami. Taf. XU, Pigwe7 ‘Knospen cylindrisch, locker beschuppt, braun. Zweige ziemlich dick; die jiingeren hellbraun behaart; die alteren grau. Blattnarbe gross, dreieckig, od. halbmondformig. Mark gross etwas eckig. Hydrangea petiolaris, Sieb. ct Zucc. var. cordifolia, Max. Gotozuru. Taf. XII, Fig. 25. Endknospen grosser als Seitenknospen, lang gestreckt, von Pyramidenform, locker beschuppt, hellgelb od. hellroth. Zweige braun, lang, mit zahlreichen Luftwurzeln versehen. Blattnarbe schmal. Lent. undeutlich. Mark weit, griinlich gefarbt. SHIRASAWA: LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. 283 TABELLE IV. Zweige ‘ quilstandig. ” I.—Knospen sind von unausgebildeten Blattchen umgeben. Clethra barbinervis, Sicb. et Zucc. Ryobu. Taf. XIII, Fig. z, 2. Drei unausgebildete Blattchen umgeben die Knospe, drei- kantig, die Spitze gekriimmt, weissbraun dichtfilzig behaart. Zweige sparrig, gerade, lang, hellbraun, die jungeren Theile grauweiss, mehlartig. Die zahlreichen dreieckigen Blattnar- ben in der Nahe der Knospe zusammenstossend. Mark sehr weit, rundlich. II.—Endknospe sehr gross, einjahrige Zweige auffal- lend dick. Sterculia platanifolia, L. Aogiri. Taf. XIII, Fig. 4g. Endknospen viel grésser als Seitenknospen, kugelig, dunkel- braun filzig behaart. Zweige dick, griin, teilweise schwarz- lich. Blattnarb gross. Lent. deutlich. Mark rund. Idesia polycarpa, Max. ligiri. Taf. XIII, Fig. 3. Zahlreiche, saftige Schuppen umgeben die Endknospe, sie sind dunkelrothbraun, kahl, harzig. Zweige dunkelrothbraun, die altere grau. Blattnarbe rundlich. Lenticellen deutlich. Mark weit. Aleurites cordat, DC. Abura-giri. Taf. XIII, Fig. 5. Endknospe_ kugelig, locker beschuppt, dunkelréthlich. Zweige dunkelroth griinlich. Blattnarbe gross, braun gefarbt. Lent. deutlich, lang. Mark weit, rundlich. III,—Knospen sitzend, von mehreren Schuppen um- geben, an der Langtrieben einzeln od. gehauft. A.—An der Langtriebe einzeln. a.—Knospen kugelig- od. eiformig. Cornus macrophylla, Wall. Mizuki. Taf. XIII, Fig. 6, 7. Knospen eiformig, lang, locker beschuppt, glanzend dunkel- 284 SHIRASAWA : LAUBHOLZER IM WINTERZUSTANDE. rothbraun, kahl. Zweige sparrig, lang, vogelfussf6rmig, dun- kelroth glanzend. Blattnarbe halbkreisformig. Mark rundlich. Andromeda cernua, Mig. Yoraku-tsutsuji. Taf. XIII, Fig. 8, 9. {Knospen eiformig. Die ausseren Knospenschuppen leicht ablosbar, braun, die inneren roth gefarbt. Zweige diinn, gerade, die ein-jahrigen braun, die alteren graubraun. Blatt- narbe klein. Mark weit. b.—Knospen spindelig. a.—Schuppen behaart. Rhododendron dilatatum, Mig. Mitsuba-tsutsuji. Taf. XIII, Fig. ro, 77. Knospen spindelig, die Spitze etwas gekriimmt. Schuppen hellbraun behaart. Zweige gerade, die jiingeren hellbraun, die alteren dunkelgrau. Blattnarbe halbmondformig. Mark rund, weit. 8.—Schuppen unbehaart. Rhodopendron sinenses, Sw. Kirengetsutsuji. Taf. XU, Fae es Knospen sehr gross, spindelig, kurz. Schuppen rothbraun, teilweise schwarzlich, am Rande grauweiss, wenig behaart. Junge Zweige hellbraun glatt, altere grau. Blattnarbe fuss- sohlenformig. Mark eng, von unregelmassiger Form. Enkyanthus japonicus, Hook. Dodan. Taf. XIII, Fig. 73, 14. Knospen spindelig, kurz. Schuppen spiralig angeordnet, carminrothlich, sehr schén. Zweige diinn, gerade, die jiinge- ren rothbraun, od. hellbraun, die alteren grau od. graubraun. Blattnarbe dreieckig. B.—An der Langtrieben gehauft. Rhododendron Schlippenbachii, Max. Kurofune-tsutsuji. Taf. XIII, Fig. 75. Knospen gleich gross, od. seitwarts der grossen Knospe zahlreiche kleine flache Knospen zusammensitzend, hellbraun dichtfilzig behaart. Zweige ziemlich dick, gerade, lang, grau- braun, sehr rauh. Blattnarbe gross. Mark von unregelmas- siger Form. UBERSICHT UND REGISTER. TABELLE I. Die Knospen sind an der Langtriebe spiralig angeordnet. I.—Die Knospen sind in der Blattnarbe verborgen. Taf. I, Fig. z Robinia Pseudacacia, L—aYmUyva .. .. .. «. «. 230 II.—Knospen gestielt. a.—Eine grossere Schuppe umhiillt fast die ganze Knospe. Taf. I, Fig. 2. Alnus incana, Willd. var. glauca, Ait— ¥ VAY) .. .. 230 Meas He Pho Go INVES yey, Sulos Gr ZONA ES 5a no 55 600 oo ILE Taf. I, Fig. g. Alnus firma, Sieb. ef Zucc—vvyY TY .. 2. «so ss we 23 Taf. I, Fig. 5. Alnus viridis, D.C. var. sibirica, Regel— = ¥ YY ) * S60 Beh b.—Mehrere Schuppen umgeben die Knospe spiralig. Taf. I, Fig. 6. Ribes fasciculatum, Steb. et Zucc.—V¥ FYYVYY .. .. «+ 231 III.—Knospen von unausgebildeten Blattchen gebildet. A.—Zweige auffallend dick. a.—Mark gefachert. Taf. I, Fig. 7. Juglans Sieboldiana, Maz.—F=A7PN=2 2. «1 oe oe «- 231 Taf. I, Hig. 8 Juglans cordiformis, Maxi—eE xX Fyr=s .0 «1 22 oe os 232 Taf. I, Fig. ro. Pterocarya rhoifolia, Sieb. ef Zucc.— UNF 1. we os 232 Taf. I, Fig. 9. Juglans regia, L. var. sinensis, Cas—FYF7NX= «.. «. 232 8.—Mark nicht gefachert. Taf. II, Fig. zo. Cedrela chinensis, $uss.—¥¥ vy Fv GO 0G 00 00 6m YBw Taf. I, Fig. 72. Rhus vernicifera, Mig.—Jrmy .. 1. «2 os oe oe oe 232 Taf. I, Fig. ra. Rhus trichocarpa, D.C.—¥ YY... 2. oe we oe oe 233 Nhe We Jirte, Ta, AAG) RUSECCENIEEY, IS OG 8G 0D 00 oo OO 40) oO 25%} Taf. I, Fig. 13. Rhus sylvestris, Sieb. ef Zucc.—¥ VAVwe «2 oe 2s oe 233 B.—Zweige weniger dick. a.—Zweige ohne Stacheln od. Dornen. Taf. I, Fig. 16. Walesia hispida, Benth. et Hook.—% 7 URF og. 60) OF Ie 286 SHIRASAWA: UEBERSICHT UND REGISTER. Taf. I, Fig. 77. Halesia corymbosa, Benth. ef Hook—TF¥ffF .. «- « Taf. I, Fig. 19. Rhamnus crenata, Sieb ef Zuce—4 Y PR «- oo ce ve Taf. I, Fig. 20. Meliosma myriantha, Sieb. et Zucc—TA°T*X .. Taf. I, Fig. 28. Mallotus japonica, Muell. Ary —FRHAHY. .. b.—Zweige mit Stacheln od. Dornen. a.—Zweige mit Stacheln. Taf. II. Fig. 34. Czsalpinia sepiaria, Roxb—2>¥ FY ASF .. 22 ewe b.—Zweige mit Dornen. Taf. II, Fig. 2. Eleagnus umbellata, Thunb—7% Fz .. .. .. oe Taf. II, Fiz. z. Eleagnus longipes, A. Gray.—}'‘Y Fz .. «2 2 os « IV.—Knospen sitzend, so klein, dass man die Stellung u. Zahl der Schuppen nicht mehr deutlich wahrneh- men kann. a.—Zweige mit metamorphosierten Seitenzweigen. Lycium chinense, Will.—9 a) =. ac 220 See ce) eee &.—Zweige mit Dornen. fof. Tl, Fig..5. ‘Zizyphus volearis, Lam.— 99/1 X) 0) ee) ee eae Taf. II, Fig. 6. Paliurus aubletia, Rem. et Sch—”AvF+YR.. «- y-—Zweige ohne metamorphosierte Nebenzweige od. Dornen. Taf. II, Fig. 8. Ulex Sieboldi, Mig—JA2ERX-. 2. 2. 2s 2e oe oe Taf. II, Fig. 7. Vex geniculata, Max.—JYWYVYTIXERE .. 2. oe oe Hibiscus syriacus, b.—-2» 73" S.J sm a) en ees V.—Knospen sitzend, Zahl der Schuppen od. zusammen- gedriickten Blattchen undeutlich. A.—Einjahrige Zweige auffallend dick. a.—Zweige ohne Stacheln od. Dornen. a.—Knospen filzig behaart. 234 234 - 235 235 235 235 235 236 236 Ailanthus glandulosa, Desi—YyYa .. «2 «2 «2 + 236 Taf. II, Fig. 9. Melia japonica, G. Don.—_tk vey .. ss tes. tele we e230 Taf. II, Fig. 12. Rhus semi-alata, Murr. var. Osbeckii, D.C.—X nF .- «- 236 ?.—Knospen nicht od. wenig behaart. Taf. II, Fig. 13. Ehretia acuminata, R. Br.—F>¥ J) ¥+. oe oe oe e+ 237 Taf. II, Fig. rz. Sapindus Mukurosi, Gaertn—B7 HY .. «1 oe . 237 SHIRASAWA: UEBERSICHT UND REGISTER. 287 b.—Zweige mit Stacheln od. Dornen. SEITE Taf. III, Fig. 3. Zanthoxylum ailantoides, Sieb. ef Zucc—HFA)YYEY 237 B.—Einjahrige Zweige weniger dick. a.—Zweige ohne Stacheln od. Dornen. a.—Knospen nicht od etwas behaart. Taf. TI, Fig. 16. Albizzia Julibrissin, Boivu—AB .. .. 1. 1. we os 237 £.—Knospen behaart. Taf. II, Fig. 17. Sophora japonica, L—mwyya ob co 6p pe Go ARS Taf. II, Fig. 20. Marlea platanifolia, Sieb. ef Zucc.—y y ) & 55 60. ao. HEYe Taf. II, Fig. 22. Styrax Obassia, Sieb. et Zucc—A7YYRFF .. .. «. 238 Taf. II, Fig. 2r. Styrax japonicum, Sieb. et Zucc.—xca")% .. .. .. «. 238 b.—Zweige mit Stacheln od. Dornen. a.—Zweige mit Dornen. Taf. II, Fig. 78, 19. Cudrania triloba, Hance.—r~vy Fr . co 60 66 OO Hef Taf. II, Fig. 14, 75. Gleditschia japonica, Mig.—4 {HF .. .. 1. .. 239 b.—Zweige mit Stacheln. Taf. II, Fig. 23. Zanthoxylum piperitum, D. C.—#yt4 .. 1. 1. 4. 239 Taf. III, Fig. 2. Zanthoxylum alatum, Roxb.—JayYyesy .. .. 2. 2. 239 Taf. III, Fig. z. Zanthoxylum schinifolium, Sieb. et Zucce.— 4 X4Fy t Wi se 239 VI.—Knospen sitzend, mit einer bezw. zwei Schuppen. A.—Knospen ausgesprochen kegelférmig, von der Blattnarbe ringformig umgeben. a.—Knospen od. junge Zweige behaart. Taf. III, Fig. 5. Salix brachystachys, Benth—+ h¢nay Dae eee + 239 b.—Knospen od. Zweige nicht behaart. Taf. III, Fig. 6. Salix gracilistyla, Mig—7 n ¥ +¥.. Ramer Taf. III, Fig. 8, 9. Salix japonica, Thunb.—y-s~¥ +¥ .. . 240 Taf. III, Fig. 4. Ficus carica, L.—4 F3°7.. .. .. oS O06 AO oo A B.—Knospen nicht kegelformig, stehen iiber der Blattnarbe. Nur eine beiderseits kantige Schuppe (aus zwei Schuppen verwachsen). a.—Zweige dottergelb. Taf. Il, Fig. rz. Salix purpurea, L.— Hav¥ + ¥ DEMS Chitin So od) oor isc eee «= 240 66 00 oo Bi 288 SHIRASAWA: UEBERSICHT UND REGISTER. b.—Einjahrige Zweige roth, od. braun glanzend wie lackiert. a.—Knospen dichtfilzig behaart. Taf. III, Fig. 178, 19. Hovenia dulcis, Thunb—F vy K+ vy Taf. III, Fig. 75. Magnolia Kobus, D.C.—a 7 vy Taf. III, Fig. 14. Magnolia obovata, Thunb—€ 7vvy #.—Knospen nicht behaart. Taf. III, Fig. 16, 17. Andromeda ovalifolia, Wall—yyv7y: Taf. III, Fig. 2z. Stachyurus precox, Sieb. et Zucc.—*% IF .. Taf. III, Fig. 20. Itea japonica, Oliv.—xX 4 + A Taf. III, Fig. 12. Salix Thunbergiana, Bl.—_Z43¥7*¥ .. Taf. V, Fig, 7, 8. Helwingia ruscifolia, Willd.—.\+ {n° C.—Zweige nicht auffallig gefarbt, Knospen lang ge- streckt. a.—Knospen nicht behaart, walzig. Taf. III, Fig. 22. Magnolia hypoleuca, Sieb, ef Zucc.—m*7 ) = we f#.—Knospen sehr wenig od. gar nicht behaart, zugespitzt. Taf. VI, Fig. 4, 5. Lindera hypoleuca, Max.—7n#yY 7-—Knospen behaart, dem Stengel angedriickt. Taf. III, Fig. 13. Salix viminalis, L—4 x¥ +¥ - 243 . 243 d.—Zweige griin, od. braun, Knospen keil-(umge- kehrt)-formig. a.—Blattnarbe rundlich. Taf. III, Fig. 23. Diospyros Kaki, L. fl—H% .. «2 22 oe oe Taj. III, Fig. 24. Diospyros Lotus, L.—v 4 7+ Taj. IV, Fig. 2. Broussonetia Kasinoki, Siebh.—A7Y a Taf. IV, Fig. zr. Broussonetia Kasinoki, Sieb.var—EAATS .. Taf. IV, Fig. 3. Broussonetia papyrifera, Vent—H) #.. .. «- 8.—Blattnarbe nicht rundlich. *,—Zweige diinn. Stillingia sebifera, Boxb—FYEYAK.. oe os Taf. IV, Fig. 5. Lagerstraemia indica, L—Y¥az~y Taf. IV, Fig. 6. Spiraea betulifolia, Pall—wrAevLEYT 12 os ** —Zweige ziemlich dick. Taf. IV, Fig. 7. Cladrastis amurensis, Benth et Hook. var. floribunda, Maz. —{RkDyYy.2 on) teer ws (ie) we Ge me 243 == 243 243 244 . 244 244 244 244 245 SHIRASAWA : UEBERSICHT UND REGISTER. 289 SEITE Taf. IV, Fig. 9, 10. Cercis chinensis, Bunge —~F+AAY .. «2 oe oe 245 Taf. IV, Fig. 8. Excecaria japonica, ¥. Muell—v FX .. «2 oe oe oe 245 Taf. IV, Fig. 4, Kcelreuteria paniculata, Laxrm.—*# 77 yA «2 «2 oe 245 VII.—Knospen sitzend, von mehreren Schuppen um- geben. Zweige auffallend schlank, od. besenformig. A.—Zweige rothbraun glanzend. a.—Strauchartig. Lay. Vi, Pig. &. Prunus japonica, Thumb.——=A7 X .. 2. oe s- 22 «+ 245 Taf. III, Fig. 20. Itea japonica, Oliv,—-ZA4+ .. .. «2 «2 «2 «2 © 246 Taf. IV, Fig. 79. Spiraea cantoniensis, Lour.—azv) 2. .. «2 «. «. 246 b.—Baumartig. Taf. IV, Fig. 72. Betula alba, L. var. vulgaris, Regel —LY 7 Hrs .. .. «. 246 Taf. IV, Fig. 73, rg. Betula Bhojpattra, Wall. var. typica, Sete JF 246 Taf. IV, Fig. 15. Betula alba, L. var. communis, Regel.—¥ ty sn 00 BAG Taf. IV, Fig. 16. Betula globispica, Shirai—fyYYHY-S .. os 7240 Taf. IV, Fig. zz. Betula alba subsp. latifolia, var. Tauschii.—7 y° 4 ny «. 247 Taf. IV, Fig. 17. Amelanchier asiatica, Koch—Y47IY #7... .. .. «. 247 B.—Zweige grau, dunkelgrau od. graubraun. Taf. IV, Fig. 18. Pourthiana villosa, Decne—YJJYAIAY.. .. «. 1. os 247 Taf. IV, Fig. 20. Stephanandra flexuosa, Sieb. et Zucc,—aAavAWY 2 247 Taf. IV, Fig. 21. Spiraea japonica, L. fl— DEV 7. «. 0s ee we we 247 Spiraea prunifolia, Sieb. ef Zucc—YVEsF «6 2. 0. 247 VIII.—Knospen sitzend, von mehreren Schuppen umge- ben, einjahrige Zweige auffallend dick. A.—Zweige mit Stacheln. IWS IN, IRS FER INEIEY SG JE — 82 5) Go Oped) un 56 oo ao oo ey ts Taf. V, Fig. z. Acanthopanax ricinifolinum, Seb. ef Zucc—rI Fy .. .. 248 B.—Zweige ohne Stacheln. a.—Knospen lang gestreckt, réthlich gefarbt. Taf. V, Fig. 2. Pirus sambucifolia, Cham. et Sch—t+rAY RF «eve oe 248 b.—Knospen sitzend, griingelb gefarbt. Taf. V, Fig, 3, . Acanthopanax sciadophylloides, Fr. ef Sav.—a*y €'Y .. 248 IX.—Knospen sitzend, von mehren Schuppen umgeben. : Knospen stehen an der Spitze der Langtriebe einzeln, an der Kurztriebe einzeln od. gehauft. 290 SHIRASAWA : UEBERSICHT UND REGISTER. A.—Zweige mit Stacheln d. h. mit metamorphosierten Blatt- u. Haargebilden, dornspitzige Zweige nicht vorhanden. a.—Je zwei gerade Stacheln neben der Knospe der Langtriebe. b.—Gerade einfache od. verzweigte 3-5 spitzige Stacheln unter Knospen. SEITE Ribes grossularia, L.—7YASY—.. .. «2. «- we - 249 Taf. V, Fig. 6. Berberis vulgaris, L—~&€ ) FFA + 249 Taf. V, Fig. 5. Berberis Thunbergii, D.C.— 2% ¥.. = 5249 C.—Mit zwei od. nur einem nach riickwarts gebo- genen, derben Stachel unter jeder Knospe. Rosa multiflora, Thuub.— 7 4 737 + 250 Acanthopanax spinosum, Mig—ya*¥ .. . 250 d.—Zahlreiche derbe, zuriickgebogene Stacheln, ohne Zusammenhang mit den Knospen. Rubus incisus, Thunb.—%* 4 +2” . 250 B.—Zweige ohne Stacheln (mit od. ohne dornige Zweige). a.—Knospenschuppen griin, teilweise braun gefarbt. a.—Knospen, besonders die unteren Seiten- knospen klein. Taf. V, Fig. 9, ro. Ficus erecta, Thunb—4{ XE .. as - 250 Taf. V, Fig. 7, 8. Helwingia ruscifolia, Willd—v\+4HS .. +. 250 8.—Knospen gross od. ziemlich gross. 1.—Knospen, kugelig od. eiformig. Taf. V, Fig. 11, 72. Spiraea Thunbergii, Siebh—_ HY FAVE .. - 251 2.—Knospen lang gestreckt. Taf. V, Fig. 27. Populus suaveolens, Fisch—7° .. .. «2 oe oe oo 251 b.—Knospen harzig, glanzend braun. Taf. V, Fig. 14. Populus tremula, L. var. villosa, Wesm.—¥ ¥+7F7¥Y . 251 Taf. V, Fig. 27. Betula grossa, Sieb. et Zucc—_=ZAX .. Ae on GRE Taf. V, Fig. 15, 76. Betula ulmifolia, Sieb. ef Zucc—_APYY?2F7NI .. 5 ZG Taf. V, Fig. 78. Betula Maximwicziana, Regel—Y47\9" 1. -- « Se wie Taf. V, Fig. 2z. Pirus aria, Ehrh. var. Komaonensis, Wall.—Y 7H ) San van Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. SHIRASAWA: UEBERSICHT UND REGISTER. c.—Knospen roth, hell- od. dunkelbraun od. grau- braun, behaart od. nicht behaart. a.—Dornspitzige Zweige sind vorhanden. *.—Knospen behaart. 4 UGS ARS TS Fehon, TUF RG? “BR Go so "cao oo dO V, Fig. 27. Pirus sinensis, Lindl.—}v.. **, —Knospen nicht behaart. V, Fig. 23, 24. Mespilus cuneata, Sieb. et Zucc—_YYYY .. .- Prunus Mume, Sieb. ef Zucc.— a2. om ier VI, Fig. z. Glochidion obovatum, Sieb. et Zucc—_HyaA).. 8.—Kleine dornspitzige Zweige sind vorhanden. 1.—Blattnarbe halbmondférmig, schmal. a.—Knospen behaart. VI, Fig. 2. Lindera glauca, Bl—yYva‘J7Sy .. VI, Fig. 6. Lindera umbellata, Thunb—fty+7¥) *¥ Prunus persica, Sieb. et Zucc.— € ».. VI, Fig. 9. Prunus tomentosa, Thunb—aZxz7z7YWR.. 56 VI, Fig. 7. Liquidambar Maximowiczii, Mig.—J7'J7.. .. «2 b.—Knospen unbehaart. VI, Fig. ro. Pirus cathayensis, Hemsl—79 Yy VI, Fig. rz. Orixa japonica, Thunb—a7v7yv*¥ .. VI, Fig. rz, Disanthus cercidifolia, Max —~x=avyvyu7.. .. .. Kerria japonica. Di'C.—V¥ WT .. ce os oo ve VI, Fig. 3. Lindera triloba, BlL—vyantY .. .. we oe 2.—Blattnarbe rundlich. *.—Knospen kegel od. spindelformig, etwas gross. VI, Fig. 137. Windera obtusiloba, Bl—#*y a -84.. VI, Fig. 14, 75. Lindera praecox, BL—SFFIFXY ** —Knospen sehr klein, kugelig. 3.—Blattnarbe dreieckig, schmal. a.—Knospen behaart. VI, Fig. 16, 77. Prunus Miqueliana, Max.—t fr vf 79 V, Fig. 25, 26. Pirus Toringo, Sieb. var. incisa, Fr. e¢ Sav.—t 2 + 255 AeA! oo 60 oo 8p bo oo 00 46 Ga b.—Knospen unbehaart. VI, Fig. 79, 20. Prunus Grayana, Max.—Ynrzi X75 VI, Fig. 78. Prunus Buergeriana, Mig.—{x4779.. 291 - 253 . 253 » 253 . 253 . 254 +. 254 - 254 » 254 oo As + 254 255 5 BR 255 + 256 - 256 292 SHIRASAWA : UEBERSICHT UND REGISTER. : : SEITE Taf. VI, Fig. 21, 22. Prunus cerasoides. Max.—FYVSYIF.. 1. 2. oe 256 Taf. VI, Fig. 23. Prunus Maximowiczii, Rufr—x En F777 omnes Ze Taf. VI, Fig. 24. Prunns pseudo-cerasus, Lindl. var. spontanea, Maxim.— ASSIA TAO COM Os es Se Ad oo 55) on BRE Taf. V, Fig. 79, 20. Pirus Miyabei, Sargent—7 44+Fy.. -. .- «2 «oe 257 Rubus trifidus, Thunb— HY 4 Fa .. 6. we we we we 257 4.—Blattnarbe gross, herzformig. Taf. VI, Fig. 25. Platycarya strobilacea, Sieb. ef Zuce.—) 7’) ¥ Bo ee Taf. VI1, Fig. z. Euptelaea polyandra, Sieb. ef Zucce—J¥Y7F Soe 00 St) X.—Knospen sitzend, von mehreren Schuppen umgeben, an der Spitze der Langtriebe gehauft. A.—Knospen nicht von pfriemenformigen Nebenblatt- chen umgeben. Taf. VII, Fig. 2. Quercus glandulifera, BlL—a79 .. .. «2 «2 «. c« 257 Taf. VII, Fig. 3. Quercus grosseserrata, BLL—= AFF ~.- +. «. «ws w- 258 Taf. VII, Fig. 4. Quercus dentata, Thunb—By~ .. .. «2 we -- «- 258 Taf. VII, Fig. 5. Quercus serrata, Thunb. var. variabilis, (B/.)—7~¥% .. 258 B.—Endknospen von _ pfriemenformigen Neben- blattchen umgeben. Taf. VII, Fig. 6. Quercus serrata, Thunb—7X¥ .. .. oe oe oe eo 258 XI.—Zweige kletternd. (Schlinggewachse). 1.—Knospen sind in der Blattachsel verborgen. Taf. VII, Fig. 7. Actinidia arguta, Planch—vFFF .. .. «. - 259 Taf. VII, Fig. 8, 9. Actinidia polygama, Mig—Yyre.. .. .. .. «- 259 Taf. VII, Fig. zo. Menispermum davuricum, D.C.—ayeynyF7 .. .. 259 2.—Knospen sind von unausgebildeten, od. zusammen- gedriickten Blattchen umgeben. a.—Von unausgebildeten Blattchen. Taf. I, Fig. 75. Rhus toxicodendron, L. var. radicans, Mig.—'Y# "Pry .. 259 b.—Von zusammengedriickten Blattchen. Taf. VII, Fig. rr. Cocculus Thunbergii, DC.—74AYNVFTIF -.- «2 «+ 259 3.—Knospen mit einer bezw. zwei Schuppen umgeben. A.—Zweige ohne Ranken. Taf. VII, Fig. 15, 16. Berchemia racemosa, Sich. et Zucc—_77¥ +¥ .... 260 Taf. VII, Fig. rz. Wistaria chinensis, Sieb. ef Zucc—_b FYE IF 260 Taf. VII, Fig. 13, rg. Wistaria brachybotrys, Sieb. et Zucc—YVFIF 260 SHIRASAWA : UEBERSICHT UND REGISTER. 293 B.—Zweige mit Ranken. SEITE Taf. VII, Fig. 17. Vitis vinifera, L—7o°'7 we. Sale itegoe Gan se ae 200 Taf. VII, Fig. 18. Vitis flexuosa, Thunb—¥ aYrox¥wJzy.. 50 om AS Vitis Thunbergii, Sieb. ef Zucce—meEY wr so to Aan 4.—Knospen von mehreren Schuppen umgeben. a.—Knospen spindelférmig. Taf. VII, Fig. 19. Schizandra chinensis, Baill—7Yevatzy .. .. .. 261 8.—Knospen kugel- od. eiformig. Taf. VII, Fig. 20. Akebia quinata, Decne.—77E So bey on cn Go Hehe LajVil,, biz. 21. Akebia lobatay Decne—= 7 70, FE wa os ei) ae we ZOE Taf. VII, Fig. 22. Celastrus articulatus, Thunb.— ‘yr x*® RY .. «2 oe 261 294 SHIRASAWA: UEBERSICHT UND REGISTER. TABELLE II. Knospen stehen an der Langtriebe abwechselnd, “* Zweizeilig.” I.—Knospen (Bliit- u. Laub-) von wenigen Schuppen umgeben. A.—Knospen kugelig, od. eiformig. SEITE Taf. VIII, Fig. r. Colylopsis pauciflora, Sieb. et Zucc.—e YHA .. «. 262 B.—Knospen spindel- od. kugelfGrmig. Taf. VIII, Fig. 2. Corylopsis spicata, Sieb. ef Zucc.— FYE KX .- «2 we 262 C.—Knospen etwas flach. Taf. VIII, Fig. 3, 4. Stuartia monadelpha, Sieb. et Zuce.—yny 50° bo AEB Taf. VIII, Fig. 5. Stuartia pseudo-Camellia, Max.—}‘Y n-S% .. «ee 262 II.—Knospen kugelig od. keil- od. eiformig mit zwei od. nur wenigen Schuppen. A.—Knospen dusserlich von einer grossen umfassen- den u. einer kleineren Schuppe umgeben. Taf. VIII, Fig. 6, 7. Tilia Miqueliana, Max,—74{y2 .. . 5 ae Han) Taf. VIII, Fig. 8. Tilia cordata, Mill. var. japonica, Migea 5 aa 203) B.—Knospen von mehreren Schuppen umgeben. a.—Knospen behaart. Taf. VI, Fig. 9. ‘Celtis sinensis, Pevo—s2 J %.. <5 <2 <5 = «ml se 203 Taf. VIII, Fig. r2, 73. Corylus heterophylla, Fisch—-\ysS } .. «2 .«. 263 Taf. VIII, Fig. rz. Corylus rostrata, Ait. var. Sieboldiana, Max.—'Y ) -vv TS “Ree eG a OG OO Os oo FERIA. £.—Knospen unbehaart. Taf. VIII, Fig. rg. Castanea vulgaris, Lam. var. japonica, DC.—7 Y o. 264 II1I.—Knospen spitz, walzenformig, spindel- od. kegelfor- mig, mit zahlreichen Schuppen. A.—Schuppen spiralig angeordnet. a.—Knospen spindelformig. Taf. VIII, Fig. 16, 77. Fagus sylvatica, L. var. Sieboidii, Max.— 7+ .. 264 Taf, VIII, Fig. 15. Fagus japonica, Max.— 4X7 F.. .. «2 os oe co 204 £.—Knospen kegelformig. Taf. IX, Fig. 1, 2. Wex macropoda, Mig.—J7F4".. .. «. «2 oe c+ 265 Taf. IX, Fig. 3, ¢- Ginkgo biloba, L.—FFY .. .. ss oe =- se veo 205 SHIRASAWA: UEBERSICHT UND REGISTER. 295 y.—Knospen spitz, walzenformig. Taf. IX, Fig. 15, 16. Ostrya virginica, Willd—7 US" .. «2 «2 8 oe 205 B.—Schuppen abwechselnd angeordnet. g.—Schuppen auf zwei Seiten angeordnet. *.—Knospen behaart. Taf. VIII, Fig. ro. Aphananthe aspera, Planch—»7)% .. «2 «. « 265 ** —Knospen gar nicht, oder wenig behaart. Taf. IX, Fig. 5, 6. Ulmus campestris, Sm. var. vulgaris, Planch.—=a 7 a 3) Bb Sol NOUS eIOae toe ence aon mon Homey Ulmus parvifolia, facg—F+#=ov .. .. «2 «. «- 266 Taf. IX, Fig. 8, 9. Ulmus campestris, Sm. var. levis, Planch._—/\r =v .. 266 Taf. IX, Fig. 7. Ulmus montana, Sm. var. laciniata, Trautvu—J'Yy.. .. 266 8.—Schuppen von vier Seiten abwechselnd an- geordnet. Taf. IX, Fig. zo. Carpinus japonica, Bl—7Yvsz .. .. .. 2. 0 «- 266 Raf, IX, Fug. a, Carpinus| yedoensis, Maz—4xX 27° .. .. «. «e + 200 Taf. IX, Fig. 13. Carpinus laxiflora, Bl—yna ae) ate) ai ates wie ZOO Taf. IX, Fig. rz. Carpinus cordata, BL—YaAywN” .. .. 1. «2 «2 o- 267 Taf. IX, Fig. 14. Zelkowa acuminata, Planch—y¥*% .. .. «os «+ « 267 IV.—Knospen von zusammengedriickten Blattchen ge- bildet (nackt). Taf. IX, Fig. 19. Picrasma quassioides, Benn.—=jff% .. ..' «2 «2 «+ 267 Taf. IX, Fig. 17, 18. Hamamelis japonica, Sieb. et Zucc.—Y v7 .. .. 267 296 SHIRASAWA: UEBERSICHT UND REGISTER. TABELLE III. Knospen ‘“ gegenstandig.”’ I.-—Knospen sind in der Blattnarbe verborgen. SEITE Taf. X, Fig. 1, 2. Philadelphus coronarius, L. var. Satumi, Mazx.—,*4 7 2D Tie RCC MRO OG SOOT adie o¢ 46. 50 ‘Zit II.—Zweige auffallend dick, Endknospe sehr gross. Taf. X, Fig. 3. Aesculus) tucbinata, Bl.—p} 3-9) 2.) 22) oe eee eas III.—Zweige sind zumeist dornspitzig. Taf. X, Fig. 6, 7. Punica Granatum, L.—+#F¥ 7 n soll Eaeied Cale) (elena CEE ZOS Taf. X, Fig. 4.5. Rhamnus japonica, Max. var. genuina, Max.—7unY x oil a oe SC Te OOF amEerON «td o-oo a0 Zee IV.—Knospen von unausgebildeten Blattchen, nicht von eigentlichen Schuppen umgeben. A.—Knospen gestielt. a.—Zweige (zweizeilig angeorduet) grau gefarbt. Taf. X, Fig. 8. Callicarpa mollis, Sieb. ef Zucc—¥ FLFYUH .. «. «. 269 Taf. X, Fig. ro. Callicarpa japonica, Thunb—aFoRLDET .. -- «. 269 Taf. X, Fig. 9. Callicarpa purpurea, $uss—ALFYUX .. «2 «2 2. «. 269 b.—Zweige braun gefarbt Taf. X, Pig. 1, 12. Niburnum~furcatum, BL — 27939) else zOO) B.—Knospen sitzend an der Triebe. Taf. X, Fig. 137. Clerodendron trichotomum, Tiunb.—7Y¥¥.. .. .. «. 269 Taf. X, Fig. 14, 15. Cornus ignorata, Koch.—tari XX... .. «02 «. 0 269 Taf. X, Fig. 16. Premna microphylla, Turcz.—arv 74 .. .. «. .~. 270 Taf. X, Fig. 77. Vitex Negundo, E.—=Y sy ss. oes ee) eee zzO Vitex trifolia, L. var. unifoliolata, Schauer.—~.v a°"J .. 270 Taf. X, Fig. 18, 19. Evodia rutecarpa, Benth et Hook—a*ya .. .. «. 270 V.—End- od. Seitenknospen so von zwei Schuppen dicht umschlossen, dass scheinbar nur eine Knospen- schuppe vorhanden ist. A.—Knospen unbehaart, glanzend. a.—Knospen gestielt. Taf. X, Fig. 20. Viburnum Opulus, L.—wyaAZ.. .. ». «2 «2 «os os 270 Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. . SHIRASAWA : UEBERSICHT UND REGISTER. X, Fig. 22. Acer rufinerve, Sieb. et Zuce— JY HAF 2.2 . os X, Fig. 23, 24. Acer crategifolium, Sieb. et Zucc— AVY HaF.. «. 271 b.—Knospen sitzend. X, Fig. 2z. Staphylea bumalda, Sieb. et Zucc.— = ‘Y/S'V'Y% os «2 oe 271 X, Fig. 25, 26. Acer palmatum, Thunb—jn~F5.. .. .. «- 00 PYA III, Fig. 7. Salix multinervis, Fr. et Sav.—ay+~ + ..* .. 30 Arh Uh, Wes 7, Rebs suily ey Joss LV SING SPasan son 60 oo on oo oO yf B.—Knospen behaart. X, Fig. 28. Phellodendron amurense, Rupr.i—¥ -H*.. 6. we we 272 IG eS AT INES! CRSVONOIN, IGG 2 Wispeitess~ Go do an ao do ye X, Fig. 30, 97. Cornus Kousa, Buerg.—V¥V#YY .- «2 2 of «. 272 X, Fig. 29. u. Taf. XI, Fig. z. Cornus officinalis, Sieb. ef Zucce.—¥ vy MSL Sod ao 6d 05 050 oc 272 VI.—Seitenknospen eiformig od. spindelig, fast senkrecht abstehend. XI, Fig. 4. Lonicera Morrowii, A. Gray.—%+y¥VAi7.. .. «2 «- 272 XI, Fig. 2, 3. Lonicera gracilipes, Mig.—9 742% ee So ca oo 27/5) Lonicera cerulea, L—V7H2E)YF{AZNFF .«.. .. 273 VII.—An den Seitenknospen nur wenige Schuppen, 2 od. 3 sichtbar. A.—End- u. Seitenknospen kantig. a.—Knospen od. Zweige behaart, od. klein walzig. XI, Fig. 5. Viburnum dilatatum, Thunb.—fryv Az .. «2 2. oe «+ 273 Abie. 7. Naburnum~ Sieboldi, Migr ¥ 2. ie ee ee ee 5 FE XI, Fig. 6. Viburnum tomentosum, Thunb.—¥ VF VY .. «- oe oe 273 XI, Fig. 8, 9. Viburnum Wrightii, Mig—i¥V¥i¥X3 .. «. +. 274 b.—Knospen nicht od. ein wenig behaart. XI, Fig, 72. Fraxinus Sieboldiana, Bl—y a Fo. «2 oe ee we oe 274 XI, Fig. ro, rz, Fraxinus Bungeana, D.C. var. pubinarvis, Bl.— Spe) oo bo * Sash Rereletelss Uielol ete) 274 XI, Fig. 13. Fraxinus longicuspis, Sieb. et Tc ae FAY) a4 - 274 XI, Fig. zg. Chionanthus retusa, Lindl. et Paxt.—t bY 7a" .. «2 274 B.—Seitenknospen angedriickt, an der dem Zweige zugewendeten Seite abgeplattet. a.—Knospen u. Zweige nicht behaart. a.—Blattnarbe schmal. XI, Fig. 17, 78. Acer argutum, Maz.—F¥)JrnAF .. TemrSIsn2 75 XI, Fig. 15, 16. Acer distylum, Sieb. et Zucc.—t bY -SHAF 2. os 275 XI, Fig. 79. Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Sieb. ef Zucco—H'VYF .. « 298 SHIRASAWA: UEBERSICHT UND REGISTER. b.—Blattnarbe gross, rundlich od. halbmondformig. * —Baumgewéachse. Taf. XI,- Fig. 20. Euscaphis japonica, Pax.—a*'yK4 .. .. «2 oe o- 275 Taf. XI, Fig. 2z. Acer japonicum, Thunb.—AYFAHAF 2. «2 oe «- 276 Acer Sieboldiana, Mig —anJFANHAF 2. «2 22 oe 276 ** —Strauchgewdachse. Taf. XI, Fig. 23. Hydrangea hortensia, Smith. var. ee Maxim.— Ww7. 50 © | ee) we Ss e270 Hydeances Thunbergii, ‘Sicb. _7 wy FRc See 8 ae OTE Taf. XI, Fig. 24. Hydrangea hortensia, DC.—7 F444 .. .. «. «. «. 276 b.—Knospen u. Zweige behaart. Taf. XI, Fig. 25. Ligustrum Ibota, Sieb.— 4 #4 ) ¥ wis) ele! woiuictel tae TO VIII.—An den Seitenknospen mehr als drei Schuppen sichtbar. A.—Knospen u. Blattnarbe gross. a.—Knospen kugelig. Sambucus racemosa, L. var. Sieboldiana, Miqg.—=7) f 3. 277 b.—Knospen kantig. Taf. XI, Fig. 28. Syringa vulgaris, L—aZyeryvEf.. 2. «2 «2. «- 277 Taf. XI, Fig. 27. Syringa japonica, Maxy.—aAy 4 .. .. «. 06 os we 277, B.—Knospen weniger gross, von den Schuppen sehr lose umhiillt od. nicht. Blattnarbe ziemlich gross. a.—Knospen kegel- od. spindelig. a,—Knospen unbehaart. Taf. XII, Fig. 1. Evonymus oxyphyllus, Mig.—'y yaxy.. .. 2. e+ 0 297 Taf. XII, Fig. 3. Forsithya suspensa, Vahl—vy¥49.. .. .. mere Taf. XII, Fig. 2. Viburnum phlebotrichum, Sieb. et Zucc.—7 b a4 oe 8.—Knospen behaart. Taf. XII, Fig. 4. Acer nikoense, Max.—F-3Y2¥ )¥ «- 2s 22 oe oe 278 b.—Knospen kantig. a.—Knospen von eigentlichen Schuppen umgeben. Taf. XII, Fig. 5, 6. Acer carpinifolium, Sieb. ef Zucc.—FFY 7% «2 «+. 278 Taf. XII, Fig. 7. Acer Ginnala, Max.—HFAR.. oe oe oe 2s oe oe 279 Taf. XII, Fig. 8. Evonymus alatus, Fr. et Sav—=ay%W .. «oe 2+ 278 Taf. XII, Fig. 9. Evonymus europeus, L. var. Hamilitonianus, Maz.— SfSsS 56 > Bae ICO oo. On Onkol SE Taf. XII, Fig. zo. Deutzia scabra, Thunb. ane ye aie. ei. whe, | nee Tete eee 7G Taf. XII, Fig. 15. Calycanthus precox, L.—F 754... oe ee 2+ oe os 278 Taf. XII, Fig. 73, 4. Diervilla grandiflora, Sieb. et Zucc. —naF FY ¥ oe 279 - SHIRASAWA : UEBERSICHT UND REGISTER. 299 Taf. XII, Fig. rz. Diervilla japonica, Sieb, ef Zuec—pAayy¥ .. ».. «- 279 Taf. XII, Fig. 26. Ligustrum medium, Fr. et Sav.—4F w&rS 4 HY IX. -. 279 f8.—Knospen von pfriemenformigen Schuppen umgeben. Taf. XII, Fig. rz. Deutzia gracilis, Sieb. ef Zucc—te XYYE «2. «2 «+ 279 c.—Knospen kugelig. Taf. XII, Fig. 77. Catalpa Kempferi, Sieb. ef Zucc.—%¥ Ur .. «2 «. 280 Taf. XI, Fig. 22. Hydrangea paniculata, Siebh— 7) yD ¥.. «2 «2 2 « 280 C.—Knospen an der Spitze der Triebe gross, an der Basis klein. a.—Blattnarbe klein. Taf. XII, Fig. 19. Acer pycnanthum, C. Koch—”}+HA5 .. .. .. «. 280 b.—Blattnarbe ziemlich gross. Taf. XII, Fig. 20. Acer purpurascens, Fr. et Savu.—jFfU~FK .. .. «. 280 Taf. XII, Fig. 18. Acer pictum, Thunb—{ pvr H~z .. 2 «2 «2 «. 280 LN FSAI, IU, Wels B OB do nd co og oa op eli D.—Knospen klein. a.—Knospenschuppen gegenstandig angeordnet. a.—Zweige diinn. Taf, XII, Fig. 21. Abelia serrata, Sieb, ef Zucc.—saYIWNBAYGY¥ .. .. 281 #.—Zweige auffallend dick. Taf. XII, Fig. 16. Paulownia tomentosa, Baill.—* Y Sc sin on gg PASI b.—Knospenschuppen spiralig angeordnet. IX.—Zweige kletternd (Schlinggewachse). 1.—Knospen sind von einer od. zwei Schuppen umgeben. Gio 290, Tie, A PESTA TCC, Jo PPG agiog GO 08 oo On on Zieh 2.—Knospen von mehreren Schuppen umgeben. A.—Zweige mit Ranken. Taf. XII, Fig. 23. Clematis japonica, Thunb—YyYRRUYF .. .. «. 281 B.—Zweige ohne Ranken. Taf. XII, Fig. 24. Schizophragma hydrangeoides.— 4 rif 7 = .. «. «. 282 Taf. XII, Fig. 25. Wydrangea petiolaris, Sieb. et Zucc. var. cordifolia, pe STROLL gg c's acest pe~ Malan el eer Sa 300 Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. Taf. SHIRASAWA: UEBERSICHT UND REGISTER. TABELLE IV. Zweige “ quirlstandig.” I.—Knospen sind von unausgebildeten Blattchen um- geben. SEITE XIII, Fig. 1, 2. Clethra barbinarvis, Sieb. ef Zucc—Y3AYP .. .. 283 I].—Endknospe sehr gross, einjahrige Zweige auffallend dick. XIII, Fig. 4. Sterculia platanifolia, L—f4t¥y .. .. .. « .. 283 XII, Fig. 3. Idesia polycarpa, Maz.—4 FF ¥Y.. we oe we ee weee8g AU, Fig. 5. Aleuritesiicordata, D).C.— 7, Jaz 4a) ease ssl oS III.—Knospen sind von mehreren Schuppen umgeben, an der Langtriebe einzeln od. gehauft. A.—An der Langtriebe einzeln. a.—Knospen kugel od. eiformig. XIII, Fig. 6, 7. Cornus macrophylla. Wall.— = K*%.. .. .. «. «2 283 XIII, Fig. 8, 9. Andromeda cernua, Mig.—my77'yYrny .. .. .. 284 b.—Knospen spindelig. a.—Knospenschuppen behaart. XIII, Fig. ro, rz. Rhododendron dilatatum, Mig.— = 'Y7*Yny.. .. 284 8.—Knospenschuppen unbehaart. XIII, Fig. 12. Rhododendron sinense, Sw.-¥ UY A YrNY .. .. «. 284 XIII, Fig. 73, 74. Enkyanthus japonicus, Hook.—FYSZ*y .. .. «. 284 B.—An der Langtriebe gehauft. XIII, Fig. 15. Rhododendron Schlippenbachii, Max.—7H7IA'YrY.. 284 (TAFEL I. ) BULL, AGRIC. COLL, PL. V _H.SHIRASAWA DEL. (TAFEL I.) Vi. BULL. AGRIC. COLL. PL H.SHIRASAWA DEL, ( TAFEL Il.) AGRIC. COLL. PL. VII. BULL. _ H.SHIRASAWA DEL. PAN ” CENTRAL PARK, a PL. Vill, ( TAFEL IV. ) BULL. AGRIC. COLL. Doe XS SOS SSS wT IX, (TAFEL V.) BULL, AGRIC. COLL. PL. H.SHIRASAWA DEL. X. (TAFEL VI.) BULL. AGRIC, COLL. PL. H.SHIRASAWA DEL. eet Pee VIL.) Xl. ( TAFEL ide BULL. AGRIC. COLL H.SHIRASAWA DEL XI (TAFEL VIL) COLL. PL. BULL. AGRIC. Me™ XQ H. SHIRASAWA DEL. BULL, AGRIC. COLL. PL. XIII. ( TAFEL IX. ) eee eee aaa HL. SHIRASAWA DEL, wy PL. XIV, ( TAFEL X BULL. AGRIC. COLL, SS a H.SHIRASAWA DEL. —_— >) a. @ 7 Lt) ™ pe if ¥ centaa- pang, © W NEW YORK, é < ee aad iy 33 : 7 2 =) P . 6 , _ »* “A 7) 4 : F 5 ES : : = 1 %) 2 ' ol i ¥ (ay ~ hs A aT con - or wy 7 aoe a - 7 “ a P pene 7 a ' 7 . REV GAME Xt.) COLL. BULL. AGRIC, ~—n. > hs e 3 VP - < -) (TAFEL Xl PL. XVI GRIC. COLL. ULL, A 5 < j & q - se) FEL X If. ) A BULL. AGLIC. COLL. PL. XVII. ('T H.SHLIRASAWA DEL. Untersuchungen ueber das Klemmen der technisch wichtigsten Japanischen Holzarten, VON F. Koide, Ringakushi. I. Einleitung. Dass die genaue Kenntniss der technischen Eigenschaften der Holzer so gut fiir den Forstmann, als fiir den holzver- brauchenden Techniker von der grossten Wichtigkeit ist, unterliegt keinem Zweifel. Indessen kommen Forstleute und Holzconsumenten selten in unmittelbare Beriihrung, was zur Folge hat, dass die fachlichgebildeten Forstleute oft nicht zu beurtheilen wissen, welche Ejigenschaften das von ihnen ge- lieferte Holz besitzt. Es ist dies mit der Hauptgrund, warum die Forstbenutzungslehre noch so wenig Fortschritt gemacht hat. Besonders in Japan, wo das Holz eine viel ausgedehntere und vielseitigere Verwendung findet, als in anderen Landern, darf diese Kenntniss fiir den Forstmann in dem Grade, wie fiir den holzverbrauchenden Techniker als unentbehrlich bezeichnet werden. Hs liegt daher uns japanischen Forstleuten, ob uns mehr mit der Ausbildung der Forstbenutzungslehre zu beschaf- tigen, als es von den europaeischen Fachgenossen bisher gesche- hen ist. Wenn man im Allgemeinen die Eigenschaften der Hélzer betrachtet, welche auf der Zusammensetzung und mittelbar auf den dusseren Lebensumstanden des Baumes beruhen, so kann man folgende drei Gruppen unterscheiden. 1. Higenschaften nach der dusseren Erscheinung, welche durch den Gesichts- Geruchs- und Tastsinn wahr- nehmbar sind. 2. Eigenschaften, welche den materiellen Zustand dar- stellen. 302 KOIDE: UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. 3. Ejigenschaften nach dem Verhalten gegen von aussen einwirkende Krafte. Da von diesen Eigenschaften besonders diejenigen, welche in die zweite Gruppe fallen, und von diesen wieder das, wie ich glaube, zuerst von Nordlinger genauer untersuchte Klemmen, und Schwinden von hoher Wichtigkeit fiir die Bearbeitung des Holzes fiir Gewerbe sind, so sollen im Folgenden diese beiden Eigenschaften, wenn auch einiger der technisch wichtigsten japanischen Holzer, naher untersucht werden. II. Untersuchungsmaterialien. Wenn man von einem frischgefallten Stamme eine Scheibe abschneidet, und an derselben in radialer Richtung vom Umfang gegen dem Mittelpunkt sagt, so nahern sich die Sagschnitts- flachen in Folge der Spannungskraft des Holzkorpers. Diese Erscheinung nennt man bekanntlich das Klemmen des Holzes und die Untersuchung dieser Erscheinung ist von besonderem Interesse, weil sie einen sehr grossen Einfluss alissert 1. Auf die Schwindungsgrosse, 2. Auf die Saégearbeit der Holzhauer und endlich, 3. Aut den Ueberwallungsprocess der Spiegelrisse im lebenden Baume. Den Grundstock meines Untersuchungsmateriales bilden die in der Gegend von Chichibu und Nikko gefallten Baume. Das Gebiet, in welchem die Nadelholzer Larix leptolepis, Pinus densiflora, Abies Umbellata, Cryptomeria japonica, und Chamaecyparis obtusa, die winterkahlen Laubholzer, Betula alba var, vulgaris, Magnolia hypoleuca, Prunus cerasoides, Zelkowa keaki und Juglans Sieboldiana gefallt wurden, ist derjenige Theil des Mitsuminegebirges, welcher Aza Isedaira genannt wird und einen Theil des Chichibu- reviers bildet. Die Fallungszeit war Anfang April. Die fiinf Stamme von Tsuga Sieboldii, Betula ulmifolia, Acer Pal- matum, Fagus japonica und Halesia corymbosum wuchsen KOIDE: UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. 303 in der Nahe von Nikko und zwar in der Privatwaldungen Aza Umakayeshi und wurden am Anfang Mai gefallt. Die vorgenannten Untersuchungsmaterialien dienten nun in erster Linie zur Feststellung der Grosse des Klemmens bei den verschiedenen Holzarten und ferner dazu, zu ermitteln, welchen Einfluss auf die Grosse des Klemmens die Rinde des Baumes, die Dicke der Scheibe, die Lange des Sagschnitts und der eigentliche Splinttheil &c., ausiiben und endlich zu dem Versuche, den Grad des Klemmens als eine Function des Abstandes vom Mittelpunkt der Scheibe darzustellen. Das Untersuchungsmaterial bestand aus: Larix leptolepis (Karamatsu). Auf einem Berghange mit einer Neigung von ca. 25° und der Exposition nach SW wurde ein 50-jahriger Baum gefallt, welcher hier bei geniigendem Schlusse erwachsen war. Seine ganze Hohe betrug 23,4 m., die Lange des astfreien Schaftes 15 m. und der durchschnittliche Durchmesser 28,5 cm. in Brusthohe. Der Stamm war vollholzig und der Jahrring- bau schon concentrisch. Pinus densiflora (Akamatsu). Lage, Neigung, Exposition und Schlussverhaltnisse waren ganz ahnlich wie bei Larix leptolepis. In einem gemischten Bestande von Sugi und Hinoki mit einzelnen Akamatsu liess ich eine der letzteren fallen. Die ganze Hohe des 82jahrigen Stammes betrug 20,5 m. die Lange des astfreien Schaftes 11,5 m. und der durchschnittliche Durchmesser in Brusthohe 33,5 cm. Der Stamm war voll- holzig und der Jahrringbau ziemlich concentrisch. Abies umbellata (Uvashivomomzt). In derselben Lage wie Akamatsu wurde ein 82jahriges Exemplar gefallt. Die ganze Hohe des Baumes betrug 18,4 m, die Lange des astfreien Schaftes 7,2 m. und der durchschnittliche Durch- 304 KOIDE: UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. messer 31,5 cm. in Brusthéhe. Der Stamm war ‘sehr voll- holzig und der Jahrringbau schén concentrisch. Cryptomeria japonica (Swg7). Auf einem Hange mit einer Neigung von ca. 30° und der Exposition nach SO wurde ein Probestamm von 75 jahrigem Alter, einer GesammthGdhe von 21 m einer Lange des astfreien Schaftes von 12,5m., einen durchschnittlichen Durch- messer von 25,3cm in Brusthdhe ausgewahlt. Der Stamm war in einem mit Hinoki und Sawara gleichmassig gemischter Bestande im dichten Schlusse erwachsen. Der Stamm war auch vollhdlzig und der Jahrringbau schon concentrisch. Chamaecyparis obtusa (Hinoki). Ein unter denselben Verhaltnissen mit der Sugi erwach- sener Baum wurde gefallt. Das Alter war 88 Jahre, der Stamm vollholzig und der Jahrringbau concentrisch. Die ganze Lange des Stammes betrug 24 m., die Lange bis zum Kronenansatz 13,5 m. und der durchschnittliche Durchmesser in Brusthohe 23 cm. Betula alba var. vulgaris (Siirakaba). Ein Baum von 33 jahrigem Alter wurde auf einem Hange einer Neigung von ca. 30° mit einer nordlichen Exposition gefallt, wo er im gentigenden Schlusse erwachsen war. Die ganze Hohe des Baumes betrug 18 m, die Lange des astfreien Schaftes 7 m. und der durchschnittliche Durchmesser in BrusthGhe 23cm. Der Stamm war sehr astreich und der Jahrringbau etwas excentrisch. Magnolia hypoleuca (Honok:), Aus einem mit verschiedenen anderen winterkahlen Laub- hélzern gemischten und sehr dicht geschlossenen Bestande, auf dem Hange einer Neigung von ca. 30° und der Exposition OS. Das Alter war 65 Jahre, die ganze Hohe des Baumes betrug 17,5°m, die Lange des astfreien Schaftes 8,5 m. und der durchschnittliche Durchmesser in Brusthohe 32 cm, Der KOIDE: UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. 305 Stamm war sehr astreich und abholzig und der Jahrringbau dabei sehr excentrisch. Prunus cerasoides (Mejivo-zakura). Ein Probestamm von 52jaéhrigem Alter wurde in einem wie bei Honoki gemischten, aber etwas lichten Bestand ausgesucht. Die Neigung des Standortes betrug ca. 10, und die Ex- position war Siid. Der Stamm besass eine Gesammthohe von 16,5 m, eine Lange des astfreien Schaftes von 6,5 m. und einen durchschnittlichen durchmesser in Brusthohe von 22,5cm. Der Stamm war sehr astreich und der Jahrringbau daher sehr excentrisch. Zelkowa Keaki (Keak). Auf einem Berghange mit einer Neigung von ca. 30° und einer westlichen Exposition fand ich eine 82 jahrige Keaki, welche in gemischtem Bestande von Sugi und Hinoki im ziemlich dichten Schlusse erwachsen war. Die ganze Hohe des Stammes war 20,6m, die Schafts- lange bis zum Kronenansatz 8,1m, und der durchschnittliche Durchmesser in Brusthohe 35 cm. Der Stamm war sehr astreich, aber der Jahrringbau ziemlich concentrisch. Juglans Sieboldiana (Om -guruit). Auf einem Hange mit einer Neigung von ca. 50° und der Exposition SW wurde, unter ahnlichen Bestand-verhalt- nissen wie bei Mejiro-zakura angegeben wurde, eine 70 jahrige Oni-gurumi mit einer gangen Hohe von 13,5 m, einer Linge des astfreien Schaftes von 5,7 m und einem durchschnittlichen Durchmesser in Brusthohe von 28,5 cm gefallt. Der Stamm war etwas kranklich, sehr astreich und abholzig und der Jahrringbau sehr excentrisch. Tsuga Sieboldii (Tsuga), In einem Bestande mit einer Neigung von Ca. 20° und einer nordwestlichen Exposition wurde ein Baum von 80 jahringem Alter, einer Gesammthéhe von 16 m, einer Lange 306 KOIDE: UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. des astlosen Schaftes von 4 m und einem durchschnittlichen Durchmesser in Brusthédhe von 25,4 cm. gefunden. Der Baum war in gemischtem Bestand von verschiedenen anderen winterkahlen Laubhélzern in Einzelmischung. Aus dem Verhaltnisse des Starkezuwachses schien es, dass er von zwanzigstem Jahre bis elwa vierzigstem durch andere Baume stark untergedruckt wurde und er spater in Folge giinstigerer Schlussverhaltnisse wieder kraftiger gewachsen ist. Der Stamm war sehr astreich und abholzig, aber der Jahrringbau ziemlich concentrisch. Betula ulmifolia (Yoguso-minebart), In einem mit verschiedenen Laubholzern gemischten und beinahe gentigend geschlossenen Bestande auf einem Hange von einer Neigung von ca. 20° und bei siiddstlicher Exposition wurde ein 65jahringer Baum gefallt. Die ganze Hohe des Baumes betrug 12m, die Lange des astlosen Schaftes 7m und der durchschnittliche Durchmesser in Brusthéhe 26 cm. Der Stamm war sehr astrein und ziemlich vollhdlzig und der Jahrringbau ungefahr concentrisch. Acer palmatum (Momzjt). In demselben Standort mit der Yoguso-minebari fand ich auch eine 6ojahringe Momiji, welche daher unter denselben Verhaltnissen erwachsen war. Die ganze Hohe des Baumes betrug 12m, die Lange des astfreien Schaftes 4m. und der durchschnittliche Durchmesser in Brusthodhe 30,2 cm. Der Stamm war sehr astreich und der Jahrringbau excentrisch. Fagus japonica (Jnu-buna), Unmittelbar an dem vorigen Bestand angrenzend und zwar bei einer Neigung von ca. 30° und einer stidwestlichen Exposition fand sich auch eine 60j4hrige Inu-buna, die unter ihnlichen Schlussverhaltnissen erwachsen war, wie die beiden vorgenannten Stamme. : Die ganze Hohe des Stammes betrug 12m, die Lange des astlosen Schaftes 3,5 m und der durchschnittliche Durch- KOIDE: UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. 307 messer in Brusthohe 24cm. Der Stamm war sehr astreich und der Jahrringbau etwas excentrisch. Halesia Corymbosum (Asagara), Auf einem Hange mit einer Neigung von ca. 25° und einer nordostlichen Exposition wurde cine 5o0jahrige Asagara gefallt, welch von Jugend auf etwas licht erwachsen war. Der Stamm war sehr astreich und der Jahrringbau sehr excentrisch. Die Gesammthohe betrug 13 m, die Schaftslange bis zum Kronenansatz 5m und der durchschnittliche Durch- messer in Brusthéhe 21,5 cm. III. Methode der Untersuchung des Klemmens. Es ist selbstredend, dass, wenn die Resultate einer Unter- suchung mit Ergebnissen der von Anderen angestellten ahnlichen Untersuchungen iiber einen Gegenstand verglichen werden sollen, man wohl denselben Weg einschlagen muss, wo es sich nicht darum handelt die Constanz einer Erscheinung festzustellen. Bei der Untersuchung tiber das Klemmen habe ich aber nicht immer denselben Weg inne gehalten, wie z.B. Nordlinger vorgeschrieben hat. Da ich wahrend der Versuche gemachte Erfahrungen zur Verbesserung der Verfahrungs- weise bei spdteren Experiementen verwendet habe, liegt mir nun ob das von mir beobachtete Verfahren zu schildern. Unmittelbar nach der Fallung der Baume entnahm ich von den einzelnen Stémmen 4 oder 5 Scheiben ca. I cm. Dicke in verschiedenen Baumhohen und in den nach Siiden gerichten Theil der Scheibe liess ich (Siehe Fig. I und II) eine Kluft in einer Breite von 1 cm. vom Umfang bis zum Mittelpunkt ausschneiden und dann mass ich die Abstaénde, um welche je zwei zu beiden Seiten der Kluft befindliche Punkte zusammengeriickt sind. 308 KOIDE: UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. Fig. I. Fig. Il. k Kernholz. zt Innerer Theil. z Zwischenzone. m Mittler Theil. s Splintholz. a Aeusserer Theil. Der schraffierte Theil der Figuren zeigt den Sagschnitt und 1-1, 2-2 und 3-3 sind die gemessenen Entfernungen. Bei Holzern wie Akamatsu und Karamatsu, welche einen~ deutlichen Farbenunterschied zwischen dem Kern und Splint zeigen, habe ich das Klemmen in Splintholz, Zwischenzone und Kernholz und zwar im Mittelpunkte jeder zone, wie in Fig. I. gemessen. Bei Urashiro-momi, Shirakaba u. dgl., wobei der dussere und innere Theil dieselbe Farbung zeigen, habe ich das Klemmen im ausseren, mittleren und inneren Theile mit einer bestimmten Entfernung vom Mittelpunkt gegen den Umfang gemessen. Der Einfluss der Rinde auf das Klemmen wurde durch Untersuchung der in fast gleichen Hohen tiber dem Boden sich befindlichen d.h. dicht neben cinander abgesagten Schei- ben festgestellt, in denen die eine mit Rinde und die andere ohne Rinde blieb. Das Verhaltniss des Klemmens zur Lange des Sdagsch- nitts wurde besonders durch Untersuchung der Scheiben von Urashiro-momi und Karamatsu klargelegt. Bei dem Material, welches ich in der Nahe von Uma- kayeshi nahm, wurde einige Abweichungen von dem _ vorer- wahnten Verfahren vorgenommen in Bezug auf die Ziehung der Grundlinien und zwar habe ich statt der dreieckigen Form zwei Parallel linien mit der Distanz von 3 cm von einander vom Mittelpunkt gegen die Rinde wie Fig. III. und IV. KOIDE: UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. 309 eo Ss Fig. IV. Um die Beziehung des Klemmens zur Dicke der Scheiben zu ermitteln, wurde zunachst 1m von dem unteren Schnitt- rande des Stammes, also in ungefahr 1,3m Hohe tiber dem Boden 5 Scheiben mit einer allmahlich zunehmenden Dicke 1, 2, 3, 4 und 5 cm von jeder Holzart herausgesch- nitten und in der ndmlichen Weise untersucht. Um zu priifen, ob das Klemmen in der Linie eines einzigen Sadgschnitts des Gesammt-klemmen im ganzen Um- fang der Scheibe ausdriicke, wurden Scheiben von Tsuga, Yoguso-minebari, Momiji, Inu-buna und Asagara zur Unter- suchung benutzt. Diese Scheiben wurden in 2m Hodhe vom Fuss entnom- men und an jeder derselben wurden vier Sagschnitte nach der Himmelrichtung von 7 cm Lange gegen dem Mittel- punkt zugefiihrt wie es in Fig. V. zeigt. Ss Fig. V. Fig. VI. Fig. VII. Eigentlicher Splintring. Eigentlicher Kerntheil. Der schrafherte Theil der Figuren zeigt dem Sa&gschnitt und I-I, 2-2, sind die im Splint oder dusseren Theil bei Fig. V. und VI. und in der Mitte des Kerntheiles bei Fig. VII. gemessenen Entfernungen. 310 KOIDE: UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. Die Grosse des Klemmens von eigentlichem Splint und Kernholz fiir sich, untersuchte ich an Scheiben von Asagara und Yoguso-minebari, aus welchen je ein Splintring und Kerntheil (aus einer und derselben Scheibe wie in Fig. VI. und VII. dargestellt) herausgearbeitet worden waren. IV. Resultate der Untersuchung. Die nach den so beschriebenen Methoden erhaltenen Resultate sind in Einzeltabellen nachfolgeend zusammengestellt. V. Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen. Fassen wir die Hauptergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit hier kurz zusammen, so finden wir: 1. Das Klemmen tritt bei jeder Holzart ohne Ausnahme mehr oder weniger auf. 2. Das Mass der Klemmung ist sehr verschieden, je nach Holzarten, aber bei ein und derselben Gattung an- nahernd tibereinstimmend. 3. Das Klemmen ist nicht voriibergehend, sondern halt so lange an, bis in Folge der Verdunstung das Schwin- den beginnt und. bis auf diesen Zeitpunkt nimmt ~ das Klemmungsmass allmahlig zu. 4. Die Dauer des Klemmens ist verschieden, je nach Holzarten, nach der Dicke einer Scheibe, ferner verschieden bei berindeten und bei entrindeten Schei- ben. Je dicker eine Scheibe ist, desto langer dauert das Klemmen an. Die Klemmungsdauer ist grosser bei berindeten Scheiben als bei unberindeten. 5. Die Grad des Klemmens nimmt vom Mittelpunkt des Stammes gegen die Rinde hin stetig zu. (Siehe Tab. I-V.) 6. Das Klemmungsmass wird durch die Rinde erheblich vermindert, namentlich ist der Einfluss der Rinde beim Splintholz grésser, als bei den anderen Holztheilen. Das Klemmen wird namlich um so kraftiger behindert, je dicker der Bau der Rinde ist. KOIDE: UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. eAiede 7. Die Dicke einer Scheibe tibt keinen grossen Einfluss auf die Klemmungsgrosse aus. (Siehe Tab. XIII.-XVII.) 8. Bei losgetrenntem Splintholz (Splintholz ftir sich untersucht) ist die Klemmung immer grosser, als beim Splintholz einer vollen Scheibe. Dagegen zeigt der vom Splint befreite Kern (Kernholz fiir sich) kein anderes Klemmungsmass als das Kernholz der vollen Scheibe. (Siehe Tab. XVIII. und XIX.) g. Das Klemmen in der Linie eines einzigen Sagschnitts entspricht annahernd dem Gesammtklemmen im ganzen Umfange, (Siebe Tab. XX.) 10. Das Klemmmass einer und derselben Scheibe wird durch die Lange des Sageschnitts sehr bedeutend beeinflusst, indem es um so grosser ist, je langer die Kluft (vom Umfang der Scheibe gegen den Mittel- punkt .zu) ist. (Vergleiche Tab. II. zu I. und Tab. Wo Aut D/A) Es geht nun aus den Untersuchungsresultaten der im Kap. II. angegebenen letzten fiinf Baume eine bemerkens- werthe Thatsache hervor, dass das Klemmmass des Kern-, Mittel- und Splintholzes sich etwa wie 1; 2; 3 verhalt, so dass man annehmen konnte, dass das Klemmensmass durch eine lineare Function von der Lange des Sagschnitts dargestellt werden kénne. Nennt man nun die Grésse des Klemmens 0 die Lange des Sagschnitts 7 und eine Constante a, so wird diese Annahme in folgender Form ausgedriickt. Os Um nun zu prifen, soweit diese Annahme sich der Natur anpassen lasst, habe ichmit giitiger Unterstiitzung von Herrn Prof. Dr. Kitao mittelst der kleinsten Quadrate folgende Resultate erhalten. 312 KOIDE: UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER,. I. ACER PALMATUM (Momiji). a=0,0094. No. der | Distanz| Gemessene| Berechnete Fehler Scheibe. cm. cm. cm. cm. (22 0,12 0,1128 —0,0072 I. | 8 0,07 0,0752 +0,0052 4 0,03 0,0376 -+0,0076 ( 12 0,12 0,1128 —0,0072 Iie 1 8 0,06 0,0752 +0,0152 Rew 671 0,03 0,0376 -++0,0076 12 0,12 0,1128 —0,0072 III. | 8 0,07 0,0752 +-0,0052 4 0,04 0,0376 —0,0024 12 0,12 0,1128 —0,0072 IV. 8 0,07 0,0752 -+0,0052 4 0,03 0,0376 +0,0076 12 0,12 0,1128 —0,0072 V. 8 0,07 0,0752 +0,0052 4 0,04 0,0376 —0,0024 Bemerkungen. Der wahrschein- lichste Werth des wahrschein- lichen Fehlers f=0,0050 II. HALESIA CORYMBOSUM (Asagara). No. der | Distanz Scheibe. cm. 9 1. 6 3 9 te 6 3 ( 9 Ill. | 6 3 ( 9 IV. | 6 | 3 | 9 i 3 a=0,0102. Gemessene| Bereclinete Fehler cm. cm. cm. 0,09 0,0918 +0,0018 0,05 0,0612 +0,0112 0,03 0,0306 +0,0006 0,09 0,0918 +0,0018 0,05 0,0612 +0,0112 0,02 0,0306 +0,0106 0,10 0,0918 —0,0082 0,05 0,0012 +0,0112 0,03 0,0306 +0,0006 0,11 0,0918 —0,0182 0,06 0,0612 +0,0012 0,03 0,0306 +0,0006 0,10 0,0918 —0,0082 0,06 0,0612 +0,0012 0,03 0,0306 +0,0006 Bemerkungen. f=0,0056 KOIDE: UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. 313 III. BETULA ULMIFOLIA (Yoguso-minebari). a@=0,0104. Bemerkungen. No. der | Distanz| Gemessene} Berechnete Fehler Scheibe. cm. cm. cm. cm. 0,09 0,0988 +0,0088 0,06 0,0676 -++0,0076 0,03 0,0312 +0,0012 0,10 0,0988 —0,0012 0,07 0,0676 —0,0024 0,03 0,0312 +0,0012 ONnH OUH OHH 0,10 0,0988 —0,0012 0,06 0,0676 -+0,0076 0,03 0,0312 +0,0012 0,10 0,0988 —0,0012 0,07 0,0676 —0,0024 0,03 0,0312 +0,0012 0,11 0,0988 —0,0112 0,07 0,0676 —0,0024 0,04 0,0312 —0,0088 CouMM OoOuNM IV. FAGUS JAPONICA (Jnu-buna). a=0,0126. Bemerkungen. No, der | Distanz| Gemessene | Berechnete Fehler Scheibe. cm. cm. cm. cm. 9 0,12 0,1134 —0,0066 I, | 6 0,08 0,0756 —0,0044 f=0,00341 3 0,04 0,0378 —0,0022 9 0,1 0,1134 +0,0034 II, 6 0,08 0,0756 —0,0044 3 0,04 0,0378 —0,0022 9 0,1 0,1134 +0,0034 Ill. 6 0,08 0,0756 —0,0044 3 0,04 0,0378 —0,0022 9 O,II 0,1134 +0,0034 IV. 6 0,08 0,0756 —0,0044 3 0,03 0,0378 +0,0078 9 0,11 05,1134 +0,0034 We { 6 0,08 0,0756 —0,0044 3 0,03 0,0378 +-0,0078 314 KOIDE : UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. V. TSUGA SIEBOLDII (7suga). a=0,0098. . Bemerkungen, No. der | Distanz| Gemessene} Berechnete Fehler Scheibe. cm. cm. cm. cm. —o,o118 +0,0088 f=0,00998 +0,0194 —o0,0018 +0,0188 +0,0194 —o0,0118 +0,0088 +0,0194 —o0,0118 —0,0112 +0,0194 —o,o118 —0,0012 +0,0194 WOAOW WAO WAO WAO W AO Wenn man bei dieser geringen Anzahl der untersuchten Scheiben zu einem allgemeinen Schluss berechtigt ware, so kann man sich bei diesem Werth des wahrscheinlichen Fehlers der Thatsache nicht verschliessen, dass das Klemm- mass sich in der That mit grosser Annaherung durch eine lineare Function von der Lange des Sagschnittes darstellen lasst, da doch die Fehler wie der Vergleich ihrer Werthe mit dem wahrscheinlichsten Werthe des wahrscheinlichen Fehlers zeigt, Groéssen haben, die fast ebenso oft tiber wie unter (f) liegen, also dass man wohl berechtigt ist, die Abweichungen zwischen dem beobachteten und berechneten Klemmen dem unvermeid- lichen Beobachtungsfehler zuzuschreiben, der freilich bei der keine allzu grosse Genauigkeit gestattenden Messungsmethode, wie bei der Geringfiigigkeit der zu messenden Lange sicher ein bedeutender sein mochte. 315 UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. KOIDE I. LARIX LEPTOLEPIS (Kavamatsu). Volle Scheibe mit Rinde. Volle Scheibe ohne Rinde. n Vv ° 5 =& a ste} o $3 | o io. Wcetre ers Se |s2 | 2 Se |se | 4 ~ a = 20 DD op Bezeichnung oe Pe) 2) a as S) A Wael ae cialeer feg|eae| & Pe | hee | & n |e F/B S : i164 o0 o/ : S : o0 5 | 8 |gen8 (ous & der SGG|e28|) 6 | % |SSE| aa 8 55 ao] GH nH os) o & vo A Q bay ar ne) Holzstiicke. ie g 5 S| SI 5 FS E & is a2) g Ba” | ge ge jee | 5 eo a8 | § a ae v3 wn i 2 n M y —_ { Splintholz velista! 4550 4.31 0,19 4,2 4,65 4544 0,21 is I 28,5 16,4 ee ieceenzone Sagal) Sys 3,32 0,15 453 3,58 3,41 0,17 Kern OlZiyeveretelaletelesi| kya S 1,44 0,04 257 1,55 1,49 0,06 Splintholz paocosonl! Skisk 3,68 0,15 3,9 3,92 3,73 0,17 Tile Zwischenzone ....| 2,63 2,52 O,II 4,1 2,02 2,50 0,12 SWAN Sogoonuoud) 1,39 0,03 2,1 1,45 1,40 0,05 Splintholz auauecal Zifey! 3,90 0,14 354 3,99 3,83 0,16 Zwischenzone ....| 2,84 2,73 0,11 18 2,601 2,50 0,11 7 3 5 IennholZverielevcietsrsretel| 70) 1,6 0,0 25 1a rsa 0,06 7 5 5 9 57 5 Splintholz. ........] 3,74 3558 0,16 4,2 an77 3,60 0,17 Zwischenzone ....| 2,50 2,40 0,10 4,0 2,59 2,48 O,II EennholZisviwrererereais % 457 BEMERKUNGEN. UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. KOIDE II. LARIX LEPTOLEPIS No. der Scheibe. Baumhohe m. Durchschnittlicher Durchmesser der Scheibe cm. | Lange des Sagschnittes vom Mark bis zum Umfang cm. Bezeichnung der Holzsticke. Splintholz ... Zwischenzone Kernholz ..... Splintholz .... Zwischenzone Kernnolzmrieite Splintholz ... Zwischenzone WermhiOlz ers eater Splintholz ... Zwischenzone Kernholz..... Volle Scheibe mit Rinde. (Karamatsu). Sehnenlange vor dem Schnitte cm. Sehnenlange nach dem Schnitte Klemmungsgrésse Volle Scheibe ohne Rinde. oS Sehnenlange vor dem Schnitte cm Sehnenlange nach dem Schnitte cm. Klemmungsgrésse | 298 onr -_ Hw CO go9 oon Ww op 9 a] _ BEMERKUNGEN 317 UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER, KOIDE III. PINUS DENSIFLORA (Akamaisu). Volle Scheibe mit Rinde. Volle Scheibe ohne Rinde. n o _ f= u cl o & a o 3 a ieee Se 32 3 Se |e 3 3 2 =d8 | 3 aS 2 =r, bas ie 3 a ves] (are DD oy Bezeichnung va =| 5 ve aie Sh 3 i s eee , peo & ; ale i She aie P Se ; be 2s 5 H iS 0 co is 2) 2) , | 8 |\seaSloueé der SGE|ER8| $8 | © | SRE sa5| 86 % ee i) Sess Bie ee : ae | oie E Be. ioe 5 ; a @) Blas) |S Holzstiicke, ao 0 eI ao ao § S BA Orn ou aU x) ou gu a) a) £3 a ep MM ft D MM 3 oS) eee oe c E (Splintholz souooooull, «zhyu 4,22 0,19 4:3 4,31 4,11 0,20 4,6 I, 2 Ba,3 18,0 Zwischenzone ....| 3,32 3,18 0,14 4,0 3,31 3,17 0,14 4,2 \igemnbole spanoaaoanl tele) 1,60 0,06 3,6 1,70 1,64 0,06 335 ; (Splintholz ........| 4,26 4,09 0,17 4,0 4,30 4,10 0,20 4,6 II, 4 30,5 17,0 |\Zwischenzone ....| 3,23 3,10 0,13 4,0 3,20 3,05 0,15 4,6 (Kernholz .......50+ 1,70 1,64 0,06 355 1,72 1,66 0,06 355 SPlimtholZ/y circ eters! e477 4,20 0,17 4,0 4534 4,14 0,20 4,6 Ill. 6 29,0 15,8 |2vischenzone ealetell 9540 3,33 0,13 3,8 3,45 3,29 0,16 4,6 KGSIMeO4 soudoagacall Uy 7/3} 1,67 0,06 35 1,81 1,74 0,07 3,9 SplintholZ "sire. esi 4,25 4,06 0,15 3,6 4,22 4,05 0,17 4,0 IV. 8 27,3 12,9 Zwischenzone ....| 3,13 3,02 0,11 a5 3,29 3,16 0,13 3,9 SOSA So0codo0u0n)| sts) 1,53 0,05 shu 1,59 1,53 0,06 3,7 Splintholz ........| 4,22 4,07 0,15 3,6 4,23 4,06 0,17 4,0 Vv. 10 25,9 12,7 |Zvischenzone Soul. Sip7/ 3,06 0,11 354 3,11 2,98 0,13 4,0 Kernholz...esseeee| 555 1,50 0,05 3,2 1,52 1,46 0,06 3,9 BEMERKUNGEN. UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER, KOIDE 318 No. der Scheibe. II. 1GOG IV. Baumhohe m- 2,3 43 Durchschnittlicher & Zé = 3 58 tej na On nO a8 tof) 25 ; ate FE [s) & 50 Mas ao5|ORE5 53 |gaP Ls] Q VE Sr} es ww” 4 31,5 16,5 20,5 W555 29,0 14,3 27,0 12,7 25,0 13,1 ( ( IV. ABIES UMBELLATA (Uvashivomomi). Volle Scheibe mit Rinde. Volle Scheibe ohne Rinde. wy < o u o Bezeichnung oS ne 5p os Sz cea) fee| & ea | 28 aie 5 e ll aes der SG6|835| 86 | % | 888/838 eee Se |Ge S Se |¢ée olzstiicke, 68 Es § 68 2a vp DB M D D Aeusserer Theil... 4:50 4,32 0,18 4,0 4,51 4,29 Mittler Theil ..... 3,05 2,93 0,12 3,9 3,01 2,86 Innerer Dheil\ 7...) 1758 1,54 0,04 2,5 1,55 1,50 Aeusserer Theil... 4,08 3,92 0,16 4,1 4,08 3,89 Mittler Theil ..... 2,73 2,62 O,I1 4,0 2,75 2,63 Innerer hele. 1,41 1,36 0,05 355 1,45 I,40 Aeusserer Theil... 4,23 4,07 0,16 4,0 4,26 4,08 Mie 400@U Gooac 2,87 2,76 0,11 3,8 2,91 2,79 Innerer Tibet cer. 1,44 1,40 0,04 2,7 1,52 1,47 Aeusserer Theil ....] 4,41 4,26 0,15 354 4:43 4,26 Mittler Theil ..... 3,22 Bee 0,10 Bar 3,23 Shayene Innerer) Dheil reel 2,00 1,56 0,04 2,5 1,68 1,63 Aeusserer Theil ....} 3,90 3:75 0,15 3,9 4,47 4,29 Mirttlerslherlieerctare 23 S5 2,74 0,11 3,8 3,01 2,89 Inneren Phe... 1,44 1,40 0,04 2,7 1,50 1,51 Klemmungsgrésse cm. BEMERKUNGEN 319 UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. KOIDE 7 No. der Scheibe. der Scheibe cm. | Lange des Sagschnittes V. ABIES UMBELLATA Bezeichnung der Umfang cm. Holzsticke. Durchmesser vom Mark bis zum Baumhohe m- Durchschnittlicher Sehnenlange vor dem Schnitte Volle Scheibe mit Rinde. cm. Sehnenlange nach dem Schnitte cm Klemmungsgrosse cm. Volle Scheibe ohne Rinde. (Uvashtromomt). Sehnenlange vor dem Schnitte cm. Sehnenlange nach al dem Schnitte Aeusserer Theil .. Mittler Theil .... Innerer Theil... (Aeusserer Theil Mittler Theil .. Innerer Theil... Aeusserer Theil Mittler Theil .. Innerer Theil .. Aeusserer Theil Mittler Theil ., Innerer Theil .. Mittler Theil .. Aeusserer Theil {itter ANG : grosse Klemmungs cm. BEMERKUNGEN. UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. KOIDE 320 No. der Scheibe. Baumhéohe der Scheibé m. Durchschnittlicher Durchmesser cm. Lange des Sagschnittes vom Mark bis zum Umfang cm. VI. CRYPTOMERIA JAPONICA (Sug7). Bezeichnung der Holzsticke. Il. Tie IV. 10 253 2335 21,5 20,5 19;3 15,3 13,0 12,1 10,7 9,8 Splintholz .... Zwischenzone Kernholz...... Zwischenzone Kernholz...... Splintholz .... Zwischenzone WennhiOlZrreireers (Splintholz .... Zwischenzone KernholZementsts Splintholz .... Zwischenzone Kernholz....... {atwischen eee Volle Scheibe mit Rinde. Sehnen!ange vor dem Schnitte cm. 4,51 3,58 1,78 4,22 Se 1,64 4517 3,03 1,60 4,07 3,01 1,66 4,01 2,90 1,48 Sehnenlange nach dem Schnitte cm. 4,41 3,50 1,76 4,12 3,16 1,62 407 2,96 1,58 3:97 2,94 1,64 3,91 2,88 1,46 Klemmungsgrosse cm. ok 2,2 2,2 Tp 2,3 2,4 te) 254 2,3 1,2 2,4 2 2 2,4 2,3 1,3 Volle Scheibe ohne Rinde. GC vo Pe) Pw] Lea) : (S| ; fo) 28/828) $6 | % o Ss & a & o§ ov fo & ov oo x) a n i 437 | 4:26 | 0,x1 2,5 3,53 3545 0,08 2,2 1,80 1,77 0,03 1,6 4,27 4,16 0,1 2,5 3,21 3,13 0,08 2,5 1,49 1,47 0,02 2,0 4,09 3,98 O,Ir 2,6 3,10 3,02 0,08 2,5 1,48 1,46 0,02 2,0 4,07 3,96 0,11 2,6 3,06 2,98 0,08 2,6 1,53 1,51 0,02 1,9 3,95 3,84 0,11 2,6 2,92 2,85 0,07 254 1,17 1,67 0,03 1,6 BEMERKUNGEN, 321 UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. KOIDE VII. CHAMAECYPARIS OBTUSA (Hinok:). Volle Scheibe mit Rinde. Volle Scheibe ohne Rinde. No. der Scheibe. Baumhohe m. Durchschnittlicher Durchmesser der Scheibe cm. Lange des Sagschnittes vom Mark bis zum Bezeichnung der Umfang cm. Holzsticke. Splintholz .... Zwischenzone Kernholz ...... Splintholz .... Zwischenzone ermholZiererctere Zwischenzone KernholZieterelete Splintholz .... Zwischenzone INernhnolzpesisere Splintholz .... Zwischenzone Kernholzi.s ..00 eeee seer seer we a re Lal a a Se |g2 ] 8 sg |e2 | 3 o's ors Sp v= oe op oo & 50 & a bo S bo & n go eas ons ) BSe|/ ese on snG|sa8) 26) 2 |Sa8|sa8) 88 Se |e E 92 |e : fg | os 5 Su | as o n Dn M na n M 4554 4543 0,11 2,4 4,60 4,48 0,12 3555 3575 0,10 2,5 3,80 | 3,80 | 0,10 2,07 2,04 0,03 I,4 1,80 1,77 0,03 4,56 4545 O,Ir 2,4 4,57 4,45 0,12 3595 3,86 | 0,09 2, 3193 3,83 | 0,10 215 aye 0,03 I,4 1,87 1,84 0,03 451 4:40 | 0,11 2,4 | 4:59 | 4.47 | 012 3,80 3,72 0,08 2,1 3,82 3,73 0,09 2,02 2,90 0,02 I,0 2,10 2,07 0,02 4544 4534 0,10 2,3 4543 4532 0,1T 3573 3,65 0,08 2,1 3,66 3557 0,09 1,80 1,78 0,02 at 1,97 1,95 0,02 4:57 | 4:46 | 0,tr 2:4 | 4:34 | 4:23 | O,t2 3575 3,66 | 0,09 2,4 | 3,79 | 3,62 0,09 1,92 1,89 0,03 1,5 1,88 1,85 0,03 BEMERKUNGEN UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. KOIDE 322 Lange des Sagschnittes vom Mark bis zum Umfang cm. Bezeichnung der Holzstiicke. ; 5D a Su me o 03 o an £ a= zat ie 3) i 26.9 n E¢ Seog uw CN o o 3 Cy) Eo} GH Qew Q apes 5 Oobdwd °o =e) a A 15 I 23,0 1) 2 22,0 III, 3 22,0 10,6 12,2 10,8 Aeusserer Theil .. Mittler Thell .... Innerer Theil...... Aeusserer Theil .. Mittler Theil ..... Innerer Theil..... Aeusserer Theil.. Mittler Theil .... Innerer Theil.,.. Aeusserer Theil.. Mittler Theil .... Innerer Theil .... BETULA Aeusserer Theil... Mittler Theil ..... Innerer Theil .... ALBA, var VULGARIS (Siz Volle Scheibe mit Rinde. Sehnenlange vor dem Schnitte cm, cm. Sehnenlange nach dem Schnitte Klemmungsgrésse cm. Q 1,3 Sehnenlange vor dem Schnitte cm. vakaba) Sehnenlange nach dem Sch itte cm. Klemmungsgrésse cm. Volle Scheibe ohne Rinde. BEMERKUNGEN. 323 IX. MAGNOLIA HYPOLEUCA (Hohonok:). UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. KOIDE Volle Scheibe mit Rinde. Volle Scheibe ohne Rinde. n Ls 3 & a o <— o o v B=) hw rs} D S O 5 3 r= 3 52 é 5 Bezeichnung 5 # ES : 4 £ E = ° Poa 288 | See ‘ ee | Ss .| @. , |eeal Peel be =} q ] iS iy ia O fs] o/ | 1 i fo) . gs SER 5 owe § der Sas id § a ifs) aa aa § a 7% seh) SI Eppa RCPS =) ; ee | sé E ee | es 5 3 2qQau og Holzstiicke. a8 Ea g 2 a 8 a A Bie a a M HB B x iw > - Ec a SplintholZeeerrenreelele| oi 4,31 0,00 0,0 4,19 4,16 0,03 0,7 i, 0,3 32,0 12,5 [Zvischenzone all Se) 3,29 0,00 0,0 3533 3,31 0,02 0,6 OPV Gocagbadad) 24s 1,78 0,00 0,0 1,76 1,76 0,00 0,0 Splintholz ........| 4,05 4,05 0,00 0,0 4,15 4,12 0,03 0,7 II. 253 27,5 12,2 {Zwischenzone soda Shor 3,04. 0,00 0,0 2,10 3,08 0,02 0,6 LINO sacogacovnl) 2/85} 1,43 0,00 0,0 1,50 1,49 0,01 0,7 (Splintholz Goooumonl Sick 4,88 0,00 0,0 3,09 3,93 0,06 1,5 III. 4;3 24,5 10,8 Zwischenzone ....| 2,93 3,93 0,00 0,0 2,94 2,90 0,04 1,4 RIN Saocoonadell sy 1,57 0,00 0,0 1,50 1,48 0,02 1,3 Splintholz ........| 4,07 4,05 0,02 055 4,1 4,05 0,06 1,5 IV. 6,3 22,8 954 [Zivischenzone Agoal! Sk 3,04 0,01 0,3 3,19 3,14 0,05 nS NEXELmOlZisinielelele Splintholz .... Zwischenzone INGTINOl Zia tereteretavereiale BEMERKUNGEN. X. PRUNUS CERASOIDES (Mejirosakura). UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. . KOIDE 324 Volle Scheibe mit Rinde. Volle Scheibe ohne Rinde. 5 3 Ze . 5 2 * 4 2 c) 2 She |88 Se |ay ig S2 |e Gy A a a 34a Ou Bezeichnung ow cs ae ae aS se) 5 a: 3 52°59 nse 00 Ei oe bp ore v's S09 iw ® | ea |SEpelaude esa/P5e| Se | % |eee|#ee| Be| x | 2% ie EE OENO|V REO dee eno san § 55 7 eNo|8NG 50 % ica a ee a een teers ei eecedl fe |Ge | & ce | Ge | 8 a 5 Bay vs olzstucke, ag ae e 68 as 5 a2} Z Qa & 2 Nn Be) ) wa n 17, — —— y — — | Splintholz so0c0R ON] Zhyte 4,34 0,04 0,9 4,22 4,17 0,05 1,2 I. 0,3 22,5 6,7 beeeenzone eve] 3547 3344 0,03 0,9 3344 3,40 0,04 Tepe STOW, sa acoqooca) {5 1,63 0,02 53 1,99 1,97 0,02 1,0 (Splintholz Soooonod) 2st) 4134 0,05 iigut 4,26 4,20 0,06 1,4 I; 2,3 20,5 7,8 )Zwischenzone ....| 3,54 4,50 0,04 Mepe 3554 3,49 0,05 I,4 (Kernholz eelejsivle\eiolse]| LZ 1,68 0,02 Tar 1,70 1,68 0,02 I,I (Splintholz Scan0000)- Zs 4,28 0,06 1,3 4,33 4,26 0,07 1,6 NOE 453 19,3 6,9 Ie wiseheazone eoes| 3,47 3543 0,04 1st 3,54 3,49 0,05 1,4 KPNI so Ganooasnl) risk) 1,78 0,02 ify) 1,75 1,73 0,02 Lagat (Splintholz. SApoaaool “ey 4,28 0,06 13} 3,95 3,89 0,06 1,5 IW 6,3 18,3 8,1 ;Zwischenzone ....| 3,55 3,50 0,05 1,4 3,23 3,18 0,05 1,5 Vvernholziems\acetre | imniyo 1,77 0,02 I,I 1,70 1,68 | 0,02 re DER HOELZER. 325 UEBER DAS KLEMMEN KOIDE No. der Scheibe, Baumhohe m, Durchschnittlicher Durchmesser der Scheibe cm. Lange des Sagschnittes vom Mark bis zum Umfang cm. XI. ZELKOWA KEAKT (Keak:). Volle Scheibe mit Rinde. Volle Scheibe ohne Rinde. Bezeichnung der Holzstiicke. Splintholz Zwischenzone .... Kern holiziererereistatelarels (Splintholz cclececes Zwischenzone .... Krenn OlZierieterstetstelele Zwischenzone .... {aswisehen ISGrmil1 Ol Zmeretetetetepeterere Zwischenzone .... WWwernholZeretetererereretels Splintholz Zwischenzone .... Kernholz ...... 000 {Ziishen soadooGn Sehnenlange vor dem Schnitte cm. Sehnenlange nach dem Schnitte Klemmungsgrosse ro Sehnenlange vor dem Schnitte Sehnenlange nach dem Schnitte cm. Klemmungsgrosse BEMERKUNGEN. UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. KOIDE 326 XII. JUGLANS SIEBOLDIANA (Onitkurumz). Volle Scheibe mit Rinde. Volle Scheibe ohne Rinde. g fa : 5 Zé x a) o o oO 3B Gl w & = Sa g Oo a S oO a o 7 Z ome, o = © Y s N w 38 3 fo) [o)) Les) =: = re r S na ss Sehnenlange nach te) ‘eo Tor) ro dem Schnitte = o o cm, 2 = i moa & & & Klemmungsgrosse aes ro] 4 H 5 SB ) H - cm. e oa) n z. on - w aS ) ° = = ee Ps ion ° QD ro) 3 S » %) Sehnenlange nach n Oo ee) re) dem Schnitte 2 N “NI N cm. @, o o ° ° ° 4 z m Os & g & Klemmungsgrésse =O ° ° ° Be w w Ww cm. Po oO Las! 5 a Lal Cal cal aw h ° re} ° 9 = BEMERKUNGEN. ‘TIITAX “(angauiut-osnsoX) YWITOAINTA VIOLAL KOIDE: UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER.- No. der Scheibe. Baumhohe ow n ro) m. Durchschnittliche is} iS} nN 3 2 & Durchmesser = cm. Sehnittlange des & Sy & kerns [o)) Lal al cm. x s w Breite des Splintes bd N fo) [o-) cm, eH brs @ we Sehnenlange °° To) t vor dem Schnitte ° ° fo) em. a 3 re Sehnenlange nach yn i. o ‘oo ve) dem Schnitte ack fe3| © ne 2 cm. St ™M sh > 3 2 & © Klemmungsgrésse Zi on “2 | S Bh |) od a we we 32 3s | Gs Toy je z. 2 = » Sehnenlange nach 2 fan) re) ‘bo oS dem Schnitte = mM © © S cm, 5 q ia! Ee 2 ¢ @) Klemmungsgrosse ae cal co 3c: -_—™ ra) 2) fe) cm. an mh om eR 2) =a ws op oe iy re g. = w [o) w 5 8 o 7 S g » Sehnittlange nach D io © re) dem Schnitte @ “I N (oy) cm. a. o 2 2 2 Klemmnngsgrésse a, oe le) ° ° aa w w + cm. 5 w = o a! 3 ° a Se & a eH ° ° & oO E BEMERKUNGEN. 333 334 KOIDE: UEBER DAS KLEMMEN DER HOELZER. _ = a 5s = 3 an} = » 0g ° r=} 5 og 0Q. c 3 Co » rs) a = e Cc . Dp g = x N : . = . : > 5 ° 3 . = 2) : : aes : < 5 : S 5 : res] 5 : Zs : 5 Z w w b < x Durchschnittliche = 3 = = = Durchmesser ~ 4 cm. w w uw a6 w Sehnenlange ° ° ° °° ° vor dem Schnitte ° ° o ° ° cm s S ~ 3 e Sehnenlange nach S re) re) Oo S re dem Schnitte ws . as ec a 4 cm. we Bg? 2 & 2 & g Klemmungsgrésse oa ° fo) ° [e} H oe w > ui fo) ° cm. 3 A bs is és & Sehnenlange nach ° re) ° ° ro) dem Schnitte ° _ 4 ° ° cm. Z . 3 ° KI ; — £ 2 2 & emmungsgrosse ° ° ° ° ° 888 bd °o _ 4 ° ° cm. bd Ls he = . Ae -< Sehnenlange nach re) o re) re) Ne) dem Schnitte io} ao io) a o cm. i) i) i) 2 2° Klemmungsgroésse ° ° ° ° ° an ° Nn - n x . Ss ~ iS S Sehnenlange nach re) re) re) re) oO dem Schnitte ve) © ao “N uw cm. u 2 2 & © 2 Klemmungsgroésse ° ro) ° ° ° oa = La NS Ww uw . a “3 S is 3 Sehnenlange nach re) re) re) xe) io dem Schnitte co re) a) fe) a — < 2 2 2 2 2 Klemmungsgroésse ° 8 2 8 8 a cm. BEMERKUNGEN., Prk etimteeaneZ RP pk te te ime ecm we memeM ce 86k ool CU E =£ «x < (Me Series RIRE BRM SE Ilb ores & £ & < @HEew kK = RiRERMMWS Hho] ws | i Ma Ge) pan . pice z \& es ath s pee we ye me: Lit Ertragstafel und Zuwachsgesetz far Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica). Zum Gebrauch fur die japanischen Forstmanner, VON S. Honda, Ringakushi et Dr. Oec. publ. A. O. Professor fiir Forstwissenschaft an der Kaiserlichen Universitat zu Tokyo. VORWORT. Die Ertragstafel bildet fiir die Forstwirtschaft dasselbe, was der Compass fiir die Schifffahrt, ein Instrument, ohne das ein zielbewusstes Handeln undenkbar ist, und einen ‘‘ Betriebs- plan” erst erméglicht. Wahrend man nun in Europa, Dank der Arbeiten der forstlichen Versuchsstationen, zahlreiche Er- tragstafeln besitzt, fehlen solche bis jetzt noch in Japan mit seinen eigenartigen Waldern und anders beschaffenen Zuwachs- verhaltnissen, ein Mangel, der sich in praktischer wie wissen- schaftlicher Hinsicht in héchstem Grade fiihlbar machte. Diese Liicke beabsichtigte ich seit langerer Zeit auszufiillen, da sie mir um so fiihlbarer geworden war, als ich die Waldung des Kiyosum als Schulwaldung zu bewirthschaften habe. In den Winterferien des letzten Jahres fand ich endlich Gelegenheit, als ich mit meinen Schiilern, 24 an der Zahl, eine drei Wochen dauernde Excursion in jenem Waldgebiet unter- nahm, die Zuwachsverhaltnisse der Cryptomeria japonica naher zu studiren, und so eine Ertragstafel fiir diese wichtigste der japanischen Nutzholzer aufzustellen. In den beifolgenden Tafeln sind die Resultate dieser Arbeit niedergelegt, welche freilich durchaus noch als unvollstandig angesehen werden muss. Indessen bin ich eifrigst damit be- schaftigt, weiteres Material zu sammeln und die Ertragstafeln so zu gestalten, dass sie wohl allen Anforderungen geniigen diirften. Im zweiten Teile dieser Arbeit habe ich das Zuwachsgesetz und- gang der Sugibestande in Kzyosunu mit denen der deutschen /7 20% 330 HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. Holzarten verglichen, da eine solche Vergleichung in Japan noch nicht ausgefiihrt worden ist- Es sei schliesslich bemerkt, dass diese Abhandlung haupt- sachlich fiir die japanischen Forstleute bestimmt ist, welche zum grossten Theile der deutschen Sprache machtig sind. Ich hoffe, dass sie durch dieselbe veranlasst werden, auch ihrerseits Zu- wachsverhaltnisse anderer Nutzholzer unter anderen Ortlichen Verhaltnissen naher zu studiren, und so zu Aufstellungen von Ertragstafeln fiir die japanischen Nutzwalder beizutragen. io ETE. Ertragstafeln fur Sugi. I. Hinleitung, Fiir cine geordnete Forstwirthschaft ist die Herstellung von Ertragstafeln die erste Bedingung. Diese Tafeln sind die quan- titative Darstellung des Wachsthumsganges normal entwickelter und bestockter Bestande fiir verschiedene Holzarten, Standorte und Betriebsformen. Sie geben Aufschluss entweder lediglich iiber die Holzmassen- und Zuwachsgrossen, oder auch weiter iiber Bestandeshohe, Stammzahl und Stammgrundflache u. s. f. pro Hectar fiir die Bestandesentwicklung in verschiedenem Alter. Es giebt mehrere Wege, Ertragstafeln herzustellen. Doch scheinen mir nur folgende drei Methoden wissenschaftliche Beriicksichtigung zu verdienen : 1. Die erste nahliegende Methode ist, bei einem Bestande von ganz jungem Alter, wiederholt, entweder jahrlich oder periodisch eine Bestandesaufnahme vorzunehmen und sammt- liche wichtige Factoren bis zu dessen Haubarkeitsalter fort- gesetzt zu beachten. Insbesondere wird der Einfluss verschie- dener Erziehungs- und Betriebsweisen auf den Zuwachsgang der Bestande nur durch solche genaue Controlle mehrerer ver- schieden behandelter Bestaénde ceteris paribus mit Sicherheit beobachtet werden konnen, und diese Methode ist daher auch in Deutschland bei der Zuwachsermittlung durch Einfiihrung bestimmter Versuchsflachen allgemein acceptirt, HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. 337 2. Um den sonst allzulangen Zeitraum abzukiirzen, kann man auch mehrere Bestaénde verschiedenen Alters gleichzeitig in Beobachtung ziehen. Man erhalt so einzelne Stticke jener Kurve, welche die Holzmassenzunahme eines Bestandes wahrend der ganzen Umtriebszeit darstellen wiirde, welche Stiicke viel- leicht oft nicht genau an einander passen, aber doch, wenn z. B. Bestande von je ungefahr 20 jaihrigen Altersabstufungen gewahlt wurden, nach Verlauf von 20 Jahren erméglichen wiirden, die Holzmassen- bezw. Zuwachscurven genauer festzustellen, als dies nach der bisherigen Methode moéglich war. Dabei ist es zweckmassig, mehrere Besténde von derselben Alterstufe zu beobachten, um etwaige Verschiedenheiten auszugleichen. 3. Durch diese beiden Verfahren wird der Zuwachs der Bestande direkt ermittelt; man kann aber auch aus der ein- maligen Aufnahme mehrerer Bestande verschiedenen Alters eine Reihe der Bestandesmassen fiir alle Alterstufen erhalten und so den Gang der Massenzunahme ableiten. Ich habe bei meinen Beobachtungen die letzte Methode gewahlt, um in moglichst kurzer Zeit zu Resultaten zu gelangen. Hinsichtlich der Literatur wurden hauptsachlich folgende Werke benutzt : Holzmesskunde, von Prof. Dr. Guttenberg in Lory’s Hand- buch der Forstwissenschaft. Holzmesskunde, von Prof, Dr. Baur. Die Fichte, von Prof. Dr. Baur. Ertragstafeln fiir die Kiefer, von Prof. Dr. Weise. Holzzuwachslehre in Forsteinrichtung, von Prof. Dr. Weber. II. Allgemeine Beschreibung der Standorts- und Bewirthschaftungsverhaltnisse. Der Kiyosumwald, in welchem wir diese Untersuchungen anstellten, liegt in Mitteljapan, ungefahr 70 Kilometer siid- 6stlich von Tokyo entfernt, an den Ausliufern des Grenzgebirges zwischen den Provinzen Awa und Kadsusa bei 35° 8’ N. B. und 140° 10’ Oe. L. von Greenwich. Hydrographisch bildet jener Theil die Wasserscheide zwischen “ Amatsugawa” und ‘“ Obi- tsugawa.” Die grosste Anhohe der Gegend ist der 382 meter 338 HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. hohe Myokdsan, welcher rings von Kzyosumiwald umgeben ist und von dem aus viele kleine H6henziige nach allen Himmels- richtungen auslaufen ; diese schliessen vielfach mit ihren steilen Wanden tiefe Thaler ein, welche meist mit Wald bedeckt sind. Der Kiyosumiwald misst von Siiden nach Norden circa 3,2 und von Westen nach Osten circa 2,6 Kilometer. Der Wald grenzt im Westen an den 1700 ha grossen “ Staatswald zu Okusan,” nordlich an den 4600 ha grossen ‘‘Staatswald zu Tsutsumori,’ gegen Siiden und Osten wird er vom stillen Ocean bespiilt. Bisher gehérte jener Kzyoswmiwald als Staats- wald zum Forstamt Ofaki, noch friiher aber zum Klostergute Seichojt. Seit einem Jahre ist derselbe in einer Ausdehnung von 330,4 ha als Schulwald der Kaiserlichen Universitat Tokyo zugewiesen worden und dient dem forstlichen Studium und Experimenten. Andererseits soll er auch ein Muster moderner systematischer Forstwirtschaft reprasentiren. Der Untergrund besteht aus Tuff und tertidrem Sandstein. Der Boden ist im Allgemeinen sehr durchlassig, allein der mit Wald bedeckte Theil weist eine reiche circa 10 cm. tiefe Humusschichte auf, welche den Boden frisch erhalt. Der hochste Punkt der oberen Grenze liegt bei circa 350 m.; der unterste bei circa 50 m. tiber der Meeresflache. Das Localklima ist sehr mild. Die durchschnittliche Jahrestemperatur betragt circa 15,5°, die niedrigste T’emperatur circa 2°, die héchste 32° C; die Luft ist sehr feucht, wegen des Stidwindes, der tiber den warmen Kuroshiwostrom herauf- streicht. Die Jahresregenmenge betragt ungefahr 2000 mm. Der meiste Regen fallt im April, Juni und Juli; Schnee fallt selten, oft einen ganzen Winter hindurch gar nicht. In friiherer Zeit soll in dieser Gegend ein gemischter Wald von immergriinen Eichenarten (Quercus acuta, Quercus glauca, Quercus cuspidata u. s. w.), Tannen und Thugen vorherschend gewesen sein. Da die Benutzung der genannten Holzarten, wegen schwieriger Abfuhr fast ganz unterblieb, so musste nach und nach mit der ktinstlichen Pflanzung des mehr werthvollen Sugt vorgegangen werden, so dass jetzt der vorherrschende Sugibestand nur mit einigen Tannen untermischt ist. Die gegenwartig angenommene Umtriebszeit ist jene von 100 Jahren. Die Betriebsart ist ein Hochwaldbetrieb wobei HONDA ! ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. 339 der Kahlschlagbetrieb mit kiinstlicher Pflanzung die Regel bildet. Die jetzt vorhandenen Swgibestande sind ganz durch kiinst- liche Pflanzung entstanden; Die Einsetzlinge waren 3 Jahre alte 2 mal verschulte circa halb Meter lange Pflanzen. Die Pflanzenzahl pro ha betrug dabei 6000 im Reihenverbande. Nach der Pflanzung haute man jahrlich cin oder zweimal das ganze Unkraut ab; aber vom 5ten oder 7ten Jahre nach der Pflanzung an kamen keine Arbeiter mehr in den Wald bis nach der Haubarzeit. Nach altem Gebrauch der dortigen Gegend wurde nicht durchforstet, starkere Baume wachsen iiusserst schnell, den schwacheren nur eine kargliche Existenz gewahrend. Die Holzbestande haben jetzt meist 10-100 jahriges Alter. III. Darlegung des bei den Bestandesuntersuchungen beobachteten Verfahrens. A. Auswahl und Aufnahme der Probeflachen. In moglichst gleichmdssiger Verteilung durch alle Alter wurde eine moglichst grosse Anzahl normal bestockter und in jeder Beziehung geeignet scheinender Probetlachen von minde- stens + ha Flachengrésse ausgewahlt und zwar Bestande der besten und schlechtesten Standortgiite. Dieses gelang uns bei der provisorischen Bonitirung nach dem Augenmaase_ unter Zuhiilfenahme der HOhen. Sogern man auch alle Probeflachen einen Hectar gross genommen hatte, so war dieses doch nicht moglich, weil die Bestande selten sind, in welchen man in allen Teilen ganz normal bestockte Flachen von zr ha Fiachen- inhalt finden konnte. Unser Plan war ferner, zuerst von 10 zu 10 bis 100 Jahren je 8 Probeflachen und zwar je vier fiir die besten Bonitaten als auch fiir die schlechtesten auszuwahlen. Da das nicht voll- standig modglich war, weil wir in dem dortigen Waldgebiete nicht gentigende passende Besténde vorfanden, so mussten wir mit nur 56 Probeflachen, statt 80, einstweilen zufrieden sein, und schliesslich 15 Probeflachen aus cinem Privatwalde in der Umgebung unserer Schulwaldung zu Hiilfe nehmen. 340 HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. Jede Probeflache wurde mit dem Pantometer gemessen, weil sie hier zu uneben war, um die Winkelspiegel zu benutzen. Die Flachenform nahm ich moglichst vicreckig, zuweilen aber fiinf- oder sechseckig. Die Auswahl der Probeflachen geschah gemeinschaftlich, wobei sich die Abiturienten unseres Forstinstituts betheiligten. Obgleich wir nach einem bestimmten Arbeitsplan arbeiteten, so revidirten wir doch immer die fertiggestellten Probeflachen, um Gewissheit dariiber zu haben, ob auch alle Arbeiten correct ausgeftihrt waren. ; Die Aufnahmen der einzelnen ausgewahlten Probeflachen geschah nach dem R. Hartig’schen Verfahren, bei welchem Probe-Stémme gefallt werden, weil wir dieses fiir das richtigste hielten. Die Durchmesser der sdmmtlichen Stamme der Ver- suchsflachen wurden in 1.3 m. Hohe vom Boden in Abstu- fungen von I cm. zu I cm. kreuzweise genau gemessen. Die Messhohe, nahmen wir immer an der Baumaxe, das. heisst bei einem Bergabhang nicht von oben und nicht von unten gemessen, sondern in der Mitte von beiden. Je 3 Probestamme wurden von jeder Probeflache ausgewahlt, welche in der Hohe von 0,3 m. vom Boden gefallt wurden. Der verbliebene Baumstock wurde in seiner Mittelstarke (also bei 0,15 m. von Boden) dreifach kreuzweise gemessen, um spater die Stockholzmasse berechnen zu kénnen. Die gefallten Pro- bestamme wurden erst I m. lang vom Abhieb, dann in je 2 m. langen Sectionen, deren mittlerer Durchmesser bis auf Millimeter genau doppelt itiber’s Kreuz abgegriffen wurden, kubirt, das Astholz jedes Probestammes anfanglich gewogen und xylome- trisch kubirt und erst nachdem die Verhaltnisszahl zwischen Gewicht und Volumen festgestellt war, erfolgte die Kubirung nur noch mittelst Wagung. Zur Darlegung der Bestandesaufnahme fiihre ich folgendes Beispiel an: Probeflache No. 42. Schulwald zu Kiyosumi; Ortsname: Ippaimidzu; Abth: I; Unterabth: C; MeereshGhe: 250 m. Die Probeflache-Aufnahme vom 2 bis 10 December 1894 geschah durch die Herrn Horimoto, Mimura, Okuda, und Matsudaira ; 8.8984 PROBEFLACHE Ny. 42, el a 8.3984 ‘ | e= us d=29,0cm, M= Digeren X 9237 Jahrringszahl : 70° E Yo) 14 qm. ot 6 FOOSiT4 g=0,066052 qm. =117,4463 fm, - Alter: 7o+2 m=0,9237 fm. = Ss Co s712 d= 28,4 cm. ea fm Letzte 5 jahrige ; a@=0,05712 fm. , : Triebslange : 79 cm. 5 h= 26,3 m. 5 7 uf 2 i 6 16 30 5 | 3534 31 10 | 0,7548 (32 4 | 09,3217 33 8 | 0,6842 34 0,6355 35 5 | %48rr 36 10 1,0179 37 5 | 95376 Sa. | 133 | 8,3984 | ahs 3 | 0,3226 | 132 | Faye 38 - a es d=41,5 cm. vt =a x 1,7829 Jahrringe : 70 39 Ir 1, 3140 =0,13361 &=0,1353 qm. = 109,1628 fm. Alter: 7042 40 3 90,3779 A= Se er | ane meniesio2q2z | Sa aaa a x 0,11 70 Letzte 5 jahrige 42 4 | 05542 a=0,1170 fm. =7,1546 fm. Triebslange : 100cm. 43 7 1,0165 6 44 2 | 0,3041 Bae? 45 8 | 1,2723 | ; 46 4 | 0,6648 {i Nae ET | 91735 | |) Si, 62 | 8,284r ie 4 a : 7 11735 __ 83577 d=53,6 cm. M =3,26009 X 37 Jahrringe: 70 0,7238 3G as =120,6200 fm. 1,1314 | =0,22588 m=3,2600 fm. Alter: 704+2 0, 4036 Joe A =0,22556 X 37 a oe 0,4247 Biers ce a@=0,22556 fm. =8,3462 fm. Letzte 5 jahrige Triebslange: 85 cm. PHP PDK AWARKDND APD H h=31,4 m. M=347.2291 fm. A= 22,7630 fm. a, A=Astholzmasse ; m, M=Schaftholz. mn » ise. Peityets: | ype inicl) wa $e} (lyin Bator Potten win fo be rr ae rt A yew hei? Cutter aes en) getonit Carin Whee * ha i | Eptten i a¢ aia gi iq , eb A ely As m rs 1? PEA t i ees <2 gi 7 Mg werthe ‘oF ( wean Wiiee he Ds ae ; Puke 7 i Ai, Hors *) peer ren fT Been isviiat it! ® it t havaeate ae i Mia i =, y i in adder Re Sori ohanany? es ok F spades.) Heatiliniac Wendie crt oy Si on ery ae eee ee ei ae i) S wee oy Ea ae ve ey oa at yey “rege Cee aD aie ea iene PCa Nae ; tee fr Ae \ | iy hin th BROW ; 2 . afin ‘ ew (vad ; cr i oe ' | ERNE. [ 5 oi i4 wh ’ ' a ey Ce ‘on 1 dcuaclia i pete, wf a) Ntuald ka oxide Seba st tN a mew scl, kuthrt init) ’ Mat 2 vix29-! wid, », Pe bai . een yar nech oF rag j oy : |) But Darlegeng der py ; Pielswiel an: | One than reer he 4 Sotwiwald “ad Naedd . ‘ b tert o, M lees " Di’ Probad a hah doredk, ' 4 gd ieeednn wi bo, meas +e Bat. 4 HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. 341 Bestandsgrosse: 1 ha. Probeflachengrésse: 0,2866 ha. Der Grund besteht aus lockerem Sandstein; Die Boden- flache ist nach Siidosten um 30° geneigt und ziemlich trocken. Bestandsschluss: gedrangt. Der Bestand wurde von jedem Kenner als einer der besten erklart. Hieraus ergeben sich pro ha folgende Verhaltnisse : Alter, das Mittel aus den mittlern Altern der Klassen sowohl, wie aus den Massenaltern: 72 Jahre. Baumhohe: oberere 31,5 m. mittlere 28,6. Baumstarke: starkste 63,0 cm. schwachste 15,0 cm. mittlere 37,0 cm. Stammzahl: 810 Holzmasse: Schaftholz = 1211,55 fm. Astholz = - 79,426: ,, im ganzen = £290,970" ;, Stammgrundflachensumme: 87,376 qm. Griines specifisches Waldgewicht des Schaftholzes im Durchschnitt 0,734. B. Ergebnisse der Bestandesaufnahmen. Da die Sugi meist nur auf guten Boden gepflanzt wird, so war es sehr schwierig gewesen, viele schlechtere Bestande zu finden. Bei unserer Untersuchung hatten wir neben 32 Probe- flachen bester Giite nur 24 Probeflachen geingerer Giite, unter denen allerdings auch solche mittlerer Giite vorhanden waren. Wir lassen nun das gewonnene Resultat tabellarisch folgen GBab., 2), 342 HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. IV. Konstruktion der Ertragstafeln. a. LEntwurf der Holzmassen oder Zuwachscurven. Nach der Aufnahme simmtlicher Versuchsflachen im Walde und Ausfiihrung der zugeh6rigen Berechnungen schritten wir zur Konstruktion der Holzmassencurven, wobei Schaftholz allein oder Schaft- und Astholz zusammen zu betrachten ist. Zu diesem Behufe wurde auf ein 70 cm. breites und 110 cm. langes Blatt Millimeterpapier eine horizontal gezogene Linie (Abszisse) in 110 gleiche Teile geteilt, weil der aufgenommene alteste Bestand nur 108 Jahre zahlte. Auf den einzelnen Teilungspunkten dieser lLinie, welche die Bestandesalter darstellen, wurden Senkrechte (Ordinaten) errichtet, auf diese die in den einzelnen Versuchsflachen gefundenen wirklichen 1 fm. zu + mm” auf- getragen und die Enden der Ordinaten mit kleinen Punkten versehen. Wir erhielten so auf dem Papier, so viel Punkte, als Versuchsflachen aufgenommen wurden; denn keine zwei Punkte deckten sich vollkommen. Die einzelnen, die Masse im jugend- lichen Alter darstellenden Punkte standen natiirlich naher bei ce Bestandes-Massen in einem Massstab einander und entfernten sich mit wachsendem Bestandesalter von links nach rechts aufsteigend strahlenformig immer mehr, weil in jiingeren Bestanden die Massen resp. Massendifferenzen zwischen den besten und schlechtesten Standorten wesentlich geringer, als in alteren Bestanden von 70 oder 80 und mehr Jahren der Fall ist. Um nun bei Ausscheidung von vier Bonitaten die vier Massencurven zu erhalten, zogen wir zunachst vom Jahre Null ausgehend, durch die hochsten und ebenso durch die niedrigsten aufgetragenen Punkte, oder moglichst nahe an denselben voriiber, aus freier Hand je eine Linie, wobei kleinere Unregelmassig- keiten, wie sie bei durchschnittlich zu grossen oder kleinen Massen vorkamen, unberiicksichtigt blieben. Aus diesem Grunde konnte auch die obere und untere Linie nicht alle Punkte mit einem Curvenzug durchsetzen. Die obere Linie stellt dann ungefahr die obere Grenze, die untere Linie die untere, der in verschiedenen Lebensalterh der Bestande vor- kommenden Massen dar. Die Genauigkeit dieser Mittelwerthe wird natiirlich um so grdsser sein, je mehr Versuchsflachen TAB. I. UBERSICHT der in den einzelnen Versuchsflichen normaler Sugibestdinde wirklich erhaltenen Ergebnisse. (pro. ha.) 3 ; 3 2 9 5 P 3 s g ma Durchmesser, Schaftholz. pebats Bn SEUODZ, Ps alot = cin | fee >} & aes Exposition 5 nae : a masses ir E She 55 mgt w'| perme eeu eB I Be sh il Is P 8 a z ee | ee Bl Ben se\Uee\e2 | 5 5 Oe o “cs H $ a a a0 N&e| et. | a@en|/8eS) ae < Zs ORTSNAME. | 7% § | und Z| » |3 |e 3 E 5 Ea Re 5 Zn 2¢ |22s| SSE /EESIERR 28] 3 3 | & & | 3 & . (Sapam 3 & | seh5| on Nie esi. a0 BOE| APS |S3a 0/45 %5| 9 w Z 4 ue 4 wv | oO S SE las& | se S Re SSE ce Cine) 9agE el a oU5 | o 8 wswoleos] « § & oe gv Nei wo] 8B | Se eas Zo S10 || Stee 23a a dos SeESte ae recat) she FEn| bao oie (ae a a je) oe eo eT eee Baie oe Eyes | 22 ieee se Pe |aeel em E =I ] | 1 | Matsuba..........| O,11520] 300| S.O. 302)|| TO! 351 2520) meres 2,4 4,9 | 2674 19,57 1,957 17,216 36,786 3,679 5,081 | 3,74 0,0019 | 0,05 | 87,9 | 0,665 | IV 2 ” ee eeeeee e+| O,25000 | 400 | N.O, 15°| 11! 7,5 | 5:53] 19,0] 3,0] 6,0} 5215 64,00 5,818 | 38,591 | 302,591 9,326 14,601 | 1,92 0,0028 | 0,15 | 60,3 | 0,820 I 3 | Tokansawa_ ......| 0,25000] 348 | S.O. 29°| 12] 3,5 | 2,80] 11,0] 1,0] 2,0 | 2080 11,84 0,987 5,870 17,216 1,435 0,676 | 4,85 0,0003 | 0,01 | 45,4 | 0,680 Vv 4 |Imasumi..... + + +++] O,20000 | 350 Ebene I5| 11,0] 9,61] 21,0] 4,0] 11,2 | 2740 136,80 g,120 595539 | 196,339| 13,089 27,123 | 3,65 0,0099 | 0,27 | 43,0 | 0,863 1 Fallen De terrctreate’eletat sic 0,28600 | 300 | N. 5o|| £7) L254.| 7,20)|20;0 2,0 | 11,3 | 2788 92,15 53420 53,368] 145,514 8,560 27,745 | 3,59 0,0100 | 0,28 | 57,9 | 0,791 | III Ga) Karidoshin terse «are 0,07420| 150] E.S, 12°| 17] 16,0 ]12,00] 21,0 4,0 | 10,9 | 3666 198,90 | 11,699 57,921 | 256,821 | 15,107 34,304 | 2,72 0,0094 | 0,34 | 15,5 0,852 I 7 ” oe ++eeee| O,25000 | 200] N.O. 10°} 20| 15,2 | 11,52| 19,0 5,0 | 12,7 | 3011 214,00 | 1C,700 | 63,592| 282,592] 14,130 37,820 | 3,31 0,0126 | 0,38 | 3255 0,554 I 3 | beeiiebl oo. coon Apdo 0,19820 | 250| N.O. 5° ||| 22)|| 16,0) | 7,10) x750 4,0 | 10,9 | 2472 85,18 3,872 49,745] 134,925 6,133 23,239 | 3,96 ©,0094 | 0,23] 58,4 | 0,781 | IV g | Kannonminami....| 0,37622 | 270| O. 12°} 25] 20,5 |15,94| 34,0] 5,0] 17,2 | 2299 | 346,19 | 13,848 | 79,261] 425,454) 17,018 52,483 | 4535 0,0228 | 0,52 | 22,9 | 0,850 I 10 | Imasumi........ ..| 0,17820| 340| N. 8°| 26] 12,3 | 7,52] 19,0] 2,0] 11,0] 5612 | 144,55 5,500 | 36,811] 181,361] 6,975 52,396 | 1,78 0,0093 | 0,52 | 26,4 | 0,863 | IV TT |e Mlatsu bay areteretaisiels ers 0, 38360 | 321 | O. 34°,| 28] 20,4 | 14,60] 40,0 3,0 | 17,0 | 1741 267,91 9,568 | 41,602] 309,508] 11,054 40,518 | 5,74 0,0233 | 0,41 | 15,5 | 0,880 i 120) Gran Min O) estalelel=iere 0,04278 | 288 | S.O 32°} 30] 13,5 | 11,30] 23,0 | 3,0 | 10,2 | 5426 312,92 | 10,431 | 129,437] 442,357] 14,745 45,104 | 1,84 0,0083 | 0,45 | 41,4 | 0,62 13 1 fe eeecnss 0,08g910 | 288 | S.O. 30°| 30] 16,4 | 14,00] 30,0} 3,0] 17,1 | 2330 | 430,95 | 14,400 | 104,319| 535,269| 17,842 53,657 | 4,29 0,0230 | 0,54 | 24,2 | 0,760 iv 14 m sapoeoc .+»| 0,25000 | 280] S. 20°| 35| 12,1 | 9,45] 28,0] 5,0] 12,0 | 3470 220,00 6,286 48,123 | 268,123 7,661 39,126 | 2,88 0,0113 | 0,39] 21,9 ee Hi 15 | Kannonminami....| 0,10140| 273 | O. 20°| 36] 21,0 | 16,30} 36,0] 3,0) 18,4 | 2071 461,48 | 12,819 | 97,557) 559,037] 15,529 54,826 | 5,24 0,0263 | 0,54 | 21,1 | 0,6 5 I 16 | Imasumi..........| 0,28940]| 340| O. 10°} 36] 23,0 | 20,67] 43,0 | 9,0 | 22,0 | 1921 685,60 | 19,044 93,722] 779,322| 21,648 75,704 | 5,21 0,0394 | 9,76] 13,7 | 9,790 17 | Banshomai........ 0, 16800 a O. 20%25°| 36] 23,0 | 19,52| 50,0] 4,0] 23,0 | 1547 | 538,03 | 14,940 | 95,736] 633,766] 17,605 64,442 | 6,46 0,0423 | 9,64 | 17,7 ses ial 18 |‘Tokansawa ...... 0,11288 | 280| S.O. 25°| 36] 14,1 | 12,60] 35,0] 4,0] 16,5 | 2374 | 304,95 | 10,970 | 69,135) 464,085] 12,891 50,0g0 | 4,21 0,0211 | 0,50) 17,5 or775 ; 19 | Yedosili ...... ....| 0,14884 | 276 | S.O. 9°| 38] 22,4 | 20,30] 40,0) 3,0] 21,0 | 1841 | 610,04 | 16,062 | 60,360) 670,400) 17,642 63,585 | 5543 0,0345 ae 9,9 Bi 8 if 20 | Banshomai........ 0,15 442 | 333 | O. 22°| 38] 20,2 | 18,50) 34,0] 3,0 | 19,7 | 2163 | 557,32 | 14,666 | 49,967| 607,287/ 15,981 65,721 | 4,50 | 0,0304 | 0,66) 17,0 | %7 OH 7 86 21 | Okudari Higashi ..| 0,2 220| S.W. 14°-30°|} 39] 24,7 | 20,14] 38,0 | 10,0] 23,7 | 1660 749,59 | 19,220 98,550| 848,140] 21,747 73,359 | 6,02 0,0440 | 9,73 | 4351 By 4 22 | Kudagara ie Aanciod Sayane 200 | E.N : ae 40 eee 11,02] 27,0] 10,0 | 17,1 | 1870 347,74 8,694 | 116,075) 463,815] 11,595 43,312 | 4,31 pee sae a3 yes a 2awiliohobudaremrecrcderiee 0,14820| 288 | N.O 3°| 43] 26,0 | 20,15] 54,0| 6,0 | 31,5 | 1053 | 697,10 | 16,210 | 107,207] 804,307] 18,705 81,749 | 9,50 0,077 es 2 hs Reed 1 2au| Wishimitsul sejetvieteree 0, 08016 | 260| O.N. 15°| 45| 19,0 | 18,02] 23,0] 3,0 | 21,3 | 2146 | 595,53 | 13,230 | 112,969] 708,409] 15,744 75,952 | 4,66 010355 oP | =e Ces I 250|Okuboana) wees cere 0,14284 | 220| O. 39°| 46] 25,0 | 21,06] 48,0] 8,0] 22,1 | 1988 | 767,30 | 17,333 | 134,383 | 931,683 | 20,254 76,033 | 5,03 0,0382 Wi) |e , * 26 | Shobuda.......... 0,11600 | 288 | O.S. 2 | 948 |) 25,0) 8 yum eon mone zere) | 2483.) ©30,49,|/ 43,320 |, 68,801) 7oBs350 | T4757 | b2050 | ae | arte es ae Alec 1 27 | Mukomine ........| 0,13660| 170| W. 4o°| 48] 22,1 | 21,20] 56,0] 8,0 | 23,1 | 2218] 858,23 | 17,464 | 49,322 997,549 18,907 ooes ahs ae 0,69 | 33,0 | 0,780] IL 28 |Sakurago ........ 0,25576| 261 | O.N. 24°| 51| 24,4 | 22,86] 59,0] 3,0] 33,4 | 1572 675,61 |. 13,250 | 228,042] 903,652 ee pees pe pate a tye ny Pe IV 29 | Minamisawa ...... 0,18240| 150| OO.S.29°-30°| 51| 17,0 | 13,80] 30,0} 2,0} 14,8 | 2719 296,27 5,809 47,704 | 344,034 hee 46,629 ate ae 7 aa! na ae IV BOM |ilimastinaiere eee 0,13840| 320| N.O. 5°| 53] 14,8 | 12,30| 24,0] 2,0] 17,0] 4798 | 428,60 8,087 | 76,798] 505,396] 9553 110,790 , 3023 ) , : | 2 | 0,81 31 | Banshomai........| 0,13566 | 330| O. 30°| 54] 25,0 | 23,60] 46,0 5,0 | 31,4 | 1887 972,22 | 18,004 118,533 | 1090,753 | 20,199 ae Bee oe | oa wae agae i 32 | Banshoshita ...... 0,37166 | 200| O. 38°| 56] 28,0 | 25,80| 51,0 | 10,0 | 27,6 | 1512 | 1012,54 | 18,081 | 132,132] 1144,672| 20,441 9925 Pee ee 079| 5,9|0,793| J 33 Ailes), aeeise oe 0,21154| 250| N.OO 35°| 57| 28,8 | 25,30] 57,0 | 13,0| 32,3 | 967] go1,05| 15,808 | 52,738) 953,788 ye. 7 be he aes ok 13,2 0,852 II 34 | Gomondimukai ....| 0,14768 | 320] S.O 25°| 58] 22,6 | 21,10} 42,0] 4,0 | 23,4 | 1885 791,58 | 13,648 | 99,743 sone 15,3 ee 4 aos ines 0 88 | 8,9 | o,79r Il 35 | Minamisawa ......| 0,12428| 180] O. 22°| 59| 24,8 | 23,80] 43,0] 6,0] 24,5 | 1865 | 948,47 | 16,076 | 84,438 | 1032,908| 17,507 3079 | 43 3047 , ( ; 0,800 36 0 ahersie 0,20000 | 180 | N. 20°| 61] 30,2 | 26,92] 50,0} 10,1 | 31,0 | 1121 | 1054,12 | 17,281 | 116,512 Melee pose ee ae eee ne as eS eeoyLIN 37 | Matsuba........../ 0,47012| 300/ W. 30°-40°| 62] 26,5 |17,21| 63,0] 3,0] 29,9] 842] 578,69 | 9,334 | 75»743| 9541432 101555 Paene 12,59 | 00855 0,67 | 9,6 | 0750 MI 38 Sl winsadoweus. 0,10776 | 330| S.O. 31°| 64| 27,0 | 19,00] 59,0] 15,0 | 33,0] 780] 721,34 | 11,271 | 68,960 ik ee 6. - 3,20 eee 0,37 | 20,0 | 0,730| V 39 | Riumensawa...... 0,10400 | 280| N.W. 21°| 64) 14,6 | 12,05] 26,0) 2,0) 12,0 | 3173 217557 3,399 445290 ae 2 Veee 4 a2 4,90 0,0312 0,63 17,1 | 0,709 IV 4° ” e+e+..| 0,24266 | 280| N.W. 25°| 68) 17,5 | 15,70] 48,0] 4,0] 19,9 | 2028 491,67 7230 84,454 | 576,124 247 3,253 , , . ae te Oo, 14, 0,59 41 |Sakurago ........| 0,13340]| 220| S.O. 42°| 68] 19,1 |17,05| 46,0] 6,0] 22,0] 2039] 554,00] 8,150 | 79,870 Sastre Biba gubse ee, ares ote ae G34 1 42 | Ippaimidzu...... ..| 0,28660 | 250 | S.O. 30°| 72]| 31,5 | 28,60] 63,0] 15,0] 37,0] 810] 1211,55 | 17,064 | 79,426 Theres oBee UG I eo 0,0826 | %77| 45,3 | 0,870) Il 43 | Tobikoshi ........ 0,26000 | 300 | $.0. 18° 73 || 2655 |/21;20| Rayos eawioniegg;0)| 520.) 751,03 | 1,288. | 1141575) "Por 5 | Ehree eo sake 0,0879 | %85| 6,1 | %713| It 44 | Koyagao...... +++] 0,29320| 180/ S. 7°| 73| 32,1 | 28,04] 60,0] 18,0} 33,5 | 968 | 1105,70| 15,150 | 67,720) 1173,420) 1 ates ae 11,28 | 0,0897| %79| 90] %740| Il 45 |Ushirosawa ......| 0,15794| 228| N-W 20°| 75] 29,5 | 24,30] 70,0] 9,0] 33,8| 899| 854,79; 11,397 | 76159] 939,949| 12,413 793499 , 5 i Ee leet 46 | Koyagao.......... 0,31528 | 180 | O. 20°| 75| 34,1 | 26,30] 64,0] 6,0] 37,r] 755 | 925,15 | 12,335 | 59811| 984,061) 131133 Oe daeae OES o75| 6,6 | 0,810 | 1V 47 | Jizodobori ........| 0,13374 | 250| E.N. 35°| 75| 20,0 | 20,60] 42,0} 8,0| 24,4 | 1609 | 659,23] 8,789 | 42,459) 701,689| 9,356 | 74,807 | 2! o1056 | 088 | 8,3 | O72 I 48 | Ushirosawa ...... 0,24610 | 230| W. 34°| 77| 327 | 29,61] 50,0] 17,0] 36,7] 832 | 1194,80] 15,516 | 98,512 | 1293,312| 1 a acts 16 0,0457 0,84 9,3 | 0,704 | Ll 49 | Tokansawa ......| 0,15620| 220| S. 35°| 79| 26,0 | 20,68} 50,0] 9,0] 24,0 | 1831 779559 9,867 | 72,503| 852,003 ae es ay 0,0435 0,90 | 13,3 | 0,880] IV 50 | Koyagao.... ssc. 0, 13340 180| SS.0.35°-40°} 81 | 25,2 | 15,00] 54,0] 3,2 | 23,6 | 2068 708,21 8,743 92,314 | 800,524 9,553 9925 4) ’ Bete + 7 0, ) i 51 | Tokansawa_ ......| 0,37600| 220| N.O 42°| 84| 28,0 | 25,20] 60,0| 5,0| 31,6 | 1213 | 1068,54 | 12,721 | 61,421 | 11209,961| 13,452 95,366 soe ied fe ae 0,670 I 52 3 + +++. 0,40000 | 220] N.O. 25°| 84| 33,5 |30,30| 61,0] 28,0] 39,0] 761 | 1246,10 | 14,834 | 93,250] 1339,350 151945 9 a 3) s 0,0516 0,94 | 19,7 | 580 | 1V 53 |Ippaimidzu ......| 0,39600| 320| S.O 32°| 95| 28,0 | 19,90] 67,0] 3,0] 25,9 | 1818 | 797,55 | 8,395 5p Bee Pee ee Ee? site 0.1324 | 0,93| 65 | 0630] 1 54 ” ++ +++] 0,50000 | 320] N.O, 15°] 95| 35,2 |32,11| 72,0] 25,0] 41,1 | 7or | 1303,00] 13,715 | 84,12 3 ora a - Ay a ae 0,0536 | 068 | 12,4 | 750 IV 55 ” ++ ++++| 0,30000 | 320 | S.O. 20°] 99| 24,2 | 21,10) 80,2 | 21,0] 26,1 | 1275 | 745,81 7533 92,451 35,2 i 4 7 ae 9 plies 011788 071 | 757 0,800 | Lik 50 Tobikoshi ........]0,30106 | 300 | N. W. 23° | 108| 31,5 | 25,50] 74,0| 26,0| 48,0] 399 | 1002,82 | 9,285 | 76,300 | 1079,12 9599 715357 | 25) ; a a ' eereern Lh) «iss Stoke s ese gy v's Nook Pee prea’ * nee: «.. =o AU aD Se, ee a Ohare Sees “pew t vst bas: , ee. salt ax ae $y Aaet nconaee Re ng | ee | ae F erat ¢: ; ma 5 how i_ po} cael ..¥ errr | vadoae er ilendagpy ed PP rt ap pe bees odie fl oh » ae fe i oe ERT EO Gi ” pxed yard seat Waa ty oo ol ES (vt: a OTe » tl » eae an . yas He Lp) paep va s Abate eer aens Omm y it a Ne: Se HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI 343 bester und schlechtester Standortsgiite aufgenomen wurden und je gleichmassiger sie sich tiber die einzelnen Altersklassen verteilen. Da die Massen einiger aufgenommener Versuchs- flachen auffallend unter der unteren Grenzlinie liegen, so scheint es mir, als wenn an dem betreffenden Orte wohl noch niedrigere Werthe vorgekommen waren ; es war aber nicht moglich gewesen, eine noch geringere Massenklasse, also 5 te Bonitatcurven zu konstatiren, weil in diesen Gegenden Swgi nur sehr selten in schlechtem Boden gepflanzt wird. Solche Ergebnisse blieben daher unberticksichtigt. Wir wussten nun, in welchen Grenzen sich die Ertrags- verhaltnisse der Bestande tiberhaupt bewegen. Da es wiinschens- werth ist, die einzelnen Bonitaéten gleich weit von einander abstehen zu lassen, so theilen wir jetzt bei der graphischen Darstellung die Flache zwischen der unteren und oberen Grenzlinie der Lange nach in vier gleiche Streifen. Die Theilungslinien laufen natiirlich alle im Nullpunkt zusammen und die Streifen werden um so breiter, je mehr sie sich von dem Nul!punkt entfernen wie es auf der P]. XVIII ersichtlich ist. Alle Punkte, resp. Besténde, welche nun in den obersten Streifen fallen, k6nnen als zur I., solche im zweiten Streifen als zur II. etc., diejenige des untersten Streifens als zur IV. Bonitat zugehorig betrachtet werden. Wir haben zuerst bei der Bestandesaufnahme nur beste und schlechteste Bestande ausgewahlt ; jedoch war die Auswahl hier nicht ganz nach Wunsch, weil in der Regel die Bestande mittlerer Bonitat reichlicher vertreten waren und weil auch die vorher nur nach dem Augenmaas in ihrer Bonitaét eingeschatzten Versuchsflachen sich theilweise bei der Construction der Mas- sencurven noch etwas andersergaben. Viele in die I Bonitat ein- geschatzte Bestande fielen nach dem Auftragen in den Streifen der II, auch viele in die IV Bonitat geschatzte Bestande fielen nach dem Auftragen in den Streifen der III. Bei den Streifen der IV zeigen sich noch einzelne Liicken, welche wir wohl spater bei weiteren Untersuchungen beriick- sichtigen werden. Nachdem so die Normalertragskurven konstruiert sind, so ist es leicht mittelst der Millimetermassstabes auf Pl. XVIII und XIX die jeder Bonitat und jedem Bestandsalter entspre- 344 HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. chende Holzmasse abzulesen und in die Ertragstafeln einzutra- gen. b. Entwurf der Hohenzuwachscurven. a. Die Kurve der Bestandsmittelhohe. Nach der Ermittelung der Ertragsverhaltnisse haben wir die zu jeder Bonitat gehorigen Versuchsflachen unterschieden. Mit der zur I Bonitat gehodrigen Mittel-Hohe construirten wir die Bestandmittelhéhencurve in der Weise wie bei den Holz- massenzuwachscurven; in gleicher Weise auch die IV Bestandes mittelhdhecurven von der zur IV Bonitat gehdrigen Versuchs- flache. Wenn in sammtlichen Versuchsflachen bei den Probestaém- men auch die Hohen der Langentriebe der vorhergehenden 5 Jahre gemessen werden, so erhalt man auf diese Weise auch die mittleren Bestandeshohen vor fiinf Jahren, so wie durch An- rechnen der letzten fiinf Langentriebe zur gegenwartigen Hohe auch die muthmassliche Hohe nach 5 Jahren. Auf diese Weise schliessen die einzelnen aufgetragenen Ordinaten viel enger an einander, was namentlich erwiinscht ist wenn gréssere Liicken in den Beobachtungen vorhanden sind. Aus der graphischen Darstellung von der I u. IV Hohen- curve ergiebt sich auf graphische Weise die II und III Hoéhen- curve wie auf Pl. XX ersichtlich ist. Aus diesen Curven folgt mittelst Millimetermaasstabs jede Bestandsmittelhohe zu jedem Jahre und diese wurde in die Ertragstafel eingetragen. 8. Die Curve der Bestandsoberhohe. Auf ganz analoge Weise fanden wir auch leicht die Bestands- oberhohe aus wirklich gemessener Bestandsoberhohe. c. Entwurf der Kreisflachencurven. Obgleich die Bestandeshdhe als der wichtigste Maasstab ftir die Beurteilung der Standortsgiite bekannt ist, so ist doch auch die Kreisflachensumme des Bestandes auf der Flacheneinheit (Hektar), bezogen auf 1,3 Meter tiber dem Boden, und ermittelt fiir alle Bestandesalter und Bonitadten, namentlich dann von Werth, wenn es sich darum handelt, die Holzmasse eines HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. 345 konkreten und nicht tiberall normal bestockten Bestandes mit Hiilfe von Ertragstafeln rasch und ohne Fallung von Probe- stimmen zu bestimmen. Hatte z. B. der auf seine Masse zu untersuchende konkrete Bestand nur 0,75 der Kreisflachen- summe des Normalbestandes der Ertragstafel, Hohe und Alter waren aber in beiden gleich, so wird auch ersterer nur 0,75 so viel Masse pro ha als letzterer haben, d. h. die Holzmassen sind in diesem Falle proportional den Kreisflachensummen. Ausser- dem ist auch fiir Wirthschaft und Wissenschaft die Unter- suchung der Kreisflachenmehrung normaler Bestande von deren Begriindung an bis zur Haubarkeit nicht uninteressant. Ich brachte daher in Pl. XXI auch die Kreisflachensumme fiir die einzelnen Bestandesalter und Bonitaéten graphisch zur An- schauung. Es wurde hierbei genau so wie bei Bestandshohencurven durch Auftragen der wirklich gefundenen Kreisflachen verfahren, welche nach den Bonitaten eingeteilt waren. d. Entwurf der Stainmzahlcurven. Bei Begriindung eines Bestandes ist nattirlich die Stammzahl pro Flacheneinheit in den ersten Jahren am _ groéssten, aber allmalig breiten sich die einzelnen Baume aus, die Aeste kommen naher zusammen, es entsteht ein Kampf ums Dasein, der zum Tod der schwdcheren Exemplare fiihrt. Die Stammzahl pro Flacheneinheit nimmt deshalb von Jahr zu Jahr ab. Wahrend wir in einem angepflanzten Sugi-Bestand am Anfange der Umtriebszeit pro Hektar 6000 Pflanzen gezahlt haben, sind am Ende derselben kaum noch 500-600 Stémme vorhanden. Es ist interessant und von praktischer Wichtigkeit, das Gesetz der Stammzahlabnahme fiir alle Jahre der Umtriebszeit festzustellen. Nun wurden die Stammzahlencurven fiir jede einzelne Bonitat aufgetragen nach Altern als Abcissen und die Stamm- zahlensumme als Ordinaten. Die Werthe derselben lasen wir fiir jedes fiinfte Jahr ab und trugen sie in die Ertragstafel ein (Siehe Pl. XXII). e. Sonstige Bestandteile der Ertvagstafeln. Unsere Ertragstafeln enthalten weiter noch den laufenden und durchschnittlichen Hohenzuwachs, den laufenden und 346 HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. durchschnittlichen Zuwachs des Schaftholzes, sowie des Schaft- und Astholzes, Durchmesser des Bestandsmittelstammes, Be- standsformzahlen, Bestandsrichthohen, Zuwachsprocent vorwarts und endlich den Normalvorrath und das Nutzungsprocent. Der laufende Zuwachs ergiebt sich aus den Differenzen der zwei aufeinander folgenden Gliedern der Tafeln. also z. B. 80 Jahr, Masse 1229 fm. 85 ” ” 1257 o> mithin Zuwachs fiir 5 Jahre 28 fm. Wenn dann angenommen wird, dass innerhalb des Jahrfinftes der Zuwachs jairlich gleichmassig erfolgt, so wiirde derselbe in dem vorstehenden Beispiele pro Jahr = 5,0 fm. betragen. Der Durchmesser des Bestandsmittelstammes wurde gefunden durch Division der Kreisfléchensumme durch die Stammzahl. Die Bestands-Formzahlen ergeben sich aus den bereits bekannten Werthen: g Kreisflachensumme, h Bestandsmittelhohe, m, Schaftholzmasse, m, Gesammtmasse. Die Schaftholzformzahl ist aa Die Gesammtbestandsformzahl Mz 7] Die Bestandsrichthéhen ann man entweder erhalten, indem man die Hohe und die Formzahl] mit einander multiplicirt oder die Masse durch die Kreisflache derselben dividirt. Beide Wege fiihren zum Ziel. Die Berechnung aus h und f diente dann als Probe fiir die Richtigkeit, denn, sind die auf beiden m Wegen erhaltenen Werthe richtig, so muss h. f.=—— sein. oD? Bei dem Zuwachsprocent ist als Capitalstock die Masse im je fiinften, also 5, 10, 15 u.s.w. Jahre angesehen, als Zuwachs aber die jahrliche Vermehrung des nachsten Jahrfiinftes. Haben wir also z. B. das Zuwachsprocent fiir den 30 jahrigen Ort I Bonitat zu berechnen, so ist die Masse im 30 Jahr=443 fm.; vom 30 zum 35 Jahre erfolgt jahrlich 24,6 fm. Masse, mithin haben wir ein Zuwachsprocent 24,6x100 __ 2460 __ 443 443. 9999S" HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. 347 Der Normalvorrath ist nach der Pressler’schen Formel n(a+b+c+ Biers oe berechnet, wobei » die Zahl der Jahre, hier also 5 bedeutet, in a, 6, c, aber die Massenangaben der Tafel fiir das 5, 10, 15 etc. Jahr bedeuten. Die Formel giebt den Vorrath des Normalwaldes fiir das Frihjahr an. Der Fudeich’schen Auffassung folgend ist dieser Vorrath als der eigentlich normale angesehen; die Vermehrung, welche innerhalb eines Jahres erfolgt, ist Jlediglich als die Verzinsung des Kapitalstockes zu betrachten. Durch die Nutzung wird sie absorbirt und das Capital stets auf seine Anfangshohe zurtickgefihrt. Fiir das 30 te Jahr der Bonitat I berechnet sich sonach der Normalvorrath an Gesammtmasse, wie folgt : @ = 20 im. Vorrath int 5 jalhte i= WA) op if aELOY es C= ers) Ge 3 aS Car ae 222i, * 59 LOS yp € = 327 an ne. 9» 25 3) SIF = ZA) 9 9» 30 ” Sa 982,5 fm. Vorrath. Da n=5 Jahre, so ist der normale Vorrath 5 x 982,5—221,5=4691 {m. Diese 4691 fm. lassen jahrlich eine Nutzung von 443 zu, mithin ist das Nutzungsprocent = “= =9,44 % 348 HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. TAB. II. NORMAL-ERTRAGSTAFELN | ; | Bestands- 4 o) Bestands, Holzmasse. : : Se lives) 2 formzahl. les} Oo w E =| E | ee |eee > eo om ~ < Ts Bc | fm. a N 5 € OF Re 2 o | N Ke HH = & air = a => za = ee, | oka oe 3 2 Eo = ree OF 62 v a el z 0 en ee < mn ie Eas o .& 6s & Re Ss Pe Sg > ist & OF 35] 2 = re} c S a Ss So ES = 5 Ss 2 52 =I o& ca an a 2D p= ~ (S) < = & mM oO QA n N 7 HONDA : ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. FUR DIE SUGI, BONITAT I. Bestands- Laufender Durchsch- Zuwachs- ee ee Mt water e|| wre. | 2 2 2 aE olec Pee PNeiae jes ie jw be F EE Peewee) S| 6. | Ss. eel eel Be R 2 Rh e DR 2 R z 5 BS G co o Oo Z a — 1} —| 4,0} 4,0| 4,0! 4,0] 42,0] 82,0 40 | 50,0 MAae2,| Saf tO Alte, 2) 10,2) 22:2) 16,9' || * 224 /|27,4 AeOit (0.9 | 13;8:).10,0) $871 02,3 13371 2L,r| 672)19,5 el 75 E0,0)| 20,0 11,1 14,4| 9,6) 82) 1507) 14,7 Mo 6o,9 121212301 753.1 16,2) 7,1) 6,3) 2824) 11,6 7,0| 9,1) 23,2|25,0|14,8/17,8| 5,6] 5,0| 4691r| 9,4 O75 | 10,0) 24.0 20,8) 16,2 19,1 | 4,2) 3,8) 7152) 7,9 B73)| 50,6 | 23,0)/'25,6 17,1 |'19,9| 3,2] 2,9|ro02t8| 6,7 TOE | 11,0) 21,8) 23,4 17,0) 20,3) 2,5) 2,3\23856| 5,7 MEME X2,2|'20,0 (20,8 | 17,9 | 20,3) 1,9) 2,7| 18021 | 5,0 ite )\E 2,0) 17 ,0|10,5 |17,8|20,0| 1,4) 1,2)22656) 4,3 iO | 3,214.0] £3,0|17,5|19,4| 1,1) 0,9|27686) 3,8 Hes) 239,01 21,0) 10,6 /17,0|18,8| 0,9) 0,7) 33042). 3,3 #237 13,6) 9,6) 8,4|16,5| 18,0] 0,7) 0,6|38668| 3,0 £330/14,1| 8,0) 7,0|15,9|17,3| 0,6| 0,4144518| 2,7 13,3|14,4| 7,0) 5,8|15,4|16,6) 0,5) 0,4)50558| 2,4 13,6/14,6| 5,6) 4,8/14,8|15,9| 0,4| 0,3|56759| 2,2 Bee) 04,7| 5,0] 4,0|/14,2|15,2| 0,3| 0,3/63004| 2,0 14,0|14,9| 4,4) 3,6|13,7|14,6) 0,3) 0,2|69548) 1,9 T4,2/15,0| 4,0) 3,0|13,2|14,0] — | — |76108] 1,7 349 Gesammt- masse. alee = Sale| e Bn ene [Uns £ Z 40') 5°; | + 5 304 | 33,0] 10 980} 18,9} 15 204 | £30 ZO 3787] 10,7) 25 6073| 8,8] 30 ON 4 | 30 12607| 6,3} 40 16821) 5,4] 45 BI OR en | Oo 26847) 4,1] 55 2482| 3,6] 60 38418] 3,2] 65 44597| 2,8] 70 599972) 255|| 75 57510| 2,3| 80 64183) 2,1} 85 70908] 1,9| go 77849| 1,8) 95 84814] 1,7| 100 350 HONDA : ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. TAB. III. NORMAL-ERTRAGSTAFELN : Bestands- oes o Bestands. Holzmasse. - «afl: de oo ae formzahl. a) Boece * ~_ ome VG eo | = < ss pole | = NX Pana Bo 2 : | {m. = = = Bie) fl Ovesurs 3 | sae as + pl ee te, || eels. | ee = Es 21 2 1 aa S Pees | eee Slee 3 = | §& < 5 sceeealiecr oN Se Bo 3 = S mo ao 0 § = a S z a 5 4 o & 7 So Os = = ro. 3 ue ne 3H = o 3) < 3 & mn oO Q (I 55x) itn abgeleitet. Nach dieser Formel habe ich ebenfalls die Curve des Durchschnittszuwachses gezeichnet. Wie aus der punktirten Linie in P]. XXVI zu ersehen, fallt diese mit dem beobachteten Durchschnittszuwachs fiir unsere Sug? annahernd zusammen. D+x«= e. Verhaltniss von Massen- und Hohenzuwachs. Aus diesen Verhaltnissen habe ich den Factor zur Hohe berechnet und die Zahlen in Tabelle IX zusammen gestellt. (TAB. SLX. Factoren zur Hohe in qm. Alter. Bonitat I. Bonitat II. Bonitat III. Bonitat IV. 5 12,50 TL, Ox 9,47 6,35 IO 23,18 21,65 19,08 13,29 15 23,87 22,42 20,17 15,70 20 25337 24,40 22,51 19,07 25 28,17 27,13 25,38 22 oe 30 31,62 30,37 28,58 25537 35 3517 33,77 31,84 28,56 40 38,16 36,70 34,68 31,46 45 40,56 39,13 3718 34,09 50 42,43 41,03 39,16 36,32 55 43,53 42,31 40,57 38,07 60 44,02 42,91 41,39 39,24 65 44,26 43,25 41,93 40,04 70 44,26 43,38 42,19 40,52 m5 44,18 43,43 42,32 40,86 80 44,07 4331 42,31 40,93 85 43.93 43,17 42,21 40,85 go 43,72 43,02 42,02 40,09 95 43,62 | 42,83 41,85 40,51 LOO 43535 42,59 41,65 40,32 ST HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. 365 Hieraus erfahren wir, dass die Hohenzunahme so ziemlich denselben Gesetzen gehorcht, wie die Massenzunahme, dass sich jedoch kleine Unterschiede zeigen. Es besteht nur aproximativ die Proportionalitat der Massen mit den Hohen; auch ist der Factor zur Hohe fiir ein und dieselbe Tafel nicht immer constant, sondern verdndetlich, was Herr Wetse zuerst in seinen Kiefer- ertragstafeln erwahnt hat. ; II. Bestandsmittelhéhen. Prof. Dr. Weber hat die Hohe h, bei dem Alter a mit dem Grenzwerth h,,,, algebraisch durch die Formel : ha = Vind ge) verbunden. Nach dieser Formel habe ich die Resultate meiner Unter- suchungen tiber die Bestandsmittelhohe berechnet und zur gra- phischen Darstellung gebracht. Die stark gezogenen Linien in Pl. XX zeigen diesen Wachsthumsgang, daneben wurden die Kurven punktirt aufgetragen, welche man bekommt, wenn man in der Formel den bestimmten Grenzwerth von Aya, mit 35 m einsetzt. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen deutlich dass der Zuwachsgang der Bestandsmittelhohe bei der Suwgz auch dem der deutschen Holzarten™ sehr ahnlich ist und dass dze Hohenwachsthumsenergte mit zunehmender Bodengiite grosser wird, (siehe Tabelle X). TAB. X. I Bonitat. |II Bonitat. |III Bonitat./|[V Bonitat.| V Bonitat. P der Bestandmittelhohe. Sugi in Japan Sey eke 2575 1,8-2,0 I,3-1,5 I,I-1,2 _— Kiefer, Fichte, Buche und Tanne in Deutschland. 2-255 1,5-2 I I-0,7 055 (1) Weber's Forsteinrichtung Seite 157. 366 HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. Die absolute Groésse von # ist fiir Sugi etwas groésser, als fiir deutsche Holzer; wahrend des Jugendstadiums von Sugi aber ist sie viel geringer als fiir deutsche Hélzer (mit Ausnahme der Kiefer): Kiefer’ 5) Jahre Fichte 10 5 Buche 15 %5 Tanne 15-25 ,, Sugt 5 y Der laufende Ho6henzuwachs culminirt bei Bonitat I mit 11,35 m zum 20 Jahre (die Masse 35 Jahre) 9 II J) 9,14 oe) 99 20 99 ( 29 ” 35 9 ) ” III b) 6,93 ” ”» 20 ”? ( ? 29 35-49 29 ) 9 IV ” 6,44 ” ” 25 ” ( ” oe) 45 ” ) Es zeigt diese Tabelle. dass der Héhenzuwachs der Sugt ‘betrachtlich frither kulminirt als der Massenzuwachs, und zwar auf besseren Standorten etwas friiher als auf geringeren. Die durchschnittliche jahrliche Zunahme der Hohe culminirt bei Bonitat I und II um das Jahr 25, wahrend bei schlechten Bonitaéten etwas spater, namlich bei III um das 30, bei IV um das 40. Um Wachsthumsgange des Laufend- und Durchschnitts- Zuwachses der BestandsmittelhGhe zu veranschaulichen, habe ich sie in Pl. XXV. graphisch zusammen gestellt. III. Stammzahlen. Wir finden hier zunachst, dass die Stammzahl mit steigen- der Bodengiite in gleichem Alter fallt: ; Jahr 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 go 100 Bonitat I 3068 2311 1824 1441 1144 932 799 724 690 > II 3646 2826 2244 1798 1457 +1208 1040 938 885 * Ill 4224 334% 2663 2154 770 1483 1282 1151 1081 IV 4802 3856 3083 2511 2083 1759 1523 13605 1276 Nun vergleichen wir unsere Stammzahl von Sugz mit europdischen Holzarten: HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. 367 TAB; XI. Die Stammzahl des Hauptbestandes auf 1 ha normaler Waldflache : Bonitat. Holzarten, Wuchsgebiete. Sugiin Japan .. Fichte. Wirttemberg nach v. Baur Sachsen nach Kunze.. Harz nach R. Hartig Mitteldeutsches Gebirge und Nord- deutschland nach Schwabach Siiddeutschland n. Schwabach.. Gouvernement St. Petersburg nach Wargas de Bedemmar .. Weisstanne. Wirttemberg nach Lorey Se Baden nach Schuberg .. Kiefer. Preussen, Bayern und Sachsen nach Weise ates Vas Hessische Main-Rhein-Ebene Schwabach Hessisches Buntstein-Gebiet nach | I | II jn Beim 40 jabrigen Alter. - +|1824|224412663/3083 . |2800)3 370|481016760 -|2460/3080)3530/4520 - +[3220]5700, — +|3053|3947|5080/6543 + -/1816)25 58/305 4/3909 +/2380)3130/35005070 Schwabach -/2490|3130 3630/3970 Norddeutsche Tiefebene nach Schwabach -|I740|2370|3070)3980 Pommern uach R. Hartig --|r566] — | — | — Wirttemberg nach Sfeidel Gouvernement St. Petersburg nach Wargas de Bedemmar .. + -|2050/2770|1430| — - - [3060/3520 3980\4590 .|2380 4070|6030|79 1011000 9800) Shia 775 62 H 4535 461 799 5280) 624 | 799 IV | Vv | I ) 1) ma] rv | Vv Beim 100 jahrigen Alter. 6g90| 885 |1081|1276| — 950)1250)1600 9351200 886/1050)1370 TLOO h—— 759% 942 568) — 638} 815|1070 go8/1115/1420 368 HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. Aus dieser Tabelle ersehen wir, dass unsere Stammzahl von Sugt beim too jahrigen Alter immer grosser ist, als die von euro- paischen Holzarten, wahrend bei 40 jahrigem Alter im allge- meinen diejenige fiir Suwgi kleiner ist als die der europaischen Baume; d. f. die Stammzahl fiir Sugi vermindert sich langsamer, als die von europaischen Holzarten. Diese Thatsache versteht man indessen leicht, wenn man sich das japanische giinstige warm-feuchte Klima vergegenwartigt. Betrachtet man den Verminderungsgang der Stammzahlen ftir Sugi mittelst der Weberschen Formel fiir die Stammzahl- verminderung : I 0000 1,0 p* so findet man, dass diese Formel fiir Sugz in Kzyosumt zu schnell abnimmt und daher unbrauchbar ist. Wenn man aber statt x 1,0 p* 1,0 p2 fiir Sugi benutzt, welcher Ausdruck nach Prof, Weber erst nach Bestandsreinigung giiltig ist, so findet man eine gute Uebereinstimmung. Auf Pl. XXII stellen die punkt- irten Curven 6000 ropes dar, da in unserem Sugibestand gewohnlich pro ha 6000 Stamme gepflanzt werden. Es zeigt sich, dass die Stammzahlver- minderung fiir Sug ungefahr der Formel I 1,0p # folgt und zwar liegt der Werth von p fiir die Bonitat I zwischen 5,5-6,6 eens % II 5 ca. 5,0 Bey 85 34 III 5 ca. 4,0 sh tiat 9% IV 9 3,0-3,6 IV. Grundflachensummen. Ein Blick auf Pl. XXI lehrt uns, dass die Grundflachen- summe in dem ersten Dezennium sehr klein ist, dann aber rasch ansteigt, um zwischen 40-60 Jahren einen Kulminationspunkt HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. 369 zu erreichen, von dem an eine allmadlich immer langsamere Zunahme stattfindet. Je besser dic Bodengiite ist, desto grdsser wivd die Grundflachensumme, wahrend bet der Stammzahl das Umgekehrte statt findet. Die folgende Tabelle dient zum Vergleich. DAB ci. I Bonitat. |II Bonitat. |III Bonitat.|1V Bonitat.) V Bonitat. Die grosste Grundflachensume im Bestande. Sugi in Japan (beim 100 Valet) oe on “ed ibe 93531 85,03 76,76 68,48 — Fichte(beim 100-120 \elre os Go al) | (lef) 56-61 52-53 43-46 36 | Weisstanne (beim) PAGM alte) se) O7—-8x 59-67 53-59 48-55 — Kiefer (beim 70-140 | Jahre) .. .. «| 45-53 41-52 36-41 32-33 25-29 In Deutschland Hieraus ersieht man deutlich, dass die Grundflachensumme der Sug immer grosser ist, als die von deutschen Holzarten. Die Sugi besitzen im grossen Durchschnitt 1,5 mal mehr Grundflachensumme als die deutschen Fichten und Weisstannen. Vergleichen wir unsere Resultate mit den Weber’schen Zuwachscurven, deren Gleichung 2 G=t# a. 1,0 p* ist, wo G die Stammgrundflachensumme pro. ha. 1,0 * den Nenner der Stammzahlformel bedeutet. Da wie wir gefunden x haben fiir Swgz immer 1,02 besser passt, als 1,0 f*, so benititz- ten wir hier wieder folgende Formel 2G= jd Oa Nach dieser Formel construirte ich die Curven auf Pl. XXI, wo ich die direct gefundene Grundflachensumme fiir Sugi zum Vergleich beifiigte. Man sieht auch hier, dass die Weber’sche, fiir Sugt durch mich modificirte Formel durch die Beobachtung bestatigt wird ; ob aber diese Modification fiir Sugi allein néthig ist, oder auch 370 HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. fiir andere japanische Waldbaume, das ist eine eben so wichtige wie schwierige Frage, die nur dann gelost werden kann, wenn wir gute Ertragstafeln fiir andere Waldbaume Japans besitzen werden. Abgesehen von diesen kleinen Abweichungen, die ohne Zweifel durch die klimatischen Verschiedenheit bewirkt worden sind, kinnen wir das Resultat unserer Untersuchung iiber die Sugibestande in Kiyosumt dahin aussprechen, dass sie bestatigt haben, was Prof. Weber in seiner “ Forsteinrichtung © behauptet hat : “Je grdésser die durch # ausgedriickte Wuchskraft eines Bestandes ist, desto rascher nimmt zwar die Grundflache des Einzelstammes zu, aber desto schneller sinkt auch die Stammin- dividuenzahl und zwar erfolgt ersteres nach einer Multiplen- reihe der Quadrate von #, letzteres nach dem umgekehrten Werthe einer Exponentialreihe mit der Grundzahl t1.of. Stammzahl und Stammgrundflache stehen demnach in einem durch diese mathematischen Beziehungen ausgedriickten ver- kehrten Verhaltnisse.”’ V. Durchmesser des Bestandsmittelstammes. Bei einem Blick auf Pl. XXIII finden wir, dass bei gleichem Alter der Durchmesser mit dem Sinken der Bonitat abnimmt ; ferner, dass der Zuwachs des mittleren Durchmessers auch mit der Weber’schen Formel D= 4% stimmt wie aus den punk- tierten Linien ersichtlich wird. In Folgendem ist ein aus P]. XXIII entnommenes # mit dem der europaischen Holzarten zusammengestellt. I II III IV Vv Der Sugi in Kiyosumi yet: es Ao 1,2 0.9 0,7 a Der Weisstanne mittleren Sutures: ades Ti MSLAUDETES 2. (oes han ea 2 1,6 122, 0,9 0,6 Der Fichten in Norddeutschland n. Schwappach .. .. «. : 2 1,4 0,9 0,6 0,4 Der Kiefern in Norddeutschland n. wchmappach (5. 3) =. ees 5307 reas 0,8 0,6 0,3 Der Kiefern auf Bundsandstein in Hessen N.dems, #56 tech (sk) want SS eee 0.9 0,6 0,4 _ Der Kiefern im Gouvernement St. Peters- burg nach Wargas de Bedemmar .. 1,0 0,7 0,5 0,4 0,3 HONDA : ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. Sips Hieraus ersehen wir, dass die Durchmesserzuwachsenergie des Mittelstammes fiir unseren Sugi geringer ist, als diejenige der europdischen’ Tanne und Fichte, wahrend die Massen- zuwachsenergie der Swgi viel grosser ist, als die der letzteren ; vielleicht eine Folge des Schlussgrades resp. der Durch- forstungsverhaltnisse, ein Frage, welche ich spater zu erledigen hoffe. VI. Die Bestandsformzahl. Ich habe in Pl. XXIV die Bestandsformzahlen nach dem Alter graphisch dargestellt. Hieraus ergibt sich, dass bei gleichem Alter fiir bessere Bonitat die Bestandsformzahl fiir die Schaft-, so wie auch die fiir Ast- und Schaftholz immer geringer wird, und dass beide Bestandsformzahlen anfangs sehr gross sind, um dann zunachst rasch bis auf 0,5-0,6 spdter aber weit langsamer zu sinken. d. h: Die Bestandschaftformzahl ist im 20 jahrigen Alter bei I Bonitat 0,504 We S573 III a 0,645 IV 98 0,671 wahrend im Alter von 30-100 Jahren bei I Bonitat nur von 0,447 bis 0,439 9 II ”9 ” ” 0,497 ee) 0,467 9 eter ” ” ” 0,552 ” 0,497 ” IV a) ” ”? 0,595 9 0,526 Aehnlich gestalten sich auch die Bestandsbaumformzahlen. Ast und Schaft), ndmlich im 25 jahrigen Alter I Bonitat 0,573 II a 0,651 III A: 0,747 1 er 0,845 wahrend im Alter zwischen 35-100 Jahren bei I Bonitat von 0,527 bis 0,464 Pa! | gee Pe 3 0,509 Gi ©1500 2 port 8 11 00524; 05543 al Se Os 7203 0,508 372 HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. Bemerkenswerth ist es hier, dass bei den Bestandsschaft- formzahlen besonders fiir I Bonitat im 30 jahrigem Alter einmal diese zu einem ersten Minimum sinken, dann wieder bis zum 50 Jahre steigen, um von da ab sehr allmalich wieder zu sinken; jenes Minimum ist aber bei schlechteren Bonitaten nur schwach bemerkbar. Eine diesbeziigliche Beobachtung habe ich friher in Deutschland gemacht und hiefiir eine mathematische Begriin- dung geliefert. (Siehe: Eine Untersuchungsreihe tiber den Ein- fluss der Hohenlage der Gebirge auf die Veraénderung des Zu- wachses der Waldbaéume von S. Honda in der Allgemeinen Forst- und Jagdzeitung 1892). Der besseren Vergleichbarkeit halber sind nachstehend die Formzahlen der einzelnen Bonitaten nach Altern zusammenge- stellt. (eB. SSIs Die Bestandsschaftformzahl betragt : Im Alter. Bei Bon. I. Bei Bon. II. Bei Bon. III. | Bei Bon. IV. BK) 0,992 —= —— 15 0,628 0,714 0,806 0,794 20 0,504 0,573 0,645 0,671 25 0,461 0,517 0,584 0,620 3° 0,447 0,497 0,552 0,595 35 0,446 0,492 0,541 0,581 40 0,447 0,488 0,533 0,571 45 0,447 0,488 0,529 0,562 50 0,449 0,485 0,523 0,557 55 0,449 0,484 0,521 0,554 60 0,447 0,481 0,517 0,550 65 0,446 0,479 0,513 0,546 TO 0,445 Oar, 0,510 O34 TS 0,444 Dash) 0,507 0,539 80 0,443 0,473 0,505 0,536 85 0,442 0,471 0.502 0,532 go 0,441 0.470 0,500 0,529 95 0,440 0,468 0,498 0,527 100 0,439 0,467 0,497 0,526 a a RS SS HONDA : ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. 373 GAB: XV: Die Bestandsbaumformzahl betragt : Im Alter. Bei Bon. I. Bei Bon. II. Bei Bon. III. Bei Bon. IV. se) 1,632 === 15 0,887 1,033 1,219 P3807, 20 0,657 0,759 0,884 1,005 25 0,573 0,651 0,747 0,845 30 0,539 0,605 0,084 0,763 35 O527, 0,585 0,652 0,716 40 0,520 0,571 0,630 0,685 45 0,515 0,505 0,616 0,662 50 0,511 0,554 0,603 0,648 55 0,505 0,547 0,594 0,639 60 0,498 0,539 0,585 0,632 65 0,492 0,532 0,577 0,626 70 0,486 0,526 0,571 0,619 75 0,481 0,521 0,505 0,614 80 0,478 0,516 0,560 0,608 85 0,474 0,513 0,555 0,601 go 0,468 0,508 0,549 0,596 95 0,467 0,504 0,546 0,592 100 0,464 0,500 0,543 0,588 Nun betrachten wir die Bestandsschaftformzahlen nach der Scheitelhohe : TAB. XV. Bei einer SeitelhGhe von I Bonitat. | Il Bonitat. | III Bonitat. | IV Bonitat. 5-10 m. 628 644 615 599 II-I5 m. 483 507 542 561 16-20 m. 447 489 523 541 21-25 m. 448 481 504 527 26-30 m. 446 471 — _ 31-35 m. 441 — oe = Die Bestandsschaftformzahlen nehmen also fiir jede Bonitat mit zunehmender Hohe ab und bei gleichen Hdéhen fiir schlech- tere Bonitat zu (mit Ausnahme der Unregelmissigkeit unter 10 m. Hohe). Die Bestandsbaumformzahlen verhalten sich ebenfalls nach diesem Gesetz, wie aus Tab. 16 ersichtlich: 374 HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. TAB. XVI. Bei einer Seitelhohe von I Bonitat. | 11 Bonitat. | III Bonitat. | IV Bonitat. 5-10 m. 887 895 816 775 tis} Fe 615 628 655 659 16-20 m. 533 574 600 617 SUSE) tle 525 542 558 592 26-30 m. 492 510 — — S1S35_ a70 i i. ag VII. Bestandsrichthohen. Der Uebersicht halber folgen nachstehend die Bestandsricht- hohen der einzelnen Bonitaten zuerst nach verschiedenem Alter (Tab. XVIT und XVIII). Die Bestandsrichthéhen sowohl an Ast- und Schaftholz als auch an Schaftholz, beginnen wie man daraus erschen wird, niedrig und steigen mit zunehmendem Alter allmalich an. TAB. XV Die Bestandsrichthohe fiir Schaftholz betragt : Im Alter. | Bei Bon. I. Bei Bon. II. | Bei Bon. III. | Bei Bon. IV. 15 4:9 4,4 3,8 255 20 597 5:2 455 352 25 6,6 ovr 553 4,0 30 7,0 6,9 6,1 4,8 35 8,5 78 6,9 5,6 40 953 8,6 7,6 6,3 45 10,1 953 8,3 7:0 50 10,8 10,0 8,9 7,60 55 11,4 TO, 5 955 8,1 60 11,8 Lil 10,0 Be 65 12,3 L55 10,4 9,1 70 127 TQ 10,8 955 75 13,0 L252 112 959 80 13,3 12,5 11,5 10,2 85 13,6 1p) TLGy. 10,4 go 13,8 8-10) se) Io,7 95 14,0 ee 1255 10,9 100 14,2 13,3 L238 II,O HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. 375 TAB Sv ILL. Die Bestandsrichthohe ftir Schaft und Astholz betragt : Im Alter. Bei Bon. I. | Bei Bon. II. | Bei Bon. III. | Bei Bon. IV. 15 6,9 6,4 597 453 20 745 6,9 6,1 ANT, 25 8,3 7> 6,8 504 30 QoI 8,4 75 6,2 35 10,0 953 8,3 6,9 40 10,8 10,1 g,0 7,0 45 11,6 10,8 957 8,2 50 1252 I1,4 10,3 8,8 55 12,8 II,g 10,8 9,4 60 1352 12,3 Ey 10,0 65 13,6 1257 L,7 10,5 70 13,8 4351 R2eT 10,9 75 14,1 13:4 12,4 II,3 80 14,4 £3,6 12,7 rate 8, 85 14.6 13,9 12,9 11,8 go 14,7 14,0 ee ag 12,0 95 | 14,9 14,2 1353 12,2 100 15,0 14,3 ras 12,4 VIII. Das Zuwachsprocent. Der Verminderungsgang des Zuwachsprocentes ist in PI. XXVII und XXVIII graphisch dargestellt ; man sieht, dass das Zuwachs procent des Bestandes sehr gross anfangt, dann sehr rasch und spater langsamer sinkt. 376 HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. IX. Der Normalvorrath. In Pl. XXIX haben wir den Zuwachsgang des Normal- vorrathes mit starkgezogenen Linien gezeichnet und daneben mit punktirten Linien Zinseszinsreihen (1,0h” —1) zum Vergleich. Es ergiebt sich hieraus, dass die einer jeden Standortklasse entsprechenden Normalvorrathe mit der Lange der Umtriebszeit 50-70 Jahre lang nahezu wie Potenzreihen zunehmen, und dass mit geringerer Bonitat p abnimmt. Dieses f fiir Ast- und Schaftholz ist zum Vergleich mit dem p von deutschen WaAldern in folgender Tabelle zusammengestellt: AB. XX Aut Gundider I Bon. | II Bon. | III Bon. | 1V Bon. | V Bon, Ertragstafeln fur : Procent p fiir die Reihen 1,0p" —1, Buchen nach F. v. Baur .. 4-355 357-333 3,3-3 2,9-2,7 2,4 Fichten nach demselben .. 5-455 4,5-4,0 4,9-3,5 353-3 al Fichten nach Kunze... ..| 5,5-5 5-455 4,5-4 357-3 _ Kiefern nach Schwappach .| 4,5-4 4-355 355-3 353-259 2,5 Sugiin Japan .. .. ..| 6,8-6,0 6,0 595-530 4,6 _ Die Zuwachsenergie der Normalvorrathe fiir Sugz ist also etwas grosser, als die fiir deutsche Holzarten. X. Das Nutzungsprocent. Die Gréssen der Nutzungsprocente sind in Pl. XXVII und XXVIII graphisch dargestellt, woraus hervorgeht, dass die Nutzungsprocente mit schlechterer Bonitat grosser werden und dass sie mit steigendem Alter allmahlig abnehmen. Um die absolute Grosse der Nutzungsprocente an der ganzen Holzmasse mit derjenigen deutscher Holzarten zu ver- gleichen, habe ich in Tab. XX die betreffenden Daten zusammen- gestellt, woraus man erkennt, dass das Zuwachsprocent fiir unseren Sugi kleiner als fiir deutsche Fichten und Weisstannen, aber etwas groésser als fiir deutsche Kiefer ist. HONDA: ERTRAGSTAFEL U. ZUWACHSGESETZ FUR SUGI. Si, AATS POX Umtriebsjahre. Nutzungsprocent fiir die Gesammte Holzmasse. I Bonitat. Fichten nach R. Hartig ..| 21,3]14,2 | 11,3 | 7,98! 5,97] 4,81] 4,07] 3,48] 3,03 | Weisstannen n. Schuberg..| 14,3 | 12,1 8,29] 5,52 | 4,10 | 3,24| 2,68] 2,30] 1,96 Kiefern nach Schwappach..| 10,5] 6,98) 5,11 | 3,96] 3,20] 2,65] 2,26] 1,95] 1,70 Suge inijapan) |. -. || 13551] 8,8 Gre AS 7a eS) (2504253) E50) II lo II Bonitat. Fichten nach R. Hartig ..| 16,7|19,1 | 12,6 | 7,96| 6,02] 4,72) 3,97] 3,44] 3,04 Weisstannen n. Schuberg..| 14,1 | 11,5 8,52] 5,91 | 4,39| 3,41] 2,84] 2,39] 2,06 Kiefern nach Schwappach..| 10,8| 7,10| 5,41 | 4,00] 3,30] 2,74] 2,32] 1,98] 1,74 Sugiin Japan’ 2. «. «.| 24,0] 9,0 G5 aso) 357) "259 | 254 230 | 257, III Bonitat. Weisstannen n. Schuberg..| 14,4 | 11,1 8,65 | 6,27| 4,70] 3,70| 3,03] 2,54/ 2,18 5»32| 4,00] 3,24] 2,69] 2,29] 1,98) 1,74 Sugiin Japan .. .. «| 14,5! 9,5 | Sifs} || See | Stele) I yee |] Be | esa alerts} Kiefern nach Schwappach..| 10,9| 7,52 IV Bonitat. Weisstannen n. Schuberg..| 14,1 | 10,8 | 8,6 6,75 | 5.05 4,00 | 3,28| 2,74| 2,34 5,66 | 4,39 | 3,51 | 2,85 | 2,39 | 2.04| 1,76 SIS S24 297 | 23307) ESD Kiefern nach Schwappach..| 11,1 | 7,57 Sugo in japan .% «« =| 16,0) 1055) ||) 735) || 5,0 Ueber den Einfluss wechselnder Mengen von Kalk und Magnesia auf die Entwicklung der Nadelbaume. VON Oscar Loew und Seiroku Honda. Es ist seit lange anerkannt, dass Kalkboden fiir die Land- wirthschaft einen vorztiglichen Boden abgibt, und auch im Forstbetrieb weiss man ihn zu schatzen. Kiefern gedeihen besonders gut auf demselben. Der Kalk ist stets von mehr oder weniger Magnesia begleitet, ein weiterer wichtiger Nahrstoff fiir die Pflanzen, welcher aber unter gewissen Bedingungen auch schadlich wirken kann, namlich wenn seine Menge die des Kalks bedeutend tiberwiegt. Bei Experi- menten mit Ndahrlosungen ladsst sich das leicht beobachten, besonders wenn der Kalk ganz eliminirt wird. Aber dieser schadliche Einfluss wird weit langsamer sich bemerklich machen, wenn wie im Boden die Magnesia als schwerlésliches Carbonat vorhanden ist. Nichts destoweniger ist auch hier ein Unfruchtbarwerden durch zu hohen Magnesiagehalt beobachtet worden. So lange die Menge der Magnesia geringer ist als die des Kalks ist diese Gefahr wohl aus- geschlossen wie z. B. beim Dolomitboden, wie Kellner mit- theilt@) und Voelkey in England’ sowie Muntz und Girard in Frankreich’) berichten. Da uns die Frage interessirte, bis zu welchem Grade die Entwicklung der Nadelbaume eine Storung durch steigende Mengen von Magnesia im Boden erfahren konnen, stellten wir einen Versuch mit jungen Pflanzen von Cryptomeria japonica, Thuja obtusa und Pinus densiflora, den drei wichtigsten Wald- (1) Wolff, Landw. Versuchs-Stationen 6,218; Raumcery und Kellermann, Ibid. 25,31; O. Loew, Ibid. 41,469. (2) Adolf Mayer's Vorlesungen uber Agriculturchemie II, S. rrr (3. Aufl.) (3) Sachsische Landw. Zeitschrift 1895, Nr. 24. (4) Griffiths, Treatise on Manures 1889, S. 235. (5) Les Engrais III, S. 333. LOEW U. HONDA: EIJNFLUSS VON KALK U. MAGNESIA. 379 baumen Japans, an. Die Pflanzen wurden am 4. Mai 1894 in 5 Topfe verpflanzt (je zwei Stiick). Jeder Topf enthielt 5 Kilo Quarzsand, welcher vorher, um alle leicht ldslichen Mineralsalze zu entfernen, mit concentrirter Salzsdure zwei Tage lang unter 6fterem Umriihren stehen blieb, was nochmals mit frischer Salzsdure wiederholt wurde. Dann wusch man mit destillirtem Wasser, bis sich keine saure Reaction auf Lakmus mehr zeigte. Die jungen Pflanzen wurden sadmmtlich von Zeit zu Zeit mit derselben Hauptloesung begossen, welche pro 100 cc. enthielt : Dikaliumphosphat 1g Chlorkalium Ig Ammoniumsulfat 2¢g Eisenvitriol 6,18. Jeder Topf erhielt von Zeit zu Zeit 50 cc. dieser Loesung,'’) was vom 5. Mai bis 23. December 1894 34 mal und von 2. Februar bis 28 September 1895 35 mal stattfand. Ausser dieser Hauptloesung wurden noch zwei specielle Loesungen hergestellt, deren eine rx procent Calciumnitrat und die andere I procent krystallisirtes Magnesiumsulfat enthielt. Von diesen Loesungen erhielten nach jedesmaligem Begiessen mit jener Hauptloesung : Topf Nr. I II III IV V. Calciumnitrat-Loesung(2) 50 45 25 10 = we, Magnesiumulfat-Loesung -— 5 25 40 SOMeCGs Nach einem Jahre war ein ganz erheblicher Unterschied bei den Pflanzen wahrzunehmen, der gegen den Herbst des (1) Diese Salzmenge mag auf den ersten Anblick hoch bemessen sein, indessen wenn man bedenkt, dass der grobe Sand keine Absorptionskraft besitzt, dass die Pflanzen in der Zwischenzeit oft mit destillirtem Wasser—besonsers reichlich wahrend der heissen Monate—begossen werden mussten und also die Salze hald in die Tiefe des Topfes gefithrt wurden, wird man unser Verfahren gerechtfertigt finden. (2) Bei dem Ueberschuss an Stickstoff und Schwefel, der in Form von Am- moniumsulfat in der Hauptloesung gegeben wurde, konnte sicherlich der Umstand wenig mehr ins Gewicht fallen, dass das Calcium als Nitrat, des Magnesium aber als Sulfat gegeben wurde. Beide wurden iiberdiess durch die vorher applicirte Hauptloesung zum gréssten Theil in Phosphate verwandelt.— 380 LOEW U. HONDA: EINFLUSS VON KALK U. MAGNESIA. zweiten Jahres noch bedeutend zunahm. Am 5. October 1895 nahmen wir eine nahere Vergleichung der Unterschiede vor und liessen eine photographische Aufnahme (PI. XXX) _herstellen. Die Resultate sind in folgenden Tabellen angegeben. TAB. I.—CRYPTOMERIA JAPONICA (SUGJ). No. des Topfes. I II III IV Vv Versuchspflanzen. a b a b a b a b a b Lange der Keimpflanze..| 9,8] 9,0] 7,1| 6,0| 7,7] 7,5| 7,0] 7,5] 5.5] 85 Hohe im I Jahre .. .. | 11,8]12,5] 9,7] 9,0] 12,5|11,0| 10,0] 11,5] 8,7] 11,2 » soll 4, «2 se | 19,0)]'20,8)| 20,7 | 17,8 | 27,5 |. 17,5) | 22,0)| 1050 |)10,00 mee Langster Zweig im I Jahre... .2° ss ‘ss |/X8,0)|/ 225011145) | 10,35) 11,5 |) 750)|/£1,0)| TO;7i//2O, On mers Langster Zweig im II Jahre .. oe 2. «. |/£850)] 13,0] 18,4 |/7550 || 28,0)" 957)| 555211 1350/1, ol eee Zahl der Zweige im I HEIES 56 66 oo oe 3 5 3 | 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 Zahl der Zweige im I! | VEIN sa) G5 05 oo) & 5 7 7 9 9 4 5 8 6 j Gesammt Gewicht beider Pflanzen in gr. im frischen Zustande .. 28,2 44,0 40,1 26,5 22,7 Die Exemplare von Topf II und III waren am kraftigsten entwickelt, die Zweige standen massig nach aufwarts gerichtet, und die Nadeln waren von frischem Griin; wahrend in Topf I (ohne Magnesia) und in Topf V (ohne Kalk) die jungen Triebe schlecht entwickelt waren, die schwachen Zweige nach abwarts hingen und die diinnen Nadeln eine gelbliche Farbung hatten. Ganz dhnliche Unterschiede ergaben sich bei Thya obtusa : (1) Ebermayer hat nachgewiesen (‘‘Lehre von der Waldstreu’’), dass zur Aus bildung der Bldtter in einem Buchen-oder Fichtenhochwalde 5-6 mal mehr Mineral- stoffe verwendet werden, als zur jahrlichen Holzproduction. LOEW U. HONDA: EINFLUSS VON KALK U. MAGNESIA. TAB. II.—THUJA OBTUSA. 381 No. des Topfes. I II III 1V Vv Versuchspflanzen. a b a a b a b Lange der Keimpflanze.. | 5,0| 4,0] 5,5 Bol) SES] 2x0) VI OrGy) aS Hohe im II Jahrecm. .. | 15,9] 11,5] 17,8 | 16,4 | 16,4 | 51,5 | 16,7 | 12,7 | 19,6 | 13,9 Langster Zweig im I Jabrexenisy ec | rr b. i ii Ee 2 20 As ss III i 8 12 m9 56 IV I 0,5 Wir sehen somit aus den Ergebnissen des Topfes IV, dass ein nachteiliger Effect producirt wird, wenn die Menge des Kalks unter die der Magnesia sinkt,'?) wahrend anderseits ein bedeutender Ueberschuss an Kalk wie bei Topf II nur giinstig wirkte. Offenbar wird die fiir die Ernahrung notwendige Magnesia auch dann noch mit Leichtigkeit von der Pflanze aufgenommen, wenn sie in sehr geringer Menge vorhanden ist, wie in Topf II. Noch seien einige Bemerkungen betreffs der Reihe B der beigefiigten photographischen Abbildung gemacht. In diesem Falle waren sémmtliche Salze dem Sande direkt einverleibt worden, und fand die Begiessung nur mit distillirtem Wasser statt, und nicht mit Salzl6sungen. Hier konnten daher bei dem mangelnden Absorptionsvermogen des Sandes die Bestandtheile rasch in den Untergrund gefiihrt werden und daher eine Aenderung der relativen Verhaltnisse in den oberen Schichten, aus denen die Wurzeln vorzugsweise ihre mineralischen Baustoffe entnahmen, stattfinden. Man erkennt zwar auch hier auf den ersten Blick das Zuriickbleiben der Entwicklung bei Mangel an Magnesia oder Kalk (siehe I und V); dass aber bei No. IV der Unterschied von II und III weniger markant ist als in Reihe A mag auf dem erwahnten Umstande beruhen. Die wesentlichen Schliisse welche wir aus unseren Beobach- tungen ziehen kénnen, scheinen uns folgende zu sein: (t) Ueberdies ist die Entwickelung der Koniferen in den ersten Jahren ja weit langsamer, als die der Laubholzer und vieler anderer Gewachse. (2) Nach Rudolf Weber’s umfangreichen Untersuchungen enthalt sowohl Kernholz als Splintholz 2-4 mal so-viel Kalk als Magnesia, und wird bei der Samen- bildung die Magnesia aus dem Holz herangezogen. 386 LOEW U. HONDA: EINFLUSS VON KALK U. MAGNESIA. ifs iS} Kalkboden ist auch dann noch als giinstig fiir Wald- baume zu betrachten, wenn die Magnesiamenge relativ sehr gering ist ; Die Bonitat des Kalkbodens nimmt ab, wenn die Mag- nesiamenge betrachtlich die Kalkmenge tiberwiegt ; . Kalkmangel macht sich am auffalligsten bei der Kiefer durch Production kiirzerer Nadeln bemerklich. — EE Ueber der Entstehung der Verkrumungen an Yotsuyamaruta. (Sugi-Stangenholz) VON Dr. Seiroku Honda. In der Umgebung von Tokyo besteht eine ausgedehnte Sugi Stangenholzwirthschaft von Cryptomeria japonica, japanisch : Yotsuyamaruta. Diese Bestande werden hier durch Pflanzungen von circa 80-100 cm. hohen Pflanzen, 6000-8800 pro ha, herge- stellt, welche meist einmal verschult und 3-4 Jahre alt sind. Im fiinften Jahre nach der Pflanzung wird Beastung gemacht, was je 2 Jabre spater starker wiederholt wird, um eine astreine Stange zu erziehen. Da dieses Stangenholz meist schon im Alter von 12-20 Jahren gehauen wird, ist es von Wichtigkeit gevadschaftige Stamine zu produciren. Allein in der Praxis bekommt man auffallend oft, durchschnittlich 60-70%, am unteren Ende gekriimmte oder gedvehte Exemplare, so dass diese Kriimmung oder Drehung die Verwendbarkeit der Stange im hohen Grade beeintrachtigt. Dieser Theil ist ungefaéhr ebenso lang, als die Pflanze bei der Umpflanzung gewesen war, nadmlich 60-120 em.) also im Durschnitt go cm. (Siehe Pl. XXXI). Bei 16 jahriger Umtriebszeit liefert der Bestand pro ha. im Durchschnitt 221 Festmeter Holzmasse von 5000 Stiick Stammen. Da aber geradschaftiges Stangenholz mit 8 Meter Lange 10 sen (ca. 22 Pf.) kostet, gekriimmte aber nur mit 7 sen bezalt werden, so betragt der Verlust pro ha. 5000 x }X 3=100 yen (ca. 220 Mk.), somit sahrlich pro ha. 6,25 yen, und da das Yotsuyamaruta-Gebiet um Tokye allein schon ca. 10.000 ha. umfasst, entsteht im jahrlicher Verlust von 62.500 yen. Nun umfassen die Suwgi-Waldungen im tibrigen Japan eine Flache von etwa eine Million ha. Man kann danach den (1) Die Pflanzung im Walde darf nicht friiher geschehen, weil kleinere Pflanzen, wie sie in Deutschland verwendet werden, hier durch die wppig aufschiessenden hohen Grasarten geschadigt wirden. 388 HONDA : SUGI-STANGENHOLZ. enormen Verlust bemessen, wenn auch die vermehrte Nutzholz- wirtschaft bei zunehmender Baumstarke den Verlust bei der Stangenholzwirthschaft einigermassen aufhebt. Es schien mir desshalb wichtig, der Ursache jener Ver- kriimmung auf den Grund zu kommen und wenn méglich ein Verfahren zur Vermeidung derselben aufzufinden, was wohl nicht nur von wissenschaftlichem Interesse, sondern auch da niitzlich sein diirfte, wo andere Holzarten zu geradeschaftigen Stangen gezogen werden sollen. Was die Ursachen dieser Verkriimmung anbelangt, kann eben so wenig der Schnee als der Wind schuld sein; denn die Verkriimmungen finden nach verschiedenen Richtungen statt, fallen also mit einer bestimmten Windrichtung nicht zusammen. Zudem zeigten sich jene Abnormitaten auch an solchen Oert- lichkeiten, welche gegen jeden Wind vollig geschiitzt sind (Siehe Pl. XXXI). Es ist auffallend, dass tiberall da, wo der Sugiwald durch Stecklinge erzeugt wurde oder durch wnattirliche Verpingung entstanden ist, die Verkriimmung gar nicht auftritt, wie z. B. auf der Insel Kiushiu, wo 50 cm. lange Aststangen 30 cm. tief in den Boden eingesetzt zu -werden pflegen, oder in Akita-ken in Nord-Japan, wo man Sugi-Walder mit natirlicher Verjiingung mit Fehmelschlagbetrieb findet, welche sdmmtlich gerade Stamme liefern, wahrend die dortigen kiinstlichen Pflanzungen wieder die verkriimmten Stamme aufweisen. Es lasst sich somit vermuthen, dass man die Ursache jener Verkriimmung in der Pflanzung selbst zu suchen hat, also die Orientirung des Stammes_ hierbei vielleicht die Hauptrolle spielt. Um diese Vermuthung naher zu priifen, habe ich mehrere Versuche angestellt, deren Resultate als vorlaufige Mitteilung ich hiermit ver6ffentlichen mochte. Flache A: Eimjahrige, noch nicht verschulte Pflanzen von 10 cm. Hohe wurden in 4 Reihen gepfianzt. Die erste Reihe enthielt Pflanzen von derselben Orientirung des Stammes, in der die Pflanzen gewachsen waren, so dass’die Siidseite des Stammes wieder nach Siiden gerichtet wurde, wahrend die zweite Reihe solche enthielt, welche in umgekehrter Stammorientirung gepflanzt HONDA : SUGI-STANGENHOLZ. 389 wurden, so dass also die friihere Sitidseite jetzt mach Norden gerichtet war. Inder dritten und vierten Reihe befanden sich solche, die man um je go® gedreht ecinsetzte, so dass bei der dritten die Siidseite nach Ost und bei der vierten nach West gerichtet war. Die Entfernung der Reihen von einander betrug 20 cm. die Pflanzweite 18 cm. Flache B: Diese wurde mit dvewdahrigen, aber einmal im ersten Jahre verschulten Pflanzen von go cm. Hohe in 8 Reihen zu je 20 Stiick bepflanzt und zwar wurden hier dieselben Anordnungen wie oben eingehalten, wobei die ersten 2 Reihen die normal orientirten Pflanzen enthielten. Die Reihenentfernung betrug 95 cm. und die Pflanzweite gO cm. Die beiden Flachen A und B hatten tiberall gleiche Boden- beschaffenheit und Standortverhaltnisse. Nach der Einpflanzung habe ich nur Grdser ausjaten lassen und zwar jahrlich zweimal, namlich im Friihsommer und Friihherbst. Sonst liess ich der Pflanzung keine weitere Pflege angedeihen. Resultate : Auf der Flache A wuchsen die Pflanzen im ersten Jahre nach der Pflanzung ungefaéhr 17,5 cm. im zweiten um 62,7 cm. im dritten um git cm., die Hohe betrug also im Ganzen 149 cm. Wahrend in der ersten Reihe fast alle Pflanzen gerade und nicht drehend wuchsen, zeigten die der zweiten Reihe fast alle Bie- gungen und Drehungen, als ob sie in ihre friihere Orientirung zuriickstrebten. Einige wenige Pflanzen der ersten Reihe zeigten zwar Biegungen, aber keine Drehung, was bei der Bastbildung deutlich wahrgenommen werden konnte. Die Pflanzen der dritten und vierten Reihe zeigten die namlichen Verkriimmungen und Drehungen wie in der zweiten. PI. XXXII enthalt die Photographie von einer Pflanze, welche diese Erscheinungen sehr auffallig zeigt (der Finger zeigt die Pflanzhohe). Auf der Flache B wuchsen die Pflanzen in ersten Jahre nach der Pflanzung ungefahr um 20 cm. im zweiten Jahre um 48 cm. 399 HONDA: SUGI-STANGENHOLZ. im Dritten um 67 cm., es betrug also die gesammte Hohe 227 cm. Hier ergaben sich nun dieselben Wachsthumsverhdltnisse wie bei A. Nur die Pflanzen mit beibehaltener Orientirung wuchsen geradschaftig und insbesondere kein Drehwuchs machte sich bei denselben bemerklich, wahrend die Pflanzen mit mcht novmaley Orientirung wieder Drehung und Biegung zeigten wie aus Pl. XXXII ersichtlich. Meine Vermuthung, dass die Aenderung der Orientirung des Stammes beim Umpflanzen die Ursache der Biegungen und Drehungen sein kénnte, hat sich demnach in unserem Falle bestatigt, und gibt ums die Vorschrift an die Hand, dass man, um geradschaftige Stangen zu erziehen, bei der Umpflanzung und in’s besondere bei der spateren Verschulung junge Pflanzen in derselben Orientirung einzusetzen hat, in der sie gewachsen waren. Ich bemerke nur noch, dass man jetzt leicht eine Erklarung fiir die bekannte Thatsache finden kann, dass Stecklingsbaume immer geradschaftig wachsen, da hierbei die Lichtseite des Astes immer nach Siiden gerichtet gepflanzt zu werden pflegt. Nachdem diese Mitteilung bereits dem Druck itibergeben war, fand ich in der diesjahrigen Augustnummer der forstlich- naturwissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift, herausgegeben von Dr. von Tubeuf, einen interessanten Artikel von Herrn Prof. R. Hartig, welcher die anatomischen Verhaltnisse beim Drehwuchs der Kiefer behandelt. Ich beabsichtige, bei Sugz ahnliche Unter- suchungen anzustellen. Besitzen die Kiefernadeln ein mehrjahriges Wachstum ? VON Dr. Seiroku Honda, Wahrend G. Kraus die Ansicht vertrat, dass ein mehrjahriges Wachstum der Kiefernadeln statt finde, nahm R. Meissner den Standpunkt ein, dass zwar die Nadeln in verschiedenen Jahr- gangen eine verschiedene Lange erreichen, sowie am Haupt-, primdren, und secundaren Seitentrieb Unterschiede in der Lange zeigen, aber im zweiten Jahre nicht mehr zunehmen. Da ich mehrere Exemplare von Pinus longifolia zur Verfiigung hatte, deren Nadeln die aussergewohnliche Lange von 50 cm. er- reichen kénnen und also zur Entscheidung jener Frage besser ge- eignet waren, als kleine Nadeln, nahm ich die Gelegenheit wahr, wiederholte Messung an jener Species und des Vergleiches wegen zugleich an Pinus Kovainsis und Pinus densiflora vorzunehmen ; Die Ergebnisse sind in folgender Tabelle zusammengestellt : Jahr der | Entwicke- | Baumteile der Lange der Nadeln, Differenz Entwicke- lungszeit Entwickelu Mealy lung. BR BSZEN: "8: | 12 Marz.| g Sept. | 2 Oct. | Marz-Oct. I. Pinus Longiforia. 1894 |Spatsommer |Schaft(oberer Teil)| (14,20) 14,40 14,40 -+0,20 Ss Sommer »,(mittlerer ‘Teil)| 32,20 32,10 32,10 —0,10 of Frihjahr », (unterer Teil)| 45,70 abgefallen - e Zweige 43,60 43,60 43,70 0,10 1893 i Schaft(oberer Teil)| 40,60 40,60 40,60 fo) ” oF ,, (mittlerer Teil) 40,00 39,90 39,90 —)55i(0) ” ” », (unterer Teil)} 43,10 43,10 43,20 +0,10 Il. Pinus Korainsis. 1894 Sommer Schaft 8,90 8,90 | 8,go fo) 55 4 Frihjahr - 12,60 12,60 12,60 fa) 1893 ” 45 7,10 7,00 7,00 =O.10 1892 ss Zweige 9,20 9,20 9,20 o III. Pinus Densiflora. 1894 Spatsommer |Zweig(oberer Teil)| 10,60 10,70 10,70 +0,10 9 Sommer » (mittlerer Teil)} 12,00 I1,gO 11,90 —o,10 ri Frihjahr » (unterer Teil)| 12,00 12,05 12,05 +0,05 1893 Spatsommer Zweige 8,90 8,90 8,85 —0,05 1892 » ” 12,20 abgefallen — KS 392 HONDA: KIEFERNADELN. Da man beim Anblick eines vorjahrigen Triebes sofort erkannte, dass die unteren Nadeln 2-3 mal langer sind, als die oberen, spater entstandenen, so musste man selbstverstandlich vermuthen, dass letztere im zweiten Jahre noch die Lange der ersteren erreichen wiirden, aber gross war mein Erstaunen, bei der Messung im zweiten Jahre zu finden, dass sie—mnicht mehr zunahmen. Offenbar erreichen nur die im Friihjahre entstand- enen Nadeln eine bedeutende Lange, nicht aber die spater entstandenen; das Wachstum beider wird im Herbst abge- schlossen. Wir miissen also wohl Meissney Recht geben, wenn er das Wachstum der Nadel im zweiten Jahre bestreitet, mtissen aber noch hinzufiigen, dass nicht nur die Linge an Haupt- und Seitentrieb oder in verschiedenen Jahren wechselt, sondern auch sich Unterschiede an derselben Axe eines Triebes ergeben: die oberen bleiben kleiner als die unteren.™ eee eee SE Ee (1) Die kleineren Nadeln, die im Spatjahr entwickelt werden, haben, wie ich mehrmals beobachtete, eine kiirzere Lebensdauer, als die vollentwickelten ; erstere fallen meist schon nach einem Jahre ab, wesshalb man an den Alteren Baumteilen keine kleinen Nadeln mehr bemerkt, was zum Glauben verleiten koénnte, sie seien noch gewachsen. Bull. Agric. Coll. Vol. tl, Pl. XVIII ate L { —l | 7 rt imo | seal cae | Sa = + - ; ai + pet He: Be i at itt if = eT a a a =o —- == + | Se 4 | 4 | | ale + 4 es {Ee )\ | Ertragscurven a ! = =e | 1400 fiir 7 + r | ala i ‘ial | | =2.5 APT r Schaftholzmasse. [—~ F teh Ne | elt aal| I. Bon. r | t pol ese | | = |e [ee We a ea | | | || | | oa om [oe ee | nian 3B ieee 1200 + ce 5 — 24 -4--T | | | | ul = peer | EES | Lt | a I bear II. Bon. oc a7 | | ia lia T [lee oP alma | ei | 98 |.-de-Fo4 1000 | Lt = be E= ceil | x Y -7 Apo 4 jhecalcea apse zp ee ine TIT. Bon. 4 a - ¢ a S 9 a 4 BA, ee 2.2 -- T 2, iP bar = 4 800 xX £ > ra aa “ : ar --Tx 2.1 beste all x14 £ z Li AN : == IV. Bon, rl “a zea Apes == v Ga fe gical —_ | I )/ ; zal a s ip aa 7 = é | | 600 vA z = 7 = SF I ha lis c 7 Ss e ‘ a ApS | ine Ze zd + A 4 C4 Ss iz A Z 4 -7 |e: 4 4 cE | [ fel ? | 7 le 400 id | yy on A | —t = a - I 74 7 | eZ Wel -+— i alt ook + " Ila + == oo | 200 ¢ x + * ! 7 “r 1 I | | HE t 90 100 Jahre. Alter 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Bull. Agric. Coll. Vol. 11, Pl XIX., SUSSESBEEEESEEE oarreeeeee | a anol = = | | [ a 7 iment | If ; | Ertragscurven | IL | ——t | ee ne a aG i a | im [ | | 1400. 7 | Gesammtholzmasse. | inc | (sees es HE ia L I. Bon 1200. II. Bon. IIL. Bon. 1000. 1 IV. Bon. am PARI, ‘ : Py NEWYORK 2 2 Bull. Agric. Coll. Vol. Il. Pl. XX. 0 80 90 1 let ] 35 1 alps = At w =) II. Bon. co Sm ia der He] Bestandsmittelhéhen. lil. Bon. | io | = - LI + sqeze=s 1V. Bon. Joe : + I 20 ‘7 sal 7 | rT | ail a Desk oad | ; cama ili 1 HA) 48 @ . > _ “" \ \ = PNG AN Via BREDA PN \ LJ ial : 5 a SUSIE He PRREEEE PEEEEEEE AREER : E RS BN | Saas SS) RIS FESS CY x i — SIPS iN Si ch N | Pe AX a 7 100 Jahre. _ So iS] —) wo i=) pee 4 < e 7), abe. : ae tf uf oa ae ar ra at oe an ae oui Oe 4 * y te > se f {yy = . fl ’ ‘me Sy > a i , q ne A rite ioe ‘ J oe | i ‘ * * ul 7 ; 7 soo = ; 7 i } ; < ; : P : 7G 7 : | 4 ‘ WS ) i s ; 3 ) " | . i / : ; . t 1 4 { Bull. Agric. Coll. Vol. Il. Pl. XXI. 35 s Te sone _ See | ss coBEEE sEeeeeee ey | me Ei n-ne (Je aS —— I. Bon pee cele || ||| - Lath Ase Lobes i eas|s= seas asciaeaeeas II. Bon. Sees | ete anna oo Poet 1 i Reese oie mo - a - Beet oats E j — SHS av a Bae ece Ae Seceeerecs SRR eA I |g Ary EEE f Af Curven / eae zane acs WO SEEEEEE 1) s vA Stammegrundflachensumme. és / - L - — 1 fe —+ 7 Fz y 4 eee eee ace Caeeeeioe F i/g7deeuateusbauseesaSuecernsneeeee We ae vesceeee ee i —7-| Eee eSnoeeeee [ Af - 7 T 1 BEE Ee EE SEE EERE EEE HEE 0 a 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Jahre. a get LGN DN (en Le PARI stp Arr r. 38 ‘> As SRM, We Bull, Agric. Coll. Vol. II, Pl. XXII. 100. Jahxe. | 80. 70. Stammzahlverminderungen. ; 50. 30. 40. 20. Ss Ss ro) S o (=) 3 8 am te 3 PEELE FEEEEEEEEEE 3600. New YORK WWheiy Sree A “5 A ie. <4 f rel na Bull. Agric. Coll. Vol. I. Pl. XXIII. 8 tot | -- : | | | | | | } | S T | cael | 7 = +— + To ~ Le iL | Lt + — 4 | - ; ie T i Durchmesserzuwachs -— ai Bon il des | Mitteistammes. ak a II. Bon. EJ IV Bon. _ On CElem EEE EEE EEE EEE || 100. Jahre. Bull, Agric. Coll. Vol. Il. Pl XXIY. NEePECEE oom Ceaae HH B | Hded-— cea Bestandesformzahlcurven. | ——- = Gesammtholzmasse. | Schaftholzmasse a uae = Se S, | vl + ee | a er ee | \ aes - Form a Zablen. | J Ht Bese eet RCs Bull. Agric. Coll. Vol. II. Pl. XXY, 100 Jahre. = il oe \eete lEdiisg ! ee | | | a a | 5 = | T —| Schaftholzmasse. -—+~—7—7—— i eo <= Cin i Bull. Agric. Coll. Vol. Il. Pl. XXVII. -lESBEEy HH | | MY Soe iM Nl \ \ \ NA * sks ir 100 Jahre. 80 Bull. Agric. Coll. Vol. Il. Pl. XXVIII, 70 60 _60 30 sues \W- 20 10 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 100 Jahre. Bull. Agric. Coll, Vol. Il. PL X XIX, Fig. Normalvorrath 7, Wy Z rE I 90 fy i cae aie 70 = /i\/ i 80 60 H Vif 50 Ue WANA CERCA = SY |” WN 20000 10000 Seemey 077 4 S Bull. Agric. Coll. Vol. Il. Pl. XXX, At BARE ae AL, FARK be wd hoa XXXI. Bull. Agric. Coll. Vol. Ul. Pl, Bull, ZY BN Agric. Coll. Vol. Il. Pl. XXXI1. * eA oeoe ¥ a% . ie ae Anormal. Normal. on a #0 10 =z & PR | Pte PS lanl len ete See faa ee Ge Sat HR eS CT =& £ z& = & me se = RiIRE BRM Se Ilh/OR es G- CO... saad =,.CO.* CH: CON. Oi edepencdsmaeaeam the nature of the attached radicals, the temperature, the nature of the solvent, which of the two forms is the more stable under the conditions present.” Two isomeric forms of the formyl-phenyl- acetic ether have been isolated which can easily pass one into the other, the liquid or a-modification corresponds to the enol (hydroxyl-) structure, the solid or $-modification to the aldo-structure.© The former which alone gives a blue violet (1) Ber. Chem, Ges. 17, 203. The replacement of an alcoholic hydroxyl group by an amido-group is only in certain cases easily accomplished, as in cyanhydrines, in nitrosonaphthol (Ber. 1'7, 393) and in the ortho-nitro-derivative of the phenyl-B- oxypropionic acid (Zizhorn, Ber. 16, pp. 2645 and 2651). Evidently the influence of a negative group is required for enabling such an exchange. (2) Lelimann and Gross, Ber. Chem. Ges. 24, R. 107. (3) Gattermann, Ber, Chem, Ges. 28, 1733. (4) Kellermann and Hertz, Ber. Chem. Ges. 29, 1145. (5) Ibid. 29, R. 499. (6) Wisticenus, Ibid. 29, R. 503. Brith/, Ibid. RK. 484. In this case the aldo- modification has a decidedly acid character, while in the above mentioned case of Claisen it is the enol-modification. LABILITY AND ENERGY IN RELATION TO PROTOPLASM. 399 reaction with ferric chloride, is the more stable modification at higher temperature and occupies a smaller molecular volume (¥. Traube, 1896). In alcoholic solution the aldo-modification is gradually produced while in chloroform the enol-modification is preserved. O— Cr HO—C-—H CH . CsH; C : Gin COOR . COOR . Aldo-modification, Fnol-modification. F. Traube also has shown the probability of the existence of two isomeric forms of aceto-acetic ether, each of which very easily can pass into the other.” Labile compounds, however, often undergo such changes that reversion to the original substance either requires the expenditure of a considerable amount of energy, as in cases of polymerisation, or has become entirely impossible, since the chemical structure has been altered too much, as, ¢.g., when amides are formed from oximes, or when ortho nitro-benzene compounds change, by atomic migration, into amido-compounds, the lateral chain exchanging a portion of its hydrogen against the oxygen of the nitro-group.” Also the changes which amido-acetone and amido-ethyl aldehyde undergo spontaneously under ordinary conditions, when liberated from their compounds with acids, belong to this group of phenomena.” To give in all these cases a satisfactory explanation of the degree of lability is not an easy matter, for want of clear con- ceptions of chemical affinity and chemical energy. Ostwald (1) Ber, Chem. Ges. 29, 1715. ‘The observations of Mried/ender, Gehring, Knori and others had already shown that this ether can react in two distinct ways. (2) The rule that oxygen connected with nitrogen in a compound can easily migrate to carbon, but can never do so in the opposite direction, is easily explained on general chemical principles. (3) Of further exampies may be mentioned: By treatment with alkaline solutions phenylazoxazol changes into the isomeric oxime of benzoyl cyanide (Russanow),; the closely related ‘furazan carboxylic’ acid into cyan-nitroso-acetic acid (Vo/f and Gans; Ber. 24), and a-methylisoxazol into cyan-acetone (C/aisen, ibid. 25). Isodiazo-naphthalin isolated from its sodium combination changes at. once into ordinary diazonaphthalin (Bamberger; ibid. 2'7), Phenyl hydroxylamine changes in contact with acids into-para- amidophenol, and the=nitrosamine of that compound changes spontaneously after some time (Bamberger; ibid. 27). (4) Outlines of General Chemistry, p. 208. 4cO LABILITY AND ENERGY IN RELATION TO PROTOPLASM. writes: ‘‘ Chemical energy is to us the least known of all the various forms of energy, as we can measure neither it nor any of its factors directly. The only means of obtaining information regarding it, is to transform it into another species of energy. It passes most easily and completely into heat.” Later on™ he declares: ‘‘ Chemical energy can be separated into two factors, intensity and capacity. The doctrine of the intensity of chemical energy embraces a large part of those phenomena that were called affinity.” I have adopted the definitions of Grant Allen (1. c.): ‘ Che- mical affinity is the force that aggregates atoms, chemical energy is motion which separates atoms and resists the aggregation of atoms.” ‘‘ Force and Energy, the aggregative and the separative powers are incessantly opposing and antagonising one another in all bodies, great or small. The amount of aggregation reached by any system at any point of time depends upon the relative proportions of its forces and its energies at that moment.” This holds good also for the complicated molecules of organic chemistry. Ina very stable compound, the force of affinity be- tween its atoms preponderates, and only a small amount of energy is present.” On the other hand, substances that very easily enter into reactions can hold their components only loosely bound, and the force of affinity is here counteracted by chemical energy. Atoms are in an unstable equilibrium when a minute amount of work suffices to lead to an alteration in the system; such atoms have chemical energy. But we must carefully distinguish between several kinds of znstability, There evidently exist substances, certain atoms of which merely possess potential chemical energy relatively to the other atoms in the same molecule, as in the case of oximes and nitro-compounds where the oxygen linked to nitrogen possesses ‘“energy of position” with respect to the carbon atoms. In cer- tain other cases, however, atoms may possess, with respect to others in the same body, k¢vetic chemical energy, being in a continuous vibrating motion. But doubtless, there are also (1) Chem, Central-Bl. 1894. 1. p. 4. (2) The compounds are, of course, here considered merely with regard to their chemical structure, 7.2. to the relative position of their own atoms ; not in their relation to other bodies. Everybody knows, e. g., that in relation to free oxygen a// organic sub- stances contain potential energy. LABILITY AND ENERGY IN RELATION TO PROTOPLASM. 401 compounds in which both modes of energy exist at the same time. Compounds in which much potential chemical energy is ac- cumulated, capable of being suddenly liberated, are the explosives. Such cases of instability have no particular interest in connection with our special case. The instability I have in view, is the state of lability caused by atoms kept in a fierce state of vibration, which tend, therefore, to enter into numerous reactions. That such labile compounds possess energy of the #zvedze kind, becomes manifest from the fact that certain such compounds can, by imparting their atomic motion to other distinct compounds, cause certain chemical changes, without changing themselves in any equivalent measure (katalysis). I have mentioned as examples in a former Bulletin (No. 4) the katalytic action of maleic acid upon ketazines, of ethaldehyde upon free cyanogen, of ethy] nitrite upon thio-urea, and the actions of the enzymes.” When a labile substance passes into a stable isomeric one, its kinetic chemical energy either diminishes or wholly disappears, and assumes, in equivalent ratio, the form of molecular motion, z.¢., heat. Inthis transformation the molecular volume decreases, while the melting and boiling points are raised. This is an in- teresting fact, and in full accordance with Stohmann’s observa- tions ; for the labile compounds have a greater thermic value than the isomeric stable ones.” Atomic motion of the hydrogen atoms in benzene has been supposed by Keku/é to account for the existence of only one modification of ortho-compounds, and by ZLaar™ for the hydrogen atoms in tautomeric (absolute pseudomeric) compounds, to ex- (1) We must always keep in mind that heat, z. ¢., molecular motion can under certain conditions easily pass into atomic motion, and that the atmosphere is an immense storehouse of heat energy ; thus the continuity of katalytic action is easily explained in such cases where an exhaustion of energy would seemingly have to be expected. (2) Journ f. prakt. Chem, 46, 530. ‘There seem to exist exceptions in which the larger molecular volume is not coinciding with the larger thermic value, as eg, a comparison of aldehydes with the isomeric alkylene oxides would indicate (Ber. Chem. Ges, 24, 652). But we must keep in mind that we have in this case two compounds of considerable difference in character before us, which stand to each other by no means in such a relation as we have under consideration. (3) The hypothesis of Zaaz has recently been declared improbable by Zraudbe (Ber. Chem. Ges. 29, 1723), while Aeku/e’s view has,—at least to a certain extent—, been replaced by that of Baeyer. 402 LABILITY AND ENERGY IN RELATION TO PROTOPLASM. plain their ability to react in two different ways; but both these authors have failed to explain how the continuity of these oscillations is kept up. How, then, can the /adzity of aldehydes be explained by a continuous atomic motion ?. The mechanism is in all probability as follows: In the first place there is the hydrogen of the aldehyde group attracted from two sides, that of the oxygen and that of the carbon, the attraction of the former being, under the given conditions, a little superior to that of the latter. In the second place, the orygen atom moves closer to the carbon atom as soon as the doubly linked state in the aldehyde group(a) has passed into the simply linked state (b) of the hydroxyl (1) group. This sudden motion of the oxygen atom influences of course also the attached hydrogen atom, whose vibrations in conjunction with the two free valencies of the carbon atom, bring it again close to the carbon. At this moment the oxygen becomes again doubly linked and moves off into greater distance, and the former play commences anew. The condition, therefore, which the above mentioned critic believes to be missing, is actually present, namely: when the hydrogen atom has moved back, passed the mean position, and approximated itself to the oxygen atom, the opposite phase becomes superiorily attractive.” Both, the hydrogen atom and the oxygen atom are continuously in a fierce state of vibration, as may be indicated by the following formule : ZO 2O O es x | la / | = —C Vy = Cees \ Ss H H (a) (b) (a) (b) The lability, ze. the kinetic chemical energy in an alde- hyde group, under certain conditions, may reach a much higher intensity. Such a condition is, ¢.g., the presence of an amido- group in the same molecule. The continuously moving oxygen (1) Oxygen, in the form of hydroxyl occupies a volume of 2.3; while in the car- bonyl form one of 5.5. Also doubly linked carbon atoms havea larger molecular volume (and higher thermic value) than simply linked ones. (2) Attention may here be called to the inference drawn by Zhomson (Ber. 19, R. 76) from thermo-chemical observations, that aldehydes behave in certain points like com- pounds containing a hydroxyl-group besides unsaturated carbon ; this would correspond to the phase (b) of our inference drawn from a very different contemplation. LABILITY AND ENERGY IN RELATION TO PROTOPLASM. 403 atom of the aldehyde group sets the hydrogen atoms of the amz- do-group into rapid motion, as,—to give a rough analogy moving magnet held beneath a sheet of paper moves iron particles spread upon the sheet, which cannot unite with the magnet, the sheet holding them back. These moving hydrogen atoms of the amido-group, again, will exert an influence upon the labile hydrogen atom in the aldehyde group which, in con- sequence of the repulsion it suffers, is compelled to increase the amplitude of its oscillations.” Thus we can understand why the lability of an amido-aldehyde is very great and the inclination to spontaneous changes much more marked than with common aldehydes. The degree of lability, however, is much influenced by the more or less saturated condition of the compound, the re- lative position of the labile atoms, and the relative number of the CH,-groups. Thus, amido-ethylaldehyde is much more labile than the 6-amido-valeraldehyde ; the latter remaining even un- a changed on distillation under diminished pressure, while the former changes soon after it is liberated from its combination with acids. The amido-benzaldehydes, again, are less labile, although reacting with great readiness and readily changing when brought in contact with dilute hydrochloric acid. Such a state of kinetic chemical energy was foreseen by. me to exist in the active albumin, which I consider a pro- duct of the condensation of the di-aldehyde of aspartic acid (cf. Bulletin II, No. 2). The active group a which, by atomic mig- ration, easily passes into the passive group f, would, according to my deduction, have the following structure : —CH—NH, —CH—NH | | Us, =C—CHO =C—CHOH —_—_—_—— ——— a p Aldo-amido-structure. Hydroxyl-imido-structure. The one essentia! to my theory is the constitution of the labile (active) group and the conclusion that the active albumin is a product of the condensation of aspartic aldehyde, which may be built up in the living plant cells of formaldehyde and ammonia; a (1) Hydrogen atoms of a high degree of lability behave sometimes somewhat like nascent hydrogen, leading to powerful reductions. ry 404. LABILITY AND ENERGY IN RELATION TO PROTOPLASM. non essential is the supposed relative number of the active groups (twelve for Lieberkuehn’s formula), as unforeseen atomic migrations may occur. Compounds with more than two aldehyde groups” have not thus far been prepared but this fact in itself gives no ground to infer that molecules with more than two aldehyde groups are impossible. The actual preparation of a compound consisting of six keto-groups, vzz., the triquinoyl, appears in itself hardly more striking than, e.g., that of a ben- zene-ring would be to which six aldehyde groups are attached, cor- responding to the as yet hypothetical aldehyde of mellitic acid. When, in the year 1880, I explained before the Munich Chemical Society my theory of the formation of albumin in plants, and [had expressed the opinion that amido-aldehydes, an unknown class of bodies then, would certainly be prepared at a future time, some of the chemists present denied the possible existence of such bodies, as they would change at the moment of prepa- ration. Later, however, amido-aldehydes were prepared, and it was found that the degree of lability varies considerably with different amido-aldehydes. Moreover, the toxicological facts described (Bulletin II. No. 1), give colour to my deduc- tion that the lability of the living protoplasm is caused by the co-existence of aldehyde and amido-groups in the active albumin. Lo recapitulate: Labile (kineto-labile) compounds, which readily change into an isomeric stable modification contain certain atoms loosely bound, which condition is caused by a certain amount of kinetic chemical energy counteracting the force of affi- nity existing between the atoms of the compound. Every energy of the kinetic kind is motion, and motion can be conveyed from one body to another. Kinetic chemical energy (atomic motion) may, by being conveyed to atoms of other easily changeable compounds, lead to chemical changes in them (katalytic pheno- mena). I have attempted to give an explanation of the contz- nutty of such motions in aldehyde groups, according to our pre- sent state of knowledge. But even those who may consider that explanation still incomplete will at least admit the cor- rectness of the deduction that labile atoms are in a special state of continuous vibration. For his convenience, the reader may now follow a juxta- position of inferences of my theory and of actual observations: {(1) Cf. On phthalic aldehyde, Ber. Chem. Ges. 20, 509. LABITITY AND ENERGY IN RELATION TO PROTOPLASM. Theory. We Albumin is formed by con- densation of the still hypothe- tical aspartic aldehyde which in plant cells either is produced from asparagine or built up of form-aldehyde and ammonia. 2re There is a chemical differ- between the albmmnin of the living and that of the dead protoplasm. ence 3. The labile, active leads by organization to living matter, as such and inthe form of nuclein and nucleo-albumin. albumin 4. The lability of the albumin of the living protoplasm is caused by the presence of alde- hyde and amido-groups. 5. The conversion of the albu- min of the living to that of the dead protoplasm, presents a remarkable analogy to the change of a labile substance into a stable modification. 405 Facts. Ne There exist intimate physi- ological relations between as- and the former is an excellent material paragine albumin ; for building upthe latter. The formation of albumin often takes place with great rapidity. BD The living protoplasm shows a chemical behaviour totally different from that of the dead. be There frequently occurs, as reserve-material, in highly labile kind of albumin of aldehyde character, whose plants a chemical nature is altered by the same influences, as those by which the protoplasm is killed. 4. Compounds which react upon aldehydes, and such as react upon labile amido-groups with great energy, are poisons for all organisms. 5. The transition of living pro- toplasm into dead is accompa- nied by contraction and deve- lopment of heat. The unbiassed reader will perhaps find here some coinci- dence between theory and facts. (1) A full account of theoretical views and actual observations is contained in my treatise : Tritoner & Co: The Energy of Living Protoptasm, London, 1896; Kegan Paul, Trench, On the Formation of Mannan in Amorpho- phallus Konjak. BY Michito Tsukamoto, Nogakushi. Professor of Chemistry in Harris’ Science School, Doshisha, Kyoto. In regard to the formation of carbohydrates, A morphophallus koigak is of special chemical interest. The tuber of this araceous plant, from which different articles of food are prepared in Japan, contains, as Z’szyz has shown, no starch, but a very large pro- portion of mannan. Afterwards K7znoshita found that the tuber contains two mannans, a slimy soluble one and another insoluble in water. The question suggested itself to my mind : is this mannan produced from glucose by transformation in the tuber, or is the soluble mannan already formed in the aves from glucose, or finally is mannose a direct product of the assimilation of carbonic acid in the place of glucose in this plant? Thus far, mannose has never been found in plants except in the form of anhydrides, and it would be no doubt of great physiological in- terest if it could be shown that there exist chlorophyll bodies which produce mannose instead of glucose. I examined, therefore, the leaf of this plant and found but very little starch,” besides globules not coloured by iodine, and raphides. Further I observed that all portions of the leaf contain a very slimy substance which proved to be an anhydride of mannose. The extract prepared with warm water (40°-50° C) was mixed with a large proportion of alcohol and the resulting flocculent precipitate was purified by again dissolving it in water and precipitating once more with alcohol. The aqueous solution (1) This Bulletin, vol. II., No. 2. (1894). (2) This Bulletin, vol. II., No. 4. (1895). (3) I have examined small fragments of the leaf-blade, coilected one clear sunny afternoon, with iodine solution under the microscope and found but very few granules were coloured blue. In the ribs there was also only a small amount of starch but relatively more than in the blade-cells. The cellulose walls in the blade gave the ordinary cellulose reaction with sulphuric acid and iodine. (4) The leaf stalk and larger portions of the ribs were separated from the leaf blade, including smaller ribs, and both were separately investigated. FORMATION OF MANNAN IN AMORPHOPHALLUS KONJAK. 407 of this precipitate had a slimy consistency, and showed the in- teresting property of Josing its slimy character on prolonged boiling, whereby the slimy compound separated as zuxsoluble floc- cult, The freshly prepared solution of the mucilage yields a white flocculent precipitate with basic lead acetate upon the ad- dition of some ammonia, and a thick blue precipitate with either Fehling’s solution or copper sulphate solution in presence of sodium hydrate. On boiling with dilute sulphuric acid of 3 °/, the’mucilage was, after a few hours, transformed into a sugar, which, after the removal of the sulphuric acid by barium carbon- ate and evaporation of the filtrate, at once yielded, on the addition of phenyl-hydrazine acetate, the characteristic precipitate of mannose-phenylhydrazone.” To test whether galactans or pentosans were present in stalk and blade, the residue, which remained after the extraction of several hundred grams with alcohol and warm water, was boiled for several hours with dilute sulphuric acid of 4°/,. The syrup obtained after neutralizing with barium carbonate and evaporating, was tested for the presence of pentose with phloroglucin and hydrochloric acid, and for galactose by evaporation with nitric acid, but neither a pentose reaction nor mucic acid were obtained ; therefore wetther pentos- ans nor galactans were present. Only a little mannose was obtained from this insoluble part. The question whether mannose as such is present in the stalk and blade I tried to answer by extracting these objects with alcohol of 50°/, whereby the mannans would remain in- soluble, while the sugar would be dissolved. These extracts were evaporated,” dissolved in a little water, and basic lead acetate added to remove tannin and other impurities. The filtrate freed from lead with hydrogen sulphide was evaporated after neutrali- zation with sodium carbonate. Upon the addition of phenylhydra- zine acetate, only the extract of the stalk yielded a sufficient quan- tity of the precipitate of mannose-phenylhydrazone, while there was a doubtful trace in the case of the extract of the blade. The filtrate of the above precipitate yielded, upon further addition of phenylhydrazine acetate and heating on the water bath, sucha (1) This mucilage of the stalk and blade agrees therefore in its essential properties with the soluble mannan which Azxoshita obtained from the tuber (loc. cit.), (2) Since in the case of the stalk an acid reaction of the extract was noticed, it was neutralised with sodium carbonate. 408 PORMATION OF MANNAN IN AMORPHOPHALLUS KONJAK. considerable quantity of phenylglucosazone that I must conclude, there was present in the stalk, besides mannose, glucose or fructose,” or both to some extent.®) The mannose-phenylhy- drazone first obtained was recrystallized and showed the proper melting point of 195°C and the characteristic tabular crystalline forms. It was, like pure mannose-phenylhydrazone, hardly soluble in absolute alcohol and warm acetone, almost insoluble in ether and benzene, and reduced Fehk/ing’s solution very strongly upon warming. The fact that the slimy mannan is present in the cells of the leaf makes it highly probable that it plays to some extent the role of starch in this plant, but whether mannose is really the first product of assimilation, can not yet be answered. I hope however to settle this question by further investigations. On the other hand, the presence of mannose as such in the stalk ts evia- ently of high physiological interest as this ts the first time that tt has been found as such in plants. 1 am indebted to my most honoured former teacher, Dr. OSCAR LOEW, Professor in the Imperial University, for kind suggestions. (1) A portion of the above syrup obtained from the extract of the stalk was tested for fructose with resorcin and concentrated hydrochloric acid, whereby a cherry red colou- ration resulted. Another portion of the syrup was treated with a mixture of ether and alcohol ; on evaporation of the extract I obtained the proper red colouration with the above reagent. It is therefore, probable that some fructose was present in the stalk. (2) C. A. Lobry de Bruyn (Rec. Trav. Chim. 14 (1895) 201-206 and Ber. Chem. Ges. 28 (1895) 3078-3082) has recently discovered the highly interesting fact, that by simply treating with alkalies these three sugars can be transformed into one another. On the Formation of Asparagine in Plants under Different Conditions. BY U. Suzuki, Nogakushi. Although the question of asparagine production in plants has often been the object of investigation, many points are still left unsettled, and in certain respects, even contradictory state- ments, not only in regard to its production, but also in regard to its transformation into proteids, are met with. The production of asparagine from proteids during the germination process has been quantitatively followed up by E. SCHULZE, but thus far, all the explanations attempted have proved unsatisfactory ; therefore Dr. O. LOEW has proposed a new view which seems to accord better with various facts.” According to this view asparagine is a synthetical product, into which the ammonia of the decomposed proteids is transformed. Recently some experiments have been made by Mr. KINOSHITA in the laboratory of the Agricultural College, Imperial University, which show that the ammonia taken up by the roots may also pass into asparagine ; but as these experiments were made with only two kinds of Graminee it appeared to me necessary, in view of the importance of the ques- tion, to carry out a larger number of experiments, to test whether this transformation takes place in different families and in dif- ferent states of development. Furthermore, I desired to compare quantitatively the asparagine production from different ammonium salts” and from nitrates, and to determine how the results are affected by the increase of sugar. These experiments are des- cribed in the following pages, while the analytical data follow in an appendix. I. Experiments with sun-flower (Helianthus annuus ). The young sun-flower plants, 30-40°™ high, were taken very carefully from the field, and after washing the roots, placed in the following solutions kept in a glass house : (1) Cf. The Energy of Living Protoplasm, London, 1896. p. 38. (2) In some cases I also applied urea. 410 SUZUKI ; a, 0.1 % solution of ammonium nitrate. b, i " ,, ammonium chloride. Ci O!2ae be ,, sodium nitrate. d, distilled water. Time :—S8 days. (Oct. 27—Nov. 4.) Temperature :—Min. 10.5°C.; Max. 40°C. Neither the solutions of sodium nitrate, nor the plants grown in the different solutions, gave any reaction for ammonia ; only a few leaves withered during the experiments, and these were re- moved. The result of the analysis was as follows. Table I :—In 100 parts of dry matter : Plants in Original() plants Control(?) plants Ammonium Ammonium Sodium (Oct. 27th) (Nov. 4th) nitrate chloride nitrate Asparagine nitrogen 0.14 0.29 0.78 0.99 0.39 Asparagine(?) 0.64 1.38 3.67 4.67 1.85 This result shows that ammonium chloride produced much more asparagine than ammonium nitrate, and this again double as much as sodium nitrate, while an increase of asparagine in the control case, compared with the original plants, taken from the field, must evidently be due to the gradual transformation of nitrates that had been stored up in the stem and roots, whose presence had been shown by the diphenyl-amine test. II. Experiments with yellow-lupine (Lupinus luteus). Young plants 20°" high were taken from the field ; 4-6 plants were placed in 300° of the following solutions :— a, 0.1% solution of urea. ; . 3 ,, ammonium phosphate. CF 102% a ,, sodium nitrate. d, distilled water. and kept in the glass house for 6 days, from Nov. 7th to 13th. Temperature :—Min. 8°C. ; Max. 35°C. After drying, the entire plants were used for analysis. Table II :—In 1009 parts of dry matter. (1) “Original” means the plants which were analyzed at the beginning of the experiments, (2) “Control”? means the plants kept in distilled water. (3) The water of crystallization of asparagine is not included in these calculations. FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS. 4II Plants in ald = P IEEE A eS Original plants Control plants Ammonium Urea‘!) Sodium (Nov. 7) (Nov. 13) phosphate nitrate Asparagine nitrogen 0.38 0.40 0.62 1.18 0.72 Asparagine 1.76 1.91 2.90 5-55 3-35 It is to be remarked in this case that urea, which might have been transformed into ammonium carbonate in the plants, was much more favourable than sodium nitrate for asparagine pro- duction, while the ammonium phosphate was less favourable than sodium nitrate. Ill. Experiments with ‘“‘ sendan” (Alelia Faponica). The young branches of this plant were put into flasks con- taining about 250° of the following solutions :— a, 0.1 % solution of ammonium chloride. |5), ea C ,, ammonium phosphate. CaO 0% af ,, sodium nitrate. d, distilled water and kept in the glass house for 6 days (Nov. 7—Nov. 13).’? Temperature :—Min. 8°C. ; Max. 35°C. After drying, the leaves and 20°" of the upper parts of the stems were analyzed. Table III :—In 100 parts of dry matter : Plants in a Original plants Control plants Ammonium Ammonium Sodium chloride phosphate nitrate Asparagine nitrogen 0.11 0.13 0.37 0.29 027 Asparagine 0.52 0.59 1.76 1.38 1.25 IV. Experiments with squash (Cucurbita melo peppo). Squash seeds were distributed in three large pots containing sea sand washed first with hydrochloric acid, then with common soft water ; the pots were kept in the glass house, in which the temperature ranged from 22°C. to 44°C. Four days after sowing, the germination had fairly set in, and when 3°™ high, the shoots of one pot were treated with 0.05 % solution of ammonium nitrate, (1) The nourishing solutions did not show any development of bacteria ; the plants remained healthy. About 4/, of the total urea of the solution was here transformed into asparagine. (2) At the end of the experiments the plants began to suffer, the temperature having been too high. 412 SUZUKI ; of the second with 0.1% solution of sodium nitrate, while those of the third served asa control case. Ten days after the treatment, the plants were removed from the seed bed,” dried, and only the stems and roots used for analysis, because it has been found by others that cotyledons and leaves always store up less asparagine than stems and roots. Average height of the control plants® 133 a ,, plants in ammonium nitrate 10.1°™" ie ,, plants in sodium nitrate 6.2c Average fresh weight of control plants 2.36 grams. 2 =, * of the plant in ammonium nitrate 1.79 grams. ma i ¥ of the plant in sodium nitrate 1.20 grams. The total ammonium nitrate solution applied was 318°°= 0.0557 gram nitrogen. The total sodium nitrate solution applied was 322°°= 0.053 gram nitrogen. The aqueous extract of a portion of these plants did not show a trace of ammonia, while the reaction for nitrates was obtained in the plants in ammonium nitrate and sodium nitrate with Kxop’s solution. Table IV :—In 100 parts of dry matter free from ash. Plants in Control plants Ammonium nitrate Sodium nitrate Albuminoid nitrogen 2.49 2.58 2.53 Proteids 15.59 16.13 15.83 Asparagine nitrogen 1,38 3.94 3933 Asparagine 6.53 18.57 15.69(3) The same experiment was repeated later in the autumn with shoots a little more developed than in the first case. (1) Some of the plants had been attacked by afungus, Fusarium Lateritiumt, especi- ally in the lower parts of the stems, and in the cotyledons; such plants were, of course, discarded. (2) The better growth of the control plants in this case is evidently due to the very early stage of the shoots, which contained a large quantity of soluble nutrients from the cotyledons, Thus an increase of soluble nutrients had a retarding effect. Ina 10 °/) cane sugar solution, e.g , young plants will not develope so well as in one of I 9/, only. (3) The cause of the considerable production of asparagine from nitrates may in this case be due to the high temperature, favouring the reduction of the nitrates by the increased amount of sugar present. FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS. 413 Time of experiments (duration). Sept. 19th—Oct. 8th. Beginning of germination. Sept. 24th. Solution applied. Oct. 2nd—Oct. 8th. Temperature in the glass house : Min 17o@ar Wax 44°@: Average height of control plants. Siar he if ,, the plantinammonium nitrate. 10.11% - » 5, the plant in sodium nitrate. O35 0: Average fresh weight of a control plant. 1.07 gram. Bs ue st ,, the plant in ammonium nitrate. 1.13 gram. i “ si ,, the plant in sodium nitrate. 1.18 gram. Ammonium nitrate solution applied. 508°" =0.178 gram. Sodium “, - 4a 608° =0.201 gram. Table V :—In 100 parts of dry matter (free from ash). Pants treated with ; Control plants Ammonium nitrate Sodium nitrate Albuminoid nitrogen 2,82 2.99 Brin Proteids 17.64 18.66 19.44 Asparagine nitrogen 1.65 2.57 2.33 Asparagine 7-77 12.10 10.98 V. Experiments with potato plants (Solanum tuberosum). Well developed potato plants were taken from the field, and placed in the following solutions :— a, 0.1% solution of ammonium nitrate. b, 0.29 solution of sodium nitrate. c, distilled water. The plants were kept in a glass house. Time of experiments. Oct. 12th—Oct. 21th. Temperature:— Min. 16°C.; Max. 40°C. At the end of the experiment, the plants began to suffer, and a portion of the roots commenced to decay. Of course, all the unhealthy parts were removed ; only the lower portion of the stem 10-15°™ in length served for analysis. No ammonia was found either in the original plants or in the other three cases, but (2) In the second experiments with squash, the plants were also atiacked by a fungus; hence I could not continue the experiment. 414 SUZUKI ; a moderate quantity of nitrates was found in all cases. Max. 33°C. Total nitrogen absorbed by ;— a, the plants in ammonium chloride was 0.0462 grams= 0.5% of dry matter.” b, the plants in sodium nitrate was 0.0437 grams=0.59% of dry matter.” The plants remained normal and the solutions quite clear. The analysis, for which the entire plants were used, yielded the following results :— Table XVIII. In 100 parts of dry matter :— Plants treated with ——[—[{S=_—— Original Control Ammonium Sodium plants plants chloride nitrate Total nitrogen 4.60 444 4.83 4.78 Albuminoid nitrogen 1.65 1.63 1.86 1.35 Asparagine nitrogen() 0.28 0.71 0.86 0.95 Nitrogen in nitrates 1.04 0.36 0.62 0.88 (1) Total dry matter of the plants in ammonium chloride (at the end of the ex- periments) was 9.328 grams. (2) Total dry matter of the plants in sodium nitrate (at the end of the experiments) was 7.47 grams, (3) As I had suspected the presence of some organic bases like arginine, etc , I em- ployed first phospho-tungstic agid to remove them. Indeed, the result for asparagine was then considerably lower than by the usual method, while in most of the other cases, I found no essential difference by the previous application of phospho-tungstic acid. 422 SUZUKI ; Here also it is seen that the increase of asparagine nitrogen is accompanied with the decrease of nitrates in the plants, and that in this case the asparagine is not a decomposition product of proteids. The relation of these numbers will become still clearer, if we add the following table :— Table XIX. In 100 parts of total nitrogen. Plants treated with AES a Original Control Ammonium Sodium plants plants chloride nitrate Total nitrogen 100 100 100(1) 100/1) Albuminoid nitrogen 35-9 36.7 42.9 322 Asparagine nitrogen 69 16.0 20.0 22.5 Nitrogen in nitrates Py | 8.1 14.3 21.0 III. Ixperiment. Here, the influence of sugar and that of temperature upon the result was to be observed. The plants were taken from the same farm as before, and placed in glass cylinders, containing each 500° of the following solutions :— a. 10% solution of sugar. bz 402s ,, ammonium chloride. CG 55 Sp 2 55 and 10% sugar. d. Bi sat ,, sodium nitrate. e re as rr i re and 10% sugar. f. distilled water. e 10% sugar solution. h. distilled water. a, b, c, d, e, f, were kept in the glass house, while g, and h, were kept in the laboratory, where the temperature was much lower than in the glass house.” Duration of experiment, 8 days (Dec. 10th—18th). Temperature in the glass house :—Min. 1°C ; Max. 38°C. a ,, 5, laboratory :—Min. 5°C ; Max. 15°C. Plants treated Ammonium Ammonium chloride Sodium Sodium nitrate with chloride and sugar nitrate and sugar Total nitrogen absorbed Z i inverame 0.042 0.038 0.041 0.037 Percentage of absorbed nitrogen in the dry 0.53% 0.31% 0.54% 0.34.% matter($) (1) The nitrogen absorbed during experiments was subtracted from the total nitrogen and the remaining number (=total N. before experiment) was calculated as 100. (2) Toward the end of the experiment, the plants kept in the sugar solution in the glass house began to suffer. The top of the leaves, dried and turned yellow, but those kept in the cooler laboratory remained healthy. (3) Total dry matter of the plants treated with ammonium chloride= 7.901 grams. » ” ” 7 sodium nitrate= 7.619 ,, ” + Pi ammonium chloride and sugar = 12.393, sodium nitrate and sugar=10.936__,, ” ” ” FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS, 423 After careful washing and drying the entire, plants were analyzed. Table XX. In 100 parts of dry matter :— TEMP. 1-38°C TES MP. 1-38°C. 515°C Plants treated with. = : as = 2 | | & = wu So eis Be os | sole silo a |= fe | Seite | P| ae eS) ee | ee ois NS ©.) 0S S |coee esac: ee stil a o8 HE, | OS : eS ac Os Ao) 7ey, |] GS Omnmeemte cs | Sa lca) 2 a fo etna | < Sas oa | | < <9) = == ae — = Motal nitrogen’ ..........-. 4.28 | 3.64 | 248 | 4.07 | 2.94 | 5.00 | 2.81 | 431 | 2.63 Albuminoid nitrogen...... HOLS || ee! || sey | TOG | Sees || degen |) ase | cGy | Asparagine nitrogen’) ... | 040 | 0.72 | 018 | Ogg | 0.27 | 0.82 | o21 | 0.48 | 0.22 | Nitrogen in nitrates ...... 0.49 | 0.09 O | 0.23 © | 0.76 | 0.14 | 0.16 fo) As the dry matter had increased very much in those plants which were treated with sugar, the percentage of the nitrogen compounds is very much lowered. I calculated therefore the fol- lowing table to show the relation more clearly :-— Table XXI. In 100 parts of total nitrogen :— = ~ TEMP. EMP. 1-38°C, Temp. 1-38°C 5-15°C Plants treated with ;— = ema = =e 2) | | 2g | & | eS} a S 3, = _ | fa bon } iol elim || Gshe Pee 1 os fo lS ron ls. ge \22| 6 |e l|s2|2e| 22/58/28 bs 3 s 0) UN |o# (7) S33 ao Hg, | O's] 2 | Sia | eco tos! su |Sa)iSa 5 O |lS8c|8stn4|B8e]0 ae | a Ea iS cd high, were first cultured in the 2% sugar solution. After 7 days, a portion was directly dried and analyzed, while another portion, was divided into three equal parts, and cultured in the following solutions :—- a. 0.2 % solution of urea. loy * Bs ,, sodium nitrate and 2 % sugar. CG as fe ,, urea and 2 % sugar. The plants exposed to ordinary daylight, were after 7 days (March 26th, April 2nd) washed, dried, and analyzed :— Table XXVI. In 100 parts of dry matter :— Original®) Unen Sodium nitrate Urea and plants. and sugar. sugar, Total nitrogen 4.60 6.09 5.64 5.98 Albuminoid nitrogen 1.47 1.52 1.52 1.58 Asparagine nitrogen ——_1.94 2.97 2.44 3.15 Nitrate nitrogen 0.35 0.24 0.53 0.25 In this case, itis seen that by offering sugar together with urea, the asparagine nitrogen was increased considerably. By the preliminary culture for a week in the sugar solution, some of the conditions for protein formation had been removed, and, I suppose, it was the sulphates, that were used up. Thus, all the am- monium compounds had to be stored up as asparagine and could not be transformed any farther. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION. (1). Asparagine in plants has two sources :— (a). Itis derived from the decomposition of proteids. (0). It is a synthetical product of other nitrogenous compounds :— (1) The quantitative determination of asparagine by the crystallization method was not very satisfactory, as some slimy substance prevented a considerable portion from crystal- lizing. 428 SUZUKI ; 1. Ammonium salts, (and also urea). 2. Nitrates. (2). Asparagine is formed not only by keeping full-grown plants in the dark, but also can be formed in full daylight under certain conditions, (3). Synthetic formation of asparagine is only possible, when sugar is present in the plant, and at the same time some condition for protein formation is wanting. Excess of sugar prevents the asparagine formation from proteids, but it does not prevent the synthetical formation of asparagine ; it even sti- mulates its formation. (4). Ammonia is never stored upas suchin plants ; it disap- pears quickly forming innocuous compounds; but when the ne- cessary amount of sugar is wanting, the ammonia can not be con- verted and remains as such (experiments with buckwheat) to a small extent in the plant ; a larger amount is noxious.” (5). Ammonium salts are generally better than sodium uttrate for asparagine production. (6). Among the several ammonium salts, ammonium chlo- ride is the best, while the ammonium phosphate is always less favourable for the formation of asparagine ; very probably the formation of nuclein and new cells are stimulated very much by phosphates; the asparagine once formed is thus easily trans- formed into proteids. Urea is generally better than ammonium salts for asparagine production (except with barley experiments). (7). For the conversion of nitrates, a high temperature and the presence of sugar are necessary, otherwise they remain as such stored up in the plants for some time. (8). The conversion of asparagine into proteids is only pos- sible when all conditions are fulfilled. One of the most es- sential conditions is of course the presence of sulphates. (9). In etiolated shoots sodium nitrate can not be con- verted into asparagine but urea is capable of yielding it. (10). In eticlated shoots the application of sugar increases the amount of asparagine, when sodium nitrate or ammonium salts are offered. (1) Mr. Aoyama in our laboratory made some experiments which show very clearly the poisonous action of ammonium salts, when the necessary amount of sugar is not pre- sent to transform them into asparagine. FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS. 429 ANALYDICAL DATA. For the determination of total nitrogen cited in the fore- going pages 0.5 or 1.0%" of air dry sample was mixed with 30° sulphuric acid, 12°" sugar, 2®™° benzoic acid, 18°" mercury and 0.5"" copper sulphate, and decomposed and distilled as usual. For the determination of proteid nitrogen, Stutzer’s method was used. For the determination of asparagine nitrogen Sacchsse’s method was generally used, but in some cases, when the presence of organic bases was suspected, phospho-tungstic acid was pre- viously applied. For the determination of nitrates, Zzemann and Schultze’s method was used. HELIANTHUS ANNUUS. ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. Dry matter | Baryta() Nitrogen See Plants in used in water re- found in a ce grams. _| placed in c.c. gram, ee ae ) I. 4.535 18.8 0.0178 ) Ammonium nitrate ............... 0.39 2. * 18.6 0.0176 j I. 4.485 23.7 0.0224 } Ammonium chloride ............ 0.50 2. 4 23.4 0.0221 i : I. 4.550 9.4 0.0089 } DOGMUMMILATCN ce sneee senile cnias, 0.20 2. 9 9.4 0.0066 TAP Ss 7.0 0.0064 Controliplantsmer.sesys-caeseedes see 0.15 Ze a 6.8 0.0030 I. 4.405 3.2 0,0029 OriginaleplantSienwearsaaceadenes 0.07 Zs 3 3.0 0.0029 (1) 10 ¢.c. of the standard sulphuric acid were equivalent to 48 c.c. baryta solution, and yielded 0.374 gram barium sulphate. Hence tc.c. of the baryta solution =0.0009447 gram nitrogen. 430 SUZUKI ; YELLOW LUPINE. ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. Dry matter | Baryta Nitrogen es egy Plants in used in water ()) re- found in |, a eee grams. |placedinc.c.}| grams. pares: ( I. 1.148 3.8 0,0036 Ammonium phosphate............ 4 0.31 | 2. ” 3-7 0.0035 j I. 1.829 11.6 OOIIO Utes Sseneaicccn. ste otooe eet eeeee 0.59 (a = 11.4 0.0108 { I. 1.381 Bez 0.0048 Sodiunnmi (tate <.- cesta a eeeeee 0.36 (ee, 5.2 0.0048 I. 0.919 2.0 0.0019 Controliplantsye-n-era-eca eee 0.20 2. 7 1.9 0.0018 Tis igs 3.8 0.0036 @xiginaliplants) ce--ceeese-.ase eee 0.19 2. 33 3.6 0.0034 MELIA JAPONICA. ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. Dry matter Baryta Nitrogen peteece Plants in used in water (2) re- found in a ee se grains. placed in c.c. grams. spare nitrogen. (I. 4.568 3.0 Ammonium phosphate ......... 0.0067 O.15 7 5s Be I. 4.368 4.0 Ammonium chloride ............ 0.0082 0.19 2. 3”? 3-7 : | I. 4.373 2.7 Sodium nitrates...................-. 0.0058 0.13 2. ” 2 7 ; ( I. 4.420 1.2 Controliplantss penn-cuseer ee eee 0.0028 0.06 2. ; 1.3 (et 4.073 a Original ‘plants)sccsse-csse-seeeaeeee 0.0026 0,06 ee 5 ia (1) 1c.c. of the baryta solution=0.0009447 gram nitrogen. (2) 10 ¢.c. of the standard sulphuric acid were equivalent to 64¢.c. baryta solution and yielded 0.572 gram barium sulphate. Hence 1 c.c. baryta solution=0.002148 gram nitrogen. FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS. 431 SQUASH (L) ALBUMINOID NITROGEN, Plants in Peet ae Baryta water()|Nitrogen found} Percentage of EAE rain replaced in c.c. in grams. nitrogen. gram. Loy Ox 16.7 Ammonium nitrate ... 0.0181 2.58 Z 53 16.9 } ( 1. 0.788 19.2 Sodium nitrate ......... 0.0208 2.53 2. a 19.2 I. 0.694 15.9 Control plants ......... 0.0173 2.49 oo = 16.1 ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. Percentage of Plants in Ce ee Soda water 2) |Nitrogen found} nitrogen (=4 Fon) a aeiie replaced. in grams. asparagine ni- g “ trogen.) Eee OF7 TK 3.2 Ammonium nitrate ... 0.0140 1.97 2. » 3:3 1. 0.788 2.9 Sodium nitrate ......... 0.0131 1.66 Ze = 3.1 | I. 0,694 ToL Control plants ......... 0.c048 0.69 24, 5 1.1 (1) Ioc.c. of the standard sulphuric acid were equivalent to 66.8 ¢.c. baryta solution and yielded 0.600.603 gram barium sulphate, Hence 1 c.c. of the baryta solution = 0.001094 gram nitrogen. (2) 10 ¢.c, of the standard sulphuric acid were equivalent to 19.75 ¢.c. soda solution, and I¢.c. of the soda solution =0,004364 gram nitrogen. 432 SUZUKI ; SQUASH (IL) ALBUMINOID NITROGEN. Plante in ec aE Baryta water/Nitrogen found} Percentage used in grams, replaced inc.c.| in grams. of nitrogen. ; f I. 0.799 25.5 Ammonium nitrate ... 0.0241 2.99 2. » 25-5 ; : (I. O1753 24.9 Sodium nitrate ......... 0.0236 3.11 25.1 12.4 Control plants ......... 2,82 12.5 ASPARAGINE NITROGEN, Dry matter vin; Percentage of Plants in (free from ash) cathe vee el Sean nitrogen (3 asp. used in grams, | "P" i alters nitrogen. F : I, 0.799 II.I 0.0105 Ammonium nitrate ... 1.28 2s os 10,7 0.0101 I. 0.752 9.4 0.0089 Sodium nitrate ......... 1.17 2. 5 9.1 0.0086 I, O.411 3.6 0.0034. Control plants ......... 0,82 2. ” 35 0.0033 (1) 1¢.c. of the baryta solution=0.0009447 gram nitrogen. FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS. 433 POTATO (L) ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. ele Percentage of c Dry matter |Baryta water(2/Nitrogen found] - g Plants in used in grams. | replaced in c.c.| in grams. Was c ‘ I. 6.955 55.8 0,0527 Ammonium nitrate ... 0.76 2. ” 55-4 0.0523 I. 5.981 30.8 0.0290 Sodium nitrate ......... 0.49 2, a Br.2 0.0295 I. 7.049 27.8 0.0263 Control plants ......... 0.38 2. as 28.4 0.0267 2 I. 2.097 2.5 0.0024. Original] plant, roots... O.1I 2, 3 2.3 0.0022 2 I. 2.558 2.6 0,0025 Original plant, stems... 0.10 By 3 2G 0.0026 POTATO. (II). ASPARAGINE NITROGEN, Dry matter Plants in moot Grams. 4.492 1.797 Ammonium phosphate 1.156 Sodium Nitrate ......... Control plants ......... (1) 1¢.c. baryta solution =0,0009447 gram nitrogen, (2) 1¢.c, baryta solution =0,0009447 gram nitrogen. Baryta water(?) replaced. Percentage of ak Se nitrogen (4 asp. ‘ nitrogen.) Gram. 0,0082 0.19 0.0034 0.0032 0.27 0.0030 0.0065 0.28 0.0066 434 ; SUZUKI ; POTATO SHOOTS. (1). ALBUMINOID NITROGEN. Planisan Dry matter |Baryta water() Nitrogen Percentage of used, replaced. found. nitrogen. Gram. aCe Gram, Wier & Sates caneocacouannden 0.834. : 0.0159 1.9! Sodium nitrate ......... 1.288 : 0.0231 1.79 Urea and Sugar......... 0.770 : 0.0162 2.11 Sod. nitrate and Sugar 0.635 X 0.0116 1.80 Control plants ......... 0.641 : 0.0122 1.91 Original plants ......... 0.645 : 0.0141 2.18 ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. Percentage of Si ( * E Dry matter |Baryta water() Nitrogen nitrogen (J asp. Plants in used. replaced. found. nitrogen.) Gram. Gilc: Gram. WOR Car Sele ncurcs aoceennte 0.834 22 0.0069 0.82 Sodium nitrate ......... 1.288 2.0 0.0062 0.48 Urea and Sugar......... 0.770 1.7 0,0053 0.69 Sod. nitrate and Sugar 0.635 1.2 0.0037 0.59 Control plants ......... 0.641 se) 0.0031 0.49 Original plants ......... 0.645 0.7 0.0022 0.34 (1) 5 ¢.¢c. of the standard sulphuric acid were equivalent to 22 ¢.c. baryta solution and yielded 0.5695 gram barium sulphate. Hence 1Ic.c. baryta solution=0.0031245 gram nitrogen. FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS. 435 POTATO SHOOTS. (II). TOTAL NITROGEN. Plants i Dry matter |Baryta water™)| Nitrogen Percentage of oe used. replaced. found. nitrogen, Gram. Cues Gram, ( I. 0.456 4.0 Sogarineccecacecsssce 0.0125 2.74 | 2. +, 4.0 ) I. 0.454 5-3 Weaeermeas..nsetedssosscss 0.0169 oui 2 oy 55 I. 0.440 4.8 Sodium nitrate ......... 0.0153 3.48 2 3 5.0 Sodium nitrate and ( I. 0.472 46 | SUGATceecaresccisncw eos 4 0.0144 3.04 | 7. Pe 4.6 j I. 0.447 4.7 | Control plants ......... - 0.0147 3.29 Po P| 4.8 \ I. 0.478 4.7 } Original] plants ......... - 0.0150 3.14 2. ” 4.9 ALBUMINOID NITROGEN. - Dry matter |Baryta water() Nitrogen Percentage of ENS oe. used. replaced. found. nitrogen. Gram, cc. Gram. I. 0.912 4.2 Sugary. scnescccsess-necens 0.0132 1.45 (2. ” 4.4 I. 0.908 ise) NY LCA ys ce aiitace-weseasjroness 0.0179 1.97 | 2. ” 5-7 \ I. 0880 5.2 Sodium nitrate ......... 0.0167 1.89 (2a, 5.4 Sodium nitrate and|({1I. 0.944 5.3 SLUCEh dl cenebansesenapadee 0.0170 1.80 2. ” 5.4 I. 0.894 5.3 Control plants ......... 0.0170 1.86 3- ” 5.3 > j I. 0.956 5.4 Original plants ......... 0.0173 1.81 2. » 5.6 (1) 1¢.c. baryta solution =0,0031245 gram nitrogen. 436 SUZUKI ; ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. — een ‘ Dry matter |Baryta water Nitrogen found Percentage et HBOS used in grams. | replaced in cc.| in grams, _|Togen (3 asp. nitrogen.) I. 1.824 22 SEEMS stisggacenqousaga00c0 0.0069 0.38 2 es 2.2 I. 1.816 Bin Urea’ ain ccsstencotes ses as 0.0162 0.90 2 5 53 I. 1.760 2.1 Sodium nitrate ......... 0.0069 0.39 2 as 2.2 Sodium nitrate and I. 1.888 1.6 SUGAM) corccteseaiescesee 0.0053 0.28 2. ki 1.8 I. 1.788 2.0 Control plants ®......... } 0.0062 0.35 2, 3 2.1 I. O12 1.7 Original plants ......... 0.0053 0.28 2 3 et NITRATE NITROGEN. Height of Volume of| Nitrogen : Dry matter ‘Tempera- Bi - | Percentage Plants in : barometer = NO gas in| found in : in grams. | 5, inches, | tre C ae of nitrogen, 0.880 0.21 17 18 2.6 Sodium nitrate... 30.12 Sodium nitrate and sugar...... 0.16 0.944 ” (1) 1¢.c. baryta solution =0,0031245 gram nitrogen. FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS, 437 HOLESIA HISPIDUM. ASPARAGINE NITROGEN, F Percentage of . Dry matter | Baryta water) Nitrogen = 8 Plants in used. replaced, found. ieee ee Gram. Oe Gram. I. 3.664 3.0 | Ammonium phosphate 0.0028 0.08 2s 3.0 j Ammonium phosphate Pa sea 9 0.0019 0.05 angisuganiens. earn. lain ues 2.1 \ I. 3.668 4.2 ) (Wreag mars .posmicnaressene 0.0042 O11 | 2. ” 45 I. 1.790 1.0 ) Urea and sugar......... 0.0010 0.06 2. 9 1.2 { —een( I. 3.692 3.0 ) Control plants ......... - 0,0028 0.08 a ess 3.0 | { Te) 2.60% 15 ) Original plants ......... - 0.0015 0.06 | 2s 1.6 | BUCKWHEAT. (1.) DETERMINATION OF AMMONIA. One gram of air dry matter of the ammonium nitrate plant (lower stems and roots) was extracted with warm water and to the filtrate, to which so much sodium bicarbonate added as necessary to render the liquid slightly alkaline, yielded on distillation 0.0017 gram nitrogen (=1.8cc. baryta solution”) =0.17% nitrogen. Air dry samples were mixed with some caustic lime and moistened with water. The mixture was kept under a bell jar. The ammonia liberated was absorbed by a known quantity of standard sulphuric acid ; thus I obtained the following results :— I gram of air dry sample of the control plants yielded 0.0004 gram nitrogen (=o.4cc. baryta solution™”)=0.04.% nitrogen. (I) 1¢.c. of the baryta solution = 0.0009447 gram nitrogen. 438 SUZUKI ; I gram of air dry sample of the plants in ammonium nitrate yielded 0.0019 gram nitrogen (=2.0cc. baryta solution”) =0.19% nitrogen. I gram of air dry sample of the plants in sodium nitrate yielded 0.0008 gram nitrogen (=0.8cc. baryta solution) =0.08% nitrogen.© BUCKWHEAT (IL) ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. Percentage of | | E |Baryta water) Ni : Fresh sample |Baryta water@) Nitrogen found nitrogen (=4 Plants in used in grams.| replacedincc.} in grams. asp. nitrogen.) Ammonium chloride... 5.0 : 0.0051 0.10 Ammonium nitrate ... 5-0 : 0.0030 0.06 Sodium nitrate ......... 5.0 4 0.0015 0.03 Control plants ......... 5.0 é 0.CO13 0.03 AMMONIACAL NITROGEN. : Fresh sample |Baryta water()|Nitrogen found] Percentage of Plants in 3 : ; : used in grams. | replaced in cc. in grams. nitrogen.) Ammonium chloride... 7:45 6.0 0.0057 0.08 Ammonium nitrate’... 6.20 Qu 0.0026 0.04 (1) Ic.c. of the baryta solution=0.0009447 gram nitrogen. (2) There are doubtless also traces of asparagine decomposed by calcium hydrate at the ordinary temperature; the small quantities of ammonia obtained from the control plants and the plants in sodium nitrate seem to be due to this source. Control test with Nessler’s reagent (added to the cold extracts of the control plants and plants in sodium nitrate) lead me to this inference. FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS. 439 BUCKWHEAT (IIL) ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. : a f Phat in Dry matter Baryta water Nitrogen found Heer aa 4 used in grams. replaced in cc. in grams. asp. nitr ogen.) Ammonium chloride | Ke) AiG! FRPEERS A paapndoe f 1.840 0.95 Ope09. 205 Ammonium nitrate ... 1.910 3-9 0.0037 0.19 Ammonium nitrate and | SUGAR rani eras ( 1.864 12 ono a) Ammonium carbonate. 1.902 48 0.0046 0.24 Ammonium carbonate 1.826 | aC 0.0025 0.14 Euaval Gelecto: mecuosbaabee ; i Ammonium phosphate. 1.852 2.5 0.0024 0.13 Ammonium phosphate andiSUCalNe.csef..-5- 1.755 29 CPEO? 295 BRASSICA (W/KAWASHIMA.) ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. d Percentage of nitrogen (} asp. nitrogen.) Dry matter Baryta water l)|Nitrogen foun used in grams, Plants in : : replaced incc,| in grams. Ammonium phosphate 0.866 0,0024 027 Sodium nitrate ......... 0.885 0.0037 0.41 Control plants ......... 0,864 0.0037 0.42 (1) Ice, baryta solution = 0.0009447 gram nitrogen. 440 SUZUKI; BRASSICA, SWEDISH TURNIP. (1) ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. Percentage of : Dry matter |Baryta water() Nitrogen nitrogen Plants in i used, replaced, found. (% asparagine nitrogen.) Gram. Cc Gram. L710 68.8 Ammonium Nitrate ... | 0.0653 0.85 2. PA 69.4 Ammonium carbonate Teton 74.2 0.0608 0.85 2s am 74.6 2.3 78.5 I. 9.814 78.2 Be 3 78.6 Control plants 0.0741 0.75 Original plants 0.0123 0.32 } | I. 7.257 78.3 Sodium nitrate ......... 0.0741 1.02 | I. 3.774 12.8 2. 13.0 BRASSIG@ OW EDISH TURNIP (1) ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. Percentage of - Dry matter |Baryta water() Nitrogen nitrogen anc used, replaced. found. (4 asparagine nitrogen, ) Gram, CAG: Gram, (I. 3.591 23.6 Ammonium chloride 0.0225 0.63 Psy 24-0 I, 2,968 18.1 Ammonium phosphate 0,0170 0.57 2. gt 17.9 I; 31673 21,3 Sodium nitrate ......... 0.0203 0.55 25 aie; 27 I. 3.669 28.3 Control plants ......... 0,0269 0.73 = 2: ess 28.7 I. 3.651 10.4 Originaf plants ......... 0.0100 0.27 2 10.6 i LL (1) 1e.c. baryta solution =0,0099447 gram nitrogen. FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS. 441 NITRATE NITROGEN, . : Percentage Dry matter y ‘ Tempera- | Volume of | Nitrogen 8 used, {S'S Mirae, NO gas, | found. seed nitrogen, Gram. Inch. ec: CuGs Gram. I. 0.913 30.36 9 11.9 Control plants ... 0.0076 0,83 2. ” ” ” 12.I I. 0.917 i * 6.0 Original plants... 0.0038 0.41 2. ” ” ” 6.0 BRASSICA. (TAINA). (1) ASPARAGINE NITROGEN, Percentage of Plantsin Dry matter |Baryta water‘) Nitrogen nitrogen sr: used. replaced. found. (% asparagine nitrogen.) Gram. Gics Gram, Ammonium phosphate 1.840 2,0 0,0043 0.23 Sodium nitrate ......... 1.830 1.8 0,0039 0.21 Control plants ......... 1.858 7, 0.0037 0.20 BRASSICA. (TAINA). (II) I. Nitrogen determination of ammonium chloride solution applied to the plant (before experiments). 5°° of the ammonium chloride solution were diluted with water to 250°%, and from this 20°" and 100°" were distilled after addition of soda solu- tions. I. 20°° yielded 0.0160 gram nitrogen (=16.9°° baryta solution”) =0.08% nitrogen. 2. 100°° yielded 0.0792 gram nitrogen (=83.8°° baryta solution) =0.08% nitrogen. This calculated to the original solution gives I. 3-996 2. 3.96%. Average 3.98%. (1) Icac, baryta solution =0,0009447 gram nitrogen. 442 SUZUKI ; Hence 1°” of the ammonium chloride solution contains 0.0398 gram nitrogen. 15°° of the ammonium chloride solution contains 0.5963 gram nitrogen, II. Nitrogen determination of the ammonium chloride solu- tion that had remained unabsorbed, (after experiment). Total unabsorbed solution were filled up to 500°°, from which 20°% and 30° were distilled as above. I. 20°* yielded 016220 gram nitrogen “(=23'3"— Jbanyta solution) =0.1% nitrogen. 2. 30°° yielded 0.0330 gram nitrogen (=34.9"" baryta solution) =0.19% nitrogen, which, calculated to the original solution, give if 3.67% 2 3.66%. Average 3.67% nitrogen. Therefore, total nitrogen remained unabsorbed=o0.5501 gram. Total nitrogen originally applied =0.5963 gram. Total nitrogen absorbed =0.0462 gram. III. Nitrogen determination of sodium nitrate solution ap- plied to the plant (before experiment.) 10° of the sodium nitrate solution were diluted up to 100°, from which each 10°* were taken for analysis. I. 10°° yielded 0.0150 gram nitrogen (temp. 6 °C., pressure 29.84 inches ; NO=24.5°“). =1.50% or 15.0% of original solution. 2. 10°° yielded 0.0150 gram nitrogen (temp. 6.°C., pressure 29.84 inches ; NO=24.5°"). Hence 30°° of the sodium nitrate solution contain 0.4497 gram nitrogen. VI. Determination of unabsorbed nitrogen in the sodium nitrate solution. Total unabsorbed solution were concentrated to 1000°* from which 50°* were analyzed. I. 50°° yielded 0.0203 grams nitrogen (temp. 14.5°C., pres- sure 30.18 inches ; NO =33.8°* ). 2. 50°° yielded 0.0203 grams nitrogen (temp. 14.5°C., pres- sure 30,18 inches; NO=32%6-~). Total nitrogen remained unabsorbed =0.4060 gram. Total nitrogen originally applied =0.4497 gram. Therefore, total nitrogen absorbed by plants=0.0437 gram. FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS, 443 TOTAL NITROGEN. Plants i Dry matter |Baryta water() Nitrogen Percentage of enon used. replaced. found, nitrogen, Gram. Cae. Gram. I. 0.472 10.5 Ammonium chloride... 0.0228 4.83 0p 5 10.6 2 : j I. 0.454 10.0 Sodium nitrate ......... r 0,0217 4.78 | 2s 10.2 \ T. 0.455 94 ) Control plants ......... 0.0202 4.44 2 ” 94 j . I. 0.462 9.8 Orginal plants ......... 0.0213 4.60 2 es 10.0 ALBUMINOID NITROGEN, A ; : Dry matter | Baryta water(?) Nitrogen Percentage of Plants in used, replaced. found. nitrogen. Gram CHC: Gram. I. 1.888 16.1 Ammonium chloride... | - 0.0350 1.86 | Zs 16.5 ; ; I. 0.908 5.6 ) Sodium nitrate ......... 0.0122 1.35 | 2 ~ 5.8 j I. ©.g10 6.9 Control plants ......... 0.0148 1.63 Pe 9 6.9 ) oh I. 0.924 7.0 } Original plants ......... > 0.0153 165 2h Ve 7.2 (1) 1c. baryta solution=0 002148 gram nitrogen. 444 SUZUKI ; ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. Percentage of F Dry matter | Baryta water() Nitrogen nitrogen Eapisnm used, replaced. found, (} asparagine nitrogen.) Gram, G:C; Gram. I. 1.888 3.8 Ammonium chloride... 0.0082 0.43 2. ” 3.8 / I. 1.816 4.1 Sodium nitrate ......... 0.0086 0.47 20. Gs 3-9 I. 1.820 3-1 Control plants ......... 0.0064 0.35 2 2.9 1. 1.848 1.2 Original plants ......... 0.0026 0.14 2) ae 1.2 NITRATE NITROGEN. Plants Dry matter Presente. Tempera- Volume of| Nitrogen Rene ee used. ture. NO. gas. | found. nitrogen Gram Inch. cc C.\G: Gram. ( I. 0.944 20.7 14.5 10.0 Amm, chloride... 0.0058 0.62 l 2. P ” ” 9.8 I. 0.908 - sf 133 i Sodium nitrate... 0.0080 0.88 2. ” ” 7 13.7 \ I. 0.910 35 16. 5.4 ) Control plants ... - 0.0032 0.36 | 2. ” ” > 5 6 Bs I, 0.924 es ns 16.3 ) Original plants .. 0.0096 1.04 2. ” ” ” 16 4 f (1) 1e.c. baryta solution= 0.002148 grain nitrogen, FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS. 445 BRASSICA CAMPESTRIS VAR. TAINA. (III.) I, Examination of ammonium chloride solution that remained unabsorbed. The total solutions were diluted to 500°", of which 200"* and 100°* were analyzed. (a). 200°* of the ammonium chloride solution yielded 0.0627 gram nitrogen (=66.3°" baryta solution). Hence total nitrogen in total solution=0.1568 gram, (b). 100%° of the ammonium chloride and sugar solution yielded 0.0321 gram nitrogen (=34°" baryta solution). Hence total nitrogen in total solution=0.1606 gram. Total nitrogen originally applied =0.1988 gram. Therefore, 0.1988 —0.1568=0.042 gram nitrogen was absorbed by ammonium chloride plants. 0.1958 — 0.1606=0.0382 gram nitrogen was absorbed by ammonium chloride and sugar plants. II. Examination of sodium nitrate solution that remained unabsorbed. The total solutions were concentrated to 100°, from which 20 and 10° were analyzed. (a). 20° of sodium nitrate yielded 0.0218 gram (temp. 15°C., pressure 29.66 inch., vol. of INO 3614552), Total nitrogen in total solution=0.1090 gram. (b). 10°° of sodium nitrate and sugar solution yielded 0.0113 gram nitrogen (temp. 15°C ; pressure 30 inches ; vol. Of NO! 1825¢°°): Total nitrogen in total solution=o0,1126 gram. Total nitrogen originally applied =0.1499 gram nitrogen. 0.1499—0.1090=0.0409 gram nitrogen was absorbed by sodium nitrate plants. 0.1499 —0.1126=0.0373 gram nitrogen was absorbed by sodium nitrate and sugar plants. 446 SUZUKI ; TOTAL NITROGEN, - | Dry matter Baryta water() Nitrogen Percentage of Plants la | used, replaced. found nitrogen, | Gram. (So Gram, I. 0.477 5.6 Sugar e.cocssscaccoetseeses 0.0118 2.48 | 2. ” 5-4 | j I. 0.465 8.7 Ammonium chloride... 0.0189 4.07 | 2° a 8.9 Ammonium chloride I. 0.482 6.5 ANGISUGAT teeter ae 0.0142 2,94 2 % : 0 0129 2.81 Sodium nitrate and |( 1. 0.459 | 6.0 GUIEANS . sshascooodtp00a00¢ | (I. 0447 | 10.4 Sodium nitrate ... . ... | 0.0223 5 00 (1) 1¢.c. baryta solution =0.co2148 gram nitrogen. FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS. 447 ALBUMINOID NITROGEN, . Dry matter |Baryta water‘! ) Nitrogen Percentage of Fuse used. replaced. found. nitrogen. Gram. ene: Gram. | I. 0.954 6.0 SUGAN ee cccaees enc seceeecs | 2 | 0.0131 1.37 | 2 A 6.2 Ammonium chloride plea i 0.016 1.76 Cree i | 0103 7 2. oD 7 7 Ammonium chloride \ I. 0.964 6.8 and sugar ............ 0.0146 1.52 2 pee 7.0 | I. 0.894 73 | } Sodium nitrate ......... | 0.0157 1.75 2 ” 74 | Sodium nitrate and { I. O9Ig 56 |) SUQAE Ct cer csncnowacsns | j 0.0120 1.31 (2 » ens! Control pl 5 ee e | Dias see ace 2 0 0133 1.43 2 + e - \ I. 0.964 go | Original plants ......... 0.0193 1.98 (% ” 9.0 — eee ee (1) 1¢¢. baryta solution=0.002148 gram nitrogen. 448 SUZUKI ; ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. = | hese Percentage of Plantsun Dry a Bary ay eee ae Seon used, rep aced, ound, asp. nitrogen). Gram, cxc Gram. a | I. 1,908 0.7 | (or Vers pondoeeaanaadconede i ( O.COI7 0.09 2 ¥ 0.9 I. 1.860 4.2 | Ammanium chloride... 0.0092 0.50 a: a4 Ammonium chloride | I, 1.928 1.2 F ANGISUS AT elessesceeee | ( 0.0026 O13 2s ; 1.2 eae f I. 1.788 3:3 ) Sodium nitrate ......... | 0.0073 0.41 2. 5 3-4 Sodium nitrate and { I. 1.838 0.8 ) SOG al io. Secceecssen se | ( 0.0019 0.11 2a 1.0 | I. 1.840 Bat ) Control plants ......... i ( 0 0067 0.36 20 3-1 — | I. 1.928 1.7 ] Original plants ......... ] f 0.0039 Chale 23 an 1.9 NITRATE NITROGEN. Plantsan Dry matter Preseare: Tempera- Volume of} Nitrogen ee used. ture. NO gas. | found. nitrogen Gram. Inch. oc: Cics Gram. Sugar’ sicpoceecs 0.954 29.84 | 6 fo) fe) fo) Amm. chloride... | 0.930 59 7 a5 0.0021 0.23 Amm. chloride and sugar...... | one4 a 7 % a * Sodium nitrate... | 0.894 29.7 16 11.5 0.0068 0.76 Sodi itrat adieugar ae t 0.919 30.17 13 2.1 0.0013 0.14 Control plants ... 0.920 29.84 6 1.4 0,0009 0.09 Original plants... 0.964 i | 7 Tel 0.0047 0.49 (1) 1¢.c. baryta solution=0,002148 gram nitrogen. FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS. 449 BRASSICA. (TAINA). (IV.) TOTAL NITROGEN. Dry matter |Baryta water( Nitrogen Percentage of used. replaced. found. nitrogen, Gram. Cc, C. Gram. { I. O491 6.1 | Plants in sugar ......... , - 0.0129 2.63 | 2. ” 5 9 | | I. 0.489 9.8 ) Control plants ......... r 0.0211 4.31 | 2. » 99 ALBUMINOID NITROGEN. Plants in sugar Control plants Plants in suger Control plants Dry matter used. Gram. (I. 0.981 ye { I. 0.978 Weiss ot 5 Baryta water() Nitrogen Percentage of replaced. found. nitrogen. cic: Gram. 7.6 ) 0.0161 1.64 a) 9-7 l 0.0208 2.13 a7 | ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. Percentage of Dry matter |Baryta water) Nitrogen anes used. replaced. found. waste Ce (OSCE 2 nitrogen), Gram, 7 Gram. I. 1.962 1.0 ) 1 0.0021 0.11 2 > I.I f I. 1.956 2.1 | 0.0047 0.24 DP oe 2.3 (1) 1¢.¢. baryta solution =0,002148 gram nitrogen. 450 ; SUZUTI ; NITRATE NITROGEN, 7 ee Percentage Dry matter Tempera- | Volume of} Nitrogen 8 used. | SaESSHTE. ture. | NO.gas. | found. me nitrogen, Gram. Inch. °c Cac. Gram, I. 0.981 ° Plants in sugar... 2. 5 fo) ( I. 0.978 20.7 16 2.7 ) Control plants ... | 0.0016 0.16 | 2. ” ” ” 2.8 ( WHEAT (I). ASPARGINE NITROGEN. - Percentage of - Dry matter |Baryta water) Nitrogen : HES aa replace found, Poneto nitrogen). Gram. CAC. Gram. 1. 1.866 ey Ammonium phosphate 0.0039 0.21 2) es 1.9 I. 1.836 2.0 Sodium nitrate ......... 0.0045 0.24 Dy 2.1 I. 1.890 1.4 Controliplants) eas... 4- 0,0030 0.16 2. 65 1.4 (1) 1 ¢.c. baryta solution =0.002148 gram nitrogen. FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS. WHEAT (1). TOTAL NITROGEN, 451 . Dry matter |Baryta water() Plants in cea! replaced. | Gram. Crc. I. 0.472 9.7 Ammonium chloride... Zs 3 10.1 \ I. 0.467 9.7 Ammonium carbonate ido. 10,0 i I. 0.465 10.1 WEAN petrasessanetrc'ee fete | 2. 3 10.0 I, 0.465 10.1 Sodium nitrate ......... 2. #) 98 j I. 0.476 8.4 Control plants ......... | Ze 3 8.2 I. 0.484 8.5 Original plants ......... oy is 8.3 Nitrogen found. Gram. 0.0206 0.0217 0.0206 0.0215 0.0217 0,0215 0.0217 0.0211 0.0180 0.0176 0.0183 0.0178 Percentage of ST ea Cees ieee nitrogen. 4.48 451 4.63 4.60 3-73 3:72 Plants in ALBUMINOID NITROGEN, Dry matter Ammonium chloride |} - Ammonium carbonate Sodium nitrate ......... Control plants ......... Original plants ......... used, Gram. | I. 0.944 2. ” ( I. 0933 | 2. ” I. 0.930 f 2. es | I. 0.929 2s - I. 0.952 4, < { I. 0.968 (aes ie Baryta water) replaced, Gc; 7.0 7.2 7-4 75 8.4 8.6 8.5 8.7 8.0 8.0 9.0 8.9 Nitrogen Percentage of found, nitrogen. Gram, 0.0151 1.64 0.0155 0 0160 1.73 0.0161 0.0180 1.96 0.0185 0.0183 1.99 0.0187 0.0172 ) 1.81 0.0172 / 0.0192 1.98 0.0190 (1) 1c. of the baryta solution = 0,002148 gram nitrogen. 452 SUZUKI ; ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. - Percentage of ; F Dry matter |Baryta water(!) Nitrogen F 2 PEAS used, replaced. found. nitrogen (f Asp: nitrogen). Gram. Cx: Gram, { I. 1.888 6.6 Ammonium chloride | - 0.0140 0.74 | 2 5) 6.4 I. 1.866 5.6 l Ammonium carbonate | - 0.0125 0.67 liar ie 59 j I. 1.860 66 ) OS g=A ae Namen ben eneet Gacdar 0.0144 0.77 2. “5 6.7 f (1. 1,858 5.0 Sodium nitrate ......... | 0.0105 0.57 2. ” 4.7 I. 1.904 45 Control plants ......... 0.0095 0.50 2. ” 4.3 PI. 1.936 1.2 Original plants ......... 0.0028 0.14 2 - 1.4 ) NITRATES NITROGEN. : Dry matter} Height of | Tempera- | Volume of| Nitrogen REISE AES ES used barometer, ture NO. gas found e : : eee: : nitrogen, Gram, (Inch.) te. Cuics Gram. I. 0.929 30.2 15°C 3.2 Sodium nitrate... 0,0020 | 0.21°/, 2. 0.929 30.2 15°c 3.4 (I) 1e¢.c. baryta solution=o 002148 gram nitrogen, FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS. 453 BARLEY (I). TOTAL NITROGEN. : Dry matter |Baryta water?) Nitrogen — | Percentage of BENS used. replaced. found. nitrogen, Gram. Gs & Gram, I, 0.467 11.5 SIRVEETT cancogacednsocecooces 0.0215 4.60 Zs 3 11.5 I. 0.460 13.6 Wea ree as specie seen cone 0.0260 5.65 By, FF 14.0 I. 0.46 12.4 Urea and sugar........, : 0.0232 4.98 2. 55 12.2 ( I. 0.470 14.1 } Ammonium chloride 0.0270 5-73 | 2 ” 14.4 j Ammonium chloride |(1. 0.459 12.1 and sugar .....,...... 0.0230 5.00 2 55 12.3 { I. 0.4705 12.7 Control plants ......... 0.0239 5.10 | 2 Bs 12.7 I. 0.477 12.9 Original plants ......... 0.0245 5.13 2 5 13.1 (1) 5¢¢. standard sulphuric acid were equivalent to 36.5 ¢.c. baryta solution and yielded 0.5695 gram barium sulphate. Hencetrc.c, baryta solution=0.001883 gram nitrogen. 454 ALBUMINOID NITROGEN. SUZUKI ; - Dry matter |Baryta water(1) FERS used, replaced. Gram Gic I. 0.467 Ze S)TEEV co nadbobagoI0031 000000 2. 3 Pape I. 0.460 2a MITCa cacecneececeatmosenes : Py, + 2.3 I. 0.465 2.0 Urea and sugar......... 2. % 2.2 I, 0.470 De Ammonium chloride 2. + 2.4 Ammonium chloride |(1I. 0.459 1.8 and sugar ......... 300 (2% 5. 1.8 I. 0.471 277 Control plants ....,.... @, + 2.9 ae | I. 0.954 6.5 Original plants ..... ... lao 6.6 (1) tcc. of the baryta solution =0,0031245 gram nitrogen. — — —_—_—o —~’” —o —~ —_os Nitrogen found, Gram. 0.0069 0.0069 0.0065 0.0075 0.0056 0.0087 0.0206 Percentage of nitrogen. 1.47 1.50 1.39 1.60 1.23 1.86 2.16 FORMATION OF ASPARAGINE IN PLANTS. 455 ASPARAGINE NITROGEN. “2g Percentage of : Dry matter |Baryta water‘) Nitrogen z Plants in used, replaced. found. paa Aa Gram. Cyc: Gram, I. 0.634 4.7 SLEVEZN 2 GeucuncontedtRenoone 0.0090 0.97 2. ” 49 I. 0.920 4.6 Wirteaterestesseserecess cc 0.0087 0.95 2. ” 4.7 { I. 0.930 5.2 Urea and sugar......... 0.0100 1.08 le 3 5.4 I. 0.940 8.0 ) Ammonium chloride 0.0151 1.60 2. rs 8.1 \ Ammonium chloride | (1. 0.918 5.0 ADGsSUGar ssesc 5 oF 0,000 . nitrate 2.66 4+ ,, 2. | 0,002 Asparagine 5.00 + ,, a a 0,026 “A 5.00 alone 0.016 Second experiment. Here methyl alcohol was applied in addition to the nitro- genous materials which were asparagine, glycocoll, urea, betain, ammonium chloride, sodium nitrate, ammonium tartrate, am- monium malate, and ammonium succinate. All the solutions contained 1 °/, methyl alcohol, while the sources of nitrogen were applied in such proportion that the number of nitrogen atoms to those of carbon showed the ratio of 1: 8. This time the amount of monopotassium phosphate was increased to 0.5 °/) and to all the flasks ferrous sulphate,” sodium sulphate, and magnesium sulphate (0.1 °/) of each) were added. All other conditions were the same as before except that the volume of the solutions was only 200 c.c. and the temperature somewhat higher, ranging from 9°— 19°C. The flasks, after two weeks, exhibiteda considerable difference; in be- tain, ammonium succinate and ammonium malate, no fungoid de- velopment was yet noticed™; in ammonium tartrate only a moder- ate quantity was observed, much however in asparagine and glyco- coll. The flasks had been frequently shaken in order to prevent the formation of spores on the surface which would have again given rise to a great increase of the mycelium. Only during the last 4 days shaking was dispensed with, allowing now spores to (1) Certain fungi are only developed in presence of iron salts (A/o/isch) ; according to Kau/in also presence of zinc salts will promote the development of mould fungi. (2) They were infected again and left to stand for several months, whereupon a moderate development was observed. 470 NAKAMURA. be formed, the solutions containing asparagine and glycocoll then showed more spore development than the other nutrients. TABLE II. Nutrient in gram for 200 c.c, solution Weight of fungoid mass in grams, Ammonium tartrate 0.79 + methyl alcohol 2 g. 0.012 a chloride 0.42 + > e Z 0.025 Sodium nitrate 0.66 + 3 a os 0.015 Urea 0.25 + 5 3 Pr | 0,028 Glycocoll 0.79 + 3) # % 0.063 Asparagine O78 =e 4 + 0.073 = , Without methyl alcohol 0.047 Summary. It is seen from these two experiments that for mycelium fungi asparagine is a superior source of nitrogen, even far superior to such a closely related compound as ammonium succinate. Protein-production must then be much more easily possible from the former than from the latter, z.e., the way from asparagine to proteid is much shorter than that from ammonium succinate al- though this is so closely related to asparagine, This conclusion holds good also for phaeznogams as shown above. On the Quantities of Nitrates Stored up in Plants under Different Conditions. BY T. Ishizuka, Nogakushi. The amount of nitrates stored up in plants varies not only in different parts of the same plants, but it is subjected to great varia- tion in the entire plants, which depends on the one hand upon the relative amount of nitrates present in a soil and on the other upon the state of development of plants, as, e.g., by rapid development of plants all the nitrates, otherwise deposited in stem and root, would be utilized for the formation of proteid. I suspected, however, that, by gradual reduction, the amount of nitrates would also decrease on keeping objects, especially roots, for several months in a cool place. A series of qualitative tests with diphenylamine and sulphuric acid was first made to acsertain which objects are rich in nitrates; this reaction failed, however, with the roots of Batatas edulis, Nelumbo nucifera, Lilium tigrinum, Solanum tuberosum, Helian- thus tuberosus, Capsicum longum, Eutrema Wasabi, Colocasia antiquorum, and with the fruit of Cucurbita Pepo. The quanti- tative determinations of nitrates were always made with fresh objects, which were cut into small pieces and extracted with water ona water-bath for half an hour; the residue obtained by the evaporation of the filtrate was then extracted with alcohol of 60°); this extract after evaporation to dryness served for the determination of nitrates by the method of Tzeman and Schulze. The results are shown in the following table A. (1) In some of the objects the qualitative test already revealed a decrease of nitrates and in some cases an entire disappearance after several months, as in a variety of A//inm Jéstulosum, On the other hand no decrease was observed with the root of Zappa major, kept from gth October to 4th Nov., but here the examination showed at once tha! the cells of the roots had died oft. 472 ISHIZUKA ; Nitric anhydride in Objects. Date of analysis. 100 parts of dry matter, Sept. 21. 0.13 Solanum Melongena.........0.0.0+ . Sept. 30. O.I1 2 3 a : ei Oct. 24. 0.78 BCHUNCOSA) CHAS CT. Qian ne Nov. 28. 0.52 Oct. I9. O.II DD AUCUSN CAT OL O meanecen = iseeseee Oct. 31. 0.06 Oct. 3. 1.35 | Altium fistulosumt..... cece g Nov. 9. 0.17 2 3 Nov. 22. ay. 3 v 3:25 2 RaAPhANUS SAUVUS 0.0.0. cceceneen Febr. 24. : 2.85 Apr. 7. 2.50 Nov. 22. 1.16 Brassica CAMPECSUTIS.. 0.0 .ccceceeee Febr. 29. 0.90 Nov. 9. 1.00 Brassica oleracea (sprouts)...... . Noy. 31. 0.95 zg 2 a Sept. 24. 4.14 &¢ Raphanus sativus . ............... 2 Oct. 21. 2.44 > 3 a Sept. 24. 2.81 Brassica campestris ............... Oct. 21. 2.12 From thts table it becomes quite evident that the amount of uttrates in the different cases decreases more or less on keeping the objects. I directed my attention further to the amount of nitrates found in the same plants at different seasons, especially in such plants, as serve generally as food, viz., the root of Raphanus sativus and Brassica campestris, commencing the determination ON THE QUANTITIES OF NITRATES STORED IN PLANTS. 473 in October and taking samples from the field from time to time. The differences here found were not so large as tn the other case, where the objects were kept tn a state of rest after they had been harvested. Nitric anhydride in Object. Root of Dates of collection. 100 parts of dry matter. ROP CHUSES QUUULS wecennasetecet ase 15 Oct 4.80 + ms’ ch uehhiswaieseto ne stneles Di 4.13 53 ast Haisas wiemiinaceccseswe cael 28y 5, 4.77 6 Soe eceenecans desea lssieasias 4 Nov. 5.16 a pp MiessacsUinenacevaasapiter 1. 5 4.06 5 + eae esa eee ee as ae 3.26 (1) os FR OSCR EE ea EE OS eaRnOSe 9 Dec. 2.50 3 SO ore ore ee 20 ,, 3 34 ” fy dadadtinsodangaboancanptc 27 Jan. 2.66 ay Friis “WaROCLORedOCOnCEaE a ticad 12 Feb. 3.50 i. OS EERO RAE CEE RES 10 March. A 2.21 or RA ean derkas cotseisate neuer 29 Apr. 3.95 (2) a9 Pee Cheroccbocoseeuaa occ: 22 May. 3.70 Object. Root of Dates of collection. Nitric anhydride in 100 parts of dry matter. WS ROSSUCONCOIUPESTL US) eee aisnatnanasaetr 21 Oct. 2.27 rr aye: Cckrenmestenscanratereners 25) ,, 2.45 re Pe a ea seclle an nens ease 4 Nov. 2.36 3 i aa eee Reece: 1S: ,, 2.44 ‘6 %) _-eBorebescosacppsvonte 9 Dec. 0.67 “ Perle caienicine deileacuicchien 20m, 1.06 i Ao, | hatcisalelote'sorersiarcie sietorare 27 Jan. 1,09 a7 Pe archer brace npannon 12 Feb. 1.21 (1) Frost had set in. (2) This determination was made with a young plant. 474 ISHIZUKA3 ON NITRATES STORED IN PLANTS. I paid also some attention to the products of transformation of the nitrates. Ifall conditions are favourable, then of course the nitrates are assimilated in the building up of proteids; if, however, all conditions for this process are not fulfilled other pro- ducts might be formed and I suspected above all a gradual trans- formation into asparagine in such cases. To compare the amounts of nitrates and asparagine in the roots of Raphanus, Brassica and Daucus three determinations were made: first just after they had been harvested, then atter being kept for sixty days in the dark in moist saw dust at the ordinary temperature, and again forty days later. eee Risies of In dry matter. ‘J : examination. Percentages of Percentages of nitric anhydride. asparagine. 22 Nov. 3-25 4.35 Raphanus Satvus.........0.00.000- 24 Feb. 2.85 5.66 7 Apr. 2.56 6.18 22 Nov. 0.048 5-47 Daucus Carota .......: Reh d 7 24 Feb. 2 6.44 7 Apr. 0.046 7.41 : 22 Noy. 1,16 6.20 Brassica CAMPESUVIS occ ccccee 24 Feb. 0.90 10.35 We here indeed observe a gradual decrease of nitrates and increase of asparagine, but the latter increased so much more that we must assume the larger portion of the asparagine was produced etther by decomposition of protetds or by the trans- Formation of other nitrogenous organic compounds. On the Significance of the Nitrates Contained in Plants for Animals and Men, BY T. Ishizuka, NMogakushi. As the presence of nitrates in the food is of more influence upon the well-being of animals and men than is often supposed, it is well to discuss such circumstances as relate to the amount of stored up nitrates in plants ; these are principally: a). Intensity of nitrification in the soil. b). The amount of rain removing the nitrates from the soil. The amount of nitrates formed in the soil depends, of course, above all upon the amount of ammonia present; in the second place upon the condition of the soil. Deherain noticed a great influence of the kind of soil upon the intensity of nitrification: a porous soil formed more than double as much of nitrate as a less porous one; a clayey soil would admit less aération, therefore would be also less favourable for nitrification (Ann. Agronom. 21, 353, 1895). In the third piace the development of the microbes of nitri- fication (Nitrosomonas and Wtromonas) depend not only upon climate, and mechanical condition of the soil, but also upon the presence of certain chemical compounds; thus it was found by Dumont that the increase of potassium salts in a soil and the simultaneous presence of humus and calcium carbonate favour the development of the nitrifying microbes, and therefore the production of nitrites from ammonia which very soon pass into nitrates in the soil. Furthermore, the amount of rain must have a great influence upon the amount of nitrates, as, these are not absorbed by the soil. Heavy rains combined with thorough drainage of the field therefore deprive the soil well nigh completely of the nitrates present. On the other hand, frequent small showers will merely promote the energy of nitrification, and a larger amount of nitrates will accumulate, because of the rain water in this case not dratning away, but simply evaporating again from the soil. 476 ISHIZUKA; ON THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NITRATES Moreover, shallow soils are more easily deprived of the nitrates by the same amount of rain than deep soils ; and finally a great influence will be exerted by the temperature, as in sum- mer the nitrification is more intense than in winter. Thus we observe a /ocal and temporal influence upon the amount of nitrates present in the soil, and the great differences Berthelot” observed in regard to the quantity of nitrates in plants thus finds a simple explanation. Countries with regular and copious summer rains will show also less nitrates in the plants than countries with rather dry summers, while again in desert-soils nitrates are not found at all, because of no bacillus being able to thrive in the absence of water. The noxious qualities of vegetable food, rich in nitrates, for animals have been recognized by Lawes and Gilbert, the illu- strious investigators of Rothamsted, England. I quote from the lecture of Henry Gilbert delivered in America in Nov. 1893 the following passage : “Then, again, as generally more or less of the nitrogen in root will exist as nitrate, it will so far not only have no food value, but it may be posttively injurt- ous. It may be added that, other things being equal, the higher the percentage of nitrogen in roots the lower, as arule, will be the proportion of it as albuminoids, and the higher that as amides and as nitrate, etc. Further in direct experiments at Rothamsted with sheep feeding on roots alone, it was found that while the animals even gained in weight on 72fe roots, /ow in nitrogen, they actually /os¢ on roots that were /ess ripe, high tn nitrogen, and doubtless containing a larger pro- portion of their nitrogen as non-albuminoid compounds.” It is true that mztrates by themselves have not a very noxious effect on animals as it requires about 2.5 g. of potassium nitrate for 1 kilo of body-weight of an animal to bring on death, but there (1) Berthelot found that the amount of nitrates may vary from o to 15 % in potato, from 0 to 2.8 % o in wheat, from 0 to 15 % in Amarantus. (Chem Centralbl. 1884, 639). The amount in turnips and beets was found to vary between 0.5 —3.5 % of the dry matter (Z¢ermayer, Physiologische Chemie der Pflanzen). j CONTAINED IN PLANTS FOR ANIMALS AND MEN. 477 exist numerous kinds of bacteria which can reduce the nitrates to the poisonous zz¢rztes while other kinds of bacteria again reduce them directly to the less noxious ammonia.” The dangerous character of nitrites is clearly elucidated by the observation of Az¢kinson, that 0.2 g. sodium nitrite pro- duces heavy intoxication in men.” Guinea-pigs are killed by 0.5 g. of sodium nitrite no matter whether administered through the stomach or subcutaneously, under the phenomena of paralys- is and kyanosis. Of those bacteria which produce nitrites from nitrates, the bacillus of Cholera asiatica acts most energetically, and Emmerich and 7Zswbot have therefore propounded the theory that the symptoms in cholera disease are due to the xztrztes formed by thts bacillus in the intestines of men from the nitrates in food. Indeed, this theory explains thus far alone the temporal, local and zxdivtdual disposition for cholera.” Pettenkofer pointed out that cholera in temperate zones makes its appearance as a great epidemic always late in summer or at the beginning of autumn, further that certain cities are never visited by this epidemic, and that drinking water has no influence upon the spread of cholera,™ and inferred that there must exist a second principle besides the cholera bacillus to make the genuine cholera possible. (1) In this regard an observation made by Azchder is of great interest ; he discovered nitrites in the urine in a case of acute affection (catarrh) of stomach and intestines, and elucidated farther that the action of a coccus upon the nitrates of the food had given rise to the production of the poisonous nitrites. (Fortschritte. d. Med. 13. 478). (2) Certain animals as rabbits require more to affect them seriously ; perhaps there exists cogditions in them by which the nitrous acid is prevented from being set free so easily. (3) Miinch. Med. Wochenschr, 1893. That theory was attacked by A7emperer and Pfeiffer, \yat not disproved. By means of the reaction of Gries, nitrous acid would no doubt be discovered more often than formerly in the feces of cholera patients. For the production of the cholera-red reaction indol is necessary, but as Govini (1893) has shown this is not formed in presence of much sugar and is absent sometimes in cholera-feces. (4) Semerad came to the same conclusion as Pettenkofer, that besides meteorological conditions the soil has also great influence, as his investigations on the cholera-epidemic in Fungbunz/au left no doubt on this point. (5) fhe nitrates are present, if at all, in too small quantities to be taken into account ; thus, the sum of nitrous and nitric acid in 10,000 parts of drink water of Tokyo (1885) was found to be: Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 0.002 0.004 0.158 0.173 0.211 0.128 0,156 0.163 0.162 0.152 0.110 0,009 478. ISHIZUKA; ON THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NITRATES He has also called attention to his observation, that great cholera epidemics appear in those years in which the rain fall of summer remains far below the average, which fact would appear very strange, if the cholera bacillus alone were the cause, as abundance of moisture would be most favourable to the development of that bacillus.“ This fact as well as the gradual decrease of the epidemic towards winter,” and further its breaking out at the time when the new vegetables are harvested, is in best accordance with the theory of Emmerich and Tsuboi, for which my own investigations above described bring further support. Finally I must point out that the law, discovered by Pettenkofer in regard to the influence of rain, is also confirmed by the phenomena observed in Japan: I compared the intensity of the four cholera epidemics during the last 13 years with the amount of rain-fall from May to October, and from this it becomes evident that in those years in which the rain fall was considerably below the average, the epidemic was more serious than in those years in which the rainfall was more copious, as the following tables show : (1) I do not assert here that the nitrites produced are the exc/esive poison in cholera. Indeed Ziipfe and Scholl have discovered in cholera cultures also poisonous proteids, There exist cases of a milder form of cholera in which the formation of nitrites is not the leading factor, as, e.g., also the cholera produced in Guinea-pigs by subcutaneous injec- tions of comma bacilli. Cf. also the interesting article of //iippe, Ler). Klin. Wochenschr. 1894. No. 17. (2) Montefusco tries to explain this by the decreasing virulence in great cold, but this is not satisfactory, as cholera stops even in warm winters. CONTAINED IN PLANTS FOR ANIMALS AND MEN. 479 NAGASAKI. POPULATION 71,600. AMOUN? OF RAIN FALL MM. Absolute number of deaths from June July August | Sept. E cholera. 92.1 aigtons 167.3 209.4 192.7 | 2314 | 358.2 | 309.9 985.4 | 149.6 | 159.2 | 117.4 369.1 135.1 192.0 253.5 (1) 324.0 | 154.8 192.8 322.7, 259-7 191.1 97-1 48.5 457.0 798.4 78.6 128.6 393.0 206.0 214.0 214.8 298.9 255.3 203.3 207.6 338.9 52.0 250.6 319.5 35.0 | 476.8 43-7 110.4 25.3 337.0 216.0 27.9 347.0 288.3 190.2 NAGASAKI. TFMPERATURE (AVERAGE). °CELS. May June July | August Sept. Oct. 1883 17.7 21.6 25.7 27.0 22.7 Sigs. | 4 sai Ss ) giartomat 25.6 25.6 24.1 168 5 13.2 | 21.7 25.1 27.4 24.1 18.7 6 18.2 ee 26.0 Zar 23.3 19.0 7 17.6 21.1 26.1 26.6 23.6 19.1 8 eae | | .. 262 27.8 23.4 Wey) 9 18.1 23.2 26.0 26.9 22.5 "om = go 18.7 22.5 26.7 26.5 Cheon | a I 18.3 21.8 25.5 26.6 25.2 19.2 2 Raney > a2 — one 24.4 17.6 3 18.5 21.6 27.9 | 26.8 25.4 4 17.8 24.5 27.8 29.1 24.3 18.5 5 Fame | open 24.1 27.0 24.3 17.6 [Mean i gasess Lemuonas 26.1 27.1 23.5 aaa ed (1) Epidemic most violent. 480 ISHIZUKA; ON THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NITRATES HIROSHIMA. POPULATION 94,300. AMOUNT OF RAIN FALL MM. Absolute desta tea May June July August | Sept. Oct. cholera. ~ 3883.—O«|:S 51.6 10.7 204.6 115.9 116.4 50.2 ~~ e 4 163.0 198.3 328.6 126.2 167.6 59.2 5 251.6 563.7 111.9 57-3 1298 85.2 13 6 249.9 131.4 135.1 192.0)} 253.5 IQI.I 5229 7 162.4 224.2 139.3 38.6 153.6 145.8 8 86.8 181.1 255-4 50.4 176.9 51.8 9 107.1 329.3 610.7 62.8 139.8 126.2 90 | 185.3 | 245,0 | 1609 | 809 | 165.5] 99.0 | 1325 I 178.2 252.6 210.8 79.3 163.2 io8- |) an 2 | 2279 | 2yseliees | 344 | Grea [Jer 3 igorom 1420 6.3 214.0 166.7 308.1 4 78.0 "T30g0n 153.5 66.3 328.4 ae 5 242.9 244.7 127.3 50.6 (4) 3049 Mean 165.9 225.9 203.4 95-7 163.2 112.7 HIROSHIMA. TEMPERATURE (AVERAGE). °CELS. June July August Sept. 26.0 27.0 23.0 25.0 25.1 23.6 24.3 23.5 26.1 - 23.1 22.6 21.8 21.5 24.0 24.4 (1) Epidemic most violent. CONTAINED IN PLANTS FOR ANIMALS AND MEN. 481 OSAKA-FU. POPULATION 490,000. Absolute number of deaths from June July | August | Sept. Oct. cholera. AMOUNT OF RAIN-FALL MM. 6.4 107.9 84.6 121.9 Wie 215.0 307.8 48.2 265.0 25.1 867.4 112.2 26.7 65.9 166.101) 144.9 8.6 24.0(2)| 187,1 138.0 211.1 733 98.6 97.2 221 4 119.4 145.8 86.1 120.1 92.8 165.8 231.3 193.8 156.5 163.0 232.4 118.1 50.7 129.3) 154.1 222.9 132.8 68 6 132.7 155.2 262.6 169.4 590 1688 143.1 112.4 14.7 1165 182.5 1850 97.1 95.1 81.7 109.3 84.0 279.2 208.1 87.9 147.7 Mean 228.2 131.1 78.9 144.9 133.2 OSAKA. TEMPERATURE (AVERAGE), CCELS. May June July August Sept. Oct. 16.5 21.3 26.2 26.7 22RT 17.6 16.8 21.0 25.2 25.4 23.4 15.5 16.7 21.9 25.1 27.3 23.9 17.9 17.4 21.8 26.7 27.6 23.7 18.0 16.3 21.2 25.7 Die 22.8 18.6 18.0 20.4 26.3 27.3 22.6 16.1 16.4 22.3 25.2 27.1 21.6 16.3 17.9 22.7 25.8 27.2 25.0 17.0 18.3 21.3 25.6 26.5 25 0 16.6 16.7 22.0 27.0 y/o 24.5 17.0 16.6 20.7 27.5 27-4 24.6 L7au 17.5 24.1 28.2 28.4 23.4 16.4 18.2 21.5 244 27.8 23.8 17.4 17.2 20.9 26.2 Pfc! 22.9 17.8 (1) Epidemic most violent. 482 AMOUNT OF RAIN-FALL MM. TOKYO-FU. POPULATION 1,342,000. ISHIZUKA ; ON THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NITRATES Absolute number of deaths from May June July August Sept. Oct. cholera. 1883 92.4 199.0 90.8 i 1.9 | 135.4 | 163.5 4 134.9 177.5 102.9 90.5 193.2 78.6 5 Wee 331.0 182 6 103.2 72.0 296.9 112 6 164.1 80.5 48.5 87.1 254.6 190.9 9879 7 147.4 | 216.2 g12 97.6 102.3 | 223.5 8 144.4 174.0 135.9 81.0 184.5 Patt toy 9 195.3 68.5 259.9 96.2 187.3 109.3 90 141.5 188.8 120.1 106.0 214.3()| _ 198.0 3307 I 347-5 180.3 130.1 105.3 212.5 IQI.7 2 267.9 285.9 109.1 20.9 288.9 136.6 3 145.3 95.5 54.9 95-3 90.8 ere a 4 84.3 | 575 | 616 | 1995 | 1449 | 192.7 5 177.6 299.8 129.3 83.6(1) 2500 sy flor) 109.0 101.8 166.4 TEMPERATURE (AVERAGE), BOK YO: June July August °CELS. Sept. 19.6 230 24.8 21.6 19.5 23-3 20.3 2351 23.8 25-5 20.8 25.0 26.5 203 23.6 18.6 24.5 25.3 21.4 22.1 23.3 21.1 25.6 2T0O 20.9 23.3 25.8 22.0 235 254 20.3 24.9 21.1 25-7 25-5 26.3 25.2 26.1 23.6 26.8 27.0 22.1 25-5 24.2 25.6 Epidemic most violent. CONTAINED IN PLANTS FOR ANIMALS AND MEN. 483 The circumstance, that Japan has, as a rule, much rain in summer, may account for the fact that the cholera-epidemics, so frequent in Japan, rarely assume such frightful proportions as are observed in certain cities in Europe, as Munich, Hamburg, Marseilles, Naples or Palermo. One of the violent epidemics in Japan was that of 1886 in Osaka and just in that summer the rains in June, July, and August were very far below the average, while they were much less so in the case during the three other milder epidemics of 1885, 1890 and 1895. The same rule holds good further for the epidemics in Tokyo, while in Nagasaki and Hiroshima the four epidemics reached but small dimensions, and here the meteorological tables again show that the average amount of rain in June, July, and August never sank so far below the average as was thercase in the year 1886 in Osaka. We may therefore conclude that Pettenkofer’s conclusions are confirmed by the observations in Japan. (1) As in spring and summer of 1896 numerous and heavy rains fell in Tokyo, I predicted that a cholera-epidemic would not take place in the following autumn. And indeed during the months of August and September the number of cholera cases for every week were restricted to an average of three or four, gradually disappearing ontirely in October. O, Loew. On the Physiological Behaviour of Maleic and Fumaric acids. BY T. Ishizuka, Nogakushi. The stereo-isomeric fumaric and maleic acids, HOOC—CH CH—COOH I] and || show not only in chemical, CH—COOH CH-—-COOH, but also in physiological respects highly interesting differences. Mould fungi can easily utilize fumaric acid as source of carbon for building up their protoplasm, but not maleic acid.” Lew found a similiar difference for bacteria; fumaric acid is an excellent nutrient, while maleic acid an exceedingly poor one.; Moreover, Pfeffer found that maleic acid exerts an attracting influence upon spermatozoids of ferns, while fumaric acid shows no such action. Again, recent investigations show that maleic acid is more poisonous for the higher animals than fumaric ; if per kilo body- weight of a dog are injected 1.94 grams of maleic acid in the form of the sodium salt into the veins it suffices to kill the dog, while with fumaric acid it will not. It appeared to me of some interest, to investigate, whether analogous physiological differences exist in regard to chlorophyll- bearing plants and the lower aquatic animals. Preliminary trials showed that highly diluted solutions of the neutral sodium salts of both acids did not exert any noxious in- fluence upon plants; but it may be possible that maleic acid is transformed by the vital activity into fumaric, before it can exert a noxious action. The fact that there is never found in the vegetable kingdom maleic, but fumaric acid is,” renders this supposition indeed admissible. Therefore, the neutral sodium salts of maleic and fumaric acids were applied in higher concen- trations, and here indeed it became evident that maleic acid acts more noxiously than fumaric acid. (1) £. Buchner. Ber. D. Chem, Ges, 24, 1163. (2) Central-Bl. f. Bact ; 12, 361. (3) Hodera, Chem, Ztg., Dec. 1895. (4) Fumaric acid was found in “umaria officinalis, Corydalis bulbosa, Glaucium Zuteum, farther in different kinds of Agaricus and in Cetraria islandica. PHYSIOLOGICAL BEHAVIOUR OF MALEIC & FUMARIC ACIDS. 485 I. Experiments with Leaves. Young leaves were placed on the surface of 1 % solutions of the neutral sodium salts of both acids and at the same time in common water for control. In fumaric acid. In maleic : n water. acid. I te Leaves of weet eee eterecce ” ” 11) Experiments with Whole Plants. Barley plants were placed in 2°/) solutions of the sodium salts ; after 20 hours they were found to be killed by the sodium maleate but were still quite normal in the fumarate, just as in the control case with water. Ill. Experiments with Branches. Small young branches 10-15 cm. long bearing leaf-buds, or flower-buds or both, were placed in 1°/) solutions of the neutral sodium salts and at the same time in common water for control. Branches of In maleic Tn fumaric Control. acid. acid. Oenanthe stolonifera ...... Killed after 4 days. | Killed after 10 days. Alive. Acanthopanax spinosum.... : Py ay, 5 3 Or, 53 oe Brassica campestris... 53 5 Sa es 0 ends os Evonymus Thumbergianus iy i Sees 5 moe ” Prunus pseudocerasus var. Spontanea 12 buds, bearing Frunus mume bearing 5 flower buds. Killed after 2 days, no bud had open- ed at all, No buds opened, after 3 days the ends of the buds turned brown and died. After 1 day 10 buds had opened, and on the 3rd day 2 more buds ; the 4th day how- ever they died. on After 1 day one bud opened, but after 4 days all were killed, All buds opened, and alive. remained After 2 days all the opened. buds had 486 ISHIZUKA. ~ IV. Experiments with Seeds. Seeds of barley and radish, six in number were soaked in 2 °/y solutions of the neutral sodium salts for 2 days, then placed on moistened blotting paper under a bell-jar for germination. After 10 days two barley grains had germinated of those that had been treated with the maleate, three of those with the fumarate and five of the control grains soaked in common water: of the radish seeds all had germinated within 8 days, but the control seeds already within 4 days. V. Experiments with Algae. Analogous experiments were made with filaments of Spzro- gyra which were placed in 1°/, neutral solution of the sodium salts of both acids: the microscopical examination after 4 hours showed that about half the cells had been killed by the sodium maleate, while only very few in the fumarate: after 18 hours all cells in the former solution had been killed, their chlorophyll bodies had lost their normal shape, and the cytoplasm had been much contracted, while in the latter solution about half the cells were still alive ; it took here 40 hours to kill them all. VI. Experiments with Aquatic Animals. The organisms principally observed were infusoria, rotatoria, and copepoda. All these remained alive in 1 p.m. solutions for several days; but in 5 p. m. solutions they were killed in the sodium maleate after 1 hour 20 min., while in the fumarate after 8 hours : most copepoda and rotatoria died in the former in 45 min., in the latter after 2 hours 3 min. We observe, therefore, in all the cases described here, that szalete acid shows amore poisonous action than fumaric, another interesting instance demonstrating the sensibility of the protoplasm towards stereo-isomeric bodies. . On the Physiological Action of Amidosulphonic Acid. ae N. Maeno, Nogatushi. Amidosulphonic acid has been subjected to extended chemic- al investigations by Dr. Edward Divers, Professor in the Imperial University of Japan, and it was he who proposed to test whether this substance would prove just as good a source of nitrogen. for plants as the ammonium salts or whether they would be noxious, Dr. Loew then made some experiments which showed that, while bacteria and mould fungi could utilise the sodium. and calcium salts of this acid as soures of nitrogen, and algae are not noxiously affected even by 1 per cent solutions of these two salts, higher plants, on the contrary, are noxiously affected by them. As this fact was so contrary to expectation, a larger series of ex- periments appeared desirable, to decide whether such an action would generally take place in different groups of phanerogams. I therefore made experiments not only with entire plants and young branches but also with isolated leaves and with the seeds of various species. It is well known that ammonium salts in a certain concentration act noxiously upon plants as well as upon animals, and that this poisonous nature either decreases or in- creases in intensity when we substitute one hydrogen atom with other groups; thus, hydroxylamine and diamidogen are more poisonous than ammonia, while on the other hand amido-acetic acid or taurin are not poisonous : NH, Weak poison. NH,—NH, . St s. NH,—OH rong poisons cae ae eae { Not poisonous. NH,—CH,—CH,—SO,0H Nenckt has found that carbamic acid exerts a poisonous effect upon warm-blooded animals, which is different from the effects of the equivalent amount of ammonia. This proves that hydrolysis into ammonia and carbonic acid is not readily accomplished by 488 MAENO. the living cells, and such may also be the case with amido- sulphonic acid taken up by the plants.” NH,COOH NH,SO,OH Carbamic acid. Amido-sulphonic acid. In ail my experiments with whole plants, young branches and isolated leaves, I used a I p. m. or 0.5 p. m. amido-sulphonic acid solution in the form of the calcium salt.” To these solutions were further added 0.05 9% mono-potassium phosphate, 0.05 °/, magnesium sulphate and 0.2°/, calcium sulphate. The control- solution contained in place of amidosulphonate, an equal amount of ammonium sulphate. At the same time one or more of the plants were also placed in distilled water. We will call for the sake of abbreviation the plants in the solution containing the amidosulphonate (A) ; those in ammonium sulphate (B), and the plants in distilled water (C). I. Experiments with Whole Plants. Barley plants were taken carefully from the field on the 19th February and after carefully washing the roots, they were placed in the solutions mentioned. The result is seen from the following table: Length of plants at | Length of plants Water absorbed in the beginning. after 9 days. 6 days. A 24.5 cm. 24.5 cm, 46 c. c. B | ZA‘OL ;; 25.0" 5, 105 5, Cc 2 Our 23.0 ,, 120 ,, The plant (A) appeared so much damaged by the withering of the leaves on the gth day that complete death set in two days later ; the chlorophyl of the younger leaves had turned yellow before they succumbed. While no traces of new rootlets were to be observed in the plant (A), the control plants which remained healthy for a long time had developed them in great numbers. (1) According to an observation of Dy. Divers to whom thanks are due for having provided our laboratory with a large amount of amidosulphonic acid, only the am- monium salt of this acid is easily hydrolysed in aqueous solution, (2) In a few cases I also used the sodium salt with the same results. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF AMIDOSULPHONIC ACID. 489 For the next experiment young plants of Brassica Rapa 14. cm. in height were selected. Although the amount of amido- sulphonic acid here did not exceed 0.5 p.m: the plants (A) died within 7 days, while the control plants B and C remained healthy. In the third experiment plants of Alium fistulosum about 30 cm. in length were placed in 0.5 p. m. solutions. A noxious effect was here noticed after 14 days, the tips of the leaves became yellow, lost their turgor, and withered. Com- plete death had set in after 29 days with the plants A, while the control plants B and C still exhibited a healthy appearance. The plants A had grown during the first 7 days 9 cm. on the average, but the plants B more than double that height. For the fourth experiment young plants of Soya beans were used. The seeds were soaked for several days in water and then left to germinate on moistened filter paper. The shoots were placed in 1 p.m. solutions. In this case not only the amido- sulphonate but also the ammonium sulphate exhibited a decided- ly noxious action. Length of the shoots. = Death set in: At the beginning : After 11 days: A 8 cm, 8 cm. In 11 days. B 9 » 9 » Vim Hit 2 € 8 1S) — Il. Laperiments with Branches. In the 1 p. m. solutions above mentioned were placed on the 3rd of March, small twigs of Prunus domesticus 12-15 cm. length and bearing flower-buds; the buds of those twigs that were kept in water opened on the next day. One day later, the buds of the branches kept in ammonium sulphate followed and 4 days later, those of the branches in amidosulphonate (A). On (1) Diamidogen in a dilution of 0.5 p.m. killed the plants in about the same time as amidosulphonic acid. 490 MAENO ; the 10th of March, however, the 4 blossoms (A) had dried up while the still closed buds died in this state. The branches in water, however, had 14 and those in ammonium sulphate 11 healthy blossoms. In other experiments, the solutions were ap- plied in half the concentration as before but the result was essen- tially similar ; after 8 days, all the 14 buds on the branches (A) had withered and become brown, while the branches (B) and (C) with all their opened buds remained healthy. Ill. LAxperiments with Leaves. Young leaves of Aesculus turbinata 15-17 cm. in length were placed in 1 p. m. solutions. After 4 days, a loss of turgor could be observed with the plants A, and several days later black spots appeared, especially along the veins, which spread gradually and extended over all the leaves after 11 days. The leaves B and C, however, retained their normal appearance. This experiment was repeated with solutions of half the concentration with essentially the same results. In the next experiment, leaves of Prunus cerasus (5 pieces) were placed in 0.5°/, solutions. After 5 days, brown spots developed on the leaves A, which after 8 days had spread so much that the leaves might be considered as completely killed. Soon afterwards, the solution in which these leaves were kept be- came reddish from extracted organic matters. The leaves B showed at this time only very small and few brown spots, while leaves C showed only one such spot of very small size. IV. Experiments with Seeds. Seeds of rice, barley, soya bean, and turnips, 20 of each, were placed for 58 hours in 0.5°/) solution of calcium amido- sulphonate (A); in ammonium sulphate (0.5 °/)) (B) and again in pure water (C). The seeds were then placed on moist filter paper, covered with a bell jar, and the number of germinated seeds counted every evening for twelve days. The result is given in the follow- ing table : PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF AMIDOSULPHONIC ACID. 4091 OYaDeaN -o.-.0--2--- TRS gcone ooeeneeee B Onl 2a aers | 27 | 27) esa ou! x9) 19) |) 9)/ 19 G o| 6| 15-| 18} 18 | 18 | 18} 18 | 18 | 18] 18 | 18 These results demonstrate again the noxious effects of the amidosulphonic acid, but how the differences in poisonous intensity are to be accounted for, [am unable to say. Perhaps the calcium salt of that acid penetrates more easily into the embryo of one kind than into those of the other. Thus it might also be explained why seeds of buckwheat and sunflowers were not damaged at all by the same treatment as killed all the soya germs completely (see table). V. Experiments with Yeast. It appeared to me of some interest to see whether the amido- sulphonic acid would also show a noxious influence upon yeast. For this purpose, I distributed 10 cc. of thick beer yeast in distilled water and diluted the mixture to 100 cc. After well shaking, I took 10 cc. of the mixture immediately after shaking and added gocc. of a glucose solution containing 6.856 grams pure glucose, 0.1 gram magnesium sulphate, 0.2 gram dihydro- potassium phosphate, and 0.1 gram. sodium amidosulphonate, A. In the control case instead of the last, ammonium sulphate was used, B. 402 MAENO; 10 cc. of the diluted yeast applied corresponded to 0.0613 gram dry matter. After 5 days’ fermentation, the mixtures were filtered off and on the one hand, the dry matter of the yeast, on the other, the amount of sugar still present were determined. The yeast A weighted 0.165 gram, the yeast B 0.198 gram. The volumetrical sugar determination still showed in the flask A 3.52 gram, in B, however, only 3.07 gram, of sugar. 1 | ix B | = = = — Imcrease of yeast in ‘erams) 2. psseseeeeeeeeeereee | 0.1037 | 0.1367 Increase of yeast in percentages of dry yeast. | 169 %. 223 %. Sugarifermented inigyarms) eee seeeeeeeeeee 3 3.3360 3.7860 Sugar fermented in percentages of dry sugar. | 48.80 %. 55:20 %. We see, therefore, that the amidosulphonic acid does not prevent the growth and fermentative power of the yeast, but it is a less favourable source of nitrogen than ammonium sulphate, which again is a surprising fact, as the chemically powerful yeast- cells should in our opinion be capable of easily bringing on the hydrolysis of the amidosulphonic acid. VI. Experiments with Mammata. I made in this regard but few experiments. Into a white mouse was injected subcutaneously 0.5 cc. of a 1°/) solution of sodium amidosulphonate. Since I could not observe any noxious effects after 48 hours, I injected once more 1 cc. of the same solution. Soon afterwards a considerable increase of the respira- tory activity was noticed, but 2 days later the mouse was ina normal state again.” In another experiment, I soaked bread in a 1°/) solution of sodium amidosulphonate and fed a mouse with it. This animal became gradually very weak and somnolent and died after 76 hours. In this case perhaps such a large quantity of the (1) This result agrees with those obtained by Prof. Takahashi in the Imperial University in Tokyo, The observations of Prof. O. Zoew on lower aquatic animals, which remained alive in 1 p. m. solution of calcium amidosulphonate, are also in accord- ance with my results. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF AMIDOSULPHONEI ACID. 493 amidosulphonate was introduced into the body that no safe con- clusion as to its poisonous character can be inferred. Mencki had observed that 0.6 gram of sodium carbamate per kilo of body weight upon injection into the blood of a dog produces tetanical convulsions and sometimes death, 0.3 gram per kilo will produce somnolence” and catalepsy. As in the above first mentioned case the relative amount of amidosulphonate was nearly the same, it becomes evident that amidosulphonic acid is not so noxious to animals as the related carbamic acid. To summarise: Amidosulphonic acid occupies an exceptional position among the poisons: it is neither poisonous to higher or lower animals, nor to fungi and algae, but it is poisonous to all kinds of phzno- gams. Although no poison for fungi it is not so favourable a source of nitrogen for them as ammonium salts. (1) Carbamic acid continuously produced in the body, is rapidly transformed into urea, nevertheless it may possibly exert some influence upon the causation of the normal sleep. Cf. on this point also the interesting publication of Zeo Lrreva, Sur le Mecanisme du Sommeil, Brixelles, 1895. Investigations on the Mulberry Tree. BY N. Maeno, Nogakushi. I. Lmprovements tu the Quality of Mulberry Leaves by a Special Manure. It is a fact that in certain provinces of Japan a better sill is produced than in others, although the silk worm is sometimes of the same variety. It may be surmised that the nature of the soil exerts much influence on the quality of the leaves used as food by the caterpillar. The relative amount of digestible and indi- gestible material in mulberry leaves must naturally have a certain bearing upon the well-being of the silkworms and hence also upon the quality of the thread produced. This led me to in- stitute some experiments with the intention ofattaining a decrease in the amount of woody fibre and especially an increase in the amount of proteid and fat. I supposed that manuring with lime, calcium sulphate, and sodium nitrate would be especially well adapted for the production of such a superior quality of leaves, and thought it best to apply lime in the form of slaked lime, hop- ing thereby also to destroy the mycelium of a very noxious fungus,” found in our mulberry plantation at the College of Agri- culture in Tokyo. The soil consists here principally of volcanic ash mixed with sand, and contains from 7-8 % humus. It is rather poor in lime and sulphates and had received, one year before I commenced my experiment, a moderate dose of night soil as manure for the trees. I manured a mulberry tree about 1$ meter high with 500 grains lime, 400 grms. sodium nitrate and 200 grms. calcium sulphate” in the beginning of March (A), while another tree was manured with 500 grms. lime alone (B); a neighbouring tree re- ceived no manure and served for comparison (C). (1) Helicobasidium Mompa, studied by Tanaka, Journal of the College of Science, Tokyo, Vol. IX. (2) These materials were well mixed with the soil to a depth of about 30 cm. and to an extent of one square meter around the tree. I wanted to have phosphoric acid, potassa, and magnesia in the minimum, and supposed there was some left in the soil from the year before. INVESTIGATIONS ON THE MULBERRY TREE. 495 On the 20th May, a number of leaves were collected from each tree for analysis ; each leaf measured on the average 9 cm. in length and weighed on the average (of 50) in case (A) 0.320 gram ; in (B) 0.304, in(C) 0.303 gram. On analysis, I obtained the follow- ing results. A B C WW AEST 9,5 tiene, Fis seers 2 EE © + 80.82 80.85 80.04 Diyematter ~...2.. 20425» 19.18 19.15 19.66 Organic matter (in the dry substance)91.63 | 90.98 Ol 19 AAG) Se ae ees... a 8.37 9.02 18.81 PMDC i te ake stock ee: 13.10 13.68 18.11 At Tot esas sGi tS... 5.34 4.56 4.49 Motal carbohydrate. ...> 2: - - 23.14 22.92 23.44 Crude protein: 2... ....¢ eee - -28,56 23.31 23.25 (otal nitresen\....... 2 eee... 4.25 3.73 B52 Albuminoid nitrogen .....) eee 3.47 3.29 3.28 mMido=nitrosen .... . .<5 2 eee: - 0.78 0.44 0.44 Non-nitrogenous extract (except Canbohydrate) &..<%.a. see +» 21.49 26.51 21.90 We observe here that by liming alone, the percentage of woody fibre decreased from 18.10 % to 13.68, while the non-intro- genous extract had increased from 21.90 to 26.50 % ; further by liming and manuring with sodium nitrate and calcium sulphate; not only had the amount of fibre deceased from 18.11 to 13.10 % but the proteid had increased from 23.25 to 28.56 % and the fat from 4 49 to 5.34 %. It can not be denied that this special manuring produced leaves of superior nourishing quality and it remains to compare the effect of these different leaves upon the silk worm. Il. Ox the Amount of Reserve Material in the Bark of the Roots and Pranches of the Mulberry Tree. It appeared to me of some interest to determine the extent to which the reserve material deposited in root and branches is consumed in spring time. On the 25th January roots about 1 cm. in diameter were col- lected whose bark was separated for analysis (a). This was re- (1) In September of the same year the tree B had gained in height one fourth and the tree A about one third compared with the control tree C. 496 MAENO ; peated with roots of the same tree and nearly of the same diameter on the 27th April (8), when the leaves were developed. The analysis shows that a decrease of proteids and non-nitrogenous extract had taken place on the one hand, while on the other hand an zverease of starch; fat and fibre had remained nearly constant while lecithin disappeared almost completely.” In connection with the decrease of proteids, an increase of amido-nitrogen and especially of asparagine nitrogen is of interest. Also the dark of the branches was subjected to analy sis at two different periods. The sample (a) was collected on the first of March before the leaf buds opened and the sample (f) after the development of the leaves on the 27th April. Here we observe not only a decrease of proteids (with in- crease of asparagine) but also a decrease of fat, lecithin, and total carbohydrate. The result is seen from the following table : Root. Branch. (a) (B) (a) (B) Watt os jones cats a 67.01), 70.385 53:2%/nn ys -ooun Dry.matter =. saa aes 2-00 29 62 40.80 26512 Organic matter = 27>... eeeo0-43 g6.78 94.10 94.02 ASH: a0 Sos ke oo eee 8.57 2.22. 5.90 5.98 Bibte\ 29). Ae eee B1.130 32420. 35-770 AG5Co Bat> fl de:. sk. Bao. ees ee 6.700 6.300 7.290 6.700 Ibectthin . 20 et, ee 0.999 trace 1.076 trace Fotalcarbohydrate-:2seeee 15.040 26.500 19.800 17.200 Sugars and dextrin 25 0eaem 6.600 10,500 ~13:300 9.070 Starch: 2.64.40. he02 eee 8.440 16.000 6.500 8.130 Crude protein \....255 See 9.450 FAST 2 Ossie 9.956 Total nitrogen 32 eee 1.512 1.150 1.650 1.593 Albuminoid nitrogen........ 0.898 0.394 1.294 1.040 Amido-nitrosen’..-.. 425 eee 0.094 0.100 0.005 0.003 Asparagine nitrogen........ 0.520 0.656 PAS 0.550 Non-nitrogenous extract (ex- cept carbohydrate). 7 -.eee 33-111 27.592 26.827 19.644 (1) I may here draw attention to the recent observations of S/okéasa upon the formation of lecithin in the leaves in daylight and its disappearance in darkness. INVESTIGATIONS ON: THE MULBERRY TREE. 497 Analytical Data. 1. Determination of fibre. Dry matter in grms. Fibre in grms. Percentages. ROGt(@)i nc.c hws oe h. 2, 2IZRO 0.84g0 B13 Seat (DB) oom 2 det Ras ee eee 0.9250 32.42 Ba (O2)! = oo Oboe Die ane OOO) 0.0940 35 77 pee (Vf) Scions ete d cn ce OO 1.2605 46.50 Beate CA)icc. 0.263 ae 1.8505 0.2425 13.10 So (8) eRe ke Bae 1.8385 0.2515 13.68 WE) Barnet 2 eats ns ool ae 1.8270 0.3210 18.11 2. Determination of fat. Dry matter in grms. Fat in grms. Percentages. LGo 71/0) ee a ee 3.6360 0.2440 6.70 (/ SUS eee = 3.8048 0.2440 6.30 535.16]! \(0'0) eee ee ee 3.7000 0.2710 7.29 2500?) ee eae 003 0.2420 6.70 ILGEIE AWAY eet ey Beal een 1.8505 0.1085 5.34 PMT) Susie es ca ichc, te xe ge at 1.8385 0.9840 4.56 a (UC) Seen’ _ . S270 0.0820 4.49 3. Determination of lecithin by A. Schulze’s method. Dry matter in grms. Lecithin in grms. Percentages. TNOOE (Aue = oo atee 20 tee 3.6360 0.03635 0.999 =ssgpts( (23) RI ae ea i 3.8048 trace 1526 al (09 eae: set eee ee 3.7160 0.03998 1.076 MA (3) Red ee ee Gk eore thee 3.6088 trace 4. Determination of total carbohydrate. Total carbohydrate Dry matter in grms. in germs. Percentages, LK (CCOEL(2'3 he Se oo ee ae 1.3635 0.2050 15.04 nce) A) oie A aa ar act a 1.9025 0.5048 26.50 LS BR 2((0') ae ee ae 1.8580 0.3678 19.80 BMPR Sho. on wlohe he 1.8044 0.3152 17.20 LA! (A iste a 1.3878 0.3212 Ta! FP) ieee ole ave. as oe sO 0.6320 22.92 PC) tisdc swiss «/02 » sscete Dees 0.6424 23.44 5. Determination of sugars. Dry matter in grms. Sugar in grms. Percentages. LACM AUC heehee si aicies. oes 4.5450 O. 3004 6.60 “3 NYS) ae ae Os an ee 1.902 0.2010 10.50 1B E2(0o') Ee ae Pee a 1.8580 0.2490 3.30 noi) 2) at oe EE a 1.8045 0.1640 9.07 All sugar determinations were made by A//hn’s method. 498 MAENO. 6. Determination of total nitrogen. Dry matter in grms. Baryta-water in cc, Percentages. Root. (0)... ae ee 1.8180 12.8 Enz 7 GB) eae ee eee 0.9512 3:5 1.150 Bark (Qc. 25.2 See 0.9290 [a 1.650 S208) ie eee pie 019022 4.6 1.563 Ikeat(A))) ..s25.ne eee 0.9252 12.6 4.250 (B)) a;t its chee 0.9192 II.0 3.730 (Cy. sce. See eee eee 0.9135 10.9 3.720 7. Determination of proteid nitrogen by Stutzer’s method. Dry matter in grms. Baryta water in cc. Percentages. Root(@)) 2... 35 26 ee 0.90g0 3.8 0.898 55, SBA: Scene ee 0.9512 1.2 0.304 Barks(@). <. 22265: see 0.9290 5.6 1.294 (By. cxckeiee See 0.9022 3.0 1.040 eal (Athos ane 0.9252 18.2 3.470 (B)> etowen oe eee 0.9102 9-7 3.290 (CG) Sactete stare 0.9135 9.6 3.280 8. Determination of asparagine nitrogen by Sachsse’s me- thod. Dry matter Baryta water Percentages of in grms. in cc. nitrogen x 2. Root (@) ...°5.4065 <2 oc 4.5450 5.5 0.520 3) UP): oie 2.8536 3.0 0.656 Bark (@) 254 <2... eee 4.6450 3.8 0.351 (P) en oranee se oe 2.7066 oA 0.550 In the case of root (a) and bark (a) I cc. baryta water =2.14806 mgm. nitrogen and in the case of root (f), bark (A), leaf A, Leaf B, and leaf-C, Icc. baryta-water=3.12445 mgm. nitrogen but only in the case of leaf A in proteid nitrogen deter- mination I cc. of baryta-water=1.77115 mgm. nitrogen. Notes on the Metabolism in the Cherry Tree. BY S. Aoyama, Nogakushr. Numerous investigations of Sachs, Node and others have shown that the bark and wood of trees store up during the autumn a considerable amount of reserve-material which is transported there from the leaves and partially prepared in the living bark itself. This material not only serves for the nutrition of the cam- bium but also is partially transported to the buds of the leaves and flowers during their development in spring. Robert Hartig has found that in the wood of the trunk of the red beech and oak, starch is deposited toa considerable extent. With old trees of red beech the fifty exterior annual rings contain reserve-starch which is used up in those years in which seeds are produced. In other years, however, only the last two rings show in summer a decrease in starch, while in October starch is again deposited in them. This author therefore infers that for the nutrition of the leaf- buds in spring the reserve-material from the branches is mainly used. Rudolph Weber has especially examined the rate of de- crease in proteid and mineral matter in the old and young parts of the trunk of the beech tree during a year of seed production, and has found that a large amount of nitrogenous matter and magnesium salts migrate from the wood to the growing seeds.“’ Russow and A. Fischer found that conifers store up the re- serve-material free from nitrogen principally in the form of fat, while many other trees, especially hard wood trees, store it up in the form of starch. The amount of reserve-material, further, will probably vary under different conditions, especially in different climates. It is an interesting fact that in the central and southern parts of Japan the cherry trees generally bear no fruit” and in certain cases in which the development of fruit takes place the fleshy part remains imperfectly developed. On the other hand these trees show in spring a most luxuriant development of flowers, (1) Dr, v. Tubeufs Forstlich-naturwissenschaftliche Zeischrift, vol. I. (1892). (2) Only one variety forms an exception. 500 AOYAMA ; which form a dense cover of the branches before the leaves appear. It is evidently the peculiar climatic condition of central and southern Japan which prevents the production of normal cherries and causes the fruit to fall off in an unripe condition. This cir- cumstance must naturally lead to the accumulation of a great amount of reserve-material in the bark and wood, that would otherwise have been consumed by the ripening fruit, and this is clearly also the cause that leads to the development of such an extraordinary and astonishing abundance of blossoms in the fol- lowing spring. I therefore believed it of some interest to deter- mine the amount of reserve-material in winter and to compare it with the extent of the consumption of this reserve-material in spring when flowers and leaves have been formed. Branches I—1.5 cm. in thickness were collected on the 20th January (A) and, again of the same tree, branches of the same size on the 13th April (B) on which day also I collected from the same tree young leaves and flowers. . Only the leaving part of the bark, containing more or less cambium, served for analysis.” The results I obtained are the following :— Bark (A) Bark (B) Leaf. Flower. Total water... 4.2.) eee; 52.64 53.41 In 100 parts of dry matter. Crude "protein 4.0... 152 eee - 9.50 6.69 34.94 ZO Crudé fat) 2) 2 ice eee - 6.84 5.34 8.99 10.04 Crude fibre... 52... aa. ae. 34.79 38.98 14.49 20.06 Carbohivdtatem eee me. 27.13 18.06 11.82 12.50 Crudesash:. <2204¢. 0 eee - 776 7.93 6.51 72s Non-nitrogenous extract ..... 12.46 21.93 17.66 26.80 Total nitrogen*..7- eee Eas 1.07 5.59 3.22 Albuminoid nitrogen 2) ee. 1.16 0.84 4.55 2.40 If we compare the precentage composition of bark (A) with that of bark (B), we can obtain no clear distinction between re- lative and absolute numbers, zc. between the apparent and real decrease or increase of the different constituents; evidently a (1) The wood was not examined. Some trees contain more starch in March and April than in January (Rosenberg, Bot. Centrbl. 66, 337). Cf. also the above examina- tion of the root of the mulberry tree, by Maeno. It may he that in such cases fat and proteins contributed to the formation of starch. NOTES ON THE METABODISM IN VME CHERRY TREE. 501 more correct estimation as to the changes can be obtained if we take the fibre as a constant quantity, which may here safely be done, and recalculate the numbers for proteids, fat, and carbo- hydrate. We obtain now the following results :-— (A) (B) FE iDrei eee cle. soe =. 100.00 100.00 Grude, Proteid:. 7s accom ce 2730 17.16 FOC a eee: .. an 19.67 13.70 Carbohydrate. 2... ..seee: -« - 77.98 46.33 lencerthe:protetds decreased ........ seamen ee. B7 slog, atidecreased. 2 tenn: -.... «4.5 aera 5 205355, Carbohydrate decreasediiem.... --.: .. merase en 40559),5 This shows that the bark of the twigs plays a very important part as a reservoir for the development of the buds in spring. Analytical Data. Determination of total nitrogen.“’ Percentage of Dry matter, g. Baryta-water, cc. nitrogen. Lares) (VAN) aes ee 0.940 6.70 1.52 cgi (18) lee, Saas ie 0.8¢0 5.30 ACY Westerner nda tet sauce. oe 0.88 3 27.90 5.59 PPV Cli. Vacve er shane oss es eos 0.879 16.00 Bi22 Determination of albumoid nitrogen by S7utzer’s method. Percentage of Dry matter, g. Baryta-water, cc. aihyeereay | ysl) (2a) see ONCE, SPER Bice eee 0.946 5.40 1.18 no 18) ahs eee eee . 0.8g0 4.20 0.84 11 (SRBF sete oe oS ERR en ae 0.883 22.70 4.55 PONE Te eesti a sia) a te ee nes 0.879 16 Golo) 2.40 Determination of crude fat. Dry matter, g. Crude fat. Percentage. SAGAN ena sts chek tee sual ee 4.728 0.3235 6.84 nj OA LO he Ne ee EP 4.449 0.2377 5.34 ILENE ct eR to ae ae ere 4.415 0.3970 8.99 1 SUE Ge ec ok, CERT Rec 4.390 0.4415 10 04 (1) All the nitrogen determinations were made by A7e/dah/’s method. 10 cc, of sulphuric acid were put in the receiver. In the case of bark (A), 1 cc. sulphuric acid =3.16 baryta-water solution, and 1 cc. baryta-water = 2.14806 mgr, nitrogen. In the case of bark (B), 1 cc. sulphuric acid=2.16 baryta-water solution, and 1 cc. baryta-water =1.77115 mer. nitrogen. 502 AOYAMA. Determination of crude fibre. Dry matter, g. Crude fibre. Percentage. Bark (A). vac. shinee 4.728 1.644 34.79 wy. CB) era a 2.070 1.041 38.98 Leaf ..shslccs nee 2.649 0.381 14.49 PIOWER. 5.4.5 i244 on eee 2.637 0.529 20.06 Determination of carbohydrate... Total Dry matter, g. carbohydrate, g. Percentage. Bark (A). .... 1255 se 4.728 1.283 27.13 CB) 2s..3* Lo eee 2.670 0.482 18.06 eat onc. Pt.. Se 2.649 0.313 11.82 FlOWeéf.. 3.238. 2 eee 2.637 0.330 12.50 (1) This determination was made by the acid-alkali method. (2) This carbobydrate consists of starch and sugar; the determination was made by 4d/hn’s method. Physiological Observations on Lecithin. BY T. Hanai, Vogakushi. It is a well known fact that lecithin occurs widely distribut- ed in the vegetable and animal kingdoms, forming in various pro- portions an admixture with fatty matters. Only a limited num- ber of observations have however been made in regard to the physiological relations. It was found by Maxwell,” that the .amount of lecithin increases during the germination process of plants, and later decreases again. S. Frankfurt observed that during the germination of Helianthus seeds the amount of leci- thin increased from 0.44 to 0.85 % while the amount of fat de- creased from 55.32 to 24.54 %. It seems very probable that in reality much more lecithin had been formed during the germina- tion process than was actually found, and that a part of it again was consumed. O. Loew made some experiments with a diluted solution of lecithin in regard to the capability of nourishing lower fungi, and observed that Pentctllium could not, in the absence of other or- ganic material, develop inao.1 % solution of lecithin containing the necessary mineral nutrients, but only bacteria to a moderate extent; this vegetation made the impression of a pure culture, although the infection was made from putrid meat containing various kinds of microbes.“ Seeds rich in starch generally contain much less lecithin than such as are rich in proteid, thus barley grains contain less than half the amount of lecithin that soja-beans do. Probably there is also a larger proportion of lecith-albumin® in the seed of soja and lupin than in those of squash and barley. (1) Chem. Central-Blatt., 91, I. 365. Hefter olyserved a decrease of the amount of lecithin in the liver during starvation. (2) Landw. Vers.-Stat., Vol. XLII, 143. (3) Recently Stok/asa (Wien. Akad. Ber., 1895) has found that lecithin forms a suit- able source of phosphoric acid when offered to the roots ; he also observed its formation in green leaves as well as its consumption in darkness. (4) Bull. Coll. of Agr. of the Imp. Univ. of Japan ; Vol. II. No. 2. (5) Schulze and Steiger, Zeitschr. physiol, Chem., 13, 386. (6) Cf. Leo. Liebermann, Pflitg. Arch., 1893. . 504 HANAT; E. Schulze found further that during the germination of seeds the quantity of choliz increases, and that in wheat cholin and betain which are closely related to each other, are localised in the germ of the grain but not in the endosperm, This is certain- ly of physiological interest because the young developing germ must Carry on an energetie respiration and therefore be capable of easily forming lecithin, in which process the presence of cholin is required. It may further be mentioned in this connection that, according. to Mintz, the amount of free fatty acids increases during germination. For my investigation I selected the leaves of Thea chinensis, an evergreen plant, and the bark of Prunus: Cerasus, which ob- jects contain during winter time much reserve material ; especial- ly the tea leaf is rich in fatty matter. Kelluer, Makino, and Ogasawara” observed that while in May and June young tea leaves contain 6.32-6.82 % of fat, in November they contain as much as 22 % inthe dry matter. I determined the lecithin after the method of &. Schulze by which after the extraction with ether, a second extraction is made with absolute alcohol.” In these united liquids the phosphoric acid is determined in the usual way, after heating the evaporation-residue with a mixture of sodium carbonate and some potassium nitrate. I made. four determinations, one with the o/d leaves in November (1895), the second with the o/d leaves in May 1896, the third with the young leaves at the beginning of April 1896 and the fourth with the young leaves at the end of May (1896), with the following result : (1) Landw. Vers.-Stat.. Vol. 46, 23. (2) Landw. Vers.-Stat. 1886. p, 370. (3) The mixture of these two extracts contains, of course, besides fat and lecithin a certain amount of other compounds. PHYSIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ON LECITHIN. 505 Watesaathe In 100 parts of the dry matter. No. Dates of collection. fresh leaves, per cent. Ethereal and eae alcoholic extract. Lecithin. Old leaf T- | 20 November (1895) 67.57 26.18 2.54 Old leaf 2 26 May (1896) 61.88 18.19 oO Young leaf 3: 1 April (1896) 77.06 9.44 0.21 Y leaf 4 26 ar 1896) 1252 18.67 1.11 This result shows that the old tea leaves lose the reserve- lecithin in spring, while the amount of it increases gradually in the young leaves. The decrease and the increase of lecithin here goes parallel with that of fat although not in a fixed proportion. - The bark of Prunus Cerasus was collected on the 23rd October 1895, when the leaves had mostly fallen from the tree, while the second collection was made on the 5th April 1896 when numerous flower-buds were formed, and the third time on the oth April 1896, when the flower-buds had opened. In the three cases the bark was taken from the same tree whereby special attention was paid, that branches of equal thick- ness were Selected ; the results were as follows: | In 100 parts of the dry matter. No. Dates of collection, | Ethereal and alcoho- Lecithi lic extract. = ema le2 SO ctober (LS95))) +..,maseeeee | 10.53 1.88 Zz BEADLE (TSQG)) sn. saateen et eer nee meee: | 10.97 0.96 3: QRAPTUNCLSOGOS |. dacnsss acest eee, | 9.52 0.71 nnn een FR It is also here quite evident that lecithin is a reserve material which is consumed in spring. 506 HANAI. Analytical Data. For the determination of the lecithin always 10 grm. of dry matter were taken; the amount of magnesium pyrophosphate found was as follows : = Ethereal and} Magnesium alcoholic pyrophos- Lecithin, extract. phate. Old leaf of Thea chinensis. 20. Noy. (1895). 2.618 0.035 0.254 OlditeaileahS (26) Mayi(1896) eaneennee teeter - 1.819 == -- Young tea leaf. 1 April (1896) ............... 0.944 0.003 0.021 Young tea leaf. 26:May (1896) ............... 1.867 0.015 O.1II ee AR Bark of Prunus Cerasus. 5 Apr. (1896) ... 1.097 0.013 0.096 Bark of Prunus Cerasus. 9 Apr. (1896) ... 0 952 0.009 0.071 On a Compound of Albumin with Phenol. BY M. Shimada, Nogakushi. Finely powdered dry egg-albumin dissolves gradually when heated with 10 times of its weight of phenol for several hours on the water bath. From this solution alcohol precipitates a floccu- lent mass, which, after washing with alcohol and water, repre- sents a compound of albumin and phenol.” This compound is without taste or smell, insoluble in boiling alcohol and water, and in solution of potassium carbonate, easily soluble in hot phenol. In concentrated acetic acid it swells up gradually, while potassium hydroxide, even in dilution of 0.5 per cent, dissolves it; from this solution acetic acid precipitates it again. It is not attacked in the cold by hydrochloric acid of 10 per- cent, but gradually dissolved by one of 35 per cent. Nitric acid of 5 per cent has no effect on it at the ordinary temperature, but on boiling with concentrated nitric acid, a yellow colouration is obtained. It gives the biuret and JZ7//on’s reaction like common albumin. I germ. of this product was digested with 20 cc. of concentrated hydrochloric acid at 100° C. for several hours, and then the liquid was subjected to distillation in order to see, whether phenol was hereby liberated, but the distillate obtained did not give a trace of turbidity with bromine water. The same negative result in regard phenol was observed in the following experiment, which was made to see whether that new compound would also yield leucine and tyrosine, like the common albumin. I heated 3 grm. with 15 cc. of sulphuric acid of 30 per cent for seven hours on the water bath and then for a short time on the sand bath. (1) If the amount of alcohol is too small, then instead of a flocculent mass, a tenace- ous mass is separated, from which the adhering phenol can be removed only by prolong- ed washing. (2) Peptone behaves similarly to albumin, O. L. (2) This did not show the biuret reaction but yielded a very copious precipitate with phospho-tungstic acid, pointing to a considerable amount of basic compounds. 508 SHIMADA ; Upon dilution with water, boiling with barium carbonate, evaporation of the filtrate and extraction with alcohol containing some ammonia, a characteristic crystallisation of leucine and tyrosine was obtained. The leucine was also recognised by the odour of amylamine on heating, while it showed tyrosine by Millon’s reaction. Whether also arginine, lysine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and phenyl-amido-propionic acid was formed, I hope to decide later with larger quantities. For analysis the product was dried at 100° C. I. 0,230 grm. gave 0.4863 grm. CO, and 0.149 grm. H,O. =5 705 % C and 7:2 % H. II. 0.1636 grm. gave 0.3500 grm. CO, and 0.103 grm. H,O. =—meee % C and.7.0 9% H: I. 0.5000 grm. gave after A7e/dahl’s method 68.03 mg. N=13.60 % N. II. 0.5000 grm. gave 67.22 mg. N=13.45 9% N.@ I. 1.0000 grm. substance gave after heating with a mixture of sodium carbonate and some potassium chlorate 0.117 grm. BasO,— 1.60% s: II. 1.0000 grm. yielded by the same method 0.090 grm. BaSO,== 1.30.9) 9; These results would correspond approximately to an albumin in which three hydrogen atoms have been replaced by three pheny!] eroups, When Lieberhiihn’s formula is taken as a foundation. The product must then have been formed according to the following equation :— Cp Ay2NisSOx + 3(C35H30 A) = C72 Hy9(C5H5)3N1sSO.2 + 3 HO. Experiment. Theory. if Il. Cc 58.69 57.65 58.34 H 6.74 7.20 7.00 Nie 13.70 13.60 13.45 SS) 1.74 1.60 1.30 O | 19.13 100.00 | (1) Another sample yielded Swzk/, of this College, 14.44 9 nitrogen. ON A COMPOUND OF ALBUMIN WITH PHENOL. 509 I prepared the compound several times and always observed essentially the same properties. As it appeared to me of some interest to test whether this product would show, in the absence of air, antiseptic properties on account of the introduction of phenyl groups, I dissolved 1 grm. jn potassium hydroxide solution of 1 per cent and added dilute acetic acid until a precipitate commenced to be formed, diluted to 100 cc., and infected the solution from putrified meat. The filled flask was provided with a stopper, carrying a U-tube con- taining some mercury to exclude the air. After seven weeks standing at the ordinary temperature, the liquid appeared turbid and contained a flocculent sediment. Upon opening a putrid smell was noticed and the microscope revealed a rich bacterial vegetation. Triphenylalbumin is therefore a good nutrient for microbes and is subject to fermentation like the ordinary albumin. hi) % El ft f Be ee wR sc gk a KK gt f x a 0 ee AIRE SHE SBME | bot |e mr (ES eo K Gk 1 4s ARSON BME | hot) es Pl tad) Geant} ie yt Hd tf yi 5280