HANDBOUND AT THE sk e UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS v7" § Wy i hae - hy VAP i ae SRI At i.” i ; ran 7 i] | y. Hi ’ } , “hs fa A 7 i" 7 ) 2 j cg Aa | | 1 SEP | 7 Fs Ky i § Mh ia ae iG yi ; mer ry ‘ 1 AS rig ai) i sf ine Thal Ne ha Bey) re meiien ae a un Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Toronto http://www.archive.org/details/bulletinofmuseu1/harv | i a 6856 BULLETIN OF THE ‘al (r iV MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE, IN CAMBRIDGE. VOL. XVII. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U.S.A. _ 1888-1889. UNIVERSITY PREsS: JOHN WILSON AND SON, CAMBRIDGE, U.S. A. 613331 a ee CONTENTS. No. 1.—Studies from the Newport Marine Laboratory.— XX. On the Development of the Calcareous Plates of Asterias. By J. W. Fewxes. (5 Plates.) July, 1888 . No. 2.—On the Lateral Canal System of the Selachia and Holocephala. By S. Garman. (53 Plates.) September, 1888 No. 8.—The Coral Reefs of the Hawaiian Islands. By A. Agassiz. (13 Plates.) April, 1889 No. 4.—Studies on the Primitive Axial ‘Segmentation of the Chick. By Juria B. Pratt. (2 Plates.) July, 1889 No. 5.—The Morphology of the Carotids, based on a Study of the Blood-vessels of Chlamydoselachus anguineus Gar- man. By H. Ayers. (1 Plate.) October, 1889 No. 6.—Cave Animals from Southwestern Missouri. By S. Garman. (2 Plates.) December, 1889 . PAGE Or ~l] 121 191 225 oh Fr SA i rs, * No. 1. — Studies from the Newport Marine Zodlogical Laboratory. - Communicated by ALEXANDER AGASSIZ XX. On the Development of the Calcareous Plates of Asterias, By J. Water FEWKES. 1. General Observations. 2. General Changes in External Form brought about by the Growth of the Calcareous Plates. 3. Development of Individual Plates, Rods, Pedicellariz, Spines, and Stone Canal. Comparisons with other Asteroidea. Comparison of the Plates of Asterias and Amphiura. Summary. . Explanation of the Plates. TS oo 1. General Observations. AsTERTAs, the most common genus of Asteroidea at Newport, in its development passes through a brachiolarian stage before it assumes a stellate form. This brachiolaria is one of the most abundant larve found in our nets in surface fishing at certain times of the year. Although the development of the brachiolaria from the egg of the starfish has been accurately worked out, and the changes in the exter- nal form of the young Asterias, after it begins to assume a stellate form, have been well described by several naturalists, we are still igno- rant of the mode and place of formation, and the sequence in the devel- opment, of some of the calcareous plates which help to give the stellate form to the young starfish after the absorption of the brachiolaria. We need more information as to how the ambulacral plates form, and when they appear, as compared with the dorsocentral and terminals. We do not know how or when certain plates of the arm appear, and it is desirable to study the character of certain so-called embryonic plates reported to exist on the median line of the actinal side of the arm in the larva. VOL. XVII.— No. 1. 1 2 BULLETIN OF THE Before we can arrive at any trustworthy conclusions as to the mor- phology of the Echinoderms, animals as varied in external form as the Crinoids and Holothurians, it is necessary for us to know the character of the early differences in the calcareous plates, and their sequence and mode of growth in the different groups. These plates are the struc- tures which, more than any others, give the variety in external form to the different members of the Echinodermata. It may be confidently said that we know the general outlines of the growth of the primary plates of a representative Comatulid, Ophiuran, and Holothurian. We know next to nothing of the early formed plates of the Echinoids, and there is no subject which offers more interesting possibilities of discovery than this. Little is known of the mode of growth of certain of the plates of the body and arms in those Asterids which have a nomadic brachiolaria.* The following paper, therefore, is offered as a contribution to the recorded observations on the growth of the plates in the starfish. The common species of Asterias found at Newport resembles closely Asteracanthion berylinus of A. Agassiz, and has close affinities with Asterias vulgaris, Sl., and A. Forbesit, Desor.t Although I suppose it to be the same as berylinus, there are some peculiarities of coloration ¢ which would lead one to regard them as different. While the species of starfishes found by me at Newport, in the adult condition, have fea- tures of both A. vulgaris and A. Forbesiz, it is not possible for me to * Our knowledge of the growth of the plates which form the mouth parts of the starfish is fragmentary and unsatisfactory. + The genus Leptasterias is thought to be sufficiently well separated from Asterias by the character of its development to merit a new name, as shown by Prof. Verrill. t The fact that all females of both Asteracanthion pallidus, Agass., and Astera- canthion berylinus, Agass., have a bluish tint, while the males have a reddish color, according to A. Agassiz, indicates that there is a difference in color in the female starfishes which we studied. The color of the females of the species of starfish which I tried to fertilize was different from those of the species of Astera- canthion used by A. Agassiz in the artificial impregnation of the starfish. Many specimens of female starfishes, which had ripe ova, have a chocolate-brown color, and a bright orange madreporic body. Starfishes of this color were the only ones which cast their eggs, although I had in the aquaria bright red and bluish colored starfishes of all sizes. In A. Agassiz’s specimens those with a bluish tint are invariably females, while the reddish brown or reddish are males. I do not know the color of our male Newport Asterias, but several specimens of the reddish brown specimens laid eggs in great numbers on several occasions. Ova nearly mature were also cut out of specimens of this color. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 3 determine of which of these my brachiolarize are the young. As most of the younger stellate forms were raised from brachiolariz captured by surface fishing, it is almost impossible to say definitely to which species of Asterias they belong. I was not able to fertilize artificially Asterias, although plenty of ripe ova were repeatedly found. The difficulty seemed to be in all cases in procuring the males. The following mention of their time of ovulation may be of assistance to those who have in mind a visit to the New England coast for the study of Echinoderm embryology. 1. The eggs of Ophiopholis were fertilized at Eastport, Maine, on July 17th. The young of A. sgywamata were found at Newport, R. L., in July, August, and September. 2. Echinarachnius can be artificially fertilized at Newport in August and September. The probable time of ovulation is the end of August and the first weeks of September. Plutei are abundant in September. A specimen of Arbacia laid eggs at Newport in August. I have found the majority of the plutei of Arbacia in July. 3. Large numbers of Leptasterias with attached young were taken in Massachusetts Bay in April. Multitudes of a red pupa of some Holothurian were collected at Provincetown in April. 4, The pupe of Synapta are found sporadic at Newport in August and September by surface fishing. The auricularie of Synapta are found in July. The material which has served for the following observations on the starfish young was collected in two ways. The younger forms in some instances were raised from the brachiolarize, collected by surface fishing with the Miiller net. This material includes all stages from the first appearance of the plates, or calcareous skeleton, up to the young starfish with three pairs of ambulacral rafters. The remaining specimens, from the young Asterias with three pairs of ambulacrals into the oldest stages figured, were found on the under side of stones near low-tide mark. The large stones near the outer landing-place at the Laboratory were turned over, and the young starfishes were found clinging to them. This method of collecting involves continued search, as Asterias is not common in the immediate neighborhood of the ‘Laboratory. The method by which the preparations of starfishes described in this paper were made is as follows. The young starfishes were killed in alco- hol (35%). They were then rapidly passed through different grades (50%, 70%, 90%) to absolute alcohol. They were then clarified in 4 BULLETIN OF THE clove oil, and mounted in balsam. Those which were stained were carried from 70% alcohol into Grenacher’s alcoholic borax-carmine, washed, afterwards placed in from 90% to 100% alcohol, then removed to clove oil and balsam. ‘The preparations mounted without staining show very well the relation of the plates to each other, but it is necessary to use a staining fluid to bring out the tissues of the organs in the immediate vicinity of the calcareous skeleton. In the study of the plates on the abactinal side of the disk of older specimens, it was necessary to separate the arms from the disk proper. No dissection was resorted to in this separation, for the arms are easily broken from the disk along the suture between the first dorsal plate and the second dorsal radial, leaving the former, as well as the genitals and all intermediate plates between them, on the disk with the dorso- central. In older stages staining fluid was used, but the best results, as far as the plates are concerned, were obtained in specimens where no artificial staining was resorted to. The use of chloroform, which gave good results in Amphiura,* was not resorted to in Asterias, 2. General Changes in External Form brought about by the Growth of the Calcareous Plates. By the growth of the calcifications in the growing Asterias the animal assumes a stellate outline, passing into this form from a spherical or dis- coid larva. These changes are almost wholly the result of change in form or modification in the arrangement of the plates, but the peripheral appendages, spines, pedicellariz, and spicules also play an important part in this growth. When the growth of the primary plates begins, the young starfish is not stellate in form, and all the early plates are con- fined to the body. The elongation of the arms are the most prominent results of the modification in the shape of plates, of addition to those already existing, and of enlargement of the same. In the growth of the arm no marked symmetry in the formation of plates on the actinal and abactinal regions of the arm was noticed. There is also no sym- metry observed in the growth of the calcifications in the actinal and abactinal regions of the body. It is not in the province of this paper to give more of the develop- ment of Asterias than is necessary to understand the relation of the * I tried a few specimens of the young Amphiura with clove oil, and find that this reagent clarifies them better than chloroform. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 5 plates to one another, and to aid in their identifications and homologies. A consideration of the internal organs is a most interesting and neces- sary chapter in a study of the growth of the stellate form of the starfish, but it is one of which little is written in the present paper. Some idea of the origin of organs in immediate connection with the plates is neces- sary, however, to understand the homologies of the calcareous formations with which this paper is specially concerned. The development of the brachiolaria of our common Asterias is well known through the researches of A. Agassiz,* and is not here considered. My account opens with a late stage of the brachiolaria, in which certain calcareous nodules, described in the paper mentioned, have already ap- peared, and in which the form of a stellate animal is obscurely marked out. It is intended first to follow the general course of growth of these plates collectively, and later in the paper, the development of individual plates will be taken up one after the other. In the starfish body, as is well known, there are two regions, called the actinal and abactinal, the lower and upper, ventral and dorsal, which may be studied. The primary plates in these two hemisomes differ from the very first in number, arrangement, and distribution. No plate is ever formed in the centre of the actinal hemisome comparable with that in the middle of the abactinal, and it would be a task which the author is not called upon to undertake to compare the ten ambulacrals formed on the lower hemisome with the five terminals and five genitals of the abactinal region of the body. In the early condition of the plates there is an indication of the disk- like form which the young Asterias has, but it is somewhat masked. If we look at the lower or anal pole of the brachiolaria (PI. I. fig. 1) laterally, and in such a way that the forming plates are on the side turned to the observer, we can see ten small calcifications, arranged in two U-shaped lines, one within the other. If we so place the brachio- laria that the anal pole is below, or pointing to the lower side of the figure, the madreporic body on the left hand of the observer and the anus of the brachiolaria on his right, we notice the five plates, now in * On the Embryology of Asteracanthion berylinus, Ag., and a Species allied to A. rubens, M. T., Asteracanthion pallidus, Ag. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., » VI, 1868. Also separate, 1863. Embryology of the Starfish, published in December, 1864, advance Pt. I., Vol. V., Contrib. Nat. Hist. of U. S., of L. Agassiz. — The same, reprinted with descrip- tions of the hard parts (calcareous skeleton) of several genera and species of Asteroidea, under the title, ‘‘ North American Starfishes,’” Mem. Museum Comp. Zoodlogy, V., No. 9, 1877. 6 BULLETIN OF THE the form of calcareous spicules, ¢}- #5, of the larger U, beginning with one, ¢}, just south of the madreporic opening ; followed by a second, 2”, a little east of south of the first ; a third, ¢*, north of east of the second ; a fourth, ¢4, east of north of the third; and a fifth, 2°, about due east of the first. With these alternate the rods of the smaller U, the first, g, being placed about east of the madreporic opening, the second, g’, third, g*, fourth, g*, and fifth, g°, alternating respectively with the Ist —2d, 2d-— 3d, 3d—4th, 4th —5th, of the larger U. The members of the larger U are the terminals ; those of the smaller U the genitals.* Between the first genital and the fifth terminal lies a broader space than between other consecutive plates, which is the open part of the larger U. It is an unclosed region which forms the brachiolarian notch. As the brachiolaria is slowly absorbed, this notch is more and more reduced in extent, until it is almost wholly lost, when by this reduction the two Us become rings forming the abactinal calcareous surface of the young starfish. If now we rotate the brachiolaria on its axis, through a right angle, so that the madreporic body faces the observer, the anal pole being still below, we have the following perspective of the two Us. It will then be seen that the larger and the smaller Us do not lie in one and the same plane, but that the U formed by the terminals is situated on a greater circle than that of the genitals. This fact explains why it is that the figure formed by the line of the latter is smaller than that of the former. It is as if the U of the terminals was placed on the great circle of a hemisphere, while that of the genitals follows a smaller. The difference in size of the two letters (U) is due to the spherical form of the walls of the stomach of the brachiolaria. It is somewhat difficult to understand the exact relationship between the dorsal and ventral or abactinal and actinal ft surfaces of the young starfishes, and the relation of the plates which form in these two regions. These two surfaces are separated by the stomach of the brachiolaria, and are not at first parallel, but form an acute angle with each other ; and if the plane in which the plates of the abactinal hemisome were continued to meet that of the primitive extensions of the water tubes, they would cut each other at a small angle. A. Agassiz described them as two ‘warped spirals,” and if in early stages lines be drawn, connect- ing the terminal and genital plates, the planes in which they lie will be * The term “ genital” is used to denote the same plates as “ basal ” by Sladen. + “Ambulacralen” and “ Antiambulacralen Anlagen” of Ludwig (Entwick- lungs-geschichte der Asterina gibbosa, Forbes). MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 7 found not to be parallel with the plane in which a line drawn through the tips of the radial water tubes, or the first-formed ambulacral plates lie. As absorptien of the brachiolaria goes on, however, these planes get more and more nearly parallel, so that the two surfaces equidistant from the axis are equidistant from each other at all points. Each of the five small culs-de-sac, rw, from the water tube on the ambulacral side of the young starfish forms a radial water tube of the starfish ; and if a line be drawn from the tip through its middle to the centre of the mouth, it might be thought to indicate the line of the ray. In the same way, if a line be drawn from each of the notches in the margin of the young starfish (Pl. I. fig. 3) through the centre of the mouth, it might be thought to indicate an interradius of the ab- actinal side. The radius and interradius thus formed have in the adult a definite relationship to each other. They do not coincide, as they indicate entirely different regions of the young starfish. If such lines be projected in Plate I. fig. 3, it will be seen that there is a very great variation in their relative distances from each other. This difference is in part due to the obliquity of the two planes of actinal and abactinal regions of the starfish. The first addition, on the abactinal side, to the ten plates which form the two Us of the early stages, is a small calcareous nodule, situated within the smaller U near the fifth genital (Pl. I. fig. 2). This nodule is the beginning of the dorsocentral, de, and in the subsequent growth of the fifth terminal towards the first genital by the absorption of the brachiolaria, and the consequent reduction in size of the brachiolarian notch, it is brought to occupy the centre of the abactinal region of the starfish. The anus of the brachiolaria, which is the blastopore of the gastrula, is situated quite a distance from this plate, and not near it as recorded in Asterina. The growth of the fifth terminal, ¢*, towards the first genital, g!, which from its vicinity to the madreporic opening is called the madreporic body, is brought about by an absorption of the brachiolaria, and the reduction in width of the notch as stated above. Before the complete closure of the brachiolarian notch takes place, however, the terminals have grown so large that marginal notches corresponding to interradii - have formed between them (Pl. I. fig. 2) on the rim of the body, and an approach to the stellate form begins to be visible. The increasing growth of the rods of the forming star adds so much weight to the brachiolaria that it sinks to the bottom of the aquarium in which the animal is confined. The eleven plates of the abactinal region of the 8 BULLETIN OF THE starfish antedate all plates on the actinal surface. With the formation of the eleven plates of the abactinal hemisome, how fares it with the actinal? What plates have been added to this portion of the body ? If we so place the brachiolaria that the side opposite that already described (abactinal) is made to face the observer, it will be seen that the future circular water tube on this side (actinal) has the form of an elongated U-shaped tube, with five blind extensions (culs-de-sac, fig. 3, rw). If we focus the microscope down to the plates below, which lie on the actinal surface, on the opposite side of the stomach, it will be seen that each of these blind extensions of the tube corresponds roughly with a radius of the starfish. Like the disk, the circular tube has likewise a brachiolarian notch, but it is unclosed as yet. This tube and its extensions are the water-vascular tubes of the future starfish; the un- closed U-shaped portion, the circular tube; the prolongations, or cu/s- de-sac, are the beginnings of the median actinal water vessel* of the starfish rays. One remarkable fact in regard to the relation of the system of vessels to the abactinal plates may be mentioned. The middle of the region on the periphery of which the circular tube of the actinal vessels lies, or the mouth, does not coincide with and is not opposite to the dorso- central, or the central plate of the abactinal hemisome, but is more nearly opposite the point of origin from the circular vessel of the madre- poric tube. This dislocation has been brought about by the fact that the fifth terminal has grown to be much larger than the first terminal. Moreover, the indentation which separates the first terminal from the second, is in early stages quite obscure, for some unknown reason. The same is true of the circular tube which near the fifth terminal, 2°, is well formed, while near the first terminal, ¢’, it is as yet unclosed. The first radial median projection is half formed. This condition is due in part to the fact that the plane of the water ring is not yet quite parallel with that of the terminals, as explained above, on the abactinal hemi- some. The unequal development would seem to indicate that the fifth terminal is the first to form, and that the first terminal is the latest * The primary form of the circular bloodvessel of Asterias can be seen in Plate I. fig. 3, cbr. It occupies the same position as the homologous structure in Asterina, and skirts the walls of the opening of the csophagus into the stomach and the primitive water vessel. Extensions or radial vessels extending from this into the arms were not noticed, and the central tube, cwr, is as yet not closed in or united at the brachiolarian notch. The early-formed nervous ring lies on this region of the starfish, on the bloodvessel; but its tissue is with difficulty distin- guished from that of the bloodvessel upon which it lies. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 9 formed terminal. It would seem to indicate that the madreporic open- ing was a fixed point of departure, as far as the age of plates is con- cerned. Unfortunately for this conclusion, it is only conjectural that such is the case, and the terminals seem to arise simultaneously. On the other hand, my observations on Asterias do not agree with Lud- wig’s on Asterina, that the madreporic plate, or the genital near the madreporic opening, is larger than the others, or has a predominance in size in early stages.* On each side of the radial water tubes, near the circular tube, in their early condition, are formed the ambulacral oral plates, am, which are placed at first in parallel pairs and are ten in number. The pro- gress of the growth of these plates and the addition of new ambu- lacral rafters will be treated of in a special account of the growth of these plates. It is to be noticed that the oral plates are in parallel pairs at first, like the spoon-shaped plates, and other ambulacrals of Amphiura. Prominent among the calcareous formations which mark this stage (Pl. I. fig. 3) in the development of the starfish are the abactinal Spines, sp, which appear first on the terminals, and later on the genitals. Their early appearance introduces a morphological question in the dis- cussion of the homologies of the Echinoderms. In a disk-shaped starfish (Pl. II. fig. 1) which follows hard on the last, the brachiolaria has been almost wholly absorbed, and the brachio- larian notch is very much diminished in width. The relationship of the madreporic tube and the madreporic opening to the genital plate, g, is indicated by an arrangement of the branches of the calcareous spicules on the outer border. There is no true madreporic body or superficial calcification until after the stone canal has begun to form, * In this way I interpret what Ludwig says (pp. 49, 50), in speaking of the eleven first-formed abactinal plates: ‘Ist doch eines, welches den iibrigen zehn fast immer etwas voraus ist in Bezug auf die Zeit seines ersten Auftretens. .. . Aus diesem Skelettstiick wird die Madreporenplatte des Seesternes.” In one or two specimens the predominance in size of the interradial (pace, Car- penter) plate near the madreporic opening was thought to exist, but in others no such prominence was noticed. No preparation which was made shows the “ mad- reporic plate” without one or two other genitals, and I have none with this plate without terminals. As Ludwig has shown in Asterina, all the terminals and other genitals do not appear always simultaneously in Asterias. The dorsocentral is generally belated, and one or two genitals may be developed after the others. The same may also be true of the terminals. (Ludwig, Entwicklungs-geschichte der Asterina gibbosa, Forbes, Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool., Vol. XXXVIL., 1882.) 10 BULLETIN OF THE but a notch where it is later situated appears in a genital long before the calcification of the stone canal has appeared. The madreporic opening, as shown by Ludwig’s figures of Asterina, lies to the left of the first genital. The stellate form of the starfish is brought about by the growth of the plates of the arms, by which the terminals or first plates to appear in the body are pushed out to the extremity of the rays. Among the most important of these plates, on the abactinal side of the body, are the dorsals, d, and the marginals or laterals, m. On the actinal side, the ambulacrals, am, and the interambulacrals, ad, accomplish a similar result. All of these plates follow in their growth a general law, viz. that the new plates are formed between those which have already appeared and the terminals. A somewhat similar law holds in regard to the formation of the plates on the disk between the dorsocentral and the first radial or median dorsal. In the case of the latter plates (dor- sals, ¢@), however, those nearest the dorsocentral are the last to form. The first radial, d, or first dorsal, is therefore a point of departure, on either side of which calcifications appear. On the arms the first formed plates are nearest the first dorsal. In the plates formed in Amphiura, the primary radials, or radialia, have a similar relationship. In the general development of the water-vascular system, it may be noticed that the extensions, f, from the medial water tube, which form the ampulle, are formed before the ambulacral rafters which ultimately separate them. The teet, 7, are at first destitute of suckers, and are arranged in two rows (PI. III. fig. 3) in each arm, one row on each side of the middle line. A terminal tentacle (PI. III. fig. 4, ta) was ob- served in a young starfish, in which there are but two pairs of lateral feet, and no ambulacral rafters. Even in this early stage the eye spot is well developed on the terminal tentacle, ¢éa. The madreporie tube forms a conspicuous object in early starfish larvee, and passes by successive change into the madreporic canal of the older specimens. The calcification of the canal was observed in early specimens before the formation of the madreporic sieve, which is found superficially on the abactinal surface of the adult. The cribriform mad- reporic plate is of comparatively late formation in the growth of the starfish. None of the important primary plates of the young starfish form by a constriction from others previously formed, but each kind of plate originates from its own calcification. Plates which have originated from two centres rarely consolidate, although their connection may be of a very intimate nature. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. al. In all the stages which have been studied no embryonic plate or plates were found which are at one time well formed and later lost by absorption. I have looked for these plates especially along the me- dian actinal line of the arm, but was not able to discover them. The large size of the spines would seem to stamp them as embryonic organs. Certainly the size of the spine on the dorsocentral or on the terminals is relatively much larger than in the adult and older stages. This pre- dominance in magnitude of these appendages does not necessarily mean that they are later lost, but it simply indicates a relationship of Asterias in its youth to spiniferous forms. The later growth, when new spines form, simply brings the spine to lose its relatively great size on account of a corresponding growth of the plate and other spines. 3. Development of Plates, Rods, Pedicellarie, Spines, and Stone Canal. The following calcifications are considered in this place : — Bopy. Abactinal hemisome. 1. Dorsocentral (Centrale, Ludwig), de. 2. Genitals (Basals, Sladen, Interradialia, Ludwig), 91 - 95. 3. Plates on the radial line, dd}. 4. Abaxial interradials, gg, gg'. 5. Connectives,* c. Actinal hemisome. 1. Ambulacral orals,7 am. 2. Interambulacrals ¢ (Adambulacrals, auct.), ad -ad>. 8. (Odontophores §) ; First Interbrachials, auct. 4. Interbrachials, auct. ARMS. Abactinal. . Terminals, ¢ - £5, . Dorsals || (Intermediaire, Ludwig), d— d?. . Marginals (Interambulacrals, Ludwig), m—-mi. . Dorsolateral, di. . Connectives, c. or CON Re * By the connectives the smaller plates connecting the larger are meant. + I should prefer the term Oral, if the name had not been applied to certain other plates. ¢ It may be as well to retain the old term, especially as they arise between ends of successive ambulacrals. § An unfortunate designation. I prefer Interbrachial. First homologized by Ludwig with oral, later (op. cit.) with unpaired marginal (Unparige Interambulacral). || The first of the dorsals is homologized with radial of crinoid by Sladen. 12 BULLETIN OF THE Actinal. 1. Ambulacrals, Ambulacral rafters. 2. Interambulacrals (Adambulacrals of late authors). In addition, the following calcifications, appendages to the above plates, are considered’: — 1. Spines. 2. Pedicellarie. 8. Stone canal. The last is an internal calcification, which is morphologically distinct from the above, and arises in the walls of the water tube. It is thought that almost all the larger calcifications of the mature Asterias can be referred to some of the above-mentioned structures. There are, however, spicule-like calcifications, as in the legs, which are not considered in this discussion. The plates first appear as a small calcareous formation in the midst of cells, which color with reagents more deeply than those of the remain- ing parts of the body inthe immediate vicinity. A common form fol- lowing the simplest is the extension of arms — commonly three — which impart to the spicule a trifid shape. The extremity of each branch subdivides, and continues division, anastomosing and joining with other bifurcations from other branches. The thickness of the cal- cification is at first small, being simply that of a spicule-like rod. By the growth and anastomosis of the spicules the plate later assumes the form of an open network. This network, in large plates like the termi- nals and genitals, is open. In other plates, as the median dorsal, the calcification has from the first the form of a disk in which are small perforations. The interambulacral plates are never thin, with loose open work, but become compact at the very beginning of their development. It is probable that the open character of the early formed terminals is cor- related with the fact that these plates are formed in the brachiolaria. It is questionable whether such slight rods would be strong enough to preserve the shape of the stellate animal if they occupied the position of ambulacrals, laterals, or dorsals, and were formed at the same time. These latter plates are more compact from the beginning, for obvious reasons. When the brachiolaria is absorbed, and the terminal comes to be pushed out in an exposed position, its form and compact calcification is such as successfully to resist any injury which its exposure might bring. It not only is strong enough for its own safety, but it serves as an effect- ual shield for the newly formed ambulacral, interambulacral, dorsal, and MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 18 other plates. It is possible, in this connection, that the large spines of the terminals may also serve as structures for protection of the tip of the ray. Animals small enough to take the young starfish for food might well hesitate before eating an animal bristling with the sharp needles of the rays of the young Asterias. While such an explanation may be probable, it also seems not unreasonable that these enormously large spines point to features of the ancestors of the starfish, and have a morphological significance. It is likewise to be noted, that in many genera of Asteroidea the primarily formed spines are relatively of great size. This is also true of many Ophiuran genera, as Ophiothrix and Ophiocoma. Among Echinoids, Echinarachnius and several others have large primary spines, and in the former genus, as I have already pointed out, these spines appear very early in the embryonic history. Their existence in these groups would seem to indicate a morphological meaning. It seems to me a significant fact, however, that while in Ophiothrix the spines of the terminals bear the form of large hooks, as I have noticed in an Ophiothrix from Santa Barbara, Amphiura in the pouch of its mother is destitute of terminal primary spines. The spines of the larval Asterias are larger than those of the larval Asterina. The general character of the above plates are as follows : — Flat, discoid. — The interradials, connectives, dorsocentral, dorsals, and dorsolaterals are flat, discoid, or cylindrical in shape. Massive, quadrangular. — The interambulacrals are quadrangular and > massive. Curved, crescentic.— The marginals and genitals are crescentic or curved, or more or less bent out of a plane surface. Elongated in the plane of first calcification. —The ambulacral rafters are elongated in the plane of the first calcification, and have the form of bars or beams, rather than flat plates. Elongated at right angles to plane of first calcification. —The spines are elongated in the plane opposite that in which the first calcification occurs. , Cap-shaped. — The terminals are cap-shaped. Tubular. — The calcification of the stone-canal is tubular and mul- tiple, or originating from several centres. Double calcification in same organ. — The calcification of the pedicel- larize is double from the first. The above classification is not intended as a hard and fast division, but only as a means of roughly separating the plates from each other. 14 BULLETIN OF THE The different divisions grade into each other, and in early conditions are not distinguishable. Dorsocentral. —The dorsocentral plate (dc) is one of the earliest to form, and is one of the least modified in its growth, of all the abactinal plates of the body. It is believed to be homologous with the dorso- central of Amphiura. Especial attention was paid to the time when the dorsocentral forms in Asterias, and the development or stage of growth of the terminals and basals when it first appears. This is believed to be an important fact in comparisons both with Ophiurans and with Echinoids.* The younger the larva is, the greater is the distance of this plate from the plutean anus, or blastopore.f In the youngest starfish (PI. I. fig. 2) in which the dorsocentral was observed, there were five terminals, ¢1—¢*, and five genitals, g!—g’. On the periphery of each of the terminals there were two trifid spi- cules, sp, which later developed into the terminal spines. ‘The stel- late form, or the position of the interradii, was mapped out by slight indentations in the rim of the disk between the terminals. The termi- nals have the form of simply bifurcated and Y-shaped calcareous rods. The position of origin of the dorsocentral is in a small space of the dorsal or abactinal region enclosed by the second, third, fourth, and fifth genitals. It is hemmed in by these plates except at one place, the brachiolarian notch, which is an unclosed interval separating in the present stage the first genital from the fifth terminal. The dorsocentral originates as a simple calcareous rod, or nodule, * T have already elsewhere (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XTII., No. 4, pp. 122, 128) devoted some space to a discussion of the time of appearance of this plate. + The dorsocentral of Asterias is never as near the blastopore as in Asterina. This fact is mentioned as its neighborhood in the latter has been used by Carpenter in comparisons of the centrodorsal and dorsocentral. Facts in Asterias do not sup- port the supposition, that, when the dorsocentral first appears in this genus, it is closer to the blastopore than in older stages, as Carpenter says is the case in Asterina. This does not deny that it may not be nearer in Asterina, but it is not in Asterias. In Asterias no anus is formed, but the blastopore, which never opens among the limestone plates, is simply closed after absorption of the brachiolaria. Iam in- clined to the opinion that the blastopore does not become the permanent anus, but have made no observation on this point except that in my species of Asterias the biastopore (brachiolarian anus) is simply closed, and never migrates around the rim of the young starfish to the abactinal side. A. Agassiz, however, con- siders that there is a close approximation of the calcareous plates and the anus, and says (op. cit., p. 46) that the “ anus undoubtedly discharges at this time through one of the many limestone cells.” But later he says, “ I am not able to state this positively, never having seen from any point discharges of fecal matter.” = MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 15 which immediately grows into a trifid spicule. As the starfish matures the dorsocentral becomes branched (Pl. I. fig. 3), forming a flat pen- tagonal plate occupying the central region of the abactinal part of the body of the starfish. As the starfish grows older, the dorsocentral is found to carry a large, well marked, centrally placed spine (Pl. II. fig. 4) ; later, two and three other spines of large size form. These spines are relatively to the size of the starfish much larger than those of the adult. In the oldest larval starfish (Pl. IV. fig. 4) which was studied, the dorsocentral still preserves its pentagonal form, and, on a line passing through the dorsal region of the starfish arm, from its angles arise the radials of the disk. The dorsocentral always preserves its central posi- tion even into the adult starfish, and never undergoes any considerable modification in outline or in size, although of course its size relative to that of the starfish is smaller as the starfish matures. The time of development of the dorsocentral in Amphiura is after the primary radials and basals.* As there are at first no plates which can be compared with the radials in Asterias, we can simply say that the dorsocentral is formed in the starfish after the basals; but if we com- pare the first median dorsal arm-plate of the starfish with the radial of Amphiura, we must say that the dorsocentral originates before the first radial in the starfish. This seems to me an additional argument, although I confess not a strong one, against considering the first median dorsal arm-plate as homologous with the radialia, or primary radial, of Amphiura. Still it would seem that the relative time when plates appear in the Echinoderms is unimportant, as far as a determination of their morphology is concerned. My observations on the time the dorso- central plate appears, as compared with the ten primary plates of Aste- rias, support the statements of A. Agassiz on this point. Terminals. — The terminals, t1-t°, are the most conspicuous and largest of all the primary plates in the embryonic life of the starfish. While the starfish is yet in the brachiolarian stage (PI. I. fig. 1) the terminals appear, and in the oldest form considered they are still promi- nent. From first to last, then, these plates are important calcifications in the growing Asterias and in the modifications of its form. There are ‘five terminals. These will be designated in the following way. Begin- ning with the madreporic opening, ¢1, and ending near the same body, t°, passing around the anal pole of the brachiolaria from dorsal to ventral side, they extend through a complete semicircle. The termi- * Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., XIII., No. 4, p. 121. - @ 16 BULLETIN OF THE nals seem to arise almost simultaneously, although brachiolarize have been found with two, three, or four terminals. The five terminals are, however, all believed to be formed before the genitals appear. The ring of terminals, beginning with ¢! near the madreporic body, are placed in their U-shaped figure at about equal distances apart, with the excep- tion of ¢#° and ¢1. The space between these two last is the whole diam- eter of the stomach of the brachiolaria. This space, which in older stages appears as a notch separating the first genital, g', from the fifth terminal, ¢°, is the brachiolarian notch. It is the notch which marks the position of the madreporic body, and renders it a point of departure in all morphological comparisons of the different groups of Echinoderms. The notch and madreporic opening are separated by the first genital, g’. The stage of the young starfish directly following the one in which the dorsocentral is first seen shows a condition in which the terminals have elongated and extended Y-shaped appendages at their extremities. These extensions have formed a rod perpendicular to the radius connect- ing the dorsocentral with the margin of the forming starfish. The law of the first growth of the terminal seems to be that they elongate, form- ing an extension across perpendicular to the radial lines, not parallel with them. The spines of the terminals appear directly after the dorsocentral, while yet the terminals are simple spicular bodies. Notches now begin to deepen in the interradii of the forming starfish on the border of the disk, separating the terminals. The terminals never coalesce with their neighbors. Although the terminals originate in the body of the starfish while yet a swimming brachiolaria, and form the most conspicuous plates in the Asterias before the stellate form is marked out, they are ultimately pushed to the extremities of the rays by the growth of the plates of the arms. The first appearance of the stellate form of the young Asterias results from the enlargement of these plates. The ter- minals originate on the abactinal side of the body, and grow down on the sides of the water-vascular portion of the extensions from this sys- tem. By this growth they enclose the tube above and on two sides, and come to have a cap-shape, an opening being left on the terminal border for the passage of the tentacle. There is no growth downward at the tip of the radii in which they lie, but a groove is left at that point through which later the extremity of the medial vessel extends, and in which point the eye-spot is situated. The cap-shaped form of the terminals affords ample protection for the immature ambulacrals, am, interambulacrals, ad, and marginals, m, which first form under cover of the sides and dorsal portions of the MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. AT terminals. This protection to the delicate forming calcareous plates is afforded in later stages in the growth of the starfish arm, even in speci- mens an inch or more in diameter. As the starfish grows older, the terminals lose their prominence. The large spines and pedicellarize which first form on the terminals are specially treated of elsewhere. It may here be said that the spines of the terminals are the first spines to form in the Asterid body. The same sequence and predominance are true likewise of the pedicellariz. The general form of a terminal of an older starfish (PI. III. fig. 3) is such that it completely covers the tip and a part of the dorsal region of the end of the arm. ‘That part which covers the dorsal tip of the arm is thinner than that upon the sides, and the groove through which the end of the radial tube, or the tentacle, passes, is well marked. Medial Dorsals of the Arms. — A row of plates along the crest of the abaxial region of the arm of the starfish may be called dorsals or medial dorsals. The median dorsal row of plates does not begin until after the formation of three pairs of ambulacrals, and likewise subsequent to the odontophores, mouth plates, genitals, terminals, and dorsocentral. The starfish has begun to have a pentagonal or stellate form before the first of this series develops. The first (d) of these plates to form appears in the medial dorsal line of the radius, in the triangular space between two genitals and the adoral edges of the terminals (Pl. IV. fig. 1). It ante- dates the adambulacrals and the laterals: The new dorsals (Pl. IV. figs. 3, 4) form distally to those which have already appeared. The question of what plates in Amphiura the first of the dorsal plates corresponds to will be spoken of later. There are no radials formed be- fore the terminals inside the ring of genitals; but in other ways, as far as position goes, the oldest of the series of median dorsal plates of the arm corresponds with the first radial of Amphiura. When the arm of the young starfish is broken from its disk, the line of fracture commonly leaves the first dorsal with the arm, not with the disk. The median row (Pl. IV. fig. 4) of dorsal plates form in a continuous series on the middle line of the dorsal (abactinal) region of the arm. The newest formed plates, d®, d’, are those outside the plates already formed. They begin as a simple branched calcareous spicule, and broaden into a flat plate. Each median plate bears at first a single spine. The second median dorsal plate forms after the first pair of marginals and the first pair of interambulacrals. The oldest radial has a quadrate form; the others, when well developed, are triangular, with re-entrant angles, by which are developed lateral rings and a median adaxial extension. VOL. XVII. — NO. l. 2 18 BULLETIN OF THE The median row of plates is wcll marked, even into stages of the star- fish of some size, and each plate bears at first a single spine.* Lateral Dorsal Plates. —'The larger members of the network of plates which connect the median dorsals with the marginals may be known as the lateral dorsal plates. They were first detected in a young starfish in which were four median dorsal plates; and the first pair to ap- pear is situated on one side of the third median dorsal. In a specimen older than the last these plates were found on the second, third, and fourth median dorsal plates. It will thus be seen that the first lateral dorsal to form is not the pair which belongs to the first, but to the third, median dorsal. The lateral dorsals (d/) are semicircular or circular plates, with their longer axes at right angles to the line of the radius. They are in young stages destitute of spines. There seems to be little regularity in the formation of additional lateral dorsals, and in older conditions they form a dedalus of plates very difficult to trace. They are intimately connected by smaller calcifications, which will be spoken of as the connectives. Genitals.f —The genitals (g’-g*) are the first interradial plates to form. These plates are among the earliest plates of the starfish brachiolaria, and in early stages in the growth of the body they are very conspicu- ous. They probably originate after the terminals, and appear at first as small calcareous nodules, alternating with the terminals. All of the genitals, in young stages, are smaller than the terminals. The fact that they originate after the terminals is not an unimportant one, as it shows that in this particular the starfish resembles Amphiura. Moreover, it has been stated that one (g!) of the genitals — namely, that near the madreporic body —arises before the terminals. I find this statement, as well as another that the size of the “ basal ” (genital) near the madre- poric opening is larger than the remainder, and preserves its preponder- ance in size in all younger stages of the growth of the starfish, not to hold in the specimens of Asterias which were examined. The genitals when first formed are simple nodules, which later form. branched spicules, as shown in Plate I. fig. 1. They lie in the interval of the interradii between the terminals, while their centre of calcification always begins in an interradius. * The median row of dorsals and their spines correspond with the “ median line of spines supported by a long narrow limestone plate extending from the basal plate almost to the terminal radial,” mentioned by A. Agassiz (p. 51, op. cit.). +t The same plates as those called in several late writings the basals, from their supposed homology with the basals of Crinoids. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 19 The genitals never leave, or are pushed from, the body of the star- fish, but as the complexity of their reticulation increases they fill al- most the whole space of the interradius between the radially situated terminals. The genital which occupies the interradius in which the brachiolarian notch lies, differs from the others in possessing an indentation on one side which is perforated by the madreporic opening. This failure of cal- cification is brought about by the growth of spicular extensions from the edge of the genital which lies contiguous to the madreporic open- ing, but is marked in no other conspicuous manner. It will be seen, on a comparison of my description of the way the ac- tinal plates of the starfish form with that given by A. Agassiz,* that there is a difference in our accounts of the growth of these structures. It would seem doubtful that so great a difference could be the result of our studying different species or genera. According to Agassiz,* the large clusters of calcareous deposits which I suppose to be the ter- minals “‘unite along the edge of the rays, forming a continuous net- work,” and they are figured with such a union in Plate VI. fig. 10.* It does not appear that he considers those plates which lie in the angle of the rays as joining with the ray plates, or terminals, although re- maining distinct from each other ; for, later, he says that the limestone deposits in the angles of the rays do not unite laterally. It would seem exceptional to suppose that the terminals do join or unite at their edges, and that the first interradial plates, or genitals, unite with them. Such a consolidation would prevent, for a time at least, any subsequent growth of the arms, unless we suppose a resorp- tion to take place. The plates simply interdigitate with each other in Asterias, and there is no union, temporary or permanent, between termi- nals and interradially situated plates or genitals. It is extremely diffi- cult to distinguish the boundaries of the terminals and genitals in live specimens, and it was only by the use of alcohol and some clarifying re- agent that I was able to make out the separation of the two. Interambulacral Plates. —The interambulacral plates, ad, originate after the corresponding ambulacral rafters, as separate calcifications between the lateral t ends of successive ambulacrals. In their early * “North American Starfishes,” pp. 46, 48. In my references to A. Agassiz’s observations on the embryology of the starfish I have quoted from this paper (Mus. Comp. Zodél., Vol. VI.). This reprint contains valuable references to the work of other observers made since the paper was first published. + Most distantly removed from the median radius. 20 BULLETIN OF THE condition they are protected by the cap formed by the sides and dorsal region of the terminals, and, as the terminals are pushed out by growth of dorsals and marginals, new interambulacrals continually form under the shelter of the terminal. The law of development of ambulacrals and marginals, in the arm holds in the interambulacrals. The oldest formed are those nearest the mouth; the youngest are the nearest to the terminals. The beginnings of at least three pairs of ambulacrals are formed before the first true interambulacral appears. The marginals antedate the interambulacrals. There is little variety in the progress of the growth of the interam- bulacrals, from the time they first appear as small calcareous nodules (Pl. III. fig. 2) until they form the compact blocks of older stages in the growth. They differ from most of the other plates of the starfish in their massive growth, and they never have the flat perforated plate form of the dorsals or genitals. As they mature, they fit closely together, forming square blocks with re-entering angles, and are closely articulated. They also carry a single long spine in early stages. In younger forms of the starfish, before the ambulacrals have be- come so crowded that there are four rows of feet, the interambulacrals alternate with the ambulacrals. At that time the number of interam- bulacrals is the same as that of the ambulacrals, with the exception, however, of the newly forming ambulacrals at the extremity of the ray. In all young starfishes the single row of interambulacrals stands out clear and distinct from the other plates, while their number always has a constant relation to that of the ambulacral rafters. Marginal Plates. — Large and important plates of the arms, origi- nating early in the development of the larva, may be known as the marginal plates, m. These plates are formed at the extreme end of the ambulacral rafters, between the adoral rim of the lateral extensions of the terminal plates and the interbrachial region of the body. They follow the same law in sequence of formation as the adambulacral, but do not have the protection of the terminals in their early condition. The first marginals to form appear in a stage between one with a single median dorsal and one with two median dorsals (PI. IV. figs. 1, 2). It is a curved plate, extending on the actinal side to the interbrachial region and on the abactinal to the vicinity of the first median dorsal, d. On its dorsal region it bears a single spine (PI. IV. fig. 2). The first pair of marginals is firmly jammed in between the lateral extensions of the terminals and the interradial portion of the circumoral plates, and by its subsequent growth helps to push out the terminals in MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 21 the increase in length of the arms. A second pair of marginals is not formed until after the second pair of interambulacrals has appeared. The forming marginals bridge the intervals between adjacent inter- ambulacrals. They are larger than the interambulacrals, but not so massive, and form curved plates making the curve in the margin of the arms. Their number is not so constant as compared with that of the ambulacrals as with the adambulacrals, and in this respect even in very young stages they recall the marginal plates of the adult starfish. Oral Ambulacral Plates. — The plates, or calcareous framework which surrounds the mouth of Asterias, date back to very early stages in the growth of the starfish (Pl. I. fig. 3). Rudiments of these structures appear while yet the starfish has a disk-like form, and before the com- plete absorption of the arms of the brachiolaria. In the earliest condition in which these plates were seen there were but eleven other plates in the starfish body, and these were all found on the abactinal surface. These eleven plates are, of course, the single dorsocentral, the five terminals, and the five genitals. The oral ambulacral plates appear on each side of the primitive ex- tensions from the right water vessel, rw, which later form the five radial water-vascular tubes of the arms. They appear in pairs and are ten in number, a pair to each pair of legs. In their earliest stages they are spiculate and elongated, their length running parallel with the walls of the water tube (PI. I. fig. 3). This fact is an important one, for it recalls the condition which we have in the ossicles, or ambulacral plates, of Amphiura. I shall speak of this condition later. The elongated rods or spicules have later (PI. II. fig. 1) small Jateral branches, and a beginning of a network is to be seen. The two members of the pair never grow together laterally in the position that they are at first placed. The condition of the water tube, when the first pairs of circumoral rods form, is briefly as follows. The tube has not joined about the mouth, as the brachiolaria is not yet fully absorbed. The five median water-vascular tubes, rw, are simple protuberances, without lateral appendages. The pre-divided water system is asymmetrically placed as regards the disk of the future starfish, and the five extensions do ‘ not project beyond the stomach of the brachiolaria. In the next form in which the circumoral calcareous rods appear, we find that the brachi- olaria has been wholly absorbed, and the starfish has assumed a stellate form, brought about by an enlargement and growth of the termi- nals (Pl. II. fig. 2). While the oral plates were placed with their 22 BULLETIN OF THE lengths parallel with the median water tube, they are now at right angles to its course. The median tube has not yet extended to the extremity of the edge of the terminal, but has formed two and three pairs of lateral branches, — the first formation of the legs of the star- fish. The ten oral ambulacral plates or rods, am, form a pentagonal network, not yet united, but already in the approximate position which it occupies in the adult (Pl. II. fig. 3). The plates are crescentic, with convexity pointing outward, perforated, closely approximating near the middle line of the radius, and more dis- tantly separated in the interbrachial regions of the starfish. As far as their general appearance is concerned, they resemble incipient ambula- cral plates of later stages of Asterias, as in former conditions they resembled those of Amphiura. In an older condition (PI. II. fig. 3) of the oral ambulacral plates, the interbrachial ends grow together, and at the same time become very much more thickened in the interbrachial region. The ten oral ambula- cral plates, am, now form a pentagonal ring about the mouth opening. In this stage the rudiments of two pairs of ambulacral rafters, am’, have likewise appeared. The outlines of the single member of the oral ambulacral ring of plates at present are as follows. Each oral ambulacral plate has the form of an elongated bar, enlarged at either end. The length of the bar is at right angles to the line of the radius of the arm. On the ab- oral side it is deeply concave, while on the adoral it is straight, slightly curved. The radial extremity is bifid, divided into an upper and lower branch (Pl. III. fig. 1). The interradial extremity is enlarged into a massive thickening, forming a club-shaped body whose aboral broad end abuts the lateral wall of the terminal. The mass of the thickened part of the oral interbrachial plate is on its actinal side, while on the abactinal side it is concave, in which concavity fits a heart-shaped plate, 2, later described as the odontophore. ‘This thickening in the interbrachial region of the oral ambulacrals corresponds with the interambulacrals, and these plates represent interambulacrals of the oral ambulacral plates, although they do not seem to be formed as separate calcifica- tions. In early conditions no spines are found on the oral plates or bars. No spines were ever detected in the ambulacral region of these bars, although in older conditions of that part of the oral plates which lies in the interradii spines were found, as in the other interambulacrals. The subsequent growth of the interbrachial ends of the oral ambula- crals is as follows. They grow at the expense of the ambulacral orals, _ MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 23 forming elongated bodies whose greatest length lies in the direction of the interradius, or parallel to it. As their size increases, four spines form on each of these plates, two on the aboral and two on the adoral ends The existence of these spines would indicate that they are con- solidated interambulacrals, and that interambulacrals as well as ambu- lacrals enter into the formation of the oral ring of calcareous bars. First Interbrachial.* — In very early conditions in the growth of the oral ring of bars, before the increase in size of the interambulacral ends of the circumorals, and before spines appear, there form in the inter- brachial radii certain round or heart-shaped plates, which are thought to be the first sign of the odontophore. These plates, 7b. lie on the abactinal side of the adambulacral circum- orals, in a space between them and the genitals, and on the adoral side of the circumorals. ‘Their first form is round, or heart-shaped. As the growth goes on they are pushed more to the aboral region of the inter- radius, but never extend beyond the cover of the interambulacral ends of the circumorals, by which, in the increased compactness in growth of the calcareous network, they are almost wholly concealed when the starfish is seen from the actinal side.t This is the first time that the odontophore has been described in starfishes as young as Plate II. fig. 4. From their position of formation they seem to be homologous with interbrachials, which will be subsequently described. The Ambulacral: Rafters. {— Under the name of ambulacral rafters all actinal plates of the rays, with the exception of the circumorals and the adambulacrals, will be included. The following plates are present when the first pair of ambulacrals begins to form: dorsocentral, de, five genitals, g'—g°, five terminals, ¢1-7¢*, and ten circumoral ambula- crals, am. In addition to these the interambulacral circumoral and the odontophore, 2b, are formed before the second pair of ambulacrals, am. The first of the median dorsal row of plates, d, appear just after the second pair of ambulacrals. The marginals, interambulacrals, and second median dorsal appear after the third pair of ambulacrals. * The name odontophore, with which this is homologous, as pointed out by Lud- wig, is illy suited for the first interbrachial plates on the actinal hemisome. The true name of these plates can hardly be known until there is some uniformity of , Opinion as to their homologies. The term interbrachial does not commit us to the theory that they are homologous with orals or with unpaired marginals. t In certain deep water Asterids, according to Sladen, a part at least of the odontophore is visible on the actinal surface of the adult. In very young speci- mens of Asterias the same thing is true. The feature in the deep-water starfishes would seem to be embryonic. t The plates referred to are commonly called ambulacrals. 24 BULLETIN OF THE The ambulacrals follow the law of formation of the other arm-plates, with the exception of the terminals, The first ambulacral to form is nearest the circumoral, and new plates are added aborally to the first forraed. The new ambulacrals are protected by the cap-shaped termi- nals. The ambulacrals originate as elongated rods, with axes at right angles to the line of the radius. The two members of a pair do not necessarily arise simultaneously. The position of origin is nearer the centre of the arm, or nearer its median line than the periphery. In the earliest condition in which the ambulacrals were seen, they had the form of small calcareous nodules, one on each side of the median line of the arm (PI. II. fig. 3). In older stages these nodules elongate into bars, growing from the middle line towards the side of the arm on its actinal region (PI. II. fig. 4). By an increase in the length of the ambulacral bars, they bridge the interval between the middle line of the arm and the lateral extensions of the terminals, although they never join the last mentioned structures (Pl. III. figs. 1, 2). Each ambulacral bar has the following form. Near the middle line it is enlarged, while on the aboral and adoral borders it is concave, in order to leave an interval or space for the passage of the legs to the ampulle. As the growth of the arm of the starfish goes on, and new pairs of ambulacrals are formed, the terminals are pushed out more and more from the disk. At the same time the ends of the ambulacrals approach one another on the median actinal line of the arm, and ultimately become articulated together. Before, however, they join, they bifur- cate on the median line, and form an upper and a lower spur, as in the circumoral calcareous ring. As in early stages of the starfish, there are only two rows of feet, one on each side of the median line ; the rows of openings for the passage of the feet are also in two lines. It is only in young starfishes of considerable size that we find four rows of openings between the ambulacral rafters. In all the specimens figured there are but two rows of feet. The young stages of Asterias studied by me were never found to have spines on the ambulacrals, and neither in the oldest nor in the youngest was there any median row of plates or spines of an embryonic nature on the actinal side of the arm. Second Interbrachial. — When the growing starfish, in which the arms have pushed themselves out to a considerable size, is looked at from the actinal side, there will be seen in the interradii, in the space left between the marginals and the abaxial end of the interbrachial ex- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 25 tremities of the oral ambulacrals, a single interbrachial resembling the - first (odontophore), but abaxial to it (Pl. V. fig. 8, 2b”). This is called the second interbrachial, 2b, Other interbrachials outside (abaxially to) this were found; but in the genus Asterias the number and devel- opment of these interbrachials is not as great as in some other genera. The first of these interbrachials, “ odontophore,” might be regarded as homologous with the orals of the Amphiura. The homology of the others in Ophiurans is not clear to me. They are of course represented in other starfishes, where they are sometimes very greatly developed, imparting a characteristic form to the body, filling in the whole inter- brachial region. The remaining interbrachials may be numbered among early plates to form in the young starfish. They are, however, the last plates to form of all those which we have mentioned in our account of the early or primary plates of the body. When the starfish of a stage like that shown in Plate V. fig. 7 is seen from the actinal region, an irregular triangular interval is seen in the interradius just outside the two interambulacral circumoral plates, amd. This interval is bounded by the adambulacral circumoral, amd, the first interambulacrals, ad!, one on each side, and the laterals, also one on each side. In the centre of this space, on a line opposite the middle of the interambulacrals, the first interradial or interbrachial takes its rise. As the starfish matures, other interbrachials also form outside, aborally from that which has already appeared. Connectives. — Under this name are included certain plates of the body and disk of the starfish, which bridge the intervals between the others, but which have a secondary place as compared with primary plates. There are connectives on the abactinal region of the arms, and others on the disk, but in either case they do not differ greatly from each other. In the connectives we have a multiplicity of calcareous plates, imparting a compactness to the abactinal hemisome. Their form, size, and number are variable, and their morphological importance of a subordinate character. Spines. — The study of the primary spines of the young Echinoderm is one which in most accounts of the development is not given very great ‘prominence, yet these bodies are in many genera among the first calci- fications to appear, antedating in formation many plates which play a most important part in the determination of the external form of the animal. When the first spines appear in the starfish, there are only eleven plates present, five terminals, five genitals, and a dorsocentral. ‘ 26 BULLETIN OF THE The dorsocentral is hardly larger than a small calcareous nodule, and the genitals and terminals are but simple branched spicules. Not.a single plate of the actinal region of the body has yet appeared. It will be seen that plates which have been regarded of importance in a discus- sion of the affinities of the starfish with other Echinoderms are not even present as a simple rudiment, when spines which few have yet consid- ered of any great importance morphologically have begun to form, and are well developed in many cases. Are we justified in thus neglecting the spines, or have they no morphological meaning outside of a simple classificatory interest? The discussion of the meaning of the large size of the first-formed spines will be taken up later. It is necessary now for us to consider the size, arrangement, and distribution of these struc- tures, their embryonic form, and their general mode of growth. The spines originate as trifid spicules, and in their early stages are not to be distinguished from calcareous plates. The earliest spines (PI. I. fig. 3, sp) to appear are those at the outer rim of the terminals of the young starfish, peripherally to these plates. They are at first ten in number, or two to each terminal, and by the time the notches which indicate the interbrachial regions of the future starfish are incised, the number of immature primary spines has increased to nine. Later, when the number of ambulacral rafters has grown to six (three pairs), there are six very prominent spines on the outer border of the termi- nals. According to A. Agassiz, these spines are more or less fan-shaped, and recall those of certain Echinoids. The dorsocentral, for a long time after its first appearance, bears a single long and prominent spine. This calcification is jointed to the centre of the dorsocentral on the aboral side, and later other primary spines are added to the dorsocentral. The genitals (basals) have at first three long, slender spines, which originate while yet the starfish is borne by the brachiolaria. The spines of the medial dorsal plates of the arms are prominent and single at first, each situated in the middle of the plate upon which it is carried. The lateral or marginal plates, m, of the arms bear long, stout, single spines. Each interambulacral plate, ad, has at first a single spine. No spines were ever observed in the ambulacrals, but the extremities of the oral ambulacrals in the interbrachii bear four spines, two of which lie on the edge adjacent the mouth. The so-called odontophores * were * From the position which they early occupy, it is not-to be wondered at that spines are not developed on the first interbrachials or the odontophores. They are covered on the actinal side by the interbrachial ends of the oral ambulacrals, so that spines could not be formed. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. an not observed to carry spines, and the interbrachials, in their younger stages at least, are destitute of these structures. With the advancing growth of the starfish, the number of spines on the primary plates increases, and new spines are formed on new plates as they appear. The later formed spines, however, never have that prominence so marked in the younger and primary plates, but appear more compact, and more like the spines of the adult Asterias. Pedicellarie. — The pedicellariz, pd, were first observed on the terminal plates in a stage of the starfish in which there were four median dorsals (Pl. IV. fig. 3). They were then confined tc that plate, being absent on all others. In an older starfish, or one with seven median dorsals (Pl. IV. fig. 4), they were likewise found in clus- ters on the second marginal plates, m?, and one or two were likewise seen on the plates, m°, between the second marginals and the termi- nals. Although in both these stages large spines exist on the median dorsals, d, there are no pedicellariee as yet formed upon or near them. Like the spines, the calcifications of the pedicellariz are at first wholly separate from the plates from which they rise. Unlike the spines, however, their calcification is from the first double, or split longitudi- nally into two separate parts. Stone Canal. — The calcifications in the wall of the madreporic canal were observed in a larval stage before the external modifications of the plate through which it opens were evident or had appeared. It con- sists of a delicate tubular network of calcifications, formed by a lacework of calcareous spicules, which appear to arise from many centres of for- mation. They appear to form in the wall of the tube itself. Iam un- aware that any one has described the stone canal in a young starfish in which there were but seven median dorsal plates, yet it is well marked at that age. 4. Comparison with other Asteroidea. It is here intended to consider certain relations between the plates of Asterias and the observations and comparisons which have been made by others on the plates of young starfishes. The study of the cal- careous formations of the adult and their history from the time when they first appear has engaged the attention of several naturalists, and many different conclusions have been arrived at in this study. With these recorded observations and interpretations I have been able to compare my own on Asterias, and their concordance has strengthened my belief 28 BULLETIN OF THE in them. In one or two instances, however, there are differences, either of observation or of interpretation. It will perhaps be profitable, before we can discuss the relationship of Asterias with Ophiurans, that these differences and concordances among Asteroidea be considered. The subject deals with calcareous plates only. The most important observations of the way in which the plates of Asteroids develop are those of Krohn, Thomson, A. Agassiz on Asteracan- thion, Ludwig on Asterina, and Lovén on Asterias glacialis. The way in which the plates of Asterina develop is as well known as that of any other Asteroid, if not better. As this development of Asterina pertains to a starfish without a nomadic brachiolaria, and as Asterias has an indirect development with nomadic brachiolaria, it is interesting to compare the formation of the plates in the two types, and to note the differences which occur. Whatever the character of the metamorphosis of a star- fish may be, — whether it has a nomadic brachiolaria, as Asterias, or carries the young in brood-sacs, as in Pteraster, —it would appear that the sequence of the growth of calcareous plates is little affected by it. How much the abbreviation in early development affects the sequence in the growth of plates is yet to be proved, and a complete series of the young Asterias to compare with Asterina may give us valuable information on this point. The figures of Asterina by Ludwig, and those of Asterias by Agassiz, Krohn, Thomson,* and Lovén,f in a way supplement each other, yet much still remains to be done on late stages of both genera. For a comparison of the way in which the plates of the abactinal hemisome of the body of Asterias develop with those of other Asteroids, I have little to add to what is known as far as the dorsocentral is con- cerned. The various authors who have written on this subject do not emphasize the fact that it is formed after the terminals and genitals, or * Krohn and Thomson figure and describe isolated stages of growth. Agassiz considers the whole subject of the development. + Lovén figures only later stages with stellate form: t 1t would appear from the relative time and sequence of the appearance of plates in related genera of Ophiurans being very different, that it is not safe to rely upon a similarity in time when calcifications appear in the comparisons of homologous plates. Other naturalists have already commented on this fact. A diversity in the time of the appearance of homologous plates in related species seems to me paralleled in the fact that in two Asterids once thought to be generi- cally the same, and even now, if their adult features alone are examined, regarded as generically identical, one, A. tenera, has no nomadic brachiolaria, and the other, A. berylinus, has such an elaborate metamorphosis with this stage. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 29 that it antedates all the plates of the actinal hemisome. Agassiz sup- posed it to be formed after the other ten abactinal plates, and Ludwig * does not say that it is or is not formed at that time. The time of formation and mode of growth of the terminals, at the tips of the arms, seems to be the same as already described by A. Agassiz and Ludwig. Agassiz found them to form before the genitals, which is true also in my larve. I cannot verify the statement that the ter- minals ever fuse with each other, as described by Agassiz. The arrangement of spines on the terminals differs somewhat from those of Asterina. According to Ludwig (p. 50, op. ct.) one of the interradials (geni- tals) precedes in time of formation and size the other genitals and the terminals. This is the genital which later forms or fuses with the madreporic plate. This predominance of the genital contiguous to the madreporic opening was not noticed in Asterias, although the relative distance and general situation of this plate as compared with the madreporic opening are about the same as Ludwig describes for Asterina. My observations on the growth of the plates of the abactinal region of the arms resemble those recorded by A. Agassiz, Lovén, Ludwig, and Viguier. The calcifications of the body in the abactinal hemisome also resemble, with some exceptions, those already described. According to the first author (p. 37), in an early condition after the eleven abactinal plates were formed “the whole of the abactinal surface has become coated with a very fine granular deposit of limestone.” This formation was not seen in the specimens of Asterias which were studied. The observations on the mode of formation of the oral ambulacrals * His youngest stages show eleven plates, and in the text he speaks of them as if the “ Centrale,” dorsocentral, was synchronous in formation. (See Entwick- lungsgeschichte der Asterina gibbosa, Forbes, Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool., Vol. XX XVII.) The homology of the calcifications of the pluteus of Ophiurans and Echinoids with calcifications in the stem of the Crinoids would seem far-fetched. The spines of the pluteus are secondary developed structures, and it is believed by some that they have no phylogenetic significance. The fact that they are wanting in the brachiolaria of Asterias would look that way, but in Amphiura they are repre- sented before the larva leaves the mother. It is possible in this instance to be- lieve either that Amphiura is descended from a genus which had a pluteus with spines, and in its abbreviated metamorphosis the rudiment of the spines only re- mains, or that the plutean spines show relations with other groups outside the Ophiurans. The latter conclusion does not appear absurd, and it may be possible later to show that there is an homology between the stem of a Crinoid and the plutean spines of an Ophiothrix. 30 BULLETIN OF THE resemble those of Ludwig on Asterina,* and Lovén’s figures of 4. gla- cialis,t but differ somewhat from Agassiz’s. A. Krohn { was one of the first correctly to figure the situation and early form of the oral ambulacrals of the starfish in young stages in its growth. His figure of the ten first formed oral ambulacral plates in the starfish found in Bipennaria correspond closely with those of Asterias which I have represented. He also figures the spines of the terminals, but does not represent the terminals as they exist in Asterias. Sir Wyville Thomson’s figure and description$ of the early forms of the ambulacral rafters of Asteracanthion violaceus closely resembles what I have seen in Asterias. His figure of the oral ambulacrals and the ambulacral rafters corresponds with mine. There is not as close a likeness in the plates of the abactinal side which he has figured and my own. ‘The first dorsal seems more prominent in one than in the other. Both of his figures, represented from the actinal and abactinal hemisomes, are regarded as important contributions to our knowledge of the early form of the calcareous plates of Asteroids. Metschnikoff || has published very instructive figures, of the young and stellate forms of a starfish. In Plate XI. fig. 8, he represents the earliest form of the ambulacral orals about as they appear in Asterias. They have here the form of simple calcareous spicules. The spines of the terminals in this stage are also well shown Another figure of a young starfish by the same author (Pl. XII. fig. 1, A) represents five terminals, an inner row of six genitals, and a dorsocentral. The mad- * It may be borne in mind that the mouth of Asterias is “‘ambulacral,” i. e. formed for the most part of modified ambulacrals, while Asterina is classified as “adambulacral,’”?— mouth formed of both ambulacral and adambulacral. It is consequently necessary that the young stages of Asterina have adambulacral calcifications distinct from ambulacral in the formation of oral plates. It would seem from Ludwig’s figure (fig. 98) and his lettering as if it was formed in this way. In Asterias, however, similar plates are formed from the interradial ends of the ambulacrals, and not as separate calcifications. If I am right in my observations, it would seem that Asterias has an ambulacral mouth from the early stages of growth. + Etudes sur les Echinoidées. K. Svensk. Vetensk. Akad. Handl., Stockholm, Vol. XI. Pt. IL t+ Krohn, August. Ueber die Entwickelung der Seesterne und Holothurien. Arch. f. Anat. Physiol. u. Wiss. Med., 1853. § Thomson, C. Wyville. On the Embryology of Asteracanthion violaceus, Quart. Jour. Mic. Sci., I., 1861. || Metschnikoff, E. Studien iiber die Entwickelung der Echinodermen und Nemertinen. Mém. Acad. Imper. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, Vol. XIV. No. 8. 9 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Si reporite is represented in the same ring as the terminals, and in posi- tion is a separate plate from the genitals. The genital which occurs in the same interradius is double. If this condition or arrangement is found on more extended observa- tions to be the exact relation, it may lead to much light on the whole question of starfish morphology ; for if the madreporite is not a genital, but a distinct plate, the fact adds strength to the belief that the oral of Amphiura is the homologue of the odontophore, while the basal of Amphiura is the homologue of the genital of Asterias. It may render it necessary for us to regard the madreporite in starfishes as ordinarily described as a consolidation of genital and madreporite, which would somewhat affect accepted homologies. The separate calcification of the stone canal, and the eccentric position of the madre- poric opening as compared with the genital, point to to a compound character of the madreporite. A. Agassiz’s account of the way in which the ambulacral and inter- ambulacral plates of the arms of starfishes are formed, differs from what I find in Asterias. He says (pp. 91, 92), “In the case of the young star- fish, the radial plates of the abactinal systema which form the dorsal part of the arms gradually extend towards the edge of, and down on to the actinal side, enclosing the water system little by little, and finally, as has been described, covering the ambulacral tube, leaving only openings for the passage of the tentacles. . . . In the, starfishes, the actinal plates formed by the bridges separating successive pairs of tentacles become resorbed along the central line, the edges forming inwardly by spurs the true ambulacral plates, and the plates which little by little develop so as to form the edge of the arms are likewise formed from the plates originally a part of the abactinal system. Those which are on the out- side of the tentacles become the interambulacral plates, but differ in no way from the plates forming the sides of the arms.” * If I rightly understand his account, there is considerable difference between the way in which ambulacral and interambulacral plates form in the starfish which I studied, and those which he describes. The * It is hard to reconcile this view of the way these plates (ambulacral) form with the figures of them by Krohn and Thomson. Agassiz’s figures (Pl. VI. fig. 12, Pl. VII. fig. 1, Embryology of the Starfish) of the plates of the actinal side of the arm differ from those of Krohn of a starfish from Bipennaria, and of Thom- son of A. violaceus. They also differ from mine. The separate ambulacral rafters and oral ambulacrals are not represented, but the actinal calcareous plates are represented as joined together. 32 BULLETIN OF THE main difference is, that in the Asterias which I studied the plates on the actinal side of the arm originate on that side, and there is no growth downward from the abactinal surface enclosing the water sys- tem. The ambulacral rafters and interambulacrals originate as separate calcifications on the actinal side of the arms, while no absorption of plates previously formed was observed. There is a close similarity in the early formation of the actinal plates in Asterias and of those of Asterina, followed by Ludwig, and my in- terpretation of some of the plates of the mouth is in most cases the same as his. Ludwig says (p. 49, op. cit.) that he is the first to make known the primary position of the ambulacrals.* The difference in the early form of the first and secend pairs of ambulacrals, or those which form the oral ring, is not especially considered by him, and his account does not extend to the growth of the ambulacrals formed subsequently to the oral or first pair. It was not possible for me to observe any relationship in the time when the members of the five pairs of ambulacrals form, or their se- quence, as he has done in Asterina, although I have repeatedly found young starfishes in which one pair of ambulacrals (oral) smaller than the remaining, or in which one or more members of the five sets were missing. The five pairs of plates which Ludwig (op. cit.) letters JA in his ac- count of Asterina are called by him interambulacrals. By this term it is understood that he means what are here called marginals. In the development of these plates Asterias closely resembles Asterina. Adoral to these plates lie five other plates, a single plate in each interradius. These are the first interbrachials, and are regarded as the odontophores of authors. They are called the heart-shaped plates from the shape which they have in the young Asterias. In Asterias the in- terbrachial ends of the oral ambulacrals arch over the heart-shaped bodies before the “lateral plates ” are developed.t * Ludwig was the first to show how the ambulacrals originate in Asterina. The form and early condition of the oral ambulacrals of an Asterias-like star- fish with a brachiolaria was given by Krohn in 1853. Thomson (op. cit.) in 1861 figures correctly the first form of the ambulacrals in A. violaceus. It would therefore seem that in genera besides Asterina the subject had already attracted observers. + Ludwig was at first of the opinion that these odontophore plates are “ Inter- mediire Skelettplatte,” which I interpret to be the same as “ orals”’; he later sup- MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 33 The position of the newly formed interambulacrals as regards the terminal is similar in Asterina and Asterias.* In Asterina, from Lud- wig’s diagram, I should judge that these plates arise near the outer ends of each pair of ambulacral rafters, so that a line through them would pass through the length of the rafter. In Asterias, however, the interambulacrals arise in the interval between the outer ends of the early formed ambulacral rafters. Plates homologous to the under basals of Crinoids are recognized by Sladen f in several species and genera of Asteroids, including Asterias rubens and A. glacialis. I have been struck in the examination of figures of deep-sea starfishes to see how close, in some instances, the likeness between the test of certain of them and that of the young Aste- rias is. The young and adult of Zoroaster seem closely to resemble cer- tain young stages of Asterias. Sladen comments on the “ unmistakable crinoidal facies” which the young Zoroaster has, and regards a young stage of this Asterid as highly suggestive of the Ophiuroid genus Ophio- pyrgus. Whether the resemblance between the young Asterias and the young Zoroaster can also be interpreted as a crinoidal facies, I leave to those more familiar with the Crinoids to consider. The simple arrange- ment of plates in Zoroaster is an embryonic feature. There is some danger in affixing to the plates of starfishes names of plates which are current among students of Crinoids. While it may be held to be proper to do so, if the Crinoids.represent the ancestral con- dition of Echinoderms, it might lead to error if they are simply special- ized or degenerate descendants of other and older groups. posed them “ Unpaare Interambulacralplatte.” It is thought that he means by the latter the marginal plates. * Fig. 97, Plate VIL, of Ludwig’s paper on Asterina would seem, from the po- sition of the terminal as regards the feeler, F, to be a view from the abactinal side. Such a conclusion is likewise supported by the relative position of the plates, A?, or second pair of ambulacral rafters. If, however, the view from which the figure is seen is from the abactinal side, it would seem as if other abactinal plates would be represented. If they were figures of Asterias of the same age, such plates cer- tainly might be expected to be visible. Perhaps the term “ bei tieferer Einstel- lung ” explains the peculiar arrangement of plates and the loss of the abactinals. I am unable to understand the figure, since the view is said to be from a prepara- tion (fig. 96) which is shown from the actinal side. t On the Homologies of the Primary Larval Plates in the Test of Brachiate Echinoderms. Quart. Journ. Micros. Science, Vol. XXIV., new ser., 1884. Judging from Sladen’s figure of Zoroaster fulgens (fig. 16), it seems that what he calls the “ underbasal ” is also represented in the abactinal hemisome of a young Asterias. VOL. XVII. — No. 1. 3 34 BULLETIN OF THE + It is a most important thing to know more of the early formed plates of the genera Caulaster, Perr.,* and Ilyaster, D. & K., in which we have appended to the middle of the abactinal zone a short peduncle. It would seem that this peduncle is comparable with the stem of a Cri- noid. Ina young Ctenodiscus a protuberance in the same place as the peduncle of Ilyaster has been noticed, but I have never seen it as long as figured in Ilyaster. As Ctenodiscus is a common starfish off the New England coast, it would present a most instructive genus for the study of the homology of the early formed plates of a starfish with an abactinal prominence. If it should be shown that this appendage to the abactinal region of the genus Ilyaster is a remnant of the ancestral Crinoid stem, it might be supposed that the Asteroidea have descended from crinoid- like genera. It may likewise be true that the Crinoids are highly specialized and descended from certain starfishes or Ophiurans. In this case, perhaps, the arrangement of apical plates in the larval starfishes is the most primitive, and may determine the nomenclature of the Echinoids. The pedicellariz of Asterias are relatively somewhat larger in the young than in the adult. In their early condition they are short and stunted, clavate, with at least two centres of calcification, which later form the two jaws. Unlike the primary spines, the calcifications in each pedicellaria are not consolidated, but double from the very first. The theory that the pedicellariz are homologous to spines, renders it necessary to compare calcifications which differ in shape from the very first, and also to compare a primarily single with a double calcification. Neither of these difficulties is necessarily fatal to the theory, nor does the mode of development of spines and pedicellariz give wholly satis- factory proof of the theory. The growth of the spines on the calcareous plates of Asterias re- sembles that of the same structures in Asterina, as described by Lud- wig. In the case of the spines of the primary plates they arise as separate calcifications, and are not extensions from plates already existing. * Mémoire sur les Etoiles de Mer recueilles dans la Mer des Antilles et le Golfe du Mexique durant les Expeditions de Dragage faites sous la Direction de M, Alexandre Agassiz. Nouvelles Archives du Museum, 2 ser., Vol. VI. +t The “ambulacral spines” observed by A. Agassiz on the outer edge of the ambulacral plates were not observed in Asterias. Is it not possible that these spines belong to the “ interambulacrals ” ? MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 35 The calcification of the stone canal is not treated by other naturalists who have studied the early form of these organs in younger stages of Asteroidea ; so that it is not possible to compare my observation with others as far as this structure is concerned. The growth of the calcifications of the pedicellarie in Asterias is the same, or nearly the same, as has already been recorded by A. Agassiz. No histological studies were made of these organs, and my attention was not turned to their minute anatomy. A. Agassiz found that the madreporic opening is placed on the *“actinal side in the angle between two rays,” * and that it is protected by a thick funnel-shaped projection. There seems to be a difference in the position of this opening in some of my larve from those which he studied, for in the younger larve of Asterias the madreporic opening does not lie on the actinal side of the larva, even in considerably ad- vanced stages. The position of the madreporic opening is of course a most interesting thing in morphological studies of the young starfishes, and more observations as to its position are needed. In the figure already referred to which Metschnikoff gives of the abactinal side of an unknown starfish, the madreporic body appears on the very margin of the disk of the starfish, and would seem intermedi- ate in position between a madreporic body on the actinal and on the abactinal surface. In Ludwig’s figure (fig. 94) of the young Asterina in which a stellate form has been taken on, the madreporite (P) is abactinal. In some of my older stages I was unable to discover the madreporic plate, but believe it in all cases abactinal. 5. Homology of the Plates of Asterias with those of Amphiura. Of all the Ophiurans the growth of the plates is best known in a viviparous genus, Amphiura squamata, Sars. While it is desirable to know more of the sequence and method of formation of the plates in an Ophiuran which has a development through a pluteus, the genera which present this condition have as yet not been much studied as far as the growth of plates is concerned, and our knowledge of the Ophi- uran plate development wholly relates to Amphiura.f In comparisons * Op. cit., p. 45. + The author is not of the opinion that any very great exception to the law of the growth of new plates is brought about by what is called abbreviated develop- ment in Echinoderms. In essential points the growth of the calcareous plates in Asterias and Leptasterias, genera representing two types of development, is the 36 BULLETIN OF THE between stellate forms of the two groups, Ophiurans and Starfishes, I have chosen, therefore, Amphiura on the one side and Asterias on the other as representatives. It would seem as if it were necessary care- fully to compare the stellate forms of Echinoderms before we can pass to others, when the external forms are so varied. It may seem as if the difficulties in a comparison of Ophiurids and Asterids would be small, but even here we find very great differences in opinion as to the homology of certain plates, and a variety of interpretations upon struc- tures of primary origin. While it is not proposed in this paper to go beyond a comparison between stellate Echinoderms, it is believed that a more accurate conception of the relationship of plates is possible than that ordinarily accepted. There is range enough in the modification of plates in Ophiurans and Asteroids to call for the best possible state- ments of their relationship in the two groups. The following theses may be stated in a tabular form, to indicate the line of discussion which is to follow. Plates of Asterias and correspond- ing plates of Amphiura are placed side by side. Asterias. Amphiura. Dorsocentral. Dorsocentral. First dorsal ? Radialia. Genital. Basal. Oral ambulacrals.* Spoon-shaped plates. Interbrachial ends of oral ambulacrals. Adambulacrals (1 and 2). same. It is not intended to compare Asterias with any Ophiuran except Amphi- ura. The many problematical questions which have arisen in a comparison of Amphiura and Crinoids are also passed over in silence. My object in this paper is to see if it is possible to arrive at a better idea of the homologies of the stellate Echinoderms. A discussion of the homologies of the plates of either with those of Echinoids, Crinoids, or Holothurians is not proposed. Amphiura is chosen for a comparison, for the reason that the development of its plates is better known than those of other Ophiurans. From the statements of those who have written on the development of an Ophiuran from the pluteus, it would seem that there is some difference in the sequence of the plates in Ophiurans with and those without a pluteus, but the amount of difference is yet to be made out. In this connection, it seems to me that published statements about Ophiophragmus by Mr. Nachtrieb have an interest. Nachtrieb (Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Vol. IV. No. 2) finds that Ophiophragmus has a ‘‘ development without pluteus.” He says he was able artificially to fertilize Ophiophragmus. ‘This is the first time, I believe, that an Ophiuran without pluteus has been artificially fertilized ; and, judging from the statements which he makes, the development of Ophiophragmus must be very peculiar. * Under this designation I refer to the plates which resemble ambulacral rafters, surrounding the mouth. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. ST (Odontophore) First Interbrachials. Oral. Other Interbrachials. Connectives. Wanting on arms. Terminals. Terminals. Dorsals. Dorsals. Dorsolateral. Wanting. Marginal.* Wanting. Ambulacrals. Ambulacrals. Interambulacrals.t Laterals (Adambulacrals). Under-basals? . Under-basals. The ventrals of Amphiura and the plates of the stone canal and pedi- cellariz of Asterias are not common to the two genera. Spines (embryonic) are present in the laterals (adambulacrals) of Amphiura. They are not found in the ambulacral rafters of Asterias. It will be noticed in the above list, that two adambulacrals of Am- phiura (1 and 2) are designated as the same as interbrachial ends of the oral ambulacrals of Asterias. In Asterias they resemble other ambula- crals, except that on their interradial ends they bear spines, while in Amphiura they more closely resemble adambulacrals, and so they were called by Ludwig. It will probably be said, that they are either ambu- lacral or interambulacral (adambulacral), and abler persons than myself may be able to show that the oral ambulacrals of Asterias are different from the oral adambulacrals of Amphiura. I confess, however, that I am unable to see that they may not be the same plates, now modified in one way, now in another. They are the most difficult plates to com- pare of any in Asterias and Amphiura. Without being able to make up my mind whether or not there are plates in the young starfish homolo- gous with the torus and teeth of Amphiura, I think it not improbable that these structures may be homologous with the “ Aristotle’s Lantern” of urchins, but I am not willing yet to venture that statement. There are in certain genera of Asteroids, of course, teeth which may be com- pared with the teeth of the Amphiura; but whether they are homolo- gous is doubtful. P. Herbert Carpenter, in his paper on the growth of the calcareous plates of Amphiura, has pointed out differences in the time of appear- ance of the same plates in the American and European varieties of ‘A. syuamata. JI regard this as a very fruitful field for morphological study. The recognition of a great difference in the time of the appear- ance of homologous plates among Echinoderms seems to me an impor- tant one. ‘There is considerable variation in the time and sequence of * Interambulacral of some authors. + Adambulacrals of recent authors. 38 BULLETIN OF THE appearance of homologous calcareous plates in genera closely allied to each other, which certainly looks as if the difference in the time of appearance of plates is no valid objection to a strict homology of those plates. How much a recognition of this principle may change or modify existing ideas of Echinoderm morphology, as far as the plates are con- cerned, remains to be seen. It is possible that some of the differences in the sequence of the plates of Asterias as compared with other genera of Asteroids may be explained in this way. If we recognize so much difference in the time of the appearance of homologous plates in genera closely related, does it not call for great caution in this particular in the comparison of genera of different groups? It does not seem too much to say, that an acceleration or retardation in the time of appearance of primary plates may have led to essential differences in the exter- nal forms of Echinoderms. On the other hand, it is very strange if geographical distribution has brought about such a great difference in the sequence of plates as that which Carpenter finds between the Ameri- can and European forms of A. sguamata. It seems as if there must be some mistake in the identification either of the European or American specimens. As far as external form goes, my Newport specimens closely resemble .A. squamata, and specialists in the study of Ophiurans have so identified them for me. Shall we call the American and European representatives different species or different genera, or does A. sguamata in Narragansett Bay depart so widely from the same in European waters as far as development goes? Dorsocentral. —There seems to be a uniformity of belief that the mid- dle plate of the abactinal region of the body is homologous in Asterias and Amphiura. The only essential point of difference is the presence of a large spine in the young Asterias and its absence in Amphiura. This, however, is not thought to be of importance enough to have any mor- phological meaning. The author has no doubt that the dorsocentral forms in the same relative position in both genera, as shown by the ob- servations already recorded. Whatever objections, therefore, might be urged on the ground that the sequence ™* is different, are not regarded as fatal. The name dorsocentral is well chosen, but should uot be confounded with the centrodorsal of Crinoids. Genitals. — The author homologizes the first ring of five plates, which form in the interradii of both Asterias and Amphiura, with each other. * The only plates of Asterias which can be homologized with the radialia of Amphiura develop in Asterias after the dorsocentral. This fact probably has no morphological meaning. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 39 There would seem to be no expressed variety of opinion on this point among those who have written on the subject; the only important question which has been raised being whether the term “genital” be an appropriate one to designate them, and whether their fate is the same. It is important, however, for us to call attention to this fact in re- gard to the so-called genitals in the two genera. While they are both primary plates on interradii, the absence of primary radials in Asterias has brought them to occupy a different position as regards the first formed plates in Asterias and Amphiura. For illustration, in Asterias they form an inside ring in comparison with the primary plates (termi- nals); in Amphiura they form an outside ring compared with primary plates (radials) ; they form an inside ring as compared with terminals in both. The relationship of one of the genitals to the madreporic opening would seem to show that the ring of plates of which this is a member is the same in both cases. Ludwig regards the first plate in the dorsal hemisome in the interradius of Amphiura as a madreporite. If he is right, there is no doubt that the first ring of plates in the inter- radii in Amphiura and in Asterias are the same. In considering these plates as genitals, too much importance cannot be attached to the fact that no one has yet satisfactorily traced them to plates with the genital openings in starfishes. It is certainly a form of @ priort reasoning to characterize them as genitals from the fact that they are the first interradials and occupy.a similar position to the geni- tals of Echinoids. The one thing which we really know is that in As- terias one of these first interradial plates bears a definite connection with the madreporic body, and that it later occupies a similar position in one of the interradii that the genitals do in the other. Is it not a jump at a conclusion to suppose from this that they are necessarily genitals? If one should say that other interradials form the genitals, there are no observations to show the error. That the first (orals) plates of the interradii in Amphiura are genitals, we have even less to support our as- sumption than in Asterias. One of these plates, according to Ludwig, is perforated by the madreporic opening, and it is therefore supposed to be a madreporite. All five are later consolidated in the system of plates about the mouth, and bear no relationship to the genital openings. - Obviously these cannot be the same as the genitals of Asterias, if geni- tals are homologous in Asterias and Amphiura. We are consequently driven to this position: the first formed interradial plates on the abac- tinal hemisome of Asterias do not enter into the formation of the mouth F they occupy a position which would indicate that they are genitals, and 40 BULLETIN OF THE one of them is early brought into connection with the madreporic open- ing. The plates of Amphiura which are in an homologous position ap- pear not to have any relation to the genitals of the adult. One of them is a madreporite. The ultimate fate of both in Asterias and Amphiura is conjectural, but probably different. In other words, while the genital of a starfish may be brought by its growth into intimate union with the end of the stone canal or with the opening of the madreporic tube, it may readily be seen that in Amphi- ura the oral, a plate of totally different homology, might have the same relation without the same homology. It would not make these plates homologous, i. e. genital and oral. Even if in Brisinga, with its ophiu- ran and starfish affinities, the madreporic opening is found on the odon- tophore, it is not necessary to regard the odontophore as a genital. The whole thing of course hinges on the acceptance or denial of the dic- tum that the presence of the madreporic orifice means homology of the plate through which it opens. While many naturalists in whose opin- ion we have the most confidence hold that it does, that the existence of the madreporic opening in a plate settles its homology once for all, to me it leads in some cases to insurmountable difficulties. It seems to me that the objection to the homology of the genitals of Asterids with the orals of Amphiura is well taken, if its defenders adopt the theory that the odontophore is an oral; for the genitals of starfishes are cer- tainly not odontophores, even if in Brisinga one of the odontophores bears the madreporic body, or is a madreporite. The mistake seems to me just here: the madreporite may not be one of the genitals, or ho- mologous with them, even in Echinoids, but is rather to be considered a separate plate, which may have connection with one of the heart-shaped bodies which form the odontophore. Ludwig was, I think, right in a comparison of the odontophores of Asterids with the orals of the Ophiu- rids. A. Agassiz has expressed the thought that the oral, or the plate we now call the odontophore, is an interbrachial, an homology which is sound, in the light of the development. The fact that in its early for- mation that genital plate which is nearest the madreporic opening forms wholly independently of the structure in question, has a meaning. In its early condition this plate is not penetrated by the tube in Asterias; but it is only later, after the brachiolarian notch has been considerably re- duced in size, that the spicules begin to grow around the opening to en- close it. It is not until the stellate form has been assumed, and the arms have reached a considerable development, that the madreporic plate appears. It may be said that all the primary plates of the body — MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Al —viz. terminals, dorsocentral, genitals, spines, and even ten of the oral ambulacrals — have appeared before there is any calcification about the terminal opening of the madreporic tube. Does not this fact call for extreme caution in regard to statements that would lead us to ho- mologize the madreporic plate with a genital rather than any other Asterid plate? Another thing, the outer edge of the genital grows around the end of the madreporic body to enclose it, and the stone canal forms before there is any cribriform plate over the opening. There is yet one fact which ought to be taken into consideration with those mentioned ; viz. four interbrachials (odontophores) form at first, and the lower end of the madreporic canal occupies the homologous position of the fifth. While this fact does not demonstrate the ho- mology of the madreporite, it is thought to have a bearing on the subject. The madreporite is not in intimate union with the odonto- phore after the odontophore forms, but it lies in the same inter- radius.* I venture to say that, if it is not in some kind of connection with the odontophore in Asterias, as Perrier says it is in Brisinga, it cer- tainly is very close to it. Sladen (op. cit.) finds no morphological relation between the odonto- phore and madreporite in Brisinga. While we may or may not subscribe to Sladen’s criticisms of Perrier, he does not in either case seem to me to prove that there is ‘no morphological relation” between madreporite and odontophore, for when we go to very young stages in the growth of Asterias, we find a very intimate connection between the madreporite and odontophore. As all the other odontophores of Asterias form on the actinal hemi- some, and the plate which occupies a similar position in the interradius has a like position of origin, it would seem that Brisinga differs very considerably from Asterias, as far as the formation of the madreporite is concerned. In my specimens I certainly detected the odontophore of the interradial in which the madreporic body is found on the actinal hemisome, in the same relative position as the other odontophores. At the same time the genital (g') had not grown around the opening of the madreporic tube. Here, then, were two separate plates on opposite ends of an axis of the body. One could not be the other morphologi- * Obviously, from the fact that one of the genitals grows around the madre- poric opening, we are not obliged to regard this genital itself as homologous with a madreporite. We might-easily suppose the primary separation of the madreporic opening and this genital much greater, and the stone canal so reduced that the madreporic body occupies a position which it is said to have in Brisinga. 42 BULLETIN OF THE cally. If the former is a madreporite, the latter is not ; it the latter is a madreporite, the former cannot be. What additions now take place ? (1) The genital grows around the opening of the madreporic tube. (2) The calcifications of the stone canal form. Neither of these events makes (g') the first genital a homologue of the odontophore, the ho- mology of which preserves its distinctness whatever occurs. In the case of the orals of Amphiura, it is found that one of them grows around the madreporic opening in the same way that one of the genitals grows in Asterias. It seems to me that this fact alone does not make genitals and orals homologous, and does not prevent the homology of orals of Amphiura and odontophores of Asterias.* A comparison of the odontophore with the oral of Amphiura was made by Ludwig. According to Carpenter, he no longer holds that view, although Carpenter does not say what plate in Ophiurans Ludwig now regards as the homologue of the odontophore. As “ interambulacrals (marginals)” are wanting in Ophiurans (Amphiura), it is difficult to interpret what plates here correspond with the unpaired marginals of - the starfish. Perhaps Ludwig might still consistently hold that while the odontophore is an “ Unpaare Interambulacralplatte,” it is still a homologue of the orals of Amphiura where no marginals like those of the starfish are found. I believe that the first interbrachial (odonto- phore) is homologous to the oral, but do not say that Ludwig now holds such a view. Sladen holds that the presence of the madreporite in a plate does not mean homology of that plate among Echinoderms.t It does not lie in the genital in certain starfishes, and it is disconnected with the orals in * Waiving the difference of opinion of Sladen and Perrier (Compt. Rend., Vol. XCV., July 10, 1882), — the latter of whom holds that the madreporiform body in Brisinga is always formed on one of the odontophores, and the former, that no connection whatever exists between these two bodies, —is it not possible to con- clude that we may have, in this ophiurid-like starfish, a genus in which the odontophore, like the oral of an Ophiuran, has been modified by its proximity to the madreporic opening, even if no connection has resulted ? + In this connection it may be well to call attention to the migration of the madreporic opening in Echinarachnius along an interradius from the edge of the disk towards the centre, as shown in my paper on the development of this Clype- astroid (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., Vol. XII. No. 4). A. Agassiz had already shown the migration of the periproct in the same genus (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., Vol. III. No. 9, p. 295). The madreporite moves from the margin of the disk to the centre; the periproct of Echinarachnius moves from the centre to the margin. It might better be said in regard to the madreporite, that by the growth of plates about it the madreporic body is pressed to the centre from the margin. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 43 Astrophytide. His reasoning seems to me conclusive, and I do not regard the madreporite as a fixed point of reference in Echinoderm morphology. Terminals. — The terminals in Amphiura and Asterias have so many points in common that I do not hesitate to regard them as morphologi- cally identical. That they do not appear at the same time as compared with the other primary plates does not appear of importance enough to destroy the argument for their identity built upon their many resem- blances of mode of growth, position, and relation to the median water tube of the ray. Sladen considers that the occurrence of plates which he calls “ under- basals” in the Asterid nullifies Studer’s argument that the arrangement of primitive plates in Asterids corresponds with the monocyclic Crinoids. I do not subscribe to Studer’s idea, but on the other hand I cannot but ask if Sladen has not overestimated the morphological value of his sup- posed discovery of the “ under-basals” of Asterids in this connection. It may be well to remember that in Asterias the plates which Sladen likens to the Crinoid “ under-basals ” do not appear until after at least the Asterias may have had a monocyclic stage. At the time the “ un- der-basals form,’ we might suppose that the starfish had passed out of, or become more developed than, the “ monocyclic stage.” From their place of origin and their subsequent growth the terminals of Asterias and Amphiura are probably’ homologous. Moreover, it is probable that these plates are not to be compared with the other plates of the arm, which originate between them and the axis of the body. It had seemed to me possible to find a serial homology between this plate and those of the arm joints; to compare it, for instance, with a consoli- dated dorsal, two laterals,* and possibly a ventral; to find, in other words, that the portion of the ray in which they lie is a true arm divis- ion or “joint.” My attempts, however, have not been rewarded with great success, and it seems more probable that they are not comparable with other arm plates. Students of Crinoid morphology do not find the homologues of terminals in this group, and there is evidence that they * Sladen says (op. cit., p. 30): “ The comparatively large size of the terminal plate at an early stage of the young Asterid is due, in my opinion, to a coalescence ‘of primitive lateral plates with the primitive, or first formed, rudiment of the ter- minal,—a circumstance which further strengthens my view of the secondary character of the terminal plate.” It would, however, seem from the growth of the plate that such a coalescence does not take place, or at all events I was unable to observe it. It is suggested that the absence of lateral plates (marginals ?) allows the sides of the terminals to grow into their places. 44 BULLETIN OF THE are not homologous with the oculars of the Urchin. Whether there are plates in the young urchins which are homologous with the terminals of the starfishes is a question upon which more knowledge of the devel- opment of the calcareous plates of the Echinoids may throw some light. According to Ludwig (p. 188),* A. Agassiz “halt die Jungen Termi- nalia fiir die Dorsalschilder des Erstgebildeten Armgliedes, eine Bezei- hung die ebenfalls nicht korrekt genau ist.” Agassiz says, “The only calcareous deposits we have (yy’, fig. 32) are evidently parts of the first arm joints, the dorsal (y, fig. 32), and the side arm shields (77, fig. 32) of that joint, which consist at present of but a few rods indicating their future position.” (Embryology of Echinoderms, p. 20.) This was written of an Ophiuran with a pluteus, which is probably Ophiopholis. Agassiz uses the term “arm joint” elsewhere in his pa- per to designate one portion or section of the arm. I am unable to understand exactly what Ludwig means by the above criticism of Agas- siz, unless it is that the terminals (dorsal shields, Ag.) do not belong to the first formed arm joint, or possibly that the terminals do not indicate an arm joint. One of these interpretations is the best I can make of his meaning. If we consider an arm joint among the Ophi- urans to mean a portion of the arm with a dorsal, two laterals, and a ventral with enclosed organs, the portion of the ray in which the terminal lies might not be called an arm joint, since separate calci- fications for lateral and ventral plates do not exist. However the terminal may be homologized, it originates like a dorsal, and grows around the terminal tentacle forming laterals and ventral. In the structure of the plates, as in position and time of origin, it differs from all other dorsals, and consequently morphologically may be held by some not to be an arm joint, or to belong to the first formed arm joint. Possibly that may be the meaning of Ludwig’s criticism above quoted. If not, I have been unable to see the force of his criticism. In speaking of an early stage of Asterina in which the first dorsals, or “radials,” are formed, Sladen} says: “The first formed plates in the viviparous or abbreviated larva are the primitive elements of the terminal plates, the basal plates, and the dorsocentral plate. These become well developed before any traces of the radial plates make their appearance. Concurrent with the radial plates the lateral plates (inter- ambulacral plates) are developed.” He might have added also certain mouth plates, ambulacrals, and interambulacrals (adambulacrals). * Entwicklungsgeschichte der Asterina gibbosa, Forbes. t Sladen, op. cit., p. 31, fig. 15. ~ MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 45 Primary Radials. —The first radials of a Crinoid, according to Sladen, are represented by the Intermediare in Asterina.* There is but one set of plates which can be compared with the Amphiura primary radials, and these are the first of the dorsal plates of the arms. Notwithstand- ing the fact that these plates have a different time of originf as regards the genitals, Sladen regards it possible that they may be called the primary radials. If we accept these plates as homologues of the primary radials, they must be regarded as very much belated in time of formation. Inside the radials of the disk of Asterias are representatives of the under-basals and similar radial plates. Connectives. — The homologies of the numerous small plates and bars by which the primary plates on the abactinal hemisome of the body are joined together were not identified with definite plates in the Am- * Although it can readily be granted that the first dorsals occupy the same relative position as the radials in Amphiura, it is a question whether we are justi- fied in carrying our comparisons so far as to homologize them. I grant that their position on the radius is the same, and that retardation in the time of appearance of plates has very little importance morphologically ; but it must be remembered that we are attempting to homologize plates in stages where we know there are unrepresented plates inter se in stages where there are plates in the starfish which cannot be referred to those of Crinoids, and plates in the Crinoid which have, as far as we know, no representatives in the starfish. t While it is generally true that in Ophiurans the radialia appear before the “basals,” in one case, according to P. Herbert Carpenter (On the Apical System of Ophiurids, p. 8), basals are formed on the disk where no radialia are repre- sented (Ophiomitra exigua, Lyman). It would seem improbable that in this in- stance radialia had formed and been absorbed. Carpenter (Notes on Echinoderm Morphology, No. XI.) says of the radialia, “ They appear before the basals in the Ophiurids, but after them in other groups.” I confess surprise at this statement, especially as three years before he had himself pointed out that Ophiomitra exiqua “has no radials at all, nothing but the five interradial basals (3) intervening be- tween the dorsocentral (1) and the radial shields,” and I can only explain it on the supposition that he believed that radials had formed and disappeared, that they are formed later, or that he had changed his mind on the subject. Carpenter’s criticism of my use of “abaxial basals” I will not consider here; but as I nowhere in my paper use the combination “adaxial interradials,” I fail to see why he should speak of any plates as my adaxial interradials (“ his adaxial interradials ”’). Carpenter’s statement (op. cit., p. 813, lines 12-17) that every previous writer regards basals and interradials as fundamentally distinct, seems to have been written without remembering the fact that Sladen in considering certain star- fishes (op. cit., p. 33, lines 27, 29) uses interradial for basal, and to explain what he means by interradials uses the following combination: “interradials (i. e. basals).” 46 BULLETIN OF THE phiura. Undoubtedly a few of the larger might be compared, but, as the connectives are not primary plates, they vary very greatly in num- ber among different genera of starfishes. Moreover, they appear late in development, even after generic features are acquired. A notice of their modification is made under my comparison of Asterias with other starfishes. Not enough is at present known of the smaller plates of Amphiura to attempt any comparison of them with the connectives of Asterias. Oral Ambulacrals. — The oral ambulacrals early take the form of the “‘spoon-shaped ” plates of Amphiura. In their early condition they approach more nearly the form of the ambulacrals of Amphiura than any of the ambulacral rafters of Asterias, which leads me to think that they are really ambulacral in their nature. As growth goes on, the oral ambulacrals lose their resemblance to the spoon-shaped plates, and re- semble more closely those interambulacral plates which later appear in the starfish arm. The early resemblances which have led me to regard the oral ambulacrals as the same as the ‘‘spoon-shaped plates” are: 1. Their position and number. 2. Their elongation in early stages parallel with the water tube. 3. Their time of formation. The only one of these three reasons which lacks observation is the third. While we know that in Asterias the first plates of the actinal region to form are the circumoral ambulacrals, we do not yet know this for the spoon- shaped plates of Amphiura. I believe that they are the first, but cannot as yet definitely state this to be a fact. The later resemblance to interambulacral plates is caused by their growth to the interradial regions and the presence of spines. Notwith- standing this resemblance to adambulacral plates of the oral ambula- crals in the interradii, Asterias is classified as a starfish with an ambula- cral mouth. In starfishes in which the interambulacrals enter into the formation of the mouth as well as the ambulacral, it may be supposed that the growth of the adambulacrals of the mouth has prevented the ambulacral from pushing into the interradii. These are possibly inter- mediate, as far as the mouth goes, between Asterias and Amphiura. In Amphiura the oral ambulacrals, even in late stages, are kept in the con- dition of spoon-shaped plates similar in relative position to the water tube to embryonic ambulacral orals of Asterias. The retention of a bi- serial arrangement of the feet in Asteroids with adambulacral mouths may be correlated with the growth of the adambulacrals in early stages. Like the structure of the mouth parts, the rows of legs are biserial, as in Ophiuroids. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 47 Interbrachial Ends of the Oral Ambulacrals.— The interbrachial ends of the oral ambulacrals in the starfish are represented in Amphi- ura by two separate plates, known as the first and second pair of adam- bulacrals. While in Amphiura these plates arise from two separate centres of calcification on each side of the arm (twenty centres in all), and in Asterias they appear to arise directly from the ambulacrals of the oral region as a single interbrachial (ten in all), their position and their relation to the mouth lead me to suppose that they are really the same. From the existence of a pair of spines on each oral adambulacral it is necessary to suppose that two plates are consolidated in early stages in Asterias. The greatest difficulty which has been encountered in sup- posing the homology which I have indicated as a correct one is the fact of origin from different centres of calcification in the one case, and from the ambulacrals in the other (Asterias). Iam forced to admit from my study of my preparations that it looks as if the account which is given above of the origin of the oral adambulacrals from the ambulacrals (oral) is correct, although an error may have crept in in this observation. I have no doubt that the adambulacral is single (ten in all rays) from the beginning. The existence of the spines in twos leads me to look upon each oral adambulacral as a compound structure. First Interbrachial. — The homologue of this plate of Asterias in Am- phiura is one of the most difficult problems connected with the whole subject of the morphology of the plates of Echinoderms. It is a most difficult problem to determine what plates in Amphiura correspond with these plates in Asterias. The term odontophore, as others have already shown, is poorly chosen to designate these plates, but as the term has received a signification which is difficult to denote in any other way at present, it is here retained. The plates which I have identified as odontophores bear the same relation to the oral plates as the so called orals in Amphiura. They do not, however, have a similar origin in the two. In Amphiura the orals originate on the border of the abactinal hemi- some, and gradually grow down on the actinal side until they come to occupy a position relatively the same to the adambulacral as the odonto- phores to the oral adambulacrals. One of these, according to Ludwig, is a madreporite. In Brisinga, according to Perrier, the madreporite is situated on one of the odontophores. It would seem, therefore, a just conclusion, that the odontophores and orals are homologous. If, however, we accept the theory that the orals are homologous with 48 BULLETIN OF THE the odontophores, we certainly cannot also believe that the genitals of the starfish, interradials of which the madreporic body may be one, are also homologous with orals. There is a manifest impossibility that orals can be the same as genitals, and odontophores at the same time. There must be some mistake somewhere if they are compared to both. If we examine the observations in regard to the fate of the primary interradial plates (orals) in Amphiura as recorded, proof seems to be wanting in observation that they do form the orals. We may readily concede that the madreporic plate may form interradially, and that it may grow down and form an oral, but is it not a leap at a conclusion that the other plates in other interradii do the same thing? Can we not suppose, then, that the madreporic plate is morphologically differ- ent from so called genital plates? Are we forced to place it in the same category as other genitals? It seems to me that at present we may say that it is possible that the madreporic plate of Asterias is a modified homologue of an odontophore which has become consolidated through the stone canal with a genital, and that it is the same as that of the oral Amphiura. The orals of Amphiura are, then, the same as the odontophores of starfishes.* Dorsals. — The dorsals of Asterias are thought to be homologous with the dorsals of Amphiura.t They originate in the same relative position, have the same sequence in development, and to all appearances are identical. While in Asterias they bear spines and in Amphiura are destitute of these structures, this fact does not seem of great impor- tance in showing a want of homology of the two. As the Asterias matures, the relative predominance in size as compared with other plates is diminished, while in Amphiura it is increased. It is thus brought about that in the older stages of Asterias it is more difficult to recognize the dorsal plates. This results both from the relatively small development of the dorsals and the appearance of dorsolaterals and connectives, neither of which are thought to be represented in Amphiura. * The mode of growth of the odontophore of Brisinga, as recorded by Perrier, seems to differ from that of Asterias, —a fact which does not seem surprising con- sidering the other important differences in the two genera. My observations on Asterias support Sladen and others, that the odontophores are formed on the actinal hemisome. t+ The dorsals in the young Amphiura were first figured in my paper on the development of the calcareous plates of Amphiura (PI. III. fig. 19). They are not represented in any of Ludwig’s figures, although I believe that they will later be found in stages younger than his fig. 21, as already pointed out. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 49 Ventrals. — No plates corresponding with the ventrals of the Amphi- ura were found in the young Asterias which were studied. In my account of the development of the plates of Amphiura some difficulty was found in a comparison of the way in which the ventrals develop with the way the ‘‘ embryonic median row of plates ” corresponding with these were formed in Asteracanthion according to A. Agassiz. I was at that time anxious to study the embryonic ventral plates of Asterias, and when opportunity occurred took up the subject for this purpose. I was disappointed, however, for if embryonic ventral plates do exist in some starfishes other genera must be studied. I found no trace of them in any of my young larve of Asterias.* The ventrals of Amphiura are believed not to be represented in Asterias. I have already elsewhere adduced evidence which is thought to be conclusive, as far as mode of formation goes, that the ventrals of Amphiura are not homologous with the embryonic plate of the middle actinal line of the starfish ray as described by Agassiz. My argu- ment then was that the ventrals in Amphiura are unpasred median T calcareous deposits, while the theory would imply that the so called em- bryonic plates of the starfish were formed by a coalescence from two cal- cifications, one on each side (see Agassiz, op. cit., p. 91). As I am unable to recognize in Asterias the middle actinal row of embryonic spines, it is not possible for me to find in Asterias homologues of the ventral plates of Amphiura. , Interambulacrals.— The interambulacrals of the starfish (Amphiura) are recognized by some authors in the laterals, while others consider that * Tt is, of course, possible that the species of Asterias which I studied may not be the same as that in which the median actinal “embryonic plates” have been described. The difference in the colors of the females, already mentioned, would seem another fact pointing to such a conclusion. t This fact is pointed out by Ludwig, and in the light of his studies it is prob- able that the figure of Schultze (fig. 6) represents a ventral in the median line of the under side of each arm. According to Ludwig, the erroneous idea that the ventrals are originally paired structures has been reproduced by Carpenter (Oral and Apical Systems of the Echinoderms, Part II., Journ. Micros. Science, Vol. XIX. p. 21) and Semper (Reisen im Archipel der Philippen, II. Holothurien, 1868, p. 162). Ludwig says that, to show the homology of the ventral plate of _Ophiurans with the adambulacral of the starfish Semper instances the fossil Pro- taster Sedgwickii, Forbes, as an Ophiuran with paired ventrals. Semper saw the difficulty of comparison of the unpaired ventral of most Ophiurans with paired adambulacrals of starfishes. It seems to me that Ludwig meets the case of Pro- taster exactly when he says, “ Leider ist nun aber Protaster ein noch so ungenii- gend bekanntes Fossil dass man dasselbe iberhaupt als Beweismittel in dieser Sache nicht gelten lassen kann.” VOL. XVII.— No. l. 4 50 BULLETIN OF THE the Ophiurans have no interambulacrals (adambulacrals). In my paper on Amphiura the laterals were regarded as adambulacrals, following Ludwig and P. Herbert Carpenter. I am not, however, sure that they ure not rather the marginals, and that Agassiz is right in considering that there are no interambulacrals in Ophiurans. The early form and growth of the marginals on the border of the arm in both Asterias and Amphiura is similar. The interambulacrals in starfishes (Asterias) never approach in form the laterals of Amphiura. In genera allied to the Ophiurans, Astropecten, etc., the marginal plates get ophiuroid in na- ture, and resemble the lateral plates of the young Amphiura. In certain deep-sea genera of starfishes there is a resemblance between the mar- ginal plates and the lateral plates of some Ophiurans when dorsals are not developed. In the light of these facts I must register my doubt whether I am right in following those who regard the lateral plates of Amphiura as adambulacral, homologous with the interambulacral (adam- bulacral) of the starfish. It looks as if true adambulacrals were yet to be made out in Amphiura. The resemblance of the marginal plates of the young starfish to the marginal plates of Zoroaster is still another embryonic feature of deep-water Asteroids. | The following summary may be made of the preceding obser- vations :— 1. The first plates to originate in the young starfish are the termi- nals. These plates are simple (not formed by a coalescence of more than one calcification). They form a protecting cap, shielding the newly formed ambulacrals, interambulacrals, and possibly marginals. 2. The genitals originate after the terminals. The genital which lies contiguous to the madreporic opening does not always antedate in time or excel in size other genitals. It grows around the madreporic body, or end of the madreporic tube. 3. The madreporic body, madreporite, is a late formation (after the rudiments of the stone canal). 4. The dorsocentral originates after the terminals and genitals, before any plates on the actinal hemisome. 5. The first plates to form in the body after the genitals have a radial position in a circle inside the genitals. The second circle is also radial, and lies inside the circle of the first body, or somatic radials. A third and inner circle appears before the interradial somatic plate. 6. The first plate in the circle outside that of the genitals is the first dorsal of the arms. This plate (‘“ Radial,” Sladen), when the MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 51 4 arm of the young starfish is broken from the body, always remains on the arm. 7. The dorsals, or median vow of plates on the dorsal surface of the arm, originate peripherally to the first dorsal (“radial’’), and are at first relatively very large. 8. The dorsolaterals do not appear in the same sequence as the dor- sal. (‘The oldest dorsolaterals may not be the nearest to the body.) 9. Marginals appear after ambulacrals and before (of this there is some doubt) interambulacrals (adambulacrals). 9. Oral ambulacrals are the first plates to form on the actinal hemi- some. When they first appear there are the following calcifications on the abactinal hemisome : Ist. 5 terminals; 2d. 5 genitals; 3d. 1 dorso- central; 4th. 30 spines on terminals. 10. The oral ambulacrals are at first parallel with the radial culs-de- sac of the water system. By subsequent growth they are placed at right angles to the same. They are at first ten in number. 11. The interbrachial ends of the oral ambulacrals of adjacent radii (arms) grow towards each other, forming two parallel ends in each interradius, of which each bears two spines. The median end of each oral ambulacral bifurcates into a dorsal and ventral part. 12. All other ambulacrals, with the exception of the oral, originate with axes at right angles to line of radii. They form near the middle line of the under side of the ray, and grow towards the peripheral. The adoral are the first formed. They bifurcate in the neighborhood of the median line. 13. The first interambulacrals (adambulacrals) form after the cor- responding ambulacrals in the interval between the marginal ends of successive pairs of the same. Their centre of ossification is from the first different from that of the ambulacrals. 14. Marginals form before (?) interambulacrals (adambulacrals). 15. The first interbrachials (odontophores) originate as heart-shaped, interradially placed calcifications, five in number, each abactinally placed to the interbrachial ends of the oral ambulacrals. In one speci- men four of these were first observed ; that which lies in the same interradius as the madreporic tube was retarded in growth. The first ‘formed interbrachials are not wholly concealed from view, as in deep-sea Asteroids. When the first interbrachials (odontophores) form, the following plates have begun to appear: Ist. 5 terminals; 2d. 5 geni- tals; 3d. 1 dorsocentral; 4th. 10 oral ambulacrals; 5th. 20 ambu- lacrals. 52 BULLETIN OF THE 16. No ventral embryonic row of spines or plates was observed in the genus and species studied. 17. Genitals of Asterias are thought to be homologous with “basals” of Amphiura. 18. First interbrachial (cdontophore) is homologous with the orals of Amphiura. 19. Madreporic opening is placed on two homologically different plates in Asterias and Amphiura. 20. Ast. Genitals; 2d. Dorsocentral ; 3d. Dorsals; 4th. Interambu- lacrals ; 5th. Terminals ;— represented in Amphiura by, Ist. Basals ; 2d. Dorsocentral; 3d. Dorsals ; 4th. Laterals; 5th. Terminals. (Ho- mologous plates numbered the same.) 21. Oral ambulacrals of Asterias are represented by the “ spoon- shaped plates” of Amphiura. 22. ‘First and second adambulacrals ” of Amphiura have no homo- logue in the mouth parts of Asterias. 23. Ventrals of Amphiura are not represented in Asterias. 24. Dorsolaterals and connectives of the arms were unrecognized in Amphiura. The homology of the marginals is in doubt, and it is prob- ably not represented in Amphiura. Possibly the marginals are homol- ogous with the (adambulacrals) laterals. CAMBRIDGE, January, 1888. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 53 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. a. ad. Blastopore. Interambulacrals. ad', ad?, ad’, ad*, ad®. Interambulacrals in sequence. am. Oral ambulacrals. am, am?, am*, am*, am>. Ambulacral rafters in sequence. amd. bn. c. chw. cw. di, Interambulacral ends of the oral ambulacrals. Brachiolarian notch. Connectives. Circular blood-vessel. Circular water tube. First dorsal (radial). d?, d?, d#, d®, d§, d7. Dorsals. de. Dorsocentral. dd1, dd?, dd’. Early formed body plates in radial lines. dl. Jt Gs G5 9's 9 gi. a ib. 1b? ibn. lt. m, m1, m2, m3. mb. mt. st. ste. t, O, ¢2, 3, 24, t, ta. ub, Dorsolateral, or lateral dorsal. Feet. g', g?. Genitals (basals). Genital near the madreporie opening, through which the madreporic tube opens. Intestine. First interbrachial, or odontophore. Second interbrachial. Interbrachial notch. Lateral region of the terminal. Marginals. Madreporic body. Madreporic tube Mouth. C&sophagus. Oral ambulacrals. Pedicellaria. Spines. Stomach. Stone canal. . Terminals. Terminal tentacle, or extremity of the medial water tube. Unabsorbed region of the brachiolaria. 54 BULLETIN OF THE In Plate I. Fig. 1, #4, #, 9%, g, and g* are seen through the stomach of the brachiolaria; gt! and 2°, gy! and g°, lie on the same side of the brachiolaria as the observer ; g* and g® are seen in profile, and lie on the lower surface. In the figures where the ambulacrals are represented, they are made very much darker than in nature, in order to illustrate diagramatically their relationship to the other plates. All the figures were drawn with the camera lucida, reduced in size in lithography. Where a single arm only is represented, it is to be remembered that the unrepresented arms are in the same condition of development. PLATE I. Fig. 1. View of the posterior (anal) extremity of the body of a brachiolaria of Asterias, showing the first appearance of the calcifications which ultimately form the terminals and genitals. ‘The greater part of the brachiolaria is not shown in this figure. Fig. 2. A somewhat older brachiolaria, in which the brachiolarian arms are be- ginning to be absorbed. ‘The dorsocentral (dc) has just appeared. The specimen from which this was drawn was no longer free-swimming, but was taken with a pipette from the bottom of the jar in which the starfishes were raised. (Abactinal view.) Fig. 3. A somewhat older starfish in which the brachiolarian arms are still more reduced in size by absorption. (Abactinal view.) In this stage the radial canals are seen through the body of the starfish, and the ambulacrals have just begun to appear. Fig. 4. The same, slightly younger than the last. This figure shows the plates only; the soft parts, with the exception of the brachiolarian arms, are not represented. Fig. 5. Lateral view of a brachiolarian younger than Fig. 4, showing position of the anus, a, and the madreporic body, mb. The lower part only of the brachiola- rian is shown. Fig. 6. Side view of a somewhat older starfish separated from its brachiolaria, showing the relation of the madreporic body to the first genital, g. PLATE II. Fig. 1. View of a young starfish, from the abactinal side, in which the brachio- larian arms are almost wholly absorbed, and the interbrachial notches have ap- peared. The body of the starfish and of the brachiolaria is seen through the walls of the animal. Fig. 1¢. Two rudimentary spines of the terminals in their primary form. The part represented is one of the interbrachial notches. Fig. 2. A somewhat older starfish, seen from the actinal side, showing the mouth, stomach, radial tubes. and plates with spines. Fig. 8. Young starfish, seen from the actinal surface, with the first ambula- crals, oral ambulacral, am, well formed. The second pair of ambulacral rafters, am, are just beginning to appear. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Ba) Fig. 4. An older starfish, seen from the actinal side, showing the arrangement of the plates. The soft parts in this and the former figure have been removed. Spines are removed from most of the terminals, and appear on one arm only. PLATE III. Fig. 1. Single arm of a starfish somewhat older than Pl. II. Fig.4. View from the actinal side. Three ambulacral rafters have appeared. The youngest, am?, is very small. Fig. 2. Somewhat older starfish, in which four ambulacral rafters have formed, and in which the interambulacrals have begun to develop. View of one arm from the actinal region. The specimen is slightly older than PI. III. Fig. 1. Fig. 3. View of the tip of the arm of a somewhat older starfish, showing the terminals and the ambulacrals just forming under the protection of the terminal. The ends of the spines are not represented. Fig. 4. View of the arm and the plates of the body of a somewhat older star- fish than Fig. 2. Seen from the actinal side. The outlines only of the plates of the body are represented. PLATE IV. Fig. 1. Abactinal view of an arm of a starfish a little older than PI. III. Fig. 1, ‘showing dorsocentral, two genitals, the first of the medial dorsal line of plates, and the terminal with its spines. Ambulacral plates in this and in Fig. 2 shown through the abactinal system. Fig. 2. Abactinal view of an arm of a starfish older than Fig. 1. Portions of two genitals, the marginals, dorsals, and a terminal, are represented. Fig. 3. View of a starfish from the abactinal region. From a specimen some- what older than that shown in Fig. 2. Four of the arms have the plates shown in outline only. The plates of a single arm are shaded, and the spines are represented. Fig. 4. View ofa single arm and the plates of the body of a starfish much older than the last. Seen from the abactinal side. Soft parts have been removed. Spines not represented on genitals and first dorsals. PLATE V. Fig. 1. View of the genital and first dorsal (radial) plates of the body of a young starfish, of about the same age as Pl. IV. Fig. 1. All the plates of the arms removed. Fig. 2. The same somewhat older, showing the first formation of the plates, dd', between the ring of genitals and the dorsocentral. Fig. 3. Still older starfish, showing the body plates between the ring of geni- tals and the dorsocentral. View from the abactinal region. The radial lines are from d! to de. Fig. 4. Much older starfish, showing the network of plates which compose the abactinal surface of the body. These plates are from a starfish almost an inch in diameter (from tip of one arm to another). 56 BULLETIN OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 5. Enlarged view of the interbrachial region of a young starfish. The odontophore, 7), appears as a heart-shaped plate in the angle of the ray. Actinal view. Same age as* Plate II. Fig. 1. Fig. 6. The same, somewhat older. Actinal view. Fig. 7. Still older view of the same. Fig. 8. View of an older stage, in which a second interbrachial, 7b”, has formed. The shaded plates of Figs. 5, 6,7, and 8 are oral ambulacrals and ambulacral rafters. The two crescentic plates, unshaded, in the upper part of Fig. 5, are the edges of the terminals, not marginals, m, of Figs. 6, 7, and 8. FEWKES, ASTERIAS. Peale ba. ge. “am. am. _B. Meisel, lith PLATE I. laven, Conn. Photo. Lith. of L. S. Punderson & Son, New H ATER eM PLATE | —_— rol {olere A ss oe I S —— ae : oro Th z = — eo K S/ — ‘ ! “As bil t E .) AN F AC if , os ; br “)) fa lei } x | = J : eenasol }} 4 \\ | — : F | gular SUS “te \ jug SS ute, / 2 : = ff \ ~ — —— oral gu lap os dguta, ee ) stoma, Scylliorhinus, and Mustelus. The orbito-nasals are short, convergent MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 79 forward. The subrostrals are moderate in length and slight in curvature. The nasals are transverse, broadly curved forward between the nasal valves. Approaching the symphysis, behind the corners of the mouth there is a pair of detached orals. A short median and moderate prenasals, the latter con- nected with the rostrals, complete a system closely resembling that of Mustelus and with remote likenesses to that of Scylliorhinus. An embryo of two and a half inches agrees so well with the adult that it is readily identified by means of the canals. Without the aid of the system identification would hardly bave been possible. Isurus. Isurus punctatus (Plates I., X.) by the fusiform shape of its body compels the laterals to diverge considerably along the middle of the flanks. With this exception they are tolerably straight, there being hardly any deflection above the anal, and but a scarcely noticeable upward turn on the tail. In reality the laterals cross the muscular portion of the tail, not following the course of the vertebre, and they end at the lower (hinder) edge of the muscles close behind (above) the lower caudal lobe in front of the concavity in the posterior margin of the fin. The aural is long, without prominent curves. The occipital is short, and nearly transverse. Both coronal and rostral curves of the cranials are long and shallow. The rostrals are short. In its downward course the orbital is waved a little; as a suborbital it joins the subrostral below the forward margin of the orbit. By its connections the short orbito-nasal would appear to be reversed in direction. In one specimen the angular bends downward behind the angle of the mouth to meet the oral, and the jugular makes an upward turn, then goes half-way to the gill, to bend up still farther at the end; in an- other case the angular and jugular form a single nearly straight line. The oral is connected with the angular, and runs but little beyond the corner o1 the mouth. At less than a quarter of the distance from the eye to the rostral tip, the subrostral appears on the lower surface; from this point it is longitudi- nal, faintly curving above the nostril. No nasal curve appears in the nasals. The short median is nearly transverse. About one third of the prenasal is bent abruptly to the side to meet the rostral. Prominent among distinguishing characters are the caudal portions of the laterals, the reversed orbito-nasal, the transverse median, the curveless nasal, and the attached oral. Odontaspis. Odontaspis americanus (Plate XI.) exhibits neither scapular nor anal curves in the laterals. The canal remains near the middle of the tail, and stops a little forward of the last of the vertebre. The aural bends back in the middle a very little. The occipital is of mod- 80 BULLETIN OF THE erate length, and puts out directly toward the eye. On the crown the cranials are straight until opposite the fontanelle, where they make a shallow outward curve. The rostrals descend near the end of the rostrum. Starting down and backward, the orbitals make a broad curve around the eye until beneath it, where they become longitudinal and run more than a diameter forward from the orbit, before turning down and back, parallel with themselves, to join the angular. Both angular and jugular are long. From the angular the oral bends back around the mouth; it is not continuous across the symphysis. The long orbito-nasal bends down under the fore part of the eye before becom- ing longitudinal. Above the nostril the subrostral turns abruptly toward the nasal, in which there is no perceptible curve. The median is elongate and longitudinal. At the median the rather short prenasals bend outward, then turn forward to join the rostrals. The type is characterized by absence of anal or caudal bends, by an elon- gate occipital, a slight curvature in the cranials, a longitudinal loop in the suborbitals, a prominent curve in the subrostrals, absence of a nasal curve, and by the junction of oral and angular. Alopias. Alopias vulpes (Plates XII., XIII.). A very great development of the canal system obtains in this Shark. There is no great difference in the main tubes from what may be seen in allied genera; it is in the encrmous number, the length, and the amount of branching of the tubules, that unusual features are most patent. Forward the lateral bends upward a little; at the base of the tail it fol- lows the vertebral axis, keeping its position near the middle of the muscular portion, and ends a little in advance of the notch in the hinder extremity. Throughout the entire length the tubules are closely placed on the sides. Anteriorly, on the thorax, they are directed toward the back. Nearly all of those on the abdominal region are extended toward the belly. From the base of the ventrals to the end of the anal the tubules have numerous branches, some of which pass upward and others downward. On the tail the tubules are sent toward the lower edge of the fin. The aural is long; in prominent curves it bends back in the middle and forward at each end. The occipitals are short. In the cranials the curves are shallow. At the crown the orbital starts back and down ; as a post-orbital it is vertical; and in the suborbital it sinks below the eye. Slightly in advance of the eye the suborbital turns back, and not far from the centre of the orbit, over the front edge of the mouth, is the union with the angular. The latter is of medium length. An uncommon arrangement of the jugular is seen here: the tube is long and passes below the gill apertures. The oral is elongate and connected with the angular; it makes a sharp bend around the corners, and is divided by a narrow interspace in the middle, behind the symphysis. At the MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 81 angular the orbito-nasals make an abrupt drop, beyond which they are longi- tudinal. The nasals are long, and have but a small amount of curvature. The median is short, and placed longitudinally. The prenasals are long, and ab- tuptly bent to the sides to meet the rostrals. Opposite the nostrils there is a decided outward bend in the subrostrals. A great number of long tubules exist on the laterals, and on some of the cephalic tubes, Those from the aural reach directly back. Those from the sub- orbital extend backward or downward; some of them connect with the angular or its tubules; all are more or less branched. Above the mouth the branches of the angular turn upward; behind the oral a few of them go downward, where, by meeting others from the oral, and by uniting among themselves, they form a network. On the upper side of the jugular the branches are much more numerous, but have not so many branchlets. Behind the angle of the mouth the tubules of the oral are longer and more branched. There is a striking similarity in the canals of Alopias and those of Odontas- pis. This may be seen in cranials, aurals, orbito-nasals, suborbitals, subros- trals, prenasals, nasals, angulars, and orals; and it appears fully to warrant placing these genera side by side in a systematic arrangement of the Galei. Heptabranchias. Heptabranchias maculatus (Plate XIV.). On the flanks of this species the canals are shallow furrows, protected by enlarged overhanging scales of the shagreen on the edges. In front the grooves commence above the forward portions of the bases of the pectorals; all the canals farther in front are tubes. Another specimen shows alternation in the lateral, between the aural and the continuous lateral furrow, of irregular lengths of tube and groove. Over the anterior lower lobe of the caudal the furrow bends downward in the direction of the fibrous portion, which it approaches more gradually backward, and it ends at the notch between the lower and the hinder sections of the fin. The aural is divided by an interspace, behind the openings of the aqueducts, as in H. pectorosus. A small amount of outward curvature marks the elongate occipitals. At each side of the fontanelle the cranials bend out in a broad curve toward the side of the head. In front of the nostrils the rostrals turn back toward the subrostrals, but apparently without meeting them. These tubes seem to be separated, just above the nostril, by a short interspace. On the top of the head, again, the orbital is directed outward and a little forward; on the side it goes down and backward, without forming a suborbital, to join the angular and orbito-nasal. The latter is very long, and takes the place of the suborbital. Jugular, angular, and orbito-nasal form a single longitudi- nal line; the first-is short, ending in front of the middle of the first gill cleft, the second is of moderate length, and the third is as long as both of the others. The nasal is of moderate length, curves strongly toward the median line, but does not meet its fellow, from the other side, to form a median. The pre- VOL XVII. — NO. 2. 6 §2 BULLETIN OF THE nasals bend out toward the rostral, without approaching closely, then pass for- ward and end blindly near the tip, at a considerable distance apart. Above the front edge of the mouth the subrostral meets the nasal in a sharp angle. The nasal curve is comparatively slight. Traces of an oral were not detected. Excessive thinness of the skin, by bringing the canals so close to the sur- face, favors the presence of furrows rather than tubes, or, to go still further, leads to the disappearance of the canals altogether, as in case of the orals of this and other species. Characteristic features of the system on this shark are the isolation of the prenasal, the length of the orbito-nasal, the suppression of the suborbital, the direction of the orbital, the bisection of the rostral, the division of the aural, and the open lateral tubes. Several points, in occipitals, cranials, orbitals, and orbito-nasals, recall similar ones in Chlamydoselachus; the latter, however, is widely withdrawn by consideration of its lack of division in aural and rostrals, the position of its prenasal, and its possession of oral, gular, and spiracular canals. H. pectorosus is, in most particulars, similar to H. maculatus. Its laterals end about two fifths of the length of the tail in advance of the extrem- ity, making a decided and broad curve downward to the fibrous part of the caudal. A specimen of H. cinereus has closed corporal canals, or tubes, of similar position and outline as the two species of this genus already noticed, but reaching a little farther toward the caudal notch than in H. pectorosus. Chlamydoselachus. Chlamydoselachus anguineus (Plate XV.) has the laterals open throughout their whole extent, with the exception of less than an inch immediately be- hind the aural. From each edge enlarged scales overhang the groove, enclos- ing it in a measure and protecting it. Along the flanks the canals are nearly straight. The caudal curve is very gradual in one specimen, more abrupt in another, and on one side of the second descends, then rises to repeat the curve. On the body, the canal lies a little above the crease between the muscles of the back and those of the flank. On the tail, its track lies a little below the middle of the muscular portion; it continues thus, with a few slight breaks posteriorly, to within an inch of the end of the vertebral column, where it stops. In the sketch the courses of the closed cephalic tubes are indicated by lines of dots, each of the larger of which marks the opening of one of the short tubules. The aural is closed. It has no tubules. Contrary to what obtains in other Galei, it lies in front of the so-called ear openings. These openings, however, are at the ends of tubes the inner extremities of which are in front of the canal. The canal is nearly straight, bending slightly forward in the middle and a little backward near each end. The occipitals are long and a MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 83 extend forward with a very slight trend outward. On the crown the cranials are parallel. At the sides of the fontanelle they bend abruptly outward, and, as rostrals, run near the edge of the snout for some distance before going to the lower surface. From the cranials the orbitals run outward and somewhat for- ward; near the side they turn backward and downward toward the corner of the mouth. They end some distance behind the eyes. A long angular joins the short jugular and the very long oral, which reaches almost to the sym- physis. At the end of the jugular near the middle of the first branchial aper- . ture, there are two branches not found in any other of the Sharks examined: a spiracular (sp), turning upward and forward toward the spiracle, and a gular (g), turning down and forward near the median line, and finally uniting with the oral a short distance from the inner end. Below the eye, in the position usu- ally occupied by the suborbital, lies a very long orbito-nasal. The nasal is of moderate length, and curves broadly in its posterior half. The subrostral is a little shorter than the nasal; it bends upward over the nostril. Apparently the prenasal is reversed in direction, meeting the nasal in front and running backward to join the subrostral. Like the corporals, oral, gular, and spiracu- lar are open grooves. In the spiraculars and gulars of this Shark are found the nearest approaches to the pleurals of the Batoidei. Distinguishing peculiarities of the system on this type are seen in the pos- session of spiracular and gular canals, in the position of the prenasals, and in that of the aural, with regard to the ear openings. Similarity in the orbito- nasals occurs in Heptabranchias. Somniosus by the same canals is interme- diate between these genera and others of the order. Ginglymostoma. Ginglymostoma cirratura (Plate XVI.). Over the shoulders the laterals have little outward curvature; in the anterior part of the tail they drop somewhat abruptly from the middle to the lower portion of the muscular band, near the edge of the fin, where they continue, ending with the vertebral column. This form has a short broad head, and a very short snout. If compared with one of the long-snouted species, it will be seen that there is a tendency toward the transverse in the cephalic canals, which in those forms are nearly or quite longitudinal. The aural is long, bending backward a little in the middle, and as much forward toward each end. The occipital is of medium length; it runs obliquely outward, with a slight curve toward the spiracle in the middle. From the end of this canal the cranial turns rather sharply toward the crown; it then passes forward, diverging a little from its fellow until opposite the fonta- nelle, where it turns outward with less curvature than in Scylliorhinus. Ap- proaching the edge, the rostrals run parallel with it until near the tip, where they descend. The orbital is rather short. The suborbital is much longer and passes forward more than three times the diameter of the orbit; above the nos- tril it turns back, forming an angle, and meets the subrostral a short distance forward from the eye. Angular and jugular are short; they are directed up- 84 BULLETIN OF THE ward some, toward the top of the first branchial aperture. Behind the corner of the mouth the oral makes a strong backward curve; the tube is a long one; it crosses the symphysis and meets with the angular. Posteriorly the orbito- nasal curves upward to meet the angular; the tube is elongate and nearly hori- zontal. The nasal is long, sinuous, and almost transyerse. Contrary to what might be expected on a short snout, the median is long. As if reduction in the length of the snout had proceeded faster than in that of the tubes, the prenasals appear as if pushed back and folded on themselves; each is turned abruptly toward the side, and bent into two folds. They unite with the rostrals. Prominent distinguishing features in this shark are the caudal canals, scapu- lar curves, complete oral, long suborbitals and orbito-nasals, and the folded prenasals. Of the genera studied it approaches Scylliorhinus most closely. Scylliorhinus. Scylliorhinus caniculus (Plate X VII.) has scarcely any curvature in the later- als, and they end with the column, not going down to the fibrous portion of the caudal fin. A slight sinuosity affects the aural. The very short occipital is directed toward the eye. Behind the fontanelle the cranials approach the median line in a broad curve; in front of this, they turn abruptly out toward the edges of the snout. Just before it joins the prenasal, there are several curves in the rostral: in descending it runs forward, downward, inward, backward, and out- ward, At the side of the nostril there is a prominent curve in the subrostral. The suborbitals are longitudinal below the orbit; at its forward edge they pass down and backward to meet the short orbito-nasals. The nasals are almost straight and transverse; the median is short; and the prenasals, sinu- ous and moderately long, unite with the rostrals. From the angular the jugu- lar curves up toward the upper edges of the gill opening, which it does not reach. Behind each angle of the mouth there is a short disconnected oral. Heterodontus. On Heterodontus philippi (Plate XVIII.) the laterals diverge a little, behind the occiput; farther back they are straight, without a curve over the anal fin, until they reach the tail, above the lower lobe of which they descend to the lower edge of the muscles. As it nears the end of the column, the canal becomes a furrow. Lateral and aural form a continuous curve, and are connected with the cra- nial and orbital, which form a similar curve, by a very short occipital. The cranial. bends are broad, but not at all deep. This is true also of the suborbital, which reaches nearly a diameter in front of the orbit, then drops vertically on the subrostral. Angular and jugular are both very short. The oral joins the ~ MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 85 angular, but does not cross the symphysis. The orbito-nasal is long. In pass- - ing the nostril, the short subrostral makes a decided curve. Behind the nostril the nasal is bent toward the mouth. The median is very short. From the median the short prenasal goes directly to the side, joining the rostral. By the canals either Odontaspis or Ginglymostoma shows more affinities with Heterodontus than does Acanthias. The differences in dentition between the latter genera are scarcely greater than those apparent in the canal systems, ~ Acanthias. Acanthias americanus (Plate XIX.). Backward from the shallow scapular curve, the laterals of this species are nearly straight. Above the widest part of the lower lobe of the tail, the tube makes a slight bend upward; it does not follow the vertebral column, but gradually approaches the lower edge of the muscles, and stops in front of the last vertebra. In the middle, towards the ear openings, the aural is bent forward. A con- tinuous longitudinal line is formed by the elongate occipital and the lateral. At the orbitals, the cranials make a rather sharp curve; opposite the fonta- nelle, they make a broad and shallow bend. The upper portion of the orbital is sinuous; behind the eye it is thrown backward; and beneath the orbit it goes but half-way before turning back in a sharp angle to join the angular. Jugular and angular together are short. The orbito-nasal is long, and is bent downward from the suborbital. By the side of the nostril there is a decided bend in the subrostral. The nasals are long and bent so that the curves in each approach the outlines of a Z; they do not meet to form a median, but run close together as in Pristiophorus. Near the end of the snout the pre- nasals converge, without seeming to join; they are located some distance from the rostrals. The tubes are of large calibre, and the tubules are numerous and short. A short oral lies close to each angle of the mouth, entirely dis- connected. On the tail, for a short distance from the end, the canal is open. Figure 6 shows the arrangement of the scales and the form of the portion of the canal included between the dotted lines. An embryo of two and a quarter inches has tubes similar to those of the adult, but the tubules are shorter or absent. Somniosus. Somniosus carcharias (Plate XX.) has tolerably straight tubular laterals. They extend on the middle of the muscular portion of the tail, running as far back as the hinder edge of the anterior lower lobe of the caudal fin; thence they descend to the lower edge of the muscles, above the fibrous portion, where they continue to the end of the column. .. Among-the cephalic canals a very. peculiar arrangement.occurs on the occi- put: the aural is transverse, and has its ordinary position; from its ends the occipitals curve forward and inward, and end anteriorly without connecting with S6 BULLETIN OF THE other tubes; a short distance in front of their ends are those of the orbitals, also disconnected; and still farther in front are the posterior extremities of the cranials, like the others, making no connections. The orbitals pass directly outward, then downward and forward, meeting the angular below the hinder portion of the eye. At the start the cranials are transverse, they soon bend forward, and, making very open curves around the fontanelle, becoming ros- trals, converge toward the end of the snout, before reaching which they pass through to the lower aspect. As subrostrals they go back and outward, mak- ing a loop on the side and top around the nasal chamber, and pushing farther back to meet the nasals. In comparison with that of other genera, the orbito- nasal is rather long; it extends below the greater portion of the orbit. A prominent curve toward the nostril marks the middle of each of the elongate transverse nasals. From a median of more than ordinary length the prenasals diverge and run forward, ending abruptly, under the tip of the snout, without joining the rostrals. The angulars are of moderate length. The jugular is short. An oral could not be found. The tubules are numerous, short, and provided with large apertures. Especially noticeable among the peculiar features met with in this species are the separation of the orbitals and the cranials from the occipitals, the isolation of the prenasals, the supranarial curve of the subrostrals, the length of the orbito-nasal, the lack of the oral, and the caudal curve of the lateral. The coronal arrangement of the cephalic canals, and the subrostral curve, distin- guish the genus from any of the other genera noted here. The orbito-nasal and the disposition of the lateral on the tail are intermediate between sharks like Heptabranchias and the majority of those of higher rank. In Cestracion (Zy- gna) only of the other Galei have we seen the subrostral return to the top of the snout. Rhina. Rhina squatina (Plate XXI.). With the great depression of the body of this Shark, the lateral has to some extent been carried outward on the thoracic and the scapular regions. Excepting slight waves in the outline, there is hardly a deviation from a straight line in the tubes on the sides of the tail. The canal does not reach quite to the hindmost vertebra. Above the thoracic region near the aural a few of the tubules reach toward the median line. Elsewhere along the whole length of the laterals the tubules are short and directed out. In consequence of the anterior position of the mouth and the shortness of the snout, the canals of the front part of the head are greatly reduced in length. Subrostrals, prenasals, and other tubes that in the balance of the Sharks are confined to the lower surface, have been brought to the top by de- pression of the head. The aural is long, curves backward slightly, and has a few tubules extending toward the shoulders. The occipitals are long, and divergent forward. On the frontal region, the cranials curve toward each other; MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 87 their tubules, as those of the occipitals, start out, but turn and cross the tubes toward the middle. Opposite the fontanelle the cranials make a broad open bend, from which the short rostrals pass about half-way to the middle of the mouth. From the front end of the rostrals the subrostrals turn back, around and behind the nostril, to meet the nasals on the sides of the face. The pre- nasals lie on the upper surface; they are nearly transverse, and turn back at the ends as if to join the rostrals, but without making a junction, Apparently the very short median is vertical. The orbitals are entirely on the upper sur- face. From the cranials, they go obliquely outward until past the orbit, then, turning forward at a right angle, the suborbitals run a short distance beyond the eye, where they turn out and backward, making a deep loop, convex in front. They meet the angular opposite the eye. Both angular and jugular are on the top of the disk. The orbito-nasal is on the side of the face; it is comparatively elongate, running from opposite the middle of the orbit to within a short distance of the nostril. The orals and the nasals belong to the lower view. The former are elongate, disconnected, and do not reach the symphysis; the latter are moderate and transverse, with a shallow curve for- ward toward the middle. The tubules from the suborbitals are rather long and pass outward; they, like the others, are unbranched. The appearance of all the tubes, except orals and nasals, on the top, looks as if resultant from depression that had caused great expansion of the ven- tral portions of the body, and but little of the dorsal. This peculiarity alone would serve to distinguish the genus from the other genera. There is nothing in the canal system that favors the idea of close affinity with the Batoidei. Pristiophorus. Considerable uncertainty exists in connection with several points on the sketch of Pristiophorus cirratus (Plate XXII.), because of the bad condition of the specimen, a dried skin. Back of the head the laterals turn outward somewhat; on the tail they appear to lie near the middle of the muscular portion, stopping at the end of the column. The halves of the aural meet in a sharp angle at the middle; behind the openings of the aqueducts they form a V, from the apex of which a short tube extends directly back. A low inward sweep is made by the cranials, on the crown. Beneath the eye the orbital does not quite reach the front edge of the orbit; turning backward, it descends to join the angular on a vertical from the centre of the pupil. The angular is longer than the jugular. Ap- parently there is no oral. The orbito-nasal is rather long; and, with the angular and the subrostral, it forms a longitudinal line. In front of the mouth the nasal is turned back; it has a moderate nasal curve, and does not connect with its fellow to form a median. Prenasal8 and subrostrals are very long. In the specimen they cannot be followed near the end of the rostrum. There are marked resemblances between this Shark and Acanthias, which 88 BULLETIN OF THE are at least suggestive of closer affinities in the distant past. These are brought prominently forward in comparisons of such tubes as the medians and sub- orbitals of the two forms. Pristis. Posteriorly the laterals of Pristis pectinatus (Plate XXIII.) are straight. On the tail there is a slight downward tendency, and the canals end near its extremity, at the lower edge of the muscles. Anteriorly, above the thoracic region, they are drawn toward each other; at the shoulder each makes an out- ward bend, from which the scapular and the post-scapular branches extend. A comparatively small area is enclosed by the pleural ; from the shoulder the tube runs out and backward, then it turns forward, along the inner edge of the pectoral fin, to meet some of the tubules from the orbital, near the hinder part of the orbit, after which it makes a sharp bend and goes back a short dis- tance parallel with its former course before passing down the side to the lower aspect, about opposite the aural. One or two post-scapular branches, together with the posterior pleural tubules, form a network of branchlets on the pectoral. Lateral, pleural, and suborbital possess slender tubules. Similar ones on the rostral have delicate branchlets. On the ventral surface the pleurals run toward the gill openings, in front of which, about one third of the distance to the mouth, they meet the jugulars. The space included by these tubes is small. The aural is deeply bent backward. A short occipital connects it with the orbital. The latter goes close below the eye and in front of it, about half a diameter, passes to the lower surface around the edge. Near the fontanelle the cranials diverge slightly, making a shallow bend; near the end of the ros- trum they converge, but diverge again at the tip; in general, their course is tolerably direct. These, as the other tubes of this surface, are beset with a great many very fine short tubules. Angular and jugular are moderate. The orbito-nasal is short; in front it meets the suborbital and the subrostral. Only a small portion of the sub- orbital is to be seen from below. The subrostral is much elongated, has a waved course, and is bent prominently forward in front of the nostril. The nasal is transverse, and waved in outline. The median is longitudinal and short. From it the prenasals turn abruptly outward, toward the nostrils, be- fore taking a course of tolerable directness toward the rostral extremity. Close to the latter they appear as if crowded back, so as to make a fold directed toward the median line. Behind each side of the mouth there is a discon- nected oral; toward the middle the tube bends forward, at the outer end it is turned back in a hook. Although there is much resemblance between the majority of the canals of Pristis and those of Pristioph®rus, the presence of the pleural and the scapular branches fixes the position of the former in the Batoidei. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 89 Rhinobatus. Rhinobatus planiceps (Plate XXIV.). From the shoulder girdle to their ends on the tail the laterals of this species are nearly straight. At the pecto- ral arch the scapular curves carry them outward, and back of the head they approach each other. Posteriorly they send numerous tubules outward; ante- riorly others are sent inward and backward. Behind the scapular there are four post-scapulars, each of which has two or more tubules near the end. There is more lateral curvature in the pleurals in this genus than was seen in Pristis ; there is also a more intimate connection between them and the suborbitals, by means of four or more of the tubules. Opposite the forward part of the orbit, about half-way between it and the margin, the pleurals pass through the disk, after sending numerous tubules on the pectoral. These pleural tubules are of two kinds, one stronger, longer, and straighter; another finer, shorter, and crookeder, distributed among the first. The course of the pleurals on the lower surface is short; they meet the jugulars in front of the first branchial aperture. The aural curves back in the middle. A slight divergence obtains in the short occipitals. In front of the eye the cranials curve outward sharply; they approach each other nearest along the middle of the rostral cartilage. At the end of the suborbital a branch is sent backward; in front of the eye its tubules extend both inward and outward; and still farther in front they are sent to- ward the margin. Instead of going around its edge, the suborbital passes through the disk very near the border. On reaching the lower surface this tube makes a broad curve back, and joins the subrostral opposite the nostril. A short orbito-nasal connects it with angular and jugular, both of which are short. The nasal is bent back behind the nasal valves. The median is very short. Near the middle of their length the elongate prenasals are curved toward each other. The oral crosses the median line behind the mouth, but is disconnected from the angular. Around the anterior border of the abdominal chamber, beneath the coraco-scapular arch, there is a sternal canal, which differs from the others in being more open; it does not cross the middle. This canal was not seen in Pristis. Syrrhina. Syrrhina brevirostris (Plate XXV.). A description of the canal system in this species would duplicate that of the preceding, excepting that rostrals, sub- rostrals, and prenasals would be found to be greatly shortened. Other points of difference, less important, are seen in the smaller number of branches of the tubules and the undivided condition of the sternal. A study of the canals of this species discloses little that favors separation from Rhinobatus, since it differs less from species of that genus than some of them do from each other. 90 BULLETIN OF THE Uraptera. On Uraptera agassizii (Plate XX VI.) the upper surface is pretty well covered with tubes and tubules. On the ventral aspect the main tubes are all present, but the tubules are few and short. There is nothing in the canals that will distinguish this genus from Raza. On the shoulders, the laterals are thrown decidedly outward; farther for- ward, they make a broad curve toward the vertebre; and they converge toward the base of the tail. Their tubules are of medium length and are most numer- ous above the abdominal region. The pleurals reach far out on the pectorals, enclosing an area, convex forward, somewhat lenticular in shape. At the angle opposite the shoulder they send back a strong branch with many tubules on its outer side. The most of the pleural tubules pass forward ; a few, espe- cially of those near the anterior border, turn back. Opposite the eye the pleural is connected with the suborbital by several tubules; thence it bends toward the margin and descends about half-way from the orbit. A strong post- scapular goes to the hinder angle of the pectoral; the greater number of its tubules are directed outward. The occipitals are short and greatly divergent. Between the eyes the cra- nials curve toward each other; in front of the orbits they bend apart; and on the rostrum they converge gradually to their points of descent, near the end. Outward from the curve in front of the orbit a tuft of tubules extends from each. The suborbitals take a tolerably direct course to the end of the snout, but pass down some distance before reaching it. On the lower surface, the pleurals bend out opposite the first gill cleft and inward opposite the shoulder girdle, in both the backward and the return courses. They neither reach back behind the middle of the abdomen, nor out to the middle of the pectorals. The orbito-nasals are elongate, converging in front. The lower suborbitals are only of moderate length, diverging backward. On the greater part of the length of the snout the subrostrals are parallel with the prenasals; leaving the latter finally, they pass outward and then forward to make a close fold on themselves before taking a transverse direction in which they meet the subor- bitals. At the inner edge of the nostril the nasals make a sharp bend, then, converging forward, they unite to form a short longitudinal median. From the median the prenasals at first bend outward rapidly, then converge gradually toward the tip, near which they end without connections. The following peculiarities are among the more likely to prove characteris- tic: the shape of the pleural area, the short occipital, the length of the tubules, the closeness of the fold in the subrostrals, and the longitudinal median, Raia. Raia levis (Plates XXVII.-XXIX.). Some resemblance is seen in the shape of this species and that of Uraptera, and there is still more in the arrangement MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 91 of the main canals. If these vessels alone were taken*into consideration, more than specific distinction would not be accorded the two types. In comparison with the preceding the laterals on the smooth Skate approach each other more gradually behind the shoulders and more abruptly in front of them. Over the gills the branchial area is wider, and in general it is more irregular in outline. The majority of the tubules on the hinder branch of the pleurals run forward or outward, and on the post-scapular, toward the hinder margin, a number of them turn backward. The occipital is rather long. At the side of the eye a branch, from the suborbital, turns back in the direction of the branchial area. Three or four tubules connect the orbitals with the pleurals; the latter go down near the margin, more than half the length of the snout in front of the skull. Beneath the disk the subrostral is parallel with the prenasal more than half the distance to the mouth; it then turns outward, and returning makes a sharp curve and fold, not quite as close and complete as that of Uraptera, after which it goes back obliquely, instead of transversely as in that genus, thus bringing about a shortening of the orbito-nasal. The pleural lies close by the side of the angular and orbito-nasal; opposite the mouth it bends outward a short distance, then stretches back almost directly toward the posterior angle of the pectoral; and about as far back as the middle of the abdomen it turns to the coraco-scapular arch to meet the jugular. The space included is narrow in front, and much broadened at the shoulder girdle. There is a moderate amount of curvature in the nasal. The median is transverse. At the median the prenasals make a broad bend; they are not connected in front. The oral is disconnected, and is in two sections. Plate XXVII. shows the tubes and sicbvlis of the upper surface; Plate XXVIII. gives (fig. 1) the hyaline mucous ducts of the “ampulle of Loren- zini,” and rig. 2) the main tubes of the canal system of the same surface; and Plate XXIX. contains a view of the lower side of the head in fig. 1, and a sketch of the upper surface in fig. 2. Raia ocellata (Plate XXX.) is one of the species with shorter snouts. In consequence of the rostral shortening, the lengths of the prenasals and of the rostrals have been decreased so much as to bring their forward extremities almost back to a transverse line from the end of one suborbital to that of the other. Above the thoracic region the curves of the laterals are shallower, and the scapular bends are less prominent, than in R. levis. The pleural areas are sub- triangular, broader posteriorly. The posterior branch of the pleural is the longer. A strong post-scapular extends from the shoulder obliquely out to the posterior margin. This tube is provided with tubules on its outer half. Laterals, plenials, and orbitals also have tubules, which are more or less irregular in regard to length. The occipitals are of moderate length. .The cranials have a prominent curve opposite the fontanelle, and another near the orbitals; their tubules are short, with the exception of several in front.of the orbit. 92 BULLETIN OF THE On the ventral surface the pleurals are entirely absent, from the posterior jugular extension. A moderate length obtains in the orbito-nasal. The curve in the subrostral is very prominent, and a trifle more open than that of R. levis. A decided curve appears in the nasal. It is difficult to determine whether the median is longitudinal or transverse, it is so very short. Near the mouth, the prenasals separate widely; forward, they are convergent but not connected. An oral appears behind each half of the lower jaw. Torpedo. Torpedo californica (Plate XX XI.) goes much beyond the following species in respect to the amount of surface covered by the tubes and tubules. On the shoulders, the curve, or, better, the scapular angle of the laterals, extends farther out, and, the batteries occupying a larger portion of the disk, the pleu- rals are carried nearer to the margins. As in that species, pleurals and sub- orbitals seem to form a continuous tube. The aural is longer and straighter and in front of it the cranials converge more. The rostrals extend farther toward the border, and are better provided with tubules than in 7. marmorata. At the sides of the suborbitals, and the thoracic portions of the laterals, long tubules pass out upon the batteries, nearly across them. A marked con- trast is presented by this distribution when compared with that of the follow- ing, or of Narcine, in both of which the tubules venture little if any over the surface of the batteries. A number of long tubules put out from the aural toward the shoulders. Behind the angles on the pectorals formed by the pleurals, there is a strong tubule with several branches; elsewhere the tubules are simple. There is much irregularity in the cephalic tubes, and it is probable that there is considerable variation between individuals of the species in regard to suborbitals and rostrals. In fact, there is great variance in the tubes of opposite sides of the head of a single specimen. ‘This is well illustrated by dissections of the head of T. occidentalis. Torpedo marmorata (Plate XXXII.) accords substantially in the arrange- ment of the canals with Narcine brasiliensis, but the tubes are longer and more crooked, and the tubules are of much greater length. On the back over the branchial region the laterals are considerably curved. Surrounding the large batteries the pleurals approach very near to the front margins of the disk. These tubes unite directly with the suborbitals. The occipitals are long. The cranials make a rather sharp curve in front of the eye, and they disap- pear before reaching the end of the rostrum. Among the longest tubules are those situated posteriorly on the pleurals and the orbitals, and anteriorly on the laterals. This genus agrees with Narcine in the absence of the canals on the lower surface. Absence of post-scapulars, or, better, the backward position of the pleurals MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 93 where joined to the laterals, is an approach toward the Trigonide rather than toward the Raiz. The Jack of canals on the lower surface and the junction of pleurals and orbitals sufficiently distinguish the Torpedoes from other families. Narcine. Narcine brasiliensis (Plate XXXIII.). Apparently there are no traces of the canals on the ventral surface. On the back there is a very simple arrange- ment of the system. The lateral passes directly to the end of the vertebral column. Only a moderate degree of prominence is given the scapular curve. Rather widely separated at the shoulders, the laterals converge toward the back of the head. The tubules are short and not many. At the outer edges of the batteries the pleurals encroach but little on the pectorals. Half-way from the eye to the margin they unite directly with the suborbitals. The occipitals are long. About midway from the eye to the end of the snout the cranials dwindle and disappear, after sending off a group of short tubules in front of the eye. The curve around the eye described by the orbi- tal is somewhat regular, and the canal ends near the margin. It sends out a couple of short branches near the spiracle, and some shorter ones in front of the junction with the pleural. A strong tubule reaches backward from an angle in the pleural, opposite the scapular bends. From the lack of branch- lets, the small size of the tubules, etc., the total length of the system is much below the average of the order. Potamotrygon. “Potamotrygon motoro (Plate XXXIV.). Upon the shoulders of this species the laterals bend outward in a variety of curves. The anterior of these, the greater ones, are concave, the posterior convex. = PEATEMXAXIX: Photo. Lith. of L.S Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn GARMAN, LATERAL SYSTEM DASYBATUS NUDUS. PLATE XL. I 26 — eS ——_. Photo. Lith. of L. S. Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. GARMAN, LATERAL SYSTEM PLATE XL \"> bees. E- = q ; S / - ry \ on Wy fr ae | Ah 4 \ oS “ae he 8 \\ = fl | DASYBATUS DIPTERURUS. GARMAN, LATERAL SYSTEM. PLATE XLI. Photo. Lith. of L. S. Pnnderson & Son, New Hayen, Conn. DASYBATUS TUBERCULATUS. a AO ea tate aise N (/” ae Wet in fale GARMAN, LATERAL SYSTEM. PLATE XLII. Recep ey Ss, (OSS ee IC = SS << <