HARVARD UNIVERSITY Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology us ISShi 0027.4100 But Lett n OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology Pleistocene AAustelidae (Mammalia, Carnivora) from Fairbanks, Alaska ELAINE ANDERSON HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A. VOLUME 148, NUMBER 1 14 APRIL 1977 PUBLICATIONS ISSUED OR DISTRIBUTED BY THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY HARVARD UNIVERSITY Breviora 1952- BULLETIN 1863- MexMoirs 1864-1938 JoHNSONiA, Department of Mollusks, 1941- OccAsiONAL Papers on Mollusks, 1945- SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS. 1. Whittington, H. B., and E. D. I. Rolfe (eds.), 1963. Phylogeny and Evolution of Crustacea. 192 pp. 2. Turner, R. D., 1966. A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of the Teredini- dae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). 265 pp. 3. Sprinkle, J., 1973. Morphology and Evolution of Blastozoan Echinoderms. 284 pp. 4. Eaton, R. J. E., 1974. A Flora of Concord. 236 pp. Other Publications. Bigelow, H. B., and W. C. Schroeder, 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. Reprint. Brues, C. T., A. L. Melander, and F. M. Carpenter, 1954. Classification of Insects. Creighton, W. S., 1950. The Ants of North America. Reprint. Lyman, C. P., and A. R. Dawe (eds.), 1960. Symposium on Natural Mammalian Hibernation. Peters' Check-list of Birds of the World, vols. 2-7, 9, 10, 12-15. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 1899-1948. (Complete sets only.) Publications of the Boston Society of Natural History. Price list and catalog of MCZ publications may be obtained from Publications Office, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts, 02138, U.S.A. © The President and Fellows of Harvard College 1977. PLEISTOCENE MUSTELIDAE (MAMMALIA, CARNIVORA) FROM FAIRBANKS, ALASKA ELAINE ANDERSON! Abstract. Five species of mustelids, Mustela cf. erminea, Mustela vison, Mustela eversmanni beringiae ssp. no\-., Gulo guJo, and Taxidea taxus, are reported from late Pleistocene deposits near Fairbanks, Alaska. This is the first record of the steppe ferret in the New World. It is closely related to, if not conspecific with, Mustela nigripes, the black-footed ferret. The northernmost occurrence of Taxidea taxus is reported. The woI\ erine, bad- ger and ferret material is characterized by large size, and some of tlie specimens are the largest known for the species. The Fairbanks area was never glaciated, and the grassy steppes of this refiigium supported a large assemblage of Pleisto- cene mammals. INTRODUCTION Remains of Pleistocene mammals are abundant in the frozen sediments of central Alaska, and at least 39 species are known. Many species of carni\'ores were associated with the large assemblage of herbivores that inhabited the Alaskan refugium in the late Pleistocene. Large carnivores, Arctodus si- mtis, Ursus arctos. Panther a ho atrox, Homo- fherium serum, and Canis lupus dominated the scene, but the small carnivores — foxes, dhole, lyn.x, and the mustelids — were an im- portant part of the fauna. Five species of mustelids, Mustela cf. erminea, Mustela vison, Mustela eversmanni beringiae ssp. nov., Gulo gulo, and Taxidea taxus are now known from the Fairbanks area. Fossil collecting began in the Fairbanks area with the advent of gold mining in 1928. In 1929, the University of Alaska, under the ^730 Magnolia St., Den\er, Colorado 80220. presidency of C. E. Bunnell, initiated its well known program of collecting the fossils exposed during the mining operations. The university had little money for such ven- tures, but Childs Frick of the American Museum of Natural History agreed to fi- nance the program, and his support con- tinued until the middle 1950's (except during the war years when little mining was done ) . Otto W. Geist was in charge of col- lecting the fossils. Thousands of specimens were collected, but unfortunately, because of the methods of collection, stratigraphic infonnation is almost entirely lacking. Since the Universitv of Alaska had neither the space nor the comparative material, almost all of the specimens were shipped to the Frick Laboratory at the American Museum of Natural History. There, a few groups were studied, but most of the material was put in storage. The Mustelidae was one of the neglected groups, and until 1973, when Anderson reported the presence of ferret, only badger and wolverine were recorded in the faunal lists (Pewe, 1957). The Fairbanks area, where the fossils were collected, lies between 64°45' and 65° N lat- itude, and is situated on the north side of the broad Tanana River valley at the base of the hills that make up part of the Yukon- Tanana Ri\'er upland (see Fig. 1). Rising 380 to 545 meters above the nearly flat floodplain of the Chena and Tanana rivers, are the low rounded hills of the uplands. Loess, derived from the floodplain and the glacial outwash plains, covers the ridges Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 148(1): 1-21, April, 1977 1 Bullcfiii Miiscrun of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 1 I48°00 65*00 kilometsrs — Moin Roads Figure 1. Map of the Fairbanks area. from a depth of about a meter on tlie sum- mits to about 30 meters on the middle slopes. The upland valleys are filled with from three to 30 meters of gravel overlaid by three to 90 meters of colluvial silt. The floodplain is underlaid by several hundred feet of interbedded lenses of silt, sand, and gravel (Pevve, 1957). The Fairbanks area was never glaciated, but glaciers from the Alaska Range to the south came within 80 kilometers of the present cit\ of Fair- banks. The Quaternary in central Alaska is char- acterized by alternating periods of deposi- tion and erosion of gravel and silt, by warming and cooling of the climate, and by the formation and melting of the perma- frost. Gold-bearing gravels were deposited in the creek valleys early in the Quaternary, and were later covered by loess and organic debris which became perennially frozen. Solifluction, the movement of moisture-sat- urated soil downhill during periods of thaw- ing, was a major factor in the entombment of animal and plant remains. The fossil- laden silt eventually came to rest in the valleys, and was subsequently covered with more loess, and the entire mass became fro- zen. Today permafrost covers much of the Fairbanks area. Needless to say, mining and collecting fossils in this perennially frozen muck was, and still is, difficult. The fossils were exposed as the miners, using hydraulic methods, removed the frozen overburden from the gold-bearing gravels. Since most of the bones were transported before burial, mummies and complete skele- tons are rare, and most of the specimens are disarticulated. Although a few pre-Wiscon- sinan deposits are known (Pewe and Hop- kins, 1967), the majority of specimens are late Wisconsinan in age. The mustelid material is generally well preserved, although some of the teeth are broken. The bones vary in color from light to dark brown, and there is no trace of the blue mineral, vivianite, on any of the mate- rial I examined. The specimens consist en- tirely of skulls and mandibles. A femur of Giilo was listed in the field notes, but the specimen could not be found. Pleistocene Mustelidae • Anderson ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my deep appreciation to Dr. Richard H. Tedford for letting me study the Alaskan mustelids in the Frick Col- lection. Berv'l Ta>lor and George Krochak of the Frick Laboratory, American Museum of Natural History, assisted me in locating specimens and field data. Russell D. Guth- rie, University of Alaska, showed me some of the collecting areas near Fairbanks, and I would like to thank him and his wife for their generous hospitality during my visit to Fairbanks. For permission to study col- lections in their care, I am indebted to John A. \Miite, Idaho State University; Peter Robinson, University of Colorado Museum; Charles S. Churcher, University of Toronto; and C. R. Harington, National Museum of Canada. My sincere thanks go to Barbara Lawrence and Charles Mack, Museum of Comparative Zoology; John L. Paradiso and Clyde Jones, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, National Museum of Natural His- tory; Richard G. Van Gelder, American Museum of Natinal Histoiy; William H. Burt, University of Colorado Museum; and Robert S. Hoffmann, Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas, for making comparative material available to me. Bjorn Kurten, University of Helsinki, permitted me to use some of his raw data on Giilo giilo. Erica Hansen, Idaho State University, made the illustrations for Figures 1-3; Ms. Dehlin, formerly of the Frick Laboratory, executed Figures 4 and 5 for Childs Frick some years ago. This research was sup- ported by NSF Grant GB 31287 awarded to Professor Bryan Patterson, Harvard Univer- sity, and is part of a study of Pleistocene mammals of North America. ABBREVIATIONS AMXH — American Museum of Natural Histoiy, F:AM — Frick Collection, American Museum of Natural History ISUM — Idaho State University Museum KU — Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas MCZ — Musemn of Comparative Zoolog\', Harvard University NMC — National Musemns of Canada UA — Unixersity of Alaska UCM — University of Colorado Museimi USNM — National Museum of Natural History I — incisor i C — canine ' with superscript (upper) or P — premolar ( subscript (lower) tooth M — molar ' max. — maxillary R — right L— left N — number in sample O.R. — observed range M — mean S.D. — standard deviation Mustela sp. cf. M. erminea Linnaeus Short-tailed Weasel or Ermine Figure 2 A Material: Late Pleistocene, F:AM 49340 L ramus w/C-M.; F:AM 49341 R ramus w/C-M.; F:AM 49348 R ramus w/C-Mi; F:AM 49349 frag. L ramus w'Pa-i, Fairbanks area, Alaska. Comparati\'e Material: Mustela erminea arctica, Recent, Alaska AMNH 17939, 21917-19, 21921- 22, 31369, 31379. KU 2975-76. Mtisiela rixosa eskimo Recent, Alaska AMNH 31383-84, 42811- 13, 42815-18. Northwest Territory AMNH 29212. Four small weasel mandibles were found in the collections from the Fairbanks area. Guthrie (personal communication) believes they were preserved in the nests of ground squirrels, Spermophilus parryi. The coro- noid process is missing in all of the speci- mens. The teeth of three of the specimens are slightly worn, but F:AM 49348 shows moderately worn dentition. Comparison with Recent specimens of Mustela erminea arctica ( Merriam ) and Mustela rixosa es- kimo (Stone), the two subspecies found in central Alaska today, shows that the Pleisto- cene specimens most closely resemble Mus- tela erminea arctica. Table 1 shows that measurements of tooth row length, length of Ml, length of trigonid of M,, and width of the talonid of Mi of die Pleistocene man- dibles fall within the observed range of Mustela erminea arctica and exceed the observed range of Mustela rixosa eskimo. In his monograph on American weasels, Hall (1951) noted that the basilar length of the skull of Mustela erminea measures 4 BtiJIcliii Museum of Comparative Zoology. Vol. 14S, Ko. 1 Table 1. Measurements, in mm, of Mustela ERMINEA AND Mv STELA RIXOSA FROM ALASKA. 30cin N O.R. M Depth of ramus below P3-4 F:AM, Late Pleistocene 4 3.0-3.2 3.05 M. e. arcfica (Recent) $ ( 3.3-4.3 4.02 9 3 2.6-3.5 2.96 M. r. cskhno (Recent) S 6 2..3-3.4 2.86 9 4 2.2-2.5 2.40 Depth of rannis below Mi _., F:AM, Late Pleistocene 3 2.5-3.3 3.03 M. e. arctica (Recent) S 7 3.5-1.8 4.40 9 3 2.9-3.7 3.26 M. r. cskimo (Recent) $ 6 2.7-3.5 3.13 9 4 2.5-2.9 2.72 Length C-M2 F:AM, Late Pleistocene 3 11.9-12.0 11.93 M. e. arctica ( Recent ) $ 7 12.0-15.8 14.52 9 3 11.4-12.7 11.90 M. r. eskimo (Recent) $ 6 9.5-10.8 10.10 9 4 9.0-9.7 9.22 Length Mi F:x'\M, Late Pleistocene 3 4.3-4.6 4.46 M. e. arctica (Recent) 6 7 4.5-5.6 5.01 9 3 4.1-4.7 4.33 M. r. cskimo (Recent) S 6 3.4-3.8 3.55 9 4 3.1-3.5 3.25 Length Mi trigonid F:AM, Late Pleistocene 3 3.0-3.3 3.20 M. e. arctica (Recent) S 7 3.1-3.8 3.60 9 3 2.9-3.4 3.06 M. r. cskimo (Recent) $ 6 2.4-2.6 2.50 9 4 2.2-2.5 2.30 Width Ml talonid F:AM, Late Pleistocene 0 1.2-1.4 1.33 M. e. arctica (Recent) $ 7 1.2-1.9 1.57 9 3 1.2-1.3 1.23 M. r. eskimo (Recent) S 6 1.0-1.2 1.08 5 4 0.9-1.0 0.92 more than 32.5 mm in males and more than 31.0 mm in females; in Mu.sfeld rixosa the basilar lengtli of the .skull is less than 32.5 mm in males and 31.0 mm in females. Un- fortimately, he did not include any measure- ments of weasel mandibles. Table 1 shows that there is overlap in measurements be- tween the two species, and this, coupled with pronounced sexual dimoiphism and geographic variation, can lead to uncer- B lOcm Figure 2. A. Mustela of erminea (F:AM 49340); oc- clusal and lateral views of mandible. B. Mustela vison (F:AM 30821); occlusal and lateral views of mandible. tainty in the identification of cranial mate- rial. The American ermine is considered to be only subspecifically distinct from the Old World animal. The taxonomic status of the least weasel is uncertain. Some workers (see Jones, 1964) regard Mustela rixosa as only subspecifically distinct from the Eur- asian Mustela nivalis. But, in Sweden, the two species live side by side without inter- breeding (Kurten, personal communica- tion). Until detailed comparative and statistical studies are done on both the Old and New World populations, I am recogniz- ing Mustela rixosa as a distinct species. The ancestry of Mustela erminea can be traced back to the late Pliocene in Europe, and the species probably reached North America in late Blancan or early Irving- tonian times. The earliest known North American occurrence is from the Cudahy Pleistocene Mustelidae • Anderson Table 2. Measurements, in mm, of Mustela visoN FROM Alaska. N OR. M S.D. Depth of ramus below P3-4 F:AM 30821 1 7.8 — — M. V. ingens (Recent, Alaska) 16 6.1-8.3 7.45 ± .17 .71 Depth of ramus below Ml -2 F:AM 30821 1 8.2 _ _ M. V. ingens (Recent, Alaska) 16 7.0-9.4 8.26 ± .19 .79 Length Mi F:AM 30821 1 7.8 — — M. V. ingens (Recent, Alaska) 16 7.4-9.0 8.14 ± .12 .49 Length Mi trigonid F:AM 30821 1 5.3 — — M. V. ingens (Recent, Alaska) 16 5.1-6.1 5.75 ± .08 .32 Widtli Ml talonid F:AM 30821 1 3.3 — — M. V. ingens (Recent, Alaska) 16 2.7-3.8 3.31 ± .08 .34 fauna, and ermines have been reported from several late Pleistocene and postglacial lo- calities. Mustela vison (Schreber) Mink Figure 2 B Material: Late Pleistocene, F:AM 30821 frag- ment of left ramus with P3-M1, Fairbanks Creek, Alaska. Comparative Material: Musiela vison ingens. Re- cent, Alaska, MCZ 34165. USNM 6531-32, 7115, 8646, 8696-99, 8702-06, 8708-09, 14463, 20814. Yukon Territory MCZ 34517-18. A single mandible of Mustela vison is known from the Fairbanks area. The jaw is broken off anterior to the second premolar, and the coronoid process is eroded as is the labial side of the condyle. The sharply pointed cusps of the teeth show slight wear. Each tooth is surrounded by a well devel- oped cingnlum, and there is an incipient metaconid on Mi. Table 2 shows that mea- surements of the specimen fall within the observed range of Mustela vison ingens (Osgood), the extant subspecies found in the area today. It is the largest .subspecies of Mustela vison. No moiphological differ- ences were observed between the specimen and the comparative material. The specimen can be distinguished easily from the Mustela eversmanni mandibles by the incipient metaconid and wider talonid on Ml, and the longer and narrower P4. Table 3 shows other differences separating mink from ferret. Although records of Mustela vison extend back to the late Irvingtonian Cudahy fauna, Meade County, Kansas (Getz, 1960), mink are not common in Pleistocene deposits. Since they are found only along streams and lakes, the presence of mink in a fauna is a good indicator of nearby permanent water. Mustela (Putorius) eversmanni Lesson Steppe Ferret Material: Late Pleistocene, Fairbanks area, Alaska, F:AM 49336 anterior half skull w/R P'^, L F, C, P"", P* broken, Ester Creek. F:AM 49337 L mandible W/ C-M^, Cripple Creek. F:AM 30827 frag. L ramus w/L, C, P., P.-Mi, Cripple Creek. Mustela eversmanni Recent, MCZ 23705, 24737, 25333, 40939-40, 54604. USNM 22191, 188449, 259792. AMNH 57338, 60102, 85382. Mustela eversmanni miehnoi USNM 38365, 172631, 175439, 175441. AMNH 45605-06, 84312. Mustela putorius Recent, MCZ 3702, 24665, 24738 25352. USNM 792, 1851, 22394, 115213- 214 121248, 123629, 152668-670, 152673-676, 154158, 319222-223. AMNH 36631-32, 69520, 11962l', 163437. Mustela nigripcs. Late Pleistocene, Litde Box Elder Cave, Converse Count>', Wyoming, UCM 21916-18, 21922-24, 21950-52, 21957, 21959, 21962, 21965-70. 21972, 21975, 21977-78, 21980, 21983, 21985, 21989-90, 22010-11, 22022-23, 22151. Mustela nigripes. Recent, MCZ 4184, 42723, 43727. KU 1487, 1593, 7146, 10177, 11077, 14411. AMNH 1203, 40078, 41994, 42567, 70590, 121610, 140397. UCM 59, 10658, 10660. USNM 14580, 21066, 21965, 21976, 22311, 22427 22929, 30064-66, 32771, 34977, 35011, 35016-18, 35088, 35376. 65061, 83992-994, 110772 122620, 155475, 168744, 188450-453, 188455-458, 199737, 201945, 211513, 224450, 228233 228789, 232400, 234118, 234138, 6 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 1 Table 3. Comparison between Mustela eversmanni-nwripes and Mustela vison, cranial charac- ters. Variate M. eversmanni-nigripes M. vison Palate Basiocciput Basicranium Auditory bullae Mastoid bullae Auditory meatus Infraorbital foramen Canines, upper and lower F P* M^ Mandible Inferior margin of jaw at angle Premolars Ml Ma Wide between canines Narrow Well-defined tube extend- ing from foramen ovale to anterior margin of au- ditory bullae More inflated Inflated External opening large Small Relati\ ely large Short, broad Relatively short protocone Inner lobe not expanded Relatively short and thick- Broad, flattened Relatively short, broad Metaconid absent, talonid narrow Relativelv small Narrow between canines Wide Area between foramen ovale and auditory bullae is flat Less inflated Not inflated External opening small Large Relatively small Long, narrow Relatively long protocone Inner lobe expanded Relatively long, slender Pointed, less flattened Relatively long, narrow Incipient metaconid, talonid wide Relatively large 134970-971, 234973, 241014, 243799, 243818- 820, 243909-910, 243990, 245641, 247073, 251453, 285877, 287321, 289498. Anderson ( 1973) reported the presence of ferret in central Alaska. Additional studies show that the material is referable to Mus- tela eversmanni, the steppe ferret, an animal closely related to, if not conspecific with, Mustela nigripes the black-footed ferret. This is the first record of Mustela evers- inanni in North America. Mustela everstnanni beringiae^ ssp. nov. Beringian Ferret Figure 3 Type. F:AM 49336 anterior half of skull with right F'-\ alveoli of P ^ C; left V, C-F % P^ bro- ken, alveoh of I' ^ MS Ester Creek, T 1 S, R 2 W, about 16 km west of Fairbanks, Alaska 64° 50'N, 148°W. Fairbanks D-2, D-3 Quadrangles. Collected in 1938. Hypodigm. Type plus F:AM 49337 left mandible with C-M2, alveoli of h-:>., Cripple Creek. F:AM * beringiae — from Beringia, the enormous un- glaciated land mass extending from westeiTi Alaska to northeastern Siberia during the Pleistocene. 30827 fragment of left ramus with L, C, P., P4- Mi, alveoli of I1-2, Ps, Cripple Creek, T 1 S, R 2 W, west of Fairbanks, Alaska. Distribution. Known only from late Pleistocene de- posits near Fairbanks. Diagnosis. Large ferret; facial region broader than Mustela eversmanni michnoi; massi\e postorbital processes; pronounced postorbital constriction; broad palate; tooth row crowded; enlarged ca- nines. A broad facial region characterizes the skull, and measurements of the breadth across the canines, carnassials, interorbital region, and postorbital processes exceed those of all the ferrets I have measured or have seen referred to in the literature. The skull belonged to an adult animal — the teeth are moderately worn, the nasal and palatine sutures are obliterated, and the sagittal crest is well developed. The nasal opening is large, and the opening of the small infra- orbital foramen is an elongated oval. Ex- tending from the tips of the broad postor- bital processes are distinct ridges that unite in the region of the postorbital constriction to form the sagittal crest. The area between the postorbital processes and the constric- Pleistocene MusxELroAE • Anderson 7 lOcm lOcm B Figure 3. Mustela eversmanni beringiae ssp. nov. A. (F:AM 49336 Type) occlusal view of partial skull. B. (F:AM 49337) occlusal and lateral views of man- dible. tion is long and straight. The skull is bro- ken just posterior to the constriction. The upper teetli are crowded; there is no diastema between the canine and P-, and P^ is set obliquely in the jaw with the talon slightly overlapping P^. The incisor row is curved, and the width from the outer edge of the alveolus of the right l^ to the outer edge of the alveolus of tlie left P measures 8.9 mm; this compares with a mean of 6.79 mm (N 7, O.R. 5.8—7.6 imn) for Recent Mustela eversmanni michnoi and 6.40 mm (N 67, O.R. 5.4—7.2 mm) for Recent Mus- tela nigripes. The canine is relatively long and slender, and P^ is relatively short and broad. Measurements of P^ fall within the observed range of measurements taken on the steppe ferret, and do not show any pro- portional differences. Only the alveolus of the left M^ is preserved; it shows that the inner lobe of the tooth was narrow. The left mandible, F:AM 49337, is per- fectly preserved, only the incisors are miss- ing (Fig 3B). The teeth are moderately worn and are close together. Po is set obliquely in the jaw and P4 slightly overlaps Ml. As with the other species of ferrets, the lower premolars are relatively short and broad, Mi shows no trace of a metaconid, the talonid of Mi is ridged and relatively narrow, and Mo is small. F:AM 30827, a partial left ramus broken off behind Mi, has more heavily worn teeth than F:AM 49337. The jaw is relatively massive in both speci- mens, the length of the tooth row exceeds those of Mustela eversmanni michnoi in my sample, but measurements of the teeth fall within the obser\'ed range of the other fer- rets measured. ( See Table 4. ) Comparison of the Alaskan material with both Pleistocene and Recent Mustela {Pu- torius) nigripes Audubon and Bachman, Recent Mustela ( Putorius ) eversmanni Les- son and Recent Mustela (Putorius) putorius Linnaeus showed that the specimens most closely resemble Mustela (Putorius) evers- manni michnoi Kashchenko, 1910, the South Transbaikalian Siberian Polecat. This is the largest subspecies and it inhabits the steppes south and west of Lake Baikal and neigh- boring areas of Mongolia ( Stroganov, 1962 ) , The skull of this subspecies shows a broad facial region, pronounced postorbital con- striction, and a crowded tooth row. Stroganov (1962) reports that Mustela eversnuinni shows more geographic varia- tion than other ferrets, and about 20 sub- species are recognized. For this reason, I used only specimens labeled Mustela evers- manni michnoi and Mustela eversmanni larvatus, a synonym of the former (see Ellerman and Morrison-Scott, 1966:265) in my statistical analysis. 8 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 1 Table 4. Measurements, in mm, of Mustela eversmanni and Mustela nigripes. N O.R. M S.D. Breadth across rostrum (C-C) F:AM 49336 M. eversmanni niicluwi Recent M. nigripes Recent Little Box Elder Ca\ e Pleist. Breadth across carnassials ( P'-P* ) F:AM 49336 Af. eversmanni michnoi Recent M. nigripes Recent Little Box Elder Cave Pleist. Interorbital Ijreadth F:AM 49336 M. eversmanni michnoi Recent M. nigripes Recent Little Box Elder Cave Pleist. Breadth across postorbital processes F:AM 49336 M. eversmanni michnoi Recent M. nigripes Recent Litde Box Elder Cave Pleist. Breadth across postorbital constriction F:AM 49336 M. eversmanni michnoi Recent M. nigripes Recent Litde Box Elder Cave Pleist. Length C-M^ F:AM 49336 M. eversmanni michnoi Recent M. nigripes Recent Little Box Elder Cave Pleist. Length F F:AM 49336 , M. eversmanni michnoi Recent M. nigripes Recent Little Box Elder Cave Pleist. Width P' F:AM 49336 M. eversmanni michnoi Recent M. nigripes Recent Little Box Elder Cave Pleist. Length P' F:AM 49336 M. eversmanni michnoi M. nigripes Recent Little Box Elder Cave Width P* protocone F:AM 49336 M. eversmanni michnoi M. nigripes Recent Little Box Elder Cave Recent Pleist. Recent Pleist. 1 21.8 — — 7 15.8-19.8 17.81 ± .53 1.40 75 15.1-19.6 16.80 ± .11 .91 1 16.8 — 1 28.4 7 21.0-26.2 24.57 ± .60 1.61 75 21.2-25.8 23.63 ± .12 1.02 1 21.8 7 16.4-19.3 17.64 ± .39 1.02 78 14.9-19.5 17.08 ± .11 1.05 2 18.0-21.4 19.70 — 1 26.3 7 20.0-23.6 21.84 ± .50 1.33 78 18.4-23.9 20.96 ± .16 1.42 2 21.8-25.4 23.60 1 14.9 7 10.2-15.9 12.42 ± .67 1.78 77 9.8-16.0 12.41 ± .12 1.09 3 12.5-16.3 13.96 1 22.1 7 18.7-22.1 21.00 ± .43 1.15 77 17.5-21.9 19.74 ± .29 2.62 1 ca21.4 1 4.4 7 3.8-4.6 4.28 ± .09 .26 70 3.5-4.2 3.86 ± .02 .17 2 3.8-4.4 4.1 1 2.6 7 2.0-2.7 2.31 ± .09 .25 70 1.9-2.5 2.18 ± .02 .16 2 2.2-2.3 2.25 1 8.5 7 7.0-8.5 8.10 ± .19 .52 79 6.7-8.0 7.41 ± .03 .28 7 7.3-8.1 7.71 ± .11 .30 1 4.4 7 3.4-4.3 3.80 ± .12 .31 79 3.2 4.0 3.67 ± .02 .18 7 3.5-4.1 3.77 ± .08 .21 Table 4. (contintied) Pleistocene Mustelidae • Anderson 9 N O.R. M S.D. Length of mandible F:AM 49337 M. eversmanni michnoi Recent M. nigripes Recent Little Box Elder Cave Pleist. Height of mandible F:AM 49337 M. eversmanni michnoi Recent M. nigripes Recent Little Box Elder Cave Pleist. Depth of jaw below Ps-i F:AM 49337, 30827 M. eversmanni michnoi Recent M. nigripes Recent Little Box Elder Cave Pleist. Depth of jaw below Mi 2 F:AM 49337 M. eversmanni michnoi Recent M. nigripes Recent Little Box Elder Cave Pleist. Length C-M2 F:AM 49337 M. eversmanni michnoi Recent M. nigripes Recent Little Box Elder Cave Pleist. Lengtli of Ml F:AM 49337, 30827 M. eversmanni michnoi Recent M. nigripes Recent Little Box Elder Cave Pleist. Length of Mi trigonid F:AM 49337, 30827 M. eversmanni michnoi Recent M. 7iigripes Recent Little Box Elder Ca\e Pleist. Width Ml talonid F:AM 49337, 30827 M. eversmanrn michnoi Recent M. nigripes Recent Little Box Elder Cave Pleist. 1 45.0 7 38.5 46.6 43.25 ± 1.51 4.00 73 36.4-45.6 42.14 ± 0.24 2.09 6 35.8-42.2 38.91 ± 1.48 3.64 1 22.0 7 20.0-23.1 21.41 ± .39 1.03 73 17.1-22.5 20.55 ± .13 1.17 6 18.4-21.8 19.75 ± .45 1.10 2 9.2 7 8.3-10.7 9.31 ± .21 .56 78 7.3-9.5 8.49 ± .07 .63 18 7.1-10.0 8.66 ± .21 .90 1 9.8 7 7.3-10.5 9.14 ± .23 .63 78 7.1-9.6 8.67 ± .07 .63 20 7.7-9.9 8.55 ± .16 .70 1 26.4 2 23.9-25.1 24.50 76 21.5-26.1 24.09 ± .11 1.03 10 21.5-25.3 23.37 ± .43 1.36 2 8.5-8.8 8.65 7 7.6-9.6 8.94 ± .25 .65 77 7.3-9.1 8.27 ± .04 .40 24 7.3-9.0 8.24 ± .09 .45 2 6.1-6.4 6.25 _ 7 5.5-6.8 6.35 ± .18 .48 77 5.2-6.4 5.85 ± .02 .25 23 5.3-6.4 5.92 ± .19 .91 2 2.4-2.5 2.45 7 2.1-2.6 2.45 ± .08 .23 79 2.1-2.6 2.34 ± .01 .13 23 2.0-2.5 2.26 ± .02 .12 Extant steppe or Siberian ferrets are found in steppe and forest-steppe zones of Eurasia, from Hungaiy and Yugoslavia to the Amur region of Siberia, south to the plains of central Asia, Mongolia and north- east China (Stroganov, 1962). There is still disagreement as to the ge- neric and specific status of Old World fer- rets. Pocock (1936) and Ellerman and Morrison-Scott (1966) recognize a single species, MiisteJa (Putorius) piitoriiis. How- ever, Russian scientists (Ognev, 1931 and Stroganov, 1962), with larger samples to work with, recognize Putorius putorius and Putorius eversmanni as distinct species. Stroganov lists the following cranial chai-ac- 10 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 1 ters as distinctive of Mustela eversmanni: a larger, bulkier skull, appreciable constric- tion of the postorbital region, and a longer facial region. In addition, the canines and carnassials are relatively larger than those of Mustela puforius. There are also pro- noiuiced differences in body size, coloration, and habitat of the two species. Mustela pu- forius inhabits forest biotopes and farm- lands; Mustela eversmanni lives on the steppes and seldom enters forests. In areas where the ranges of the two species overlap, the two forms remain distinct. Although postorbital constriction is cor- related with increasing age in most muste- lids, skulls of Mustela putorius do not show the pronounced consti'iction seen in the other species. The mean of the measure- ments of postorbital constriction of Mustela putorius in my sample is 16.31 mm (N 24, O.R. 12.6-18.2 mm); this compares with a mean of 12.41 mm for Mustela eversmanni and Mustela ni gripes (see Table 4). Pocock (1936:715) noted "the close simi- larity in all dimensions" of a male skull of Mustela eversmanni from the Altai, and a male skull of Mustela nigripes from Mon- tana. I took 26 measurements on 19 skulls of Mustela eversmanni and on 79 skulls of Mustela nigripes; there were no significant differences in size between the two species (see Table 4). The only difference that appeared on scatter diagrams was a nar- rower basioccipital region in Mustela ni- gripes. Both species inhabit steppe regions, have a long sinuous body, and similar color- ation. Musteln nigripes has never been abundant on the Great Plains, and today it is considered to be an endangered species. Lhilike the steppe fen-et, which feeds on a wide variety of small animals, the black- footed ferret feeds primarily on Cynomtjs. The geographic range of Cynomys and Mustela nigripes are nearly identical and the two species are associated in most Pleistocene localities except Old Crow River; Cynomys has not been reported from Fairbanks. The Pleistocene history of Mustela evers- manni is poorly known, especially in Siberia. It is reported from late Pleistocene deposits in Europe; whether late middle Pleistocene ferrets are Mustela putorius or Mustela eversmanni is uncertain. Both species may be derived from the smaller early middle Pleistocene species, Mustela (Putorius) stro- meri Konnos (Kurten, 1968). The earliest record of Mustela nigripes is from an upper Illinoian deposit in Clay Countv, Nebraska, and it is known from Sangamon deposits in Nebraska and at Medicine Hat, Alberta. Wisconsinan rec- ords include Old Crow River, Yukon Ter- ritory; Orr Cave, Montana; Jaguar Cave, Idaho; Little Box Elder Cave, Wyoming; Chimney Rock, Colorado; Isleta Cave, New Mexico; and Moore Pit, Texas. The speci- men from Burnet Cave, New Mexico (see Schultz and Howard, 1935) is a juvenile with deciduous dentition; whether it is a mink or a ferret cannot be determined. The partial right ramus, NMC 16323, from Old Crow River, Locality 65, may be referable to Mustela eversmanni beringiae. Ferrets entered the New World from Si- beria, spread across Beringia, and then ad- vanced southeastward to the Great Plains through ice-free corridors. Kalela ( 1940, in Kurten, 1957) reported that during the period from 1880 to 1940, Mustela putorius extended its range in Finland from the Karelian Isthmus north to central Ostro- bothnia and west to the Gvilf of Bothnia. The rate of migration was 7.5 km annually or 750 km in a century. When climatic conditions permitted, this rate was probably applicable for ferrets spreading across Si- beria and into the New World. The question of conspecificity between Mustela eversmanni and Mustela nigripes is yet to be resolved. That the two species are closely related cannot be doubted, but imtil detailed comparative and statistical studies are made on the large collections of Mustela eversmanni in Soviet institutions; these data are compared with the informa- tion already compiled on Mustela nigripes; and behavioral and chromosomal studies Pleistocene Mustelidae • Anderson 11 are undertaken on both species, I regard them as distinct. Gulo gulo (Linnaeus) Figure 4 Wolverine Material: Late Pleistocene, Fairbanks area, Alaska, F:AM 30795 skull with complete denti- tion, Goldstreain. F:AM 30796 anterior VL> skull w/R I--^', P'-M\ L P, F -^ Ester Creek. F:AM 30797 L ramus w/C, Pj-Mi, top of gravel at 21 Coldstream, 40 feet below original surface. F: AM 30798 skull and associated jaw sxmphvsis w/R C, P^-M\ L P, P-C, P^; jaw symphysis w/R and L C, P^Mi, Old Eva Creek. F:Ax\I 30799 partial anterior V2 skull w/R C, P'-M\ Cripple Creek. F : AM 30800 R max. w/P*, Ester Creek. F:AM 30805 frag. R ramus W/P3-M1, Fairbanks Creek. F:AM 30806 L ramus w/P..- Mi, No. 2 Coldstream stripping area. F:AM 30807 frag. R ramus W/P3-M2, No. 2 Coldstream stripping area. F:AM 30808 R ramus W/P^-Mi, Cripple Creek. F:AM 30809 L ramus w/C, P3- Mi, Cripple Creek. F:AM 30810 L ramus w/Po- M2, Engineer Creek. F:AM 30811 frag. R ramus W/P4-M1, Cripple Creek. F:AM 68003 R max w/C broken, P^, M^ and assoc. frag. R. ramus w/Mi-=, Gold HiU. F:AM 68005 frag. R ramus W/P3-4, Gold Hill. Comparative material: Postglacial, Moonshiner Cave, Bingham County, Idalio, ISUM 19585- 19399, 19643, 19667, 17 skulls and skull frag- ments; ISUM 19601-19639, 39 mandibles. Recent, Alaska, MCZ 47398-99, 48566-68, 50528. AMNH 137270. Yukon Territory MCZ 34516. Northwest Territory AMNH 3448-49, 3450, 34506-09, 37432-33. Measurements of 24 male and 13 female skulls from Alaska (data from Bjbrn Kurten). The outstanding feature of the wolverine material from the Pleistocene of Alaska is the large size of the specimens. Compari- sons wnth. samples from postglacial Moon- shiner Cave, Idaho, and the Recent of Alaska and northern Canada show that the Alaskan Pleistocene specimens exceed the others in all measurements except the inner lobe of M^ the depth of the jaw below P0-4, and the length of the lower tooth row ( C- M2) (see Table 5). No attempt was made to sex the fossil material. If I had, the size differences would have been even more pronounced. The well preserved skull, F:AM 30795 (see Fig. 4A-B) from Coldstream, is the largest wolverine skull known to me. The condylobasal length measures 172 mm. The largest specimen in my sample has a condy- lobasal length of 151 mm, and the largest specimen in Ognev's sample from the U.S.S.R. measured 157.8 mm (1935:587). Hall and Kelson (1959) give an observed range of 127-140 mm for basal length for the extant animal in North America. Other cranial measurements of F:AM 30795 are equally large, especially the mastoid breadth, breadth across the carnassials, and the approximate zygomatic breadth. The well developed sagittal crest projects above the dorsal surface of the skull, but unfortu- nately, the overhanging projection is broken off at the occiput. The powerful mastoid processes point obliquely forward and downward. A partial skull, F:AM 30796, and a right maxilla, F:AM 30800, represent skulls nearly as large as F:AM 30795. The dentition of F:AM 30795 is complete and shows moderate wear. The length of the upper tooth row ( C-M^ ) measures 62.8 mm compared with 53.0 mm for the largest specimen from Moonshiner Cave, and 55.6 mm for the maximum length in my Recent sample. Stroganov (1962:245) gives an ob- served range of 49-60 mm for the length of the upper tooth row for Siberian Gulo gulo. The incisors of F:AM 30795 are all worn down to the same level. The tips of both canines were broken off during the life of the animal, and the remaining portions of the fangs are worn smooth. The massive cheek teeth are crowded, but do not over- lap, and the tooth row is dominated by the enormous carnassial with its small talon. F:AM 30797 (Fig. 4C), a complete left mandible lacking only the incisors, first pre- molar and last molar, is the largest lower jaw from the Fairbanks region. Its total length, measured from the s\anphysis at the alveolus of Ii to the most distant edge of tlie condyle, is 112.8 mm, a measurement larger than an>' in the postglacial or Recent sample. The teeth are only slightly worn, and are close together with P2 sitting slightly obliquely in the jaw. The posterior 12 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 1 Table 5. Measurements, IN MM, OF GULO GULO. N O.R. M S.D. Condylobasal length F:AM Collection 2 139.4-172.0 155.70 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 3 134.0-145.0 140.66 G. giilo. Recent S 29 140.0-151.0 146.05 ± .58 3.26 9 18 132.6-141.0 135.00 ± .65 2.61 Zygomatic breadth F:AM Collection 2 100.0-119.2 109.6 Moonshiner Cave, Id. G. giilo, Recent S 29 98.3-113.2 105.0 ± .57 3.04 9 17 92.5-100.0 95.97 ± .42 1.69 Breadth across rostnin (C-C) F:AM Collection 4 41.4-48.6 44.92 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 7 36.1-42.3 38.92 ± .94 2.50 G. giilo. Recent S 9 40.0-43.9 42.51 ± .40 1.20 9 8 37.0-39.9 37.94 + .35 .99 Breadtli across carnass ials (F-F) F:AM Collection 3 67.1-76.7 72.40 — Moonshiner Cave, Id. 8 51.4-63.0 59.82 ± .73 2.07 G. gulo. Recent $ 9 63.6-69.3 66.97 ± .59 1.77 9 8 59.7-63.8 61.47 ± .49 1.40 Interorbital breadth F:AM Collection 3 41.0 46.7 44.70 — Moonshiner Cave, Id. 4 36.7-44.6 40.60 G. gulo. Recent S 9 39.1-45.4 41.38 ± .28 1.56 9 8 36.0-40.9 37.75 ± .15 .69 Breadth across postorbital processes F:AM Collection 2 48.2-56.8 52.50 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 4 44.0-53.5 48.37 G. gulo. Recent $ 9 45.7-54.3 48.61 ± .94 2.83 9 7 42.4-49.5 45.50 ± 1.05 2.79 Mastoid breadth F:AM Collection 2 85.0-108.0 96.50 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 5 76.2-87.3 81.18 — G. gulo. Recent $ 9 83.1-94.6 90.05 ± 1.14 3.43 9 8 78.4-85.6 82.50 ± .82 2.19 Length C-M^ F:AM Collection 5 51.3-62.8 57.72 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 11 46.4-53.0 50.47 ± .69 2.29 G. gulo. Recent S 9 51.0-55.6 53.28 ± .42 1.28 9 8 43.4-^1.3 48.63 ± 1.43 4.05 Length P F:AM Collection 6 21.6-23.4 22.70 ± .51 1.27 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 15 18.0-22.3 20.36 ± .28 1.06 G. gulo. Recent $ 28 20.2-23.2 21.30 ± .13 .70 9 21 18.6-20.1 19.37 ± .09 .40 Widtli F protocone F:AM Collection 6 12.6-13.5 12.96 ± .44 1.10 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 15 10.4-13.4 11.58 ± .22 .86 G. gulo. Recent S 28 11.4-13.1 12.31 ± .08 .47 9 18 10.6-12.1 11.15 ± .10 .43 Table 5. (continued) Pleistocene Mustelidae • A^nderson 13 N O.R. M S.D. Width M^ F:AM Collecdon Moonshiner Cave, Id. G. gulo. Recent Lengtli M^ constriction F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. G. gulo, Recent Length M^ inner lobe F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. G. gulo. Recent Length mandible F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. G. gulo. Recent Depth of jaw below Ps-t F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. G. gulo. Recent Depth of jaw below M1-2 F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. G. gulo. Recent Length C-M2 F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. G. gulo, Recent Length Mi F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. G. gulo, Recent Length Mi trigonid F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. G. gulo. Recent Width Ml talonid F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. G. gulo, Recent 5 18 $ 29 5 18 5 18 S 29 9 18 5 18 S 29 9 18 5 16 $ 9 5 8 9 26 $ 9 9 8 9 26 S 9 5 8 7 26 S 9 9 8 10 38 $ 29 2 18 9 38 $ 9 5 8 9 38 $ 9 ? 8 13.5-15.8 14.80 12.0-14.2 13.39 ± .16 .72 13.7-15.7 14.45 ± .09 .51 12.5-13.9 13.05 ± .09 .40 6.3-6.6 6.46 5.1-6.2 5.72 ± .06 .29 5.6-6.5 5.99 ± .04 .26 4.9-5.9 5.53 ± .06 .29 7.1-9.0 8.06 6.6-8.5 7.56 ± .12 .51 7.3-9.7 8.20 ± .06 .34 6.8-8.1 7.22 ± .08 .35 96.0-112.8 105.82 89.2-107.0 95.41 ± .82 3.28 99.5-107.2 103.76 ± 1.28 3.85 94.2-99.4 95.86 ± .66 1.89 18.4-22.2 20.62 ± .44 1.33 16.0-21.4 18.64 ± .32 1.67 19.3-22.6 20.82 ± .94 2.83 17.9-19.0 18.42 ± .42 1.19 22.0-29.6 25.70 ± .55 1.66 20.0-26.1 22.21 ± .32 1.67 23.2-25.7 24.52 ± .58 1.76 19.6-22.3 21.35 ± .55 1.56 59.7-70.1 63.14 ± .74 1.97 54.7-64.6 58.82 ± .20 1.02 61.3-66.4 64.70 ± .54 1.64 57.5-62.1 59.86 ± .55 1.56 22.0-24.6 23.15 ± .57 1.81 18.5-23.1 20.80 ± .09 1.29 21.6-25.2 22.80 ± .32 1.74 19.5-22.0 20.85 ± .48 2.05 16.9-19.3 18.15 ± .27 .83 14.2-17.6 15.87 ± .15 .97 16.2-19.0 17.93 ± .28 .80 15.6-17.1 16.43 ± .17 .49 7.0-8.1 7.62 ± .13 .41 5.8-8.4 6.83 ± .29 .55 7.1-7.9 7.40 ± .09 .27 6.0-7.3 6.70 ± .18 .52 14 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 1 Figure 4. Gulo gulo (F:AM 30795) A. lateral and B. ventral views of skull; C. {F:AM 30797) lateral view of mandible. Scale 1/1. part of P4 is expanded. Mi is a massive tooth watli a powerful trigonid and reduced talonid; there is no trace of a metaconid. F:AM 30797 was also found at Coldstream, but it did not belong to the same individual as F:AM 30795. Except for larger size, the mandibles from the Pleistocene of Alaska do not differ from the extant Gulo living in the area today. Kurten and Rausch (1959) in their study of Alaskan and Fennoscandian wolverines noted that a significant difference was foimd between the two populations in the length of NP measiu-ed at the constriction. They found that the Recent specimens from Alaska had a more strongly constricted M^ than those from Scandinavia. This is not the case with the late Pleistocene Alaskan specimens — the NP shows less constriction than those from Scandinavia. One of their fossil specimens from Europe also showed this reduced constriction of M^ On a scat- tergram the specimens from Moonshiner Cave show nearly the same proportions as Pleistocene Mustelidae • Anderson 15 the sample from Fennoscandia. Compari- sons with other late Pleistocene samples of Gulo are now being made. Circumboreal in distribution, wolverines inhabit tundra and taiga regions, and today in America are found primarily in Alaska and northern Canada. Wolverines are rare in Pleistocene deposits. The earliest Amer- ican records are late Irvingtonian from Port Kennedy Cave, Pennsylvania and Cumber- land Cave, Maryland. Wisconsinan deposits containing Gulo include Old Crow River, Yukon Territorv; Little Box Elder Cave, Wyoming; Chimney Rock Animal Trap, Colorado; Jaguar Cave, Idaho; and Fair- banks. Wolverines show a gradual increase in size during Rancholabrean times; post- glacial and extant animals are smaller. Gulo is descended from Plesiogulo, a large Pliocene form with a less specialized dentition that inhabited Eurasia and North America. Gulo makes its first appearance in early middle Pleistocene deposits in Europe as a slightly smaller form called Gulo schlos- seri Kormos. It gave rise to Gtilo gulo which appears during the Mindel glaciation in Europe and China. Gulo probably reached America in the Kansan. American wolverines were formerly considered to be a distinct species, Gulo luscus (Linnaeus); Kurten and Rausch ( 1959) showed that the American population is only subspecifically distinct from the Eurasian. Taxidea taxus (Schreber) Badger Figure 5 Material: Late Pleistocene, Fairbanks area, Alaska. F:AM 30786 skull and associated mandible \v/R r -, C-NP, L complete upper dentition, R Ii 3, C, Pa-M,, L Ii-3, 1/2 P2, P3-M2, Gold- stream. F:AM 30787 skull w, L C, P-M\ Gold- stream. F:x\M 30788 R ramus \v,C, P4-M1, head of Goldstream. F:AM 30789 L ramus w/Mi bro- ken, Cleary. F:AM 30790 frag. L jaw, tooth- less, Goldstream. F:AM 30826 L ramus w/Mi-2, Cripple Creek. F:AM 30827 R ramus w/Pa-Mi, Ester Creek. F:AM 30828 R ramus vv/P^, hU, frag. Ml, Cripple Creek. F:AM 30829 L ramus, toothless. Ester Creek. F:AM 30830 frag. R ramus w/Po 4, Mi broken. Cripple Creek. F:AM 30831 L ramus w/C, Cripple Creek. F:AM 30832 L ramus w/C, P^Mi, all broken, Cripple Creek. F:AM 30833 L max. w/F-M\ Cripple Creek. F:AM 30834 L max. w/P'^, Cripple Creek. F:AM 30835 anterior half skull w/R C, P", L yoP^ Lower Goldstream. F:AM 30836 anterior half skull w/R C, F-M\ L VsF, Cripple Creek. F:AM 30837 skull w/R P^ C-M\ L I-" -^ C, 1/2 F, F, Ester Creek. F:AM 30837 A frag. R ramus W/P2-M0, Ester Creek. F:AM 30838 partial skull w/R and L F-M\ Ester Creek. F:AM 30839 L ramus w/C, P3-M1, Fair- banks Creek. F:AM 30840 frag. R ramus w/Mi, Cripple Creek. Field numbers: F:AM 4493 L max. w/F-M\ Gold Hill. F:AM 4717 R max. w/C, F broken, F^*, Gold Hill. F:AM 4737 L ramus W/P2-3, P4-M1 broken. Gold Hill. F:AM 6135 L ramus w/Mi 2, C-P4 broken off at roots. Engineer Creek. F:AM 6411 jaw symphysis w/ R C-M2, L P3-4, all broken. Cripple Creek. F: AM 68004 frag. R ramus w/P4, Gold Hill. U.A. ace. no. 552 (on loan to Frick Laboratoi-v) skull w/R and L F-M\ Cripple Creek. Late Pleistocene, Little Box Elder Cave, Con- verse County, Wyoming, UCM 21928. Postgla- cial, Moonshiner Cave, Bingham Count\', Idaho, ISUM 19650, 19671-79, 19682-85,' 19687, 19701-04, 19705, (36 specimens), 19706 (31 specimens), 19731-32, 19735-49, 19752, 19761- 64, 19766, 19769, 19771, 19773-75, 19777, 19780-81, 19795, 19799-19806, 19814-834. Recent. Taxidea taxus ieffersonii MCZ 8517, 9223, 12402, 41389-90. UCM 5150, 5237, 5284, 5882, 6678, 10682-84, 10687. E.R. Warren col- lection, not cataloged 2635, 9135. Taxidea taxus herlandieii UCM 11548-550. UCM 3698, no data. Badgers are not found in Alaska today. Their closest occurrence is along the Peace River, lat. 58 °N, in northern Alberta (Preble, 1908), about 1800 km southeast of the Fairbanks area. During the late Pleisto- cene, badgers inhabited the unglaciated, grassy steppes of central Alaska and north- ern Yukon (Gold Run Creek, Harington, 1970, and Dominion Creek, Harington, per- sonal communication ) . Remains of Taxidea outnumber the other Alaskan mustelids in the Frick collection. The Alaskan badgers are characterized by large size. The condylobasal length of U.A. ace. no. 552 is 144.6 mm, a measurement that exceeds all other Pleistocene, postgla- cial, and Recent records. The condylobasal length of die large skull from Little Box Elder Cave, UCM 21928, (see Anderson, 16 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 1 Table 6. MEAstTREMENTS, in mm, of Taxidea taxus N O.R. M S.D. Condylobasal length F:AM Collection 3 137.7-144.6 140.60 — Moonshiner Cave, Id. 11 118.0-129.2 124.55 ± .61 2.04 Taxidea taxus. Recent 16 114.0-132.0 122.47 ± 1.22 4.89 Zygomatic breadth F:AM Collection 2 90.6-100.1 95.35 — Moonshiner Cave, Id. 9 72.4-80.1 76.96 ±1 1.31 3.95 Taxidea taxus. Recent 16 72.4-87.7 77.91 ±1.18 4.74 Breadth across rostrum (C-C) F:AM Collection 6 38.4-46.2 41.96 ± 1.20 2.94 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 18 32.1-37.8 35.00 ± .36 1.53 Taxidea taxus. Recent 20 30.5-37.9 34.15 ± .46 2.06 Breadtli across carnassials (P'-P*) F:AM Collection 3 45.2-49.6 47.40 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 18 38.5-44.6 40.94 ± .41 1.74 Taxidea taxus, Recent 20 37.7-44.4 40.85 ± .38 1.68 Interorbital breadth F:AM Collection 6 32.9-39.7 36.91 ± 1.07 2.61 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 21 25.6-35.0 29.90 ± .53 2.47 Taxidea taxus. Recent 19 24.6-31.4 27.50 ± .37 1.64 Breadth across postorbital processes F:AM Collection 6 39.9-44.6 42.28 ± .65 1.60 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 22 31.8-37.0 35.03 ± .28 1.32 Taxidea taxus. Recent 20 30.8-40.3 35.25 ± .53 2.40 Mastoid breadth F:AM Collection 3 90.0-91.4 90.80 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 12 66.0-83.3 73.89 ± .64 2.22 Taxidea taxus. Recent 19 70.2-86.8 76.39 ± 1.09 4.64 Length C-M^ F:AM Collection 9 40.7-47.3 44.74 ± .68 2.04 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 34 36.1-44.3 40.32 ± .33 1.93 Taxidea taxus. Recent 20 35.3-43.0 39.87 ± .38 1.73 Length P^ F:AM Collecti(m 9 7.3-8.6 7.87 ± .13 .39 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 4 6.5-7.3 6.90 Taxidea taxus, Recent 14 6.2-7.5 6.64 ± .10 .40 Length F F:AM Collection 10 11.5-13.9 12.88 ± .24 .75 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 40 10.8-13.5 11.86 ± .08 .53 Taxidea taxus. Recent 19 10.3-13.5 11.73 ± .18 .80 Widtli P' protocone F:AM Collection 10 10.2-12.1 11.15 ± .20 .63 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 40 9.0-11.9 9.91 ± .09 .57 Taxidea taxus. Recent 19 9.0-11.3 10.05 ± .14 .61 Width M^ F:AM Collection 8 10.1-12.0 10.93 ± .19 .56 Moonshiner Cave, Id. 44 9.1-11.8 10.07 ± .09 .63 Taxidea taxus. Recent 19 9.3-11.6 10.28 ± .15 .67 Table 6. (coNTiNtrEo) Pleistocene Mustelidae • Anderson N O.R. M S.D. Length NP inner F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. Taxidca taxus. Recent Length mandible F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. Taxidca taxus. Recent Depth of jaw below P3-4 F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. Taxidea iaxtis, Recent Depth of jaw below M1-2 F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. Taxidea taxus. Recent Thickness of jaw below Mi F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. Taxidea taxus. Recent Length C-M2 F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. Taxidca taxus. Recent Length P* F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. Taxidea taxus, Recent Length Mi F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. Taxidea taxus. Recent Length Mi trigonid F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. Taxidca taxus, Recent Width Ml talonid F:AM Collection Moonshiner Cave, Id. Taxidea taxus. Recent 8 9.5-12.6 10.95 ± .39 1.09 44 9.7-12.5 10.90 ± .11 .70 19 9.6-12.9 11.16 ± .21 .93 8 95.2-109.0 99.01 ± 1.70 4.81 48 73.7-98..3 85.63 ± .65 4.56 20 78.8-93.5 86.18 ± .99 4.32 18 15.1-21.3 17.85 ± .41 1.73 74 12.0-18.1 14.42 ± .13 1.08 20 12.0-16.3 14.35 ± .27 1.23 17 19.5-26.0 22.58 ± .37 1.56 74 16.2-21.5 18.54 ± .14 1.18 20 15.(^22.0 18.28 ± .35 1.58 17 8.1-12.0 10.23 ± .27 1.14 28 7.0-9.4 8.18 ± .13 .71 20 6.5-8.6 7.65 ± .18 .71 9 51.2-59.3 54.64 ± .71 2.15 48 43.4-53.6 49.14 ± .33 2.33 19 44.6-52.0 48.79 ± .48 2.09 9 8.2-9.8 9.14 ± .19 .57 7 7.2-8.6 7.88 ± .20 .53 15 7.3-8.7 8.15 ± .12 .48 12 13.1-15.2 14.,38 ± .21 .73 20 11.6-14.9 13.20 ± .20 .89 16 12.,3-14.6 13.55 ± .17 .66 / 7.7-10.5 9.48 ± .37 .99 20 7.7-9.9 8.70 ± .15 .66 16 8.3-9.9 8.87 ± .11 .45 11 5.6-7.2 6.34 ± .14 .47 22 4.9-6.5 5.80 ± .09 .43 18 5.3-7.0 6.03 ± .12 .51 196S) measures 142.2 mm. Table 6 shows that the largest specimen from Moonshiner Cave has a condylobasal length of 129.2 mm, and the largest Recent skull in my sample measures 132.0 mm. Long (1972) gives an observed range of 121. .5-139.9 mm for the greatest length of the skull of Tax- idca taxus jeffersonii, the largest extant sub- species. Other big late Pleistocene badgers are known from Dominion Creek, Yukon Territory, Rancho La Brea, McKittrick, and Maricopa, California. Burnet Ca\'e and San- dia Cave, New Mexico (personal observa- tions ) . I am presently reviewing all of the 18 iJLtL ..ill Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 1 B Figure 5. Taxidea taxus (F:AM 30786) A. lateral and B. ventral views of skull; C. occlusal view of upper dentition; D. lateral view of mandible; E. occlusal view of lower dentition. Scale 1/1. iMc'i.stoccne Taxidea material. Preliminary studies indicate that all of the material is referable to Taxidea taxiis, but subspecific designation of the Blancan and late Rancho- labrean material seems warranted. A trend in the evolution of Taxidea during the Pleistocene is a gradual increase in size culminating in the huge Rancholabrean forms; there was a slight decrease in size during postglacial times, and this was fol- lowed by a slight increase in size in Recent times. The largest extant badgers are found in the northern parts of their range. All of the measurements taken on the Alaskan material, except the length of M^ which is quite variable, exceed those in my postglacial and Recent sample. Pronounced size differences are noticed in zygomatic breadth, mastoid breadth, and length of mandible ( see Table 6 ) . The well preserved skull, U.A. ace. no. 552, belonged to an adult animal. The low broad skull is characterized by strong zygo- matic arches, well developed sagittal and lambdoidal crests, a wide occiput with highly inflated tympanic bullae, and sepa- Pleistocene Mustelidae • Anderson 19 rate paraoccipital processes. The incisors, canines, and P^'s are missing; P^^-M^ are moderately worn and close together. Three other complete skulls, three partial skulls, and four maxillary fragments are known from the Fairbanks area. Large size is char- acteristic of all of them. F:AM 30837 and 30787 have condylobasal lengths of 139.5 mm and 137.7 mm respectively; F:AM 30836 has a rostmm breadth of 46.2 mm compared to 43.6 mm for U.A. ace. no. 552. Eighteen badger mandibles were found in the Fairbanks area. Of these, F:AM 30832 is the largest, the total length of this massive jaw measures 109 mm; this com- pares with a measurement of 98.3 mm for the largest specimen from Moonshiner Cave and 93.5 mm in my Recent sample. The teeth of F:AM 30832 are heavily worn, and this plus the great size indicate advanced age. The teeth of several of the specimens are broken. Moi-phologically, the specimens do not differ from the Recent sample. As Hall ( 1944 ) noted, the number of accessory cusps on the talonid of Mi is extremely variable in Recent badgers; this is also true in the Alaskan population. Geographic variability, sexual dimor- phism, and individual variation are pro- nounced in badgers. Most fossorial of the Mustelidae, badgers inhabit plains and open forests where friable soil is available for digging. Their diet consists of insects and small vertebrates, especially rodents. Al- though badgers are inactive during cold spells, they are not true hibernators. The presence of badgers in Alaska during the late Pleistocene indicates a milder climate then, for todav their northern distribution is limited by subarctic conditions. Hall (1944) cites the vicissitudes of the boreal climate as the major factor preventing inter- continental exchange of Old and New World badgers, and he postulated that if this ex- change had occurred, the genus Meles would be found in North America as well as Eurasia, and Taxidea would be restricted to the southern latitudes of the New World. At the time Hall wrote this (1944), the Alaskan badgers were unknown. Why they did not spread farther West across Beringia is unknown. Badgers are common in Pleistocene de- posits in western United States, and a few have been recovered from sites in the East including Cumberland Cave, Maryland; Welsh Cave, Kentucky; Baker Bluff, Ten- nessee; and Peccaiy Cave, Arkansas. The probable ancestor of Taxidea is PUotaxidea nevadensis ( Butterf ield ) known from Hem- pillian faunas in Nevada and Oregon. It was smaller and had larger tympanic bullae than Taxidea. Today Taxidea taxus is found from southern Canada to southern Mexico and from the Pacific Coast east to Michigan and Ohio. CONCLUSIONS During the late Pleistocene at least five species of mustelids inhabited an ice-free refugium in interior Alaska. Although strati- graphic information is lacking, all of the mustelid material is believed to be Wiscon- sinan in age. Pewe and Hopkins (1967) do not list any species of mustelids from pre- Wisconsinan age deposits in the Fairbanks region, and carbon-14 dates obtained on bison, musk ox, and mammoth material from the same area fall between 12,460 and >40,000 years B.P. (B. Taylor, personal communication ) . The mammalian fauna of Alaska and northeastern Siberia was similar during the Wisconsinan, since biogeographically, it was one vast area. At the height of the glaciation, many species of animals ranged across the Beringian refugium unable to move onward because of the ice. Some of them, for example. Saiga, Bos (yak). Tax- idea, and Megalomjx, did not extend their range, but many others, mainly the Eurasian immigrants, moved southward when the ice-free corridors were open. Hopkins (1967) postulated that an ice-free corridor probably existed in the Yukon Territory, northern British Columbia, and northern Alberta during the mid-Wisconsinan, a pe- riod of mild chmatic conditions between 20 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 1 35,000 and 25,000 years ago; the corridor was closed from about 22,000 years to at least 14,000 years ago; and then it reopened again after the Bering land bridge had been drowned by rising sea levels. Thus, move- ments of animals to and from the Beringian refugium took place in mid-Wisconsinan and very late Wisconsinan/postglacial times. As Hopkins (1967) and Guthrie (1968) postulated, grasslands must have been more extensive in the refugium during the late Pleistocene in order to have supported the enormous numbers of herbivores that lived there. The remains of thi'ce obligatory graz- ers. Bison, Eqiius, and Mammiithus, make up more than 85 per cent of the fossils col- lected in the Fairbanks area, and the pres- ence of many plains dwellers including Taxidea taxus and Mtistela eversmanni fur- tlier supports this hypothesis. Large size was characteristic of many species during the Pleistocene, and remains of Gido gido and Toxidea toxus from the Fairbanks deposits are the largest recorded. This may be an example of Bergmann's principle — that the same species of warm- blooded animal tends to be larger in the colder parts of its range — but an abundant food supply and few enemies may also have been factors. The extinction or extirpation of many members of the Beringian fauna about 10,000 years ago was probably due to mul- tiple factors including abrupt changes in the climate which resulted in changes in the vegetation (for example, an increase in the tundra-taiga and bogs at the expense of grasslands). This affected the large mam- mals more than it did the small ones. Of the mustelids, Taxidea taxus and Mtistela evers- manni disappeared from Alaska, but sur- vived in areas much farther south; Gtdo gtdo, Miistela vison and Musteki erminea still inhabit the area today. Man was un- doubtedly a factor in the extinction of some species, but it is doubtful that he had any- thing to do with the disappearance of two of the Alaskan mustelids. REFERENCES Anderson, E. 1968. Fauna of the Little Box Elder Cave, Converse County, Wyoming. The Camivora. Univ. Colorado Stud., Eartli Sci. No. 6: 1-59. . 1973. Ferret from the Pleistocene of central Alaska. Jour. Mammal. 54(3): 778- 779. Ellerman, J. R. AND T. S. C. Morrison-Scott, 1966. Checklist of Palearctic and Indian mammals 1758-1942. 2nd ed. London, Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.). Getz, L. 1960. Middle Pleistocene carnivores from southwestern Kansas. Jour. Mammal. 41: 361-365. Guthrie, R. D. 1968. Paleoecology of the large mammal community in interior Alaska during the late Pleistocene. Amer. Midi. Nat. 79(2): 346-363. Hall, E. R. 1944. A new genus of American Pliocene badger with remarks on the relation- ships of badgers of the Northern Hemisphere. Carnegie Inst. Washington, Publ. 551: 9-23. . 1951. American weasels. Univ. Kansas Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist. 4: 1-466. and K. Kelson. 1959. Mammals of North America. Vol. II. New York, Ronald Press, pp. 547-1083. Harington, C. R. 1970. Ice Age mammal re- search in the Yukon Territory and Alaska. In Early Man and environments in northwest North America. Student Press, Univ. Calgary. pp. 35-51. Hopkins, D. M. 1967. The Cenozoic history of Beringia — a syntliesis. In Hopkins, D. M. (Ed.), The Bering Land Bridge, Palo Alto, Stanford Univ. Press: pp. 451-484. Jones, J. K. 1964. Distribution and taxonomy of mammals in Nebraska. Uni\ . Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist. 16: 1-356. KuRTEN, B. 1957. Mammal migrations, Ceno- zoic stratigraphy, and the age of Peking Man and the australopitliecines. Jour. Paleontol. 31(1): 215-227. . 1968. Pleistocene mammals of Europe. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 317 pp. -, and R. Rausch. 1959. Biometric com- parisons between North American and Euro- pean mauunals. Acta Arctica. 11: 1-44. Long, C. A. 1972. Taxonomic revision of the North American badger, Taxidea faxiis. Jour. Mammal. 53(4): 725-759. Ognev, S. I. 1931. Mammals of easteiTi Europe and northern Asia. (Israeli Program Scientific Translation, 2: 514-528. 1962). . 1935. Mammals of U.S.S.R. and adja- cent countries. (Israeli Program Scientific Translation, 3: 72-90-1- Table 24. 1962). Pewe, T. L. 1957. Permafrost and its effect on Pleistocene Mustelidae « Anderson 2i life in the North. 18th Biology Colloquium, Corvallis, Oregon, pp. 12-25. -, AND D. M. Hopkins. 1967. Mammal re- mains of Pre-Wisconsin age in Alaska. In Hopkins, D. M. (Ed.), The Bering Land Bridge, Palo Alto, Stanford Univ. Press: pp. 26&-270. PococK, R. I. 1936. The polecats of the genera Piitorius and VormcJa in the British Museum. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. Part II. pp. 691-723. Preble, E. A. 1908. A biological investigation of the Athabaska-Mackenzie region. N. Amer. Fauna. 27: 1-574. ScHULTZ, C. B. AND E. B. HowARD. 1935. The fauna of Buniet Cave, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila- delphia 87: 273-298. Strogaxov, S. U. 1962. Carni\'orous mammals of Siberia. ( Israeli Program Scientific Trans- lation, pp. 359-394. 1969). I us ISSN 0027-4100 BuiLetln OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology Studies on the Deep Sea Protobranchia (Bivalvia); The Family Tindariidae and the Genus Pseudotindaria H. L. SANDERS AND J. A. ALLEN HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A. VOLUME 148, NUMBER 2 14 APRIL 1977 PUBLICATIONS ISSUED OR DISTRIBUTED BY THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY HARVARD UNIVERSITY Breviora 1952- bulletin 1863- Memoirs 1864-1938 JoHNSONiA, Department of Mollusks, 1941- OccASioNAL Papers on Mollusks, 1945- SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS. 1. Whittington, H. B., and E. D. I. Rolfe (eds.), 1963. Phylogeny and Evolution of Crustacea. 192 pp. 2. Turner, R. D., 1966. A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of the Teredini- dae ( Mollusca: Bivalvia). 265 pp. 3. Sprinkle, J., 1973. Morphology and Evolution of Blastozoan Echinoderms. 284 pp. 4. Eaton, R. J. E., 1974. A Flora of Concord. 236 pp. Other Publications. Bigelow, H. B., and W. C. Schroeder, 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. Reprint. Brues, C. T., A. L. Melander, and F. M. Carpenter, 1954. Classification of Insects. Creighton, W. S., 1950. The Ants of North America. Reprint. Lyman, C. P., and A. R. Dawe (eds.), 1960. Symposium on Natural Mammalian Hibernation. Peters' Check-list of Birds of the World, vols. 2-7, 9, 10, 12-15. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 1899-1948. (Complete sets only.) Publications of the Boston Society of Natural History. Price list and catalog of MCZ publications may be obtained from Publications Office, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts, 02138, U.S.A. © The President and Fellows of Harvard College 1977. I STUDIES ON THE DEEP SEA PROTOBRANCHIA (BIVALVIA);' THE FAMILY TINDARIIDAE AND THE GENUS PSEUDOTINDARIA H. L. SANDERS- AND J. A. ALLEN^ Abstract. In the present paper we have erected a new family of Protobranchia, the Tindariidae, to inckide those nuculanoid bivalves that lack a si- phon but bear papillae on their posterior margin edge, ha\'e a single loop of tlie hind gut that pene- trates the right side of the mantle, and possess a palp with few ridges. A new genus, Pseiidoiindaria, is created for those nuculanoid protobranch bi- valves that have shell morphologies essentially similar to the Tindariidae but with soft parts that are markedly different. Siphons are present, the hind gut is a complex configuration of loops and coils on either side of the body and it does not penetrate the mantle, and palp ridges are numer- ous. The morphologies of the hard and soft part anatomies, the horizontal and vertical distributions, size-frequency histograms, and reproductive pat- terns of the tindariid and pseudotindariid species in our Atlantic samples are discussed. Two new species are described. On tlie basis of shell mor- phology, Tindaria and Pseudotindaria can be interpreted as recent descendants of the Paleozoic ctenodont Protobranchia. INTRODUCTION Tlie objects and aims of our researches on the fauna of the deep sea, and on the Proto- ^ This research was supported by grants GB 563, GA 31105 and GB 36554 from the National Science Foundation, GR 3, 812 from the Natural En\iron- ment Research Council, and from the Royal Society of London. Contribution no. 2983 from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, U.S.A. ^ Dove Marine Laboratory, University of New- castle upon Tyne, Cullercoats, England. branchia in particular, have been given in the prologue to these studies, (Sanders & Allen, 1973). This is the third paper in a series, all of which illustrate the initial problems that had to be resolved in our analysis and reappraisal of the deep-sea protobranch bivalves of the Atlantic. x\s noted in the first paper (Sanders & Allen, 1973), tlie tindariid protobranchs represent an anomalous group within the Order Nuculanoidea, having features that divide them sharply from the remainder of the order. Verrill & Bush (1897), Theile (1935), Voices (1967) and Knudsen (1970) all place the genus Tindaria {= Tyndaria) in the family Malletiidae, even though Ver- rill & Bush' (1898) stated that "the genus Tindaria differs so widely from MoUetia and other genera that it seemed necessary to establish a new subfamily (Tindarinae) for it." Dall (1895) included the following sub- genera: Tindaria, Tindariopsis, Neilonella and Vseudoglomus in the Malletiidae and Knudsen (1970) retained the genus Neilon- ella there as well. Theile (1935) divided the genus Tindaria into t\vo sections each with a single subgenus, Tindaria and Pseudoglomus. Because Tindaria differs so markedly in its morphology from both Pseudoglomus and Neilonella as well as other members of the family Malletiidae, we propose that a new family be erected, the Tindariidae. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 148(2): 23-59, April, 1977 23 24 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 The genera Fseudo glomus, Neilonella and Malletia will be the subjects of future papers. The present study shows that some spe- cies, although having typical tindariid shells, have greatly different anatomies from the true tindariids. On the basis of these pro- found anatomical differences we find it impossible to include these species within the same family. We propose that those forms having papillae around the incurrent aperture, lacking well defined siphons, and having a hind gut configuration consisting of a single deep loop on the right side of the body, be included in the family Tindariidae. Excluded from the family are tliose forms with a well-developed siphon and complex hind gut configuration that extends on both sides of the body. These we include within a new genus P sen dotind aria, described here. The precise affinities of this genus will be deferred to a futvue paper. This interpreta- tion in no way conflicts with earlier defini- tions of the genus Tindaria, all of which mention posterior papillae (e.g. Theile, 1935). TINDARIIDAE New Family The family is characterized as follows: valves rounded, ovate, robust, swollen, somewhat unequilateral, concentrically lined; umbo medially and somewhat ante- riorly directed; hinge line strong, supporting a series of well-developed teeth that are continuous beneath the umbo; ligament external and opisthodetic; posterior sensory tentacle present or absent; true siphons lacking; incurrent region of mantle edge fringed with elongate papillae; palps small; sorting ridges of the palp broad, few in number; palp proboscides large, elongate; gill axis somewhat oblique to the antero- posterior axis of the body; gill filaments few; hind gut, with lumen of large diameter and a single typhlosole, making a single loop to the right side of the body and pene- trating into the mantle to a greater or lesser extent; 'byssal' gland small. Although they show several features that sharply differentiate them from other proto- branchs, the tindariids clearly fall within i our definition of the Order Nuculanoidea (Sanders & Allen, 1973). For example, all \ species of the family have a posterior in- current current and an anterior mantle sense organ. Tindaria Bellardi 1875 Type species T. arata Bellardi, by monotypy Tindaria is the sole genus of the family, the generic characters of the genus are those that define the family. Many species are listed in the literature ( see Smith, 1885; Clarke, 1962; Knudsen, 1970) but, for rea- sons that will become obvious, unless the soft parts have been described many of these species cannot be placed in the genus with confidence. Of the features that dis- tinguish both the genus and family, the most distinctive are 1) the lack of siphons and the long fringing papillae of the in- current region, 2) the small size of the palps relative to the size of the animal, 3) the very few ridges on the inner surface of the palps, 4) the oblique placement of the gill in relation to the anterior-posterior axis, 5) the relatively small number of gill filaments, 6) the small size of the 'byssal' gland, 7) the single loop of the hind gut on the right side of the body. Tindaria callistiformis Verriil & Bush, 1897 Figures 1-11 & 27 Tindaria callistifoiDiis, Verriil & Bush, 1897. Anier. I. Sci., p. 59, figs. 10, 20, 21 (Type locality: U.S. Fish Conim. Sta. 2566; Lat. 37°23'N, Long. 63° 8'W, type specimen: U.S. Nat. Mus.); Verriil & Bush, 1898. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 1139, p. 881, pi. 78, fig. 1; 80, figs. 6, 7. Previous records. Depth range = 3342 to 4795 ni. North America Basin — 2 stations. Refs. Verriil & Bush, 1897, 1898. Present records. Depth range = 3305 to 5042 m. Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders 6- Alien 25 Cruise Station No. Depth (m) No. of specimens Latitude Longitude Gear Date Vorth America Basin Chain 50 77 3806 622 38°0.7'N 69°16.0'W ES 30.6.65 Chain 50 78 3828 181 38°0.8'N 69°18.7'W ES 30.6.65 Chain 50 85 3832 882 37°59.2'N 69°26.2'W ES 5.7.65 Atlantis II 40 175 4667 1 36°36.0'N- 36°36.0'N 68 ° 29.0' W- 68°31.0'W ES 29.11.67 Chain 50 84 4749 1 36°24.4'N 67°56.0'W ES 4.7.65 Atlantis II 24 121 4800 2 35°50.0'N 65°11.0'W ES 21.8.65 Atlantis II 24 122 4833 3 35°50.0'N- 35°52.0'N 64°57.5'W- 64°58.0'W ES 21.8.65 Atlantis II 24 123 4853 1 37°29.0'N 64°14.0'W ES 22.8.65 Atlantis II 24 124 4862 2 37°26.0'N- 37°25.0'N 63°59.5'W- 63°58.0'W ES 22.8.65 Chain 50 81 5042 1 Angola 34°41.0'N Basin 66°28.0'W ES 2.7.65 Atlantis II 42 197 4592-4597 2 10°29.0'S 9=04.0'E ES 21.5.68 Atlantis II 42 196 4612 4630 1 Argentine 10°29.0'S Basin 9°04.0'E ES 21.5.68 Atlantis II 60 259A 3305-3317 5 37°13.3'S 54M5.0'W ES 26.3.71 Atlantis II 60 256 3906-3917 37 Guiana 37M0.9'S Basin 52°19.5'W ES 24.3.71 Knorr 25 307 3835-3862 1 12°35.4'N 12°40.8'N 58°59.3'W 59°09.2'W ES 3.3.72 Knorr 25 288 4417-4429 13 11°02.2'N 11°03.8'N 55°05.5'W 55°04.8'W ES 25.2.72 Knorr 25 287 4934-4980 10 13°16.0'N 13°15.8'N 54°52.2'W 54°53.1'W ES 24.2.72 Specific description. We can make but few additions to the excellent description of shell morphology given by Verrill & Bush (1898). The small medial teeth immedi- ately below the umbo insert in a dorsal arc, away from the ventral edge of tlie hinge plate (Figs. 1 & 27a). The external liga- Iment extends posteriorly in the mid-line of . the escutcheon to about the posterior limit of the umbo at the insertion of the ninth tooth of the posterior plate series. The an- terior ligament is short, not extending be- )ond the beak of the umbo. I The incurrent region has four or five ' papillae on each side and lacks mantle fusion between the posterior apertures. The gills are small, with 10 to 14 gill plates on each demibranch, and 7 to 10 palp ridges. The hind gut passes close to the anterior adductor muscle, but is not con- tiguous with it. The anterior adductor mus- cle is slightly larger than the obliquely orientated posterior adductor muscle (Fig. 2). Morphology of the soft ports. No de- tailed account of tlie soft part anatomy has been given hitherto. Lack of mantle fusion and siphons (note, siphons may be formed in the Nuculanoidea without fusion of the mantle tissues, Yonge, 1959) is reminiscent of the condition in tlie Nuculoidea ( Sanders and Allen, 1973). However, unlike tlie members of that order, the posterior mantle edge is highly specialized and divided into excurrent, incurrent and feeding regions in addition to the ventral pedal gape (Fig. 3). 26 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 digestive gland oesophagus Figure 1. Tindaria callistiformis Verrill & Bush. In- ternal views of the left and right valves. The exciirrent region occupies a very small portion of the posterior mantle margin. A narrow channel is defined by the ventral edge of the posterior adductor muscle and by a pair of low ridges, formed by the inner muscular mantle folds, to which the attenu- ate distal end of the gill axes ai-e attached. The anus is positioned opposite this narrow channel. There is no development of the inner muscular fold of the mantle edge to form an incomplete siphon as Knudsen (1970) described for some other parts. The incurrent region is wider than the excurrent and defined by four to six pairs of short conical papillae, the number depending on the size of the specimen. On the right side immediately adjacent to the lower papilla there is a single sensory tentacle. Tlie Figure 2. Tindaria callistiformis Verrill & Bush. Semidiagrammatic drawing of the body and mantle organs as seen from right and left sides. papillae are developed from the middle sen- sory lobe. In cross section, the papillae are radially divided into 12 to 15 haemocoelic cavities running the length of the papillae with longitudinal muscle fibres at the center. Ventral to the incurrent region there is a feeding aperture which is foraied by the extended overlapping and folded portions of the inner and middle mantle folds, and it is through this aperture that the palp ii proboscides are extended (Fig. 3). The inner muscular fold in the region of the \i posterior apertures is much broader than ^ elsewhere. Gland cells are present in the . outer mantle epithelium in the region im- mediately posterior to the feeding aper- ture. These extend anteriorly, although less densely, to the inside of the muscular fold in the region of the pedal aperture ( Fig. 4 ) . ' Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders 6 Allen 27 faecal rod tentacle folded manfle Figure 3. Tindaria callistiformis Verrill & Bush. Detail of the posterior mantle edge spread open and viewed from the ventral side; the limits of the various apertures indicated wWh dashed lines. An anterior sense organ, derived from the middle sensory fold, is well-developed. The left sense organ is somewhat larger than the right, the latter positioned immediately be- low the \entral limit of the hind gut loop. For a comparatively robust shell, the adduc- tor muscles are small and characteristically situated close to the pallial line and very near the shell margin. The 'quick' and 'catch' parts of the adductor muscles are clearly defined. The anterior muscle is circular in outline, while the posterior ad- ductor is oval with the long axis oblique to the antero-posterior shell axis. The gill axis lies parallel to the posterior dorsal margin of the shell and thus some- what obliquely to the anterior-posterior axis of the body and shell. The nrnnber of gill plates is small, varying with the size of the animal. They are widely separate and alter- nate on either side of the axis ( Fig. 2 ) . The gill extends across the posterior third of the body to the ventral side of the excurrent region. Posteriorly, the gill plates do not extend much beyond the posterior limit of the body, thus the gill axes are extended posteriorly. The anterior limit of the gill axis is far removed from the insertion of the palp. The gill axis is highly muscular, with fibres extending its length and also reach- ing \'ertically to each gill plate (Fig. 5). The gill plates are finger-shaped and sub equal. There is no fusion between mantle and gill, and connections between the inner fila- ments of the two gills are apparently lack- ing- The palps are remarkable for their small size and the small number of ridges ( seven to nine ) , the exact number being dependent on the size of the animal ( Fig. 6 ) . The palp ridges are broad, high and deeply grooved on the mid-anterior face. The most poste- rior ridge is well anterior to the posterior thickened edge of the palp. The foot is typically nuculanoid with a well-defined neck at its junction with the body. Within the neck are large pedal gan- glia and associated statocysts. Small papil- lae fringe the entire edge of the divided sole. The heel is small and triangular and internally there is a small 'byssal' gland with paired apertiues opening at the junction be- 28 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 Figure 4. Tindaria callistiformis \/e-ri\\ & Bush. Trans- verse section through the mantle edge. tvveen heel and foot. Numerous subepithe- lial mucous glands open on to the sole of the foot on either side and in the mid line ( Fig. 7). The gut also is basically nuculanoid with a single loop of the hind gut on the right side of the body. The mouth is posterior to and some distance from the anterior adductor muscle. This may be due in part to its displacement by the loop of the hind gut, which passes close to the adductor mus- cle. It may also have functional significance in relation to the posterior ingress of food material into the mantle cavity. The oesophagus is long, first taking an ante- rior course to the posterior dorsal edge of the anterior adductor muscle where it is displaced slightly to the left of the sagittal plane. At this point it turns dorsally and posteriorly to open on the left anterior side of a huge stomach. The oesophagus is in- flated close to its junction with the stomach and the stomach occupies much of the body space (Figs. 2 & 8). Although the stomach is large, there are only six very low crested outer g plate inner gill plate Figure 5. Tindaria callistlformis Verrill & Bush. Trans- verse section through the left gill showing axial mus- cles and outline of gill plates. sorting ridges on its right side. Much of the remainder of the stomach is lined with a gastric shield which has a well-defined tooth on the anterior dorsal side close to the apertures of tlie three ducts of the digestive diverticula. The combined mid gut and style sac penetrate the neck of the foot, pass tf) the posterior and left side of the pedal F gure 6. Tindaria callistiformis Verrill & Bush. Lat- eral view of inner surface of a proximal palp to show detail of ridging. Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders 6- Mlsn £9 muscles Figure 7. Tindaria callistiformis Verrill & Bush. Trans- verse section of the foot to show position of the mus- cles and pedal glands. ganglion and join with the hind gut just ventral to the latter. The liind gut turns and follows a dorsal course parallel with the style sac, with a shallow, ill-defined U- bend posterior to the stomach. The hind gut then forms a single loop to the right I and the loop togetlier with some body tissue i penetrates the right mantle to a position I close to the palHal line. A typhlosole is present throughout the length of the hind gut. The ganglia and their connectives are large, as the visceral and cerebral ganglia are elongated. A pair of statocysts dorsal and postero-lateral to the pedal gangUa are filled with small crystals (which are not calcium carbonate ) lacking ducts to the out- side. Transverse muscle fibres in the foot are found dorsal and ventral to the ganglia and the statocysts. The kidney is small and multilobed. Sexes are separate. Size, Reproduction and Age. All three stations from which large numbers of T. calUstifonnis were collected showed similar population histograms. Each was strongly skewed to the left (Fig. 9). Yet, we might not adequately be sampling the smallest juvenile stages which could pass through the 0.42 mm openings in our screens. The eggs on hatching are at least 0.15 mm long and the size of the metamoi-phosed post- hind gut stomach digestive gland tooth of gastric shield digestive duct hind gut Figure 8. Tindaria callistiformis Verrill & Bush. Trans- verse section through the body to show detail of stomach, hind gut and digestive gland. lar\'ae settling onto the bottom (assuming a lecithotrophic mode of reproduction) must be somewhat larger. We feel our his- tograms do not significantly distort the length-frequency composition of T. coUisti- formis at the sampling sites. Analysis of 60 specimens from Station 77, representative of the size range, indicates that gonadal devel- opment does not occur until this species reaches a size of between 4.0 and 4.5 mm total length. This was confirmed by exam- ination of the specimens from Stas. 78 and 85 which show that all specimens larger than 4.5 mm had some gonadal develop- ment and the larger the specimen the more mature was the gonad. Only in an excep- tionally small percentage (2.6 to 3.0 per cent depending on tlie sample ) of the total population was any sign of gametogenesis evident. Great disparit>' exists in the sex ratio with only one female to eveiy five males. The most mature female (6.5 mm 30 BiiUetin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 total length) was dissected and the eggs counted; these numbered 230 having a max- imum length of 145 /x. From our past obser\'ations on a wide range of abyssal protobranchs, we would estimate this spec- imen to be 3 4 mature. The eggs were maturing simultaneously. There is no evi- dence of brooding. Growth rate measurements using --^Ra chronology (Turekian et al., 1975) show that Tindaria callistiformis having a length of 4 mm are about 50 to 60 years old, while the largest specimen, having a length of 8.4 mm, has an age of 100 years or longer. The moderate degree of variation in shell shape appears to have no intimate relation to the size of the specimen. Thus, the height/total length ratio varies from 0.62 to 0.83 over much of the size range (Figs. 10 and 11). However, if the five largest spec- imens are ignored, there is a tendency for the height total length ratio to decrease with increasing size. Similarly, there ap- pears to be no increase in length posterior to the umbo with increasing length. Al- though anterior in position, there is consid- erable variation in the position of the umbo, the extreme limits being between 55 per cent and 76 per cent of the total length. The maximum total length recorded is 8.4 mm. Tindaria liessieri, new species Figures 12-16 & 27 Holotype: MCZ 279902, from Atlantis 11, Cruise 31, Station 141, in 2031 m. 13t'pth range = 1739 to between 2051 and 2357 ni. Station Depth No. of C raise No No. (m) Specimens Latitude Longitude Gear Date W. Europe Basin Sar.sia S-44 1739 19 Cape Verde 43°40.8'N Basin 3°35.2'W ES 16.7.67 Atlantis II 31 138 1944-1976 2 10°36.0'N 17°52.0'W ES 4.2.67 Atlantis II 31 141 2131 3 10°30.0'N 17°51.5'W ES 5.2.67 Atlantis II 31 139 2099-2187 1 10°33.0'X 17° 53.0' W ES 4.2.67 Atlantis II 31 145 2105-2192 1 10°36.0'N 17°49.0'W ES 6.2.67 Atlantis II 31 144 2051-2357 7 10°36.0'N 17°49.0'W ES 5.2.67 Specific description. Shell stout, robust, with strong, uniform, concentric ridges, somewhat oval in outline and extended posteriorly; uml^os anterior in position, moderately swollen l)caks prominent and strongly curved medio-anteriorly; escutch- eon present and forms moderate concavity ( Fig. 27B ) ; elongate, narrow, external liga- ment extends posteriorly along the escutch- eon to about the insertion of the eleventh tooth on the posterior hinge plate and anteriorly to about the insertion of the sixth or seventh tooth of the anterior hinge plate; dorsal shell margin strongly convex; antero-dorsal margin short, sloping rapidly to form a continuous curve with the ante- rior margin; postero-dorsal margin long, sloping more gradually to form a smooth curve with posterior margin; posterior end narrow, e\'enly rounded; anterior end broad, roimded, but with dorso-anterior shorter than ventro-anterior margin; ventral margin long and only slightly convex. Hinge plate broad and strong with a continuous row of teeth; posterior hinge plate long with about 21 to 22 teeth, 14 through 21 or 22 large and robust, more medial teeth progressively smaller and very reduced in size at conflu- ence of the anterior and posterior hinge plates; anterior hinge plate short and thick l:)earing about 10 teeth, distal five large and strong, more proximal teeth as on posterior hinge plate become gradually smaller with minute proximal teeth inserting dorsally (Fig. 12). Tindaria hessleri differs from T. callisti- Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders 6- Allen 31 STA 78 175 SPECIMENS i ^ 5 6 STA 77 600 SPECIMENS -r- SHELL LENGTH (mm) Figure 9. Tindaria callistiformis Verrill & Bush. Size frequency histograms of samples from two stations. The dashed lines indicate the sizes at which gametogenesis is evident. > R 85- ^ ■ ■ ^ ■ ki ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ m m S 65- ■ . * ■ ■ ^ ■ ■ 55- ^ ^ ^ i^i ^ 80- ^ o |70- o o 8 0 oo° o o ° o o o 0 o |60- o 8 o °8 0 o o o o o o o ^ § 50- § 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^ /■ 1 SHELL LENGTH (mm) Figure 10. Tindaria callistiformis Verrill & Bush. Graph showing height/total length (■) and umbo to poste- rior margin/total length (O) plotted against total length. 32 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 Figure 11. Tindaria callistiformis Verrill & Bush. Growth series in lateral view. formis in the following ways: T. hessleri is less smoothly convex and more triangular in outline; the ventral margin of the valve is deepest directly beneath the umbo rather than more posteriorly; the dorsal margin is more strongly convex; the anterior margin is not as broadly rounded; and the hinge plates are less massive. Incurrent region, three papillae on each side; adductor muscles oval and equal in size; gill small with 7 to 14 plates on each side of the axis; palp with 8 to 10 ridges; hind cfut extends into the mantle of the right side to a position short of the pallial line, part of hind gut lies adjacent to the posterior face of the anterior adductor muscle; visceral ganglion placed anterior to the posterior adductor muscle. Morphology of the soft parts. The moiphology of T. hessleri is very similar to that of T. callistiformis (Fig. 13). How- ever, unlike the latter species, there is a Figure 12. Tindaria hessleri Sanders & Allen, nal views of the left and right valves. Inter- permanent excurrent aperture formed by the fusion of the muscular lobe and the inner part of the sensory fold of the mantle, between the incurrent and excurrent regions (Fig. 13). There are only three pairs of papillae on each side of the incurrent region and sectioned material suggests that mantle fusion dorsal to this region involves the homologue of a pair of papillae that have fused together. There is no single sensory tentacle but mantle extensions at the dorsal side of the feeding aperture may possibly serve the same function. The latter aper- ture is well-developed with the muscular and sensory folds of the mantle showing considerable hypertrophy. These are folded in preserved specimens but in life they must be capable of considerable extension. anterior adductor muscle Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders 6- Alhr. digestive gland stomach oesophagus visceral ganglion posterior adductor muscle papillae anterior mantle sense organ foot ^Ccc:., Figure 13. Tindaria hessleri Sanders & Allen. Semidiagrammatic drawings of the body and mantle organs as seen from the left and right sides. 34 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 hindgut axial muscle posterior adductor muscle Figure 14. Tindaria tiessleri Sanders & Allen. Trans- verse section through the posterior part of the body and gills to show axial and pedal retractor muscles. There is no mantle fusion either dorsal or ventral to the feeding aperture, but aposi- tion or overlapping of the mantle edges at these points makes an efficient functional separation. Adjacent to this region is a well- defined area of acidophilic mucus secreting cells at the surface of the inner mantle epithelium. The adductor muscles are oval in cross section with the longitudinal axis vertical in the anterior muscle and oblique in the posterior muscle. To the inside of the inner muscular lobe and at 90 degrees to it are a series of fine pallial retractor muscles extending inwards for a short distance; these are present along the entire perimeter of the mantle (Fig. 13). In specimens of a similar size there are more gill filaments than in T. callisfiformis and, as in the latter species, they are ar- ranged alternately along the axis. Behind the body, the tips of the filaments of the inner demibranch are extended and fuse with the filaments of the inner demibranch of the opposite gill and with adjacent fila- ments of the same demibranch, thus form- ing a membranous junction. The filaments Figure 15. Tindaria hessleri Sanders & Allen. Trans- verse section through the right margin of the hypo- branchial cavity showing the distribution of basiphilic gland cells. of the outer demibranches are also extended and make a strong ciliary junction with the mantle (Fig. 14). The gill axis is very mus- cular and it must be concluded that in life the gills form a pumping system in many ways analogous to that of the Septibranchia. The hypobranchial cavity is thus entirely separate from the rest of the mantle, the lateral mantle walls of the cavity being lined with basiphilic gland cells (Fig. 15). No fecal material passes into the mantle cavity. When the gill is contracted the vol- ume of the hypobranchial cavity is very small. The palps are very similar to those of T. calUstiformis except that, depending on the size of the animal, the number of ridges is somewhat greater, and these lie relatively closer together than in the latter species. The palps ( and mouth ) lie far posterior to the anterior adductor muscle. The course of the gut is essentially the same as in the pre- vious species but the lumen is relatively smaller and does not extend as far into the mantle, never reaching the inner mus- cular lobe of the mantle — even in the smallest specimens. The foot is similar to that of T. calUstiformis, however, the 'bys- sal' gland is somewhat larger. Nervous Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders h- Mler. 3 o system and kidney are as in the previous species; sexes are separate. Size and Reproduction. The small num- ber of specimens and the opaqueness of the shell makes an analysis of reproducti\e potential similar to that given for T. callisti- f or mis impossible. However, sections show that a specimen of 2.5 mm total length contains approximately 350 ova with a max- imum length of 110 /jl. The ova are matiu- ing simultaneously. Relatively few shells (eight) were avail- able for studies on dimensional variation (Fig. 16). It appears to be of the same order as Tindaria callistiformis and Pseiido- tindaria galatheae with the height length ratio varying from 0.69-0.81 and with the total length/umbo to posterior margin length varying from 58 per cent to 67 per cent, the umbo being anterior in position. It gi\'es us great pleasure to name this species after Dr. R. R. Hessler, of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography — col- league, collaborator and friend — ^who has contributed so significantly to our knowl- edge of the abyssal fauna. Tindaria cytherea (Dal I, 1881) Figures 17-22 Nucida cytherea Dall, 1881, Bull. M.C.Z., 9, No. 2: 123 {Blake Station witliout number Yucatan Strait, 640 fms. (=1171 m)). Holotype. U. S. Nat. Mus. 63137. Mallctia veneriformis Smith, 1885, Chall. Rep. 13: 246, pi. 20, figs. 9, 9a. ( Challenger Station 33, off Bennuda, 435 fms ( = 796 m).) Malletia cytherea (Dall), 1886, Bull. M.C.Z, 12, No. 6: 254, pi. 8, figs. 1, la. [in part, figure only.] Mallctia amabilis Dall, 1889, Bull. M.C.Z., 18: 438, pi. 40, fig. 8. [New name for Malletia cytherea Dall 1886 in part, description only, not figure.] Tindaria cytherea (Dall) Verrill & Bush, 1898, Proc. U.S.N.M. No. 1139. Previous records. Depth range = 714 to 1325 m. North America Basin — 1 station. Ref. Smith, 1885. Gulf of Mexico Basin— 1 station. Ref. Dall, 1886. Caribbean Basin — 1 stations. Refs. Dall, 1881, 1886; SmiUi, 1885. Present record. Depth 1000 m. Cruise Station No. Depth (m) No. of Specimens Latitude Longitude Gear Date Panulirus Bermuda #1 1000 North America Basin 1 32°16.5'N 66°42.5'VV AD 13.4.60 We have collected a single large speci- men of a tindariid species off Bermuda in 1000 meters that is similar to or identical with a number of forms described from the same general region and depth. These are T. cytherea, (Dall) T. anudnUs (Dall) and T. veneriformis (Smith) (Fig. 17). Dall (1886) synonymized T. cytherea and T. veneriformis and later Verrill and Bush (1898) synonymized T. cytherea and T. amabilis, although Dall (1889) believed that they were separate. Dall ( 1881, 1886, 1889) described two specimens, one in 1881 as Nuciila cytherea, and the second in 1886 as Malletia cytherea. In 1889 he stated that the second specimen described in 1886 was sufficiently different from the specimen described in 1881 to warrant the erection of a second species which he named M. ama- l)His. The position is confused by the fact that the specimen described as N. cytJierea (Dall, 1881) is figured in his second paper (Dall, 1886) while the specimen described in 1886 is figtued in his third paper (Dall, 1889). We agree with Verrill and Bush (1898) that these all refer to the same spe- cies as indicated in the synonymy. We have but a single specimen, measur- ing 9.2 mm total length, height 7.6 mm. Its description is as follows: Description of Shell Shell stout, robust, straw-colored, with strong, uniform, con- centric ridges; oblong oval in outline with anterior end slightly truncate, inequilateral; umbo anterior in position, prominent, with beaks strongly curved antero-medially; es- cutcheon present; external hgament elon- gate, moderately large, extending posteriorly 36 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 Figure 16. Tindaria hesslerl Sanders & Allen. Growth series in lateral view. to about the insertion of the fourteenth tooth of the posterior hinge plate series and anteriorly to about the sixth tooth of the anterior series; inner layer forms a small crescent-shaped section immediately below the beaks; dorsal shell margin strongly con- vex with both antero- and postero-dorsal shell margins steeply sloping away from the umbos; long postero-dorsal margin forms a smooth curve with the rather broadly rounded posterior end; antero-dorsal mar- gin forms a smooth curve with the slightly truncated anterior end; ventral mar- gin smooth, long, and only shallowly con- vex; hinge plate strong, moderately broad with teeth continuous beneath the umbo; long posterior hinge plate bearing about 24 teeth which are directed primarily medi- ally, proximal teeth smallest, distal teeth increasingly larger to tooth 16 to 18, the latter being large, long, and robust, there- after teeth diminish in length but remain robust; anterior hinge plate with about 14 medially directed teeth, teeth 6 to 13 strong and long, more proximal teeth progressively smaller. Figure 17. Tindaria cytherea (Dall). A & B, internal views of the valve (Type specimen USNM No. 63137, Blake Collection, Yucatan Strait 640 fm); C, external lateral view of specimen collected by authors. Remarks. This specimen differs from the descriptions given by Dall (1881, 1886) and Smith (1885) primarily by the somewhat more obvious external ligament and the straight ventro-medial edge of the anterior margin. In this respect it resembles the Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders 6- Allen 37 B C ^^^IIP" Figure 18. Tindaria cytherea (Dall). Detail of the hinge and teeth of the specimen collected by the authors. A, left valve, umbonal region; semidiagram- matic presentation of right valve in dorsal (B) and posterior view/ (C). t\^e specimen of M. amabilis (Dall) rather than the type specimen of M. cytherea (Dall) (Fig. 17) in which the ventro-me- dial edge is curved. Shell proportion, shape and thickness alter with growth in many deep-sea protobranch species. These changes are most evident in the very largest specimens. Our single individual is larger than any of the other specimens that we refer to this species and we attribute the dif- ferences in our specimen to its larger size. Description of the soft parts. Incurrent region with 7 papillae on either side, no single tentacle; adductor muscles very small, oval and dorsal in position, anterior adduc- tor muscle somewhat larger than the poste- rior; gills moderately large, 24 gill plates on each side of tire axis; hind gut penetrates slighth' into the mantle, ventral limit of hind gut loop scarcely ventral to the ventral edge of the anterior adductor muscle; vis- typhlosole posterior adductor muscle digestive gland hind gut incurrent papillae anterior sense organ palp anterior adductor muscle Figure 19. Tindaria cytherea (Dall). Semidiagrannmatic drawing of the body and mantle organs as seen from the right side. 38 BuIJeti7i Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 rectal guides Anterior anus / excurrent aperture \ aperture incurrent aperture Figure 20. Tindaria cytherea (Dall). Detail of the posterior part of the left mantle margin. ceral ganglion close to the posterior adduc- tor muscle. Remarks. Fortuitously, the soft parts of our single specimen had become detached from the shell on preservation. There are no great differences in the morphology of the soft parts from those of other species, many being the consequence of the large size of the specimen ( Fig. 19 ) . Hence, the development and the extension of the inner mantle fold to form a feeding aperture be- low the incurrent region is particularly well marked (Fig. 20). Similarly, the anterior sense organ is well-developed. The gills are large (Fig. 21) but not fused to form an obvious pumping organ, although in life, pallial Figure 21. Tindaria cytherea (Dall). Latero-ventral muscles view of gill. with the aid of peripheral interlocking cilia, they could possibly function as such. The gill axes which connect with the ventral side of the excurrent region probably act as guides during the expulsion of faeces from the anus. The palps, probably because of the large size of this specimen, have a greater number of ridges ( 18) than in other species of Tinclaria, but they are small in comparison with other protobranch genera of the same size. The palp proboscides are extremely large and elongate. The mouth, unlike the other species here described, is close to the anterior adductor muscle. The course of the gut is similar to that of T. caUistiformis and T. hessleri. The stomach is extremely large, with an extensive gastric shield on the left dorsal side, and bears a tooth close to the three apertures of the digestive diverticula. There are 10 sorting ridges on the right side (Fig. 22). The ganglia are extremely large. Tindaria miniscula, new species Figures 23-28 Holotype: M.C.Z. 279901, from Atlantis 11 cruise 42, Station 197, in 4565 to 4595 m. Depth range: 4559-4566 to 4612-4630 m. Cruise Station No. Depth (m) No. of Specimens La titude Longitude Gear Date Atlantis Atlantis Atlantis II II II 198 197 196 4559-4566 4565-4595 4612-4630 Angola B 7 27 2 isin 10 10 10' 10' 10' =24.0'S- =29.0'S =29.0'S '29.0'S- 29.0'S 9'=04.0'E- 9°09.0'E 9°09.0'E 9°03.0'E- 9°04.0'E ES ES ES 21.5.68 21.5.68 21.5.68 Specific Description. Shell minute, swollen; beaks prominent and strongly strong, elongate, oval in outline, with uni- curved medially; escutcheon forms a con- form concentric ridges; umbo large and spicuous concavity in dorsal margin (Fig. Deep Sea Protobranxhs • Sanders b- Allen oesophagus digestive duels sorting area Figure 22. Tindaria cytherea (Dail). Internal detail of the left and right sides of the stomach. 27c); external ligament elongate, narrow, extending posteriorly to near the insertion of the second tooth of posterior hinge plate series and extending anteriorly to tlie inser- tion of the first tooth of anterior series; dorsal shell margin weakly convex; antero- dorsal margin short, rather sti'aight and, distally, sloping ventrally to form a smooth curve with the anterior margin; postero- dorsal margin longer, slightly convex to form continuous curve with the posterior margin; anterior and posterior margins evenly rounded; ventral margin elongate and moderately convex. Hinge plate thin, rather weak with a rela- tively broad edentulous space separating the anterior and posterior rows of teeth; posterior hinge series with six chevron- shaped teeth; anterior hinge series shorter, with three similar teeth ( Fig. 23) . Tindaria miniscula differs from T. callisti- formis, T. hessleri and T. cijtherea in its small size, oval shape, few teeth on thin hinge plate, the extensive endentulous space on hinge plate beneath umbo and the more medial position of the umbo. Morpliology of the soft parts. Incurrent region with three papillae to the left side and two to the right; adductor muscles small, unequal in size; gill very small with six to seven plates to each demibranch; palp with five to six ridges; hind gut penetrates mantle of right side almost to the pallial line; part of hind gut lies adjacent to the posterior face of the anterior adductor 40 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 Figure 23. Tindaria miniscula Sanders and Allen. Ex- ternal view of the left valve and internal view of the left and right valves. muscle; visceral ganglion contiguous with the posterior adductor muscle. The two papillae to the left of the incur- rent region alternate with the three to the right so that the dorsalmost papilla is on the right, i.e., the two most venti'al are on the left. The third left ventral papilla may possibly be homologous to the single nucu- lanid tentacle but in form and histology it cannot be separated from the others. A pair of well marked faecal guides or ridges mark the ventral limit of the excurrent aperture. Below the incurrent region the extended inner mantle folds overlap to form a feeding aperture. Separation of the aperture is not permanent. Inward of the feeding aperture and the incurrent aperture is a band of very large epithelial gland cells. Adductor mus- cles are small and the posterior is larger. The gills are very small, approximately seven pairs of alternating gill plates set tangentally across and behind the posterior part of the body. The gill axes are attached to the mantle edge at the level of the faecal guides. There are a few muscle fibers in the axes and two well-developed muscles in the plate. The palp is relatively large, extending approximately half the total length of the animal; the palp proboscides are stout ( Fig. 24 ) . The mouth is set poste- rior to the anterior adductor muscle, the oesophagus extends forwards, turning short of the anterior adductor muscle, postero- dorsally to the stomach. The lumen of the oesophagus is exceptionally large, as is the stomach. The latter occupies the bulk of the body space. The stomach is almost entirely lined with the gastric shield, and is surrounded by a fine network of muscle fibers. Diatom frustules are the main or- ganic content of the stomach. It is possible that the digestive gland is composed of two regions, the umbo non-pigmented and the remainder a pale brown color, but sections indicate no obvious histological differences. The hind gut forms a single loop to the right-hand side of the body, penetrating the lumen of the mantle and skirting the anterior adductor muscle, but not reaching the inner mantle lobe. At its maximum point of penetration it lies some distance dorsal to the anterior mantle sense organ. The hind gut also extends deep into the foot ventral to the pedal ganglia. A typhlo- sole is present along the entire length of Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders b- Mien 41 nd gut oesophagus anterior sense organ pedal ganglion foot Figure 24. Tindaria miniscula Sanders & Allen. Semidiagrammatic drawing of the body and mantle organs as seen from the right side. the gut. The foot is relatively small, and placed far back on the visceral mass. It bears a relatively large, triangular, poste- riorly directed heel and a small 'byssal' gland. The sole of the foot is small, divided and peripherally papillate with glands to the inside of the papillae. The ganglia are large, particularly the pedal, the visceral and cerebral ganglia are attenuate pear- shape. There is a pair of small but typical protobranch statocysts dorsal to the pedal ganglia. The kidney is veiy small; sexes are separate, whole mounts showing initial stages in ovarian development with approx- imately 12 ova lateral to the stomach. Although the total number of specimens in our samples is small, and the size range is so much smaller than in other species (0.8 to 2.5 mm), the population histogram remains clearly skewed to the left as it is in Tindaria caUisfifonnis (Fig. 25). Similai-ly, the height/length ratio shows a wide range of values varying from 0.66 to 0.78 over the length range (Fig. 26). However, we may not have sampled the smaller juvenile stages which might have passed tluough the 10-1 STA. 197 a 198 LENGTH (mm) Figure 25. Tindaria miniscula Sanders & Allen. Size frequency histogram of specimens collected at Sta- tions 197 and 198. 42 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 9 5 ^1 I 90- 80- D ° □ o D D D Q Q 70- D D dQ on D D D D D D n 60- • 50- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 40- 1 1 1 1.0 1.5 LENGTH (mm) 2.0 Figure 26. Tindaria miniscula Sanders & Allen. Graph showing height/total length (O) and umbo to poste- rior margin total length {•) plotted against total length. 0.42 mm apertures of our screen. The anterior as the size of tlie shell increases innbo, unlike other species of Tindaria, is (52 per cent to 57 per cent), i.e., there is an almost central in position in the smallest increase in length of the posterior part of specimens and becomes progressively more the body with increasing age (Fig. 28). A ^' B ^ C Figure 27. Dorsal views of A, Tindaria callistiformis; B, Tindaria hessleri; C, Tindaria miniscula. Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders h- Allen 43 Family INCERTAE SEDIS^ Pseudotindaria new genus Type species: P. erebus (Clarke, 1959) Shell stout, oval in outline, inequilateral and with strong, uniform, concentric ridges; external Hgament extends anterior and 1 Considering the present systematic state of the protobranchiate bivalves and the need to erect a number of additional families to include the diver- sit>- of morphologies, we feel that it is premature at this time to assign the genus Pseudotindaria to a presently defined family. posterior to the umbo; hinge plate strong and continuous below umbo, with at most a minute endentulous area between the anterior and posterior hinge teeth series; siphons present and fused ventrally; si- phonal embayment shallow; gills horizontal to the anteroposterior axis, or nearly so; palps moderately large with many narrow ridges on the inner faces; mouth opens close to the anterior adductor muscle; hind gut coils on both sides of the body and does not penetrate the mantle. Tindaria Pseudotindaria 1 ) Roimded, robust shell concentrically hned 1 ) 2) Hinge line strong, supporting a series of well- 2) dexeloped teeth, continuous below the umbo 3) Ligament external 3) 4) Tentacle present or absent 4) 5 ) No siphons, fringing papillae around inhalent 5 ) region 6 ) Palp with iew ridges 6 ) 7 ) Relatively few gill plates 7 ) 8) Hind gut with tviihlosole, single loop to the 8) right of body penetrating the mantle 9) 'Byssal' gland small and ovoid 9) 10) Ganglia very large, pedal ganglia in a median 10) position within foot Same Same Same Tentacle present Siphonate, without papillae Palp with many ridges Relati\ely many gill plates Hind gut without typhlosole, loops and/or coils to right and left of body crossing be- fore and behind the stomach, does not penetrate mantle 'Byssal' gland very large and cylindrical Ganglia small, pedal ganglia in upper half of foot Pseudotindaria erebus (Clarke, 1959) Figures 29-40 Tindaria crchus Clarke, 1959. Proc. Malacol. Soc. London, 33: 236. Text. fig. 1(1). (Type locality: m V Thcia, Station 9, Lat. 31°42'N, Long. 68° OS'W; type specimen, Mus. Comp. Zool., No. 218182.) Neilonella galathea Knudsen, 1970. Galathea Rep., XI, p. 58. Text fig. 38, B-D; Plate 5, fig. 2, Plate 6, fig. 6. (Type localit>-: Galathea Station 66, Lat. 4°00'S, Long. 8°25'E; t\pe specimen, Zool. Mus. Univ. Copenliagen. ) Pre\ious records: Single station west of Bennuda at 31°42'N, 68°08'W in 5203 m (Clarke, 1959). Single station off W. Africa 4°00'S, 8°25'E at 4018 m depth (Knudsen, 1970). Present record: Deptli range = 2644-2754 to 5007 m. Cruise No. Station No. Depth (m) No. of Specimens Latitude Longitude Gear Date North America Basin Chain 50 Atlantis II Atlantis II 24 17 85 123 93 3834 4853 5007 1 37°59.2'N 1 37°59.2'N 2 34°39.0'N Canaries Basin 69°26.2'W 64°14.0'W 66°56.0'W ES ES ES 5.7.65 22.8.66 14.12.65 Discovery 6714 3301 1 27°13'N i5°4rw ES 20.3.68 44 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 Cniise No. Station No. Depth (ni) No. of Specimens Latitude Longitude Gear Date Cape Verde Basin Atlantis II Atlantis II 31 31 148 149 3814 3828 3861 2 12 10°37.0'N 10°30.0'N 18n4.0'W 18°18.0'W ES ES 7.2.67 7.2.67 Brazil Basin Atlantis II Atlantis II 31 31 156 155 3459 3730-3783 3 2 Guiana B 00°46.0'S- 00°46.5'S 00°03.0'S isin 29°28.0'W- 29°24.0'W 27°48.0'W ES ES 14.2.67 13.2.67 Knorr 25 Knorr 25 Knorr 25 307 288 287 3835-3862 4417-4429 4934-4980 22 9 87 Angola B 12°35.4'N- 12°40.8'N 1P02.2'N- 11°03.8'N 13°16.0'N- 13°15.8'N isin 58°59.3'W- 59°09.2'W 55°05.5'W- 55°04.8'W 54°52.2'W- 54°53.1'W ES ES ES 3.3.72 25.2.72 24.2.72 Atlantis II Atlantis II 42 42 200 195 2466-2754 3797 36 145 9°41.0'S- 9°43.5'S 14M0.0'S 10°55.0'E- 10°57.0'E 9°54.0'E ES ES 22.5.68 19.5.68 Description of Shell. Tlie specimens in our collection depart from Knudsen's ( 1970) description only by having a very narrow and not a 'rather wide' edentulous space separating the anterior and posterior hinge teeth series. Tliey differ from the specimen described by Clarke ( 1959 ) by having one more tooth in both the anterior and poste- rior hinge series. With the additional material from our collections we can add further obsei-vations to the precise descriptions given by Clarke (1959) and Knudsen (1970) (Figs. 29, 30 & 31). Shell stout, with strong, uni- form concentric ridges, oval in outline and slightly extended posteriorly; umbones low, anterior in position; beaks not prominant, curved medially and slightly anteriorly; es- cutcheon forms a shallow concavity; exter- nal ligament elongate, narrow, extending posteriorly in escutcheon to about insertion of sixth or seventh tooth on the posterior hinge plate and anterior to the third tooth of the anterior hinge plate; hinge plate strong and moderately thick with a minute edentulous gap immediately below the um- bonal beak; posterior hinge plate with about 14 teeth, medial teeth small, and on the dor- sal side of the hinge plate, distally the teeth enlarge the bases nearly spanning the width of the hinge plate; anterior hinge plate with about 11 teeth, medial three or four teeth minute, rod-shaped and restricted to the upper half of the hinge plate; distally the teeth enlarge becoming chevron-shaped and rather stout; postero-dorsal shell margin slightly convex forming a smooth curve with the posterior margin; antero-dorsal margin short but longer than in T. callistiformis or T. hessleri, margin straight medially or even slightly concave, anteriorly convex fomiing a continuous curve with anterior end; ven- tral margin long and relatively convex. Morphology of the soft ports. Siphons are developed posteriorly from the inner muscular fold (Figs 32 & 33). They are fused dorsally but not ventrally so that the lumen of the excurrent siphon is not sepa- rated by tissue from the incurrent, nor is the latter separated by tissue fusion from the mantle gape below. Central and venti^al ridges are present and when these are ap- posed they effectively separate the lumen of the excurrent and incurrent siphons as well as the feeding aperture below. A single tentacle is inserted below the incur- Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders 6- Allen 45 Figure 29. Pseudotindaria erebus (Clarke). Internal view of left valve of type specimen No. 218182 Mu- seum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard. Figure 28. T/ndana m/n/'scu/a Sanders & Allen. Growth series in lateral view. rent aperture on the right side and, histo- logically, it is similar to that of Tindaria. A food aperture is also developed from the hypertrophied inner muscular fold giving rise to a third, but smaller, channel. The anterior sense organ is well-developed. Ad- ductor muscles are oval, although not greatly elongate, and situated at a relatively ' greater distance in from the shell margin than is the case in Tindaria. Although tliere is no marked development of the siphonal , embayment, the siphons can be retracted within the valves; the retractor muscles are Figure 30. Pseudotindaria erebus (Clarke). Internal view of left and right valves of specimen from Station 195. 46 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 Figure 31. Pseudotindaria erebus (Clarke), outline; C, dorsal view of entire shell. A, anterior view of shell in outline; B, dorsal view of valve In not particularly well-developed. There is no great concentration of gland cells inter- nal to the feeding aperture; although there are small mucous cells lining the main man- tle rejectory ti'act leading to this area. The gills are more or less horizontal with 14 to 16 plates on each side of the axis, the plates on either side alternating. The gill plates are approximately equal in size, those of the inner demibranch slightly larger than those of the outer, particularly posterior to the body; each has a fan of three muscles in die transverse plane which pene- trate the axis as a retractor muscle, and on either side of the retractor muscle are longitudinal muscles running the length of the axis (Fig. 34). There is no tissue fusion to the mantle and/or the body opposite to form a diaphragm because the separation of the hypobranchial cavity from the re- mainder of the mantle cavity is accom- plished by ciliary junctions. Note that the cerebro-visceral connectives lie close to the junction of the gill axis with the body. The palps are relatively larger than those of Tindaria with many more ridges (17 to 30 ) . The mouth is close to the anterior ad- ductor muscle and the palps extend more than half way across the body. The palp proboscides are relatively large. The foot is moderately large widi a well-defined neck; the fringing papillae and heel are very small. A large 'byssal' gland is present, the hyaline central portion of which is elongate, cylindrical and different in shape from any of those described to date (Sanders and Allen, 1973; Allen and Sanders, 1973) (Fig. 35). As in other genera, there is a centi'al sagittal strip of tissue dividing tlie gland in half, the gland opening just posterior to the sole of the foot. The oesophagus extends dorsally, and posteriorly, opening into a relatively simple stomach which has a few low-crested sort- Figure 32. Pseudotindaria erebus (Clarke), seen from the right and left sides. Semidiagrammatic drawings of the body and mantle organs as Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders ir Allen 47 posterior adductor muscle kidney — 48 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 hindgut excurrent siphon incurrent siphon tentacle siphona retractor muscles Figure 33. Pseudotindaria erebus (Clarke). Detail ot siphonal region. hind gut hypobranchial gland "~~>*£iiA gill axis muscle mantle Figure 34. Pseudotindaria erebus (Clarke). Trans- verse section through gill and mantle to show mus- culature and glands. Figure 35. Pseudotindaria erebus (Clarke). Trans- verse section through the foot to shovj the position of muscles and gland. ing ridges on tlie right side (Fig. 36). The long axis of the stomach and style sac is oblique to the body axis and directed pos- tero-ventrally. The hind gut does not pene- trate far into the foot before turning dorsally to the left ventral side of the body. Tliere- after it passes to the right side of tlie body in front of the stomach (posterior to the oesophagus) forming a small loop before returning to the left where it outlines the periphery of the stomach and the digestive gland (Fig. 37). After forming this single hrndgul gastric sh.eld aperfufe to digestive duel Figure 36. Pseudotindaria erebus (Clarke). Trans- verse section through body to show stomach and outline of hind gut sections. Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders ir Allen 49 Figure 37. Pseudotindaria erebus (Clarke). Dorsal diagrammatic view of stomach and hind gut. coil it returns to the right side of the body passing dorsal to the style sac and the ante- rior part of the hind gut. Here it forms a second loop to die outside of the first before continuing to the anus via the mid-dorsal line. The second loop on the right side and the single coil on the left are appro.ximately the same diameter and pass close to the Figure 39. Pseudotindaria erebus (Clarke). Growth series in lateral view. posterior face of the anterior adductor mus- cle. No typhlosole is present nor does the hind gut penetrate the mantle. The ganglia are not particularly large, the I 10 2.0 Immature 1 STA. 200 35 Specimens 10- _ ^^ ■ _ __ 1 STA. 195 145 Specimens 10- 1 ^ ■_ _■ ■ , ■ _J ■ ^^^^^^^^^ ^\ 1 3.0 4.0 LENGTH (mm) Figure 38. Pseudotindaria erebus (Clarke). Size frequency histograms of samples from two stations. The dashed lines indicate the size at which gametogenesis is evident. 50 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 I i I I 5 80- 60- n o D .♦ n D D D " n n • • • 1 T 3 LENGTH (mm) 4 Figure 40. Pseudotindaria erebus (Clarke). Graph showing height/total length (□) and umbo to posterior margin total length (•) plotted against total length. visceral and cerebral are elongate, the pedal ganglia are positioned high in the foot, the visceral ganglia abont the posterior adduc- tor muscle ( Fig. 32) . Note that the foot can Figure 41. Pseudotindaria championi (Clarke). Inter- nal views of left valve of type specimen No. 224957 Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard with en- larged detail of the umbonal region. be extended backwards far into the poste- rior part of the mantle cavity and, as in other protobranch species, may well assist ' in pushing rejected faecal material out of ■ j the mantle cavity. Size and Reproduction. The population histograms of stations 195 and 200 ( Fig. 38) show that the skew to the left is not nearly so marked as it is in T. callistiformis. Spec- imens less than 2.5 mm in total length are all immature and those 3 mm or more show signs of gonad development. Sexes are separate, the sex ratio is even. Maturity increases with increasing size. A fully ma- ture female measuring 6.0 mm total length contained approximately 800 ova having a maximum length of 142 ^u,. The gonads initially develop at the ventral perimeter of the body to the inside of the outer hind gut loop. Eggs mature simultaneously. On an average, 42 per cent of a given population is maturing, samples ranging from 33 per cent to 49 per cent. As in T. callistiformis, there is a relatively high degree of variation in shell dimensions, particularly in respect to the height/total length ratio, which varies from 0.71 to 0.87. There is no relation between this variation and the increasing size of the shell. The lat- Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders b- Allen ter also applies to the total length umbo- posterior margin length ratio. The umbo, although anterior, is not so far forward as it is in T. callistiformis (51-63 per cent of the total length). There is a slight trend for the posterior umbonal length to increase with increasing size although the \'ariation remains wide throughout the size range (Figs. 39 and 40). Maximum total lensfth recorded is 6.0 mm. Pseudotindaria championi (Clarke, 1961) Figures 41-43 Timlaria championi, Clarke, 1961. Bull. M.C.Z. 125, 372. Plate 2, figs. 1 and 4. (Type locality: r/v Vema, Biology Station 12, Lat. 38°58.5'S, Long. 41°45'W, type specimen M.C.Z. 224957). Previous records: Depth range = 3116 to 5133 m. Argentine Basin — 1 station. Ref. Clarke, 1961. Cape Basin — 1 station. Ref. Clarke, 1961. Present records: Cruise Station No. Depth No. of ( m ) Specimens Latitude Longitude Gear Date Argentine Basin Atlantis 11 60 269A 3305-3317 5 37°13.3'S 52M5.0'W ES 26.3.71 Atlantis 11 60 242 4382-4405 3 38°16.9'S 51°56.rW ES 13.3.71 Description of SJwU. Since we are able to add a number of further observations to Clarke's ( 1961 ) very adequate description of the hard parts of Pseud of i nil ario cham- pioni, a fairly extensive redescription fol- lows. Shell stout, with strong concentric ridges, subovate in outline, and slightly extended posteriorly; umbos low, anterior in position, beaks moderately prominent and curv^ed medially; escutcheon forms a shallow con- cavity; external ligament elongate, narrow, extends from about the insertion of fourth tooth on the posterior hinge plate to about second tooth of the anterior hinge plate; hinge plate strong and somewhat angular with moderately extensive edentulous gap below umbo; posterior hinge plate with about eight chevron-shaped teeth medial three teeth becoming progressively smaller and restricted to upper margin, distally teeth enlarge in size wnth bases almost spanning the width of the hinge plate, dis- talmost teeth rather massive; anterior hinge plate with about seven teeth, medial tooth small, rvidimentary and confined to middle of hinge plate, more distal teeth chevron- shaped and progressively larger inserted progressively further from the dorsal shell margin; entire shell margin smoothly rounded in outline; postero-dorsal shell margin much more convex than short, al- most straight antero-dorsal margin; poste- rior margin broad; ventral margin long and moderately convex. Total length of 3.56 mm. Pseuclotindaria championi is readily distinguished from P. erehus by its more rounded outline, a more medial positioning of the umbo and its fewer teeth. Morphology of the soft parts. The mor- phology of the animal is very similar to that of P. erehus; combined incurrent and excur- rent siphons are present, the respective channels being separated by approximation of the tissues along the length of the mid- line of the siphon. Similarly the incurrent siphon is separated from the pedal gape by apposition of the right and left ventral edges. There is a shallow embay ment formed by the extension of the mantle edge between the insertion of the pallial mus- cles and the outer part of the sensory lobe. Inserted on the right-hand side at the ven- tral limit of the embayment is a small single sensory tentacle (Figs. 42, 43). The food apertiu-e is not very clearly defined in P. championi, and barely separates from the extensi\'e pedal gape — its ventral limit is marked by the posterior edge of a well- marked ridge of glandular tissue to the in- side of the inner muscular lobe of the mantle edge in the posterior half of the pedal gape (Fig. 42). A pair of well-developed ante- rior mantle sense organs are present below 52 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 digestive diverticula posterior adductor muscle timd gut oesophagus Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders 6- Allen EC Figure 43. Pseudotindaria championi (Clarke). Lat- eral view of the course of the hind gut as seen from the right side. Stippled sections are positioned on the left side of body, blacked sections on the right. f the anterior adductor muscle. The adduc- tor muscles are oval, equal in size, with the 'quick' and 'catch' portions clearly seen. The 2;ills are horizontal, each with 10 or 11 pairs of plates. The gill axis extends be)'ond the posterior plates to fuse with the siphonal tissue at the junction of incurrent and excurrent channels, and as in T. erebus there is no fusion between gill and mantle, body or opposite gill. It seems likely that I as in other protobranchs, tlie posterior limits ■ of tlie gill axes act as guide rails to facili- tate the removal of bulky faecal rods. The palps are moderately large and extend from the mouth partly across the foot; the dorsal limit of the ridged area is attached to the body in front of the junction of the anterior edge of the muscular part of the foot to the viscera. The many ridges (approximately 25) spread fanwise, posteriorly. The re- tracted palp proboscides do not extend be- yond the posterior margin of the foot. The foot is dorso-venti'ally elongate, the sole is not exceptionally large, the tip is pointed, with the fringing papillae moderately small, rounded and low crowned. The heel is pro- duced as a small, short process with a mod- erately large 'byssal' gland, similar to that described for P. erebus. The gut is also similar to that of P. erebus (Fig. 42), with tlie hindgut arranged in the same con- figuration. However, the relative diameter Figure 44. 'Tindaria' acinula Dall. Internal views of the left and right valves. of the hind gut is greater in P. championi, in which the gut occupies much more of the body space (Figs. 32, 42). DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS Of the six species considered in this paper, four members of the genus Tindaria and two representatives of the genus Pseudo- tindaria, two are cosmopolitan while the remaining four appear to be confined to restricted regions of the Atlantic. The two widely distributed species Tindaria cal- lisfiforniis and Pseudotindaria erebus are abyssal species and have been collected from the Nortli America, Guina and Angola Figure 42. Pseudotindaria championi (Clarke). Semidiagrammatic drawings of the body and mantle organs as seen from the left and right sides. 54 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 hind gut anterior adductor muscle tenlocle Figure 45. 'Tindaria' acinula Dall. Semidiagrammatic drawings of the body and mantle organs as seen from left and right sides. Basins. In addition, P. erehus has been taken in the Canaries, Cape Verde and Brazil Basins and T. caUistiformis in the Argentine Basin. Pseudotindaria erehus, which occurs in shallower depths, has been found in about 2650 m in the Angola Basin, but T. callisfiformis has never been col- lected shallower than about 3300 m. The only region so far examined where P. erehus has not been obtained is the West Europe Basin. However, the samples analysed to date from that region have been limited to depths less than 2380 m. Similarly, on the basis of depth distribution of T. calUstifor- )nis, there are only four stations of appropri- ate depths where it has not been found (two stations in the Angola Basin and two stations in the Brazil Basin). Probably these forms are present throughout the At- lantic wherever there are adecjuate depths. Oiir data suggest that Tindaria caUistiformis may be numerically significant only in a small subset of its vertical and perhaps its horizontal range. In most samples where it is present, T. caUistiformis makes up but a"( minor fraction of the protobranch fauna, 0.08 to 1.97 per cent at ten stations 4600 m or deeper. At the shallowest station, in 3305 to 3317 m of water, it constitutes 4.48 per cent. In the remaining six samples, taken in " 3806, 3828, 3834, 3906 to 3917, 4417 to 4429, and 3825 to 3862 m, this species formed 20.84, 18.99, 13.80, 27.61, 3.82 and 0.74 per cent respectively of the protobranch spec- imens. The first three samples were taken from the North American Basin, the fourth was from the Argentine Basin, and the re- maining two, from the Guiana Basin. Despite its broad horizontal distribution, Pseudotindaria erehus must be a very rare animal at least in part of its range. Of more than 22,500 protobranchs collected from the Gay Head-Bermuda transect in the North America Basin, only four specimens of P. erehus have been taken. Alternatively, in the Angola Basin it may be numerically im- portant, 19.05 per cent at station 200 and 20.03 per cent at station 195. The values found in the Canaries, Cape Verde, Guiana, Brazil and Argentine Basins fall between these extremes. Of the remaining species, Tindaria hes- sleri appears to be a lower slope-upper abyssal rise inhabitant of the northeast At- lantic. We have taken it at a single station in the West Europe Basin and from five of the six stations in its depth range in the Cape Verde Basin. Thus it appears to be a constant faunal constituent within the ap- propriate depth range and in the latter basin comprises, numerically, nearly one to ten per cent of the protobranch bivalves. Tindaria cytherea has a narrow depth range, restricted to intermediate slope depths in the northwest Atlantic. It has so far been reported from a few localities in the North America, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Basins. We have collected but a single specimen in 1000 m depth off Ber- muda. It is probably not present at equiv- lent depths at the New England end of the Gay Head-Bermuda traverse, which have been extensively sampled. Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders «L~ Allen 55 Tseudotindaria championi is an abyssal ipecies of the high southern latitudes known rem three localities in the Argentine Basin ind a single sample in the Cape Basin. The remaining species, Tindaria minis- cula, is probabh' limited to the deeper abyssal depths of the southeast Atlantic. We have found it at three stations in the Angola Basin where it formed 0.99, 2.04 and 3.29 per cent of the protobranch fauna. iPALEONTOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS Pojeta (1971) has pointed out that all known 'nuculoids" from the early Paleozoic (Ordovician) lacked a resilifer but had in- stead a hinge plate continuous beneath the umbo. In addition, these forms possessed a continuous row of teeth rather than teeth that were separated into an anterior and posterior hinge series. Among the living protobranchs, the genera Tindaria, Tseudo- tindaria and Neilonella have a similar com- bination of morphological characters. Most Ordovician nuculoids ha^'e been placed in the extinct family Ctenodontidae. However, the careful studies of Pojeta ( 1971 ) clearly show that the Ordovician nuculoids were a "highh' ^'aried and suc- cessful group," a fact masked by the pro- nounced conservatism of the systematics. Earlier, \^errill & Bush (1897) noted that ' the ctenodont PaJaeoiieiJo "agree in nearlv , all essential characteristics with the living genus Tindaria." \\'ithin the complex of Ordovician ctenodont shell morphologies cited by Pojeta ( 1971 ) can be found appar- ent homologues of Tindaria and Tseudotin- daria; e.g., Talaeoneilo fecunda (Hall), and XciloneUa; e.g., Decaptrix aff. D. harts- villensis (Stafford) and Decaptrix baffin- ense (Ulrich). In the present paper we have documented , the profound differences in the soft part ' anatomy of Tindaria and Tseudotindaria, two genera which have almost identical shells. Neilonella is more elongate and ros- trate but the soft part anatomy resembles that of Tseudotindaria, e.g., they have si- phons, many gill plates and palp ridges and lack posterior papillae. Thus, these fev/ modern genera also represent a varied com- plex of morphologies. Yet, on the basis of shell morphology, there is no reason why these living genera sh(nild not be the mod- ern descendants of the Paleozoic ctenodonts, the oldest lineage of protobranchs with typical chevron-shaped teeth, representing a group or groups of bi\'alves with remark- ably conservative shell features. In comparison, we have pointed out else- where that the modern nontaxodont proto- branchs such as the families Nucinellidae (Allen & Sanders, 1969), Lametihdae and Siliculidae (Allen & Sanders, 1973) are analogs of the Palaeozoic actinodonts and may, indeed, be direct derivatives. DISCUSSION The present paper, in addition to defin- ing a moiphology that stands apart from all other protobranchs, emphasizes more clearly than in any other group of the Proto- branchia the danger of relying on shell character to define a taxon. Thus, Tindaria and Tseudotindaria on shell characters alone would have been (indeed were) placed in the same genus, but the soft parts show that they are greatly different. This has the unhappy consequence that anatomical stud- ies must be made to confirm the placement of many of the species referred to the genus Tindaria. Tseudotindaria is difficult to place in relation to other known protobranch genera at this stage in our researches. Some species of Neilonella described by Knudsen (1970) certainlv resemble Tseudotindaria and it is our intention to analyze the "Neilonella complex" in a subsequent paper of this series. Similarly, so-called Tindaria acinula ( a species that occurs in our samples ) is an example of a species wrongly described in the literature as a tindariid which, like Tseudotindaria, has siphons, not tentacles, and a large palp with many ridges. The hind gut does not penetrate the mantle and 56 Bulletin Mtisciim of Comparative Zoology, Vol 148, No. 2 the large posterior adductor is not close to the shell margin (Figs. 44, 45). However, unlike Fseudotindaria, the hind gut crosses to the left side of the body in front of the mouth and there forms four coils, and the valves are posteriorly rostrate rather than oval. Again, this species will be considered in a later paper. The species of Tindaria are characterized b\' tlie lack of posterior mantle fusion and, in this sense, as well as in liaving a gill placed obliquely across the mantle cavity, they are at first sight akin to the Nuculoidea. We hypothesize that the tindariids may have similar habits to some species of Nu- cula (see below). Nevertheless, the poste- rior mantle edge is highly specialized and, in addition to the pedal gape, it fomis functional posterior incurrent, excurrent and feeding apertures. The apertures are formed by the apposition or overlapping of the inner and, sometimes, middle lobes of the mantle. The excurrent regicm is partic- ularly circumscribed, the space between the adductor muscle and the first papillae being only wide enough to allow the passage of the faecal rod. Knudsen (1970) reports a simple flap-like extension of the mantle on the dorsal side of the aperture in two Pa- cific species. In T. bengaJensis and T. com- pressa, at the ventral limit of the excurrent region and extending across the mantle edge on each side is a shallow ridge which might possibly be considered to be the first stage in the development of a siphon, to which the attenuate part of the gill axis attaches. The anus opens opposite this channel. In many specimens the dorsal- most papilla on each side of the incurrent region point inwards, parallel to tliis chan- nel. The number of papillae on either side of the aperture varies between species. An unpaired papilla or tentacle, which in some cases is longer than the other papillae, may be present on the right or left side at the ventral limit of the inhalent region. This may or may not be equivalent to the un- paired siphonal tentacle of other nuculanids. Histologically there is no difference between the two. The papillae consist of a centi-ali^ pair of longitudinal muscle bands with a i ' haemocoele between the muscles and the outer epithelium. There are no major nerves supplying the papillae and inner\'a- tion is probal)ly in the form of a number of fine fibers. There are also no concentrations of gland cells, thus the papillae are in no ; way comparable to the feeding tentacles of the deep sea carnivorous Verticordiidae (Allen & Turner, 1974). We can only as- sume that the papillae have a generalized sensory function and possibly act as a coarse filter for the incurrent flow gene- rated by the pumping action of the gills. We have been able to keep T. callistifor- mis alive for approximately one month. The soft parts are virtually colorless in life. Al- though the metabolism of these animals was clearly affected by their long journey to the surface, to reduced pressure and through the varying changes of temperature of the water column, their condition was suffi- ciently good to confirm tliat the papillate region defines the incurrent area and that the palp proboscides are extended from the feeding aperture. The inner mantle folds are extended beyond the shell margin in this region. Although gross movements of the gills occurred, no definite pumping rhythm was observed. Ciliary movement was par- ticularly languid and we hesitate to say more than that the ciliary patterns within the mantle cavity are similar to those de- scribed by Yonge (1939) for more shallow- living nuculanids. The stomach takes up much of the body space and it may be that the extension of the hind-gut into the mantle is in part re- lated to the lack of space between the body wall and the stomach. Undoubtedly the refractile nature of the food (diatom frus- tules, etc.) to enzyme action is correlated with the considerable extension of the gut in deep-sea deposit feeding bivalves (Allen & Sanders, 1966; Allen, 1971, 1973). One of the many strategies used by the deep-sea protobranch for housing the hind gut is exemplified in the tindariids by their utiliza- Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders h- Allen 57 Ition of mantle space. Exploitation of mantle space occurs in other bivalves, as for the gonads of mytilids — but deep-sea proto- branchs are unique in the accomodation of the hind-gut in this manner. There is much e\'idence that material entering the stomach in deep-sea protobranchs is less rigorously sorted than that in shallow-water species. Thus the ciliated sorting ridges are reduced in number and size. The large tooth of the gastric shield deserves mention because it presumably does not act in the same man- ner as in the Lamellibranchia. The material coming forward from the style sac in the protobranchs is a soft particulate mixture and not a hard crystalline style. Hence it is difficult to imagine that the tooth either serves as a stop to the forward movement of the style or as a cutting surface which 'turns' the head of the style with subsequent release of style material. We believe that it mav act here as a barrier to the encroach- ment of space immediately posterior to the oesophageal aperture by the style and/or acts as a 'breakwater' in front of the ducts to the digestive diverticula preventing ma- terial from being forced into the ducts. It may also act as a baffle to enhance the mix- ing of the stomach contents in a fashion analogous to the blade in a cement mixer. There is evidence that selection of particles does occur because a high proportion of the stomach contents consists of diatom frus- tules. We believe that it is possible to deduce something about the habits of the genus Tinchiria. The strong robust concentrically ornamented shell and rounded shape, to- gether with an attached growth of hydroids on many of the specimens, indicate a surface dwelling rather than the infaunal habit for the genus. The presence of tentacles around the inhalent region and a pumping gill can also be correlated to a stationary habit close to the surface. The foot is by no means as highly developed as in the smooth, glossy, thin-shelled genera without epifauna such as Siliciila and Spinula, which have all the hallmarks of fast-burrowing infaunal bivalves (Allen & Sanders, 1973). Never- theless, the foot is moderately developed and, in addition to any cleansing function, it may well be involved in occasional rapid movement, necessitated by predators or for reorientation. Tindaria species do not show an inverse relationship between the size of the palp and the size of the gill with increasing depth, first shown in Abra (Allen & San- ders, 1966) and later for some genera of Protobranchia (Allen, 1973). We think that a possible explanation is that gill size is critical in relation to efficient pumping ac- tion. Elsewhere (Allen & Sanders, 1966) we have also shown that hind gut length is much greater in deep water species as com- pared with related shallow water forms. In this, Tindaria is more consistent with the general pattern. Thus, estimations of hind gut volume per unit animal volume shows that gut volume is half as large again in T. caUistiformis ( 3305 to 5042 m ) as compared with T. hessJeri (1739 to 2339 m). How- ever, r. minisculu (3797 to 4566 m) is an exception for it has a similar gut volume/ animal volume ratio, as in the two shallower- dwelling tindarid species (see below). This anomaly may be explained by the small size of T. miniscula as compared with the other species. Perhaps of more significance is the fact that the gut volume of Pseudotindaria (2644 to 5007 m) is similar to that of Tin- daria, i.e., that irrespective of the great dif- ference in hind gut configuration the volume is not significantly different in the two gen- era. Gut volume/unit shell volume T. cijdierca 1000 m 1.005 T. hessJcri 1739-2339 0.903 T. miniscula 3797-4546 0.954 T. callistifoiDiis 3305-5042 1.413 P. clianipiuni 3305-4405 ? P. erehus 2644-5007 0.915 The reproductive strategies of the genera Tifidaria and Pseudotindaria are greatlv dif- ferent. Pseudotindaria follows the typical 58 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 2 deep-sea pattern of approximately 50 per cent of the population maturing at any one time. The largest animals are the most mature and the sex ratio is 1:1 (Sanders & Allen, 1973; Allen and Sanders, 1973; Schel- tema, 1972). (It must be noted that both dioecious and hermaphroditic species occur in the deep sea.) Our collections of Tin- daria caUistiformis differ in the extremely low percentage of the population that was matming and also in the male-female ratio of 5:1. However, it appears that the largest animals are the most mature. We have argued elsewhere (Sanders & Allen, 1973) that, in the sparsely populated abyss, it is an advantage to have large numbers of sperm produced (and have a free plank- tonic larva, even though of a short dura- tion). We may be observing, in this case, an exceptional condition even for Tindaria and if so we have fortuitously encountered a remarkably successful and isolated larval settlement. However, there are reasons to doubt this; not only is the pattern main- tained at three widely spaced stations but also the analysis of the T. miniscida spec- imens indicates that this species is showing a similar population structure, i.e., that these are features common to the genus. It is our intention to re-investigate these stations at a different time of year following an interval of some years to see whether the structure has been maintained. More strik- ing and less easily explained is the small number of eggs present in the o\'ary, which conflicts with the dominance of this species in the samples and the large number of small specimens in the sample. SUMMARY A new family of the Protobranchia, the Tindariidae, is erected and included in the Order Nuculanoidea. As of present, the family is monogeneric; previously associated genera, namely Pseudoglomus, NeUoneUa and Mcdietia are not included because of their markedly different morphologies. Two new species are described — Tindaria hessleri and T. rniiii.scula. The species of Tindaria described here show a number of common anatomical fea- tures that are of particular note. 1) The posterior mantle edge bears papillae on either side of the non-siphonate incurrent aperture, the number varying ac- cording to the species and to the size of the animal. 2) The single loop of the hind gut and associated visceral tissue penetrates the right mantle to a greater or lesser extent. In T. caUistiformis the loop approaches close to the mantle margin immediately above the anterior mantle sense organ while in T. cytherea it barely penetrates the mantle. 3) Palp ridges are few in number. 4) Gametogenesis was observed in less than 5 per cent of the specimens of T. cal- listiforniis (the most common species in our collection ) , males outnumbering females by 5:1. In only the largest specimens could go- nads be recognized. A new genus, Pseiidotindaria (not in- cluded in the family Tindariidae), is de- scibed. This includes species with shell morphologies very similar to those of Tin- daria but with soft parts that are mark- edly different. The taxonomic affinities of Pseiidotindaria will be discussed in a later paper. Pscudotindaria is siphonate. The hind gut is arranged in a complex series of loops and coils on either side of the body and does not penetrate the mantle. Palp ridges are numerous. In the case of P. erehus, the most common species in ovn* samples, more than 40 per cent of the specimens ha\e recognizable gonads and the sex ratio is even. Shell morphologies indicate that Tindaria and Pseiidotindaria could well be consid- ered as recent descendants of the Paleozoic ctenodont Protobranchia. REFERENCES Allex, J. A. 1971. Evolution and functional niorphologN' of the deep water protobranch lM\al\es of the Atlantic. Proc. Joint Occanogr. Assembly (Tokyo 1970). 251-253. Deep Sea Protobranchs • Sanders 6- Allen 59 \.LLEN, J. A. 1973. The adaptations of the bi- valves of the Atlantic ab>ssal phiin. Pioc. Challenger Soc. 4 (in press). \llen, J. A. AND H. L. Sanders. 1966. Adapta- tions to ab\ssal Hfe as shown by the bivalve, Abra profuudonnn (Smith). Deep-Sea Res., 13: 1175-1184. \llex, J. A. AND H. L. Sanders. 1969. Nucin- ella scrrei Lamy (Bivalvia: Piotobranchia ) , a monomyarian solemyid and possible living actinodont. Malacologia, 7: 381-396. \llen, J. A. AND H. L. San-ders. 1973. Studies on deep sea Protobranchia. The families Siliculidae and Lametilidae. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv., 145: 263-310. \llen, J. A. AND J. F. Turner. 1974. On the functional moiphology of the family Verticor- diidae (Bivahia) witli descriptions of new species from the abvssal Atlantic. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B. 268: 401-536. LARKE, A. H., Jr. 1959. New abyssal molluscs from off BeiTnuda collected by the Lamont Geological Obser\atorv. Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond., 33: 231-238. Clarke, A. H., Jr. 1961. Ab>-ssal mollusks from the South Atlantic Ocean. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool Harv., 125: 345-387. Clarke, A. H., Jr. 1962. Annotated list and bib- liography of the abyssal marine molluscs of the world. Bull Nat. Mus. Can., 181: 114 pp. Dall, W. H. 1881. Reports of the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico, and in the Caribbean Sea, 1877-79, by the U.S. Coast Survey Steamer 'Blake'. XV. Preliminary report of the Mollusca. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. 9: 3.3-144. Dall, W. H. 1886. Report on the Mollusca Part 1. Brachiopoda and Pelecypoda. Reports on the results of dredging, imder the supenision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-78) and in the Caribbean Sea (1879- 80) by the U.S. Coast Suney Steamer 'Blake'. Bidl Mus. Comp. Zool Harv., 12: 171-318. Dall, W. H. 1889. A preliminary catalogue of the shell bearing marine mollusks and Brach- iopoda of tlie south eastern coast of the United States, with illustrations of manv species. Bull U.S. Nat. Mus. 37: 1-221. Dall, W. H. 1895. Contributions to the Ter- tiary fauna of Florida, \\ ith special reference to the Miocene silex-beds of Tampa and the Pliocene beds of the Caloosahatchie River. Tertiary mollusks of Florida Pt. III. A new classification of the Pelecypoda. Trans. Wag- ner Free Inst. Sci. 3: 485-570. Kxudsex, J. 1970. The systematics and biology of abyssal and hadal Bivalvia. Galathea Rep. 11: 7-241. PojETA, J. 1971. A review of Ordovician pelecy- pods. Geol Surv. Professional Paper 695: 46 pp. Sanders, H. L. and J. A. Allen. 1973. Studies on deep sea Protobranchia ( Bivalvia ) ; pro- logue and the Pristiglomidae. Bidl Mus. Comp. Zool, 145: 237-262. ScHELTEMA, R. 1972. Reproduction and disper- sal of bottom dwelling deep-sea invertebrates: A speculative summary. Barobiol. & Exper. Biol. Deep Sea: 58-66. Smith, E. A. 1885. Report on the Lamelli- branchia collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger' during the years 1873-76. Rep. Scient. Res. Challenger, 13: 341 pp. Thiele, J. 1935. Handhuck der Systcmatischen WcicJitierkunde, 2 Classis Bivalvia (Jena) pp. 779-1154. Turekiax, K. K., J. K. CocHR.\N, D. p. Kharkar, R. M. Cerrato, J. R. Vaisnys, H. L. Saxders, J. F. Grassle ant) J. A. Allen. 1975. The slow growth rate of a deep-sea clam deter- mined b\- 228 Ra chronologv. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 72:' 2829-2832. Verrill, a. E. and K. J. Bush. 1897. Revision of the genera of Ledidae and Nuculidae of the Atlantic coast of the United States. Amer. J. Sci. 3: 51-63. Verrill, A. E., axd K. J. Bush. 1898. Revision of the deep-water Mollusca of the Atlantic coast of North America with descriptions of new genera and species. Part 1. Bivalvia. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 20: 777-901. \'okes, H. E. 1967. Genera of the Bivalvia. A systematic and bibliographic catalogue. Bull. Am. Palcont. 51: 111-394. YoxGE, C. M. 1939. The protobranchiate Mol- lusca; a fvmction interpretation of their struc- ture and evolution. Phil Trans. Roy. Soc. B. 230: 79-147. YoNGE, C. M. 1959. The status of the Proto- branchia in the bi\ alve Mollusca. Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. 33: 210-214. ^ I. ■k m > .■ us ISSN 0027-410G Sulietln OF THE seum o Comparative Zoology The American Orb-weaver Genera Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala North of Mexico (Araneae, Araneidae) HERBERT W. LEVI HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A. VOLUME 148, NUMBER 3 16 JUNE 1977 PUBLICATIONS ISSUED OR DISTRIBUTED BY THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY HARVARD UNIVERSITY Breviora 1952- BULLETIN 1863- Memoirs 1864-1938 JoHNSONiA, Department of Mollusks, 1941- OccASioNAL Papers on Mollusks, 1945- SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS. 1. Whittington, H. B, and E. D. I. Rolfe (eds.), 1963. Phylogeny and Evolution of Crustacea. 192 pp. 2. Turner, R. D., 1966. A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of the Teredini- dae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). 265 pp. 3. Sprinkle, J., 1973. Morphology and Evolution of Blastozoan Echinoderms. 284 pp. 4. Eaton, R. J. E., 1974. A Flora of Concord. 236 pp. Other Publications. Bigelow, H. B., and W. C. Schroeder, 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. Reprint. Brues, C. T., A. L. Melander, and F. M. Carpenter, 1954. Classification of Insects. Creighton, W. S., 1950. The Ants of North America. Reprint. Lyman, C. P., and A. R. Dawe (eds.), 1960. Symposium on Natural Mammalian Hibernation. Peters' Check-list of Birds of the World, vols. 2-7, 9, 10, 12-15. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 1899-1948. (Complete sets only.) Publications of the Boston Society of Natural History. Price list and catalog of MCZ publications may be obtained from Publications Office, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts, 02138, U.S.A. © The President and Fellows of Harvard College 1977. II THE AMERICAN ORB-WEAVER GENERA CYCLOSA, METAZYGIA AND EUSTALA NORTH OF MEXICO (ARANEAE, ARANEIDAE) HERBERT W. LEVI^ Abstract. Five species of Cijclosa, three of Meiazygia and thirteen of Eusiala are found in the region. One species of Cijclosa is holarctic in dis- tribution, others are temperate and tropical Amer- ican. The rarity of the dwarf males of the tropical Florida Cijclosa hifurca suggests that the species may be parthenogenetic. Metaztjgia and Ettstala are known from the Americas only, most species being tropical. The five temperate species of Eiis- tala, especially the three eastern ones, are difficult to separate; possibly they hybridize in some areas. Two of the Eustala species are new, with the range of southern Florida and the West Indies. INTRODUCTION As \\dth most orb-weaver genera, Cijclosa, Mefozygia and Eustala have never been re- vised and until now only some common spe- cies could be determined with certainty. A revisionary study such as this should report the results of the research; that is, it should summarize the diagnostic characters of the species and genera revised, indicate how to separate the species, and provide some general information on the natural his- toiy of the species studied. Much previously unpublished data on natural history can be gleaned from collect- ing labels; the author's own experience and published literature (if the determinations are reliable) can supply more. A summary of this information is of as much general interest as are the keys and diagnosis. On the other hand, detailed nondiagnostic ^ Museum of Comparative Zoology, Hanard University 02138. morphological descriptions are of little in- terest, although they are frequently given in revisionary studies. Of still less interest, except to the writer, is the nomenclatural confusion that preceded the revision. In non-numerical, taxonomic research only the results, not the procedures, are usually gi\en. If the specimens key out and the illustrations are useable, the study is demon- strated to be adequate. Nevertheless, in this paper I have indicated the procedures used to study Eustala as a partial answer to those who claim that taxonomic work might be hastened. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1 would like to thank the following per- sons for helping in these re\'isions. W. J. Gertsch generously made part of his un- published manuscript on West Indian Eus- tala a\'ailable to me. Two of the new spe- cies from the West Indies are described here as they also occur in southern Florida; Gertsch's manuscript names were adopted to avoid confusion in already labeled speci- mens. N. I. Platnick and F. R. Wanless went out of their way to find misplaced specimens in their collections. R. E. Bus- kirk, J. E. Carico, H. K. \^'allace, W. Sedg- wick, and M. Stowe reported obsenations. ^^^ G. Eberhard, Y. D. Lubin, W. L. Brown, A. Moreton, R. E. Buskirk, V. Brach and J. E. Carico provided photographs. Speci- mens were loaned bv P. H. Amaud and R. Bull. Nkis. Comp. Zool., 148(3): 61-127, June, 1977 61 62 Bulletin Miiscitiu of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 X. Schick, California Academy of Sciences; J. A. Beatty {Cyclosa only); D. Bixler; The British Columbia Provincial Museum, Vic- toria; J. E. Carico; R. Crawford; C. D. Dondalc, Canadian National Collections, Ottawa; H. Dybas and J. B. Kethley, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago; W. C. Eberhard; S. Frommer; W. J. Gertsch; M. Grasshoff, Senckenberg Museum, Frank- furt; M. Hubert, Museum National d'His- toire Naturelle, Paris; B. J. Kaston; R. E. Leech; \V. R. Icenogle; W. \V. Moss, Acad- emy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; Mr. and Ms. J. Mui-phy; W. B. Peck, Exline-Peck Collection, Warrensburg, Missouri; N. I. Platnick, American Museum of Natural His- tory and Cornell University collections; S. E. Riechert, University of Wisconsin; W. T. Sedgwick; W. A. Shear; M. Stowe; K. J. Stone; H. K. Wallace; C. A. Triplehorn and A. J. Penniman, The Ohio State University collections; F. R. Wanless, British Museum (Natural History), London; H. V. Weems, Florida Collection of Artlu-opods, and B. R. Vogel. E. Mayr made comments and sugges- tions for the introduction. Some outline maps were suppHed by D. Quintero, L. Roth mapped tlie species, and D. Randolph typed numerous manuscript drafts and the final copy. L. R. Levi corrected the syntax. The study and its publication were supported in part by National Science Foundation grant BMS 75-05719. A grant from The Center for Field Research and Earthwatch Inc. made a trip and stay at the Archbold Bio- logical Station, Lake Placid, Florida pos- sible. K. Harris and J. Maluda, participants in the field work, helped with observations of Eustala anastem, Metazygia ivittfeldae and some Cyclosa species. Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala Cyclosa, like Mecynogea and Cyrtophora among the araneid orb-weavers, hangs its Plate 1. Cyclosa conica penultimate female and a web built by a penultimate female, New Hampshire. eggs on a radius of the web, perhaps as a camouflage device (Plates 1, 2). Juveniles make a line of debris. But Cyclosa remakes its web almost daily, as do most members of the family, while Mecynogea and Cyrto- phora do not. Cyclosa renews the viscid Plate 2. Cyclosa turbinata female and her web. Upper photographs Virginia, lower one California (upper left photo J. Carico, upper right A. Moreton, lower B. Opell). Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala • Levi 63 64 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 Plate 3. Cyclosa caroli. upper and middle photograph web, bottom detail with spider (arrow) in center of line of debris. Upper photograph south central Flor- ida, middle and bottom Panama Canal Zone (upper photograph J. Maluda, middle one W. Eberhard, bot- tom Y. Lubin). threads, leaving the egg-sacs hanging (Y. Lubin, personal communication, Plate 4). The holarctic Cyclosa conica is the excep- tion. While it does hang debris and silk in the web, it places its egg-sacs on leaves, probably because of tlie short season in the northern parts of the range. Uloborus, a cribellatc orb-weaver, also hangs its egg- sacs in the web. But cribellate silk owes its stickiness to its woolly nature, so the webs do not dry and have to be replaced. Fe- males of both Uloborus and Cyclosa hang among their egg-sacs, head up in some Cy- closa species, and resemble their egg-sacs so closely as to be hard to find (Plates 1-5). Cyclosa bifurca is the only colored spe- cies; both spider and egg-sac are green. The female genitalia are reduced secondar- ily, reverting almost to a haplogyne condi- tion: there is no scape and no xentral open- ing. Of about 350 specimens examined, only two males were found. Is the species parthenogenetic? The male is dwarfed and the palpal structures are somewhat reduced. For instance, the paramedian apophysis is lacking and the conductor is small (Figs. 86, 87^ The accumulated errors in the literature of several generations posed several riddles. For instance, there has been much specula- tion as to how the "American" Cyclosa ociilata, common in the Mediterranean area, was introduced to Europe (Lutz, 1915, Simon, 1928). But Cyclosa oculata (Figs. 21-23) is actually a European species which lias never been found in America. Because its abdomen resembles that of the American C. icalckcnaeri (Plate 4), Simon (1900) confused and synonymized the two, leading later authors astray. Besides the poorly known species from the Balkans, five species of Cyclosa are known from western and southern Europe (Roewer, 1942, Bonnet, 1956) (Figs. 21- 37 ) . Three of these are Mediterranean ( C. alii^erica, C. sierrae and C. insulana). [C. in- sulana is found from France and Africa to India and the southwestern Pacific ( Bonnet, Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala • Levi 65 (0 o CO I O) O) CD 3 T3 CO 3 >% ^ 3 5 c o O) >- tn CD u Q. CO Q. CO o - Oi W CD CD CO 51 CD . Q. E o u CD (D CD C v (D ^ oJ . E 'i' CO (D T3 5 E Q. O 66 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 Plate 5. Cyclosa bifurca web with female and egg-sacs, 15 cm diameter, Florida (photo V. Brach). 1956).] All five species are closer to C. conica than to the other American species. Metazijgia is mostly made up of tropical American species. The orbs are loose with widely spaced spirals (Plate 6). They are usually left up during the day, while the spider rests in a retreat, and are replaced every evening after dark. Metazijgia witt- feldae, which often makes its webs on ])ridges or buildings, occupies a niche simi- lar to that of the more nortliern Nuctenea conuita (Clerck), and is similar in appear- ance ( Plate 6 ) . Eustala, although common, is not well- known. Various species are found resting on dead twigs of shrubs or trees. W. Eber- hard (in letter) writes that some Eustala have their webs up during the day, but most (in southern Colombia) put them up in the evening and tear them down in the morn- ing. The webs are characteristic with some variation. In constiiiction they are more or less vertical and somewhat asymmetrical with the larger part usually below the hub. They have frame threads that do not span paiticularly large spaces, and a hub with several well-ordered loops and a medium hole in the center. They are often built in dead branches or tree tiainks. In general they are undistinguished webs with nothing particularly remarkable about them. My own observations agree with Eberhard's. Eustala anastera in central Florida make their webs in the evening after dark. Usu- ally the webs have disappeared by morning, but once in awhile a web is kept ( Plate 7 ) . Eustala and Metazijgia webs are similar and may be horizontal or vertical. Both are p Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala • Levi 67 •late 6. Metazygia wittfeldae. upper left female; upper right web 15 cm horizontal diameter; lower left 18 cm horizontal diameter; lower right web with dew, 25 cm horizontal diameter. loose constructions with few threads. And both EmtaJa anastem and Metazygia w'ltt- feldae are less likely than many other noc- iturnal orb- weavers to tear down tlie web when disturbed by artificial light or when the web is dusted with cornstarch to make it more visible in photographs. METHODS At the start of a revisionary study tlie taxonomist has in front of him perhaps hun- dreds of specimen collections. Are those collected together all the same species? Can species be separated readily by their geni- talia, or by their size, coloration, eye ar- 68 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 Plate 7. Eustala anastera, Florida; top row female; bottom webs: left with spider in web 13 cm diameter; right spider removed, 38 cm diameter. rangement, or the shape of the abdomen? Perhaps a system could be based on each character hke the one devised by Adanson, in tlie ISth centmy, but it miglit be unnatu- ral, each character giving a separate classifi- cation. Some species are so distinct that the diagnostic characters are obvious, but more often the taxonomist has to sort out speci- mens and try various combinations of char- acters. Do all those that lack a hump on the abdomen also have distinct 'es close, in having banded legs, and in the shape and coloration of the abdomen. There are dorsal, paired, black or gray patches on white (Figs. 10, 29, 48, 61, 74) and a char- acteristic pair of ventral white spots sur- rounded and separated by a black band running from epigynum to spinnerets and posteriorly surrounding the spinnerets (Figs. 11, 49, 62, 75). The posterior dorsal end of the abdomen is extended beyond the spin- nerets in the female and there may be shoul- der humps or additional posterior humps ( Figs. 2, 10, 28, 29, 39, 48, 52, 61, 65, 74, 78, 88). Cyclosa further differs from Araneus and Larinia in that the male palpal patella has only one macroseta (Fig. 1). The web is diurnal, its form diagnostic; lightly spun with few frame threads, it has a stabilimentum containing debris or a verti- cal row of egg-sacs through the center; the spider rests at the lower end or in a gap in the decoration and is often difficult to find (Plates 1-5). Description. The head region of the brown carapace is narrow and lighter in color than the thoracic region; the thoracic depression is round (Figs. 10, 29, 48, 61, 74). The carapace is covered with down. The anterior median eyes are slighth' larger than the others, which are subequal in size (Fig. 16). The anterior median eyes are their diameter apart, usually one, but not more than two and one-half diameters from laterals. Posterior median eyes touching or less than their diameter apart, one and one- half to three diameters from laterals ( Figs. 10, 29, 48, 61, 74, 88). The clypeus height 74 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 equals about the diameter of the anterior median eyes (Fig. 16). The sternum is dark brown, often enclosing white pigment patches. The coxae are light, sometimes with dark marks. The legs are light with dark bands with short setae and macrosetae. The spinnerets are usually dark brown. Cijclosa bifurca departs from the drab color- ation of other species by being green. The widespread C. imulana (Fig. 29) of Eurasia and Africa to the Pacific has a silvery abdo- men, perhaps an adaptation to the open sunny areas it frequents (M. H. Robinson et al, 1974). Males are smaller than females, more sclerotized, darker in color, and have the abdomen almost spherical with humps only faintly indicated. The markings are dark with few paired light spots, but with some indications of the humps (Figs. 1, 12, 38, 50, 51, 63, 64, 76, 89). The endites have a lateral tubercle facing a minute cone on the palpal femur (lacking in the small male of C. bifurca). The first coxa of the male has a small hook (also lacking in C. bifurca) that fits into a groove of the male second femur. In addition, the fourth coxae of C. conica are anned with two macrosetae (Fig. 15). The second tibia is only slightly thicker than the first with a few more macrosetae (Figs. 1, 12, 50, 51, 63). The male of C. bifurca is dwarfed (Fig. 89). Genitalia. The epigynum has a small weak scape, the shape of which may be diagnos- tic: straight and pointed in C. conica (Fig. 4), oval in C. iurbinata (Fig. 41), almost circular in C. caroli (Fig. 54), and usually with parallel sides in C. walckenaeri (Fig. 67). The scape is absent in C. bifurca (Fig. 80). The seminal receptacles of all are sclerotized (Figs. 3, 5, 40, 42), but the con- necting ducts and their openings to the out- side are so thin-walled that they are hard to find, and once found their course is difficult to follow. They open in a fold on the venter of the base on each side of the scape (Figs. 40, 53), except that in C. bifurca they open on the posterior not far from the fertiliza- tion ducts (Figs. 79, 81), a peculiar, prob- ably secondary modification approaching haplogyne condition. Some material may be found in the depression having the open- ings of the epigynum, but I believe that these are an epigynal plug formed from mucus and not a part of the palpus left be- hind. (It is not known whether males or females can mate several times. ) The palpal patella has one macroseta (Fig. 1). The bulb has a large conductor holding the tip of the embolus ( "c" in Figs. 7, 17, 20), a small terminal apophysis ("a" in Figs. 17, 20), and a paramedian apophy- sis (pm), the latter apparently absent in C. bifurca. The embolus (e) is thread- shaped in all and the median apophysis has moved to the ventral side in all except C bifurca ("m" in Figs. 8, 17, 20, 46). The complex median apophysis is species spe- cific (Figs. 9, 23, 27, 33, 37, 47, 60, 73, 87), apparently fitting the epigynal scape into which it hooks during mating. Natural History. The web has few frame threads (Plates 1-5). That of C. conica is almost circular, with about 40 radii (Wiehle, 1931); in each sector are 20-30 viscid threads separated by 2 to 3 mm ( Plate 1 ) . The spider hangs in the middle of the web; juveniles have a detritis-covered sta- bilimentimi (Plates 1, 4). Adults place the egg-sacs in a vertical line in the center, the spider resting at one end or the middle (Plates 1-5). Only Cijclosa conica does not place her egg-sacs in the web, no doubt an adaptation to the short season of the more northern areas it frequents. The sacs are left hanging when the viscid threads of the web are renewed (Y. Lubin, personal com- munication). Some Cijclosa species are known to hang with the head up rather than down, like the widespread Eurasian Cijclosa imulana (Wiehle, 1928). The shape of the stabilimentum of young Cijclosa cannot be used to separate species as it may differ greatly even in successive webs of the same individual (Marson, 1947). Cyclosa, Metazygia and Bust ALA • Le VI 75 '•?.. \' Cyclosa conica Map 1. Distribution of Cyclosa conica (Pallas) in North America. All species shake the web when disturbed, then may drop on a thread. Species. Of the five species north of Mexico, C. conica is northern and holarctic, the remainder southern (Maps 1, 2). There are numerous tropical American species. The species north of Mexico can be sepa- rated by the shape of the abdomen of the female (Figs. 2, 39, 52, 65, 78), the shape of the epigynum, especially the scape (Figs. 4, 41, 54, 67), and the matching median apophysis of the palpus ( Figs. 9, 47, 60, 73 ) . It is ironic that A. Archer, who tried to separate all Araneidae species on the shape of the median apophysis alone, did not study Cyclosa, one genus in which the stiaic- ture is of diagnostic importance. Distribution. Cyclosa species are found in all parts of the world. Key to female Cyclosa north of Mexico 1. Posterior tip of abdomen biforked (Fig. 88); epigynum without scape (Figs. 80, 84); Florida, Alabama coast and southern Texas hifurca - Abdomen with a single posterior hump ( Fig. 10) or four posterior tubercles (Fig. 74) 2 2(1 J Epigynum with sclerotized lobe on each side of scape (Fig. 4); Alaska, south to \'irginia, Arizona and California conica - Epigynum base without sclerotized lateral lobes (Figs. 41, 67); Connecticut to Wash- ington and south 3 3(2) Abdomen with a pair of dorsal tubercles on anterior half of abdomen ( Figs. 39, 65 ) 4 - Abdomen without dorsal tubercles; abdomen posterior to spinnerets longer than part in front of spinnerets (Fig. 62), epigynum scape an oval to circular lobe (Fig. 54); Georgia to Texas caroli 4(3) Abdomen with a single posterior hump (Fig. 39), epigynal scape a rounded lobe 76 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 Cyclosa walckenaeri Cyclosa bifurca Map 2. Distribution of Cyclosa turbinata (Walckenaer), C. caroli (Hentz), C. walckenaeri (O.P.-Cambridge) and C. bifurca (McCook). Cyclosa, Metazygia and Evstala • Levi 77 Figures 1-12. Cyclosa conica (Pallas). 1. Male from side. 2. Female from side. 3-6. Epigynum: 3, 4. Ven- tral, 5, 6. Posterior. 3, 5. Cleared. 7-9. Left male palpus: 7. Mesal. 8. Ventral. 9. Median apophysis, ventral. 10. Female, dorsal. 11. Female abdomen, ventral. 12. Male, dorsal. Scale lines. 0.1 mm, except Figs. 1, 2, 10-12, 1.0 mm. (Fig. 41); from Connecticut to Washing- ton and soutli tuihinafa Abdomen with four posterior humps (Fig. 65), epigynal scape usually with sides par- allel ( Fig. 67 ) , southern Florida, southern Texas, California walckenaeri Key to male Cyclosa north of Mexico 1. Fourth coxae each with a pair of macrosetae (Fig. 15); palpus with median apophysis heavily sclerotized and its distal tip folded o\er ( Fig. 9 ) ; Alaska south to \' irginia, Arizona and California conica 78 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 - Fourth coxae ne\er with macrosetae (Fig. 77); median apophysis Ughtly sclerotized, tip not folded 2 2(1) Median apophysis niesal (Fig. 86); tip of abdomen biforked (Fig. 89); total length less than 2 mm; Florida, Alabama coast and southern Texas bifurca - Median apophysis almost hidden in mesal view (Figs. 45, 58, 71), posterior tip of abdomen with a tubercle or four tubercles; total length more than 2.1 mm 3 3(2) Abdomen usually extended beyond spin- nerets (Fig. 51); median apophysis of the palpus short without a middle spine but with a rounded keel proximal to distal tip (Fig. 60); Georgia to Texas cawli - Abdomen with only a posterior hump, or four slight posterior hmnps ( Figs. 38, 64 ) ; median apophysis with a spine in middle, with or without distal keel ( Figs. 47, 73 ) 4 4(3) Posterior tip of abdomen usually with indications of four tubercles ( Fig. 64 ) ; median apophysis long, with a tiny median spine and a more distal keel ending in distal tip (Fig. 73); soudiem Florida, southern Texas, California ivalckenaeri - Posterior of abdomen with at most a dorsal hump ( Fig. 38 ) ; median apophysis with a large median spine but no keel distally in ventral view (Fig. 47), in subapical view keel e.xtending from distal to median spine, from Connecticut to Washington and south tiiibinata Cyclosa conica (Pallas) Plate 1, Figures 1-19, Map 1 Aranea conica Pallas, 1772, Spicilegia Zoologica, 9: 48, pi. 1, fig. 16. Female specimen from Germany, believed lost. Epeira canadensis Blackwell, 1846, Ann. Mag. Natur. Hist. (ser. 1), 17: 81. Juvenile type from vicinity of Toronto, in the Hope Museum at Oxford, lost. Cyclosa conica, — Emerton, 1884, Trans. Connecti- cut Acad. Sci., 6: 321, pi. 34, fig. 3, pi. 38, fig. 11, 9, $. Keyserling, 1893, Spinnen Amerikas, 4: 276, pi. 14, fig. 205, 2,6- McCook, 1894, American Spiders, 3: 225, pi. 17, figs. 3-4, $, S . Emerton, 1902, Common Spiders, p. 183, figs. 428, 429, 9, S. F.O.P.-Cambridge, 1904, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Araneidea, 2: 493, pi. 46, figs. 19, 20, 9, 6. Wiehle, 1931, in Dahl, Tierwelt Deutschlands, 23: 18, figs. 8, 17-21, 9, S. Comstock, 1940, Spider Book, rev. ed., p. 465, figs. 463-464, 9, web. Roewer, 1942, Katalog der Araneae, 1: 754. Kaston, 1948, Bull. Connecticut Geol. Natur. Hist, 70: 236, figs. 711-713, fig. 2037, 9, S, web. Locket and Millidge, 1953, British Spiders, 2: 166, fig. Ill, 9 , S . Bonnet, 1956, Bibliographia Araneorum, 2: 1310. Note. Many specimens of C. turbinata in collections had been erroneously labeled as C. conica, thus literature citations of "C. conica" are not reliable, and records from the southern states, Mexico, Central and South America are all erroneous. Measurements. Female from Wyoming: Total length 5.5 mm. Carapace 1.9 mm long, 1.4 wide. First femur, 2.1 mm; patella and tibia, 2.3; metatarsus, 1.4; tarsus, 0.7. Second patella and tibia, 2.0 mm; third, 1.3; fourth, 1.9. Male from Wyoming: Total length 3.5 mm. Carapace 2.2 mm long, 1.6 wide. Head 0.7 mm wide. First femur, 2.6 mm; patella and tibia, 2.7; metatarsus, 1.6; tarsus, 0.7. Second patella and tibia, 2.1 mm; third, 1.4; fourth, 1.7. Variation. Females vary in total length 3.6 to 7.9 mm, carapace 1.7 to 2.5 long, 1.3 to 1.7 wide. Males vary in total length 3.5 to 4.9 mm, carapace 2.0 to 2.3 long, 1.5 to 1.6 wide. The largest specimens came from the northeastern states. Specimens from Oregon and Washington had greater size variation dian those from other parts of the range. The caudal hump varies in length and is quite long in some populations (Figs. 13, 14). Rarely are females almost all black. All long-tailed and black indixiduals came from the southernmost localities. One spec- imen (Fig. 13) had a long tail as well as a relatively long epigynal scape with its tip twisted. Diaiinosis. In North America C. conica is the only Cyclosa species over most of its range; only in the south does its range over- lap with that of C. turbinata. Cyclosa conica is larger than C turbinata and lacks the two anterior dorsal abdominal humps (Figs. 2, 10). The epigynum base in C conica has a sclerotized lobe on each side of the scape (Figs. 4, 6), unlike C. turbinata, and the median apophysis of the palpus is Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala • Levi 79 19 Figures 13-19. Cyclosa conica (Pallas). 13, 14. Female abdomen: 13. (Southern California) 14. (Minnesota) 15. Male, fourth coxae, ventral. 16. Eye region and chelicerae of female. 17-19. Left male palpus, expanded (17, 19, without cymbium). 17. Submesal view. 18. Subdorsal view. 19. Embolic division, dorsal. Figure 20. Cyclosa turbinata (Walckenaer) male palpus, expanded, submesal view. Abbreviations, a, terminal apophysis; c, conductor; e, embolus; h, hematodocha; m. median apophysis; pm, paramedian apophysis; r, radix; t, tegulum; y, cymbium. Scale lines. Figs. 13-15, 1.0 mm; Figs. 17-20, 0.1 mm. sclerotized, its distal tip folded over and pointed (Figs. 8, 9, 17). Two macrosetae on the fourth coxae of males (Fig. 15) are only rarely absent. In soutliem Europe C. conica can be confused with tlie very simi- lar C. sierrae Simon (Figs. 30-33) and C. algerica Simon (Figs. 34-37). The males of these also have two macrosetae on the fourth coxa. Natural Histonj. The orb of C. conica is found on shiaibs and understory of conifer- ous forests, sometimes deciduous, where it is the most common orb-weaver. According to Kaston ( 1948 ) the orb is wider than liigh, with 40 to 50 radii, and lacks a retreat, tlie spider resting in tlie center (Plate 1). When disturbed the spider shakes the web or may drop out of the web. There may or may not be a stabilimentum in webs of the same individual. Objects falling into tlie web and insect remains are incoi^porated into the stabilimentum. Matiue males do not build orbs. The three to five egg-sacs of loose silk are elliptical, yello\vish brown, 3x7 mm, and are attached to dead twigs or under leaves, but not to the orb. The egg- sacs contain 10 to 130 eggs ( Kaston, 1948 ) . Males are mature from May to July in 80 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 New England and from March to June in California. Mature females can be found from June to late August in New England and from March to September in California. The species overwinters in juvenile stages. Distribution. Holarctic, in America from Alaska to southern West Virginia, southern Illinois to southern New Mexico and Baja California Norte ( Map 1 ) . Cyclosa turbinata (Walckenaer) Plate 2, Figures 20, 38-50, Map 2 Epeira turbinata Walckenaer, 1841, Histoire Na- hirelle des Insectes Apteres, 2: 140. Female types are figures no. 79 and 80 from Georgia in Abbot's Georgia Spiders manuscript in the British Museum, Natural History. Copy in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, examined.^ Epeira caudata Hentz, 1850, J. Boston Soc. Natur. Hist., 6: 23, pi. .3, fig. 14, $. Female types from United States in Boston Natural History Mu- seum, destroyed. Singa vanbrmjsselii Becker, 1879, Ann. Soc. Ento- mol. Belgique, 22: 78, pi. 1, figs. 4-6, S. Male holotype from Pascagoula, Mississippi in the Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belg- ique, Brussels, examined. Cyclosa index O.P.-Cambridge, 1889, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Araneidea, 1: 51, pi. 6, fig. 6, 9 . Female holotype from Tamahu, Guate- mala in the British Museum, Natural History, examined. F.P.-Cambridge, 1904, Biologia Cen- trali-Americana, Araneidea, 2: 496, pi. 47, fig. 12, 9 . NEW SYNONYMY. ^ Note added in proof. C. Dondale made me aware recently that, according to Article 72 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, the type has to be a specimen; thus the Abbot illustra- tion cannot be the type. A neotype may be desig- nated (Art. 75); this has not been done here. Cyclosa caudata, — Keyserling, 1893, Spinnen Anier- ikas, 4: 279, pi. 14, fig. 206, 9,6- Cyclosa culta O.P.-Cambridge, 1893, Biologia Cen- trali-Americana, 1: 112, pi. 14, fig. 12, S. Two male syntypes from near Omilteme, Guerrero, Mexico in the British Museum, Natural History, examined. F.P.-Cambridge, 1904, Biologia Cen- tiali- Americana, Araneidea, 2: 493, pi. 47, fig. 2, c^. NEW SYNONYMY. ? Cyclosa tuberculifera O.P.-Cambridge, 1898, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Araneidea, 1: 269, pi. 36, fig. 10, $ . Male holotype without palpi from Teapa, Mexico in the British Museum, Natural History, examined. F.P.-Cambridge, 1904, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Araneidea, 2: 493, pi. 47, fig. 1, £. Doubtful NEW SYN- ONYMY. Cyclosa turbinata, — McCook, 1893, American Spi- ders, 3: 224, pi. 17, figs. 5, 6, $, c^ . Comstock, 1940, Spider Book, p. 468, fig. 467, $ . Roewer, 1942, Katalog der Araneae, p. 761. Kaston, 1948, Bull. Connecticut Geol. Natiu". Hist. Sui-v., 70: 237, fig. 710, 9. Bonnet, 1956, BibHographia Araneorum, 2: 1325. Cyclosa nanna Ivie and Barrows, 1935, Bull. Univ. Utah, biol. ser. 3(2): 18, figs. 52, 53, 9, S. Male holotype and female paratype from Naples, Georgia, lost. NEW SYNONYMY. Note. Specimens of C. nanna are not in the American Museum or University of Utah or Ohio State University collections. The illustration shows the epigynum of C. turbinata. Specimens in many collections of C. tur- binata had been misidentified as C. conica. Many C. conica records appear to be this species. Measurements. Female from Louisiana: Total length 4.3 mm. Carapace 1.5 mm long, 1.0 wide. First femur, 1.3 mm; patella and Figures 21-37. Old-world Cyclosa. Figures 21-23. C. oculata (Walckenaer) (Central Europe): 21, 22. Epigynum. 21. Ventral. 22. Posterior. 23. Left male palpus, mesa! view. Figures 24-29. C, insulana (Costa): 24-26. Epigynum: 24, 25. Ventral. 26. Posterior. 27. Palpus, mesal view. 28. Female abdomen from side. 29. Female, legs removed. 24, 26, 28, 29. (Southern France). 25, 27. (New Guinea). Figures 30-33. C. s/e/rae Simon (Centralltaly): 30, 31. Epigynum: 30. Ventral. 31. Posterior. 32 33. Palpus- 32. Mesal. 33. Ventral. Figures 34-37. C. algerica Simon (Southern France): 34, 35. Epigynum: 34. Ventral. 35. Posterior. 36, 37. Palpus: 36. Mesal. 37. Ventral. Scale lines, 0.1 mm. Figs. 28, 29, 1 mm. Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala • Levi 81 82 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 tibia, 1.4; metatarsus, 0.8; tarsus, 0.5. Sec- ond patella and tibia, 1.2 mm; third, 0.8; fourth, 1.3. Male from Louisiana: Total length 2.5 mm. Carapace 1.4 mm long, 1.1 wide. First femur, 1.2 mm; patella and tibia, 1.3; meta- tarsus, 0.7; tarsus, 0.4. Second patella and tibia, 1.1 mm; third, 0.7; fourth, 1.0. Variation. Females vary in total length 3.3 to 5.2 mm, carapace 1.4 to 1.7 long, 0.9 to 1.3 wide. Males vary in total length 2.1 to 3.2 mm, carapace 1.3 to 1.6 long, 1.0 to 1.2 wide. Small and large individuals ap- peared in many collections, but Florida specimens are usually small. Some females from Central America have a much longer posterior tail. Diagnosis. Female C. turbinata differ from C. conica by being smaller in size and having a pair- of anterior dorsal humps (often indistinct) on the abdomen (Figs. 39, 48) and by the lightly sclerotized base of the epigynum (Fig. 41). In North Amer- ica, females differ from other species by the abdomen shape and the details of the epigy- num (Figs. 39, 41). The males differ from those of C. conica by lacking macrosetae on the fourth coxae, and by their smaller size (less than 3.3 mm total length); from C. caroli by usually having the abdomen only slightly overhanging the spinnerets (Fig. 38); and from the related C. caroli and C. walckenaeri by having a median apophysis in the palpus with a terminal hook and a large median proximally directed tooth (Figs. 46, 47). There is no such tooth in C. caroli, and that of C. tvalckenaeri is small and the median apophysis is relatively longer. Natural History. The web with stabili- mentum is illustrated in Plate 2. The co- coons are attached to the stabilimentum and are covered with insect remains. The lowest ones may have spiderlings wliile the upper one has only eggs (Kaston, 1948). Specimens have been collected by sweep- ing lawns in West Virginia, by sweeping abandoned fields and in a garden in North Carolina, in a blueberiy patch near Lake Michigan, from oak dunes in Indiana, by beating underbrush in Arkansas, from a roadcut in Missouri, in salt marshes, coastal oak woods and by sweeping a meadow in California. Judging by these notes, C. tur- binata prefers more open areas than C. conica, but according to Berry (1970) Cyclosa turbinata has no clear habitat pref- erences in North Carolina. H. K. Wallace's field notes report specimens from a slope near a sti'eam, the web attached to a stump, from a stream bottom, from a slope near a stream in Giles County, Virginia and in an old field on a stream bank and in a sterile area with fetterbush (Leucothoe) in Flor- ida. I have collected specimens in central Florida in dry grassy "prairie." Males are matme from July to August in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia, from June to September in the Southeast, from March to August in Florida, to October in Texas, and from March to September in California. Females have been collected from May to September in northern part of the range, in all seasons except December to February in Florida. Distribution. Connecticut, cenb-al New York, southern Michigan to Washington, south to Central America, West Indies, and also Bermuda, Cocos Island and Galapagos Islands (Map 2). Cyclosa caroli (Hentz) Plate 3, Figures 51-63, Map 2 Epeira caroli Hentz, 1850, J. Boston Soc. Natur. Hist, 6: 24, pi. 3, fig. 15, 2. Female type from Alabama, destroyed. Keyserling, 1863, Sitzungs- ber. Naturges. Isis Dresden, p. 137, pi. 6, figs. 17-19, 9. Cyclosa laceria O.P.-Cambridge, 1889, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Araneidea, 1: 50, pi. 7, fig. 14, S (as Epeira Jaccrta). Male lectotype here designated from Guatemala or Panama in the British Museum, Natural History, examined. Keyserling, 1893, Spinnen Amerikas, 4: 275, pi. 14,' fig. 204, S . F.P.-Cambridge, 1904, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Araneidae, 2: 494, pi. 47, fig. 3, $ . NEW SYNONYMY. Cijclosa caroli, — McCook, 1893, American Spiders, 3: 277, pi. 17, figs. 7, 8, 9, $. Keyserling, 1893, Spinnen Amerikas, 4: 272, pi. 14, fig. 202, 9. Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala • Levi 83 Figures 38-50 Cyclosa turbinata (Walckenaer): 38. Male from side. 39. Female from side. 40-43. Epigynum: 40 41 Ventral 42 43. Posterior. 40, 42. Cleared. 44-47. Male left palpus: 44. Apical. 45. Mesa!. 46. Ventral. 47. Median' apophysis, ventral. 48. Female, dorsal. 49. Female abdomen, ventral. 50. Male, dorsal. Scale lines. 0.1 mm, except Figs. 38, 39, 48-50, 1.0 mm. $. F.P.-Cambridge, 1904, Biologia Centrali- Americana, Araneidea, 2: 494, pi. 47, fig. 4, 9_. Comstock, 1940, Spider Book, rev. ed., p. 467. Roewer, 1942, Katalog der Araneae, 1: 761. Bonnet, 1956, Bibliographia Araneorum, 2: 1310. Cyclosa conigcra F.P.-Cambridge, 1904, Biologia Centrali-Americana, 2: 494, pi. 47, fig. 5, 9. Ten female syntypes from Omilteme, Mexico in the British Museum, Natural History, examined. NEW SYNONYMY. Cyclosa elongate Franganillo, 1930, Mem. Inst. Nac. Invest. Cient., 1: 68. Type specimens from Sierra Maestra and Montanas de Trinidad in Cuban Academy of Sciences, lost. Parazygia accentonotata di Caporiacco, 1955, Acta biol. Venezuelica, 1: 345, fig. 30, S. Male holo- type from Rancho Grande, Aragua, \'enezuela in the collections of Universidad Central, Cara- cas, Venezuela, examined. NEW SYNONYMY. Measurements. Female from Florida: Total length 6.0 mm. Carapace 1.7 mm 84 Bulletin Mitseiun of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 long, 1.1 wide. First femur, 1.4 mm; patella and tibia, 1.7; metatarsus, 0.9; tarsus, 0.4. Second patella and tibia, 1.4 mm; third, 0.9; Fourth, 1.4. Male from Florida: Total length 2.7 mm. Carapace 1.4 mm long, 0.9 wide. First femm-, 1.3 mm; patella and tibia, 1.2; meta- tarsus, 0.7; tarsus, 0.4. Second patella and tibia, 1.1 mm; third, 0.6; fourth, 1.1. Variation. Females vaiy in total length from 3.7 to 6.8 mm, carapace 1.3 to 1.9 long, 0.8 to 1.2 wide. Males vary in total length from 3.0 to 3.4 mm, carapace 1.5 to 1.7 long, 1.1 to 1.2 wide. The largest individuals came from Mississippi and Panama, the smallest from Florida and Trinidad. The tail of the female and especially of the male xaries in length. Diagnosis. Females of C. caroli found north of Mexico can be separated from other species by the shape of the abdomen (Figs. 52, 61). The epigynal scape of C. caroli is almost always oval to round (Fig. 54) and is lightest in the center, unlike the scape of Central and South American spe- cies with a similar abdomen. Male individ- uals almost always have a small abdominal tail (Fig. 51), lacking in C. turbinata males. Males differ from related species also in the shape of the short palpal median apophysis, which has a distal hook and a convexly curved distal keel below the hook (Figs. 59, 60). The middle spine present in C. ttir- 1)inata and C. tcalckenaeri median apophy- sis is absent. Natural History. Field notes of H. K. Wallace report it from dense palmettos in palmetto, in live-oak-hammock and in a ra- \ine, both in Alachua Co., Florida. I have collected specimens in Baygall woods and mixed cypress forest in central Florida. Comstock (1940) observed the species in a "jungle near Miami, Fla. The orb of the adult is six inches in diameter. The female fastens her egg-sacs in a series which extend across the web from the hub to the upper margin like a stabilimentimi, and looks like a dead twig caught in the web. This band of egg-sacs and the spider are of the same gray colour. When disturbed the spider rushes to the band and appears as if it were part of it. And here he will cling motion- less even when the band is removed from the web. ... I also observed smaller indi- viduals shake their webs; these clung to the stabilimentiuu, projecting the body at right angles to it and in this position shook the web violently." (Plate 3.) Ruth Buskirk, in a note with the collec- tions, says she found the "species very com- mon in woods and woods edge in Costa Rica. The orb has 25 radii, 22 spiral turns ... a radius of 8-12 cm, always vertical orientation, debris and insect [remains] wrapped with silk into long straight lines, . . . 2 's often with egg cases in upper line." Adult males have been collected in Feb- ruary, July, September and December in Florida, in June and July in Central Amer- ica. Females are mature in all seasons. Distribution. Georgia, Florida, Gulf states, Mexico, Central America, West In- dies, to southern Colombia, Venezuela and Guyana (Map 2). Cyclosa walckenaeri (O.P.-Cambridge) Plate 4, Figures 64-77, Map 2 Epeira bifurcata, — Keyserling, 1863, Sitzungsber. Natiirf. Gesell. Isis, Dresden, p. 142, pi. 6, figs. 22-23, 2 . Specimens from Bogota, Colombia. Not Epeira bifurcata Walckenaer, 1841. Turckheimia ivalckenaerii O.P.-Cambridge, 1889, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Araneidea, 1: 47, pi. 8, fig. 6, 2 . Three female syntypes from Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala in the British Mu- seum, Natiual History, examined. Epeira walckenaerii Keyserling, 1892, Spinnen Amerikas, 4: 98, pi. 5, fig. 73, 9, $. Types from Bogota, Colombia, Guatemala, Taquara do Mundo novo and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil in the British Museum, Natural History. Cyclosa walckenaeri, — McCook, 1893, American Spiders, 3: 226, pi. 17, fig. 1, $, £. F.P.-Cam- bridge, 1904, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Ara- neidea, 2: 495, pi. 47, fig. 9, $. Petrunkevitch, 1930, Trans. Connecticut Acad. Sci., 30: 315, figs. 188, 189, 9 . Cyclosa trifida F. P. -Cambridge, 1904, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Araneidea, 2: 495, pi. 47, fig. 7, 2 . Three female syntypes, slightly dam- Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala • Levi 85 Figures 51-63. Cyclosa caroli (Hentz): 51. Male from side. 52. Female from side. 53-56. Epigynum; 53, 54. Ventral. 55, 56. Posterior. 53, 55. Cleared. 57-60. Male left palpus: 57. Apical. 58. Mesal. 59. Ventral. 60. Median apophysis. 61. Female, dorsal. 62. Female abdomen, ventral. 63. Male, dorsal. Scale lines. 0.1 mm except Figs. 51, 52, 61-63, 1.0 mm. aged from Cohabon, Guatemala, in the British Museum, Natural History, examined. NEW SYNONYMY. ? Cyclosa ciiadritubcwsa Franganillo, 1936. Ardc- nidos de Cuba, p. 84. Juvenile liolotype from Cuba in the Cuban Academy of Science, in poor condition, examined. It appears to lack lateral posterior tubercles. Note. Specimens of tliis species and several similar South American species in both the American Museum and the Mu- seum of Comparative Zoology had been la- beled Cyclosa oculata. Cyclosa oculata (Walckenaer) (Figs. 21-23) is a Em-opean species not found in the Americas. The type specimens of the name came from Paris. This error dates from Simon (1900), who listed C. oculata as occurring in Hawaii, the United States, Antilles and X^enezuela and indicated that Epeira tcalckenaeri Key- serling is probably a synonym. Simon did not examine genitalia carefully and the shape of the abdomen of the two species 86 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 is similar. E. B. Bryant (1940), skeptical of the synonymy, borrowed specimens of C. oculata from Paris and got specimens determined by Simon which were the same species as C. walckenaeri. Not surprisingly, they came from America: Hispaniola. The three syntypes of C. trifida have the characteristic epigynum but the abdomen is flattened, apparently damaged when col- lected. They have the four posterior tuber- cles, but not the two anterior ones. Measurements. Female from Texas: To- tal length 6.3 mm. Carapace 2.2 mm long, 1.5 wide. First femur, 2.0 mm; patella and tibia, 2.2; metatarsus, 1.1; tarsus, 0.6. Sec- ond patella and tibia, 1.9 mm; third, 1.0; fourth, 1.7. Male from Texas: Total length 3.8 mm. Carapace 1.7 mm long, 1.4 wide. First femur, 1.7 mm; patella and tibia, 1.7; meta- tarsus, 1.0; tarsus, 0.6. Second patella and tibia, 1.2 mm; third, 0.7; fourth, 1.4. Variation. Total length of females 3.8 to 6.8 mm, carapace 1.3 to 2.0 long, 1.0 to 1.2 wide. Total length of males 2.1 to 3.8 mm, carapace 1.1 to 1.7 long, 0.8 to 1.3 wide. The smallest females came from Florida, the largest individuals from Guatemala. Some specimens have the abdomen longer. Rarely, the sides of the scape of the epigynum are curved out and the scape slightly oval. One female from Oriente Province, Cuba had an epigynum like that of C. walckenaeri, but the abdomen was like that of C. caroli, with only faint indications of humps. Diafinosis. The four humps on the poste- rior tip of the abdomen and two dorsal humps anterior of the middle separate the species from other Cijclosa in North Amer- ica. Unlike C. caroli and C. turhinata the sides of the epigynum scape are usually parallel, making it a narrow rod (Fig. 67). Males can usually be readily separated by the indications of the four posterior abdo- men humps (Figs. 64, 76). The median apophysis of the palpus is very long, but unlike that of C. turhinata, the middle spine is minute and the distal hook continues into a keel proximally (Figs. 72, 73). That of C. caroli lacks the middle tooth entirely and is short. Natural History. Specimens of C. icalck- enaeri have been found on large aloe and in open shi-ubs at edge of woods in Jamaica, in dry sluubs in the Virgin Islands, in a garden in Cuba, on shrubby edge of woods along coast of Florida Keys, on mangroves in Baja California and in a pine-oak forest in Chia- pas. The eggs are hung in the web. Webs of juveniles observed in Florida had a narrow stabilimentimi of debris (Plate 4) and the only one containing egg-sacs had been destroyed and left unfinished. Males have been collected in May, Au- gust, September and October in the south- ern states and northern Mexico and females in all seasons. Distribution. Southern Florida, southern Texas, central California coast to Panama and West Indies (Map 2). Cyclosa bifurca (McCook) Plate 5, Figures 78-89, Map 2 Cyrtophora bifurca McCook, 1887, Pioc. Acad. Natur. Sci. Pliiladelpliia, 3: 342. Female, male syntypes from Fairyland, Merrit's Island on the Indian River, Florida in the Philadelpliia Acad- emy of Sciences, lost. Ctjclosa fissicauda O.P.-Cambridge, 1889, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Araneidea, 1: 49, pi. 8, fig. 7, $ . Fifteen syntypes in two vials, from near Dolores, Guatemala in the British Museum, Natural History, examined. Ke>serling, 1893, Spinnen Amerikas, 4: 274, pi. 14, fig. 203, 9. Cyclosa bifurca, — McCook, 1893, American Spiders, 3: 227, pi. 17, figs. 9, 10, 9,6. F.P.-Cam- bridge, 1904, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Ara- neidea, 2: 495, pi. 47, fig. 8. Comstock, 1940, Spider Book, p. 467, figs. 465, 466, ? , egg-sacs. Roewer, 1942, Katalog der Araneae, 1: 759. Bonnet, 1956, Bibliographia Araneorum, 2(2): 1309. Description. Female from Florida: In alcohol, carapace yellow-wliite, sternum brown with a central longitudinal white band and white patches near base of ante- rior three coxae. Leo;s vellow-white with some indistinct dark bands distally. Dor- sum of abdomen white with indistinct Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala • Levi 87 Figures 64-77. Cyclosa walckenaeri (O.P.-Cambridge): 64. Male from side. 65. Female from side. 66-69. Epigynum: 66, 67. Ventral. 68, 69. Posterior. 66, 68. Cleared. 70-73. Male left palpus: 70. Apical. 71. Mesal. 72. Ventral. 73. Median apophysis. 74. Female, dorsal. 75. Female abdomen, ventral. 76. Male, dorsal. 77. Male coxae. Scale lines. 0.1 mm except Figs. 64, 65, 74-77, 1.0 mm. 88 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 marks, sides with indistinct gray marks. \^enter with a white square whose sides are lateral to the spinnerets. The legs are thick ( Fig. 88 ) . Total lengtli 6.5 mm. Carapace 2.2 mm long, 1.7 wide. First femur, 2.5 mm; patella and tibia, 2.7; metatarsus, 1.6; tarsus, 0.8. Second patella and tibia, 2.2 mm; third, 1.2; fourth, 2.1. Male from Florida: Carapace and abdo- men yellowish white with a median black longitudinal line on carapace, some indis- tinct black pigment spots on the abdomen. Posterior median eyes 0.6 diameter of ante- rior medians. Anterior laterals 0.5, posterior laterals 0.6 diameters. Anterior median eyes their diameter apart, 0.7 from laterals. Pos- terior median eyes their diameter apart, 1.5 from laterals. Neither coxae nor legs modi- fied. The abdomen is like that of female, but the humps are barely visible. Total length 1.8 mm. Carapace 0.9 mm long, 0.7 wide. First femur, 1.0 mm; patella and tibia, 1.1; metatarsus, 0.9; tarsus, 0.4. Second patella and tibia, 0.8 mm; third, 0.4; fomth, 0.6. Another male measured 1.7 mm total length. Note. The live spider and the egg-sacs are green, the venter of tlie abdomen having a bright red patch between epigynum and spinnerets (Comstock, 1940). The color washes out in alcohol. The egg-sac is an ir- regular octagon, and as many as 10-14 egg- sacs may be strung together (McCook, 1887). The male is minute. Only one male was found in a collection of 207 specimens. About another 130 specimens yielded only one more male. Variation. Total length of females 5.1 to 9.0 mm long, carapace 2.0 to 2.9 mm long, 1.5 to 2.3 mm wide. Some individuals have more black pigment than others and have the legs ringed. Ditt'^nosis. North of Mexico no other American species of Cijclosa has a forked tail (Figs. 78, 88). Ctjclosa furcata O.P.- Cambridge is similar in appearance but the epigynum has a scape and the base differs in shape. Natural History. J. Boursot collecting in El Salvador reported on notes in the vial: "with contracted legs these spiders crouch at one end of the stabilimentum composed of rejected chewed food wliich they match identically. Discovered only on tarred sur- face of huge water tank." C. B. Worth ( 1940 ) reported on the shape and coloration of the animals whose vertical webs, six inches in diameter, he saw on the walls of a Florida house, parallel to the walls: "The egg-sacs are arranged in a row, occupying the position of the hands of a clock at ex- actly noon. The spider herself reposes at the center of the web, that is immediately below and toucliing the lowermost egg-sacs. She invariably faces the ground, so that her abdomen appears as an additional egg-sac in the row above her. . . ." The "mass of ob- jects in the web is that of a catkin. . . . This appearance is heightened by the spider's disposition of captured food. Such prey is wrapped in silk and anchored below the spider, forming an uneven row of objects as a direct short continuation of the line of egg-sacs. The average length of the 'cat- kins,' i.e. egg-sacs, spider food-sacs ... is from two-and-a-half to three inches, which means that they occupy about half the diameter of the web. The usual number of egg-sacs ranges from five to nine with eight on an average. But the most remarkable feature of all is the resemblance of the egg- sac to the abdomen of the female. The latter is light green with dark green central and lateral stripes and in these details the egg-sacs agree precisely with theii- maternal source. The spider's abdomen moreover bears a series of tubercles and projections, which again are reproduced faithfully in the egg-sacs even inclucUng the terminal bifur- cation. The egg-sacs are finally deposited in the web in a shingled or overlapping series, and the spider takes a position at the center of tlie web so that her abdomen over- laps the lowermost egg-sac in an exact con- tinuation of the series above her. . . . The spider's light green color and smooth integu- ment give it a translucent appearance when seen close at hand. Even tliis quality of Cyclosa, Metazygia and Bust ALA • Levi 89 Figures 78-89. Cyclosa bifurca (McCook): 78. Female from side. 79-85. Epigynum: 79, 80, 84. Ventral. 81, 82, 85. Posterior. 83. Lateral. 79, 81. Cleared. 79-83. (Florida). 84,85. (Texas). 86,87. Male left palpus: Se'. Mesal. 87. Ventral. 88. Female, dorsal. 89. Male, dorsal. Scale lines. 0.1 mm except Figs. 78, 88, 89, 1.0 mm. translucence is duplicated in the smooth- woven texture of the egg-sacs." (Plate 5.) The spider has been collected on a torn- down building in a wooded area of Austi-a- lian pines {Casuarina sp.) and cabbage palms ( Sahal palmetto ) and on a saw pal- metto leaf (Serenoa sp.) in Florida, from the nest of a wood rat (Neotoma sp.), and from a wasp nest. One record is from an arid, subtropical area in San Luis Potosi. Comstock ( 1940) found it in a "jungle near- the shore" and also on the "ceiling of a veranda by the hundred." Matiu-e females have been collected in every month in Flor- ida and Texas. Distribution. Florida, southern Alabama, soutliern Texas, Mexico to El Salvador, Cuba and Hispaniola (Map 2). Metazygia F.P.-Cambridge Metazygia F.P.-Cambridge, 190.3, Biologia Cen- tral!-Americana, Araneidea, 2: 501. Type spe- cies by original designation M. icittfeldae (McCook). The name is feminine. 90 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 Diagnosis. The abdomen is spherical (Fig. 108) to round and dorsoventrally flattened (Figs. 98, 109) as in Niictenea and Zijgiella, but differs from those two genera by having no pigment ventrally between genital groove and spinnerets (Figs. 99, 117). The carapace differs from that of Niictenea by lacking fine setae (Figs. 96, 108), and the epigynum differs by lacking a scape. In place of the scape is a laterally flattened knob (Figs. 90-92), which can expand and project anteriorly in M. zilloides (Figs. 104-106) so as to resemble the epigynum of Eustala species. There is no such knob in M. carolinalis (Fig. 112). Males differ from Nuctenea in having only one macroseta on the palpal patella, as in Zijgiella, and differ from Zijgiella in the very different structiu'e of the palpus. Metazijgia, unlike Zijgiella, has a hook- shaped paracymbium (p in Fig. 103), a transparent subterminal apophysis (sa), and a knob-shaped median apophysis ( m ) , ventrally attached (Figs. 101-103). Meta- zijgia resembles Zijgiella in having the tegu- lum (t) of the palpus modified; however, the modification is apical (Figs. 102, 111). The palpus is similar to that of Eustala but the median apophysis (m) is always knob- shaped (Figs. 101-103, 110, 111), not cone- shaped as in Eustala. Description. Carapace smooth with few hairs, often darker anteriorly than poste- riorly (Fig. 96), or with a median longi- tudinal pigment line (Fig. 108), wdth little or no thoracic depression. Eye sizes subequal (M. carolinalis) or anterior median eyes slightly larger than others (M. wittfeldae, M. zilloides). Later- als some distance from medians (Fig. 97) except in the small M. zilloides in which the eyes of the anterior row are equally spaced. Height of clypeus slightly less than diam- eter of anterior median eyes (Fig. 97). Chelicerae very strong, bulging proximally (Fig. 97), narrower distally, especially in M. carolinalis. Legs tliick and strong (Figs. 96, 108), not banded, with many macrosetae and setae. First leg longest, legs 1,2,4,3. Abdomen oval to round, more or less dorso- ventrally flattened (Figs. 96, 98, 108, 109, 116). In M. carolinalis the abdomen has dorsal sclerotized discs (Fig. 116). No black pigment on venter (Figs. 99, 117). Males slightly smaller (Fig. 100) than females, with similar coloration and eyes. The chelicerae and fangs of some ti'opical species are modified, perhaps for copula- tion. Legs differ from those of females by being slightly longer and having more macrosetae (Fig. 100), especially on the second tibia. The distal margin of first coxa has a hook that fits into a groove on the second femur. Genitalia. The base of the epigynum has a ventral, laterallv compressed knob in place of the scape '(Figs. 90-92, 104-106); the knob is absent in M . carolinalis; in M. zilloides it projects anteriorly if expanded, resembling that of Eustala. The male palpus, similar to that of Eus- tala, differs in several ways. The tenninal apophysis is a prong (a in Figs. 103, 110, 111), the subterminal apophysis often a transparent bubble (sa in Figs. 101-103, 110). The embolus (e), hidden in the tem- perate species, may have a piece that breaks off during mating and (in M. zil- loides) remains in the epigynum. (But this is not certain, as the two common spe- cies north of Mexico have the embolus hid- den behind the conductor and subterminal apophysis.) The conductor is a complex sclerite and the median apophysis (m) a simple knob (Figs. 102, 103, 110, 111), not a cone hanging down as in Eustala. The Metazijgia palpus has a large sclerite me- sally wliich may be the stipes (Figs. 101, 103, with texture in 110); it differs in shape in related tropical species. Natural History. Unlike the related Eus- tala, Metazijgia makes a reti'eat near the orb web. Metazijgia wittfeldae is often found on bridges and buildings; Metazijgia witt- Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala • Levi 91 Metazygia zilloides Map 3. Distribution of Metazygia carolinalis (Archer), M. wittfeldae (McCool<) and M. zilloides (Banks). feldae becomes active after dark, tearing down remnants of the old web and making new radii, scaffolding and viscid threads. The old web is usuallv left nntil a new one is built, which may not be every night. Threads coated with cornstarch ( dusted by photographers the previous night) are hauled in, two sections at a time, balled up, and thrown horizontally away from the web, with some force, at the rate of a ball every minute or two. Silk not dusted is probably eaten. During the day the spider remains in a crevice; at night it hangs in the center of the web. The light from a flash- light may cause the spider to move away. The webs observed at the Archbold Bio- logical Station, Lake Placid, Florida were loose with few frame threads and 10 to 18 radii. The number of viscid threads in several webs was 18, 16, 22, 25, 15 below the hub and 11, 3, 3, 17, 10 above the hub. The webs had solid hubs (Plate 6) and horizontal diameters ranging from 10 to 27 cm. \\xbs, as many as five next to each other in a suitable comer, were vertical be- tween railings of a ramp 35 cm above the ground; at 2.7 m above the level of the ramp, imder the ceiling, the webs were al- most horizontal. The spiders avoided the area near a light fixtine, but used areas some distance away, where they hai"vested insects attracted to the light. Species. There are three species north of Mexico; most other species are tropical American (Map 3); none is known outside of America. 92 Bulletin Miiscuiii of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 Key to female Metazygia 1. Epigynum without \entral median knob (Fig. 112); dorsum of abdomen with 4 pairs of sclerotized discs (Fig. 116); North CaroHna carolinalis — Epig\num with a ventral median, laterally compressed knob (Figs. 90-92, 104-106); abdomen without sclerotized discs; Vir- ginia south to Texas 2 2(1) Median knob very narrow, areas to side and anterior to it soft and expandable ( Fig. 104 ) ; openings of epigynum on ven- tral face on each side (Fig. 104); dorsum of abdomen with a pair of anterior black marks (Fig. 108) zilloides — Median knob wide; areas to side and anterior to it not expandable (Fig. 90); openings of epigynum posterolateral of base (Figs. 91, 92); dorsum of abdomen with a series of dark brackets, farthest apart anteriorly, and a median dark line (Fig. 96) wittfeldae Key to male Metazygia (M. carolinalis male unknown) 1. Terminal apophysis prong of palpus pointed (Figs. 101-103) wittfeldae — Terminal apophysis prong of palpus with blunt tip, wider at tip than proximally (Figs. 110, 111) zilloides Metazygia wittfeldae (McCook) Plate 6, Figures 90-103, Map 3 Epeira wittfeldae McCook, 1893, American Spiders, 3: 168, pi. 7, figs. 6, 7. Three female, two male and one male juvenile syntypes from Florida in the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, examined. Metazygia ivittfeldae, — F.P.-Cambridge, 1904, Bio- logia Centrali- Americana, Araneidea, 2: 501, pi. 47, figs. 22, 23, 9, S. Roewer, 1942, Katalog der Araneae, 1 : 868. Bonnet, 1957, Bibliographia Araneorum, 2(3): 2820. Description. Female from Florida: Cara- pace with head region much darker brown than thorax ( Fig. 96 ) . Sternum, legs orange. Dorsum of abdomen light brown with pairs of dark marks approaching each other posteriorly (Fig. 96). Total length 8.0 mm. Carapace 4.2 mm long, 3.0 wide. First femur, 3.6 mm; patella and tibia, 4.0; meta- tarsus, 2.7; tarsus, 1.2. Second patella and tibia, 3.7 mm; third, 2.3; fourth, 2.9. Male: Total length 5.8 mm. Carapace 3.5 mm long, 2.4 wide. First femur, 3.6 mm; patella and tibia, 4.4; metatarsus, 3.4; tar- sus, 1.4. Second patella and tibia, 4.0 mm; third, 2.2; fourth, 2.7. Variation. Females varied in total length from 6.0 to 10.2 mm; carapace 2.9 to 4.2 long, 2.5 to 3.4 wide. Males varied, total length 5.0 to 7.0 mm; carapace 3.0 to 4.0 long, 2.2 to 3.1 wide. Diagnosis. Females of M. wittfeldae dif- fer from a similar West Indian species and from M. duhia (Keyserling) in Central and South America by the epigynum, which, in posterior view, has overhanging lateral bulges of the median area (Figs. 91, 92). Males differ by having tlie embolus hidden by the large subterminal apophysis (Figs. 101-103 ) , a tooth at the base of the conduc- tor (c in Figs. 102, 103) and a pocket at the distal edge of the tegulum (t in Figs. 102- 103). Natural History. This species is com- monly found under the eaves of buildings from \^irginia to Florida, and also on houses, and on and under bridges. In Florida, it has been found in cypress swamp, in tall grass, in citrus tree foliage, in vegetation border- ing a canal, on canal banks with heavy cut grass and ragweed, and on slash pine {Pinus elliottii). Many specimens came from wasp nests. The web (Plate 6) is described above in the introduction to the genus Metazygia. Distribution. From Norfolk, Virginia (nu- merous collections from buildings around Stumpy Lake) to Florida, Gulf states to Texas to Centi-al America (Map 3). Metazygia zilloides (Banks), new combination Figures 104-111, Map 3 Epeira zilloides Banks, 1898, Proc. California Acad. Sci., 3 ser., 1: 255, plate 15, fig. 2, $, S. Three female, one male, one juvenile syntypes from Tepic, Mexico in die Museimi of Comparative Zoology, examined. Arauca dilatata F.P.-Cambridge, 1904, Biologia Centrali- Americana, Araneidea, 2: 513, pi. 49, fig. 9, $ . Male lectotjpe here designated from [no locality] Guatemala in the British Museum, Natural History, examined. There are three Cyclosa, Metazygia and Evstala • Levi 93 Figures 90-103. Metazygia wittfeldae (McCook): 90-94. Epigynum: 93-95. Cleared. 90, 93. Ventral. 91, 94. Posterior. 92, 95. Lateral. 96. Female, dorsal. 97. Female, eye region and chelicerae. 98. Female from side. 99. Female abdomen, ventral. 100. Male from side. 101-103. Left male palpus: 101. Mesal. 102. Ventral. 103. Mesoventral, expanded. Abbreviations, a, terminal apophysis; c, conductor; dh, distal hematodocha; e, embolus; m, median apophy- sis; p, paracymbium; r, radix; sa, subterminal apophysis; t, tegulum. Scale lines. 0.1 mm, except Figs. 96-100, 1.0 mm. 94 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 paralectotvpes, of which one is Metazygia in- certa. NEW SYNONYMY. Metazygia keyserlingi Banks, 1929, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 69: 94, fig. 63. Female holotype from Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, examined. NEW SYNONYMY. Metazygia alhonigra, — Biyant, 1940. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 86: 339, figs. 107-109, 111, $. $, erroneous determination, not Lamia alhonigra Franganillo. Aranetis pallidulus, — Kraus, 1955, Abhandl. Senck- enbergischen Naturf. Gesell., 493: 24, fig. 66, 5 . Erroneous detennination. Note. American Museum specimens had been labeled Metazygia incerta, Museum of Comparative Zoology West Indian speci- mens as Metazygia alhonigra (Franganillo) and Florida and Texas specimens as Epeira pallidula (Keyserling) by Biyant, and as M. keyserlingi by Chickering. The name Meta- zygia incerta belongs to a different species. The name Larinia all)onigra is a synonym of L. directa and the specimens were incor- rectly determined by Bryant. M. keyserlingi is a synonym of M. zilloides. Description. Female from Florida: Cara- pace light yellowish brown with a narrow, median, longitudinal dark band on cara- pace. Sternum, legs, light brownish. Dorsum of abdomen white with anterior pair of dark patches and four pairs of dark spots (Fig. 108). Total length 6.1 mm. Carapace 2.3 mm long, 1.8 wide. First femur, 2.2 mm; patella and tibia, 2.7; metatarsus, 1.8; tar- sus, 0.8. Second patella and tibia, 2.2 mm; third, 1.3; fourth, 2.0. Male from Florida: Total length 4.0 mm. Carapace 2.2 mm long, 1.7 wide. First femur, 2.7 mm; patella and tibia, 3.5; meta- tarsus, 2.7; tarsus, 1.0. Second patella and tibia, 2.8 mm; third, 1.4; fourth, 2.0. Variation. Some specimens have the pos- terior of the abdomen dark and there are wliite rings around the black spots. Total length of females 3.6 to 7.4 mm, carapace 1.8 to 3.2 long, 1.4 to 2.4 wide. Total length of males 3.4 to 4.8 mm, carapace 1.7 to 2.6 long, 1.3 to 2.0 wide. Males from Cuba have the distal edge of die tegulum smooth, with no teeth. Diagnosis. Most specimens have the an- terior black patches on the abdomen and a series of dark spots (Fig. 108). Females differ from both M. wittfeldae and M. in- certa (O.P.-Cambridge) by having antero- ventrally directed openings on each side of the epigynal base (Fig. 104). Males differ from M. wittfeldae by the blunt terminal apophysis (Figs. 110, 111), and from M. wittfeldae and M. incerta by die shape of the (textiued) stipes (Fig. 110), the shape of the conductor ( under terminal apophysis. Fig. Ill), and the toothed edge on the distal surface of the tegulum (Fig. 111). Natural History. The species has been collected by sweeping flowers in Texas, in Florida in palmetto-poisonwood flats, among roadside weeds along a canal, in shrubs and vegetation, and on Casiiarina (Australian pine). Males have been col- lected in Florida in June. Distribution. Southern Florida, central and southern Texas to Colombia; Cuba, Jamaica and Trinidad (Map 3). Metazygia carol! nails (Archer), new combination Figures 112-117, Map 3 Epeira carolinalis Archer, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novi- tates, no. 1487: 40, fig. 57, 9. Female holotype from White Lake, Bladen County, North Caro- lina, in the American Museum of Natural His- tory, examined. Description. Female: Carapace dark brown on sides, brown above. Legs brown. Sternum light brown. Dorsum of abdomen with sclerotized discs brown, wliite pigment spots, and two dark lines, one on each side, approaching each other anteriorly and pos- teriorly (Fig. 116). Venter with a pair of indistinct white brackets, no black pigment (Fig. 117). The carapace is flat and very low (Fig. 116). Abdomen oval, dorsoven- trally flattened (Fig. 116). Total length 11.0 mm. Carapace 4.5 mm long, 3.7 wide. First femur, 3.7 mm; patella and tibia, 5.5; Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala • Levi 95 Figures 104-111. Metazygia zilloides (Banks): 104-107. Epigynum: 104. Ventral. 105. Posterior. 106. Lat- eral. 107. Posterior, cleared. 108. Female, dorsal. 109. Female, lateral. 110, 111. Left male palpus: 110. Mesal. 111. Ventral. Figures 112-117. Metazygia carolinalis (Archer): 112-115. Epigynum: 112. Ventral. US. Posterior. 114. Lateral. 115. Dorsal, cleared. 116. Female, dorsal. 117. Female abdomen, ventral. Scale lines. 0.1 mm except Figs. 108, 109, 116, 117, 1.0 mm. 96 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 metatarsus, 3.7; tarsus, 1.4. Second patella and tibia, 4.8 mm; third, 2.7; fourth, 4.3. Diagnosis. Unlike other Metazygia spe- cies, M. coroUnaJis lacks a ventral knob (Fig. 112) on the epigynum. Note. The placement of this species in Metazygia is doubtful. Archer thought M. caroUnalis close to Niictenea cornuta and placed it with cornuta in Epeira. He may have been right. But the following facts speak against this placement. Niictenea is mainly a Palearctic genus with a few species in North America having a holarctic dis- tribution. One of the main characters of Nuctenea females is the black venter with the comma-shaped wliite marks on each side. This is not present in M. caroUnalis. The placement of the species will remain uncertain until the male is found. Natural History. The flattened shape of the spiders, especially the low carapace, suggests that the spider has its retreat in crevices, probably under bark. Records. North Carolina: Bladen Co., $ paratyi3es, Sept. 1929 (J. C. Beakley); Craven Co.: New Bern, May 1900, 2 ?, 1 juv. ( J. H. Emerton) (Map 3). Eustala Simon Eiistah Simon, 1895, Histoire Naturelle des Araig- nees, 1: 795. Type species Epeira anastera Walckenaer by original designation; The name is feminine. Diagnosis. Eustala differs from other Araneidae, especially from Araneus, by the epigynum, which has its scape projecting anteriorly (Figs. 118, 138, 140) instead of posteriorly as in all other genera, and by the male palpus, which has only one patellar macroseta, and has the median apophysis, a white cone-shaped structure, hanging down the venter of the palpus (Figs. 126, 147, m in Fig. 232). The carapace has a deep longitudinal cleft in the thoracic region (Figs. 163, 183, 197). The abdomen is usually triangular, pointed above the spinnerets (Figs. 142- 144, 209-210). Like Larinia and Metepeira, but unlike many other Araneidae genera, Eustala has a central, ventral white patch on the abdomen (Figs. 155, 173, 185, 211). The white patch is absent in those tropical Eustala that have the abdomen elongate, like that of Larinia. Juvenile Eriophora, which look like Eustala, lack the white patch and have a dark trapezoid on the ven- ter. The related Metazygia has the scape of the epigynum projecting ventrally (Figs. 90, 91) and the median apophysis is a soft knob (Figs. 101-103, 110, 111). The cara- pace is smooth (Figs. 96, 108), and the ab- domen is oval, slightly flattened dorsoven- trallv, with indistinct ventral markings ( Figs. 96, 98, 99, 108, 109). Description. The carapace is shaped as in Araneus, but with a deep longitudinal thoracic cleft (Figs. 163, 183, 197). The carapace is covered with setae and the thoracic area is high in some species (Figs. 133, 154, 172). The posterior median eyes are slightly smaller than the anterior me- dians, sometimes equal, rarely slightly larger. The laterals are always smaller than the medians. Anterior medians are their diameter apart, or 1.5 diameters at most; the posterior medians are separated by about the same distance. The laterals (ex- cept in the smallest species) are two to several diameters from medians. The clyp- eus height equals the diameter of the anterior median eyes (Fig. 225) except in E. clavispina where it is about one and one- half the diameter of the anterior median eyes as a result of the projection of the eye area. There often is a dark transverse band between anterior median and anterior lat- eral eyes (Figs. 163, 210, 22.5). The legs are more or less banded. The abdomen is generally triangular with a posterior hump ^Figs. 209, 210), but this may be absent (Figs. 122, 123, 257, 258) or there may be several humps (Figs. 163, 164, 196, 197, 223, 224). Most species are variable in colora- tion with dark and light individuals, but most have a folium pattern on the dorsum, Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala • Levi 97 exceptions being some specimens of E. anastcia that are contrastingly colored with black patches on white in alcohol (Figs. 219, 222). In most Eustala species, unlike most species of Araneus, the venter has a more or less distinct median ventral white patch (Figs. 185, 198). In a few species this white patch is as distinct and conti^ast- ing (Fig. 173) as in Metepeira. Living specimens of E. anastera from central Flor- ida ha\'e a greenish abdomen, but the green washes out of alcohol-presei'ved specimens. Males are smaller than females, slightly darker in color, their abdoininal humps are less distinct tlian in females (Figs. 199, 212). The distal margin of the first coxa has a hook (Fig. 201) which fits into a groove on the second femur. Except for being longer and having stronger macro- setae, especially on the second tibia, the legs of Eusfola are not modified. Some spe- cies have a ventral row of macrosetae on one or more femora (Figs. 125, 156, 189, 214). This is a species characteristic and has been illustrated. The males are exceed- ingly difficult to match with females: spe- cies with the (seemingly) most specialized palpi do not necessarily have the most specialized epigvna (e.g. E. californiensis, Figs. 138-148).' Genitalia. The epigynum has an unusual, anteriorly projecting scape, annulate in most species but smooth in E. devia (Fig. 118) and E. cazieri (Fig. 128). The three plates in posterior view of the epigynum are of diagnostic importance; the median and two laterals, varying in shape. The seminal receptacles are usually spherical; between the openings is another smaller spherical structure which appears to contain a wind- ing duct (Figs. 208, 256). The palpal patella has one macroseta (Figs. 217, 252). The bulb, which is similar to that of Metazygia, has a huge conductor (c), variously shaped in different species, and a \\'hitc, soft, conical median apophysis (m), which hangs down on the venter of the bulb in all Eustala species (Fig. 232). The embolus (e) is a hook, similar in all species, and has a large sclerotized base, the stipes. The tenninal apophysis is a sclerotized prong (a), slightly different in different species, resting on a bubble-like, transparent, spherical subterminal apophy- sis (a in Fig. 232). In some species the ter- minal apophvsis is different in shape ( Figs. 126, 136, 147, 157). The mesal side of the palpus faces ventrally, the ventral side laterally in resting position (Fig. 231). Natural History. Considering the com- mon occurrence of many Eustala species, sui"prisingly little was known about them. Eustala apparently is noctvunal and removes its web at daytime. During the day it rests on a dead branch; there is no retreat. Eus- tala species are commonly collected by sweeping and are found also as prey in mud-dauber wasp nests. Eustala anastera obsei^ved at the Arch- bold Biological Station, Lake Placid, Flor- ida made webs every evening after dark. The webs usually had disappeared by the morning, but once in awhile the webs are not taken down. The webs of juveniles had 17 to 25 radii, that of an adult, 18 and 21. The webs of tliese juveniles had 28, 37, 41, 31 and 15 viscid threads below the hub and above the hub had 36, 38, 39, 28, 32. The web of an adult had 30, 33 below, 31, 28 above. The horizontal diameter of juveniles' webs ranged from 12 to 25 cm; of adults' webs 19 and 30 cm. There were few frame threads, the hub was solid (Plate 7). The webs were built in dead branches, usually away from leaves and within a wire fence, having veitical wires 15.5 cm apart. Eustala has no retreat; when not in the center of the web, it sits appressed to branches. Most webs are vertical but a horizontal web was seen. The lowest webs are 3 to 4 feet above tlie ground; the maximum height is not known. Eustala anastera in central Florida feeds on a wide \'ariety of medium-sized prey, and when resting in the web usually keeps its legs slightly spread like Eviophora ravilla. 98 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 148, No. 3 Map 4. Distribution of Eustala devia (Gertsch and Mulaik), E. cazleri n. sp., E. californiensis (Keyserling), E. bifida F.P.-Cambridge, E. brevispina Gertsch and Davis, E. clavispina (O.P.-Cambridge), E. cameronensis Gertsch and Davis and E. eleuthera n. sp. Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala ' Levi 99 Eustala rosae Eustala con / i 'y