. i ■, v ^ .-V A’ /'i ■V,'; ■1 BULLETIN OF THE Nuttall Ornithological Club lournal 0f ^rnitj^ologg. VOLUME 1. J. A. ALLEN. S. F. BAIRD AND ELLIOTT CODES. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. : PUBLISHED BY THE CLUB. 1876. University Press: Welch, Bigelow, & Co., Cambridge. CONTENTS OF VOLUME 1. C7i ^982 NUMBER 1. Description of a New Species of Helminthophaga. By William Brew- ster. With a Plate The Common Buzzard Hawk {Buteo vulgaris) of Europe in North Amer- ica. By C. J. Maynard Nesting of the Golden^winged Warbler {Helminihophaga chrysqptera) IN Massachusetts. By J. Warren Notes on the Rough-winged Swallow (Eirundo serripennis) in Penn- sylvania. By Waller Van Fleet On the Breeding of the Black-throated Blue Warbler {JDendroeca ccerulescens) in Connecticut. By C. M. Jones , . . . . On Two Empidonaces, Traillii and acadicus. By E, W. Eenshaw . Occurrence of certain Birds in the New England States. By Wil- liam Brewster Albinism and Melanism among North American Birds. By Euthven Deane Notes on Birds found breeding on Cobb’s Island, Va. By E. B. Bailey NUMBER 11. The Nuttall Ornithological Club Regarding Buteo vulgaris in North America. By Robert Ridgway Additions to the Avi-fauna of Illinois, with Notes on other Spe- cies of Illinois Birds. By F. W. Nelson Notes on the Breeding Habits of Clarke’s Crow (Picicorvus colum- hianus)^ with an Account of its Nest and Eggs. By Captain Charles Bendire, U. S. A , Description of a new Duck from Washington Island. By Thomas H, Streets, M. D., Passed Assistant Surgeon, U. S. N RECENT LITERATURE. Lawrence’s Description of New Species of American Birds, 47. — Snow’s Birds of Kansas, 47. — Kidder’s Ornithology of Kerguelen Island, 48. — Kidder and Coues’s “A Study of Chionis minor, etc., 48. — Marsh’s Extinct Birds with Teeth, 49. — Gentry’s “ Life-Histories of the Birds of Eastern Penn- sylvania,” 49. Page 1 2 6 9 11 14 17 20 24 29 82 39 44 46 IV CONTENTS OF VOLUME L GENERAL NOTES. Breeding of the Canada Goose in Trees, 50. — Tarsal Envelope in Campylorhyn- chus and allied Genera, 50. — Occurrence of the Curlew Sandpiper in Mas- sachusetts, 51. — The Ipswich Sparrow in New Brunswick, 52. — Passer- cuius princeps and Parus hudsonicus in Connecticut, 52. — Anser rossii in Oregon, 52. NUMBER III. Decrease op Birds in Massachusetts. By J. A. Allen .... 53 On the Number op Primaries in Oscines. By Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A. 60 The Yellow-bellied Woodpecker (Sphyrapicus varius). By William Brewster 63 RECENT LITERATURE. Ornithology of the Wheeler Expedition, 70. — Field and Forest, 71. — The Port- land Tern, 71. — The Birds of Ritchie Co., West Virginia, 72. — Brewer’s Birds of New England, 72. GENERAL NOTES. The Philadelphia Vireo in New England, 74. — Geographical Variation in the Number and Size of the Eggs of Birds, 74. — The Nest and Eggs of Traill’s Flycatcher, as observed in Maine, 75. — Singular Food of the Least Bittern, 76. — Intelligence of a Crow, 76. — The Great Carolina Wren in Massa- chusetts, 76. NUMBER IV. Our Present Knowledge op the Nidipication op the American King- lets. By Ernest Ingersoll 77 Nesting Habits op the Californian House Wren {Troglodytes aedon var. parJcmanni). By Dr. J. G. Cooper 79 On Geographical Variation in Dendrceca palmarum. By Robert Ridgway 81 Notes on Texan Birds. By J. C. Merrill, M. D., Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A. 88 Birds of New England. By Thomas M. Brewer ..... 89 RECENT PUBLICATIONS. Lawrence’s Birds of Southwestern Mexico, 93. — Jordan’s Manual of Vertebrate Animals, 93. GENERAL NOTES. Capture of the Orange-crowned Warbler in Massachusetts, 94. — Variable Abundance of Birds at the same Localities in different Years, 95. — Occur- rence of the Wood Ibis in Pennsylvania and New York, 96. — Peculiar Nest- ing-site of the Bank-Swallow, 96. HELMINTHOPHAGA LEUGOBRONGHIALIS, Brewster. Adult male. Plate 1 QUARTERLY BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. Vol. I. A.P-I1TL, 1876. Mo. 1. DESCRIPTION OB' A NEW SPECIES OF HELMINTHOPHAGA. BY WM. BREWSTER. Helminthophaga LEUCOBRONCHIALIS. Pl. 1* Adult male ; summer plumage. Crown, bright yellow, slightly tinged with olive on the occiput. Greater and middle wing coverts, yellow, not so bright as the crown. Superciliary line, cheeks, throat and entire under parts; silky-white, with a slight tinge of pale yellow on the breast. Dorsal surface, — exclusive of nape which is clear ashy — washed with yellow, as are also the outer margins of the secondaries. A narrow line of clear black passes from the base of the upper mandible, through and to a short distance behind the ^ eye, interrupted however by the lower eyelid, which is distinctly wEite. No trace of black on the cheeks or throat, even upon raising the feathers. Bill black. Feet, dark brown. Dimensions — length, 5.I9 ; extent, 7.88 ; wing, 2 .45 ; tarsus, .71; tail, 1.86; culmen, ,53. It will be seen from the above description that this bird resembles most closely the Golden-winged Warbler, C Helmin- thophaga chrysoptera.) The entire absence of black or ashy on the cheeks and throat, the peculiar character of the superciliary line, and the white lower eyelid, present howeyer differences not to be rec- onciled with any known seasonal or accidental variation of that species. The restricted line of black through the eye gives the head a remarkable similarity to that of Helminthophaga pinus^ but' the semblance goes no farther. The specimen above described was shot by the writer in Newtonville, Mass., May 18, 1870. It was in full song when taken and was flitting about in a thicket of birches near a swampy piece of oak and maple woods. As nearly as can be remembered it did not difier much in either voice or actions *• The original of our plate was drawn and colored by Robert Ridgeway, Esq., of the Smithsonian Institution, and presented by him to Mr. Brewster. 2 QUARTERLY BUELLTIN. from H. clirysoptem. The first notice of this specimen appeared in the “American Sportsman,” vol. 5, p. 33. To speculate on the probable home or range of a bird so little known would be at the present time idle. Whether it must be placed in the same category with the unique Euspiza Townsendi, Regulus Cuvieriy etc., or like Dendrceca KirJdandi^ will turn up occasionally in the future at different points, or still again as in the case of Cen- tronyx Bairdii, wdll be found in large numbers, time alone can decide. Every fixed species of bird is probably common somewhere. There is always some well stocked reservoir how- ever restricted in area, from which the choicest rarities emanate, but to locate this avian well-spring is not seldom an undertak- ing of difficulty. As previously remarked the differences in coloration in the present bird from any of its allies are so great, and of such a nature, as to render any theory of accidental variation exceed- ingly unlikel}", while hybrids — at least among the smaller spe- cies of undomesticated birds — are of such shadowy and proble- matical existence that their probable bearing upon the present case is liardly worthy of consideration. It is not a little remarkable that another species* in the same genus as this, and one too apparently quite as strongly charac- terized, should have been brought to light at so nearly the same time. THE COMMON BUZZ AED HAWK (BUTEO VULGARIS) OF EUKOPE IN NOKTH AMERICA. BY C. J. MAYNAKD. Late in the autumn of 1873 I received a box of bird skins from Mr. J. D. Allen, of Paw Paw, Mich. They consisted mainly of Hawks, among which >\as a specimen that instantly attracted m}^ attention, for it was quite peculiar in its markings. The skin was evidently that of a Buteo, but I could not make it agree with any of the plumages of the species which had come under my observation. This was the result of a hasty examin- ation, for being extremely busy at the time I laid it one side for further comparison. Later study upon it proved as nearly as possible, without * Helminthophaga Latorencii^ Herrick. Proc. Acatl. Natural Science, Phila., 1874, pi. 15, p. 220. NUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, 3 actual comparison with like skins, that it was identical with the Buteo vulgaris of Europe. Supposing that Mr. Allen had quite probably received it from abroad the matter rested here ; but as there was still some uncertainty as to whether it was that spe- cies, on account of my not having compared it with typical specimens, the question would arise in my mind every time I saw the skin. Various ornithological friends examined the specimen and expressed^ some opinion about it, yet all were inclined to be- lieve that it was a European bird, while I never gave the time necessary for settling the matter by writing Mr. Allen. Thus the skin had been lying in my collection until the past autumn, when at the request of Mr. Brewster I showed it to our mutual friend, Mr. Henry Henshaw, who urged me to let him take it to Washington, that it might be examined by Mr. Bob’t Ridgway. Shortly after this Mr. Henshaw informed me, per letter, that it was indeed Bateo vulgaris^ but that there was a decided im- probability that it was taken on this side of the Atlantic. Ca- rious to know its history I wrote to Mr. Allen, asking him if he' remembered the specimen, and if he could tell me where it was taken. The reply was quite unexpected, for Mr, Allen stated that he remembered the bird well, and as there were peculiar circum- stances connected with its capture he recollected clearly that it was shot in Michigan. I then wrote again, giving him for the first time an account bf the interest which was attached to the capture of this species in the United States, and begged him to relate all he knew about it. To this epistle I received the following reply. As Mr. Allen’s account is not only interesting but im- portant as proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that the bird in question was actually taken in Michigan, I give his letter verbatim. I will, however, preface it by saying that all the oth- er Hawks sent to me by Mr. Allen were correctly labeled “ Red- tailed,” “ Red-shouldered,” etc., but this bore the simple legend “ Hawk.’’ This fact, together with its extremely peculiar plu- mage, rendered it easy for him to remember what particular skin was under consideration. “Paw Paw, Mich., Jan. 16, 1876. Me. Maynard — Dear Sir : — Yours at hand and noted. I am surprised as well as pleased to learn that the Hawk proves to be so valuable and interest- ing a specimen. When I shot it I was unable to decide what it was, 4 QUABTERLT BULLETIN. but rather thought it was an immature specimen of Buteo lineatus^ but being uncertain did not give it a specific name when I sent it to you. The circumstances connected with its capture are as follows : Returning one morning from the head of a small pond in the vi- cinity of Paw Paw, Mich., where I had been duck shooting, I discov- ered a Hawk perched on the dead branch of a leaning tree that grew from the bank at the water’s edge. I was in my boat, and at least twenty-five rods from the tree, in full view of the bird, which was eyeing me attentively, so I had no chance of approaching him except in full view, and as he appeared about to fly I gave up all hopes of getting a shot at him. But to my surprise he described a complete circle and came nearly over my head, when I fired at him. He continued his flight in an awkward and laborious manner until he reached the shore ; then dropped dead within a few feet of the very tree Irom winch he started. I think that this was about the first of October, 1873, but am not certain about the exact date. I have often thought of the peculiar movement of this bird. Here, when I had given up all hopes of ap- proaching him he should fly to me, as it were, to receive his death wound, then return again to the shore to suffer himself to fall on dry ground. I may add that I have never had any birds directly from Europe, and none larger than an English Fieldfare. Respectfully, yours, J. D. ALLEN.” Although this species has been excluded from our ornithologies for many years, yet this is not the first instance on record of the capture of huteo vulgaris in North America. As early as 1838, Audubon made mention of it. In Vol. IV, page 508 of Orni- thological Biography he says, speaking of his illustration, [PL 372] : “ The specimen from which the figure before you was ta- ken was shot by Dr. Townsend on a rock near the Columbia River, on which it had its nest.” Then follows Audubon’s description, which agrees in every particular with my specimen ; differing utterly from that of fcSwainson’s Hawk {Buteo Swainsoni), which I have before me, and which more recent authors appear to think Audubon had in hand when he made his description. I give below the main points of difference between Audubon’s description and Swain- son’s Hawk, which will also apply equally to my specimen : — “Feet; short, robust.” Swainson’s has quite slender tarsi. “ Wings ; long, broad, the fourth quill longest.” Swainson’s has the third the longest. “ The third next, the fifth very little shorter, the second longer than fifth.” Swainson’s has the fourth next longest, the fifth fully an inch shorter than the third whilst the fifth is a little longer than the second, making quite a differently formed wing from that of vulgaris. “ First four abruptly cut out on the inner web.” Now it is a well known character of Swainson’s to have but three incised primaries. NUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 5 Speaking of primaries, Audubon says, “ A greater part of the inner web, with the shaft white * ^ ^ ^ the white of the inner webs of the primaries forms a conspicuous patch, con- trasted with the grayish-black of their terminal portion.” This is a remarkable feature not noticeable in Swainson’s. Audu- bon’s bird had the “lower wing-coverts white barred with dus- ky.” Swainson’s has rufous under wing-coverts. The above are the principal differences, and together with Audubon’s fine plate, which is a perfect facsimile of my bird, give a most emphatic contradiction to all assertions that Audu- bon was unable to distinguish the difference between Buteo vul- garis and what to him would have been a new bird. This noted ornithologist was constantly on tlie lookout for new species with which to embellish his book, and it is extremely improbable that he would have let such an opportunity escape him. The descriptive points given are enough to separate Audu- bon’s bird from all others, but as if to give more weight to his testimony we find him saying as a final to his article : “ When compared with European specimens, mine have the bill somewhat stronger ; but in all other respects, including the scutella and scales of the feet and toes, and the structure of the wings and tail, the parts are similar.” It will be noticed that he uses the plural “ mine,” for before this was appended he had received another, also shot by Dr. Townsend, on the plains of the Snake River. Swainson and Richardson, in “ Fauna Boreali Americana,” Vol. II, page 47, also make mention of a species under the name of Buteo vulgaris., and give a figure of the same. They were, liowever, without doubt mistaken in their identification, the bird which they had being really Buteo Swainsoni, as both description and figure clearly indicate. Reverting once more to Audubon, I will answer a query which will arise in almost every one’s mind, viz : — How was it that Aubudon did not find the common B. Swainsoni, and yet have specimens of the rarer vulgaris pass through his hands? First — The country inhabited by this Hawk (Swainson’s) was comparatively unknown at that time, and consequently not much traversed by naturalists. Second — Audubon never noticed some of our most common species, while he discovered and described many rare ones that were closely allied to them. Notably among these was the 6 QUARTERLY BULLETIN. Least and Yellow-bellied Flycatchers {Empidonax minmus et jiaviventris)., both of which were unknown to him until pointed out by Prof. S. F. Baird. Accident or perhaps a singular chain of circumstances will often prevent a collector from finding spe- cies which are very common. During my first visit to Florida I took nearl3" every species whieh was known to exist in the section which I visited, yet never saw a single specimen of the Tufted Titmouse {Lophophanes bicolor) ^ which I have since found there in abundance. Lastly — Is Buteo vulgaris very rare in the Northwest? I know that this section has been ransacked by good collectors, ^’^et sometimes birds will escape observation for years, and at last be found common. Such certainly has been the case with Baird’s Bunting {Passerculus Bairdii) ; and Sprague’s Lark (Neocorys Spraguei) In conclusion, then, I may add, that as three specimens of the Common Buzzard have actually been taken within our limits it is extremely probable that it will be found of regular occurrence in the Northwest. NESTING OF THE GOLDEN- WINGED WARBLER (HELMINTHO PHAGA CHRYSOPTERA), IN MASSACHUSETTS. BY J. WARREN. Of all our warblers there are few that surpass the Golden- wing in elegance of plumage. Though comparatively common with us during the spring migrations but few appear to remain to breed, and yet our State has been considered about its north- ern limit on this coast. They arrive in eastern Massachusetts from the second to the third week in May, when they are very active, flitting through the trees and young growth, diligently searching for their food, which consists of insects and their lar- vae, occasionally giving vent to a rather loud, peculiar and un- mistakable song, which, though not so musical as that of most of the other individuals of this family, is very pleasing. The Golden-wings do not seem to confine themselves wholly to swampy situations, as is usually stated, but are sometimes found on higher ground, quite remote from such places. They^ pair shortly after arriving, and commence to build from the latter part of May to the first of June. The first authentic nest found NUTT ALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 7 in this section of the country was that collected by Mr. C. J. Maynard, June 12, 1869, and admirably described by him on page 100 of the “Naturalist’s Guide.” This nest was placed on a slightly elevated tuft of moss, near a swampy thicket, within a short distance of a travelled road, and contained four eggs, and also one of the Cow Bird (Molothrus pecoris), which were within a few days of hatching. Since this nest was found there have been no others taken, to my knowledge, until the past year when three were discovered ; one each by my friends, E. B. Towne, Jr., and W. W. Eager, who have kindly allowed me to use their notes, and the third by my brother and myself. We were out collecting on the afternoon of June 8th, 1875, and while passing through a strip of swampy land on the out- skirts of a small wood, flushed a bird from under a plant known as “ Skunk Cabbage,” ( Symplocarpus faetidus.) Upon searching we found the nest concealed by the large leaves of the plant. It was raised about two inches above the wet ground by dead oak and maple leaves which were quite damp. The owner soon came back, and hopping excitedly from branch to branch of an alder thicket a few yards away, almost continually uttered a sharp chirp of alarm, betokening her strong dislike to the intruders ; but, strange to say, her mate did not make his appearance, although we could hear him distinctly zee-zee-zeeing, a few rods away. As it was fast growing dark, and feeling satisfled that she had laid her set, we shot her. The nest, which closely resembles that of the Maryland Yel- low-throat ( Geotlilypis triclias ), is composed outwardly of dry oak and maple leaves, interspersed with long stripes of the out- er bark of the grape vine ; and is lined with flne flbrous shreds of the same of a reddish tint, interwoven with one or two very small pieces of dry grass. The measurements are as follows : height, 2.75 inches ; width, 4.25 ; diameter inside, 2.30 ; depth inside, 1.60. The eggs are three in number, two pure white ; the third sparsely spotted on the larger end, and measured respectively, .69x.53, .68x.51, and .65x.49. One of them was out of the nest, and had three small holes close to each other on the upper side, through which a little of the albumen had leaked out and dried. I cannot with certainty account for this, as I feel quite positive that no other person had ever molested the nest, but think that a squirrel, or other rodent, had eaten one of the eggs, pulled 8 QUARTERLY BULLETIN. out another, perforating the shell with his claws, and being at- tacked by the birds, quitted the nest, leaving the remainder of his spoil behind. Both of the eggs in the nest were slightly incubated, while the one outside was quite fresh. The following is an extract from Mr. Towne’s journal : “ While out collecting, early in the morning of the 29th day of May, 1875, as I was walking up a hillside through small white birches, saw a Golden-winged Warbler within twelve feet of the muzzle of my gun ; was about to shoot, when I noticed a small straw or diy blade of grass in her mouth. The thought of finding her nest induced me to watch closely. She soon flew and alighted in the centre of an old cart path. I went to the spot and was delighted on finding in the centre of a small tus- sock of grass the commencement of a nest. Went to the place the next day and saw the female at work ; did not go again for two days when there was one egg. On June 5th I took the nest with four fresh eggs. By creeping up carefully and putting my hand over the nest, succeeded in catching the female. Saw the male soon after, but he was exceedingly sh3^” In structure the nest closely resembles mine, but is a little narrower and deeper inside. It measures in height 3.00 inch- es, width, 3.80, diameter inside, 1.90, depth inside, 2.00. The eggs are white, faintly spotted with red on the larger end, and measure .72x.52, .70x.56, .70x.48, and .68x.58 inches. Mr. Eager found his nest about one fourth built on the 5th of June, 1875, in rather low, wet woods, within one hundred feet of a travelled road, and it was placed on the ground between some young oak sprouts. June 9th, it contained four eggs. He did not see either of the birds until the 11th, when he shot the female, but did not see the male at all. The nest was well con- cealed by dry leaves, and was made up outwardly of dry and skeletonized oak leaves, and lined with grape vine bark interwo- ven with fine j^ellow grass. Height, 3.00 ; width, 3.60 ; diameter inside, 2.10; depth inside, 2.00. The eggs were white, with few light reddish spots On the larger end, and measure, .70x.54, .69X.55, .69X.53, and .69x.55 inches respectively. These nests were all found in Newton, within a mile of each other. NUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 9 NOTES ON THE EOUGH- WINGED SWALLOW (HIRUNDO SERRIPENNIS), IN PENNSYLVANIA. BY WALTER VAN FLEET. I have, during two years of rather careful observation, no- ticed a constant and decided difference in the breeding and other habits of the Rough-winged Swallow, as compared with the Bank Swallow ( B. riparia). The main points are as follows : H. serripennis is not gregarious while nesting, but during the breeding season appears rather to avoid its kind, as well as the Bank Swallows, and to associate only in pairs. Their nesting holes are not placed near each other in the manner of ri'paria., but are scattered along the banks of creeks and riv- ers at irregular intervals, wherever an especially favorable local- ity occurs. They very seldom excavate a hole for themselves, but generally take up with any suitable cavity, and alter it to suit their taste. It is quite common to find them breeding in deserted Kingfishers’ holes, and in this case placing the nest within a foot or eighteen inches from the entrance. They will also, on finding a decayed root of sufficient size, leading in from their favorite sand banks, remove the soft punky wood, follow- ing the winding of the root, until they have arrivedat a suit- able distance — about two feet — where, after enlarging the cavi- ty, they place their nest. This species is also fond of buildi'^g in holes in stone bridge piers and other masonry, near water, re- turning to the same place year after year. In the few cases which I have observed of their excavating, for themselves, it has been done in a very slovenly manner, and invariably their holes have been much larger than is apparently necessary, and round at the entrance, while on the contrary the holes of the H. ripiria are very symmetrical ellipses, with the longer axis horizontal, and not larger than is needful to permit free ingress and egress of the birds. I have never yet, in this lo- cality, found a Bank Swallow’s hole large enough to admit the hand, without enlarging, while the nest of the Rough-wings can generally be reached without any trouble, except when built in masonry. In this case they will pass through a crevice barely large enough to admit their bodies, providing there is a cavity within large enough to contain the nest, 2 10 QUARTERLY BULLETIN, The nests of H» serripennis are generally much more careless- ly built than those of H, riparia; they do not seem to go any distance for their materials, but appear to pick up anything suit- able which the}’’ can find within a few rods of their habitation. The nests of the two species are composed of nearly the same substances, but those of B. riparia exhibit a greater variety in the same nests, for, as they build in large colonies, they are obliged to search for materials in different places. On one oc- casion I remember finding a nest of H, serripennis composed entirely of feathers of domestic fowls. It was built in a desert- ed Kingfisher’s hole, in a sand bank, about fifteen rods from a barn-yard, in which fowls were constantly kept. At another time I found three fresh eggs lying on the bare sand ; the hole was a mere pocket, barely six inches deep. In this case the fe- male bird was probably under so great a necessity that she did not have time to construct a nest in the usual manner, but had hastily deepened the already formed cavity. I have quite frequently found fresh eggs in the nests of Bi. serripennis,, and those far advanced in incubation ; indeed, have found fresh, nearly hatched eggs, and young birds, in the same nest, but I have never noticed anything like this among Bank Swallows, though I have searched carefully. In general habits the difference is perhaps less marked. The Eough-wings arrive here about the 10th of April, in large num- bers, full two weeks before the Bank Swallows, and are found in company^ with B. horreorum and H. bicolor ^ playing around, and chasing insects over the ponds and rivers. About the first of May the Bank Swallows come ; H. serripen- nis then appear to grow scarcer, and to desert the vicinity of ponds and streams where there are no sand banks. During the latter part of June and through July, I have often met pairs of Bough-winged swallows fljdng steadily in a particular direc- tion, one or another turning out to pursue an occasional insect, but when it was captured returning to its former general course, over meadows, forests and streams until lost to sight. I have thus met pairs at different times, going towards all points of the compass. As they fly quite high at these times I have never succeeded in killing both birds, but think they would prove to be male and female. About the last of August, both this species, and B. riparia begin to migrate southward, associated with the Barn Swal- NUTT ALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, 11 lows ; when there is no perceptible difference in the habits of either. By the middle of September they have all disap- peared. Watsontown, Pa., Feb. 20th, 1876. ON THE BREEDING OF THE BLACK-THROATED BLUE WAR- BLER (DENDR(EQA CMRULESCENS) IN CONNECTICUT. BY C. M. JONES, As but little is known concerning the nesting of this warbler, a description of two instances which have come under my ob- servation may not be without interest. But perhaps the most interesting fact connected with the discovery of these nests is the occurrence of this species, during the breeding season, so far south of its usual summer habitat. Eastford, where they were found, is in the north-east corner of Connecticut, being eight miles south of the Massachusetts line, and sixteen miles west of the Rhode Island line. My first discovery of the nest of this bird was on the 8th of June, 1874. While taking a stroll in search of specimens for my cabinet, my attention was arrested by a bird of which I could not determine the species. I tried to get a shot, but it was in the tops of the trees, and kept flitting about so rap- idly that I could only keep it in view sufficiently to follow, which I did for, perhaps, seventy-five yards, and then lost sight of it entirely. But just then I discovered a nest of the Wood Thrush (Turdus mustilinu^J, proceeded to appropriate the eggs, and had scarcely finished packing them, when I again discovered the bird, of which I had been in pursuit, in a bush not more than a dozen yards off, and from her restless manner I was convinced that it had a nest very near. I ac- cordingly retired a short distance, and sat down to await further developments. Presently it flew near the Thrush’s nest, and after waiting a few moments, dropped into a low bush and dis- appeared. Allowing it sufficient time to get settled, I care- fully approached the spot, and, looking under the low bush- es, discovered it sitting on a nest, not more than two feet from where I stood while taking the Thrush’s eggs. The bird let me approach within a yard before starting, and then, hop- 12 QUARTERLY BULLETIN, ping suddenly to the ground, it flew to a bush five or six yards off, uttering a few low chirps, endeavoring apparently to con- ceal itself. Not being able to identify the species I was obliged to shoot, and it proved to be a female Dendmca ccemlescens. The nest was located in deep woods, near the base of a hill, which sloped down to a swampy run. It was built in a small laurel, ( Kalmia latifolia ), a fourth of an inch in diameter at the base. About five inches from the ground the bush separated into three branches, and in this triple fork the nest was situated. It has a firm and compact appearance. External diameter, about three inches ; internal, one and three-fourths inches ; external depth, two and three-fourths inches ; internal, one and three- fourths inches. Top of nest, seven and one-half inches high from the ground. It is composed outwardly of what appears to be the dry bark of the grape vine, with a few twigs and roots. This is covered in many places with a reddish, woolly substance, apparently the outer covering of some species of cocoon. The inside is composed of small black roots and hair. The nest contained four fresh eggs, of which the following is a descrip- tion : — No. 1, ashy-white, with a ring of brown and lilac spots and blotches around the larger end, and a few minute spots of the same scattered over the entire surface. Precisely at the centre of the large end is a small spot of deep umber ; dimensions, .61 by .47. No. 2, white, with a slight tinge of green ; the larger end covered with blotches and spots like No. 1 ; one side, near the small end, shaded with the same, where there are also a few small spots of dark umber: dimensions, .61 by .47. No. 3, ground color like No. 2 ; the larger end covered with blotches of light brown and pale lilac ; a spot of dark umber near the small end — dimensions, .64 by .50. No. 4, ashy-white, the lar- ger end surrounded and nearly covered with spots of brown, with minute spots of the same scattered over the entire surface — dimensions, .66 by .50. The second nest I discovered on the 13th of the same month. It was about eighty rods distant from the first, on level ground, and near a piece of swampy land. The spot was somewhat shad- ed by hemlocks ; the principal part of the forest trees being oak and chestnut. While examining a nest of Vireo oUvaceus, I heard a faint chirp slowly repeated, and, looking around, soon discovered in NUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 13 one of the hemlocks a bird which I felt sure was of the same species taken a few days before. From her manner I felt she had a nest not far distant, and remembering how closely the other allowed me to approach before leaving her eggs, I conclu- ded that I must have passed very near the nest of this bird ; therefore retracing my steps, and looking carefully among the bushes I soon discovered the object of my search. Desiring that there should be no mistake about the species, I at once went home, and, taking my gun, returned to the place. Approach- ing cautiously I discovered her on the nest. She permitted me to approach very near, and then, like the other, dropped suddenly from the nest, apd flew into the same hemlock' in which I first found her. After securing my bird I took the eggs, but to my regret found that incubation had proceeded so far that it was impossible to save them. These — four in number — were of a darker shade than the first set, but this was evidently the result of incubation. They were also more spot- ted, and the spots spread more generally over the entire surface than in the other set. The nest was not so near the ground as the first, the top being eleven and one half inches from it. It was placed in a laurel, or more strictly speaking, in two laurels. One of these lay horizontally in the fork of the other, and on the horizontal one the nest was set, held in place by being at- tached on one side to the upright branches of the other. It is constructed of the same materials as the first, excepting the woolly substance on the outside, of which there are only two small pieces. External diameter, three and one half inches ; internal, one and seven-eighths inches ; external depth, two inches ; internal, one and three-eighths inches. As will be seen, by comparison, the nest is much more flat than the first, the result, undoubtedly, of its different situation on a horizontal branch, while the other being in a narrow triple fork, was necessarily narrower and deeper. Placed side by side the two nests bear very little resemblance, and would hardly be suspected of belonging to the same species. 14 QUARTERLY BULLETIN, ON TWO EMPIDONACES, TEAILLII AND ACADICUS . BY H. w. HENSHAW. Perhaps no one group of North American birds has given rise to more confusion, and perplexing errors of identification than our small Flycatchers. More from this reason than from any other cause, our knowledge of the exact range of several of them is still far from being as complete as would be desirable. With a few words on this subject I shall pass to the main object of this paper, which was to call attention to certain differences, between the nests of the two species mentioned above, which it seems to me have never been sufficiently emphasized in the dis- tinction of the two birds, though by no means unknown before. In New England, if the Acadian Flycatcher be found at all, it is in the character of a very rare visitant, and I am inclined to believe that all of the various quotations assigning this bird to a place in the New England fauna may be set down as in- stances of mistaken identification, not excepting the evidence of Mr. J. A. Allen, who states that E acadicus is a rare summer visitant near Springfield, Mass. I am inclined to think that Mr. Allen’s acadicus^ were really Traillii^ more especially since, in recounting the habits, he says, “ it breeds in swamps and thick- ets, which are its exclusive haunts.” This accords perfectly with the habits of E. and is utterly at variance with those of acadicus,, as elsewhere shown.* As at present made out the Acadian Flycatcher reaches no further north along the coast than New Jersey. Nor in the in- terior does its range appear to extend much if any higher. Going west we find it occurs in about the same latitude in Penn- sylvania, in Ohio, where it is numerons about Columbus, (Dr. J. M. Wheaton,) and in southern Illinois, as shown by Messrs. Ridgway and Nelson ; while the Mississippi may be looked upon as marking about its western limit. We find, however, one quotation from further west, that of Mr. Allen of eastern Kansas. In its distribution the Traill’s Flycatcher is decidedly more northern, though the southern line ^Since penning the above I understand that Mr. Allen allows this view to be correct. NVTTALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, 15 of its summer habitat is found to be somewhat that of its con- gener. Such is the case in Pennsylvania, in Ohio and Illinois. Limited to about Kansas in its extension westward, TrailFs Flycatcher then fades into the closely allied form, known as var. pusillus^ which seems to inhabit the western country at large, without much regard to the climatic condition which it finds. — In addition to many intermediate quotations we find it from Washington Territory (Cooper,) to New Mexico and Arizona where I have found it almost to the Mexican line, and also in southern California. In this wide range of country the Traill’s Fl^matcher appears to have changed its habits very little. It is everywhere a bird of the swamps and lowlands, being especially partial to the running streams, whose banks are well clothed with willow, dis- posed in dense thickets. This is as true of the var. pusillus in the west as of Trailili in the east, and there is seen also in the architecture of the nests of the two a similarity which is quite remarkable, when is taken into consideration the wide extent of country occupied by the two varieties. Slight variations aside, which are chiefly the result of a difference in the materials used, the selection of which always largel}^ depends upon fortuitous circumstances, there is almost no difference. As typical then of either variety, I shall briefly describe a nest of Traillii,, one of a series of five, kindly presented by Dr. Wheaton, and taken near Columbus, Ohio. It may be fairly compared with the usual structure of the Summer Yellow Warbler (Dendrmca cestim),, so well known to every one, but lacks something of the compactness and neat- ness shown by this species in its method of weaving together the materials that make up its home. Hempen fibres compose the exterior, or the hulk of the nest, while internally it is lined in true Flycatcher style with fine grasses, and a slight admixture of down from thistles ; the main point of all, however, is its position with regard to the branches. It is built into an upright fork, the small twigs that surround it being made available to secure it more firmly in its place by being encircled with the stringy fibres. In this particular of position correspond all of the nests of this bird I have seen, as well as those of pusilhis in the west. Taking now a nest of E. acadicus, and placing it beside the others, a very striking difference is at once seen. Instead of comparing it with the structures of any of the Warblers, or with 16 QUARTERLY BULLETIN, those of the above species, we are at once reminded of the Vi- reos, though no one familiar with the elegant basket-like struc- ture of these weavers would think of mistaking this for one of their masterpieces. The resemblance is but a superficial one, beginning and ending with the manner the nest is disposed in a horizontal fork. It is a slight structure made of fine grasses, interspersed more or less with the blossoms of trees, the whole disposed in a circular form, and fitted between two twigs ; a firm support is derived from a binding of spiders’ webs, which are inter- woven with the sides of the nest, and then carried over the twigs on either side, encircling them with strong bands. The entire base of the nest is without support, and so thin is the slight structure that the eggs might almost be seen from be- low. This nest was built in a small tree, perhaps twenty feet from the ground. In this respect the two species vary but little, both preferring to select the lower branches of tree or shrub as the site of their domicile, and only rarelj^ departing from ^the rule. This last nest was taken near Washington, by Mr. P. L. Jouy, who kindly placed it at my disposal. The con- trast between these two structures could indeed scarcely be greater, and those selected for description may, I think, be taken as fair samples of the styles of nest architecture that obtain with the two species, at least all of a considerable number I have seen, from several localities, correspond with the forego- ing. A word as to the eggs. After examination of several sets of either species, of which the identity was unquestionable, I am certain that no decided differences of coloration exist between them ; none at least that are constant and that can be made of use in the exact discrimination of the two. Dr. T. M. Brewer, in speaking of the eggs of E. traillii, describes them as possessing a “ white ground color with a distinct roseate tinge,” and marked with large and well defined blotclies of purplish brown, while in his description of acadicus^ he says in distinction, the eggs resem- ble more tliose.of the Contopi, and are “ of a rich cream color with reddish-brown shading, marked at larger end with scattered and vivid blotches of red and reddish-brown.” The truth is, however, that the shade of the ground color of either species is extremely variable, not being alike in any two sets I have examiued. The eggs of Traill’s Flycatcher are frequently NUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, 17 found to be of a very decided cream color, approaching buff, while those of the Acadian, if anything, are more buffy, but will now and then be found to be fully as pale as some of the Traill’s. The markings, too, are subject to considerable variation as to precise shade, number and size. On this point Dr. Wheaton remarks, that while he can discov- er no specific difference in the eggs of the two birds, he is of the opinion, that the eggs of acadicus average a little longer and Slenderer than those of Traillii^ and have perhaps a yellower buff tinge. With reference to the habits of these two species. Dr. Whea- ton has always observed a ver}^ decided difference, especially in the localities chosen as homes, and considers “ the locality as characteristic of the species as any of its other points.” He has always found Traill’s Flycatcher a lover of the low grounds, and especially fond of the willow clumps along running streams, while of the Acadian he says : “ It is never found in company with, or in such localities as are frequented by the Traill’s. In all cases it is found in upland woodland, preferably, and I might almost say as far as my observation extends in beech woodland. I have never seen it even during the migration in other pla- ces.” ON THE OCCURRENCE OF CERTAIN BIRDS IN THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. BY WM. BREVTSTER. It must be admitted that the knowledge which we possess of the geographical range of even the commonest of our North American birds is at present but imperfect. Important and interesting as this branch of ornithological lore may be regarded and receiving, as it has of late, consider- able attention, it yet admits of much closer study. Local lists have proved of great value as offering readily available expo- nents of desultory field work, and it is to them that we must often turn for our most valuable notices of rare species. The component species of these lists are classed under two heads — those which more or less regularly occur in the district treated — and others, extralimital by right, but which driven before 3 18 QUARTERLY BULLETIN, storms or wandering aimlessly, are finally captured in a region so remote from the usual range that the chances are a thousand to one against another individual of the same species ever find- ing its waj'- thither again. Occurrences of the latter class are certainly not devoid of interest, but their value to the intelligent student of ornithology can bear no relation to that of the dis- covery of a species, which of regular, perhaps almost common occurrence, has entirely eluded the search of former collectors. Thus the capture of the Varied Thrush in Massachusetts must be regarded purety in the light of an accident — an accident, more- over, which proves nothing beyond the bad taste of the bird in straying to a region so remote and so overrun by collectors of its race ; while the establishment of a fixed fact like that re- cently developed, of the regular seasonal appearance inconsid- erable numbers of Passerculus princeps along our New England coast, cannot fail to prove of the utmost practical value to the ornithologist, and reflectant of great and lasting credit on the fortunate discoverer. In the present state of our available knowledge, however, classifying any newly acquired feathered citizen under either of the above heads, can scarcely fail to prove a somewhat danger- ous and arbitrary committal. Truly, in ornithology, “ we know not what the morrow will bring forth perhaps it will be our “accidental visitor” in multitudes; or the bird which we shot yesterday, for the first time, may never be heard from again. — Manifestl^r the only thing that can be safely done is to “make a note of it,” and calmly await future developments. Sage proph- ecy has, however, such temporary charms, that the best of us fail to keep altogether clear of it at times, and it may not be gainsaid that it has its value — a value, however, that bears al- ways a most close relation to the reliability to its author. It possesses in addition a no small element of luck, and 'is in some sort a kind of ornithological gambling, where the fate or for- tunes of the participator are decided by the dice-throw of future discovery. Of the following five species, two are recorded for the first time in New England ; two are new to the State of Maine, and the last has never been previously taken in Massachusetts. Al- though the temptation to theorize a little on the occurrence of some of them is great, it will be at least more consistent to act in accordance with the philosophy just advanced and simply give the facts, leaving the commentary to future times and wiser heads : NUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 19 Junco Oregonus., (Towns.), Scl. Female, shot in Watertown, Mass., March 25th, 1874. This specimen is quite typical, and its identity has been confirmed by my friend, Mr. H. W. Hen- shaw, who has recently examined it. Corvus ossifragus^ Wils. On the morning of March 16th, 1875, I saw a bird of this species flying swiftly over our place in Cam- bridge. It was pursued by at least twenty-five or thirty of our common species, ( Corvus Americanus J, and at each renewnal of their attacks gave utterance to its peculiar and unmistakable notes. Having thoroughly familiarized myself with its voice and motions in the South, where it is abundant, I feel confidant that I could not in this instance have made any mistake. The very fact of its having drawn the angry attention of so many common crows, at a season too when their gregarious habits are given up for more social relations, proves that it was to them an object of novelty and one deemed worthy of suspicion and hatred, I am not aware that any such feeling is maintained when the two species come together in numbers ; but however this may be matters little, as our bird habitually treats all sus- picious strangers in a like manner, and the collector is not sel- dom indebted for a rare hawk or owl to the watchful eye and clamorous alarum of this sable sentinel. Vireo Pkiladelpkicus , Cass. On Sept. 7th, 1875, I shot a female of this beautiful little species in Cambridge, Mass. It was feeding in company with several individuals of Vireo olioa- ceus., in a low willow tree. Tringa Bairdii.^ Coues. I secured a fine male of this spe- cies at Upton, Oxford County, Maine, Sept. 1, 1875. When first observed it was sitting alone on a mud fiat at the foot of Lake Umbagog. P fiilomachus pugnax Gr. Female. Killed at Upton, Ox- ford County, Maine, September 8th, 1874. , It was shot while flying on the marshes at the mouth of Cambridge River. My at- tention was attracted to it by its peculiar hawk-like flight, which, provided it be a constant attendant of its motions, should at once distinguish it while on wing from any other Tringce. I arn aware that this species has already been given in Mr. G. A. Boardman’s “List of the Birds of Calais, Me.,” but Dr. Brewer informs me that none of the specimens therein referred to were taken within Maine limits. The only authentic N. E. 20 QUARTERLY BULLETIN. quotation that I can at present recollect is the record of a Mass, specimen in “Am. Nat./’ vol. vi, p. 306. The occurrence, of the present individual so far inland is worthy of remark. ALBINISM AND MELANISM AMONG NOBTH AMERICAN BIRDS. BY RUTHVEN DEANE. What a striking contrast it is as we examine a collection of Birds, to see one of our familiar friends standing out in bold relief among others of its own species clad in a spotless suit, or perhaps wearing a most variegated coloration of plumage, a white head, a white wing, or a few white tail feathers, while the rest of the bird retains its normal plumage. This “ freak of nature ” is of more frequent occurrence than is generally supposed, yet notwithstanding how difficult it is for an individual to get together any number of specimens. I presume there is scarcely a collection of any size in the country that has not one or more specimens represented, and yet many of our most experienced collectors, who have shot thousands of birds, are yet to have the luck (for sheer luck we must call it) to add a specimen to their cabinet taken with their own gun, and one must generally be content with but few ex- amples. During the past few years I have been fortunate enough to add about a dozen specimens to my collection, though have only taken an individual myself. As I have just remarked we may shoot a whole season in various parts of the country, and travel many miles without happening upon a single specimen, 3^et scarcely a week passes that we do not see in some of our daily papers that so and so recently shot a white Robin, or a white English Sparrow was seen in one of our public parks, or a white Blackbird is making a sensation in a certain localitj^, and it must be generall}^ acknowledged that the casual observer is more fortunate than one who is constantly’ in the woods and fields. Pure albinism is of rare occurrence, the majority of specimens retaining more or less of their normal dress. Of course this disease is liable to occur in any birds, though more frequently NUTT ALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 21 in some families than others, and I can now recall some fifty or sixty different species in which it is represented. Among the Turdidcs^ the Robin (T, migratorius)^ is the only si)ecies 1 have seen in the albino state, and in my experience is the most common example among our birds, though we rarely hear of pure white specimens, and out of some twenty I have seen, there vrere not any two that resembled each other. Among the SaxicolidcB., I have seen the Bluebird (S. sialia) represented, the specimen being of a light yellowish cast, though traces of its normal plumage could readily be discerned* Representatives among the Sylvicolidce.^ I have seen in lim- ited numbers for so large a family, the examples being P. Amer- icana.^ a beautifully marked specimen among the collection of the Smithsonian Institution. D. castanea., a small portion of the forehead being white, and extending over half of the upper man- dible. T).coronata has been taken in partial state, and S.ruticilla. This later species I shot some years ago, and it presents a curious mixture of coloration. The black head and breast is mottled with white, the black dorsum is replaced bj^ bright orange, with a few blackish feathers intermixed, while the belly and crissum are much more strongly marked with orange than in a typical specimen. I was attracted at some distance by this peculiar plumage, and like all abnormal birds it was unusually shy. Albinism among the Hirundinidce is generally pure white or of a strong yellowish cast, and I cannot recall of having seen or heard of a specimen in only a partial state. I have seen specimens of H. horreorum., T. bicolor C. riparia^ P. lunifrons., and P. purpurea, in this, white dress. Ampelis cedrorum has been taken in some striking stages of plumage, the crest, wax appendages on the wings, and the yellow tips of the tail feathers retaining color, while the rest of the body bore a bleached out appearance. Doubtless the Fringillidce are represented more largely than any family, though but eleven species have come under my no- tice, Passer domesticus being the only one pure white. A speci- men of A. linaria was recently captured, whose plumage was white, with the exception of the crimson patch on the crown. The other examples are P. gramineus., M. melodia, J. Oregonus, S. monticola, S. socialis, S. pusilla, Z. alhicollis, and P. illiaca — all these presenting a mottled plumage. In a specimen of Z. albi- collis, kindly presented to me by Mr. N. C. Brown, of Portland, 22 QUARTERLY BULLETIN. Maine, the head is pure white, with the exception of the yellow superciliary stripe which remains and causes a marked contrast. The most interesting and striking cases of albinism are those among the Icteridce and CorvidcB^ and how many times have I as- tonished disinterested persons by referring to a white Black- bird or a white Crow, and to such persons it must indeed seem very absurd to prefix “ white” before Blackbird, and also be- fore Crow, for how common the comparison is, “ as black as a Crow,” but as previously remarked, this family are as likely to be represented as any others. Several examples of (p. 386), the Yellow-crowned Night-Heron is included as a ‘summer vis- itant to the extreme southern portion of the State,' and in my later ‘ Cata- logue of the Birds of the Lower Wabash Valley' it is given in the list of ‘species found only in summer' (p. 26) as ‘common?' More recently, however, we have received information, in the shape of two fine adult spe- cimens shot from their nests, accompanied by an account of their capture, which confirms the breeding of the species in considerable numbers as far up the river as Mt. Carmel. The locality where they were found is a portion of bottom-land known as ‘ Coffee-flat,' where a small colony was found nesting by Mr. Samuel Turner and my brother, John L. Kidgway, on the 6th of May, 1874. Two fine adult specimens in their breeding plumage were obtained, as were also a few eggs. One nest is described as situated in a white-oak tree about sixty feet from the ground, on a branch four inches in diameter, twelve feet from the trunk of the tree, and upon so small a limb that the eggs could not be obtained. The nest was com- posed of sticks, the outer ones about half an inch in diameter, the in- terior ones finer, and so loosely put together that the eggs could be plainly seen through the nest. There were four eggs, and another ready to be laid was taken from the parent bird. The number of nests found in this locality is not stated in the letter, but another nest is mentioned which was upon a tree about fifty feet distant." 11. Porzana noveboracensis, Cass. Yellow Bail. — Not very rare in the northern portion of the State, and without doubt breeds. 12. Porzana jamaicensis, Cass. Black Bail. — A regular summer resident, and not very rare. During the spring of 1875 I saw three speci- mens in the Calumet Marsh ; and Mr. Frank De Witt of Chicago, while collecting with me near the Calumet Biver, June 19, 1875, was fortunate enough to find a nest of this species containing ten freshly laid eggs. The nest was situated in a deep cup-shaped depression, and in shape and situation resembled that of the Meadow Lark, except that the Bail's nest is much deeper in proportion to the diameter. The nest was more elab- orately made than the nest of any other of the genus I have seen. The outer portion is composed of grass-stems and blades, the inner portion of soft blades of grass arranged in a circular manner and loosely inter- woven. Owing to the small diameter of the nest there were two layers of eggs. The eggs are clear white, thinly sprinkled with reddish-brown dots, which become much more numerous about the large end. 44 BULLETIN OF THE NUTT ALL 13. Harelda glacialis, Leach. Long-tailed Duck. — “ Obtained by Professor Stein at Mt. Carmel, in December, 1874.” Exceedingly abundant on Lake Michigan every winter. 14. Graciilus dilophus var. floridanus, Coues. Florida Cormo- rant.— “In the spring of 1874, several very fine specimens of the Florida Cormorant were obtained at Mt. Carmel by Mr. S. Turner and my brother, John L. Eidgway, and others were obtained during the succeeding sum- mer, the species being abundant along the river. This form is a summer resident, while the true G. dilophus occurs only in winter and diu'ing the migrations.” NOTES ON THE BEEEDING HABITS OF CLARKE’S CROW {PIGICORVUS COLUMBIANUS), WITH AN ACCOUNT OF ITS NEST AND EGGS. BY CAPTAIN CHARLES BENDIRE, U. S. A. [The following account of the breeding habits, nests, and eggs of Clarke’s Crow is based on observations made the present year in the vicinity of Camp Harney, Oregon, by Captain Bendire, and is compiled, with his permission, from his letters addressed to the writer. The only previous account of the nest and eggs of Clarke’s Crow seems to be that given by Mr. J. K. Lord (in his “ Naturalist in Vancouver ”), who found this species nesting near Fort Col- ville, in Washington Territory, in the top of a high pine, two hundred feet from the ground. — J. A. Allen.] On April 22, 1876, I succeeded in finding two nests of Clarke’s Crow. One contained three young, possibly four days old ; the other, one young bird and two eggs, one of the latter already cracked. The nests were placed in pine trees. On the 27th I again visited the mountains, and made thorough search near where the first nests were found, and discovered another in which the young could not have been more than one day old. One of the nests discovered on the first visit I brought away in excellent order. It was placed on the extremity of a branch, on a pine (Finns ponder osa), about twenty-five feet from the ground, and well protected from view by longer branches projecting both above and below the nest. It is a bulky affair, like all the others I have seen, but looks quite small as viewed from below. The nest proper rested on a platform of small sticks of the white sage, placed on the pine branches, and is composed of dry grasses, vegetable fibres and ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, 45 the fine inner bark of Juniperus occidentalis. The whole mass is well woven together, and makes quite a warm, comfortable struc- ture. The outer diameter of the nest is eight and a half inches ; the inner, four and a half ; depth inside, three and a quarter inches ; outside, five inches. The two eggs measure respectively 1.22 by .95 inches, and 1.20 by .90. Ground color, light grayish-green, speckled and blotched with grayish, principally about the larger end. On the smaller egg the spots are finer and more evenly dis- tributed, a few of them being rather of a lavender color than gray. These eggs resemble in shape those of Maximilian’s Jay (Gymnokitta cyanocepliela), two of whose eggs I have from Mr. Aiken out of the nest found by him in Colorado. The markings on those, however, are darker and thicker than on those of Clarke’s Crow, and the eggs are a little smaller. All the nests I have seen were placed in pine trees, well out on the limbs, and generally twenty to forty feet from the ground. Trees with plenty of branches seem to be preferred, and the edges of the pine timber to the interior of the forests. Now that I know where to look for these nests, I have no difficulty in finding them, and feel certain of getting a number of nests if I am here next year. I regret that I did not discover one a few weeks earlier. The female seems to be a very close sitter, and the birds seem very devoted to their young and eggs. When the first nest was visited the bird would not leave it at all, and though the man pulled out part of its tail in taking it off, it came back again before he left the nest himself. On the second visit, in order to see how much disturbance these birds would bear when on the nest, I fired a charge of shot into the limb on 'which the nest was placed from which T took the two eggs, and about two' feet from the nest, and no bird leaving I threw sticks at it and hit the base of the nest once or twice, but still no bird appeared. Then I had the man who was with me climb the tree, and only after he was within a foot of the nest and in plain sight of the bird did it fly off. The young one left in the nest had grown very much during the five days since the first visit. 46 BULLETIN OF THE NUTT ALL DESCRIPTION OF A NEW DUCK FROM WASHINGTON ISLAND. BY THOMAS H. STREETS, M. D., PASSED ASSISTANT SURGEON, U. S. N. ’ Cliaulelasmua couesi. Bill nearly as long as the head, ahont as deep as broad at the base, depressed anteriorly, sides nearly parallel but converging slightly toward the base, tip rounded, and unguis abruptly curved ; frontal angle short and obtuse ; dorsal line at first sloping, rather more so than in G. strepe- rus, anterior portion broad, straight, and flattened. Internal lamellae numerous, small, and closely packed, about seventy-five in number, — in streperus only about fifty. Nostrils sub-basal, lateral, large, and oblong. Plumage {immature). Head above dark brown, the feathers tipped with a lighter shade ; frontal feathers with the central portion black, and edged with brownish -WThite ; throat and sides of head brownish-white, shafts of the feathers brown, a small brown spot at the extremity of each ; lower portion of the neck and breast all around with the feathers marked with concentric bars of black and light reddish-brown ; under surface of the body white, each feather with a broad dark band near the extrem- ity, which gives to this region a mottled aspect ; toward the tail the white of the abdomen assumes a dull reddish-brown tinge ; the brownish- red color becomes more decided on the flanks and sides of the body where covered by the wings. On the back the plumage is more mature. Color dark brown marked transversely by fine wavy lines of black and white ; scapulars dark brown and fringed with a narrow rim of reddish- brown. Middle wing-coverts chestnut ; greater, velvet black ; speculum pure white, the inner web of the w’hite feathers grayish-brown ; in the third feather in the speculum, counting from within, the white gives place to a hoary gray with a black outer margin ; the primaries light brown, the portion of both webs nearest the shaft lighter ; shaft light brown. Tail containing fourteen feathers, hoary plumbeous-gray, under surface lighter and shining ; under tail-coverts crossed by transverse bars of black and white ; upper coverts composed of dark brown and black feathers mingled. Under wing-coverts and axillars pure white. Bill and feet black, somewhat lighter on the inner side of the tarsus. Tibia bare for about half an inch. Length, 17 inches ; wing, 8 ; tarsus, 1.40 ; commissure, 1.65 ; culmen, 1.45 ; height and breadth of bill at base, .55 ; average width of bill, .55. First toe, .30 ; second, 1.48, including claw, shorter than third toe without claw ; third toe, 1.88 without claw, longer than outer toe without claw ; outer toe, 1.75. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 47 A female is similar^ but with little trace of the peculiar wing markingSj both the chestnut and black being wanting, and the speculum being hoary gray instead of white. Both the specimens before me are imma- ture ; the adults, it is presumed, will show the peculiar vermiculated ap- pearance of G. streperus. They resemble |the immature condition of G. streperus so closely that one description of the coloration would answer for both species ; but the G. couesi is immediately distinguished by its greatly inferior size, which hardly exceeds that of a teal, the different color of the bill and feet, and the singular discrepancy in the lamellse of the bi|l, which are much .smaller, and one-third more numerous. Habitat: Washington Island, one of the Fanning Group, situated about latitude 6° N. and longitude 160° W. I dedicate this new species to one of our most distinguished ornithol- ogists, Dr. Elliott Cones, U. S. A., as a slight testimonial of regard, and in consideration of the service which he has rendered to the science of ornithology. Meant iltterature. Descriptions of New Species of American Birds. — Mr. George N. Lawrence has recently described seven new species of birds from tropi- cal America. Two of these are Jays,* one of them (Cyanocitta pulchra) being from Ecuador and the other {Cyanocorax ortoni) from Northern Peru. The others f are two new species of Tanager of the genus Chlorospingus (G. speculiferus and C. nigrifrons), respectively from Porto Eico and Ecuador,- and three new species of Flycatcher (Serpophaga leucura, from Ecuador, Orchilus atricapillus, from Costa Eica, and Empidonax nanus, from St. Do- mingo). The descriptions of two of the species {Chlorospingus speculifera and Serpophaga leucura) are accompanied by colored figures. — J. A. A. Birds of Kansas. — ^ Professor F. H. Snow has recently published a third edition of his “Catalogue of the Birds of Kansas,” J giving an annotated list of 295 species. Twenty-three species and one variety have been added since the publication of the second edition in October, 1872 ; and it is believed a few others will still be added by further research. The list is very creditable to the zeal and energy of Professor Snow and * Description of a New Species of Jay of the Genus Cyanocitta; also of a sup- posed New Species of Cyanocorax. By George N. Lawrence. Annals of the Lyc. of Nat. Hist. N. Y., Vol. XI, pp. 163-166. [Published Feb. 1876.] t Descriptions of Five New Species of American Birds. By George N. Law- rence. Ibis, Sd Series, Yol. V, pp. 383-387, Plate IX, July, 1875. X A Catalogue of the Birds of Kansas. Contributed to the Kansas Academy of Science. 8yo. pp. 14. November, 1875. 48 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL Ids fellow-workers, who have done so much to make known the avian fauna of Kansas. — J. A. A. Ornithology of Kerguelen Island. — In addition to the very in- teresting and valuable report on the birds of Kerguelen Island * * * § published some months since, Dr. Kidder has recently, in conjunction with Dr. Coues, given an account of the Oology of the island,t including detailed descriptions and measurements of the eggs, together with an account of the breeding habits of all the species found breeding there. These are about twenty in number, and all but one are aquatic. They include the hereto- fore little-known Chionis minor, the recently described Querquedula eatoni, Graculus carunculatus, J three species of the Gull family (Laridce), eleven species of the Petrel family (Procellariidce), and four species of Penguins (Spheniscidfe), the eggs of a considerable proportion of which had not been before described. With this paper is published, by the same authors, “A Study of Chio- nis minor with reference to its -Structure and Systematic Position.” § This essay opens with a resume of the literature of the species, beginning with the founding of the genus Chionis by Forster in 1788. Then fol- lows a description of its anatomy, including an account of its myology, of the viscera and the skeleton ; of its habits, general appearance in life, and external characters. In some features Chionis is found to have a considera- ble superficial, as well as osteological resemblance to the Gulls, and also to the Grallce, with which latter group it has heretofore been usually asso- ciated ; but other features point to its association with either of these groups as unnatural. In summing its external characters, say these authors, “we see how exactly Chionis stands between grallatorial and natatorial birds, retaining slight but perfectly distinct traces of several other types of structure.” Its digestive system is regarded as “ decidedly rasorial in character,” while its cranial and sternal characters show its strong alliance to the Gulls, with a less close relationship to the Plovers. On the whole, Chionis seems to be made up of distinctive characteristics amounting almost to anomalies, and in view of its remoteness from any other group, it is regarded by our authors as entitled to distinct super- family rank, standing between the Gulls and Plovers, but rather nearer to * Contributions to the Natural History of Kerguelen Island. By J. H. Kidder, M. D., Passed Assisant Surgeon U. S. Navy. I. Ornithology. Edited by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, No. 2. Washington: Government Printing-Office, 1875. 8vo. pp. 51. d , Contributions to the Natural History of Kerguelen Island. By J. H. Kid- der. II, pp. 6-20. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 3. Washington [etc.], 1876. ■ X [Craculus verrucosus — Haliceus {Hypolucus) verrucoms, n. sp. Cab., Journ. f. Orn., Jahrg. XXIII, Oct. 1875, p. 450. — Elliott Coues.] § Contributions to the Natural History of Kerguelen Island. By J. H. Kid- der. II, pp. 85-116. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 3. Washington [etc.], 1876. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 49 the former. For this group the super-family name Ghionomorphce is pro- posed. In view of some differences between Chionis alba and Chionis minor that are noted as of probably supra-specific value, the new generic^ title of Chionarchus is proposed for C. minor. — J. A. A. Extinct Birds with Teeth. — A few months since, Professor 0. C. Marsh of New Haven described^ several species of extinct birds with teeth from the Cretaceous of Kansas. One of these (Ichthyornis dispar, Marsh) was an aquatic bird of about the size of a pigeon. Its jaws and teeth show it to have been carnivorous, and its powerful wings indicate that it was capable of prolonged flight. The teeth were numerous, small, compressed and pointed, set in distinct sockets, and their crowns were covered with nearly smooth enamel. A second species {Apatornis celer, Marsh) is of about the same size as the first named, but of more slender proportions. Another species {Hesperornis dispar, Marsh), one of the most interesting of the group with teeth yet found, was a gigantic diver. Its teeth had no true sockets, but were placed in grooves and supported on stout fangs. In form they somewhat resemble the teeth of the Mosasau- roid reptiles, and they had the same method of replacement. Professor Marsh has since described f two other species of the same group, both of gigantic size. One of these is named Hesperornis gracilis, and the other Lestornis crassipes, the latter representing a new genus as well as a new species. These interesting forms are regarded as represent- ing two distinct orders {Odontotormce and Odontolcce) of the subclass Odo1^- tornithes {Aves dentatce ) or toothed birds, which combine in a peculiar manner many reptilian characters with others truly avian. — J. A. A. “Life-Histories of the Birds of Eastern Pennsylvania.” J — Under this title Mr. T. G. Gentry has given the public a most welcome volume of biographies of the birds of Eastern North America. The work is based on the author’s careful studies of the birds of Eastern Pennsyl- vania, and bears strongly the stamp of originality. The general habits and songs of the different species are faithfully described ; while the char- acter of their nests, the manner of building, periods of incubation, the age of the young on quitting the nest, etc., etc., are dwelt upon in detail ; the food of each is also carefully noted. The author’s style is unostentatious and simple, at times lapsing into carelessness ; but the chief defect of the book is its unprepossessing typographical appearance, printer’s blunders of every description abounding, while the paper and type are wholly un- * American Journ. Sci. and Arts, Nov. 1875, pp. 403-409, Plates IX, X, (reprinted in Amer. Nat., Vol. IX, pp. 625-631, Plates II, III). + Amer. Jour. Sci. and Arts., June, 1876, pp. 509-511. i Life-Histories of the Birds of Eastern Pennsylvania. By Thomas G. Gen- try, Member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and of the Canadian Entomological Society of Toronto. In two volumes. Vol. I: Phila- delphia. Published by the author, 1876. 12 mo., pp. xvi, 309. 50 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL worthy of so valuable a work. These faults of mechanical execution can, however, be easily remedied in a future edition, which we sincerely hope .the demand for the work will soon call for. The present volume includes the Song-Birds as far as the Corvidce of Dr. Coues’s arrangement, and forms a work that no ornithologist can be without, while its popular character ought to insure it a wide range of readers. — J. A. A. (® literal jisrtejJ. Breeding of the Canada Goose in Trees. — Dr. Coues, in his “Birds of the Northwest” (p. 554), alludes to the breeding of the Canada Goose {Branta canadensis) in trees in “ various parts of the Upper Mis- souri and Yellowstone regions.” He refers to the fact as being little known, and as not personally verified by himself, though perfectly satisfied of the reliability of the accounts furnished him by various persons, including Mr. J. Stevenson of Dr. Hayden’s Survey. Dr. Coues further adds that he found the circumstance to be a matter of common information among the residents of Montana Territory. “ The birds,” he says, “ are stated to build in the heavy timber along the larger streams, and to transport their young to the water in their bills.” The fact of the breeding of the Canada Goose in trees is further con- firmed by Captain Charles Bendire, who reports its breeding in this man- ner near Camp Harney, under, however, rather peculiar circumstances. In a letter dated Camp Harney, Oregon, A]Dril 24, 1876, Captain Bendire writes as follows : “ The season is very backward, and scarcely any of the small species of birds have commenced to build yet. The water is very high, and the whole lower Harney valley is flooded. The Western Can- ada Geese seem to have anticipated such a state of affairs, as last year I did not see a single nest of theirs off the ground, while this spring all of them, as far as I have observed personally or have heard of through others, are built in trees off the ground, mostly in willows. Some make use of Herons’ nests, and one of a Eaven’s nest, the only Eaven’s nest I found last year in a tree.” Apropos of this change of habit with circumstances. Captain Bendire asks the pertinent question, “ Is it instinct or reason I” — J. A. Allen. Tarsal Envelope in Campylorhtnchus and allied Genera. — Impressed with certain differences observable between typical Wrens and the three Western genera, Campylorhynchus, Salpinctes, and Catherpes, gen- erally assigned to the Troglodytidce, I have been led to look into the tech- nical aspects of the case, with the result of becoming dissatisfied with the alleged position of these forms among the Wrens. In establishing the ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 51 genus Catherpes as distinct from Salpinctes, Professor Baird noted certain discrepancies in the structure of the feet ; and in 1864 (Eeview, p. 109)^ he enlarges upon the remarkable structure of the tarsus of Salpinctes, which he characterizes as “ especially peculiar among all , its cognate genera by having the usual two continuous plates along the posterior half of the inner and outer faces of the tarsus divided transversely into seven or more smaller plates, with a naked interval between them and the anterior scu- tellse.’^ This is certainly a remarkable feature for a presumed thoroughly Oscine bird to exhibit, since it is highly characteristic of OscinesJ;,o have the postero-lateral tarsal plates continuous, meeting in a sharp ridge be- hind. I verify the state of the case in Salpinctes as given by Professor Baird, but I find, to my surprise, that in Campylorhynchus the lateral plates, but especially the outer one, are broken up into a series of conspic- uous scutella ; and that Catherpes shows a tendency, not so full}" expressed, to similar division of the tarsal envelope. If this structure really possesses the significance attributed to it by many of the best writers, the question whether these birds are Wrens at all is reopened. That they possess de- cidedly Wren-like habits is no strong argument, for nothing is more falla- cious than such teleological bending of diverse structures to similar ends. It will be remembered that Lafresnaye, and other writers of repute, have placed species of Campylorhynchus in the genus Picolaptes, which is a member of the large family Dendrocolaptidce ; some of these birds have rigid acuminate Certhia-like tail-feathers, and Creeper-like habits ; in oth- ers, however, the tail is soft, and among them is witnessed the greatest diversity of habits. On comparing our Campylorhynchus with a typical Dendrocolaptine {Dendrornis erythropygia), I find that the bills of the two are extremely similar, and that the tarsal envelope of Dendrornis is broken up posteriorly into a number of plates, of which those on the inner aspect are continuous with those in front, while the postero-exterior ones are a series of rounded and isolated scales. Again, in the case of Salpinctes, it will be recollected that Bonaparte placed it in the genus Myiothera, and considered it an Ant-thrush (Formicariidce). On examining the tarsus of a species of Thamnophilus, a typical Formicarian, I find that the plates are divided behind, and the general structure is substantially the same as in Salpinctes. The case of Catherpes is less clear, but it would doubtless go with Salpinctes. These points may not suffice for the summary dismissal of the genera under consideration from the Troglodytidce, but they go to show that their position in that family is not assured. — Elliott Coues. Occurrence of the Curlew Sandpiper in Massachusetts. — Mr. Charles I. Goodale, our accomplished Boston taxidermist, has a fine Curlew Sandpiper {Tringa suharquata) which was sent to him to be mounted. It was shot in East Boston, Mass., early in May, 1876, as it was feeding on a sandspit among a flock of “ Peeps.” This bird is in very perfect spring plumage, and furnishes the second authentic instance 52 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL CLUB. of tlie occurrence of tliis species in New England. In its claims to be regarded as a bird of North America it may best be compared with the Euff {Machetes pugnax). Both are probably not infreq^uent stragglers to our continent. — William Brewster. The Ipswich Sparrow m New Brunswick. — On April 11, 1876, while collecting at Point Lepreaux, N. B., in company with Mr. William Stone, we secured a fine female of the Ipswich Sparrow {Passerculus prin- ceps, Maynard). It was sitting on a rock on the extreme end of the Point when first seen, and was very easily secured. The yellow over the eye in this specimen is more intense than in any other I have ever examined, and quite equals in this respect the average coloring of the same area in P. savanna. This is the third spring specimen that has been thus far re- ported. The first, a male, was taken by Mr. Maynard at Ipswich, April 1, 1874 ; and the second by Mr. Willey of Portland, at Cape Elizabeth, Maine, March 15, 1875. The former is now in my possession, and the latter graces the collection of Mr. N. C. Brown of Portland. — William Brewster. Passerculus princeps and Parus hudsonicus in Connecticut. — On November 4, 1875, while collecting along the beach at “ South End,” a few miles below New Haven, I was fortunate enough to secure a fine specimen of the Ipswich Sparrow (Passerculus princeps, Maynard). The specimen was a female, and in excellent condition. Its mate was seen, but escaped capture. On November 13, 1875, Mr. Robert Morris, while shooting in a wooded ravine a few miles from town, killed a female Hudsonian Titmouse (Parus hudsonicus). The specimen is now in the collection of Mr. Thomas Osborn of this city. It is, I think, the first occurrence of this species south of Concord, Mass. — C. Hart Merriam, New Haven, Conn. Anser rossii in Oregon. — Captain Charles Bendire, U. S. A., in a recent letter to the writer, announces the capture by him of a female of this rare species at Camp Harney, Oregon, “ the first and only one,” he says, “ I have seen killed about here.” He states in a later letter that the specimen v^as shot from a flock of twelve to fifteen individuals, and adds that several parties have since told him that they had killed such small geese before, but supposed them to be the young of the Snow Goose (Anser hyperboreus). Captain Bendire, however, believes them to be very rare at that locality, and has never seen any brought in by the numerous hunting parties from the Post. He gives the length of the specimen taken as twenty-two inches, with the body not larger than a Mallard^s. The only other United States record for this species that I have seen is Cali- fornia (Coues). — J. A. Allen. BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. Vol. I. SEPTEMBER, 1876. No. 3. DECEEASE OF BIRDS IN MASSACHUSETTS. BY J. A. ALLEN. Unfortunately very few data are obtainable relative to the birds which inhabited Massachusetts at the time of its first ex- ploration and settlement, nearly three hundred years ago. The smaller species attracted little attention here, as elsewhere in North America, prior to the beginning of the present century. A few notices of the larger species occur in the early accounts of the pro- ductions and “commodities” of the State, which are sufficiently defi- nite and trustworthy to show that a few species then common have since been nearly or wholly extirpated, and that a number of others are far less numerous now than they were in the early colonial days. The number of indigenous species thus far recognized as belong- ing to the fauna of the State is about three hundred and ten. Two of these (the Great Auk, Alca impennis, and the Wild Turkey, Melea- gris gallopavo var. occidentalis) have become wholly extirpated, and two others (the Pinnated Grouse, Cupidonia cupido, and the Ameri- can Swan, Cygnus americamis) are so nearly that the former is found at only one or two limited localities and the latter is but a chance visitor. Another (the Brown or Sandhill Crane, Grus cana- densis)^ and perhaps a second (the White or Whooping Crane, Grus americamis), will be presently shown to have been formerly inhab- itants of the State, though extirpated at so early a date that they have not as yet been recognized as belonging to its fauna. That several others have likewise greatly decreased in numbers will be shown in the present article. These are the Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaeus phoeniceus), the Purple Grakle {Quiscalus purpiireus), the Crow {Gorvus americamis), the Raven {Corvus corax), the Pileated 54 BULLETIN' OF THE NUTTALL Woodpecker (Hylotomus pileatus), the Red-headed Woodpecker {Melanerpes erythrocephalus), the Wild Pigeon {Ectopistes migrato- rius), and the Snow Goose {Anser hyperhoreus). Besides these might be added, as among those which have also notably decreased, most of the wading and swimming birds, and nearly all of the rapa- cious species. None of the Ducks and Geese, and probably few of the limicoline species, are probably one tenth as numerous now as they were two hundred and fifty years ago, while a great depletion has also occurred amongst the Gulls and Terns. This great dimi- nution, however, is not of course limited to the State of Massachu- setts, but likewise characterizes most of the Atlantic States, and some of the older States of the interior. This reduction has been mainly brought about by what may be considered as inevitable and natural causes, as the removal of the forests, and other changes necessarily attending the agricultural development of the country. Excessive use of the gun, however, has had not a little to do with it. The rapacious species have ever been regarded as the natural enemies of the husbandman, and with them all species that have in any way preyed upon his crops. In early times premiums were paid by the local governments for the destruction of many of these species, and not without cause. The early records show that such was the abundance of the Black- birds and Crows that their destruction in large numbers was abso- lutely necessary, in order to secure more than a small portion of the maize harvest. While most, or at least many, of the towns early encouraged the destruction of the noxious mammals and birds by the offer of rewards therefor, others passed enactments rendering it obligatory upon each householder to destroy a certain number of blackbirds annually, and to bring their heads to the selectmen of the towns to show they had complied with the requisition, on pen- alty of a small fine for each blackbird lacking to complete the re- quired number.* These means seem to have been immediate, and in some cases disastrous, in their results. The traveller, Kalm, relates that Dr. Franklin told him, in 1750, that in consequence of the premiums that had been paid for killing these birds in New England, they had become so nearly extirpated there that they were “ very rarely seen, and in few places only.” In consequence of this exterminating warfare on the “ maize-thieves,” the worms that ^ See Alonzo Lewis’s History of Lynn, p. 186. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 55 preyed upon the grass increased so rapidly that in the summer of 1749 the hay crop was almost wholly cut off by them, the planters being obliged to bring hay from Pennsylvania, and even from England, to Massachusetts, to meet the deficiency caused by the worms. ^ In scores of the early enumerations of the birds of New England, and of the Atlantic States generally, the Raven, as well as the Crow, is mentioned. This seems to imply that the Raven, at the time of the first settlement of the country, was more or less com- mon from Virginia to Maine, and that persecution, combined with its natural timidity, has caused its expulsion from the more thickly settled parts of the Eastern States. That the Pileated Woodpecker [Hylotormis pileatus) was once a common inhabitant of all the primitive forests of this State seems to be unquestionable, though absolute proof of the fact may not be available. It still occurs in abundance throughout the older States, wherever the forests remain comparatively undisturbed, while it is well known to quickly retire where its haunts are invaded by the destroying axe of the woodsman. It is also a matter of record that the Red-headed Woodpecker has nearly disappeared, almost within the present generation, from all the region east of the Hudson River, where it was formerly as common, apparently, as it is now in any of the Middle or Western States. In this case, however, the disappearance is without an evident cause. The deforestation of the State has undoubtedly produced a vast decrease among the other species of the Picidce^ as well as generally among all the strictly forest birds, through the great restriction of their natural haunts. The Wild Turkey [Meleagris gallopavo var. occidentalis), though once a common inhabitant of New England from the more southerly parts of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, southward, long since ceased to exist here in a wild state. Its former abundance in Massachusetts is well attested. I will give here, however, only a single reference indicative of the former great number of these birds in the eastern part of the State. Thomas Morton, who re- sided here “many years” prior to 1637, says : “Turkies there are, which divers times in great flocks have sallied by our doores ; and then a gumie (being commonly in a redinesse,) salutes them with such a courtesie, as makes them take a turne in the Cooke roome. * Kahn’s Travels, Forster’s translation, Vol. H, p. 78. 56 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL They daunce by the doore so well .... I had a Salvage who hath taken out his boy in a mornings and they have brought home their loades about noone. I have asked them what number they found in the woods, who have answered Neent Metawna, which is a tho- sand that day ; the plenty of them is such in those parts. They are easily killed at rooste, because the one being killed, the other sit fast neverthelesse, and this is no bad commodity.” * According to John Josselyn, they began early to decline. This author, writ- ing in 1672, says: “I have also seen three score broods of young Turkies on the side of a Marsh, sunning of themselves in a morning betimes, but this was thirty years since, the English and the In- dians having now destroyed the breed, so that ’t is very rare to meet with a wild Turkie in the Woods ; but some of the English bring up great store of the wild kind, which remain about their Houses as tame as ours in England.” t This would seem to indi- cate that the Wild Turkey was often domesticated in Massachusetts, and renders it probable that our domestic stock was by no means wholly derived, as is commonly supposed, from Mexico. Besides Josselyn’s statement of their domestication in New England, I have met with other statements to the same effect, and can cite numer- ous instances of its domestication in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Virginia early in the seventeenth century. J Under the name of “ Pheasants,” Morton and others make un- questionable reference to the Pinnated Grouse {Giipidonia cupido), showing that it was once a common denizen of this State. A few pairs are still known to exist on the islands of Naushon and Mar- tha’s Vineyard, where they have of late been stringently protected by law. The Wild Pigeon [Ectopistes migratoria), though by no means yet extirpated from the State, has greatly decreased here in num- bers during the present generation, and has not been seen within the present century in nearly so great abundance as in earlier times. Space will allow of reference to but few of the many ac- counts of its former almost incredible numbers. Morton refers to the presence of “ Millions of Turtle doves on the greene boughes ; which sate pecking of the ripe pleasant grapes, that were supported * New English. Canaan, pp. 69, 70. t New Englands Rarities, p. 9. X On the domesticahility of the Wild Turkey of the United States, see Bull. Mus. Comp. ZooL, Vol. II, pp. 343-352. I ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 57 by the lusty trees”;* and Josselyn speaks of ^Hhe Pidgeon, of which there are millions of millions. I have seen a flight of Pidgeons in the springs and at Michaelmas when they return back Southward for four or five miles, that to my thinking had neither beginning nor ending, length nor breadth, and so thick that I could see no Sun, they join Nest to Nest, and Tree to Tree by their Nests many miles together in Pine-Trees. But of late they are much diminished, the English taking them in Nets.”t Their abundance on the Vermont border, in 1741, is thus described by Williams : The surveyor, Richard Hazeu, who ran the line which divides Massachusetts from Vermont, in 1741, gave this account of the appearances he met with to the westward of the Connecti- cut River. ^For three miles together the Pigeons’ nests were so thick that five hundred might have been told on the beech trees at one time ; and could they have been counted on the hemlocks, as well, I doubt not but five thousand at one turn round.’ The re- marks of the first settlers of Vermont,” continues Williams, fully confirm this account. The following relation was given me, by one of the earliest settlers of Clarendon [situated about ^fifty miles north of the Massachusetts line] : • The number of Pigeons was immense. Twenty-five nests were frequently to be found on one beech tree. The earth was covered with these trees, and with hemlocks thus loaded with the nests of Pigeons. For an hundred acres together, the ground was covered with their dung, to the depth of two inches. Their noise in the evening was extremely troublesome, and so great that the traveller could not get any sleep where their nests were thick. About an hour after sunrise, they rose in such numbers as to darken the air. When the young Pigeons were grown to a considerable bigness, before they could readily fly, it was common for the settlers to cut down the trees, and gather a horse load in a few minutes.’ The settlement of the country has since set bounds to this luxuriance of animal life,” and these birds have been driven to other districts.]; The early history of the country shows that down to about the year 1800 this bird was found in similar abundance, at times at least, all along the Atlantic coast from Virginia to Maine, since which time it has greatly decreased throughout this whole region. * New English Canaan, p. 60. + Voyages to New England, p. 99. X Natural and Civil History of Vermont, p. 114. ^ . 58 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL In all the early notices of the natural productions of New England, the Crane is mentioned among the few birds usually enumerated. Emmons gives the Whooping Crane {Grus america- nus) in his list of the birds of Massachusetts, but subsequent writers have generally believed without due authority, and of late it has been wholly lost sight of as a bird of the State. That some species of Crane, and in all probability both species, was common in New England in early times, is beyond question. Both the Sandhill and the Whooping Cranes have still a wide range in the interior, passing northward in summer far beyond New Eng- land. Neither species has of late been met with north of New Jersey, where the Whooping Crane occurs only as a rare casual visitor. Morton wrote, of “Cranes, there are greate store, that ever more came there at S. Davids day, and not before ; that day they never would misse. These doe sometimes eate our come, and do pay for their presumption well enough ; and serveth there in pow- ther, with turnips to supply the place of powthered beefe, and is a goodly bird in a dish, and no discommodity.”* This shows that the Crane, and not a Heron, is the bird to which reference is made. The Swan ( Cygnus americamts) is in a similar way enumerated by different early writers as formerly a common bird of Massachu- setts, though of late years it appears only in our lists of casual visitors. Morton, more explicit than most writers of his time who refer to it, says, in beginning his account of the birds : “ And first the Swanne, because shee is the biggest of all the fowles of that Country. There are of them in Merrimack River, and in other parts of the country, greate store at the seasons of the yeare. The flesh is not much desired of by the inhabitants, but the skinnes may be accompted a commodity, fitt for divers uses, both for fethers, and quiles.”t The Great Auk (Alca impennis) has recently been added to the list of the birds of the State, on account of the occurrence of its bones in the Indian shell-heaps at Ipswich. There is little reason to doubt, however, that the bird called “ Pengwin,” or “ Penguin,” mentioned as found from Cape Cod northward at the time Euro- peans first visited this coast, really refers to the Great Auk. It figures in all the early enumerations of the birds of New England * New English Canaan, p. 69. + Ib., p. 67. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 59 and Newfoundland, while it does not appear in any of the lists referring to the region south of Massachusetts. Captain Bartholo- mew Gosnold, in 1602, found “ Pengwins ” on the Massachusetts coast at what he calls Gilbert’s Point,” in latitude 41° 40^ He says : “ The twentieth, by the ships side we there killed Pengwins and saw many sculls of fish.” ^ The locality, as shown by the context, was between the southeastern point of Cape Cod and Nantucket Island, probably a few miles south of Egg Island. What the bird called “ Pengwin ” was, that was so often referred to by the early explorers of the New England coast, is clearly evident from the following ; Richard Whitbourne, in his account of his voyage to Newfoundland, in 1618, says, “These Penguins are as bigge as Geese, and flie not, for they have but little short wings, & they multiply so infinitely, upon a certaine flat Island [Sable Island], that men drive them from thence upon a boord into their Boates by hundreds at a time ; as if God had made the innocencie of so poore a creature to become sucli an admirable instrument for the sustentation of man.”+ The same bird is also referred to by Josselyn as the “Wobble.” He says : “The Wobble, an ill shaped Fowl, having no long Feathers in their Pinions, w^hich is the reason they cannot fly, not much unlike the Pengwin; they are in the Spring very fat, or rather oyly, but pull’d and garbidgd, and laid to the Fire to roast, they yield not one drop.” $ This bird, so valuable as a “commodity,” and whose “innocencie ” rendered its capture so easy, doubtless did not long survive on the coast of New England after the establishment here of permanent settlements. Much might be added, did space allow, respecting the forme^r abundance of Ducks, Geese, Sandpipers, and Plovers. A few ex- tracts on this point from Morton, in his own quaint language, must here suffice. “ There are Geese,” he says, “ of three sorts vize brant Geese, which are pide, and white Geese which are bigger, and gray Geese which are as bigg and bigger, then the tame Geese of England, with black legges, black bills, heads, and necks black ; the flesh farre more excellent, then the Geese of England, wilde or tame There is of them great abundance. I have had often 1000 before the mouth of my gunne .... the fethers of the * Purchas’s Pilgrims, Vol. IV, p. 1648. ! + Ib., Vol. IV, p. 1886. i New Englands Rarities, p. 11. 60 BULLETIN OF THE NUTT ALL Geese that I have killed in a short time, have paid for all the powther and shott, I have spent in a yeare, and I have fed my doggs with as fatt Geese there, as I have ever fed upon my selfe in Eng- land. “ Ducks, there are of three kinds, pide Ducks, gray Ducks, and black Ducks in greate abundance : the most about my habitation were black Ducks : and it was a noted Custorne at my howse, to have every mans Duck upon a trencher, and then you will thinke a man was not hardly used Teales, there are of two sorts greene winged, and blew winged I had plenty in the rivers and ponds about my howse. Widggens there are, and abundance of other water *foule Sanderlings are a dainty bird, more full bodied than a Snipe, and I was much delighted to feede on them, because they were fatt, and easie to come by, because I went but a Stepp or to for them : and I have killed betweene foure and five dozen at a shoot which would loade me home.”* Josselyn says of “ Sanderlins,” he has known “ twelve score and above kill’d at two shots.” The contrast in respect to the abundance of water- fowl in those early times and now is too apparent to require com- ment. The White Pelican {Pelecanus trachyrhynchus) is mentioned as a former inhabitant of New Hampshire and other parts of New Eng- land, and was doubtless in early times more or less common in Massachusetts, where its presence is now regarded as merely acci- dental j but two or three recent instances of it here are on record. ON THE NUMBER OF PRIMARIES IN OSCINES. BY DR. ELLIOTT CODES, U. S. A. The number of primaries among oscine birds, whether “ nine ” or “ ten,” has been rightly considered an important item in classifica- tion, ranking in value with the modifications of the tarsal envelope. Oscine families, and even groups of families, are conveniently dis- tinguished by this character, and as naturally as by the “ booting,” or scutellation, of the tarsus. In certain families, however, the * New English Canaan, pp. 67 - 69. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, 61 distinction fails to hold. In the Vireonidw^ for instance, species of thc-^ame genus have indifferently “nine” or “ten” primaries. Thus, Vireo philadelphicus and V, gihus are two species so much alike that presence or absence of a spurious “ first ” primary be- comes the readiest means of distinguishing them. Noting this remarkable circumstance in 1865, Professor Baird was led to look more closely into the matter. His results are summed on page 325 of the “Review of American Birds” (see also p. 160); from which it appears that in those Vireos which seem to have only nine prima- ries, two little feathers, distinct in size, shape, and to some extent in position from< the general series of primary coverts, are found at the base of the supposed first primary ; while in those Vireos with an ob- vious spurious first primary, making ten in all, only one such feather is found. “ In all the families of Passeres where the existence of nine primaries is supposed to be characteristic,” he continues, “ I have invariably found, as far as my examinations have extended, that there were two of the small feathers referred to, while in those of ten primaries but one could be detected.” He does not specify how far his examinations extended. Believing this to be an important matter, which would bear fur- ther investigation, I have been led to look into the question, with the most satisfactory results, confirming Professor Baird’s observa- tions, and extending them to include every one of the North Ameri- can families of Oscines^ excepting, perhaps, Laniidoe (in Gollurio) and Ampelidoe (in Ampelis). With the possible exception of the two genera specified, I find, on examining numerous genera of all the North American families, that those rated as 10-primaried have but one of these little feathers, while all the rest have two. The Alaudidoe, like the Vireonidoe^ show a variability of the primaries. In our genus Eremophila, in which only nine primaries are developed, there are two of the small feathers above mentioned. The overlying one is exactly like one of the primary coverts ; the other, though not very dissimilar, more resembles an abortive primary. In Alauda arveiisis, where there is a minute but obvious spurious quill, there is but one such feather. In Galerita cristata, with a spurious quill about two thirds of an inch long, there is like- wise but one. In clamatorial .Passeres, perhaps without exception, there are ten fully developed primaries, the first of which may equal or exceed the next in length. In the single North American clamatorial family 62 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL Tyrannidce, I find, as before, only one of these little feathers. In a Woodpecker, remarkable among picarian birds in possessing only nine fully developed primaries, the first being short or spurious, there is also but one. It seems to be conclusively proven that among the supposed 9-primaried birds, the additional primary, making ten in all, is usu- ally, if not always, found in the second of these little quills which overlie the first fully developed primary ; and that it is this same little quill which, in 10-primaried Oscines, in Clamatores, and proba- bly in other birds, comes to the front and constitutes the first regular primary, — sometimes remaining very short, when it is the so-called “spurious” quill, in other cases lengthening by imperceptible de- grees, until it may become the longest one of all. The true nature of the other one of these two little feathers becomes an interest- ing question. Is it also an abortive primary, as the outer certainly is, or is it one of a series of coverts '? After close examination, I fail to detect any material difference in the position of the two ; one overlies the other, indeed, as a covert should a primary, but then the two are inserted side by side, both upon the upper side of the sheath of the first fully developed quill. In size and shape, the two are substantially the same ; both being rigid and acuminate, more like remiges than like coverts, and both being abruptly shorter than the true primary coverts. [ So far, all the evidence favors an hypothesis that both are rudimentary remiges. To offset this, color usually points the other way, as in the original case of Vireo Jiavifrons, in which Professor Baird determined the underlying one of the two feathers to be a supposed wanting pri- mary mainly because it was colored like the other primaries, while the overlying one agreed with the coverts in this respect. But it will be obvious that when, as is oftenest the case, the primaries and their coverts are colored alike, the evidence from this source fails altogether ; and I find that the testimony from coloration is some- times the other way. In Sitta carolinensis, for example, a 10-prima- ried bird with spurious first primary, the single remaining little feather is white at base across both webs, like the primaries, the true primary coverts being white only on th6 inner web. It is true that the overlying one of these little feathers sometimes exactly resembles a true covert ; but so, also, does the other one in some cases. In morphological determinations, position and relation of parts are all-important, while mere size, shape, and especially func- ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, 63 tion, go for very little. One of the two little feathers of 9-primaried birds, as we have seen, certainly corresponds to the spurious or fully developed first primary of 10-primaried ; why may not the other be also a primary? It is not conclusive argument to the contrary that the feather in question is never fully developed ; nor is it an insuperable objection that the function of the feather is certainly that of a covert. The strongest argument against the view here very guardedly discussed is, that if the feather be not a covert, then the first fully developed primary has none, while the rest have one apiece. While I am far from committing myself to the implied proposition that an oscine bird possesses eleven primaries, I think it proper to bring the case forward as one which will bear looking into, and which will probably remain open until the exact relations between a remex and a tectrix are ascertained. Should it be determined that an Oscine may show traces of two suppressed pri- maries, instead of only the single one which certainly persists in 10-primaried birds, the fact would tend to increase the value already justly set upon number of remiges as a taxonomic factor. It is generally admitted, and it seems to be unquestionable, that here, as in numberless other cases, reduction in number and specialization in function of parts indicates a higher grade of organization ; for only the lower birds show the higher aggregate number of remiges, and in none but the higher are the developed primaries ever reduced to nine. A gradual reduction in the number of remiges seems to be directly correlated with that progressive consolidation or com- paction of the distal osseous segments of the fore limb which reaches its climax in the wing of the most highly organized birds of the present epoch. THE YELLOW-BELLIED WOODPECKER {SPHYRAPIGUS VARIUS). BY WILLIAM BREWSTER. The Mexicans call the Woodpeckers “ Carpenteros,” and most ap- propriately, for the chisel-shaped bill not only serves the bird in procuring its daily food, but is also the sole agent employed in digging the wonderful cavities in which the eggs are laid aiid the young reared. It is probable that, putting aside the universal ene- 64 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL my, man, the eggs and young of this family' enjoy a more complete immunity from danger than those of any other. The cunning crow and noisy jay, both ever on the alert for a frolic after bird’s eggs, are here balked ; while rain cannot enter, and the mink, weazel, and other noxious animals find their keen noses of little avail. Snakes may, and doubtless do sometimes enter the holes of the larger species, but even they probably bestow more of their attentions on ground and bush building birds. All the endless little artistic contrivances for concealment so artfully employed by other birds in the construc- tion of their nests are here needless, and consequently ignored. In view of the manifest advantages attendant upon this mode of nidifi- cation, it is a matter of no little surprise that Woodpeckers are not more numerous, especially when it is taken into consideration that the habit of roosting in holes at all seasons of the year must protect the adults, as well as young, from many nocturnal dangers. Lack of suitable opportunities for nesting, or obtaining food, may doubtless be taken as explanatory of the comparative fewness of these birds in the older settled sections. In fact, the wilderness is the true home of the Woodpeckers, and in all primitive forest regions they abound. There Nature reigns supreme, and in defiance of artificial laws and cultivated ideas of sylvan beauty, allows her woods to fill with the decaying forms of her dead subjects, — huge moss-clad trunks, pic- turesque in shape, and by their grim, gaunt aspect adding wildness to an already picturesque scene. In such congenial haunts these birds find all their wants supplied, food being plenty and easily ob- tained, and the selection of a nesting site a matter of no difficulty. Taking the seven commoner New England species, four — Hylotomus pileatus, Sphyrapicus varms^ and the two species of Picoides — will be found almost exclusively in the forest ; while of the remaining three, the two species of Picus are decidedly more partial to the woods than the cultivated districts. Colaptes alone seems to have no preferences, and is no more abundant in the Northern forests than on treeless Nantucket, in which latter place it makes the best of circumstances and drills its holes in gate-posts and ice-houses. Throughout the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and in most sections of Northern Maine, the Yellow-bellied Woodpeckers outnumber all the other species in the summer season. They ar- rive from the South, where they spend the winter, from the middle to the last of April, and, pairing being soon effected, commence at once the excavation of their nests. The trees usually selected are ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 65 large dead birches, and a decided preference is manifested for the vicinity of water, though some nests occur on high ground in the interior of the woods, but never so abundantly there. as along the margin of rivers and lakes. Both sexes work alternately, relieving each other at frequent intervals, the bird not employed usually clinging near the hole and encouraging its toiling mate by an occa- sional low cry. With the deepening of the hole arises the necessity for increased labor, as the rapidly accumulating debris must be removed, and the bird now appears at frequent intervals at the entrance, and, dropping its mouthful of chips, returns to its work. A week or more is occupied in the completion of the nest, the time varying considerably with the relative hardness of the wood. A small quantity of the finer chips are left at the bottom tp serve as a bed for the eggs. The birds now take a vacation, roaming through the woods together in search of food, though frequently one or the other remains near the nesting-place to guard the premises. The female commences laying about the 20th of May, in ordinary sea- sons, and deposits from five to seven eggs. The labor of incuba- tion, like all other duties, is shared equally by the two sexes. A short sketch, founded upon an extract from the writer’s journal of a day’s experience on Umbagog Lake, Maine, may perhaps give the reader a better insight into the nidification of these birds than would a more formal style of description, and it is hoped will con- vey a sufficiently intelligible idea of the surroundings. “ Disembarking from the steamer near the head of the lake, the dense fog, which had all the morning prevailed, began to break, riven asunder by a slight breeze that had arisen, and drifting off in heavy masses, dissolved under the influence of the sun, disappearing, no one knows whither, as the ice had disappeared from these same waters earlier in the spring. And now a dozen lovely views burst into sight. Towering mountain-summits, strips of heavily wooded shore, long stretches of bright blue water rippling merrily under the influence of the rising breeze, — all these appearing and disap- pearing through rents and vistas of floating vapor, went to make up a constantly shifting panorama of exceeding loveliness. But nearly all of Nature’s best effects are transient, and, the change from gloomy cloudiness to the bright, clear aspect of a June morning being soon effected, we found ourselves floating near the middle of a broad sheet of water, some four miles long by two in breadth, known in local parlance as the ‘ arm of the lake.’ This fine ex- 66 BULLETIN OF THE NUTT ALL panse, irregularly oblong in shape, resembles, as do most of the Maine lakes, a gigantic amphitheatre walled in on every side by distant mountains, which slope gradually from their base to the water’s edge, while the unbroken forest which everywhere clothes the surface of the country extends down to the very shore, look- ing in the distance like a carpet of variegated green, the lighter colors of the foliage of the hard-wood trees contrasting beautifully with the sombre darkness of the spruce and fir. Not a single clear- ing or other sign of man’s interference occurs in any direction to mar the perfect setting of this forest gem. Even the little steamer, just disappearing behind a distant point, looks as if born to the surroundings, and it requires no great stretch of the imagination to fancy her a gigantic water-fowl ready to dive beneath the surface, like the loon that has just risen in her wake. But these and simi- lar reflections were somewhat abruptly broken by the guide, who, having completed the arrangement of the luggage in the boat, com- menced paddling vigorously towards the western shore, where was to be the scene of our labors. At this place the Androscoggin Eiver leaves the lake, and its banks being somewhat low at the point of dU)ouchure, the level country adjacent for a half-mile or more back is periodically over- flowed. The water, kept at a high point by dams on the river below, flows back into the forest, and the trees, killed in former years by similar inundations, stand in grim array like an army of stricken giants. That such a perfect paradise for the Woodpeckers had not been neglected was speedily manifest as we entered this place, where several species of varying size, from the great Hyloto- mus pileatus down to the trim little Downy, were soon observed. Most abundant of all, however, was the handsome Sphyrapicus variuSj several individuals being almost constantly in sight. Commencing our search for nests, we soon found ourselves confused by the very abundance of opportunities, for not only was every tree dead and rotten, but nearly every one was perforated by a greater or less number of Woodpecker’s holes. The method quickly adopted as the only practicable one was to paddle about among the trees, and,- striking forcibly with an axe all that contained likely looking holes, watch for the appearance of the possible occupant. Proceeding in this way, multitudes of Swallows {Tachycineta hicolor) and Grakles (Quiscahis purpureus) were dislodged, the former occupying deserted nests of the smaller Woodpeckers, and the latter natural cavities ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 67 and deserted holes of the Golden-winged (Colaptes auratus) and Pileated {Hylotomus pileatus) Woodpeckers. At length, in response to a couple of sharp blows, the beautiful crimson-fronted head of a male Sphyrapicus appeared in the mouth of its hole, and the bird, after eying us curiously for a moment, launched out into the air and alighted on a neighboring tree. A few moments’ consultation decided that the tree must be felled, as the hole was at least forty feet up, and the trunk so rotten that it was manifestly impossible to ascend with safety. All the Maine guides are adepts with the axe, and on this occasion but a short time elapsed before the already tottering trunk began to show signs of giving way. Both birds (for the female had appeared at the first alarm) repeatedly entered the hole, and clung against the now quivering trunk, uttering their peculiar snarling cry. A few more vigorous blows and the huge tree began to decline, then, gathering momentum, descended with fearful force, burying its full length for a moment beneath the sur- face and half filling the boat with water. So nicely had its fall been calculated that it came down in clear water exactly between two other trunks which stood within six feet of each other, and without touching either. To cut out the hole was now a matter of little difficulty, and to our delight we found the three eggs which it contained entirely uninjured. Subsequent experiments of a sim- ilar nature were, however, less successful. “ Continuing our search, we soon discovered another nest in a tall dead birch, the hole from which the bird emerged being at least fifty feet above the water. This tree was, after careful inspection, pronounced climbable, and the guide, with characteristic coolness, filling and lighting his short pipe, commenced to ‘swarm’ up, puffing out dense clouds of smoke as he ascended. Beaching the hole, he quickly and adroitly attached a rope to the trunk, and, tying a loop in the end to form a stirrup, stood in this and cut out the cavity with his axe. This nest contained six perfectly fresh eggs, all of which were brought down in safety. Proceeding in this way, five more nests were discovered, but only two sets of eggs secured, as three of the trees had to be felled, and in each instance with disastrous results.” All nests examined upon this occasion were of uniform gourd-like shape, with the sides very smoothly and evenly chiselled. They averaged about fourteen inches in depth by five in diameter at the widest point, while the diameter of the exterior hole varied from 68 BULLETIN OF THE NUTT ALL 1.25 to 1.60 inches. So small, indeed, was this entrance in propor- tion to the size of the bird, that in many cases they were obliged to struggle violently for several seconds in either going out or in. The nests in most instances were very easily discovered, as the bird was almost always in the immediate vicinity, and if the tree was approached would fly to the hole and utter a few low calls, which would bring out its sitting mate, when both would pass to and from the spot, emitting notes of anxiety and alarm. The bird not em- ployed in incubation has also a peculiar habit of clinging to the trunk just below the hole, in a perfectly motionless and strikingly pensive attitude, apparently looking in, though from the conforma- tion of the interior it would be impossible for it to see its mate or eggs. In this position it will remain without moving for many minutes at a time. The amount of solicitude evinced varies con- siderably with different individuals, some pairs showing the most active concern, and keeping up their cries continually, while others take matters more coolly, removing to the nearest tree and watch- ing in total silence the demolition of their home. In nearly every instance, however, when the sitting bird is first disturbed, it utters a cry which almost immediately brings up its mate. Watching once a nest for an hour or two, I remarked that the birds relieved each other in the labors of incubation at intervals averaging about half an hour each. The one that had been absent would alight just below the hole, and, uttering a low yew-ich, yew-ich, its mate would appear from within, when, after the interchange of a few notes of endearment, the sitting bird would fly off and the other instantly enter the hole. One very singular fact which I have noticed is that in nearly every tree are several newly finished cavities. In one case four were cut open which had evidently been freshly made, all of which were as neatly and completely excavated as the one that contained the eggs. In addition to these there are often numerous others, which by the dark color of the wood within are shown to have been made in previous years. In one tree no less than fifteen holes were counted, all of which were dug down to the usual depth. Yet in no case have I found more than one inhabited, or noticed in the vicinity any birds other than the pair to which the eggs belonged. These holes for the most part enter the tree on the same side, one above the other, but in some cases the whole trunk is perforated on all sides and at irregular intervals. Possibly ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 69 they are intended to accommodate the young after they have left the nest. As an example of exceptional choice of situation, one nest was found in a perfectly live poplar-tree of large size. The birds had pierced a somewhat irregular hole in the trunk, where a limb had rotted out, and, following the partially decayed wood into the very heart of the tree, had excavated a cavity to the depth of about twelve inches, which, when finished, was surrounded on all sides by healthy wood of at least six inches average thickness. The entrance to this nest was unusually low, being not over eight feet above the water. The average elevation I have found to be at least forty feet, and many nests occur considerably higher. The four sets of eggs taken on the occasion previously referred to are all apparently complete, and vary in number of eggs from five to seven, the set of five being the furthest advanced in incubation. Six are probably laid as a rule. The eggs vary considerably in shape, some being oblong and others decidedly elliptical. They average .85 in length by .60 in breadth. As with all the Wood- peckers, they are pure white* but there is much less of that fine polish than in eggs of the other species that I have examined. When fresh, and before being blown, they resemble very closely, both in color and size, average eggs of the Martin {Frogne pur- purea). After the young have hatched, the habits of the Yellow- bellied Woodpecker change. From an humble delver after worms and larvse, it rises to the proud independence of a Flycatcher, taking its prey on wing as unerringly as the best marksman of them all. From its perch on the spire of some tall stub it makes a succession of rapid sorties after its abundant victims, and then flies off to its nest with bill and mouth crammed full of insects, principally large Diptera. In this way both parents labor inces- santly to provide for their hungry brood. The young leave the nest in July, and for a long time the brood remains together, being still fed by the parents. They are very playful, sporting about the tree-trunks and chasing one another continually. Both young and old utter most frequently a low snarling cry that bears no very distant resemblance to the mew of the Catbird. The adults have also two other notes, — one, already spoken of, when the opposite sexes meet; the other a clear, ringing cleur^ repeated five or six times in succession, and heard, I think, only in the spring. The habit alluded to in Baird, Brewer, and Bidgway’s “ Birds of North America” (Vol. II, p. 541), of “drumming” on the tree- 70 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL trunks, is a very noticeable one, but by no means confined to this species. A very dry, resonant limb is usually selected, and the bird will “drum” in the same spot many times in succession. Frequently a rival appears, and a battle ends the performance, but oftener the female answers the call and joins her anxious mate. This habit appears to be perfectly analogous in motive to the well- known performance of the Ruffed Grouse, and is performed only in the spring before the eggs are laid. Both young and old leave for the South in October. Ornithology of the Wheeler Expeditions. — This important Me- moir,^ consisting of three hundred and seventy-four quarto pages and fifteen chromo-lithographic plates, forms Chapter III of Volume V of the Reports of Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian, and is devoted exclusively to a systematic consideration of the ornithological material collected by the expeditions. during the seasons of 1871 to 1874 inclusive, by Mr. H. W. Henshaw, Dr. H. C. Yarrow, Mr. C. E. Aiken, and other gentlemen connected with the survey. The region investigated includes portions of Utah, Nevada, California, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. Much of the matter was originally published in 1874 in a pre- liminary report of 148 pages. t The results of the field work of 1874 are, however, here presented in detail for the first time, and furnish some of the most interesting data in the volume. The text is written by Mr. Henshaw, and does credit to that gentleman’s well-known proficiency as an ornithologist. The classification adopted is, for the land-birds, that of Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway’s “ Birds of North America,” while for the water-birds Mr. Henshaw follows Dr. Coues’s check-list. The plates, though well drawn, are not all quite what we should like to see them in point of coloration. Some few new and interesting arrangements of species and varieties are original with the author, as in the Juncos, which are divided into three * Report upon the Ornithological Collections made during the Years 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874. By H. W. Henshaw. Chapter HI, Vol. Y, of the Reports of the Geographical and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian, in Charge of Lt. Geo. M. Wheeler. Published by Authority of the Secretary of War. 4to. pp. 374. Washington ; Government Printing-Office. 1875. t Report upon Ornithological Specimens collected in the Years 1871, 1872, and 1873. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. n species, each having a single variety in the United States. The synony- inatic lists given include only such references as pertain to the region traversed by the survey, thereby divesting the work of any unnecessary cumbersomeness. The biographical notices are excellent, and bear the impress of vigorous and original thought, founded upon careful and in- telligent study in the field. Indeed, so thoroughly good are they that we cannot but wish that they were in some cases more extended ; neverthe- less, we have valuable descriptions of the notes, habits, and nesting of many rare and hitherto little-known species ; and when it is taken into account that in most cases the expeditions were unable to get fairly at work before midsummer, it is remarkable that so much was accomplished. As a contribution to ornithology this work derives its chief value from the additions it furnishes to our knowledge of the geographical range of North American birds, the assigned limits of many species being con- siderably extended, and nine entirely new to our fauna added. It is to be hoped that “ retrenchment and reform ” will not in any way cripple the continued good work that we expect from the Wheeler Survey in the future. — W. B. Field and Forest.* — With the number for July, this journal begins its second volume, considerably enlarged and improved. The articles are varied and all valuable contributions to science, and we wish “ Field and Forest” the success its merits so well deserve. The single article relating to ornithology brings forward quite novel facts in the history of Wilson’s Phalarope, which are unique in the history of our birds, and should engage further attention. Mr. Kumlien describes the female as being not only “ richer dressed ” than the male, but as leaving the duties of incu- bation wholly to the male, who in the breeding season has “ invariably the naked and wrinkled belly, characteristic of incubating birds,” while the female shows nothing of the kind. He also represents the female as making the advances to the male during the pairing-season, and says it is not unusual to “ see two females pursuing one male,” instead of the re- verse, as is usually the case with other birds. If no mistake has been made, these facts are among the most interesting in the annals of Ameri- can ornithology. — J. A. A. The Portland Tern. — Mr. William Brewster has recently published his views respecting the character of this recently described Tern.f Hav- * Field and Forest : a Monthly Journal devoted to the Natural Sciences. Vol. II, No. 1, July, 1876. 8vo, 20 pp. Washington, 1876, Charles R. Dodge, Editor. Subscription price, $1.00 a year. + Some Additional Light on the so-called Sterna portlandica, Ridgway. By William Brewster. Annals of the Lyc. Nat. Hist, N. Y., Vol. XI, pp. 200- 207. [Published February, 1876.] 72 BULLETIN OF THE NUTT ALL ing given the subject careful attention, he announces his conclusion that this interesting form is only an unusual developmental phase of the Arctic Tern {Sterna macrura), corresponding to a similar but heretofore little-known (in this country at least) stage of the common Tern {T. hi- rundo). Mr. Brewster has gone carefully into a discussion of the details of the question, and seems to give good grounds for his position. — J. A. A. The Birds op Ritchie County, West Virginia. — Not long since, the same author published a list of the birds observed by him in West Virginia,* * * § based on the joint labors of himself, Messrs. Ruthven Deane, and Ernest Ingersoll during the interval between April 25 and Ma}^ 9, 1874. The list includes one hundred species, with valuable field-notes, and forms an important addition to our faunal literature. — J. A. A. Birds of New England. — This enumeration by Dr. Brewer,t of three hundred and thirty-six species, will prove useful in showing the recent additions to the avian fauna of New England, the presumed cor- rect distribution of the species inhabiting that section, and that certain species accredited to it have never been obtained within its limits. Twenty-nine belonging to the latter class are expunged, the majority, we think, with good reason ; but does not previous record show that Quisca- lus major, Corvus ossifragus, HIgialitis ivilsonius, Sula fiber, % and Nettion crecca § can at least be retained as birds that have occurred here ? Though referring to and correcting many of the errors of earlier lists, we find no credit given to some recent authorities from which it is evident facts were gleaned. We regret to find, too, that this, our latest corrected treatise on the subject, omits to give the “manner and character” of the “ presence ” of several species with quite the exactness that the record warrants. The following, for instance, classed as summer residents (it being stated of Corvus americanus that “ a few Avinter ”), are constant residents in Southern New England, and one or two probably also in Northern New England, namely, Turdus migratorius, Corvus americanus, Pious vil- losus, Otus wilsonianus, Brachyotus casshii, Nyctale acadica, Nisus fuscus. The following, classed as summer residents (presumably of all New Eng- * Some Observations on the Birds of Ritchie County, West Virginia. By William Brewster. Annals of the Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., Vol. XI, pp. 129- 146. [Published June, 1875.] i Catalogue of the Birds of New England, with brief Notes indicating the Manner and Character of their Presence ; Avith a List of Species included in previous Catalogues believed to have been wrongly classed as Birds of New England. By T. M. Brewer. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XYII, pp. 436-454, July, 1875. X See Linsley, Amer. Journ. Sci. and Arts, Vol. XLIV, 1843. § Bryant, Proc. Bost. Nat. Hist., Vol. V, p. 195. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 73 land), seldom reach Northern New England : Cistothorius stellaris, Vireo gilvus, V. flavifrons, V.novehoracensis, Spizella pusilla, Zencedura carolinensis; nor is the latter “ rare.” The following are not “ rare ” at Saybrook, Conn., but breed there regularly in more or less numbers, and probably occur all along the Sound shore west of the mouth of the Connecticut Kiver : Helmi- therus vermivorus, Helminthophaga pinus, Icteria virens, Myiodioctes mitra- tus, as do also Siurus ludovicianus, and Myiarchus crinitus ; the latter being given as a “ rare summer resident (of New England). The next two, Helminthophaga chry^optera and Coturniculus passerinus, cannot be called “rare ” summer residents of Southern New England, as they breed in num- bers regularly, especially the latter. The three following are generally com- mon, and breed regularly in Northern New England, not “ rare ” summer residents, as marked in the list ; Perissoglossa tigrina, Geothylpis Philadelphia, Contopus borealis. The following should be marked, not as “ summer resi- dents ” or “ visitants,” but rather as visitors in spring and fall : Numenius longirostris, Coturnicops (Porzana) novehoracensis, and Fulica americana. Picoides arcticus and P. americanus are not winter visitants only, to all New England, but are residents in Northern New England, and rare win- ter visitants to Southern New England. Regulus satrapa winters in num- bers in Southern New England, if not also in Northern New England, where it is nearly resident. Anthus ludovicianus is a spring and fall visi- tant in New England, not “winter.” Junco hyemalis hardly winters in Northern New England, where it is merely a summer resident. Ectopistes migratoria is a regular summer resident of quite all New England, though more common in some parts than others. Ortyx virginianus does not occur in Northern New England. Astur atricapillus is resident in Northern New England, winter visitant in Southern New England. Micropalama himan- topus is migratory along the whole New England coast. The following should as certainly have the asterisk prefixed as any already so marked : Mimus polyglottus, Ampelis garrulus, Euspiza ameri- cana, Xanthocephalus icterocephalus, Centurus carolinus, Hierofalco islandi- cus, Gupidonia cupido, Meleagris gallopavo, Himantopus nigricollis, Ibis ordii, Herodias egretta, Florida ccerulea, Garzetta candidissima, Gallinula galeata, Cygnus americanus, Anser hyperboreus, Anser gambelli, Campto- Icemus labradorius, Gelochelidon aranea. The specimen of Tyrannus verticalis was shot neither at Plympton nor Pembroke, Me., but at Elliot, by Mr. George E. Brown. In the matter of Macrorhamphus scolopaceus, Mr. Brewster was wrongly understood, as he informs us he finds it and griseus in company. Two varieties each ,of Quiscalus, Hierofalco, and Archibuteo are given as found in New England, and also an apocryphal little bird we are surprised to see brought to light again, namely, Myiodioctes minutus. — H. A. P. 74 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL The Philadelphia Yireo in New England. — The increase and de- crease of certain species in given localities is becoming a subject of much interest, instances of which are cited every year. A single specimen may be captured in a locality far from the usual habitat of its species, where it may not be seen again for years, or it may gradiially'increase and later be found as a regular autumn migrant, though not detected in the spring, and vice versa. The above-named species was first given as a New England bird by Prof. Charles E. Hamlin, based upon a specimen which he cap- tured at Waterville, Me., May 21, 1863. For the next nine years it escaped the notice of our collectors, when during a collecting trip at the ITmbagog Lake, Maine, I procured a specimen on June 3, 1872, and on the follow- ing day, in company with Mr. Wni. Brewster, obtained two more. In a communication from Geo. A. Boardman, Esq., he states that on June 2, 1872, he obtained a female at Calais, Me., the only one, however, which he has met with. We did not hear of the Vireo again until Sej)tember, 1874, when Mr. Brewster took six specimens at Lake Umbagog. On September 11, 1875, I procured a female at the foot of Bipogenus Lake, a beautiful sheet of water situated about one hundred and fifty miles north- east from the Umbagog Lake, and observed two others. There was an immense migration of Warblers, Sparrows, and other species on that morn- ing, and the specimen taken was in company with the Red-eyed and Yel- low-throated Vireos.* All these specimens were undoubtedly on or near their breeding-grounds, and although but few pass through the coast States, yet it is strange that the species should have escaped the notice of the many watchful collectors of the present day until Mr. Brewster procured a specimen in Cambridge, Mass., on September 7, 1875 (see Bulletin No. 1, p. 19). Three specimens were taken during the first week of June, 1876, at Lake Umbagog, in which locality it now must be considered as a summer resident. — Ruthven Deane. Geographical Variation in the Number and Size of the Eggs op Birds. — It is not surprising that the now well-known law of geographi- cal variation in size among birds should find expression in the eggs of birds as well as in the birds themselves. I have only recently, however, met with satisfactory proof of the fact, for which proof I am indebted to the kindness of Captain Charles Bendire, U. S. A. Under date of May 21 (1876), Captain Bendire wrote me as follows : “ The geographical vari- ation in size among North American birds holds true also in respect to * This is the most northern locality in Maine at which I have known the Yel- low-throated Yireo to occur. . ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 75 their eggs. I find, for instance, in Icteria viridis var. longicaudata, that in the vicinity of Fort Lapham, Idaho Territory, where the species breeds abundantly, that they almost invariably lay four eggs ; while near Tucson, Arizona, where I took at least eighty of their nests, they lay only three, and the size of the eggs is so very much smaller, in some cases fully one half, that they might easily be taken for eggs of an entirely different species. I find that the farther south you go, the eggs of the same species become smaller, and the number laid as a full nest complement is also less, as a rule. Of course there are some exceptions.” He says later, in reply to further inquiries from me respecting this matter, that his atten- tion was first drawn to this subject by the disparity in size and number of the eggs of this species at northern and southern localities. “ Of course,” he continues^ “there is considerable variation in size even ^ in the same localities Avhen a number of sets of the same species are compared, but the assertion that in the North the eggs, as well as the birds, average larger than in the South is perfectly correct. I have abundant material in my own collection to prove this conclusively. Another illustration of the dif- ference in size of eggs from points North and South is the following : Six eggs of Molothrus pecoris from the New England States measure as follows : (1) .99 X .65 ; (2) .97 X .67 ; (3) .88 X .67 ; (4) .90 X .68 ; (5) .85 X .64 ; (6) .76 X .63. Ten specimens of M. pecoris var. obscurus, from Ari- zona, measure as follows : (1) .82 X .60 ; (2) .81 X .59 ; (3) .73 X .65 ; (4) .75 X .61 ; (5) .74 X .58 ; (6) .73 X .58 ; (7) .72 X .58 ; (8) .70 X .58 ; (9) .70 X .56 ; (10) .67 X .51.” This gives an average of .90 X .66 for the New England specimens, and .74 X .59 for those from Arizona. The greater part of Captain Bendire’s collection being now stored in St. Louis, while he is himself stationed in Oregon, prevents the presentation by him of other comparative measurements with which to further sub- stantiate the above-given generalization of the smaller size of the eggs of birds of the same species at southern as compared with northern locali- ties. His other statement of the smaller number of eggs laid at the south- ward is also one of great importance, and touches a point respecting which little has as yet been written. Mr. C. J. Maynard, in his “ Birds of Florida ” (p. 24), refers to the “singular fact” that many species lay a smaller number of eggs at the South than at the North, and informs me that he has also noticed the fact of their smaller size at the southward. — J. A. Allen. The Nest and Eggs of Traill’s Flycatcher, as observed in Maine. — The structure of the nest, its situation, and the eggs of this species {Empidonax trailin'), as found in the above-named State, are all quite different from Mr. H. W. Henshaw’s description of them, as given in the first number of this “ Bulletin.” The nest is built between the upright shoots of low bushes, from one to five feet from the ground, and is loiosely constructed of grasses throughout, including the lining. It is a much less compact nest even than that of the Indigo Bird, though perhaps 76 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL smaller in the average. The eggs are of a pale creamy white, with red- " dish-brown dots, spots, or blotches of two shades, disposed chiefly about the larger end. This brief account is based on specimens obtained about Lake Umbagog, Upton, and at Bethel, Maine, by Messrs. William Brewster and H. B. Bailey, and at Gorham, N. H., by Messrs. George Welch and Duxbury Moon. I have lately seen nests and eggs of both E. acadicus and E. traillii collected at Columbus, Ohio, by Dr. J. M. Wheaton. Sin- gularly enough, that of the former (E. acadicus ) bears a close resemblance in its structure to that of Maine specimens of Traill’s Flycatcher, while the compact felted character of the latter {E. traillii) is entirely unlike any nest of this species from the Canadian fauna. The eggs of the Ohio nests are in each case of a decided buff color as compared with Northern ones. In this connection I would ask if it has been observed whether the ground color and markings of the eggs of species breeding in northern latitudes are of a lighter tint than those of the same kind laid in austral limits, — that is, does intensity of color hold good in eggs as it does in plumage ? — H. A. Purdie. Singular Food of the Least Bittern. — Upon examining the stomach of a male Least Bittern {Ardetta exilis) shot at Belmont, Mass., May 11, 1876, I found that organ fairly crammed with white, clean cotton wool. The greater portion had evidently been swallowed in one lump, but there were several smaller flakes. Among them were several slender white worms, and many others of a similar appearance were coiled around the intestines. Under such conditions one would hardly expect the post- prandial sensations of the bird to be of an agreeable nature, but the' bird seemed to be in good health and spirits. — William Brewster. Intelligence op a Crow. — A tame Crow (Corvus americanus) in my possession has repeatedly amused me by the novel method he adopts to rid himself of parasites. For this purpose he deliberately takes his stand upon an ant-mound, and permits the ants to crawl over him and carry away the troublesome vermin. The operation seems mutually agreeable to all parties, the ants quickly seizing upon the parasites and bearing them away. I have also noticed the same habit in another tame Crow that I formerly had in my possession. — Abbott M. Frazar. The Great Carolina Wren in Massachusetts. — The Great Caro- lina Wren {Thryothorus ludovicianus) has not previously been recorded as a visitor to Massachusetts, but there are at present two apparently pass- ing the summer in a small wooded swamp near Boston. It is believed that they have arrived since the 4th of July, soon after which time my attention was attracted by their loud notes, which I immediately recog- nized, through their general likeness to the notes of other Wrens, and the descriptions of Wilson and Audubon. It is further believed that they are now building, or have recently built, their nest, since they remain per- sistently in one neighborhood, the female being rarely seen, though the male often visits the shrubbery about the house. — H. D. Minot. BULLETIN OP THE NUTTALL OENITHOLOGICAL CLUB. Vol. I. NOVEMBER,. 1876. No. 4. OUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THE NIDIFICATION OF THE AMERICAN KINGLETS.^ BY ERNEST INGERSOLL. In the hope of eliciting from some Of the many readers of The Bulletin farther information concerning the breeding habits of the American Kinglets, or at least of putting them upon the alert for further information, I have deemed it well to bring together what is at present known respecting the nidification of these birds. Of the breeding of the Ruby-crowned Kinglet {Regulus calendula, Licht.) not much is known, although the bird is found, at different seasons, in all parts of North America. In the Rocky Mountains it breeds among the most elevated forests. Mr. J. A. Allen found young in July near Mount Lincoln, Col. ; Mr. Ridgway gives it as breeding among the peaks of Northern Utah; and Mr. Henshaw in Arizona. It is also supposed to breed in Northern New Jersey, in Western New York, in Maine, and in the islands of the Bay of Fundy. In Western New York a nest which contained young was reported to have been built in the fork of a tree. Males and females have both been observed in summer about Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, and Mr. Gentry thinks it Bests on the wooded heights along the Wissahickon. Dr. Coues, in his “ Birds of the North- west,” considers that he has Sufficient evidence to show a breeding- range throughout the mountains of the West, from nine thousand feet upward, thence trending eastward along the northern boundary of the United States to Maine and Labrador, and probably sending a spur southward along the Alleghany Mountains. Northwestward it reaches Alaska* 78 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL The most satisfactory information is furnished by Mr. J. H. Batty, who found a nest near the Buffalo Mountains in Colorado, on June 21, 1873, which contained five young and one egg. The nest was on the branch of a spruce-tree, about fifteen feet from the ground, and was so large “ that it could scarcely be got into a good-sized coffee-cup.” It is described as a loosely woven mass of hair and feathers, mixed with moss and some short bits of straw.” The egg, Mr. Batty tells me, was very much like that of the common House Wren, but a little lighter in color. Both parents were assiduously bringing larvae of insects to the young, whose appetites were un- appeasable. Mr. Henry W. Henshaw also reports finding a neatly finished nest on a mountain near Fort Garland, Col. It was built on a low branch of a pine, and the male was singing directly over- head ; but although he waited some time, Mr. Henshaw did not see the female. “ The nest was a somewhat bulky structure, very large for the size of the bird, externally composed of strips of bark, and lined thickly with feathers of the Grouse.” Of the eggs of this Kinglet nothing further is known. Little more can be said in respect to the Golden-crested Kinglet [Regulus satrapa, Licht.). Its range is nearly as extensive, but more northerly ; it does not descend in winter beyond Mexico. Nothing is known with certainty of its breeding anywhere in the United States, although it may be found to do so in the northern moun- tainous portions. Mr. Thomas G. Gentry is confident that it nidi- ficates in cavities in the tall trees which crown the heights of Eastern Pennsylvania, despite the generally accepted notion that it follows its foreign cousin in building a pensile nest and laying white eggs, finely sprinkled with buff dots, in size about equal to those of Humming-birds. It has also been inferred that this Kinglet raises two broods in a season. Mr. Nuttall and Dr. Cooper both found it feeding full-fledged young on the Columbia River, on May 21 ; and Audubon observed the same thing in Labrador in August. Mr. Maynard found it common at Lake Umbagog, Me., in June; he says it breeds there, and that, judging from the condition of female specimens dissected, it deposits its eggs about June 1. Several pairs were found in the thick woods there, but no nests could be discovered ; he thought they built, probably, in the long hanging- moss so abundant on the trees in those northern forests. Mr. Her^ rick puts it down positively as breeding on the island of Grand Menan, and Dr. Brewer in Maine. Mr. Allen informs me that he met with ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 79 young, attended by the parents, the third week in August, 1876, on Mount Monadnock, New Hampshire, which he has no doubt were hatched in the immediate vicinity. Mr. J. K. Lord states that these birds were abundant on Vancouver’s Island and the adjacent coast, where he found them building pensile nests suspended from the tips of high pine branches, in which they laid from five to seven eggs. He does not describe the eggs, which was hardly to be ex- pected, perhaps, considering the half-use he seems to have made of his opportunities. Herr F. W. Baedeker has figured the egg in the Journal fiir Ornithologie ” (1856, p. 33, PL I, Fig. 8), and also in his large work on the eggs of the birds of Europe. Dr. Coues observes, in a pri- vate communication to me, “ The plate indicates a rather roundish egg, though the two specimens figured differ noticeably in size and shape ; they are spoken of in the text as ‘ niedliche kleine Eirchen mit lehmgelben ben Flekschen auf weissen Grunde,’ and compared with those of other species illustrated on the same plate.” Regulus cuvieri, described by Audubon from a specimen taken near the banks of the Schuylkill River, has remained unknown to ornithologists ever since. NESTING HABITS OF THE CALIFORNIAN HOUSE WREN (TROGLODYTES AEDON VAR. PARKMANNI). BY DR. J. a. COOPER. The little fellows who require such a triple scientific name, ac- cording to the latest fashion in nomenclature, have this year ex- hibited in my garden a remarkable characteristic or habit, which, if not confined to the western race, has never been recorded of those individuals found in the northeastern section of the Union, though it may be looked for in the longer summers of the southern and interior States. The well-known fact that during the season of incubation the males usually busy themselves in building several nests in places where they seem quite unnecessary, has always been attributed to a sort of whim or desire for occupation, or to a judicious foresight ; providing thus against a possible destruction of the first nest. 80' BULLETIN OF TEE NUTTALL But it seems that here, at least, one extra nest is sometimes used' for the purpose of raising an additional family by a single pair of wrens simultaneously with the first brood ! This would scarcely appear credible if not made certain by close observation of the pair during the whole breeding season, while no others were seen within a circuit of a quarter of a mile; Like all other summer visitorSj these birds arrived much later this year than last, none appearing until about April 20, though some winter within one hundred miles to the southward. Whether the same pair returned, mentioned to have built here last year (in my article in the “ American Natural- ist ’’ for February, 1870, p. 90), is uncertain. I believe that one of that pair was killed by a cat, and the brood of young were certainly destroyed, June 14, by an unusually late and heavy rainj which ran from the eaves of my house into their box, after which the remain- ing parent bird disappeared. The present pair, however, lost no time in building, and, as if suspicious of their former home, built first in a house on the top of a post twelve feet high, which was occupied by a pair of Hirundo hicolor last summer. As soon as the nest was finished, the male began to build another in the old resi- dence, which I had moved to a safer place, where rain could not reach it. The female rarely assisted in this work, though I occa- sionally saw both there, and in due time the second nest was finished. Soon after the young in the first nest were hatched, and although needing much attention, the old birds still frequented the new nest, and I began to suspect that one of them was sitting on eggs there. This suspicion was soon verified by hearing the young, and seeing them fed. In this case each parent must have been sitting at the same time on a nest, perhaps taking turns, during the week that elapsed before the first hatching. The day after the first brood of six left its house, they reappeared at evening under the lead of the female, and all roosted there, the male meanwhile continuing to feed the other brood, and singing at almost every visit to them, from which circumstance I distinguished him. The next day, however, he seems to have taken charge of the fledged family and led them away to the groves, out of the reach of town cats, as after that the songless female alone attended to the remaining brood. As confirming the probability of one pair being able to raise two broods, I may quote from Dr. Brewer the experiment by which one female was induced to lay twenty-five eggs in one season, eighteen ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, 81 being successively taken, and the remaining seven hatched. I have not seen any evidence of a second brood being raised here after the first, very few birds of any kind doing this, on account of the scarcity of insect-food after the dry season is advanced, or in July. The first brood left the nest June 5; the second on the 16th, which also consisted of six. ON GEOGKAPHICAL VAKIATION IN DENDRCECA PALMARUM. BY ROBERT RIDGWAY. A VERY remarkable variation in colors, accompanied by less striking difference of size, from east to west, in this species, was first brought to my notice by a casual examination of the specimens contained in the National Museum, specimens from the Atlantic States appearing at first sight to be very much brighter colored than those from the Mississippi Valley, with somewhat different markings, and also larger in size. Examples from the West Indies, where, in part, the species passes the winter, are, so far as seen, entirely re- ferable to the western form, as are also those from Western »and Southern Florida. The circumstance that West-Indian specimens are identical with those from the Mississippi Valley is conspicuously in contrast with the case of D. dominica, in which the relationship is reversed, West-Indian specimens being identical with those from the Atlantic States, while examples from the interior States agree with those taken in Mexico and Honduras. The D. dominica, how- ever, is resident in the southern portions of its range, while D. palmarum is one of those species which pass mainly north of the United States to breed.* Another fact in connection with the present bird is the notable exception which it constitutes in the matter of climatic variation to certain laws under this head, it being usual for specimens from the Mississippi Valley to be, if any different, brighter than those from corresponding latitudes on the Atlantic Coast. The variation would therefore appear to be entirely with longitude, so far as geographical considerations are concerned, and not to be explained by any known climatfc laws. This is written with the most positive assurance that such a wide * D. palmarum has not been recorded from any part of Mexico or Central America. 82 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL dilference does exist in this species between specimens from the country eastward of the Alleghanies and those from the Western States of the Eastern Sub-region, for not only does the ample series of specimens examined indicate such a difference, but evidence ac- cumulated by correspondence confirms it. After examining all the material accessible I deemed it prudent, in order to make sure that the variations noted were not in part of an individual character, to call the attention of others to the subject. Accordingly, a pair of the western form (from Southern Illinois), in spring plumage, of which the male was unusually bright, w^ere despatched to Mr. William Brewster, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, with the request that they be compared with his New England series, as well as wuth other local collections in Cambridge, while at the same time a typical example of the eastern style was mailed to Mr. E. W. Nelson, of Chicago, Illinois, with the same request. The replies of these gen- tlemen have been received, and fully establish my previous conclu- sion that the differences were strictly geographical. Mr. Brewster’s letter reads as follows : — “ I have very carefully compared the birds sent with my series of twenty Massachusetts specimens, and find that they differ widely from any that I have ever taken here. The decided yellow of the entire under parts and the chestnut markings are constant in our bird, and subject to but a limited amount of variation, and this chiefly sexual. Tbe dullest fall female in my series is much brighter beneath than your spring male. Again, your birds are clear brown above, from the occiput to the rump, while mine all have a greenish- yellow cast ; the lower eyelid in your specimens is white, while in mine it is as decidedly yellow as the superciliary stripe ; and, lastly, the markings on the lower parts, though more numerous, are brown instead of chestnut, and of a different shape, being mostly linear instead of tear-shaped A pair of these birds from Florida agree very well with your specimens, after making due allowance for difference of season, they being winter birds. I saw at a glance that the birds you sent were totally different in color from any that are ever taken here, and as I have probably examined one hundred Massachusetts specimens altogether, I can assure you positively that the form, you sent never occurs here at any season.” Mr. Buthven Deane, of Cambridge, also examined the pair sent for inspection, and has this to say of them : “ I have compared your two specimens of B. palmarum with mine, and find that they differ in the respects of which Mr. Brewster has written you. The ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 83 back of your specimens is considerably darker than in Massachusetts birdsj and lacks the sprinkling of the yellowish feathers ; the mark- ings on the breast are much finer and less conspicuous in your specimens, and the stripe under the [eye is invariably yellow in Massachusetts specimens. In fact, yonr birds are considerably dif- ferent at a glance, and if they are typical of the Illinois bird I should think they represent a well-marked variety.” Mr. Nelson's reply, received at the same time, is equally to the point : “ The speci- men of D. palmar um came to hand this morning. There is a great difference in intensity of coloration between this specimen and any I have seen or taken here, the one from Baltimore showing much brighter and purer yellow on the under parts, while the crown and spots on the breast are much clearer and brighter chestnut. I do not remember ever taking a specimen here in which the markings on the breast were so few, and confined to the sides, western speci- mens having the streaks extending uniformly across instead of hav- ing a nearly immaculate space between the two clusters of spots at the bend of the wing. As to fall specimens, the only observable difference is that they are much duller in color, more like the female of Perissoglossa tigrmaP Mr. A. L. Kumlien, of Bussey ville, Wis- consin, an experienced collector and accurate observer, examined the series with me, and stated his belief that no such specimens as those before him from the Atlantic States ever occurred in Wiscon- sin, and was positive he had never seen similar ones from that por- tion of the country. The following are the specific characters of Dendroeca palmarum, and the diagnoses of the two subspecies, or geographical races : — Common (specific) Characters. — No distinct bands on wing-coverts. Inner webs of two outer tail-feathers with large terminal patch of white. Crissiim clear yellow. Adult : Below more or less yellow, the sides of breast streaked ; a yellow or whitish superciliary stripe. Pileum uniform chestnut in spring and summer, or brownish streaked with dusky in fall and winter, but usually with more or less of chestnut beneath the surface. Above nearly uniform olive, becoming brighter, more yellowish-green, on rump and edges of tail-feathers. Young : Above dull grayish, streaked everywhere with dusky ; below dirty whitish, tinged with yellow, the throat, breast, and sides heavily streaked with dusky ; wing-coverts slightly tipped with buff. Wing, 2.35 -280. Subspecific Characters. Subsp. palmarum. — Wing, 2.36-2.65 (2.52) ; tail, 2,05-2.45 (2.24) ; bill, from nostril, .27 -.32 (.29) ; tarsus, .71 - .80 (.76). Yellow of lower 84 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL parts interrupted by a whitish abdominal area ; breast streaked uniformly across, the, streaks being linear, and dusky, with little if any tinge of chest- nut ; lower eyelid whitish ; back dull olive-brown. Habitat, Mississippi Valley (north to Great Slave Lake) and West Indies. Casual in certain Atlantic States. Subsp. hypochrysea. — Wing, 2.50 - 2.80 (2.69) ; tail, 2.25 - 2.55 (2.43) ; bill, from nostril, .28- .32 (.30) ; tarsus, .75- .80 (.79). Yellow of lower parts entirely continuous, and much brighter ; streaks confined mostly or wholly, to sides of breast, broadly tear-shaped, wholly reddish-chestnut ; lower eyelid bright yellow ; back greenish-olive. Habitat. Atlantic States, from East Florida to Nova Scotia. Dendroeca palmarum. Subspecies palmarum. Le Bimbele, ou la Fausse Linotte, Buffon, Ois., V, p. 330 (St. Domingo). Palm Warbler, Lath., Synop., II, pt. 2, p. 498. Motacilla palmarum, Gmel., S. N., I, 1788, p. 951. Dendrceca palmarum, Baird, Birds N. Am., 1858, 488 ; et Auct. (part). Habitat. Mississippi Valley during migrations ; breeding in the interior of British America, wintering in the Gulf States, from Texas to Western and Southern Florida, and West Indies (Cuba, Jamaica, Santo Domingo, and Bahamas). Casual in certain Atlantic States (but not in New Eng- land ?). Carlisle, Penn., April, May, and September ; District of Colum- bia, April and October. (Specimens in Nat. Mus.) Adult Male in Spring (No. 915, Mus. E,. R., Mount Carmel, Illinois, April 22, 1869. Brightest in the entire western series). Beneath yellowish- white, tinged with yellow, the throat and crissum deepening into gam- boge ; sides of the neck, sides, and entire breast, streaked with umber- brown, tinged with rusty, the shafts of the feathers darker ; a distinct superciliary stripe of clear yellow. Pileum uniform rich chestnut, darker next the bill, where divided medially by a short and indistinct streak of yellow. Upper parts in general olive-gray, deepening into yellowish olive-green on the upper tail-coverts. Tail-feathers dusky, edged exter- nally with pale olive-yellowish, the two outer pairs with their inner webs broadly tipped with white. Wings dusky, the remiges edged like the tail- feathers, wdth yellowish olive-green ; both rows of coverts tipped with pale grayish-buff, forming rather distinct indications of two bands. Wing, 2.55 ; tail, 2.30 ; bill, from nostril, .30 ; tarsus, .80. Most other males in the series before me are rather duller than the one described. A specimen from Carlisle, Penn. (No. 152, Mus. S. F. Baird, April 26, 1845, — presumably a male), differs merely in the more indis- tinct character of the streaks along the sides, those of the breast being almost obsolete. One of the brightest males in the entire series is one in Mr. Nelson’s collection (No. 2,072, Waukegan, 111., April 12, 1876). This, ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, 85 however, is scarcely different from the one described, the only obvious dif- ference being the somewhat brighter yellow on the breast, and the greater amount of chestnut in the streaks of the side of the breast. The palest male is also a Waukegan specimen (No. 2,073, Mus., E. W. Nelson, April 28, 1876), which has the posterior half of the superciliary stripe white and the whole breast whitish, the pure yellow being thus restricted to the throat and crissum. Adult Female in Spring (No. 2,786 Mus. K. K., Mt. Carmel, 111., Spring ; S. Turner). Similar to the male, as described above, but pileum mixed chestnut and dark umber-brown, distinctly streamed with dusky. Wing, 2.35 ; tail, 2.05 ; bill, from nostril, .28 ; tarsus, .71. A female in my collection, from Calumet, 111. (May 12, 1875), is con- siderably paler and duller, the lower parts being whitish tinged with yel- low on the throat and jugulum, the crissum only continuous yellow ; even the superciliary stripe is white from the eye backward. The pileum is grayish-olive, like the back, tinged in one or two places with chestnut, and very indistinctly streaked. The streaks on the sides are almost ob- solete, but across the jugulum they are quite well defined. Adult {both sexes) in Winter. Lower parts dirty whitish, the breast and sides with narrow streaks of grayish brown ; throat and superciliary stripe loholly dirty whitish ; yellow entirely confined to the crissum, except a tinge on the abdomen, and along the edge of the wing in some specimens ; crown grayish-umber, with but little, if any, tinge of chestnut, and dis- tinctly streaked with dusky. This plumage is that of all late fall and winter specimens, whether from far north or the West Indies. I have seen no specimens from the latter region in the spring plumage. Subspecies hypochrysea. Dendrceca palmarum, Auct., in part. Hendrceca palmarum hypochrysea, Kidgway. Habitat. Atlantic States, from East Florida (in winter) to Nova Scotia. Breeding in Maine and northward, and wintering in the South Atlantic States ; apparently not found at all in West Indies, nor in Southern or Western Florida ! Adult Male in Spring (No. 2,164, Mus. E. E., Cambridge, Mass. ; W. Brewster). Entire lower parts, and a conspicuous superciliary stripe, bright yellow, entirely continuous and uniform beneath ; entire sides marked with broad streaks of deep chestnut, these most distinct on the sides of the breast. Auriculars mixed olive and chestnut (the latter prevailing), somewhat darker immediately behind the eye ; lore with an indistinct dusky streak. Entire pileum rich chestnut, becoming darker next the bill, where divided medially by a short and rather indistinct yellow streak. Best of the upper parts olive, tinged with brown on the back, and bright- 86 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL ening into yellowish olive-green on the rump and upper tail-coverts, the latter having shaft-streaks of reddish-chestnut. Tail-feathers dusky, edged externally with yellowish- olive, the inner webs of the two outer feathers broadly tipped with white. Wings dusky, all the feathers edged with pale brownish-olive, this edging rather widest on the ends of the mid- dle and greater coverts, where, however, they do not form any indication of bauds. Wing, 2.65 ; tail, 2.50 ; bill, from nostril, .30 ; tarsus, .80. The above description will apply almost equally well to the generality of bright-colored males in the series, except that the chestnut streaks on the upper tail-coverts are not found in any of the others ; there is considerable individual variation in the amount of the chestnut on the cheeks, but the auriculars seem to be never entirely of this color. Adult Female in Spring (No. 63,155, Nat. Mus., Cambridge, Mass. ; H. W. Henshaw). Entirely similar to the male, as described above, except that the chestnut of the pileum is rather lighter, and less abruptly defined posteriorly, the chestnut streaks absent from the upper tail-coverts, no tinge of chestnut on the auriculars, which are' plain olive, and size smaller. Wing, 2.60 ; tail, 2.40 ; bill, from nostril, .32 ; tarsus, .75. A female from Nova Scotia, in breeding dress (parent of eggs in Nat. Mus.), is entirely similar in color, but rather smaller in size. Wing, 2.50 ; tail, 2.30 ; bill, from nostril, .30 ; tarsus, .75. Adult in Autumn (No. 2,567, Mus. R. R., Washington, D. C., October 10, 1861 ; E. Coues). Generally similar to the spring male, as described above, but the chestnut of the pileum overlaid and almost entirely con- cealed by olivaceous tips of the feathers ; no tinge of chestnut on the auriculars, which are grayish-olive. Yellow beneath as bright and con- tinuous as in spring, but chestnut streaks much less distinct. Markings generally less distinct, and colors more suffused ; tips of wing-coverts and edges of tertials decidedly brownish. A specimen from Carlisle, Penn., in the same plumage (No. 783, Mus. S. F. Baird, October 7, 1842), differs merely in being more brownish above. The measurements of this and the preceding may be found in the accom- panying table. Adult in Winter (No. 59,811, Nat. Mus., Hibernia, Florida, February, 1870 ; G. A. Boardman). Similar to the autumnal plumage, but less brownish above. Young, first Plumage (No. 2,807, Mus. R. R., St. Croix R., Maine, July 20, 1874 ; G. A. Boardman). Above grayish-brown, distinctly streaked with dusky, the streaks broader on the back, where they widen at the end of the feathers ; both rows of wing-coverts narrowly’tipped with pale buff ; tertials edged externally with rusty cinnamon ; rump and outer edges of primaries and rectrices yellowish olive-green ; upper tail-coverts pale rusty- cinnamon. Lower parts mostly dull whitish, tinged on the throat and abdomen with lemon-yellow, the throat, breast, and sides heavily streaked with dusky ; crissum and edge of the wing bright yellow. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, 87 List of Specimens examined. Subspecies palmarum. Num- ber. Museum. Sex and Age. Locality. Date. Wing. Tail. Bill from Nostril. Tarsus. 19506 U- s. cf ad. Ft. Resolution, Br. Am. June 1 265 2.40 .28 .80 23520 Cuba (Monte Verde). Winter 2.40 2.20 .30 .75 23523 (< d* “ “ Jan. 17, 1861 2.60 2.30 .30 12192 (( District of Columbia. Spring 2.65 2.30 .30 '.78 6494 ( — “ Florida (Indian Key). Mar. 28 2.65 2.40 .30 .80 8647 (( (< Cape Florida. Oct. 27, 1867 2.50 2.30 .30 .75 32260 d* “ Macon, Georgia. April, 1848 2.60 2.25 .31 .80 152 S. F. B.* n Penn. (Carlisle). Ap’l 26, 1845 2.40 2.25 .28 .75 54 It It May 2,1840 2.45 2.25 .30 .75 733 <( ll tt tt Sep. 20, 1842 2.45 2.25 .29 .75 946 a 7 Winter 2.60 2.30 .30 .80 945 a 7 “ 2.55 2.30 .28 .78 1343 E. W. N.t ? “ Illinois (Waukegan). May 12, 1876 2.40 2.10 .30 .75 2072 n d “ Ap’l 12, 1876 2.50 2.20 .28 .80 2073 ll d “ tt tt Ap’l 28, 1876 2.60 2.30 .30 .78 2074 ti d “ n a BMay 12, 1876 2.45 2.15 .28 .78 2075 ti d “ Ct it a a 2.60 2.15 .30 .75 1534 E. C.t _ It District of Columbia. Oct. 1,1859 2.50 2.45 .28 .80 — P. L. J. 11 d “ “ “ Oct. 11, 1861 2.60 2.35 .30 .80 915 R. R.§ d “ Illinois (Mt. Carmel). Ap’l 22, 1869 2.55 2.30 .30 .80 2786 (t ? “ “ “ Spring 2.35 2.05 .28 .71 — _ c« “ (Englewood). [May, 1874 2.60 2.25 .30 .80 — << ? “ “ Calumet. May 12, 1875 2.40 2.15 .30 .72 — d “ Wise. (Busseyville). May 2, 2.55 2.20 .30 .80 — it $ “ May 14, 2.45 2.05 .27 .80 — a _ It (( €6 Autumn 2.50 2.10 .30 .75 Average,.. . .2 52 1 2.24 1 1 .29 1 .76 Subspecies hypocJirysea. Num- ber. Museum. Sex and Age. Locality. Date. Wing. Tail. Bill from Nostril. Tarsus. 10236 t U. S. — ad. Mass. (Sherborn). Summer 2.80 2.40 .80 26929 tt ? “ Nova Scotia. June 2.50 2.30 .*30 .75 59811 “ _ tt Florida (Hibernia). Feb., 1870 2.80 2.50 .28 .80 63155 9 “ Mass. (Cambridge). Spring 2.60 2.40 .32 .75 783 S. F, B.* d “ Penn. (Carlisle). Oct. 7, 1842 2.75 2.55 .30 .80 2164 R. R.§ d* “ Mass. (Cambridge). Spring 2.65 2.50 .30 .80 2567 “ District of Columbia. Oct. 10, 1861 2.75 2.50 .30 .80 2082 “ 9 “ Mass. (Cambridge). Spring 2.55 2.30 .30 .80 — “ d “ “ 2.75 2.60 .32 80 — “ Maryland (Baltimore). <4 2.70 2.30 .30 .80 Average,. . . .2.69 1 2.43 1 .30 1 .79 * S. F. Baird. E, W. Nelson. $ E. Cones. |I P. L. Jouy. § R. Ridgway. 88 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL I NOTES ON TEXAN BIRDS. BY J. C. MERRILL, M. D., ASSISTANT SURGEON, U. S. A. I. Five Species of Birds new to the Fauna of the United States. I have recently obtained the following species, new to the fauna of the United States, in the vicinity of Fort Brown, Texas : — 1. Molothrus aeneus, Wagler. This species, next to Quiscalus major var. macrurus, is the most abundant of the family here during the summer months, and it is strange it was not obtained by earlier collectors. Pro- fessor Baird informs me that specimens forwarded to him may constitute a variety. 2. Nyctidromus albicollis, Sclater. In Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway’s “Birds of North America” (Vol. II, p. 399), mention is made of the pos- sible occurrence of this species within our limits. My first specimen was taken within Fort Brown on the 1st of April of this year. On May 2, while in camp some sixty-five miles up the river (Rio Grande), I obtained a female as she flew up from her two eggs ; and on the 15th of the same month a second set of eggs was found near the place where the first were obtained. The characteristic notes heard every evening showed that this species w^as by no means rare. 3. Pyrrhophaena riefferi, Bourc. This Mexican and Guatemalan -species of Hummer is identified by Mr. Ridgway from my description of a specimen taken here last June by a soldier. He wished to keep it, but it escaped in a day or two. A second specimen was shot here a few weeks later, determined by Mr. Ridgway to be this species. 4. Parra gymnostoma, Wagler. Early in August I saw a pair of water-birds quite new to me on the borders of a lagoon near Fort Brown. I was on horseback at the time, and did not have my gun, but had a good opportunity to observe them carefully. The next day I winged one of them, but it fell into a dense bed of water-plants, and could not be found, and the survivor disappeared. Respecting a letter describing the bird as seen, Mr. Ridgway writes : “ The bird you describe is undoubtedly Parra gymnostoma ; .... the chestnut back and yellow (greenish-yellow) wings settle the species beyond a doubt.” 5. Podiceps dominicus, Lath. This species was first obtained early in March, three specimens being killed at one shot. I have also seen them in April, May, and August, in the shallow lagoons about here. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 89 1 1. On the Breeding Habits^ previously unknown^ of two Species of North American Birds. Embemagra rufivirgata, Lmvr. This little-known species is quite abundant in the vicinity of Fort Brown, Texas. During the past season I searched in vain for its nest on the ground, where it seemed almost certain it would be found, on account of its eminently terrestrial habits. No nest was taken, however, until August 5, when one was found wdthin the limits of the fort, placed on a sapling about four feet from the ground ; it con- tained two eggs. On returning two days later, the female was obtained as she left the nest, to which a third egg had been added. Dissection showed that no more would have been laid. The domed nest was neatly con- structed of fine twigs and straws, the more delicate ones being used for the lining. The eggs are pure white, and are large for the size of the bird, averaging .90 by .66 of an inch. On September 7 a second nest was found, in all respects like the first, except that it w^as lined with hair ; the two eggs were but slightly incu- bated, and do not differ from those first found. Xanthura incas var. luxuosa, Bon. My first nest of this species was taken on the 27th of May, while in camp near Edinburgh (now Hidalgo), Texas, about seventy miles above Fort Brown, on the Kio Grande. It was placed on the horizontal branch of a waican-tree, about twenty-five feet from the ground, and was built of twigs and rootlets ; the cavity was slight, and the entire structure so thin that the eggs could be seen through the bottom. These were three in number, and were quite fresh. The ground-color is a grayish-white, thickly spotted with brown and pale lilac, especially at the larger end ; they average 1.11 by .82 inches. A second nest, found in the same vicinity May 8, was on a sapling seven feet from the ground ; it closely resembled the first one, and contained four eggs, three far advanced in incubation ; the fourth, which also differed in having the markings most numerous at the smaller end, w’-as quite fresh. These eggs are shorter than the first set, averaging 1.01 by .80 ; in other respects they are much alike. During the latter part of the same month I found two more nests of this handsome bird ; they resembled the others in situation and construction, but I was obliged to leave before eggs were deposited in either. BIRDS OF NEW ENGLAND. BY THOMAS M. BREWER. My attention has been called to the paper in the September “ Bulletin ” signed ‘‘ H. A. P./’ and I notice with surprise certain 90 BULLETIN OF TEE NUT TALL strictures that are hardly deserved. My Catalogue of the Birds of New England was, at first, only intended to be a simple list, without note or comment, transferring to a challenged list such species given by others as my own judgment led me to question, and adding the names of recent additions. This list I gave for what it was worth, expecting and desiring to have it amended and improved. But this writer seems to have totally misapprehended, in several essential respects, the purpose proposed in my list. It was but an initiative towards a complete and reliable list of the birds of New England, based upon the sure foundation of undisputed facts. Mere opinions, no matter by whom held, crude inferences from insulated facts, and still less empty conjectures, without data, were of no value in my eyes, and wholly irrelevant. We had had quite too much of this already, and our local lists had been overloaded with, and rendered comparatively valueless by, smart guesses and shrewd anticipations of coming occurrences. Nor was it any part of my original design to indicate the charac- ter of the presence of birds in the New England States. At the last moment, and when it could only be done very briefly, and there- fore incompletely, my friend, Mr. J. A. Allen, persuaded me to add this feature, after the whole article was in type, and when it could only be done so far as was possible, without materially adding to its length. Of course the additions are very brief, and never ex- haustive. “ H. A. P.,” apparently not appreciating the real purport of these notes, is at the quite unnecessary pains to supplement them with additions, all of them more or less liable to exceptional criticism. For instance, Turdus migratorius is given by me as a general sum- mer resident, which is certainly correct, so far as it goes. Of course the merest tyro in ornithology knows that the Eobin is also migra- tory in the spring and in the fall, and also that birds of this species may be met with irregularly and occasionally during winter in various parts of New England. But these peculiarities are many- sided, and to have done the subject full justice, wdth proper dis- crimination, would have required more space than I had at my dis- posal. “ H. A. P.” naively informs us that the Eobin is a constant resident in Southern New England. If by this he intends to have us understand that the same individual Eobins are constant resi- dents with us, I take issue with him. I deny it to be a fact. The individuals of this species that occupy New England in the summer ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 91 leave before the approach of winter. Those who visit us in the winter are of a very different race, come from far beyond our limits, and do not remain with ns after the approach of spring. More than this, these winter visits are not confined to Southern New England. In some seasons, and under certain conditions, Robins are more numerous in some portions of Northern New England, in mid- winter, where food is abundant, than I have ever found them in the southern portions. So far as my note on the Robin went, it w^as at least accurate, but the supplement of “ H. A. P.” is both inexact and calculated to mislead. “ H. A. P.” asks if certain species, five in number, and named by him, are not shown by the records as birds to be retained. Having answered these questions to the best of my ability, in advance, and in the negative, I can only repeat that all the records we have in reference to them are unreliable, and that, in my judgment, these names should remain on the list of those requiring more evidence. One of them, Nettion crecca^ will probably prove to be of occasional occurrence, but this I do not deem at all probable of the other four. If “ H. A. P.” can answer his own question, he should do so ; if not, it is irrelevant. “ H. A. P.” wanders from the path of legitimate criticism to accuse me of having withheld credit due to certain other and recent authorities, and in so doing ceases to be critical and becomes per- sonal. I will only here remark, that his insinuations are both gratuitous and unjust. No one, other than myself, can know the extent or the limits of my knowledge, and no one has any right to assume how much of it is solely due to information derived from others. The limit to which I was restricted prevented my giving any extent of data, and where I depended upon authorities already made public, I was not at liberty so unnecessarily to swell my arti- cle as to repeat them. In every instance where there was any real occasion to do so, I have given due credit, so far as my limits per- mitted. And what makes this censure seem the more inconsistent and uncalled for is that, in his own paper, in which we find such an amount of sweeping generalizations, no credit whatever is given to any one else as having aided him in forming his conclusions. He has been either inconceivably fortunate in acquiring knowledge under difficulties, or he, too, has withheld the credit due to others for the data upon which he bases the positive dogmas he gives out in a manner quite ex cathedrd. 92 BULLETIN OF IHE NUTT ALL I might go on and take up and criticise, one by one, each of these supplemental opinions, but as they are only opinions unsupported by facts, I view them as valueless. Some I know to be incorrect. Vireo gilvus and Zencedura carolinensis^ for instance, to my certain knowl- edge, have been found very nearly, if not quite, throughout New Eng- land. Then, too, “ H. A. P.” and your humble servant do not appear to always attach the same significance to the same words, — “rare,” for instance. With all due deference to his opinions^ as expressed in all the instances where I have made use of this word, I must still adhere to my own, and am prepared to take issue with him squarely in every instance named by him where he challenges its use. Until he can produce the data for his sweeping declarations I am not prepared to admit the correctness of any of his unproven state- ments or inferences. I do not believe, for instance, that Ferissoglossa tigrina, Geothlypis Philadelphia^ or Contopus borealis are “ generally common” throughout Northern New England. Neither am I pre- pared to admit, without positive proof, that Helminthophaga cliry- soptera can be said to breed in any considerable numbers in South- ern New England, nor does it, so far as I know, in any part of the United States. The mere ipse dixit of a single observer, and scattered insulated instances, do not afford even inferential data. The same holds true of Coturniculus passermiis, though a much more common bird, but the portion of Southern New England in which it breeds in considerable numbers regularly must be small indeed. So far as my own observations go, and so far also as I have been able to obtain information from others, “ H. A. P.” is not warranted in his sweep- ing statement that Micropalama himantopus is a regular migrant along the whole New England coast. But if he is better posted, and can produce the evidence to establish his views on this long-contro- verted point, such data are too valuable and would be too inter- esting to be suppressed. But let us have facts, not imaginative opinions, and these not insulated, but in sufficient numbers. As for Anthus ludovicianus, I speak of that which I do know when I repeat that I have found it, sometimes in large flocks, in open country near the coast, in Massachusetts, in midwinter, notwithstanding the negative testimony of “ H. A. P.” to the contrary. But I will not occupy any further space by taking up, point by point, the various forms of difference of opinion between “ H. A. P.” and myself. I will only add, in conclusion, that I see nothing in his criticisms, unsupported as they are by facts, to induce me to ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, 93 make any material changes in my own views. Our ornithological horizons have evidently not been the same, and consequently our conclusions are not always in unison. He is welcome to his own conjectures, inferences, and opinions, but I must be permitted to retain my own, “ H. A, P.” to the contrary notwithstanding, until he produces something of more weight than unsupported assertion. Birds of Southwestern Mexico. — Mr. George N. Lawrence has recently published *■ his Report on the Birds of Southwestern Mexico, col- lected by Professor Francis E. Sumichrast, under the auspices of the Smith- sonian Institution. The list embraces three hundred and twenty-one species, with valuable and occasionally quite copious field-notes by the col- lector. The paper is prefaced by several pages, by Professor Sumichrast, on the character of the avian fauna of Southwestern Mexico, which contain interesting generalizations respecting the distribution of the species. — J. A. A. Jordan’s Manual of Vetebrate Animals. t — This work, says the author, was written “ to give collectors and students who are not specialists a ready means of identifying the families, genera, and species of our Verte- brate Animals. In deference to the uniform experience of botanists, and in view of the remarkable success achieved by Dr, Coues, in the applica- tion of the method to Ornithology, the author has adopted the system of artificial keys Use has been freely made of every available source of information, and it is believed that the present state of our knowledge is fairly represented.” The task the author has here attempted seems to have been carefully done, and the work will doubtless prove of great value to the class for which it has been prepared. It indicates thorough ac- quaintance with the literature of the subjects treated, and well represents the latest and most approved views respecting the classification and no- * Birds of Southwestern Mexico, collected by Francis E. Sumichrast. Pre- pared by George R. Lawrence. BulL.U- S. National Museum, No. 4. Published under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1876. t Manual of the Vertebrates of the Northern United States, including the District east of the Mississippi River, and north of North Carolina and Tennessee, exclusive of Marine Species. By David Starr Jordan, M. S., M. D., etc. Chi- cago : Jansen, McClurg, & Co. 1876. 12mo. pp. 342. Price, $2.00. _ 94 BULLETIN OF THE NUITALL menclature of the several classes of animals to which the work is devoted. With respect to the Mammals and Fishes^ the author’s plan of excluding the marine forms was doubtless, for various reasons, a wise one, especially in the case of the Cetaceans, concerning which our knowledge is still lament- ably deficient. In respect to Birds, however, the desire for uniformity is the only obvious reason for not including the few strictly marine species, — a reason we deem quite insufficient for marring the otherwise praise- worthy completeness of the portion of the work devoted to this class. We notice, however, the absence of Helminthophaga leucohronchialis, while such species as Euspiza townsendi and JEgiothus flavirostris var. hrewsteri, are included. A few species not yet recorded as found east of the Mis- souri are also included, though the western boundary of the district located is assumed to be the Mississippi River. But these are points that in no way seriously detract from the merits of the book. Several of the analyti- cal tables of different groups of birds are based on or taken directly from Coues’s key, and the latest and best authorities are followed for the other classes. Cope is closely followed for the Reptiles and Batrachians, while the Fishes show much original work. The Mammals are brought dowm to the literature of six months since, but several papers now in press or that have recently appeared will necessitate^a few changes in nomenclature in future editions. In all cases the author gives liberal credit to the sources from which he has gathered his materials, as well as for aid more directly furnished. On the whole, the author is to be congratulated on the success he has achieved in this difficult undertaking, combining in a work of convenient size and moderate cost a text-book of the Vertebrate Animals of the North- eastern States, reliable in character and sufficiently extended to guide the student with tolerable ease to the name of any species he may chance to have in hand. — J. A. A, (Settersl Captuee of the Orange-crowned Warbler in Massachusetts, — The Orange-crowned Warbler (Helminthophaga celata) must be regarded, so far as our present knowledge warrants, as a rare visitor to New England. Two only have been previously reported in Massachusetts,* and these, with a third shot in New Hampshire, t fill the list of New England quota- tions. * One was taken at Springfield, May 16, 1863, by Mr. J. A. Allen (see Proc. Essex Institute, Vol. IV, p. 60), and the other at Lynn, Jan., 1875 (see Brewer, in Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XVII, p. 439). t At Hollis, May 16, 1876, by Mr. W. H. Fox (Forest and Stream, Vol. VI, p. 354). ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, 95 In view of this fact, the announcement of a third specimen for Massa- chusetts may he of interest. On October % 1876, while collecting at Concord, Mass., I shot a female of this species in fine autumnal plumage. When first observed it was gleaning industriously among some low, scat- tered birches, in company with several Black- throated Green Warblers {Dendrceca virens), a few Black-polls (Z). striata), and one or two Nash- ville Warblers {Helminthojphaga ruficajpUla). Its small size and dark colors first drew my attention to it, and led me to suspect its identity. It proved upon dissection to be a bird of the year. — William Brewster. Variable Abundance of Birds at the same Localities in dif- ferent Years. — It has probably been observed by most of our field ornithologists, that many of our rarer birds are to be found in larger num- bers during some'of their annual or semiannual visits than;: during others. This is an interesting fact ; but it is a fact of much greater interest that our commonest summer reside^its are similarly variable, and that, as a general rule, where one species varies in this respect, the deviation extends to all in the same degree. A small increase or decrease in the multitude of universally common species is, of course, less noticeable than a proportion- ate variation in the numbers of those which are less abundantly distrib- uted ; but that the former are as regularly subject to such variation as the latter is beyond all doubt. So absolute and unchanging is this law, that its effects may be detected from the appearance of the earliest spring arrivals to the coming of the last of the vernal migrants. Should the army of Thrushes and Finches that arrive from the south about the last of March be unusually large and continuous, you may prophesy with al- most entire confidence a good year for birds. In the vicinity of Portland the seasons of 1875 and 1876 have been remarkable in examples of ex- treme numerical variation ; the one for the paucity of rare species, the other for their abundance. During the past season (1876) White-crowned Sparrows occurred in almost unprecedented numbers, often appearing in flocks of six or eight ; the previous season but one was taken, to my knowledge. In 1876 specimens of the Mourning and Bay-breasted War- blers were taken ; the one new to the locality, the other not having occurred for six years. The Great-crested Flycatcher was common in 1876, rare in 1875. With a few exceptions, the same diflference has been perceptible in the case of every species. y But what is it that exerts so potent an influence over our birds ? Not the weather, it would seem ; for heat or cold, storm or calm, causes but a slight difference in the time of the arrival of a species, much less in its numbers. An apparent auxiliary cause is the weather of the winter preceding the sj)ring. If the winter be mild and rather free from snow, there is an evident increase in the numbers of the earliest arrivals in March ; but it can hardly be supposed that a bird which does not make its appearance till the last of May feels the effects of mild weather several 96 BULLETiN OF THE NUTTALL CLUB. montlis before. The great body of migrants are said to pursue different routes to their northern homes at dijfferent seasons. Very true ; but how about our summer residents ? I confess myself puzzled for a satisfactory solution to the question. The abundance or scarcity of birds in winter or autumn has been better ex- plained. — N. C. Brown. Occurrence of the Wood Ibis in Pennsylvania and New York. — I learn from Mr. C. J. Maynard, who saw and examined the specimen, that on June 21, 1876, a Wood Ibis (Tantalus loculator) was captured at Williamsport, Pennsylvania. It was reported to be one of a small flock seen flying northward. “ Forest and Stream” (of July 20, 1876) records (on the authority of Mr. Frederic S. Webster) the capture of another specimen on June 24, at Troy, New York. The occurrence of this strictly southern species so far north of its usual range has not, I think, been be- fore reported. While its usual northern limit in the interior is South- ern Illinois, it has been reported as occurring in Ohio and Wisconsin, and Dr. Coues refers to its occurrence in Chester County, Pennsylvania, its previous most northern record on the Atlantic slope. — J. A. Allen. Peculiar Nesting-Site of the Bank-Swallow. — Dr. Rufus Ham- mond, of Brookviile, Indiana, writes, under date of June 5, 1876 : “Two weeks ago I saw a Bank-Swallow building its nest in the east end of a frame paper-mill, about seventy yards from the depot, in which was placed the nest of which I have already informed you [see “ American Natur- ralist,” Vol. X, p. 373, June, 1876]. A weather-board had become de- tached from the building, leaving a small opening, in which I watched for two days a Bank-Swallow building a nest. Soon after the mill caught fire and was burned, of. course destroying the nest and its contents. I have no doubt these birds will ultimately change their habits so far as to build their nests in any convenient place, especially in pudloch holes left open in brick buildings.” I should, however, add that Mr. Ridgway (“ American Naturalist,” Vol. X, p. 493, Aug., 1876) questions whether the birds observed were not the Rough-winged Swallow (Stelgidopteryx ser- ripennis), which nests as Dr. Hammond describes. — Elliott Coues. INDEX ^GiALiTis wilsonius, . 26, 72. I ^giothus linaria, 21. Agelseus phoeniceus, 22, 25, 53. Albinism in North, American birds, 20. Alca impennis, 63, 68. Allen, J. A., on nidification of Clarke’s Crow, 44 ; on the nesting of the Canada Goose in trees, 60 ; on Boss’s Goose in Oregon, 52 ; on decrease of birds in Massachusetts, 54 ; on geographical variation in the number and size of birds’ eggs, 74 ; on the occurrence of the Wood Ibis in Pennsylvania and New York, 96. Allen, J. D., letter from, respecting a specimen of Buteo, 3. Ammodromus caudacutus var. nel- son!, 40. maritimus, 25. Ampelis garrulus, 73. Anas boschas, 23. Anser gambelli, 73. hyperboreus, 54, 69, 73. “ rossii, 52. Anthus ludovicianus, 73, 92. Ardea candidissima, 27, 73. “ herodias, 27. rufa, 40. virescens, 27. Astiir atricapillus, 73. Auk, Great, 53, 68. Bailey, H. B., on the birds of Cobb’s Island, Ya., 24. Bendire, Charles, on the nidification of Clarke’s Crow, 44 ; on the Canada Goose nesting in trees, 50 ; on Anser rossii in Oregon, 52 ; on geographical variation in birds’ eggs, 74. Bernicla branta, 23. Blackbird, Bed- winged", 25, 53. Brachyotus cassini, 72.' Branta canadensis, 50. “ “ var. lencopsis, 41. Brewer, T. M., on birds of New Eng- land, 89 ; notice of paper by, 72. Brewster, Wm., description of a new species of Helminthophagay 1 ; on the occurrence of certain birds in New England, 17 ; on the Curlew Sandpiper in Mass., 51 ; on singu- lar food of a Least Bittern, 76 ; on geographical variation in Den- dr(Bca palmarum^ 82 ; capture of the Orange-crowned Warbler in Mass., 94 ; notices of papers by, 71, 72. Brown, N. C., on variable abundance of birds at the same localities in different years, 95. Bucephala islandica, 41. Bunting, Painted Lark, 42. Buteo borealis, 22. “ borealis var. calurus, 40. “ montana, 33. swainsoni, 42. vulgaris, 2, 32, 36. CAMPTOLiEMUS labradorius, 73. Campylorhynchus, tarsal envelope in, 50. Catherpes, tarsal envelope in, 50. Centurus carolinus, 73. Charadius fulvus var. virginicus, 22. Chaulelasmus couesii, n. sp. 46. Chionis minor, 48. Chordeiles popetue var. henryi, 40. Cistothorus stellaris, 73. Colaptes auratus, 22. Colymbus septentrionalis, 23. Contopus borealis, 73, 92. Cormorant, Florida, 44. Corvus americanus, 22, 63, 54, 72, 76. corax, 53, 54, ossifragus, 19, 25, 72. INDEX, 98 Coturniculus lecontei, 40. “ passerinus, 73, 92. Cotyle riparia, 21, 96. “ serripennis, 9. Coues, Elliott, on the tarsal enve- lope in Gampylorhynchus and allied genera, 50 ; on the number of primaries in Oscines, 60 ; on a pe- culiar nesting-site of the Bank- Swallow, 96. Crane, Brown, 53, 58. “ Whooping, 53, 58. Crow, Clark’s, 44. Common, 22, 53, 54, 72, 76. “ Fish, 19, 25, 72. Cupidonia cupido, 22, 53, 56, 73. Cyanurus cristatus, 22. Cygnus americanus, 53, 58, 73. Deane, Kuthven, on albinism and melanism in N orth American birds, 20 ; on the Philadelphia Vireo in New England, 74 ; on geographi- cal variation in Dendrceca palma- rum, 82. Dendrceca cserulescens, 11. “ castanea, 21. “ coronata, 21. ‘‘ discolor, 25. palmarum, 81. “ “ var. hypochrysea, 85. “ “ var. palmarum, 84. Dolichonyx oryzivora, 23. Duck, Barrow’s Golden-eye, 41. “ Eider, 41. “ King Eider, 41. “ Pintail, 44. “ Surf, 41. Ducks, former abundance of, in Mas- sachusetts, 60. Ectopistes migratorius, 22, 54, 56, 73. Egret, Little White, 27. “ Reddish, 40. Embernagra rufivirgata, 89. Empidonax acadicus, 14. “ traillii, 14. 75. Euspiza americana, 73. Extinct birds with teeth, 49. “ Field and Forest,” notice of, 71. Finch, Bachman’s, 42. “ Seaside, 25. “ Western Sharp-tailed, 40. Fleet, W. Van, on the Rough- winged Swallow in Pennsylvania, 9. Florida cserulea, 73. Flycatcher, Acadian, 14. “ Great-crested, 95. Traill’s, 14, 75. Frazer, A. M., on intelligence of a Crow, 76. Fulica americana, 73. Fuligula affinis, 23. “ vallisneria, 23. Fulmarus glacialis, 23. Gallinago wilsoni, 23. Gallinula galeata, 73. Geese, former abundance of, in Mas- , sachusetts, 59. Gelochelidon aranea, 73. Gentry, T. G., his “ Life-Histories of Birds,” notice of, 49. Geographical variation in birds’ eggs, 74. ^ Geographical variation in Dendrceca palmarum, 81. Geothlypis Philadelphia, 23, 92. Goose, Canada, breeding in trees, 50. ' Ross’s, 52. “ Snow, 59. “ White-fronted, 41. Graculus dilophus var. floridanus, 44. Grakle, Purple, 22, 53. Grouse, Pinnated, 53, 56. Grus americanus, 53, 58. “ canadensis, 53, 58. Gull, Herring, 41. “ Laughing, 27. “ Sabine’s, 41. “ White- winged, 41. HiEMATOPUS palliatus, 26. Harelda glacialis, 44. Hawk, European Buzzard, 2, 32. “ Fish, 25. “ Swainson’s, 42. “ Western Red-tailed, 40. Helminthophaga celata, 94. “ -chrysoptera, 6, 73, 92. “ leucobronchialis, 1. pinus, 73. Helmitherus vermivorus, 73. Henshaw, H. W., on Empidonax traillii and E. acadicus, 14 ; report of, on the ornithology of Wheeler’s Surveys, 70. Herodias egretta, 73. Heron, Great Blue, 27. “ Green, 27. “ Little White, 27. “ Yellow-crowned Night, 43. Hierofalco islandicus, 73. INDEX. 99 Himantopus nigricollis, 73. Hirundo bicolor, 21. u borreorum, 21, 25. “ lunifrons, 21. “ serripennis, 21, 96. Hylotomus pileatus, 54, 55. Ibis ordi, 73. Ibis, Wood, 43,^96. Icteria virens, 73. Ingersoll, Ernest, on the nidification . of the American Kinglets, 76. Jaeger, Pomarine, 41. Jones, C. M., on the breeding of the Black-throated Blue Warbler in Connecticut, 11. Jordan, D. S., notice of his “ Manual of Vertebrate Animals,” 93. Junco hy emails, 21, 73. “ oregonus, 19. Kerguelen Island, Kidder’s or- nithology of, 48. Kidder, J. H., notice of papers by, 48. Kingbird, 25. Kinglet, Golden-crested, 78. “ Kuby-crowned, 77. Larus argentatus var. argentatus, 41. “ atricilla, 27. “ leucopterus, 41. Lawrence, G. N., notices of papers by, 47, 93. Lomvia grylle, 23. “ troile, -23. Lophortyx californicus, 22. Marsh, 0. C., notice of papers by, 49. Maynard, C. J., on Buteo vulgaris in North America, 2 ; on geographi- cal variation in birds’ eggs, 75. Melanerpes erythrocephalus, 54, 55. Melanism in North American birds, 24. Meleagris gallopavo var. occiden tails, 55. Melospiza melodia, 21. Mergulus alle, 23. Merrill, J. C., notes on Texan birds, 88. Merriam, C. H., on the Ipswich Sparrow and Hudsonian Titmouse, in Connecticut, 52. Micropalama himantopus, 73, 92. Mimus polyglottus, 73. Minot, H. D., on the Carolina Wren in Massachusetts, 76. Molothrus aeneus, 88. “ pecoris, 22. Myiadestes townsendi, 40. Myiarchus crinitus, 73. Myiodioctes minutus, 73. “ mitratus, 40, 73. Nelson, E. W., on birds new to the fauna of Illinois, and notes on other Illinois birds, 39. Nettion crecca, 72, 91. Nighthawk, Western, 40. Nisus fuscus, 72. Numenius longirostris, 73. Nuttall Ornithological Club, histori- cal sketch of, 29. Nuttall Ornithological Club, orni- thological papers by members of, 30. Nyctale acadica, 73. Nyctherodius violaceus, 43, 96. Nyctidromus albicollis, 88. QEdemia fusca, 23. “ perspicillata, 41. Oporornis agilis, 42. Oreortyx pictus, 22. Ortyx virginianus, 22, 73. Oscines, on number of primaries in, 60. Otus wilsonianus, 72. Pandion haliaetus, 36. Parra gymnostoma, in Texas, 88. Parula americana, 21. Parus hudsonicus, 52. Passer domesticus, 21. Passerculus princeps, 18, 52. Passerella iliaca, 21. Pelecanus trachyrhynchus, 60. Pelican, White, 60. Perissoglossa tigrina, 73, 92. Petrochelidon lunifrons, 21. Peucaea aestivalis, 42. Philohela minor, 23. Philomachus pugnax, 19. Picicorvus columbianus, 44. , Picoides americanus, 73. “ arcticus, 73. Picus villosus, 72. Pigeon, Wild, 54, 56. Plectrophanes pictus, 42. Plover, Wilson’s, 26. Podiceps dominicus, 88. Pooecetes gramineus, 21. Porzana Carolina, 22. “ jamaicensis, 43. “ noveboracensis, 43, 73. Progne purpurea, 21. Protonotaria citrea, 42. Purdie, H. A., on the nests and eggs 100 INDEX. of TrailFs Flycatcher^ as observed in Maine, 75. Pyrrhophsena riefferi, 88, Querqubdula discors, 23. Quiscalus pnrpurens, 22, 53. Rail, Black, 43. Clapper, 27. “ Yellow, 43. Rallus longirostris, 27. Regains calendula, 77. “ cuvieri, 7k “ satrapa, 73, 78. Ridgway, Robert, on the occurrence of Buteo vulgaris in North Amer- ica, 32 ; on geographical variation in Dendrceca palmarum, 81. Ruff, 19. Rhynchops nigra, 28. Salpinctes, tarsal envelope in, 60. Sandpiper, Baird’s, 19. “ Curlew, 51. Sandpipers, former abundance of, in Massachusetts, 60, Setophaga ruticilla, 21. Sialia sialis, 21. Siurus ludovicianus, 42, 73. Skimmer, Black, 28. Snowbird, Oregon, 19. Snow, F. H., notice of his “ Birds of Kansas,” 47. Solitaire, Townsend’s, 40. Somateria mollissima, 41. “ spectabilis, 41. • Sparrow, Ipswich, 52. “ Leconte’s, 40. White-crowned, 95. Sphyrapicus varius, 22, 60. Spizella monticola, 73. “ pusilla, 73. “ socialis, 53. Steganopus wilsoni, 71. Stelgidopteryx serripennis, 21, 96. fetercorarius pomatorhinus, 41. Sterna anglica, 28. “ hirundo, 28. portlandica, 72. “ regia, 28. ‘ ^ superciliaris var. antillarum, 28. Streets, T. H., description of a new duck by, 46. Sturnella magna, 22. Sula fiber, 72. Swallow, Bank, 96. Swallow, Barn, 26. “ Rough-wingedj- 9, 96. Syrnium nebulosum, 22. Tachycineta bicolor, 21. Tantalus loculator, 43, 96. Tarsal envelope m CaTfipylarhyndms^ and allies, 50. Tern, Common, 28;' “ Least, 28. “ Marsh,. 28.' “ Portland, 72i- “ Royal, 28. Troglodytes aedon var. Parkmanni, 79. Thryothorus ludovicianus, 76.- Titmouse, Hudsonian, 52. Totanus semipalmatus, 26. Tringa bairdii, 19. “ subarquata, 51. Turdus migratorius, 21, 72, 90. Turkey, Wild, 53, 58. Tyrannus carolinensis, 22, 25.' “ verticalis, 73. ViREO belli, 42. “ flavifrons, 74. “ gilvus, 73, 92. “ noveboracensis, 73. “ philadelphicus, 74. Vireo, Bell’s, 42. “ Philadelphia, 74. “ Yellow-throated, 74. Wagtail, Large-billed Water, *42. j Warbler, Bay- breasted, 95. “ Black-throated Blue, 11. “ Connecticut, 42. “ Golden-winged, 6, 94. Hooded Fly catching, 42. Mourning, 95. “ Prairie, 2^ Prothonotary, 42. Warren J., on the nesting of the Golden- winged Warbler in Massa- chusetts, 6. Willett, 26. Woodpecker, Pileated, 53, 55. Red-headed, 54, 56, “ Yellow-bellied, 63. Wren, Californian House, 79. “ Carolina, 76. Xanthocephalus icterocephalus, 22. Xanthura incas var. luxuosa, 89. Xema sabinei, 41. ZENiEDURA carolinensis, 73, 92. Zonotrichia albicollis,' 21. BULLETIN OF THE Ndttall Ornithological Club: ^ wartcrlg lournal of #rnitljol0gg. VOLUME 11. J. A, ALLEN. S. F. BAIRD AND ELLIOTT CODES. CAMBRIDGE, MASS.: PUBLISHED BY THE CLUB. 1877. 1 M University Press: Welch, Bigelow, & Co,, Cambridge. r I .1 CONTENTS OF VOLUME 11. NUMBER I. Page The Black-and-Yellow Warbler. By William, Brewster . . . 1 Geographical Variation in Tukdus migratorius By Robert Ridgway 8 Unusual Abundance of the Snowy Owl in New England. By Ruthven Deane 9 Distribution of New England Birds. — A Eeply to Dr. T. M. Brewer. By //. A. Purdie . . .11 Occurrence of the Barnacle Goose {Bernicla leucopsis) on Long Island, N. Y. By G. N. Lawrence ......... 18 Capture of a Second Specimen of Helminthophaga lawrencei. By Harold Herrick . . 19 Notice of a few Birds of rare or accidental Occurrence in New England. By H. A. Purdie 20 RECENT LITERATURE. Notices of five recent Ornithological Papers, 23. — Vennor’s Rapacious Birds of Canada, 24. GENERAL NOTES. A Humming-Bird new to the Fauna of the United States, 26. — Note on Podiceps dominicMS,26. — Eastward Range of the Ferruginous Buzzard {Archibuteo ferruyineus),, 26. — Occurrence of Leconte’s Bunting { Coturniculus lecontei) in Iowa, 26. — Audubon’s Warbler in Massachusetts, 27. — Occurrence of the Sooty Tern in Massachusetts, 27. — The Black Gyr-Falcon {Falco sacer var. labradora) in Massachusetts, 27. — Notes on Birds new to the Fauna of Maine, etc., 27. — Northern Range of the Sharp-tailed Finch {Ammodromu$ caudacutus), 28. NUMBER IL Corrections op Nomenclature in the Genus Siurus. By Dr. Elliott Coties,, U. S. A. . . ' . . .26 Notes on the Breeding of the Black Tern {Hydrochelidon lariformis). By T. 8. Roberts 34 Two Undescribed Nests op Californian Birds. By William Brewster 87 A Contribution to ^^the Biography of Wilson’s Phalarope. By E. W. Nelson 88 A Defence of his Catalogue of New England Birds. By Dr. T. M. Brewer 44 RECENT LITERATURE. Burroughs’s “Wake-Robin,” 48. — Minot’s “Land and Game Birds of New England,” 49. GENERAL NOTES. Western Range of Connrus carolinensis, 50. — Fecundity of the Carolina Wren, 60. — The Louisiana Heron in Indiana, 51. — Note on the Cinnamon Teal ( Querquedula cyanoptera),^ 51. — jEgiothus exilipes in Europe, 51. — Note on Cupidonia cupido var. pallidicinctus, Ridgway, 52. — Capture of the Egyptian Goose on Long Island, N. Y., 52. — MacCown’s Longspur in Illinois, 52. IV CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. NUMBER III. Description of a New Species of Humming-Bird from California. By II. IV. Ilenshaw 63 The Birds of Guadaloupe Island discussed with reference to the PRESENT Genesis of Species. By Robert Ridgway .... 58 An Undescribed Hybrid between two North American Grouse. By William Brewster . 66 RECENT LITERATURE. Nelson’s “ Birds of Northeastern Illinois,” 68. — Salvin on the Procellariidcs, 69. — Catalogue of the Birds of the Islands of Malta and Gozo, 70. — Ridgway’s “ Studies of the American FalconidceU 70. — Recent Ornithological Articles in American Journals, 73. — Californian Ornithology, 76. — McCauley’s “Notes on Texan Ornithology,” 76. GENERAL NOTES. Nest and Eggs of Townsend’s Flycatcher, 77. — Persistency at Nest-Building in a House- Wren, 78. — A New Bird to Massachusetts, 78. — A New Form of Surnia to New England, 78. — Capture of the Philadelphia Vireo in New Hampshire, 78. — Occurrence of Passerculus princeps in New Yoi'k, 78. — The Pigeon-Hawk {Falco columbarius) at Sea, 79. — Capture of a Second Specimen of Ilelminthophaga leucobronchialis, 79. — The Mottled Owl as a Fisherman, 80. — Breeding of Leach’s Petrel on the Coast of Maine, 80. — Nest and Egas of the Alaskan Wren, 82. — Junco oregonus in Illinois, 82. — Leptaptila albifrons, a Pigeon new to the United States Fauna, 82. — Melo- pelia leucopiera in Colorado, 83. — The Ruft’and the Purple Galhnule in Ohio, 83. — Notes on Nyctale acadica, 83. — Probable Breeding of the Saw-Whet Owl in Massachusetts, 84. NUMBER IV. Notes on Molothrus ^neus. By J. C. Merrill, Assist. Surg., U. S. A. . 85 On Seventy-five doubtful West-Coast Birds. By J. G. Cooper, M. D. 88 Remarks on Selasphorus alleni, Henshaw. By D. G. Elliot . . . 97 The Yellow-throated Warbler {Dendrosca dominica). By William Brewster 102 RECENT LITERATURE. D’Hamonville’s Enumeration of the Birds of Europe, 106. — Merriam’s “ Review of the Birds of Connecticut,” 107. GENERAL NOTES. Note on Doricha enicura, 108. — Occurrence of the Black Vulture or Carrion Crow in Ohio, 109. — Occurrence of the Western Nonpareil and Berlandier’s Wren at Fort Brown, Texas, 109. — A Cuckoo’s Egg in a Cedar-Bird’s Nest, 110. — Occurrence for the first Time in England of the Robin ( Turdus migratorius), 110. BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. Vol. IL JANUARY, 1877. No. i. THE BLACK-AND^-YELLOW WARBLER {DENDRCEGA MACULOSA), ' BY WILLIAM BREWSTER. First impressions are apt to be most lasting, and in many cases are engraved upon the memory with a vividness that defies the effacing influence of time. Thus the Black-and-Yellow Warbler was one of my earliest bird acquaintances, and I shall not soon for- get our introduction. My family was spending a few days in a quiet little country town in New Hampshire, when, one hot summer afternoon, finding time hang heavily on my hands, I borrowed an old gun, and at the coun- try store, where everything was sold from a patent coffee-mill to the latest specific for rheumatism, I purchased a supply of am- munition, and, thus equipped, took to the woods and searched a long time in vain for game. At length, entering a grove of thickly growing young spruces, I sat down to rest on a mossy log. I had been there but a short time when I became conscious of faint sounds in the trees above and around me, — chirpings, twitterings, and occasionally a modest little effort at song. Watching atten- tively, I soon spied a movement among the branches, and a tiny bird hopped out into the light, presenting a bright yellow breast and throat for just a moment before flying into the next tree. Here was a revelation ! I already knew a few of the most familiar birds, — the Robin, the Bluebird, the Sparrow, the Oriole, and some others ; but it had never occurred to me that dark forests like these might be tenanted by such delicate and beautiful forms. 2 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL Only the tropics surely could boast such gems. With enthusiasm now fairly aroused, and animated with the spirit of an explorer, I went at once to work to investigate, and in the course of an hour or two more my ammunition Avas nearly exhausted, and quite a line of poor, lifeless, mutilated little birds lay arranged along the old log. Resting my gun against a neighboring tree, I examined long and carefully the results of my Avork. Scarcely any two of my specimens Avere alike, and as I contemplated in amazement their varied forms and coloring, I felt like the discoverer of new world, and doubted whether human eyes had ever beheld the like before. Finally, the deepening twilight brought an end to my reveries, and, collecting my prizes, I took my AA’ay homeward. Taxidermy being to me then a sealed book, I had recourse to pepper and salt as pre- servatives, but a few hot days settled the matter and proved the ruin of my collection. I can recall with sufficient distinctness for identification but a single bird of them all, — a fine adult male Black-and-Yellow Warbler, which at the time I considered the handsomest, and AAffiich I still think cannot be surpassed in beauty by any New" England representative of the family. That afternoon was an unlucky one for the birds. It laid the foundation for a taste that has since caused the destruction of thousands of their tribe. The Black-and-Yellow Warbler arrives in Massachusetts from the South about the 15th of May. During the next tAA’O or three w^eeks they are abundant everywhere in congenial localities. WilloAV thickets near streams, ponds, and other damp places, suit them best, but it is also not unusual to find many in the upland Avoods, especially where young pines or other evergreens grow' thickly. Their food at this season is exclusively insects, the larger part con- sisting of the numerous species of Biptera. The males sing freely, especially on Avarm bright mornings. They associate indifferently with all the migrating warblers, but not unfrequently I have found large flocks composed entirely of members of their own species, and in this Avay have seen at least fifty individuals collected in one small tract of woodland. By the first of June all excepting a fcAv strag- glers have left. If Ave follow them northward, Ave find a few pairs passing the summer .on the mountains of Southern Maine and New Hampshire. In July, 1875, I found them breeding, in company Avith the Blackburnian Warbler [Dendrceca hlackbiirnice), the Snowbird {Junco hyemalis), the Golden-crested Kinglet {Regulus satrapa), and ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 3 several other birds of the Canadian Fanna, on Mount Monadnock, New Hampshire, within fifteen miles of the Massachusetts State line. Throughout the White Mountains of New Hampshire they are everywhere common during the summer, but it is not until we reach the latitude of the Umbagog Lakes, in Western Maine, that we find them evenly distributed over high and low country alike. In this region summer succeeds winter so quickly that there is almost no spring. Thus when I reached Upton on the 25th of May, 1876, I found that the lakes had broken up but four days previously ; not a leaf had unfolded, even in the most sheltered places, and snow lay in large masses everywhere in the hollows and on northern exposures. Yet many species of Warblers had already arrived, and among them the subject of the present sketch was well represented. They kept closely about the buildings, and although the day w’as warm, maintained an almost perfect silence. Dozens at a time were hopping about the manure-heap behind the stables and around the sink-spout, while all showed a certain apprehensiveness of man- ner, as if they feared the issue of their temerity in penetrating into so bleak and dreary a region. Taking a short walk into the woods, I found them untenanted, save by a few" Titmice, Woodpeckers, and some of the earlier Sparrows. But in the course of the next week w'onderful changes took place. The birches first, afterwards the maples, beech-trees, and poplars, put on a feathery drapery of the most delicate green. The shad-bush i^Amelancliier canadensis) and the “ moose-wood ” {Cormis circinata) became white with clustering blossoms, and looked at a distance like fleecy summer-clouds en- tangled among the trees. Underfoot, beautiful trilliums of both the purple (Trillium erectum) and wiiite (^T. grandijloruni) species, were conspicuous among a host of other wild-flowers. Bees hummed among the blossoms, and butterflies flitted airily^through the forest glades. Everything was fresh, lovely, and suggestive of the calm, peaceful sccurit}'' of summer. Thus in one week were consummated changes that, farther south, are often extended through nearly thrice the time. All this wUile the birds had kept ample pace with the advance of the season. Hundreds were daily arriving, passing on, or settling into their accustomed summer-haunts, and the woods fairly rang with the first burst of their melodj''. During the next week s\ll the lYarblers, and most of the smaller birds generally, were occupied in pairing and constructing their nests.- Then came 4 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL the harvest-time for the oologist, and rarities were in order. But how brief it all was ! A dozen or so days only, and the young were hatched out ; the woods swarmed with mosquitoes, black flies, and other bloodthirsty insects, and “ the season ” was at an end. Nothing remained but to pack up the accumulated treasures, and get them safely home for future comparison and investigation. Before taking out our cabinet specimens, however, and diving into the dry details of description, let us return to the woods, and contemplate for a few moments the undisturbed nest. We shall be most likely to find one, along this old wood-road, for the removal of the taller trees has let in the sunlight a little, and birds love such places. You will rarely find the interior of a forest so well peopled as the edges and little openings, and the birds are not singular in this respect. Men always choose the shores of rivers, ponds, or the sea, for their first settlements in a new country, and I fancy it is not entirely from considerations of utility, but partly because they crave an adjacent breathing-space, where the sun and wind may have fiiir sweep. There are some exceptions to the rule among the birds, of course, there being some morbidly disposed individuals that can find no place too dark or too secluded. As we follo\y the old wood-path, you shall take one side while I make good the other. These little clumps of fir and spruce shrubs are the likely places, and, judging from the numbers of Black-and-Yellow Warblers that I hear singing, our chances are good, but you must remember that not above one male in three or four of this species ' is blessed with a mate, so do not let your hopes rise too high. They are a gay lot of bachelors, though, are they not 1 chasing one another through the branches, more in sport than anger apparently, and ut- tering their queer, emphatic little songs on all sides. She knew she was right ; yes, she hieiv she ivas right, they seem to say ; but what all this means I never could imagine. Some idle gossip of theirs prob- ably, which it will not profit us to inquire into. Ha ! I have it, even so soon. I thought yon fellow singing so gayly in the fallen tree-top had more the air of a Benedict than any we have pre- viously seen, and here, almost under my hand, sits his modest little wife on her nest. Be careful how you shake that branch, for I would have you take a good long look ere we disturb her. See how her dark little eye glistens, and note the rapid pulsating motion of her back. Underneath those piifled-up feathers a poor little heart ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 5 is beating wildly with fear and apprehension, but still she sits bravely on her trust. She would say, if she ‘COuld, with the Roman mother, “ These are my jewels,” and would entreat us to spare them. Now I will advance my hand cautiously. See ! T almost touch her tail with my finger-tips ; but the next instant she is gone. How quietly at the last moment she slid over the edge of the nest, barely eluding my grasp ! A faint cry or two, and there comes the male ; but he, gaudy little braggart 1 is far better at singing brave deeds than performing them, and will not trust himself very near, though he keeps up a constant chirping. His mate, however, is bold enough for both, and in her anxiety almost comes within reach ,of our hands. Now look into the nest! Beauties, are they not 1 Four of them ; rosy white, spotted prettily with umber, lilac, and a few scattered dashes of black. Observe how cunningly the whole affair is concealed, — built close to the stem of the little hr, resting on the flat horizontally disposed rows of “ needles,” and arched over by the flake-like layer of twigs above. One long rootlet alone hangs down in full view, and had it not caught my eye I might have passed without discovering the nest. It seems, indeed, a pity to disturb it, but we shall regret it next winter if we leave it be- hind. Naturalists are probably not hard-hearted by inclination, but of necessity. I dare say the female will commence another nest before we pass here on our way back, and the male will be singing as joyously as ever in an hour or two. Birds’ grief, like their average lives, is short, though apparently intense for the time. It is only the end, however, that can ever justify the destruction of a nest, and unthinking persons might, in many cases, be benefited by contemplating a little more closely the suffering which they in- flict. As the published descriptions of the nesting of this species are meagre and more or less conflicting, I shall go somewhat fully into the matter. Location of Nest. — The nest is usually placed in a small fir or spruce, and rarely at a greater elevation than five or six feet. The average height would probably not exceed four feet, and I have found some barely twelve inches above the ground. It is usually laid somewhat loosely among the horizontal twigs, from which it can in most cases be lifted intact. Favorite localities are the edges of wood-paths, or roads bordered by woods, and clearings grown up to small evergreens., Exceptional situations are the interior of 6 BULLETIN OF TEE NUTTALL the woods, where, in some cases, the nest is placed in the top of a young hemlock ten or fifteen feet up. In one instance I found a nest on a horizontal spruce limb in the very heart of the forest, and at least thirty-jive feet above the ground. This nest contained four eggs, and the female bird, which was sitting, established its identity beyond question. ' Composition of Nest. — The framework is wrought somewhat loosely of fine twigs, those of the hemlock being apparently pre- ferred. Next comes a layer of coarse grass or dry weed-stalks ; while the interior is lined invariably with fine black roots, which closely resemble horse-hairs. In an examination of more than thirty examples I have found not one in which these black roots were not used. One specimen has, indeed, a few real horse-hairs in the lining, but the roots predominate. This uniform coal-black lining shows in strong contrast with the lighter aspect of the outer surface of the nest. The whole structure is loosely put together, and bears a no distant resemblance to the nest of the Chipping Sparrow {Spizella sociaiis). Among nests of the Sylvicolidee, it finds, perhaps, its nearest ap- proach in that of the Chestnut-sided Warbler [Dendreeca p>ennsyl- vanica). Audubon, describing a nest from Labrador, affirms that it was lined with a great quantity of feathers.” As regards this state- ment, I can only say that it is entirely at variance with my own observations, and the employment of feathers in a nest of this character seems to me almost as mat d propos as it would in that of a Heron or Cuckoo. Description of Eggs, etc. — The time of laying with this species varies, in relation to the season, from June 8 to June 15. Four eggs commonly constitute a set, though in some cases but three are laid ; and I know of an instance where five were found in one nest. They measure about .02 of an inch in length by .50 in breadth. The usual shape is a rounded oval, and the ground-color almost invariably creamy white after the removal of the contents. The markings are most commonly blotches of rich, warm umber, with smaller dottings of pale lilac or brown, disposed about the larger end. Some specimens are, however, thickly sprinkled over their entire surface with fine brownish spots. One set of four eggs differs from any of the others in having a decided tinge of bluish in the ground-color; while upon the large patches of umber which en- ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 7 circle the greater ends are drawn numerous wavy lines of black, precisely like the characteristic pen-markings of some of the Oriole’s eggs. With an extensive series of specimens before me, I am led to the inevitable conviction that eggs of D. maculosa are in many cases indistinguishable from those of D. virens, I), pennsylvanicxi., and D. discolor ; and an examination of an equal number of au- thentic eggs of the other Dendroecce would, I am satisfied, result in adding many more to this list. In the eggs of each of the above- named species there is an almost endless variation, and many sets are consequently quite unique, but the type — if, indeed, any can be established — finds equally near approaches among them all. Nests may, however, in most cases be relied upon, especially when procured from proximate localities. In the case of the young, both before and after they leave the nest, this bird displays no exceptional traits. Both old and young, when the latter have become able to take care of themselves, join the immense congregations of mingled Warblers, Wrens, Tit- mice, Sparrows, and Woodpeckers, which collect in the northern forests in early August, to be dispersed — most of them south- ward — by the first frosts of September. In Eastern Massachusetts this species occurs as a fall migrant from September 21 to October 30, but it is never seen at this season in anything like the numbers which pass through the same section in spring, and the bulk of the migration must follow a more westerly route. Its haunts while with us in the autumn are some- what different from those which it affects during its northward journey. We now find it most commonly on hillsides, among scrub-oaks and scattered birches, and in company with such birds as the Yellow-Rump {Bendroeca coronata) and the Black-Poll [D, striata). A dull, listless troop they are, comparatively sombre of plumage, totally devoid of song, and apparently intent only upon the gratification of their appetites. It seems, at first thought, strange that the birds, at a season when all the rest of Nature puts on its most gorgeous coloring, should array themselves in their dullest ; but it must be borne in mind that many of them played their part before these brilliant leaves had burst their buds, and now, like ushers and orchestra, whose duty has been performed, they stand aside among the audience, and w’atch the shifting glories of the final transformation-scene. So let us leave them until, attired in fullest costume, they come again to herald, with overtures of joyous song, the rising of the curtain on a new year. 8 BULLETIN OF THE NUTT ALL ' ON GEOGRAPHICAL VARIATION IN TURDUS ’ MIGRATORIUS. BY ROBERT RIDGWAY. Certain differences between Eastern specimens of the common Robin and those from the Rocky Mountains were first pointed out by Professor Baird, in his “Review of American Birds” (1864, pp. 28, 29), in the following words : “ In highly plumaged speci- mens from the East the feathers of the interscapular region are frequently, even generally, tinged - with blackish in their centres, passing gradually into ash on the edges, and the black of the head C€as3s to be abruptly defined. There is also usually a well-defined whitish tip, half an inch long, to the outer tail-feathers. In Rocky Mountain skins the tail is either black, except a very narrow whitish edge, or the white tips of Eastern specimens are replaced by a dull gray. The black of the head, too, is better defined, the interscapular feathers more uniformly ash, and the upper parts without the faint brownish wash so frequently seen in Eastern specimens. There are, however, some exceptions to these features in specimens from each locality. The colors generally of Western birds appear to be paler.” Again, in the “History of North American Birds” (Yol. I, p. 25), the same and additional differen- ces are alluded to, as follows : “ There are some variations, both of color and proportions, between Eastern and Western speci- mens of the Robin. In the latter there is a tendency to a longer tail, though the difference is not marked ; and, as a rule, they slightly exceed Eastern specimens in size. The broad white tip to the lateral tail-feather — so conspicuous a mark of Eastern birds — is scarcely to be found at all in any Western ones; and in the latter the black of the head is very sharply defined against the lighter, clearer ash of the back, there hardly ever being a tendency in it to continue backward in the form of central spots to the feathers, as is almost constantly seen in Eastern examples ; of Western specimens, the rufous, too, is appreciably lighter than in Eastern.” Very extensive material received at the National Museum since the above was written tends to confirm the constancy of most of these differences between Eastern and Western Robins, while other ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, -9 points of diversity, previously overlooked, have been detected, the most important being the much blacker tail of Eastern birds, and their. decidedly shorter wing. Upon the whole, the tw’o forms seem to constitute two very strongly marked geographical races, which may be distinguished as follows : — T. migratorius. — Wing, 4.85-5.35 ; tail, 4.10-4.60 ; bill, from nos- tril, .48 -.51 ; tarsus, 1.20-1.35; middle toe, .85 - .92.* Inner web of outer tail-feather with a distinct white terminal spot. Tail-feathers of adult male dusky black, with slight edging of plumbeus. Habitat. Eastern region, including the w^hole of Alaska, Eastern Mexico, and the eastern border of the Missouri Plains. T. propinquus, Eidgw. (MSS.). — Wing, 5.35-5.60; tail, 4.60-4.70; bill, from nostril, .50 -.55 ; tarsus, 1.30-1.35 ; middle toe, .90. Inner web of lateral tail-feather with merely a narrower terminal edging of white, or with no white whatever. Tail-feathers of adult male dusky slate, with- out distinctly paler edges. Habitat. Western region, including eastern base of Eocky Mountains. We find the character of blackish centres to the interscapulars in Eastern specimens to be too inconstant a feature to serve as a character. No specimens of the Western series are so marked, but many Eastern ones, otherwise typical, have no trace of these mark- ings. It is a well-known fact that the eggs of the Western Eobins average considerably larger in size than those of Eastern birds. UNUSUAL ABUNDANCE OF THE SNOWY OWL {NYCTBA SCANDIACA) IN NEW ENGLAND. BY RUTHVEN DEANE. In a recent number of this Bulletin (Vol. I, p. 95), Mr. N. C. Brown gave some interesting notes respecting the variable abuti- dance of birds at the same locality in different seasons. I do not think a more forcible illustration of his remarks can be cited than the recent great abundance of the Snowy Owl in New England. This bird is regarded as not a rare winter visitor to New England, * Eight specimens. 10 BULLETIN OF THE NUTT ALL where it is confined mostly to the coast, although occasionally taken throughout the interior. About the first of November, 1876, how- ever, large numbers suddenly appeared along our coast. This be- ing the season when sportsmen and the market gunners were in pursuit of water-fowl on the sea-shore, dozens of Snowy Owls were shot by them and sent to the markets and to taxidermists, so that during the three following weeks it was a common thing to see them hanging wuth other game in the markets, or confined alive. I first heard of them on our Massachusetts coast as frequenting the islands off Rockport, where numbers were taken. One gunner spoke of seeing fifteen at once on a small island one foggy morning, nearly half of which he procured. As the Owls flew around over the rocks uttering their weird cries, they presented a scene of rare occurrence in New England. Specimens were soon after captured in nearly ev6ry town in this vicinity (Boston), and were sent to the city from various other parts of the country. Several w'ere shot in the very heart of the city of Boston, where they were occasionally seen perched upon the house-tops or church-spires. I learn from Mr. George A. Boardman, of Milltown, Me., that they were at this time very abundant in his locality, where they appeared as early as September. Mr. Simeon F. Cheney, of Grand Menan, also informs me that they were never before so abundant there as during the present season, arriving there about October 20. He reports that eight were seen together at one time, and that on another occasion a flock of fifteen was noticed. Mr. N. C. Brown, of Portland, Me., reports that about one hun- dred and fifty were shot in the immediate vicinity of that city, and that five flew about the buildings of the city for a week unmolested. Mr. J. M. Le Moyne also writes me that the unusual abundance of these birds about Quebec, Canada, has been the subject of gen- eral remark. The migration seems also to have extended far to the southward of New England, as I learn from Mr. Boardman that specimens have been taken as far south as Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Wash- ington. In Philadelphia Mr. John Krider, the w^ell-known taxider- mist, had forty sent to him for preparation during October and November. One was taken near Baltimore during the last of Sep- tember. I have heard of some five hundred specimens that have been seen, the majority of which have been shot. Many of the specimens were in exceedingly poor condition. Of ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 11 some two hundred of these Owls examined by me, nearly all were in very dark plumage, and none wore that almost spotless dress which! we occasionally see. The cause of the sudden visit of such an unusual multitude of these boreal birds, coming as they did when the weather for a few days was unusually warm for the season, the thermometer stand- ing at 75° at noonday, is a question not easily solved. Scarcity of food would seem the most probable solution, or perhaps an early severe cold snap started them on their southward flight. If so, it seems strange that other less hardy species should not be affected in a similar way, as but few Geese and Brant had passed south when the Owls had been with us for a week. About ten years since there was a somewhat similar migration of this species into the British Provinces and New England, but the birds appeared later in the season, and not in such great num- bers as in the present instance. DISTEIBUTION OF NEW ENGLAND BIRDS. — A REPLY TO DR. T. M. BREWER. BY H. A. PURDIE. When asked, some time since, to review a “ Catalogue of the Birds of New England,” by Dr. T. M. Brewer, I at first declined, feeling that if I expressed jnyself conscientiously, I should give some displeasure to its author. But I finally consented, and penned the short article in the third number of this Bulletin, bearing the signature “ H. A. P.” I intended to give the writer of this Cata- logue all the credit due him ; but in this, according to his reply in the following number, I have signally failed. The tone of Dr. Brewer’s article, and the demand he makes that I must produce something of more weight than “ unsupported assertions,” “ sweep- ing generalizations,” opinions and conjectures unsupported by facts,’ and “ positive dogmas given out quite ex cathedra,'' renders it neces- sary for me, in defence, to reply somewhat in detail. He must, however, be aware that reviews are generally limited as to space, and especially so w’as the case in this instance, so that full citations in support of my differences with him were out of place. He now 12 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL says he gave the list for what it was worth, expecting and desiring to have it amended and improved ; and elsewhere he has said, however lenient we may be even towards errors and incorrect statements that apparently might have been avoided, we should also, all of us, never hesitate to expose and to correct whatever we know to be wrong.” Unhappily such an attempt on my part has not been very graciously received. He also says “ it was but an initiative towards a complete and reliable list of the birds of New England,” and that it w^as “ at the last moment, and when it could only be done briefly,” that “ the character of the presence of the species ” w^as added, and that of course the additions were “ never exhaustive.” Now I will respectfully ask how the general reader was to know this. I received the list “ for what it was worth.” There was nothing in the introduction to show that it was not con- sidered complete or correct. Of course, after all that has been written upon the subject, I was aware that generally a species is not resident individually in a given section of territory. His remark respecting the Eobin, that the birds found with us in winter are not the same as those that pass the summer here, but “ are of a very different race,” is not at all to the point at issue. As a species, I say Tiirdus migratorins is a resi- dent of New England. If, however, as he holds, the birds found in winter are another and very different race, — as race is now under- stood. — he should have so indicated it in the Catalogue, perhaps as “ Turdus hyperhoreus. Arctic Kobin. Winter visitant.” I in- tended in reply to cite at length all the facts that bear upon the points in dispute, but found that to do so would require quite too much of the valuable space of the Bulletin ; but I trust that I have brought forward sufficient evidence to show^ that my statements were not altogether “ conjectures ” and “ unsupported assertions.” The following five species, among others. Dr. Brewer claimed had never been taken in New England, and therefore should be ex- cluded from the list of New England birds. In respect to this, I simply asked “ if previous record did not show that these at least could be retained,” intending thereby to imply that I considered this to be the case. The following are the birds and their record : — Quiscalus major. Boat-tailed Crackle. — “Q. haritus, Bonaparte. Thrush Blackbird. New Haven. Of the Thrush Blackbird one speci- men only has been observed, by Dr. Whelpley at New Haven, and of ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 13 course is rare in Connecticut.” (Rev. J. H. Linsley, Cat. of the Birds of Conn., in Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, Vol. XLIV, 1843, p. 249.) “Acciden- tal. Have heard of one that was killed in Cambridge a few years since. Mr. E. A. Samuels tells me that a pair bred in Cambridge in 1861.” (J. A. Allen, Proc. Ess. Inst., IV, p. 85, 1864.) Both these and the Connecticut bird are cited by Dr. Coues (Proc. Ess. Inst., V, p. 285, 1868) as valid. But I understand that more recently the authenticity of the specimens taken is doubted, they being referred to the Crow Blackbird (Q. purpureus). As Mr. Linsley also gives Q. purpureus as common, I see no reason for doubting his record. Of Mr. Samuels’s birds, I have always understood him, and he still avers that two of them, in the flesh, were brought to him by Professor Jeffries Wyman, and that to his best knowledge and belief they were shot in the Cambridge salt marshes ; that their rarity was com- mented on at the time, and that they were not Q. purpureus. Corvus ossifragus. Fish Crow. — “ Stratford,” Conn., Linsley (1. c.). “ An occasional visitor along the southern coast of the State of Massachu- setts.” (J. A. Allen, 1. c.) “Very rare visitor in summer” to Massachu- setts. (E. A. Samuels, Descriptive Catalogue of the Birds of Mass., in Rept. of Sec. Board of Agriculture of Mass, for 1863.) “A rare summer visitor, chiefly along the more southern portions of the coast” of New England. (Coues, Proc. Ess. Inst., V, 1868.) “Coast of the United States, from New England to Florida.” (Coues, Birds of the Northwest.) And now, as confirmatory of the above, Mr. Brewster gives an instance of his seeing it in Cambridge, March 16, 1875. (See this Bulletin, Vol. I, p. 19.) .aSgialitis wilsonius. Wilson’s Plover. — Allowing that this spe- cies has not yet been found in Massachusetts, we have : “ Stratford,” Conn., Linsley (1. c.). “ Appears to be rather rare, and perhaps only occasional, as far north as Massachusetts. (Coues, 1. c.) “ Dr. Wood informs me that Wilson’s Plover is abundant in August on Long Island, and Mr. Linsley has recorded it from Stratford, Conn. It hence seems unquestionable that they sometimes occur in Southern New England, and it would not be strange if they should occasionally reach the coast of Massachusetts.” (Allen, Am. Nat., Vol. Ill, 1869.) “North to Long Island and Con- necticut, probably to Massachusetts, but rare beyond New Jersey.” (Coues, Birds of the Northwest.) Nettion crecca. European Teal. — At a meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, April 18, 1855, Dr. Bryant remarked that a specimen of the European Green-winged Teal had been sent to Mr. E. Samuels to be mounted. It was shot in Massachusetts, the first he had ever seen in the State. (Proc. Bos. Soc. Nat. His., Vol. V, p. 195.) This instance is cited by Allen (Proc. Ess. Inst., Vol. IV, 1864) and by C. J* Maynard (Naturalist’s Guide, 1870). “A European species, but so often 14 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL taken on the coast as to be fairly considered as more than an accidental visitor.” (Cones, Proc. Ess. Inst., Vol. V, 1868.) Sula fiber. Booby Gannet. — “ Guilford,” Conn., Linsley (1. c.). ‘‘September. Rare.” Essex Co., F. W. Putnam. (Proc. Ess. Inst., Vol. I, 1856.) Both these cases are cited by Dr. Coues in his Birds of New England, and the last by C. J. Maynard. (Naturalist’s Guide, 1870.) I think that the above-named five birds have as much right to be in- cluded among those that have occurred with us as have the Mealy Red- Poll {jFgiotlius canescens), Small-headed Flycatcher (Myiodioctes minutus), Willow Ptarmigan {Lagopus albus), White-fronted Goose {Anser gamheli), and Hutchin’s Goose {Bernida hutdiinsi). which are all retained by Dr. Brewer. There are also two other birds, namely, the Blue-gray Gnat- catcher {Polioptila cfsrulea) and the Blue Warbler {Vendrceca ccendea), expunged by Dr. Brewer, whose record of occurrence in New England is as- good as any just cited, which I am prepared to show have recently been taken in Connecticut and Rhode Island. (See this number of the Bulletin, p. 20.) In regard to the Robin (Turdus migratorius), the Crow (Corvus ameri- canus), the Hairy Woodpecker (Piicws m^^osas), the Long-eared Owl (Ohts wilsonianus), the Short-eared Owl {Brachyotus cassini), the Acadian Owl {Nyctale acadica), and the Sharp-shinned Hawk {Nisus fuscus), which Dr. Brewer classed as summer residents of New England (he saying of the Crow that a few winter), but which I stated must be considered as con- stant residents, at least of the southern portions, and some of them also of the northern, I will say that a reference to the often cited local lists, and to other writings on New England birds, quite fully confirms my remark, these species being given as residents, some of them occurring in smaller numbers in wunter, as is to be expected, while again others are found more frequently in winter than at any other season. I notice a slight exception in the case of Nisus fuscus, a few writers regarding it as only a summer visitant, even to Massachusetts ; but that it, as well as the others, remains in greater or less numbers in certain sections the year round, is well known to collectors. In the “History of North American Birds,” by Messrs. Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, we find the following respecting the winter distribution of the Robin : “ In the winter months it is most abundant in the South- ern States, while in the Middle and even the Northern States, in favorable localities, it may be found throughout the year ; its migrations being influenced more by the question of food than of climate. In the valleys among the White Mountains, where snow covers the ground from October to June, and where the cold reaches the freezing-point of mercury, flocks of Robins remain during the entire winter, attracted by the abundance oF berries. In Massachusetts a few Robins remain throughout the year, but the greater proportion leave early in November, returning late in February or early in March.” ' ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 15 : Also in respect to the Hairy Woodpecker, we read in the same work (Vol. II, p, 506) : “ It is a resident and not a migratory species, and wher- ever found it also breeds/’ , Also (in Voh III, p. 46) of Nyctale acadica: Mr. Boardman and Pro- - lessor Verrill both give it as resident, and as common in Maine.” Other species, namely, the Short-billed Marsh Wren (Cistothorus stel- laris), the Warbling Vireo {Vireo gilvm), the White-eyed Vireo (V. noveboracensis), the Field Sparrow (Spizella pusUla), the Carolina Dove (Zencedura carolinensis), and the Quail (Ortyx virginianus), which "were given as summer residents, presumably of all New England, I said seldom reached Northern New England, With the exception of Ortyx virginianus^ I did not make the positive statement that the above-named species never did so, knowing that one or two of them had been found sparingly at certain localities in that section. Here again, the published record, with but slight exceptions, supports me in my assertion. As to Vireo gilvus and Spizella pusilla, though given by Mr. Verrill as summer visitants at Norway, Me., and by Dr. Coues as summer visitants to all New England, the former is rare, and the latter does not occur at all, at Calais, Me., nor does C. J. Maynard give either as found in Coos County, N. H., or Oxford County, Me. He considers the White Mountain range as forming their northern limit of distribution, Mr. William Brewster did not find them at Franconia, N. H. Respecting V. noveboracensis, I quote the following from the “ History of North American Birds” (Vol. II, pp. 385, 386) : “ In the last-named State [Massachusetts] it becomes exceedingly rare, and beyond it is apparently not found, none having been met with either by Messrs. Verrill or Board- man in any part of Maine. Mr. Audubon states that he himself found them along the coast in Maine, Nova Scotia, and Labrador. This, how- ever, I am inclined to consider a misstatement, as they have not since been detected north of the 42d parallel.” From the same work (Vol. II, p. 5), respecting S. pusilla, is the follow”- ing : “ In the summer it breeds from Virginia to Maine, as far as the central and western portions. It is not found near Calais, but occurs and breeds near Norway, Oxford County.” Again of Z. carolinensis (Vol. Ill, p. 384) : “ It is found in the southern part of Maine as far to the eastward as Calais, but was not collected by Mr, Verrill at Norway, and is not known to occur in the northern part of that State.” I said it was not “rare,” meaning of course in Southern New England, and by looking up the matter, such -will be found to be the case. Citing again from our standard work on North American birds, we find this of Ortyx virginianus : “ This bird is probably found in all the New England States, though its presence in Maine is not certain, and if found there at all, is only met with in the extreme southwestern portion. It is also rare in Vermont and New Hampshire, and only found in the southern portions. It is not given by Mr. Boardman, nor by Professor Verrill.” 16 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL Observations made in the nesting-season during the last five or six years in New Hampshire and Maine, by such experienced collectors as Messrs. Brewster and Maynard, and, to a less extent, by Bailey, Deane, and myself, show the absence of the foregoing species from the Fauna, and the presence of the five following, namely, the Cape May Warbler (Perissoglossa tigrina), the Mourning Warbler (Geothlypis Philadelphia), the Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus borealis), and, in less abundance, the Black-backed and the Banded Three-toed Woodpeckers {Picoides arcticus and P. ameri- canus). What had already appeared in prinFrespectingthe distribution of these birds, added to the obserA^ations of the above-named gentlemen, I thought warranted me in saying that at least P. tigrina^ G. Philadelphia, and C. borealis, were “ generally,” that is, usually, if, perhaps, not universally, common, and bred regularly in Northern New England. The Worm-eating W’^arbler (Helmitherus vermivorus), the Blue-winged Yellow Warbler {Helniinthophaga pinus), the Yellow-breasted Chat (Icteria virens), the Hooded Warbler (Myiodioctes mitratus), and the Great-crested Flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitus) have generally been considered rare birds in any part of New England, but in the “ American Naturalist ” (Vol. VII, 1873, p. 692) I mentioned, on the authority of Mr. J. N. Clark, of Saybrook, Conn., that they Avere found at that locality regularly in numbers and breed- ing, though he had not actually found the nest of H. vermivorus. I also spoke of a Water-Thrush that occurred there, and inferred that it Avas prob- ably the Long-billed Water-Thrush {Siurus ludovicianus). Subsequent correspond ence^ and a visit to Saybrook in June, 1875, confirmed my sus- picion, proving that ludovicianus was the species that summered there, and that it was common, as were all the others, Avith the exception of H, vermi- vorus. Mr. C. M. Jones, noAV of Eastford, Conn., has Avritten me that he observed all but S. ludovicianus and H. vermivorus, at Madison, in that State, where he formerly resided. The Golden- winged Warbler (Helminthophaga chrysoptera) and the Yel- low-winged Sparrow (Goturniculus passerinus) are two species that Dr. Brewer still denies can be considered as breeding regularly, or in numbers, in any portion of New England. As far back as June, 1869 (Am. Nat., Vol. Ill, p. 497), and again in 1870 (Samuels’s Orn. and Ool. of New Eng- land, revised edition, 1870, Appendix), I shoAved that the Golden- AAunged Warbler was far from uncommon in Massachusetts. Observations made every year since have not altered my opinion. I find it in the proper places from May to August. It is apparently less plenty after the first of June, but is still not a bird of the Canadian Fauna. In “ History of North American Birds ” (Vol. I, p. 193) Ave read : “ Oc- casionally specimens have been obtained in Massachusetts, and, of late, these occurrences have become more common or more observed Mr. J. A. Allen has knoAvn of several specimens taken Avithin the State. Mr. Jillson has observed it spending the summer in Bolton, and evidently ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, 17 breeding, as has also Mr. Allen at Springfield, and Mr. Bennett at Holy- oke.” (See also Am. Nat., Vol. Ill, 1869, p. 575 ; Maynard’s Naturalist’s Guide, 1870 ; and this Bulletin, Vol. I, p. 6, for accounts of the nesting of this species in Massachusetts.) I had no idea that any one acquainted at all with New England birds could say that C. passerinus was rare, or even uncommon, in Southern New England. Why, it absolutely swarms, so to speak, on Nantucket. I presume Dr. Brewer will allow that island to be included within our limits. On Cape Cod, and, indeed, in various portions of Massachusetts, Bhode Island, and Connecticut, and even northAvard to Concord, New Hampshire, it may be found in plenty at all suitable localities. At Say- brook, Conn., its notes were to be heard in eA^ery field. (See History North American Birds, Vol. I, p. 554, and local lists of Ncav England birds, south of Northern sections, in confirmation of this statement. The Long-billed Curlew (Numenius longirostris)^ the YelloAv Kail (Por- zana noveboracensis), and the Coot {Fulica americana) I considered spring and fall migrants, rather than as summer residents. The lists show this statement also to be true,, Avhile the gunners and collectors further confirm it. Perhaps a feAV may summer on the extreme northeastern coast of Maine. But my space is becoming limited. That the Golden-crested Kinglet (Regulus satraim) Avinters in numbers in Southern New England, that the SnoAvbird (Jiinco hyemalis) does not do so in Northern NeAv England, that the Titlark (Anthus ludovicianus) does not Avinter (perhaps Avith rare ex- ceptions in the southernmost parts), and that Ectopistes migratoria regu- larly summers in different portions of NeAV England, are all ‘statements demonstrable by facts already in print, and by the observations of those who speak of that which they do knoAV. A Avord about the Stilt Sandpiper {Micropalma liimantopus), and I am done. In the “American Naturalist” (Vol. Ill, p. 639) is recorded the first supposed instance of its occurrence in NeAV England. In the same periodical ( Vol. VII, p. 727) is given the first supposed * instance for Massachusetts. Again (in Vol. VI, p. 307) Mr. Brewster says : “ The Stilt Sandpiper {Micropalma liimantopus), Avhich I see Avas recorded in a recent number of the ‘ Naturalist’ as neAV to our Fauna, I consider by no means rare in its migrations. Indeed, I have seen as many as six or seven sent into Boston market at one time, from Cape Cod, and, in the course of a few weeks’ shooting in August, at Rye Beach, N. H. (just north of our State limits), secured no less than ten specimens.” Not only has he since shot it, but he, as well as myself and others, find it frequently in the Boston markets. * Mr. F. C. Browne, of Framingham, has a specimen taken at Plymouth in 1852. 18 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL OCCURRENCE OF THE BARNACLE GOOSE {BERNIGLA LEU- COPSIS) ON LONG ISLAND, N. Y. BY GEO. X. LAWRENCE. I WAS recently informed, by Mr. Harold Herrick, that a specimen of this species could be seen at the store of Mr. Conway, taxidermist, in Carmine Street, said to have been killed on Long Island. I called there and was shown a nicely mounted example of this Goose in perfect plumage. Mr. Conway said that it was brought to him in the flesh, in good condition, and was eaten by his family ; he spoke very favorably of its edible qualities. I learned from him that its possessor was Mr. J. K. Kendall of this city. I had an interview with this gentleman, and requested that he would ascertain all the facts possible as to its capture, and send me the information. I received from him the following letter giving the result of his inquiries : — New York, November 29, 1876. Dear Sir, — About October 20 I saw a specimen of the Barnacle Goose hanging in a restaurant in this city, — bought it and had it stuffed. I questioned the proprietor, and learned from him the place where he bought it, — from a produce-dealer near Washington Market. After- wards I interviewed the marketman, and he recollected the bird well, although he had no idea what it was. He told me he bought it from a Long Island farmer, who brought it to the city in his wagon, and who said that it was killed by a boy in^ Jamaica Bay. Unfortunately he did not know the farmer, — never saw him before nor since, so I was unable to trace the bird any farther, but I am fully satisfied the story was true. Yours truly, J. K. Kendall. This is the second instance of this species having been procured on the Atlantic coast ; the first was obtained in Currituck Sound, North Carolina, in 1870, and is recorded in Vol. V, p. 10, of the “ American Naturalist.’’ * * In Dr. Brewer’s ‘‘ Catalogue of the Birds of New England ” (from Proceed- ings of the Boston Society of Natural History, Vol. XVII, March 3, 1875) he excludes this species from our New England list, and also states that the speci- men recorded by Mr. Lawrence as having been taken in North Carolina was ornithological club. 19 CAPTURE OF A SECOND SPECIMEN OF HELMINTHOPHAGA LAWRENCE! BY HAROLD HERRICK. In 1874 I had the pleasure of publishing in the “ Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia” (p. 220, pL xv) a description of a new species of Ilelmmthophaga that I had just been fortunate enough to unearth. It has remained unique up to the present time, and although its friends have stoutly maintained its validity, the hybrid ” theorists have sorely tried their faith ; therefore I am more than pleased to be able to set the matter per- manently at rest by announcing the capture of a second specimen of Helniinthophaga lawrencei. The specimen, oddly enough, was secured by Mr. Lawrence himself, who sends it to me with a letter of explanation, from which the following is an extract : — I obtained the specimen of H. Lawrencei last fall from a dealer, who called my attention to it as having a black throat, differing in that respect from any species he had ever before met with. He said it was sent to him last spring from Hoboken, N. J., with a miscellaneous lot of Warblers. I think the acquisition of a second specimen of this species should put at rest all doubt of its validity.” This specimen agrees precisely with the type, with this slight ex- ception, that the type is an adult male, probably in the second or third year, while the bird under consideration is yin questionably a ‘yearling male, and still has the immature yellowish tips to the coal-black feathers of the throat-patch. A slightly similar effect is seen in the yearling males of Dendroeca virens. I cannot better describe it than by republishing the description of the type. probably one of eight specimens which escaped from the grounds of a gentleman in Halifax in the fall of 1871 or 1872. From Mr. Lawrence’s record (Am. Naturalist, Vol V, p. 10) we find this Goose w^as captured on October 31, 1870, one or two years previous to the es- caping of the Halifax birds. In view of this fact may not Mr. Lawrence’s specimen still remain as the first authentic instance of the, occurrence of the Barnacle Goose in the United States ; at all events, until we hear of a confined specimen having escaped pre- vious to that date ? — Ruthven Deane. 20 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL “ Upper parts and rump olive-green, a shade darker than in pinus. Wings bluish-gray, with two white hands, the upper not so clearly defined as in pinus. Tail bluish-gray, with the three outer tail-feathers with most of the web white, also a small white spot on the end of the fourth feather. Crown and under parts, from breast to vent, orange. A broad black patch extends from the bill through and behind the eye. Chin, throat, and fore- part of the breast black. A yellow stripe, commencing under the bill, extends back between the black eye- and breast-patches, and increases in width upon the shoulder. Length, 4.50 ; wing, 2.50 ; tail, 2.00. Meas- urements from the mounted bird.” ^The measurements of the two birds are as nearly identical as is possible when one bird is mounted and the other a skin. Of its habitat, the plumage of the female, and its nesting peculiarities, we can only conjecture, but it seems not unreasonable to presume that its habitat is similar to that of its near congener, H. pinus^ and that New Jersey may some day produce its nest and eggs, as it has already produced the only two known specimens of the bird. The female, I believe, will be found to be not unlike that of H. pinus, and a close inspection of supposed specimens of the latter bird now in collections may develop some interesting facts. In conclusion it may be well to add, what by inadvertence I omitted when the description was first published,, namely, that for the correct delineation of the bird in the plate I am indebted to Mr. Eobert Eidgway, of the Smithsonian Institution, to whom I take this opportunity of tendering my thanks. NOTICE OF A FEW BIEDS OF EAEE OE ACCIDENTAL OCCUEEENCE IN NEW ENGLAND. BY H. A. PURDIE. The following data respecting the occurrence of the following fourteen species so far to the northeastward as New England are of special interest. I am indebted to Messrs. Frederic T. Jencks of Providence, E. I., Erwin I. Shores of Sutfield, Conn., F. C. Browne of Framingham, Mass., and J. N. Clark of Say brook, Conn., for facts relating to eleven of the birds here mentioned. 1. Polioptila cserulea. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. — Mr. Jencks writes : “ Two were shot at Wauregan (Windham County), Conn., by ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 21 Mr. C. M. Car];enter, — a male in 1874 and a female in 1876. Three or four were seen by me at Providence, R. I., May 23, 1875.” A male was also shot, by Mr. Shores, at Silver Spring, near Providence, June 24, 1875, and several others have been seen by him at different times in Providence and vicinity. 2. Helmitherus vermivorus. Worm-eating Warbler. — Mr. Shores shot a male at Suffield (Hartford County), Conn., August 22, 1874. This is, I think, its most northerly record in the Atlantic States yet noted. 3. Helminthophaga celata. Orange-crowned Warbler. — Mr. Jencks writes me that a specimen was shot in Cranston, R. I., Decem- ber 3, 1874.” This is the fifth specimen reported for New England, and the second taken in the winter season.* 4. Dendroeca caerulea. Blue Warbler. — A male was obtained by Mr. Shores at Suffield, June 12,T875. This species and Polio'ptila ccerulea, though previously recorded as occurring in Nevv England, have not been recently taken here. 5. Myiodioctes mitratus. Hooded Warbler. — A male was shot at Suffield, Conn., by Mr. Shores, July 8, 1875. This bird, though found regularly along the Sound shore of Connecticut, has not been noticed so far northward before in New England. This, as well as a few other spe- cies characteristic of the Carolinian Fauna, will probably be found to extend up the river-valleys of Connecticut, though not passing farther eastward. 6. Pyranga aestiva. Summer Redbird. — Mr. Jencks informs me that a male was shot a few years since on Ten-Mile River, six or eight miles northeast of Providence. It has appeared before, but is sufficiently rare here to merit notice. 7. Stelgidopteryx serripennis. Rough- winged Swallow. — A female of this species was shot at Suffield, Conn,, by Mr. Shores, June 6, 1874. At last this bird has been taken within our limits. It will be interesting to determine whether it proves to be in future a regular visitant to New England. 8. Collurio ludovicianus var. excubitoroides. White-rumped Shrike. — A typical example of this variety was shot by Mr. Jencks in Cranston, R. I., September 2, 1873, and is now in his collection. Its pre- vious record of having been found within our borders is somewhat doubt- ful. I believe it is hardly found regularly much east of Buffalo, N. Y. In this connection I would say that the Collurio taken in Massachusetts, recorded by me in the “American Naturalist” (Vol. VII, 1873, p. 115), was a typical “ Loggerhead ” Shrike (C. ludovicianus). 9. Milvulus forficatus. Swallow-tailed Flycatcher. — Mr. Jencks informs me that a specimen of this species was shot by Mr. Carpenter, at * See this Bulletin, Vol. I, p. 94, for its previous New England record. 22 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL Waiiregan, Conn., about April 27, 1876. The bird first attracted Mr. Carpenter’s attention by its opening and closing the tail while flying about a small sheet of water in quest of insects. The only other Eastern United States capture of this species is a male taken at Trenton, N. J., a few years ago. as recorded by Dr. C. C. Abbott.* Of course its appear- ance here is entirely accidental. 10. Porzana jamaicensis. Black Kail. — I have lately seen a skin of this species belonging to Mr. Browne, of Framingham. The bird was picked up dead, in August, 1869, by a relative of his, on Clark’s Island, Plymouth Harbor, and was forwarded to him as something entirely new to our shores. This instance adds a new bird to the Fauna of Massa- chusetts. Of this species Mr. Clark, of Say brook, Conn., also writes me that a neighbor of his, while mowing at that place, July 10, 1876, swung his scythe over a nest of ten eggs on which the bird was sitting, unfortunately cutting ofb the bird’s head and breaking all but four of the eggs. The only previous New England record of this species is that given by Dr. Brewer (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XVII, p. 477). 11. Rallus longirostris. Clapper Rail. — In the Natural History store of Brewster & Knowlton, Boston, I recently saw a mounted specimen of this species. The bird was captured by its flying on board a vessel in the harbor. May 4, 1875. Though recorded from Maine and Connecticut, it being in the latter probably quite a regular summer visitor (about the Sound), I believe its appearance before in Massachusetts has been ques- tioned. 12. Rallus elegans. King Rail. — In the collection of Mr. George 0. Welch, of Lynn, Mass., is a mounted specimen shot at Nahant, No- vember 21, 1875. This is a second species new to Massachusetts, and has been but once or twice before recorded from any part of New Eng- land. 13. Sterna fuliginosa. Sooty Tern. — Mr. Clark informs me that he has this species in his collection, mounted from a bird that last summer flew against the side of the steamboat-wharf depot at Saybrook, Conn. ' Stunned by the concussion, it fell and was picked up. It had been noticed for several days flying about the mouth of the river as something unusual. 14. Pelecanus trachyrhynchus. White Pelican. — At the Natural History store of Mr. A. J. Colburn, Boston, I saw, a few months since, a skin of this species, freshly made up from the flesh. The bird was shot at .North Scituate, October 6, 1876, by Mr. Geotge Pratt. It was a male, in' fine plumage and good condition. Though not new to the State, I think its presence with us worthy of notice. * Arner. Nat., Vol. VI, p. 367. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 23 %Htnt iliterattire* Notices op five recent Ornithological Papers. — The first three numbers of the “Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London” for 1876 contain several important papers upon the anatomy and classifi- cation of several groups of birds, by Mr. A. H. Garrod, while among the numerous other ornithological articles of more or less special interest are papers by Mr. Howard Saunders, on the Skau Gulls and on the Terns ; by Messrs. Sclater and Salviii, on the Anatidce of “ Neotropical ” America ; an abstract of a memoir by Mr. W. K. Parker on A^githbgnathous birds ; and a paper by Mr. W. H. Hudson on the habits of some of the Rails of the Argentine Republic. Among the numerous new species of birds figured and described are quite a number from the Andean Region of South America. Among Mr. Garrod’s contributions is a short paper (1. c. pp. 275-277) on the anatomy of the Conrlan {Aramus scolopaceus). He finds it to have, on the whole, decidedly closer affinities with the Cranes (Crus) than with any other group, especially in respect to its osteology, notwithstanding its many external resemblances to the Rails. Hence Mr. GarrocVs researches confirm the views of recent systematists in respect to the affinities of this peculiar and interesting form. Mr. Garrod also writes (1. c. pp. 335 - 345, pis. xxvi - xxviii) concerning the anatomy of the Darter {Plotus anliinga), a bird whose anatomy, aside from its skeleton, had previousl}'’ received little attention. Mr. Garrod finds in its visceral anatomy several quite pe- culiar features, one of which is the protection of the pyloric orifice by “a mat of lengthy hair-like processes, much like cocoanut fibre, which nearly half fills the second stomach.” These hair-like fibres are found to consid- erably resemble in structure true cutaneous hairs. In general terms, the Darter may be said to present many of the features characteristic of the Gannets, Pelicans, and their allies, in an exaggerated degree. The most important and interesting of Mr. Garrod’s contributions is a paper “ On some Anatomical Characters which bear upon the Major Divisions of the Passerine Birds” (1. c. pp. 506-519, pis. xlviii-liii). Mr. Garrod attaches great importance to the mode of insertion of one of the muscles of the wing (the tensor patagii hrevis), to the character of the syrinx, the absence or presence of either the femoral or the sciatic artery, etc., to which points the researches here detailed are mainly directed. He concludes his paper with a tabular arrangement of the larger groups of the Passeres, expressive of his views of their affinities. Mr. Howard Saunders’s paper (1. c. pp. 317-332, pi. xxiv) on the Skau or Jager Gulls {Stercorariince) is devoted to the synonymy and range of the species, with incidental remarks on their progressive changes of plumage. Mr. Saunders recognizes six species, all of which he refers 24 BULLETIN OF THE NUTT ALL to one genus, for which he adopts the name Stercorarius as being the only proper and tenable one. Two of these species belong to the Southern Hemisphere, the other four to the Northern, all of which latter occur in the boreal parts of North America, as well as in the Old World. The nomenclature adopted by Mr. Saunders for two of the Northern species differs from that commonly employed, Mr. Saunders maintaining, and apparently with good reason, that the Linneean name parasiticus belongs not to the bird commonly so called, but to the bird usually called cepphus or buffoni. Thus Stercorarius crepidatus Saunders is the S. parasiticus of Coues and most recent authors, while the S. parasiticus Saunders is the S. buffoni of Coues and others, which is again the S. cepphus of Gray and other writers. Mr. Saunders’s paper on the Terns (1. c. pp. 638 - 672, pL Ixi) is similar in character to that on the Jager or Skau Gulls, treating mainly of no- menclature and distribution, being, like the other, preliminary to a mono- graph of the Laridce. The genera recognized are Hydrochelidon, Sterna^ Ncenia, Gygis, and Anous. Of the forty-eight species recognized, thirty- eight are placed under Sterna. The most noteworthy change of names among the North American species is the substitution of the name fiuviatilus of Naumann for the hitherto almost universally accepted hirundo of Linnaeus for our Common Tern, which name he considers as originally embracing both the hirundo and the macrura of recent authors. The Sterna portlandica of liidgway is referred to S. macrura^ in accord- ance with Mr. Brewster’s views, and the Least Tern is considered as specifically distinct from S. superciliaris, of which Dr. Coues deems it to be merely a variety. In most other cases Mr. Saunders’s names as respects the North American species agree with those recently adopted by Dr. Coues in his “ Birds of the Northwest.” Messrs. Sclater and Salvin’s “Kevision of the Neotropical Anatidae” (1. c. pp. 358-412, pi. xxxiv) is a most valuable synopsis of the Ducks and Geese of Middle and Southern America, and embraces also a large proportion of the species of North America, including as it does all that reach Tropical America in their migrations. The paper includes notices of sixty-two species, of the greater part of which are given short descrip- tions, accompanied by pretty full lists of bibliographical references. Twenty-three of the species are considered as “ Nearctic,” leaving thirty- nine as properly “ Neotropical.” The paper closes with a very convenient tabular synopsis of the geographical distribution of the genera and species. — J. A. A. Vennor’s Rapacious Birds op Canada. — With the title Our Birds of Prey ; or, The Eagles, Hawks, and Owls of Canada,” by Henry G. Vennor, Messrs, Dawson Brothers have published an elegant royal octavo volume of one hundred and fifty-four pages, with thirty photographic illustra- tions. While these illustrations are probably as excellent as the photo- ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 25 graphic art can supply, they cannot he regarded as a very valuable addition to the work, certainly not in proportion to their, cost. They do not sup- ply those shades of tinting so essential to the student, and, being neces- sarily taken from mounted specimens, cannot remedy the inevitable short- comings of their models. The text, which is largely compiled from the notes of other writers, gives a fairly digested summary of the individual history of each species. Mr. Vennor includes two forms of Gyr-falcons, the candicans and the labradora of Audubon, but adds nothing of moment to our knowl- edge of the history of the former, and does not include, except inferen- tially, Hierofalco islandicus as among the birds of Canada. He gives, as a separate form, the dark Gyr-falcon, described by Audubon as labradora^ but he is mistaken in several of his statements in regard to this variety. It is probably not so very rare a bird as has been supposed, although it is little known in North American collections. The supposition that the two specimens in the Montreal Museum are the only ones known in all North America is incorrect. Mr. Boardman of St. Stephen possesses at least tw'O very fine specimens, the Boston Museum has a very fine one, and there is at least one in the National Museum of Washington. Nor is Mr. Vennor the first to represent, in plate, this species (or variety ?). . In the “Ornithological Miscellany,^’ edited by Mr. George Dawson Rowley, and published by Trubner & Co., of London, Mr. Henry E. Dresser presented a very interesting memoir of this Hawk, accompanied with a very fine illustration. I am not aware that any copy of this work is in this country, and the writer can only refer to it from memory. From this it would appear that for several years past collections of skins received in Europe from Labrador have always contained skins of this bird. One of the museums of Germany was especially fortunate in securing a fine series of this bird, and Mr. Dresser, having learned the source from which it had been enriched, has himself since procured several very fine specimens. So far as is known it seems to be confined to Labrador, and its specific peculiarities, if it has any, are not publicly known. At present we know too little in regal'd to it to discuss the question whether it is to be regarded as a species or a race, or whether it may not be a melanistic form. It is much more distinct, in its external markings, from any of the three other forms, gyrfalco, islandicus, and candicans than they are from one another, and, so far as is known, there is much less variation in the markings of individuals. The writer has no doubt that the birds referred to (North American Birds, Vol. Ill, p. 311), under the supposition that they be- longed to the Black Rough-legged Hawks, were really of this group. In this connection it may be mentioned that Mr. Dresser refers the form of Hierofalco found on Anderson River, not to H. candicans, but to the more common Norway form of H. gyrfalco. — T. M. B. 26 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL (StmvEl MixM, A Humming-Bird new to the Fauna of the United States. — I have again the pleasure of adding another bird new to our Fauna. A Humming-Bird (male), taken within the limits of Fort Brown, Texas, August 17, 1876, and forwarded to the Smithsonian Institution for iden- tification, has j ust been determined to be Amazilia cervineiventris. It much, resembles Pyrrliophcena riefferi, and has rusty (instead of white) leg puffs. • — James C. Merrill, Fort Brown, Texas, December 4, 1876. Note ON Podiceps dominicus.* — This species was long since attrib- uted (perhaps erroneously) to “ California,” by Dr. William Gambel ; it was included by Baird among Birds of the Mexican Boundary, apparently on strength of its eggs found at Matamoras, and figured in his “ Birds of North America” (ed. of 1860^ not of 1858). It was also formally pre- sented by me as North American (Birds of the Northwest, p. 736, where its habitat is given as north of the Kio Grande). — Elliott Coues. Eastward Bange of the Ferruginous Buzzard (Archibuteo ferru- gineus). — During the past summer (1876j I found this bird to be common on the prairies of Nebraska and Wyoming, where it might almost be con- sidered as one of the characteristic species. In 1873 I observed it on the Pembina Mountains, in Eastern Dakota, near the Bed Biver of the North ; and in 1874 I found it nesting in Northern Montana, on one of the Two Forks of Milk Biver. In years previous I had only seen it in Arizona and Southern California. I can now record its range still farther east- ward, — beyond the Mississippi, as I lately saw one in Illinois, a few miles from the river. The great size of the bird, its white tail, almost as con- spicuous as that of the Bald Eagle, and white under parts, render it un- mistakable at any ordinary distance. Its geographical distribution is apparently nearly coincident with that of the Lanier Falcon {Falco polya- grus Cass.), a bird which I have also found very numerous in Nebraska, Wyoming, and open portions of Colorado. Both species are. prairie Hawks, subsisting largely or chiefly upon the small rodent mammals which abpund in such, regions. — Elliott Coues, Washington, D. C., October, 1876. Occurrence of Leconte’s Bunting (Coturniculus lecontei Bon.) in Iowa. — One of my correspondents, Mr. E. W. Newton, of Franklin Grove, 111., writes me that when on a recent collecting trip through Iowa, he had the good fortune to secure twenty-two specimens of this species in a small slough situated in Colo, Story County, near the centre of the State, one of which he kindly sent me for identification. The date of cap- * See this Bulletin, Vol. I, p. 88, November, 1876. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 27 ture recorded on the label is October 10, 1876. Although he hunted carefully over equally desirable situations in other parts of the State, this Was the only place where it was found. This forms its most eastern rec- ord, excepting the single specimen taken by Mr. E. W. Nelson at River- dale, 111.* — H. B. Bailey. Audubon’s Warbler in Massachusetts. — While collecting in the neighborhood of Cambridge, Mass., November 15, 1876, I Avas fortunate enough to obtain a fine specimen of Audubon’s Warbler {Dendroeca audu- boni). It Avas a male, and the yelloAV of the throat Avas very plainly marked. Dr. Cones, in his “ Birds of the Northwest,” gives Laramie Peak as about the eastern limit of this species. Its occurrence here must, of course, be regarded as entirely accidental. — A. M. Frazar. Occurrence of the Sooty Tern in Massachusetts. — In Mr. Al- len’s “ Catalogue of the Birds of Massachusetts ” we find the Sooty Tern {Sterna fuliginosa) given, on the authority of Mr. E. A. Samuels, as a rare summer visitor to Muskegat Island. But for some reason Dr. Brewer, in his recent “ Catalogue of the Birds of Ncav England,” AvithdraAvs this species from the New England list, and challenges its right to be regarded as in any sense a New England bird. I have the pleasure of replacing this species by recording the capture of a fine adult male on the Merrimack River near LaAvrence, Mass., on October 29, 1876. I examined the speci- men at the store of Mr. Charles I. Goodale, taxidermist, Av^ho has finely preserved it, and it is now in the possession of Mr. A. W. Howland of Lawrence. — Ruthven Deane. The Black Gyr-Falcon {Falco sacer var. lahradora) in Massachu- setts. — A fine specimen of this Falcon was shot on Breed’s Island during the latter part of October, 1876. It proved to be a male, in nearly adult plumage, and is noAV in the collection of Mr. C. I. Goodale, through Avhose kindness I have had the pleasure of examining it. — C. B. Cory. Notes on Birds new to the Fauna op Maine, etc. — Of the follow- ing five species, three are here for the first time recorded as birds of Maine, another as found for the first time so far in the interior, and another as found for the first time breeding on the NeAV England coast. 1. Ammodromus caudacutus Swain. Sharp-tailed Finch. — I have found this species, now, I believe, for the first time recorded as a bird of Maine, a rare inhabitant of a certain part of the great marsh in Scarborough. 2. Passerculus princeps Maynard. Ipswich Sparrow. — On the 9th of October, 1876, 1 met Avith one of these birds on a sandy point on the north Avest shore of LakeUmbagog, in New Hampshire. I should hesitate * See Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, Vol. I, p. 40. 28 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL CLUB. to record the occurrence of this species in a locality so far removed from its known haunts, it not having been before observed so far in the interior, since, from the miss-fire of two cartridges in succession, I failed to capture my bird, were I not perfectly acquainted with its almost unmistakable habits. 3. Strix flammea var. pratincola Bonap. Barn Owl. — Mr. L. C. Daniels, of this city (Portland), has in his possession a specimen of this owl which he shot in Falmouth, June 10, 1866. It was killed while fly- ing across an open field. It has not, I think, been before recorded as found in Maine. 4. Tringa bairdii Coues. Baird’s Sandpiper. — My brother, Mr. Philip G. Brown, shot a young male of this species as it was flying along Scarborough Beach, on September 9, 1875. It was in company with an- other bird, apparently of the same species, which escaped. This is its first recorded appearance on the coast of Maine. 5. Tliallassidroma leachii Bonap. Leach’s Petrel. — This Petrel breeds in large numbers on several of the outer islands of Casco Bay, southeast of Portland. Although I have often been told by fishermen and sportsmen of the existence of colonies of these birds on certain of our islands, I never was able to verify their reports until the middle of last August, [when I made three visits to two barren rocks known as the “ Green Islands,” once in company with Mr. E. N. Atwood of Cape Eliza- beth. I found about forty nests, half of whicli at this late date were empty, the remainder containing squabs in different stages of develop- ment.— Nathan Clifford Brown, Portland, Me.., November 1% 1876. Northern Kange of the Sharp-tailed Finch {Ammodromus cau- dacutus). — My friend, Mr. William Stone of Cambridge, has recently presented me with five specimens of the Sharp-tailed Finch which he shot at Tignish, Prince Edward’s Island, on August 2 and 3, 1876. The locality where they were taken, as he describes it to me, was exceptional, — a wide Avaste of marsh, dry, and at some distance from the sea, grown up to bushes, with a few scattered dead pine stubs, remnants of a former forest. Throughout this tract these birds were abundant, the males singing on all sides from the tops of the bushes. The individuals examined are all adults in very pale, Avorn breeding plumage. Dr. Coues, in his “ Birds of NeAv England” (Proc. Essex Inst., Vol. V, p. 282), gives Ammodromus maritimus as occurring at Bye Beach, NeAV Hampshire, but this record, he informs me by letter, Avas a mistake, the bird Avhich he found there being A. caudacutus. The finding of the Sharp-tailed Finch in numbers at Tignish, taken in connection Avith the fact of its recent detection at Scar- borough, Me., by Mr. N. C. BroAvn [see above], renders it extremely probable that it may occur regularly, at suitable localities, all along the intermediate line of coast. — William Brewster. 9 13 Faneuil Hall Square, Boston, Mass. Clatorougli’s, and. others. ALSO REMINGTON ANI> OTHER AMERICAN MAKES. Agents for W. ^ C. Seott & Son^s Breech-Loaders. Every size of these celebrated Breech-Loading Guns constantly in stock, — 14. 12, 10, 8, and 4 bores, which we send on inspection or trial, — or imported to special order if desired. A fine Damascus top-snap double Breech-Loader for 50 00. “ Under-lever ” and “ side-snap,” in twist and laminated steel, .f 30.00 and upwards. A single-barrel good breech-loading Shot-Gun, S 10.00 and upwards. Fine quality 14 and 16 bore double-barrel of about 5^ lbs. weight. Also, single-barrel for collecting constantly on hand. Sporting and Target Riiles of all makes. New Ballard Rifle, S 18.00. Fine Trout and Salmon-Rods. Flies, Reels, and every article in Fishing, (Sr SEND FOR CIRCULARS. BEEWSTEE & KNOWLTON, No. 18 ARCH STREET, BOSTON, Naturalists and Taxidermists, IMPOKTEKS AND DEALERS IN MINERALS, SHELLS, AND SPECIMENS OF NATURAL HISTORY. COLLECTORS OP SKINS, Dealers in Mounted Birds, Birds' Eyes, and all kinds of Taxidermists' Supplies. BIRDS AND ANIMALS STUFFED IN AN EASY AND NATURAL STYLE. Skins Mounted at low prices, by the Dozen or Hundred. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Conducted by E. L. YOUMAHS. ' This perio’lical was started (in 1S72) to promote the diffusion of valuable scientific knowledge, In a jeadable and attractive form amonn; all classes of the community, and has thus far met a want supplied by no other magazine in the United States. Nine volumes have now appeared, which are filled with instructive and interesting articles and abstracts of articles, original, selected, translated, and illustrated, from the pens of the leading scientific men of different countries. Accounts of important scientific discoveries, the application of science to the practical arts, and the latest views put forth concerning natural phenomena, have been given by mi-ants of the highest authority. Prominent attention has been also de- voted to those various sciences which help to a better understanding of the nature of man, to the bearings of science upon the questions of .society and government, to scientific education, and to the conflicts which spring from the progressive nature of scientific knowledge. The Popular Science Monthly has long since ceased to be an experiment. It has passed into a circulation far beyond the most .sanguine hopes at first entertained, and the cordial and intel- ligent approval which it lias everywhere met shows that its close and insti'uctive discussions have been well appreciated by the reading portion of the Araei’ican people. It has not been its policy to make boastful promises of great things to be done in the future, but rather to appeal to what it has already accomplished as giving it a claim upon popular patronage. But no pains will be sppired to improve it, and make it still' more worthy of liberal support, and still more a necessity to the cultivated classes of the country. The following quotations illustrate the way it has been habitually spoken of by the press: — “ That there is a place for The Popular Sci- ence Monthly, no one can doubt who has watched the steady increase of interest in sci- entific investigation manifested in this country, not only by a .‘•elect class, but by the entire community.” — New York Times. We think it is not too much to say that this is the best first number of any magazine ever published in America.” ~ iW'jy York Wo’Id. “ A journal which promise.s to be of eminent value to the cause of popular education in this country.” — Neiv York Tribune. “ It is, beyond comparison, the best attempt at journalism of the kind ever made in this country.” — Home. Journal. “ 1 1 i.s just what is wan ted by the curious and progressive mind of thi.s country, and ought to be widely circulated.” — N. Y. Ecenin^ Post. “It is the first succe.ssful atteinpl; in this country to popularize science in the pages of a monthly.” — N. V. School Journal. “ The Monthly has more than fulfilled all the promises whicli the publishers made in the pro- spectus of publication.” — Niagara Falls Ga- zette. “ This is a highly au.spicious beginning of a u.'eful and much needed enterprise in the way of publication, for which the public owe a spe- cial debt of obligation to Messrs. D. Appleton & Co.” — Boslo7i Gazette. “ This new magazine, in our estimation, has more merit than the whole brood which have preceded it.” — Os7cego Press. “ In our opinion, the right idea has been happily hit in the plan of this new monthly.” — Rujfalo Courier. “ This is one of the very best periodicals of its kind published in the world. Its corps of contributors comprise many of the ablest minds known to science and literature. It is doing a great and noble work in popularizing science, promoting the growth of reason, and levelling the battlements of old. superstitions reared in the childhood of our race before it was capable of reasoning.” — The American Medical Journal, St. Louis, ]\lo. “ This magazine is worth its weight in gold, for its service in educating the people.” — The American Journal of Education, St. Louis, Mo. The Popular Science Monthly is published in a large octavo, handsomely printed on clear type, and, when the subjects admit, fully illustrated. Each number contains 128 pages. Terms : $ 5.00 per Annum, or Fifty Cents per Humber. POSTAGE FREE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS IN THE UNITED STATES. A new volume of the Populvr Science begins -vviih the numbers for May and November each year. Subscriptions may commence from any date. Back numbers supplied. Now Ready, Tols. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX, of The Poput.ar Sciengb Monthly, embracing the Nuuibors from 1 to 54 (May, 1872, to October, 1876). 9 vols. 8vo. Cloth, S 3 50 per vol. Half Morocco, $ 6.50 per vol. For Sale. Binding Cases for Vols. I, II, ill, IV, V, VI, VIT, VIIT, and IX, of The Popu- lar Science Monthly. Those covers are prepared expressly for binding tlie volumes of Th'e Pop- ular Science Monthly as they appear, and will be sent to Subscribers on receipt of price. Any binder can attach the covers at a trifling expense. Price, 50 cents each. AGENTS .WAITED. D. APPLETON CO., Publishers, 549 & 551 Broadway, New York. Address FOREST AND STREAM; A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF SIXTEEN PAGES, DEVOTED TO Field Sports, Practical Natural History, Fish Culture, Protection of Game, Preservation of Forests, Yachting and Boating, Rifle Practice, AND ALL OUT -DOOR RECREATION AND STUDY. Terras, S4r.OO a Year. 1®=^ Send for a Speciiiieai Copy. FOREST AND STREAi PUBLISHiC COMPANY, 17 Chatham Street (City Hall Square), Post-Office box 2832. NEW YORK. 1^“ “A Live Journal of Natural History. FIELD AND FOREST; A Monthly Journal devoted to the Natural Sciences. With the July number, 1876, this Journal entered upon its second year enlarged and im- proved in every way. Its contributors are well-known scientists and writers, .and its articles mainly original, and, considering the number of pages given, It is the cheapest Journal of Natural History published at the price, ONE DOEE4H FEK ANNUM. For specialists and men of science it contains intere.sting reading matter, while for students of Natural History in the many scientific schools and colleges of our country, it is a valuable medium for the exchange of view.s, or for the recording of new facts on scientific subjects, and all will find it to their interest to become .subscribers. As an inducement, we have decided upon the following KKASONABLY CLUB liATBS : Three copies, to any addre.ss, Six copies, $5.00, and one extra copy; Ten copies, IS S.OO, and one copy to the getter up of the club, single copies, 10 ets. No subscriptions received for less than a year, — payable invariably in advance. Back numbers of Vol. I. supplied complete. CHABLKS B. BOIIGE, Editor, Specimen copies sent free upon application. isox 273, Washington, D. C. The American Naturalist ; A Popular Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Natural History and Travel. Announcement for 1877. This journal of popular Natural Science will continue to be published by Mkssrs. H. 0. Houghton & Co., Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass., under the editorial management of Dii. A. S. Packard, Jr., with the assistance of eminent men of science. Since January, 1876, the amount of matter given in each number has been in- creased over former volumes. The typographical dress and illustrations which have heretofore given character to this magazine have been improved, and it is of a thor- oughly popular naiure, so as to interest the general reader as well as the young naturalist. It will continue to be a journal of science-education and for the use of science-teachers. Its Features for 1877. In 1876 the latter half of the magazine Avas entirely remodelled, and a department of Geography and Travel added. The Department of Botany will be ed ted, as formerly, by Prof, G. L. Goodale, of Harvard University. That of Microscopy will be edited, as heretofore, by Dr. R. H. Ward, Troy, l^ew York. Arrangements have been made to report the Proceedings of Scientific Societies with great promptness. A d g st of the Contents of Foreign Scientific Journals and Transactions will also be given each month, together with the JLatest Home and Foreign J^cientific News. The attention of publishers and teachers is called to critical notices of scientific books, to which especial attention will be given. Articles for Vol. XI, 1877, By Professor.s Asa Gray, J. D. Whitney, N. S. Shaler, W. G. Farlow, G. L. Goodale, of Harvard University ; Pr fessors 0. C. Marsli, A. R. Verrill, of Yale College ; Mr. A. Agrs=iz, Hon. Lewis H. Morgan, Col. Theodu'e Lyman, Mr. L. F. Pourtalea, Mr. S. H. Scudder. Professors K. D. Cope, F. V. Hayden, A. Hyatt ; Drs. Elliott Cones, W. H. Ddl, C. C. Abbott, Rev. S. Lockwood, J. A. Allen, H. Gillman, C. C. Parry, R. E. C. S'.e’rns, 0. T. Hinson, and other leading naturalists, are either in hand or promised. Notes from abroad will occasionally be contributed by Mr. Alfred W. Bennett, the d stinguished English Bo'anist. Note. — The t^n volumes which have been published form an elegantly printed and illusti'ated LT)rary of American Natural History, invaluable for school, co'leg^*, and pub’ic I brariss. They contain standard articles by Agassiz, Dana, Wyman, Gray, Whitrev, Leidy, Cope, Hunt, Dawson, Newberry, Marsh, Verriil, Morse*, Gil', Cones, Scudder, Hagen, Dali, Shaler, Brewer, Rklgway, Parry, Caton, Abbott, Farlow, Lockwood, Grote, Ward, and many other scientists. TERMS. — 35 cen*-s a number; S4.00 a year, postage free.^ Bound volumes, :$5.00. Vo’s. 1- X, $40.00 ; unbound, $ 30.00. Back numbers supplied. Remittancet by mail should be s^nt by a money-'rder, draft on New York or Boston, or registered letter, to H. 0. Houghton & Co., Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass. H, 0. HOUSHrOU & CO., HURD AND HOUGHTON, Cor. Beacoa and Somerset Sts., BOSTON. 13 Astor Place, NEW YORK. €^l)e IliutTsibc Press, (Hambribige. i The continuance of the Bulletin beyond the present Volume is necessarily contingent upon the pecuniary support it receives from the public. We trust that our present patrons will not only all promptly renew their subscriptions, but will use their influence to extend its cir- culation. We hope it will soon be possible to permanently increase the number of pages from twenty-four to thirty-two in each issue. In order to do this a considerable increase to our subscription-list will be necessary, and we therefore appeal strongly to all friends of Ornithology to aid in extending its circulation. This being the only journal in this country devoted exclusively to this subject, it is hoped that our appeal for pecuniary support will meet with a prompt response. In order to assist in defraying the expenses of publication, advertising sheets will be issued with future numbers, relating mainly to Natural History, and especially to Ornithology. The attention of dealers in specimens of Natural History and collectors’ and taxidermists’ materials, and of publishers of works relating to Natural History, is hence called to the Bulletin as a desirable advertising medium. A NEW MANUAL OF TAXIDERMY: An illustrated book, board covers, giving complete instructions in Tax- idermy, besides Hints on Collecting and Preserving Eggs and Insects, and other valuable receipts. From J. W. P. JENKS, Prof, of Natural History at Brown University. “ Having perused your MS,, I feel free to say that its suggestions are eminently practical, and cannot fail to render such aid to the beginner as he most needs, and indeed must have from some source, at the outset of his efforts to acquire the beau- tiful art of preserving and mounting specimens of Natural History.” Every Naturalist and Beginner should get it. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of 50 cents. W. P. MANTON, 17 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. BULLETIN OP THE NUTTALL OENITHOLOGICAL CLUB. Vol. II. APRIL, 1877. No. 2. COKRECTIONS OF NOMENCLATURE IN THE GENUS SIURUS. BY DR. ELLIOTT CODES, U. S. A. The genus itself, and all three of its species, require names dif- ferent from those now generally used. I. Name of the Genus. — Originally written Seiurus by Swain- son, who invented the term ; also found under the forms Seiurus, by ignorance, inadvertence, or typographical blunder, and Siurus, the latter being correct. The word is compounded of the Greek o-fto), “ I wave or brandish,” and ovpou, “ tail ” ; it is precisely equivalent to the Latin mota-cilla, French hoche-queue, English wag-tail. According to the rule that Greek et becomes long V* in Latin, the word should be spelled Siurus, as was first done, I think, in the Ibis for 1859, by Messrs. Sclater and Salvin, and A. and E. Newton, so nearly simultaneously that I do not know to which of these schol- ars we owe the corrected orthography. Seiurus has been objected to on account of its identity in sound, though not in orthography, etymology, or signification, with Seiurus, “ a squirrel,” by German purists, who have proposed to substitute Enieoeiehla or Hen\eo~ cielila ; but this is inadmissible : Siurus and Seiurus being as differ- ent as thee, objective case of second personal pronoun, and ike, definite article.f (Lat. Seiurus = Gr. a-Kiovpo^ — “ shadow-tail.”) * So, also, Melopelia, Chamcepelia, chrysoparia, etc. (accent the penult), in- stead of Melopeleia, Chamoepeleia, chrysopareia, etc. + I am not of those rigid constructionists who require preservation of the original shape of a name, however faulty. While we cannot of course make actual substitution of one name for another without other than philological 30 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL 2. Name of the Golden-crowned Thrush. — Originally and usually written aurocapillus, which should give way to auricapillus. The word means simply “gold-hair,” i. e., “golden-haired.” The point is here : that the ablative of “gold,” which is auro, is only to be used when the word with which it is compounded is an adjective or participial; otherwise auri is the correct form. If we were to employ the participial adjective capillatus, it would be correct to say aurocapillatus, i. e., literally and correctly, “haired with gold,” auro being the ahlativus instrumenti, that with or by means of which the bird is “ haired.” So we say rightly aurocrutatiis, aurost7'iatits, auropunctatus, crested, streaked, or speckled with gold, (color understood), but auriceps, auricollis, Auriparus, etc. So also, if we were to compound with the adjective aureus^ “ golden,” we should say, e. g., aureicaiida, not aureocaudatus. Either aureicapillus or auricapillus is correct, but aurocapillus is not. 3. Name op the Small-billed Water-Thrush. — It is to be noted that Motacilla noveboracensis of Gmelin, 1788, is precisely the same as Motacilla ncevia of Boddaert, 1783, both being based upon Blanche Enluminee 752, fig. 1, which is the Fauvette tachetee de la Louisianeoi BufFon, afterward the New York Warbler of Pennant and Latham. G. R. Gray seems to have observed this fact, but neither he nor any other author, according to my recollection, has acted upon the obvious requirement of the case, namely, that we must say Siurus ncevius (Bodd.), instead of S. noveboracensis (Gm.). Very curiously, Gmelin in another place made this species out to be a 'variety of the Cape May Warbler, Perissoglossa tigrina ; for, Gmelin’s Motacilla tigrina var. ^ (and so, also, Latham’s Sylvia tigrina var. jS) is based exclusively upon the Ficedula dominicensis fusca of Brisson, Ornith., iii, 513, which is the Small-billed Water- Thrush. Vieillot, in 1807, noticed this curious circumstance, which authors have generally overlooked, and correctly allocated the synonymy. The name ncevius is unobjectionable, has priority, and must obtain. 4. Name of th^ Large-billed Water-Thrush. — This is properly Siurus motacilla (YieilL), Bp., for the Turdus motacilla., accurately described and recognizably figured by Vieillot in 1807, is unques- reason, common sense certainly tells ns to spell correctly if we can. If we are always to preserve the original forms of names, we must, for example, say Scopo^ lax instead of Scolopax — it so stands in LiNN. Syst. Nat. i, 1766, p. 242. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, 31 tionably this species. Yieillot knew the other species, which he figured and described in the same work. Bonaparte called it Seiurus motacilla in 1850, though in 1824 he had called the other species Turdus motacilla, and Cabanis, in 1857, Henicocichla mo- tacilla ; but writers have usually adopted Audubon’s term ludovici- amts, proposed in 1832, notwithstanding that this author soon abandoned his species, under the wrong impression it was not dif- ferent from S. ncevius. Siurus motacilla ” is not a very choice name, meaning wagta^iled Wagtail,” but it is no worse than Mus muscidits, Xanthocephaliis. icterocephalus, Columba palumbus, Regidus satrapa, and a host of other names, the two terms of 'which mean the same thing ; nor as bad as Sialia sialis, Cupidonia cupido, the sense and sound of which agree. I append the synonymy of the species of this genus, the list of names here to be given being much more accurate, more extensive, and more nearly complete than any hitherto collated : 1. Siurus auricapillus. Motacilla aurocapilla, Linn., Syst. Nat. i, 12th ed. 1766, 334, No. 29 (based on Brisson and Edwards, as below cited). Turdus aurocapillus, Lath., Ind. Orn. i, 1790, 328, No. 6. Sylvia aurocapilla, Bonap., Journ. Philada. Acad, iv, 1824, 35. Seiurus aiLrocapillus, Swains., Philos. Mag. i, 1827, 369 ; Zool. Journ. hi. 1827, 171. Seiurus aurocapillus, D’Orbig., Ois. Cuba, 1839, 55. Siurus aurocapillus, ScL. & Salv., Ibis, i, 1859, 9. — A. & E. Newt., ibid. 142. Enicocichla aurocapilla, “ Gray.” (Keference not at hand as I write.) Enicocichla aurocapillus, Brewer, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. vii, 1860, 306. Henicocichla aurocapillus, Caban., Mus. Hein, i, 1850, 16. Turdus auricapillus, Light., “Preis-Verz. Mex. Vog. 1830, 2”; Journ. f. Orn. 1863, 57. (Orig. ref. not verified by me.) Accentor auricapillus, Kich., Eep. Brit. Assoc, for 1836, 1837, 172. Seiurus auricapillus, Bonap., Consp. Av. 1850, 306. Henicocichla auricapilla, Sclat., Proc. Zool. Soc. 1856, 293. Siurus auricapillus, CouES, Birds Colorado Valley, 187-, (MSS. ined.), Turdus citreus, 111 Muller, Syst. Nat. Suppl. 1776, 141 (very problem- atical). Motacilla canadensis, Boddaert, Tabl. PI. Enl. 1783, 24 (in part ; the first ref., to P. E. 398, f. 2, and the ref. to Edw. Gl. 252, are to this sp., but the other refs, are to Dendrceca coronata). Turdus minimus, Bartr., Trav. Fla., 1st Am. ed. 1791, 290bis (not of Lafr., nor of authors). 32 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL Turdus coronatus, Vieill., Ois. Am. Sept, ii, 1807, 8, pi. 64. Anthus coronatus, Gerhardt, Naumannia, iii, 1853, 38. Ficedula pensilvanica aurocapilla, Briss., Orn. iii, 1760, 504, No. 57. Figuier d teste d’or de pensilvanie, Briss., op. loc. cit. Golden-crowned Thrush, Edw., “ Glean. 91, pi. 252.” (Not verified by me.) Grivelette de S. Domingue, Buff., “Hist. Nat. Ois. iii, 317.” (Not verified by me.) Petite Grive de St. Domingue, of Plancbe Enlum. 398, f. 2 (see the citation ’ of Boddaert, above). Grive couronne'e, Yieillot, op. loc. cit. Land Kick-up, Gosse, B. Jam. 1847, 152. Golden-crowned Accentor, Golden-crowned Wagtail, Orange-crowned Accentor, Oven-hird, of Authors. 2. Siurus naevius. Motacilla ncevia, Bodd., Tabl. 1783, 47 ; based on PI. Enlum. 752, f. 1. Siurus ncevius, CouES, Birds Colorado Valley, 187-, {MSS. ined.). Motacilla noveboracensis, Gmel., Syst. Nat. 13th ed. 1788, 958, No. 69 (based primarily on P. E. 752, f. 1 = ncevia Bodd.). Sylvia noveboracensis. Lath., Ind. Orn. ii, 1790, 518, No. 33. Turdus noveboracensis, ? — Peabody, Rep. Orn. Mass. 1839, 306. Turdus (Seiurus) noveboracensis, Nutt., Man. Orn. orig. ed. i, 1832, 353. Seinrus noveboracensis, Bonap., Comp, and Geog. List. 1838, 21. Siurus noveboracensis, Scl. & Sal v.. Ibis, i, 1859, 10. — A. & E. Newt., . ibid. 142. Seinrus noveboracensis, Henshaw, App. LL. Ann. Rep. Chf. Engr. U. S. Army, for 1875, p. — (p. 59 of sep. paged pamph. List B. Arizona). Enicocichla noveboracensis, “ Gray.” (Ref. not at hand ; probably Gen. of B.) Henicocichla noveboracensis, Caban., “ Schomb. Guiana, iii, 1848, 66 ” ; Mus. Hein, i, 1850, 16. Motacilla novceboracensis, Turton, Syst. Nat., English mal- version, i, 1806, 589. Turdus (Seiurus) novceboracensis, Nutt., Man. 2d ed. i, 1840, 402 (in part; includes another species). Seiurus novceboracensis, 1 — Pratten, Trans. Illinois Agric. Soc. i, 1855, 601. Seiurus novceboracensis, Putnam, Proc. Essex Inst, i, 1856, 209. Motacilla tigrina var. /3, Gm., Syst. Nat. 13th ed. i, 1788, 985, No. 153 (= Briss. iii, 513, No. 62, pi. 28, f. 5). Motacilla tigrina, 2, Turton, op. loc. cit. Sylvia tigrina var. /3, Lath., Ind. Orn. ii, 1790, 537, No. 110 /3 (= Gm. No. 153 i3). Motacilla Jluviatilis, Bartr., Trav. Fla. 1st Am. ed. 1791, 291. Turdus aquaticus, WiLS., Am. Orn. iii, 1811, 66, pi. 23, f. 5. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB, 33 Seiurus aquaticus, Sw. and Eich., Fn. Bor. Am. ii, 1831, 229, pi. 43. Turdus aquatius, Bonap., Journ. Phila. Acad, iv, 1824, 34. Sylvia anthoides, Vieill., “ Nouv. Diet. d’Hist. Nat. 1817, 208.” (Not verified by me.) Turdus motacilla, Bonap., Journ. Pbila. Acad, iv, 1824, 35 (not of Vieill.). Seiurus tenuirostris, Swains., Philos. Mag. i, 1827, 369. Seiurus tenuirostris, Game., Proc. Phila. Acad, i, 1843, 261. Seiurus sulfuraseens, D’Orb., Ois. Cuba, 1839, 57, pi. 6. Enieoeichla sulphuraseens, “ Gray.” Seiurus sulphuraseens, Bonap., Consp. Av. i, 1850, 306. Henieoeiehla sulphuraseens, Gundl., Journ. fiir Orn. 1855, 471. Anthus Vherminieri, Lesson, “ Eev. Zoologique 1839, 101.” (Not verified by me.) Seiurus gossii, Bonap., Consp. Av. i, 1850, 306. Fauvette tachete'e de la Louisiane, Buff., “ Hist. Nat. Ois. v, 161 ” ; PI. Enlum. No. 752, f. 1 (is the basis of Bodd.’s and Gm.’s names). Figuier hrun de S. Domingue, Briss., Orn. iii, 1760, 513, No. 62, pi. 28, f. 5 (obviously this sp. ; sole basis of Mot. tigrina var. Gm.). Ficedula dominieensis fusca, Briss., op. loe. eit. New York Warbler, Lath., Syn. ii, pt. ii, 1783, 436, No. 29 (== Mot. nove- horaeensis Gm.). Spotted Yellow Warbler, var. A, Lath., Syn. ii, pt. ii, 1783, 483, var. A (= Sylvia tigrina var. /3, Lath.). Fauvette brune, V., 0. A. S., 1. s. c. Bessy Kiek-up, River Pink, Gosse, B. Jam. 1847, 151 (basis of S. gossii Bp.). Grive de rouisseaux, ou Hoehequeue, Le Moine, Ois. Canad. 1861, 173. Water Thrush, New York Water Thrush, Aquatic Wagtail, Aquatic Wood- Wagtail, Aquatic Accentor, of Authors. 3. Siurus motacilla. Turdus motacilla, Vieill., Ois. Am. Sept, ii, 1807, 9, pi. 65 (not of Bp., 1824). Seiurus motacilla, Bonap., Consp. Av. i, 1850, 306. Henieoeiehla motacilla, Cab., Journ. fiir Orn. 1857, 240. Siurus motacilla, CouES, Birds Colorado Valley, 187-, {MSS. ined.). Turdus ludovicianus, Aud., Orn. Biog. i, 1832, 99, pi. 19 (afterward merged in S. noveboracensis). Seiurus ludovicianus, Bonap., Comp. Geogr. List. 1838, 21. Siurus ludovicianus, Sclat., P. Z. S. 1859, 363. Seiurus ludovicianus, Trippe, Proc. Bost. Soc. xv, 1873, 234. Henieoeiehla ludoviciana^ Sclat., Cat. Am. B. 1860, 25. Henieoeiehla major, Caban., Mus. Hein, i, 1850, 16. Enieoeichla major. Brewer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, vii, 1860, 306. Grive hoehequeue, Vieill., 1. s. c. Louisiana or Large-billed Water Thrush, Authors, 34 BULLETIN OF THE NUT TALL NOTES ON THE BREEDING OF THE BLACK TERN (HYDRO- CHELIDON LARIFORMIS) IN MINNESOTA. BY T. S. ROBERTS. The Black Tern is the most abundant representative of its family in this State, making its appearance in the vicinity of Minneapolis about the middle of May. Stragglers remain until the first week in September, but the majority leave during the latter part of August. For a short time after their arrival they are to be seen flying leisurely around the larger lakes ; but as the nesting-season approaches they select some prairie slough or marshy lake, and there spend the greater part of their time until the young are able to fly. Late in May or early in J une the nest is built and the eggs are laid, or the eggs are deposited without any nest, as the case may be. Dr. Cones mentions (Birds of the Northwest, 1874) meet- ing with a colony breeding along the Red River, and states that there w^ere no nests whatever, the eggs being placed on beds of decaying reeds. Such is their habit under some circumstances, but only two instances of the kind have come under my notice as yet. Once, I found three eggs laid directly on the mud on an abandoned, broken-down muskrat house in the midst of a large slough. The same day I found another set of two* eggs on a bed formed by the bending over of the tops of some tall dead grass. They were thus raised more than a foot above the water, which w'as of considerable depth. There was no indication of a nest, the eggs being held in place by resting among the coarse grass. A very interesting and valuable note on this subject occurs in a short article by Dr. P. L. Hatch, published in the Bulletin of the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences for 1876. It is an extract from a letter written by Mr. E. W. Nelson of Chicago, and although the observations were not made in this State, I will introduce them here : “ I have seen the eggs of Sterna plumhea deposited on masses of floating weeds in several instances, but only for the third brood, the bird having previously built two nests and deposited the eggs in both, which had been removed by myself to ascertain how many they would lay. The result was almost invariably as follows : first nest, three eggs ; second nest, two eggs ; and the third, one egg. In ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 35 several instances I 'found the nests floating in two and a half to three feet of water without the least sign of floating rushes in the vicinity ; in fact, there were no rushes or anything else except fine swamp grass growing anywhere near, and of this the nests were built.” As already stated, they build in this section (vicinity of Minne- apolis) in the latter part of May or early in June, usually placing the nest in a prairie slough or marsh bordering an open pond. The material used in the construction is short bits of grass and reeds disposed in such a manner that a neat, but loose structure is formed. Occasionally greater skill is displayed, longer material being used, which is slightly interwoven, so that the nest may even be removed alone without injuring it. These frail structures are sometimes found upon floating masses of decayed debris, and when so situated it is necessary, with but few exceptions, to detach a por- tion of this underlying bed in order to remove the nest intact. But they are oftener placed upon the tops of small mounds of partially decayed vegetable matter. These mounds, undoubtedly made by the Terns as foundations for their nests, are seven or eight inches in diameter, and rise one or two inches above the surface of the water. They are placed over beds of live moss, and are partly sup- ported by the water and partly by the moss below. It takes but a slight motion of the water to rock them, and they would undoubt- edly often go adrift were they not generally protected by the grass growing around them. To obtain the nest in good condition the hand may be inserted beneath the pile and the whole lifted up. The average external diameter of the nest of this Tern is aboui five inches ; internal diameter, three inches ; while the depth varies from a slight depression to three fourths of an inch or more. The eggs are either two or three in number, perhaps oftener three than two. Their ground-color varies from deep brown to greenish white. The markings consist of blotches, dots, etc., of various shades of brown. On some specimens there are a few, and on others numer- ous, obscure pale spots in the shell. Frequently the markings are nearly equally distributed over the entire surface of the egg, but usually are aggregated to form a wreath around the larger end. So far as my observations have extended, all the eggs taken from one nest have about the same ground-color and character of marking. The average measurement of fifteen eggs before me is 1.35 inches in length by .98 inches in width. 36 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL During the day the parent birds sit on the nest very little, leav- ing the incubation of the eggs greatly to the heat from the sun and the warmth" arising from the damp decaying vegetable matter upon which they rest, for the nests are almost always moist inside. When the site where a colony is breeding is approached nearer than the parent birds deem safe, they make a great clamor, and dart repeatedly at the head of the intruder, occasionally venturing within a foot or two. If the nest of a pair be removed, and the birds left to themselves, they show considerable distress at their loss. Hovering over the spot from which the nest has been taken, they utter incessant cries and frequently alight to look in vain for their lost treasure. All the Terns in the neighborhood join in the cries of the bereaved pair, and the lamentation becomes general. I once had the fortune to meet with a young Tern of this species which had evidently entered this world but a few hours before. It was a curious-looking little creature, and could swim very well. The following description may convey some idea of its appearance : body covered with a soft, fluffy down ; beneath, pale sooty ; above, obscure yellow, washed with grayish, and tinged with rufous on the posterior parts of the body. Scattered over the upper parts were irregular spots of black. The under surfaces of the wings, lores, and feath- ers next the base of the upper mandible were white. The bill was black, with a white spot at the end of the upper mandible. Legs very dark flesh-color, with a reddish tinge. I am of the opinion that these miniature Terns leave the nest very soon after emerging from the egg. The one just described was found swimming about several feet from the nest, while just at the time one of his brothers was "working his way into the world by neatly cutting the shell into halves with the point of his bill. As soon as the young Terns are able to fly they are conducted to some suitable situation around a pond or lake, where they can sit while the parent birds supply them with food. I once counted thirty-seven sitting thus at one time on four or five panels of fence, wLich extended from the shore a short distance into a lake. Minneapolis, Minn. OrxNITIIOLOGICAL CLUB. 37 TWO UNDESCRIBED NESTS OF CALIFORNIA BIRDS. BY WILLIAM BREWSTER. The following nests, previously unknown to science, were collected for me by Mr. Charles A. Allen, of Nicasio, Marin County, Califor- nia : — 1. Californian Purple Finch (Carpodacus purpureus var. calif ornicus, Baird). Two nests of this variety of the Purple Finch taken at Nicasio, Marin County, California, are before me. The first, with a set of five eggs, was collected May 10, 1876. It is a somewhat smaller structure than the nest of the Eastern bird, and is much more closely compacted. It measures externally 5.75 inches in diameter, by 2.75 in depth. Inter- nally 2.00 inches in diameter by 1.50 in depth. The outer framework is composed of rather fine weed-stalks and coarse grasses firmly interwoven, while the inner nest is fitted smoothly and warmly with a peculiar fibrous hemp-like material of a rich bay color. This nest was found in a garden in Nicasio. It was placed in the fork of two limbs at the height of about eight feet above the ground. The eggs differ very materially from those of Carpodacus purpureus var. purpureus, and much more closely resemble eggs of the House Finch (C. frontalis). Their ground-color is white with a scarcely perceptible shade of bluish, about as much, in fact, as obtains in average eggs of the Indigo Bird {Gyanospiza cyanea). A very few lines and dots of black or dark brown about the larger ends constitute the only markings. They are in shape a blunted oval, and measure .73 of an inch in length by .55 in breadth. The other nest contained young, and as it was not secured until after they had left it, is in rather poor condition. It, however, agrees very closely with the one just described, and is lined with the same peculiar materia,!. The parent bird — a male — seut with these nests is quite typical of the variety which it represents. 2. Rufous-orowned Sparrow (Peuccea ruficeps, Baird). — A nest of this species collected by Mr. Allen on Black Mountain, near Nicasio, July 10, 1875, presents the following features : It is outwardly composed of coarse grass and weed-stalks, and lined somewhat scantily with horse-hair. It is very loosely put together, and the original shape is so nearly de- stroyed that measurements are almost impracticable. An approximation would, however, be nearly as follows : External diameter, 4 inches ; inter- nal, 2.25 inches. External depth, 2 inches ; internal, 1.25 inches. It contained three pure white eggs, which measure .8.9 of an inch in length by .65 in breadth. The locality was an open heathy tract on the moun- tain-side, and the nest was placed on the ground under a bush. Mr. 38 BULLETIN OF THE NVTTALL Allen, having only his rifle with him at the time, was unable to secure the female, but as she sat closely and was distinctly seen by him, there seems little reason to doubt the correctness of the identification, especially as in position of nest, color and size of eggs, etc., we find nothing incompatible with the corresponding breeding characteristics of the other and better- known species of this genus. Mr. Allen has since informed me, by letter, that a nest satisfactorily determined as belonging to this species, and which agrees closely with the one just described, was discovered by Captain Charles Bendire in Ore- gon (?). A CONTEIBUTION TO THE BIOGKAPHY OF WILSON’S PHALAKOPE. BY E. W. NELSON. Although this species {Steganopus wilson% Coues) is more or less common in portions of the country frequently visited by Ornithologists, it is remarkable that its life-history should be so little known. The account of nearly every author who has men- tioned the species contains more or less error, and none give any- thing like a complete history of it. To remedy this to some extent is the object of the present paper, since I have had abundant opportunity for observing the bird in the field. But first I wish to make a few quotations from and remarks upon the principal accounts of the species. Ord, in his edition of “ Wilson’s Ornithology (Vol. Ill, p. 205), states as follows : “ Our figure of this species \Phalaropus lobatus, Ord] bears all the marks of haste ; it is inaccurately drawn, and imperfectly colored ; notwithstanding, by a diligent study of it, I have been enabled to ascertain that it is the Coot-footed Tringa [Phalarope] of Edwards, pis. 46 and 143, to which bird Linnaeus gave the specific denomination of lohatus” Thus far Ord is undoubtedly correct, as is evident by a comparison of the plates in question. As Dr. Coues has already stated (Birds of the Northwest, p. 467), Tringa lohata^ Linn, is Lohipes hyperhoreus, (L.) Cuv., and I perfectly agree with Ord in referring Wilson’s plate to the same species ; but farther on Ord describes an undoubted speci- men of Steganopus wilson% taken near Philadelphia, as being identi- cal with Wilson’s plate of lohatus, which is certainly a bad case of mal-identification. From references I have been enabled to make, I ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 39 think it extremely doubtful that Wilson ever saw a specimen of S. wilsoni. Audubon’s account of the sexes of this bird is quite erroneous. Concerning a pair taken near Great Egg Harbor, in June, 1829, he states that, on examining the birds when we returned, I saw that the female had been sitting ” ; * and on the opposite page, I ob- served scarcely any difference in the coloring of the sexes, the female being merely larger than the male ” ; and he again states : The female, which is somewhat larger, is in color precisely similar to the male.” The few specimens seen by Audubon during the breeding-season were apparently all females, and, taking it for granted that the males were equally bright, he so stated. In his plate of this species he figures a female ” young of the year and an adult “ male,” which is, in reality, a female in breeding plumage. Audubon’s statement regarding the likeness of the sexes in the breeding plumage has been accepted as true by subsequent authors, even when they have had the opportunity to settle the matter for themselves in the field. N uttall adds considerable to the known range of the species, but makes his statements curiously conflicting, as the following quota- tions show : Taking the interior of the continent for its abode, it is seen not uncommon on the borders of lakes, in the vicinity of the City of Mexico. In these situations, choosing the shelter of some grassy tuft, it forms an artless nest, in which it deposits two or three pyriform eggs, between yellowish-gray and cream-color, inter- spersed with small roundish spots and a few larger blotches of um- ber-brown somewhat crowded towards the obtuse end.” He also states that “ it is unknown in summer beyond the 65th parallel, passing the period of reproduction on the plains of the Saskatche- wan, being also a stranger to the coasts of Hudson’s Bay ” ; and again, that in the United States it can only he considered as a stray- gler:^ t Dr. Coues, in his Birds of the Northwest,” arranges the synon- ymy of the species in a very satisfactory manner, but makes essen- tially the same statement as Audubon regarding the sexual plum- ages, and adds nothing of importance to the life-history of the species. To Mr. A. L. KumlienJ is due the credit of being the * Birds of Amer., Vol. V, pp. 229, 230, pi. 341. + Man. Orn., Yol. II, pp. 245, 246. X Field and Forest, July, 1876. 40 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL first to announce the true relations of the sexes of this species. His statements that “ the male attends to the duties of incubation almost entirely alone,” and that “not only is the female much more brilliant in plumage, but also considerably larger,” are certainly true, but that the females “ pursue ” the males during the pairing- season seems to me to be rather doubtful, unless, as might be the case, Mr. Kumlieu has mistaken for this their habit of flying rest- lessly about the marsh in small parties of three or four individu- als, when the males are usually in advance. At these times the nearest approach I have observed to pursuit is in a habit they have of suddenly darting off for a short distance at right angles to their general course, but this appears to be in mere sport, for nearly the same relative positions are kept by the birds, and this erratic course is rarely pursued beyond a few rods. In fact, throughout the pairing- season I have always found the Phalaropes very undemonstrative toward each other, the choice of mates being conducted in a quiet, unobtrusive way, quite unlike the usual manner among birds. Neither have I ever seen the males “drop as if shot, within two feet of me, and feign the most distressing pains,” when the nest is discovered; nor even when the newly hatched young have been captured do they evince any such emotion, and at no time have I ever seen any more anxiety shown by the male than by the female. Mr. Kumlien describes the nest as being built in a tussock of grass, “much in the same manner as the Agelceus ‘phoeniceiis^^' which is certainly a considerable variation from the situations chosen by the birds in Northern Illinois, as a comparison of the above statement with my description of the situ- ation of the nest will show. My experience with the species has been to prove that during the breeding-season, at least, they are averse to any large body of wa- ter, and I have never found the young away from the midst of the grassy marshes until fully fledged. The last author before quoted, however, states that “the young are conducted to the shore soon after they are hatched, and if suddenly surprised take to the water and swim and dive with the greatest ease.” In Northern Illinois, where the following observations were made, Wilson’s Phalarope is the most common summer resident, occurring about grassy marshes and low prairies, and is not exceeded in num- bers by even the ever-present Spotted Sandpiper. As is the case with several other species of birds, Lake Michigan appears to form ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 41 a limit to its common occurrence in the eastern portion of its range. On the west it extends to the Rocky Mountains, and between these limits it has been recorded during the breeding-season from the Sas- katchewan to the Arkansas (Coues) and to the city of Mexico (Nut- tall). It is more closely confined to its favorite haunts than most water-birds, and this may, in a measure, account for the little hith- erto known regarding its habits. During the first two weeks of May, the exact date varying with the season, this beautiful bird first makes its appearance in Northeastern Illinois. Its arrival is heralded by a few females, which arrive first, and are found singly about the marshes. At this time the females have a peculiar harsh note, which I have heard but a few times, and only from solitary individuals before the arrival of the main body. A few days later small flocks, embracing both sexes, may be found along the borders of grassy pools, or lying at midday on the sunny side of some warm knoll in the marsh. As the breeding-sea- son approaches they become more restless, flying from place to place, and finally separate into small parties of two or three pairs. About the middle of May their love-making commences, and is at first indicated by the increasing solicitude they show for each other’s welfare. The appearance of a person in their vicinity at this time is the signal for all the birds near to come circling about, though generally not within easy gunshot. By a careful approach one may now and then find a small party swimming about in some secluded pool. The charming grace of movement exhibited at such times, combined with their tasteful elegance of attire, form one of the most pleasing sights one could witness, as they swim buoyantly from side to side of the pool, gracefully nodding their heads ; now pausing an instant to arrange a feather, or to daintily gather some fragment of food, and now floating idly about, wafted by the slight breeze which at intervals ripples the surface of the water. A more common, but scarcely less pleasing sight is presented when, uncon- scious of observation, they walk sedately along the border of the water, never departing from their usual easy grace of movement. Their food is generally found in such places, where the receding water furnishes a bountiful supply. The only demonstrations I have observed during the pairing-time consist of a kind of solemn bowing of the head and body ; but sometimes, with the head low- ered and thrust forward, they will run back and forth in front of the object of their regard; or again a pair may often be seen to 42 BULLETIN OF THE NUTT ALL salute each other by alternately bowing or lowering their heads ; but their courtship is characterized by a lack of the rivalry and vehemence usually exhibited by birds. A male is often accompa- nied by two females at first, but as soon as his choice is made the rejected bird joins her fortunes with some more impressible swain. The nesting-site is usually in some thin tuft of grass on a level spot, but often in an open place concealed by only a few straggling blades of small carices. The male scratches a shallow depression in the soft earth, which is usually lined with a thin layer of fragments of old grass blades, upon which the eggs, numbering from three to four, are deposited about the last of May or first of June. Owing to the low situations in which the nests are placed, the first set of eggs is often destroyed by a heavy fall of rain, causing the water to rise so as to submerge the nest. In this case the second set, numbering two or three, are often deposited in a depression scratched in the ground, as at first, but with no sign of any lining. Accidents of this kind cause the second set of eggs to be sometimes deposited as late as the last of June. The young usually appear about the third week of June, and are able to fly in about three weeks. Generally a number of pairs nest upon the same marsh. In some instances as many as fifty may be' counted within the radius of a mile ; but, notwithstanding this, their nests are extremely difficult to discover, the material and the color of the eggs correspond so closely to the appearance of the surrounding surface. If they are disturbed while building, the nest is usually abandoned. Incubation is attended to by the male alone.* The female, however, keeps near, and is quick to give the alarm upon the approach of danger. The females are fre- quently found at this time in small parties of six or eight; and should their breeding-ground be approached, exhibit great anxiety, coming from every part of the marsh to meet the intruder, and, hover- ing over his head, utter a weak nasal note, which can be heard to * [As above stated by Mr. Nelson, Mr. Knmlien was the first to call atten- tion to this fact, as regards the present species, as well as to the fact of the female being larger and brighter-colored than the male. European authors have recorded the same sexual peculiarities of plumage in the Eed and the Northern Phalaropes {Phalaropus fulicarius dijidt. Lobipes hyperhoreus)^ and also, in respect to the former, that the male alone undertakes the duties of incubation. In these species the male is said to show much greater devotion to the young, when exposed to danger, than does the female. — J. A. Allen.] ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 43 only a short distance. This note, which is possessed by both sexes, is nearly always made while the birds are in the air, and its pro- duction requires apparently considerable effort ; the head and neck being inclined downward, and then suddenly raised as the note is uttered, the flight being at the same time momentarily checked. The movements of the birds usually render it an easy matter to decide whether or not they have nests in the immediate vicinity. After the first alarm, those having nests at a distance disperse, while the others take their course in the form of an ellipse, some- times several hundred yards in length, with the object of their suspicion in the centre \ and, with long strokes of their wings, much like the flight of a Killdeer, they move back and forth. As their nests are approached the length of their flight is gradually lessened, until at last they are joined by the males, when the whole party hover low over the intruder’s head, uttering their peculiar note of alarm. At this time they have an ingenious mode of mis- leading the novice, by flying off to a short distance and hovering anxiously over a particular spot in the marsh, as though there were concealed the objects of their solicitation. Should they be fol- lowed, however, and a search be there made, the manoeuvre is re- peated in another place still farther from the real location of the nest. But should this ruse prove unavailing, they return and seem to become fairly desperate, flying about one’s head almost within reach, manifesting great distress. If possible, still greater agitation is shown when they have unfledged young, — they even betraying their charge into the hands of the enemy by their too obvious solicitude, they then hovering directly over the young, and uttering their notes of distress. The young have a fine, wiry peep, inaudible beyond a few feet. They are very pretty little creatures, covered with yellowish-buff*-colored down, with black spots on the upper surface of the body. Even when first hatched they are quite lively and difficult to capture. About the middle of July the females suddenly disappear, and a little later the males and the young also leave, with the exception of a few stragglers, which occasionally remain until the last of August. The main portion rarely remain as late as the 10th, and are usually gone by the 5th. The males commence their fall moult before they leave; but I have never taken a specimen in which the winter plumage was very evident. 44 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL A DEFENCE OF HIS CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS OF NEW ENGLAND. BY T. M. BREWER. Messrs. Editors : — There were two objects set prominently in view in my list, and distinctly stated. One was to furnish a list that shall be reliable so far as it goes. The other was to present a separate list of those birds attributed to New England, but in regard to which, up to May, 1875, I could* “find no evidence that would warrant me in retaining them.” These statements seem sufficiently intelligible. The one sug- gests the incompleteness of the list and my expectation of additional facts. The other explains the challenged list as one given, after many years of careful investigations, as my own conclusions, for which I alone am responsible. It is my indisputable right, having made my own investiga- tions, to form and to express my own conclusions. In confining myself to what is reliable I necessarily had to omit all generalizations where the data were open to conflicting constructions. Thus in referring to seven species I confined myself to the single promi- nent feature in their New England life, their residence here in summer. The record shows (North American Birds, passim) that I was also well aware of their more or less limited presence in winter. To my mind their occasional presence does not necessarily prove them to be, properly speak- ing, resident, a term only applicable to cases where the same individuals are both generally and constantly present. It should not be applied, ex- cept with careful qualifications, to species where this presence is limited to a small proportion, or where it may be altogether doubtful. * My friend Mr. Deane, in recording the capture of Sterna fuliginosa near Lawrence, Mass., speaks of my having for some unknown reason withdrawn this species from the New England list and of its being now replaced. I object to this phraseology as calculated to give an erroneous impression. If the bird had been rightfully in the list, it was not in my power to withdraw it. If there is no evidence in favor of this right, it cannot be replaced. It was first men- tioned by Mr. Samuels as breeding in Muskegat. Every one familiar with that island knows that there is not even a probability that it has ever done so. The whole statement was obviously incorrect. So well satisfied was Mr. Samuels himself of the incorrectness of his information that in his “ Ornithology of New England ” he omits this species. This Tern is now generally regarded as a cos- mopolitan, intertropical species, rarely occurring north or south of the two tropical lines, and is not known to havje occurred on Long Island, the coast of New Jersey, or anywhere north of the Chesapeake prior to the present record. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. ' 45 To my mind it is simply an absurdity to speak of a species as resident when not one individual of the entire species resides in any part of New England more than a fraction of the year. The word “ race ” is still a good English word, the meaning of which is so obvious that there is no occasion for misunderstanding it. According to Worcester it is “a series of descendants from one stock.” In this sense, and in this only, our Sum- mer and our Winter Kobins are of different races, though specifically the same. Corvus americanus, considered as a bird of all New England, is almost exclusively a summer resident. The few that winter are the exception, not the rule ; are restricted to a very small part of New England ; and are probably merely winter visitants from beyond our borders, and therefore not residents. What your correspondent quotes from my language in ref- erence to Picus villosus had reference to all the United States, and not ex- clusively to New England, though in a more restricted sense it is also applicable. I cheerfully admit that in this case it would have been more correct, on my part, to have given it qualified as partially a resident. It is not safe to assume, because a limited number of individuals of the other four species named are occasionally taken here in the winter, that they are necessarily resident. Without attempting to generalize, on data to my mind insufficient, I confined myself to that feature in their New England life in regard to which there would not be two opinions, leaving in abeyance all that admits of controversy. These birds are probably only winter visitants, and in no proper sense resident, or only very ex- ceptionally resident. Your correspondent takes up nearly a third of his second article with various opinions as to the occurrence in New England of the five species that formed the subject of his interrogation in his first article. But when I ask for bread he gives me only a stone. I ask for facts, and he gives me only opinions. He does not cite a single reference that I had not already fully considered. In one instance, while he goes back several years to cite opinions then expressed, but long since given up, he omits to quote the views now entertained by the same party, and in entire variance with what he does cite. In reference to Quiscalus major, he quotes Dr. Coues’s opinion given in 1868. Twice since then Dr. Coues has publicly given his opinion against the occurrence of this species north of the Carolinas ; first, in his admirable biography (Ibis, IV. 1870) of this bird, where he speaks of it as restricted to a narrow belt along the coast of the ocean and gulf from North Carolina to Mexico, and as rarely ever occurring north of the Carolinas”; secondly, in a work with which, judging from his quotations, your correspondent seems to be sufficiently familiar (Birds of the Northwest, p. 204), where he speaks of it as “not authentic in New England.” Why rake up an opinion given nine years ago and long since disclaimed ? Why omit his real opinion now ? Dr. Linsley was a cor- respondent of mine, and from his own account of this species I was satis* 46 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL fied that his opinions as to its occurrence were based wholly on hearsay and unreliable testimony, and subsequent claims, when tested, were inva- riably of the same vague, inconsistent, and contradictory character. Posi- tive proof, such as the preservation of the alleged species or reliable wit- nesses, was never forthcoming. The occurrence of this peculiarly semi- tropical and local species in New England, when totally unknown north of the Chesapeake, was in itself so improbable that in the absence of any proof I could only discredit such claims. In this opinion I am fully sus- tained by your correspondent’s strongest witness. Dr. Cones. The same is eminently true of Corvus ossifragus. Your correspondent can cite only opinions. Even Mr. Brewster’s record of its occurrence, though he is an expert as little likely to be mistaken as any one, does not even now, to my view, bring this species into the list of those whose occur- rence with us has been indisputably proven, though it may make its future capture more probable. In regard to H^gialitis ivilsonius, we have the opinion of Mr. Linsley, which rested upon no evidence ; of Dr. Cones, given inferentially and with - a ^‘perhaps” ; of Dr. Wood, on Long Island (!) ; of Mr. Allen ; and again of Dr. Cones, the latter again speaking qualifiedly (“ probably ”). What I have said of this* species still stands uncontroverted by any /ac^s, and the opinions cited are in full accordance with my own given in my list. Nettion crecca, as I state, “is a bird liable to occur in New England,” but the only instance cited was founded in error on hasty, and, as I satisfied myself at the time, incorrect conclusions. The specimen had been taken in North Carolina and not in Massachusetts. Sula fiber, from Mr. Linsley’s own account of the specimen, which was not preserved, proved to be an immature Sula hassana. Mr. Putnam wrote me that he could give me no authority for his reference. Your correspondent is skeptical in regard to j^giothns canescens, Myiodi- octes minutus, Anser gambeli, Bernicla hutchinsi, Lagopus albus. In regard to the last-named I feel somewhat doubtful myself. The first rests on the high authority of Mr. G. A. Boardman ; the second, waiving the specimen I took myself in 1836, and which was identified by Mr. Audubon, rests on the excellent authority of a good ornithologist. Dr. Charles Pickering, confirmed by no less authority than that of Mr. Nuttall himself. Anser gambeli, between 1836 and 1846, was much more common than it ap- parently is now, but even now there is no lack of evidence of its pres- ence, though it may have escaped your correspondent’s notice. A fine specimen in immature plumage has been recently taken in Gloucester, and is now in the collection of Mr. William Jeffries of Boston. In the winter of 1836-1837, Hutchins’s Goose was abundant in our market from this neighborhood, as was also the Pied Duck, the Harlequin, and others now rarely seen. Several specimens were procured by me, preserved in alcohol, and sent to London for Mr. Audubon’s anatomical investigations. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 47 In my list are six or seven species given without defining the extent of their distribution,^ — some of them, though found to my certain knowledge all over New England, and beyond its borders, are only found in favorable localities ; others probably have a more restricted range. In regard to all these, my views as to the extent of their range are fully given elsewhere, and, as your correspondent shows, are sufficiently known to him. Yet in spite of this knowledge he did not scruple to attribute to me views which he now shows he knew I did not entertain. This is especially noticeable in the case of Vireo noveboracensis. Here, as it seems, he knew that it is my recorded opinion that this bird rarely, if ever, goes north of Massachu- setts, yet he professes to understand me as signifying all New England, when I had not said so, and when I had elsewhere — unrestricted as to space — stated that I did not so believe I And where are his facts demonstrating that HelminthojpTiaga chrysoptera is not a rare bird in New England? We have again only an opinion that a bird must not be called rare if it regularly breeds here in numbers. The numbers must be very small in this case, and the finding of the fourth n^t during ten or twelve years’ search by hosts of collectors, is to be spoken of in the future tense ! A bird that has only been found in a very restricted area, perhaps a thousandth part of New England, and so un- common that only two or three of its nests have ever been taken, must not be spoken of as rare ! In the case of Coturniculus passerinus your correspondent is excusable for misunderstanding my real meaning, as it is somewhat blindly ex- pressed. What I intended to convey was, that while it is chiefly confined to Southern New England, it is, as a general rule, rare throughout a very extended region into which it sparsely spreads itself. Wherever found it is a species of very irregular and unequal distribution. It wanders into Northern New England, and occurs even as far to the northeast as St. Stephen, N. B. In all this extended area the localities in which it can be said to be at all common are restricted in area and few in number. Your correspondent refers to its being exceptionally common in Nan- tucket. All this while he well knew that the fact of its abundance on that congenial island was well known to me. (See North American Birds, Vol. I, p. 554, lines 20, 21 and 22.) More than forty years ago I ventured to* publish a supplementary list of the birds of Massachusetts (Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., I, 435). In this list I placed inferentially and with a ? Polioptila cmrulea. From that day to the time of the publication of my catalogue I have vainly sought for any confirmation of my supposition. Your correspondent is the first to come to my support and to confirm my conjecture, but, prior to May, 1875, there is no record ” whatever confirmatory of its claim to be counted as a bird of New England. Yet because, nearly two years after the prepara- tion of my paper, your correspondent hears of its having been taken in 48 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL Connecticut, lie speaks of “ its record of occurrence having been as good as any of those just cited” ; that is, a subsequent occurrence can establish a prior record ! The same indefensible claim is made in behalf of Dendroeca ccerulea. This was given by Mr. Putnam as a bird of Essex County, on the supposed authority of Mr. Brickett of Portland. Mr. Brickett, when appealed to, wrote me that he had been misunderstood, that he only referred to D. ccerulescens. So D. ccerulea fell to the ground, and was left with absolutely no record. Its record is now wholly ex post facto. The fact remains in- disputable that there was no authentic record of its appearance in New England at the time I so stated. Having exhausted the all too insufficient limits to which I am re- stricted, I am compelled to omit nearly all that I have written in refer- ence to Micropalama himantopus. I will only state that in characterizing it as “ migratory. Mass.,” I should have added “ N. H.,” in which it has been taken twelve miles from our boundary line. Though invited to do so, your correspondent is unable to give any data to show that it is migra- tory along the entire New England coast. It has not been found in any part of that coast from St. Andrew’s to Kittery, or from Buzzard’s Bay to East Biver, and the sweeping statement of your correspondent still re- mains an entirely unsupported assumption. Here all controversy, on my part, with your correspondent ends. What- ever reference I may hereafter make to any facts or opinions bearing upon any of our New England birds, will be without any reference to a contro- versy that has been forced upon me, but in which I cannot do full justice to myseK without becoming an infliction upon your readers.* Burroughs’s “ Wake-Kobin.” — Hurd and Houghton have reprinted Mr. John Burroughs’s charming little volume “Wake-Robin,” wherein the wild wood-life of the birds, from Washington to the Adirondacks, is picturesquely sketched. Mr. Burroughs has a keen eye and a loving heart towards the birds, and it is encouraging to know that this volume of his ornithological essays finds a continued sale. The present edition differs from the original (although it is labelled “ revised ”) only in the addition of a chapter on the Bluebird, the addition of a copious index, and in the * By some oversight, which I can neither explain nor excuse, Dendroeca hlacTc- burnioe is omitted in my catalogue. It should have been given as breeding at least as far south as Massachusetts. The latest instance was noticed by Mr. Geo. 0. Welch of Lynn last summer. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 49 insertion of some wood-cut illustrations from Baird, Brewer, and Bidgway’s large work, which, with the exception of the frontispiece, by Miss Brydges, almost uniformly mar, rather than beautify the volume. The very first cut is of an inconsolable Olive-sided Flycatcher, which is written down “ Hermit Thrush ” ! But this is the fault of the publishers, who also betray their ignorance in the bad spelling of the preface, and not of the author, who did not see the proof-sheets. It is to be hoped that Mr. Burroughs will collect his later essays on birds into a second volume, which would nieet with a very hearty welcome. — E. I. Minot’s “ Birds of New England.” ^ — It would not be generous, or even just, to criticise this work as a scientific treatise or as a mature pro- duction. We prefer to side with the youthful author, who is evidently a lover of birds, keenly alive to the delights they are capable of affording, and enthusiastic in the pursuit of his favorite study, who has in an in- credibly brief period trained himself to become a really good observer, and who shows that he possesses qualities which go to make a first-rate ornithologist. In this volume he not only imparts to others the knowl- edge of birds he has acquired, but also endeavors to awaken the same pleasurable emotions he has experienced in the acquisition : the former design is carried out with fidelity, precision, and detail, while the fresh- ness, nawete, and no little good taste which the literary execution of the work displays will go far toward meeting the latter indication ; for the color of personality — if it be the genuine thing, as it is in this case un- questionably — always lends a charm to natural-history narrative. The work, moreover, shows traces of kindly interested supervision during its preparation, and the contributions to its pages are not the least valuable of its contents. There is very little technicality, chiefly taken from Baird and another writer ; the descriptions, however, are tersely original. The instructions for collecting eggs differ from those ordinarily given mainly on the score of humanity, showing what may be accomplished without destroying the parents ; but we waver here, saying frankly that as be- tween a bird’s life and the identification of an egg we are merciless. Next after the biographies of the birds, which are conveniently divided into sections relating respectively to the nest and eggs, the general habits, and the song or other notes, and which embody no little information not already the property of ornithologists, — on the night-habits of some spe- cies, for instance, — the most prominent and most original features of the work are the artificial “keys,” in one of which the birds themselves are analyzed somewhat after a method lately introduced, the eggs of * The Land-Birds and Game-Birds of New England, with Descriptions of the Birds, their Nests and Eggs, their Habits and Notes. By H. D. Minot. Salem, Mass. : Naturalist’s Agency. Boston : Estes andLauriat. “ 1877” [i. e. Dec., 1876]. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. xvi, 456, figg. xylog. 29 (on 1 pi.) -f 22 (in text). 50 BULLETIN OF TEE NUTTALL Massachusetts birds being similarly handled in the other. Those who are familiar with these “ short cuts ” know that it is a stand-off between con- venience and fallibility ; but the reviewer is the last person who should find fault with them. To appreciate Mr. Minot’s work as a whole, we may say that its defects are in no way the author’s fault, and that they are of the obtrusive and superficial rather than of the grave or serious kind, much easier to pass over than to dwell upon ungraciously ; and that its merits entitle it to full recognition by ornithologists, while they com- mend it very highly to the student and amateur. The mechanical execu- tion of the volume sustains the high reputation the Salem press deserves for good work. — E. C. Western Range of Conurus carolinensis. — Mr. E. L. Berthoud, of Golden, Col., writes under date of December 2, 1876 : ‘‘ I saw the Carolina Parrot, at this place (lat. 39° 45' ; long. 105° 8') and at Denver, on the S. Platte, in 1860-61, and on the Little Thompson River, Col., in 1862. It was abundant in Kansas in 1865-67, since which year I have seen but few, on Smoky Hill and Republican Forks. I have also seen it near old Fort Lyon, on the Arkansas River.” I am not aware that the species has hitherto been reported as occurring so far west as Col- orado. — Elliott Coues, Washington, D, C. Fecundity of the Carolina Wren {Thryothorus ludovicianus). — About April 25 I found ‘‘ our pair of Wrens ” very busy, the male being followed by five nearly full-fledged young, and the female actively engaged in constructing (under the rafters of our stable) another nest, in which she soon deposited five beautiful eggs, and commenced sitting, cheered by the loud and happy notes of the male, who had by this time got rid of his noisy brood. In due time five more young Wrens made their appearance, and never did birds work harder than did their parents to supply their insatiable appetites. Spiders, bugs, and larvse of every description, were brought in quick succession, and, as a consequence, a rapid growth was the result, and the brood was out by the fore part of July, following the male and “ quivering ” their wings in supplication for food. The female immediately set herself at work on another nest, this time under the eaves of a porch. Large quantities of dry leaves and coarse grass and weeds were carried up, and a compact oval structure was made, with a round cavity in the top, partly roofed over. On the 19th of July I found five eggs in the nest, and the female again sitting. Are three broods in a sea- son commonly reared by this species ? — Charles Dury, Avondale, Eaun- ilton County, Ohio. OUNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 51 The Louisiana Heron in Indiana. — My friend Mr. F. T. Jencks, of Providence, E. I., writes me that on the 26th of June, 1876, while pass- ing through a large marsh between Plymouth and Hanna, on the line of the Pittsburg and Fort Wayne Railroad, in Northern Indiana, he saw a fine adult specimen of Demiegretta ludoviciana spring up close beside the railroad-track and fly off in full view. As Mr. Jencks is well acquainted with the species in question, I have no doubt of the correctness of his identification. — E. W. Nelson, Chicago, III. Note on the Cinnamon Teal {Querguedula cyanoptera). — A small lake, which feeds one of the headwaters of the North Platte, in North Park, Colorado, was found to be a breeding-place of large numbers of wild Geese {Branta canadensis) and other water-fowl, among which Wigeons (Mareca americana), Shovellers (Spatula clypeata), and the species the name of which heads this paragraph, were the most numerous. I was on the spot too late in the season to take eggs, but newly-fledged birds of each of the three species of Ducks mentioned, as well as old birds in moult, were secured or observed. The Cinnamon Teal here seemed to replace the common Blue-winged, none of which were ascertained to occur. The spot was on the Atlantic side of the main water-shed, though practically on the divide, as it was only a day’s march from the edge of Middle Park, the waters of which area flow into the Colorado of the West and so into the Gulf of California. The Teal associated as usual with various other kinds of Ducks, and no peculiarity of habits was noted. Two young birds were captured alive, in a natural excavation of an em- bankment, in which they had apparently crawled to hide, as the hole showed no traces of a nest. — Elliott Codes, JVashington, D. G. jEgiothus exilipes in Europe. — It may be interesting to the read- ers of the Bulletin to learn that one of the two Redpoles procured upon the Petchora River in Northeastern Russia, in 1875, by Mr. Henry See- bohm and myself, and on a former occasion, at Archangel, by Mr. E. R. Alston and myself, has turned out to be identical with jBgiothus exilipes, Cones. We are thus able to extend the distribution of that species in' o European Russia as far as Archangel (40° E. longitude from Greenwich). This species was also procured by M. Severtzoff, in Turkestan. In our papers in the ‘^Ibis,” January, 1873, p. 64, and “Ibis,” January, 1876, we have erroneously named this bird rufescens, which name is only appli- cable to the form found in Great Britain, and migrating southward in winter. The other species found in North Russia is true Linota linaria, Linn. JEgiotlius exilipes, Coues, will thus probably be found to be almost circumpolar in its distribution, as it is reasonable to suppose that it is the common species occurring throughout Northern Siberia in summer. Ref- erences to notices of this species in Europe will be found in the “ Ibis ” as above quoted, in the “Zoologist” for January, 1877, and in an Appendix Mr. Seebohm and myself are preparing to our “ Notes of the Birds of the 52 BULLETIN OF THE NUTT ALL CLUB. Lower Fetch ora ” ; and it will be doubtless still more fully treated of in a forthcoming part of Mr. H. E. Dresser’s “ Birds of Europe.” — J. A. Harvie Brown, Cor. Mem., Dunipace House, Larhert, Scotland. ' A Note on Cupidonia cupido var. pallidicinctus, Eidgway. — In the latter part of January, 1877, I found in Fulton Market about thirty speci- mens of this form ; they were generally unlit for preserving, but I got two in good condition. On examination they agreed accurately with Mr. Eidgway’s description (N. Am. Birds, Yol. Ill, p. 446). I ascertained that they came from Pierce City, Southwestern Missouri. I have been unable to make much inquiry for others since. I lately, learned from a large dealer that they had been quite abundant in market, all coming from Southern Missouri. The marketmen objected to buying them on account of their small size. I found their average weight to be one and three-fourths pounds, some weighing but one and a half pounds. All I talked with said they had not noticed them before this winter. — George N. Lawrence, New YorhJ Capture of the Egyptian Goose on Long Island. — On the 3d of January, 1877, I received a remarkably fine specimen of a species of Goose entirely unknown to me. The bird was killed in a pond of fresh water near Carnarsie, Long Island, and has every appearance of being a wild bird. The plumage is in fine condition, and the feet are free from warts. On exhibiting it to our well-known ornithologist, Mr. ,G. N. Lawrence of New York, he expressed great surprise, and promised to investigate the matter. I have since received from him the following communication : — “ The Goose shown me yesterday is the Egyptian Goose (CJienalopex cegyptiacus, Linn.). It inhabits all of Africa, and numerous specimens ' have been killed in Great Britain. Its acquisition is worthy of being noted, and whether a straggler or an escaped specimen may be ascertained in the future.” The specimen will be placed in the Museum of the Long Island His- torical Society of Brooklyn. — John Akhurst, BrooUyn, N. Y. MacCown’s Longspur in Illinois. — While looking over a box of Snow-Buntings and Shore Larks in the market, January 15, 1877, 1 found a specimen of Plectrophanes maccowni, shot at Champaign, Illinois. Jan- uary 1 7, another box' containing Lapland Longspurs was sent from the same place, and among them was a second specimen of P. maccowni, which is now in the collection of C. N. Holden, Jr., Chicago. January 19 I ob- tained a third specimen from the same source, which has been sent to Mr. E. W. Nelson, of this city. They were all males, showing plainly the chestnut coloring on the bend of the wing and the peculiar white markings of the tail. This is, I think, the first record of the occurrence ‘ of this bird in Illinois, if not east of Kansas. — Henry K. Coale, Chicago, Illinois. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Conducted by E. L. YOUMANS. TMs perio 1875, pp. 470-502, figs. 1 -9. X Ibis, January, 1876, pp. 1-5. § Revision of the Falconine Genera, Micrastur, Geranospiza, and Rupomis, and the Strigine Genus, Glaucidium, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Yol. XVI, pp. 73-81j December, 1873. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 73 der the inspection of any other investigator in the same held. In these papers we have the results of much hard and patient study, and while experts in the same field may differ from him in respect to minor points of classification and nomenclature, no one can question the fact of his hav- ing immensely advahced our knowledge of this large and difficult group. We trust that he will soon be able to give us further instalments of his work on this family, and that eventually we may have the whole reissued connectedly in a well-rounded monograph of the American Falconidce. — J. A. A. Kecent Ornithological Articles in American Journals.^ — Among the varied contents of the last and current volumes of the “Amer- ican Naturalist,” t we note the following original articles relating to birds. The number for January, 1876 (Vol. X) contains a note on the “Proper Specific Name of the Song Sparrow” (pp. 17, 18), by David Scott, who claims for this species the name fasciata, Gmelin, 1788, in place of melodia, Wilson, 1810, the probable tenability of which had been previously sug- gested by other writers. Also an article on the “Availability of Certain Bartramian Names in Ornithology” (pp. 21-29), by J. A. Allen ; a note on the extinction of the Great Auk at the Funk Islands (p.* 48), by the same ; on the occurrence of Bewick’s Wren in the Atlantic States, and the breeding of ibis ordi at Camp Harney, Oregon (p. 48), by Dr. Elliott Coues ; on the Early Nesting of the Anna Humming-Bird (pp. 48 - 50), by Dr. J. G. Cooper ; and on the occurrence of the European Tree Spar- row {Pyrgita montana) at St. Louis, Mo. (pp. 50, 51), — where it has been introduced with the P. domestica, — by Dr. J. C. Merrill. The February number (same volume) contains notes on the “ Summer Birds of the White Mountain Region ” (pp. 75-80), byH. D. Minot ; an article on “Califor- nian Garden Birds ” (pp. 90-97), by Dr. J. G. Cooper ; a reply to Mr. Allen’s article in the preceding number on Bartramian names (pp. 98 - 102), by Dr. Elliott Coues ; also, by the same, notes on the “ Breeding Range of the Snowbird,” Junco hyemalis (p. 114) ; on “ Protective Resem- blance in the Yellow-Bird,” Chrysomitris tristis (p. 115), by Henry Gill- [* In addition to notices of papers published in the transactions of different scientific societies, or as special works, it is intended to note in the Bulletin all original ornithological articles appearing in various periodicals (beginning with the year 1876), thereby making the Bulletin a complete record of North Ameri- can ornithological literature. Owing to limited space, it will be impracticable to give generally more than the titles of articles. The record here begun will be continued in future numbers. — Eds, ] ■f The American Naturalist. Edited by Dr. A. S. Packard, Jr. Boston : H. 0. Houghton & Co.; New York : Hurd and Houghton. Yol. X and Vol. XI, January to June. (The departments of Ornithology and Mammalogy are now in charge of Dr. Elliott Coues.) 74 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL man. In the. March number, Dr. W. Wood writes of the “Game Falcons of New England : the Goshawk” (pp. 132-135); J. A. Allen appears with a further note on Bartramian names (pp. 176, 177), and K. E. C. Stearns speaks of the abundance of Pelicans in San Francisco Bay, Cal. (p. 177). In the April number are notes on the breeding of the Bed Crossbill {Loxia curvirostra) at Riverdale, N. Y. (p. 237), by E. A. Bick- nell ; on Bewick’s Wren in New Jersey (p. 236), by Dr. C. C. Abbott ; on “Habits of Western Birds,” — Buteo swainsoni, Icterus bullochi, Stellula caliope, Corvus mnericanus, and G. corax, — (p. 238), by Dr. W. J. Hoff- man ; on “ Unusual Nesting-Sites of the Night-Hawk and Towhee Bunt- ing (p. 239), by Dr. Elliott Cones ; and on “ Small Birds [Ghrysomitris tristis and Dendroeca coronata] caught by the Burdock ” (p. 239), by A. K. Fisher. The May number contains a call for information respecting the distribution of the Labrador Duck, Camptolcemus labradorius (p. 303), by Dr. Coues. In the J une number is a record of the capture of the Euro- pean Woodcock in Virginia (p. 372), and a note on change of habits in the Bank Swallow (p. 373), by Dr. Coues ; also remarks on the food of the Chapparal Cock, Geococcyx californianus (p. 373), by V. T. Chambers. In the July number J. Clarence Hersey notes the occurrence of the Little White Egret {Ardea candidissima) in Colorado (p. 430). The August num- ber contains an account of a brief sojourn of large numbers of White Egrets at Trenton, N. J. (pp. 469-473), by Dr. C. C. Abbott ; Robert Ridgway here states that the Bank Swallows (p. 493) referred to in the June number are the Cotyle serrvpennis, instead of C. riparia, as first stated. In the September number appears an historical article on “ Progress of Ornithology in the United States during the Last Century ” (pp. 536 - 550), by J. A. Allen, and a note on Bluebirds feeding on the berries of the VAginia Creeper (p. 556), by Henry Gillman. The October number contains a note on the egg of Chionis (p. 628), by Dr. J. H. Kidder. An article in the December num- ber, by Dr. Elliott Coues, on the “ Destruction of Birds by Telegraph Wire” (pp. 734-736), concludes the ornithological articles of Volume X. In Volume XI we find, in the January number, “Notes on some Ore- gon Birds ” (p. 44), — seven species, — by George R. Bacon, and a note on the Whistling Duck, Bucephala americana (p. 44), by J. F. LeBaron. In the February number, notes on some of the birds of the Fanning Islands (pp. 68 - 72), by Dr. T. H. Streets ; in the April number, record of the occur- rence of the Raven and the Sooty Tern {Sterna fuliginosa) at Willianis- town, Mass. (p. 243), by Sanborn Tenney ; in the May number, “ Glimpses of Mind in Birds” (pp. 276-286), by Dr. C. C. Abbott ; some observa- tions on the winter birds of Arkansas (p. 307), by H. S. Reynolds ; and a note on a carnivorous propensity of the Red-headed Woodpecker, Mela- nerpes erythrocephalus (p. 308), by Charles Aldrich. In the June number Judge J. D. Caton writes of the “Wild Turkey and its Domestication” (pp. 321 -330). ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 75 “ Field and Forest ” * continues to devote a considerable portion of its space to ornithology. Volume II (beginning July, 1876) contains the following ; “ On the Habits of Steganopus wilsoni” (pp. 11, 12), by A. L. Kumlien (already noted in this journal, Vol. I, p. 71) ; “Notes on Fors- ter’s Tern ” (pp. 29-31), by Pierre Louis Jouy ; “ Sexual, Individual, and Geographical Variation in the Genus Leucosticte ” (pp. 37 - 43), by Kobert Eidgway ; “ Drumming of the Euff’ed Grouse ” (pp. 57 - 60), by David Scott ; “Crows Seeking Water” (p. 65), by N. B. Webster ; “Sexual Va- riation in the Genus Leucosticte ” (pp. 76-79), by J. A. Allen ; the “ Ten- dency of Birds to vary in their Habits ” (pp. 107 - 114), by David Scott ; a Congress of Birds (p. 122), by L. F. Ward ; “ Unusual Accidents to Birds ” (p. 106), by A. J. Kumlien ; “ Ornithological Notes from Texas ”(pp. 154- 156), by Ludovic Kumlien ; “ Catalogue of the Birds of the District of Columbia” (pp. 154-156, 178-181), by Pierre Louis Jouy, — a nominal list of 240 species ; Eemarks on the Birds of the District of Columbia (pp. 191 - 194), by Drs. E. Coues and D. W. Prentiss ; “ Mrs. Maxwell’s Colorado Museum, — Collection of Birds” (pp. 194-199), by Eobert Eidgway. — J. A. A. Since January, 1876, several ornithological lists, of more or less impor- tance, have appeared from time to time in “ Forest and Stream.” t While our space will not permit of a lengthy notice of these lists, a simple enu- meration of them will be useful for reference. In Volume VI, jjp. 99, 132, 163, 214, 266, 318, 354, 402, and Volume VII, pp. 147, 164, 276, Mr. Adolphe B. Covert, of Ann Arbor, Mich., has given an interesting List of the Birds of Lower Michigan, including two hundred and twelve species. In this list are recorded specimens of Dendroeca kirtlandi, Scolo- pax Tusticola (one specimen obtained by Dr. Wm. E. Lewitt, May 9, 1870), and Camptolcemus labmdorius (one specimen taken at Delphi Mills, Mich., Aj)ril 17, 1872). In Volume VI, p. 148, Mr. G. Aug. Smith gives a List of the Bird^ of Fort Wayne, Ind., including fifty-two species. In Volume VI, pp. 233, 284, 337, 402, and Volume VII, pp. 36, 52, 84, 180, 230, Mr. H. G. Fowler, of Auburn, N. Y., gives a Partial List of the Birds of Central New York, from observation made in the counties of Cayuga, Seneca, and Wayne. In this list Mr. Fowler records the capture of Quer- quedula cyanoptera on Seneca Eiver. This, we believe, is the only record for this species east of the Eocky Mountains. He also notes the occurrence of Sterna fuliginosa on Owasco Lake, a specimen having been taken there ^ Field and Forest. A Monthly Journal devoted to the Natural Sciences. Charles E. Dodge, Editor. Washington, D. C. Yol. 11, Nos. 1-12, July, 1876, to June, 1877. + Forest and Stream, a Weekly Journal devoted to Field and Aquatic Sports, Practical Natural History, Fish Culture, the Protection of Game, etc., etc. New York : Forest and Stream Publishing Company. 76 BULLETIN OF THE NUT TALL ou September 20, 1876. The list comprises one hundred and sixty-eight species. In Volume VI, p. 300, Mr. H. Ernst, of Cleveland, Ohio, gives a List of the Warblers of the Western Eeserve. in which he notes thirty- one species. In Volume VII, pp. 389 and 404, Colonel A. S. Brackett, U. S. A., gives a List of Birds of Southeastern Wyoming, including eighty-four species. In Volume VIII, pp. 33, 49, 96, 113, a List of the Birds of Webster, N. H., and adjoining towns, is given by Mr. Chas. F. Goodhue. This list comprises one hundred and thirty-three species. In Volume VIII, pp. 176, 192, 224, 241, 261, is a List of the Birds of the Coteau des Prairies of Eastern Dakota, by Chas. E. McChesney, M. D., U. S. A., of Fort Sisseton, comprising one hundred and three species. — R. D. Californian Ornithology. — Dr. J. G. Cooper has recently published a paper * of fourteen pages, entitled “ New Facts relating to Californian Ornithology. — No. 1.” This’ is supplemental to the same author’s “ Ornithology of California,” and “ includes only observations not pre- viously published, and such opinions as differ from those of later authors.” About fifty species are noticed, the notes respecting them relating mainly to their seasonal distribution and habits, but include descriptions of the nests and eggs of several species, with occasional remarks upon disputed points of nomenclature. He claims the name nanus for the species of Thrush usually known as Turdus jpallasi (as has also Dr. T. M. Brewer), but inclines to the opinion that the name guttatus of Pallas (1811) will finally prove to be the only tenable name for the species. He also claims, on the ground of priority, that sandwichensis should take the place of savanna for the species of Sparrow, commonly known as Passerculus sav- a7ina. The paper is replete with interesting matter, and forms a valuable contribution to our knowledge of Californian Ornithology. — J. A. A. McCauley’s Notes on Texan Ornithology. t — Lieutenant C. A. H. McCauley has just given us the results of six weeks’ ol^servations made in May and June, 1876, on the ornithology of the country about the source of the Red River of Texas, embracing a portion of the region known as the Staked Plain. The paper includes notices of about one hundred species, with quite copious notes respecting the habits of a considerable proportion of them, with, in some cases, descriptions of their nests and eggs. This is almost the first special paper treating of the ornithology of Western * Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 1876. Only the author’s separates have yet been seen by the writer. + Notes on the Ornithology of the Region about the Source of the Red River of Texas, from Observations made during the Exploration conducted by Lieuten- ant E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. By C. A. H. McCauley, Lieu- tenant Third United States Artillery. Annotated by Dr. Elliott Cones, U. S. A. Bull.U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Survey, Vol. HI, No. 3, pp. 655-695, May 15, 1877. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 77 Texas, and forms a most welcome contribution to our knowledge of the ornithology of that region. The list shows an unusual mingling of east- ern and western species, and, as would be naturally expected, a consider- able proportion of strictly southern forms. On the barren Staked Plain few birds were met with, and these mainly about water-holes ; along the timber-skirted streams, however, bird life was abundant. — J. A. A. Nest and Eggs of Townsend’s Flycatchek. — In July, 1876, while rambling with my brother over the mountains of Summit County, Colo- rado, it was my good fortune to find, at an altitude of about ten thousand feet, the nest of Townsend’s Flycatcher {Myiadestes townsendi), and as no description of its eggs has as yet appeared, perhaps the following may not be uninteresting : The nest was very loosely, and, externally, shabbily built of long dry grasses, straggling two feet or more below it. It was placed in the upper bank of a miner’s ditch (running from the Bear River, above Breckenridge, to the Gold Run and Buffalo Flat diggings), and was partly concealed by overhanging roots ; yet it was rendered so con- spicuous by the loose swaying material of w’'hich it was composed, as well as by that which had become attached to the overhanging roots during its construction, as to attract the eye of an experienced collector when yet some rods away. On nearing the nest the bird immediately took flight, and alighted on the topmost branch of the nearest pine. Resting uneasily here for half a minute, it then, in short, uncertain flights, worked its way down the mountain side and out of sight. Withdrawing to a convenient cover, we had only to wait a few moments for the bird to return, perch herself on a branch a few feet from the nest, peer anxiously into it, and then quickly resume her task of incubation. Moving cautiously along the bank above the ditch, we tried to capture the bird by placing a hat over the nest, but, miscalculating its location by a few inches, the bird eluded the stroke and made good her escape, as she did also on our second attempt to capture her. Again retreating to cover, we waited for half an hour for the bird to return, when suddenly we espied it flying from branch to branch, displaying by its restless motions more anxiety and suspicion than before, yet constantly working nearer its home, which it soon reached and settled quietly again to business. After the last unsuccessful attempt to catch the bird, a stick was placed on the bank directly over the nest, to mark its exact locality, and this time, moving with less haste and more caution, we gained the desired position, lay down on the bank, and taking a hat in each hand quickly covered the opening and secured the unfortu- nate bird, and also the opportunity of giving to ornithologists an authentic 78 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL account of the number, size, and coloration of the eggs. The nest con- tained four eggs, very closely resembling those of the Shrikes. The ground- color is dull white or bluish, thickly blotched or freckled with reddish- brown. The measurements of the three specimens preserved are 1.01 by .66, .94 by .68, and .88 by .66. Incubation had been going on for about ten days, and unfortunately one egg was destroyed in cleaning. — ^Wil- bur F. Lamb, Holyoke, Mass. Persistency at Nest-Building- in a House-Wren. — A House-Wren {Troglodytes aedon) has this season manifested a strong predilection for the nozzle of a pump for a nesting- site. The pump being in daily use, the nozzle, much to our surprise, was repeatedly found to be obstructed with sticks. An investigation of the novel incident led to the discovery of the cause, it being found that a House-Wren was industriously at work carry- ing materials into the pump for the construction of its nest. The bird was finally left one morning to carry on his work, when, at the end of two hours, it was found that he had filled the pump so full that water could not be obtained until a part of the sticks had been removed. The nest, through the necessary use of the pump, was three times destroyed before the persevering little fellow abandoned his work. — Abbott W. Frazar, Watertown, Mass. A New Bird to Massachusetts. — Mr. Charles W. Townsend, of Boston, shot, July 28, 1876, a male specimen of Plectrophanes ornatus. It was taken in Magnolia, near Gloucester, Mass., in a field near the sea- shore, and has been by Mr. Townsend presented to the New England col- lection of the Boston Natural History Society. It is an adult male, in worn plumage. — T. M. Brewer, Boston, Mass. A new Form of Surnia to New England. — Two fine specimens of the Hawk Owl have recently been taken in Houlton, Maine, and have been mounted by Mr. Welch in his usual superior style. They are both males, and while one is in the plumage usually known as Surnia hudsonia, the other is in that distinguished by the separate name of Surnia ulula, and supposed to be exclusively Palsearctic. — T. M. Brewer, Boston, Mass. . Capture of the Philadelphia Vireo in New Hampshire. — A specimen of this bird {Vireo philadelphicus) -was shot in Hollis, New Hampshire, May 26, 1876, by Mr. A. F. Eaton. It was feeding in com- pany with two other birds of the same kind, in some low oak-bushes. — W. H. Fox, Concord, Mass. Occurrence of Passerculus princeps in New York. — One of my correspondents, Mr. Frank E. Johnson, of Gravesend, Long Island, writes me that when out collecting, on December 20, 1876, on Coney Island, in New York harbor, he shot three specimens of a Sparrow new to him, ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 79 which were shown to Mr. George N. Lawrence, and pronounced to he the Ipswich Sparrow (Passerculus princeps). They were shot on the salt meadows of the island, and were in company with Savannah Sparrows {Passerculus savanna) and Swamp Sparrows {Melospiza palustris). This is the most southern record of this species.* — H. B. Bailey, Newton, Mass. The Pigeon-Hawk {Falco columharius) at Sea. — While returning from a trip to Labrador^ last summer, I observed small Hawks, undoubtedly of this species, at a considerable distance from land, on two occasions. The first occasion was on the 5th of September. We were crossing the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and were in sight of the coast of Newfoundland, which was about twelve or fifteen miles distant. As many as four Hawks were seen, which came so near that we were able to recognize them as Pigeon-Hawks. They seemed to be perfectly at home, flying over the water, and showed no fear of the vessel, several times alighting on the rigging. The first that appeared had a Leach’s Petrel, dead, in his talons. He alighted with this, on the fore-crosstrees, and proceeded to eat it. The sailors were unwilling that we should fire into the rigging, so a young man went up the fore-rigging, and nearly caught the Hawk, which flew off, leaving his prey behind him. Three other Hawks came off to the ves- sel during the day, and were all shot, but all, unfortunately, fell into the water and could not be secured. The day was bright, clear, and warm, with a light wind from the north, so that we made very little progress. The Hawks appeared to come from the direction of Newfoundland. The second occasion was during our run from Cape Sable to Boston, about fifty miles from the nearest land. It was the 10th of September, a bright day, with a strong northw'est wind. A small Hawk, probably a Pigeon-Hawk, passed the vessel, flying to windward. Dr. Cones, in his “ Notes on the Ornithology of Labtador,” mentions that a Hawk of this species came on board their vessel during their return voyage, in a very exhausted condition. This bird, howeA^er, was very shy, and w^as imme- diately frightened away from the vessel. He also mentions seeing sev- eral Sparrow-Hawks while in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, off Cape Breton Island, which “ circled quite closely around the vessel, showing but little fear.” — J ohn Murdoch, Cambridge, Mass. Capture op a Second Specimen of Helminthophaga leucobron- CHiALis. — In the first ntimber of the Bulletin for the year 1876, Mr. Wm. Brewster described a new species of Helminthophaga {H. leucohronchialis) , which he obtained in Newtonville, Mass., on May 18, 1870. He says in his article, “ Whether it must be placed in the same category with the * For other records of occurrence of this species see this Bulletin, VoL I, pp. 18, 52, and Vol. II, p. 27. 80 BULLETIN OF THE NUT TALL unique Euspiza townsendi, Regxdus cuvieri, etc., or, like Dendrceca Mrtlandi, will turn up occasionally in the future at different points, or still again, as in the case of Centroxiyx bairdii, will be found in large numbers, time alone can decide.” It is with pleasure, therefore, that I can announce the capture of a second specimen of this species, so new to Ornithology, and particularly also because it was taken in a locality so far distant from where the first one was obtained. The specimen under consideration was shot by Mr. Christopher D. Wood, on the afternoon of May 12, 1877, in an apple orchard near Clifton, Delaware County, Pa. It proved to be a male, and answered to the description given by Mr. Brewster. It is, with- out doubt, a veritable specimen of H. leucohronchialis, and goes to prove the species a good one. It Avas first called to mj^ attention by Mr. Wood himself, who told me that he had shot a specimen of H. leucohronchialis near Clifton. He afterwards showed me the bird, which he had been com- paring with the plate of the former specimen, and found it to be identical. Whence these rarities come, whether they are abundant in certain sections, and the characters of the females, are matters not yet known ; yet it is more than likely that at no very distant day both the present species, as well as Helminthophaga lawrencei, may prove to be nearly if not quite as abun- dant as the other species of the same genus. — Spencer Trotter, Phila- delphia, Pa. The Mottled Owl as a Fisherman. — On NoA^ember 29, 1876, I took from a Mottled OwPs hole (Scops asio) the hinder half of a Woodcock (Philohela minor). Within tAvo weeks after I took tAvo Owls from the same hole, and on the 19th of January last I had the good fortune to take an- other. After extracting the Owl I put in my hand to see what else there was of interest, and found sixteen Horned Pouts (Amiurus atrarius), four of Avhich were alive. When it occurred to me that all the ponds in the vicinity Avere under at least tAvo feet of snoAV and ice, I could scarcely conjec- ture where the Horned Pouts could haA^e been captured. After visiting all the ponds, I found they liad most probably been captured in one fully a, mile aAvay, w^here some boys had been cutting holes through the ice to catch pickerel bait. The Owl probably stationed himself by the edge of the hole and seized the fish as they came to the surface. What a busy time he must have had flying thirty- two miles after sixteen Horned Pouts ! I may also state in this connection that I once foimd the ground under a Great Horned Owl’s nest (Bubo virginianus) literally strewn Avith fish-bones. — A. M. Frazar, Watertown, Mass. Breeding op Leach’s Petrel on the Coast of Maine. — In the Jan- uary number of the Bulletin (Vol. II, 1877) Mr. N. C. BroAAm refers to the Leach’s Petrel (Thalassidroma leucorrhoea, Linn.) “as found for the first time breeding on the New England coast,” and mentions meeting with its ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 81 nests on the Green Islands in Casco Bay. That Mr. Brown was not the first person to find it breeding even on the Green Islands would not be a fact of sufficient moment to call for correction did not his statement suggest the quite important error implied ; that it is not known, and has not been known, to breed elsewhere on the coast of Maine. That this Petrel breeds along the greater part of the coast of Maine has been known as a fact for many years. Whether Casco Bay is its most western point remains to be ascertained. In June, 1850, I made several weeks’ explorations in the neighbor- hood of Eastport, and found this bird breeding in all the Grand Menan group — which geogTaphically, if not politically, are part of the Maine coast — on the island of Eastport itself, and on a small island between Eastport and Machias. An account was published (Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., Vol. YI, p. 297). On the following year, in conqjany with Dr. ' H. R. Storer, I continued these explorations, and ascertained that this species breeds abundantly on every suitable island as far west as Mt. Desert. Several years afterw'ards, in the summer of 1855, and again in 1856, in company with Dr. Dixon, of Damariscotta, we traced their breed- ing, in considerable numbers, as far west as Round Pond harbor, in Bris- tol, and in the Damariscove Islands, in the ocean, not far from the mouth of the Kennebec. In 1873, on Peakes Island, I saw specimens of the eggs and birds taken by Messrs. Franklin Benner and Spencer Baird Biddle in Casco Bay the same summer. On the strength of these observations, made by others as well as myself, in my Catalogue of the Birds of New Eng- land (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XVII, p. 450), I spoke of this Petrel as a summer resident on the coast of Maine. I have by me, in MS., the letters of both these gentlemen in regard to their observations. I subjoin a brief extract from the notes of Mr. Benner : — The first visit was made to Junk-of-Pork Island, about three miles ■northeast of Peakes, in Casco Bay, on July 16, 1873. The island has an area of half an acre at low water, and in the centre is an almost perpen- dicular piece of rock about forty feet in diameter and nearly twenty-five feet high. A dozen or more burrows of this Petrel, each with their single egg, were found in the earth that had accumulated on the top of this rock. The eggs were about half incubated. In two nests young were found only a day or two old. One of the parent birds was found in each burrow, and in one instance both. “ On the 22d of the same month I visited White Bull Island, located twelve miles farther to the eastward, and comprising a much larger extent of surface than the first. Here were also found the nests of the Petrel among many of the Terns. Young birds were found in many of them, and some eggs.” He speaks of having found them “ abundant,” and probably breeding in several other “ of the many barren islands in the neighborhood.” — T. M. Brewer, Boston, Mass. 82 BULLETIN OF TEE NUTT ALL Nest and Eggs of the Alaskan Wren. — In a small collection of birds’ skins, nests, and eggs recently acquired by the Museum of Compara- tive Zoology, collected at the Pribylow Islands, Alaska, is the nest and two eggs of the Alaskan Wren {Troglodytes parvulus var. alascensis), which are believed to be the first ever seen by naturalists. The nest is quite large and very compactly built, being composed externally of fine moss of a bright green color, interwoven with fine roots, and lined heavily with hair and feathers. Conspicuous among the latter are the rosy-tipped feathers of the Leucosticte griseinucha. The hairs are rather coarse and white, three to four or five inches in length, and appear to be hairs of the Polar Bear. The nest was obtained in June, 1876, on St. George Island, by Mr. W. J. McIntyre, to whom it was brought by a native. It is said to have been placed deep down in the crevices of large rocks, and to have originally contained twelve eggs, all but two of which were broken before they came into Mr. McIntyre’s possession. These measure, respectively, .68 by .51 and .60 by .50. Their general color is dull white, with a very few minute dots of reddish, so few and small as to be easily overlooked. The nest is represented to be very hard to find, being placed so deeply among the rocks, this being the only one Mr. McIntyre could obtain during two years’ residence at the Islands, although he had a standing offer for them of about ten dollars in gold each. — J. A. Allen, Cambridge, Mass. JuNCO OREGONUS IN ILLINOIS. — October 14, 1875, 1 saw a flock of some dozen birds in a willow-tree, and killed one with a sling. The rest flew off, and were not seen again. The specimen was sent to Mr. E. W. Nel- son, who identified it as Junco oregonus, the first one of this species cap- tured in this State, its extreme eastern range as heretofore known being Kansas. — H. K. Coale, Chicago, III. Leptoptila albifrons, a Pigeon new to the United States Fauna. — Mr. George B. Sennett, a diligent and zealous ornithologist, who has been making collections and observations in Southern Texas, writes as fol- lows from Hidalgo, Tex., under date of May 2, 1877 ; — “ I have a dove which I do not identify, and accordingly send you a description of a specimen killed April 18. This is a male. 1 have secured four specimens, and hope to find the nest, as I am satisfied they breed here. Their cooing is low and short, ending with a falling inflection, and is easily recognized by its peculiarity Length, 12.50 ; extent, 19.50 ; wing, 6.35 ; tail, 4.50 ; tarsus, 1.37, middle toe and claw the same ; bill, .62, black. Iris yellow. Orbital space small, faintly red and blue. Tail square, of twelve feathers. Upper parts greenish-olive, the metallic coloring purple with bronzy-green reflections, and restricted to back of neck. Crown drab, shading to nearly white on the forehead. Chin white. Foreneck creamy-slate. Belly white. Sides ashy. Wings brown, slaty below, and whole underwing-coverts are bright chestnut, which color ex- ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 83 tends even on the sides. Middle tail-feathers like the back ; others brown above, and tipped with white in increasing amount, till the outer ones are white for half an inch ; tail below black, with the white tips, as just said. Under tail-coverts pure white. In general habits, the bird is quiet and not readily alarmed ; it associates with the White-winged Doves {Melopelia leucoptera), and prefers tall trees to undergrowth.” I sent my correspondent’s letter to Mr. Kidgway, who kindly compared the description with specimens of Leptotila albifrons in the National Museum, and made this identification. — Elliott Coues, JF ashmgton,D. C. Melopelia leucoptera in Colorado. — Mr. E. L. Berthoud, writing from Golden, Col., March 7, 1877, informs me of the occurrence of this species near timber line on the head of Cub Creek, J efferson County. He saw a dozen or more of the birds — rare in this region — in July, 1869. This verifies my surmise (Birds of the Northwest, p. 386) of the actual occurrence of the species beyond hitherto recorded limits. — Elliott Codes, Washington, D. C. The Ruff and the Purple Gallinule m Ohio. — Dr. Theodore Jasper, of_this city, obtained, November 10, 1872, at the Licking Reser- voir, thirty miles east of Columbus, a Wader which remained uniden- tified till recently. I was of the opinion that it would prove to be either Philomachus pugnax, or a nondescript. On communicating my views to Mr. H. W. Henshaw, of AVashington, he kindly offered to compare the specimen with others in the National Museum. He WTites that the bird, which was a male (probably young), is positively identical with specimens of that species in the collection of the National Museum. I have also just received from rny friend. Dr. Howard E. Jones, a fine skin of the Purple Gallinule {Porphyrio martinica), killed by him at Circle- ville, Ohio, May 10, 1877. This bird is now recorded for the first time, on unimpeachable authority, as a visitor to this State. Dr. Jones tells me that it has been seen before in the vicinity of Circleville. In my Catalogue of the Birds of Ohio (Ohio Agric. Rep., 1860), it was inserted on what I after- ward discovered to be insufficient authority, and for that reason it W'as omitted from a subsequent list (Food of Birds, etc. 1875). I have several times been favored with reports, and once or twfice with skins, presumed to be of this species, which proved, however, to be those of the Florida Gallinule, which is not a rare summer resident throughout the State. — J. M. Wheaton, Columbus, 0. Notes on Nyctale Acadica. — Although not generally common in any locality, the Acadian or Saw- whet Owl has been of quite frequent occurrence in Chicago and immediate vicinity during the past three years. A female of this species in my collection was caught alive while sleeping on one of the lower branches of a pine-tree, June 23, 1874. In July of the same year three adult specimens were shot by a boy, who saved only 84 BULLETIN OF THE NUT TALL CLUB. the wings, as he did not understand preserving skins. November 4 an adult female was shot in a small grove of pine-trees near the south city limits. It measured, 8.12 X 18.60; wing, 5.50. March 26, Mr. C. C. Whitacre caught an adult male at the same place. It was kept alive for several days, when it died from being caught between the bars of its cage. He afterwards shot two adult females in the same grove (which has since gone by the name of the Acadian Grove), and also found one dead in his yard. March 28 Mr. J. B. Osborne shot an adult female, and June 15 a young female, both of which are now in my possession. The latter measured, 7.37 X 19.25 ; wing, 5.62. Disc dark brown ; forehead, wings, and tail beginning to show white markings, as in the adult. July 10 a second young specimen was brought to me alive. Although just cap- tured, it showed no fear on being handled. In the shade the iris was hardly visible, while in the sun the pupil contracted so much as to appear as only a small black spot. The bird always sat, when perched, with two toes before and two behind, puffing out its feathers at times so that it looked nearly as round as a ball. The white markings were more clearly defined than in the other, extending farther back on the forehead, and entirely round the outer edge of the disc. This specimen is in the collec- tion of Dr. J. W. Velie, who also found one dead on the lake shore at Hyde Park, 111. July 16 a third juvenile was shot in a poplar-tree oppo- site my residence. It was still more advanced toward adult plumage than either of the others, especially about the head and wings. J. Strickland (taxidermist) has a young specimen which was caught here about a year ago. December 20 Mr. G. F. Clingman shot an adult female in Aca- dian Grove, and’ March 4, 1876, a , second specimen was shot in the same place. These, with one male and two females which are also in collections here, make a total of twenty, including two adult males, fourteen adult females, and four in immature plumage. — H. K. Coale, Chicago, III. Probable Breeding of the Acadian Owl {Nyctale acadica) in Massachusetts. — The capture of this species in the adult state is by no means of rare occurrence in Massachusetts, but its presence is generally detected in the winter months. Of its breeding so far south in New Eng- land I think there has hitherto been no instance recorded. We are now able, however, to note the capture of three specimens in the plumage of ' the so-called “ alhifrons.’’^ The first was taken in Newton, Mass., on June 28, 1876 ; and the second at Hingham, Mass., on July 5, 1876 ; the third was captured in one of the cells in the Penitentiary on Deer Island, Bos- ton Harbor, on the 8th of the same month, by an inmate of the prison. These localities being some ten or fifteen miles apart, it would seem hardly probable that these three Owls belonged to the same brood. On April 4, 1877, a specimen in adult plumage was captured in the Penitentiary on Deer Island, where the above-mentioned immature specimen was taken. I am indebted to Mr. Win. J. Knowlton, of Boston, for the above facts, and from him I obtained one of the young specimens. — Edthven Deane, Cambridge, Mass, IMPORTANT WORKS ON BIRDS PUBLISHED BY} 'S. E. CA.SSINO, Naturalists’ Agency, - - Salem, Mass. Any work mentioned below will be forwarded, post-paid, on receipt of price. Special circulars, giving descriptions, etc., will be sent when desired. A full catalogue of Ornitho- logical Works for sale at the Agency free to all applicants. The Birds awcl Craaae Birds of New Bng^laad. With Descriptions of the Birds, their Nests and Eggs, their Habits and Notes, with Illustrations. By H. D. Minot. 1 vol. 8vo. Cloth, $3.00. Field Oraiitholog’y : A Manual of Instruction on Collecting, Prepar- ing. and Preserving Birds. By Elliott Coues. With which is issued a"fCheck List of North American Birds. 1vol. 8vo. Cloth, $2.50. Key to North AiBierican Birals. By Elliott Coues, M. D. 369 imperial octavo pages. Illustrated by 6 Steel Plates and 238 Woodcuts. A Manual or Text-Bu..k of the Birds of North America ; containing a Synopsis of Living and Fossil Birds, and Descriptions of every North American Species known to this Time. I vol. Royal 8 vo. Cloth, $7.00. The Birds of North Americai. By Baird, Cassin, and Lawrence. 2 vols. 4to. Vol. 1. contains 1005 pages. Vol. II. is an atlas of 100 plates, figuring 148 species of Birds. Plain plates, $15.00. Plates elegantly colored, $20.00. Text (Vol. 1.) separate, $ 5.00. Birds of the Northwest : A Handbook of American Ornithology. Containing accounts of all the birds inhabiting the great Missouri Valley, and many others, together representing a large majority of the Birds of North America. With copious biographical details from personal observation, and an extensive synonymy. 8vo. 791 pages. Cloth, $4.50 ; Half Morocco, $ 5.50. The Naturalist’s <5aide, in Collecting and Preserving Objects of Natural History, with a Complete Catalogue of the Birds of Eastern Massachusetts. By C. J. Maynard. New Edition just ready, with much new matter, and Two Plates colored by hand. 1vol. 12mo. Cloth, $2.00. IMPORTANT WORK ON FERNS. ILLUSTRATIONS OF Tk® of H'orth Ames^ica. Text by Prof. Daniel C. Eaton, of Yale College. Illustrations by Mr. Jas. H. Emerton. Published in 4to Parts, with three elegant Colored Plates in each number. Pirst Part nearly ready. A sample plate and pages will he sent free to all who desire to see the work before subscribing. Address S. L OASSENO, NATURALISTS’ ASENCY, Salem, Mass. BIROS’ EOCS Ai^O i^ESTS; A large variety of finely prepared and well-identified specimens, including many rare species, partly i^j SETS with reliable data. SK.IM§ ! A fine collection from California, Colorado, Florida, and elsewhere. in great variety, including Drills, Blow-pipes, Embryo Hooks and Scissors, “ Climbing-Irons,” Labels, Check-Lists, etc. Taxidermists’ Instruments and Supplies, etc. AllTIFICIAE EYES. Standard Ornithological Works. Favorable terms offered. Specimens bought and exchanged. Send stamp for new descriptive and priced Catalogue (just issued) of the above. Address E. L. HUDNUT, Box 704, Orange, New Jersey. JOHN AKHURST, TAXIDERIVliST, No. 19 Prospect Street, . - . . Brooklyn, New York, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND FOR SALE, SHEET CORK for insect boxes — size, 12 X 3^ X i . • $ 1.25 per dozen sheets. ENTOMOEOGICAE PINS, of Klager and other German makers . . $1.25 per 1,000. ALSO DEALER IN Native and Exotic Bird Skins, Birds^ Eggs, Insects, &c. N. B. — The above prices do not include the cost of transportation. Birds’ Skins, Eggs, and Nests, FROM COLORADO, NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, TEXAS, AND OTHER PARTS OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR SALE BY CHARLES E. AIKEN, Colorado Springs, Col. WAi^TEO. Communications or Papers, or Lists of Species relating to the Birds of Russia in Europe, on the Distribution of which I am at present working. Cash or exchange offered for the two latter. Also, Papers on Birds of Arctic America. J. A. HARVIE BROWN, Dunipace House, Larbert, SCOTLAND. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Conducted by E. L. YOUMANS. This perio'lical was started (in 187-2) to promote the diffusion of valuable scientific hnowledge, in a readable and attractive form among all classes of the community, and has thus far met a want supplied by no other magazine in the United States. Nine volumes have now appeared, which are filled with instructive and interesting articles and abstracts of articles, original, selected, translated, and illustrated, from the pens of the leading scientific men of different countries. Accounts of important scientific discoveries, the application of science to the practical arts, and the latest views put forth concerning natural phenomena, have been given by savants of the highest authority. Prominent attention has been also de- voted to those various sciences which help to a better understanding of the nature of man, to the bearings of science upon the questions of society and government, to scientific education, and to the conflicts which spring from the progressive nature of scientific knowledge. The Popul.-vr Science Monthly has long since ceased to be an experiment. It has passed into a circulation far beyond the most sanguine hopes at first entertained, and the cordial and intel- ligent approval which it has everywhere met shows that its close and instructive discussions have been well appreciated by the reading portion of the American people. It has not been its policy to make boastful promises of great things to be done in the future, but rather to appeal to what it has already accomplished as giving it a claim upon popular patronage. But no pains will be spared to improve it, and make it still more worthy of liberal support, and still more a necessity to the cultivated classes of the country. The following quotations illustrate the way it has been habitually spoken of by the press : — “ That there is a place for The Popular Sci- ence Monthly, no one can doubt who has watched the steady increase of interest in sci- entific investigation manifested in this country, not only by a select class, but by the entire community.” — New York Times. “ We think it is not too much to say that this is the best first number of any magazine ever published in America.” — New York Wotld. “ A journal which promises to be of eminent value to the cause of popular education in this country.” — New York Tribune. “ It is, beyond comparison, the best attempt at journalism of the kind ever made in this country.” — Home Journal. “ It i.s just what is wanted by the curious and progressive mind of this country, and ought to be widely circulated.” — N. Y. Evening Post. “ It is the first successful attempt in this country to popularize science in the pages of a monthly.” — N. V. School Journal. “ The Monthly has more than fulfilled all the promises which the publishers made in the pro- spectus of publication.” — Niagara Falls Ga- zette. “ This is a highly auspicious beginning of a useful and much needed enterprise in the way of publication, for which the public owe a spe- cial debt of obligation to Messrs. D. Appleton & Co.” — Boston Gazette. “ This new magazine, in our estimation, has more merit than the whole brood which have preceded it.” — Oswego Press. “ In our opinion, the right idea has been happily hit in the plan of this new monthly.” — Buffalo Courier. “ This is one of the very best periodicals of its kind published in the world. Its corps of contributors comprise many of the ablest minds known to science and literature. It is doing a great and noble work in popularizing science, promoting the growth of reason, and levelling the battlements of old superstitions reared in the childhood of our race before it was capable of reasoning.” — The American Medical Journal., St. Louis, Mo. “ This magazine is worth its weight in gold, for its service in educating the people.” — The American Journal of Education, St. Louis, Mo. The Popular Science Monthly is published in a large octavo, handsomely printed on clear type, and, when the subjects admit, fully illustrated. Each number contains 128 pages. Terras; $5.00 per Annum, or Fifty Cents per Number. POSTAGE FREE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS IN THE UNITED STATES. A new volume of the Popul.ae Science begins with the numbers for May and November each year. Subscriptions may commence from any date. Back numbers supplied. Now Ready, Vols. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX, of The Popular Science Monthly, embracing the Numbers from I to 54 (May, 1872, to October, 1876). 9 vols. 8vo. Cloth, ^ 3.50 per vol. Half Morocco, $ 6.50 per vol. For Sale, Binding Cases for Vols. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX, of The Popu- L.AR Science Monthly. These covers are prepared expressly for binding the volumes of The Pop- ular Science Monthly as they appear, and will be sent to Subscribers on receipt of price. Any binder can attach the covers at a trifling expense. Price, 50 cents each. AGENTS WANTED. Address D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 & 551 Broadway, New York. The American Naturalist; . A Popular Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Natural History and Travel. Announcement for 1877. This journal of popular Natural Science will continue to be published by Messrs. H. 0. Houghton & Co., Riverside Pres=, Cambridge, Mass., under the editorial management of Dr. A. S. Packard, Jr., with the assistance of eminent men of science. Since January, 1876, the amount of matter given in each number has been in- creased over former volumes. The typographical dress and illustrations which have heretofore given character to this magazine have been improved, and it is of a thor- oughly popular nature, so as to interest the general reader as well as the young naturalist. It will continue to be a journal of science-education and for the use of science-teachers. Its Features for 1877. In 1876 the latter half of the magazine was entirely remodelled, and a department of Geography and Travel added. The Department of Botany will be edited, as formerly, by Prof. G. L. Goodale, of Harvard University. That of Microscopy will be edited, as heretofore, by Dr. R, H. Ward, Troy, New York. Arrangements have been made to report the Proceedings of Scientific Societies with great promptness. A digest of the Contents of Foreign Scientific Journals and Transactions will also be given each month, together with the Latest Home and Foreign Scientific News. The attention of publishers and teachers is called to critical notices of scientific books, to which especial attention will be given. Articles for Vol. XI, 1877, By Professors Asa Gray, J. D. Whitney, N. S. Shaler, W. G. Farlow, G. L. Goodale, of Harvard University ; Pn fessors 0. C. Marsh, A. E. Verrill, of Yale College ; Mr. A. Agassiz, Hon. Lewis H. Morgan, Col. Theodore Lyman, Mr. L. F. Pourtales, Mr. S. H. Scudder, Professors E. D. Cope, F. V. Hayden, A. Hyatt ; Drs. Elliott Coues, W. H. Dali, C. C. Abbott, Rev. S. Lockwood, J. A. Allen, H. Gillman, C. C. Pan’y, R. E. C. Stearns, 0. T. Mason, and other leading naturalists, are either in ha d or promised. Notes from abroad will occasionally be contributed by Mr. Alfred W. Bennett, the distinguished English Botanist. Note. — The ten volumes which have been published form an elegantly printed and illustrated Library of American Natural History, invaluable for school, college, and pub’ic librarips. They contain standard articles by Agassiz, Dana, Wyman, Gray, Whitney, Leidy, Cope, Hunt, Dawson, Newberry, Marsh, Verrill, Morse, Gill, Cou s, Scudder, Hagen, Dali, Shaler, Brewer, Ridgway, Parry, Caton, Abbott, Farlow, Lockwood, Grote, Ward, and many other scientists. TERMS. — 35 cents a number; $4.00 a year, postage free. Bound volumes, $ 5.00. Vo s. I - X, $ 40,00 ; unbound, $ 30.00. Back numbers supplied. Remittances by mail should be sent by a money-order, draft on New York or B 'ston, or registered letter, to H. 0. Houghton & Co., Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass. H. 0, HOUGHTON & CO., HURD AND HOUGHTON, Cor. Beacon and Somerset Sts., BOSTON. 13 Astor Place, NEW TOBK. Hioersibe JJresa, QTambnbge. 9 -WlVC. FL:ESJ^Ty tAs &ON& 13 Paneuil Hall Square, Boston, Mass. Clabrougli’S) and others. ALSO REMINGTON AND OTHER AMERICAN MAKES. Agents for W. & C. Scott & Son’s Breech-Loaders. Every size of these celebrated Breech-Loading Guns constantly in stock, — 14, 12, 10, 8, and 4 bores, which we send on inspection or trial, — or imported to special order if desired. A fine Damascus top-snap double Breech-Loader for S 50.00. “ Under-lever ” and “ side-snap,” in twist and laminated steel, $ 30.00 and upwards. A single-barrel good breech-loading Shot-Gun, 10.00 and upwards. Fine quality 14 and 16 bore double-barrel of about lbs. weight. Also, single-barrel for collecting constantly on hand. Sporting and Target Rifles of all makes. New Ballard Rifle, $18.00. Fine Trout and Salmon- Rods. Flies, Reels, and every article in Fishing. lil^ SEND FOB CIRCULARS. BSEWSTEE & KNOWLTON, No. 18 ARCH STREET, BOSTON, Naturalists and Taxidermists, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN MINERALS, SHELLS, AND SPECIMENS OF NATURAL HISTORY. COLLECTORS OP SKINS, Dealers in Mounted Birds, Birds' Byes, and all kinds of Taxidermists’ Supplies. BIRDS AND ANIMALS STUFFED IN AN EASY AND NATURAL STYLE. Skins Mounted at low prices, by the Dozen or Hundred. FOREST AND STREAM: A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF SIXTEEN PAGES, DEVOTED TO Field Sports, Practical Natural History, Pish Culture, Protection of Game, Preservation of Forests, Yachting and Boating, Rifle Practice, AND ALL OUT -DOOR RECREATION AND STUDY. Terms, S4:.00 a Year. Send for a Specimen Copy. FOREST AND STREAM PUBLISHINO COMPANY, 17 Chatham Street (City Hall Square), Post-Office box 2832. NEW YORK. ‘‘A Live Journal of Natural History.’’ FIELD AND FOREST: A Monthly Journal devoted to the Natural Sciences. With the July number, 1876, this Journal entered upon its second year enlarged and im- proved in every way. Its contributors are well-known scientists and writers, and its articles mainly original, and, considering the number of pages given, it is the cheapest Journal of Natural History published at the price, GIVE DOLEAK PER For specialists and men of science it contains interesting reading matter, while for students of Natural History in the many scientific schools and colleges of our country, it is a valuable medium for the exchange of views, or for the recording of new facts on scientific subjects, and all will find it to their interest to become subscribers. As an inducement, we have decided upon the following REASONABLY LOW CLUB BATES: Tliree copies, to any address, Six copies, $5.00, and one extra copy; Ten copies, $ 8.00, and one copy to the getter up of the club. Single copies, 10 cts. No subscriptions received for less than a year, — payable invariably in advance. Back numbers ofVol. I. supplied complete. CHARLES R. DODGE, Editor, Specimen copies sent free upon application. Box 373, Washington, D. C. BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL OENITHOLOGICAL CLUB. Vol. IL OCTOBER, 1877. . No. 4. NOTES ON MOLOTHRUS MNEUS, Wagl. BY J. C. MERRILL, ASSISTANT SURGEON, U. S. A. The occurrence of this species north of Mexico was noted in the Bulletin of November, 1876 (Vol. I, p. 88). It is now more than a year since it was first observed, and during that time I have had ample opportunity to study its habits, a short account of which may be of interest. This Cowbird is found in Mexico, Guatemala, and Yeragua, as well as in Southern Texas ; how far it penetrates into the latter State I am unable to say. My first specimens were taken at Hidalgo, on the Rio Grande, seventy miles northwest of Fort Brown, where, however, they are not so abundant as lower down the river. Here they are common throughout the year, a small proportion going south in winter. Those that remain gather in large flocks with the Long-tailed Grackles, common Cowbirds, and Brewer’s, Red-winged, and Yellow-headed Blackbirds ; they become very tame, and the abundance of food about the picket-lines attracts them for miles around. M. eeneus is readily distinguishable in these mixed gatherings from the other species by its blood-red iris and its peculiar top-heavy appearance, caused by its habit of puffing out the feathers of the head and neck. This habit is most marked during the breeding-season and in the male, but is seen throughout the year. About the middle of April the common Cowbird, Brewer’s, and Yellow-headed Blackbirds leave for the North ; the Long-tailed Grackles have formed their colonies in favorite clumps of mesquite trees j the Redwings that remain to breed have selected sites for their nests ; the dwarf Cowbirds [Molotkrus 'pecoris var. ohscurus) 86 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL arrive from the South, and M. ceneus gather in flocks by themselves, and wait for their victims to build. The males have now a variety of notes, somewhat resembling those of the common Cowbird {Molothrits pecoris), but more harsh. During the day they scatter over the surrounding country in little companies of one or two females and half a dozen males, returning at nightfall to the vicin- ity of the picket lines. While the females are feeding or resting in the shade of a bush, the males are eagerly paying their addresses by pufling out their feathers, as above noted, strutting up and down, and nodding and bowing in a very odd manner. Every now and then one of the males rises in the air, and, poising himself two or three feet above the female, flutters for a minute or two, follow- ing her if she moves away, and then descends to resume his puffing and bowing. This habit of fluttering in the air was what first attracted my attention to the species. In other respects their habits seem to be like those of the eastern Cowbird {M. pecoi’is). My first egg of M. ceneus was taken on May 14, 1876, in a Car- dinal’s nest. A few days before this a soldier brought me a similar egg, saying he found it in a Scissor-tail’s (Milvulus) nest ; not rec- ognizing it at the time, I paid little attention to him, and did not keep the egg. I soon found several others, and have taken in all twenty-two specimens the past season. All but two of these w’ere found in nests of the Bullock’s, Hooded, and small Orchard Orioles (Icterus spurius var. affinis). It is a curious fact that al- though Yellow-breasted Chats and Red-winged Blackbirds breed abundantly in places most frequented by these Cowbirds, I have but once found the latter’s egg in a Chat’s nest, and never in a Red- wing’s, though I have looked in very many of them. Perhaps they feel that the line should be drawn 'somewhere, and select their cousins the Blackbirds as coming wdthin it ; the Dwarf Cowbirds are not troubled by this scruple, however. Several of these parasitic eggs were found under interesting conditions. On six occasions I have found an egg of both Cowbirds in the same nest ; in four of these there were eggs of the rightful owner,* who was sitting ; in the other two the Cowbird’s eggs were alone in the nests, which * It would be interesting to know what would have become of the three species in one nest, and had the latter been near the fort, where I could have visited them daily, I should not have taken the eggs. It is probable, however, that M. ceneus would have disposed of the young Dw’arf Cowbird as easily as of the young Orioles. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 87 were deserted : but I have known the Hooded Oriole to sit on an egg of M. cenetis, which was on the point of hatching when found ; how its own disappeared I cannot say. Once two eggs of ceneiis were found in a nest of the small Orchard Oriole (var. affi^nis). Twice I have seen a broken egg of ceneus under nests of Bullock’s Oriole on which the owner w^as sitting. Early in June a nest of the Hooded Oriole was found with four eggs and one of M. ceneus^ all of which I removed, leaving the nest. Happening to pass by it a few days later, I looked in, and to my surprise found two eggs of ceneus, which were taken ; these were so unlike that they were probably laid by different birds. Still an- other egg, and the last, was laid in the same nest within ten days. But the most remarkable instance was a nest of the small Orchard Oriole, found June 20, containing three eggs of census, while just be- neath it was a whole egg of this parasite, also a broken one of this and of the Dwarf Cowbird (var. ohscurus). Two of the eggs in the nest were rotten; the third, strange to say, contained a living embryo. As the nest was certainly deserted, I can only account for this by supposing that the two rotten ones were laid about the first week of June, when there was considerable rain, and that the other was deposited soon after, since which time the weather had been clear and very hot. On one occasion I found a female ceneus hang- ing with a stout thread around its neck to a nest of the Bullock’s Oriole. The nest contained one young one of this Cowbird, and it is probable that its parent, after depositing the egg, was entangled in the thread on hurriedly leaving the nest, and there died ; it had apparently been dead about two weeks. This case supports the view that the eggs or young of the owner are thrown out by the young parasite, and not removed by its parent, though I could find no trace of them beneath the nest. Twentj'-two eggs of M. ceneus average .90 X *70, the extremes being .95 X -75 and .82 X .65. The color is a greenish-white, un- spotted, soon fading to a dull opaque white. There is more than the usual variation in shape. Some are almost perfectly elliptical, others are nearly round ; some are quite pointed at the smaller end, while others still are there abruptly truncate. The young, soon after leaving the nest, have the plumage uniform dull black ; cheeks and sides of head bare ; iris brown. Fort Brown, Texas. 88 BULLETIN OF THE NVTTALL ON SEVENTY-FIVE DOUBTFUL WEST-COAST BIRDS. BY J. G. COOPER, M. D. In Ornithological works written previous to I860 we find many species of birds mentioned as from “California” and the “North- west Coast,” which have not been confirmed as from that region, and are therefore not referred to in more recent works. It is an interesting question whether they were always wrongly allocated there, or whether they may not, in many cases, have actually occurred as stragglers, and deserve, therefore, a place in our Fauna. As an aid in deciding these questions, I have compiled a list of all I can find, with such remarks as seem required respecting the chances of their occurrence, based on my own experience as a collector there for more than twenty years, and the observations of others on their usual range of distribution. In 1852 Professor Baird published in Stansbury’s Report of his Exploration of the Great Salt Lake, p. 327, a list of such species as were then known, including all given by authors as from west of the Mississippi, but not figured by Audubon. The one hundred and fifty-three nominal species included ninety-one from the Pacific slope, of which only twenty have not been since confirmed as belonging to our Fauna. Most of these were referred to again in his “Birds of North America.” Mr. Cassin undertook to figure and describe “ all ” of these in his “ Illustrations,” but was un- doubtedly saved from the repetition of many errors by the extensive collections soon after made by the Pacific Railroad Expeditions, although he has introduced several not since found in the United States. In Volume XII, Part II, p. 288, of the Pacific Railroad Reports (“Natural History of Washington Territory”) Dr. Suckley and myself, in 1859-60, printed a hastily prepared list of birds, not confirmed by us as from the “ Northwest Coast,” most of which, however, do not require to be excluded at present, only twenty out of one hundred and twenty -three coming into this list. I have carefully reviewed every accessible authority, and included only such as are distinct species and not represented within the regions named by geographical races or near analogues, which might ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. ' 89 reasonably be mistaken for them. The older authors in confound- ing the races were quite excusable in giving them the same specific names. Those now to be noticed come under three divis- ions as to geographical distribution, viz. : first, those of tropical and South America ; second, those of Asia ; third, those of the Eastern United Stateg. All circumpolar species, even if not re- cently found on this coast, are omitted as very likely to be found. The probability of the occurrence of the others varies chiefly with the nearness of their usual range and their powers of flight, so that we may frequently consider their occurrence rs next to impossible, as with the Mexican Quails and Jays which have been so often credited to “ California.” What we know of the ' Asiatic stragglers to Alaska shows that they are usually strong flyers, and I may hei’e mention two of the Raptores found only in California so far, and each but once, wUich have a very Asiatic aspect, viz. Buteo cooperi and Onychotes gru- heri. The first doubtful West -coast birds were given by Gmelin as from ‘‘ Unalaska, Nootka,” etc. ; the next came from “ Oregon” ; and not until 1830 did species begin to be credited to “ California.” At that time the peninsula was included in this name, and yet very few species, if any, were wrongly located on that account, most of those not found in “Upper California” being now unknown on the peninsula, though often found on the West Mexican coast. The cool sea-breezes of the coast act as an obstacle to the northward migration of many tropical species occurring on the Atlantic coast in summer much farther north, while the Colorado Desert, over one hundred miles wide, debars many more from the hotter interior. A few have been called “ Californian ” “which occur about the Gulf, but not within sixty miles of our line, though of course the water-birds may follow so far up the Colorado River. Many were no doubt carelessly labelled by collectors, or designedly misrepre- sented as from regions then almost inaccessible, to increase their value. As to “Oregon” of authors before 1853, it must also be re- marked, that they included under the name the whole country drained by the Columbia River; and even now the State includes part of the “ Middle Province ” of Baird, in which are found birds not known from the coast. Captain Bendire is now for the first 90 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL time collecting thoroughly the birds of Eastern Oregon ; and his published notes, as well as those of Allen and Henshaw for Utah, of Ridgway for Nev.ada, and Cones, Henshaw, and others for Arizona, show very clearly what species distinguish the Middle and Western Provinces. Although about fifty species of Land Birds are given in the first volume of “ Ornithology of California, which belong properly to the Middle Province or to Lower California, their habitats are so carefully described there that it is not neces- sary to include the species here, except in a very few striking cases. As shown by Professor Baird from the Xantus collection made at Cape Saint Lucas, the Middle Province birds become common on the coast and peninsula south of latitude thirty-five degrees, to the exclusion of most of the characteristic Californian species, while very few of those of tropical Mexico occur on the peninsula, so that the chances are largely against the occurrence of the latter within our limits. Assistance derived from original observations and investigations by scientific friends, often unpublished before, is ac- knowledged by giving their names as authority. 1. Turdus flavirostris, Swaim.^ 1827, = P. rufopalliatus, Lafres., 1840, “ Monterey, Cal.” An abundant West Mexican bird, which may straggle northward with flocks of T. migratorius, which it closely resembles in habits. 2. Harporhynchus mfus var. longirostris {Lafres.), 1838. “ Cali- fornia and Mexico.” The occurrence of this Eastern Mexican form is not improbable, and it may have been the bird seen by me at Clear Lake, Cal.j as recorded in History of N. A. Birds, III, 500. 3. jEgithina leucoptera, VieilL, 1807, “North America,” = 1 Mota- cilla leucoptera, Vig., 1839, “Western North America,” Baird, List, 1852 (not of Quoy and Gairnard, which is a Palseotropical bird). If = Sylvia leucoptera, Wilson, Index, it is Dendroeca ccerulescens, not known far west of the Mississippi (Coues). {/Egithina leucoptera, Yieill., according to Gray (Hand-List), is from India, while M. leucoptera, Vigors, is from Persia (Lawrence).] 4. Sialia sialis (Linn.). “ Columbia River,” And. Syn., 1839 (error ?). Not mentioned from there by Townsend nor Nuttall, who were then the chief authorities. Still it very probably will occur west of the Rocky Mountains. Some specimens of S. mexicana are stated to approach very near it, from which Audubon^s statement may have arisen. 5. Parus carolinensis, Aud. “ Oregon,” Nuttall, 1840, by error for P. atricapillus var. occidentalis, which is very near it. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 91 6. Geothlypis velatus (Vieill.) = Triclias delajieldi, And., 1839, Nutt., 1840, Heermann, 1858. “ Oregon and California.” It seems strange that a bird so common as G. trichas is in the East should be con- founded with such a different South American species. Townsend’s speci- men was doubtless from South America, but Heermann’s were only G. trichas. Lately recorded from Mazatlan, Mexico, and may therefore reach the Lower Colorado. 7. Siurus auricapillus (Linn.). Oregon,” Nuttall, 1840, and recently recorded from Idaho, as well as Alaska and Mazatlan. “California,” Bonap., Notes Delat., 1853, but may have been obtained in Nicaragua. Still it very probably migrates occasionally through California. 8. Dendrcsca montana (Wils.). “ California,” And., 1839 - 41, Nutt., 1840. There is no further information respecting this very rare and scarcely known bird than is given by the above-named authors. 9. Dendroeca striata (Forst.). “Oregon,” Aud. Syn., 1839. Not given by Townsend nor Nuttall, though it should pass west of the Eocky Mountains in going from Alaska to the tropics. Yet it is not recorded as from the Eocky Mountains or Mexico. 10. Dendroeca caerulea Steph. “ Oregon,” Towns- end’s List, 1839, Aud., 1839, Nutt., 1840. Eecently found west of the Eocky Mountains, so that it may not have been confounded by Towns- end, etc., with Polioptila, as I ^suspected. It has not been detected near the coast. 11. Setophaga ruticilla (Linn?). “California,” Bonap., Notes Delat., 1853, but was perhaps from Nicaragua. Still, as it is common through- out the Eocky Mountains in summer, it may occur in California, though not known from Western Mexico. 12. Collocalia ? unalaschkensis (Gmel.). According to Cassin (II- lust., 1855, 251), Gmelin’s bird belongs to the genus Collocalia, which is peculiar to the Pacific (tropical) islands, Japan, etc. If really found on the Aleutian Islands, some may be expected to straggle to our coast in winter, with other Asiatic species found there by Dali. 13 Hypocolius ampelinus, Bonap., 1850 (Consp.). “California.” This tpecies is now known to be from Sennaar, Upper Egypt, and is un- doubtedly to be removed from the list of West-coast birds. 14. Lanius lahtora, Sykes, — L. elegans, Swains., 1831, Nutt., 1840. Supposed to have been received from Northwest America, but it inhabits Siberia. Stragglers may, however, cross Behring’s Straits, like several other birds. “ L. elegans ” of other American authors is Collurio ludovi- cianus (L.) var. robustus, Baird, 1873. 15. Vireo agilis, Licht., 1823, = V. virescens, Cass., not of Vieill., which is V. hartrami, Swains., 1831; not of Aud., 1839, nor Nuttall, 1840. This species, confounded by former authors with V. gilvus var. swainsoni, has not been found north of Mexico, nor perhaps in North America, unless Douglas really found it at the Columbia Eiver, as supposed by Swainson. 92 BULLETIN OF. THE NUTT ALL 16. Coccothraustes ferreirostris, Vigors, 1839, —papa, Kittl., 1830. “ California,” Baird, 1852.* [This is now recognized as the papa of Kit- tlitz from the Bonin Islands (Allen).] 17. Pyrrhula inornata, Vigors, 1839. “ Northwest coast of America,” Baird, List, 1852. Probably Asiatic ; certainly not North American. 18. Ramphopis flammigerus, Jard., about 1830, “ Columbia Kiver.” [Now known to be South American, — Columbia, Sclater and Salvin ; New Grenada, Gray (Allen).] 19. Chrysopoga typica, ^otKxp., 1850. “California.” [A Mexican and Central American species, not yet confirmed as from. California (Allen).] 20. “Emberiza” atricapilla, Gmel., 1788, Aud., 1839-41. These authors confound this Sandwich Island bird with the Zonotrichia coronata, Pall., a common California bird described in 1831. 21. “Fringilla maculata,” Aud., 1839 (Townsend’s List), was a con- fusing of Hedymeles melanocephalus, Swains., with some foreign species, perhaps Pipilo maculata, Swains. It occurs only in Audubon’s plate, t 22. Pyrgisoma biarcuatus (Lafres.), 1855, “ California,” is a Central American bird. 23. Saltator rufiventris. Vigors, 1839, “ West coast of North Amer- ica,” Baird, List, 1852. [A Bolivian species (Allen).] 24. Icterus baltimore {Linn.), “Columbia Biver.” Aud. Syn., 1839. No authority is given, and it is not mentioned '^by Townsend or Nuttall. Like the Sialia, it can only be a straggler. 25. Icterus pustulatus, Licht., “ California,” Bonap., Notes Delatt., 1853, probably for Nicaragua. Some of these species may be looked for along the Colorado River. 26. Icterus “ californicus ” (Lesson), 1 844 ; “ California,” Bonap., Consp., 1850. [This is a synonym of I. pustulatus (Lawrence).] 27. Icterus icterocephalus (Linn.), Bonap., 1825, Nuttall, 1832- 40. This well-known South American bird was only at first confounded with our Xanthocephalus, and should not have been credited to California by Nuttall. 28. Xanthornus mexicanus (Briss.). “ Pacific coast of (North 1) America,” Baird, List, 1852. [Probably Gymnomystax melanicterus (Vieill.) of tropical America (Allen).] 29. Trupialis militaris (Linn.). “ Monterey, Cal.,” Neboux, Yoy. de la Venus, 1855; “San Francisco,” Cutts, in Baird’s N. A. Birds, 1858. * Chrysomitris yarrelli (Aud.) and Hypocanthus stanleyi (Aud.) are now generally believed to be (if not hybrid cage-birds) from South America, and as he gives no authority for “ Upper California,” they may be omitted. + Plectrophanes maccowni, Lawr., is quoted from “California” by Cassiu (111, p. 229), but has not lately been found west of Arizona. Calamospiza hicolor, Towns., before reported doubtfully from “California,” has been found as a rare bird near Tulare Lake, by Mr. W. A. Cooper. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 93 Although not recently obtained in North America, it has thus been twice reported from California. 30. Quiscalus major, Vieill. ‘‘ California,” Gambel, 1847, but he obtained it only at Mazatlan. It may be looked for on the Lower Colo- rado, 31. Quiscalus purpureus (Bartr.). “ Oregon,” And., 1839, without authority. “California,” Gambel, 1847, Newberry, 1857, who probably both mistook Scolecophagus cyanocephalus for it ; no specimens are known from the west slope. S. ferrugineus (Gm.), “ Oregon,” Townsend, was ob- tained there by Peale, and is common in Alaska. 32. Corvus ossifragus, Wils. “Oregon,” Townsend’s List, And. Syn., 1839 ; “ California,” Woodhouse, 1853 ; all mistaking C. americanus var. caurinus for it. 33. Cyanocitta beecheyi (Vigors), 1829. “ California,” Botta in Eydoux’s Voy. de la Favorite, 1839, but not known from the peninsula recently, or found north of Mexico. 34. Cyanocitta ultramarina (Temm.). Audubon (1839-40) and Nuttall (1840) confounded this Mexican species with C. californica (Vig.)* The var. arizonce, Kidgw., may reach California at the Lower Colorado Kiver. 35. Calocitta colliei (Vigor), 1829, = P^cc» hullocM, And., 1831-42 (not of Wagler), Nuttall, 1840, both of whom described it as from the “Columbia Kiver,” but without good authority, while Nuttall denies ever having seen it there or in California. It probably does not even straggle north of Mazatlan, Mexico. 36. Cyanocorax geoffroyi, Bonap., 1850. California.” [This is a synonym of Cyanocitta heecheyi (Lawrence).] 37. Sayornis fuscus (GmeL). “ Oregon,” Townsend’s List, 1839, but it is not now known west of long. 100°. He may have mistaken S. nigricans for it, as that reaches Southern Oregon.* 38. Antrostomus? macromystax (ITa^^.), Ca.ssin, p. 240. “Cali- fornia,” from a label in Mus. Phil. Acad. A well-known Mexican spe- cies. 39. Antrostomus nigrescens ? Cah.,—A. californianus,^’ Bonap., 1850, New Grenada. I think some of the larger tropical species of this family may stray into California, as I saw what appeared to be one as large as A. carolinensis in Ventura County in 1872, but could not obtain it, and heard no note. 40. Pious lineatus, Linn. “ Oregon,” And., 1839 - 41, from a speci- men in Edinburgh “ sent by Dr. Gairdner.” Not known from North America, and was probably collected in South America. * Saurophagus hairdi, Gamb., 1847, has been attributed to California, but was given by the author as from the Gulf Region of Mexico. It is South American, and has not recently been reported from Mexico. 94 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL 41. Dryotomus delattri, Bonap., 1854. Doubtless labelled “ Califor- nia” by error for Nicaragua. 42. Campephilus imperialis ((tOmW), 1832. “California^” And., 1839, Nutt., 1840, Cassin (figured), 1855. Although Nuttall states that Towns- end shot a specimen in the Rocky Mountains, near the head of the Colo- rado River, it is not mentioned in Townsend’s List, nor figured by Au- dubon. Townsend, however, states that he shot, but lost, a Woodpecker resembling this on Malade River (now in Idaho). Cassin gives reasons for supposing it may also occur in California, and it is to be looked for in Arizona. 43. Melanerpes erythrocephalus {Linn.). “ California,” Gainbel, 1847, Baird in Ornith. of Cal., 1870. Dr. Gambel does not seem to have preserved any specimens, and as no later collectors have found it west of Salt Lake City (“ one seen,” Ridgway), its occurrence in California must be merely accidental. 44. Ceryle americana (Gmel.). “ Colorado River,” Coues, 1866. As Dr. Coues only thought he saw this species along the river, and as such a large bird could scarcely escape the many collectors who have been at F ort Yuma and along the Gila River (whose clear wnters are better suited for it than the muddy Colorado), we may doubt its occurrence until speci- mens are obtained, its range in Texas not being north of lat. 30°. 45. Haliaetus pelagicus (Pall.), 1831. “Aleutian Islands.” Al- though not obtained by late collectors in that region, its occurrence as a frequent visitor from Kamtschatka is more probable even than that of H. albicilla to Greenland, and it may be looked for at least as far south as lat. 50° on our coast. 46. Syrnium nebulosum (Forst). “California,” Woodhouse, 1853. The birds seen by him in .Arizona, also, ’were probably S. occidentale, Xantus, 1859. See Baird in Orn. of Cal., 1870, p. 431. There are several instances besides this in which southern species of Owls do not extend across the continent, although those of the arctic regions, being mostly circumpolar, are common to both sides. Thus Nyctale tengmalmi might have been included in the Orn. of Cal. instead of this, it having been found in Oregon by Townsend. 47. Catharista atrata (Bartr.). “ Columbia River,” Douglass in Faun. Bor. Am., 1831, And., 1839, Peale, 1848, Cassin, 111., 1853, 1858. It is possible that these references were to the young of Ehinogryphus aura., although an actual specimen seems to be alluded to. Dr. Gambel found it quite common about the Gulf of California, but does not add California as in other cases, nor has it been detected, though very likely to be, along the Colorado. 48. Baroorhamphus gryphua {Linn.). “ Southwestern States,” Bonap., 1828-33; “Rocky Mountains,” 1832-40, quoting Lewis and Clarke’s “ bustards,” and the bill and talons brought by them to Peak’s Museum. These were, however, probably those of Pseudogryphus califor- ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 95 nianus, and from the Lower Columbia Eiver. The Condor is doubtless confined to South America, though quite able to visit our latitude. 49. Melopelia leucoptera {Linn.). This species, common in Ari- zona, has not been collected in California, but in 1853 I saw white-winged wild Pigeons, which I then had no doubt were this species, in the San Francisco market. As they are often caged in Mexico, these may have come from there, but it is also very probable that they may wander so far, like the little Ground Dove, which has been shot at San Francisco. 50. Ortyx fasciatus, MSS. “California,” Gould, 1843, but it is not now known north of Colima, Mex., and not at all likely to be found north of that point. 51. Lophortyx elegans (Lesson), 1831. “ Upper California,” Nuttall, 1840, who, however, did not see it. Found at Mazatlan, but not much to the northward. L. douglassi, Vig., is probably young of L. califomicus. 52. Eupsychortyx cristatus {Linn.)= 0. neoxeniis, Vig., 1830, Aud., 1839 - 42, Nutt., 1840. “ Northwest coast of America,” Beechey ; “Califor- nia,” Audubon. This species is not given in any recent lists of birds of western tropical America. Beechey’s specimen may have been a cage- bird, or obtained in Costa Kica. 53. Gambetta flavipea (Gmel.). “ Oregon,” Townsend, 1839 ; “ Cali- fornia,” Woodhouse, 1853, Newberry, 1857. Although some undoubtedly occur for a considerable distance west of the Rocky Mountains and in Alaska, it is a curious fact that no specimen seems to have been collected in California, Nevada, or Arizona, nor have I seen it, while the larger species is abundant. 54. Haematopus ater, Vieill., = H. toivnsendi, Aud., 1839. “ Oregon,” Aud., not Townsend. Doubtless collected in South America, but, like other shore birds, may be also more or less common to the coast of North America. 55. Numenius rufiventris, Vig., 1828. “ Pacific coast of North America.” The name would apply well to a common variety of N. Ion- girostris ; but it is not yet quoted as a synonym of that species, though there seems to be no other species on the coast to which it is referable.* ' 56. Grus americana. Worst, “ Oregon and California,” Townsend and Audubon, 1839. The error arose from confounding G. canadensis with this, which is not now known to go west of long. 100°. 57. Audubonia occidentalis {And.). “California,” Gambel, 1847, “ to Columbia River” ; Newberry, 1857. No specimens were obtained, and they no doubt mistook the large var. “ califomica ” of Ardea egretta for it. 58. Platalea ajaja, Lmm = “P. mmcam,”? Willoughby. “California to San Francisco,” Gambel, 1847. Not seen since then north of the Gulf of * Actodromus Cassin, 1858, not of Sohlegel, was confounded by him with A. hairdi, Cones, 1861, and is still doubtful as a West-coast bird, as is the more northern and Alaskan Actiturm hartvamius (Wils.). 96 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL California, and not very likely to straggle so far north, although Tantalus loculator visits San Francisco Bay and vicinity every year. Could he have been deceived by hearing Spatula clypeata called “ Spoon-bill ” ? 59. Anser segetum (Gmel). “ Probably on Northwest coast in winter,” Nuttall, 1832. The evidence for the occurrence of this species anywhere in North America is very slight, although it is quoted by Swainson and Richardson from Hearne. [Doubtless A. canadensis (Cones).] 60. Anas obscura, Gmel. Oregon,” And., 1839, Townsend’s List, California,” Woodhouse, 1853. This, probably a melanistic form of the Mallard, has not recently been found west of Utah. (See Henshaw, Kept., 1875.) 61. Dafila nrophasiana (Vig.), 1829. Northwest coast.” This South American species has not been confirmed as from North America, and, if found, occurs only as a straggler. 62. Larns belcheri, Vig., 1829. “ Pacific coast of North America.” Though confounded by some with L. heermanni, this species is probably limited to South America, and the range of the two species does not meet. 63. Chroecocephalus atricilla {Linn). “Colorado River,” Coues, 1868, but not yet obtained on Pacific side north of Cape Saint Lucas. 64. Sterna antillarum {Less.). In exactly the same category as the last. 65. Hydrochelidon nigrum {Linn.). “ Oregon,” Towns., 1839 ; “ California,” Heermann, 1858. According to Coues (Mon. Laridae), the common American bird is H. lariformis (Linn.), so that the H. nigrum is not likely to occur, except as a straggler, in the West, where all I have seen were the common kind. [This is probably what Townsend and Heermann meant by nigrum” (Coues). Saunders (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 642) makes them identical (Lawrence).] 66. Xema furcatum {Neboux), 1840. “ Coast of California.” As this remarkable species has not been confirmed from the West coast, the locality may well be doubted, like too many recorded by the same author. [Recently stated by Salvin to be an inhabitant of the Gallapagos (Law- rence).] 67. Graculus carbo {Linn.). “ Nootka Sound,” Nutt., 1834, “ Ore- gon,” Towns., 1839. Not confirmed by collections from the West coast, and no doubt confounded with other species. 68- Sula bassana {Linn.). “Northwest coast of America,” Nutt., 1834. 69. Sula fiber {Linn.) =fusca, Yieill. “ Off coast of California from San Francisco south,” Newberry, 1857. The species seen were probably S. piscator (Linn.), and >S. cyanops, Sund., which have been obtained from the West Mexican coast, Lut not farther north, and I have not seen them along the coast north of lat. 30° during several voyages. 70. Diomedea chlororhyncha {Gmel.). “ Off the coast of Oregon,” • ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 97 Towns., 1839, And., 1839-44. Audubon's figured type proves to be D. culminata, Gould, and was probably obtained too far from our coast to be included in its Avifauna, as none have been found lately alongshore or in sight of land. Townsend does not include it in his list of Oregon birds. 71. Diomedea fuliginosa, GmeL, = D. fusca, Aud., 1839-44. In- cluded in Townsend’s List, but not recently confirmed, and as he does not mention D. nigripes, And., he may have referred to the type of that species. The South Pacific D. exulans and Daption capensis should also be excluded. 72. iEstrelata haesitata (Kuhl.). “ California,” Lawrence, 1853, by error for Priofinus cinereus (Gmel.). No record of the former from the Pacific. 73. Puffinus obscurus (GtHcZ.). “Northwest coast of America,” Nut- tall,^1834. No late record of its occurrence in the Pacific. 74. Podiceps minor {Gmel.). “ Oregon,” Townsend, 1839. Given by Nuttall as North American, but not lately obtained, being a common European species, and confounded by Townsend with either P. cornutus or P. auritus. 75. Podiceps dominicns {Linn.). “ California,” Gambel, 1847. Prob- ably not obtained north of the Gulf, and not confirmed as living north of lat. 32°. EEMAKKS ON BELASPHORUS ALLENI, Henshaw. BY D. G. ELLIOT. I HAD commenced an article in reference to the two forms of the Selasphorus rnfus of authors, as observed in California and Mexico, when the July number of the Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club reached me, containing an interesting paper by Mr. Henshaw, on the California bird, which he describes as new under the name of S. alleni. That there are two well-defined sjoeaes, as the term is usually understood nowadays, I have for a long time been w^ell satisfied in my own mind, and the peculiar shape of the lateral rectrices would seem to be sufficient to establish the specific differ- ences of the two birds. Mr. Henshaw has done good service in pointing these out ; but unfortunately he has conferred a new name upon the wrong bird, for it is the southern form that requires to be designated, and not the northern, or to be perhaps more exact, it is the red-backed bird with the broad tail-feathers, and not the green- backed one with the narrow tail-feathers, that is in need of a name. 98 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL To prove this it would be necessary to go back in the history of the species, and commence at the beginning. Gmelin seems to be the first author who conferred a Latin name upon the Rufous-throated Hummer, which he did in his “ Systema Naturae ” (1788), Vol. I, p. 497, sp. 57, and described it as follows: “ Trochilus rufus .... rostrum pedesque nigri ; colli pennae laterales nonnullae elongatae mo- biles ; tectrices alarum obscure virescentes ; rectrices splendide rufae acuminatce, linea media longitudinali et apice nigris; cauda cuneataP Moreover, he gives the habitat as “in sinu Arnericae Natka,” and quotes as his synonyms the Ruffed Honey-Sucker of Pennant’s “Arctic Zoology,” Vol. II, p. 290, No. 177, and the Ruff-necked'' Humming-Bird of Latham’s “ Synopsis,” Vol. II, p. 785, No. 56, t. 35, ^ whose specimen, as Latham informs us, came from Nootka Sound. Now, as it is well known that the southern bird with the broad rec- trices has a wide dispersion, going far to the north on the Pacific coast, it might be said, “ How are we to know that the specimen from Nootka Sound was not this species, and that it was the one called alleni by Mr. Henshaw'?” Fortunately this can be satisfactorily determined, and all doubts removed, by turning to the “ Fauna Boreali Americana” (Birds), and on page 324 we find that Swain- son, in his article on the Trochilm {Selasphorus) rufus of Gmelin, makes the following statement : “ The discovery of this superb species in the cold and inhospitable regions of Nootka Sound is due to our great navigator. Captain Cook, while to Dr. Latham belongs the honor of first making it known to science. Bp a singular chance we have at this moment before us one of the identical specimens, in per- fect preservation, collected by the naturalists of that expedition ; it was presented by the late Sir Joseph Banks to Mr. Bullock, and was purchased by us at a very high price at the dispersion of that col- lector's museum by public auction.” In his description of the form of this bird, he says : “ The tail, although short, is more cuneated than rounded, the two middle pairs being longest, all are narrowed and obtusely pointed at their extremities, but the two outer pairs are particularly narrow P It will thus be seen, I think, that the species described by Gmelin from Nootka Sound was, without doubt, the bird with narrow rectrices, as Swainson’s specimen was a typical one, if indeed it may not have been the original type ; and he was too keen a naturalist not to have noticed the peculiar notch in the rectrices next the median pair, observed in the bird with the broad tail-feathers. He also speaks of the throat as being equally ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 99 brilliant with that of T. moschilus (!) (which, so far as I have seen, is never the case with the other species), and it has, he says, more of a red than an orange gloss,” and the tints are “exquisitely splen- did ” ; a perfectly accurate description of the California bird, but not of the other, which has the gorget orange., and not at all brilliant. To come a little nearer to our own time, we have Audubon, who, in his “Birds of America” (8vo edition, Vol. IV, p. 202), thus describes the Selasphorus rufus as he knew it from the specimens collected on the Blue Mountains of the Columbia Eiver and at Nootka Sound by Messrs, Nuttall and Townsend: “Tail rather long, broad, graduated, the lateral feathers four and a half twelfths of an inch shorter than the central ; the latter are extremely broad, measuring four and a half twelfths across, and the rest gradually diminish to the lateral, w^hich are very narrow, all obtusely pointed.” Not a word, it will be noticed, is said of the notch on the first rectrices from the central ones. The throat is also stated to be “splendent fire-red,” etc. Baird, in the “ Birds of North America” (1860), p. 134, in his description of the S. rufns, says that “the tail is strongly cuneate ; the outer feather .40 of an inch shorter than the middle, which projects .14 of an inch beyond the rest. The outer feather is very narrow, not exceeding .11 of an inch in width; the rest widen and lengthen rapidly to the central one, which is very broad (.35 of an inch) ; the central feathers are all ovate-acu- ninate. The entire throat, including a short ruff on the side of the neck (about .40 of an inch long), is metallic red, of the same shade as in the Ruby-throat, although with brassy reflections in some lights.” Could, in his “Monograph of the Trochilidoe,''' has appar- ently confused the two species together, but he makes no mention of the notched rectrices, but states they are all of a “ broad lanceolate form,” and his figures would seem to be taken from the California bird. I might go on and multiply the instances w'here writers in their descriptions of S. rufus have spoken only of the birds with the narrow rectrices, although, as in Mr. Could’s case, they may have had both Californian and Mexican specimens before them, but, regarding them as one species, they have always selected for their descriptions the specimens with the brilliant throats (as being in more perfect plumage, as they supposed), rather than the duller- throated examples, and so these last have escaped receiving a dis- tinctive name, as they deserved. But I think enough has been said to show that authors generally, and the older ones especially, 100 BULLETIN OF THE NUT TALL. always described the bird with all the lateral rectrices narrow, and destitute of any notch. I have not said anything, in comparing the species, about the color of the back, as I consider this is not altogether a satisfactory character by which to distinguish the birds, though Mr. Henshaw makes it one of his principal ones. Latham, in his original descrip- tion, states that the “ crown ” was “ glossy green,” and also that there ,was a “greenish gloss between the wings.” In the first place, the females of both are entirely green in their upper surface, and this is not always pure green, as I have specimens now before me, collected by Boucard at Oaxaca, Mexico, in which the back is a yellowish- bronze, precisely like young males in my collection from California of the other form, collected by Dr. Heermann. Again, I have young males, also collected by Boucard at Oaxaca, which have the back of such a curious reddish-cinnamon that it is difficult to say what color it exactly is ; and Mr. Henshaw says, in his article (p. 55), that “ in California, however, where the S. rufus occurs in its typical condition, that is, with an unmixed rufous back, specimens are not uncommonly found which exhibit a strong approach to the colora- tion of S. alleni ” ; although, as he farther says, “ they never apppear to pass beyond a certain point.”.. It is, however, indisputable, that the two species do vary in the amount of green upon their upper sur- face, and also that at times they approach each other in coloration so nearly that, were there no other differences existing, it would be impossible to separate them. For this reason I do not place much reliance upon the amount of green on the back as a specific charac- ter. But there are other differences, I think, not mentioned by Mr. Henshaw, to be observed in the females, by which this sex of the two species can be distinguished. The female of the Mexican * species has the rectrices broad. In addition to the superior width of its rectrices, the Mexican bird has the lateral tail-feathers, for more than a third of their length in the central portion, jet black, the base light rufous, and the tips white, so that when the tail is closed, and looked at from * I use the terms Mexican and Californian to designate the birds with broad and narrow rectrices respectively, for the term rufous has been so misapplied that I cannot employ it at present without risk of adding to the confusion. At the same time the bird called alleni is not restricted to California, as I have al- ready shown, but goes as far north at least as Nootka Sound, and may in winter pass into Lower California, perhaps into Mexico. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 101 beneath, it appears all black, tipped with white. In the other species the rufous of the basal portion is more extended, and the blackish bar narrower, and does not occupy all the space between the tips of the under-coverts and the white tips, at least on the lateral feathers. I do not think that the females have any metallic feathers on the throat ; those mentioned as females, with these feathers, being usually young males. These last generally have the median rectrices cinnamon, the tips only being metallic green. As, therefore, it will be necessary to bestow a new name upon the bird with the metallic-orange throat and notched rectrices next to the central pair, the synonymy of the species will stand somewhat as below. The descriptions are taken from specimens in my collection from California and Mexico respectively. Selasphorus rufus. Trochilus rufus, Gmel., Syst. Nat., Vol. I, p. 497. (1788.) Ruff-necked Humming-Bird, Lath., Gen. Syn,, Vol. II, p, 785, pi. 35. (1781.) Trochilus {Selasioliorus) rufus, Swains., Faun. Bor. Amer., Vol. II, p. 324. (1831.) Selasphorus rufus, Aun., B. Amer., 8vo ed. Vol. IV, p. 200. Bated,* B. Amer. (1860), p. 134. Gould, Mon. Troch,, Vol. Ill, pi. 137 (partim). SelaspJior^is ruber. Bon., Consp. Gen. Av., p. 82. Ornismya soisin, Less., Hist. Nat. Ois. Monch., p. 190, pis. 66, 67. Selasphorus alleni, Henshaw, Bull. Nutt. Ornith. Club, Vol. II, p. 54 (1877). Habitat. In summer the Pacific coast of America from California to Nootka Sound. In winter — ? Male. Top of head and back bronzy-green, dullest on the forehead. Sides of the head, rump, flank, abdo- men, and under tail-coverts rufous. A gorget of metal- lic feathei's, covering all the throat and extending on to the sides of the neck, brilliant coppery-red, with brassy reflections in certain lights. Up- per part of breast white. Wings purplish-brown. Tail short, cuneate. Figures reprinted from Mr. Henshaw ‘s article (this volume, p. 53), with change of names. 102 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL all the feathers acutely pointed. Median rectrices rather broad, lateral ones narrowing rapidly to the outermost, w'hich is extremely narrow. Bill straight, black. Female. Above entirely green, with a slight cinnamon shade on the rump. Under surface grayish- white, with a slight brownish tinge on the breast. Tail-feathers rufous at base, then a narrow subterminal bar of violaceous-black, and tipped with white. The next species I propose to call Selasphorus henshawi. Trochilus riifus, Henshaw, Bull. Nutt. Ornith. Club, Vol. II, p. 53 (1877). Habitat. Mexico, northward along the Pacific coast to Sitka. Male. Top of the head metallic-green, rest of upper parts cinnamon, but some specimens have green feathers intermixed with the rufous on the back. Throat metallic-orange, not brilliant as in the other species. Breast, and the centre of the abdomen, white ; flanks and under tail-coverts rufous. Tail rufous, tipped with dark brown ; feathers pointed at tip, median pair broad, lateral ones growing narrower to the outermost, which is the most attenuated. On the inner web near the tip of the rectrices next the central pouir is a conspicuous well-developed notch. Bill black. Total length, 3| inches ; wing, Ij ; tail. If ; culmen, f . Female. Entire upper parts shining grass-green, dullest on the crown. Throat white, spotted with brown. Under parts white ; washed with rufous on the breast and flanks. Under tail-coverts buff. Median rec- trices green ; lateral ones rufous at base, then a band of metallic-green, succeeded by a subterminal broad black bar, and tips white. Bill black. Length, 3J inches ; wing. If ; tail, If ; culmen, f. Young males similar to the females, with a few metallic spots on the throat. THE YELLOW- THROATED WARBLER {DENDRCECA DOMINICA). BY WILLIAM BREWSTER. It is indeed surprising that a bird so generally distributed through- out the Southern States as the above-named species should be so lit- tle known. In “ History of North American Birds” (Vol. I, p. 241), Dr. Brewer prefaces his account of its habits by the remark that its history “ is very imperfectly known,” and then proceeds to draw upon the meagre and conflicting descriptions given by Wilson, Audubon, and Nuttall. Although I cannot myself claim an ac- ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 103 quaintance of very long standing with this beautiful little species, still for five or six weeks during the past spring scarcely a day passed that I did not see one or more individuals. I first met with them at Mellonville, Florida, where, on March 14, I shot two speci- mens, both females, in the pine woods near the town. They were associated with Pine Warblers, Nuthatches, and Woodpeckers. During a trip up the Wekiva River, March 19 to 23 inclusive, I heard at frequent intervals a Warbler that I did not recognize sing- ing in the cypresses, but from the impenetrable nature of the swamps, and the great height of the trees, I was unable to get even a glimpse of the bird. A week later, while descending the St. John’s River by steamer, I again constantly heard, both from the cypress swamps and the open piny woods, the notes of this, to me, unknown species, and although I felt almost certain of its identity, it was not until I reached St. Mary’s, Georgia, that I proved to my satisfaction that my suspicions were correct. There, from the 6th of x4.pril to the 4th of May, I enjoyed abundant opportunities of studying its habits, for it was everywhere, in suitable localities, if not one of the most abundant, at least a generally distributed species. At the time of my arrival the males were in full song and mating. A few individuals haunted the moss-hung live-oaks that shaded the village streets, but the open piny woods were their fa- vorite abode. There, with the Summer Redbird [Pyranga oestiva), the Pine Warbler {Bendroeca pinus), the Brown-headed Nuthatch {Sitta pnsilla), and a variety of Woodpeckers, they frequented the beautiful Southern pines. Indeed, so great was their attachment to this tree that, with the exception of those heard in the cypress swamps of the Upper St. John’s, and the few that inhabited the oaks in the town, I do not remember to have seen one in any other tree. So marked and unvarying was this preference, that on more than one occasion I made use of the notes of this bird to guide me out of some bewildering thicket, feeling sure that beyond where it was singing I should find the more open pine-clad country. Nearly all the authors who have written on the Yellow-throated Warbler from personal observation compare his movements along the branches to those of the Black-and-white Cree-per (Mniotilta varia). At first I was inclined to the same opinion, but after my eagerness to secure specimens had somewhat abated, through success in col- lecting them, I felt more at leisure to watch the pretty little birds before taking their innocent lives, and, having spent many hours in 104 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL carefully studying their habits, I became convinced of the error of my earlier impressions. Their movements are much slower than those of the Mniotilta, and there is less of that crouching, creeping motion. They do, indeed, spend much of their time searching the larger branches for food, but it is much more in the manner of the Pine Warbler, and their motion is rather a hopping than a creeping one. I have never seen them ascend the trees from the roots to the top- most branches, as Audubon relates, but I occasionally observed one clinging against the main trunk for a moment, to seize an insect, as will the Bluebird {Sialia sialis) and many of the Warblers. Their hunting-ground is for the most part, however, among the higher branches, and a considerable part of their time is spent at the ex- tremities of the limbs, searching for food among the pine needles. Their bright yellow throats, brought out by contrast with the dark evergreen foliage, give them a certain resemblance to the Black- burnian Warbler [Dendroeca hlackburni(je). The males are not very persistent singers. I rarely heard them^ during the warm hours of the day, even when pairing was almost their sole occupation. Their song is very pretty ; it may be nearly imitated by the syl- lables Tivsee-twsee-twsee, twsee-see, the last two rising and terminat- ing abruptly. It most nearly resembles that of the Nashville Warbler [Helminthophaga rnjicapilla), beginning in almost the same way, but ending differently, and, indeed, throughout the notes are much sweeter. Both sexes utter a chirp similar to that of other Warblers, but sharper. By the middle of April there was a marked decrease in the number of Yellow-throated Warblers about St. Mary’s. This was partly owing to my having shot many for specimens, but not en- tirely to this, for extended researches over new ground convinced me that the greater number had passed on, probably to the north- ward. A few, however, still remained ; perhaps on an average one pair to every hundred acres of pine forest. While collecting near St. Mary’s, April 18, I was in the act of shooting a female when I noticed that she was gathering material for building, and, tracing her flight, I was fortunate enough to discover her half-completed nest. Visiting the spot at frequent intervals, I invariably found both birds feeding among the pines in the vicinity, although the nest, as far as I could judge, seemed finished. At length. May 2, a friend, ascending the tree, found the female sitting. She remained on the nest until he nearly touched it, although the limb shook ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 105 violently under his weight. When she did finally leave it she sailed down into a smaller tree a few rods off, where she remained a silent and seemingly unconcerned spectator of what followed. The nest and its contents being safely lowered to the ground, I shot both the female and her mate. The latter was singing, as usual, a short distance off, and apparently took no more interest than the female in the destruction of their mutual hopes. Embryos of small size had already formed in the eggs, so that incubation must have begun three or four days previously. This nest was placed at the height of about thirty-five feet from the ground, on the stout hori- zontal branch of a Southern pine, one of a thinly scattered grove or belt that stretched along the edge of a densely wooded hummock. It was set flatly on the limb, — not saddled to it, — nearly midway between the juncture with the main trunk and the extremity of the twigs, and was attached to the rough bark by silky fibres. It is composed externally of a few short twugs and strips of bark bound together by Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides) and a silky down from plants. The lining consists of a few hair-like filaments of moss and soft cottony vegetable down. The whole structure is neatly and firmly compacted, though essentially simple in appear- ance, and, from the nature of the component materials, of a grayish inconspicuous color. In size, shape, and general formation it very nearly resembles nests of the Black-throated Green Warbler [Den- droeca virens) in my collection. It measures externally 2.80 inches in diameter by 1.70 in depth; internally, 1.77 inches in diameter by 1.30 in depth. The eggs, four in number, measure .69 by .53 of an inch. They are quite regularly ovate, with fine dottings of pale lilac scattered thinly and evenly over a grayish-white ground-color. A few spots or blotches of burnt sienna occur about the large ends, while occasional irregular penlike lines of dark brown diversify the remaining surface. Upon referring to published accounts of the nesting of this Warbler, I find the statements by the different authors most con- flicting, and the authenticity of many of the specimens open to gravest doubt. Both Mr. Maynard (in “ Birds of Florida,” Part II, page 61) and Dr. Coues (“Birds of the Northwest,” page 67) base their descriptions upon alleged specimens sent to the Smithsonian Institution by Mr. Norwood C. Giles, of Wilmington, N. C. Dr. Brewer refers to these specimens as “ eggs supposed to be of this species,” and Dr. Coues describes the nest as “ built in a large mass V 106 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL of Spanish moss,” and as “ composed chiefly of that material. A part of the moss which hung from an oak bough, two feet downward and a foot across, was caught up and closely woven together with a little fibrous substance and much plant-down, to form a swing- ing bed for the nest, with a lateral entrance which will admit the hand. Inside is the nest proper, of the usual dimensions, very neatly wrought of the moss, with a smooth even border, and lined with plant-down and a few fine grasses.” From the great difference in the position and structure of the nest, there seems little reason to doubt that Mr. Giles was mistaken in his identification. Nut- talfs account of “ its curious .fabric, suspended to a kind of rope which hangs from tree to tree,” is manifestly fabulous, while Audubon’s description is, to say the least, very vague and unsatis- factory, though, as far as it goes, it certainly most nearly approxi- mates to the specimen before me. From the number of individuals I saw near Savannah, Ga., May 5 (I heard in Bonaventure Cemetery four different males singing at one time), I am led to believe that the Yellow-throated Warbler breeds more abundantly in Northern Georgia (and perhaps in South and North Carolina) than farther south. D’Hamonville’s Enumeration of the Birds of Europe.* — ■ The writer is indebted to his friend and correspondent, Baron D’Hamonville, for a copy of his recent Catalogue of the Birds of Europe, which deserves more than a mere mention on account of the admirably comprehensive manner in w'hich it has been prepared. While it enumerates every form that has been claimed to have been taken within the limits of Europe, it is careful to designate in a significant manner the writer’s mode of dis- sent. Thus, names believed to have no specific significance, or to rep- resent a race rather than a species, are marked with a Greek minuscule ; those whose presence is questioned are given with an interrogation sign, and those whose occurrence is exceptional are also designated. Thus divided, the Baron makes the whole number 658, as follows : — * Catalogue des Oiseaux d’ Europe, on enumeration des especes et races d’oi- seaux dont la presence, soit habituelle soit fortuite, a ete dument constatee dans les liniites geographiques de TEurope, par J. C. L. T. D’Hamonville. 8vo. pp. 74. Paris : 1876. ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 107 Species resident or of regular migration 425 Species of fortuitous occurrence 150 Species whose capture in Europe is disputed .... 22 European luces ......... 55 658 The number of accidental visitors is surprisingly large, being about one fourth of the whole Catalogue, and is very nearly equally divided between Africa, Asia, and North America. These do not include those whose presence is disputed, though the number of the latter should probably be enlarged. Thus Haliaetus leucocephalus is accepted without dispute, though its right to be included is generally questioned. Appended is a list of the portion of the visitors to Europe from North America, with the region where taken : — Nauclenis furcatns, England. Accipiter atricapillus, Scotland. Scops asio, England. Picus villosus, England. Picas pubescens, England. Coccyzus americanus, England. Coccyzus eryihrophthalmiis, Italy (Lucca). Alcedo alcyon, Ireland. Agelccus phoeniceus, England. Loxia leucoptera, England. Anthus ludovicianus, Heligoland. T Urdus fuscescens, Pomerania. Turdus pallasi, Switzerland. Turdus swainsoni (not given). Harporhynchus rufus, Heligoland. Regains calendula, England. Dendrceca virens, Heligoland. Progne purpurea, England. Hirundo hicolor, England. Ectopistes migratorius, Russia, Norway, England. Charadrius virginicus, Heligoland. Charadrius fulvus, Malta. AEgialitis vocifera, England. Namenius hudsonicns, Iceland, England. Numenius borealis, Scotland. Macrorhamphus griseus. Northern Eu- rope. Tringa maculata, England. Tringa bonapaHei, England and France. Tringa pusilla, England. Tryngites rufescens, England, France, Heligoland. Gambetta Jlavipes, England. Rhyacophilus solitarius, Scotland. Actitis macularia, Western Europe. Bartramia longicauda. Central Europe. Sympliemia semipalmata, Sweden, Fra nee* Botaurus lentiginosus, Germany, Eng- land. Puffinus obscurus, France, England. Paffinus fuliginosus, France, England. Thalassidroma leucorrhoa, Western Eu- rope. Chnecocephalus atricilla, France, Eng- land. Chroecocephalus Philadelphia, England. Xema sobinei, Northern Europe. Mareca americana, England. Querqaedala discors, France. Aix sponsa, England, France, Germany. Fulix collaris, England. Fulix affinis, England. Clangula albeola, England. . (Edemia perspicillata. Western Europe. Mergus cucullatus, France, England. Uria columba, Greece (Von Heuglin). Simorhynchas psittaculus, Sweden. T. M. B. Merriam’s “Review ob’ the Birds of Connecticut.”* — Through * A Review of the Birds of Connecticut, with Remarks on their Habits. By C. Hart Merriam. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy, Vol. IV, pp. — , 1877. 108 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL the kindness of the author we have received advance sheets of the above- cited j)aper, shortly to be issued under the auspices of the Connecticut Academy, as the first of a proposed series on the Fauna of that State. Since the appearance of Linsley’s “ Catalogue of the Birds of Connec- ticut ” in 1843, no detailed enumeration of the birds of that State has been published. Hence the ad^^ent of Mr. Merriam’s paper must be hailed with interest by all engaged in the study of New England Ornithology. The author gives in all two hundred and ninety-two species. Of these he arranges under special lists in tabular form, one hundred and thirty-five as “ summer residents ” ; twenty which probably breed occasionally, but are not known to do so ; forty-one resident species ; ninety migrants ; sixty- seven winter visitants ; thirty-one irregular summer visitants ; forty-six rare accidental visitants ; and nineteen rare and irregular visitants. Fol- lowing these is a tabulated analysis of Linsley’s Catalogue, in which he eliminates sixty-three species given by that author on apparently insuf- ficient authority, though many of these are afterwards included by Mr. Merriam upon more recent and tangible evidence. The Avifauna of Con- necticut, though essentially Alleghanian in character, has been long known to embrace many Carolinian forms, but the relative extent of this ‘‘ tinge,” geographically as well as specifically, has been considerably developed by Mr. Merriam’s careful researches. Thus, upon unimpeachable authority are given as birds of Connecticut, Dendro&ca dominica, Loijhojjhanes bicolor, Oporornis formosus, Gardinalis virginianus, Empidonax acadicus, and Cen- turus carolinus, while, singularly enough, several species knowm only in the more northern New' England States as spring and fall migrants have been found breeding. In the careful elaboration of interesting details culled from personal experience and the note-books of well-knowui and trust- worthy field collectors, this paper is most rich. Indeed, if we may be permitted to qualify otherwise undiluted praise by a little censure, we should say that a judicious summarizing of data and incident would divest this paper of a great deal of unnecessary cumbersomeness. Still, it is perhaps better to err in this direction than in the other and too common one, and Mr. Merriam certainly deserves much credit for his arduous labors. — W. B. Note on Doricha enicura (Vieill.). — About two years ago Mr. H. W. Henshaw submitted some birds to me for determination, among which was the female of a species of Humming-Bird obtained by him in Arizona, which I considered to be Doricha enicura, and it is so recorded in United States Geographical Survey W. of 100th Meridian, Vol. V, Chap. III. On a re-examination lately made, I find it was not properly referred, and a comparison with the female of Calothorax lucifer (Sw\) shows it to be that ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. 109 species, which must now be included in our Fauna in place of D. enicura. At the time of my first examination I had no specimen of the female of G. lucifer, and w\as misled by the general similarity of coloring of the two species, especially the distribution of colors in the tail, both having it rufous at base, black in the middle, and white at the end ; D. enicura has the tail-feathers narrower, and the rufous on their bases rather more in extent. The females of Calothorax pulchra and of Myrtis fannice closely resemble the same sex of the species spoken of above in general plumage, and in having their tails of the same pattern of coloration. In many allied forms among the Trocliilidce, the females resemble each other so much that a satisfactory determination of them is quite difficult, except with authentic examples of the different species to compare with. — Geo. N. Lawrence, New York City. ' Occurrence of the Black Vulture or Carrion Crow in Ohio. — On or about December 20, 1876, I came upon three individuals of this species {Gathartes atratus, Less.), feeding on the carcass of a hog, in a wooded ravine near Madisonville] ; one of them I shot at and wounded, but lost sight of it in the woods, and the other two remained in the immediate vicinity long enough to give me an excellent opportunity to observe their peculiarities of form and flight, although I could not approach within gunshot of them. On January 1, 1877, however, I found a specimen that had been killed a few days previous, in the same locality, by Mr. Edwin Leonard, of Madisonville, under circumstances rendering it probable that it was the one I had wounded ; its skin is now in my collection. The occurrence of this bird in Ohio, or in fact anywhere in the Missis- sippi Valley north of the Ohio Kiver, has heretofore rested solely on Audubon’s account of its range, which has been quoted by all subsequent waiters ; and, being essentially a southern species, its capture here, at a time when the Ohio Eiver was frozen over and the ground covered with several inches of snow, seems worthy of remark. I have identified this species here satisfactorily to 'myself, on two previous occasions, both in winter, but have never seen the “Turkey Buzzard’* {C. aura) at that season, although it is quite common during the summer. — Frank W. Langdon. Occurrence op the Western Nonpareil and Berlandier’s Wren AT Fort Brown, Texas. — Dr. J. C. Merrill, U. S. A., in a recent letter to the writer, says : “ I have recently (April 23 and 24, 1877) taken two fine males of Cyanospiza versicolcyr, a bird new to onr Fauna, although included in Baird, Brewer, and Kidgway’s ‘ History of North American Birds.’ I have also heard and seen several others. They frequent ines- quite chaparral, and betray themselves by their notes, which somewhat resemble those of G. cyanea. Berlandier’s Wren {Thrijothorus ludovicianus var. herlandieri), also new, but included in Baird, Brewer, and Kidgway’s work, I find to be a rather common visitant.” Dr. Merrill also states that 110 BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL CLUB. he had just found a beautiful nest of Spermopliila moreleti, which proves to be a rather abundant species. — J. A. Allen, Cambridge, Mass. A Cuckoo’s Egg in a Cedar-Bird’^ Nest. — On July 19, 1874, while collecting in a piece of swampy second growth about four miles from Utica, N. Y., I discovered a nest in a small sapling about eight feet from the ground, which, on examination, I found to contain four eggs of the Cedar- Bird {Ampelis cedrorum), and one egg of the Cuckoo. From the damp situation, from the appearance of the egg itself, and from the fact of my having found the nest of that bird in the same piece of wood the previous year (1873), I am led to believe it was that of the Black-billed species {Coccyzus erythrophthalmus). The nest was deserted and apparently had been for some time, as all the eggs were addled, nor could I see that incubation had begun ; certainly it had not in the Cuckoo’s egg. I can find no mention in print, nor have I ever before heard, of such a case. — Egbert Bagg, Jr., Utica, N. Y. [The laying of our American Cuckoos in the nests of other birds is doubtless not so rare an occurrence as has been supposed. Two instances have been observed recently in this immediate vicinity, and I have heard of others. Mr. A. M. Frazar, of Watertown, Mass., informs me of one in- stance where the Yellow-billed Cuckoo {Coccyzus america^ius) deposited an egg in a Robin’s nest, and another case of the laying of the same species in the nest of a Wood Thrush. In the March number of the Oologist” (Vol. Ill, p. 3, published at Utica, N. Y.) an anonymous writer records (since Mr. Bagg’s note was received for publication) the finding of two eggs of .the “ Cuckoo ” (species not given) in the nest of a ‘‘ Redbird ” at Gambier, Ohio. — J. A. Allen.] Occurrence for the first Time in England of the Robin (Turdus migratorius). — Mr. J. E. Harting records the first occurrence in England of this species in an article in The Field ” (published in London, Eug.), of December 23, 1876, and also in the “Zoologist” for January, of which paper he is , editor. The bird was taken alive, owing to its exhausted state, when reaching land at Dover, during April or May. Mr. Harting is a well-known authority on stragglers, having published in 1872 a Handbook of British Birds, in which was recorded 212 speci- mens of American birds, belonging to 42 different species. Since that time some of these have been discredited, and others added, until at the present time the list embraces 220 instances of the occasional appearance in Great Britain of North American birds. Of the species referred to in this list, there are five birds of prey, fourteen Passer es and Picarice, one Columba, fourteen Grallatores, and eight Natatores. The prevailing winds of the Atlantic being westerly probably accounts for the greater abun- dance of American stragglers in Europe than the contrary. — H. B. Bailey, Orange, N. J. INDEX Accentor auricapillus, 31. Accipiter atricapillus, 107. Actitis macularia, 107. jEgialitis vocifera, 107. “ wilsonia, 13, 46. JEgiothus canescens, 14, 46. “ exilipes, 51. “ rufescens, 51. JEgithina leucoptera, 90. JEstrelata haisitata, 97. Agelseus phoeniceus, 107. Aix sponsa, 107. Akhnrst, J., capture of the Egyptian Goose on Long Island, N. Y., 52. Alcedo alcyon, 107. Allen, J. A., note on breeding-dress of Phalaropes, 41 ; nest and eggs of the Alaskan Wren, 82; on Cuckoos lay- ing in nests of other birds. 111. Ammodromus caudacutus, 27, 28. Anas obscura, 96. Anatidae, neotropical, notice of Sclater and Salvin’s paper on, 24. Anser gambeli, 14, 46. “ segetum, 96. Anthus coronata, 32. “ Therrainieri, 33. “ ludovicianus, 17, 107. Antrostomus macromystax, 93. “ nigrescens, 93. Aramus scolopaceus, 23. Archibuteo ferruiiineus, 26. Audubonia occidentalis, 95. Bagg, E., Jr., Cuckoo’s egg in a Cedar- Bird’s nest, 110. Bailey, H. B., occurrence of Leconte’s Bunting in Iowa, 26 ; occurrence of Passerculus princeps in New York, 78 ; occurrence for the first time of the Robin in England, 110. Bartramia longicauda, 107. Bernicla hutcliinsi, 14, 46. “ leucopsis, 17. Botaurus lentiginosus, 107. Brachyotus cassini, 14. Brewer, T. M., a defence of his Cata- logue of New England Birds, 44; a new bird to Massachussets, 78 ; a new form of Surma to New England, 78 ; breeding of Leach’s Petrel on the coast of Maine, 80. Brewster, Wm., the Black-and-Yellow Warbler, 1 ; northern range of the Sharp-tailed Finch, 28 ; two un de- scribed nests of Californian birds, 37 ; an undescribed Hybrid between two North American Grouse, 66 ; the Yel- low-throated Warbler, 102. Brown, J. A. H., on uEyiothus exilipes in Europe, 51. Brown, N. C., notes on birds new to the fauna of Maine, etc., 27. Bubo virginianus, 80. Bunting, Chestnut-collared, 78. “ Leconte’s, 26. “ MacCown’s, 52. Burroughs, J., notice of his “ Wake- Robin,” 48. Buteo cooperi, 89. Buzzard, Ferruginous, 26. Calamospiza bicolor, 92. Calocitta colliei, 93. Cardinalis virginianus, 108. Carpodacus amplus, 60 - 66. “ frontalis, 60 - 66. “ purpureas, var. californi- cus, 37. Catharista atrata, 94. Cathartes atratus, 109. Centurus carolinus, 108. Ceryle americana, 94. Charadrius fulvus, 107. “ virginicus, 107. Chat, Yellow-breasted, 16. Chenalopex aegyptiacus, 52. Chroecocephalus atricilla, 96, 107. “ Philadelphia, 107. Chrysomitris yarrelli, 92. Chrysopoga typica, 92. Cistothorus stellaris, 15. Clangula albeola, 107. Coale, H. K., MacCown’s Longspur in Illinois, 52 ; Junco oreyonus in Illi- nois, 82 ; notes on Nyctale acadica, 83. Coccothraustes ferreirostris, 92. Coccyzus americanus, 107, 108. “ erythrophthalmus, 107, 108. Collocalia unalaschkensis, 90. Collurio ludovicianus var. excubitoroi- des, 21. Contopus borealis, 16. Conurus carolinensis, 50.’ 112 INDEX. Cooper, J. G., notice of his “ New Facts relating: to Californian Ornithology,’’ 76 ; on Seventy-five Doubtful West- Coast Birds* 88. Coot, 17. Corvus americanus, 14, 45. “ ossifragus, 13, 46, 93. Cory, C. B., the Black Gyr-Falcon in Massachusetts, 27. Coturniculus lecontei, 26. “ passerinus, 16, 47. Coues, E., note on Podiceps dominicus, 26; Eastward Range of the Ferrugi- nous Buzzard, 26 ; corrections of no- menclature in the genus Slums, 29 ; Western Range of Conurus carolinen- sis, 50 ; note on the Cinnamon Teal, 51 ; a pigeon {Leptoptila alhlfrons) new to the United States Fauna, 82 ; Melopelia leucoptera in Colorado, 83. Cowbird, Common, 85. “ Dwarf, 85. Crow, Common, 14, 45. “ Fish, 13, 46. Cuckoo, Black-billed, 110. “ Yellow-billed, 110. Cupidonia cupidini-columbianus, 67. “ cupido, 66. “ var. pallidicinctus, 52. Curlew, Long-billed, 17. Cyanocitta beecheyi, 93. “ ultramarina, 93. Cyanocorax geoffroyi, 93. Cyanospiza versicolor, 109. Dafila urophasiana, 96. D’Hamonville, Baron, notice of his “ Catalogue des Oiseaux d’Europe,” 106. Deane, R., unusual abundance of the Snowy Owl in New England, 9 ; note on the Barnacle Goose, 18; oc- currence of the Sooty Tern in Massa- chusetts, 27 ; probable breeding of the Acadian Owl in Massachusetts, 84. Dendroeca auduboni, 27. “ blackburnise, 48, 104. “ cserulea, 14, 21, 48. “ coronata, 31. “ dominica, 102, 108. “ maculosa, 1. “ montana, 90. “ striata, 90. virens, 105, 107. Demiegretta ludoviciana, 51. Diomedea chlororhyncha, 96. “ fuliginosa, 97. Doricha enicura, 108. Dove, Carolina, 15. “ White-crowned, 82. “ White-winged, 83. Dryotomus delattri, 94. Dury, C., Fecundity of the Carolina Wren, 50. Ectopistes migratorius, 107. Elliot, D. G., remarks on Selasphorus all.eni, 97. Emberiza atricapilla, 92. Empidonax acadica, 108. Enicocichla, see Henicocichla. Eupsychortyx cristatus, 95. Falco columbarius, 79. “ sacer var. labradora, 27. Faleonidaj, notices of Ridgway’s papers on, 70-73. Finch, Californian Purple, 37. “ Sharp-tailed, 27, 28. Flycatcher, Great-crested, 16. “ Olive-sided, 16. “ Townsend’s, 77. Fox, W. H., capture of the Philadel- phia Vireo in New Hampshire, 78. Frazar, A. M., Audubon’s Warbler in Massachusetts, 27 ; persistency at nest-building in a House-Wren, 78; the Mottled Owl as a Fisherman, 80. Fringilla maculata, 92. Fulica americana, 17. Fulix atfinis, 107. “ collaris, 107. Gallinule, Florida, 83. “ Purple, 83. Gambetta flavipes, 95, 107. Gannet, Booby, 14, 46. Garrod, A. H.*, notice of papers by, 23. Geothlypis Philadelphia, 16, 17. “ trichas, 89. “ velatus, 89. Gnatcatcher, Blue-Gray, 14, 20, 49. Goose, Barnacle, 18. “ Egvptian, 52. “ Gambel’s, 14, 46. “ Hutchins’s, 14, 46. Grackle, Boat-tailed, 12, 45. “ Long-tailed, 85. Graculus carbo, 96. Grant’s Catalogue of the Birds of Malta and Gozo, notice of, 70. Grebe, Saint Domingo, 26. Grouse, Hybrid, 66. “ Pinnated, 66, “ Sharp-tailed, 66. Grus americana, 95. Guadaloupe Island, birds of, discussed with reference to the present genesis of species, 58, Gulls, Skua or Jager, 23. Gyr-Falcon, Black, 25, 27. Gyr-Falcons, 25. HiEMATOPUS ater, 95, Haliaetus leucocephalus, 107. “ pelagicus, 94. Harporhynchus rufus, 107. “ “ var. longirostris, 90* INDEX, 113 Hawk, Pigeon, 79. “ Sharp-shinned, 14. Helminthophaga celata, 21. “ chrysoptera, 16, 47. “ lawrencei, 19. “ leucobronchialis, 79. “ pinus, 16. Helmitherus vermivorus, 16, 21. Henicocichla aurocapillus, 31. “ ludovicianus, 33. major, 33. “ motacilla, 33. “ noveboracensis, 32. “ siilphurascens, 33. Henshaw, H. W., description of a new species of Humming-Bird from Cali- fornia, 53. Heron, Louisiana, 51. Herrick, H., capture of a second speci- men of Helminthophaga lawi'encei, 19. Hierofalco candicans, 25. “ islandicus, 25. “ labradora, 25. Hirundo bicolor, 107. Humming-Bird, Green-backed, 53. Rufous-backed, 53. Hydrocbelidon lariformis, 34, 96. “ nigrum, 96. Hypocanthus Stanley!, 92. Hypocolius ampelinus, 91. IcTERiA virens, 16. Icterus baltimore, 92. “ californicus, 92. “ pustulatus, 92. “ spurius var. affinis, 85. JuNCO annectens 60-66. “ byemalis, 1 7. “ insularis, 60-66. “ oregonus, 82. Kinglet, Golden-crested, 17. Lagopus albus, 14, 46, Lamb, W. F., on nest and eggs of 'I'ownsend’s Flycatcher, 77. Langdon, F. W., Black Vulture in Ohio, 109. Lanius elegans, 91. “ lahtora, 91. Larus belcheri, 96. Lawrence, G. N., occurrence of the Bar- nacle Goose {Bernida leucopsis) on Long Island, N. Y,, 18; note on Cupidoriia cupido var. pallidicinctus, 52; note on Doricha enicura, 108. Leptoptila albifrons, 82. Lobipes hyperboreus, 38, 42. Longspur, MacCown’s, 52. Lophophanes bicolor, 108. Lophortyx elegans, 95. Loxia leucbptera, 103. IVIacrorhamphus griseus, 107. Mareca americana, 107. McCauley, C. A. H , notice of his Notes on Texan Ornithology, 76. Melanerpes erythrocephalus, 94. Melopelia leucoptera, 83, 95. Mergus cucullatus, 107. Merriam, C. H., his “ Revie-w of Birds of Connecticut ” noticed, 107. Merrill, J. C., a Humming-Bird new to the Fauna of the United States, 26 ; notes on Molothrus mneus, 85 ; West- ern Nonpareil and Berlandier’s Wren in Texas, 109. Micropalama himantopus, 17, 48. Milvulus forticatus, 21. Minot, H. D., notice of his “ Land-Birds and Game-Birds of New England, 49. Molothrus aeneus, 85. “ pecoris, 85. “ “ var. obscurus, 85. Motacilla aurocapilla, 31. “ canadensis, 31. “ fluviatilis, 32. “ leucoptera, 90. “ nasvia, 32. “ noveboracensis, 32. “ tigrina, 32. Murdock, J., the Pigeon-Hawk at sea, 79. Myiadestes townsendi, 77. * Myiarchus crinitus, 16. Myiodioctes minutus, 14, 46. “ mitratus, 16, 21. Nauclerus furcatus, 107. Nelson, E. W., a contribution to the biography of Wilson’s Phalarope, 38 ; the Louisiana Heron in Indiana, 51 ; notice of his “ Birds of Northeastern Illinois,” 68. Nettion crecca, 13, 46. Nisus fuscus, 14. “ gundlachi, 71. Nonpareil, Western, 109. Numenius borealis, 107. “ hudsonicus, 107. “ rufiventris, 95. Nyctale acadica, 14, 15, 83, 84. Nyctea scandiaca, 9. CEdemia perspicillata, 107. Onychotes gruberi, 89. Oporornis formosus, 108. Oriole, Baltimore, 92, “ Bullock’s, 86. “ Hooded, 86, 87. “ Orchard, 86, 87. Ortyx fasciatus, 95. “ virginianus, 15. Otus Wilsonian us, 14. Owl, Acadian, 14, 15, 83, 84. “ Barn, 28. “ Great-horned, 80. “ Hawk, 78, “ Long-eared, 14. t 114 INDEX. Owl, Mottled, 80. “ Short-eared, 14. “ Snowy, 9. Parrot, Carolina, .50. Parus carolinensis, 90. Passerculus princeps, 27, 78. Pedioecetes phasianellus var. columbi- anus, 66*. Pelecanus trachyrhynchus, 22. Pelican, White, 22. Perissoglossa tigrina, 16. Petrel, Leach’s, 28, 80. Peucsea ruficeps, 37. Phalarope, Northern, 38, 42. “ Ked, 38, 42. “ Wilson’s, 38. Phalaropus fulicarius, 42. “ lobatus, 38. Philomachus pugnax, 83. Picoides americanus, 16. “ arcticus, 16. Picus lineatus, 93. “ pubescens, 107. “ villosus, 14, 45, 107. Pipilo consobrinus, 60, 66. “ maculatus, 60 - 66. Platalea ajaja, 95. Plectroplianes maccowni, 52, 92. “ ornatus, 78. Plotus anhinga, 23. Plover, Wilson’s, 13, 46. Podiceps dbminicus, 26, 97. “ minor, 97. Polioptila cserulea, 14, 20, 47. Polyborus cheriway, 61-66. “ lutosus, 60-66. “ tharus, 60 - 66. Porphyrio martinica, 83. Porzana jamaicensis, 22. “ noveboracensis, 17. Procellariidaj, notice of Salvin’s paper on, 69. Progne purpurea, 107. Puffinus obscurus, 97, 107. “ fuliginosus, 107. Purdie, H. A., distribution of New England Birds, a reply to Dr. T. M. Brewer, 1 1 ; notice of a few birds of rare or accidental occurrence in New England, 20. Pyranga testiva, 21, 107. Pyrgisoma biarcuatus, 91. Pyrrhopbsena riefferi, 26. Pyrrhula inornata, 91. Quail, Common, 15. Querqucdula cyanoptera, 51, 75. “ discors, 107. Quiscalus major, 12, 45, 93. “ purpureus, 93. Rail, Black, 22. “ King, 22. “ Yellow, 17, 22. Rallus elegans, 22. “ longirostris, 22. Ramphopis flamigerus, 92. Recent ornithological articles in Amer- ican journals, 73. Redbird, Summer, 21. Regulus calendula, 59, 61, 107. “ obscurus, 59, 61. “ satrapa, 17. Ridgway, R., on Geographical Varia- tion in T Urdus migratorius, 8 ; the Birds of Guadaloupe Island discussed with reference to the present genesis of species, 58 ; notice of his “ Studies of the American Falconidce” 70, 73. Roberts, T. S., notes on the breeding of the Black Tern, 34. Robin, 8, 12, 14, 110. Ruff, 83. Rhyacophilus solitarius, 107. Salpinctes guadalupensis, 60 - 66. “ obsoletus, 60-66. Saltator rufiventris, 92. Salvin, O., notice of his paper on Pro- cellar iidcB, 69. Sandpiper, Baird’s, 28. “ Stilt, 17, 48. Sarcorhamphus gryphus, 94. Saunders, H., notice of his papers on StercorariincB and Sternince, 23, 24. Sayornis fuscus, 93. Sclater, P. L., and Salvin, O., notice of their paper on Neotropical Anatidoe, 24. Scops asio, 80, 107. Seiurus, see Siurus. Selasphorus alleni, 53, 97, 101. “ henshawi, 102. “ rufus, 53, 97, 101. Setophaga ruticilla, 90. Shrike, White-rumped, 21. Sialia sialis, 89. Simorhynchus psittacula, 107. Sitta pusilla, 99. Siurus, corrections of nomenclature in the genus, 29. Siurus auricapillus, 31, 90. “ ludovicianus, 16, 33. motacilla, 33. naevius, 32. “ sulphurascens, 33. “ tenuirostris, 33. Snowbird, Eastern, 17. “ Oregon, 82. Sparrow, Field, 15. “ Ipswich, 27, 78. “ Rufous-crowned, 37. * ‘‘ Yellow-winged, 16, 47. Spermophila moreleti, 103; Steganopus wilsoni, 38. Stelgidopteryx serripennis, 21. Sterna antillarum, 96. INDEX, 115 Sterna fuliginosa, 22, 27, 44, 75, “ plumbea, 34. Strix flammea yar. pratincola, 28. Sula bassana, 96. “ fiber, 14, 46, 96. Swallow, Rough-winged, 21. Sylvia anthoides, 33. “ aurocapilla, 31. “ leucoptera, 90. “ noveboracensis, 32. “ tigrina, 32. Syrnium nebulosum, 94. Teal, Cinnamon, 51. “ European, 13, 46. Tern, Black, 34. “ Sooty, 22, 27. Terns, notice of Saunderses paper on, 24. Thalassidroma leachi, 28. “ leucorrhoa, 80, 107, Titlark, 17. Tinnunculus sparverius, 112. Trichas delafieldi, 91. Tringa bairdi, 28. “ bonapartei, 107. “ lobata, 38. “ maculata, 107. “ pusilla, 107. Tringites rufescens, 107. Troglodytes aedon, 78. “ parvulus var. alascensis, 82. Trotter, S., capture of a second speci- men of Helminthophaga leucobroncluahs ^ 79. Trupialis militaris, 92. Thryomanes bewicki, 60 - 66. “ brevicauda, 60 -66. Thryothorus ludovicianus, 40. “ “ var. berlan- dieri, 109. Thrush, Golden-crowned, 30, 32. “ Long-billed Water, 16, 30, 33. « Short-billed Water, 30, 32. Turdus aquaticus, 32. “ aurocapillus, 32. “ citreus, 31. “ coronatus, 32. flavirostris, 89. “ fuscescens, 107. “ migratorius, 8, 9, 12, 14, 110. Turdus minimus, 31. i “ motacilla, 33, “ novseboracensis, 32. “ pallasi, 107. “ propinquus, 9. “ rufopaliatus, 90. swainsoni, 107. Uria columba, 107. Vennor, H. G., notice of his Canadian “ Birds of Prey,’’ 24. Vireo agilis, 90. “ gilvus, 15. “ “ var. swainsoni, 90. “ noveboracensis, 15, 47. “ Philadelphia, 78. “ virescens, 91. Vireo, Philadelphia, 78. “ Warbling, 15. “ White-eyed, 15. Warbler, Audubon’s, 27, “ Black-and- Yellow, 1. “ Blackburnian, 48, 104. “ Black-throated Green, 1C 4. “ Blue, 14, 21, 48. “ Blue-winged, 16. “ Cape May, 16. “ Golden-winged, 16. “ Hooded, 16, 21. “ Mourning, 16. “ Orange crowned, 21. “ Pine, 99. “ Worm-eating, 16, 21. “ Yellow-throated, 1C 2. Wheaton, J. M., on the Ruft and If urple Gallinule in Ohio, 83. Woodpecker, Black-backed Three- toed, 16. Woodpecker, Banded Three-tced, 16. “ Hairy, 14, 15, 45. Wren, Alaskan, 82. “ Berlandier’s, 109. “ Carolina, 50. “ House, 78. “ Short-billed Marsh, 15. Xanthornus mexicanus, 92. Xema furcatum, 96. “ sabinei, 107. Zen^dura carolinensis, 15. I Zonotrichia coronata, 92. -i: V . . V'i . : 0 • ' jyv- • ■■■■ : ■ri'- ; » ■. . *. ?■ \ ■ Vi i;'!. *»« ',• . V- .' ■ , . .; . .. n : fr'%txfi • • '{({tt'’- Uii4 Vri 'f', - If ■mK V ■ ■ ''4f> ; . , f, T-T-iS' , ■.• • . v-iuxsi M. ■ j.-. - vji# ■■ ■/ - I '■• * .V. yv- k'. y' ' J^p‘ V ' .,1 ■ • . i ■; . ■ . ■• •W-* .., '•/ i;, ... - I. .. ’ .'■ : i; yKJi'i*'.' ■-« ^ ?).; !’-> V '. : _ ■ ! ';. \:‘-r ... V ■' v- ^ t f 1 -yr - ■^nk. * ' ' '(•’-■■ i,4 ■ M-tit . u ■ ' • *> a.ii 1 - < • V, 1- -v-t; (iVi i..-^ 'l('.'»l'JV'''' :''-.!!i; , ’* . ■ •■ , ' ■ -t' '-'.*> iV ' : 'Jf-if# • -,. >. * ,.';v.!' . ' ■ 1. 'e? 1 ■ 7'R' 1 ,. , ^ ■ . ' . . .Vi. pi /, ' L'yrA.taos.lai^ • --'■ '.’i ' • .- f.^' '■ - s'^ ,A5rr.- vvfe A: ■"•■ ■ f ' .^'■ ‘ " , ‘ - .■ /V/v T " if ' “ 1-L'- ■‘i04Atf“T, Ovt^ V'' ■ V..W«,r .■■■ ' >iV^ t' 7;^ ■ f>- ,v> ,y : ■ ' , -J *J|I3« ■ >■>: ^■; ^VV fl(i Iv- ‘ 'iK'iv? ',i<^ i « : ,0,lll#4 '” Vv‘<.X‘> : ■ '' y'y ■' :'"' Ml': . ■f & . '-'Wair' IMPORTANT WORKS ON BIRDS PUBLISHED BIT S. E. O^SSIN-Q, Naturalists’ Agency, - - Salem, Mass. — Any work mentioned below will be forwarded, post-paid, on receipt of price. Special circulars, giving descriptions, etc., will be sent when desired. A full catalogue of Ornitho- logical Works for sale at the Agency free to all applicants. The Land Birds and Oame Birds of New Engrland. With Descriptions of the Birds, their Nests and Eggs, their Habits and Notes, with illustrations. By H. D. Minot. 1 vol. 8vo. Cloth, $3.00, Field Ornithology : A Manual of Instruction on Collecting, Prepar- ing. and Preserving Birds. By Elliott Coues. With which is issued a Check List of North American Birds. 1vol. 8vo. Cloth, $2.50. Key to North American Birds. By Elliott Coues, M. D. 369 imperial octavo pages. Illustrated by 6 Steel Plates and 238 Woodcuts. A Manual or Text-Book of the Birds of North America ; containing a Synopsis of Living and Fossil Birds, and Descriptions of every North American Species known to this Time. 1 vol. Royal 8vo. Cloth, $ 7.00. The Birds of North America. By Baird, Cassin, and Lawrence. 2 vols. 4to. Vol. 1. contains 1005 pages. Vol. II. is an atlas of 100 plates, figuring 148 species of Birds. Plain plates, $ 15.00. Plates elegantly colored, $ 20.00. Text (Vol. I.) separate, $5.00. Birds of the Northwest : A Handbook of American Ornithology. Containing accounts of all the birds inhabiting the great Missouri Valley, and many others, together representing a large majority of the Birds of North America. With copious biographical details from personal observation, and an extensive synonymy. 8vo. 791 pages. Cloth, $4.50; Half Morocco, $ 5.50. The Naturalist’s Guide, in Collecting and Preserving Objects of Natural History, with a Complete Catalogue of the Birds of Eastern Massachusetts. By C. J. Maynard. New Edition just ready, with much new matter, and Two Plates colored by hand. 1 vol. 12mo. Cloth, $ 2.00. IMPORTANT WORK ON FERNS. ILLUSTRATIONS OF The Ferns of Ifforth Americai Text by Prof. Daniel C. Eaton, of Yale College. Illustrations by Mr. Jas. H. Emerton. Published in 4to Parts, with three elegant Colored Plates in each number. First Part nearly ready. A sample plate and pages will he sent free to all who desire to see the work before subscribing. Address S. E. GASSINO, NATURALISTS’ AGENCY, Salem, Mass. BIRDS’ EGGS AND NESTS A large variety of finely prepared and well-identified specimens, including many rare species, partly in SETS with reliable data. BIRD 8K1MS : A fine collection from California, Colorado, Florida, and elsewhere. OOLOGICAL. SUPPLIES: great variety, including Drills, Blow-pipes, Embryo Hooks and Scissors, “ Climbing-Irons,” Labels, Check-Lists, “etc. Taxidermists’ Instruments and Supplies, etc. AKTIFICIAE EYES. Standard Ornithological Works. Favorable terms offered. Specimens bought and exchanged. Send stamp for new descriptive and priced Catalogue (just issued ) of the above. Address E. L. HUDNUT, Box 704, Orange, New Jersey. JOHN AKHHRST, . TAXIDERMIST, Ho. 19 Prospect Street, - . . . Brooklyn, Hew York, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND FOR SALE, SHEET COKK for insect boxes — size, 12 X 3| X 1 . • $ 1.25 per dozen sheets. ENTOMOEOGIC AE PINS, of Klager and other German makers . . $ 1.25 per 1,000. ALSO DEALER IN Native and Exotic Bird Skins, Birds’ Eggs, Insects, &c. N. B, — The above prices do not include the cost of transportation. Birds’ Skins, Eggs, and Nests, FROM COLORADO, NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, TEXAS, AND OTHER PARTS OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR SALE BY CHARLES E. AIKEH, Colorado Springs, Col. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Conducted by E. L. YOUMANS. TMs periotlical was started (in 1872) to promote the diifusion of valuable scientific knowledge, in a i eadable and attractive form among all classes of the comniunity, and has thus far met a want supplied by no other magazine in the United States. Nine volumes have now appeared, which are filled with instructive and interesting articles and abstracts of articles, original, selected, translated, and illustrated, from the pens of the leading scientific men of different countries. Accounts of important scientific discoveries, the application of science to the practical arts, and the latest views put forth concerning natural phenomena, have been given by savants of the highest authority. Prominent attention has been also de- voted to those various sciences which help to a better understanding of the nature of man , to the bearings of science upon the questions of society and government, to scientific education, and to the conflicts which spring from the progressive nature of scientific knowledge. The Popular Science Monthly has long since ceased to be an experiment. 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It is doing a great and noble work in popularizing science, promoting the growth of reason, and levelling the battlements of old superstitions reared in the childhood of our race before it was capable of reasoning.” — The American Medical Journal, St. Louis, Mo. “ This magazine is worth its weight in gold, for its service in educating the people.” — The American Journal of Education, St. Louis, Mo. The Popular Science Monthly is published in a large octavo, handsomely printed on clear type, and, when the subjects admit, fully illustrated. Each number contains 128 pages. Terms ; $ 5.00 per Annum, or Fifty Cents per Number. POSTAGE FREE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS IN THE UNITED STATES. A new volume of the Popular Science begins with the numbers for May and November each year. Subscriptions may commence from any date. Back numbers supplied. Now Ready, Vols. 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Packard, Jr., with the assistance of eminent men of science. • Since January, 1876, the amount of matter given in each number has been in- creased over former volumes. The typographical dress and illustrations which have heretofore given character to this magazine have been improved, and it is of a thor- oughly popular nature, so as to interest the general reader as well as the young naturalist. It will continue to be a journal of science-education and for the use of science-teachers. Its Features for 1877. In 1876 the latter half of the magazine was entirely remodelled, and a department of Geography and Travel added. The Department of Botany will be edited, as formerly, by Prof. G. L. Goodale, of Harvard University. That of Microscopy will be edited, as heretofore, by Dr. R. H. Ward, Troy, New York. Arrangements have been made to report the Proceedings oi Scientific Societies with great promptness. A digest of the Contents of Foreign Scientific Journals and Transactions wiir also be given each month, together with the Fatest Home and Foreign Scientific News. The attention of publishers and teachers is called to critical notices of scientific books, to which especial attention will be given. Articles for Vol. XI, 1877, By Professors Asa Gray, J. D. Whitney, N. S. Shaler, W. G. Farlow, G. L. Goodale, of Harvard University ; Prrfessors 0. C. Marsh, A. E. Verrill, of Yale College 5 Mr. A. Agassiz, Hon. Lewis H. Morgan, Col. Theodore Lyman, Mr. L. F. Pourtales, Mr. S. H. Scudder, Professors E. D. Cope, F. V. Hayden. A. Hyatt ; Drs. Elliott Coues, W. H. Dali, C. C. Abbott, Rev. S. Lockwood, J. A. Allen, H. Gillman, C. C. Parry, R. E. C. Stearns, 0. T. Mason, and other leading naturalists, are either in ha-’d or promised. Notes from abroad will occasionally be contributed by Mr. Alfred W. Bennett, the distinguished English Botanist. Note. — The ten volumes which have been published form an elegantly printed and illustrated Libraiy of American Natural History, invaluable for school, college, and pub’ic hbrari<^s. They contain standard articles by Agassiz, Dana, Wyman, Gray, Whitney, Leidy, Cope, Hunt, Dawson, Newberry, Marsh, Verrill, Morse, Gill, Cou'^s, Scudder, Hagen, Dali, Shaler, Brewer, Ridgway, Parry, Caton, Abbott, Farlow, Lockwood, Grote, Ward, and many other scientists. TERMS. — 35 cents a number; S4.00 a year, postage free. Bound volumes, % 5.00. Vo s. I - X, $ 40.00 ; unbound, $ 30.00. Back numbers supplied. R omittances by mail should be sent by a money-order, draft on New York or B'^ston, or registered letter, to H. 0. Houghton & Co., Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass. H. 0. HOUGHTON & CO., HURD AND HOUGHTON, Cor. Beacon and Somerset Sts., BOSTON. 13 Astor Place, NEW TOBK. Hbmibe JJress, orambribge. 13 Paneuil Hall Square, Boston, Mass. AliSO REMINGTON AND OTHER AMERICAN MAKES. Agents for W. & C. Scott & Son^s Breech-Loaders. Every size of these celebrated Breecb-Loading Guns constantly in stock, — 14, 12, 10, 8, and 4 bores, which we send on inspection or trial, — or imported to special order if desired. A fine Damascus top-snap double Breech-Loader for $ 50.00. “ Under-lever ” and “ side-snap,” in twist and laminated steel, $30.00 and upwards. A single-barrel good breech-loading Shot-Gun, $10.00 and upwards. Fine quality 14 and 16 bore double-barrel of about 5^ lbs. weight. Also, single-barrel for collecting constantly on hand. Sporting and Target Rifles of all makes. New Ballard Rifle, $18 00. Fine Trout and Salmon- Rods. Flies, Reels, and every article in Fishing. Sl^ SEND FOR CIRCULARS. BREWSTER & KNOWLTON, No. 18 ARCH STREET, BOSTON, Naturalists and Taxidermists, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN MINERALS, SHELLS, AND SPECIMENS OF NATURAL HISTORY. COLLECTORS OP SKINS. Dealers in Mounted Birds, Birds’ Byes, and all kinds of Taxidermists’ Supplies. BIRDS AND ANIMALS STUFFED IN AN EASY AND NATURAL STYLE. Skins Mounted at low prices, hy the Dozen or Hundred. FOREST AND STREAM: A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF SIXTEEN PAGES, DEVOTED TO Field Sports, Practical Natural History, Pish Culture, Protection of Game, Preservation of Forests, Yachting and Boating, Bifle Practice, AND ALL OUT -DOOR RECREATION AND STUDY. Terms, S4.00 a Year. 1^=^ Send for a Specimen Copy. FOREST AND STREAM PUBLISHING COMPANY, 17 Chatham Street (City Hall Square), Post-Office box 2832. NEW YORK. A Live Journal of Natural History.” FIELD AND FOREST: A Monthly Journal devoted to the Natural Sciences. With the July number, 1876, this Journal entered upon its second year enlarged and im- proved in every way. Its contributors are well-known scientists and writers, and its articles mainly original, and, considering the number of pages given, it is the cheapest Journal of Natural History published at the price, ONE DOEEAB PER AIVIVEI!!. ¥or specialists and men of science it contains interesting reading matter, while for students of Natural History in the many scientific schools and colleges of our country, it is a valuable medium for the exchange of views, or for the recording of new facts on scientific subjects, and all will find it to their interest to become subscribers. As an inducement, we have decided upon the following REASONABLY LOW CLUB RATES* Three copies, to any address, $2,50 5 Six copies, $5.00, and one extra copy; Ten copies, $ J^OO, and one copy to the getter up of the club. Single copies, 10 cts. No subscriptions received for less than a year, — payable invariably in advance. Back numbers ofVol. I. supplied complete. CHARLES R. HODGE, Editor, Specimen copies sent free upon application. Box 273, Washington, D. C. . A '" ■i-- AA' ■> QUArRTERLY BULLETIN OF THE ITuttall Ornithological Cluh, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. VoL. I. APRll., 1876. No. 1. C O I Description of a new Species of Helminthophaoa. Wm. Brewster. The Common Buzzard Hawk {Bu- teo Vulgaris) of Europe in North America. C. J. Maynard. Nesting of the Golden-winged Warbler [Belminthophaga chrgsop- tera) in .Massachusetts. J. War- ren. Notes on the Rough-winged Swal- low [Hirundo Serripennis) in Penn- sylvania. Walter Van Fleet. On the Breeding of the Black- throated Blue Warbler [Den- T p: N T s . drcBca Coerulescens) in Connecticut. 1 C. M. Jones. n On Empidonax, Traillii and Aca- Dicus. H. W. Henshaw. 14 2 Occurrence of certain Birds in THE New England States. Wm. Brewster. 17 Albinism and Melanism among 6 North American Birds. Ruth- ven Deane. 20 Notes of Birds found Breeding ^ ON Cobb’s Island, Va. H. B. Bai- Ly. 24 PUBLISHED BY THE CLUB. J-iV QUARTERLY BULLETIN OF THE #ntttl]0l0gical €kh. PROSPECTUS. The desire in this country for a periodical exclu- sively devoted to Ornithology has long been appar- ent. To meet this want in some measure the Bulle- tin is issued Papers received from resident and corres^nding members of the Club, and read^ at its meetings and accepted, together with such matter pertaining to Inrds as may be gathered from other sources, will make up the contents. It is proposed to issue sixteen pages quarterly. Start- ing, however, with twenty-eight, we hope to receive sufficient aid, both literary and pecuniary, from all lovers of the science we represent, to warrant the continuation of a like number, .and to make the work at least self-supporting. A plate cannot be promised in future unless the means assure it. Those receiving the first number, and subscribing, will consider it as charged to their account. Articles may be sent to H. A. Purdie, State House, Boston, and it is respectfully requested that they be written on paper of small and uniform size. Send yearly subscription, $1,00, or single num- bers, 30 cents, to H. B. Bailey, No. 13 Exchange Place, Boston, Mass. BULLETIN OF THE Nuttall Ornithological Club: % iHurnal of ^rnit^olojgg. Vol. I. - JULY, 1876. - No. 2. CONTENTS. Page The Nuttall Ornithological Club . . 29 Regarding Buteo vulgaris in North America. By Robei't Ridgway .... 32 Additions to the Avi-fauna of Illinois, WITH Notes on other Species of Il- linois Birds. By E. W. Nelson .... 39 Notes on the Breeding Habits of Clarke’s Crow {Picicorms columbianus), WITH AN Account of its Nest and Eggs. By Captain Charles Bendire^ U. S. A. . . 44 Description of a new Duck from Wash- ington Island. By Thomas H. Streets, M.D., Passed Assistant Surgeon, U. S. N. 46 Page Recent Literature 47 Lawrence’s Descriptions of New Species of American Birds. — Kidder’s Ornithology Df Kerguelen Island. — Kidder and Coues’s “ A Study of Chionis minor," etc. — Marsh’s Extinct Birds with Teeth. — Gentry’s “Life-Histories of the Birds of Eastern Pennsylvania.” General Notes 60 Breeding of the Canada Goose in Trees. — Tarsal Envelope in Campylorhynchus and allied Genera. — Occurrence of the Cur- lew Sandpiper in Massachusetts. — The Ipswich Sparrow in New Brunswick. — Passerculus princeps and Parus hudsonicus in Connecticut. — Anser rossii in Oregon. Caiwiiritiflr, : PUBLISHED BY THE CLUB. University Press, Cambridge : Printed by Welch, Bigelow, & Co. I'fU-, '< .[\ BULLETIN OF THE #rntt|{tlflgkal A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY. PROSPECTUS. The need in this country of a periodical devoted exclusively to Orni- . thology lias long been apparent. To meet this want will be the object of the Bulletin. While its contents will consist mainly of communi- cations from the resident and corresponding members of the Club, it will embrace occasionally selected articles of special interest or value. It will also include reviews of recent ornithological publications, digests of papers read before scientific societies, announcements of works in progress, notices of ornithological explorations, and a department of general notes and miscellany, thereby assuming the character of a gen- eral magazine of Ornithology. Each number will consist of not less than twenty-four pages, to be increased as soon as the receipts from subscriptions shall warrant the additional expense. Two more numbers will be issued during the pres- ent year, in order that the second volume may begin with January, 1877. The membership of the Club already includes all the leading orni- thologists of the country, who have generously oftered to give the Bul- letin in every way their hearty support. The Publishing Committee hence feel confident of being able to make the Bulletin worthy of the patronage of all interested in the branch of science it represents. Con- tributions to the present volume have been promised by Professor S. F. Baird, Mr. George N. Lawrence, Dr. Elliott Coues, Mr. Robert Ridgway, and others already well known to the public. Professor Baird and Dr. Coues have also kindly consented to act as Associate Editors. Its chief editorial management will be under the direction of Mr. J. A. Allen, of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass., to whom all communications intended for publication should be sent. Terms. — Subscriptions, $1.00 a year; single numbers, 30 cents. Subscriptions should be forwarded to Mr. H. B. Bailey, No. 13 Exchange Place, Boston, Mass. BULLETIN OF THE Nuttall Ornithological Club: %, lournal of #rttitlj0logg. Vol. I. - SEPTEMBER^ 187G. - No. 3. CONTENTS. Page Decrease of Birds in Massachusetts. By J. A. Allen 53 On the Number of Primaries in Oscines. By-i)r. Elliott Coues^ U. S. A 60 The Yellow-bellied Woodpecker (Sphy- rapicus varius). By Willimn Brevo&ter . . 63 Recent Literature 70 Ornithology of the Wheeler Expeditions. — Field and Forest. — The Portland Tern. Page — The Birds of Ritchie County, West Virginia. — Brewer’s Birds of New Eng- land. General Notes’ . 74 The Philadelphia Vireo in New England. — Geographical Variation in the Number and Size of the Eggs of Birds. — The Nest and Eggs of Traill’s Flycatcher, as ob- served i 1 Maine. — Singular Food of the Least Bittern. — Intelligence of a Crow. — The Great Carolina Wren in Massachu- setts. Cffttibrilfse, : POBT. ISHED BY THE CLUB. University Press, Cambridge : Printed by Welch, Bigelow, & Co. BULLETIN 7 OF THE Httttall #rra%Iflgttal Club; A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY. PROSPECTUS. The need in this country of a periodical devoted exclusively to Orni- thology has long been apparent. To meet this want will be the object of the Bulletin. While its contents will consist mainly of communi- cations from the resident and corresponding members of the Club, it will embrace occasionally selected articles of special interest or value. It will also include reviews of recent ornithological publications, digests of papers read before scientific societies, announcements of works in progress, notices of ornithological explorations, and a department of general notes and miscellany, thereby assuming the character of a gen- eral magazine of Ornithology. Each number will consist of not less than twenty-four pages, to be increased as soon as the receipts from subscriptions shall warrant the additional expense. Another number will be issued during the present year, in order that the second volume may begin with January, 1877. The membership of the Club already includes all the leading orni- thologists of the country, who have generously oflered to give the Bul- letin in every way their hearty support. The Publishing Committee hence feel confident of being able to make the Bulletin worthy of the patronage of all interested in the branch of science it represents. Con- tributions to the present volume have been promised by Professor S. F. Baird, Mr. George N. Lawrence, Dr. Elliott Coues, Mr. Robert Ridgway, and others already well known to the public. Professor Baird and Dr. Coues have also kindly consented to act as Associate Editors. Its chief editorial management wdll be under the direction of Mr. J. A. Allen, of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass., to whom all communications intended for publication should be sent. Terms. — Subscription, 1 1.00 a year; single numbers, 30 cents. Subscriptions should be forwarded to Mr. H. B. Bailey, No. 13 Exchange Place, Boston, Mass. BULLETIN OF THE Nuttall Ornithological Club: % #itarttrlg lowntal of ^rnitljologo. Vol. I. - nrOVESMBSR^ 1878. ~ No. 4. CONTENTS. Page Our Present Knowledge of the Nidifi- CATioN OF the Aaierican Kinglets. By Ernest Ingersoll 77 Nesting Habits of the Californian House Wren { aedon VQ.Y.park~ manni). By Dr. J. G. Cooper 79 On Geographical Variation in Dendroeca PALMARUM. By Robert Ridgway .... 81 Notes on Texan Birds, By J. C. Merrill, M. D., Assistant Surgeon TJ. S. A. . . .88 Birds of New England. By Thomas M. Brewer 89 Page Recent Publications 93 Lawrence’s Birds of Southwestern Mexico. — Jordan’s Manual of Vertebrate Animals. General Notes 94 Capture of the Orange-crowned Warb’er in Massachusetts. — Variable Abundance of Birds at the same Localities in different Years. — Occui’rence of the Wood Ibis in Pennsylvania and New York. — Peculiar Nesting- site of the Bank-Swallow. PUBLISHED BY THE CLUB University Press, Cambridge : Printed by Welch, Bigelow, & Co. BULLETIN OF THE NOTTALL ORNITHOLOGIOAL CLUB: A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OE ORNITHOLOGY. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 1877. As the present number closes Volume 1. of the Bulletin, the first' number of Volume II. will appear in January, 1877, and the succeeding numbers of the volume will be issued on the first of each following Quarter. In closing Volume I. the Publishing Committee take pleasure in announcing that the publication of the Bulletin has met with encour- aging success. Not only have contributions to its pages been received from the best ornithological talent of the country, but subscriptions have come in with reasonable frecpiency. Since, however, the continu- ance of the Bulletin is necessarily contingent upon the pecuniary sup- port it receives from the public, we trust that our present patrons will not only all promptly renew their subscriptions, but will use their influ- ence to extend its circulation. It is hoped that with the second volume it will be possible to increase the number of pages from twenty-four to thirty-two in each issue. In order to do this a considerable increase to our subscription list will be necessary, and we therefore appeal strongly to all friends of ornithology to aid in extending its circulation. In order to assist in defraying the expenses of publication, advertising sheets will be issued with future numbers, relating mainly to Natural History, and especially to Ornithology. The attention of dealers in specimens of Natural History and collectors’ and taxidermists’- materials, and' of publishers of works relating to Natural History, is hence called to the Bulletin as a desirable advertising medium. The present Volume embraces one hundred pages of original mat- ter, contributed largely by leading authorities on American Ornithol- ogy. The department of ‘‘General Notes” is particularly rich in notices of rare or little-known species, and the volume as a whole forms an important contribution to American Ornithology. As the maga- zine will continue under its present editorial management, — Mr. J. A. Allen acting as Editor-in-Chief, and Professor S. F. Baird and Dr. Elliott Cones as Associate Editors, — and as it has the assurance of con- tinued support from the best writers, the Publishing Committee do not hesitate to announce that Volume II. may be expected to be equally rich in important contributions. The Bulletin is intended to be national in its character, and for the present will be exclusively devoted to North American Ornithology. It being the only journal in this coun- trj^ devoted especially to ornithology, it is hoped that our appeal for pecuniary support will meet with a prompt response, and that we shall be able to enter upon the publication of Volume II. with feelings of confidence respecting the permanence of the Bulletin as an Ornithologi- cal Magazine. Terms. — Subscription, $ 1. 00 a year (including postage), strictly in advance ; single numbers, 30 cents. Subscriptions should be forwarded to Mr. H. B. Bailey, Newton, Mass. Advertising Rates. — First insertion, 30 cents a line (Bourgeois), or $12.00 per page; $6.50 per half-page. A discount of twenty-five per cent, will be made for each subsequent insertion. Communications intended for publication, as Avell as advertise- ments, should be sent to Mr. J. A. Allen, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. BULLETIN OF THE Nuttall Ornithological Club: % fonrital of #mitl^0l0jg:g. • Vol. II - JANUARY, 1877. - No. 1. CONTENTS. Page The Black-and-Yellow Warbler. William Brewster 1 On Geographical Variation in Turd us MIGRATORIUS. By Robert Ridgway ... 8 Unusual Abundance op the Snowy Owl IN New England. By Ruthven Deane . 9 Distribution of New England Birds. — A Eeply to Dr. T. M. Brewer. By H. A. Pur die 11 Occurrence op the Barnacle Goose {Bernicla leucopsis) on Long Island, N. Y. By G. N. Lawrence 18 Capture of a Second Specimen of Hel- minthophaga lawrencei. By Harold Herrich 19 Page Notice of a few Birds op rare or ac- cidental Occurrence in New England. H. A. Pur die 20 Recent Literature 23 Notices of five recent Ornithological Papers. — Vennor’s Rapacious Birds of Canada. General Notes .26 A Humming-Bird new to Fauna of the United States. — Note on Podiceps dominicus. — East- ward Range of the Ferruginous Buzzard {Archibuteo ferrugineus). — Occurrence of Leconte’s Bunting ( Coturniculus lecontei) in Iowa. — Audubon’s Warbler in Massa- chusetts. — Occurrence of the Sooty Tern in Massachusetts. — The Black Gyr-Falcon (Falco sacer var. labradora) in Massachu- setts. — Notes on Birds new to the Fauna of Maine, etc. — Northern Range of the Sharp- tailed Finch {Ammodromus caudacutus). PUBLISHED BY THE CLUB. University Press, Cambridge : Printed by Welch, Bigelow, & Co BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB: A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 1877. As the present number closes Volume I. of the Bulletin, the first number of Volume 11. will appear in January, 1877, and the succeeding numbers of the volume will be issued on the first of each following Quarter. In closing Volume I. the Publishing Committee take pleasure in announcing that the publication of the Bulletin has met with encour- aging success. Not only have contributions to its pages been received from the best ornithological talent of the country, but subscriptions have come in with reasonable frequency. Since, however, the continu- ance of the Bulletin is necessarily contingent upon the pecuniary sup- port it receives from the public, we trust that our present patrons will not only all promptly renew their subscriptions, but will use their influ- ence to extend its circulation. It is hoped that with the second volume it will be possible to increase the number of pages from twenty-four to thirty-two in each issue. In order to do this a considerable increase to our subscription list will be necessary, and we therefore appeal strongly to all friends of ornithology to aid in extending its circulation. In order to assist in defraying the expenses of publication, advertising sheets will be issued with future numbers, relating mainly to Natural History, and especially to Ornithology. The attention of dealers in specimens of Natural History and collectors’ and taxidermists’ materials, and of publishers of works relating to Natural History, is hence called to the Bulletin as a desirable advertising medium. The present Volume embraces one hundred pages of original mat- ter, contributed largely by leading authorities on American Ornithol- ogy. The department of “General Notes” is particularly rich in notices of rare or little-known species, and the volume as a whole forms an important contribution to American Ornithology. As the maga- zine will continue under its present editorial management, — Mr. J. A. Allen acting as Editor-in-Chief, and Professor S. F. Baird and Dr. Elliott Cones as Associate Editors, — and as it has the assurance of con- tinued support from the best writers, the Publishing Committee do not hesitate to announce that Volume II. may be expected to be equally rich in important contributions. The Bulletin is intended to be national in its character, and for the present will be exclusively devoted to North American Ornithology. It being the only journal in this coun- try devoted especially to ornithology, it is hoped that our appeal for pecuniary support will meet with a prompt response, and that we shall be able to enter upon the publication of Volume II. with feelings of confidence respecting the permanence of the Bulletin as an Ornithologi- cal Magazine. Terms. — Subscription, $ 1.00 a year (including postage), strictly in advance ; single numbers, 30 cents. Subscriptions should be forwarded to Mr. H. B. Bailey, Newton, Mass. Advertising Rates. — First insertion, 30 cents a line (Bourgeois), or $ 12.00 per page ; $6.50 per half-page. A discount of twenty-five per cent, will be made for each subsequent insertion. Communications intended for publication, as well as advertise- ments, should be sent to Mr. J. A. Allen, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. BULLETIN OF THE Nuttall Ornithological Club; % fotintal of Vol. II.- APRIL, 1877. -No. 2. CONTENTS. Page CoPTJECTioNs OP Nomenclature in the Genus Siurus. By Br. A'lliott Coues, U. S. A. 29 Notes on the Breeding of the Black TnuN {Hydrochelidon larifurmis). By T. S. Roberts 34 Two Undescrtbed Nists of California Birds. By William Brewster ■ 37 A Contribution to the Biography of Wilson's Phalarope. By E. W. Nelson . 38 A Defence of his Catalogue of New England Birds. By Dr. T. M, Breioer . 44 Page Recent Literature 48 Bu''rou2h8’s “ Wake- Robin.” — Minot’s “ Birds of New England.” General Notes . 50 Weste’-n Range of Conurus carolinensis. — Fecundity of the Carolina Wren. — The Lou- isiana Heron in Indiana. — Note on the Cin- namon Teal ( Querquedula cyanoptera). — JEgiothus exilipes in Jiurope. — A Note on Cupidonia cvpido v?iY.pallidicinctus Ridgway. — Capture of the Egyptian Goose on Long Island. — MacCown’s Longspur in Ihinois. Caml&ritfsf, f PUBLISHED BY THE CLUB. University Press, Cambridge : Printed by Welch^Bigelow, & Co. BULLETIN OF THE Nuttall Ornithological Club: >4 QUARTER L Y JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY. This Journal (now in i^s second volume) forms at present the only serial publication in America devoted to GENERAL ORNITHOLOG7. While it is intended to serve primarily as a medium of communication between working ornithologists, it also contains matter of a sufficiently popular character to interest all who take an interest in the general subject of which it treats. Although devoted mainly to the ornithology of North America, it is intended to be so far general in its character as to give notices of all the more important works or memoirs relating to Exotic Ornithology. THE LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS to its pages already embraces nearly all of the leading ornithologists of the country. Among them are Dr. Elliott Coues, Mr. George N. Lawrence, Dr. T. M. Brewer, Dr. T. Hale Streets, Mr. H. W. Henshaw, Mr. Wm. Brewster, Capt. Charles Bendire, U. S. A., Dr. J. C. Merrill, Dr. J. G. Cooper, Mr. E. VV. Nelson, and numerous others more or less well known to ornithological readers. Its Editorial Supervision is in charge of MR. J. A. ALLEN, Assisted by PROF. S. F. BAIRD and DR. ELLIOTT COUES. Although published by the Nuttall Ornithological Club of Cambridge, Mass , it is not ia any narrow sense' the organ of any section. Being conducted as A MAGAZINE OF ORNITHOLOGY, its department for reviews of the current ornithological literatui’e gives prompt notices of all papers relating to Noi'th American ornithology, and of all the more important special works and memoirs relating to the ornithology of other portions of the world ; while its department of “ General Notes ” is rich in notices of I’are and little-known species of American birds. It is hence indispensab’e to any one wishing to keep pace with the rapid advance of orni- thology in this country, since it contains the latest and fullest intelligence relating to the general subject of North American Ornithology. TERMS. — $1.00 a year (including postage), strictly in advance ; single numbers, 30 cents. Back numbers can be supplied. Circulars, containing the list of contents of Volume I, will be seat on application. Remittances by mail will be at the risk of the sender, unless sent in a postal order or draft on Boston or New York. Addfess all remittances to H. B. BAILEY, Newton, Mass. Foreign Subscribers may obtain the Bulletin through J. VAN VOORST & CO., 1 Paternoster Row, London. ADVERTISING RATES. — First insertPn, 30 cents a line (Bourgeois), or $12.00 per page ; $6.50 per half-page. A discount of tweuty-fi\e per cent will be made for each subsequent insertion. Communications intmd'^d for publication, as weT as advert‘semen*’s, should Be sent to Mr. J. A. Allen, Mu eum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. BIRDS’ EGGS Ai^D NESTS; A large variety of finely prepared and well-identified specimens, including many rare species, partly in SUITS with reliable data. BIRD §KirVS : A fine collection from California, Colorado, Florida, and elsewhere. OorODfl€4L. SUPPLIES: in great variety, including Drills, Blow-pipes, Embryo Hooks and Scissors, “ Climbing-Irons,” Labels, Check-Lists, etc. Taxidermists’ Instruments and Supplies, etc. AKTIFICIATi EYES. Standard Ornithological Works. Favorable terms offered. Specimens bought and exchanged. Send stamp for new descriptive and priced Catalogue ( just issued ) of the above. Address E. L. HUDNUT, Box 704, Orange, New Jersey. JOHN AKHURST, TAXIDERMIST, No. 19 Prospect Street, - . . . Brooklyn, New York, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND FOR SALE, SHEET CORK for insect hoxes — size, 12 x X 1 . . per dozen sheets. ENTOMOEOGICAE PINS, of Klager and other German makers . . $1,125 per 1,000. ALSO DEALER IN Native and Exotic Bird Skins, Birds’ Eggs, Insects, &e. N. B. — The above prices do not include the cost of transportation. Birds’ Skins, Eggs, and Nests, FROM COLORADO, NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, TEXAS, AND OTHER PARTS OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR SALE BY CHARLES E. AIKEN, Colorado Springs, Col. FOR SALE CHEAP. A double-barrelled, breech-loading, side-snap Gun, MADE BY MOORE, EONHON. Address Box 192, NEWTON, Mass. WANTED. Communications or Papers, or Lists of Species relating to the Birds of Eu'^sia in Europe, on the Distribution of which I am at present working. Cash or exchange offered for the two latter. Also, Papers on Birds of Arctic America. J. A. HARVIE BROWN, Dunipace House, Larbert, SCOTLAND. THE NEW GUN. Patent BreeclK-Iaoader. MANUFACTURED BY THE AMERICAN ARMS CO., BOSTON. The accompanying cut represents this new and improved gun as open for loading. It has a lateral motion without hinges, and cannot become shaky, the great trouble experienced in the tip-up action. It is the Most Durable, Simply Constructed, and Easiest Handled Gun ever offered to American Sport- men, and is sold at prices far below any other guns in the market for the quality. A good gun with twist barrels can be had for $50. We would especially call the attention of gentlemen wanting A FINE GUN to our $125 gun, which, for quality of lock, stock, and barrel, cannot be surpassed by any imported gun at any price. Send for Circular to Office, (03 MILK STREET, Boston. THE BOSTON SHOOTING SUIT, MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Gi:o. W. Boston, Itlass. Send for our Illustrated Circular and sample of material. Each Garment distinctly marked ; ( \G. BOSTON SHOOTING SUIT,” MADE BT W. Simmons & Son ) This new design of WATERPROOF SHOOTING SUIT, made from extra quality duck, has attained such popularity as to be called for from all parts of the country, and even from England. “ Shipping clothing to England strikes us very much like sending ‘ Coals to Newcastle,’ but the merits of the ‘ BOSTON SHOOTING SUITS ’ have been heard of in the Old Country, and that land of sports- men has sent an order to Messrs. Simmons & Son, which will doubtless be followed by many others.” — Boston Paper. The design embraces the best points of the English and French Suits; combined with the necessary requirements for American service. Particular attention has been paid to color. Each suit is water- proofed by a new patent process. The seams and pocket-corners are securely fastened, and nothing neglected to render the suit perfect in every respect. Tlie Price has heen fixed at S13, to include Hat or double- visored Cap, Detachable Havelock, Coat, Vest, and Pantaloons. One hundred suits will be kept ready in stock, so that we can furnish to order any size required, at a moment’s notice. Persons ordering from a distance need send only the following to he sure of a PERFECT FIT: Rreast measure, Waist measure, inside seam Coat- sleeve, inside seam Pantaloons ; mention Height and Weight. GEO. W. SIMMONS & SON, “OAK HALL,” BOSTON, MASS. DECOYS, Plover, Black Duck, Sheldrake, Red Head, Yellow-Eegs, Canvas, Whistler, Coot, also, Mallard, Sprigtail, Wild Geese. These are the new patent Decoys which come packed in nests, six in a box. The greatest improvement possible on the old style of wooden Decoy. Price of the Ducks, $ 12 per doz. ; price of the Geese, $3,each ; Yellow-legs and Plover, ^5 a dozen. G. W. SIMMONS & SON, Oak Hall, Boston, Mass. / % BULLETIN OF THE Nuttall Ornithological Club: % #irarttrlg forn'iial of #ntit]^oIojg2* Vol. II. - JULY, 1877. - No. 3. CONTENTS. Page General Notes 17 Nest and Eggs of Townsend’s Flycatcher. — Persistency at Nest-building in a House- Wren. — A new Bird ‘o Massachusetts. — A new Form’'"’f Surnin to New England. — CaJ)tui-e of the Philad-^lphia Vireo in New Hampshire. — Occurrence of Passerculvs princeps in New York. — The Pigeos-Hawk {Falco columbnrhts) at Sea. — Capture of a Second Specimen r.f Helmintliophaga leuco- hronchialis. — The Mo'rled Owl as a Fisher- man.— Breeding of Leach’s Petrel on the Coast of Maine. — Nest and Effp of the Alaskan Wren. — Junco ore.gonus in Illino's. — Leptoptila albifrons. a Pigeon new to the Uni ed S’ates Fauna. — Melopelia leucoptei'a in Colorado. — The Puff and the Purple Gallinule ’’n Ohio. — No‘es on Nyctale aca- dica. — Prob ble Breeding of the Saw-Whet Owl in Massachusetts. PUBLISHED BY THE CLUB. University Press, Cambridge : Printed by Welch, Bigelow, & Co. Description of a New Species of Hum- ming-Bird FROM Califohnia. By H. W. Henshaio 53 The Birds of Guadalupe Island, dis- cussed WITH REFE PENCE TO THE PRESENT Genesis of Species. By Robert Ridgioay 58 An Undescribbd Hybrid between two North American Grouse. By William Brewster 66 Recent Literature . . ...... 68 Nelson’s “ Birds of Northeastern IPinois.” — Salvin on the Procellariidce. — Catalogue of the Birds of the Islands of Malta and Gozo. — Ridgway’s “ Studies of the American Falconidce.'" — Recent Oriithological Arti- cles in American .Tournals. — Californian Ornithology. — McCauley’s Notes on Texan Ornithology. BULLETIN OF THE Nuttall Ornithological Club: /J QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY. I [This Journal (now in its second volume) forms at present the only serial publication in America devoted to GENERAL ORNITHOLOGY. While it is intended to sprve primarily as a medium of communication between working ornithologists, it also contains matter of a sufficiently popular character to interest all who .take an interest in the general subject of which it treats. Although devoted mainly to the ornithology of North America, it is intended to be so far general in its character as to give notices of all the more important works or memoirs relating to Exotic Ornithology. THE LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS to its pages already embraces nearly all of the leading ornithologists of the country. Among them are Dr. Elliott Coues, Mr. George N. Lawrence, Dr. T. M. Brewer, Mr. Robert Ridgway, Dr. T. Hale Streets, Mr. H. W. Henshaw, Mr. Wm. Brewster, Capt. Charles Bendire, U. S. A., Dr. J. G. Merrill, Dr. j. G. Cooper, Mr. E. W. Nelson, and numerous others more or less well known to ornithological readers.] ] Its Editorial Supervision is in charge of MR. J. A. ALLEN, Assisted by PROF. S. F. BAIRD and DR. ELLIOTT COUES. Although published by the Nuttall Ornithological Club of Cambridge, Mass., it is not in any narrow sense the organ of any section. Being conducted asj A MAGAZINE OF ORNITHOLOGY, its department for reviews of the current ornithological literature gives prompt notices of all papers re ating to North American ornithology, and of all the more important special works and memoirs relating to the ornithology of other portions of the world ; while its department of “ General Notes ” is rich in notices of rare and little-known species of American birds. It is hence indispeasab'e to any one wishing to keep pace with the rapid advance of orni- thology in this country, since it contains the latest and fullest inteliigence relating to the general subject of North American Ornithology. TERMS. — $1.00 a year (including postage), strictly in advance ; single numbers, 30 cents. Back numbers can ba supplied. Circulars, containing the list of contents of Volume I, will be sent on application. Remittances by mail will be at the risk of the sender, unless sent in a postal order or draft on Boston or New York. Address all remittances to RUTHVEN DEANE, Cambridge, Mass. Foreign Subscribers may obtain the Bulletin through J. VAN VOORST & CO., 1 Paternoster Row, London. ADVERTISING RATES. — First inserti.''n, 80 cents a line (Bourgeois), or $12.00 per page ; $6.50 per half-page. A discount of twenty-five per cent will be made for each subsequent insertion. Communications intended for publication, as weT as advertisements, should be sent to Mr. j. a. Allen, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. The continuance of the Bulletin beyond the present Volume is necessarily contingent upon the pecuniary support it receives from the public. We trust that our present patrons will not only all promptly renew their subscriptions, but will use their influence to extend its cir- culation. We hope it will soon be possible to permanently increase the number of pages from twenty-four to thirty-two in each issue. In order to do this a considerable increase to our subscription-list will be necessary, and we therefore appeal strongly to all friends of Ornithology to aid in extending its circulation. This being the only journal in this country devoted exclusively to this subject, it is hoped that our appeal for pecuniary support will meet -with a prompt response. In order to assist in defraying the expenses of publication, advertising sheets will be issued with future numbers, relating mainly to Natural History, and especially to Ornithology. The attention of dealers in specimens of Natural History and collectors’ and taxidermists’ materials and of publishers of works relating to Natural History, is hence called to the Bulletin as a desirable advertising medium. N. B. — In future, all business letters and remittances should be addressed to Mr. Euthven *Deane, Cambridge, Mass., instead of to Mr. H. B. Bailey, who has removed to New York City. THE NEW GUN. Patent Sreecih-Iaoader. MANUFACTURED BY THE AMERICAN ARMS CO., BOSTON. The accompanying cut represents this new and improved gun as open for loading. It has a la'-eral motion without hinges, and cannot become shaky, the great trouble experienced in the tip-up action. It is the Most Durable, Simply Constructed, and Easiest Handled Gun ever offered to American Sportsmen, and is sold at prices far below any other guns in the market for the quality. A good gun with tAvist barrels can be had for $50. We wou’d especially call he attention of gentlemen wanting A FINE GUN to our $125 gun, which, for quality of lock, stock, and barrel, cannot be surpassed by any imported gun at any price. Send for Circular to Office, 103 MILK STREET, Boston. THE BOSTON SHOOTING SUIT, MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CJEO. W. ^ eo§ton, mass. Send for our Illustrated Circular and sample of material. / “BOSTON SHOOTING SUIT,” \ Each Garment distinctly marked : I made by I \C- W. Simmons & Son:/ This new design of WATERPROOF SHOOTINO SUIT, in^de from extra quality duck, has attained such popularity as to be called for from all parts of the country, and even from England. “ Shipping clothing to England strikes us very much like sending ‘ Coals to Newcastle,’ but the merits of the ‘ BOSTON SHOOTING SUITS ’ have been hear;l of in the Old Country, and that land of sports- men has sent an order to Messrs. Simmons & Sou, which will doubtless he followed by many others.” — Boston Paper. The design embraces the best points of the English and French Suits, combined with the necessary requirements for American service. Particular attention has been paid to color. Each suit is water- proofed by a new patent process. seams and pocket-corners are securely fastened, and nothing neglected to render the suit perfect in every respect. The Pi’ice has heen fixed at S13, to ij^cliide Hat or dovihle-visored Cap, Detachable Havelock, Coat, Vest, and Pantaloons. One hundred suits will be kept ready in stock, so that we can furnish to order any size required, at a moment’s notice. 5!^^ Persons ordering from a distance need send only the following to he sure of a PEIIFECT FIT ; Breast measure, Waist measure, inside seam Coat- sleeve, inside seam Pantaloons ; mention Heiglit and W^eight. GEO. W. SIMMONS & SON, “ OAK HALL,” BOSTON, MASS. DECOYS. Plover, Black Duck, Sheldrake, Bed Head, Yellow-Fegs, Canvas Whistler, Coot, also, Mallai'd, Sprigtail, Wild Geese. These are the new patent Decoys which come packed in nests, six in a box. The greatest improvement possible on the old style of wooden Decoy. Price of the Ducks, $ 12 per doz. ; price of the Geese, ^3 each ; Yellow-legs and Plover, ^5 a dozen. G. W. SIMMONS & SON, Oak Hall, Boston, Mass. BULLETIN OF THE Nuttall Ornithological Club: % iHHmal of ^mitljologg. Vol. II. - OGTOBXSR, 1877. ~ No. 4. CONTENTS. Page I Notes on Molothrus ^neus. By J. C. Merrill, Assist. Surg., U. S. A 85 On Seventy-five Doubtful West-Coast Birds. By J. G. Cooper, M. D 88 Remarks on Selasphorus alleni, Hen- shaw. By D. G. Elliot 97 The Yellow-throated Warbler {Den- drceca dominica). By William Brewster . 102 Page Recent Literature 106 D’Hamonville’s Enumeration of the Birds of Europe. — Merriana’s “Review of the Birds of Connecticut.’’ General Notes . 108 Note on Doricha enicura ( Vieill). — Occur- rence of the Black Vulture or Carrion Crow in Ohio. — Occurrence of the Western Non- pareil and Berlandier’s Wren at Fort Brown, Texas. — A Cuckoo's Egg in a Cedar-Bird’s Nest. — Occurrence for the first Time in Eng- land of the Robin ( Turdus migratorius). Cattihrttrsr> : PUBLISHED BY THE CLUB. University Press, Cambridge : Printed by Welch, Bigelow, & Co. BULLETIN OF THE Nuttall Ornithological Gluh: A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY. This Journal (now in its second volume) forms at present the only serial publication in America devoted to GENERAL ORNITHOLOGY. While it is intended to serve primarily as a medium of communication between working ornithologists, it also contains matter of a sufficiently popular character to interest all who take an interest in the general subject of which it treats. Although devoted mainly to the ornithology of No. th America, it is intended to be so far general in i'-s cha“acter as to give notices of all the more important works or memoirs relating to Exotic Ornithology. THE LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS to its pages already embraces nearly all of the leading ornithologists of the country. Among them are Dr. Elliott Coues, Mr. George N. Lawrence, Dr. T. M. Brewer, Mr. Robert Ridgway, Mr. H. W. Henshaw, Mr. Wm. Brewster, Capt. Charles Bendire, U. S. A., Dr. J. C. Merrill, Dr. J. G. Cooper, Mr. E. W. Nelson, and numerous others more or less well known to ornithological readers. Its Editorial Supervision is in charge of MR. J. A. ALLEN, Assisted by PROF. S. F. BAIRD and DR. ELLIOTT COUES. Although publi hed by the Nuttall Ornithological Club of Camb’-idge, Mass , it is not in any narrow sense the organ of any section. Being conducted as A MAGAZINE OF ORNITHOLOGY, its department for reviews of the current ornithological literature gives prompt notices of all papers I'e^ating to North American ornithology, and of all the more important special vtorks and memoirs relating to the ornithology of other portions of tlie world ; while its department of “ General Notes ” is r ch in notices of rare and little-known species of American birds. It is hence indispensab'e to any one wishing to keep pace with the rapid advance of orni- thology in this country, since it contains the latest and fullest intelligence relating to the general subject of North American Ornithology. TERMS. — $2.00 a year (including postage), strictly in advance ; single numbers, 50 cents. Volumes I and II, $ 1.00 each. Single Parts of Volumes I and II, 30 cents each. Circulars, containing the list of contents of Volume IT, will be sent on application. Remittances by mail will be at the risk of the sender, unless sent in a postal order or draft on Boston or New York. Address all remittances to RUTHVEN DEANE, Cambridge, Mass. Foreign Snbscribers may obtain the Bulletin through J. VAN VOORST & CO., 1 Paternoster Row, London. ADVERTISING RATES. — First insertion, 30 cents a line (Bourgeois), or $ 12.00 per page ; $6.50 per half-page. A discount of twenty -five per cent will be made fur each subsequent insertion. Communications intended for publication, as weft as advert'sements, should be sent to Mr. j. a. Allen, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Ma:s. THE NEW GUN. Fox^s Patent Breech-Lioader. MANUFACTURED BY THE AMERICAN ARMS CO., BOSTON. The accompanying cut represents this new and improved gun as open for loading. It has a lateral motion without hinges, and. cannot become shaky, the great trouble experienced in the tip-up action. It is the Most Durable, Simply Constructed, and Easiest Handled Gun ever offered to American Sportsmen, and is sold at prices far below any other guns in the market for the quality. A good gun with twist barrels can be had for $50. We wouM especially call the attention of gentlemen wanting A FINE GUN to our $125 gun, wh'ch, for quality of lock, stock, and barrel, cannot be surpassed by any imported gun any jyrice. Send for Circular to Office, 103 MILK STREET, Boston. THE BOSTON SHOOTING SUIT, MANUFACTURED ONLY BY GEO. W. Boston, Send for our Illustrated Circular and sample of material. / “BOSTON SHOOTING SUIT,” \ Eacli Garment distinctly marked : I made by I \C. W. Simmons & Son./ This new design of WATERPROOF SHOOTING SUIT, made from extra quality duck, has attained such popularity as to be called for from all parts of the country, and even from England. “ Shipping clothing to England strikes us very much like sending ‘ Coals to Newcastle,’ but the merits of the ‘ BOSTON SHOOTING SUITS ’ have been heard of in the Old Country, and that land of sports- men has sent an order to Messrs. Simmons & Son, which will doubtless be followed by many others.” — Boston Paper, The design embraces the best points of the English and French Suits, combined with the necessary requirements for American service. Particular attention has been paid to color. Each suit is water- proofed by a new patent process. The seams and pocket-corners are securely fastened, and nothing neglected to render the suit perfect in every respect. Tke Price has heeii fixed at SIS, to include Hat or double- visored Cap, Detachable Havelock, Coat, Vest, and Pantaloons. One hundred suits will be kept ready in stdck, so that we can furnish to order any size required, at a moment’s notice. Persons ordering from a distance need send only the following to Tbe sure of a PERFECT EXT ; Breast measure, Waist measure, inside seam Coat- sleeve, inside seam Pantaloons ; mention Height and Weight. GEO. W. SIMMONS & SON, “OAK HALL,” BOSTON, MASS. DECOYS. Plover, Red Head, Whijitler, Mallard, Black Duck, Yellow-Eegs, Coot, Sprigtail, Sheldrake, Canvas ALSO, Wild Geese. These are the new patent Decoys which come packed in nests, six in a box. The greatest improvement possible on the old style of wooden Decoy. Price of the Ducks, ^ 12 per doz. ; price of the Geese, $3 each ; Yellow-legs and Plover, $5 a dozen. G. W. SIMMONS & SON, Oak Hall, Boston, Mass. BUI^LETIN^ OF THE i^ttttafXX ®niitJt0X0j3:icaX CXulb: A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 1878. The present number brings to a close Volume II of the Bulletin. With the beginning of Volume III, it has been decided to increase the number of pages in each issue from 24 to 48, and to raise the subscription price to $2.00. The present size of the magazine having proved to be far too small to afford space fur all of the valuable matter contributed to its pages, its enlargement h's become necessary ; and we trust that the advance in price, accom- panied as it is Avith a corresponding addition of mattei*, will deter none of our present sub- scribers from promptly renewing their subscriptions, and that they will, as heretofore, use their influence to extend its circulation. The gradual inci'ease of our subscription-list during the past year, together with the large amount of matter offered for publication, shows plainly that the Bulletin meets a long-felt want, and leads us to hope that its per- manence as an Ornithol jgical Magazine *is assured. The favor with which this periodical has thus far been received leads us to believe that during the coming year it will be possible to fiu*tber increase its size without additional cost to subscribers. It will be continued under' the same editorial management as heretofore, and the aim will be to keep it at such a standard of excellence as to make it indispensable not only to every w u'kiijg ornithologist, but to ■every one interested in the progress of American Ornithology. A special feature of Volume III will be an exhaustive resume of the current literature relating to North American Ornithology, wherever appearing. Communications for Volume II have been received from no less than thirty contributors, embracing all the leading authorities (of this country) on American Ornithology. With such ample literary support, the magazine in its enlarged form cannot fail to be worthy of the most liberal pati'onage. In order to assist in defraying the expenses of publication, advertising sheets will be issued with each number, relating mainly to Natural History, and especially to Orn’*thology. The attention of dealers in specimens of Natural History and collectors’ and taxidermists’ materials, and of publishers of works relating to Natural History, is hence called to the Bulletin as a desirable advertising medium. TERMS. — Subscription, $2.00 a year (including postage), strictly in advance ; single numbers, 50 cents. Subscriptions should be forwarded to Mr. RUTHVEN DEANE, Cambridge, Mass. Advertising Rates. — First insertion, 30 cents a line (Bourgeois), or $ 12.00 per page ; $ 6.50 per half-page. A discount of twenty-five per cent will be made for each subsequent insertion. Communications intended for publication, as well as advertisements, should be sent to Mr. J. a. Allen, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. 4- ' ■** 4^ ' % 'f’ ^ I m • v^' t .f c 1 FRANK WALTERS Natural History Books 144 East 59th Street New York, N., Y. ^