65.06(73) S2i U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ,A7| Department Bulletin 1150-1199 aui -soaa aaoiAvo i aaaNiainnw ' lNHOWOlOHd ! U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Department Bulletin 1150-1199 Only the numbers listed below have been retained: llpl 1165 1153 1169 115^ 1182 1160 1196 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OFFICE OF INFORMATION DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT BULLETINS Nos. 1151-1175 WITH CONTENTS PREPARED IN THE INDEXING SECTION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON 1928 CONTENTS Department Bulletin No. 1151. — Silver-Fox Farming: Pagr Introduction I1 What is a silver fox? 2' History of fox farming 3 Fox-growing areas 4 Recommendations to beginners 6 Selecting a ranch site 6 Ranch organization 9 Pens 11 Dens, or kennels 22 Watch tower, or lookout 28 Guard fence 30 Essentials of breeding 32 Essentials of feeding 39 General management : 45 Pelting 52 Sanitation 55 Diseases 55 Parasites 5© Preventive measures 56 Treatment of disease 57 Records 58 Fox shows 59> Department Bulletin No. 1152. — Soy and Related Fermentations: Introduction 1 Work of previous investigators 2 Experimental work 3 Apparatus 3 Material 6 Preparation of ingredients 0 Shoyu-koji 9 Peanut press cake koji 13 Shoyu-moromi 14 Proportions of ingredients 17 Yields 18 Chinese soy sauce 18 Peanut sauce 19 Relation of enzymic activity to soy processes 20 Manufacture in the United States 21 Related fermentations 23- Summary 25 Bibliography 25 Department Bulletin No. 1153. — Boll- Weevil Cotton in Texas: Nature of boll-weevil cotton 1 Distincti ve characters of boll-weevil cotton 2 Sterile involucres of boll-weevil cotton 3 Weevils sheltered by large plants 4 Weevil damage on exposed plants 5 Open lanes between cotton rows 6 Wider lanes and closer spacing in the rows 7 Feasibility of wider lanes 9 Factors of the spacing problem 9) Early crops from small plants 11 Late thinning to suppress vegetative branches 14 Close spacing necessary with late thinning 15 Conclusions 10 List of publications on weevil resistance and close spacing of cotton.- 19) 79400A— 28 3 4 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BULS. 1151-1175 Page Department Bulletin- Xo. 1154. — Feeding Habits of the Japanese Beetle which Influence its Control: Difficulty of controlling the Japanese beetle 1 Feeding habits of the Japanese beetle 2 Movements of the beetles in relation to their food plants 4 The process of infestation 4 Proportion of sexes on various types of food plants 5 Rate at which the beetles feed 7 Summary 10 Department Bulletin Xo. 1155. — Rice Experiments at the Biggs Rice Field Station in California: History of rice growing in Calif ornia 1 The Biggs rice field station 3 Environmental conditions 3 Soil 3 Temperature 4 Rainfall 5 Wind 6 Evaporation 7 Cultural experiments 9 Depth of seeding 9 Rate of seeding 10 Date of seeding 14 Preparation of the seed bed 15 Continuous cropping to rice 15 Irrigation experiments 16 Time of submergence 17 Depth of submergence 17 Stagnant and slowly changing water 18 Fluctuation of depth of submergence 19 No submergence 19 Fertilizer experiments 20 Experiments, 1914 to 1916 21 Experiments, 1917 to 1919 24 Summary of fertilizer experiments 27 Varietal experiments 29 Class of rice • 29 Varieties grown on tenth-acro plats 30 Varieties grown on small increase plats 34 Nursery experiments 35 Leading varieties of rice fur California 43 Less important varieties 45 Control of weeds 47 Water grass or barnyard grass 48 Japanese or white water grass 53 Scale-grass 53 Spike rush 53 Cat-tails 53 Sedges or umbrella plants 54 Canary grass 54 Crabgrass 54 Joint-grass 54 Red rice 54 Red-stem 55 Cheat 55 Other crops for rice land 55 Beans 55 Corn 55 Grain sorghums 56 Cotton. 56 Hemp 57 Summary of experiments with other crops 57 Summary 57 CONTENTS 5 Page Department Bulletin No. 1156. — Investigations of Potato Wart: I. The varietal and species hosts of Synchytrium endobioticum 1 Tests with potato varieties and seedlings 1 Tests with miscellaneous solanaceous species 11 Varietal tests with tomatoes 13 Summary 15 II. The adaptability and use of wart-immune varieties of the potato in the quarantined areas of Pennsylvania 17 III. The stability of wart immunity 20 Department Bulletin No. 1157. — Influence of Spacing on Pro- ductivity in Single-Ear and Prolific Types of Corn: Single-ear and prolific types of corn 1 Location and plan of the experiments 4 Description of the varieties 5 Results of the experiments 5 Analysis of the yields 8 Conclusions 10 Department Bulletin No. 1158. — Production of Sirup from Sweet Potatoes: Sweet-potato b y-products 1 Commercial possibilities for sweet-potato sirup 3 Experimental work on sweet-potato sirup 4 Production of sweet-potato sirup on commercial scale 20 General properties of sweet-potato sirup 32 Composition of sweet-potato sirup 32 Composition of sweet-potato pomace 32 Summary 33 Department Bulletin No. 1159. — Coloring Satsuma Oranges in Alabama: Introduction 1 Maturation of Satsuma oranges in Alabama 2 Experimental work in coloring Satsuma oranges 5 Experiments in 1919 5 Experiments in 1920 9 Experiments in 1921 11 The coloring plant 13 Construction of an inexpensive coloring plant 13 Equipment of a coloring plant 15 Management and operation of a coloring plant 17 Summary 22 Department Bulletin No. 1160. — Studies on Contact Insecticides: Nature of the study 1 Procedure 2 Detailed results of experiments 4 Discussion of Table 1 7 Toxic concentrations of selected compounds 9 Discussion of Table 2 9 Toxicity of certain bases compared with their salts 10 Toxicity and volatility 10 Toxicity and chemical structure 11 General discussion 13 Conclusions 13 Literature cited 15 Department Bulletin No. 1161. — Effect of Composition on the _ Palatability of Ice Cream: Factors influencing quality of ice cream 1 Experimental work 2 Treatment of mixes and conditions of whipping and freezing 2 Methods of comparing the different ice creams 3 Effect of fat content on palatability of ice cream 4 Effect of sugar on palatability of ice cream 5 Effect of milk solids not fat on palatability of ice cream 5 Effect of gelatin on palatability of ice cream 6 Influence of fat content on quantity eaten 7 Best combinations of ice-cream ingredients 8 .Summary 8 6 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BULS. 1151-1175 Page Department Bulletin No. 1162. — The R6le op the Genus Rhamnus in the Dissemination of Crown Rust: Introduction 1 Relation of Rhamnus species to the epidemiology of crown rust 2 Rhamnus cathartica 3 Rhamnus lanceolata 12 Rhamnus caroliniana 14 Rhamnus alnifolia 15 Five less important species 16 Summary 17 Literature cited 18 Department Bulletin No. 1163. — A Study of Decay in Douglas Fir in the Pacific Northwest: Importance of decay in Douglas fir 1 Method of collecting data 2 Fungi causing decay 3 Position of the decays in the tree 4 Relative importance of the decays 4 Mechanical inj uries 5 Entrance of the decays 7 Indications of decay in living trees 10 Extent of incipient decay 15 Summary 16 Outlook 17 Literature cited 19 Department Bulletin No. 1164. — Segregation and Correlation of Characters in an Upland-Egyptian Cotton Hybrid: Introduction 1 Ancestry of the hybrid 3 Characters distinguishing the Holdon and Pima varieties 4 Characters of the first-generation hybrid 6 Definition of the characters measured or graded 7 Statistical constants of the parental and of the Fi and F2 hybrid population 11 Frequency distributions of the second generation of the hybrid 15 Mendelian segregation in the Holdon-Pima hybrid 21 Data of the Holdon-Pima hybrid compared with evidence from other sources of Mendelian segregation in cotton hybrids 27 Evidence from F3 of segregation in the Holdon-Pima hybrid in characters not giving definite Mendelian ratios in F2 33 Extraparental characters in F2 of the Holdon-Pima hybrid 39 Sterility in F2 and F3 of the Holdon-Pima hybrid 41 Correlation of characters in F2 of the Holdon-Pima hybrid 44 Practical significance of the results 50 Summary 52 Literature cited 56 Department Bulletin No. 1165. — Report on Bird Censuses in the United States, 1916 to 1920: Introduction 1 Methods of taking bird censuses 3 Essentials of a satisfactory census 4 More reports needed on certain areas 6 Results of bird censuses north of Maryland and east of the Plains 6 Results of censuses from Southeastern States 9 Results of censuses from Western States 10 Some notable bird-census results 15 Relative abundance of certain species 21 Density of bird population 23 Bird life of marshland 24 Bird life of the woodland 27 Scarcity of birds in 1918 28 Birds respond to protection 31 Summary 33 Publications relating to the distribution, migration, and attraction of wild birds 35 CONTENTS / Pag« Department Bulletin No. 1166. — Apple By-products as Stock Foods: Purpose of investigation 1 Utilization of apple by-products „_ 1 Yield of apple by-products 3 Manufacture of dried apple by-products 5 Apple pomace 5 Apple-pectin pulp 7 Composition of apple by-products 8 Apple pomace and apple-pomace silage 8 Dried apple pomace 10 Dried apple-pectin pulp 18 Feeding value of apple by-products 22 Apple pomace 22 Apple-pomace silage 25 Dried apple pomace 26 Dried apple-pectin pulp 29 Comparative cost of feeding apple by-products 33 Summary 33 Literature cited 35 Cider making 35 Methods of analysis 35 Beet pulp and corn silage 35 Apple by-products 36 Department Bulletin No. 1167. — Cultivation of the True Yams in the Gulp Region: What the true yams are 1 Economic importance of the true yams 1 Opportunity for a yam industry in the South 2 General description of the true yams 2 Kinds of yams 2 The greater, or ten-months yam 4 Growing the greater yam 5 Handling the yam crop 8 Varieties of the greater yam 10 Preparation of yams for the table 13 Summary 14 Department Bulletin No. 1168. — Wearing Qualities op Shoe Leather: Purpose of investigation 1 Plan of investigation 2 Selection of material 2 Preparation of material 2 Wearing conditions 3 Results of investigation 4 Condition of worn leather 4 Effect of certain factors on wear of sole leather 7 Composition of original and worn sole leathers 12 Summary 22 Department Bulletin No. 1169. — Further Studies with Paradi- chlorobenzene for Peach Borer Control, with Special Ref- erence to Use on Young Trees: Introduction 1 Experimental results in the field 2 Effect of paradichlorobenzene on the trees 6 Results from winter and spring treatments 10 Correct method of applying paradichlorobenzene 12 Laboratory experimenl s 13 Rate of evaporation of paradichlorobenzene crystals 13 Mortality of peach-borer larvae exposed to paradichlorobenzene. 14 KfFeet of temperature and moisture on the effectiveness of paradichlorobenzene 15 Summary 18 8 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BULS. 1151-1175 Page Department Bulletin No. 1170. — Effects of Different Systems and Intensities of Grazing Upon the Native Vegetation at the Northern Great Plains Field Station: Introduction 1 Plan of the grazing experiment 3 Land used for the experiment 5 Relation of precipitation to native forage production 7 Deferred and rotation system of grazing 8 Period of grazing and cattle used 10 Weighing the cattle 11 Gains of the cattle 12 Percentage of vegetation annually removed by grazing 15 Measure of efficiency of a pasture or system of grazing 17 Botanical studies in connection with the experiment 19 Other studies bearing upon the experiment 33 Soil moisture 35 Palatability of the vegetation 35 Causes of the deterioration of native pastures by grazing with cattle. 38 Grazing capacity based upon the native vegetation 39 Salient points revealed by the grazing experiment 42 Conclusions and summary 42 Department Bulletin No. 1171. — The Manufacture of Camembert Cheese: Development of the Camembert-cheese industry 1 Characteristics of Camembert cheese 2 Food value 3 Composition of Camembert cheese 3 Quality of milk required 5 The making process 5 Standardizing the milk 5 Quantity of starter to use 5 Acidity of milk at renneting 6 Temperature _ 6 Setting the' milk and adding rennet 7 Curdling period 7 Arrangement of hoops and mats 7 Cutting the curd 8 Methods of dipping 8 Draining 9 Yield 10 Salting 10 Inoculation with mold 10 Growing mold for inoculation 12 Factory equipment 12 Special equipment for the "make" room 13 Construction and equipment of ripening rooms 15 Drying machine 17 The ripening of Camembert cheese 18 Oidium ripening 18 Camembert-mold ripening 20 "Ferments rouges," or red growth 20 Foreign molds 21 Conditions of ripening 21 Wrapping and boxing 23 Cost of manufacture 25 Wholesale and retail prices 25 Some economic factors 26 Making Camembert on the farm 27 Summary 28 CONTENTS y Page Department Bulletin No. 1172. — Cereal Experiments at Chico, Calif. : Introduction 1 The Sacramento Valley 1 The plant introduction station 6 Experimental methods 9 Preparation of the land 9 Plat experiments 10 Nursery experiments 10 Experimental data 11 Wheat experiments 12 Barley experiments 24 Oat experiments 29 Miscellaneous experiments and notes 31 Summary 32 Department Bulletin No. 1173. — Experiments in Wheat Production on the Dry Lands op the Western United States: Importance of wheat in the far West 1 Soils 6 Climatic data 7 Precipitation I 7 Evaporation , 9 Temperature 10 Tillage experiments 12 Treatment of land before plowing 12 Plowing 18 Cultivation of summer fallow 32 Tillage factors influencing yields and quality of winter wheat-- 42 Harrowing the growing crop 44 Rate-and-date-of-seeding experiments 46 Results at Moro 46 Results at Lind 51 Results at Nephi 54 Depth-of-seeding experiments 54 Results at Moro 54 Results at Lind 55 Spacing experiments 57 Results at Moro 57 Summary 58 Department Bulletin No. 1174. — Hungarian Vetch: Introduction of Hungarian vetch 1 Description 2 Longevity and hard seed 2 Climatic requirements 2 Soil and moisture requirements 4 Value for hay 5 Value for green manure 6 Value for pasturage 7 Time and rate of seeding 7 Method of seeding 7 Inoculation 8 Use of lime and gypsum 8 Harvesting for hay 8 Harvesting for seed 9 Threshing 9 Cleaning seed 10 Yield of seed 10 Insects in relation to pollination 10 Insect enemies H Fungous diseases 11 Nematode inj ury H 10 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BULS. 1151-1175 Fas* Department Bulletin No. 1175. — Grain-Sorghum Experiments at the Woodward Field Station in Oklahoma: Objects of the experiments 1 Description of the Woodward field station 2 Location 2 Soil 2 Climatic conditions 3 Classification of the grain sorghums 12 Experimental methods 14 Size and arrangement of plats 14 Crop rotation 14 Method of seeding 14 Methods of obtaining data 14 Environing conditions 15 Varietal experiments 16 The milo-durra group 17 The kafir group 23 The kaoliang group 30 The shallu group '_ 33 Miscellaneous sorghums 33 Comparative yields of the grain sorghums 35 Date-of- seeding experiments 36 Dwarf Yellow milo 39 Sunrise kafir 44 Dawn kafir 46 Reed kafir 47 Feterita 48 Blackhull kaoliang 49 Comparative yields in date-of-seeding experiments 49 Spacing experiments 52 Dwarf Yellow milo 53 Sunrise kafir 59 Summary 64 1 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OFFICE OF INFORMATION DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS vTl Nos. 1176-12 WITH CONTENTS PREPARED IN THE INDEXING SECTION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING' OFFICE WASHINGTON 1928 CONTENTS Page Department Bulletin No. 1176. — Some Results of Cutting in the Sierra Forests of California: Introduction 1 Description of data 2 Growth of remaining stand 3 Site 3 Species 4 Size and age limits 5 Crown size and form 6 Distribution; degree of cutting 9 Acceleration of growth 13 Net growth 15 Injurious agencies 15 Value of increment 16 Reproduction 17 Summary 24 References 26 Department Bulletin No. 1177. — Irrigation District Operation and Finance: Introduction 1 Nature of irrigation districts 1 Present status of irrigation districts 4 Reasons for success or failure 6 Purpose of formation 9 The electorate 11 Management 12 Finance 13 State supervision 27 State financial aid 31 Relations with the United States 33 Other salient features 36 Irrigation district development 41 Summary and conclusions 54 Department Bulletin No. 1178. — Bordeaux-Oil Emulsion: Introduction 1 Historical summary 4 Laboratory tests 5 Preparation of sprays 7 Field trials 10 Growers' experience 19 Spray-burn 19 Usefulness and limitations of Bordeaux-oil emulsion 20 Bordeaux-mixture treatment of hard water 21 Summary 21 Literature cited 23 Department Bulletin No. 1179. — Investigations of the Manufac- ture of Phosphoric Acid by the Volatilization Process: Introduction 1 Principles involved in the volatilization process 2 Advantages of the volatilization process 4 Review of methods for producing phosphorus and phosphoric acid by volatilization 6 The use of the electric furnace in the volatilization of phosphoric acid 9 <"otlrell clcr-trif'il pif-cipitator 10 Larger scale experiments 11 rWWB— 28 3 4 DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE BULS. 1176-1200 Page Department Bulletin No. 1179. — Investigations op the Manufac- ture op Phosphoric Acid by the Volatilization Process — Contd. Electric smelting of mine-run phosphates 13 Theoretical heat balances 17 The use of the fuel furnace in the volatilization of phosphoric acid__ 19 Comparative cost of the thermal unit furnished by electric power and fuel 20 Prehminary laboratory experiments 24 The briquetting of mineral phosphates 27 Effect of high temperatures on various briquetted mixtures 32 Larger scale experiments 37 Present furnace equipment and latest results 39 Discussion of experimental results 45 Estimated cost of production 46 Summary and conclusions 48 Department Bulletin No. 1180. — Field Experiments with Atmos- pheric-Nitrogen Fertilizers: Introduction 1 Fertilizers used 2 Soils and crops 5 Methods used in experiments 5 Observations during growth 6 Cyanamid 7 Ammonium nitrate, double salt, and mixed salts 8 Ammonium phosphate and ammoniated superphosphate 9 Ammonium chlorid 9 Urea 9 Urephos 10 Experimental results : 10 Experiments of 1919 10 Experiments of 1920 and 1921 18 Review of the results 39 Summary 41 Department Bulletin No. 1181. — Labor Requirements op Arkansas Crops: How these data may be used 2 Scope of study 3 Method of gathering data 3 Construction of charts 5 Labor requirements of specified crops 6 Interpretation of tables and charts 52 Calculation of approximate cost of production 54 Improvement of crop systems 57 How to calculate crop systems from the labor standpoint 57 Labor data condensed 60 Index 63 Department Bulletin No. 1182. — The Imported Pine Sawfly: Introduction 1 Descriptions 1 Life history and seasonal history 7 Effect of meteorological conditions 14 Parthenogenesis 15 Parasites 16 Hosts 17 Distribution in the United States 20 Economic importance 20 Control 21 Department Bulletin No. 1183. — Milling and Baking Experi- ments with American Wheat Varieties: Scope of the investigations 1 Sources of the samples 2 Importance of factors determining the quality of wheat 4 Methods used in determining milling and baking qualities 5 Effect of locality and crop year on quality 6 CONTENTS 0 Page Department Bulletin No. 1183. — Milling and Baking Experi- ments with American Wheat Varieties — Continued. Milling and baking value of varieties 11 The hard red spring wheats 11 The durum wheats 29 The hard red winter wheats 41 The soft red winter wheats 53 The white wheats 60 Summary of milling and baking data on varieties for all classes 76 Conclusions 91 Publications on American wheat varieties 93 Department Bulletin No. 1184. — Utilization of Pima Cotton: Introduction 1 Uses and manufacturing qualities of Pima cotton 4 Objections current among manufacturers 5 Conditions causing lack of uniformity 10 Need of field segregation 11 Clean uniform staple advantageous to manufacturers and growers 12 Better methods of ginning 14 Sampling of bales 16 Compressing 17 Storage of baled cotton 22 Place of Pima cotton in the long-staple markets 22 Improvements for the stabilization of Pima cotton 23 Conclusions 24 Literature cited r_ _ 26 Department Bulletin No. 1185. — Flax-Stem Anatomy in Relation to Retting: Introduction 1 The retting objective and some factors that may interfere 2 The progress of retting in the different tissues of the stem 5 Some macroscopic and external changes in the flax stem during retting 12 Mechanical methods of testing wet flax stems for completion of retting 16 Summary 26 Department Bulletin No. 1186. — White-Pine Blister Rust in Western Europe: Introduction 1 Scope of the investigations 2 Historical review 3 Susceptibility of blister-rust hosts 3 Relation of white pines to European forestry 6 Importance of currants and gooseberries 9 Damage to eastern white pine in Europe 11 Control measures recommended in Europe 17 Significance of European experience to America 21 Economic aspects of the blister-rust problem 25 Summary of the blister-rust situation in Europe 26 European experience a warning to America 28 Literature cited 29 Department Bulletin No. 1187. — Experimental Milling and Bak- ing, Including Chemical Determinations: Method of handling samples 3 Mechanical analysis of samples 3 Experimental milling 6 Experimental baking 15 Explanation of the various baking operations 19 Significance of factors denoting quality 23 Baking methods user! in other laboratories 26 Chemical determinations 27 Description of methods of chemical determinations 32 Reference tables 48 Bulletin pertaining to grain standardization 53 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUL3. 1176-1200 Page Department Bulletin No. 1188. — Costs and Farm Practices in Producing Potatoes on 461 Farms in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan,. New York, and Maine eor the Crop Year 1919: Introduction 1 Geographic distribution of potato production 2 Production and price trends 5 Conditions peculiar to surplus of potatoes 7 Costs and practices in 1919 on specific farms 9 Labor and material used per acre 12 Cost of production 13 Variation in cost per acre 14 Variation in cost per bushel 15 Relation of yield to cost per bushel 15 Analysis of items of cost 16 Labor 16 Materials 33 Use of land 35 Machinery 35 Overhead 36 Other costs 36 Tenure 37 Relation of costs and prices, 1913-1921 37 Department Bulletin No. 1189. — Fruits in West Virginia, Ken- tucky, and Tennessee: Introduction 1 Pomological characteristics of the area 2 Descriptions of the pomological regions 5 Selection of an orchard site 20 Disease factors 24 The variety problem 25 Orchard fruits 26 Small fruits 64 Fruit variety lists for each region 74 Literature cited 78 Department Bulletin No. 1190. — Effect of Feeding Green Alfalfa and Green Corn on Flavor and Odor of Milk: Causes of undesirable flavors and odors in milk 1 Experimental feeding of green alfalfa 2 Procedure 2 Feeding 15 pounds one hour before milking 5 Feeding 30 pounds one hour before milking 5 Feeding 15 pounds immediately after milking 6 Feeding 30 pounds immediately after milking 6 Feeding 30 pounds three and five hours before milking 7 Effect of immediate aeration of the milk 8 Experimental feeding of green corn 10 Procedure 10 Feeding 25 pounds one hour before milking 11 Feeding 25 pounds immediately after milking 11 Conclusions 12 Department Bulletin No. 1191. — Potash from Kelp: Early Devel- opment and Growth of the Giant Kelp, Macrocystis Pyrifera: Introduction 1 Life history of Macrocystis pyrifera 2 Growth with reference to environment 20 Seasonal variation in condition of kelp beds 28 Destruction by natural agencies 29 Methods and effects of harvesting 35 Summary 40 Literature cited 40 CONTENTS 7 Page Department Bulletin No. 1192. — Improvement of Kubanka Durum Wheat by Pure-Line Selection: History of Kubanka wheat 1 Adaptation 1 Comparative yields 2 Pure-line selections . 3 Characters desired ' 5 Nodak durum wheat 5 Yields of the selections 5 Rust resistance 8 Stiffness of straw 9 Semolina qualities 9 Milling and baking qualities 11 Summary 13 Department Bulletin No. 1193. — Estimation of Colloidal Material in Soils by Adsorption: Introduction 1 Colloidal and noncolloidal soil particles 2 Previous methods of estimating colloidal material in soils 3 Adsorption method of estimating colloidal material in soils 7 Description of method 7 Experimental procedure 8 Experimental results 10 Causes of discordant results 14 Accuracy of the adsorption method 29 Procedure suggested 32 Quantity of colloidal material in soils 33 Summary 38 Literature cited 39 Department Bulletin No. 1194. — A Chemical and Structural Study of Mesquite, Carob, and Honey Locust Beans: Purpose of investigation 1 Occurrence 1 Feeding value 3 Experimental work 5 Summary 17 Literature cited 18 Department Bulletin No. 1195. — Sterilities of Wild and Cultivated Potatoes with Reference to Breeding from Seed: Introduction 1 General survey of the types of sterility in the potato 2 Sterility due to nonflowering 2 Sterility from one-sided impotence, or intersexualism 4 Sterility in hybrids 22 Sterility from incompatibility 23 Results of the sterility survey ' 26 Summary 31 Literature cited 31 Department Bulletin No. 1196. — Food and Economic Relations of North American Grebes: Introduction 1 Distribution and habits of grebes 1 Description 2 Nests, eggs, and young 2 Economic relations 3 Feather eating 4 Protected status 4 Western grebe 5 Holboell grebe 7 Horned grebe 10 Eared grebe 15 Mexican grebe 18 Pied-billed grebe - 19 - 5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BULS. 1176-1200 Page Department Bulletin No. 1197. — Experiments With Emmer, Spelt, and Einkorn: Introduction 1 Characteristics of emmer, spelt, and einkorn 1 History 3 Distribution 4 Bushel weight 6 Composition of emmer, spelt, and einkorn 7 Uses of emmer, spelt, and einkorn 7 Varieties 9 Varietal experiments 14 Results in the South Atlantic area 17 Results in the Mississippi and St. Lawrence Valleys 20 Results in the Great Plains area 30 Results in the western basin and coast area 43 Cultural experiments 49 Summary 53 Conclusions 56 Literature cited 57 Department Bulletin No. 1198.- — Cost op Producing Winter Wheat in Central Great Plains Region of the United States: Value of knowing costs 1 Centers of wheat production in the United States 1 Basic factors of cost 3 Prices of labor and materials 14 Summary of average costs by tenure 17 A comparison of costs in regions of widely different land values 21 Variation in net cost per acre 22 Variation in net cost per bushel 24 Effect of yield on cost per bushel 28 Use of quantity requirements of labor and materials in computing costs 29 Summary of labor practices 30 Department Bulletin No. 1199. — Bulletins op the Experiment Stations: (Alphabetical arrangement of States and Territories.) Department Bulletin No. 1199. — Supplement 1. — Bulletins of the Experiment Stations, 1921 and 1922: (Alphabetical arrangement of States and Territories.) Department Bulletin No. 1199. — -Supplement 2. — Bulletins of the Experiment Stations, 1923 and 1924: List of bulletins 1 (Alphabetical arrangement of States and Territories.) Index of authors 29 • Index of subjects 37 Department Bulletin No. 1200. — Natural Regeneration of Douglas Fir in the Pacific Northwest: Introduction 1 Distribution of Douglas fir 2 Climate and site 4 Seed 10 Origin of young growth 18 Migration 38 Character of second-growth forests 40 Competition 41 Growth 44 Silvicultural management 46 Enemies ' 50 Summary 54 Appendix A. Methods of study 57 Appendix B. Botanical characteristics . 58 Bibliography 60 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT BULLETIN No. 1151 Washington, D. C. June 20, 1923 SILVER-FOX FARMING By FRANK G. ASHBROOF Assistant Biologist Division of Economic Investigations Bureau of Biological Survey CONTENTS ^v Introduction 1 Whalis a silver fox? 2 History of fox farming 3 Foi-jrowing areas 4 Recommendations to beginners 6 Selecting a ranch site 6 Ranch organization 9 Pens 11 Dens, or kennels 22 Watch tower, or lockout 28 Guard fence 30 Pago Essentials of breeding 32 Essentials of feeding 39 General management 45 Pelting 52 Sanitation 55 Diseases 55 Parasites 56 Preventive measures 56 Trea:menl of disease 57 Records 58 Fox shows 59 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1923 Bui. 1151, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Plate I. x .g 5D^ X w<« o u. © a Q hi w^ rr "H o LU T ^ t* 1- >£ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT BULLETIN No. 1L51 Washington, D. C. June 20, 1923 SILVER-FOX FARMING. By Frank G. Ashbkook, Assistant Biologist, Division of Economic Investigations, Bureau of Biological Survey.1 CONTENTS. Page Introduction 1 What is a silver fox? 2 History of fox farming 3 Fox-growing areas 4 Recommendations to beginners- 6 Selecting a ranch site 6 Ranch organization 9 I'ens 11 Dens, or kennels 22 Watch tower, or lookout 28 Guard fence 30 Page. Essentials of breeding 32 Essentials of feeding 39 General management 45 Pelting 52 Sanitation : 55 Diseases 55 Parasites 56 Preventive measures.., 56 Treatment of disease 57 Records' 58 Fox shows 59 INTRODUCTION. Silver-fox farming has attracted wide attention, chiefly because of the enormous profits derived from the sale of pelts and breeding stock. As a fur animal propagated in captivity the silver fox has no rival, and both live foxes and their pelts are in demand. Prob- ably no other live-stock enterprise pays larger returns for the money invested, although erroneous statements regarding this industry have been made that have misled the public as to its real status. In a majority of instances lack of authentic information concerning the feeding, breeding, and management of silver foxes has led to mis- statements, although many people have been misled purposely by unscrupulous ranchers and organized companies. That such ranch- ers and companies would use the silver fox as a medium to extract money from persons unfamiliar with the business was only to have beer expected, as such a condition is found in every enterprise; and 1 In preparing the section on breeding the writer was assisted by E. w. Sheets, Acting Chief, and Dr. Bewail Wright, of the Division of Animal Husbandry, Bureau of Animal Industry; and by Dr. G. M. Rommel, formerly ehief of thai division, in preparing the section on di ea e and parasite he was assisted by Dr. M. C. Hall, of the Bureau of Animal Industry; and by Dr. K. B. Hanson and Dr. 11. L. VanVolkenberg, of the Bureau of Biological Survey. NOTE. This bulletin supersedes Fiiruieis' litillctin 7'.»0( Tin: OomeslirMti'd Silver Fox. 31820"— 23 1 2 BULLETIN 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. it has been quite common in the silver-fox industry, chiefly because the business is new and profitable. The production of silver foxes has proved to be most profitable when conscientiously and intelligently managed. A silver- fox pelt of high quality, taken in the wild, has always been and still is a very rare article. A number of raw-fur buyers claim that pelts produced on ranches are not popular with the fur trade because they are un- prime and lack the quality and finish of wild fur. That this is un- true is shown by the fact that approximately 90 per cent of the silver-fox pelts sold on the fur market to-day are from ranch-bred foxes. During February, 1922, 2,375 silver-fox pelts from ranches all over the United States and Canada were sold in London, and the pelt which brought the top price of the market. $631.68, was from a ranch-raised fox from the United States. Raising silver foxes in captivity, unlike other live-stock enter- prises, is an industry of too recent development to be supported by extensive study and research. It is possible, however, to assist beginners, as well as established ranchers, with information on some of the various phases of the business, such as organizing the ranch, feeding, breeding, management, pelting, sanitation, and the control of diseases and parasites. Information in the following pages is based on a study of methods and practices which have been found to give the greatest satisfaction on ranches in the United States and Canada, supplemented by observations and investigations on the Biological Survey's experimental fur farm at Keeseville, N. Y. For other foxes raised on farms, such as the red, cross, and blue foxes, the general principles of ranch construction and management here set forth will be found applicable generally. WHAT IS A SILVER FOX? The name silver fox, as commonly used by furriers, includes the dark phases of the ordinary red fox, variously called silver, silver- gray, silver-black, or black (PL I). The color of the red fox of the Northeastern States and of its allies of the colder parts of North America varies from red to black, and these extremes, with the gradations between them, form four more or less distinct phases, known, respectively, as red, cross or patch, silver, and black. The silver fox, therefore, is a color phase of the red fox. It is dark all over, with silver hairs intermixed, but no red, and the tip of the tail is generally, but not always, white. The guard hairs which give the silver appearance to the pelage are not entirely white, but are black with a white band, and some guard hairs are entirely black. Variation in guard hairs is shown in Figure 1. In the red phase the coat is entirely rich fulvous ; that is, tawny or dull yellow with a mixture of gray and brown, excepting re- stricted black markings on the feet and ears, a white area at the end of the tail, and certain white-banded hairs on the back and rump. From this phase to the next the black increases in extent until in the typical cross fox the black predominates on the feet, legs, and underparts, while fulvous overlying black covers most of the head, shoulders, and back. A gradual increase of the black and elimination of the fulvous or its replacement by white brings the next phase, the silver fox, in which no fulvous appears, the entire SILVER-FOX FARMING. 6 pelage being dark at the base and heavily or lightly overlaid with the banded guard hairs previously described. Silver foxes vary from almost entirely silver to those which are entirely black except for a few white-banded guard hairs on the back and rump. Finally, in the black fox the white is absent from all parts except the tip of the tail, which, as in all phases, is usually white. In general, the cross fox is fairly common, the silver very scarce, and the pare black exceedingly rare. The prices usually paid for the different skins vary according to the relative scarcity of the animals and the market demand. Red-fox skins command only a moderate price; cross foxes bring somewhat more; and silver foxes several times as much. Black foxes are not so popular at present, for the reason that dyers can so closely imitate them with a dyed red fox that the average person can not tell the natural black fox from a dved skin. »■ UNOE/R FOX (us| Fin. 1. — White bands on guard hairs of the silver fox. The extent of the band and distance from the end is indicated, as well as the relative lengths of the guard hairs and the under fur. HISTORY OF FOX FARMING. The early history of fox farming is fraught with frenzied finance, breeding stock selling as high as $34,000 a pair and individual pelts at $2,700. It reads like a romance. The operations of the breeders were cloaked with secrecy, and the public was first skeptical, then gullible. Before the industry started silver foxes were caught occasionally by trappers in the far North and their furs shipped to London, where, because of their rarity and attractiveness, they brought excep- tionally high prices — in fact, more than any other furs on the market. Realizing the scarcity of silver foxes and the possibility of their extermination, Charles Dalton, a trapper and fur trader of Prince Edward Island, began in 1887 to experiment with the breeding of red foxes, with the thought that he might be able to obtain crosses or silvers through " throwbacks." About this time he heard of a trapper in the Province who had two pairs of silver foxes in cap- tivity, and, purchasing these animals, he abandoned the raising of the red foxes. Building a special farm at his home in Tignish, he installed his purchases and devoted his entire time to his study. Meantime, unknown to Dalton, a like experiment was being carried on by Robert Oulton, who was more fortunate, 'in that ne obtained specimens of silver foxes at the start and devoted his time to these. When Dalton heard of the new experiment he paid Oulton a visit, 4 BULLETIN 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. and the meeting of these men resulted in the formation of a partner- ship. Their first wire pen was built on Savage Island, where Oulton owned a ranch. Dalton had definite ideas concerning the problems involved and the most promising lines to follow in developing the industry, but Oulton, the practical farmer and stockman, made suc- cess possible because of his experience and natural ability in han- dling live stock. In the course of a few years stories concerning the wealth to be obtained from the silver-fox business leaked out, and as the results of these first experiments became known a fox-farming boom started. Three sisters cleared $25,000 a year out of their venture. A small party of clerks organized a company and made $40,000 in four years. A pup was sold for $9,000. A consignment of 25 choice skins sent to London brought $34,175, an average of $1,367 per skin, the top prices for the choicest pelts being $2,700, $2,650, and $2,500. Prior to 1910 people were working to establish an industry, but when knowledge of Dalton's great success became public the real boom started. Expansion went ahead at a rapid pace, and the boom lasted from 1910 to 1914. The demand for breeding stock brought about the virtual suspension of pelt production for the time being. No skins were placed on the market in 1911, excepting from foxes too poor to be sold for breeding stock. The demand for stock was so great that foxes were imported into Prince Edward Island from nearly every Province in Canada. These were a mixture of every variety of silver and cross fox, and, as their breeding was not known, their offspring were nondescript. Nevertheless, they were used for breeders and sold for fabulous prices. Illicit buying and selling of foreign stock misrepresented by producers engaged in this practice was very harmful to the industry, and the brown color now cropping out on many ranches among supposedly pure silvers is undoubtedly due to foxes of unknown breeding. During the boom period ranches were started in New England and in New York and the industry rapidly spread to other parts of the country. With, the beginning of the World War in 1914 and the general conditions resulting from the war the boom was killed and more serious thinking began among the breeders engaged in the industry. With the depression of the fur market in England in 1915 and the sudden development of the fur trade in the United States, Canadian ranchers2 turned to this country for the marketing of their pelts. The rapid rise and fall of the fur market caused ranchers to take a different view of the business, and it has now come to be realized that pelt value is the only safe basis on which to establish the in- dustry. FOX-GROWING AREAS OF NORTH AMERICA. The natural habitat of the silver fox includes the greater part of northern North America from the central United States northward to and including the border of the treeless tundras. (Fig. 2.) The red fox inhabits nearly all of this region, but animals of the silver phase, although found in most parts of it, are very irregularly dis- 2 The terms "rancher," "caretaker," "attendant," "breeder," and "feeder" as used in this bulletin refer to on© and the same person. SILVER-FOX FARMING. 5 tributed. In general, the silver fox is more common in northern localities than in southern. To-day it is an exceedingly rare occur- rence for one to be trapped in the wild, although they have been indland, in the height of land between Quebec and Labrador, and along the upper Yukon, in Yukon taken in Xewfoui the peninsula of _ Territory, and in the eastern adjacent region of central Alaska. 6 BULLETIN 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Among fur buyers it is well known that the pelts produced in northern localities are the more valuable, and while their experience teaches that certain areas are not too far south to produce valuable furs, their conclusions are only general. The average person can not judge whether his own locality is suitable for fox farming, especially if the wild fur animals have been exterminated there. It is neces- sary,, therefore, to ascertain definitely the areas within which foxes are known to produce superior fur. In general it may be said that silver foxes1 are being grown suc- cessfully in practically every one of the northern tier of States from New England westward to Washington and Oregon, and in the cooler parts of California, Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Illi- nois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. Judging from figures that are as correct a representation as it is possible to obtain under existing conditions in the United States, it is estimated that in 1922 there were 500 ranchers raising silver foxes; that there were between 12,000 and 15,000 foxes in captivity; and that the value of the investment was about $8,000,000. This information is based on replies to an official questionnaire sent out annually to all known fur farmers in the United States. There may be isolated ranches in contiguous territory, but owing to their failure to reply to the questionnaire the Biological Survey has no record of them. RECOMMENDATIONS TO BEGINNERS IN THE INDUSTRY. It is not wise for anyone unfamiliar with fox raising to start with a large number of animals. Many troubles and obstacles arise, the remedies for which can not yet be found in books, but must for the present be learned through experience. A number of people who started in this business on too large a scale, or who expanded too rapidly, have made a failure of it. The better method is to start with a few pairs of foxes and gradually increase the number as one's knowledge of care and management enlarges. Quality, not quantity, is the factor that counts in breeding silver foxes. On a small ranch the character, disposition, and breeding of individual foxes can be studied intelligently, but this is difficult, if not impossible, on a large ranch. Stock should generally be obtained during the fall in order that the animals may become thoroughly accustomed to their new sur- roundings before the breeding season. The weather is sufficiently cool by the end of September to permit the shipment of foxes with safety. SELECTING A RANCH SITE. CLIMATE AND SHADE. The production of a fine quality of fur is closely related to climate. A long, cold winter with a fair amount of rainfall, particularly in spring, is conducive to the production of good fur. Hot summers are not detrimental if short and followed by a season of frosty weather, during which time the animals can renew their coats. It has been stated that excessive sunshine causes fox pelts to fade. "When the pelt of a fox is being shed the food supply to the fur is SILVER-FOX FARMING. 7 cut off; hence it is a natural condition for the hairs to die and be shed, and sometimes dead hairs turn various shades of brown and chocolate. During the season when the fox's pelt is becoming prime there will sometimes be found a chocolate tinge, commonly known as rust. This, however, is not caused by sun bleaching, but is due rather to inferior breeding stock, which has a tendency to throw rust-colored pelts instead of pelts of -clear black in the underfur and in that part of the guard hairs which is supposed to be raven black. A happy medium of shade and sunshine is necessary for the com- fort of the foxes as well as for the maintenance of their health. Every animal likes to lie in the shade during extremely hot weather to escape the direct rays of the sun. Sunshine, on the other hand, is the best natural disinfectant for keeping the clens, pens, and grounds clean and sanitary. When the fox industry was in its infancy most fox raisers thought that dense shade on their ranches was absolutely necessary. At first this was produced mainly by evergreens; later, a mixture of ever- greens and hardwoods was employed. Fox ranchers are now learn- ing the advantages of sunlight in keeping the pens sanitary and are cutting out the evergreens and allowing only the hardwoods to stand. Pine needles are objectionable because they fall into the feed and are consumed by foxes; they sometimes injure the intestines of pups and cause their death. An advantage in favor of hardwood trees is the fact that in winter, after they have shed their leaves, they allow the sun to shine into the pens. SOIL. Silver foxes can be successfully raised on any type of soil that is well drained and capable of producing reasonable shade, provided it is located in a section where there is a long, cold winter and a fair amount of rainfall. Successful ranches are to be found on rich heavy soil, clay soil, light sandy soil, and on sanely soil where the main part of the surface consists of outcroppings of rock and gravel. Any one of these, if well drained, is adapted to fox ranching. It has not been definitely determined that certain types of soil are more favorable than others to the propagation of fox parasites. Soils possessing an undue amount of moisture, however, and densely shaded situations are favorable to the development 01 parasites. The elements contained in the soil have no bearing on the kind and quality of foxes produced. Tt has been stated that soil devoid of lime is more favorable because it does not burn the pelt when the fox burrows, but there is no foundation for this belief, as there is no evidence that soil which will support vegetation contains enough lime t<> burn fur. LOCATION OF THE RANCH. The latitude and climate having been determined, the next im- portant consideration is the proper location for the ranch. It is possible closely to approximate the conditions under which wild j'oxe- live, hut this is by no means essential. In fact, it is somewhat doubtful whether to-d:'iy this is even desirable. 8 BULLETIN" 1151, TJ. S. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE. Fox ranchers are now established in every conceivable place. Some are to be found many miles from civilization, tucked away in the woods, while others have established ranches in small towns or near the larger cities. Some are found in dense forests, in apple orchards, in wood lots (Fig. 3), in open fields, on gravelly slopes Fig. -Fox ranch in woodlot about 100 yards off the main road. (Fig. 4), on steep sloping hills (Fig. 5), on islands, and on sandy deserts. In any situation there are always ways of avoiding the disturbances which might be caused by too many visitors, by dogs, or by undue noises during the breeding and whelping periods. Fig. 4. — Fox ranch on a gravelly slope. The ideal location probably is a reasonably level, well-drained piece of land with a gentle slope to the south. It is not intended to convey the impression that foxes should be ranched only on such land, for they are being, raised successfully on rolling ground and on hillsides. The productiveness of the soil is of little direct im- SILVER-FOX FARMING. 9 portance. If the area does not include a few trees, however, they should be planted to provide shade in summer and to encourage a feeling of seclusion and security in the animals. Construction will be facilitated if there is a hardpan subsoil, as the walls of the pen would not then need to extend below this to prevent the animals from burrowing under and escaping. In exaggerated advertising or publicity matter the fox farm is usually described as occupying a lonely island or a vast inclosure of wild land, and too often beginners are led to believe that such places are essential. Islands have some advantages and apparently are suited to the requirements of the silver fox, but their inaccessibility makes it difficult to secure fead. and supplies. While good roads facilitate the hauling of feed and supplies, they are of little im- portance in the matter of marketing the pelts, for foxes differ in this Fig. 5. — Fox ranch on a hillside. respect from other classes of live stock. It is an advantage to locate in a fox-raising community, in order to profit by the experiences of others. RANCH ORGANIZATION. PLAN OF THE RANCH. When the location of the land on which the ranch is to be con- structed has been decided upon the area should be cleared of under- brush. This is desirable, no matter on what type of soil the pens are to be built. It is well, also, before the pens are staked out to remove all stumps arid sticks in order to eliminate the danger of pups or older foxes running against or falling over such obstructions and thus injuring themselves. The branches of the trees should he trimmed from the trunks to a height above that of the fence line so that the foxes can not crawl up and jump over the fence. Trunk shields should he nailed to the tree trunks at a height of 10 feet from 3182i -23- 10 BULLETIN 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Fig. 6. — Square plan of ranch, showing location watch tower and the alternate arrangement pens to permit easy observation. Such accidents can be Another advantage of boring pen separated. will lessen the chances of dis ease spreading through an entire ranch. The space between rows of pens should be at least 15 feet, in order to permit a horse and wagon to be driven through to haul neces- sary materials. The advantages derived from this arrangement more than oifset the additional cost. The idea of enlarging or adding to the ranch should be kept in mind when making the original layout. There are various methods of laying out pens, such as are shown in Figures 6, 7, and 8. When arranged as nearly as pos- sible in the form of a square the ■•expense of inclosing by a guard fence is less than when the pens are arranged in long rows. It is false economy to build too many pens on a small piece of land. Pens of ample size are those con- taining from 800 to 1,500 square feet. the ground. The shields can be made of wire or tin. Trimming branches from the trees 10 to 12 feet up the trunk will facilitate construction and also the free movement of air through the ranch, and the branches will not hamper the rancher in his daily work. Ranches vary in size from 2 up to 100 or more pens in a single layout. It is advisable to have a space of 2 feet between the pens, for serious in- juries will result if foxes are separated by only a single partition of wire netting. Foxes climbing the wire have had feet, legs, and tails torn off by the occupant of the neigh- avoided only if the walls are such construction is that it 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IB) -Fig. 7. — ^Rectangular .plan of ranch. SILVER-FOX FARMING. 11 CONSTRUCTION OF PENS. SIZE AND SHAPE. There are almost as many styles of pens as there are fox ranches. They range from very large ones to those so small as to endanger the health of the foxes, both in the matter of sanitation and through lack of space for exercise. The usual procedure has been to construct a pen the inside area of which has been inclosed by one roll of wire of 150 linear feet. V T/?££S S Fig. 8. — Circular plan of ranch. This has been done primarily for convenience, as it obviates the necessity of cutting the rolls of wire and lacing the pieces together. Conditions of topography may make it necessary to build pens long and narrow instead of square, but the number of square feel inclosed depends upon tbe shape of the pen. A 150-foot roll of wire will inclose an area 50 by 25 feel (1,250 square feet), or one 30 by l- feet (1,350 square feet'), or one 37 by 37 feet (1?369 square feet). The more nearly uniform are the lengths of the sides, or the more nearly a pen approaches a circle, the more square feet can be inclosed by a given length of wire. A circular pen, however, is very difficult 12 BULLETIN 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. to construct. The nearest practicable approach to it is one having eight sides, a type now being used by some ranchers. The additional area inclosed in this type of pen is not its only advantage. The principal advantage lies in its widened corners, as this feature minimizes the danger that foxes will crawl up the wire. Many ranchers have built pens 50 by 25 feet with a partition fence midway, making double pens 25 by 25. The advantage claimed for this is that the adults can be separated during the period of pregnancy and while the pups are very young. When the parents and young are kept together, the pups can be fed in one pen and the old foxes in the other. CHUTES. Small chutes constructed between pens permit the foxes to be transferred from one to the other. These should be not less than 10 inches high and 9 inches wide to allow the fox to crawl through with- out rubbing the pelt and injuring or pulling out the guard hairs. It is not advisable to allow the chute to remain open, especially during the season when the foxes are growing their new coats, as constant running and jump- ing through the chute wears the pelt. Chutes can be closed by the use of a slot and sliding door (Fig. 9). If the distance between pen walls is not great, one sliding door can be con- structed in the middle of the chute. A double pen construction assists in keeping the pens clean and sanitary, (ipf! for after the foxes have occupied one ^-^ for some time, say four months, they fig. 9.— Chute with, sliding door for can be removed to the neighboring connecting yards. This can be , , , , ,, te , n*=> closed from either end by insert- pen and the Old One thoroughly mg door in slot. cleaned. "—&1 — » I — * * — I _jl PEN WALLS. The height of the pen wall may be 8, 9, or 10 feet. This is de- termined largely by the snowfall in the locality. As a rule, in the United States a wall 9 feet high is sufficient, and one 8 feet high will answer very well in some sections unless deep snowdrifts are likely to occur. The walls should be sunk into the ground 2 feet, while at the top 18 inches or 2 feet should be allowed for an inward overhang to prevent the animals from escaping. A strip of carpet wire some- times extends on the surface of the ground inward from the wall 2 or 3 feet to prevent the foxes from digging out, as illustrated in Figure 10. The sunken part may be turned in 1 foot or more and flat stones laid at the end to prevent escape by digging. This arrangement affords sufficient security, for experience has shown that foxes try to escape by digging at the edge of the wire only. Where SILVESt-FOX FARMING}. 13 there is a solid hardpan 1, 2, or 3 feet below the surface the fence may be laid directly on it. If the subsoil is light and open, the pens are not fox-proof unless the fence extends down 3 feet. Some ranchers take the additional precaution of digging a trench and installing a concrete wall 2 feet below the surface with a 1-foot underlay. OVERHANG. An inward overhang 18 inches or 2 feet wide prevents the fox from escaping from his pen, but when he has scrambled up to an overhang his only means of descent is by falling. Some- BBtm times valuable animals are seri- ously injured in this way. To prevent such accidents inter- mediate overhangs have been developed, as well as new types of pens. Intermediate over- hangs are sometimes con- structed 5 feet from the ground, as shown in Figure 11, or a smooth zone is made by nail- ing a strip of galvanized sheet iron to the posts around the entire pen at a height of 4 or 5 feet from the ground. WIRE CARPETING. On soil which is principally sand, ranchers place an entire carpet of wire a few inches to a foot below the surface. When this is done it is not necessary to dig a ditch to plant the posts and underground wire. The post holes only should be dug, the posts set in, and stones and earth put in place. The whole pen area should be excavated to a depth of approximately 4 to 6 inches. The wire netting should be cut and put in place, then laced together and to the sides of the pen. Hog rings are handy to fasten the carpet wire to the walls. An easy method of lay- ing carpet wire is to prepare a strip of land as wide as the roll of wire to be used by shoveling the earth to one side. When this ship is shoveled clean, 4 inches deep, lay in the wire and shovel the soil hack on it. Repeal the operation until the area is completely car- peted, as shown in Figure 12. MKTHOD OF CONSTRUCTION. To construct a pen, first, stake, it out and line it up with a cord. Dig a trench 30 Inches dee]) and wide enough to permit the free use Pig. 10. — Interior of fox pen, showing carpet wire laid on surface of the ground, entrance gate, and wire overhang. 14 BULLETIN 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. of a shovel. Care should be taken in digging this trench to keep the inside edge square and on the line laid out by the cord. Place 30-inch, 2-inch mesh, 14-gauge wire in the trench, so that the upper surface comes to the level of the ground. Lay the wire close to the inside of the trench. If desirable, the trench may be dug wider, in order to lace an 18-inch underlay of wire to the 30-inch wire at the bottom of the trench. Set the posts in the trench so that the outside of the post comes flush or nearly flush with the inside of the trench. This helps to keep the wire straight and regular. Above the 30-inch roll of wire use a 4- foot width of 1^-inch mesh, 15-gauge wire. Wire of 2-inch mesh should not be used here, because young pups may crawl through it or hang themselves ; 1 ^ - i n c h mesh or less is pref- erable. Above this 4- foot roll use a 5- foot roll of 2-inch mesh, 16- gauge wire, which completes the height of a 9-foot pen wall. Rolls of 6-foot and 3-foot wire could be used, but it is more difficult to manipu- late wire 6 feet wide in stretching. Two rolls of 4-foot wire will do if it is de- cided that 8 feet is high enough for the wall. After the ground wire is placed in position stones can be packed closely around the posts and the trench filled with earth. Great care should be exercised to see that the posts are kept in line, especially when the ground is tamped solidly around them. (See Fig. 13.) A band of 1-inch boards 4 to 5 inches in width should be nailed to the posts around the entire pen. The upper edge of the board should come flush with the top of the posts at the required height, as shown in Figure 13. This serves to stay the posts and furnishes the support to which the top wire may be stapled, as well as the out- side of the overhang. It also gives a finished appearance to the pens. Brace boards should also be nailed to the top of the posts inside to furnish a place upon which a roll of 18-inch, 16-gauge, 2-inch-mesh wire can be placed to form the overhang. Fig. 11. — Iron posts and concrete foundations for yard fence, a; and guard fence, 6. Two 18-ineh overhangs are provided on the yard fence, one of which (5 feet from the ground) is to prevent foxes from climbing to the top and sustaining injury from the greater fall. SILVER-FOX FARMING. 15 The wall wire should be laced neatly together with lacing wire made for this purpose. Great care should be exercised in stretching the wire before it is permanently stapled to the posts. If it is not stretched tightly enough it will sag, thus making a very shiftless- looking job. Fig. 12.- — Carpet wire laid and laced in position ready for covering with 4 inches of soil, pile of which is in background. DOOR. After the wire is laced, stretched, and stapled and the overhang is in place, a door should be constructed. (Fig. 14.) This may be made by placing a 2 by 4 timber the required distance from one of I i'.. 13. Penfl in course Of construction, showing posts lined up and ready for the wire. the posts. One end of this should be placed on the ground and the other should extend to the top of the wall, where it should be nailed to the top hoard to make it rigid. The rigidity is increased by stapling the wire to it. The door may be made as large as desired, but 2 by 1 feet is gen- erally sufficient, unless dens ace to be removed from the fox yards. 16 BULLETIN" 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE. In localities where there is an exceedingly heavy snowfall it may be well to have the bottom of the door 15 inches above the ground. The board frame should be made of the size required, and the wire cut from the opening may be stapled to the frame to complete the door. Good hinges should be provided and the door hung to a post, which may be made square, if not already so, by nailing a 2 by 4 strip to it. /}y 'ft '•: ;::' '-/"i r -5.. i %"i 9 V ■-VV '■■■'^CTT •- *Kl ■ I * '** 'I .1 [;- SiB8 . NJaHBlsMiF' jjl \ 1 fix i ,! ■ HI S* >' "It^S^^ -* -r"- .-■Japl ' /Stark*. • ••''•' ' &&■ Fig. 14. — Front of completed pen, showing stretched and laced wire and door construction. BILL OF MATERIAL. The following material is necessary to construct a pen 37 by 37 feet, with a 9-foot wall extending 3 feet into the ground and a 24-inch overhang and underlay: 20 posts, each 13 feet long and from 5 to 8 inches in diameter. 150 linear feet of 1-inch board, 5 inches wide. 150 linear feet of 24-inch wire netting for overhang, 2-inch mesh, No. 16 gauge. 150 linear feet fence wire, 5 feet wide, 2-inch mesh, No. 16 gauge. 150 linear feet fence wire, 4 feet wide, l|-inch mesh, No. 15 gauge. 150 linear feet ground wire. 2i or 3 feet wide, 2-inch mesh, No. 14 gauge. 150 linear feet of carpet wire, 30 inches wide, 2-inch mesh, No. 14 gauge. Spikes, nails, staples, hinges, hasps, snaps, No. 16 or 18 soft lacing wire, and extra lumber for doors will also be needed. Hog rings, No. 12 gauge wire, are often used in place of lacing wire. Mesh wire, No. 15 gauge, will do very well for the pen walls, but No. 14 gauge, being heavier, makes a more durable wall. Woven wire, galvanized after weaving, is recommended because it is stronger at the joints, a place where strength is most needed. It has the further advantage of lasting longer under ground. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. Some pens are constructed with iron posts and the foundation is of concrete.3 Although the initial cost is much more than in those 3 See Concrete Construction on Live Stock Farms, Farmers' Bulletin 481. SILVER-FOX FARMING. 17 just described, the pens are more durable. (See Fig. 11.) In some ranches the floors of the pens are of concrete.* This makes it much easier to keep them clean and sanitary, but it is yet to be determined whether foxes will do as well living on a concrete as on a dirt floor. Square as well as rectangular pens with wooden posts have been set on concrete foundations, the walls of which are 4 inches wide at the top and set into the ground 3 feet, with an underlay of approxi- mately 1 foot. RIQnflM NEW TYPES OF PENS. The square pen and the rectangular pen have been in use ever since fox ranching was started. Both these types seem to have been very satis- factory, but a great disadvan- tage has been that it is very difficult to prevent foxes from climbing the wire. Foxes climb wire fences readily, but onlv when badly frightened. (Fig. 15.) OCTAGONAL PEN. In a pen of the octagonal type the maximum practicable area can be inclosed within a certain length of wire. The top of the pen may be covered with wire if desired, and then the height of the walls need be only 7 feet, a center pole being used to support the roofing. The plan shown in Figure 16 is suitable for 100 feet of wire for the walls around the pen. A pen of any size can be made in the same manner. A 2 by 4 strip running from post to post is necessary when the pen is covered over the top, to prevent the wire from drawing in the side boards between the posts. A coil-spring wire supports the wire netting, running under it from the wall posts to the center post. PENS WITH SLANTING SIDES. The walls of the pens in some new ranches are built slanting inward, at an angle of about 20°. This is for the purpose of pre- venting foxes from climbing the wire. Some, have walls 7, 8, or 9 feel high, with an overhang similar to that recommended for pens with straight walls, while others, as in Figure 17, have walls 7 or 8 feet high and the entire top covered with wire. 31826°— 28 3 Fig. 15.— Square corner of fox pen-. Poxes climb such corners readily when frightened, and frequently are badly injured in falling back to the ground. 18 BULLETIN 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. CRATE PENS. A crate pen is easily and cheaply constructed and meets most requirements. One in which to house a pair of foxes is usually 40 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 6 feet high. A frame made of 2 by 4 TO/3 £Lrt/V_ 1///ETW C£/VTj£f? fOST /Q'6"l. OA/G 4-"£>//9. Fig. 16. — Plan of octagonal pen. lumber is entirely covered with No. 16-gauge l|-inch mesh wire. In the front is a door 2 feet wide and 4 feet high, the frame constructed of 2 by 4 lumber. This pen or crate rests on the surface of the ground. It is not usual to cover the netting on the bottom with soil. (See Fig. 18.) SILVER-FOX FARMING. HOSPITAL AND TEMPORARY PENS. 19 Although quarters for constant occupancy should be roomy, those ir temporary use, such as are required for male foxes, pups, injured, B2I672 . , -:• s-'f ■j«i,:l*lf"ir'-|a| ^^C^fiBHKA - '*^" ■Snk ' ' SB Jm Kb ii**-^t [7 *1 4' ^3| L*V>" I 1 ~*. Kusn :.-.S, -*;;j^yAfc Fig. 17. — Pens with slanting sides and wire top built on concrete base. Wall may be sunk into the ground as in other pens if desired, instead of using concrete base. sick, or newly purchased foxes, may be comparatively small. Suit- able pens should be constructed for male foxes, preferably some dis- I'ic 18. An entire ranch or crate pens. tance from the breeding pens, but within the guard fence, The style and method of construction will depend upon the location and lay 20 BULLETIN 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. of the land. (Fig. 19.) A satisfactory arrangement is to build a long, low shed with board partitions dividing it into compartments 7 feet high, 7 feet wide, and 11 feet long. These dimensions can be varied if desired, although it is not advisable to reduce them. The front and back are of wire netting, preferably l^-inch mesh, No; 15 gauge. A door is constructed in the front of each pen in the same manner as described for breeding pens. It is well also to build a small nest box, so that the occupant of the pen may be sheltered from extreme weather. The kind of floor is determined by the soil and the length of time the pens are to be used. On light, sandy, well-drained soils a dirt floor is satisfactory. It should be from 2 to 6 inches higher than the outside surface of the ground. Dirt floors should be renewed frequently by removing the contaminated surface down to clean soil and then refilling with fresh sand or fine gravel and earth. It should be remembered, however, that where dirt floors are used the wire netting and the side partitions will have to be sunk from 2 to 3 feet below the surface, in order to prevent the foxes C /fusi Fig. 19. — Plan of arrangement of dog and quarantine pens. A, pens arranged in. a single row ; B, pens arranged on both sides of an alleyway ; C, shed with a semirnonitor roof, the pens arranged on both sides of an alleyway ; the advantage of this roof is that, it provides better ventilation. With any of these arrangements it is possible to add more pens to the unit. from digging out. This is not necessary with board or cement floors. When the level of the floor in the pen is above the ground, board floors are sometimes used. However, if too low, such floors may harbor rats and rot quickly. They should be raised some dis- tance off the ground to facilitate cleaning under them. Cement floors are satisfactory when an artificial floor is required and can be built on the ground level. They are generally used in pens intended for sick or injured animals. These floors are easy to clean, sanitary, rat-proof, and comparatively inexpensive if a supply of gravel or sharp sand is available. It is essential on a large ranch to have a group of isolated pens in which sick or injured animals, or those newly purchased, can be quarantined. A temporary pen, used for the purpose previously described, may be 10 feet long, 6 feet wide, and*4 or 5 feet high. A frame of 2 by 4 material is entirely covered with netting of 1^-inch mesh, No. 15 gauge wire, and e£ small door placed in the front. As the pen rests directly on the surface of the ground, it is well to cover the floor wire with sand or fine gravel and earth. This material should be re- moved frequently and clean dirt substituted to prevent the soil from becoming contaminated. A small nest box can be placed inside the SILVER-FOX FARMING. 21 pen, or it may be outside and connected with it by a chute such as has been described (see page 12). The cheapness, security, and portability of these pens make them a very useful adjunct. Every fox ranch should have a number of them. They are not only suitable for male foxes and sick or in- jured animals but may be used for the pups taken from the mother when they are 2 months old. If this is done the dog may be re- turned to the breeding pen with the vixen 4 and the pups put in the clog pen. Animals that appear to be very thin may be placed in the small pens and given individual feed and attention. EXERCISING CRATE. The main purpose of the exercising crate shown in Figure 20 is to provide a place for the pups to sun themselves without getting -3'Q^- pplplp?^5""77- 7" ' ^ /=-/9QMT ELEVtfT/OA/ £A/D V/£W Pig. 20. — Details of construction of exercising crato. into the slush and mud that might chill them or even result in their contracting pneumonia. Feed can be placed in it, thus facilitating the feeding of the mother and pups during the lactation period. 'I hi- crate is easily and cheaply constructed, the floor elevated i> inches above the ground. The uprights and braces are of 2 by 4 material, and the outside dimensions are 5 feet long, 3 feet wide, and -±\ feet high. The floor and roof are of tongue-and-groove boards of any convenient width. The door may be either of wire or of wood. The, wire surrounding the crate is 2^-inch mesh. No. 15 gauge. The den and exercising crate should he connected by a, chute I feet long. 10 inches high, and '•» inches wide (Fig. l_!l). Two sliding floors are inserted in the chute, so that the foxes can be shut- in or out Of the den or exercising -rate as desired. 1 " Vixen " in the came given t" the female fox; "dog" to the mal< 22 BULLETIN 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DENS OR KENNELS. Dens or kennels are built mainly for the purpose of sheltering the foxes and furnishing a place for the vixen to whelp her young. They are built some distance off the ground to prevent foxes from digging under them and to furnish shade, and should be so con- structed as to protect the occupants from extremes of heat and cold, to exclude moisture, and to deaden sound. These features are par- ticularly important during the breeding and whelping periods, when foxes are usually nervous and when the pups can not stand exposure. Fresh air should be obtained by ventilation (see Figs. 23, 31, 32, and 33) rather than by 'providing more cubic feet of air space than is required, but it is extremely important to avoid the creation of drafts. As the dens and nest boxes require frequent cleaning and spraying to keep them free from vermin, the construction should be as simple as possible. The convenience of the caretaker is a matter that is to be kept in mind as well as the comfort of the foxes. Fig. 21. — Connection between den and exercising crate. The walls, floor, and roof are generally double boarded with build- ing or tarred paper between the boards. All rough edges that a fox might rub against should be smoothed and sandpapered, to prevent injury to the pelt. The roof of the den is generally covered with tarred paper, shin- gles, or metal. This is not necessary if it is to be double and made of tongue-and-groove boards. It is well, however, to give it two coats of paint or to creosote the boards. Creosoted boards, however, will not take paint.5 Chutes through which the foxes enter the den from the yard should be so constructed that they can be hooked to the den and easily removed. They should have a slight rather than a steep grade, so that the pups can crawl back into the den. In every type of den the back and roof should be made on hinges to afford access to the interior without unnecessary noise and to facilitate cleaning. DOUBLE-BOX DEN. The double-box type of den has been found very satisfactory, as it facilitates catching the foxes for inspection and provides a con- venient place for starting the pups on feed. It consists of two 5 See Use of Paint on the Farm. Farmers' Bulletin 474. SILVER-FOX FARMING. 23 boxes, with hinged sloping tops, set about 18 inches apart and on legs 18 inches high, as shown in Figure 22. The two are connected by a chute 9 inches wide and 10 inches high, the entrance from the ground i^eing into the smaller box through a sloping chute 4 or 5 feet long. Each chute is fitted with a slot and sliding door, and both should be so constructed as to be easily hooked in place or taken off when the dens are to be moved or cleaned. When it is desired to look at a fox in the larger den, the caretaker closes the door in the connecting chute and then lifts the hinged roof. By closing both doors inspection may be similarly made in the smaller box, which is used chiefly as a feeding place for the young and as a place in which to separate them from the parents. The walls of both dens are double and lined with building paper. The outside base measurements of the larger should be 4 or 5 feet by 2| or 3 feet, and of the smaller 3 by 1^ feet. The front of the larger should be 2 feet high and the back 1^ feet, while in the smaller these heights should be 1^ feet and 14 inches, respectively. The larger den is partitioned so that a room is made in the far end for a nest chamber for the use of the vixen and her young at whelp- ing time. The nest box is of dressed lumber, 18 inches long, 15 inches wide, and 15 inches high, and is also provided /jy ^y) with a hinged lid. A chamfered strip is fitted against the floor and sides to prevent the pups from rolling too far away from the mother, and is an aid also in cleaning the nest box. The spaces be- tween the wall of the nest box and the main wall of the large den are filled with dry sawdust, oat hulls, ground cork, or other suitable material. DEN WITH REMOVABLE NEST BOX. A most convenient den from the standpoint of the caretaker, and one very simple to construct, is made with a removable nest box. This box is fastened in temporarily in the front part of the den by a board fitted in slots in the sides, in order to prevent the foxes from moving it about, thus causing accidents to the vixen or to the pups. The detailed construction is shown in Figure 23. The outside base measurements are 4 by 1|- feet, the front is 2-J feet high, and the rear 2' feet. It is double walled and lined with building paper. A chute, 9 by 10 inches, that can be hooked to the den and removed whenever necessary, leads from the entrance to the ground, as shown in Figure 22. DOUBLE-COMPARTMENT DEN. A very simple and useful den is constructed in two compartments and entered from the outside by separate chutes, as in Figure 24. It is 4 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 2 fee< high (outside measurements), double walled, with building or tarred paper between the walls. Fig. 22. — Double-box den. 24 BULLETIN 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Each compartment or nest box is 20 inches square, the inside con- struction being of the same general character as that described for the double-box den. The chutes are 9 by 10 inches by 4 feet, and the opening into the chute is on one side, to prevent direct drafts. The top or roof of the kennel is hinged. In Figure 25 is illustrated a double-compartment den with one chute entrance. BARREL DEN. The barrel den shown in Figures 26 to 29 is still in common use, more as a shelter for the foxes, however, than as a whelping nest. In ranches where there are two dens, or kennels, in a single fox pen S/DE £L£U/?T/OA/ /V0X/Z0A/T/9L SECT/OA/4L l//£tV Fig. 23. — Practical den with removable nest box. one is generally of this construction. It is made of a clean barrel placed inside a protecting box, the space between the two being filled with oat hulls or other materials, the best material to be used depend- ing largely on what is most easily obtainable. An entrance hole, 9 by 10 inches, is made in one end of the barrel, and a similar open- ing in the upper side for inspection, cleaning, and ventilation. The barrel should have a smooth interior. A screen door is hinged above the barrel to prevent the foxes from escaping when the cover is raised, and a sheet of burlap tacked to one side of the frame and spread over the netting when the cover is raised for ventilation will keep out air currents and light. At the entrance hole is an elbow spout 2-| feet in the shorter arm and 6 feet in the longer. SILVER-FOX FARMING. 25 HOUSE WITH NEST BOX USED EITHER AS A SHELTER OR A DEN. A shelter for the male fox is used rather commonly, especially where two dens are used in a single pen. A type for the purpose. Fig. 24. — Double-compartment den with separate chutes. which is popular with ranchers using underground dens, is illus- trated in Figure 30. During the breeding season a nest box is put i-'k;. 2.". -Popular type of double compartment den with single chute. into if for the vixen to whelp her young. The, construction described for oilier pens applies to this, with the exception of the dimensions. 31825*— 23 4 26 BULLETIN 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The outside base measurements are 3 feet 6 inches long by 2 feet 10 inches wide, the front side 2 feet 7 inches high and the rear 2 feet 1 inch. UNDERGROUND DENS. The underground den is a recent t}^pe. Advantages claimed for it are that it deadens sound and preserves an even temperature all the year round, thus protecting the foxes from extremes of heat or cold ; it is an excep- tionally cool place on hot days in summer. This den will prove satisfactory only jn i Wh*~~*~*4 Fig. 26. — Vertical cross sec- tion of barrel den. Fig. 27.- -Horizontal longitudinal section of barrel den. light, well drained, chiefly sandy, soils ; it is not practicable in heavy soils or in those containing outcroppings of rock which make exca- vation very difficult. Figure 31 gives plan of construction. Underground dens are made chiefly of wood, but a few ranchers have used hollow building blocks and cement. It has yet to be determined whether the last-mentioned materials make the foxes Fig. 28. — Vertical longitudinal section of barrel den. Fig. 29. — Exterior view of barrel den. more comfortable. The main parts are assembled before being placed in the hole excavated for the purpose. The den proper is generally placed in an alleyway between the pens, while the chute runs from the den into the pen yard. Inspection is made through the manhole at the top without going into the fox pen. Figure 32 shows the arrangement of dens in the alleyway. SILVER-FOX FARMING. 27 NEST BOXES. The nest box is the home of the pups and the mother for some time, and should be large enough to prevent crowding, but small ? SMErtTWAfG r/fOA/r ELEi/str/OM LO/ve/rao//v/9L sect/oaj/9l l//ehs m'""J ;c! //Q/?/ZCWr/?L &£Cr/OA//9i. 1//EW Fig. 30. — Simple type of aboveground den. enough to keep the occupants warm by their own body heat. A good size is 22 inches long, 18 inches wide, and 20 inches high. The en- /?£Af01s#BLE TOP -ZIO" t+t — 2'6 tOAVG/Ti/0/M/fi. U&mCAL SECT/ON r— ] E/?0/VT £L£t/i4T/OA/ trance is 8 inches square and is not cen- tered, but placed to one side to keep drafts from striking the pups. Cham- fered strips placed on the floor at the corners prevent the pups from creep- ing too far away from the mother. (Fig. 33.) The nest bos should be fastened in the den in some temporary manner, by hook and eye or slat boards, as it is im- portant to be able to remove il for cleaning and during the summer, when not needed. It should have a hinged cover or removable top m?/?/zoa/e/?£ GVQ-5& .a^cr/OA/ W Y\<;. •,',]. i fnderground den. 28 BULLETIN 1151, TJ. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Fig. 32. — Arrangement of underground dens, showing ventila tion, the den properly located in alleyway. to facilitate clean- ing and to permit the removal of foxes or pups. Several holes one-half inch in diameter bored in the cover furnish ventilation. The nest is kept warm by being packed on all sides with dry sawdust, oat hulls, ground cork, leaves, seaweed, chaff, or sand. A solid box with a hole in one end is commonly used for a nest box, but it is impractical from the caretaker's point of view. (Fig. 34.) With such a box it is almost impossible to remove a fox or pup without pick- ing up the box bodily and dumping out the contents. If the care- taker reaches in for the purpose of dragging out a fox or pup he is almost certain to be bitten. THE WATCH TOWER, OR LOOKOUT. The watch tower, or lookout, is used for the purpose of observing and study- ing the behavior and habits of the foxes and their conforma- tion, tricks, and gen- eral make-up during various seasons of the year, but more espe- cially during the breeding and whelp- ing periods. It is a most necessary ad- junct to fox raising, and without it on a ranch of more than 10 pens the caretaker is greatly handicapped. f7T>Q/V7- £Z.£-//S?T/Q/V Fig. 33. — A good type of nest bos. SILVER-FOX FARMING. 29 ! ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i T 1 L | 1 1 1 l 1 1 j L J_J- L-L V > BR/9CE . ^ CZ5 v "BR/9CE S"D//9. /^ rr\ fr^ /^\ , J ^ \=JJ %=y ^ L < — ■ "-\4\-8&-\4-* T Fig. 39. — Satisfactory and convenient device for feeding pups after weaning. The vertical- sliding board holds the dishes in place and also serves to separate the pups feeding from either side. AMOUNT AND FREQUENCY OF FEEDING. The amount of feed supplied depends entirely on the season of the year and the age, appetite, and condition of the fox. Adult foxes should be fed fairly heavily just before and during the breeding season, so that they will be in good vigorous condition. Some breed- ers believe that heavy feeding of vixens prior to this season will bring on the heat period quicker and increase the chance of conception. Forced feeding has a tendency to make the fur prime sooner than it would be naturally, but the advisability of practicing this is ques- tionable, because in many cases the fur thus becomes prime before the skin. Vixens suckling young, and pups that have been weaned, should be fed liberally. As a rule, during the summer mature foxes should be fed sparingly, but if a vixen is run down she should be given sufficient to bring her back to a good thrifty condition. In the majority of cases, however, foxes are being given too much feed at all seasons of the year. The appetite is a good index to feeding, and the amount of feed supplied should be regulated so that the fox SILVEK-FOX FARMING. 43 will remain active and show eagerness to eat at meal time. It should clean up its feed within 20 minutes and all feed containers should be collected one hour after feeding, anything remaining in the dishes being destroyed. The amount of feed left in its dish will determine whether a particular animal should receive a full portion at the next meal. During freezing weather it is almost impossible to maintain an adequate water supply in the pens, and stews are apt to freeze before the foxes can eat them. Every effort should be made to overcome these difficulties by the use of the homemade biscuits previously men- tioned. Milk is easily provided in winter, as foxes will lick it from the pans even though it is frozen. Accurate information as to the feed requirements of a ranch fox for normal development and reproduction is needed, and to obtain it experiments are being conducted by the Honorary Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Eesearch, Ottawa, Canada, and a pre- liminary report has been made thereon by G. Ennis Smith.10 The substance of his report is contained in the following paragraphs : While it is not feasible to draw definite conclusions from experiments of a single season and on a limited number of foxes, the influence of certain factors is sufficiently apparent to warrant preliminary recommendations regarding rations. Experiments have been conducted with foxes 2 years old or older and the recommendations, therefore, would not apply to yearlings. The results thus far obtained tend to indicate that continued overfeeding should be avoided, and that so far as, quantity goes the most suitable ration for a ranch fox is one just a little in excess of the minimum required to maintain body weight. Only one period has been found when it is advisable to feed larger quantities to adult foxes, and that is to the female when she is suckling young. Healthy foxes are seldom indifferent to feed except during the breeding season, and, generally speaking, the appetite does not become normal until this season is over. When foxes refuse to eat it is better to give only one feeding a day until they regain their appetite. It is not necessary to have them in too good flesh during the breeding season, but simply in vigorous condition. Fat animals are sluggish and will not breed. Failure to raise a large majority of the pups whelped is due largely to im- properly feeding the vixen during pregnancy, and this may also result in rickety pups. Rickets may also be caused by a restricted ration or one deficient in protein, mineral material, or other food accessories. It should be borne in mind that during pregnancy the vixen is doing the double duty of keeping up her own bodily functions and providing for the development of the litter. The feeding should be liberal, although not so heavy as after the pups are whelped. Experiments show that in foxes generally, a well-selected ration only slightly above the minimum required to maintain body weight is sufficient to meet the requirements of the pregnant vixen, and that it is very favorable for repro- duction. During the experiments the foxes fed such rations were eager for their meals, ate at once, were alert, and appeared to take a great deal of exercise. For the guidance of fox ranchers the following rations are sug- gested by Mr. Smith in his report above referred to, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 being recommended chiefly for use during the breeding and gestation periods. '"Ropt. No. '■>, Food Bequirfmcnfs of (In; Khih.1i Fox, Ottnwii, 1021. 44 BULLETIN 1151, IT. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Table 2. — Specimen rations for foxes. Ration. For 10- pound fox. For 12- pound fox. No. 1: Fat meat or offal 5 J ounces 1 J ounces A pint 8 ounces 8 ounces rfr pint 1| ounces wPint 8 ounces fir pint 4 ounces. . . 2 \ ounces1... tW pint 2 J ounces1... J ounce to pint 8 ounces...' 2\ ounces1... to pint 6J ounces. l| ounces. § pint. 9 i ounces. 9i ounces. Jpint. 5| ounces. 1J ounces. J pint. 9J ounces. T\ ounce. i pint. i I ounces. 2§ ounces.1 § pint. 2| ounces.1 T% ounce. J pint. 9J ounces. 2| ounces.1 § pint. Milk No. 2: Lean meat or offal Smelts or herring Milk No. 3: Liver (lamb's) Milk No. 4: Lean meat or offal Milk No. 5: Lean meat or offal Milk No. 6: Milk No. 7: Smelts or herring Cereals, cooked Milk 1 Dry weight. As the period of whelping approaches, the vixen should be fed principally mushy feeds in limited quantity and have access to fresh water at all times. It is advisable to eliminate meat a week before whelping, with the exception of liver and tripe, which may be fed two or three times during that week. After the pups are whelped great care must be taken to feed the mother properly if she is to raise them successfully. Mineral matter is particularly needed, and to furnish it the ration should be supplemented with bone meal, fish meal, or edible tankage. For the first three or four days the feeding should be light, and then it should be increased gradually until the vixen is on full feed, at about the end of a week or 10 days, depend- ing upon the size and thrift of the litter. To meet the require- ments of a vixen with four pups Mr. Smith suggested the rations shown in table 3 : Table 3. — Ration for vixen with four pups. Daily rations. First week. Second week. Third and fourth weeks. Milk J pint 8 ounces I pint 12 ounces 1 pint. 12 ounces. 2 ounces. L . . 1 3 ounces. 1 1 Egg 1 1 Dry weight. When the pups are about 4 weeks old the vixen begins to carry meat to them, and it is therefore advisable to eliminate meat from the ration at this time, feeding only cereals, vegetables, and milk. SILVER-FOX FARMING. 45 Rations composed of such feed make the feces very bulky, and to counteract this cod-liver oil and eggs may be added. Breeders differ in opinion as to whether pups should be sepa- rated from the mother at a certain age or be allowed to wean them- selves. After the young reach the age of 8 weeks both they and their mother can be handled to better advantage if fed separately. Size and development determine the weaning age. The pups' feed should be varied as much as possible; that is, it should not be restricted to one cereal or one kind of meat. Beef should form a large part of the ration, as this in itself is a fairly well balanced feed. Bone meal, fish meal, and edible tankage should be added to insure a supply of lime. Limewater is of no value to offset a deficiency of lime in the ration, but in counteracting acidity of the stomach is an aid to digestion. Freshly formed clabber is a good feed for young pups once or twice a week. The rations shown in Table 4 have been used successfully on the Canadian Experimental Fox Ranch at Hull, Quebec, as reported by Mr. Smith, the pups raised on this feed showing no sign of rickets and maintaining uniform growth and developing good fur. Table 4. — Suggested rations for pups up to the age of 5 months. Kind of feed. Amount per pup, at the age of — 2 months. 2* months. 3 months. 4 months. 5 months. Milk pint.. Cereals, cooked 1. ounces. . Bread do... Meat, ground. do... 3 1 1 1 i li 1 2 4 14 l 4 2 2 4 l 6 1 1 8 1 Egg..- do... 1 i 1 Dry weight. • m VIXENS EATING THEIR YOUNG. Cannibalism among foxes is not natural, and the vixen's desire to destroy her young may result from any of a number of causes. If constipated, she becomes feverish and develops an abnormal appe- tite, and in this condition may eat her pups. To prevent this, laxa- tive feeds, as cod-liver oil, eggs, liver, oil meal, and biscuits, should be fed during pregnancy. Undue excitement or injury during preg- nancy may also influence destruction of the young. Some breeders have advocated the feeding of salt pork and salt fish to eliminate this lendency, but this is not always successful. It is not advisable to destroy a valuable vixen because she eats her first litter, but in case -In- continues the practice with subsequent litters her pelt should be taken during the prime season. GENERAL MANAGEMENT. Successful fox l';i lining requires good management in the organiza- tion of the ranch, selection of stock, feeding, and breeding, combined 46 "BULLETIlSr 1151, IT. S. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE. with an intimate knowledge of the characteristics and behavior of the fox in captivity. THE RANCHER. Many of the failures in fox ranching may be attributed directly to carelessness and negligence on the part of the rancher. Foxes will not do well under shiftless management, and a caretaker who has no interest in the welfare of his foxes need not expect success. The rancher should handle his breeding foxes in a manner to insure the highest percentage of increase and should be willing to sit up part of the night watching their actions. One who walks through the ranch without the keen perception to detect a sick fox is by no means the right type of caretaker, and one who sees the sick fox but does not care for it at once is even worse. A rancher who likes to be away from his foxes as much as possible has not the thrift and Fig. 40, -Foxes appreciate kindness and respond to good treatment on the part of the keeper. welfare of the ranch at heart, and a caretaker who is not disturbed over the loss of a pup should no longer have charge of a ranch. One who is not careful to avoid feeding moldy or spoiled feed of any kind is not a true rancher. He must not share the opinion of some men that foxes need little or no water, but must supply them with fresh, pure water every day, for foxes require water just as much as any other animal. If he allows them to drink old, stagnant water, he runs the risk of having them infested with all sorts of parasites. If a rancher fits foxes and goes into the show ring simply to be there among other ranchers and is not possessed of a strong desire to win the best prizes offered, he had better stay at home and save time and money. A good faithful rancher looks to every detail of his work and has his mind and heart with his foxes at all times. He leaves noth- ing undone to promote the thrift and welfare of each individual fox. He likes to talk with successful ranchers about foxes, and tries to learn about improved methods of handling and manage- SILVER-FOX FARMING. 47 ment. (Fig. 40.) The readiness with which his foxes accommo- date themselves to a life of captivity depends greatly upon his atti- tude toward them. BEHAVIOR OF FOXES IN CAPTIVITY. Before one can intelligently handle foxes he must know something concerning their behavior. He must study them at every oppor- tunity, whether performing his duties on the ranch or observing foxes from the watch tower. As previously stated, the instant a fox becomes aware that it is observed it changes its behavior entirely. Foxes are naturally active at night but quiet during the day, re- maining in the den, curled up on top of the den, or in some shady, secluded spot. They are inquisitive, and their desire to see every- thing that is going on around them leads them to select advan- tageous positions for the purpose. (Fig. 41.) Moving objects inter- Fro. 41. — On the lookout. Under proper management foxes soon display a lively interest in their surroundings. est them keenly, and birds or mammals entering their pens fall quick prey to their alertness. As a rule they live peaceably together, but their treacherous disposition becomes apparent when they can take a mate or a neighbor at a disadvantage. The natural instinct of foxes to burrow in the soil seems to be ex- aggerated in some individuals, and when suddenly frightened they try to escape in this way or by climbing the walls of the pen. Excitability is one of the most troublesome traits of foxes, al- though it is believed that too much stress has been placed on this. It is not intended to convey the idea that they do not need quiet or- that unnecessary causes 6*f excitement should not be avoided; on the contrary, the breeder should take advantage of every occasion to allay their suspicions and gain their confidence. As a rule foxes are uspicious oi strangers and on the approach of a newcomer frequently sound a winning call and run to cover. On some ranches this ia noi the case, and it is believed that lack of fear is due largely to the method of handling and feeding. It is an established tact 48 BULLETIN 1151, XJ. S. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE. that the number of pups whelped and raised to maturity on ranches where the policy is followed of leaving the foxes to themselves as much as possible is far less than the number raised by ranchers who handle the foxes with the same good judgment used in man- aging domestic stock. Foxes, like other animals, possess a variety of dispositions and temperaments. No two pairs are exactly alike, and each pair should receive individual consideration. To study their traits and pecu- liarities should be one of the primary objects of the caretaker, and his success is determined largely by the use of his wisdom against the cunning of the foxes. THE BREEDING SEASON. Before the foxes have been selected for mating and placed in their respective pens, the yards should be thoroughly cleaned, the dens scrubbed with hot water and soap, and sprayed with disinfectant or burned out with a blow torch, and the nest boxes cleaned and put in place. Foxes usually prefer no bedding material, but on some ranches have become accustomed to straw. As the breeding season approaches, the foxes should be kept as quiet as possible and, as a rule, strangers should not be allowed to enter the ranch, although this precaution may be left to the judgment of the caretaker. A shy fox may never appear at feeding time, hence the mate will gobble up all the feed. Where this occurs feed for the shy fox should be placed inside the den. When one is a bully and drives the other away from the feed, it will be necessary to separate the containers as widely as possible. It is well for the keeper to have a call and to talk to the foxes at feeding time, so that they will become accus- tomed to him. All matings observed should be recorded, and it is desirable that the rancher spend a large portion of his time in the watch tower getting this information. After the foxes nave been seen to breed the dog should be sepa- rated as soon as possible and placed in the quarters built for the purpose. While a dog may be as devoted to the pups as is the vixen, the care he may give the young is more than counterbalanced by the harm he may do to his mate. Dogs have a tendency to injure the pups by carrying them in and out of the dens, and often kill them by fighting. The separation of the dog and vixen eliminates the possibility of loss from these causes. PREGNANCY. Special care and attention should be given the vixen during the period of pregnancy. Undue excitement on the ranch during the advanced stages may cause abortion (premature birth), especially among the very nervous and excitable vixens. It may be well to mention again that the feed should be of a soft nature and should contain nothing constipating. In the case of a shy vixen that will not leave the den to eat, the feed should be placed in the outside chamber of the den. This will enable her to eat before the feed freezes and will also accustom her to the presence of the caretaker every day. The caretaker, however, should make sure that the vixen SILVER-FOX FARMING. 49 is really shy and is not lying in the den because she is overfed and too sluggish to come out. If the latter is the case, feed should not be given until she appears hungrj^. If vixens are properly handled and fed during this period there should be no trouble during whelping. WHELPING. On account of the many disadvantages connected with the prac- tice, it is rare indeed that a vixen is permitted to follow her natural instinct to whelp her litter in a hole which she digs in the ground. Aside from the fact that this fosters a wild trait which it is one of the objects of domestication to modify, it frequently endangers the lives of the pups, for if the soil is not well drained a heavy rain may result in drowning them. Another disadvantage is the difficulty of digging out the vixen and pups if B,994M. for any reason it be- comes necessary to treat them. Success with this method of whelping is the result of good luck, not good management. During the entire whelping period the vixen should be un- disturbed. The pen should be entered only to give her feed and water or for some other absolutely necessary reason. Fig. 42. — The cat may be used as a foster mother in emer- gencies, but she must be free from parasites. LACTATION. After the pups are whelped the feed should be increased gradually. Methods have been fully described under " Feeding." The use of the double-box den simplifies matters considerably at this time. The feed can be placed in the outer box, and when the caretaker hears the vixen leave the den to feed he can lift the cover of the other box to examine the litter and remove any dead pups. No bad results will occur if the keeper is careful. Vixens, especially young ones, sometimes fail to produce enough milk to nourish the pups. If such is the case, or if the vixen dies, a cat may be used as foster mother, but this practice should be followed only in an emergency. (Fig. 42.) The rancher should be sure that the cat is free from parasites before she is so used. WEANING. When the pups are about 8 weeks old they should be taken from the mother and placed in new, clean quarters. There has been a great din in on the mother's system during lactation, and this gives her a chance to recuperate. Another reason for this separation is 50 BULLETIN 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE. to prevent a tendency on the part of the pups to become wild, caused by a nervous excitable vixen, for at the least provocation such a mother sounds a warning call and the pups scamper into the den, sometimes injuring themselves in their haste. Separation from the mother also facilitates the proper feeding of the young. Twice a day is often enough to feed them. In the case of backward pups a little cow's milk can be given as a noon feed. Those showing a disinclination to eat and failing to grow should be removed to another pen and placed under observation to determine the cause. Careful feeding is very essential to the satisfactory de- velopment of the pups. More pups can be raised to maturity if weaned and fed separately than if permitted to remain with the mother (see Fig. 39, p. 42). HANDLING. It is believed by many ranchers that the only time foxes should be handled is when they appear to be injured or diseased. As a matter of fact, they should be handled much more frequently. Final judgment on a mating should not be based on superficial observa- tion. The foxes should be handled and examined closely to deter- mine their general make- (f~^-^ up and the quality of their \V| v, fur. As many points as r — -^l r t|\ P practicable should be ob- c^p^^r--"""""""" //^^ served during one exami- 7 -(/ ^=^. nation. For instance, the p ^ (Ujfj) ears should be inspected jj ^-"^ for mange mites, and the Fig. 43. — Diagram showing operation of fox tongs. baCK 01 tlie ears and lore and hind flanks, which are tender portions of the fox's body, for parasites. It is usually neces- sary to handle the foxes frequently late in summer and early in fall for the purpose of exhibiting to prospective buyers the quality of the animals on the ranch as well as the color and quality of fur. There was a time when foxes could be sold without close examination, but the buyer of to-day is able to exercise more discrimination and insists upon knowing what he is purchasing. Although few expert ranchers use gloves when handling foxes, it is well for the beginner to do so. He should also use tongs in cap- turing the animals, such as those illustrated in Figure 43. When the caretaker enters the pen for the purpose of catching a fox, the animals invariably run into the den. He then lowers the slide of the chute, thus shutting them in, and slightly raises the cover of the den to permit the insertion of the tongs. The fox is grasped around the neck, and then, the tongs being held with one hand and the hind legs and tail of the fox with the other, the exami- nation can be made. When it is desired to transfer a fox from one pen to another, or to remove it temporarily for treatment, a small handling box, such as shown in Figure 44, may be used. This is made of 1-inch material 32 inches long, 8 inches wide, and 9 inches high. The top board is hinged and fine-mesh wire nailed to the box under the cover to per- SILVER-FOX FARMING. 51 mit examination. At one end is a slide door and at the other a. hinged wire door provided with a hook-and-eye fastening. The top- cover may be held down by a bolt and lock or by a snap and hinge,, as illustrated in the figure. A strap handle is attached to the cover for convenience in carrying. TRANSPORTING. Foxes in good condition can be shipped almost any distance, but if the journey is long or the shipment large it will be well to have an attendant go along to feed and care for them. Foxes can go with- out feed for two or three days with no apparent ill effects: In transit they have a tendency to lose their appetites, and should be fed care- fully, although fresh water should always be supplied. Small pieces of meat, preferably liver or beef, and fox biscuit may be given. It is not advisable to place more than one fox in a compartment of a shipping crate. A crate containing two compartments, each ^^^■MMKf' r' ■tBL - - . '"""• .""""' ""^m ' "ffl * ■-;■' Ti.. m\. y !» t^BlBHHHMBM^HMMmAft H Fig. 44- Convonient transfer box for handling foxes ; it is made of 1-inch boards and may be 32 inches long, 8 inches wide, and 9 inches high. 2 feet high and having a floor space of approximately 2 by 3 feet, is large enough to carry a pair of foxes. It should be made of wood, with the exception of the door, which should be of wire. Some ranchers entirely cover the crate with wire to prevent escape of the animals. In the front of each compartment dishes for feed and water should be fastened where they can be filled from the outside. CULLING. Every fall before the breeding season begins the old foxes as well as the pups should be carefully culled and the best ones' retained to improve the stock. This is necessary to maintain the quality of the foxes on the ranch, old, unserviceable animals being replaced by young, rigorous stock. The following classes should be culled: Vixens that have not proved to be profitable producers, old foxes that have served their term of usefulness, samson foxes (see p. 33)< and foxes carrying pelts that are tinged or otherwise inferior. 52 BULLETIN 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The final judgment of the caretaker as to which foxes are to be retained should be based on the records kept of the performance of individual animals. A ranch owner who inspects the foxes only at intervals is apt to judge the animals on the basis of appearance rather than performance, and for this reason selection of the foxes to be retained should be left entirely to the resident caretaker, who has had opportunity to study the individuals and to become familiar with the characteristics of each. The foxes to be disposed of should be separated and fed sufficiently to maintain good health. The pelts of fat foxes, however, lack sheen and finish because of the tendency of the animals to lie around and not take sufficient exercise. In order to improve the quality of the fur it is a good plan to shut the foxes out of their pens on cold days in winter, not, however, during wet or inclement weather. PELTING. The business of fox raising is based on pelt value. Many of the most successful ranch owners follow the practice of killing some foxes every year and marketing the pelts. These are naturally the culls — that is, the old foxes that have served their period of use- fulness, nonproducers, and those that have been injured through accident. It is not a good practice to pelt pups, as their skins lack finish in the fur as well as in the leather. Occasionally a pup skin of excep- tional development sells for a good price, but this is not the rule. It is better for the rancher to carry the young over until they are a year and a half old or older and the pelt has developed into a more marketable skin. PRIMENESS. Pelts of foxes become prime in November, December, January, and February, depending upon the season, climate, and feeding. In the United States the majority of pelts become prime in December and January, with a few in February, the exact time varying with the individual. Primeness is the highest quality of perfection in a pelt; when the pelt shows quality and finish, determined by its texture and sheen, it is said to be prime. Ability to judge primeness comes only through experience. When the fur is coming prime it does so rapidly, and after it reaches the peak of perfection it soon becomes overprime, losing its sheen and finish. It therefore behooves the rancher to watch closely day by day each individual set aside for pelting. It is better to take the pelt just before it is prime than to take the chance of delaying until it is overprime. This is one of the periods when frequent handling is necessary. KILLING. In killing a fox the method generally pursued is as follows : The animal is caught with the tongs, taken to the killing shed, and laid on its side. The caretaker then places his foot on its chest and crushes out the life. This practice has been followed because it does not injure the pelt. Striking the fox on the back of the head with a club leaves a blood clot on the pelt and sometimes cuts it. Bui. 1151, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate III. LL 2 Bui. 1151, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IV. Pelts Ready for the Raw-Fur Market. When the drying and cleaning processes are completed, the finished product well repays the rancher for the care taken in all the stages of management. SILVER-FOX FABMING. 53 A more humane and satisfactory7 method of killing is by the injec- tion of a solution of strychnine sulphate. Objection has been made to this on the ground that strychnine may injure the pelt by causing the hair to fall out. This, however, is not the case. The effect, if any, of strychnine on the hair follicles is contracting rather than relaxing. In any event there would be no ill effect in the case of foxes in captivity, since the pelt is removed so soon after death. The operation of injecting strychnine sulphate is very simple. The instruments used are a small hypodermic barrel syringe, two reasonably long needles, and a quantity of a 3 per cent solution of strychnine sulphate. The syringe is filled with the solution and the gauge set for 1 cubic centimeter. The fox is placed on its right side and held by an attendant. The operator places his hand on the chest to locate the heart, at the same time feeling for a space between the ribs to avoid running the needle into the bone. The needle is in- serted in the direction of the heart and the dose discharged. In less than a minute the fox dies without a struggle. SKINNING. After the animal heat goes out of the body the flesh shrinks from the skin, permitting the pelt to be removed more easily and keeping the skin side free from blood. This will take place in about half an hour, but in this period care should be taken to prevent the carcass from freezing. The only tool needed in skinning a fox is a pocket knife, and this should be kept sharp during the operation. A slit is made up the back of each hind leg, starting at the inside of the paw and running to the hock, then from the hock to a point just below the root of the tail. The back of each front leg is slit in the same manner from the paw to the. first joint. The skin is then worked free from the flesh from the first joint to the claws, and the bones of the claws are cut free from the pelt, but the nails are allowed to remain with the fur. A slit is made from the root of the tail about half its length and all of the bones are pulled out of the brush. The carcass is then hung on a hook or nail by the tendon of the hock joint and the pelt is pulled down, the knife being used whenever necessary to free it, until it is removed as far as the neck. The knife is then used, and careful work is necessary to cut around the base of the cars, including them in the pelt, then around the eyes, and around the mouth and lips. Carcasses should be disposed of immediately by burning. DRYING PELTS. The pelt is placed on a wooden frame for drying as soon as it is taken from the carcass. (PL III, Fig. 1.) The frame may be made of soli wood one-half to five-eighths inch thick. Soft material will facilitate drying and the drawing of tacks. A board 45 inches long and approximately 7 inches wide should be used, rounding out a nose ;if one end. At a distance of 12 inches from the nose the board should be r> inches wide, and at the base 7 inches. Cut the board in halves, lengthwise, and on the sides of one of the pieces fasten two straight strips at right angles at the base, so that when the 54 BULLETIN 1151, IT. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. frame is inserted into a pelt and a wedge is forced in to stretch it tight there will be no overlapping of the boards. By varying the size of the wedge this device may be used for pelts of different sizes. No more stretching should be done than is required to bring the skin into natural shape. Undue stretching detracts from the value of the pelt. To allow the skin to dry the hind legs and tail are fastened to the frame, by means of small strips of wood and tacks, and the front legs are tacked to small pieces of wood, as illustrated in Plate III, Figure 2. A tablespoon is used as a scraper to flesh the skin and remove any excess fat. Scraping should not be so close as to remove not only all of the fat but part of the membrane also, for this will cause the skin to shrink from the roots of the guard hairs, permitting them to be pulled out, thus limiting the life of the pelt. Fur buyers look for this defect, and skins having it are severely cut in price. After the skin has been fleshed and dried on the frame for a day or so it may be taken off, turned fur side out, and immediately re- placed. After another day or two it should be again removed and hung on a rope to finish drying. The drying takes about four or five days, and should not be hurried by placing the skin near artifi- cial heat, as this has a tendency to injure it. . After the skin is thoroughly dry it is shaken vigorously and worked with the hand to make it pliable. It is then brushed with a stiff brush and rubbed with burlap to remove all foreign material. A comb may be used, if necessary, to remove dead hairs. All clean- ing is done by hand and no chemicals should be applied to the pelt. Frequent handling and brushing at this time does not injure the pelt, but rather puts it in better condition for the raw-fur market. CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD PELT. In general, the main thing to be kept in mind in judging a silver fox pelt is quality, and this is affected by many factors. First, the pelt must be prime. This is determined by examining the skin side, which, if the pelt is fresh, should be fairly white or cream-colored and show some " life " when handled. The skin of a fox pelt turns yellow with age and loses its firmness. The fur side should be per- fectly and evenly furred all over, both on the back and on the belly, with the fur reasonably long, lustrous, and silky. The brush should be sufficiently long to maintain a balance with the rest of the pelt and should carry a white tip 2 to 4 inches long. There should be no rubbed spots or defects. Clearness of color is the second factor determining the quality of a pelt. Whether the pelt is classed as black, extra dark, dark silver, or pale, it must be bright and clear in its color phase, that is, there should be no tinge or rust to give the characteristic chocolate or brownish cast. Careful fur buyers make a greater cut in the price of a pelt having a rust or tinge than for any other defect. As a rule, more is paid for a clear, bright-colored pelt that is not so well furred than for a well-furred skin that has a brownish or faded appearance. Size is the last consideration in valuing a pelt. A difference of 3, 4, or 5 inches in size does not reduce the value of a skin, provided it has the right quality. An extra-large pelt is not desirable, for the principal reason that it is not becoming to the average wearer. SlLVEtt-FOX FAHMIiSfGL 55 Quality being equal, extra-dark (not more than 10 per cent silver) or dark (15 to 25 per cent silver) skins are the most popular on the market to-da}7 and bring the highest prices. (Pis. I and IV.) SANITATION. The greatest obstacles that ranchers have to overcome in the fox industry are losses through disease — caused mainly by infestation, especially of the young, with parasites. Were it not for the fecund- ity of foxes their profitable production in the face of present heavy losses from diseases and parasites would be out of the question. Sanitation is most essential to success in fox raising. In the fol- lowing remarks no attempt is made to go into the details of diseases of foxes or their treatment, but attention is merely called to the sim- ple measures which may be used by any rancher to avoid to a large extent the losses of foxes in enzootics. Not only are cleanliness and rational methods of management relied upon by ranchers to keep their foxes in health and vigor, but they are the marks of a good rancher and a successful fox raiser. DISEASES. Distemper and other like diseases, characterized by pneumonia, are highly fatal and may be regarded as identical in character, so far as the practical management of the ranch is concerned. Specific diagnoses of these diseases can be made only by the most careful pathological examinations and by the assistance of a fully equipped laboratory. However, prophylactic measures found to be beneficial with any one of these diseases will prove efficacious with all. A rancher must remember that contagious and infectious diseases are caused by specific germs (bacteria and protozoans) and by parasites, and that contagion and infection can not be spread from one ani- mal to another or from one ranch to another except through the agency of these organisms. Germ diseases and parasites may be carried in a multitude of ways — by the foxes themselves, on the clothing of persons, on ve- hicles, in feed, or by birds, dogs, and other animals. Following improper breeding and feeding methods does not necessarily cause disease, but careless methods may so weaken the constitution and vitality of an animal that it becomes more susceptible to disease than would otherwise be the case. Since infections diseases can arise only through the presence of specific causative agents, it can readily be seen that prevention is very necessary. It should be constantly borne in mind that diseases caused by germs may be best prevented or controlled by thorough disinfection and scrupulous cleanliness. Many outbreaks of disease on fox ranches have been caused by in fected feeds. Feed poisoning has been responsible for losses among old as well as young foxes. The preventive for this is to give clean, wholesome feed and to use clean methods in preparing as well as in feeding if. Some of the troubles which may he attributed to a nu- tritional defect of some sort are rickets, convulsions, sore eyes, abor- tion, abandoning young or killing young by vixen, premature cessa- tion or- insufficiency of milk supply, failure to reproduce, and imper- 56 BULLETIN" 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. feet development of fiir. Proper feeding is essential to a building up of resistance against disease attacks. The thorough cooking of meat, fish, and offal is an important measure in preventing infec- tion with many kinds of bacteria, and of various parasites, such as tapeworms. PARASITES. The chief parasites that affect foxes are hookworms, ascarids, lung worms, tapeworms, coccidia, and mange mites. Sanitation is just as essential in preventing parasitic diseases as those of bac- terial or protozoan origin. The droppings of foxes should be fre- quently and thoroughly removed from the dens and pens, since they carry the parasite eggs. As previously pointed out, good drainage is necessary in the pens and dens, as dryness is unfavorable to para- sites and other harmful organisms. Young foxes are very susceptible to disease and should be given the cleanest possible surroundings in order that they may develop and attain the relative immunity afforded by maturity. PREVENTIVE MEASURES. In maintaining the health of foxes preventive measures against disease must be chiefly relied upon. Dry, well-ventilated quarters are'a prime essential, and these must be kept clean. Foxes are natu- rally clean animals and can not thrive in insanitary quarters. In addition to cleanliness in pens and dens, close attention should be given to the feed and methods of feeding. Nothing should be fed that will convey disease organisms. Animals that have died from disease should not be fed to foxes unless the meat can be made safe by thorough cooking. Feeding and drinking dishes should be clean, and the water sup- plied should be pure and fresh. After each feeding all dishes should be thoroughly cleaned and then boiled. Holes in the pen soil should be drained and filled up as often as necessary. Wherever possible the surface soil should be scraped off periodically and replaced with clean soil. It would be well to spade up and turn over the soil, stirring it up with a rake to permit the sun to purify it. At least once a month during seasons when it is possible the quarters should be disinfected with air-slaked lime or a 5 per cent solution of some effective coal-tar disinfectant. These precautions will be found a valuable aid in the control of various animal parasites as well as a protection from other serious troubles. New stock should be quarantined and examined for infection of any kind, and if necessary treated before being placed with clean .animals or on clean areas. Sick animals should always be isolated at once to prevent the spread of disease. Foxes returning from shows or from neighboring ranches should be kept separate from the other animals for at least three weeks. If they have been exposed to any disease, it will usually be apparent in that time. If disease breaks out in the neighborhood, the rancher should maintain a strict quarantine against it. Dogs, cats, rats, and birds, as well as people, may carry infection from ranch to ranch, and this should be remembered and visiting discouraged and trespassing pre- vented so far as possible. SILVER-FOX FARMING. 57 TREATMENT OF DISEASE. Sanitation and the prevention of disease is a function of the fox rancher, but for the treatment of disease the services of a compe- tent veterinarian or specialist should be obtained. The diagnosis of disease and the administration of potent drugs call for special training and experience, and the fox rancher who undertakes un- aided the role of veterinarian is apt to come to grief. As soon as sickness appears on a ranch it is always advisable to employ a competent veterinarian. Infected foxes should be re- moved at once to clean and repeatedly disinfected quarters, pref- erably small pens (see p. 19, "Hospital and temporary pens"). The diet should be carefully regulated and should include milk and some cooked feed. The pens and dens in which the disease appeared should be thoroughly cleansed and disinfected, using air-slaked lime on the ground and one of the effective coal-tar disinfectants as a spray in the dens and nest boxes. Foxes should not be returned to these pens until it is reasonably certain that they are free from disease-producing organisms. Care should be taken to maintain a strict quarantine over dis- eased foxes, and the same attendant should not feed and care for both sick and healthy animals. Watch dogs should be confined until disease is stamped out, and dead animals should be burned at once or buried deep in the ground. Insanitary conditions cause a large percentage of young foxes to become heavily infested with parasites. Pups as a rule do not leave the den until 3 or 4 weeks of age and they often pick up infestation in the den itself. This indicates either that the eggs or larvae of insects are widely scattered ovsr the pens and dens or that the parents themselves are infested. Fox ranchers have so universally accepted the idea that all pups have worms that it is a common practice to treat all that are between 3 and 4 weeks old for worms, whether this is necessary or not. In many instances it is necessary, although promiscuous dosing is a very bad practice, for young foxes often do not recover from the shock of the treatment. If proper precautions are taken to prevent infestation by treating the old foxes prior to the mating season and then placing the pups in clean surroundings for the first few months, the young ones will not be so liable to infestation, and treatment could be delayed until weaning time. Treatment for the removal of ascarids from foxes consists of the administration of a mixture of 1 part of oil of chenopodium and 21 parts of castor oil at the rate of 1 cubic centimeter of the mixture per pound of weight, the dose being given to an animal that has lasted from 6 to 18 hours. For the removal of hookworms from foxes the treatment consists of the administration of chemically pure carbon tetrachloride in soft elastic globules at the rate of one-half cubic centimeter per 5 pounds of weight, the drug being given to animals that have fasted from 12 to 18 hours. Because all effective anthelmintic drugs are potent poisons, they should never be, used except by a competent veterinarian skilled in small-ar.imal practice. 58 BULLETIN 1151, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. RECORDS. On every ranch handling pure-bred foxes it is essential to keep some definite system of records. These should include not only histories of individual foxes but accurate and complete entries of business transactions, in order to ascertain definitely at stated periods the assets, liabilities, and net worth of the business, the cost of pro- duction, and the profits. The caretaker should jot down in a notebook memoranda regard- ing foxes, matings, breeding, whelping, happenings on the ranch, buying and selling transactions, etc., and these entries should be transferred at frequent intervals to a permanent record, such as a card-index file, consisting of one card for each individual fox. In- stead of a card index some ranchers use a large sheet of paper show- ing a diagram of the ranch, and indicate on it the foxes in each pen and the number of pups whelped. As a separate sheet is used for each year, in time this type of record becomes unwieldy. Fig. 45. — Live-fox exhibit. The chief value of a fox show is in. its educational features — standards1 of excellence being thus publicly demonstrated. The advantages of a card system are obvious. When selections are being made for mating the caretaker is not dependent upon his memory, but has at hand definite records concerning the ancestry of each individual, including the good and bad characteristics of the strain. The card-index system of fox records is compact, always up to date — cards for foxes no longer on the ranch being easily filed elsewhere, with reason shown — and there is ample space for a sys- tematic history of each individual fox. Various systems have been advocated for the identification of foxes in order to prevent errors in records and facts regarding individuals. Some breeders have used ear tags marked with different numbers, but these tear out easily and are lost. Tattooing the ear has given as satisfactory results as any, but no method free from defects has yet been devised. The most practical method is to number the pens (see figs. IT and 41) and then fasten to the pen a metal tag bearing the number of the occupant. When the fox is transferred to another pen a corresponding change is made in the tag. SILVER-FOX FARMING. 59 FOX SHOWS. The chief value of a fox exhibit or show (Fig. 45), whether State, national, or international, lies in the educational features which pre- sent standards of excellence to the fox ranchers and the public. The educational value depends largely upon two things: (1) The classi- fication of the animals to be exhibited, and (2) the judgment of the officials who pass upon their merits. These two factors are entirely dependent upon each other in presenting the lessons which an exhibi- tion should teach. To be successful, fox shows must have the support of the breeders individually and of their associations. Fig. 46. -Well-formed male fox. Stands exceedingly well on legs and is well balanced with a beautiful brush. ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Secretary of Agriculture Henry C. Wallace. Assistant Secretary G. W. Ptjgsley. Director of Scientific Work E. D. Ball. Director of Regulatory Work . Weather Bureau Charles F. Marvin, Chief. Bureau of Agricultural Economics Henry C. Taylor, Chief: Bureau of Animal Industry John R. Mohler, Chief. Bureau of Plant Industry William A. Taylor, Chief. Forest Service W. B. Greeley, Chief. Bureau of Chemistry Walter G. Campbell, Acting Chief. Bureau of Soils Milton Whitney, Chief. Bureau of Entomology L. O. Howard, Chief. Bureau of Biological Survey E. W. Nelson, Chief. Bureau of Public Roads Thomas H. MacDonald, Chief. Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory F. G. Cottrell, Director. Division of Accounts and Disbursements A. Zappone, Chief. Division of Publications Edwin C. Powell, Acting Chief. Library Claribel R. Barrett, Librarian. States Relations Service A. C. Trce, Director. Federal Horticultural Board C. L. Marlatt, Chairman. Insecticide and Fungicide Board J. K. Haywood, Chairman. Packers and Stockyards Administration {Chester Morrill, Assistant to the Grain Future Trading Act Administration J Secretary. Office of the Solicitor R. W. Williams, Solicitor. This bulletin is a contribution from Bureau of Biological Survey E. W. Nelson, Biologist and Chief. Division of Economic Investigations- A. K. Fisher, in Charge. 60 additional copies OF THIS PUBLICATION MAT BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 15 CENTS PER COPY PURCHASER AGREES NOT TO RESELL OR DISTRIBUTE THIS COPY FOR PROFIT.— PUB. RES. 57, APPROVED MAY 11, 1922 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT BULLETIN No. 1153 Washington, D. C. ▼ Ma; 12, 1923 BOLL-WEEVIL COTTON IN TEXAS. By O. F. Cook, Bionomist in Charge, Office of Crop Acclimatisation and Adapta- tion Investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry. Page. Nature of boll-weevil cotton 1 Distinctive characters of boll-weevil cotton 2 Sterile involucres of boll-weevil cot- ton 3 Weevils sheltered by large plants 4 Weevil damage on exposed plants 5 Open lanes between cotton rows 6 Wider lanes and closer spacing in the rows 7 CONTENTS. Page. Feasibility of wider lanes 9 Factors of the spacing problem 9 Early crops from small plants 11 Late thinning to suppress vegetative branches 14 Close spacing necessary with late thinning 15 Conclusions 16 List of publications on weevil resist- ance and close spacing of cotton 19 NATURE OF BOLL-WEEVIL COTTON. The expression " boll- weevil cotton " is used by farmers in Texas, who. recognize the effects of weevil injury in altering the behavior of the plants by forcing them into rank growth, so that the damaged fields are different from normally productive cotton. In addition to the direct injuries inflicted by destroying flower^buds and bolls, the insects are responsible indirectly for an abnormal luxuriance that changes the form and appearance of the plants. Texas has had more experience with weevil injury than other States, with varied con- ditions and seasons that bring out the contrasts between the normal behavior of the cotton crop and the abnormal behavior of " bad weevil years." The weevils entered southern Texas from Mexico in 1802, but did not reach Louisiana till 1903. Arkansas and Oklahoma were invaded in 1905, Alabama in 1909, Georgia in 1914, and North Carolina in 1919. Cotton tends, of course, to grow rank in the rich Texas soils if moisture is abundant and the spring weather is warm, but such natural tendencies to luxuriance are greatly increased when the weevils are abundant and the floral buds are destroyed so that no fruit can be set. The spring generations of weevils are bred in the flower buds, and breeding begins as soon as the buds are large enough to furnish the partly developed pollen that is the principal food of the weevils. Most of the infested buds are blasted and drop to the ground in a few days. 31823—28 1 2 BULLETIN" 1153, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. When the farmer sees the plants shooting up too fast and failing to blossom he knows that the weevils are at work and that only a small crop may be expected, if not a complete failure. Thus boll- weevil cotton is a cultural condition that needs to be recognized in order that it may be avoided as far as possible. The cultural factors of control for avoiding or restricting weevil injury are important, and especially those that add little or nothing to the expense of pro- ducing the crop. On this basis it may be considered that the boll- weevil problem in Texas has been solved, since there is no longer any question that production can be maintained or even increased if com- mercial conditions are not too adverse. But the period of readjust- ment and improvement of methods of production required by the boll weevil is not at an end even in Texas, though farther advanced than in other States. Dry weather often restricts the size of cotton plants in Texas and also holds the weevils in check, so that the condition of boll-weevil cotton is not reached every year. Prevalence of dry weather ex- plains why the production of cotton has been maintained in Texas and even greatly increased in many counties during the period of the weevil invasion, by making use of improved methods and varie- ties. How to get the most advantage from the favorable factor of dry weather is a distinct cultural problem in Texas. Some seasons, of course, are so dry that the cotton hardty reaches the fruiting stage, or bolls that have set may fail to develop, but there is an equal or greater danger of the plants growing too large when moisture is abundant. Large, spreading plants are undesirable, even where there are no boll weevils, on account of the late maturity of the crop. The larger the plant grows beyond a desirable medium size the greater the risk and exposure to injury by frost or other unfavorable conditions, as well as by the boll weevils.1 The season of 1921 afforded unusually striking examples of the development of boll- weevil cotton at the United States Experiment Farm near San Antonio, Tex., in a region where the activities of the weevils usually are restricted by drought. (PL I, Fig. 1.) Dry weather was not liking in 1921 but came too late, after the plants had grown large and the weevils had so much shelter that they con- tinued to breed in great numbers till the end of the season. The experiments were of interest as showing the extent to which the weevils are protected by the large growth of the plants and how necessary it is to avoid the condition of the overgrown boll- weevil cotton. It was plain that the failure of some fields to set any crop was due to the large plants that closed the lanes between the rows and gave full protection to the weevils. Restricting the size of the indi- vidual plants and keeping the lanes open between the rows of cotton are cultural requirements of first importance under weevil conditions. DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS OF BOLL-WEEVIL COTTON. Fields of boll-weevil cotton, in addition to the larger growth of the plants, have a darker and more uniform green color that is easily recognized even from a distance. That flowers are very few or lacking entirely in the boll- weevil fields partly explains the differ- 1 Cook, O. F. Relation of drought to weevil resistance in cotton. TJ. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. Bui. 220, 30 p. 1911. BOLL-WEEVIL COTTON IN TEXAS. 3 ence in color, but the foliage has the deeper shade of green that usually marks a state of vegetative vigor as distinguished from the more yellowish green of plants in the fruiting stage. An urban writer's account of the boll weevil, that " it bit the tops off of the cotton plant," is quite imaginary. There is no obvious external symptom except the abnormal growth of the plants. One consequence of rank growth is the development of more numer- ous and larger vegetative branches, so that the lanes are closed be- tween the rows and the ground shaded continuously. The shading of the ground is an important feature, making the conditions more favorable for the weevils as the season advances. Once the state of boll- weevil cotton is reached the weevils can breed without interrup- tion and maintain themselves in such numbers that all of the buds are destroyed, so that no more flowers appear and no more bolls are set beyond the small number that usually escape the weevils early in the season. With sufficient moisture to> support a continuous growth the fields become veritable thickets (PL I, Fig. 1) and show a wilderness of bare stalks in the fall after the leaves are killed by frost. The rank growth of the plants may be considered a result of pruning away the floral buds and young bolls by the weevils. This apparently serves, like other pruning, to stimulate additional growth, which is shared by all parts of the plant. The fruiting branches have a continued succession of new joints, each with its small flower bud that the weevils destroy. The later joints of the fruiting branches are shorter and shorter, and many of the late-season flower buds are defective. STERILE INVOLUCRES OF BOLL-WEEVIL COTTON. That the late-season growth of boll-weevil cotton becomes dis- tinctly abnormal was indicated in 1921 by the production of many defective involucres. (PL II.) The involucre of the cotton plant is a specialized organ that incloses the floral bud, replacing the function of the calyx, which in cotton is poorly developed. Instead of the three small leaves, or bracts, that form the normal cotton involucres, many involucres of the boll-weevil cotton have only one or two bracts and no other floral organs. Slender rudiments of a calyx were found in some of the 2-bracted involucres, but no petals, stamens, or pistils. Induced budless involucres of similar form have been observed on sterile hybrids and abnormal individual variations of Pima (Egyptian) cotton, as well as in upland sorts, but with no such if-irularity or frequency as in the boll-weevil cotton of 1921, both at San Antonio and at Greenville, Tex., representing the Lone Star and many other upland varieties. Failure to find any 2-bracted involucres that produced bolls in upland varieties is in contrast with the Egyption type of cotton, where normally developed bolls are often found with involucres of only two bracts. The tendency of upland cotton is to a larger number of bracts. Some of the upland varieties, as Tuxtla and Meade, show frequent variations to 4-braeted involucre--, which seldom, if ever, occur in Egyptian cotton . 4 BULLETIN 1153, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Reduced sterile involucres are to be reckoned, of course, as a form of abortion, but of a nature entirely distinct from the direct in- juries that the weevils inflict by puncturing the flower buds to1 lay their eggs or to feed upon the pollen. The abnormal involucres, hav- ing no flower buds to be attacked by weevils or blasted by unfavorable conditions, are immune from shedding and remain on the plants to the end of the season. The shedding of normal buds after blast- ing involves a loss of the inclosing involucre as well as the support- ing pedicel or stem of the bud, leaving only a rounded scar on the fruiting branch. Some of the solitary bracts, representing reduced involucres, are not of the usual expanded form, but narrowly tubular or trumpet shaped. (PI. Ill, Fig. 2.) To form these tubular bracts the margins must have been united or fused together at a very early stage of development, while the abortion of the other bracts and of the flower bud must have taken place at a still earlier stage in the for- mation of the involucre. The tubular bracts may be described as " ascidia," a name that has been applied to similar malformations of leaves in several other families of plants. The marginal teeth of the solitary bracts are reduced in number, especially those of the tubular bracts, or ascidia. Having lost their floral buds at the early stage of development, the reduced involucres can serve only as leaves, and they persist for the remainder of the season, as already stated. The stalks or pedicels of the reduced involucres are very short and slender, more like petioles of small leaves than like pedi- cels of normal buds or bolls. Another peculiar feature of these reduced, budless (or ablastic) involucres is their general failure to develop a nectary or honey - secreting pit, which is located at the base of a normal bract. Sup- pression of the nectaries is a further indication of divergence from the normal course of development of the bracts at a very early stage. Hundreds of the reduced involucres were examined at San Antonio without finding any with normal functional nectaries, though the position of the nectary usually is indicated by a prominence of rounded form and reddish color. (PL II.) The reduction or partial formation of the involucres with abor- tion of the flower buds is a peculiar phenomenon, pointing, no doubt, to some abnormal physiological state of the plants that may result from the persistent destruction of the floral buds by the boll weeviL Though the abnormal reduced involucres are not confined to boll- weevil cotton, but are of occasional occurrence outside the weevil belt and in many kinds of cotton, they have not attracted attention or been reported as a regular feature, as in the late-season growth of boll- weevil cotton. WEEVILS SHELTERED BY LARGE PLANTS. The size and form of the plants largely determine the condition of the fields in relation to the boll weevil. With the ground shaded by the heavy foliage of overgrown plants, conditions are favorable for the multiplication of the weevils. The lanes are closed between the rows of large plants, so that fields of boll-weevil cotton are covered with a complete canopy of foliage, giving protection to the weevil larvse in the flower buds. The weevil-infested buds that have fallen Bui. 1153, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. ■ ■ ■ ■■"' .."•■''-"■.;''' Tight.. :.,-■-' ... fef; .>< W &' fmk IMS |L^/jJEm ■ ■ ■■■•. > ■ . . ■ • Fig. I.— Typical Boll-Weevil Cotton. Field at San Antonio, Tex., in 1921, with heavy and continuous foliage closing the lanesjbetween the rows. Fig. 2. Field of Boll-Weevil Cotton at San Antonio, Tex. The mailer and more open row next to the pomegranate orchard were much more productive than 1 he romalndoi ol ' lie Sold. Bui. 1153, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. Abnormal Involucres of Boll-Weevil Cotton. Fruiting branches of boll-weevil cotton with buds and bolls replaced by abnormal sterile involucres. Bui. 1153, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE III. Fig. I. — Productive Cotton Plant. This plant stood apart from but within a few feet of heavily infested boll-weevil cotton and continued to set bolls till the end of the season. Fig. 2. Abnormal Involucres of Boll-Weevil Cotton. These forms include narrow funnel haped "ascldla." A normal late-season Involucre Is shown on a nor! lecondary branch at the uppei left hand corner. (Natural i Ize.) Jul. 1153, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE IV. Cotton at Covington, Tenn., October 17, 1921. These rows are 2 feet apart with plants 3 to 4 inches apart in the rows, an extreme application of close spacing. -A BOLL-WEEVIL, COTTON IN TEXAS. 5 to the ground, are not reached by the direct light and heat of the sun, nor is the ground heated sufficiently to dry the buds and kill the weevil larvse inside. Prompt shedding of the weevil-infested buds, followed by thorough drying and baking of the buds on the hot ground, explains the beneficial effect of the dry, hot weather of Texas in checking the reproduction of the weevils, so that it often is possible to set a crop of bolls during a period of dry weather in spite of many weevils surviving the winter and attacking the cotton early in the season. But with too much rain and warm weather in the spring, as in the season of 1921 at San Antonio, there is danger of the plants growing rank and becoming crowded in the field. The ground also is con- tinuously shaded, and weevil larvse in fallen buds are sheltered and protected from the sun to such extent that a later period of dry weather does not have its normal effect of stopping the propagation of the weevils and permitting a crop to be set. The advantage that dry weather brings to fields of smaller and more open plants may be lost entirely when the plants have grown too large before the dry weather comes, as happened at San Antonio in the season of 1921. Thus the condition of overgrown, crowded fields needs to be rec- ognized, even more clearly than in the past, as very unfavorable from the standpoint of production; indeed, as most unfavorable. Not only is there nothing more to expect in the way of setting more bolls in the same season, but even the next year's crop is jeopardized by allowing the fields of boll- weevil cotton to remain through the season as a breeding place for weevils. Usually the fields are left until fall or until the plants are killed by frost,when the weevils are ready to go into winter quarters, so that a full quota of the insects is likely to be carried over to the next season. Earlier destruction of boll-weevil cotton is the obvious need, if improved cultural methods are not used, to avoid this hopeless con- dition. The longer the boll-weevil cotton stands in the fields the greater the danger of the injury being carried over to the next season. WEEVIL DAMAGE ON EXPOSED PLANTS. How closely the weevils are dependent in dry weather upon the shelter of the fields of overgrown boll-weevil cotton may be illus- trated by facts observed at the United States Experiment Farm at San Antonio, Tex., in the season of 1921 and brought to the writer's attention by D. M. Simpson. The spring and early summer con- ditions favored a rather large growth of the plants, so that the con- dition of genuine boll- weevil cotton was generally attained. (PL I.) With the plants overgrown and crowded, meeting between the rows and completely shading the ground, the weevils bred abundantly, and a dense weevil population was maintained in spite of a rather long period of dry weather in the latter part of the season. A Iter the setting of a few bolls per plant in a short interval of dry weather in the early flowering period, before the plants were large enough to shade the ground completely, very few bolls escaped Lin- weevils in any of the fields that attained the regular conditions of bol I -weevil cotton. In later plantings the destruction was nearly complete,, but it was noticed by Mr. Simpson that bolls continued to be set on isolated plants during the late-season period of dry weather, 6 BULLETIN 1153, U. &. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. even on plants that stood only a few feet away from the heavily infested fields or experimental plats that had grown into boll- weevil cotton. (PI. Ill, Fig. 1.) Some of the plants that Had been isolated rather late in the season by root-rot killing their neighbors were still producing numerous young bolls in October, notwithstanding the large weevil population close at hand. These productive plants were in striking contrast to the barren boll-weevil cotton only a few feet away, where scarcely any late bolls were to be found except occasional bolls on drooping lower branches, which the weevils seem to neglect or fail to find. A count of bolls on one of the isolated plants on October 19 gave a total of 44, including several that had opened recently and 18 that were still green. Thus there could be no doubt that regular fruiting had continued on this isolated plant, while other plants in the same field averaged less than five bolls apiece, often only one or two bolls, and most of these confined to lower branches and produced early in the season. On 12 plants that were nearest to this isolated individual with 44 bolls, the following numbers of bolls were counted : 7, 4, 7, 1, 4, 3, 3, 2, 6, 4, 9, 7. But some of these were end plants and their partial exposure may have given advantages over the regular run of plants in the rows. A similar advantage from better exposure was apparent in the outside rows of a field that was bordered on the south side by an orchard of pomegranates (PL I, Fig. 2). This field was planted late and did not have the advantage of setting bolls during the short period of favorable conditions earlier in the season, when bolls had been set on earlier plantings. Thus, the late-planted field was an almost complete failure, yielding scarcely a boll per plant except on the rows along the pomegranate orchard. On account of the smaller size of the plants, which may be ascribed to competition with the pomegranates, these outside rows did not close the intervening lanes or shade the ground continuously and suffered notably less from the weevils than the remainder of the field, which grew into regular boll-weevil cotton. Late in the season the advantage was shown very definitely in the numerous green bolls that were still developing on the small, open rows, while no fruit was being set in other parts of the field. Although the outside row had the smallest plants, it yielded 8 pounds 15 ounces of seed cotton, or nearly twice as much as the next row, which produced 4 pounds 9 ounces, with other rows declining gradually to 2 pounds 6 ounces at the fifth row, which was about the average for the remainder of the field. That the open rows and outstanding individual plants escaped injury to such an extent seems to show that the insects required the shelter of the boll- weevil cotton and were unable or unwilling to come out and work in the open, even on plants only a few feet away. OPEN LANES BETWEEN COTTON ROWS. The facts already stated emphasize the need of cultural methods that will keep the plants upright and the lanes well open between the rows, avoiding as far as possible the spreading plants, heavy foliage, and continuously shaded ground that mark the condition of boll-weevil cotton. Cultural control of the form and branching of the plants is the more possible because the large plants do not differ BOLL-WEEVIL COTTON IN TEXAS. 7 merely in their greater size but in structure as well, by having two distinct kinds of branches, while the small single-stalk plants have only one kind of branches, those that bear the flowers and bolls. The strong spreading branches that come out near the base of large widely spaced plants are not the same as the fruiting branches of the single-stalk plants but are in the nature of secondary stalks, having the same structure and functions as the main stalk of the plant. The production of bolls by means of these secondary stalks, or vegetative branches as they have been called, requires a longer season than to produce bolls on the fruiting branches of primary stalks. Hence, narrow, upright plants with only the central upright stalk and none of the spreading secondary stalks are preferable for purposes of production, especially under weevil conditions. There is a general cultural reason for keeping open lanes between cotton rows, in order to permit the lower fruiting branches to develop and bring the early bolls to maturity, as well as special reasons for having open lanes in weevil-infested regions. The conditions of temperature, light, and moisture at the surface of the ground are very different in open fields from the conditions that obtain in con- tinuously shaded boll-weevil fields. The heating and drying of the surface of the soil not only kill the weevil larvse in the fallen squares, or floral buds, but the greater exposure to sunlight in the open lanes tends also to restrict the activity of the adult weevils, so that bolls continue to be set on isolated plants and in open roWs only a few feet away from immense numbers of weevils living in the shelter of the boll-weevil cotton. Thus, the keeping of the lanes open between the rows is to be reckoned as an essential of successful culti- vation of cotton in southern Texas if full advantage is to be taken of the possibilities of setting a crop when the favorable conditions of dry weather occur. If the lanes are closed the effect of dry weather is lost, because the weevils are protected. WIDER LANES AND CLOSER SPACING IN THE ROWS. To grow large plants in wide rows is not a practical way to keep the lanes from closing and the ground from being shaded. Wider spacing of individual plants has been considered and sometimes advised as a way of securing more exposure and thus avoiding weevil injury, but the limitations of such a method are apparent when the behavior of the plants is taken into account. If plants are supposed to be of the same size, wider spacing would mean, of course, that the fields would be more open and give the weevils less protection, but the plants vary in size and generally grow larger and produce stronger and more spreading branches in proportion to the space allowed. Hence, crowding may not be avoided by wider spacing, even with plants 2 or 3 feet apart in the rows. If the conditions favor luxuriant growth the ground under the plants is shaded and the weevils are protected. Wild large widely spaced plants recognized as unpractical, the feasibility of wider lanes will be seen fco depend on keeping the plants smaller by leaving them closer together in the rows. Experiments at San Antonio in previous years with different seasonal conditions have suggested that wider lanes and closer spacing of plants in the rows might be a means; of securing a safer and more regular pro- 8 BULLETIN 1153, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. duction, if not the largest production, of cotton under the San An- tonio conditions, taking account of the many dry seasons when lack of moisture instead of weevil damage is the limiting factor. The danger in dry seasons is that the plants will not grow large enough to .produce a crop, or that the crop may be lost if the plants are so severely checked by drought that the buds or young bolls are aborted. In dry seasons small plants in widely spaced rows have the best prospect of securing moisture enough to reach the fruiting stage, of avoiding serious checks, and of taking full advantage of any favorable conditions that may occur. No doubt the best or safest spacing might depend somewhat upon the nature and water-holding capacity of the soil, but tentative experiments in previous dry sea- sons at San Antonio indicated that about the same yield of cotton per acre may be obtained with rows as much as 5 or 6 feet apart as with rows 3 feet apart. The results were not consistent in other years, and a wider range of experiments will be necessary to deter- mine the facts. Some of the experiments were made with 6-inch spacing, but the thinning was done later than would be advisable if the plants were to be left still closer together with the rows wider apart. Little or no thinning might be necessary if the stands were not too thick. If favorable conditions could be assured in the early fruiting stage, close spacing of the rows as well as of the plants in the rows might give the largest yields, as some experiments show. But if weevils survived the winter in large numbers and destroyed the early buds, there could be little prospect of a crop later in the season, since with the rows close together the ground is soon covered and shaded, and the weevils may continue to breed even in dry weather. Cutting out alternate rows would be a way to get more exposure, if early-season conditions proved unfavorable or the weevils were so numerous that an early crop could not be set. If late-season con- ditions, like those of 1921, could be assured, cutting out the alternate rows might be a practical measure, even with rows as far apart as 4 feet, but might give no advantage if wet weather continued late in the season. At San Antonio the largest yields have been obtained in some seasons with rows only 3 feet apart, but it is recognized that this result would depend upon favorable early-season conditions, which are by no means assured in southern Texas. In some years the weevils are very abundant early in the season, and the setting of a crop has often depended very definitely upon a period of dry weather to hold the weevils in check. With the rows close together the condition of continuous shading of the ground would be reached earlier in the season, and there would be less chance of the weevils being checked by periods of dry weather. If the conditions of boll- weevil cotton can be avoided, the plants may be able to take advan- tage of favorable periods of dry weather to set a crop, even late in the season, as shown by the facts already stated. The results of a single season are not to be taken as an index of the best course to be followed as a general rule. An ideal system would make it possible to take full advantage of favorable conditions at any stage in a region of very variable weather like southern Texas. BOLL-WEEVIL COTTON IN TEXAS. 9 FEASIBILITY OF WIDER LANES. Since the results of 1921 showed that plants spaced at 6 inches might still grow into rather rank boll- weevil cotton, still closer spac- ing in the rows to 4 inches or less may prove desirable. One ques- tion to be determined is whether there is a practical advantage in chopping or pulling out any of the plants. Unless the stands are very thick and the plants likely to become very spindling or stunted for lack of moisture, no thinning may be necessary or give any ad- vantage in yield. . In the dry wind-swept regions of the Southwest the young plants grow better in the spring if they stand close together in the rows. Very large yields as well as very early crops have been obtained from small plants only 3 or 4 inches apart and also from rows that have not been thinned. Some plants in these rows remain very small and bear only one or two bolls or none at all, but these presumably include the weaker plants that would have borne little if they had been left in the usual thinning. It usually is possible to find many unproductive or completely sterile plants in fields of cotton, even with wide spacing. Rows thinned early to 3 or 4 inches should be compared with no thinning to learn the actual results under the Texas conditions and to determine definitely whether advantages are gained by thinning. If thinning can be omitted labor and expense will be saved, and there may be a distinct cultural advantage in avoiding the setback that the plants are likely to receive from injuries in the thinning opera- tion and in the greater exposure to wind or other unfavorable con- ditions that often interrupt the growth of young cotton if thinned too early and spaced widel}\ The feasibility of wide lanes is not to be determined without a clear understanding of the effects of close spacing in the rows as an essential feature of an open-lane culture for avoiding boll-weevil cotton. With complete loss of the crop as a frequent penalty enforced by the boll weevils if the lanes are not kept open, many farmers may be inclined to test for themselves the feasibility of wider lanes, such as 4| or 5 feet, but in all such cases, to gain experience of practical value, the spacing of the plants in the rows should be taken into account. FACTORS OF THE SPACING PROBLEM. Careful consideration needs to be given to the spacing problem, because numerous factors are involved and wide variations of soil and- seasonal conditions must be taken into account, especially in southern Texas. Questions of spacing may have a special impor- tance in this region because it is less feasible to hold the weevils in check by poisoning. Regular use of poison is hardly to be expected in Texas in districts where the weather often is dry enough to sup- press tli'' weevils. In some parte of Texas there is little or no dew to moisten the leaves and hold the poison, which is applied as a, line dust. More- over, the use of poison is not considered economical on cotton that is not expected to yield more than half a hale per acre. Low yields are the general rule, in the, drier districts of Texas, even when Ihe boll weevils do little or no damage. One of the compensating advantages, 31823—23 2 10 BULLETIN 1153, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. in addition to weevil protection, is that farmers of the drier dis- tricts are less troubled with weeds, so that costs of cultivation are lower than in humid regions.2 The spacing problem is complicated by the very wide range of seasonal conditions, the Texas climate being notoriously capricious. That any one method of spacing will assure the largest possible results under all conditions is too much to expect, but the method that is safest, in the sense of giving the best average of results under varied conditions and for a period of years, would be reckoned as the most practical. To develop such a method and to secure the evidence that would be necessary to establish it in popular recogni- tion as the best must require many experiments and a wide range of practical experience as well as a great amount of interest and infor- mation in the hands of the farmers. Since it is not to be expected that farmers will make a practical and effective use of a cultural method that they do not understand, careful study and observation of the facts are a necessary preliminary to the practical use of better methods of spacing. With differences of seasons, soils, and other variable factors to be taken into account, the weevils maj^ be very irregularly distributed, and cultural experiments may miscarry or the results may be de- ceptive if the behavior of the weevils is not considered. One side or one corner of a field may be thoroughly infested before any damage is done in other parts of the same field. The factor of weevil infes- tation may interfere seriously with the testing of varieties or with cultural experiments by methods that for other purposes are consid- ered most reliable. Repeated side-by-side comparisons of two varieties or two cultural methods, as represented by small blocks or strips of cotton planted in alternation, give the most direct and convincing evidence when consistent results are secured. From 4 to 6 rows of the same kind of cotton or representing the same treatment are planted in each block, the blocks are repeated 3 or 4 times in alternation, and the cotton from each row is picked, weighed, and recorded separately. The last precaution, of records of individual rows, is important as afford- ing the best evidence to show how uniform or how irregular the con- ditions of the experiment actually were and whether any differences were consistently shown in the repeated comparisons. But such methods of testing may not give significant results if the weevils are very abundant. Differences that might be very im- portant in separate fields of cotton may not be shown definitely in side-by-side plantings, or may even appear reversed if weevils are bred in larger numbers on an adjacent early variety, early planting, or early thinning, so that the cotton of later development suffers worse. Thus, the true advantage of closer spacing of plants in the rows may not be shown in some experiments if the weevil population is too large at the beginning of the experiment and is being increased rapidly by breeding more weevils in earlier flower buds of adjacent wide-spaced rows. In such cases there may be more weevils to attack the buds of the close-spaced rows than in a field planting not ad- jacent to other cotton or if whole communities planted their cotton 2 Coad, B. R., and Cassidy, T. P. Cotton boll weevil control by the use of poison. II. S. Dept. Agr. Bui. 875, 31 p. 1920. BOLL- WEEVIL COTTON IN TEXAS. 11 at the same time and used the same methods, which would be the ideal system of weevil control. Comparisons of different dates of planting or of different spacing methods necessarily lose their significance when the weevils are so abundant that no crop can be set or when enough weevils are bred in the earlier plantings to destroy adjacent later plantings. A method or precaution may show a practical effect in avoiding weevil dam- age under the ordinary conditions when there is moderate or light infestation of weevils, but the same method may show no advantage in seasons when the weevils come through the winter in large num- bers, as happens occasionally in southern Texas. Though the weevil population is relatively small in the spring, enough weevils may survive the winter to destroy all of the early buds, depending largely upon the weather conditions of the fall, winter, and spring seasons. Thus, in the fall of 1921 the frosts came very late, much of the cotton in northern Texas, as around Greenville, not being killed till the night of December 24, so that the survival of large numbers of weevils could be expected. It is easy to understand that in such years the normal and usual advantages of early fruiting are not realized and that everything may depend upon the opportune occurrence of a period of dry weather in June or July to check the reproduction of the weevils and allow some bolls to set. Even the best methods of handling the crop may fail sometimes if conditions are too adverse or the weevils are abundant early in the season and are not checked by dry weather or by the use of poison. Though experience in Texas has shown that complete destruction of the crop by boll weevils is a rare and local occurrence if reasonable precautions are taken, the possibility of total destruction in excep- tional years has to be recognized and unreasonable panic avoided, or frantic changes of varieties or methods, for worse instead of better. With other crops it is recognized that even the best varieties or the best methods may fail if conditions are too adverse, and cotton is no longer the " sure crop " of preweevil times. No kind of cotton is weevil proof, in the sense of having any complete protection from weevil attack, and no method of handling the crop can assure safety under all conditions, though striking advantages may be shown under ordinary circumstances. Farmers in southern Texas who know how the seasonal conditions fluctuate will the more readily appreciate the difficulties that may be encountered in any particular test or demonstration of methods and the need of observing carefully the behavior of cotton and the extent of weevil injury under different conditions or of trying simple experiments with different spacings to see what can be gained by this means under their local conditions. Even when no effort is made to try ;i formal experiment, significant information may be obtained by careful observation of the behavior of different plantings if the different features and factors of the problem are kept in mind and conclusions not drawn prematurely on the basis of limited experience or flic results of a single comparison. EARLY CROPS FROM SMALL PLANTS. On account of tin; Longer season required and the Later opening of the bolls of Large plants, it is plain (hat the further solution of the problem of avoiding weevil damage does not lie in the direction 12 BULLETIN 1153, TJ. S. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE. of the wider spacing and larger size of the individual plants, but in the opposite direction, of spacing closer in the rows to restrict the- size of the plants and bring them to maturity earlier in the season. Restricting the growth of the plants does not mean that they are to be checked or stunted, for time is lost in starting again when growth has been stopped by any serious setback to the crop. Large plants are more exposed to serious checking by drought or other unfavorable conditions than plants of the medium or small size that are produced by closer spacing. Large plants require more time to set a crop and may fail to open their bolls before frost, while the smaller plants in the same fields may have opened all their bolls. The earlier opening of the bolls of small plants is a fact that most farmers know or can observe readily for themselves, and this is a very important fact in relation to the spacing problem. The damage that the frost does to the bolls of large plants is usually avoidable through cultural control of the size of the plants. Though many special features and local appli- cations of the closer spacing methods remain to be worked out, the need of restricting the growth of the plants as a means of securing earlier and larger crops is widely recognized and frequently dis- cussed in agricultural newspapers. Since the weevils do not breed until there are flower buds to feed upon, the object of cultural expedients is to set a crop as quickly as possible after the flower buds begin to form but before the weevils- have increased to such numbers that all of the buds are infested. Thus, earliness should be measured by the period between the forma- tion of flower buds and the setting of a crop rather than by the date of the first flower or the total number produced. Relatively little damage usually is done to early bolls, as the weevils prefer to feed and lay their eggs in the floral buds, being by habit and preference bud weevils instead of boll weevils. The advantage of producing mairy flowers and setting many bolls in a short space of time does not lie with the large, widely spaced plants, but with the small or medium-sized plants, when adjacent rows of the differ- ent spacings are compared. The large plants may grow much faster, but do not on that account set a crop more rapidly or safely. Even though small plants, standing close together, may not begin to flower quite as early as larger and more widely spaced plants, a distinct advantage of practical earliness may be shown by small plants in being able to set larger numbers of bolls in shorter periods of time and thus make full use of any favorable conditions that may occur. The general rule is that large plants require more time, both for setting and for maturing the crop. Thus, at San Antonio, Tex., in the season of 1914, when the fruiting period was very short, the yields of Acala cotton spaced to 4 inches in the row more than doubled the yields of rows with 2-foot spacing that produced large, spreading plants. In comparisons of 6-inch and 12-inch spacings of Lone Star cotton at San Antonio in 1921, with rows 4 feet apart, even the 6-inch plants grew rather large and produced enough vegetative branches to close the lanes and shade the ground between the rows. The yields of the 6-inch and the 12-inch spacings, compared in alternate 4-row blocks, were nearly equal, although the 6-inch rows were BOLL-WEEVIL COTTON IN TEXAS. 13 thinned a little later than the 12-inch and no doubt were handicapped somewhat by their proximity to 12-inch rows. As already explained, the earlier thinned 12-inch rows, not being restricted like the 6-inch rows, could produce earlier buds and breed more weevils to attack the later thinned rows. At Greenville, Tex., in 1921, unthinned rows with plants averag- ing about 3 inches apart gave the highest yields in a carefully con- ducted test. The next highest yields were from 6-inch rows, and the lowest yields from rows with 12-inch spacing. The 6-inch rows gave an average increase of 18 per cent and the 3-inch rows an average of 25 per cent over the 12-inch rows, as reported by Homer C Mc- Xamara, who conducted the experiment. These results were from repeated comparisons of the different spacings, and all the blocks were thinned on the same day. Moreover, the results were con- sistently in favor of the closer spacings, whether the blocks were treated as wholes or as individual rows. It was noted also that plants with the very close spacing were more slender and erect and grew to a somewhat greater height than those in the 6-inch and 12- inch blocks and that the lanes appeared wider between the close- spaced rows. The season at Greenville was unusually dry and re- stricted the plants to a moderate growth. Placing the rows farther apart should be considered as a measure of safety to avoid the condition of boll- weevil cotton rather than as a way of securing the largest possible yields under the most favor- able conditions. But a general advantage could be claimed for a system that produced better crops under extreme conditions and did not fall seriously behind in ordinary seasons. As Mr. Simpson ob- serves, in the San Antonio district many farmers in the drier parts have more land than they cultivate, so that the chief object in cultural methods is to produce a given quantity of cotton at the smallest labor cost rather than to secure the highest yield per acre,_ if this should require more labor. Reducing the number of rows might save labor in dry regions where the weed problem is less serious. If a simplified method should enable larger areas to be handled at the same labor cost and larger yields secured in this way, the farmer would have an advantage, although the yields per acre might be less. Experiments were conducted at San Antonio in 1915, 1916, and 1917, with plants spaced to about 6 inches in rows 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 feet apart. The yields of the rows gave very definite increases with the greater width of lanes. In 1915 the increased yields of the widely separated rows, including those that were 6 and 7 feet apart, were sufficient to equalize the yield per acre with the closer rows. In the two succeeding years the larger yields were with rows closer to- gether, bui the differences of labor cost were not reckoned. Undoubtedly the possibilities of semiring advantages from dry weather arc greater in Texas than farmer east, so that the spacing problems are different. Along the; northern rim of the Cotton Belt, where the seasons are shori and flip weather seldom is dry enough fo Mop ihe multiplication of the weevils, no advantage would be ex- pected from placing the rows farther apart. Very large yields, 2 bales or more per acre, are reported by W. 0. Bailey at Covington, Term., with rows only 2 feet apart and the plants only ?> or 4 inches i.part, in the rows. Such :i field was visit ed by Robert li. Taylor, of the Bureau of 1'lant Industry, and photographs were taken (PI. IV). 14 BULLETIN 1153, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. In a 100-foot section of a row 312 plants were counted by Mr. Taylorl with a total of 752 bolls, or only two or three bolls per plant, on the average, but yielding at the rate of about 2,100 pounds of seed cot- ton per acre. Further tests must determine whether this extreme method of close spacing can be used to general advantage in Ten- nessee or elsewhere. But Mr. Bailey's experiment is of interest as showing the range of possibilities that must be taken into account to meet the requirements of different local and seasonal conditions. Very high yields were obtained from a one-fourth-acre plat of Pima (Egyptian) cotton grown at Sacaton, Ariz., in 1918, with the rows 2J feet apart and the plants spaced to about 4 inches; but repetition of this experiment in 1920 and 1921 gave different results. In 1920 there were no heavy summer rains, so that it was possible to control the growth of the plants by careful irrigation, while in 1921 such control was not possible, owing to heavy rainfall in July and August. With too much moisture and rank growth, the plants became tall and spindling, and the yield was reduced to a rate of 1,148 pounds per acre, in comparison with 2,113 pounds in 1920 and 3,136 pounds in 1918. Several of the wider spacings in 1921 yielded more than the very close rows ; hence it would have been very un- fortunate if the farmers had been advised to plant their cotton 2£ feet apart because this arrangement gave the highest yield in 1918. LATE THINNING TO SUPPRESS VEGETATIVE BRANCHES. For close spacing to be practicable the vegetative branches or secondary stalks should be suppressed, so that the plants have only the single main stalk. Injurious crowding results if many vegeta- tive branches are produced on plants that stand close together. Even at 12, 15, or 18 inches apart the plants may be too crowded if there are many vegetative branches, more crowded, in fact, than single- stalk plants with 6-inch or 3-inch spacing. The development of vegetative branches is influenced, of course, by the weather and the soil conditions as well as by the spacing. With rich soil and hot weather there is danger of producing too many vegetative branches if the plants are thinned early and left more than 6 inches apart. It has been supposed that cotton should be thinned as early as possible, to make the plants stocky and spreading, after the analogy of trees; but such plants are more likely to produce vegetative branches than to mature an early crop of bolls. Very early thin- ning of cotton is often detrimental on account of greater exposure of the young seedlings to dry winds, blowing sand, and cutworms or other pests, so that the stand may be lost or seriously reduced.' Very late thinning is also distinctly detrimental when the plants are checked and made too spindling. Fruiting branches on the lower joints of the main stalk, as well as vegetative branches, may be sup- pressed if the stand is thick &ad thinning is deferred too long. Hence it is important not to thif?too early or too late, but to adapt the time of thinning to the needs of the particular case as deter- mined by the conditions of the plants and the width of spacing to be used, if that has been decided beforehand. Between the extremes of early and of late thinning an exercise of practical judgment is possible if the factors of the spacing problem are clearly understood. BOLL- WEEVIL COTTON IN TEXAS. 15 The precaution of thinning rather late, when the plants are from 6 to 10 inches tall, is in order when conditions favor luxuriant growth and the farmer wishes to use rather wide spacing, 10 to 12 inches or more. This tends to suppress the vegetative branches and to reduce the risk of injurious crowding later in the season. If close spacing is to be used, 8 inches or less in the rows, or if two plants are left in a hill with 10-inch, 12-inch, or 15-inch spacings, there is no object to gain by deferred thinning, since the vegetative branches are not likely to be troublesome with such close spacings under nor- mal conditions that do not force rank vegetative growth of the plants. The possibility of suppressing the vegetative branches and the importance of doing so were recognized first in Arizona, in con- nection with Egyptian cotton, which often grows too rank, so that the vegetative branches are recognized as a distinct menace to the crop, even to the extent that some farmers have considered it worth while to cut off the vegetative branches in order to keep the lanes open. Close-spaced plants may grow too tall and become too spindling if the conditions are such that an excess of vegetative growth can not be avoided, but if single-stalk plants can not be grown to advantage the results are worse with large, spreading plants. Some lands are too rich and moist to raise cotton to the best advantage. Even though large crops may be produced in favorable seasons, there may be complete failures in other years, and the planting of cotton is not justified where failures are too frequent. Since the use of deferred thinning is only to suppress the vegeta- tive branches under conditions of too luxuriant growth, where the production of many vegetative branches is a danger to the crop, it is a mistake to extend this precaution to other conditions where no restriction of the growth of the plants is needed. Good understand- ing and practical judgment of spacing questions are not to be ex- pected unless the vegetative branches are taken into account. If plants that are spaced, for example, at 12 inches develop many vege- tative branches, they become too crowded, and the lanes are closed between the rows, so that the yield may be smaller than with plants of the same general size and number of vegetative branches but spaced farther apart. Though most of the experiments reported in former years show larger yields for 12 inches than for wider spac- ings, cases probably occurred where early-thinned plants produced vegetative branches and became too crowded at 12 inches, while the wider spacings with more room could produce bolls on secondary fruit- ing branches when the period of setting the crop was longer, before the boll weevils came. Such cases of larger yields secured occasionally from 16-inch or 18-inch spacings would explain why 12 inches was looked upon as the practical minimum of close spacing before the existence of the two distinct kinds of branches and the possibility of 5WppreSsing the vegetative branches were recognized.8 CLOSE SPACING NECESSARY WITH LATE THINNING. Ap;iit from (he intentional HW of kite thinning to suppress vege- tative branches under conditions thaj require this precaution, the 'Cook, O. I'. Dimorphic branchcH In tropical crop jibinlH: Cotton, coffee, cacao, the Central American rubber tree, ;">cpt. Agx., nor. Plant Indus. Bol. l»8, 04 p., U flg., 7 pi. 101 l. 16 BULLETIN 1153, TJ. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. question of late thinning may be forced upon the farmer by bad weather or other accidents that not infrequently interfere with the work of thinning at the stage that he prefers. Too much rain, pres- sure of other farm work, or inability to obtain enough labor for chopping at the proper time may bring the farmer to the necessity of thinning his cotton late and still getting as large a crop as possible. In such cases it is important to know that wide spacing is not ad- visable and often is positively injurious to cotton that is thinned late. Late-planted cotton often shoots up rapidly to a height of a foot or more before it can be chopped, and then a serious injury may be done if the plants are spaced more than a few inches apart. Many farmers suppose that such fields, because of the tendency to rank growth in late plantings, should have wider spacing than cotton that is planted and thinned early, but the practical need is to restrict the growth and get a crop of bolls set as early as possible, especially under weevil conditions. If the cotton is thinned late, so that the vegetative branches are suppressed, the plants need not be more than 6 inches apart in the rows, and the largest yields are likely to be secured from still closer spacing. As a general principle or rule, the longer thinning is deferred the less thinning should be done. If the plants do not average less than 2 or 3 inches apart in the row, little or no advantage in yield should be expected from thinning. Farmers who consider this too unrea- sonable should at least try the experiment for themselves, since this can be done with no expense or trouble by the simple expedient of leaving some of their cotton without thinning when the stands are not too heavy. Of course, good results are secured very often with early thinning and wide spacing under the conditions of moderate growth that are more likely to be encountered early in the season. Early planting is the more necessary to insure good results with wide spacing, while with late-planted cotton the precaution of closer spacing is the more necessary, to avoid the production of large late-maturing plants, which is the normal tendency of rank growth. If late cotton is spaced widely and allowed to grow large, the prospects always are poor, especially under weevil conditions, but the chances of a crop are greatly improved by leaving the plants closer together. Late plantings are not advisable, of course, and usually suffer much worse from the weevils, especially if they are close to early plantings that breed weevils in advance. But late plantings may be the only chance of a crop if early plantings are destroyed by bad weather or other accidents, and an opportune period of dry weather, by checking the weevils at the right time and restricting the growth of the plants, may allow a late planting to set a good crop. In some cases early plantings have been outgrown and outyielded by later plantings in adjacent rows. This is explained by the checking and stunting of the young plants by exposure to long periods of cold weather or other unfavorable conditions early in the season, while the later plantings have more uniformly favorable conditions. CONCLUSIONS. The expression "boll- weevil cotton" is used in Texas to describe an abnormal luxuriance of the plants induced by the boll weevil. In years when the weevils are abundant early in the season and BOLL-WEEVIL COTTON IN TEXAS. 17 most of the flower buds are destroyed, the plants grow more vigor- ously, attain a larger size, and show a deeper green color than in normally productive fields. Large numbers of sterile, defective in- volucres, lacking the essential organs of normal cotton flowers, are produced on boll-weevil cotton in the latter part of the season. As a result of the more luxuriant growth of boll-weevil cotton, the fields are soon covered with a dense mass of foliage, the lanes are closed between the rows, and the ground is shaded continuously. Under such conditions the weevils breed in large numbers and there is no prospect of producing a crop. Weevil larvae in fallen buds are protected by the shade of the overgrown plants instead of being killed by exposure to heat and dryness. Seasonal conditions at San Antonio, Tex., in 1921, afforded defi- nite contrasts and illustrations of the limiting factors of cotton pro- duction in the presence of the boll weevil. The insects were so abundant that most of the flower buds were destroyed, though other conditions were favorable for the growth of the plants and the pro- duction of a large crop of cotton. After the plants had grown large and reached the condition of boll-weevil cotton, the heavy foliage and continuous shading of the ground protected the weevils, even during dry weather. Thus, the normal advantages of dry weather in restricting weevil injury were completely lost in the fields of boll-weevil cotton, and very few bolls were produced. But many late-season bolls were matured on indi- vidual plants and open rows that stood apart, even for a few feet, from the boll-weevil cotton. The behavior of well-fruited open plants, contrasting with that of sterile crowded plants, shows the necessity of avoiding the rank growth and dense shade conditions of the boll-weevil fields. The setting of many late bolls on exposed individual plants and open rows of cotton shows how strictly the insects, during periods of dry weather, are dependent upon the protection afforded by the boll- weevil cotton and teaches the necessity of avoiding the rank growth and continuous shading of the fields. The advantage of cultural methods that will keep the lanes open between the rows is clearly indicated. Wider separation of the rows, combined with closer spacing of the plants in the row, is a way of restricting the size of the individual plants, keeping the lanes open between the rows, and avoiding the adverse condition of boll-weevil cotton. Experiments have shown that wider rows with closer spacing of plants in the rows is a prac- ticable method of culture and likely to have advantages in dry sea- sons as well as in years of boll-weevil cotton. Though further tests and experiments are needed to determine the best arrangements of rows under different local conditions, the indications are that the rows should not be less than 4 feet apart and the plants should not be more than 0 inches apart in the rows to give the best assurance of suppressing the secondary stalks, keep- ing the lanes open between the rows, and avoiding boll-weevil cot- ton. As an emergency measure, in the absence of other precautions in spacing, the cutting out of alternate rows might be advisable as a means of avoiding the condition of boll-weevil cotton, as shown 18 BULLETIN 1153, U. S. DEPARTMENT Oi AGRICULTURE. by the higher yields of the open rows and exposed plants that con- tinued to set bolls late in the season in the San Antonio experiments of 1921. Where close spacing is used, 6 inches or less, the vegetative branches, or secondary stalks, are likely to be suppressed without the further precaution of deferred thinning that may be required with the wider spacing of the plants, to 10 or 12 inches. The use of deferred thinning is to suppress vegetative branches under conditions of very luxuriant growth, but under ordinary conditions thinning should be done when the plants are 5 or 6 inches high. Several experi- ments have been reported where the largest yields were from rows that were not thinned. If thinning is deferred longer than neces- sary some of the lower fruiting branches as well as the vegetative branches are likely to be suppressed. A special need of close spac- ing is to be recognized with cotton that is planted late or where thinning has been deferred till the plants are 10 inches or a foot high. No thinning may be necessary with open or scattering stands where plants do not average less than 2 or 3 inches apart in the row. • LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ON WEEVIL RESISTANCE AND CLOSE SPACING OF COTTON. Cook, O. F. 1904. Evolution of weevil-resistance in cotton. In Science, n. s., v. 20, p. 666-670. 1906. Weevil-resisting adaptations of the cotton plant. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. Bui. 88, 87 p., 10 pi. , McLachlan, Argyle, and Meade, Rowland M. 1909. A study of diversity in Egyptian cotton. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. Bui. 156, 60 p., 6 pi. Cook, O. F. 1909. Local adjustment of cotton varieties. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. Bui. 159, 75 p. 1911. Dimorphic branches in tropical crop plants : Cotton, coffee, cacao, the Central American rubber tree, and the banana. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. Bui. 198, 64 p., 9 fig., 7 pi. 1911. Relation of drought to weevil resistance in cotton. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. Bui. 220, 30 p. 1912. Cotton improvement on a community basis. In U. S. Dept. Agr. * Yearbook, 1911, p. 397-410. 1912. Results of cotton experiments in 1911. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. Circ. 96, 21 p. McLachlan, Argyxe. 1912. The branching habits of Egyptian cotton. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. Bui. 249, 28 p., 1 fig., 3 pi. Cook, O. F. 1912. Cotton improvement under weevil conditions. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers' Bui. 501, 22 p. 1913. Morphology of cotton branches. In U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. Circ. 109, p. 11-16. 1913. A new system of cotton culture. In U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. Circ. 115, p. 15-22. 1913. The abortion of fruiting branches in cotton. In U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. Cird. 118, p. 11-16 1913. Cotton problems in Louisiana. In U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. Circ. 130, p. 3-14. 1914. A new system of cotton culture and its application. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers' Bui. 601, 12 p., 2 figs. 1914. New factors in cotton culture. In Bui. Georgia State Col. Agr., v. 2, no. 12, p. 115-126, 3 fig. 1914. Single-stalk cotton culture. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus. .Misc. Pub. 1130, 11 p., 12 fig. MEADE, Rowland M. 1915. Single-stalk cotton culture at San Antonio. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bui. i^7!t, 20 p., 3 fig., 6 j)l. Cardon, P. V. 1918. Kxpcrirnents with singlc-slalk cotton culture in Louisiana, Arkansas, and North Carolina. IJ. S. Dept. Agr. I'.nl. 526, :'.1 p. 19 20 BULLETIN 1153, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Aybes, W. E. 1919. Cultural experiments with cotton — 1918. Ark. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 161, 15 p., illus. % Cook, O. F. 1919. Experiments in spacing cotton. In Jour. Amer. Soc. Agron., v. 11, p. 299-303. 1920. Cotton a community crop. In Jour. Heredity, v. 11, p. 174-177. Walker, G. B., and Ayees, W. E. 1921. Cultural experiments with cotton. Miss. Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. 35, 4 p. Anonymous. 1921. Shall we adopt thick spacing? Farmers give thick spacing a try out. In Progressive Farmer, Raleigh ed., v. 36, no. 14, p. 1, 7. Also in Ga.-Ala. ed., v. 36, no. 14, p. 1, 7. 1921. What distance between cotton plants? In Okla. Farmer, v. 31, no. 11. p. 5, 15. Ulm, Aaron Hardy. 1921. Plant crowding defeats boll weevil. In Farming, v. 2, p. 41-44, illus. Cates, J. Sidney. 1922. A revolution in cotton planting. In Country Gentleman, v. 87, no. 7, p. 6, 40, illus. Knapp, Bradford. 1922. Production of cotton under boll-weevil conditions. Col. Agr., Univ. Ark. Ext. Serv. Circ. 128, 12 p. Bryan, A. B. 1922. Thick spacing of cotton pays. In Progressive Farmer, Raleigh ed., v. 37, no. 15, p. 6. Bishop, George. 1922. Cotton thick in the row. In Okla. Farmer, v. 32, no. 8, p. 13. Brown, H. B. 1923. Cotton Spacing. Miss. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 212.4 * This recent publication contains an interesting summary of experimental data on close spacing and emphasizes the importance of not going to extremes in late thinning, which is possible through a misunderstanding of the single-stalk system. The author concludes as follows : " We believe that cotton plants should be thinned as early as it is safe to do so— that is, as soon as the danger of losing a stand from cold weather, damping-off fungi, etc., has passed and before the plants are stunted by undue crowding." This is a good statement of the rule that should be followed, since it avoids the other extreme of thinning cotton too early, " as soon as it comes to a stand," which is fre- quently advised. The full advantage of the single-stalk system is not gained if the plants are allowed to become stunted or spindling, as happens with thick stands that are left too long before thinning. Specially delayed thinning is in order only where it is necessary to suppress vegetative branches. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C AT 5 CENTS PER COPY Subscription Price, 80 Cents Per Year PURCHASER AGREES NOT TO RESELL OR DISTRIBUTE THIS COPY FOR PROFIT. — PUB. RES. 57, APPROVED MAY 11, 1922 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGR DEPARTMENT BULLETIN No. 1154 Washington, D. C. April 30, 1923 FEEDING HABITS OF THE JAPANESE BEETLE1 WHICH INFLUENCE ITS CONTROL.2 By Loren B. Smith, Entomologist, Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations, Bureau of Entomology. CONTENTS. Difficulty of controlling the Japanese beetle. . 1 Feeding habits of the Japanese beetle 2 Movements of the beetles in relation to their food plants 4 The process of infestation 4 Page. Proportion of sexes on various types of food plants 5 Rate at which the beetles feed 7 Summary 10 DIFFICULTY OF CONTROLLING THE JAPANESE BEETLE. Serious difficulties have been encountered in attempting to control the Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica Newm.) by the application of poisonous materials to its food plants.3 Observations made during the season of 1921 indicate that the habits of the beetle, together with its response to environmental conditions, account in a measure for the lack of success in previously conducted spraying operations. The im- portance of controlling this new pest makes it advisable to bring together certain available information relative to the habits of the beetle which may have a more or less direct bearing on its control by sprays. With a phytophagous insect such as the Japanese beetle it is essen- tial that an insecticide be obtained which will be eaten by the beetles and cause their death. While arsenical sprays, which in this case act as repellents, will protect certain crops from the attacks of the beetles, this does not solve the problem of keeping the insect in check by re- ducing its numbers, nor does it protect those crops which it is im- practicable to spray either for mechanical reasons or because of like- lihood of injuring the foliage. It has been observed that commercial lead arsenate applied to fruit or shade trees kills a small number of 1 PopiUia faponica Newm. J Submitted for publication Dec. 12, 1922. The work reported herein was dpne at the Japanese Beetle Rlverton, N.J., in cooperation with the department of agriculture of New Jersey. The writer dgethi a 1 tance of Harry H. Pratt on this project during the season of 1921. Credit is : '•■ B. R. Leach, who has been In charge of the Insecticldal investigations at the Japanese Beetle Laboratory on the ohemlcal phases of the problem led tD the biological of iVhich iin Is a part. • Davl ,3.1. in Jour, ol Eeon. Ent., v. (3, p. 188. April, i!J20. 32006 2» -Hull. 1164 2 BULLETIN" 1154, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. the beetles and greatly reduces or on occasion entirely prevents sub- sequent reinfestation. If adjacent unprotected crops are in a suitable condition for the beetles to feed upon, it is reasonable to suppose that the infestation of these would be somewhat increased owing to the fact that a portion of the normal feeding area of the beetles was ren- dered distasteful by the spray. The increase in degree of infestation might or might not be in proportion to the reduction in infestation on the sprayed foliage. The writer and other workers have noted that under conditions favorable for activity among the beetles the degree of infestation increases in a somewhat direct proportion to the number of beetles on the plant. In other words, there is a gregarious instinct which attracts the insects to plants on which other individuals of the same species are feeding. Since this beetle has a wide range of food plants, is an active and strong flier, and is decidedly gregarious, the need for detailed studies of its biological relationships is apparent. FEEDING HABITS OF THE JAPANESE BEETLE. Regarding its food habits, the Japanese beetle may properly be termed polyphagous, having been recorded as attacking 210 species of plants, which are distributed among 59 families. In the past certain species more than others have been injured by the beetles. Among the cultivated crops may be mentioned apple (Pyrus malus), peach (Amygdalus persica), grape (Vitis spp.), cherry (Prunus spp.), corn (Zea mays), and string bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Shade trees, such as elm ( Ulmus spp.), oak (Quercus spp.), and willow (Salix spp.), are usually preferred food plants, while smartweed (Polygonum spp.), evening primrose (Oenothera biennis), sassafras (Sassafras sassafras), and elder (Sambucus canadensis) represent the herbaceous plants and shrubs. The beetles do not feed consistently on plants of any one type, hence a general statement that one particular species is preferred can not be made. Almost no plants, excepting certain conifers, are exempt from attack between June and November when the beetles are present. At times they will be found abundantly on low-growing plants such as alsike clover (Trifolium Tiybridum), white clover (T. repens), violet (Viola spp.), or galinsoga (Galinsoga spp.), or they may feed on the taller shade trees. It was first believed that the succulency of the leaves influenced the insects to a great extent in the selection of their food plants. Later observations indicate that this in itself is not the determining factor in the apparent prefer- ence shown for certain species. During the period between June 18 and June 30, 1921, a 2-year-old peach orchard became infested and the foliage on the mature wood was eaten first; in all about 30 per cent of the leaves were injured by the feeding of the insects. Between the 8th and the 12th of July, when the abundance of the beetles was at its height, they left these peach trees for other food plants. These particular peach trees were not reinfested during the season, although a sour cherry orchard adjacent to the peaches was more or less heavily infested from June to October. Similar facts were noted in a bearing peach orchard about 100 yards from the young orchard mentioned, except that the beetles did not leave until August. A large patch of smartweed, near the center of the area in which this insect is most abundant, became infested June 17, 1921. By July 1 hundreds of beetles were present on the plants each day. On FEEDING HABITS OF THE JAPANESE BEETLE. 3 July 10 it was noted that the beetles were less abundant, although there was still plenty of foliage upon which they could feed. By July 12 only 6 beetles were left on this particular patch of smartweed; 5 of these were males and 1 a female. Thereafter the infestation noted on these plants was as follows: July 13, 2 males; July 14, 7 males; July 15, none: July 16, none; July 19, at 9 a. m., 3 males, at 3.30 p. m., 7 males; July 20, at 9.30 a. m., 3 females and 10 males, at 11.30 a. m., 12 females and 22 males, and by 2 p. m. the plants were heavily infested. One hundred and twenty beetles were col- lected at random from these plants, and of these 52 were females and 68 males. This patch of smartweed remained infested until after September 15. Similar instances were noted on sassafras and on Yellow Transparent apples. The beetles are strongly attracted to ripening fruit, and early apples and peaches may suffer severe injury from the depredations of the insects. So numerous do the beetles become at times that individual fruits, especially where they have ripened prematurely, will be completely covered by a swarming mass of the insects. It has also been noted that the foliage of those varieties which ripen early in the season is more severely injured than that of the so-called late varieties. It is possible that this may be due in a measure to the attraction of the beetles by the color of the fruit rather than to a preference for the foliage of the early varieties. This is indicated by the fact that the insects are gregarious and usually will alight on those plants where beetles are already present. No apples have been observed to be severely attacked early in the season and it is only after some of the fruits have partially ripened, either prematurely through disease or otherwise, that the heavy infestations of apples occur. Peaches affected with brown-rot, caused by Sclerotinia fructigena (Pers.) Schr., are particularly attractive to the beetles. It is probable that later experiments will show that these insects may cause serious losses through the dissemination of this fungus from diseased to healthy fruit. Throughout the season when the beetles are present they may be found at any time on a large number of plant species. In general, however, during the season of 1921 the beetles showed a tendency to be more abundant on weeds, sassafras, elder, sweet cherries, and grapes during the early part of the season. By midsummer fruit and shade trees were more heavily infested, while during August and September heavy infestations were confined to corn, beans, clover, and various plants in bloom at that time. The developing ears of corn were particularly attractive to the beetles and as many as 27 beetles were taken from a single ear. Moore and Cole have shown 4 that the beetles are positively photo- tropic and their results arc borne out by the fact that on apples, eherries, grapes, and shade trees most of the feeding is done on the foliage which is exposed to the direct rays of the sun. The beetles rarely feed early in the season on the peach leaves borne on new wood. As the season progresses* however, they feed more or less generally on the mature foliage, [t is of interest to aote that on the majority of i heir food plants the beetles feed on the uppei surface of I tie leayesj but on peaches they often feed from the under side. < Moore ,\. i; an'l Cole, \v. in 'i Ik- response of Popillia fapoi lea to light and the Weber- Kcchner law. In lour. Gen. Physiology, v. 3, no. :;, p. 33] 336, fig. 1. 1921. 4 BULLETIN 1154, IT. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. MOVEMENTS OF THE BEETLES IN RELATION TO THEIR FOOD PLANTS. Moore and Cole 3 state that "below 23° C. the beetles are generally inactive; 38-39° C. is optimum for their activity, while above 40° C, injurious effects are apparent. At 45° C. activity ceases quickly and permanently. Under the ruby light and in the dark most of the beetles become quiet." These observations are substantiated by the general increase in activity of the beetles during the day until 2 or 3 p. m., after which their activity decreases until dark, when flight ceases. The females deposit their eggs in the soil, and the egg-laying period extends over a period of from two to four weeks. In a large majority of cases the females enter the soil late in the afternoon and remain there until the following morning. During this time they deposit from 1 to 5 eggs. In cages females occasionally remained in the soil for 2, 3, or in some cases 4 days, although a large number of individuals usually spent 10 to 15 hours out of the 24 hours in the soil, and during this time an average number of 3 eggs were laid. Nearly all the females under observation entered the soil late in the day, although in many cases eggs were laid only every third or fourth night. This is evidently what occurs under natural conditions, since numerous collections show that the proportion of females to males on the food plants is lowest between 7 p. m. and 7 a. m. Mating may occur several times each day throughout the egg-laying period. There is a distinct movement of the males toward those plants on which the females are feeding. On clear days, between 8 and 9 a. m., numerous males can be observed flying low over the ground in search of emerging females. During the early part of the day this tends to concentrate the beetles on low-growing plants such as smartweed, beans, and various weeds. THE PROCESS OF INFESTATION. Mating and feeding more or less intermittently, there is a considerable movement of the beetles from plant to plant during the day. A female beetle on a plant will quickly attract many males, and, owing to the gregarious nature of this species, other females as well. As has been stated, the males become active and are flying in the morning before the majority of the females have emerged from the soil. During this period the male beetles feed erratically and for short periods on a large variety of plants. Later in the day, as the number of females in flight increases, the males usually select a plant on which one or more beetles are present. Between July 10 and July 20 observations were made on five 2- year-old peach trees, 3 grapevines, 5 small sour cherry trees, 1 sassa- fras shrub, 5 plants of field corn, and 1 apple tree. Without dis- turbing the insects, the sex of the first 10 beetles to arrive on the plants was noted. When the observations were begun, the plants were uninfested. After becoming infested, the plants on which these observations were made remained infested throughout the day, and the beetles included in the following data represent the first 10 of an infestation which lasted at least one day: = Op. eit.,p.331. FEEDING HABITS OP THE JAPANESE BEETLE. 5 Table 1. — Sex of the first 10 Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica) to infest food plants between 7.45 and 9 a.m., July 10 to 20, 1921, Riverton, N. J. Food plants. Peach Do Do Do Do Sour cherry Do Do Do Do Sassafras Corn Do Do Do Do Grape Do Do Apple , Total females.... Per cent females Sex of first 10 beetles to arrive. 123456789 10 3856 10 648 11 6 15 40 25 30 50 30 20 40 55 30 Number of 67 33.5 There were only three females among the first beetles to arrive on the 20 different plants under observation. Of the second beetles to arrive on the plants, 8, or 40 per cent, were females. Of the third beetles, 25 per cent were females. The proportion of females among the 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 beetles was 30, 50, 30, 20, 40, 55, and 30 per cent, respectively. There were not less than 2 or more than 5 females among the first 10 to arrive on any one plant. Data reported under the next heading indicate that the percentage of female beetles on similar plants during the hours when these observa- tions were made is between 20 and 30 per cent. Therefore, the chances are about 1 to 4 or 5 that, on a numerical basis, female beetles will be the first to infest or reinfest a food plant. On the basis of the data collected, one sex is as likely as the other to begin a new infestation, providing there are equal numbers of both sexes flying at the time. PROPORTION OF SEXES ON VARIOUS TYPES OF FOOD PLANTS. Collections of beetles were made in July and August at hourly intervals during the day from several different food plants. Apple trees were selected as representing the taller type of plants; corn, grapes, and althea or rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus), those of medium height; and smartweed, evening primrose, mercury weed, and the velvet-leaved mallow, those with low-growing habits. A col- lection of between 100 and 125 beetles was made at random from the plants at each hour. The collections were kept in separate bottles and were later sorted and the sex determined. Figures 1, 2, and 3 illustrate graphically the percentages of female beetles obtained in these collections. In Figure 1 are shown the percentages of fomalo booties in two series of hourly collections botweon 7 a. m. and 8 p. m. from smart - 32095—23 2 BULLETIN 1154, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ,'' "~/ s— s ■-^ "" *< -- *-«.^ SB ?/£ ?£* — "/ •j" ^* ,*. St 7?/i ~S 2 /2 / 2 3 4 T/AfE OE COLLECT/O/V <5 6 /PA/. weed and other low-growing plants. These collections were made August 18 to 24, 1921. Between 7 and 10 o'clock in the morning the females constitute between 20 and 32 per cent of the beetles present on the plants. There is a gradual increase in the percentage of females until it reaches nearly 40 per cent in the 1 o'clock collec- tion. This proportion is not increased, nor does it fall below 30 per ^20 S 7 a & /o // ^ /9.M FIG. 1. — Per cent of female beetles in collections of Japanese beetles from smartweed, mercury weed, evening primrose, and mallow, August 18 to 24, 1921, at Riverton, N. J. cent until after 6 p. m. In the evening the females constitute about 25 per cent of the beetles on the plants, which is nearly the same proportion found early in the morning. In Figure 2 are shown the percentages of females in two series of collections, one of which was made from field corn July 18, and the other from grape and althea between August 22 and August 24, P |: ^20 k k/O $ ° k FiQ. 2.— Per cent of female beetles in collections of Japanesejbeetles from corn, July 18, and from grape and rose of Sharon, August 22 to 24, 1921, at Riverton, N. J. 1921. In the collections made from corn before 8 a. m. and after 6 p. m. the females constituted less than 20 per cent of the total number of beetles. Between 11 a. m. and 1 p. m. the proportion of females to males was highest. In the 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock collections over 40 per cent of the beetles were females. On grapes the percentage of the beetles which were females is less than 20 per cent in the collection made before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m., and it varies between 30 and 40 per cent in the collections made between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. 1 1 1 1 1 1 L_ kw / m t/ha/. f. s /, K • Sc ,,' \ X M/SCEL 1 #/V£OUK -COLL£CT/OA/S 0/ "**'s S > x / -/? x, i / Of S/V&&OA/. **« »£ * * ? t s > A t > 'ci / '/£"' Of > /Os i5 V ? 4 / p,\, 7 8 FEEDING HABITS OF THE JAPANESE BEETLE. 7 Figure 3 is a graphic representation of the percentages of females in two series of collections made from Yellow Transparent apple trees July 18, 1921. The two curves follow much the same course and can be considered together. The first collection was made at 5 a. m. and the last at 9 p. m. (though the curve ends with the 7 o'clock collection). Until after 8 a. m. less than 20 per cent of the beetles collected were females. During the forenoon there is a decided increase in the proportion of females collected. Between 10.30 a. m. and 2 p. m. from 40 to 47 per cent of the beetles collected were females. From 2 to 4 o'clock the percentage of females decreases to about 20 per cent. Only 15 to 20 per cent of the beetles collected between 5 and 9 p. m. were females. Tall-growing herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees are much less heavily infested with the beetles between 4 p. m. and 9 a. m. than they are during the middle of the day. From the data presented in Figures 1, 2, and 3 it is evident that toward evening there is a more or \so \40 8 $ O * -" \ \ \ .' ' *'* y \ s /•/ 1 >0.5 5.0 Q.94 >0.5 >0.5 ±0.93 >1.0 >1.0 2 ±15 >2 2.0 2.0 >1.0 >0.5 >0.8 3.5 Grams per 100 cc. 25-30 ALKALOIDS. Quinine (applied as hydrochloride) 3. Cocaine (applied as hydrochloride) 3. Hyoscyamine (applied as sulphate) 3. Pilocarpine hydrochloride 3 Aconitine (apphed as sulphate) 3 Coniine hydrochloride. Codeine sulphate Brucine (applied as sulphate) 5 Narcotine (applied as sulphate) 5... Strychnine sulphate 3 Cinchonine (applied as sulphate) 3 . Cinchonidine (applied as sulphate) Quinidine (apphed as sulphate) ». . . Curare Caffeine Nicotine Nicotine sulphate Atropine sulphate Hexahydromcotine 1 0.2 } >i< 1 0-2 > >i* 0.4 >0.4« 0.5 >0.5 0.5 >0.5< 0.5 1 0.12 \ >0.5 0.06 1 0.5 0.12 } >0.5 0.5 0.12 } >0.5< 0.5 >0.5< 0.5 >0.5 0.5 >0.5< 0.5 >0.5< 0.5 >0.5< 0.5 >0.5 0.5 >0.5 n 0.007 C1) 0.009 C1) 5 C1) 0.6 1 Many concentrations tested. 5 Saturated solution. 3 Capryl alcohol used as spreader. 4 Figures refer to free base. 6 1 per cent amyl alcohol spreader. STUDIES ON CONTACT INSECTICIDES. Table 1. — Results of spraying Aphis rumicis with organic compounds — Continued. AMINES, AMIDES, IMIDES, ORGANIC AMMONIUM COMPOUNDS, ETC. Compound. Concentra- tions tested. Minimum toxic con- centrations, Tolerance of plant. Methylamine hydrochloride Trimethylamine hydrochloride Tetramethylammonium chloride Diethylamine Triethylamine Triethylamine hydrochloride i Tetraethylammonium chloride Tetrapropylanrm onium hydroxide Isobutylamine Diamylamine Triacetonamine (crude) Hexamethylenetetramine Formamide Dicyandiamide Choline hydrochloride Betaine hydrochloride Nitroguanidine Succinimide , Aniline Benzylamine Benzidine hydrochloride 3 Metaphenylenediamine hydrochloride Paraphenylenediamine Phthalimidine • Camphylamine Tetrahydro-beta-naphthylamine hydrochloride Grams per 100 cc. (l) C1) G) 2 (6) 0) M C1) l l l 10 7 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0) 1 1 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.1 1 0.5 1 0.5 Grams per 100 cc. 3 0.5 0.35 >2 >15 3 3.5 3 >1 ±1 >1 ► 7-10 >1 >1 >1 >1 >1 \ >1 15 3 >1 >1 \ >0.5 \ >0.5 r >i k >i Grams per 100 cc. 0.3-0.5 0.4 0.3-0.5 <2 ? <1 0.1-0.3 <0.1 <1 <1 <1 >1 >1 <1 <1 >1 0.5-1 <1 1 <1 <1 0. 1-0. 5 0.1-0.5 <0.5 ±0.5 ALDEHYDES, KETONES, AND ALLIED COMPOUNDS. Paraldehyde Aldehyde ammonia. Acetal Chloral hydrate , Furfural Benzaldehyde Acetone Methyl-ethyl ketone <10 ? <50 <2.5 ? 1-1 50-75 20-30 ALCOHOLS. Methyl alcohol.. Ethyl alcohol... n-Propyl alcohol n-Butyl alcohol.. Capryl alcohol.. Tso-arnyl alcohol Benzyl alcohol.. Furfuryl alcohol 1 Many concentrations tested. * f.'aprvl alcohol used as spreader. * Many concentrations tested up to 15 grams per i')') cuhifjcontlmotord. 7 Capryl alcohol as spreader in some experiment;, joap in others. * Pore liquid kiiid less than 0.0 per cent. * Pure liquid produced slight burn. (•) 67-70 50 <30 <3 ±10 <2 2-20 BULLETIN 1160, U. S. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE. Table 1. — Results of spraying Aphis rumicis with organic compounds — Continued. PHENOLS AND ALLIED COMPOUNDS. Compound. Concentra- tions tested. Minimum toxic con- centrations, Tolerance of plant. P.). Phenol. Cresol (U. S. Resorcinol. Phloroglueinol Pyrogallol Cyelohexanol Terpineol Safrol Sodium dioxynitrosobenzene. Grams per 100 cc. ■ C1) C1) 0) C1) Grams per 100 cc. 5.5 1.5 5.5 >1 15 >1 >1 >1 >1 Grams per 100 cc. <2 0.1-O.5 <3 >1 <1 >1 12 <2.5 5 <1 >1 <1 5 1 ORGANIC ACIDS AND THEIR SALTS. Cyanacetic acid (applied as the ammonium salt). a-Naphthol, 1, 3, 6, 8-trisulphonic acid a-Naphthol disulphonic acid 1,3,6 1, 8-aminonaphthol, 3, 6-disulphonic acid 3 Sodium 0-Naphthol sulphonie acid 2,6 Sodium /3-Naphthol disulphonic acid 2, 6, 8 Sodium naphthionate Camphoric acid (applied as the ammonium salt). Sodium phenol sulphonate (U. S. P.) Cyanuric acid (applied as the ammonium salt). Cacodylic acid 3 Sodium salicylate Sodium benzoate Picric acid Fish-oil soap (Na base) . 10 Sat. soln. 0.5 1 0.1 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 0.1 0) >u° >i >i >i >i >i >i >lio Sat. soln. f(20±) >0. 5 1» >1 >1 >1 0.5-1 ±6 <1 w <1 <1 >l >i >1 >1 <1» 8-10 >0. 5 1» <0.1 <0.5 <0.5 <0.1 3 CYCLIC COMPOUNDS WITH C AND H ONLY PRESENT. C1) C1) 0) 0) 25 16 10 12.5 <5 <4 <6 ±2.5 • .* ALIPHATIC AND CARBOCYCLIC COMPOUNDS WITH C AND H AND CI OR S PRESENT. { C1) C!) 5 2 G) P) } 34 31 >5 9 6 2-5 <8 <2 <3 <4 1 Many concentrations tested. 3 Capryl alcohol used as spreader. « Figures refer to free acid. STUDIES ON CONTACT INSECTICIDES. Table 1. — Results of spraying Aphis rumicis with organic compounds — Continued. ESSENTIAL AND FIXED OILS. Compound. Turpentine spirits (.technical) Terebene (U. S. P.) Pine oil Oil cedar wood Cottonseed oil Concentra- tions tested. Minimum toxic con- centrations Grams per 100 cc. 5 2.5 1 0.5 0.1 2 1 0.5" 1 1 0.5 0.1 5 2.5 1.25 1 Grams per 100 cc. >5 ±2 >1 ±1 ±2.5 Tolerance of plant. Grams per 100 cc. <0.5 <1 ±0.5 <1 11 By volume. DISCUSSION OF TABLE 1. The literature contains many references to the use of commercial and pure pyridine as an insecticide. As early as 1911, McClintock, Hamilton, and Lowe C£)3 pronounced it valueless as a contact insec- ticide, and in the same year Cazeneuve (2) reported it as effective against Cochylis and Eudemis larvse. More recently Theobald (14) has claimed great value for it as a substitute for nicotine in the control of apple aphids. Frayer (Insect Pests and Fungus Diseases, Cam- bridge, Eng., 1920, p. 445) has made a large number of tests with pyridine, but finds it a weak insecticide, injurious to foliage when used at the strength required to kill aphids or capsids. Results of the present study indicate that carefully purified pyridine, boiling at 115 C, shows little toxicity for Aphis rumicis. Alpha picoline, the next homolog, proved to be more toxic, killing at about 15 per cent. Experiments not included in this table indicate that the higher boiling fractions of the commercial product up to 160° C. have somewhat higher toxicity, though they offer little promise as contact insecti- cides. Quaternary pyridinium compounds gave little toxicity. Piperidine (hexahydropyridine) is to be noted as having five times the effectiveness of pure pyridine. When used as a sulphate, the toxicity was several times greater than that of the free base. This important difference is discussed on page 10. Quinoline is much more toxic than pyridine, killing at 2 percent. Tetrahydroquinoline is equally toxic. The insecticidal effect of piperazine is slightly greater than that of piperidine, the chemical structure of which is very similar. Pyrrole produced little effect at the concentrations used. Pyridine, alpha picoline, and their homologs as found in com- mercial pyridine, are relatively noninjurious to nasturtium; most of the other compounds in this series are decidedly injurious. Alkaloids, with the exception of nicotine, showed little toxicity. Nicotine, however, is toxic at a concentration of 0.007 per cent, the ■ < . made by numbei (Italia ) to Literature cited, p. i">. 8 BULLETIN 1160, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. lowest for the compounds used in this study. The reduction of nicotine to hexahydronicotine results in greatly lowered toxicity. The hydrochloride of coniine (alpha n-propyl piperidine) is probably toxic at approximately 1 per cent. Atropine sulphate, because of its large molecule, gives a lower molar toxic concentration than its con- centration in grams per 100 cubic centimeters would suggest. The outstanding results for the group containing amines, amides, and similar compounds are the pronounced toxicities of certain methylamine, ethylamine, and alkyl ammonium compounds. The methylamine compounds are more toxic than the corresponding ethyl- amines. It is to be further noted that of the methyl derivatives, the trimethyl and tetramethyl are most effective. The increased toxicity of benzylamine as compared with aniline is interesting. The plant tolerance for these compounds is generally low. The aldehydes and ketones, with the exception of benzaldehyde, are practically without effect on either insect or plant. With the exception of capryl alcohol, the aliphatic alcohols have little toxic value. Benzyl alcohol, a cyclic compound, is moderately toxic. U. S. P. cresol is more toxic than phenol and resorcinol. Pyrogallol shows little toxicity. The esters showed some toxicity to the insect and were harmful to the plant. The various sulphonic acids and their salts showed no appreciable toxicity to the aphids. Attention should be directed to the decreased toxicity of sodium phenol sulphonate (U. S. P.) as compared with phenol. Picric acid showed appreciable toxicity, but was quite injurious to the plant. The minimum toxic concentration of the fish- oil soap used in most of these experiments was about 6 grams per 100 cubic centimeters; at 0.3 gram per 100 cubic centimeters, the con- centration used in these experiments, it killed an average of 14 per cent.4 The slight toxicity of the benzene series was found to increase from benzene through toluene to xylene. The plant tolerance, however, is low. Chloroform and carbon tetrachloride require about 30 grams per 100 cubic centimeters for the lethal concentration. Plant tolerance was small. The substitution of chlorine into the benzene ring was found to increase toxicity. The essential and fixed oils showed some toxicity to both insect and plant. * This figure has not been deducted from the toxicity values given in this paper. Since relative values are most important in an investigation of this nature, and, further, since 0.3 per cent fish-oil soap was used in most of these experiments, the deduction of the comparatively small soap toxicity is not considered essential. STUDIES ON" CONTACT INSECTICIDES. TOXIC CONCENTRATIONS OF SELECTED COMPOUNDS. Table 2. — Relative toxicity of selected compounds to Aphis rumicis. Compound. Nicotine Nicotine sulphate , Tetramethylamm onium chloride . . Piperidine sulphate Hexahydronicotine Trimethylamine hydrochloride Atropine sulphate Cresol (U. S. P.) Quinoline Tetrahydroquinoline Tetrapropylamm onium hydroxide Tetraethylamm onium chloride Triethylamine hydrochloride Benzyiamine Methyl salicylate Trichlorobenzene Capryl alcohol '. Benzyl chloride Piperazine Methylamine hydrochloride Benzyl alcohol Benzaldehyde Resorcinol Phenol Piperidine Chlorobenzene Xylene (mixed isomers) Pyrogallol Cyclohexane Aniline Toluene Carbon tetrachloride Paraldehyde Chloroform Benzene Pyridine n-Butyl alcohol n-Propyl alcohol Methyl alcohol Ethyl alcohol Acetone Methyl-ethyl ketone Toxic concentration. Gram molecules per liter. Grams per 100 cubic centi- meters. Boiling point. °C. 0.0004 0.007 247 .0002 .032 .035 .036 .009 .35 .94 .60 246 .052 .074 .14 .50 5 1.5 195-205 .15 2.0 238 .15 2.0 246-250 .15 .21 . 22 128 3.0 3.5 3 3 185 .33 O 222 .33 6 208-218 .38 5 174-185 .39 5 179 .41 3.5 145 .44 .46 3 5 206 .47 5 180 .50 5.5 280 .58 0.0 183 .59 5 106 • SO 9 132 .94 10 136-141 1.2 15 293 1.5 12.5 81 1.6 15 184 1.7 16 111 2.0 31 77 2.1 28 124 2.8 34 61 3.2 25 80 3.2 25 115 4.7 35 117 8.3 50 97 0) (l) 66 C1) 0 78 C1) h 57 (l) o 80 Pure liquid kills less than 95 per cent. DISCUSSION OF TABLE 2. The compounds which have received the most attention are grouped in Table 2. These are arranged in the order of their tox- icities on the basis of concentration expressed in gram molecules per liter. Their toxicities in grams per 100 cubic centimeters, together with their respective boiling points, are also included. The nitrogen- containing compounds, in general, are found to be grouped at the head of the series. In the middle portion of the series (molar con- centrations between 0.33 and 1.7) the cyclic derivatives predominate and of these three contain nitrogen. Two aliphatic compounds appear, one of which contains nitrogen. The remaining compounds of lowest toxicity are aliphatic with the exceptions of benzene and pyridine. Pure liquid methyl and ethyl alcohol, acetone, and methyl-ethyl ketone killed less than 95 per cent of the aphids. 10 BULLETIN 1160, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. TOXICITY OF CERTAIN BASES COMPARED WITH THEIR SALTS. Results are given in the preceding tables which show differences in toxicity between certain bases and their salts. The toxic con- centration for piperidine sulphate was found to be 0.035 moles (equal to 0.070 moles of the free base per liter) while that for piper- idine base was 0.59 moles, or an amount about eight times greater. Triethylamine base requires more than 1.5 moles, while its hydro- chloride requires only 0.22, a ratio of at least 7 to 1. A comparison of nicotine and nicotine sulphate was also made. A definite quantity of nicotine sulphate was prepared by titrating the free base with normal sulphuric acid, using methyl red as indicator and diluting to the desired strength. In this instance no difference in toxicity was observed, but exception can rightly be taken to a comparison of nicotine with nicotine sulphate in such small concentrations when 0.3 per cent fish-oil soap is used in the solution. Nicotine is a weak base whose salts hydrolyze slightly in dilute solution and furthermore are decomposed by the free alkali of the hydrolyzed soap. These con- siderations do not apply to the conclusions reached with the salts of piperidine and triethylamine, for the latter compounds are salts of strong bases and much larger concentrations of them were used in relation to the soap present. Further study is being given to this subject and it will not be discussed at greater length here. TOXICITY AND VOLATILITY. The data obtained from these toxicity studies are of interest in another connection. The work of Moore and coworkers (5, 6, 7, 10, 12) indicates that the toxicity of volatile organic compounds when em- ployed in the vapor state against insects or applied directly to the surface of insects' eggs varies with the volatility. Up to a boiling point of 225-250° C, toxicity, it is asserted, increases as the boiling point rises and the volatility decreases. Compounds with higher boiling points generally have such low volatility that their vapor concentrations are not great enough to kill within a reasonable time. Other studies by Moore, and Moore and Graham (8, 9, 11) with contact insecticides led to the conclusion that "volatility is an index of the ability of the compound to gain entrance into the insect and is therefore closely correlated with toxicity." It was further stated that compounds more volatile than xylene evaporate too quickly to be effective. » While the results of the present study show that, in general, the most toxic compounds employed were among the least volatile and the least toxic compounds were the more volatile ones, there are so many exceptions that the writers believe neither volatility nor the boiling point can be used as a safe index of toxicity when the compound is employed as a contact insecticide. For example, quinoline with a boiling point close to that of nicotine has, in these experiments, only about one-three hundred seventy-fifth the toxicity of the latter. On the other hand, tetramethylammonium chloride, a nonvolatile salt at ordinary temperatures, is one of the most toxic substances tested. The tetraethyl- and tetrapropylammonium compounds are also nonvolatile, yet they show considerable toxicity. Benzylamine and aniline have closely similar boiling points but differ widely in toxicity; and this is also true of cyclohexane and benzene. Piperidine with a STUDIES ON CONTACT INSECTICIDES. 11 boiling point of 106° C. is considerably more toxic than the nearly related pyridine, which has a boiling point of 115° C. Paraldehyde with a boiling point of 124° C. has only about one-third the toxicity of chlorobenzene, whose boiling point is but 8° higher. Pyrogallol, aniline, and toluene have closely similar toxicities, but widely diver- gent boiling points. A study of Table 2 will reveal other discrepancies. Tattersfield and Roberts (13), in a recent study of the effects of vapors of organic compounds on wireworms, conclude that while " there is a fairly close relationship between toxicities and the vapor pressures, rates of evaporation, and volatilities of compounds of the same general type," lethal effects are often directly determined by chemical constitution. Compounds with irritating vapors, such as allyl isothiocyanate, chloropicrin, and benzyl chloride, gave toxic values which were not closely correlated with their vapor pressures or rates of evaporation. It was also found that isomeric compounds having similar boiling points sometimes differ widely in toxicity. There can be no question of the importance of volatility as a factor in the toxicity of both contact insecticides and fumigants. But the toxicity of a chemical appears frequently to depend upon properties other than volatility. High toxicity, therefore, may occur in com- pounds like chloropicrin and hydrogen cyanide, which have high volatility, or in nicotine and tetramethylammonium chloride, in which the volatility is low or almost nil. TOXICITY AND CHEMICAL STRUCTURE. The addition of hydrogen atoms to the cyclic nucleus has a marked effect on the toxic activity of some compounds. Piperidine (hexa- hydropyridine) has about five times the toxic activity of pyridine. Cyclohexane (hexahydrobenzene) is more toxic than benzene, but the increase is not so marked as that observed for piperidine. On the other hand, quinoline and tetrahydroquinoline are of approxi- mately equal toxicity. Hydrogenation of the pyridine nucleus of nicotine to form hexahydronicotine greatly reduces toxicity, the lethal concentration for hexahydronicotine being about ninety times that of nicotine. The addition of hydrogen atoms to the ring, there- fore, may either increase or decrease toxicity. It should also be noted that although the changes in toxicity resulting from the addition of hydrogen may be considerable, the differences in boiling point between parent and hydrogenated compound are small. In a number of instances it was noted that the toxicity of homo- logous compounds increased as the series ascended. This is particularly well shown in the series, benzene, toluene, xylene, and in the aliphatic alcohols, methyl, ethyl, normal propyl, normal butyl. The phenol series, phenol, resorcinol, pyrogallol, does not show this relation, pyrogallol having only about one-half the toxicity of resorcinol. This is contrary to what has been observed in higher animals, in which an increase in the number of OH groups in the benzene ring is generally accompanied by increased toxicity (I, p. 29). The trimethylamine and triethylamine hydrochlorides and the tetra- naethylammonium and tetraethylainnionium chlorides are also exceptions, for in each case the lower members (methyl compounds) arc the most toxic. Tattersfield and Roberts (13) have also recorded increased toxicity in successive members of homologous series of 12 BULLETIN 1160, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. compounds when used as fumigants, but state that at a certain point in the series the toxicity becomes uncertain because of the small amount of the compound which enters the gaseous phase owing to the low vapor pressure. This is certainly not true of the aliphatic substituted ammonium salts mentioned above when used as contact insecticides, since they are practically nonvolatile and at the same time quite toxic. Tattersfield and Roberts indicate that the effect of substitution of various atoms and groups into a compound depends upon the nature of the parent compound and the group or atom introduced. Some of the writers' results are in harmony with theirs. Thus they found that each CH3 introduced into benzene approximately doubled the toxicity of the substituted compound. Table 2 shows that benzene was toxic at 3.2 moles per liter, toluene (C6H5CH3) at 1.7, and xylene (C6H4(CH3)2) at 0.94, or nearly double the toxicity for each CH3 group introduced. Moore (5) found benzene to be slightly more toxic than toluene in the gaseous phase against house flies (Musca domestica L.). Xylene, however, was more toxic than either. The chlorine atom, on the other hand, was found by Tattersfield and Roberts to increase the toxicity of the substituted benzene compounds from three to four times for each substitution. A similar result was obtained by us with chlorobenzene, the molar toxicity of which was 0.80, or four times that of benzene. Commercial trichlorobenzene was more toxic than chlorobenzene, but not in the same ratio. It was possibly a mixture of several isomers. Previous work by Moore (5) shows that the introduction of halogen into the benzene ring increases toxicity, iodine being the most effective, chlorine the least, and bromine having an intermediate value. The writers' experiments show a greater toxicity when OH is introduced into toluene to form cresol than when introduced into benzene to form phenol, a result which is the reverse of that recorded by Tattersfield and Roberts for wireworms. Introduction of NH2, OH, or CI in the side chain (CH3 group) of toluene gave interesting results. Benzylamine is the most toxic, and benzyl alcohol the least, when the molar toxicities are compared. All are considerably more toxic than the parent compound, toluene. The experiments of Tattersfield and Roberts indicate that benzyl chloride in the vapor phase is highly toxic to wireworms. Moore (5) has pointed out the increased toxicity resulting from the introduction of the CHO group into benzene, and results obtained in the present study with benzaldehyde as a contact insecticide against Aphis rumicis indicate a similar relationship. Tattersfield and Roberts observed considerable toxicity among the aliphatic amino compounds which they tested. Methylamine, dime- thylamine, and ethylamine were about as effective as fumigants for wireworms as hydrocyanic acid and ammonia; trimethylamine was slightly less poisonous. They were far more toxic than pyridine, and somewhat more toxic than aniline. Their toxicities did not in any sense correspond with their extremely high volatilities. It was suggested that their solubilities, the readiness with which they are absorbed, and their ability to ionize may account for the relatively high toxicities of these compounds. The writers have observed high toxicity among certain aliphatic amines and related compounds. If the results with triethylamine may be taken as representative, the salts of these amines are more effective than the corresponding bases. STUDIES ON CONTACT INSECTICIDES. 13 The present experiments indicate that trimethylamine hydrochloride is much more effective than methylamine hydrochloride, the reverse of what Tattersfield and Roberts found with the corresponding bases when used as fumigants. GENERAL DISCUSSION. In the present state of knowledge of insecticides, it is doubtful whether one may safely draw any far-reaching conclusions as to the relation between the physical properties of compounds and their toxicity. Any large and varied series of toxic compounds will show differences in toxicity which can not be correlated with molecular weight, volatility, solubility, ionization, permeability, or other properties. Neither can these differences always be harmonized with differ- ences in chemical structure. Many powerful poisons like nicotine and coniine contain nitrogen; others like "pyrethron," 5 which, in crude form (contaminated with plant extractives), was found to be slightly more toxic to Aphis rumicis than nicotine, contain no nitro- gen. The saturation of a cyclic compound with hydrogen may either increase or reduce toxicity, as has been pointed out in the case of piperidine and hexahydronicotine. The introduction of chlorine into benzene compounds seems usually to increase toxic activity, but its effectiveness varies greatly with the nature of the other groups present. Other instances could be mentioned, but these will suffice to illus- trate the point. Indeed, the more these facts are studied, the more it seems probable that pharmacological action in insects is, in many respects, fundamentally like that in higher animals, and that the state- ment of Cushny (3, p. 20) can be accepted when he says: "From the present confusion the only legitimate conclusion seems to be that the activity of drugs depends on a large variety of factors and that pharmacological action can not be brought under any one law, either chemical or physical." In this investigation the writers have chosen chemical structure as the best basis for comparison; that is, so far as obtainable, those compounds have been selected which are chemically allied to others of known toxicity. While this method has brought many failures, it has led to the discovery of apparently new compounds of nigh toxicity which may properly be the subject of another paper. CONCLUSIONS. This is a report of a laboratory study on the effect of a number of organic compounds as contact insecticides for Aphis rumicis L. living on nasturtium plants. Pyridine, alpha picoline, and commercial pyridine containing the higher homologs of pyridine were of little value as contact insecticides. The alkaloids, with the exception of nicotine, were of low toxicity. Nicotine, however, was the most toxic compound investigated (ex- cluding "pyrethron"). 'A series of tests were made with crude "pyrethron," but the?e were not extensive enough to In- clude in the tables. 14 BULLETIN 1160, TJ. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGBICTJLTURE. The aliphatic amines and substituted ammonium, compounds showed considerable toxicity. Tetramethylammonium chloride was the most toxic, methylamine hydrochloride the least. Of the two cyclic amines, benzylamine was five times as toxic as aniline. The aliphatic aldehydes and ketones had a low order of toxicity. Benzaldehyde was moderately toxic. The aliphatic alcohols showed little toxicity. Benzyl alcohol, a cyclic compound, was more toxic. Cresol U. S. P. was the most toxic of the phenols, pyrogallol the least, while phenol and resorcinol occupied an intermediate position. The esters of cyclic compounds showed some toxicity. Sulphonic acids and their salts had little effect. Picric acid and sodium salicylate showed appreciable toxicity. Fish-oil soap (sodium base) was relatively ineffective. Benzene, toluene, and xylene were only slightly toxic. Aliphatic compounds containing chlorine were but slightly toxic; benzene derivatives containing chlorine were much more toxic. Essential and fixed oils showed some toxicity. Piperidine as the sulphate and trimethylamine as the hydrochloride when applied in dilute soap solution were more toxic than the respec- tive free bases. Nicotine as the sulphate and nicotine base were of approximately equal toxicity. Pyridine and itshomologs as found in commercial pyridine, alkaloids, sodium phenol sulphonate U. S. P., aliphatic aldehydes and ketones and aliphatic alcohols of low molecular weight were relatively nontoxic to the nasturtium plant. Most of the other compounds used in this in- vestigation had considerable toxicity. Neither the volatility nor the boiling point is a reliable index of the toxicity of organic compounds when used as contact insecticides. Chemical structure does not appear to be a dependable index of toxicity. Nevertheless, it is probably the best empirical guide at present available for the study of contact insecticides. STUDIES ON CONTACT INSECTICIDES. 15 LITERATURE CITED. (1) Blyth, A. W., and Blyth, M. W. 1920. Poisons: Their effects and detection. 5th ed., 745 p. London. (2) Cazeneuve, Paul. 1911. Sur le pouvoir insecticide de la pyridine et de la quinoleine applica- tion contre la Cochylis et l'Eudemis. In Rev. de Vit., v. 36, p. 153-160. (3) Cushny, Arthur R. 1915. A text-book of pharmacology and therapeutics or the action of drugs in health and disease. 6th ed., 708 p. Philadelphia and New York. (4) McClintock, Chas. T., Hamilton, H. C., and Lowe, F. B. 1911. A further contribution to our knowledge of insecticides. Fumigants. In Jour. Amer. Public Health Assn., n. s., v. 1, no. 4, p. 227-238. (5) Moore, William. 1917. Toxicity of various benzene derivatives to insects. In Jour. Agr. Re- search, v. 9, no. 11, p. 371-381. (6) _ _ . 1917. "Volatility of organic compounds as an index of the toxicity of their vapors to insects. In Jour. Agr. Research, v. 10, no. 7, p. 365-371. <7) 1918. Methods of control of the clothes louse (Pediculus humanus (vesti- menti)). In Jour. Lab. and Clinical Med., v. 3, no. 5, p. 261-268. (8) 1918. Observations on the mode of action of contact insecticides. In Jour. Econ. Ent., v. 11, no. 6, p. 443-446. (9) Moore, William, and Graham, S. A. 1918. A study of the toxicitv of kerosene. In Jour. Econ. Ent., v. 11, no. 1, p. 70-75. (10) __ 1918. Toxicity of volatile organic compounds to insect eggs. In Jour. Agr. Research, v. 12, no. 9, p. 579-587. (n) : 1918. Physical properties governing the efficacy of contact insecticides. In Jour. Agr. Research, v. 13, no. 11, p. 523-538. (12) Moore, William, and Hirschfelder, Arthur Douglass. 1919. An investigation of the louse problem. In Res. Pubs. Univ. Minn., v. 8, no. 4, 86 p. (13) Tattersfield, F., and Roberts, A. W. R. 1920. The influence of chemical constitution on the toxicity of organic com- pounds to wireworms. In Jour. Agr. Sci., v. 10, p. 199-232. (14) Theobald, Fred. V. 1919. Apple aphides. In Jour. Bd. Agr. London, v. 26, no. 1, p. 63-71. ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Secretary of Agriculture Henry C. Wallace. Assistant Secretary 0. W. Pugsley. Director of Scientific Work E. D. Ball. Director of Regulatory Work Weather Bureau Charles F. Marvin, Chief. Bureau of Agricultural Economics Henry C. Taylor, Chief. Bureau of Animal Industry John R. Mohler, Chief. Bureau of Plant Industry William A. Taylor, Chief. Forest Service W. B. Greeley, Chief. Bureau of Chemistry Walter G. Campbell, Acting Chief. Bureau of Soils Milton Whitney, Chief. Bureau of Entomology L. O. Howard, Chief. Bureau of Biological Survey E. W. Nelson, Chief. Bureau of Public Roads Thomas H. MacDonald, Chief. Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory F. G. Cottrell, Director. Division of Accounts and Disbursements A. Zappone, Chief. Division of Publications Edwin C. Powell, Acting Chief. Library Claribel R. Barnett, Librarian. States Relations Service A. C. True, Director. Federal Horticultural Board C. L. Marlatt, Chairman. Insecticide and Fungicide Board J. K. Haywood, Chairman. Packers and Stockyards Administration f Chester Morrill, Assistant to the Grain Future Trading Act Administration. I Secretary. Office of the Solicitor R. W. Williams, Solicitor. This bulletin is a contribution from Bureau of Entomology L. 0. Howard, Chief. Fruit Insect Investigations A. L. Quaintance, EntomologisQin Charge. 16 additional copies OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY PURCHASER AGREES NOT TO RESELL OR DISTRIBUTE THIS COPY FOR PROFIT.— PUB. RES. 57, APPROVED MAY 11, 1922 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT BULLETIN No. 1165 Washington, D. C. July 20, 1923 TtEPORT ON BIRD CENSUSES !N THE UNITED STATES 1916 TO 1920 By MAT THACKER COOKE, Assistant in Biological Investigations Bureau of Biological Survey CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Methods of lakino bird '.eesnses 3 Essentials of a satisladory census 4 More reports needed on certain areas 6 Results of bird censuses nortii o Maryland and east of the Plains 6 Results of censuses from southeastern Stales .... 9 ResaJls of censuses from western Stales 10 Page Some notable bird-centu results 15 Relative abundance of certain specie* 21 DensUy of bird population 23 Bird life a! marshland 24 Bird life of the woodland 27 Scarcity of birds in 1913 28 Birds respond to protection 31 Summary 33 WASHING! UN GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1923 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT BULLETIN No. 1165 Washington, D. C. T July 20, 1923 REPORT ON BIRD CENSUSES IN THE UNITED STATES, 1916 TO 1920. By May Thacher Cooke, Assistant in Biological Investigations, Bureau of Biological Survey . CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 1 Methods of taking bird censuses 3 Essentials of a satisfactory census 4 More reports needed on certain areas 6 Results of bird censuses north of Maryland and east of the Plains 6 Results of censuses from southeastern States.. 9 Results of censuses from western States 10 Some notable bird-census results .• 15 Relative abundance of certain species 21 Density of bird population 23 Bird life of marshland 24 Bird life of the woodland 27 Scarcity of birds in 1918 28 Birds respond to protection 31 Summary 33 INTRODUCTION. Definite information regarding the number, distribution, and relative abundance of the breeding birds of the United States is greatly desired. Hie Biological Survey started an inquiry for this purpose in the spring of 1914 and sent out circulars to many interested persons throughout the country requesting their . assistance. In addition to the importance of the information desired, because of the value of birds to agriculture, exact knowledge regarding the abundance and distribution of birds was needed in formulating regulations for the protection of game and other migratory birds, the Congress having recently passed laws placing them in charge of the Department of Agriculture. It was also important to ascer- tain what effect the laws then in force had already had on the bird life of the country. The preliminary survey in 1914 proved so satisfactory that the work was repeated the next year on a somewhat larger scale. The results of the work in 19141 and 191 52 revealed something of the possibilities of this method of study — that it was a practicable means of obtaining much important and valuable information, and that thereafter it should be a permanent part of the work of the Bio- logical Survey. As there are no funds available for this kind of work, it depends entirely on the cooperation of volunteer observers. i Bull. 187. U. S. Dept. Agr., Preliminary census of Die birds of the United States. 1915. • Bull. 390, U. S. Dept. Agr., Second annual report of bird counts In the fluted States, with discussion of results. 1916. 44125 — 2.i — liull. 110.; 1 2 BULLETIN 1165, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The work has been continued, but unfortunately on a smaller rather than a larger scale. During the war many persons were unable to make the necessary surveys and some lost interest be- cause of the impossibility of publishing the results obtained. The returns for 1919 were so few as to be of value for purposes of comparison only, in those cases where the areas dealt with were previously, or subsequently, reported upon. A gratifying increase in interest and in the number of returns was shown in 1920. For these seven years the bird censuses taken in the part of the country north of Maryland and east of Kansas have been sufficient in number to allow some generalizations as to the average bird population, but many more are needed from the Southern and Western States before it will be possible to draw any conclusions as to the bird life of these sections. The counts of 1911 and 1915 showed slightly over one pair of birds to the acre on the farm land of the northeastern section above men- tioned, or approximately 800 pairs to the square mile. For the five years 1916 to 1920, inclusive, there are fewer reports than for the two earlier years, but the averages obtained agree fairly well with those previously published, so that it seems probable that the figures above stated are reliable. As yet nothing can be said about the num- bers of the individual species, and only tentative statements are possible regarding the relative abundance of a few of the most common species. Many problems concerning bird life can be solved by no other means than by bird censuses; that some can be solved, in part at least, by this work has alreadv been proved, but many have not yet even been touched upon. How many birds per acre breed in the different parts of the country, in the permanent marshes, and in the forested regions of New England, the eastern mountains, and the Rockies ? What is the relative abundance of the different species in the country as a whole and in the different life zones, and how are they distributed? Where are the centers of abundance for birds generally and for the several species? Are birds most abundant where they are most needed, about the farms, gardens, and orchards ? How do altitude and latitude affect the numerical distribution of birds ? What effect on bird life has thepresence of water, as a small stream or a river, a pond or a lake ? What fluctuations take place in bird life from year to year, or over longer periods ? When pro- tection and encouragement bring about an increase in the number of birds nesting on a given tract, are there actually more birds in the locality, or is this increase due to a concentration of the birds from a larger area for nesting purposes? How do birds respond to changes in such environmental conditions as more intensive cultivation, changes in crops, or the clearing of woodland ? How is irrigation affecting the bird life of the arid lands of the West? What changes will occur there in numbers and species, and how rapidly will they take place ? How much have birds increased under protection? Are the present Federal and State laws adequate? What changes, if any, are taking place in the numbers and relative abundance of the several species? That the counts might be made in a uniform way and thus pro- vide data which could be used in comparisons and in deducing the desired information, each observer was given instructions regarding • EEPOET 03ST BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920. 3 the selection of the area to be covered, the time at which to make the count, and the information to be included in the report. As a knowledge of methods followed is essential to an understanding of how the conclusions here presented were reached, it will be well to outline what are considered the best conditions and procedure in taking a bird census. In the following discussion the experience gained from the actual work is embodied with the early plans and instructions. METHODS OF TAKING BIRD CENSUSES. It is obviously impossible to enumerate all the birds in the country or even in a small section, but the birds nesting on a tract of not over 80 acres can be counted by one observer with considerable exactness. The combined results of many such counts will furnish a key to conditions in the country as a whole. The sample tracts should represent as nearly as possible the average conditions for their respective localities in regard to the proportions of woods, orchards, crops, pasture, etc. It is, of course, impossible to find one tract that contains all of these elements in exactly the right pro- portions, but the greater the number of tracts surveyed, the less will be the chance of error in the resulting averages. The plots of farm land chosen for the censuses should contain on the average from 40 to 80 acres. A tract of less than 40 acres seldom shows sufficient diversification to be representative; and an 80-acre tract is as large as one person can accurately cover under most cir- cumstances. When the enumerator lives on or near the land sur- veyed and has the time to devote to the work, larger areas can be and have been very satisfactorily worked. Sometimes because of local conditions it is desirable to have a census over a large area. In such cases, especially if the tract shows considerable diversity, the work is facilitated and the interest and value increased by dividing it into two or more sections and treating each as a separate count, thus indicating how the birds are distributed. Contiguity of the tracts surveyed adds materially to the interest and value of each, since not only is a larger area thereby represented, but something of local distribution is shown. Two series of counts from Kansas, elsewhere quoted somewhat at length, are excellent examples of this (pp. 11-12). It has been deemed important that, so far as possible, areas be selected on which conditions are not likely to change for several years. Under such circumstances it will then be evident that fluctuations in the bird life on these areas are not due to artificially changed environment. Nevertheless, counts of all kinds are welcomed, for it is impossible to have too many; moreover, the response of birds to changes in environment is an interesting study in itself. It is very important that counts be made on the same areas year after year, in order that the records may give some basis for com- parison-,. Only by the accumulation of large series of records dealing wrath the same Land can definite conclusions ho drawn as to average conditions or as to changes taking place — whether birds generally or individual species are inn-rasing or decreasing. A Study of the conditions thai existed in the eastern United States in 1018 (see pp. 28 31) has shown the value of such series of records as u means of studying fluctuations in bird life. 4 BULLETIN 1165, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The Biological Survey has advocated counting the singing males as the most convenient way of taking a bird census, and this method has given excellent results. The observer starts at daylight some morning at the height of the breeding season and zigzags back and forth across the selected tract, counting the singing birds. At that season, when the migration is over and the birds are settled on their breeding grounds, each male bird may be safely considered to rep- resent a nesting pair, and early in the morning, before the insects are flying and the birds begin feeding, the male is usually to be found in the vicinity of the nest. The count should be repeated once or twice at intervals of a few days to be sure that no birds have been missed and that all the birds counted are actually nesting on the area. If the enumerator lives close by, one day's count may be checked by subsequent observations throughout the breeding season. When- ever possible, it is well to go over the land again late in the season to catch any late nesting species, such as goldfinches and waxwings. To locate every nest is not necessary; unless the enumerator lives on or very near the tract it is practically impossible to do so, and the time required in any case is enormous. Experience has shown that a count of 50 acres can be made in three hours by the method outlined and that subsequent observations throughout the summer make almost no change. However, in the case of unusual species and especially those outside their known breeding range, it is insisted upon that the nest be located or other satisfactory evidence found as proof that the birds were actually breeding in the locality and were not merely wanderers or delayed migrants. ESSENTIALS OF A SATISFACTORY BIRD CENSUS. The observer must be thoroughly familiar with the birds breeding in his locality, both by sight and song, in order that all the birds found nesting on the selected area may be positively identified, or a recognizable description given of such as can not be readily named. Otherwise some species may be omitted and the report be not usable since it does not tell the whole truth. For a number of years the Biological Survey has been receiving each year from several hundred volunteer observers throughout the country reports on the arrival and departure of birds during the spring and fall migrations. Some of these observers are well ac- quainted with the birds, while others know only a few; in the case of the latter, however, if their knowledge is accurate regarding the few they do know, and if they are well situated to watch the birds and note their first arrival, the fact that they do not know all the species in no way detracts from the value of their records for the arrivals and departures of the species noted. In making a bird count, how- ever, such partial knowledge is worse than useless, and some reports, doubtless entirely correct for the species listed, have had to be rejected because the absence of the smaller and less conspicuous species showed the reports to be incomplete. A census of breeding birds to be of any value must tell the whole truth; it is not sufficient that it shall tell the truth as far as it goes. Care must be exercised that the same individual be not counted more than once, as there is danger of doing in the case of species in which the two sexes are nearly or quite alike. This is one reason in favor of counting only singmg birds, in so far as is compatible REPORT ON BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920. 5 with accuracy, though there will always be a few birds that fail to sing at the expected time. A bird census should not be made until after the migration is over and the birds are settled on their nesting grounds. Occasionally belated migrants linger into the breeding season, but thorough famili- arity with the local avifauna should make the elimination of these a simple matter. If, howTever, some unusual species found is near the edge of its known breeding range, its presence in the nesting season should be carefully investigated and the nest located if possible, to ascertain whether it is breeding there. Reports have sometimes been found useless because the counts were made so early in the season and certain species were so abundant that it seemed very probable that some of the individuals listed were not yet nesting but were migrants lingering in the southern part of their breeding ranges. Birds seldom nest in large numbers on the edge of their breeding range. On the other hand, if the count is made too late, the young of the species that nest early may be on the wing and may have left the area where they were raised. A previous familiarity with the area surveyed is a help, and when it is necessary to make the count on land with which the enumerator is not well acquainted, it is a good plan to go over it several times before the actual census is taken, that the work may be done thor- oughly and accurately. In selecting an area on which to take a census, it is better not to choose a place where the birds are excessively abundant unless more than one count can be made. Such places are very interesting as showing how closely birds may breed, and data concerning them are useful in learning the total number of birds in the country, but they are not representative. If such a tract is chosen, the surrounding territory over which these birds feed should also be considered, preferably as a separate count. Such areas furnish excellent material tor studies of local distribution and may yield interesting and valu- able returns when an observer lives near enough and has the time necessary to make several counts of the area of concentration and of as much as possible of the surrounding territory. If these several counts are repeated year after year, the results will form valuable series of records. Some persons seem to have the impression that a bird census is of no value unless it records a large number of birds per acre, and have considered it not worth while to make a count unless such a tract could be found. The actual truth concerning conditions is what is wanted, and knowledge of the distribution of bird life on any land contributes to this end. A count made on land that has few birds is just as important, therefore, as one made in a bird paradise, though probably not so interesting to the enumerator. The final report should include an accurate description of the tract surveyed, indicating its nature, whether moist bottomland or dry upland; level, or broken and hilly; the number of acres in woods, orchard, and garden, in lawns about buildings, in each of the farm crops, and in pasture or meadow; and if there is waste land, whothcr it is marshy, upland, brushy, or the like. The value and usefulness of a report is increased if it contains information regarding the land surrounding the tract surveyed, whether it is wooded, cultivated, waste, or pasture; and if cultivated, whether in grain, hay, or garden 6 BULLETIN 1165, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. truck. Such supplementary information sometimes explains the presence of unusual numbers or species of birds on the tract surveyed. MORE REPORTS NEEDED ON CERTAIN AREAS. The most important phase of bird life concerns its relation to man and especially as it helps the farmer in destroying the enemies of his crops. It is more important therefore to ascertain how many birds inhabit the trees and shrubbery on the part of the farm actually devoted to crops and in the fields immediately contiguous to it than on land not devoted to agriculture; this should be borne in mind in all investigations along this line. Another matter worthy of careful attention concerns the number of birds inhabiting certain areas which, while not devoted to agricul- ture, are important because of their nearness to centers of human occupation. Among such places are city parks, cemeteries, etc., where the presence of a large population of native birds is most desirable. That birds are quick to recognize the advantages of these sanctuaries, as they may be termed, where they find pro- tection with food and shelter in plenty, is evidenced by reports that have been received of censuses made on areas that included such land. In 1916 two tracts of 40 acres each in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, averaged nearly 9 pairs of birds to the acre. At Omaha 12 acres of city park in 1916 had 33 pairs of native birds, representing 21 species, and 2 pairs of English sparrows; and in 1917 15 acres sheltered 70 pairs of 20 species, all native birds. Two years' counts made in the 44 acres of Woollen's Gardens, at Indianapolis, showed an average bird population of 320 pairs to 100 acres. In 1920, 80 acres of the campus of Wellesley College had 111 pairs of 34 species of native birds and 4 pairs of English sparrows. Five years' counts made on 95 acres in Highland Park, at Rochester, N. Y., show an average of 205 nesting pairs, with a maximum of 214 pairs in 1917. RESULTS OF BIRD CENSUSES NORTH OF MARYLAND AND EAST OF THE PLAINS. For the part of the country north of Maryland and the Ohio River and east of the Great Plains enough counts have been made (see Fig. 1) to make possible some deductions regarding the average bird population of the farm land. This territory was studied in con- siderable detail in 1915; but for the five years under discussion the material at hand is not sufficient to make practicable quite so de- tailed a study. The land surveyed has been classified, therefore, simply as fields, woodland, orchard, and plowed land. The last term, designating land in crops other than hay, is especially impor- tant in a study of the distribution of bird life, for very few birds nest on it; yet this is one of the types of land on which they are greatly needed. In all reports and comparisons, and especially in the tables of averages, the character of the land surveyed, judged on the basis of averages or percentages, is of primary importance, since this is the principal factor determining the number and kinds of birds that will be found nesting there. Two adjacent farms of the same size may support the same number of pairs of breeding birds and yet have few species in common, because one farm is upland and REPORT OX BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920. the other bottomland; one a dairy farm, the other devoted princi- pally to grain raising; or because the trees of one are largely hard- woods and of the other, evergreens. Or one farm may have a very large bird population, while an adjoining farm of the same size has few birds, the first having a large orchard or much shrubbery and many trees, while the second has few trees or is intensively cultivated. The majority of the censuses thus far received have resulted from counts made on that part of the farm surrounding the house and other buildings, including the garden, the orchard, and the lawn with its shrubbery and shade trees. Here are many attractive nest- ing sites and an abundant food supply, and here also will be made most of the efforts toward attracting birds, by the placing of food, nest boxes, and bird baths. This is the part of the farm, therefore, where birds are most abundant. According to the decennial census of 1910, the average farm in the section north of Maryland and east of the Plains contains 108 acres, • Less than 3 y eons + 3year.s or more Fig. 1.— Localities from which reports on bird censuses were received for the five years 1916 to 1920. of which 1.2 per cent, or about \\ acres, is orchard. The counts from this section covered an average of about 76 acres each, including 4£ acres of orchard, which represented nearly 6 per cent of the total land surveyed, and on the above basis would be over 4 per cent of the farm. To the birds the orchard is the most attractive part of the farm. Since the farms on which these counts were made had about four times the normal acreage in orchard, they must be regarded as unusually rich in bird life. - The records deal principally with the 76 acres of the farm about the buildings, and for the five years show an average population of 100 pairs of breeding birds. There • remain unsurveyed. about 32 acres of the more thoroughly cultivated parts of the farm that con- hi'm little woodland and probably few birds. .Judging from counts made on farms that wen; largely under cultivation^ the average bird population of these 32 acres would probably be little, if any, over 20 pairs. For this five-year period, therefore, the farm of 108 acres s BULLETIN 1165, IT. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. had an average bird population of 120 pairs, while in 1914 and 1915 the average was estimated to be 119 pairs. Fluctuations in the number of birds per acre that occurred from year to year may be noted in Table 1. Table 1 summarizes the results of censuses taken on farm land in this section for the five years 1916 to 1920. For the sake of the rather interesting comparison possible and because conditions in the eastern part were somewhat different from those in the western, this section was divided into two parts — the Northeastern States, includ- ing New England, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; and the North Central States, those north of the Ohio River between Pennsylvania and the Plains; and the results have been so tabulated. Only four years' records are included for the first-named division because of the limited number of reports covering farm land received in 1919. According to the 1910 census, the farms in the Northeastern States have, on an average, slightly over 58 per cent of the land improved, and in the North Central States, nearly 76 per cent. Allowing for a few acres of hay on each farm, the areas surveyed in both sections have approximately 50 per cent of the land improved, making these tracts above the normal farm in the proportion of the land that is favor- able to bird life; especially when the large acreage of orchard repre- sented is considered. Table 1. — Results of bird censuses of farm land in the Northeastern and North Central States, 1916 to 1920. Average size of area covered by each count acres. . In fields do In orchard do In woodland do In plowed land (field crops other than hay) acres.. Proportion of the land covered in — Fields per cent. . Orchard do Woodland do Field crops other than hay per cent.. Average bird population on each area counted pairs.. Average bird population per 100 acres on land counted pairs. . Northeastern States. 1916 1917 1918 1920 Aver- age^ years. 73 55 6 12 28 75 9 16 36 94 132 North Central States. 1916 139 1917 1918 150 1919 1920 112 124 Aver- age^ years. 63 4 13 33 79 4 17 42 107 135 In the northeastern section this small amount of cultivated land may be partly balanced by the relatively small proportion of wood- land. The census of 1910 indicates that the woodland comprises 27.2 per cent of the farm, but only slightly over 16 per cent of the land on which counts were made was in woods. In the North Central States, however, the woodland of the tracts counted was about 3 per cent in excess of the normal as given by the census, which, in conjunc- tion with the small proportion in crops and the large amount of or- chard— the latter over three times the normal — makes the land sur- REPOKT ON BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920. 9 veyed very favorable to bird life. The woodland in farms is usually in comparatively small lots, and the figures indicate that the average bird population of such plots is nearly four times as dense per acre as that of the land devoted to crops. Under the designation " fields" there are included, besides the land in crops, the area in lawns about the houses, driveways, pasture, and meadowland. It is obvious that the remainder of the farm, the part not included in the counts, must be largely under cultivation, and will therefore afford nesting places for very few birds. Exact counts are needed from this part of the farm, in addition to those made on the land surrounding the buildings, to determine just how many birds do nest there. If these are made as separate counts, their interest and value will be increased. The average farm in the Northeastern States contains between 97 and 98 acres, and the censuses here deal with 73 acres, leaving about 25 acres unsurveyed. Most of these 25 acres are under culti- vation, and returns indicate that under such conditions the bird population is about 54 pairs per 100 acres, or 13 pairs on this section of the farm. Since 94 pairs were found to inhabit the 73 acres surrounding the buildings, the average farm of 97 acres would have 107 pairs of nesting birds. In the North Central States the average farm contains 123 acres, 79 acres of which are covered by the counts, leaving 44 acres not sur- veyed, which must be largely under cultivation. In this section we find that such land supports about 71 pairs to the 100 acres; therefore these 44 acres would have 31 pairs of birds. The 79 acres of the counts were found to have 107 nesting pairs, making a total of 138 pairs of birds on the 123 acres of the average farm. The average bird population to the 100 acres on farms in the Northeastern States is 111 pairs, and in the North Central States 112 pairs. RESULTS OF CENSUSES FROM SOUTHEASTERN STATES. Very few reports were received from the South Atlantic and Gulf States, and, since only about half of them deal with farm land, the acreage covered by counts is much too small to allow any deductions regarding the average bird population in this section as a whole. Moreover, less than half the States of the section are represented by these counts. Census returns indicate that the woods and improved land of the farms in this section each represent between 46 per cent and 47 per cent of the total acreage farmed, and that less than 1 per cent is in orchard. FLORIDA. Reports received from Florida in 1916 concerned land which had about 39 per cent in woods and 17£ per cent in crops, and showed less than one pair of breeding birds to the acre. ALABAMA. Land surveyed in Alabama in four different years averaged slightly over 52 per cent woods, 1 per cent orchard, and 34 per cent in crops. For the four years this land supported an average bird population 44125— 23— Bull. 1165 2 10 BULLETIN 116,5, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. of 126 pairs to the hundred acres. One tract of 40 acres, in 1918, suffered the heaviest loss in the breeding population noted on a single area. Several species found in 1917 were entirely absent the following year, among them being the mockingbird and the brown thrasher, each of which had been represented by two pairs, besides several species of insectivorous birds. In 1917 there were three species and four pairs of woodpeckers, and in 1918 not a woodpecker was present. TENNESSEE. An average bird population of 107 pairs to the hundred acres was found in Tennessee in 1917 on land that contained no woodland or orchard and had 40 per cent in crops. LOUISIANA. Returns from Louisiana deal with land that was exceptionally favorable to bird life, in the years 1916 to 1918, inclusive. A little over 35 per cent of this area was in woods and more than 3 per cent in orchard, while only 20 per cent was cultivated. The average bird population for the three years was slightly over two pairs to the acre. RESULTS OF CENSUSES FROM WESTERN STATES. Reference to the map (Fig. 1, p. 7) will show that reports on bird censuses from the western part of the country are very few indeed. In this vast area stretching from the Plains to the Pacific physical conditions are greatly diversified, and climatic conditions range from humid on the eastern border through various degrees of aridity to the humid region of the Pacific coast. Nothing more definite can be said of the bird life of this area than that it is very variable. In all parts of the country birds are inclined to concentrate in places where water is available and trees and bushes offer shelter, and, judging from present returns, this is especially true over the western part of the country, particularly in the Plains region, where only a few species nest on the open prairies. Beyond the Plains, in the Rocky Mountain region, is presented the additional problem of altitude, and here there is also much heavy forest, where birds are far from abundant, as the bird counts at hand show. The valleys, when not cultivated, are frequently arid and fur- nish nesting sites for few species of birds. The Great Basin, between the Rockies and the Sierras, offers many interesting problems. Reclamation projects are bringing under cultivation many thousands of acres of land formerly desert, and changes in the bird life, both in species and in numbers, will result; it is therefore very desirable that as many counts as possible be ob- tained immediately from this region in order that material may be at hand on which to base comparisons in the future. For the Plains region from North Dakota to Oklahoma data are too few and scattered to allow any generalizations, except that birds are seemingly less abundant than in the more humid regions farther east, and also that they are very unevenly distributed. There are few extensive tracts of woodland, the trees being largely confined to planted groves and to strips along the river bottoms, and here, where water and shelter are to be had, birds are sometimes enormously abundant. EEPORT ON" BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920. 11 KANSAS. Two series of records from Kansas are so suggestive as to warrant quoting at some length. One is from Onaga, near the northeastern corner of the State, well within the humid belt, and the other is from the south central part, at Harper, on the Plains. At Onaga counts were made for five years on a 40-acre tract, half of which was planted to corn; the 4-acre lot containing the buildings is bordered by hedge, and 6 acres of grove extend along two sides; and there are 5 acres each of orchard and pasture. For the five years this tract held an average bird population of 50 pairs of 24 species, or an average of 125 pairs of birds per 100 acres. In 1916 only the 10 acres surrounding the house and including part of the grove and orchard were surve3red; but this small section held 37 pairs of birds representing 22 species, leaving only some 15 pairs of birds to nest on the remaining 30 acres of this entire tract, only a few more than on the adjoining open prairie. This 40-acre tract of native prairie is somewhat hilly, with a small stream fringed with trees and brush, boxelder, willow, white elm, and dogwood. The average bird population here for four years was 13 pairs of 10 species, a rate of 33 pairs of birds per 100 acres. (See Tables 2 and 3.) Table 2. — Birds nesting on 40 acres about house at Onaga, Kans. (Figures for 1916 refer to 10 acres only). Species. 1914 1915 1917 1918 1920 1916 fGreen heron 1 1 3 *Bobwhite 1 3 i 8 1 2 1 3 2 5 1 3 ♦Yellow-billed cuckoo 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ♦Flicker 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 2 8 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 tO old finch 1 1 1 i 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 5 3 . 1 ' 1 1 1 3 6 1 1 1 1 2 6 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 8 li 8 1 1 1 1 *Cai bird 4 2 2 1 J 6 3 2 4 2 1 4 4 1 2 2 5 5 3 3 2 2 •Robin 1 1 1 2 1 ft 56 22 49 24 40 24 -IK 26 57 22 37 • Pn ml era | Present only one peai 12 BULLETIN 1165, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Table 3. — Birds nesting on 40 acres of prairie at Onaga, Kans. Species . Bobwhite fMourning dove tDowny woodpecker fRed-headed woodpecker. fBluejay Cowbird ^Orchard oriole tGoldflnch ^Grasshopper sparrow *Lark sparrow "♦Field sparrow iCardinal 1916 1917 1918 1920 Species. Dickcissel Bell vireo Catbird Brown thrasher tHouse wren t Long-tailed chickadee. Bluebird Total number of species... Total number of nesting pairs 1918 1920 .... 3 1 1 1 15 0 18 7 ^Present every year. t Present only one year. Two tracts of 80 acres each near Harper show a similar contrast. The first, on which reports were made in 4 different years, comprised 35 acres of alfalfa and sweet clover, 12 acres of grain, 15 acres of pas- ture through which a stream runs, forming a small swamp of perhaps 2 acres, and 15 acres in the orchard, grove, and garden around the build- ings, besides which there was a 1-acre grove of young catalpa trees. On this tract the average nesting population was 122 pairs of 34 species, or 153 pairs per 100 acres. The adjoining 80 acres consisted of 45 acres of prairie pasture, 2 to 4 acres of alfalfa, and the rest planted to wheat or cane. There was in this case also a stream and tiny swamp that attracted a few red- winged blackbirds. Two years' reports showed this tract to be the home of very few birds. The first year 16 pairs of 8 species were found nesting; the second, 26 pairs of 9 species; an average of 26 pairs per 100 acres, a marked contrast to the first tract. OKLAHOMA. Near Norman, Okla., a count made in 1920 showed 31 pairs of birds nesting on 40 acres. Of this land, 10 acres were prairie pasture and the rest planted to corn, cotton, and oats. Two dickcissels and one meadowlark nested in the pasture, one bobwhite in the oats, and the other 27 pairs of birds in trees and bushes along the stream which flows through the tract. TEXAS. Near Taylor, Tex., in 1916 a tract of 104 acres, of which 45 acres were in cotton and 35 acres in sheep pasture, had only 29 pairs of nesting birds. From the following list it will be seen that most of these birds nested in the 8 acres of trees and shrubbery on the borders of a creek crossing one side of the tract. The pairs of birds found were as follows: Killdeer, 1; bobwhite, 1; mourning dove, 1; red-bellied woodpecker, 1; scissor-tailed flycatcher, 2; Acadian flycatcher, 1; cowbird, 2; orchard oriole, 1; bronzed grackle, 2; lark sparrow, 3; cardinal, 4; painted bunting, 1; mockingbird, 5; Carolina wren, 1; Eng- lish sparrow, 3. Near Paris, Tex., in 1916, 80 acres of shrub-covered pasture showed an average of 129 pairs of birds per hundred acres ; and several tracts in the vicinity of Fort Worth the same year had an average of 120 pairs per 100 acres. No data are available concerning the bird population of the plains region of Texas. REPORT ON BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920. 13 MONTANA. From Montana may be cited two reports that show an interesting diversity of bird population within the borders of a single State. Counts were made on 40 acres of park land belonging to the city of Missoula in the years 1915, 1917, and 1920. In describing this tract in 1915, Joseph Kittredge, jr., says: The park is an isolated and specialized association for the upper bench, and the hills around for several miles are open and treeless Transition Zone prairie country. Still farther back is the coniferous forest; hence in this area there is a concentration of species which are typical of the creek bottoms throughout the Transition Zone of the region. On this area in 1915 there were found nesting 59 pairs representing 20 species; in 1917, 58 pairs of 19 species; and in 1920, 100 pairs of 25 species. In contrast to this, in 1916, near Fergus, Mont., a count on 80 acres of sagebrush prairie found only 8 pairs of birds representing 5 species, 1 pair to 10 acres, almost exactly agreeing with the count on 40 acres of native prairie near Missoula in 1915. 3 A mile and a half away, in the trees and bushes along the creek, birds nested abundantly, but no count was made in that section. NEW MEXICO. Two counts made by J. K. Jensen in 1920, in the vicinity of Santa Fe, N. Mex., are of interest, because they indicate somewhat the differ- ence in bird life between the cultivated land and heavy forest of the region ; but being at different altitudes they are not entirely compar- able. The first was made on 106 acres of the land of the United States Indian School, near Santa Fe, at an altitude of 7,000 feet. Of this land, 12 acres, or about 11 per cent, was uncultivated, covered with sagebrush and cactus, with a few junipers. The remaining area is divided as follows : Buildings and campus, 27 acres ; orchard, 4 acres ; garden, 4 acres; wheat, 16 acres; corn, 25 acres; and alfalfa, 18 acres. This indicates that a large part of the area surveyed was under irri- gation, and water always helps to attract birds. On this 106 acres were found breeding 121 pairs of native birds, representing 22 species, besides 100 pairs of English sparrows, a total of 221 parrs of birds. This is an average of 114 pairs of native birds and a total of 208 pairs of birds per 100 acres. The following list shows the species and the number of pairs of each: Killdeer, 1; scaled partridge, 1; desert sparrow hawk, 1; flammulated owl, 1; Cas- sin kingbird, 2; Sayphoebe, 3; western wood pewee, 4 ; desert horned lark, 4; western meadowlark, 4; Bullock oriole, 1; house finch, 50; Arkansas goldfinch, 13; pine siskin, 1; western vesper sparrow, 4; western chipping sparrow, 8; Brewer sparrow, 8; black-headed grosbeak, 1; western blue grosbeak, 1; barn swallow, 1; Sonora yellow warbler, 2; western robin, 0; mountain bluebird, 4; English sparrow, 100. The other report deals with 90 acres of the Santa Fe National Forest, situated at an altitude of 8,000 feet. This land extends for about two-fifths of a milo along the Santa Fe River, and 1,000 feet from either side of the stream. The canyon bottom is covered with brush and aspens; and the slopes of the mountains, which rise quite abruptly for about 3,000 feet, are heavily forested. In this area were found 48 pairs of 20 species, all native birds. This is at a • U. B. Lept. Agr. Bnl 306, p. 'J. 14 BULLETIN" 1165, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. rate of about 53 pairs of breeding birds per 100 acres. Mr. Jensen's description of this territory is interesting: This being my favorite hunting ground, practically every nest mentioned was located. The east slope of the canyon is covered with pine and spruce down to the level bottomland. All thrushes were found on this side. The west slope is covered with oak in which the evening grosbeaks and j uncos were found. This is virgin country with numerous signs of bear, mountain lion, and wildcat. The following are the birds found breeding: Red-naped sapsucker, 2; red-shafted flicker, 2; western wood pewee, 1; western flycatcher, 3; Traill flycatcher, 1; long-crested jay, 1; western evening grosbeak, 2; red-backed junco, 2; sage sparrow, 6; western tanager, 1; violet-green swallow, 8; , least vireo, 3; Audubon warbler, 3; water ouzel, 1; Baird wren, 2; pygmy nuthatch, 2; Townsend solitaire, 2; Audubon hermit thrush, 2; western robin, 2; chestnut-backed bluebird, 2. WASHINGTON STATE. Near Pullman, Wash., four counts were made in 1920 by students of the State College of Washington, under the direction of Prof. W. T. Shaw. These counts covered a total of 162 acres of land divided as follows: Woods, 5 acres, or 3 per cent; orchard, 13 acres, or 8 per cent; and fields, 144 acres, or 89 per cent; with 79 acres, or 49 per cent of the whole area, under cultivation. With the exception of 4 acres of garden, the land cultivated was in grain, mostly wheat. On these 4 tracts, apparently not continuous, 184 pairs of birds, in- cluding 5 pairs of English sparrows, were found breeding. This is an average of 114 nesting pairs per 100 acres. The only report from the northwest coast region is from Gig Harbor, on the upper reaches of Puget Sound. Here, in 1916, an 80-acre tract was found to shelter 144 pairs of nesting birds, repre- senting 48 species; and the next year the same land had 185 pairs of 43 species. Conditions on this tract were exceptionally favorable for birds, so that these figures can hardly be taken as representative of the region as a whole. CALIFORNIA. Probably no State has a greater diversity in its bird life than Cali- fornia, with conditions varying from the humid coast to the deserts of the interior and to the high mountains. No generalizations con- cerning the bird population can be made until counts have been made on a very large scale. No reports have yet been received from the northern part of the State nor from the sections less favorable to bird life. All counts received have been made on cultivated land, except those from the region of San Francisco Bay. These show a good deal of diversity, as will be seen from the examples quoted. A record density of bird life is found in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, where conditions are unusually favorable. Across the bay on 20 acres of Strawberry Creek Canyon, a part of the campus of the University of California, there were found breeding, in 1916, 93 pairs of birds, representing 30 species. None of this land was culti- vated and much of it was wooded. The birds found were as follows: California quail, 3; screech owl, 1; red-shafted flicker, 2; Anna hummingbird, 4; Allen hummingbird, 2; olive-sided flycatcher, 1; western wood pewee, 1; western flycatcher, 4; coast jay, 1; California jay, 4; California purple finch, 1; willow gold- finch, 1; green-backed goldfinch, 2; Santa Cruz song sparrow, 10; San Francisco towhee, 9; California brown towhee, 5; black-headed grosbeak, 1; lazuli bunting, 2; EEPOET ON BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920, 15 cliff swallow, 3; warbling vireo, 3; Hutton vireo, 1; luteacent warbler, 4; Macgil- livray warbler, 2; pileolated warbler, 2; California thrasher, 1; Vigors wren, 4; plain titmouse, 1; intermediate wren-tit, 5; coast bush-tit, 5; russet-backed thrush, 8. Near Fresno, in 1920, a 40-acre tract showed only 18 pairs of birds, including 3 pairs of English sparrows. Of this land 25 acres were in vineyard, 3 in orchard, 6 in alfalfa, and 6 in pasture. The 12 species found were distributed as follows : Killdeer, 1; valley quail, 1; barn owl, 1; Pacific nighthawk, 1; western meadow- lark, 1; Bullock oriole, 2; house finch, 3; willow goldfinch, 1; western blue grosbeak, 1; California yellow warbler, 1; western mockingbird, 2; English sparrow, 3. At Banning a census was made on 40 acres, about half of which was in orchard and the rest mostly in grain, with three small gullies filled with herbage. This tract showed just 1 pair of birds to the acre, 23 of the nests being actually located. There were no English sparrows, and the 15 species of native birds were: Valley quail, 2; mourning dove, 6; Texas nighthawk, 2; black-chinned humming- bird, 1; California horned lark, 2; Bullock oriole, 1; hooded oriole, 1; house finch, 2; willow goldfinch, 1; green-backed goldfinch, 7; lark sparrow, 5; western chipping sparrow, 1; Anthony towhee, 6; California shrike, 2; yellow warbler, 1. A count on 68 acres near Buena Park, Orange County, showed the bird population in 1920 to be only a little over one pair to 2 acres. Of this area, 33 acres were in barley, 12 in beans, 5 in garden, and the rest in pasture or uncultivated. The 16 species and 39 pairs were as follows : Killdeer, 1; valley quail, 7; mourning dove, 3; barn owl, 1; burrowing owl, ] ; black- chinned hummingbird, 1; Anna humminebird, 1; western kingbird, 1; California horned lark, 2; western meadowlark, 6; Bullock oriole, 2; Brewer blackbird, 2; house finch, 4; green-backed goldfinch, 3; Lawrence goldfinch, 1; California shrike, 3. Escondido is the point farthest south in California from which counts were received, and one was made here in 1918 on a tract of 80 acres. About 25 acres of this area were devoted to hay, and the rest was divided between fruit trees, brush, and other trees, mostly eucalyptus. Here were found 129 pairs of nesting birds, but only 18 species: Valley quail, 5; western mourning dove, 27; black-chinned hummingbird, 3; Anna hummingbird, 1; Arkansas kingbird, 2; black phoebe, 1; California horned lark, 12; California blue jay, 1; western meadowlark, 10; Arizona hooded oriole, 2; house finch, 35; willow goldfinch, 5; Arkansas goldfinch, 10; western lark sparrow, 5; Anthony towhee, 7; phainopepla, 1; California shrike, 1; western mockingbird, 1. SOME NOTABLE BIRD-CENSUS RESULTS. Geneva, N. Y. — An extensive series of counts from the vicinity of Geneva, N. Y., for the three years 1916 to 1918, made by Otto Mc- Creary, seems worthy of rather detailed presentation. (See Table 4.) Comparison of the results obtained here with those of New York State as a whole for the same years indicates to some extent how sample areas, if representing the average conditions for their respec- tive localities, make generalizations possible, but shows also that many localities are needed to determine the final averages. When considering the results, it is to be remembered that the figures from the State as a whole include those from Geneva and that all the present data deal with land which i.> or might be fanned, no reports having been received from the mountain regions of the Adironaacks and Catskills. 16 BULLETIN" 1165, XJ. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. A greater decrease in the number of birds per acre is noted in 1917 than in 1918; reference to the table shows, however, that the decrease in 1917 is accounted for by the difference in the character of the land surveyed, while that of 1918 is a part of a general decrease through- out the eastern United States. One plot of 92 acres, reported upon all three years, shows in 1918 fewer individuals of certain species that figure in the decreases elsewhere (see p. 28). Table 4. — Comparison of results of bird censuses taken at Geneva, N. Y., with all those from the State of New York. Geneva, N. Y. 1916 1917 1918 Average. Acres. 155 75 45 35 68 Pairs. 205 221 132 142 27 4 15 19 10 Per cent. A ores. 1,307 943 145 219 895 Pairs. 1,037 1,115 79 85 7 1- 15 4 5 Per cent. Acres. 1,712 1,373 150 189 1 193 Pairs. 1,143 1,270 66 75 8 1- 17 3 7 Per cent. Per cent. 48 29 23 44 72 11 17 68 80 9 11 70 67 16 17 61 Nesting birds counted: Bird population per 100 acres and per- centage of total: 19 3 11 13 7 8 1- 18 5 6 11 1- 23 4 9 13 2— 17 7 7 New York State. 1916 1917 1918 Average. Acres. 851 560 91 200 208 Pairs. 1,344 1,435 158 167 23 7 16 11 8 Per cent. Acres. 1,793 1,277 186 330 1,002 Pairs. 1,914 2,063 107 115 12 3 16 6 7 Per cent. Acres. 1,860 1,507 150 203 1,198 Pairs. 1,444 1, 585 77 85 10 2 17 4 7 Per cent. Per cent. 66 11 24 24 71 10 18 56 84 8 11 64 74 10 18 48 Nesting birds counted: Bird population per 100 acres and per- centage of total: / 14 4 10 7 5 10 3 14 5 6 12 2 20 5 8 12 3 15 6 6 Referring again to the 1910 census, we find that in the State of New York 19^ per cent of the land in farms was woodland and 64£ per cent was improved, of which slightly under 3 per cent of the total was orchard. The 16 per cent of orchard in the land surveyed about Geneva is thus considerably in excess of the normal for the State; but this is partially balanced by the low amount of woodland, here more than 2 per cent below the normal. Plots of woodland containing from 12 to 95 acres were counted but were not so rich in bird life as woodlots usually are, the average for the three years being only 87 pairs to the 100 acres, less than half the average found REPORT ON" BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920. 17 for such land. This, together with the large amount in crops (plowed land), nearly 60 per cent, accounts for the fact that here, in spite of the excess of orchard, the number of birds per acre is less than for the State as a whole or for the Northeastern States. For the entire State the total amount of improved land covered by bird censuses is not far below the normal, though the proportion of orchard is very large, and the woodland also is a little below the percentage given by the official census of 1910. The average bird population for the State agrees very closely with that of the northeastern section for the same years, that for New York State being 122 pairs and for the entire section 126 per 100 acres; at Geneva the average for the three years is just one pair to the acre. Viresco, Va. — The longest series of bird counts on file concerns a tract of about 55 acres at Viresco, Va., not far from Washington, and extends over 10 years. This tract has the added interest that the experience gained in making the earlier counts here formed the basis for the 1914 circular of instructions for taking a bird census. The land includes 21 acres of woods, 18 of pasture, 5 of land plowed for grain and garden, 3 of brushy hillside, and the remaining 8 acres in trees and brush along a stream that meanders through the place. Most of the cleared land had been cultivated up to a short time before the area first came under observation in 1907, and it was then growing up to brush. At that time the underbrush in the woods had reqently been thoroughly cleared, but it has since grown back, and the small trees and brush along the stream have grown considerably. One plot of 3 acres, formerly cultivated, has been allowed to grow wild, and in midsummer about half of it is an almost impenetrable tangle of brush overgrown with catbriar, honeysuckle, and wild grape. Since about 1916 a large part of the chestnut trees have died out of the woods, but the dead trees have been cut each winter, giving a chance for the other species, principally oak and tulip, so that there has been little noticeable thinning of the woods. From 1916 to 1918 about 4 acres of pasture were set to orchard, but as yet the trees have not made sufficient growth to alter the character of the land. Throughout this period birds have been strictly protected, but the only efforts toward attracting them have been the erection of a small martin house (scorned, however, by the martins, though several times occupied by bluebirds or house wrens), and recently two or three wren houses. No special feeding has been done at any time. The counts on this tract show a steady increase in the number of bird- breeding until 1918, when there was a decrease of over 20 per cent; the average of 1916-17 was fully recovered, however, by 1920. An excellent example is here furnished of what protection alone can do toward increasing the number of birds nesting on a given area. The growth of the bird population has been greater than that warranted by the increased supply of food and shelter; it seems probable that it has resulted in part, at least, from recpgnition by the birds of the security of this tract as a nesting place, pfllprtujaately, it has hccn impracticable to make counts on the adjacent territory and thereby to ascertain whether any decrease has occurred in its bird life as a result of the increase on the tract; surveyed,. 44125— 23— Bull. 1165 3 18 BULLETIN 1165, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRI CULTURE. During the 10 years 51 different species of birds have nested on this tract, the number present in any one year varying from 27 to 39, and the number of nesting pairs from 48 in 1911 to 105 in 1917, the maximum to date. (See Table 5). Table 5. — Birds nesting on 55 acres at Viresco, Va. Species. 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 Bobwhite 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 fScreech owl Yellow-billed cuckoo 1 1 Hairy woodpecker 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 i 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 2 1 Flicker 1 Whippoorwill 1 1 1 1 1 Chimney swift 1 Hummingbird 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 3 1 2 1 2 4 6 7 1 1 1 Crested flycatcher 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 * Phoebe 2 *Wood pewee 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 tPurple grackle 1 2 4 4 1 4 4 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 1 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 4 6 2 2 1 2 1 4 2 3 2 1 2 4 5 2 3 6 1 1 8 2 2 1 1 3 4 4 2 4 6 4 1 4 1 1 3 4 5 2 6 5 1 1 7 1 1 1 i 4 5 2 2 3 2 1 9 5 3 2 1 7 3 1 2 3 1 1 7 2 2 3 3 3 6 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 6 7 1 4 7 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 8 1 5 1 1 3 7 2 1 5 5 1 3 4 4 6 6 9 6 4 2 1 1 3 4 2 2 2 5 1 ,1 2 4 1 3 3 1 2 5 5 2 2 4 7 4 2 2 4 5 1 6 2 1 3 7 1 3 1 5 6 2 *Chat 4 2 5 *Catbird 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 o 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 2 4 4 3 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 9 1 1 1 27 48 30 53 32 63 29 74 34 81 36 95 38 105 37 81 36 85 39 Total number of nesting pairs 100 * Present every year. t Present only one year. Rantoul, III. — On a 400-acre tract near Rantoul, 111., counts were made in four years, from 1916 to 1920. There are two small orchards, together amounting to about 5 acres, with a garden near the house and hedges and large trees about the buildings. Of the remainder of the tract, about 300 acres were planted each year in corn and oats and 50 acres were in permanent pasture and meadow. The birds found breeding here have varied from 231 pairs of 35 species, to 340 pairs of 48 species, averaging 293 pairs and 42 species on the 400 acres, or 73 pairs per 100 acres. REPORT ON BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920. 19 In 19 i8 the count was made on the 160 acres of this tract that contained the buildings with surrounding trees, all the garden, and one orchard. Ninety-eight acres were in corn and the remainder in pasture and meadow. This count found 152 breeding pairs of 26 species, including 12 pairs of English sparrows, an average of 95 pairs of birds to 100 acres. This is a rather small bird population, but comparing these figures with those in other years, it is found that on the remaining 240 acres there would be only about 140 pairs of birds nesting, an average of 58 pairs per 100 acres. As regards the number of breeding birds, the conditions on this farm would probably l>e typical of many thousands of acres in the grain-raising States of the Middle West. Kerrville, Tex. — An interesting series of records from south- central Texas, near Kerrville, covers the six years 1914 to 1919. This land is not on the Plains but in the broken country which marks the transition from the high Staked Plains to the low coastal plain. The country as a whole is characterized by rough limestone hills broken by numerous small rocky canyons densely covered with scrub, and has some springs. The counts made here were on 80 acres, of which about 35 were under cultivation, including % acre of orchard and 1 acre of garden. The character of the land is best described in Howard Lacey's own words: My house is situated on the point of a hill at the junction of two narrow canyons, one coming in from the west and the other from the north; below the junction they run south until they join Turtle Creek (a tributary of the Guadalupe River) after crossing the main road going up and down that creek. The west canyon, which averages about 100 yards wide, and most of the valley below the house (from 200 to 300 yards wide) are in cultivation wherever they can be culti- vated and are generally in oats, corn, and sorghum; there is also a small garden and orchard. A little creek winds down the valley now on one side now on the other, and is subject to overflow and at times is nearly dry but never entirely so. A small irri- gation ditch which is taken out of the west canyon is brought round by the house and then joins the creek again. Both creek and ditch are fringed with brush and about one-third of the valley is given up to thicket and small groves of trees. The valley is shut in by steep hillsides about 100 feet high, like the sides of a box, so steep that one has to use one's hands to climb them in most places, densely covered with small trees. An exact enumeration of the black-chinned hummingbirds and cowbirds was found impossible, the latter being here very numerous and destructive to the smaller passerine birds, few nests of which are found without cowbirds' eggs. This ranch had as yet no English sparrows. During the six years 45 different species of birds were found nesting on this tract, 28 of which were present every year. Exclusive of the hummingbirds and cowbirds, the bird population of this tract averaged 147 pairs per 100 acres. (See Table 6.) 20 BULUETHvT 1165, TJ. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Table 6. — Birds nesting on 80 acres near Kerrville, Tex. Species. 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 Green heron Killdeer Texas bobwhite * Western mourning dove fBlack vulture ■fCooper hawk , . Aiken screech owl ♦California cuckoo *Texas woodpecker *Chuck-will's-widow ♦Black-chinned hummingbird. Crested flycatcher t Ash-throated flycatcher * Wood pewee *Acadian flycatcher ♦Cowbird ♦Orchard oriole ♦Arkansas goldfinch ♦Western lark sparrow ♦Chipping sparrow ♦Field sparrow Rock sparrow ♦Gray-tailed cardinal ♦Western blue grosbeak ♦Indigo bunting Painted bunting ♦Summer tanager Purple martin ♦Red-eyed vireo ♦Yellow-throated vireo Black-capped vireo ♦White-eyed vireo ♦Black and white warbler ♦Parula warbler ♦Golden-cheeked warbler ♦Kentucky warbler Chat Mockingbird Canyon wren ♦Carolina wren ♦Texas wren ♦Sennett titmouse Tlumbeous chickadee Blue-gray gnatcatcher Bluebird 0) 0) P) 0) 0) (2) (2) (s) (?) (2) Total number of species I 38 Total number of nesting pairs 110+ 39 103+ 42 159+ 36 127+ 34 106+ 0) (2) 34 101 + ♦Present every year. jPresent only one year. i Several. 2 Common. Concerning the changes in bird life which have taken place in this region during his residence there, Mr. Lacey made the statement recorded in Table 6 in 1914. As to changes in the bird population, I have lived here since 1882 and do not think that there are fewer birds here now than there were then, but some species are scarcer, and one (the white-necked raven) has left us entirely and gone, I suppose, farther west; it was common here formerly, but the crow has taken its place. The crows came in about 1897, which was the last year that the ravens nested on Turtle Creek. Bobwhite is much scarcer than he used to be, but is gaining ground again the last year or so. The green heron is another bird that is not so common as it was a few years ago, and purple martins are scarcer than they were, owing possibly to the fact that people won't take the trouble to put up boxes for them on account of the English sparrows taking possession of the boxes as fast as they are put up. The sparrows came to Kerrville in 1897 . The lazuli bunting has nested in the button bushes along our little creek, but I have not seen one for some years. Wild turkeys increased considerably during the last three years, owing probably to very favorable breeding seasons; I am afraid that they will not do so well this year, as we have had many bard rains this spring. A bird that seems to have left us is Mearns' quail; it was never very common and kept to the rough country, never coming down to the fields as far as I know. Com- paratively few quail are shot here, and it is rather hard to see why they should decrease REPORT ON BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920. 21 in number; possibly overstocking the range with cattle, sheep, and goats had some- thing to do with it, and the long drought of a few years ago helped to diminish their numbers. I think it quite possible that they migrated in search of better conditions, and I don't think, as some people here do, that they just died out. Raton, N. Ilex. — A bird census on a tract of 160 acres near Raton, N. Mex., at an altitude of about 6,500 feet, was taken in 1916 and repeated in 1920. This land is prairie, and the nearest timber is 3 miles away. A small creek in which there is water throughout the year crosses the tract, and the crops are all irrigated. In 1916, 12 acres, or 7 per cent of this tract, were under cultivation, and 78 pairs of birds representing 13 species were found breeding. In 1920, with 50 acres, or 31 per cent of the land, in crops, the number of birds was 97 pairs of 12 species. Here the bird life has increased as more land is put under cultivation, while in the more humid sections of the country the reverse is usually the case. Additional food supply due to the raising of more grain may have been the chief factor in this increase in the bird population, since in 1920 there was a colony of 20 pairs of cliff swallows, while in 1916 none of that species was present. This species feeds extensively on the insect enemies of grain and alfalfa that had doubtless multiplied with the increased acreage in these crops. RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF CERTAIN SPECIES. The study of the density of bird life has not been continued long enough, nor have bird counts been made on a sufficiently large scale, to learn definitely the relative abundance and distribution of indi- vidual species. To see what could be learned even from the data available, the following 10 widely distributed species of native birds were selected for special study: Bluebird, robin, house wren, brown thrasher, catbird, song sparrow, chipping sparrow, meadowlark, kingbird, and flicker; with these were included the English sparrow and European starling, the latter still being confined to the North- eastern States throughout the period covered by this report. Inter- esting but by no means final results were obtained, and the returns of another five years may completely overthrow them. The accompanying table (Table 7), dealing with six of the most abundant species in the Northeastern and North Central States, shows for each, on the basis of the returns, its percentage of the whole number of birds reported, and the average number of breeding pairs per hundred acres. In figuring the number of pairs of birds per 100 acres, the nearest whole number has been used and a plus or minus sign affixed. This table should be studied in conjunction with that showing the character of land on which the counts were made (see Table 1, p. 8), since there is a direct connection between the kind of land, crops, etc., and the species and number of birds breeding. 22 BULLETIN 1165, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Table 7. — Relative abundance of the six species reported most abundant on areas sur- veyed in the Northeastern and North Central States, showing the percentage of the total bird population and the number of nesting pairs per hundred acres. Northeastern States. Species. 1916 1917 ! 1918 1919 1920 Aver- age. Relative abundance: Per cent. 10.4 2.1 6.7 5.3 1.8 5.4 Pairs. 14- 3- 9- 7+ 2+ 7+ Per cent. 10.8 2.1 10.8 4.1 1.8 6.4 Pairs. 11+ 2+ 11+ 5+ 2- «+ Per cent. 8.9 1.5 11.3 4.1 0.7 4.9 Pairs. 9- 2- 11+ 4+ 1- 5- Per cent. 4.0 1.5 3.3 2.1 0.4 1.7 Pairs. 7- 3- 6- 4- 1- 3- Per cent. 7.3 1.1 6.4 4.2 0.5 2.8 Pairs. 11- 2- 9+ 6+ 1- 4+ Per cent. 8.3 1.7 7.7 3.9 1.0 4.3 Average population per 100 acres: Pairs. 10+ 2+ 9+ 5+ 1+ 5 North Central States. Species. 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 Aver- age. Relative abundance: Per cent. 6.1 2.8 3.1 1.4 4.0 7.8 Pair*. 8+ 4- 4+ 2- 6+ 10+ Per cent. 6.4 2.9 3.1 1.3 3.4 10.1 Pairs. 8+ 3+ 4- 2_ 4+ 13- Per cent. 6.7 1.6 2.4 1.9 2.3 8.2 Pairs. 10- 2+ 4- 3- 3+ 12+ Per cent. 5.9 2.8 2.2 1.2 6.2 6.9 Pairs. 8+ 4- 3+ 2.-4- 8+ 9+ Per cent. 5.9 2.5 3.0 1.8 4.3 10.5 Pairs. 7+ 3+ 4- 2+ 5+ 13- Per cent. 6.2 Catbird 2.5 2.8 1.5 4.0 8.7 Average population per 100 acres: Pairs. 8+ Catbird 3+ 3 2 5+ 11+ In the States north of North Carolina and east of the Mississippi River the robin is the most abundant species. Of some 200 reports received from this part of the country during the past five years, only 6 do not record the robin; 4 of these deal with woodland and the other 2 with the same tract of farm land in two successive years. The densest robin population was found at Chevy Chase, Md., where in 1916 31 pairs nested on 23 acres. This was in a residential dis- trict in the suburbs of Washington, D. C, where the shade and fruit trees about the houses furnished plenty of convenient nesting sites and an abundant food supply. But on farm land, there were found near Commack, N. Y., in 1916, 30 pairs nesting on 45 acres; at Gettysburg, Pa., in the same year, 31 pairs on 40 acres; near Geneva, N. Y., in 1918, 48 pairs on 92 acres (nearly half of it in orchard) ; and at Putnam, Conn., in 1920, 29 pairs on 60 acres. Though in the North Central States the robin stands second in point of abundance, when these records are combined with those from the Northeastern States the robin becomes first for the whole region. REPORT ON BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920. 28 The English sparrow occurs in such large numbers about towns and cities, and has there so crowded out the native birds, that it has come to be considered the most abundant species in the country. Happily this is not the case. Essentially a city dweller and finding its most convenient nesting sites in the vicinity of buildings, it has nevertheless spread into the rural districts, and a few pairs are found about the buildings of nearly every farm. Since the counts in most cases have been made on the part of the farm surrounding the buildings, it seems not improbable that the figures include all the English sparrows on the farms where counts were made and consequently furnish a rather high rating for the farming district as a whole. This species seem to be relatively more numerous in the North Central States, the returns giving it first place in that sec- tion, while in the Northeastern States it stands third or fourth, being exceeded there by the robin and song sparrow, and one year by the chipping sparrow also. Returns for the Northeastern States show that in 1916 there was 1 pair of English sparrows to 17 pairs of native birds of all species, while in 1920 this proportion dropped to 1 pair of English sparrows to 33 pairs of native birds. For this region and period the record shows an average of two pairs of robins for each pair of English sparrows. The kingbird has also attracted the interest of the writer. The bird censuses show that though so widely distributed and well known, it is far from abundant. Evidently intolerance of his own kind has been a factor in earning for it the name of tyrant. For the five years, 1916 to 1920, the counts of the birds breeding in the fields and orchards show an average of only 1 pair of kingbirds to 50 acres of such land. That large series of records are necessary before any conclusive statement can be made regarding the relative abundance of the different species, is shown by the following quotation from the pre- liminary report of 1914: 4 This preliminary census shows that the most abundant bird on the farms of the North- eastern States [here meaning both Northeastern and North Central as considered in the present report] is the robin ; that the next is the English sparrow ; and that following these are the catbird, the brown thrasher, the house wren, the kingbird, and the blue- bird in the order named. Of the species then enumerated, the catbird is the only native species besides the robin listed in the present report as among the first six, and it falls well down the line. DENSITY OF BIRD POPULATION. No particular part of the country seems to have a monopoly on density of bird population. The highest record for any considerable area, 1916 to 1920, inclusive, concerns 40 acres of Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, where 404 pairs of birds representing 36 species were found breeding in 1916, something over 10 pairs of birds per acre. Next to this in point of abundance of birds is a part of the village of Chevy Chase, Md., where, in 1916, in five blocks containing about 23 acres, there were found nesting 210 pairs of native birds represent- ing 39 species, besides the ubiquitous English sparrow, of which there were 14 pairs. This is a residential district, where birds have been encouraged and protected, and the lawns are planted to shrubbery, I U. S. Dcpt. Agr. Bull. 187, p. 11. 24 BULLETIN 1165, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. with shade trees and several large fruit trees. Here the English sparrow is outranked by four native species — the house wren, showing 17 pairs; the purple grackle, 20; the catbird, 21; and the robin, 31; while the 14 pairs of wood thrushes just balance it. In one yard of half an acre the owner found 20 nests belonging to 12 species of birds, the most numerous being 4 of the catbird, which was the densest bird population reported during the period under discussion. Comparable with the Chevy Chase area is one of 25 acres near the center of the village of Cloverdale, Ala., where 179 pairs of 11 species were found breeding. This again refutes the common belief that the presence of human kind is inimical to a large avian population. The Cloverdale report shows an average of 716 pairs on 100 acres; that at Chevy Chase, 913 pairs. In the former case, however, the gregarious English sparrow formed a much larger proportion of the bird life, the 110 pairs found being over 61 per cent of the total, while at Chevy Chase, where the English sparrow has been somewhat " discouraged, ,T this species forms less than 7 per cent of the nesting population. The high records for density of bird population above cited are, it will be noted, all on suburban or park land. So far the highest record for land actually farmed concerns 45 acres near Warren, R. I. In 1916 this land had 14 acres in orchard, 20 acres in swamp and brushy pasture, about 1 acre in grove (otherwise no woods for several miles) t and the remaining 10 acres surrounding the house and barn, where there are a few large trees, were planted to garden truck. On this tract 163 pairs of birds were found to nest, a rate of 362 pairs to 100 acres. In 1920, 10 acres of orchard had been taken out and the land planted to corn, but the tract still sheltered 154 pairs of birds, or 342 pairs to 100 acres. This very dense population is explained by supplementary informa- tion regarding 65 acres of adjacent territory. About 60 acres of the surrounding land are used for market-gardening, and contain very few, if any, nesting birds. It is, therefore, probable that the birds found nesting on the 45 acres of the count were practically all those on 110 acres. This would make the averages 148 and 140 pairs to the hun- dred acres, somewhat above the average for New England, but not abnormally high. BIRD LIFE OF MARSHLAND. Two series of reports from widely separated localities, each cover- ing the six years, 1914 to 1919, touch upon the problem of the bird life about permanent marsh. Each area contained about 10 acres of marshy land, but the two were so dissimilar in character that they are hardly comparable. Near Whiting, Ind., D. H. Boyd made counts on a 19-acre tract of land divided as follows: 1 acre of small timber, scrub oak, wild cherry, elm, and poplar; 8 acres of brush, narrow-leaved willow, and sumac ; 1 acre of cat-tails ; and 9 acres of wild hay and rushes, partially inundated in spring. Bird life here was exceedingly abundant, nearly four and a half times that found to be the average for that part of the country. In the six years the number of species nesting on this tract ranged from 22 to 38, averaging 27, the total species for the period being 55. The number of pairs has varied from 87 to 120, with an average of 107. While the birds nesting on this tract have been fairly constant both in the number of species and pairs, there EEPOET ON" BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920. 25 has been a great variation in the kinds of birds founc^each year. Of the 55 species that nested here in the six years, only 10 were present every year, while 21 were present only one year each. Since we have no other series with which to compare this, it is impossible to tell whether this extreme variability is characteristic of marshland or whether it is due to local conditions. (See Table 8.) Table 8. — Birds nesting on 19 acres near Whiting, Ind., including 10 acres of marshland. Species. 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 Black tern 4 10 -fLesser scaup 1 American bittern 1 1 Least bittern 1 1 1 filing rail 1 Sora 1 1 4 2 fFlorida gallinule Woodcock 1 3 2 1 9 3 1 1 ^Spotted sandpiper 4 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Yellow-billed cuckoo 1 1 1 Black-billed cuckoo 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 tNighthawk ■fTf.nhy-thrna.terl hummingbird 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 7 4 17 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 5 3 fBlue jay ■. Crow 1 7 3 30 3 2 1 ♦Bobolink 5 3 25 4 1 2 6 4 21 4 5 7 25 3 1 1 2 6 *Cowbird 9 ♦Red- winged blackbird 25 ♦Meadowlark 4 Bronzed grackle Goldfinch 5 2 1 10 2 1 11 1 2 3 5 9 4 8 ■fTowhee 1 2 10 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 1 14 1 1 2 5 3 3 10 14 11 16 18 tOvenbird Marvland vellowthroat 2 2 2 3 f Redstart ♦Catbird 4 1 7 2 5 1 12 5 3 1 4 2 1 5 9 2 f Short-billed marsh wren 1 1 1 2 7 • 8 16 fllerrnit thrush Robin i l i l English sparrow 1 22 87 38 US 27 112 27 99 24 109 24 120 * I'rescnt every year. f Present only one year. The second series of counts was made by C. J. Ponnock on 82 acres about the village of St. Marks, Fla., situated on the St. Marks River, S miles from the Gulf of Mexico. A roadway and a railroad track about bisect the area, and along these are 25 buildings, two-thirds of which are dwellings. A few buildings are on the river bank. Only 2 acres 26 BULLETIN 1165, TJ. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. are cultivated, in gardens and a small cornfield. The tract contains three small rain-water ponds without outlets, 6 acres of tidal marsh, and 6 to 8 acres of coarse grass inclined to swamp. About a third of the entire area is covered with timber, mostly pine, with a few cypresses and live oaks near the river. The remainder is open grass- land having some scrub palmetto, and most of it used for grazing. At St. Marks the average number of species was 36, with a total of 44, of which 29 were present every year, and there were only 4 species that were found only one year each. (See Table 9.) A considerable contrast is noticeable between this area and that near Whiting, Ind., in regard to the stability of the species nesting, as will be seen in the accompanying Tables 8 and 9. At Whiting, Ind., the species present every year were 18 per cent of the entire number found and 38 per cent were present only a single year. At St. Marks, Fla., on the other hand, 64 per cent of the species were present every year, while those found only once represented only 9 per cent. Table 9. — -Birds nesting on 82 acres near St. Marks. Fla., including from 12 to 14 acres of marshland. Species. 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 fCoot . ." 1 2 4 4 1 1 2 *Bobwhite 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 4 2 5 5 1 2 1 2 1 4 2 1 8 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 3 1 6 1 4 2 Flicker 1 2 2 4 2 1 8 2 1 4 2 6 2 2 4 2 1 7 2 1 4 2 1 6 7 6 6 1 5 8 2 2 5 2 8 1 2 8 3 3 4 5 5 5 4 6 5 9 2 2 3 3 8 3 3 3 15 1 5 4 10 3 5 4 9 1 5 3 8 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 3 2 10 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 12 2 1 I 3 12 3 I 1 2 3 2 10 2 1 2 2 1 10 4 1 1 1 2 4 2 12 2 1 1 3 1 6 3 4 2 1 2 4 2 2 1 13 2 3 o 2 2 3 2 3 2 10 5 1 1 1 3 5 2 7 10 10 34 94 35 115 33 117 34 118 40 122 37 124 Present every vear. f Present only one year. REPORT OX BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920. 27 Perhaps the best idea we can get of the bird life of marshland is given by a count made in 1916 on a 56-acre tract near Hinsdale, 111., containing 15 acres of oats, 10 of pasture, and 31 acres of marsh, about 20 acres being under water all the year. There were a few live wil- lows about the edge and many dead trees in the marsh, and about- half the marsh was grown up to flag, cat-tails, and reeds. The 15 species of birds found nesting there were represented by 140 pairs at the rate of 250 pairs per 100 acres, more than double the average for farm land. This bea'bs out the belief that such places are very rich in bird life. The birds found were : Pied-billed grebe, 1 pair; black tern, 4; blue-winged teal, 1: least bittern, 2; king rail, 1; Virginia rail, 9; American coot, 6; killdeer, 1; mourning dove, 3; bobolink, 2; red-winged blackbird, 68; meadowlark, 7; field sparrow, 11; swamp sparrow, 2; long-billed marsh wren, 22. BIRD LIFE OF THE WOODLAND. The forested regions of the country have a much smaller bird popu- lation than the open land. The deep woods are places of compara- tive silence; there seem to be no birds there. Small patches of woodland on the contrary, such as the woodlots of farms, are usually very rich in bird life, especially if the underbrush is not kept cleared. Particularly is this true when the surrounding fields are so much under cultivation as to provide few good nesting sites but an abun- dance of food. Very few reports of the birds breeding in heavily timbered areas have been received, but those at hand indicate that for each 100 acres of forest there are from 50 to 100 pairs, or an actual average from the reports of about 68 pairs of nesting birds. For the woodlots the bird population is nearly three times this, the re- ports showing an average of about 182 pairs of birds per 100 acres. This latter accords with the returns for 1914 and 1915, which gave an average of 187 pairs of birds per 100 acres of such land. The present figures for the population of the heavy forest, however, are more than those previously obtained. This is probably accounted for by the fact that some of the counts used in this average were made near the edge of the forest, where birds are more abundant than in the deeper parts. Three reports have been received which deal with the forests of the Rocky Mountain region. On the east shore of Flathead Lake, Mont., at an altitude of about 3,000 feet, 45 acres of forest contained only 21 pairs of birds in 1916. In the same year 60 pairs were found breeding on a tract of 120 acres near Falcon, Idaho, at an altitude ranging from 4,500 to 5,000 feet. These two areas show approxi- mately the same average of one pair to 2 acres. The same average holds in the southern part of tnis region, according to the count made in 1920 in the Santa Fe National Forest, previously mentioned. It seems safe to assume, therefore, that 50 to 55 pairs of birds to 100 acres would be the average for the forests of this region and probably also for similar land in the East. Only one report is on file for a continuous forested area in the East, that made in 1920 by Charles L. Whittle on 562 acres near Peterboro, N. PL This land, situated at an altitude varying from 800 to 1,200 feet, is a part of continuous second-growth timber, the trees being from 20 to 40 yf^ars old, predominantly white pine, with 28 BULLETIN 1165, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. some areas largely birch. In the northwest corner is a small swamp covered with alders. On these 562 acres there were found 502 pairs of nesting birds, representing 52 species, or at the rate of 89 pairs per 100 acres. This is 78 per cent greater than the bird population found in the Rocky Mountain forests, but is probably explained by the difference in the kind of land surveyed rather than in the number of birds per acre in the eastern and western forests. In this case part of the woods was adjacent to open land, so that birds would naturally have been more abundant than m the deeper forest. This wooded area surrounds a tract of 78 acres of cleared land, which was also surveyed. The latter tract contained 48 acres in" grass^ and other farm crops, with about 50 old apple trees scattered over it, and 1 full acre of dwarf orchard. In one corner was a swamp of about one-eighth of an acre, drained by a wet-weather stream. Efforts had been made to attract birds by the placing of bird baths, a 16-compartment martin house, and a dozen bird boxes. On this land there were 162 pairs of birds representing 23 species, a rate of about 208 pairs per 100 acres. Regarding these two areas Mr. Whittle says : It appeared to us that this sharply defined relationship of forested land, surrounding closely and nearly solidly an unforested tract, afforded an excellent opportunity to compare the nesting bird life of each area, and, while the area selected is somewhat ambitious as to size, I can assure you that it has been combed by systematically spaced swaths (cruised east and west), and the lists submitted perhaps contain no more errors than appertain to the nature of the work. * * * The most abundant family was warblers, of which there were 11 genera and 262 [pairs of] birds, or 39.45+ per cent of the total number of all birds found. To this family also must be credited the largest number of any single species; 66 oven-birds were found, constituting only a fraction under 10 per cent of the total birds. The robin was next in abundance, comprising 9+ per cent of the total. The robins' nests in the larger area were confined to the immediate inner border next the open fields. None nested in the deep shade of the thick pine forest, especially where the trees are large. SCARCITY OF BIRDS IN 1918. A decrease in the number of breeding birds per acre in 1918 was noted in many cases when tabulating the results of the bird counts for the five years 1916-1920, and a close study was made of the sub- ject in order to ascertain whether this decrease was real or only apparent, local or general, and, if possible, its cause. For the part of the country lying east of the one hundredth meridian there are on file 24 series of reports covering the same tracts of land for at least the three years 1916-1918. These reports cover a total of 1,478 acres and represent areas picked at random in 18 States, from Maine to Florida and from Minnesota to Texas, and may be considered to reflect fairly well the conditions in the eastern United States. Examination of these reports reveals that in 1918 73 species show a decrease on two or more reports and 28 more on one report each. Ten of the species show a decrease on four reports and 22 on five or more, the highest being the catbird on 11 reports and the phoebe and song sparrow on 9. The following list will give some idea of the species affected: Mourning dove, 2 cuckoos, 7 species of woodpeckers, nighthawk, chimney swift, 2 species of humming- birds, 8 species of flycatchers, meadowlark, 2 orioles, 19 species of sparrows, 2 tanagers, 3 species of swallows, 6 species of vireos, 13 REPORT ON BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920. 29 species of warblers, mockingbird, catbird, brown thrasher, 4 species of wrens, and 5 species of thrushes. It will be noted that a large number of these birds are insectivorous and that comparatively few of them winter within the United States. The numerical decreases of some species on the above-mentioned reports may be of interest. The figures given in Table 10 seem small, but when it is considered that the total acreage to which they apply is only an infinitesimal part of the whole area presented, they become significant. Table 10. — Species of birds that in 1918 showed a marked decrease in numbers. Species. Number of reports. Decrease in pairs. Species. Number of reports. Decrease in pairs. 6 8 9 7 7 6 9 11 11 13 17 11 7 30 5 8 6 11 6 7 8 10 11 Maryland yellowthroat Catbird 8 14 8 9 IS The greatest decrease in the total number of breeding pairs on a given area was 46 f per cent on 40 acres at Florence, Ala., and two other tracts showed decreases of over 40 per cent each. Examination of the reports shows that of the total land surveyed only 6 acres more were plowed than in the preceding year, thus eHminating the possibility that more intensive cultivation had caused the birds to nest elsewhere. Neither could severe weather conditions during the previous winter have affected those species that winter south of the United States. E. H. Forbush, State ornithologist of Massachusetts, made an ex- tensive investigation in 1917 of the effect on insectivorous birds of the cold and ramy weather of May and June of that year. He found that during that time thousands of birds perished from lack of food, due to the weather conditions. Concermng this destruction of bird fife by the elements, he says in part:5 * * * The weather report asserts that the low temperature and lack of sunshine retarded vegetation , so that the season at the close of May was from three to four weeks later than normal. * * * It was not until the middle of June that the wild flowers appeared as they ordinarily do in the latter part of May. There was a similar delay in the appearance of insects. Eggs of insects failed to hatch at their usual time, but apparently the cold weather did not destroy them. With the exception of tent caterpillars and a few others, insects appeared in their full, normal numbers later in the season. A few birds appeared earlier than normally, but the main flight of insect-eating birds came a week or ten days later than usual. Even then the birds came too soon, for their insect food was not ready for them. Many of the early swallows and martins apparently suc- cumbed to the cold storms which came after the birds arrived. Several observers report finding dead martins and swallows in nesting boxcB. * * * In going over the reports from various correspondents the first fact almost universally observed was that of an unusual flight of birds, particularly insect-eating species, such as warblers. Only a very few observers had not noticed this. The next tact noted was that the birds were much less shy than usual, and that they were seen more about houses, in villages and closer to the ground than in ordinary seasons. The warblers were ho weak and so preoccupied in seeking food that many of there could almost be taken by hand, and as they grew weaker some were so caught. • Forbush, E. H., Tenth Annual Report of the State OrnitholoKlM, pp. 14-22, Boston, Mass., 1917. 30 BULLETIN 1165, IT. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. * * * This destruction of insect-eating birds over a large part of the State is a serious matter in itself, but evidently similar conditions were maintained over a much larger area through northern New England to New Brunswick, at least as far south as Pennsylvania and as far west as Michigan. A few reports from other parts of the country indicate that the decimation of birds in many other regions was quite as serious as in Massachusetts. * * * No one can tell how far the destruction of bird life extended, but a glance at the weather map seems to indicate that conditions more or less similar to those in New England during May existed nearly all the way across the continent. * * * Nothing has been heard of any bird catastrophe in the South, and little is known about the effect of the backward spring in Canada, where it may have been very destructive to bird life. The great catastrophe, then, seems to have been con- fined mainly to a large part -of a tract about 1,000 miles in width, extending from Pennsylvania and Michigan north into Canada; but just how far, no one knows. Because of the stormy weather and the backward season, com- paratively few young birds were raised that year. Cold prevented the hatching of many eggs, and lack of foliage left the eggs and young exposed not only to storms but to their natural enemies. Jays and crows, unable to secure insects, turned to the eggs and young of the smaller birds for food. Heavy rains caused floods, in places doubtless drowning out birds that nest in low bushes or on the ground. It is the generally accepted belief that under normal conditions the young birds of one season about equal the number killed from all causes before the young of the next season are on the wing. It becomes evident, therefore, that following such an unfavorable breeding season as that of 1917, the birds affected would return to their breeding grounds the next year in greatly depleted numbers. The birds that survived the migrations to and irom their winter home again encountered unfavorable conditions when they reached the United States in the spring of 1918. Migration tables indicate that these birds should have arrived in the United States from the middle of March to the latter part of April. According to weather reports for 1918, February and March throughout the Gulf States were warm and dry, but April, except the first few days, was unusually cold and rainy, with excessive precipitation in some places. On the 12th a killing frost extended as far south as northern Florida. Such conditions doubtless further decimated the numbers of migrant birds. In the case of those species that winter in the United States, the unusually deep snows of the previous winter might well be considered the principal cause of their scarcity during that summer. It is known that in the vicinity of Washington, D. C, Carolina wrens became very scarce after a heavy snowfall early in February, and there seems good evidence that they perished rather than migrated, since they did not return with the warm weather but continued to be scarce for at least two years. After the storm, they were seen searching in unusual places, indicating that food was difficult to find. The same thing has been noted elsewhere in different years with regard to this and other species. That this scarcity of birds in 1918 extended into Canada is indicated by a series of reports from Manitoba. Two tracts with a total of 102 acres, on which counts have been made since 1914, showed in 1918 a decrease in 13 species elsewhere noted as scarcer that year; and a total decrease was noted of 20 pairs, or slightly over 13 per cent. REPORT ON BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920. 31 Wherever the data over a given tract continue for 1919 and 1920, they indicate a gradual return to the normal numbers of breeding birds. In some cases, in 1920, the total number of birds nesting was greater than in any previous year recorded. One of the largest continuous areas on which a census has been taken is 210 acres at Rhinebeck, N. Y., a part of Grasmere Farms, and M. S. Crosby explains that in making the count he divides the tract into five sections, going over each several times during the breeding season. This tract contains 92 acres of woods, creek, and swampy land, 40 acres of orchard, 58 acres plowed for crops, 5 acres of pasture, and the remaining 15 acres in drives, lawns, gardens, and buildings. All birds except starlings and English sparrows are strictly protected and the latter are kept down to 15 to 20 pairs. For the years 1915-1917 the bird life here was fairly constant and averaged 369 pairs and 55 species, a rate of 176 pairs per 100 acres. No count could be made in 1918 or 1919, and when the count in 1920 showed only 254 pairs of 47 species nesting within the area, Mr. Crosby expressed himself as much puzzled and totally unable to account for the great decrease and even total disappearance of certain species formerly common. This decrease now seems to be satisfactorily explained and it is a matter of regret that the minimum figures are not available. Evidently the loss in bird life here in 1918 was very great or else something in local conditions retarded the recovery, since in 1920, the second season after, the number of birds breeding was still 30 per cent below that of 1917. It is possible that this indicates very nearly the minimum, for areas on which there are continuous reports show little or no increase in 1919, though in most places the increase had become considerable by 1920. BIRDS RESPOND TO PROTECTION. Birds are too few on the farms, especially about the parts more intensively cultivated, and should be encouraged in every way.8 Protection alone will help a good deal, as shown by the increase in bird life at Viresco, Va., already noted; but at the same time shelter and nesting sites must be provided, or, at least, not destroyed. Clearing the brush from woods and along fences and roadsides destroys the nest sites of many birds, driving them away from fields where their assistance is needed. Efforts toward attracting birds should not be limited to the area immediately surrounding the house, but should be extended to the part of the farm that is under cultivation. Most nesting birds subsist largely on insects, and young birds are fed almost exclusively on them. The response of birds to protection and friendly care is shown by a report from near Pontiac, Mich. Here a tract of 150 acres has been posted For several years and the birds thereon carefully protected; dogs have not been allowed to run wild, all vermin have been shot on sight, and English sparrows have been kept down by shooting and trapping. Over fifty bird houses have been erected, including 'Fanners' bulletin of tho Unit.ud .Ui.< , l>< |,;iM.in< m ■ j i ■ ■ 1 1 ! 1 1 1 < - on methods of attracting birds are, i, Bird Hon as an I How to Build Them; No. 62L now to Attract Bird i ta Northeastern o 7oo, How to Attract Birds In Northwestern united States; No. 844, How to Attract Bird in Hi- ,iiddi utos; No. !tl2, How io Utract Birds In the Ea it Central States; No. 1239, Community Bird k 32 BULLETIN 1165, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. a 22-room martin house, and regular feeding stations are maintained during about eight months of the year. A bird census taken on 60 acres of this land in 1920 shows that the birds have not been slow to recognize the advantages of this area as a nesting place, but no data are available for comparison to show what changes have taken place since the land has been pro- tected. This section contains the house with flower garden and lawn, about 20 acres of woods including hardwoods and tamarack, 3^ acres of plowed land, and the remainder in grass, with scattered shrubs, mostly juniper. The land is hilly, the higher and more heavily wooded part to the north and west, and sloping to the south, where a small lake extends into the tract for about 2 acres. There are three small ponds and a creek flowing into the lake, the shores . of which are marshy, the trees in some places coming nearly to the water. Here the birds find food, water, plenty of shelter, and protection from their enemies, natural as well as human, and they have responded by nesting about three times as closely as the normal average. The birds found breeding were as follows: Woodcock, 1; mourning dove, 6; red-tailed hawk, 1; black-billed cuckoo, 3; red- headed woodpecker, 4; flicker, 2; whippoorwill, 2; ruby-throated hummingbird, 1; kingbird, 1; crested flycatcher, 2; phoebe, 2; wood pewee, 6; blue jay, 3; crow, 3; cowbird, 10; red-winged blackbird, 5; Baltimore oriole, 4; goldfinch, 7; chipping sparrow, 7; field sparrow, 15; song sparrow, 11; towhee, 8; indigo bunting, 5; scarlet tanager, 2 ; purple martin, 10 ; bank swallow, 2 ; cedar waxwing, 2 ; red-eyed vireo, 5 ; yellow-throated vireo, 1; yellow warbler, 15; cerulean warbler, 1; ovenbird, 3; Mary- land yellowthroat, 4; catbird, 12; brown thrasher, 1; house wren, 12; white-breasted nuthatch, 1; blue-gray gnatcatcher, 4; wood thrush, 2; robin, 10; bluebird, 7; English pheasant, 1; English sparrow, 10; a total of 214 pairs of 43 species. At Silver Spring, Md., in 1917, the birds gave evidence of their appreciation of efforts in their behalf. The owner of a 6-acre tract has left the place wild for the sake of the birds. About half of this land is hilly meadow, considerably overgrown with bushes and young locust, and the rest is divided about equally between tangled woodland, garden, and grove around the house. Additional attrac- tions have been supplied in the form of feeding stand, bird bath, and several nest boxes. The birds that responded to this care in 1917 were: Bobwhite, 1; red-headed woodpecker, 1; whippoorwill, 1; kingbird, 1; phoebe, 1; wood pewee, 1; starling, 1 (the second record of the breeding of this species in the vicinity of Washington); orchard oriole, 1; field sparrow, 1; song sparrow, 2; chewink, 2; cardinal, 1; indigo bunting, 2; red-eyed vireo, 2; Maryland yellowthroat, 2; yellow-breasted chat, 1; redstart, 1; catbird, 4; brown thrasher, 1; house wren, 7; robin, 2; bluebird, 2; a total of 38 pairs of 22 species. Several instances of the abundance of birds on protected areas have already been mentioned. Others may be cited. An average of four years' records at Savannah, Ga., shows 30 pairs of 22 species nesting on 12 acres, about hah of which is woodland. At Collins, N. Y., a tract of 28 acres, about equally divided between woods and open land, is protected, but no extra attractions are furnished for the birds. Nevertheless, seven years' counts show the average of 33 species and 72 nesting pairs of native birds. At Ewing, 111., 5 acres, of which 2 were orchard and 1 garden, for four years have averaged a population of 22 pairs of 13 species of native birds besides 4 pairs of English sparrows. At Putnam, Conn., on 60 acres, of REPORT ON BIRD CENSUSES, 1916-1920. 33 which 1J are in orchard, 4 to 5 in crops, and none in woods, there was an average population for four years of 32 species and 121 pairs of native birds and 2 pairs of English sparrows. SUMMARY. Results of bird censuses for the five years 1916 to 1920, inclusive, show a very close agreement with those obtained in 1914 and 1915 for the section of the country lying north of Maryland and the Ohio River and east of the Great Plains — a little more than one pair of birds to the acre as the average for farm land. For the land imme- diately surrounding the buildings and including the lawns and orchard, on the average about 130 pairs of birds are found to nest on 100 acres; the estimated bird population of the entire farm is about 112 pairs to 100 acres. The counts made in the southeastern section of the country have been on tracts so scattered and of so small an acreage that no con- clusions concerning the average bird population are yet possible. The same is true of counts on the Plains, where, except for a few species, birds are largely confined to river bottoms and planted groves. In the Rocky Mountain region and westward, the country is even more diversified, and the added problem of altitude makes general averages practically impossible, even with many times the data now at hand. The robin is the most abundant species in the States north of North Carolina and east of the Mississippi, and the English sparrow is second. For the farm land in this section, as represented by the counts, there are approximately 9 pairs of robins and 8 pairs of English sparrows to 100 acres. No general statement of the average bird population of marsh areas is at present possible. The marshes are the home of several colony-nesting species, and the population per acre is, therefore, usually much greater than on farm land. In small patches of woodland, especially when they are surrounded by cultivated fields, birds nest very abundantly, but in the deeper woods they are scarce. For the former, the average bird population is 182 pairs to 100 acres; but the estimate given of 68 pairs to 100 acres of the latter is probably rather high. Several counts made in the forests of the Rocky Mountain region show about one pair of birds breeding on two acres, and it is probable that the same propor- tion holds in similar regions in the Eastern States. The counts of 1918 showed birds to be much less abundant than in other years covered. Unfavorable weather conditions during May and June of the year preceding took heavy toll of the insectivorous birds throughout the States east of the one hundredth meridian, and unusual storms in the Southern States during the winter and spring which followed proved hard on birds wintering there. By 1920 much of the loss had been regained. Birds respond to protection, and on areas where they are protected they nest much more abundantly than on surrounding territory. 34 BULLETIN 1165, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. FUTURE WORK. The bird census work must be carried on through many years and on a much larger scale if exact data are to be accumulated on which to base definite comparisons for determining what changes are taking place in the bird life of the country and whether these changes are local or general. The data now at hand indicate that on a given area where birds are protected the number breeding will gradually increase from year to year; but how long this will continue and what will occur when the maximum density is reached can not yet be determined. Previous to the destructive season of 1917, the results of which were so apparent in the censuses of 1918, there had been a gradual increase in the number of birds per acre on many tracts in the eastern United States, and following this setback birds are found to be again on the increase. Long series of exact records, such as this work will provide, will indicate whether the birds in the country as a whole or in certain localities are increasing or decreasing; or whether following periods of increase, setbacks such as the unfavorable season of 1917 tend to keep the average over a period of years approximately the same. From the work thus far done, it seems that over a long period changes may be expected in the distribution and relative abundance of certain species, rather than in the total number of birds in the country. On some tracts, little change in the number of birds is apparent from year to year, while on others an increase is shown, and on still others a de- crease. Are such changes due to local conditions or are they part of definite changes that are taking place in the bird life of the country ? With bird censuses continued year after year, a large amount of increasingly valuable data will be accumulated, from which much can be learned regarding the bird life of the country and the changes that take place. Each year's records add to the value and useful- ness of those already on file. Many problems are presented by the material now in hand and new problems are brought out by each year's work, for the solution of which we must look to the future. PUBLICATIONS OP THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RELAT- ING TO THE DISTRIBUTION, MIGRATION, AND ATTRACTION OF WILD SURDS. FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION BY THE DEPARTMENT. Bird Migration. (Department Bulletin 185.) Eleven Important Wild-Duck Foods. (Department Bulletin 205.) Propagation of Wild -Duck Foods. (Department Bulletin 465.) Migration Records from Wild Ducks and Other Birds Banded in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah. (Department Bulletin 1145.) Bird Houses and How to Build Them. (Farmers' Bulletin 609.) How to Attract Birds in Northeastern United States. (Farmers' Bulletin 621.) How to Attract Birds in Northwestern United States. (Farmers' Bulletin 760.) How to Attract Birds in the Middle Atlantic States. (Farmers' Bulletin 844.) How to Attract Birds in the East Central States. (Pennsylvania to 100th meridian.) (Farmers' Bulletin 912.) Community Bird Refuges. (Farmers' Bulletin 1239.) Game' Laws. (Annual publication, that for 1922, Farmers' Bulletin 1288.) The Great Plains Waterfowl Breeding Grounds and Their Protection. (Separata 723, Yearbook 1917.) Federal Protection of Migratory Birds. (Separate 785, Yearbook 1918.) Conserving Our Wild Animals and Birds. (Separate 836, Yearbook 1920.) Instructions for Bird Banding. (Department Circular 170.) Migratory Bird Treaty, Act, and Regulations. (Biological Survey Service and Regulatory Announcement No. 55.) FOR SALE BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Distribution and Migration of North American Shorebirds. (Biological Survey Bulletin No. 35.) Price, 15 cents. Fifty Common Birds of Farm and Garden. (Farmers' Bulletin 513, with color plates. Price, 15 cents.) 35 ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Secretary of Agriculture : Henry C. Wallace. Assistant Secretary C. W. Pugsley. Director of Scientific Work E. D. Ball. Director of Regulatory Work . Weather Bureau Charles F. Marvin, Chief. Bureau of Agricultural Economics Henry C. Taylor, Chief. Bureau of Animal Industry John R. Mohler, Chief. Bureau of Plant Industry William A. Taylor, Chief. Forest Service W. B. Greeley, Chief. Bureau of Chemistry Walter G. Campbell, Acting Chief. Bureau of Soils Milton Whitney, Chief. Bureau of Entomology L. 0. Howard, Chief. Bureau of Biological Survey E . W. Nelson, Chief. Bureau of Public Roads Thomas H. MacDonald, Chief. Fixed-Nitrogen Research Laboratory F. G. Cottrell, Director. Division of Accounts and Disbursements A. Zappone, Chief. Division of Publications Edwin C. Powell, Acting Chief. Library Claribel R. Barnett, Librarian. States Relations Service A. C. True, Director. Federal Horticultural Board C. L. Marlatt, Chairman. Insecticide and Fungicide Board J. K. Haywood, Chairman. Packers and Stockyards Administration 1 Chester Morrill, Grain Future- Trading Act Administration . . . . j Assistant to the Secretary. Office of the Solicitor R. W. Williams, Solicitor. This bulletin is a contribution from Bureau of Biological Survey E. W. Nelson, Biologist and Chief. Division of Biological Investigations E. A. Goldman, Assistant in Charge 36 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY PURCHASER AGREES NOT TO RESELL OR DISTRIBUTE THIS COPY FOR PROFIT. — PUB. RES. 57, APPROVED MAY 11, 1922 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT BULLETIN No. 1169 Washington, D. C. T September 13, 1923 FURTHER STUDIES WITH PARADICHLOROBENZENE FOR PEACH BORER CONTROL WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ITS USE ON YOUNG PEACH TREES. By Oliver I. Snapp, Entomologist, and Charles H. Alden, Scientific Assistant, Fruit Insect Investigations, Bureau of Entomology. CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 1 Experimental results in the field 2 Effect of paradichlorobenzene on the trees. . . 6 Results from winter and spring treatments. . 10 Correct method of applying paradichloro- benzene 12 Laboratory experiments 13 Rate of evaporation of paradichloro- benzene crystals 13 Page. Laboratory experiments — Continued. Mortality of peach-borer larva? exposed to paradichlorobenzene 14 Effect of temperature and moisture on the effectiveness of paradichloroben- zene 15 Summary 18 INTRODUCTION. The use of paradichlorobenzene for the control of the peach borer (Aegeria exitiosa Say) on trees 6 years of age and older has rapidly increased in popularity among peach growers since the appearance of the report by E. B. Blakeslee x on his experiments on this new method of control of this most destructive enemy of the peach. Peach growers throughout the area of distribution of the peach borer east of the Rocky Mountains have already adopted the treat- ment to a large extent, and in certain important peach-growing areas where the borer is excessively troublesome the employment oi para- dichlorobenzene has become rather general. Thus in Georgia alone, during 1921,250,000 pounds of the chemical were used, and possibly more was required during the season of 1922. The experimental results obtained by Blakeslee showed that this chemical is safe when properly employed for the control of the peach borer on trees 6 years of age and older. In certain cases, however, injury to trees younger than about 6 years occurred. Since the peach borer is often very destructive in young orchards, it is highly desir- able, if possible, to use the chemical on trees of all ages. Further experimentation by the Bureau of Entomology and several of the agricultural experiment stations, notably those of New Jersey, Mary- i U. 8. Dent, of Agriculture Bulletin 7%, Use of Toxic Gases as a Possible Means of Control of the Peach-Tree Borer. 1019. 46631°— 23 1 2 BULLETIN" 1169, U. S. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE. land, Indiana, and Illinois, indicates that this can be done, provided the directions for use are carefully followed. Beginning with the fall of 1921 and extending through the spring of 1922, extensive experiments with paradichlorobenzene were conducted by the Bureau of Entomology in the peach belt of Georgia on trees ranging from 1 to 6 years of age. At the same time studies were made in the laboratory on the effect of temperature and moisture on the rate of evaporation of the chemical, in order to obtain results for compar- ison with those obtained under orchard conditions. This bulletin gives a report of progress rather than specific recom- mendations as to the use of paradichlorobenzene on peach trees younger than 6 years of age. The results obtained are very favorable to the employment of the chemical on young trees. Injury resulted only to a few trees in the way of brown lesions in the outer bark layers. Nevertheless, final recommendations can not be made until additional experimental work is completed. In the meantime peach growers should decide for themselves whether, in view of their indi- vidual conditions, they are warranted in adopting the treatment on young trees, or whether they should continue the well-known practice of worming. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS IN THE FIELD. The chief objects of the field experiments were (1) to ascertain what dosages can be used effectively and with safety on young peach trees; (2) to note effects from not opening up soil mounds six weeks after applying the chemical and to note the effects from allowing the crystals to remain around the trees all winter; (3) to determine the effectiveness of late fall, winter, and spring applications to peach trees. The object of the laboratory work was to determine the effect of temperature and moisture on the rate of evaporation of paradichloro- benzene, and to ascertain what influence these factors have on the mortality of the peach borer from the toxic gas. FIVE-YEAR-OLD ORCHARD TREES. One hundred and twenty-two trees were used in an experiment on 5-year-old trees. Both long exposures of small doses and short ex- posures of large doses were tested. For the long-exposure tests one- half, three-fourths, and 1-ounce doses were applied October 12, 1921. The soil was removed and examinations made on groups of five trees in each test three, four, and six weeks after the material was applied, and on five trees the examination was not made or the soil disturbed until the spring of 1922. Some of the trees in the check or untreated plat of this experiment were examined for borers six weeks after the application was made to the treated trees, and the others the follow- ing spring. For the short-exposure tests, 1|, 2, and 2\ ounce doses were applied October 20, 1921. The soil was removed and examinations made on groups of 5 trees in each test 4, 8, and 12 days later. The trees in the check or untreated plat of this experiment were examined for borers during the latter part of November. Table 1 gives the results on the effectiveness of the various doses of paradichlorobenzene at different exposures as used on the 5-year-old orchard trees. PAEADICHLOBOBENZENE ON YOUNG PEACH . TEEES. Table 1. — Results of different treatments of paradichlorobenzene on peach-borer larvae in 5-year-old Redbird peach trees, Fort Valley, Ga., 1921-22. Number of larvae found. Per cent of larvae. Num- ber of trees. Size of dose. Date applied. Date ex- amined. Exposed togas. Dead. Stupe- fied. Active. Dead. Stupe- fied. Active. Ounces. 1921. 1921-22. Days. 0 i Oct. 12 Nov. 3 22 8 2 1 72.7 IS. 2 9.1 5 i ...do 9 28 1 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 h ...do 23 42 3 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 i ...do Apr. 13 Over win- ter. 4 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 3. ...do.... Nov. 3 22 6 1 0 85.7 14.3 0 5 1 ...do 9 28 17 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 a ...do 23 42 5 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 Sl ...do Apr. 13 Over win- ter. 1 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 1 ...do.... Nov. 3 22 8 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 1 ...do 9 28 19 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 1 ...do 23 42 5 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 1 ...do Apr. 13 Overwin- ter. 2 0 0 100.0 0 0 o H Oct. 20 Oct. 24 4 2 2 0 50.0 50.0 0 5 IV ...do 28 8 5 0 1 83.3 0 16.7 5 IV ...do Nov. 1 12 16 1 0 94.1 5.9 0 0 2 ...do Oct. 24 4 4 7 0 36.4 63.6 0 0 2 ...do 28 8 4 0 0 100.0 0 0 0 2 ...do Nov. 1 12 6 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 2i ...do Oct. 24 4 12 7 0 63.2 36.8 0 5 2J ...do 2S 8 8 0 0 100.0 0 0 o 2J ...do.... Nov. 1 12 4 0 0 100.0 0 0 4 Check. Check. Check. 23 30 Apr. 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 61 8 0 % 0 0 0 0 100.0 10 100.0 3 100.0 FOUR-YEAR-OLD ORCHARD TREES. In the experiment on 4-year-old trees also, 122 trees were used, and all tests conducted on the 5-year-old trees were duplicated on 4-year-old trees. Table 2 gives the larvicidal action of the various doses at different exposures on 4-year-old trees. Table 2. — Results of different treatments of paradichlorobenzene on peach-borer larvse in 4-year-old Redbird peach trees, Marshallville, Ga., 1921-22. Number of larvae found. Per cent of larvae. Num- ber of trees. Size of dose. Date applied. Date ex- amined. Exposed togas. Dead. Stupe- fied. Active. Dead. Stupe- fied. Active. Ounce*. 1921. 1921-22. Bays. 5 i Oct. 10 Nov. 1 22 17 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 i ...do 7 28 6 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 'do 21 42 2 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 I ...do Apr. 10 Over win- ter. 22 2 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 I ...do Nov. 1 4 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 I ...do 7 28 2 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 1 ...do ...do 21 Apr. 10 42 Over win- 0 3 0 0 0 0 5 lno.o 0 0 ter. 0 1 ...do Nov. 1 22 10 5 0 66.7 33.3 0 6 1 1 ...do. ...do 7 21 28 42 0 3 0 0 0 0 5 100.0 0 0 5 1 ...do Apr. 10 Over win- ter. 4 0 0 100.0 0 0 5 li Oct. 17 Oct. 21 4 3 2 0 60.0 40.0 0 5 il ...do 25 8 6 0 0 100.0 0 0 6 ...do 29 12 9 5 0 64.3 35.7 0 6 2 ...do 21 4 16 5 0 70.2 23.8 0 6 2 ...do 2.', 8 4 1 0 80.0 20.0 0 -» 2 ...do 29 12 13 2 0 86.7 13.3 0 ■i a ...do 21 4 6 7 II Hi. 2 53. 8 0 ...do 2.', 8 Q 0 0 ■> 2i ...do 29 12 1 0 0 101). 0 0 0 9 ( beck. < heck. Check. Nov. 2\ 27 Apr. 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 11 10 0 0 0 i) n (i 100.0 :, 100.0 3 100.0 4 BULLETIN 1169, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. THREE- YEAR-OLD ORCHARD TREES. The same experiments conducted on the 5-year-old and 4-year-old trees were also conducted on 3-year-old trees. Table 3 gives the results on effectiveness of the various doses used. Table 3. — Results of different treatments of paradichlorobenzene on peach-borer larvae, in 3-year-old Hale peach trees, Fort Valley, Ga., 1921-22. Num- Size of dose. Date applied. Date ex- amined. Exposed togas. Number of larvae found. Per cent of larvae. ber of trees. Dead. Stupe- fied. Active. Dead. Stupe- fied. Active. 5 5 5 Ounces. 4 i i a 4 1 1 1 1 H H 2 2 2 2§ 2£ 2| Check. Check. 1921. Oct. 11 ...do ...do ...do , ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do. . Oct. 18 ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do 1921-22. Nov. 2 8 22 Apr. 12 Nov. 2 8 22 Apr. 12 Nov. 2 8 22 Apr. 12 Oct. 22 26 31 22 26 31 22 26 31 Nov. 22 Apr. 12 Days. 22 28 42 Over win- ter. 22 28 42 Over win- ter. 22 28 42 Over win- ter. 4 8 13 4 8 13 4 8 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 100.0 100.0 5 5 5 5 5 5 100.0 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 66.7 100.0 33.3 0 0 0 5 5 5 14 0 0 100.0 3 TWO-YEAR-OLD ORCHARD TREES. In the experiment on 2-year-old trees 105 trees were used. The tests included both long exposures of small doses and short exposures of large doses. For the long-exposure tests, one-half and three- fourths ounce doses were applied October 11, 1921. The soil was removed and examinations made on groups of five trees in both the one-half and three-fourths ounce test plats three, four, and six weeks after the material was applied. The check or untreated plat of this experiment was examined six weeks after the application was made to the treated trees. For the short-exposure tests, three-fourths, 1, 1^, and 2 ounce doses were applied October 21, 1921. The soil was removed and examinations made on groups of five trees in each test 4, 8, and 12 days later. The trees in the check or untreated plat of this experi- ment were examined for borers the latter part of November. Table 4 gives the results on effectiveness of the various doses used on the 2-year-old trees. PAEADICHLOROBElSrZENE ON YOUNG PEACH TREES. 5 Table 4. — Results of different treatments of paradichlorobenzene on peach-borer larvze in 2-year-old Hiley peach trees, Winchester, Oa., 1921-22. Num- Size of dose. Date applied. Date ex- amined. Exposed to gas. Number of larva? found. Per cent of larvae. ber of trees. Dead. Stupe- fied. Active. Dead. Stupe- fied. Active. Ounces. X i a a. 1 4 a a 1 1 1 U 14 2" 2 2 Check. . 1921. Oct. 11 ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do Oct. 21 ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do 1921-22. Nov. 2 8 '22 2 8 22 Oct. 25 29 Nov. 2 Oct. 25 29 Nov. 2 Oct. 25 29 Nov. 2 Oct. 25 29 Nov. 2 22 Daps. 22 28 42 22 28 42 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 ONE-YEAR-OLD ORCHARD TREES. On account of the possibility of severe tree injury resulting from the use of paradichlorobenzene on 1-year-old trees, only a few trees were used in this experiment. One-half and three-fourths ounce doses were applied on October 11, 1921, and the trees were exposed to the treatment for 22 days. One-ounce doses were applied on October 21, 1921, and the trees exposed for 18 days. Table 5 gives the larvicidal action of the various doses used. Table 5. — Results of different treatments of paradichlorobenzene on peach-borer larvse in 1-year-old Hiley peach trees, Winchester, Ga., 1921-22. Num- Size of dose. Date applied. Date ex- amined. Exposed togas. Number of larvse found. Per cent of larvae. ber of trees. Dead. Stupe- fied. Active. Dead. Stupe- fied. Active. 4 4 Ounce '. 1 1 1921. Oct. 11 11 21 1921. Nov. 2 2 8 Days. 22 22 18 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0 0 0 4 SUMMARY OF RESULTS. Table 6 brings together the results from all treatments on peach trees ranging in age from 1 to 5 years. 6 BULLETIN 1169, U. S. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE. Table 6. — Summary of results of different treatments of p.aradichlorobenzene on peach- borer larvse in 1 to 5-year-old peach trees, central Georgia, 1921-22. J-ounce dose. f-ounce dose. 1-ounce dose. Days larvse were exposed to CD CD EH Larvse. !d « s CD ft Larvse. d CD a "S CD O tU CD ft w CD CD (H EH Larvse. d gas (1921). 03 CD T3 2 CD ft' s 02 CD > IS d CD ca CD 1 CD > rd c3 CD ft d CD cp CD 1 CO ■s < a CD CD EH d c3 CD CD o (-1 CD ft 5 5 5 24 20 20 15 1 1 0 10 19 5 6 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 5 5 5 15 15 15 15 0 1 0 18 19 8 6 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 days 100 22 days 24 20 20 15 27 7 5 6 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 87.1 87.5 100 100 90.9 100 100 100 78 3 28 days 100 100 100 Check lj-ounce dose. 2-ounce dose. 2J-ouhce dose. Check. Days larvse were exposed to gas (1921). CD CD Larvse. •d CD fl CD O CD ft CD CD FH EH Larvse. d © § CD ft Larvse. d © Larvse. d 03 03 ft cd CD ft s to > d 03 0D P d CD < d CD O Fh CD ft V a a. u E- d 03 CD ft © o 20 20 20 5 11 25 4 0 6 0 1 0 55.6 91.7 80.7 20 20 20 22 9 19 13 1 2 0 0 0 62.9 90.0 90.5 15 15 15 18 8 5 14 0 0 0 0 0 56.3 100 100 22 days 28 days Check 66 0 1T> In making examinations for results many very small larvse that were killed by the gas could not be located. This is proved by the infestation of the check trees, which contained an average of over 2 borers per tree as compared with an average of less than 1 borer per tree located in the treated trees when making the examinations. The results of these experiments show that the large doses ex- posed for 4, 8, or 12 days are not as effective as the smaller doses exposed for 4 to 6 weeks. While the percentage of kill was high from some of the short exposures, yet others were so low in percent- age of kill that the short-exposure treatments as a whole could not be considered effective. Both the three-fourths and 1 ounce doses exposed for 28 days or longer gave 100 per cent control. EFFECT OF PARADICHLOROBENZENE ON THE TREES. Three separate examinations for tree injury from the various paradichlorobenzene treatments were made on all trees from 1 to 5 years of age. The first of these examinations was made in the fall of 1921, about six weeks after the material was applied. The second examination was made during the spring of 1922, and the third and final examination was made in July, 1922. The condition of the tree and trunk at the final examination is given in the follow- ing summary from the field notes: PARADICHLOROBENZENE ON YOUNG PEACH TREES. 7 ONE-YEAR-OLD TREES. Eight 1-year-old Hiley peach trees exposed 12 days with one-half and three-fourths ounce doses showed no injury to either the trees or trunks. Of four 1-year-old Hiley trees exposed 18 days to 1-ounce doses two of the trunks showed some injury which might be attributed to the paradichlorobenzene. The trunk of one of these trees showed severe peppering with small brown lesions in the outer bark layers at about the place where the crystal ring had been placed. The cambium was uninjured. The other injured tree showed only slight peppering of the outer bark layers with small brown lesions. Both of these trees appeared very healthy from the top, and had appar- ently not been affected by the paradichlorobenzene dose. TWO-YEAR-OLD TREES. Of thirty 2-year Hiley peach trees exposed to one-half and three- fourths ounce doses from three to six weeks, all appeared very healthy and vigorous from the top when the final examinations for tree in- jury were made. (PI. I.) The trunks also showed no injury what- ever, with the exception of four. These four showed a slightly pep- pered appearance in the outer bark layers, but the cambium was uninjured. Of sixty 2-year-old trees treated with doses varying from three-fourths to 2 ounces exposed to the gas from 4 to 12 da,js, all were very healthy and growing vigorously. The trunks of 58 were uninjured, while 2 showed the outer bark layers slightly pep- pered with brown lesions. The 15 check or untreated trees were all healthy and vigorous when each examination was made. The trunks showeol no abnormal condition of the outer bark layers or cambium. THREE- YEAR-OLD TREES. Sixty 3-year-old Hale peach trees treated with doses varying from one-half to 1 ounce showed no injury from the paradichlorobenzene to either the trunk or the tree at any of the three examinations. The mounds around 15 of these trees were not disturbed after the paradichlorobenzene was applied until the spring of 1922. The other 45 trees were exposed to the gas for periods varying from three to six weeks. Forty-five other 3-year-old trees treated with 1£ to 2£ ounce doses and exposed from 4 to 12 days showed no injury to the trunk or tree at any of the examinations. The 17 trees used as checks in this experiment appeared the same as the treated trees when each examination was made. The 3-year-old trees used for this experiment were exceedingly healthy and vigorous, and the bark layers were thick for trees of that age. FOUR-YEAR-OLD TREES. The trees used for the four-year experiment were of the Redbird variety, and the orchard as a whole was in very poor condition and the trees neglected. Sixty of these trees were treated with doses varying from one-half to 1 ounce and 45 were exposed to the gas for periods ranging from throe to six weeks. The mounds around the remaining \~> were not disturbed until the spring of 1922. At the final examination I « > of the 60 trees showed peppering with, hrown lcbions on the trunk at about the place where the p:ir;i<'.ii/.ei)e 8 BULLETIN 1169, V. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ring had come in close proximity to the bark. The trunks of the other trees did not show any injurious effects from the use of the chemical. A detailed study of the bark of some of the injured trees showed brown flecks in the 1920 and 1921 layers, and two flecks had merged into the 1922 layer. The layers inside and outside of the 1920 and 1921 layers were practically free from flecks. The injury occurred over a distance of about 1 inch at the point where the crys- tals had been placed around the tree. There was no injury above or below this point. The gas passed through from 2 to 4 millimeters of outer bark layers without causing any visible injury. In the next 2 millimeters of bark, which includes the 1920 and 1921 bark layers, brown flecks from | to 1 millimeter in diameter, somewhat ellipsoidal, the long axis parallel with the bark rays, extended to within 1 milli- meter of the cambium at the time of treatment. The largest flecks were about 3 millimeters long and 1 millimeter wide and about 10 flecks may occur per centimeter of circumference of the tree. Of forty-five 4-year-old trees treated with doses varying from 1^ to 2^ ounces and exposed to the gas from 4 to 12 days, 44 were healthy and showed no injury to the trunk. One showed some peppering. The 17 untreated trees were all healthy. On account of improper handling and neglect in the 4-year-old orchard, the trees had made very poor growth. Measurements of the trees used for paradichlorobenzene experiments in this orchard averaged 1 foot 1 inch in circumference, and 9 feet 2 inches in height. The measurements of the trees used in the 3-year-old orchard aver- aged 1 foot 2J inches in circumference and 10 feet 5 inches in height. The difference in size and vitality perhaps influenced injury on the 4-year-old trees, where the bark layers were perhaps even thinner than the layers on the vigorous 3-year-old trees, which showed no indications whatever of injury from the use of paradichlorobenzene. FIVE-YEAR-OLD TREES. Sixty 5-year-old Redbird peach trees were treated with doses vary- ing from one-half to 1 ounce, 45 of which were exposed to the gas for periods ranging from 3 to 6 weeks, while the mounds around the remain- ing 15 were allowed to remain around the trees throughout the winter. At each examination made for tree injury no injurious effects from the use- of the paradichlorobenzene to the trunk or tree in the case of these trees were observed. Forty-five trees were exposed to 1^ to 2\ ounce doses for from 4 to 12 days with no injury to either the trunk or the tree. The check or untreated trees were in the same condition as the treated ones, and in no case among all the 5-year-old trees used for the experiment could any injury to the tree or trunk be attributed to paradichlorobenzene. SIX- YEAR-OLD TREES. Forty 6-year-old Redbird peach trees were treated with 1-ounce doses late in the fall of 1921, and the mounds left up around the trees over winter. Examinations made in the spring and again in July of 1922 showed no tree or trunk injury from the late use of the chemical on trees of this age and from allowing the mounds to remain around the trees over winter. Twenty-four trees treated in the spring of 1922 with 1-ounce doses showed no injury from paradichlorobenzene Bui. 1169, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. M Condition of 2-Year-Old Hiley Peach Orchard in the Spring after Being Partially Treated with Paradichlorobenzene the Preceding Fall. i. i a fc four rows treated, others untreated. 2, Ren to left treated, those to right untreated. PAEADICHLOROBElSrZElsrE OF YOUNG PEACH TREES. 9 when examinations for tree injury were made in July of the same year. In no case among all the 6-year-old trees treated in late fall or in the spring could any injury to the cambium layer be attributed to the paradichlorobenzene treatment. DISCUSSION. The characteristic severe tree injury from the use of paradichloro- benzene on young peach trees reported as a result of experimental work conducted in more northern latitudes did not occur on any of the young trees used for the experimental work in Georgia during 1921-22. Different climatic conditions which usually cause rapid evaporation of the crystals may be responsible, and these are such that perhaps it may be possible to use this new treatment on young peach trees in Georgia and other Southern States without injury to the tree. During a normal fall in central Georgia a 1-ounce dose placed around a peach tree will entirely evaporate and leave no traces of odor within six weeks. In no case among the 558 young peach trees used in the paradi- chlorobenzene experimental work in Georgia during 1921-22 could it be determined that the cambium layer was injured as a result of the toxic action of the gas; but in some instances, previously noted, brown lesions were observed in the outer bark layers that could be attributed to the gas, since most of the lesions were at a point on the trunk near which the crystal ring had been placed. No special injury from leaving the mounds around the trees all winter after making the application could be discerned. Notes were kept on the quantity of crystals left and the odor present when each tree base was opened for examination. These notes re- vealed the fact that in the majority of cases 1-ounce doses will entirely evaporate and the odor disappear within six weeks during a normal October and November in the latitude of Georgia, provided too much earth is not placed over the crystals in mounding after applying the chemical. Hence during a normal fall it is not necessary to uncover the base of the trees, especially the old ones, in Georgia and the Gulf States six weeks after applying the chemical in order to allow the gas to escape, or to remove any remaining crystals. If the fall is cool or if the material has been applied very late, this additional precaution against injury might be considered and the tree bases uncoA^ered six weeks after applying the material. This precaution might also be taken if the material is used on young trees. Since the three-fourths and 1-ounce doses exposed for four weeks or longer resulted in a better control of the peach borer than the large doses with short exposures, and since the effect on the trees from these long exposures was no greater than from the large doses with short exposures, it is suggested that in using paradichlorobenzene on ]x sach lice-; 4 years old OF younger in Georgia the three-fourths ounce dose be used and allowed to remain around the trees for four weeks. As an added precaution against injury on .young trees, uncover the base of the tree four weeks after applying the chemical. On peach trees 5 years old and older in Georgia, ^^' the full I -ounce dose, and if the chemical is applied at I he l ime recommended and if the fall is not abnormally cold it will not he necessary to uncover tin; base of the old trees after applying the paradichlorobenzene. 46631°— 2:5 2 10 BULLETIN 1169, U. S. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE. RESULTS FROM WINTER AND SPRING TREATMENTS. To obtain information on the results that may be expected to follow the application of paradichlorobenzine to peach trees in the late fall or spring for the control of the peach borer, an experiment was conducted on 6-year-old trees during the fall of 1921 and the spring of 1922. This experiment also furnished additional data on the results from not uncovering the tree base after applying the chemical. Eighty trees were used in this experiment and 1-ounce doses were applied in all tests. Ten of the trees were treated October 24, which was about two weeks after the usual time. These trees were not examined or the soil disturbed until May 5, 1922. Ten other trees were treated on November 9, which was about four weeks later than the time for best results. Ten others were treated on November 23, which was about six weeks late, and 10 others on December 6, which was eight weeks later than the date recommended for best results. None of these trees was examined nor was the soil around them dis- turbed until May 5, 1922. Ten untreated trees were examined on May 6, as a check on this experiment. For the spring test 1-ounce doses were applied April 3, 1922, to twenty-five 6-year-old trees which had not been treated the previous fall. By this date the daily soil temperature in Georgia was averaging over 60° F. at a depth of 3 inches. These trees were all examined on May 13, 1922, or about six weeks after the material was applied. Five untreated trees used as a check on this experiment were also examined on May 13. Table 7 gives the summary of results on the effect of late fall and spring treatments of 1-ounce doses of paradichlorobenzene on peach- borer larvse. Table 7. — Summary of results of late fall and spring 1-ounce dose treatments of para- dichlorobenzene on -peach-borer larvx in 6-year-old Redbird peach trees, Fort valley, Ga., 1921-22. Date applied. Date ex- amined. Exposed to gas. Number and condition of larvse. Per cent larvae. Dead. Stupefied. Active. 03 ft ■a a p. 3 5 Num- ber of trees. d is o w> h 6 o M to 3 o J-< si Eh i o J, s t-i o > o o H "3 ■a § O a is o CO A 3 o 3 e w si +3 3 •2 gf H C si <-> > O o "3 si i> O o CX CO Si 3 o o a> H Si 6-i .a (H 3 •8 J, A Sis ^ o si h i3 So u o > O 6 > < 10 1921-22. Oct. 24 Nov. 9 Nov. 23 Dec. 6 Check... Apr. 3 Check 1922. May 5 ...do ...do ...do May 6 May 13 ...do Over winter (193 days). Over winter (177 days). Over winter (163 days). Over winter (150 days). i 2 1 75.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 72.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.4 0 25.0 10 2 0 10 i 2 0 10 1 31 4 2 15 1 8 100.0 10 17 0 1 100.0 25 7 10 4 2 i 0 17.2 5 100.0 It is difficult to locate dead borers 150 to 200 days after applying the chemical, on account of decomposi- tion; hence the few borers recorded on long exposures above. The checks show the number probably dresent when the experiment began. PARADICHLOROBENZENE ON YOUNG PEACH TREES. 11 Table 7 shows that the spring treatment of paradichlorobenzene in Georgia is not as effective for the control of the peach borer as the early fall treatment. This is perhaps largely due to the size of the larva? in the spring and the fact that many individuals are in deep galleries by that time. The larger the borers and the deeper they are in the gallery the more difficult it is to kill them with paradichloro- benzene gas. The 1922 spring treatment gave a borer mortality of 72.4 per cent. The early fall treatment gave from 95 to 100 per cent /&&/ /j?«a£» Fig. 1. — Monthly mean soil temperature 3 inches below the surface, at Fort Valley, Ga. .(The heavy horizontal linelndi ii is the lowest temperature for best results with paradichlorobenzene.) mortality; 17.2 per cent of the borers were active six weeks after the spring applications were made, and 10.4 per cent of them were, stupefied. Spring applications of paradichlorobenzene will not give as satis- factory control of the peach borer as the curly fall applications, and they can ttot babe the place of the fall treatments. They should only be ased where for an unavoidable reason the grower was not able to apply the material in the Fall. Where, conditions warrant these spring applications, they should be applied by April I in Georgia tad i he Gulf states. For best results with paradichlorobenzene, it 12 BULLETIN" 1169, IT. S. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE. must be placed around the trees when the soil temperature is 60° F. or higher. Figure 1 shows that the soil does not warm up sufficiently for applications before April 1. On the other hand it is important to prevent tree damage from the borers as soon as possible and to kill them before they have gone deep in their galleries or have attained large size. Consequently, do not wait later than April 1 for spring applications. The results from the application made on December 6 were very poor. When the examinations on these trees were made on May 5 every borer that could be located was active. Of course, some may have been killed and decomposed before the examinations were made. The poor results can be attributed to the fact that the soil is too cold during December in Georgia for the generation of gas from paradichlo- robenzene crystals. As shown in Figure 1, the average soil tem- perature during December, 1921, was 56° F. Some of the applica- tions made at two-week intervals after October 15 gave very good results, yet 25 per cent of the borers were active in the spring in trees that had been treated with paradichlorobenzene October 24, or two weeks later than the usual time. For best results, paradichlorobenzene must be applied in the early fall, at the close of the oviposition period of the adult. At this time the borers are small and the galleries are shallow. Furthermore, 1-ounce doses applied immediately after the oviposition season will evaporate entirely in six weeks, or before the soil temperature becomes too low for the gas to generate. The work reported here shows that the best results with paradichlorobenzene for peach-borer control in central Georgia will be obtained by placing the crystals around the trees October 10. CORRECT METHOD OF APPLYING PARADICHLOROBENZENE. In practically every case where a peach grower failed to get satis- factory control of the peach borer with paradichlorobenzene it was found that the directions for applying the chemical were not closely followed. It is absolutely essential to follow the directions very closely if best results are to be obtained with paradichlorobenzene. It must be remembered that the gas given off from paradichloro- benzene crystals is much heavier than air, and borers in a tree above the point where the crystals are placed will not be affected by the gas. Consequently, the first thing to do in treating a tree is to deter- mine the topmost borer gallery. Usually this will not be above the soil level, and, in such case, the soil should not be mounded or dis- turbed before applying the paradichlorobenzene, except to remove weeds, stones, etc., and to make the soil surface level, using the back of a shovel. If gum, sawdust, or frass is thrown out from the tree trunk above the soil level, one can be reasonably sure that some borers are working in the tree above the soil. In these cases mound up the tree with earth, so that the ring of crystals can be placed above the topmost borer gallery. This is necessary in order that the gas may reach the borers above the soil level. Do not mound trees before applying the chemical, however, unless there are distinct indi- cations of borer work above ground. The dose of paradichlorobenzene is then applied in a continuous band about 2 inches wide and about 1 inch from the tree trunk. Care Bui. 1169, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Plate II. The Proper Way to Use Paradichlorobenzene. . The soil around the tree i made ready for tredfinent. '-i. The paradichlorobenzene Is applied In a continuous ring 2 inches wide and i Inch from the tree trunk. This Is the correct method. 1 oveliul ol oil are placed on the erj tals and compacted, to hold the gas and i>m' '.'•lit urface wa hing. i. in Hi'1 ca e ol young tree , the ba e i uncovered four weeks after the paradichlorobenzene i applied. Bui. 1169, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate III. Improper Ways of Applying Paradichlorobenzene. 1. The crystal ring is too close to the tree trunk. It should be at least 1 inch away. 2. The crystal ring is too far from the tree trunk for good results. 3. The soil level should have been raised around this tree before applying the crystals, as there are borers at work above the present soil level. No borers will be kiiled above the crystal ring, as the gas is heavier than air. PAKADICHLOROBENZElSrE ON YOUNG PEACH TREES. 13 should be used to distribute the crystals as evenly as possible, as the action of the gas is local. Use only pure paradichlorobenzene having a fineness of granulated sugar. One-ounce doses should be used on trees 5 years old and older, and if this material is used on younger trees the three-fourths ounce dose is suggested. After the crystals are placed around the tree, cover them with several shovelfuls of soil and compact with a sharp blow or two, using the back of the shovel. This produces a slight mound which prevents the crystals from washing and also serves as a container for the gas. Avoid pushing the crystals against the tree trunk with the first shovelful of soil. If paradichlorobenzene is used on trees younger than 5 years old, the mounds should be opened four weeks later to remove any unspent crystals or to allow any remaining gas to escape. In the latitude of central Georgia it will not be necessary to open the mounds after treating trees 5 years old or older. Plates II and III show proper and improper methods of applying paradichlorobenzene. For best results the chemical must be applied in the peach belt of central Georgia from October 10 to 15. In northern Georgia the material should be applied about October 1, and in southern Georgia, October 15 to 20. The same dates should be applicable for similar latitudes in the other Gulf States. LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS. In connection with the field work on paradichlorobenzene, several tests were made with the material in the laboratory. Field conditions were somewhat different from those in the laboratory, but the two were made as nearly similar as possible. The evaporation of the gas in the laboratory was slower than in the field, as in the latter case the material was subjected to a higher temperature due to its being exposed to the direct rays of the sun. In testing the killing effect of paradichlorobenzene on peach-borer larvae, the gas was concen- trated in a small area and the action was somewhat faster than under normal field conditions. RATE OF EVAPORATION OF PARADICHLOROBENZENE CRYSTALS. The paradichlorobenzene crystals used to determine the rate of evaporation were about as fine as granulated sugar. The soils used were red clay and sandy loam. One-half ounce of paradichloroben- zene was used in all tests and was imbedded from 4 to 6 inches in the soil, with the exception of one test, where the crystals were placed on the surface of tne soil. Some of the soils were used just as they came from the field; others had various amounts of water added up t.<» the point of saturation. In the sandy loam soils the crystals evaporated at about the same rate, whether 4 or 6 inches below the surface. The evaporation was -'»n if what faster in red flay when the crystals were only 4 inches down in the soil. The evaporation in the cages to which water had been added was retarded at first, but in about two weeks it was about the same ;is in normal ~ soils. It took from 91 to 135 days lor :ill of the paradichlorobenzene to disappear, with the exception of the single cage in which the material was placed on the surface. The 1 The soil u.sf:'] as It curnefrom the orchard without tli<: u'Mitlon of water i . hi'M'Tfurlh ile:-,i<:ualr(l in l.hi ; pspec aa normal sail 14 BULLETIN 1169, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. crystals disappeared in this cage in 16 days. The two types of soil showed very little difference in the rate of evaporation. It would appear that moisture in the soil in central Georgia soon evaporates and does not decrease the efficiency of the gas to any extent unless continuous rainy weather occurs during the period of the generation of the gas. Table 8 gives a summary of the results obtained on the rate of evaporation of the crystals. Table 8. — Rate of evaporation of paradichlorobenzene crystals in the laboratory, Fort Valley, Ga., 1921-22. One-half ounce dose to all cages on Oct. 13, 1921; one-half ounce=219 grains.] Amount of moisture added Oct. 13. Soil type. Amount of evaporation, in grains (losses be- tween succeeding dates). Date total amount evap- orated. Num- ber of Depth of crystals in the 1921 1922 days re- quired to evap- soil. 05 O to +^ O O > o > o o ft id o ft a f-5 03 H5 ,0 00 orate crys- tals. Surface . . . Normal soil . . . do Sandy loam. ...do 122 17 16 7 8 0 0 10 8 0 0 0 0 83 18 5 18 12 3 13 15 7 19 14 27 18 Oct. 30 Feb. 18 ...do Feb. 4 ...do 16 8 10 4 12 18 22 13 10 21 14 24 21 45 31 52 28 64 66 63 39 41 38 62 42 47 58 52 59 61 44 49 49 53 39 38 58 19 27 39 39 30 51 35 42 43 33 41 45 "23" "27" 48 37 39 38 43 23 17 35 128- 6 inches... 4 inches... do 180 cubic cen- timeters of water added.a ...do ...do ...do 128 114 114 4 inches... Saturated a , do.a Normal soil . . . do 180 cubic cen- timeters of water added. ...do. a ...do ...do Red clay ...do ...do ...do Jan. 12 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Feb. 18 Jan. 12 Feb. 25 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 91 6 inches... 84 4 inches... 34 42 42 36 91 6 inches... 4 inches... .... 22 128 91 35 10 135 4 inches... Saturated a. ...do ...do 84 35 91 a This water added to soil in flowerpots 10 inches high and 6 inches wide. These pots were used as soil containers for all of the above paradichlorobenzene evaporation tests. MORTALITY OF PEACH-BORER LARV/E EXPOSED TO PARADICHLOROBENZENE. Peach-borer larvae were collected in the field and brought to the insectary to determine the effect of paradichlorobenzene on them. All larvae were placed on peach bark and set in the soil from 3 to 12 inches below the crystals. From one-half ounce to 2 ounces of para- dichlorobenzene was used in the different cages that contained the larvae. Each cage had five larvae, and all were killed in three weeks' time. The larvae that were placed in normal soil with from one-half ounce to 2 ounces of paradichlorobenzene per cage were all killed within two weeks. The generation of gas was retarded somewhat in the cages where a large amount of moisture had been added, but the larvae in these cages did not live more than a week longer than those placed in normal soil. One cage had no crystals in it, and all the larvae in this cage were alive and feeding at the close of the experi- ment. The standard 1-ounce doses killed all larvae in two weeks, although the larvae did a little feeding before death. The odor of gas was noticeable in one week at the bottom of all cages except those to which 360 and 540 cubic centimeters of water had been added, in which it did not become strong until the end of the second week. Table 9 summarizes the results obtained and shows that the paradichlorobenzene is effective in killing the larvae as far down as 1 foot, under normal conditions and standard dosage. PAEADICHLOROBEISTZElSrE OlST YOUNG PEACH TREES. 15 Table 9. — Mortality of peach-borer larvx exposed to paradichlorobenzene in cages at insectary, Fort Valley, Ga., 1921. [All larvae exposed to the gas October 19, 1921. Sandy loam used in all cages.] Dose. Num- ber of larvae. Depth in soil. Ounces. i i i 5 5 5 Inches. 3 6 3 I 5 6 l l l 5 5 5 3 6 12 H 5 3 H 5 6 14 5 12 2 5 6 1 5 6 1 5 6 1 5 6 Check. 5 3 Condition of soil. Normal . ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... 180 cubic cen- timeters of water add- ed. 360 cubic cen- timeters of water add- ed. 540 cubic cen- timeters of water add- ed. Normal Condition of larvae. Oct. 26. Nov. 3. U Nov. 10. Remarks. Odor and crystal at close. Few crystals Nov. 10. Many crystals left Nov. 10. Crystals left at close of cage. 1 larva fed before death. 2 larvae fed before death. 2 larvse fed before death- many crystals left at close. 5 dead at 1 week's expos- ure; over 1 ounce para- dichlorobenzene left Oct. 26. 4 dead at 1 week's expos- ure; over 1J ounces para- dichlorobenzene left Oct. 26. 3 dead at 1 week's expos- ure; over 1J oimces para- dichlorobenzene left Oct. 26. 4 dead at 1 week's expos- ure; over 1J ounces para- dichlorobenzene left. Oct. 26. Larvae fed before death. Larvae fed before deathr no odor at bottom of cage Oct. 26; last larva died Nov. 17. Larvae fed before death; no odor at bottom of cage Oct. 26. 1 larva away from food Nov. 3. 1 Sluggish. Note. — All larvae confined in flowerpots or battery jars 10 inches high and 6 inches wide, except several that were in cages 12 inches tall. Odor stronger than around treated trees in the field. EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND MOISTURE ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PARADICHLORO- BENZENE. In determining the killing effect of paradichlorobenzene on peach- borer larvae, with different degrees of temperature and different amounts of moisture, the standard 1-ounce dose was used through- out the experiment. In November and December, 1921, at a maxi- mum temperature of 69° F. and with the moisture in the soil ranging from 9.15 per cent (normal soil) to 20.15 per cent, all larvae were killed in 13 days. At 64° F. maximum, and 1.24 per cent moisture (normal soil), 5 larvae were killed in 7 days. At 64° F. maximum, with from 8.34 per cent to 11.44 per cent moisture, all larvae were killffl in 15 days. In the cage with no p.-iradiehlorobenzc.iie, 4 larvae remained alive and fed contiriudusly throughout the experiment, and one died, probably from lack of food. Table 10 gives a sum- mary of the results obtained. 16 BULLETIN 1169, TJ. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Table 10.- -Effect of temperature and moisture on larvicidal action of paradichloro- benzene, and time required to cause death, 1921. Maxi- mum tem- pera- ture during expos- ure. Per cent of mois- ture in soil when larvae were exposed to gas. Date larvae were exposed to gas. Condition of larvae. Days re- quired to kill larvae. Per cent killed. Cage No. Nov. 10. Nov. 17. ■3 S ft 0) <§ ft CO > •6 s ft CO ft 3 CO > < Remarks. I II III . F 69 69 69 64 64 64 Per cent. 16.75 20.15 19.15 U.24 8.34 11.44 C1) 1921. Nov. 4 ...do ...do Dec. 1 ...do ...do Check. . . 3 3 1 2 1 4 0 1 0 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 killed in 13 days. ...do ...do 5 killed in 7 days. 5 killed in 15 days. ...do Perct. 100 100 100 100 100 100 Average temperature 59.9° F.; larvae did no feeding. Average temperature 59.9° F.; larvae fed a little! Average temperature 60.1° F.; larvae did Dec. 8. Dec. 16. no feeding. IV 5 3 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 5 Average temperature 55.9° F.; larvae did no feeding. Average temperature 55.2° F.; larvae did no feeding. Average temperature 55.2° F.; larvae did no feeding. V VI "VII 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 ously. 1 Normal soil. Note. — Cages contained 1 ounce of paradichlorobenzene and 5 larvae each. All larvae were placed 6 inches below the crystals. In January and February, 1922, experiments were conducted on soils in which different temperatures were maintained and to which different amounts of moisture were added at the beginning of the tests. The higher temperatures were maintained by keeping the cages indoors and the low temperatures by icing the cages in the insectary. The highest outdoor temperature recorded during the course of the experiment was 70° F. At a maximum temperature of 90° F. and a moisture content of from 7.6 to 27.6 per cent, all larvae were killed in from 11 to 13 days. At a maximum tempera- ture of 80° F. and a moisture content of from 7.6 to 30.3 per cent, all larvae were killed in from 11 to 13 days. At a maximum temperature of 70° F. and a moisture content of 7.6 per cent (normal soil), 5 larvae were killed in 1 1 days. At the same temperature and a mois- ture content of 19.8 per cent, 5 larvae were killed in 17 days; and with moisture 27.6 per cent, 1 larva was killed in 17 days, and the remain- ing 4 in 21 days. At a maximum of 54° F. and 6.4 per cent moisture (normal soil) , 5 larvae were killed in 23 days. At the same tempera- ture and a moisture content of 20.7 per cent, 5 larvae were killed in 29 days. The larvae in the untreated cage were all alive and feeding at the close of the experiment. Table 11 summarizes the results. This table shows that the lower the temperature and the higher the moisture content, the slower is the rate of evaporation of the para- dichlorobenzene, and this naturally influences the effectiveness of the treatment. Fairly high temperatures,3 however, such as occur in Geor- gia during the period of treatment for the borer, even though the soil has a high percentage of moisture, will kill the borers within a few weeks. 3 Average maximum daily temperature for the six-week period following the applications on October 10, 1921, was 73° F. PARADICHLOROBENZENE ON YOUNG PEACH TREES. 17 Table -11. — Effect of different maximum temperatures and different amounts of moisture in the soil on the time required to kill peach-borer larvx, 1922. INDOOR CAGES. Maxi- mum temper- ature during ex- posure. Per cent of mois- ture in soil when larvse were exposed togas. Date larvse were exposed togas. Condition of larvae. Days required to kill larvse. Per cent killed. Cage Jan.ll. Jan. 15. Jan.17. No. - 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 i o ft 3 W 4 5 5 4 4 4 0 -1 > <) 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 a ID Q 4 5 5 4 5 5 0 d •■= = CO 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 > < 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 d fi 5 5 0 d s a d X 0 0 0 0 0 5 I II in IV V VI vn ° F. 90 90 90 80 80 80 Check Per cent. 17.6 1S.1 27.6 17.6 21.1 30.3 (x) Jan. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 13 days 11 days 11 days 13 days 11 days 11 days 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 Average temperature 80.9° F.; strong odor of gas 6 inches down on Jan. 5; larvse did no feeding. Average temperature 80.3° F.; strong odor not noted until Jan. 9; larvse fed before death. Average temperature 80.3° F.; strong odor not noted until Jan. 11 ; larvse fed before death. Average temperature 69.5° F.; strong odor Jan. 5; larvse did no feeding be- fore death. Average temperature 69.5° F.; strong odor Jan. 11; larvse fed before death. Average temperature 69.5° F.; strong odor Jan. 11; larvse fed before death. Larvse fed continually. OUTDOOR CAGES. 70 17.60 Jan. 6 Jan.ll. Jan.17. Jan. 23. vm 0 5 0 5 0 0 IX 70 19.8 6 0 0 5 1 4 0 5 0 0 X 70 27.6 6 0 0 5 1 2 2 1 4 0 XI Check 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 11 days 100 17 days 100 1 killed in 17 days. 20 Strong odor noted Jan. 11; larvae did no feeding be- fore death. Strong odor noted Jan. 19; larvse fed before death. 100 per cent killed in 21 days; larvse fed before death; strong odor Jan 19. Larvse fed continually. ICED CAGES. XII XIII XIV Check 16.4 20.7 Jan. 13 13 Jan. 28. 0 5 0 0 Feb. 4. 23 days.... 100 None killed 0 in 23 days. Strong odor noted Jan. 28; larvio fed before death. 100 per cent killed in 29 days; larv;e fed beforo death; odor of gas re- mained mild in this cage. Larv;c fed continually: made cases and entered bark furnished for food. i Normal soil. Note. — All cages contained l ounce of paradiclilorobenzenc and 5 larvic each. All larva; were placed 6inches below the crystals. 18 BULLETIN 1169, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SUMMARY. Large doses of paradichlorobenzene, ranging from 1^ to 2\ ounces, to which the tree is exposed for 4, 8, or 12 days, are not as effective against the peach borer as three-fourths ounce or 1 -ounce doses with an exposure of from 4 to 6 weeks. The cambium layer of all peach trees ranging in age from 1 to 5 years treated with paradichlorobenzene for experimental purposes was uninjured in the summer following the application in the fall. Brown lesions were observed in the outer bark layers on a few trees, however, at a point near which the ring of crystals had been placed. No injurious results from not tearing down the mounds within six Weeks after making the application to peach trees in Georgia could be discerned. During a normal fall in Georgia 1-ounce doses of paradichloro- benzene will entirely spend themselves, leaving little if any odor six weeks after the application. In Georgia it is not necessary to uncover the base of the older trees four to six weeks after applying the chemical. It is advisable, liowever, to use this precaution against tree injury if the fall is abnormally cool, or if the material is applied late, or if it is used on young trees. If the treatment is given to trees 4 years of age or younger, use three-fourths ounce doses. For trees 5 years of age and older use the 1-ounce dose. Spring treatments of paradichlorobenzene in Georgia are not as effective against the peach borer as the early fall treatments. Spring applications gave a borer mortality of 72.4 per cent, compared with from 95 to 100 per cent mortality from using the material in middle October. Very poor results were obtained in Georgia by applying the crystals during late November or early December. The most satisfactory results are obtained in central Georgia by applying the chemical October 10. In the laboratory 91 to 135 days were required for the evaporation of one-half ounce doses of paradichlorobenzene imbedded from 4 to 6 inches below the soil surface. One-half ounce doses placed on the soil surface evaporated in 16 days. One would conclude from this laboratory experiment that the soil mounded on top of the crystals to prevent surface washing and to serve as a container for the gas should not be deep, as the deeper the crystals from the top of the soil the slower the gas will generate. Of course the normal rate of evaporation of paradichlorobenzene around peach trees in an orchard is much faster than it would be in the laboratory — the latter being at a lower temperature. Laboratory tests show that the gas is liberated at about the same rate in both sandy loam and clay soils. Laboratory experiments show that the gas will kill peach-borer larvae as far down as 1 foot below the soil level, and under laboratory conditions the gas killed all larvae at that depth within three weeks. The lower the temperature and the higher the moisture content of the soil, the slower is the action of the gas on the borers. ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Secretary of Agriculture Henry C. Wallace. Assistant Secretary C. W. Pugsley. Director of Scientific Work E. D. Ball. Director of Regulatory Work Weather Bureau Charles F. Marvin, Chief. Bureau of Agricultural Economics Henry C. Taylor, Chief. Bureau of Animal Industry John R. Mohler, Chief. Bureau of Plant Industry William A. Taylor, Chief. Forest Service W. B. Greeley, Chief. Bureau of Chemistry Walter G. Campbell, Acting Chief. Bureau of Soils Milton Whitney, Chief. Bureau of Entomology L. 0. Howard, Chief. Bureau of Biological Surrey E. W. Nelson, Chief. Bureau of Public Roads Thomas H. MacDonald, Chief. Fired Nitrogen Research Laboratory F. G. Cottrell, Director Division of Accounts and Disbursements A. Zappone, Chief. Division of Publications Edwin C. Powell, Acting Chief. Library Claribel R. Barnett, Librarian. States Relations Service A. C. True, Director. Federal Horticultural Board C. L. Marlatt, Chairman. Insecticide and Fungicide Board J. K. Haywood, Chairman. Packers and Stockyards Administration \ Chester Morrill, Assistant to the Grain Future Trading Act Administration .... J Secretary. Office of the Solicitor R. W. Williams, Solicitor. This bulletin is a contribution from Bureau of Entomology L. 0. Howard, Chief. Fruit Insect Investigations A. L. QuaintaimCE, Entomologist in Charge. 19 ADDITIONAL COPIES 0F TOTS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY !■> V.i IIASER AGREES NOT TO RESELL OR DISTRIB1 TE THIS COPY FOR PROFIT.— I'll!. RES. 67, APPROVED MAY H, 1022 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 4JLJ DEPARTMENT BULLETIN No. 1182 IJkl Washington, D. C. f December 12, 1923 THE IMPORTED PINE SAWFLY.1 By William Middleton, Scientific Assistant, Forest Insect Investigations. CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 1 Descriptions 1 Life history and seasonal history 7 Effect of meteorological conditions 14 Parthenogenesis 15 Page. Parasites 16 Hosts 17 Distribution in the United States 20 Economic importance 20 Control 21 INTRODUCTION. A European insect, the imported pine sawfly,2 has recently been found defoliating young pine trees in nurseries and on estates in cer- tain of the New England and North Atlantic States. This bulletin contains descriptions of the principal stages of the species and some information on its life history, host plants, distri- bution, and importance, together with a brief discussion of its control. The data presented are based on investigations of the sawfly con- ducted at the eastern field station of the Forest Insect Investigations, Bureau of Entomology, at East Falls Church, Va. The studies began with the receipt of material in August, 1915, and continued until the spring of 1919, when the last adults emerged in the cages. Inasmuch as the species was an introduced and dangerous one which had not become well established in this country, great care was exercised in the cage work, in order to prevent its escape. A special double-walled, screen-wire insectary was constructed to which en- trance was had only through a vestibule, and all the experiments were performed on young trees transplanted into this inclosure. DESCRIPTIONS. The following descriptions have been prepared, so that this species can be recognized in its principal stages. Those of the adult are by S. A. Rohwer. » This bulletin was prepu m 1 1 1 o < let the di rection of S. A . Rohwer, to whom the author is indebted for many helpful sui-'r<: -li'-n ting the InvestteatloDB. The descriptions of the adult Insects nro by Mr. Ronwcr. The majority of the material from which these studies were made was obtained from Dr. W. E. Britton, State entomologist of Connecticut. » biprhm nmile Martin, order Uymenoptera; suborder Chalastogastra; superfamily Tonthredinoldea; family Tenthredinldae; subfamily Diprionlnae. 53373— 23— Bull. 1182 1 BULLETIN" 1182, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ADULT. This species is the only North American representative of the genus Diprion and may be readily distinguished from the other Nearctic species belonging to the subfamily Diprioninae by the large and densely punctured metascutellum. The specimens which have been examined show very little variation, and all seem to represent the typical form of the species. Female (Fig. 1, o). — Length 7 to 9 millimeters. Clypeus truncate; head with large, rather close punctures; postocellar area convex and more than twice as wide as long; postocellar furrow well defined; antenna distinctly tapering, the joints much broader than long and with very short rami (apical joints practicallywithout rami), third joint distinctly longer than the fourth ; scutum shining, with large, distinct punc- tures; scutellum and met- ascutellum opaque and with the punctures closer; tibial spurs simple; pad- like part of sheath ellip- tical in outline and close to the median line; apical sternite deeply angulately emarginate medially, lancet with nine rows of regular teeth . Black with yellow markings ; head black except yellow clyp- eus, supraclypeal area, and scape; thorax yellow with the following parts black: Sternum, mesepi- meron, large spots on pre- scutum and scutum, lat- eral part df scutellar area, and metascutellum; ab- domen yellow with ter- gites 3 to 6 inclusive and median spots on following two black; legs, except the somewhat dusky fem- ora, yellow; wings hya- line, venation pale brown with stigma somewhat darker and the cost a somewhat paler. Male(Fig.l, 6).— Length 5 to 7 millimeters . Agree- ing with female in general structure; antenna long, Fig. 1. — Diprion simile: a, Female; b, male. the basal rami slightly less than half as long as half the flagellum; hypandrium dis- tinctly punctured, broadly rounded posteriorly; head and thorax more coarsely punctured than in the female; valves of penis, when seen from the side, broad and the ventral margin armed with small, widely separated teeth. Black; venter of ab- domen and legs beyond trochanters dark rufous; wings hyaline, venation pale brown, costa paler. EGG AND EGG SLIT. The eggs of the imported pine sawfly are about 1.5 millimeters long, with straight sides and bluntly rounded ends. They are oval in cross section, being 0.5 millimeter on the greater transverse diameter and 0.25 millimeter on the lesser transverse diameter. When first laid the eggs are pale whitish blue, translucent, shining, much like gelatin, and somewhat smaller than the above dimensions. After several days, development becomes marked by swelling and the color appears bluish green. When about to hatch they are quite swollen, sometimes as long as 1.75 millimeters, and are dark green. (Fig. 2, 6.) THE IMPORTED PINE SAWFLY. Fig. 2. — Diprion simile: a, Eggs in position in needle; 6, egg, show- ing embryo; c, needle, showing eggs in pockets. The eggs are laid in slits in the needles (Fig. 2, a). Adults emerg- ing early lay in last year's needles, but those emerging when the present year's needles are of sufficient size appear to prefer these. The number of eggs deposited in a single needle varies. In the needles observed, from 2 to 16 eggs were laid, with an average of 8. Where more than one egg is laid the egg pockets adjoin one another, with merely a wall be- tween. The pocket or slit is cut into the convex portion of the needle from an edge at an angle and the tissue composing the walls of the slit is of two textures (Fig. 2, c) . The basal portions of these walls are the rather tough outer coating of the needle and the apical por- tions are delicate membranes, appar- ently made of torn needle pulp, which are pressed together fol- lowing the laying of the egg, seal it in place, and somewhat conceal it. As the egg increases in size, it parts these lips and becomes exposed. When freshly made the cuts are yellowish green and the needle dark green, but as the eggs mature the cuts become somewhat brownish and the needles yellowish. LARVA. The following description 3 was made from a full-grown, sixth-instar larva of Diprion simile which had been preserved in alcohol. (Fig. 3.) Length 20 millimeters; maximum breadth, across the metathorax, 4.5 millimeters. The head is circular in outline viewed from in front and the front plane slightly convex viewed from the side ; frons and epicranium with a few fine hairs; epistoma with 4 hairs ; labrum with 4 hairs ; eye disks not elevated, eyes large, lenses convex; antennae between and slightly closer to pleurosto- mata than eyes, composed of cone and two disks or partial ring joints; maxillae with cardo, stipes, palpifer and 4-jointed palpi, galea, and lacinia; lacinia not flattened, rather triangular in outline viewed from apex, armed with large hornlike process or seta on the side toward labium and witli rather large seta? forming an apical transverse row on the side of the lacinia parallel with the interior surface of the trophi; labium witli palpiger and 2-jointed palpi. Thorax with the tergum <<»mposed of areas A, B, C, and D; A excepting in the prothorax, B, * The terminology used in describing the larva is that used by the writer in the descriptions of Neodl- prion lecontei (Fitch) (Jour. Agr. Research, v. 20, no. 10, p. 741-700. 1021), with the changes adopted La "Some luggested homologies between larva and adults in sawflics'' (I'roc. lint. 80c. Wash., v. 28, no. 8, p. 173-192, 1821), Fig. 3.— Diprion simile: Full-grown larva. 4 BULLETIN 1182, IT. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. and C with a few setae or Bpines; A of the prothorax bare and constricted and D bare; alar area wanting or incorporated in the spiracular area of the prothorax, large in the mesothorax and metathorax; in the pleurum, preepipleurite large, well defined, and possessing setse or spines; postepipleurite large, well defined, spined in prothorax but bare in mesothorax and metathorax; prehypopleurite large, triangular, of heavy chitin and sparsely, finely haired; posthypopleurite large with a prominent spined lobe; legs with 4 joints and an apical claw, joint 3 with small soft pad on inner side at apex. Abdomen with the tergum of urites 1 to 9 inclusive composed of areas A, B, Cl, C2, C3 and D; A, B, and C2 spined, C1, C3, and D bare; urite 10 consists tergally of the epiproct, which is rather thickly spined and without pseudocerci; spiracular area present on urites 1 to 8, wanting on urites 9 and 10; alar area present on urites 1 to 9 (reduced on urite 9) , absent or indistinct on urite 10 ; the pleurum with preepipleu- rite and postepipleurite distinct, rather large and spined on urites 1 to 8, reduced, indistinct, but spined on urite 9, wanting or indistinguishable on urite 10; hypopleu- rite distinct but not divided into prehypopleurite and posthypopleurite, unspined and bearing the uropods on urites 2 to 8 inclusive, indistinct or wanting on urites 1, 9, and 10; uropods well developed on urites 2 to 8 inclusive, not developed on urites 1 and 9, and developed as postpedes on urite 10. The head is black and shiny, with the eyes yellowish and the membranes about antenna, mandibles, trophi, and between labrum and epistoma whitish. The thorax is yellow, much darkened with velvety black which becomes greenish with growth and age; legs black. The abdomen is yel- low, marked as thorax ; uropods, postpedes, ventral region, and anus undarkened. Most of the body, the tergum and pleurum of the thorax and abdomen is a mottled black and yellow of rather regular pattern. The depressed portions of the body wall are black and the raised portions are yellow, giving much the appearance of a yellow larva dipped in some adhesive black coloring matter and then allowed to wear off the mate- rial darkening its more prominent areas. LARVAL INSTARS. In the study of Diprion simile the experiments on the larvae offered an excellent opportunity to determine the number of larval instars and the size of the larvae during each instar. For conven- ience, this information is arranged in tabular form below. It will be noted that the species has six feeding instars in larvae producing female adults and five feeding instars in larvae producing males. This feature was remarked upon by the writer in treating Cladius isomerus Norton in a recent paper on the subfamily Cladiinae * and is probably common to sawflies, since H. C. Severin 5 records a similar difference in the number of instars between larvse producing male and female adults in his account of Neurotoma inconspicua Norton. The prepupa of Diprion simile is rather well defined and differs from the larva sufficiently in general appearance to be readily recog- nized. * Rohwer, S. A., and Middleton, William. North American sawflies of the subfamily Cladiinae. With notes on habits and descriptions of larvse by William Middleton. In Proc. IT. S. Nat. Mus., v. 60, art. 1 (ho. 2396), 1922. See p. 19. » Severin, H. C. The plum webspinning sawfly. State Ent. S. Dak., Tech. Bui. 1. 1920. See p. 11, 26, tables 2, 3. Severin finds six instars for larvse becoming males and seven instars for those becoming females. This larval period, however, covers the entire time spent by the larvss above ground and therefore includes the stage recognized in the present paper as the prepupa. THE IMPORTED PINE SAWFLY. 5 Table. 1. — Average size of larval instars and prepupa of Diprion simile, in millimeters. Instar or stage. I II Ill iv V (male penultimate) VI (male prepupa) V (female antepenultimate) VI (female penultimate) VII (female prepupa) Head. Body length. Height. Width. Young. Full grown. Milli- Milli- Milli- Milli- meters. meters. meters. meters. 0.75 0.50 2.75 6.0 .95 .75 4.00 8.0 1.20 1.00 7.00 12.0 1.60 1.40 8.00 15.0 2.00 1.80 14.00 20.0 2.00 1.80 2 14. 00 3 13.0 1.95 1.65 11.00 18.0 2.20 2.00 15.00 25.5 2.20 2.00 2 19.00 3 12.0 Number of larvae used to obtain averages.* Milli- meters. 11 11 8 7 5 2 3 3 2 1 These larva? were reared in isolation and measurements were made at frequent intervals. The dimen- sions obtained from them are perhaps few in number but accurate and from an instar or stage positively known. The averages obtained from these larvae were found to apply to larvae in the general rearing cages . 2 Largest. Prepupse do not feed and grow. They contract with development and the spinning of the cocoon. s Smallest. The different instars of the larvae of Diprion simile are colored as follows : Instar I. — Before feeding: Head whitish, eye spots blackish. Body dull gray. After feeding: Head and legs become blackish. Instar II . — Much the same as the first instar. The dorsum darkens somewhat at the approach of the time to shed. Instar III . — Head black. Body green to bluish gray. The day before molting to the fourth instar the larva begins to show dark dorsal, supraalar, and epipleural lines. This change previous to shedding is doubtless caused by the darker coloration of the approaching instar showing through the skin about to be shed. Instar IV. — Head black. Body considerably darkened, greenish black and yellow, pattern of mottling similar to that of full-grown larva. The larva pales somewhat with age or increased size. Instar V. — Head black. Body velvety black and yellow. The black becomes greenish with age or increased size. Instar VI. — Head black. Body velvety black and yellow. Each instar seems to have two poorly marked phases; first, a rapid growing period, usually covering the greater part of the instar, during which the body increases in length; and, second, a preparatory period preceding molting during which there is a retardation in growth or even occasionally a contraction. The accompanying dia- gram ('Fig. 4) shows the records of growth of a male and a female larva in body lengths, instars and days, and illustrates this feature. PREPUPA. The prepupa of the imported pine sawfly does not feed and its development is accompanied by contraction rather than increase in size. The cocoon is spun in this stage and, protected within, theprepupa changes gradually as it develops into the pupa. The following description is from a prepupa preserved in alcohol which had not begun the spinning of its cocoon. Prepupai after spinning do not differ structurally from those which have not spun but arc considerably more contracted. A prepupa that is to produce a female adult will measure about 19 millimeters in length before spinning its cocoon, while, after spinning, it will bo about 12 milli- meters long. BULLETIN 1182, IT. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The size of the prepupa is discussed under "Larval instars." The prepupa of Diprion simile is similar to the larva, in structure, with the armature or spines reduced to indistinctness. The head is grayish white, eye disks and apices of mandibles, only, black. The thorax and abdomen are both pale greenish white, with narrow green, dorsal longitudinal stripes and broader green supraalar to alar longitudinal lines which are broken by yellowish spots on B, C1, C2, the pale spiracular area, and the yellowish alar area. Pleurum pale but for a pair of greenish pleural spots. Venter, uropods, postpedes, anus, and epiproct pale, the latter faintly grayish. COCOON. The cocoons (Fig. 5) of Diprion simile are cylindrical, with hemispherical ends. They are single-walled, of fine texture, rather glossy, fairly stiff, but thin. Cocoons from which males emerge are somewhat smaller than those from which females issue, 7 by 3.5 millimeters being the size of the former, while the latter are 9.3 by 4mili- meters. The cocoons are usually dark brown; sometimes they are pale tan when made but become dark brown within a week or 10 days, and in one instance a whitish cocoon was spun which failed to become colored. A7s4V *yt/AS£: A7AY iJCA/£- ^n^U^x^NO) ' I I I I i II I I II I I I I t II ' ' Fig. 4.— Diprion simile: Larval growth charts. Stage of larva indicated by large figures. Female has six stages, male five. Growth records are shown for a single female and a single male larva. In captivity the cocoons were often spun on the needles, and while this may be the rule in nature the writer is inclined to believe that many of the prepupse of this species, like those of Neodiprion lecontei, will make their cocoons in the ground for the sake of the protection thus afforded in winter. This view is supported by a European observation 6 which records the summer brood cocooning on the branches of the tree while the winter brood makes its cocoons beneath the tree. The cocoon is spun of a "silken" thread from the vicinity of the mouth.7 The end of the cocoon inclosing the caudal extremities of the prepupa is made first, then the anterior end is inclosed by a sidewise motion of the head. After the entire cocoon is formed the prepupa works over the inside, plastering a sticky substance to it. This coating makes the glossy inner surface. 6Britton, W. E. A destructive pine sawfly introduced from Europe. In Jour. Econ. Ent., v. 8, no. 3, p. 379-382. 1915. See p. 381. i This thread doubtless comes from the apex of the labium, where the writer has observed a similar sub- stance protruding in some prepupae of Cimbex americana Leach in his possession. THE IMPORTED PINE SAWFLY. 7 Fig. 5. — Dipr ion simile: Cocoons, a, Occupied by female, unopened; b, occupied by male, unopened; c, after emergence of female; d, male cocoon, showing emergence hole of a chalcid parasite; e, fe- male cocoon, showing emergence hole of a dipterous parasite. LIFE HISTORY AND SEASONAL HISTORY. The experiments to obtain data on the life history and seasonal history of Diprion simile were distinct from those pertaining to the; choice of host plant and also from those pertaining to the ability of the insect to reproduce parthenogenetically. Pinus sylvestris was chosen as a host for this work because it seemed to be favored by the sawfly and because it had been shown to be a successful host in this locality- by previous tests. In no instance was copulation observed, but opportunity for fertilization was provided by keeping constantly with each female at least two males in excellent condi- tion. These experiments were made with small c}dinder cages of screen wire on a steel frame, 14 inches in diameter by 24 inches high, the top of which was removable to permit easy access to the interior for observation or handling the material. These cages were placed over young trees of Pinus sylvestris, and adults of Diprion simile were then libe- rated within. There were also certain spe- cial life-history and seasonal-history stud- ies, particularly some in which observations were made on larvae of this sawfly reared in isolation to deter- mine the number and duration of the instars and the influence of the sex of the individual upon this phase of development. The data presented in the following account of Diprion simile show some singular likenesses and contrasts with the life of the related Neodiprion lecontei.8 It would be well to emphasize that the imported pine sawfly has the same apparent division of the emergence period into Broods A and B. It differs somewhat from Leconte's sawfly in the course of its issuance, a fact which may be explained either as inherent in the species or as caused by change of environ- ment. The climate and other natural factors in the United States may be so different from those to which it is accustomed that it is unstabilized here. Should this prove true, the situation with regard to Diprion simile may become very different within a few years, and the insect may even become a more serious problem than it now promises to be. The imported pine sawfly has important life-history and seasonal-history advantages, and if it can become a recognized depredator while unstabilized by the conditions of this new environment, the destructive possibilities of the species when it is properly adjusted will be necessarily greater. In that case it may possibly present a new life history and seasonal history. ADULT EMERGENCE. The emergence of adults from the cocoons of a single colony of the larvae of Diprion simile occurs over a considerable period, approxi- mating a year. This emergence is not continuous, but divides itself • lliddletoa, William. Leconte's sawfly, an enemy of young pinus. In Jour. Agr. Research, v. 20, no. 10, p. Til 760. 1921. 8 BULLETIN 1182, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. into a period early in the year and a period late in the year. The adults are separated into Brood A, those issuing in the first emer- gence period following cocooning, and Brood B, those issuing in the second emergence period following cocooning. The early emergence period occurs from April to June and is not distinctly separated from the later emergence period, which occurs during July and August. The rearing cages, however, show a marked decrease in the number of adults coming from cocoons during June. The following summary of records of the issuance of adults shows the duration of this period and its tendency to divide into two parts, the months of maximum emergence being April, May, and July. Larvae and pupae collected in August, 1915: 1 adult emerged in August, 1915. 77 adults emerged in May, 1916. 5 adults emerged in June, 1916. 1 adult emerged in July, 1916. Cocoons collected in April, 1917: 16 adults emerged in April, 1917. 95 adults emerged in May, 1917. 2 adults emerged late in June, 1917. 2 adults emerged in July, 1917. 1 adult emerged in April, 1918. Larvae cocooning in June of various years: 2 adults emerged in June of the same year in which they cocooned . 24 adults emerged in July of the same year in which they cocooned . 1 adult emerged in August of the same year in which it cocooned. 7 adults, emerged in April of the year following that in which they cocooned. 8 adults emerged in May of the year following that in which they cocooned. LONGEVITY OF ADULTS. The average length of life for adults of Diprion simile was 6.6 days, with a range from 3 to 11 days. The life of the female was slightly longer than that of the male, the former averaging 7.5 days, with a range from 5.5 to 11 days, while the latter averaged 5.8 days, with a range from 3 to 9 days. The life of female adults known to have laid eggs was somewhat longer than the life of those not known to have laid eggs. Females laying eggs averaged 7.75 days, those not known either to have laid eggs or not to have laid eggs averaged 7.66 days, while those known not to have laid eggs averaged 7 days. The two shortest-lived males were the progeny of parthenogenetic females. Only two of these were available for this study, and these lived, one 3 and the other 4 days. PROPORTION OF SEXES. The males seem somewhat to exceed the females in number, and from a series of 227 adults issuing from cocoons in certain of the cages, 134, or 59 per cent, were males, while 93, or approximately 41 per cent, were females. MATING. Mating was not observed. At different times three males were caged in glass vials with a single unfertilized female without their paying her the slightest attention. This, however, was probably due to the close confinement of the sawflies under observation, which tended to distract them and prevent or discourage natural behavior. The fact that from the life-history and seasonal-history THE IMPORTED PINE SAWFLY. 9 experiments both sexes were obtained in the progeny, while, as will be stated farther on, in parthenogenetic experiments only male adults were obtained, indicates that mating is a regular occurrence. OVIPOSITION. * The eggs are laid in the needles of the pine and the adults emerging from their cocoons early in the year oviposit in the old or last year's needles, while the adults emerging later in the year lay their eggs in the needles of the current year. The following note, made in obser- vations on the habits and activities of the adults in the life-history and seasonal-history cages, shows the increase in attractiveness of the current year's needles. All the females, except the one emerging at the latest date, i. e., June 23, 1916, laid their eggs in the old or grown needles, but this female, possibly because of the advance of the younger needles, delayed her oviposition several days and then apparently first attempted egg laying in these new leaves. After two slits or thrusts, possibly having succeeded in laying an egg in one of these, she began on the old needles and finished her work on them. This note seems to indicate a preference for the young needles which were still too small for this female to oviposit in them. The following account, taken from cage notes made during these experiments, gives an accurate description of the method of ovipo- sition : The female begins laying eggs near the base of the needle and works toward the tip, making a new incision for each egg. In oviposition the mandibles usually close upon the needle; the antennee extend forward and are usually quiet and the wings are folded, at rest on the back. The ovipositor (Fig. 6, 6, c) is exserted from between the right and left halves of the sheath, forming an angle of about 60° with the needle. It is worked into the needle and straightened until as it disappears it forms a right angle with the needle, saw edge forward (Fig. 6, a). The posterior margin of the seventh sternite is membranous and is produced medianly to form a sort of trough (tr) for conveying the eggs into the slit prepared for them. The sides of the trough are supported by a pair of diverging chitmous pieces or more rigid areas. This trough during oviposition is immediately in front of the slit that is being cut and serves as a support to the abdomen, maintaining a constant distance between body and needle and contributing to a rigidity and firmness of the base of the working parts in their relation to the needle. Posterior to the trough and basad of the sheath proper there is a pair of rather small rectangular plates or trowels (t) (Fig. 6, d), one plate at each side, attached to the base of the basal portion of the sheath (sh1) and appearing similarly attached to the base of the lance (le). These plates were observed for the first time in this insect and are not found in Neodiprion lecontei, which belongs to the same subfamily, nor has the writer been able to discover similar developments in sawflies outside of the Diprioninae. The function of these plates or trowels is apparently to support and mold the torn needle fiber into walls and cover for the egg pocket. The sheath (sh1 and sh2) is posterior to these plates (t) and its right and left halves cover respectively the right and left sides of the needle at the point of incision. During the sawing there are alternate contractions and expan- sions of the pleurum of the ninth urite which cause the sheath to flex or bend at the juncture of the basal (sh1) and apical (sh2) portions, and a side-to-side oblique move- ment of the trough (tr). The saw is worked or dragged until the trough (tr) reaches the mesothoracic legs. The puncture is then complete and the abdomen is slightly ele- vated. The trough (tr) and the trowels (t) are now pushed back together, smoothing off the torn fiber at the mouth of the pocket and bringing together the walls of the cavity at its opening. The saw is withdrawn at the same time. It is not visible except through the needle tissue, being hidden by the trowel (t), and its withdrawal is accomplished or accompanied by a backward, upward folding movement. The entire egg-laying process consumes about two minutes. o:5373— 23— Bull. 1182 2 10 BULLETIN" 1182, IT. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Oviposition occurs over several days, the female going from needle to needle. Table 2 indicates the number of eggs laid and gives an idea of the number of needles upon a tree that are attacked. KRTP MRS Fig. 6.— D (prion simile: Ovipositor, a, Apex of abdomen of female adult in position over nearly com- pleted egg slit (enlarged); fr, three-quarters ventral view of apex of abdomen of female adult (enlarged); c, ventral view of portion of egg-laying apparatus of female adult (much enlarged); d, side view of trowel, from ovipositor of adult female (greatly enlarged). Table 2. — Oviposition records of Diprion simile. Number of needles oviposited in and number of eggs in each. Total number of eggs. Host plant. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 9 1 0 3 9 5 26 9 53 27 68 81 ? 9 11 12 12 5 3 16 2 2 10 11 7 3 8 6 6 5 6 9 P. sylvestris. Do. «* 4 5... 6... 12 12 11 4 8 13 2 14 5 7 8 2 Do. Do. Of these experiments the first and second were failures owing to the host plant chosen, and the eggs in the third and fourth were laid by virgin females, and therefore will be treated farther on, in consider- ing the experiments on parthenogenetic reproduction in this species. THE IMPORTED PINE SAWFLY. 11 Table 3 shows the length of time elapsing between the emergence of the adult and oviposition. Table 3. — Pre-oviposition period of adults of Diprion simile. No. Date adult emerged. Date oviposi- tion began. Time in days from emer- gence to oviposi- tion. Host plant. Remarks. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4... 5... 6... MayS...i May 9.. May 11.. j May 11. May 12.. May 16. May S. . . | May 10. May 9...I May 11. June 20..; June 23. Pinus sylvestris. do Pinus austriaca. . Pinus sylvestris. ....do ....do Host plant unfavorable. Unfertilized female. Do. New needles attractive. From the consideration of all the available data the writer is of the opinion that a fertilized female will begin laying eggs soon after fertilization, provided material suitable for oviposition can be found. Such was the case with the first and second females in Table 3. Unfertilized females will begin laying after a two-day period during which they await mating, provided that suitable material is con- venient, as shown by the fourth and fifth females, which were used in experiments on parthenogenetic reproduction. A period of longer than two days presumably indicates an unfavorable host, unfavor- able condition of host, or other disturbing factor. In the instance of female No. 3, the four-day delay is believed to indicate that Pinus austriaca is an unfavorable host, a conclusion borne out by other observations discussed under "Hosts." In the instance of female No. 6, the three-day delay is believed to have been caused by the advanced condition of the young needles, which, though not of sufficient size for successful oviposition, were yet large enough to attract her and thus lengthen the time between emergence and oviposition. FERTILITY AND INCUBATION. In only one of the experiments was an accurate record of the eggs from laying to hatching kept, and here it was found that 48 eggs out of 69, or 69.5 per cent, hatched. The period of time elapsing between oviposition and hatching is called the incubation period. Table 4 records the results of investigations to determine the length of this period. Table 4. — Incubation period of Diprion simile. Date laid. Date hatched. May9tol5 May22to2C. May 10 May 2-' May 11 to 16 May 2i> to 29. Do do Maylfl May29 June 23 to 24 July 1 to 2.... Length period.' Host. Days. I 11-13 ' Pinus sylvestris. 12 do 14 do J4 do 13 j Pinus austriaca . 8 Pinus sylvestris. Remarks. Unfertilized fenialo . Do. « In counting the number of days in the Incubation period, It was assumed that the first eggs laid were the first to hatch and that the latest laid were the latest hatched. 12 BULLETIN 1182, TJ-. S. DEPARTMENT ' OF AGRICULTURE. For eggs laid about the middle of May (May 9 to 19), from 11 to 14 days were required for development to the point of hatching, aver- aging 12.8 days. For eggs laid in late June, 8 days sufficed for development. Fertilized and unfertilized eggs, apparently, did not differ in the duration of the incubation period. LARVAL DEVELOPMENT. The larvae of the imported pine sawfly shed their skins as they develop. The periods between moltings of the larva are called in- stars. The number of instars, the difference in the number between larvae producing female adults and those producing males, and the size and appearance of the larvae in each of the various instars have been treated under "Larval instars." . Table 5 shows for a number of larvae the time spent in each instar, the average length of the instar, and the total length of the larval or feeding period. This table is arranged to show sex and date of hatching of each individual or group of individuals, because the sex makes a difference in the number of instars, and the rate of develop- ment of the larvae appears to be accelerated as the season advances. Table 5. — Number and length of larval instars of Diprion simile, showing individual's date of hatching and sex. Sex. Length of instar. Date egg hatched. Instar I. Instar II. Instar III. Instar IV. Instar V. Instar VI. Total. May 8i Male ...do Days. 6 6 7 6 6 7 6 4 Days. 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 7 Days. 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 7 Days. 6 5 4 4 4 6 4 5 Days. 12 11 9 11 10 2 6 3 Days. Days. 32 Do.i 31 May 91 ...do 29 May 121 ...do 29 Do.i ...do 28 May 222 ...do 23 May 252 ...do.... 26 Do.2 ...do 26 ...do Extremes 4 to 7 6 4 to 7 41 3 to 7 41 4 to 6 41 2 to 12 8 23 to 32 Average early.. ...do ...do 28 Julyl 4 5 2 3 2 16 ...do Average mid- 4 5 2 3 2 16 Female.. ...do May 9 9 6 6 4 4 4 5 4 4 3 2 2 6 5 4 10 9 9 37 May 12 30 Do ...do 29 ...do Extremes 6 to 9 7 4 to 4 4 4 to 5 4§ 2 to 3 2J 4 to 6 5 9 to 10 29 to 37 Average early . . ...do 32 i Isolated for stages. LARVAL HABITS. 1 Cage work. jj^The larvae from the time of hatching to the latter part of the second instar or the beginning of the third feed only on the exterior of the needles, expecially from the angles or sides. They then begin to consume the entire needle. At about the fourth or fifth instar they attack the young shoots, feeding on them basally to an extent sufficient frequently to cause the shoots to die and fall. This habit of|feeding on the shoots is not essential to the development of the THE IMPORTED PINE SAWFLY. 13 larvae, since caged individuals supplied with needles complete their growth successfully and become adults; nor does it, among those larvae practicing it, supplant needle eating. PREPUPAL AND PUPAL PERIOD. When the larvae have finished feeding they evacuate their ali- mentary tracts and shed their skins, becoming prepupae. They then crawl about until each finds a suitable place and spins its cocoon. The length of time spent in the prepupa stage varies considerably. When adults emerge the same year this stage may be as brief as 10 days, when they emerge the following year it may be as long as 341 days. Table 6 records the results of some experiments to determine the length of the prepupal period and the time spent within the cocoon. The prepupal period as recorded in this table is not separated from the pupal period. It is difficult to determine the exact duration of the pupal period. It seems to be brief and the pupa is seldom obtained by cutting open cocoons, the insects being nearly always found in the prepupal or in the unemerged or immature adult stage. Table 6. — Dates ofbecoviing prepupa, ofcocooning, and of emergence. ADULTS EMERGING THE SAME YEAR IN WHICH THEY COCOON. Indi- vid- ual No. Host plant. Date individual became prepupa. Date cocooned. Days between time insect became a prepupa and co- cooned. Date adult emerged. Days in cocoon . Days between time insect became prepupa and emerged as adult. 1 2 June 29,1917 July 2, 1917 June 29,1917 June 18,1917 June 29,1917 ..do 3 July 9,1917 July 7, 1917 June 27,1917 July 9, 1917 do 7 8 9 10 10 13 25 10 3 4 5 6 June 22,1917 July 7, 1916 July 5, 1917 Aug. 1,1916 7 ..:.io. ....:::::::: July 3, 1916 4 29 3.5 11.7 19.5 i ADULTS EMERGING THE FOLLOWING YEAR. P. flexilis P. taeda P. monticola.. P. divaricata. P. virginiana. P. sylvestris.. do July 11,1917 June 15,1918 Average. July 9, 1917 July 12,1917 June 29,1917 do do June 22,1917 June 17,1918 1.5 Apr. 15, 1918 280 May 2, 1918 294 Apr. 24, 1918 299 May 5, 1918 310 May 6, 1918 311 May 3, 1918 315 May 22, 1919 339 306.8 295 318 SUMMARY OF LIFE HISTORY AND SEASONAL HISTORY. Variations in the length of the several stages of Diprion simile, due to known factors such as season, sex, etc., or to unknown factors such as what determines the prepupa to emerge the same or the next year, cause variations in the total length of the insect's life cycle. Table 7 indicates the various lengths of life and periods to be expected. 14 BULLETIN 1182, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Table 7. — Life chart (average) of Diprion simile. Progeny of adults issuing in the spring. Progeny of adults issuing in summer. Period. Adults emerging same year as co- cooning. Adults emerging the next year after cocooning. Adults emerging same year as co- cooning. Adults emerging next year after cocooning. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Incubation period Days. 12.8 Days. 12.8 Days. 12.8 Days. 12.8 Days. 8 Days. 8 Days. 8 Days. 8 Larval period: Fifth stags 6 41 4| 4f 8 7 4 4i 24 5 6 4i 4| 4| 8 7 4 4J 2i 5 9* 4 5 2 3 2 4 5 2 3 2 Total 28 10 5.8 32 10 7.5 28 341 5.8 32 341 7.5 16 29 5.8 118 29 7.5 16 295 5.8 U8 Prepupa (including 295 7.5 Total 56.6 62.3 387.6 393.3 58.8 62.5 324.8 328.5 1 Obtained by rule of proportion, as no isolation for length of larval stages gave female adults. The accompanying chart (Fig. 7) gives a general view of the activities of this species covering a period of about four years, especially the relations existing between stages, broods, generations, and colony periods, and shows the possible opportunities of the species to inbreed and crossbreed among the various colonies, broods, and generations. EFFECT OF METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS. The notes on the effects of meteorological conditions on this species are incomplete and do not lead to any definite conclusions with regard to the part climate will play in its establishment or in the restriction of its range in America. The small number of adults obtained in the rearing experiments undertaken under the life- history, seasonal-history, and host-plant work gives the impression that the climate of the section of the country where this work was undertaken, East Falls Church, Va., near Washington, D. C, is rather unfavorable for Diprion simile, while the apparent establish- ment of the species in New England, New York, and New Jersey points to the suitability of a somewhat cooler climate. In the cage work, where the rapidity of development was noted, it was observed to be accelerated by increased temperature. Table 8 records the duration of stages and instars in days for two colonies of Diprion simile between which there was a difference of 46 days in the date of egg laying, and shows the average temperature during each of the stages or instars. THE IMPOKTED PINE SAWFLY. 15 Table 8. — Effect of time of year and temperature on rate of development of the egg and larval instars of Diprion simile. Earlier colony. Later colony. Stage. Date stage or instar began. Time in stage or instar. Average tempera- ture in stage or instar. Date stage or instar began. Time in stage or instar. Average tempera- ture in stage or instar. Egg 1916 May 9 22 29 June 2 6 12 17 29 Days. 13 7 4 4 6 5 12 o F- 61.61 68.78 64.50 66.25 64.33 67.90 70.46 1916 June 24 July 1 5 10 12 15 17 24 Days. 7 4 5 2 3 2 7 o F 72.85 Larval instar: I 71.25 II 72.70 in 77.75 IV.... 79.00 v 75.25 VI 76.28 Prepupa Total 51 66.19 30 74.51 Some scattered observations record the larvae feeding close to the trunk on a cool and rainy day (temperature 60° F., humidity 87 per cent) , feeding vigorously and spread out on a warmer and less humid day (temperature 69° F., and humidity 68 per cent), and clustered on needles close to the bole on a still warmer and drier day (tempera- ture 85° F., humidity 40 per cent). These observations would seem to indicate a rather low optimum temperature, somewhere between 69° and 85° F., with a rather delicate responsiveness to any consider- able variation in temperature, and the fact that the larvae were observed to be rather slow in developing during a damp period and inactive during a cool, rainy spell (temperature 56° to 71° F. and humidity 85 per cent) tends to snow a similar sensitiveness to humid- ity. The observations, however, are too few and were made in too restricted an area to be of much value. PARTHENOGENESIS. Diprion simile can reproduce parthenogenetically; that is, eggs laid by virgin females are fertile and hatch, producing larvae which grow, become prepupae, spin cocoons, and finally emerge as adults. All the adults thus far obtained from eggs of unfertilized females, however, are males, a result believed usual for parthenogenetic reproduction in sawflies. Females that have not mated appear to wait two days before com- mencing oviposition, as shown in Table 3, but after this period passes they begin to lay unfertilized eggs. Two of the experiments per- formed to obtain these unfertilized eggs were successful, one female laying 53 eggs, the other 27. A comparison of the number of eggs laid parthenogenetically with the number laid by a normal fertilized female indicates that the virgin female lavs only half as many eggs as the fertilized female. In the two partnenogcnetic experiments in which eggs were deposited about 72£ per cent of the eggs hatched, which is approximately the, same as the percentage of hatching obtained from eggs of fertilized females. The mortality among the 16 BULLETIN 1182, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ii r a !* S n s | T 1 ^1 *■ r I 111 1 m ii ^-tl-llll-:— - j if *!■■ : i ™ * J $. ^—Pllj I NliM lltf ^-1|_I §§i 111 P§§ ^ So ^1 £ "w&Vj § S c g.S2 P p <* S"S -p. ■SB*! b° p s -g«-> p «°^< §2oH 05^ te o p S-s § ►»SJ|2 S2« « •£2 60Og .p-S-g-P ~^« Sp-C=3 ~ 3 bog ftegs &>§ «■§ 03 a -a © 60°c3o? 2^§> ■'5 £9^ o g .ft sSoid . >-. ii .a 2 larvae, however, was higher in the progeny of virgin females, and few survived to become adults. It may be that larvae wanting male parents are lacking in vitality and when developing to the adult produce an insect with less viability. This is indicated by the death of a great percentage of the larvae under ap- parently favorable conditions and the shorter life of adults from eggs laid by unfertilized females. PARASITES. Only two species of natural ene- mies were obtained from the experi- ments performed at the eastern field station, East Falls Church, Va. These were Dibrachys nigrocyaneus Norton and a species of Eurytoma. Britton and Zappe0 record the following: Hymenoptera: Dibrachys nigrocyan- eus Norton, Monodontomerus dentipes Boheman, Dibrachoides verditer Nor- ton, Delomeristan. sp.,Cerambycobius sp. (probably new), Eurytoma sp., Hemiteles utilis Norton. Diptera: Exorista petiolata Coquillett. All parasites specifically identified are native species, with the excep- tion of Monodontomerus dentipes Boh., which is a European species already recorded from the United States. Dibrachys nigrocyaneus was rather abundant, much more so than any of the other species, and Britton and Zappe state that only the first three species recorded in their list given above were reared in sufficient num- bers to indicate that they are at all effective in holding the pest in check. Table 9, from Britton and Zappe, gives the general results of an exam- ination of cocoons collected during the winter of 1916-17. A short experiment on the length of life of Dibrachys nigrocyaneus Nor- ton was performed. From 65 adults caged without food all the males died within three days and all females » Britton, W. E., and Zappe. M. P. 273-290, 1917. See p. 283. The imported pine sawfly. In Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 203, p. THE IMPORTED PINE SAWFLY. 17 within eight days; and from 40 adults supplied with cotton soaked in sugar water all the males died within three days, but all the females, except 1, were living on the thirteenth day, and all were not dead until the seventeenth. 1 Table 9. — Cocoons ofDiprion simile collected during the winter of 1916-17 and examined for parasites. Condition. Number. Per cent. 1,321 1,210 191 518 41 37 6 Dead 16 Total 3,240 100 Several experiments were made with D. nigrocyaneus Norton, with the object of observing oviposition and studying the relation of the parasite to this host. All resulted in failure, however, for no parasi- tism was obtained, although the chalcids endeavored to oviposit, usually more than once, in the cocoons supplied. Possibly D. nigrocyaneus does not attack Diprion simile in the cocoon stage. The presence and activity of these parasites must not lead to the conclusion that they will bring about an effective natural control of D. simile. If the permanent establishment of this pest is to be pre- vented, or if its multiplication and work are to be checked, artificial control measures, such as those recommended, must be applied. HOSTS. If the imported pine sawfly is able to feed on a number of species of pine this will be an important factor in the establishment of the species in this country, and it is extremely desirable to know if it can and will use our native pines successfully. Restricted to intro- duced ornamental species of pines, Diprion simile would at worst only become a nursery and estate problem, but if it will attack our Ameri- can pines it may become a serious forest problem. At present the sawfly seems to be confined to young pines of imported species and has only been recorded from nurseries and estates. To determine the range of host plants which this insect can success- fully utilize, two series of host- tree experiments were conducted. One was to determine the abilit}'- of Diprion simile to use a given host suc- cessfully from oviposition to the production of adults. The other was to determine the preferred host plants of the sawfly, if there are any. In the first series of experiments a number of adult males and females of D. simile were confined upon a particular species of young pine to observe its suitability. In the experiments on choice of host species a quantity of small native and introduced pines were transplanted into the large screen-wire insectary previously mentioned and a number of males and females liberated within the inclosure. Table 10 gives the results of the experiment to determine the im- ported pine sawfly's choice of host plants. Fifty-four male adults and fifty-nine female adults of I), simile were liberated in the insectary, 18 BULLETIN 1182, U. S. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE. into which the following species of young pines had been trans- planted. Number of trees Species. placed in insectary, Pinus austriaca 2 Pinus cembra 2 Pinus divaricata 2 Pinus flexilis 3 Pinus laricio 4 PinuS monticola 3 Number of trees Species. placed in insectary. Pinus ponderosa 5- Pinus resinosa 3 Pinus strobus 5 Pinus sylvestris ' 15 Pinus taeda 1 Pinus virginiana 3 Twelve species and a total of forty-eight trees. In Table 10 the host trees are arranged according to the number of trees of each species that were chosen by the females for oviposi- tion and the suitability of these pines as hosts is indicated by the number of individuals of the sawny that were able to develop through the various stages from egg to adult. Frequency of selection for oviposition has been considered a some- what better guide to the appeal of the various pines to the sawny than the numbers of the different stages of the insect obtained. This is especially true where the number of adults obtained exceeds a third of the total number of larva?, since the larvae after hatching were cage-reared, and, although protected from parasites, doubtless experienced a number of difficulties due to handling and to their artificial surroundings. The species of pines believed most favorable for D. simile are therefore placed at the beginning of the table. Table 10. — Experiment to determine the host-plant preference exhibited by Diprion simile* Species and serial number of bost tree. Number of trees of species cbosen. Eggs. Larvae. Cocoons. Adults Pinus sylvestris, trees 1, 20, and 29 strobus, trees 5 and 6 cembra, tree 2 virginiana, tree 14 divaricata, tree 1 monticola, tree 2 flexilis, tree 2 taeda, tree 9 resinosa, trees 16 and 18 austriaca, tree 2 ix 1 x= number not counted. 2 27 larv83 killed — rain. 3?= trees examined and no eggs found. Therefore, while it is possible that eggs may have been over- looked, it is also possible that a larva dropping or knocked from another tree may have reached these; consequently these species can not be given full credit for choice. Table 11 gives a summary of experiments in which adults of Diprion simile were confined in cages on single young trees of certain species of pine. It shows in some degree the greater success attend- ing the use of Pinus sylvestris as a host for the sawny. THE IMPORTED PINE SAWFLY. 19 Table 11. — Experiments showing the results accompanying the forced use of certain species of pine as hosts by Diprion simile. Species and serial number of host tree. Parent females. Eggs. Larvae. Cocoons. Adults. Pinus sylvestris: Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 Tree 2 9 1N9 79 53 27 68 3 21 48 43 18 2 Trees 6 and 3 9 Trees 15 and 16 Trees 17 and 2 2 3 2 Trees 18 and 19 1 Tree 20 Tree 21 9 3 2 1 Tree 29 Tree 30 6 5 4 Pinus austriaca: Tree 1 Tree 2 26 5 9 13 29 Pinus strobus: Tree 16 2 6 Tree 17 1 N= needles in which eggs have been deposited but the number of eggs not counted. J x= number not counted. Britton and Zappe,10 in their paper on this species, give the follow- ing list, in which the pines are arranged " according to the preference shown by the sawflies in nature and to the largest number of sawflies reaching maturity " in their host-plant experiments: Pinus excelsa Wall. Bhotan pine Pinus cembra Linn. Stone pine Pinus flexilis James. Limber pine Pinus strobus Linn. White pine Pinus koraunsis Sieb. & Zucc. Korean pine. Pinus montana Du Roi. Mugho pine Pinus densiflora Sieb. & Zucc. Japanese red pine. Pinus resinosa Ait. Red pine Pinus sylvestris Linn. Scotch pine Pinus ponder osa Dougl. Bull pine Pinus laricio Poir. var. austriaca Endl. Austrian pine >Five-needled pines. >Two-needled pines. Pinus rigida Mill. Pitch pine Three-needled pine. This list shows that Diprion simile has a decided preference for the five-needled and the softer two-needled pines. A comparison of this list with the writer's experiments shows an agreement as to the preference for the five-needled pines and the apparent lack of suitability and attraction possessed by P. laricio, P. austriaca, and P. ponderosa, but a disagreement regarding P. sylvestris, which was a favored tree and capaolc of carrying the species from egg to adult in the writer's cages, while, along with P. ponderosa and P. laricio variety austriaca, it was almost immune to infestation in the experiments of Britton and Zappe. From these data it seems reasonable to suppose that Diprion simile is capable of utilizing several of our American pines as hosts and therefore may succeed in establishing itself in the forests of the United >• Britton, \V. K., and Zappe, If. P. Op. cit., p. 278. 20 BULLETIN 1182, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. States. Furthermore, the species of pines represented above are from sufficiently different sections of the country to make available a possible host in most of our pine-growing regions and in such a variety of climates that some of them must be favorable for the insect's development. DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES. Diprion simile is known to occur in nurseries in Connecti- cut, New York, Penn- sylvania, and New Jersey. Specimens have been received from Massachusetts, and the species is re- corded from Indi- ana.11 The history of the sawfly in the United States? suggests that it was introduced with imported nur- sery stock, a view which is supported by the fact that in Connecticut, New Jersey, and Massa- chusetts it has been intercepted at quarantine inspection ports. The following list gives the localities from which the species is recorded (see also Fig. 8) : Connecticut: Derby, Greenwich, Hartford, New Canaan, and New Haven.11 Indiana. Massachusetts. New Jersey: Elizabeth, Rutherford, and South Orange.12 New York: Flushing, L. I. Pennsylvania: Chestnut Hill 13 and Penbrook.13 ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE. The imported pine sawfly is to be regarded as an extremely danger- ous visitor in the United States, because in Europe, where it is asso- ciated with Diprion pini L., the two are responsible for an immense amount of damage. D. pini has usually been considered the chief cause of this injury, but the two species are so closely allied 14 and so frequently confused that the presence of D. simile in this country must be regarded with apprehension. In Europe D. pini 15 is accred- ited with serious damage to pine in southwestern Russia, in 1914 de- foliating many acres of pine in the districts of Achtyr and Izium; in Germany, in Prussia, and particularly in Brandenburg and Silesia, in 11 Britton, W. E., and Zappe, M. P. Op. cit., p. 275. u From a letter from Harry B. Weiss, dated Aug. 12, 1916. 13 Localities for specimens determined by S. A. Rohwer. M Diprion simile Hartig has been considered a synonym of I>. pini L. » Britton, W. E., and Zappe, M. P. Op. cit., p. 276. Fig. 8.— Diprion simile: Distribution in the United States. A round black spot indicates a report from a definite locality; a square spot indicates occurrence in the State, but without definite locality. THE IMPOKTED PINE SAWFLY. 21 1914; in France, in 1906; in Sweden; in Norway, in 1914, when the larvae nearly defoliated 10-year old pines on one plantation; and in England, where they are said to injure Scotch fir as well as pine. In many of these infestations D. simile doubtless took a prominent part and in some instances may have been the chief depredator. Should D. simile become permanently established in this country, it will be capable of great destruction. At present it is probably confined to nurseries and estates, where it is doing sufficient damage to attract considerable attention, and nurserymen and gardeners are endeavoring to exterminate it. CONTROL. In the United States the seeming preference of Diprion simile for young trees makes this sawfly primarily a nursery pest and a nur- sery problem rather than a forest problem. This confinement to trees in nurseries and on estates is of considerable advantage in an attempt to eradicate or control the species, since in such situations the best opportunities for combating it are found. The infestation is more easily observed early in its course, and methods of control can be employed which, despite their effectiveness, could hardly be recommended to check a forest invasion, owing to the inaccessibility and vastness of the area. Because infestations of the sawfly are at present limited to young trees in nurseries and under similar condi- tions, it is doubly important to combat it now, first, to check its rav- ages, and, second, in the hope of exterminating it or at least pre- venting it from ever becoming established in our forests. In the effort to control the species its life-history and seasonal- history advantages, already referred to, should be taken into con- sideration and strict watch maintained against its appearance or reappearance. Infested trees should be sprayed with some stomach poison, such as a mixture of lead arsenate and water in the proportion of 2 pounds of powdered arsenate of lead to 50 gallons of water, or, in smaller quantities, 6 teaspoonfuls of the powder to 1 gallon of water. A knapsack, barrel, or tank spraying outfit, whichever is available and convenient to use, should give good results. Hand picking and dropping or shaking the larvae into pails partially filled with kerosene, crushing them with the hands protected by leather gloves, and knocking or jarring them from the trees and treading on them, are all possible methods of control, especially where labor can be obtained cheaply. Such methods as these have been used successfully in Europe. ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. November 12, 1923. Secretary of Agriculture Henry C. Wallace. Assistant Secretary Howard M. Gore. Director of Scientific Work E. D. Ball. Director of Regulatory Work Walter G. Campbell. Director of Extension Work C. W. Warburton. Weather Bureau Charles F. Marvin, Chief. Bureau of Agricultural Economics Henry C. Taylor, Chief. Bureau of Animal Industry John R. Mohler, Chief. Bureau of Plant Industry William A. Taylor, Chief. Forest Service W. B. Greeley, Chief. Bureau of Chemistry C. A. Browne, Chief. Bureau of Soils Milton Whitney, Chief. Bureau of Entomology L. 0. Howard, Chief. Bureau of Biological Survey E. W. Nelson, Chief. Bureau of Public Roads Thomas H. MacDonald, Chief. Bureau of Home Economies Louise Stanley, Chief. Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory F. G. Cottrell, Director. Division of Accounts and Disbursements A. Zappone, Chief. Library Claribel R. Barnett, Librarian. Federal Horticultural Board C. L. Marlatt, Chairman. Insecticide and Fungicide Board J. K. Haywood, Chairman. Packers and Stockyards Administration 1 Chester Morrill, Assistant to the Grain Future Trading Act Administration J Secretary. Office of the Solicitor R. W. Williams, Solicitor. This bulletin is a contribution from Bureau of Entomology L. O. Howard, Chief. Forest Insect Investigations F. C. Craighead, Entomologist in Charge. 22 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY PURCHASER AGREES NOT TO RESELL OR DISTRIBUTE THIS COPY FOR PROFIT.— PUB. RES. 57, APPROVED MAY 11, 1922 UNITED STATES OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT BULLETIN No. 1196 Washington, D. C. January, 1924 FOOD AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS OF NORTH AMERICAN GREBES. By Aijexander Wetmoee, Assistant Biologist, Division of Biological Investiga- tions, Bureau of Biological Survey.1- CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 1 Distribution and habits of grebes- 1 Description 2 Nests, eggs, and young 2 Economic relations 3 Feather eating 4 Protected status 4 Page. Western grebe . 5 Holboell grebe 7 Horned grebe 10 Eared grebe 15 Mexican grebe 18 Pied-billed grebe 19 INTRODUCTION. A knowledge of the feeding habits and general economic status of the species of grebes inhabiting the different sections of the United States is of importance in connection with the relations of these birds to the supply of food fishes. Living in ponds, lakes, and water- courses, grebes have at times been suspected of being seriously detri- mental to the continuance of certain valuable fishes. That this suspicion is without actual foundation in fact has been ascertained in the investigations reported upon in this bulletin. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITS OF GREBES. Six species of grebes are found in North America north of the Isthmus of Panama, all of them ranging within the limits of the United States. These birds breed in the interior, but during their migrations are found on salt water along our coasts as well as on open ponds and streams throughout the country. Their almost supernatural powers of diving to escape a shot are common knowl- edge among hunters, from the boy armed with a small-bore rifle to Prepared by the author when a member of the present Division of Food Habits Re- tearch. NOTE. — This bulletin presents a detailed study of the food and feeding habits of th< Hix species of grei,cS thai occur in (lie United States. II will serve as an index (o the economic status of the i birds, and will be useful to naturalists, sportsmen,, conservation- l*ts, i Interested In waterfowl. 60230—23 1 2 BULLETIN 1196, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. the sportsman with heavier equipment, and have earned for grebes the common appellations of water-witch, hell-diver, and didapper. In diving suddenly grebes spring forward and disappear head fore- most, moving so quickly as to be below the surface before a charge of shot can reach them. When not alarmed grebes often sink slowly beneath the surface, and may remain for some time with only the head projecting, maintaining their position through a lateral, rotary motion of the strong, broadly lobed feet. Under normal conditions grebes are quiet birds, spending their time during most of the year, when not feeding, in swimming slowly about, resting quietly, or in preening and caring for their plumage. During the breeding period they become more active and exhibit many pleasing habits and mannerisms unsuspected from their de- meanor at other seasons. Several species have a peculiar " dance " in which both birds, treading water and calling excitedly, stand bolt upright on the surface in an attitude resembling miniature penguins. DESCRIPTION. The entire form of grebes has been modified in adaptation to their watery habitat. The bodj' is long, rather slender, and compressed, the plumage close and dense, wholly impervious to moisture, and the strong, heavy legs are at practically the posterior end of the body. The apparent position of the legs is accentuated by the form of the tail, which is represented by only a few filamentous feathers, so that, save on close examination, it appears to be absent. The wings are short, and small in surface compared to the weight of the body, so that grebes prefer to trust to their marvelous agility in diving to escape pursuit rather than attempt to fly. When flight is necessary the birds rise in the air only after gaining momentum by paddling with swiftly moving wings and feet for a hundred yards or more along the surface of the water. When in the air they have a direct, strongly sustained flight which carries them for long dis- tances during their extended spring and fall migrations. In diving, grebes usually hold the wings in closed position at the sides, but they have also been observed to use them in swimming under water. NESTS, EGGS, AND YOUNG. The nests of grebes are made of masses of decaying vegetation piled up in shallow water to form a mound that barely projects above the surface. The eggs, laid in a depression on the summit of this heap, lie almost in the water; they are often passed unnoted, as the female invariably covers them carefully with some of the nest ma- terial before leaving, unless frightened away by the sudden appear- ance of an intruder. On hatching, the down-covered young birds swim readily, with the foreneck and breast submerged, so that only the head and posterior portion of the back project above the water. They tire easily, however, and with plaintive whistles approach the mother, who depresses her back, allowing the young to scramble up on this living raft, where they take refuge under the long inner feathers of her wings while she swims slowly away. (See fig. 4, p. 19.) In a few days the young become more expert in the water and hide XORTH AMERICAN GREBES. 3 among the growths of aquatic vegetation, so that until they are at least two-thirds grown it is difficult to observe them. After the young are well grown, the adults disappear for a time in order to molt, resorting for the purpose to dense growths of rushes, where they remain in seclusion for a period of three or four weeks. Like ducks and geese, they shed all the wing feathers simultaneously and are then unable to fly. ECONOMIC RELATIONS. The food of the grebes, as would be expected, is made up largely of aquatic organisms belonging to a variety of groups. Of these, fishes are perhaps of greatest importance in establishing the economic status of these peculiar birds. The western and Holboell grebes, the largest of the six forms of the family found within our limits, take more fishes than do the smaller species, but on the whole they can not be considered actually injurious, as the kinds eaten are in most cases of little or no value to man. From the basis of the present studies it can not be said that any species of grebe is directly inimical to the fishing industry. Grebes which alight during migration in ponds at fish hatcheries may do serious damage, and in such places it is advisable to drive them away or destroy them if Federal and State laws permit.2 This stricture applies in the main, however, to only one species, the pied-billed grebe, as only occasionally do the other forms appear in such locali- ties. The sacrifice of the few pied-billed grebes which it may be necessary to kill for this reason can have little or no effect upon the abundance of these widely distributed birds. With the exception of the large western grebe (which so far as known at present feeds only upon fishes), all of our grebes feed extensively upon crustaceans, and when more material is available for study it is possible that this species also may be found to eat this kind of food. The Holboell grebe takes many marine crusta- ceans, as do the horned and eared grebes. The two last mentioned and the pied-billed grebe destroy also many crawfishes. The feeding of the pied-billed grebe is especially beneficial in this manner in localities where crawfishes are destructive to crops. Aquatic Coleoptera (beetles) and Heteroptera' (bugs) figure largely in the food of the smaller grebes, and that of the pied- billed "grebe shows that the birds prey extensively upon giant water- bugs and predacious water beetles, insects that are reputed to be seriously destructive at times to the small fry of fishes. Eared and horned grebes in summer often act the part of scavenger in feeding upon the masses of miscellaneous insects found floating on the water. During the flights that occur as these forms emerge in the adult state, frequently bays and ponds are covered with the bodies of such of these creatures as have attempted to alight, only to be entrapped by the water and drowned. From this source i ),,..,. jrn.l,r-s secure a greatly varied insect fare, but one, however, of no particular economic significance. the 'For :. summary ol the provl lone at Federal, State, and Provincial game laws, see • annual farmers' Bulletin on the subject (thai for the ea ion 1923 24, Farmers iiictin No. 1375, D. s. Departmenl of Agriculture). 4 BULLETIN 1196, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. FEATHER EATING. All of our species of grebes have the peculiar habit of eating quantities of their own feathers, masses of which were found in practically every stomach opened. This fact has been recognized by naturalists for many years, though in numerous instances the feather remains have been mistaken for miscellaneous substances, ranging from the hair of mammals to silky vegetable fibers. Why these feathers are eaten and what part they may play in the economy of the bird are points on which we have no definite knowledge. The feathered covering of grebes is dense and abundant, and the writer on various occasions has observed the birds preening and arranging their plumage. Feathers loosened during this process are sometimes discarded and sometimes dabbled in the water, to be moistened and then swallowed. The stomach of the grebe has a small accessory chamber (a pyloric lobe) in which the opening into the small intestine is found. This lobe is almost invariably plugged with a ball of feathers, even though feathers are absent in the main chamber. It is noticed that feathers occur in greatest abundance and most commonly in stomachs containing remains of fishes and hard-bodied insects, and that they are less abundant (or are even occasionally absent) in gizzards containing soft-bodied larvae or crustaceans that are easy of digestion and assimilation. It may be suggested that the feathers act as a strainer to prevent the passage of fish bones or large fragments of chitin into the intestine until they have been reduced to a proper size and condition by the process of digestion. In this way injury to the intestinal walls from these hard fragments may be avoided. Whatever the use of feathers, they can not be held to have any considerable food value, even though they are constantly ground up and passed on into the intestinal tract. In the accounts of the individual species, therefore, though the presence of feathers in these stomachs has in each case been estimated as a matter of interest, this item has been discarded before the actual food content is ap- portioned on the basis of 100 per cent. PROTECTED STATUS. Prior to 1903 many thousands of grebes were killed by hunters for the sake of their beautiful breast feathers, which attracted atten- tion in commerce. The western grebe especially suffered heavily from the whim of feminine fashion, as this species, like the eared grebe, congregated in large colonies during the breeding season. Held to one locality by the instinct that drew them to their nests and young, the birds were slaughtered in these colonies with ease until their numbers were greatly reduced. One hunter in Oregon told of killing 135 grebes on one occasion, and on the large shallow lakes in the Great Basin region many thousands in all were shot for their skins. Fortunately, in 1903 the market for grebe skins was closed, and slaughter by professional hunters practically ceased. With in- creased protection during recent years the birds have regained some- thing of their former abundance. A serious factor affecting grebes, as well as many other species of water birds, is the reclamation of extensive marshes and shallow NORTH AMERICAN GREBES. lakes in the West, projects which have reduced the areas where these birds may find suitable breeding grounds. As grebes are not con- sidered game and are thus protected by Federal law at all seasons, they should maintain their present numbers. Although the meat of the grebe is edible if properly prepared, it is relatively small in quantity and is not of the best quality. The bulk of it is found on the strong thighs and legs, where in adult birds the muscles are quite likely to be tough and stringy. When cooked, the flesh is very dark and at times is unpleasant in taste and odor, so that it does not meet with general favor. WESTERN GREBE. (Aechmophorus occidentalis.) The western grebe, the largest member of its family found in North American waters, ranges in the western portion of the continent, Fig. 1. — Western grebe. where it breeds from British Columbia and Manitoba south to north- ern California, Utah, and North Dakota. During the winter season a part of these birds remain in the North wherever there is sufficient open water for their needs, but others at this time extend their range as far south as the State of Jalisco in central Mexico. Western grebes are found on the larger rivers and lakes, and in the summer season frequent the great marshy, tule-grown lakes common through- out their breeding range. In winter they often occur on the ocean or on salt-water lagoons and bays. The large body, long slender neck, and elongate, sharp-pointed bill serve to distinguish these grebes from any of the other diving birds found in company with them. (See fig. 1.) To these char acters may be added a dark gray or blackish coloration above and pure, snowy white beneath, with a brilliant red eye, which may be noted upon close approach. 6 BULLETHsT 1196, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Like other grebes, the present species usually depends upon its skill in diving to escape pursuers, but when encountered in shallow channels choked with growths of aquatic vegetation it occasionally takes wing, when with long neck and large feet outstretched, and on small, rapidly beating wings, it presents a most curious appearance. Western grebes nest in colonies, building up large, rounded piles of aquatic vegetation to form mounds that barely project from the water. The eggs, usually two or three in number (sets of five are reported), are laid in a slight depression on the top of this mass. The down-covered gray young take to the water as soon as hatched and swim readily with the fore part of the body submerged. When tired they clamber upon the mother's back under her arching wings, and are carried along with their heads projecting through her feathers. The loud, stirring calls of the adults, one of the pleasant sounds of the great western marshes, come to mind whenever the birds themselves are considered. FOOD. Nineteen stomachs of the western grebe, from California, Oregon, Utah, and British Columbia, were available for examination in the study of its food. These were collected in January, March, April, May, September, October, November, and December. Like all other grebe stomachs, these, without exception, contained masses of feath- ers from the bodies of the birds themselves, and in four, feathers were present to the exclusion of all other material. Fish remains were present in all but one of the 15 stomachs that contained food and, disregarding the feathers universally found, made up practically the entire food (100 per cent) of the birds ex- amined. A few remains of water boatmen (Corixidae) in one stomach, amounting to a mere trace, constituted the only other ani- mal food. One individual had eaten a small mass of rootlets, but the presence of this vegetable matter, forming only 2 per cent of the contents of the single stomach in which it occurred, is considered accidental. One bird from Okanogan Lake, British Columbia, had eaten two Columbia chubs (Mylocheilus caurinus) about 5 inches long. These fishes are said to frequent the spawning beds of salmon in order to devour their eggs. Another individual had eaten two other small fishes belonging to the same family, the carps (Cyprinidae), but these were too far advanced in digestion to allow more certain identi- fication. A bird taken near the mouth of Bear River, Utah, had eaten two small carp {Gyprinus carpio) and a sucker known locally as "mullet" (Gatostomus ardens). Another stomach from the same locality contained four small carp entire and the remains of four more, while in a third were four chubs {Leuciscus lineatus) , one of which was 4^ inches long. A grebe from Netarts Bay, Oreg., contained fragments of seven or more little smelts (A therinops affirms) , and another from near Wilming- ton, Calif., had eaten a small California smelt (Atherinopsis cali- fomiensis) . Both of these fishes occur in large schools in shallow bays, and when grown have some value as human food. What few of the small fry are eaten by western grebes can have no particular NORTH AMERICAN GREBES. 7 economic significance, as these small fishes are present in great schools and the grebes are few in number. Other stomachs con- tained merely a few bones of fishes that were too far advanced in digestion to be identified. J. Macoun, of the Canadian Geological Survey, has reported finding a large salamander (Ambystoma) in the stomach of one of these birds. SUMMARY. The material available is scanty, but seems to show that the west- ern grebe depends almost entirely upon fishes as a source of food. Those taken, however, are seemingly of little importance. The species inhabiting the streams and shallow lakes upon which this grebe has its summer home are, as a rule, of little economic value. In other regions the grebes do not occur in sufficient numbers to make them a factor of any moment in the continuance or abundance of any species of food fish. Their feeding is confined to the numer- ous smaller fry, and the destruction of a few is of no economic significance. The brief survey that it has been possible to make of its food indicates that the western grebe is worthy of protection as an interesting form of life, having no traits that may be marked as injurious. HOLBOELL GREBE. (Colymbus holboelli.) The Holboell, or red-necked, grebe has a range extending over most of the northern part of North America and eastern Asia. In our continent it breeds from northern Alaska and Ungava (North- west Territories) south to the northern border of the United States from Washington to southwestern Minnesota. In winter it passes in migration south as far as California, Colorado, the Ohio Valley, and North Carolina, and occurs north to British Columbia, Wiscon- sin, and Maine wherever there is suitable water free from ice. During the winter season these grebes frequent the bays and open ocean along our coasts, and large lakes and streams inland. Their habit of remaining in the North on the open water of large lakes during winter often leads to their destruction, as many cases are known in which the birds have been caught during severe weather and frozen into the ice. Grebes usually are unable to rise in flight from a hard surface, and require a considerable start in order to gain momentum for flight from the water. When caught by en- croaching ice, therefore, they may be unable to escape unless they chance upon a permanent air hole, where they may live until the re- turn of milder weather. On their breeding grounds the Holboell grebes are reputed to be very shy, and, though found in the open during much of the re- mainder of the year, they are perhaps as little known generally as any of our grebes except the pygmy Mexican grebe, which barely • nters our bound;) ties from Mexico. FOOD. The material available for the detailed study of the Hood of this bird consists of 46 stomachs, representing all the months of the year 8 BULLETIN 1196, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. but June. These were collected in British Columbia, Alberta. Oregon, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and North Carolina. The months of September, October, and November are best represented, while for the summer season there is very little material. All the stomachs of the Holboell grebes examined contained feath- ers from the birds themselves, and in 10, feathers alone composed the contents. (See fig. 2.) In tabulating the food items it was found that in the remaining 36 stomachs feathers made up 70 per cent of the total. Although these feathers are ground up and passed out through the intestine, they are not considered as having a distinct nutritive value, as is explained in the introductory paragraphs of Fig. 2. — Stomach contents of the Holboell grebe (Colymius holboelli), showing the large numbers of feathers normally present in stomachs of grebes. The larger mass comes from the stomach proper, the smaller from the pyloric lobe. this paper. For this reason they are not considered in the following computation, and the food items remaining are taken as representing 100 per cent. Of this, 97 per cent is animal and 3 per cent vege- table food. Fish forms the most important single item in the food of the Hol- boell grebe, as in 36 stomachs it made 55.5 per cent of the total. Fish remains occurred in 23 stomachs, or half the total number examined, and made the sole food items in 14. Two birds taken on Barkley Sound, Vancouver Island, during the winter season had eaten sev- eral Alaska sticklebacks (Gasterosteus cataphractus) , a salt-water species belonging to a family noted for its destructiveness to the spawn and young fry of other fishes. One grebe taken at Nahant, NORTH AMERICAN GREBES. 9 Mass., in April, had eaten a sculpin {Myoxocephalus aeneus) , while three others secured near Shelter Island, N. Y., in February and March had eaten, respectively, 2, 14, and 18 fishes of the same species. Another had taken an eel (Anguilla chrysypa) and a top minnow of the genus Fundulus. Fragments of fishes belonging to the group con- taining the perches were found in grebes from Okanogan Lake (British Columbia), North Dakota, and Currituck Sound, N. C, while in one other individual were remains of a minnow of the family Cyprinidae. Eleven stomachs contained fragments of bony fishes that were too far along in digestion to be identified. Crustaceans, found in 9 stomachs, form one-fifth of the total food, or 20 per cent. One bird from near Staten Island, N. Y., taken in March, had eaten 5 mud lobsters (Upogebia affinis) with about 50 other stalk-eyed crustaceans, mainly common shrimps (Orago vul- garis) and a few prawns (Palaemonetes vulgaris). Another from the same locality had 75 per cent of the stomach contents made up of a mass of remains of the common shrimp. A bird from Pennsyl- vania had taken a crawfish of the genus Cambarus, while 4 from Okanogan Lake, British Columbia, had eaten crawfishes of another group, Potamobius. Two others contained remains of crustaceans that were not definitely identified. Insects form 21.5 per cent of the food and occurred in 13 stomachs of the Holboell grebes examined. One bird had eaten many larvae of a caddisfly. Predacious diving beetles, both in the adult and larval stages, were found in 4 stomachs, and a whirligig beetle (Dineutes) in 1. One stomach contained several adult dragonflies, another fragments of water boatmen (Corixidae), and still another back-swimmers (N otonecta) . Water scavenger-beetles (Hydro- philidae) were encountered once. These are all aquatic in habit and might be expected to be the prey of the water-loving grebes. Other miscellaneous food from the group of insects consisted of re- mains of flies (family Muscidae), wasps, ants, and other Hymenop- tera, a stink bug (Pentatomidae), lamellicorn beetles (Scarabaeidae), ground beetles (Carabidae), billbugs (Calandridae), and indetermi- nate remains of Coleoptera. Certain of the insect remains were accompanied by bones of small predatory fishes in such a way that it seemed probable that the insects originally had been contained in the stomachs of the fishes, and for this reason they were not estimated as part of the true food of the grebe. In other cases they appeared alone. It is probable that the Holboell grebes secure these miscellaneous insects by picking up in- dividuals floating on the water. An aquatic bird could not be con- sidered as an active enemy of. living individuals of these terrestrial species. Other than these insects, a single jaw of a large sea worm (Nereis) was the only item of miscellaneous animal food encoun- tered. Vegetable substances (3 per cent of the total bulk) were found in 4 stomachs. These have no significance as food and may have been secured during the eager chase of active prey or in some cases may have been released from the stomachs of herbivorous fishes during their digestion. 60230—24 2 10 BULLETIN 1196, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SUMMARY. From this survey of the food of the Holboell grebe it appears that though fish formed slightly more than half the sustenance of the individuals examined, this fact is of small significance, as the species taken are in the main of little commercial value. These birds have no special predilection for food fishes valuable to man, but are merely in search of something to satisfy hunger, so that to them a sculpin is as valuable as a species considered more edible by man. As these common forms of little worth are found in abun- dance, they often furnish a ready supply of food. It can not be con- sidered, therefore, that this grebe is in any true sense an enemy of the fishing industry, while it is probable that, when more material is available for the summer months, when the birds are in the shallow fresh-water inland lakes, insects and crustaceans will be found to furnish a much larger proportion of the food than is indicated above. Pig. 3. — Horned grebe. bioim A. C. Bent 3 records that at this season in the lakes of Manitoba the birds eat crawfishes, water dogs or salamanders, and aquatic insects. HORNED GREBE. (Colymbus auritus.) The horned grebe (fig. 3), a species of wide distribution in the Northern Hemisphere, ranges throughout the whole of the United States and much of Canada. It breeds south as far as the northern portion of the United States and migrates in fall and winter to Florida, Louisiana, and southern California. Winter records from the interior are mainly from the Great Lakes region, as at this season these birds range more commonly along the coasts. 3 Life histories of North American diving birds, Bull. 107, U. S. Nat. Mns., p. 14, 1919.. ^ORTH AMERICAN GREBES. 11 In breeding plumage the horned grebe has broad, flaring black cheek feathers and lateral crests of yellow. The throat is black, and the lower neck, breast, and sides are rufous. In fall and winter adults and young alike lack the flaring head feathers, being plain dusky above and white below. Horned grebes are not shy when nesting, but from the nature of their haunts are known at this season to comparatively few. During fall and winter they are more frequently seen, as they are found on open water. Favorable food conditions at times cause them to col- lect in small flocks, and on our southern coasts it is common to find bands of a dozen or more. Unlike other species, the horned grebes when approached in boats often rise and splatter off across the sur- face of the water for a hundred yards or more until out of harm's way. If approached a second time they usually disappear beneath the surface. When the water is even moderately rough the birds are unable to gain sufficient momentum to rise on the wing and must perforce take refuge in diving. FOOD. For a study of the food of the horned grebe 122 stomachs were available, taken in all months of the year except July. Most of this material, as would be expected, comes from Alaska, Canada, the Great Basin, and the eastern half of the United States, for the spe- cies is at its maximum abundance in this region. On the Pacific coast, Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon are rep- resented, but there is no material available from California. In this* collection 8 stomachs contained feathers alone, and so gave no idea of the food habits of this grebe. In the remaining 114, animal food formed 99 per cent and vegetable matter 1 per cent. In these, feathers from the birds themselves formed 55.5 per cent of the stomach contents, but were not considered as food. Vegetable food occurred in only six individuals and may be re- garded as accidental. It consisted of bits of wood or other rubbish in four instances and occasional seeds of ragweed and stick-tight (Bidens) in two others. Sand was found in two stomachs. Of the animal food, fish remains found in 49 of the 114 stomachs formed 34.6 per cent. In other words, fish occurred in 43 per cent of the total number of stomachs and amounted to one-third of the entire food. With few exceptions the species of fishes identified are of little or no value. The carp {Cyprinus carpio), a species used as food but one of tremendous damage to the propagation of fishes much more valuable, occurred once, and other fishes of the same family (Cyprinidae) once. Tessellated darters {Boleosoma olm- stedi) were eaten by two grebes, and a small eel {Anguilla) by an- other. Fragments of silvery anchovies (Stolephorus) and silyersides (Menidia). both small salt-water species and from their glistening sides known usually as "shiners," were found in two instances. The Alaska stickleback (Gasterosteus cataphractus) , a salt-water form ranging from San Francisco Bay northward, was taken by two birds. Tnis fish, known also as the " salmon killer," is locally alum danl along the north Pacific coast. In addition to these, the family of sculpins (Cottidae), all of them worthless from the human stand- point, furnished a large pari of the fish eaten by the horned grebe. 12 BULLETIN 1196, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. This was noticeable in particular in specimens secured on the Pacific coast and in those from Okanogan Lake, British Columbia. Among these, fresh-water sculpins (Oottus) occurred six times. A peculiar marine sculpin {Chitonotus pugetensis) was eaten once, while another member of this family, eaten by one grebe, could not be defi- nitely identified. Fragments of vertebrae or scales of bony fishes that could not be named were found in 30 stomachs, and eggs of fishes were identified in 3. One bird had eaten a fish belonging to the group of perches. This and the eel and carp mentioned above formed the only fishes of any particular commercial value encoun- tered in studying the food of the horned grebe. On the whole, val- uable fishes form a small, almost insignificant item in the food. Crustaceans, found in 29 stomachs, are another important source from which the horned grebe draws a supply of food. Crawfishes, encountered in 8 instances, amount to 10.4 per cent of the total. In 2 cases these belonged to the eastern group of crawfishes {Oam- barics) , which in many places are injurious to various crops. Craw- fishes were taken during the months from January to May, inclusive, and in September and October. They are doubtless eaten rather extensively during the summer months also, but the material avail- able is too scanty to show this. Other crustaceans, eaten by 21 birds, form 7.5 per cent of the total food. The common shrimp, or prawn {Palaemonetes vulgaris), a species valuable chiefly as food for various predatory animals, was identified 5 times. The Brazilian prawn (Penaeus hrasiliensis) , a species which in contradiction of its name ranges on our eastern coast north to Cape Cod, was found once, and the sand shrimp (Orago septemspinosus) once. A bird from the Pacific coast had eaten another form of shrimp, Crago franciscorum, a species common from San Francisco Bay northward, and still another had taken a shrimp of the same genus, but not specifically identified. Shrimps of the last forms are captured in nets and sold in the markets for human consumption. Following these, isopods, small flattened crustaceans that could not be determined, were found twice, and a sowbug (Mancasellus) belonging to the same group, once. A curious form {Michtheimysis stenolepis) belonging to the opossum shrimps was eaten once. Though found at times on the surface of the water, these shrimps are more abundant below and may have been secured by diving. The great group known as the amphipods form a valuable source of food for the horned grebe, as they do also for fishes and other predatory aquatic animals. One species taken {Ghironesimus multi- articulatus) belongs to a family whose forms are abundantly repre- sented in Arctic waters, where they play the part of scavenger. Any dead animal floating in the water is rapidly eaten up by swarms of these crustaceans. Other families — Metopidae, Pontogeniidae, and Calliopiidae — usually found floating on the surface of the ocean, were also repre- sented in these grebe stomachs. Sand-fleas {Gammarus) and another related species (family Gammaridae) were each taken once. Amphipod remains that were not identified occurred once, and mis- cellaneous fragments of indeterminate crustaceans six times. Crus- taceans other than crawfishes were eaten most commonly in winter, NORTH AMERICAN GREBES. 13 when the horned grebe frequents salt water. In 18 stomachs secured during the month of December crustaceans form nearly half the food (47.5 per cent). The insect food of the horned grebe is greatly varied. Beetles alone form 24.4 per cent and other insects 21.6 per cent, so that the two combined equal 46 per cent, or nearly half the fare of this bird. Forms of water-dwelling insects are important food sources and well represented. Water boatmen (Corixidae) were relished apparently, as they occurred 9 times. Back-swimmers (Notonecta) were eaten 3 times, a water strider (Gerridae) once, a true water bug (Belo- stomidae) once, and another small species (Zaitha) belonging in the last family, once. Caddisfly larvae were taken 4 times, and the larvae of gnats (Chironomidae) twice. These two often occur in tremen- dous numbers in western waters. Nymphs of Odonata, in three instances those of damselflies, were eaten 5 times. Mayfly larvae (Ephemeridae) were found once, and other aquatic larvae in 2 cases. Aquatic beetles were well represented in the great mass of insect material. Adult predacious water beetles (Dytiscidae) were taken by 12 birds, and larvae of this same group were eaten by 2. Water scavenger-beetles (Hydrophilidae) were eaten by 15 individuals, and crawling water-beetles (Haliplidae) by 5. These last are of small size, but are frequently eaten in large numbers, as was shown in the case of one bird that had swallowed 190 belonging to 5 distinct species. An aquatic leaf-beetle (Donacia) was encountered once. The insect forms mentioned are of aquatic habits and so are readily available to these grebes. It is highly probable that when more study material is available for the summer months they will be found in much greater numbers, as many of these forms are present in enormous abundance in the inland lakes and ponds on which the horned grebe breeds. In addition to the insects enumerated thus far, there is another group still to be considered that is secured under somewhat different circumstances. During the warmer months, as the adults of many species of insects emerge for their seasonable activities, they swarm in the air, where they fly abroad or are blown about by the wind. Where chance carries these over water, some, deceived perhaps by the apparent solidity of the surface, attempt to alight, only to remain struggling about and eventually to drown. Frequently bodies of such napless creatures are strewn thickly about on large water sur- faces. This rich food supply is eagerly sought by the grebes, and thus insects of varied groups, which under ordinary circumstances would not be found by a water-haunting bird, come to form an article of its diet. Stink bugs and many ants and miscellaneous Hymenop- tera occur among these and with them are found many beetles, in- cluding such diverse forms as sap-feeding beetles (Nitidulidae), weevils, and metallic wood-boring beetles (Buprestidae). Many species of ground beetles (Carabidae) are represented, as are flies, moths, and caterpillars. All of this material represents waste in animal life. Its utilization may be regarded as an adapta- tion on the pari of the grebe that has no particulr economic sig- nificance as regards the maintenance or control of (he specific forms involved. The grebe simply seizes opportunity as it comes wilhout making special effort to secure the living animals ;is food, so (hat it 14 BULLETIN 1196, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. can not be considered as of value as a control agent, or harmful in destroying insects that may be accounted useful. Other miscellaneous animal food, amounting to about one-half of 1 per cent, consists of fragments of marine worms {Nereis) in two instances, another marine invertebrate in one, and bits of snails in another. Spiders were taken three times. SUMMARY. From the above it appears that nearly one-third of the food of the horned grebe is made up of fishes, one-sixth of crustaceans, and approximately one-half of insects. Though fishes form an important item in the diet, especially in the case of birds taken during fall and winter, most of the species eaten are of no particular value for human food. Crawfishes form an important source of food, and in destroy- ing them the horned grebe does a certain amount of good. Some of the shrimps taken are palatable to man, but are not present in great numbers in the grebe stomachs studied. The insects eaten represent varied groups, part of them aquatic in habit and part individuals that by chance have fallen into the water. When these facts are carefully considered, the horned grebe can not be called injurious in any way. As a harmless species it merits protection for the small amount of good it may do in destroying crawfishes. Table 1. — Items of animal food identified in stomachs of the homed grebe, with the number of times that each occurred. Axnulata (Worms). Nereis sp. Amphipoda (Shrimplets). Chironesimus multiarticulatus- Calliopiidae Pontogeniidae Metopidae Gammaridae (unidentified) Garnmarus sp Unidentified amphipods Isopoda (Sowbugs). Mancasellus sp Unidentified isopods_ Schizopoda (Opossum Shrimps). Michtheimysis stenolepis Decapoda (Crabs, Shrimps, etc.). Palaemonetes vulgaris Crago franciscorum Crago septemspinosus — Crago sp Penaeus brasiliensis Gamoarus sp Unidentified crawfishes Unidentified crustaceans. Anisoptbea (Dragonflies). Nymphs • Agnatha (Mayflies). Mayfly larvae Orthoptera (Grasshoppers, etc.). Unidentified grasshopper Heteroptera (Bugs). Euchistus sp 2 Unidentified Pentatomidae 10 1 1 1 l 1 1 9 7 Myodocha serripes- Reduviolus sp Gerridae Notonecta sp Zaitha sp Unidentified Belostomidae. Corixidae Unidentified Heteroptera Lepidoptera (Moths and Butterflies). Unidentified moth Unidentified caterpillars. Coleoptera (Beetles). Amara sp . Ghlaenius sp Agonoderus pallipes Anisodactylus sp Unidentified Carabidae Raliplus ruficollis Haliplus connexus Haliplus sp Peltodytes callosus Peltodytes M-punctatus ". Peltodytes edentulus Coelambus sp Hydroporus sp Agabus sp Colymbetes sculptilis Colymbetes sp Dytlscid larvae Unidentified Dytiscidae Unidentified Gyrinidae Tropisternus sp Hydrocharis obtusatus Berosus sp HydroMus globosa Hydrobius fusdpes Unidentified Hydrophilidae 1 1 21 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 7 1 5 1 2 1 1 5 NORTH AMERICAN GREBES. 15 Table 1. — Items of animal food identified m stomachs of the horned grebe, with the number of times that each occurred — Continued. Coleoptera- — Continued. Staphylinid larvae Unidentified Staphylinidae__ Saprinus sp Unidentified Nitidulidae Heteroceru8 sp Unidentified Elateridae Unidentified Buprestidae Aphodius inquinatus—, Aphodius sp Unidentified Cerambycidae__ Donacia sp Unidentified Chrysomelidae. Unidentified Curculionidae_. Tomicus sp Unidentified Rhynchophora. DiptEra (Plies). Chironomid larvae S Larval Tabanus sp 1 Unidentified Muscidae 1 Htmenoptera (Wasps, Bees, and Ants). Campoplex sp 1 Phaeogenes sp 1 Camponotus herculeanus 1 Oamponotus sp 1 Htmenoptera- Continued. Unidentified ants Tiphia inornata Chloralictus sp Geratina dupla Unidentified hymenopterans Arachnida (Spiders, etc.). Unidentified spiders Mollusca (Snails, Mussels, etc.). Unidentified snail Pisces (Fishes). Gyprinus carpio Unidentified Cyprinidae Anguilla sp Stolephorus sp Gasterosteus cataphractus :_ Menidia sp _». Unidentified Percoidea Boleosoma olmstedi Ghitonotus pugetensis Gottus sp Unidentified Cottidae EARED GREBE. (Colymbus nigricollis calif or nicus.) The American form, or subspecies, of the eared grebe is confined to the western part of North America, where it breeds from central and southern Canada south to California, Arizona, New Mexico, and northern Iowa. In winter it passes south to Lower California and Guatemala. In breeding plumage the eared grebe has a distinct crest that distinguishes it at once from the horned grebe, but during fall and winter the two are very similar in color. At this season the eared grebe may be told by its distinctly smaller size and by the form of the bill, which is flattened so that it is broader at the base than it is high. In the horned grebe the bill is laterally compressed, so that the width is less than the height. Eared grebes are seen commonly on open water even during the breeding season and, on the whole, are less timid than other grebes. They nest in large colonies on shallow lakes where there is suitable cover of rushes growing in the water. During the mating season the birds are found in pairs and have many courtship antics of interest. At this season they call constantly with pleasing whistled notes which at night blend with the voices of other marsh birds to form a wild chorus. In winter eared grebes are found on salt water along the Pacific coast. They are common also during migration in the strongly saline waters of Great Salt Lake, where they are attracted by the multi- tudinous brine shrimps (Artemia) that swarm in many bays. Be- cause of the density of the water the birds seem to rest lightly on the surface and after diving bob up Like corks. On a few occasions eared grebes, attracted by innumerable larvae of alkali flies, have lingered on Owen Lake, Calif., another saline lake, until thousands, poisoned by the concentrated alkalis in the water, have become weak- ened and died. ri heir bodies drift ashore and are casl up in wind- 16 BULLETIN 1196, TJ. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. rows, together with the puparia of the almost incredibly numerous alkali flies (Ephydra). Formerly the eared grebe was killed by thousands by the plume hunters for the thick, satiny breast feathers. Fortunately for the continuance of the species, this is now pro- hibited. FOOD. For a survey of the food of the eared grebe 27 stomachs were available from many localities in the Western States. In this series three months — January, February, and August — were not repre- sented. Vegetable matter had been taken by two birds, but was pres- ent in such small quantity that it did not figure in the percentages. Animal food may therefore be considered as making up 100 per cent, disregarding, as in the other species of grebes treated, the pres- ence of feathers. In one case the vegetable matter consisted of a seed of a Polygonum, and in the other of matter that may be classed only as vegetable rubbish. Feathers were present in less quantity than in the stomachs of the other species of grebes examined, as this item amounted to only 27 per cent. In only 5 of the 27 stomachs examined were remains of fishes en- countered, or in less than one-fifth of the total. One bird killed near Portland, Oreg., had eaten a small sculpin (family Cottidae), while in four others the fish remains were identified merely as those of small bony fishes. These amount to only 9.8 per cent of the total food. The insect food of the eared grebe was abundant and varied. Heteroptera alone amounted to 40 per cent, and had been eaten by 13 of the birds examined. Except for one bug of the family Redu- viidae, these were all aquatic species. Water boatmen (Corixidae) were most abundant and had been taken by 11 birds, in one of which they totaled more than 1,300 individuals. Among other forms water bugs (Belostoma) and back-SAvimmers (Notonecta) were taken. Dragonflies and damselflies were eaten by 8 birds and amounted to 19.5 per cent. They consisted mainly of nymphs. Beetles, mainly water-dwelling forms, were eaten by 12 birds and amounted to 14.3 per cent of the total. The crawling water beetles (Haliplidae) , though of small size were well represented, as 3 species were defi- nitely identified. Following these come many predacious diving- beetles (Dytiscidae) and water scavenger-beetles (Hydrophilidae) . Rove beetles (in one case Philonthus fusiformis) and click beetles (Elateridae) also were taken. Leaf beetles (among them Myochrous squamosus, M. longulus, and a Diabrotica) were found 4 times and weevils 4 times. Larval forms of beetles as well as adults were encountered frequently. Larvae of ground beetles (Carabidae) were taken once, the immature forms of predacious diving beetles 4 times, and larvae of water scavenger beetles once. Miscellaneous insects of other groups amounted to 10.9 per cent. Caddisfly larvae were found in two stomachs and a grasshopper in one. Caterpillars of a moth (Pyralidae) were eaten twice, and remains of other Lepidop- tera were found twice, as also were remains of Diptera and Hymen- optera. Miscellaneous animal matter, taken by 9 birds and amount- ing to 5.5 per cent, completes the tale of food in the material examined. In this material were found a centipede, 2 spiders, an NORTH AMERICAN GREBES. 17 aquatic mite, and a snail (Plcvnorbis) ; remains of a marine worm (Nereis) and of a frog; and, representing the group of crustaceans, an amphipod (Gammarus) , an opossum shrimp (Neomysis), and 2 unidentified forms. In the field the writer has observed eared grebes swimming about in pursuit of alkali flies (Ephydridae) that rested lightly on the surface film of the water. As they came within reach they were seized with an almost unerring thrust of the bill. On Lake Burf ord, northern New Mexico, at dusk the birds gather in flocks on a broad open expanse to secure the ants and beetles, which, flying out from the sage-grown hills surrounding the lake, are entrapped and drowned in the water. Gnats (Chironomidae) and Mayflies that emerge in myriads from the water also furnish an eagerly sought supply of food. Insects drifting in the water form a favorite source of sub- sistence with these birds and are often intermingled with living prey. The tireless activity of these grebes in feeding is shown by the stomach contents of one bird secured in Montana at the end of May. This one individual had eaten 315 weevils (Hyperodes) , 650 water scavenger-beetles of one genus (Berosus) and 52 belonging to three or more other genera, 42 leaf beetles (Myochrous squamosus), 2 billbngs (Sphenophorus) , 3 rove beetles, 6 ground beetles with two larvae belonging to the same family, 61 caterpillars, 1 bug, 2 centi- pedes, and 3 or more spiders, a total of at least 1,139 individuals. SUMMARY. From this detailed enumeration of the food of the eared grebe it appears that the species is harmless to human interests. The fishes taken are few in number and apparently of little or no eco- nomic value. Insects form a greater proportion of the food than in the three preceding species, but have little economic significance. A considerable number of dragonfly nymphs are eaten, but these are destructive of small fishes, though adult dragonflies are valuable as enemies of mosquitoes. Like the horned grebe, the present species picks up many dead insects that are drifting about on the surface of the water. Like its larger cousin, the western grebe, this grebe was formerly killed in large numbers for its plumage, but fortunately laws and fashions changed in time to prevent its extermination. There is no longer danger of a recurrence of this slaughter, as the killing of the eared grebe is now prohibited by law, a protection that is well merited on account of the bird's harmlessness in its choice of food. Table 2. — Items of animal food identified in stomachs of the eared grebe, with the number of times that each occurred. Annulata (Worms). sp 1 Amphipoda (Shrimplets). Gammarus sp 1 SCHIZOPODA (Opossum Shrimps). VeomysU sp 1 Unidentified crustaceans 2 Zygoptera (Damselflies). Unidentified damselflies 1 Anisoptera (DraROnflies). Libellulid nymph__ 1 Unidentified nymph. 1 Orthopteka (Grasshoppers, etc.). i aldentifled grasshopper l 18 BULLETIN 1196, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Lepidoptera (Moths and Butterflies). Pyralid caterpillars Unidentified caterpillar- Unidentified pupa Coleoptera (Beetles). sp_ Bembidiuw, Amara sp_ Unidentified carabid larva Unidentified Carabidae Haliplus cribrarius Haliplus lonffulus Haliplus sp Peltodytes callosus Unidentified Haliplidae Coelambus inaequalis Coelambus patruelis Deronectes griseostriatus Rhantus binotatus Golymbetes sp , Acilius sp . Unidentified dytiscid larvae Unidentified Dytiscidae Oyrinus sp Helophorus sp Tropistemus sp Berosus striatus u Berosus sp , Philhydrus hamiltoni Philhydrus sp Unidentified hydrophilid larva Unidentified Hydrophilidae Philonthus fusiformis Unidentified Staphylinidae Coleoptera- — Continued. Table 2. — Items of animal food identified in stomachs of the eared grebe, with the number of times that each occurred — Continued. Heteroptera ( Bugs ) . Unidentified Reduviidae 1 Belostoma sp 1 Notonecta sp l Unidentified Corixidae 13 Phryganoidea (Caddislliesj. Unidentified caddisfly larvae 2 Monocrepidius .vespertinus- Monocrepidius sp Myochrous longulus Myochrous squamosus Diabrotica sp Hyperodes sp Unidentified Curculionidae. Sphenophorus sp Dipteea (Flies). Unidentified stratiomyid larva- Unidentified dipterous larva Unidentified Diptera Hymenoptera (Wasps, Bees, and Ants). Ichneumonidae_ Ants Chilopoda (Centipedes). Unidentified centipede Araneida (Spiders). Unidentified spiders Acarida (Mites). Unidentified aquatic mite ..: Mollusca (Snails, Mussels, etc.) Planorbis sp Pisces (Fishes). Unidentified Cottidae- Unidentified fishes Amphibia (Frogs, Toads, and Sala- manders). Froj MEXICAN GREBE. {Colymbus dominicus brachypterus.) The Mexican grebe, the smallest representative of its family found in North America, is fairly common in favorable localities in southern Texas, but is not known to occur elsewhere in the United States. In the lower Rio Grande Valley, near Brownsville, it is reported to nest in fair numbers and may be resident throughout the year. In general habits this bird is said to resemble other grebes. It is found in small ponds and lakes where there is proper concealment furnished by growths of cat-tails, rushes, and sedges. Philip Gosse 4 records that the stomachs of birds killed by him were filled with a finely ground substance which, from his descrip- tion, appears to have been feather remains, so that it would seem that the Mexican grebe shares the feather-eating habit of its relatives. No other references to the food of the Mexican grebe have been found in literature, and as there are no stomachs of this species at hand for examination, no further data are available in regard to its economic status. It is probable that the bird lives largely upon * Birds of Jamaica, p. 443, 1847. NORTH AMERICAN GREBES. 19 aquatic insects, but this statement must not be accepted as fact, as it is based entirely upon knowledge of the feeding habits of other species. PIED-BILLED GREBE. (Podilymbus podiceps.) The pied-billed grebe, the most widely distributed species of its family occurring in the United States, ranges over most of North and South America where suitable conditions are found. In North America it breeds as far north as Canada, though in the southern part of the United States it is often local in distribution. While Fig. 4. — Pied-billed grebe. not so hardy as some of the species of more typically Boreal habitat, yet during the winter months it occurs to some extent in the United States. The pied-billed grebe is known familiarly to every country boy, as it appears regularly on ponds and slow-running streams and is not restricted to the larger lakes and watercourses, as is usual with other grebes. The marvelous facility that grebes exhibit in diving- is well shown in the present species, and this habit has become legend, associated with the name "hell-diver." At all times pied-billed grebes are birds of fresh-water habit, and though they may occur in river mouths and lagoons where the influence of the tide is felt, it is exceptional to see them on salt water. In summer they haunt ponds and streams bordered with cat- tails and tules, and in the seclusion of these growths conceal (heir nest, a mass of vegetation piled up in shallow water as a platform that barely projects above the Burface. The strange cadenrcd calls of the males come regularly from the rushes, but the birds remain 20 BULLETIN 1196, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. hidden, so that few persons are familiar with the true source of these notes. Even during the breeding season these birds are more solitary in habit than other grebes. The males are savage fighters, so that even coots, recognized bullies of the marsh, treat them with marked respect. The short, strong bill, higher than wide, and with a dark bar, serves to distinguish the pied-billed grebe from our other species. (See fig. 4.) The plumage in general is dark dull brown, blacker above, somewhat brighter on the breast, and nearly white on the abdomen. In breeding plumage both sexes have a jet black throat patch which is lacking during the winter season. After the nesting season and the molt of feathers that follows it, these grebes leave their secluded haunts and appear more often in the open. FOOD. As the pied-billed grebe is common and widely distributed, it has been possible to secure abundant material for the study of its food, in spite of its reputed immunity to the weapons employed by the hunter. In the present studies 180 stomachs of these birds have been available for examination. The feather content of these (an almost invariable constituent in stomachs of grebes) reached 52.5 per cent, or slightly more than one-half. As in the preceding forms, this was disregarded in estimating the total food, and the remaining items were apportioned on the basis of 100 per cent. Six stomachs contained feathers alone, leaving 174 available for a resume of the food. The sustenance of the pied-billed grebe is taken almost entirely from the animal kingdom. In the present series only 3 birds had secured small quantities of vegetable matter, so that the presence of such substances may be considered as accidental. These were made up of rubbish in two instances and of a single seed (Nymphaea) in the third. Of the total food. 24.2 per cent was made up of fishes of a variety of species. Among these, catfishes occurred 3 times, in one case the remains being those of a channel cat {Ictalurus punctatus) and in two others those of bullheads (Ameiurus) . It was interesting to note that the thorny pectoral and dorsal spines of the channel cat had been broken, apparently before the fish had been swallowed. A small sucker (Catostomus commersoni) had been eaten by one bird and a chub {Leuciscus) by another. The bream (Abramis chryso- leucus) was taken twice, and remains of carp [Cyprinus carpio) were found 5 times. Where carp are abundant, numbers may be eaten at one meal. Thus, of 2 birds taken on the lower course of Bear River, Utah, one had secured 8 and the other 17 small carp. Unidentified fishes belonging to the carp family (Cyprinidae) were taken in two cases. An eel (Anguilla chrysypa) was found once, and killifishes (Poeciliidae) 7 times — in 6 cases identified as top minnows (Fundulus). A silverfish (Kirtlandia) , one of the small forms commonly known as "shiner," was eaten by one bird. Sun- fishes seemed relished also, as the common sunfish (Eupomotis gib- bosus) was taken once, sunfishes of another genus (Lepomis) 6 times, and unidentified forms belonging to the sunfish family (Cen- trarchidae) 6 times. Members of the family of perches (Percidae) were taken twice. One bird had eaten a miller's-thumb {Oottus NORTH AMERICAN GREBES. 21 • ictalops) and another fresh-water sculpin belonging to the same genus. Other bony fishes that could not be identified were found in 36 stomachs. In all, fish remains were encountered in 69 of the 174 stomachs. The catfishes, eel, perches, and part of the sunfishes taken may be considered valuable; the others have little importance. A part of the latter, as the sucker and carp, are used by man, but are not con- sidered first-class food fishes. The majority of the unidentified bony fishes were undoubtedly minnows of no value except as food for other animals of larger size. Fishes were eaten only in small quantities from May to August, inclusive, when the birds were on their nesting grounds, but formed a considerable part of the food at other seasons. The crawfishes eaten by these birds amount to 27 per cent of the total food. They occurred less commonly in birds taken in Novem- ber than at other seasons. Common eastern forms (Oambarus) were taken in 44 instances, and western ones (PotamoMus) in 6. Crawfishes 3-| inches long often were found and from their appear- ance and position in the stomach had been swallowed tail foremost. In the larger individuals the claws had been sheared off near the body before the animals were swallowed. The larger eastern craw- fishes sometimes do serious damage in cultivated fields, where they destroy young plants or in some cases cause trouble by throwing out mud " chimneys." At times they also cause breaks in the dams of artificial ponds by boring holes through them. Other crustaceans amount to 4.1 per cent of the food for the year. They were taken in December, January, and February and consist of shrimps (Orago), prawns (Palaemonetes) , and fiddler crabs (Uca), Unidentified crustaceans were found 9 times and may in part be fragments of crawfishes too far digested to be recognized. The insect portion of the food made up 46.3 per cent of the whole. Heteroptera (bugs), Coleoptera (beetles), and the groups contain- ing the dragonflies and damselflies were best represented. Heter- optera alone made up 16.2 per cent of the food and were rather evenly distributed throughout the year. The true water bugs, pred- atory species, were especially well represented, and members of this family (the Belostomidae) were found in 32 stomachs, in 25 of which there were remains of the large species belonging to the genus Belos- toma, which contains the familiar giant water-bug, or " electric-light bug." These are predacious and are highly destructive to young fry of fishes as well as to other aquatic life, so that in the evident predi- lection of this grebe for them the bird is rendering good service. Back-swimmers (Notonecta) were taken 13 times, and water boatmen (Corixidae) 26 times. Four common eastern water-creepers (Pelo- roris femoratus) , a species that feeds on other insects, were encoun- tered, and one water scorpion (Ranatra), a curious long-bodied form i fiat is also predatory. Heteroptera as a whole were noted in 68 of the stomachs examined. Coleoptera were found about as often as Heteroptera in the, food of the pied-billed grebe, as they formed 16.1 per cent of the total and were found in 93 stomachs. The majority of these were aquatic species of fair- size, evidently secured by direct chase. The pied billed grebe apparently is more active in pursuit of prey than the 22 BULLETIN 1196, U. S. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE. horned or eared grebes, and only occasionally is there evidence that it resorts to dead insects floating on the water as a source of food. The crawling water-beetles seem too small to attract much attention from this bird, as they were encountered only 5 times. Adult pre- dacious diving beetles were favored in this group, especially those species of moderate or large size. The larvae of these beetles were encountered in only one instance, but adults of various forms were identified no fewer than 76 times. The active whirligig beetles (Gyrinidae) also figure to a some- what surprising degree in the food, being identified 16 times. These are probably secured by diving, as they seem less erratic in their movements when submerged than when on the surface. Water scavenger-beetles (Hydrophilidae) were less favored, occurring only 13 times. The enumeration above is in striking contrast with that in the case of the horned and eared grebes, where Hydrophilidae and miscellaneous beetles, secured when dead, figured so prominently. In the case of the present species beetles other than aquatic were taken rarely, as is shown in Table 3, following this section. -Remains of dragonflies and damselflies amount to 8 per cent and were eaten during the warmer months from May to October, in- clusive. In July and August these insects form a considerable part of the food, as in 19 stomachs representing these two months their remains amount to 34 per cent. The greater part were nymphs of dragonflies, as damselflies figured in the food of only one bird. Miscellaneous insects of other groups amounted to 2.3 per cent. They were made up of remains of grasshoppers and caterpillars in one instance, the puparia and larvae of flies in three, and some miscella- neous fragments of Hymenoptera. The dipterous remains are those of aquatic species easily obtained by a diving bird. The others may well have been floating about on the water, where they were picked up at random. Other miscellaneous animals of a variety of forms, but not eaten frequently, amounted to 2.1 per cent. Spiders were taken 3 times, marsh snails (Pkysa and Limnaea) once, other aquatic snails not certainly identified 3 times, and small frogs 5 times. SUMMARY. Though nearly one-fourth of the food of the pied-billed grebe is made up of fishes, the majority of those taken belong to species of slight economic importance. Those of value are compensated for by the large number of crawfishes destroyed, as in bulk these amount to more than the fishes taken. Aquatic Heteroptera and Coleoptera also are favored and together comprise one-third of the diet. Predacious species in both groups are well represented, some of them being of sufficient size to prey upon fish fry. In eating these, therefore, the. grebe more than compensates for the fishes consumed. Complaint is made of pied-billed grebes around fish hatcheries. There they may do considerable harm, though the evidence at hand shows that even in such localities they seem to take many water bugs and crawfishes, all of injurious habits. Grebes, however, will not confine their attention to this kind of food, and when they appear on the ponds and it is not possible to drive them away they should NORTH AMERICAN GREBES. 23 be killed if Federal and State laws permit.5 Under ordinary con- ditions, however, pied-billed grebes should not be molested. They are not game birds and are not used for food, so that as a matter of fact they are seldom molested except by persons who, unacquainted with them, kill one occasionally through curiosity. Table -Items of animal food identified in stomachs of the pied-billed grebe, with the number of times that each occurred. Phyllopoda (Brine Shrimps, etc.). Artcmia sp 1 Dbcapoda (Crabs, Shrimps, e.tc). Crago sp 1 Palaemonetes sp 1 Cumbarus sp 44 Potamobius sp 6 Uca sp 1 Unidentified crustaceans 9 Zygoptera (Damselflies). Unidentified nymph 1 Anisoptera (Dragonflies). Unidentified libellulid nymph 1 Unidentified aeschnid nymph 1 Unidentified dragonfly nymphs 9 Unidentified dragonfly 2 Orthoptera (Grasshoppers, etc.). Unidentified Acrididae 1 Unidentified Locustidae 1 Unidentified OrthoDtera 1 Heteroptera (Bugs). Pelocoris femoratus 4 Belostoma sp 6 Nymphs of Belostoma sp 19 Unidentified Belostomidae 7 Ranatra sp 1 Notonecta sp 13 Unidentified Corixide 26 Unidentified Pentatomidae 1 Lepidoptera (Moths and Butterflies). Unidentified caterpillar 1 Coleoptera (Beetles). Ptero8tichti8 sp 1 Unidentified Carabidae 4 ffaliplus fasciatus 1 Peltodytes callosus 1 Peltodytes muticus 1 Unidentified Ilaliplidae 2 Golpius inflatu8 1 Coeiambu8 sp 1 Rliantutt t08tus 1 Oolymbetea sp , 11 Dytiscus sp 4 tter fimbriolatus 1 Unidentified dytiscid larva 1 Unidentified Dytiscidae 50 ZHneutee sp 10 Coleoptera — Continued. Unidentified Gyrinidae 6 Tropisternus sp ;-! Hydrophilus triangularis 2 Berosus sp 2 Unidentified Hydrophilidae 6 Ligyrus relictus 1 Donacia sp 2 Balaninus sp l Unidentified Curculionidae ,-; Sphenophorus costipennis l Sphenophorus sp l Diptera (Flies). Unidentified chironomid larva 1 Unidentified chironomid pupa 1 Unidentified stratiomyid larva 1 Hymexoptera (Wasps, Bees, and Ants) Unidentified Camponotidae 1 Unidentified Diapriidae 1 Unidentified Chalcidoidea 1 Araneida ( Spiders) . Unidentified spiders 3 Mollusca (Snails, Mussels, etc.). Limnaea sp 1 Physa sp I Unidentified snails 3 Pisces (Fishes). Ictalurus punctatus 1 Ameiurus sp 2 Catostomus commersoni 1 Leuciscus sp l Abramis chrysoleucus 2 Cyprinus carpio 5 Unidentified Cyprinidae . 2 Anguilla chrysypa 1 Fundulus sp 0 Unidentified Poeciliidae 1 Kirtlandia sp 1 Lepomi8 sp__ . 6 Eupomotis gibbosus 1 Unidentified Centrarchidae fi Unidentified Percidae 2 Coitus ictalops 1 Cottus sp 1 Unidentified fishes ?.c> Amphibia (Frogs, Toads, and Sala- manders). Rana sp 4 Unidentified anuran — 1 OOl '";»(• No. 2, p. ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. November 19, 1923. Secretary of Agriculture Henry C. Wallace. Assistant Secretary ' Howard M. Gore. Director of Scientific Work E. D. Ball. Director of Regulatory Work Walter G. Campbell. Director of Extension Work C. W. Warburton. Weather Bureau Charles F. Marvin, Chief. Bureau of Agricultural Economics Henry C. Taylor, Chief. Bureau of Animal Industry John R. Mohler, Chief. Bureau of Plant Industry ., William: A. Taylor, Chief. Forest Service W. B. Greeley, Chief. Bureau of Chemistry , C. A. Browne, Chief. Bureau of Soils Milton Whitney, Chief. Bureau of Entomology L. O. Howard, Chief. Bureau of Biological Survey E. W. Nelson, Chief. Bureau of Public Roads , Thomas H. MacDonald, Chief. Bureau of Home Economics Louise Stanley, Chief. Fixed-Nitrogen Research Laboratory F. G. Cottrell, Director. Division of Accounts and Disbursements., A. Zappone, Chief. Library Claribel R. Barnett, Librarian. Federal Horticultural Board C. L. Marlatt, Chairman. Insecticide and Fungicide Board J. K. Haywood, Chairman. Packers and Stockyards Administration 1 Chester Morrill, Assistant to the Grain Future Trading Act Administration __[ Secretary. Office of the Solicitor R. W. Williams, Solicitor. This bulletin is a contribution from Bureau of Biological Survey E. W. Nelson, Biologist and Chief. Division of Food Habits Research W. I. McAtee, Assistant Biologist, in Charge. 24 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY PURCHASER AGREES NOT TO RESELL OR DISTRIBUTE THJS COPY FOR PROFIT.— PUB. RES. 57, APPROVED MAY 11, 1922 PHOTOMOUNT MULTIBINDER j Manufactured by ©AYLORD BROS. Inc.! Syracuse, N. Y. ' Stockton, Calif. 3