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The parent of the southern corn root worm {Diahrotica duodeciin- piinctata Oliv.), or. as it is often termed, the biidworm, is a yellow or greenish-yellow beetle having 12 black spots on the back, as shown in figure 1, «, from which its specific name, meaning " 12-spotte(l." is derived. It is closely allied to the almost equally common striped cucumber beetle {Dia- hrotica vlttata Fab.), and also to the parent of the even more de- structive western corn rootworm ( Diahrotica longicornis Say). Throughout the coun- try east of the Rocky Mountains, extending from southern Canada southward to North Carolina. Tennessee, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, these 12-spotted and striped beetles to- gether frequent squashes and piunpkins, often collecting in num- bers in the blossoms. The l"2-spotted species during late summer and fall also frequents, often in conspicuous munbers. the flowers of the various species of goldenrod (Solidago). The larva* (fig. 1, c) do not generally attack growing corn in suf- ficient numbers to cause any considerable injury, except perhaps 6134°— 13 Fig. 1. — The southoni corn i-ootworm i Diahrotica duo- decimpunciata) : a. Beetle; 6, egg; c, larva; d, anal segment of larva ; e, work of larva at base of corn- stalk ; /, pnpa. All much enlarged, except e. reduced. (Reengraved afti>r Riley, except /, after Chittenden.) 2 BULLETIN 5, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. locally, north of the States mentioned in the j^recedino- paragraph, althongh in 1800 .some damage was done in the southern portions of Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Southward from the latitude of these States to the Gulf, and extending into Mexico, however, serious rav- ages are of more or less frecpient occurrence. The author reared the beetles from larvae that were attacking late-planted corn at La Fayette, Ind.. during July and early August, 1888, though there was no serious injury to the cro[) as a whole. A larva was also observed by the author in the act of eating into a stem of young wheat in the field, on October 11, 1890, in the same locality, but the species is not of importance as a Avheat insect. FOOD PLANTS OF THE LARV^. It is probable that the larva? have attacked corn in the Southern States for at least a century or more. Prof. A. L. Quaintance re- corded them as feeding not only on corn but also on the roots of rye, garden beans, and southern chess (Brofnus unioloides) in Georgia,^ worldng serious injury to both corn and beans. The author ob- served the larvae attacking young wheat at La Fayette, Ind., October 11, 1890, while Mr. E. O. G. Kelly observed the same thing to occur at Wellington, Kans., October 2, 1907. March 1, 1909, Mr. T. D. Urbahns, at Mercedes, Tex., found larva? one-half inch in length on the roots of young alfalfa and from these reared adults March 19. April 20, 1911, Mr. George G. Ainslie found larva? in abundance feeding on the roots of 3^oung oats about Jackson, Miss. Adults from these larva^ emerged May 17. The same observer reared adults from larvae found feeding on the roots of barnyard grass {E chinochloa crus-galli) at Hurricane, Tenn., on July 12, 1912, the adults in this case emerging on July 21. The grass upon the roots of which the larvae were feeding grew up among and between corn that had pre- viously been attacked and killed by the pest. Dr. F. H. Chittenden ^ states that larva^ or pupae have been ob- served at the roots of corn, wheat, rye, millet {Panicivm millaceum), southern chess [Brotnus unioloides), beans, goldenglow {Rudheckia sp.), and sedges of the genera Cyperus and Scirpus. Larvae have been found and reared by him from about the roots of Jamestown weed {Datura stramonium) and pigweed (Amaranthus), and it is not improbable that they feed on these plants. Prof. E. Dwight Sanderson ^ reported the larvae working upon the roots of Johnson grass {Sorghum halepense) where these roots at the time appeared older than those of the corn. Under date of Feb- ruary 19, 1907, Mr. Dick Hatcher, of Fross, Tex., through Repre- lU. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent., Bui. 26, pp. .38-39, 1900. - V. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent., Circ. 59, p. 4, 1905. 3 Entomological News. vol. 17, p. 213, .June, 1906. THE SOUTHERN CORN ROOTWORM, OR BUDWORM. 3 sentative Burleson of that State, informed the Avriter that the larva^ begin to work on the roots of Johnson grass during the hitter part of July, They eat small holes under each joint, and by the latter part of November the roots are dead, and the Johnson grass, as he expressed it, '' looks more like rotten sea grass than anything I can compare it to." This correspondent refers to their work on John- son grass as being more beneficial than otherwise. FOOD OF THE BEETLES. The fully developed insect, or beetle (fig. 1, a), is a decidedly gen- eral feeder, eating readily almost any cultivated plant. A list of its food plants would be more interesting for what it did not include and if given in full would be entirely out of place in a publication of this character. Of grain and forage crops it has been observed to feed on corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, buckwheat (probably), alfalfa, cowpea, soy bean, clover, timothy, milo maize, Kafir, pearl millet, vetch, Johnson grass, and rape. DEPREDATIONS OF THE LARV^ IN CORN. Just when the southern corn rootworm, or budworm, as it is tenned in the South, first began to attack corn is involved in obscurity. The writer several years ago ^ called attention to the fact that it was probably this insect to which a Mr. Charles Yancey,- of Buckingham, Va., referred when he described '' a little white worm with copper- colored head " which, perforating the stalks of young corn " just be- low the surface of the ground," destroyed the growth. The budworm has certainly been accused of attacking corn in Virginia and other Southern Atlantic Coast States since long before the recollection of the oldest inhabitants. Quaintance ^ found excellent ground for be- lieving that the pest was injurious in the cornfields of Georgia '' many years before we find any reference to it in the literature of economic entomology." The first exact observations on the ravages of the larva3 (fig. 1, r) in growing corn, the identity of the pest being known at the time the observations were made, were by the writer and pub- lished shortly afterwards,* as follows: While in the South during the spring of 1886 we frequently heard of fields of young corn being seriously injured during some seasons by a small white v.orm which attacked the roots, usually during April. * * * On April 12 of the present year [1887] we were enabled to solve the problem by finding considerable numbers of these larviP in the field of corn in Tensas I'arish, La., where they were working considerable mischief by killing the young . 1 U. S. Dept. Ag!-., Insect Life, vo\. 4, p. 264. 1892. -American Farmer, vol. 10, p. :!, 1828. 3 Loc. cit., p. .3(3. * Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for 1887, p. 148, 1888. 4 BULLETIN 5, U. S. DEPAKTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. l/huits. As observed by us, tbeir mode of attack ditiered from that of their northeru congener iu that they did uot appear to attack the fibrous roots or bury themselves in longitudinal channels excavated in the larger roots. On the contrary, they burrowed directly into the plants at or near the upper whorl of roots, which alniopt invariably resulted in the death of the plant. These larvae were much more active than those of hnigicorma, and on being disturbed would make their way out of their burrows and attempt to escape by crawling slowly into crevices in the soil, or if it were tiuely pulverized they would work their way down into it out of sight. Often several individuals, varying greatly iu size, would be found about a single plant. On the 20th of same month, in another field, we found the larvse much more numerous and the crop injured fully 75 per cent. Plants here, 6 to 8 inches high, were withering u]) and dis- coloring. Both of these fields had produced cotton the preceding year. April 27, 1888, serious attacks to j-oung growing corn were ob- served on Perkins's plantation, near Somerset Landing, Tensas Par- ish, La., and on May 12 similar depredations were noted in the vicinity of Madison, Ark. Still later the author found the larvae attacking late-planted corn at La Fayette. Ind., July 12, and on July 14 of the same year 595 of these larvae were collected and placed in rearing cages, adults from which appeared August 2 and 3. In all of the localities just given, except the last, the ravages wereon corn growl- ing in the low damp lands. Throughout the South and even farther north the soil of the low lands and depressions in fields is of a darker color than that of more elevated areas, hence the statement of farmers and planters that the pest is more destructive on the " black lands." Prof. H. Garman ^ stated that to his personal knowledge corn had been injured during the years 1880 and 1890 in Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Kentucky, Illinois, and Ohio. LOSSES CAUSED BY THE LARV^. As showing the magnitude of the losses caused by this insect, especially throughout the South, illustrations have been selected from notes and correspondence of the bureau. During May, 190G, the writer found that one-fourth to one-third of the young corn growl- ing on the farm of the State Hospital for the Insane, at Columbia, S. C, w^as being destroyed by these j^ests. The damage was being done more especially on the low parts of the fields with black or gray soils. Under date of July 15. 1907. Mr. R. F. Haynes, of Cheoah, X. C, stated that the corn cro]) had been ruined in many j:jlaces during the spring by a worm that burrowed into the plant just above the base of the roots. Under date of March 20, 1908, Mr. D. P. High, of Whiteville, X. C. stated that farmers in his neighborhood had difficulty in getting a stand of corn on their bot- tom lands by reason of the attack of these worms. In his opinion it was becoming the greatest cornfield pest, especially in cold, wet 1 Psyclie, vol. 6, p. 30, 1891. THE SOUTHERX CORN KOOTWORM, OR BUDWORM. 5 sprinirs, like the one of tliat year. A similar complaint was received, April 10 of the same year, from Mr. J. L. Hughes, of Chatawa, Miss., who stated that he had replanted his corn three times and the worms were still destroying- his crop, although the stalks of corn were 6 inches to a foot in height. Under date of May 24, 1909, Mr. Sidney Johnson, Boydton, Va., sent specimens of the larvae, with com- plaints of serious ravages in his neighborhood. March 21, 1910, Mr. Milton Mountjoy, Shacklett. Va.. stated that frequently the corn in his neighlwrhood was ruined over gi^eat areas by this pest. Under date of July 30, 1910, INIr. C. L. Foster, of Dalton, Ga., complained of great damage to the coni crop of his section by this pest, and for- warded specimens. In some instances the com had been replanted three times and still was so badly injured that there was little pros- pect of a crop. Mr. J. O. Taylor, writing under date of August 17, 1910. from Bastrop, La., stated that early planted corn during that season had been seriously damaged and in many cases destroyed by this rootworm or budworm, which he clearly describes, as well as its method of attack. Julv 15. 1912, Mrs. A. E. Ballah, of Philippi, W. Va., complained that her com had been ruined that year by this pest. Writing under date of February 1, 1912, from Brandon, Ky., Mr. Kobert B. Parker, statistical agent, stated that corn was dam- aged 50 per cent in his part of the country by these worms. In some fields they had destroyed as high as 75 per cent of the crop. May 27, 1912, Mr. George G. Ainslie found a portion of a cornfield near Hurricane, Tenn., that had been damaged fully 95 per cent by these larvae. Under date of December 4, 1912, Mr. G. M. Goforth. county demonstrator, writing from Lenoir, X. C., stated that this worm caused a loss of thousands of dollars every yeai^ in his (Caldwell) county. HABITS OF THE LARV^. The actions of the very young larvae are in a sense forecasted by the observations made by Quaintance on the method of oviposit ion. No one else appears to have observed the method of oviposition in the open fields, but Quaintance has found that the stylus-like ovi- positor of the female is pushed down into the soil to a depth of from one-eighth to one-fourth of an inch and held there until the egg is forced down the exteu'^ible oviduct. This requires usually but a few seconds, and after moving a short distance the beetle may deposit another egg in the same manner.^ Quaintance further states that larvae, placed on the roots of com at one end of a root cage, after the destruction of this corn made their way through the soil to a 1 Mr. R. A. Viekpr.v, in North Carolina, found that ogss wore deposited in the soil by females in confinement without reference to the corn plants growing therein. 6 BULLETIN 5, U. S. DEPAKTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. plant 10 inches distant. He also observed that larvae may descend from S to 10 inches below the surface of the soil in search of food. These observations are substantiated by Mr. Georjre G. Ainslie, who studied the habits of the larvae in the field at Hurricane, Tenn., during May, 1912. In this case, upon cligreing up the injured corn plants he found that the roots and stem below the ground were grooved, furrowed, and perforated. In many instances there was a distinct perforation into the base of the plant which cut off the croAvn, thus destroying the central leaves. The larva^ were found either in the partly decayed kernel or along the underground stem in the earth. Only occasionally were the larvae found with their heads in these holes in the stem. Mr. Ainslie experienced difficulty in find- ing these larvae, it being necessaiy to dig over the earth thoroughly for a considerable distance around each plant, some of the larvae being found 4 inches from the injured plant and at a depth of 3 or 4 inches. The author also had observed this habit in the young larvae in previous years, and there is always difficulty in reconciling the number of larvae one can obtain in badly infested fields with the damage clearly to be charged to them. In many cases the hole made in the plant is not clean-cut, as shown in figure 1, e, but has some- what the appearance of liaving been simply bruised. This is prob- ably the work of the young larvae, while the clean-cut hole is the work of those individuals that are larger and more fully developed. The larvae of the species under consideration, aside from the work while very young, as described by Mr. Ainslie, eat directly through the outer walls of the base of the plant into the heart of the plant, usually just above the base of the roots, as shown in figure 1. e. The term " rootworm " is somewhat of a misnomer, because these larvae are not usually found in the roots, and as a rule do not feed within them, as is the case with tlie allied western corn rootworm (/>?'«- hrotica longlcornis). OVIPOSITION. The females, which have passed the winter in the adult stage, com- mence egg laying soc«i after the first warm weather of spring. The statement of Quaintance that the eggs are usually all deposited within the space of two or three days, while perhaps true as a rule, is not entirely borne out by the observations of others. For instance, Mr. R. A. Yickery at Brownsville, Tex., found that one female deposited 102 eggs during January 18, 19, and 20: another female deposited 22 eggs, 9 on January 19 and 13 on January 28. There does, how- ever, appear to be a tendency on the part of the individual female to complete o^•iposition within a few days; and this feature in the life histcry is of considerable economic importance, as it shows that the egg-laying season for the individual in spring is not long drawn THE SOUTHEEN CORN ROOTWOEM, OR BUDWORM. 7 out and that therefore remedial measures will be more effective than they would be otherwise. It has been generally observed, however, as between different females, that some contain eggs much less ad- vanced than others, so that while the time required for the oviposition of a single individual may be very short, some individuals may have finished the process before others have begun. Even under such cir- cumstances the egg-laying period can not be said to be exceptionally protracted. SEASONAL HISTORY. While it is possible that the insect may occasionally pass the winter as larva or pupa these instances have been observed too rarely to be considered otherwise than abnormal. Throughout the entire coun- try, from Brownsville, Tex., northward, the insect normally passes the cooler months in the adult stage. In southern Florida and southern Texas, where the insect remains active throughout the winter, the generations are but indistinctly defined. Northward, however, the species has a definite period of hibernation. Mr. Vickery has observed the sexes pairing in North Carolina in November, and the author observed this at La Fayette. Ind., Sep- tember 18, 1888, while Mr. Kelly made a similar observation at Man- hattan, Kans. Mr. T. D. Urbahns found larvse about half an inch in length in the roots of alfalfa at Mercedes, Tex., November 1, 1909, from which two adults developed November 19. Mr. Vickery has observed the males to fight each other most strenuously. From the foregoing it would seem that pairing may sometimes lake place during the late fall prior to the spring oviposition. Cer- tain it is that many of the females are filled with fully developed eggs in very early spring, and, as will be shown, they have been fre- quently swept from wheat and oats, where they were observed to be • feeding, before corn has even been planted. This early appearance and feeding of the adults has been observed b}' Mr. Vickery at AVinston-Salem, N. C, March 23. on rye, and at Statesville, N. C, March 29, on wheat; by Mr. Urbahns at Santa Maria, Tex., March 6, on oats; by Mr. George G. Ainslie at Nashville, Tenn., January 15, on wheat; and by Mr. C. N. Ainslie at Mesilla Park, N. Mex., April 1, on wheat. Adults were also observed by Mr. Urbahns at Mercedes, Tex.. February 18, damaging young alfalfa by feeding on the leaves. At Lanes, Ga., March 3, and at Troy and Montgomery, Ala., March 5, they were observed by Mr. Vickery feeding on oats. Mr. George G. Ainslie observed them at Hunts- ville. Ala., April 14. feeding on oats; at Franklin, Tenn., February 15 to 18, feeding on wheat ; and at Clemson College, S. C, February 20, feeding on oats. Quaintance reported that adults were in evi- 8 BULLETIN 5, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. clence at Experiment, Ga., March 1-2, and that they had become abundant on alfalfa by March 28.^ While all of these data may at first seem of little consequence, they bear directly, as will appear later, on what noAv seems to be the planter's only hope of eliminating the ravages of the pest in his cornfields. It is fair to suppose that these females deposit eggs in the fields as soon as there is food for the larwT, and it is the larva? from these eggs that become so destructive in the fields of young corn, especially in the South. The reason they are not equally in- jurious in the North may perhaps be that by the time oviposition begins in spring and the larva^ have hatched corn has become too advanced in growth to enable these young larva? to penetrate the stem at the usual point of attack. Mr. Vickery, who followed the species through the season at Salis- bury, N. C., in 1000, settled the (juestion of the number of generations that occur annually at that point, finding that there are two. All of the observations of the author and those of several of the men work- ing under his direction have shown that this is generall}^ true throughout the country where the adult hibernates, but may not apply in the far South, where hibernation does not take place. Prof. Quaintance, at Experiment, in central (leorgia, noted the first appearance of the larva' attacking corn on INIay 2. The first pupa was found May 8. and the first adult, evidently of the new generation, May 12. Mr. C. L. Foster wrote as follows from Dalton, in northern Georgia, on July 30, 1010: I am mailing you a sample of worm that is causing great damage to the corn crop of our country. When the corn plant is small these worms bore into the center of the stalk underneath the soil and kill the plant by destroying the "bud." When the plants are larger they bore into some of the larger roots, but more generally into the stalks among the roots, which does not kill the plant outright, but injures it so that it rarely produces ^ ^coru to amount to, anything. The plat where these were found has been planted three times this season, and there are very few stalks now on the plat but what have been injured by the worms. The worms were not so plentiful on July 23 as they were on July 6, when the samples first sent you were collected. From the foregoing letter it would appear that the second genera- tion of larva' were at work in late June and July in northern Georgia. Mr. George G. Ainslie studied the larva\ at that time 3 to G milli- meters in length, at Hurricane, Tenn., May 27 to 30, 1012. They must have been full grown by the latter date, as none could be found in the fields June 5, and a recently emerged adult was taken on June 14. The author observed full-grown larva^ attacking late-planted corn at La Fayette, Ind., July 12, 1888, and in such enormous numbers ^ Loc. cit. THE SOUTHEEN COEN ROOTWOEM, OR BUDWORM. 9 as to enable him, two days later, to collect nearly GOO for experi- mentation. It was simply impossible that these could belong to the first generation, as he liad frequently observed adults feeding on wheat in the fields in April and early May. One beetle was observed eating out the opening buds of a cherry tree, April 17, 1888. Be- sides, adults were secured in early August from these larvre found attacking corn in July. Other adults were observed in the same locality feeding on volunteer oats, December 14, 1888. Clearly there are two generations in the latitude of northern Indiana. Prof. Quaintance,^ in central Georgia, found that in one case the period from egg to adult extended from March 14 to May 21, a total of 68 days. In another case this period extended only from April 25 to June 5, or 41 days. Mr. Kelly, at Wellington, Kans., found that the period from egg to adult was 40 to 45 days, wdiile Mr. Vickery, at Salisbury, in western North Carolina, found that this period extended from August 27 or 29 to October 24, or about 58 days. From all available information it appears that the egg period varies greatly and may require from 7 to 24 days, the larval period from 15 to 35 days, and that of the pupa from 7 to 13 days. NATURAL ENEMIES. The Biological Survey has found Dhthrotica 12-purictata in stom- achs of the following 24 species of birds: Bobwhite, Colinus vir- f/inianus (found in 15 stomachs, one of which contained 12) ; scaled quail, Callipepla squamata; California quail, Loplioriyx californi- cus; prairie chicken, Tympanuchus ainericanus ; wild turkey, Mele- agris gallopaco; yellow-bellied sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius; red- headed woodpecker, Melanerpes e rytkwce phalus ; nighthawk, Ghor- deiles virginianus; scissor-tailed flycatcher, Muscivora forflcata; kingbird, Tyrannus tyrannus; phcebe, Sayornis phmbe; wood pewee, Myiochanes virens; western flycatcher, Empidonax difficilis; Acadian flycatcher, Empidonax virescens; Traill's flycatcher, Empidonax traill'i; least flycatcher, Empidonax minimus; red-winged blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus ; meadowlark, Sturnella magnd; Bullock's oriole. Icterus hullocki; cardinal, Cardlnalis cardinnlis ; rose-breasted gros- beak, Zamelodia ludooiciana; clitf swallow, Petrochelidon lunifrons; wliite-ejed vireo, Vlreo griseus; robin, Planestlcus migratorius. The most efficient of the insect enemies of this pest is the fly Cela- toria diabrotica' Shim. (fig. 2), the maggot of which develops within the body of the adult insect, killing its host. This parasite is not sufficiently abundant, however, to exert mucli influence in reducing the numbers of the insect. 1 Loc. cit. 10 BULLETIN 5, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. As far back in the past as 1888 the author found hirvw of a click- beetle. Dasteriiis elegans Fab., a close relative of the wireworms, under circumstances that led him to suspect that they were feeding on the budworm. Since that time, also, they have been taken in association with the larvae of this species and, though never observed in the act, it is not at all unlikely that they do feed upon and destroy the budworm. Mr. Ainslie also encountered them associated vritli the budworm in his investigations of the latter at Hurricane, Tenn. REMEDIAL AND PREVENTIVE MEASURES. After having made its way into the crown of the young corn plant there is no remedy for the work of the pest. The shoot is ruined past all recovery, and the plant will only throw up worthless " suckers," which produce no ears and scant fodder. Fertility of the soil, or the lack of this, does not appear to have any influence on the amount of damage produced. Garman ^ states that of the seriously ravaged fields of corn examined by him one had been grown to tobacco and an- other to oats the previous 3'ear, while a third had been devoted to corn. The ravaged fields observed in Louisiana and Arkansas by the author had all been de- voted to cotton the previous j^ear. It would appear, therefore, that crop rota- tion has little if any effect in protecting fields of corn from the attack of the larvae. In the light of all the information at this time available it would seem that the farmer's only hope of relief from the ravages of this pest in the cornfields lies in so timing his planting in spring as not to subject his crop to severe attack. Quaintance, in central Georgia, secured eggs in March and April. 1000: Urbahns found young larvae at Mercedes, Tex., March 1, 1000; George G. Ainslie observed larvae attacking oats at Jackson, Miss., April 20, 1011. The author saw them damaging corn at Somerset Landing, La., April 12, 1887. and April 27, 1888; at Madison, Ark., May 12, 1888, and at Columbia, S. C, on May 4, 1006. At the last point the ravages of the larva? w^ere equally as serious as had been observed years before at Somerset Land- ing, La., and Madison, Ark., but at Columbia the writer was informed that corn planted after the middle of May escaped injury from the pest. Nearly all of the complaints of injuries from this budworm coming to us from the South refer to damage to the crop early in the season. March or April, although to the northward early May is Fig. 2. — Celatoria diabroticw, a fly parasite of the southern corn rootworm beetle. Much enlarged. (From Chittenden.) 1 Psyche, vol. 9, p. 45, 1891. THE SOUTHERN CORN ROOT WORM, OR BUDWORM. 11 included. It would seem, therefore, that there might be a possibility of preventing- much of the loss to corn groAvers in that section of the country by planting corn at a date that would bring the young plants above ground at a time after most of the eggs had been deposited, and not so late as to invite attack from the second generation, which is evidently abroad in the fields in late June and early July in north- ern Georgia and in July in northern Indiana. Unfortunately heretofore the bureau has had neither the funds nor the men to carry out an extended investigation of this insect through- out its range of destruction. Now, with field laboratories at Colum- bia, S. C. ; Nashville, Tenn. ; Greenwood, Miss. ; Brownsville, Tex. ; and a temporary field station at Lakeland, Fla. — all equipped for this sort of work and in the hands of experienced men — we hope, with the cooperation of farmers and planters, to learn definitely whether it is not possible through practical measures to prevent the greater part of these ravages, and save or greatly reduce the losses caused b}^ the budworm. ADDITIONAL COPIES of this publication -tX may be procured from the Superintend- EKT OF Documents, Government Printing OflBce, Washington, D. C. , at 5 cents per copy WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1913 BULLETIN OF THE u No. 8 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief September 27 1913. THE WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM. By F. M. WEBSTiiu, In Charge of Cereal and Forage Insect 1 nrestiyations. INTRODUCTION. The western corn rootworm {Dialrroticd Jongieornis Say) derives its common name from the fact that the larva (fig. 1) was first observed attacking the roots of corn in the Middle West, Its larval habits, its life cycle, and the appearance of the adult insect (fig. 2) are all entirely different from thoso of the southern corn rootworm {Dlahrotlca duodeclmpnnctata Oliv.), though the worms themselves are exceedingly alike in appearance. In figure 1 the larva is ex- tended at full length, as when feeding, having been drawn from living individuals. The beetles (fig. 2) in life are about the size of the striped cucumber beetle {Dlahrotlca vlttata Fab.), but smaller and less robust than the southern corn rootworm, and are entirely of a green or yellowish-green color, except the eyes, which are black. The farmer will be most likely to observe these feeding among the silk of the ears and the pollen of corn during late Au- gust and Sep- tember, though the writer has seen them enter houses in the country at night, being attracted by the evening lamps. An abundance of these beetles in a cornfield should be a distinct warning that the field should not be planted to corn the following year, but that it should be devoted to wheat, oats, barley, rye. or to any crop other than corn. SEASONAL HISTORY. The eggs (fig. 3) are minute, yellowish-wliite objects, having to the unaided eye much the appearance of minute grains of wliite sand. 6135°— i:; Fig. 1. — The western corn rootworm (Diahroticii lon;jiconiis) : Larva, or " worm." Much enlarged. (Origi- nal.! Fi<;. 2. — The western corn rootworm : Adult, or beetle ; a, claw of liind log. Muc'.i enlarged. (Original.) BULLETIN 8, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Pig. 3. — The western corn rootworm : Egg. Higli- ly magnified. (Origi- nal.) They are deposited mostly in late August and in September, in shallow crevices in the ground, more often among the brace roots of the corn. These eggs hatch the following May and June, and the larvae, always nearly white in color, attack the roots of the corn and never burrow into the lower stem as does the southern bud worm. (See fig. 5.) After comjileting their growth the larva^ abandon the corn roots and construct earthen cells in the soil, within Avhich they change to pupse (fig. -i), which are white like the larvae, and then, during late July and xlugust, to adults or beetles. There is therefore only one genera- tion annually. The beetles may perhaps live over winter in extreme southern Texas, but they do not do so farther north, where they are of the greatest economic importance. DISTRIBUTION. The species occurs from Nova Scotia south- ward to Alabama and Mexico, westward to southern Minnesota and South Dakota, and thence south to southern Xew Mexico. Curious enough, but a matter of decided economic importance, is the fact that its area of destructive abundance does not include all of the territory which it inhabits. The greatest destruction has been wrought, so far as known, in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, Mis- souri, South Dakota, Nebraska, Tennessee, and prob- ably Kentucky. HISTORY OF THE INSECT AND ITS RAVAGES. The beetle was described in 1823 by Mr. Thomas Say, from specimens taken by him while connected with the Maj. Long expedition to the Eocky Moun- tains, and its habitat was given by him as the Arkansas Territory.^ No facts concerning the habits of this insect were recorded until the year ISOO, when specimens of the beetles were referred to Mr. B. D. Walsh by Prof. W. S. Robertson, of Kansas, who found them in large numbers on imphee or sorghum, tlieir natural home being a large thistle. Mr, Walsh, in acknowledging the receipt of the specimens, stated that he had taken three specimens many years before on flowers in central Illinois.- Eight years later, in August, 1874, Mr. H. Webber, of Kirkwood, Mo., sent some larva? and pupse to Prof. Riley, with the complaint that the former were burrowing into the roots of his corn and doing considerable damage. In July, '/ Fig. 4. — The west- ern corn root- worm : Pupa. Much enlarged. (Original.) i.Tourn. Aeiid. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 3. p. 4(>0, 1823. " Practical Entomologist, vol. li, p. 10, 1806. THE WESTERN CORN EOOTWOEM. 1878, Prof. Riley ^ again received larvse, this time from Mr. G. Pauls, of Eureka, Mo..- and from these he reared adult beetles on the 14th of the following month. During the spring of 1874 the writer began to collect Coleoptera in the vicinity of Waterman, Dekalb County, 111., but during this and the following two years obtained only a single beetle of this species. This single specimen, taken by the writer in the summer of 1874, was captured in a field of corn, and the failure to secure more individuals during the next two years will indicate the rarity of the insect at that time. Within seven or eight years, however, it had become so abun- dant throughout the neighborhood, and indeed on the same farm, then as now owned b}^ the writer, as to render it impossible to secure more than a single full yield of corn without changing for a year to some other crop. Up to that time corn had gen- erally been success- fully grown on the same ground for a number of consecu- tive years. The writer's observations in Dekalb County re- flect with surprising accuracy the condi- tions that obtained throughout the corn- growing sections of Illinois, as shown by the information brought together by Dr. S. A. Forbes, then as now State entomologist ■ of Illinois. May, 1884, the writer ceased to be connected with Dr. Forbes's office and became associated with the Division of Entomology of this department and was soon thereafter transferred from Illinois to La Fayette, Ind. The principal damage, as previously indicated, is caused by the larva?, and since 1882, in localities where no preventive measures have been used, the damage to the corn crop has been very serious. In 1885 Mr. Moses Fowler, of La Fayette, Inch, owner of an exten- sive tract of land, estimated his loss during that season through the ravages of the pest at $16,000, or about 15 per cent of the entire crop. On the basis of this estimate the loss sustained in 24 of the corn- 1 Americnn Entomologist, vol. :^, p. 247, 1880. (Note. — See "Roots of corn injiiretl by somp unknown insect." American Entomologist, vol. 2, p. 275, 1870. 1 - Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for 1878, p. 208, 1879. 3 14th Rept. State Ent. HI., pp. 10-31, 1883. 5. — Work of the v.-estern corn rootworm in roots of corn ; at right, rootworm in situ. (Original.) 4 BULLETIN 8^ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. produciiio- counties of that State for that one year would amount to nearly $2,000,000.' Although the pest is much more destructive on high or tile-drained lands, Prof. Forbes in 1886 reported serious injury to a field in southern Illinois which had been under water for three weeks during the spring." There is no indication that the insect is susceptible to meteorological influences, although the effect of its ravages is aggravated by an extremely dry season. In fact, the extreme eft'ect of the larva upon the plants is very similar to that of severe drought. Under date of March 7, 1887, Mr. B. F. Ferris, Sunman, Tnd., a close observer, communicated with the writer as follows : There has been for a unmber of years something, I know not what, working at the roots of onr corn, so that in some seasons the corn does not have roots sufficient" to support it, anything like a fresh breeze blowing it down, there being scarcely any brace roots. Sunman is in southeastern Indiana, close to the AVliite and Ohio River Valleys, which connect with the lower Big Miami Valley in western Ohio, and when the writer was transferred from Indiana to Ohio, June 1, 1891, he at once became interested in learning whether this corn rootworm had extended its depredations into the cornfields of Ohio. The first report of injuries came from Sater, Hamilton •County, in the extreme southwestern part of the State, during Sep- tember, 1892, the charge being that the beetles ate the silk from the ears of sweet corn before the kernels had become fertilized. A careful survey of extreme western Ohio during the summer of 1893 revealed the beetles in cornfields throughout the country drained by tributaries of the upper Wabash River, and throughout the valley of Big Miami River, but not beyond, to the northward or eastward. A similar survey, made in the summer of 1894:, revealed the pest in the region of the upper Maumee River in the northwestern part of the State and in the valley of the Little Miami River on the east. In 1895 the pest had reached the Scioto River Valley, almost if not quite halfway from east to west across the State, and from Columbus southward to the Ohio River; while in the opposite direction its range extended from Columbus more or less irregularly northwest- Avard to the Michigan line in Fulton County. Still later it appeared farther eastward, in the upper valley of the ^Muskingum River. There was no guesswork in these surveys, as they were carefully made in person by the writer, who rode over the country each year when the adult insects were abroad, examining fields and noting the pres- ence or absence of the beetles. The following year these observations were verified through larvae found at work by the writer or observed and sent to him by farmers.^ 1 Indiana Agricultural Report, p. 188. 1885. - Entomologica Americana, vol. 2. p. 174. 1886. 3 Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 08 pp. nO-41. maps 1-2. THE WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM. 5 It has been thus the writer's good fortune to follow personally the destructive spread (though not the actual diffusion) of the species throughout tliree States and from the years 1874 to 1002. both inclusive.^ During the years 1911 and 1912 an outbreak of this insect was studied in the Duck River Valley, middle Tennessee, by Mr. George G. Ainslie. In 1913 the same observer foimd the larva> attacking corn in the bottom lands of the Tennessee River about Chattanooga, Tenn. The pest appears to be making its way into and throughout the bottom lands of rivers flowing through the Southern Atlantic and Gulf States, preciselv as it has been observed to do in Indiana and Ohio. DIFFICULTY IN DETECTING INJURY TO CORN. As will have been noted, the work of the larvae is very obscure and few farmers are likely to detect them at work in the roots during June and July, while it would be simply impossible for the farmers, even if they did discover them, to connect them definitely with the little green beetles that swarm in the silk of the ears during sununer and early faU. FOOD OF THE BEETLES. In the cornfield the food of these beetles is made up of corn silk and pollen. Rarely do they eat of the unripe kernels at the tips of the ears, and then only when birds have previously pecked into these kernels. Outside the cornfields the writer has found them in the blossoms of thistle, sunflow^er, goldenrod, cucurbits, cotton, clover, and rose, and on the leaves of cucumber and beans, while the species has been reported to him as eating into ripe apples where the skin had been previously ruptured by other causes. Dr. Forbes has found spores of fungi and pollen of smartweed in their stomachs. More recently Mr. George G. Ainslie has found the beetles feeding on the leaves of corn and on the pollen of the evening primrose and asters. 1 Changed conditions that muij hnve caused a change of haMt in the ins-ect. — As the writer well remembers, the principal crop in many portions of Illinois, especially through- out the praii-ie country, up to 1802 was spring wheat. Influences of tlic Civil War at that time brought the price of pork up to a point whore its production became a most profitable occupation for the farmer. At the same time wheat growing declined rapidly, the acreage being devoted to corn in order to afford food for the increasing number of hogs. In those dajs crop rotation received .scant attention from the ordinary farmer, and corn was more often than otherwise planted year after year on the same ground. How soon it was, after this change in the principal crop from wheat to corn, that these beetles, attracted to the cornfields perhaps by the enormous amount of pollen found there as well as by the equally inexhaustible food supply offered by the silk, began to deposit their eggs and develop in these fields, it is not possible to say. We do know, however, from the records already given, that injuries from the larva? began to be noticed in 1874, about 10 or 12 years after this change in production of wheat and corn took place, thus giving us at least a clue to the primary causes which seem to have changed the food of the insect to a cultivated crop. 6 BULLETIN 8, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. EFFECTS OF ATTACK OF THE LARV^. The initiiil effect of the work of the larva^ in the roots of corn is a shortening of the ears, leaving- long tips devoid of kernels. As the infestation and injury increase, plants fail to develop ears, and finally a dwarfing of the stalks occurs. The appearance of the crop is precisely the same as it would be if the land were impoverished. Indeed many farmers, ignorant of the real trouble, claim that their soil has " run out " and is incaj^able longer of producing corn. One farmer insisted that his corn was damaged by careless cultivation. P^or this reason much injury may be done l)y the pest before it is recognized at all. NATURAL ENEMIES. The Biological Survey has found specimens of Diabrotlea longi- cornis in stomachs of the uighthawk {Chordeiles virginianns) and the wood pewee {Myiochanes virens). The natural enemies of this species are exceedingly few, the prin- cipal one being the parasitic fly Celatoria diabroticce Shim., figured in Bulletin 5 of this department as an enemy of the adult of the bud- Avorm. Mr. George G. Ainslie. however, has found that the beetles are attacked by the so-called chinch-bug fungus, Sporotrichnm glohuliferum. The larvae of the click-beetle Drasterius elegans Fab. are also frequently found among those of this species and may destroy some of them. CROP ROTATION AS A PREVENTIVE MEASURE. In all of the history of this, one of the most destructive pests in the cornfield, there is not an instance on record in which corn has been injured when planted on land following a crop of small grain, such as wheat, rye, barley, or oats. Except on grounds subject to overflow, w^hich prevents a rotation of crops so that corn is or must be grown for two or more successive years, this pest is one of the easiest to control. Two instances only need be cited in order to prove this fact. Ill Dekalb County evidence of the protection afforded by the rotation of crops is afforded on a much larger scale. On n farm of 4,600 acres owned by Hon. Lewis Steward, near Piano, rotation of crops has been the regular rule; 1,600 acres of this land was planted to corn this year, and 700 acres were care- fully examined by Mr. TV^ebster. In August only 10 acres of this entire tract was found affected by tlie corn rootworm, and this was where, in the rear- rangement of the tields, a small tract of ground happened to have been planted to corn the previous year. All about Mr. Steward's place, on farms where I'otation was not systematically practiced, the damage done was serious and general.* 1 Quotation from 14th Itopt. State Ent. UI.. p. 29, 1885. THE WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM. 7 The second instance is that of Mr. Moses Fowler, previously men- tioned on page 3. At the time referred to (1885) the Fowler estate, comprising a single tract of about 18,000 acres, near Fowler, Ind., was farmed by tenants and there were about 10,000 acres of corn growing on the premises. Some of the fields were but slightly in- jured and these were such as had either produced oats or grass wuthin two or three years. Other fields were damaged from "10 to 75 per cent or more. Mr. Fowler, the following spring, directed his tenants to sow 5,000 acres of the worst infested fields to oats and the re- mainder of the 10,000 acres were sown to oats the second year. Thereafter no attempt Avas made to grow corn two successive j^ears on the same ground, and as a result the pest was eliminated and no further damage was sustained. AAliat one man can do, who has control of thousands of acres, a community can also accomplish if the people combine and follow a similar course of procedure. Dr. Forbes, in his thorough and painstaking investigations of the insect in Illinois, has found many similar instances of the efficiency of crop rotation in eliminating the insect from cornfields. These data have been supplemented b}^ later studies of the writer and by other observations made by him extending over the same period in other States; so that there is no longer the slightest doubt of the efficiency of this measure, which is now considered essential to good farming. POSSIBLE EXCEPTIONS TO EFFICIENCY OF CROP ROTATION. In this period of nearly 10 years only a few possible exceptions to the effectiveness of crop rotation have come to the wa'iter's knowledge. One of these came from a farmer in northern Illinois Avhom the writer knew personally and who in 1886 complained of the attack of these larvae on his corn, which was planted on ground that had been devoted to clover and timothy the year previous. This farmer was familiar with the pest and its work and sent specimens of the larvae. The only explanation that could be offered for this unusual injury was that the beetles forsook the cornfields after the pollen had ceased to fall from the tassels and the silk of the ears had become too dead and dry to afford them food, and that some of the females which had not already finished oviposition made their way to the clover field, fed in the blossoms, and oviposited in the soil, thus giving rise to the larva^ that the next year attacked the corn which followed the clover crop in this field. The second complaint came from a farmer in Indiana who for two years had fed considerable corn fodder to stock in a pasture of blue grass and timothy. After plowing up this ground and planting it 8 BULLETIN 8, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. to corn he reported that the crop was attacked by these worms. In this case no specimens accompanied the complaint. It goes without saying that the beetles are found and must develop where very little corn is grown, but time hag shown that there is little danger to be apprehended from these.^ Quite recently Mr. C. N. Ainslie, of this bureau, has found slight injury to corn in fields in Nebraska where this crop has followed small grain. DEPREDATIONS ON LAND SUBJECT TO OVERFLOW. The frequent submergence during fall, winter, or early spring, even for weeks at a time, of fields in which the eggs of these beetles have been deposited does not seem to ail'ect such eggs in the least. Throughout the country north of the Ohio and Arkansas Eivers it is these low bottom lands that are kept most continuously in corn, and therefore it is here that in later years the danger from the pest ^s greatest. This is not, so far as now known, true of the lower Mississippi A^alley, for the reason that planters there rotate with cotton, otherwise the ravages of the insect would probably l)e felt there as well as in the more northern States, as the writer has ob- served the beetles feeding on the pollen of the cotton bloom. Thus we see that throughout the country it is only where crop rotation is neglected that damage is at all to be feared. 1 Possible origin of a corn-feeding race. — It will be noticed tliat Mr. B. D. Walsh, the first State entomologist of Illinois, found three of these beetles in central niinois many years prior to 1800 (Practical Entomologist, vol. 2, p. 10, 1866). Mr. Ottoman Reinecke, of Buffalo, N. y., wrote the author in 189" chat he had, prior to 1880 and for some years, collected the beetles in abundance on willow along the margin of a creeU near the "city during July and August ; while :Mr. W. H. Harrington wrote the author years ago of his finding them in Neva Scotia. Thus it is clearly shown that the eastward advance each year, as previously recorded, does not represent the real advance of the species. It rep- resents the advance of a race that feeds on the pollen and silk of corn, some of whose larva> develop in the roots, the adults from these spreading from field to field and under favorable conditions giving rise to myriads of worms that feed on the roots and destroy the crop. The origin of this race appears to have been the prairie country in Illinois, which in many places begins at the Mississippi River and extends into northwestern Indiana. It is true that the first reports of injury to the roots of corn by the larvae came from Eureka and Kirkwood, Mo., both of which are near St. Louis ; but just across the Mississippi River in Illinois are wide stretches of prairie country which near the river are subject to overflow. ADDITIONAL COPIES of this publication -l\. may be procun d f'-om the Superintend- ent OF Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, at 5 cents per copy WASHINGTON : GOVERN.MENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1913 BULLETIN OF THE "^ No. 14 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Cliief February 28, 1914. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) THE MIGRATORY HABIT OF HOUSEFLY LARV^ AS INDICAT- ING A FAVORABLE REMEDIAL MEASURE. AN ACCOUNT OF PROGRESS. By Robert H. Hutchison, Scientific Assistant. INTRODUCTION. In the proceedings of the tliird meeting of the General Malarial Committee held at Madras in November, 1912, there is given a surmnary of a paper on "Insect Psychology" by Prof. L. M. Howlett. From liis experiments with fruit flies, the stable fly, and mosquitoes he comes to the conclusion that "we must regard insects not as inteUigent beings consciously shaping a path through life, but as being in a sort of active hypnotic trance." Also, that "once we discover the stimuli or particular conditions wliich determine a mosquito's actions we hold the key to the position, since we can then apply our knowledge to the mosquito's undoing." The second statement might have been made as general and inclusive as the first. One often hears expressed a general proposition to the effect that the problem of the control of any insect is very largely a prob- lem of its behavior. If its habits are known, some means of control are usually not far to seek. Thus in the warfare against the common housefly there are two important lines of attack based on a knowledge of the habits of the adults. In the first place, advantage is taken of their feeding and drinking habits in the use of such things as sour milk, formalin and milk, beer and sugar, the fly poisons, etc., as bait for traps or as poisons. Secondly, a knowledge of the egg- lajdng habits of the female leads to the use ol covered fly-tight receptacles for manure, garbage, or other fermenting material. Both of these methods are based on a knowledge of the habits of the adults. The question now presents itself. Is there any phase of the behavior of the larvae wliich may afford a line of attack ? Do they have any characteristic habit of which advantage may be taken in attempts to destroy them ? 26069°— 14 2 BULLETIN U, U. S. DEPARTMEXT OF AGRICULTUEE. THE MIGRATORY HABIT One need make only a few observations on the behavior of lioiisefly IhTYSd to discover an excellent example of what Prof. Hewlett calls '■■a sort of active hypnotic trance." This is to be found in the migratory habit wliich is so much in evidence during the prepupal stage. The habit has long been known and repeatedly mentioned in the literature. Thus Newstead (1907)^ found that ''deep down at the sides, in the cooler portions of the receptacles, the pupa or chrysalis stage occurred in enormous numbers, looking like small heaps or collections of reddish berries." Griffith (1908) found that "the larvae remained in the hottest part of the heap, but the pupae were all found near the surface where it was cooler." Jepson (1909), in certain rearing experiments in which moist bread was used as food, found that "the larvae rarely left their feeding ground till fully fed, when they left the moist mass of bread for the surrounding dry area and there pupated." Herms (1911) states that "the growing stage requires from four to SLX days, after wliich the maggots often crawl away from their breeding places, many of them burrowing into the loose ground just beneath the manure pile, or crawhng under boards or stones or into dry manure collected under platforms or the like. * * * The larvae often pass three or four days in the prepupal or migrated stage before actually pupating." R. I. Smith (1911) says "it was very apparent that the maggots wliich swarmed through the manure were inclined to congregate in certain corners or crevices and pupate in a mass. * * * Scat- tered pupa3 were discovered around the edges of the piles of cow manure and even in the soil underneath where the maggots had burrowed before pupating." Hewitt (1912) states that "when full grown the mature larva usually leaves the moist situation in wliich it has developed for one of a drier nature, often crawhng for several yards in search of some dry and sheltered crevice. Here it rests for a short time preparatory to changing into the pupal stage." If any further evidence were needed to demonstrate such an habitual mode of action I might mention the following observations: During the past few months it has been my duty to assist in carrying out an extensive series of experiments in testing the value of various chemicals in treating manure with a view to the destruction of the larvae present. The manure is placed in large cages and the chem- ical to be tested is sprinkled over it. The bottom of the cages con- sists of a galvanized iron pan with sides 1 foot high. In the floor of the pan are nine small holes. The sides of the cages above the ' Numbers in parentheses refer to dates in the bibliography, p. 11. THE MIGKATOEY HABIT OF HOUSEFLY LARViE. 3 pan are of two layers of screen wire 2 inches apart. Now it was found in the very first experiments that larvse were escaping from the cages, and it was seen that they found their way put through the holes in the floor of the cages and also through the screens at the sides. The numbers so escaping were surprising. It often happened that several hundred crawled out of the cage during 24 hours. They were found in the vessels placed beneath the cages to catch any drippings. By day the light was sufficient stimulus to prevent them from crawling out at the sides, but at night they were actually seen, with the aid of a flash light, making their way through both thicknesses of screen wire and dropping into the vessel below. Moreover, in examming manure heaps on the open ground I have many records showing this' "tendency to congregate" at the edges of the piles near the ground. About two cartloads of horse manure had been piled out on the open ground for five or six days during August, and at the end of this time it was hauled away. I examined the gi'ound where the heap had been and found many pupae, not in the center of the area formerly covered by the heap, but around the margm. Some were found on the surface, doubtless shaken out of the manure at the time of removal; others were found buried a half mch or more in the soil, where the larvse had burrowed just previous to pupation. In another case some 50 cubic feet of manure had been heaped up in a pile the base of which covered an area about 4 feet square. After the pile had stood three days larvse were found swarming in the warm, moist parts of the heap near the top and some distance in from the sides. After eight days the entire pile was torn apart and gone over carefully m search of pupse. None was to be found in the upper parts of the heap where I had previously seen great numbers of larvse. In fact none was found until the very lowest layers were exposed. Here about 9,000 were collected. Not more than 100 were found below the sod. The mass of pupas were scattered in little heaps about the margin. They were just outside the moist area of the manure, yet sufficiently protected from drying and sunlight by the overhanging straw. The explanation of their presence in such a position is, of course, that the larvse, just before pupating, had migrated from the moist feeding grounds to a drier region more favorable to the resting stage. The examination of many other piles of manure showed the very same conditions existing, the only difference bemg in the number of pupse collected. Altogether some 50 or more heaps of manure on open ground have been examined. Each one contained from 40 to 50 cubic feet of manure. Some contained much long straw, others very little straw or beddmg of any Idnd. The puparia are not hard to find nor hard to collect because of their occurrence in masses at the 4 BULLETIN 14, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. edges of piles. Here are some of the figures obtained from a count of the pupae collected from different piles: 7,000, 1,500, 10,000, over 12,000, 4,500, 6,000, 6,700, 30,000, etc. In a recent article in the American Journal of PubUc Health, I^evy and Tuck make the following statement : " We therefore announce the biological fact that the house fly does not pupate in manure if the full-grown larvae can find any means of reaching and entermg the earth." They claim that "the adult larvae regularly leave the manure heap" and that they "enter the earth whenever it is possible for them to do so." To be sm-e, larvae may and often do burrow into the ground before pupatmg — witness Dr. Terry's observations at Jack- sonville, Fla., where he found larvae and pupae m the ground of soil- floor stables — but that they do so regularly is open to serious question. The figures given above are for puparia collected above the surface of the ground and in the manure. After the removal of the heaps, examination of the ground revealed only a very small percentage beneath the surface. The fact that some were found there shows that it was not the compact nature of the soil which prevented the majority from burro whig and that there was no reason why all could not have done so if such were their regular habit. It would seem that Levy and Tuck have put too much emphasis on this one point, A broader view, includmg all the phases of the migration of these creatures, is necessary and wiU not detract from the importance or value of the "maggot trap" which they have devised. It is quite certain that the migrating habit is deeply ingrained and highly characteristic of housefly larvae. A consideration of the known facts in the case will enable one to draw some inferences as to "the stimuli or particular conditions" which determine this mode of action. It has been noted that a sort of "wanderlust" seizes the larvae just before pupation. It must be, therefore, that the migration is initiated in response to internal stimuli incident to the maturing of the larval stage and the onset of the metabolic changes preparatory to the transformation to the pupal stage. The com-se and direction of their travels are determined largely by external stimuH. It is quite evident that as pupation draws near they flee the very moist regions of a manure heap and seek the comparatively dry regions. If no such dry places are to be found in the manure, they wiU leave it to pupate in the ground or in cracks or crevices, imder boards or stones, in loose material of any kind. Dr. Terry found both larvae and pupae in the soil of du't-floor stalls. The larvae were found in that part of the floor kept moist by the urine, while the pupae were found m a ling in the drier soil outside the moist center. Fm-ther proof that moisture acts as a stimulus in determinmg their choice of a place for pupation is given below. THE MIGhATORY HABIT OF HOUSEFLY LARV^. 5 It is well known that they avoid light, and the rapidity with which they disappear from view when exposed to hght through the disturb- ing of their feedmg grounds is a famihar sight. The observation mentioned in which larvae were seen crawling out through the screened sides of cages at night, but never durmg the day, is a case in point. They avoid the extremely hot portions of manure heaps. Ther- mometers inserted from 6 to 12 inches toward the center of a heap will register an5rwhere from 110° F. to 170° F., which, of course, would be fatal. The hotter the pile the nearer the surface are the larvae to be found. They also avoid the moldy parts of the heap. They seek, as it were, the safety of the middle region between the heat and mold of the center and the exposure to sunhght and dryness of the exterior. Doubtless other conditions also have an influence in determhiing their actions. The habit of seeking the comparatively dry regions near the edge of manure heaps at the time of pupation is an adaptation of great advantage in that the adult fly at the time of emergence is thus afforded an easy path to freedom. It prevents the drowning of the imagines and insures the quickest possible expansion and drying of the wings. At least this is the teleological explanation. Yet it can not be claimed that these are intelligent acts, nor that the future is consciously provided for. We have here indeed a ''battaUon of somnambuUsts " acting in bhnd response to various internal and external stimuU. THE BEARING OF THE MIGRATORY HABIT ON THE PROBLEM OF CONTROL. So far as I have been able to determine. Levy and Tuck were the first to take advantage of the migratory habit in an attempt to destroy the maggots. In their paper pubUshed in July, 1913, they report two experiments. In the first they placed manure in a barrel in the bottom of which several holes had been bored, with the result that on the following day thousands of maggots were found in the tub placed beneath, and the number seemed to increase for three days. In a second experiment the bottom of the barrel was replaced by stout wire gauze. The results of this trial are not given. It was not until the beginning of November that I learned of their work, and it was near the end of the month before I had an oppor- tunity of reading the article. I had already carried out two experi- ments during the summer at Ai-lington, Va., and others during the fall at Audubon Park, New Orleans, La. The possibihty of taking advantage of the migrating habit was suggested to me by experience with larvae escaping from cages used in other experiments. The results of the experiments were beyond my best expectations, and 6 BULLETIN 14, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. ill the hope that they may be of some interest to others they are here reported in some detail. A large galvanized iron pan, measuring 5 by 3 feet, with sides 4 inches high, was made. In this stood a container on legs 8 inches high. Tliis container measured 4 by 2 by 2 feet. The sides and bot- tom were of heavy wire, ^-inch mesh, supported by a light wooden framework. Twelve cubic feet of manure well infested with eggs and larvae were placed in this container and sprinkled with water. Water was also poured into the pan below to the depth of about 1 inch. Surrounding and covering both pan and container was a fly-tight inclosure made of a large cage, 6 by 6 by 6 feet. This prevented further infestation of the manure, and an arrangement of traps at the top of the cage made it possible to capture and keep a record of any flies that might emerge. At the time for the emergence of flies the' sides of the cage were darkened Avith black cloth in order to drive the flies into the traps at the top. Each day the larvae were collected from the pan and counted, and each day the manure in the container was sprinkled thoroughly with water and the pan was washed out and again partly filled with water to drown the larvae wliich fell into it. The records of Experiment No. 1 are summed up briefly in Table I. Table I. — Migratory habit of housejly larvx; Experiment No. 1. Dale. Larvfe collected from pan. Flies from traps. Date. Larvae collected from pan. Flies from traps. 1913 Aug. 27 28 29 30 31 Sept. 1 2 3 4 5 337 715 1,550 1 10, 000 18,000 2,160 670 263 (=) 304 1913 Sept. 6 8 9 10 12 15 0 88 102 23 19 9 5 6 3 18 8 22 23,999 303 1 Approximate. * Collected on following day. A few flies at the time of emergence fefl into the water of the pan and were drowned. Aflowing for these and for the few which may have escaped from the cage during the opening and shutting of the door, the total number of flies may be placed at 350. It will be seen from these figures that out of a possible total of 24,350 24,000, or a little more than 98 per cent, were destroyed through the catching of the larvae in the manner described. A second experiment was started on September 16. The manure used was from the same source as in the first experiment and con- tained practically the same proportion of straw. The same amount was used, viz, 12 cubic feet. The only respect in which this experi- THE MIGRATOKY HABIT OF HOUSEFLY LARVJE. ment differed from the first was in the fact that the manure in the container was not sprinkled with water at any time, except for a light shower on September 19 and another on September 22. Much of tills rainfall failed to reach the manure in the container because of the covering of the cage. A comparison of the results of this experi- ment with those of the first indicate the importance of moisture as a stimulus. Table II. — Migratoi-y habit of housefirj larvse; Expervnient No. 2. Date. Larvae collected from pan. Flies caught in traps. Date. I>arv8e collected from pan. Flies caught in traps. 1913 Sept. 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 15 132 168 894 427 1913 Sept. 30 Oct. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 64 80 125 52 78 84 44 22 35 0 « " 43 33 1,671 668 Allowing for the few larvae and adults which may have escaped, the totals may be given in round numbers as 1,700 larvae and 700 adults. Thus from a possible total of 2,400, 1,700, or about 71 per cent, were destroyed. In passing it is unnecessary to point out that here 700 flies did pupate in the manure in spite of the fact that they had every opportunity to leave it. With the approach of cold weather the work against the housefly was transferred to the experiment station at Audubon Park, New Orleans, La. Some other experiments of a similar nature were car- ried out here with smaller containers and cages. The strong wu-e baskets of the kind commonly seen in markets and stores for the display of fruits and vegetables made first-rate "maggot traps." The baskets used were 16 inches in diameter and 16 inches high and stood on legs 9 inches high. A galvanized-iron pan 2 feet square was made for this to stand in, and over all this was placed a cage consisting of a light wooden framework covered with black cloth. The top of the cage was covered by boards in which was an opening for the attachment of flytraps. The third experiment was started on November 13. The basket was filled with manure taken from stables on November 12. The manure, which contained very little straw or bedding of any kind, was packed firmly in the basket and sprinkled with 4 quarts of water. The iron pan below was partly filled with water. The cage with its traps was not put in place until November 18, thus exposing the manure to possible infestation for a period of five days. The manure was sprinkled daily as long as larvae appeared. 8 BULLETIN 14, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Table III. — Migratory habit of housefly larvx; experiment No. S. Date. Larvae collected from pan. Flies caught in traps. Date. Larvae collected from pan. Flies caught in traps. 1913. Nov. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2.5 26 162 656 1,950 2,650 1,240 40 (>) 12 0 0 0 0 1913. Nov. 27 28 29 Dec. 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 2 2 2 8 5 6 15 10 3 7 0 0 0 0 4 1 2 6,710 69 ' Collected on following date. Out of a possible total of 6,779 there were destroyed 6,710 larvsB, that is to say, about 99 per cent were destroyed before they reached the pupal stage. The percentages obtained in these experiments clearly demonstrate the habitual nature of the migration. They also demonstrate the efficiency of the maggot trap which is designed to take advantage of this mode of action. Tlie question immediately arises whether the trap which appears so successful in an experimental way on a small scale can be adapted to the handling of manure in a practical way and on a large scale. Every consideration points to the probability that it can and that it will afford "an additional weapon of great value." However, the final verdict as to the value of the maggot trap must wait upon the solution of certain practical problems. To point out some of these here is to suggest lines for further investigation. (1) In the first place, there must be determined what form, size, and construction of trap will give the best results. The answer to this will depend largely on the particular conditions obtaining at any given stable, such as the amount of manure produced daily, the arrangements for drainage, etc. It will also depend on the answer to the following problems : (2) How deeply may manure be heaped in a trap without inter- fering with the migration ? It will probably be found that the depth will make little difference, provided that the manure is kept moist, and provided that avenues of escape are afforded at the sides as well as at the bottom. The importance of providing a way of escape at the sides was not taken into consideration by Levy and Tuck in their preliminary experiments. (3) How long must manure be kept in a maggot trap before it is entirely free from larvae ? This is a very important question from a practical standpomt, and one will find scant suggestion as to the answer in the literature on the life history and habits. The housefly THE MIGEATOKY HABIT OF HOUSEFLY LARViE. 9 breeds preferably in horse manure, but it has never been determined just how long a given lot of manure continues to be an attractive place for egg laying, nor for how long a period fly larvae will continue to appear in it. It is obvious that the maggot trap would not be prac- tical if the infestation of the manure were daily renewed for a long time. Under ordinary conditions the drying»of the surface of a heap of manure probably limits the period of egg laying to the first day or two of exposure. But in a maggot trap the manure must be kept wet in order to msure the greatest amount of migration. Would not such a moist surface be daily reinfested and maggots continue to appear in the manure as long as any fermentation were in progress? As a matter of fact, the period of infestation appears to be rather short, and even under the most favorable conditions maggots will rarely be found in a given lot of manure after 10 or 12 days' exposure. In support of this claim some experimental data may be given here. A fourth experiment was carried out in the same manner as exper- iment No. 3, except that no cage was used to cover the trap at any time. The manure in the basket was thus continuously exposed to flies and the surface was kept moist by daily sprinkling. The larvae were removed from the pan each day and counted and the pan was again partly filled with water. The manure used was taken from stables on November 12 and the experiment started on the same date. Larvae began to appear in the pan on November 13 and continued daily to the 24th, as shown in Table IV, Table IV. — Migratory habit of housefly larvae; Experiment No. 4- Date. Larvae caught. Date. Larvae caught. Nov. 13 14 Nov. 20 1,040 14 2,230 21 560 15 16,000 22 465 17 15,000 23 140 18 2,530 24 36 19 2,070 1 Approximate. The manure contained little straw or other bedding and was very attractive to the flies as evidenced by the heavy infestation (about 20,000 from a little more than a bushel of manure). Yet no larvae were to be found in the manure after 12 days. Examination of heaps of manure on open ground has shown in many cases that at the end of eight days only pupae were to be found in the manure. Even in cases where the manure was especially attractive to the flies, by reason of active fermentation and the absence of straw, all were found to have reached the pupal stage by the tenth day. Any device for applying the principle of the maggot trap on a large scale must take this time factor into consideration. 10 BULLETIN 14, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. (4) The disposal of the maggots is another practical consideration. If the larvae were allowed to drop to the ground they would burrow into it to pupate there and nothing would be gained. It would be necessary to have some sort of vessel, e. g., a concrete basin, beneath the trap. This should have vertical sides and contain an inch or more of a weak disinfectant or of water covered with a film of oil. If such a basin were connected with a sewer or cesspool the maggots collecting in it could be flushed out each week without the necessity of handling them in any way and without any offensive decomposi- tion. That the maggot trap possesses certain advantages is obvious and ought to lead to many attempts to develop it along practical lines. Cheapness would be one of its strong points. Practically the only cost would be the initial one for the construction of the trap and of a basin or receptacle for catching and disposing of the maggots. Very little additional time or labor would be required in operating it. The sprinkling of the manure would be a very small part of the daily routine of removing the manure from the stables. Proper arrangements for the disposal of the maggots would require only a few minutes' attention at long intervals. Incidentally it may be noted that the maggot trap offers a conven- ient and easy means to the investigator or teacher who wishes to collect coprophagous larvae in large numbers. In the experiments just reported the larvae of Musca domestica L. were the most numer- ous, but in addition there were also collected larvae of Stomoxys calcitrans L., of Homalomyia, of certain Sarcophagidae, and doubtless of others. The total numbers collected were so large that no attempt was made to determine the relative abundance of the various forms. SUMMARY. Observations and experiments show that the migratory habit is deeply ingrained and highly characteristic of housefly larvae. The migratory habit appears in the prepupal stage in response to various internal and external stimuli. Of the external stimuli, moisture is perhaps the most important in determining the direction of their travels and the choice of a place for pupation. The migratory habit is an adaptation of gi'eat advantage in that it insures to the issuing adult the easiest and quickest escape. This deep-seated habit offers an important point of attack in the attempts to control the pest. Experiments with maggot traps show that 98 or 99 per cent of the total number of larvae can be made to leave the manure, provided it is kept moist. Even from comparatively dry manure as many as 70 per cent can be destroyed. THE MIGRATORY HABIT OF HOUSEFLY LARV^. 11 The development of the maggot trap into an efficient weapon in the warfare against the housefly involves the working out of certain practical pomts, viz, the size and structure of the trap, the time nec- essary to keep the manure in the trap to rid it of maggots, the disposal of the larvae, etc. REFERENCES TO LITERATURE. Griffith, A. 1908. The life history of house-fliei^. Pub. Health, London, v. 21, p. 122-127, May. Herms, W. B. 1911. The house fly in its relation to public health. Univ. Cal. Col. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 215, p. 513-548, 15 figs.. May. Hewitt, C. G. 1912. House-flies and How They Spread Disetise. Cambridge. 122 p., illus. (Cambridge manuals of science and literatuie.) HowLETT, L. M. 1913. Insect psychology. Proc. Third Meeting of the General Malaria Committee held at Madras Nov. 18, 19, and 20, 1912. Simla, p. 32-33. Summary of paper read at this meeting. Jkpson, J. P. 1909. Some observations on the breeding of Musca domestica during the winter months. Rpts. to the Local Govt. Bd. [Gt. Brit.] on Pub. Health and Med. Subjects, n. s. no. 5, p. 5-8. Levy, E. C, and Tuck, W. T. 1913. The maggot trap — a new weapon in our warfare against the typhoid fly. Amer. Jour. Pub. Health, v. 3, no. 7, p. 657-()60, illus., July. Newstead, Robert. 1908. On the habits, life-cycla and breeding places of the common house-fly (Musca domestica, Linn.). Ann. Trop. Med., Liverpool, v. 1, no. 4, p. .507-520. pi. 44^9, Feb. 29. Reprinted from Preliminary report issued by the Health Committee of the City of Liverpool, Oct. 3, 1907. Smith, R. L 1912. The house fly (Musca domestica). No. Car. Agr. Exp. Sta., Col. Agr. & Mech. Arts., Ann. Rpt. 34, p. 62-69, figs. 13-14. Terry, C. E. 1912. Extermination of the housefly in cities; its necessity and possibility. Amer. Jour. Pub. Health, v. 2, p. 14-22, Jan. o *3tX/'.nient and spray material which, in recent experiments, have proved most effective in holding the pest in check. HISTORY.' The first pubHshed record of this insect was made in 1825, when specimens from Missouri were described under the name Tettigonia comes by Thomas Say. It was next mentioned by Fessenden in 1828 as being a serious pest in Massachusetts. In 1841 T. M. Harris, jn his Massachusetts report for that year entitled ''Insects Injurious to Vegetation," gives a detailed description of the insect and an account of its habits, life history, and injury to the grapevine. These observations of Harris coincide quite closely with those recorded by the more recent workers who have taken up the study of this pest. Since the date of Harris's report the grape leafhopper has become in- creasingly prominent as a vineyard pest, and in almost all parts of this country and Canada it has, at some time or other, appeared in suffi- cient numbers to prove a real menace to the grape-growing industry. Although frequent mention of its injurious occurrence in many parts of the country since 1841 is to be found in entomological literature, but httle original study, from an economic point of view, seems to have been bestowed upon this insect, for most of the references have the appearance of being taken from Harris's account. During this time, however, a great variety of forms of this species had been collected, and as a result no less than six different specific names had been given it. In 1898 the subfamily Tyi)hlocybina3 was the subject of a special study by Prof. C. P. Gillette, who worked out the synonymy of the insect as follows : Typhlocyba comes Say, 1825. Variety basilaris Say, 1825. Variety vitis Harris, 1831. Variety affinis Fitch, 1851. Variety vitifex Fitch, 1856. Variety ziczac Walsh, 1864. Variety octonotata Walsh, 1864. Variety coloradensis Gillette, 1892. Variety maculata Gillette, 1898. Variety scutellaris Gillette, 1898. Variety rubra Gillette, 1898. Variety infuscata Gillette, 1898. By 1897 it had become so seiious a vineyard pest in Cahfornia as to be placed next in destructive importance to the grape Phylloxera {PhyUoxera vastatrix Planch.) and was the subject of a detailed 1 The titles of papers and books, and their places of publication, are not given under this and other headings, but may be found in the Bibliography, pp. 43-17, by looking for the year indicated and, under that, for the author. THE GKAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 3 study by Prof. C. W. Woodworth. In 1901 Slingerland made a very complete study of the life history of the eastern form, TypJilocyha comes Say, and of remedial measures for its control, in the vineyards of Chautauqua County, N. Y., pubUsliing the results in 1904. In 1908 Prof. H. J. Quayle conducted a similarly thorough investiga- tion of the western form in the vineyards of California. Investiga- tions of more recent date have been carried on in Chautauqua County, N. Y., by F. Z. Hartzell, in 1912, and by the Bureau of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture, at North East, Pa. (See Johnson, 1911 and 1912, in Bibliography.) ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION. Since TypMocyba comes and its several varieties are of common occurrence on native grapevines in the wild state almost eveiywhere that the grapevine is found throughout the United States and Canada, and since this species is not recorded as occurring in Europe, it is doubtless a native American species. It was first recorded from Missouri in 1825, and since that date it has been reported as occurring in destructive numbers in nearly every State in which cultivated grapevines are grown, either in a commercial way or for home use. The following statement by Slingerland in regard to its occurrence is taken from Bulletin 215 of the Cornell Experiment Station, pages 84-85 : In nearly all discussions of the insect enemies of the gi'ape during the past seventy- five years, the grape leafhopper has been put in the front rank with the most destruc- tive ones. The records show that it has deserved a prominent phxce in the rogues' gallery of grape pests in Massachusetts since 1828, in New York since 1856, in Illinois since 1871, in Michigan and California since 1875, in Ohio since 1888, and in New Mexico, Colorado, North Carolina and Minnesota since 1890. Destructive local outbreaks have also occurred in other States. POOD PLANTS. During the growing season of the grapevine the grape leafhopper apparently confines its attacks entirely to the foliage of this plant. Early in the spring, however, before the grape leaves commence to unfold, the adult leafhoppers feed on the new foliage of almost any and all plants with which they come in contact, whether it be the foliage of trees and shrubs in woodlands or the weeds and grasses in the more open sod and pasture lands. The following is a list of trees, shrubs, and weeds the foliage of which showed evidence of feeding by the adults in the spring of 1912: Beech, maple, wild cherry, wild apple, hawthorn, dogwood, wild plum, hornbeam, hackberry, honey- suckle, wild grape, Virginia creeper, raspberry, thimbleberry, black- beny, strawberry^, goldenrod, nettles, wild columbine, and a great variety of weeds and grasses. Along ravines and woodlands border- ing badly infested vineyards, where large numbers of the adults 4 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. hibernate, the low-growing foUagc of underbrush and shrubs will have nearly all of the green coloring matter extracted by this pest and present a whitened or sometimes brown appearance before the spring migration of the insect takes place. Those adults which winter in the vineyards feed upon the green blades and leaves of grasses, weeds, and the various plants that are grown as cover crops. When the leaves of the cultivated grapevine commence to unfold there is a wholesale migration from the foliage of the wild plants, and even from the foliage of wild grapevines, to that of the cultivated vines, amounting in the course of a week or so, from about May 1 0 to 25 in the region of the Lake Erie Valley, to a complete desertion of the foliage of all plants other than those of the wild varieties of grape and possibly the Virginia creeper. The percentage of hibernating adults remaining on the wild grapevines is very small compared with the number found there before the spring migration to the vineyards has taken place. It has been observed that in seasons when the infestation through- out the vineyard area of the Lake Erie Valley has been light, some of the thinner-leaved varieties, such as Delaware and Brighton, are apparently more heavily infested and suffer more from the attacks of this pest than do the thicker-leaved varieties, such as Concord and Niagara. On the other hand, when these insects are very numerous throughout a large vineyard area but little if any difference in respect to the amount of injury to the different varieties can be observed. Usually vines of weak-growing varieties suffer most from attack by this pest, yet it has been observed, in run-down Concord vineyards in which the foliage was sparse, that reproduction of the leaf hopper during the summer of 1912 was not so great on such vines, even where the overwintering adults were very numerous in spring, as in adjacent vineyards where vines of the same variety were more vigorous and the foliage was more dense. Although many observations have been made to determine if tliis insect reproduces on the foliage of plants other than the wild and the cultivated grape, all the evidence secured has been of a negative nature . Attemp ts were made to rear nymphs on the foliage of the rasp- berry, which appears to be a favorite food plant of adults when they leave hibernating quarters in the spring. A large number of adults were confined in Riley cages containing raspberry plants. Although much of the foliage was whitened as a result of their feeding and many of the adults lived until about the middle of July, there was no appearance of nymphs at any time during the season upon the foliage of these plants. All observations during this investigation indicate that this insect reproduces only on the foliage of the wild and cul- tivated grapes, and that where vines of cultivated varieties are avail- able it shows a preference for them and reproduces more freely upon them than upon the wild species. THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. CHARACTER OF INJURY AND DESTRUCTIVENESS. The grape leaf hopper injures the grapevine by attacking the foHage. It is a sucking insect in both the nymphal and adult stages and injures the plant by inserting its threadlike proboscis (fig. 2) into the under- side of the leaf and extracting the juices therefrom. The result of these punctures, and more especially the removal of the juices, is first evidenced by a yellowing or whitening in patches on the upper surface of the leaf (fig. 3), which later turns brown, and finally the leaf falls from the vine prematurely. Where the injury is severe, the whole leaf dries up and becomes almost functionless long before the normal ripening period of the fruit arrives. This arrested func- tioning of the foliage as a result of attack by this pest has a tendency, when the injury is severe, to check the development of the en- tire vine, frequently to such an extent that the cane growth is considerably shortened, the size of the crop of fruit reduced, and the quality rendered inferior by a reduction of its sugar content. During very dry seasons the fruit on heavily infested vines is badly spotted by the droppings of the adult insects. The overwintering winged adults commence to attack the new leaves of the vines when the shoots are a few inches in length. Usually the sprouts starting from the base of the vine and the new growth along the lower trellis are the fh'st parts to be attacked. When large numbers of the adults are present feeding on tliis new growth, patches of yellow soon appear on the upper surface of the infested leaves, and in a short time these injured areas dry down and become brown (fig. 4), and the leaves assume a crumpled appearance, the result being a stunting of the badly infested shoots. During this time shoots higher up on the vine, being less heavily infested, have made a stronger growth which, where the vines are vigorous, soon overshadows the stunted, badly infested shoots along the lower trellis. Consequently it frequently happens that this gi'owth on the lower trelUs develops few or no long, normal, healthy canes. This condition is of considerable importance, since it is from the healthy, well-ripened canes springing from the lower trellis that the Fig. 2. — Head of grape leafhopper, .showing mouth- parts: (J, Labrum; 6, labium; c, mandibles; r', max- illte; e, maxillary seta. Greatly enlarged. (Origi- nal.) 6 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT 01^ AGRICULTURE. fruiting canes for bearing the next season's crop are selected. For the first season or two that a vigorous vineyard is infested, this stnnted condition of the bearing canes is overlooked by all but the most observant vineyardists. With each additional season of heavy in- festation, however, it becomes increasingly difficult to secure well- placed, robust, bearing canes, and there is a corresponding decline in the quantity and quality of the crop until in some instances the Fig. 3.— Grape leaf showing first, evidence of whitened spots resuhing from feeding of adiUt grape leaf- hoppers in early summer. (Original.) crop yield is so reduced that it pays little more than the season's cost of operating the vineyard. OCCURRENCE AND DESTRUCTIVE OUTBREAKS. In speaking of the occurrence of this insect Slingerland has said: "It has its periods of great destructiveness and comparative obscu- rity, or its 'ups and downs,' like most of our insects." It may exist on vines in limited numbers in some grape-producing section for several seasons without attracting much attention either in regard to its THE GKAPE LEAFHOPPEK IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 7 presence or its injury to the foliage of the vines. During these periods serious injury to the vines or to the crop yield is confined to a few rows of vines adjacent to ravines, woodlots, or rough pasture lands. This limited amount of injury usually attracts little attention and no attempt is made by the vineyardist to hold the insect in check. Then a series of seasons favorable to its development may occur, and there appears to be a steady yearly increase in numbers and fur- ther encroachment into the infested vineyards. Finally it becomes so abundant and thoroughly disseminated throughout the vineyard Fig. 4.— Grapo loaf in advanced stages of injury. Areas between veins have turned a reddish brown. (Original.) area, and its destruction is so obvious, that it attracts general atten- tion, and the so-called "outbreak" causes considerable alarm among the vineyardists. Such "outbreaks" have been recorded from many States, as is indicated in the quotation from Slingerland under the caption "Origin and distribution." The same author states that "outbreaks" have occurred at frequent intervals in various parts of the State of New York as follows : In Wyoming County in 1860; in the Hudson Valley in 1865, 1867, 1882, 1887, and 1897; on Crooked Lake in 1880; in Jefferson County in 1887 and 1888; in central New- York in 1895 and 1899; and in Chautauqua County in 1900 to 1904. 8 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AORICULTUKE. Durinji: the period from 1S97 to 1904 tlie writer of this paper resided at Westfiekl, N. Y., during the suininer months and had the opportu- nity to observe the development of the outbreak of 1900 to 1904. There was not a sudden appearance of this pest in a single season, but a steady increase in numbers for several consecutive seasons preced- ing the so-called outbreak of 1900. On the other hand, during the summer of 1903 there was an apparent sutlden disappearance of the insect from many vineyards which during the two previous seasons had been badly infested and suffered serious injury to the foliage during the seasons of 1901 and 1902. In fact, after the season of 1904 this pest disappeared from the vmeyards of this area of serious infestation to such an extent that treatment was deemed unnecessary. For several years after this disappearance in destructive numbers of the insect from the vhiej-ards in the vicmity of Westfiekl, N. Y., its occurrence in vineyards throughout the Lake Erie Valley was not considered of sufficient importance to warrant treatment. In 1909, however, during the conduct of vineyard experiments at North East, Pa., the appear- ance of this pest in injurious numbers was again observed in portions of several widely separated vineyards throughout the township. In the latter part of the season of 1910 the area of serious mjury was much more widespread and its increase was viewed with alarm by vineyardists, and in the season of 1911 a number of the more pro- gressive growers equipped themselves to fight the pest. During 1911 the injury wrought by the pest was greater than in preceding years,, and the infestation was more widespread. The summer was unusually hot, and this resulted in the development of an almost full second brood which worked great injury to the vines late in the season. Immense numbers of adults went into hibernation, and large numbers of them emerged and made their appearance in the vineyards in the spring of 1912. Early in the season of 1912, on account of the pres- ence of so many overwintering adults, there was every indication that the injury by this pest would be very great. There was an appar- ently normal development of the first brood of nymphs, and by the middle of the summer the injury in many vineyards was quite severe. Fortunately, however, the months of July and August were unseason- ably cool. The low temperatures which prevailed during these two months so greatly retarded the development of the nymphs of the first brood that only a small percentage of the adults transforming from them deposited eggs for a second brood of nymphs. Hence there was not such a great increase in numbers of the insect durmg the latter end of the season of 1912 as there was at the end of the hot season of 1911. Nevertheless the mjury done by this pest to many vineyards was very great. The injury to the foliage, coupled with the coolness of the summer, resulted in badly infested vmeyards, in a retardation of the cane growth, in a lack of proper development of the size of the THE GEAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 9 berries in the cluster, and in a deficiency in the sugar content of the fruit. For these reasons the aggregate injury by this pest during the season of 1912 was fully as great as in that of 1911. Thus far mention of the destructiveness of this pest has been con- fuied to the vineyard areas of the Eastern States. For more than 25 years this species, Typhlocyha comes, including a western variety, coloradensis (fig. 5), has caused an enormous amount of injury to the grapevines in the vineyards of California, where it has been recorded as an injurious grapevine pest smce 1875. Prof. H. J. Quayle, in Bul- letin 198 of the California Experiment Station, states in regard to its destructiveness that "with the exception of the Phylloxera, the vine hopper is undoubtedly the most destructive insect pest of the vine m the State. It is more uniformly present than any other insect attacking the vine, and each year in some parts of the State it occurs in very great numbers, and in such sections it levies a heavy tax upon the vineyard interests." Thus it is evident that, taken in the aggre- gate, the injury sustained by the vineyard industry of the East and the West must amount to an enormous sum. It should be remembered, too, that the injury caused b}^ this pest is not confined to the crop of a single season. It frequently happens that a heavy infestation of one or two seasons' duration may so stunt the growth of the vine that its full fruiting capacity may be re- duced for several seasons. In fact, if special efforts for the resuscitation of badly injured vines are not undertaken they may never re- gain their former productive value. Hence the loss to the vineyardist not only consists in the crop shrinkage, but also in the additional cost of the fertiliza- tion and care required to get the vine back into full bearmg condition. ALLIED SPECIES. In the region known as the Chautauqua and Erie grape belt, which includes a narrow strip of territory stretching along the southern shore of Lake Erie from Silver Creek, N. Y., to Harbour Creek, Pa., there are approximately 40,000 acres of vineyard, over 90 per cent of which are of the Concord variety. The species of leafhopper found in injurious numbers in the vineyards throughout this region is Typhlocyha comes. Although occasional specimens of other varie- ties and species may be found, their presence in numbers suflicient to 10037°— Bull. 19—14^—2 Fig. 5. — A western variety of the grape leafhopper, Typhlocyha comes var. coloradensis: Adult. Greatly enlarged. (Author's illustration.) 10 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGKICULTUKE. work a groat amount of injury has not been observed. The other species most commonly found associated with T. comes is T. tricincta Fitch (fig. 6,6), Tliis species, when present, is more hkely to be found on the foUage of Delaware, Catawba, Brighton, and some of the wild species of grapevine growing along ravines or in woodlands. It is readily distinguished from comes by the larger size and by the fact that it has three broad black bars situated as follows: One just back of the head, another about midwaj^ across the elytra, and Fig. 6.— The two species of grape leafhopper most common in vineyards of the Great Lakes Region: a, Typhloct/ba comes; b, Typhlocyba tricincta. Greatly enlarged. (Original.) the tliird at the tips of the elytra. Nymphs of tricincta (fig. 7) have two black spots back of the eyes and two on the thorax. Wliile making trips through the vineyard areas along the shore of Lake Erie as far west as Sandusky, Ohio, it was observed that in the Ohio vineyards east of Cleveland Typlilocyha tricincta was present in greater numbers than in the vineyards of Chautauqua County, N. Y., and of Erie County, Pa., although more than 80 per cent were still Typhlocyba comes. In the vineyards west of Cleveland T. tricincta THE GKAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 11 was present in greater numbers than in the vineyards east of that city. This condition also existed in the vineyards surrounding San- dusky, Ohio. In vineyards on Kelleys Island, North Bass, South Bass, and Middle Bass Islands both T. comes and T. tricincta were very abundant and there were also a number of other species and varieties in abundance which were not common in vineyards on the mainland, the most common being T. vulnerata Fitch. It should be stated that in the vineyards east of Cleveland, Ohio, the vines are nearl}^ all of the Concord variety, whereas west of that city there is a considerable percentage of Catawba and of Early Ohio, while around Sandusky, Ohio, and upon the islands the percentage of the Concord variety is small, Catawba benig the variety most commonly Fig. 7. — Three nymphs of Ti/phlocyba tricincta on underside of grape leaf: a, Cast skin of nymph. Enlarged. (Original.) grown, as also Delaware, Ives Seedling, Elvira, and a number of ' other varieties used in wine making. In the vineyards on the main- land around Sandusky T. tricincta was the species present in destruc- tive numbers. T. conies was also present, but only in small numbers. Observations in the vineyards of Michigan during the seasons of 1911 and 1912 showed that T. tricincta is the predominant species in vine- yards surrounding Lawton and Paw Paw and in the vicinity of Ben- ton Harbor and St. Joseph. In the vineyards of Michigan T. comes is present in even smaller numbers than in the vineyards about San- dusky, Oliio. Although the development of these two species seems to be almost identical, adults of T. tricincta brought from the vicinity of Dover, 12 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Ohio, in the spring of 1912 produced a brood of nymphs which matured to adults. These adults, in turn, produced nymphs which developed to adults of the second summer brood. Observations in the vineyards of Ohio and Michigan, however, during August of 1911 and of 1912 indicate that this species produced a much smaller number of second-brood nymphs than did T. comes in the vineyards surrounding North East, Pa. It should be added that a very large percentage of the grapevines grown in the Michigan vineyards are of the Concord variety, and that on these vines T. tricincta is the predominating species, whereas in the vineyards of the Chautauqua and Erie grape belt, where the Concord is the leading variety grown, T. comes is the predominant and destructive species. Little, if any, effort has been made thus far by the vineyardists of Michigan to control T. tricincta, although in the season of 1911 it was quite destructiA^e in many vineyards. Several vineyardists in the vicinity of Lawton and Paw Paw were planning to combat it with a tobacco-extract spray in 1912, but although there was a heavy infestation of overwintering adults in the spring these failed to produce a large enough brood of nymphs to injure the vines seri- ously, thus rendering a spray treatment unnecessary. DESCRIPTION. THE ADULT OR WINGED FORM. The adult grape leaf hopper {TypMocyha comes Say) (see fig. 1, p. 1) is an insect about one-eighth of an inch long. The original description of the insect by Say, made in 1825 (see Bibhography), is as follows: Pale yellowish with sanguineous spots. Inhabits Missouri. Body pale yellowish; head, a transverse sanguineous line, profoundly arcuated in the middle, and a smaller transverse spot before; eyes fuscous; thorax with three sanguineous spots, the lateral ones smaller and the intermediate one arcuated; scutel, a sanguineous spot at tip; hemelytra yellowish white spotted with sanguineous; spots arranged two at base, of which the outer one is small and the inner one elongated and abruptly dilated on the inner side at tip; two upon the middle, of which the outer one is elongated in a very oblique line; the two behind the middle, of which the inner one is obliquely elongated, and the outer one smaller and interrupted; and a transverse linear one near the tip, ramose upon the nervures; feet whitish. Length to the tip of the hemelytra one-ninth of an inch. The line and spot on the head and the spots of the thorax are sometimes obsolete, but are always visible, and the latter are sometimes connected by curving toward the anterior edge of the thorax. The spots of the hemelytra are also sometimes slightly interrupted, or connected into four oblique bands. In winter the color markings are deep salmon-red. After the insects have fed upon the foliage of the grapevme for a short time the color becomes paler and is displaced by a Hght yellow. In the THE GKAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 13 newly transformed adult these yellow markings are hardly discerni- ble (fig-. 8), the whole body being very light straw color. In a short time, however, they become more pronounced. Along toward the middle of August the salmon color begins to appear, first as a light tint on the thorax and at the base of the elytra and in a short time extending to tlie tips of the wings. As the season advances the sahnon color deepens until the insect takes on the more pronounced red markings of the entering adidt. THE EGG. Tlie eggs of the grape leafhopper are not more than tliree-fourths of a millimeter long and are shghtly curved (see fig. 10, d). They are semitransparent, with a yellowish tinge, and are .very difficult to locate, since they are deposited beneath the epidermis of the underside of the grape leaf, which in most varieties is covered with a heavy pubes- cence. It is very difficult to detect them witli the naked eye even after tlie most careful search. They may be located, however, with the aid of a hand lens or dissecting microscope by examining the underside of the leaf in bright sunhght. Under these conditions the egg's appear as sfight shiny elevations under the epidermis. By care- fully scraping away the pubescence covermg this area the outline of the egg may be more plainly discerned. Figure 9 is an enlarged photograph showing the outlines of two eggs beneath the epi- dermis of a leaf of Concord grape. The eggs are extremely deficate and are very easily crushed when an attempt is made to remove the thin, semitransparent layer of leaf skin or epidermis underneath which they have been tucked by means of the slender ovipositor of the female (fig. 11). Figure 12 shows the anal segment of a male of the same species, with its genital armature. The eggs are usually deposited singly over the surface of the leaf, sometimes in or near the ribs and veins, but usually m the spaces between them. They do not appear to be placed in any regular order, but occasionally several may be found in close proximity. In one mstance, in the leaf of a Clinton vine, tlii'ee eggs were found quite close together with the long axis of all extending in the same general direction. SHngerland mentions finding the eggs laid from six to nme in a row in leaves of the Clinton grape. In this variety the leaf is less fleshy and has less pubescence than have the leaves of nearly aU of the other varieties of grapes grown in the East. Examinations of the location and proximity of eggs in tliin-leaved Fig. 8.— Adult grape leaf- hopper, summer form, showing the lighter shade of color markings of the elytra. Greatly enlarged. (Original.) 14 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGEICULTURE. specios of ^vild grapevim^s did not bear out the supposition that deposition in rows is gcn(^ral in the thin-leaved varieties, for in all other cases where eggs were found on them they were deposited with an apparent disregard for regularity of position. Among A^ineyardists there is commonly a mistaken idea that the small, transparent globules that are seen on the new growth of the grapevine, especially in the early summer, are the eggs of the grape leafhopper. These are not eggs but are small drops of sap which exude from the rapidly growdng leaves and tendrils. THE NYMPH. The young grape leafhopper, or nymph, when it hatches from the egg, is very minute, white in color, and of the same general form as Fig. 9.— Outline of eggs, a and 6, of grape leafhopper on underside of grape leaf with pubescence pushed aside. Greatly enlarged. (Original.) the adult, but differing from the mature parent in that it does not possess wings. It attains its growth by casting its skin in a series of five molts. These five nymphal stages are represented in Plate I. The time required for the nymph to reach maturity varies greatly with the different individuals. During the season of 1912 rearings were made of a large number of nymphs. First stage. — The newly hatched nymph has a wliite body and red eyes. It does not run very rapidly at first, but moves over the underside of the leaf with rather an uncertain, "wobbly" gait. The number of days required for this stage, from hatching to the first THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 15 Fig 10 —1 he grape Ic ifhoppcr a and 6, Eggs, p ir- tialK shown iindoi pubos(ou(o c, pgg brought into view ; d, greatly enlarged egg. All enlarged . (Original.) molt, may vary anywhere from 3 to 15. The majority of the nymphs, however, complete the stage in from 3 to 5 days. Second stage. — In the second nymphal stage the insect becomes more active. The eyes lose some of their red color and the body assumes a yellowish tint, and at the base of the thorax there appear signs of the wing pads in the form of lateral buds. The length of this stage may vary from 1 to 7 days. The majority of nymphs complete the stage in 3 to 4 days. Third stage. — The insect in the third stage moves about very ac- tively when disturbed, running with a sidewise motion. Very rarely can one be made to hop for even the shortest distance. The red has disappeared from the eyes, and the yellow markings on the thorax have now become quite pronounced. The wing pads extend to about the caudal margin of the first abdominal segment. Tliis stage may occupy from 1 to 11 days. In most cases from 4 to 6 days is required. Fourth stage. — In the fourth stage the spines on the segments of the thorax and on the legs are more pronounced, and the wing pads now extend to the caudal margin of the second ab- dominal segment. This stage may occupy from 3 to 13 days, although the majority of nymphs com- plete it in 3 to 7 days. Fifth stage. — In the fifth stage the wing pads are considerably length- ened, extending to about the middle of the fourth abdominal segment. The legs are much longer, and the insect runs very rapidl}^. This stage may cover from 4 to 20 days. The majority complete it in from 6 to 9 days. The total length of time required to complete the nymphal stages, from hatching to the last molt, when the mature insect has fully developed wings, may vary from 19 to 37 days. Fig. 11. — Anal segmenis of female grape leafhopper and details: a, Anal segments; 6, ovipositor in oviposition; c, sheaths of ovi- positor; d, sting. Greatly enlarged. (Original.) 16 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE. The number of days required to complete the stages of the nymph were arrived at as a result of rearing 114 nymphs through all of the five nymphal stages from hatching to adult during the season of 1912, and the data given above are based on these rearings. It was observed that variations in temperature greatly influenced the length of the different stages. It was also noted that although there might be a con- • siderable variation in the number of days that were required by nymphs of the same age to complete any one of the stages, the total number of days covered would vary but sUghtly ; since it frequently happened that when one stage was protracted beyond the average period, some other stage would be considerably shortened, and thus the total number of days for the entire nymphal period would be about the same for all nymphs of the same age. (See Table XL) SEASONAL HISTORY. ACTIVITIES OF ADULTS IN EARLY SPRING. The adult grape leafhoppers become active in their hibernating places beneath accumulations of leaves, trash, and dried grass during the warm days of late winter and early spring. During the warm sunny hours of such days they rise in swarms about one's feet when tramping through the leaves and dried grass of woodlands and swales which adjoin vineyards which were clasper; d, inferior clasper. Greatly hcavily iufcstcd duriug the preceding SCa- enlarged. (Original.) -rw • aU • i f i-' -^ ^1, son. During these periods ol activity they feed on the green parts of almost any plant that happens to be growing near these places of hibernation. At first the green blades of tufts of grass or the leaves of goldenrod or wild strawberry, and a little later the unfolding leaves of wild raspberry and blackberry, appear to form a favorite part of the menu offered by the woodland growth. As the days become warmer the adults extend their flight and feed upon the tender unfolding leaves of nearly all kinds of shrubs and undergrowth. When the new growth of the cultivated grapevine has attained a length of a few inches there is a general migration of the insect to the vineyards. Tliis migration occurs about the middle of May in the vineyards of the Lake Erie Valley, and if the days are warm and bright the desertion of the woodland food plants for the foliage of the cultivated grapevine in the course of a few days is quite complete. In the spring of 1912 this migration from woodlands com- menced about May 20. On May 24 the leafhoppers were extremely scarce in woodland places, where until four or five days previous they had beeii present in swarms since the time of first activity in spring. Fig. 12. — Anal segments of male grape loafhopper and details: a, Anal seg- . ments; 6, genital hooks; c, superior Bui. 1 9, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. The Grape Leafhopper. greatly enlarged. (Original.) First stage; spread. All THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 17 From this date on, the adults confine their feeding and other acti\a- ties to the foliage of the cultivated grapevine. About this time the red marking on the elytra disappears and is replaced by a light lemon- yellow. After the adults once settle down on the foliage of the vines in the vmeyards there is very little evidence of further migration, and they seldom leave the shelter of the vmes except when disturbed, in which case they fly but a short distance and return almost imme- diately to the underside of the grape foliage. On bright, warm days they become very active on the slightest disturbance of the vine, whei'cas on cold wet days it is with the greatest difficulty that they are dislodged from the underside of the leaves. For several days after their appearance on the foliage ol the graj^e- vhies the adults confine their activities to feeding on the underside of the foliage. This they do by inserting their threadlike mouth parts or proboscis into the tissue from the underside of the leaf and suckhig out the juices. TIME OF MATING. It is exceedmgly rare to find copulating pairs of adult grape leaf- hoppers before migration to the vmeyards takes place. After migra- tion to the vineyards mating is not common until a week or ten days of feedmg has elapsed. The first copulating pair seen during the spring of 1912 was on May 23 upon the foliage of a quince bush in the laboratory garden at North East, Pa. Occasional copulating pairs were seen in vineyards as early as May 25, 26, and 27, but mating did not appear to be gen- eral until about June 1. After June 5 mating of overmntering adults was rarely seen hi the vineyards, although daily observations were made. OVIPOSITION OF OVERWINTERING ADULTS. No direct observation has been made of females in the act of ovi- position. A number of experiments were made during the summer of 1912 to secure records of egg deposition and the number of eggs deposited by individual females, but without success. This failuie was due to the fact that the leaves of all of the varieties of grapes gi'own in the Lake Erie Valley possess a heavy pubescence or hairy growth on the underside. This makes it extremely difficult to locate the eggs, since they are inserted witliin the tissue of the lei^i beneath this hairy growth and can only be found after a thorough search. Even then many of them are doubtless overlooked, since it often hap- pens that a large number of nymphs will hatch from grape leaves upon wliich it has been possible to locate only a small ninnber of eggs after a prolonged and careful search. On June 10 the first eggs seen in 1912 were located on leaves of a Delaware grapevine. 10037°— Bull. 19—14 3 18 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. LENGTH OF EGG STAGE. Since we were unable to secure actual records of egg deposition from which to make a starting point in order to determine accurately the length of the egg stage, an approximation of this period was ob- tained in the following manner: During the season of oviposition a number of adults were confined hi an air-tight globe cage (PI. II, fig. 1) upon the uninfested foliage of a small grapevine possessing not more than three or four healthy leaves. After 24 hours all the adults were removed. The vine was protected from further infestation and after seven days had elapsed was examined daily for the appearance of nymphs. A record was made of the date of the first nymphs to appear. These were removed from the cage and all other nymphs to hatch were removed at inter- vals of 24 hours. In the experiments recorded below the adults were placed on an inclosed grapevine, July 4, at 1 p. m. These adults were removed July 5, at 1 p. m. The newly hatched nymphs were removed on the dates recorded hi Table I. Table I. — Length of incubation period of eggs of the grape leaf hopper. so adults placed on vine July 4, 1p.m.; adults removed from vine Jiily 5, 1 p. m. Date and hour of removal of newly hatched nymphs. Number of nymphs removed. Incuba- tion, period. 1912. Julv 17, 1 p. m .hUy 18, Ip.m JulV 19, 1 p. m Julv 20, 1 p. m July 21, Ip. m 6 46 58 7 5 Days. 11 to 13 12 to 14 13 to 15 14 to 16 15 to 17 50 adults placed on vine June 25, 2 p. m.; adults removed from vine June 26, 2 p. m. 1912. July 9, 2.30 p. m 15 45 13 0 1 Days. 11 to 13 12 to 14 13 to 15 Julv 10, 2.30 p. m JulV 11, 2.30 p. m Julv 12, 2.30 p. m .... July 13, 2.30 p. m 15 to 17 100 adults placed on vine June 27, 2 p. m.; adults removed from vine June 28, 2 p. m. 1912. July 12, 2 p. m 14 44 19 8 1 Days. 13 to 15 14 to 16 15 to 17 16 to 18 17 to 19 July 13, 2p. m July 14, 2 p. m Julv 15, 2 p. m July 16, 2 p. m 50 adults placed on vine July 27, 2 p. m.; adults removed from vine Jiily 28. 2 p. m. 1912. -Vug. 20, 2 p. m 15 4 11 Days. 22 to 24 23 to 25 24 to 26 Aug. 21, 2p. m Aug. 22, 2 p. m 50 adults placed on vine August 10, 2 p. m.; adults removed from vine August 11, 2 p.m. 1912. Aug. 24, 2 p. m 2 1 3 0 i Days. 12 to 14 13 to 15 14 to 16 Aug. 25, 2 p. m Aug. 26, 2 p. m Aug. 27, 2 p. m Aug. 28, 2 p. m Aug. 29, 2 p. m Sept. 1, 2 p. m 17 to 19 20 to 22 THE GEAPE LEAPHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 19 NUMBER OF EGGS DEPOSITED BY AN OVERWINTERING FEMALE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER. On account of the great difficulty encountered in locating the eggs of the grape leafhopper, a record of the reproductive capacity of the females was secured by confining pairs of overwintering adults upon small grapevines in an arc-light globe cage similar to that shown in Plate II, figure 1 , which had been protected from previous infestation, the ol)ject being to determine the number of nymphs that appeared on the vines. The pairs used for this purpose were among the first to be found copulating and at a perio.d before any ovi^^osition had taken place. Each pair of adults was allowed to remain on the vine until they died. To avoid the probabiUty of the escape of the adults, ordy a few examinations were made until the nymphs were nearing the last molt. The parent adults were then removed and a careful count was made of the nymphs found upon the fofiage; then the parent adults were returned to the cage until later examinations were made, and this process was continued until the death of the par- ent adults occurred. After the death of the adults a period equal to the length of incubation of the eggs was allowed to elapse before the final count for the last nymphs to appear was made. Four separate experiments were started May 27 with copulating pairs of adults. Removal of nymphs took place as shown in Table 11. Table II. — Number of nymphs produced by a female grape leafhopper in confinement. Nymphs 1912. CAGE NO. I. removed. July 1 1 34 July 17 ;13 July 25 36 Total 103 CAGE NO. II. July 11 49 July 17 49 July 25 33 Aug. 1 8 Total 139 CAGE NO. III. July 10 M July 11 56 July 17 34 July 25 18 Aug. 1 1 Total 113 CAGE NO. IV. July 11 34 July 17 33 July 25 36 Aug. ] 9 Aug. 2 2 Total 114 1 Four newly molted adults. 20 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Several additional experiments were conducted in the same manner to determine the number of eggs per female. In each case several copulating pairs of leafhoppers were placed in each cage. Table III. — Experiment to determine extent of reproduction from four pairs of copu- lating grape leafhoppers placed in a cage with a small grapevine June 19. 1912. Nymphs 1912. removed. July 27 154 July 30 159 Aug. 22 8 Aug. 27 30 Aug. 29 , 159 Total 510 Average 127. 5 Table IV. — Experiment to determine extent of reproduction from nine pairs of copu- lating grape leafhoppers placed in a cage with a small grapevine June IS, 1912. Nymphs 1912. removed. July 24: 230 July 31 423 Aug. 12 172 Aug. 22 131 Aug. 29 65 Sept. 4 14 Total 1. 035 Average 115 Table V. — Experiment to determine extent of reproduction from four pairs of copulating grape leafhoppers placed in a cage with a small grapevine June 19. 1912. Nymphs 1912. ■ removed. July 24 185 Aug. 9...: 153 Aug. 23 58 Sept. 6 52 Total 448 Average 112 These experiments show that for 20 females the number of nymphs found ranged from 112 to 139 per female. This method of deter- mining the egg-laying capacity of the females did not, of course, take into consideration the number of eggs that failed to hatch, or the number of fatahties which may have occurred among the nymphs after the hatching period, but the fact that the average number of nymphs reared from each of 15 females varied only from 112 to 115 would indicate that under favorable conditions a female may deposit over a hunch-ed eggs, while the 139 nymphs o})tained in cage 2 would indicate that under the most favorable conditions some females may deposit about 140 eggs. Bui. 19, U. S. Dept, of Asrnciiiture. Plate II. Fig. 1.— Cages Used for Rearing the Grape Leafhopper, at Laboratory, North East, Pa., 1912. (Original.) Fig. 2.— Steam-Enqine Power Sprayer Used in Spraying Against the Grape Leafhopper, North East, Pa., 1912. (Original.) THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER. THE GKAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 21 HATCHING OF FIRST-BROOD NYMPHS. After the finding of eggs in the tissue of the leaves on June 10, daily examinations of infested grape foliage were made both in badly infested vineyards and on vines at the laboratory. On June 18 three nymphs were found on the badly infested foliage of a Delaware grape- vine. These nymphs were probably about a day or two old, since they were slightly larger than newly hatched nymphs. They had taken on a yellowish color, which indicated that some time had been spent in feeding, for the newly hatched nymphs before having taken any food are white. On June 20 a number of newly hatched nymphs were found on Concord vines. After June 20 the hatching of the nymphs became general. By June 26 large numbers of them could be found in all badly infested vineyards in the vicinity of North East, Pa. The process of hatching was observed in several instances and occupies a period varying from 10 to 25 minutes. The hatching nymph appears as a small wliite object projecting through the pubescence on the underside of the leaf. At first its movement is almost imperceptible. Then, after three or four min- utes, there is a swaying circular movement of the free end of this white object, each succeeding movement becoming more vigorous. After four or five minutes of this rapid motion the object commences to assume a definite form. The ends of the antennae are freed, the eyes become prominent, and the stricture dividing the thorax from the abdomen may be distinguished. In a few minutes more the proboscis and the legs may be seen moving, then the circulation of the body fluids becomes visible through the transparent skin, and finally the feet clutch the hairy pubescence of the leaf and the tiny insect draws its abdomen free of the eggshell. By this time the body has dried, and the nymph runs with a rather unsteady gait over the underside of the leaf. Usually, however, its first excursion is a veiy short one, for it soon settles down, inserts its minute proboscis into the leaf tissue, and makes its first meal on the juices of its host plant. APPEARANCE OF FIRST-BROOD ADULTS. During the season of 1912 the first evidence of the appearance of a new brood of adults occurred on July 12, when examinations of nymphs in vineyards about North East, Pa., showed that at this date an occasional nymph was making the last nymphal molt and devel- oping wings. However, winged adults of this new brood were not common in vineyards until from July 16 to 20, and even at the latter date they did not represent more than 25 per cent of the total num- ber of the new brood upon the foliage. In order to secure some of these earUest transforming adults for the purpose of rearing a second summer brood, about 150 of the oldest nymphs that could be found 22 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OP AORICULTURG. were placed on tho foliage of a young (^oncord grape\ane on July iL'. On July 13 several of these nymphs had transformed to adults. On July 16 about 75 per cent of them had developed wings. MATING OF FIRST-BROOD ADULTS. On July 22 numerous pairs of adults of the new brood were found copulating on the underside of grape leaves in the vineyards sur- rounding North East, Pa. From July 23 to 27 copulating pairs of new-brood adults were common, both in the vineyards and in cages at the laboratory. After the latter date only occasional mating pairs of adults were observed, either in the rearing cages at the laboratory or in the open \dneyards, although observations along this line were continued during the remainder of the active season, NUMBER OF EGGS DEPOSITED BY A FEMALE OF THE FIRST BROOD. On July 26 three copulating pairs of the new-l)rood adidts were placed in separate cages on a Concord grapevine inclosed in an arc-light globe cage similar to those in wliich pairs of overwintering adults had been confined, the object being to ascertain the number of nymj^hs that could be reared from them in order to see how it compared with the number produced by overwintering females. The number of nymphs reared from these first-])rood females is shown in Table VI. Table VI. — Number of nymphs producrd by a fcmtile leaf hopper of fhe firxt brood. CACE NO. I. Nymphs Date examined (1912). removed. Sept. 4 12 Sept. 7 5 Sept. 11 7 Sept. 1-1 9 Total 33 CAGE NO. II. Sept. 3 24 Sept. 5 16 Sept. 9 - ] 7 Sept. ] 1 9 Sept. 15 13 Total 79 CATJE NO. ni. Sept. 4 37 Sept. 7 : 35 Sept. n 9 Total 81 In the case of these three females of the first brood, the average number of nymphs produced by a single female was only a httle more than half the number produced by the overwintering females under similar conditions. THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 23 TERMINATION OF OVIPOSITION OF ADULTS OF THE FIRST BROOD. First -brood adults placed in cages with grapevines after August 10 gave no evidence of further reproduction, for nymphs failed to appear on the foliage. About 50 adults were placed in each of five separate cages on August 12, 15, 20, and 27, and September 9. No nymphs appeared in any of these cages, indicating that the season of egg deposition for them, at least, had closed. Since there is a long period over which the nymphs of this first brood transform to adults, an endeavor was made to determine the date at which these later transforming adults would fail to reproduce during the same season. With this end in view, on July 24, 1912, 100 nymphs of each of the five nymphal stages were placed in five separate cages on the fohage of a small Concord grapevine in order to ascertain if the adults transforming from any or from all of the nymphs in these five cages would copulate and produce another brood of nymphs. Frequent examinations were made of all of these cages during the remainder of the season. All of the nyiuphs in the five cages transformed to adults, but no mating of the adults was observed nor did any nymphs of a new brood appear upon the foliage of the vines in the cages. On the other hand, in another cage in which 50 adults were placed on July 22, to determine to what extent and how late in the season they continued to reproduce, nymphs continued to hatch as late as September 15. Below is given the daily hatching record of nymphs from these 50 adults: Table VII. — Flatching record of nymphs from 50 adult gra-pe leafho'p'pers placed in confinement July 22, 1912. Number Number Number Number Date. of nymphs Date. of nymphs Date. of nymphs Date. of nymphs removed. removed. removed. removed. 1912. 1912. 1912. 1912. Aug. 12 38 Aug. 22 143 Aug. 31 52 Sept. 9 25 Aug. 13 132 Aug. 23 76 Sept. 1 96 Sept. 10 13 Aug. 14 172 Aug. 24 83 Sept. 2 108 Sept. 11 8 Aug. 1.5 245 Aug. 25 50 Sept. 3 115 Sept. 12 6 Aug. 16 173 Aug. 26 137 Sept. 4 95 Sept. 13 4 Aug. 17 139 Aug 27 108 Sept. 5 89 Sept. 14 2 Aug. 19 272 Aug. 28 5 Sept. 6 48 Sept. 15 6 Aug. 20 250 Aug. 29 73 Sept. 7 49 Aug. 21 131 Aug. 30 47 Sept. 8 24 LONGEVITY OF OVERWINTERING ADULTS. An effort was made to determine the length of life of overwintering adults. Owing to the great activity of the adult leaf hoppers it was found to be exceedingly difficult to keep a record of each individual- In order to secure some data on this point 100 overwintering adults were placed on a small Concord vine inclosed in an arc-fight globe cage on May 31. A black cloth was stretched over the surface of 24 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. the ground so that the dead adults falling from the fohage of the vine might be more easily seen. An exananation for dead adults was made every few days by looking for them upon the black cloth. No dead adults were observed to July 12. On July 12 the adults were transferred to a new cage to avoid confusing them with newly transforming adults. During this operation IS adults either escaped or were killed. In this new cage 82 adults were placed. Dead adults were found in the cage on the dates shown in Table VIII. Table VIII. — Longevity of overwintering adults of the grape leaf hopper. I Date of Num- Date of Num- examina- ber e.xamma- ber • tion. dead. tion. dead. 1912. 1912. July 17 July 2X Aug. 2 Aug. 3 Aug. .5 Aug. 7 1 3 2 1 5 2 2 »3 Aug. 12 Aug. 17 Aug. 23 Aug. 27 Aug. 30 3 2 4 3 5 1 Escaped. 2 Killed. 3 Killed by spider. On August 30 these adults were again transferred to a new cage to avoid their being confused with newly transforming adults. During this transfer 10 adults were either killed or escaped. In the new cage there were 39 adults. The number of dead adults found in this cage is given in Table IX. Table IX. ^ — Longevity of overwintering adults of the grape leaf hopper. Date of examina- tion. Num- ber dead. Date of examina- tion. Num- ber dead. 1912. Sept. 4 Sept. 7 Sept. 12 Sept. 14 4 3 1 6 1912. Sept. 20 Sept. 26 Oct. 2 3 7 6 The last examination was made on October 2, when there were four adults still living. Hence it is evident that some of the over- wintering adults may remain on the vines during the entire growing season. Yet in vineyards that were the object of frequent visits during the seasons of 1911 and 1912 it was observed that there was a period, about the middle of the summer each season, when a de- crease in the number of hibernating adults was quite noticeable. During the season of 1911 this period of apparent decrease of over- wintering adults was about June 25. In 1912 it was about July 15. In both instances this decrease in number of adults occurred about two weeks before the transformation of the new brood in large numbers to adults. THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 25 EXPERIMENTS TO REAR A THIRD BROOD OF NYMPHS. Rearing exporimonts were also conducted to determine if the adults which transformed from the earliest hatching nymphs of the season would produce a second summer brood of nymphs and also if the ackilts transforming from these second-brood nymphs would mate and produce a third brood of nymphs. On July 2, 100 newly hatched nymphs, the product of overwinter- ing adults, were placed on the fohage of a Delaware grapevine in- closed in an arc-light globe cage. By July 28 a few of these nymphs had transformed to adults. By August 14 all of these first-brood nymphs had transformed to adults. On August 26 several nymphs of the second summer brood in the first two nymphal stages were found upon the foliage of the vine. On August 29 all of the adults of the first brood were removed from this cage in order that there might be no confusion with adults transforming from the second-brood nymphs. On September 12 newly transformed adults of the second l)rood were found in this cage. On September 27 nearly all the nymphs had transformed to adults. The few remaining nymphs were in the last nymphal stage. By October 7 all nymphs had trans- formed to adults. Frequent observations were made after the ap- pearance of the second brood of adults in this cage, but no mating was observed nor did any new nymphs appear on the foliage of the vine. Hence it would appear that reproduction did not occur among the adults of the second brood during the season of 1912. A similar rearing experiment was made on July 3 by taking 75 of the earliest nymphs to hatch and placing them on a grapevine inclosed in an arc-hght globe cage. By July 16 nearly all of the nymphs had trans- formed to first-brood adults. On August 15 new nymphs of the second brood were present. On August 28 all hrst-brood adults were removed from the cage. All of the nymphs transformed to second-brood adults. Although frequent examinations were made of this cage for the remainder of the season, there was no evidence of reproduction by these adults of the second brood. In another rearing experiment the date of transformation of adults of the second })rood was secured. The rearings were made by taking nymphs of the first brood that were among the earUest of the season to hatch. They were nearing the last molt when they were placed on a Concord vine in a Riley cage on July 1 3 . By July 1 6 nearly all of tlit^se nymphs had transformed to adults. On July 26 several pairs were observed mating. On August 17 a few nymphs of the second brood in the first and second stages were observed on the grape foliage. On August 28 all adults of the first brood were re- moved from this cage to avoid confusion with newly transforming adults of the second brood. A record of the dates of transformation of adults of the second brood is given in Table X. 26 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE. Tablk X. — Transformation to adults of second-brood grape leafhoppci Date of examina- tion. Number of adults trans- formed. Date of e.xamina- tion. y umber of adults trans- formed. 1912. Sept. 7 Sept. 8 Sept. 9 Sept. 10 Sept. 11 Sept. 12 Sept. 13 1 4 0 37 76 51 51 1912. Sept. 14 Sept. 15 Sept. 17 Sept. 19 Sept. 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 24 85 63 16 26 5 11 3 The last of the nymphs transformed to adults on wSeptemher 24. This rearing experiment indicates that the transformation of the second-brood adults which were the progeny of the earliest nymphs of the season to appear upon the yines was much too late in the season for the production of a third brood of nymphs. REARING EXPERIMENTS TO DETERMINE LENGTH OF NYMPHAL STAGES. A series of rearing experiments was made to determine the length of the nymphal stages. The newly hatched nymph was placed in a cage made as follows: A hole about an inch in diameter was punched out of the center of a piece of yelyet about 2 inches sc{uare. The velyet was then placed, nap side against the leaf, on tlie underside of an uninfested leaf. A square of heayy manila paper of the same size was placed on the upper side of the leaf directly aboye the square of yelyet, to hold the leaf rigid. The newly hatched nymph was then placed on the underside of the leaf in the circular space cut out of the square of yelyet. A small watch glass, conyex side up, was placed oyer the circular hole in the yelyet so as to oyerlap about one-fourth of an inch onto the yelyet. Then the watch glass, the yelyet, the portion of grape leaf, and the square paper were all held tightly together by means of four paper clips, by slipping on one of the clips from each side of the square, making them clasp the paper and the yelyet and oyerlap on to the watch glass and hold the latter firmly in place so that the nymph could not escape. In some instances squares of thin sheets of celluloid were used in place of the watch glasses, but it was found that the small nymphs would sometimes drown in the moisture collecting on the inside of the celluloid. Then, too, the concaye of the watch glass made the space larger. Eyen with the watch glasses, drowning of the nymphs was likely to occur. In order to preyent this, two squares of yelyet were glued together with the nap side out. This raised the watch glass a greater distance from the leaf, giying more space between the back of the nymph and the glass, and less drowning of nymphs resulted. Each cage was examined daily; thus the condition of the nymph was obseryed and THE GEAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 27 record made ol" the date of each molt. During this ojjeratioii the moisture was wiped from the inside of the watch ghiss. The period covered by these rearing experiments was from June 22 to October 13. During this time 348 newly hatched nymphs were placed on grape leaves confined in cages similar to those just described. Many of the nymphs either died or escaped before they completed all of the nymphal stages. Nevertheless, complete records of the length of the five stages were secured for 114 nymphs. The greater number of fatalities occurred among the young nymphs during the early part of the rearing season before the leaf cage most suitable for the purpose was secured. After the double thickness of velvet was adopted fewer fatalities occurred. The lengths of the several stages for the different individuals show a great variation, but it will be noted by an examination of Table XI that the variation of the total length of the five stages for a number of nymphs hatching on the same date is not very great. Changes in temperature appear to be the important factor in deter- mining the length of time required to complete the entire nymphal period. In the last column of Table XI the average daily temperature for the entire nymphal period of each of the 114 nymphs is given. These average temperatures are computed from the average daily temperatures given in Table XII. The average daily temperatures given in Table XII are derived from daily readings of a maximum and minimum thermometer, located in the garden of the laboratory at North East, Pa., only a few yards distant from the grapevines bearing the individual cages in which the nymphs were reared. Table XI. — Length of each of the five nymphal stages of the grape leafhopper for II4 nymphs recorded from June 22 to October IS, 1912. si .g B 03 A 0 03 ■3 a S3 .1 a a 0 6 B M •73 ! 03 i 0 a 0 03 0 1 6 1 03 k C.2 c3 a 0 y e r a g e daily temperature for entire nymphal period. 0 fe t!^ CO W ir^ e pR (=^ s Ph ^ < 1912. 1912. Dys. 1912. Dys. 1912. Dys. 1912. Dys. 1912. Dys. Dys. T. June 22 June 2,S 6 June 30 2 July 4 4 July 7 3 July 11 4 19 74.90 July 5 July 9 4 July 10 1 July 13 3 July 16 3 July 25 9 20 76.60 July 9 July 12 3 July 15 3 July 20 5 July 25 5 Aug. 8 14 30 69.97 Do... July 15 6 July 18 3 ...do 2 ...do • 5 Aug. 7 13 29 70.10 Do... ...do 6 July 17 2 July 21 4 July 28 " Aug. 8 11 30 69.97 Do... July 12 3 July 15 3 July 20 5 Aug. 2 13 Aug. 12 10 34 70.04 Do... July 13 4 July 16 3 July 21 5 July 27 6 Aug. 9 13 31 70.03 Do... ...do 4 July 17 4 July 19 2 July 25 6 Aug. 7 13 29 70.01 Do... ...do 4 ...do 4 July 21 4 July 28 7 Aug. 10 13 32 70.11 Do... ...do 4 ...do 4 July .19 2 ...do 9 Aug. 9 12 31 70. 03 Do... ...do 4 ...do 4 ...do 2 ...do 9 ...do.... 12 31 70.03 Do... July 12 3 July 15 3 ...do 4 July 25 6 Aug. 8 14 30 69.97 Do... July 13 4 July 17 4 July 21 4 July 27 6 ...do 12 30 69.97 Do... July 14 5 July 18 4 July 23 5 July 29 6 Aug. 10 12 32 70.12 Do... July 13 4 July 16 3 July 21 5 July 28 7 Aug. 9 12 31 70.03 28 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. T.\BLK XL- Length of each of the Jive nymphal stages of the grape leafhopper for II4 nymphs recorded from June 22 to October 13, 1912 — ^Oontinued. si .a 0 1 s 0 a *i •0 0 w to p C3 a .in ^ 0 fc P^ m 1912. 1912. Dys. 1912. July 10 July 14 4 July 18 Do... ...do 4 July 17 July 11 July 15 4 July 19 Do... ...do 4 ...do Do... July 16 5 ...do Do... July 15 4 ...do Do... ...do 4 ...do Do... July 14 3 July 18 July 12 July 17 5 July 20 Do... July 16 4 July 21 Do... July 17 5 ...do July 13 July 19 6 July 23 Do... July 17 4 July 21 Do... July 19 6 July 23 July 14 ...do 5 July 25 Do... July 21 7 July 27 Do... July 19 5 July 25 July 15 July 22 7 ...do.... Do... July 21 6 ...do.... Do... July 20 5 July 26 July 18 July 25 7 Aug. 2 Do... ...do... 7 July 29 Do... Aug. 2 15 Aug. 7 Do... July 25 7 July 30 July 19 July 29 10 Aug. 6 Do... July 24 5 July 27 Do... July 27 8 Aug. 3 Do... July 26 7 ...do.... Do... July 25 6 ...do.... Do... July 28 9 Aug. 6 July 20 July 27 7 July 29 Do... July 26 6 Aug. 3 July 29 Aug. 8 10 Aug. 11 Do... Aug. 7 9 ...do.... Do... Aug. 5 7 Aug. 10 Do... Aug. 7 9 Aug. 11 Do... Aug. 8 10 Aug. 12 Do... Aug. 6 8 Aug. 11 July 30 Aug. 11 12 Aug. 14 Do... Aug. 7 8 Aug. 11 Do... Aug. 9 10 Aug. 14 Do... ...do.... 10 Aug. 12 Aug. 5 Aug. 11 6 Aug. 15 Do... ...do.... 6 ...do.... Aug. 13 Aug. 19 6 Aug. 23 Do... Aug. 18 5 ...do.... Do... Aug. 21 8 ...do.... Do... Aug. 18 5 Aug. 22 Aug. 14 Aug. 20 6 Aug. 25 Do... Aug. 19 5 Aug. 24 Do... Aug. 20 6 ...do.... Do... ...do.... 6 ...do.... Do... .do 6 5 ...do.... Aug. 23 Do... Aug. 19 Do... Aug. 20 6 Aug. 24 Do... Aug. 19 5 Aug. 23 Do... Aug. 20 t) Aug. 25 Do... ...do.... 6 Aug. 26 Do... Aug. 19 5 Aug. 23 Do... Aug. 24 10 Aug. 29 Dys. 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 1912. July 23 July 19 July 24 ..do July 25 ..do ..do July 23 July 26 ..do July 30 July 29 July 26 July 29 July 30 Aug. 4 Aug. 1 Aug. 5 Aug. 2 ..do... Aug. 8 Aug. 6 Aug. 9 Aug. 8 Aug. U Aug. 3 Aug. 9 ..do... ...do.... Aug. 12 Aug. 3 Aug. 9 Aug. 15 Aug. 17 Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Aug. 16 ...do.... Aug. 20 Aug. 15 Aug. 19 Aug. 17 Aug. 20 ...do.... Aug. 27 ...do.... Aug. 29 Aug. 26 Aug. 31 Aug. 28 Aug. 29 Aug. 28 ...do.... Aug. 27 Aug. 29 Aug. 27 Aug. 29 Sept. 2 Aug. 27 Sept. 2 Dys. 5 2 5 5 6 1912. July 30 July 25 July 30 ...do Aug. 2 Aug. 1 Aug. 3 July 30 Aug. 4 July 30 Aug. 7 ...do.... Aug. 2 Aug. 7 Aug. 9 Aug. 10 ...do.... Aug. 11 Aug. 10 ..do.... Aug. 14 Aug. 11 Aug. 15 Aug. 13 Aug. 15 Aug. 9 Aug. 15 ...do.... Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Aug. 9 Aug. 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 21 ...do.... Aug. 22 ...do.... Aug. 25 Aug. 21 Aug. 25 Aug. 22 Aug. 25 ...do.... Sept. 2 Aug. 29 Sept. 3 Sept. 2 Sept. 4 Sept. 3 Sept. 5 Sept. 4 Sept. 3 Sept. 2 Sept. 3 Sept. 2 Sept. 3 Sept. 6 Sept. 3 ...do.... Dys. 1912. Aug. 11 Aug. 14 Aug. 12 ...do Aug. 13 Aug. 12 Aug. 13 Aug. 10 Aug. 13 Aug. 15 Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Aug. 12 Aug. 15 Aug. 17 Aug. 19 ...do.... Aug. 21 Aug. 19 ...do.... Aug. 22 Aug. 20 Aug. 24 Aug. 22 Aug. 25 Aug. 15 Aug. 23 Aug. 24 Aug. 23 Aug. 25 Aug. 23 Aug. 24 Aug. 31 Sept. 1 Aug. 29 Aug. 30 Sept. 1 ...do.... Sept. 3 Aug. 30 Sept. 2 Sept. 1 Sept. 5 Sept. 3 Sept. 8 Sept. 9 Sept. 10 Sept. 8 Sept. 11 Sept. 9 Sept. 10 Sept. 11 Sept. 9 Sept. 8 Sept. 9 ...do.... ...do.... Sept. 14 Sept. 9 Sept. 10 1 S C3 h a. 2 C3 P, Average daily temperature for entire nymphal period. Dys. 12 Dys. 32 "F. 69.81 20 35 69.86 13 32 69. 58 13 32 69.58 11 33 69.69 11 32 69.58 10 33 69.69 11 31) 69. 62 9 32 69.75 16 34 69.32 - 33 69.42 S 33 67.14 10 30 69.08 8 33 69.10 8 34 68.75 9 36 68.63 10 37 66.77 10 37 68.36 9 35 68.34 9 35 68.34 8 35 67.67 9 33 67.79 9 37 67.71 9 35 67.84 10 37 67.92 6 27 68.77 8 35 67.84 9 36 67.71 9 35 67.84 10 36 69.81 14 34 67.79 10 35 67.66 10 33 67.53 10 34 67.73 8 31 69.03 9 32 67.84 10 34 67.73 10 34 67.73 9 35 68.16 9 31 67.68 8 34 67.95 10 33 67.68 11 31 69.95 9 29 68.55 6 26 71.52 11 27 71.41 7 28 71.55 6 26 71.52 7 28 71.75 6 26 71.33 6 27 71.48 7 28 71.75 5 26 71.33 6 25 71.44 6 26 71.33 7 26 71.33 6 26 71.33 S 31 71.24 6 26 71.33 7 27 71.48 THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 29 Table XI. — Length of each of the five nymphal stages of the grape leaf hopper for II4 nymphs recorded from June 22 to October l.i, 1912 — Continued. 1912. Do... Do.. Do... Do.. Aug. lo Do... Do... Do... Do... Do... Aim'. 10 Do... Aug. 17 Do... Do... Do... Aug. 20 Do... Aug. 21 Do... Do... Do... Do... Do... Do... Aug. 22 Do... Do... Do... Aug. 30 Sept. 4 Do... Do... Sept. 6 Do... Do. Do. Do. Do. 1912. Aug. 20 ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... .Vug. 23 -Vug. 21 ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... Aug. 22 ..do.... ..do.... Aug. 2.=1 Aug. 24 Aug. 25 ..do.... Aug. 26 Aug. 25 -Vug. 26 Aug. 25 Aug. 26 Aug. 27 Aug. 26 ..do.... ..do.... Sept. 3 Sept. 7 ..do.... .-do.... Sept. 10 ..do.... .do... -do.... .do.... .do.... Dys 6 6 6 6 1912. Aug. 25 Aug. 24 Aug. 25 Aug. 24 Aug. 26 ...do... ...do... ...do. Aug. 25 ...do ... ...do... ...do... Aug. 26 ...do... ...do... Aug. 27 Aug. 30 Aug. 27 Aug. 30 Aug. 29 Sept. 1 Aug. 29 Sept. 1 Aug. 31 ...do.... Sept. 2 Aug. 31 Sept. 1 ...do.... Sept. 7 Sept. 14 Sept. 12 Sept. 11 Sept. 14 ...do.... -do.... ...do.... Sept. 13 Sept. 14 Dys 5 4 5 4 3 1912. Sept. 1 Aug. 29 Sept. 1 Aug. 27 Aug. 31 ...do.... Aug. 30 Aug. 31 .'Vug. 30 ...do.... ...do.... Aug. 31 Sept. 1 Sept. 2 Sept. 1 ...do.... Sept. 3 Sept. 2 Sept. 3 Sept. 2 Sept. 4 Sept. 2 Sept. 4 Sept. 3 ...do.... Sept. 5 Sept. 3 Sept. 4 ..do.... Sept. 9 Sept. 15 ..do.... Sept. 14 Sept. 19 Sept. 18 Sept. 19 ..do.... Sept. 18 ..do.... Dys. 7 1912. Sept. 4 Sept. 3 ...do..., Sept. 2 Sept. 4 ...do... ...do... ...do.... ...do.... Sept. 2 Sept. 3 Sept. 4 ...do.... Sept. 5 ...do.... ...do.... Sept. 6 Sept. 5 Sept. 6 ...do.... Sept. 7 Sept. 6 Sept. 7 Sept. 6 Sept. 7 Sept. 8 Sept. 7 ...do.... ..do.... Sept. 13 Sept. 22 Sept. 23 Sept. 20 Sept. 25 ..do.... ..do.... Sept. 24 Sept. 25 ..do.... Dys. 1912. 3 Sept. 10 5 Sept. 9 2 Sept. 10 6 I Sept. 9 4 I Sept. 10 4 ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... Sept. 9 Sept. 10 ...do.... ...do.... Sept. 11 ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... Sept. 13 Sept. 11 Sept. 12 Sept. 13 Sept. 14 Sept. 12 Sept. 14 Sept. 13 Sept. 15 ...do.... Sept. 14 Sept. 15 Sept. 14 Sept. 22 Oct. 6 Oct. 8 Oct. 6 Oct. 12 ..do.... ..do.... Oct. 10 Oct. 13 ..do.... "3 il-fe-S "S"^^ ^%^ «!>> 0.2 bCo3 C s - V. csfe^Ti M 03 ft •- g'.iy.S A * 9-S ir B 0 ;>^sa \^ Eh 'F. Dys. Dys. 6 •27 71.48 6 26 71.33 7 27 71.48 7 26 71.33 6 26 71.57 6 26 71.57 6 26 71.57 6 26 71.57 5 25 71.42 8 26 71.57 7 25 71.80 6 25 71.80 / 25 72.40 6 25 72.40 6 25 72.40 6 25 72.40 1 24 76.58 6 22 73.20 6 22 72.95 7 23 72.65 7 24 72.66 6 22 73.18 7 24 72.66 7 23 72.65 S 25 72.74 7 24 72. 83 7 23 72.78 8 24 72.83 7 25 72.78 9 23 72.50 14 32 65.01 15 34 64.41 16 32 65.01 17 36 63.64 17 36 63.64 17 36 63.64 16 34 63.53 18 37 63.32 18 37 63.32 30 BULLETIlSr 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. Table XII. — Maxinium, minimum, and average temperatures taken at the field labora- tory, North East, Pa., from June 1 to October 31, inclusive. June. July. August. September. October. Dav of the month. a 1 i i i ^ .1 a 3 i a 3 .1 . 2 a 3 a 3 2 )«! .g .g 1 > > s < a a < ^ s ■< ^ S < s a < ° F. ° F. ° F. 0 p " F. ° F. ° F. " F. ° F. ° F. " F. " F. ° F. ° F. ° F. 1 70 50 60.0 72 53 62.5 66 52 59.0 84 65 74.5 57 49 53.0 2 78 64 71.0 75 58 66.5 69 53 61.0 86 68 77.0 64 45 54.5 3 77 59 68.0 82 68 75.0 63 64 63.5 81 69 75.0 70 54 62.0 4 76 60 67.5 83 68 75.5 65 49 57.0 79 69 74.0 67 56 61.5 5 69 44 56.5 84 68 76.0 65 54 59.5 87 68 77.5 70 51 60.5 6 67 54 60.5 84 70 77.0 70 50 60.0 84 69 76.5 77 54 65.5 68 46 57.0 92 72 82.0 71 55 63.0 86 70 78.0 69 49 59.0 8 59 38 48.5 87 71 79.0 78 54 66.0 77 56 66.5 58 43 50.5 9 66 - 45 55.5 85 73 79.0 78 66 72.0 77 62 68.5 71 51 61.0 10 65 58 61.5 80 72 76.0 78 67 72.5 83 68 75.5 67 56 61.5 11 70 55 62.5 87 69 78.0 76 63 69.5 89 69 79.0 73 50 66.0 12 78 60 69.0 85 66 75.5 76 61 68.5 74 58 66.0 74 54 64.0 13 68 49 58.5 82 65 73.5 80 67 7.3.5 76 54 60.5 59 46 52.5 14 61 48 54.5 87 69 78.0 79 59 69.0 78 68 73.0 59 45 52.0 15 78 60 69.0 83 73 78.0 69 63 66.0 80 69 74.5 55 44 49.5 16 72 57 64.5 92 61 76.5 72 56 64.0 82 60 71.0 55 39 47.0 17 II 57 67.0 74 63 68.5 67 53 59.5 62 49 55.5 63 46 54.5 18 69 50 59.5 77 63 70.0 69 64 66.5 69 59 64.0 71 56 63.5 19 65 48 56.5 82 57 69.5 78 67 72.5 73 60 66.5 63 52 57.5 20 64 57 60.5 65 52 58.5 71 63 67.0 69 54 61.5 54 45 49.5 21 71 57 64.0 75 63 69.0 75 65 70.0 68 57 62.5 71 48 59.5 09 67 59 63.0 77 63 70.0 76 60 68.0 79 63 72.0 65 56 60.5 23 69 49 49.0 73 54 63.5 75 65 70.0 II 56 66.5 56 43 49.5 24 70 50 60.0 72 60 66.0 69 57, 63.0 62 55 58.5 44 41 42.5 25 74 65 69.5 70 68 69. 0 80 71 75.5 69 61 65.0 48 44 46.0 26 SO 61 70.5 75 61 68.0 82 66 74.0 78 61 68.5 54 44 49.0 27 78 58 68.0 75 52 63.5 82 58 70.0 64 47 55.5 56 41 48.5 28. 82 67 74.5 70 57 63.5 62 52 57.0 56 43 48.5 60 47 53.5 29 77 64 70.5 75 64 69.5 59 54 56.5 63 47 55.0 70 55 62.5 30 83 59 71.0 73 57 65.0 67 48 57.5 51 36 43.5 63 64 54.5 31 72 52 62.0 63 59 61.0 54 44 49.0 SUMMARY OF SEASONAL HISTORY OF THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER. The grape leafhopper (see fig. 1, p. 1) hibernates as an adult among accumuhitions of leaves and trash in vineyards, but mostly in adjoining woodlands, hedgerows, and pastures. It becomes active during the first warm days of spring and commences feeding on the new growth of almost any of the plants with which it comes in contact. With the unfolding of the grape leaves there is a gen- eral migration of the insect to the vineyards. In normal seasons this takes place about the middle of May in the vineyards of the Lake Erie Valley. After feeding for a few days the leaf hoppers mate, and oviposition commences early in June. The eggs are deposited singly and are tucked under the epidermis beneath the pubescence of the underside of the grape leaf. The average length of the egg stage is from 11 to 15 days. The nymphs commence to appear on the underside of the leaves about the 20th of June, and b}^ the end of tlie first week in July a large percentage of the first brood has hatched and is present in one of the several nymphal stages, THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 31 of which there are five. (See PI. I.) The average length of tlie nymphal period is about 28 days, but with many it varies from 20 to 35 days. At the hist nymphal molt the adults have fully devel- oped Avings. A few newdy transformed adults may be found in vineyards from about July 7 to July 12. In normal seasons, however, the majority of the first-brood adults appear after the middle of July. Observations of the development of the insect indicate that if the nymphal period is lengthened by low tempei-atures during the month of July, the number of adults of the new brood that will mate and deposit eggs for a second brood is (|uite small; whereas, if liigh temperatures prevail during the early part of July, a large number of the nymphs are likely to develop rapidly and make their transformation about the middle of July. These early maturing adults mate and deposit eggs, and the resulting second brood of nymphs is quite large. Mating of the first-brood adults appears to be common for oidy a few days. In 1912 few mating pairs were seen except (hning the period from July 23 to July 27. Early in August the color markings on the elytra of the adults change from Ught yellow to a pale salmon color, which becomes more intense as the season advances. After the appearance of this change in coloration of the elytral markings little oviposition occurs. By the early part of September most of the nymphs of both the first and second broods have transformed to adults, although a small number of nymphs may be found on the foliage until quite late in the fall. Toward the middle and latter part of September the adults commence to migrate from the vineyards and during warm, calm afternoons may be seen in swarms drifting through the air in an apparently aimless manner. They usually come to rest in adjoining woodlands or rough pasture lands. Here they remain more or less active during the warmer parts of the days of October and the late fall, seeking the shelter of leaves and trash at night and during the cooler days, and becoming less active as the cold weather of winter approaches. REARING CAGES USED. Since the adult grape leafhoppers ai'e ver}' agile creatures it was impossible to study their habits and life history in detail on the large fruiting vines in the open vineyard. Yet in order that the adults might oviposit and the eggs develop normally, it was neces- sary that the insects studied should be confined on healthy growing- grape fohage. For this purpose a large number of young grape- vines, including several varieties, were planted in the garden of the laboratory early in the spring of 1912. The vines were planted in rows about 3 feet apart. Those vines used for securing egg records, 32 BULLETIN 19, U. S, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUKE. longevity of overwinteriiisj; adults, number of eggs deposited per female, length of nymphal stages, etc., were covered wnth a cage early in the season so as to prevent the foliage from bcnoming infested by other adults. Since it was im])ossible to secure enough Riley cages, or to have cages made that were sufficiently tight to prevent the escape of the adults, recourse was taken to the use of a number of second-hand arc-light globes, which were seciu'ed from the local lighting plant. These were about 15 inches high, with a small opening about 4 inches in diameter and a large opening about 8 inches in diameter. The globe was j)laced over the vine with the lower oj)ening resting on the ground, and the larger opening was covered with a piece of muslin fastened to a stout wire ring. This cover was drawn tightly over the large opening by means of four cords fastened to the wu-e ring and connected to four pegs driven into the ground and tightened in tlie same manner as are the cords of a tent. In this way it was possible to draw the muslin perfectly tight all around tlic edge of the upper opening of the globe. The insects were examined during the cooler part of the day when they were least active. It was found that when the lower opening was set into the ground, the temperature inside of the cage was several degrees higher than that on the outside, owing to a lack of circulation of air inside the cage. This was overcome l)y taking a strip of fine wire screen about 4 inches wide and forming it into a collar a little larger than the smaller opening of the globe. This collar was then slip})ed over the young grapevine and j)ressed fu'mly into the soil. The globe was then placed over the vine and the small opening fitted into the wire screen collar, thus securing an an- current into the bottom of the cage up through the muslin cover or vice versa. The muslin cover was then made large enough to shade the greater part of the globe. These modifications resulted in securing a cage that was light and tight, and that had a temperature about the same as that on the outside. The cage that has just been described (see PI. II, fig. 1 ) is spoken of as an " arc-light globe cage" in connection with the rearing experi- ments mentioned under seasonal history. A smaller cage, employed for rearing single nymphs for the pur])()se of recording the length of the stages of individuals, is fidly described on page 26 under another caption dealing with experiments to deter- mine the length of the nymphal stages. PARASITES AND PREDACEOUS ENEMIES. Apparently the grape leafhopper sufters litth^ from the attack of parasitic enemies. No records of parasites have been found in the literature dealing with tliis pest . During the investigations on grape insect pests conducted at North East, Pa., from 1907 to 1912, only THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPEK IN THE LAKE ERlE VALLEY. 33 one instance of parasitism was noted. In this instance, on July 31, 1907, Mr. P. R. Jones, of the Bureau of Entomology, ohserved the female of Aphelopus sp. in the act of tlirusting her ovipositor into the body of a nymph. No attempt was made to determine if eggs were deposited in the body of this nymph, nor was any further evi- dence of parasitism of the nymphs or the adults of the grape leafhopper observed.^ On the other hand, the nymphs seem to be especially subject to the attack of many predaceous insects, mites, and spiders, while the adults become entangled in spider webs and are preyed upon by the occupants. The literature on the grape leafhopper con- tains the following records of attack by preda- ceous enemies on either the nymphs or the adults : B. D. Walsh, in 1862, records Hemerodromia superstitiosa Say, one of the dance flies, as feeding on the ''hoppers" in Illinois. Townend Glover, in 1875, records Hyaliodes vitripennis Say, the glassy-vdnged soldier-bug, as feeding on the nymphs. M. V. Slingerland, in 1902, records a mite, Rliyncliolophus parvulus Banks, the larvas of Clirysopa, and aphis lions as feeding on the nymphs. J. H. Quayle, in 1908, records the destruction of the nymphs by the beetles and larvae of lady- birds, aphis lions, and ants, but states that all of these predaceous enemies put together have little apparent influ- ence in lessening the number of the pest. During the investigation of this pest at North East, Pa., aphis Uons, ants, mites, and spiders were frequently observed preying upon the nymphs, and in addition to them a very active orange-colored mite {Anystis agilis Banks) was often found feeding upon the nymphs and occasionally upon the adults, especially just after the latter had transformed and had not the full use of their wings. Both the nymph and the adult of a capsid of the genus Diaphnidia near D. Jiamata Van Duzee were frequently found with nymphs of T. comes impaled on tlieu" long probosces. Yet all of these predaceous enemies com- bined failed to have any appreciable influence in reducing the destruc- tive numbers of the leafhopper. • While Mr. J. F. Strauss, of this bureau, was making drawings of adults of T. comes for this paper he found an adult among some material in alcohol with the pupa of a dryinid (see fig. 13) attached to the body. These specimens were collected by the writer in vineyards near Euclid, Ohio, Aug. 9, 19U. Fig. 13.— Adult grape leaf- hopper parasitized by a dryinid, and showing cocoon of parasite pro- truding from abdomen, at left. Greatly enlarged. (Original.) 34 BULLETIN 19, TJ. S. DEPABTMENT OP AGRICULTURE. NATURAL CHECKS. It would seem, however, that there are some as yet unknown natural checks which greatly reduce the numbers of this insect and occasionally almost entirely eliminate it over areas where only a short time previously it had been a serious pest. In 1865 Trimble observed that once when the thermometer reached 100° F. thousands of the "hoppers" were killed. There was a great diminution in numbers of the adults in the infested area of the Chautauqua County vineyards early in the season of 1903. A condition similar to this was observed by Mr. E. W. Scott, of the Bureau of Entomology, during the season of 1912, when adults of Typhlocyha tricincta were so very abundant in the vineyards near Benton Harbor, Mich., that the vineyardists became greatly alarmed, many of them making preparations to spray the nymphs when they should appear. Yet this proved unnecessary, for when the time arrived for the nymphs to appear upon the foliage in large numbers most of the adults had disappeared and very few nymphs of the new brood had hatched. As yet nobody appears to be able to account for these sudden disappearances of the pest or to determine whether they are due to climatic or other causes. In September, 1890, Thaxter observed that in Connecticut grape leaf hoppers in large numbers were injuring a vineyard. He foimd that they were attacked by a fungous disease (Empusa sp.) which apparently destroyed all of them. This is the only case on record in which this insect was attacked by a fungous disease. Nothing of this nature has been observed in the vineyards of the Lake Erie Valley during the present investigation, and for the past four or five seasons the pest has steadily increased. Probably the time may not be far distant when large numbers of them will suddenly cUs appear, as happened at Westfield, N. Y., in the season of 1903. However, it is by no means safe for the vineyardist to count on these natural checks, for while one is waiting for reUef fi'om such a source the pest may work incalculable damage to his vineyard. REMEDIES. During the period that this insect has attracted the attention of economic entomologists much experimental work has been undertaken to determine the most effective means for its control. Early in the control work undertaken against this pest, tobacco, in some form or other, was employed as a killing agent. In 1828 Fessenden (see Bibliography) recommended the smoking of infested vines by burning tobacco stalks beneath them. THE GKAPE LEAPHOPPEE IN THE LAKE EBIE VALLEY. 35 In 1843 J. F. Allen (see Bibliography) advised syringing or spraying infested vines and also smoking them by burning tobacco stalks. Since this date the use of tobacco in both of the forms mentioned has occupied a prominent place among substances recommended for the control of the grape leafhopper. The former method, that of fumiga- tion, however, was impracticable for the open vineyard. In fact, it is quite probable that the process of fumigation with tobacco was originally intended for use against the insect when found infesting grapevines gromng in hothouses which could be closed during the period of treatment. On the other hand, the use of a liquid tobacco decoction has withstood the test of numerous experiments in com- parison with a large number of liquid spray materials and at the present time is the insecticide most generally recommended in making spray applications against the nymphs. In the following paragraphs is presented a list of substances and mechanical methods either experimented with or recommended by various entomologists (see Bibliography) since this insect has been a pest of economic importance: Liquid sprays. — Syringing with tobacco water or soapsuds (W. Saunders, 1870). Spraying with carbolic acid (W. L. Devereaux, Rural New Yorker, 1883). Spraying with kerosene and water, or sheep dip (O. Lugger, 1896). Spraying the adults with kerosene and water and the nymphs with whale-oil soap (M. V. Slingerland, 1904). Dust sprays. — Dusting with lime and sulphur (C. J. S. Bethune, 18G8). Dusting with hellebore (W. Saunders, 1870). Other mechanical methods. — The use of sticky shields to trap the adults; torches to attract the adults (C. V. Riley, 1873). Destruction of leaves to destroy adults in hibernation (A. J. Cook, 1875). Sticky shields and cloth wet with kerosene to trap adults (J. A. Lintner, 1887). Sheets of cardboard smeared with tar to trap adults (F. M. Webster, 1893). Burning of leaves and rubbish in and surrounding vineyards to destroy adults in hibernation (O. Lugger, 1896). Sticky fans to catch adults as they fly from vines; collecting nets to catch adults (C. W. Woodworth, 1897). Box or cage having inside smeared with a sticky substance ; the cage is placed over the infested vine and the "hoppers" are caught on the sticky sides and bottom of the cage (H. J. Quayle,1908). Sticky shields held on both sides of the trellis (M.V. Slingerland, 1904). Many of the methods of control mentioned in the foregoing para- graphs have been recommended by various other authors treating this subject. The foregoing simply indicate the date of their first mention in literature. In his experimental work in vineyards m Chautauqua County, N. Y., Slmgerland carried on quite extensive experiments with sticky shields for catching the adults before the commencement of egg deposition, the most practical shield for trellised vineyards being constructed and used as follows : Make a light wooden frame about seven or eight feet long and four feet wide, hav- ing the bottom crosspiece about a foot from the ground and fasten to this stiff wires extending down nearly to the ground and bent inward something like hay-rake teeth. Tack over this a strip of table oilcloth ]]- yards wide and let it extend down over the S6 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. curved wire teeth, so that when the shield is held beside a vine, the oilcloth will come under the vine to catch the "hoppers" that try to drop to the ground. Cover the oil- cloth with the "stick-em" and all is ready to operate. Two men, each carrying one of these light sticky shields on opposite sides of a trellis of vines, can reach over the shields, jar the Adnes to disturb the '"hoppers" and thus go over an acre of vineyard in a little more than an hour. In California, where the vines are not trained to a trellis, Mr. Quayle found that a screen cage having the inside smeared with crude oil, with one side open and a V-shaped opening cut in the bottom to admit the stem of the vine, could be used quite effectively in the vineyards to catch the adults before egg deposition com- menced. In the course of his field experiments in California Mr. Quayle conducted experiments with suction apparatus for collecting the adults from the vines. He also attempted to destroy them with torches; by the application of dry powders, including lime, helle- bore, and dry sulphur; and also by the fumigation of infested vines, both with cyanid and sulphur gas. None of these latter methods gave results of a practical nature, and the only mechanical method of control against the adults recommended by him is that of the screen cage previously mentioned. Destruction of leaves and trash. — Many authors have urged the de- struction of leaves and trash in and adjoinmg mfested vineyards, while the insects are in hibernation, as a means of lessening their numbers. However, since the adults rise in the air and either fly or are carried considerable, distances by the winds during the migrations which take place during the spring and fall, there are usually large areas of wood lots and pasture lands at considerable distances from vineyards where swarms of the adults may be found during the winter. Since in many cases these areas of rough land are not con- trolled by the owners of the vineyards there is slight possibility that this cleanmg-up process will be undertaken on a large enough scale to be of any great value in lessening the numbers of overwmtering adults. Furthermore, at the present time there is a strong tendency toward the growing of some form of cover crop, such as clover, vetch, turnips, rye, oats, etc., in vineyards as a means of furnishing soil protection and fertility; and this is very necessoj"y and desirable in most of the vineyards of the Lake Erie Valley. This would have to be abandoned if thd clean-culture method were followed. Observa- tions along this line covering several seasons indicate that where cover crops are growing in badly infested vineyards the number of adult grape leafhoppers found among the shelter thus afforded is generally very small compared with the number that have migrated to adjacent wood lots and rough pasture lands. In fact, it would appear that there is a tendency for the larger percentage of adults to migrate from the vineyards in the fall, and this migration appears to be their chief mode of dispersal as much as a means for securing suit- THE GKAPE LEAPHOPPER IN THE LAKE EEIE VALLEY. 37 able hibernating quarters. Hence too much should not be expected of this destruction of leaves and trash on a limited scale, since in the following spring the adults are likely to swarm back mto the vine- yards from areas not included in the cleaning-up process. SPRAY TREATMENT. During recent years a great deal of attention has been given to combating this pest by means of liquid sprays. Owing to the agility of the winged adults, and also to the fact that their sloping wing covers protect their soft bodies from the kilUng action of spray liquids not sufficiently caustic to injure the foUage of the grapevines, it is a very difficult task to destroy many of them with Uquid spray applications. This was demonstrated by Prof. SUngerland in his field experimental work in the vineyards of Chautauqua County, N. Y., during the outbreak of 1901-2. Since it frequently happens that during seasons of heavy infestation the hibernating adults appear on the new fohage in injurious numbers and cause consider- able alarm among the vineyardists, he attempted to combat them by means of a kerosene and water spray. He found, however, that the margin between the percentage of oil necessary to kill the adults and the percentage that would seriously injure the grape fohage was so small that more injury to the vines was likely to occur than would ofi^set the benefit derived from the number of fljdng adults that were killed by the process. Much greater success, however, was secured by him in spray appfi- cations made against the nymphs by the use of whale-oil soap at a strength of 1 pound of the soap to 10 gallons of water. With this spray liquid he was able, by one thorough appfication when the majority of the nymphs were present on the foliage, to reduce their numbers to such an extent that those remaining caused no serious mjury to the vines for the remainder of the season. In experiments with fiquid sprays consistmg of 1 pound of whale- oil soap to 1 5 gallons of water i\Ir. Quayle was able to destroy a very large percentage of the nymphs infesting grapevines in California. He was also able to obtain good results by the use of a spray consist- ing of 1 jjound of resin to 15 gallons of water, using enough lye or potash completely to dissolve the resin. This required 1 pound of lye to about 8 pounds of resin. The cliief objections to the use of whale-oil soap are the very offensive odor connected A\dth its appfication and the fact that since the vines have to be thoroughly drenched mth the spray in order to strike the imderside of all of the leaves, the clusters of grapes are also necessarily drenched. This soapy fiquid has a tendency to form in a drop on the lower part of each berry, and after the moisture has evap- orated a white stain remains which makes an undesirable discolora- 38 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. « tiou on the purple surface of the ripened grapes, rendering them unattractive for table use. During the last few years commercial brands of tobacco extracts have come much into use as liquid spray substances for the control of soft-bodied sucking insects. Hence once more, after a period of over 80 years since it was first recommended, tobacco appears to be the most promising insecticide for the control of this pest. During the seasons of 1910 and 1911 the grape leafhopper was present in very injurious numbers in many vineyards in the Lake Eric Valley. Vineyard experiments were undertaken by the Bureau of Entomology in the vicinity of North East, Pa., using the tobacco extracts as liquid sprays against the nymphs. The results of these experiments were very gratifjdng, since with one thorough applica- tion of the tobacco extract the numbers of these insects in the treated vineyards were so greatly reduced and the injury was so slight that the foliage retained its dark green color throughout the season, the cane growth was strong and well matured, the berries were large, the fruit sweet, and the size of the crop considerably increased ; whereas, on the untreated portion of the vineyards the foliage turned brown and dropped prematurely, the cane growth was stunted, the berries were undersized and lacking in sugar content, and the tonnage per acre was much less than on the sprayed portions of the vineyards. Detailed reports of these vineyard experiments against this pest are given in Part I of Bulletin No. 97 and Part I of Bulletin No. 116 of this bureau. SPRAY MATERIAL. The forms of tobacco extract used in these experiments in 1910 and 1911 were the blackleaf tobacco extract containing 2.70 per cent nicotine sulphate and the blackleaf tobacco extract containing 40 per cent of nicotine sulphate. The blackleaf tobacco extract con- taining 2.70 per cent of nicotine was effective in kiUing all of the nymphs which were thoroughly wetted by the spray, when applied at a dilution of 1 part of tobacco extract to 150 parts of water or Bordeaux mixture. The blackleaf tobacco extract containing 40 per cent nicotine sulphate was found to be effective at a dilution of 1 part of tobacco extract to 1,500 parts of water or Bordeaux mixture. Both of these forms of tobacco extract appear to be equally effective in destroying the nymphs at the dilutions men- tioned. The one containing the smaller percentage of nicotine (2.70 per cent), however, necessarily contains more sticky inert mat- ter. When this is applied as a spray to the vines late in the season, i. e., toward the middle of August, and when little rainfall occurs before the harvesting season, some of this sticky substance may ad- here to the ripe grapes, giving the skins a slight flavor of tobacco. THE GKAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 39 It was noted that this condition obtained during the dry fall of 1910. The ''blackleaf 40" tobacco extract does not appear to carry so much of this sticky substance, and owing to the greater dilution that is possible in its use the dilute spray liquid is almost clear; hence there is not the hkeUhood that it will leave the undesirable stain on the ripened fruit. It should be stated, however, that neither of these extracts is likely to leave the unpleasant stain or odor on the fruit if applied in the early part or middle of July, which is usually the period at which the maximum benefit is to be derived from them in the destruction of the nymphs. SPRAYING APPARATUS. Various types of spraying machinery are used by the vineyardists of the Lake Erie Valley. It was on account of the depredations of the grape rootworm, requiring a spray application to the upper sur- face of the foliage, that the use of spraying machinery in vineyards became general. The sprayer in general use for this work is of the tractor type (PI. Ill, fig. 1), the power being generated either by a chain or an eccentric gearing connecting the wheel and the pump. Thus in order to maintain a uniform liigh pressure with this type of machine it is necessary to keep it in motion. Although most of these macliines are supphed with a large air chamber so that the pressure is held quite steady and does not vary with every stroke of the plun- ger, yet as soon as the wheels of the machine stop turning the pressure drops quite rapidly. Other types of sprayers in use for vineyard work are compressed-air l)ower outfits, gasohne-engine power outfits, and steam power outfits. With all of these latter types the pressure is independent of the rate of movement of the macliine through the vineyard rows. In making spray applications against the nymphs of the grape leafhopper it is necessary to apply large quantities of spray Hquid to the underside of the infested grape leaves. Where the foUage is quite dense the amount of spray required for thorough work may amount to from 200 to 300 gallons per acre, whereas in making applications to the upper surface of the fohage against the beetles of the grape rootworm thorough work can be done on quite dense fohage with about 100 to 125 gallons of Hquid per acre, and this may be accom- phshed wliile the team is being driven slowly. During the seasons of 1911 and 1912 all of the tyj^es of spray ma- clnnery previously mentioned were observed in use in spraying against the grape leafhopper, and in the hands of careful operators effective work was accomphshed with all of them. It should be stated that in all cases observed, with the exception of the steam-engine power outfit, aU of the spray apphcations were made by the trailer method. That is, the operator directed the spray 40 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. to the underside of the grape leaves by holding a short rod, one end connected to the spray hose and the free end carrying a large nozzle of the cyclone type directed upward at right angles to the rod. (See PI. Ill, fig. 1.) Effective results in kilHng the nymphs by this method appeared to depend more upon the person manipulating this rod than upon the type of sprayer used or the number of pounds of pressure apphed, providing the pressure was not allowed to drop below 75 pounds. Of course wdth the higher pressure larger areas can be cov-- ered in a given time than with the low pressure. Yet the most effec- tive work done in the control of this pest coming under observation of the writer was accomphshed with a tractor machine, with a pressure fluctuating between 70 and 125 pounds, in the hands of a very thorough vineyardist. This feature is emphasized here because the small vine- yardist, being under the impression that an expensive liigh-pressure spray outfit is necessary, is frequently deterred in attempting to con- trol this pest, whereas the most important thing is care in the direction of the spray so that the greatest number of nymphs will be drenched, and this can- be done with the same tractor machine that is used for apphcations against the grape rootworm. On the other hand, it is doubtless much more economical for the vineyardist with large areas to cover to have larger high-pressure outfits, since with them two or even more leads of hose may be used (PL III, fig. 2) , making it possible to cover large areas in a very short time. This is highly desirable, since there are only about 8 to 12 days during which the maximum number of nymphs is present upon the fohage. In order to lessen the time required to make the apphcation and to reduce the cost, many attempts have been made to apply the spray to the underside of the grape fohage by means of a fixed nozzle ar- rangement instead of making the apphcation by the trailer method described above. The chief difficulty arising in the use of a fixed- nozzle arrangement is that such a device apphes no more hquid to a vine carrying a large amount of dense fohage than to one carrying a moderate amount of more widely spaced fohage ; hence it frequently happens that much more spray than is necessary is apphed to the vine carrying hght fohage and not enough is apphed to the one carry- ing dense fohage. The types of fixed-nozzle arrangement are being tried out in the vineyards of the Lake Erie. Valley. One of these was for a tractor or a gasohne-engine power sprayer, and was devised and used by Mr. F. Z. Hartzell.^ The other arrangement was used for a steam-engine power sprayer. (PL II, fig. 2.) Both of these arrangements are reported to have given fairly satisfactory results in kilhng nymphs where the fohage was not very dense. In most cases, however, suc- 1 Bui. 344, N. y. (Geneva) Exp. Sta., Pis. I-IV. Bui. 19, U. 5. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate III. Fig. 1.— Rod and Single Cyclone Nozzle Used to Apply Spray to Underside of Grape Foliage. Power Supplied by Tractor Sprayer. Vineyard of Mr. H. H. Harper, North East, Pa. (Original.) Fig. 2.— Gasoline-Engine Sprayer Supplying Power for Two "Trailer" Leads of Hose in Spraying Against the Grape Leafhopper. Vineyard of Mr. J. E. Beatty, North East, Pa. 'Author's Illustration.) THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER. THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 41 cess with any type of spray apparatus in present use in work against this pest appears to depend more on the care and ingenuity of the intUvidual operator than upon the great superiority of any given type of machine over another. RECOMMENDATIONS. Efforts to control the deprechitions of the grape leafhopper by the destruction of the winged adults, by burning over or cleaning up their hibernating places adjacent to vineyards, by trapping them on sticky shields, or by endeavoring to treat them with contact sprays when they appear on the new growth of the grapevines in spring before oviposition takes place, have proven far from satisfactory. Although these methods may furnish a certain measure of relief over very limited areas, they are of very slight practical value as control measures when serious infestations occur in large vineyards. Observations indicate that except in seasons of extremely heavy infestation, or over limited areas, the injury wrought by the over- Avintering adults in spring to the new growth is not likely to reduce greatly the entire seasonal growth of the infested grapevine provided a large percentage of their offspring in the form of nymphs can be destroyed before they reach the adult stage. In other words, it is the steady drain made on the infested grapevines from the time the overwintering adults attack them in spring, combined Avdth the unchecked attack of the nymphs and adults of the new brood until late September, that results in serious injury by curtailing the size of the crop and the growth of the vme. That the nymphs can be controlled by the spray method has been thoroughly demonstrated. Successful control of the nymphs by this method depends on thoroughly wetting all parts of the underside of the infested leaves with the spray liquid. Tobacco extracts have given excellent results, used according to the following formulas : I. Tobacco extract containing 2.70 per cent nicotine sulphate, diluted at the ratio of 1 part to 150 parts of water. II. Tobacco extract containinc 40 per cent nicotine sulphate, diluted at the ratio of 1 part to 1.500 parts of water. The killing equality of the tobacco extract is apparently just as effective when added at the same dilution to the Bordeaux mixture and arsenata of lead spray liquids, which are used to control fungous diseases and chewing insect enemies of the grapevine, as when used with clear water. No injury results from combining these spray mixtures, namely, tobacco extract, Bordeaux mixture, and. arsenate of lead. However, the tobacco extract should not be mixed with spray mixtures containing ar^enicals in the form of Paris green or arsenito of lime, for serious injury to the foliage is likely to occur as a result of the combination. 42 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. The most effective time to make the tobacco spray appHcation against the nymphs is just before those that hatched earhest in the season luive reached the fourth moh-. This can be determined by the length of the wing pads (PI. 1) which, in the fourth stage, extend about one-third the length of the abdomen. At this time a larger number of nymphs are likely to be present on the vines than at any other time during the season. In the vineyards of the Lake Erie Valley this condition occurs toward the end of the first week in July, and the most effective work with the tobacco-spray liquid may be done during the two weeks following this date. After this period, or toward the end of July, a large percentage of the nymphs of the first brood will have transformed to winged adults, and these latter can not be successfully treated with the diluted tobacco spray. In vineyards where black-rot, mildew, the grape rootworm, and the grape-berry moth occur, it is suggested that arsenate of lead and Bordeaux mixture be used with the tobacco extract to take the place of the second spray application in the schedule of treatment recommended against these diseases and insect pests. Wlien it is deemed expedient to use sticky shields to capture the winged adults before oviposition takes place, the best sticky sub- stance for this purpose, according to Slingerland, is a mixture of melted resin, 1 quart, in 1 pint of castor oil, smeared liberally over the face of the shield. CONCLUSIONS. Typhlocyha comes, the species of grape leafhopp«r discussed in this paper, is at the present time a very destructive enemy of the grapevine throughout the vineyards of the Lake Erie Valley. For several seasons it has caused great losses to the vineyardists of this region by reducing the yield and quality of the grape crop and by curtaihng the growth and lowering the vigor of the vines. The vineyardist who desires to maintain his vines in full vigor and produce high-quality fruit can not afford to allow this pest to develop in destructive numbers in his vineyards, for if not controlled sooner or later it is almost sure to occasion serious loss. Field experiments prove conclusively that this pest can be controlled by spraying against the nymphs with a tobacco-extract solution. The hfe-history studies recorded in the preceding pages show that there is only one full brood of nymphs a yeai' in the region of the Great Lakes. The spraying experiments recorded in Part I of Bulletin 97 and Part I of Bulletin 116 of the Bureau of Entomology indicate that a single thorough spray application, made when the greater percentage of the nymphs of this brood is present on the underside of the grape leaves, will so reduce their numbers that injury to the crop and the THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 43 vines for the remainder of the season by those that escape the spray action will be very slight. In the vineyards of Ohio, west of Cleveland, mid in the vineyiU"ds of Michigan another species of grape leafhopper, Typhlocyha tricincta (figs. 6 and 7, pp. 10, 11), is the predominant and destructive species. The life history and habits of this species, however, are so nearly identical with those of Typhlocyha comes that the remedial treatment recommended for the latter can also be used with success against the former, namely, the application of the tobacco-extract spray to the nymphs at the time they appear in maximum numbers upon the underside of the grape leaves, which for these States is during the last few days in June or very early in July. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1825. Say, Thomas. Descriptions of new hemipterous insects collected in the expedition to the Rocky Mountains. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 4, pp. 307-345. Description of T. comes, p. 343. 1828. FESSENDE>f, T. G. New American Gardener, pp. 299-300. Boston. Brief descri]Hion of the grape leafhopper and its injury to the grapevine. Remedy: Smoking vines with tobacco stalks. 1841. Harris, T. W. Report on the insects of Massachusetts injurious to vegetation, pp. 182-185. Cambridge. "The leaf-hoppers (Tettigoniadse)." Description, life history, habits, injury to grapevines. 1843. Allen, J. F. Practical treatise on tlie grape vine, p. 154. Brief mention. Remedies: Syringing with tobacco water, or smoking with tobacco stalks. 1848. Horticulturist [Downing], vol. 3, pp. 28-29. Brief mention. Remedy: Tobacco water. 1855. Glover, Townend. Report of the [U. S.] Commissioner of patents for 1854. Agriculture, pp. 77-78. "The vine-hopper." Habits of insect, injury to grapevines. Remedy: Fumigation with tobacco. 1856. Fitch, Asa. Third report on * * * the insects of * * * New York, pp. 391-393. " Vme leaf hoppers." Brief descriptions of Typhlocyba, Erythroneura, and Empoa. Discus- sion of injury to grapevines. 1864. Walsh, B. D. Proc. Best. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 9, pp. 317-318. "Erythroneura." Description of three species and mention that E. vitis Harris, E. vulnerata Fitch, E. vitifex Fitch, and E. tricincta Fitch belong to this genus. 1867. Walsh, B. D. Pi-act. Ent., vol. 2, pp. 49-52. "The true thrips and the bogus thrips." Explaining difference in appearance and habits of true thrips and the grapevine leafhopper. 1868. Bethune, C. J. S. Canadian Farmer, vol. 5, p. 7. "Grape-vine tree-hopper ( Tettigonia vitis Harris)." Description, habits, injury. Remedies: Dusting with sulphur and lime; fumigating with tobacco. 1869. W^ALSH, B. D., and Riley, C. V., eds. Amer. Ent., vol. 1, p. 227. " Grapevine leaf-hopper." Brief note recommending syringing with strong tobacco water. 1870. Saunders, William. Report of the Fruit Growers Assn., Ont., for 1870, pp. 111-113. "The thrips (so-called) ( Tettigonia vitis, Harris)." Life history, habits, injury. Remedies: Syringing with tobacco water, soapsuds, dusting with hellebore, fumigating with tobacco. 44 BULLETIN 19^ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 1871. Glover, Townend. Report i>f the [U. S.] ('(iiiuni,s,sioiuT of Agriculture for 1871, pp. 85-8G. "The griipo-vino hopper (Krytltroneura ( Teltigonia) vitis)." Life hLstory and habils, injury to grapevines. Remedies: Spraying with tobacco water, soapsuds, trap lights, etc. 1874. IliLKY, ('. V. Trans. 111. State Ilort. Soc, new ser., vol. 7, p. 138. Brief mention; suggests use of sticky substance on stallc of vine in spring, sticky shields, torches. 1875. Cook, A. J. Thirteenth Annual Report of the State Board of Agriculture, Michigan, for 1874, p. 14fi. " Orape-vine leaf-hopper ( Erythroneura vitis)." Brief account of habits and injury. Remedy: Destruction of leaves. 1877. Glover, Townend. Report of the U. S. Commi.ssioner of Agriculture for 1876, pp. 32-33. " Erythroneura ( Tcttigonia) vitis." Hrief discussion of habits and remedies. 1878. Perkins, G . II . Fifth Report of the Vermont Board of Agriculture, pp. 285-286. " Erythroneura vitis Harris." Life history, injury. Remedies: Washes — lye, soapsuds, tobacco water; fumigating vines with tobacco. 1880. Riley, C. V. Amer. Ent., vol. 3 (ser. 2, vol. 1), p. 182. "Terrestrial insects in stomach of shad." Mention of a Typhlocyba, probably vitis. 1883. Devere.\ux, W. L. Rurnl New Yorker, vol. 42, ]>. 474. "The grape-vine hopper." Brief mention of habits and injury to grapevines. Remedies: Fumigation with tobacco, spraying with carbolic acid. 1883. S.\UNi)ER.s, WiLLi.\M. Insects Injurious to Fruits, pp. 286-288. "The grape-vine leaf-hopper (Erythroneura vitis)." Life history, habits, injury, remedies. 1884. Uhler, p. R. Standard Natural HLstory [ed. J. R. Kingsley], vol. 2, p. 24fi. Brief description and note on habits and distribution. 188G. Lintner, J. A. Thirty-third Annual Report Massachusetts Board of Agricul- ture for 1885, pp. 191-195. "The grapevine 'Thrips.' " Discussion of habits, injury, and remedial measures. 1887. Lintner, J. A. Cultivator and Country Gentleman, vol. 52, p. 493. "Grapevine leaf-hoppers." Brief description, habits, injury to grapevines. Remedies: Spraying with tobacco infusions, soapsuds, sticky shields. 1888. Fernald, C. H. Mass. Hatch Exp. Sta., Bui. 2, pp. 3-5. "The grape-vine leaf-hoppers." Life history, nature of injury to vines, remedial measures. 1888. Marvin, D. S. Rural New Yorker, vol. 47, p. 570, Septeml)er 1. "Thrips, Tcttigonia vitis." Brief description. Mentions as remedies tobacco water, pyr- ethrum-kerosene emulsion, and strong carbolic .soapsuds. 1889. Bethune. C. J. S. Ninth Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario, 1888, pp. 63-66. "The grape-vine leaf-hopper {Erythroneura vitis Harris)." Detailed dis;m.s.sion of injury, hfe history, habits, and remedies. 1889. WooDWORTH, C. W. P.syche. vol. 5, pp. 211-214. "North American Typhlocybini." 1889. Fernald, C. H. Orange Judd Farmer, vol. 5, no. 20, p. 315, May 18. "The grape-leaf hopper." Habits, injury. Remedies: Smoking vines in graperies, syring- ing with soapsuds, tobacco water, torches. 1889. Fernald, C. H. Annual Report of the Massachusetts Hatch Experiment Sta- tion, pp. 21-23. "The grape-vine leaf-hoppers." Brief statement of life liistory and injury. 1890. Provancher. Abbe L. A. Petite Faune Entomologique du Canada, vol. 3, l)p. 298-299. Descriptions of Erythroneura vitis, E. vitifex, and E. vutnerata. 1890. Cassidv, .Tame.s. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 6, p. 20. Brief mention of two undetermined species of Erythroneura occurring on apple and grape. THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 45 1890. Felton, W. B. Annual Report of the Colorado Stale IJfjrliciillunil and For- estry Association, vol. 5, 1889, pp. 573-57(;. "CodUng moth and leafhopper." Remedies: Burning leaves, torches, spraying with tobat-eo decoction, sticky shields. 1890. Thaxter, Roland. Annual Report Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station for 1890, j). 97. Brief mention of infestation l)y fungous disease. 189 L Blount, A. E. New Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 2, p. [6]. "The vinehopper (Tettigonia vitis.)" Brief mention of Injury to vines. Remedies: To- bacco fumigation and kerosene sprays. 189L (iiLLETTE, C. p. Colo. AsT. Exp. sta.. Bui. 15, pp. 18-22. "The grape-vine leaf-hopper." Gives Harris's description of Tettigonia vitis and a brief list of remedies which may be effective. 1891. Fletcher, Jame.s. Can. ('entr. Exp. Farm, Bui. 11, p. 21, May. "Grape-vine leaf-hopper { Erythroncura vitis Harris)." Brief mention. Recommends clean culture and spraying with kerosene emulsion. 1891. TowNSEND, C. H. T. New Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 3, pp. 3-6. "Insects injurious to the vine." Life history; mentions possibility of third brood. Reme- dies: Kerosene emulsion, "LX.L." compound, tobacco water, and "shield method." 1891. LiNTNER, J. A. Cultivator & CcTuntry Gentleman, vol. 56, p. 815, October 8. "Grapevine leaf-hopper." Brief discussion of habits and injury. Remedies: Sticky shields, cloth wet with kerosene. 1891. Weed, C. M. Insects and Insecticides, pp. 123-124. Hanover, N. H. "The grape-vine leaf-hopper (Typhlocyba vitis).'' Life history. Remedies: Pyrethrum, tobacco dust, sticky screens. 1892. TowNSEND, C. II. T. New Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 5, pp. 3-5. "Thevine leaf-hopper ( Typhlocyba vitis)." A r&um^ of paper in Bulletin 3 of the New Mex- ico Station. 1892. Gillette, C. P. Annual Reports Colorado State Bureau of Horticulture for 1891-2, vol. 6, pp. 233-235. "'I'he western grapevine leaf-hopper (Typhlocyba viti/ex Harris, var. coloradoensis GUI.)." Description. Life history, two brooded. Remedies: Spraying with kerosene emulsion, sticky shields. 1893. Fitch, Asa. Catalogue of the insects collected and arranged for the State Cabinet of Natural History. Reprint in Lintner, 9th Rept. Inj. Ins. N. Y. f. 1892, pp. 383-409. "Erythroneura," pp. 402-403. Brief descriptions of E. vulnerata, E. vitis, and E. tricincta. 1893. Webster, F. M. Twenty-sixth Annual Report- Ohio State Horticultural Society for 1892-93, pp. 63-70. "Insects of the year." Brief statement of use of tar-smeared cardboard in destroying adults in vineyards of New Jersey, p. 67. 1894. OsBORN, H. Report of the Iowa State Horticultural Society for 1893, vol. 28, pp. 262-264. "Insects affecting grapes." General discussion of life history, injury to vines, and remedial measures against Typhlocyba vitis, p. 263. 1894. PYetcher, James. Reports Experimental Farms, Canada, for 1893, p. 181. "The grape-vine leaf-hopper." Brief mention of habits and injury; remedies. 1894. \'an Duzee, E. p. Catalogue of the described Jassoidea of North America. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, vol. 21, pp. 245-317. " Typhlocyba comes," p. 312. 1891. Grave.stock, J. Semi-annual Reports Colorado State P.oard of Horticulture for 1893-94. vol. 7, pp. 229-233. Brief mention of remedies: Kerosene emulsion, hot water, |)p. 22ii-2:i(). 46 BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 1895. (iiLLKTTK, 0. P., aud Baker, 0. F. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 31, p. 113. " Typhloq/ba viti/ex Hair. var. coloradensis Gill." Brief mention of date collected. 1895. CoMSTOCK, J. H. Manual for the Study of Insects, p. 154. Ithaca. "The grape-vine leafhopper (ErylhroneuTa vilis)." Brief mention of appearance, habits, and remedie.s. 1896. Lugger, Otto. Minn. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 48, pp. 61-65. "Grape-vine leaf-hoppers (Typhlocyba sp.)." Discussion of application.s: Kerosene and water, sheep dips. Recommends burning leaves and rubbish to destroy hibernating adults. 1896. Marlatt, C. L. U. S. Dept. Agr., Yearbook, 1895, pp. 400-402. " The graj>e leaf-hopper ( rj/pft^ocj/fta vili/ez Fitch)." Injury, life history, habits. Remedies: Kerosene emulsion, sticky shields. 1896. Marlatt, C. L. Amer. Nat., vol. 30, p. 759, September. "Grape insects." Review of U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook article, 1895. 1896. Slinoerland, M. V. Rural New Yorker, vol. 55, p. 689, October 17. "The grapevine leaf-hopper." Brief discussion of life history, injury to grapevines. Reme- dies: Spraying with kerosene emulsion, tobacco dust, sticky shields. 1896. Smith, J. B. Economic Entomology, ed. 2 rev., pp. 148-149. Philadelpliia. "The grape leaf-hopper ( Erylhroneura vitis)." Brief mention. 1897. Woodworth, C. W. Cal. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 116. "California vine hopper." Detailed description of life history and habits, extent of injury, remedial measures. Recommends use of sticky fans and nets for catching adults. 1897. Woodworth, C. W. Univ. Cal. Agr. Exp. Sta., App. to A'iticultural Repl., 1896, p. 219. Brief mention, use of sticky fans for vine hopper. 1900. Gillette, C. P. Annual Report Colorado Agricultural Exi)erinient Station, p. 126. " Important hisects of the year, Leafhoppers( Typhlocyba sj).)." Briefstatement of spring food plants and breeding habits on grapevines and Virginia creeper. 1901. Felt, E. P. N. Y. State Mus., Bui. 53, pp. 737-738, 838. " Grapevine leaf-hopper." Brief mention. 19(12. Felt, E. P. U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Exit., Bid. 37, p. 103. Brief note. 1903. Twelfth Report Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, 1902-1903, j). 49. ' ' Grapevine leaf-hopper. ' ' Brief mention. Recommends dusting with equal parts of sulphjir and fresh lime or pyrethrum. 1<)(»4. Slingerland, M. V. Cornell Univ. Exp. Sta., Bui. 215. " The grape leaf-hopper ( Typhlocyba comes Say)." Full discussion of distribution, injury, life history, habits, and rernedial measures; many illustrations. 1904. Smith, J. B. Report of the New Jersey Agricultural (College Experiment Sta- tion, pp. 651-659. "Rose-leaf tobacco extract." Describes experiment against grape leafhopper on a few vines with this spray, applying it to underside of grape leaves. 1907. Quaintance, A. L. U. S. Dept. Agr., Planners' Bui. 284, pp. 19-22. " Grape leaf-hopper." ' Distribution, life history, description, injury, remedies. 1907. QuAYLE, H. J. Cal. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 192, pp. 111-116. "The vine hopper ( Typhlocyba comes Say)." Injury to grapevines, life history. Remedies: Hopper cage, spraying. 1908. QiTAYLE, H. J. .Tourn. Econ. Ent., vol. 1, pp. 182-183. " The California life history of the grape leaf-hopper ( Typhlocyba comes Say)." 1908. QuAYLE, II. .1. Cal. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 198. "The grape leaf-lioppcr ( Typhlocyba comes Say)." Full discu.ssion of destruction, distribu- tion, life history, habits, and remedial measures. Many illustrations. THE GRAPE LEAFHOPPER IN THE LAKE ERIE VALLEY. 47 1910. Hartzeli,, F. Z. N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., Geneva, Bui. 3:51, pp. 568-579. "The grape leaf-hopper ( Typhlocyba comes Say)." Economic importance, injury to grape- vines. Brief description, seasonal history. Remedy: Black-leaf tobacco extract. Records of /ineyard experiments. 1911. Johnson, Fred. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent., Bui. 97, Pt. I. "Spraying experiments against the grape leaf-hopper in the Lake Erie Valley." Brief dis- cussion of life history, habits, and injury to grapevines. Remedies: Tobacco extracts. Record of spraying experiments in vineyards. 1912. Hartzell, F. Z. N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., Geneva, Bui. 344. "The grape leaf-hopper and its control." Life history, injury to grapevines, species and varie- ties found in Chautauqua County, food plants, control experiments, aiUomatic spraying attach- ment, spraying recommendations. 1912. Sanderson, E. D. Insect Pests of Farm, Garden and Orchard, ])]>. 520-523. New York. "The grape leaf-hopper ( Typhlocyba comes Say)." Life history, injury, remedies. 1912. O'Kane, W. (\ Injurious Insects, pp. 311-313. "The grape leaf-hopper ( Typhlocyba comes Say)." Life history, habits, injury to grapevines, remedies. 1912. Johnson, Fred. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent.. Bui. 116, Pt. I. "Spraying experiments against the grape leafhoppor in the Lake Erie Valley in 1911." Results of vineyard experiments with tobacco extracts, giving method and cost of appUeation and results in crop yield. o . I «Jf CTS BULLETIN OF THE u No. 45 Contribution from the Bureau of EJitomoIogy, L. O. Howard, Chief November 22, 1913. EXPERIMENTS IN THE USE OF SHEEP IN THE ERADICATION OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER TICK. By H. P. Wood, Bureau of Entomology. PLAN OF EXPERIMENTS. In order to test the destructive power of sheep against the spotted fever tick and to ascertain what importance sheep might phiy in the practical eradication of the tick, some experiments were performed by the Bureau of Entomology in the Bitter Root Valley in Montana in June and July, 1913. This work followed the announcement to the Montana State Board of Entomology, by Dr. L. D. Fricks of the Public Health Service, of observations on the death of ticks on sheep wdiich have been published in the Public Health Reports of August 8, 1913. Two experiments were performed, one with 20 sheep and the other with 2 sheep. The first experiment, with 20 sheep, wdiich included 1 ram, 11 other adult sheep, and 8 lambs, was performed in country laiown to be Avell infested with ticks. The country over which the sheep ranged is adjacent to the foothills and is well supplied with bushes of various sorts, a growth of small pines, a few fairly large trees, and several streams of water. There was an abundance of grass along the streams, but under the pines next to the foothills there Avas little grass. In the ravine between two hills there was a thick growth of brush. It is next to the foothills, where brush abounds, that the ticks were found most abundantly. Very few ticks were observed along the streams and where the grass was grow- ing in abundance. Previous to the time the sheep were driven onto a school section which was used as an experimental pasture, they had been ranging away from the foothills and were probably quite free of ticks. No ticks were seen on cattle and horses running in the range from w^hich the sheep were taken during the whole tick season, and the animals were under close observation by the owner. It is fair, then, to sup- pose that there could have lieen few, if any, ticks on the sheep at the time they were driven into " ticky " country. 13747°— 13 2 BULLETIN 45, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. In the evening of June 3 the sheep were driven onto the school section into a small corral previously prepared for them. On the morning- of June 4. and thereafter until the evening of June 14. the sheep were herded twice a day for about two hours at each feeding. For the remainder of the time they were kept in the corral. About three-fourths of the time the sheep Avere herded, they were alloAved to run at will, and tlie other one-fourth they were driven and made to feed in places known to be well infested with ticks. During all this time the development of the ticks was watched on some of the sheep, and when it was found that some of the ticks were nearly engorged the sheep were driven to the camp laboratorj^ about a mile from the slieep corral. At the camp the sheep were examined, usu- ally twice a day, so that the development of the attached ticks might be followed, and any females tliat were engorged, or nearly so, were removed. Here the sheep were allowed their freedom the greater part of the day, but at night were confined in a shed. It is probable that they picked up a tick or two about camp, but probably only a very few. Two thorough examina Jons were made of each sheep, to locate the living ticks and to" remove the' dead ones. The first examination be- gan on June 10 and was finished on June 15; the second was started on Jtmc 23 u'l ended on June 27. Besides these examinations numerous \>'^ ^ thorough examinations were made, any dead ticks found boiDg removed and the living ones noted. Xear the completion of this experiment two sheep were selected 1 om the adult sheep with heavy wool, and after thorough examina- I >ns Avere utilized in another experiment. Ticks were collected by dragging cloths over the ground and placed on these sheep. They Avere first put on one sheep June 20 and on the other June 25. Until June 28 these sheep were allowed to run with the others, but after that time the other sheep Avere driA^en back to the oAvner and the tAvo Avere taken out to feed. They Avere examined tAvice a day. OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS. In order to show as exactly as possible the results obtained, the 20 sheep have been divided into three groups, namely, unsheared lambs, unsheared sheep, and sheared sheep. In the first group were 8 spring lambs, Nos. 2-9, inclusiA^e ; in the second group were 7 adult sheep with heavy wool, Nos. 10-16. inclusive, and in the third group were the ram and 4 sheared adult sheep, Nos. 1 and 17-20. inclusiA^e. The results have been summarized in Table I. The heading, " total dead unfed ticks " includes all males and females which were thought to have been killed before having fed to an}^ extent. It may also include, besides males which had not fed to any extent, males which had fed considerably, for it is usually impassible to distinguish fed ERADICATION OF THE EOCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER TICK. 3 males from unfed males when they are dead. The headings under " location of dead ticks on host's body " are self-explanatory. The ticks taken from the head were usually in the wool on the top of the head. The same statement also applies to the neck. The heading, " total ticks found attached at first examination," is also self-explana- tory. Only a few ticks were on the sheep at this examination. It is likely that there were only a few ticks which had attached them- selves and become detached before this examination, except those which were found dead in the wool. The headings under "location of living attached ticks " neecl some explanation. The " other place •' referred to in the case of No. 1 was near the base of the right fore leg, and in the case of No. 7 the tick was attached on the breast. Ticks attached on the head were in all cases found attached in the wool. No preference was shown by the ticks on sheep with heavj'^ wool for j3laces where the wool was short. They attached both in short wool and in long wool which was somewhat open. On the ram the ticks attached in a bunch in the cavity where the horn ordinarily is located (this ram was hornless). All the ticks attached on sheared sheep, except one, were in front of the ears where the wool was thin ; the exception w^as in the case of one tick which was attached on the shoulders. BULLETIN 45, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ■ o ac to o CO e^ coo oo MO OO ^o oo O-r C CO o o o — CO O O TO w 00 ^ •«»• O l» rt IN O O oo oo — n -co CO oc CO OOCO— 1 O O-H OO oo oo Ort OO OC CC oo CO CO ccooo X' C T-< -r -o CO O (N l^ l^ C^(0 lO -H oo CO CO>r;(N(NC< — oj oo oo oo oo o — 0« oo oo oo OOrtOrH ) O r-^ lO O O O — ' - — CC oo CO 0(M000 ;^ — — — C^ F-^ CN oo CO CC oo CO OO -hCOOO ) es ojiN ON CO CC CC CC CC CO CrtCCC O ^H lO CO (N ^f O ^H Cs-H — — c oc CO — rtOOO OCO — C i ^H c^ c o <-« ceo -5" C CO oo — rtrt(N-H CO f-t »-< f-H O r-H lO O O"-* cs^r o^r o»-i r-f-ft^oito — — . CO o . oo -HO oo t^t~ •-H O— I oo r-H «' 04 O O O C -H i-i CO CC C-H CCt~iOtC — ic CC oo oc CO CC ;C oo oo CO CCOOO I O O -< O O CO - 1(N CC^ CC 00"T(M- co oo oo oo oo rt O -H -H C-H CO CC(N-H-H c— I o-H o.-< CC CC oc CO (NO CO oo cccoo oo rto om oo oo ^c oo oc — ■ ,H c c CO CO o) ■1= IS g |dg Icagodge-dgcj "3 § ,, •^^a > CO . S S M tn f3 2 a* oj CO CO fl g * * § § ■ces"-"" 5>£ &S o o G fl ERADICATION OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER TICK. 5 On the lambs, ticks were found attached in several different places: Some were in front of the ears, some in the avogI on top of the neck, others in the wool on the top and sides of the shoulders, and one was attached, as stated before, on the chest. In no case were the ticks on lambs found attached on the hind quarters or beneath the body. The ticks referred to as crawling were no doubt those males and females which had recently gotten on the sheep, or perhaps they were males seeking females. Besides the females referred to in Table I as " engorged one-half or more," there were some other females which had fed slightly but had never become as much as one-half engorged. This division at one-half engorged is made because females less than about that size seldom lay eggs. Should ticks less than one-half full get rubbed off, it is extremely doubtful if they would ever deposit eggs. Just how many ticks were rubbed off or killed before complete engorgement it is impossible to say, but a few cases of this kind were observed. In all cases in which females are referred to " with males beneath," such pairs were in the correct position to effect fertilization. The " engorged females recovered from sheep," except one, were picked from the host when they had reached full or nearly full engorgement. It seems probable that the dead unfed ticks found in the wool were for the most part killed by the lanolin, although the heat of the wool may have been a factor. It was found in a number of cases that ticks died after attaching. This factor was indicated by a reddish spot on the skin near the place where the tick was found dead. The ticks, however, were usually found loose in the wool. Both living (at- tached) and dead ticks were found at times in the same fold. To show the location of the ticks recovered and the relation between shearing and the development of the ticks, certain data in Table I have been rearranged in Tables II and III. Table II. — Location of ticks recovered from sheet). Dead. Alive. Head 31 28 30 23 3 45 Neck 29 Upper parts 15 Sides 0 Underneath 1 23 I On the shoulder. 2 Two on leg. Table III. — Relation between shearing and attaehment of ticks. Lambs not sheared Sheep not sheared Sheep sheared (including ram) Engorged feraales. 6 BULLETIN 45, V. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The data appertaining to sheep numbered 3, 8, and 11 have been omitted from the tables because these individuals were dipped on June 13. Special observations were made on sheep No. 10. On June 20, 0 females and 3 males, collected by dragging, were scattered on the back, neck, and head of this sheep. Most of the ticks went beneath the wool immediately near where they were dropped. On the fore- noon of June 21 a male and a female were found dead in the wool, the female on the head and the male on the side. A female, nearly dead, was also found in the wool on top of the head. The live ticks attached were a male and a female on top of the head at a place where the wool was very short. Six males and 12 females, collected by dragging, were now scattered on the head, neck, and back. In addition 1 female (one-twelfth engorged) which w^as picked from a saddle horse was placed on the back of the sheep at the edge of a spot where the wool had been worn short. In the afternoon 3 males were found dead in the wool on the back. These had never attached. The one-twelfth engorged female was found dead and shriveled about 8 inches from where it was placed, in heavy wool. Eight males and 5 females, collected by dragging, were scattered on back, neck, and head. On the morning of June 22, 3 males and 1 female were found dead in the wool. Two males were taken on the shoulder and the other 2 ticks were taken from the head. None had attached. The live ticks found attached at this time were 4 females and 3 males, between the folds of heavy wool. Two of the dead ticks that were removed were taken from a fold where 2 females and 1 male had attached. The attached ticks were scattered as follows: 2 females and 1 male in a fold near each other ; 1 male and 1 female near each other in another place ; and 1 male and 1 female, each alone, at still other places. All were in long wool. A male, barely alive, was crawling at the edge of the short wool spot mentioned before. On the forenoon of June 23, 2 females and 1 male previously found at- tached were dead. These ticks were still attached when found. Two dead males and 3 dead females were also found. These had never attached. They were picked, 2 from the back, 2 from the head, and 1 from the neck. One of those on the back was a tick spoken of before as barely alive. At this time 1 female was found slightly en- Cforo-ed. A male was seen to be attached on the neck. A female loose in the wool appeared entangled. In the afternoon of this day 4 females and 1 male, collected by dragging, were put on the head, neck, and back of the sheep, as was also a male which had fed. All ticks went quickly under the surface of the wool. On the morning of June 24 the female that appeared entangled in the wool was dead. Three males and a female were picked from the wool, dead. These had never attached. Two females and 1 male were attached. The ERADICATION OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER TICK. 7 2 females were ticks put on the day before. The male was attached before. Two females, 1 on the head and 1 on the back, were barely alive. On June 25, 2 dead females were picked from the avooI on the head. They had never attached. One dead female was picked from the wool on the back. This tick was spoken of as barely alive. There were 3 females attached in long wool, 1 of Avhich was en- gorged a little. The following notes show the progress of the experiment: June 27, a. m. : The 3 females are engorging to some extent. A male is un- der the largest of the three. June 28 : One of females on the head, which had begun to engorge, is now dead. This female was probably killed by the host. There are 3 females at- tached and feeding on the head. The largest is one-twentieth engoi'ged. June 29, a. m. : One dead male was taken from tiie neck and a dead female from the shoulder. The female had been attached. The one-twentieth engorged female is now missing. June 30, a. m. : Two males and 2 females are attached on the head. Both females are feeding. June 30. m. : One female, collected by dragging, was put on head. July 1. a. m. : One female was picked from shoulder, which had never at- tached. The 2 males and 2 females are still attached as before. One female, collected by dragging, was put on the head. This female attached near one of the other females. July 2 : The female put on yesterday is attached as well as the other females. Two females are now one-twelfth engorged. The two males are attached as before. July 3, a. m. : Three females and 2 males are now attached. The female put on sheep July 1 has moved one-half inch from its former place. Two females are about one-tenth engorged. July 3, p. m. : One of the females that had become one-tenth full is now miss- ing. The other is one-seventh engorged. Only 1 male was noticed attached. July 5. a. m. : The female that was spoken of as one-seventh full is now full or nearly so and has a male beneath. This is the first time that a male has been seen near this female. The engorged female was picked. July 6 : One dead unfed female was picked from back. One male and 1 female are now attached. July 7, a. m. : The male that was seen under the engorged female is now dead. It is crushed as though by the host. The female put on July 1 is now one- fifteenth engorged. July 7, p. m. : A thorough examination was made at this time. Two dead females (unfed) and a dead male were picked from the back and sides of the sheep. The attached female is one-twelfth full. July 8: The attached female is about one-sixth full. No males are near. July 9 : The attached female is about one-fifth full. No males are near. July 10: The attached female is about one-fourth full. No males are near. July 11 : The attached female is about one-fourth full. No males are near. July 12: The female is not attached, but is loose in the wool near its former place of attachment. It has begiui to shrivel. July 13 : The female is dead in the wool at same place. It is shriveled and discolored. 8 BULLETIN 45, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The following notes record the observations on sheep No. 11 : June 23. The sheep thoroughly examined and no ticks found. June 25, a ni. : Four males and 11 females, collected by dragging, were put on the head, neck, and shoulders of the sheep. A male and a female of the foregoing were put in a fold close to the skin. The ticks put on the surface wete out of sight in a few minutes. June 25, p. m. : A dead male and a dead feanale were picked from the wool. The male had his head near the skin but had apparently never attached. Two females and one male were alive loose in the wool. The female that was placed in wool next to the skin is attached. The male is not where it was placed. June 26. a. m. : A male and a female were picked from the head, both dead. These ticks had been attached. The female that attached in the fold where it was put is no longer there. No ticks are now attached. June 27: Two females, collected by dragging, were put on the base of the sheep's ear; also 1 female (one-fourtJi engorged), picked from saddle horse, was put on the sheep's back. One dead unfed female was picked from the side. The tick had never attached. June 28, p. m. : Two i)artly fed males were put on the head of the sheep. One of the 2 females i)ut on the ear was found dead at the base of the ear. It had never attached. One female was loose on the head, crawling. The one- fourth engorged female was still alive, but has not attached. June 29 : Two males and an unfed female found dead in wool on the head. The partly fed female is now dead. June 30, a. m. : One dead male was picked from wool on the head. July 1 : One fejnale about one-twelfth engorged was picketl from a saddle horse and placed in wool on the sheep's head next to the skin. July 2 : The partly engorged female is now dead. July 9 : No ticks were found after a thorough examination. Table IV gives a summary of the experiments with sheep Nos. 10 and 11. Table IV. — Summary of experiments ivith individual sheep. Details. Total number ticks put on sheep Total dead unfed ticlis vvliich never attached Total ticks which attached but died quickly Total ticks which fed some but died or were killed before attain ing any size Partly engorged females which died quickly when put on sheep. Total dead ticks recovered Dead unfed ticks: From head From neck From back From side Total ticks known to ha ve attached Total female seen with males beneath Total engorged females recovered Sheep No. 10. Male Female ticks. ticks. Sheep No. 11. Male ticks. Female. ticks. It is a fact generally recognized that animals in confinement will fight ticks more than animals running free. This fact will probably account for the small number of ticks which were successful in en- ERADICATION OF THE EOCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER TICK. 9 goi^ging. The last female on sheep No. 10 would probably have become engorged had it been fertilized, for fertilized females engorge rapidly, whereas with infertile females engorgement is slow. THE APPLICATION OF THE INFORMATION OBTAINED TO PRACTICAL ERADICATION. The main point to be considered in the last experiment is the fact that of 33 females put on sheep No. 10, only 1 fed sufficiently to lay eggs. There were in nil, however, 6 females which stood a fair chance of engorging, so that it is difficult to say what percentage of females that get on a sheep in nature will enggrge to repletion. If we assume that G females would have fed to repletion in nature, we find that 5.5 per cent of those females which got on the sheep became engorged. In the experiment with 2 sheep, at the end of 6 days these animals had picked up at least 19 females, of which 13 females at- tached. At the same rate in 30 days sheep No. 10 would have had at- tached 80 females and would have picked up 94 females. If we take 5.5 per cent of 94 we have 5.17 females which would engorge to reple- tion in a month. We would have to assume this many to be the maxi- mum for the sheep with heawv^ wool in the experiment. The mini- mum would be 0, since there were 2 sheep which had no females at- tached at the examination. It would be impossible to strike C>v^Ao. BULLETIN OF THE u No. 78 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief. May 18. 1914. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) THE SO-CALLED TOBACCO WIREWORM IN VIRGINIA. By G. A. Runner, Entomological Assistant, Southern Field Crop Insect Investigations. INTRODUCTION. For the study of insects injurious to tobacco the Bureau of Ento- mology during the last four summers has mamtained a temporary field station at Appomattox, Va. Work of this station has been under the direction of Mr. W. D. Hunter, in Charge of Southern Field Crop Insect Investigations, and more immediately under the supervision of Mr. A. C. Morgan. Laboratory quarters were fur- nished by the Tenth Congressional District Agricultural School. The results of investigations of the tobacco Crambus (Cram.bus cali- ginosellus Clem.) are given in this bulletin. The work in Virginia was in cooperation with the State experiment station and the Bureau of Plant Industry of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Through an agreement with the cooperators, the Bureau of Entomology was furnished all data pertaining to the rota- tion of crops grown in connection with tobacco, and the plats of the several tobacco stations in the State were placed at the disposal of the agent in charge, for inspection and experiment. The records of these stations, extending over a series of years, are of great value in determining the crop rotations and cultural methods of control best adapted to the special conditions to be dealt with in different tobacco sections. The experimental work with tobacco in Appomattox County, Va., was begun by the Bureau of Soils in 1904. The work has since been conducted cooperatively by the Bureau of Plant Industry and the Virginia experiment station. Since the first, owing to the work of ' Throughout the tobacco-growing sections of Maryland, North Carolina, and Virginia the larvae of the tobacco Crambus are generally knowTi as " wireworms." They are also knowTa in other sections as "tobacco wireworms," "budworms," "com worms," "stalk worms," "heart worms," "cutworms," "stem worms," "root webworms," and "screw worms." In parts of Tennessee and Kentucky the larvte are commonly called "screw worms." The term "wireworm" is also applied, as in other sections, to the true wire- worms (larvffi of Elateridsp), which the Crambus larvfr in no way resemble. Note.— This bulletin is descriptive of an insect enemy of tobacco and corn. Of especial interest in the eastern tobacco and corn districts. 30183°— Bull. 78-14 1 2 BULLETIN 78, V. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. the tobacco Crambus, great difficult}'- has been encountered, in many of the experiments, in getting the perfect stand of plants so essential for comparative tests. This led to a study of the life his- tory of the insect and of the somewhat extensive cultural experi- ments by the Bureau of Entomology aimed at its control. The effect of certain crop rotations in reducing injury from the tobacco Crambus was noticed during the early progress of the cultural in- vestigations by Mr. E. H. Mathewson, Crop Technologist of the Bureau of Plant Industry, to whom the writer is indebted for sug- gestions concerning the cultural methods of control undertaken by the Bureau of Entomology. GENERAL HABITS AND ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF THE GROUP TO WHICH THE TOBACCO CRAMBUS BELONGS. The larvfe of insects included in the faixdly Crambidfp, to which the tobacco Crambus belongs, feed mainly on the grasses (Graminese), although some of them subsist on plants of other families. Many construct tubular, web-lined galleries near the roots of the plants on which they feed, and some bore or tunnel into the roots or stems; for this reason they have been named "root webworms." The moths, or adults, are inedium or rather small in size, wdth brown, yellow, or white colors prevailing. Many species have metalhc markings on the forewings, which are comparatively long and usually narrow. When at rest the forewings are rolled around the body and conceal the hind wings, which are folded beneath. This gives the body the appearance of a tiny cylinder, and accounts for the term "close- wings." The species are widely distributed over the globe, but are apparently most numerous in temperate climates. In North America comparatively few are known, and the majority of these belong to the genus Crambus, in wliich Dr. H. G. Dyar' catalogues 60 species. Moths of the genus Crambus fly mostly on dark afternoons and during the early part of the night. They are more common in open fields. When disturbed they make short erratic flights, rarely flying more than a few rods at a time. They usually alight head downward on the stems of plants, and their color often harmonizes so perfectly with their surroundings that they can with difficulty be seen. Most of the species are single-brooded; but as the moths of different species emerge successively thi'oughout the season, one or more of- the latter are present in most locahties from spring until late fall. Though various species of Crambus are common in most localities, they seldom attract much attention unless some important crop is attacked. This is due (1) to the fact that the moths are small and inconspicuous, (2) to the underground feeding habits of the arvge, land (3) to the fact that damage from different species is distributed throughout the growing season. 1 Dyar, narrison O. A List of North American Lepidoptera * * *. U. S. Nat. Mus. Bui. 52, pp, 404-410, 1902, THE SO-CALLED TOBACCO WIREWORM IN VIRGINIA. 6 The principal species of the genus of economic importance in this country are: Cramhus caliginosellus Clemens, which attacks tobacco and corn; C. vulgivagellus Clemens, an enemy of corn, wheat, rye, and grasses; C. trisectus Walker, an enemy of grasses, oats, and corn; C. laqueatellus Clemens, which attacks corn and oats; C. zeellus Fer- nald, C. luteoIeUus Clemens, and C. mutahilis Clemens, enemies of corn; and C. hortuellus Hiibner, which is injurious to the cranberry. Tlie wide distribution of several of these and their great capacity for injury give them rank as species of considerable economic impor- tance. Damage by them to cultivated crops is, in most cases, the result of unusual conditions. Then- range of food plants is not large, and the larvae are inclined to remain in or near one place. The moths frequent the weedy fields, pastures, or meadows which contain the natural food plants of the larvae, and the greater num- ber of eggs are deposited in such localities. When such land is plowed up the larvae are forced to live on other than their natural food plants. With crops such as corn and tobacco this means a concentration of larvae from many of the wild or natural food plants to the comparatively few cultivated plants. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF THE TOBACCO CRAMBUS. The tobacco Crambus {Cramhus caliginosellus Clem.) occurs in most, if not all, of the tobacco-growing districts of the Eastern States, but it seems to be most destructive in certain sections of Maryland and Virginia. It is especially destructive in the famous "dark-tobacco district" of the Piedmont section of middle Virginia, although found in all sections of the State in which tobacco is grown. In Virginia the damage to the tobacco crop alone from the insect is estimated to average at least $800,000 annually. At the Virginia tobacco experiment, stations, at Appomattox, Bowling Green, and Chatham, injury has been recorded for a num- ber of years. The reduction in value of the crop has been great, amounting to about 14 per cent annually, through failure to secure an early stand of plants. At the Appomattox Station, in one of the experimental fields, there was a loss in 1910 amounting to about 27 per cent. In 1911 there was still greater loss in some of the plats. In many fields in the county fully one-half of the plants were attacked, making several replantings necessary. At the Chatham Station in 1909 there was an estimated decrease in the value of the crop amounting to about $15 per acre. In 1912 considerable damage occurred to tobacco in Montgomery County, Tenn., and in Christian and Todd Counties, on the south- ern border of Kentucky, growers in a number of instances report- ing fully 40 per cent of the plants destroyed. BULLETIN 78, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The insect has for many years been a serious pest to tobacco and corn in Maryland. W. G. Johnson, formerly State entomologist, recorded the species as extremely abundant and destructive in Prince Georges, Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne, and Dorchester Coun- ties in 1897, and reported damage in various parts of the State in 1898, 1899, and 1900, many fields of young corn being almost com- pletely destroyed. M. H. Beckwith mentions it as injurious to corn in Delaware, and John B. Smith has recorded injury to corn in New Jersey. ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION. Cramhus caliginosellus has been recorded only from North Amer- ica. Its preference for the naturahzed buckliorn plantain and ox- eye daisy as food plants, however, points to the possibiUty that it has been introduced from Europe. In literature the recorded distribution of the species is as follows: Ontario (Saunders, Felt, and Fernald); New York (Grote, Felt, and Fernald); Delaware (Beckwith); New Jersey (Smith); Maryland (Johnson and Howard); Massachusetts, Penn- sylvania, District of Columbia, North Carolina, Illinois, and Texas (Fer- nald); Virginia (Mathewson, Ander- son, and Runner); Ohio (Gossard). In collections in the National Mu- seum are specimens from the follow- ing locahties: Washington, D. C. (August Busck); Plummers Island, Md. (H. S. Barber); Plainfield, N. J. (F. O. Herring); Pittsburgh, Pa. (H. Engel); Clarksville, Tenn. (A. C. Morgan); Chapel Hill, Tenn. (G. G. Ainslie); Vienna, Va. (R. A. Cushman). Records of the Bureau of Entomology show the insect to be present in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North CaroUna, South CaroUna, Oliio, Tennessee, and Kentucky. These records indicate a wide distribution, but as most reports of injury to cultivated crops come from certain portions of the Eastern States it is probable that severe injury occurs only in localities where natural food plants are exceedingly abundant, and where crops subject to injury are planted at the time the larvae are completing their growth and are in their most active feeding stage. SEASONAL HISTORY. The motlis (fig. 1) emerge during summer, the heaviest emergence occurring at Appomattox, in central Virginia, during tlie first and second weeks in August. The earliest emergence takes place during Fig. 1 .—Adult, or moth, stage of the tobacco Crambus,or " wireworm" { Crambus cali- ginosellus). Enlarged. (Original.) THE SO-CALLED TOBACCO WIREWORM IN VIR(iINIA. the latter part of June, but moths are not abundant until about the third week in July. From this time their numbers gradually increases until about the second week in August, when they are exceedingly numerous, at times appearing almost in swarms in weedy fields when disturbed. From the middle of August there is a rapid decrease and after the 1st of Septemlier only an occasional one can be found. Table I gives dates of emergence of moths from some of the field cages at Appomattox in 1910. Table I. — Emergence of moths of the tobacco Crambun iir outdoor rearing cages at Appo- mattox, Va., 1910. Larvae col- lected— Food plant on which found. Moth emerged— Larvae col- lected-- Food plant on which found. Moth emerged— 1910. 1910. July 2. July 21. July 22. Aug. 3. July 3. July 14. July 22. July 23. July 26. Aug. 1. July 29. N 1910. June 26 Do Do Do Tobacco 1910. July 18. Do. do Wild carrot Tobacco Aug. 13. Do do Aug. 6. Do .do do Aug. 15. ....do June 28 Do Do July 1 Plantain July 14. Do Corn Daisy Aug. 15. Do Aster (stickweed) . Plantain Aug. 7. Do July 29. Corn Do Do Tobacco Aug. 14. Do Corn July 27. Do Aster spp The females die soon after egg laying is finished. There is appar- ently only one generation a year, the eggs hatching in summer and the larvfe coinpleting their growth during the follow- ing year. The greater number of larvae are in the pupal stage during the first half of July. DESCRIPTION. THE EGG. The egg (fig. 2) is creamy white when first deposited, but grad- ually assumes a pinkish shade, which deepens to orange rufous before hatching. The average length is 4 mm. and the diameter 0.32 mm. It is regularly oval, with the ends slightly truncate, and has a polished appearance. There are about 18 longitudinal carinse and numerous transverse stri*. THE LARVA. FIRST INSTAR. When first hatched, the body of the larva is semi transparent, and the alimentary canal can be plainly seen. The outline of the body, when seen from above, is almost triangular. The larva is white, or pale yellowish white, and about 1 mm. long, with a few scattered, light-colored hairs on the head and body. The head shield measures 0.15 mm. in width, is yellowish brown, and moderately bilobed, with the clypeus attaining the apical third. The cervical shield is tinged slightly with brownish. Five pairs of prolegs occur on the 7th to 10th segments, inclusive, and on the 13th segment. LAST INSTAR. The full-grown larva (figs. 3, 4) is about 1.5 mm. long, and yellowish white, with a tinge of pink dorsally. The hairs of the body are slender, browjiish, and set on large fuscous tubercles. The head shield measures 1 .2 mm. in width, and is pale yellowish Fig. 2.— The to- bacco Crambus: Egg. Greatly enlarged. (Origi- nal.) 6 BULLETIN 78, V. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Fig. :<— The tobacco Crambus: Full-grown larva, or "wlreworm. Much enlarged. (Original.) browni, flecked with darker brown. The cervical shield is distinct, shining, yel- lowish brown, tinged with fuscous, and bears 12 hairs in two transverse equal rows. The anal shield is pale fuscous. About the middle of abdominal segments 3, 4, 5, and 6, and slightly above the spiracles, is a series of distinct, dark fuscous, chltinous ureas about the size and shape of spiracles, one to each segment. The arrangement of the tubercles is as follows: Beneath the anterior margin of the rer\ncal shield is a tubercle bearing two hairs. The mesothorax above bears eight setigerous tubercles on the anterior margin, each, ex- cept the lateral tubercle, with two hairs. Posteriorly it is provided vrith three bare tubercles, of which the medi- an is narrow and transverse. The metathorax is armed, as is the mesothorax . Each abdominal segment above the spiracles bears two transverse rows of four tubercles each. The anterior dorsal pair are subquadrate, with the posterior lateral angles strongly rounded. The posterior dorsal pair are oblong, transverse, about half as long as the anterior, with the posterior lateral angles strongly rounded. The anterior lateral tubercles are supraspiracular, irregularly quadrate, with the lower margin produced diagonally behind the spiracle, emarginate at the spiracle and before the impressed area on segments 3, 4, 5, and 6. The corresponding tubercle on segment 8 has the pro- duced portion isolated and is placed anterior to the spiracle. The posterior lateral tubercles are trans- verse, elongate, and somewhat oblique. Abdominal segments 1 to 7 each bear a minute spinule anterior to and nearly equidistant from the spiracle and the supraspiracular hair. The legs are pale brown, the maxillary palpi brown, and the mandibles brownish fuscous at apices. The color of larvae collected from differ- ent food plants varies considerably, this being merely an effect of the color, whether light or dark, of the food in the alimentary canal. Larvae collected from corn arc considerably lighter than those collected from tobacco. THE PUPA. The pupa (fig. 5) measures about 8 mm. in length and 2 mm. in greatest width. The general color is dark brown, or pale yellowish brown when newly transformed, with the appendages and segments marked with dark brown. The head is blunt, with a median apical emargination. The tt'ps of the wings are rounding on abdominal segment 5; the margin of the inner wing is visible over segments 2, 3, and 4. The spiracles are not prominent, the first three pairs being set on blunt tubercles. The cremaster is transversely rounded oblong, with a lateral bristle near the apex. THE ADULT, OR MOTH. Expanse of wing, 13-25 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax dark fuscous, sprinkled with gray scales. Fore wing dark fuscous, sprinkled with brown or yellowish, and fre- quently with a few gray scales; median line dark brown, often edged with white, aris- Fk;. 4.— 'I'he tobacco Crambus: Head of larva. Greatly enlarged. (Origi- nal.) THE SO-CALLED TOBACCO WIREWORM IN VIRGINIA. ing a little beyond the middle of the costa, extending outward, forming a very acute angle, thence backward across the end of the cell to the hind margin, a little beyond the middle, and giving off an outward angle on the fold. Subterminal line dark brown, edged outwardly with dark lead-colored scales, and frequently dentate along the first part of its course. It arises from the costa about half way between the median line and the apex, extending down to a point beyond the end of the cell, where it forms an out- ward angle, thence to the hind margin, a little within the anal angle, giving off an inward angle on the fold. This angle is frequently connected along the fold with the outward angle of the niedian line; terminal line dark brown, rather indistinct. The lines are often obliterated more or less, especially the median. Fringes dark leaden gray. Hind ^'^•ings dark fuscous; fringes a little lighter. [Fernald, I89G.] (See fig. 1.) The moths vary somewhat m color and distinctness of markings, some specimens being much darker than others when first trans- formed. In the hind wing the frenulum is a single short spine in the male. In the female the frenulum is more slender and is very finely diA-ided at the tip. In the female of a number of other species of this genus the frenulum consists of two dis- tinct spines. LIFE HISTORY. HABITS OF THE MOTHS. The moths fly during late afternoon, on dark days, and during the early part of the night. They are attracted to light, but in comparatively small num- bers considering their great abundance at certain times. The majority of the females collected at trap lights are those which have deposited their eggs. During the day, when disturbed, they make short, erratic flights, usually alighting head downward on the stems of weeds and grasses, their tightly closed wings and grayish color making them very inconspic- uous. As wdth other members of the genus Crambus, their long palpi, extending parallel to the stem of the plant on which they are at rest, help to make the outlines of the body conform to the appearance of that part of the plant. OVIPOSITION. When the moths were confined in cages, the eggs were deposited at random over the surface of the ground. They seemed dry when de])osited, rolled about easily, and did not adhere to papers placed over the soil in the rearing cages, or to glass when females were con- fined in large test tubes. Normally the eggs are doubtless placed in the same manner, for on two occasions eggs were found on the upper surface of leaves of sweetbrier lying flat on the ground. Egg laying commences shortly after the moths emero;e. Fertile esro-s were not obtained from moths reared in the cases. Fig. 5.— Thetobacco Crambns: Pupa. Much e n la r g e d . (Original.) 8 lU'l.LETIN 78, r. S. DKPAHTMENT OF ACJKICn.TUKE. Records obtained from a lari:;c number of females, collected in the fields and placed in separate cages for egg deposition, show the average number of eggs laid to be 1 77. Among the records obtained at Appo- mattox, Va., during 1910, are those in TaWe IT. Tablk II. — Number of eggs laid by the tobacco Crambus. Appomattox, Va.. 1910. No. of fe- male. Moth collected. Feriod of ovipo- sition. Num- ber eggs laid. No. of fe- male. .Molli collecte!. I'eriofl of ovipo- .sition. Num- ber eggs laid. 1 1910. July 8 do 1910. July 9-13 218 68 271 156 211 316 287 77 301 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1910. Aug. 11 do Aug. 14 do Aug. 15 do 1910. -Vug. 12-15 Aug. 12-16 Aug. 1,5-20 Aug. 1,5-18 Aug. l(>-20 Aug. 16-19 Aug. 16-21 Aug. 16-18 83 2 .....do 203 3 do July 10 July 12 July 17 July 9-14 218 4 July 11-14 194 5 July 13-18 222 (3 July 18 22 91 July 18-23 do do 238 8 July 25 Aug. 11 July 26-30 03 9 Aug. 12-16 Several individual females laid over 300 eggs, and over 300 were obtained in several instances by dissection. It is probable that tlie average number of eggs deposited normally is above rather than below the average obtained in the cages, as some of the moths may have laid eggs before capture, although records were not included from moths which deposited eggs within 12 hours after capture.^ The period of oviposition lasts from 3 to 5 days, the females dying shortly after egg laying is finished. The records of two females col- lected in the field on August 10, 1010, are given in Table III. Table 111. — Rate of oviposition of the tobacco Crambus, Appomattox, Va., 1910. Female No. 1. Num- ber of I eggs de- [posited. 1910. Aug. 11 Aug. 12 Aug. 13 Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Total Female No. 2. 1910 Aug. 10 Aug. 11 Aug. 12 Aug. 13 Total Num- ber of eggs de- posited. DURATION OF THE EGG STAGE. The period of incubation was found to be from 5 to 9 days, tlie greater number of eggs hatching about the sixth day at ordinary summer temperatures. ' The dissection of 17 females of Crambus caliginosellus collected in the field during the third week in July, 1912, showed that 8 of the 17 collected contained more than 100 eggs. The number of eggs (mature or nearly mature) found in the s moths containing more than 100 eggs was as follows: 143, 322, 127, 290, 307, 124, 342, 208. j|. 78, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. Fig. 1.— Injury of the Tobacco Crambus, or "Wireworm," to Tobacco. Fig. 2.— Injury of the Tobacco Crambus, or "Wireworm," to Corn. WORK OF THE TOBACCO CRAMBUS. Bui. 78, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. i Fig. 1.— Poor Stand of Tobacco Resulting from Planting on Weedy Land. Note heavy growth of oxeye dai^y in jiart of field not in tobacco. ^ :^t>!::^ ^^^;---^^|^ - »r; -rr- r-«^,.::'.;^'^:'"% pupal cells are iVanilr antl easily hroktMi up by i^lowinu' ov iliskinii'. Many of (ho pupa> iwc (iet^ply hui'icHJ hy plowiuii" and (lu> moths are unaMo to ri^ach tlu^ surface. The satisfactory results folUnvinu" suuuuim' lrt\atnuMil of land, \vh(>tluM- or not (OwpiMis ov oth(M' similar crops art> urown. are mainly du(> to tin' fact tiujt c»)nditi(His are made unfavorable for the deposi- tion of eggs by the moths and foi' the gi-o\vth of newly hatcheil larva\ lAl.l, AMI \Vl\rKK I'KKATMKNT Ol' LAND. Puring Sej)tem!)er. HH)*>. two cultural cxjierimenls were begun in Appomattox. Va.. to ascertain the elVect of fall and wii.ier Treatment of land already infested with Crandms larva\ The fudd selected on the d. F. Purdum farm contained li\ t> i)lats i»f one-half aci'e each. In this e\[>eriment (experiment \) fall and winter ])reparation o( the tobai'co haul gave tlecidetlly beneficial results. 'riu> held had been in ])asture previous to ])l(nving, but the growth of weetls was uoi so rank as on the laml useil in ex])eriment B. The following were the results obtained in each of the plats: Plat Xo. 1. — Gnnmd plowed durinu soinnid week in December. 1909. Thoroughly disked during lirst week in.lauuary, 19U>. Tobacco planted during last week in May. Number of plants. 2.'J00. Xumber replanted. S9. Per cent injured, 44-. PUit So. :J. — Land plowed during lust week in January, 1910. Disked during second week in February. Tobacco planted during last week in May. Niunber of plants. 2. ooO. Xumber of plants reset. Uio. Per cent injured. 7 + ■ Plat Xo. iS'. — Land plowed during last week in February, 1910. Disked during third week in March. Tobacco planted during last week in May. Xumber of plants. 2.280. Xumber of plants reset, 138. Per cent injured, G-f. Plot Xo. 4- — Land plowed during third week in March. 1910. Disked dming third week in April. Tobacco planted during last week in May. Number of plants. 2,214. Xumber of plants reset, 251. Per cent injured. 11-|-. Plat Xo. 5 {chirk- plat). — Land plowed during third week in April. Prepared for planting dvu'ing last week in May. Tobacco planted diu'ing last week in May. Xum- ber of plants. 2.225. Xumber reset, 375. Per cent injured. 17-|-. Ti^bacco ii\ all ]dats was re})huited twice. A good stand of phuits (about OS per cent) was secured by July 4. After duly 4 there was but shght injury from the worms. The land had been heavily fertilizeil, and the tobacco made aline growth. The second tobacco cultural experiment was conducted on the farm i>f Mr. J. ]\. Ilorsley (experiment B), in Appomattox County, Va. Four ]>lats, each lontaiiting 1 acre, were inclinleil in the experiment. Two chctdv phits, one at each end of the experimental plats, were used. Kach of these contained 1 acre. The growth of weeds was heavy, stickweed, daisy, and Inu-khorn plantain being abundant. In tltis test beneficial residts from fall ami winter ])linving were not so conclusive as in the experiment on the Purdum farm (e-^ptM'iment THE SO-CALIJ;0 TOBACCO WIREWOHM IN VIRGINIA. 21 A). On f)lat No. 1 llu! viUtci of mowirijr arxi hiirriir)(^ the wfieds aftfir the c^gH had hatched was noted. Plat No. 1. — Weeds mowed and Imrned diiririf^ third wff;k in September, VMV.i. The land wrh not, di.sturhed until the f^ronnd wa.s 7>repared for pianlin<,', durinj^ the third week in May. Number of plant,s in plat, 4,400. .\umher of planti) res^it, 01 0. Per rent injured, l.'?.8 + . Tobacco replanted twice. Plat No. 2. Ground plowed during la.st week in September, l!JO!i. in .March, April, and May it was disked and harrowed at frequent intervats, no vegetation being allowefl to grow before the t/)bacco was planted, in order, if possible, t/O starve out the hibernating larvae. Number of plants, 4,400. Number replanted, 415. Per cent injured, 9.4-(-. Plat No. 3. — Land plowed during .second week in .March and not disturbed until just before planting. Number of plants, 4,400. Number of plants re.set, 410. Per cent injured, {).?>-{-. Plat No. 4. — Land plowed during third week in December, 1909. Nothing further done tf; it until 7)repared for planting during last week in May, 1910. Number of plants, 4,400. Number replanted, 540. Per cent injured, 12.2-j-. The resiihs of these experiments are shown also in Table IX. All plats were replanted twice. A good stand of 98 per cent was secured by July 5. Tablk IX, -Effects of fall and riinter treatmerd on injury by the toharro drambus in 1009 and 1910. Exper- iment No. Al A2 A. '5 A4 A. 5 Bl B2 B.3 B4 B5 Preliminary treat- ment. Plowed . ...Ao.. rlo.. do.. do Weeds mowed and t>umed. Plowed do do do Time of treatment. Later treat ment . Tim<*. Second week of December, 1909. First week of January, 1910 Last week of February Third week of March Third week of April Third week of September, 1909. Last week of September.. Second week of March Third week of December. First week of April Thoroughly disked. Disked. do. do. First week of January, 1910. Second week of Februfiry. Third week of .March. Third week of April. [Disked and har- 1 «,,„!, .,,;, rowed at fre- l^^f^^ ^P"'- qiient intervals. J ■*^^^- Disked First week of I May. Kxper- iment No. Planlerl toljacco. Number ofplants. Number reset. Per cent, injury. Al A2 A3 A 4 A. 5 Bl B2 B3 B4 B5 Last week of May . . do do do do Third week of May. do do do do 2,200 2,.3.'50 2,280 2,214 2,22.1 4,4fX) 4,400 4,400 4,400 8,800 89 m> 1.38 2.51 37.i RIO 41.7 410 .540 1,218 n 11 17 13.8 9.4 9.3 12.2 1.3.9 In the season of 1910-11 another series of cultural experiments was conducted on the J, F. Purdum farm, in Appomattox County, Va The land previous to preparation for tobacco was in meadow 22 BULLETIN 78, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. (timothy, herd's grass, and clovei) which liad been quite weedy. Natural food pLants of the tobacco Crambus were abundant. This series was made for the purpose of ascertaining the effect on the tobacco Crambus of preparation of weedy land at different times during the fall and winter as compared with spring preparation of land. Tlie field was divided into 6 plats containing one-half acre each. Tobacco was planted in all plats on the same date. The amount of fertilizer applied to each plat was the same. In plat No. 1 the land was plowed September 6, 1910, and fallowed February 25, 1911. It was harrowed and disked on April 3, April 10, April 20, and May 3. The stand of tobacco was nearly perfect; after the first planting except along one end of the plat. The percentage of a stand secured was 95.4. In the preparation of this plat it will be noticed that the land w^as plowed during the first part of September, a time just after the larvse had hatched. Plat No. 2 was plowed December 8, 1910, and fallowed February 28, 1911. It was harrowed and disked on April 3, April 10, April 20, and May 3. Tobacco was replanted once. About 85 per cent of a stand was secured at the first planting. Plat No. 3 was plowed January 8, 1911, and fallowed or replowed February 28, 1911. It was harrowed and disked on April 3, 10, and 20 and May 3. Tobacco was replanted once. About 85 per cent of a stand was secured at the first planting. In plat No. 4 the land was plowed on Apiil 11. No further treat- ment was given until the third week in May, when the land was prepared and bedded for planting. Tlie tobacco was replanted three times. About 51 per cent of a stand was secured at the first planting. In plat No. 5 the land was plowed on January 18, 1911, and disked May 15. Tobacco was replanted three times. About 70 per cent of a stand was secured at the first planting. Plat No. 6 served as a check plat. The land was plowed during the third week in April, and was prepared for planting on May 15. Tobacco was replanted three times. About 55 per cent of a stand was secured after the first planting. • Further cultural experiments were conducted on the S. L. Ferguson farm, in Appomattox County, Va., in the season of 1911-12. -This series was made to ascertain the effect of deep winter plowing and subsoiling of pasture land infested by the Crambus. Tlie field of which the experimental plats were a part had been in sod for a number of years and was used as pasture land. The general conditions for the experiment were ideal. The oxeye daisy, buckhorn plantain, and stickweed were abundant. There was not a rank growth of weeds, however, as the field had been quite closely pastured. The field was deeply plowed in February, a subsoil plow following the turning plow, and the clay subsoil was broken up to a depth of several THE SO-CALLED TOBACCO WIRE WORM IN VIRGINIA. 23 inches. The tobacco in all plats was planted at the same time. The kind and amoimt of fertilizer applied was the same in all plats, and after the fu'st cultivation all plats received the same treatment. The land was divided into 3 plats of 2 acres each and 1 plat containing one-half acre. Below are given the details of each experiment and the results obtained. Plat No. 1 contained 2 acres. It was deeply plowed and subsoiled in February, 1911. The land was thoroughly disked and harrowed at frequent intervals during March, April, and May and kept almost entirely free from weed growth until tobacco was planted. The stand of tobacco was practically perfect. Only an occasional plat could be found which showed damage from Crambus larvae. Plat No. 2 contained 2 acres. The land was deeply plowed and subsoiled in February, 1911, and was not disturbed until prepared for planting in May, when it was deeply disked, harrowed, and bedded just before planting. Ninety-four per cent of a stand was secured at the first planting. The plat was reset once. Plat No. 3 contained one-half acre. The land was plowed and sul> soiled in February, 1911, as in plats Nos. 1 and 2. The land was not disturbed until prepared for planting as in plat No. 2. Weeds and grass were allowed to grow after planting. The middle of the row was not disturbed until after the first cultivation, in order to provide natural food for the Crambus larvae, so that they would not be forced to attack tlie tobacco plants. The infestation of this plat was not heavy enough, so that the effect of tliis treatment, which is said to be practicable under certain conditions, could be accurately determined. The stand of tobacco secured at the first planting was 96 per cent. A few larvfe were found in the weeds left in the middle of the row. Plat No. 4 was used as a check. The land was plowed and ])ro- pared for planting just before the tobacco was set out. The weed growth and general conditions were similar to those in plats Nos. 1 , 2, and 3. The stand secured at first planting was 86 per cent. The tobacco was replanted twice. In land adjoining this tract which had been under clean cultivation during the previous summer and where there was no weed growth, about 98 per cent of a stand of tobacco was secured at tlie first planting. Tliis land liad l)een prepared for planting in practically tlio same manner a^ in the check plat. No. 4. CHEMICAL SPRAYS FOR WEED DESTRUCTION. Certain chemical sprays, such as iron-sulphate (copperas) solution, copper-sulphate (bluestone) solution, and common-salt solution, are frequently used for eradicating weeds and under certain conditions have been found very effective. The success of this method of erad- icating such weeds as oxeye daisy and wild mustard from grain and pasture fields without injury to the grains or grasses depends largely 24 BULLETIN 78, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ou the fact that cereals and grasses are narrow-leaved plants with a single seed leaf, whereas the weeds injured are broad-leaved plants with two seed leaves. Spraying with a solution of iron sulphate at a strength of 1 pound to one-half gallon of water was found to be fairly effective on the oxeye daisy in a test made at Appomattox, Va. While spra>ang may be practical where certain weeds in grain fields are to be eradicated, it is hardly a suitable remedy under most con- ditions in tobacco-growing sections, except possibly where small patches of weeds are to be destroyed. Chemical sprays have been found to be more effective when applied on warm bright days when the plants are dry. Immediately after weeds have been cut oft' close to the ground an application of salt, kerosene, crude oil, or acid solutions will often be found effective. In eradicating weeds from pastures the salt solution is preferable, as copper-sulphate solution is poisonous to stock. LIMING. Aside from improving the mechanical and chemical condition of many soils, liming will be found to aid greatly in the control of several of the weed pests which have been found to be the natural or favorite food plants of the tobacco Crambus. Control of weed pests may be accomphshed by making soil conditions less favorable for the weeds, or by making conditions more favorable to the cultivated crop. Many weed pests, like other plants, require for their best development certain soil conditions; and they are excessively abundant in certain locali- ties because soil conditions are peculiarly favorable to their growth, or because conditions are less suited to more desirable plants wliich under favorable soil conditions would crowd them out. A change in the condition of the soil, brought about by the use of lime, will often bring about a marked effect in checking or preventing the growth of a weed pest, and at the same time make the soil better adapted to the growth of certain cultivated crops such as clover. The sheep sorrel ^ {Rumex acetosella) , on which newly hatched Crambus larvae frequently feed, thrives in acid soil. Where lime had been apphed to certain fields, and to some of the State experiment station plats in Appomattox County, Va., the sheep sorrel was practically eradicated or at least checked by the better growth of the clover. Plantain, daisy, and aster (stickweed), all food plants of the worms, are weeds which flourish in acid or worn-out soils. In all cases where data have been secured, the use of lime has resulted in a marked decrease in the abundance of these weeds. Most soils in the Piedmont region of the Eastern States are greatly benefited by lime, and its use has in many instances resulted in markedly increased yields of tobacco. In plats of alfalfa at the Appomattox experiment station ^Attempts to rear larvse iii cages containing only sheep sorrel were not successful. THE SO-CALLED TOBACCO WIREWORM IN VIRCilNIA. 25 there was scarcely any plantain (Plantago lanceolata) after a heavy application of lime had been made, and there was an excellent crop of alfalfa. In the unlimed check plats plantain nearly covered the ground, and there was a very poor growth of alfalfa. Increased fertility of the soil may also aid in the extermination of a weed, as was noticed where heavy applications of acid phosphate had been made to meadow land on which there was a heavy growth of the oxeye daisy. The year following the application of the acid phosphate but few plants of the daisy could be seen. In this manner certain weeds may often be crowded out by grasses or clovers which are enabled to make better growth owing to greater fertility. The experience of the best tobacco growers has shown that intensive culture gives largest profits, and no expense or trouble should be spared m puttmg the ground in the best possible condition in every respect before the crop is planted. By commencing the preparation of weedy land the year before it comes in corn or tobacco, an excellent opportunity is afforded to apply lime. Such land can often be con- veniently plowed in whiter and during spring or early summer, and easily be put in condition for such crops as crimson clover, cowpeas, etc., which may be profitably followed by tobacco or corn the succeed- ing year. FERTILIZERS. From observations of tobacco fields during the seasons of 1910 and 1911 it is evident that where the land receives heavy apphcations of nitrogenous fertilizers the damage from the worms is not so great as where light applications are made. Just as many plants are attacked by the worms, but vigorous and rapidly growing plants are more apt to recover from injury. This was very noticeable in the fertilizer test plats of the Virginia experiment station at Appomattox in 1910. INSECTICIDES AND REPELLENTS. The following insecticides and repellents were tested: Arsenate of lead, Paris green, tobacco extract, nicotine sulphate, tobacco dust, kerosene, kainit, and calcium cyanamid. In no instance were results secured which would indicate that the substances tested were of much practical value in combating the tobacco Crambus. The following field notes give details of some of the experiments: ARSENATE OF LEAD. In experiment A, with powdered arsenate of lead, 1^ ounces of the poison to 2^ gallons of water was used. Two hundred plants were treated, the entire plant being dipped into the solution. The plants were set in land which had been prepared a few days before. The field had been weedy and the worms were numerous. Two hundred untreated plants were kept as a check. On examining the plants five days later 22 injured plants were found in the poisoned plat and 36 injured plants in the 26 BULLETIN 78, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. check plat. Three live larvse which had Uinnelled .in the stalks and were apparently uninjured were found in plants in the poisoned plat. All treated plants had lived, but were not as vigorous in appearance as those not treated. In experiment B, with arsenate of lead paste, the poison was used at the rate of 2 ounces to 2h gallons of water. The tops only were dii)pod. One hundred plants were treated and 100 left untreated. The plants were examined five days after trans- planting. There had apparently been some injury from the poison, as th'^ plants were in best condition in the untreated plat, while those treated were somewhat stunted or dwarfed. Eight injured plants were found in the poisoned plat. Five plants were found injured in the untreated plat. , PARIS GREEN. Paris green at the rate of one-fourth ounce to 3 gallons of water was used on 100 tobacco plants, and an adjoining row kept as a check. The entire plant was dipped in each case, and the plants set out at once. The field was weedy. It had been recently plowed and Crambus larvae were numerous. A light rain fell a few hours after the plants were set. After eight days the plants were examined. Twenty-one plants were injured by worms in the poisoned row and 26 in the unpoisoned row. There had been some injury to the plants dipped in the poison solution, as the un- poisoned plants had a more vigorous start. In some instances plants in the poisoned row were only slightly eaten, thus indicating that the poison had acted as a repellent or had poisoned the worm before the plant had been badly eaten. TOBACCO EXTRACT. One row of tobacco plants in a field was sprayed with a 500-to-l solution of tobacco extract, 320 plants in all being treated. The solution was applied with a compressed- air bucket sprayer. The substance did not prove effective in preventing injury. On June 6, five days after the mixture was applied, the plants were examined. Fourteen plants were found injured by worms in the sprayed row and 11 injured plants were found in the unsprayed row adjoining. NICOTINE SULPHATE. A 1,000-tu-l solution of nicotine sulphate was sprayed on 300 plants as in the fore- going experiment, and an adjoining row used as a check. The plants were examined four days after spraying. Eight plants had been attacked by worms in the sprayed row and 13 plants in the check row. W^iile the foregoing substances did not prove of much value in preventing injury from the worms, they seemed to repel flea-beetles, as very few could be found on the treated plants whereas they were comparatively abundant on the unsprayed plants. TOBACCO DUST. Tobacco dust was scattered about tobacco plants directly after planting. One row containing 300 plants was used for the test and an adjoining row with the same number as a check. Eighteen plants were found injured by worms in the treated row. Few plants were found that were injured below the surface of the ground, the worm having entered the plant at the "bud " or terminal leaf in most cases. Sixteen injured plants were found in the row where the dust had not been applied. More of these plants had been injured below the surface of the soil than where dust had been applied, this indicating that the dust may possibly have some value as a repellent. KEROSE.NE. In the first experiment with kerosene the plants were dipped in a weak solution of kerosene emulsion and were set out on June 15. Only 30 plants were used in the test. None of these, when examined five days later, was found infested. There was apparently no injury to the plants from the kerosene. Two infested plants were THE SO-CALLED TOBACCO WIREWOKM IN VIRGINIA. 27 found in the check row of 30 plants. The number of plants treated was not large enough to make this test of much value. In the second experiment 'kerosene was mixed with sand and a small amount sprinkled around 100 tobacco plants. One hundred plants in an adjoining row were used as a check. A light rain fell a few hours after the sand was applied. On June IS, eight days after treatment, the plants were examined. Sixteen were found injured in the treated row and 22 in the untreated row. KAINIT. In one experiment kainit was mixed with the soil in the hill before planting. Too large a quantity of the kainit was used in the test, as a consideralsle number of plants failed to grow. One hundred tobacco plants were pat out in soil mixed with the kainit, and 100 plants in an adjoining row were left for a check. A number of infested plants were found where the kainit had been used, the substance evidently not being of mucli value as a preventive, as the worms often enter the plant at the "bud " or whorl of terminal leaves. TURPENTINE. In certain sections of Tennessee and Kentucky turpentine is said to have been used as a repellent for Crambus larvte and cutworms. Before planting, the roots of the tobacco plants are dipped in water in which a small quantity of turpentine has been stirred. A test on 1 acre of tobacco was made by Mr. Charles Armistead, of Clarksville, Tenn., and the field kept under observation by the writer. Entirely negative results were obtained. The following are details of the experiment: The tobacco was on weedy land containing an abundance of wliite top {Erigeron annuus) and plantain. The first planting was entirely destroyed. When the tobacco was replanted turpentine was used at the rate of 1 teaspoonful to 1 gallon of water, the roots of the plants being dipped in the mixture. On June 27, two weeks after planting, the toljacco was examined. Worms were still very numerous. Over 80 per cent of the plants had been entirely destroyed, in both treated and check plats. There seemed no apparent difference in infestation and damage lietween tlie treated tobacco and that on which no turpentine had been applied. CALCIUM CYANAMID. Calcium cyanamid (lime nitrogen) is said to have a repellent or poisonous effect upon insects, and on the suggestion of ]VIr. E. H. Mathewson, Crop Technologist of the Bureau of Plant Industry, 'Mr. B. G. Anderson, superintendent of the Tobacco Experi- ment Station at Appomattox, Va., and the writer made a test of the material during ] 911, using the calcium cyanamid at the rate of 300 pounds per acre. The land selected had not been cultivated for several years. There was a rank growth of buckliorn plantain, oxeye daisy, and stickweed, and Crambus larvae were exceedingly numer- ous, making conditions ideal for the test. The plat, containing one-twentieth or an acre, was divided into series of two rows each. The calcium cyanamid was used on two rows and the next two rows were kept as a check. On the treated rows com- mercial fertilizer at the following rate per acre was used: Pounds. Calcium cyanamid 300 Acid phosphate (JOO Sulphate of potasli 1 00 On the check rows the fertilizer used (rate per acre) was as follows; I'ouuds. 16 per cent blood 300 Acid phosphate COO Sulphate of potash 100 28 BULLETIN 78, U, S. DEPARTMENT OF ACRICULTURE". The calcium cyanamid analyzed about 17 per cent ammonia, this making the amount of plant food in the treated and check rows practically the same. The fer- tilizer was applied 14 days before the plants were set, as calcium cyanainid has the effect of stunting tt)bacco plants if applied directly Ijefore planting. It was applied to the rows with a drill, and thoroughly mixed with the soil by running a cultivator over the rows. The plants were set on June 8. By June 30 the plants in Ijoth treated and check rows had been almost completely destroyed by the Crambus larva^, there being no indications of any beneficial effect from tlie calcium cyanamid in preventing injiny. The tobacco was not replanted. LE.\1) .\RSE\.\TE AND l'.\ lUS GliKKN USED WITH COAL TAR O.N SKEI) CORN To PREVENT INJURY BY CRAMBUS I.ARV.E. Experiments in the use of arsenate of lead and Paris green witli coal tar on seed corn to prevent injury by Cramlius larAiv were conducted in 1910 on the J. F. Pur- dum farm. In experiment A, arsenate of lead in paste form was used at the rate of 1 ounce to 1 gallon of water. One peck of shelled seed corn was allowed to soak in the solution about 10 minutes and dried by mixing with fertilizer (acid phosphate). A very little coal tar (about a tablespoonful) was then poured on the corn, which was thoroughly stirred until a thin coating of the tar covered each kernel. Fertilizer was then used to dry the tar. With an ordinary jjlanter one-half acre was planted in seed prepared as just described. Fully one-third of the corn failed to germinate, possibly owing tT)e nozzles. 17J gallons per tiee. Arsenate of lead, 6 pounds to 200 gal- lons of water. Bor- deaux nozzles. Kii gallons per tree. 225 poimds pros- sure. Arsenate of lead, 8 pounds to 200 gal- lons of water. Vor- morel type nozzles. 13} gallons per tree. 200 pounds pres- sure. Arsenate of lead, 8 pounds to 200 gal- lons of water. Ver- morel type nozzles. 15| gallons per tree. Arsenate of lead, 8 pounds to 200 gal- lons of water. Ver- morel type nozzles. 17 J gallons per tree. Arsenate of lead, 8 pounds to 200 gal- lons of water. Ver- morel type nozzles. 9J gallons per tree. Unsprayed. Do. CONTKOL OF THE CODLING MOTH IN NEW MEXICO. o- O o •7/1/, o o o o VSOA/ 0/?C//A/?D-B£/V nAV/3- 5 /\C/?£S. \ ^ o o ^o o o|o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o V o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o|o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o O 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o^o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o O 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o " o o o o o o o o C/T£C/< o o o O 0 o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o O 0 o o o o v5IV. INSECTS BULLETIN OF THE c No. 92 5 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief. May 15, 1914. DESTRUCTION OF GERMS OF INFECTIOUS BEE DISEASES BY HEATING. By G. F. White, M. D., Ph. D., Expert, Engaged in the Investigation of Bee Diseases. INTRODUCTION. To reduce the losses due to bee diseases beekeepers have often employed heat in one form or another. The direct flame has been used in scorching or burning the inside of hives that have housed infected colonies. Before being fed back to bees honey is often heated for the purpose of destroying the germs of bee diseases, should any be present. Heat is used in the rendering of wax and in the mak- ing of comb foundation. It is natural and very appropriate, there- fore, that beekeepers should inquire about the amount of heating that is necessary to destroy the germs that produce diseases among bees. As no work had been done to determine the facts relative to this question with any degree of accuracy, the writer has performed during the last two years a number of experiments for the purpose of ascer- taining them. Of these experiments 55 arc summarized in the three tables included in this paper. It may be of interest to beekeepers to know in a general way how these experiments were made. A brief description of the methods used will serve also to make the tables more readily understood. An aqueous suspension of larvae sick or dead of the disease is made and placed in a small glass tube. This tube is immersed in water of the temperature desired in the heating. After the germ-containing material is heated in this way it must be tested to determine whether or not the germs have been destroyed. In the case of American foul brood this can be done by inoculating a suitable artificial medium with the heated material and o])serving the presence or absence of gTowth of Bacillus larvse, the germ of this dis- ease. As there is no artificial medium now known suitable for culti- vating the infecting agent of either European foul brood, sacbrood, Note.— This paper is of interest to beekeepers in all parts of the United States; it was read before the New York State Beekeepers' Association, February 10, 1914, at Ithaca, N. Y. 35960°— 14 2 BULLETIN 92, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUKE. or Nosema disease, healthy colonies of bees must be inoculated in making the test in case of these diseases. Tliis is done by feeding the bees the heated germ-containing material in sirup. If the disease is produced by tliis feeding, naturally the infecting agent has not been destroyed by the heating; but if the disease is not produced, it vir- tually has been destroyed by it. By repeated experiments of this kind in wliich the temperature used in the heating is varied, the minimum temperature at ^vhich any virus is killed can be determined. As will be seen from the tables, 13 experiments for European foul brood, 22 for sacbrood, and 20 for Nosema disease were made in which healthy colonics were inoculated ^v■ith heated germ-containing material from these thi-ee diseases, resj^ectively. In the last disease the stomachs from diseased bees furnished the germ-containing material for heating and feeding. In these experiments the temperature was mamtained for 10 minutes as a rule. DISEASES OF THE BROOD OF BEES. Nearly a century and a half ago the name '"foul brood" was used for a destructive brood disorder of bees, and for almost a century later it was apparently the custom to diagnose as foul brood any destructive disease of the brood. About half a century ago bee- keepers began to note that all of the brood diseases are not the same. They began, therefore, to write of different forms of foul brood. At the present time it is known that there are at least three infectious diseases of the brood of bees. All of these diseases are more or less destructive, and it is quite likely that each of them has now and then been diagnosed as foul brood. In America these brood diseases are now known as European foul brood, American foul brood, and sac- brood. EUROPEAN FOUL BROOD. In European foul brood death occurs early, the larvae dying usually before the time for cell capping. There is no viscidity (ropiness) to the decaying larvse as a rule, and no pronounced odor present. Numerous samples of this disease have been examined from the United States, and some from Canada. Its presence also in England, Germany, Switzerland, and Denmark is strongly suggested by written reports from these countries. It is very probable that the disease has a much wider geographical distribution than these facts indicate. Two years ago the fact was demonstrated that the germ causing European foul brood is the microorganism to which the name Bacillus pluton is given. In a paper ^ announcing the fact it was stated that the studies then made indicated that the germ is easily kiUed by heat. This beUef has been confirmed by further experiments. » White, G. F., 1912. The Cause of European Foul Brood. U S. Dept. Agriculture, Bureau of Ento- mology, Cir. No. 157. DESTRUCTION OF GERMS OF BEE DISEASES BY HEATING, 3 Table I gives a brief summary of 13 inoculation experiments per- formed for the purpose of determining approximately the amount of heating necessary to destroy the germ of European foul brood. Table I. — A summary of the experiments made to determine approximately the minimum amount of heating necessary to destroy the germ, causing European foul brood. Dates of inocu- lation. Tempera- ture. Time of heating. Results of inoculation. °C. Min. Sept. 12, 1912 75 to 80 10 No disease produced. Do.. 65 to 70 10 Do. Sept. 23,1912 64 to 66 10 Do. Oct. 12,1912 64 to 65 10 Do. Oct. 1,1912 62 to 63 10 Do. Oct. 8,1912 Oct. 10,1912 62 to 63 62 to 63 Do. Disease produced. 10 Oct. 4, 1912 61 to 62 10 Do. Aug. 8,1913 60 20 Do. Sept. 3,1912 60 10 Do. Sept. 20, 1912 58 to 60 10 Do. Sept. 28, 1912 57 to 60 20 Do. Sept. 20, 1912 55 to 50 10 Do. It will be observed by an inspection of Table I that European foul brood was produced in every instance where healthy colonies were fed disease material which had been heated for 10 minutes at tempera- tures below 63° C. (145.4° F.), but that no disease was produced when temperatures higher than 63° C. (145.4° F.) were used for the same length of time. The minimum temperature that can be used, there- fore, in destroying the germ of European foul brood, if it is applied for 10 minutes, lies som.ewhere between 60° C. (140° F.) and 65° C. (149° F.), being near 63° C. (145.4° F.). AMERICAN FOUL BROOD. American foul brood is the disease of the brood of bees that is best known to beekeepers and is the one the presence of which they have been able to recognize most easily. In this disease the larvae usually die after the cells containing them are capped. The disease is charac- terized especially by the marked viscidity (ropiness) manifested by the decaying larvae that are dead of the disease. The pronounced odor noticeable within hives housing colonies affected by this disease, espe- cially in its later stages, is another well-known characteristic. This disease is very widely distributed geographically. Samples of it have been received from many localities in the United States, from Switzerland, New Zealand, Germany, England, and France, and it is very probable that it has a much wider geographical distribution even than is indicated by these facts. Until seven years ago the cause ^ of American foul brood was not known. At that time the fact was demonstrated positively that the 1 White, G. F., 1907 mology, Cir. No. 94. The Cause of American Foul Brood. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Ento- .4 BULLETIN 92, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. germ causing the disease is the one to which the name Bacillus larvse is given. The facts obtained to date are too meager to justify anything more than a general statement regarding the minimum amount of heating that can be employed in rendering material containing the germ of American foul brood noninfectious. Taking rather wide limits, it may safely be said that the minimum temperature at which this can be done, if the temperature is applied for 10 minutes, lies somewhere between 90° C. (194° F.) and 100° C. (212° F.). It seems quite probable, indeed, that a temperature less than 98° C. (208.4° F.) wiU suffice if applied for 10 minutes. When 100° C. was used the spores of Bacillus larvse were killed in less than five minutes. SACBROOD. Observant beekeepers have for many yeare noted the presence of dead brood which seemed to them to be different from that dead of foul brood. Some were inclined to believe that the disease was an infectious one; a larger number apparently were disposed to ascribe the trouble to such causes as an unsatisfactory queen, starva- tion, and the like. This brood disease has been recently demonstrated to be an infectious one, and the name "sacbrood" has been given to it. Larvse that die of this disease do so almost invariably after the time of cell capping. The most characteristic symptom of the disease is the saclike appearance of the dead larvse when they are removed from the cell. This fact suggested the name "sacbrood " for the disease. Sacbrood is frequently met with. Its presence has been diagnosed by Dr. A. H. McCray and the writer in 367 samples received from 44 States of the Union and in 13 samples received from Canada. Reports from England, Switzerland, and Austraha indicate strongly that this disease exists in these countries also. It is very probable that it has a much wider geographical distribution than is shown by these facts. More than a year ago it was again the wi'iter's fortune to determine the cause of another brood disease. UnUke the cause of either European foul brood or American foul brood, the infecting agent causing sacbrood has not yet been seen. It was demonstrated, however, that the infecting agent in this disease passes through the pores of earthenware filters. For this reason the cause of sacbrood is spoken of as a filterable virus. In a paper ^ announcing the cause of sacbrood the statement is made that the germ causing the disease is destroyed by a com- paratively small amount of heat. This beUef is confirmed by the results of the experiments summarized in Table II. I White, O. F., 1913. Sacbrood, a Disease of Bees. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology, Cir. No. 169. DESTEUCTION OF GEEMS OF BEE DISEASES BY HEATING. 5 Table II. — A summary of the experiments made to determine approximately the minimum amount of heating necessary to render sacbrood material noninfectious. Dates of inocu- lation. Temperature. Time of heating. Kesults of inoculation. °C. MinuUs. July 27,1912 95 to 100 2 No disease produced. Aug. 8, 1912 95 to 100 2 Do. Aug. 29,1912 75 to 80 10 Do. Sept. 5,1912 65 to 70 20 Do. Sept. 3,1912 55 to 60 20 Do. Aug. 26,1913 80 15 Do. Do. 75 15 Do. Do. 70 15 Do. Do. 65 15 Do. Do. 65 15 Do. Sept. 2,1913 65 15 Do. Sept. 3,1913 60 20 Do. Sept. 9,1913 60 15 Do. Sept. 10, 1913 60 15 Do. Sept. 17, 1913 60 10 Do. Sept. 10, 1913 58 10 Do. Sept. 17,1913 58 10 Do. Sept. 18, 1913 57 10 Sacbrood produced. Sept. 9,1913 55 20 Do. Sept. 10, 1913 55 10 Do. Sept. 17,1913 55 10 Do. Aug 6, 1913 50 30 Do From Table II it will be observed that when larvae dead of sacbrood were heated 10 minutes at a temperature of 57° C. (134.6° F.) or less and then fed to a healthy colony, sacbrood was produced ; if, on the other hand, the dead larvae used in making the feeding were heated to 58° C. (136.4° F.) or higher, the disease was not produced. The conclusion to be drawn from these experiments is that the minimum temperature, when maintained for 10 minutes, at which the infecting agent causing sacbrood is destroyed Hes somewhere between 55° C. (131° F.) and 60° C. (140° F.), being near 58° C. (136.4° F.). DISEASES OF ADULT BEES. Very Uttle is known about the diseases of adult bees. Many names have been used for the purpose of designating them, but the number of such diseases is probably small. There is only one adult disease that can be diagnosed at present by laboratory methods. This one is the Nosema disease. NOSEMA DISEASE. Fifty-seven years ago Dr. Donhoff made a more or less brief study of a disease of adult bees in Germany. He observed that the stomach was the organ that was primarily affected. By feeding to healthy colonies in sirup the crushed stomachs from affected bees Donhoff demonstrated that the disease could be transmitted to healthy colo- nies. It was therefore infectious. The work by Donlioff had been practically forgotten, apparently, when Zander,^ of Erlangen, Germany, five years ago observed the ' Zander, E., Aug., 1909. Tierische Parasiten als Krankheitserreger bei der Biene. zeitung. Miinchener Bienen- 6 BULLETIN 92, U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. l)resence of a disease among adult bees. From the e^-idence at hand it seems most probable that the disorder encountered by DonhoflF and the one encountered by Zander are one and the same disease. Aside from rediscovering the disease Zander has identified the germ causing it as a protozoan (a one-celled animal parasite) and has given to it the name Nosema apis. For the disease he has used the name "Nosema Seuche." Tliis is an appropriate one, as it suggests some- what the nature of the disease. The name ''Nosema disease," which the writer suggests as the common name for tliis disease, is, it will be observed, only a translation of the German name used by Zander. The germ Nosema apis gains entrance to the body of the bee by way of the alimentary canal. In the walls of the stomach the growth and multiphcation of the parasite take place to an enormous extent, causmg the abnormal appearance manifested by the organ. When the disease reaches an advanced stage the stomach is white and fragile and reveals upon a microscopic examination the presence of the para- site in very large numbers. In the spring of the year, especially, many weak colonies show upon examination a high percentage of Nosema-infected bees. Quite often, indeed, in the examinations that have been made of such colonies, 50 to 90 per cent of the bees in sam- ples taken from them were found to be infected with the parasite. It is an interesting and important fact that a very large number of colonies which are strong and apparently doing well are found upon examination to contain at least a small percentage of Nosema-infected bees. Nosema apis has a very wide geographic distribution. It has al ready been encountered in Germany by a number of investigators; it has been found in Austraha, Switzerland, and England. The writer has found it in samples of bees received from 27 different States in the United States and in two samples of adult bees from Canada. From the facts gathered it would seem that many of the cases called "spring dwindling" by the beekeepers are caused, m part at least, by Nosema apis. This statement is not by any means to be interpreted as saying that Nosema disease and spring dwindling are always the same. It has been demonstrated experimentally that colonies can be weakened and killed by feeding to them material containing Nosema apis. For this and other reasons it seems certain that the disease causes a loss to apiaries, but, for want of sufficient data, the extent of such loss can not now be estimated at all definitely. From the facts at hand one is justified in at least drawing the conclusion that Nosema infection in a colony tends to weaken the colony. Nosema apis is therefore a germ in which the beekeeper is economically interested. DESTRUCTION OF GEEMS OF BEE DISEASES BY HEATING. 7 For the purpose of determiiiing approximately the mmimum amount of heatmg that is sufficient to destroy the germ Nosema apis the uioc- ulation experiments summarized in Table III were made. Table III. — Summary of experiments in which tlie germ, Nosema apis, was heated and fed to healthy colonies. Dates of inocu- lation. Tempera- ture used in heating. Time of heating. Results of inoculation. °C. Minutes. Oct. 29,1912 95 to 100 5 No Nosema infection produced. Nov. 12, 1912 95 to 100 5 Do. Oct. 29,1912 80 20 Do. Nov. 9,1912 80 10 Do. Nov. 11,1912 68 to 70 10 Do. Do 68 to 70 10 Do. Nov. 12, 1912 65 20 Do. Jan. S, 1913 65 10 Do. Nov. 11, 1912 60 10 Do. Do 60 10 Do. Nov. 20, 1912 60 10 Do. Feb. 8, 1913 58 10 Do. Oct. 4, 1913 58 10 Do. Feb. 8, 1913 57 to 58 15 Do. Oct. 15,1913 57 10 Do. Do 57 10 Do. Oct. 4, 1913 56 10 Nosema infection produced. Oct. 15,1913 56 10 Do. Jan. 8, 1913 55 20 Do. Jan. 31,1913 55 10 Do. It mil be observed from Table III that when Nosema apis was heated to 57° C. (134.6° F.) or liigher for 10 minutes and fed to healthy bees no infection took place, but when held at tempera- tures below 57° C. (134.6° F.) for the same period of time the bees became Nosema infected. It is shown, therefore, that the minimum temperature that will destroy the germ Nosema apis in 10 minutes lies somewhere between 55° C. (131° F.) and 60° C. (140° F.), being quite near 57° C. ( 134.6° F.) . By way of parenthesis it might be well to say a word or two further regarding Nosema disease. The studies of this disease disclose the interesting fact that it is not a new one in American apiaries. There is no cause, therefore, for anticipatmg any additional losses to our apiaries. Indeed, since the presence of the disease is known, hopes may be entertained that methods will be determined for reducing the losses due to it. Considerable work must yet be done, however, before methods for its control can be recommended. Nosema disease is being studied in England, Germany, Switzer- land, and Australia. During the last two years the writer has de- voted considerable time to its study in America. The plan is to continue the studies during the present year, after which it is hoped a further discussion of this disease will be justified. 8 BULLETIN 92, V. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SUMMARY AND GENERAL REMARKS. The results of these experiments show that when they are main- tained for 10 minutes the minimum temperatures that can be used for destroying the germs of the four bee diseases now known to be infectious are as follows: ( 1) The minimum temperature for European foul brood hes some- where between 00° C. (140° F.) and 65° C. (149° F.), being approxi- mately 63° C. ( 145.4° F.) . (2) The mmimum temperature for American foul brood lies some- where between 90° C. (194° F.) and 100° C. (212°) F., being probably less than 98° C. (208.4° F.). (3) The minimum temperature for sacbrood lies somewhere between 55° C. (131° F.) and 60° C. (140° F.), bemg approximately 58° C. (136.4° F.). (4) The minimum temperature for Nosema disease lies between 55° C. (131° F.) and 60° C. (140° F.), being approximately 57° C. (134.6° F.). It will be noted, therefore, that 63° C. (145.4° F.) for European foul brood, 98° C. (208.4° F.) for American foul brood, 58° C. (136.4° F.) for sacbrood, and 57° C. (134.6° F.) for Nosema disease are the ap- proximate minimum temperatures at which the germs of these dis- eases, respectively, are destroyed. Since there are varying factors in experiments of this nature that tend to produce slight variations in results, these temperatures are referred to as bemg approxi- mate. It is probable that future experiments may cause slight changes to be made in these conclusions. Nothing more than a com- paratively slight variation is to be expected, however. In practice the beekeeper, in destroying these germs by heating, will naturally use a quantity of heat somewhat in excess of the minimum amount that is absoUitely necessary. Some generalizations may now be made which will be of interest to the beekeeper. The melting point of beeswax is between 62° C. (143.6° F.) and 64° C. (147.2° F.), mclusive. It will be observed that this same temperature in 10 minutes will destroy the germ causing European foul brood, and that it is about 10° F, above that which will destroy the germs of sacbrood and Nosema disease. A further inter- esting generalization may be made concerning the heating of honey. Honey when heated to 160° F. reaches a temperature 15° F. above the temperature necessary to destroy the germ of European foul brood and about 25° F. above the temperature that wiU destroy the infect- ing agents of sacbrood and Nosema disease. The infecting agents of these three diseases of the bee, therefore, wUl be destroyed when the temperature of 160° F. is used in the commercial handling of honey. Finally, it is believed that the results of this work on the thermal death point of the viruses of the bee diseases will be directly applica- ble to the control of these diseases. o 2)l\\L 3.' BULLETIN OF THE u No. 93 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief. April 30, 1914. I THE TEMPERATURE OF THE HONEYBEE CLUSTER IN WINTER. By E. F. Phillips, Ph. D., In Charge of Bee Culture Investigations, and Geokge S. Demuth, Ajncultural Assistant. INTRODUCTION. The care of bees in winter is one of the most perplexing problems confronting the beekeeper, especially in the North. This appears to be due chiefly to the fact that it is difficult to determine by direct ob- servation the normal activities of the bee colony in winter, and conse- quently it is well-nigh impossible to determine what external condi- tions are most favorable except by the gross results of experience. Nor can we by a study of our wintering successes and failures deter- mine definitely whether the same conditions of temperature and humidity are desirable throughout the entire winter. On account, therefore, of the lack of accurate knowledge of the activities of bees in the winter season this problem has been taken up with the aid of certain special apparatus and equipment. This preliminary report is not to be considered as giving definite recommendations as to the care of bees in winter, but rather is issued to make known to beekeepers some of the interesting results obtained in the first season's work on the behavior of the bees during the winter season. American beekeepers lose thousands of dollars annually in winter from the actual death of colonies and even still more from those colonies that do not die, but which are reduced in numbers and vitality. The wintering problem is therefore a vitally important one. The factors influencing the welfare of the colony and the behavior of the bees are numerous and closely interrelated. Of tlie chief ones may be mentioned external temperature, food, ventilation, humidity, the condition of the colony at the beginning of winter, and various forms of irritation. In the present paper special emphasis is placed on heat production, by which is meant the responses of the bees of the cluster to the outer temperature and to changes in the outer tem- perature as manifested in the generation of heat by the bees. Note.— This bulletin presents studies of bees as affected by temperature conditions during winter and is of special interest to beekeepers in the North. 36157°— Bull. 93—14 2 BULLETIN" 93, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. A special reason for this emphasis in a preliminary paper is that all previous Avork on the temperature of the cluster in winter, of ■which there has been considerable, has failed to show definitely what the normal responses are. The data are often those of abnormal con- ditions and are tlierefore misleading, making them almost valueless for purposes of application. One source of error which is to be found in all the records known to the authors is the use of the mer- cury thermometer, for, when such a thermometer is used, it is almost impossible to avoid disturbing the cluster at each reading so that it reacts abnormally. Furthennore, as the authors will attempt to show at a later time, disturbances of the colony may influence the temperature of the cluster for a considerable period, often more than one day. Usually no account has been taken of the necessary cor- rections to be made for the mercury thermometer. Because of the errors in other work on the subject, due to the use of mercury thermometers, the thermometers chosen for the work here recorded are of another kind. Electrical thermometers are used, by means of which readings can be made without approaching the hive, and the thermometers (couples) are of course permanently fastened in place. These are of the type known as thermocouples or thermal junctions and the readings are made by means of a poten- tiometer indicator and a sensitive galvanometer of the d'Arsonval type. The wires used in the thermocouples are copper and con- stantin (a copper-nickel alloy), giving an electromotive force of about 40 [lV per degree centigrade. A detailed description of the appara- tus is impossible here, and it need only be stated that the method as used gives readings to an accuracy of 0.09° F. (0.05° C.) ; the ther- mometers are practically instantaneous in their action — that is, show changes in temperature without a " lag " ; the readings of many thermometers can be made consecutively on one carefully calibrated instrument, insuring uniformity, which is impossible in using many mercury thermometers; and, a point of importance in such work, the readings can be made at the rate of two a minute, which would be impossible with widely scattered instruments. In all, 161,617 tem- perature readings were made during the winter 1912-13, and the work is being continued. Part of the colonies are kept in a well-insulated room (used as a " bee cellar ") in the zoological laboratory of the University of Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., which can be kept at a temperature usually varying not over 2° F., far more uniform than the ordinary bee cellar. Abundant ventilation is provided, and the room is com- pletely darkened to avoid possible disturbance by light. The tem- peratures of the indoor colonies are read from an adjoining labora- tory to eliminate the possible errors due to disturbance, and the room is entered rarely (about once a Aveek on an average and, if possible, TEMPERATURE OF THE HONEYBEE CLUSTER IIST WINTER. 3 only after the day's records are made) and only when absolutely necessary. It is found that entering the constant-temperature room may under some conditions influence the behavior of the bees in a marked manner. Other colonies are kept on the roof of the same laboratory, where they are left untouched from the beginning to the end of a series of readings. The wires of the thermometers are led to the room below through rubber tubes, and all the temperature readings are made at a distance, as is absolutely necessary to eliminate disturbance. Disturbances of outside colonies have also been found to influence their behavior in a pronounced manner, especially in cold weather. By studying the temperature of various fixed points within each hive it has been found possible to use the temperature readings as a substitute for direct observations. After becoming familiar with the normal temperature and the temperatures incident to various activities one can tell the shape, location, and various activities of the cluster by a study of the temperature of different points within the hive and can, in fact, form an opinion as to the welfare of the colony. It has therefore been possible to follow closely the activities of each cluster without opening the hives and even without going near them. THE INFLUENCE OF EXTERNAL TEMPERATURE ON HEAT PRODUCTION. The colony (A) to be discussed under this heading was wintered out of doors (1912-13) on the roof, where the bees were free to fly whenever the weather permitted. It was in a 10- frame Langstroth hive, with the entrance reduced to f inch deep and 8 inches wide, and was not packed or given additional protection. This hive contained 19 of the electrical thennometers — 12 among the combs, 4 in the cor- ners of the hive, and 3 on the bottom board. Readings were made hourly from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. through the winter (Sept. 26 to Mar. 28), except Sundays and holidays, and at intervals additional read- ings were made every 15 minutes (or sometimes every 30 minutes) during the night (5 p. m. to 8.45 a. m.) for periods of several days each. In all, 41,413 temperature records were made for colony A. The reaction of the cluster in heat production, as induced by changes in external temperature, is well shown by the records made from noon November 13 to 2 p. m., November 15 (1912), when read- ings were made hourly from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. and every 15 minutes at night. From noon on November 13 the outside temperature dropped slowly until 6 a. m., November 15, and the weather was cloudy, so that the bees did not fly. It will be seen from the accom- panying diagram (fig. 1) that at noon on the 13th the outside tem- perature was about 69.2° F. and all the points within the hive were BULLETIN 93, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. S! ^ 1 *5 ^ ^ § i \k\\ — ^ 0) !5 1 < ^ ■^ ^ ^ \ \ c N ^ ^ cr: - j ') ^t " ^ — - V / > ^ . ) / / __- < / —1 ^ >< ^ J 7 / ) / y ft) / 1 — !!i 1 1 / / ) / / »> 7 \ ' $1 / / ^ 1 — 1 0) Si! ) ; j / 1 \ / / ( I ft 0 < § I JS I ^ 5 > ^ S \ s R * ^ \ \ ^ \ 5 ^ \ \ \ ? 5 ^ f \ \ \ \^ ^/^A/A/Jii/A/tr^ S^^^/' \ rv^' •J ' ^ r\ <0' 3e' 36- \ V f \ V V V > 1 'S -y 1 V 1 i 1 36' FIG. 2. — Average daily temperatures of the center of the cluster of bees in colonies 1 and 3 and room temperatures, Oct. 14, 1912, to Mar. 6, 1913. Taken from readings made hourly from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. The room temperatures are indicated by the heavy line. Wlien this colony was first placed in the room for the regular series of readings, after a preliminary confinement, October 12 (the readings were begun Monday, Oct. 14) , it maintained a cluster tem- perature which usually lay between 64° and 68° F., the daily average temperature departing from these rather narrow limits only four times up to November 22. The average temperature is 66.5° F. During the first five weeks the temperature of the room was less regular than later (due to faulty working of the regulating apparatus), and this doubtless accounts for some irregularities in the cluster temperature. At first the three thermometers in the cluster (1, 2, and 5) gave tern- TEMPERATURE OF THE HONEYBEE CLUSTER IK WINTER. 9 perature readings quite close together, while thermometer 6, which was near the cluster, gave readings intermediate between the three thermometers of the cluster and the four otliers in the hive, farther from the cluster. After November 22 the records of the thermometers in the cluster were more widely separated and the temperature of the center of the cluster (shown on thermometer 5) tended to rise gradu- ally. It varied constantly, but by December 7 and from then until the end of the month, it averaged between 69° and 75° F. On Novem- ber 29 and December 12 the cluster temperature rose to over 88° F. From the 1st of January until March 6, which ended the regular series of readings, the cluster temperature became more and more irregular, and on January 20 the cluster moved (probably to accom- modate itself to the stores) until thermometer 2 was nearer the center and showed a higher temperature than thermometer 5. The size of the cluster was gradually decreased by the death of bees, and all the thermometers except 2 and 6 show a gradual decrease in temperature until finally, from about February 25 to March 6, they are all low and of nearly equal temperature. The two thermometers giving high readings continued to show in general a higher and higher average temperature and to become more irregular (except from February 15 to March 1), the periods of increased heat becoming more frequent. There was absolutely no regularity in these intervals. After Febru- ary 1 the temperature of the cluster varied between 75° and 91° F., the average from February 1 being 85.4° F. On March 6 all colonies in the constant-temperature room except two were removed. The colony described above (No. 1) and one other (No. 12), not to be described at present, were left. On March 7 at 9 a. m. the temperature of the room stood at 42° F., and the temperature of the interior of the cluster was about 84° F. The brine which cooled the room was then shut off and the temperature of the room rose very slowly and regularly, until on March 11 at 8.45 a. m. it was 64° F. For the first day the temperature of the cluster was slightly variable, and at 10.45 p. m. thermometer 6, which .had been cooler than thermometer 2, showed a rise in temperature (probably due to a shifting of the cluster), and from then on to the 24th they were nearly of the same temperature at all times. On March 8, at 3 a. m., thermometer 2 rose to 87° F. (room temperature, 48.5° F.), having previously shown a cooling. The cluster tempera- ture then dropped slightly, showing relatively little variation until at 4.15 p. m., March 9, it stood at 77.3° F. (room temperature, 55.7° F.). As the room temperature continued to rise, the cluster temperature increased still more rapidly, until at 8.15 a. m., March 11, it reached 93° F. (room temperature, 64.2° F.). A little brine was now turned on, sufficient to lower the temperature gradually to 58° F. at 9 a. m., March 12, and it again rose to 63.3° F. at 5.45 p. m., 10 BULLETIN 93, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. March 15. Durina: this period the cluster temperature followed the room temperature, but remained constantly over 20° warmer. The room was ag:ain cooled slowly, and the cluster temperature dropped until on March 16, at 3 p. m., the room was 49° F. and the cluster 77.5° F. As the room continued to cool, the cluster temperature in- creased, the bees responding to the colder temperature, until at 4.15 a. m., March 17, the room was 48° F. and the cluster 88° F. The room then gradually warmed, and again the temperature of the cluster dropped and then again rose with the room temperature, remaining always over 20° warmer. At 6.45 p. m., March 19, the brine was turned on full and the room cooled rapidly, reaching the minimum of 13° F. at 9 p. m., March 20. At no time, however, did any of the thermometers in the hive record a temperature below 33° F. Here it remained constant within 0.1° F. for about six hours, during which time the cluster temperature varied between 86.5° and 89.5° F. (a difference between the room and the cluster temperatures of 73° to 76° F.). The brine was now shut off and the room again warmed until 9 a. m., March 24, when it reached a temperature of 44.5° F. During this warming the cluster cooled until at the close it was varying between 72° and 79° F. As stated above, the colony was now (9 a. m., March 24) removed for a flight and put back the same day at 7 p. m. In the meantime the room was cooled to 33° F. When the bees were put back into the room the temperature of the entire inside of the hive showed great variation and naturally an increase due to the warming up while out of doors and to the activities of a good flight. The points outside the cluster dropped rapidly, but it was midnight, March 25 (31 hours), before the curves of temperature again appeared normal. The room was slowly warmed to 63.2° F. at 6.30 p. m., March 26, and then slightly cooled to 54° F. at 6 a. m., March 27, and again warmed to 58.5° F. at the close of the series, 4 p. m., March 28. After the flight the temperature of the cluster never dropped below 89.5° F., and the highest temperature reached was over 95° F, (soon after the flight). Thermometer 6 remained high, but thermometer. 2, which had previously been high, now approached the other ther- mometers, probably due to a rapid loss of bees and to a decrease in the number of bees during the flight. It must be recalled that these bees had been confined for an abnormally long time and were sub- jected to treatment which is at least unusual. After this colony was taken from the room for the last time it was found that thermometer 6 was over a patch of larva?, and, estimating as accurately as possible, the eggs from which these hatched must have been laid at the time when the room was coldest (March 20-21) and when the cluster tem- perature was at its highest point. There had been no brood previ- ously, according to the temperature records as compared with those TEMPERATURE OF THE HONEYBEE CLUSTER IN WINTER, 11 of this colony earlier and with those of other colonies, nor was there much evidence of increased heat production due to the presence of brood until after the flight. Probably no extra heat was produced for the eggs, and possibly the hatching of the eggs was somewhat delayed by the low outer temperature. The effects on the cluster temperature which might be expected from a flight, in relieving the accumulation of feces, were not observed, because brood rearing had been begun. Colony No. 3 was placed in the constant-temperature room October 12, 1912, after a good flight, and readings were begun en Monday, the 14th. In all, 2,165 temperature records were made on Colony 3. The stores provided this colony consisted of honeydew honey, which, was gathered in the department apiary and which, since it granulated almost at once^ had been removed by melting up the combs which contained it. After this operation it remained liquid. During the summer of 1912 some of this honeydew honey was fed to a colony in the open, during a dearth of nectar, and was stored in new combs above the brood chamber, in which no cells of pollen were to be found. After the second storing the honeydew honey was clear, well ripened, and did not granulate. This colony was also in a 6-frame hive, as previously described, and contained five thermometers (Nos. 14-18) among the combs. It is of course well known to beekeepers that honeydew honey is not a good food for winter. ^^^len this colony was first put into the constant-temperature room it behaved much as did Colony No. 1, except that the temperature varied between 69° and 78.7° F. for the first week, being slightly higher and more variable than that of Colony No. 1. The second week it remained much the same, the temperature, however, varying between 69° and 80° F. From this time on the temperature of the center of the cluster rose rapidly, never dropping below 79° F. from October 29 almost to the close of the readings. After November 4 the temperature remained above 86° F., and after November 11 it dropped below 89° F. only twice until the end. Thermometer 17 at first read about 4° below thermometer 14, but after November 11 they were close together until November 25, when thermometer 17 began to cool rapidly, due to loss of bees, and after November 30 thermometer 14 cooled rapidly until, on December 9, it showed that no more bees remained alive. From December 2 to 7, inclusive, there was little heat generated, due to the scarcity of bees. It is of interest to observe the records of thermometer 16, near the cluster, but usually outside of it. It at first showed a temperature but little higher than the two thermometers away from the cluster, but on October 31 it began to rise until, on November 12, it reached 80.5° F., when it was doubtless covered by the bees. Even the two thermometers (15 and 18) clear to the back of the hive rose until, on November 13, they 12 BULLETIN 93, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. recorded 61.5° F. These thermometers showed about the same tem- peratures for about 10 days, and then these two and thermometer 16 showed a cooling, since the bees were dying so fast that there were no longer enough to warm up these thermometers away from the center of activity. It was to be expected that this colony would die, and the experiment was performed to learn the phenomena incident to the loss. Before summing up the results of these two colonies, Nos. 1 and 3, it may be stated that, so far as the evidence here presented is con- cerned, the results as far as here discussed are confirmed by records from 10 other colonies kept in the constant-temperature room, but fed other foods and otherwise different. There is in all of the records no evidence Avhich the authors can interpret as at all contrary to the views here stated. A discussion of these other colonies is reserved. It is evident from the behavior of colony No. 1 that at least one factor entered which gradually caused the bees in the cluster to generate more and more heat until at the beginning of the special series, March 7, the cluster temperature was about 20° warmer than it was at the same room temperature at the beginning of the confine- ment. It is also seen that during the special series, March 7-24, the cluster temperature always remained at least 20° above the room temperature, whereas from the discussion of bees unconfined (Colony A) we might expect them to cease heat generation when above the lower critical temperature (57° F.). In the case of colony 3, fed on honeydew honey stores, the factor which caused more heat to be produced evidently increased much more rapidly. As stated previously, honeydew honey is a poor food for winter and is so recognized. It contains the same sugars as honey, but contains in addition a considerable amount of dextrin, the particular lot fed to colony 3 containing 4.55 per cent while good honeys contain only a fraction of 1 per cent. From the evidence at hand it appears that dextrin can not be digested by bees and, whether or not this is the explanation, honeydew. honey causes a rapid accumulation of feces which usually results in the condition known as dysentery, in bad cases of which the feces are voided in the hive. In the case of colony 3 the whole hive inside and out, as well as the frames and combs, were spotted badly, the inside of the hive being practically covered. Even with fine honey stores such a spotting is usuallj^ noticed after a pro- longed confinement, especially in severe weather (or during brood rearing). It therefore appears that the accumulation of feces acts as an irritant, causing the bees to become more active and conse- quently (see later section) to maintain a higher temperature. We are therefore justified in believing that the cause of poor wintering on honeydew honey is due to excessive activity, resulting in the bees wearing themselves out and ultimately in the death of the colony. TEMPERATURE OF THE HONEYBEE CLUSTER IN WINTER. 13 In the case of colonies on good stores (e. g., colony 1) the feces accumulate more slowly and the excess activity is not so marked and is induced more gradually. The accumulation of feces due to con- finement causes increased activity and this in turn is the cause of excessive heat production, resulting in a reduction in the vitality of the bees. It therefore follows that excessive activity causes the consumption of more food, resulting in turn in more feces, so that colonies on poor stores are traveling in a vicious circle, which, if the feces can not be discharged, results in the death of the colony. In the work here recorded no attention was paid to the theory that dysentery is due to an infection, since there is nothing in the observations made that lends any support to that idea. If there is more than one kind of dysentery, as has been held, then the observations here recorded must be considered as applying only to the type which can be in- duced at Avill in any confined colony by giving poor food and which, as has been long recognized, can be relieved at once by an opportu- nity for flight. While the activity of the cluster is greater at some times than at others, there are not, as has been held, regular intervals of activity at which the colony rouses itself to take food. At no time is a colony kept at a room temperature of 45° F. or less in a condition which can be characterized as inactive. Presumably the reported " inter- vals of activity " have occurred when the colony made a noise due to disturbance by the beekeeper. The bees in colony 3 were compelled to work constantly to main- tain so high a cluster temperature. In fact, they did more work than colonies wintered in the open air. Keeping these bees in a cel- lar protected them from low outside temperatures, but the lack of opportunity for a normal ejection of feces caused a condition more serious than extreme cold weather. We seem to have here an expla- nation of the fact, often observed by beekeepers, that some colonies wintered in the cellar are in worse condition in the spring than col- onies that are exposed to severe cold. Poor food is evidently a more serious handicap than low temperature. METHODS OF HEAT PRODUCTION AND CONSERVATION. A colony of bees in cold weather forms a compact, approximately spherical cluster, but this cluster is not, as is usually believed, uni- formly compact. In order to study the formation of the cluster and as an aid to interpreting the temperature records in terms of action, a colony (C) was placed out of doors in a narrow hive with double- glass sides and top, and the stores were so arranged that the only space available for the formation of the cluster was next to the glass on one side, where it could be kept under direct observation. Since 14 BULLETIISr 93, TJ, S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. the bees did not have roonu for a spherical cluster, they formed a ring on the glass. Thermometers were then placed close together in the outside space, so that the temperatures of various points could be determined as desired. This hive was on the roof, and, while one person watched the bees, constant communication could be kept up with the person reading the temperatures in the room below by means of a telephone, arranged so that the hands of both observers were free. This colony was of course in the light, but the normal cluster was nevertheless observed. It was disturbed as little as possible. The nearly spherical cluster of bees consists, between the combs and somQtimes above or below them, of an outer shell of bees close together with their heads toward the center. This ring may be several layers thick. The position with the heads inward is typical, except when condensed moisture drops on the cluster as it often does in cool weather, when the bees at the top turn so that their heads are up- ward. The bees in this outer shell are quiet except for an occasional shifting of position. Inside this rather definite shell the bees be- tween the combs are not so close together nor are they headed in any one way. Considerable movement, such as walking, moving the abdo- men from side to side, and rapid fanning of the wings, takes j)lace inside the sphere and when a bee becomes unusually active the ad- joining bees move away, leaving an open space in which it can move freely. Two bees may often be seen tugging at each other. In addition to the bees between the combs, placed as above described, others are in the empty cells of the comb on which the cluster is always formed, always with their heads in. A verification of these statements is contained in the following observations, and the ex- periment may easily be repeated by anyone. For the purpose of obtaining a colony without combs for another experiment, a hive was opened December 15, 1913, while the outside temperature was low enough to cause the formation of a compact cluster. When the combs were separated the circle of bees in the shell was clearly observed. When a comb from the center of the cluster was shaken the active bees in the center of the circle dropped off readily, and those in the outer shell which were somewhat sluggish were removed with more difficulty. After this was done those occupying empty cells in the center of the sphere backed out of the cells and were shaken off. Finally those occupying cells in the border of the sphere backed out, showing a well-marked circle on the combs. Evidently the bees in the shell, whether in the cells or between the combs, are less active than those in the interior of the cluster. Naturally such a manipu- lation as this is not to be recommended, except for purposes of demonstration. It is clear from observations previously recorded that the highest temperatures are those of points in the center of this shell, and this is TEMPEEATUEE OF THE HONEYBEE CLUSTER IN WINTEE. 15 to be expected, as the heat is generated here. The outer shell consti- tutes an ideal insulator for the conservation of the heat, since the bees arranged so close together form small dead air spaces in their interlacing hairs, especially those of the thorax, and afford still more insulation with their bodies. The abdomens of the bees in the outer row are practically separate one from another, and must often be exposed to severe cold. That this method of conserving heat is effective is shown by observations on undisturbed colonies out of doors. For example, on January 14, 1914, there was at 9 a. m. a difference of 68° F. between thermometers 14 (center of the sphere) and 16 (outside the cluster) of Colony D, which were less than 4| inches apart on the same level in the same space between combs, and a difference of 75° F. between this couple and the bottom board 4^ inches below it. What this difference might sometimes be in colder climates may be imagined. Examples of this kind might be multi- plied indefinitely from the records of these experiments. The source of the heat of the cluster must, of course, be the oxi- dation of the food consumed by the bees. The bee is classed as a cold-blooded animal in that the temperature of the individual bee is practically that of the surrounding medium. There is obviously, from the records just given, no internal regulation of the tempera- ture of the body such as is found in birds and mammals, for the temperature of a broodless cluster varies greatly. From the obser- vations made on the various colonies, especially Colony C, it is clear that heat for the warming of the cluster is produced by muscular activity. "While, of course, some heat is doubtless liberated by other life processes, this is practically negligible when bees are quiet, as in Colony A when above 57° F. That higher temperatures may be produced, greatly increased muscular activity is required, and in Colony C in cold weather bees in the center of the shell of insulating bees were seen fanning vigorously and executing other movements, such as shaking and rapid respiration. We thus have the para- doxical condition that bees fan to heat the cluster in winter as well as to cool the hive in summer. Observations of this kind were repeated beyond number, and this theory of the method of heat pro- duction is entirely supported by the repeated observation of a hum- ming noise from the cluster during cold weather. A few details of the observations on Colony C may be of interest. For example, one bee was observed fanning vigorously for 7^ minutes (9.53 to 10.00-1 a. m., Jan. 23) while the other bees kept a space cleared for it. The temperature of the nearest thermometer rose ^° F. during this time. At 9.52 this thermometer was almost a degree cooler than at the time of greatest heat during the fanning. The rapidity of fan- ning of the wings varied, and toward the end of the time it became so slow that the outline of the wings was distinguishable. After the 16 BULLETIN 93, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. excessive activity this bee stood in the same place for a time. Rapid respiration may play a more important part in heat production than at first appears. One bee was observed to breathe 21 times in 14 seconds and then cease the rapid respiration. On other occasions 60 or more bees would begin shaking their bodies from side to side. It has been shown in earlier sections that feces in the rectum cause irritation, which induces increased activity and causes greater heat production. It has also been found that other kinds of irritation bring about the same result, but a discussion of these points can not be undert4iken here. It is at least evident from the records obtained in this work that colonies of bees in winter, either in cellars or out of doors, should be disturbed as little as possible. This appears to apply especially to cold weather out of doors or in the cellar, especially after the colony has been confined for some time. The facts mentioned concerning the ability of the bees to conserve the heat generated will perhaps raise the question as to the tempera- ture of the hive outside the cluster in cold weather, when the cluster is compact. In the case of Colony A the temperature of the hive outside the cluster was often practically as low as the outside tem- perature. This colony was not packed and had a rather large en- trance. If the cluster forms such an efficient insulator in itself it might be presumed that packing about the hive is of little value and that it might even be harmful, in that it would not serve to conserve lieat and would prevent the heat from the sun from penetrating to the cluster. This line of reasoning, however, does not follow, and in any case it is unsafe to speculate about these things without mo' facts. The effects of various forms of packing are being studied. In closing it may be desirable again to state that too hasty cor- clusions must not be drawn from the facts here presented. For example, the records on heat production might be interpreted as indi- cating the desirability of a cellar temperature higher than beekeepers, usually believe to be best. Experiments to test such a theory are now being carried on, and it is found that a broad statement as to the best cellar temperature can not yet be given. Under most conditions colonies can not be brought to the critical temperature, 57° F., with- out disturbance. It is hoped that more work will throw some much- needed light on this important subject. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY WASHINGTON : OOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1914 ^- . r'SEOTJ^. BULLETIN OF THE MPMllOrAffldTlI No. 95. Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Hov/ard, Chief July 9, 1914. INSECT DAMAGE TO THE CONES AND SEEDS OF PACIFIC COAST CONIFERS.^ By John M. Miller, Entomological Assistant, Forest Insect Investigations. INTRODUCTION. Recent damage by insects to the cones and seeds of conifers has been brought to notice by the collectors of forest seeds. Com- pared with other commercial seeds the market price of forest seeds is high, owing to the limited demand, the special knowledge required for their collection, and the irregular production of conifer crops. A heavy percentage of damage materially decreases the profits of seed collection and may result in time and money fruitlessly spent. Seed that is badly infested or damaged by insects can not be sold to reliable dealers when its character is recognized. It has been found that insects sometimes destroy practically all of the seed crop of a tree species in one locaHty in a season. In this respect insects have a certain relation to the future supply of timber, as the natural reproduction of forests is assured only by the produc- tion of a prolific supply of uninjured seed. (PI. I, fig. a.) The artificial reforestation of denuded areas must also depend upon the collection of sound forest seed. An example of how insects may interfere with reforestation by a desired species has been furnished by the white fir on western national forests. ]\Iuch of the seed of this species collected recently has been worthless for planting, a great percentage of this loss being due to insect damage in the cones and seeds. Some information regarding insects that affect forest seeds and reproduction has been given in previous publications of the Bureau 1 The names of the insects are not mentioned in this prehminary contribution because many of them are not yet named or described. When this has been done it is intended that a special bulletin on the subject shall be prepared by the same author.— A. D. Hopkins, in Charge of Forest Insect Investigations. Note. — Information regarding insects that seriously affect forest seeds, especially in the coniferous forests of the I'acific coast. A practical paper, of interest to seed collectors, dealers in forest seeds, and planters of forest areas ; of particular appUcation to Pacific coast regions. 38961°— 14 2 BULLETIN 95, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. of Entomology.^ This bulletin gives further facts regarding the character and extent of damage to the seed of coniferous forests of the Pacific slope. It also furnishes preliminary information on the more important groups of insects causing this damage, and their habits, that it may be available to seed collectors during the present spring and summer. CHARACTER AND CAUSE OF DAMAGE. Damage to the seed of conifei-s is caused by various species of insects which feed upon the buds, flowers, immature cones and seed, and mature seed. Great damage is accomplished while the cones are immature and before the seed ripens. Cones which are infested, or 'Svormy," are often found when the areas for seed collection are bemg located. Wormy cones and seeds are caused by the adults and grubs of small beetles, the ''worms" or caterpillars of moths, the maggots of gnats, and the larvse of tiny wasps known as seed chal- cidids. In his work the seed collector usually encomiters these im- mature stages of insects which depend upon the cone scales and seeds as their principal source of food supply. With the exception of the cone beetles the adult insect is seldom found in the immature cone. The insects may be found in almost any part of the cone or seed, the feeding habits varying much with the different species. In many cases the presence of these insects in the cone is evident and may be recognized by the peculiar type or class of injury. Where this is the case the daniage may be approximately estimated during the summer. With the more important seed-infesting insects the damage will be recognized in one or more of the following classes: BUGHTED CONES.2 The cones are sometimes killed when small and immature. As a result they wither and dry, and none of the seeds fill. Cones so affected are often described as blighted. Most of the injury of this character occurs in the cones of pine and is caused by the cone beetles. The attack is usually on the second-year cones, although the small first-year cones are sometimes killed. Some of the cone worms, also, bore into the cones in such a manner as to kiU them and cause the same blighted condition. Sugar-pine cones attacked by the beetle nearly alwaj's fall to the ground during July and August. The cones of other species usually adhere to the tree for a winter or two. Damage of this type is easily recognized and can be estimated after the middle of July. 1 Hopkiiis, A. D., Catalogue of exhibits of insect enemies of forests and forest products at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. U. S. Dopt. Agr., Div. Ent., Bui. 48, p. 13-14, 33, 1004. Hopldns, A. D., Insect enemies of forest reproduction. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook, 1905, p. 250-251, 1906. ( Yearbook Separate 381 . ) Rohwer, S. A., VI, Chalcidids injurious to forest-treo seeds. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bureau of Entomology, Tech. Ser. 20, Pt. VI, p. 157-163, Feb. 10, 1913. » PI. I, figs, cl, d; PI. II, figs, a, 6. INSECT DAMAGE TO SEEDS OF PACIFIC COAST CONIFERS. 3 WORMY AND ABORTED CONES.i In some forms of injury the cone is not lulled, but may show masses of resin on the surface, castings caused by the feeding of larvae, or little burrows through the scales, seed, and pith which contain small larvas. In rare cases the cone may be aborted or deformed, forming a pecuHar growth or shaj^e. The cone, however, continues to grow and matures at the close of the season very much like a normal one. The seeds which are not mined or eaten by the insects fill and mature. Damage of this character may be foimd in practically all species of conifers. Much of it is caused by the caterpillars of different species of moths, some of which show nothing on the surface of the cone to indicate their work in the interior. The amount of damage to the seed of western yellow pine and Jeffrey pine throughout northern California and southern Oregon in 1912 was estimated by the writer to vary from 50 to 90 per cent of the crop. WORMY SEED.2 This class of injury is found only in the seeds. The cone is not affected and shows no indication of the insect. Practically all of the reported damage of this type is caused by the larvae of tiny wasps called seed chalcidids. A certain percentage of the seeds will be infested by a small, white, headless larva. The infested seeds are of normal size and appearance. The larvse feed entirely within the inner lining of the seed. Damage of this type can be found only by cutting the seed open. Seeds which have been attacked are hollow and usually contain the small headless larvse of the chalcidid. After the seed has been stored over winter some of the adults emerge, boring small clean-cut holes through the outer shell of the seed. This is the first external indication of these insects. Quite often seed infested by the seed chalcidid is collected and sold before the infesta- tion is detected. Injury of this type is very common in certain species of fir, in which the damage has sometimes been found to run as high as 75 to 90 per cent of the cleaned seed. Species of seed chalcidids have also been found in the seed of western yellow pine and Engelmann spruce. MAGGOTY CONES. Many cones are injured by the maggots of flies and midges, some of which cause no appreciable damage to the seed. Small whitish or pink-colored maggots are found in the cones of nearly all conifers. They are the larvae of tiny gnats, or midges. The pinkish maggots cause little masses of resin among the scales but do not seriously affect the seeds. The whitish maggots in fir cones cause considerable damage to both cone and seeds. (See PL III, figs, a, c.) They are often present in vast numbers and leave the cones when these are iPl. I,fig. 6 2 PI. Ill, flgs. 6, d. 4 BULLETIN 95, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. spread to dry. They are among the most common insects noted in the work of seed collecting. IMPORTANT GROUPS OF SEED-INFESTING INSECTS. There are four important groups of insects which cause practically all of the serious damage under the four classes described. CONE BEETLES. Cone beetles are small, dark, cylindiical beetles which attack the cones of pines. The cones are killed by the attack of the adult, which bores a small tunnel into the axis to deposit its eggs. (PL II, fic. h 1.) The larvae (PI. I, fig. d) feed on the seeds and scales of the withering cone and develop to the beetle stage within the dead cone, where the beetles usually remain over winter. The attacks of several species of these beetles are very common in western yellow pine and sugar pine. The damage to crops of sugar pine is considerable, as these beetles have been noted in some seasons to kill from 25 to 75 per cent of the cones over large areas. CONE WORMS. Cone worms are most frequently met with in the cones in the caterpillar stage. They represent several species of moths which infest the cones of pines, firs, hemlocks, and spruces, and even the seed of incense cedar has been found to be attacked by the tiny larvae. The moths are small and in most species dull colored and inconspicu- ous. The small white larvae of one species are very common in the cones of western yeUow pine and Jeffrey pine. They feed upon the seeds and scales without killing the cone and overwinter as larvae and pupae in galleries in the pith of the cone axis. (PI. I, fig. h.) Another species is a very common enemy of Douglas fir seed on the Pacific slope. The larvae mine a gallery through the scales, leaving an opening at the surface through which resin and larval castings exude. The pupae overwinter near the axis in resinous cocoons among the scales. Nearly all species feed without killing the cone, but a large caterpillar feeding on western yellow pine sometimes kills the immature cone, the damage resembling that of the cone beetle. SEED CHALCroiDS. The adults of seed chalcidids are tiny wasps (PI, III, fig. d). The larvae (PL III, figs. &, d) live witliin the seeds, apparently developing as the seeds grow, so that the infested seeds reach normal size and Explanation of Plate 1.— a, Photograph near Bray, Cal., showing cones of western yellow pine on ground, but poor reproduction; b, mature western yellow pine coue, showing pith occupied by the cone worm and seeds destroyed by it; cl, blighted western yellow pine cone caused by tlae cone beetle; cS, normal cone; d, young living western yellow pine cone, greatly enlarged, to show character of damage by the cone beetle and its larvae. (Original.) Bui. 95, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. Insect Damage to Reproduction of Western Yellow Pine. [For explanation of plate see note at foot of page 4.] Bui. 95, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate Fig. a.— Sugar-Pine Cones Attacked by the Cone Beetle at Different Stages OF Growth of the Cone. (Original.) [The longer cone, which is about 11 inches long, resisted attack, while the others were killed.] Fig. B.— Longitudinal and Transverse Sections of Sugar-Pine Cones, Natural Size, Showing Primary Egg Galleries, B1, Made by the Cone Beetle. (Original.) WORK OF THE CONE BEETLE IN SUGAR PINE. Bui. 95, U, S. Dept. of Agriculture Plate III Work of a Chalcidid in Seeds of Pacific Coast Conifers. a, Cross section of sound, mature white fir cone with unaffected seed; 6, yellow pine seed, enlarged, infested by larvse and newly transformed adults of a seed chalcidid; two un- opened seeds show exit holes made by these insects; c, cross sections of two maggoty white fir cones; d, male and female adults of seed chalcidid, larva in opened seed of red fir {Abies magnijica), and exit holes in two other seeds of same. (Original.) INSECT DAMAGE TO SEEDS OF PACIFIC COAST CONIFEES. 5 form. There are several species, one of which is very destructive to the seed of Douglas fir, white fir, and red fir. FIR-CONE MAGGOTS. Fir-cone maggots are the larvae of small gnats which have been found in the cones of white fir, red fir, and alpme fir. They mine through the scales and seeds, causing great damage. The larvse do not winter in the cones but burrow into the ground as soon as the cones fall. They form small puparia within an inch or so of the surface, and there they overwinter. ADAPTATION OF THE INSECTS TO THE INTERMITTENT CONE- PRODUCING HABITS OF THE HOST TREES. There is a general life cycle for most of the cone-infesting Insects corresponding to the period required by tlie host tree to develop the seed crop. The adult insect, whether beetle, moth, fly, or seed chalcidid, deposits the eggs in the spring or early summer while the cones are small and undeveloped. With some species the attack is such that the cone is killed; with others the attack and feedmg of the larvae do not interfere with the growth of the cone, wliich matures at the normal time, although much of the seed may be destroyed. The feedmg of the larvae ceases, however, when the cone matures, usually during September. The insects then undergo a long dormant period either as larvae, pupae, or new adults. This dormant period contmues until there is another crop of cones m a proper condition for attack; that is, the soft, immature cones which are found in the spring or early summer. Some insects pass this dormant period in the pith of the cones or in resinous masses among the scales. Other species leave the cones and form the pupae in the ground or in debris on the surface. The intermittent character of the seed production of conifers is a well-estabhshed fact.^ A few cones are produced every year, biit a good crop occurs at intervals of from two to five years. The years of total failure are known as "oQ. years." It is evident that if the entire brood of any of these species of cone-infesting insects emerges annually, it will sooner or later encounter an off year of the host tree. This would mean the complete failure of the food supply for one generation and would result in the almost complete extinction of the species within the forest area affected by the crop failure. As a matter of fact, observations show that this seldom happens. All the individuals of a brood of overwintered insects do not emerge the following spring. Many of them do emerge after the fii-st winter, but a large percentage of the brood, in some species 50 per cent or more, ' U. S. Dept. Agr., Forest Service, Bui. 98, p. 13, Nov. 18, 1911. 6 BULLETIN 95, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. continues for another year in the same condition in which the first winter was passed. Usually this retarded part of the brood emerges at the end of the second winter or sprmg.^ This is an adaptation which to a certain extent accounts for the contmued mfestation of certain species of insects in the seed of forest trees. In the case of a species of gnat which infests the cones of white fir it was found that the entire brood of insects which destroyed the 1911 crop of seed on an area in northern CaUfomia did not emerge at all in the spring of 1912, but remained in the pupal state through the summer of 1912 and the folio whig w^inter. The adult flies finally emerged m the sprmg of 1913. Under this adaptation it would appear that only a con- tmued failure of the crop through a series of years would result in the reduction of the numbers of the infesting species on a forest area. Undoubtedly other agencies are responsible for the uninfested con- dition of the seeds of certain trees during some seasons. INDICATIONS OF INSECT DAMAGE. Attack of the cone beetle in the seed crop is indicated by a small entrance hole at the base of the cone, with castings or small pitch tubes, during the early summer; later, by the brown, withered-appear- ance of the cone. The attack of the cone moth may sometimes be recognized by little masses of pitch and larval castings on the surface of the cone and sometimes by withered cones, but it is best to look for the cater- pillar among the scales and in the seed and pith. It is always best to cut the cone open, sectioning it several different ways, in making the examination. The attack of the fir-cone maggot can also be found by cutting or breaking the cone open. The larval mines will be found in the scales and seeds, in which will usually be found the small, white, active larvae. The seed chalcidids show no external evidence, and the seeds must be sectioned or otherwise opened to find the larvae of these insects. Unless test is made the amount of damage can not be determined, and seed that is badly infested may be taken as sound. METHODS OF PREVENTING LOSSES. There are areas of light infestation by these insects in certain species of trees, and there are areas where the damage is very heavy. The amount of infestation in the seed may also vary with succeeding seasons. A careful examination of the cones before the seed matures, during July and August, will usually reveal immature stages of the seed-infesting insects. If cones of the past season are examined during the winter and spring, they will indicate whether or not the > This retarded emergence has not been observed in the case of the cone beetles, but it has been observed in the more important cone worms, fir-cone maggots, and seed chalcidids. INSECT DAMAGE TO SEEDS OF PACIFIC COAST CONIFERS. 7 area is infested by these insects. In the collection and cleaning of forest seeds there is opportunity for use of the information which is now being gathered on this subject. An intelligent selection of the seed-collecting areas will prevent much of the loss due to gathering seed which is afterwards found to be infested or worthless. A count of the number of infested cones and of damaged seeds will give a clue to the percentage of damage in the crop. Wliether or not the damage is sufficient to make collection of the seed unprofitable on the area will have to be determined by the collector. o WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1914 BULLETIN OF THE No. 96 5 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief. July 22, 1914. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) THE TEMPERATURE OF THE BEE COLONY. ^ By Burton N. Gates, Ph. D., Fornwrh/ ApicuUural Assislanf, Bureau of Entuinologi/. INTRODUCTION. There has been a decided need of accurate knowledge of the temperatures and changes in weight of colonies of bees, particularly ring the winter. Previously existing data have not been gained under controlled conditions, but generally by casual observations, limited in number. Most of the previous work has also been for a short period of the year. In tliis work an effort has been made to get more reUable information by collecting data for practically the cycle of a year. The knowledge of the changes in temperature and weights is needed in a careful study of methods for successfully wintering bees. Tliis is one of the greatest difficulties which the beekeeper has to meet, and it is hoped that the present work may furnish data for a further study of the wintering problem. The scope of the work here recorded is indicated by the following figures: Period of experimentation, October 22, 1907, to September 26, 1908. Number of observations, 2,576+. Number of separate readings, 20,000+. APPARATUS. The apparatus was constructed to meet emergencies which might arise, wMch accounts for its many parts. It was planned so that the complete apparatus could be upon the scales at all times, thus obA^ating complications from corrections in weigliings. THE SCALES. A finely adjusted platform scales was speciall}^ constructed, wliich registered with a sensitivity of 10 grams to a maximum of 200 kilograms. It was expected that it would be possible to record 1 This report of work done for the Bureau of Entomolog}' has been accepted by the faculty of Clark Uni- versity, Worcester, Mass. , as a dissertat ion in partial fulfdlment of the requii'ements for the degree of doctor of philosophy , and accepted upon the recommendation of Dr. C. F. Hodge. The author has been appointed to the position of assistant professor of beekeeping, Massachusetts Agricultui'al College. Notf:.— A study of the eflects of temperature on l)eos, and of interest to beekeepers generally. 38957°— Bull. 96—14 1 BULLETIN 06, V. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. 1 slight changes in consumption or*increase of stores. By means of a double beam it was possible to counterbalance for extra thermometers or other small special apparatus wliich might be added temporarily, \nthout necessitating a correction of the hourly readino-s. The scales were found to be relatively satisfactory, but in times of heavy ^vind extra precaution was necessary in order to overcome the influence of drafts on the scales. In winter this could easily be accompUshed by closing the door of the shed in which the experi- ment was carried on. For outdoor work, however, some difhculty was experienced, as Arlll be explained. The agate-set bearings were also sensitive to jar, which was con- stantly guarded against. THE THERMOMETERS. Seven mercury thermometers were used, of the type known as incubator thermometers, which have a long stem and can be read to fifths of a degree. One instru- ment, how^ever, used to register the temperature of the outside air w^as an ordinary chemical ther- mometer. These instruments were standardized and w^ere graduated to the centigrade scale. ^ THE HIVE AND ITS APPLIANCES. Fig. L— The hive used iu the experiment on the temperature of the bee colony: A , storage cham- ber for accessories, with door; B, bottom board with entrance; C , collar with feeder; D, brood chamber; E, perforated zinc honey board; F, second story for surplus; G, thin board wilhholes for thermometers; //, case protecting thermome- ters a-c: I, outside cover. Figure 1 illustrates the general appearance of the liive, showing the live stories. Only one of these w\as occupied by bees, as will be explained. The liive was of the standard 10-frame Langs troth type. Tlii'oughout the experiment it stood on the scales (fig. 2) . The several parts were as follows: A. The lower part consisted of a hive body with one side rem vcA To the bottom was nailed a thin cover board, which served as the floor of the comparl - ment. The purpose of this chamber was to store fixtures, such as frames "dum- mies," extra thermometers, and the like, while they were not in use. In this way it was unnecessary to compute in the weighings for any change in the apparatus For example, m the winter, when four frames in the brood chamber wen^ replaced by the "dummies," these were taken from the storage chamber and the frames hung in their place, without altering the weighings. THE TEMPERATURE OF THE BEE COLONY. B. An ordinary bottom board. C. This wooden collar contained the feeder and increased the space between the bottoms of the brood frames and the bottom board, thus allowing the insertion of a thermometer below the frames. The feeder was what is known as an Alexander feeder. The end may be seen extending out of the collar at the rear of the hive. In this projection, which was provided with a wooden cover, the sugar sirup is poured without disturbing the hive. The cover prevents drafts of air through the feeder. D. Above the collar was the hive body in which the bees were located. The frames were spaced with metal spacers (fig. 3), and wedges between the central frames held all firmly in place. In this way everything was sufficiently secure to enable any possible manipulation, even to turning the hive upside down, should it be necessary, ■without displacing parts. . The wedges also increased the -space between the central frames sufficiently to allow for the insertion of the stems of thermom- eters. The gauge in frames 3 and 4 permitted the insertion of thermom- eter e (fig. 3). The frames were wired and filled with full sheets of foundation before insertion. Two holes were bored in the middle of the front above the entrance, for use in case it should become de- sirable to insert thermom- eters. Throughout the experiment these were closed with corks. E. Between bodies D and F was a perforated zinc honey board. F. A second body was provided in case more comb space should be- come desirable. G. The top of the hive proper was covered with a thin cover. This, as is shown in figure 3, had four holes drilled in the median line and one directly over the rear part of the space between frames 3 and 4. Through these holes thermometers fitted in corks were inserted. II. This was a special hive body used as a protection for the thermometers. One side, shown in figure 2, was removable so as to permit easy reading of the instruments. In this chamber and around the thermometers were two cushions of ground cork, for the protection of the tops of the thermometers and for the conservation of the heat of the cluster in the extreme of winter. /. A metal cover. Fig. 2.— Hive on scales in shed where it was kept during the winter. 4 BULLETIN 96, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUKE. A series of clamps, which drew over screw heads, held the several parts firmly together, preventing the bodies from sliding and snapping the stems of the thermometers. The "dummies" above mentioned consisted of ordinary frames into which boards were fitted snugly. These were used in the winter months instead of the two outside frames on either side of the hive, thus forcing the cluster to occupy six frames in the center of the brood cliamber. In this way it was made certain that the cluster would not shift away from the thermometers during the winter. The Fig. 3.— The hive from above, showing the spacing of the frames. The corks in the cover indicate the localiou of the thermometers. "(himmies" were removed wlien l)rood rearing became established in the spring. These were not intended primarily for protection and did not fit the hive tightl3^ In order to eliminate the annoyance and possible complications from propolizing, all the interior wooden parts were varnished and polished to a piano finish. It should be said that not all of the parts of the apparatus provided were pressed into service. The extra body, Z>, was not needed, and consequently the honey board, E, was not used. The outfit as THE TEMPEBATURE OP THE BEE COLONY. 5 actually used and as it appeared in position until the writer was forced to move the experiment to the country in July, 1908, is shown in figure 2. THE BEES. Throughout the experiment Caucasian bees were used. Two colo- nies were necessary. The first drew out the foundation in the frames and was used during September and October, 1907. Tlie second was hived in November, 1907, and served throughout the remainder of the experiment. This colony did not swarm. THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE THERMOMETERS. The thermometers were designated a, h, c, d, e,f, and o. Thermom- eters a, h, c, and d were inserted between the central combs. They were arranged at regular intervals, a being at the front of the hive and nearest to the entrance. Thermometer e was placed at the rear of the hive between combs 3 and 4, and was expected to represent the temperature of the margin of the cluster. Thermometer / was inserted beneath the frames through the collar, as is described above. Its purpose was to record the temperature of the air below the cluster and which was likely to be affected by currents from the entrance. Its bulb was directly below the central frames. The first five ther- mometers extended about 7 inches below the cover. The outside thermometer, o, was suspended close to the hive in such a way as to register the temperature of the air which surrounded the apparatus. LOCATION OF APPARATUS. The apparatus was installed in a slied on a third-story back piazza in southwest Washington, as is shown in figure 2. While the shed afforded shelter from storms, which was necessary for the protection of the apparatus and in taking observations, windows and door were left open, making the conditions relatively like out of doors. The shed was on the south side of the building. In July, 1908, it was necessary to transport the experiment to CoUege Park, Md. This, however, was found not to have affected the results. The apparatus was arranged in a situation comparable to the shed in Washington. CHECK COLONY. Besides tlie colony on the scales, in which the thermometers were suspended, a check colony m a hive with glass top and bottom was set up close by. The hive was constructed with a glass bottom board, and a wooden shield to cut out light. The cover was also of glass sealed to the hive, on top of whicli were several thicknesses of felt paper and an ordinary hive cover. By removing the bottom shield 6 BULLETIN 96, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. and the to]) ])r()tocti()n it was p<>ssil)lc nt any time of day or night to look l)etweeii the combs at the chister. These protective cover- ings were applied so as to be removed with the mmimiim jar. At night, or even in the daytime, by means of a reflector, lantern light could be thrown up between the frames. In this way the writer was able to watch from day to day the shifting of the cluster and the reaction of the bees to their environment and to compare this with the readings of the thermometei-s in the hive on the scales. It was necessary to maintain this check only during the winter period. METHODS OF OBSERVATION AND RECORDING. Since none of the instruments recorded automatically, it was nec- essary to make frequent readings of both the weights and tempera- tures. The experiment proper lasted from October 22, 1907, to September 26, 1908. The first colony, used to prepare the combs, was also under close observation, so that the whole period of experi- mentation was almost a year. Readings were taken at least every hour throughout the working day. Whenever the hive was manipu- lated, or when peculiar meteorological conditions prevailed, readings were taken half hourly, or even quarter hourly. On the average of about once in three weeks, by means of assistance, it was possible to take consecutive hourly readings for a period of two or three days. In this way practically the whole activity of the colony for a period of a year was recorded. During the summer months the readings usually covered a period of 14 hours daily. The temperatures were read to fifths of a degree. Weighings were made to 10 grams. Every alteration or manipulation of the colony was recorded. Hourly changes in the weather and activity of the bees were also noted. The readings were recorded on 12.5 by 20 cm. cards, the size standard to the office note file. Later from these tables the curves of the temperature and weights were plotted on millimeter cross- section paper, one sheet to a month. The method of plotting is obvious from examination of the several curves herein presented. THE CONSUMPTION OF STORES IN WINTER. At the outset of the investigations it was hoped by means of deli- cate scales, which have been described, tliat sufficiently accurate weighings could be made to show whether there is any correlation between the loss in weight and the temperatures of the cluster in winter. For mstance, it was desirable to know whether there is any relation or rhythm in the consumption of stores to changes in tem- perature due to metabolism. It has not been possible to detect any such relations. Nevertheless several significant facts concerning the consumption of winter stores have been discovered. THE TEMPERATURE OF THE BEE COLONY. 7 The rate of consumption of stores, as is shown in figure 4, exhibits a relatively constant decrease from month to month. At the begin- ning of the season, l)efore the cluster was well established, when bees were more active and before settled winter weather, food consump- tion was greater than in midwinter. As the season progressed, during February, for instance, consumption slackened. There are several factors which may account for this. In the first place, as the winter advanced there were fewer and fewer bees to be fed. The winter was also less severe, and consequently less generation of heat was necessary. Humidity is another factor which noticeably influenced the daily weights for a considerable part of February. This also occurred OCT A/Ol^ £>/^0. c-^^54s are relatively quiet; the cluster expands and the bees fly only in th(^ warmth of the warmest days. The heat maintained in the cluster has a general relation to the prevaiHng temperature of the air. This relation of the cluster temperature to air temperature is especially evident in a comparison of the maximum and minimum temperatures of th(> several thcuinometers of the hive with the tem- perature at the outside thermometer, o. The daily maxima and minima were practically synchronous for all of the thermometers with the exception of c, which usually had its maximum when the temperatures registered by the other thermometers were lowest. Conversely, the minimum of c occurred when the outside thermometer and the others in t^e hive were at their highest points. This will be (explained in detail under a following caption. With the exception of c, then, and for the particular conditions under which this colony was kept, the minima occurred daily some time between 6 a. m. and 12 m., but usually about 8 or 9 o'clock. The maxima occurred daily in the afternoon, usually between 2 and 4 o'clock. While c registered the highest in cold periods, the temperature recorded by the other thermometers showed a similarity with the prevailing temperature of the air. Thus, in periods of cold, as for example in December, the thermometers in the hive as a whole registered lower than they did in warm periods. In warm periods, when the bees are able to expand the cluster and move about, the maximum cluster temperature lacked but a few degrees of the maximum summer temperature. This is repeatedly shown in figure 7; and in March, on a warm day, the temperature reached the extreme of 33.2° C. (91.76° F.). The temperature of the cluster did not fall below 17° C. (62.6° F.), and usually the bees did not permit the temperature of the cluster to fall below 20° C. (68° F.). The amplitude of the fluctuations between the maximum and minimum temperatures showed a close relationship to the external conditions. In the center of the cluster, for instance, c registered much more constantly than the thermometers in the outside layer of the cluster. The daily oscillations of c were usually not greater than 1 to 5 or 6 degrees Centigrade. On the contrary, in the case of the other thermometers in the hive wliich were more affected by the rise and fall of the temperature out of doors, the amplitude of the oscilla- tions was as great as 3 to 20 degrees Centigrade. The center of the cluster, therefore, shows more clearly the activities of the bees. The THE TEMPERATURE OF THE BEE COLONY. 11 active portion of the cluster has a higher and more uniform tempera- ture than the other parts, while the outside layers are subject more directly to the fluctuations of the winter weather. Most of the fol- lowing study of the winter conditions of the beehive will be based on the records of the center of the cluster. It would naturally be expected that the heat radiating from the bees would tend to delay the effects of the penetration of the cold of the outside air on the cluster. In other words, it might readily be expected that the clustt^ thermometers would reach their maxima and mmima later than the outside thermometer. However, this occurred seldom and only in severe weather, when the changes were rapid and considerable. Even then there was a delay of only an hour or two at the most. This again suggests the sensitiveness a n d the responses of the cluster to the changes in the ex- ternal air. The ad- aptation of the bees to changes in the atmospheric condi- tions wall be more apparent when de- tails are considered. As has been sug- gested above, there was a tendency for the cluster gradu- ally to maintain a liigher temperature as the season ad- vanced toward spring and the beginning of egg laying. The schematic curve, figure 7, presents grapliically the conditions of temperature at thermometer c throughout the winter. It will be noticed that dur- ing the month of November, when the bees were less definitely and constantly clustered, the amplitude of the daily variation and the general temperature of the cluster were higher than in the succeeding months. Tliis is also evident in the fact that the curve of the ther- mometer c at this time of the winter tended to follow the curve of the outside thermometer o to some extent. In December, however, there was a change in the course of the temperatures at c, in response to the change in outside conditions. The conditions remained more nearly constant from this time until egg laying commenced in the spring, except that as the weather tended to warm up at the approach Fig. 7. — Schematic curve sliowng cluster temperatures of the bees dur- ing the winter and after brood rearing began. 12 BULLETIN m, V. S. DKI'AIITMENT OF AURICULTUKE. of si)iin anipUtiule of the cluster variations increased, as is shown in the schema tic curve (lig. 7). When the summer season for the bees began, accompanied by the beginning of incubation, the tem- perature of the center of the cluster rose to 34° C. (93.2° F.) or 35° C. (05° F.) and continued practically at this level. For the winter, then, it might be said in a general way that the temperature prevail- ing for several days is in a measure an index of (lie temperature of the cluster. TEMPERATURE BELOW FRAMES IN RELATION TO OUTSIDE AIR. The tliermometer f, situated below the bottom of the frames and cluster, as is shown in the general views of the apparatus (figs. 1 and 2), registered the temperature of the air at the bottom of the frames. It should have shown, if they were present, the effects of the cluster on the temperature of the air below the frames. It might be expected that the presence oi the bees would have raised the temperature of the air in this part of the hive. For comparison with the other tem- peratures, thermometer o was hung in the shed in which the experi- ments were conducted, and registered tlie temperature of the air which enveloped the hive. Comparison of the readings of thermome- ters /'and o reveal some significant facts not altogether in accord with tlie general belief of beekee[)ers. During the winter as a whole these thermometers registered almost identically. Slight variations occurred, but only for a few hours at a time, and may be attributed to minor inlluences of the cluster, to peculiar atmospheric conditions, to drafts, and to the agitation of the bees. It should also be noted that the air which came in the entrance entered from outside the shed and the temperature of this air may not have been exactly that recorded by the thermometer o. During the period of most protracted cold, from January 23 to Feb- ruary 1 , when the mitside air ranged about 0° C. (32° F.), thermometer /'followed the outside temperature closely, and the coui'se of the two curves is practically the same. In some cases, as for instance on January 26, thermometer /'was slightly lower than the record of the outside air, which may possibly be exj)lained by lack of ventilation or stagnation of the air of the liive. Tlie lowest recorded outside tem- perature was —10° C. (14° F.). Since it was impossible to read these low temperatures on instrument/, and since the two curves are parallel so far as records were possible, it may be assumed that ther- mometer /"would have registered almost the same as thermometer o. During the warmest days and nights the recorded temperatures were the same. The maximum for the wanter period came on March TTTE TEMPERATURE OF TTIE BEE COT.ONY. 13 15, when the outside thermometer readied 22.6° C. (72.68° F.). In all the other winter months there were days when the thermometers registered only 2 or 4 degrees less. In conclusion it may be said that throughout the season the tem- perature below the frame was practically the same as that of the out- side air. Of special significance is the fact that the daily extremes, the maxima and minima, no matter what were the variations at other periods of the day, were usually identical. From these observations Fig. 8.— Curves showing relation of temperature of center of bee cluster to outer temperature, Teb. 1 to 10. it would appear that the contraction of the entrance and the tight bottom board were not of much service in protecting the colony from cold. Colonies without bottom boards have frequently been known to survive extreme winter cold. It may be, however, an advantage to a colony to be protected from the sweep of violent winds; but there is no evidence that tliis colony appreciably warmed the lower part of the hive in which it was wintering. Under such conditions the bottom of the cluster is bathed in an atmosphere of thB same temperature as the outside. 14 BULl.ETTN 00, IT. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, COMPARISONS OF TEMPERATURES OF THE CENTER OF THE (LUSTER AND OF THE OUTSIDE AIR. The curves have revealed no more strikhi<; results than the relation observed between the temperature in the center of the cluster, c, as compared with the temperature of the outside air, o. These curves (fi^. 8) at times show a peculiar inverse relation; for instance, when the thermometer out of doors registered low, below zero, the thermometer in the center of the cluster registered liigh, and vice versa. It should be observed that the maximum within the cluster occurs practically simultaneously with the minimum outside, and vice versa. Even minor changes outside are accompanied by cor- responding inverse fluctuations in the cluster. The responses of the cluster to the outside temperature were shown particularly by the thermometer which recorded the temperature of the center of the cluster, c. Up to the day of the first egg laying in the spring, March 9, the general courses of e and o continued relatively constant. But with the commencement of egg laying c changed its trend. The temperature of the brood cluster then became more and more constant, as may be seen in the results of the summer observations. At first glance these curves might be interpreted as independent of each other, that the outside atmosphere has no effect on the center of the cluster, that it does not penetrate and modify the readings of c as it appears to have done in the case of the temperatures in the margin of the cluster. In all probabiUty c more nearly represents the activities of the bees than do the other temperatures; but there is a relation of c to o. It might be supposed that the reaction registered by c is deferred for a period of hours and consequently appears at a time when o has changed. For instance, corresponding to the minimum of o on the 4th of February, the minimum of c came nine hours later. If this is due to a delay or "lag," maxima and minima in some cases are delayed for 24 hours or more. But this can not be; there are many minor variations which appear on the curves, and wliich are synchronous. Were there no relation of c to o these minor variations would either not have appeared in c, or, more especially, they would not have occurred simultaneously with a minor fluctua- tion in the outside temperature. It is therefore impossible to explain the phenomena on the ground of retardation (lag), for in that case it would be far more constant than is e\'ident. Related to the assumed explanation by delay or "lag," humidity or condensation, convection, radiation, and conduction might be assumed to be factors involved. The experimental colony furnishes no data for a consideration of humidity or condensation. The factors of convection, radiation, and conduction can not be conceived as slow enough to retard c from 9 to 24 hours nor would it account for its minor. THE TRMl'KRATURE OF THE BEE COLONY 15 synchronous variation. Without doubt of tlu'sc tln-ec factors the loss of heat from the cluster by convection is sufficient to counteract the hypothesis of the lajji;. Coupled mth this the other factors would be expected to participate. The convection is also modified by the generally known contraction and relaxation of the cluster, referred to elsewhere. These })hysical phenomena are evidently unsatisfactory as an inter- pretation from this standpoint of the lag. Thorough comparison of the charts fails to provide suitable material for conclusions as to the cause. Table III shows the relative increase of temperature in the cluster corresponding to the progress of the winter season, while Table IV shows the montldy maximum and minimum temperature of the center of the cluster during the period from November 9 to March 9. Table III. — Relative increase of temperature in the bee duster corresponding to the progress of the winter season. Range of temperature. November, beginning of winter conditions December Jan. 1 to 18 Jr.n. 19 to 31 February Mar. 1 to 9 When brood rearing is establislied °c. 20 to 24 20 to 22 22 to 25 23 to 28 24 to 30 27 to 32 34 to 35 "F. 68. 0 to 75. 2 68.0 to 71.6 71.6 to 77.0 73. 4 to 82. 4 75. 2 to 8P. 0 80. 6 to 89. 6 93. 2 to 95. 0 Table IV. — Monthh/ maximum and minimum temperature of the center of the bee cluster during the -winter period, Nov. 9 to Mar. 9. Temperature of clu.stcr. Mondi. Maximum. Minimum. 27° C 17° to 18 2° C 80.60° F 02. ('0° to 64 76° F Deceml)er 18.5° and 31.3° C.i r5.30° and 88.34° F.... .30 2° C2 18 1° C Janaary 64.58° F. 19° C S(;.36°F 66.20° F. February 32° C.3 21° C 89.60° F 69 80° F. Mar. 1-9 33.2° C.4 27° C 91.76° F 80.60° F. 1 On a very warm day, Dec. 28. 2 This occurred on two occasions, Jan. 14 and 30, at 8 a. m., when the outside temperature was 4° C. or more below freezing;. 3 Approximated several times when outside temperature was below freezing. ■• Occurred after a warm day; approaches summer conditions EFFECTS OF MANIPULATION ON THE CLUSTER. Good beekeepers know that it is not well to open a hive in winter, but perhaps few realize the resulting effects on the colony. In Washington there are days in every winter month wliich are suf- ficiently warm to permit opening a hive without chilling the bees. It was necessary, partially in order to observe the effects on the 16 BULLETIN 9fi, IT. S. DEPARTMENT OF AgrIGI^LTUBE. colony jiiul partially; to knoW i\i'eit Condition, to op.en the hive under experimentation. The results recorded by the thermometers on all of these occasions are pronounced. In the course of the observations on this colony it was found impossible to disturb the colony in the slightest degree, even to remove and replace a thermometer, to jar the colony, or to puff smoke in at the entrance, without notice- ably affecting the temperature. These eft'ects, as in the case of open- ing the hive, were not always temporary, but sometimes lasted for hours. Any disturbance resulted in an almost immediate rise in the temperature, and was appreciable throughout the cluster. On March 12 the colony was opened for 15 minutes at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The thermometers throughout the hive and even the one below the frames to some extent registered an immediate rise in temperature. When the liive was closed the cluster was soon reestablished but it was several hours before the temperature in the margins of the cluster became normal. On the interior of the cluster, however, the excitement and its effects were not so soon overcome. The curve for c shows that not until the next day did conditions ap- proximate normal ; the effects were appreciable even the day following the opening of the hive. These results agree with the experience of many practical bee- keepers, who consider it unadvisable to open their liives during the winter. BEHAVIOR OF THE CLUSTER IN WINTER: OBSERVATIONS ON THE CHECK COLONY. By means of the check colony with glass top and bottom, described on pages 5-6, it was possible to watch the movements of the bees throughout the winter at any time of day or night. Various theories have been advanced by beekeepers to account for the behavior of bees in winter, but the writer is not aware that they are based on continuous and close observation. For instance, it has been maintained by some that bees semiliibernate ; by others it is affirmed that there is at intervals a general warming up of the colony in order that it may feed. The theory is that at stated periods bees generate enough heat to enable them to brave the cold and to expand the cluster sufficiently to enable them to reach fresh stores. It is not necessary to multiply theories on the condition and activities of bees in winter. In a pre\dous portion of the text the relation of the temperatures of the cluster to the temperature of the outside air has been suffi- ciently considered. It remains now to describe the activity of the bees as seen in the glass check hive. In some respects the move- ments (^r the reaction of the bees, and more particularly of the cluster as a whole, to the stimuh of changes in the atmospheric conditions was rather pronounced. THE TEMPERATURE OF THE BEE COLONY. 17 In watching this colony it was found that the density, and conse- quently the shape of the cluster, varied from day to day. When the air outdoors was warm, the chister expanded; with cold, it contracted. The expansion usually did not cause the bees to cover more frames, but caused them to cover more completely those frames which they were occupying. Thus the expansion was usually downward toward the bottoms of the frames and in the direction of the entrance. With cold, the bees receded from the bottoms of the frames and from the top bars. At all times tlie colony was sensitive to the slightest jar. The bees were also especially sensitive to the light which burst in upon them whenever the covering of the glass top was removed. If the hand were passed over the glass, bees would fly toward it as if to sting. This was noticed no matter how cold the day and shows that the colony, and particularly the outside of the cluster, is far from torpid, inactive, or semiquiescent. At practically all times there were bees movmg on the outsitle of the cluster or on the top bars of the frames. Wlienever the hive warmed up m the sun, although there were no bees flymg, this was evident. There can be no question, therefore, of the alertness and activity of a colony in winter. One of the most surprising observations was the apparent inter- change of bees from the inside of the cluster with those on the outside of the cluster. As the writer watched the cluster, the head of a bee would gradually appear from below the bees forming the shell of the cluster. Finally this bee emerged and took her place with the others on the outside. Similarly, bees were frequently seen to disappear into the mass. The behavior was in no way general, but apparently was going on constantly and gradually. The phenomenon was repeatedly observed under all manner of conditions and at different times of day and night. By carefully arranging the covers, so that it was unnecessary to remove them, and thus cause a j ar, it was proven that this behavior is normal and not the result of a disturbance of the bees. It must be concluded, therefore, that in this way the same bees may not be exposed to the outside cold for a long period. So long as they are able to keep up their own body temperature they remain outside, but when chilled they pass into the interior. Thus there must be a continual interchange of bees from the outside to the inside. Were it possible of observation, there would doubtless be found a relation of the interchange to the meteorological conditions. In cold weather the interchange may be expected to be greater. In severe weather the bees were especially compact and their arrangement definite and constant. They were arranged side by side between the tops of the frames, with their heads downward. At the lower part of the cluster they were also arranged head down but wi.th a little less regularity. It is difficult to see just what this means. 18 BULLETIN Ofi, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. As further evidonco that tlie colony is not torpid in cold weather, some of the otiier activities ol)served will be of interest. Durhig the day, particularly, the bees were seen grooming and combing one another, feeding, and fanning at the outside of the cluster; and when the light was achuitted to the top, they sometimes flew up as if to sting. It should also be stated that on nights of the most severe weather the bees in both this check colony and in the experimental colony were heard faintly and intermittently buzzmg. This buzzing was oven more noticeable on cold nights than on warmer ones. A peculiar trembling of the bee such as is seen in summer was not infrequently noticed. All of these activities are commonly observed in summer, but heretofore have not been thought to occur in whiter and spring before the colony is able to fly forth. It is probable that the lieat of the sun has no slight influence on the cluster. At least in the clieck colony under observation it was evident that the cluster sought the sunny side of the hive, the front al)()ve tlie entrance, where from 10 or 11 o'clock in tJie morning until sun(h)wn the sun shone on tJie hive. TEMPERATURE ACCOMPANYING THE LAYING OF THE FIRST EGGS. With the laying of the first eggs in the spring, which marks the beginning of summer activity, striking changes occur in the behavior and temperature of the cluster. The central thermometers h and c were particularly aft'ected. Upon opening the hive March 12 eggs less than three days old were discovered. Up to March 9 c had usually contimied its winter course inversely to o, as is described and illustrated above by figure 8. But after March 9, when the first eggs were seen, the course of c changed and the inverse relationsliip was no longer apparent. In order to explain the change ui the course of c in relation to o, the behavior of the bees at egg-laying time must be considered. During the winter, whde fresh air is necessary, there is no such need of it as when the eggs, or more particularly the brood, appear. Moreover, for incubation and for brood rearing a much higher and more constant temperature is needed. The effects of drops in the temperature of the outside air must be overcome. In preparing room for the laying of the queen, the zone for the brood nest is established, which is an important factor in the change in the course of curve c. All of these things appear immediately in the curve at the time of incubation. Formerly, when the bees went forth on a warm day there was a drop in c\ now the trend of c is slightly upward durmg the warmth of the day corresponding somewhat with the warmth outside. Flight occurs nearly every day. It is the belief of many beekeejjers who winter their bees in cellars that tt)o high a temperature is likely to cause uneasiness and brood THE TEMPERATURE OF THE BEE COLONY. 19 i-earing. Root (1908) calls attention to the necessity of Jiiaintainiiig a temperatuie of not more tlian 45° F. (7.22° C.) at the approacJi of spring. The \M'iter is not aware that any systematic stnciy of the t(smperatures of bees in cellars has ever been made, so that it is impossible to say how the temperature of the cluster would compare with that of the colony under experin.ientation. The prevailing outside temperature, however, in the present experiment was found to be about 45° F. (7.22° C.) for several days previous to the laying of tlie first eggs, March 9. At any rate in this experiment it appears that a temperature of 45° F. (7.22 C), with, an occasional maximum outer temperature of 8° to 11° C, is closely associated with the beginning of egg laying. But there are probably other factors of importance, particularly the matter of food. In establishing the experimental colony late in the fall, it was impossible for the bees to store any poUen. In the spring, however, for a week previous to egg laying they were ;;een gathering it. This might be expected to be an important stimulus to egg laying, and the bees could not rear brood until some could be gathered. While there appears to be a close relation between stimuli, tempera- ture out of doors, and pollen gathering to the laying of eggs, details of the phenomena can be worked out only on a larger number of colonies under experimental conditions. Another noticeable phenomenon which occurred at this time was the equalization of the temperature throughout the cluster. This might occur earlier in colonies protected from the winds and in sunny locations and later in colonies less favorably situated. If, however, upon experimentation this should be found to be one of the funda- mental stimuli to egg, laying, it would in a measure explain the fact that eggs do not always appear at the same time in all of the colonies of a bee yard. Another factor would be the strength of the colony and the resulting heat which it could produce and conserve. Th se results of the present investigation suggest groat possibiHties for dis- covering the stimuli w^hich regulate the beginning of egg laying in the spring and wdiich might influence the periodicity of brood rearing during the summer. So far the consideration has been largely of the period in which eggs were laid and which preceded directly the beginning of incubation or brood rearing. It will be seen, therefore, that this time is in a sense transitional from the winter condition to the summer season, the topic which wHU next be considered. TRANSITION FROM WINTER TO SUMMER CONDITIONS. The phenomena mentioned in the preceding caption w^hich accom- panied the la^,'ing of the first eggs marked the beginning of the transi- tion from uinter to summer conditions, but this transition was not 20 BULLETIN 96, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. completed until brood rearing was well established. With the estab- lishnKMit of brood rearing, the changes which manifested themselves with the first eggs became intensified. The course of the temperature recorcUnl at c became unlike that which was observed in the winter and was influenced more directly by the outside temj^erature. The influence of the outside temperature became less and less marked, as is shown from the fact that the oscillation of c became less and less, the temperature in the center of the cluster became more constant, and the temperature throughout the hive became more equaUzed. As was stated, the turning point came on the 9th of March, but it was a little more than two weeks, about the 24th or 25th of March, before the colony really assumed normal summer temperature condition. Once this was gained, the temperature, particularly of the center of the cluster, remained relatively constant until fall. This transition period of two weeks was characterized by several features. There was an increase of temperature both in the colony and out of doors. Out of doors the maximum ranged between 12° and 18° C. (53.6° to 64.4° F.), but even more favorable weather followed the establishment of brood rearing and the maximum ranged from 18° to 25° C. (64.4° to 73.4° F.). To a certain extent the temperature of the colony was raised like that of the outside temperature. The increase was general throughout the colony and must be attributed to the need of more heat for brood rearing, more ventilation, and the general increased activity of the bees. At this time h and c ranged constantly between 33° and 35° C. (91.4° to 95° F.), which will be seen to be prac- tically the range throughout the summer. In a word, the transition from winter to summer conditions was accomplished in a surprisingly short time. Accompanying incuba- tion and brood rearing the temperature was gradually raised and became equalized through the hive, and once well established was maintained during the summer. Although the transition was rela- tively abrupt, it would be expected to vary with the colony and perhaps be prolonged in unfavorable weather. GENERAL PHENOMENA OF THE SUMMER TEMPERATURE. The constancy and equalization of the temperature and the range of 33° to 35° C. (91.4° to 95° F.), which characterized the close of the transition from winter to summer conditions, characterize equally well the prevailing summer phenomena. So constant were the tem- peratures in summer that their peculiarities may be briefly sum- marized. Few external factors influenced the hive temperature, and these affected it but slightly. In the original plan of the experiment it was hoped that it would be possible to discover whether there is any correlation between honey flows and temperatures ; but inasmuch as the season was excessively dry and the flowers secreted no nectar THE TEMPERATURE OF THE BEE COLONY. 21 for weeks at a time, this phase of the experiment could not be canied out. RELATION OF C TO THE OUTSIDE TEMPERATURE. Whatever is said of c in the following paragraphs applies equally to h, and practically as well to all the thermometers in the hive. Although the temperature at c coursed constantly in the opposite direction to o during the winter, there is no appreciable correlation between the temperatures in the summer. It might be said of the hive that the temperature as a whole was independent of external conditions. A few exceptions to this will follow, however. During a period of stormy and cooler weather, for instance, although there were slight changes which will be discussed later, the temperatures were largely unaffected. Moreover, since the oscillation of c was slight, as will be explained, there was little relationship between the temperature of the center of the cluster and o. THE MAXIMA AND MINIMA OF C IN RELATION TO O. The daily oscillation between the maximum and minimum of c was usually less than 1° C. (1.8° F,), and in many instances it was but one or two tenths of a degree. On the whole the temperature in the brood nest is remarkably constant, ranging between 34° and 35° C* (93.2° to 95° F.). Even with this slight fluctuation there was perceptible on many days a maximum and mmimum for c, and particularly for the other hive thermometers which perhaps were the most influenced by ex- ternal conditions. It may be said that, roughly, the maxima and minima occurred within two hours of the maxima and minima of o, but since in some instances this happened previous to the maximum and minimum out of doors, the warming up of the colony due to the increasing activity of the bees must have had its effect. To show how closely the maxima of the thermometers in the outer parts of the cluster ultimately approached the readings of the central thermometers, it may be said that while in April the maximum of the outer thermometers in the hive was 19° C. (66.2 F.), in the fol- lowing months it rarely fell below 34° C. (93.2° F.). In September, however, with the general cooling of the atmosphere, it fell to 28° C. (82.4° F.). This showed the tendency at the close of the experiment for the colony to approach winter conditions. The facts show again the unity or equalization of the temperature throughout the cluster, which in the brood-rearing season ranges between 34° and 35° C. (93.2° to 95° F.). The maxima and minima are shown in Table V. The range of the oscillation shows the constancy of the temperature during the height of the season and the greater fluctuations in spring and fall. 22 BULLETIN 96, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGKICULTUKE. Table \'.— Maximum and minimum temperatures of the center of the cluster during summer. Thermometer C. Month. Ml ximum. Minimum. Approximate range. ' a 35.4 36.0 35.5 35.0 35.8 34.8 o p 95.7 9f).8 95.9 95.0 96.4 94.6 ° C. 31.6 33.8 33.6 33.2 33.8 28.0 ° F. 88.9 92.9 92.5 91.8 92.9 82.4 " C. 4 2 2 2 2 7 " F. 7.2 3.6 3.6 July 3.6 3.6 12.6 FLUCTUATIONS IN THE HIVE TEMPERATURE AND THE CAUSES. It luis iilready been said that the fluctuations in the hive tempera- ture wore shght and that hot days and mnds had very shght effect on the cluster tempei-ature. There are some minor fluctuations due to internal and external disturbances which caused decrease or increase in the hive temperature. THE EFFECT OF "ORIENTATION" OR "PLAY FLIGHTS." Every beekeeper is famihar with the "play flights" of young bees about noon on warm sunny days. These are generaUy behevcd to be ''orientation flights," in which the young bees fly forth in circles and with head toward the hive in order to learn its location. During the period of resumed brood rearing in August these flights occurred every few days in the experimental colony. At such times ther- mometer readings were taken at short intervals. Instead of causing the heat of the hive to increase these flights first caused a decrease, then a slight increase. Table VI presents figures for a typical observa- tion, made after the bees had been confined to the hive by inclement weather for three days. Table VI. — Ejfects of "' orientation Jlighls" of bees on the temperature of the hire. Thermometer. Au?. 28. 0. 6. c. d. e. /. 0. 6a.m.i 7 a. m ' C. 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 33.8 33.8 34.0 34.0 33.8 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 " F. 93.2 93.2 93.2 93.2 93.2 92. 84 92 84 93.2 93.2 92. 84 93.2 93.2 93.2 93.2 93.2 ° a 34.4 34.4 34.2 34.0 34.2 33.8 34.0 34.0 34.2 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.2 34.2 34.4 ° F. 93.92 93.92 93. .56 93.2 93.56 92. 84 93. 2 93.2 93. n6 93.2 93.2 93.2 93.56 9.3.56 93.92 ° a 34.4 34.4 34.2 34.3 34.3 33.8 34.0 34.0 34.2 34.0 34.0 34.2 34.2 34.2 34.4 ° F. 93.92 93.92 93. r.6 93.74 93.74 92.84 93.2 93.2 93.56 93.2 93.2 93. .^)6 93.. 56 93. .56 93.92 " C. 34.4 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 33.8 34.0 34.0 34.0 33.8 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.2 ° F. 93.92 93.2 93.2 93.2 93.2 92.84 93.2 93.2 93.2 92.84 93.2 93.2 93.2 93.2 93.56 ° C. 33.6 33.4 33.4 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.8 33.6 33.6 33.6 33.6 33.6 33.8 33.8 33.8 ° F. 92. 48 92.12 92.12 91.76 91.76 91.76 92.84 92. 48 92. 48 92.48 92. 48 92. 48 92.84 92. 84 92.84 ° C. 34.6 34.4 34.6 34.6 34.8 34.2 34.4 34.4 34.8 34.} 34.4 34.6 34.8 34.8 34.8 - F. 94.28 93.92 94.28 94.28 94.64 93. .56 93. 92 93.92 94.64 93. 92 93. 92 94.28 94.64 94.64 94.64 ° C. 15.6 16.4 16.8 17.4 18.0 19.4 20.0 19.6 20.2 20.2 20.4 20.0 20.4 20.8 20.2 °F. 60.08 61.52 Sa. m.' 9 a. m 62.24 63. 32 10a. m lla.m.3 11.30 a. m. ■«.... 12m 1 p. m 64.40 66.92 6.8.0 67.28 68.36 2p. m.5 2.15 p. m 2.30 p. m." 2.45 p. m 3 p. m 4 p. m 68, 36 68.72 68.0 68.72 69.44 08.36 1 Cloudv. 2 Bees fly slightly. s First good fly for three day.s. < Quieted flight. 5 Bees fly freely again. e Quiet again. THE TEMPERATURE OF THE BEE COLONY. 23 It will be noticed tliat short flights were taken at 8 o'clock in the morning when the thermometer c fell 0.2° C. At 11 o'clock the first flight of importance occurred. Then there was another slight drop in the temperature followed by a rise. At 2 o'clock there was a similar fhght and change in the thermometer. In aU cases within 15 to 30 minutes the thermometer had regained its normal tempera- ture. Whib the drop was actually slight, when it is remembered tliat tlie daily fluctuation in the temperature was frequently but a fraction of a degree, tlie decrease was relatively considerable. The same effect was noticed in the spring and in the early part of the season, when the bees first commenced to take field trips. This coohng effect must be attributed to the rushing forth of the bees from the cluster; in so doing they Hberate the confined heat of the cluster. Another factor is probably the excessive fanning at the entrance which usually accompanies these '' play" flights. When the activities wane and the bees commence to return to the liivc, the temperature resumes its normal condition. A simdar decrease in temperature was common in the early morn- ing when the bees commenced to leave tlie hive for tlie field. For comparison with the foregoing, the readings taken in the early morn- ing of August 3 and 4 are presented in Table VII. Table Yll.—Eferts of early morning Jiight of bees on, ternperaiare of the hive. Date. Aug. 3 Sa. m 9 a. m 10 a. m 11 a. m 12 m Aug. 4. 5a. ml (ia. m 7a. m2 8 a. m , 9 a. m Thermometer. °C. 34.0 33.8 33.9 34.0 34.0 34.4 34.4 34.0 34.0 34.0 °F. 93.2 92. 84 93.02 93.2 93.2 93. 92 93. 92 93.2 93.2 93.2 "C. 34.2 34.2 34.4 34.4 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.4 34.4 34.8 "F. 93. 56 93.56 93. 92 93.92 94. 2S 94.28 94. 28 93. 92 93.92 94.64 °C. 34.6 34.4 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.6 34.6 34.8 34.8 °F. 94. 28 93.92 94.64 94.64 94.64 94.64 94. 28 94. 28 94.64 94.64 °C. 34.2 34.2 34.2 .34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.2 34.4 34.4 °F. 93. 56 93.56 93. 56 94.28 94.28 94. 28 94.28 93. 56 93.92 93.92 °C. 34.0 33.8 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.2 34.4 34.0 34.0 34.0 "F. 93.2 92.84 93.2 93.2 93.2 93.56 93.92 93.2 93.2 93.2 °C. 22.6 26.0 26.8 27.4 28.0 21.2 21.0 22.6 25.0 27.0 "F. 72.68 78.80 80.24 81.32 82.40 70.16 69.80 72.68 77.00 80.60 Fanning entrance. " Bees begin to fly freely. EFFECTS OF CLUSTER HEAT ON THE TEMPERATURE BELOW THE FRAMES. It was found that the heat from the cluster had no perceptible influence on tlie temperature of the air below the frames during the ^\^nter. Practically tlie air was at the outside temperature. But in summer totally different conditions prevail; the temperature within the hive becomes equahzed. Furthermore, the crowding of the bees at certain seasons tends to force them to hang down from the bot- 24 BULLETIN m, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. toms of the frames or even out at the entrance. Consequently that space which was outside tlie frames assumes cluster conditions. Early in the season / averaged 3° C. higher than o at all times; at the end of the season, September, it averaged from 5° to 6° C. higher. By the mid(Ue of May /stood only 1 ° or 2° C. lower than the thermometers in the cluster, although the thermometer in the outside air was nmch lower. Throughout the summer there was practically no difference between c and /. During the storm period, as will be seen in Table IX, which is (hscussed farther on, / ranged even higher than the prevailing chister temperature. This was undoubt- edly (kie to the massing of the bees below the frames as they were crowded in from the alighthig board. THE EFFECTS OF STORM. Since the summer of 1 908 was remarkably dry and free from storms, it is not possible to draw any definite conclusions upon the effects of storms, cold waves, and winds upon the cluster temperature. The only severe storm of the summer occurred in the latter part of August. The outside thermometer went as low as 14° C. (57.2° F.), while before and after this period there were frequent readings ranging from 20° to 30° C. (68° to 86° F.). During the storm there were several high winds. These, however, did not blow directly in at the entrance. The bees were thus confined for three days, and at times showed much evidence of shifting and massing at different parts of the hive. In a glass observatory hive the bees were actually seen to cluster now in one part of the hive and then in another. The wind and rain also drove the bees in off of the alighting board and forced them to hang from the bottoms of the frames. If the readings of the thermometers nearest the outside of the hive are rightly interpreted, the cluster withdrew from the walls of the hive, and this caused a decrease in the temperature at these points. While there is some evidence in the figures that the cold outside the hive had its effects on the center of the cluster, the temperature was not permitted to remain below 34° C. (93.2° F.). No fall was recorded lower than 33.8° C. (92.84° F.). Thus the bees appear to be able to control and conserve the temperature with remarkable constancy, even though there be high wind and relatively low temperature. Table IX, in comparison with the figures for a bright day in Table VIII, reveal these facts. THE TEMPERATURE OF THE BEE COLONY. Table VIII. — Temperatures of a bee colony on a normal day. 25 Time. Thermometer. Month and day. Hour. I. &. c. d. €. 0. °C. °F. °C. °F. °C. "F. "C. °F. "C. °F. "C. "F. Aug. 15 6 a. m.i 34.4 93.92 34.4 93.92 35.0 95.00 34.8 94.64 34.8 94.64 24.4 75.92 7 a. m 34.4 93. 92 34.4 93. 92 34.8 94.64 34.8 94. 64 34.6 94.28 26.0 78.80 8 a. m 34.2 93.56 34.4 93.92 34.8 94.64 34.8 94.64 34.8 94.64 24.6 76.28 9 a. m.- 34.2 93.56 34.4 93.92 34.8 94. 64 34.8 94. (i4 34.8 94.64 25.8 78.44 10 a. m 34. G 94.28 34.6 94.28 34.8 94. 64 34.6 94.28 34.6 94.28 27.6 81.68 11 a. m 34.8 94.64 34.8 94. 64 35.0 95.00 35.0 95. 00 35.0 95.00 28.8 83.84 12ra 34.8 94. 64 34.8 94. 64 .35. 0 95.00 35.0 95.00 35.0 95.00 29.0 84.20 1 p. m 34.8 94.64 35.0 95.00 35. 0 95.00 35.0 95.00 35.0 95.00 29.6 85.28 2 p. m 35.0 95.00 35.0 95. 00 3.5.0 95.00 35.2 95. 36 35.2 95.36 30.4 86.72 4 p. m 35.0 95.00 35.0 95.00 35.0 95. 00 35.2 95. 36 35.2 95.36 29.2 84.56 6 p. m 35.0 95.00 35.0 95.00 35. 2 95.36 35.2 95.36 35.2 95. .36 28.2 82.76 7 p. m 34.8 94. 64 34.8 94. 64 3.5.0 95.00 35.2 95.36 35.0 95.00 27.6 81.68 8 p. m 35.0 95.00 35.0 95.00 35.0 95.00 35.0 95.00 35.0 95.00 26.6 79.88 Aug. 18 6a. m 34.0 93.2 34.2 93. 56 34.0 93.2 34.0 93.2 34.2 93.56 21.8 71.24 7 a. ni.3 34.2 93. 56 34.2 93. 56 34.4 93. 92 34.4 93. 92 34.2 93. .56 22.0 71.60 8 a. m 34.2 93. 56 34.2 93. 56 34.4 93.92 34.4 93.92 34.2 93. 56 22.4 72.32 9 a. m.* 34.4 93.92 34.4 93.92 34.6 94.28 34.6 94.28 34.4 93.92 25.0 77.00 10 a. m.'-> 34.4 93.92 34.6 94. 28 34.6 94.28 34.8 94.64 34.6 94.28 26.0 78.80 11 a. m 34.6 94.28 34.8 94. 64 34.8 94.64 34.8 94. 64 34.8 94. 64 26.5 79.70 12 m 34.8 34.8 94. 64 94. 64 34.8 34.8 94. 64 94.64 .35.0 35.0 95.00 95.00 35.0 35.0 95.00 95.00 35.0 35.0 95.00 95.00 27.4 28.6 81.32 1 p. m 83.48 2 p. m 34.8 94. 64 34.8 94. 64 35.0 95.00 35.0 95. 00 35.0 95.00 29.0 84.20 3 p. m 34.8 94. 64 34.8 94. 64 35.0 95.00 35.0 95. 00 35.0 95.00 28.0 82.40 4 p. m 34.8 94. 64 34.8 94. 64 35.0 95.00 35.2 95. 36 35.2 95. 36 28.0 82.40 6 p. m 34.8 94.64 34.8 94.64 35.0 95. 00 35.0 95.00 35.2 95. .36 27.4 81.32 7 p. m 34.8 94. 64 34.8 94. 64 35. 0 95. 00 35.0 95.00 35. 0 95. 00 26.2 79.60 8p. m 34.8 94. 64 34.8 94.64 35.0 95.00 35.0 95.00 35.0 95.00 25.6 78.08 1 Cloudy and cabn. 2 Clearing, calm and close. 3 Cloudy. < Clearing and cabn. 5 Clear. Table IX. — The effects of storm and wind on the temperatures of the bee colony. n. Thermometer. a. 6. c. d. e. /. 0. Mo«* Hour, and day. °C. °F. "C. "F. "C. °F. "C. ! 'F. "C. °F. °C. "F. "C. "F. Aug. 25 Aug. 26 8a. m.i 8.30a. m... 9a. m.2 10 a. m 11 a. m.i.... 12 m 1 p. m.< 2p. m 3p. m 4p. m 5 p. m 6p.m.< 7 p. m 8p. m 9p. m lOp.m U p. m 12 p. m 1 a. m 2 a. m 3 a. m.6 4 a. m.6 5a. m.6 6 a. m.6 7 a. m.6 34.2 34.2 34.4 34.0 34.2 34.0 34.2 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 33.8 34.0 34.0 34.0 33.8 33.8 33.6 33.6 33.6 33.6 33.6 33.6 93. 56 93. 56 93.92 93. 20 93. 56 93.20 93.56 93.20 93.20 93.20 93.20 93.20 93.20 92.84 93.20 93.20 93. 20 92.84 92.84 92.48 92.48 92.48 92.48 92. 48 92.48 34.4 34.2 34.4 34.2 34.4 34.8 34.4 34.6 34.4 34.8 34.0 34.2 34.4 34.2 34.2 34.4 34.2 34.0 34.2 34.0 34.2 34.2 34.0 34.2 34.4 93.92 93.56 93.92 93.56 93. 92 94.64 93. 92 94.28 93.92 94.64 93.20 93.56 93.92 93.56 93.56 93.92 93.56 93.20 93. 56 93.20 93.56 93.56 93. 20 93. 56 93.92 34.2 34.2 34.2 34.2 34.4 34.2 34.2 34.0 34.2 34.2 34.2 34.0 34.2 34.2 34.2 34.4 34.4 34.2 31.0 34.0 34.2 34.2 34.2 34.2 34.2 93. 56 93. 56 93.56 93.56 93. 92 93.56 93.56 93. 20 93.56 93.56 93.56 93. 20 93.56 93. 56 93. .56 93. 92 93. 92 93. 56 93. 20 93. 20 93. 56 93. 56 93. 56 93. 56 93.56 .34.2 34.2 .34.2 34. 2 34.2 34.4 34.2 34.0 34.2 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.2 34.0 34.0 34.4 34.2 34.0 34.0 34.2 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 33. 6 93.56 93.56 93. 56 93. 56 93. 56 93.92 93.56 93.20 93.56 93.20 93.20 93. 20 93.56 93.20 93.20 93. 92 93. 56 93. 20 93.20 93. 56 93.20 93. 20 93.20 93. 20 92.48 34.0 34.0 33.8 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.4 34.0 34.0 34.0 33.6 33.6 33.4 33.6 33.0 33. 2 33.4 33.4 33. 0 33.4 33.4 33.2 33. 2 33.4 93.20 93.20 92. 84 93.20 93.20 93.20 93.20 93. 92 93.20 93.20 93.20 92.48 92.48 92.12 92.48 91.40 91.76 92.12 92.12 91.40 92.12 92.12 91.76 91.76 92.12 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 94.28 94.28 94.28 94.28 94. 28 94.28 94.28 94.28 94.28 94.28 94.28 94.28 94.28 94. 28 94.28 94.28 94.28 94.28 94.28 94.28 94.28 94.28 94.28 94.28 94.28 20.4 19.8 19.8 20.8 20.2 20.6 18.4 17.8 17.6 17.0 16.2 18.2 16.4 16.2 15.0 15.0 14.6 15.4 15.6 14.8 17.4 16.2 17.0 16.6 17.0 68.72 67.64 67.64 69.44 68.36 69.08 65.12 64.04 63.68 62.60 61.16 64.76 61.52 61.16 59.00 59.00 58.28 59. 72 60.08 58.64 63.32 61.16 62.60 61.88 62.60 1 Cloudy. 2 Breeze from north. 3 Raining a little. < Rain. 6 High wind from east. 6 High wind from east, no rain. 26 BULLETIN nfi, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. Another fact to which reference has been made under the caption, "Effects of chister heat on the temperature below the frames," should be mentioned here. During this period of storm, jf" frequently- recorded a higher temperature than the thermometers above it. This was undoubtedly due to the crowding of the bees in off of the ahghting board, forming a curtain below the frames. This is an advantage in helping to conserve the heat and in preventing the cold, inward draft tlu-ough the entrance from striking directly on the brood. THE EFFECTS OF TRANSPORTATION ON THE TEMPERATURE OF THE COLONY. Not infrequently beekeepers sustain heavy losses in moving their bees, although it is not usually done in extremely hot weather. Since the moving of the experimental colony to College Park, Md., a distance of about 11 miles, was unavoidable, the writer decided to make the most of the necessity and determine in so far as possible the effects of transportation on the colony. Even with precautions, strong and populous colonies sometimes smother. Brood is often killed, supposedly from excessive heat. With these points in mind every precaution was taken to protect the colony from harm; and since no damage resulted, the experiment reveals the temperature conditions in a successful transportation of a strong colony under most adverse circumstances — extreme heat and humidity and bad roads. The trip was commenced at 10.30 a. m. on July 2. The day was humid, with intermittent sunshine and clouds, and no breeze. In Washington the mercury rose to 32.33° C. (90° F.) at 2 o'clock. The road was through the city of Washington over asphalt and stone pavements for several miles and then over rough country roads, which had scarcely any shade. The colony was moved on a spring express wagon with cover, the curtains of which were kept down on the sunny side so as to prevent the sun from striking directly on the hive. The other curtains were rolled up in order to allow all the ventilation possible, but since there was no breeze all the draft which the bees got must have been procured by fanning and by the movement of the wagon. The colony was crowded into a 10-frame Langstrotli hive and the entrance was screened the night previous. All of the thermometers remamed in position. This, of course, prevented giving ventilation through the top of the hive, which is the common practice in moving bees. In order to give room for expansion of the cluster and to con- fine the ail' as little as possible, the hive was set over an empty body, on the bottom of which wire cloth was tacked. In order to allow the air to circulate freety beneath the hive, it was supported above the THE TEMPERATURE OF THE BEE COLONY. 27 bottom of the wagon on |-inch strips of wood, the spring of which reheved to some extent the jolt of the wagon. In the morning, before the colony was disturbed and just after it was loaded, thermometer readings were taken. On the road readings were also made at short intervals. In this way tlie result of every successive event in the trip was known. The first disturbance, carrying the hive downstairs and loading, was immediately responded to by the bees. The first 15 minutes on the road were but slightly more disturbing. Gradually, however, the temperature increased until 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon and an hour previous to releasing, when practically the maximum was reached, 36.0° C. (96.8° F.). It should be mentioned, however, that during the next few hours and even after the bees had their liberty the ther- mometers in the distant parts of the hive, a and e, registered 36.2° C. (97.16° F.). But it is probable that the bees clustered more densely at these pomts than they did in tlie center of the hive. This tempera- ture can not be considered particularly abnormal, although it is higher than any temperature registered immediately before or after the transportation. On several occasions durmg the summer and even in May, practically the same degree was reached; but since in normal cii'cumstances it never went higher than 36° C. (96.8° F.), the temperature observed is probably nearly as high as can be reached by bees without damage. It would not have taken many' degrees more than this to have softened the combs and to have caused them to sag and break. The melting point of pure wax is 62° to 64° C. (143° to 145° F.), but the difference between the melting point and the point at which combs become soft enough to sag must be con- siderable, perhaps 20° C. (36° F.). It can not be said that the temperature was higher at any one part of the hive than at another, unless possibly there was a slight tend- ency for the brood cluster to be mamtained cooler. This would naturally be expected, but under such trymg circumstances the phe- nomenon could not be measured satisfactorily. At no tune on the trip did the bees hang dowTi from their combs into the lower body, and upon releasmg them there was no evidence of condensation. At all times, as would have been expected, there was considerable fanning. Furthermore, the bees were not made cross by their con- finement, as was the case when the rest of the colonies of the apiary were moved, which was done under much more favorable circum- stances except for ventilation. That no brood died in the experi- mental colony is further evidence that 36° C. (96.8° F.) is not abnormal. The colony was placed in its new position at 2.30 o'clock and the bees liberated. The effects of their liberty on the temperatures were not apparent, however, as will be seen in Table XI, for more than an 28 BULLETIN 90, U. S. DEPAKTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. liour, when tlie temperatures began gradually to fall. Finally, when tlio beos liad orientated themselves and had commenced to return to the hive, there was a noticeable quietmg and a perceptible drop in the mercury. At 7.30 o'clock, after all the bees had returned to the hive, conditions were practically normal. In conclusion it may be said that the conditions under which the bees were moved, although trying and about as adverse as possibly could be encountered, did not produce abnormal heat in the hive. The temperature increased only 2°, from 34° to 36° + C. (93.2 to 96.8° F.) . "VVliile it is generally admitted that ventilation from the top is i)referable in movuig bees, on the hypothesis that warm air rises, ventilation from the bottom was a success in the case under dis- cussion. In moving the rest of the department apiary to CoUege Park earlier in the season, when the weather was more favorable, the day being cloudy with showers, three colonies suffered severely from overheating and condensation. These colonies were screened at the entrance and over the top of the hive; but apparently the screenuig of the top was not sufficient, because when the bees became excited and expanded as a result of the heat, they packed so tightly against the top screen as to shut out all ventilation. The tendency of bees is upward and toward the light. On the contrary, if ventilation is given from below, there is less tendency for them to pack agamst the screen. While it is generally maintained that for moving colonies top ventila- tion is preferable, the present experiment would indicate that bottom ventilation is practical and advantageous. For comparison, figures taken the day previous (Table X) and the day after the transportation (Table XII), as weU as on that day (Table XI), are presented. Table X. — Readings of thennometers, July 1, on day previous to transportation of bee colony. Thermometer. Hour. a. 6. c. . e. 0. "C. °F. °C. °F. "C. °F. °C. °F. °C. °F. °C. °F. 9 a. m 10 a. m 33.4 33.6 33. 8 33.9 34.0 34.4 34.4 34.6 34.8 92.12 92.48 92.84 93.02 93.20 93.92 93.92 94.28 94.64 34.0 34.0 34.2 34.5 34.5 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 93.20 93.20 93.56 94.10 94.10 94.64 94.64 94.64 94.64 34.0 34.2 34.2 34.5 34.5 34.8 34.8 34.8 35.0 93.20 93.56 93.56 94.10 94.10 94.64 94.64 94.64 95.00 33.8 33.6 33.8 33.9 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.2 34.8 92.84 92.48 92.84 93.02 93. 20 93.20 93.20 93.56 94.64 33.8 33.6 33.6 33.9 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.2 35.0 92.84 92.48 92.48 93.02 93.20 93.20 93.20 93. 56 95.00 25.8 27.0 28.5 29.0 29. S 31.5 31.5 32.2 29.0 78.44 80.60 U a. m 12 m 83.30 84.20 85.64 2 p. m 88.70 3 p. m 4 p. m 88.70 89.96 8 p. m 84.20 THE TEMPERATURE OP THE BEE COLONY. Table XI. — Headings of thermometers during transportation of bees, July extremely tvarm and sultry. 29 Day Thermometer. Hour. a 6 c d e Observations. °C. °F. °C. °F. °C. °F. °C. °F. "C. "F. 9a. m 34.4 93.92 34.4 93.92 34.4 93.92 34.0 93.20 34.0 93.20 Hive closed but un- moved. 10.15 a. m. 35.0 95. 00 35.0 95.00 35.0 95.00 34.8 94.64 34.8 94.64 Hive loaded on wagon. 10.30 a. m. 35.0 95.00 35.0 95.00 35.0 95.00 34.8 94.64 34.8 94.64 Drive to College Park started. 10.45 a. m. 35.2 95. 36 35.0 95. 00 35.1 95. 18 34.9 94.82 35.0 95.00 11 a.m.... 35.4 95. 72 35.2 95. 36 35.2 95.36 35.0 95.00 35.0 95. 00 ]1.15 a. m. 35.4 95.72 35.0 95. 00 35.1 95. 18 35.0 95.00 35.0 95.00 Sun and clouds. 11.30 a. m. 35.6 96.08 35.2 95.36 35.2 95. 36 35.0 95. 00 35.0 95.00 Do. 11.45a. m. 35.8 96.44 35.4 95.72 35.6 96.08 35.1 95.18 35.2 95.36 Do. 12m 35.8 96.44 35.6 96.08 35.6 96.08 35.3 95.54 3.5.4 95.72 Do. 12.15p.ra. 35.8 96.44 35.8 96.44 35.6 96.08 35.4 95. 72 35.6 96.08 Do. 12.45 p.m. 35.8 96.44 35.6 96.08 35.6 96.08 35.4 95.72 35.6 96.08 Stopped 30 minutes for lunch. 1 p. m 35.8 96.44 35.6 96.08 35.6 96.08 35. 6 96.08 3.5.6 96.08 1.15 p. m.. 36.0 96. SO 35.8 96.44 35.8 96. 44 35. 8 96. 44 3.5.8 96.44 1.30 p. m.. 36.0 96. 80 36.0 96. 80 35.9 96.62 35. 8 96.44 36.0 96.80 2p.m 36.0 96.80 36.0 96.80 36.0 96. SO 35.9 96.62 36.0 96.80 2.30 p.m.. 36.2 97.16 36.0 96.80 36.0 96.80 36.0 96.80 36.1 96.98 Hive set on stand and opened. 3p.m 36.2 97.16 36.0 96.80 36.0 96.80 36.0 96.80 36.2 97.16 3.30 p. m.. 36.2 97.16 35.8 96. 44 35.8 96. 44 36.0 96. SO 36.0 96. SO 4p.m 36.1 96.98 35.4 95. 72 35.8 96.44 36.0 96.80 36.0 96. 80 4.30 p.m.. 35.4 95. 72 34.1 93. 38 34.8 94.64 35.1 95.18 35.4 95.72 5p.m 35.0 95. 00 34.0 93. 20 34.6 94.28 34.9 94.82 35.0 95.00 6.30 p.m.. 34.6 94.28 34.2 93.56 34.2 93.56 34.4 93.92 34.4 93.92 Bees all returned to hive. 7p. m 34.4 93. 92 34.2 93.56 34.2 93. 56 34.2 93.56 34.2 93.56 7.30 p. m.. 34.4 93.92 34.0 93.20 34.0 93.20 34.2 93.56 34.2 93.56 Quiet and normal. Table XII. — Readings of (herm.oyneters, July .?. J)ay after transportation of bees. Thermometer. Hour. a 6 c d e Observations. °C. "F. "C. °F. °C. °F. "C. "F. "C. °F. 7.30 a. m... 8.30a. m... 10 a. m 11a. m 12m 7p. m 8p. m 33.8 33.8 33.8 34.0 34.0 34.8 34.8 92.84 92.84 92.84 93. 20 93.20 94.64 94.64 34.0 33.8 34.0 34.0 34.2 34.8 34.6 93.20 92.84 93.20 93. 20 93. .56 94.64 94. 28 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.2 34.6 34.6 93. 20 93. 20 93. 20 93.20 93.56 94.28 94.28 33.6 33.4 33.4 33.4 33.6 34.2 34.0 92.48 92.12 92.12 92.12 92.48 93. .56 93. 20 33.0 33.0 33.6 33.4 33.4 34.0 34.0 91.40 91.40 92.48 92.12 92.12 93.20 93.20 Cloudy. Breeze. Bees returned. o WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1914 BULLETIN OF THE No. 100 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief. August 31. 1914. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. By W. M. Davidson, Scientific Assistant, Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. INTRODUCTION. The study of walnut aphides dealt with in the following pages was begun early in the year 1911 and contmued until the summer of 1913. The observations were at first made at San Jose, Cal., but after Sep- tember, 1912, the work was done chiefly at Walnut Creek, Cal. Prac- tically all the life-history observations were made at the former locality, and much of the control work was done at Walnut Creek. The habits of the aphides do not vary materially throughout Cali- fornia. It was at first the writer's intention to confhie his studies to the European walnut aphis (ChroTnapMs juglandicola Kalt.), as this species alone infests walnuts of commercial value grown in California, but latterly two native species of Aphididae were found to be pests on native walnuts much used for stock on which to graft the European or Persian nut, and thus the studies were extended so as to include all three species. The two native aphides above mentioned are MoneUia caryse MoneU, the American walnut aphis, which affects the eastern black walnut (Juglans nigra) and MoneUia caryella Fitch, the little hickory aphis,^ which affects the California black walnut (Juglans calif ornica) . Both of these species infest the Royal Hybrid walnut (a cross between the eastern black walnut and the California black walnut), while the Paradox Hybrid walnut (a cross between the European walnut and the California black walnut) is attacked by the European walnut aphis and to a lesser extent by the little hickory aphis. Both of these hybrids are rapid growers, and a certain per- centage of the seedlings obtained from the crossings makes good stock on which to graft the commercial varieties of nuts. The great majority of European nuts and their varieties are grown m California 1 This is the name Fitch gave to species which he found on hickory, and it seems best to retain it, although rather an unfortunate title in so far as California is concerned, as the only wild member of the Juglandacese in that State is Juglans californica. 40859°— Bull. 100—14 1 2 BULLETIN 100, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. on roots of either the California black walnut straight or on roots of one or the other of these two hybrids. When a graft has been made and both stock and scion are putting out leaves simultaneously, more than one species of apliis will usually occur on the same tree. In such a case the two species feed on theu- own particular host, but the migrant forms of either may be found resting on foliage of the oppo- site host. The Paradox and Royal hybrids are used in various parts of California as shade trees and will furnish a fine grade of wood, which will take on a high polish. THE EUROPEAN WALNUT APHIS (Chromaphis juglandicola Kaltenbach). Lachnus juglandicola Kaltenbach, Monographie der Familien der Pflanzenlause, Aachen, 1843. Calliptcrus juglandicola Koch, Die Pflanzenlause Aphiden, Niirnberg, p. 224, 1857. Calliptcrus juglandicola Passerini, Gli Afidi, Parma, 1860. Callipterus juglandis Walker, The Zoologist, ser. 2, v. 5, p. 2000, Feb., 1870.. Pterocallis juglandicola Buckton, Monograph of the British Aphides, v. 3, London, 1881, p. 32-34. Callipterus juglandicola Schouteden, Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg., v. 12, p. 209-210. Chromaphis juglandicola Essig, Mo. Bui. Cal. State Com. Hort., v. 1, no. 5, p. 190-194, figs. 72-73, April, 1912. In 1870 Walker erected the genus Chromaphis and designated Callipterus juglandicola Kaltenbach as the type species. Reference to this is made by H. F. Wilson in his paper ''A Key to the Genera and Notes on the Synonymy of the Tribe Callipterini, Family Aphi- didae," Canad. Ent., v. 42, no. 8, p. 253-259, Aug., 1910. HISTORY OF THE SPECIES. The species was described originally by J. H. Kaltenbach in his "Monographie der Familien der Pflanzenlause" as Lachnus juglandi- cola. A somewhat free translation of this description is as follows: Wingless: Pale yellow, egg-shaped, flat, square, incised, and armed with glandular hairs on the margins; legs whitish- yellow, a black spot on the apex of the hind femora. Length, Y'- Winged: Yellow; eyes red; antennae whitish, with black rings; cornicles yellow, hardly noticeable; tail lacking. This tree louse occurs sporadically in June and July in numbers under the leaves of the walnut tree (Juglans regia). Wingless: Antennee shorter than the head and thorax combined, not markedly jointed, whitish-yellow. Apex of antennae black, of third joint ringed black. Eyes light red; beak short, scarcely reaching to the first coxae. On the dorsum occur two longitudinal rows of black spots, which are absent on younger individuals. Cornicles and tail lacking. Legs hyaline whitish-yellow; a black spot is found on the upper side of the hind femora at their apices. Winged: Antennaj noticeably shorter than the body, pale, the four major joints black at their apices; third joint distally enlarged; sixth joint with a gradually tapering thin apex. The body is yellow; in many cases the black dorsal spots of the abdomen are absent; in other cases but two to six are present; cornicles scarcely per- WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. 6 ceptible, yellow; tail not present. Legs pale; the spots on the apex of the hind femora are larger than those of the wingless. In well-colored examples such spots occur on the middle femora and those on the hind femora are enlarged into a ring. The wings are transparent; the stigma yellow, cubitus and the two inner veins brown and markedly stouter at the base, then gradually becoming finer and paler; veins of lower wing and wing margin pale yellow; stigmatic or foiurth vein very fine and strongly curved. There is no doubt that Kaltenbach's species is the same that occurs commonly all over California on the European wahiut. The black femoral spot, together with the antennae as described, estab- lishes its identity. Kaltenbach's wingless form appears to be the oviparous female in her penultimate molt, for the true apterous vivip- arous female — a common form in the majority of plant lice — does not exist, or, if it does, is extremely rare, the author in two years of close observation having failed to observe it. Buckton (1872) ^ gives a description of the apterous viviparous form, but he also seems to have had before him the immature oviparous form. The insect probably occurs wherever the European walnut is grown. It has been reported from aU over Europe, as weU as from the States of Colorado (GOlette, 1910), Oregon (Wilson and Lovett, 1911-12), and California (Essig, 1909). GENERAL DESCRIPTION: CHARACTER AND EXTENT OF INJURY. This aphidid is a small, lemon-yellow insect, about one-sixteenth of an inch in length. It occurs sporadically on the underside of the leaves and on the young fruit of the European walnut (Juglans regia) and its cultivated forms and hybrids. It appears on the upper sur- face of the leaf only at times of very severe infestation. It is to be found from late February or early March until December, persisting as long as the leaves remain on the tree, but is present in greatest numbers during the months of July and August. As many as 200 individuals may occur on a single large leaflet if infestation be severe, while the author has observed over 30 aphides on a single young nut. Nuts badly infested while young never attain their normal size. Many of them mature half-sized, covered on the upper surface with the black sooty fungus which thrives on the sticky exudations of the aphides. Attacks on the tree year by year also materially reduce its vitality, since the aphides will be present in the spring even before the leaves have opened and will remain until these drop. § Plate I, figure 1, shows the difference in size between infested and uninfested nuts of one variety of European walnut, while Plate I, figure 2, demonstrates the appearance of the sooty fungus on a walnut leaf. 1 Dates in parentheses refer to the Bibliography, p. 47. i BULLETIN 100, U. S. DEPAKTMENT OF AGKICULTUKE. LIFE HISTORY AND TECHNICAL DESCRIPTIONS. The Viviparous or Asexual Forms. When the young stem-mother is ready to emerge in the spring she causes the shell of the winter egg to burst with a longitudinal sht on the dorsal surface from the micropylar end. (See fig. 1.) Egress is performed head first, and antennae and legs are requisitioned by the young larva in worming its way out of the shell. Wliile the process of emerging, which occupies half an hour or more, is taking place, the aphis assumes an erect position at right angles to the long axis of the egg. After the exit of the young the eggshell has a large triangular hole at the micropylar end. As soon as the buds begin to swell in early spring these stem-mothers hatch and continue hatcliing until the leaves have fully opened out, at which time all will have issued from the egg. The earliest plant-lice to emerge may be seen wandering over the bare twigs and buds, apparently feeding a little upon the scales protecting the unopened buds, but not showing much growth until the buds have opened and can afford nourishment. Undoubtedly many of the apliides that hatch early die of ill nourishment, and some of these do not attain their full development for six or seven weeks, while those hatching later and findmg YiG.i.-chromapMsjvgiandi- tender food iu abundance become full grown at cola: Group of eggs, three ^| j ^£ £^^ wccks. Certain it is that on a lowest hatched. Twenty i n u times natural size. (Origi- particular tree the stem-mothers all became °^''^ winged almost simultaneously. On trees which leaf early the stem-mothers will begin emerging [from the egg as early as February 15, but on the Franquette and such late varie- ties no aphides will be found until in April. Immediately after hatching the Uce seek the buds-or young leaves. In the former case the aphides crawl in between the scales, but on the leaves they appear on the lower or exposed side, notwithstanding the fact that much better protection is afforded by the upper, as yet unfolded, sur- face which at that time is almost entirely hidden from view. Possibly the sticky character of the upper surface of the leaves repels them. Table I indicates the fife cycle of four stem-mothers which hatched after the buds had opened. Table I. —Period of development of the stem-mother of Chromaphis juglandicola, San Jose, Cal., 1912. No. of individual. Date of hatching. Date of acquiring wings. Period from hatching to maturity. 1 Mar. 24 24 24 24 Apr. 28 28 28 29 Days. 35 35 35 36 2 3 4 Average period. 35.25 Bui. 100, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. Fig. 1.— Three Matured Nuts of European Walnut Seedling. [Middle nut iiiitural size, other two undersized from attack by aphides.] Fig. 2.— Upper Side of Three Leaflets of European Walnut Seedling. [The central leaflet shows growth of fungus thriving upon the exudation of aphides above. Two-thirds natural size.] WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. 5 THE stem-mothek; newly hatched young (fig. 2). Oval, lemon yellow. Eyes red, of moderate size. Antennae 3-jointed, not quite reaching to base of second coxae; joint III nearly three times as long as joints I and II together. Legs comparatively long, entirely pale. Body covered with capitate hairs. Cornicles very small, pale whitish -yellow, hardly raised above the surface of the body. Cauda small, pale, bluntly conical. Beak entirely pale, reaching second coxse. Black knee spots characteristic of this species absent. Measurements: Length of body, 0.72 mm.; width, 0.30 mm.; antenna, joint I, 0.04 mm.; joint II, 0.035 mm.; ioint III, 0.145 mm. Almost immediately after birth the legs and antennas turn dusky gray and the dark abdominal spots appear. In this respect the young of the stem-mothers differ from those of all other generations, for the appendages of the yoimg aphides of subsequent broods never turn entirely dusky nor do the abdominal spots appear so early. the stem-mother; 4 DAYS OLD. Yellowish -green, flatly oval, closely appressed to the surface of the leaflet or bud scale. Antennae and legs dusky gray. Eyes circular, red, small. Head, thorax, two proximal antenual joints, and abdomen bearing capi- tate hairs which arise (those of the antennae excepted) from small tubercules situated in the middle of a small, ^f • 2.-Cftromapfeis ju^- , r> • • 11 1- 1 • • ?ond?co/a.- Stem-mother, newly circular, dusky area. Antennae 3-jomted, the distal joint hatched. (Original.) the largest. Cornicles very small, erect. Cauda almost as long as the hind tarsus, its apex blunt. Cornicles and cauda concolorous with the abdomen. Beak very pale, reaching second coxae, its extreme apex brown. Under- side of the head very pale yellow; of the abdomen greenish-yellow. THE stem-mother; after first molt and just previous TO SECOND MOLT. Pale lemon-yellow or yellowish green, flatly oval, closely appressed to the plant surface, occurring on the underside of the expanding leaves, between the ribs. Antennae and legs very pale yellow, almost hyaline. Antennae short, reaching slightly beyond the posterior margin of the prothorax, 3-jointed, with a rudimentary suture on the distal half of joint III . This joint is about three times aa long as the two proxi- mal joints together. Eyes crimson, not fully developed. Legs entirely pale, with- out any trace of dark knee spots. Thorax and segments 1 to 6 of the abdomen with two longitudinal rows of black or brown spots, on each of which occurs a small pale tubercle bearing two capitate hairs, one larger than the other. On the thoracic segments and on abdominal segments 1 to 7 occur two rows of pale lateral tubercles, each of which bears tliree capitate hairs. The frontal margin of the head bears six such hairs on tubercles. Antennal joints I and II with a capitate hair on their inner margins near the middle, and joint III with one such hair on the inner margin near the base. The eighth abdominal segment bears a dorsal fringe of six capitate hairs, those on either end being smaller than the four inner ones. Cornicles situated on segment 6, as broad as long, erect, concolorous with the abdomen. Cauda without armature, bluntly coni- cal, almost hyaline, about as long as the hind tarsus. Beak barely reaching second coxae, pale yellow, the extreme tip brown. Measurements: Lengtli of body, 1.55 mm. ; width, 0.775 mm.; antenna, joint I, 0. 053 mm.; joint 11,0.048 mm.; joint 111,0.304 mm. Described from specimens collected at San Jose, CaL, March 28, 1912. 6 BULLETIN 100, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGKICULTUKE. Fig. 3. — Chromaphis juglandicola: Larva of stem-mother after second molt. (Orig- inal.) After the second molt the spines on the dorsum of the body disap~ pear. (See fig. 3.) The pupal and imaginal stages of the stem-mother show no appar- ent diiferenco in respect to size, color, or structure from those of the later viviparous generations, and thus one description of these forms will suf- fice for all the winged viviparous gen- erations. THE PUP.A. OF THE WINGED VIVIPAROUS FEMALE (fig. 4). General color pale lemon-yellow. Eyes red, fully formed. Antennae reaching a little be- yond the base of the wing-pads, pale, joint III the longest, joints IV and V subeqtial. Ocelli present. Anterior margin of the head bearing six capitate spines. Thoracic segments pale yellow. Wing-pads pale yellow, closely ap- pressed to the sides of the body. Legs pale yellow, with the dark knee spot on the hind femora only; tarsi dusky. Abdomen oval, pale lemon-yellow, with a A'^arying number of dark spots on the dorsum, which spots are always present on segment 5 but often lacking on the other segments. Head, thorax, and abdomen furnished with lateral rows of capi- tate hairs wliich stand on small pale tubercles. Cornicles small, as wide aa long, slightly constiicted in the middle, situated on the sixth abdominal segment. Cauda short, about as long as the cornicles, bluntly rotmded at the apex. Cornicles and Cauda concolorous with the body. Beak short, pale, stout, reaching to the first pair of coxae. The pupa has the legs relatively a little shorter than those of the adult and is thus more closely appressed to the leaf surface . The body is quite flat. Measurements: Length of body, 1.87 mm. (average); width, 0.85 mm. (average max- imum); antenna, joint I, 0.050 mm.; joint II, 0.042 mm.; joint III, 0.183 mm.; joint IV, 0.081 mm.; joint V, 0.076 mm.; joint VI, 0.065 mm.; filament, 0.034 mm. Cornicles, 0.04 mm. The stem-mothers pass through the pupal molt about one week before the final molt takes place, and after the latter they acquire their full development as winged adults. In the latter generations the pupal instar occupies from three to six days. THE WINGED VIVIPAROUS FEMALE (fIG. 5). General color pale lemon-yellow; many individ- uals are darker yellow, yellowish-brown, or salmon- pink. Antennae on very small frontal tubercles, about one-half the length of the body, yellow, with the inner lateral margins of the first two joints dusky; articulations of joints III to VI and the whole filament dusky to black. Eyes red. Ocelli present. Prothorax yellow. Thoracic lobes and sctitellimi light brown, some- times greenish-yellow, pale yellow in newly-molted individuals. Wings of medium Fig. -1. — Chromaphis jtiglandicola: Pupa of winged viviparous fe- male. (OriE;inal.) WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. size; subcosta and wing insertions pale yellow; stigma pale gray, with a darker area at the confluence of the third discoidal vein, and another such though smaller area at the apex; veins rather heavy, dark brown, all three discoidals arising from the sub- costa and thickened at their bases; second branch of third discoidal nearer the -mng apex than the first fork; third discoidal describing a regular gentle curve for its entire length; stigmatic vein entire, the depth of its curve varying in different examples, generally reaching the wing margin midway between the apex of the stigma and the the end of the third discoidal (often it touches the margin considerably nearer the stigma, but rarely neai-er the tliird discoidal) . Legs rather irhort, but a little longer than those of the pupa; front pair yellow with the tarsi and apical third of the tibise dusky I Fig. 5.— Chromaphis juglandicola: Winged viviparous female (appendages of left side removed), a. Left antenna; 6, riglit cornicle; c, front tarsus. (Original.) gray and the knee spot rarely present (gray when present); middle pair yellow, with an indefinite gray spot on the upper side of the femur above the knee and with the tarsi dusky gray; hind pair yellow, with a coal-black spot (sometimes produced into an annulation) on the upper side of the femur above the knee joint and wath the tarsi dusky gray as in the other i^airs. The knee spots are always present on the hind femora, while they occur in about 80 per cent of individuals on the middle femora. In 35 individuals examined throughout the year all had the spots on the hind femora, 28 had spots on the middle femora, and only 1 had spots on the fore femora. Abdomen pale lemon-yellow, widest at segment 3, considerably wider than the thorax, gen- erally bearing two oval brown spots on segment 5 and more rarely with two similar but smaller spots on segment 4 ; occasionally immaculate . These spots are sometimes gray- ish, varying in intensity, and appear to be the pupal markings retained in theadultform. 8 BULLETIN 100, U, S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. Cornicles (fig. 5, b) pale yellow, constricted in the middle, barely as long as broad. Abdominal segments 3 to 6 inclusive bearing pale lateral tubercles. Body without hairs. Cauda very pale, globular, about as long as the cornicles. Beak pale yellow, the extreme tip black, reaching a little beyond the first coxae. Sternum pale brown. Measurements: Length of body, 1.62-2.55 mm., average 2.08 mm.; width of body at segment 3 of abdomen, 0.71-1.06 mm., average 0.88 mm.; wing expanse, 4.42-5.21 mm., average 4.77 mm.; antenna, joint I, 0.046-0.067 mm., average 0.055 mm.; joint II, 0.039-0.055 mm., average 0.043 mm.; joint III, 0.267-0.408 mm., average 0.337 mm.; joint IV, 0.153-0.233 mm., average 0.196. mm.; joint V, 0.133-0.191 mm., aver- age 0.162 mm.; joint VI, 0.079-0.094 mm., average 0.083 mm.; antennal filament, 0.038-0.043 mm., average 0.040 mm.; total length of antenna, 0.775-1.060 mm., aver- age 0.916 mm.; cornicles, 0.05 mm.; cauda, 0.056 mm. There are from 6 to 8 transverse oval sensoria on antennal joint III, 1 terminal sen- sorium on joint V, and three terminal ones on joint VI. Buckton's measurements (Buckton, 1872) seem to have been taken from small examples for, with the exception of those of the antennal joints, his measurements are all smaller than the average found by the writer. It may be that California examples are larger than the European. Within a few hours after the last molt the wings harden and the chitin stiffens. The stem-mothers then begin to deposit the young that have been visible as pseudova for a week or longer inside their bodies. In the life-liistory experiments the greatest number of young pro- duced by one viviparous female was 44. These were extruded from the body in 20 days, 30 in the first half and 14 in the last half of that period. Several adults under observation deposited 11 or 12 young within 12 hours after reaching maturity, and no more after that, dying with many unborn pseudova in their bodies. In the field the aphides deposit all their young on one leaf or on several leaves near one another. The average number of young deposited by a single adult ranges between 25 and 35. This seems to be about the same as in other closely related CaUipterini, but is a much smaller number than that occurring in members of other tribes of Aphididse. The aphides of the fall viviparous generation produce fewer young, those which develop in November depositing only 6 or 8. As many as 30 oval unborn aphides may be seen in the .body of one recently molted female. These embryos vary in size, only those to be de- posited immediately being fuUy grown. Each is inclosed in a very thin hyaline sac in which they are contained at birth. The newly deposited young of the second and subsequent genera- tions, both viviparous and oviparous, differ from the infant stem- mothers in that they are entirely pale yeUow (rarely suffused with a faint pink) and remain thus until the first molt, while the young stem-mothers have dusky appendages and abdominal spots. The young deposited by the stem-mothers pass through their first molt in from three to six days. After this molt there appear brown or black dorsal spots in the majority of the individuals, and these marldngs persist through the succeeding molts. A small percentage WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. of examples remain immaculate throughout development. The "lice" of the second generation develop more quickly than the stem- mothers or first generation, owing to greater abundance of food supply and to the higher temperature existing at that later period. In 1911 second-generation young were deposited in the field on early varieties of walnuts a httle before April 23, while in the following year these were deposited as early as April 6. Tliis is to be expected, since in 1912 the trees came out in leaf two weeks earlier than in the previous year. Table II shows the life cycle of 41 individuals of the second generation at San Jose, Cal., in 1911. Table II. — Life cycle of the second generation of Chromaphis juglandicola, San Jose, Cal, 1911. No. of individ- ual. Date of— Life cycle. No. of individ- ual. Date of— Life cycle. Deposi- tion. Acquiring wings. Deposi- tion. Acquiring wings. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Apr. 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 26 May 1 2 2 2 2 May 12 12 14 16 18 18 18 18 18 1.8 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 Days. 19 19 21 23 25 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 20 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 May 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 May 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 25 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 27 Days. 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 20 20 18 Life cycle: Days. Maximum 25 Minimum 18 Average 20. 7 The apliides of the third generation appear on the earliest varieties of wahiuts about the middle of May, but on the late varieties such as the Franquette this brood appears as much as a month later. The individuals of this generation are on the average slightly larger than those of other generations. In a large series of adult viviparous females taken throughout the year of 191 1 the largest example was of the third generation. Its body was 2.55 mm. in length and 1.06 mm. in width, and both of its antennae measured 1.06 mm., or 0.02 mm. in excess of the next longest antenna in the series. Table III indicates the life cycle of 97 individuals of the third generation. 40859°— Bull. 100—14 2 10 BULLETIN 100, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUKE. Table III. — Life cycle of the third generation of Chromaphis juglnndicola, Snn Jose, Cal., 1911. Date of— Date of— No. of indi- vidual. Life cycle. No. of indi- vidual. Life cycle. Depo- Acquir- Depo- Acquir- ing. sition. ing sition. Days. Days. 1 May 19 Juno 4 16 50 May 19 June 7 19 2 19 4 16 51 19 19 3 19 4 16 52 19 19 4 19 4 16 53 19 19 19 5 17 54 19 19 6 19 5 17 55 19 19 7 19 5 17 56 19 19 8 19 5 17 57 19 8 20 9 19 5 17 58 19 8 20 10 19 5 17 59 19 8 20 11 19 5 17 60 19 8 20 12 19 5 17 61 19 8 20 13 19 5 17 62 19 8 20 14 19 5 17 63 19 8 20 15 19 5 17 64 19 8 20 16 19 5 17 65 19 9 21 17 19 5 17 66 19 9 21 18 19 6 18 67 22 10 19 19 19 6 18 68 22 U 20 20 19 6 18 69 22 11 20 21 19 6 18 70 22 11 20 22 19 6 18 71 22 11 20 23 19 6 18 72 22 11 20 24 19 6 18 73 22 11 20 25 19 6 18 74 22 11 20 26 19 6 18 75 22 11 20 27 19 6 18 76 22 11 20 28 19 6 18 77 22 11 20 29 19 6 18 78 22 11 20 30 19 6 18 79 22 11 20 31 19 6 18 80 22 11 20 32 19 6 18 81 22 11 20 33 19 6 18 82 22 11 20 34 19 6 18 83 22 11 20 35 19 6 18 84 22 12 21 36 19 6 IS 85 22 12 21 37 19 6 18 86 22 12 21 38 19 6 18 87 22 12 21 39 19 6 18 88 22 12 21 40 19 6 18 89 22 12 21 41 19 6 18 90 22 13 22 42 19 6 18 91 22 13 22 43 19 7 19 92 22 13 22 44 19 7 19 93 22 14 23 45 19 7 19 94 22 14 23 46 19 7 19 95 22 14 23 47 19 7 19 96 22 15 24 48 19 7 19 97 22 15 24 49 19 7 19 Life cycle: Days. Maximum 24 Minimum 16 Average 19. 1 Generations IV to VIII inclusive occupy roughly 16 days apiece for development, and this period is the average life cycle during the summer months. Some aphides will develop in 14 days and others in 19 or 20. Table IV gives the life-cycle records of these five genera- tions and also that of the ninth. The records in some instances are small, but the fact that in the first five of these generations there is practically no difference in the duration of the life cycle was cor- roborated by a larger series of experiments during the summer months with individuals of which the respective generations were unknown. WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. 11 Table IV. — Life cycle of the summer generations of Chromaphis juglandicola, San Jose Cal., 1911. Generation No. No. indi- vidual. Date of— Life cycle. Form of indi- vidual. Deposi- tion. Reach- infr adult state. Days. { 1 June 8 June 28 20 Viviparous. 2 16 July 1 15 Do. 3 16 1 15 Do. IV 4 6 16 16 1 9 15 16 Do. Do. 6 16 2 16 Do. 7 16 2 16 Do. 1 July 1 15 14 Do. V 2 3 1 1 15 17 14 16 Do. Do. 4 1 18 17 Do. 1 15 31 16 Do. 2 15 31 16 Do. 3 15 31 16 Do. 4 15 31 16 Do. 5 15 31 16 Do. 6 15 31 16 Do. 7 15 31 16 Do. S 16 Aug. 1 16 Do. 9 16 1 16 Do. 10 16 1 16 Do. VI 11 12 16 16 2 2 17 17 Do. Do. 13 16 2 17 Do. 14 16 2 17 Do. 15 17 2 16 Do. 16 17 2 16 Do. 17 17 2 16 Do. 18 17 3 17 Do. 19 17 4 18 Do. 20 18 5 18 Do. 21 18 6 19 Do. 22 18 6 19 Do. 1 Aug. 2 17 15 Do. 2 2 17 15 Do. VII 3 2 17 15 Do. 4 2 19 17 Do. 5 3 20 17 Do. 6 3 20 17 Do. 7 3 20 17 Do. f 1 18 Sept. 1 14 Do. 2 19 2 14 Oviparous. 3 19 2 14 4 19 3 15 Do! 5 19 3 15 Do. 6 19 3 15 Do. 7 19 3 15 Do. 8 19 3 15 Do. VIII 9 10 19 20 3 4 15 15 Do. Do. 11 20 4 15 Do. 12 20 4 15 Do. 13 20 6 17 Viviparous. 14 20 6 17 Oviparous. 15 20 6 17 Do. 16 20 7 18 Viviparous. 1 Sept. 5 30 25 Oviparous. 2 5 Oct. 1 26 Do. 3 5 6 31 Viviparous. 4 5 6 31 Do. 5 5 8 33 Do. 6 5 8 33 Do. 7 7 9 32 Do. IX 8 9 7 7 11 13 34 36 Do. Do. 10 7 14 37 Do. 11 7 14 37 Do. 12 8 12 34 Do. 13 8 17 39 Do. ^ 14 8 17 39 Do. 12 BULLETIN 1(X), U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. An inspection of Table IV shows that the length of the Ufe cycle of Generations lY to VII was almost the same. This is to be ex- pected, since in 1911 the months of June, July, and August had ahnost identical temperatures both day and night. It mU also be observed that there was a very noticeable difference between the Ufe- cycle periods of Generations VIII and IX, 16 individuals of the eighth generation averaging 15.4 days and 14 individuals of the ninth gen- eration averaging 33.4 days. The ninth generation thus required for development a period over twice as long as that required by the preceding generation, developing almost as slowly as the stem mother generation (see Table I). Yet the temperature during the daytime influencing the ninth generation differed but little from those which obtained during the development of the eighth. The probable causes of the slow development of the ninth generation lice is to be foimd in the colder night temperatures to wliich they were subjected and in the fact that the leaves at this time are becoming less vigorous and consequently afford poorer nourishment for the aphides than earlier in the season. There is a tenth generation, and in warm early seasons probably an eleventh, but in these generations the brood is small and the ''Uce" grow slowly. Plant lice may be found in early December giving birth to young, which are destined to perish either when the leaves drop or through exposure to hard frost. The author has observed dead aphides of all sizes on the brown frosted leaves during early winter. All the plant Uce used for tlie life-history experiments were reared out of doors on young seedUng walnut trees planted in pots and in- closed with glass cyhnders. In 1911 the stock was procured from stem mothers collected on the earhest varieties of walnuts. When the work was started in 1911 it was too late to procure eggs, and so the data on the stem-mother cycle was acquired in 1912. After the ninth generation no more Hfe-history experiments were carried on in the rearing cages, but a weekly examination was made of infested leaves in the field to determine the proportions of the dif- ferent forms, sexual and asexual, during the fall months. THE OVIPAROUS OR SEXUAL FORMS. The oviparous forms are the true sexes, comprising the winged male and the wingless oviparous, or egg-producing, female. The female aphis, after fertilization by the male, deposits true eggs, in which form alone the insect can tide over the winter months when no food supply is procurable. As is shown in Table IV, there is no real oviparous generation, for in all the later or faU generations a certain percentage of the young will develop either into the sexed males or the sexed females. On heavily infested trees oviparous aphides appear as early in the season WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. 13 as July, while on trees attacked by few lice these forms will not occur until September or October. It therefore seems that the more heavily a tree is infested the earlier will the sexed forms be produced. A glance at Table IV demonstrates that the first oviparous form of the life-cycle material became adult September 2, and was a member of the eighth generation. In the field the first oviparous form was observed in 1911 on July 7, and in 1912 on July 9. Both of these occurred on early-leafing trees and probably belonged to the fifth or sixth generation. As the growth of the aphis colony may be said to have reached its zenith about the middle of July, it is at the time of its greatest abundance that the sexed individuals begin to appear. And, indeed, for the welfare of the species they appear none too soon, for it is in July and August tliat the hordes of natural enemies work tremendous havoc, frequently cleaning up a bad infestation on a tree within three weeks. Those sexual females that have gone to the trunk and limbs to deposit their eggs very often escape destruc- tion wliile the others remaining on the foliage are devoured. Until the middle of August the sexual forms are comparatively rare and comprise less than 5 per cent of the whole, but after that time they become more and more abundant. The sexed females always greatly outnumber the males. Table V indicates the advance and decline of the sexual forms in the late summer and fall. The data were ob- tained by weekly visits to badly infested trees, during which the lice on a certain number (50) of leaflets picked out at random were comited. It must be borne in mind that as the fall advances more and more sexual females repair to the limbs for the purpose of depos- iting their eggs, and that therefore in the case of the later counts a reaUy greater proportion of these were present on the trees than would appear from the records. Table V. — Comparative numbers of sexual and asexual forms of Chromaphis juglandicola observed on the foliage at different dates, San Jose, Cal., 1911. Number of — Percent- age of— Date of collection. Vivipa- rous forms. Ovipa- rous forms. Males. Vivipa- rous forms. 241 258 203 171 166 207 172 420 233 10 247 355 143 66 74 117 111 80 36 0 4 5 6 9 14 9 4 11 7 0 49 ^ 23 ::::::: :::::::::::;::::::::. 42 30 ... 58 70 14 65 24 62 60 9 82 16 . . . 84 23 100 Total 2,081 1,229 69 61.6 r 1 14 BULLETIN 100, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The maximum number of aphides found on a single leaflet through- out the counts was 90, of which 64 were sexual females. This oc- curred on the first date of collection. It will be noticed from Table V that on the first two dates the ovi- parous forms were predominant but that on all later dates these were outnumbered by the viviparous individuals. On the date of the fourth collection (October 7) numerous sexual females were found on the limbs of the tree, and their number was more and more augmented each succeeding week. About October 1 the males appeared in num- bers, very few of them having been in evidence previous to this time, although the first male of the season was noticed July 10. Table VI indicates the preponderance in numbers of the sexual female over the male. Table VI. — Preponderance of the sexual female of Chromaphis juylandicolaover themale. Date of collection or count. Number of sexual females to each male. Date of collection or count. Number of sexual females to each male. September 15 . . . 62 October 24 13 23 71 November 2 28 30 .. 24 7.3 5.3 9 7 16 5 14. . 23 0) 1 None of either sex seen on leaves. Table VI was compiled from the same material as that used for Table V. On November 9 nearly all the sexual females were clus- tered on the limbs, and two weeks later they and all other plant lice at the experimental trees succumbed to a severe frost, which had at the same time withered all the leaves. This clustering of the sexual females or sexuparae about the limbs explains the small per- centage of this form as compared with the males on November 9 and 16. Copulation seems to occur only on the leaf, and the females are not fertilized until they have passed through the last molt, A single male may fertilize several females — probably quite a large number when it is considered that the latter sex so greatly outnumbers the former and that very few eggs prove infertile. Copulation in all instances observed by the writer occupied some 30 seconds of time — a very short period for an aphis. If the male be disturbed, he will immediately retract his genital organ and move off. In 1912 the males appeared in comparative abundance in the vicinity of San Jose as early as August 26. In general appearance the adult oviparous female differs from the viviparous form in that it is wingless, has a wider body, and bears three conspicuous transverse brown or black bands on the dorsum of the abdomen. The male is greenish-yellow, winged, with black WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. 15 Fig. 6. — ChromapMs juglandkola: Oviparous female, penultimate instar. ( Original.) or dusky gray legs and anteimse. The oviparous or sexual female molts four times but does not differ in appearance from the viviparous form until the third molt is passed. THE OVIPAROUS FEMALE, AFTER THE THIRD MOLT (fIG. 6). Rather smaller and narrower than the full-grown form. General color pale gamboge- yellow, sometimes lemon yellow. Body twice as long as wide. Eyes bright red. Head with six erect, capitate spines on the anterior margin. Antennae short, reaching barely to the middle of the mesothorax; 7-jointed, joint III the longest, joints IV and V subequal, joint VI longer than its spur or filament. Spur dusky, rest of anten- nae palti lemon yellow. Head, thorax, and ab- domen with two longitudinal rows of oval black spots on the dorsum. Thorax and abdominal segments 1-5 with two lateral longitudinal rows of circular black spots, on which are situated small tubercles bearing capitate haii-s. Such tubercles also occur on the black dorsal spots. Eighth segment of the abdomen unmarked, bearing on its posterior margin a fringe of six capitate hairs. Legs pale greenish-yellow with the characteristic knee spot on the hind femora only; tarsi gray. Cornicles on the sixth segment, quite small, wider than long, pale lemon-yellow. Cauda equal in length to the hind tarsus, pale yellow, rounded. Beak very pale, almost white, reaching to the anterior coxae. Measurements: Length of body, 1.51 mm.; width of body, 0.76 mm.; antennae, joint I, 0.063 mm.; joint II, 0.048 mm.; joint III, 0.136 mm.; joint IV, 0.083 mm.; joint V, 0.085 mm.; joint VT, 0.08G mm.; fila- ment, 0.021 mm. Described from specimens collected at Walnut Creek, CaJ ., and San Jose, Cal., October 16 to 26, 1912. THE OVIPAROUS FEMALE, ADULT STAGE (fig. 7). General color gamboge, varying in newly molted examples to lemon yel- low and in older individuals to salmon pink or with a distinct brownish tint. Eyes crimson. Head and prothorax with indefinite dusky brown markings. Ocular tubercles small. Anterior mar- gin of the head with six capitate hairs projecting forward. Thorax mottled all over with shades of brown, its lateral margins lighter. Prothorax with two capitate hairs on either side of its posterior portion. Ab- domen with two or three hairs on the lateral margins of each segment. Segments 4 and 5 and posterior half of 3 with dark brown or black markings which generally coalesce to Fig. 7.- -ChromapMs juglandkola: Oviparous female. Right antenna. (Original.) 16 BULLETIN 100, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURil. form tliree transverse bars or bands, of which those on segments 4 and 5 do not quite reach the lateral margins of the segments, while that on the third segment is slightly shorter and but half as broad as the others. Wings absent. Cornicles quite similar to those of the winged viviparous female. Cauda globular, concolorous with the abdomen, larger than that of the wdnged viviparous female. Anal plate large, U-shaped, extending beyond the cauda when viewed from above. In reality it has a shallow incision at the apex. Antennse on slight frontal tubercles, reaching to the middle of the meta- thoracic segment, white, with the apices of joints 3 to 6 black. Legs very pale yellow, almost hyaline; tarsi dusky gray at their apices. All six femora have the character- istic black or brown knee spot. Beak yellow, the extreme tip black, reaching to the second coxae. Hind tibia? not much swollen, bearing about 35 circular sensoria occurring evenly on the middle two-thirds of the tibia and arranged in an irregular spiral. Measurements: Length of body, 1.60 mm.; width of body, 0.81 mm.; an- tenna, joint I, 0.06 mm.; joint II, 0.04 mm.; joint III, 0.22 mm.; joint IV, 0.125 mm.; joint V, 0.109 mm.; joint VI, 0. 081 mm.; filament, 0.023 mm. Cornicles, 0.06 mm. Cauda, 0.085 mm. Described from specimens collected in the fall of 1911 at San Jose, Cal. THE FULL-GROWN MALE PUPA. In its immature stages the male pupa resembles the oviparous female. A description of a single full-grown male pupa taken at San Jose, Cal., October 27, 1912, is as follows: General color pale lemon yellow. Antennse pale, whitish, reaching to the anterior margin of the metathorax; last three joints black or dusky. Head and prothorax brownish. Eyes bright red. Wing pads very pale. Legs entirely whitish, only the hind femora bearing the characteristic knee spot; tarsi dusky gray. Cornicles as broad as long. Cauda very small, rounded, ('ornicles and cauda pale yellow. Head, thorax, and abdomen with two longitudinal dorsal rows of oval black spots and with two such lateral rows of circular black spots. On each of these spots is situated a tuber- cle having a single capitate hair. Excluding the wing pads the body resembles that of the immature sexual female. Measurements: Length of body, 1.01 mm.; width of body, 0.50 mm.; antenna, joint I, 0.049 mm.; joint II, 0.035 mm.; joint III, 0.121 mm.; joint IV, 0.081 mm.; joint V, 0.087 mm.; joint VI, 0.063 mm.; filament, 0.023 mm. THE WINGED MALE, ADULT STAGE (FIG. S). General c-olor of the body pale yellow or greenish yellow. Head, prothorax, and thorax grayish black. Scutellum black. Eyes bright red. Antennae not on frontal tubercles, reaching to the posterior margin of the first abdominal segment, pale yellow; joints I and II, the filament or spur, and the articulations of joints III to VI dusky gray. These dark articular annulations are less pronounced than in the viviparous female. Wings of medium size; costa, subcosta, and insertions pale yellowish gray; stigma short and gray, with its central area paler; veins gray, second fork of third discoidal nearer to the wing apex than to the first fork and arising beyond the apex of the stigmatic vein; stigmatic vein evenly and gently curved, absent in the middle for a space equal to one- third of its length. Legs longer in proportion to the body than those of the other forms; fiont legs and middle tibiae very pale yellow or yellowish green; distal two-thirds of the middle and hind femom shaded gray, the black knee spot being present on these four femora; hind tibiae shaded gr&y for its proximal three- fourths, its apical fourth pale yellow; all tarsi light gray. Abdomen barely as long as the head and thorax combined, widest at the fourth segment, and with a pair of Bui. 100, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE II. Eggs of European Walnut Aphis (Chromaphis juglandicola) on Piece of Bark of European Seedling Walnut. Twice Natural Size. WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. 17 oval gray transverse spots on the fifth, segment, which are separated by a space equal to their length. Cornicles pale yellow, about as broad at the base as long, very much as in the winged female. Cauda pale yellow, globular, not quite as long as the hind tarsus. Sexual organ pale yellow. Beak pale yellow, slightly exceeding the fore coxije. Sterna black. Sensoria transversely oval, situated in -an u-regular row as follows; joint III, 11 to 16; joint IV, 5 to 7; joint V, 4 to 6; joint VI, 2 besides usual terminal. Measurements: Length of body (average), 1.47 mm.; width of body (maximum), 0.48 mm.; expanse of wings (average), 4.20 mm; antenna, joint I, 0.05 mm.; joint II, 0.04 mm.; joint III, 0.34 mm.; joint IV, 0.12 mm.; joint V, 0.12 mm.; joint VI, 0.08 mm. ; filament, 0.03 mm. ; cornicles, 0.05 mm. Fig. 8. — Chrojnaphis juglandicola: Winged male (appendages of left side removed), a, Left antenna. (Original.) Described from many individuals collected in 1911 and ' 12 at San Jose, Cal. Both the male and the winged viviparous female nen disturbed have a habit if jumping psyllid-Uke into the ax. Their flight is generally in the form of a long spiral, and when disturbed they fly in an upward direction. EGG DEPOSITION. As mentioned before, the first sexual females of the year remain longer on the leaves after they have reached the adult state than those developing later. In 1911 eggs were not observed in the field until September, or seven weeks after the first appearance of sexual females. In 1912 some eggs appeared in August. This long period between the first appearance of the sexed females and the 40859°— Bull. 100—14 3 18 BULLETIN 100, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. earliest egg deposition may be explained by the fact that until late in August males are quite scarce and so the females must wait on the leaves until the males are developed. Directly after mating the female repairs to the branches and limbs to deposit her eggs. Al- though eggs may be deposited anywhere along the limbs, and more rarely on the newer growth, the locations most preferred are the old scars of fallen leaves and the surface of the larger limbs near their bases. Another favored location is that in the crotches of the smaller limbs. Eggs are rarely laid along the stalk of the leaf or at the base of the leaflets, and if placed in those positions they fall to the ground when the leaf drops. Cavities and interstices in the bark are also chosen, but when infestation is very severe the eggs are laid in the open on the larger limbs (see PL II). In such a case large groups of eggs are massed together by many females, but a single female lays not more than tlu-ec or four in a group. The eggs are fastened together and to the plant surface by a thin, transparent, gluey substance. No accurate information was obtained as to the number of eggs a single aphis produced, but from general field observations together with dissections of gravid females the writer arrived at the conclusion that not more than 30 eggs fell to the share of each adult, and probably not over half that number. On July 20, 1911, five gravid females were dissected. These contained respectively 5, 3, 3, 4, and 4 well- developed ova, besides about a dozen much smaller ones. On August 28, 1912, four oviparous females dissected contained respectively 2, 2, 4, and 2 fuU-grown ova besides about 20 much smaller ones. AU these individuals were taken on the leaves and had not oviposited. The largest eggs dissected were lozenge-shaped and measured 0.37 mm. in length by 0.14 mm. in width. THE EGG (fig. 1; PL. II). Wlien first laid, the egg is pale lemon-yellow or whitish yellow, oval, almost twice as long as broad, flatter than most eggs of Aphidid?e, and slightly broader at the micropylar end. After two or three days it turns black and sliines obscurely when placed under a strong light. The surface is beautifully sculptured with granular hexagonal mark- ings. These markings are tliickened portions of the shell. The nar- row intermediate portions of the shell are extremely thin, so much so that four months after the egg has been laid the yellow interior sub- stance is plainly visible through them if subjected to a liigh power of magnification. It appears that about 85 per cent of the eggs are fertile. The average size is 0.50 mm. by 0.28 mm. The egg stage may be said to occupy, on the average, five months in CaHfornia. WALNUT APHIDES IN" CALIFORNIA. 19 ANT ATTENDANTS. The sweet juices excreted by the European wabiut apliis attract hirge numbers of ants, of which a large black species, Formica sub- sericea Say, is the most abundant. The author is indebted to ]Mr. Theo. Pergande, of the Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C, for the determination of this species. THE AMERICAN WALNUT APHIS (Monellia caryae Monell).' Callipterus^ caryae Monell, U. S. Geol. & Geog. Survey Bui. 5, No. 1, p. 31, Jan. 22, 1879. Monellia^ caryae Gillette, Jour. Econ. Ent., v. 3, No. 4, p. 367, fig. 6, Aug., 1910. HISTORY OF THE SPECIES. This plant-louse was first collected in Missouri by Mr. J. T. Monell in 1879. His original description is as follows: Winged form; general color pale yellow; tips of antennal joints black; legs entirely pale whitish. Antennae a little shorter than the body; seventh joint equal to or one-third longer than the preceding; fifth joint as long as the two following taken together. Nectaries not perceptible. Rostrum not reaching to the middle coxae. Wings hyaline, veins pale; stigma rather short and blunt at the apex. Stigmal vein subobsolete, its course being only traced with difficulty. The distance between the apex of the lower cubital branch and that of the second discoidal equal to about one-half the distance between the apices of the first and second discoidals. Apterous viviparous females and pupaj with four rows of tubercles, each mounted with a capitate bristle. Leaves of walnut, hickory and pecan. June-July, St. Louis, Mo. This aphis has been reported from lUinois (Thomas, 1880; Davis, 1910), Nebraska (WiUiams, 1910), Oregon (Gillette, 1910), and Michigan (Gillette, 1910), and doubtless occurs in America wherever its food plants grow. GENERAL DESCRIPTION; CHARACTER AND EXTENT OF INJURY. This apliis is about one-sixteenth of an inch long and about one- third as wide and is generally of a pale lemon-yellow color. It occurs on the lower surface of the leaf and on the nutlets of the eastern black walnvit tree and crosses derived from it. Wlien infes- tation is severe, the aphides wiU also be found on the upper surface of the leaves. The species, according to IVIr. Monell and other writers, feeds also on hickories and pecan. The character and extent of its injury is altogether similar to that of the European walnut aphis {Chroma pliis juglandicola Kalt.). This plant-louse does not he so flatly appressed to the plant surface as the European species and is much more active, bearing longer legs and antennae in proportion 1 Mr. J. T. Monell, of the Bureau of Entomology, has kindly identified the specimens sent to him by the author as Monellia caryae Monell. 2 The genus Callipterus ("beautiful-winged") was erected by Koch (1855). 3 The genus Monellia was erected by Oestlund (1887), with caryella Fitch as the t3rpe species. 20 BULLETIN 100, U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGRICULTURE. to the size of the body. When on the lower surface of the leaflet it has the habit of resting with the head directed straight toward the peduncle of the leaflet. In July and August, in which months this insect is most abundant, as many as 400 individuals may be found on one leaflet, 5 per cent of which AviU be resting on the upper side. At this time it is much sought after by ants, which feed on the liquid excreted by it. A large red and black species, determmed by IVIr. Theodore Pergande as Formica ohscuriventris Mayr, is a very common attendant. Formica suhsericea Say also attends it. The sweet excre- tions of the apliis attract many flies of the families ^Muscidse, Anthom- yiidae, Oscinidse, and Syrphid?e, many large bees including the honeybee, wasps of the f anuly Pompihdse, and parasitic wasps of the famiUes Iclmcumonidse and Braconidse, and numerous smaller forms of insect life. The author fii'st observed this aphis on July 20, 1911, at San Jose, Cal. life history and technical descriptigns. The Viviparous or Asexual Forms. The stem-mothers hatch as soon as the buds start to swell, about the 1st of April. These develop into mnged aphides and pass their life cycle in from 25 to 30 days, according to temperature and the amount of food supply. The viviparous aphis passes through four molts, becoming winged after the fuial one. Table VH indicates the life cycle of 38 individuals of the summer generations. Table VII.^ — Life-cycle of viviparous females of Monellia caryae, summer generations, San Jose, Cal, 1912. No. of indi- vidual. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Gener- ation. II II II II II II II III III III III III III III III III III V V Date of deposi- tion. Apr. 22 22 22 Mav 1 1 1 1 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 June 22 Date of acquiring wings. May 12 12 12 20 22 23 23 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 4 7 July Life cycle. Days. 20 20 20 19 21 22 22 16 L6 6 6 6 No. of indi- vidual. Gener- ation. V V V V V V ^' V V V V V V V V V V V VI Date of deposi- tion. June 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 27 27 27 27 July 13 Date of reaching maturity. July 7 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 Aug. 1 Life cycle. Days. 15 14 14 13 13 13 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 14 13 13 13 13 19 Thus, the second generation requires 20 days, the third 16 or 17, and the fifth 15, in which to complete the Hfe cycle. Records of the fourth generation were not obtained owing to premature death of all WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. 21 individuals of this generation of which the date of deposition had been ascertained. Individuals of the fourth generation probably mature in an average of 16 days. The" leaves of the Eastern black walnut fall earUer than those of the European or California black types, and consequently the viviparous apliides are not found so late on the trees. There are probabl^^ not more than nine generations of these in a year. Immediately after passing the final molt the aphides begin depos- iting young. These are entirely pale lemon-yellow with red eyes and four longitudinal rows of capitate hairs and do not exceed 0.70 mm. in length. From 10 to 20 young are produced by a single female, dependent on the season of the year. The earher generations are more prohiic. After midsummer the progeny becomes smaller and smaller with successive broods. THE PUPA OP THE WINGED VIVIPAROUS FEMALE (PIG. 9). After the second molt the pupal wing pads are apparent as small emarginations on the sides of the thorax, but after the fol- lowing molt they are much more readily seen. The pupa of the winged viviparous female may be described as follows : Color generally pale lemon-yellow, sometimes white; head often with a reddish tinge. Antennse on small frontal tubercles, pale yellow, with the filament and articulations of joints 3 to 6 dusky black. Eyes bright red. Thoracic segments and wing pads light yellow, wing pads projecting out from the body at a very acute angle. Legs pale, tarsal apices dusky. Body beset with long capitate spines in four rows. Cornicles on segTaent 6 of the abdomen, hardly perceptible, broader than long. Cauda blunt, conical, and short. Cornicles and cauda concolorous with the abdomen. Beak pale, reaching to the middle coxae. Measm-ements: Length of body (average), 1.87 mm.; width of body (average), 0.71 mm.; antenna, joint I, 0.058 mm.; joint II, 0.050 mm.; joint III, 0.287 mm.; joint IV, 0.207 mm.; joint V, 0.201 mm.; joint VI, 0.128 mm.; filament, 0.136 mm. This pupa is distinguishable from that of Chromaphis by the pres- ence of the dorsal rows of spines and by the absence of the black femoral spots. The penultimate instar occupies on the average four or five days. At its termination the final molt occurs, and after this the insect has acquired its full development. Fig. 9.- MoneUia caryas: Pupa of winged viviparous female. (Original.) 22 BULLETIN 100, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGKICULTUKE. THE WINGED VIVIPAROUS FEMALE (FIG. 10). General color pale lemon-yellow; many examples are greenish yellow and others decidedly pinkish. Head, thoracic lobes, and scutellum pale hrown or yellowish brown. Eyes pink. Antenna? on small frontal tubercles, about half as long as the body, pale yellow, with articulations of joints III to VI black; joint "ill the longest, not noticeably thickened basally; joint IV slightly longer than V and barely as long as joint VI, together with its spur or filament. Bases of antennae encircled, in the majority of individuals, with a narrow dusky ring. Close to the lateral margins of the prothorax and roughly parallel to them occur two narrow black lines. (These are sometimes absent.) Wings of moderate size; costa, subcosta, and stigma^pale yellow- ish green, other veins light brown, of medium thickness. Stigmatic vein entirely subobsolete, its coirrse not easily made out. Legs very pale, whitish, tarsi and apex Fig. 10. — Monellia caryse: "Winged viviparous female, a, Antenna. (Original.) of tibiae dusky grey; anterior and posterior femora in about half of the individuals bear a grey knee spot cjuite like that of Chromaphis juglandicola Kalt. but smaller. This spot never occurs on the middle femora. Abdomen pale yellow, sometimes greenish and at other times reddish, with four rows of small black spots, which are very variable and often wholly absent. The two lateral rows have larger spots and these are found on segments 2-6; the two median rows are smaller and their spots exist on segments 2-8. Cornicles on segment 6, hardly perceptible, more than twice as broad as long, about 0.008 mm. long. Cauda globular, shorter than the hind tarsus. Cornicles and cauda concolorous with the abdomen. Anal plate bifid, armed with spines. Beak pale, extreme tip brown and not quite extending to the second pair of coxae. Sensoria occur on the antennae as follows: Joint III, 6-9 transversely oval on basal half or two-thirds of joint; in an equally spaced row; joint V, 1 terminal; joint VT, 4 terminal (1 large, 3 small). Measurements: Length of body, 2.16 mm.; width of WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. 23 body, 0.754 mm.; wing expanse, 4.44 mm. Antenna, joint I, 0.076 mm.; joint II 0.060 mm.; joint III, 0.416 mm.; joint IV, 0.273 mm.; joint V, 0.273 mm.; joint VI, 0.143 mm.; filament, 0.164 mm. Described from many specimens taken at San Jose, Cal., during 1911 and 1912. The complete absence of the stigmatic vein and the relatively longer antemise, together with the diminutive cornicles, will readily distinguish this species from the European walnut aphid. In 18 months' study of this plant-louse the author has failed to find any trace of the existence of a wingless viviparous form. The Oviparous or Sexual Forms. If a tree be heavily infested, the sexual forms appear first about the middle of July and probably belong to the fifth and sixth generations. If infestation be only moderate or shght, these forms are not pro- duced until several weeks later and will be members of the seventh and following generations. The sexod forms from the beginning are produced in comparative abundance and comprise from 30 to 50 per cent of the whole. The young sexed females are paler and more spindle-shaped than the young of the viviparous individuals, while the male larvae and pupae are conspicuously brick-red in color. The male is not so greatly outnumbered by the female as in the European walnut aphis, and from the first comprises from 20 to 30 per cent of the sexed insects. On August 26 and 27 and September 5, 1912, a count of the forms on 34 leaflets taken at random from an Eastern black walnut tree showed 177 viviparous females, 14 males, and 26 sexed females. Probably as many again of the sexed females in proportion to the leaflets counted could be found on the twigs ovipositing. Copulation takes place on the leaf and occupies half a minute. All through August and September, 1912, the oviparous females were observed on the twigs, but few eggs were found until September. After the middle of September few apliides were found, the great majority having been destroyed by their natural enemies, but those that escape perpetuate the species until the leaves fall in November. The majority of aphides born in the late fall are sexual. The sexed female shortly after mating becomes much swollen by reason of the growing ova in her body, and the last four abdominal segments become orange colored. She repairs to the twigs and limbs and wanders around searcliing for locations wherein to oviposit. Occasionally immature females wander off to the twigs, but later return to the leaves to resume feeding. The fully mature fertilized oviparous female once she has forsaken the leaf rarely if ever returns, and thus escapes many predatory foes. Having found a crevice or crack in the cortex suitable for her purpose she grips the limb with 24 BULLETIN 100, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. her six legs and bends the hind part of the abdomen at a right angle to the rest of the body and then gives her abdomen a succession of jerks to get it into place. This performed to her satisfaction, she remains motionless for 60 seconds while the egg is being extruded, and after depositing it walks off. The writer has never seen the eggs of this species placed in an open situation, but always in some protected position in the bark. On August 28, 1912, four gravid females were dissected and were found to contain respectively 3, 4, 2, and 4 large eggs, and all had several smaller ones. Another had 8 large eggs in her ovaries and was greatly distended therefrom. The egg is bluntly oval, bright yellow when first laid, but changing in a day or two to black and obscurely shining. It measures 0.35 mm. in length and 0.17 mm. in width, and is therefore considerably smaller than the egg of the European walnut plant-louse. The oviparous forms are described below. THE OVIPAROUS FEMALE, FULL GROWN (fIG. ll). General color pale greenish yellow or sometimes greenish white, the four apical segments of the abdomen at first colored like the rest of the body and later orange colored. Body rather narrow, not at all flattened, the sides nearly parallel and produced posteriorly into a conical tube. An- tennae a little over one-half the body in length, I^ale, with the apical third or fourth of joints III to VI dusky gray; joint II gray and armed with a capitate spine on its inner margin; joint III longest; joints IV and V subequal; joint VI shorter than its spur or filament. Legs very pale ,, „. ^ . yellow, with a dark spot close to the apex of the IiG. 11.— Monelha caryx: Oviparous •' . , . \ ,_ ..... female. (Original.) anterior and posterior femora. (In many individ- uals these spots are absent.) Eyes pink. The arrangement of capitate spines is as follows: The head bears eight, the prothorax six, the mesothorax, metathorax, and abdominal segments 1 to 5, inclusive, four, and abdominal segments 6, 7, and 8 two; these spines appear as four lon- gitudinal rows. Cornicles greenish yellow, broader than long, hardly percep- tible, located on segment 6. Cauda concolorous with the body, globular, armed with four noncapitate spines, half as long as the hind tarsus. Genital plate protrud- ing beyond the cauda, pale, its margin beset with short noncapitate hairs. Beak pale, its extreme tip brownish, just exceeding the second pair of coxse. Measure- ments: Length of body, 1.68 mm.; width of body, 0.72 mm.; cauda, 0.038 mm.; antenna joint I, 0.04 mm.; joint II, 0.035 mm.; joint III, 0.300 mm.; joint IV, 0.17 mm.; joint V, 0.17 mm.; joint VI, 0.100 mm.; filament, 0.12 mm. Described from many specimens collected at San Jose, Cal., during 1912. WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. 25 YOUNG MALE PUPA. Light red in general color; appressed closely to the leaf surface. Dorsum of head in front black, behind gray. Dorsum of thorax gray. Antennae six-jointed (i. e., with five joints and filament), one-third as long as the body, pale gray. Eyes bright red . Legs pale, femora dusky gray. Mesothorax, metathorax, and first five abdominal segments each with four black spots in a transverse row. Abdominal segments 6 to 8, inclusive, with two such spots. A single capitate spine arises from each of these spots. Cornicles imperceptible. Cauda pale, short, conical. Beak pale, tip dusky gray, reaching first coxae. FULL-GROWN MALE PUPA (fIG. 12). General color pale brick red; head pale orange. Antennae half as long as the body, seven-jointed, pale yellow, with dusky articulations. Eyes bright red. Legs very pale, femora usually slightly dusky. Wing pads white. Whole body with four longitudinal rows of dark capitate spines distributed as in the oviparous female. Cornicles on segment 6, appearing as little rims on the body surface, broader than long, concolorous with the body. Cauda bhmtly conical, A'ery short, pale yellow. Beak pale yellow, extreme tip brown, reaching to the first pair of coxae. Measurements: Length of body, ^ » 1.58 mm.; width of body, 0.57 mm.; Cauda, 0.045 mm. tt^ J^t^U^k!^ ft Antenna, joint I, 0.071 mm.; joint II, 0.054 mm.; >|\ if m'\^"^y%%. i joint III, 0.257 mm.; joint IV, 0.173 mm.; joint V, ^^^^:^:^^"i~iv:=^^ 0.200 mm.; joint VI, 0.12 mm.; filament, 0.12 mm. /^_.7^--4_^\ Described from several specimens col- /iJodamia convergens Gucrin; (6) HijJ'podamia amhigua Le Conte; (7) Coccinella calif ornica Mannerheim; (S) Adalia hipunctata Linnaeus; (9) Chilocorus orhus Casey. Nos. 1 to 8 m both adult and larval stages feed on the plant lice on the leaves, while the adults of the Chilocorus occasionally attack the winter eggs on the limbs. Nos. 1 to 4 are the most pereistent enemies of the aphides, the others only appearing spasmodically on the trees. The Hippodamia group of lady bu'ds seems to prefer such intensely gi'egarious plant lice as the plum louse (Hyalopterus arundinis Fabricius) or the bean aphis (Aphis rumicis Linnaeus) and pay much less attention to the more sporadic varieties such as the aphides on walnuts. Table XII indicates the predatory activities of five larvae of OUa ahdominalis (the ashy-gray ladybird.) Table XII.- -Olla ahdominalis: Predatory activilies on walnut plant lice, San Jose, Cal., 1912. Num- Num- Num- Larva Date of Date of ber of "lice" Date of ber of "lice" Date of ber of "lice" Date of Total "lice" eaten. Date of adult No. hatching. molt 1 . eaten molt 2. eaten, molt 3. eaten, pupation . to molt molts 1 molts 1. and 2. 2 to 3. 1 Aug. 27 Aug. 30 29 Sept. 2 36 Sept. 5 91 Sept. 13 477 Sept. 22 2 31 Sept. 5 38 9 30 12 45 19 417 25 3 31 5 24 9 33 12 50 18 237 25 4 31 5 35 9 27 12 59 18 234 25 5 31 5 39 9 31 12 53 18 320 25 In all, 1,685 "hce" were eaten in 90 days, or 18.7 ''lice" per day per larva. The ''Uce" were of similar average size to those consumed by the lacewing larvae (Table X). It was noticed that before the first molt the ladybu'd larvae would eat only very small aphides. The following is a brief account of the stages of the ashy-gray lady- bird {Olla ahdominalis) (PI. III). The egg: YeUow, later becoming WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. 39 orange-colored; cylindrical, long oval, slightly tapering to either end, four times as long as broad ; deposited in compact masses of from 5 to 25 on the leaf, usually on the underside, and with their long axis at right angles to the leaf surface; size, 1.3 by 0.35 mm. The larva: All black at hatching, later with pale markings, becoming more distinct after each successive molt. After the third molt the general color is dark purplish-black, with a median line of pale brick-red spots on the thorax and abdomen and also two lateral rows of similar spots. On segments 1 and 4 of the abdomen occur also two pale spots, one on either side of the median brick-colored spot and midway between it and the corresponding lateral spot. The fuU-grown larva has a length of 8 millmieters. The pupa: General color white, wing pads sienna brown. A large number of black spots and dashes are present but the prevailing color is white. Average size, 4 by 3.3 mm. The adult: Hemispherical, ashy-gray, with black markings, the elytra sometimes difi'used mth dull reddish blotches; head black, with central portion white or light gray; thorax (pronotum) black, with gray margms; elytra ashy-gray, with eight black spots on each elytron; legs yellow; abdomen reddish-yellow; average size, 5.2 by 4.2 mm. The adults of this species, if confined without food, will devour one another. Table XIII indicates the predatory activities of two larvae of Adalia melanopleura on walnut plant lice. Tablio XIII.^ -Adalia melanopleura: Predatory activities on walmit plant lice, Walnut Creek, Cal., 1912. Larva No. Date of hatching. Date of molt 1. Num- ber "lice" eaten to molt 1. Date of molt 2. Num- ber "lice" eaten, molts lto2. Date of molt 3. Num- ber "lice" eaten, molts 2 to 3. Date of pupa- tion. • Total "lice" eaten. Date of adult emer- gence. 1 2 Sept. 17 17 Sept. 20 19 41 35 Sept. 24 22 38 34 Sept. 26 25 30 33 Sept. 30 30 181 194 Oct. 12 12 In all, 375 plant lice were eaten in 26 days, or 14.4 per day per larva. The feedmg period of both larvae was 13 days as contrasted with an average of practically 18 days for the larvae of the ashy-gray lady- bird. Adalia melanopleura is considerably smaller than that species, its larva consuming in a period of 13 days half as many plant lice as the larva of the larger species will devour in 18 days. This larger species will consume 70 larvae in a single day while the maggot of the large syrphid fly (Catahomha pyrastri) will dispose of over 100 and durino; the 23 days or so of its existence will devour over 1,000, or about 43.5 lice per day. However, in contrasting the two groups of predaceous insects — Syrphidae and Coccinellidae — it must be remem- bered that the former are aphidophagous only m the larval state 40 BULLETIN 100, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. while both the adults and larvte of ladybirds feed on plant lice. Ml-. E. K. Carnes/ experimenting in the State Insectary at Sacra- mento, Cal., found that 20 adult beetles of Hijypodamia convergens averaged 21.8 aphides per day and that the larvae of this species each consumed from 250 to 300 plant lice during their larval existence. He found that adult females would deposit eggs for from a month to sLx weeks, laying on the average 15 eggs per day and fcedmg on the plant lico all the tune. Essig - states that in the walnut orchards of Ventura County, Cal., OUa ahdominalis, the ashy-gray ladybird, is by far the most beneficial insect in the natural control of the European wahmt apliis (CJiromajyMs juglandicola) . ARTIFICIAL CONTROL OF WALNUT APHIDES. The writer has been unable, save in one instance,^ to find any pub- lished account of artificial control tried or adopted for walnut plant- lice. Until the year 1910 no such work seems to have been performed along this linC* In August of that year Mr. P. R. Jones, late of the Bureau of Entomology, carried out a series of laboratory experiments with a view to determining the efficiency of various washes against these aphides. A small hand pump was fitted with an Eddy-chamber nozzle and the applications made at a medium high pressure. Care was taken that not enough pressure was exerted to kill any of the "lice" by the force of the spray alone. Examinations were made 10 minutes after the applications. From these experiments the fol- lowing results were obtained : Commercial tobacco extract No. 2, containing 40 per cent nicotine, at strengths of 1-1,040 to 1-2,048, effective; dilutions weaker than 1-2,048, not effective. Commercial tobacco extract No. 1 containing about 4 per cent of nicotine at strength of 1-60, effective; dilutions weaker than 1-60, not effective (1-80 partially effective). Commercial tobacco extract No. 1, at strengths varying from 1-60 to 1-200, com- bined with a 3 per cent distillate-oil emulsion, effective. Commercial tobacco extract No. 2 at strengths varying from 1-1,000 to 1-2,650 com- bined with a 3 per cent distillate-oil emulsion, effective. Commercial tobacco extract No. 1 at strengths varying from 1-60 to 1-200 combined with a 2 per cent distillate-oil emulsion, effective. Commercial tobacco extract No. 2 at strengths varying from 1-1,000 to 1-2,620 com- bined with a 2 per cent distillate-oil emulsion, effective. Distillate-oil emulsion at 2, 3, and 4 per cent strengths, effective. Commercial lime-sulphur, 1-50, combined \vith commercial tobacco extract No. 1, 1-100, effective. 1 Sept., 1912. Cames, E. K. Insectary Division Reports for the months of June and Jul}', 1912. Mo. Bui. Cal. State Hort. Com., v. 1, no. 10, p. S20-S2S;. Some experiments with the common ladybird ( Hlppodamia convergens), p. S21-S26. 2 Apr., 1912. Essig, E.O. The walnut plant louse ( CAromapftis JMj/Zondi'eo/a [Kalt] Walker). Mo. Bui. Cal. State Com. Hort., v. 1, no. 5, p. 190-194, figs. 72-7.3. Control, p. 192. 3 Cf. Biennial Crop Pest and Hort. Report 1911-1912, Oregon Agr. Coll. Exp. Sta. Jan. 10, 1913, p. 165. " Blackleaf 40" and kerosene emulsion 10 per cent recommended. •• Since going to press control experiments undertaken in the spring of 1913 in Southern CaUfornia by tlie University of California have been published in Circular 107 of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California. |i Bui. 100, U. S. Dept. of Agrlcultun Plate III. The Ashy-Gray Ladybird 'Olla abdominalis). [A, adult; B, eggs; C, larva; D, pupa. (After Essig.)] Bui 100, U. S. Dept of Agriculture. Plate IV. Fig. 1 .—Tree of the Royal Hybrid Walnut in Grove of Mr. F. Leib, San Jose, Cal. Fig. 2.-GENERAL View of Walnut Grove of Mr. F. Leib, San Jose, Gal. WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. 41 Commercial lime-sulphur, 1-50, combined with commercial tobacco extract No. 1, 1-200, effective. Commercial lime sulphur, 1-70, combined with commercial tobacco extract No. 2, 1-1,000, effective. Commercial lime-sulphur 1^5, combined with commercial tobacco extract No. 2, 1-2,000, effective. It is noticeable that the weaker solutions of tobacco extracts were not effective alone, but when combined with distillate-oil emulsion or Ume-sulphur proved quite satisfactory. Possibly the most success- ful result was obtained with distillate-oil emulsion of only 2 per cent. Field experiments failed, however, to justify the use of this wash alone, for it proved to lack the killing power found in the tcrbacco-extract sprays. The emulsion serves, however, as a very good "spreader" for the nicotine killing agent, since it serves to distribute the spray over the leaf surface. Commercial tobacco extract No. 2 proved to have greater insecticidal value than commercial tobacco extract No. 1, judging by the corresponding strengths of the two sprays; and there- fore in the field only the former was used. Foliage tests on an Eastern black walnut tree were made of all the washes used in the laboratory experiments, and in no case was any burning observed to result. This type of wahiut seems more susceptible to burning injury than does the European or so-called ' ' Persian ' ' walnut. FIELD EXPERIMENTS. SPRING AND SUMMER TREATMENT. Experiment No. 1. — Lime-sulphur (commercial 1-50) combined with commercial tobacco extract No. 2 (1-1,500). Orchard of Mr. I. Du Bois, San Jose, Cal. Two large European walnut trees badly infested with aphides were sprayed July 1, 1911, under an even pressure of 170 pounds. A count made on the following day showed that 95 per cent of the aphides had been destroyed by the wash. Experiment No. 2. — -Three per cent standard distillate-oil emulsion combined with commercial tobacco extract No. 2 (1-2,000). A large, badly infested European walnut tree in the yard of the experiment station at San Jose was treated, July 3, 1911, with this spray at an even pressure of 170 pounds. A count made July 5 showed that over 95 per cent of the aphides had been killed. Experiment No. 3. — Commercial tobacco extract No. 2 (1-1,500). Orchard of Mr. F. Leib, near San Jose, Cal. (PI. IV, figs. 1, 2). A block of 10 walnut trees badly infested was sprayed, May 21, 1912, under a pressure fluctuating from 60 to 140 pounds. A count made two days later showed that not over 40 per cent of the "lice" were de- stroyed . Experiment No. 4- — Commercial tobacco extract No. 2 (1-1,500) combined with 2 per cent homemade distillate-oil emulsion. Orchard of Mr. F. Leib, near San Jose, Cal. A block of 10 badly infested walnut trees was sprayed, May 21, 1912, under pressure similar to that of experiment No. .3. A count made two days later showed that 98 per cent of the insects had succumbed. Some oil burning appeared on the foliage and nuts owing to insufficient agitation in the preparation of the emulsion and consequent freeing of oil. Experiments Nos. 3 and 4 were made to determine whether the tobacco extract alone would prove effective in the field. Results indicate that a weak solution of oil emulsion is necessary to act as a "spreader" for the tobacco. 42 BULLETIN 100, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. Experiment No. 5. — Distillate-oil emulsion, 2 per cent. Orchard of Mr. F. Leib, near San Jose, Cal. A block of six badly infested walnut trees was sprayed under 110 pounds pressure, July 31, 1912. A count made on August 6 showed that 74 per cent of the "lice" had been destroyed. Experiment No. 6. — Distillate-oil emulsion, 2 per cent, combined with commercial tobacco extract No. 2 (1-2,000). Orchard of Mr. F. Leib, near San Jose, Cal. (PL IV, figs. 1, 2). Six walnut trees, badly infested, were sprayed under a pressure of 110 pounds. A count, made August 6, showed that 85 per cent of the "lice" had been killed by the spray. Experiment No. 7. — Whale-oil soap, 1 pound; water, 5 gallons. Orchard of Mr. E. I. Hutchinson, Concord, Cal. A block of 12 moderately infested European walnut trees was sprayed under 150 pounds pressure. May 10, 1913. A count made two days later showed that out of 473 "lice" counted, 263, or 55.6 per cent, had been destroyed. A thorough drencliing had been applied and the trees were in full leaf. It was noticed that the great majority of the "lice" that escaped were situated close to the base of the midrib. In this position they were partly protected by the projecting rib, and it is to be supposed that the wash lacked the pressure necessary to reach these individuals. All the foregoing experiments were undertaken on irees on which the foliage was fully developed. It was noticeable that on thickly foliated trees the percentage of plant lice killed was the smallest, while on thinly foliated trees the greatest mortality resulted. Much of the leaf surface on thickly foliated trees is almost inaccessible to spray. A comparison of the results of the foregoing tests favors distillate- oil emulsion and tobacco. The most desirable combination for spring and summer spraying is a 2 per cent distillate-oU emulsion, commer- cial or homemade, combined with commercial tobacco extract No. 2, 1 to 1,500. High pressure (150 pounds or over) is desirable, although not absolutely necessary unless the spraying be done before the wahiut leaflets have flattened out in spring. In timing the application for the aphides on the leaves it is desirable to spray as early as possible in order to reduce the amount of leaf surface to be covered by the wash and to destroy the plant lice before they attack the nuts. On the other hand it wiU be found very hard to destroy the plant lice before the leaflets flatten out, for the young leaflets are pressed against one another in a manner that affords very good protection to the insects from a spray. Moreover at this period all the stem-mother plant lice will not have hatched from the winter eggs. The time most preferable for the application is just as soon as the growing leaflets shall have flattened out and before they have attained their full size. At this time the ''lice" have aU hatched and are all exposed on the undei-side of the leaves. Should an oil spray be applied care should be taken that there is no free oil in the emulsion, as the young nuts arc susceptible to burning. No stronger than a 2 per cent distillate-oil emulsion should be used for this early application. The spray should be directed to the underside of the leaves, and angle nozzles used. A round nozzle is to be pre- WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. 43 f erred to one of the Clipper type, as the former will diffuse the spray- better over the leaf surface. Such a driving-spray nozzle as that devised by the Massachusetts Agricultural College is desirable for spraying trees of large size. If there are unsprayed walnut trees in the vicinity it may be necessary to make a second application some two or three weeks later, as plant lice are apt to have migrated from these to the sprayed trees. On account of the extended period over wliich the sexual forms are produced, fall spraying for these forms, unless repeated again and again, will be of Uttle value. It should be borne in mind that the number of "hco" hatching in the spring from the winter eggs varies considerably year by year in a given locality or orchard and also that the hatching time of these "Uce" is regulated by the sap flow in that particular tree upon which the eggs happened to be placed. The hatching of the winter eggs is not regulated by temperature conditions. Hence the stage m the seasonal development of the aphidids corresponds to the stage in development of that particular tree on which the stem-mother lice were produced, leaving out of consideration the possibihty of mi- grants arriving from other trees. This point is of importance when it is considered that the different varieties of cultivated walnuts put out their leaves and produce their nuts at different times and that these functions are performed by individual varieties at different times dependent on locahty and seasonal meteorological conditions. Table XIV summarizes the control experiments made for spring and summer treatment. Table XIV. — Sur.imary of spring and summer spraying experiments against walnut aphides, San Jose and Walnut Creek, Cal., 1911, 1912, and 1913. Character of spray. Date of appli- cation. Number trees sprayed. Result of spray; per cent of plant lice kUled. Cost per diluted gallon. Commercial lime-siilphur, l-oO and commercial tobacco extract No. 2 (1-1,500) July 1,1911 July 3, 1911 May 21,1912 do 2 1 10 10 6 6 12 95 95 40 9S 7-1 85 55.6 $0,012 3 per cent distillate-oil emulsion (homemade) and com- mercial tobacco extract No. 2 (1-2,000) .0088 Commercial tobacco extract No. 2 (1-1,500) .008 2 per cent distillate-oil emulsion (homemade) and com- mercial tobacco extract No. 2 (1-1,500) .0098 2 per cent distiUate-oil emulsion (commercial) . July 31,1912 do .0067 2 per cent distillate-oil emulsion (commercial) and com- mercial tobacco extract No. 2 (1-2,000) .0127 Whale-oil aoap (homemade), 1 pound to 5 gallons water. . May 10,1913 .004 WINTER TREATMENT. Experiment No . 1 . — Crude-oil emulsion, 12 per cent (crude oil, 27° Baume) . Orchard of Mr. George Whitman, Concord, Cal. A block of 31 European walnut trees of moder- ate size were sprayed February 25, 1913, under a pressure of from 150 to 175 pounds. Three gallons of spray were applied to each tree and "Friend" nozzles used. The trees were well drenched. Examination made April 5, 1913, showed that trees were start- ing to leaf. Most of the leaves were as yet tightly closed, but the basal leaves of many 44 BULLETIN 100, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. shoots were opened. A general survey of the sprayed block and of a check unsprayed block indicated equal infestation by young stem mothers. Plant lice were not all hatched. An examination made April 15, 1913, showed that trees were well out in leaf. All stem mothers had hatched. A general survey of sprayed and unsprayed trees showed no apparent difference in infestation. A count of 28 leaf clusters selected at random from the sprayed trees yielded 21 stem mothers, while a similar count of the same number of leaf clusters from unsprayed trees yielded 29 stem mothers. It may be inferred from this experiment that the crude-oil emulsion destroyed few, if any, of the winter eggs. Experiment No. 2. — Commercial lime-sulphur, 1-10. (Concentrated solution, 33° Baum^.) Orchard of Mr. George Whitman, Concord, Cal. A block of four large trees of the European walnut were sprayed March 5, 1913, imder a pressure of 100 pounds. About 14 gallons of spray were applied to each tree and " Friend" angle nozzles used. Eggs were abundant on both sprayed and check trees. The leaf buds on these trees began to open April 1, 1913. Examination was made April 15, 1913. Trees were then well out in leaf. The stem mothers were all hatched. The lime had no effect in retarding leafing. A count of 20 leaf clusters taken at random on the sprayed block yielded no plant lice, while a similar count of the same number of leaves on the check trees yielded 27 stem mothers. Further examination showed that on the sprayed trees no plant lice could be found, while on the check trees nearly every leaf cluster had one or more of the insects. A subsidiary experiment was undertaken on two young California black walnut trees, both infested with eggs. One of these trees was treated with commercial lime- sulphur, 1-9 (concentrated solution 33° Baume), and the other left as a check. On the sprayed tree no eggs hatched and when examined on April 17, 1913, the eggs were shrunken and distorted, the embryos having been destroyed within the eggshell. The eggs on the check tree hatched normally about the end of March. Experiment No. S. — Crude-oil emulsion, lime-sulphur, and "Yel- ros." Vrooman orchard, Santa Rosa, Cal. Four plats were sprayed, April 9-11, 1913, with a power outfit at high pressure, as follows: Plat 1, 40 trees, crude oil (22° Baum6) emulsion, 8 per cent; plat 2, 40 trees, hme-sulphur, 1 to 8; plat 3, ''Yel-ros," 1 to 25, 16 trees; plat 4, ''Yel-ros," 1 to 40, 24 trees. These apphcations were made on late Franquette walnuts, dormant at the time of spray- ing. The orchard was well infested with the winter eggs of the plant Uce. An examination, May 27, 1913, showed that the trees were well out in leaf. Stem mother plant lice were mostly about two-thirds grown. Counts of SO leaves (about 480 leaflets) taken at random from each of the four plats and from a check unsprayed plat resulted as follows: Table XV. — Winter spraying experiment No. 3 against walnvt aphides, Vrooman orchard, Santa Rosa, Cal. , 1913. Number of Plat. "lice" on 80 leaves. Per cent of number on check. Crude-oil emulsion, 8 per cent . Lime-sulphur, 1 to 8 "Yel-ros," 1 to 25 "Yel-ros," 1 to 40 Check— unsprayed 10.6 1.9 13.4 93.2 100.0 WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. 45 The best results, therefore, were obtained by the lime-sulphur wash. The greater efficiency of the 8 per cent crude-oil emulsion over the 12 per cent crude oil used in experiment No. 1 is probably due to the heavier grade of oil (22° Baume) used in the 8 per cent experiment. The heavier oil remains longer on the trees and coats the eggs of the aphides more satisfactorily than the oil of lighter grade. As may be seen from Table XVI both the 8 per cent crude- oil emulsion and '' Yel-ros," 1 to 25, gave good results, but " Yel-ros," 1 to 40, was quite ineffective. Table XVI is a summary of experiments against the winter eggs: Table XVI. — Summary of experiments on the winter eggs, Walnut Creek and Santa Rosa, Cal., 1913. Character of spray. Date of ap- plication. Number of trees sprayed. Date of ex- amination. Plant lice present (check— 100). Cost per diluted gallon. Crude-oil (27° Baura^) emulsion, 12 per cent. Commercial lime-sulphur, 1 to 10 Crude-oil (22° Baum6) emulsion, 8 per cent. . Commercial lime-sulphur, 1 to 8 " Yel-ros, '' I to 25 "Yel-ros," 1 to 40 Feb. 25... Mar. 5 Apr. 9-11. do... do... do... Apr. 5, 15. ....do... May 27... do... ....do... ....do... Per cent. 72.4 .0 10.6 1.9 13.4 93.2 $0.01 .02 .0073 .025 .028 .0175 It is in a measure unfortunate that the homemade 1-2-1 lime- sulphur spray was not tried. This is considerably cheaper than the commercial article, but there is no reason to suppose that the winter formula of the homemade lime-sulphur would not prove quite effective judging by the results obtained with commercial lime-sulphur. In recommending winter sprays for the plant lice infesting walnut trees the writer must accord the preference to lime-sulphur, 1-8 to 1-11, while good work may be expected from crude-oil emulsion, 8 to 12 per cent, using the heavier grades of oil (not lighter than 24° Baume), and from "Yel-ros," 1-25. The oil emulsion (homemade) is the cheapest winter spray, although there is little difference between its cost and that of the homemade hme-sulphur wash, winter formula. In applying the spray for the aphis eggs the wash should be directed so as to cover completely every part of the twigs and limbs. Late spraying, i. e., making the appHcation just before the buds are begin- ning to swell, is preferable to spraying earUer, especially if crude-oil emulsion is used, as the oil does its best work soon after it is applied and the plant hce at hatching time are more easily destroyed by it. In concluding the section on artificial control the author would like to express his thanks to Mr. Frank Leib, San Jose, Cal., and Messrs. George Whitman and E. I. Hutchinson, Concord, Cal., for their help and cooperation in the carrying out of field experiments on their orchards, and also to Balfour, Guthrie & Co., San Francisco, Cal., by whose courtesy the Santa Rosa experiments were made possible, they having made the spray applications under the author's supervision. 46 BULLETIN 100, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. SUMMARY. The life history of walnut aphides in California is briefly as follows: A week or so before the buds open on the trees in the spring the aphidids begin to hatch from the winter eggs. As soon as the young foliage appears the "lice" settle on it, and after feeding for a month or so become adults. Tliese stem mothers are always Avinged and like plant lice of later generations are capable of migrating to other trees and orchards. As soon as they arc fully developed they produce young parthenogenetically. These second-generation young become mature in three weeks and in turn produce young. The individuals of the third and subsequent generations of summer mature in about 16 days. On early-leafing varieties there are 10 or 11 viviparous generations in the year while on late varieties there are 8 or 9. The production of the sexual generation is prolonged over four months, these forms first appearing in July. After the sexes (comprised of the winged male and the wingless female) mate, the female repairs to the twigs antl limbs of the tree, there to deposit her eggs. Winter is passed in the egg stage only. In general the aphidids inhabit the underside of the leaves, but those of the second, third, and fourth generations often attack the nuts, sometimes seriously dwarfing them (see PI. I, fig. 1). Occasionally the ''lice" will be found on the upper surface of the leaf. Wlien infes- tation on the leaves and nuts is severe the vitality of the infested tree is impaired. The aphidids excrete a sweet, gummy, transparent sub- stance much sought after by ants, and in this thrives a black sooty fungus. This black fungus often covers the upper sides of the lower leaves and the upper part of the nuts, thereby interfering with the respiratory action of the plant tissues. Walnut plant lice have many natural foes, all predatory. These serve to keep the aphidids in" check but do not appear in sufficient numbers until after the "lice" have had time to injure tlie nuts. The most persistent of them is the ashy-gray ladybird beetle (Olla abdoin- inalis Say). Aphidids on walnuts can be controlled artificially with sprays. The winter spraying directed against the eggs is the easier to apply, and high trees can be reached by a winter wash with ease, whereas in the spring and summer so thick is the foliage that a thorough application is hard to accomplish satisfactorily. Furtliermore, far less material is required when the trees are bare. Lime-sulphur and crude-oil emul- sions are effective, especially the first named. The spray should be directed all over limbs and twigs so as to cover every part. If it is necessary to spray in spring or summer, a combination of 2 per cent distillate-oil emulsion and commercial tobacco extract No. 2 (1 to 1,500) wiR prove effective provided it be applied under a pressure of at least 150 pounds and the spray directed on the nuts and underside of the leaves. WALNUT APHIDES IN CALIFORNIA. 47 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Chromaphis juglandicola Kaltenbach. 1843. Kaltenbach, J. H. Monographie der Familien der Pflanzenlause . . . Aachen, 1843. "Lachnusjttglandicola." Original description, v.-ilh colored figures. 1857. Koch, C. L. Die Pflanzenlause Aphiden, Niirnberg, 1854-1857. " Callipterus juglandicola Koch," p. 224, fig. 297, 1857. Description and colored figures. 1860. Passerini, Carlo. Gli Afidi, Parma, 1860. " CaUiptcTUs juglandicola Kalt." recorded. 1870. Walker, Francis. Notes on aphides. Zoologist, ser. 2, v. 5, pp. 1996-2001, Feb., 1870. " Callipterus juglandis," p. 2000; Callaphis proposed, p. 2000. " Chromaphis peglandicola," p. 2001. Genus Chromaphis erected. 1881. Buckton, G. W. Monograph of the British Aphides, v. 3, London, 1881. " PterocalHs juglandicola Kalt.," p. 32-34. Description and colored plate. 1906. Schoutcden, H. Catalogue des Aphides de Belgique. Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg., V. 12, pp. 189-246. " Callipterus juglandicola Kalt.," p. 209-210. Recorded. 1909. Essig, E. 0. Apliididse of southern California, II. Pomona Col. Jour. Ent., V. 1, no. 2, pp. 47-52, June, 1909. " Callipterus juglandicola Koch," p. 51-52. Description and figures. 1910. Gillette, C. P. Plant-louse notes, family Aphididae (continued). Jour. Econ. Ent., V. 3, no. 4, pp. 367-371, pi. 24. " Chromaphis juglandicola," p. 367, fig. 4. Note of occurrence and figure of antenna of winged female. 1910. Wilson, H. F. A key to the genera and notes on the synonymy of the tribe CalUpterini, family Aphididae. Canad. Ent., v. 42, no. 8, pp. 253-259, Aug., 1910. " Chromaphis juglandicola Kalt.," pp. 257-258. Refers to Walker's erection of the genus Chromaphis. 1912. Essig, E. O. The walnut plant louse {Chromaphis juglandicola (Kalt.) Walker). Mo. Bui. Cal. State Com. Hort., v. 1, no. 5, pp. 190-194, figs. 72-73, April, 1912. Description and figures, natural control notes. 1913. Wilson, H. F., and Lovett, A. L. Miscellaneous insect pests of orchard and garden. Bien. Crop Pest and Hort. Rpt. 1911-12, Oregon Agr. Col. Expt. Sta., pp. 147-165. " Chromaphis juglandicola Kalt.," p. 165. Note of occurrence and remedies. MONELLIA CARY^ Mouell. 1879. Monell, J. Notes on the Aphididae of the United States, Part II. Notes on Apliididae, with descriptions of new species. IT. S. Geol. and Geog. Sur- vey Bui. 5, no. 1, pp. 18-32, Jan. 22, 1879. "Callipterus caryse, n. sp.," p. 31. Original description. 1879. Thomas, Cyrus. Eighth Report of the State Entomologist on the Noxious and Beneficial Insects of the State of Illinois, Springfield, 1879. " Callipterus caryx, n. sp.," p. 199. Ncrte of occurrence. 48 BULLETIN 100, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 1910. Williams, T. A. The Apliididae of Nebraska. Nebr. Univ. Studies, v. 10 no. 2, pp. 85-175, April, 1910. " Callipterus caryx Monell," p. 115. Description and note of ocwirrence. 1910. Gillette, C. P. Plant-louse notes, family Apliididee (continued), pi. 24. Jour. Econ. Ent., v. 3, no. 4, pp. 367-371, Aug., 1910. " Monellia caryx," p. 367. Note of oocurrence and figure. 1910. Davis, J. J. A list of the Apliididse of Illinois, with notes on some of the species. Jour. Econ. Ent., v. 3, no. 5, p. 407-420, Oct., 1910. " CalUplerus caryx Monl.," p. 417. Note of occurrence. Monellia caryella Fitch. 1855. Fitch, Asa. First Report on the Noxious, Beneficial, and other Insects of the State of New York, Albany, 1855. "Aphis caryella Fitch," pp. 163-165. Original description. 1856. Fitch, Asa. Third Report on the Noxious and other Insects of the State of New York, Albany, 1856. "Hickory gay-louse, Callipterus caryellus Fitch," pp. 448-449. Short description. 1862. Walsh, B. D. On the genera of Aphididse found in the United States. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., v. 1, pp. 294-311. " Callipterus caryellus Fitch," p. 302. Reference. 1879. Thomas, Cyrus. Eighth Report of the State Entomologist on the Noxious and Beneficial Insects of the State of Illinois, Springfield, 1879. " Callipterus caryellus Fitch," pp. 170-171. Note of occurrence. 1887. Oestlund, O. W. Synopsis of the Aphididae of Minnesota. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. Bui. 4. "Monellia caryella Fitch," p. 45. Genus Monellia erected. Note of occurrence. 1910. Davis, J. J. A list of the Aphididae of Illinois, with notes on some of the spe- cies. Jour. Econ. Ent., v. 3, no. 5, pp. 407-420. "Monellia caryella Fitch," p. 419. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT- OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 10 CENTS PER COPY ii BiL, V 1 & BULLETIN OF THE u No. 104: Contribution from the Bureau of Plant Industry, Wm. A. Taylor, Chief July 10, 1914. THRIPS AS POLLINATORS OF BEET FLOWERS. By Harry B. Shaw, Assistant Pathologist, Office of Cotton and Truck Diseases and Sugar-Pkmt Investigations. INTRODUCTION. 1 While conducting breeding experiments with sugar beets during a period of more than five years, it could never be observed that the beet flower, despite the pungent fragrance of its nectar and the remarkable abundance of its pollen, attracted nearly as many insect visitors as numerous blooms offering less pronounced attractions. Especially significant was the rarity of the visits of the honeybee and other common species of Hymenoptera. It appeared as though nature had vainly provided powerful insect lures, excepting only those of conspicuous size and color. It is true that insects, some of them capable of transferring pollen from flower to flower, do visit beet flowers, but relatively their numbers are small and their visits few. Thes.e breeding experiments necessitated the isolation and hand pollination of numerous beet flowers. Not infrequently, in spite of careful teclmic, it was found that single flowers which had been emasculated and protected by paper bags from pollination became fertilized and produced seed in a manner at the time inexplicable. Although the actual percentage of such cases was small, it was sufficient to attract attention and to cast doubt upon the thorough- ness of the protection afforded by the bags. Not only is the beet flower protandrous, but numerous attempts of the waiter to effect close fertilization by preserving the pollen until the stigma of the same flower should become receptive, then applying the pollen, have failed. The above-mentioned fertilization, therefore, could not have been accomplished by pollen from any one of the single flowers operated on, even had such pollen reached the stigma; in other words, the beet flower can not be self-fertilized. . The most probable explanation for the fertilization of these isolated flowers was tlio Note.— The investigations and experiments reported In this bulletin are of interest to horticulturists and plant breeders. 42131°— 14 2 BULLETIN 104, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. unobserved access of minute pollen-bearing insects. None of the common visiting insects other than thrips is minute enough to gain entrance through the interstices between the mouth of the paper bag and the stem .when the bag is tied closely about the beet spike. Thrips, however, are so tiny as scarcely to be visible to the naked eye, the mature larvae being about ^ inch long and only about -^ inch long immediately after hatching; hence it seemed probable that some of these insects might have crawled up "udthin the mouth of the tied bags and dropped on the stigmata of the isolated flowers some of the pollen they were carrying. OCCURRENCE OF THRIPS ON BEET FLOWERS. Besides several other species not identified, the Bureau of Ento- mology determmed the following among specimens of thrips col- FiG. 1. — The bean thrips (Heliothrips fasciatus): a, Adult female; 6, ventral side of abdominal segment of same; c, antenna of same, a, Greatly enlarged; 6, c, more enlarged. (After Russell.) lected from beet flowers at Garland, Utah, in 1909 and 1910: Ilelio- thrips fasciatus L. (fig. 1), Frankliniella fusca Hinds, and Frank- liniella tritici Fitch. The species most abundant during the seasons of 1911 and 1912 at Ogden, Utah, was Thrips tahaci, the onion thrips. The few observed at Jerome, Idaho, during the summer of 1913 have not yet been determined. At Garland the seed beets were grown near fields of alfalfa, whence many of the thrips found on beets doubtless migrated, the same species Bui. 104, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate Thrips tabaci Dislodged from the Beet Flowers Shown in Plate II. Natural Size. (Original.) Bui. 104, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. ^f ,^ # BRANCHED SPIKE OF BEET FLOWERS FROM WHICH THE THRIPS SHOWN IN Plate I Were Dislodged. Natural Size. (Original.) THKIPS AS POLLINATORS OF BEET FLOWERS. 3 being exceedingly abundant in alfalfa blossoms. In Ogden the experi- mental plats were located in the heart of a trucking district, where many onions and other general truck crops are grown. At Jerome the beet plats were surrounded by alfalfa fields. At Garland these insects were fairly abundant. At Ogden in 1911 they were very abundant. This may be better appreciated by a glance at Plate I, which shows the thrips that were dislodged from the small branched spike depicted in Plate II after the spike of flowers had been exposed for a short time to the fumes of chloroform. Before the thrips had recovered from anes- thesia the spike and its branches were distinctly outlined by the stupefied insects. Notes taken at the time read as follows: August 7, 1912. — After treatment with chloroform, 85 thrips fell from a spike possessing 80 open flowers; from another branched spike 190 thrips were dislodged. Inspection of beet flowers sometimes re- vealed as many as five or six thrips in a single perianth. In 1912, on the site of an old Chinese truck garden at Odgen, thrips became extraordi- narily numerous during the late blooming ?'«• 2.-side view of the head of ^ -^ ^ '^ _ fc" a thrips, showmg the mouth period, when they fairly swarmed in and parts. Much enlarged. (After about the beet flowers. It was then as- Mouiton.) certained that in addition to drinking the nectar and devouring the pollen they may also injure the floral organs. Earlier studies of the injurious effects of various suckmg insects, including aphides, red spiders, and thrips, on sugar beets, had estab- lished the fact that the last-named insects sustain their unenviable character on sugar beets also; they cause on young sugar beets a great diversity of leaf curls and distortions. On the spikes and bract- lets of seed beets smaU silvery scars may be found as a result of their attacks. The thrips is more destructive than most sucking insects, because, not satisfied with merely puncturing, it tears and grubs up the surface tissues of its food plants with its powerful mouth cones, or proboscis (fig. 2), in order to release a more copious flow of the plant juices.^ It reminds one of the actions of a hog. These studies were extended to the observation of tlu-ips on the inflorescence of sugar beets. The spikes and spikelets of the sugar beet, with their closely arranged spirals of flower clusters, are very numerous and aft'ord excellent hiding places for these insects. It was found that as the period of most abundant bloom approached, thrips became increasingly numerous, partly through migration from ' Moulton, Dudley. The pear thrips and its control. United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau Of Entomology, BuU.'tin 80, pt. 4, p. 54, 1912. BULLETIN 104, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. other plants, but more especially through breedmg. Eggs are] deposited and hatched on the spikes themselves. On hatching, the young larvffi quickly seek the flowers, doubtless attracted by the pungent fragrance of the nectar, and literally wallow in the nectar and pollen, avidly di-inkuig the one and voraciously devouring the other. ()})servations covermg five seasons have shown that several species of Thysanoptera visit beet flowers and that the number of individuals varies greatly with the locality and general environments, notably mth the crops in the vicinity. At Jerome, Idaho, in 1913, on land only recently cleared from sagebrush, thrips were rather scarce, although somewhat abundant in alfalfa in near-by fields. These insects have also been seen in moderate abundance on seed beets in Indiana and Michigan. THRIPS AS POLLEN BEARERS. The v^riter has been able to discover in the literature very little reference to thrips as a pollen bearer and no proof of its ability to bring about the fertilization of flowers. Darwin was familiar with the visits of thrips and kept in rnind the possibility that they might gain entrance through his nets. Hermann MiiUer ^ records their occurrence in the flowers of several genera and species, but does not mention beets. In a paragraph on Thysanoptera he says that ''probaldy few flowers, if any, are altogether exem]^t from their visits, and though they have seldom been detected in the conveyance of pollen, yet from their great abundance, their value as fertilizers must not be overlooked. It is almost im- possible to exclude these tiny insects by means of nets. The Thysan- optera seek both poUen and honey. They seize a single pollen grain in their mandibles and convey it to the mouth." Uzel,2 in Bohemia, has noted the visits of several species of Thy- sanoptera among sugar and stock beets, but adduces no evidence in proof of the actual pollmation of those flowers by tlu-ips. On August 3, 1911, at the experimental plats in Ogden, Utah, spikes of beet flowers were exposed to the fumes of chloroform to 1 Miiller, Hermann. The fertilisation of flowers. Tr. and ed. bj' D'Arcy W. Thompson, London, 1883, p. 44-45. 2 Uzel, Heinrich. tJber die Insekten, welche die Bliiten der Zucker- und Futterriibe besuchen. Zeit- schriftfiir Zuckerindustrie in Bohmen, Jahrg. 37, p. 182-197, 1913. Fig. 3.— Larva of Thrips tabaci (second stage) taken from a sugar-beet flower. The insect carries numerous beet-pollen grains on its body. X 50. (Sketch of the larva after Rus- sell.) THRIPS AS POLLINATORS OF BEET FLOWEES. 5 dislodge insects that might be harboring in them. As already stated, thrips in unsuspected number were thus removed. (Pis. I and II.) A microscopic examination of many of these — larvse and adults — showed that without exception beet pollen grains were present on their bodies (fig. 3). The original notes under this date are as follows: August 3, 1911. — Discovered that Thrips sp. [later determined as Thrips tabaci] are exceedingly numerous on and among beet flowers. Some spikes were collected, and absorbent cotton sprinkled with chloroform was held over them to stupefy any insects that might be present. Thrips fell off and were microscopically examined. Without exception, each bore among its body hairs numerous sugar-beet pollen grains. Some open flowers were then examined, and thrips, as they recovered from their stupor, were observed to enter the perianth, where they moved about quite actively, traveling over every part. Many pollen grains were picked up by the Insects' body hairs, others were dropped ; pollen was also transferred from one insect to another when they came in contact one with another. Almost at the close of the blooming period of beets, counts were made of the pollen grains borne by a number of thrips dislodged with chloroform from beet spikes, as shown in Table I. Table I. — Beet pollen grains on thrips, near the close cf the blooming period. Stage of development of the insect. Number of grains found on surface indicated. Dorsal. ^^nar'" Total. 30 G2 53 10 40 Adult 7S 140 Do S2 135 These poUen grains were distributed over every part of their bodies, even along the antennae. Nor do these figures represent unusual individuals. The blooming period was practically over at this time; poUen was therefore not very abundant. Both larval and adult thrips have since been seen to be literally covered with beet pollen. EXPERIMENTS IN THE POLLINATION OF BEET FLOWERS. The foregoing results were both interesting and surprising, and at once suggested, among others, the following queries : (1) Do the thrips in this instance redeem themselves from their hitherto wholly evil reputation by playing an essential, or even an important, role in the fertilization of beet flowers? Or, do they simply convey pollen from one flower to another on the same plant and thus effect close pollination only? ^ 1 Other experiments have shown close pollination of beet flowers to be almost absolutely ineffective in bringing about fertilization, which is undesirable even when successful. Self-fertilization is not possible. The term "self-fertilization" is here used to mean that resulting from the pollen of the same flower; "close pollination," or "close fertilization," that effected by the application of pollen from one flower to another on the same plant; "cross-pollination," that between any two plants. 6 BULLETIN 1(U, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. (2) Inasmuch as the}- consume large quantities of pollen, do they thus work injury to beets? (3) Do they injure the lloral organs of beet flowers? To bo cfTective agents in the fertilization of beet flowers, they must tlo more than convey pollen from one flower to another on the same spike, stem, or plant; they must bring about true cross-pollination. ^Vlthough already late in the season when the foregoing observa- tions were made, experiments were at once planned to ascertain whether pollination and fertilization might be effected through the agency of thrips. To this end several vigorous seed beets, still in bloom, were selected. On August 7 and 8, 1911, the largest buds on a number of spikes were emasculated, the smaller and more immature buds being trimmed off. This work was done at the stage when the sepals were just about to separate at the tips and disclose a tiny yellow spot of the anthers, and it w^as performed] under a pollinating tent in order to| exclude flying insects and wind- carried pollen (fig. 4 ) . As each set of| buds was emasculated it was at onc( covered with a white manila papel bag, 4 by 6 inches in size. A tuft o| absorbent cotton was first wrappec carefully about the spike some inches below the buds. The bag was then drawn over the spike until th( emasculated buds were situated in-j side the bag near the top, while the mouth of the bag reached well belo> the buds and came in contact witl the wrapping of cotton. The mouth of the bag w^as then folded diagon-l ally in such a manner as to pinch the cotton-wrapped stem in one corner; then it was. folded a second time to make tight contactj Metal clips were finally set along the edge of the double fold to secure it (fig. 5). The stems bearing these spikes were tied to stakes t( prevent too much movement and to keep them in an upright posi- tion. Before covering the spikes a close search was made for thrips or other small insects, any such being removed. The stigmata oi these flowers became receptive three days later. Thrips were thei collected from other beet flowers into small vials. As each lot was collected it was immediately transferred to one of the bagged spikes] Fig. 4.— roUmaliiii; tent of white sheeting, which may be completely closed and secured with hooks and eyes or buttons. (Original.) Bui. 104, U. S. Dept of Agriculture. Plate 111. FiQ. 1.— Flowers of Sugar Beets to Which Thrips Had Access. Natural Size. (Original.) Fig. 2.— Spikes of Sugar-Beet Flowers on Check Plants, Which Remained Sterile. Natural Size. (Original.) THRIPS AS POLLINATOES OF BEET FLOWEES. To accomplisli this a slit was made iii one side of the bag at least 2 inches below the buds of the inclosed spike, so that no pollen or thrips might fall upon the flowers when the vial was inverted over the slit, and the pollen-bearing thrips were jarred downward into the bag. This being done, the slit was closed with adhesive plaster, leaving tlie inclosed thrips free to seek the nectar and distribute the pollen they carried. About 25 thrips w^ere put in each bag. Three forms of control or checks were employed at this time: (1) Spikes of emasculated buds were isolated, as above described, and left undisturbed. (2) Similarspikes were isolated, and when the inclosed flowers had become receptive, slits were nqade in the bag and at once closed without introducing thrips. (3) Spikes of buds were pre- pared as for emasculation and iso- lated without that operation being performed. These also were then left undisturbed. One month later, all the bags were opened to exam- ine the inclosed flowers. The time had been too brief for the maturation of seed, but it was ample for fertil- ization and for the develop- ment of seed to the milky stage. The results were as follows : Every flower on the checks remained sterile, the sepals of some remaining green. In other cases the entire flower had withered (PI. Ill, fig. 2). Among those to which thrips had been introduced, one set of flowers was lost; of a second set, 16. G6 per cent of the flowers became fertilized and produced seed; a third showed 20 j^er cent of fertilization; and a fourth, 28.6 per cent. For the entire set, the percentage of effec- tive pollination by thrips was 20.37 (PI. Ill, fig. 1). On August 26, 1911, eight spikes of wild-beet flowers were similarly treated. Three of these were used as checks, Thrips were placed with the others in the manner above described. Some of these spikes were afterwards broken off, but of those remaining none of the checks became fertilized; of those to which thrips had been admitted only one remained, and 20.5 per cent of its flowers had been fertilized and produced seed. Fig. 5.— Spikes of beet flowers isolated by means of paper bags, showing the method of admitting pollen-bearing thrips through an opening. (Original.) 8 BULLETIN 104, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. Tlie flowers of a beet spike open successively; therefore, few at any one time attain the same stage of development. This fact not only limits the number of available buds on each spike, but also may reduce the percentage of effective hand poUination as much as 50 per cent. The above results may therefore be considered not only posi- tive, but surprising. Tlie complete notes of the results of this experi- ment are shown in Table II. Table II. — Pollination of beet f outers — experiment of Augutst 26, 1911. l)escription. Flowers. Seeds. Spike. On spike. Sterile. Num- ber. Per cent. Remarks. No la. Check 22 14 36 22 10 22 14 22 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not emasculated; spike dry and brown. Do. No. 2a do No. 2b do Emasculated. No. 2c do Do. No. 3a ..do Emasculated; stems and flowers Total Thrips admitted... Missing.... green. 104 104 0 0 No. 3b No. 3c 7 6 2 28.6 No. 4-^ No. 4b Thrips admitted... do 12 35 10 28 2 7 16.66 20.00 Total Wild beets. Check 54 43 11 20.37 For the entire set. No. 1 No. 2 do No. 4 do All. 0 0 Broken off. No. 3 Thrips admitted... Do. No. 5 do Do. No. 6 do Do. No. 7 do Do. No. 8 do 24 19 5 20.83 During the following season two similar experiments were carried out. The first experiment was made on June 26, 1912, when the plants were flowering abundantly. On this date two spikes were prcj^ared as already described, except that the adchtional precaution was taken to spray thoroughly all ])arts of the flowers and spikes with water from an atomizer to remove any thrips that might be hidden there. Three days later thrips were collected and transferred to the bags. A month later complete notes were made, %\ith the results shown in Table III. On July 12, 1912, the second experiment was started in the same manner with three spikes, and a month later the data shown in Table III were secured. These experiments demonstrate that thrips transferred from one flowering beet to another may carry sufficient poUen on their bodies to effect fertihzation. THRIPS AS POLLINATORS OF BEET FLOWERS. 9 Table III. — Pollination of beet flowers — experiments of June 26 and July 12, 1912. Experiment of June 26. 1912. Experiment of July 12, 1912. Description. Flow- ers. Seeds. Spike. Description, i Flow- ers. Seeds. Spike. 1 p. a o 1 s 3 'A a Q .a 6 D 'A o PL, No.l No. 2 Thrips admitted do. 18 14 6 4 12 10 60.66 71.14 No.l No. 2 No. 3 Thrips admitted do 13 20 20 8 17 20 5 3 0 38.46 15 Totals Check 0 32 10 22 68.75 1 Of the 33 flowers to which thrips were admitted in this experiment, 24.24 per cent are sho%vn to have been fertilized, while all the checks remained sterile. 2 For entire set. CROSS-POLLINATION BY THRIPS. As already stated, other studies have shown that close poUination of beets rarely results in fertilization and that self-fertilization does not take place. To be of service to beets, thrips must therefore bring about cross-pollination. The writer has found the impression rather general that thrips do not travel from plant to plant to any great extent. On this point the following evidence from the writer's notes is available: July 19, 1912. — A great number of thrips had been shaken from seed beets in full bloom into a large pan. In the slanting rays of the evening sun many of the adults, which are winged, could be seen to fly from the collecting pan and alight on adjacent plants. Their flight was sustained and fairly steady, though not nearly so rajsid as that of gnats. July 21, 1912. — Since attention was attracted to the flight of thrips, careful watch- ing, when their wings glitter in the evening sunshine, revealed the fact that their flight from plant to plant is voluntary and frequent; this flight is well sustained, though very slow. They were seen to travel not only from one plant to the next, 4 feet away, but to more distant ones. The flight of many of these thrips was inter- cepted by a sheet of white paj^er, upon which they alighted. Some of them were chloroformed and examined. Pollen at this time was not very abundant, because the plants were long past the time of maximum bloom. Counts were made showing that 5 different thrips carried grains of pollen, as follows: No. 1, 5 grains; No. 2, 44 grains; No. 3, 3 grains; No. 4, 38 grains; No. 5, 4 grains. July 23, 1912. — An examination of the seed beets in plat 2, where seed is almost ripe, showed an absence of thrips. The number of these insects on the plants now in bloom in plat 1 is immense. [Plat 1 lies about 50 feet north of plat 2. Many beets in plat 1 were planted later than those in plat 2 and were therefore still in bloom.] Thrips were fairly numerous in plat 2 when the plants there were in bloom; therefore it would appear that thrips migrate some distance in pursuit of pollen and nectar. An examination of plants in plat 1, some of which had been planted earlier than others, showed the earlier planted ones, now without bloom, to be devoid of thrips. This study established the fact that not only are thrips capable of collecting and carrying pollen on their bodies and of effecting cross- 10 BULLETIN 104, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. pollination and subsequent fertilization when transferred from one flowering beet to another, but that they voluntarily travel from plant to plant and carry pollen throughout a sustained flight. From this evidence there can remain no doubt that these insects are capable of playing an important r61e in the pollination of beet flowers. May it not be a very significant one? It is known that in certain parts of Europe and the United States beets have sometimes, perhaps frequently, failed to produce seed, although an abundance of bloom appeared. It seemed possible that the presence or absence of thrips in great number might in part be responsible for this phe- nomenon. Subsequent observations, however, afford evidence in dis- proof of this theory. It is safe to say that thrips undoubtedly assist in the pollination of beet flowers, perhaps to a greater extent than any other species of insect. It can scarcely be doubted that they perform a hke service for many other plants. INJURY TO SEED BEETS. Thrips feed avidly upon the nectar and pollen of beets, but beet pollen is so abundant that unless thrips be present in enormous num- bers they apparently do no damage to the floral organs, preferring as food the nectar and pollen. However, should they become extraor- dinarily numerous, as was the case at Ogden in 1912 during the latter part of the season, it would seem that the nectar and pollen are not sufficiently abundant to supply their truly voracious appe- tites. They then attack the more delicate and succulent parts of the flowers. Sometimes the styles are cut through at the base, but more frequently the papiUse, with which the lobes of the stigma are thickly studded, are torn to pieces. Furthermore, they may devour so much pollen as to interfere with both wind and insect pollination by too greatly diminishing the supply. Thrips move actively from flow^er to flower of the same spike, from spike to spike and stem to stem of the same plant, and in this way bring about much more close pollination than cross-pollination, and in fact effect all the close polli- nation and fertilization of which the plant is susceptible. This in itself is undesnable and even harmful. Close fertilization has been shown to cause degeneration among beets, even in the sense of pol- lination and fertilization between different individuals of the same progenv. TROUBLE TO PLANT BREEDERS. The writer has experimentally show^n that the larvae of thrips in all stages readily pass through the meshes of fuie silk chift'on and much more readily through the net, cloth, and sheeting frequently used by horticulturists and plant breeders to isolate flowers designed to be hand-polUnated. He has also been able to demonstrate that I THRIPS AS POLLINATORS OF BEET FLOWERS. 11 they actually do effect pollination and fertilization after passing through such covers. The following is an instance of what might be expected to occur through the agency of thrips: The horticulturist of a well-known firm of seedsmen in the United States noted that his asters became fertilized although covered with cloth bags. The writer suggested that thrips might be responsible for this. The horticulturist replied in part that "the aster flowers were merely covered with coarse- meshed cloth to see if they were self-fertile. Insects as small as thrips would not have been excluded. We merely learned that the fertilization of asters is not dependent on the insects — mostly beetles — that one ordinarily sees on the flowers." The horticulturist and plant breeder may not disregard these insects. They introduce an element of uncertainty to be guarded against with the utmost care and circumspection. Their minute size, inconspicuous color, great numbers, and the fact that they are almost ubiquitous make them a factor to be reckoned with by every worker along these hues and necessitate the development of special precau- tions and technic. Covers of net, cloth, and sheeting afford no real protection against them; even paper bags must be applied with great care. The writer found the method described and illustrated in connection with these experiments to be simple and efficacious. It is as necessary to rid the isolated portion of plant and flower of thrips already present as to prevent the access of others after isola- tion. In these experiments the practice was made of carefully scru- tmizing each spike of buds or flowers before covering it and brushing off any thrips that might be present with a camel's-hair or sable brush, sometimes also spraying the spike thoroughly with water. In the summer of 1912 the use of nicotine sulphate also was tried, as shown in the following notes : July 24, 1912. — At this late blooming period, tlirips have become exceedingly numerous on all spikes in bloom; they interfere seriously with pollination work. To ascertain whether a simple, practical method might be availal^le to rid the individ- ual spikes completely of these pests, the following experiment was carried out: Some spikes, badly infested with thrips, were selected. Before operating on the spikes, they were immersed in the following solution: AVater, 2 pints; nicofume (nicotine sulphate), 1 tablespoonful. Spikes 1, 2, and 3 (in their normal condition, i. e., bearing flowers of all stages — buds, flowers just opening, and flowers already fertilized) were immersed in the above solution 10 seconds; then they were at once isolated with manila paper bags in the manner previously described. Spike 4, with selected buds emasculated, was treated with nicofume like the pre- ceding, bagged, and (when stigmata had become receptive) pollinated. Spikes 5 and 6 were treated like No. 4, but not pollinated. Spike 7 was merely shaken and flowers blown upon to dislodge thrips; flowers emasculated. 12 BULLETIN 10-i, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. August 19, 1912. — All spikes examined. Nos. 1, 2, and 3 in good condition; no signs of thrips or other insects; no injury from nicofurae; good seed formed. No. 4. No inJTiry from nicofume apparent; no evidence of thrips or other insects; emasculated July 24, li>12; pollinaled July 27, 1912; of 10 flowers pollinated 8 pro- duced seed. No. 5. General condition similar to No. 4; emasculated July 24, 1!)12; not i)olli- nated; 13 flowers emasculated; all remained sterile. No. 6. Similar to No. 5; all flowers remained sterile. No. 7. Check; spike dead. This experiment shows that the treatment with nicotine solution did not perceptibly injure beet flowers and that it at the same time removed thrips from them. CONCLUSION. From these experiments it is seen that these minute insects, the numerous species of Thysanoptera, some of which more or less injuri- ously infest practically all our plants, are also active agents in pol- lination. Among beet flowers they are frequently very numerous indeed, effecting both close pollination and cross-polhnation upon them. However, after taking into account the various forms of injury they do, it is doubtful whether the balance remains in their favor in regard even to beets. Under ordinary conditions, in fields of commercial seed beets, it is believed that on the whole their work is beneficial; but should they become excessively numerous, they sustain their reputation as one of our really destructive pests. To the horticulturist and plant breeder they are pests of the worst type, necessitating constant watchfuhiess and a refined technic in all pollination work. The suggestion is ventured that certain supposed mutations may really have been the result of unsuspected cross-pollination by means of one or another species of thrips, whether in cereals supposedly not susceptible to cross-polHnation without the intervention of man or in flowers which were thought to have been isolated against cross-2)ollination. o 4 WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1914 s u OJ 1 nt:ie: \ BULLETIN OF THE No. Ill Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief July II, 1914. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) THE SEQUOIA PITCH MOTH, A MENACE TO PINE IN WESTERN MONTANA. By Josef Brunner, Agent and Expert, Forest Insect Investigations. INTRODUCTION. In the area near and at the divide between Swan River and Clear- water River in Montana and extencUng, so far as known at present, about 8 miles southeast from that divide, the sequoia pitch moth (Vespamima sequoia Hy. Edw.)^ is at present the most destructive insect. It menaces the lodgepole pine timber, in which it propagates, and all other trees in the vicinity of those attacked are jeopardized by the forest fires fed by the dead timber resulting from the work of its larvae. The range of its peculiar injury to trees in that region has also been traced by the writer about 6 miles west from the wagon road which unites the Clearwater and the Swan River country from Rainy Lake toward the Mission Range. Roughly, the area in which the insect is a very serious factor in forest destruction is about 12 miles long by as many miles wide and covers about 144 sections of forest land, or more than 90,000 acres. Control and practical elimination of this insect, as a serious menace to the very existence of the forest growth of this area, depends largely on a knowledge of its habits and life history. Insufficient familiarity with these two points would result in unnecessary waste of time in locating infested trees and in conducting control operations at a time of the year when the result would be out of proportion to the cost. DESCRIPTION OF THE INSECT. Vespamima sequoia (fig. 1) is a clear- winged moth in general appear- ance strongly resembUng a hornet or "yellow jacket." Tins resem- blance is so perfect that a truck gardener near Missoula, Mont., evi- 1 Identiflcation by August Busck, as the species which was first found to iiiliabit the sequoia. Note. — This bulletin is a report on an insect infesting lodgepole pine in the Rocky Mountain region of Montana. 44394°— 14 2 BULLETIN 111, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. dently familiar \vith the hornet, refused to believe that a specimen which had just emerged and ^na as being observed on the tree in which it had attained maturity was not a "stinger" until the difference was pointed out to him. The female is about two-thirds of an inch in length and the male is somewhat smaller. In the female the last three segments, and in the male the last four, arc bordered with rich lemon-yellow, which makes the sexes easily distinguishable, even to the uninitiated. The mature larva is from three-fourths inch (male) to 1^ inches (female) long and is of a dirty white or yellowish color. Fig. 1. — Female pitch moth ( Vcspamima sequoia) 15 minutes after emerging. (Original.) LIFE HISTORY. Observations on this species in different localities, together with the dates of emergence of adults reared in the laboratory, show that the general flight of the mature insects and oviposition occur between June 25 and July 15, the greater number of them probably flpng about July 10. However, variation in latitude and altitude and un- usual weather conditions prevailing during the spring of certain years may put the date of this general emergence a few days ahead or THE SEQUOIA PITCH MOTH. 3 behind those given hero. The flight and oviposition of the insect are over by August 1 . It appears tliat the adult insect is rather short-Uved, as all the specimens that were reared and observed in captivity cUed within four days of emergence. Out of 20 females thus under observation only one oviposited, the rest dying without issue. This would show that the female dies, unless she is fertihzed, within three days after emergence. As this species is very active it is reasonable to suppose that it deposits but few eggs in any one place. In fact, it was frequently observed that wherever two larvae are too close together one of them invariably dies. Wherever an occasional pitch mass is found to contain as many as three larvae, each one of them occupies an inde- pendent tube. This shows that the scattering of the eggs is neces- sary in order to enable most larvae to sur\'ive the evidently fierce struggle for existence. Exactly how long it takes the eggs to hatch is unknown to the writer, but the injury to the newly infested trees by the young larvae is quite perceptible by August 15. By the time frost arrests their activity, about October 1, the larvae, especially the females, have attained considerable size. The following summer is de\oted by the larva to lengthening the tunnel and growing, and toward the second winter it drives a rather roomy tunnel into the pitch exudation wliich, during the following June, it lines vnih. silky thread preparatory to pupation. During the two months preceding pupation all the larvae of the same sex are of practically the same size, so that the two generations are almost inseparable. However, one famihar with tliis and alhed species can separate them by the difference in color and density of skin, which is rather white in the younger generation and yellowish, leathery, in the older one. Tlie length of the pupal stage is 30 days, i. e., the insect remains in the chrysalis for 30 days from the day it transforms into that stage until it emerges as adult. Tlie chrysalis is free in the tunnel, moving back and forth in it at will by means of spines on the body, and is usually found on warm days quite near the surface and far back when it is cold. When ready to emerge the pupa forces about half its length out through the thin shell of pitch at the mouth of the tunnel and the adult insect (fig. 1) emerges by bursting the shell of the chrysalis. This occurs two years after the egg was laid. In other words, the larvae hatching from the eggs deposited in June and July of one year develop into adults during the same months two years later, thus making the generation biennial. There seems to be indication of an alternation of seasons of abun- dance and scarcity of the insect. During late autumn, 1913, the young larvae were quite scarce in the vicinity of Rainy Lake, espe- cially east of the wagon road from Clearwater to Swan River, wliile 4 BULLETIN 111^ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 1-year-old larvae were abundant. If this observation holds good, the insect being biennial, we should be able to forecast the years when it will be abundant and when scarce. Hence there should be great flights during 1914, 1916, 1918, etc., unless the insect is con- trolled, and small flights during 1915, 1917, 1919, etc. RELATION TO THE MOUNTAIN PINE BEETLE. Tlie only insect which is of any consequence in its relation to the pitch moth in the Clearwater country is Dendrodonus monticolae Hopk. This beetle frequently attacks trees infested by the larvae of the moth. Tliis attack is always fatal to the hitter, because Dendroctonus kills the tree almost immediately, and without the flow of sap the larvae of the moth can not survive. On October 1 every larva of the moth wliich was found in trees attacked by the beetle after August 1 was dead. Some of the trees had the appearance of having been infested by the beetle only two or three weeks; never- theless, the moth larvae were dead, although they were in perfectly fresh condition otherwise. Vespamima sequoia is apparently little subject to attack by either parasitic or predaceous enemies. In fact, it is less troubled by insect enemies or diseases than any other species known to the writer; and as birds also never seem to pursue it, there is no present evidence that natural agencies might check it in the course of time. HABITAT. Tlie insect prefers sunny openings within the forest and slopes where the soil is rather sandy and quick to dry. Ridges along watercourses are also favorite places for it. It avoids the damp and densely shaded bottom lands along streams. It prefers pine, open stands of lodgepole pine, as, for example, within and alongside the big old burn which extends from the wagon road toward and along the Flathead Range, where there are few trees 3 or more inches in diameter that have escaped attack and are not infested now. HOST TREES, AND CHARACTER OF INJURY. Lodgepole pine is numerically the principal species of tree in the region and, with the rare exception of the yellow pine, is the species subject to attack by the pitch moth, although the moth attacks almost all kinds of conifers in other localities within its range. The trees infested by tliis insect (see fig. 2) are readily located by the never- absent pitch exudation over the tunnel of the larva. This may be readily seen at quite a distance, if the stand of trees is not too young. Even on very small trees of but 1 or 2 inches in diameter the pitch tube is of the size of a walnut the first season of the infesta- tion and more than twice that the second year. The pitch exudation on the tree shown in figure 3 weighed over 10 pounds, and such trees are so numerous that many tons of pitch THE SEQUOIA PITCH MOTH. 5 could be collected within the comparatively small area infested by this insect. The trees are all of them attacked at the extreme base, and the exuding pitch flows out from the tree not infrequently a distance of 10 or 12 inches upon the humus which covers the ground. THE WORK OF THE LARVA. The larva begins its mine in a crevice in the bark, where the egg was deposited, proceeding tlirough the outer layers until it reaches the cambium. Close to the wood it begins to construct a transverse Fig. 2.— Lodgepole pine trees infested by the sequoia pitch moth. Trees of all sizes are infested in the Clearwater country of Montana. mine running in both directions from where it entered. It widens this tunnel at the center, thereby causing the appearance of a cen- tral chamber. In small trees the mine is always practically straight across the grain of the wood. It is a puzzle to the waiter how the larva determines how far it can go in the two directions without entirely girdling the tree, thus killing it and thereby depriving itself of sustenance. It is a note- worthy fact that of the great many trees less than 3 inches in diameter examined, all were found girdled to within 1 or 2 inches, and none entirely girdled. 6 BULLETIN 111, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. It is evident tluit the entire girdling of about 0.5 per cent of the older infested trees is accomplished by more than one larva which happen to infest these trees at one and the same time. Each larva evidently tries to get as far away from its neighbor as it can, and thus the tree is girdled. But, as indicated, plural infestation is rare. To test this point experimentally the WTiter has several times planted in captivity two larvte on one piece of wood, and invariably one of them left the sustaining slab. On a few occasions when, because Fig. 3. — A lodgepole pine tree infested by the sec|uoia pitch moth. The new , flowerlike exudation indicates present infestation. (Original. ) none vacated, the writer supposed he had made a success of ''double planting," he found later that one of the larvae was dead. Tunnels in trees infested only the second year, as well as those in trees that have been infested by several successive generations of the insect, look as if they had been engraved by the larvae eating the wood, but such is not the case. The appearance is caused by the larvae preventing the wood from forming a new layer across the tunnel. Thus the tunnel, in the course of many seasons, gradually becomes deeply embedded in the w^ood tissues. In rare cases the tunnel is slightly slanting, running on one side of the center, a few inches below the surface of the ground, while the end I THE SEQUOIA PITCH MOTH. 7 of the other side is several inches above ground. Under no circum- stances is the tunnel parallel to the grain of the wood. As stated, the activity of the larvae within the cambium of the tree causes a heavy flow of pitch toward the exterior, and fresh, flowerlike nodules upon older exudations (fig. 3) are a definite proof that the tree is still infested. EFFECT OF THE INFESTATION ON TREE GROWTH AND THE FOREST. It is obvious that with one-half and, in the majority of cases, two- thirds of the circumference of the tree trunk cut off from the root Fig. 4. — Stump of a pine tree G4 years old which grew to ho 9J inches in diameter breast high at 41 years of age and added only seven-eighths inch to this diameter during the last 23 years of its life, owing to attack by the Sequoia pitch moth. (Original.) system by the dividing tunnel, the growth of the afflicted tree has to suffer. Count of annual rings and measurements on a tree which was considered to be a fair example of the general injury in the area brought out the fact that during the first 41 years of its life and nor- mal health it had added annually about one-fourth inch to its diam- eter, wliile it added only about one thirty-second of an inch, or the thickness of an ordinary visiting card, annually during the 23 years it had been infested by the pitch moth. (See fig. 4.) 8 BULLETIN 111, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. SECONDARY INJURY BY FIRE. About one-half of 1 per ct nt of the trees infested by Vespamima sequoia is killed. In case of a slight surface fire in places where, out- side of humus, no litter covers the ground, all the infested trees which are not killed outright come through it wdth the bark on the sides where the pitch exudation is located literally cooked, and for the balance of their existence they display the "fire wounds" (fig. 5), of which the pitch moth was the primary cause. They remain green but add little to their size annually. Subsequent fires fell them Fig. 5.— Fire wounds on jjine tree injured ])y the Sequoia pitch moth. (Original.) readil}", and their burning injures and kills perfectly healthy trees, wliich would otherwise have remained unscathed. There is abundant proof in the area under discussion that unat- tacked trees, on ground not littered with fallen timber, pass through surface fires with but slight injury. Thousands of such trees are mingled ^^^th as many which display "fire wounds" and the tunnel of Vespamima burned indelibly into the base of the latter, thus explain- ing why it is that some trees are half burned while others, under the same conditions and at the same place, have escaped with scarcely a scar. THE SEQUOIA PITCH MOTH. 9 Many trees with fire wounds are reinfested on the sound side and killed, thus adding to the material which makes a surface fire in the area really serious. The heat generated by them in burning, either standing or prostrate, injures and kills healthy trees in the immediate vicinity. During decades fallen timber, primarily caused by insects, accumu- lates and provides such an amount of inflammable material among the uninjured green trees that finally a fire sweeps such areas clean of all tree growth and enters and destroys adjoining areas which contain healthy trees only. In the infested zone in the vicinity of Rainy Lake the forest looks much like a checkerboard. There is an area of 50 acres here with a stand of 10-year-old trees on them; adjoining this is a square-cut piece of 200 acres with 40-year-old trees as a cover; next to this are 80 acres on which reforestation started only a few years ago, and so on. This thing has been going on for at least 100 years, so far as can be traced, and probably existed before time was counted. Everyone of these variously aged tree patches is the result of a separate fire. The explanation of the occurrence of so many of them within an area comparatively so small is found in the peculiar meteorological condi- tions prevailing hero. TOPOGRAPHY OF THE AREA. Kunning from the southeast toward the northwest are the rocky walls of the Flathead Range; west and parallel to it lies the Mission Range ; and on the divide between Swan River and Clearwater River, extending from the Mission Range toward the wagon road which passes over the lowest elevation, and running from west to east is a high ridge. This ridge forms an effective barrier to storm clouds driven up Swan River between the walls of the Flathead and Mission Ranges. Their only outlet is between that ridge and the Flathead Range over the Rainy Lake territory. The clouds driven up Swan River, inconsequent though they might be under different conditions, strike the ridge dividmg the two water courses and are promptly thrown back upon their own mass by the resistance of the ridge. On the west are the walls of the Mission Range, so there is no escape for them in that direction; thus they drift eastward and toward the outlet over Rainy Lake. Part of them escape there. But the greater part are thrown upon the wails of the Flathead Range, from which they tumble back upon the oncoming mass in a turmoil before this also by and by finds its way to the only avenue of escape. The great numbers of lightning-struck trees in this area abundantly testify to the great role played hero by lightning. 10 BULLETIN 111, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Remembering that in the comparatively small zone about Rainy- Lake infest(>d by the pitch moth there are tons of thousands of trees with heavy pitch exudation at their base which, once ignited, will burn for several days, ram or shine, and that during the violent thunder storms there many trees are struck l)y lightning and the pitch set on fire, we will have the combination which explains the frequency of fires in that area. Let us illustrate. Lightning strikes a tree infested by Vespamima and sets it afire. During the storm the gromid is soaked sufficiently to prevent the fire from spreading. The pitch, however, owing to its thickness and inflammability, continues to burn. On the following day a clear sky allows the sun to dry the ground cover around the burnmg pitch sufficiently so that a surface fire is startc^d which wUl be ended by the next shower. If the stand consists of medium or small sized trees and the area has passed through fires before, every- thing is killed, and the place, w^hen it has been reforested, wdll stand out clear in the checkerboard of forest and elemental battles even after half a century or more, as is the actual case in this territory. As storms are evidently quite frequent there, the patches burned are usually small, ranging from 50 to 200 acres. However, there are also some burns which an accumulation of debris had undoubtedly so augmented that whole sections were swept. All the traceable evi- dence in the biggest burn in the area points to insect work as the primary cause, just as in the smaller burns where the evidence is more definite and is easier of location. With a knowledge of these facts, one can not but conclude tliat the pecufiar results of the work of Vespamima sequoia are the chief and primary contributing cause of the frequency, we might almost say continuity, of fire damage to forest growth in tliis area. To eliminate or ameliorate this condition, it is manifestly necessary to ehminate the insect or at least reduce it to such an extent that it loses its m.enacing aspect. REMEDY. Since nature and its agencies are powerless in the control of this insect, the scourge has to be combatted by man through direct action if it is not to continue its injurious activity in the future as it has in the past. There is only one way to reduce the insect, and that is to destroy it while it is in the larval stage. As is apparent from the portion of this bulletin relating to the life history of the moth, larvae can be found in the infested trees at any time of the year. However, in order to destroy the greatest number of them with the same amount of effort, operations should be conducted during the months of September to June, inclusive, when there is no snow on the THE SEQUOIA PITCH MOTH. 11 ground to cover the pitch exudations. During most seasons the snow eliminates November, December, and January as control months. By September 1 all of the eggs which have not been lost have hatched, and the young larvae have attained a size sufficient so that they can be seen and destroyed, and up to June 25 hardly any of the second-year larvae have reached the adult stage. The statements under ''Habitat" suggest where to look for infested trees. To locate the larvae, separate the pitch exudation from the trees, thereby exposing the larvae. Kilhng the larvae outright, or taking them up for later counting and destruction, or, in other words, hand picking, is really the only thing that can be done to reduce the numbers of the insect. RECOMMENDATIONS. If the control work is done without utilization of the pitch, it will be at direct cost ; and the taking up of the larvae, though slower than destruction on finding, is preferable, as it enables a proper checking up of the extent of damage and of the amount of control work ac- compHshed. But if the pitch is of sufficient commercial value to pay the cost of its collecting and shipment, it would be possible to control the insect by utilizing its products.^ If the pitch is marketed, it is not necessary to keep a close check on the work beyond keeping tab on the weight of the pitch shipped and the returns from the sales. Note. — The statements in this paper, with the exception of those under "Descrip- tion of insect," "Life history," "Relation to the mountain pine beetle," and, to a certain extent, "Remedy," refer to Vespamima sequoia in the Clearwater country of Montana alone and are not applicable in other regions where the destructiveness of the insect is known to assume a different character. > Just before going to press analyses of these resins were received from the U. S. Bureau of Chemistry, with the following comment. — A. D. Hopkins, in Charge of Forest Insect Investigations. "The volatOe oils obtained from these two resins are slightly heavier than ordinary oil of turpentine. They show smaller percentages, distilling below 170° C. However, as turpentines as heavy as these will find a market as pamt and varnish thinners, it is anticipated that no dlfflculty would be encountered in disposing of the tm-pentine produced from this material. Especially is this opinion held since * * * jt is more than likely that owing to the size of the sample and the manner of packing, as well as the exposure of the crude gum, the percentage of volatile oil is lower than it would be in material which was collected in the ordinary commercial way. "The rosins do not appear to diSer essentially from the rosin made from longleaf pine, and we have no hesitation in expressing an opinion that it would be entirely suitable for soap-making purposes and would command the ordinary market price according to the grade. Attention may be called to the fact that lighter colored rosins, therefore higher grade rosins, would undoubtedly be made in practice, provided bark, dii't, etc., are kept out of the resin. "Nothing was observed in this examination which would warrant the opinion that the nature of the product was due to the particular manner of its production. It is believed that essentially the same product would be obtained by the ordinary commercial chipping of the tree except so far as prolonged exposure on the trimk of the trees, as probably took place with these samples, favors volatilization of the light oils and this aflectstherelativeproportionsofvolatileoils and ofrosin and the specific gravity of theoils." — F. P. Veitch, Chief of Leather and Paper Laboratory , Bureau of Chemistry. o WASHINGTON' : GOVERXME.VT PRIXTIXG OFFICE : 1914 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY BULLETIN OF THE No. 112^ Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O, Howard, Chief August 21, 1914. THE OAT APHIS.^ By J. J. Davis. Entomological Assistant, Cereal and Forage Inseet Investigations. INTRODUCTION. Of the three important plant-lice attacking wheat and oats above ground, the oat aphis {Aphis avencB Fab.)^ is probably the most widely distributed and most common over its area of distribution, and is second in importance as a wheat pest, first rank being held by the so-called "green bug" {Toxoptera graminum Eond.), a species well known in the Southwest because of its periodic depredations. Like the "green bug," the insect under discussion is an imported species, and was probably introduced into the United States during the first half of the last century, at least previous to 1851, the date of what appears to be the first published record of its occurrence in this country.^ The oat aphis has never been considered a pest of great importance, although observations would lead to the belief that it is worthy of more consideration and study. It does not ordinarily appear suddenly in great swarms as does the " green 1 This bulletin describes an insect found on the small grains, more especially oats. The bulletin is of interest to growers of cereals. = This common name, used by some of the early writers, is adopted here, since the name European grain-aphis, used by some authors, is scarcely distinctive, all three of the com- mon grain aphides probably being native to Europe. 3 Specimens labeled "Aphis avcnw Fabr. — A. padi Kalt. on Triticum vulgare, Russia merid.," received from Dr. N. A. Cholodko\ sky, of St. Petersburg, agree well with the Aphis avenw of this country. This species has the following synonyms : 8iphocoryne avenw Fabricius, Siphonophora avenw of some authors, Aphis mali of some authors, Aphis annuw Oestlund (included as a synonym on the authority of Mr. Theodore Pergande, U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., Bui. 44, p. 9, 1904), and Aphis fltchii Sanderson. * Fitch, Asa. Fourth Ann. Rpt. Regents Univ. N. Y., 1851, p. 65 ; reprinted in Lint- ner, J. A., Ninth Rpt. ... on the insects of N. Y., 1893, p. 405. 45614°— 14 Fig. 1. -Distribution of the oat aphis United States. (Original.) in the BULLETIN 112^ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. bug," although occasionally it may be found in conspicuous and alarm-] ing numbers, but it is ever present on wheat ; and, especially in the fall.! when it occurs at the base of the plant and on the roots, it is easily] overlooked by the casual observer. However, there is no doubt that these plant-lice, even though they may not be conspicuous anc apparent, Aveaken the plants and decrease the yield. This de- crease in yield is presumably general, but may not as a rule be' locally conspicuous as in the case of the "green bug," that is, not enough to be recognizable. On the whole, however, it can hardly be doubt- ed that these little insects are respon- sible for the loss in this country of thou- sands of bushels of wheat annually. DISTRIBUTION. The oat aphis is almost cosmopoli- tan in its distribution, and irl this respect rivals such well-known plant- lice as Macrosiphum pisi Kalt., M. (/i'anariu?7i, and Toxoptera graminum. It has been found in all parts of Europe, as well as in most of the States of the United States. Quite likely it will also be found to occur in Asia, and probably, in Africa, although we believe it has never been reported in literature from these countries up to the present time. The map (fig. 1), compiled from rec- ords made by assistants in the Cereal and Forage-Crop Insect Investigations and from authentic pub- lished records, indicates the present known distribution in the United States. It will be observed that the species has not been found in the Gulf region. DESCRIPTIVE. Fig. 2. — The oat aphis (Aphis avenw) : Wingless viviparous female, much enlarged. a. Antenna of same, still more en- larged. (Original.) On grain two forms of the oat aphis are found — the winged and wingless viviparous females. As will be explained later, it occurs on the apple where there are to be found, in addition, the sexual forms, namely, the wingless oviparous female, the winged male, and eggs. (See fig. 5.) The wingless vivij)arons female (fig. 2) is yellowish green to olive green, often somewhat mottled. The stem mothers on apple THE OAT APHIS. 3 in the spring are more often lighter, with a darker green median longitudinal area, while those found on wheat in the fall of the year are darker, sometimes becoming greenish brown. The bases of the cornicles are surrounded, in the spring forms, with areas yellowish to orange in color, while these areas are larger and are usually orange to dark reddish in the fall and in hibernating indi- viduals. The antennae are about one-half the length of the body, and the cornicles, or " honey tubes," are slightly vasiform. The winged viviparous female (fig. 3) has a black head and thorax, the abdomen being olive green, sometimes paler, with a row of more or less conspicuous black sjiots on each side anterior to the cornicles, and usually with a rusty or brownish red area about the base of each cornicle. The antennse are black and reach a little beyond the middle of the body. The cornicles are black and slightly Fig. 3. — The oat aphis : Winged viviparous female, greatly enlarged, a. Antenna of same, still more enlarged. (Original.) vasiform. The last branch of the median vein in the wings branches near the apex of the wing. The immature aphides are paler green, but almost invariably the yellowish to pinkish areas about the bases of the cornicles are quite noticeable, although sometimes faint in very young individuals. The winged mjole is similar to the winged viviparous female except that it is smaller and has a narrower abdomen, and the color is usually more of a dusky green. The wingless oviparous f empale is somewhat like the viviparous female, but the abdomen is more tapering toward the tip, and the color is pale yellowish green to greenish dusky, or even has an orange tint. Rather conspicuous orange or reddish areas are present on the abdomen at the bases of the cornicles. The eggs (fig. 5, a) are laid in the crevices of the bark or between the leaf bud and twig, and when first deposited are pale greenish, but 4 BULLETIN 112^ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. they soon change to shining black and retain this color until theyj hatch in the spring. SPECIES LIKELY TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE OAT APHIS. This species may be recognized in the grain field by the pinkish,! orange, or reddish areas on the abdomen at the bases of the comiclesJ It may also be distinguished by the wing venation, by the short^j slightly swollen cornicles, by the mottled pattern of coloration of the abdomen, and in the winged form by the rows of black spots oi^ either side. The antenna^ also differ from those of other species. The large green grain-aphis {Macrosiphum granarium Kirby) is larger than Aphis aveme and does not have the colored areas at the base of the cornicles. These last are longer, reaching nearly to the tip of the Cauda, or tail, and are more cylindrical, and the antennae are longer in relation to the length of the body. The spring grain-aphis, or "green bug" (Toxoptera graminum Eond.), is more nearly the size of Aphis averue, but it need not be confused with that species if we remember that it is pale green, about the color of the wheat leaf, and that this coloration is quite uniform over the entire abdomen ; that it does not have the orange or reddish areas at the bases of the cornicles; and that the winged female is without the black spots on each side of the body. Further, the venation is ordinarily different in the two species, the median vein of avencB (fig. 3) being twice branched, except in rare instances, while in the " green bug" (fig. 4) it is but once branched. Aphis averuB is readily distinguished from other aphides on apple. Aphis pomi De G., the most common apple aphis, is quite different, the wingless individuals being uniformly pale apple green Avith black and rather conspicuous cornicles and no trace of orange or pink on the abdomen about the cornicles. The winged individuals are simi- lar, except that the head and thorax are shining black and the abdo- men pale apple green; also the venation of the wing is different, the last branch of the median vein not dividing near the apex of the wing. This aphis spends its entire life cycle on the apple and related trees. The rosy apple aphis {Aphis sorhi Kalt.) varies greatly in color from the greenish blue, pulverulent females hatching from eggs to the more or less pinkish forms. It is slightly larger than the oat aphis and does not have the pinkish or orange areas about the bases of the cornicles, although the distal end of the abdomen may be pinkish, and in some stages, such as the pupal stage of the spring migrants, the entire body may be pinkish or salmon colored. The THE OAT APHIS. 6 BULLETIN 112, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. winged female has its Aving venation much like that of Aphis pomi; the cornicles are black, tapering and reaching almost to the tip of body, and the abdomen is rather conspicuously marked by a large black patch on the dorsum. HOST PLANTS. Aphis avenfv has been recorded from a large number of plants, par- ticularly of grasses. Owing to the confusion with the larger grain aphis {M aerosiphum graTmrmm) in some of the literature, it is im- possible in many cases to determine which species of plant-louse was meant, and consequently the following list includes only those plants in cases where the identity of the aphis is reasonably certain. This list does not include all of the plants upon which this species has been found in Europe. GRAMINE^. Wheat, Triticum vulgare Triticum dicoccum ^ Rye, Secale cereale Oat, Arena sativa AVilrl oat. Avena fatiin ' Tiill oat grass, Arrhcnatlierum ela- tius 3, 4 Barley, Hordeum vulgare Two-rowed barley, Hordeum distichon ^ Wall barley, Hordeum murinum* Tiiuolhy, Phleuiii pratense Canada bine ^rass, Poa compressa Kentncky blue grass, Poa pratensis Annnal or dwarf meadow grass, Poa annua ^ Rough-stalked meadow grass, Poa tririalis Crab grass, Syntherisma sanguinale Upright chess, Bromiis raceiiiosus Rescue grass, Bromtis unioloides Cheat, Brotnus secalinus ^' * Hungjirian bronie grass, Bronms in- cniiin 3, i Orchard grass, DactyUs glomerata Italian rye grass, Lolmm mulUflo- rum 3, ■* Perennial rye grass, Lolium perenne 3, * Redtop, Agrostis alha 3, * Red fescue. Festuca rubra 3, 4 Sheep's fescue, Festuca ovina s, * Meadow fescue. Festuca pratensis l^elatior} 3,4 1 Recorded by Mordwilko as hosts oi' Aphis padl Kalt. — ai-eiiw Fabi-. 3 Recorded by Fabricius ; so far as known, there is no record on this plant from America. 3 In 1000 Mr. T. H. Parks, at that time connected with the Bureau of Entomology, con- fined this species with various plants and found that it would breed contentedly and freely on these plants. Other plants tried, and which the aphides refused, are Muhlenbergia, Afjropyron occidentale, Panicum viryatum, and P. hulbosum. * Recorded here for the first time. '^ Recorded as hosts of this species by Passerini. GBAMiNE.E— continued. Hard fe.scue, Festuca ovina durius- ciila 3, 4 Reed canary grass, Phalaris arundi- nacea 3. 4 Melic grass, Melica bauhini'' Melica peniciUaris ' Johnson grass. Aiidropogon halepensis^ Broom corn, Andropogon sorghum var. Sorghum. Andropogon, sorghum var. Koeler's grass, Koeleria cristata ^ Wild rye, Elymus geniculatus [—are- nanus] ^ Virginia wild rye. Elymus virginicus * Nodding wild rye, Elymus canadensis* Corn. Zca mays Teosinte (Euchlaena mexicana) 3,4 TYPHACE^. Cat-tail. Typha latifolia ' AMMIACE.E. Celery, Apium graveolens COMPOSITE. Tickseed, Coreopsis sp.? MALACE.E. Apple, Malus malus THE OAT APHIS. MALACE^ — continued. Ninebark, Opulaster opulifoUus.^ AMYGDALACE^. Plum, Primus sp. Choke cherry, Padus virginiana Wild black cherry — Padus serotina Padus' padus Pear, Pyrus communis Hawthorn, Cratwgus coccinea, etc. American mountain ash, Sorbus aiiicricana Quince, Cydonia vulgaris Double-flovveriug crab apple (Alalus sp.) Wild crab apple {Mains sp.) In addition to the foregoing list of food plants, Mr. Theodore Pergande lists dogwood {Cor^nus sp.), shepherd's purse {Bursa bursa- pastoris), and burdock (Arctium minus) ; but in each case he notes that it is, or evidently is, accidental. Although this species, as shown, has a large number of available host plants, it is more often to be found in the fall and spring on wheat, blue grass, apple, and pear. In early summer it is frequently found on oats, wheat, blue grass, and, previous to June, on apple and pear, and in later summer on volunteer wheat and oats and on blue grass. INJURIES AND METHOD OF WORK. Probably no other species among the plant-lice has been so com- pletely confused in literature as the one under discussion. Numerous reports of injury to apple^ wheat, and oats have been made since its discovery in 1851, but in most instances there seems to have been some confusion in the species, and it is impossible in such cases to deter- mine just which of several species may have been responsible for the damage. Thus in 1865 Fitch - described and figured a Macrosiphum on wheat, although some of his observations doubtless refer to Aphis averue. In 1879 Thomas ^ reported a plant-louse which damaged wheat considerably in Illinois in 186G and again in 1876, but in his description he has confused two species, Macrosiphum granarium and Aphis avenm^ and there is no means by which the particular species troubling grain in the years mentioned can be identified. Again, Riley in his report for 1889 * discusses, under the name Siphonophora avena?^ at least two species, and the facts relating to life history, injuries, parasites, etc., refer to more than one species; consequently this data must be ignored for the present, although the colored figures and probably most of the data contained in the arti- cle refer to MacTOsiphuiiv granarimn rather than to the species under discussion. The same must be said of many other references to grain ^ Recorded here for the first time. -Sixth report on the insects of N. Y., 1865, p. 91-97. "Aphis avenw, Fabricius." 2 Eighth report of the State entomologist on the * * * insects of the State of Illinois, 1879, p. 51-55. "Siphonophora avenw. Fab." *U. S. Sec. Agr. Rpt. for 1889 (1889), p. 348. 8 BULLETIN 112, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. aphides in which the author has either failed to describe the insect or its habits, or has confused two or more species in his- descriptions. On the other hand, we have one important reference to injury recognizable as that of the true Aphis avencB. In Insect Life ^ Prof. F. M. Webster says : The wingless viviparous females of this species flock to the fields [of wheat] and on these [wheat plants] give birth to their young, which at once make their way to the roots, where they continue reproduction, sapping the life from the young plants. On very fertile soils this extraction of the sap from the roots has no very serious effect, but where the soil is not rich, and especially if the weather is dry, this constant drain of vitality soon begins to tell on the plants. Though they are seldom killed outright, these infested plants cease to grow, and later take on a sickly look * * *. it is very seldom that the affected plants fully recover, at least in autumn, and the results must be to reduce their productiveness the following year. In January, 1891, Mr. Christian Steiffel, of Salem, Ind., reported this plant-louse as injuring wheat, causing it to turn yellow and die out in spots. Prof. Webster received a report from Wooster, Ohio, of serious injury to Avheat in December, 189S, on land subject to overflow. The wheat came up very well and remained green for about a month, after which it began to assume a brownish cast, and the warmer the weather and the more sunshine the plants got, the browner they became. In a letter dated December 4, 1901, to this bureau, Mr, J. D. Hummell, of Carroll, Ohio, writes: This plant louse seems to have almost completely destroyed one field of wheat in which it appeared early in the fall, and is not yet dormant, although we have had nights when the temperature was down to 15° F. November 12, 1908, Mr. E. O. G. Kelly, of this bureau, reported this species abundant on the roots and stems of wdieat at Caldwell, Kans., and doing considerable and noticeable injury to the early sown wheat. Mr. A. A. Cooke, in a letter dated August 21, 1910, reported damage by this aphis to dwarf broom com at Dale, Union County, N. Mex., the insect covering the plants and causing the foliage to turn a reddish color. This insect was abundant in western North Carolina in March, 1913, reports of serious damage to wheat, oats, and rye having been received from several parties. Numerous reports w^ere received by this bureau from Oklahoma and northern Texas in December, 1913, and January, 1914, to the effect that the " green bug," which had ravaged the wheat fields in these areas in 1907, was again abundant and destructive to oats and wheat. Detailed examinations were made by Messrs. W. E. Penning- ^U. S. Dcpt. Agr., Div. Ent., Insect Life, v. G, no. i;, Dec, 1893, p. 1.52. THE OAT APHIS. 9 ton and H. E. Smith, of this bureau, under directions from Prof. Webstef . They found very few of the " green bug," while the oat aj)his was present in considerable numbers. After a careful examina- tion of the fields, the conclusions reached were that the injuries Avere due to one or more of three causes, namely, attacks by the oat aphis, impoverished soils, and weather conditions, particularly ex- cessive rains during the late fall and early winter. Of these, weather conditions seem to have been the cause of the greatest amount of injury, although in certain areas the damage was more probably the result of attacks of the oat aphis. However, the parasites were in noticeable evidence everywhere, so that with normally late winter and spring weather they should prevent the aphides from becoming injuriously abundant. As described by Prof. Webster in the foregoing quotation, the infested plants take on a yellowish or greenish yellow color, appear sickly, and cease to make any apparent growth, and since the insect works on the lower parts of the plant and is not always easily detected, the cause of the injury may sometimes be overlooked. During the summer this aphis usually feeds on the under surface of the leaves, on the stems, and in the axils of the leaves — seldom in the grain heads, as does Macrosiphum granarium. CAUSES OF OCCASIONAL OUTBREAKS. Prof. Webster ^ has made clear the reason for periodic outbreaks of the spring grain-aphis {Toxoptera graminum), and the usual abun- dance of the oat aphis in certain years may be attributed to the same cause. As in the case of the spring grain-aphis, the oat aphis breeds and multiplies at a temperature of about 40° F., or above, while the common parasite of these and many other aphides, Aphidius testa- ceipes Cress., is hardly active at a temperature less than 56° F. Con- sequently, mild winters and cool springs, when the temperature fluctuates between 40° and 56° F., permit the aphis to multiply, unin- terrupted by attacks from their common natural enemy. LIFE HISTORY OF THE INSECT. The oat aphis occurs on grains and grasses throughout the sum- mer, the spring colonies originating either from viviparous females which passed the winter on wheat, grasses, etc., or from spring mi- grants from apple and related trees — that is, the progeny of aphides hatching from eggs laid the previous fall on such trees. The plant- lice usually become more abundant toward fall, and as the weather becomes cooler they seek the lower parts or roots of wheat and other ^U. S. Dept. A^M-.. r.ur. Ent., Circ. 85, Mar. 20, 1007, and U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent., Bui. 110, Sept. 6, 1012. 10 BULLETIN 112, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. plants of the grass family and liere pass the winter as viviparous females; or the winged fall migrants from grain may seek such trees as the apple, where the true sexual forms are produced, the oviparous females of this generation in turn depositing eggs on the twigs and branches, usually in the axils of the dormant buds or in crevices in the bark. (Fig. 5.) In the latitude of La Fayette, Ind., the species commonly winters either as viviparous females on grains and grasses or in the egg stage on apple. Farther north, and especially in extremely cold winters, this species is probably unable to winter in any but the egg stage, while in the southern parts of the United States, where the winters are moderate, the aphides may live over winter as vivip- arous females only, no egg stage appearing. The theory, put forth by Pergande,^ " that the species is biennial and that the progeny of the spring migrants from the apple subsist almost exclusively upon various grains and grasses until the fall of the second year, when a generation of return migrants makes its appearance," is hardly a correct one. The writer's experience shows that while the apple may be a fall or spring host of aven(p, it is not a necessary alternate host, and that the species may subsist indefi- nitely on grains and grasses, and especially is this probably the rule in the Southern States. The species has been reared through more than GO consecutive generations, covering a period of over two years, and through three winters on wheat, the w^arm greenhouse being used to carry the species through the winter months, and the line of viviparous generations could probably have been continued indefi- nitely but for an accident, the aphides having been killed when the greenhouse was fumigated without the knowledge of the writer. Continuous-generation experiments were conducted at La Fayette, Ind., in 1909 by Messrs. W. J. Phillips and T. H. Parks and in 1911 and 1912 by the writer. In 1909 and 1911 the summers were unusu- ally hot, and the experiments were not satisfactory, but in 1912 it was possible to get continuous first-born and last-born generation series without breaks. In 1909 Phillips and Parks obtained a maxi- mum of 15 generations from May 15 to October 7 and a minimum of 8 generations in the same length of time. In 1911 a maximum of 18 generations was obtained from April 29 to October 12, and in 1912 a maximum of 23 and a minimum of 9 generations from May 3 to November 13, or a mean average of 16 generations. In the Southern States, where the species may breed throughout the winter months, a much greater number of generations would occur. In the experi- ments of 1909 the average number of young per female, in the 21 cages where records were kept, was 30.6; in 1911 the average for 1 U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., Bui. 44, 1904, p. 7. THE OAT APHIS. 11 Q " S r/i 12 BULLETIN 112, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUBE. 17 mother plant-lice was 22.1 young; and in 1912 the average for 43 individuals was 32.7 young, with a range of from 12 to 65 young per female. There was thus an average for the three years of 32,3 young. The largest number of young produced by a single female was 103, and normally, in the cooler parts of the year, the number ranged between 50 and 60. The number of young produced per day ranged from 1 to 8 per female, and the length of the period from birth to maturity varied from 6 to 15 days and averaged about 8^ days, excepting in late fall, when the length of time was ordinarily much greater. According to the numerous tests the species molts but four times, as do other species. It will be seen from the foregoing that this species, like many other plant-lice, is quite prolific, although not so prolific as the "green bug" {Toxoptera graminuTn) . It is computed that in 15 generations, averaging 30 young jDer female, the progeny from a single individual, providing all lived and reproduced, would cover almost the entire land area of the world, or, if packed 256 to the square inch and piled 25 high to the inch (6,300 to the cubic inch), would cover the entire State of Texas to a depth of 7 inches. For- tunately plant-lice are delicate insects, being highly susceptible to rains and inclement weather, and are preyed upon by many preda- ceous and parasitic animals, as well as being subject to fungous diseases. In 1879 Dr. Cyrus Thomas ^ aptly discusses the winter habits of the wintering viviparous females in the following words : When winter appears they move down toward the ground, some of them, at least, entering the soil and feeding upon the sap of the roots. At any rate, I find the apterous ones at this time working upon the roots, but at the same time I find a winged individual above ground. I have also observed them heretofore at the root of the wheat, late in winter, while snow was on the ground ; and what somewhat sui-prised me. I found them busy at work under the snow, and the apterous females bearing well formed larvae. There are numerous office records in which the occurrence of this plant-louse is reported on wheat and gi-asses during the winter months, but the following individual record will substantiate the belief that the insect may survive even rather severe winters as viviparous females. At Wellington, Kans., Mr. T. H. Parks found adult wingless viviparous females of the oat aphis on wheat roots April 9, 1910, and these had undoubtedly passed the winter on wheat, or were the direct progeny of overwintering females. The winter of 1909-10 was an unusually severe one at Wellington, according to Mr. E. O. G. Kelhs the ground becoming frozen early in Decem- ber, 1909, and remaining frozen until February, 1910, after which 1 Eighth Kept. State Entomologist, 111., 1879, p. 53. THE OAT APHIS. 13 it alternately froze and thawed until March, 1910, the weather being so severe that 50 to 75 per cent of the wheat in that vicinity was killed by the cold. Sometimes these winter root forms are attended by ants, as has been observed by Prof. Webster and the writer. The forms which go to apple migrate early in October in the latitude of La Fayette, Ind., and usually fully a month later in the latitude of northern Oklahoma. In the rearing cages it has never been possible to get the forms from wheat to migrate to apple, the failure doubtless re- sulting from the use of too small cages. On the other hand, there was no difficulty in getting the spring migrants to go to wheat and there continue to reproduce throughout the summer from apple shoots, even in small lantern globe cages. NATURAL CHECKS. Like most j)lant-lice of the genus Aphis, avencp- is freely attacked by various parasitic and predaceous animals, principally insects, and doubtless these are responsible for the usual control of this pest. Among the in- ternal parasites. Fitch ^ has re- corded Toxares triticaphis Fitch, Fig. 6. — AphicUus testaccipes ovipositing in the body of the (Praon) AphicUus '^""^ S^ain-aphis. Enlarged. (From Webster.) ave7iaphis Fitch, and AUotria tritici Fitch, but it is probable that he reared these from M acrosiphum granarium, rather than from Aphis avence as was supposed by Mr. Pergande.- In 1894 F. M. Webster "^ reports rearing Pachynewron micans Howard and {Lysiphlebus) Aphklius testaccipes Cresson {tritici Ashmead). The latter species (figs. 6 and 7) is the one which ordinarily holds the spring grain- aphis {Toxoptera graminuin) in check, and doubtless is likewise beneficial in preventing undue multiplication in avenm. Mr. Theo. Pergande * reared another species of Aphidius {A. nigriceps Ash- mead) in considerable numbers from this aphis. Among the predaceous insects Pergande * has reared a common syrphid fly {Syrphus americanus Wiedemann) (fig. 8) ; the writer has reared a species of Aphidoletes from larvae feeding on Aphis 1 Sixth Rpt. on the noxious and otlier insects of the State of N. Y.. 1865, pp. 98-112. 2 U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., Bui. 44, 1904, p. 13. 3 Ohio Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. 51, 1894, p. 117. * Op. cit. 14 BULLETIN 112, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUKE. avence at La Fayette, Ind., and Washburn ^ says that this plant-louse is attacked by a "red mite.'' Of the ladybird beetles which attack this aphis, Fitch mentions Ilipfodamia parenthesis Say, Coccinella 9-notata Herbst, and Coccinella S-notata Kirby, although it seems probable that Fitch was dealing with a different plant-louse, and he may not have observed them feeding on the oat aphis. At different times assistants of the Cereal and Foragfe-Crop Insect Investigations have observed the following ladybird beetles, or their larvas, feeding on the oat aphis in various parts of the United States: Cycloneda munda Say, Coccinella 9-notata Herbst, Megilla maculata DeG., Scymmis sp., and Hippodamia convergens Guer. (fig. 9), the last species being by far the most abundant, and consequently the most useful of the coccinellids in the control of the aphis. In addition to the foregoing enemies, the larva? of several species of lace-wing flies (Chrysopidse) are known to feed upon this aphis. Miss Margaret Morse, of Worcester, Mass., (in litt.) has found that quails eat these aphides in confinement, and while definite field observa- tions are lacking, it is quite probable that the quail, or bobwhite, as well as other birds fre- quenting grain fields, plays an important part in the control of this and other grain aphides. Among other natural agencies which assist in holding the aphis in check are fungous diseases. These, like most fungi-attacking insects, thrive best under moist conditions; hence the diseases commonly attacking plant-lice are most preva- lent and useful in moist seasons. Eains likewise have a beneficial effect, particularly " driving " rains. Webster ,2 in his Ohio report, " suspects "' two minute insects, Gonatocerus hrunneus Ashm. [MS.] and Polynema longipes Ashm. {Co^mocena citripes Ashm.) as destroying eggs of avence, but this observation has apparently never been authenticated. Fig. 7. — Dead aphides, showing holes from which the matured par- asites of Aphidius tes- taceipes emerge. The top figure shows the lid still attached, but pushed back ; the bot- tom figure shows the parasites e m e r gi n g . Enlarged. ( From Web- ster.) REMEDIAL AND PREVENTIVE MEASURES. As in the case of the well-known spring grain-aphis, or "green bug" {Toxoptera gramium), it is practically impossible to control 1 Twelfth Rpt. state Entomologist of Minn, for 1907 and 1008, Dec, 1908, p. 50. 2 Op. cit., p. 117. THE OAT APHIS. 15 the oat aphis after it has once gained much headway in numbers and diffusion, but by proper precautions it is possible to prevent serious outbreaks. Fig. 8. Byrphus americanus, whose larva destroys the oat aphis, a, Female fly ; h, second abdominal segment- of male. Enlarged. (From Webster and Phillips.) DESTRUCTION OF BREEDING PLACES. As has been observed by the writer and other assistants of the Cereal and Forage-Crop Insect Investigations, the plant-louse under discussion thrives best in rank-growing wheat, for instance in spots where manure piles or straw stacks have stood, as well as in the vicinity of straw stacks where the growth of grain is usuall}^ luxu- riant. In fact, observatio ns show that the lat- ter place is the usual center of infestation, for during the colder winter months the plant-lice may be found here when it is impossible to locate them elsewhere. Such locations also provide much better protection from inclement weather, and reproduction may continue, more or less, throughout the winter. Therefore it is evident that if the growth about straw Fig. 9. — The convergent ladybird {Htppodamia convergena), an enemy of the oat aphis : a, Beetle ; h, pupa ; c, larva. . Enlarged. (From Chittenden.) 16 BULLETIN 112, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. stacks be plowed under or otherwise destroyed late in fall, the aphides harbored thereon will be destroyed. In some cases it may be de- sirable to destroy this vegetation even earlier; that is, before the winter wheat is planted or at least before it makes any growth above ground. Likewise the pasturing of cattle in wheat and oat fields in Oklahoma and Texas during the late fall and early winter is desir- able; indeed, observations made by Messrs. ^Y. E. Pennington and H. S. Smith, of the Cereal and Forage-Crop Insect Investigations, show that where this procedure had been followed, the grain was practically free from the oat aphis, although adjoining unpastured fields showed rather heaA-y infestation. CULTURAL METHODS. As in the case of many other grain pests, crop rotation is of much importance in the control of this aphis, ^^^leat fields should be located as far from the previous year's grain fields as possible, and especially should they be planted some distance from standing straw- stacks. It is also advisable to plant grain as far as possible from apple and other trees, which harbor the insect during the fall, winter, and spring months. SPRAYING. Direct applications are hardly practicable in grain fields, but where only small areas are badly infested spraying with blackleaf-40 at the rate of 1 part of this insecticide to 900 parts of water, plus 1 pound of soap to each 100 gallons of spray liquid, will doubtless prove efficacious, providing the application is thorough. Another method which might be adopted in localities where the aphides freely migrate and deposit eggs on apple, is spraying such trees early in spring before the eggs hatch, preferably just pre- vious to their hatching and while the trees are yet in a dormant condition, with commercial lime-sulphur mixture at the rate of 1 part of the mixture to 8 parts of water. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCUKED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCU^MENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY V ■WASHINGTON : GOA'BRNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1914 •iUTsi^ BULLETIN OF THE No. 113 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief August 22, I9I4. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) THE LESSER BUD-MOTH. By E. W. Scott and J. H. Paine, Entomological Assistants, Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. INTRODUCTION. During the spring of 1912, while engaged in apple spraying experi- ments at Benton Harbor, Mich., the senior author noticed the work of a small larva in the buds of unsprayed apple trees. The injury inflicted by this minute insect was quite severe in a neglected orchard near the laboratory, and this insect, among others, was the most important factor in the destruction of the entire crop of fruit. From the character of the injury, the attack on the swelling buds; and the tying together of the growing leaves the damage was at once at- tributed to the eye-spotted bud-moth {Tmefocera ocellana Schiff.). In 1913 a study was made of the life history and habits of this insect, supposedly the eye-spotted bud-moth, and experiments were tried with remedial measures. The first discrepancy noticed between the habits of this insect and those of the eye-spotted bud-moth, as stated in literature, was the fact that the hibernaculse were not neces- sarily situated near the buds, but were to be found in any suitable place upon the limbs. Following this, many other even more strik- ing differences in habits were noted during the course of the season, and the fact was soon impressed upon the writers that they had to deal with an insect whose economic importance had not been recorded in the United States, The adult moths, upon submission to Mr. August Busck, of the Bureau of Entomology, were identified as Recurvaria cratcegella Busck (1903),^ a species described by him (with no indication of its life history) in 1903 from material submitted by Mr. William Dietz from Hazleton, Pa., who reared it from hawthorn {Crataegus tomen- 1 Bibliographic citations in parentliesis refer to " Literature cited," pp. 15 and 16. Note. — Describes an imported insect which is very destructive to several kinds of growing fruit and has attained quite wide distribution throughout the Northeastern and North Central States. 45779°— 14 2 BULLETIN 113, U. S, DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. tosus) in June. Busck makes the following statement in his de- scription : I am, at present, unable to separate this siiecies from a series of authentic European specimens of R. nancUa Iliibuer, and I am conscious of the probability of my making a synonym of this species, the life history of which, according to Meyrick's Handbook of British Lepidojttera, is not definitely known, but whichi is A-ariously said to feed in flowers or the shoots of pear or on lichens growingj on the trunk. However, in the same year Houghton (1903) published a short] though complete account of the life history of Recurvaria nanellaA corresponding in detail to our observations in Michigan. In view of this identity between the life histories as observed in Europe am" America, Busck feels certain of the identity of the two insects, appears in a statement by him in the accompanying footnote.* HISTORY OF THE SPECIES IN EUROPE. Stephens (1834) records Recurvaria nanella as "not very uncom- mon in gardens within the metropolitan district (London), frequent- ing the trunks of apple trees in June and the beginning of July." Stainton (1854) records the larva as feeding in May, in England, on the pear, making a gallery across the flowers with pieces of the petals and stamens interwoven with silk. Eossler (1871-72) observed the tying together of the young leaves of fruit trees by larva? of Recurvaria nanella and its effect in hinder- ing the development of the new leaves, at Wiesbaden, Prussia. The insect was present in such large numbers as to attract the attention of the public to the deformed trees and to arouse the fear that serious harm would result. In view of the fact that the larva was so small, ate so little, and did not attack the blossoms, Rossler considered that it w^as not to be feared. Houghton (1903) published quite a complete though short account of the life history and habits of Recurvana nanella from an eco- nomic jDoint of view, as observed by him in England. His attention was directed to the insect in an apricot orchard, where the crop had been practically destroyed by it in previous years. He was the first to note the fact that the larva, after hatching, passes the time before hibernation as a miner in the leaf. He also observed that it was the habit of the larvae to bore into the swelling buds in the spring. The larvae appeared in swarms on peaches and apricots and less com- monly on cherries and plums. In his description of the lar\a he men- i Recurvaria crataegella Busck (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., v. 25, p. 811, 1903) is identical with the Kuropean R. nanella Iliibner, as already suggested in tlie description. At that time the life history of the species was but fragmentarily known in Europe, and it was deemed the soundest course to give the American form a separate name, even though it was realized that it would probably prove the same as the European species. The subsequent careful study of the life history in Europe by J. T. Houghton and in this country removed all doubt about the synonymy. — A. B. THE LESSER BUD-MOTH. 3 tions the different colors assumed by the caterpillars as they near maturity, and this observation corresponds with our own. DISTRIBUTION OF THE SPECIES. The distribution of Recurvana nanella in Europe is given by Staudinger and Rebel (1901) as follows: Central Europe, Sweden, northern Spain, southern France, central and northern Italy, Dal- matia, and southwestern Russia. Specimens of Recurvana nanella^ all identified by Busck, have been received by the Bureau of Entomology and by the United States National Museum from a number of localities in the United States. As previously stated, the first specimens were received in 1903 from Mr. William Dietz, Hazleton, Pa. Others have been received from Pittsburgh, Pa., collected by Henry Engle; from Denton, Md., col- lected by Quaintance in April, 1905, on peach; from College Park, Md., by Girault in August, 1905, on apple, " from fruit ; " from Ben- nings, D. C, collected by Girault in May, 1905, " found resting in numbers on trunks and larger limbs, simply swarming on peach trees ; " from Albany, N. Y., by Felt ; from Hampton, N. H., by Shaw; from Dublin, N. H., by Busck; and from Cleveland, Ohio, by Prior, the larvae eating apple leaves. It is improbable that the insect has attained this distribution in the United States through natural means from a single importation from Europe, but it is likely that it has been imported a number of times on nursery stock shipped to various points in this country. In fact, the importation of this insect, which spends six or seven months in hibernation concealed in minute cracks and crevices of the bark, could occur most easily. FOOD PLANTS. In the earlier references to Recurvarla nanella the pear is usually given as the host plant. Houghton, however, failed to observe it infest- ing this fruit, but finds it swarming on the apricot, destroying the crop. On the other hand, it is certain from the observations of other authors that the pear is a favorite food plant, for the insect has often been observed frequenting pear trees in the vicinity of London. Other European host plants are apple, peach, plum, cherry, wild plum, and hawthorn. It has been recorded as attacking the peach in swarms. At Benton Harbor, Mich., the insect was reared from apple, peach, pear, plum, and sweet and sour cherries. The infestation was light on plum and cherry. At Hazleton, Pa., it was reared from a wild hawthorn. It is interesting to note the immunity of the Kieffer pear to the attack of the young larva in the fall or leaf-mining stage. The larvae, upon hatching, bore into the tissue of the leaves of this va- 4 BULLETIN 113, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. riety, showing no discrimination against it; the mines, however, are never developed to any great extent, for the tissue of the leaf about the mine turns dark and apparently hardens, effectually stopping the operations of the insect. Many larvae must thus meet their death, being unable to secure food. This is another instance illustrating the resistant qualities of the Kieffer variety of pear. CHARACTER OF THE INJURY. The first attack by tlie larvae of Eecurvana 7ianella in the spring is aimed at the swelling buds (PL II, figs. 3 and 4) of both blos- soms and leaf. The insect bores into the bud, eating the tender tissues as it goes, showing particular partiality for the young stamens and pistil, if it has been lucky enough to select a blossom bud. As the buds open and the leaves begin to expand the larva ties the tips of the leaves together, spinning about them a tiny silken thread, thus greatly deforming and hindering the succeeding leaves as they develop (PL I, fig. 2). It is this injury, when inflicted by countless numbers of this tiny caterpillar on nearly every bud on a tree (PL I, fig. 1), that results in a serious, if not almost total, loss of the crop. SYNONYMY. Reciirvaria nanella. Tinea nanella (Schiff.) Hiibn., 1796 (?), Tinese, pi. 39, fig. 267. Euota prumella Schiff., 1776, Syst. Verz. Schmet, C. 75. Tinea aleella Fab., 1794, Eut. Syst., v. 3, pt. 2, p. 317. Recurvaria nana Haw., 1S29, Lep. Brit, v. 4, p. 554. Trichofripis nanella Hiibn., 1S16, Yerz. bels. Sclimet., p. 425, No. 4143. Anacampsis nana (Haw.) Curt., 1827, Brit. Ent., v. 4, pi. 189. Anacampsis aleella (Fab.) Steph., 1829, Syst. Cat. Brit. Ins., pt. 2, p. 197. Oelechia nanella (Hiibn.) Her.-Schaf., 1S53-1S55, Syst. Bearb. Sclimet., v. 5, No. 416. Recurvaria nanella (Hiibn.) Heinem., 1870, Die Schmet. Deutsch. u. d. Schweiz., Bd. 2, p. 280. ApJianaul a nanella (Hiibn.) Meyrk., 1895, Handb. Brit. Lep., p. 580. Recurvaria cratccgella Busck, 1903, in Proc. V. S. Nat. Mus., v. 25, p. 811. DESCRIPTION OF THE LESSER BUD-MOTH. THE ADULT. The adult (PL II, fig. 6) of Recurvaria nanella^ or lesser bud- moth, is a very small streaked moth with a wing expanse of half an inch, although as it appears on the tree trunks it is not more than one-fourth of an inch long; the black and white banded legs are quite conspicuous. The following technical description is as given by Busck for R. cratcegella (1903) : Antennae whitish, with indistinct, narrow, dark-brown annulations. La- bial palpi whitish, with two black annulations on each joint; tip white. Face, head, and thorax white, suffused with fuscous. Fore wings white, thickly sprinkled with fuscous.. From near the base of the costa is an outwardly directed, oblique, ill-defined black streak, which I Bui. 1 1 3, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. ^ :.,,.• 3* ^-'^■;t^:;f-|«,V^ Work of Larv/e of the Lesser Bud-Moth (Recurvaria nanella'. Fig. 1.— Neglected peach trees partially defoliated by larvae. Fig. 2.— Work of larvie on pear twigs resulting in the destruction of some of the buds. (Original.) Bui. 1 13, U. S. Dept. of Agricuitur. Plate II. The Lesser Bud-Moth iRecurvaria nanella). Fiff. 1.— Partially developed mines of larva in a peach leaf. Fig. 'J.— Upper and lower views of pupa Fig. 3.— Excrement (a) deposited at entrance to larval burrow in eherrv bud. Fig. 4.— Apple bud infested with larv», showing excrement («) deposited at entrance to burrows. Fig 5— Full- grown larva in cocoon on bark removed from trunk of pear tree. Fig. fi.— Moth at rest on bark Fig. 1, slightly enlarged; figs. 2, 5, 6, about six times enlarged; fig. 4, about twice enlarged; fig 3' natural size. (Original.) THE LESSEE BUD-MOTH. 5' does not reach the dorsal edge and which is more or loss interrupted at the fold and bordered on the outside with white scales. From the middle of the costa is a similar, parallel, interrupted dark streak still less clearly defined. At the end of the cell in the middle of the wing is a short, black, longitudinal "streak ; below this on the dorsal edge is a small black spot, and on the costal edge are two similar black spots, one at the apical third, the other just before apex. Cilia white, speckled black, and fuscous. Hind wiogs light silvery fuscous; cilia a shade lighter than wing; male without costal hair pencil. Abdomen dark fuscous, anal tuft silvery gray; legs white, with black an- nulations; hairs on posterior tibia silvery white. Alar expanse, 12 mm. The species is very near the other fuscous species of the genus and is easily confused with Recurvaria cristateUa Chambers, but besides minor colora- tional variations, it differs in the lack of the hair pencil at the base of the hind wings in the male. THE LARVA. In the larva (PL II, fig. 5) the usual characters of Gelechiidse are exhibited. Up to the time of hibernation the young larvae are light reddish brown, with the head, a plate on the second segment, a small plate on the anal segment, and the upper surface of the legs Vandyke brown. Soon after issuing from their hibernacula in the spring they lose the anal plate, and as they reach their full growth many of them turn from brown to pale green, while others exhibit various shades between the two. This color variation of the larva has no effect on the appearance of the moth, for both brown and green larvae have been isolated and reared, resulting in adults of a uniform type. The larva shortly after hatching measures a little over 1 mm., or about one-twentieth of an inch, in length. It grows slowly and at the time of hibernation measures from 2.1 to 2.6 mm., and when full grown from 8 to 10 mm., or about three-eighths of an inch, in length. THE PUPA. The pupae (PI. II, fig. 2) shortly after the transformation takes place vary in color from brown to green, as do the larvae; in a few days, however, they all turn brown. They measure 4 or 5 mm., or three-sixteenths of an inch, in length. LIFE HISTORY AND HABITS. ADULT STAGE. The first moths (PI. II, fig. 6) issued in rearing cages at Benton Harbor, Mich., on June 22. Some individuals may have emerged in the orchards before this date, for they Avere found there in consider- able numbers on June 23. In the rearing cages the maximum emerg- ence took place on June 30, and the last moths to appear issued on July 10; the period of emergence thus covered 19 days. In Table I 6 BULLETIN" 113^ U. S. DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE. is given the record of the emerging moths in cages in the rearing shelter and the emergence of hymenopteroiis parasites of the hirvse. The total number of adults that issued was 383 ; of larval parasites, 14. Table I. —Record of emergence of adults and larval parasites «/ the lesser hud-moth in rearing cages at Benton Harbor, Mich., in 1913. Date of emergence. Number of moths. Number of larval parasites. Date of emergence. Number of motte. Number of larval parasites. 5 10 12 17 21 36 64 47 65 42 0 0 2 4 6 2 0 0 0 0 July 2 13 35 11 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 23 3 0 24 4 0 25 5 0 26 6 0 27 7 0 28 8 0 29 9 0 30 10 0 July 1 11 0 In figure 1 this record of the emergence of the adults is graphically shown. Fic. 1. — Graphic representation of time and relative emergence of adults of the lesser bud- moth in rearing cages at Benton Harbor, Mich. (Original.) During the first few days of emergence the number of males issuing was greatly in excess of the females; toward the last of the period, however, the reverse was true. Table II shows the proportion of males and females as they issued on successive days. Table II. — Relative number of males and females of the lesser bud moth issuing in rearing cages at Benton Harbor, Mich., in 1913. Date. Number of males. Number of females. Date. Number of males. Number of females. 20 12 10 12 16 11 4 3 4 14 17 29 June 30 7 3 6 15 25 July 1 4 26 . . . . 2 13 Total 28 97 103 29 THE LESSER BUD-MOTH. 7 In the field the moths were found in hirge numbers resting on the trunks of the trees. They remained motionless until touched, and even then often flew only a short distance, taking a new position on the same trunk. As many as 15 were counted on the shady side of the trunk of a small Kieffer pear tree. However, the insects did not confine themselves to the trunks of the trees alone, but were occa- sionally found resting upon near-by weeds or upon the branches and, in a few cases, upon the leaves. All attempts to feed the moths in captivity failed. They appar- ently refused to taste the brown-sugar sirup offered them. Nor were attempts to obtain eggs in confinement more successful, as the insects would not oviposit under the unnatural conditions of the rearing cage. EGG STAGE. Although a most diligent search was made for the eggs of the lesser bud-moth, no trace was found of them. This failure is in a measure due io the fact that nothing of the habits of the insects was at that time known to us. The adults were seldom observed any- where except at rest on the tree trunks, although without doubt they deposit their eggs on the underside of the leaves singly, as evidenced by the location of the entrance opening to the leaf mines. Eggs in the egg tubes of the females were observed when dissected, but nothing of their appearance after oviposition could be sunnised.^ LABVAL STAGE. It is in the larval stage that Recurvarki nanella spends most of its life. In Benton Harbor the eggs commenced hatching about July 15. The larvae at this time are very small, measuring scarcely more than 1 mm. in length. They at once bore through the epidermis of the leaf on the underside and commence the construction of a most curiously shaped mine in the inner tissues of the leaf. (See PI. II, fig. 1.) The larva first eats its way in a small circle, then constructs a main burrow which soon divides, the branches in turn again dividing, often after the manner of the branching of a tree. The form of these mines, however, is by no means regular, but shows considerable diversity. The insect does not finish the construction of any branch of the mine at once, but feeds at will in all parts, keeping the whole ^ As this paper is going to press, speeimons of eggs of the lesser bud-moth have been received from Mr. E. H. Sicgler, of the Bureau of Entomology, who has been successful in obtaining them from moths confined in glass jars, at Benton Harbor, Mich. Some of the eggs received had been loosely deposited among the hairs on the underside of an apple leaf, singly or several sticking together, for the most part along the veins of the leaf. Another lot had been deposited on a twig under the edge of a small scale. The egg is oblong, inclined to be cylindrical, though irregularly so, and is flattened where it comes in contact with another in the cluster. It is minute in size, measuring about 0.32 mm. long by 0.2 mm. broad, and is pale, shining yellow in color. 8 BULLETIN 113, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUBE. mine open and ejecting all excrement at the point of entrance. Thus, if the larva, which can be seen through the epidermis, be disturbed, it will rapidly crawl to another part of the mine; and if followed, will escape at the entrance hole. The larvae show no preference as to the point of entrance, eating their way into the leaf tissues at any point from the midrib to the edge. One or many mines may be constructed in a single leaf, according to the degree of infestation. "Where the insects are numerous, the mines form a network covering the leaf. It is evident that the adult female in depositing her eggs lays a number at one time on adjacent leaves, as the mines usually appear in groups, several affected leaves occurring on the same twig or neighboring twigs. Upon the arrival of the first cold days of fall the larvae begin leaving the mines to construct the small silken hibernacula in which they pass the winter. The desertion of the leaf mines commenced about September 12 (1913), the temperature showing the first con- siderable drop of the season at that time. By September 17 prac- tically all the larvae had disappeared from the mines. However, upon picking off small pieces of loosened bark, or lifting up old bud scales, the larvae were discovered spinning the minute cocoons which were to be their winter shelter. No preference w^as shown in the selection of a place for hiberna- tion, the larvae taking possession of the first available protection. On large trees the}'^ confine themselves to the twigs and smaller branches, but on small trees they may be found in abundance on the larger limbs and trunk. The hibernating larvae on large trees, even where the infestation is severe, are difficult of location, being very small and inconspicuous. However, after a few warm days in the spring the larvae begin to appear in great numbers, as if spontane- ously. As the weather warms and the buds on the fruit trees swell, one may discover, upon close observation, minute masses of reddish or greenish pellets upon the buds. This is the excrement which the larva within has deposited at the entrance to its burrow (PL II, figs. 3 and 4). The first larvae at Benton Harbor were observed working in the buds in considerable numbers on April 15, when the buds were just beginning to swell. They probably began emerging in small numbers one or two days before. The insect appears to show little preference as to the point of its attack on the bud, for it enters either at the side or at the tip. As a rule those entering at the side do so just at the edge of the bud scales, although sometimes one will pierce the scales themselves. In THE LESSER BUD-MOTH. 9 a few cases larvae were noted entering buds which had not begun to swell, but which* were still in a dormant state. Over the entrance to the burrow the caterpillar spins a fine netlike web. The larva bur- rows to the center of the bud both by means of eating its way, the material passing through its alimentary canal, and by biting off bits and carrying them to the outside. The latter method is used when the insect is piercing the tough outer layers of the bud. Should the temperature drop after a warm day has tempted the caterpillars to come out of hibernation, but before they have had the opportunity to enter a bud, they will seek shelter under loose bark on the limbs. Many larvae were found under the bark on April 16, but by April 23 all had apparently entered buds. As before mentioned, the larva upon entering a bud makes its way directly to the center, there feasting on the tender ovary of the unopened flower, provided the insect has entered a flower bud, which the majority do. It is this habit which does the greatest amount of injury (PL I, fig. 1), for often every bud on a large limb will be affected. After consuming the inner portions the larvae feed upon the leafy tissue of the bud, remaining within until the bud expands and the leaves begin to unfold. As the first leaves open out, the larva fastens them together, spin- ning its fine strand of silk as it crawls about (PI. I, fig. 2). It now constructs for itself a shelter or cocoon of silk, often rolling over the edge of a leaf and constructing it from within, or bringing the tips of several leaves together and spinning it in the midst, or making a combination of the tAvo methods. As a rule, the larvae during the day are to be found at rest within this cocoon, giving evidence for the supposition that the insects are nocturnal feeders. On May 15 it was noticed that some of the nests in the leaves were empty, and by the next day a large percentage of the larvae had dis- appeared. However, a search revealed the caterpillars under bits of loose bark on the limbs and trunk constructing cocoons in which to pupate (PL II, fig 5). On large trees where there is a great deal of roughened bark the cocoons are difficult to locate, but on smaller trees they will be found clustered in the crevices on the trunk; this is especially true on young pear trees, where most of the bark is smooth, affording the insects no shelter. A search among the leaves and debris on the ground beneath the trees revealed a few larvae trans- forming in the shelter there afforded. The last crawling larvae in the orchard were found on June 19. Thus the larval stage covers an average period of about 10 months. The number of molts of the larva was not accurately determined, the only data taken on this subject being measurements of the width of the head taken at successive intervals during the development of 10 BULLETIN 113, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. this stage of the insect. These measurements, arranged numerically, are given in Table III. It is not the writers' opinion that these figures show definitely the number of molts, but they are presented merely for what they are worth. However, a study of Table III seems to warrant the interpretation that there are five instars, or four larval molts. In the last instar considerable variation in the width of the head will be noticed, but as this same variation is found among full-grown larvae taken from their cocoons, they are all con- sidered as belonging to the same stage. Table III. — Measurements of ividth of head of larvce of the lesner bud-moth taken at intervals throughout their decelopment at Benton Harbor, Mich,., in 1913. Date. Width of head. Stage. Date. Width of hei.d. Stage. Mm. Third molt. July 2'J (just hatched). 0.12 .12 J/tti .'l2 0.31 .14 .31 .16 April 8 (in hiberna- .34 .15 tion). .35 .16 .36 .16 First instar. .36 .16 .38 Fourth In- .16 .38 star. .16 April 18 (in buds) .38 August .16 .41 .16 .41 .16 .43 .16 .43 .48 First molt. Fourth molt. .19 .19 .56 .19 .57 .19 .20 .21 Second in- star. ,57 .59 .60 .21 .62 .21 .62 .21 .64 .64 .64 .66 .86 Fifth instar. Second molt. .245 .245 .96 September .25 .26 Third instar. 1.12 .60 .275 May 27 (in cocoon) .64 .275 1.02 PUPAL STAGE. The first pupa? (PI. II, fig. 2) of the lesser bud-moth were found on May 18 under the loose bark on the trunlis of young peach trees, incased in their small, white, silken cocoons. The last larvae to pupate in the rearing cages did so on June 16. The average time spent as a pupa is about 19 days, varying, however, from 15 to 30 days. Table IV is a record kept of isolated larvae, giving dates of pupa- tion and of emergence as adults. THE LESSER BUD-MOTH. 11 Table IV. — Pupation and emergence record of the lesser bud-moth in rearing cages at Benton Harbor, Mich., in 1913, showing number of days spent as pupa'. Date of— Days. No. of observation. Date of— No. of observation. Pupation. Emer- gence. Pupation. Emer- gence. Days. 1 June 2 June 3 ...do.... June 25 June 27 ...do 23 24 24 30 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 18 17 19 18 18 18 18 19 June 12 Juno 14 do June 30 ...do.... do 18 2 20... 16 3 21 16 4 ...do July 3 June 27 ...do 22 do do 16 5 June 6 ...do 23 do. . do 16 6 24 do July 1 July 3 July 1 ...do do 17 ...do ...do 25 do 19 8 ...do ...do 20 Jime 10 ...do.... do. 15 9 10 ...do.... ...do ...do.... June 28 ...do 27 28 15 15 11 ...do 29 do July 2 16 ll! June 9 ...do .. June 27 June 26 June 28 ...do.... ..do .. 30 31 do 16 13 ...do.... July 3 17 11 ...do Id June 10 ...do IS 9 IG Maximum Minimum 30 17 ...do ...do IS June 12 June 30 INSECT ENEMIES. The following hymenopterous parasites, representing six families and seven genera, were reared from Recurvai'ia nanella., from ma- terial collected in the larval and pupal stages, and confined in breed- ing jars. Braconidae: Phanerotoma recurvarice Cushman; Ichneu- monidse: Dladegma sp. and Itoplectis sp. ; Pteromalidse : A broken, undetermined specimen ; Encyrtidae : Eupelmus sp. ; Eurytomidse : Eurytoma sp. ; Chalcididse : Dibracliys sp. EXPERIMENTS IN CONTROL. Experiment I. — A young apple orchard at Benton Harbor, Mich., was used for experimental spraying against the lesser bud-moth. This orchard consisted of 50 trees of the Oldenburg {Duchess) variety about 9 years old. Early in the spring, before the buds began to swell, the trees were examined and numerous hibernating larvae were found under the loose bark, the infestation appearing uniform over the entire orchard. The orchard was divided into eight plats, each plat consisting of not less than eight trees. The material was applied with a hand barrel sprayer equipped with Vermorel nozzles. The results were determined by actual count of all infested and un- infested fruit and leaf buds from five trees of each plat, 10 days after the blossoming period. The results are shown in Table V. 12 BULLETIN 113, XT. S. DEPAETMEKT OP AGRICULTURE. Table V. — Spraying experiments against the lesser bud-moth on apple, Benton Harbor, Mich., 1913. Plat No. II III iIV IV VI Treatmqpt. One application of commercial lime-sulphur solu- tion (1 gal. to 8 gals, of water) on Apr. 8. Trees dormant One application of soda-sulphur solution (1 lb. to 5 gals, of water) on Apr. 8. Trees dormant One application of imfiltered lime-sulphur solu- tion ( 1 gal. to 8 gals, of water) on Apr. 8. Trees dormant Two applications of arsenate of lead (2 lbs. to 50 gals, of water) on Apr. 16, when buds began to swell, and on May 1, when cluster buds opened. . Three applications'of arsenate of lead (2 lbs. to 50 gals, of water) on Apr. 10, when buds bcfran to swell, on Apr. 24, when cluster buds were halt open, and on May 1, when cluster buds were open . Check (imspray ed ) Number of buds infested. 1,G38 080 924 956 523 Number of buds sound. 7,5.34 4,228 5,918 7,019 8,000 4,129 Total number of buds. 9,172 4,908 6,842 7,975 8,529 9,078 Total percent- age of sound buds. 82.14 86. 14 86.49 88.01 93.86 45.48 1 Lime-sulphur solution, U gallons to 50 gallons of spray, was added in the last application in plats IV and V, mairuy for the control of apple scab. As will be noted, the best results v^ere obtained on Plat V, where three applications of arsenate of lead were used. In this case the buds were kept covered with poison, so that the larvse had little chance to gain entrance into them. The next best results were obtained where two applications of arsenate of lead were used. How- ever, the application of the lime-sulphur and the soda-sulphur solu- tions when the trees were dormant, both used at the strength recom- mended for the San Jose scale, were almost as effective as the arsen- ate of lead. The action of the sulj)hur compounds on the larvse is not known, but they probably act largely as repellents.^ The larvse were examined in their hibernacula at various intervals from the time the application was made until they came out to enter the buds, and in all cases they were found unhurt and untouched by the spray. However, this was expected, since their hibernacula were protected from the spray by the loose bark under which they were hidden. Then, too, the hibemacular cases are of such construction that they can not be easily penetrated by spray. /Wlien the larvse emerged, they disappeared, either having been repelled from the tree or killed by the action of the sulphur sprays subsequent to their emergence. Almost the entire crop of fruit on the check trees was lost on account of the work of the larvse, there being less than half a dozen apples on each tree, while the crop was unhurt on the sprayed trees. Experiment II. — An apple orchard of the Rhode Island Greening variety, consisting of 120 trees about 40 years old, belonging to Mr. W. H. Woodruff, Benton Harbor, Mich., was also used for ex- '^ Lime-sulphur solution was found to act as a strong repellent against certain other lepldopterous larvse in other experiments conducted during the season. THE LESSER BUD-MOTH. 13 perimental spraying against the lesser bud moth in 1913. Previous to that year the orchard had been badly neglected, not having been cultivated, pruned, or thoroughly sprayed for several years. The owner reported that no crop had been harvested from the orchard during the preceding eight years, although it is not known that this was due to the work of the lesser bud moth. However, last season it was noted by the senior author that almost every bud was infested with this insect, resulting in a total loss of the crop. The experi- mental spraying was done with a gasoline-power sprayer equipped with nozzles of the Vermorel type. The orchard was divided into six plats, each containing not less than 14 trees. The treatments and dates of application are shown in Table VI. Table YL— Treatments and dates of applications of sprays for the lesser bud- moth, Mr. W. H. Woodruff's apple orchard, Benton Hartor, Mich, 1913. Plat No, I II III IV V Treatment at- First application, Apr. (Trees dormant.) Lime-sulphur solution (1 : 8). Lime-sulphur solution (1 : S) . Soluble-oil solution (1 : 15). Blackleaf40 None VI Check (unsprayed). Second application, Apr. 12. (Buds swelling.) Third application, Apr. 29. (Cluster buds open.) None None None None '_, Arsenate of lead (2 : 50)'. None. Lime-sulphur solution (IJ : SO). Do. Do. Lime-sulphur solution (1 : 50) and arsenate of lead (2 : 50). As the trees in this orchard were too large for counts to be made of the infested and uninf ested buds, the results were determined only by observation and by comparing the amount of the fruit that set on the sprayed and unsprayed trees. While the infestation was not as heavy in this orchard this year as last, the larva? were numerous enough materially to affect the crop, and at the time of blossoming quite a contrast could be noted between certain sprayed plats and the unsprayed plat. Entirely satisfactory results were obtained on Plat I, which re- ceived only an application of lime-sulphur solution at the rate of 1 gallon to 8 gallons of water when the trees were in the dormant state. Only a few larvse could be found on these trees at blossoming time, and there was practically no loss of fruit from their work, the trees bearing a good crop. Plat II received the same treatment, with the exception of an additional application of lime-sulphur solution at the rate of 1^ gallons to 60 gallons of water when the cluster buds opened. The results were the same as on Plat I. Plat III, sprayed in the dormant state with soluble oil at the rate of 1 gallon of the oil to 15 gallons of water, and Plat IV, receiving a dormant application of blackleaf 40 at the rate of 1 gallon of this insecticide to 800 gal- lons of water, gave no noticeable results. Both of these plats re- 14 BULLETIlsr 113, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. ceived an application of lime-sulphur solution at the rate of 1^ gal- lons to 50 gallons of water when the cluster buds opened, chiefly for the purpose of controlling apple scab. Plat V received two applica- tions of arsenate of lead at the rate of 2 pounds to 50 gallons of water when the buds were swelling and wdien the cluster buds opened. The results on this plat were satisfactory, being practically the same as where the dormant application of lime-sulphur solution was used. More than 50 per cent of the fruit buds on the unsprayed trees were infested with the larvfe, and the trees set less than half a crop of fruit. Observations were made throughout the vicinity of Benton Harbor, Mich., to determine the extent of infestation of the lesser bud moth. It was noted that practically all unsprayed apple and peach orchards were badly infested, while all apple orchards which were thoroughly sprayed for the San Jose scale in the dormant state and followed up by later sprayings were free from infestation. No apple orchards were found which received only the dormant application, so that the effect of this one spraying could not be determined. However, the peach orchards in this section are sprayed with lime-sulphur late in the spring, just before the buds open, for control of the San Jose scale and leaf-curl, and in only a few cases do they receive any other application of spray. In these orchards, which receive only the dormant application of the lime-sulphur solution, the lesser bud- moth is thoroughly controlled, while unsprayed peach orchards are moderately to badly infested. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CONTROL. The foregoing experiments, as well as general observations made throughout the infested section at Benton Harbor, Mich., show that the lesser bud-moth can be controlled by thoroughly spraying the trees in the dormant state with lime-sulphur solution at 32° Baume used at the rate of 1 gallon to 8 gallons of water. Lower testing material should be used at increased strengths. The spraying should be done just before the buds swell, or preferably when the buds are swelling. This treatment is especially to be recommended, as it involves no extra application where it is necessary to spray during the dormant season for other insects, such as the San Jose scale, oyster-shell scale, scurfy scale, and blister-mite, and for the peach leaf-curl. In cases where it is not expedient to use the lime-sulphur solution two early applications of arsenate of lead at the rate of 2 pounds to 50 gallons of water should be made. This should be applied first when the buds are swelling and again when the cluster buds open. This latter application coincides with the first apple-scab treatment. In THE LESSER BUD-MOTH. 15 case of a bad infestation it would be advisable to make another appli- cation of arsenate of lead when the buds are half open or bursting. It should be borne in mind that thorough control of this insect by use of an arsenical necessitates keeping the buds covered with poison as nearly as possible from the time they begin to swell until they are open. LITERATURE CITED. 1776. ScHiFFEKMULLER, I. Systematisclies ^'erzeiclinis der Scbmetterlinge der Wiener Gegend, Wien, 1776. Original description of Tinea nanella, C. 68. Original description of Euota pruniella, C. 75. 1794. Fabricius, J. C. Entomologia Systematica, v. 3, pt. 2, Hafniae, 1794. Original description of Tinea aleella, p. 317. 1796(:0 HtJBNEK, Jacob. Tinete, pi. 39, fig. 267. Figures Tinea naneUa Scliiff., fig. 267 ; figures Euota pruniella Schiff., fig. 175. 1816. HtJBNER, Jacob. A'erzeicliulss Bekannter Scbmetterlinge, Augsburg, 1816. Lists Trichotripis nanella Schiff., p. 425, No. 4143 ; lists Euota pruniella Schiff., p. 408, No. 3930. 1827. Curtis, J. Britisb Entomology, v. 4, London, 1827. Lists Anacampsis nana from Haworth's MSS., No. 189. 1829. Haworth, a. H. Lepidoptera Britannica, v. 4, London, 1829. Gives Tinea nanella IliUx and Tinea aleella as synonyms of Recurvaria nana Haw., p. 554. 1829. Stephens, J. F. A systematic catalogue of Britisb Insects, pt. 2, London, 1829. Gives Tinea nanella Hiib. and Recurvaria nana Haw. as synonyms of Anacampsis aleella Steph., p. 197, No. 7214. 1834. Stephens, J. F. Illustrations of Britisb Entomology. Haustellata, v. 4, Loudon, 1S34. Noted in gardens on trunks of apple trees in June, p. 215. 1853-1855. Herrich-Schaffek, G. A. W. Sy sterna tiscbe^ Bearbeitung der Scbmetterlinge von Europa, v. 5, Regensburg, 1853-1855. Lists as Gelechia nanella Hub., p. 167, No. 416. 1854. Stainton, H. T. lusecta Britannica. Lepidoptera : Tineina, London, 1854. First account of habit of larva of feeding on pear, p. 129. 1854. Wood, William. Index Entomologicus, London, 1854. Noted as common in gardens near London in June, p. 170, fig. 1213. 1870. Heinemann, H. von. Die Scbmetterlinge Deutscblands und der Scbweiz. . . . Zweite Abteilung, Kleinscbmetterlinge, Bd. 2., bft. 1, Braun- scbweig, 1870. Description of Recurvaria nanella, p. 280, No. 417. 1871-72. RossLER, A. Beobacbtungen iiber einige in Garten vorkommende Kleinscbmetterlinge. Jabrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk., Jabrg. 25/26, p. 424-425, 1871-72. Describes larvae attacking fruit trees in large numbers. 16 BULLETIN 113, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. 1895. Meybick, E. A liandbook of British Lepidoptera, London, 1895. Description of adult and larva of Aphanaula nanclla, p. 580. 1901. Staudingee, O., and Rebel, H. Catalog der Lepidopteren des Palae- arctischen Faunengebietes, 3. aufl. des. Cataloges der Lepidopteren des Euroi>iiischen Faunengebietes, Berlin, 1901. Distribution of Recurvaria nanclla, pt. 2, p. 155, No. 2874. 1903. BuscK, August. A revision of the American moths of the family Gele- chiidiE. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., v. 25, p. 767^938, 1903. Description of Recurvaria crataegella, p. 811. 1903. Houghton, J. T. Contribution to the life-history of OelecMa {Recur- varia) nanella, Hb., from an economic point of view. Ent. Mo. Mag., V. 39 (ser. 2, v. 14), p. 219-221. Most complete account of life-history of the species. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURKD FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY V WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1914 BULLETIN OF THE DOTIlHIOfAfflCmiH No. 118. Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chie! July 14, 1914. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) EXPERIMENTS IN THE DESTRUCTION OF FLY LARV^ IN HORSE MANURE. By F. C. Cook, Physiological Chemist, Bureau of Chemistry, U. H. Hutchison, Scientific Assistant, Bureau of Entomology, and F. M. Scales, Assistant Mycologist, Bureau of Plant Industry, INTRODUCTION. The great activity in antifly campaigns in recent years, together ■with the recognition of the fly as a disease carrier, has created such "widespread demand for some means of destroying the fly that this investigation has been undertaken for the purpose of finding a chemi- cal that would destroy this pest in its principal breeding place, namel}^ horse manure, without injuring the bacteria or reducing the fertilizing value of the manure. This work was undertaken in 1913 at the suggestion of Dr. L. O. Howard to Dr. C. L. Alsberg, who has heartily cooperated in this study and secured the cooperation of Dr. W. A. Taylor. The entomological work Avas done under the- direction of Mr. W. D. Hunter and the bacteriological work in co- operation with the laboratory of Mr. K. F. Kellerman. It is the purpose of this paper to review some recent experiments, the results of which point to an economical, practical, and effective way of de- stroying fly larvse by the chemical treatment of manure. A con- sideration of the larvicidal powders of a number of chemicals more or less effective as larvicides, together with an account of their effect^ on the value of manure so far as may be estimated by chemical and bacteriological analyses, is included. HISTORICAL. American workers were the first to attack the problem of the chem- ical treatment of manure with a view to destroying fly larva?. Pio- neer work of this nature was begun in 1897 by Dr. L. O. Howard, who showed that kerosene emulsion, while effective with small 45780°— Bull. 118—14 1 2 BULLETIN 118, U. S. DEPARTMEXT OF AGRICULTURE. amounts of manure, was not practical for use on a large scale. Chlo- rid of lime, however, was foimd to be a good maggot killer, but its action on the bacteria was not studied. Dr. Howard (1911)^ published an account of his own experiments and of the work of other investigators. Prof. S. A. Forbes (Howard, 1911, p. 197), State entomologist of Olinois, found that lime, borax, borax and sodium arsenate mixture, iron sulphate, and carbon bisulphid — the last in closed-box tests — were effective larvicides. Herms (1910) claims that many of the common insecticides are more or less effective if used in proper concentrations and amounts, but none of these can be applied with safety, as they are poisonous, inflammable, or corrosive. ^ In 1912 Prof. K. I. Smith (Smith, 1912, p. 64), then State ento- mologist of Xorth Carolina, found that 2 gallons of kerosene sprinkled over 25 square feet of a manure pile gave no mdication of any larvicidal action. Acid phosphate proved entirel}^ worthless from the standpoint of killing the maggots, even when used at the rate of 400 pounds to every 2.000 pounds of manure. Finely ground phosphate rock (floats) had no effect on the larva?. A 4 per cent formaldehyde solution thoroughly applied to heavily infested manure piles did not destroy any maggots. This seems to be the extent of the experimental work, as reported in the literature, up to the year 1913. It is evident that the chemical treatment of manure has not received the attention which it deserves. Moreover, Dr. Howard (1911) has pointed out that all these experi- ments have left unanswered the question as to what effect the treat- •ment will have on the manure itself. Xo analyses were made to determine how the chemical composition of the manure was affected by the larvicides; nor were any field experiments carried out to ascertain whether the fertilizing value of the manure was altered in any way. MANURE: ITS ROLE IN FLY BREEDING. As stable manure is one of the most valuable fertilizers known, a large number of investigations have been carried on to determine the best means of utilizing as well as preserving it. In addition to its eontent of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash the value of manure de- pends on the number and species of bacteria present, as well as on its content of organic material which the bacteria convert into plant food. Manure, when undergoing fermentation in the open, loses some of its valuable nitrogenous constituents, especially ammonia and 1 Authors and dates ia parentheses refer to '" Literature cited," p. 26. DESTRUCTION^ OF FLY LARV^ IIST HORSE MANURE. 3 gaseous nitrogen, the extent of the loss depending on the nature of the fermentation, the aerobic fermentation, due to the rapidity of combus- tion, producing a greater loss than the anaerobic. To prevent this loss of plant food in the course of fermentation, various chemicals have been used, either to retard bacterial action or to fix the volatile constituents. Among the various substances used for this purpose maybe mentioned ground phosphate rock (floats), kainit, various lime compounds, carbon bisulphid, formaldehyde, and ferrous sulphate. The house fly is attracted to horse manure, possibly by its odor, and on alighting crawls an inch or so under the surface and there lays its eggs. On account of the temperature of the manure the eggs hatch within one day. The larval or maggot stage continues from four to five days, during which the larvaj migrate to the sides of the pile and toward the base, feeding on the manure during their journey. The pupse are found, after a few days, congregated in the outer edges of the manure near the ground, as seen in Plate I. It is therefore about 10 days from the time the eggs are laid until the mature fly emerges. GENERAL PLAN OF EXPERIMENTAL WORK. Experiments were carried out at the Experimental Farm of the Bureau of Plant Industry at Arlington, Va., and continued during the autumn at the Experiment Station at Audubon Park, Xew Or- leans, La.j under a cooperative aiTangement entered into by the Bureau of Entomology, the Bureau of Chemistry, and the Bureau of Plant Industry. CAGE EXPERIMENTS. An idea of the structure of the 15 cages, which were designed by Mr. W. D. Pierce, of the Bureau of Entomolog}'^, may be gained from the accompanying photograph (PL II). Each cage has an inside measurement of 2 by 2 by 4 feet. The bottom of ther cage consists of a galvanized-iron pan 1 foot high. Above this pan bronzed wire screening (16 meshes to the inch) is tacked both on the inside and outside of the framework. These two layers of screening are 2 inches apart. In tliis way manure once put into the cages was protected from further infestation from the outside. In order to prevent the larvae from escaping from the sides of the cages through this screen- ing it was found necessary to fasten sheets of tin on the inside above the galvanized-iron base. These strips are 1 foot high, and thus there was afforded a space of 8 cubic feet from which larvae had little chance to escape. In the bottom of the cage nine small holes were made which permitted excess liquids to drain off. Some larva? found their way out through them, but these were caught in the pan below and a record kept of the numbers thus escaping. 4 BULLETIN 118, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. The top of the cage is a wooden door which is fastened down tightly with hinges and hasps. In the center of this door is an open- ing 5 inches in diameter and above this a board provided with two openings of the same size. Cone-shaped flytraps are fitted into these openings. This board is placed in grooves so that either one of the two traps may be brought over the opening in the door by merely sliding the board. On one side of the cage is a small trapdoor 5 inches square through which samples of manure may be taken out for examination. Each cage stands on legs 4 inches high and in a galvanized-iron pan 3 feet square with sides 4 inches high. This pan serves to collect drip water and escaping larvae, and to isolate the cage from such predatory insects as ants. Eight bushels of manure were used in each of the cage experi- ments. It was dumped in at the top and the chemical, in solution, was sprinkled on with a watering can. After two preliminary ex- periments it was found necessary, in order to insure thorough pene- tration, to use 10 gallons of the liquid per 8 bushels ; that is, at the rate of 1 gallon to 1 cubic foot. Usually the sprinkling was done in three layers by putting 2 bushels of manure in the cage and apply- ing 2^ gallons of the solution. This was repeated in the second layer of 2 bushels. Finally, the remaining 4 bushels were added and the last 5 gallons of the solution applied. A^Hien a chemical was applied in dry condition it was scattered over the surface of the manure, which was treated in three layers as in the case of the solution; 10 gallons of water were afterwards added. The manure in the control cages was sprinkled with water equal to the volume of the solutions of the chemicals used. In this way the moisture content of the manure was made as nearly as possible the same in all cages. It will be understood that 10 gallons of solution were applied to 8 bushels of manure in all the cage experi- ments mentioned below, unless some other explanation is given. After treatment in this way the doors of the cages were closed and the flytraps put in place. The cages were examined every day. The escape of any larvse into the drip pan was noted, and the volume of the drip water measured and a sample analyzed. A quart sam- ple of manure was removed through the small door at the side of the cage after a day or two and the percentage of living and dead maggots determined. The larval counts of quart samples were very unsatisfactory so far as indicating the comparative larvicidal value of the chemicals, but the results of some of these counts are given in the tables. After five to seven daj^s flies began to emerge, and then it was nec- essary to darken the cages with black cloth tacked on the sides, as seen Bui. 118, U. S. Dept. cf A Plate I. So DC go 1,1 "C Bui. 118, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. Destruction of Fly Larv/e in Horse Manure. Cage used in the chciiiical treatment of manure, .':howiiig the flytrap.s at the top, the small door at the side throuf,'!) which samples of manure ean be removed, the pan for collecting drip water, and other details of the structure. (Original.) Bui. 1 18, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate III. ts; v.\ > - c s desteuciiojst of fly larv^ in horse manure. 5 on the cage to the left in Phite II. In this way the only light came from the opening into the flytrap at the top, and flies very soon after emerging made their way up into the trap. The flies caught in the traps were chloroformed and counted daily. At the end of each ex- ]:)eriment the total numbers of flies from each cage were compared. The difference between the total numbers of flies from a cage of treated manure and from the control cages is taken as an index of the effectiveness of the chemical. In any one set of experiments the manure used was all from the same source and, being in fresh condition, contained only eggs and larvae. It was mixed before transferring to the cages, but it is evident that under the condi- tions we could not be sure of an equal infestation in all cages. There- fore the chemicals were not regarded as having any larvicidal power if the differences in the totals were small. OPEN-PILE EXPERIMENTS. In order to simulate natural conditions a parallel series of experi- ments was carried out by treating manure piles on the ground. Here again 8 bushels were used for each treatment, but repeated applica- tions of both manure and chemicals were made. At the beginning of an experiment a quantity of fresh manure was divided into piles of 8 bushels each. Chemicals to be tested were tried at the rate of 10 gallons to 8 bushels except as otherwise noted. One pile was sprinkled with water only and was used as a control. On the follow- ing day another lot of fresh manure was similarly divided and piled on top of that of the previous day, and the treatment repeated. At the end of four days there was a pile of 32 bushels which had received four a^Dplications of chemicals. Plato III gives an idea of the size of the piles and shows that the experiments were carried out on a practical scale. Eight to ten days after the fourth and last treatment the piles were opened and gone over carefully in search of pupa?. The pupse were collected from the edges of the piles (compare PI. I), spread on a large sheet of paper, counted, and the numbers compared. Chemi- cal and bacteriological examinations were made of certain of these open piles. METHODS OF SAMPLING. Manure consists of urine and dung more or less intimately mixed with straw, wood shavings, sawdust, peat, or other absorbent. ^Vlien first carried from the stable it is not uniform in composition, as the dung may predominate in one part of the mass and the straw or other absorbent in another part. Thorough mixing will help greatly in making it more uniform, but as the eggs and larvse in the manure 6 BULLETIN 118. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. are readily shaken out, it can not be mixed as thoroughly as desired, and consequently there is no way under ordinary field conditions by which a small sample may be obtained that will be truly repre- sentative. The errors due to sampling are necessarily large, and the differ- ences in the results from the controls show the extent of this varia- tion. This is unavoidable and must be recognized in all work on manure, and applies to the bacteriological results as well as to the chemical data, but is not so pronounced in the former cases, as the difference between the counts of the controls and treated samples is so much greater than for the chemical results. In order to secure the most uniform samples under these conditions for bacteriological and chemical analyses, the following procedure for obtaining samples was adopted. Approximately an inch of mate- rial was first removed from the top and then half a pound of the underlying manure weighed on a spring balance ; another half pound was then weighed from the center of the pile, and finally the same quantity was taken from the bottom. The three samples were -all put in the same container for transportation to the laboratory, where the whole samjjle Avas spread out on a clean sheet of wrapping paper and then cut into small pieces and thoroughly mixed. "Wlien the material appeared quite uniform the sample was quartered. One quarter was then cut into half-centimeter lengths with clean shears. The straw or shavings were cut with the other material. When this was completed the sample was again thoroughly mixed. As the bacterial content of manure is ver\^ high, no attempt was made to work under abso- lutely sterile conditions because the contamination arising from ordi- nary handling of the material was of no importance when compared with the great number of organisms present. However, precautions were taken to prevent excessive contamination by using clean paper, shears, etc., for each sample. The carefully jDrepared quarter sample was put in a clean Mason jar. BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. Two 10-gram samples of the manure, prepared as described above, were taken for each bacteriological determination. A sterile spatula was used to convey the sample from the jar to the tared watch glass on the balance pan. One of the 10-gram samples w^as dried at 100° C. for one hour to determine the percentage of solids. The other sample was brushed into a 2-liter flask containing 1 liter of sterile water. The cotton plug was thereupon replaced by a clean rubber stopper which had been lightly flamed. The flask was then vigorously shaken for five minutes and again, after a five-minute interval, for three minutes. A 1 c. c. sample was then withdrawn and run into 100 c. c. DESTRUCTION OF FLY LARV^ IN HORSE MANURE. 7 of sterile water. Five dilutions were prepared, ranging from 1 part ill 10,000 to 1 part in 100,000,000. A duplicate series of Petri dishes was then prepared from these dilutions and standard beef agar. After five days' incubation at 28-30° C. the plates were counted. The average counts of the duplicate plates were taken and converted into equivalents for 1 gram of dry manure by the use of the figures ob- tained from the dujDlicate 10-gram samples that had been dried at 100° C. The results obtained by plating on the standard beef agar are com- parative and serve to show the germicidal action of the chemicals on the majority of the bacteria present in the manure. The total bac- terial counts on this medium include not only some of the bacteria that increase the value of the manure by their metabolic processes, but also many that may decrease its value in the same way by de- stroying nitrogen salts available for plant food. For this reason the total bacteriological counts on beef agar are not considered as entirely indicative of the fertilizing value of the manure. Ifc is even possible that the germicidal effect of formaldehyde, calcium cyanamid, and potassium cyanid in the manure might prove highly beneficial, as Russell and Buddin's (1913) results with formaldehyde, toluene^ cresol, phenol, etc., in the soil indicate. CHEMICAL EXAMINATION. The method of taking the samples was described above, but the samples for chemical examination were twice run through a sausage grinder after cutting with shears and were placed in screw-capped Mason jars provided with rubbers and analyzed as soon as possible. Samples for chemical examination were taken from the control cages immediately after the experiments were started, and from all 15 cages after 10 days. In this way it was thought an idea of the change which had taken place in the various samples could be ob- tained, the changes in the controls being taken as an index of the normal rate of decomposition of the manure. The manure samples were analyzed for solids, ash, ammonia, and nitrogen, using the methods of the Association of Agricultural Chemists (Wiley, 1908). The total nitrogen determinations were made by the nitrogen laboratory of the Bureau of Chemistry. The results obtained by the magnesium oxid distillation method for am- j monia, although much higher, showed the same general tendencies as the results obtained on the water extracts. Water extracts of the manure were prepared from each sample by taking 25 grams of the finely divided manure and adding 500 c. c ' of distilled water, allowing them to stand for one hour, with occa- sional shaking. The solutions were filtered through S. & S. folded filters No. 588, and the following determinations were made : Water- 8 BULLETIN 118, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. soluble nitrogen, ammonia, amino nitrogen, nitrites, nitrates, and reaction. Ammonia was extracted bytheFolin and Macallmn (1912) aeration method and nesslerized. The amino nitrogen was determined by the Van Slyke method (Van Slyke, 1911), but as very little nitrogen in this form was present in the extracts, the figures are not given. Nitrites were determined with the sulphanilic acid reagent and nitrates by the reduction method with aluminum foil (American Public Health Association, Laboratory Section, 1912). Nitrites and nitrates were not usually found in the samples examined, because the manure had not stood sufficiently long. The reaction was determined by taking 20 c. c. of the water extract, diluting with 200 c. c. of carbon dioxid free water, and titrating with N/20 acid, using Alizarin red as indicator. Fehling's solution was not reduced by any of the 20 or more water extracts tested. GENERAL ACCOUNT OF CHEMICALS USED. In the course of the season 24 different chemicals were tried in various concentrations. Of these onl}'^ seven have shown any effective larvicidal action in the strengths used. In the following paragraphs some of the chemicals which gave negative results are first noted, and later in the paper those which appeared to have the greatest value are described in more detail. CHEMICALS WHICH GAVE LOW LARVICIDAL RESULTS. KEROSENE EMULSION. Kerosene emulsion, prepared according to the Riley-Hubbard standard formula, was used in strengths varying from 1 part emulsion in 5 parts water to 1 part emulsion in 50 parts water. In no case were results obtained which showed any appreciable larvicidal action. Even from the cage subjected to the strongest dosage 956 flies were taken, the average from the two control cages being 1,355 flies. No chemical analyses of the manure were made. The bacterial count, where the strongest emulsion (1-5) was used, was 16,600 million per 1 gram of dry manure as compared with 6,130 million in the controls. These counts were made eight days after treatment with the chemical, but as the bacterial content of manure varies greatlj'' and only one determination was made no conclusion can be drawn. Kerosene emulsion M^as not used on any open-pile experiments. We have already called attention to the fact that Dr. Howard in his tests found that this reagent was ineffective when applied on a large scale. DESTRUCTION OF FLY LARV^ IN HORSE MANURE. Kainit, which consists of potassium chlorid and magnesium sul- phate, furnished us by Dr. F. Zerban, of New Orleans, was used in two cage experiments and in one open-pile test. In the cage experi- ments 4 pounds of kainit were used. The total number of flies obtained from the treated cages averaged 2,194, and from the two controls 3,104 flies. In the open-pile experiment three applications of 4 pounds per 8 bushels were made, and after 10 days about 12,000 pupse were found. The corresponding control pile contained about 20,000 pupa^. In the two cage experiments no chemical or bacteriological exami- nations were made. In the open-pile experiment the bacterial count was- high, 17.5 million, as compared with 5.9 million in the control. One hundred c. c. of water extract, equivalent to 5 grams of the manure, from the treated pile contained a trace of nitrites and nitrates. No nitrites or nitrates were found in the kainit, nor did the control manure show any. The ammonia nitrogen in the kainit- treated manure was 12.3 per cent and in the control manure but 8.8 per cent of the total nitrogen. The high bacterial count and the increased amount of NH3 obtained, as well as the fact that nitrates were found in the kainit-treated and not in the control manure, suggests that this compound may have a stimulating action on the bacteria, but no conclusions are justified from this one test. This chemical may be used to reenforce manure, but possesses little larvi- cidal power. PYKOLIGNEOtJS ACID. Pyroligneous acid was used in commercial form without dilution. Certain claims have been made in some districts of the South, espe- cially in North Carolina, that pyroligneous acid is of value as a repel- lent, and in our experiments special attention was given to this point. Two piles of fresh manure of 8 bushels each were sprinkled with 10 gallons of pyroligneous acid. Before treatment no eggs were to be found anywhere on the surface of either pile. Two hours later fresh batches of eggs were found on both piles. The pupae collected numbered about 6,000 and 8,000. Further observations showed that fly eggs were deposited on other piles of manure treated with the pyroligneous acid. Evidently the pyroligneous acid has little, if any, value as either a repellent or a larvicide. The bacterial counts showed a great increase, rising from 25 million in the control to 653 million in one of the pyroligneous acid piles. ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION'S LAKVICIDE. The Isthmian Canal Commission's larvicide, which has been suc- cessfully applied in the Canal Zone for the purpose of killing mos- quito larvae, is prepared according to the following formula: 150 45780°— Bull. 118—14 2 10 BULLETIN 118. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. gallons of carbolic acid are heated to 212° F. and to this 150 pounds of iinely broken resin and 30 pounds of caustic soda are added and the mixture kept at 212° F. till a dark emulsion without sediment is formed. The resultant emulsion is a good larvicide, 1 part to 10.000 parts of water killing mosquito larvte in less than half an hour. However, we did not find it effective against house-ily hirvic. The resultS'of three cage experiments are given in Table I. Series A, Xos. 1, 2, and 3. Compared with the corresponding controls (Xos. T, 8, and 0) it seems as if few. if any. fly larva^ were destroyed, but the fact that a considerable number of larvse were found in the drip water from the control and only a few from the three treated cages should be considered. The chemical analyses, given in Table I, show variation in the total nitrogen of the treated and control manures. This is true of many of the samples analyzed and shows the normal variations. The water extract of the treated manure showed more nitrogen and ammonia present than did the water extract of the control manure. The reactions of the water extracts varied considerably. Xo nitrites or nitrates were present either in the larvicide treated or in the control manure. Unfavorable action on the bacteria is shown where the numbers are progressively decreased as the volume of the larvicide was in- creased. The highest count for the larvicide-treated samples is considerably lower than the lowest control count. Several open-pile experiments were also carried out. One of these was started September 15 and the treatment repeated on four suc- cessive days. From the resulting pile of 32 bushels of manure about 10,000 pupa^ were taken on September 26. The control pile contained about 7,000 pupae. This was a typical experiment and is sufficient to show that even with repeated daily applications this reagent is of no value as a maggot destroyer. IROX SILPHATE. The results of three cage experiments with iron sulphate are given in Table I, Series A, Xos. 4, 5, and 6. The controls for these are Xos. 7, 8, and 9. The total number of flies caught from these cages shows that the manure was rather lightly infested. However, a comparison of the total number of flies that emerged and the number of larvae found in the drijD pan from treated and untreated cages indicates that this chemical may have had some larvicidal power. However, in three other cage experiments not shown in the table no larvicidal action was evidenced. Iron sulphate was not used on open piles. The chemical and bac- teriological findings in Table I show an injurious action on the DESTEUCTION OF FLY LAEV^ IN HORSE MANURE. 11 manure. The number of bacteria was noticeably reduced, var3'ing- inversely with the strength of the solution used. The amounts of water-soluble nitrogen were materially lowered in the iron-sulphate- treated manure, depending on the amount of iron sulphate employed. The iron sulphate evidently acts as a precipitant for some of the water-soluble nitrogen compounds. The ammonia was fully doubled, due possibly to the reduction of alkaline reaction, two of these three samples showing a faint acidity. Iron sulphate blackened the manure and deodorized it, as noted by Forbes. On the whole, we find iron sulphate less effective as a larvicide than Forbes's experi- ments seem to indicate. It is important, however, to note that the amount of iron sulphate used by Forbes was much greater tljan that used in these tests. Table I. — Desi ruction of fij/ larva- in horse nuinurc — Results with inctfcctirc larvicides — Cag<' experiments ut Arlington, Va., summer of 1913. No. Series A : 1.... Series B: 1.... Treatment of 8 bushels of manure; 10 gallons used whenever solu- tion was applied. Canal lan^icide, 1-75 (7i gallons) Canal larvicide, 1-75 (,10 gallons) Canal larvicide, 1-75 (12^ gallons) Iron sulphate, Impounds per gallon Iron sulphate, 1 pound per gallon Iron sulphate, -i pound per gallon ....". Control (water only) ....do ; do Sodium c h 1 o r i d , 2\ pounds per ga lion Sodium c h 1 o r i d , 1 pound per gallon Copper sulphate, 1 pound per gallon Copper sulphate, i pound per gallon Control (water onlv) ....do ". Larval mor- tality, 1 quart sam- ple of ma- nure 2 days after treat- ment. Alive. 28 Dead. Num her. 113 110 179 73 171 81 146 102 76 141 217 101 Per cent. 0 0 0 32.4 0 25.0 0 0 0 55.5 30.0 67.4 132 57. 4 322 0 298 0 Num- ber. 6 1 0 0 0 0 15 127 221 0 100 0 Few. 100 30 A E . ^^ g &^ Is "^•o a C3 o,^ S .V o a 3 s !S ■2 « a Mil- Per lions. cent. 3,700 0.73 2,600 .61 1,600 .53 700 1.05 970 .67 2,800 .76 5,200 .84 6,000 .68 5,100 .65 2,550 .51 .45 648 .69 4,070 .75 3,060 .55 4,800 .72 Water extract. In per cent of total nitrogen. Per cent. 35.62 34.43 32.08 10. 48 16. 42 22. 37 26.19 25.00 18. 46 32. 94 28.67 9.71 14. 93 23.45 21.11 •3 ri 2 ^ as So c a2^ Per cent. 6.58 3.93 3.96 5.05 6.72 6. 84 2.62 3.09 2.46 7.65 3.7S 3.78 2.40 2.55 2.08 C.c. 12.00 1.50 10.62 11.25 10.50 6. 5u 5.00 4.40 7.50 2.75 I. lO 7.50 ' Acidity. SODIUM CHLORID (TABLE SALT). The results of two cage experiments with manure treated with sodium chlorid are given in Table I, Series B, Nos. 1 and 2. The corresponding control cages are numbered 5 and 6. The average 12 BULLETIN 118, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. number of flies from these two controls is 310. Presuming that the infestation of the manure at the start of the experiment was the same in all cages, it appears from the table that sodium chlorid used at the rate of 2^ pounds per gallon killed 55 per cent of the larvse. The 1-pound per gallon application showed a 30 per cent destruction of the maggots. The chemical results of the salt-treated manure are not very different from those of the untreated manure except that there is an apparent increase in the nitrogen and ammonia in the water extract of the treated samples. Only one bacterial examina- tion was made and this showed that the strongest salt solution reduced the number of bacteria somewhat. COPPEK SULPHATE. Nos. 3 and 4 of Series B, Table I, give the results of two cage experiments with copper sulphate. WTien compared with the con- trols it would seem that the dosage of 1 pound per gallon killed 67 per cent of the maggots and the one-fourth pound strength 57 per cent. The bactericidal power of copper sulphate is well known. When added at the rate of 1 pound per gallon sufficient copper sulphate remained in solution to kill 87 per cent of the bacteria. Their number was not affected by the smaller quantity of this chemical. The chemical analyses show an injurious effect from the heavier application of copper sulphate, which reduced the amount of soluble nitrogen and the alkaline reaction of the water extract. With the weaker strength the only apparent effect is a slight reduction of water-soluble nitrogen. No open-pile experiments with copper sul- phate were carried out. LIME-SULPUUK MIXTURE. Lime-sulphur was used in three cage experiments, but in no open piles. There is no evidence that the lime-sulphur possessed any lar- vicidal power, for more flies developed from the cage receiving a 1-5 treatment than from the control. The bacteria do not appear to be affected by this treatment. From two other experiments where lime-sulphur was used in strengths of 1-15 and 1-30 fewer flies emerged than in the control, but this was probably due to differences of infestation. In addition to the chemicals mentioned, acid phosphate, a proprie- tary fertilizer, and several proprietary disinfectants were tested with negative larvicidal results. PARTIALLY EFFECTIVE LARVICIDES. In Table II, page 15, some results obtained wnth potassium cyanid^ Paris green, and formaldehyde, which were found to possess some larvicidal action, are recorded. Each of these three substances in the DESTRUCTION OF FLY LARV^ IN HORSE MANURE. 13 heaviest application, and formaldehyde in all cases, reduced the num- ber of bacteria. POTASSIUM CYANID. Potassium cyanid gave favorable results in three cage experiments. These results are given in Table II, Series C, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, the con- trol being No. 4. Quart samples of manure two days after treatment showed a large percentage of dead larva? for the two stronger appli- cations. The total numbers of flies developing were very much re- duced. It appears that the two higher concentrations killed 93 per cent of the larvae. The chemical results of analyses of these three samples of manure show considerable variations, but there is no evi- dence that the manure had been injured by the application of the potassium cyanid. The increased alkalinity results of the control and of No. 2 may be explained by the large amount of water-soluble nitrogen in these two cases. No open piles were treated with potas- sium cyanid. This reagent, when used in proper concentrations, will undoubtedly be found a very effective maggot killer, but its ex- tremely poisonous nature makes it objectionable and dangerous. The bacterial counts show that potassiimi cyanid in the manure had no very definite bactericidal effect. A stimulating action is rather in- dicated in the two higher dilutions, but as the difference in the num- ber of bacteria between the three treated samples is no gi^eater than that between some of the controls, no conclusions can be drawn from this experiment. PARIS GREEN. Paris green was used in three cage experiments, the results of which, together with those of the corresponding controls, are given in Table II, Series D. The Paris green was not all dissolved, but was applied in the form of a suspension. The suspended particles were deposited on the surface and only the part in solution filtered into the deeper parts of the manure. It appears from these experiments that Paris green killed from 70 to 90 per cent of the larvae. The bacteriological counts vary considerably and inversely with the strength of the solution used. The most concentrated solution was strongly bactericidal and reduced the number of organisms by about 50 per cent. The higher dilutions showed the general stimulat- ing action of poisons in small quantities. The effect in general is the same as that of potassium cyanid, but is much more marked. The water-soluble nitrogen varied with the amount of Paris green used, and was lowest where the strongest application of Paris green was made, due probably to the precipitating power of the copper, and about equal to the control where the two weaker .applications were made. 14 BULLETIN 118, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. FORMALDEHYDE. Formaldehyde solution was used in six cage experiments, but on no open piles. Three concentrations were tried, by mixing 1 part of the commercial 40 per cent formalin with 3, 6, and 12 parts of water, respectively. The results of three of these tests are given in Table II, Senes E, together with the corresponding controls. In three experiments not given in the table the infestation of the manure was so slight that it was not possible to form any judgment as to tlie larvicidal action of this chemical. Even in the experiments which are given in the table, the manure was lightly infested. How- ever, all the concentrations show considerable larvicidal action. Tak- ing the average total number of flies of the controls it is evident that from 75 to 85 per cent were killed. It is probable that if this treat- ment had been made in closed boxes or receptacles to retard the loss of formaldehyde by evaporation, the larvicidal action would have been still higher. As might be expected, the formaldehyde in these dilutions caused a great reduction in the number of bacteria. The highest dilution (1-12) killed 99.6 per cent of the bacteria that would grow on beef agar. The chemical results show a decreased alkalinity of the water extract. The ammonia results average slightly higher than those obtained on the control samples, but in No. 2, where the dilution of formaldehyde used was 1-6, the bacterial count, the water-soluble nitrogen, the ammonia, and the alkalinity are higher than in eitjier of the other two treated samples. The fact that formaldehyde pro- duces an acid reaction, either by conversion to formic acid or by combining with amino acids, a reaction used by Sorensen (1907) for the quantitative estimation of the amino acids, may explain the reduced alkalinit}^ of these extracts. Nitrites and nitrates were de- tected in all three cases of the manure treated with formaldehyde. It is interesting in this connection to note that Russell and Buddin (1913) carried out some experiments on the action of various volatile antiseptics in the soil, and found that formaldehyde increased the production of nitrates and ammonia. While formaldehyde is ex- tremely disagreeable to work with on account of the instating action which it has on the mucous membrane, nevertheless further work with this chemical will be undertaken. DESTRUCTION OF FLY LARV.E IN HORSE MANURE. 15 Table II. — Destruction of fly larvw in horse manure — Results with partially effective larvicides — Cage experiments at Arlington, Va., summer of 1913. a . Water extract. Larval mor- tality, 1 a 'CDfl In per cent \m ^ quart sam- E§ 5f Treatment of 8 bushels ple of ma- c *-< -4^ 1-1 of total >5 ^ No. of manure; 10 gallons nure 2 days P. "c3 '5 nitrogen, o'" used whenever solu- after treat- ■ & tion was applied. ment. c % i- a'C ^ " a> ~- P.T3 03 . >>" 3 1 ^ a .SoT a gg •£§§ .£ £8 > 15 . 3 d d S' - '=' Alive. Dead. 11 <^d f1 » — =5p-o < JVum- Per Num- Mil- Per Per Per Series C: hcT. cent. ber. lions. cent. cent. cent. C.c. 1 Potassium cyanid, 0.1 per cent solution. 2 9 82 93.6 5,250 0.68 19. 85 3.09 10.25 - Potassium pyanid, 0.02 per cent solution. 11 21 86 93.3 100 7,260 1.00 23.60 2.90 14.50 3 Potassium cyanid,. 0.004 per cent solutioii. 11 4 251 80.6 350 7,620 .63 20.48 Trace. 10.00 \ Control (water only) 64 1 1,287 0 400 6, 1.30 1.12 24.11 3.57 17.65 Series D: 1 0 - 02 35 32 322 70.3 88.7 89.7 0 Few. Few. Few. 100 1.740 7.300 19,950 3,060 .70 .59 .56 .55 13.43 22.88 25.00 23.45 2.71 1.86 4.64 2.55 9.00 0 7. .50 3 Paris green, 1-80 0 48 1 0 6.00 4 Control (water only) 7.75 5 do .... 12 0 298 0 30 4,800 .72 21.11 2.08 7.50 Series E: 1 Formaldehyde,' 1-3 solu- tion. 0 ' 20 81.5 1 14 .58 18.97 3.62 .75 2 Formaldehyde, 1-6 solu- tion. 3 1 16 85.2 22 !4 .46 21.74 4.57 2.00 3 Formaldehyde, 1-12 solu- tion. 165 15 27 75 0 22 .60 18.33 2.8;? . lO 4 Control (water only) 32 0 140 0 15 .5,200 .84 26.19 2.62 10.50 h do. 22 5 0 0 102 76 0 0 127 221 6,000 5,100 .68 .05 25.00 18.46 3.09 2.46 6..';0 fi .do 5.00 • Nitrites and nitrates were found in Xos. 1, 2, and 3, Series E. SODIUM FLUORID. Sodium fluorid was used in two cage experiments. In one it was applied at the rate of 2 pounds per gallon, and 454 flies developed. In the other 1 pound per gallon was used, and 1,053 flies developed. From the two control cages the totals were 6.152 and 5,870. Thus the stronger concentration destroyed over 90 per cent of the maggots, and the weaker strength 84 per cent. No open piles were treated. No bacteriological or chemical analyses were made of the manure treated with sodium fluorid. From the limited number of tests with this chemical, it is evident that it may possess some value as a larvi- cide, and further experiments will be conducted, using commercial sodium fluorid, although the cost (5 pounds. $1) may prohibit its general use. AMMONIACAL GAS MyUOR. Ammoniacal gas liquor, which is a by-product of the manufacture of illuminating gas, evidenced some larvicidal effect when used in the strengths of 1-5 and 1-25. From the cage treated with the stronger dosage 206 flies were caught and 179 flies from the 16 BULLETIN 118, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. other. The control cages showed 1,508 and 1,287 flies. The gas liquor in the 1-5 strength was strongly bactericidal, reducing the number of bacteria as shown in the control from 6,130 million to 92.8 million. In view of the fact that the gas liquor showed a bacte- ricidal action and that the transportation of a liquid in large amounts is expensive, it was not studied further, although it possesses certain advantages, as it contains a considerable amount of nitrogen, practi- cally all of which is in the form of ammonia. This nitrogen is, however, all in soluble and volatile form and easily lost. CALCIUM CYAN AM ID. The treatment with calcium cyanamid was tried at the suggestion of Dr. Alsberg. It has been used in cage experiments at Arlington, Va., and the results obtained are recorded in Table III. Table III. — Dcstrnction of fly larva in horse manure — Larvicidal results with caleium cyanamid — (Jage experiments at Arlington, Va., summer of 1913. No. Treatment of 8 bushels of manure with 10 gal- lons of water. Larval mor- tality, 1 quart sample of ma- nure 2 days after treat- ment. Alive. Dead P'lies emerged. Larv8B killed. Larv89 in drip pan. Series F: 1.... 2.... 3.... i.... Series 0: 1.... 2.... 3.... i.... Calcium cyanamid, 20 poimds. Calcium cyanamid, apounds.. Control . . 1 do Calcium cyanamid, 5 poiuids. Calcium cyanamid, -1 pounds. Calcium cyanamid, 3 pounds. Control..". ....do Number. 7 52 1,508 1,287 92 761 56 25 204 Per cent. 99.5 96.3 0 0 20.0 Num- ber. 51.3 0 0 12 400 39 20 25 50 10 The calcium cyanamid was scattered over the manure in powdered form and in all cases water was added. From the table it appears that the 20-pound application killed over 99 per cent of the larvae. The 5-pound applications gave varying results, as seen in the table, and in one cage experiment not shown 58 per cent of the larvae were destroyed. This gives an average larvicidal power of 58 per cent for this amount of the calcium cyanamid. In one cage test not shown where 4 pounds were applied, 40 per cent were killed, but in the cage experiment given in Table III no larvicidal action was apparent. Since calcium cyanamid is used to some extent as a fertilizer and is a means of adding nitrogen to the manure, and thus to the soil, it is highly desirable that a further study of this chemical be made, not only to determine more exactly its larvicidal action, but also to de- 118, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IV. .■"■ IS?: -J ^S. 1^ ~s DESTEUCTION OF FLY LARV^ IN HORSE MANUEE. 17 termine by field experiments whether the amount of nitrogen thus added compensates for the cost of treatment. The cost of tlie cyana- mid in 100 or 200 pound lots is about 3^ cents per pound. The results of two typical open-pile experiments with calcium cyanamid are given in Table IV. The 5-pound application killed 82 per cent of the larvae and reduced the number of bacteria mark- edly. The 4-pound application killed 71 per cent of the larva3 and reduced the bacteria 50 per cent. In both cases the water-soluble nitrogen, ammonia, and alkalinity were considerably increased. Table IV. — Destruction of fly larvce in horse manure — Results with calcium cyanamid — Open-pile experiments (three applications) at New Orleans, La., November, 1913. Treatment of 8 bushels of ma- nure with 10 gallons of water. Total number of pupae found after 8 to 10 days. Larvae kiUed. Bac- teria per 1 gram ma- nure, dried at 100° c. Water e.N;tract. No Manure. In per cent of total nitrogen. AlkiV- linity, N/20 Solids. Total nitro- gen. Nitro- gen. Am- monia nitro- gen. Ii2S04 per 100 c. c. (5 grams ma- nure). Series H: 1 2 Calcium cyanamid, 5 pounds. . . Calcium cyanimid, 4 pounds. . . Control. . ." 3,500 5,500 19,000 Per cent. 81.0 71.0 0 Mil- lions. 43 75 158 Per cent. 31.30 30.47 27.14 Per cent. 0.72 .59 .43 Per cent. 44.44 47.46 19.54 Per cent. 8.89 13.56 6.51 C.c. 7.35 8.15 5.30 EFFECTIVE LARVICIDES (BORATES). The most favorable results were obtained by the use of borax (sodium borate) and calcined colemanite (crude calcium borate). Both substances possessed a marked larvicidal action and appeared to exert no permanent injury on the bacteria. These two borates have been used in a large number of experiments and the results all uni- formly show a very high larvicidal action, both in cages and open piles, and whether applied in diy form or in solution. A comparison of the total number of flies or of pupa? from borax- treated manure with the totals from control manure shows a larvi- cidal power of over 99 per cent in nearly all trials. One of the reasons why borax is so effective in reducing the number of flies is due to its toxic effect on the eggs, which do not hatch after contact with this chemical. The piles in one experiment, started on Septem- ber 13, 1913, were examined for pupse on September 25. At this time large masses of eggs of the house fly, perhaps 600 to 800, were found in a borax-treated pile. They were not empty, collapsed shells, but kad normal shape and evidently had not hatched. They were some- what discolored, many having a bluish tinge. Some of these were 18 BULLETIN 118, V. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. taken to the laboratory and examined daily under a microscope. None of these hatched after a week at room temperature and favor- able moisture conditions. On October 6, in g-oing over a pile, last treated with borax solution on September 28, batches of a thousand eggs or more were found. They had a bluish tinge. A mass of these eggs with surrounding manure was kept in a jar in the laboratory for a week and examined daily. Xone had hatched at the end of this time. Similar observations were made on other borax-treated piles. No such masses of unhatched eggs were ever found on control piles, nor on piles treated with other chemicals after the first three or four days of exposure. Calcined colemanite, being largely insoluble, did not show this effect on the eggs. Borax acts ver}^ effectively through its toxic action on the eggs, but its action is not confined to the egg stage, as larvae are also killed. In nearly all cases examinations of open piles showed the presence of dead larva? as well as pupse. In Table V it will be noted that in some piles large nimibers of pupse were found, but these were black, shrunken, wrinkled, and were not normal in shape, having more nearh' the form of the larva* than of the pup?e. PL IV.) When kept in the laboratory for a long time 1 per cent or less hatched. The borax had evidently killed them just at the time of transformation from larvae to pupa?. This may be ex- plained in several ways. (1) It may be that the larvae, in the younger stages, resisted the action of the borax they had ingested but became very sensitive to it at the time of the breakdown of larval tissues. (2) The action of the borax may be cumulative and so may not evidence its toxic action until toward the end of the larval stage. (3) It may be that the larvae in their earlier stages were found some distance in from the surface where the borax had not penetrated, but that, when ready to pupate, they migrated to the outer lower edges of the manure pile where the concentration of the borax was greatest and were killed by it. The migration of the larvae in the cages and open piles has already been referred to on pages 3 and 5, and is discussed more in detail by Mr. Hutchison (1914:). The fact that small quantities of borax are not detrimental to the normal fermentation of manure is further shown by some temperature determinations. The manure piles were made with no attempt to pack the manure, because it was believed that the higher temperatures prevailing where aerobic fermentation was in progress would be an attraction to the flies. Three series of experiments were used for these tests. The temperatures were taken by inserting a thermometer about a foot deep in the top of the piles. As the piles were small the temperature.^ at this depth were very nearly the maximum. The three controls attained their highest temperature. 66° and 67° C. (150.8° and 152.6^ DESTRUCTION OF FLY LARV.E IN HORSE MANURE. 19 F.) ill f 10111 live to seven days after the experiment was started. At the same time the borax-treated piles reached their maximum of 58° to 63° C. (136.4° to 145.4° F.). Even where one-eighth pound of borax was used the temperature was slightly suppressed, as it reached only 61° C. (141.8 F.). This effect, however, may have been due to the borax preventing the growth of organisms which produce fire- f anging. The effect of borax in entirely preventing this condition has been reserved for a future investigation. However, it was found that in three cases the control piles showed evidences of firefanging and the presence of a white powdeiT mold in the interior. This condition ^\ as never found in the borax-treated jjiles. After attaining a maxi- mum, the temperature of all the piles declined rapidly. The treated ones continued lower than the controls. One manure pile treated with 5 pounds of calcined colemanite showed a steady decline in temperature from the beginning of the ex- periment. The bactericidal effect of this large dose is further shown by a comparison of the bacterial count obtained from a sample of this pile and that of the control ; a decrease of 64 per cent in the num- ber of bacteria occurred. The data of the borax-treated manure are recorded in Tables V and VI. The open-pile experiments, which are recorded in Table V, show marked variations in numbers of bacteria, but whether this is due to a variation in the penetration of the borax because of different nat- uial factors, or because the samples were not representative of the pile, although taken in the usual manner (see page 5), can not be stated at this time. There is a reduction in the number of bacteria in Series J, Nos. 1 and 2, and Series L, Nos. 1 and 2, where colemanite was used. There are marked increases in Series I, Nos. 1 and 2, and Series K, Nos. 3 and 4. In Table VI, where the results are recorded for the manure experiments made in cages, an increase in the number of bacteria is seen in all the borax-treated samples. The manure from the open-pile experiments, Table V, indicates an increase of water-soluble nitrogen and ammonia in the borate-treated samples. The reaction of the water extract is increased in all of these cases. Further, in four of the open-pile experiments nitrites and nitrates were both found. In no case did the control manure give a reaction for nitrites or nitrates. The presence of nitrites and nitrates in the borax-treated piles is very interesting and if it is obtained in all cases where the borax-treated manure has been allowed to stand for several Aveeks a strong argument will be presented for its use in addition to the effective larvicidal action which it is seen to possess. There are considerable variations in the water-soluble nitrogen and ammonia results for the open-pile experiments as well as for the bacterial counts as noted on page 6. - 20 BULLETIN lib, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGBICULTURE. Table V. — Destruction of fly larvce in horse manure — Retiults icith horates- Expenmcnts on open piles, IS^eic Orleans. La., November. 1913. Treatment of S bushels of ma- nure; 10 (;aUons used when- ever liquid W5V8 .-ulded. Num- ber of ap- ph- ca- tions. Total mmi- bcr of pupfe found after S-IO days. Bacte- ria per gram ma- nure, dried at 100" C. Manure. Water extract. No. In per cent of total nitrogen. Alka- linity, N/20 per 100 c. c, 5 grams ma- nure. Solids. To- tal ni- tro- gen. Nitro- gen. Am- mo- nia nitro- gen. Series I: I Na-borate,' 2J pounds dry (no water added) 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 J 5, 000 24,200 10,000 30 39 2,500 = 985 2575 3 1,700 81,900 20,000 <2,600 <3,200 19,000 Mil- lions. 141 172 105 .659 .577 316. 2 5 38 36 6 38 26 158 Per cent. 39.59 39.14 34.54 42. 51 43.29 42.43 36. 69 43.08 34.72 43.01 34.04 30.58 30.77 27.14 Per cent. 0.60 .55 .46 .67 .68 .63 .52 .56 .47 .53 .49 .49 .44 .43 Per cent. 30. 67 29.09 30.43 44.78 39.71 30. 16 25.00 21.43 34.04 26.42 24.49 30.61 31.82 19.54 Per cent. 7.33 8.18 a 69 12.64 11.03 8. 89 8.27 7.50 11.91 11.13 8.78 16.33 9.09 6.61 C.c. 11.05 2 do.i 10.60 3 Control (water) 5.90 Series J: 1 2 Na-borate, 2 pounds dry (no water) ^ do 10.20 10.90 3 Control (water) 6.50 Series K: 1 Na-borate in solution, i poimd per gallon 12.45 2 ...do 7.85 3 Na-borate > in solution, J pound per fjallon 8.65 4 ..do." 7.35 Control (water) 6.10 Series L: 1 Calcined colemanite, 3 pounds 7.05 2 do 7.20 3 Control (water) 5.30 1 Nitrites and nitnitcs pr&sent. ' Approximate. Of pupte from borax-treated piles about 1 per cent hatch. 3 Of aU tlieise only 10 flies emerged after many days in the laboratory. < Abnormal in shape and color. Only 1 fly developed in sample of .500 pupoe. Table VI. — Destruction of fly larvae in fiorse manure — Results with horax — Cage experiments at New Orleans, La.. November, 1913. Larval mor- ■g Water extract. tality, 1- quart sam- •e \ . ple manure ,« fa In per cent of r'i 2 days after S g i" total nitrosen. 3 Treatment ol 8 bushels of manure with 10 gallons of liquid. treatment. 1 0 Ed 11 3 g 0 a 1 "Sg No. 0 g i a 1 •a a ■a 03 1 id 1 3 0 i 1 £ E 1 11 < 0 H cq H Z < Series M: Mimr>n. P.ct. P.ct. P.ct. Co. 1 Borax, I pound per gallon.. 5 0 15 12 7,392 0..51 33.33 9.41 19.50 2 .do 2 35 0 0 18 38 15 3 3,1)03 7,452 .55 .58 18.18 27. .59 10.18 11.55 16. 50 3 Borax, i pound per gallon.. 13.00 4 do 5 82 4 0 22 25 6 50 5,800 2,204 .58 .74 37.93 10.22 10. SO 4.46 13.75 5 Control (water) 8.30 6. do.. 22 0 204 10 3,484 .84 14.29 1.79 7.50 In the cage tests, Table VI, the water-soluble nitrogen, ammonia, and reaction were lower for the controls than for the borax-treated DESTRUCTION OF FLY LAEV.E IN" HORSE MANURE. 21 manure. The low water-soluble nitrogen and ammonia result/S of the controls may possibly be clue to the unusual fermentation going on in these two samples, as indicated by the peculiar odor. The fact that, after grinding, the manure tended to cake or lump may have prevented the usual amount of material from going into solution. The bacterial counts in the cage experiments are higher than the controls, and also higher than those of the open piles. This is undoubtedly due to the artificial conditions of the cage experi- ments. The increase of water-soluble nitrogen, ammonia, and alka- linity has been found in all the borax-treated manure, both cage and open-pile tests, at Arlington and New Orleans. In Table VII additional cage experiments showing the larvicidal action of borax, dry and in solution, and calcined colemanite with water, are recorded. Borax in small amounts, such as 1^ pounds per 8 bushels of manure, destroyed 98 to 99 per cent of the maggots, and calcined colemanite, even when 2 pounds per 8 bushels of manure were used, showed the same percentage of larvicidal action. Table VII. -Caffc experiments shoicinr/ lankidal action of borates on fly larvw in horse manure. No. Treatment of S bushels of manure; 10 gallons used whenever liquid was added. Total number of flies emerged. Series X: 1.... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5 Series O: 1.... Na-borate, dry powder, 2i pounds (no water added) Na-borate in solution, J pound per gallon do Control (water) do Na-borate in solution, j pound per gallon . do , do Na-borate in solution, J poimd per gallon . do Calcined colemanite, 4 poimds plus water. Calcined colemanite, 3 pounds plus water. Calcined colemanite, 2 pounds plus water. Control (water) do 12 1 2 6, 152 5,S70 5 13 CS 4G 50 55 165 29 3,069 3,140 RECENT EXPERIMENTS TO DETERillNE MINIMUM AMOUNTS OF BORAX AND CALCINED COLEMANITE M'HICH ARE EFFECTIVE AS LARVICIDES. Some recent tests at New Orleans to determine the minimum amounts of borax and calcined colemanite which are effective have shown that 0.G2 pound of borax and 0.75 pound of calcined colemanite are effective as larvicides, but when smaller amounts of either are used their larvicidal value is reduced. It is therefore appar- ent that 0.62 pound of borax and 0.75 pound of calcined colemanite to 8 bushels of manure (10 cubic feet), with the addition of 2 to 3 gallons of water, are the minimum quantities of these borates that will destroy practically all the fly maggots in manure. 22 BULLETIN 118, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ADVANTAGES AND COST OF BORAX. The great demand for borax, due to its uses in the arts and in the household, has made this substance available in all parts of the coun- try. It has the further advantage of being comparatively nontoxic, noninflammable, and easily transported and handled, as it is a powder. Thus borax is superior to most of the substances that have been tested as larvicides. Several investigators (see Haselhoff, 1913) have shown that in small amounts borax has a stimulating effect on plant growth, while larger amounts are toxic. Borax is prepared from colemanite (calcium borate) , which is mined in California, and has the following composition: Boron trioxid, 50.9 per cent ; calcium oxid, 27.2 per cent ; water, 21.9 per cent. The crude colemanite was tested for its larvicidal action, but this was so slight, undoubtedly due to its insolubility, that it was discarded in favor of borax and calcined colemanite. Calcined colemanite is prepared from crude colemanite by simply subjecting it to high temperatures. The crude colemanite is not sold as such, but a considerable amount of the calcined colemanite is used in various industries. The calcined colemanite is a gray powder and is largely, but not entirely, in- soluble in water. It costs about 2 cents per pound in large ship- ments, and in smaller amounts sells at approximately 4 cents per pound. Borax (NaoB^O-lOHoO) is prepared from colemanite by treatment with soda ash. It retails at about 10 cents per pound, but can be obtained in 100-pound lots or more in Washington at 5 to 6 cents per pound. Borax is readily soluble in water. EFFECTS OF BORAX-TREATED MANURE ON PLANTS. The chemical analyses and bacterial counts to which references have been made throughout this bulletin do not indicate any perma- nent deleterious effects of the borax on manure. On the contrary, a beneficial effect is suggested. This was especially the case with the chemical results where an increase of ammonia was obtained in all cases and no apparent reduction in the total nitrogen was evident. Nitrites and nitrates were found in several of the open piles where borax had been applied. In order to be certain of the effect of borax-treated manure on plants, extensive experiments have been performed both in the greenhouse and in open plats. The field work was conducted at four points in the South, as well as on the Arling- ton farm, and the pot tests were conducted in the greenhouses of the department at Washington. The following plants were tested : Wlieat, tomatoes, peas, beets, radishes, kohl-rabi, oats, corn, cucumber, lettuce, as well as apple seedlings and rosebushes. Such elaborate experiments seem to be necessary on account of the known toxic DESTEUCTION OF FLY LARViE IN HORSE MANURE. 23 effects of large applications of boron upon the growth of plants, as shown by several investigators. In this connection it is important to note that investigations of Russell and Buddin (1913) in Eng- land have shown that the application of very small amounts of vola- tile and some nonvolatile disinfectants have eventually resulted in the stimulation of plant growth. This same effect is indicated in some of the experiments with borax. In the field and pot experiments no deleterious effects were ob- served from the application of borax at the rate of 0.62 pound per 8 bushels (10 cubic feet) of manure, except possibly on wheat. Larger doses of borax produced a discoloration of the tips of some other plants. In our field experiments with winter wheat the plants when 4 inches high showed a decided yellowing of the tips where very heavy applications of borax were made, but at the start of the growing period in the spring the yellowing of the tips decreased and the wheat was nearly normal in appearance. These effects vary with the plants and the amount of moisture present in the soil. T\niere rainfall is heavy the effects disappear quickly. At Orlando, Fla., for instance, where the experiment was conducted during a drought and larger amounts of borax than 0.62 pound per 8 bushels were used, injurious effects were much more evident than in other localities. In all these cases, however, except at Orlando, recent ob- servations have shown that the plants have practically recovered — so far as can be determined without estimating the actual yields, which can not be done at the present time. From these experiments it is believed that no injurious effects will follow the application of the minimum amount of borax found necessary to destroy the larvae, namely, 0.62 pound per 8 bushels of manure, which may be applied t-o the field at the rate of 15 tons per acre. If more is necessary, untreated manure may be used. Some recent pot tests have indicated that the addition of slaked lime in amounts equal to half that of the borax present tends to offset the toxic action which results from heavy applications of borax. Some questions relating to the effects of borax on the growth of plants remain to be determined, notably its possible cumulative action, and these will be reported later. It is expected that interesting results will follow from the experiments now under way with calcined colemanite, which, though cheaper than borax, is effective in destroying fly larvae when applied at the rate of 0.75 pound per 8 bushels. SUMMARY. CLASSIFICATION OF CHEMICALS TESTED. The substances used in the experiments dealt with in this bulletin may be arranged in two classes, as indicated below. The term " satisfactory " is used to indicate destructive action on fly larvae, 24 BULLETIN 118, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. noninjurious effect on manure, and luck of extr3mely poisonous prop- erties. Among the unsatisfactory or partially satisfactory substances are included several which when used in large amounts may kill fly larvae but are placed in this class because of the large amount required or because of their extremely poisonous properties. Iron sulphate has been used as a larvicide and in considerable amounts is stated to be effective. However, no studies of the effects of iron sulphate on the fertilizing value of manure have been re- ported. Our experiments indicate injury to the manure even from small applications of iron sulphate (see p. 10). Paris green and potassium cyanid are effective as larvicides, but are objectionable on account of their extremely poisonous nature. Unsatisfactory or Partially Satisfactory Substances. Kerosene emulsion. Pyroligneous acid. Kainit. Sodium chlorid (table salt). IsthmiiUi C:uial Commission Inrviclde. Copper sulphate. Iron sulphate. Lime-sulphur mixture. Several proprietary disinfectants. Paris green. Potassium cyanid. Sodium fluorid. Formaldehyde. Ammoniacal gas liquor. Calcium cyauamid. Satisfactory Substances. Borax. Calcined colemanite. By far the most effective, economical, and practical of the sub- stances is borax in the commercial form in which it is available throughout the country. Borax increases the water-soluble nitrogen, ammonia, and alka- linity of manure and apparently does not permanently injure the bacterial flora. The application of manure treated with borax at the rate of 0.62 pound per 8 bushels (10 cubic feet) to soil does not in- jure the plants thus far tested, although its cumulative effect, if any, has not been determined. DIRECTIONS FOR TREATING MANURE WITH BORAX TO KILL FLY EGGS AND MAGGOTS. Apply 0.C2 pound borax or 0.75 pound calcined colemanite to every 10 cubic feet (8 bushels) of manure immediately on its removal from the barn. Apply the borax particularly around the outer edges of the pile with a flour sifter or any fine sieve, and sprinkle 2 or 3 gallons of water over the borax-treated manure. The reason for applying the borax to the fresh manure immedi- ately after its removal from the stable is that the flies lay their eggs on the fresh manure, and borax, when it comes in contact with the eggs, j3revents their hatching. As the maggots congregate at the DESTRUCTION OF FLY LARVAE IN HORSE MANURE. 25 outer edges of the pile, most of the borax should be applied there. The treatment should be repeated with each addition of fresh ma- nure, but when the manure is kept in closed boxes less frequent appli- cations will be sufficient. Wliere the calcined colemanite is available, it may be used at the rate of 0.75 pound per 10 cubic feet of manure, and is a cheaper means of killing the maggots. In addition to the application of borax to horse manure to kill fly larvae, it may be applied in the same proportion to other manures, as well as to refuse and garbage. Borax may also be applied to floors and crevices in bams, stables, markets, etc., as well as to street sweepings, and water should be added as in the treatment of horse manure. After estimat- ing the amount of material to be treated and weighing the necessary amount of borax a measure may be used which will hold the proper amount, thus avoiding subsequent weighings. WARNING IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF BORAX-TREATED MANURE. While it can be safely stated that no injurious action will follow the application of manure treated with borax at the rate of 0.62 pound for 8 bushels, or even larger amounts in the case of some plants, nevertheless borax-treated manure has not been studied in connection with the growth of all crops, nor has its cumulative effect been determined. It is therefore recommended that not more than 15 tons per acre of the borax-treated manure should be applied to the field. As truckmen use considerably more than this amount, it is suggested that all cars containing borax-treated manure be so marked, and that public-health ofl^cials stipulate in their dkections for this treatment that not over 0.62 pound for 8 bushels of manure be used, as it has been shown that larger amounts of borax will injure most plants. It is also recommended that all public-health ofiicials and others in recommending the borax treatment for killing i\y eggs and maggots in manure warn the public against the injuri- ous effects of large amounts of borax on the growth of plants. COST OF BORAX TREATMENT. The amount of manure from a horse varies with the straw or other bedding used, but 12 or 15 bushels per week represent the approxi- mate amount obtained. As borax costs from 5 to 6 cents per pound in 100-pound lots in Washington, it will make the cost of the borax practically 1 cent per horse per day. And if calcined colemanite is purchased in large shipments the cost should be considerably less. 26 BULLETIN 118, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. LITERATURE CITED. American Public Health Association, Laboratory Section. 1912. Standard Methods for the Exniiiination of Water and Sewage. 2d ed. New York. Amer. Pub. Health Assoc, 144 p. (Cover title: Standard Methods of Water Analysis. A. P. H. A. 1912.) FoLiN, Otto, and Macallum, A. B. 1912. On the determination of ammonia in urine. In Jour. Biol. Chem., V. 11, no. 5, p. 523-525, June. See p. 523. Haselhoff, E. 1913. Landwirtschaftlichen Versuchs. vols. 79 and 80, p. 399.' 1913. Uber die Einwirkung von Borverbindungen auf das PUauzenwachs- tum. In Landw. Vers-Stat., Bd. 79 u. SO, p. 399-429, pi. 4-7, 1913. Hebms, W. B. 1910. How to control the common house fly. Cal. State Board of Health Bui., May 5, no. 2, p. 269-277. Howard, L. O. 1911. The House Fly — Disease Carrier. New York, Frederick A. Stokes Co., 312 p., illus. See p. 196 and 197. Hutchison, R. H. 1914. The migratory habit of house-fly larvte as indicating a favorable remedial measure. An account of progress. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bui. 14. 11 p. Feb. 28. Russell, E. J., and Buddin, Walter. 1913. The action of antiseptics in increasing the growth of crops in soil. In Jour. Soc. Chem. lud., v. 32, No. 24, p. 1136-1142. Dec. 31. Smith, R. I. 1912. The house fly (Musca domestica). No. Car. Agr. Expt. Sta., Col. Agr. & Mech. Arts, Ann. Rpt. 34, p. 62-69, figs. 13-14. See p. 64. Sorensen, S. p. L. 1907. Enzymstudien. In Biochem. Ztschr. Bd. 7, Hft. 1/2, p. 45-101, Dec. 6. Van Slyke, D. D. 1911. A method for quantitative determination of aliphatic amino groups, Applications to the study of proteolysis and proteolytic products. In Jour. Biol. Chem., v. 9, No. 3/4, p. 185-207, May. Wiley, Harvey W., editor. 1908. Official and provisional methods of analysis, Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Chem., Bui. J07 rev. 272 p. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PEOCTJRED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. 0. AT 10 CENTS PER COPY BULLETIN OF THE No. 124 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chiel August 28. 1914. THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR. By V. L. WiLDERMUTH, Ento)iiological Assistant, Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations. INTRODUCTION. The alfalfa biitterflj^, Eurymvs cvrytheme Boiscl. (fig. 1), is one of the most beautiful and interesting of the group of butterflies known as " the yellows " ; beautiful because of its golden and orange colors which contrast so conspicuously with the bright green of alfalfa fields, and in- teresting because of the wide individual variation, extending from the white or al- bino forms to those that are deep or- ange. To the al- falfa grower in the Southwest, however, its chief interest lies in the great destruc- tiveness of the larvse (fig. 2.) One seeing the yellow butter- flies darting here and there over a green alfalfa field would hardly suspect that a few weeks hence they would cause the same field to appear as brown, dead stubble. Yet this is what happens nearly every year to a greater or less degree in the Imperial Valley of California and in the Salt River Valley of Arizona. It was not until 1910 that this butterfly was known to entomolo- gists as a serious pest. Previous to that time reports received from Note. — This bulletin is especially applicable to the Southwest, where the alfalfa catei"- pillar occurs in destructive numbers in irrigated alfalfa fields. 48305°— Bull. 124—14 1 Pig. 1. — The alfalfa caterpillar (Eurymus eunjtheme) ; Fe- male in the adult, or butterfly stage. One-half enlarged. (Author's illustration.) 2 BULLETIN 124, U. S, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. the Southwest, placing on this species the blame for injury to alfalfa, were doubted. In the spring of that year, however, the writer was detailed to investigate these reports in the Imperial Valley and discover whether the butterflies bore any relation to the destruction of alfalfa by a " green worm." His observations showed that the accusations were well founded, for in July, 1910, the butterflies were seen to lay the eggs that hatched into the green larvue which ate up the alfalfa crop, causing a loss of thousands of dollars. At the end of the first year's investigation, experiments and ob- servations had been completed which were thought to be of immediate benefit to the ranchers in controlling the pest, and a preliminary report v\'as made and published as Circular 133 of the Bureau of Entomology. During the three years subsequent to this preliminary Fig. 2. — The alfalfa caterpillar : Full-srown larva. Enlarged about three diameters. (Original. ) investigation the writer and others have made a more exhaustive study of the species, its habits, and natural or artificial methods of control, and the object of this bulletin is to record these observations as they have been interpreted. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. According to Scudder ^ this insect is well distributed over the United States, but is found in its greatest numbers in the Mississip.pi Valley (see map, fig. 3) and to the westward. In only a few cases does it appear east of the Allegheny Mountains, but its range ex- tends northward into Canada, even as far as Hudson Bay. In 1911 Mr. R. A. Vickery made observations on the species at Brownsville, Tex., thereby considerably extending the southern range from that included in Scudder's map. In past years the species has been espe- cially abundant throughout the alfalfa -growing sections where irri- gation is extensively developed. 1 Scudder, S. H. The Butterflies of the Eastern United States and Canada, v. 2, Cam- bridge, 1889, pp. 1131-1132. THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR. ECONOMIC HISTORY OUTSIDE THE BORDERS OF ARIZONA AND CALIFORNIA. In regions outside of Arizona and California this species has at various times been suspected, both by agents of the Bureau of Ento- mology and others, of doing more or less injury to alfalfa. In 1906 a correspondent of the Department of Agriculture reported the cater- pillars as infesting lucerne fields in Brigham County, Wyo. In the same j^ear another correspondent, writing from Dell, Oreg., reported the butterflies in " countless thousands playing on the alfalfa blossoms." In 1909 Mr. C. N. Ainslie found eggs and larvae on alfalfa at Springer, N. Mex., but not in sufficient numbers to be doing any ap- parent damage. In July, 1913, on nearly the same ground, the writer found larvse quite abundant. It is apparent that the reason Mr. Ainslie did not find m^ m Fig. -Map showing distribution of the alfalfa caterpillar. (Original.) them in numbers was the lateness of the season. In the same year, 1909, Mr. E. O. G. Kelly, at Wellington, Kans., reported the larvae as rather numerous on alfalfa plants and feeding freely ; and the following year, at the same place, Messrs. T. H. Parks and H. T. Osborn observed the larvee feeding upon alfalfa, and reared parasites therefrom. In 1910 Mr. R. A. Vickery, at Brownsville, Tex., reported the species as being abundant in the alfalfa fields as late as November. He states: " These larvse are the most numerous and injurious of the several species of caterpillars that are injuring alfalfa now." In the summer of 1911 the species was found in a number of locali- ties, and reported by diiferent members of the Bureau of Entomology as injuring alfalfa at the following places: Cokeville, Wyo., Idaho Falls and Blackfoot, Idaho (T. H. Parks) ; Ely, Nev. (C. N. Ainslie). In July, 1911, Prof. S. B. Doten, of the Nevada Agricul- tural College, received from The H. F. Dangberg Land & Live Stock Co., JNIinden, Nev., a letter reporting damage from this worm, an extract of which follows: "We are this day mailing you imder separate cover a species of worm which at the present time is doing a great deal of damage in our alfalfa fields. They seem to congre- 4 BULLETIN 124, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. gate on different parts of the field, and wherever they are the crops are totall}^ destroyed." The same month Mr. Frank C. Jones, of Gardnersville, Nev., reported : " The caterpillar of the yellow butter- fly is seriously damaging the alfalfa fields of Carson Valley. It seems to develop most abundantly about the time of the first cutting and feeds on the young shoots, retarding the growth perhaps two weeks." During the season of 1913 the species was reported by Mr. E. H. Gibson as doing slight damage at Jackson and Nashville, Tenn., and at Greenwood, Miss. Here the butterflies were abroad from early April until late November and, while everywhere present, never seemed to do a great amount of damage. Mr. W. H. Larrimer, also working at Nashville, reported larvae in considerable numbers. ECONOMIC HISTORY IN CALIFORNIA AND ARIZONA. It was Henry Edwards ^ who, in 1877, reported the occurrence at various times of what since has proved to be one of the many color forms of this species. No account can be found in w^hich he treats the species as of economic importance, but he says : " This * * * is an abundant insect in clover and alfalfa fields from July to Septem- ber," thus intimating that its numbers might be great enough to cause damage. Most of his records were for California. In 1899 Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell,^ in studying the insects of the Salt River Valley of Arizona, noted the abundance of these butter- flies, but did not stress the probabilit}^ of damage to alfalfa. He says: "I never saw these butterflies so extraordinarily abundant as they were last October at Phoenix. * * * These caterpillars be- ing very numerous must eat a great many leaves and so reduce the crop, but it is probable that their ravages w^ould not be very notice- able under favorable conditions of moisture and temperature. At all events, it is not practicable to take any measures against them." We have here the first record of the insect as actually destructive to alfalfa. It would seem that after this, as irrigation in the warm valleys of southern Arizona and southern California began to be more highly developed and alfalfa became a more important crop, the damage became more noticeable each year. In 1907 Mr. Geo. G. Carr, writ- ing to the Department of Agriculture from Hanford, Cal., reports considerable damage to alfalfa. An extract from his letter follows: 1 Edwards, Henry. Pacific Coast Lepidoptera, No. 24. Notes on the genus Colias, with descriptions of some apparently new forms. In Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., v. 7, p. 4, Feb. 5, 1877. - Cockerell, T. D. A. Some insect posts of Salt River Valley and the remedies for them : Ariz. Expt. Sta. Bui. 32, p. 286-288, Dec, 1899. j|. 124, U. S. Dept of Agricultur Plate I. Fig. 1 .—Alfalfa Plants Stripped of Leaves by Alfalfa Caterpillars. (Original.^ Fig. 2.— Herding Turkeys as a Method of Reducing the Numbers of Destructive Insects. (Original.) Fig. 3.— Field Showing Improper Cutting. The Alfalfa Caterpillar Thrives in the Long Stubble. (Original.) THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR. THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR, 5 As to the "cutworms," they result from the yellow butterfly, which is often noticed in the alfalfa fields in this valley. The butterfly lays an egg which hatches into the so-called " cutworm " [fig. 2] ; the latter goes into the chrysalis state [fig. 6], which eventually results in another butterfiy. Seemingly there are several crops of worms which hatch in one season. Whereas we have no- ticed these worms and butterflies in moderate numbers for years, yet never be- fore have they attained the present great numbers. In the fall of the year 1909, after a severe outbreak in the Imperial Valley of California during the summer, Mr. J. A. Walton, the owner of a large ranch in that valley, appealed to the Secretary of Agriculture for methods of handling the pest. Mr. W. E. Packard, of the California Experiment Station, reports that the worms are* often quite numerous during certain years and cause more or less damage in the Sacramento Valley, and in the irrigated alfalfa regions of south-central California. Several fields that came under the writer's observation in 1910 made an entire failure of the third crop, while many others suffered a 40 to 00' per cent loss in a single hay crop, so that the damage for the year could be conservatively estimated at more than $500,000. (See PI. I, fig. 1.) During that year (1910) there was also considerable damage in the Salt River Valley of Arizona, but compared with the damage in the Imperial Valley it was slight. In fact, as is explained in later paragraphs, injury was rarely as severe in any other locality as in the Imperial Valley. During 1911 the bureau was unable to make any studies in the Imperial Valley, but Mr. Packard, who was continually on the ground, told the writer in the fall of that year that little damage was accomplished, the larvse never being present in great numbers. As noted in a separate paragraph, the destruction of the larvse in- wholesale numbers the summer before by an apparently contagious disease had so checked the species that it was unable to make any headway during that season, and, in fact, as will be seen later, it required two years to readjust itself to conditions. Throughout the season of 1911, during the writer's absence, Mr. E. G. Smyth, in the Salt River Valley, noted that while there was some damage the species was not numerous enough at any time to necessitate protective measures against it. In 1912 the writer was again located in the Salt River Valley, and that year, although considerable damage was done by the alfalfa caterpillar, the work of the disease just referred to and of parasites was able to keep the species pretty well within bounds, so that only an occasional field was seriously damaged. The following quotations are from the writer's own field notes : July 10, 1912: Butterflies are very numerous at this time and in many fields are actively depositing eggs. 6 BULLETIN 124, U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. July 22: Butterflies ;ire very numerous now, filling the air everywhere. They are even flying around over town in great numbers. Over an alfalfa field north of town they are simply swarming. Millions of them present over the blooming alfalfa where they are feeding. A field just across the road that had been recently cut had the alfalfa covered with eggs. These are adults of the third generation. Aug. 1 : Eurymus larvse are very abundant now and in a few fields beginning to do considerable damage. On Mr. Aepli's farm 1 mile south of town the cater- pillars were exceptionally numerous and damage considerable. However, Mr. Aepli cut his crop of hay and stopped their work by disking. There were 257 larvae to the square yard counted in this field. In the Imperial Valley in 1912 the fourth hay crop, about August 1, was nearlj^ one-third lessened by the feeding of the caterpillars, but the damage, although heavier tlian in the previous year, in no way compared with that of IDIO or 1913. E>airing July, 1913, Mr. Walter Packard wrote to the author, telling him of a great outbreak around El Centro and suggesting that something should be done at once, as practically all of the third crop had been destroyed. As the writer was in northern New Mexico, engaged on other work, Mr. R. N. Wilson was instructed to proceed to Imperial Valley and in- vestigate the outbreak. Upon his arrival there he found the damage to be very heavy, but over for the J^ear, as the species had again been checked by the disease. The conditions are best told in his original field notes, which follow: El Centro, July 14, 1913: Some of the fields [alfalfa] were visited this morning, and it immediately became obvious that if the bacterial disease is as prevalent in all of the fields in the valley as in those visited this morning it is now too late to try cultural methods, brush dragging, disking, etc., as most of the larvte are dead. I am told that last week was very warm during the entire week and that the humidity was high. This was probably just the right condition for the disease to spread, and hence the cause of the death of millions of the larvse. Many of the fields about El Centro have been cut recently and so show nothing now as to Eurymus conditions ; many are also being pastured, and in these the caterpillar attack is slight. In some fields which have not been either pastured or cut the damage is considerable, but very few healthy larvse or pup?e can be found at present. Butterflies are numerous everywhere, and in some fields they rise in clouds before the sweep- net. That the damage from larviie to the present crop is about over is almost certain. * * * A few farmers cut the crop after it had been stripped by larvte, and the hay was of such poor quality that it was not even gathered. Much of the hay that was gathered was of such poor quality and some of it was so foul with diseased larvse that it was of little value. On July 16 Mr. Packard said that he noticed the " worms " in some num- bers in the second crop at cutting time, about the last of May. The real outbreak came iu July, however, when the third generation of worms began to eat the third crop of alfalfa. He noticed the bacterial disease in the fields about the first week in July, when a large amount of damage had already been done by the larvse, but the disease did not become widespread or really effec- tive until after the hot, humid weather of last week. THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR. 7 During the season of 1913 in Arizona the outbreak was heavier in the Salt River Valley than it has been for several j^ears — at least the heaviest since the bureau began its investigations four years ago. The report of the outbreak for this year is taken from the notes of Messrs. R. N. and T. Scott Wilson, both of v^hom were located at Tempe, in the Salt River Valley, this past year. The greatest amount of damage was done to the fourth crop, although the third crop was considerably reduced. The species reached destructive numbers in the eastern part of the valley, especially in the vicinity of Chandler, earlier than in other parts, so that the third crop was considerably damaged and in some fields totally destroyed. On July 22 Mr. T. Scott Wilson reported considerable damage to a field on Mr. Knep- jDer's ranch, and stated that in large spots, perhaps as large as 50 to 100 yards across, the alfalfa was completely defoliated. On July 29 the same observer states : " Mr. Lang's field, 3 miles north of Chandler, shows more damage than any other field I have seen this year. * * * The entire field is damaged, but on spots where the land is rather poor the alfalfa did not grow as rapidly as in other places, and after irrigation it came up quickly and at this tender stage the worms attacked it, completely stripping it of leaves." Mr. R. N. Wilson had previous to this, on July 25, made a similar but more general note in which he says : " The butterflies are now very numerous, and the larvse have stripped large patches in several fields. * * * The most serious damage began in the central part of the valley about a week or two weeks later than that de- scribed in the foregoing notes and was much more severe. On July 30 Mr. T. Scott Wilson reported very serious damage C)| miles south of Tempe. This field had about 25 to 50 per cent of the alfalfa de- stroyed." Then, on August 7 : " In Mr. Harmon's field, 1^ miles south of Tempe, there are a great many pupae and larvse. The alfalfa is almost completely bare of leaves." And on the same date he noted that Mr. Olsons's alfalfa in an 80-acre field, 1 mile south of town, was almost destroyed. Of course he meant the crop then present. On August 14 he mentions seven different ranches that had almost the entire fourth crop destroyed by Eurymus. A day later Mr. Wil- son visited several fields south of Phoenix and found the fourth crop here completely defoliated. It is thus seen that the damage ran into thousands of dollars just to this one crop alone. One can hardly anticipate exactly what would have been the resulting damage had these caterpillars gone on unmolested and produced another genera- tion of butterflies. Fortunately, however, the disease already men- tioned appeared at this time and prevented a large percentage, pos- sibly 90 to 95 per cent, from ever reaching the pupal stage. We thus have a history of the several outbreaks during the last few years in these two larger valleys of southern Arizona and California. 8 BULLETIN 124, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. There has also been damage in a smaller way, but just as miportant to the individual farmer, in other valleys of these States. In the Yuma Valley, near the town by that name, both the writer and Mr. R. N. Wilson have noted the occurrence of the caterpillars in de- structive numbers, and in the Buckeye Valley they have made similar observations. Mr. Long reported serious damage in the Buckeye Valley, and in 1913, on the Wessex ranch 2 miles Avest of the town of Buckeye, Eurymus larvae entirely stripped a 2Q-acre field, reduc- ing the alfalfa to mere stubble. In the Gila River Valley, between Thatcher and Safford, Ariz., Mr. R. E. L. Wixon, a deputy State nursery inspector, reports occasional devastation and often entire fields destroyed. In California Mr. T. D. Urbahns has at various times during 1913 reported outbreaks and very serious damage at several towns in the San Joaquin Valley. We quote the following from his notes: July 9, Corcoran: "Considerable injury where crojDs were left in field too long." September 13, Tulare : " Farmers generally re- ported heavy loss to their alfalfa crops from the ' alfalfa worm,' and on some fields the alfalfa was completely destroyed in July, then resuming its growth after the pests had subsided from natural control." September 14. Fresno : " ^\niile out a short distance north of town I observed fields yellow with butterflies. The leaves were nearly all badly eaten by the larvse, of which many were still present." September 15, Dos Palos : " Larvae present in moderate numbers, but causing much injury." September 16, Merced: "A 10-acre field of alfalfa south of town literally covered by larvae and adults. Stems had been stripped of their leaves." September 17, Modesto : " AVest of toAvn farmers consider the alfalfa worm a serious pest to their midsummer crops in July and August. Adults and larvae were still present in large numbers." At Indio, in the Coachella Valley, Mr. Bruce Drummond, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, has informed the author that considerable damage is done by these caterpillars and that at times it becomes quite severe. It is thus seen that what was once considered merely a thing of beauty has now become one of the worst enemies to alfalfa culture, causing betweeA $500,000 and $1,000,000 of damage annually to this crop in these southwestern sections alone. That the energetic and up-to-date farmer can greatly reduce and at times totally eliminate this damage is to be shown in the following pages. DESCRIPTION. All stages of Eurymus mtrytheme have been fully described by Edwards and Scudder, and since this paper is purely economic in purpose, no detailed description will be given, but instead a brief THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR. 9 Fig. 4. — The alfalfa caterpillar : Male in the adult, or butterfly, stage. One-half enlarged. (Author's illustration.) outline, such as would enable the casual observer to recognize the different forms. THE ADULT. The typical wing color of the adults is an orange-yellow with a black outer border above, and a lighter yellow color on the under- side with the black outer border wanting. There is a black discal spot in each of the four wings and a double discal spot of orange in each hind wing. The lower sur- face of the wing is the one noticed when the butterfly is at rest. The male (fig. 4.) may be distinguished from the female (fig. 1) by the fact that the outer border of the wings is solid black in the former, but broken by a line of yellow dots in the latter. A white or albino female form is frequently found with other color markings, the same as in the yellow form. The wing exj^anse is about 2 inches. EGG. The egg (fig. 5) is small, only 0.06 of an inch long, with from 18 to 20 slightly raised longitudinal ridges or ribs broken by cross lines. It is elongated, white when laid, but turning red- dish brown after the second day, and is deposited upright, with the basal end attached usually to the mt'ii upper surface of the leaf. LARVA. Fig. 5.— The alfalfa The newly hatched larva is a tiny, dark brown, caterpillar: Egg, cylindrical object which soon after feeding takes ^Redrawn from OH a gTceu coloT. Growth is rapid and the larva Scudder.) (fig_ g), after having shed its skin or molted four times, is a little more than an inch in length and is of a dark grass- green color, with a white stripe on each side of the body, through which runs a crimson line. Beneath this stripe on each segment or division of the body is a black spot. There is often an intermediate, narrower, broken, and less distinct white line just above each of the lateral lines. This may be wanting. In some specimens a black or dark green median dorsal line is also present. 48305°— Bull. 124—14 2 10 BULLETIN 124, U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGRICULTURE. PUPA. The ]oiipa (fig. 6) is yellowish green, with a conspicuous row of black dots just within the margin of each wing pad and three black dots on each side of the abdomen. It is free, having no cocoon, and is founds head up, attached closely by the posterior end to an alfalfa stalk or other support, with the anterior end hang- ing loosely in a threadlike swing which is joined to the same support. LIFE HISTORY AND HABITS. The complete life cycle for this insect averages about 38 days for all generations, the minimum length being about 26 days for the third brood and the maximum 64 daj^s for the first brood. (See Table III.) The time occupied by the different stages is as follows: Egg, 6 days; larva, 24 days; pupa, 7 days, and a resting and feeding period of 1 day following emergence of adults during which copulation takes place. Males usually complete the developmental period several days sooner than the females, and thus pass a longer period between emergence and copulation. Mr. W. H. Larrimer, working at Nash- ville, Tenn., made some interesting records on the life-cycle periods, as shown in Table I. It will be noted that these records were all made during the months of June and July and correspond with the tables for Arizona showing records made during weather of medium temperature. Table I. — Rearing records for the alfalfa caterpillar, Nashville, Tenn., 1913. Fig. 6. — The alfalfa caterpillar : Chrys- alis, or pupa. (Author's illustra- tion.) Egg laid. hatched. Egg stage. Larva pupated. Larval stage. Adult emerged. Pupal stage. Food plant. Days. Days. Days. June 41 June 7 3 June 26 19 Julv 2 16 Medicago sativa. 4> 7 3 July 1 24 8 7 Do. 4 7 3 3 26 10 7 Do. 27 30 3 16 16 23 7 Do. 27 30 3 16 16 23 7 Do. July 21 July .5 3 22 17 29 7 Do. 21 5 3 23 18 29 6 Do. 21 5 3 28 23 Aug. 1 5 Do. 21 5 3 30 25 6 7 Do. 161 19 3 Aug. 2 14 8 6 Trifolium hybridum. 27 30 3 13 14 20 7 Trifolium repens. 27 30 3 14 15 21 6 Do. 27 30 3 11 12 17 6 Vicia sativa. 27 30 3 12 13 17 5 Do. 27 30 3 11 12 17 6 Do. 27 30 3 15 16 21 fi Pisum sativum. 27 30 3 15 21 21 6 Glycine hispida. 1 4 3 July 28 24 2 6 Trifolium pratense. ' Reared under same conditions of light, moisture, temperature, and food supply. Days. Average length of egg stage 3 Average length of larval stage 18 Average length of pupal stage 6^ THE ALFALFA CATEEPILLAR. 11 EGG STAGE. The egg stage varies under ordinary temperatures from 2 to 15 days, the normal period being about 6 days. The length of the egg stage as observed for the six generations during the season of 1912 is as follows : First generation, 14rh days ; second generation, 4 days ; third generation, 3 days; fourth generation, 3^ days; fifth genera- tion, 3| days; sixth generation, 5 days. In the summer of 1913 Mr. T. Scott Wilson had eggs under observation which hatched in two days during the month of August, but with an average mean temperature of 87° F., and this same season Mr. E. H. Gibson, at Nashville, Tenn., obserA^ed eggs to hatch in an equally short time, with an average mean, temperature of 76° F. Mr. Gibson gathered three eggs on June 5 and noted that the time of oviposition was 3 p. m. He placed these in a box, and at 3 p. m., June 7, the larva? were found emerging from eggshells. Thus the remarkably short period of 48 hours elapsed from oviposition to hatching. The eggs are deposited upright, singly, on the upper surface of fresh, green alfalfa leaves. AVhen first deposited they are white in color, but change in a few hours to reddish brown. Just before hatching the upper end becomes light colored or nearly transparent, and the caterpillar gnaws its wa}^ out. LARVAL, OR CATERPILLAR, STAGE. Upon hatching, the larva makes its first meal on the eggshells, often consuming the whole shell. It then feeds upon the leaf, at first gnawing out xery small, tiny spots; but rapidly its appetite in- creases, and it is soon consuming the entire leaf, veins and all. Ob- servations made by the writer and by Mr. Watts, a former agent of this bureau, show that one larva consumes about 25 to 30 leaves dur- ing its lifetime. Its growth increases just as fast as its appetite, and often within 12 days the larva is full grown, having cast its skin, or molted, four times and having passed through five instars, or periods between molts, and increased from less than one-tenth inch to nearly li inches in length. The duration of these various instars (see Table II) is influenced greatly by temperature, and during cold or cool weather they are protracted considerably, so that often the complete larval period will cover a month or even more, the general average period for all temperatures being about 24 days. The larva in feeding stretches itself along an alfalfa stalk and is often rather hard to find, the green color of its body proving to be exactly the same shade as the alfalfa upon which it is feeding. 12 BULLETIN 124, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. B tn > . m »C "O lO »(5 00 »CH'' ) (M CM J C^ OJ (M co-^coo^c^'-ootn 0'3'0 § ■§' COiMCOCOCOCO'MCO'M (MI>.OOiOiOc lo COCOCNCNlMCSKNC^ rH C4 CO "^ O O t^ 00 C- OOO^^ ^ .-itNC sg • or CO c^ -* tt THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR. 13 PUPAL, OR CHRYSALIS, STAGE. As has been stated before, the pupaj are found hanging, head up, attached to alfalfa or other stems, and as their color blends with their environment they are often hard to see and will be overlooked unless searched for. Often, too, instead of pupating on a bare stem the larvae will crawl to a leafy stem and pupate there, thus protect- ing themselves still further from their enemies and from the rays of the sun. The average length of the pupal period for ordinary field temperatures is about 7 to 10 days, but varies considerably with the temperature. Records made by the writer at Tempe, Ariz., from March to September, 1912, showed a variation of from 5 to 10 days, and records made at the same place in 1913 showed a variation of from 5 to 7 days, while Mr. W. H. Larrimer, at Nashville, Tenn., secured records during the summer of 1913, from July 2 to August 21, in which the pupal stage varied from 5 to 7 days, averaging for 18 specimens GJ days. There is no doubt that the pupal period may be lengthened to 12 or 15 days, or even more, if the temperature is low enough. ADULT, OR BUTTERFLY, STAGE. The process of emergence from the pupa is one of short duration and usually occurs early on a bright morning. The butterfly crawls up a stalk, soon spreads and dries its wings, and is off looking for bloom upon which to feed. Copulation often takes place within a day or sometimes on the same day, and the female begins ovipositing on the day following. A large number of eggs is usually laid by one female. In the Southwest the number per individual is greater during spring and fall than during the extreme hot weather. At Tempe never more than 200 eggs were recorded for one female, the number often being as low as 50. At Tempe, also, the total number was often deposited in a single day, while specimens sent to New Hampshire deposited as many as 500 during a laying period of 11 days. This shows the relation of temperature to egg production. The sending of gravid female moths from Tempe, Ariz., to Prof. John H. Gerould, at Hanover, N. H., a railroad trip of several days, was a matter of interest and shows well the hardiness of the butter- flies. The butterflies were placed inside a tin box securely lined with moist blotting paper, and the box was then wrapped carefully and mailed. Vigorous specimens were secured and only a few to a box. While not every attempt was successful, a great many were so. Through the kindness of Prof. Gerould I quote from a letter written October 7, 1913: The third female from Arizona produced from one laying of eggs 214 males and 206 orange-yellow females. She was mailed at Tempe on June 6 and re- 14 BULLETIN 124, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUKE. ceived at Hanover in strong active condition on June 10. She began to lay on June 11 and continued until June 22. Her 420 adult offspring represent only a part of her caterpillar progeny, for, besides the loss through disease and acci- dent, 15 pupte succumbed to excessive cold and other unfavorable conditions In a refrigerator while undergoing an experiment to determine the effect of cold upon color. Probably 500 eggs were laid. The proportion of males to females in Arizona is about 2 to 1, but Gerould, in New Hampshire, finds them about equal. In the field at Tempe one will always be impressed with the superabundance of males. This difference in the proportion of the sexes as between Arizona and New Hampshire is probably due to the fact that in Arizona the intestinal disease kills a large number of the larvse ; and since males develop a few days sooner than females, it is likely that the majority of the larvse killed would have developed into females, while those escaping the disease become males. In New Hampshire Prof. Gerould is often able to rear over 90 per cent from egg to adult in confinement, while at Tempe it is rare that 25 per cent of the eggs are reared. In a blooming alfalfa field the per- centage of males to females is still higher, owing to the fact that fe- males after feeding and mating leave this older alfalfa to seek new growth. In searching out this tender growth for egg deposition it seems as if they knew that if their eggs were laid on the older alfalfa it might be cut before the larvse could mature. One can tell at a glance an ovipositing female. She has a hesitating flight and at intervals will drop down for a moment on an alfalfa leaf and, de- positing an egg, will flutter on, soon repeating the operation and de- positing as many as four or five eggs per minute. Among the yellow butterflies in a field one notices many white or albino forms. These are of the same species as the yellow ones and, according to Prof. Gerould,^ are merely color phases, as he has shown to be the case in Eurymus jjhilodice (Godart). FEEDING HABITS OF THE BUTTERFLIES. The butterflies of Eurymus eury theme feed upon nectar from the blossoms of a great many plants. Over a blooming alfalfa field one can often see them by the millions, visiting the blossoms and extract- ing the nectar therefrom. This habit has occasioned many remarks, farmers quite often being under the impression that these butterflies were producing some direct results upon the growth of the alfalfa crop. The b 3 "3 ft a ft . ft-d _o o 1 Gen- 1 a=ft era- tion. sl 3 c3 .c-2 "5 4J m c3 a s C3 % 1 1 1 u fi ;z; « !z; h^ h-1 < *A &H ^ <^ 1912. Days. Bans. Days. Days. °F. 1st. . . Mar. 24 Many. /Apr. 7 S 12 31 14\ 15f May 11 34 May 19 8 56 /17 females. \30 males... |63.5 2d ... May 27 36 May 31 36 4 June IS IS Jime 24 0 28 (2 lemales.. tl male }83.75 3d.... Jiine 25 Many. Jime 28 Many. 3 July 13 15 July 19 5 23 /3 females.. \2 males". . . . |S6.5 4th... Jixly 22 Many. July 25 Many. 3i Aug. 12 18 Aug. 19 7 28i /I female... \1 male |S4.5 5th... Aug. 23 6 Aug. 26 6 3i Sept. 9 16 Sept. 19 10 29* /3 remale.s.. \3 males |-80.0 6th... Sept. 2S Many. Oct. 3 Many. 5 Nov. IS 45 T hieseh ibemated. 64.0 1 The first half of this ta! le does not five duration of time elapsinf; lietween emergence and oviposition. 2 Date hero is the day the last ones issued. PERIODS AND DURATION OF GENERATIONS. Days. First generation, Mar. 24 to May 27 64 Second veneration, May 27 to June 25 29 Third generation, June 25 to July 22 26 Fourth treneration, .lulv 22 to Aug. 23 33 Fifth generation, Aug. 23 to Sept. 28 3Si Sixth generation. Sept. 2S to pupse in hibernation. Mr. T. Scott Wilson, working at Tempe, secured records during the year 1913 of three distinct generations from late March to the latter part of July, his observations thus corresponding fairly well with those of the writer during the previous year. The dates of the three generations were as follows : First brood, March 27 to May 20; second brood, May 20 to June 23; and third brood, June 23 to THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR. 17 July 23. Following this the intestinal disease attacked the larvae so generally that Mr. Wilson found it impossible to continue genera- tion records. Nevertheless, he states in his field notes that a fourth generation was out by the latter part of August. We thus see that there are in the colder sections of the country two generations an- nually and in the extreme warmer sections at least six and possibly more generations each year. FOOD PLANTS. Alfalfa seems to be the favorite food plant, but there are quite a number of others. The two buffalo clovers, Trifolium re-flexum and T. stoloniferum^^ were probably the original native food plants. For some years the species was thought not to live upon red clover {T. pratense), but Mr. E. H. Gibson, at Greenwood, ISiiss., and Mr. W. II. Larrimer, at Nashville, Tenn., proved conclusively that it does attack red clover. They collected both eggs and larvae from red clover and reared them to adults. During the summer of 1'913 the writer collected the larva3 feeding upon few-flowered Psoralea {Psora- lea tenuiflora) at Koehler, N. Mex., and Mr. Larrimer, at Nashville, made some interesting experiments, besides those on red clover. Using larvse that hatched indoors, he reared them from the following plants that had not already been reported as food plants: Alsike clover {T. hyhridum)^ soja bean {Glycine hispida), Canadian field peas {Pisum sativum), and hairy vetch {Vieia sativa). Repeated attempts to rear them on cowpeas {Vigna sinensis) resulted in fail- ure. He says : " On hairy vetch they seemed to thrive exceedingly well and completed their life history in a shorter period than on any other food plant." In July, 1910, the writer found larvsg feeding on sweet clover {Melilotus alha), which, strangely enough, they seemed to prefer to a patch of alfalfa growing close by. Eggs were observed to be very numerous upon the leaves of the sweet clover at the same time. Besides alfalfa and the buffalo clovers^ Scudder ^ has recorded Hosackia, ground plum {Astragalus cargacarpus) , and A. crotalaria' as food plants. The adults visit blooming plants for nectar, and they have been reported, doubtless erroneously, as feed- ing upon many of these. The butterfly is known to oviposit on toothed medicago or bur clover {Medicago hispida). Mr. E. H. (iribson, at Greenwood, Miss., reported females ovipositing on coffee weed {Seshan macrocarpa), which they curiously preferred to red clover growing near by. 1 Scudder, S. H. The Butterflies of the Eastern United States and Canada, v. 2, Cam- bridge, 1889, p. 1132. 48305°— Bull. 124—14 3 18 BULLETI2SI 124. U. S. DEPAKTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. HIBERNATION. According to earlier records by Edwards and those a little later by Scudder, which treat of the species in its northern rather than in its sonthem range, the alfalfa caterpillar hibernates as larvfc and adults, whereas G. H. French,^ in his revised edition of Butterflies of Eastern United States, reports the species as hibernating as chrysalids. The writer has observed the species hibernating in all three forms, if it could really at all times be termed hibernation. Hibernating chrysalids were found upon weed and alfalfa stems by the writer at both Tempe, Ariz., and El Centro, Cal., and at Welling- ton, Kans., Mr, Kelly reported the finding of hibernating pupa3 be- neath fence rails. Just a few larvae have been collected by sweeping at various tunes during the winter season at Tempe. During the last week in January, 1912, a single larva was taken, while in Janu- ary, 1913, Mr. R. N. Wilson took a third-instar larva less than two weeks after a very severe cold spell, i. e., severe for the Salt River Valley, a temperature of 13° F. having been recorded on two suc- cessive nights. On warm days adults have been observed in flight several times during the winters when the species was under obser- vation. In 1910 adults were taken at Tempe early in December, and Mr. W. E. Packard took them during the third week in December at El Centro, Cal. In the winter of 1911-12 adults were seen on the 20th of December and again in the middle of January. Larvae have been collected in January and, pupating within a few weeks, have issued early in March. Pupse collected in December have issued in February, but adults have never been noted to deposit eggs during the month of January. It is thus seen that at times hibernation amounts to nothing but a prolongation of one of the three stages, the usual activity for each respective stage being resumed on warm days that occur during the hibernation period. According to Boll ^ the species a^stivates in Texas as larvse during the dry period in summer when the food supply has become ex- hausted. The writer has never witnessed the aestivation of this spe- cies in the Southwest. In fact, it has always occurred in most abundance during the hotest months of the year, notably July and August. Other bureau records likewise show no report of aestiva- tion. It seems safe to assume that the change in habit from that early reported by Boll in Texas is due to recent irrigation of tracts of land well distributed over the arid regions of the Southwest. Originally the species had to aestivate during summer when clovers 1 French, G. H. The Butterflies of the Eastern United States. New and rev. ed., Phila- delphia, 1900, p. 130. - Boll, J. Ueber Dimorphismus und Variation einiger Schmetterlinge Nord Amerikas. Deut. Ent. Ztschr., Bd. 24, Heft 2, p. 241-248, 1880. THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR. 19 were dried up, but now, in the thrifty-growing alfalfa fields of this once arid country, it finds a place to continue its activity throughout the summer, and, as has been mentioned before, it is this very change that has enabled the species to become the pest that it is to-day. NATURAL CHECKS TO THE SPECIES. Were it not for the fact that this species is preyed upon by a great many natural enemies it would indeed prove a much more serious pest than it is at the present time. Parasites and predaceous insects, fungous and bacterial diseases, birds, toads, and even domestic fowls, all play a large part, toward keeping the species well within bounds during certain seasons of the year. In 1889 Scudder ^ said : " Strange to say, not a single parasite has been reported to attack this common insect." However, the au- thor and others, during the past three years, have reared as many as nine parasites from the various stages of this butterfly, and some of these at times are quite numerous. An example of the extent of parasitism may be gleaned from the following record of a collection of 154 pupse made at Tempe, Ariz., on August 26, 1912: No. of pupae. Inf<^sted by chalcid parasites 82 Partially eaten by Heliotliis obsoleta, etc 28 Rotten from intestinal disease 37 Infested by tacbinid parasites 6 Alive and bealtby 1 Total 154 This, of course, was an exceptional collection, but often collec- tions were made from which as few as 5 per cent of the pupse were reared to adults. The percentage of parasitism usually reaches the maximum during the month of August, so that rarely is much dam- age done by the caterpillar after that time. PARASITES OF THE EGGS. Only one egg parasite of Ewrymus eurytheme was found. This is the very common Tnchogramma mimitum Riley (fig. 7), which is known as an egg parasite of a great many species of insects. In its relation to eggs of this species it was first found by Mr. Harry New- ton, of the Bureau of Entomology, who was working at Tempe, Ariz., during the summer of 1913. On July 26 he found three eggs which were very dark in color, and two days later three of the tiny parasites issued from one of these. Two days previous to Mr. New- ton's collection Mr. T. Scott Wilson collected 100 eggs. From three 1 Scudder, S. H. The Butterflies of the Eastern United States and Canada, v. 2, Cam- bridge, 1889, p. 1132. 20 BULLETIN 124, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. of these parasites issued several days later, or 3 per cent. On July 28 Mr. Newton, encouraged by his first efforts, collected 31 eggs that appeared to be parasitized. Twenty-six of these produced, in the course of five days, 76 parasites, or nearly 3 to each egg. Seventeen freshly laid eggs were exposed to female para- sites by Mr. Newton on August 1, and on August 8 eight of these produced 24 adult parasites, showing the length of the combined egg, larval, and pupal stages to have been seven days. Nine failed to be parasitized, and one produced 5 parasites in six days. On August 16 Mr. Wilson collected 19 eggs, 60 per cent of which were parasitized. It is thus seen that this tiny parasite is of considerable benefit in reducing the numbers of the alfalfa caterpillar. From the records it seems that the increase of the parasites from July to August was quite rapid. The fact that the life cycle is of so short duration is partially responsible for this, as it doubtless gives a chance for two broods of parasites upon the eggs of one generation of Eurymus. HYMENOPTEROUS PARASITES OF THE CATERPILLARS AND CHRYSALIDS. Four species, of hymenopterous parasites of the caterpillars and chrysalids were found. Specimens of a Limnerium were reared Fig. 7. — Trie ho gram ma minutum, a parasite of the eggs of the alfalfa butterfly, in act of oviposition in an egg of the brown-tail moth {Euproct is chrysor- rhwa ). Greatly en- larged. ( Prom How- ard and Piske.) Fig. 8. — Limnerivm n. sp., an icbnenmonid parasite of the alfalfa caterpillar : Adult. Greatly enlarged. (Original.) by the author at El Centro, Cal., in 1910, and what is supposedly the same species was reared in considerable numbers by Mr. L. P. THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR, 21 Rockwood at Salt Lake City in the summer of 1913 and has since been determined by Mr. A. B. Gahan, of this bureau, as Limnenum n. sp. (fig. 8). Mr. Rockwood found these parasites of material ben- efit in the suppression of outbreaks in Utah and always reared them from young and only partially grown larva?. At Salt Lake City, during the summer of 1913^ he also reared a goodly number of a small hymenopteron, Apanteles {Protopanteles) ftavicomhe Riley. This species is gregarious, but was not found to be sufficiently nu- merous to exert any marked effect upon the abundance of Eurymus. The common Chalets ovata Say (fig. 9) was first reared from this species by the writer in 1910, at El Centro. Only one specimen was secured, but in 1912 the author reared many adults, and in 1913 the Messrs. Wilson reared adults from pupae collected in both Ari- zona and California. Pig. 9. — Chalcis ovaia, a parasite of the pupa of the alfalfa caterpillar : a, Pujja ; h, para- sitized pupa of tussock moth {Hemerocainpa lencostigma) ; c, adult; d, same in profile; e, pupal exuvium. Enlarged. (From Howard.) PTEE0MALU8 EURYMI GAHAN. The three parasites just mentioned are of minor importance, but the fourth is of great assistance in suppressing outbreaks of the alfalfa caterpillar. It is a new species, recently described by Mr. Gahan ^ as Pteromalus eurymi (fig. 10). Mr. H. T. Osborn, at Wel- lington, Kans., in September, 1910, reared 40 specimens of this spe- cies from a pupa of Eurymus, but the specimens were put into alcohol and not determined until November, 1913. When, therefore, Mr. R. N. Wilson secured a parasitized pupa in December, 1911, and 1 Gahan, A. B. New Hymenoptera from North America. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., v. 46, p. 431-443, 1913. "Pteromalus eurymi, new species," p. 435-436. 22 BULLETIN 124^ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. reared this parasite, it was believed to be the first rearing record. During the following summer the parasites were so numerous that it was hard to understand why they had not been discovered before. Collections of pupae of Eurymus were made by the writer in August, Fig. 10. — Pteromalus eurymi, a parasite of piipit> of the alfalfa caterpillar : Adult. Greatly enlarged. (Ori^nal.) 1912, and showed that 49 per cent were parasitized by this species. The record follows: Table IV. — Parasitism of pupw of the alfalfa caterpillar by Pteromalus eurymi. Date. Pupae collected. Infested with Per cent Ptero- infested, malus. 1912. Aug. 5 Aug. 14 Aug. 19 Aug. 26 Total and average 65 39 11 154 40 43+ 63+ 53 49 This insect thus seems to be exerting a larger influence than any other parasite toward the control of the alfalfa caterpillar. In 1913 Mr. T. Scott Wilson did not find it nearly so numerous in the Salt River Valley as was the case the year before. Just why this was so, it is hard to say. The extremely cold weather during the THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR. 23 preceding winter may have killed the hibernating Pteromalus larvse (fig. 11). In the same year Mr. R. N. Wilson found the species quite numerous in the Imperial Valley of California. As many as 20 per cent of the Eurymus pupae were parasitized by it. This parasite seems to be distributed over a considerable area, for, besides being present in Arizona and California and, as stated, at Wellington, Kans., it has been reared during the season of 1913 and found to be quite abundant at Salt Lake City, Utah, by Mr. Rock- wood, and at Nashville, Tenn., specimens were raised by Mr. Larri- mer from a single pupa of Eurymus. It seems almost certain that this parasite winters as a larva with- in the pupal shell of the host. The first lot collected in a pupa of the alfalfa caterpillar in December were discovered as larvae in January and soon thereafter turned to pupae (fig. 12), issuing as adults in March. The Fig. 11. — Pteromalus eurymi: Larva. Greatly enlarged. (Original.) Fig. 12. — Pteromalus eurymi: Pupa. Greatly enlarged. (Original.) B'IG. 13. — Pteromalus eurymi: Adults is- suing from chrys- alis of alfalfa cat- erpillar. Enlarged nearly three diam- eters. (Original.) eggs are laid in pupae of Eurymus, from 40 to 114 parasites develop- ing in one pupa. About 80 to 90 per cent of these are females and the rest males, and the adults issue from one or more tiny holes in the pupa of their host. (See fig. 13.) The combined length of the egg, larval, and pupal stages in the warmer weather of August is from 12 to 15 days, while the pupal stage was found to cover 4 days in the month of August and 12 to 15 days in February, the variation being due to differences of temperature. Thus several generations are possible each season, and thus, with abundant egg production and high percentage of females, gives rise to a rapid increase in the number of parasites, so that by late August the multiplication of the host species is checked. 24 BULLETIN 124, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. '^— ^ Fig. 14. — Phorocera claripennis, a parasite of the alfalfa caterpillar. Adult and enlarged antenna of same; puparium. Enlarged. (Prom Howard.) DIPTEROUS PARASITES. Three tachinid flies, determined by Mr. W. R. Walton, of this bureau, have been reared from the larvae and pupae of this caterpil- lar. Phorocera claripennis Macq. (fig. 14) is the most important of these, its wide dis- tribution and abundance of alternate hosts causing it to be always on hand. In 1910 at El Centro, Cal., the writer observed as many as 15 per cent of Eurymus larvae with eggs of this species at- tached to them ; while in 1913 Mr. T.Scott Wilson, at Tempe, Ariz., observed as many as 50 per cent of larvae with eggs upon them, and in some cases there were as many as five or six to one cater- pillar. Of course a great many of these eggs are shed in molting, but a majority of them hatch, and the maggot, entering the Eurymus larva, kills it in a short time. P. claripennis has been reared from this species at the following other places: Salt Lake City, Utah (E. J. Vosler and L. P. Rockwood) ; Wellington, Kans. (H. T. Osborn) ; Greenwood, Miss. (E. H. Gibson) ; Nash- ville, Tenn. (W. H. Larrimer). Three specimens of Frontina archippivora Will, were reared from a larva and pupa collected at El Centro, Cal., by Mr. R. N. Wilson, and a single specimen of the same species was reared by Mr. Rockwood at Salt Lake City, while at El Centro a single speci- men of Masicera sp. was reared by the writer. Besides these tachinid parasites, another small dipteron was dis- covered by Mr. T. Scott Wilson to be parasitic upon the pupae. This Avas a small brown phorid (fig. 15) which has been determined by Mr. J. R. Malloch as ' Aphiochceta perdita,, a species recently de- PiG. 15. — AphiochcBta perdita, a phorid parasite of the pupa of the alfalfa cater- pillar. Greatly enlarged. (Original.) THE ALFALFA CATEEPILLAR. 25 scribed by him ^ as new. This is supposedly a new record of habit for this species, but according to Mr. Wilson it was reared time and again from pupse which were alive when collected; thus the flies could not be acting as scavengers, but must have been true parasites. OTHER INSECT ENEMIES. Fig. 16. — Bollworm (Heliothis obsoleta), an enemy of the alfalfa caterpillar. Twice natural size. (Author's illustration.) A large green caterpillar, known as the bollworm, Heliothis obso- leta Fab. (fig. 16), which can be distinguished from the alfalfa caterpillar because it is of a lighter green color, about one- fourth larger, hairy, and rough in appearance rather than smooth, with three black lines traversing its body lengthwise, is quite prevalent in the Imperial and Salt River Valleys, and is often mistaken for the alfalfa caterpillar by many farmers. As observed by the writer, and later by Mr. T. Scott "Wilson, it was found to do very little damage to al- falfa, but to be a ravenous enemy of the alfalfa caterpillar, never eat- ing alfalfa as long as it could find the larvse or pupse of Eurymus. Messrs. E. O. G. Kelly and T. H. Parks noted this species at Welling- ton, Kans., in the summer of 1909, and re- ported it as being of a predaceous habit.- The writer observed a bollworm larva to eat five large larvae of Eurymus during a single day, and both the writer and Mr. T. Scott Wilson counted dozens of pupal cases with the contents eaten out (fig. 17) and many times with the Heliothis larva still feeding upon and devouring the pupse. Mr. Wilson, on July 15, 1913, remarked in his field notes that " Heliothis was observed in Fig. 17.— Chrysalis of alfalfa great numbers feeding upon Eurvmus pupse, caterpillar that has been ^ . ^ '^ ^ i eaten out by a bollworm. and in a icw mstanccs on Eurymus larvse. Enlarged about two diam- rpj^g Heliothis makes a hole in the side of eters. (Original.) i • i the pupa, through which he puts his head and eats out the contents of the pupa." The writer has observed the end of the abdomen eaten off the pupa ; again, an opening would be made on the side, often the entire side being destroyed. ■1 Malloch, J. R. The insects of the dipterous family Phoridae in the United States National Museum. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., v. 4:j, p. 4.59-400, 1912. "Aphiochwta pcrdita, new species," p. 459. - This cannibalistic habit has also bewi observed in Texas by Quaintance ami Rrues. (U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent., Bui. 50, p. 79-80, 1905.) 26 BULLETIN 124, U, S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The malachiid beetle, Collops vittatus Say (fig. 18), is rather numerous in the alfalfa fields of Arizona and was suspected of bear- ing some relation to Eurymus. Mr. T. Scott Wilson found both adults and larvae feeding upon pupse of the alfalfa caterpillar. He observed as many as 20 beetles feeding upon as many pupae in a single day. This beetle seems to feed upon either live or dead Eurymus larvae and pupae and does not appear to have much choice between the two. It attacks a pupa or larva and, piercing it, sucks the juices that exude. In this way a hole is gradually made in the host, which, of course, is killed. Being small, the beetle does not consume much of its prey, but wanders off, and the next time it is hungry it attacks a new pupa or larva and thus kills many. Larvae were taken in the act of feeding upon Eurymus pupse, placed in vials, and reared to adult Collops. Two species of ants, Pogonomyrmex harbatus Smith and Cre- mastogaster Uneolata Icevius- cula var. clara Mayr ( ?) were observed to attack Eurymus larvae and kill them. Several species of robber flies have been observed to catch the adult butterflies and feed upon them. The writer took Prod acanthus milbei'tii Macq. with a butterfly in its claws, and Mr. H. E. Smith, at Koehler, N. Mex., observed the butterflies being carried off by Stenopogon pictico7''nis Loew (fig. 19). A FUNGOUS ENEMY. Fig. 18. — Collops vittatus, a beetle that preys upon the alfalfa caterpillar. Greatly enlarged. (Original.) Fig. 19. — Stenopogon picticornis, a robber fly that preys upon alfalfa butterflies. Not quite natural size. (From C. N. Ainslie.) A fungus was found to at- tack the pupa? in the Salt River Valley in 1912. This is sometimes quite common, but never abundant, although more prevalent about August than at other times, probably owing to higher humidity. Dr. THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAB. 27 Flora W. Patterson, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, has determined this as a Fusarium. In her letter she says : " The fungus, which bears strong evidence of being parasitic, has quite filled the body cavity and is either a Fusarium or Microcera," and states that the majority of similar fungi are reported upon scale insects. Later she says, " Cul- tures of the above fungus, parasitic upon Eurynius eurytheme^ have developed in the most satisfactory manner, and it is probably an undescribed parasitic Fusarium." A DISEASE. As has been mentioned earlier in this paper^ a disease which is probably bacterial and resembles flacherie of the silkworm is quite common upon larvae and pupae of Eurymus. At times, evidently during periods of higher humidity accompanied by warm weather, as in July and August, it becomes so widespread as to kill a great majority of a brood and often nearly annihilates it. This disease is by far the greatest natural check against which the alfalfa cater- pillar has to contend and is one of the most important factors look- ing toward its control. The dead worms, which are nothing but soft decayed masses found hanging to the alfalfa stalks, are sometimes so numerous as to make sweeping with an insect net impossible, the net in a few sweeps be- coming so foul as to> render other insect specimens of little value. The disease has proved a great detriment to the successful carrying on of life-history experiments and the rearing of parasites, owing to the fact that large percentages of larvae taken to the laboratory and confined often die from it. Frequently, where a hay crop is not totally destroyed by a brood of caterpillars before they are killed by this disease, the decayed remains on the hay become so foul as to render the hay quite unpalatable for horses and hence of low value. As has been suggested, the development of the diseased condition in either larvae or pupae — for it attacks both — depends largely upon moisture. The disease is present at all times, and a few larvae from each brood are killed, but it is only when a period of high humidity accompanied by warm weather occurs that it becomes so prevalent as to attack the worms in large numbers. It has been found that at certain times these conditions of moisture may be produced arti- ficially by irrigation, and, as is discussed in a later paragraph, the disease, thus fostered, is utilized as a factor in controlling the pest. That the disease does not at all times keep the caterpillar in check is doubtless due to the dry climate of these southwestern countries, and a comparison of the conditions in the Imperial Valley of Cali- fornia Avith those in the Salt River Valley of Arizona supports this view. The Imperial Valley is unique in location, being below sea 28 BULLETIN 124, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. level and having an average annual rainfall of probably less than 2 inches, while the Salt River Valley has an elevation of some 1,200 feet and an annual rainfall of about 8 inches. A study of the out- breaks of Eurymus in the two valleys shows them to vary inversely with the rainfall. In the dryer Imperial Valley the outbreaks are more numerous and severe and the resultant damage is greater than in the Salt River Valley with its greater rainfall and its longer period of humid weather during the hot summer months. The worms when first attacked take on a lighter green color and become sluggish; but in a few hours they change to a brownish* black and melt down into a decaying mass. A first sign of the! breaking down of tissues may often be noted when the worm is still active, a slight exudation at some small broken place, usually in front; and the writer has noted specimens with the anterior end blackened and the posterior end still slightly moving, showing that life was not yet extinct. The attack upon a pupa is similar, except that the stronger pupal covering usually prevents the melting down of the specimen, and later the decayed contents of the interior dry up, leaving the empty black shell still intact. BIRDS AND DOMESTIC FOWLS. Few records are available showing the relation of wild birds to the alfalfa caterpillar. Several times the writer has observed birds with larvae in their bills, but he was unable to capture these, not having the necessary firearms. Domestic fowls, however, play an important part in the history of this insect. In alfalfa adjoining farmhouses where chickens or turkeys have the run of the field one rarely finds alfalfa caterpillars in numbers, whereas fields adjoining chicken lots inclosed with wire fence, keeping the poultry out of the alfalfa, suffered severe damage. In Mr. R. N. Wilson's notes for 1912 he reports that " Mr. Carlos Stannard, living 4 miles northeast of Glendale, Ariz., killed a young rooster and found 24 Eurymus larvse in the rooster's crop." Mr. T. Scott Wilson was informed by Mr. Everett, living near Tempe, that he and his wife had found a dozen larva? in a chicken's crop, the chickens having access to an al- falfa field growing near the house. By the same observers, turkeys have been noted feeding greedily upon the larvae, a flock in travel- ing across an alfalfa field eating hundreds of them. Mr. T. Scott Wilson, on July 21, 1913, at Chandler, Ariz., made the following note : I observed one dozen turkeys in a half acre of alfalfa on the lots of the United States power house feeding upon Eurymus larvae. The alfalfa is about 12 inches high and is tender. I find only a few Eurymus feeding upon this alfalfa, while in a large field just across the fence the alfalfa is almost destroyed, except that in that portion next to the house where the tur- THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR. 29 keys likewise feed tliere are few Eurymus to be found, and consequently no damage. * * * j jijgQ observed several chickens feeding upon Eurymus larvae. From these observations it is seen tlia.t chickens may be utilized in small fields to keep down the numbers of alfalfa caterpillars, and that turkeys, because of their roving nature, can be used to advantage in larger fields. Mr. Charles Springer, of Cimarron, N. Mex., in- forms the writer that he hires a boy to herd an immense flock of turkey's on the range, so that they may feed upon the grasshoppers destroying the grama grass and other range grasses (see PL I, fig. 2, p. 4). It seems that the same method could be employed in out- breaks of the alfalfa caterpillar.^ There is always a good demand for fattened turkeys, and with the cheap labor of a Mexican boy for herding the turkeys, if this additional expense is really necessary, the caterpillars could be kept within bounds at a very small cost per acre, or possibly even at a profit. OTHER ENEMIES. Quite a few observations have been made upon the food habits of toads. These batrachians have been found to feed upon both adults and larvse of Eurymus, as many as 45 adults and 1 larva having been found in a single stomach on one occasion, while on another 15 Eurymus larvae were found, besides 4 of Heliothis, 3 geometrids, 3 larvae not classified, a cricket, and the remains of a few beetles. As toads are quite numerous throughout the alfalfa fields of the Salt River Valley, they must exert a considerable influence toward the suppression of outbreaks of the alfalfa caterpillar. THE CONTROL OF THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR. PASTURING VERSUS HAYING. It was first noted by the writer in 1910, during his early study of the subject, that fields in pasture are never troubled as much by the alfalfa caterpillar as are haying fields. Since then this has been clearly verified, not only by the writer but by others connected with the work. On July 14, 1913, Mr. R. N. Wilson makes the following note, which bears out this statement: Many of the fields about El Centro have been cut recently and so show nothing now as to Eurymus conditions. Many are also being pastured, and in these the caterpillar attack is slight. In some fields which have not been either pastured or cut the damage is considerable. There are several factors which explain this. At first it was thought to be owing entirely to the lack of bloom for the butter- 1 Of course care should be exercised not to allow the turkeys in the alfalfa after it has become too high and rank, nor should too great a number be used in any one field, as in such cases the alfalfa might be badly trampled. 30 BULLETIN 124, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGKICULTUEE. flies to feed upon and to the fact that the greater part of the fields was kept closely grazed, making the alfalfa less favorable for the laying and development of the eggs. Under such conditions the number of eggs deposited in a given field is greatly reduced. Many of the eggs laid on the young growth under such conditions are destroyed by the grazing of the stock, and the percentage that de- velops is kept at a minimum. Later on it was noted that on the stock ranches visited the disease previously mentioned, which is com- mon to lepidopterous larvss, was more prevalent in pastured ranches than in hay ranches. The prevalence of the disease in such fields is clue to the fact that usually a few days after stock are turned in the alfalfa becomes trampled. The ground and the alfalfa are very moist, there being more or less dew every morning, and droppings from the cattle bring about a foul condition in the field, thus assist- ing in the retention of moisture, Avhich, in turn, is conducive to the development of the disease. If fields can be systematically and carefully pastured, damage from the caterpillar will accordingly be at a minimum. Cattle should never be allowed on a field when wet nor for too long a period, say from 24 to 35 days, and disking or renovating should always follow so as to loosen the soil and place it in a receptive condition for future irrigation. It is on ranches and fields from which successive crops of hay are taken that the height of the damage is reached. In such fields the conditions for the development of the species are as nearly ideal as possible, and here the worms are ordinarily unmolested in their feed- ing and growth. The period elapsing from the time that one crop is cut until another is ready for harvesting so nearly coincides with the length of the period necessary for the develo])ment of any one gen- eration of the butterfly that the cutting of the hay, as ordinarily carried on, does not reduce their numbers or disturb their work, since the worm will likely be in the advanced stage, or, perhaps, have passed into tlie pupal stage, before the crop is cut. CONDITIONS AFFECTING INJURY. As has been pointed out, this insect is ordinarily kept in control by its natural enemies, such as insect parasites and diseases, and it is only upon the occnrrence of conditions unfavorable to the development of these enemies that serious outbreaks occur. It has also been noted time and again, both by the v;riter and others, that the seriousness of the damage quite often depends upon the farming methods used by the individual whose fields are attacked, or upon certain other conditions, such as character of soil, quantity of water for irrigation, location of land, etc. The former are conditions that the individual may remedy by changing his methods, while the latter may be prac- tically alleviated by proper handling of the farm in question. THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR. 31 The damage in some alfalfa fields is quite often apparently cor- related with the condition of the soil. A field seriously damaged often reveals a poor soil — at least a soil not well adapted to alfalfa culture, and consequently producing a slow-growing crop. Of course not all of the fields damaged were of poor soil ; some of the very best alfalfa fields were seriously ravaged, but in these cases this was often attributable to other factors. Sandy loams or light soils are the best for alfalfa production, and consequently are the least damaged, owing to the fact that the alfalfa, growing more rapidly, is often able to recover from insect attacks and be ready for harvest before any noticeable damage has been done. A heavy soil can be improved and the growth of the alfalfa increased by deep plowing and thor- ough preparation of the seed bed at time of seeding the crop and then by renovating the alfalfa several times a year, either by disking or by the use of an alfalfa renovator. By such a procedure in irri- gated regions the soil will more readily take water, and thus plant growth will be stimulated. A fanner who attempts to use up-to-date and proper cultural methods is unfortunate indeed when his alfalfa fields, for which he is caring properly, are just across the fence from fields that are run down, and hence are breeders of insects. No matter how careful his efforts, some damage may be done owing to reinfestation of his fields from the butterflies supplied by his neighbor's field, Nevertheless enough may be accomplished through his own efforts to pay many times. Again, the amount of water applied is often insufficient, sometimes because of neglect on the part of the rancher, and sometimes because of scarcity of supply. The former case is under the rancher's con- trol; he should use care in applying the water and should eliminate waste. Sufficient water should be used to provide for the prompt development of the alfalfa crop, for in this way the farmer can reap his crop earlier and before the caterpillars have effected much damage. Soon after agents of the Bureau of Entomology began observations and experiments looking toward the control of the species it was noticed that damage to alfalfa was often, although not always, associated with careless methods of farming and a lack of appre- ciation on the part of some ranchers of the benefits to be derived from carefvi], clean cultural methods. This is sometimes due to the fact that tlie rancher is trying to cultivate more land than it is possible for one man to farm successfully with the limited amount of labor and capital at his disposal. A great many times poor man- agement is responsible for a failure where other methods would have meant success. 32 BULLETIN 124, U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. CLOSE CUTTING AND CLEAN CUTTING. In harvesting the hay crop ranchers usually have to depend upon labor tliat, while often the best obtainable, is not by any means of the best class, and thus cutting is often done in a careless manner, stubble is left high and ragged, bunches of hay are left uncut at turn- ing rows or on borders, ditch banks and fence rows are rarely or never cut, and the field presents the spectacle shown in Plate I, fig- ure 3, page 4, and Plate II, figure 3. Thus any caterpillars that may still be present have a considerable amount of alfalfa upon which to feed and develop, and soon do so, so that the butterflies from these are ready for the next crop. Such places also afford bloom which attracts adult butterflies from other fields, and these lay eggs on the new alfalfa that soon springs up. If such neglected fields are treated as are those shown in Plate II, figures 1 and 2, there will be no food to enable any remaining caterpillars to complete their development; besides this, there will be no protection for them from an early irrigation or the rays of the hot sun, either one of which will kill them. Heat of the midday sun, accompanied by prompt irrigation immediately following such clean cutting, will nearly always kill Eurymus larvae, especially in the warm Southwest. This is such an important item that one should not hesitate to go to the necessary exj)ense in order to secure such a condition of cleanliness. In two cases in the Imperial Valley in 1910 it became necessary, because the hay had lodged badly, to remow a field at a cost of from 30 to 50 cents per acre, and in each case the results obtained in the follow^ ing crop more than paid for the cost of the experiment. EXPERIMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. In California, in 1910, 10 fields were selected in which good cul- tural conditions were to be created and in which methods were to be inaugurated that would not further the development of the cater- pillars. The thing done in these fields was to put them under a sys- tem that would remedy as far as possible all or part of the defects recorded on a previous page. During that season (1910) a large part of the damage was due to the caterpillars of the third and fourth generations, the first and second not being numerous enough to assume any serious aspect. The task, then, was to keep their numbers below the point at which they could do any considerable damage. The time to start this control work was naturally with the earlier generations. The 10 fields mentioned (no two of which had had the same conditions of culture previous to that year, and which had all suffered more or less damage the year before, namely, in 1909) were given what might be termed clean culture, or careful management. Just as soon as possible after removing a crop of hay 3ul. 124, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. Fig. 1.— Fence Row Bordering Alfalfa Field, Showing Clean Cutting, WHICH Helps TO Reduce the Alfalfa Caterpillar as Well as Other Insect Pests. (Original.) Fig. 2.— Alfalfa Field Showing Close, Clean Cutting Necessary for Reducing a Generation of Alfalfa Caterpillars. (Original.) Fig. 3.— Fence Row and Ditch Bank Showing Neglected Growth of Alfalfa and Grass, which Offers Protection and Hibernating Quarters for the Alfalfa Caterpillar and Other Insect Pests. CLEAN CULTURE AND THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR. i THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAR. 33 the field was irrigated thoroughly, thus starting the growth quickly. The field was again irrigated as soon as the diy condition of the crop required, and thus the growth was forced and not allowed to be checked. It requires about 28 days to produce a hay crop in the Imperial Valley — a little longer than this in the spring and fall, and a few days less in warmer weather. It also takes practically the same period of time, as has been shown on a previous page, for the butter- flies to develop from egg to adult. Now, if the crop of hay be forced by frequent watering, or because of good soil conditions, the worms will not have gone into the resting stage at time of cutting, but, in- stead, will still be feeding on the green alfalfa, and when the hay is cut and removed conditions will be unfavorable for their develop- ment and their food supply will be reduced. The hay in these fields was cut just as it was coming into bloom, which is a few days sooner than it is generally thought advisable to cut it. The advan- tage of this early cutting is often very important, for if worms are present in damaging numbers they will take a whole field in a short time. In this case not only will the hay be saved, but a major portion of the larvae, if clean cultural methods are used, will find a lack of the food necessary for their complete development, and this, asso- ciated with hot weather and irrigation following the removal of the cured hay, will cause them ultimately to perish. Of the 10 fields handled according to these methods only 1 was damaged to any considerable extent. The other 9 were not entirely free from larvae, but the numbers were so reduced as to pre- clude any chance of noticeable injury to the alfalfa. In the one exceptional field the damage was due to the fact that irrigation had been delayed for nearly two weeks after the cutting of the second crop, owing to a new ditch which was under construction. Being a thrifty field naturally, the alfalfa had made a start, assisted by the moisture still present in the ground, and butterflies coming in from an outside field deposited eggs on this new growth, thus en- abling the worms to destroy the best of the crop after it was finally irrigated. As a result almost an entire crop was lost. A field ad- joining on the south, which had been irrigated immediately after cutting, was not in the least damaged. This was a lesson in itself, as it indicated the necessity for prompt work. These observations in California in 1910 have been further sup- plemented by observations at Tempe, Ariz., and El Centro, Cal., in 1912. This year (1912) the writer made two trips into the Imperial Valley. Several ranchers had kept records of their methods of hand- ling alfalfa, and these records show conclusively the same results as those of 1910. Two ranchers especially were found who had prac- 34 BULLETIN 124, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. tically controlled the pest in the last few years, and they have accomplished it altogether by such methods as have just been de- scribed. One of these men, Mr. Henry Stroven, whose ranch is north of Holtville, says that he has had a minimum of damage. His ranch evidences his careful and systematic cultural methods. Ditch banks and fence rows are clean, and there is scarcely a weed noticeable on the entire ranch. Mr, Stroven informed the writer that he always renovates twice a year and sometimes oftener and also aims to keep his alfalfa abundantly watered in order to get a quick, thrifty growth. The other rancher, Mr. "William INIans- field, of Brawley, practices the same methods in use by Mr. Stroven, and his ranch also shows this. Neither of these ranchers aims to allow his alfalfa to stand longer than five years in a certain field. Instead, he plows it up, raises some other crop for a 3'ear, and then reseeds to alfalfa, thus bringing into play a system of crop rotation whicii not only kepps the soil in excellent condition, but prevents insect increase. Mr. Mansfield told the writer that in 1908 he had considerable damage when his May cutting was getting a little more than two-thirds grown. One day he noticed that damage from the caterpillar was very apparent. The next day the effect was much more noticeable. So he mowed the alfalfa, taking it up at once, and irrigating as soon as possible. He thus saved by far the greater part of the crop infested and, besides, was not troubled again that year. The following observations, made by Mr. R. N. Wilson in July, 1913, also bear out the foregoing statements: One farm was examined near JNIeloland, CaL, to-day. This is a dairy farm belonging to Mr. Cooli. In order tliat the hay may be in the best condition, Mr. Cook cuts it just as it conies into bloom. He in this way gets two more cuttings of hay per year than his neighbors, who allow their fields to come to full bloom before cutting. His crops have never been badly injured by Eurymus, while his neighbors have more or less injury every year. He also keeps his alfalfa in a thrifty condition, and the rapid growth is another element in Eurymus control. These three examples show the practicability and the success of the methods proven by observation and experimentation to be means of controlling outbreaks of the alfalfa caterpillar. EXPERIMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS IN ARIZONA. Observations similar to those in California were made in Arizona by the author in 1912 and in 1913 by Mr. T. Scott Wilson. The same relation has been noted to exist between clean culture and good farm- ing methods in general and damage by the alfalfa caterpillar as existed in California, But in Arizona, as the soil conditions are somewhat different from those in California, it is necessary for the application of water to be even more timely. In many parts of the THE ALFALFA CATEEPILLAK. 35 Salt River Valley there is a layer of subsurface water. This is lack- ing in the Imperial Valley. Thus when a crop has been removed in the former place alfalfa soon sprouts, and eggs are laid sooner and have made some headway when irrigation has finally been accom- plished. While there is a limit to the promptness with which a crop can be removed from the ground after being cut, and consequently a limit to the promptness with which the ground can be irrigated, yet these measures should always be carried out just as soon as possible, thus avoiding damage b}^ reason of the difference noted. In 1912 Mr. Peter Aepli, living a mile south of Tempe, began cul- tural methods especially meant to control outbreaks of the alfalfa caterpillar. It is to be noted that even previous to this time Mr. Aepli had carried on a system of crop culture that would secure the maximum returns from his land; so that about the only change in his methods was an addition of factors that take into consideration the status of the alfalfa caterpillar at the time of each cutting; that is to sa}', he cuts at a time that will do the most harm to any larvae that may be present and before any damage is done to the alfalfa. August 1, 1912, it was found that a considerable number of cater- pillars were present in Mr. Aepli's field and that he would have to cut earlier than he had intended in order to save it from serious damage. On August 3 he cut the hay, doing a fine clean job. On August 5 he removed the hay from the ground and then followed this with disking and irrigation. The worms were all killed, the present crop saved, and no further damage was done to the alfalfa in that field that year. The effect of these careful and painstaking methods was also noted in the field the year following. From Mr. T. Scott Wilson's notes of August 4, 1913, is quoted the following : An 80-acre field of alfalfa across the fence from Mr. Aepli's is almost com- pletely destroyed, while Mr. Aepli's is damaged but very little. Mr. Aepli is cutting his hay to-day. The larvae are not full grown yet, so he is taking their food from them before they mature. He usually cuts his hay close to the ground and before it gets too ripe, hence Eurymus do not bother him much. Another example of the effect a careful system of clean cultural methods will have upon caterpillar devastations is noted in a 640- acre ranch just south of Tempe, Ariz. Here the clean-up methods are accomplished by a combined system of haying and pasturing and are quite successful. The ranch should really be termed a cattle ranch, but after the owners' young steers that have been raised on their range in northern Arizona are fed out in the winter and spring, sev- eral crops of hay are made, stacked up in the field, and fed the next winter. The hay from such crops is cut often, not allowed to get overmatured, and as the owners emplo}^ a large force of men it is hastily stacked and then, following this, 40 to GO head of steers are turned in for about three days, during which tune they clean up S6 BULLETIN" 124, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTTJRE. every growing sprig in the field. They are then sent to another field, and so on and on, the owners in this way keeping their alfalfa ahead of the butterflies, and by the clean-up method few larvae are allowed to develop to adults. Of course, not everyone can have stock available at just the right time, but this is another example of what clean-up methods will do. IRRIGATION AS A FACTOR IN CONTROL. As has been stated in a previous paragraph, moisture is conducive to the development of the disease which plays an important part in the control of this insect. A number of experiments were therefore tried by which, with the use of irrigation water, an attempt was made to supply moisture artificially so that the worms would be- come diseased. This was found to be quite successful. In fields where clean methods of cutting are used at haying time and this is unmediately followed by irrigation, there seems little doubt that a part of the mortality of the larvse is due to the effect of irrigation. The beating sun, of course, kills a great many, and then, as has been shown, under such a procedure the food supply is cut off and the de- cayed remains of larvfe are found hanging in great numbers to the alfalfa stubs about two days after such a procedure. This led the way for other experiments ; accordingly, during the summer of 1913, Mr. T. Scott Wilson made a number of observations on irrigation of alfalfa at a time when the worms were beginning to appear numer- ously, and he found that invariably this gave the disease the neces- sary moisture and the worms soon died. For a rancher to take ad- vantage of this would, of course, mean that he must have water available any time he wants it, which is not the case in all irrigated regions, as water is usually distributed in turn. However, in cases where the time for irrigation corresponds with the occurrence of an outbreak the water can be utilized and the worms killed. VALUE OF DISKING AND RENOVATION. It has been suggested before that an alfalfa field should be disked or renovated annually, or oftener, in order to keep the sod in good loose condition, so that it will take water readily and be aerated, and also to kill weeds. If teams are available, the best procedure would be to renovate several times, or at least twice a year. The usual method is to renovate once, and this during the winter. Now, if the alfalfa can be renovated in August, immediately after the third crop is removed, not only will the ground be placed in an excellent condition and weeds killed, but any larvae or pupae on the ground will be killed and future crops protected from damage. Some ranchers do this already and claim great results for it, and THE ALFALFA CATERPILLAK. 37 a few even renovate oftener. Mr. Stroven, of Holtville, CaL, reno- vates just as often as it is possible for hini to do so, and in 1911 this was four times. Leaving the matter of insects entirely out of con- sideration, enough benefit is derived from renovation to pay many times for the cost of the work. If a disk harrow is used, it should not be set at an angle, as this would be likely to cause injury to the crowns, but should be- run straight and forced into the ground by weights. DIRECT METHODS OF CONTROL. INSECTICIDES. In dealing with insect pests affecting cereal and forage crops it has proved possible in only a few instances to control them by the use of any of the various insecticides or poisons. The reason for this lack of success lies largely in the fact that such crops are distributed over a wide area, and the expense of application of any insecticide as a control measure is necessarily high, while a lack of thoroughness is likely to arise when one tries to keep the expense of treatment down to an economical basis. Since the alfalfa hay is fed to stock, it is not possible to use any of the arsenical poisons against the caterpillar of the alfalfa butterfly. A few experiments, however, were tried with pyrethrum, or "buhach." As this is not a poison, and since its fatal effect upon the larva? of butterflies is produced externally through their breathing pores, there would be no danger to stock. Pyrethrum was used in one case in 1910 in full strength, and in another instance it was diluted with equal proportions of flour. An application was made by dusting this substance from a cheesecloth sack, following the primitive method of applying Paris green to potato vines, at the rate of 3 pounds of pyrethrum to the half acre, which in the case of diluted material would make 1^ pounds of pyrethrum to the half acre. This first test was made on July 8, 1910, and no results were obtained, because of t)ie fact that just two days later practically all of the worms in the field where the test was being made were destroyed by the malady before mentioned. The same experiment was repeated, however, on September 22, and in this case the results were negative, not a caterpillar being killed. It would seem, therefore, that the applica- tion was not sufficiently heavy to kill the worms, and that to have increased the amount of pjni-ethrum applied might have resulted in the eradication of the pest ; but as the cost of pyrethrum at the rate of 3 pounds to the acre is already nearly $2, without considering the expense of application by hand, this could not be considered from an economic point of view. In 1913 some additional experiments were tried with the same material by Mr. T. Scott Wilson at Tempe, by using it full strength. This killed about 50 per cent of the larvae, but the cost of application 38 BULLETIN 124, V. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGKICULTUEE. was again too high, and a large enough number of worms were not killed to justify the expense incurred. ROLLING AND BRUSH DRAGGING. At the time a field is being damaged by the worms the hay that remains undestroyed can be cut and then either a brush drag or a roller run over the ground, by which a great many of the larvse will be destroyed. Some experiments tried along this line by Mr. T. Scott Wilson were quite successful. On August 15, in a 5-acre patch a brush drag was used and a great many larvse were killed. This field was overrun by Bermuda grass, which protected many larvae that would have been killed. A roller here would doubtless have Fig. 20. — Brush drag used to crush alfalfa caterpillars in the fields. (Original.) mashed all larvse. On the 26th of August another test was made, using the same drag. In this case the larvse were about full grown, and 55 per cent were killed by the operation. The latter experiment, however, was carried on in alfalfa of considerable height, and con- sequently the larvse were afforded much protection and as large a percentage was not killed as would have been the case had the drag- ging immediately followed cutting. A good brush drag and one that is well adapted to dragging alfalfa is shown in figure 20. The plan for constructing this, as given by Mr. E. S. G. Titus, in Bulletin No. 110 of the Utah Agricul- tural Experiment Station, is as follows : The drag is made by laying the butts of rather short brush, five or six feet long, in a row on a plank twelve or fourteen feet long, then another row should THE ALFALFA CATEKPILLAK. 39 be laid upon the first, consisting of longer brush, with the butts trimmed a little further back so that you will have in effect two brush harrows, one following the other. Another plank should then be laid on the brush butts and bolted to the under plank. In weighting this drag, lay an ordinary tooth harrow, with the teeth down, directly on the brush drag. This makes a very even weight, at the same time it is so flexible that the drag will work its way down into the small depressions as well as over the larger elevations of the fields. A larva exposed to dust and hot sun soon dies. On September 4 three larvse were placed in a dust}^ spot by Mr. Wilson, and within a few minutes all were dead. The next day the experiment was repeated, and all larvae died. In all about 50 larvae were exj^osed to the dust and sun, and of this number only 1 was able to crawl back to alfalfa, the rest dying before they had crawled 10 inches on the dust and dry dirt. The sun was very hot, and the temperature, 4 feet from the ground, was 97° F. These experiments show why so many larva? die following careful methods of haying. They have no protection from the hot sim wdien such methods are carried on. CONCLUSIONS REGARDING CONTROL. Keep the ranch in the best possible cultural condition. Irrigate it often and thoroughly and as soon after cutting as the crop of hay can be removed from the ground. Renovate every winter and during the month of August, or even oftener if possible, either by disking or by the use of an alfalfa ren- ovator, thus disturbing any pupte that may be present, and putting the land and alfalfa in condition for good growth of succeeding crops. Cut the alfalfa close to the ground and clean, especially along the ditch banks, borders, and turning rows, as well as in the main part of the field. Cut the alfalfa earlier than is the general rule. The proper time is when it is just coming in bloom or is one-tenth in bloom. Watch for caterpillars in the early spring crop, and if many are observed about grown, cut the hay a few days before it is in bloom, and thus save the next and future crops. A minimum amount of damage occurs in fields that are systemati- cally pastured all or a part of the time. A field should never be abandoned because the caterpillars threaten the destruction of a crop of alfalfa before the hay can possibly ma- ture. Mow it at once^ cutting it low and clean, thus saving part of the present crop, and in so doing starve, and allow the heat of the sun to kill, a great many of this generation of worms. Follow this by disking and then by either rolling or brush dragging, and a great majority of any remaining larvae will be killed. The ground 40 BULLETIN 124^ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. should then be thoroughly irrigated, and by these efforts the coming crop will be assured. Turkeys and chickens when allowed the run of a field will keep the numbers of the caterpillars at a minimum. The protection of toads should be encouraged, as they eat many of these insects, as well as other injurious forms. It has been noted that a carrying out of only part of these recom- mendations wnll not at all times save one's crop. The best results come to the one who is thorough in methods. Cooperation among all farmers is necessary to suppress an insect attack completely. An occasional outbreak has been known to occur upon a farm or ranch that is under the best possible condition of crop culture, but in each case it was noted that the careless methods of a neighbor were responsible for the reinfestation. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 10 CENTS PER COPY V B??ELFEf?9F^r THE USPEPMlIOFAfflaimi No. 131 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief. September 10, 1914. REPELLENTS FOR PROTECTING ANIMALS FROM THE ATTACKS OF FLIES.' By H. W. Graybill, D. V. M.,' Assistant Zoologist, Zoological Divmon, Bureau of Animal Industry. INTRODUCTION. During the warm season of the year cattle, horses, and mules suffer a great deal of annoyance and more or less injury as the result of the attacks of various biting flies, and numerous requests are received in this department concerning methods of relieving the animals from these attacks. The flies that cause the greatest annoyance to domes- tic, animals are the stable fly {Stomoxys calcitrans L.) and the horn- fly {Lyperosia irritans L.). The horseflies (Tabanidse) are of some importance and individually their attacks are sanguinary, but they are not the cause of as much injury as either of the two species of muscids that have been mentioned. The bot flies (Qilstridge) affect- ing horses, cattle, and sheep are not biting flies and only visit these animals to deposit their eggs. The larvae of these flies, however, are parasitic and are the cause of considerable annoyance and more or less loss, and for this reason repellents are sometimes applied to ani- mals to prevent the adults from depositing their eggs. In the case of the horse and the ox, parasiticides are applied to the skin to destroy the eggs of bot flies that have already been deposited. The screw worm {Paralucilia macellana Fab.) likewise is not parasitic in its adult state, and visits animals only to deposit its eggs in wounds where the larvse, when they emerge, may find nourishment and complete their growth. There are also various other species of flies that may deposit their eggs in wounds and whose larvse become parasitic. In the United Kingdom and Holland a bluebottle fly {LuciJia sericata Meig.) deposits its eggs on the soiled wool about the anus, 1 The investigations reported in this paper were undertaken by the Bureau of Ani- mal Industry incidentally during the progress of other investigations concerning stock dips. Although comparatively few repellents were tested, it is believed that the data obtained concerning substances which may be applied to live stock to protect them from flies are of interest and value to the live-stock industry. 2 Resigned, April 16, 1914. 51293°— Bull. 131—14 1 1 2 BULLETIN 131, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGBICULTURE. chiefly in yoiinj^ sheep, sometimes in udult sheep when badly kept, and the larvae hatching from the eggs become parasitic in the skin. In Australia several species of blowflies {Calliphora oceaniccB Desv., C. villosa Desv., and C. ruf fades Desv.) produce a similar condition in sheep. Recently a cutaneous invasion of sheep with dipterous larvae occurring at Cobham, Va., was reported to this department, but the fly responsible for the trouble has not been identified. The application of repellents and parasiticides is indicated in case sheep are subject to the attacks of such flies. The house fly {Muscn domestica L.) commonly visits wounds on animals to suck up the exudates that occur there. It is the cause of considerable annoyance to animals in this way; it prevents wounds from healing and may introduce into a wound agents of infection adhering to its body. Eepellents are therefore indicated and are freijuently used on wounds to keep house flies away and also to keep away such flies as may deposit their eggs in wounds, such, for example, as the screw-worm fly. The use of fly repellents is resorted to largely for the purpose of relieving animals of the torment of biting flies or of preventing infestation Avith the larvae of flies, without any reference to the con- trol or eradication of such pests. In the case of such flies as the stable fly and the hornfly, the use of repellents can be of only sec- ondary importance as an eradicative measure, since a much more effective means of getting rid of these pests lies in preventing them from breeding. This may be done by preventing access of the flies to materials such as manure, etc., in which they deposit their eggs, and bv destroying the young stages that may be present in such materials. However, the eradication of these flies in most instances, or even a reduction in their numbers in many cases, is out of the question, so that it is necessary to resort to the use of repellents or other means to give relief to animals. In the case of the horseflies, preventing them from biting is probably as important a factor as can be taken advantage of in bringing about control, yet it must be admitted that this means can be of only very little importance. In the case of the bot flies and the screw-worm flies, the use of repellents against the adults and of parasiticides against the eggs and larvae is an important method of eradication as well as a valuable means of protecting animals. INJURY CAUSED DOMESTIC ANIMALS BY BITING FLIES. Aside from the transmission of various animal diseases by biting flies, a matter of much less importance in this country than in the Tropics, flies are generally assumed to be responsible for enormous losses to farmers and stockmen. Because of the great numbers in REPELLENTS FOR PROTECTING ANIMALS FROM FLIES. 3 which flies occur, the irritation they cause animals, the blood they abstract, the movements they cause animals to make in fighting them, and the unfavorable influence they have on the temper of dairy cows, it is believed by both scientist and layman that flies are responsible for very great financial losses. According to Delamare (1908), a German professor named Leh- mann is stated to have established that the supplementary expendi- ture of energy corresponding to the agitation caused horses by the attacks of flies amounts to a pound of oats a head per clay. Moore (1903), of the SQuth Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, says: "\Mien we consider the intimate relationship existing betAveen the milk yield and the physical comfort of the cow, no question can be raised as to the benefit obtained by mitigating so far as possible the annoyances of these pests." Hopkins (1891) states that the hornfly so annoys cattle by its bite that the cows fail in milk and other cattle fail in flesh. Garman (1892) says: "The injury done to cattle has been greatly overestimated in some instances; j^et there can be no doubt that the yield of milk from cows greatly worried by hornflies is much reduced, and growing and fattening stock are doubtless re- tarded by their attacks." Marlatt (1910) states: "During the first years of the hornfly, when it was a new and little understood n^nace to cattle, the losses occasioned by it were undoubtedly much exagger- ated. Nevertheless, the loss when the fly is abundant is still very considerable, showing in reduced vitality, lack of growth, or less- ened yield of milk, the production of milk often being cut down from one-fourth to one-half. In Canada the late Dr. James Fletcher estimated the loss in Ontario and Quebec at one-half the product of meat and milk." Bishopp (1913) describes an unusual outbreak of the stable fly in 1912 in northern Texas and refers to various other outbreaks that have occurred in the United States. In referring to the injury due to the fly he states that many horses and cattle became so weak that they gave up the fight against the pest. In a few cases in which the animals were not protected they succumbed in a short time. Texas fever was rekindled in an acute form in cattle that became weakened as a result of the flies, and in many cases death resulted. The influence of the flies on the milk production was marked, the reduction being from 40 to 60 per cent, and in some cases cows were completely dried up. Horses and mules lost 10 to 15 per cent in weight during the outbreak. Cattle likewise suffered a great reduc- tion in weight. It is estimated that in northern Texas over 300 head of cattle, mules, and horses were killed directly or indirectly as the result of the fly attack. This loss is estimated at $15,000, and the loss in the milk production is placed at $10,000, and other losses are stated to surpass these. 4 BULLETIN 131, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. Fuller (1913) has described an outbreak of the stable fly along the east coast of South Africa. All classes of animals are said to have suffered greatly from worry and anemia. Many cattle were killed, and horses and cattle stampeded into the sea and into rivers to obtain relief. The outbreak followed heavy rains. The experimental evidence with regard to the losses due to flies that is available in this country does not seem to indicate that they are as a rule of such serious consequence as the foregoing statements would lead one to believe. The seriousness of such outbreaks as Bishopp and Fuller refer to can not be questioned.^ Carlyle (1899), at the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, conducted an experiment relative to injury due to flies in which two lots of seven cows each were used. Lot No. 1 was kept during the day in a pad- dock provided with shade trees, while lot No. 2 was protected from flies by being kept in a screened stable. The cattle in both lots were kept on the pasture during the night and taken off at 9 o'clock in the morning. The experiment was continued for a period of four weeks. The cattle in the lot protected from flies ate 835 pounds more green corn than those that were unprotected. All the cows lost in weight, but the protected cows lost nearly three times as much as the others. In comparing the milk and butter production of the first two weeks of the experiment with that of the two weeks just preceding the experiment it was noted that there was a decrease in both milk and butter. The milk reduction was greater for the protected animals and the butter reduction was greater for the unprotected animals. The conclusion reached was that the greater amount of butter yielded by the protected lot was not sufficient to pay for the increased trouble and expense entailed in stabling the cows during the greater part of each day. Kent (1903), in an experiment at the Oregon Agricultural Col- lege and Experiment Station, used a proprietary repellent on four dairy cows. Four untreated cows served as controls. The treated cows gained a total weight of 265 pounds while the untreated ones gained 212 pounds. In comparing the milk and butter records of two cows from each lot that were in about the same st^ge of lacta- tion with the records of the same cows during the two months just preceding the experiment it was found that the treated cows lost about 10 per cent less than the cows not treated. Beach and Clark (1904), at Storrs Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, Conn., tested a proprietary fly repellent which the manufac- turers claimed would effect a tremendous saving during the fly season. The experiments covered a period of two seasons and the cows were sprayed thoroughly once a day. The conclusions reached by the authors are as follows: "1. The annoyance of cows by flies seems to be overestimated. 2. Certain proprietary ointments known REPELLENTS FOE PROTECTING ANIMALS FROM FLIES. 5 as ' fly removers ' will protect the animal to a greater or less extent, but their use has little or no effect on the milk or butterfat secre- tion." Eckles (1905) carried on experiments for two seasons at the Mis- souri Agricultural Experiment Station with a proprietary repel- lent for the purpose of determining whether the use of a repellent on dairy cows would have any influence on the amount of milk and butter produced. During the first season 16 cows were used and during the second season 22 cows were used. The fly season was divided into periods of two weeks, and the herd was sprayed each morning during alternate periods. A comparison was made be- tween the sprayed and unsprayed periods. The conclusion reached by the author was that the use of the fly repellent was fairly effec- tive in preventing the annoyance from flies if applied every morn- ing, but that the yield of milk and fat was not appreciably affected by its use. The onlj'' advantage observed was that the cows stood more quietly during milking. AVith regard to the shrinkage in milk production during hot weather, the author has the following to say: "The rapid shrinkage that occurs in the yield of a cow during the hottest summer months is a well-established fact, but is probably not so much on account of flies as to failure to graze suffi- ciently, if on pasture, on account of the heat." THE INFLUENCE OF COLOR ON FLIES. Several years ago Dr. Schroeder, of the Bureau of Animal In- dustry, called my attention to some pictures of Holstein cattle he had taken in connection with some tuberculosis work, in which the flies on the animals were confined almost exclusively to the black- colored spots. Beach and Clark (1904) state that some animals suffer more from hornflies than others and that dark-colored animals suffer more than light-colored ones. Marlatt (1910) states that the hornfly exhibits a certain preference for red or other dark-colored cattle, and that such animals are more thickly infested has been frequently noted. He states, however, that when the flies are abun- dant this preference is not so strongly marked. Marre (1908) refers to a discovery which a farmer in the vicinity of St. Cyr made relative to the influence of color on flies. The farmer had ITO cows in a number of stables and noted that flies had a marked aversion for blue. The idea came to him to add blue to the whitewash with which he coated the walls of his buildings each year. After doing this the flies left his cattle stables. The formula used for the wash is as follows : Water 100 liters (105.6 quarts, or 26.4 gallouB). Lime (slaked) 5 kilos (11 pounds). Ultramarine blue 500 grams (1.1 pounds). 6 BULLETIN 131, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Two applications, one in June and one in August, are recom- mended. The present writer is not aware whether this observation has been corroborated or not. INTERNAL REMEDIES FOR REPELLING FLIES. It would hardly seem likely that a drug could be administered to animals that would prevent flies from making their customary attacks. However, Ochmann (1911) has recommended potassium tellurate for this purpose. According to him this chemical does not affect the general health of animals. The hair, however, becomes temporarily rougher, paler, and drier. The expired air, the per- spiration, and the feces take on an intensely offensive garlic odor which persists for a long time. Two dogs received on two successive days each 0.25 gram of po- tassium tellurate. The results appeared on the day of the first ad- ministration and lasted three to four weeks. The olfactory sense of one dog suffered considerably. One of the dogs formerly troubled with ticks was no longer affected. The dogs were protected from flies. An ass was given 0.25 gram of the chemical in the feed for three days. The action w^as negative. Another ass received on three suc- cessive days 0.25 gram. On the second day the odor appeared in the breath and disappeared one day after the last dose. A mule received on three successive days 1.5 grams. The odor appeared on the day following the first administration and gradu- ally disappeared in 10 days. There were no unfavorable results. An- other mule was given on three successive days 0.5 gram. The odor appeared on the day following the second dose and disappeared one day after the last dose. A mule received on two successive days 2 grams. An intense odor appeared on the second day and disap- peared after six days. The author states that flies lighting on the animals were repelled. Mayer (1911) conducted experiments for the purpose of verifying Ochmann's results, and reached quite different conclusions. Ten ex- periments were carried out, nine on horses and one on a cow. Each animal received in all 10 grams in single doses of from 1 to 5 grams. The best method of administering the drug was to dissolve the salt in drinking water. Subcutaneous administration leads to dry ne- crosis. The drug was taken unhesitatingly and caused no ill results except occasionally a staring coat in fine-haired animals. The garlic odor of methyltellurid appeared in the breath of the cow and was present for a long time. The odor appeared to a very slight degree in the breath of three of the horses, but disappeared very soon. REPELLENTS FOR PROTECTliSTC, ANIMALS FROM FLIES. 7 The author states that the administration of potassium tellurate in all cases failed to protect animals from flies. It would therefore seem likely that this internal remedy is not efficacious. If it or any other internal remedy were found efficacious, it is doubtful whether it could be administered to dairy cows with- out imparting an odor to the milk. On the whole, therefore, the use of internal remedies seems to be an extremely unpromising means of repelling flies. EXTERNAL REMEDIES FOR REPELLING FLIES. There are almost innumerable homemade and proprietary ex- ternal remedies for repelling flies. They contain various substances that are distasteful to the insects. Many of them contain strongly odoriferous ingredients that have a repelling influence on flies. The qualities to be sought in a satisfactory repellent are: Absence of toxic and other detrimental properties when applied externally to animals; a marked repellent action on flies; and a duration of this action for a reasonable length of time. A common defect of many otherwise rather good repellents is the very short period during Avhich they are effective. Some repellents are undoubtedly toxic and must be used with care, METHODS OF APPLYING REPELLENTS. Repellents as a rule are in the form of liquids and may be applied by means of a dipping vat, a pail spray pump, an atomizer such as that commonly used in gardens and greenhouses for applying insecticides to plants, or by means of a rag or a paint brush. The method employed necessarily depends to a very large extent on the number of animals to be treated, the physical character and toxicity of the preparation, its cost, and the individual preference of the farmer or stoclanan. Some preparations, either because of their cost or their toxicity, or for some other reason, are not adapted for use in a dipping vat or for application by means of a spray pump. Others may be applied by any one of the methods mentioned. Marlatt (1910) describes a special splash board for vats, devised by J. D. Mitchell. By means of this board the splash caused when the animal plunges into the vat is thrown back into the vat in the form of a spray and many of the flies are wetted and carried down with the dip. It is said that with vats equipped with such splash boards from To to 80 per cent of the hornflies are killed. EFFICACY OF PROPRIETARY REPELLENTS. Lindsey (1903), at the Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station, tried out 10 proprietary fly repellents. He found that four were quite satisfactory, four others were less satisfactory, and two 8 BULLETIN 131, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. were unsatisfactory. The chief defect of the second group seemed to be that they were not lasting. It is stated that these fly repel- lents are sold at retail from $1 to $1.50 a gallon. POWDERS AS REMEDIES. Smith (1889), of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, found by experiment that two powders were adapted for de- stroying hornflies and stable flies, namely, pyrethrum powder and tobacco powder. Pyrethrum acted promptl}^, but was objectionable from a practical standpoint because of its expense and because it lost its strength soon after application. Tobacco was found very much more satisfactory though the killing power was less. He recommended a proprietary powder having for its base tobacco dust and containing crude carbolic acid or creosote. The method of pro- tecting cattle from the hornfly that he suggested was to apply carbolated fish oil to the bell}^, udder, and those parts of the animal Avhere powder could not well be used, and to apply tobacco powder to the base of the horns, the back, and at the root of the tail. The effect of the oil is to repel and that of the tobacco to kill flies that attempt to feed. OILS AS REPELLENTS. Almost any kind of oil, whether it has a pungent or disagreeable odor or not, will repel flies to a certain extent. The mere physical condition of the hair and skin of an animal treated with oil seems to be repugnant to flies. Oils are used pure or in the form of an emulsion, or in combinations or mixtures. Crude petroleum, cot- tonseed oil, fish or train oil, and light coal-tar oil may be used pure. Crude petroleum may be used in the form of an emulsion. The formula and method of preparing it so as to make 5 gallons of 80 per cent emulsion are as follows : Hard soap 1 pound. Soft water i 1 gallon. Beaumont crude petroleum 4 gallons. In preparing the emulsion the soap should be shaved up and placed in a kettle or caldron containing the required amount of water. The water should be brought to a boil and stirred until the soap is entirely dissolved. Enough water should be added to make up for the lo.ss by evaporation during the process. The soap solu- tion and the required amount of oil are then placed in a convenient receptacle and mixed either by stirring or by means of a spray pump. If properly prepared the stock emulsion will keep indefi- nitely. When required for use the stock emulsion should be diluted', one part of the emulsion to three parts of water being used. The diluted emulsion does not remain uniformly mixed, so if allowed to stand it should be thoroughly mixed by stirring before using. REPELLENTS FOR PROTECTING ANIMALS FROM FLIES. 9 Jensen (1909) recommended the following mixture containing crude petroleum for dairy cows. He states that it remains on cattle for at least a week. Commou lauudry soap 1 pound. Water 4 gallons. Crude i^etroleuni 1 gallon. Powdered naphthalin 4 ounces. Cut the soap into thin shavings and dissolve in water by the aid of heat; dissolve the naphthalin in the crude oil, mix the two solu- tions, put them into an old dasher churn, and mix thoroughly for 15 minutes. The mixture should be applied once or twice a week with a brush. It must be stirred well before being used. A mixture of cottonseed oil and pine tar in the proportion of two parts of the former to one part of the latter has been recommended to relieve cattle of flies. Fish or train oil is generally rated as one of the best repellents. Its protective action is said to last from two to six days, depending on the temperature and humidity. A great many mixtures have been recommended in which fish oil occurs as an important ingre- dient. Moore (1903) recommended the following mixture for use on dairy cows: Fish oil .__ 100 parts. Oil of tar 50 parts. Crude carbolic acid 1 part. The cost of the mixture was about 35 cents per gallon. The mix- ture was applied with a small hand spray pump. One application was effective for two days. Bishopp (1913) gives the following formula for a mixture that is said to be very effective in keeping flies from live stock, when applied lightly : Fish oil 1 gallon. Oil of tar 2 ounces. Oil of pennyroyal-- 2 ounces. Kerosene I pint. Parrott (1900), at the Kansas Agricultural College, found that repellents were not as effective in Kansas as they were said to be in other States. Fish oil was effective for less than two days. The following formula is recommended by him as being as effec- tive as fish oil, and at the same time cheaper and more lasting: Pulvei'ized resin 2 parts (by measure). Soap shavings 1 part. Water i part. Fish oil 1 part. Oil of tar 1 part. Kerosene 1 part. Water 3 parts. 51293°— Bull. 131—14 2 10 BULLETIN 131, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Place the resin, soap shavings, the one-half part of water, and fish oil together in a receptacle and boil until the resin is dissolved. Then add the 3 parts of water, following with the oil of tar mixed with the kerosene. Stir the mixture well and allow it to boil for 15 minutes. When cool the mixture is ready for use and should be stirred frequently while being applied. Application should be made with a brush. One-eighth to half a pint is required for each animal. The cost of the mixture is given as 30 cents a gallon. The present writer has not made or used the above repellent. Its formula and method of preparation seem too complex for wide use. It would appear that great caution should be exercised in boil- ing the mixture because of the inflammability of some of the in- gredients. The same author recommends the following formula for horses. It is said to be effective for three to four hours and even longer : Fish oil 2 quarts. Carbolic acid (crude) 1 pint. Pennyroyal 1 ounce. Oil of tar 8 ounces. Kerosene * li quarts. The cost is given at about 80 cents a gallon. The mixture must be applied with an atomizer and not with a brush. Carlyle (1899), of the Wisconsin Experiment Station, states that fish oil to which is added a little oil of tar and a little sulphur will serve to protect cows from hornflies for four to five days if the weather is fine. He states that none of the remedies seem to be effective against the stable fly an hour after being applied. Otis (1904) recommends a repellent worked out by the entomologi- cal department of the Kansas station. The formula is as follows: Resin 1^ pounds. Laundry soap 2 cakes. Fish oil i pint. Water enough to make 3 gallons. Dissolve the resin in a solution of soap and w^ater by heating. Add the fish oil and the rest of the water. Apply with a brush. If to be used as a spray, add one-half pint of kerosene. The cost is 7 to 8 cents a gallon. Fish oil containing a small admixture of carbolic acid has been used with good success as a repellent. Lindsey (1903), at the Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station, found light coal-tar oil quite satisfactory. This oil is de- scribed as the lighter of two oils derived from tar. It is a dark, thin oil with a strong creosote odor. It was applied as a spray. 1 Or erough to make 1 gallon of mixture. KEPELLENTS FOE PROTECTING ANIMALS FROM FLIES. 11 Kerosene mixed with cottonseed oil or in the form of an emulsion may be used for repelling flies. Spencer (1904), at the Virginia station, used an emulsion of kerosene in a special spraying apparatus for destroying the hornfly. The formula and method followed in preparing the emulsion are given below : Yellow soap i pound. Soft water 1 gallon. Kerosene oil 2 gallons. Shave the soap fine and dissolve in water at boiling temperature. Place the kerosene in a barrel, add the hot-soap solution, and by means of a spray pump agitate for 15 to 20 minutes, or until euiulsi- fication is complete. One gallon of water is added to prevent the solution becoming thick. This is a stock solution and should be diluted in the proportion of 1 to 5 of water. The diluted emulsion tends to separate, so only the amount needed should be diluted each time. It is stated that at the Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station daily sprayings for a period of two weeks reduced the hornflies to a point of insignificance. The flies were killed in passing through the spray. A milk emulsion of kerosene may be made as follows : To 1 part of milk add 2 parts of kerosene and mix by means of a force pump, or in some other way. The creamy emulsion that results is to be diluted with 8 or 10 times the bulk of water. Mayer (1911) found that laurel oil applied to the skin of cattle and horses repelled the flies. The oil produced an inflammation of the skin in some of the tests. The oil applied to bedsores of horses re- pelled the flies and produced no change in the sores. Laurel oil and linseed oil in the proportions of 1 to 10 repelled flies from a bedsore on the foreleg of a horse for five days. The entire right side of a horse was rubbed with the oil. No flies were seen on the right side and great numbers were present on the left side. The action lasted for 12 days. A light application of oil to a~^^ horse was effective for only two days. This mixture Droduced no inflammation of the skin. The following mixture was also tested by Mayer: Laurel ^ilj^^l ])art; dilute alcohol, 4 parts; and olive oil, 5 parts. In place of i dilute alcohol denatured alcohol with water may be used, andini place of olive oil linseed oil may be used. The mixture was tried on horses, but the results were not so good, as the mixture did not stick. The action lasted five days. Rancid oil should not be used on account of its irritating action. 12 BULLETIN Vn, V. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. REPELLENTS FOR APPLICATION TO WOUNDS. Jensen (1909) gives three formulas of repellents for application to wounds: Formula No. 1 : Oil of tar S ounces. Cottonseed oil to make 32 ounces. Formula No. 2: Powdered napMhalin 2 ounces. Hydrous wool fat 14 ounces. Mix into an ointment. •Formula No. 3: Coal tar 12 ounces. Carbon disulphid 4 ounces. Mix ; keep in ii well-stoppered bottle and aiiiply with a brush. Mixtures Nos. 2 and 3 are said to adhere to moist surfaces, and No. 3 is said, in addition, to form a coating over raw surfaces and protect froan the screw-worm fly. The editor at the close of the article in which the above formulas are given adds the following formula : Oil of turpentine 1 dram. Phenol 1 dram. Cottonseed oil to make 4 ounces. Mix and apply freely to wounds. It is stated that this remedy is highly effective and is used widely in the South. It is said to induce healthy granulation of wounds. EXPERIMENTAL TESTS OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES AND MIXTURE^ FOR REPELLING FLIES. For the purpose of determining the efficacy of various substances and mixtures for repelling flies, a number of tests were made by the present author at the Bureau of Animal Industry Experiment Sta- tion during the summers of 1912 and 1913. The results of these tests are given below. In making various mixtures for the purpose of trial the plan adopted was to combine a pungent or odoriferous substance with an oil which served mainly as a vehicle. CRUDE CARBOLIC ACID.' The following tests were made with 10 per cent crude carbolic acid in cottonseed oil: On July 22, 1912, a calf was sprayed with a mixture of 10 per cent crude carbolic acid in cottonseed oil. About 2 quarts of the mixture were applied. The calf was discovered down about 7 to 10 t ^A sample of the crude carbolic acid used in these tests was examined in the Bio- jchemic Division of the Bureau of Animal Industry, and was found to contain 21.8 per cent phenols. REPELLENTS FOR PROTECTING ANIMALS FROM FLIES. 13 minutes later with symptoms of carbolic-acid poisoning. There was salivation, dyspnea, trembling, paralysis, inability to rise, rapid breathing, and rapid and irregular beating of the heart. Another calf was sprayed on the same date with about 1^ quarts of the mixture. The calf showed distinct symptoms of carbolic-acid ])oisoning in 6 minutes. It showed a tendency to fall in 8 min- utes, and fell in 14 minutes. The symptoms in the order in which they occurred were: Salivation, dyspnea, musculai' tremors, loss of muscular control, and finally motor paralysis. The breathing was rapid and shallow. It was necessary to destroy both of the animals. July 15, 1913, applied the mixture to a calf by means of a brush. Used 2f ounces of the mixture. The repellent action was very marked. July 16, about 18 hours later, the animal was worried as much by flies as were the controls. Oil was present only along the l)ack. There was only a very faint odor of carbolic acid. The pro- tection was practically nothing. There were no symptoms of poi- soning. The results obtained with crude carbolic acid may be summarized as follows: In the case of the first two calves treated it shows that carbolic acid in cottonseed oil is absorbed through the skin. It is well known that carbolic acid, when combined with oil, loses its caustic properties, but its toxic properties still remain, as evidenced by the above cases of poisoning. It seems certain that in the case of any such mixture, no matter how small the content of carbolic acid, a certain amount of the same must be absorbed. The amount ab- sorbed will depend, other things being equal, on the amount of the mixture applied. In the third test that was made, the same strength (10 per cent) mixture was used, but it was applied with a brush and only to the amount of 2f ounces. There were no symptoms of poison- ing. It is therefore evident that a 10 per cent mixture of crude car- bolic acid (21.8 per cent phenols) in cottonseed oil may be used with safety if the application, is very light. It is undoubtedly true that a very much weaker mixture of carbolic acid if applied liberally would produce toxic symptoms. The repellent action of this mixture, however, does not endure. Its action was very marked at first, but lasted less than 18 hours. It would be necessary therefore to apply this mixture every day. In order to ascertain whether daily applications of the mixture could be made without danger to the animal, a calf was treated with this mixture on October 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13. The mixture was applied with a brush. There were no symptoms of poisoning or other untoward results. 14 BULLETIN 131, U. S. DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE. PINE TAR. TEN FEB CENT PINE TAR IN COTTONSEED OIL. July 29, 1912, sprayed a cow with 10 per cent of pine tar in cotton- seed oil. Used 3| quarts of the mixture. July 30, the cow was looking droopy. The ears were hanging. July 31, the hair was still oily. There was no odor of tar. The animal was bright and perfectly normal. No hornflies were observed. A few stable flies were present on the legs and body. The animal was not fighting the flies, whereas unsprayed animals were con- stantly switching their tails. August 1, some oil was still present. Some stable flies were pres- ent, especially on the legs. Animal does not fight flies as much as do the untreated animals. August 3, oil still present on the back, croup, and thighs. It is very sticky. There is little or no protective action. TWENTY PER CENT PINE TAB IN COTrONSEED OIL.' July 15, 1913, treated a cow with 20 per cent pine tar in cotton- seed oil. Used 5^ ounces of mixture. It was applied with a brush. The protection was marked but not quite so effective as either 10 per cent crude carbolic acid or 10 per cent oil of tar in cottonseed oil. July 16, about 18 hours later, the cow fought flies as much as did the controls. There was some oil present on the neck, back, and on the fore legs. There was no odor of tar. There was little or no pro- tective action evident at this time. # A HALF-AND-HALF MIXTURE OF PINE TAB AND COTTONSEED OIL. July 31, 1912, sprayed a calf with a half-and-half mixture of pine tar and cottonseed oil. Used about 2 quarts of fluid. The mixture was too thick to spray well in pump. The animal was sprayed very unevenly and some spots were not covered. Two types of nozzles were used, but a satisfactory spray was not developed. August 1, there was plenty of oil present and also an odor of tar. Tar was visible here and there on the hair. No flies were observed. August 3, some oil was still present. There was a slight odor of tar. A repellent action was still noticeable on the back, croup, and thighs. July 31, a second calf was sprayed. Used about 2 quarts, which was not enough to cover the animal properly. Augiist 1, there was plenty of oil present, and there was a strong odor of tar. No flies were observed. August 3, the oil and tar odor still present. A distinct repellent action on stable flies was still noticeable. REPELLENTS FOR PROTECTING ANIMALS FROM PLIES. 15 FIFTY PER CENT PINE TAR IN BEAUMONT OIL. August 19, a cow was treated with 50 per cent pine tar in Beau- mont oil. The mixture was applied with a brush. August 20, the mixture had been rubbed off the sides and abdo- men. The odor of tar was still present. The hair was rather untidy. Flies were present only on underside of abdomen. August 21, the cow was stiff. The mixture was still present on the back. There was no repellent action. SUMMARY OF RESULTS WITH PINE TAR. It is noted from the first test made that a liberal application of 10 per cent pine tar in cottonseed oil caused the animal to look droopy. It is probable that this was due to a toxic action of the tar. The odor of the tar had disappeared on the second day following the treatment. The repellent action lasted for three days. Some oil was present five days after the treatment. In the test in which 20 per cent of pine tar was used, the mixture was applied with a brush and only 5^ ounces were used. The repel- lent action was marked, but not so great as in the case of 10 per cent crude carbolic acid or 10 per cent oil of tar. The repellent ac- tion lasted less than 18 hours. The odor of tar had disappeared at that time. In the third test in which a half-and-half mixture of pine tar and cottonseed oil was used, the mixture was applied liberally by means of a spray pump. The repellent action lasted more than three days in the case of both animals treated. The mixture is too thick to be used in a spray piunp. In the last test, in which a half-and-half mixture of pine tar and Beaumont oil was used, the repellent action lasted less than two days. This mixture had a detrimental effect in that it caused the animal to become stiff. There seems to be no danger to animals in applying tar in cotton- seed oil for the purpose of repelling flies. In the first test there Avere slight symptoms of poisoning, but the amount of 10 per cent mixture applied (3^ quarts) was much more than would ever be applied to an animal to protect it from flies. It is evident from the second test that when a pine-tar-cottonseed- oil mixture of moderate strength is applied in quantities such as it is economical to use, the applications will have to be made every day in order to provide protection. 16 BULLETIN 131, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OIL OF TAR.i TEN FEB CENT OIL OF TAB IN COTTONSEED OIL. July 22, 1912, sprayed a calf with 10 per cent oil of tar in cotton- seed oil. Used about 2 quarts of the mixture. July 23, the oil was still evident. No hornflies were observed. Stable flies were seen to light on the hair but left immediately. Some stable flies were seen on the legs of the animals. July 25, the odor of the oil of tar had entirely disappeared. The hair was still oily but flies were seen to light on the oily spots. July 29, there was no oil present. Jul}^ 15, 1913, applied 3| ounces of the mixture to a calf by means of a brush. The repellent action was very marked. July 16, about 18 hours later, the calf did not fight the flies quite so much as did the controls. There was no odor of tar. There w^as a very slight evidence of oil on the sides and back but no repellent action could be observed. HALF-AND-HALF MIXTUEE OF OIL OF TAB AND COTTONSEED OIL. August 22, 1912, sprayed a calf with a half-and-half mixture of oil of tar and cottonseed oil. Used about 2 quarts of tKfe mixture. The animal almost immediately began to show signs of sickness. The eyes were half closed. The skin about the eyes, on the face, and at the corners of the mouth was wrinkled. There was slight salivation. These symptoms were followed by a slight swaying in the hind quar- ters when the animal walked. Finally the gait became staggering and the animal fell from time to time and arose again only with the greatest difficulty. August 26, when the next observation was made, the animal had entirely recovered. There Avas no repellent action noticeable. TEN PER CENT OIL OF TAB IN BEAUMONT OIL. July 22, 1912, sprayed a calf with 10 per cent oil of tar in Beau- mont oil. Used about 2 quarts of the mixture. July 23, oil was present on the hair. There were a very few stable flies on the legs. No hornflies were observed. July 25, more oil was present on the hair than in the case of a calf sprayed on the same date with a mixture in which cottonseed oil served as the base. July 29, oil was present on the back and rump. No hornflies were observed. ''■ A sample of the oil of tar used in those exporiiuents was examined in the Biochemic Division of the Bureau of Animal Industry and was found to contain phenols, volatile with steam, 14 per cent. REPELLENTS FOR PROTECTING ANIMALS FROM FLIES. 17 August 7, 1913, a calf was treated with 10 per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil. The mixture was applied with a brush. The repel- lent action was marked. August 8, no odor of tar was noticeable. The oil was rubbed off the abdomen, the sides, and outside of the thighs. Some stable flies were present on the legs. Only a very few hornflies were present. FIFTY PER CENT OIL OF TAR IN BEAUMONT OIL. August 19, 1913, a cow was treated with a mixture of 50 per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil. The mixture was applied with a brush. There was a slight salivation, and the cow remained rather quiet fol- lowing the treatment. It seems certain that there were symptoms of phenol poisoning. August 20, the odor of the oil of tar was still present. Only a few stable flies were present on the legs. Other animals in the same pen were covered with flies. The mixture had disappeared from the sides and abdomen. August 21, the cow was a little stiff. Oil was still present on the back. The cow was protected very little from the flies. SUMMARY OF RESULTS WITH OIL OF TAR. In the first test with 10 per cent oil of tar in cottonseed oil the mixture was applied with a spray pump. About 2 quarts of the liquid were applied. The repellent action lasted less than three days. In the second test the mixture was applied by means of a brush, and 3f ounces were used. The repellent action, which was ver}^ marked at first, had nearly disappeared at the end of 18 hours. In the third test a half-and-half mixture of oil of tar and cotton- seed oil was applied with a spray pump. About two quarts of the mixture Avere used. There were symptoms of poisoning. The next observation was made four days later, at which time there was no repellent action. In the fourth test 10 per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil was applied with a spray pump. About 2 quarts of the mixture were used. There were no symptoms of poisoning. In the fifth test 10 per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil was applied with a brush. On the following day the odor of tar had entirely dis- appeared and the repellent action had almost entirely ceased. In the last test 50 per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil was applied with a brush. The protection lasted about two days. There were mild symptoms of poisoning and the animal became slightly stiff. The repellent action of 10 and 50 per cent of oil of tar in cotton- seed oil or in Beaumont oil is very marked, but when applied in 18 BULLETIN 131, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. such quantities as it is economical to use the action lasts less than a day when cottonseed oil is used, and about two days when Beau- mont oil is used. As shown by the third test, 50 per cent oil of tar is dangerous when applied in large quantities. The last test shows that 50 per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil when applied in small quantities with a brush is also dangerous. The increase of the content of oil of tar from 10 to 50 per cent does not seem to increase the duration of the repellent action materially, as indicated by tests 1 and 3, but the 50 per cent Beaumont oil mix- ture protected twice as long as the 10 per cent mixture. For the purpose of determining whether daily applications of 10 per cent oil of tar in cottonseed oil would produce poisoning or other imtoward results, a calf was treated with the mixture on October 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, and 14. The mixture was applied with a paint brush. No symptoms of poisoning resulted, and the skin remained unaffected. THE MOORE FORMULA. October 4, 1912, a calf was sprayed with the following mixture : Itsh oil 100 parts. Oil of tar 50 parts. Crude carbolic acid 1 part. About three quarts of the mixture were used. The animal appeared sick after being sprayed. It was restless and there was salivation. October 7, the animal was very oily. There was present an odor of tar and fish oil. Flies were still repelled. July 16, 1913, a bull calf was treated with the above mixture, which was applied with a brush, and 6 ounces were used. The repellent action was marked. There were no sj^mptoms of poisoning. It is noted from the first of the above tests that the application of the Moore mixture in large quantities is dangerous. Such a liberal application, however, would never be made in practice. The repel- lent action was still evident on the third day. In the second test a small quantity of the mixture was applied to a calf by means of a brush and no symptoms of poisoning resulted. TEN PER CENT OIL OF CITRONELLA IN COTTONSEED OIL. June 19, 1913, a calf was treated with 10 per cent oil of citronella in cottonseed oil, applied with an atomizer. A few hours later all protection had ceased. July 2, 1913, the above calf was again sprayed. An hour or so later a repellent action was still noticeable. The calf was not trou- bled much with flies as compared with the untreated animals. July 3, 1913, a cow was sprayed. Used 1^ ounces. There was a very marked repellent action, but an hour or so later this had become REPELLENTS FOR PROTECTING ANIMALS FROM FLIES. 19 greatly reduced. There was a very slight odor of citronella at that time. July 10, 1913, applied the mixture to a cow by means of a brush. ITsed about 6 ounces of oil. July 11, about 22 hours after applica- tion, oil was present on the neck and along the back. There was no odor of citronella. There was little or no protection as indicated by the presence of many hornflies on the underside of the abdomen, and the presence of many stable flies on the legs. It is noted from the above tests that the mixture used is a powerful repellent, but that its effect does not last more than a few hours. TEN PER CENT OIL OF SASSAFRAS IN COTTONSEED OIL. June 19, 1913, a mixture of 10 per cent oil of sassafras in cottonseed oil was applied to a calf by means of an atomizer. There was a pro- nounced repellent action which, however, had disappeared at the end of a few hours. July 2, 1913, the same calf was again treated. An hour or so later a repellent action was still present. The calf was troubled very little with flies as compared with the other animals. July 3, there was no odor or protective action noticeable. July 3, 1913, treated a cow with the mixture. Used about 3 ounces. The repellent action was marked. An hour or so later the repellent action was greatly reduced and there was no odor of sassafras. July 10, 1913, applied the mixture with a brush to the above cow. Used about 5^ ounces. July 11, about 22 hours later, a little oil was present on the neck, withers, and just behind the withers. Many hornflies were present on the front legs and on the underside of the abdomen. The above tests show that the mixture has a marked repellent ac- tion, but that this only lasts for a few hours. TEN PER CENT OIL OF CAMPHOR IN COTTONSEED OIL. June 19, 1913, a mixture of 10 per cent oil of camphor in cotton- seed oil was applied to a calf by means of an atomizer. A few hours afterward some protective action was still noticeable. July 2, 1913, the same calf was again treated. An hour or so later the calf was still protected from flies. July 3, 1913, no protection'was noticeable in the case of the above calf. A cow was sprayed with the mixture. Used 2^ ounces. There was a marked protective action. An hour or so later the protective action was greatly reduced. There was no odor of camphor. July 10, 1913, applied the mixture to the above cow with a brush. Used 5 ounces. July 11, about 22 hours after application, a little oil was present on the neck and along the back. There was no odor 20 BULLETIN 131, U. S. DEPAKTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. of camphor. Some hornfiies were present and many stable flies were on tlie legs. The immediate protection rendered by the above mixture is marked, but its action lasts only for a few hours. HALF-AND-HALF MIXTURE OF KEROSENE AND COTTONSEED OIL. August 7, 1913, a cow Avas treated with a half-and-half mixture of cottonseed oil and kerosene. The mixture was applied with a brush. The flies were repelled. August 8, the oil was rubbed off the sides, abdomen, and the out- side of the thighs. Very few flies were present. KEROSENE EMULSION. August 21, 1913, treated a cow with kerosene enmlsion made ac- cording to the formula on page 11, diluted 1 to 8. The emulsion had only a very slight repellent action. BEAUMONT OIL. August 7, 1913, a calf was treated with Beaumont oil. The oil was applied Avith a brush. The repellent action was marked. August S, the oil had been rubbed off the abdomen, the sides, and the outside of the thighs. Stable flies were present on the legs. There Avas plenty of oil present on the neck, shoulders, and back. There were no hornfiies on the animal, although they had been numerous the day before. FISH OIL. July 22, 1912, a calf Avas sprayed with fish oil. About 2 quarts of the oil Avere used. July 23, the oil Avas present on the hair. Flies frequently lit on the animal but left almost immediately. A feAv stable flies were noted on the legs. No hornfiies Avere observed. July 25, considerable oil was still present. Some flies were seen to light on and crawl oA'er the greasy hair. There was a A^ery slight fishy odor. July 29, oil was present on the back and rump. No hornfiies were observed. Stable flies were observed on the legs. August C, rear portion of body very sticky and dirty. There was a loss of hair in spots on the back and sides. July 15, 1913, applied fish oil with a brush. The protection was A'cry marked. July 16, about 20 hours later, there was an abundance of oil present on the upper half of body, and a repellent action was noticeable in this region. There was still a very slight amount of oil on the legs, but it was not sufficient to keep the flies off. In the first test with fish oil the oil was applied by means of a spray pump. Two liters were used. The repellent action lasted be- tween one and three days. The liberal application of the oil caused REPELLENTS FOE PROTECTING ANIMALS FROM FLIES. 21 the hair to become sticky and dirty in places. There was also a loss of hair. These unfavorable results were not noted in the second test, in which a light application of oil was made with a brush. LAUREL OIL. June 19, 1913, a calf was rubbed with laurel oil. The protection was very marked. July 2, 1913, the oil was applied to a calf with a paint brush. There was a very marked repellent influence on both the hornflies and the stable flies. An hour or so later the repellent action was only very slightly reduced. July 3, 1913, the same calf was treated. Used about 2 ounces. The mixture was applied with a paint brush. The repellent action was marked. July 10, 1913, applied the oil with a brush to all parts of the body except the head. Used 5 ounces. July 11, about 22 hours later, there was an abundance of oil present on body and neck. There were no flies on the body and neck. Some stable flies were present on the legs. July 15, 1913, a severe exfoliation was noted on the shoulders and neck. There was a slight exfoliation on the head. A similar ex- foliation was noted on the withers shortly after the first treatment on June 19. August 19, 1913, a calf was treated all over with laurel oil. Appli- cation was made by means of a brush. August 20, there was an abundance of oil present. It was rubbed off the abdomen. The repellent action was marked, but the odor of the oil was not as strong as at first. August 21, some oil was present on the back and sides. There was a repellent action still evident. August 7, 1913, a cow was treated with 10 per cent laurel oil in cottonseed oil. The mixture was applied with a brush. The repel- lent action was marked. August 8, oil was present on the neck, shoulders, and back. It was rubbed off the sides and abdomen. There was no odor of laurel oil. Stable flies were present on the legs, Hornflies were present on the abdomen where the oil had been rubbed off. Laurel oil has a very marked repellent action on both hornflies and stable flies. No observations were made to determine the limit of the duration of the repellent action, but it undoubtedly as a rule con- tinues for several days. On account of the fact that the oil has a tendency to produce an exfoliation of the skin it should be applied very lightly to the hair. As indicated by the last test, in a 10 per cent mixture of laurel oil and cottonseed oil the laurel oil disappears by evaporation in less than 24 hours. 22 BULLETIN 131, U. S. DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE. PYRETHRUM POWDBR. Jul)'- 25, 1912, a cow was dusted with pyrethrum powder along the neck and back. Used about 2^ ounces of powder. Flies were observed to light frequently on the treated portions of the body and i"emain for a time. July 26, an attendant reported that there was plenty of powder still present and that it seemed to repel the flies. August 9, 1913, pyrethrum powder was applied to the skin of a cow. The repellent action was^very marked. August 10, only a very slight protective action was noted. Pyrethrum powder Avhen applied to the skin of cattle has a very marked repellent action, but this lasts only for about a day. SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL TESTS. The experimental tests are summarized in the following table : Summary of experimental tests. Substance nsed. Duration of odor. Duration of repel- lent action. Duration of pres- ence of sub- stance. Method of application. Effect on animals. 10 per cent crude carbolic acid in cot- tonseed oil. Do Do 10 per cent pine tar in cottonseed oil . . . 20 per cent pine tar in cottonseed oil . . . 50 per cent pine tar in cottonseed oil . . . Do 50 per cent pine tar in Beaumont oil. .. 10 per cent oil of tar in cottonseed oil . . Do 50 per cent oil of tar in cottonseed oil . . 10 per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil . . Do 50 per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil . . The Moore formula Do 10 per cent oil of eitronella in cotton- seed oil. Do 10 per cent oil of sassafras m cottonseed I oil. Do Do 10 per cent oil of camphor in cottonseed oil. Do Do 50 per cent kerosene in cottonseed oil . Beaumont oil Fish oil Do Laurel oil Do 10 per cent laurel oil in cottonseed oil . Pyrethrum powder •. Do 1-1- 2- 1- 3-1- 3+ 2— 3- 1- 1- 1 + 1- 1- 1 + 3 + l-h 2-1- 1- 1- 3-1- 1- 3-t- 34- 2- 3- 1 + 4— 1 + 3-t- 1 1' 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1-H 1 + 3- 14- 2+ 1+ 1 + 1-t- Days. 1+ 5- 14- 34- 34- 24- 34- 14- 74- 14- 24- 34- 14- 14- \ + 14- 24- 14- 14- 1 + Spray pump. do Brush Spray pump. Brush Spray pump. do Brush Spray pump. Brush Spray pump. do Brush do Sprayed.. Brush Atomizer. Brush Atomizer. do. Brush . , Atomizer Brush do do Spray pump. Brush do do do Phenol poisoning. Do. None. Caused depression. None. Do. Do. Caused stiffness. None. Do. Phenol poisoning. None. Do. Slight symptoms of poisoning. On second day ani- mal was stiff. Phenol poLsoning. None. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Slight loss of hair. None. Severe exfoliation. None. Do. Do. Do. EEPELLENTS FOR PROTECTING ANIMALS FROM PLIES. 23 GENERAL SUMMARY. The biting flies that annoy domestic animals most in this country are the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans, and the hornfly, Lyperosia irritans. The bot flies are not biting flies, but are a menace to do- mestic animals because of the parasitic habits of their larvae. This is also the case with the screw-worm fly, Paralucilia macellaria,, which deposits its eggs in wounds, and a bluebottle fly, Lucilia seri- rata., occurring in the United Kingdom and Holland, and certain species of Calliphora occurring in Australia, the larvae of which invade the wool and skin of sheep. Repellents are more or less effective against all of these flies. Opinions differ with regard to the injury by biting flies. The common opinion seems to be that these flies are responsible for great losses. However, a limited amount of experimental evidence relating to cattle seems to indicate that the losses, when they occur, are not great. The repellent action of certain colors has been noted by various investigators. Light-colored animals suffer less from flies than dark- colored ones. One author (Marre, 1908) has recorded the observa- tion of a farmer in France who found that a blue color applied to the inside of stables repelled flies. This observation seems to have re- mained uncorroborated. Potassium tellurate has been recommended by Ochmann (1911) as an internal remedy for repelling flies. However, Mayer (1911) failed to obtain results with the remedy, and it seems safe to assume that internal remedies will never prove practicable in repelling flies. Liquid repellents may be applied by means of a dipping vat, a pail spray pump, an atomizer, or by means of a rag or a paint brush. The method to be employed depends on the individual preference of the farmer and the nature and cost of the preparation used. The powder remedies that have been used are pyrethrum powder and tobacco powder. Various oils, emulsions of oils, and mixtures of oils are used in repelling flies. Crude petroleum, cottonseed oil, fish or train oil, and light coal-tar oil may be used pure. Jensen (1909) recommends for dairy cows an emulsion of crude petroleum containing an admix- ture of powdered naphthalin. Fish oil is rated as one of the best repellents and has been used alone and in combination with various other substances. Other sub- stances that have repellent qualities and that have been used in vari- ous mixtures are pine tar, oil of tar, crude carbolic acid, oil of penny- royal, and kerosene. Jensen's formula is said to protect cows for a week. The pro- tective action of fish oil is stated to range from less than two days 24 BULLETIN 131, U. S. DEPAKTMENT OF AGKICULTURE. ( Parrot t, 1900) to six days. Moore's formula is said to protect for two days. This mixture is safe when applied lightly with a brush, but not when applied liberally with a pail spray pump. Laurel oil is a very effective repellent. Mayer (1911) found that the protection lasted from 2 to 12 days. The oil when used pure has an irritating effect unless it is applied lightly. According to Mayer the irritating effect may be overcome by combining it with linseed oil in the proportion of 1 to 10. The present author found that 10 per cent of laurel oil in cottonseed oil was active for less than a day. A number of formulas for repellents for application to wounds have been recommended by various authors. In experimental tests carried out by the present author the follow- ing results were obtained : A 10 per cent mixture of crude carbolic acid (21.8 per cent phenols) in cottonseed oil has a very strong repellent action on flies, but this lasts less than a day, in consequence of which it is nec- essary to apply the mixture every day. The mixture should be ap- plied lightly with a brush, since a heavy application with a spray pump is likely to cause phenol poisoning. Mixtures consisting of 10, 20, and 50 per cent of pine tar in cot- tonseed oil have marked repellent qualities. They should be applied lightly and it is necessary to apply them every day. A liberal ap- plication of a 10 per cent mixture is deleterious to animals. This is also the case with a half-and-half mixture of pine tar and Beau- mont oil when applied lightly wdth a brush. A mixture of oil of tar (14 per cent phenols, volatile with steam) in cottonseed oil and in Beaumont oil has a very marked repellent action. A 10 per cent mixture of oil of tar in cottonseed oil is safe. A half-and-half mixture of oil of tar and cottonseed oil when ap- plied liberally with a spray pump and 50 per cent oil of tar in Beau- mont oil applied with a brush are not safe. Ten per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil is safe. When applied lightly it is necessary to apply 10 per cent oil of tar in cottonseed oil or 10 per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil every day. Mixtures of 10 per cent of oil of citronella, oil of sassafras, or oil of camphor in cottonseed oil are powerful repellents, but they are active for less than a day. A heavy application of fish oil causes the hair to become sticky and fall out. A light application did not produce these results. Pyrethrum powder is an effective repellent, but its action lasts only for about a day. REPELLENTS FOR PROTECTING ANIMALS FROM FLIES. 25 LITERATURE CITED. Beach, O. L., and Clark, A. B. 1904. Protecting cows from flies. Bui. 32, Storrs Agric. Exper. Station, Storrs, Conn., Dec, 14 p., fig. 15. BiSHOPP, F. C. 1913. Tlie stable fly. Farmers' Bui. 540, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, July 14, 28 p., figs, 10. Caeltle, W. L. 1899. Protecting cows from flies. In 16th Ann. Rep. Agric. Exper. Station Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, p. 92-96. 1904. Protecting cows from flies. [Summary of 1899, pp. 92-96.] In 20th Ann. Rep. Agric. Exper. Station, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, p. 105. Delamare, M. 1908. Destruction des mouches et des moustiques par le formol. In Archives de med. et de pharm. mil., v. 51, no. 4, April, p. 297-301. ECKLES, C. H. 1905. Test of a fly repellent. In Bui. 68, Missouri Agric. Exper. Station, Columbia. July, p. 35-39. Fuller, Claude. 1913. Fly plagues. An unusual outbreak of Stomoxys calcitrans follow- ing floods. In Agric. Jour. Union South Africa, Pretoria, v. 5 (6), June, p. 922-924. Garman, H. 1892. Some common pests of the farm and garden. Bui. 40, Kentucky Agric. Exper. Station, Lexington, Mar., 51 p., figs. 28, pis. 2. Hopkins, A. D. 1891. Department of entomology. In 3d Ann. Rep. West Virginia Agric. Exper. Station, Charleston, p. 145-180, pis. 12-13. The horn fly, p. 159. Jensen, H. 1909. [Fly repellents.] In Missouri A^'alley Vet. Bui., Topeka, Kans., v. 4 (5). Aug., p. 30; note by editor, p. 30-31. Kent, F. L. 1903. Department of dairying. [Report dated June 30.] In 15th Aim. Rep. Oregon Agric. College and Exper. Station, [Corvallis], p. 29-33. - LiNDSEY, J. B. 1903. Dairying and feeding experiments. In 15th Ann. Rep. Hatch Exper. Station, Massachusetts Agric. College, Boston, Jan., p. 57-68. Marlatt, C. L. -^ ^ 1910. The horn fly (Hcetnatohia serrata Rob.-Desv.). Circular 115, Bureau Entom., U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, Apr. 15, 13 p., figs. 6. [MS. dated Nov. 17, 1909.] Marbe, Francis. 1908. Les mouches n'aiment pas la couleur bleue. In Jour, d'agric prat., Paris, an. 72, n. s., t. 16, sem. 2, no. 33, 13 aoflt, p. 215-216. Mater, A. 1911. Ueber die Wirkung des tellursauren Kaliums als Fliegenmittel. In Monatsh. f. prakt. Tierh., Stuttgart, v. 23 (2-3), 25. Nov., p. 49-50. MooEE, E. L. 1903. Flies. In Bui. 81, South Dakota Agric. Exper. Station, Aberdeen, June, p. 41-42. 26 BULLETIN 131, U. S. DEPARTMENT 01*' AGiilCULTURE. OCHMANN. mil. Kalinin tellnricuni. In Ztsclir. f. VeterinJ4rk., Berlin, v. 28 (4), Apr., p. 193-105. Otis, D. H. 1904. Experiuients witk dairy cows. Bui. 125, Kansas Agric. Exper. StJitiou, Manhattan, May [issued September, 1904], p. 59-161, pis. 1-59 [i. e., figs. 1-39]. 1905. Experiments with hand-fed calves. Bui. 126, Kansas Agric. Exper. Station, Manhattan (May, 1904), Mar., p. 163-198, figs. 1-14. Parrott, p. J. 1900. Horsefly remedies. [Letter to editor.] In Wallaces' Farmer. Des Moines, Iowa, v. 25 (15), Apr. 13, p. 415. Smith, J. B. [1889a] The horn fly {HwmatoMa scrrata). Bui. 62, N. Jersey Agric. Exper. Station, New Brunswick, Nov. 6, 40 p., figs. 11. Spencer, John. 1904a. The horn fly {UaiiiutoOia scrratu). In Bui. 153, Virginia Agric. Exper. Station, Blacksburg, v. 13 (4), Dec, p. 71-77, 5 figs. o usPEPffiffliorAiiranii No. 134 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief October 7, 1914. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) CITRUS FRUIT INSECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. By H. J. QuAYLE. THE MEDITERRANEAN FRUIT-FLY.'' Ceratitis capitata Wied. OCCURRENCE. In the Mediterranean countries the Mediterranean fruit-fly (Ceratitis caijitata Wied.) was first recorded from Spain in 1842, from Algeria in 1859, from southern Italy in 1870, from Sicily in 1882, from Tunis in 1885, from Malta in 1893, from Egypt in 1904, and from France in 1900.^ This chronology, however, does not necessarily represent the spread of the insect, for it may have occurred in some of the countries long before any published record appears. In addition to the coun- tries enumerated it is also said to occur in Asiatic Turkey. In the Mediterranean vicinity it is recorded from the Azores, Madeira, and Cape Verde Islands. The writer has taken this insect at Valencia 1 This paper is of immediate value on account of the important information it contains bearing on the subject of the need of regulating the entry of citrus and other fruits imported from Mediterranean countries to prevent the entry of the Mediterranean fruit fly into the United States. The investigations embodied in this paper were made by Prof. Quayle during the summer of 1913 as a collaborator of the Federal Horti- cultural Board of this Department. Prof. Quayle is an expert on citrus insects and has previously made important studies in this field in California in connection with the State experiment station. Advantage was taken of the fact that he was proposing to use his sabbatical year to make a world-wide survey of citrus insects to commission him to make a much-needed preliminary survey of the citrus and other fruit insects in Mediterranean countries, more particularly in relation to the export fruit to the United States. The fruit-fly conditions of the principal Mediterranean citrus districts was the important subject; the report, however, includes data on other fruit insects which ought to be considered in relation to any pro- posed regulation of the entry of fruits from countries covered. As having an important bearing also on the possibility of the entrance of the fruit fly with Mediterranean fruit, the investigation includes a report on harvesting and marketing conditions of citrus fruit, more par- ticularly as to methods of picking, sorting, curing, and shipping. This paper indicates very clearly that there is little danger of fruit-fly introduction from the lemon, which is the main- citrus importation from Mediterranean countries. That there is some danger from oranges and certain other fruits at particularly favorable seasons of the year has also been clearly brought out.— C. L. Marlatt, Chairman Federal Horticultural Board. 2 Italian, Mosca della arance; Spanish, Mosca. 3 For these and other facts, including a full bibliography of Ceratitis capitata, see Quaintance, A . I.. , U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent., Circ. no. 160,25p., 1 fig., Oct. 5, 1912. 51981°— Bull. 134—14—1 k 2 BULLETIN 134, U. &„ DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUKE. and Barcelona, Spain (also punctured oranges in tlie London markets from Murcia, Spain), at Marseille, France, throughout southern Italy and Sicily, and punctured oranges in the markets of Jerusalem, Palestine. FOOD PLANTS AND INJURY. In Spain, during July, 1913, the Mediterranean j[ruit-fly was found in peaches and oranges, but in very limited numbers. The extent of infestation in peaohes, its favorite food, amounted to only a fraction of 1 per cent. It is true that most of the peaches had not yet matured, and there is no doubt that a heavier infestation occurred later in the season. Many of the pears, apples, and other fruits were examined, both in the market and in the field, but none was found infested at that Fig. 1. — The Mediterranean fruit-fly {Ccratitis capilata): a, Adult fly; 6, head of same from front; c, spatula- like hair from face of male; d, antenna; c, larva; /, anal segment of same; g, head of same, a, e, Enlarged; 6j J,/, greatly enlarged; c, d, still more enlarged. (From Howard.) time. Figs, which would probably be infested, were immature, as it< was then in the period between the first and second crops. During the month of March an extensive examination of oranges in the field and in packing houses was made, but at that season none was infested. It was learned that occasional complaints of in- fested oranges occur at the close of the shipping season during the last of Jmie and the first of July, and again in a few of the earlier ripening fruits in October. When the section was again visited, in July, all of the crop was harvested, but scattering fruits on the trees and on the groimd were common. These would be the ones likely to be infested were the fruit-fly present. After a week's examination in the groves around Valencia, only four oranges were found with the larvsB (fig. 1, g) of the fruit-fly. It is probable that the fly was unusu- ally rare in 1913, because no complaint of infested fruit was recorded CITKUS FKUIT INSECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. 3 from any of the late shipments, and also because of the extreme scarcity of the fly as found by the writer in other fruits, as well as in oranges. In Sicily Ceratitis capitata has been reared by the writer from the following fruits: Apple, azarole, fig, Indian fig, lemon, mandarin, nec- tarine, orange (sweet), orange (bitter), peach, pear, and plum. Of these fruits the peach is the most severely infested. This is particu- larly true of the late peaches in August and September. In many places much of the fruit as it approached maturity was attacked. As a consequence most of the fruit is picked rather green and not so many of the infested fruits find their way to the markets. In some sections, however, the fruit-fly was not so abundant in the field, and it was pos- sible to get a good percentage of sound, mature fruit. Wormy fruit was supposed not to be sold in the markets of Palermo, and this was enforced by a few 50-lire iuies. After the first few days following the hatching of the larvae infested peaches are readily distmguished, and the writer was able to get all the infested fruit necessary for experi- mental purposes from the Palermo markets. All of the peaches met with in Sicily were clings and of a very firm texture. The preponderance of such a variety may be due to the fact that such fruits do not break down so readily from the attacks of the fly. Figs are also more or less infested, but to no such extent as the peach, and the loss to the figs was very little. Most of the figs are picked for drying while they are still firm, and few in this condition contained larvae. Plums and apples were rarely infested, while a few larvae were found in pears. The pears of Sicily are likemse of soUd, firm texture, there being no Bartlett or other representatives of our better varieties. Indian figs, a very common fruit in all parts of Sicily, were not infested until September, and then only a small percentage. It was not difficult to find azaroles contammg larvge, but the greater percentage of them was sound. Aside from a few localities where considerable injury is done to the peach, the fruit-fly is not a very destructive pest in Mediterranean countries and fruit continues to be grown successfully in spite of its presence. In these countries, too, it should be noted, the growers have httle knowledge of the insects mfesting their fruit, mth the exception of one or two species, and they do not, as a rule, practice any measures for artificial control. The writer knows of r.o case where the culture of any fruit in these countries has had to be abandoned because of the destructiveness of the Mediterranean fruit-fly. While this insect was on two or three occasions, during his sojourn in the Mediterranean vicinity, served to the writer through peaches at the table, codhng-moth-infested apples and pears formed a regular part of the menu in comparison. These statements are made with no pur- pose of minimizing the importance of the pest. 4 BULLETIN 134, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. INFESTATION OF ORANGES. Oranges were not found infested mth the fruit-fly during April and May. By the end of May oranges are almost entirely off the market in Sicily. Much orange fruit was examined during April and May, both on the Island of Sicily and on the mainland, but no infestation was found. In Calabria and at Messina oranges were seen with fruit- fly punctures from the previous season, but no larvse were present. The eggs failed to hatch or the larvae died immediately upon hatching without getting beyond the egg cavity. Accordijig to Dr. Martelli, entomologist at Messina, who has given considerable attention to the fruit-fly, oranges may usually be found infested by the 1st of June, but none was found with living larvse anywhere, to the writer's knowl- edge, up to the second week in June of 1913. When the writer returned to Sicily on the 1st of August such ripe oranges as were still on the trees or on the ground were heavily infested with the fruit-fly (PL I, fig. 2). Indeed, no oranges could be found that were either not infested or did not show punctures. For some reason unaccounted for, a few oranges among an almost complete infestation wiU show from two or three to a dozen punc- tures, yet will remain sound and contain no larvse. One orange taken late in August contained the remarkable number of 118 larvae. (PI. I, fig. 5). These were mostly fuU grown, and the orange was below medium size. The pulp alone did not furnish sufficient food for such a number, so many of them had retreated to the denser rind, and it was necessary to cut this into very small pieces to disclose the larvse, which were concealed in small burrows. This orange, before it was cut, was firm and undecayed. The usual number found in oranges varied from 6 or 7 to 15 or 20. In peaches there were about the same number, but occasionally as many as 30 or 35. In figs usually from 3 or 4 to 8 or 10 were found, while in azaroles and plums, which are smaller, from 2 or 3 to 5 or 6 would be the usual numbers. Both the sweet and bitter oranges were infested. The bitter orange, therefore, at least as it occurs in Sicily, is not objectionable as food to the fly. The pomelo, or grapefruit, is very rare in Sicily, as elsewhere in Europe, so that a fair test of possible infestation was not presented: A few old grapefruit, however, occurring on three or four trees that adjoined orange trees on which aU the fruit was infested, showed no larvae or punctures. Mandarins are, of course, commonly infested. (PI. I, fig. 4.) Occasional ones, apparently remaining over from the previous year, were collected as late as August, and these were in nearly all cases infested. The first oranges of the crop of 1913 with fruit-fly punctures were seen about the middle of September. Tliis fruit had begun to turn yellow over a small area on one side, and the punctures were in this Bui. 134, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. .jiSifumit, In Hawaii a perfectly sound lemon has been seen with a single specimen of Ceratitis capitata. In Hawaii, also , Ceratitis punctures in lemons are ^ery common, though actual infestation seems to be rare. 51981°— Bull. 134—14 2 10 BULLETIN 134, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. in these operations, although not mth entire success, to prevent infection from molds, which gave considerable trouble. In 12 experi- ments 163 larv8B were transferred into lemons, and 108, or 66.2 per cent, changed to pupse and emerged. The time spent in the lemons varied from 2 to 10 days, with an average maximum of 7.7 days. The length of the larval period was determined as 10 to 11 days. On this basis the age of the larvte transferred varied from 1 or 2 to 10 days. It will be noted that not all the larvae developed, 33.8 per cent havipg died from one cause or another. Ths molds in the fruit were probably the chief factor in the mortality. The exuding juice drowned a good many that were emerging for pupation, others were dead in the fruit, and possibly some were injured in the transfer. Enough, however, emerged to show that the lemon is not an impos- sible food for the larvae of Ceratitis capitata. In each of 48 glass jars from 1 to 2 lemons were placed and from 6 to 22 flies liberated. These were fed with sweetened water, and lived from 3 to 26 days, the large majority, however, djang after 6 or 7 days. No infested lemons resulted from these experi- ments and no punctures were found. Under the same conditions peaches, pears, and oranges became infested, but with these some of the experiments also resulted negatively. Apples in three jars were not infested. In only a few cases were flies seen in copulation, and it appeared that they were too closely confined and under too unnatural conditions for free breeding. In four large breeding boxes, where infested fruit was placed on the ground and the flies allowed to emerge, a total of 56 lemons in all stages of ripeness was placed. In 2 of these boxes the fruit was first punctured with a needle or scalpel, and m the other 2 the lemons were sound. Some of the lemons remamed in these boxes for 6 weeks. Hundreds of flies emerged in each of the boxes. The lemons, when examined, were in various stages, many being de- cayed. No infested fruit was found, and no punctures of the fruit-fl.y were seen in any of the lemons. While these experiments were not, of course, extensive and ade- quate enough to establish any fact on negative evidence alone, they do show that oviposition in the lemon in Italy is not at all common. PUPATION. Ordinarily fruit-fly larvae go into the soil to the depth of about an inch, or otherwise seclude themselves for pupation; but this is not at all necessary, and pupation may occur anywhere in the open and direct light. The side of a packing box or any other container of fruit is thus suitable for the purpose, and the fruit-fly may be transported in this manner. CITRUS FRUIT INSECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. 11 LIFE CYCLE. No extended life-history studies were attempted or possible m the time available, but such records as were kept indicate that the life cycle of Ceratitis is completed in 22 or 23 days in Sicily in August. Out of this total, 2 or 3 days are required for the eggs to hatch, 10 or 11 days for the development of the larvae, and 10 days for the pupal period. Since these records were made during the warmest weather they represent the minimum time for development. OTHER INSECTS IN ORANGES AND LEMONS LIKELY TO BE MISTAKEN FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN FRUIT-FLY. The commonest insect occurring in decayed or overripe oranges and lemons on the ground, and also occasionally on the tree, is a nitidulid beetle, CarpopJiilus dimidiatus Fab. Larvse and adults of this beetle often occur in great numbers. Usually decay has already set in before the fruit is attacked, but if it remains on the ground for some time the beetles will bore through the rind and they them- selves cause decay. The appearance of such fruit is very much like that infested by Ceratitis. The larva of Carpophilus is about the same length as that of the fruit-fly, but is easily distinguished because it is beetle-hke and both ends are tipped with brown. Instead of breaking down, lemons often dry with extremely hard, firm rind, and they remain in this condition for months. Such lemons occurring on tho ground are, however, frequently infested mth this beetle. The beetle enters tho fruit where it rests on the ground by drilling holes through the firm rind. Ajiother common ''worm" in decayed oranges and lemons is the larva of a fly, Lonchaea splendida Loew. This larva is more slender and of a paler color than that of the fruit-fly, but small specimens are very likely to be mistaken for fruit-fly larvse; hence they must be examined closely and identified by the spiracles to make sure of the species. The adult fly is smaller than Ceratitis and is of a me- talHc blue color. Larvae of Drosophila also frequently occur in decayed oranges and lemons, but, except in possible cases of very small specimens, they are easily distinguished from the more robust and yellowish white Ceratitis larvae. Of all the ''worms" infesting oranges and lemons, Ceratitis larvae are the most sluggish and slow moving, so that with a little experience they may be distinguished by their move- ments. 12 BULLETIN 134, U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGRICULTUKE. THE BLACK SCALE.^ Saissetia oleae Bern. DISTRIBUTION AND INJURY. The black scale is generally distributed throughout the Mediter- ranean citrus sections. (Fig. 2.) It varies in numbers from an occa- sional scale to numerous specimens forming a complete incrustation on the twngs and branches, and in injury from an insect of no commer- cial importance to one doing much damage through the quantity of sooty-mold fungus found on the trees and fruit. In the most important orange section of the Mediterranean countries, that of Valencia, Spain, the black scale is, according to our standards of judging, entitled to rank first among the citrus fruit pests. This statement is at least true for the years 1912 and 1913. In all of the scores of packing houses visited during the month of March, 1913, X /?epresen^s f/?e mons /mpor/eynf cZ/rc/s sec f /ens of^ //le fi^e^//erra/?earj Pe^/or? Fig. 2.— Distribution of insect enemies of citrus fruits in Mediterranean countries. (Original.) from a half dozen to 15 or 20 women were seen washing fruit to remove the sooty-mold fungus occurring as a result of black-scale infestation. In some cases the sooty mold was due to the mealy bug {Pseudococcus citri), but infection from this source would amount to only a small percentage of the total. During July, 1913, when the section was again visited, numerous young were seen on the leaves, which, barring a heavy mortality later, would furnish the same conditions for the season following. In numerous groves around Burriana, Spain, the sooty-mold fungus was seen to form a complete coating over all the upper surface of the leaves, branches, and fruit, and such a severe incrustation of scales occurred as actually to kill many of the smaller twigs, and in some cases even the larger branches. The greatest injury from the black scale was seen in the ** Plana," or level district opening to the sea north of Valencia, and centering around Burriana. The conditions here are much the same as in the ' Spanish, Escania negra; Italian, Cocciniglia dell' olivo. Bui. 134, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. Fig. 1.— The Black Scale iSaissetia oleae) on Lemon Twig, Sicily. (Original.) Fig. 2.— a Common Citrus Scale (Parlatoria zizyphus) on a Lemon Leaf, Sicily (Original.) SOME SCALE INSECT ENEMIES OF CITRUS FRUITS IN SICILY. CITRUS FEUIT INSECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. 13 coast counties in southern California, where the same scale is most important as a pest. The "Ribera," or section south of Valencia, is Lilly and rolling and is separated from the sea by hills and mountains. The direct sea influence is, therefore, not so pronounced, and the black scale is .not so generally injurious. The influence of the sea consists m moderating the effect of the summer heat, which, if too intense, results in a wholesale mortality of the young scales, in which stage the scale is largely found durmg the summer months. The black scale is also more or less abundant in localities farther south, as Murcia, Malaga, and Seville. But in these sections, which are still farther removed from the sea, the black scale is not so im- portant a pest as is Crysomphalus dictyospermi. The washing of oranges in Spain consists in rubbing each individual fruit, first in wet, and then in dry sawdust, the latter both to hasten the drying and to complete the cleaning. It is not a bad system so far as results are concerned, and, with the low price of labor (20 cents a day for women), the expense is no greater and probably much less than with the use of macliinery as with us. The sawdust method, however, leaves more traces of the mold in the smaU depressions of the fruit than does our machine with brushes. When attention was called by the wi'iter to the absence of any aseptic agent in the water used in dampening the sawdust — and it is used over and over again — the reply was evoked that there is no better disinfecting agent than ordinary sea water. But the wi'iter was not sure that sea water was being used, and he was very certain it was not in many places. The amount of fruit receiving the sawdust treatment varied from 25 per cent to more than 90 per cent in most of the packing houses visited. The washing of the fruit, according to Spanish standards, is regarded simply as one of the regular practices of the paclring house, and is not an expense generally attributed to the black scale or any other insect. In fact, no one was seen in Spain who considered that the sooty-mold fungus - was in any way related to the black scale. It was for this reason that the statement appears at the beginning of this discussion that the black scale is considered by the writer to be the most important pest in the Valencia section, "according to our standards." According to Spanish standards it is no pest at all, chiefly because the insect and its important effect, the sooty-mold fungus, are not generally considered as in any way related. But the injury by the black scale in the Valencia section is not due entirely to the presence of mold on the fruit. Wlien such severe infestations occur as were frequently seen, the tree itself suffers. Small twigs are killed, and the coating of mold over the leaf, brar.ch, and fruit not only interferes with the functions of the tree, but the fruit itself is deficient in sweetness and flavor. 1 Spanish, Neyrilla. 14 BULLETIN 134, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. In Sicily the black scale was seen in great abundance in several places, but these places usually consisted of but a small area, or even but a few trees. (PI. II, fig. 1.) It is found in scattering numbers throughout the citrus area, but with the exception of a few cases of dirty fruit which have been seen, coming from limited areas, as noted above, the black scale is not a serious pest in this, the most important lemon section of the Mediterranean. It is the writer's opinion that, above all other factors, the absence of the scale in serious numbere in Sicilj^ is due to the sirocco, which frequently prevails there during the summer and fall. This is a burning hot, dry Avind from the African deserts. It is only necessary to experience one of these siroccos, which usually lasts about three days, to conclude what effect it would have on insects not well adapted to withstand heat and dryness. Opportunity was afforded for judging the effects of a sirocco on young black scale in Sicily, with the result that between 95 and 100 per cent were seen to be killed. The same effect of hot weather has been observed by Mr. C. L. Marlatt,^ Mr. R. S. Woglum,^ and the writer ^ in Cahfornia. SEASONAL HISTORY. So far as could be observed the black scale has very much the same life and seasonal history in Mediterranean countries as it has in Cali- fornia. The majority of the young appear in June and July. These settle almost entirely upon the leaves or on the tender twigs. It is during this period that high temperatures are likely to cause a heavy mortality. Later in the fall the young that still survive migrate to their permanent abode on the t\vigs and branches, and pass the winter as partly grown insects. During this season growth is very slow, but with the resumption of warm weather in the spring it pro- ceeds rapidly. By May and June oviposition occurs, and from 2,000 to 3,000 eggs are deposited by a single female during a period of from 30 to 60 days. Wliile the majority thus mature in the spring and require 8 or 10 months for development, othei*s, that have all the heat of summer, mil mature in 4 or 5 months, and thus some scales will be found in all stages at all seasons. NATURAL ENEMIES. The most important natural enemy of the black scale in most sections where it occure is Scutellista cyanea Motch. It was a sur- prise, however, to find that this parasite occurred in less numbers in 1 Marlatt, C. L. Insect control in California. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook for 1S96, p. 217-236, PI. V, 1897. See p. 218. 2 Woglum, R. S. Fumigation inve.stigations in California. I'. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent., Bui. 79, 73 p., 28 figs., June 11, 1909. See p. 12. 3 Quayle, 11. J. The black scale. Cal. Univ. Coll. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 223, p. 151-200, 24 figs., 8 pi., July, 1911. See p. 165. CITRUS FEUIT INSECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. 15 many of the Mediterranean countries than it does in CaUfornia. In those countries where no artificial control is practiced it was thought that all natural enemies would be more abundant. On the other hand, no place was seen where the numbers equaled those of the Cahfornia citrus belt, mth a possible exception in the case of Ceroplastes rusci L. on the fig, in a few places in Sicily. In Spain, where the black scale was so abundant on citrus trees, very few were attacked by Scutel- lista. Wliere counts were made the maximum did not exceed 20 per cent, while hundreds of scales were examined in many places with no evidence at all of parasitism. Scutellista, hke most insects, has its periods of increase and decrease, and the year 1913 may have been at the end of a depression. But during years when it occurs in fewest numbers in southern California it is much more abundant than it was observed to be in Spain in 1913. In Sicily, also, Scutel- lista was not seen in large numbers anywhere on the black scale on citrus trees. Aside from Scutelhsta the only other enemies of any importance noted were two coccinellids, CTiilocorus hipustulatus L. and Exochomus 4-pustulatus L. These, however, are general feeders, and were seen to occur more abundantly on trees infested with CTirysoraphalus dictyo- spermi, Parlatoria zizyphus, and LepidosapTies heckii than on those infested by the black scale. Rhizohius ventralis Er., the most im- portant coccinellid on the black scale in California, was not seen in Spain or Italy. CHRYSOMPHALUS DICTYOSPERMI Morg.' DISTRIBUTION AND INJURY. CJirysompJialus dictyospermi is found in most of the citrus sections of Spain. It was commonly observed at Malaga, Seville, Murcia, and Valencia. In the Valencia section it was most injurious at Piaporto, Picana, and Piug. At each of these places fumigation, introduced by Mr. R. S. Woglum, of this bureau, was seen in prac- tice. Hero the scale occasioned severe injury to the trees, mostly through the dropping of the leaves. Wliile it was observed in scattering numbers around Burriana, nowhere was it seen to do any important injury. Why it does not occur there in greater numbers is not known. It was thought that parasites must be at work, but prac- tically no evidence of parasites was seen, so far as examination was raade during the month of March. That this scale was not recently introduced in the Burriana district appears to be indi- cated from the fact that it occurs there over such a large area. This scale was also seen occasionally around Alcira in the ''Ribera." I Spanish, Piojo rojo; Valenciana, Poll roig; in Murcia and provinces of Andalucia, Cochinella rojo; Italian, Cocciniglia bianco-rosso: Sicilian, Bianca-russa. 16 BULLETIN 134, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. If this scale occurred widely over the Valencia section in such numbers as at Piaporto, Picana, and Piug, it would, of course, out- rank the black scale in destructiveness. At the points mentioned it is the most serious of all the scales because of its damage to the tree, as well as its effect on the market value of the fruit. It occurs also in injurious numbers farther south, as at Murcia, Malaga, and Seville. It is very commonly seen on the fruit in the markets in these sections, and the trees in many places show the effect of the scales. Even in the famous Patio de los Naranjos (Court of Oranges) of the mosque at Cordova and of the cathedral at Seville the trees are having a hard struggle to exist on account of the severe infesta- tion by this scale. Taking the entire citrus area of Spam this scale may be the most important, but in the important commercial section of Valencia, where 90 per cent of the crop is produced, it is first only in a few small areas. In the citrus belt along the French and Itahan Riviera this species was seen at San Remo and Porto Maurizio; at the former place in destructive numbers on a few small trees. In Sicily it occure at Catania, Messina, and Palermo. (PL III, fig. 4; PI. IV, figs. 1 and 2.) At Messina it is found in several places around the city and does considerable injury. Its first recorded appearance on the island, four or five years ago, was at this place. At Catania it is more or less widely distributed, while at Palermo it is still limited to a few small areas, but it is destructive as far as its spread has occurred. LIFE HISTORY AND HABITS. This species, somewhat like the yellow scale {CTirysomiiihalus aurantii Mask., var. citrinus Coq.), attacks the leaves and fruit largely. These wiU be found heavily infested and often there wiU be but a few on the twigs and branches. This habit of avoiding the twigs and branches is not so complete as with the yellow scale, but is distinctly more pronounced than with the Cahfornia red scale (Ohrysomplialus aurantii Mask.). In severe infestations, of course, and where the leaves have fallen, C. dictyospermi will be found in considerable numbers on the twigs. Because the twigs and branches are not so severely infested the injury is neither so great nor so rapid as is the case with C. aurantii. But the dropping of the leaves greatly injures the tree temporarily and new leaves scarcely grow out until they in turn are attacked. Wliilo the life history of this species has not been worked out in detail, it is probably very similar to that of C. aurantii. The latter species requires two and one-half to four months for its develop- ment. There would thus be between three and four, possibly four, full generations in a year. jl. 134, U. S. Dept. of AgriculTure Plate III. Some Scale Insect Enemies to Citrus Fruits in Spain and Italy. Fig. 1. — LeniDii distortt-d by the oleaiidi-r scale, Afpi'liatiix lidlirac; Italy. Fig. 2. — Xn orange infested witli a coinmDn citrus scale, Puiiatnn'n zizi/plnis; Spain. Fig. 3. — Lemon incriisted witli Ai<{tirli(jtn.f liidcrw; Sicily. Fig. 4. — Lemcin inlcsted with Chri/goiiiphalus dictyogpenni; Sicily. Fig. 5. — I'uiintoria zizmihus on lemon twigs, Sicily, (t)riginal') Bui 134, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IV. Chrysomphalus dictyospermi on Orange Leaf, Sicily. (Original.) Lemon Tree Partially Killed by Chrysomphalus dictyospermi. (Original.) Scars Resulting From Feeding of Thrips, Probably Heliothrips fasciatus. (Original.) INSECT ENEMIES OF CITRUS FRUITS IN SICILY. CITRUS FEUIT INSECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. 17 NATURAL ENEMIES. The most abundant parasite of this scale is a species of Aphelinus.* Two or three species of Coccinellidse have also been seen feeding on the scale. These are the same species as those already given for the black scale. THE PURPLE SCALE.2 Lepidosaphes heckii Newm. DISTRIBUTION AND INJURY. The purple scale was seen in most of the citrus sections of Spain and Italy. It is found very generally in the Valencia orange section and in the Sicilian lemon section. Not infrequently the numbers are sufficient to do injury to the trees. This consists of the killing of a few branches, or a portion of one side of the tree. (PI. V, fig. 1 .) The scale is also more or less common on the fruit. It occurs in many places in Sicily in. only scattering numbers, and in small areas, or, on a few trees, in large numbers. This is about the status of the scale in California and Florida and the Valencia section of Spain, but on the island of Sicily it is less injurious than in any of these three localities, LIFE HISTORY. The purjDle scale deposits from 40 to 80 eggs, which are well inclosed by the scale covering above and a lighter, cottony covering beneath. The eggs hatch in 15 to 20 days in summer. Most eggs and young will be found in the spring — ^May and June — and another large batch in August and September. At all other seasons eggs will be found, but usually in less numbers. The period of development from hatching to egg-laying ranges from one and one-half months in summer to three months in winter. NATURAL ENEMIES. The purple scale has been considered a pest of little economic importance in Mediterranean countries, and this has been accounted for through the efficient work of parasites. The writer takes excep- tion to both of these counts. Just as severe injury has been seen from, this scale in Spain as in California or Florida. And further, what natural enemies are keeping it in check ? Hitherto, so far as known, no internal parasite has been reported from the purple scale in Sicily, Dr. Martelli was informed by the writer that he had seen evidence of Aspidiotiphagus citrinus attacking the purple scale, but the observa- tion was questioned on the ground that the scale was Lepidosaphes ulmi and not L. heckii. Of course, the parasitized scales were not positively identified at the time. Later Aspidiotiphagus citrinus 1 This species appears to be ^ . diaspidis, but its identity, according to Prof. Silvestri, of Portici, is somo- what questionable. 2 Spanish, Serpeta; Italian, Pidocchio a virgola; Sicilian, Pidocchiu. 51981°— Bull. 134—14 3 18 BULLETIN 134, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. Craw was reared from scales on citrus trees, and those scales from which they emerged were positively identified, as was expected, as L. heckii. The record, therefore, stands. Dr. Leonard!, of Portici, a specialist on the Coccidae, stated that he had seen some evidence of a parasite on the pui"ple scale, but he had not as yet studied it and did not know the species. WTien the entomologists of Italy know so little about the parasite, and when it was only very rarely found by the writer, it certainly can not be counted as very effective in checking the scale. The only other enemies of this scale seen in Sicily and Spain were coccinellid beetles, and while these are more effective than A. citrinus, they have not been seen in large numbers, and are not accountable for keeping the scale in check. Places have been seen in Sicily which were very free from the purple scale, but according to the growers the scale had been present there in considerable numbers several years ago, and disappeared. Because of the meager knowledge of scales and the confusion of names by most Sicilian growers, the foregoing may or may not be true. It is, however, altogether probable. (For a discussion of climatic influ- ences, see under Meteorological data, pp. 34-35.) THE LONG SCALE.i Lepidosaphes gloverii Pack. DISTRIBUTION AND INJURY. The long scale, so far as observed by the writer, is limited to Spain. In that country it is particularly destructive in some sections. It is frequently associated, with the i)urple scale, as in the Valencia section. In some cases it was more abundant than the purple. Trees most injured by this scale were seen near Burriana. (PL V, fig. 1.) The long scale also occurs in Florida, from which place it was first described. It has been reported from two counties in Cahfornia, though it has never spread and is of no consequence as a pest there. It is dis- tinguished from the purple scale in being -much more slender, and the pygidial differences are also distinct. PARLATORIA ZIZYPHUS Lucas.2 DISTRIBUTION AND INJLIRY. Parlatoria zizyphus is the commonest of all the scales occurring on the lemon tree in Sicily. (PI. II, fig. 2; PI. Ill, fig. 5.) It is also found in most of the orange sections of Spain. (PI. Ill, fig. 2.) In the Valencia section it was most abundant in the ''Ribera" in the vicinity of Alcira. This scale ranges in abundance from a few scatter- ing scales to a heavy incrustation on the leaves, twigs, and fruit. It 1 Spanish, Serpcta larga. i Italian common name, FidocMo nero: Sicilian, Pidocchiu niuru: Spanish (Valenciana), Poll ncgre. CITRUS FRUIT INSECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. 19 has been noted in several instances to cause a heavy dropping of the leaves, and it is one of the commonest scales occurring on the fruit in the markets. This may be partly because it adheres so firmly to the fruit and is not easily removed by rubbing. While it occurs abun- dantly in Sicily it is not extremely injurious to the tree, nor does it dis- tort the fruit as does Aspidiotus hederae. NATURAL ENEMIES. This scale is especially free from parasites. On one occasion Aspidiotiphagus citrinus was obtained from material infested by zizyphus, but it can not be positively stated that there were not a few purple scales among the material, so the record remains doubtful. THE OLEANDER SCALE. Aspidiotus hederae Vail.' DISTRIBUTION AND INJURY. The cosmopolitan and omnivorous oleander scale is found through- out Spain and Italy and is an important pest on ripe lemons in the latter country during the spring and early summer. (PI. Ill, figs. 1 and 2.) It was also observed on oranges in Spain, but is less injuri- ous on oranges there than on lemons in Italy. In Cahfornia the same scale occurs occasionally on old over-ripe oranges and lemons, but is of no commercial importance. In May and June it is really a pest of much economic importance in Italy. If such infestation occurred in Cahfornia, it would certainly mean fumigation. As much as 90 per cent of the fruit in some of the by-product factories has been seen infested with this scale. Most of such fruit was brought there because of it. The oleander scale very seriously distorts the growth of the lemon hi Italy. (PI. Ill, fig. 1.) Where the scale occurs there will be a depression, so that the fruit has a rough and uneven appearance and when numerous it becomes badly misshapen and distorted. The scale also delays the coloring of the lemon, and such fruit can be distin- guished at a long distance by its blotches of yellow and green. \Miile the inferior fruit caused by the scale is considerable in Italy, it is not a complete loss because it is acceptable for the by-product fac- tory. On the Amalfi coast, where fruit of the finest texture is pro- duced, it would seem that spraying, at a time when the yomig first appear, would in many cases be profitable. NATURAL ENEMIES. A species of Aphelinus is the commonest parasite on this scale hi Italy. On host plants other than Citrus this parasite was some- times seen in very large numbei's. Aspidiotiphagus citrinus has also been taken from A. hederae. 1 Italian, Bianca; Sicilian, Bianca o rugna. 20 BULLETIN 134, U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGEICULTUBE. THE COTTONY CUSHION SCALE. leery a purchasi Mask. DISTRIBUTION AND INJURY. The cottony cushion scale was observed at Acireale, Messina, and Bagheria in Sicily. It was not seen elsewhere in Italy, except at Portici, and was not observed anywhere in Spain. It is of recent introduction in Sicily (five or six years ago) and is supposed to have come from North America or Portugal. A severe infestation occurred at the places mentioned in Sicily as observed in April. Several trees were killed and cut down afc Bagheria. (PI. V, fig. 2.) Novius cardinalis was seen at work at Messina and Acireale, but after per- sistent search none could be found at Bagheria despite the fact that the beetle had been liberated by Dr. Savastano in February. Dr. Savastano was informed of this fact, and another colony was promptly liberated. When the place was again visited in August it was gratifying to see that apparently the entii-e infestation was com- pletely checked by the work of the beetle. The owner of the grove, who in May despaired of saving any of the trees, in August was elated and believed it little short of mii'aculous that he could be freed of the pest in such a short time. This infestation was so com- pletely cleaned up that Novius had disappeared for lack of food, and no trace of the beetles could be found in August. These same con- ditions have been observed in California; the beetles, upon eating all of the scales by midsummer, would themselves disappear, reap- pearing, however, in the following spring. The few young scales that escaped the beetle the year previous would multiply to such an extent that a heav^^ infestation occurred by the following sprmg and would thus fm-nish food for the returning beetles wherever they came from. These circumstances were observed for four successive seasons in a particular grove in California, where the trees were finally cut back. It is hoped that these same circumstances will not prevail at Bagheria. LIFE HISTORY. From 500 to 800 eggs are deposited in the large fluted cottony mass which is secreted for this purpose. The eggs hatch in from 10 days to 3 weeks, depending upon the temperature. The young larvae settle on the leaves and tender twigs largely, but later nearly all those on the leaves migrate to the twigs and branches, adults being found even on the tree trunk. The time required for develop- ment varies considerably mider the same conditions and may range from three to four or five months. The great majority of eggs and yoimg appear during May and June. Bui. 134, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate V. Fig. 1 .—Orange Trees Partially Killed by the Purple Scale (Lepidosaphes qloveri) AND the Long Scale (Lepidosaphes beckii) at Burriana, Spain. (Original.) hi^i^M:^-^ Fig. 2.— Lemon Trees Killed by the Cottony Cushion Scale (Icerya purchasi) at Bagheria, Sicily. (Original.) SCALE INSECT ENEMIES OF CITRUS FRUITS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. 3ul. 1 34, U. S. Dept. of Agricultur Plate VI. Fig. 1.— The Mealy Bug (Pseudococcus citri) on Oranges, Sicily. (Original.) Fig. 2.— Lemons with Severe Infestation of Mealy Bug (P. citrp, Acireale, Sicily. (Original.) DAMAGE TO CITRUS FRUITS BY THE MEALY BUG. CITRUS FRUIT INSECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. 21 NATURAL ENEMIES. The one important natural enemy of this scale in Italy, as elsewhere, is the Australian ladybird, Novius cardinalis Muls. This beetle, as already intimated, has been introduced into all the known colonies of the scale in Sicily. The beetle has also been distributed with success in Palestine. Cryptochaetum icerya Will., a dipterous parasite, is the second most important enemy of the cottony cushion scale in some of the countries where it occurs, but it was not taken by the writer in Sicily. It is a small fly of a metallic green color, the larva of which lives within the scale. THE CITRUS MEALY BUG.' Pseudococcus citri Risso. DISTRIBUTION AND INJURY. The citrus mealy bug is found in greater or less numbers in nearly all parts of the citrus sections of Spain and Italy. It frequently occurs in serious numbers, and masses of the insects, with their cottony secretion and also much sooty-mold fungus, wiU be found on the leaves and fruit. In Sicily during the season of 1913 the writer unhesitatingly places the mealy bug at the head of all the citrus insect pests. Clirysomphalus dictyospermi is serious enough in several places, but the area involved is small as compared with that seriously infested with the mealy bug. The scale is also more amenable to treatment. The worst infestations of the mealy bug occurred along the east coast at Catania, Acireale, and Messina, and several interme- diate points, though bad infestations were also seen at several points on the north coast. In many places the numbers were so great that the masses of cotton extended for an inch or two below the fruit. (PI. VI, figs. 1 and 2.) Many of the lemons fell from the trees, others were stunted in growth, and a heavy dropping of the leaves occurred. The fallen fruit and leaves, with the insects and cotton still on them, gave the ground a distinctly whitish appearance. Infestations of the mealy bug in Sicily in 1913 were just as severe and much more extensive than were those in the Ventura and San Diego sections in California a few years ago. Even outside of these extremely severe infestations, the insect was generally distributed and much more abundant throughout the entire citrus area in Sicily than was ever seen in Cahf ornia outside of the two sections mentioned.^ ■Spanish (Valenciana), Cotonet; Italian, Cocciniglia farinosa degli agrumi; Sicilian, Cuttunedda. 2 The writer may be pardoned for making frequent comparisons between the Mediterranean citrus sec- tions and that of California, but this is done for three reasons: First, people can best judge of conditions iu foreign countries in terms of their own conditions; second, California is most like the Mediterranean citrus region; third, the writer is acquainted with citrus conditions in California. 22 BULLETIN L34, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. It was stated by many people that the mealy bug was unusually abundant on the island in 1913. LIFE HISTORY. The mealy bug lays 300 or 400 eggs in the cottony mass that is secreted for the purpose, and these hatch in from 10 days to three weeks, according to the season. The development ranges from one month in summer to three in winter. NATURAL ENEMIES. The natural enemies of P. citri in Sicily are varied and numerous. The writer has found feeding on or attacking this insect one species of Hemiptera, two of Neuroptera, two of Coleoptera, two of Diptera, and six or seven of Hymenoptera. Of these, probably the most important is one of the species of Diptera. Two or three species of Hymenoptera were also very common, as well as one of the cocci- nellids.^ In spite of all these enemies the mealy bug was the worst citrus pest in Sicily in 1913. The increase and decrease of this insect there, however, may be very greatly influenced by the attacks of all these enemies. PRAYS CITRI MiUier.2 DISTRIBUTION AND INJURY. Prays citri is the name of a small moth the larva of which often does serious mjury to the blossoms of the orange and lemon. It is found in Sicily, in the Provinces of Calabria and Campania, and probably in other less important citnis sections of Italy. It was seen to be particularly abundant in the vicinity of Messina in August, 1913, and a large percentage of the blossoms and newly formed fruit was destroyed. It occurs from April to November, but is especially destructive to the blossoms of the forced verdelli crop, which occurs in midsummer. The injury is caused by the larvae eating into all the flower organs — stamens, pistils, petals, and ovule. LIFE HISTORY. The eggs are deposited apparently upon the cahces or peduncle of the flower, usually just prior to opening. The larvse upon hatch- mg bore through the inclosing parts to the organs within. Flowers thus attacked will have holes in the calyx, parts eaten out of the stamen, or burrows made into the pistil and ovule. Pupation usually occurs within the flower, but also in protected places on the leaves or forks of the twigs and branches. ' These different species of parasitic and predaceous enemies of the mealy bug in Sicily may be treated in more detail in a later paper. 2 Italian common name, Tignola degJi agrumi. CITRUS FRUIT INSECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. 28 RED SPIDERS. One species of red spider was seen in all the citrus sections of Spain and Italy. With a few exceptions, however, the numbers were not sufficient to do any great injury. Over small areas, par- ticularly along the roadside where there was considerable dust on the trees, many of the leaves had the characteristic light-colored mitehke areas. Not infi-equently, too, the lemons would be scarred around the depression formed by the nipple at the calyx end, this situation being the most favorable feeding place on the fruit. This species is identified by the Italian entomologists as TetranycJius telarius. Wliat we have been calling telarius in this country has recently been made spionymous with T. himaculatus Harv. The habits of himaculatus in the citrus belt of California are very different from those of telarius m Spam and Italy. Bimaculatus has been observed to infest severely other food plants growing in the midst of citrus trees, both in California and Florida, without attacking the citrus trees at all. Bimaculatus on beans, violets, and a long list of other plants, feeds generally over the entire surface. Telarius in Spain and Italy feeds in restricted areas precisely as does T. sex- maculatus Riley on citrus trees. But red forms of telarius •are com- mon in Mediterranean countries, while m California all that have been observed of sexmaculatus are pale colored. The writer is not, however, necessarily assuming that sexmaculatus and telarius are synonyms, though their feeding habits are smiilar. He is, however, of the opmion that, judging from their difference in feedmg habits, our himaculatus and the European telarius are not synonymous if the Mediterranean citrus species is properly identified as telarius. Another species which is flat and scalelike, probably a species of Tenuipalpus, was occasionally met with on citrus foliage in Sicily. THRIPS. A species of thrips, said to be Heliothrips fasciatus Perg., occasionally does some injury to the orange as shown by the marred fruit. (PI. IV, fig. 3.) But thrips scars on the fruit in Spain and Italy are rare, so that the insect is of little economic importance. Around Jaffa, however, a species of thrips sometimes does considerable injury, and spraying has been necessary. THE CONTROL OF CITRUS FRUIT INSECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. With the exception of a little fumigation in Spain for the control of OJirysomphalus dictyospermi, and limited spraying in Sicily for the same insect, practically no remedial measures are employed for the control of citrus fruit insects in the countries bordering on the Medi- terranean. This fact might be taken to mean that the pests there are 24 BULLETIN 134, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. of little economic importance because of their natural enemies, or for some other reason. But the lackx)f preventive measures in those countries as compared with California and Florida is largely a ques- tion of standards. The black scale is as serious a pest in Spain as it is in California. A large share of the milhon dollars a year spent in Cahfornia for the control of citrus pests is counted against this insect. The black scale is not, however, as serious a pest in Sicily as it is in California and Spain. The purple scale injures trees and mars fruit in wSpain and Italy as it does in California and Florida. The long scale is more injurious in Spain than it is in Florida, so far as the writer's observa- tions have extended in Florida. This scale is not reported from Italy. While it is recorded from one or two small sections in Cali- fornia, it is of no consequence as a pest. Parlatoria zizyplius not infrequently causes a heavy dropping of the leaves, and also attacks the fruit both in Spain and Italy, It is not a general pest in the groves of Cahfornia or Florida. It is often taken, however, on lemons in the markets of the eastern States, having been imported from Italy. Aspidiotus liederae is a more serious pest on ripe lemons in Italy than it is anywhere in the United States, The mealy bug, Pseudococcus citri, ranks just as high, if not higher, as a pest in Spain and Sicil}^ than it does in California. The citrus white-fly, the most serious of the Florida citrus pests, does not occur in the Mediter- ranean region. Nothing in the way of artificial control is practiced against any of the foregoing insects in any of the Mediterranean countries. One or two cases were met with in Spain where the grower had tried some patent concoctions on a few trees. Pruning, however, may come in the category of control for insects in those countries more than it does with us, as the following dialogue may illustrate : " WTiat do you do for the scales when they actually kill the twigs and branches as seen on the trees before us ?" "We cut out the twigs and branches." Cutting out dead twigs and branches is, of course, a part of the prun- ing process, and not infrequently these dead parts are due to one of the foregoing insects. If the fruit is infested with the sooty-mold fungus, it is washed in sawdust, but the cause is not taken into con- sideration. If scales are present on the fruit, such fruit is placed in an inferior grade, or it is consigned to the by-product factory. In the case of ChrysompTialtts dictyospermi, however, a start in control work is really being made both in Spain and in Italy. This is no doubt due to the fact that this scale causes more complete injury to the trees— indeed, practically kills them. As before stated, fumigation was seen practiced in Spain last year at Piaporto, Picana, and Piug in the Valencia section. Possibly it is practiced also in other places, but evidence was not seen elsewhere at the time of the writer's CITRUS FRUIT INSECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. 25 visit. Mr. R. S. Woglum, of this bureau, introduced fumigation in Spain in 1910, and it is being carried on in accordance with modern California methods. (PI. X, fig. 4.) The cost as figured from a definite number of trees amounted to 1.10 pesetas, or about 20 cents per tree. In actual practice gi-owers state that the cost averages from 25 to 30 cents a tree, which is about tlie same as that of Cali- fornia for trees of the same size. There are no large trees in the Valencia section and there are no seedlings. Advocated by Dr. L. Savastano,^ the well-known pathologist, director of the experiment station at Acireale, the use of lime-sulphur is becoming popular for the control of C. dictyospermi in Sicily. Fumigation is out of the question in most parts of Italy where citrus trees are planted solidly because of the nearness of the trees. Spray- ing, therefore, is the only artificial measure that may be employed. The lime-sulphur spray is intended to kill the young largely. It is applied in June and again in August or the first part of September. The strength used is 5 per cent of lime-sulphur of 1.25 gravity (29° Baume). This is for summer use when high temperatures may cause burning if used stronger. During the winter it is used at a strength of 8 per cent and, if the infestation is severe and many of the leaves off, as high as 10 per cent. Lime-sulphur at the strength mentioned will probably kill most of the young that are hit, and if the application is repeated two or three times the numbers of the pest will be consider- ably lessened. Two or three sprayings are recommended at first to clean the trees, and then only one spraying annually thereafter. The same spray is recommended by Dr. Savastano with good results against Aspidiotus Jiederae and Lepidosaphes heckii. The spray as used in the groves of Sicily is applied by means of a hand pump mounted on a wheelbarrow truck. This is about as large an outfit as may be used under the trees. No horses ever enter most of the Italian citrus groves, all the work of cultivation, etc., being done by hand labor. From the writer's observations a very great improvement resulted from the applications of lime-sulphur. Not all the insects were, of course, killed, but the numbers were greatly lessened, and a marked improvement in the trees resulted. This spray has the advantage, also, of checking many of the possible fungous troubles as well as stimulating the growth of the tree. Aside from the control measures mentioned. Dr. G. Brigante ^ states that the worm, Prays citri, of the blossoms may, if necessary, be handled by a 1 per cent solution of lead arsenate. But poison sprays are in bad repute in Italy.'' Prof. Ampola and Dr. 1 Savastano, L. Le conclusioni pratiche per la poltiglia solfocalcica (formo a della Stazione). R. Staz. Sper. di Agr. e fruitti coltura, Acireale, Sicily. Bol. no. 11, 11 p., April, 1913. 2 La coltivazione degli agrumi in Provincia di Salerno, Dott. G. Brigante, Direttore Cattedra Ambiilante di Agricoltura per la Provincia di Salerno, 1912. 3 Insetti damnosi e composti arsenicali, Teodosio De Stefani, Gazetta Commerciale, Palermo, p. 5-10, 1912. • 26 BULLETIN 134, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. Tomasi, of the Station Chimico-Agraria Sperimentale di Roma, strongly recommended the prohibition of arsenical s for general agricultural purposes. They conclude that their use is injurious to all sorts of plants and animals, but the most potent of their reasons is that the farmers, instead of poisoning their insect foes, might destroy human life. In addition to these control measures practiced in Spain and Italy, a small amount of spraying has been done around Jaffa in Palestine for a species of thrips on the orange. From the little evidence of thrips work that was seen at Jaffa the species occur- ring there is not Euihrips citri, as was supposed. MEDITERRANEAN CITRUS FRUIT INSECTS THAT DO NOT OCCUR IN THE UNITED STATES AND THE POSSIBILITY OF THEIR INTRO- DUCTION. Of the citrus insects discussed in the foregoing pages, two do not occur in the United States, namely, Ceratitis capitata and Prays citri. Two others, Chrysomphalus dictyospermi and Parlatoria zizypTius, while occurring in the United States, do not appear to be established as important pests, as is the case in the Mediterranean region. Con- cerning the distribution of these two scales, Mr. C. L. Marlatt, under date of March 5, 1914, writes as follows: Chrysomphalus dictyospermi is frequently found on palms and quite a number of other plants which are probably imported, and has a wide distribution in greenhouses. Out of doors it does not seem to thrive very well on this continent, and I think we have very few outdoor records of it, and these naturally from southern points. It hag been so often brought into this country that its failure to establish a foothold in citrus orchards apparently indicates unfavorable conditions for this insect, but it is, of course, possible that this may have resulted, after all, from lack of favorable opportunity. Parlatoria zizyphus, as you know, is brought to this country all the time on Italian lemons, and has been found in the open market wherever these lemons are sold, in- cluding well-established citrus districts such as those of Florida and Louisiana. In case these two scales did become established in our citrus groves our present control methods, at least fumigation, would handle them successfully. This fact, however, should be no exccuse for not quar- antining against them. On the other hand, the other two, Ceratitis capitata and Prays citri, would not only be serious pests but would not be controlled by any of our methods now in use for citrus trees. Ceratitis, moreover, is not limited as a pest to citrus fruits; indeed, citrus fruits are by no means its favorite food, but it attacks a long list of deciduous fruits. The scope of this paper has to do, however, chiefly VAth citrus fruits. The first shipments of oranges are made from Spain as early as October, and a few of the mature fruits at this time may contain larvffi of Ceratitis. But with the approach of cold weather in Novem- ber and December the fly disappears. The time when infested fruits might be received from Spain is at the beginning of the shipping sea- CITRUS FRUIT INSECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. 27 son in October and November, and again during the final shipments, the last of June and first of July. The reason more infested oranges do not occur in Spain is not, as has been suggested, because the fruit is picked too green, but because practically all the fruit matures and is harvested at a season when the fly is not active or breeding. This applies to practically all semitropical countries where citrus fruits are grown commercially. Plenty of oranges were seen in Spain that were fully mature in March, but which were not harvested until May or June. The heavy shipments do not begin in Spain until November, and by May the season is virtually ended. What has been said regarding oranges in Spain applies to all the Mediterranean citrus sections. Up to the middle of October in Pal- estine the oranges were still too green to be infested with Ceratitis. Even though the fly may be present and actually deposit eggs in the fruit, there is no danger of the larvae developing if the fruit is imma- ture. In spite of numerous punctures and eggs in the fruit which were seen in Sicily up to October 1 and in Palestine up to October 15, no larvae succeeded in developing or getting beyond the egg cavity, but there perished. The lemon is an unusual and rare host for Ceratitis, at least in the gi-eat lemon-producing section of Sicily. It was only very rarely, and, it must be admitted, more or less accidentally, and after much persistent searching, that lemons were found infested in Sicily. Out of numbers running into hundreds of thousands only 15 were found infested. And all of these infested lemons were so badly broken down by decay that they would not only be rejected for shipping, but, with three or four exceptions, would be rejected for the by- product factory. So far as one season's experience in Sicily warrants the conclusion, therefore, there is only the remotest possibihty of the entrance of Ceratitis into this country through the importation of lemons from Italy. In the case of most other fresh mature fruits, which are harvested between May and November, inclusive, and coming from the Medi- terranean -countries, the possibility of Ceratitis introduction can be removed only through a strict embargo against such fruits or a subjection to a rigid inspection. THE OLIVE FLY. Dacus oleae Rossi. Since the olive is usually grown in the same countries as citrus trees, it may be pertinent in this place to mention the olive fly. This insect, Dacus oleae, is one of the most serious pests of the Medi- terranean countries. In fact it is the opinion of the writer that it far outranks Ceratitis capitata. A heavy infestation of the olive fly has been seen in different places, but particularly in Sicily and southern 28 BULLETIN 134, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGBICULTURE. Italy. Most of the olives attacked fall to the ground before reaching maturity. In the case of the oHve fly, mature fruit is not at all necessary for infestation. Because of the economical use made of aU the inferior fruit in these countries — something we have yet to practice — infested olives are not a complete loss, for they are used for oil, most of which is used in the manufacture of soap. The striking difference in habits between the ohve fly and the Medi- terranean fruit-fly is that, with the former, pupation occurs within the fruit, instead of in the ground or otherwise out of the fruit as is the case with Ceratitis. Infested olives may be distinguished by a circular area on the surface that is of a Hght gray color. Before entering the pupal stage the larva eats out a channel to the surface of the fruit, leaving only the thin epidermis. It is this, with the tissue eaten away below, that forms the characteristic gray area that indicates infestation. It is much the same as that made in the case of the pea and bean weevils. Having completed the burrow to the surface, the larva retreats a short distance and transforms to the pupa, enclosed in the characteristic puparium, that looks much like that of Ceratitis. Upon emerging the adult fly breaks through the epidermis, which has been left for protection, by means of its ptilinum. Fortimately ohves are not transported unless pickled, and thus the danger of introduction is not great. But a sharp lookout should be kept for any olives that might possibly be imported fresh from these comitries, since the egg, larval, and pupal stages are all passed within the fruit. THE MEDITERRANEAN CITRUS FRUIT INDUSTRY. ^ LOCATION. The most important citrus section of Spain, where 90 per cent of the crop is produced, consists of a narrow strip, 10 or 15 miles wide and 150 miles long, extending from Denia in the Province of Alicante northward as far as Vinaroz in the Province of Castellon. This is the so-called ''Valencia section," the city of Valencia being situated somewhere near the center of the strip. In this section are recog- nized two distinct districts, the "Ribera" and the "Plana." The "Ribera" lies to the south of Valencia and centers chiefly about the towns of Alcira and Carcagente. This district is more or lessroUing and hilly and is separated from the sea, which is 15 or 20 miles distant, by hills and mountains. The "Plana" hes north of the City of Valencia and centers about the town of Burriana. This is a perfectly flat plain and borders directly on the sea. Around the 1 In this account of the Mediterranean citrus industry only such phases are presented as are necessary to a better knowledge of the insects discussed in the earlier pages of this paper. Bui. 1 34, U, S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate VII. «^'#£k%f •*^ i^?-^ Fig. 1.— Interior of Packing House at Alcira, Spain. (Original.) Fig. 2.— The Railroad Packing House at Carcagente, Spain. (Original.) SORTING AND SHIPPING CITRUS FRUITS IN SPAIN. Bui. 1 34, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate VIM. Fig. 1.— Hauling Oranges to the Boat Landing at Burriana, Spain. (Original.) Fig. 2.— Loading Oranges in Small Boats to be Transported to Steamer, Burriana, Spain. (Original.) ORANGES IN TRANSIT IN SPAIN. CITRUS FEUIT INSECTS IN MEDITEEKANEAN COUNTRIES. 29 city of Valencia itself in the "Heurte de Valencia" there are few oranges grown, excepting at Piaporto and Picana and to the west- ward of these villages. Going farther southward the next important orange section is at Murcia, and then at Malaga, with a few scattering groves between. In the Malaga section probably the most important center is at Alora, some distance back from the sea, and in a mountainous country. The next important section of Andalusian Spain is in the vicinity of Seville. Here, however., practically all of the crop is of the bitter variety and is shipped to Great Britain and made into marmalade. METHODS OF HANDLING CROP. The harvesting season in Spain extends from October to July, with the heaviest shipments occurring from November 15 to December 1. The oranges are picked in small baskets and from these are dumped into larger baskets along the roadside or edge of the grove, thence being carried, by means of carts, to the packing house. They are here spread on the floor to a depth of about 2 feet, the floor and sides for a couple of feet being first covered with a layer of rice straw. Women sit around the edge of these piles of fruit which, if infested with sooty-mold fungus, is rubbed first in wet and then in dry saw- dust to remove the mold. Other women then sort out the fruit in thi'ee different sizes, entirely by sight, and also discard the culls. The fruit is then wrapped in paper by other women and packed in the boxes. The three sizes of fruit are represented by the cases containing respectively 420, 714, and 1,064, and which weigh 165 pounds each, or about twice that of the American box. There is absolutely no machinery in a Spanish packing house, all the processes of hancUing, grading, washing, and box making being done by hand. The packing house itself is, therefore, simple, consisting of four walls and a roof, the earth forming the floor. (PI. VII, fig. 1.) The appurtenances consist of the shipping cases, a good supply of shallow wicker baskets, and plenty of women to do the work. The time the fruit remains in the packing house depends largely on the departure of the steamer and varies from a day or two to more than a week. After the fruit is packed in cases it is hauled, in carts, without springs,, to the boat landing. Here the cases are unloaded along the shore and later placed in small boats and finally transferred to the steamer. At Burriana, the port of the ''Plana" district, from which 2,000,000 cases are shipped annually, there is no pier, and the small boats are pulled up on the gravelly beach by oxen. (PI. VIII, fig. 2.) The town, which is about 2 miles inland, and in v/hich there are upwards of 100 packing houses, is not connected with the 30 BULLETIN 134, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, beach by any railroad, and all of the 2,000,000 cases arc hauled in carts each year, over a very bad road. (PI. VIII, fig. 1.) The foregoing description applies to the fruit sent by sea. A very small amount of the crop that is sent by railroad is also packed in boxes and handled in the way described. But nearly all of the fruit shipped by railroad is simply conveyed in loose carload lots. From 10,000 to 15,000 tons are exported from the Valencia district in tliis manner, wliile 400,000 to 450,000 tons are shipped by sea. Where the fruit is to be shipped by railroad in loose carload lots, the packing house occurs alongside the railroad. These packing houses are even simpler than those already described, for they consist simply of a roof, the sides being left open. The earth is graded up to the height of the floor of the car to facilitate the transfer of the fruit. The floor of this open-air packing house is covered with rice straw, as are also the floor and sides of the car. The cars are usually of the pattern of our stock care, with lattice work on the sides to allow for plenty of ventilation. (PL VII, fig. 2.) The oranges are brought from the field directly to the railroad packing house, where they are piled on the floor. Women here give the fruit the sawdust treatment, if needed, and the culls are discarded. It is now ready for the car, where it is carried in baskets and filled to the depth of a couple of feet. Such fruit goes mostly into France, or to other parts of Spain. PRODUCTION AND EXPORT. From figures kindly furnished by Mr. Claude I. Dawson, American consul at Valencia, the total production of oranges for the season 1912-13 amounted to nearly 7,000,000 cases of 165 pounds each. This amounts to about 38,500 California carloads or 45,117 Florida carloads. Of this amount 5,573,627 cases were shipped by sea, as follows : Cases. Great Britain 2, 253, 076 Germany , 1, 374, 829 Holland 501, 645 Norway and Sweden . : 84, 374 Austria'^Hungary 18, 1 10 Denmark , 17, 103 France 6, 033 Russia 1, 000 The overland shipments to France approximated 1,200,000 cases, and the remainder of the crop was consumed in Spain. According to the figures of the United States Bureau of Statistics there were slupped into the United States from Spain in 1912, 9,000 pounds of oranges and lemons (not separately listed), valued at S204. The only records the writer was able to obtain in Spain of orange sliip- CITRUS FEUIT INSECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. 31 merits to the United States were of a few small shipments during the last two or three years from Seville. Tli.e use made of these ship- ments was not known, but was no doubt for the manufacture of marmalade, as is the case with all the bitter orange product of Seville. One hundred and fifty thousand cases are exported annually from Seville, mostly of the sour or bitter orange, and practically all are sent to Great Britain for the manufacture of marmalade. LOCATION. The important citrus fruit areas of Italy are on the Island of Sicily, in the Provinces of Calabria and Campania, and along the Biviera di Ponente and the Riviera Levante. The most extensive section, particularly for lemons, is in Sicily. The area extends along practically the entire north and east coasts. There are, of course, breaks in this strip, as where the mountains extend abruptly to the sea, or where grapes largely occupy the ter- ritory, as at Milazzo, Cairuba, and Riposta, or on the plain south of Catania, where various other crops are grown. The limits of this area are the Gulf of Castellammare on the north and Avola, below Syracuse, on the east coast. Even within these limits lemons do not occur solidly because of the irregularity of the land, lack of water, and unsuitable soil. Most of the lemons are grown in close proximity to the coast, but occasionally they extend inward for several miles, as at Monreale, Alcantara, and Floridia. Occasionally citrus trees will be found in the interior valleys, but here it is largely oranges, probably because of the greater likelihood of frost. In the Province of Calabria there is a considerable area of citrus fruit along the coast from Reggio to Rosarno and farther northward and inland at Cantanzaro and Cosenza. The Campania section is situated principally along the coast from Salerno through Majori and Amalfi to Positano. Here the trees are grown on terraces (PL IX, fig. 1), formed on the very abrupt slopes extending upward from the sea. Unlike other sections, also, the trees are covered with trellis, on which, during the winter for protection against frost and wind, is placed straw and brush. The Riviera section consists of a narrow and much broken strip extending from VentimigUa on the French border to Spezia. METHODS OF HANDLING CROP. Lemons in Sicily are harvested practically every month in the year, the heaviest shipments occurring in the spring and early summer, while the fewest shipments occur during the month of August. The number of pickings in any particular grove is from four to six. Tlie lemons are broken from the tree by hand, leaving two or three inches 32 BITLLETTN 134, V. S. UKPARTMRNT OF ACRICITLTURE. of stems with the fruit. These are placed in small baskets, supported in the tree or carried on the arm, and when filled are carried to the men who ciip off the extra stem, leaving the usual button. In the case of verdeUis, green lemons, during the summer, these are some- times broken from the tree by means of a forked bamboo rod. This rod is long enough to reach to all parts of the tree from the ground, and the fruit is simply allowed to fall ^s it is twisted off. Wlaen asked about the effects of bruising by such a method, it was stated that the fall does not hurt the green fruit. Such a method is rapid, since the lemons are quickly twisted off and allowed to fall, and are picked up, usually by small boys, but it is not practiced by the best growers. The fruit with the small buttons is placed in baskets and carried thus to the field packing house (PI. X, fig. 3). Here it is roughly graded, and the culls are separated for consignment to the by-product factory. It is placed in the regular shipping boxes (PI. X, figs. 1,2), but thrown in loosely, with paper around the inside of the box. Sometimes with the better grades, and in the case of long hauls,, each lemon is wrapped separately. In these shipping boxes the fruit is carried in carts to the town or exporter's packing house, where it is regraded, sorted, and packed back in the same boxes, when it is carried in carts to the fighter, and thence to the steamer for final shipment. (PI. IX, fig. 2.) The time the fruit remains in the field packing house may vary from 1 to 3 or 4 days, or longer; in the exporters' packing houses, from a day or two to a week or two. The average time of transit from Palermo to New York is 12 or 15 days. The time between the picking and the landing of the fruit in New York may thus range from 18 days to 30 or 40 days. A large percentage of the fruit that is harvested dming the spring and early summer is what is called in Cafifornia tree-ripe fruit, while that harvested in midsummer and fall is mostly green fruit, or verdeUis. VerdeUis, of course, occur with the yellow fruit, and they are packed separately and so consigned. The large proportion of verdeUis which occur in midsummer are artifically produced. During the previous summer water was withheld from the trees for about six weeks, and then two or three irrigations were applied in quick suc- cession. This procedure causes the trees to throw out an unusual amount of blossoms which mature mto fruit the foUowing summer. This fact of a very large preponderance of green fruit during the summer and fall has an important practical bearing in comiection with the possible infestation of the Mediterranean fruit-fiy. It is during the summer and fall that the fly is most actively breeding. Very little yeUow fruit appears before November, but from that time until the following July it is nearly all yellow fruit. No place was seen in Sicily where lemons are subjected to forced curing, as they are in Cafifornia. j|. 1 34, U S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IX. >i- '-:p\ V*- m ^[-^k. fix* .v/. •^^.; Fig. 1.— The Famous Terraced Lemon Groves on THE Amalfi Coast of Italy. (Original.) Fig. 2.— Lighters of the Felluca Type Carrying Lemons to the Steamer, Palermo. LEMONS IN ITALY. Bui. 134, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate X. Fig. 1 .—Transporting Lemons in the Hilly Section of Sicily, where the Roads ARE Poor. (Original.) Fig. 2.— Open Gars (No Roofs) Loaded with Boxed Lemons for Transportation from the Smaller Towns to the Seaport, Sicily. (Original.) Fig. 3.— a "Field" Packing House and Cart with Baskets of Lemons from the Near-by Groves, Sicily. (Original.) Fig. 4. -A Fumigating Tent, in Position, Spain. Modeled After the Outfits Originat- ing in Galifornia. (Original.) Fig. 5.— a Laboratory at Palermo; These are the Pepper Trees. (Original. TRANSPORTING LEMONS IN SIGILY. FUMIGATION OF GITRUS TREES IN SPAIN. CITRUS FRUIT INSECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. 33 PRODUCTION AND EXPORT. The total acreage exclusively in citrus fruits in Italy in 1909, according to Powell/ was 108,400 acres, and 170,000 acres on which other crops were grown. A total of 85,252 acres were grown in Sicily, out of which 4,102 acres were in mixed cultivation; 13,890 acres entirely in citrus fruits were in the Province of Calabria and 9,385 acres in the Province of Campania. The total production of lemons in Italy, includmg that converted into by-products and that used in home consumption, in 1911 was 1,192,701,829 pounds, or 47,785 of our carloads, basing this calculation on the size of the CaUfornia box of lemons, which is estimated to weigh 80 pounds, and on the number of these boxes, namely, 312, loaded in the California cars. The exports of lemons alone were 570,306,431 pounds, or 22,841 of our carloads. The United States during the past 10 years has received about 35 per cent of the total exports. In 1910 the distribution among the principal countries was as follows: Per cent. United States 31. 5 Austria Hungary 19. 8 United Kingdom 19. 5 Germany 11. 3 Russia 8 In 1911, 96 per cent of our Itahan lemons came from Sicily, of which 86.4 per cent were from Palermo, 9.8 per cent from Messina, and 3.8 per cent from Naples, including the Amalfi Coast district. The Itahan box contains about 73 pounds of fruit, which is chiefly in 300 and 360 per box sizes. About hah of the total imports arrive here in May, June, afid July; 85 to 90 per cent are received in New York, about 5 per cent in Boston, and smaller quantities in New Or- leans, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and a few other places. According to the United States Bureau of Statistics, the total imports of lemons from Italy in 1912 were 145,275,122 pounds, valued at S3,359,115; of oranges, 401,161 pounds, valued at $9,319. FRANCE AND ALGERIA. No extended observations were made in tlie citrus sections of France and Algeria. In France the area appears to be limited to a short and much broken strip along the Mediterranean Coast, the French Riviera, extending from Cannes to Menton on the Italian border. In northern Africa the most extensive production of oranges is in Algeria. But the output there is not large, for Algeria and France together do not produce nearly enough for home consumntion in France, as evidenced by the large imports from Spain. 1 The figures here given are from Powell, Harold C, and Wallschlaeger, F. O. The Italian lemon indus- try. In Citrus protective league of California, Bui. 10, 58 p., Jan., 1913. 34 BULLETIN 134, U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGRICULTURE. PALESTINE AND EGYPT. 1 In the eastern Mediterranean countries the most important citrus- producing sections arc in Palestine and Syiia. The largest and most important district is in the neighborhood of Jaffa, the home of the well-known Jaffa orange; 1,600,000 boxes (same size as ours) were shipped from Jaffa alone last year. Most of these were sent to the Liverpool market, with smaller amounts, and of poorer grade, to Turkey, Egypt, and other near-by countries. In all the earlier plantings around Jaffa the trees are very close together — 9 to 12 feet. In the later plantings, however, and particularly in the Jewish colonies, where all the best groves are located, they are from 14 to 18 feet apart. Irrigation is by the basin system, and the source is from wells, from which the water is pumped, in the Jewish colonies, by gasoline engines. On account of the sandy soil largely, water is applied every 8 or 10 days. The methods of packing and shipping are much the same as in Italy and Spain. Mr. A. Bril, a prominent grower and manager of the Jewish colonies around Jaffa, who visited the United States last year, has adopted California methods, and the fruit so handled and packed brought 25 cents a box more than other fruit. Aside from Jaffa there is another small section around Acre, farther to the north and also along the Palestine coast. Still farther north in Syria there are citrus sections at Saida and Tripoli, there being a considerable lemon acreage in the latter place. In Egypt citrus culture is limited to scattering groves, most of which are poorly cared for, and from which the production is limited to local consumption. METEOROLOGICAL DATA FOR VALENCIA, SPAIN, AND PALERMO, ITALY. Since meteorological conditions may have a very great influence on many msects, as has been specifically pointed out in the case of the black scale, the following data are given for the most important orange and lemon centers, respectively, of the 'Mediterranean countries. It will be noted from the following tables that, exceptmg 1910, higher temperatures prevailed at Palermo than at Valencia. High temperatures at Palermo, moreover, are accompanied by extreme dryness, and usually much wind. This combination of heat and very great evaporation is sufficient to account for the scarcity of the black scale in Sicily, as compared with Valencia, Spain. The writer is also inclined to attribute the scarcity of the purple scale in Sicily to this same cause. In the United States the purple scale thrives best in Florida and the coast counties of southern California. While rather high temperatures prevail in Florida, there is also much humidity. The distribution of the purple scale at present in the United States is, CITRUS FRUIT INSECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. 35 therefore, limited to sections of more or less moisture. In this re- spect it is like the black scale, but the black scale does not thrive so well in high temperatures, even if accompanied by much moisture. The purple scale does not yet occur in the interior counties of southern California or m the great valleys of that State. Of course this may be due to the close quarantine that has prevailed in those sections in recent years against the purple scale. But judging entirely from its present distribution, the purple scale appears to be restricted to regions of more or less moisture, or at least to those in which the combination of high temperatures and low humidity does not prevail. Temperatures at Valencia, Spain, and Palermo, Italy, Janxiary, 1910, to August, 1913, inclusive.^ Valencia, Spain. Maxi- mum. Mini- mum. Mean. Palermo, Italy. Maxi- mum. Mini- mum. Mean. January February. . March April May June July August September. October November . December. . January February . . March April May June July August September . October November. December. . January February . . March April May June July August September. October November . December. . January. . , February . March April May June July August 1910. 1913. 72 79 70 83 S4 95 102 99 84 81 79 72 71 77 84 75 94 86 97 100 96 86 79 70 92 93 105 93 80 70 70 71 73 79 93 87 106 92 83 79 74 65 67 ' 84 79 85 88 95 107 1 In converting centigrade into Fahrenheit, fractions have been discarded. WASHINGTON : GOVEKNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1914 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAT BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT ■ 15 CENTS PER COPY BULLETIN OF THE No. 156 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Cfiief. January 27, 1915. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) WIREWORMS ATTACKING CEREAL AND FORAGE CROPS. By J. A. Hyslop, Untiinioloyical Assistant, Cereal and Foviuk Insect Inrcstif/ations. INTRODUCTION. Wireworms are the larvae of several kinds of hard-shelled beetles belonging to the family Elateridae. The beetles are known collo- (|uia]lv as " click-beetles," " skip-jacks," snapping beetles, etc.^ These names are all derived from the beetles' unique habit of snap- ping the forepart of the body when placed upon their backs or held between the fingers. This habit is undoubtedly of use to the beetles in righting themselves when accidently overturned, and rv y also be a means of escape from their predatory natural enemies. Wireworms are elongate, more or less cylindrical, having a very highly chitinized cuticle, and measuring, according to the species, from one-half inch to over 3 inches in length. They have three pairs of short legs near the anterior end of the body. The color is usually yellow or reddish-brown. The cotton and corn wireworm is an exception to this description. The false wireworms (fig. 1, a) will also answer to the above description, but can easily be distinguished by their ability to move very rapidly and by the clavate last joint of the antennse; the t*ue wireworms, though able to move rapidly in the soil, are not ve?y agile wdien placed on the surface of the ground, and their antennae never have clavate terminal joints. The term " wjrewQrm " is also, though erroneously, applied to these false wireworm^, which are. how^ever, the larvae of another group of beetles, the darkling beetles (Tenebrionidae). These beetles can not snaj^ the forepart of the body. One species of darkling beetle (Tenehrio molitor L., fig. I,?;) is common throughout the United States, and its larva, the meal- ■ : TTT^ 1 The Cherokee Indians recognize the larse-eyed elater (Aioi/s sp.) by tU«, i\«me " tulskuwa," which means " one that snaps with his head." This interesting note was made by Dr. .7. W. Fewkes and communicated to the writer by Mr. F. M. Webster. 01121°— Bull. 1.56—15 1 BULLETIN 156, U. S, DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. worm, is found in granaries and warehouses, -where it feeds upon stored products. Another genus (Eleodes) is found only in the ter- ritory west of the Mississippi Eiver, and attacks cereal crops in the field. The name " wireworm " is also incorrectly applied to several species of millipedes {Julus spp., fig. 1, c). The true wireworms, from an economic standpoint, are among the five worst pests to Indian corn and among the twelve worst pests to wheat and oats. They are also important pests to many other crops. Since 1841, when Dr. Thaddeus Harris first published an account of these insects,^ the literature of economic entomology has been replete with references to their depredations, and from the standpoint of the entomologist, as to the diffi- ^^ culty of combating them, they probably rank second only to the white grubs {Lachn osterna spp. ) . In view of the recently enacted Federal quarantine bill these insects assume an added interest, inasmuch as they can easily be introduced in the larval condition with- in fleshy roots, bulbs, and tubers. Mr. E. R. Sasscer, of the Federal Horticultural Board, recently intercepted an elaterid larva in the root of Aral! a cor data from Ja- pan; the larva was in good condition and is still alive in our laboratory (October, 1914). The writer has often seen the larva? of zigriotes mancus Say within potato tubers that had been in a root cellar all winter. These insects are destructive to cereal and forage crops in the larval stage only, although the adults of certain species {Lhnonius discoideus Lee, etc.) do considerable damage to the blossoms of fruit trees in the Pacific NorthAvest. and Fletcher reports- similar depre- dations of the adults of two other species {Corymhites caricinus Germ, and C. tarsal^ Melsh.). The forms attacking cereal and 7>j7r Fio. 1. — Larv:r likely to be mistaken for wire- worms : a, False wireworm ; h, mealworm ; c, Julus sp. All enlarged. (Original.) 1 Ilarri*!, T. W. Report on the Insects of Massachusetts Injurious to Vegetation, p. 40-50. Cambridge, 1841. - Fletcher, James. Report of the Entomologist and Botanist, Central Experiment Farm, Canada, for 1892, p. 4. Ottawa, 1892. WIEEWORMS ATTACKIIsrG CEREAL AND FORAGE CROPS. 3 forage crops confine their attention to the seed, roots, and under- ground stems and are exchrsively subterranean, with the single excep- tion recorded by Mr. E. O. G. Kelly, of this office, wherein he mentions finding a sjjecies {Monocrepidius vespertinus Fab.) damaging wheat at Wellington, Kans., by boring in the hollow of the wheat stems and not among the roots. Their depredations are first to be noticed, w4th the exception of the cotton and corn wireworm, immediately after seeding, when they attack the seed, eating out the inside and leaving only the hull. When they are very numerous they often consume all the seed, mak- ing reseeding necessary, and in severe outbreaks a second reseeding is sometimes made before a stand is obtained. Aside from the extra labor and cost of the seed, this delays the planting of the crop, and if it be corn, in the Northern States the season is too short to ma- ture so late-planted a crop and, except for the fodder, it is a failure. Where wireworms are present, even in very small numbers, corn will make a poor stand, which will necessitate the planting-in of missing hills. In some regions where these insects are quite numer- ous it is customary to sow three or four times the amount of seed that would normally be necessary in order to get a good stand. KINDS OF WIREWORMS. Several hundred species of Elaterida? occur in North America. They vary enormously in their habits, some forms living in dead and rotten wood (Alaus, Elater, Adelocera, etc.). Alaus has also been recorded as boring in solid wood, though the writer is inclined to discredit this observation, and other species live under moss (Seri- cosomus). A number of species abound in heavy moist soil filled with humus (Melanotus, Agi'iotes, etc.), while some prefer well- drained soils (Corymbites), and still others (Horistonotus) are most destructive on high sand}^ land which is very poor in humus. ^Nfany wireworms have been recorded as predaceous (Alaus, Hemirhipus, Adelocera, etc.). I am told by Mr. T. H. Jones, recently associated Avith the Eio Piedras Sugar Planters' Experiment Station, that the large luminous elaterid [Pyrophorus luminosus Illiger) of the West Indies is a decidedly beneficial insect, as it feeds on the Lachnosterna larv;o in the sugar-cane fields. Through the kindness of Mr. G. N. Wolcott and Mr. R. H. Van Zwalenburg I now have (October, 1914) a Pyrophorus larva from Cuba, one from Jamaica, and several from Ma3^aguez. P. P. All of these larva^ are living and apparently thriv- ing on the larvae of our native Lachnosternas. That this insect may some day be introduced into the southern Ignited States as a natural enemy of Lachnosterna is not at all improbable. At least one instance BULLETIN 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. has been noted ^ in which a wireworm [Lacon {Agrypnus) mu7'inus L,] lived in the stomach of a child. Most of our common species lay their eggs on sod or A-ery weedy land, but the wireworms {Corymbites spp.) of the dry-farming country of the Pacific Northwest are severe pests on land that has been seeded to wheat, by the summer fallow method, for the past 15 years, and, as this land was originally sage- brush prairie, it probably never was in sod. Several distinct kinds of true wireworms are destructive to cereal and forage crops in the United States: and since, as has already been stated, the different kinds vary more or less in their life histories, there is consequently a variation in the method of control as recommended in the fol- lowing pages of this bulletin. It is therefoi-e quite necessary to determine the identity of the wireworm. and to meet this necessity the many species of importance as pests to cereal and forage crops are treated separately. THE WHEAT WIREWORM. (Apriotes maiicuf< (Say), fij;. 2.) Fig. 2. — The wheat wireworm (Aijriotes mancus) : a, Adult bee- tle ; h, larva ; c, side view of last segment of larva. All enlarged. (From Chittenden.) The adult of the wheat wireworm is a small brown beetle a little over one- fourth of an inch in length, quite robust, and moderately covered with XQvy short, fine hair. The larva is pale yellow in color, very evenly cylin- drical, and very highly polished. When full grown the larva measures about an inch in length and is about as thick as the lead in a lead pencil. These wireworms will be readily recognized by the singly pointed ninth abdominal segment and the two black spots on the upper side of this segment near its base. This is one of the most common wireworms of the northeastern and middle western United States. A report of this species as a pest in the dry-farming regions of Washington State- is undoubtedly a ^ Sandberg, G. El tilfalde af Coleopterlarvers tilhold i tarmkanalen hos et Menneske. Ill Entomologisk Tidskrift. v. 11. p. 77-80. 1800. = Scobey, J. O'B. Wireworms. Washington Experiment Station. (State Agrieultural College and School of Science.) Bulletin 4, p. 75-80, 3 figs., Ma.v, 1892. WIREWORMS ATTACKING CEREAL AND FORAGE CROPS. 5 misidentification, the insect probably being C orymhites sp. The wheat wireworm is normally a grass feeder, living on the roots of sod, and with the abundance of its natural food supply producing no appreciable disturbance in the meadows, but when the sod land is broken these wireworms concentrate in the drill rows or hills of corn, the usual crop to follow sod in the eastern United States, and often cause absolute failure of the crop by destroying the seed and eating off the roots of such plants as may germinate. This species is usually more destructive, therefore, on land recently broken from sod. Last year (1913) the writer investigated an outbreak in northern New^ York and located as many as 10 wireworms to the hill in cornfields, rendering the crop, so far as grain was concerned, an absolute failure. This year (1914) the same field was again planted in corn, and again the wireworms destroyed most of the crop. The larva? spend three years in the soil before transforming to beetles, so that the depredations of this pest may be looked for during the second season as well as the first following the breaking of sod. l.IFK HISTORY. The beetles are in evidence early in the spring, and at this time can be swept from wheat and, in fact, from any vegetation around the fields, or they may be found under boards and rub- bish. Mating occurs during April and May, and immediately egg- laying begins. The eggs are deposited in grasslands exclusively, so far as our observations go, the female burrowing into the ground or under rubbish to oviposit. The young larvae feed during the ensuing summer, and, hibernating when about half grown, resmne feeding the following spring. They continue to feed during the second summer and hibernate the second winter as full grown or mature larvtie. The third' spring they resume feeding and continue it until early in July, Avhen they leave the plants and form small earthen pupal cells in tlie soil. In 1913 Agriotes started to pupate about July 15 in northern New York. The writer found many mature larva^ and pupjB in the fields at Bridgeport, N. Y., on the shore of Lake Oneida, on July 17, while investigating a severe outbreak of this pest on the farm of Mr. C. J. Fisher. Other larvw collected at Bridgeport pupated as late as August 12. In 1911 several hundred larvie were reared in the Hagerstown laboratory. All that became adult this year pupated between the middle and the end of July. The pupal stage varied in duration from 15 to 21 days. Specimens collected by ]Mr. J. J. Davis, of this bureau, at Water- town, Wis., pupated on August 8. Mr. Pettit found the pupa? in 6 BULLETIN 156, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. the rearing cages on August 26 and adults emerged as late as the middle of September at Grimsby, Ontario, Canada.^ The pupal stage usually lasts from 15 to 19 days. One specimen collected at Watertown, Wis., by Mr. Davis pupated on August 8 and the adult emerged August 19. A specimen collected at Bridge- port, N. Y., pupated on August 12 and emerged September 1. Other specimens collected July 25 at the latter place became adult Au- gust 12. The pupal chamber consists of an oval cell, the long axis of which is perpendicular, located at a uniform depth of about 5 inches be- low the surface of the soil. The dust mulch in the case under dis- cussion was 4 inches deep and the pupal cells were about 1 inch deeper than cultivation in the moist, firm soil. The pupa stands erect in the cell with the head upward, the larval exuvium being at the Ijottom of the cell. The adult evidently passes the remainder of the summer in the pupal cell, in which it also later hibernates. Matured adults were found in these cells in the fields at Bridgeport, N. Y., as late as September 15, and in our rearing cages adults passed the winter without feeding or drinking. Three distinct generations of larvae were collected in the field in the summer of 1913 — full-groAvn larvae about to pupate, half-grown larva?, and larva? about one-fourth inch long — actively feeding on the corn. We have now in the laborator}^, subject to outdoor tem- perature, two distinct generations of larva? collected in the summer of 1913. The first generation — that is, the largest larvje collected — all transformed to adults during August. Mr. Pettit and several others have made similar observations, and there is no doubt that this species, at least in the northeastern United States, spends three years as a larva. FOOD PLANTS. Agr totes 7nancus was observed at Bridgeport, N. Y., feeding upon corn seed and roots, potato tubers, Avheat roots, carrots, and the un- derground stems of string beans; a single specimen was also found within the stem of the common field mushroom {Agaricus campes- tris). Other writers have found it attacking the cucumber, turnip, and cabbage. Mr. Theo. Pergande, of this bureau, records - a larva of this species feeding on the larva of a lamellicorn beetle in one of his rearing cages. The writer is of the opinion, however, that nor- mally this species is not predaceous. ^ Pottit, J. Description of the wlioat wireworm {Agriotes manendi Say>. In Canad. Ent, V. 4, No. 1, p. 3-6, fig. 1, January, 1872. - U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., Notes, v. 4, No. 2795, Oct. 5, 1882. WIEEWORMS ATTACKING CEEEAL AND FOEAGE CEOPS. 7 REMEDIAL MEASURES. iWe recommend plowing sod land immediately after the first hay cutting, usually early in July, Avhen the land is intended for corn the following year. This land should be cultivated deeply throughout the remainder of the summer. Land that is in corn and badly infested should be deeply cultivated even at the risk of slightly "root-pruning" the corn. This cultivation should be continued as long as the corn can be cultivated, and as soon as the crop is removed the field should be very thoroughly cultivated before sowing to wheat. In regions where wheat is seeded down for hay any treatment of infested wdieat fields is precluded. Where wheat is not followed by seeding, the field should be ploughed as soon as the wheat is harvested. Thorough preparation of the corn seed bed and a liberal use of barn- yard manure or other fertilizer will often give a fair stand of corn in spite of the wireworms, a vigorous plant often being able to produce ]"oots enough to withstand the depredations of several wireworms. Though we realize that usually this is not practicable, the inter- posing of a crop not severely attacked by wireworms, such as field peas and buckwheat, between sod and corn would materially reduce the number of wireworms in the soil when the corn was planted. THE CORN AND COTTON WIREWORM. (Iloristonotiis uhlcril Horn, fig. 3.) The adults of the corn and cotton wireworm are small, slender, and dusky brown; the largest is a trifle over three-sixteenths of an inch in length and can easily be distinguished from other forms infesting cereal crops by the heart-shaped scutellum. The wire- worms of this tribe (Cardiophorini) are very unlike any of the other wireworms. They are not hard and wiry, l)ut soft, membranous, and elongate. The body, which is usually white, appears to be composed of 26 segments, every third segment being swollen. The last segment is simply pointed. The head, which is yellow, is long and slender, with a pair of A^ery prominent dark-brown jaws. AMien full grown these wireAA'orms measure about an inch in length and are but little thicker than j^ack thread. Unlike most of the eastern wireworms, which are usually most de- structive in damp, low-lying fields, these insects seem to be far more numerous on the higher parts of the fields in light sancl}^ soil. These wireworms are among the most troublesome species of the southern United States. Mr. W. A. Thomas records ^ one species of 1 Thomas, W. A. Corn and Cotton Wireworm {Horistonotus ouriatus Say). So. Car. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 1.55, 10 p., figs. [i. c.., pis.] 6, March, 1911. I have since been informed by Mr Conradi that this is a misldentification and that the species in question is H. uhlcrli. 8 BULLETIN 156, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. this genus {II orktonotus curiatus Say) as one of the worst pests in South Carolina. Mr. Vernon King, of this office, is at present investigating a very serious outbreak of Iloristonotus uhlerii in Missouri and has pre- pared the following preliminary account of this species : Iloristonotus iitilerii Horu is a serious pest to corn iu so iitli eastern Missouri, and to corn, cotton, and cowpeas in northeastern Arkansas, and has been reported from the Carolinas and Illinois. The larvae may be found about the roots of their host plants in large numbers, nearly 50 having been taken from one hill of corn. Adults, pupje, and larvse can be seen iu June, all beneath the surface of the soil, and later the adults' will be found above the ground, resting on the plants. The eggs are probably laid about the end of June in the soil, on or about the roots of corn and cowpeas, for minute larvjB have been taken early in .July. In May and June the larvte are most plenti- ful, but as the season advances they become scarce, and finally disappear by the time winter sets in. By the third week in August the adults can no longer be found. Under laboratory conditions the larvae pass the winter partly grown, and no doubt in nature they hibernate in the same form, but in what location is not yet known. Although corn, cowpeas, and cotton are the main hosts of this insect, the larvte feed on the roots of Johnson grass {Sorghum halepcnsc) and have been reported as feed- ing on crab grass. Infested corn plants become wilted and stunted, with leaves of a bluish shade, and brown at the tips, standing out from the stalk stiffly instead of bending over grace- fully as in a healthy plant. Deprived of most of the roots through the work of the larviB, the plant can be inilled up with little effort. Weak individuals soon succumb, leaving gaps in the rows, but the more vigorous plants put forth new roots in abnormal numbers. These are matted together and distorted, and although the plants survive, only nubbins are produced. Tall and apparently healthy plants may have larvce among the roots without damaging the corn materially. The infestation, therefore, is not confined to the impoverished areas. In cowpeas the fibrous roots suffer most, the thicker roots being perforated, so that the plants become yellow and dwarfed and fail to vine. Cotton is injured in the early stages by tlie larvjTe boring into the seed and injuring the very young plants, checking the growth so much that the plant dies or struggles along only to produce little or no cotton. Fig. 3. — The corn and cotton wire- worm (Horiaionoius uhlerii) : a. Adult beetle; h, larva. Enlarged. (Orisinal. i WIREWOEMS ATTACKING CEREAL AND FORAGE CROPS. 9 Rolling laud infested by tliis insect presents a patchy appearance, the sandy knolls standing out distinct and bare, being overgrown later with weeds, par- ticularly crab grass, briers, and morning-glory. The infestation seems to be worst after a crop of cowpeas, but the exact significance of this crop in relation to wireworm injury has yet to be determined. Applications of barnyard manure and of wood ashes have had no effect in checking this pest. On account of the susceptibility of the larvae and pupae to exposure, plowing the soil in the heat of the sun would un- doubtedly destroy many of the wireworms. The objection to this method, however, would be that the planter is occupied with other farm operations at that time, and also there would be difficulty in getting at these areas, which are often scattered, irregular, and isolated. From the data thus far gathered we can not say what effect fall plowing would have on this insect. Further investigation, however, will in all probability give a clue to remedial measures. WIREWORMS OF THE GENUS CORYMBITES. In the literature of American economic entomology there is no ref- erence to beetles of the genus Corymbites as pests to cereal and forage crops. In the Pacific Northwest two species (C. infatus Say and C. noxious Hyslop) are among the worst pests to cereal crops. The habits of the two ^^ecies are quite distinct and will be treated sepa- rately. The occurrence of Corymhites cylindriformis Hbst. in enor- mous numbers in alfalfa and wheat fields about Hagerstown, Md., this spring (1914), and the finding of Corymbites larvee in these fields at various times, might indicate that the genus is represented among the cereal and forage pests in this region also. In Europe the habits of several species of this genus have been recorded by Schiodte and Perris. C. pectinicornis L., C. castaneus L., and C. sjlandicus Miill. are found living in woody meadows and C. ceneus Fal. is found in fields.^ C. latus Fab. is recorded - as living " in the ground like other insect larvae, feeding on roots * * *^ They cause great damage to car- nations in flower gardens." Following is a note by Mr. Pergande from the Bureau of Entomology files : ^ " Elaterid larva in apple tree, received from B. C. Hawkins, Horse Cove, Macon County, N. C. A larva of an elaterid found in a boring in trunk of apple with a dead larva of Saperda hirittata.'''' This note, though the correctness of the determination of the wire- worm is not certain, is interesting, inasmuch as it seems to indicate that some species of Elateridse now classified as Corymbites are 1 Schiodte, J. C. Dc metamorphosi eleutheratorum observationes, pt. 5, p. 520-522, pi. 8, fig. 9-10, pi. 10, fig. 4, 1871. - Perris, fidouard. Larves des ColSoptferes, p. 179. Paris, 1877. " Cette larve vit dans la terree soit d"autres larves ou inseetes, soit de racines. M. de Bonvouloir, en m'en en- voyant des echantillons, me I'a signalee comme causant de grands degats aux celllets de son parterre." = U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., Notes, v. 8. No. G187, .Vpr. .3, 1894. 61121°— Bull. 156—15 2 10 BULLETIN 156, U. S, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. predaceoiis, while other forms also in this genus are known to be exclusivel}- vegetable feeders. During the spring of 1909 a reconnoissance was made to determine the extent and nature of the damage being done by these insects. Circular letters with blank forms inclosed were sent to the agents of the warehouse and elevator companies at most of the large grain- shipping points in the Pacific Northw^est. These men are very inti- mately in touch with the farmers and usually know of any serious depredations that are likely to a^ect the production of grain. From their replies we found that corn was being seriously damaged at Spokane, Pullman, Kiona, Johnson, and Colville, in Washington, and Latah and Mineral in Idaho ; oats were being almost completely destroyed at Ritzville, Dow^ns, Espanola, Govan, and Vancouver, in Washington, and Moscow and Latah in Idaho ; and that wheat was being damaged at Wilbur, Connell, and Govan in Washington. The fact that damage to wheat w^as not reported from more localities does not signify that wheat is less susceptible to the attacks of these insects. The buyers wall not report any damage to wheat for fear of starting a scare among the farmers and thereby abnormally rais- ing the price asked when the bujdng opens in the* fall. THE INFLATED WIREWORM. [ConjiiiJ)itvK hiftitlus Say.) The inflated wireworm occurs throughout most of the northern United States, but is limited as a pest to cereal crops, so far as our observations now record, to the regions of eastern Washington and Oregon and western Idaho, known as the semiarid Transition Zone and characterized, when not under cultivation, by the presence of bunch grass {Agropyron spicaturn) and June grass {Poa sand- hergii) and by the absence of sagebrush. This region is only partly summer fallowed, crops often being grown on the same land for several consecutive years. The beetle is robust, but little more than one-fourth of an inch in length, and of a slate-gra}' color, sometimes being almost black. The wireworm is about one-half inch long, depressed, with a pair of backwardly directed spurs on the ninth abdominal segment, and pale yellow. In the spring of 1909 Mr. George I. Eeeves, of this bureau, re- corded finding the larvae of the inflated wireworm damaging seed corn at Pullman, Wash. His observations were carried on principally in the cornfield of a Mr. Curtis, north of the town. On this farm he found from 4 to 10 larva^" to the hill Avhen he first investigated the out- break, on May 24, 1909. The wireworms were in various stages of WIEEWORMS ATTACKING CEREAL AND FORAGE CROPS. H development and were feedino- on the seed, which had l)eeu phmted on May 10 and IT, eating out the kernels and leaving onl_y empty hulls. Usually the roots of such plants as had escaped were not damaged. The particular field under observation had been in oats in 1908 and in wheat in 1907. On June 1 Mr. Reeves again ex- amined this field and then found the stand very poor, and the wire- worms seemed to be more numerous than when he first examined it, as from 18 to 20 were to be found in nearly every hill. At this point the investigations were turned over to the writer. On June 20 the entire field was harrowed and reseeded, the first seeding being absolutely destroyed by these wireworms. The second seeding started very well and looked as though it would succeed. Many wireworms were still present, however, and by July 8 the second seeding was about half destroyed and had to be planted in by hand. The season was then so well advanced that the crop was practically a failure. LIFE HISTORY. Early in May the beetles emerge from the pupal cells in which they pass the winter, a number of beetles having been caught at Pullman, Wash., by Mr. Eeeves as early as May 5, 1908. They are about in enormous numbers during late May and early June. On May 28, 1910, the writer collected over a hundred of these beetles in a few minutes from some rosebushes in a fence row along the side of a last year's wheat field. The beetles continue abundant until early July, and by the middle of this month they have all dis- appeared but a few^ stragglers. During June the beetles mate and lay their eggs. The larva? feed during this summer and pass their first winter about half grown. They resume feeding the following spring and continue to feed during the second summer, passing the second winter as nearly mature larvae. The larval life is completed early the third spring, w^hen they transform to pupae during late June and early July. The last transformation takes place in late July and early August, and the adult beetles remain in the pupal cells from that time until early the fourth spring. Thus the wire- worm, as such, is in the gi-ound during the growing season of three years. FOOO PLANTS. The beetles of this species were observed in large numbers during May, 1910, at Pullman, Wash., on wild rosebushes, where they were apparently eating the petals of the unopened rosebuds, as many as 10 beetles having been counted on a single bud and the buds beins 12 BULLETIN 156, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. badly riddled with holes. In a rearing cage the beetles were ob- served eating into kernels of wheat which were exposed on the sur- face of the ground. The beetles are also to be collected in large num- bers in clover fields. The larva^, so far as our records show, attack corn, wheat, and potatoes. They also undoubtedly attack oats and barley. THE DRY-LAND WIREWORM. ( Cory in bites noxius Hyslop/ fig. 4. ) The dry-land wireworm, so far as we at present know, is confined to the Upper Sonoran Zone of Washington State, though it will un- doul)tedly be found in the Upper Sonoran of Oregon. This zone is Fig. 4. — The dry-land wireworm {Corytribitcs noxius) : a, Adult ; h, larva : c, iiudcr sur- face of head of larva ; d, side of last segment of larva, a, h, enlarjjod : c, <}, more enlarged. (Original.) characterized by the presence of sagebrush and occupies that part of Washington lying south of the Columbia River, east of the Cascade Mountains, and west of the semiarid Transition Zone, extending up the Snake River into Idaho and across the Columbia River into Oregon. This region is almost exclusively dry-farming country, summer fallowing being necessary to obtain enough moisture to mature Avheat and other cereals. 1 llyslop, J. A. Description of a new species of Corymbites from the Sonoran Zone of Washington State (Coleoptera, Elateridse). In Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., v. 27, p. 69-70, Mar. 20, 1914. WIREWORMS ATTACKING CEREAL AND FORAGE CROPS. 13 The beetle of this species is about one-half inch long, quite slender, and jet black in color. The wireworm is very similar to the inflated wireworm. Early in April, 1910, our attention was called to a series of severe wireworm outbreaks in the region above outlined. On the 5tli of the month the farm of a Mr. Dunnigan, at Connell, Wash., was visited. He was at that time reseeding 1,800 acres of wheat which had been killed out by these wireworms. From Connell we proceeded to Govan, Wash., and here we found the wireworms also doing considerable damage. In a fallow field that had been ruined by wireworms when in oats in 1909 we found them in enormous numbers. These wireworms when in the field are usually to be found between the dust mulch and the moister earth below. This species is more or less destructive tlirough- out its range. During 1910 reports of severe outbreaks were received from eight wheat-receiving stations in the States of Washington and Idaho. LIFE HISTORY. This beetle is about during June and July, at which time it deposits its eggs in wheat fields, weedy fallow fields, and volunteer wheat on fallow land. The eggs are undoubtedly laid underground by the female burrowing into the soft earth, as many adults were col- lected in the fields at a depth of from 5 to 8 inches below the surface which were not in pupal cells. Mr. J. E. Graf, of the Bureau of Entomology, has found this to be the case with the sugar-beet wire- worm.- The young larva3 are to be found in the soil during August and the remainder of the summer, but their depredations are not noticeable at this time, as, in the region where the species occurs, wheat is the only extensively grown crop. The young wireworms pass their first winter in the soil at a depth of from 12 to 20 inches below the surface. The following spring and summer they spend in the summer fallow and are not noticed. Their second winter they again hibernate as wireworms, and in the spring of their third year, the field being now planted to wheat, they turn their attention to the seed and young plants, and it is at this time that their depredations are so startlingly noticeable. They feed during late March, April, and May, and early in June burrow to from 1 to 8 inches below the surface, making small oval cells, in which the very fat larvae lie in an inactive condition during June, Jul}^, and early August, when they pupate and the adults emerge from the pupal skins the middle of that month, but remain in the pupal cells the remainder of that summer and the ensuing winter, not emerging from the ground until the fourth spring from that in which the eggs were laid. - Graf, .John E. .V PreUminary Report on the Sugar-Beet Wireworm. U. S. Dept.. Agr., Bur. Ent., Bui. 123, p. 18, Feb. 28, 1914. 14 BULLETIN Llf), U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGRICULTURE. In the s[)rino; of 15)10 ;i large number of these larvae Avere col- lected in the wheat fields at Govan and Wilbur, in Washington State, and confined in a root cage made by sinking a molasses barrel to the level of the earth surface in a field at Govan and closing the top with a short cylinder of sheet iron covered with wire gauze. The barrel was filled with earth and wheat planted therein. The larva' could easily be separated into three distinct groups, according to size, which indicated a ?> years' life cycle. Later observations on the mate- rial in the rearing cage proved this to be actually the case. Two lots of larvge were confined in this cage — one on April 14 and the other on April 30, 1910, so that all must have hatched from eggs laid in 1909 or previous to that year. On June 21 the cage was examined and a nimiber of the larva? were found to be at from 4 to 8 inches below the surface, resting quietly in oval cells. They were very fat at this time. The cage was not examined again until No- vember 4, and at this time 3 adults, evidently of the 1907 genera- tion, Avere found at about the same depth as the larva? observed in June. They were still in the pupal cells, as was evident from the last larval skins and the pupal skins found with them. The fol- lowing spring (1911) the cage was examined on March 29, Several larv^ were found at this time. They were now moving actively about in the soil and almost immediately attacked some seed wheat sown in the cage on this date. An adult still in the pupal cell was also found at this time. The cage was next examined on July 4, at which time an adult was found on the surface of the ground. Several full-groAvn larvpe were also foinid on this date in their cells at the usual depth of from 4 to 8 inches below the surface. These were evidently the larva? hatched from eggs laid in 1908. On Au- gust 17 the cage was examined and at about 5 inches below the sur- face a pupa and an adult were found. The latter had evidently just transformed, as it had not yet become quite black and was still very soft. The following day the cage was entirely emptied and at between 18 and 20 inches below the surface 10 larval' and an adult were found in soil that was very hard, and very slightly moistened, in fact merely moist enough to prevent its being absolutely dry. The larvae seemed to be full grown and had evidently just completed a molt, as they were quite soft. These were evidently of the 1909 generation. RKMKDIAI. MKASURKS. As will be seen from the life histories of these two species, the generations about to become adult are inactive larvte from June to August and very delicate pupae during the early part of the latter month. These resting larvae and pupa? are usually at a depth of from 4 to 8 inches below the surface, and any disturb- WIEEWORMS ATTACKING CEREAL AND FORAGE CROPS. 15 ance of the soil to that (lei)th at this time woiihl undoubtedly de- stroy them. At this time of the year the ground is very hot and the air exceedingly dry in this region, and even the resting larvge and pupa? that were not actually crushed by the cultivation would soon succumb to drying when their cells were broken open. The writer had considerable trouble in bringing pup» in from the field to his rearing cages and was forced to resort to tightly closed tin boxes which were fitted in the bottom with moistened blotters. The usual farm practice in the region where the drj^-land wireworm is troublesome may be roughly outlined as follows: Immediately after seeding the wheat in early spring the fallow land is plowed to a depth of from 4 to 7 inches. This is usually in April, but if horses and help can be spared from seeding, the summer fallow is plowed as early in the spring as the land can be worked. The next operation on the fallow land is disking it late in June or early in July to maintain the dust mulch and kill out the weeds and volun- teer wheat. Many of the more progressive farmers now advocate, and a few practice, fall plowing of stubble and only disking the fallow land in the spring. The year following the summer fallow- ing the field is disk harrowed early in the spring if the land has run together during the winter and is caked; otherwise the land is har- rowed with a drag or spike-tooth harrow. It is then seeded and dragged and receives no further treatment until harvest. The seeder is usually set to sow at a depth of about 3 inches, though if the moisture is high enough 1 inch is sufficient. Wheat hay is used extensively in this country and is cut while the wheat is in the -dough, which is usually from July 4 to 15. The wheat crop is har- vested from the 1st of August until the 1st of September. We recommend altering this practice in order to destroy wire- worms in the following manner: (1) Dish or drag harroiv the summer fallow as early as possible in the spring^ in order to produce a dust mulch and thereby con- serve the accumulated winter's moisture: (2) continue dishing as often as is necessary to maintain the dust mulch and keep down the weeds; (3) plow the summer fallow in July or early in August, and immediately drag; (4) plow the stubhle as soon as the crop is off. As these worms are of three different ages in most infested fields, and as only about one-third of these will be in the pupal stage each year, it is evident that the first year of this practice will not show startling results. However, if the practice is continued for a couple of years it will undoubtedly reduce the number of these pests very considerably. Aside from its beneficial results in killing insects, this method of handling the land will materially reduce the weeds. The ■early disking merely softens up the soil and allows all the weed 16 BULLETIN 156, U. S. DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE. seed present to sprout, and the entire crop of weeds is subsequently destroyed by the summer plowing. By the present method of farming the Aveed seeds are turned down to such a depth that many can not germinate, but lie dormant and sprout Avhenever they happen to be brought to the surface b}^ subsequent cultivation. One crop of weed seed is in this manner often a pest for several succeeding years. A slight variation of these suggestions will readily adapt them to the more humid sections inhabited by the inflated wireworm. THE CORN WIREWORMS. Several species of beetles belonging to the genus Melanotus are recorded as pests to cereal and forage crops in the United States. The beetles usually range from medium-sized to large forms measuring from one-half to three-fourths inch in length. They varj^ in color from light reddish-brown to almost black. The beetles of this genus can always be distinguished with a low-power lens by the comb- like chiAvs on the last tarsal seg- ment. The wireworms are reddish- brown in color, about IJ inches long, cylindrical in shape, and always with the last joint of the body ending in three incon- spicuous lobes. Many species of this genus in- habit decaying logs, and several writers record them as predaceous.^ A note in the Bureau of Ento- mology^ files,^ by Mr. Pergande, records a larva of this genus as feed- ing on the eggs of a locust, or grasshopper. A similar record,^ dated September 19, 1884, is. made by the same observer, wherein a Me- lanotus larva w^as found with locust eggs and reared to the adult con- dition by feeding on potato and dead beetle (lamellicorn) larva^. These wireworms are a pest to cereal and forage crops in the Mid- dle Atlantic States, the New Enghmd States, and in the Mississippi Valley from Kansas northward. Forbes places Melanotus comniunis Fig. 5. — One of the corn wireworms (Mela- notus communis) : a, Adult ; h, larva ; c, last segments of same ; d, pupa. All enlarged. (Prom Chittenden.) 1 Ferris, Edouard. Ilistoire des insectes du pin maritime. In Ann. Soc. Ent. Prance, ser. 3, T. 2, p. 139 (seances du 13. Avril, 1853). 2 U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent, Notes, v. 4, No. 2883, Oct. 9, 1882. 3 U. S. Dept. .\gr., Div. Ent, Notes, v. 4, No. 2884, Sept. 19, 1884. WIREWOEMS ATTACKING CEEEAL AND FORAGE CROPS. 17 Gyll. (fig. 5) and M. fssilis (Say) as among the important corn pests of Illinois. Webster found M. communis a very serious pest in Indiana and Ohio; Comstock and Slingerhmd consider M. communis one of the worst wireworms in New York State ; and Swenlv records serious depredations of M. ci^ibulosus Lee, M. communis^ and M. fissills in Nebraska. In 1907 Mr. E. O. G. Kelly found a species of Melanotus attacking corn in North Dakota. In 1910 Mr. W. W. Yothers, of this bureau, investigated a very severe outbreak of these wireworms at Corry, Pa. At the time he visited the fields as many as 7 to 15 larva? were to be found in nearly every hill. This field had been broken from sod in 1908. In 1912 Mr. Kelly found the larva? of Melanotus communis so numerous at Wellington, Kans., that they entirely destroyed his experimental corn plantings. He also found the larva? of this species attacking kafir seed at Mulvane, Kans., in the spring of 1912. In places they had completely eaten out the seed for spaces of from 4 to 6 feet in the drill rows. In 1911 we received reports of damage by wireworms belonging to the genus Melanotus from seven localities in Indiana, seven in Wisconsin, six in Maryland, three in Michigan, three in Iowa, and one each in Alabama, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, North Dakota, Vermont, and West Virginia. Several species occur on the west coast, and M. communis is re- ported as a pest to wheat in Garfield County, Wash.,^ but the writer is inclined to believe that the pest in this case was either a false wire- worm or a species of Corymbites. Mr. Pergande records- this species as attacking lettuce roots, wheat, and potatoes. LIFE HISTORY. The adults of these wireworms are flying about in late April, May, and June, when they undoubtedly deposit their eggs in the grasslands. The larvse spend two to five years in the soil. That any have so short a life-cycle period as two years is not at all certain. We have, however, in our outdoor insectary, larvae received from Inman, Nebr., April 19, 1912, subject to very nearly natural con- ditions. These larvae were well grown when received and were at least of the 1911 generation. At the date of this writing (October, 1914) they are larvae. They have passed the summers of 1911, 1912, 1913, and 1914 in the soil, and if they pupate next summer (1915) the adults will, without doubt, remain in the pupal cells until the spring of 1916, making, in this case, five full years from egg to egg. These beetles pupate during July and early August. 1 Scobey, J. 0"B. Wireworms. Wash. Exp. Sta. (State Agr. Coll. and School of Sci.), Bull. 4, p. 75, May, 1892. 2 U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., Notes, v. 4, No. 2884. 61121°— Bull. 156—15 3 18 BULLETIN 156, U. S. DEPARTMEXT OF AGEICULTUEE. Mr. Webster found pupso in the ground August 19, 1885, at La Fayette. Ind. At the Hagerstown Laboratory over 100 larvae of this genus are under observation. Those that emerged as adults this year pupated between the end of July and the middle of August. The pupal stage varied in duration from 12 to 22 days. The adults do not leave the pupal cells, however, until the follow- ing spring. Mr. Webster found adults of M. communis in jnipal cells on March IT, 1894, at Wooster, Ohio, and the writer found an adult in a wheat field at Hagerstown, Md., on November 22, 1912. This adult was in a cell with its pupal and last larval exuvia. The cell was 1 inch below the surface, in the drill row in which several consecutive plants had been killed. KKMEDI AL M KASURES. The larvfie of the genus Melanotus^ so far as our observations go, are confined to poorly drained and usually to heavy, sour soil. In making a survey of Birch Creek and Eel Creek bottoms in Clay County, Ind., we were informed by nearly all of the farmers that up to within the past four years wireworms caused very large annual losses to corn growers, while for the past three years this pest has been quite unknown to them. Coincident with the disappearance of the wireworms we find that the land was tile-drained on most of the farms. That the tile drainage of the land was actually responsible for the disappearance of the wireworms is more than we are prepared to say. However, the coincidence is very suggestive. WIREWORMS OF MINOR IMPORTANCE. The following species, though not serious pests to cereal and for- age crops over extensive areas, are, during certain seasons, very destructive in restricted localities. The wireworms belonging to the genus Limonius are among the most important of this group. In 1909 the writer received report of serious damage being done to corn and potatoes at Spokane, Wash. The outbreak was investigated and proved to be very severe, but at the time no larva3 were reared. This year (1914), through the kind- ness of Mr. William Tews, of Spokane, the writer received a large number of these wireworms with the report of another serious out- break. From this material we succeeded in rearing adults which are Limonius (species undetermined). The confused wireworm {Linionius confuKus Lee.) has made its appearance in Illinois^ within the last few years, and although its principal damage was confined to potatoes, it w^as also destructive to corn. The beetle is ipnvis, J. .1. rrelimi7iary roport on tbe more important insects of the truck gardens of Illinois. In 111. I'armrrs' Tn*;t. 16th Ann. Rpt., p. 21fi-263, 42 flgs. Springfield, 1911. W^irew'orms. Limonius confusus Lee, p. 251, flgs. R6--7. WIREWOEMS ATTACKING CEREAL AND FORAGE CROPS. 19 about three-sixteenths of an inch long, reddish-brown in color, and moderately hairy. The wireworm is about three-fourths of an inch in length and is depressed, with a shallow emargination in the ter- minal segment; the color, as in the beetle, is reddish-brown. The species is recorded as attacking corn, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, radishes, turnips, horseradish, and spinach. It l)ur- rows into the underground parts of the plants, quite ruining them for market purposes, and in the case of corn, tomatoes, cabbage, and onions often kills the plant. This species does not seem to attack beans, peas, cucumbers, melons, rhubarb, lettuce, and peppers, and these croiis might be of value in clearing a badly infested field prior to seeding it to grain. The sugar-beet wireworm {Limonius calif ornieus Mann.) is a very serious pest to alfalfa and corn over restricted areas m Cali- fornia.^ Alfalfa is so badly infested in certain localities that it has to be plowed out and reseedecl every three or four years. This species lays its eggs during late April. The eggs hatch during late May and the larvae spend the remainder of that season and the whole of the two succeeding seasons in the ground. They pupate during July and August of their third summer, the adults remaining in the pupal cells until the spring of the fourth year. Alfalfa fields badly infested with this wireworm should be plowed out immediately after the first crop is harvested and harrowed several times before re- seeding. Land intended for corn should be plowed in late July or August of the year preceding cropping. Land in corn should be deepl}' cultivated during August. The abbreviated wireworm {Cryptohypnus ahhreviatus (Say)) oc- curs over the entire northern part of the United States, being quite common in New England and New York, and is recorded from New Jersey by Smith.'^ In the upper Mississippi Valley this species is also a pest and specimens have been collected in Utah and Wash- ington. The beetles of this species are very small, being little over three- sixteenths inch in length and quite broad and flattened. The color is very dark brown to almost black and the forepart of the body is very shiny. An obscure yellowish spot ornaments each wing cover near the tip. The legs are also obscure reddish-yellow. The wireworm is about one-half inch long, flattened, with a pair of backwardly directed prongs on the ninth abdominal segment, and is pale yellow in color. Owing to the confusion of this wireworm with Drasterius elegans Fab., the literature relative to either of these insects is very unre- 1 Graf, John E. A rVoliminary Rt'port of the Sugar-Bect Wireworm. T". S. Dept. Ag:r., Bur. Ent., Bui. 123, 68 p., 9 figs., 2.'5 pi., Fob. 28, 1914. 2 Smith, .1. B. Catalogue of the Insects Found in New Jersey, p. l."J9. Trenton, 1.S90. 20 BULLETIN 156, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. liable. The best account of the species of which we are cognizant is that of Comstock and Slingerland.^ On March 13, 1912, Mr. J. J. Davis received a communication report- ing a very bad outbreak of wireworms on corn at Watertown, Wis., in 1911. The fields attacked were low-lying peaty muck-lands that had been reclaimed by tile draining. The correspondent said that he " plowed up a strip of land early last spring and turned up these insects by the millions, so that some of the furrows looked real white." Larvae were inclosed with this communication and proved to be of this beetle. In June, 1913, Mr. Davis visited this locality and collected a number of the larvae and sent them to the writer alive. They were confined in rearing cages on June 6, August 5 a pupa was found, and on August 14 the adult emerged from the pupa. Another larva pupated on September 2 and the adult emerged on September 11. These two records limit the pupal stage to nine days. For this species we recommend plowing sodland, intended for corn the succeeding year, during late August. Cultivate corn as late as possible, and plow small-grain stubble during August, if possible. Another genus of importance in this group is Monocrepidius. The two species of this genus recorded as attacking cereal and forage crops in the United States are quite distinct. One {Mo7ioc7'ep'idlus limdus DeG.) is a large species over one-half inch in length, of a dull, even brown color. It is shaped very much like a Melanotus, but can easily be distinguished from that genus by the simple tarsal claws. The other species {Monocrepidius vespertinus Fab.) is a small elongate beetle, a little over one-fourth inch long. The body is prettily marked with yellow and dark brown. Both of these species are more or less southern in distribution, M. lividus DeG. being distributed over the entire southern part of the United States from Florida to Texas and northward to northern New Jersey, scattering specimens being collected as far north as Massachusetts, while M. vesperti/iius covers the same territory, but is more generally distributed north- ward. A third species, Monocrepidius hellus Say, is a very small form, the beetle being hardly three-sixteenths of an inch long. This species is quite often taken in cornfields during the summer and under stones in pastures during the winter about Hagerstown, Md. Dr. F. H. Chittenden^ records this species as having been reared from larvae feeding on the roots of creeping bent (Agrostis stolonifera) on the deparfment grounds at Washington. 1 Comstock, J. n., and Slingerland, M. V. Wireworms. Cornell I'niv. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 33, p. 270, Nov., 1S91. = U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., Notes, v. 10, No. 7472. WIREWOKMS ATTACKING CEREAL AND FORAGE CROPS. 21 Monocrepidius auritus Hbst. is also quite common about Hagers- town, adults being often found hibernating with Drasterlus amahlUs Lee. under stones. Mr. C. M. Packard, of the Hagerstown laboratory, collected a pupa of this species in the insectary garden on August 11, 1913. The adult emerged from this pupa on August 16. This year (1914) Mr. J. J. Davis sent the writer a large number of larvae of this sjDecies from Indiana. The last two species will probably eventu- ally be found to attack crops. The largest, and in the southwest the most important, species of this genus is Monocrepidius lividus DeG. In the bureau files is a note made by Mr. Pergande, dated June 6, 1881.^ Larva? were found in hills of recently seeded sorghum. No locality accompanies this note. On July 4 one of the larvae transformed to a pupa, and on July 11 the adult issued, making the pupal period just a week. Mr. Kelly collected an adult in a hay pile March 21, 1911, and also a larva of this species burrowing in a young corn plant at Welling- ton, Kans., on June 11, 1910. This larva pupated on September 8, but was not reared to an adult. He also collected an adult in an alfalfa field on May 10 of that year. Another larva, supposed to be this species, was collected June 12 and was kept alive in a rearing cage until November 25, indicating that the species hibernates, in the larval state. The particular specimen, however, died during the winter. During July, 1911, Mr. G. G. Ainslie found the adults of this spe- cies on the fresh silk on the corn ears down in the tip of the husk. He found them in the act of eating the corn silk and also the pollen. The writer, while investigating an outbreak of the " curlew bug " {Sphenophorus callosus Oliv.) at Hartford, N. C, found several of these wireworms in a cornfield. These larvae were collected on No- vember 4, 1911, and by December of that year one of the larva? had eaten all his comrades and had gone into hibernation in the rearing cage in the office at Washington. The data relative to the life history of this individual can not be relied upon as of value in determining the normal life history, as the office was subjected to great extremes of temperature that winter, often freezing at night and being over 80° F. by noon. However, this larva transformed to a pupa and emerged as an adult between May 21 and June 7, 1912. This beetle lived in the rearing cage without food until July 24 of that year. Mr. G. G. Ainslie collected a larva of this species on March 25, 1914, in sod land at Orlando, Fla. Undoubtedly second in importance, and in parts of the South probably first, is the southern corn wireworm {Monocrepidius ves- pertinus (Fab.) , fig. 6) . Mr. Kelly has found the larvae of this species 1 U. S. Dept. Agi-., Div. Ent., Notes, v. 2, No. 857, June 6, 1881. 22 BULLETIN 156, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. doing considerable damage to wheat at Wellington, Kans. These lar\iv attaek the wheat in a very unicjue manner for wireworms. They do not seem to attack the roots, bnt bore into the cavity of the Avheat stem and feed on its inner wall. In some fields as many as one-eighth of 1 per cent of the wheat stems were infested. A large number of these larva? were placed in a rearing cage on May (). 1910, and on June 24 four adults were found in the cage. Mr. Kellv found the adult beetles of this species numerous on corn plants in the field from July 3 to August 23. Early in March, 1910, an adult of this species was found in a clump of grass {Andropogon scoparhvs). In 1911 Mr. Kelly succeeded in rearing an adult from a pupa collected among the roots of corn. This adult emerged on July 19. Mr. T. H. Parks, at that time with this office, found the beetles very numerous on young corn at Winfield, Ivans., and Okla- homa City, Okla., in June, 1910, and Mr. E. A. Vickery, also of this office, found the beetles very numerous on corn at Browns- ville, Tex., in June. Mr. Pergande records^ the injury to these bee- tles to cotton at We- tumpka, Ala., and Dr. J. B. Smith found the Fiii. (). — The southern coiu wircworm (Monociepidius larVSe injuring beanS re.pert»r«.-) . « Ski., view of larv^ ^^ jy^ q^^^^^^ ^^ j_2 larva; c, adult beetle; tl, pupa. All enlarged. (After cinttenden.) Mr. W. R. McConnell, of this office, found the larva^ of these beetles very numerous in alfalfa fields at Carlsbad, N. Mex. Owing to the superficial resemblance of the larva of Drasterius to those of Cryptohypnus, the notes in the files of the Bureau of Entomology relative to these two genera are very unreliable. Web- ster records" Drasterius elegans Fab. as a serious pest to corn and wheat in Indiana, and Forbes records finding larvse attacking corn in Illinois. Prdsferhis elegans is found throughout the northern half of the United States. Drasterius amabiUs Lee. is common in the Middle Atlantic States and has also been collected in New England and the Mississippi Valley. All of the beetles in this genus are lU. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., Notes, v. 11, No. 8668, July 11, 1899. - Smith, J. B. Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum. Including a Report of the Insects of New Jersey, p. 2S5. Trenton. 1009. ^ Webster, F. M. Report of observations upon insects affecting grains. In U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., I'.ul. mid Ser. ) 22, p. 52, 1890. WIREWOEMS ATTACKING CEREAL AND FORAGE CROPS. 23 small, about one-fourth of an inch in length. They are yelloAv or reddish yellow in color, with more or less black marking. The wire- worms are about one-half of an inch long when full grown. They are depressed forms with two prongs on the ninth abdominal seg- ment and are yellowish colored, except the head and first joint, which are brownish. In the general bureau note files, as well as those of the branch of Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations, are many notes referring to Drasterius eJegans as predaceous, and also many other notes referring to this species as a pest to crops. None of these notes is at all conclusive, however, and in many cases it is very probable that the form attacking corn and wheat is really the abbreviated wireworm {C ry ptohy pnus abhreviatus (Say) ) , and it may be that the predaceous form is DrasteriuH amahilis^ which the writer finds in many collections under the name D. elegans. Mr. Theodore Pergande. of this bureau, received several larvse of Drasterius amahiUs from Manhattan, Kans.. on May 3, 1877.^ He says that these larva> were found preying on the eggs of Melanoplus spretus. On June 20 some of them were killed and eaten by mites, so that nothing but the shell was left. June 25 the other larvae were completely covered with small mites, so that they could scarcely move, and he believed that probably they would die, also. These mites to which Mr. Pergande refers were evidently the hypopial stage of some tyroglyphid. In all probability the Drasterius larva^ ate one another, as this is a common occurrence when these larvae are placed together in a rearing cage. He goes on to say : May 31, 1878. another larva of this species about half grown was placed with an Epicanta lurv.-i. It has eaten the Epicauta larva. June IS pui)iited. July 9 issued. This note gives a considerably longer pupal period than that ob- served by the writer at Hagerstown. In another note under the same number there is a record of the finding of a larva of this species with- in a potato stalk which was infested with Trichoharis trlnotata Say, and it was probably feeding on these larvae. The writer found a very young Drasterius amahilis larva eating a pupa of Meromyza americana Fitch on July 9, 1912, at Hagerstown, Md. Mr. George Dimmock says that " this species {D. amahilis) devours locust eggs." - Drasterins amahilis is very common in w^estern Maryland, where the adults can be found under stones or rubbish from the middle of September until early in the spring. 1 U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., Mem. XII, Note 762P, May 3~.Iuno •2T^. 1S77. 2 Standard Natural Hi.story, edited by J. S. Kingsloy, v. 2, p. :;g1. r.i.st.ni, l.s,s4. " * * * a few of those larva' are carnivorous, the larviE of Drasterius ecker (Picoi- des arcticus). Yellow-bellied sapsucker (Sphyrapicus uarius). Pileated woodpecker (Plilootoinu/i pileatus). Red-headed woodpecker {Melanerpcs erytli rocephalus ) . Red -bellied woodpecker (Cent urns caroliniis). P'licker (Colaptes an rat us luteus). Whippoorwill {Antrostomiis vocife- rus ) . Nighthawk ( Cliordeilcs Virginian us). Texan nighthawk (Chordeiles a. tex- cnsis ) . Ash -throated flycatcher {Myiurchus cinerasccns ) . Crested flycatcher {Myiarchus crini- tas). Scissor- tailed forficata). Kingbird (Tyranniis tyrunnus). Arkansas kingbird (Tyrannus vertir calis). Cassin's kingbird (Tyrannus vocife- rans). Phoebe {^ayornis pltochc). Black phoebe (Sayoriiis nigricans). Say's phoebe (Sayornis saya). Wood pewee (Myiochancs vircns). Western wood pewee (Myiochanes richardsonii) . Olive-sided flycatcher (Nuttallornis horcalis). Western flycatcher {Einpidonax diffi- cilis. ) Least flycatcher (Eni.pldonax mini- m us ) . Traill's flycatcher (Empidonax trailU). Yellow-bellied flycatcher (Empidonax flavivcntris). Acadian flycatcher (Empidonax rires- ccns ) . Horned lark (Otocoris alpcstris). Blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata). Steller's jay (Cyanocitta stclleri). California jay i Aplnlocoma cati- fornica). Crow (Cori'US hraclnirhynchos) . Bobolink (Doliclionyx oryzirorus). Cowbird (Molotlirus atcr). Yellow - headed blackoird (Xanthoce- phalus xantltoccphalus ) . Bicolored red-wing (Agclaiiis gnhcrna- tor calif orniciis). Red-winged blackbird. (Agelaius phcc- niccus). Meadowlark (HturncUa magna). Baltimore oriole (Icterus galhula). Bullock's oriole (Icterus hullucki). Orchard oriole (Icterus spurius). Rusty blackbird (Euphagus carolinus). Brewer's blackbird (Euphagus cyano- cephalus) . Pvirple grackle (Quiscalus q. quis- cula). (Jreat-tailed grackle (Mcgaquiscalus major). W IKEWORMS ATTACKING CEREAL AND FORAGE CROPS. 27 Field sparrow (SpizcUa punilla). Cbippins^ sp;irro\v (^inzclhi passcritui). Junco (J unco liyemalis). Lincoln's sparrow (Mclospha lincolni). Song sparrow (Melospiza mcloclia). Fox sparrow {PassercUa iliaca). Cbewink ( Pipilo crythrophthaJmuii ) . California towbee { Pipilo f. crisi^aliN). Spurred towhee (Pipilo in. niontanns). Cardinal (CardinaJi-s eanJinalis). Rose - breasted jirosbeak (Zamchxlid liidoviclana). Black - beaded grosbeak {Zamclodia melanoccphala) . Blue grosbeak {Guiraca ca'rulca). Indigo bunting (Passcrina cyanca). Lazuli bunting {Passcrina amccna). I'ainted bunting (Passcrina ciris). D i ckci ssel ( »*?/) isa, americana ) . Englisb sparrow (Passer domcsticiis). Vesper sparrow (Powcctcs gramincus) . Ilenslow's sparrow (Passerhcrhiilus liensloici). Sbarp-tailed sparrow (PasserJicrhuIus caiidacutiis) . Sandwich spari'ow (Passcrculus sand- loichcnsis ) . Ipswicb sparrow (Passcrculus prin- ceps ) . Grasshopper sparrow (Amniodranius s. australis). Lark sparrow (Chondcstcs gramma- cus ) . Wbite-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicoUis). White-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia Iciicoplirys). In the desert regions of the Northwest a small lizard {Ph7'ynosoma doncjlasil douglasii, fig. 8), locally called the "sand toad," eats the adult Elateridse in large numbers. A pair of these small lizards kept in the insectary Avould eat ('orymhltes infatus beetles as fast as these coidd be fed to them. That this is a large part of their natural food is evidenced b}^ the contents of the stomachs of three of these lizards collected at Govan, Wash., on April 24, 1910. In the stomach of lizard Xo. 1, GO per cent of the food was ants, 8 per cent click-beetles, and 30 per cent other beetles; in lizard No. 2, 90 pei- cent was click-beetles and 10 per cent ants; and in lizard No. 3, 75 per cent ants, 15 per cent click-beetles, and 10 per cent other beetles. Several other kinds of these lizards inhabit the more southern desert lands of the West and are usually called " horned toads " in these sections. In rearing cages wireworms are often infested with small mites (Tyrogl^q^hidae). The writer received a shipment of Melanotus iarva^ from Inman, Nebr., in April, 1912. This material when re- ceived was apparently free from any vermin. When examined again, on June 17 of that year, some of the larvae were found to be badly infested with these mites in the hypopial stage. The mites were so close together on the last two segments of the Avireworms' bodies that they gave the impression of an incrustation. On June 24 all the \\ ireworms were infested Avith these mites. Mr. Pergande also found tliese mites on larvte of Melanotus communis in his cages at Wash- ington, D. C, in March, 1900.^ Mr. Banks is of the opinion that these mites are not attacking the wireworms, but merely make use of insects as a ready means of dispersal. He is evidently correct in 1 U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., Notes, v. 4, No. 2SS4, Oct. 9, 1882. 28 BULLETIN 156, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. this opinion, as the larvie in question from Inman, Nebr., are alive at the present writing (October, 1914). A gamasid Avas found attached to the body of an adult of Alaus oculatus at St. Louis, Mo., by Mr. E. E. Fisher. This mite was under the wing covers.' Another mite {Chelifer alaus) is recorded - as a parasite of the adult Alaus oculatus. The writer has published ^ a record of a fly {There oa egressa Coq.) the larva of which actually attacks and feeds upon wirew^orms. The larva was found in a wheat field near Pullman, Wash., and when found had its head and first four anterior joints within the body of a wireworm and was eating out the insides. This larva was brought into the insectary and fed upon wire- w^orms, of which it ate usually two a day. On June 10 it pupated, and on June 21- the adult fly emerged. Two other species of Therevidse {Psilo- cephala aldrichii Coq. and P. munda Coq.) were reared by the writer from larvae taken in the field, associated with wireworms, in the Pacific Northwest. These flies in their larval stages are prob- ably predaceous on elaterid larvae. Forbes mentions* rearing a parasitic fly from an elaterid larva. A Procto- trupes has been reared from an elaterid larva in England In the same work Curtis refers to a similar record bv Fig. 8. — A horned toad {Phri/nosonta dou(jla>sii douglasii), an enemy of the western wire- worms. (Original.) by Curtis.^ Bierkander, 1 U. S. Dcpt. Agr., Div. Ent., Note 165R, July 21, 1880. - Leidy, J. Remarks on the .seventeen-year locust, the Hessian fly, and a Chelifer. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. [v. 29], 1877, p. 260-261, .Tune 19, 1877. 8 Ilyslop, J. A. Therera egressa. In Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., v. 12, No. 2, p. 98, June 15, 1910. * Forbes, S. A. Insects Insects to the Seed and Koot of Indian Corn. Univ. of 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 44, p. 228, May, 1896. ^ Curtis. John. Farm Insects, p. 181. London, 1860. WIEEWORMS ATTACKIN(4 CEREAL AND FORAGE CROPS. 29 Bierkaiider obtained through a con-espondent a Filaria from a wireworm/ The author found a skin of a Mehinotus hirva firmly attached to the pupa case of a hymenopteron from which the parasite had emerged. The case was very simihir to that of Typhia sp. Several records have been made of elaterid larvae being attacked by fungous diseases. An interesting note is made by Girard - in which he records Cordyceps attacking wireworms in Trinidad. A note in the files of this office ^ records a larva of Agriotes sp. received from Halifax, Nova Scotia, and placed in a rearing cage in the in- soctary at Washington, as being found later dead and filled with the mycelium of a fungus which Dr. Flora W. Patterson, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, determined as Penicillium anlsoplim Viull. This fungus is known as a parasitic disease of other insects and without doubt killed the larva in question. Comstock records* larva? in his rearing cages being killed by M etarrhizium anisoplim. The writer found a larva of Corymbites infatus in a rearing cage at the laboratory in Pullman, Wash., which had evidently been killed by a parasitic fungus. It was filled with white mycelium, which distended the body and even grew out between the segments. The specimen was sent in to Washington, but was received in too poor condition for determination. Early in June, 1913, a large amount of the culture of the white- grub fungus {M etarrhiz'min anisoplioi) was sent to the writer by Mr. J. J. Davis. This material Avas introduced into a field at Nisbet. Pa. On revisiting the inoculated field on July 14 of that year, a larva of Melanotus was found dead and completely covered with a green fungus. This specimen was sent to Mr. Davis, who tentativelv determined the fungus as M. anlsopllw. From this culture material the insectary room at the Hagerstown Laboratory became infected, and during the past summer, despite all precautions, at least one- half of the Elateridsp in our rearing cages were killed by this disease, REMEDIAL MEASURES. Remedial measures haAe been given with each of the more impor- tant wireworms ti'eated in this paper. Here we wish to report on a number of measures that have been suggested fi'om time to time as efficient in combating these insects. We have actually tried most of these measures, and to prevent repetition of these moi-e or less costly experiments we publish here the results. ^Gardner's Chronicle, London [v. 3], p. 4o.", .June 24, 184.1. -Girard, A. Uue nouvelle csp&ce d'Entomophyte. Cordi/ceps hunti, n. si>. (("'ham- pignon), parasite d'une larve d'Elateride. In Ann. Soc. Ent. Prance, Rtil. des seances, 1895, p. CLXXXI-CLXXXII. 2 U. S. Dept. Agr.. Bur. Ent.. Webster Note No. 4751. ^ Comstock, J. H., and Slingerland, M. V. Wireworms. N. Y. Cornell T'niv. .\iii-. Exp. Sta., Bui. .33, p. 211, November, 1891. 30 BULLETIN 156, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. Remedial measures may be classified under three headings: (1) Seed treatment to prevent insects eating the seed; (2) introduction of poisonous or noxious substances into the soil; and (3) cultural methods. TREATMENT OF SEED. Under the first head many substances have been used and reported as more or less efficient, among which might be mentioned Paris green and coal tar, gas tar, coal oil, tar, Paris green, and arsenate of lead. In 1884 Webster used kerosene as a treatment of seed corn to protect seed from wireworms. Although his experiment did not apparently impair the vitality of the seed, a farmer who attempted to appl}' the recommendation claimed that the vitality of the seed was destroyed thereby. In 1888 Forbes treated corn seed with Paris green, and though wireworms fed on corn so thoroughly coated as to be quite green they seemed to experience no ill effects. He also ex- perimented with alcoholic solutions of arsenic and water solutions of strychnine and potassium cyanid. In the spring of 1911 wireworms were very numerous on the wheat land at Wilbur, Wash., and the writer carried on a series of very extensive experiments to determine the value of some of these sub- stances and also added a few which, to his knowledge, had not been tried before. Three sacks of wheat (6 bushels) were treated on March 24 with arsenate of lead. Six pounds of insecticide were used for the batch. The arsenate was thinned to the consistency of thick whitewash, with Avater, and thoroughly mixed into the seed in a large box. The seed, when dry, was very white and Avell coated. On the same date two sacks (4 bushels) Avere treated with coal tar. The tar was applied Avith a paddle, the paddle being first dii)ped into the tar and then stirred around in the wheat until the seed was well coated. The seed was then mixed with sand and allowed to dry. One sack of wheat Avas treated Avith strychnine, 2 ounces of this poison being used to 2 bushels of Avheat. The strychnine Avas dissolved in 2 quarts of hot water and 1 pound of sugar Avas added as an adhesive. The seed was then soaked in this liquid and alloAved to dry. On March 31 all of these treated batches of seed Avere soAvn. The soAvings were made in plats Avhich were about half a mile long. They Avere made in an 11-foot Avheat seeder, and were arranged as follows: 2 seeder widths of seed treated with strychnine. 2 seeder widths without treatment, as a check. 2 seeder widths of seed treated with coal tar. 4 seeder widths checlv. 5 seeder widths of seed treated with lead arsenate. f) seeder widths olieck. 3 seeder widths of seed treated witli coal tar. 9 seeder widths check. 4 seeder widths of seed treated with arstMiate of lead. WIEE WORMS ATTACKING CEEEAL AND FORAGE CROPS. 31 These plats were carefully staked and examined from time to time, but at no time could any appreciable difference be noted as to their appearance. Wireworms were as numerous in all the treated plats as in the checks. Wheat was very generally attacked and no dead wireworms were found. A number of wireworms were confined in a large tin cage with wheat treated with strychnine as their only food. After two months these larvae were still alive and apparently unaffected by the poison, though they ate the poisoned grain. While these experiments were going on at Wilbur a more intensive series was being carried on at Spokane. Here, instead of wheat, sweet corn was used. These experiments were carried on in a field recently cleared of timber. The soil was quite heavy and very moist. Wireworms were very numerous and apparently quite gen- erally distributed. On April 5, seed corn was treated in the following manner: Lot 1. Coal tar was applied vevy heavily and Paris green dusted onto it until it was quite green. Lot 2 was treated by soaking for a few minutes in copper sulphate and then drying rapidly in the sun. Several potatoes also were soaked, cut into small pieces, in a saturated solution of strychnine. This field was all in corn in 1909 and was badly infested with wireworms. In 1910 it was half in wheat on fall plowing and half in potatoes on spring plowing, and was also badly infested this year with wireworms. A plat of each treatment with a check row be- tween each plat was planted on each half of the field. Seventy hills of corn were in each plat. All the plantings were made on April 24. The coal-tar treatment prevented about 90 per cent of the seed so treated from germinating, so this precludes the use, at least as applied to this experiment, of this seed treatment. On May 2 the hills were dug out and the wireworms in each hill counted. Wher- ever wireworms were present they Avere attacking the seed. The results of this count appear in Table I : Table I. — Results of exprrinicnts (u/aUist icireirornis iritJi treated seed. Row. Treatment. Number of hills examined. Number of wireworms found. Number of wireworms per hill ''average). Total aver- age number of wire- worms per hill for each treatment. 1 Copper sulphate 10 24 24 24 3 24 24 13 24 40 138 4 5.75 11 . .do 4 87 5 Coal tar and Paris green do 2 Check ... 4 .. .do 35 40 22 93 1.458 1.667 1.692 3.875 6 do 8 do do 10 1.758 32 BULLETIN 156, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. From the last experiment we conclude that the use of coal tar and Paris green is not a remedial measure to be recommended. However^ Dr. H. T. Fernald has published ^ an account of a series of experi- ments that seem to reach quite the opposite conclusion, and it is very probable that gas tar will not prevent germination as did the coal tar of our experiments. The copper-sulphate plat was more severely infested than the check plats, so this treatment is quite useless as an insecticide for wireworms. The potato bait poisoned with strychnine was a fail- ure because the potatoes were allowed to dry up before being placed in the ground. Mr. G. I. Reeves carried on an experiment at Pullman, Wash., using a commercial tobacco extract applied to the seed corn as a re- pellent. This experiment was carried on in a root cage. On May 27, 1909, he treated 15 kernels of seed corn by soaking for 24 hours in a solution of commercial tobacco extract. 1 part to 16 parts of water. The seed was dried before planting and was sown with alternate untreated seeds as a check. Wireworms were introduced at the time of seeding and also on June 2. The experiment w^as discontinued on June 10, and all the seed carefully examined. Of the treated seeds, eight were eaten into by wirew^orms, wdiile nine of the un- treated seeds were destroyed. It is very evident from this experi- ment that tobacco solution as a repellent is quite useless, at least for wareworms. Soaking the seed in formalin has been suggested as a means of repelling w^irew^orms. This measure is quite useless. In the re- gions of the Pacific Northwest where the author was studying severe wireworm outbreaks nearly all the seed w'heat had been treated with formalin as a means of preventing the development of smut fungus. Mr. O. A. Johannsen and Miss Edith M. Patch have published - the results of a series of experiments carried on in Maine. They treated seed corn Avith tar and Paris green, and with arsenate of lead, and found both of these treatments inefficient. SOIL TREATMENT. The second group of remedial measures — soil treatment — has re- ceived considerable attention. Experiments with soil fumigants are now being carried on by the writer, but as the methods have not as yet been placed on a practical basis this matter will not be treated herein. 1 Fernald, H. T. A new treatment for winworms. In Jour. Econ. Ent., v. 2, Xo. 4. p. 279-280. August, 1000. 2 Johannsen, O. A., and Tatch, Edith M. Insect Notes for 1911. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta., BuL 195, p. 229-248, December, 1911. WIREWORMS ATTACKING CEREAL AND FORAGE CROPS. 33 Webster carried on experiments at Cedarville, Ohio, in 1894 to determine the effectiveness of kainit as an insecticide. The fer- tilizer was applied at the rate of 500 pounds to the acre without any effect whatever. He also carried on a series of experiments at La Fayette, Ind., in 1889, to test the efficiency of an often-recom- mended substance — table salt. Pots were used in these experiments, and table salt applied to the surface and washed in with water. Three dosages were used at the rate of about 500 pounds, 1,000 pounds, and 25,000 pounds per acre, respectively, and in no case were wireworms killed by the application. The Maine experiment station has tried a patented preparation composed largely of slaked lime, a "" soil fungicide," and tobacco dust, applied to the hills in cornfields infested with wii-eworms, and has found all of these treatments quite useless. Experiments ' with chlorid of lime, gas lime, chlorate of potash, bisulphid of carbon, crude petroleum, kerosene, and emulsions of crude petroleum and kerosene, applied to the soil, have demonstrated that none of these substances is of practical value in destroying wireworms. However, the use of petroleum products as soil sterilizers is suggestive, and will be further investigated. Mr. J. J. Davis - has found that a soil f umigant highly recom- mended by some English entomologists is quite useless in combating Limonius confusus. CULTURAL METHODS. The third group of remedial measures — cultural methods — is the only one which so far has been actually proved to be of practical value. Flooding land where irrigation is practiced would be of little avail unless long continued, as we have records of severe outbreaks of wirew^orms on land in Indiana that is annually overflowed by the rivers. Fall plowing is of but little use in combating these insects. The cornfields so severely attacked by the wdieat wire- worm at Bridgeport last year had been plowed in the spring. The garden patch, however, was fall plowed, and potatoes on this patch were absolutely destroyed by wireworms. Another piece of fall- plowed land on another part of the farm planted to corn was practically free from worms, which illustrates how easily faulty conclusions can be arrived at, w4tli insufficient data. Mr. O. A. Johannsen and Miss Edith Patch record observations made at Mon- mouth, Me., in 1911, wherein a field was plowed after the ground 1 Comstock, J. H., and Slingerland, M. V. Wireworms. N. Y. Cornell Univ. -Vgr. Exp. Sta.. Bui. .'?.'?, November, 1891. - Davis, J. J. Insect notes from Illinois for 1901». In Jour. Econ. lOnt, v. 3, No. 2, p. 182, April, 1910. 34 BULLETIN 156, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. had been stiffened b}^ frost in the fall, and which was so badly in- fested the following spring that the crops Avere absolutelj^ destroyed. The fatality to the beetles caused by the destruction of the pupal cell in the fall has been apparently somewhat overdrawn. In our cages at the field station at Hagerstown, Md., we had, in March, 1914, many adults of Agriotes mancus alive in cages wherein they were subjected to outdoor weather conditions. These adults were removed from their pupal cells during September, 1913. Two other remedial measures have been suggested from time to time, the first of which is trapping the larvse in potato and other vegetable baits and hand killing; the second is killing the adults with poisoned bait of several kinds — clover, sweetened liquids, bran mash, potatoes and other vegetables, and rape cake. Miss Ormerod found a true rape-seed cake quite useless, but reports ^ " Kurrachee cake," made from mustard seed, as killing the larva? Avhich fed upon it. These methods have been found very inefficient, and even were they successful in killing the insects they would be impractical so far as the extensive cereal and forage crops are concerned. 1 Proc. Ent. Soc. London, 1882, p. xix. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCUEED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE "WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1915 BULLETIN OF THE I) No. 160 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief January 22, 1915. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) CACTUS SOLUTION AS AN ADHESIVE IN ARSENICAL SPRAYS FOR INSECTS.^ By M. M. High, Entomological Assistant, Truck Crop and Stored Product Insect Investigations. INTRODUCTION. In the application of arsenical sprays against insects with biting mouth parts the object in view is, of course, to protect the plant or plants from insect ravages by poisoning the foliage, so that the insects will, in feeding, take into their system enough of the poison to pro- duce death. Some arsenicals, because they possess a higher percentage of free arsenic, act more quickly in this direction than others, but these are, as a rule, injurious to most plant foliage,' unless mixed Avith some agent that will counteract the free arsenic and produce a more uniform distribution on the plants sprayed. Arsenicals containing a high percentage of arsenious oxid generally possess only slight ad- hesive powers and after a heavy dew or light rain are washed from the foliage. Certain crops demand very prompt protection from the ravages of biting insects; otherwise severe losses are almost certain to be incurred, and to insure the preservation of the crop concerned it is highly important that a poison with some lasting qualities, as well as one quick in action, be applied. Thus it follows that an arsenical must adhere to the foliage if the most favorable results are to be realized. In 1913 and 1914 some experiments were conducted for the purpose of discoA^ering a good adhesive which could be obtained easily and at little expense to the grower. This adhesive has been found in a cactus that flourishes in the Southwest. The variety which was most extensively used in the following experiments, and ' This bulletin describes the use of cactus solution as an adhesive in the application of arsenical sprays against the belted cucumber beetle. It is applicable to regions where prickly pear is easily obtainable and for the treatment of insects of related habits, such as the striped and twelve-spotted cucumber beetles, etc. 65966° — Bull. 160 — 15 1 2 BULLETIN 160, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. one of the most abundant of the many species to be found in the lower Rio Grande Valle}^, is Opuntla Undheimeri Engehn., com- monly known as the "prickly pear." This plant produces a fruit that is available about one month in each year and one of which the natives are especially fond. Further, the plants themselves furnish food to many domestic animals and, it is claimed, prevent many cattle from dying during severe droughts because of their highly watery composition. Many ranchmen protect their cacti during a wet season and save them against the time of drought. A gasoline torch, manufactured especially for the purpose, is used to burn off the spines, and as soon as this burner is put into operation cattle, recognizing the peculiar noise, come at once to obtain the food thus rendered available. The prickly pear, besides being high in fluid content, is very mucilaginous and is invariably used by Mexicans in the manufac- ture of whitewash, to promote adhesiveness. The cactus is sliced the evening previous to the application and placed in the water or in the lime mixture, where it remains for several hours. The white- wash is then ready for use. The utilization of cactus in whitewash thus suggested to the writer its availability as a factor in promoting adhesion in poisonous sprays. EXPERIMENTAL WORK WITH CACTUS. EXPERIMENTS WITH ZINC ARSENITE. On March 23, 1913, 20 pounds of cactus were sliced lengthwise and immersed overnight in 50 gallons of water. The next morning 2 j)Ounds of zinc arsenite in paste form were added, and after a thor- ough mixing spraying was commenced on sugar beets which were being injured by the belted cucumber beetle {Diahrotica halteata Lec.).i A previous experiment demonstrated that cactus yields a higher percentage of mucilaginous matter if sliced at right angles to the spines, and, moreover, the time required for preparation is materially shortened by this method. It is best, however, to cut the larger pads both ways, since, owing to the cellular structure of the pads, this method insures a more copious and rapid flow of the juices. The result obtained from the use of the spray, at the rate of 20 pounds of prepared cactus to 50 gallons of water, was gratifying; the spray not only adhered to the foliage better, but spread more uniformly over the surface of the leaves. The quantity of cactus required to 1 Accounts of this species, by Dr. F. II. Chittenden and Mr. II. O. Marsh, have been pub- lished in Bulletin No. 82, Part VI, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Departemnt of Agricul- ture, pages 69-71 and 76-82, December 8, 1910. These include illustrations of the stages, notes on life history, lists of food plants, and technical descriptions of the different CACTUS SOLUTION AS AN ADHESIVE. 3 make 20 pounds is comparatively small. The results of this spray- ing operation were favorable, as the number of beetles present four days later did not exceed 30 per cent of the original number, and a majority of these had just arrived from near-by breeding quarters. In the next experiment 10 pounds of cactus were used in combina- tion with 3 pounds of zinc arsenite and 50 gallons of water. As before, the cactus was sliced and placed in water the evening previous to spraying, and the following morning the solid particles were- thrown out before the poison was added. This spraying operation, with but 10 pounds of cactus, gave good residts, but the spreading (luality of the material was not as good as in the first experiment, in Avhich 20 pounds of cactus were employed. In the next experiment, on April 3, 15 pounds of cactus were used with 3 pounds of zinc arsenite and 50 gallons of water. In this case the poison appeared to adhere and spread as well as when 20 pounds of the cactus were used. It thus appeared that 15 pounds of the cactus Avith spines ^ would be about the proper proportion to use with 50 gallons of water in future work. The following table shows the mortality of Dlabrotica halteata placed on an encaged sugar-beet plant spraj^ed with zinc arsenite at the rate of 3 pounds to 50 gallons of water plus 15 pounds of prepared cactus: Table I. -Experiment No. 10. — Cactus as au adhesive in coinhination ivith arsenite of zinc, Broivnsville, Tex., 1913. Date. Beetles present. Living. Dead. Feeding. Not feed- ing. Mar. 17 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 1 0 1 2 2 4 5 4 3 3 1 0 1 Mar. 18 2 Mar. 19 2 Mar. 21 4 Mar. 22 5 The beetles were placed on the sprayed plant at 6.30 p. m., March 15, but during several cool days which followed they were quite in- active and probably fed but little. Cactus was tested in* the insectary as an adhesive before experiments were conducted in the iield, to insure the absence of any inopportune chemical reaction that might injure the plants. This experiment demonstrated that in approxi- mately six days after spraying 99 per cent of the beetles succumbed to the poison. Simultaneously with the foregoing experiment another ^ Cactus with spines is preferable to the spineless varieties ; in fact, the spiny variety appears to be nearly one-third richer in gluten. The Dairy Division of the Bureau of Animal Industry has been conducting some cactus-feeding experiments for dairy cows the past two years, and has made several analyses of both the spined and spineless varieties of cactus. 4 BULLETIN 160, U. S, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. pot experiment was made, discarding cactus and using the same amount of arsenite of zinc. The following results were obtained : Table II. — Expcrmient No. 11. — Arsenite of zinc without cactus as an adhesive, Brownsville, Tex., 1913. Date. Beetles present. Living. Dead. Feeding. Not feed- ing. Mar 17 7 7 7 7 7 6 4 4 3 3 1 3 3 4 4 6 4 2 3 1 1 Mar 18 3 Mar. 19 . 5 Mar 21 4 Mar. 22 6 It will be noticed here that at the end of the sixth day the mor- tality was much under that of experiment No. 10. The plants in both experiments were spraj^ed thoroughly, but the latter spray did not spread as well as the former. In the next experiment cactus was again used at the rate of 20 pounds to 50 gallons of water. The same amount of zinc arsenite was used in this experiment, or 3 pounds to 50 gallons of water. Table III shows the number of deaths on each date. Table III. — Experiment No. 12. — Cactus as an adhesive in combination with arsenite of zinc, Brownsville, Tex., 1913. Date. Beetles present . Living. Dead. Feeding. Not feed- ing. Mar. 17 14 14 14 14 8 3 3 0 0 6 11 11 14 6 2 1 0 0 8 Mar. 18 12 Mar. 19 13 Mar. 21 14 Mar. 22 The beetles were placed on the poisoned sugar beet at 6 p. m., March 15, and in 36 hours nearly all of them were dead. EXPERIMENT WITH PARIS GREEN AND LIME. In the next pot experiment Paris green was used in place of zinc arsenite and at the rate of one-half pound to 50 gallons of water plus 2 pounds of lime. The plant was sprayed on March 17, and as soon as the poison was dry on the sugar beet the beetles were liberated inside the cage. Table IV sums up the results. Table IV. — Experiment No. 13. — Cactus as an adhesive tvith Paris green and lime, Brownsville, Tex., 1913. Date. Beetles present. Living. Dead. Feeding. Not feed- ing. Mar. 18 10 10 10 10 10 2 0 0 0 8 10 10 6 2 0 0 4 Mar. 19 8 Mar. 21 10 Mar. 22 10 CACTUS SOLUTION AS AN" ADHESIVE. 5 The cucumber beetle appeared, as will be seen from the foregoing table, to succumb more readily to the Paris-green spray than to any one of the former sprays of zinc arsenite. In the field experiments there was not much difference, though the zinc arsenite gave more favorable results in that it lasted longer. The dews in the lower Rio Grande Valley are usually heavy ones, which would naturally reduce the effectiveness of the Paris-green application. But, as already shown, in the pot experiment the results appeared much more quickly than with the other sprays. UNSATISFACTORY RESULTS WITH LEAD ARSENATE. Since the experiments with cactus as an adhesive and a spreader for zinc arsenite and for Paris green and lime had resulted so favor- ably, not only in increasing the adhesiveness of the spray, but also in the destruction of the beetle, it was decided to try it in combination with lead arsenate. The cactus was placed in a barrel of water about 12 hours before the arsenate of lead was added. A few minutes after adding the lead arsenate the formation of a precipitate was observed. In an hour's time a cottony scum had formed on the surface and appeared fairly well distributed throughout the mixture. In the meantime spraying had been going on, but with little success, as this semiliquid matter clogged the nozzles. In about two hours' time the precipitation was more complete and the solution was discarded, since its consistency rendered it useless for spraying purposes. Alkalinity of the water was at first suspected, and rain water was substituted, but with the same results, so that no further attempt was made to use the cactus with lead arsenate. The lead arsenate employed was air- dried, having been formerly paste which had dried out in an open keg ; but no doubt even with fresh arsenate of lead the same precipi- tation would have taken place, as the air-dried arsenical had been used successfully without the cactus and had remained in solution, although it did not adhere well. In experiment No. 14 (Table V) arsenate of lead was employed at the rate of 3 pounds to 50 gallons of water. As the potted plant was quite small, there was not sufficient foliage to support a great number of beetles, and on April 4, at 6 p. m., six belted cucumber beetles were placed on the plant. Table V -Er per uncut Xo. IJf. — Cactus as an adhesive with arsenate of lead, Brotvnsville, Tex., 1913. Date. Beetles present. Li^Tiig. Dead. Feeding. Not feed- ing. Apr. 6. Apr. 7, Apr. 8. Apr. 9. Apr. 11 BULLETIN 160, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The time required to kill all of the beetles placed on the sprayed plant Avas approximately six days, provided all specimens began feeding immediately after being placed on the poisoned plant. In the next experiment 2^ pounds of arsenate of lead were used to 50 gallons of water. The host i)lant was spinach that had been grow- ing in the pot for some time. The spraying was done during the morning of April 14, and at 4 p. m. on the same date, after the poison had dried, 10 belted cucumber beetles were placed inside the cage and on the plant where possible. Table VI shows the mortality : Table VI. — Experiment No. 15. — Cactus as an adhesive with arsenate of lead, Brownsville, Tex., 1913. Date. Apr. 10 Apr. 17 Apr. 24 Beetles present. Living. Dead. Not feed- ing. The spray here used was not so effective as in experiment No. 14, the mortality being only 80 per cent at the end of nine days. The plant died from some cause about the 24th of April, and probably Aery little feeding Avas done during the last few days the plant lived after being sprayed. FURTHER EXPERIMENTS. The results obtained in the foregoing experiments had been so favorable that further experiments on a larger scale Avere commenced. Several thousand pounds of the prickly pear Avere used in the Avork, and as the regular "pear burner," or torch, was employed to singe the spines from the pads, they could now be handled with some com- fort. The work has been conducted in a small way and on a large scale Avith about the same degree of success. It requires only a short time to burn the spines from enough cactus to make a sufficient amount of adhesive material for several thousand gallons of spray mixture. The list of insecticides that have been employed in combination with cactus as an adhesive includes Paris green, lead chromate, zinc arsenite (in both paste and poAvder forms), lead arsenate, ferrous arsenate, and iron arsenite. The preceding pages giAe an account of experiments with zinc arsenite in the paste form, Paris green, and lead arsenate in the paste form, AAdiile the experiments that follow Avill include zinc arsenite in the powder form, lead arsenate in paste form, ferrous arsenate, and iron arsenite, the last two used in the poAvder. The poAvdered zinc arsenite gave excellent results in every instance Avhen used in combination Avith cactus Avater, and the mor- tality Avas in some cases higher than when three times the Aveight in CACTUS SOLUTION AS AN ADHESIVE. 7 ])aste form uas used. Very favorable results were obtained with ferrous arsenate in most cases, while the results with iron arsenite were not quite so good. The following tables give results of the experiments conducted in the insectary with each of the arsenicals hei'e mentioned. On March 1, 1914, a cabbage plant was sprayed with ferrous arsen- ate at the rate of 1 pound to 40 gallons of water, and as soon as the poison had dried on the leaves, or at 6 o'clock p. m. the same date, four Diahrotica halteata were encaged on the plant. Table VII. — Experiment No. 16. — Cactus n-s an adhesive with ferrous arsenate, Brownsrille, Tex., 101. 'f. Date. Beetles present. Living. Dead. Feeding. Not feed- ing. Mar. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 3 3, Mar. 3 Mar. 4 1 1 Mar. 5 Mar. 6 Mar. 7 2 "^ Mar. 8 3 2 1 1 2 Mar. 9 Mar. 10 \ It will be seen from the foregoing table that the mortality was much too low to pay for applying the poison. It was observed that the feeding was light for four or five days after confinement. The solution did not adhere and distribute itself well enough to make a good spray. About the same time that spraying was done on experiment No. 16 a second solution was made up, using the same amount of fer- rous arsenate or 1 pound to 40 gallons of water. Eighty per cent of the w^ater used was taken from a tank where two days previous IJ pounds of cactus to the gallon of water had been placed. This made an exceedingly glutinous solution which caused the liquid to spread uniformly as well as to adhere. On March 2 seven Diabrotica halteata Avere placed on the plant. Table VIII. — Experiment No. 17. — Cactus «s an adhesive with ferrous arsenate, Brownsville, Tex., IDlJf. Date. Beetles present. Livini;. Dead. Feed ilia;. Not feed- ing. Mar. 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 0 3 6 6 4 5 4 3 1 4 4 Mar. 4 1 Mar. 5 1 Mar. fi 3 Mar. 7 2 Mar. 8 3 Mar. 9 4 Mar. 13 6 Mar. 14 3 8 BULLETIN 160, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The death rate in this experiment was very low, which is ac- counted for to a certain clegree by a decrease in the voracious ap- petite of the beetles, which were encaged on a cabbage plant. Feed- ing appeared to be more from the underside of the leaves, and usually the epidermis was left intact. In the next experiment with potted plants spinach was substituted for cabbage, since it seemed preferable to the beetles, particularly as the cabbage plants had been growing for some time in the pots and had become more or less stunted and tough. In this experiment fer- rous arsenate was used at the rate of 1 pound to 40 gallons of water, in which 40 pounds of cactus had been placed 72 hours previous. Table IX shows results and mortality. The plant was sprayed April 2, and on April 4 five beetles were liberated on the plant and cov- ered with a lantern globe. STABLE IX.- -Eaiperiment No. 18. — Cactus as an adhesive with ferrous arsenate, Brownsville, Tex., 1914. Apr. 4 Apr. 5 Apr. 6 Apr. 7 Apr. 8 Apr. 9 Beetles present. Living. Dead. Feeding. Not feed- ing. The results here were much better than in experiments Nos. 16 and 17, and the beetles appeared to succumb more readilj^, since they fed more rapidly. On April 6 a spray was made up of ferrous arsenate, using 1 pound to 12 gallons of w-ater in which 10 pounds of sliced cactus had been placed 48 hours previous to spraying, insuring thorough glutinous consistency in the spray mixture. Some spinach plants in pots were sprayed previous to spraying plats in the field. On April 13, or one week from date of spraying, six beetles were encaged on a plant and observed for 10 days. Table X shows the number of beetles that succumbed. Table X. — Experiment No. 18. — Cactus as an adhesive irith ferrous arsenate, Broivnsville, Tex., lOlJf. Beetles present. Living. Dead. Feeding. 6 6 0 3 6 4 2 4 6 4 2 4 6 4 3 3 6 4 2 1 6 3 3 2 6 3 3 1 6 3 3 0 Not feed- ing. Apr. 13. Apr. 14. Apr. 15. Apr. 16. Apr. 18. Apr. 20. Apr. 21 . Apr. 23. CACTUS SOLUTION AS AN ADHESIVE. 9 This plant began to wilt and appeal* blighted on April 18, little feeding being done from that date, even though the poison had been • on the plant for nearly two weeks. It is thought that a higher mor- tality would have occurred had the plant remained green and living. An arsenate of lead spray was made, using the paste form at the rate of 4 poimds to 60 gallons of water. In this solution no cactus was used. On April 11 five beetles Avere placed on an encaged cab- bage plant in the insectary that had been spraj^ed five days before. Table XI gives the final results. Table XI. — Experiment No. 20. -Arsenate of lead without cactus, Bnnanj^rillc, Tex., 191Ji. Date. Apr. 13 Apr. 14 Apr. 16 Apr. 18 Beetles present. Living. Dead. Feeding. s 5 0 4 4 3 1 1 4 3 1 1 4 2 2 1 Not feed- ing. This spray did not adhere to the cabbage foliage as well as when cactus was used, and the beetles fed very slowly after the first two days of confinement. Better results were obtained in the field, as the beetles began feeding just after spraying, and where a partial uniform coating was secured the poison was effective. If the poison could be made to combine or mix with cactus water the results would undoubtedly be much better. April 2 a solution was made up of iron arsenite, using 1 pound to 40 gallons of water. Some difficulty was experienced in bringing the poison into suspension, as it settled quite rapidly to the bottom of the barrel. April 4 another solution was prepared, using the same amount of poison to a given quantity of water, with the pre- A'ious addition of cactus at the rate of 1^ pounds to each gallon of water, in which salicylic acid had been used as a preservative to prevent fermentation of the cactus juice. As a check some potted cabbage plants were sprayed. On April 11 ten belted cucumber beetles were encaged on one of the cabbage plants that was sprayed April 4. Table XII gives the results. Table XII.- -Experiment No. 21. — Cactus as an adhesive with iron arsenite, Brotcnsville, Tex., JOlJf. Date. Apr. 13 Apr. 14 Apr. 15 Apr. 16 Apr. 18 65966°— Btill. 160—1 Beetles present. Living. Dead. Feeding. Not feed- ing. 10 BULLETIN too, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. It is apparent that although the application had been made for more than a w6ek, a sufficient amount of the arsenical remained to have some effect on the feeding of the beetles. A later experi- ment with iron arsenite showed the mortality of the beetles when they feed on the plant immediately after spraying has been done. Wliile spraying a plat of sugar beets at the South Texas Gardens on April 15 the writer also sprayed some plants in the insectary, using zinc arsenite in the powdered form. The cactus was used at the rate of 1.8 pounds to the gallon of water and the zinc arsenite at the rate of 1 pound to 64 gallons. The plants were sprayed on the morning of the 15th, and on April 16 eleven beetles were liberated inside the cage surrounding the plants. Tahi.k XIII. -Fjxperiincnt No. 22. — Cnctus as an adhesive with zlne arsenite, BrrncnsriUc. Tex., 19Vi. Apr. 16 Apr. 17 Apr. 18 Apr. 20 Apr. 21 Apr. 23 Beetles present. Living. Dead. Feeding. 11 0 8 10 I 9 10 1 9 4 7 4 4 7 3 1 10 0 Not feed- ing. This spray adhered and spread exceedingly well, although much less cactus could have been used with equal results. However, no precipitation was observed when the cactus was used at this strength. In experiment No. 23 a potted sugar beet was sprayed April 11 with zinc arsenite (powdered) at the rate of 1 pound to 35 gallons of water, using three-fourths of a pound of cactus to each gallon of water, the cactus having been placed in the water four days before. Fermentation was prevented by the use of copper sulphate. On April 15 ten belted cucumber beetles were encaged on the plant. Table XIV.- -Experiment No. 23. — Vactus as an adhesive with zinc arsenite, Brownsville, Tex., 1914. Dale. Apr. 16 Apr. 17 Apr. 20 Apr. 21 Apr. 23 Beetles present. Living. Dead. Feeding. Not feed- ing. It will be observed that in this experiment less than half the quan- tity of cactus was used than was added in experiment No. 22, but the zinc arsenite was increased to nearly twice the amount used in the preceding experiment, and there was only a 10 per cent difference CACTUS SOLUTION AS AN ADHESIVE. 11 in the mortality. The phmts used were both sugar beets. The result of this exi>eriment shows that by the use of cactus the lasting qualities of the poison on the plants may be greatly increased. The spraying in experiment No. 24 was done at the same time as in experiment No. 22, 1 pound of zinc arsenite being used to 64 gallons of water but only one-third of a pound of cactus to each gallon, the glutinous matter having been extracted by soaking the cactus for four days in water. Salicylic acid was added as a preservative. The sugar beet was sprayed on April 15, and on April 16 five beetles were placed on the plant. April 17 one beetle was found dead and four still feeding. April 18 three had died from the effect of the poison and two were yet feeding. On April 20 all were dead. During the foui" days the beetles were encaged they appeared to feed very rap- idly, as they had been confined for several days without food. This proves that 1 pound of powdered zinc arsenite with cactus to make it adhere is more effective than 2 pounds in the paste form and just as effective as 3 pounds in the paste form. The plant in experiment No. 25 was sprayed with 1 pound of zinc arsenite to 35 gallons of water and at the same time as No. 23, on April 11, with the same quantity of cactus, but the beetles were not placed on the plant for six days after spraying. On Aj)ril 17 three beetles were encaged, and by the 22d all were dead. On April 5, after spraying a field plat of cabbage with ferrous arsenate, several plants were treated in the insectary. The strength used was 1 pound to 12 gallons of water. One pound of cactus was used to each gallon of water, the cactus water having been made 26 days when used. It was prepared on March 16 and sodium benzoate added as a preservative. On April 11 six beetles were placed on a cabbage plant covered by a lantern globe. Table XV gives the number of beetles that succumbed in a given period. Table XV. -Experiment No. 26. — Cactus as an adhesive with ferrous arsenate. Brotcnsville, Tex., JVl^. Date. Beetles present. Living. Dead. Feeding. 6 6 0 4 6 6 0 5 6 6 0 5 6 6 0 1 6 3 3 2 5 1 4 1 5 1 4 1 5 0 5 0 Not feed- ing. Apr. 13 Apr. 14 Apr. 15 Apr. 16 Apr. 17 Apr. 18 Apr. 20 Apr. 21 The beetles from some cause fed very sparingly the whole time they were encaged. Whether the poison was distasteful or the plant had become tough, could not be ascertained. 12 BULLETIN 160, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. On April 4 a small plat of cabbage was sprayed with iron arsenite at the rate of 1 pound to 40 gallons of water. Two pounds of cactus were added to each gallon and the decoction was prepared on March 14 and 15. It was preserved with salicylic acid at the rate of ^ joound to 50 gallons. It was quite difficult to bring the arsenite of iron into suspension. Thorough agitation was required to prevent it settling to the bottom of the tank. With a hand sprayer it is impos- sible to secure uniformity in the spray. Table XVI gives results with 10 beetles on one cabbage plant sprayed on April 4, the beetles being liberated on the plant April 11. Table XVI. — Experirnent No. 21. — Cactus as an adhesive tcith iron arsenite, Broicnsville, Tew., 1914- Date. Beetles present. Living. Dead. Feeding. 10 10 0 10 10 9 1 8 10 9 1 6 10 9 1 6 10 8 2 7 10 8 2 4 9 6 3 6 9 5 4 5 Not feed- ing. Apr. 13 Apr. 14 Apr. 16 Apr. 17 Apr. IS Apr. 20 Apr. 21 Apr. 23 Feeding was very heavy on this plant, which had been growing for some time in the pot and had been seriously attacked by aphides on two occasions. Iron arsenite has some value as an insecticide, but not as much as ferrous arsenate, even when properly made up, and unless an effort is made to apply it in uniform coating on the foliage it has little value as an insect destroyer. CACTUS COMPARED WITH WHALE-OIL SOAP AS AN ADHESIVE. On Februaiy 20, 1914, while conducting spraying experiments against the belted cucumber beetle and cabbage looper {Autographa hrassicce Riley) on cabbage on the farm of Mr. George Federhoff, near Brownsville, Tex,, it was decided to make a comparison of whale-oil soap and cactus as adhesives, without considering the cost of the two products. One acre of cabbage was sprayed with 1 pound of zinc arsenite (in powdered form) to 60 gallons of water, with the addition of 35 pounds of cactus. The cactus was sliced and put in the water on February 19, and had given up its glutinous matter to the solution by the time spraying was begun the following day. This mixture spread and adhered exceedingly well. The next acre was sprayed with the same amount of poison, but whale- oil soap was substituted for cactus. This was done both for a comparison of adhesive qualities and to observe the effect of the soap on the cabbage aphis {Aphis hrassicce L.), as in several spots CACTUS SOLUTION AS AN ADHESIVE. 13 in this acre the aphis was making its appearance. The soap was used at the rate of 3 pounds to 60 gallons of water. Very careful notes were made on the sticking qualities of the soap, and it was found that when compared at close range with the cactus spray the soap equalled the cactus in spreading power, although lacking in adherence. This information was obtained by observing sprayed plants Avith and without a lens. It was soon seen that the cactus spray adhered and dried on the foliage better than the soap spray. This favored the cactus, since the heavy dews in the Rio Grande Valley will wash poison having but slight adhesive qualities from the foliage in a short time. COPPER SULPHATE AS A PRESERVATIVE FOR THE CACTUS. On April 6, 1914, 50 pounds of cactus were cut into small pieces and placed in a barrel with 21 gallons of water, and on April 7, 1 pound of copper sulphate was dissolved in 4 gallons of water and added to the barrel which was numbered lot 6. The solid portion of the cactus or prickly pear was removed before adding the copper sulphate. This made 28 gallons in solution. No chemical action was observed. The solution kept perfectly for about four weeks, when it had to be discarded to make room for other experiments. The temperature during this time averaged about 70° F. COPPER SULPHATE USED WITH ZINC ARSENITE. After using the copper sulphate as a preservative for the juice extracted from the prickly pear, the possibility of a chemical reac- tion upon the addition of the arsenical to the solution was tested. Upon the addition of powdered zinc arsenite at the rate of 1 pound to 60 gallons of water a slight chemical reaction was noticed, evi- dentl}^ the copper changing places with the zinc to a small degree. A slight precipitate was formed, but not enough to cause any trouble when a good pressure was maintained in the tank of the sprayer. The precipitate was not increased after the mixture was allowed to stand for three hours. No difference was observed in the effective- ness of the arsenical, either with or without the addition of the copper sulphate. COPPER SULPHATE USED WITH LEAD ARSENATE. The use of lead arsenate in combination with prickly pear with- out the addition of some other chemical has never been a success. A precipitate is always formed which makes it impossible to use the mixture to advantage as a spray. The same proportion of cactus and copper sulphate utilized in the zinc arsenite spray was here em- 14 BULLETIN 160, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. ployed. On April 13, 1914, 1 pound of lead arsenate in the paste form was placed in 20 gallons of cactus water which contained copper sulphate in the amount of 1 pound to 28 gallons of water. It was at once noticed that the copper sulphate retarded the precipitation of the lead arsenate, so much so that the solution could be used as a spray with some success, at a normal pressure Avith a hand pump. This was encouraging, as it had been impossible to use lead arsenate alone in combination with cactus as an adhesive. The writer would recommend, however, that the foregoing combination be used on a large scale onl}^ when a strong pressure can be maintained through- out the oi^eration, or the results will be unsatisfactory. The mortality in the expei-iments was practically the same as when the arsenical was used alone. Had more experiments been made in the field, in all probability a higher mortality would have been observed in the end. COPPER SULPHATE AND FERROUS ARSENATE. The use of copper sulphate as a preservative for the cactus, com- bined with ferrous arsenate to form a spray, did not appear to pro- duce any chemical changes, no noticeable precipitate being found that would prevent the use of the solution as a spray. It had been expected that more of an action would take place when the ferrous arsenate was added to the cactus water containing copper sulphate. The ferrous arsenate was not altered in insecticidal value when mixed with sulphate of copper. EXPERIMENTS WITH OTHER PRESERVATIVES. SALICYLIC ACID. On March 13, 1914, 45 pounds of cactus were sliced and placed in 32 gallons of water, and in another lot 30 pounds were added to 24 gallons of water. The following day the solid portion of the cactus was removed from the two lots and the water poured from both into another receptacle. This made 56 gallons of the liquid to be pre- served. One-fourth of a pound of salicylic acid was dissolved and added to the cactus water, and the mixture was allowed to stand exposed to the air. On April 1 the mixture was found to be in per- fect condition. A bluish-white scum was noticed to have formed on the surface shortly after the acid was dissolved in the water. To dissolve salicylic acid a certain amount of alcohol is necessary. At first the acid was dissolved in a 10 per cent solution of alcohol, but it was later found that cactus water served equally well for this purpose after fermentation was well under way, although action was somewhat delayed. CACTUS SOLUTION AS AN ADHESIV^E. 15 SODIUM BENZOATE. Sodium benzoate was used in a limited way as a preservative for the cactus solution. On March 14 one-fourth of a pound was dis- solved in a small quantity of alcohol and added to a barrel contain- ing 40 gallons of water in which 50 pounds of cactus had been placed March 13, after removing the solid portion of the pear. The mixture Avas stirred vigorously for five minutes and later covered. On April 2 an examination was made and the liquid used as a spray with zinc arsenite. Only slight fermentation had taken place, and no diffi- culty was encountered in applying the spray. The first disadvantage in using sodium benzoate for such a purpose is its cost. It is somewhat more expensive than other chemicals of this class, and the element of cost is a primary consideration. Another feature is that it is not easily dissolved, and unless it is thoroughl}^ dissolved its powers as a preservative are considerably lessened. On April 2 sodium benzoate Avas again used in the proportion of 1 pound to 200 pounds of cactus in 100 gallons of Avater. This Avas quite a concentrated mixture, but it kept in perfect condition for tAvo Aveeks, at the end of Avhich time it Avas used up. The average temper- ature a part of the time v^s 80° F. THE COMMON PRICKLY PEAR CACTI AND THEIR CHEMICAL COMPOSITION. The common cactus or prickly pear of southern Texas is a A^ariety known as " nopal " or " nopal azul " {Platopuntla Undhei'men Engelm.). This is the variety with fiat, rounded leaves and growing about 4 or 5 feet high, and it is found Avell distributed over southern Texas. It is a native species Avhich A^aries considerably in coloration of spines as well as in its general habit of growth. The fruit is purplish throughout, more so than the more spiny variet}^, Plato- puntla engehnarmll Salm., which is very similar in habit of groAvth, but usually occurs farther west than the region occupied by this species. The large spineless cactus frequently cultivated, but ordi- narily not occurring abundantly in the cactus plains of southern Texas, is a species Avhich has been called Platopuntia tuna Will. It groAvs much taller than the common "nopal" and is knoAvn in California as " mission pear " and in Texas as " Nopal de castilla." It frequently groAvs 10 to 15 feet in height, with the trunk 12 inches in diameter, and the joints in sha]:)e are more elliptical than rounded. The fruit is considerably larger than that o.f the common "nooal" and greenish throughout. 16 BULLETIN IGO, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. The chemical analj^ses of these plants, taken from Bulletin No. 60 of the New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station,^ are as follows : Table X-VII. — Chemical analysis of Platopuntia Hndheimeri. Green. Air dry. Sample No Spines Water Ash Crude prot ein Crude fat Nitrogen free extract Crude fiber Organic matter Per cent. 0.10 87.36 2.82 .60 .26 7.54 1.42 9.82 79.88 4.98 .45 .20 9.55 4.94 15.14 Per cent. 0.42 84.82 2.27 .96 .30 9.84 1.81 12.91 Per cent. 0.72 5.65 21.05 4.49 1.95 56.26 10.50 73.30 7516 Per cent. 5.20 23.45 2.12 .95 44.98 23. 30 71.35 7567 Per cent. •2.60 6.55 13.95 5.92 1.82 60.61 11.15 79.50 ANALYSIS OF THE ASH. [Sample No. 7515.] Carbon per cent. . 0. 14 Sand do 29 Per cent in pure ash: Soluble silica (SiO) 43 Iron (Fe) ' 20 Aluminum ( Al) OO Manganese (Mg) 49 Potassium ( K) 14. 22 Sodium (Na) 35 Phosphoric acid radicle ( POO 1. 11 Sulphuric acid radicle (SOO •. 1. 15 Chlorine 2. 15 Carbonic acid radicle (CO3) 49. 12 Table XVIII. — Chemical annlyHs of PlafopunVia ciigelmannii. Green. Air dry. 65621 6575 7810 78411 65621 6575 7810 78411 P.ct. P.ct. 0.32 91.07 2.00 .32 .12 4.95 1.54 6.93 P.ct. 0.04 89.41 1.60 .35 .23 7.21 1.20 8.99 P.ct. P.ct. P.ct. 3.33 7.33 20.80 3.29 1.20 51.43 15.95 71.87 P.ct. 0.33 6.83 14.05 3.07 2.00 63.48 10.57 79.12 P.ct. Water 89.09 .91 .48 .33 7.31 1.88 10.00 85.41 .77 .46 .33 10.03 3.00 13.82 6.20 7.80 4.16 2.85 62.84 16.15 86.00 3.97 Ash 5.07 Crude protein 3.06 Crude fat 2.20 Nitrogen free extract 72.58 Crude fiber 13.12 Organic matter . . 90.96 Table XIX. — Chemical analysis of Platopuntia tuna. Green. Air dry. Sample No Spines Water Ash Crude protein Crude fat Nitrogen free extract Crude fiber Organic matter 7519 7577 Per cent. 0.36 81.86 4.29 1.32 .28 8.88 4.07 14.55 Per cent. 92. 25 1.75 .63 .16 4.02 1.19 6.00 7519 Per cent. 1.82 5.1s 21.60 6.68 1.40 44.56 20. 53 73.17 Per cent. 8.12 20.80 7.53 1.85 47.60 14.10 71.08 iCJrifflths, David, and Hare, R'. F. Prickly pear and other cacti as food for stock, II. N. Mex. Agr. ExtJt. Sta. Bui. 60, 134 p., 7 pi., November, 1906. CACTUS SOLUTION AS AN ADHESIVE. 17 SUPERIORITY OF CACTUS FROM DRY LAND. It has been found that cactus growing near resacas and in low wet places yields less glutinous matter to the gross pound than it does Avhen grooving on high dry soil. Thus time is saved in making up a spraying solution if the cacti are collected from the higher re- gions, and not in or near standing water. On April 13, 1914, 75 pounds of cactus were placed in 40 gallons of water. Twenty-four hours later the cactus was removed and al- lowed to drain for about one-half hour. It weighed 85.5 pounds, or 10^ pounds more than when placed in the water. Another lot of 110 pounds was increased in weight to 124 pounds by leaving it in water 24 hours. However, when the cactus is sliced and allowed to remain in water until fermentation is well under wa}^, there will be a slight decrease in weight. This will not happen where a pre- servative is used. ADVANTAGES IN THE USE OF CACTUS AS AN ADHESIVE. By the use of cactus as an adhesive not only do the arsenicals give better and more lasting results, but considerable expense may be saved in another way. In the Southwest, where all insecticide material must be shipped in from a great distance, the expense of transporting this material is often more than the cost of the in- secticide itself, so that material of a poor quality is often used in- stead. For some years arsenicals in the paste form have been exten- sively used by fruit and truck growers on account of their better adherence and lasting qualities, but where a good adhesive is used the writer much prefers arsenicals in the powder form. In conduct- ing experiments in the insectary and in the field at no time have the powdered arsenicals proved less effective, and at times the mor- tality would be considerably above that shown in another experiment conducted at the same time with arsenicals in the paste form. Better results have been obtained in using 1 pound of zinc arsenite in pow- der form with cactus than by the use of 3 pounds in the paste form to the same amount of water. Thus equal results may be obtained, with a reduction of G6 per cent in express and freight charges paid in securing arsenicals from a distance. QUANTITY OF CACTUS TO USE. The amount of cactus that may be used with good results varies with the environment under which the plants have been gi'owing. If the plants have been growing in or near water it will be neces- sary to increase the quantity of cactus used to each gallon of water. In general, the correct proportion will range from i pound to 1 18 BULLETIN 160, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. pound to e\'eiy gallon of water used in making up the spraying mixture. These proportions have given the most favorable results in all experiments conducted so far. When amounts in excess of 1 pound to each gallon of water are used the adhesive powers do not appear to be increased to any great extent, and on the other hand difficulty is experienced in applying the spray, particularly'- where very fine nozzles are employed. ZINC ARSENITE AS AN INSECTICIDE. Zinc arsenite has been used both in the paste and powder forms with much success for the belted cucumber beetle, as well as for some other insects of this class. It has proved to be one of the most effective sjDrays for use in humid climates, as it appears to last longer. No other arsenical has given better results, and in the majority of cases the mortality has been higher than with any other arsenical spray. The powder when used with cactus to make it adhere is to be pre- ferred for general use over any arsenical now on the market. This spray in the writer's opinion surpasses in lasting qualities any of the arsenicals and at the same time gives a higher mortality. In action it is somewhat slower than Paris green, but it gives better results in the end. The writer would not recommend, however, that zinc arse- nite be used on plants that are nearly ready for market, for the poison does not wash off easily, FERROUS ARSENATE AS AN INSECTICIDE. Ferrous arsenate has given very good results in combination with cactus to increase its adhesive powers. No serious effects from its use on the most delicate foliage have been observed. The cost of the product at the present time places it beyond general use as an insecti- cide. The ferrous arsenate in the powder form is very easily brought into suspension, requiring less time than some of the other arsenicals now more extensively used to destroy biting insects. Another feature in the use of this arsenical is that it remains in suspension exceed- ingly well and settles very slowly to the bottom of the tank. This makes it a most desirable poison for use with small sprayers not equipped with agitators, IRON ARSENITE AS AN INSECTICIDE. Iron arsenite was given a trial against the belted cucumber beetle only, and was found to give varying results. The powder was made into a spray and applied both with cactus as an adhesive and without the cactus. The iron arsenite is quite hard to bring into suspension and soon settles to the bottom of the spray tank unless constantly CACTUS SOLUTION AS AN ADHESIVE. 19 agitated. Its effectiveness as an insecticide was disappointing; in fact, it is so low that it is doubtful that this arsenical can ever come into general use as a spray. Much difficulty was experienced in ob- taining uniform distribution over the surfaces sprayed, even when used with cactus. The cactus increased its adherence and sprajdng qualities, but not sufficiently to remedy matters completely. The foregoing experiments show its effectiveness as compared with fer- rous arsenate, zinc arsenite, lead arsenate, and Paris green. FINAL RESULTS FROM SPRAYING. The pot experiments carried on in the insectary for the belted cucumber beetle and the other species concerned were undertaken to assist in checking up results in the field. They served for more than this, however, for in a short time it was possible to accumulate much data as to the effectiveness of each spray that otherwise could not have been secured in nearly so short a time, while the estimates as to mortality in each of the experiments made would have been much less conservative. It was found that the beetles could be best controlled by spraying with zinc arsenite or with Paris green. The other arsenicals em- ployed, while effecting a control in most cases, did not give as high mortality as the two arsenicals mentioned. The number of appli- cations rendered necessary varied with the location of the sugar beets, i. e., their distance from crops where the beetles were breeding in large numbers. One plat of sugar beets was sprayed only once, while on the other hand several plats of beets, spinach, and cabbage were sprayed from two to four times in order to prevent the crop from being badly stunted in growth. The greatest damage is done from the time the beets begin coming up until the leaves have reached a height of 10 inches. Attention should be given the crop from the time the seeds are planted, in order that no serious damage may be done before remedial measures can be put to practice. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CONTROL. The control of such pests as the belted cucumber beetle does not require the attention necessitated by some of the noxious caterpillars and sucking insects. But to keep the injury down to the minimum frequent observation should be made while the plants are small, as this is the time when the beetles are capable of doing the greatest amount of damage. If the beetles are present in sufficient numbers partially to defoliate a few plants, it is time to begin spraying. It may be necessary to spray only once in order to effect control, but this will depend upon the surrounding vegetation as well as upon the weather conditions. 20 BULLETIN 160, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. Any of the ursenicals may be used in the form of a spray to control this beetle. If arsenite of zinc in paste form is to be used, the writer will recommend 3 pounds to 50 gallons of water, in combination where possible with some adhesive, in order that best results may be obtained. In the Southwest the prickly pear serves the purpose best, because better results have been obtained where it was used than with any one of several other adhesives. From an economic stand- point, also, it has first rank as an adhesive and spreader. It has been ascertained that zinc arsenite in the powder form in the proportion of 1 pound to 50 gallons of water in combination with cactus gives a little higher mortality than 3 pounds in the paste form, and a more extensive use of this powdered form is to be recommended, particu- larly in the cactus-growing region or where the glutinous matter of this plant can be had for use in the spray. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1915 BULLETIN OF THE No. 161 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief, December 18, 1914. THE MEDITERRANEAN FRUIT FLY IN BERMUDA. By E. A. Back, Entomological Assistant, Mediterranean Fruit-Fly Investigations. INTRODUCTION. This paper is the result of an investigation of the fruit-fly situa- tion in Bermuda, made by the writer during December, 1913, at the request of Mr. C. L. Marlatt, Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Ento- mology and chairman of the Federal Horticultural Board, in order to gain at first hand information that might be of value to the Horticul- tural Board in framing its quarantine regulations against this pest. HISTORY OF THE FRUIT FLY IN BERMUDA. The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata Wied., was not recorded in literature from Bermuda until 1890, when Riley and Howard * report receiving specimens of infested peaches from St. George. However, it had been known as a pest in Bermuda many years before this date, as Mr. Claude W. McCallan, who forwarded these specimens to Washington, stated in his accompanying letter of April of that year that peaches had been subjected to its ravages during the 25 years previous. About the year 1865 a vessel carrying a cargo of fruit from the IVIediterranean regions, bound for New York, was forced by severe storms to discharge her catgo in Bermuda, and it is the general belief that at that time the pest gained its foothold in this English possession. But whatever the source of infestation, it is a well-laiown fact that for nearly 50 years the peach industry of these islands has been a ruined one, and that at the present time the fruit fly is generally distributed over the islands ready to infest all host fruits coming to maturity. LIFE HISTORY. Those wishing a detailed description and life history of the Mediter- ranean fruit fly should refer to the publication of Quaintance,^ pub- lished by the Department of Agriculture. 1 TJiloy, C. v., and Howard, L. O. The peach post in Bermuda. {Ceratitis capitata Wied.) Order Diptera: Family Tryijetidae. In U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., Insect life, v. 3, no. 1, p. 5-8, 2 figs., August, 1890. 2 Quaintance, A. L. The Mediterranean fruit fly. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent. Circ. no. 160, 25 p., Ifig., Oct. 5, 1912. Note.— This bulletin discusses the liistory of the fruit fly in Bermuda, the life history of the insect, and the possibility of eradicating it from Bermuda; the bulletin is of interest to entomologLsts. 66697°— 14 2 BULLETIN 161, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. EGG. LARVA, AND PUPA. Col. W. R. Winter, in his bulletin entitled "The Fruit Fly," pub- lished by the Bermuda Department of Agriculture in 1913,^ gives the only data secured in Bermuda on this pest up to that date. He states that he has found that to pass through the egg, larval, and pupal stages the fly requires from 17 days, during the heat of August, when the monthly mean temperature averages about 81° F., to 6 weeks in winter, when the mean temperature averages about 63.2° F. With the assistance of Mr. E. J. Wortley, Director of Agriculture of the Bermuda Department of Agriculture, the writer found that the pupal stage alone in Bermuda, when the daily mean temperatures ranged between 62.5° and about 64.8° F., might be lengthened to about 31 days under normal conditions. Back and Pemberton have found that a temperature varying from r)8° to 62° F. increases pupal life to from 29 to 31 days. They have likewise found that while eggs hatch in from 2 to 3 days in Hawaii at a mean temperature of about 79° F., hatching may be delayed until 6 days after deposition when the mean temperature drops to about 71° F., or until 7 to 14 days when the temperatm-e ranges from 54° to 57° F. It has also been found m Hawaii that while the larval stage may require a minimum of 5 to 6 days at a mean tempera- ture averaging about 79° F., it requires from 36 to 53 days in apples at temperatures ranging from 56° to 57° F. These data are given to substantiate the belief of the writer that the duration of life from the egg to the adult in Bermuda where the winter mean averages -about 63° F. is somewhat over two months, and may even be three months under unfavorable circumstances. THE ADULT. In the Hawaiian Islands, where the summers are somewhat cooler and the winters slightly warmer than in Bermuda, adult flies have been kept alive over five months. Wliile the majority do not live this long, the belief has been expressed that a few flies may live to be over six months of age, especially during such cool weather as ob- tains in Bermuda during the winter. Both sexes are sexually im- mature when they emerge from the pupa. At temperatures varying from 76° to 78° F., the sexes mate when 5 to 8 days old, though not until 2 weelvs old at 61° to 64° F. One prolific female deposited on an average of about 4.5 eggs per day during the fij*st 18 weeks of her life, and had not then reached her egg-laying capacity. As many as 25 eggs have been laid by a single female in one day. Female flies do not lay a large number of eggs at one time and then die, as many believe, but lay quite regularly a few eggs nearly every day throughout life. > Winter, W. R. The fruit fly. Bermuda, 1913. 14 p. (Bermuda Dept. Agr., E. J. Wortley, director.) MEDITERRANEAN FRUIT FLY IN BERMUDA. HOST FRUITS IN BERMUDA. Col. W. R. Wintor, in the bulletin previously mentioned, lists 47 fruits subject to attack. To this list for Bermuda should be added the ball kamani (CalopJiyllum inopJiyllum) , the prickly pear (Opuntia sp.), and tho acordia. While the list of host fruits given is so large that one receives the impression that the fruit fly has an abundance of fruit in which to develop, conditions are quite the opposite in Bermuda. After having carried on a clean-culture campaign against this pest in the Hawaiian Islands, where there exists a very gi-eat abundance of many host fruits, the writer was surprised at the scarcity of host fruits in Bermuda. In Table I is recorded the vegetation found growing in portions of the city of Hamilton. Table I. — Vegetation in Hamilton, Bermuda, with reference to host fruits/or the Mediter- ranean fruit fly. ^ Kind of tree. Number of diflferent trees on various properties.^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 u 12 13 14 A pple 1 6 2 I 24 23 8 1 1 1 10 Anona Aracaria 1 Avocado "i' 1 2 75 2 2 ii Banana '1 1 1 1 6S Cedars 1 Chinaberry 15 Citrus Coifee Crap3 myrtle 1 1 1 1 "i' 3 6 2 9 Croton ....".: 10 Eugenia Fiddlewood 3 Guava Hibijcus ^ 12 1 1 12 6 Kamani, winged 1 1 22 10 Mango Mulberry 1 Oleander 1 1 2 1 3 8 Pandanus 1 "i" 1 1 12 10 2 1 97 Peach Piseonberry 1 2 Poinoiana 1 Roses ." Rubber tree 1 1 1 Sapodilla 1 Thcvetia 1 All trees and shrubs were recorded except the following nonhost plants: Bamboo 5, buttonwood 5, Dracaena 3, elder 1, Lautana 3, Mimosa 2, pomegranate 1, privet 2, Australian pino 2. tamarind 1, sea grape 2, coconut palm 1, palmetto 8, date palm 8, sago palm 3, Poiasetta 2, Euphorbia 7, Althea 1. Host plants of the Moditerraiiean fruit (ly are in italics. 2 No3 1 to 11 represent private premises; Nos. 12 to II, city blocks. The number of trees and slirubs in Bermuda which bear fruit subject to attack is very small. Out of 9,828 acres of land only 2,636 acres were recorded under cultivation in 1901, and this acreage lias but slightly increased. The principal products raised for expert, potatoes, onions, arrowroot, lily bulbs, and garden vegetables, except peppers, are not subject to attack. On the uncultivated areas the host fruits are mainly conspicuous by their absence. In such areas 4 BULLETIN 161, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. the escaped Surinam cherry {Eugenia micheli) and a small species of prickly pear (Opuntia) are to be found in varying numbers. In the Tuckerstown district the former is quite abundant, while the latter is plentiful in sandy locations, as noted especially in Southampton Parish along the south shore. The soil of Bermuda, being very shal- low, does not support dense vegetation. Cedar trees are so generally distributed over the islands that the landscape, as viewed frcm a tower, appears blackened by them. One can often walk among them long distances, as distances go in Bermuda, without seeing a single tree bearing fruit subject to attack. Often the cedar,' fiddlewood (CitJiarexylum quadrangulare) , the oleander {Nerium oleander), the Lantana (Lantana odorata and L. crocea), the life plant (Bryophyllum calycinum), grasses, and a few weeds are all that one sees. Some of the small islands of the group were found to support nothing subject to attack. In and about Tuckerstown and the adjoining limestone region the vegetation is more dense, and progress through the woods is made difficult by the presence of rocks and vines. In this region are to be found many neglected bittersweet oranges, whose fruits, according to Col. W. R. Winter, are quite eagerly gathered for marmalade, although often the trees are difficult of access. It was found that the principal fruits supporting the fruit fly in Bermuda were: (1) The loquat or Malta plum {Eriohotrya japonica), which ripens during January, February, and March. (2) Peaches, which ripen during late March, April, May, June, and early July. (3) Surinam cherries (Eugenia micheli), the first crop of which ripens during May and the second crop throughout summer and early fall. Director of Agriculture Wortley informed the writer that the cul- tivated bell pepper was also a source of food for the fruit fly during the summer months. AMOUNT OF FRUIT. No large amount of fruit subject to infestation by the fruit fly is to be had in Bermuda at any season of the year unless it be during the time when Surinam cherries are in season. It would not be just to Bermuda horticulturists for one visiting these charming islands for so short a time during the winter to state that many of the more tropical fruit trees appeared stunted and grown only with great care in favored gardens; yet it so seemed to the writer. It would be very easy to count the number of apple, guava, mango, and bestill trees (Thevetia) in the islands. One common guava was pointed out in a beautiful garden as a curiosity. Only one winged kamani, one sweet almond (Terminalia) and one apple tree were seen. The avocado, citrus, papaya, and peach trees were more numerous, tho\igh by no MEDITERRANEAN FRUIT FLY IN BERMUDA. g means plentiful. The loquat seemed to be the most abundant culti- vated fruit, but few of the trees were as large or as well developed as those in Florida or Hawaii, and their ripening fruit was, at the time of the writer's visit, everywhere generally infested. Experi- menters wishing to rear flies in large numbers for scientific purposes would be forced, in the opinion of the writer, to depend upon imported fruits, such as apples, in order to have a constant and satisfactory supply. POSSIBILITY OF ERADICATION. From the experience of the writer with clean cultural methods covering nearly two years in the city of Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, he beUeves that the Mediterranean fruit fly can be eradicated from Bermuda within three years at the longest without the expenditure of a prohibitive amount of money. If the fruit flies were not capable of living so long in the adult stage, it is probable that the work of eradication could be accomplished in less time. There is probably no country in the world where the fruit fly exists in which the work of eradication could be undertaken with such assurance of success, pro- vided the work were placed in the hands of a persistent, weU-inf ormed, intelligent person who could carry on an uninterrupted campaign au- thorized by adequate legislation. The fruits infested at the present time are such that no citizen would be forced to bear any real finan- cial loss as the result of such a campaign. The peach and loquat fruits are practically all destroyed yearly by the fly, and the Surinam cherries are of no commercial value. By the judicious use of axe and saw and by thorough cutting of flowers or young fruit on those few trees that can not for various reasons be either cut down or prevented temporarily from bearing by severe pruning, the host fruits could be eliminated. It has already been shown that oranges and grapefruit act more as traps for the fruit fly than as hosts if allowed to remain on the tree until sufficiently ripe for table purposes, and such trees of value need not be destroyed provided the fruit be gathered before it becomes overripe. The Bermuda agricultural authorities had already secured the passage of legislation against this pest and started clean cultural work as early as March, 1907, when the board of agricultiu-e, as stated by Col. Winter in a letter to the writer under date of February 20, 1914, was given the power to ''prohibit the growing of any fruit or vegetable, to clear off fruit, cut back or destroy as necessary any trees or vegetables, and to clean up the ground beneath them." The inspection work was akeady yielding good results when the fruit fly destruction act of 1907, under which it was being carried on, lapsed on December 31, 1910. No work was done during 1911 and 1912, although a new act was passed in June of the latter year. Dur- ing 1913 inspections were again started, but apparently had accom- 6 BULLETIN 161, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. plished little in controlling the fruit fly, as evidenced by the general infestation noted by the writer in ripe loquats and Thevetia in Decem- ber of that year. In other words, the money appropriated in Bermuda for inspection work against the fruit fly has not yielded practical results. The small amount of fruit grown in the islands does not warrant the expenditure of money except with the object of extermmation in view. It is only by extermination that fruit growers in Bermuda can hope to produce those fruits which her climate makes possible without maintaining a system of inspection that at best will yield but temporary results and at the same time be a source of perpetual expense amounting to more than the fruits now grown are worth. The work carried on by the Federal Government in Hawaii has clearly demonstrated the fact that no clean cultural method will lead to any lasting beneflcial result unless the person in charge of such work be given the power, either personally or through able inspectors, to plan the destruction of all fruit before it begins to ripen, either by the destruction or severe pruning of host trees or the gathering of fruit before it is sufficiently developed to become infested. Just so long as notices are served on residents demanding them to destroy fruits on their properties already known to the inspector to be infested with the fruit fly, just so long will failure attend clean-culture work. The director of a clean-culture campaign must have full power to destroy fruit whenever he knows that the facts demand it. Human nature is the same the world over. Lack of interest on the part of a few citizens when the destruction of fruit is left in their hands can defeat and has defeated the plans of the most able directors. These statements regarding clean-culture work are based upon the results following the expenditure of many thousand dollars in similar work in the Hawaiian Islands and elsewhere. BERMUDA AS A SOURCE OF DANGER TO THE UNITED STATES. If Bermuda were in direct communication with the southern Atlantic ports of the United States, to which she is so closely situ- ated, she would be a source of great danger to the fruit interests of the Southern States. However, her only regular and direct commu- nication is by means of vessels plying between Hamilton and New York, a distance of about 701 miles, for the passage of which about two days is required. Another line of steamers, equipped with hmited passenger accommodations and running about every four weeks, connects London and Hamilton. The vessels of this last company usually continue on to Cuban ports, and thence to a south- ern port of the United States for freight before returning to England, Such small quantities of fruit are brought to maturity in an edible condition in Bermuda that there is very shght probability of any MEDITERRANEAN FRUIT FLY IN BERMUDA. 7 being carried to the United States. Native-grown fruit is scarce and a luxury even for the few who are able to grow it. Practically all the fruit consumed in Bermuda and on the ships plying between Hamilton and New York is grown in the United States. Further- more, the climatic conditions in and about New York are known to be decidedly against the establishment of the fruit fly, even if it should be accidentally introduced. The fact that ships have been plying between New York and Bermuda for many years wdthout the pest having become established on the mainland is an argument in itself. Practically all agricultural produce grown in Bermuda can not be marketed profitably in New York, where it is for the most part consumed, unless it is placed on the market before that grown in the Southern States is shipped north. Thus the bulk of Bermuda- grown vegetables, whether subject to infestation or not, arrives in New York at a season when the climate is too cold for the pest to survive. With the addition at the present time of the strict quar- antine regulations against all Bermuda-grown fruits or vegetables subject to attack, to the restrictions already placed by nature and the market, it would appear that Bermuda is a source of very little danger to the United States from the fruit-fly standpoint. CONCLUSION. The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata Wied., was intro- duced into the Bermuda Islands probably about 1865, when fruit supposedly infested by this pest was unloaded there from a storm- tossed vessel from the Mediterranean region. Since that time the fruit fly has spread over the entire 19^ square miles of roUing coun- try of which these islands are ^composed, and long since has ruined the excellent peach industry enjoyed by Bermuda in the early days and has caused such discouragement among prospective fruit grow- ers that at the present time native-grown fruit in Bermuda is a luxury. While Bermuda is probably at present a source of comparatively small danger to the United States as a source of infestation by the Mediterranean fruit fly, both on account of her trade relations and the climatic conditions surrounding New York, the extermination of the pest in these islands wiU be decidedly to the advantage of both Bermuda and the United States. All parts of Bermuda are easy of access. The topography is cut up by harbors, lakes, and roads into small areas that can be easily inspected; the trees and shi'ubs, the fruits of which are subject to infestation, are surprisingly few numeri- cally, and a large portion of the uncultivated lands supports little that is subject to attack. Experience in all countries where clean cultural work has been undertaken, but especially in the city of Honolulu, has shown that 8 BULLETlJSr IGl, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUKE. no lasting beneficial results will foUow such work as has been carried on in Bermuda unless extermination is the object in view. The value of the fruit grown in Bermuda is not sufficient to warrant work being carried on with any other object. In no country where the fly now exists could work of extermination be undertaken with such assur- ances of success as in Bermuda. If clean cultural work were supported continuously by adequate legislation and undertaken by a person suf- ficiently conversant with the problem and eager to make a unique record in the entomological world, the Mediterranean fruit fly could be exterminated from Bermuda within three years, without the ex- penditure of a prohibitive amount of money. WASHIWCTON : GOVERNMENT FEINTING OFFICII : 1914 BULLETIN OF THE No. 165 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O, Howard, Chief December 31, 1914. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) QUASSIIN AS A CONTACT INSECTICIDE. By William B. Parker, Entomological Assistant, Bureau of Entomology.^ INTRODUCTION. Quassia chips, the active principle of which is quassihi, have been employed for many years in the preparation of spray solutions for the control of the hop aphis (Phorodon Jiumuli Schr.). Several formulas have been followed, and there are several methods of preparation accordmg to these formulas. Several factors have brought about the variations m the formulas, (1) instabihty m the percentage of quassiin in the chips, (2) the total amount of available quassiin in the chips probably not extracted, due to the method of preparation, and (3) the fact that there appeared to be no fundamental data accumulated on this subject. The writer accordingly commenced the investiga- tion, which has been taken up from an insecticidal standpoint, and any chemistry that is mentioned other than veiy simple matters is taken from the various sources. Acknowledgments are due to Prof. George P. Grey, of Berkeley, Cal., and Mr. G. H. P. Leichthardt, of Sacramento, Cal., for valuable suggestions, and to Mr. R. E. Camp- bell, of the Bureau of Entomology, who ably assisted the writer in determhiing the efficiency of the several formulas. During the investigation of the life history and control of the hop aphis ^ it was observed that there were several formulas for the use of quassia chips. These all appeared to give satisfactory results when carefully prepared and appUed, but it will be observed from the following formulas that if the weaker one kiUed the aphides, the use of the stronger one resulted in a waste of material and extra expense. 1 Resigned August 31, 1914. 2 Parker, Wm. B., The Hop Aphis in the Pacific Region. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent. B\i\. Ill, 39 p., S fig., 10 pi., May 6, 1913. Note. — The results of an investigation to determine the mo.st suit alile solul ion of qua.ssiin for u.se as a spray for the control of the hop aphis are discussed in this bulletin. 67215°— 14 2 BULLETIN 165, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICCLTURE, The following formulas are t}^ical examples of the variation in tlie amount of ingredients and the cost per 100 gallons: Xo. 1. No. 2. No. 3. oounds. . 2.8 1.6 100 31 S 6 100 69 9 Whale-oil soap :..do.... 6 gallons.. 100 Cost per 100 gallons pents 74.2 These formulas are concocted differently by different growers. Some soak the chips 24 hours in a barrel of water and then boil them for 2 hours. Some boil them for 2 hours without previous soaking, and others boil them with the whale-oil soap. The several formulas and methods of preparation all have their advocates among the hop growers. CHEMICAL LITERATURE ON QUASSIIN. The quassia chips commonly used in preparing spray solutions are the wood of the Jamaica quassia (Picrasma excelsa Swz.). The literature on the chemical nature of quassiin, the active principle of quassia wood, was found to be very limited, but the few important references that the writer was able to obtain are discussed below. The wood of Picrasma excelsa (Swz.) Plancli. {Quassia e Swz.; Q. polijgama Lind- eay; Piceaena e Lindl.; Simaruba eD. C.) or of Quassia amara L. (Fam. Simarubacese). Description. — Jamaica qiu^ssia. Occurring in various forms, usually chips, raspings, or billets, yellowish white or pale yellow, and of rather coarse texture; odor slight; taste intensely bitter; medullary rays containing tetragonal prisms or small, arrow- fihaped crystals of calcium oxylate. Billets of Jamaica quassia are usually 12.5 cm. or more in diameter; in tangential section the medullary rays are mostly 3 to 5 rows of cells in width. Surinam quassia. Occurring usually in billets not exceeding 7.5 cm. in diameter; the wood is heavier, harder, and more deeply colored than that of Jamaica quassia, and the medullary rays in tangential section are mostly 1 or 2 rows of cells in width. Constituents. — Although Jamaica quassia is said to contain traces of a yellowish alkaloid, giving a fine blue fluorescence with acidulated alcohol, the important bitter principle is a neutral, crystalline substance, commonly known as quassiin, but deter- mined by Massute to be a mixture of two crystalline bodies, which he denominated a- and ^- picrasmin. Quassiin is extracted by neutralizing the aqueous infusion with soda, ])recipitating with tannin and decomposing the precipitate with lead oxide or lime. It is commonly said to exist to the extent of only 0.05 to 0.15 per cent, but really exists in much larger amoimt, Wiggers says 0.75 per cent. This discrepancy is probably due to the fact that it is difficult to procure in the pure state, and that the purification processes involve considerable loss. Quassiin crystallizes in needles or prisms, and is soluble in alcohol and in chloroform and in 1,200 parts of cold water. Its bitterness is most intense. The a-picrasmin (C35H4eOio) melts at 204° C. The /?-picrasmin (C36H4SO10) at 209° to 212° C. (408.2°-413.6° F.). The bitter principle of Surinam quassia is closely related and of similar action, but not identical.^ To it the name quassin is commonly applied. 1 Hare, H. A., Caspari, C, and Rusby, H. H. National Standard Dispensatory, ed. 2, revised and enlarged, p. 1334, Philadelphia, 1909. QUASsmsr as a contact insecticide. 3 Quassine, the active principle of Quassia, amara, is amorphous or crystalline. It has been isolated by Winkler. It is colorless, inodorous, opaque, and inalterable in the air, slightly soluble in water, much more soluble in water charged with salt or organic acids, and in alcohol. Action on plants: Plants are not injurovl by spraying with aqueous extracts of quassia.' Quassia. — Constit.: Wood: Picrasmin, C;;5H460io: quassin, CjoIIisOa (or, C;j2H420io [?]); quassol, C^qH^oO — HjO; alkaloid; resin; mucilage; pectin. — Bark: Quassin; alkaloid; resin; pectin. (Quassia amara contains 4 bitter principles; Picrxna excelsa contains only 2): quassol, — -^ "Quassiin (CgoH^jOio) may be obtained in a fairly pure state by exhausting quassia- wood with hot water, precipitating the solution with neutral lead acetate, removing the excess of lead from the filtrate by sulphuretted hydrogen and shaking the filtered liquid with chloroform. On evaporation, the quassiin is obtained nearly colorless, and, with some difficulty, in a distinctly crystalline condition. Quassiin has an in- tensely and very persistent bitter taste. It is s^jaringly soluble in cold water, more readily in hot water, and is easily soluble in alcohol. Its best solvent is chloroform, which extracts quassiin readily from acidulated solutions. An aqueous solution of quassiin does not reduce Fehling's solution cr an ammonio- nitrate of silver. The solid substance gives no coloration (or merely yellow) when treated with strong suli:;huric acid, or with nitric acid ]-25 sp. gr. ; nor is any color produced on warming. * * * A solution of quassiin gives a white precipitate with tannin. The reaction is used by Christensen, Oliveri, and others, to isolate quassiin from its solutions, and by Enders to separate it from picrotoxin. In the author's hands the reaction has not proved satisfactory. The liquid is very difficult to filter, and the filtrate still retains an intensely bitter taste, showing that the precipitation is very incomplete. As an analytical method the reaction is useless, but it is of some value as a qualitative test. The test must be made in cold solution. Possibly a more complete precipitation of quassiin by tannic acid might be effected in an alcoholic solution. Quassiin gives a brown coloration with ferric chloride. The reaction is best observed by moistening a quassiin residue in porcelain with a few drops of a weak alcoholic solution of ferric chloride, and applying a gentle heat. A fine mahogany-brown coloration is produced." ^ The quassiin used in the follo^ving experiments was extracted accordmg to directions given by AUen.^ It was further found thut when boiled in alcohol a precipitate formed. This was fil- tered off, the filtrate evaporated to dryness over a water bath, and the resultmg dark resinous material extracted with boihng water. When extraction was complete a dark brown crusty material remained. The resulting extract was light yellow and perfectly clear. It was found to be intensely bitter. "When cool this aqueous solution was extracted with cliloroform, evaporated over a water l)ath, and weighed and made into a per- centage solution. 1 Bourcart, E., Insecticides, Fungicides and Weedkillers, p. 376. London, 1913. 2 Merkes 1907 Index, ed. 3, p. 366. New York, 1907. 2Allen, A. H., Commercial Or£;anic Analysis, ed. 2 revised and enlarged, V. 3, pt. 3, p. 187-188, Phila- delphia, 1890. * Except the solution was not acidulated before extraction with acid. BULLETIN 165, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. In stud}iiig the use of quassiiii as a contact insecticide it became desirable to determine in what solvents and solutions this com- pound was soluble. Table I gives the results of the experiments which were carried out with this purpose in view. Table I. — Results of solubility tests for quassiin. No. Material. Action. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 Readily soluble. Not soluble. Readily soluble. Do. Do. Sparingly soluble 1-1,200. Not soluble. Do. Do. Do. Possibly soluble. Ether Ethyl alcohol Gasoline Carbon tetrachlorid . . RESULTS OF TESTS WITH SOLUTIONS. Potassium hydroxid Sodium hydroxid Calcium hydroxid Potassium cy anid Sodium carbonate Hydrocyanic acid Ammoniimi h j-drate Whale-oil .soap (alkaline). Sodium chlorid Hydrochloric acid Siilphuric acid Nitric acid Acetic acid Readily soluble, solution vellow. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Apparently uisoluble. Do. Do. Do. Do. The foregoing table represents the results of experiments which were conducted with quassiin in an attempt to determine some cheap solvent or solution, other than hot water, b}' which it could be extracted from the wood. EXTRACTION OF QUASSIIN FROM SOLUTIONS. It was found that when the solutions of potassium hydroxid, sodium hydroxid, sodium carbonate, etc., with quassiin, were acidulated with sulphuric acid, the quassiin could be readily removed in chloro- form. This process v/ould apply when testing the percentage of quassiiii in such solutions. DETERMINATION OF PURITY OF QUASSIIN USED. Since the purity of the quassiin used in spraying experiments is an important factor in figuring proportions, an attempt was made to determine the amounts of material other than quassiin which might be present in the stock solution. Following a suggestion in Allen, tannin was added to an aqueous solution of quassiin taken from the stock solution. A fine precipitate appeared, but unfortunately it passed through an ordinary filter paper. QUASSIIN AS A CONTACT INSECTICIDE. 5 It being observed that tannin is not extracted from an aqueous solution by chloroform, an attempt was made to collect the chloroform- soluble material which was not precipitated by the tannin. The solution was accordingly shaken with chloroform, and the chloroform separated in a separating fujmel. A^^len replaced in a(|ueous solu- Fig. 1.— Compressed-air spray machine used in applying quassiin solution. (Original.) tion, the extracted material was found to be intensely bitter and gave all the appearance of being quassiin. It is evident that aU of the quassiin is not precipitated by tannin. Because the material used proved effective as an insecticide at dilutions of 0.4 grams to 1,500, 1,800, and 2,000 cubic centimeters, the writer believes that it was comparatively pure quassiin. INSECTICIDAL VALUE OF QUASSIIN. The determination of the insecticidal value of cjuassiin is the main object of this investigation. In accomplishuig this object an attempt is made to compare the action of quassiin to the action of a standard contact insecticide. Nicotine sulphate is taken as the standard, 6 BULLETIN 1G5, U. S, DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. and in these experiments is used at the rate of 1-2,000. The nico- tine sulphate used was stajidardized to 40 per cent and the solution of quassiin was used so that it would correspond with the 40 per cent solution of nicotine sulphate. For instance, instead of using 1 gi-am of quassiiji to 2,000 cubic centimeters of water, 0.4 gram Avas used to 2,000 cubic centimeters of water. During the early part (^f the work it was discovered that the whale- oil soap, even when used at the greatest dilution at which it had any spreading effect (1 pound to 100 gallons), Idlled a certain percentage of the aphides. Since a spreader is necessary, experiments wore inaugurated to find one that would have no effect upon the insects treated. It was found that the soap bark solution which was being used iji some other work was an excellent spreader and did not affect the insects in the least. In all of the following experiments a water decoction of this material was used at the rate of 2 pounds of soap bark to 100 gallons of water. In applying the solutions, a compressed-air spiay machine (fig. 1) which maintained 50 pounds pressure and handled as small an amount as 200 cubic centimeters was used. A fine mist nozzle was so adjusted to this pressure of 50 pounds that a washing rather than a mist spray was produced. In conducting the experiments detailed in Table II prune twigs infested by the hop aphis (Pliorodon liunmli Schrank) and the prune aphis (Hyalopterus prinii Fab.) were brought from the field and, after being sprayed with the solutions, were set in moist sand. By placing the pots of sand containing the sprayed twigs on sheets of paper the percentage of the insects that were killed by the solu- tions were readily obtained. Check twigs were kept to make sure that there was not a marked mortality from some other cause. Table II gives the results of the spraying experiments with quassiin in aqueous solution and also i_n solutions of certain alkaline sub- stances. Table 11. — Results of experiments with quassiin as a contact iywecticide . SERIES NO. 1. WITH SOAP BARK IN LABORATORY. Formula. 0.4 prams to 3,000 cp 0.4 1,'rams to 2,000 cc Number of aphides sprayed . 904 S, OGO 0.4 grams to 1,800 cc ! •• ^5!' 0.4 Krams to l.-'iOO cc , '••'-" 0.4 grams to 1,000 cc L 'SSI Per cent of aphides' iillod. 8.5.1 9.3. 02 94.6 93.9 99.7 SERIES NO. 2. WITH WHALE-OIL SOAP IN FIELD. 0.4 jrrams to 2,000 cc. 0.4!'rams to 1,800 cc. 0.4 grams to l,.50O cc. 99.4 99.8 99.8 • QUASSIIN AS A CONTACT INSECTICIDE. Table II.— Results of experiments with quassiin as a contact insecticide — ("ontinued. SERIES NO. 3. WITH SOAP BARK ON PRUNE APHIS IN FIELD. Formula. Number of aphides sprayed. Per cent of aphides killed. 0.4 prams to 2,000 (*c .* 1,92.'5 721 97 5 0.4 grams to 1,800 ce CHECK SERIES. Whale-oil soap, 3 poiinds to 100 gallons 1,030 1,202 930 1 2S4 6 Soap bark, 2 pounds to 100 gallons 1 '>i Nicotine sulphate, 0.4 grams to 2,000 cc. , wth soap bark, 2 pounds to 100 gallons . . 96.9 1 These were the largest percentages obtained for the check materials. 2 In field. From the foregoing table it w411 be readily seen that quassiin used at the rate of 0.4 grams to 2,000 cubic centimeters, or 6^ ounces of 40 per cent solution to 100 gallons, was almost as effective against the hop aphis and the prune aphis as nicotine sulphate, 0.4 grams to 2,000 cubic centimeters, or 6^ ounces to 100 gallons. The difference is approximately 3 per cent, while quassim, 0.4 grams to 1,000 cubic centimeters, is fully as effective. The writer has not so far tested this material upon insects other than those mentioned, but believes that it will jjrove effective else- where if used in proportions corresponding to the amounts of nicotine sulphate that are known to be effective. CONCLUSION. Picrasma excdsa Swz. (quassia wood) is a native of Jamaica, and, according to data obtained, is available in considerable quantities. The percentage of quassiin in the quassia wood varies somewhat, and does not appear to be definitely knowai. Supposing it to be 0.75 per cent, as given by one author, to use the quassim at an effective rate of 0.4 grams to 2,000 cubic centimeters, it would take only 1^ pounds of the chips to 100 gallons of spray. To be on the safe side, double the amount of chips calculated to be necessary, and we have the following formula ^ and cost per 100 gallons of spray: Quassia chips, 0.75 per cent quassiin, 3 pounds, at $0.04 $0. 12 Whale-oil soap, 3 pounds, at ?0.04 12 Total cost of materials per 100 gallons 24 Quassiin can be readily extracted from quassia wood, Picrasma ^'xceZso. Swz., in a comparatively pure form. (See p. 3.) It probably could be more cheaply extracted in an impure water-soluble form b}- using sodium carbonate solution. The percentage of quassim could be determined and the material evaporated until a standardized solu- tion was made. Such a material could be diluted and used with 1 This formula corresponds very closely to formula No. 1, page 2. 8 BULLETIN 165, U. S. DE 'ARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. whale-oil soap, or some other spreader, as in the case of nicotine sul- phate. The writer believes that quassiin has possibilities as a com- mercial insecticide and that it could be cheaply prepared and possibly sold at a lower price uhan some of. the materials that are now on the market. The foregoing data were o])tained under conditions existing at Sacramento, Cal., and may not hold for a more humid chmate. The efficiency of the quassiin should be determined for some other locality before a commercial recommendation is made. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY V WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1914 BULLETIN OF THE D No. 167 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief. February 10, 1915. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) PARA-DICHLOROBENZENE AS AN INSECT FUMIGANT. By A. B. DucKETT, Scientific Assistant, Truck Crop and Stored Product Insect Investigations. INTRODUCTION. The purpose of the following pages is to determine the insecticidal value of para-dichlorobenzene as a fumigant, as well as to ascertain the injury, if any, to cloth fabrics and the effects of the vapors on plant life as well as upon the germination of seeds. Para-dichlorobenzene is a definite chemical compound, known for many years, but only recently used as an insecticide. It is a color- less, crystalline substance which volatiHzes very readily as a colorless vapor with a peculiar ether-like odor. The vapor is harmless to human beings and domestic animals under ordinary conditions, but in many instances it is a specific poison for insects. It has an addi- tional advantage over the many other fumigants in that the odor does not cUng to fabrics, etc., the characteristic ether-hke smeU rapidly disappearing upon exposure of the fumigated substances to the open air. Probably the greatest advantages that para- dichlorobenzene possesses over other fumigants are its absolute noninflammability and its comparatively low cost of purchase and application in proportion to the result obtained. EFFECTS OF INHALATION OF THE VAPOR. As stated, para-dichlorobenzene possesses only a weak ether-like smell, which, owing to the volatile nature of the substance, will pass off in a few hours if exposed to the air. Dr. Curschman, at the Greppin Works in Germany, concludes from a series of experiments that para-dichlorobenzene, when used as an exterminator for moths, etc., is virtually harmless to human beings, perhaps even superior to naphthalene in this respect. He goes further by stating that poisoning by para-dichlorobenzene to human beings through contact with the skin is impossible and that inhalation of the vapors of this product is perfectly harmless. According to liim, para-dichloro- 71117°— BuU. 167— 15 2 BULLETIN 167, U. S. DEPARTMENT OP' AGRICULTURE. benzene is harmful to human beings only in cases of internal applica- tion of large quantil ,s, say from 30 to 40 grains. It is not advisable for sensitive persons to remain for a long time in a closed room where para-dichlorobenzene is freely exposed, as the odor may cause annoyance. On the other hand, para-dichloro- benzene can be used in closed or occasionally opened cupboards and even in sitting rooms without causing any inconvenience whatsoever. PARA-DICHLOROBENZENE AS AN INSECTICIDE. Experiments were conducted by the writer with para-dichloro- benzene to ascertain the practicability of its use and its insecticidal value' against various insects. Para-dichlorobenzene as an insec- ticide is applicable to a large variety of insects, but under certain conditions depending on the variations in life history and environ- ment, and therefore necessitating specific methods of appUcation. In a general way para-dichlorobenzene is effective only where its vapors can be closely confined, and when used in a higher tempera- ture than 74° F.; furthermore, it is recommended only where poison bait and contact sprays are either impractical or undesirable. The vapor is diffused through the air very rapidly and must, therefore; be closely confuied in order to maintain a sufficient proportion in the air to prove fatal to insect Ufe. The amount of material required, under ordinary conditions, to bring about the desired effect is about 12 ounces of paia-dichloro- benzene to every 100 cubic feet of space. The v/riter, liowever, suggests the use of a larger amount, 1 pound to 100 cubic feet, which will take effect more quickly and diminish the chances of revival, although revival is aberrent. At temperatures between 75° and 85° F. an exposure of at least 36 hours is necessary for best results. Temperatures above 85° F. require only 24 hours exposure, due to the fact that heat facilitates the diffusion of the vapors. Most warehouses and repositories contain several species of insects which possess very great tenacity of Ufe, either in the adult or larval stages. In view of the fact that unless para-dichlorobenzene is used in enormous quantities or is permitted to remain in the respository over 48 hours, it does not injure plant hfe or render fruit, etc., inedible, we should, by preference, use as large a dose as possible for the com- plete eradication of the insects in the shortest possible time. As generally employed, the time would vary inversely to the amount of para-dichlorobenzene used. Since this substance is comparatively cheap and all unvolatilized material can be kept indefinitely, with very slight deterioration if the proper precautions are exercised, the additional amount of material required for a larger dose would be an insignificant item. Para-dichlorobenzene is insoluble in water and does not deliquesce when exposed to the air, but completely volatil- izes, and should therefore be kept in an air tight can or glass jar. PARA-DICHLOROBEXZENE AS AN INSECT FUMIGANT, 3 DIFFUSION OF THE VAPOR. Para-dichlorobenzene is very volatile and tbi^^apor is extremely heavy, being more than five times that of an equal volume of air and more than twice as heavy as carbon bisulphid vapor. Although it diffuses quite rapidly through the air, as evidenced by the perception of its odor, the vapors will, like carbon bisulphid, tend to work rapidly downward, outward, and eventually upward. From the fore- going fact it is ascertained that the greater density of vapor is at the lower levels. This property is obviously very beneficial when para- dichlorobenzene is used as a fumigant for bags of grain, stored products, carpets, and rugs, and in all cases where it is desirable to use a gas that will penetrate the lowest levels and force its way into cracks and crevices in floors, walls, and similar locations. DIRECTIONS FOR USING. Para-dichlorobenzene is applied in most instances in the same manner as camphor and naphthalene. It is not, however, necessary to sprinkle it around in corners or over rugs and other material, as is often the case wdth camphor and naphthalene, but merely to expose a sufficient quantity in one or two open or partially open receptacles, placed over, or higher, than the infested cases, goods, and material which require fumigation. HOW PUT UP AND COST. Para-dichlorobenzene at the present time is sold in 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 pound iind barrel lots, the prices for which are as follows: 23 cents per pound, in 5, 10, and 25 pound lots. 18 cents per pound, in 50-pound lots. 17 cents per pound, in 100-pound lots. 15 cents per pound, in barrel lots. If any considerable quantity is to be used, it is much better to purchase of some wholesale druggist or direct from the manufacturers. APPLICABILITY TO VARIOUS INSECTS. Para-dichlorobenzene is applicable to many insect pests living under various conditions and environment, and therefore requires specific methods of application, and, unlike carbon bisulphid, it is at the present time used only indoors and in other places where its vapors can be closely confined. As there is a great variation in the tenacity of Ufe among insects, the existing conditions should be care- fully noted before para-dichlorobenzene is applied. Beetles, such as the rice weevil (Calandra oryza L.), granary weevil (Calandra granaria L.), the confused flour beetle (Triholium con- fusurn Duv.), the cadelle {Tcnehvides mauritanicus L.), the yellow 4 BULLETIN 167, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. mealworm (Tenehrio molitor L.), and a few others less common are particularly hard to kill when in the adult stage. The larvae of the mealworms, Tenehrio molitor h., Tenebrio ohscurus L., and closely alhed species, are likewise found by experiment to possess great tenacity of life. It is therefore recommended that a proportionately larger amount of para-dichlorobenzene be used when combating these species. Moths, fhes, roaches, ants, and aphides are readily killed by para-dichlorobenzene when used in the ordinary strength recom- mended under the heading "Para-dichlorobenzene as an insecticide." The action of para-dichlorobenzene on insects is primarily upon their nervous systems. This property is readily manifested when a moth is exposed to the vapors for a few seconds. It first displays great excitement and uneasiness, followed closely by spasmodic con- vulsions, and finally turns ever on its back. \Miile in this position violent nervous and muscular reflex action is noticed until life is extinct. The moths on which this gas has been tested include the Angoumois grain moth (Sitotroga ceredlella Oliv.), Mediterranean flour moth (Ephestia Jcuehniella ZelL), Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella Hbn.), meal snout moth (Py rails farinalis L.), and the case-bearing clothes-moth (Tinea pellionella L.). EXPERIMENTS WITH PARA-DICHLOROBENZENE AS A FUMIGANT. During the spring of 1914, while stationed at Washington, D. C, the writer, working under the direction of Dr. F. H. Chittenden, per- formed a series of experiments with para-dichlorobenzene as a fumi- gant for stored-product insects. The chemical was first used on a smaU scale, and results were afterwards checked up in a specially con- structed air-tight fumigatmg box having a capacity of 100 cubic feet (PI. I.) The average temperature was comptited from the records of a thermograph placed in the box, and the para-dichlorobenzene exposed in shallow -piepans or the tops of 5-gallon lard cans, since these shallow receptacles present a much larger surface of the chemical for evaporation. These pans were placed about 4 feet above the material to be fumigated, which was contained in muslin bags of variable capacity (see PI. II) and which had previously been ascer- tamed to be free from live insects. Into this material, consisting of wheat, cornmeal, flour, rice, and other cereals, were then introduced living uisects, the number and species of each being recorded on an attached tag. The respective amounts of })ara-dichlorobenzene used in each experiment and the tabulated results follow. Bui. 167, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. mmmfmm^mmfmu^^ FUMIGATI NG BUA U6b0 IN EXPERIMENTS WITH PARA-DICHLOROBENZENE. (ORIGINAL., Bui. 1 67, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. Bags Containing InfestedGrain Ready to be Fumigated with PARA-oicHLORObENZENE. (Original.) PARA-DICHLOKOBENZENE AS AN INSECT FUMIGANT. $ Experiments with para-dichlorobemene as afumigant. Experiment No. and date. Insects introduced. Aver- age temper- ature. Length expo- sure. Date exam- ined. Para- dichloro- benzene used. Per cent killed. Remarks. °F. Hours. No. 1, Mar. 25, Tribolium confusum 52 72 Apr. 1 1 ounce . None. All revived. I're- 1914. Duv.; T.ferrugineum Fab. ; Calandra oryza lin»inary ttest. Temperature too low. Va- L.; C. granaria L.; Silvunus surinamen- pors diffused sisL.; Rhizopertha very slowly. dominica Fab.; Eggs, larvae, Laemophloeus m i- pupa;, and nutus 01iy.;Tenebrio adults used in molitor L. ; Sitotroga the case of cerealella Oliy.; Plo- Ephestia kueh- dia ijiterpunctella niella and Plo- Hbn.; E phes t ia dia interpimo- kuehniella Zell. tella. Capacity of fumigating box used, T cubic feet. No. 2, Apr. 7, Same as in experiment 59 96 Apr. 13 8" ounces. None. All revived. Pre- 1914. No. 1. liminary test. Temperatura too low. Fumi- gating box used, 7 cubic feet. No. 3, Apr. 18, Same as in experiment 65 96 Apr. 25 8 ounces. 20 Unsatisfactory. 1914. No. 1. Preliminary test. Fumigat- ing box used, T cubic feet No. 4, Apr. 28, Tribolium confusum 81 24 May 5 2 poimds 100 IpO cubic feet 1914. Duy.; T.ferrugineum Fab. ; Calandra oryza L.; C. granaria L.; Silvanus surinamen- sis L.; Rhizopertha dominica Fab. ; Sit(> troga cerealella Oliv.; Plodia Interpimc- tellaHbn.; Ephestia kuehniella Zell.; (Bruchus) Pachy- merus 4-maculatus Fab. fumigating box used for this experiment. No. 5, Apr. 29, 1914. Roaches 80 24 May 2 2 ounces. 100 5 cubic feet fumi- gating jar used. No. 6, May 1, Mites on corn 78 28 May 5 2 ounces. 100 5 cubic feet fumi- 1914. gating jar used. No. 7, May 4, Slugs, snails, sowbugs. 82 36 May 9 2 poimds 100 100 cubic feet fu- 1914. millipedes, ants. migating box used. 100 cubic feet No. 8, May 11, Tribolium confusum 86 24 May 1(1 2 poimds 100 1914. Duv.; Calandra ory- fumigating box used in this za L.; Silvanus sur- inamensis h.; Sito- experiment. troga cerealella Oliv. ; Four bricks Plodia interpunc- were heated to tella Hbn.; Ephestia a high temper- kuehniella Zell.; at ure and Laemophloeus minu- placed in box tus Oliv.; Tenebrio in order to ol>- molitor L. tain higher temperature. Unsatisfactory. No. 9, May 14, Same as in experiment 73 24 May 20 2 pounds 70 1914. No. 8. Tempera t u r o too low. No. 10, May 15, 1914. Flies 81 20 May 16 8 ounces. 100 100 cubic feet space. No. 11, May 18, Aphides 80 ■ 20 May 19 8 ounces. 100 100 cubio feet 1914. space. No. 12. May 19, 1914, 4 ounces of finely ground para-dichlorobenzene were sprinkled over pieces of woolen cloth and placed in a 100-cubic-foot fumigating box for a period of 24 hours, at an average tempera- ture of 76° F. Upon examination it was discovered that the fine crystals adhered to the lint of the wool but were readily brushed off with a whisk broom. After two hours' exposure in the open air the odor of para-dichlorobenzene was barely perceptible. No. 13. May 20, 1914, a test on the germination of seed was made. One pint of Argentine com. about half of which had previously sprouted, was put in a 7-inch flower pot containing 4 inches of molsi fertile soil. The pot was then introduced into a 100-cubic-foot fumigating box and exposed to the vapors of par»- 6 BULLETIN 167, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, dichlorobenzene for 24 hours at an average temperature of 79° F. Two days later the seed was examined and showed no material injury from the experiment, sprouting about as usual. Note. — Preliminary experiments with para-dichlorobenzene have been conducted along the following lines: 1. Para-dichlorobenzene introduced into insect collection boxes for the eradication of museum pests. 2. Para-dichlorobenzene in combination with formaldehyde and potassium permanganate as an insecticide and germicide. 3. Para-dichlorobenzene made into a paste by adding parainn and resin in the presence of heat, as a substitute for grafting wax. The above paste to be applied in the burrows of borers in shade trees. 4. Further experiments on the effect of para-dichlorobenzene, if any, on tender plants. 5. The effects, if any, of para-dichlorobenzene on animals, when taken internally in small doses. In these experi- ments green food, such as kale, cabbage, and clover, were put in a jar heavily charged with para-dichloro- Ijenzene vapors and fed twice daily to herbivorous animals, such as rabbits and guinea-pius. In these expcHments the writer has not as yet reached any definite conclusions, and therefore reserves their pub- lication until further experiments along these lines are completed. CONCLUSION. From the foregoing observations and experiments the writer concludes that para-dichlorobenzene, used as directed in the preceding pages, acts as an excellent fundgant against the following insects: (1) Stored-product insects. (2) Case-bearing clothes moths. (3) Roaches and ants. ^ (4) Museum pests. (5) Miscellaneous house insects, including flies, carpet beetles or buffalo moths, book lice, silverfish, mosquitoes, centipedes, and miscellaneous larder insects. It is also an effective substitute for potassium cyanid in collecting bottles. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF PARA-DICHLOROBENZENE. At the request of Dr. Chittenden the following data were kindly furnished by the Insecticide and Fungicide I^aboratory, Miscella- neous Division, Bureau of Chemistry: We have made an examination of the sample of dichlorobenzene submitted by you for examination on December 22, 1913, and find that this product is practically pure para-dichlorobenzene (CgH4Cl2). We have looked up some references in the litera- ture in regard to this substance and give you the following information based thereon: Dichlorobenzene is a product derived from benzene by the replacement of two of the hydrogen atoms by chlorine. There are three dichlorobenzenes, designated «rtbo, meta, and para, the structural formulas of which are: .,0^ -5t ^' .-^ .,^ H H Cl ORTHO META PARA All three have the empirical formula C6H4CI2. Ortho and meta dichlorobenzenes are liquids, the former boiling at 179° C. and the latter at 172° C. Beilstein, in his Handbuch der organischen Chemie, III Auflage, 1896, Band II, page 44, gives three methods for the preparation of para-dichlorobenzene (in the German, p-dichlorbenzol): -* PAKA-DICHLOROBEXZENE A.S AN INSECT FUMKiANT. 7 (1) By the action of rhloriue on benzene (CoTIe) in tlie presence of iodine. A littl« ortho-dichlorobenzene is also formed in this reaction. (2) By the action of phosphorus pentachlorid on para-chlorophenol. (3) By the action of phosphorus pentachlorid on para-phenolsulphonic acid. He gives the melting point of this compound as 53° C. (127.4° F.) and its boiling point as 172° C. (341.6° F.), but quotes Mills (Phil. Mag. (5) 14, 27) as giving 52.72° C. for the melting point. Para-dichlorobenzene crystallizes from alcohol in monoclinic leaves, it sublimes, at ordinary temperatures, is soluble in hot alcohol in all proportions, and is easily solu- ble in ether, benzene, carbon bisulphid, etc. In regard to physiological properties, Francis and Fortescue-Brickdale ' state: The benzene halogen derivatives have a slight odor, are insoluble in water, vola- tilize without decomposition, and are very stable. * * * Corresponding to their stability it is found that the halogen is not split off in the organism, and that they do not show hypnotic properties. With the entrance of chlorine the antiseptic prop- erties increase * * * Chlorbenzene acts on the spinal cord to a greater extent than benzene. The following figures in regard to para-dichlorobenzene are from calculations made by R. C. Roark: Molecular weight 146.952 Density of the vapor 4.592 if oxygen equals 1. 72.892 if •hydrogen equals 1. 5.1025 if air equals 1, assuming the mo- lecular weight of air to be 28.8. In other words, assuming no dissociation or association, a given volume of para- dichlorobenzene in the form of a vapor would be 5.1025 times as hea^^ as an equal volume of air at the same temperature and at the same barometric pressure. The vapor of para-dichlorobenzene will flash at about 70° C. (158° F.), but even when held in a very hot flame and ignited the substance will not continue to burn after the flame is removed. Thus the substance is not combustible, biit is decora- posed by heat into substances which partially burn vnih copious deposition of soot when directly in a flame. As the vapor pressure of para-dichlorobenzene has never been determined, it ia impossible to state how much of its vapor air at any temperature short of 172° C. (341.6° F., its boiling point) would take up. At 172° C. (341.6° F.), barometer 760 mm., 1 liter of para-dichlorobenzene gas would weigh 4.0257 grams, or 1 cubic foot would weigh 4.0208 avoirdupois ounces. ' Francis, Francis, and Fortescue-Brickdale, J. M. The Chemical Basis of Pharmacology, p. 99, London, 190S. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION M.VT BE PROCrRED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMr.NT PRINTrNG OFFICE W.'iSHlNGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY V W.\SHIXt;TO.V : OOVEUN.MEXr rill.NTIXG OFFICB : 1915 BULLETIN ^' 'THE Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief. February 9, 1915. THE EUROPEAN PINESHOOT MOTH; A SERIOUS MENACE TO PINE TIMBER IN AMERICA. By August Busck, Entomological Assistant, Forest Insect Investigations. INTRODUCTION. One of the most injurious insects to pine forests in Europe is a small orange-red moth, the larva of which eats out the new buds and kills or deforms the young twigs of pine trees, so as seriously' and permanently to lower their timber value. This European pine- shoot moth, which is known under the scientific name Evetria huoliana Schiffermiller, has within very recent years been accidently intro- duced into America on imported European pine seedlings and has. unfortunately become established in several widely separated locali- ties in the eastern and middle western States. Early last summer (1914), a correspondent of the Bureau of Entomology complained of a serious insect injury to European pines under his surveillance on Long Island, and sent examples of the injury and of the larva? causing it; the latter could not be identified as those of any of our known American pine pests, and the writer was therefore authorized to visit the affected localities in order ta ascertain the extent of the injury and to obtain sufficient live ma- terial for study and rearing. From this material a large number of moths emerged during the latter part of June and these were at once recognized as the famous European pine-shoot moth. Subsequent surveys, undertaken by the bureau through Mr. Carl Heinrich and the writer, established the fact that the species has been repeatedly introduced on European nursery stock, and that it has be- come established in nurseries and parks in several localities scattered over nine States. In view of the experience with other introduced European insects, and considering the very serious financial loss caused abroad annually by this insect, its introduction into this country gives just cause for alarm, because incalculable injury may result to the vast American forest interests if this insect is permitted to become generally estab- lished on our native pines. 71551°— 15 2 BULLETIN 170, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. Some idea of the extent and permanent character of the injury which this insect is capable of inflicting may be gained from the illustration (PI. I) of a European pine forest which has been infested by it for several years in succession, with the result that a majority of the tree trunks are so twisted and crooked that their value as tim- ber is materially lessened. HISTORY OF THE SPECIES IN EUROPE. The species is a constant menace to pine forests in Europe and an- nually causes serious depredations, especially to young plantations of pine, in spite of continual preventive work against it. It has been the subject of much study and of an extensive literature from the time it was first described by Schiffermiller in 1776 to the present day. The species was named in honor of a Vienna entomologist, Baron Buol, who studied its injurious work during the latter part of the eighteenth century ; since then numerous accounts have appeared of particularly severe outbreaks in many parts of Europe, from England to Russia, and from Scandinavia to southern France. It also occurs in Siberia. One such outbreak in Denmark, in 1805-1807, is recorded by Nie- mann (1809).^ This was so serious as nearly to cause pine culture to be abandoned in that country as hopeless. It is interesting to note that at that time the same preventive means were resorted to as are now employed against the insect, namely, the wholesale pruning and burning of all infested twigs. The German forest entomologist, Eatzeburg, counted Evetria huoliana one of the most injurious forest insects and gave a detailed account (1840) of the life history, structure, and economic impor- tance of the species. He mentioned especially an unusual outbreak in 1836-1838, which covered many parts of Europe. In the province of Furstenau the Rochesberg Mountain, which was covered with pines, became so seriously infested that it was under consideration by the authorities to burn it off and plant new trees. Other localities were only saved by strenuous systematic collecting of the infested twigs; thus, in the small province of Kesternich alone, 150,000 larvae were gathered and destroyed. Judeich and Nitsche (1895) state that the injury caused by Evetria huoliana is often fatal to the pine plantations. To quote from these authors, " If the attack is slight, it results in the branching of the tree, but if the attack is more severe and continued for several years, as we have seen it, then hardly any bud is spared and the pines become stunted into miserable small bushes from which numerous ^ Dates in parentheses refer to " Literature," pp. 10-11. THE EUROPEAN PIKE-SHOOT MOTH, 3 branched shoots and large needle tufts stick out." These authors record many severe outbreaks and mention especially one in 1883- 1885, in the Royal Forest Eeserve, Pillnitz in Saxony, where nearly 75 acres of young pines planted in 1878 became infested to such an extent that hardly a shoot was spared, and in 1884 the entire planta- tion presented a pitiful, crippled appearance. J. E. V. Boas (1898), who has made original investigations of the insect in Denmark, considers it one of the most injurious insects affecting forest trees. Among other outbreaks he mentions one in Jutland, Denmark, extending through several years around 1870, which " threatened the total destruction of the pine plantations." The Belgian authority on forest insects, G. Severin (1901), regards Ei'etria huolicma as the most Injurious insect to pines in Europe, and emphasizes the lasting injury to the timber resulting from even slight attacks of this insect. All other European handbooks on entomology or on forestry con- tain similar accounts of this insect and express the same opinion as to its destructiveness to pine. FOOD PLANTS. Evetrla huoliana is confined to pine and does not attack other coniferous trees, as spruce or larch, even though these grow along- side of the infested pines. While the species is most often men- tioned on the yellow pine, or Scotch pine,^ in Europe, because this is preeminently the forest tree of importance there, it attacks all species of Pinus indiscriminately, according to Eatzeburg and other authori- ties, and the American infestations have come in on European seed- lings of the Austrian pine - and on mughus pine ^ quite as often as on Scotch pine. According to Eatzeburg and Severin, it also attacks and is equally injurious to American white pine,* which is cultivated in Europe; and Mr. Carl Heinrich found the species on a small lot of another native American pine,"' which was growing immediately surrounded by infested European pine seedlings. These latter records are particularly significant, as they prove be- yond question that the pest will spread to our native American pines if not prevented. The species attacks mainly young trees between 6 and 15 years of age, but it is often excessively destructive to younger plantings and seedlings and injurious also to older trees, though trees of 30 years or older are rarely seriously affected. 1 Pinus sylvestris. * Pinus strobus. "Pinus laricis var. austriaca. ^ Pinus resinosa. ^ Pinus montana var. mughus. 4 BULLETIN 170, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE, INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION IN AMERICA. American nurseries have imported many thousands of pine seed- lings annually from Europe, especially from France, Belgium, Hol- land, Germany, and England. Importations normally take place in the fall, winter, and early spring. At this time of the year the yoimg larvae of the pine moth lie dormant within the buds, so that an infestation is easily overlooked. It is evident that the pest has been present in a number of shipments of late years and that it thus has been introduced repeatedly into American nurseries. In a great majority of these cases, however, the species has been unable to estab- lish itself and has died out during the first year. Many of the larvae die from overheating en route, or from various other unfavor- able circumstances incident to the handling and transplanting of the seedlings under different climatic conditions. Only by a combina- tion of favorable conditions would the few surviving larvse have been able to develop into moths and succeed in establishing the species in this country. This is probably the reason why the species as yet has become established in comparatively few American localities. It appears that such established infestation has taken place only in very recent years and especially within the last two years, or since the demand for European pines has become general. Up to the present time the European pine moth has been dis- covered in only 32 nurseries and private estates, representing 20 localities in 9 States, namely : I state. Locality. Discovered in- Illinois Chicago Private grounds. One nursery. Do. Do Do Dundee Do Do. Do Deerfleld Do. Do Kenilworth Two private grounds. Do One nursery.' Do. Ohio Tippecanoe City Elm Grove Do. ppnnsylvflTiia Pittsburgh Private grounds. One nursery. Do Somerville New Yorli Long Island.. Do Tarrytown One nursery and one estate. Do Massachusetts.. Dedham . One nursery. Do. Do Do Worcester Do. Connecticut. . New Canaan Do. Rhode Island Newport Two nurseries and one estate. In none of these localities, except on Long Island, has the species existed for more than the last two years, and in most of them it has become established only within the last year. But the survey for this insect has so far covered only about 60 localities, which could be reasonably suspected to harbor the pest because it was known that importations of European seedlings had Bui. 170, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. Work of the European Pine-Shoot Moth vEvetuia bjc )L1ANA). Section of European pine forest showing- deformations in the trunk of Pinus t^ijlfcstris resulting from several consecutive years' injury. (After G. Severin.) Bui. 170, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. Stages of the European Pine-Shoot Moth. Moth and full-grown Inrva; both greatly enlarged. (Original.') [Drawing.s by Miss Mary Carmody.] j|. 170, U. S. Dept. of Agricultur Plate III. Bui. 170, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Plate IV. Work of the European Pine-Shoot Moth. Malformations in pine resulting from injury by this pest. (Original.) 3ul. 170, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate V. CO g z ^ o ;j Bu , 170, U. S. Dept. of Agr culture. _ ^m^^^m Plate VI. 14 ^H&^V,:^ yWS^^ 25* ; ^«^'i '^' ^9H -^^g^ ^2^^^ ..4 ^^rJ *f;^ -^fc w^ m ^"V^"* ^ ^ !. ■ a. X > Q- !>. £ § S' ^ THE EUEOPEAN PUSTE-SHOOT MOTH. 5 taken place, and the indications are very strong that the pest has be- come established in several other widely distributed localities, either by direct importation from Europe or by distribution from infested American nurseries. This is particularly to be suspected of locali- ties where large importations and plantings of European pines have been made. As yet the pest has been found only in nurseries and private parks supplied by these infested nurseries. In no case has it yet been found on forest trees in America. The species is therefore at present mainly a nursery problem in this country and consequently may yet be controlled and possibly even eliminated by proper measures under Federal and State supervision. That this condition can not long endure and that the pest,, if not checked, will soon multiply and spread to native pines outside of nurseries and pass beyond the pos- sibility of elimination is clearly indicated by all the evidence on hand. LIFE HISTORY. In Europe the moths (PI. II, upper figure) issue in July, some- times as early as the end of June, and in the warm evenings they swarm around the pines in large numbers. During the clay they sit quietly on the branches, as can be ascertained by giving the tree a sharp jolt, which will cause the moths to fly out. When the insect sits still on the food plant it is not easily discovered, for the apparently striking orange-red color blends well with the natural surroundings and therefore must be classed as a protective coloration. Early in August the eggs are laid singly on the new buds for next year's growth, the terminal cluster of buds being nearly always chosen for oviposition. The young larva soon hatches and eats its way into the bud, making itself a roomy cell by devouring the live inside part. It attains a length of only a few millimeters during the fall months, and overwinters within the hollow bud. At this stage its presence is easily overlooked, though a trained eye will discover a small exuda- tion of pitch over the entrance hole differing from the normal exuda- tion of the buds. (See PI. III.) In May, as soon as the sap begins to rise in the trees, the larva the buds. (See PL III.) leaves its winter quarters and bores into the bud next thereto, in turn destroying this and as many others as it needs for food. As the remaining buds adjoining begin to grow into young shoots the larva attacks them. It eats the entire inside of the youngest shoots and these consequently die. The more developed shoots are injured only on one side, and these sometimes continue to grow, but are bent downward at the injured spot. The larva (PL II, lower figure) feeds only on the soft growth on which the needles have not yet appeared, and by the time the needles have developed all, or nearly all, of the shoots in the infested cluster have become dead or injured. The 6 BULLETIN 110, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. larva then makes a silk-lined chamber within one of the hollow shoots and here it pupates. After about three weeks the spiny pupa pushes itself half way out through the dry wall of its chamber and the moth, or adult, issues. The full life history of the species in America has not been ascer- tained, because a full year has not elapsed since it was first dis- covered here. "\^'liile in the main it is the same as in Europe, a very distinct difference has already been noticed, due to the longer and warmer summer and fall in this country. In Europe the young larva attacks only one bud and attains very little growth before it enters the dormant winter season, but in the warmer climate of America the larva eats out two, three, or more buds and attains nearly half of its growth before winter. This, of coiu^se, tends to make the species even more injurious here than it is in Europe. Wliile it is altogether probable that the species has here only one generation annually, as in Europe, the possibility is not absolutely excluded that on account of the longer season it may eventually de- velop two generations annually like the allied native species. This, of course, would greatly increase its power for injury. CHARACTER OF INJURY. During the entire spring the infested twigs are very noticeable by reason of the dead and inj ured buds and young shoots, and the empty pupa skin sticking out of the destroyed shoot is also a familiar and easily noticed sight during the summer months ; but the extent of the injury caused by this insect is only realized later in the season, when the new growth is found to be either quite destroyed or perma- nently injured. As may be gathered from the foregoing account of the life history, each one of these insects does very considerable damage, not only by destroying a large number of buds and young shoots but by injuring the adjoining shoots which remain and which normally should sup- plant the destroyed leaders ; thus the trees are permanently disfigured. These injured shoots bend dowmvard and outward and afterwards grow upward again in a curve, in the attempt to continue the normal upward growth of the tree. This results in a characteristic malfor- mation (Pis. IV, V, VI), so familiar in European pine forests that it has a popular name in each country — as " posthorn" and " waldhorn " in Germany and Holland and " baionnette " in France, while the few examples which have so far occurred in America have suggested the name " Dutch pipe " to those who have noticed it. This injury does straighten out somewhat during the successive years' growth, but never can be fully remedied and will always be noticeable and a seri- ous detriment to the timber (PI. I). Injury of this character is the result even when the Species is present in only small numbers, the THE EUKOPEAN PINE-SHOOT MOTH. 7 repeated infestation of the leading twigs during several consecutive seasons producing additional malformations which result in a much distorted tree of little commercial value. If the pest becomes more abundant, then the trees are transformed by the effect of the injury into unsightly crippled bushes with no commercial value. DESCRIPTION. , THE ADULT. (PI. II, upper figure.) The European pine-shoot moth is a small, gayly colored moth, about one-half inch long and measuring about three-fourths of an inch across wdth the wings extended. The head and its appendages and the thorax are light orange-yellow, and the abdomen is dark gray. The forewings are bright ferruginous orange, suffused with dark red, especially toward the tips, and with several irregular, forked anastomizing, silvery crosslines and costal strigulse; the hindwings are dark blackish brown. The legs are whitish, the anterior ones reddish in front. THE EGG. The egg is very small, flat, whitish in color, and is laid singly at the base of a bud. Dissection of a female abdomen proves that upwards of a hundred eggs are laid by each female; this is a rather greater fecundity than is normal in this group of insects. THE LARVA. (PI. II, lower figure.) The young larva is dark brown with deep black head and thoracic shield, the latter divided by a narrow central line. The body of the older larva becomes somewhat lighter, but is still much darker than the larva of any of our allied native species. The full-grown larva is two-thirds of an inch long. THE PUPA. The pupa is stout, robust, light chestnut brown with darker head and back. The wing covers reach to the end of the fourth abdominal segment. The abdominal segments are armed with rings of short, sharp, blackish-brown spines. ALLIED AMERICAN SPECIES. There are in this country several indigenous species closely allied to Evetria huoliana^ and like it confined to pine. Some of these already constitute a serious problem and periodically do considerable 8 BULLETIISr 170, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. damage to pine forests and more often to pine nurseries. They are the more capable of injury because there are two generations an- nually and they thus have two chances each year to accomplish their damaging work. None of these native species can, however, even with this advantage, be compared in destructiveness to the European species just introduced. This is partly due to the larger size of the introduced species and to the greater voracity of the larva, but is mainh^ due to the difference in the attack, which causes a different reaction of the tree. The larva of the native species of the genus confines itself to a single twig and finds its food within this or within a single bud, or at most a few buds. This bud or twig dies, but the tree responds with the natural growth of the next set of buds and very often recovers from the injury without permanent disfigurement. The resulting injury to the trees is serious only when these native species are- present in unusually large numbers. Moreover, each of the native American species is more or less confined to a single or a few species of Pinus, but the European pine-moth thrives indiscriminately on all species of Pinus and has consequently a greater chance to become excessively abundant., While several of the native species are continually of some economic importance and periodically become a serious menace even to larger trees, it is mainly when they occur in large numbers in nurseries that they become really troublesome. Large trees become checked in their growth by the loss of terminal twigs, but are not necessarily seriously deformed in their future growth, although an undesirable forking of the tree top is a quite common result. On the other hand, the larva of the European pine-shoot moth is very voracious and not only destroys a number of buds and young sprouting shoots by eating their interior, but it invariably damages the remaining shoots in the cluster by nibbling their bases on the inner side. The subsequent growth of these injured shoots, in the effort to supplant the destroyed leader, causes greater permanent injury to the value of the tree than if they were entirely removed. NATURAL ENEMIES. Evetria huoliana in Europe is, to some extent, kept in check by a large number of parasitic enemies. As early as 1838 Hartig' recorded 14 ichneumonid wasps and 1 tachinid fly - which he had reared from pupa? of the pine-shoot moth. It has since been ascer- tained that there are several other parasites ; among the ichneumonids Ratzeburg considered the following three, which he himself had reared, as the more important: Prlstomerus vulnerator Panz., Cre- mastus interrui')toT Grav., and Orgilus ohscurator Hald. 1 See " Literature," p. 10. - Actia pinipennis Fallen. THE EUEOPEAN PINE-SHOOT MOTH. 9 To promote the good work of these parasites specially constructed rearing houses have been erected in Europe during bad outbreaks of the pine moth. The infested twigs are collected in these small houses, which permit the escape of the parasites but not of the moths. It is reasonable to suppose that some of the native parasites on some of the native species of Evetria will in time also attack Evetria huoliana in this country — in fact, parasitized larvse have already been observed — but these native parasites can not be relied upon to keep in check their natural hosts, the American pine moths, which sporadically become very abundant and injurious in spite of the parasites, and presumably will be less effective in controlling the newly introduced host. METHOD OF CONTROL. The larva of the European pine-moth is so effectively protected within the buds that it can not be reached by any insecticide, and the onh^ method of combating it is that used in Europe for more than a hundred years, namely, the pruning and destruction of the in- fested buds and twigs together with the larvae they contain. Such hand picking is practiced every year in the government-controlled forest reserves of Europe. This pruning must be done while the insect is within the twigs, and while it may be done throughout the entire year, except during the midsummer months when the insect is in the adult stage, it can be most profitably done in the fall and winter months while the young larva3 are yet within the undeveloped buds, because the prun- ing at this time will enable the secondary set of buds to develop in the spring without delay. The only drawback to the collecting of the larvae in the fall and winter is that tlie infested buds are then less noticeable than in the spring when the injury is further devel- oped. A little practice, however, soon enables instant recognition of the infested buds, even by an unskilled laborer ; the slight exuda- tion of pitch at the base of the bud covering the entrance hole of the larva (PL III) is very characteristic and easily recognized when once known. In the spring, when the buds develop into young shoots, the in- jury is very much more apparent, and anybody can then distinguish the infested twigs at a glance. For this reason it is advisable to have the trees gone over again in the spring, so as to remove any infesta- tion which has been overlooked in the fall. In America the work of the larva in the fall (September, October, and November) has jDro- gressed far more and is much more easily discovered than is the case in Europe, where the larvae have attained very small proportions and 10 BULLETIN 170, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. haA^e attacked onl}^ one or two buds before the winter resting period intervenes. The fact that this species is stationary during the greater part of the 3^ear and only found within definite parts of certain kinds of trees, namely, in the next year's buds of pines, makes effective con- trol work much easier than is the case with insect pests wdiich are general feeders and which are not confined to definite parts of the food plant, as, for example, the gipsy moth or the brown- tail moth. While the European pine-shoot moth is confined to nurseries and private parks and has not spread to the native pines, it should prove a comparatively easy task to eradicate the species absolutely within any limited area. At the present time it would even seem possible completely to stamp out this dangerous pest in America, and forestall the infestation of our native pine forests, provided that the danger of new infestation is removed. But when once the species has multiplied sufficiently to become generally dis- tributed on the native pines the possibility of eradication w^ill be past. SYNONYMY OF EVETRIA BUOLIANA SCHIFFERMILLER. Tortrix buoliana Scliiffermiller, Syst. Yerz. cl. Schmett., p. 128, 1776. Coccyx buoliana Treitschke, Schmetterlinge von Europa, a'oI. S, p. 140, 1830. Tortrix {Coccyx) buoliana Ratzeburg, Die Forst-Insecten, vol. 2, p. 202, 1840. Retinia buoliana Guenee, Europaeoriim Microlepidopterorum index methodicus, p. 46, 1845. Coccyx buoliana Herrich-Scliaffer. Bearb. d. Sclimetterlinge von Europa, vol. 4, p. 221, 1849. Evetria buoliana Meyrick, Handbook of British Lepidoptera, p. 470, 1895. Evefria buoliana Rebel, Catalog der Lepidoptereu des palaearctischen Faunen- gebietes, T. II, No. 1851, 1901. LITERATURE.' 1776. Schiff^rruiller, I. Systematiscbes Verzeicbniss der Schmetterlinge der Wiener Gegend. Wien. Original description of Evetria huoViana. 1809. Niemann, E. Forststastistik der Danischen Staaten, Altona. Describes outbreali in Denmark in 1S05-1807, and tlie collecting of larvae in the effort to control the species. . 1838. Havtig, T. Tortrix buoliana. In Jabresberichte liber die Fortschritte der Forstwissenscbaft und forstlicben Naturkunde, Jahrg. 1, Heft 2, p. 207-268, Berlin. Kocords the rearing of 15 species of parasites from Evetria buoliana. 1840. Ratzeburg, J. T. C. Die Forst-Insecteu, T. 2, p. 202-207, Taf. XIV, fig. 4. Berlin. Detailed account with illustrations of the life history, work, economic im- portance, remedies, natural enemies, and litei'ature of the species, with notes of severe outbreaks in Germany, 1835-1838. ^ This is not intended to be a complete bibliography of Evetria huoliana; a large num- ber of special articles have appeared in various publications in Europe, and every hand- book on insects or forestry contains more or less exhaustive accounts of this pest. THE EUEOPEAN PINE-SHOOT MOTH. H 1895. Judeich, J. F., and Nitsclie, H. Lehrbucli der mitteleuropaischen Forst- insektenkunde, Bd. 2, p. 1004-1008. Wieu. Condensed (5 pages), life-history and economic importance with original figure of the injury done by the species. 1897. Lovink, H. J., and Ritzema Bos, J. Scliade in jonge dennen bosschen teweeg gebracbt door rupseu uit het bladrollergeslacbt Retinia Gn. (" dennenknoprups " " deuuenlotrups " " barsbuilrups " ) . In Tijdscbr. Plantenziekten, Jabrg. 3, Afl. 4, p. 83-133, figs. 6, pis. V-VII, Oct. , Detailed account of the species and its injury, with colored plates. 1897. Severin, G. Insectes. Extrait du Catalogue detaille et lllustre du Pa- vilion des eaux et forets a I'Exposition Internationale de Bruxelles- Tervueren, p. 46-49, pi. X. Bruxelles. Contains short illustrated account of Tortrix (Retinia) buoliana Schiflfer- miller and its injury : Plate I of the present paper has been copied from this article. 1898. Boas, J. E. V. Dansk Forstzoologi. Copenbageu. Condensed life history, injury, and references, with original observations and figures. 1898. Hess, R. A. Der Forstschutz, ed. 3 eul., v. 1, p. 492-494, figs. 174-175. Leipzig. Condensed handbook information on Tortrix {Retinia) buoliana Schifif. 1901. Severin, G. Le genre Retinia, Pyrale des pommes, des bourgeons, de la resine. In Bui. Soc. Cent. Forest. Belg., t. 8, p. 598-605, 674-685, 2 pis., 7 figs. Monographic account of the three most important injurious species of the genus Evetria in Europe, with text figure and colored plate of Evetria buoliana. It should be noted that the larva figured under and credited to Evetria buoliana belongs to Evetria resinella, figured on the next colored plate, and vice versa. 1912. Gillanders, A. D. Forest Entomology, ed. 2. Edinburgh and London. Condensed handbook information. 1913. Nusslin, O. Leitfaden der Forstinsektenkunde, 2. ueubearb. und verm. Aufl., p. 417-418, figs. 350, 352. Berlin. Condensed handbook information on Grapliolitha (Evetria) buoliana SchiflC. 1914. Busck, August. A destructive pine-moth introduced from Europe {Eve- tria buoliana Scbifi'ermiller). In Jour. Econ. Ent., v. 7, no. 4. p. 340- 341, pi. IX, August. First notice of the pest in America. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY WASHINGTON : GOVBRNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1915 ^^ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BULLETIN No. 173 Contribation from the Boreaa of Entomologjr L. O. HOWARD, Chief Washington, D. C. PROFESSIONAL PAPER April 13, 1915 THE LIFE HISTORY AND HABITS OF THE PEAR THRIPS IN CALIFORNIA By S. W. FOSTER and P. R. JONES, Entomological Assistants Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 History 3 Economic Importance 7 Character of Injury 11 Description 20 Page Systematic PosiUon ........ 22 Anatomy 23 Life History and Habits 25 Natural Enemies 61 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 191S BULLETIN OF THE u. No. 173 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O, Howard, Chief. April 13, 1915. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) THE LIFE HISTORY AND HABITS OF THE PEAR THRIPS IN CALIFORNIA. By S. W. Foster ' and P. R. Jones,- Entomological Assistants, Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. INTRODUCTION.^ The so-called pear thrips, {EutJirips) Txniothrips pyri Daniel, first attracted attention during the spring of 1902 in a prune orcliard near San Jose, Cal. Its injuries rapidly increased in the Santa Clara Valley, and the insect spread to other orchard sections in the San Francisco Bay region. Its increasing destructiveness and spread led to the establishment by the Bureau of Entomology of a laboratory in the Santa Clara VaUey to determine the life history and habits of the pest and to determine, if possible, measures for its control in orchards. The laboratory thus started durmg the summer of 1907 was continued to the fall of 1912. Mr. Dudley Moulton, an agent of this bureau, who, as Santa Clara County entomologist, had previously had experience with the insect, was placed in immediate charge of the work, in which position he contmued until September, 1909. During his period of service Mr. Moulton was assisted m the Santa Clara Valley at one time or another by Messrs. C. T. Paine, S. W. Foster, and P. R. Jones. In the fall of 1908 owing to the rapid dissemination of the pear thrips to the northward an additional laboratory was estabhshed in Contra Costa County, with headquarters at Wahiut Creek. This work was placed under the immediate dhection of Mr. S. W. Foster, who also had charge of operations in the infested counties to the north. During the spraying season of 1909 Mr. Fred Johnson collaborated with Mr. Foster in experimental and demonstration sprajmig in 1 Resigned Oct. 10, 1912. 2 Resigned S?pt. 30, 1912. '■> By A. L. Quaintanoe, In Charge of Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. 73390°— Bull. 173— lo 1 2 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. orchards, and in July of the same year Mr. E. J. Hoddy was assigned to the Wahiut Creek laboratory and assisted in certain cultivation experiments at Suisun in the fall of 1909, and with Mr. R. W. Braucher assisted in the demonstration spraying operations at Suisun and Courtland during the spring of 1910. During the spraying season of 1911 Mr. Foster was assisted by Messrs. E. L. Jenne and R. L. Nougaret. Upon the resignation of Mr. Dudley Moulton Mr. P. R. Jones was placed in charge of operations in the Santa Clara Valley and was assisted during the spraying season of 1910 by Mr. E. L. Jenne and during the spraying season of 1911 by Messrs. A. G. Hammar and W. M. Davidson. During the spraying season of 1912, owing to the absence from California of Mr. Foster, Mr. Jones was charged with all of the pear- thrips operations in California and was assisted in the work by Messrs. W. M. Davidson and L. L. Scott, located at Courtland, by Mr. R. L. Nougaret at Suisun, and by Mr. E. L. Jenne at Walnut Creek. The manuscript for the present report has been prepared as fol- lows: All of the data relating to Contra Costa County and counties to the northward have been prepared by Mr. Foster, the senior author. Report of operations in the Santa Clara Valley, as w^ell as much of the life-history matter, has been prepared by Mr. Jones. The re- maining chapters were written jointly by Messrs. Foster and Jones. Especial acknowledgment is due to the supervisors of Contra Costa County and Santa Clara County for their assistance in furnishing facilities for work during the season of 1909, and for supplementing the bureau's funds before the special appropriation from Congress was available. The bureau desires also to acknowledge its obliga- tions to many orchardists in the thrips-infested territory, who placed at the disposal of the Department of Agriculture their orchards and facilities for experimental and demonstration purposes. The suc- cess which many orchardists have obtained in the control of the pear thrips by the adoption of the recommendations of the bureau, as well as the large-scale spraying demonstrations which the bureau has conducted, has fully demonstrated the effectiveness and practi- cability of the methods recommended. Especial acknowledgment is made also to Mr. W. S. BaUard, of the Bureau of Plant Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture, for much valuable assistance and numerous courtesies rendered during the course of the work at Suisun. The present paper deals with the life history and habits of the pear thrips, the results of experiments and demonstrations with sprays and other remedial operations having been given in Circular No. 131 of the Bureau of Entomology. THE PEAK THKIPS IN CALIFOENIA. 3 HISTORY. LITERATURE. The first reference in literature to the pear thrips is the original description of the insect by Miss M. Daniels in Entomological News for November, 1904.^ The type specimens were taken on pear near San Leandro, in Alameda County, Cal., for which reason it was given the common name ''pear thrips." Dudley Moulton,' in 1905, published the first account dealing with the economic importance of this species. He described its different stages and the nature and extent of injury caused by it, and included a discussion of its life history. No advice was given as to remedial measures, except that early winter plowing was advocated. The third reference to the pear thrips in literature was by the same author in Bulletin 68, Part I, of the Bureau of Entomology.^ This contained practically all that was included in the former pubhcation, with additional information accumulated, makmg a more complete account of the pest. It was illustrated with appropriate figures of all stages, including the eggs and pupa, which had not theretofore been figured. No successful remedial measures, however, had been de- termined. The next publication was also by Moulton, and was issued as Bul- letm 80, Part IV, of this bureau.* It gave an extended account of the life history of the pear thrips, with recommendations for early fall plowmg and cross-plowing, to be followed by spraying in the spring for the adult and an application against the larvae after the falling of the petals. Tables were given showing the actual number of thrips killed in the plowed as compared with the unplowed areas. The next account was published as Circular 131 of the Bureau of Entomology,^ and is a concise abstract of the present paper. The Journal of the South-Eastern Agricultural College, Wye, Kent County, England, No. 19, for 1910 (published in 1911), con- tains an article by F. V. Theobald® dealing with thrips in general, in which this species receives considerable prominence. 1 Daniel, S. M. New California Thysanoptera. In Entomological News, v. 15, no. 9, p. 294-295, No- vember, 1904. 2 Moulton, Dudley. The Pear Thrips {Euthrips pyri). California State Horticultural Commission, Publication, Sacramento, 1905. 17 p., 8 figs. 3 Moulton, Dudley. The Pear Thrips. {Euthrips pyri Daniel.) U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent., Bui. 68, pt. 1, 16 p., 8 figs., 2 pis., June 10, 1907. 4 Moulton, Dudley. The Pear Thrips and its Control. {Euthrips pyri Daniel.) U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent., Bui. 80, pt. 4, p. 51-66, figs. 13-17, pis. 4-6, Sept. 4, 1909. 6 Foster, S. W., and Jones, P. R. How to Control the Pear Thrips. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent., Circ. 131, 24 p., 14 figs., Jan. 9, 1911. s Theobald, Fred. V. Report on economic zoology for year ending Sept. 31, 1910, p. 57-67, fig. 5, Pis. XXV-XXVni. In Jour. Southeast. Agr. Col., Wye, no. 19, 1911. 4 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Also in 1911 Mr. P. J. Parrott ^ published an account of the appear- ance of this species in New York State, and in January, 1912, he issued a more extended account of the pear thrips iu New York.^ fflSTORY IN ORCHARDS AND DISTRIBUTION. The first reported injury caused by tlie pear thrips was noticed in the year 1902, in an orchard owned by Judge S. F. Leib and Mr. G. M. Bowman. This orchard was situated in the Berryessa district of the Santa Clara Valley, near vSan Jose, and consisted chiefly of the Imperial variety of prunes. The injury was noticed at first on about 20 or 30 acres of the 200 acres of orchard, and the cause of the trouble at that time was unknown. In the spring of 1904 every other row of this orchard was top-worked with sugar prunes, chiefly to secure better cross-pollination with the Imperial variety of prunes, the lack of w^hich was supposed to have been the cause of failure of the crops in the past. During a drive through 100 acres of this orchard the fruit buds were observed to be just beginning to show the white tips of the petals, and the prospects seemed excellent for a good crop. When revisiting the place five days later, the owner found to his utter astonishment that the whole orchard had the appearance of having been scorched with fire and that there was not an average of a dozen blossoms to the tree. The thrips were discovered this same year (1904) in the orchard of Mr. R. K. Thomas, on Cypress Avenue, near Stevens Creek Road, about 7 miles distant in an air line from the Leib orchard. From these two orchards infestation has, with the exception of a few acres, spread all over the Santa Clara Valley and into other valleys sur- rounding the San Francisco Bay. No exact information is available as to the first appearance of the thrips in other counties, but many orchardists claim that it has been in Contra Costa County since 1904 and in Solano County at least since 1906. In addition to these centers of infestation in Santa Clara, Contra Costa, and Solano Counties, the insect is now present in considerable numbers in Alameda, Sacramento, Yolo, Napa, Sonoma, San Joaquin, and San Benito Counties. The general area of infestation in California is indicated in the accompanying map (fig. 1). There have been several reported outbreaks of this species in other parts of the wState, notably from the Sierra Nevada foothills near Newcastle and Auburn, near Red Bluff and Anderson in the Sacra- mento Valley, and from the fruit districts of Tulare and Fresno Counties in the San Joaquin Valley. The species in question, how- 'Parrott, P. J. Occurrence of Euthrips pyri Daniel in New York State. In Science, n. s., v. 34, no. 864, p. 94, July 21, 1911. 2 Parrott, P. J. The Pear Thrips. N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y., Bui. 343, p. 341-366, 4 figs., pis. 30-33 and 1 col. pi., Jan., 1912. THE PEAR THEIPS IN CALIFORNIA. ever, were found to bo (Eathrips) Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande and (Euthrips) Frankliniella tritici Fitch, neither of which is particu- hirly injurious to deciduous fruits. Reports of injury supposed to have been caused by this species were received from the Rogue River Valley hi Oregon, but a critical examination, in 1909, showed no signs of the work of the pear thrips. In the spring of 1910 many larviB of (Euthrips) FranHinie.lla tritici were found, but none of the species under consid- eration could be obtained. Not until the year 1911 was tlje pear thrips positively known to be present in the United States outside of the infested districts of Cali- fornia. However, in the spring of 1911 Mr. P. J. Parrott found it in considerable numbers around Germantown and other points along the Hudson River in New York.^ Later in the year specimens of (Euthrips) Tseniothrips pyri were found among some Thy- sanoptera which had been col- lected in the spring by IVIr. Parrott in the vicinitv of Geneva, N. Y. " In May, 1912, Mr. A. L. Quaintance sent the authors a number of specimens of thrips collected in pear blos- soms from six differ- ent orchards by ]Mr. Fred Johnson at North East, Pa. All proved to be tlie pear thrips, (Euthrips) Tseniothrips pyri. In 1909 Bagnall - reported that numerous examples of this very injurious species, taken in phmi blossoms at Evesham, England, had been sent to him by Mr. Walter Collinge. So far as we know, this and the previously mentioned account by Theobald are the only published reports of the occurrence of this species outside of the United States. Two other species of Thysanoptera (Thrips plnjsapus L. and T. flam Schrank) are mentioned by Carpenter as the "pear-blossom thrips" 1 Parrott, P. J. Occurrence of Euthrips pyri Daniel in New York State In Science, n s., v. 34, no. 864, p. 94, July 21, 1911. 2 Batcnall, Richard S. A contribution to our knowledge of the British Thysanoptera (Terebrantia), with notes on injurious species. In Jour. Econ. Biol., v. 4, no. 2, p. 33-41, July 7, 1909. Fig. 1.— Map showing general area of infestation by the pear thrips in California. (Authors' illustration.) 6 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. in his report before the Royal Dublin Society for 1900/ and as the "pear thrips" in his report to the same society for 1901.- In the report for 1900 he states that these two species were found feeding in unopened pear blossoms near Dublin, and he attributes the failure of the fruit that season to the work of these insects. The report for 1901 states that a Dr. Barton tried a dressing of kainit around the trees, with very satisfactoiy results. In December, 1914, Mr. W. M. Scott ^ reported the occurrence of the pear thrips m a Kieffer pear orchard near Baltimore, Md. The insect was so abundant as completely to destroy the crop of fruit. THEORIES AS TO ORIGINAL HOME. Various ideas have been advanced as to the original home of the pear thrips. Dr. Pietro Buff a, a well-known student of Thysanoptera, in private correspondence under date of April 17, 1909, suggested that while it is a good species it should be put only in the genus Physopus, and expressed the belief that it was not a European species. Prof, Silvestri suggested that it was introduced from China or was of other oriental habitat. Several leading fruit growers have expressed the belief that the insect was introduced into this country from France or England, giving as the reason its apparent partiality to prunes, which are varieties of European plums. The occurrence of the pear thrips in England lends some weight to the theory that it is of European origin. It may be that natural conditions hold it in check in England and that its advent into Cali- fornia under conditions more suitable for its rapid increase explains its presence there in such enormous numbers. Now, however, that its presence is definitely established in the eastern United States, it is probable that the insect had been in this country for years before it was discovered. It may be possible that the pear thrips is native to the Santa Cruz Mountains, with some wild rosaceous plant as its original food plant. Upon this supposition it is probable that it has been present in the Santa Clara Valley for many years, and that it first became notori- ously destructive with the advent of favorable conditions. While this species has been taken upon a great variety of plants and has been found to be able to subsist on many of them, it is distinctly an enemy of deciduous fruits, to which it shows a decided preference. COMMON NAMES. Many common names have been assigned to this insect, as ''pear thrips," ''prune thrips," "cherry thrips," etc. The first mentioned, 1 Carpenter, G. H. Report on economic entomology for the year 1900, p. 96-97. Reprinted from the Report of the Council of the Royal Dublin Society for 1900. 2 Carpenter, G . II. Injurious insects observed in Ireland during the year 1901, p. 153-154. In The Econ- omic Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, v. 1, pt. 3, no. 5, July, 1902. 3 Jour. Econ. Ent., v. 7, No. 6, p. 47S-479, Dec, 1914. THE PEAE THKIPS IN CALIFOKNIA. 7 namely, ''pear thrips/' has been more extensively used, following the original designation of the insect, because the species was first described from specimens taken upon pear trees. The word "thrips" is a general term for the species of the order Thysanoptera and is sometimes erroneously applied to certain other insects, as the grape leafhopper (Typhlocyha comes Say). The word ''thrips" is both singular and plural. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE. DESTRUCTIVENESS. This minute insect, which until 1904 was unknown to science, is at present one of the most important insect pests with which the growers of deciduous fruits in the San Francisco Bay region and adjoining counties have to contend. The rapidity with which the insect spreads, its suddenness of attack and complete blasting in a few days of all prospects for a crop of fruit, and the difficulty experienced in its control, combine to make its subjugation a matter of considerable difficulty. Moreover, as the insect is each year developing an ability to subsist on other and new food plants, its capabilities for dissemi- nation become correspondingly increased. There is no reason to beheve that the thrips will disappear in a few years, and it should be at once realized that only the most careful attention each year to neces- sary control measures will make it possible to continue the profitable culture of fruit in regions where this insect is present in any con- siderable numbers. In the Santa Clara Valley this insect has been worse some years than others, notably in 1905, 1907, 1908, 1909, and 1910, but it is safe to say that from now on the maximum prune crop possible for this valley will never again be reached unless every orchardist does the utmost in his power to control the thrips. Wliiie it may be pos- sible for unfavorable weather conditions to reduce the possibility of a good crop of 100,000,000 pounds of dried prunes for this valley to something hke 40,000,000 or 50,000,000 pounds, the thrips, in a great measure, has been responsible for the small crops since 1907, and will continue to be so, first, by killing the fruit buds before they bloom; secondly, by depositing the eggs in the fruit stems, and, thirdly, by the feeding of the larvse on the fruit, causing it either to drop prematurely or to develop misshapen and scarred on the trees. While the thrips is doing much serious work in the Santa Clara Valley to cherries and pears and the damage done to different varie- ties of peaches is increasing, yet on account of the small acreage of these fruits the chief loss from a commercial standpoint is to the prune industry. Some idea of the destruction caused by the pear thrips during the previously mentioned bad years may be gained from the following figures, giving the approximate yield of prunes in pounds each year for the years 1900 to 1912, inclusive. BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPAKTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Table I. — Yield of prunes for the Santa Clara Valley, 1900~iyu, inclusive. Season. Yield of dried fruit. Season. Yield of dried fruit. 1900 Pounds. 120, 000, 000 35, 000, 000 120,000,000 9(1,(100,(100 1(1(1, (1(1(1, 111 10 50. 000.000 1907 Pounds. 50, 000, 000 40, 000, 000 85, 000, 0(J0 ( 35,000,000 \ 40,000,000 100, 000, 000 t)5, 000, 000 19011 1902 1903 1908 1909 1910 1911. 1904 1905 1906 120.000.000 1912 ' Severe frost. In 1911 the pear thrips probably caused a heavy loss in spite of the fact that there were not more than one-half as many thrips present in this valley as in 1910. The good prune crop in the Santa Clara Valley in 1911 was due to light thrips injury and the very heavy rainfall. The amount of rainfall, which was about 8 inches more than the normal, not only placed the trees in excellent shape to bear a heavy crop, but, coupled with other climatic conditions during the early part of 1911 and latter part of 1910, lessened the work of the thrips very materially. Notwithstanding a favorable fruit year from a weather point of view, thrips in some places caused a great amount of damage. The thrips damage in the Santa Clara Valley for 1910 was caused principally by the adults, with very little larval work, while for 1911 it was just the reverse, the adults doing comparatively little injury because of less numbers and strong fruit buds as a result of the heavy winter rains. The scarcity of adult thrips in 1911 may have been due to several causes. Two heavy rains during the early part of April of the previous year knocked off many young larvae before they were sufficiently mature for transformation. In addition the season for pupating, June to December, 1910, was abnormally dry, showing a deficiency in rain- fall of 5.28 inches, while the emergence period in the spring of 1911 was unusually wet and cold. All of these conditions caused a higher mortality than would be the case under normal conditions. However, in orchards which showed comparatively few adults the larvae were sufficiently abundant to riddle the foliage and cause much of the young fruit to drop. The heavy rains during the emergence period also checked to some extent the work of the adults. In estimating the economic loss to the fruit industr}^ of California caused by the pear thrips it is necessary to begin with the year 1904, when it was first known that the insect was doing commercial damage, and continue down to the present time. An attempt will be made to give a fair estimate of the amount of damage done yearly to the prune industry alone in the Santa Clara Valley for the years 1904 to 191 1, inclusive. THE PEAR THRTPS IN CALIFORNIA. 9 The average size of prunes grown in the Santa Chara Valley is 60-70; that is, dried prunes requiring from 60 to 70 to make a pound. The price paid for prunes during the years fi-om 1904 to 1911, inclu- sive, was variable, but would average close to a ;^-cent basis; that is, 3 cents per j^ound for dried prunes running 80 prunes to the pound. In order to be conservative, the average sizC; 60-70, is disregarded, and the loss is figured on the regular 80-to-the-pound basis. In 1904 the loss was estimated at 500 tons, or 1,000,000 pounds (dried prunes), which, at 3 cents per pound, amounts to $30,000. For the year 1905 it was placed at 10,000,000 pounds and the damage at $300,000; in 1906 at 5,000,000 pounds, worth $150,000; in 1907, 15,000,000 pounds, worth $450,000; in 1908, 20,000,000 pounds, worth $600,000: in 1909, 30,000,000 pounds, worth $900,000; in 1910, 40,000,000 pounds, worth $1,200,000; and in 1911, 20,000,000 pounds, worth $600,000. The total of all of these years would be 141,000,000 pounds, valued at $4,230,000.^ The estimates for some years probably have been close to the actual damage done, but more frequently the loss has undoubtedly been underestimated. In 1904 all the fruit of one orchard, comprising 100 acres of Imperial prunes, was totally destroyed, and this alone at an average crop of 5 tons of green prunes per acre, on a 3-cent basis for dried prunes, would have been valued at close to $30,000, because of the large size of this variety of prune, only from 30 to 40 of which make a pound. In estimating this loss no account is taken of the great deprecia- tion in value of the crop caused by scabbing. The entire yield each year has been counted as merchantable fruit, and estimates of damage made solely from orchards showing total loss or a marked reduction in tonnage produced. To explain more fully the commercial quotation of a 3-cent basis, it is meant that 3 cents per pound will be paid for dried prunes averaging 80 prunes to the pound. For prunes which are larger and free from scab or defects the price is usually $1 per ton more for each point in size, and for smaller prunes the price decreases corres- pondingly. As to the extent of the damage the pear thrips will cause in tliis county if left unchecked, it is difficult to estimate, but the fact that thrips were twice as numerous in 1910 as in 1909 shows their ability to double the damage performed in any preceding year. The cause for the notably light prune crop in 1910 is not attributed altogether to the work of the pear thrips, but partly to unfavorable weather conditions, which pervented man}^ of the blossoms from setting fruit. However, all the large producing prune districts of the Santa Clara Valley were very seriously injured by the pear thrips, and hundreds I These estimates are based on fuller and more complete reports than could be obtained in time for Circular 131 of the Bureau of Entomology, and these figures more nearly represent the actual loss. 73390°— Bull. 173—15 2 10 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGBICULTURE. of acres in these districts were prevented from })looming — a fact not attributable to unfavorable weather conditions but solely to ravages of the thrips. Other orchards, under same weather conditions but with little or no thrips injury, produced a full crop of blossoms. During the year 1911 another type of injury that was different from previous years, which may be called cumulative injury, was noticeable in many orchards. Barring the three heavy frosts in April, the blooming and fruithig season hi 1911 was exceedingly favorable in so far as climatic conditions were concerned. Never- theless about the 1st of May the trees -in many orchards turned a sickly yellow owmg to the work of the thrips in 1911 and from devas- tations by this insect in previous years. Some orchards which were out of the frost belt and which were not severely injured by thrips in 1911 showed this condition noticeably. It is possible that much of this was due to neglect of the orchards by fruit growers who did not obtain crops of fruit during the preceding four years because of the injury of the thrips to the buds, blossoms, and young fruit. As mentioned before, practically all of the Santa Clara Valley came into full bloom in 1911 and gave promise of a record crop, but larval injury was very heavy over the entire valley. This, with the result of injury in previous years, apparently greatly weakened the trees and caused much of the fruit to fall at the first unfavorable weather. Injury to pears in the Santa Clara Valley has never risen to great proportions from a financial point of view, for the reason that most of the acreage of this kind of fruit is set out near Santa Clara and Alviso, sections of this valley where the thrips has not yet become dangerously numerous. However, during the season of 1911 a num- ber of orchards in these localities became badly infested. The amount of damage done to cherries in this valley has not been determined on account of the scattered acreage planted to cherries in the infested area. The distinctly severe years for thrips injury in Contra Costa County in pear orchards were 1908 and 1910, when the crops were practically annihilated. Also there was great loss the two previous years, 1906 and 1907. The prune orchards suffered in these years and in the year 1909, producing less than one-third of a normal crop any one year. The fruit crop has been seriously menaced each year since 1905, the area increasing yearly, and in 1911 it aggregated a total loss to the county of between $1,000,000 and $1,250,000. Solano County has in some ways been more fortunate, as the thrips has been loiown to cause serious injury only since 1907, but even in that time the thrips has spread rapidly and caused great damage on large areas; the damage in 1911 was very extensive and the total THE PEAR THRIPS IN CALIFORNIA. H loss to the county attributable to the work of the pear thrips amounted to at least $750,000. The damage in Sacramento County was noticeable only in a com- paratively limited area in 1909, hicreasing considerably both in area and destructiveness during 1910 and 1911, and the total loss to that county probably amounted to at least $250,000. No accurate figures are available for the damage caused in Alameda County, but a considerable area has been infested for several years and many conservative estimates put the total loss to, but not includ- ing, 1912, as more than $150,000. The pear thrips has more recently been found in slightly injurious numbers in Yolo and Napa Counties, in the eastern part of Sonoma County, in the northwestern part of San Joaquin County, and in some parts of San Benito County. Including the infested areas in Santa Clara, Contra Costa, Solano, Sacramento, Alameda, Yolo, Napa, and Sonoma Counties, it is safe to say that the thrips, in absence of treatment, would cause an average yearly loss of over $2,000,000. With each additional year an addi- tional loss of several hundred thousand dollars, due to the increase of the area infested and the increased losses in the areas previously infested, is to be expected. The total damage to the fruit industry of the State of California since the first appearance of the insect aggregates, it is believed, at least $6,630,000 up to but not including 1912. FOOD PLANTS. While the pear thrips is distinctly a deciduous-fruit insect and practically all of its damage is confined to this class of plants, it has been found upon a great variety of plants the list of which is increas- ing each year. The fact of its wide range of food plants makes extermination practically impossible, whereas control can be readily practiced. It has been taken upon the following plants and could probably subsist upon a number of them long enough to make it a constant menance to the fruit industry of California: Apricots, apples, almonds, cherries, figs, grapes, pears, plums, prunes, walnuts, madroiia {Arbutus menziesii), wild California lilac (Ceanothus thyrsi- Jiorus) , poison oak (Rhus diversiloba) , dogwood (Cornus sp.), acacia, willow (Salix sp.), laurel (Umhellularia calif ornica), mustard (Bras- sica nigra), live oak (Quercus wislizeni), miner's lettuce (Montia perfoliata), and various grasses and weeds. CHARACTER OF INJURY. MANNER OF FEEDING AND TYPE OF MOUTHPARTS. Injury to plants by the pear thrips is caused directly by the feeding of the adults and larvjB upon the various portions of the fruit, buds, flowers, and leaves, and also by the deposition of eggs in the leaf surfaces, fruit stems, and newly formed fruit. 12 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGKICULTUEE. The mouthparts of the Tliysauoptera present many difRculties for study and are not thoroughly understood. They are so modified that various writers have disagreed regarding their homologies. They appear, however, to belong chiefly to the suctorial type, and they show many traces of a transition from the mandibulate type to the suctorial. (See PI. I, fig. 7.) Viewed as a whole, the mouthparts appear as a broad and jointed cone attached to the posterior edge of the underside of the head and resting for a large part under the pronotum. The apex of the cone is quite sharp, but not so slender and drawn out as in the Hemiptera. The mouthparts as a whole are strikingly unsymmetrical. The most evident marks of this are the forms of the labrum and the left mandible. The first, which makes the front wall of the cone, is unsymmetrical in the whole order, but especially so in the Terebrantia. It is irregularly triangular in form and is attached by its broad base to the clypeus. It becomes narrower as it approaches the tip and is usually rounded in the Terebrantia but more variable in the Tubulifera, where it is pointed in some species and broadly rounded in others. The maxillae are broad and flat and constitute the side walls of the mouth cone. They also taper toward their tips. The labium forms a hiiid wall of the mouth cone and is usually considerably broader at the tip than at the other parts. Within this hollow cone lie che piercing organs, which are three in number. First, there is a single large mandible lying on the left side of the mouth cavity, whereas the right side has no corresponding member.^ The other two organs are the maxillary lobes. These are more slender and longer than the mandibles and are developed alike on each side. All of the mouthparts are strongly chitinized at the tip, being more so in the adults than in the larvsB although the mouthparts of the latter are otherwise closely similar to the former. The members of this order are thought to use the mandibles for piercing the exterior portion t)f the plants, while the maxillary lobes, which are longer, are used to penetrate deeper into the tissues, and are moved with a rasping motion, causing the juices of the plant to flow, so that they may be sucked up into the alimentary canal. In feeding, as observed by aid of a hand lens, both adults and larvge exhibit an up-and-down motion of the head combined with a forward motion which might be properly termed rooting. Most of the species under the writers' observation prefer to enlarge a wound into the plant tissues where the juices flow more readily rather than to select new areas for feeding. This continual macerating of the fruit by the pear thrips for a period of several days causes on deciduous fruits what is known as the characteristic pear- thrips scab, which I The mandible in the Tubulifera is shorter and more bent than in the Terebrantia. Jl. 1 73, U. S. Dept. ot Agriculture. The Pear Thrips (Taeniothrips pyri Daniel Fig. 1.— Adult. Fig. 2.— Egg.s. Fig. 3.— First-stage larva. Fig. 4.— Full-grown larva. Fig. 5.— Pupa, first stage. Fig. 6.— Pupa, last stage. Fjg. 7.— Side view of head sliowing mouth parts. All greatly enlarged. (Original.) Bui. 173, U. S. Dept of Agriculture. Plate II. Fig. 1.— Mature Pear Showing Injury Resulting from Feeding of Larv/e of the Pear Thrips. (Original.) Fig. 2.— Tomato-Shaped Pears Resulting from Feeding by Adult Pear Thrips in the Fruit Buds Before Blooming. (Original.) INJURY TO PEARS BY THE PEAR THRIPS. THE PEAR T?TRIPS IN CALIFORNIA. 13 is very noticeable when the fruit is picked in the fall. Although at this time the insects in question have been in the ground three or four months, the injuiy becomes more apparent with the maturity of the fruit, and the scabbing or scarring shows as the result of the early spring feeding by this species. The most serious injury to deciduous fruits by the pear thrips is caused, first, by the feeding of the adults; secondly, by the feeding of the larvae, and thirdly, by the deposition of eggs in the plant tissue by the adults. The effect of this last injury is more apparent upon the fruits of prunes and cherries than upon the other deciduous fruits. Numerous cases have been observed by the writers in both prune and cherry orchards where the trees blossomed heavily and there was promise of the setting of a good crop of fruit, but where practically all the fruit dropped, solely from the effect of having too many eggs deposited in the fruit stems, thus weakening the tissues, and because the larvae, feeding directly on the fruit and foliage, so weakened the tree that it would not support a heavy crop of fruit. Perhaps the chief injury to cherries is caused by the deposition of eggs in the fruit stems. The long and tender stem of the cherry presents a most favorable place for the deposition of a great number of eggs. Injuiy to the various fruits by adults and larvne is different, but, classed in regard to bud structure, those fruits in which only a single blossom is produced in a fruit bud, such as the almond, apricot, and peach, seem to be less liable to severe injury than are the fruits which which form a cluster of blossoms amd later produce a cluster of fruits, such as pear, prune, cherry, and apple. If the thrips had their choice of food plants, pears would probably be attacked first in the spring and destroyed; also, other things being equal, a given number of thrips would do more injury no doubt in a pear orchard than in a cherry or ])rune orcliard. INJURY TO PEARS. The greater injury to pears is caused by the feeding of the adults in the bud clusters before blooming. Coming out of the ground in great numbers in the spring as the fruit buds are swelling, the thrips soon work their way underneath the bud scales and there attack the individual buds. The feeding is not a biting and chewing process, but the thrips, by rasping the tender surfaces in the developing buds with their hardened or chitinous mouthparts, rupture the skin, and the exudation of sap begins. If only a few thrips are present this injury may be slight and the buds may develop and bloom, producing fruit of normal size, although sometimes short-stemmed, or scarred and misshapen. (See PI. II, fig. 1.) Plate II, figure 2, shows two Bartlett pears which grew from a cluster that was badly iujured l)ut 14 BULLETIN 173, V. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. not entirely destroyed. Plate III, figure 1, shows a mature Bartlett pear the one-sid(xl appearance of which was caused partly by adults and partly by larvse. When thrips are more numerous a greater amount of the bud surface is injured, consequently there is a greater loss of sap. If this loss is sufficient to cause the cluster buds to ''bleed" (sap to drop from the end), fermentation quickly sets in and the entire cluster is soon destroyed. • (See fig. 3, in comparison with fig. 2, which shows the cluster buds developing normally.) In many cases blue molds gain a foothold in this fermenting sap and greatly accelerate the injury, causing complete destruction of all fruit buds. The dead clusters later dry up without opening. (See PI. Ill, fig. 1, and compare it with PI. Ill, fig. 2, which is from a photo- graph of the sprayed portion of the same orchard, taken on the same day.) These dead buds may remain on the trees for months unless washed off by rain or blown by winds. The writers have seen many orchards so severely injured that it was difficult to find a single healthy blossom, and the entire orchard from a dis- tance presented at blossoming time a brownish color and dead appearance, due to these blasted buds. Weather conditions influ- ence to a great extent the de- struction following the injury caused by the thrips. For instance, the weather of 1909 in the interior valleys during late February and the first 20 days of March was open and comparatively dry, with more or less wind blowing, giving quick evaporation throughout the day. Many clusters of buds that were kept under observation thi-oughout the season, wdth from 10 to 20 thrips in the cluster, developed many of their buds and produced fruit, a large percentage of which was first class. During tliis period for 1910 there was considerable rain and the atmosphere was warm and humid with very light evaporation. From many observations in Contra Costa and Solano Counties it was shown conclusively that in every case where as many as 10 to 15 thrips Fig. 2. — Cluster buds of Bartlett pears developing normally. (Original.) THE PEAR THRIPS IN CALIFORNIA. 15 gained entrance into the bud duster early in the season, and were left unmolested, the entire cluster was sufficiently injured to prevent the api^earance of a single blossom. In 1909 there was greater evapora- tion, comparatively little of the characteristic bleeding showed at the tips of the buds, and far less of the blue molds appeared in anyplace. Also the thrips came out of the ground more slowly than in 191 0. The latter year thrips were held back to a slight extent by cold wet weather, but once the emergence from the ground commenced, thrips came very rapidly. Then, too, they were more numerous throughout the entire section in 1910 than they were the previous year. The serious nature of this insect can be understood when it is re- alized that in a badly infested pear orchard it is far more usual to find from 75 to 150 and often as high as 200 thrips to the cluster than only 10 to 15. Any spraying to be effec- tive must be done before these thrips have remained long, m numbers, inside the bud clusters. A delay of four or five days in spraymg the badly infested orchards in the spring of 1910 meant the loss of the entire crop, and in many cases a delay of two to three days for the first application meant a loss of more than half the crop. In the ability completely to de- stroy the crop the adult is of more importance than the larva, and in many large orchards the destruction of the developing fruit buds by the adults has been so complete that by the time the trees would normally come into bloom there was left no possibility for a crop of fruit. The larva, together with the injury which has been caused by the deposition of the eggs by the adult, can lessen the prospects of a good crop of fi'uit after it has appar- ently set. To secure the best results it is always desirable first to apply efficient treatment against the adult in order to reduce the early injury to a minimum so that the trees may bloom, and later, to make additional treatment against the larvae. This will usually result in increasing the value of the crop from 10 to 25 per cent for Fig. 3.— Work of the pear thrips on pear at San Jose, Cal. (Original.) 16 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. pears Jind 40 to 50 per cent for ]:)runes. If remedial measures are not successfully used against the adult but only against the larvae, it is not to be expected that 50 per cent of a crop will be saved; but the additional treatment against the larvae after the adult treatments have been applied will cause from 10 per cent to 50 per cent more of the crop to remain on the trees. Without taking into account the after effects of migration, good results can be had in pear orchards by spraying against adults alone, if thorough work is done at the proper time. INJURY TO PRUNES. Next to the pear, thrips injure prunes most severely; and, as the larger fruit area in the Santa Clara Valley is devoted to this kind of fruit, and since the pear thrips has caused the failure over large areas of the prune crop for several years, growers in the Santa Clara Valley have commonly called this particular species the prune thrips. The large acreage of prunes and the general distribution of the pear thrips over the valley, together with the fact that the majority of the thrips are out before many of the buds of the French prunes have started to spread, make it very evident that these little insects, which are waiting on the outside of the twigs in enormous numbers, will at the first sign of life of the prune buds bury themselves into the very heart of the tenderest parts, and rapidly carry on their work of destruction. The numbers that will get inside of a prune cluster is really aston- ishing. Many times the writers have, from a single cluster, taken more than a hundred of these little insects feeding upon the tender blossom stems, the tips of the petals, and the stigma and style of the blossoms when they have opened. These parts mentioned seem to be the choice bits for the adults when feeding upon the prunes. The rapidity with which the thrips can destroy the whole year's crop is astonishing. ]\Iany a time orchardists have gone into their prune orchards at the time the buds were about ready to spread, and, with only casual observation, have failed to see these minute, dark-colored insects crawling around or at rest upon the twigs and buds. Upon inspecting the orchard four or five days later, expecting it to be in full bloom, they have been astounded to find practically all the buds destroyed, leaving no hope for a crop that year, the entire orchard presenting a brown, burnt appearance, with only a stray blossom now and then, a sight which is well known now to the majority of the prune growers of the Santa Clara Valley. Anyone who has ever seen one of these prune orchards with the burned, browned, and blasted appearance beside another of snowy whiteness will never forget the contrast. (See PI. IV, comparing fig. 1 with fig. 2.) Again there may be a very severe larval injury on prunes, such as was the case in 1911. Very few adult thrips occurred in comparison with Bui 173, U. S Dept. of Agriculture. Plate III. Fig. 1.— Untreated Portion of Pear Orchard, Showing Loss of Pear Blossoms Resulting from Attack of the Pear Thrips. (Original.) Fig. 2.— Sprayed Portion of Same Orchard, Showing Trees in Blossom. (Original.) INJURY TO PEAR ORCHARDS BY THE PEAR THRIPS. Bui. 173, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IV. Fig. 1.— Unsprayed Portion of Prune Orchard in which Blossoms are Com- pletely Destroyed by the Pear Thrips. (Original.) Fig. 2.— Sprayed Portion of the Same Orchard, Showing Trees in Full Blossom. (Original.) INJURY TO PRUNE ORCHARD BY THE PEAR THRIPS. Bui. 173, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Fig. 1.— Prunes Scabbed as a Result of Feeding by Pear Thrips Larv/e, (Original) Fig. 2.— Normal Fruit, Uninjured by the Pear Thrips. (Original.) PRUNES INJURED AND UNINJURED BY PEAR THRIPS LARV/€. THE PEAR THEIPS IN CALIFORNIA. 17 1910, and they did not accomplish much injury in the Santa Clara Valley, but larvae were present in large numbers everywhere and riddled the foliage (fig. 4) and weakened the fruit stems, making the financial loss amount to about half as much as in 1910. In regard to varieties, Imperial prunes seem to be attacked first and injured, on the whole, more severely than French prunes in the Santa Clara Vallc}^. This may be explained in several ways: For one thing, the acreage of this variety in the Santa Clara Valley is much less than that of the French prunes and the blossoming period is usually about a week or more earlier; then, too, the small develop- FiG. 4.— Prime foliage riddled by pear thrips larvae. (Original.) ing fruit stems of the Imperial prunes seem to be more tender and not so able to withstand the attacks of the thrips as are those of the French prunes. Sugar prunes, which blossom at a period interme- diate between the blossoming periods of Imperial and French prunes, are, from a financial standpoint, not injured so greatly as are either of the other varieties. This is partly due to the fact that this variety sets an unusually large amount of fruit and is therefore able to with- stand the loss of a considerable portion of it and still produce a fair crop. The scabbing of the prunes on this variety, however, is often so deep as to cause a large exudation of gum and to render a large 73390°— Bull. 173—15 3 18 BULLETIN 173^ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. portion of the fruit unmarketable. Plate V, figures 1 and 2, shows photographs of sprayed and unsprayed prunes, the prunes having been picked from trees when full growai. Robe de Sargent prunes blossom about the same time as French prunes, and are injured to the same extent as that variety. INJURY TO CHERRIES. Cherries, as a whole, arc not injured so severely by the feeding of a given number of adults as would be the case for the same number of thrips upon pears and prunes, but certain varieties, especially the black cherries, suffer comparatively as much from a monetary stand- point as either pears or prunes. Probably the worst damage accom- plished on cherries is by the deposition of eggs in the long fruit stems and in the leaves, and by the feeding of the larvae upon the foliage. The deposition of eggs in the fruit stems has at times caused a large percentage of the cherry crop to drop, and it is a common sight to sec the foliage entirely riddled by the larvae, thus greatly weakening the trees. Many other instances are on record where the adults have injured the fruit buds to such an extent that only a few blos- soms appeared. Late varieties of cherries, such as the Royal Anne, escape serious injury more than the earlier blooming black varieties. Fortunately the manner of bud growth and blossoming of cherries permits effective penetration of different spray solutions more ad- vantageously than is the case with either pears or prunes. INJURY TO APPLES. While there are not many instances of great commercial injury to apples, yet individual cases have been known where the adult thrips have killed all of the buds in the cluster except the central one. This was especially noticeable in an orchard of the Newtown Pippin variety in the vicinity of San Jose in 1910. Some small orchards in Sacra- mento County were rather seriously injured during the same year. INJURY TO PEACHES. Follow^ing the apple, peaches come next in importance as regards possibility of dangerous injury, the early varieties suffering the greater loss. The more seriously injured varieties are the Muir, Nicol-cling, Cra\^^ford, Foster, and Lovel, in order of damage done, injury being more severe on the first two varieties mentioned. On account of the hairy pubescence on the young peach fruits, the thrips prefer to feed upon the nectary glands and the inside of the calyx cups ; this pre- vents proper pollination, and the young fruits drop to the ground a few weeks after the blossoming period. Where the injury has been severe, peaches are sometimes prevented from blooming, and the larvae feeding upon the tender leaves cause them to curl and become dis- THE PEAR THEIPS IN CALIFORNIA. 19 torted somewhat iii the same maiiner as does peach k>af-curl. Some- times the larvaB feed on the young fruit, but rarely to the extent of causing any great loss. INJURY TO APRICOTS. Apricots have not, as a rule, been injured commercially except in cases where there are a few young trees around home grounds or near an infested pear or prune orchard. They are sometimes injured to about the same degree as peaches, and in some cases isolated trees have been observed which failed to bloom as a result of the work of the thrips. Larval injury to the young fruit is usually more exten- sive than is the case with peaches and may at times be serious. How- ever, apricots are apparently not favorite breeding places for thrips. INJURY TO ALMONDS. Ahnonds are injured less by the thrips than any ot the foregoing fruits. On account of the early blossoming of the trees and the rela- tively greater amount of exposed leaf surface at the time the thrips are out in numbers, together with the character of the blossom, which is similar to that of the peach, feeding by the thrips very rarely causes much commercial loss in almond orchards. DESCRIPTION. EGG. The egg when first deposited is bean-shaped, translucent white, measuring on the average about 0.416 mm. in length and about 0.166 mm. at its widest part in the middle. (PL I, fig. 2.) Just before hatching it decreases in length, appears swollen, has a slight brownish tint, and is faintly striated longitudinally where the antennae and legs are folded to- gether. The dark brown spots, the eyes of the young larva, are apparent at one end. FIRST STiVGE ( LARVA 1 DAY OLD). Length 0.646 mm.; width of head 0.166 mm.; width of mesothorax 0.183 mm.; width of abdomen 0.15 mm. ; lengtn of antennae 0.2 mm. ; length of antennal segments: I 20/1, II 40ju, III 45ju, IV WOpL. General color translucent white. General shape fusi- form. Antennae, head, and legs large in proportion to the rest of the body, and unwieldy. Antennae distinctly four-segmented, first segment short, cylindrical; second segment about twice as long as first, oval cylindrical; third segment slightly longer than second, urn-shaped; fourth about aslongasrestof joints together, acutely conical. Afewvery fine incon.spicuous hairs present on all joints, more prominent on segment 4; Head subquadrate; eyes reddisn brown. Thorax about as long as abdomen, slightly wider. Abdomen gradually tapering, 10-segmented, first eight segments subequal, IX and X longer and more abruptly tapering, with a fringe of long, white, nearly inconspicuous hairs. Legs stout; femora and tibiae nearly equal in length; tarsi one-jointed, ending in a single black claw. (PL I, fig. 3.) 20 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUKE. SECOND STAGE (fULL-GROWN LARVA). Total length 1.833 mm.; length of head 0.15 mm., width 0.1083 nun.; length of prothorax 0.1833 mm., width 0.2166 mm.; length of mesothorax 0.1833 mm., width 0.466 mm. Length of antennae 0.2833 mm.; segment I 26/t, II 50/(, III 76/(, IV 66/i, V 14/i, VI 16//, VII 33/i. Antennae: Segment I short cylindrical; II obtuse spindle- shaped; III spindle-shaped, about as long as I and II together; IV nearly as long as III, broader than the rest, subcorneal; V short, narrow cylindrical ; VI slightly nar- rower and longer than V; VII twice as long as VI, narrower and cylindrical. All joints transversely striated and with a few inconspicuous white hairs. General color faintly yellowish wh ite, obtusely fusiform in shape. Body longitudinally and laterally faintly striated. Head quadrate; eyes prominent, dark reddish brown, situated a little in advance of the middle; mouth cone broadly rounded, nearly as long as the head, extending to the middle of the prosternum. Prothorax large, slightly wider than long, diverging posteriorly. Mesothorax and metathorax short and broad, twice as wide as long, subequal, in length about as long as prothorax. Abdomen broad, gently rounded, 10-segment«d, broadest at segments V and VI; first eight segments subequal; segment IX distinctly longer, tapering to apex, the posterior edge armed with a circle of strong, short, thick wedge-shaped spines, the two medio- dorsal and medioventral ones shorter and smaller; segment X slightly tapering, not quite as long as segment IX. Lateral edges of abdomen finely serrated, also with a few long inconspicuous white hairs which are more prominent on segment X. Legs strong; femora and tibiae about equal; tarsi one-jointed, ending in a single black claw. (PI. I, fig. 4.) NUMBER OF MOLTS; DEVELOPMENT. When first hatched the larvae are active and start feedmg imme- diately and soon become more robust. At the end of about seven to eight days they molt into second-stage larvae, where (see description) they are still more robust and show also other difTerences. The total time required for the development of the larvae is about three weeks, although this period is shorter during warm weather. PUPA. PREPUPA (first stage). Total length 1.333 mm.; length of head 0.1 mm., width 0.116 mm.; length of pro- thorax 0.183 mm. , width 0.266 mm. ; width of mesothorax 0.35 ram. ; length of abdomen 0.666 mm., width 0.383 mm. Shape similar to adult; color translucent white, deeply tinted with brown. Head subquadrate, about as broad as long, eyes dark reddish brown. Mouth-cone broadly rounded, extending to about one-half length of the pro- sternum. Antenmi? extending backward on each side of head, apparently four-jointed; first three segments nearly subequal in length, about as broad as long, thick and unwieldy; segment IV about as long as remaining joints, club like, and tapering to an obtuse point. Antennae with a few inconspicuous white hairs. Prothorax nearly twice as long as the head, broadly rounded posteriorly. Mesothorax broader; wing pads short, those of first pair of wings extending to distal edge of third abdominal segment. Abdomen 10-segmented, widest at III and IV, segments gradually tapering from there posteriorly. First eight segments subequal, IX and X longer, distal end of IX with broad spines somewhat similar to those of second-stage larvte but shorter and smaller. Legs stout, similar to those of full-grown larva, whole body with sparse, light-colored, inconspicuous hairs. (PL I, fig. 5.) THE PEAR THRIPS IN CALIFORNIA. 21 PUPA (second staok). Total length 1.416 mm.; length of head 0.183 mm., width, 0.160 mm.; length of prothorax 0.166 mm., width 0.25 mm.; width of mesothorax 0.35 mm.; length of abdomen 0.783 mm., width 0.416 mm. Shape similar to adult, which is visible beneath the thin transparent shell. Apparently brownish in color, caused by adult within. Head broader than long; eyes large, dark brown; mouth-cone of adult within extending to posterior edge of prothorax. Antennae large, cumbersome, laid back on the head and extending past middle of prothorax, four-jointed; I short; II elbowed, about twice as long as I; III short, cylindrical; IV longer than III, sides uneven as knotted club gently tapering to obtuse apex. Joint I of adult is in joint I of pupa, joint II of adult in joint II of pupa, and III of adult within III of pupa; remaining joints of adult within IV of pupa; 3 or 4 white, inconspicuous hairs pro- jecting cephalad from elbow on joint II. Prothorax broader than long. Mesothorax about one and one-half times as broad as prothorax. Wing-pads extending to distal margin of eighth abdominal segment, fore pair not quite so far. Abdomen widest at third and fourth segments, tapering from there to obtuse apex. Posterior edge on ventral side of segment IX with four strong spines resembling a meat fork. This is apparently the cremaster. Legs stout. Entire body with numerous inconspicuous white hairs. (PI. I, fig. 6.) Length of head 0.13 mm., width 0.15 mm.; length of prothorax 0.13 mm., width 0.2 mm.; width of mesothorax 0.28 mm.; width of abdomen 0.31 mm.; total length 1.26 mm. Length of antennal segments: I 33ju, II 45;j, III 63/z, IV 54/*, V 33^!!, VI 66//, VII 9fi, VIII 12/z, total 0.31 mm. Color dark brown; tarsi light brown to yellow. Head slightly wider than long, cheeks arched, anterior margin angular, back of head transversely striate and bearing a few minute spines and a pair of very long prominent spines between posterior ocelli. Eyes prominent, oval in outline, black with light borders, coarsely faceted and pilose. Ocelli approximate, yellow, margined inwardly with orange-lirown crescents, the posterior ones approximate to, but not contiguous with, light inner borders of eyes. Mouth-cone pointed, tipped with black; maxillary palpi three-segmented; labial palpi two-segmented, basal segment very short. Antennse eight-segmented, al^out two and one-half times as long as head, uniform brown except segment III, which is light ])rown; spines pale; a forked sense- cone on dorsal side of segment III, with a similar one on ventral side of segment IV. Prothorax about as long but wider than head ; a weak spine at each anterior and two large, strong ones on each posterior angle; other spines not conspicuous. Mesothorax with sides evenly convex, angles rounded; metanotal plate with four spines near front edge, inner pair largest. The mesonotal and metanotal plates are faintly striate. Legs moderately long, uniform brown except tibiae and tarsi, which are yellow. Spines on tip of fore and middle tibiae weak; several strong spines on hind tibiae. Wings present, extending l)eyond tip of abdomen, about twelve times as long as wide, pointed at tips; costa of forewings thickly set with from 29 to 33 quite long spines; fore vein with 12 to 15 arranged in two gi-oups of 3 and 6, respectively, on basal half of wing and a few scattering ones on distal part; hind vein with 15 or 16 regularly placed spines; costal fringe on fore wing about twice as long as costal spines. Abdomen subovate, tapering abruptly toward the tip from the eighth segment; longest spines on segments 9 and 10; abdomen uniform brown, connective tissue yellow. (PI. I, lig. 1.) I 22 BULLETIN 17.3, U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SYSTEMATIC POSITION. The pear tliri])s belongs to that suborder of the Thysanoptera called Terebrantia, which differs from the other suborder, the Tubulifera, in the possession by the female of a sawlike ovipositor; also, the terminal segments of the abdomen are conical and the wings are not equal in structure, the fore pair being the stronger. The mem- brane of the wings, also, has microscopic hairs. This species is placed in the family Thripidse and is separated from the vEolothripidse in that the antennse usually have from 6 to 8 segments, the wings usually are narrow and pointed at the tips, and the ovipositor is dowmcurved. It is placed in the genus Tseniothrips of this family because the body is free from reticulation and the abdomen not closely pubescent; the head nearly or quite as long as wide, with a pair of long bristles between the anterior and posterior ocelli; the cheeks swollen, curving abruptly to the strongly protruding eyes; the antennse eight-segmented, with the last two segments (the style) shorter than the sixth; the maxillary palpi three-segmented, the prothorax very slightly, if at all, shorter than the head, with two long bristles at each posterior angle; the fore tibiae unarmed; the bristles on the veins of the forewings not equidistant, and the last abdominal segment of the female conical and without a pair of short, stout bristles on the dorsal surface. Until recently this species was placed in the genus Euthrips Tar- gioni-Tozzetti, which most American autl).ors had used in the sense of Physothrips and Odontothrips, Tseniothrips and Frankliniella. Hood ^ has recently shown that the name Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti (1881) was first used in a subgeneric sense as a substitute for the name Thrips, which had been used for a subgenus of Thrips Linne (1758), and that it is consequently a synonym of that genus. The pear thrips he places in the genus Tseniothrips Amyot and Serville, the orange thrips in Scirtothrips Shull, and, partly following Karny,^ the various other species formerly assigned to Euthrips in the genera Physothrips, Odontothrips, and Frankliniella. ANATOMY.3 OVIPOSITOR. Tlie ovipositor is attached to the ventral side of the eighth and ninth abdominal segments and is composed of four distinct plates, the under pair attached to the eighth segment and the upper or posterior pair to the ninth abdominal segment. The ovipositor in 1 Hood, J. Douglas. On the proper generic names for certain Thysanoptera of economic importance. In Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., v. 14, no. 1, p. 34-44, 1914. 2 Kamy, H. Revision der von Serville aufgestellten Thysanoptera Genera. In Zooloirische Annalen, Bd. 4, Heft 4, p. 322-344, 1912. 3 For a description of the mouthparts see discussion under "Manner of feeding and type of mouth- parts," p. 11-13. THE PEAR THRIPS IN CALIFORNIA, 23 the pear thrips is curved downward. The passageway between the plates is grooved so that the eggs can pass through readily. The upper edge (of the upper plates) is fitted with sharp sawhke teeth, while the lower plates have similar teeth for most of the way but also bear a number of broad cutting teeth. The end of the ovi- l)ositor is sharp and pointed. When this is inserted into the plant tissues, the slit or opening is enlarged by the action of the hard ser- rate edges of the ovipositor as it is worked up and down by the rather powerful muscles of the abdomen. The ovipositor when not in use is i)rotected in a sheath along the ventral side of the last two seoinents of the abdomen. The wings are long and slender, membranous, with a fringe of fine hair u])on both the anterior and posterior margins, and are never folded. Both pairs of wings are quite similar and when at rest are laid back flat upon the abdomen, the pairs lying parallel in the Tere- brantia. The wings of the family Thripid^e, to which the pear thrips belongs, are slender, and taper from the base to the tip, which is pointed; they bear a general resemblance to sabers. The veins in the family Thri])idae are not so prominent as in the family ^olo- thripidte, and only one or two longitudinal veins are present, the cross-veins being very obscure. The legs and feet of thrips form one of the chief characteristics which separate this order from the various other orders of insects. They are composed of the usual parts of an insect leg, namely, coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, and tarsus. There is nothing unusual in the formation of the first four parts, the femur and tibia usually being quite long and somewhat cylindrical. The tarsus is the most pecuhar structure on the leg, and may be either simple or of two segments, and usually ends in one or two claws. In the family Thripidse, they belong to the former type. The remarkable bladder- like structure, which for many years gave the name Physopoda to this order, is protrusile from the end of the last tarsal segment. It is i)resent in both adults and larvae. The end of the tarsus is cup- shaped, and into this cup the dehcate membranous bladder is attached. When the foot is at rest the bladder is invisible and is withdraA\m into the end segment. The bladder is protruded and brought into action when the adult is resting on some surface or walldng around. The mechanism of the bladder has been partially worked out by Jordon and Uzel, but as it is somewhat intricate it will not be described here. If a swollen bladder is pricked or rup- tured, the blood pours out and the bladder collapses quickly. The 24 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. blood is probably what causes the protrusion of the bladder. Vari- ous agencies have been used in ex])eriments to hinder the thrips in walking about on the surfaces of the plants they are attacking, with the view that if in some way the mechanism of the bladder was affected, either by causticity or by absorption, the bladder would not be able to perform its function, and the insects would fall from any surfaces that were so treated. This has not been successful from the writers' experience, as they have observed on numerous instances thrips crawling around on sticky surfaces, even on tangle- foot, which was to all appearances and to the touch very sticky. This bladderlike formation is probably so deUcate that surfaces which appear smooth or sticky or caustic to the naked eye and human touch are rough and uneven to the thrips and are neither adhesive nor caustic. The writers have never seen thrips stuck to any sur- face by the ends of their tarsi, but only by their bodies, legs, or wings. It is apparent that they are able to walk on practically every kind of surface, especially after this treated surface has been exposed to the atmosphere for a few hours. LIFE HISTORY AND HABITS. ADULTS IN SPRING. EMERGENCE FROM GROUND. The first form of the pear thrips to be seen by the orchardists durmg the growing season is the adult (PI. I, fig. 1), which emerges from the ground during the last winter months and the early spring. The period in which they first appear upon the trees in Santa Clara, Contra Costa, Solano, and Sacramento Counties is variable. Certain sections in each territory are earlier than others and some orchards are in advance of others in regard to blossoming conditions. In the Santa Clara Valley during the year 1909 the first acKilt thrips were collected February 15. (See Table IV.) By February 18 they were quite numerous in one of the orchards under observa- tion and were common in all orchards by February 25. Maximum emergence began about February 19 and lasted until March 18. They continued to emerge until the first three days in April. In Contra Costa County first thrips were out at the laboratory February 12 and in the field February 16, emerging in numbers by February 20. Maximum emergence was over by March 15 and aU were out by March 27. During the season of 1910 the first thrips taken in the field in Santa Clara County were observed on February 7, while the first in emergence cages appeared on February 9. They were common in the field from P'ebruary 15 on. Thrips appeared in maximum numbers from the cages (see fig. 5) beginning February 22 and ending March 10, with the last stragglers coming out as late as March 20. The emergelice season for 1911 at first gave promise THE PEAR THRTPS IN CALIFORNIA. 25 of being very early, as the first thrips were found in the field on January 29 and in the emergence cages February 1 ; but the heavy rains following in February and March caused it to be very back- ward, so that thrips were not common in the field until March 14, which was about the time of the true maximum emergence. In Contra Costa County during the season of 1909 the maximum number of thrips emerged in cages, which were put in the ground in the yard at the laboratory, from February 23 to March 4. (See Fig. 5. — Type of soil cage used for soil samples in obtaining emergence records of the pear thrips at San Jose, Cal. (Original.) Table VI and fig. 7.) In cages placed under trees (see fig. 6) in the field the thrips emerged in maximum numbers from February 26 to March 12 (see Table V and fig. 8). During the spring of 1910 the first thrips found to emerge in the cages at the laboratory were out on February 18 (see Table VI and fig. 9) and in the field cages on February 21, reaching a greater daily emergence by March 1, and contmuing to emerge in considerable numbers until March 15, the maximum emergence being March 7 (see Table V and fig. 10). By comparing figures 7 and 8, which show the emergence records for 73390°— Bull. 173—1.5 4 26 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 1909, with figures 9 and 10, showing the record for 1910, it will be seen that the time of emergence in any considerable numbers was much shorter in 1910 than was the case in 1909. No actual daily emergence records were kept in 1911, but no thrips were found in. the field untU February 18 and then only very few in one early almond orchard. On February 24 a few scattering specimens were found in two pear orchards. Not until March 12 were they appearing in any noticeable numbers, but the emergence was very rapid after this, reaching the maximum between March 15 and 20. The emer- gence of adults was mostly over by March 30. Fig. G.— Type of wooden cage used for' field emergence records of the pear thrips in orchards at Walnut Creek, Suisun, and Courtland, Cal., 1909-10. (Original.) Emergence records and field observations in the Suisun Valley of Solano County (see Table VII and fig. 11) show that for the season of 1910 thrips came out of the ground in numbers on about the same dates as for Contra Costa County. They were out in numbers in the Courtland district of Sacramento County from two to four days earlier. Further observations in 1911 showed the emergence in these two sections to be about the same tune as for Contra Costa County. Records of the emergence for the years 1909, 1910, and 1911 are summarized in Table IV. From this table it will be seen that in Santa Clara County in 1909 most thrips appeared on March 3 while in 1910 March 4 yielded the highest number, with March 3 and 2 THE PEAE THRIPS IN CALIFOENIA. 27 following close behind. The increase in emergence during the season 1909 (fig. 12) and the tapering off in the same year was more gradual 300 275 1 2SO 225 f\ J \ 200 / } V / \ /7S / \ /50 . i f \ /2S J \ /OO y / 1 7^ / f \ SO -^ t-> / V P.T -/ f V V V O / ^--. '^ '^^^/^^W^K^ .V .a .J. ^ ^ . ,, .. ^2^^^^^ya 20 22 2^ 2e 2e Fig. 7.-Curve illustrating emergence of adult pear thrips at laboratory, Walnut Creek, Cal., 1909. (Original.) than during the season 1910 (fig. 13). This difference was most probably mfluenced during the latter season by the temperature. /^ /6 /& 20 22 34 26 28 ^ ^ 6 G /O /2 /4 /e /& 20 22 24 26 28' Fig. 8.-Curve showing emergence of pear thrips in cages under trees in held at Wahiut Creek, Cal., 1909. (Origmal.) RELATIO.V OP EMERGENCE TO TEMPERATURE AND RAINFALL. The average mean temperature for February and March, 1911, or the two months when practicaUy aU of the thrips emerged, was 28 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPAKTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 50.7° F., or about the same as in 1909, and the emergence probably would have been very similar to the emergence for that year but for the abnormal precipitation in February and March, especially in the latter month. 1000 950 900 eso SOO 750 700 650 €00 S50 SOO ^450 ^00 350 300 ?50 200 /SO /OO SO Fig. 9.— Curve showing emergence of adult thrips at laboratory, Walnut Creek, Cal., 1909. (Original.) Table U.—Mean temperatures for the months of February and March, 1909, 1910, and 1911. "F. Mean maximum temperature for month of February, 1909 59. 2 Mean minimum temperatiu-e for month of February, 1909 42. 2 Average mean temperature for month of February, 1909 51. 0 Mean maximum temperature for month of March, 1909 60. 0 Mean minimum temperature for month of March, 1909 40. 0 Average mean temperature for month of March, 1909 50. 0 Mean maximum temperature for month of February, 1910 58. 8 Mean minimum temperature for month of February, 1910 38. 5 < 1 1 1 1 / / / / L / \ J f \ ^^ / s /^ /6 /a 20 22 24 2e 2i ? 2 ^ « e /o rz /t /e /8 THE PEAR THRIPS IN CALIFORNIA. 29 Average mean temperature for month of February, 1910 49. 0 Mean maximum temperature for month of March, 1910 66. 2 Mean minimum temperature for month of March, 1910 44. 5 Average mean temperature for month of March, 1910 55. 0 Mean maximum temperature for month of February, 191 1 56. 5 Mean minimum temperature for month of February, 1911 37. .3 Average mean temperature for month of February, 1911 46. 9 Mean maximum temperature for month of March, 1911 63. 3 Mean minimum temperature for month of March, 1911 46. 0 Average mean temperature for month of March, 1911 54. 6 2200 Z/OO 2000 /900 taoo /TOO /eoo /300 f^OO /300 /ZOO //oo fOOO 900 soo 700 eoo soo ^00 300 200 /oo Fig. 10.— Curve showing emergence of adult pear thrips in cages under trees in field, at Walnut Creek, Cal., 1910. (Original.) It will be seen from the temperature records (Table II) that while February, 1909, had 2 degrees higher average mean temperature than February of 1910, March of 1909 had 5 degrees less average mean temperature than March of 1910, making the average mean temperature for the months in which most of the adults emerged 50.5° F. in the year 1909 and 52° F. in the year 1910. Another factor which held back the emergence greatly the former year was the \ A \\ 1 i A 1 / / / 1 u / 1 1 1 I \ I v > \ V „^ J \ ^^ /a /6 /e 20 22 24 26 2 /^ETBRUy^Ry^ 9 2^ e a /o /2 /4 /6 /a 20 22 24 26 2a /^.4fPC/-/ 30 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUKE. greater rainfall, the month of February, 1909, havmg 4.87 inches precipitation while February of 1910 had only 0.83 of an inch. A comparison of the amount of precipitation for the three years 1909, 1910, and 1911 (see Table 111) shows a large amount for 1909, 650 550 SOO ^fSO • V J4 A S /e 20 22 24 2€ 2'& 2 ■^ 6 & /O /2 /4 /6 /& 20 22 24 26 2e Fig. 11. — Curve showing emergence of pear thrips at Suisun, Cal., 1910. (Original.) which with the low average mean temperature for the two emergence months caused the emergence to be drawn out. The season 1911 was very abnormal in the large amount of precipitation, especially /300 /zoo //OO /ooo sso eoo TOO 600 SOO ^OO 300 200 /OO a 1 n 11 M 1 1 Al 1 1 * l\ k 1' v A 1 "\ \ 1 ) s V y^ \ 1 -N V \ J V \ ^ /O /Z /4 /€ /a 20 22 2-* 26 Z /='£rB/?u^^y e 2 4 6 e /O /2 /t /6 /e 20 2 2 2- 42 62 9 S. ± '^A 1 Fig. 12. — Curve showing emergence of pear thrips at San Jose, Cal., 1909. (Original.) during the latter part of February and early March, causing a late blossoming season, and holding the thrips back to such an extent that comparatively little injury was caused by the adults. THE PEAR THRTPS IN CALIFORNIA. 31 Table III. — Total precipitation for the years 1909, 1910, and 1911 at San Jose, Cal., labor ator II . Month. Precipitation in inches. 1909 1910 1911 February Marcli 4.87 2.77 0.83 2.84 2.03 6.26 One curious fact about the emergence for 1911 was the double maximum, one the latter part of February, from the 18th to the 26th, and another from the 8th to the 15th of March. (See Table IV and 4ZOO ^lOOO 1 3800 A 3600 3^00 li 3200 " 3000 ^ 2300 2€00 Z400 ZZOO 2000 /ffOO /600 1 JZOO fOOO ffOO 600 200 o I I I ) I i / \ A J ) L ^ •^y •^ / V ^ ^^ /o /z /^ /6 /a 20 22 2^ ze 2'e 2 ^ e e /o /z i^ /e /a zo zz 24 26 za Fig. 13.— Curve showing emergence of pear thrips at San Jose, Cal., 1910. (Original.) fig. 14.) From February 26 to March 11, inclusive, it rained every day from 0.02 of an inch to as much as 2.45 inches. Probably a number of the thrips which emerged in February were killed by the heavy rains in early ]\Iarch, or at least were not permitted to cause much injury. The pear thrips emerges from the ground during rainy weather, but not in such great numbers as during warm, sunshiny days, which was the case during the latter part of February and the early part of March of the year 1910. Whether the soil is clean or covered with weeds and grass at this time of year influences the time 32 BULLETIN 173, U. S, DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. of emerji:en.cc ])y soiiio two or three days. This was particularly noticeable in pear orchards used in cultivation experiments in Contra Costa and Solano Counties. In the plowed portions which were free from weeds, the surface dried out and warmed up more rapidly and thrips came out in numbers and into the trees tliree days earlier than on the unplowed part of the orchard, which was covered with a rank growth of vegetation. The shading of the soil by the vegetation seems to result hi holding the thrips within the ground several days later, or else they spend some time on bhis succulent growth before going into the trees. The following tables give the emergence records for the years 1 909 1910, 1911, and 1912 for Santa Clara County (San Jose, Table IV); ZOO /SO /So fVO /€0 /SO /40 /30 /20 //O /oo 90 ao 70 eo so 40 3o zo /o \ \ 1 \ I \ \ i \ / \ ^ 1 s / \ y^ \ 1 s \ 1 \ "^ ^ \ _^ -- ^ /o /^ /8 22 26 ysj. /O /4 /ff 22 26 30, Fig. 14. — Curve showing emergence of pear thrips at San Jose, Cal., 1911. (Original.) y for 1909 and 1910 in Contra Costa County (Wahiut Creek, Tables V and VI), and for 1910 in Solano County (Suisun, Table VII). These tables show the total number of thrips emerging on the given dates from soil in the cages. For the San Jose records, all the cages con- taining soil samples from infested prune orchards were placed in the ground at the laboratory. For the records in Contra Costa and Solano Counties, part of the cages were brought to the laboratory and buried in the ground and part were left in the ground under the trees in infested orchards. (See fig. 6 for type of cage used for the field emergence records in the northern counties.) It was not pos- sible to take the emergence every day, but, so far as possible, counts were made at regular intervals. THE PEAR THRIPS IN CALIFORNIA. 33 Table IV. — Total emergence of pear thrips from all the cages kept at the laboratory at San Jose, Santa Clara County, Cal., during 1909, 19 W, 1911, and 1912. Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number of thrips of thrips of thrips of thrips of thrips of thrips of tlirips of thrips Date emerging emerging emerging emerging Date. emerging emerging emerging emerging in 1909 in 1910 in 1911 in 1912 in 1909 in 1910 in 1911 in 1912 from 18 from 18 from 4 from 4 from 18 from 18 from 4 from 4 cages. cages. cages. cages. cages. cages. cages. cages. Feb. 1 0 0 2 1 Mar. 9 776 144 1 366 2 0 0 7 1 10 497 100 32 442 3 0 0 0 0 11 498 73 54 81 4 0 0 0 0 12 338 179 71 83 5 0 0 0 1 13 313 45 56 161 6 0 0 1 5 14 248 20 22 313 7 0 0 28 3 15 279 7 17 433 S 0 0 5 6 16 259 4 9 239 9 0 25 1 9 17 152 20 2 158 10 0 18 4 9 18 42 7 4 596 U 0 16 1 9 19 61 2 0 209 12 0 16 22 21 20 28 2 0 144 13 0 4 "o 15 21 2 0 3 106 U 0 88 0 33 22 6 0 6 114 15 18 22 11 37 23 13 0 1 103 16 0 27 5 65 24 3 0 1 68 17 52 34 2 104 25 2 0 0 52 18 192 33 17 242 26 3 0 1 39 19 192 14 62 490 27 7 0 1 38 20 169 23 41 384 28 7 0 0 61 21 75 62 32 325 29 0 0 0 17 22 119 129 33 440 30 2 0 0 14 23 135 375 25 422 31 0 0 0 14 24 552 272 26 515 Apr. 1 3 0 0 28 25 459 297 18 800 2 0 0 0 19 26 444 455 8 504 3 1 0 0 9 27 414 574 0 762 4 0 0 0 7 28 781 657 0 1,694 5 0 0 0 4 29 1,169 6 0 0 0 4 Mar. 1 7si" "'i,'975" 6"" 1,721 7 0 0 0 26 2 535 3,592 0 276 8 0 0 0 5 3 1,299 3,011 2 284 9 0 0 0 3 4 714 4,217 4 399 10 0 0 0 1 5 508 1,402 0 400 11 0 0 0 1 6 362 1,595 0 585 12 0 0 0 0 7 8 438 219 539 275 1 21 1,227 1,052 Total.. 11,998 20, 350 660 17,968 Table V. — Emergence of pear thrips from cages placed in ground under trees in pear and prune orchards. Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, Cal. Number of Number of Date. thrips Date. thrips emergmg. emerging. 1909. 1910. Feb. 13 0 Feb. 21 1 16 20 23 4 19 37 25 23 22 30 27 36 26 110 Mar. 1 56 Mar. 2 615 3 237 5 679 5 1,170 10 752 7 2,110 12 273 9 892 16 65 11 1,773 20 33 13 557 22 4 15 198 27 11 17 71 19 3 21 6 27 0 34 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPAKTMENT OF AGRICULTUKE. Table VI. — Emergence of pear thrips/rom soil samples taken from orchards in December and January and kept i)i cages at laboratory, Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, Cal. Number of Number of Date. thrips Date. thrips emerging. emerging. 1909. 1910. Feb. 12 3 Feb. 18 11 15 42 20 16 It) 56 22 0 17 38 24 12 18 66 26 30 20 89 28 75 23 125 Mar. 2 377 25 185 4 918 27 246 6 937 Mar. 1 196 8 165 4 237 10 114 7 51 12 47 10 52 14 0 14 13 16 4 19 0 22 0 Table VII. — Emergence records of pear thrips for Suisun, Solano County, Cal., 1910. Emergence of thrips Emergence of thrips from cages placed in ground under trees in orchards, Suisun, Cal. from soil samples talven from or- chards in Decem- ber and January and liept in cages at laboratory, Sui- sun, Cal. Number of Number of Date. thrips Date. ■ thrips emerguig. emergmg. Feb. 17 3 Feb. 16 1 19 0 17 3 21 0 18 2 23 0 19 6 25 1 20 1 27 20 21 1 Mar. 1 47 22 4 3 121 23 2 10 484 24 5 16 1 25 11 26 11 27 14 28 41 Mar. 1 105 2 247 3 243 7 612 12 357 16 82 19 8 The latest dates on which adult thrips wore collected in the field were about the same for the years 1909 and 1910, the last ones being found from April 15 to April 25. In 1911 living adults were found as late as the middle of May. They were very scarce, however, after May. The number of living adults as a rule decreases rapidly after April 1 . The time adults will feed before they begin ovipositing varies. Those individuals which emerge early and which do not have a suit- THE PEAK THRIPS IN CALIFOENIA. 35 able place for ovipositing will feed from 15 to 20 days before placing any eggs, while individuals which emerge at a later date, as, for in- stance, from March 5 to 20, do not as a rule feed more than one or two days before depositing eggs. Individuals which were taken from emergence cages and placed in mica chimneys were observed ovi- positing the day following their emergence. It is possible that in the field thrips begin depositing eggs more quickly on certain varie- ties of fruits than on others. This would be governed very largely by the presence or absence of available tissue suitable for oviposition. For this reason on the early blooming varieties of cherries thrips prob- ably feed for a shorter time before oviposition commences than is the case with other fruits. PERIOD OF EGG LAYING FOR INDIVIDUALS. The egg-laying period for individuals does not usually last for more than three weeks. Individual thrips confined in mica chimneys on March 5, 1910, did not deposit any eggs after the latter part of March. The full period of egg laying for the entire brood throughout all the infested areas extends from about February 20 until near April 10, or a period of six to seven weeks. LENGTH OF LIFE OF ADULTS. Adult thrips confined in vials without food lived on an average tliree days, while those confined in vials with food lived about two weeks. Adult thrips confined on the trees within mica chimneys lived from three weeks to one month. The length of life of individuals in the field has not been observed accurately, but probably ranges in duration from three weeks to one month and a half. RELATION OF EMERGENCE TO BLOSSOMING OF TREES. The emergence period extends from early February to early April and is closely associated with the blossoming periods for the different varieties of fruits. Budding and blossoming of the different fruits is as follows: Almond buds begin to swell during the latter part of January and early February, and this variety of fruit is in iidl bloom between Februar}^ 8 and 24. Apricots show first blossoms from Feb- ruary 12 to 23, and most varieties are in full bloom by from March 3 to 10. Peaches show first blossoms about February 23 and many varieties are in full bloom from March 8 to March 17. Black Tar- tarian cherries reach full bloom by March 15 to 20, while the Royal Anne variety has not at that time opened its buds. French prune buds are beginning to swell between March 8 and 1 1 and first blos- soms appear by March 20. They are usually in full bloom between 36 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPAKTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. March 26 and April S. The Sugar and Imperial varieties precede the French by about one week. Bartlett pear buds begin to swell the last of February or the first of March, the first clusters usually spread- ing from March 10 to 15 and arc in full bloom for quite an indefinite period between March 20 and April 10. Pears, prunes, and cherries, which are spreading their bud clusters j ust after the maximum numbers of tlirips are coming from the ground, are the fruits most seriously injured by the pear thrips. MIGRATORY HABITS. Evidences of the migratory habits of the pear thrips have been noticed at times during the last three or four years. However, no definite observations concerning their migration had been made until the year 1910. Hitherto it had been noted that in some orchards the adults were very numerous early in the season and doing extensive damage. Later observations at an interval of four or five days showed very few adults present, and the entire orchard had the characteristic browned and burnt appearance. It was quite evident that after destroying aU the fruit buds the thrips had migrated to other orchards in search of food. It was possible to obtain more definite Imowledge regarding migration in the year 1910 than had heretofore been known, for the reason that the thrips were unusually numerous throughout all the infested areas that year and weather conditions were such that practically the entire brood emerged from the ground in a few days. Also, following their emergence in great numbers, the weather was sufficiently warm that the destruction of the fruit buds in the various orchards was accomplished in much shorter time than is usually the case. Observations so far indicate that thrips migrate in swarms only on bright , warm days. Numerous instances of supposed migration were mentioned to the writers at various times during the season, the reports stating that the pear thrips were flying in swarms, but most of the cases reported lacked authentic evidence to bear them out, such as the saving of specimens. However, in the afternoon of March 28, 1910, the junior author drove out from San Jose toward Saratoga and had great difficulty in keeping both hands on the reins on account of the great numbers of thrips which, flying through the air, filled his eyes and covered his clothes. The prevailuig direction of the wind on this day was not observed; no distinct migration or swarm was noted, however, although individuals were numerous flying across the road and could be readily seen when the observer looked toward the sun. They were more numerous on roads running north and south, and extended over a territory of 4 or 5 miles ; they were the most numer- THE PEAR THRIPS IN CALIFORNIA. 3t ous at the west end of Hamilton Avenue and alon<^ the San Tomas and Santa Clara and Los Gatos Roads. On March 30, 1910, still more definite information was gained, and this is probably the most unique record of thrips migration which has yet been taken. The day was bright and rather warm and ended with the evening warm and a gentle breeze blowmg from the south. Mr. E. L. Fellows, who was in Santa Clara on this day, started home about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. About 5.15 p. m., out on the Saratoga Road, he noticed a number of small, black insects which covered his face and hands, his hat and clothes, and got into his eyes. When he was one-fourth of a mile north of Meridian Corners he met the thickest part of the swarm, which appeared literally like a black, glistening, seething mass moving up and down like heat waves. From this place the insects became less numerous as he went toward home, which he reached about 6 p. m. He thought the swarm to be about 8 miles long and 4 miles wide, from 4 to 15 feet high, moving at the rate of about 10 miles per hour northward toward vSan Fran- cisco Bay. As he was not sure concerning the identity of this insect, he gathered several hundred specimens in a paper bag and submitted them to the junior author for identification. They were found to be the pear thrips, Tseniothrvps pyri. This same swarm was noticed by the junior author and by several fruit growers, but they did not have the opportunity to view the whole swarm as did Mr. Fellows. Continued observations during the season of 1910 showed that the usual time for migration was from 3 to 6 p. m. on bright, warm days during the latter part of the period of maximum oviposition, which was also about the time many orchards have been so badly injined that the trees will not bloom. This migratory habit is undoubtedly influenced chiefly by a desire for a new supply of food, better places for deposition of eggs, and suitable weather conditions, especially the temperature. The direction in which thr'ps will migrate depends upon the direction the wind is blowing, and the distance at which suitable feeding places are found. No distinct migration of the whole brood has ever been observed, such as is the case with some species of Orthoptera. The migra- tion from certain badly infested orchard locahties has been in- fluenced, without doubt, ])y the early destruction of the fruit buds in these orchards. Many instances are known where thrips are numerous and their injury severe in an orchard one year and not very numerous the succeeding year, but they are usually higlily injurious again the third year. This phenomenon is more noticeable in pear than in prune orchards, due probably to the fact that a pear 38 BULLETIISr 113, U. S, DEPARTMENT OF AGKICULTTJEE. orchiird in which all fruit buds have been destroyed is poor feed- ing ground for both adults and larvae and reproduction is at the minimum under such conditions. This reappearance in damaging numbers the third year makes it evident that the orchardists should not allow their orchards to go untreated. It should be noted that the years 1907 and 1910 were the only seasons in which the pear thrips migrated to any great extent. No migration was known in the season of 1911, although it was watched for. MANNER OF REACHINO TREE TOPS FROM GROUND. Most of the adults when emerging probably crawl around for a while on the ground until their wings get sufficiently dry and then fly up into the tree. Some, however, must undoubtedly crawl up the trunk, as a few have been caught by tanglefoot bands. This, however, can not be used as a method of control, since very few go up this way; moreover, the thrips would not be caught unless the bands were renewed every day or so, because the bands do not remain sufficiently sticky after a short exposure to the atmosphere. REPRODUCTION. According to Bagnall ^ an example of the male pear thrips was found by him among some specimens of this species taken from plum blossoms at Evesham, England, and submitted to him by Mr. Col- linge, director of the Cooper Research Laboratory at Berkhamstead. His only description is that "It is much smaller than the female and the wings considerably overreach the tip of the abdomen." This is the first report of the existence of the male of this species, and in Cahfornia very extensive observations by the writers and other workers have failed to show a single male, and the only type of reproduction known is by parthenogenesis. In aU of the hfe-history experiments to secure data upon the length of the egg stage indi- vidual females were taken directly from the emergence cages and isolated. It is highly probable that practically all of the eggs which are deposited hatch, as no sterile eggs have ever been found. OVIPOSITION. Moulton 2 states that he has observed the adult in ovipositing to make first a hole in the epidermis of the plant tissue with the mouth before depositing the egg. Repeated observations by the writers of a large series of adults during oviposition have failed to 1 Bagiiall, Richard S. A contribution to our knowledge of the British Thysanoptera (Terebrantia), with notes on mjurious species. In Jour. Econ. Biol., v. 4, no. 2, p. 33-41, July 7, 1909. See p. 39. 2 Moulton, Dudley. The Pear Thrips (Euthrips pyri Daniel). U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent., Bui. 68, pt. 1, rev., p. 7, Sept. 20, 1909. THE PEAR THRTPS IN CALIFORNIA. 39 show a single one going througii this procedure. The usual method as shown by observations during the season of 1910 is as follows: The female starts the ovipositor into the tissue by working the abdomen up and down, gradually forcing the ovipositor its full length into the tissue. After this is done the thrips remains c[uiet for a short interval while the egg is passing out between the plates of the ovipositor. When finished, the female vibrates her antennae and jerks out the ovipositor. Tlie prevaihng posture durmg the whole period of oviposition is with the abdomen arched and the legs spread apart wider than when in walking. The average time required for the operation by a number of individuals observed during the season of 1910 ranged from three to five minutes. After depositing an egg the female usually resumes feeding for a short interval, but some indi- viduals have been observed to deposit two and three eggs in suc- cession without any feeding between times. The number of eggs that a female can deposit in a day is probably not over seven or eight, as the abdominal cavity is not large enough to hold more at one time. EGGS. PLACE OF DEPOSITION. The eggs are always placed in the tenderest portions of the plant tissue, such as exposed blossoms, fruit stems, leaf stems, ribs of the leaves (preferably the midribs), and the leaf edges. Still others are placed in the young fruits. The pear thrips apparently prefers to oviposit upon cherries if a cherry tree is at hand, as the fruit and leaf stems, on account of their length and tenderness, offer excellent places for oviposition without making it necessary for the thrips to move over a large area. However, the small prunes and the stems, as also the stems and midribs of the young leaves of both prunes and pears, are well suited for oviposition by this species. The counts in Table VIII were taken upon leaf stems and fruit stems of French prunes and show the comparative percentage of eggs deposited in each; they also show the inabihty of the different spray mixtures to kill the eggs within the plant tissues, as these stems in question had been sprayed two days previously with a combination of tobacco extract and dis- tillate emulsion. 40 BULLETIN IT.i, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. Table VIII. — Comparative percentage of eggs deposited in fruit steins and leaf stems of French prunes, San Jose, Cal., season of 1910. No. of ob- servation. Number of eggs in leaf stems. Number of eggs in fruit stems. No. of ob- servation. Number of eggs in leafstems. Number ofegsrsiii fruit stems. 1 2 7 44 1 12 2 1 10 45 0 11 3 5 5 46 7 s 4 0 12 47 3 s 5 2 13 48 7 9 6 1 6 49 5 11 7 3 8 50 2 9 8 0 S 51 12 9 9 0 8 52 10 11 10 1 9 53 2 9 11 1 8 54 3 10 12 2 10 55 7 12 13 2 4 56 0 6 14 5 6 57 9 10 15 3 10 58 5 11) 16 2 U 59 12 4 17 0 5 60 5 11 18 3 12 61 0 17 19 3 10 62 6 9 20 1 S 63- 2 13 21 0 6 64 4 9 22 0 3 65 5 12 23 3 10 66 8 6 24 1 9 67 0 7 25 1 r, 68 11 8 26 2 13 69 8 9 27 1 10 70 5 16 28 1 5 71 9 7 29 1 9 72 3 S 30 2 8 73 2 9 31 0 16 74 2 7 32 2 8 75 9 11 33 2 4 76 17 S 34 1 15 77 6 10 35 0 9 78 11 4 36 0 11 79 12 S 37 1 7 80 9 14 38 4 19 81 8 9 39 7 16 82 2 S 40 2 13 83 1 11 41 5 7 84 0 11 42 3 12 43 3 9 Total... 299 786 It will be seen from this table, that the average number of eggs placed within fruit stems of prunes is more than twice the number placed in the leaf stems. In pears a very large proportion of eggs is placed in ribs and veins of leaves and a comparatively smaller per- centage in the fruit stems. FIRST EGGS. The first eggs that were noticed in the vicinity of San Jose and in Contra Costa County were placed about March 10 for the season of 1909, while most eggs were being placed about March 15 to 25, and the last eggs in early April. The first eggs were deposited in 1910 in the field about March 9, while maximum oviposition was from March IS until about April 2. The last eggs were observed to be placed in the field toward the middle of April. In the interior counties, espe- cially Sacramento and Solano Counties, eggs were being deposited in large numbers by March 15, and continued to be deposited in num- bers until the latter part of March, a few being found in early April. THE PEAR THRIPS IN CALIFORNIA. 41 LENGTH OP E;ions are found some time in early May. TIME SPKNT IN FEEDINC. The time spent in feeding, or the period required for the larvae to obtain their growth, is from two to three weeks, for individuals. For the whole brood — that is, from the time the first larvae are found on any variety of fruit to the time the last ones are found in the trees — a period of about two months and a half is spent, from the latter part of February to the early part of May. After the larvae have hatched and fed for some seven or eight days they shed their skins, becoming more robust, and ovoid in shape, and in this form they continue until they molt again into the prepupal stage while in the ground. After the larvae have molted the first time they remain upon the tree from ten days to two weeks before becoming full grown and dropping to the ground. The total time spent upon the tree is from two to three weeks. LEAVING TREES AND ENTERING GROUND. On leaving the trees the larvae do not crawl down but either fall or are knocked off by rains or shaken off by winds. A large number fall with the dropping calyces. Numerous instances were recorded in the year 1910 in which heavy rains knocked off large numbers of larvae, some of which reached their full growth by feeding upon miner's lettuce, which was at the time the only vegetation growing in this orchard; but many of these immature larvae were quite small and failed to reach full growth, which is partly responsible for the smaller number of adults in some sections the following year, 1911. The young and only partially grown larvae that fall off the trees and do not come in contact with any weed or grass in the orchard mostly perish. Only the full-grown larv^ that fall to the ground in culti- vated orchards work their way into soil Larvae that fall off normally do not ascend the trees again, but in some cases in cherry orchards where foliage was near the ground on the trunks of the trees many of the larvae were noted to crawl back to lower foliage. This would not be likely to occur on pears or prunes, where there is little or no foliage near the ground. THE PEAR THRIPS IN CALIFORNIA. 45 HABITS OF LARVyK IN THE GROUND. After the larvse have pentrated, the soil to a sufficient depth they hollow out for themselves a small oblong cell, the inner surface of which is a hard, smooth wall, the cell proper being about one-half inch long. These cells are made for safe places in which the larvae may pupate or transform to adults. It is here they spend most of the year. DEPTH TO WHICH LARV.E GO IN THE GROUND. The depth that larvae will penetrate the ground depends largely upon the type of soil. Practically all of the larvae go below the 3 or 4 inches of a loose topsoil mulch and establish themselves at various depths in the harder soil below. The depths at which larvae are found in soils vary from 1 to 26 inches. Both of these are extremes and very rarely contain many thrips. In Contra Costa, Solano, and Santa Clara Counties from 50 to 95 per cent of the tlmps do not go below 9 to 10 inches, the gravelly soil having the highest percentage of the larvae nearest the surface. Some of the sedimentary soils along the Sacramento River are very open and porous — a recent alluvial containing a great deal of decaying vegetable matter. The larvae in such soil may go much deeper, and in many cases they were found in numbers 24 to 26 inches below the surface when none could be found above this depth. Li other cases where these light soils have a good heavy sod, thrips have been found in large numbers from 1 to 3 inches below the surface in the cells constructed among the grass roots. DEPTH TO WHICH LARV^ GO IN DIFFERENT SOILS. An absolutely definite statement as to how deep larvae will go in the various soils, such as gravelly, sandy, sandy loam, sediment loam, and adobe, can not be made, and only comparisons can be given from samples taken from these various soils. On account of the local character of tlu"ips infestation it is important, when one is tiynng to ascertain the depth of most of the larvae in an orchard, that several samples be taken, to insure accuracy. The samples should come not only from different parts of the orchard but also from various distances and locations in the vicinity of the same trees. Soil samples for determining the number of tlirips per square foot and the depth to which the larvae go in the soil should be taken at about 2 to 4 feet from the base of the tree. The samples from which the records given in Table XI were made were taken by sinking galvanized-iron cages into the soil and removing them to the laboratory. The cages had a sliding fourth side which could be be removed so that each layer could be examined by cutting off the desired thickness and sifting the dirt upon a piece of black i^aper. The 46 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPARTMENT OP AGEICULTTJRE. average depth to which larvae will penetrate m gravelly and sandy loam soils is usually less than in heavy sedimentary loam. In those soils which inchne toward the adobe type and in the distinctly adobe soil the larvae usually go deeper. On account of the cracking of this latter type of soil as it dries out in the spring, and the texture, which is such as to prevent the making of a perfect soil mulch, suitable places for niakmg the cell are not found so near the surface. In soils which can be worked readily except in cases of silt deposits or an abnormal amount of vegetable matter below the surface, very few larvae, as a rule, penetrate to an unusual depth below the surface; for this reason practically all the soils in the Santa Clara Valley that are badly infested by tlu'ips are such as render possible the obtaming of practicable results from early fall plowing. Table XI shows the com- parative depth of larvae in a number of samples of soil taken from 10 orchards in Santa Clara County. While no sandy soil is present, these samples represent fairly well the different types of soil of the Santa Clara Valley. THE PEAR THEIPS IN CALIFORNIA. 47 X » . 0 o3 fin 0 ft S - Ph 03 2.51 15.65 35.34 57.19 72. 13 91.72 9S.26 99.29 99.59 99.89 100. 00 ^CO CONOCO -3< "" ; : ^ to 1 0 ft s 03 d 0$ 0 M> Ph 03 0 .-H IC »0 0 to 0^ QO Oi Oi 0 ' .-10 t~ 00 00 OJ 0: 01 o> 0 • 1 a°a T-i^o>o;Dooo5to ^ 10 M .-<0-H . to to ft a 03 Pi &^oo ^ TT-* ooto cno ; ; ; ; a°E i 0 i "ft 1 to ir Ph 03 OCCD.-f'M'^OOO 00 ^ to 0 OOOOi— iOtOh-;J .-H CO iO to I> cc 0 »o cr 0 TOO3cn>ra-H00-Hco M CO ^ t- 10 ■«' C^ .0 1- M "»> 0 £■1 "1 ft a cS S <0 ? Ill 10 t^ 0 »— ' to t^ 0 rH OC ^ -^ --^ f^ 0 i-H (N to to 03 0 o^'??,f-g::^^" ; : : : E CO 03 0 MS S S =s i ft 00 g»g t! 03 2 Ph i3 10 rH M lO CO t- 00 O- O-tt- 0 ■ IM (NO • to 00 0 ■ OJ020 1 a°a Oinoo ■ « 01 IS l-s 0 ft a 0 M> t-i 03 0 Ph c3 :! Oi Oi 0 ' a°a ,-lCOOli-H»00«'MC i-t t--CC --H ;00^ ; g ? i ^1 .§1 Si ft a c cl „ aj P^ 03 -jiOiOSOO^GOcOC OJ lO t— 00 00 Cl c -05Q0O • q 10 00 0 ■ a°s, 1^1 C^ to GO 10 CO '-< ^ -r-ltO CO • C 0 C-) W CO • ^ 1 c 1 s Kg a 0 c3 0 i ft a 03 ill oii^aicoccc^ioooc ?S ; ; : 3?s I ; ; a?^ Ill r-HlOCOOi-HlOOOt^I: 5* : ; ; J 5 s ll i "ft a 03 g»» 0 biOg P^ 03 T-H 10 I-^ Oi Oi 0 a°s, 5 a' '3 I : : 1 ! 1 ! § ft 0. ^* Or-1 M CO ^ 10 to » ._, ^ .-H ^ -H ^ 1 1 1 1 1 d -• c-1 CO -r .0 P c :a^£ : . P C S3 . 0 >^ fts il TTiocor-occiO^ : : : : : ^ ; ; ; ; ; 0 48 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. In Contra Costa County the greater portion of the orchard area is on the distinctively adobe soiJ. It is a noticeable fact that the lan^fe penetrate this soil to a greater depth than they do the hard gravelly soils, probably owing to the greater prevalence of cracks. An examination of Table XII, which is the record of the results of soil examinations from five pear orchards and one prune orchard during the winter of 1908-09, shows that all of the larvae in the hard gravelly soils were within 8 inches of the surface, while in the adobe soil only 79 per cent were found at this depth, the other 21 per cent being between 8 and 13 inches below the surface. Tablk XII. — Comparative depth of larvse of the pear thrips in various soils near Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, Cal. Pear and prune orchards. Anderson, F. A. Bancroft, and Whit- man (pear), and Jones (prune) orch- ards. Heavy loam to adobe. WescottandH. H. Bancroft (pear) orchards. Hard, sandy, gravelly soil. Number of layer. Depth. 24 samples. 12 samples. Number of thrips. Per cent above. Number of thrips. Per cent above. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . . 9 10 11 12 13 Total n Inches. 1- 2 2- 3 3- 4 4- 5 5- 6 6- 7 7- 8 8- 9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 limber of 0 0 0 76 276 152 82 48 32 42 24 4 3 3 9 18 33 IS 6 0 0 0 0 0 3.33 6.66 14.44 36.66 73.33 93.33 100. 00 10.33 47.83 68.70 79.98 86.23 90.57 96.28 99. 55 100. 00 730 123 90 30 Average of la square number 'vpe per foot AREA AROUND DIFFERENT TREES IN WHICH THRIPS ARE MOST NUMEROUS. The area around trees in which thrips are most numerous would usually be within a radius of 6 to 8 feet of the base in prune orchards where the trees are from 22 to 24 feet apart. Under prune trees which are from 18 to 20 feet apart, and where the branches overlap, the area infested will be more uniform, and more thi'ips will be present midway between the rows than nearer the base, as such trees, growing close together, usually do not have so many smaller limbs in the center of the tree as nearer the end of the branches. Pear trees are more upright and compact in growth; hence the greater percentage of the larvse are near the trunk of the tree, and in the THE PEAR THRIPS IN CALIFORNIA. 49 average Bartlett pear orchard most of the larvae in the ground are within a radius of 2 to 3 feet of the base of the tree. TIME SPENT AS LARV^ IN GROUND. The time spent by larvae in the ground before pupating varies. The minimum time is about 2 months, with a maximum of about 8 months, while most of the larvse will spend about 5 to 6 months within the soil before pupating. Of many examinations of soil samples in Contra Costa and Solano Counties no larvae were found after November 29; all had i^upated prior to this time. As soon as the white larva gets ready for transformation it sheds its skin and develops into what is called the prepupa, which is also white and resembles somewhat the full-grown larva, although also having some features of the adult. In this stage the legs resemble shghtly the legs of the adult and the short wing pads extend to about the end of the third or fourth abdominal segment. The antennfe in this stage do not project over the back, as in the case of the pupa or second stage, but project latero-caudad. The exact length of time spent in this prepupal stage has not been ascertained, but from observations made upon other Thysanoptera by the writers this stage is usually very short and in the pear thrips probably does not last more than a week or 10 days before the prepupal skin is shed and the insect passes into the second pupal stage or real pupa, TIME OP FIRST, MAXIMUM, AND LAST PUPATION. The earliest pupae are found during the month of May, and these are very rare. It is possible that these will form late-emerging adults, but more than hkely they are premature larvae that are sickly or mfected with some fungous organism which causes them to develop prematurely. All of these early pupae probably die and fail to reach the adult form. A few pupae can be found the latter part of July, and there is a gradual increase in numbers through August and September. During the month of October, however, pupation reaches its maximum and may continue through Novem- ber and into December, by which time it has practically ceased. Samples taken from orchards in July and August show some pupae, while sometimes large numbers of samples taken from the same orchards in September fail to show the presence of any. Table XIII shows the relative number of early pupae and of larva? found in the Santa Clara Valley during the summer of 1909. Two samples of soil were taken from each orchard for each examination. 50 BULLETIN" 173, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. Table XIII. — Comparative number of pupae and larvse of the pear thrips found in the soil during July and August, 1909, San Jose, Cal. Landon and Cottle prane orchards. Sample Nos. Date ex- amined. Larvse. Pupa;. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. 30-33... 34-37. . . 38-41... 42^5... 46-49. . . 50^3... 51-57... 58-61... 1909. July 15 20 28 Aug. 3 17 17 23 23 556 127 67 44 22 165 65 93 99 100 86 94 100 87 80 82 66 1 11 4 14 6 22 13 18 13 :o 19 The time of pupation varies considerably with different orchards; for mstance, in orchards where irrigation is practiced in the early fall, pupation probably starts at an earlier date than in orchards where this custom is not followed. Furthermore, from a number of exami- nations made the past two years it seems evident that pupation begins earlier in those orchards having a heavy sedimentary soil than in orchards which have a light, gravelly soil. Fall plowing would necessarily be more effective upon orchards which have a gravelly soil on account of this habit of late pupation, which would enable the owners to wait until the fall rains have started before plowing, and also because a larger number of thrips are near the surface. EFFECT OF WEATHER CONDITIONS UPON PUPATION. It is hardly probable that temperature conditions affect the length of the pupal stage of the pear thrips very greatly, since the ground does not freeze in the winter, except in the Eastern States, and the mean temperature at 6 to 9 inches below the surface for the year around is probably more even than it is above the ground. An early, wet fall would probably cause the thrips to pupate earlier than would be the case in a dry season. The time spent in the pupal stage varies from one to four months, while the normal time for most of the pupse is about two months. ADULTS IN WINTER. The first adults appear in the ground in late October, the number mcreasing gradually until December to early January, by which time practically all pupae have transformed to adults. The time spent in the ground as adults before emerging and appearing on the trees varies from a minimum of one month to a possible maximum of five months, averaging, however, about three months. THE PEAR THRIPS IN CALIFORNIA. 51 SEASONAL HISTORY. Adult thrips first appear in early February upon the fruit buds and continue to emerge until in the early part of April, appearing in maximum numbers from February 22 to March 10, thus covermg the entire period of swellmg of buds and blossoming of trees. By the time the fruit buds have swollen sufficiently to separate slightly the bud scales at the tip the adults force their way within, feeding upon the tenderest parts of the buds. Egg laying usually begins when the first leaf surface or fruit stems are exposed, depending somewhat upon the variety of fruit attacked. First oviposition usually occurs the latter part of February and the last toward the middle of April, while maximum oviposition occurs from about March 10 to April 1. The majority of eggs are deposited in the fruit stems, young fruit, and leaf stems, and require from 4 to 16 days to hatch, averaging about 8 days. By the time Bartlett pear and French prune trees are breaking into full bloom the adult thrips have done practically all of the injury they are able to accomplish. Injury by adult thrips is distinctly associated with the fruit buds before blossoming. Larvfe first appear in numbers toward the latter part of March and can be found upon the trees up to the middle of May. They appear in maximum numbers from April 1 to April 15. The larvae feed upon the foliage and young fruit, causing on the latter the well-known thrips scab, and individuals remain on the trees for two to three weeks in attaining their growth, the entire brood of larvae requiring 8 to 10 weeks from the first-appearing to the last-disappearing individuals. All of the larvae have dropped from the trees by the middle of May and penetrated the soil to a depth of from 1 to 26 inches, depending upon the type and condition of same, in most cases the majority being within 8 to 9 inches of the surface. Sometimes in July a few larvae transform into the tender pupae, and by October the pupae are in maximum numbers, the last larvae pupating in November. The pupal stage lasts from one to four months, the usual time being about two months. Early in February adults, which, in some instances, have remained as such for several months in the ground, appear upon the trees and wait for the first opening of buds, when they begin the work of destruction. NATURAL ENEMIES. Probably no single order of insects of such great economic impor- tance has so few effective natural enemies as the Thysanoptera. This is partly due to the small size of the insects belonging to this order, their manner of working, their great activity, their unique life history, and the fact that not more than six or seven species in the order have ever accomplished any great economic damage. Practi- 52 BULLETIN 173, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. cally all the attempts to control the tlirips by artilicial means have been within the United States. Of the. few natural enemies of Thy- sanoptera that do exist, the most important seems to be TrvpJdeps insidiosus Say, which feeds upon thrips by impaling them upon its beak and sucking out the juices. Megilla maculata De G., chrysopid larv[ie, and syrphid larvse have also been found feeding upon thrips. Uzel • has found Triphleps niinutus L. preying on thrips and credits Heeger with the finding of Scymnus ater Kug., Gyropliaena manca Er., and some fly larvse feeding in the same manner. Hinds ^ mentions having found some small scarlet acarid attached to the membranous area of the body of Anaphothrips striatus Osborn. Uzel ^ and Quaint- ance ^ have both found eggs of nematode worms within the bodies of adult thrips. J. C. Crawford* in December, 1911, gives a short account of Thripoctenus russelli Crawford, a new internal parasite of Thy- sanoptera and later RusselP publishes a more complete account of the life history and habits of this parasite. The first recorded host of T. russelli was Heliothrips fasciatus Pergande, but it has been reared from Thrips tahaci Lind. and Frankliniella tritici Fitch. Its oviposition has been observed in Heliotlirips femoralis Renter and H. haemor- rhoidalis Bouche. Great hopes were entertained by Mr. Russell for its colonization among related injurious Thysanoptera. Of plant parasites, Thaxter ^ has taken an Empusa fungus destroy- ing a species of thrips in the larval, adult, and pupal stages, and Petit '^ and Hinds ^ have found a fungus which they thought was causing some of the species of thrips to di6. No effective natural enemy has been found preying upon the pear thrips. Moulton ^ mentions some raphidians feeding upon the younger forms of this species and has also found a species of ant killing individuals. He mentions ^° a fungus which he regarded as parasitic during the season of 1905 and 1906, but the last three or four years have failed to show that any appreciable amount of benefit has been derived from it. Very little of the fungus has been observed during the years 1908, 1909, and 1910. 1 Uzel, Heinrich. Monofcraphie der Ordnung Thj'sanoptera. Koniggriitz, 1895, 472 p. 10 pi. See p. 362. 2 Hinds, W. E. Contriljution to a Monograph of the Insects of the Order Thysanoptera Inhabiting North America. In Proc. U. S. N. Mns., vol. 26, p. 119, 1902. 3 Quaintance, A. L. The Strawberry Thrips and the Onion Thrips. Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 46, p. 79-114, 12 figs. July, 1898. 4 Crawford, J. C. Two new Hymenoptera. In Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., v. 13, no. 4, p. 233-234, 1911. 6 Russell, H. M. An Internal Parasite of Thysanoptera [ Thripoctenus russelli]. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent., Tech. Ser. no. 23, pt. 2, p. 25-52, figs. 11, Apr. 27, 1912. 6 Thaxter, Roland. The Entomophthoreae of the United States. In Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., V. 4, no. 6, p. 134-201, pis. 14-21, Apr., 1888. See p. 151, 172, 174, pi. xvii, figs. 200-219. ' Pettit, RufusH. Some Insects of the Year 1898. Mich. State Agr. Coll. Exp. Sta., Bui. 175, p. 341-373, 20 flgs, July, 1899. See p. 343-345, figs. 1, 2. s Loc. cit. 9 Moulton, Dudley. The Pear Thrips {EiUhripn pijri Daniel). V. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent., Bui. 68, pt. 1, rev., p. 14, Sept. 20, 1909. "> Op. cit., p. 15. o 82U-><-^ BULLETIN OF THE u No. 184 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief Aprils, 1915. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) THE HUISACHE GIRDLER/ By M. M. High, Entomological Assistant, Truck Crop and Stored Product Insect Investigations. INTRODUCTORY. The huisache tree is one of a variety of trees and shrubs horti- culturally called " wattles " and is probably a native of Texas, although it occurs in Asia, Australia, and to a certain extent in Africa. The flowers furnish the perfume laiown as frangipanni and the plant is cultivated in southern Europe for the manufacture of perfume. The pods are valuable in tanning and dyeing and the plant is used as an ornamental for the formation of hedges and for shade throughout the Tropics. The bright yellow flowers which are produced in abundance and are large in comparison with those of other acacias render it one of the most beautiful of flowering shrubs of this type. The tree reaches a maximum height of about 35 feet, with a trunk diameter of about 1 foot when properly trained. The trunk is short, the branches somewhat drooping and wide- spreading, forming a beautiful roundheaded tree with light-green feathery foliage. The huisache tree {Acacia farnesiana) of the Southwest has a number of insect enemies, but none is so injurious as a girdler which often damages young trees in such a way as to eradicate them for a time, completely severing them a few inches above ground. During the summer of 1910, while the writer was engaged, under the direction of Dr. F. H. Chittenden, in the investigation of in- sects that attack the pecan, this insect, which may be called the huisache girdler, first came under observation. It seemed advisable to keep the species under surveillance in its attacks on the huisache, since it was not known but that pecan trees in the vicinity might become a center of attack at any time, for the reason that two near relatives, Oncideres cingulata Say and Oncideres texana Horn, 1 Oncideres putator Thorn., a beetle of the family Cerambycidse. Note. — This bulletin contains a technical description of an insect infesting the huisache tree of the Southwest. The form of injui-y is discussed and methods of control are given. 75718°— 15 2 BULLETIN 184, U, S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. were laiown to injure the pecan. In any case, the huisache was of sufficient vahie to warrant a thorough investigation of the girdler, as it holds front rank as a shade tree in the newly developed country in the lower Rio Grande Valley. When the girdlers were first found and observed at work they were exceedingly abun- dant, and there was no difficulty in collecting a large number in a very short time. A shipment was immediately made to Wash- ington, where Dr. Chittenden identified the insect as Oncideres futatoi^ and later Mr. E. A. Schwarz confirmed this determination. Since the girdler was first observed, its work has become more con- spicuous each successive season. In 1913, over the infested area as a whole, the beetles appeared in lesser numbers, but in places they were more abundant and the damage was greater than at any time during the four years previous. This would indicate that climatic conditions were not altogether responsible for the decrease, as some of the infested areas were near and in close proximity to one another. It is believed that natural enemies were responsible in part, if not wholly, for the lack of uniformity in distribution in 1913. The beetles (PI. I) possess powerful mandibles and saw with ease branches If inches in diameter, completely severing them from the main body of the tree. The eggs, as with other twig girdlers, are deposited in the severed portion of the branch, and never below where it is girdled. The writer has observed as many as 63 girdled branches from one tree, some of which measured 40 millimeters in diameter, the average ranging from 22 to 35 millimeters. (See PI. II. ) No other girdler has been observed to prune branches of this di- ameter, and all near relatives with which we are acquainted prune or girdle much smaller branches. Oncideres putator, unlike some girdlers, does not work so much in pairs, but is often found in colo- nies as well. The girdling is usually begun a few inches from the base of the branch selected for oviposition or just above where it joins the body of the tree or larger branch, though cases have been observed where the attack was directed to the middle of the branch. At times after the sawing has been begun by one female beetle others will begin depositing eggs before the girdling is very far advanced, apparently with little fear that the branch will not be completely girdled in due time. Young trees are often girdled only a few inches above ground, but where large trees are adjacent the beetles seem to prefer attacking the branches instead. (Pis. Ill, IV.) In view of the fact that in the lower Rio Grande Valley and other parts of the Southwest where much development in farm lands is in progress, and where the huisache is oftentimes the only shade tree found upon a farmer's premises, it is thought advisable to present here for publication the life history, food plants, and habits of this girdler, with suggestions for control. THE HUISACHE GIEDLER. 3 DESCRIPTION. The beetle belongs to the family Cerambycidse, subfamily Lamiinse, tribe Onciderini. One of the chief characteristics of the tribe is that the front coxal cavities are angulated on the outer side and closed behind; the antennae of the male are much longer than the body, and those of the female are as long as the body. THE BEETLE. With this species the antennae of both sexes are longer than the body, and there is little difference in the antennal length in each sex. The beetles (PI. I) are brownish gray in color, and measure in length from 18 to 24 millimeters, the average length being 22 to 23 milli- meters. The mesothorax is wider than in some other species of this genus and measures on an average from 7 to 9 millimeters. In a short time after emerging from the pupal case the beetles lose more or less of their brownish-gray appearance, as the hairs covering their blackish elytra or wing covers are rubbed off, causing them to ap- pear darker in color. This species, like its near relatives, has about one-third of its wing covers more grayish than the remaining two- thirds. The posterior margin of this densely clothed grayish band extends slightly behind the meson. The head and thorax are clothed with brownish hairs a little more densely than the wing-covers when the beetle first emerges, but it gradually loses this brownish tinge for a darker one. Ordinarily there seems to be little difference in size between the males and females. While the writer has found specimens of each sex at times smaller than those of the other, it is evident that the size depends upon the nourishment afforded the larva during its growth, as this in all probability has a bearing on the size of the adult beetle. After making a large number of measurements it was found that about 60 per cent of the females were from 1 to 1-| millimeters longer than the males, so we may say that the body of the female is slightly larger than that of the male, although this will not be noticed by the collector without the use of a lens. On the other hand, the collector may differentiate the sexes by observing the distal joint or segment of the antennae; in the males this segment is about twice as long as that of the female. The length of this segment in the males runs from 4 to (U millimeters, while in the females the average will be from 2 to 3 millimeters. This method of distinguishing the sexes does not require the use of a lens, but one should be careful to see that the distal joint has not been broken off, in the male particu- larly, for then the specimen will not be very different to the unaided eye from the female. The antennae of both sexes are quite easily broken, and during the latter part of the mating season it is difficult to find a perfect specimen. 4 BULLETIN 184, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. THE EGG. The egg is of a cream-white color when first deposited and from 2.5 to 3 millimeters long, with a diameter about one-third the length. It is elliptical ovate in shape, with one end slightly more pointed than the other. Just before hatching the color changes to yellowish white, when, with the aid of a lens, the embryonic larva is visible. THE LARVA. The newly hatched larva, after consuming enough of the eggshell to liberate itself therefrom, measures about 2.8 millimeters in length and is of a pale white color, with the exception of the head, which is light brown, with the mandibles darker. THE PUPA. The pupa is white and ranges from 18 to 22 millimeters in length. Later the color changes to light brown, and just before transforma- tion takes place to chocolate brown. When observing the pupa with a lens the dark-colored spines on each segment are very pronounced, particularly on the dorsum. DISTRIBUTION AND HISTORY. Oncideres putator has been recorded from the States of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, and from Mexico. The species is probably more injurious in Mexico than in this country, as it appears very susceptible to cold, and since breeding takes place during the fall and winter months it apparently could never become a serious pest in localities were the temperature drops much below freezing. The following note was published in 1912 ^ at the meeting of the American Entomological Society, October 24, 1912 : Dr. Skinner exhibited specimens of Oncideres putator and said that the species was probably rare in collections. If there is a single brood, this might be ac- counted for by their late appearance. The specimens were taken by Rehn and Hebard in Sycamore Canyon, Baboquivari Mountains, Pima County, Ariz., October 6, 9, 1910 ; Palo Alto ranch, Altar Valley, Pima County, Ariz., October 6, 10, 1910; Tucson, Ariz., October 3, 4, 1910; and Snyders Hill, Pima County, Ariz., October 11, 1910. Exact localities have also been recorded by Bates : " Orizaba and Jalapa, Mexico; Belize, Honduras; San Juan, Guatemala; Bugaba, Panama. Mr. Schwarz records the species from Arizona, New Mexico, and western Texas, and the Avriter has taken it in southern Texas and at Matamoras, Mexico. The species is native to Central America and has come into the United States from Mexico. There are very few data to be found on Oncideres fidator^ while a considerable amount 1 Ent. News, v. 23, no. 10, p. 484, Dec, 1912. - Bates, H. W. Longicornla. In Biol. Cent. Amer. Insecta, Coleoptera, v. 5, p. 125, Aug., 1880, and Supplement, p. 367, July, 1885. Bui. 1 84, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate The Huisache Girdler (Oncideres putator). (Original.) Bui. 184, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. -iTzr^-n Work of the Huisache Girdler. Portions of Huisache brandies showing method of cutting off by the girdier (Oncideres putator) at top; also showing places where skin has been ruptured. Small holes made by secondary borers. Reduced. (Original.) Bui. 184, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate III Fig. 1.— Work of the Huisache Girdler Early in the Season. Twenty Beetles Counted on this Tree. (Original.) Fig. 2.— Trees Which Have not Been Seriously Injured by the Girdler. but no Dead Branches Allowed to Remain on or near Trees. (Original.) WORK OF THE HUISACHE GIRDLER. Bui. 184, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IV. Fig. 1.— Row of Huisache Trees only Slightly Damaged by the Huisache Girdler. (Original.) Fig. 2.— Street Scene in Which Huisache Trees Have Been Damaged by the Huisache Girdler. (Original.) WORK OF THE HUISACHE GIRDLER. THE HUISACHE GIRDLER. 5 of information has been placed on record of Oncideres cingulata Say. It appears that some of the early writers on the Onciderini mentioned only the genus Oncideres in writing of the depredations of the insects concerned. The first information received by the Bureau of Entomology in regard to the injurious appearance of Oncideres putator in this coun- try was in 1899 at Calabasas, Ariz. The report came from Mr. Morgan R. "Wise, who sent specimens of mesquite {Prosopis juli- -fiora) which had been girdled by the beetle, together with the state- ment that this tree was much injured by the girdler. The previous year the beetles had accomplished much damage, so that this year the girdled dead twigs snapped off. It was the opinion of the cor- respondent that, if this condition was continued, ultimately the mesquite tree would be exterminated by being so badly crippled as to preclude the possibility of its bearing fruit. Mr. Schwarz says that the beetles damage mesquite in western Texas and New Mexico, as well as in Arizona. The genus Oncideres has been discussed by a number of authors, but the writer has been unable to find, in literature on this group, any memoranda on the biology of the species in question. Dr. W. MuUer* discusses the habits of Oncideres in South America, but mentions no specific characteristics, nor does he mention the occur- rence of Oncideres pufator. He states, however, that the species which occur in Brazil frequently sever branches of a diameter of 2 inches or more. Leng and Hamilton^ state that Oncideres putator is probably synonymous with 0. cingulata Say. The species was originally described by Thomas,'' but no biological notes are included in the description. FOOD PLANTS. So far as the writer has been able to observe, the species has in southern Texas five food plants, but the huisache appears to be pre- ferred and the other trees have never been found to be injured in any way comparable with the huisache. The following is a list of the plants or trees on which the species has been foimd feeding, as well as depositing: Huisache {Acacia famesiana), mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa)^ huajilla {Acacia herlandier'i) ^ ratama {Parhinsonia aculeata)^ and Mimosa lindheimeri. The host plants are here given in the order of preference by the insect, and no great amount of injury has been ^ Miiller, W. (Jber die gewohnheiten einiger Oncideres-Arten. In Kosmos, Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Entwicklugslehre, v. 3 9, p. 36-38, 1886. Stuttgart. ' - Leng, C. W., and Hamilton, Jolin. The Lamiinre of North America. In Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, V. 2.3, p. 101-178, March, 1890. Oncideres, p. 140-141. ^ Thomson, .Tamos. Physis, v. 2. no. .T. Pari.'?, Aug., 1868. Revision des groupes des Oncid^rites, p. 41-92. Oncideres pufator, p. 81. 6 BULLETIN 184, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. observed to the last three when there was sufficient huisache in close proximity to the emerging beetles. In fact, the greatest amount of damage to "huajilla" and "ratama" was noticed when collections of huisache branches containing larvce were left near ratama and huajilla trees. LIFE HISTORY. The beetles begin to appear early in September and continue to emerge from their j)upal cavities until the latter part of November, though most of the brood issues during the month of October. In the laboratory most of the material encaged developed adult beetles by October 12. The adults remain for several days in their pupal cells after they have emerged from the pupal cases before attempting to cut their way out of the pupal cavities through the bark of the branch. Just as soon as they have partaken of a little food, which consists of bark from the branch, and the wing covers are sufficiently hard- ened, copulation begins. Of specimens observed in the laboratory none began copulating or showed activity before two days after their emergence in the adult stage. This species of Oncideres, un- like its near relatives, Oncideres cingulata and 0. texana, does not so frequently work in pairs. The M^riter has found the beetles work- ing in pairs, but during midseason they occur to a greater or less extent in colonies. The writer has observed as many as 24 on one small tree, and two-thirds of them at times would be females. The males go from one female to another, and do not seem to possess the monogamous instinct. Wliile making observations on the species during October, 1910, it was decided to see how long a period was required for one unas- sisted female to prepare the egg cavity and deposit an ^gg. The first one tried deposited in 1 minute and 35 seconds, another in 4 minutes and 50 seconds, and the next in 4 minutes and 40 seconds. Observa- tions made later show that from 1 to 5 minutes is ordinarily required for the female beetle to deposit. This, however, does not include pre- paring the cavity to receive the ^gg^ for it generally requires about 10 minutes to prepare the cavity. The beetle begins this cavity by insert- ing both mandibles as deeply as possible into the bark of the branch that is to be girdled. After forcing the mandibles deep into the bark the beetle draws them together as nearly as she can. Then one is removed and the other worked deeply into the puncture. It is then removed and the other mandible is inserted in the same manner. Later both mandibles are inserted and a tiny chip removed. Then the work begins again with one mandible at a time, until the cavity is prepared to receive the egg. The beetle then reverses its position and forces the ovipositor into the cavity as deeply as pos- sible. Shortly the egg can be seen leaving the body of the beetle. After the egg is inserted the beetle frees herself by withdrawing the THE HUISACHE GIRDLEK. 7 ovipositor, one side at ca time, and then she searches for another suit- able location. The eggs are ordinarily placed between the layers of bark, and it may here be stated that this species does not deposit particularly about buds or at the base of smaller branches, but may lay her eggs anywhere along the branch girdled. It also might be added that, unlike some, this species of Oncideres does not make transverse incisions in the bark, presumably to prevent the growth of the branch from crushing the egg. There is, in addition, a difference from Oncideres dngulata and O. texana in the way this species leaves the egg after deposition, in that only a very slight gluey excretion is made in sealing the opening to the egg cavity, and at times there is none at all. This waxy secretion is very conspicuous with the work of the two smaller species. The larva feeds along gradually, leaving in its burrow behind excrement and castings well packed, which may prevent attack of an enemy from the rear. It has been observed that when a branch not completely severed remained in the top of the tree the yoimg larvse would often perish, presumably for lack of moisture. On the other hand, the writer has noticed branches that remained several feet above ground all season and which developed beetles during October. It thus appears that it will depend upon the amount of rainfall and cli- matic conditions generally as to whether the mortality of the larvae is high in the suspended branches — well up in the tops of the trees. If there should be a moderate rainfall during the winter and spring months, it is thought that the mortality in these suspended branches would be very low", but on the other hand if it should be dry, the mor- tality would be high. While the larva will stand a very dry atmosphere for several months, its growth will not be as rapid as where there is sufficient moisture to permit constant feeding. Larvse that have been checked in growth from lack of moisture develop very rapidly when placed in more humid surroundings and appear to obtain their growth just as soon as when left under normal conditions. They could not well do otherwise and thrive in the climate where they have been found most numerous. There is a limit, how^ever, to the amount of moisture the larvae can stand, for in one instance in the laboratory the mortality was about 70 per cent, and it could be attributed to no other cause than an excess of water. The duration of the larval period is approximately 42 weeks under ordinary conditions, though under the most favorable conditions they may develop in 39 or 40 weeks. Before transforming to pupa the larva prepares a pupal cavity or cell by drawing about it all castings and thus surrounding itself with more or less of a wall that would be difficult for any insect enemy to penetrate. The larva then cuts a hole into the bark and transforms to the pupa. During the growth of the larvae in the brancli 8 BULLETIN 184, V. S, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. they produce a grinding noise that can be heard several feet away, and when the branch is disturbed this noise is more pronounced. The pupae in turn make a somewhat similar noise when disturbed, and for this reason one must raise the bark covering in order to know just when transformation takes place. Before the pupal stage of this species could be had the writer was transferred to Indiana, and the material was taken there in order to obtain the pupae. The branches were examined frequently during the months of June and July, but no pupae were observed until August, and the first adult beetle emerged September 15, The dura- tion of the pupal stage is approximately four weeks, with an average mean temperature of 72.5° F. There is only one generation of this beetle each year, approximately 12 months being required for the life cycle from egg to adult. LONGEVITY. The beetles that emerged in the laboratory were kept in confine- ment without fresh food and lived from 4 to 12 days, while those that were captured, confined in the insectary, and furnished proper food lived from 10 to 21 days, the males dying from 1 to 5 days in advance of the females. NATURAL ENEMIES. There are several species of parasites that attack the eggs and larvae of Oncideres putator^ one species in particular attacking both Qgg and larva. The following were reared February 3, 1915, at Brownsville, Tex.: Chryseida inopinota Br., Eurytoma sp. (Chttn. No. 1921), Caenophanes sp. (Chttn. No. 1922), a pteromalid (Chttn. No. 1923), and Meteonis sp. (Chttn. No. 1924). It is thought that the larvae have one or more predaceous enemies, but none has been observed to this writing. It is believed that the southern downy woodpecker {Dryohates puhescens) and probably also the Texas woodpecker {Dryohates scalaris hairdi) attack the larvae. While neither of these birds has been found with larvae, they have been observed at work on branches that contained numerous larvae of this insect and have left empty chambers behind. Table I shows something of the mortality early in the season. Table I. — Mortality of the huisache girdler, based on examinations made Janu- ary 8, 1913. Number of branch. Diameter of branch (milli- meters). Number of eggs. Number of live larvae. Number of dead larva?. I 26 30 35 28 32 37 n 0 19 0 0 7 0 58 153 197 173 52 0 II 3 Ill 2 IV 14 V 17 VI 0 THE HUISACHE GIRDLER. 9 On January 13, 1913, four prunings of huisache were stripped of bark, and the following table made : Table II. — Infestation of the huisache girdler by parasites, based on examinations made January 13, 1913. Number of branch. Diameter of branch (miUi- meters). Number of eggs. Number of living larvae. Number of larvae par- asitized. I 36 30 25 38 0 0 0 59 363 104 79 135 11 11 5 Ill 6 IV 0 These tables give the degree of infestation to a single branch and the mortality of the larvae at a very early date. The parasites of the larvae are more numerous a little later in the season, although the egg parasite appears even as early as December 1. This parasite is more effective against the larvae before they approach a size more than two-fifths of an inch in length; although it attacks the larvae throughout the season it does not appear in as large number then as it does early in the season. METHOD OF CONTROL. Since this insect spends at least 10 months in the severed branch during the egg, larval, and pupal stages, its control is only a matter of collecting the pruned branches and destroying them by burning. This would not be a laborious task, as the girdled branches are so large that it is not difficult to locate them, and as the species does not appear to migrate very rapidly to new territory, this method would nearly eradicate the species in isolated localities, at least, in one or two seasons' time, taking it for granted that a few branches might go unnoticed. (See PI. Ill, fig. 2.) The work of burning the branches could best be done from the first week of January to the first of Au- gust, as the writer has not observed the laying of any eggs as late as January 1. As the huisache wood burns readily, it should be com- paratively easy to collect and destroy pruned branches from a large number of trees in a comparatively short time. In addition to this measure, the beetles might be collected by hand wiiere one has only a small number of trees to guard against this girdler, and in this way the trees could be protected before any damage had been done. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1916 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PE0CUEEJ3 FROM THE SUPEEINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVEENMENT FEINTING OFFICE ■WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY V ^ ,_it;oTa. BULLETIN OF THE No. 186 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief, and the Bureau of Plant Industry, Wm. A. Taylor, Chief. February 27, 1915. A METHOD OF FUMIGATING SEED.^ By E. R. Sasscer, Chief Inspector, Federal HorticuUural Board, and Lon A. Hawkins, Plant Physiologist, Plant Physiological and Fermentation Investigations. INTRODUCTION. A perfectly reliable method of destroying insects present in seeds imported into this country, without injury to the seed, is much needed. The exclusion of insects by a careful selection of apparently uninfested seeds at the port of export is impracticable, because many injurious insects pass their larval and pupal stages and a portion of the adult stage inclosed within the seed and on this account might easih^ escape notice when the seeds were inspected. Furthermore, seeds are frequently received from localities where injurious insects are not well recognized, and, also, insects wdiich are only slightly injurious in their native habitats occasionally become destructive pests when estab- lished in this country. The ordinary methods of destroying insects in stored seeds, such as subjecting them to heat (with or without moisture), carbon bisulphid, and hydrocj^anic acid in the presence of air, have been tried and found unsatisfactory for this purpose. It occurred to the waiters to create a partial vacuum in the con- tainer in wliich the seeds had been placed and fill the chamber with some gaseous insecticide, such as carbon bisulphid or hydrocyanic acid, in the belief that a much larger amount of gas might thus be forced into the crevices of the seeds and into the insect galleries than would be possible if the entrance of the gas were dependent upon diffusion under normal atmospheric pressure. This method was suc- cessfully used with a number of different kinds of seeds and insects, and a convenient chamber, described later, was devised for fumigation under reduced pressure. iThis work was carried on in cooperation betrween the Federal Horticultural Board and the Office of Plant Physiological and Fermentation Investigations, Bureau of I'lant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 75871°— Bull. 18(5—15 BULLETIN 186, V. S. DEPARTMEXT OP AGRICULTURE. FUMIGATION CHAMBER. The fumig-ation chamber (fig. 1 and fig. 2, h) is of iron tubing, 36 inches long by 12 inches in diameter. One end of this cylinder is per- manejitly closed with a heavy iron cap (fig. 1, a). The other end is fitted with a flange and can be closed with a brass plate (fig. I, h), which is held ii^ place by clamps. One face of the plate is ground to fit the flange, wliich is also ground. A wide rubber gasket is phiced b(>tween the two faces when the plate is clamped in position. The chamber is designed to lie with its longest axis in a horizontal position. On the side of the chamber intended to lie uppermost three openings are made, one being in the center and one at each end. The openhxg CZ w ■^wwwwwwwwwww jjssssssss^ / .^^^^^■v^^^^^^^'vv^^^^v^^'^^^^^^'^^^■^'.^^^^^^^^«^v.^^^^^^^^^^^.^^^^^^^ ML Fig. I. — Diagram of fumigation chamber: a, Iron cap; b, brass plate clamped on end of chamber; c, gas cock for attachmg suction hose; d, vacuum gauge; e, dropping funnel, by means of which the sulphuric acid is introduced into the chamber: /, beaker to contain cyanid. near the capped end is fitted with a gas cock (fig. 1, c), so that the suction hose of a vacuum pump can be readily attached. A vacuum gauge, registering the decrease in })rcssure in units equivalent to inches of mercury, is placed in the center opening (fig. 1, d), wliile a tubula- ture is placed in the opening near the flange. The tubulature is closed with a perforated rubber stop})er bearing a dropping funnel (fig. 1, e) so arranged that the bulb and stopcock are outside the chamber, while the tube extends down inside the chamber nearly to the bottom. The rubber stopper and dropping funnel can be readily removed when seeds or other material to be fumigated are placed in the chamber. An air pump, driven by a motor and capable of reducing th? air pressure to the ecjuivaleiit of about 0.05 of a millimeter of mer- cury, is used to secure an almost complete vacuum (fig. 2, a). A METHOD OF FUMIGATING SEED. 3 When this apparatus is used for fumigation, the seeds, contained in cither a cloth bag or an open vessel, are placed in the chamber, and the requisite amount of socUum or potassium cyanid in a small beaker is so arranged that the neck of the dropping funnel extends down into the beaker (fig. 1 , /) . The cover is then clamped on and the chamber exhausted. In extracting the air from the chamber, the suction is continued until the gauge registers 30 inches or more — that is, the air in the chamber is exhausted until the pressure is the equivalent of some fraction of an inch of mercury. The suction is then cut off by means of the gas cock, and the required quantity of diluted acid, which has been previously placed in the bulb of the Fig. 2. — Air pump (a) and fumigation uhamber (6) used in the experiments described in this bulletin. dropping funnel, is allowed to flow slowly upon the cyanid in the beaker witliin the chamber. The hydrocyanic acid is thus prepared in the chamber and no trace can get out. After the seeds are exposed to the gas for the required time, the stopcock of the dropping fun- nel is opened to let the air into the chamber. As the discharge pipe of the air pump extends outside the building, the mixture of hydrocyanic acid and air can not escape into the room. As soon as convenient, the stopper and funnel are removed and, by means of the air pump, air is sucked through the chamber, thus washing the hydrocyanic acid out of the chamber before the cover is taken ofl' and the seeds removed. In the experiments described 4 BULLETIN 186^ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. here the seeds were examined carefully at several different times to see whether aU insects were killed. The \T.ability of the seeds was then tested. Part of the germination tests recorded in tliis ]>a]>er were made l)y Mr. W. R. Lucas, of the Office of Foreign Seed and Plant Intro- duction, ])ut in most cases tests with treated and untreated seeds were carried out by Mr. W. L. Goss, of the Seed Ija])()ratory of the Bureau of Plant Industry. In these experiments the duration of the exposure and the con- centration of hydrocyanic acid were varied in order to determine the minimum exposure and concentration of hydrocyanic acid which would insure the death of all the infesting insects. It was also con- sidered of interest to determine whether the seeds would be unin- jured if exposed longer and with a liigher concentration of the hydro- cyanic acid than that necessary to kill the insects. The duration of the exposure and the amounts of sodium or potassium cyanid are given in the description of the experiments. The 1-1-2 formula was used for potassiimi cyanid and the l-H-2 formula for sodium cyanid. The iron fumigation chamber already described was used in most of the experiments. In some of the preUminary work, however, desiccators or beU jars were used instead. The essentials of the method were the same in either case, and no description of these pieces of apparatus seems necessary. EXPERIMENTS. The summarized results of these experiments are here given in tabular form for com])arison (Table I) . Tablk I. — Summary of experiments in fumigating against insects. Material. Infested with — Kind of cyanid and amount used. Time of expo- sure. Result . • ierminationtest. -Vvocado: 26 seeds. 29 seeds. One adult avocado weevil ( Heilipus lauri). Sodium cyanid, J gra., in des- iccator. .... do Hrs. 1 i h 6 12 Insect dead 22 out of 26 seeds gerrai- nated. 20 out of 29 seeds germi- nated; 21 out of 25 germinated in con- trol test. Seed cut up to deter- mine mortality of in- sects and not" plant- ed. No germination. Do. .5 seeds. . 20 seeds. Larvae of avocado wee- vil (inclosed in a cot- ton - plugged vial) and broad - nosed grain weevil (Caul- opmlus latinasus). do do All stages dead do Do... do do 6 seeds. . Larvae of Conotrache- lus sp. and broad- nosed grain weevil, all stages. do Sodium cyanid, 4gms. do 1 - do All seeds germinated. Do. 10 seeds. No insects alive out of 50 exam- ined of all stages. A METHOD OF FUMIGATING SEED. 5 Table I.— Summary of experiments in fumigating against insects — Continued. Material. Avocado: 7 seeds. 6 seeds. . 10 seeds. Do. S o r g h um seed. Do. Do. Do. Do. Bulbs . Cottonseed. Cleditsia si- nensis in seed pods. Do Phase olus vulgaris. Pineapples . T u s s 0 1 mot (Heme campa costig 500 ^,, masses k h ro- leu- '')■ egg gma 250 egg masses.- Infested with- Larvae of Conotraehe- lus sp. and broad- nosed grain weevil, all stages. 4 with all stages of broad-nosed grain weevil; 2 uninfested. Scolvtid Kind of cyanid and amount used. Sodium cyanid 2 gms. ..do. .do. .do. Bruchus sp. Bnichus sp. and rice weevil (Calandra oryza). do Rice weevil and ca- delle ( Tenebroides mauritanicus). -do. Rice weevil. Bulb mite (RMzogly- phus hyacinthi). Adultsof the red grain beetle (Cathartus ge- mellatus). Bruchus sp. (adults).. do Bnichus sp . Pseudococcus sp. Sodium cyanid 4 &ms. Sodium cyanid 2 gms. Sodium cyanid 4 gms. do Sodium cyanid |gm., in des- iccator. .do. Potassium cy- anid, 2 gms. Sodium cyanid, J gm., in des- iccator. Sodium cyanid, IJ gms. Sodium cyanid, 2 gms. Sodium cyanid 4 gms. Sodium cyanid, i gm., in des- iccator. .do. Sodium cyanid, 2 gms. Sodium cyanid, 4 gms. J Out of several hun- dred specimens 1 live adult was ' foiuid. h I All stages dead Insects alive. All stages dead.... do do .do. .•Vll mites dead . , .\11 insects dead. All insects dead, both in and out of seed pods. .Vll in.seets dead.. .do. Somelarvse hatched several days after expo- sure. No hatching Germination test. Not i)lanted. 3 seeds planted and all germinated. Not planted. Do. 75.5 per cent germina- tion; seed badly in- fested. 71 per cent germina- tion; seed badly eaten. 83 per cent germina- tion. Of four grades fumi- gated, the percentage of germination was as follows: 7S.5; 86.5; 88; 83. Germination of fumi- gated seed superior to that of untreated seed. Seed thoroughly in- fested with insects previous to fumigat- ing and only 15 per cent germinated. Bulbs thoroughly in- fested and unfit for planting. Not planted. Percentage of germina- tion approximately the same with both fumigated and un- treated seed. Do. Germination of fumi- gated seed superior to that of untreated seed. Not planted. The results given in Table I indicate that the fumigation of seeds by the introduction of hydrocyanic acid into an air-tight chamber, from which the air has been practically exhausted, is effective, provided the exposure is not less than haK an hour. An exposure of one-fourth hour is effective with the apparatus employed in these experiments if four or more grams of cyanid are used. 6 BULLETIN 186, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGKICULTUKE. SUMMARY. Fumigation by the method described in this bulletin was found to kill insects without injury to the seed and with a considerably shorter exjjosure than is necessary in the usual method of seed fumigation. Further experiments will be conducted with special reference to the use of carbon bisulphid, which is not consi(h>red in this paper. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF TUIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT ^ CENTS PER COPY WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1915 rNSEOT8. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BULLETIN No. 189 Contribntion from the Bureau of Entomology L. O. HOWARD, Chief Washington, D. C. April 12, 1915 STUDIES OF THE CODLING MOTH IN THE CENTRAL APPALACHIAN REGION By F. E. BROOKS and E. B. BLAKESLEE, Entomological Assistants Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations CONTENTS Introduction Localities in Which Investigations Were Made Nature and Extent of the Investiga tions Esplanatioh of the Use of Terms . . Investigations at Charlottesville, Va. Investigations at Greenwood, Va. . Investigations at Hagerstown, Md. . Investigations at Winchester, Va. . Investigations at Fishersville, Va. . Investigations at French Creek, W. Va. Investigations at Picliens, W. Va. . ResumS of Rearing Experiments in Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia Page 1 Page Number of First-Brood Larvn Trans- forming First Season ...... 42 Effect of Differences in Altitude and Latitude Upon the Development of the Codling Moth 42 Relative Numbers of Larve Ascending and Descending the Trees .... Seasonal Effect of Weather Conditions on the Different Stages of the Codling Moth Cannibalism Among Codling - Moth Larvte Natural Enemies 46 Summary 48 44 45 45 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFnCE 1915 BULLETIN OF THE I No. 189 Gjntribution from the Bureau of ELntomology.L. O. Howard, Chief April 12, 1 91 5. STUDIES OF THE CODLING MOTH IN THE CENTRAL APPALACHLVN REGION. By F. E. Brooks and E. B. Blakeslee, Entomological Assistants, Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations, Bureau of Entomology. CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 1 Localities in which investigations were made . 2 Nature and extent of the investigations 2 Explanation of the use of terms 3 Investigations at Charlottes ville, Va 4 Investigations at Greenwood, Va 11 Investigations at Hagerstown, Md 13 Investigations at Winchester, Va 21 Investigations at Fishers ville, Va 28 Investigations at French Creek, W. Va 32 Investigations at Pickens, W. Va 37 E&umd of rearing experiments in Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia 40 Niunber of first-brood larvae transforming first season 42 Effect of difierences in altitude and latitude upon the development of the codling moth. 42 Relative numbers of larvae ascending and descending the trees 44 Seasonal effect of weather conditions on the different stages of the codling moth 45 Cannibalism among codling-moth larvae 45 Natural enemies 46 Summary 48 INTRODUCTION. In many localities throughout the central Appalachian region the recent rapid development of the apple-growing industry has made the control of the codhng moth (Oarpocaj^sa pomoneUa L.) a subject of special and increasing interest. The hilly or mountainous nature of the land has led to the location of orchards at elevations ranging from a few hundred feet to more than 4,000 feet above the level of the sea. The great diversity of temperature that occurs between the lower and the more elevated orchards has a marked eJOfect on the time of transformation of the different stages of the codhng moth, and consequently has direct bearing on the relative number and the destructiveness of second-brood larvae. In the spring of 1911 the Bureau of Entomology began a study of the codhng moth in the region just mentioned, as a part of its inves- 77013°— Bull. 189—15 1 2 BULLETIN 189^ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTURE. tigations of this insect throughout the United States, giving particular attention to time of appearance of the different broods at various altitudes and latitudes. The work was conducted by or under the immediate direction of the authors of this paper and was continued for tliree consecutive years at several points located in Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland. The writers are greatly indebted to the large number of fruit growers in the various localities where the investigations were carried on for the free use of orchards in which to obtain banding records, for build- ings to shelter rearing jars, and for other courtesies. During the progress of the work many essential suggestions were made by Prof. A. L, Quaintance, in charge of Deciduous Fruit Insect Investi- gations, under whose direction the studies were made. LOCALITIES IN WHICH INVESTIGATIONS WERE MADE. The studies described herein were conducted at Charlottesville, Fishersville, Greenwood, and Winchester, Va. ; Keyser, French Creek, and Pickens, W. Va. ; and Hagerstown, Smithsburg, and Hancock, Md. The senior author had charge of the investigations in West Virginia and the junior author had charge in Virginia and Maryland. At several of the points mentioned only partial or incomplete records were obtained. The similarity of conditions at Smithsburg and Hancock, Md., and Keyser, W. Va., to other locaUties where records were being kept, together with a shortage of the fruit crop and the difficulty of visiting so many places at sufficiently frequent intervals, led to the discontinuance of operations at these points after the first year. NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE INVESTIGATIONS. The work was conducted by selecting, for banding, from 10 to 15 unsprayed bearing apple trees of late ripening varieties in each locafity. Wherever it was possible medium-sized trees with smooth bark were chosen. In some cases such trees could not be found and old trees with rough bark were used. The rough scales of bark were scraped from the trunks and from the bases of the larger branches of these old trees, but even then they were much less desirable for the purpose than the younger, smooth-barked trees. In the spring, before the first-brood codling-moth larvse had com- menced to leave the fruit, burlap bauds were tied around the trunks of the trees 2 or 3 feet above the ground, and in some cases additional bands of the same material were placed around the bases of the larger branches. The trees were all tagged and aa individual account kept as to the number of larvae going under the bands to "spin up." The bands were removed and examined at frequent intervals and the CODLING MOTH IN CENTEAL APPALACHIAN REGION. 3 larva3 taken from them were comited and placed iu rearing jars. In 1911 the larvse were collected and the rearing jars examined every 10 or 12 days, and in 1912 and 1913 the examinations were made every 3 or 4 days. During the course of the work more than 20,000 larvse were collected and placed in the jars for rearing. The jars containing the larvae were supplied with small devices made of thin pieces of wood bound together, with openings between into which the larvae entered to "spin up." It was found that strips cut from sheets of transparent celluloid could be used under the wood to advantage, as this permitted the wood covering to be removed for the purpose of examining the larvae or pupae without tearing or dis- arranging the cocoon. The jars were covered with cheesecloth and were placed under shelter, usually in open sheds, where they had out-of-door temperature. These sheds were always located near the orchard in which the larv« had been collected. The jars were exam- ined on the same dates as the bands, and the moths that had issued at each examination were counted and destroyed. Larvae that win- tered were preserved and records were made of the date they issued as moths the spring following. So far as possible the band records were checked and supplemented by observations on the condition of the insect in the orchard. EXPLANATION OF THE USE OF TERMS. The terminology of this paper is made to conform as nearly as possible with that of previous papers on the codling moth issued by the bureau. The term ''generation" applies to the moth in all its stages from the egg to the adult, regardless of whether the life cycle is completed in one season or whether the insect winters during its development, in which case the life cycle would occupy parts of two seasons. The term "brood" is used to designate the msect in any of its four stages. Broods of eggs, larvae, pupae, and imagos occur normally, with more or less seasonal regularity, in the orchards of any given locality, and the term "brood" usually refers to the individ- uals in the aggTegate of any particular stage of a given generation. In the Appalachian section a fii'st brood and a partial, or prac- tically full, second brood of larvae occur annually. In some southern localities a small thk-d brood is possible. Some of the larvae of the fost brood and practically all those of the second brood winter in the cocoon. These are all spoken of as "wintermg larvae." In the sprmg these wintermg larvae transform to "spring pupae," which in turn develop into "spring moths." The spring-brood moths produce "fixst-brood eggs," from which hatch "first-brood larvae." The indi- viduals of this generation that complete their transformation during the first season are known in their successive stages as *'fixst-brood 4 BULLETIN 189^ U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGEIOULTUEE. pupae" and "first-brood moths." These moths in turn produce ''second-brood eggs" and "second-brood larvae." Where "second- brood pupae" and "second-brood moths" occur they may produce "third-brood eggs" and "third-brood larvae." INVESTIGATIONS AT CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. DESCRIPTION OF LOCALITY. Charlottesville is situated at the foot of the eastern slope of the Blue Ridge Mountains, at an elevation of 400 to 500 feet above sea level. In the immediate vicinity of the city there are several large and profitable bearmg apple orchards, as well as a considerable acre- age of young orchards planted within the last four or five years. Its own interests, therefore, as weU as its proximity to the large orchards of the Blue Ridge section, make Charlottesville of considerable im- portance as a commercial apple-growing center. Investigations of the seasonal life history of the codling moth were carried on in this section in 1911, 1912, and 1913. Only the work of the last two years, however, was considered of sufficient value to be included in this report. INVESTIGATIONS IN 1912. SPRING-BROOD MOTHS. A large proportion of the larvae collected in the orchard in the fall of 1911 succumbed to cold or disease the following winter, and the rearmg material available for moth emergence was consequently rather limited. On account of the small number of insects reared and some irregularity in the observations the records are not in- cluded in detail. Moths were fii'st observed in the rearmg cages at Charlottesville on May 7, and at Greenwood, where conditions are not far from those at Charlottesville, adults began appearing about May 8. Also the sununer brood of moths emerged in the rearing cages at Char- lottesville 45 days later (June 20), which is about the interval that must elapse between the two broods of adults in that latitude. There- fore we may safely assume that in 1912 the emergence of spring-brood moths began in the orchards at Charlottesville soon after May 1 . PIRST-BROOD MOTHS. Table I gives the time of emergence of 247 moths that issued from band-collected material at Charlottesville in 1912. Beginning on June 20, emergence continued through the rest of June, the whole of July, and about half of August. One moth emerged as late as September 2. CODLIlSrG MOTH IN CENTRAL APPALACHIAN REGION. 5 Table I. — Emergence of first-hrood moths of the codling moth at Charlottesville Va in 1912. (See fig. 1.) Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. June 20 1 5 32 1 42 6 22 15 23 12 12 5 10 30 20 7 3 0 0 1 24 28 9 July 2 13 5 17 10 21 13 25. 17 29 21 Sept. 2 25 Total 29 247 BAND COLLECTIONS. It would be difficult to fmd a more satisfactory orchard in which to conduct band-record experiments than the one used at Charlottes- ville in the summer of 1912. The trees used were part of an orchard r— ^5 ^0 Co 25 k ^ ao QQ JO Is i: J 1 A / 1 K i \ / \ I P \ ] r \ -\ f \ J f > / V LW (\\\ nil „ nil nil nil nil inn nil nil nil > nil iiN JUJi ■JtW. Jill nil JUNE JULY y^UGUS r - in o »o SEPT Fig. 1.— Diagram to illustrate emergence of fii'st-brood moths of the codling moth ( Carpocapsa pomon- ■ ella) at Charlottesville, Va., in 1912. that had not been sprayed for a number of years. Those banded were of the Winesap variety, about 18 years old, and carried a heavj^ crop of fruit throughout the season. In Table II are given the collections of the season and the summarized results of the rearing experiments. 6 BULLETIN 189^ U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Table II. — Number of larvae of the codling moth taken from the hands and reared at Charlottesville, Va., in the summer of 1912 and the spring of 1913. (See fig. 2.) Date of collecting larvae. Number of larvas collected. Number of dead from handling, cannibal- ism, etc. Number of moths emerging, 1912. Number over- wintering. Number winter- killed. Niunber of moths emerging, 1913. June 12 12 48 49 26 34 33 26 20 20 34 27 12 20 23 26 27 37 30 45 61 60 52 80 53 32 14 2 2 12 34 38 18 21 23 17 17 19 22 15 4 5 1 17 14 11 8 11 10 9 2 1 12 11 22 26 July 1 2 2 ^ 5 9 13 1 1 17 21 25 i 8 15 21 23 27 26 30 35 54 54 43 60 51 29 10 2 I Aug. 1 2 Q 15 10 1 3 2 3 19 13 20 17 27 21 10 1 16 15 15 28 13 10 25 15 29 10 7 6 9 20 2 3 4 20 26 41 10 43 14 5 19 13 4 55 18 32 25 16 29 6 Oct. 2 2 5 -' •Total Percent 905 100 164 18.12 247 27.29 494 64.59 139 15.36 335 39 23 as so 75 65 60 35 30 25 20 /5 I I I r \ \ ' \ \ 1- n \ / \ / \ f ^ / \ ' r*" V \ / \ \ V \ \ \ k ^ J \ j' \ 1 \ y \ / \ [/ \ / r//?s T e/t o OD / 3t ■c ON D B RO oc > \ MM MM nil nil III! nil III! III! III! nil inn nil nil nil nil nil inn nil nil nil nil nil nil T1>U nil >.^f\i(\jc>) -s-NCVjCXif^ >«v(vif\it») -~-^tV|(\j(>) ■^>. JUNE. JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCT. Fig. 2.— Diagram to illustrate band collections of larvae of the codlmg moth at Charlottesville, Va., in 1912. Unfortunately examinations were not begun until June 12, while larvse were doubtless leaving the fruit as early as June 5-6. Codling- CODLING MOTH IN CENTEAL APPALACHIAN EEGION. 7 moth larvae appeared under the bands in considerable number throughout June and July, most of those collected previous to August 1 transforming to adults the same season. After August 1 the num- ber of larvse collected again increased considerably, the greater part of those taken after this date spinning up and wintering. Since summer-brood moths appeared June 20, it is reasonable to suppose that second-brood larvae were beginning to enter the apples about July 1. If we allow a slightly longer time than has been found by other observers to be the minimum feeding period of the second brood, we might expect second-brood larvae to be leaving the fruit by the last of July to the fu-st of August. The fruit was picked shortly after October 5 and the records discontinued, although a few of the second brood had not finished feeding by that time. Table II gives the results of the rearing experiments carried on with the 905 larvae taken in the orchard in the summer of 1912. Due to handling, cannibalism, disease, etc., 18.12 per cent were lost in the rearing jars; 27.29 per cent emerged as moths that season; 54.59 per cent wintered; 15.36 per cent were winter-killed; and 39.23 per cent passed the winter and emerged as moths in the spring of 1913. SUMMARY FOR SEASON OF 1912. At Charlottesville in 1912 the spring-brood moths began emerging m the early part of May. First-brood larvae began leaving the fruit the early part of June. First-brood moths began emerging June 20, allowmg 10 days for egg-laying and incubation; second-brood larvae began feeding by July 1. After August 1 most of the larvae taken under the bands belonged to the second brood. INVESTIGATIONS EM 1913. SPRING-BROOD MOTHS. The emergence records of 355 moths of the spring brood at Char- lottesville in 1913 are given in Table III. Table III. — Emergence of spring-brood moths of the codling moth at Charlottesville, Va., in 1913. (See fig. 3.) Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Apr 18 2 2 2 7 18 78 27 42 17 55 24 May 21 21 21 11 10 8 8 1 1 21 24 24 27 27 30 30 June 2 May 3 5 6 . 8 9 11 12 Total 15 . .. 355 18 8 BULLETIN 189, U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGRICULTUEE. It will be remembered tliat the work of 1912 did not include a detailed account of the appearance of the spring brood. There was, however, very good evidence that spring-brood emergence began that season shortly after May 1. On the whole the seasonal condi- tions of the spring of 1913 were shghtly in advance of those of 1912, and spring-brood moth emergence seems to have occurred about 10 days earher in the former year. Moths began appearing in numbers on April 27-30, and maximum emergence was reached on May 3. Moths continued to issue in jars through May and part of June, emergence ceasing June 11. It is probable that first-brood larvae began feeding by May 1, or 12 days after the first moth appeared in the rearing cages. FIRST-BROOD MOTHS. In 1913 the first of the first brood or summer brood of moths issued on June 14, from material taken under the bands in the orchard on June 5. However, emergence occurred in numbers on June 23 and reached its maximum on July 8. On the whole the graph in figure 3 probably represents fairly well the time of appearance in the orchard of the two broods of moths at Charlottesville in 1913. An occasional second-brood larva may have begun feeding by June 25, but it is probable that the insects were not entering the fruit in numbers before July 1. Table IV. — Emergence of first-hrood moths of the codling moth at Charlottesville, Va., in 191S. (See fig. 3.) Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. 1 3 5 18 11 24 26 26 40 21 28 10 11 July 23 7 7 16 7 2 2 0 3 1 0 1 17 20 26 29 23 Aug. 1 26 4 30 7 July 2 10 5 13 8 . 16 11 19 14 22 17 Total 20 270 BAND COLLECTIONS. At Charlottesville, as in the other parts of the central Appalachian section, the short crop of fruit during the season of 1913 seriously interfered with the work. After the dropping, which normally fol- lows the feeding of the first brood, not enough fruit remained to furnish food for the second-brood larvae, and the unusually small numbers of larvae that appeared under the bands in the latter part of the summer throw out of line completely the proportions of trans- forming and wintering insects. The relatively small number of over- wintering larvae given in Table V must be considered as unusual and not as evidence of what occurs under nonnal conditions. CODLING MOTH IN CENTRAL APPALACHIAN REGION. , — 80 7S 70 65 60 %SS k SO o \-^ 30 XZS Q) so \ IS l>0 1 — 1 — 1 -A , / 1 A / 1 r r I ' A y > ■ / V K \ A / / \ r / I A J SPRING BROOL 5^ V ^r/R3T BROoi^ / Mn U iiiiliiiiliiii nil nil iniliinilini U Uf III! iiiiniii nil nil iiu.JJiiuJi inn HH ^ au ML 10 O 10 O 10 ^ ^ >» (\1 f\| P3 June: uuly 10 O «0 O Ifl •^ *» tU (Vj AUGUST Fig. 3. — Diagram to illustrate emergence of spring-brood and first-brood moths of the codliag moth at Charlottesville, Va., in 1913. Table V. -Number of larvae of the codling moth taken from bands and reared at Char- lottesville, Va., in 1913. (See fig. 4.) Date of collecting larvae. Number of larvae collected. Number of dead from handling, caimibal- ism, etc. Number of moths emerging, 1913. Number of larvse over- wintering. 6 20 33 18 35 90 37 54 85 19 23 15 10 8 10 3 1 t 2 13 3 1 8 3 6 3 2 9 1 1 5 2 2 7 11 5 19 32 10 27 52 8 3 7 4 3 3 2 4 13 22 13 16 57 27 25 31 9 20 8 5 4 7 1 1 5 1 8 .. . 11 .. 14 17 20 1 23 26 2 30 2 July 2... . 2 5 8 11 . - - » 1 14 1 17. 20.. 23 26 29... Aug. 1.. . . 1 10 1 4 3 7 3 10 . . 1 3 1 1 1 13 1 4 16 2 19. . 5 22 2 25 2 28 . 5 4 Sept. 1 1 3 . 1 6 1 4 9 2 12 . 15 10 4 6 Total : 542 100 223 41.14 270 49.82 49 9.04 77013°— BuU. 189—15- 10 BULLETIN 189, U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. First-brood larvae were taken from the bands on June 5, and con- tinued to appear in increasing numbers througli the remainder of Jime and most of July, the largest collection of the season occurring on June 20. Since moths of the summer or first brood appeared in the rearing cages on June 14 and m numbers by June 20, second-brood larvae were probably entering the fruit in the field June 25-30, and, allowing a normal feeding period, must have begun to appear under the bands in the last of July to the first of August. A few larvae were collected up to September 15, when the remaining fruit was picked and the records discontinued. Figure 4 represents graphically the numbers and time of collection of the larvae taken from the bands during the season. In all, 542 larvae were taken from the bands, 223, /OS 90 ^ -^ -» €0 ^ 30 ^, /S \ 1 I 1 K 1/ 1 1 \ ' I \ J 1 r/RST BROOD^ nil Mil III! nil nil iin iiii IIII inr fi¥f ?^ H SECOND BROOD 1 kooioQ>ooioO»ooio ;;;iooioOio --looioo ■^^(\i(VjO) >*-vC\jC\j^ ~^"^f\l(\jO) >.-v(\j JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT. Fig. 4.— Diagram to illustrate band collections of larvae of the codling moth at Charlottesville, Va., in 1913. or 41.14 per cent, of which perished in the rearmg cages; 49.82 per cent emerged as moths the same season, while 9,14 per cent spun up and wintered. As has already been explained, the comparative numbers of wintering and transformmg larvae given in Table V must not be considered usual. At Charlottesville in an ordinary season a large proportion of the first brood transfonns, giving lise to a rela- tively large second brood, and with a fair crop of fruit the larvae of the second brood taken under the bands should far exceed the first in numbers. SUMMARY FOR SEASON OP 1913. Spring-brood moths began emergmg at Charlottesville on April 18. First-brood larvae might be expected to have entered the fruit by April 28-30, though not in any number until several days later. CODLING MOTH IN CENTEAL APPALACHIAN EEGION. 11 First-brood larvae were taken under the bands Jime 5, and by August 1 probably most of them had left the fruit. First-brood moths ai:)peared m the rearing cages on June 14, and m numbers June 23. Second-brood larvae must have been entering fruit June 25-30, and were leaving by the last of July to the first of August. INVESTIGATIONS AT GREENWOOD, VA. DESCRIPTION OF LOCALITY. Greenwood is situated about 18 miles west of Charlottesville, in a section of the Blue Ridge Mountains where commercial apple growing has been well established for yeai-s. In a mountain orchard section, such as this, there is considerable variation in the elevation of orchard sites. The orchard in which band-record experiments were conducted was at an altitude of about 900 feet above sea level. The work m this section for the season of 1912 is given in part only, the moth emergence of that summer being considered of suffi- cient importance to find a place in this report. INVESTIGATIONS IN 1912. SPRING-BROOD MOTHS. Table VI contains the emergence records of 180 moths as they occurred in the rearing cages at Greenwood in 1912. The first visit of the season to Greenwood was made on May 8, and the table shows that thi'ee moths were found in the jar of wintering larvae at that time; while these may have emerged two or three days pre- viously, from the number appearing two days later (May 10) it can be assumed that moth emergence was just beginning on May 8. Table VI. — Emergence of spring-brood moths of the codling moth at Greenwood, Va., in 1912. (See fig. 5.) Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Maj' 8. 3 11 18 28 20 46 May 30 34 15 5 10 June 3. . 14 7 18 Total 22 180 26 . Some time was spent in the orchard in an unsuccessful search for eggs and young larvae, and their absence indicates that moths had at least not been appearing in the field in numbers up to that time. Maximum emergence did not occur until May 26, although moths were appearing in some numbers during all of the period from May 10 to June 3. None emerged in the rearing cages after June 7, although, had more insects been under observation, an occasional adult would probably have appeared later. 12 BULLETIN 189, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. FIRST-BROOD MOTHS. The first collection of larvae in 1912 was delayed until June 12, though as none of those taken under the bands at the time had pupated, the beginning of first-brood moth emergence was not seri- ously affected thereby. In all 639 moths appeared in the rearing cages between June 23 and August 28. (See Table VII.) ■80 75 70 65 GO 55 SO ^5 ^O 35 30 35 20 15 10 5 i / f \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ V \ A / ^ \ 1 (^ s/ \ \ ' \ \ 1 5 PF }IN (?^ Bf ?o OL ) 1 /="//?5 T i e/? oc ■)D \ \ \ J \ L 1 nil nil nil mil nil nib Jill III li fill nil nil nil nil nil nil inn nil nil nil nil nil iW tt++ Jin A^AV JUNE JULY AUGUST Fig. 5. — Diagram to illustrate emergence of spruig-brood and first-brood moths of the codling moth at Greenwood, Va., in 1912. Table VII. — Emergence of first-hrood moths of the codling moth at Greenwood, Va., in 1912. (See fig. 5.) Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. June 2.3 6 4 17 62 71 67 29 27 65 30 41 40 24 75 53 IS 9 0 27 5 July 1 9 5 13 10 17 13 21 17 24 21 28 Total 29 639 The seasonal appearance of the two broods of moths is given in figm'e 5. Work at Greenwood was discontinued in 1913, the transformations of the codling moth bemg apparently so nearly the same as at Char- lottesville that almost daily observation would be necessary to distinguish any variation at all, and according to the plan of work followed it was impossible to take records oftener than every three or four days. CODLING MOTH IN CENTRAL APPALACHIAN REGION. 13 INVESTIGATIONS AT HAGERSTOWN, MD, DESCRIPTION OF LOCALITY. Hagerstown, McL, is situated on a comparatively level portion of the lower Cumberland Valley. The coxmtry is more or less roll- ing, but the relative differences in altitude are not great, the ac- tual elevation above sea level of most of this section being from 500 to 600 feet. There are a few large orchards in the vi- cinity, but fruit grow- ing in a commercial way has not received much attention un- til recently. How- ever, Hagerstown is not far from some very important fruit- growing districts on the east, the west, the north, and the south. Band-record experiments were carried on in this section for 1911, 1912, and 1913. INVESTIGATIONS IN 1911. FIRST-BROOD MOTHS. The long intervals between observations in 1911 (10 to 12 days) make the records of that year of rather doubtful value, and while they are included for Hagerstown and Pickens, it must not be under- stood that they are comparable in any but a general way to the data obtained in the two following years' work in these sections. Table VIII. — Emergence of first-brood moths of the codling moth at Hagerstown, Md., in 1911. (See fig. 6.) — /eo /so /4-0 130 IZO % IIO \^ioo o ^ 90 ao 60 Q: so ^ 30 JO ~"" — — — — A \ 1 \ \ / \ / \ / \ \ \ 1 V • 1 \ s. ill III! nil nil III] mil nil nil nil ml :;> +HW uu. nil nil OULY ^UGU3T SEPT. Fig. 6. — Diagram to illustrate emergence of first-brood moths of the codling moth at Hagerstown, Md., in 1911. Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. July 12. . . 82 151 46 16 3 22 Aug. 3 14 Aug. 25 Total 298 14 BULLETIN 189, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The collection of larvae from the bands, and the summer-brood moth emergence given in Table VIII, can be better appreciated by reference to figures 6 and 7, and it is doubtful if much could be added bv a detailed discussion of the season's work. INVESTIGATIONS IN 1912. SPRING-BROOD MOTHS. It will be noted that the records for spring-brood moth emergence given in Table IX were obtained at Smithsburg, Md., and therefore do not represent accurately what took place at Hagerstown. The Smithsburg section is 9 miles east of Hagerstown, at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and at a considerably higher elevation, and -seo 4^30 § 4-20 ^ 350 uj 2/0 70 CV|(\jCO ^■vtViOj^) ^^C\j(\jP) ^">CVjt\j03 ^^ y ^ ~ n f > \ ' > vl V s N \ y V i /^/ ffS T i3/ ?o 00 \ y r \ SE C< ON D a RC >OL ? \ s N i iUi iUi JUi ilii liii im mil iiU ilLL Liii iilL ill! III!! III! nil nil nil nil III! ^ TTTT ■mi JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCT. Pig. 7. — Diagramtoillustratebandcollectiousof larva; ofthe codling moth at Hagerstown, Md., in 1911. the seasonal conditions at Hagerstown are somewhat in advance of those at Smithsbm-g. However, no satisfactory record of moth emergence was obtained at Hagerstown in the spring of 1912, and as this was practically the only record of any value secured at Smiths- burg, it is included in the report of the work in the former section. Table IX. — Emergence of spring-brood moths of the codling moth at Smithsburg, Md., in 1912. (See fig. 8.) Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. May 30 2 9 17 23 20 June 19 10 4 June 3 • 23 . 7 Total 11 85 15 CODLING MOTH IN CENTEAL APPALACHIAN REGION. 15 It will be seen from figure 8 that emergence began on May 30, and reached its maximum on June 11, after which time the moths de- creased in numbers, ceasing to appear altogether after June 23. It would probably be safe to say that the first-brood larvae were entering fruit by June 1, or very soon thereafter. FIRST-BROOD MOTHS. The emergence records of 148 moths given in Table X were obtained from the material collected in the orchard at Hagerstown and repre- sent fairly well the occurrence of the summer or first brood of moths in the field. The 148 moths accounted for in tliis table comprise all that transformed during that season of the 1,706 larvae reared, a fact 35 30 CO K O 5 SO O /5 to — 1 1 ■ 1 J ^ i| \ / I \ \ I / \ \y \ y \ /• />/ ?/A ,} C /?< ?o D V \ ii/i nil UN nil Mil \ nil b Uii mjt. I nil nil mil iiii iiii iiii niilm rfffi^ Wll nil My^Y JUNE UULV ^ "*• "^ (M <\j P> ^ AUGUST Fig. 8.— Diagram to illustrate emergence of spring-brood moths of the codling moth at Smithsburg, Md., and fh-st-brood moths at Hagerstown, Md., in 1912. which probably accounts for the relatively small number of second- l)rood larvae that appeared under the bands later in the smnmer (see fig. 9). Table X. — Emergence of first-hrood moths of the codling moth at Hagerstown, Md., in 1912. (See fig. 8.) Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. July 13 3 36 11 13 28 10 11 5 Aug. 13 20 9 17 ^ 17 21 21 25 25 29 29 2 Total 148 9 16 BULLETIN 189, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. First-brood moths began to emerge on July 13, and emergence continued throughout the remainder of July and the fore part of August. Two adults appeared as late as August 29, though emer- gence had practically ceased August 17. The codling moth is very sensitive to weather conditions, its development being especially retarded by cold, and the irregularity in the emergence curve of first-brood moths in figure 8 is due, in part at least, to extreme tem- perature variations of the season. Second-brood larvae probably began entering fi-uit at Hagerstown in 1912, about July 23 to 27. BAND COLLECTIONS. Altogether 1,706 larvae were taken from the bands at Hagerstown in 1912. (See Table XI.) The trees used were of the York Imperial variety, about 15 years old, smooth bodied and loaded with fruit. Bands were placed in the fore part of June and examinations made every three or four days, beginning June 15. Table XI. — Number of larvae of the codling moth taken from the bands and reared at Hagerstown, Md., during the summer of 1912 and the spring of 1913. (See fig. 9.) Date of collecting lar\'ae. Number of larvae col- lected. Number of dead from handling, cannibal- ism, etc. Number emerged, 1912. Number overwinter- ing. Number winter- kiUed. Number emerged, 1913. June 29 11 4 7 July 1 5 58 55 144 240 183 207 228 117 97 59 35 30 15 60 30 48 16 21 16 28 8 42 28 42 15 2 10 2 16 3 75 172 137 136 151 95 79 47 30 28 5 29 22 26 7 14 12 20 6 7 3 24 109 137 100 112 40 25 36 23 11 9 9 24 27 53 44 61 75 22 18 12 5 2 10 31 8 22 9 7 4 8 2 13 51 17 63 21 25 36 29 39 55 54 9 11 13 7 17 17 21 5 25 19 2 19 7 7 8 13 4 10 30 20 Sept. 2 7 6 10 7 14 4 18.. 7 22 2 Total 1,706 100 448 26.26 148 8.68 1,110 65.06 706 41.38 404 Per cent 23.68 From figure 9 it will be seen that the first larvae appeared under the bands on June 29, the numbers gradually increasing through July. From August 1 to 21 the collections decreased, increasing again slightly after the latter date, and it is probable that second-brood larvae were beginning to leave the apples about this time. Only 8.68 per cent of the first-brood larvae transformed to moths, which explains the relatively small second brood of larvae shown in figure 9. CODLING MOTH IN CENTEAL APPALACHIAN REGION. 17 Comparison of figures 7 and 9 would suggest that, in the relative num- bers of the two broods of larvae appearing under the bands, the sea- sons of 1911 and 1912 were very similar. As has already been said, only 8.68 per cent of the 1,706 lai-vae taken under the bands at Hagerstown in 1912 transformed to moths that summer. The percentage of 26.26 that died in the rearing cages from handling, cannibalism, disease, immaturity, and other causes compares closely with that observed at other points, and the rearing work was evidently done with as much care and under as favorable conditions as in the locaUties where a much larger pro- portion of the first brood transformed; 65.06 per cent wintered, 41 .38 per cent were wmter-killed, and 23.68 per cent emerged as moths 210 180 V 'SO >J 120 30 UJ SO 30 ■ A A '^ ^ \ I \ / ST B RO OL \ V / \ \ .s EC O NC i 3/? oc D nil Kff J\\\ III! III! nil nil inn lUi iUi iiii. UiL / iUi mil im iUI iUIUlL iife jiii ilU iUi liU iiii iiii OioOlnOloOlO . V (VI (\| JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER Fig. 9. — Diagram to illustrato band collections of larva of the codling moth at Hagerstown, Md., in 1912. in the spring of 1913. The percentage of winter-killed larvae at Hagerstown was much larger than in other localities that year. SUMMARY FOR SEASON OF 1912. Spring-brood moths began emerging in rearmg cages at Smiths- burg, Md., on May 30 (probably several days later than at Hagers- towm). First-brood larvae were probably entering fruit 10 to 12 days later (soon after June 1, at Hagerstown). First-brood larvae were leaving apples in the field from June 25 to 29 to August 17 to 21. First-brood moths began emerging from field-collected material on July 13. Second-brood larvae probably began feeding soon after July 23, and were leaving the fruit in numbers soon after August 21. 77013"— BuU. 189—15 3 18 BULLETIN 189^ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. INVESTIGATIONS IN 1913. SPRING-BROOD MOTHS. Table XII gives the emergence of moths of the spring brood at Hagerstown in 1913. Table XII. — Emergence of spring-brood moths of the codling moth at Hagerstoitn, Md., in 191S. (See fig. 10.) Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Dateof ob.se r- vation. Number of moths emerging. May 15 2 45 22 25 81 ^ 18 6 8 21 12 9 38 77 87 11 24 27 27 Total 30 '.'. 404 June 2 The first moths appeared in the rearing cages on May 15, but maximum emergence did not occur until May 30 to June 2. Careful 90 O 60 30 IS \ \ « \ i \ i s IN 6 • \^ -/? oo D i N \ IW' llil MM mil nil nil Mil III! nil ii'iv im, tfff / nil nil inn iiiiliiii BROOD ii>rUiil1\Ami. nil O U) p 10 r; U) O 10 O lO O lo *> ^ (\J (\| Oj JUNE. i lo o lo r- to s >: c\j (\j P) JULY Q 10 O 10 "^ "^ -^ <\J C\j P) y^ UGU3T Fig. 10. — Diagram to illustrate emergence of spring-brood and first-brood moths of the codling moth at Hagerstown, Md., in 1913. records were taken every three days up to and including June 11, but fi'om June 11 to June 27 observations were discontinued, as indi- cated by the dotted line in figure 10. However, of 404 moths accounted for in Table XII, all but 81 had emerged by June 11, and the break from then until June 27 does not seriously affect the value of the records. Allowing 10 to 12 days for egg laying and incubation, first-brood larvae were evidently beginning to feed by May 25 to 27. FIRST-BROOD MOTHS. The relation of the two broods of moths emerging at Hagerstown in 1913 is clearly illustrated in figure 10. Adults appeared in the rearing jars with more or less regularity from July 8 to August 10. Emergence ceased altogether on August 28. (See also Table XIII.) CODLING MOTH IN CENTKAL APPALACHIAN REGION. 19 Table XIII.- — Emergence of first-brood moths of the codling moth at Hagerstown, Md., in 191S. (See fig. 10.) Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Pate of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. July 8. 2 2 11 8 13 10 29 23 53 31 20 I 1 0 6 0 2 11 10 14 13 17 16 21 19 23 22 26 25 29 28 Total 4 ... 222 Probably a few second-brood larvse were entering fruit in the field by July 20 to 25. BAND COLLECTIONS. In Table XIV are given the records of the collections and rearings of 2,756 larvse taken under the bands at Hagerstown in the summer of 1913. Table XIX . — Number of larvx of the codling moth taken from hands and reared at Hagerstown, Md., during the summer of WIS. (See fig. 11.) Date of collecting larv;p. Number of larvffi collected. Number of dead from handling, carmibal- ism, etc. Number of moths emerging, 1913. Number overwin- tering. 27 3 12 38 30 78 86 136 95 181 116 150 108 105 73 109 108 101 148 121 110 26 128 92 203 HI 127 42 32 14 18 9 17 9 5 5 6 2 1 1 1 4 12 6 19 31 38 22 53 22 77 44 40 11 36 27 11 49 41 28 6 1104 16 48 34 61 8 12 4 8 5 1 3 2 8 17 18 24 34 41 24 28 14 7 4 30 July 2 9 5 6 8 35 11 21 14 57 17 49 21 100 23 . 80 26 66 29 60 Aug. 1 . . 65 4 1 3 1 61 7 70 10 80 13 . 90 16 1 98 19 80 22 . 82 25 20 28 24 31 76 Sept. 3 155 6 77 9 66 Vi . . . . .. 34 15 20 18 10 21 10 25 4 27 in 30 0 Oct. 3 ... 5 6 1 4 9 G 12 15 1 18 1 Total 2, 756 100 883 32.04 227 8.24 1,646 Per cent . . . . 59.72 1 Eaten bv mice. 20 BULLETIN 189, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. LarvsB began to appear on June 27, and were taken under the bands in numbei-s through the remainder of June, all of July, and part of August. It will be noticed that on August 25 (fig. 11) there was a sharp decrease in the number of insects collected. Considering the time first-brood moths began appearing in the rearing cages at Hagerstown, and correlating with what was taking place at Win- chester and elsewhere, second-brood larvae very likely began appear- 1 — 210 195. 180 i65 "if SO ^,35 X ISO •^JOS k 90 ^ 7S \ 60 i 30 n 1 ;i \ K V \ ; \ . / \ p" J S I\ V \ r SI I 1 1 ^ V I 1 / \ 1 1 / 1 1 ys ^ F //? ST B RO OL ■) \S£ Cl ON ^K ^BROOD 1 \ <*», Iff^ nil nil nil nil nil Mill nil Mil nil nil nil inn nil nil nil nil nil nil frrt 1TTT mi. m ioou)Oiooio ^■loo'oo^o -^looiooioouioioo <\1(>) ^'^(MCVj'v '^"^(\i(\j03 "^"^(VitMt*) ^^(Vi JUNE yJULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCT. Fig. 11. — Diagram to illustrate band collections of larvae of the codling moth at Hagerstovm, Md., in 1913. ing under the bands soon after August 25, though an unusual over- lapping of the two broods of larvae is apparent in the collections. Records were discontinued about October 25, though no larvae appeared under the bands later than October 18. The 8.24 per cent of transforming larvae taken under the bands at Hagerstown m 1913 compares closely with the 8.68 per cent that transfoimed in 1912. The 32.04 per cent of larvae that died from handling, cannibalism, etc., in 1913 is much higher than has usually been observed, due in part to the fact that one jar of larvae was devoured by mice, and discarding consideration of this cage the loss is brought down to 29.37 per cent. The 59.72 per cent of wintering larvae is only slightly less than the 65.06 per cent obtained in 1912. SUMMARY FOR SEASON OF 1913. Spring-brood moth emergence began May 15 and closed June 27. Allowing 10 to 12 days from emergence to hatching of first eggs, we might expect that first-brood larvae began entering the apples May 25 to 27. First-brood larvae appeared under the bands on June 27. First-brood moths began to emerge in the rearing cages on July 8, CODLING MOTH IN CENTRAL APPALACHIAN REGION. 21 though not in numbers until July 1 1 to 14. Second-brood larvae were probably beginning to enter the fruit about July 20 to 25 and were leaving in numbers after August 25. INVESTIGATIONS AT WINCHESTER, VA. DESCRIPTION OF LOCALITY. Winchester, the county seat of Frederick County, Va., is one of the principal shipping points for a large and well-developed apple-pro- ducing territory in the northern part of the Shenandoah Valley. The altitude of most of the country immediately surrounding Winchester varies from 650 to 800 feet above sea level; thus the relative variations in elevation are not great and the seasonal conditions are fairly uni- form for the whole section. The life-history studies of the codling moth in this section for the seasons of 1912 and 1913 follow. In Table XV are mcluded the emergence records of 94 moths that issued at Winchester in the spring of 1912. INVESTIGATIONS IN 1912. SPRING-BROOD MOTHS. Table XV. — Emergence of spring-brood moths of the codling moth at Winchester, Va., in 1912. (See fig. 12.) Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. May 22 2 June 11 1 1 26 4 19 26 26 15 30 19 23 7 27 Total 94 The first moth appeared in the laboratory rearing cages between May 18 and 22, though observations indicate that moths emerged several days earher in the field. On the 24th of May eggs were rather common in the orchard, and two newly hatched larvae were found just entering apples. Certainly moths were emerging in the field, in 1912, not later than May 15. By May 30 first-brood larvae were ob- served entering fruit in the orchard in considerable numbers. The last spring-brood moth emerged Juno 27. The fruit was unusually large when attacked by the codling moth in 1912, and it is of some interest to note that curculio cuts and rough spots on the apples were more frequently used by the first-brood larvae as points of entrance than was the calyx end of the fruit. The first of the 1912 summer or first-brood moths emerged on July 9, Eggs were laid by moths in confinement on July 13, by moths emerg- ing during the period from July 9 to 13, but since one moth issued 22 BULLETIN 189, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. July 9 it is possible oviposition began two or three days earlier in the field. Moths emerged in the rearing cages until August 21. (See Table XVI.) riRST-BROOD MOTHS. Table X.YI.— Emergence of first-brood moths of the codling moth at Winchester, Va., in 1912. (See fig. 12.) Dale of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. July 9 1 20 25 27 27 33 Aug. 2 25 8 . 23 18 13 8 13 6 . 17 10 20 25 14 18... 29 21 Total 228 The relation of the two broods of moths can be better understood by reference to figure 12, where their seasonal appearance is repre- sented graphically. BAND COLLECTIONS. x\ii old unsprayed orchard located about a mile south of Winchester was used for the band-record experiments of 1912. The trees -35 30 5: so k o /s 00 w A r ■I / r J f \ 1 » L \ f \ \ / \ • f PR iN \ a* RO Ol ? / /■/ /?i T i 1 0( ^O ) \ llkf k / mil Mil nil \ III! ). III! T>H iUi *ffl nil nil nil mil nil nil nil nil \ inn A^>l y JUNE JULY ^AUGUST Fig. 12. — Diagram to illustrate emergence of spring-brood and first-brood moths of the codling moth at Winchester, Va., in 1912. were of late fall and winter varieties well laden with fruit, and the infestation was very extensive, practically every apple being attacked by one or more codling-moth larvae at some time during the season. CODLING MOTH IN CENTRAL APPALACHIAN REGION. 23 One liirra was taken under the bands on June 19. The number collected increased throughout the remainder of June and the first half of July. By referring to figure 13 it will be noticed that during the fore part of August there occurred a series of very small collec- tions, and about this time evidently most of the first-brood larvai had left the fruit, while those of the second brood were still feeding. On July 15 newly hatched larvae were observed entering fruit in the field in sufficient numbers to exclude the probability of their belong- ing to the first brood, especially since the last of the spring-brood moths appeared on June 27. The second-brood larvae did not hatch hi the laboratory until July 19, but this was probably three or four days behhid field conditions. Allowing for a normal feeding 75 70 65 60 ^- ^f ^40 k 35 0:25 5 "A ^ ^ \ / V I / \ V i / V •^ \ / / \ y \ / » 1 / \ / V ^ F IR ST B R(. ?o o\ 1 St -.c ON D B ROOL A 1 ^ y V ILU- A nil nil III! nil nil III! mil nil nil nil nil III! inn nil III! nil nil nil V nil ^ t^ ;;rr TTi> illl u oomoiooiooio ;;riooiooio -^looiooiooioovooin ^(\l<\Jf*) '-■^(\j«Vl'^ '~"^CVi(\jP5 ^^(Vi«\iC>) ~~"^<\iC\j JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER Fig. 13.— Diagram to illustrate band collections of larvse of the codling moth at Winchester, Va., in 1912. period, some of the second-brood larvoB should have been leaving the apples about August 9 to 13. The collections increased through the latter part of August and the first half of September. No larA'-SR appeared under the bands after October 18. During the season of 1912 at Winchester 798 larvse were takf^ii from the bands and reared. Of these 27.19 per cent were killed hi handling or were devoured by their fellows after being placed in the rearing cages; 28.57 per cent emerged as moths of the first brood; 1.38 per cent were parasitized; 42.86 per cent of the larvae collected wintered, and 15.04 per cent were winter killed; 27.44 per cent passed the winter successfully and emerged the foUowhig season, while 0.38 per cent represents the proportion of parasites that issued iu the sprhig of 1913. (See Table XVII.) 24 BULLETIN 189, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Table XVII. — Number of larvae of the codling moth taken from the bands and reared at Winchester, Va., during the summer of 1912 and the spring of 1913. (See fig. 13.) Number of larvse collected. Number of dead from handling, cannibal- ism, etc. Emerged, 1912. Number of larvse overwin- tering. Number of larv£e winter- killed. Emerged, 1913. Date of collection, 1912. Moths. Parasites. Moths. Parasites. 1 3 20 23 56 71 70 56 37 33 14 8 8 7 9 19 37 56 59 32 22 44 34 32 18 11 5 1 2 5 2 3 1 3 14 23 36 42 37 31 19 11 6 4 1 23 27 5 1 1 Julv 1 ■ 5 16 24 31 16 11 17 2 1 3 4 1 3 1 1 1 6 7 5 6 3 7 6 8 14 30 52 56 18 16 27 31 26 8 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 : : : ::::i:::::::::: 9 1 1 4 6 4 6 3 I 8 10 21 33 27 10 9 12 17 16 8 5 3 1 1 1 13 17 2 1 1 21 25 29 . . 9 1 1 5 7 4 3 14 6 17 3 6 10 6 2 2 13 ; .- .. 17 4 8 19 29 6 7 15 14 10 21 1 24 29 Sept 2 2 6 10 14 18 21 . 25 28 Oct. 2 5 1 4 1 3 10 15 18- i 1 1 Total 798 100 217 27.19 228 28.57 11 1.38 342 42.86 120 15.04 219 27.44 3 Percent 0.38 SUMMARY FOR SEASON OF 1912. Spring-brood moths began emerging in the laboratory May 18 to 22, and probably two or three days earlier in the field. First-brood larvae began entering the fruit in the field May 24. First-brood larvse began leaving the apples Jmie 19. First-brood moths began emerg- ing July 9; second-brood larvse were observed entermg fruit in. the field on July 15, and a few had finished feeding by August 9 to 13. INVESTIGATIONS IN 1913. SPRING-BROOD AND FIRST-BROOD MOTHS. The seasonal conditions of the sprmg of 1913 were considerably in advance of those of 1912, and the appearance of the spring-brood moths was correspondingly earlier. Moths appeared in numbers on May 6 and maximum emergence occurred tlu'ee days later. CODLING MOTH IN CENTRAL APPALACHIAN EEGION. 25 Table XVIII. — Emergence of spring-brood moths of the codling moth at Winchester, Va., in 1913. (See fig. 14.) Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. May 6 18 38 6 16 30 29 8 16 14 June 2 14 10 6 3 7 3 1 9 5 12 8 15 11 18.. 14 21 17 24 20 27 Total 30 219f Moths continued to issue in the rearing cages until Jane 20. The iiTegularity of the emergence curve in figure 14 is due in most cases — 65 60 55 4iil ilU- 4+r jr< iiTl> 4UJ My^Y JUNE UULY /AUGUST Fig. 14.— Diagram to illustrate emergence of spring-brood and first-brood moths of the codling moth at Winchester, Va., in 1913. to fluctuations in temperature. The first moth emergence in con- finement occurred 16 days earlier in 1913 than in 1912, but since adults were probably appearing m the field in 1912 not later than May 15, we may assume that spring-brood emergence began in the field only 10 to 12 days earlier in 1913. The seasonal appearance of the two broods of moths can perhaps be best appreciated by referrmg to figure 14. The emergence of 326 moths of the first brood are given in Table XIX. The fii-st adults of this brood appeared in the laboratory in 1913 on Jmie 30, nine days earlier than in 1912. However, not until July 5 to 8 did adults appear in any numbers, and in reality the difference in the time of appearance of summer, or first-brood, moths in the two seasons is 77013°— BuU. 189 15 4 26 BULLETIN 189, U. S. DEPARTMENT OP AGEICULTURE. very slight. Maximum emergence was not attained mitil one month later, or about August 1. The last of the first-brood moths emerged in the rearing cages on September 1. Table XIX. — Emergence of first-brood moths of the codling moth at Winchester, Va., in 1913. (See fig. 14.) Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. June 30 1 1 3 19 10 5 9 10 16 33 45 62 Aug. 4. 28 28 37 3 5 2 2 4 2 1 July 2 7 10 8 13 11 16... 14 19 17 22 20 25.. 23 29 26 Sept. 1 29 Total Aug. 1 326 BAND COLLECTIONS. In 1913 bands were placed on 12 old apple trees in an orchard located about 2 miles south of Winchester, The rough bark was 75 70 6S (t SO ^^5 ^^0 ^35 30 sv(\j<\j2 9 9 6 11 4 19 31 11 30 13 17 9 6 23 3 8 29 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 16 1 1 Total 971 100 234 24.10 326 1 65 346 33.57 6.70 35.63 Careful examination of the bands was made, beginning about June 1, but no larvas were taken until June 17, only two days earlier than in 1912, m spite of the fact that the first of the sprmg -brood moths were probably 10 to 15 days earlier than m the former season. From June 17 the collections increased until about August 1, when the numbers of insects collected decreased slightly, the proportion of those wintering increasing, and probably by August 7 to 10 most of the larvae taken were of the second brood. The fact that the second brood did not equal the first in numbers and were somewhat irregular in their appearance under the bands is explained by the short fruit crop of the year. Altogether 971 larvse were collected and reared. Of this number 24.10 per cent were killed by handling, cannibalism, etc., the loss from this source being about the same as the 27.19 per cent that died from similar causes in 1912; 33.57 per cent were transformed to first- 28 BULLETIN 189^ V. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. brood moths and 6.70 per cent were parasitized. The light fruit crop already noted reduced the number of wintering lai'vse to 35.63 per cent. SUMMARY FOR SEASON OF 1913. Spring-brood moths began to emei-ge May 6, and a few fii-st-brood larvae were probably entering the fruit by May 16. First-brood larvae began to appear under the bands in the orchard June 17, and from these larvae a few first-brood moths emerged in the laboratory on June 30. Second-brood larvae were probably entering fruit in numbei*s by Jidy 15; they began leaving fruit about August 13. INVESTIGATIONS AT FISHERSVILLE, VA. DESCRIPTION OF LOCALITY. Fishei-sville is the shipping point for a part of the Shenandoah Val- ley, in which commercial fruit growing has for yeai-s been of consider- able importance. While in approximately the same latitude as Char- lottesville, the seasonal conditions of this section are decidedly differ- ent chiefly on accoimt of the much higher altitude; in fact, there is a much greater similarity of conditions between Fishersville and Win- chester, both of which are in the Shenaadoah Valley, than between Fishersville and Charlottesville, between which two points the Blue Ridge Mountains intervene. Differences in humidity and other cli- matic conditions occur between these two regions that may effect the development of the codling moth and that may not be entirely accounted for by differences in altitude. The band-record experi- ments were carried on in locations 1,400 to 1,500 feet above sea level, which is probably about the average elevation of orchards in this section. INVESTIGATIONS IN 1912. SPRING-BROOD MOTHS. In a limited way the emergence dates of 119 moths given in Table XXI probably represent fairly well the occurrence of the spring brood at Fishei-sville in 1912. The rearing material was collected from the bands in the fall of 1911. Table XXI. — Emergence of spring-brood moths of the codling moth at Fishersville, Va., in 1912. (See fig. 16.) Date of obser- vation. May 18 22 26 30 June 3 7 11 Number of moths emerging. Dare of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. ,TllnA 1 .'i 1 19 23 27 1 Total 119 CODLING MOTH IN CENTRAL APPALACHIAN EEGION. 29 Emergence began on May 18 and reached its highest numbers on May 30, 12 days later. However, since first-brood larvae appeared under the bands on June 11, it is probable that moths emerged in the field several days prior to May 18. The moths continued to emerge through the remainder of May and in lessemng number through the most of June, ceasing to appear altogether after June 27. The records of the appearance of 273 moths of the first brood that; issued from band-collected material at Fishersville in the summer of 1912 are given in Table XXII. FIRST-BROOD MOTHS. Table XXII. — Emergence of first-brood moths of the codling moth at Fishersville, Va., in 1912. (See fig. 16.) Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. July 2 5 5 7 35 30 55 35 31 26 Aug. 1 15 13 16 1 3 1 5 9 9 13 17 13 17 21 : 25 21.. Total 29 273 The work at FishersviUe in 1912 was carried on under very ideal conditions, and July 2, the time when the first-brood moths began emerging in the rearing cages, represents field conditions as nearly as is possible with band-collected rearing material. The time of first appearance for the fu"st-brood moths was seven days in advance of Winchester, while between the first emergence of spring-brood moths there was a four-day difference in the two sections. Moths appeared in numbers through July and the first half of August, attaining their maximum on July 17. The last moth ap- peared in the rearing cages on August 21. The relative time of appearance of the two broods of moths at Fishersville in 1912 is shown in figure 16. BAND COLLECTIONS. About 12 smooth-bodied yomig York Imperial and Ben Davis apple trees were banded at Fishersville in 1912. On the whole the records given in Table XXIII and figure 17 represent fairly well the time the two broods of larvae were leaving the fruit that season. Three larvse were taken under the bands on July 1 1 and the number increased in the succeeding collections until about July 1, when the number gradually decreased until the fore part of August. By August 1 a large part of the first brood had left the fnut, as is evi- denced in the band-record curve of figure 17. 30 BULLETIN 189, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUKE. Since fii*st-brood moths emerged in the rearing cages on July 2, larvae hatching from eggs laid by these moths might reasonably be expected to begin feeding by July 12 to 15. After August 9 the r—eo ss KA5 l^o ^ 3S U, 30 ^5S (^^^ Ivj /S :) s > A \ A \ / i \ / \ \ 4 \ / \ \ \ / \ \ \ / \ I r / 1 X, ^1 J SA »/?/ ^g]/ V 3/^OOD J F/RST BROOD \ IIIU fill Mil Mill nil nil M> mi rill iud. ill! nil II nil II 1 nil \ tiTT Ml inn My4-y^ UUNE: UULY y^UGUST Fig. 16. — Diagram to illustrate emergence of spring-brood and flrst-brood moths of the codling moth at Fishersville, Va., in 1912. collections increased to the middle of September. Second-brood larvae continued to appear under the bands until November 1, when the fruit was picked and the records discontinued. 135 ISO 105 5 90 '^ 75 vl I ^^ m 5 30 15 ; "^ / f-^ P" f 1 -V r> > 1 \ \ / \ ^ "N / y // "//? ST ■ B RC )o \ o \ »s EC ON D a RO oc A s- y N i nil III! nil nil III! nil nil \ ^11! nil nil nil nil nil inn nil nil nil nil nil iiii nil nil \ III! nil ^ *i\iit ■Ml nil c iioo>ootooiooio ;;;iooioo'o -.i/joiooiflOujoioom ^loo '^(V|(\lP) •v^.cycvi'^ ^^(\jf\|to ~--v(V4(vi(>) -^-^AlCVjf*) "^ JUNE. JULY y^UGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER Fig. 17. — Diagram to illustrate band collections of larvae of the codling moth at Fishersville, Va., in 1912. In Table XXIII are recorded the numbers of larvae taken in the orchard at different dates through the season. Altogether 1,418 larvae were collected and reared, of which 12.90 per cent were IdUed CODLING MOTH IN CENTRAL APPALACHIAN REGION. 31 by handling or devoured by their fellows in the rearing cages; 19.96 per cent emerged as adults during the summer of 1912; 67.14 per cent wintered and 24.19 per cent were winter killed; and 42.95 per cent emerged as moths in the spring of 1913. Table XXIII. — Number of larvae of the codling moth taken from the bands and reared at Fishersville, Va., during the summer of 1912 and the spring of 1913. (See fig. 17.) Date of collecting larvse. Number of larvse collected. Number of dead from eamiibal- ism, etc. Number of moths emerging, 1912. Number of larvse over- wintering. Number of larvse winter killed. Number of moths emerging, 1913. Jime 11 3 12 43 64 61 48 32 35 34 29 22 1 9 9 14 11 13 36 101 100 109 120 127 86 88 61 37 19 16 18 22 17 8 5 6 1 3 13 41 11 14 5 2 9 30 23 50 34 27 28 28 23 16 1 2 5 4 1 15 19 21 27 July 1 " .5 9 7 3 6 4 7 13 3 3 17 6 21 2 4 25 29 1 6 4 10 9 11 36 99 83 95 97 112 80 86 59 37 19 IG 18 19 16 8 5 5 6 Aug. 1 2 2 ^ 5. 10 9 r 9 13 9 12 46 43 44 34 39 28 37 32 11 2 17 24 21 2 17 14 23 15 6 2 2 53 25 40 28 51 Sept. 1 63 73 9 52 13 49 17 27 26 21 25 19 28 3 13 Opt. 2 18 5 3 1 19 9 3 13 14 g 18 5 22 1 5 27 Nov. 1 2 2 2 Total 1,418 100 183 12.90 2S3 19.96 952 67.14 343 24.19 609 42.95 Per cent SUMMARY FOR SEASON OF 1912. Spring-brood moths began emerging in the laboratory May 18 and probably several days earlier in the field. Ten to 12 days latei first- brood larvae were probably beginning to enter fruit. First-brood larvae began leaving the fruit Jmie 11. First-brood moths emerged July 2 to August 21, and second-brood larvae probably were entering fruit by July 12. Soon after August 5 to 9 the number of larvse appearing under the bands increased, and most of the larvae taken after this date may be considered to be of the second brood. 32 BULLETIN 189, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. INVESTIGATIONS IN 1913. SPRING-BEOOD MOTHS. Figure 18 represents the occurience of 608 moths of the spring brood that appeared in the rearing cages at Fishersvdlle in 1913. Moths emerged first on May 3, but maximum emergence was delayed until May 30, the emergence curve in figure 18 for Fishersville being very different in this respect from the spring-brood cm've at Win- chester, as it appears in figure 14. Adults continued to emerge until June 27. (See also Table XXIV.) Table XXIV. — Emergence of spring-brood moths of the codling moth at Fishersville, Va., in 1913. (See fig. 18.) Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. Date of obser- vation. Number of moths emerging. May 3 6 1 3 9 11 53 28 94 91 124 81 June 5 44 10 9 22 10 7 3 2 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 17 18 20 21 24 24 27 27 Total 30 . .. 608 June 2 First-brood larvae were probably entering the fruit in the field by May 10 to 13, from eggs laid by moths emerging May 1 to 3. On account of the light crop of fruit in 1913 the records at Fishers- ville for the remainder of the season are of little value and are not included in this report INVESTIGATIONS AT FRENCH CREEK, W. VA. DESCRIPTION OF LOCALITY. French Creek is located near the lower border of the Transition Life Zone in a hilly region not far from the center of West Virginia. Commercial apple growing is just beginning to attract attention, and several orchards of considerable size are being planted in that general locaUty. Bearing orchards of from 5 to 25 acres are not uncommon. The orchards from which banding records were obtained are located at an approximate elevation of 1,600 feet above the level of the sea. INVESTIGATIONS IN 1911. On June 19, 1911, 15 suitable apple trees in an orchard that had never been sprayed were banded, but it was found that the bands were placed too late in the season to obtain a complete record of the time of emergence from the fruit of the first-brood larvae. The bands CODLING MOTH IN CENTRAL APPALACHIAN REGION. 33 furnished a supply of wintering larvse to be used for emergence records of the spring brood of moths in 1912. Predaceous and parasitic enemies of the codhng moth were possibly more abundant here than in any other orchard in which banding records were made during the investigation. The second-brood larvae were very ex- tensively parasitized by hairworms {Mer- mis sp.). Of the lar- vae of this brood, 71 out of 159, or nearly 50 per cent, died from this cause. The first-brood moths began to ap- pear in the jars on July 5, when five were found. The maxi- mum was reached on July 8, and from that time the numbers gradually diminished until September 13, when the last two of , . x, . .^ ,.t. Fig. 18.— Diagram to Illustrate emergence of sprmg-brood moths of tne the season appeared. codling moth at FlshersvUle, Va., in 1913. INVESTIGATIONS IN 1912. SPRING-BROOD MOTHS. On account of the high mortality, due to parasites and other causes, only about 50 wintering larvae were alive to pupate in the spring. Pupation took place from April 22 to 28. Table XXV. — Emergence of spring-brood moths of the codling moth at French Creek, W. Va., in 1912. (See fig. 19.) /30 /20 no r- \ ^ J \ / V / / \ / y / \ ■\ V \ \ (MM ^ nil nil SI ll!l - £ nil Jill ■)OD mil nil M mi nii mi mil 5 Jill iUl o Jill NL nil nil 9/r lllJ 0(. nil m jjij W oiootooiooix) X: U) ota lucidd devonring codling-moth larva. Fig. 3.— {Ili/pot-Uixi) Tarhinophyio variabilis. Vig. ■l.—i.Uicrailti.'i) Bafsus n. sp. Fig. 5.— Codling-moth larvte killed in cocoons by hairworms (.l/( )■»//*■ sp.). Fig. 6. — Mass of hair- worms {Mcrinis sp.) taken from rearing jar, French Creek, VV. Va. (Original.) CODLING MOTH IN CENTKAL APPALACHIAN EEGION. 49 There seems, however, to be no constant rate of difference between the earher and later locaUties. This seems to be largely due to the responsiveness of the species during its metamorphic changes to local and transient weather conditions. During the time of the investigation the first-brood larvae began entering the fruit at Charlottesville from April 28 to May 15, and second-brood larvae from June 25 to July 1. At Pickens first-brood larvae began entering the fruit from June 20 to July 1, and second- brood larvae about August 10. Between these two localities there is a greater difference in the time of the regular periodical changes of the insect that occur late in the season than of those that occur early in the season. This is probably due to the cumulative retard- ing effect of the more frequent unfavorable weather conditions at the higher point. For any given locality the variation in the time of appearance of spring broods in different years is greater than that of correspond- ing summer and fall broods of the same years. Records of the numbers of larvae collected from trees on which bands were placed around the trunks and also aromid the bases of the larger branches indicate that 41.49 per cent drop to the ground and then ascend the trunk to pupate and 58.51 per cent crawl down the branches from the infested fruit to pupate. Where a collection of larvae is confined in one jar there is apt to be a considerable loss due to cannibalism. It is probable that the weaker larvae are sometimes devoured by their fellows under normal con- ditions. Two specimens of ants (Solenopsis molesta Say and Lasius niger L. var. americana Emery) were found in several locaUties devouring codhng-moth larvae. Larvae and adults of the beetle Tenebroides corticalis Melsh. were found frequently feeding on codUng-moth larvae and pupae. Six species of hymenopterous and one of dip- terous parasites were reared in the jars. Of these the most de- structive to the codUng moth were Ascogaster carpocapsse. Vier. and Itoplectis marginatus Pro v. Hairworm parasites (Mermis sp.) were abundant in one locaUty and very materially reduced the number of wintering larvae in the year 1911. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENBENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 10 CENTS PER COPY BULLETIN OF THE USPEPfflMIOFA^mil No. 192 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief. Aprils, 1915. (PROFESSIONAL PAPER.) INSECTS AFFECTING VEGETABLE CROPS IN PORTO RICO.^ By Thomas H. Jones, Entomological Assistant, Truck Croj) and Stored Product Insect Investigations. INTRODUCTION. The following article can not be considered to include references to all the many insects which attack vegetable crops in Porto Kico. Undoubtedly there are many other insect species which are pests on plants, commonly classed as vegetables, that are grown on the island. Nevertheless it seems well to present the data available — data which have been obtained from references already published and from observations made by the writer since November, 1911, while a member of the staff of the experiment station of the Porto Rico Sugar Producers' Association. Especially does it seem timely to publish this paper because of the effort being made by the United States Department of Agriculture to obtain information upon the obnoxious insects liable to introduction into the United States, and because of the steps that are being taken to prevent them from being introduced. While it will be noted that many of the species men- tioned in the following pages already occur in the United States, several are not known to be present on the mainland. The determinations of the insects mentioned as having been ob- served by the wi'iter have been made, with few exceptions, by spe- ciahsts of the Bureau of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture. The names of several of the wild host plants and of the fungi have been suppUed by Mr. J. R. Johnston, pathologist of the experiment station of the Porto Rico Sugar Producers' Association. It may be said in general that vegetables suffer severe injury in Porto Rico from insects. The vegetables grown are, for the most part, the same as those of the markets of the United States, although iThe observations on which this paper was founded were conducted by the author while a collaborator in Porto Rico. Note. — This bulletin enumerates the more common insects attacking vegetable crops in Porto Rico; of interest to entomologists. 78774°— Bull. 192—15 2 BULLETIN 192, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. there arc some with which the visitor from the North is not familiar. Among these may be mentioned a cucurbit, the "chayotc" {SecJiium edule); the ''lleren" {Calathea allouya), a canna-like plant with edible tubei-s; and the various members of the genera Xanthosoma Colocasia, known as "yautias," the latter known also as the "dasheen" in the southern United States. The following figures, taken from the Summary of Transactions in the United States Customs District of Porto Rico, show the value of the vegetables brought into Porto Rico during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1912: Vegetables, dried, canned, and pickled, imported by Porto Rico during fiscal year ended June 30, 1912. Commodity. Domestic merchan- dise from United States. Merchandise im- ported from for- eign countries. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Bushels. 179, 131 16,446 141,797 1543,577 25,624 164,410 43,083 15, 427 Bushels. 7,315 42,574 51,960 821,020 33, 224 Onions Potatoes 48,682 12,571 82,703 All others (canned) . . . ! 792, 121 198 200 These figures indicate that the cultivation of vegetables could well be extended by those who have sufficient land at their disposal, and further study of the various vegetable insects, especially as regards control measures, would be of great importance in encouraging such cultivation. THYSANOPTERA AND HEMIPTERA, OR SUCKING INSECTS. Thrips tabaci Lind. This well-known species, the onion thrips, has been found attacking onions. Peregrinus maidis Ashm. Where it occurs in abundance down among the unrolling leaves of corn, as it often does in Porto Rico, this "leafhopper" injures the leaves so that they have the appearance of having been scorched by fire. The presence of the ''honeydew" which they secrete is respon- sible for the attendance of various ants and fhes. Jassid^. ''Agallia tenella Ball," presumably Eutettix tenella Baker, was men- tioned by Mr. Barrett in 1904 ^ as having "injured beans and other small crops," and in the same year this species was mentioned on > Barrett, O. W. Report of . . . entomologist and botanist. In Porto Rico Agr. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt. for 1903 [U. S. D. A. Office Expt. Stas. Rpt. 1903], p. 448, 1904. INSECTS AFFECTING VEGETABLE CROPS IN PORTO RICO. 3 page 84 of Bulletin No. 44 of the Division of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture, as having been sent from Porto Rico by Mr. Barrett, with the statement that it damaged the leaves of beans, cowpeas, and other plants, Mr. Barrett also mentioned Empoasca mali LeB., the currant leaf- hopper, in his 1903 report, above referred to (p. 448), as the "severest insect enemy of beans and cowpeas." The writer has found Empoasca mali causmg acute injury to garden beans, the leaves being badly curled and distorted. ApHIDIDjB. Though several species of aphides, or plant Hce, attack vegetables, the well-known "melon aphis," Aphis gossypii Glov., is apparently the only one specifically recorded from the island. Mr. Barrett men- tioned it in 1905/ and in 1906 Mr. Henricksen,^ in discussing the cultivation of watermelons, stated that it " often infests the imdersides of the leaves." Aphis gossypii has been observed in abundance on cucumber, while other aphides have been found attacking corn, okra, and mustard. In his report for 1903 (p. 447) Mr. Barrett also stated that "a black aphid was found on a plant purchased as Alocasia marshallii, but behoved to be a Xanthosoma" (yautia), and that "the malanga (Colocasia antiquorum esculentum) is occasionally attacked by an aphid which is usually parasitized by a whitish fungus and a hymenopter." In the article in Bulletin No. 44 of the Division of Entomology the statement is made, on page 84, that, according to Mr. Barrett, an unknown species of Aphis seriously affects squashes. Mr. Henricksen has mentioned, in the previously cited bulletin on vegetable growing (p. 38), an "eggplant aphis, a small light gray, mealy looking insect," which "appears on the underside of the leaves." Aphis gossypii and other aphides found on okra are attacked by an internal parasite, perhaps Aphidius testaceipes Cress. A fungus, AcrostaJagmus alhus Preuss, attacks various species, and at least five species of ladybird beetles which feed upon aphides are present in Porto Rico. These are: Cycloneda sanguinea L., Megilla innotata Vauls., Scymnus roseicollis Muls., Scymnus loewii Muls., and Hyper- aspis apicalis Muls. Syrphid flies are also common. Aleyrodes sp. Mr. Tower ^ in 1908 stated that "a white fly (Aleyrodes sp.) ap- peared in great numbers on the peppers and tomatoes" at the experi- ment station at Mayaguez, P. R. He further mentions that "there 1 Barrett, O. W. Report of . . . entomologist and botanist. In Porto Rico Agr. Expt. Sta. for 1904 [U. S. D. A. Office Expt. Stas. Rpt. 1904], p. 39<), 1905. 2 Henricksen, H. C. Vegetable growing in Porto Rico. Porto Rico Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 7, p. 58, 1900. 3 Tower, W. V. Report of the Entomologist and Plant Pathologist. Porto Rico Agr. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt. for 1907, p. 36. 4 BULLETIN 192, U. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGRICULTURE. appears to be a great number of parasites." Two species of syrphid flies were reared and a parasitic fungus was observed. COCCID^. The following scale insects have been taken on truck crops : Saissetia Jiemisphserica Targ. (PI. I, fig. 1) and Hemicliionaspis minor Mask, on eggplant, and Diaspis pentagona Targ. on okra and pepper. A mealybug has been found at the roots of celery and corn which has been determined as Pseudococcus sp. near citri Risso. It was abundant on the crowns of plants growing in rather dry soil, and was in many cases attended by the "fire ant," Solenopsis geminata Fab. Spartocera batatas Fab. Adults (PI. I, fig. 2) and nymphs of Spartocera batatas have been ob- served in great abundance on sweet potato, their beaks embedded in the stalks and leaf petioles of the plants. CoRYTHucA GOssYPn Fab. The tingitid GorytJiuca gossypii, which breeds on the undersides of yautia leaves, also occurs in the same situation on the sword bean (Ganavalia ensiformis) and the castor bean (Ricinus communis). Phthia picta Drury. This coreid bug (PI. I, fig. 3) attacks tomato and Solanum nigrum var. americanum at Rio Piedras, and both adults and nymphs have been observed by the writer inserting their beaks into the fruit of both host plants. CORYTHAICA MONACHA Stal. Nymphs and adults of Corythaica monacha have been observed to be so abundant on the undersides of the leaves of eggplant that aU the foliage withered, turned brown, and fell from the plant. Although this was an unusual instance, this tingitid is an important enemy of the eggplant. Plants of a common solanaceous weed, Solanum torvum, are also often attacked. ORTHOPTERA. SCAPTERISCUS DIDACTYLUS Latr. Probably the most notorious of Porto Rico insects is the "mole cricket," or "changa" {Scapteriscus didactylus), which injures many vegetables by cutting off the plants at or just below the surface of the soil. In the most complete article on this sj^ecies so far published in English^ it is stated that "among the small crops the tomato, egg- 1 Barrett, O. W. The changa or mole cricket {Scapteriscus didactylus Latr.) in Porto Rico. Porto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 2, 19 p., 1 fig., 1902. Bui. 192, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. Insect Enemies of Vegetable Crops in Porto Rico. ^'h^J,;^'''^'^^'??^'^^'"^'''?^' ^'^'i'^'^ (Sais^rlia hinu.' L.. + . SJOO- — -^ '\'X''X — : i:::::::::::: llOO >■ I I--- '1 soo ,' ..::_.._: X.M. •• " __. . .W.L-J 1 \ ^ISOO ^ '""' w '' ^ 1600 i 1 . 5,.. I "°° - J ^^___. ^ L A^ "X 1 3 . 0 ", [ 7 gr"" * fi Y t\ \ _ / { ^ "°° -< tfe- i \\- V I'""" W'-- -i — y-^-^^--,- l.._-....^ * ^°° - -m:_... ' .... i ^.. * r. J N^-=. 1 ...rS ... . 1 fi ^°° V .. i .J. J eoo .._.J..^ .^ I ^V--? '-- soo ^ \ ^[■^s, V ..../ ooo 5 J... V '\ ^. .-J ^ /■ JOO 1 *"-" v' -"'"""";:;:=' 'T---<^/ zoo g + It-' ^N^ ^ ■ S ^'' ^^ mo ^ ^ !!s==-'' X-::;-'l . .- s ; " * \ Fig. 3.— The broken line connects series of fly counts at the garbage pails near kitchen; the solid line, those at the stable. (Original.) work. The use of a few fly papers in this way would not of itself have any appreciable effect on fly prevalence. It was thought that the use of fly traps would comphcate the situation in that any appar- ent reduction in the number of flies might be ascribed to their use rather than to the maggot trap. A study of the fly counts shown in figure 3 reveals that there was a decided drop in the number of flies both at the kitchen and stable very shortly after the maggot trap was put into operation. Assummg that all the flies at the stable and kitchen at the time the experiment began (July 25) were freshly emerged and that they would aU die off wdthin three weeks (there is some evidence that flies seldom live longer than this in midsummer), one wovdd expect to find a reduction in the number of flies about August 10 or 12. As a matter of fact this is what occurred. Although the counts fluctuate considerably after 8 BULLETIN NO, 200, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. this date, in no case do the highest counts rise to the level of the lowest counts made before August 10. In one respect these counts hardly give a fair indication of the effect of the maggot trap, this for the reason that the college kitchen was closed from August 7 to September 7. It wiU be seen that flies almost completely disappeared from the kitchen during the latter part of August, but as soon as the garbage pails were again in use the fly counts go up fairly high, although not as high as the lowest count at this place before the experiment started. It is interesting to note that while the kitchen was closed the fly counts at the stable were somewhat increased and that after the kitchen reopened the flies almost disappeared from the stable. Taking the counts at the kitchen, we find that the average of the 10 counts before August 10 is 2,131, while the average of the 10 counts after August 10 is 692, an average reduction of 67.5 per cent. At the stable the average of 9 counts before August 10 is 1,038, and the average of 12 counts after August 10 is 248, an average reduction of 76 per cent. The behavior of the horses standing in the stalls was also a fairly good index of fly prevalence in the stable. As noted above, the horses were constantly tormented during June and July. During the day the stamping of feet and switching of tails was incessant. After the maggot trap had been in operation for some time there was a noticeable change. The horses stood much more quietly, and their efforts to get rid of flies were less continuous. Several men at the college observed this and volunteered the information. INFLUENCE OF OTHER BREEDING PLACES ON THE NUMBER OF FLIES AT THE COLLEGE. If the maggot trap was really destroying 98 per cent of the flies breeding in the manure at the college stable, why is there not a corre- sponding reduction in the number of adult flies instead of an average reduction of from 67 to 76 per cent ? The third series of observations points to a probable explanation of this. As indicated on the map, there are several breeding places within 700 yards of the college, and 700 yards is well within the range of flight of flies, a fact which has been proved by several workers. A few flight experiments with marked flies were carried out during the season, not with the idea of determining the range of flight, but merely to make sure whether or not flies from these various breeding places found their way to the coUege stable and kitchen. First, about 600 recently emerged flies were thoroughly dusted with finely powdered red crayon and liberated on August 31 at a point near the stable indicated by the letter B (fig. 1). The point of liberation was about 400 yards west of the college stable and perhaps 500 yards from the kitchen. In spite of the presence of several houses Bui. 200, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. Bui. 200, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. Bui. 200, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate III. A MAGGOT TRAP IN" PRACTICAL USE. 9 and stables in the immediate vicinity, some of these marked flies found their way to the college barn. Here two of this lot were recovered within the first 24 hours, and a third one during the third 24-hour period. That no flies were recovered at the kitchen is to be explained by the fact that the kitchen was closed and there was nothing there to attract flies. A second lot of about 500 flies, sprayed with rosolic acid, were liber- ated at the dairy barn (A) of the experiment station, 700 yards due east from the college stable. The distance from the kitchen is shghtly less. They were liberated at 3.30 p. m. September 1. On September 3 two marked flies were found on papers exposed at the dairy barn, but none was recovered at the college stable or kitchen. A strong southwest wind was blowing at this time and may have had some influence on the result. It is hardly to be doubted that when the kitchen is in use numbers of flies from this source are attracted to it. The manure pile back of the dairy barn was found to be heavily infested at all times during the summer, and flies bred out here by the thousands. In a third experiment about 800 flies marked with powdered red crayon were liberated on September 15 at the stable marked by the letter C (fig. 1). Within the first 24 hours 11 marked flies were recovered on fly papers at the garbage pails, and two more during the second 24-hour period after liberation. No marked flies were recovered at the college stable in this experiment. The kitchen was in use at this time, and it must be considered significant that the flies were recovered only at the kitchen, although they had to pass right by the stable. This indicates the sharp rise in fly counts at the kitchen when it reopened in September. The same thing happened on September 22. A lot of about 600 flies sprayed with rosolic acid had been liberated on September 21 near the stable marked on the map by the letter D (fig. 1). None of these were recovered at the college stable, but three were found within the first 24 hours on papers exposed on the garbage pails at the kitchen. These few experiments indicate that a large number of the flies which congregate at the college kitchen and stable come from near-by breeding grounds other than the manure pile at the college barn. And it may be said that a reduction of from 67 to 76 per cent in the average number of flies, in spite of the proximity of these other breeding places, speaks well for the efficiency of the maggot trap. SOME DEFECTS OF THE MAGGOT TRAP. The experience during the past season with the platform maggot trap has directed attention to certain defects in its practical working. These defects, however, are not of such a serious nature that they 10 BULLETIN NO. 200, V. S. DEPAETMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. can not be overcome. In the first place, some trouble resulted from smaller particles of manure sifting through between the cross strips and accumulating in the water below. This was especially the case when sawdust and shavings were used for bedding instead of straw. If this material were allowed to accumulate there would fiinally be enough of it to provide a breeding place on the concrete floor, where the maggots should be kiUed by drowning. Much of this sifting could be prevented by placing the cross strips closer together, so that only ^-inch or even j-inch spaces were afforded. It is not at all likely that J-inch spaces would interfere with migration; but in spite of such improvement there would be, even with the most careful handling, a certain amount of straw or small particles of manure which would fall from the sides of the heap or from the fork at the time it was put on the platform. It will always be necessary to clean out the concrete floor more or less regularly, and for this purpose a long-handled stable broom will be satisfactory when the water sup- ply does not permit the use of a strong stream from a hose. To facili- tate the cleaning of the floor the platform should not be less than 1 foot high nor more than 10 or 12 feet wide. The solid matter which happens to be washed into the cistern will decompose in time and be pumped back with the liquid onto the manure heap. In dry weather evaporation of the water on the concrete floor wiU leave large areas of floor surface dry. Larvae falling from the manure above onto the dry floor wiU crawl away and can crawl up the vertical sides of the surrounding rim ; in fact, they could crawl up this surface even if it were as smooth as glass. To insure that all larvae are drowned it is necessary to keep this in mind, and every day, when the manure is added to the heap, more water can be supplied if necessary. This operation will consume very little time. The most serious defect was found in the fact that mosquitoes bred very freely in the water standing in the concrete basin and in the cistern. In order not to have one pest multiplying at the expense of another, it is necessary to run all water out of the concrete floor at least once a week and to clean the floor at this time; if then a little oil is poured over the surface of the liquid in the cistern, mosquito breeding wiU be prevented entirely. This method was used during the last weeks of the experiment with satisfactory results. If the cis- tern were carefully and tightly covered, perhaps the use of oil would not be necessary. No counts or estimates were made of the larvae destroyed during October and November. It is known, however, that larvae continued to appear in the water on the floor during the most of October and during the warmer parts of November. On December 10 the manure was examined without removing it from the platform, and therefore A MAGGOT TRAP IN PRACTICAL USE. 11 not as thoroughly as on the former occasion, but there were found at the fresher end of the pile at least four nests of several hundred puparia each. It is not possible to estimate the percentage destroyed, but it was quite plain that the trap was not as effective during the autumn as in the summer. This may have been due partly to carelessness in the matter of watering the heap, but more probably to the lower air temperatures of this period. When the outside temperature is low, the difference between the air and the temperature of the manure heap is so great that the larvee will not leave the heap; and if the' low temperatures prevail for a long period the larvag will eventually pupate in the manure. The following experiment shows the effect of low air temperature. This experiment was conducted at New Orleans, La., in December, 1913. A small wire basket was filled with fresh horse manure on December 1 and was continually exposed to flies. The number of larvaB caught and the temperature during the period are tabulated below. Experiment to shoiv effect of low air temperature in preventing migration of house-fly larvse, New Orleans, La., December, 1913. Number of larvse caught. Mini- mum tempera- ture. Maxi- mum tempera- ture. Mean tempera- ture. Dec. 2 "- 12 15 47 199 745 " F. 57 56 57 56 57 48 40 32.5 34.5 38 41 47 58.0 49 50 52 55.5 51 ° F. 74 67 68 73 70 61 61 50 56 59 65 68 73 66 62.5 69 60 58 " F. 65.5 3 61 5 4 62.5 5 64 5 6 63.5 7 55 8 14,000 0 1 43 465 1900 55 9 41.7 10 45.3 11 48.5 12 53 13 53 U 65 8 lo 1700 lis 1S5 leo 16 56.2 17 60.5 IS 57.8 19 54.5 1 Approximate. Counts of Dec. 8 and 15 include catch of preceding day. Probably most of those that were caught on December 8 had migrated during the night of December 6. Not much migration from the manure takes place during the day, because of the maggots' nega- tive reaction to light; therefore the minimum temperature is probably more significant than the daily mean temperature. It will be seen from the table that minimum temperatures of 40° F. or less wiU stop all migration from the heap. It may be said, then, that the maggot trap has another defect in that it is not effective when temperatures are low, and that it is not at aU effective when the air temperature is below 40° F. 12 BULLETIN NO. 200, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEICULTUKE. SOME ADVANTAGES OF THE MAGGOT TRAP. Some of the advantages of the maggot trap are obvious enough and need be only briefly mentioned here. It is an exceedingly simple arrangement, and the initial cost of construction need not be very great. Once having been constructed, no continuous money outlay for its maintenance is necessary. The concrete parts are permanent, and the wooden platform would require renewal only at intervals of several years, depending partly on the kind of wood used. The writer is of the opinion that in the long run the maggot trap would be less expensive than the investment which many farmers now make in screens for their dwellings and repellents, sprays, and fly nets for the protection of their animals. The labor required in the operation of the maggot trap is a very small item. It is just as easy to place the manure on the platform as to dump it on the ordinary pile. It requires only a few minutes each day to see to it that the daily addition is carefully and compactly heaped and the entire heap well moistened. The work of cleaning out the floor below the platform will require about one-half an hour once a week. It is very easy to run a wagon or manure spreader close alongside the maggot trap, as a glance at the photographs wiU show, and it would be just as easy, or indeed easier, to load from such a platform than from the ground. To facilitate loading as well as the cleaning of the floor below, the platform should be no more than 10 or 12 feet wide. The maggot trap can be adapted for use on farms where the daily production of manure is very great. As was stated on a preceding page, the trap used in this experiment would hold the total production from three horses for three months. Now the problem of construct- ing a trap of reasonable size to take care of the manure of 40 or 50 horses is not as hopeless as might at first appear. The production of manure per horse per day may be safely estimated at 2 cubic feet. It will be seen that a platform 10 by 20 feet would hold manure produced by 50 horses during a period of 10 days if the heap is made 5 feet high. If two platforms are arranged as suggested in figure 4 they could be operated as follows: Platform No. 1 woifld be gradually fiUed up during the first 10 days; then, whfle this remains on the platform, the manure produced during the second 10 days would bo placed on plat- form No. 2; at the end of 20 days the manure on platform No. 1 would be haule^ away and the platform refilled during the third 10-day period while heap No. 2 was standing the length of time required to rid it of maggots. In this way the two piles would alternate, the one being in the process of formation and the other standing till practi- cally aU maggots had left it. It would be convenient, as indicated in A MAGGOT TRAP IN PRACTICAL USE. 13 the diagram, to have a cistern located between the platforms and a pump that could be used in applying water to both piles. In making plans for a maggot trap one must take into consideration the volume of manure produced and the length of time it must remain on the platform. As previously stated, it wiU be safe to estimate that the production of manure per horse per day is 2 cubic feet and that after 10 days it will be practically free from maggots, provided it has been well watered. THE INFLUENCE OF THE MAGGOT TRAP ON THE VALUE OF THE MANURE. Plate III illustrates an aU-too-common method of keeping manure. It covers a large area of ground, and no attempt at heaping has been made. The manure in such a pile is loose and shallow, and air penetrates mto practically all parts. These are the conditions Fig. 4. — Imaginary cross-section of an arrangement suggested for use where manure production is large. a. Pump; c, concrete floor and walls of cistern; o, outlet pipes leading from floor of maggot trap to cistern; p, platform maggot trap; t, cistern for liquid manure; g, grotind level. (Original.) which give rise to the maximum loss of ammonia and nitrogen. It also happens that the conditions wliich tend to the loss of nitrogen are the same wliich favor the development of fly larvae. An immense surface is exposed for deposition of eggs, and the penetration of au* makes it possible for larvae to feed in practically all parts. The fresher portion of the manure shown in this photograph was found heavily infested all through the season. It has been shown that the losses occurring in manure thus care- lessly stored will vary from 30 to 64 per cent of the total amount of nitrogen (Beal, 1906), and that by careful methods of storage this loss may be reduced to 15 per cent. Several methods of storage for the purpose of preventing loss of ammonia and nitrogen have been proposed. Among others is that recommended by Deheram, Beal, Thome, Ringelmann, and others, which consists in keeping the manure compactly heaped and well watered. Both heaping and watering tend to prevent the penetration of air and thus check the destructive 14 BULLETIN NO. 200, V. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. aerobic fermentation. This method is used to a considerable extent in parts of France and Germany and is fully discussed by Ringelmann. A cistern is provided into which drain aU the liquids from the stables, and the manure heap is watered by pumping the liquid manure from the cistern from time to time. It is the writer's intention here merely to point out that the disposal of manure on the platform maggot trap is but a shght modification of the method just mentioned. Figure 4 differs from a diagram given by Ringelmami only in the platform and in the outlets through which the drowned larvae may be washed into the cistern. Here is shown the cistern in which the liquid manure collects. Watering with the hquid manure adds to the heap the valuable constituents of the urine and promotes the anaerobic fermentation. If it is true, as just suggested, that lack of oxygen and the presence of carbon dioxid render the manure unfavorable for the development of the larvae, it foUows that compact heaping and watering, by excluding air and increasmg the moisture content, also insure the greatest percentage of migration. As a matter of fact, compactness and high moisture content are the very factors wliich make the maggot trap most effective, whether the explanation is to be found in the temperature, or moisture, or lack of oxygen. CONCLUSIONS. In tliis paper we have described the structure of, and the method adopted in using, a platform maggot trap. All the manure from a stable m which thi'ee horses were kept was stored on this platform. The results obtained during August and September seemed to show that at least 98 per cent of the larvae breeding in this manure were destroyed. Fly counts made before and after the trap was installed indicated an average reduction of from 67 to 76 per cent. That the reduction of fhes did not correspond to the percentage of larvae destroyed was probably due to the presence of several other breeding places weU within the range of flight. Two difficulties were experienced in the practical working of the trap, viz, the accumulation of a certain amount of straw and debris on the floor under the platform and the breeding of mosquitoes in the water used to drown the fly larvae. It was also found that low air temperatures hinder migration and consequently decrease the efficiency of the trap. Among the merits of the maggot trap were mentioned (1) the com- paratively small initial cost and absence of money outlay necessary for its maintenance, (2) the very small amount of additional time or labor required in its operation, (3) the ease with which wagons or manure spreaders can be loaded from the platform, and (4) its adaptabihty for use at stables where the daily production of manure A MAGGOT TRAP IN PRACTICAL USE. 15 is large. Finally, it is suggested that the same conditions which render the trap most effective are the ones which tend to preserve the value of the manure. REFERENCES TO LITERATURE. Beal, W. H. 1904. Barnyard Manure. (Arevisionof Farmers' Bulletin No. 21.) U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers' Bui. 192, 32 p., 4 figs. Brown, P. E. 1913. Farm Manures. Agr. Expt. Sta. Iowa State Col. Agr. and Mechanic Arts, Circ. 9, 16 p., illus., April. Deherain, p. p., and Dupont, C. 1900. Sur la composition des gaz confines dans le fumier de ferme. In Ann. Agron., Paris, t. 26, p. 273-294. Hewitt, C. G. 1914. Fui'ther observations on the breeding habits and control of the house fly, Musca domestica. In Jour. Econ. Ent., v. 7. no. 3, p. 281-293, figs. 20-21, June. Howard, L. 0. 1911. The House Fly — ^Disease Carrier. New York. Hutchison, R. H. 1914. The migratory habit of house-fly larv^se as indicating a favorable remedial measure. An account of pi-ogress. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bui. 14, 11 p., Feb. 28. Levy, E. C, and Tuck, W. T. 1913. The maggot trap — A new weapon in our warfare against the typhoid fly. In Amer. Jour. Pub. Health, v. 3, no. 7. p. 657-660, illus., July. Ringelmann, Max. 1913. Amenagement des Fumiers et des Purins, 187 p., 103 figs. Paris. (Nouv- elle Bibliotheque du Cultivateur.) Thorne, C. E. 1913. Farm Manures, 242 p., illus. New York and London. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1915 ^':t -^ « - I 1 1 ••^» i t ^ V-i ^^-} — w — I r-f — ^r-f — Jr"^ fl 5 . aaa 3