2 . ‘ ee ie eS ye of + 7 : = SS - fl Vok 5 evewsin) -s SANUARY, 1907 No. 1 BULL ETIN | WISCONSIN _ || NATURAL HISTORY edie SA hit aes - EDITED BY THE SECRETARY CONTENTS: rs af ia ¢ 3 Proceedings. - “|| The Origin of Species - - - . - ~~ Charles Otis Whitman Re Aaa ee ~ Wisconsin Flowers and Their Pollination - Ry OP sean, eee fee | New Chalcid-Flies From Cape Colony. - - o Veh arlesE Benes | Notes and Descriptions of North American Para- s sitic Hymenoptera—lIlII = . ~ Charles T. Brues | fh Weasel New to Wisconsin’s Paka . - - Henry L. Ward ee ek Ss MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. THE EOW. KEOGH PRESS Sits Entered as second- cee matter, Oct. 24, 1906, at. the post-office, Milwaukee, Wis., under Act of Congress of “July 16, 1894. (Issued quarterly.) i : Li ee “1 % { t afCe ee 2 ‘nagar’ E ‘'Telle: er, ‘Bresiaent. See ae “165. 27th Stree : Mil : Henry. Ee Ward, Vice-President... Lantana Public Sepratos ee, ‘TT. all held on - the last Thursday. of reach month, set) BULLETIN OF .THE WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Vol. 5, New Series. JANUARY, 1907. No. 1. PROCEEDINGS. Milwaukee, Oct. 25, 1906. Regular monthly meeting of the Society. President Teller in the chair and 73 persons present. Mr. Teller stated that there had been considerable comment on the part of various members of the Society regarding the advisability of holding monthly section meetings, and asked for expressions of opinion. Dr. Barth moved that a section meeting be held on the second Thursdays of the months when regular meetings are held, and that these meetings be set aside for scientific discussion and restricted to such. Motion seconded and passed. The following persons were named for membership: Miss Ellen Torelle. Mr. George Wetmore Colles. Dr. Albert H. Brundage. Mrs. A. Bernhardt. These names were referred to the Board of Directors, who subse- quently passed on them. There being no further business, Dr. R. M. Strong, of the University of Chicago, spoke on. the Colors of Birds. The speaker said that in addition to their importance as characters in taxonomic work and in studies of evolution and heredity, the colors of birds are interesting because of numerous problems in physics that they present. Two categories of colors are recognized, viz: pigmental and structural. To the former belong black, red, orange, yellow, and green (occasionally). Structural colors include white, blue (except for one case of pigmental blue described by Hacker), and iridescent effects. White feathers owe their color to the entire absence of pig- ment. The whiteness of feathers is produced in the same way as the 1 2 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. whiteness of snow or of other transparent substances in a fine state of division. Iridescent effects and blues are due to obscure physical phenomena which are not entirely understood. Grays are produced by combinations of the conditions which produce black and white. President Teller thanked Dr. Strong in behalf of the Society for his entertaining address and for his kindness in coming to Milwaukee to lecture before the Society. The meeting then adjourned. Milwaukee, Noy. 8, 1906. Combined meeting of the Biological sections. President Teller in the chair and 12 members present. As no topics for discussion had been announced and no program prepared, those present were loathe to start the proceedings, Finally, Dr. Graenicher called attention to two interesting cases of variation or mutation of instinct among bees. The first was Alcidamea producta, a species which hollows out stems, and the second a specimen belong- ing to a species of Megac hile. Both of these normally close the nest with a plug of malaxated leaf pulp, but in these two cases, out of a large number of nests observed, the female bees had used pieces of stone or gravel mixed in the pulp. He suggested that this was per- haps a mutation in habits, but that it was more likely an atavism, since the use of stones as building material was probably more primi- tive than the employment of leaves cut from plants. Mr. Brues said he agreed that this might be looked at as a muta- tion of habit, but believed it was undoubtedly a reversion. He called attention to the bee genus Anthidium, certain species of which’ use plant material for their nests, while other very closely related ones utilize stone or gravel entirely, suggesting that the variation was per- haps not as profound as it would seem at first sight. Mr. Ward said that variations in nest-building among birds were common and often as striking as the cases among bees mentioned by Dr. Graenicher. He cited the Caspian Tern, a species which he had seen utilizing shells to line its nests, a very unusual habit, since it usually uses no lining except a little plant matter. At the same time, he said, the species had departed from its usual solitary habits and was nesting in great numbers, and with a second regularly gregarious species, the Herring Gull. JAN. 1907. PROCEEDINGS. 3 Mr. Teller then exhibited some specimens of the fossil fish- spine, Phiyctenacanthus telleri Eastman. He called attention to the way in which the two spines fitted together and to the beautiful way in which the structure was preserved. Mr. Colles asked if any of the original organic matter was still present in such specimens, and Mr. Teller seemed inclined to believe that there was still some of it present. Mr. Colles thought it extremely doubtful, and believed that the original organic molecules were gone in their entirety to be re- placed by those of inorganic origin. Mr. Brues mentioned a section of muscle taken from a fossil shark which he had seen, that when micros- copically examined could searcely be distinguished from poor sections which he had seen prepared in the laboratory by students unfamiliar with histological methods. He also said that organic matter and quite probably organic pigments and chitin were frequently preserved as fossils, citing a number of fossil Hymenoptera from the Tertiary rocks of Colorado. Here browns, pale colors and blacks are often distinctly differentiated and even the metallic blue characteristic of some species. Mr. Colles doubted the presence of the easily disintegrated chitin or organic pigments as such, but agreed that carbon at least must be present, but probably uncombined, and believed that the colors were due to some secondary cause. After some discussion of a more general nature the meeting ad- journed with the hope expressed that a special program might be prepared for the next section meeting. November 22, 1906. Regular meeting of the Society. President Teller in the chair and 40 persons present. Dr. EK. C. Case lectured on the “‘Geological Development of Scenery,” illustrated by stereopticon slides. Dr. Case described the several suc- cessive stages in erosion by rivers, aided by diagrams and photographs of natural scenery. Weathering and chemical disintegration as factors were also considered. The general discussion was followed by a more detailed considera- tion of each individual factor, a series of slides illustrating their action and the various forces that may modify them. The meeting then adjourned. 4 BULIETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. December 13, 1906. Combined meeting of the Biological sections. President Teller in the chair, and Messrs. Barth, Brues, Colles, Doerflinger, Finger, Graenicher, Russell and Ward present. Dr. Barth opened the discussion with his observations during the past year on the habits of wasp of the genus Orabro observed in the vicinity of Milwaukee. The species collected were wood boring in habits, but Dr. Barth stated that very satisfactory breeding tubes could be made from small glass vials, a trifle longer than the natural cell, but of the same diameter. The larve are not easy to raise in captivity as the change of environment seems to affect them greatly. The number of flies carried in varies among individuals of the same species, the num- ber being to some extent proportionate to the size of the flies. Some wasps seem to prefer large flies which they pack loosely in the brood- cell, while others select small ones which they store tightly together. He found that the duration of the egg stage was not always the same nor the time required for forming the cocoon. In carrying the captured flies the Crabros usually grasp them between the hind legs with some assistance from the middle pair of legs. They hold the prey very tightly, going with it into the nest head first. On a number of occa- sions after opening nests he found that the flies were able to move about and even crawl away. The fly upon which the Crabro’s egg is placed was, however, never found to be alive. Dr. Barth also gave a list of the species of flies carried in, mentioning especially a Tachina fly (Winthemia 4-pustulata), and two species of Acroceride belonging to the genus Oncodes. Regarding the arrangement of the cells and galleries in the wood, Dr. Barth said that they were usually spiral, not always following the line of least resistance. There is usually a main gallery with smaller branches leading to the cells. The stinging habits of the Crabros were found to be simple, the fly being stung on the ventral surface of the thorax. When stuck by a needle in the same place, the speaker found that they were affected in nearly the same way, later reviving. When returning with their flies, the Crabros are never in a hurry to enter the nest, thus giving ample time for parasites to lay their eggs. In some cases Dr. Barth was sure the parasite must enter after the Crabro egg had been already laid. He had a number of parasites obtained from the various Crabros studied. After the speaker had finished his remarks, Dr. Graenicher said that he had been rather surprised to hear that species of Tachina flies were captured by the Crabros, as he had often observed how easily JAN. 1907. PROCEEDINGS. 5 certain of them eluded the sand-wasps belonging to the genus Bembew. Mr. Brues remarked that Winthemia 4-pustulata was an unusually weak and soft-bodied Tachinid. Mr. Colles asked if it were always the case that parasites were never regularly captured or destroyed by their hosts. This occasioned some discussion. The general opinion was that Tach- inids and other parasites as well were never, or at least very rarely captured by the host species, no matter how annoying they might be, or how many attempts were made. Mr. Brues suggested that this was a necessary provision for the perpetuation of the parasitic species and that it must be very strongly accentuated by natural selection. Dr. Graenicher next described a peculiar variation of instinct in a species of Crabro that he had observed several years ago late in the season. The female in question had built several nests, one on top of another in a hollow stem without laying any eggs in any of the cells. He also spoke of certain experiments by the French naturalist Fabre who had succeeded in getting certain bees to build nests in glass tubes in his study. He suggested that this would be an interesting way to study the habits of Dr. Barth’s Crabros, if they could be induced to nest under such conditions. Mr. Ward then asked if as a general rule the time required for the eggs to hatch, when incubated by the parent birds and in artificial incubators, was the same. Messrs. Barth, Graenicher, Colles, Russell and Brues joined in the discussion which followed. The general agree- ment was that only slight differences in the incubation period were produced by variable temperature. The meeting then adjourned. Milwaukee, December 20, 1906. Regular monthly meeting of the Society. President Teller in the chair and about 60 persons present. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved. Professor C. O. Whitman, of the University of Chicago, gave the lecture of the evening on “The Evolution of Species,” the text of which appears on the later pages of the Bulletin. After the lecture President Teller thanked Professor Whitman in behalf of the Society for his kindness in presenting his interesting talk. The meeting then adjourned. The following papers were ordered printed by the board of directors : THE ORIGIN, OF SPECIES BY CHARLES OTIS WHITMAN. Much has been said and written on the subject of the origin of species, but tradition was first to claim possession of the secret, and to veil it with such unapproachable guile of devination, that the world waited until the middle of the nineteenth century for a Darwin to vindicate the right of investigation. The many-sided problem was at length revealed in 1859. It was a problem to chal- lenge at once the most lively interest not only among biological ~ investigators, but in every department of science and thought. The half century since the appearance of Darwin’s great work on the “Origin of Species,” has effected a more wonderful revolution in our modes of thought and investigation than anyone can realize who has not lived in close touch with every year’s progress. The dogma of special creations has exhibited most stubborn tenacity, but it has slowly yielded to the principle of progressive evolution guided by the operation of natural laws. The violent shock experienced by theologists at seeing natural selection set in the place of Creative power, the revulsion at the thought of uni- versal kinship in the organic world, especially at the doctrine of man’s descent from lower forms of life—all this lingers only as reminiscence, and we now find satisfaction in viewing the history of our race as a grand series of ascending stages, and take more pride in a rising ancestry than in a fallen one. The revolution in sentiment has well-nigh freed us from supernaturalism. Investigation has multiplied and intensified at an increasingly rapid raic, but the problem of the origin of species has not been more than partially solved. In fact, it seems as if Darwin and Wallace, Nageli, Haeckel, Dohrn, Weismann, De Vries and a host of other investigators, had grappled with an all-embracing problem—a problem of problems that must engage the best energies of all the sciences for centuries yet to come. *The introduction and abstract of a lecture delivered before the Wisconsin Natural History Society by Professor Whitman at the meet- ing of December 20, 1906. 6 JAN. 1907. THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. - The era now dawning presents us with two leading rival theories. From Darwin and Wallace we have received the theory of Natural Selection, which has been powerfully sup- ported by Spencer, Huxley, Haeckel, Weismann, Dohrn, and many others. This theory and its triumphs are familiar history. In 1901, Hugo De Vries, a distinguished botanist of Amster- dam, brought forward his famous Mutation-theory, based upon “Experiments and Observations on the Origin of Species im the Plant Kingdom.” This work of De Vries is truly a great achievement, rising above any other that has appeared since Darwin’s “Origin of Species.” It is not only comprehensive in scope, consistent in its logic, and charming in style, but it is also epoch-making in its method of research. In this latter respect it sets an example which is having a world-wide influence—emphasizing as it does the supreme importance of studying living organisms and of keeping observations and experiments running continuously through a long sequence of generations. This is the method of the new era in biology—steady unbroken continuity in experiment under controlled culture. Here the example of Mendel, De Vries, and a few others, will be potent for many years to come. As to the real merit of the theory of mutation, only extended research can bring a final decision. In dealing with such a theory, we must grasp clearly its fundamental conceptions. The whole superstructure stands or falls with them. The central foundation-idea of this Mutation-theory is that of unit-characters. ‘The species represents always a definite number of distinct unit-characters, each as distinct and independent as are the elements of a chemical compound. Consequently all upward progress in the organic world depends upon adding new unit-char- acters. Furthermore, these unit-characters are held to be essen- tially unchangeable, and hence the species compounded of them are viewed also as essentially immutable. A unit-character, it is true, may undergo transmutation, 1. e., it may become a wholly new unit- character. Such transmutation, however, is always sudden, never by slow intermediate degrees. Any slow and gradual transition, such as Darwin and Wallace maintained, never under any circum- stances, according to De Vries, could lead to the formation of a new species. The utmost that could be attained by such variation 8 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. would be only an improved race, i. e., merely a better kind of the same species—a kind that remains better only so long as cultivated under favored conditions, reverting to the common level as soon as left to itself under normal conditions. To remove any doubt as to these points, let me cite a few pas- sages from De Vries: (1) “I designate as mutation-theory the proposition that the characters of organisms are built up of units sharply differentiated one from another. These units may be combined in groups, and the same units and groups occur im allied species. Transitions, such as we so often see in the external forms of plants and animals, do not exist between these units any more than between the molecules of chemistry.” Vol. 1, p. 3. (2) “In the field of the doctrine of descent, this principle leads to the conviction that species have not arisen one from another by flowing transitions, but by distinct steps. Every new unit added to the older units, forms a step, and separates the new form, as an independent species, sharply and completely from the species out of which it arose. The new species thus comes into being at a single stroke. /t arises from the earlier form without any visible preparation, without transitions.” (3) “The mutation-theory, in my opinion, is supreme not only in the doctrine of the origin of species, but also in the whole field of hybridisation. Here it conducts us to the principle, that not the species, but the simple specific characters, the so-called elements of the species, are the units with which we deal in hybrid- isation.” (4) “Every character, it is true, arises from one already present, not however from its normal variation, but through a change which, however small, is yet sudden. Provisionally, this change may be most simply likened to a chemical substitution.” In his preface, p. IV., as follows: (5) “These jumps, or mutations, of which sport-variations are the best-known examples, form a special part of the subject of variation. They occur without transitions, and are relatively rare, while ordinary variations are continuous and always present. (6) “The whole subject of variation thus divides into two parts, one of which deals with the ever present, individual, or fluctuating variation, the other, with mutation. Phenomena of the first class obey the well-known laws of probability and depend JAN. 1907. THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 9 essentially upon food-conditions; upon them depends the forma- tion of improved races, especially in agriculture. Not only species, but also varieties arise by mutation.” (7) “Species have not arisen through gradual selection, con- tinued for hundreds or thousands of years, but by jumps (stufen- weise) through sudden though small, transformations. In contrast with variations which are changes advancing in a linear direc- tion, the transformations to be called mutations diverge in new directions. They take place, then, so far as experience goes, with- out definite direction.” (Vol. I, p. 150). (8) “Species-forming variability must be orderless. The assumption of a definite variation-tendency which would condition, or even favor, the appearance of adaptive modifications, lies out- side the pale of the natural science of to-day. In fact, the great advantage of Darwin’s doctrine of selection lies in this, that it strives to explain the whole evolution of the animal and plant kingdoms without the aid of supernatural presuppositions. According to this doctrine, species-forming variability goes on without regard to the qualification of the new species for maintain- ing themselves in life. It simply supplies the struggle for exist- ance with the material for natural selection. Whether this selec- tion takes place betwen individuals, as Darwin and Wallace sup- posed, or decides between whole species, as the mutation-theory demands, ultimately it is, in either case, simply the ability for existence under given external conditions that decides upon the permanence of the new form.” (p. 180). The fundamentals in the mutation theory, then, are: 1. Every species consists of a fixed number of unit-characters. - 2. The species and the component units are alike sudden in origin and unchanging in type. 3. Old characters may be suddenly transmuted into new ones, but between the two there is always a gulf of absolute discontin- uity, with no possible bridge of gradual modification. 4. Continuous intergradations may connect a species with an improved race, but never one species with another species. 5. Species-formation is kaleidoscopic, i. e., chance-wise in direction, never resulting from a tendency to vary in any one determinate direction. 6. Natural selection can not give origin to new species; it can only weed out from those already in existence such as are incapable of sustaining themselves. 10 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. Perhaps it may seem rash to assert that in no one of these six points does the mutation-theory hit the mark; nevertheless, that is the conviction from which I see no escape. The one error that vitiates all these contentions is that of unit- characters, each of which is supposed to enjoy a sort of indepen- dent existence, although in correlation with the other units of the organism. Such a conception implies that every character of the adult organism pre-exists in some rudimentary form in the germ- cell from which the organism develops. These assumed rudiments of unit-characters must be as fixed in number and constitution in the fertilized egg as in the adult. Moreover, unless we assume that these units may mutate at any stage of development, we must suppose that all mutations destined to appear in the adult must originate in the very first stage of existence of the primordial units. Thus mutation would be carried back to the pre-mutation forever beyond the reach of investigation. Such conceptions, help us in no wise to understand the origin of species. To claim that we can actually see mutation performed, is the climax of absurdity. De Vries has seen offspring differing more or less constantly from the mother plants. These visible differences are referred to invisible differences in one or more of the invisible unit-characters conjectured to exist in the seed before germination. ‘The initial differences, in which, ex hypothesi, the whole mutation is given, De Vries has never seen and of course never expects to see. If there be any such thing as mutation, as conceived by De Vries, it is safely beyond human ken, and unapproachable through experi- mental investigation. This theory of mutation coincides well with Bateson’s doctrine of discontinuity in evolution and development. Discontinuity in evolution has all the elusiveness of mutation. The discovery of such a negative is tantamount to a failure to discover anything. A new form appears; it differs in one or more respects from its parents. The difference is labelled a discontinuity, i. e., the off- spring is assumed to have obeyed the law of heredity in so far as it resembles the parental stock, and to have jumped hereditary bonds in so far as it departs from such resemblance. The jump is a break in the chain—a void where eyesight fails and all sorts of ghost-stories are accepted in lieu of reliable knowledge of all the antecedent conditions represented in the ancestry. The less we know of the previous history of new forms, the ~ JAN. 1907. THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. ll more we rely upon the testimony of casual observers who merely report what they stumble upon without knowing the requirements of thorough investigation, the more “discontinuities” and myste- rious saltations we encounter. One continuity properly demon- strated, outweighs myriads of mythical discontinuities. It is well to bear in mind always that there is no evolution of organisms apart from the development of individuals. The evolu- tion of a species is but the summation of achievements in individ- ual development. Consequently, 1f we would know whether evolu- tion is discontinuous or continuous, we must get our direct evi- dence from development as we now find it going on. If in any series of developmental stages, we find a single stage that is not causally connected with preceding stages, we may pause and ask, what is the use of investigating amid miracles of discontinuity ? In embryological development we find continuity and order of sequence regnant throughout. There are no kaleidoscopic leaps to interrupt the sequence. The course followed is, in the main, the one anticipated in the hereditary foundations of the germ. The flow of events may swerve this way or that, but nowhere is there a gulf breaking the connection between antecedents and conse- quents. Of course species are sooner or later separated by gaps. But are these gaps present ab initio? The claim of initial discontin- uity is usually founded on so-called “sports,” the preparatory stages of which were overlooked, or very imperfectly investigated. This is not the kind of evidence on which to establish a general theory. If discontinuity or mutation were the law in the origin of species, continuity should not be expected in a single case, as De Vries has clearly perceived. Hence he has taken care to deny the possibility of getting new species through ordinary variation. In such variation continuity is undeniable. Hence the whole reli- ance is placed on “Sports,” and “improved races,’ however true they breed, are not admitted to the rank of species. We see then how very important it is to make our investiga- tion of the origin of species exhaustive. We have to select well our material for study, and then attend closely to some one char- acter ata time. This means that we must work with living forms, which we can keep under unbroken control from generation to generation. P Then we must not stop here, but extend our observation over 12 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. as many allied species as possible, and endeavor to get the past history of the character. To experiments in breeding we must add those of crossing, as in this way we can best see whether a char- acter is an indivisible unit, that admits of no transmutation by con- tinuous modification. It is by such study that we may arrive at most important laws of heredity. In fact we study the origin of species, not as a curiosity, but as a practical problem, the solution of which must contribute eventually to human progress. With these introductory remarks, the lecturer turned to the consideration of a few specific characters which are found in vari- ous species of pigeons. The wing-bars found in domestic races and in the wild .Rock Pigeons, were taken as an example to illustrate orthogenetic evo- lution by gradual progressive modification. It was shown first of all that the two-barred condition seen in the typical Columba livia is derived from the checkered condition seen in the wild C. affinis. It was then shown that this mode of derivation is wide-spread among wild species of pigeons, the bars always resulting from a reduction of the checkers, proceeding from before backward, the direction being the same as that of embryonic development. Experiments with domestic pigeons demonstrate that it is easy to reduce the checkered type to four bars, then to three, two, one, and finally, to a uniform gray color without a single bar. Another set of experiments, to test the possibility of reversing the process, by advancing from the two-barred condition to the uniformly checkered type, showed that the direction could not be reversed. It was next shown that among wild species of pigeons, we have the same law of orthogenesis illustrated over and over again, in almost endless variety of conditions. The Wild Passenger Pigeon, the Mourning Dove, the Zenaida, the Ground Dove of Florida, and a number of Old World species, were shown in colored draw- ings on charts. After tracing wing-bars of the most diverse kinds to checkers, the origin of the latter from a still earlier and universal avian character, was explained. This earlier color-mark still persists in many pigeons, and other avian types, and is well preserved in the oriental Turtle Dove of Japan and China. It consists of a single dark spot occupying the centre of the exposed part of each feather. In the course of evolution, this spot has been divided into two lateral spots by the disappearance of JAN. 1907. THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. Lt pigment along the shaft, beginning at the apex of the feather and advancing gradually inward. The old Turtle-Dove character thus passes by a continuous process of division into the Rock Pigeon pattern, consisting of two checkers on each feather, more or less completely separated. The evidences showing such a gradual trans- mutation are still to be seen, and in such profusion as to wholly exclude doubt. Hundreds of species have been formed in this simple way, leaving no room for the claim of sudden, non-transi- tional mutations. The transitional stages between the Turtle-dove pattern and the checkered pattern of the Rock pigeons, are exhibited not only as we pass from one species to another, but often as we advance from the juvenal to the adult plumage; and frequently they may be seen in different parts of one and the same individual plumage. A still older character than the Turtle-dove spot is seen in the cross-bars, or fundamental bars, that appear to mark all feathers of all species of birds. These bars were first noticed in pigeons in the summer of 1903, and were soon found to be common to all species of pigeons and birds in general. From these fundamental feather-bars or their secondary derivatives, a multitude of specific characters have been evolved by gradual modification. The con- tinuity in the evolution of some of these characters can be experi- mentally demonstrated. The little Diamond Dove (Geopelia cuneata) of Australia, owes its small white spots (two in each feather) to these bars. The transitional stages connect- ing the spots with the bars are not wholly given in pas- sing from the juvenal to the adult plumage. But if we pluck a few of the juvenal feathers at suitable intervals, their places will be filled by new feathers of different ages, and in this way we may get the stages intermediate between the bars of the young and the spots of the adult. Thus we see that the adult pattern, which normally appears to come in as a striking mutation, by a single jump, is only an end-stage in a continuous process of differentiation. So it is everywhere. Suppression of stages in ontogeny looks like saltations; but whenever we can get at the history of the character, we find the continuity comes to light. The characteristic secondary cross-bars of many races of the common fowl, pheasants, Guinea-fowl, ducks, woodpeckers, etc., have been moulded more or less directly out of, or upon these fun- 14 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. damental cross-bars,* which appear to underlie all avian color- marks even the “‘universal avian character” before mentioned, and its latest derivatives. The passage from the juvenal to the adult plumage often pre- sents us with two or more quite strongly contrasted color-patterns. The mutationist might see in this a striking illustration of dis- continuity in the evolution of species. In the normal course of events, the gap is often very wide between two successive patterns, but closer study and experiment teach us that, while the visible stages may seem entirely discon- nected, they are in reality genetically bound together by a contin- uous differentiating process, or a system of processes. In most cases, perhaps in all, the apparent discontinuity in the phenomena means nothing more than a discontinuity in our knowledge. Several other specific characters, usually regarded as “sports” or “mutations” were considered, and the continuity of their de- velopment from minute incipient stages are clearly established. - *The discovery of the universality of this character and its far- reaching significance as an initial foundation for numerous specific characters, suggested the need of a thorough investigation to determine its nature and mode of development. This task has been undertaken by Mr. Oscar Riddle, who has not only reached a physiological explanation of the character, but has fully confirmed and established the following anticipation I ventured to make in 1903: “Allowing that the feathers of the common pigeon get their full length in four weeks, and that the terminal half of the feather (on which the bars are distinct enough to be counted) is formed in four- teen days, it is found that the number of bars corresponds nearly to the number of days of growth. If this be so, then the bars would be zones of daily growth (light = day; dark = night, or vice versa).” PiecoNSiIn FLOWERS AND THEIR. POLLINATION. By S. GRAENICHER. MELANTHACEZ, LILIACEZ AND CONVALLARIACE. The plants dealt with in this paper belong to the order of Liliaceze as defined by Gray in his Manual of Botany, but accord- ing to the classification adopted by Britton and Brown they have been distributed among the three families named above. The Senera .are' treated in the same sequence as they appear. in “Britton’s Manual of the Flora of the Northern States and Canada,” and the same nomenclature has been adopted. Before considering the pollination of each species I shall out- line in advance some of the results obtained. An arrangement of the twenty-three species according to the order in which the flowers make their appearance furnishes the following list.* Trillium nivale, March 26—April 27. Erythronium albidum, April 20—May 15. Erythronium Americanum, April 25—May 109. Uvularia grandiflora, May 5—June 5. Trillium grandiflorum, May 6—June 3. Vagnera stellata, May 13—June 8. Trillium recurvatum, May 15—June 1. Salomonia biflora, May 17—June Io. Trillium erectum, May 19—June 1. Asparagus officinalis, May 20—October 1. Trillium cernuum, May 22—May 27. Streptopus roseus, May 23—June 7. ee pee oe Roe Ss eS eS Nw *In cases of insufficient observation the few dates on which the flowers were observed are given. 15 16 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. 13. Unifolium Canadense, May 27—June 21. 14. Vagnera racemosa, June 2—June 29. 15. Vagnera trifolia, June 3 and June 5. 16. Clintonia borealis, June 3 and June 5. 17. Salomonia commutata, June 7—-July 3. 18. Tofieldia glutinosa, June 15—July 18. 19. Allium Canadense, June 19—July 17. 20. Lilium umbellatum, June 20—July 16. 21. Lilium Canadense, July 2—July 28. 22. Allium tricoccum, July 11—August 15. 23. Allium cernuum, July 15—August 29. In the early part of April the season of our entomophilous flora is ushered: in by the appearance of the small-flowered and low-stemmed Trillium nivale, and from this time on there is a gradual increase in the number of the above named species in blossom until about May 27, when ten species have their flowers open together. After this maximum has been reached a gradual decrease in the number sets in until around the middle of July, when Allium cernuum, the latest of our native species, makes its appearance. The maximum just referred to corresponds with the maximum of the spring group of Andrenine bees (1) at the end of May and the beginning of June. By consulting the lists of visitors appearing further on in the account given of the pollina- tion of the respective flowers we find that a number of the species representing the maximum of the spring group of those short- tongued bees appear as visitors of Uvularia grandiflora, Vagnera stellata, V. racemosa and Streptopus roseus, all of them in blossom at the beginning of June. In the following table the flowers are placed in the classes of entomophilous flowers, as proposed by Hermann Mueller (2), and the number of insect visitors representing the different types is given. 1. S. Graenicher. The relations of the Audrenine bees to the en- tomophilous flora of Milwaukee County. Trans. Wis. Acad. Se. A. and L. Vol. XV. Part I. pp. 92-93—(1905). 2. Herman Mueller. Alpenblumen, pp. 479-511. JAN. 1907. Pollen-flowers— Trillium nivale erectum PEC VAUUE Nhs a! 6.nie 6.0 Waeneraracemosa:....0. 5. hee Unifolium Canadense........... Flowers with exposed nectar — Vagnera stellata. 4 PR UUQUIE woth cto ite, oes nd > oes ee ee eeerere Flowers with concealed nectar— Trillium grandiflorum ne MMT as ee ce merit Canmadense. 20k. 26s keds * tricoccum cernuum ac 2a. 1S) Cie SOs in Ge © ere Le Bee-flowers— Erythronium albidum.......... aS Americanum...... Wyulama grandifiora.........4.: Salomonia biflora oe see ee we wee ee wee COMMMULAEA. . 6s Ssc5.0> 2 Bepacaous Oficinalis......: 4... SLRePLOpus TOSeUS:........6.... Clintonia borealis . 22.0.2... Butterfly-flowers— Lilium umbellatum 66 se ee wee ee ww we Canadense..... - Bees. WISCONSIN FLOWERS AND THEIR POLLINATION. 17 Total cowie ere leaee 8 @ € 2 eee Fij Butter-| Other - flies. | Insects. oA LE, tiga) Rin eke & 9 a Ped a eae 2 22 2 2 Se Lees 2 9 2 v4 Tia haere hte Be, Suis Sea alte Jiao 1 5 die SRE St SEAS es. eed ae § ee tet ae asks | and arenes POLLEN FLOWERS. RePe OR OO, OO eeenzre tr eeeee (1 bird) (1 bird) This class comprises the flowers which, on careful examination do not reveal a trace of nectar, and are therefore visited on account of their pollen only. Three species of Trillium figure in this class while the two remaining ones of our flora are nectar-producing, and are referred The flowers of all of these species are more or less showy, and well supplied with pollen, and still they are so rarely visited as to cause us great surprise. The to the flowers with concealed nectar. 18 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. large-flowered and sweet-scented T. grandiflorwm with a fair sup- ply of nectar does not make an exception in this respect, not even in localities where the flowers appear in such number as to make them conspicuous to the human eye from a considerable distance. © While discussing the variation in color of the flowers of T. erectum Robertson (3) expresses the opinion that the greenish variety is more or less degraded, and he states that “the flower seems to be losing its hold on insects and to form a transition between the other entomophilous species of Trillium and the still more degradedT. sessile and recurvatum.” Judging from the observa- tions made in our region as elsewhere it might appear as if our white species of Trillium were altogether either repulsive or at least poorly attractive to insects, possibly on account of some peculiarity of odor. At any rate they do not seem to depend to any extent on cross-pollination, and are all well prepared to insure spontaneous self-pollination. In Vagnera racemosa and Unifolium Canadense, the two other species of pollen-flowers the absence of the higher bees (Apidz) among the visitors is noticeable. Pollen-collecting short-tongued bees (Andrenidz) and pollen-eating flies are the principal pollen- distributors, these insects furnishing about 68 per cent of the entire number of visitors of both flowers considered together. FLOWERS WITIL EXPOSED NECTAR. We have here, as usually in flowers of a simple structure and with exposed nectar a rather varied gathering of insects with a strong preponderance of short-tongued bees and flies, 72 per cent. of the totality of the visitors of the three species belonging to these two groups of insects. FLOWERS WITH CONCEALED NECTAR. The two species of Trillium have been considered above together with the species of this genus among the pollen-flowers. In our three species of Al/ium we are dealing with three flowers differing in structure, and accordingly attracting a somewhat dif- ferent set of visitors. 4. Canadense the earliest among them rep- resents the lowest type in which the nectar is not deeply concealed, 3. Chas. Robertson. Flowers and insects. XVI. Bot. Gaz. XXI. p. 272 (1896). JAN. 1907. WISCONSIN FLOWERS AND THEIR POLLINATION. 19 while in A. cernuum we have at the same time the latest and the more specialized flower with the nectar hidden at the bottom of a narrow tube. A. tricoccum is intermediate between the other two. The percentage of bees for the three species is as follows: A. Canadense 41% A. tricoccum 75% A. eernuum 86% The reddish-purple color and the nodding position of the flowers of A. cernuum together with the presence of a tube leading down to the nectar all suggest an adaptation to bees, and corre- spondingly we have a high percentage of bees attending them. The tube is rather short and this species seems to be transitional between the flowers with concealed nectar and typical bee-flowers. BEE-FLOWERS. They are eight in number, all of them with pendulous flowers, and they show a great difference in color, greenish, white, yellow and rose being represented. A glance at the table shows to what extent these flowers receive the attention of bees, other visitors being nearly excluded. The large flowers of Erythronium, Uvularia, Salomonia and Clintonia are bumble-bee flowers, while Asparagus officinalis and Streptopus roseus may be regarded as adapted to the smaller bees. The visits of our humming bird to the flowers of Salomonia biflora and S. commutata are noteworthy. Birds are known to be attracted especially by bright red colors, and in our region Castilleja coccinea, Aquilegia Canadensis, Impatiens biflora and Lobelia cardinalis are considered characteristic bird-flowers, but our humming bird (Trochilus colubris L.) also visits various flowers of other color than red, and its presence at the green flow- ers of Salomonia seems to indicate that in this respect a tubular or similar structure of a flower is of as much importance as the color. BUTTERFLY-FLOWERS. The lilies of our region are undoubtedly adapted to butterflies, and Argynmis cybele one of our most common butterflies seems to be the most frequent visitor of both of the species. In these flowers a great quantity of pollen is produced by the large anthers, and this explains the comparatively frequent visits of pollen-col- lecting bees of the genera Augochlora and Halictus. 20 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. FAM. MELANTHACE-A. Tofieldia glutinosa (Mich.) Pers. Glutinous Tofieldia. We encounter this species forming patches in damp places on the clay-bluffs along Lake Michigan north of Whitefish Bay, and blooming from about June 15 to July 18. The inflorescence is a raceme of 3 to 4 cm. length at the end of a scape which is 3 to 4 dm. long, and which is covered nearly for its entire length with viscid glands. The white flowers with a diameter of 9 mm. are directed somewhat laterally. They are arranged in groups of three, and those at the top of the inflorescence are the first to open. The perianth-leaves do not spread entirely in the open flower, and the six stamens which are 4 mm. long occupy an intermediate position between the pistil and the perianth-leaves. The yellow anthers open introrsely one by one. They are slightly surpassed by the three short branches of the style which by bending out- wards to some extent place their stigmatic surfaces in the way of insect visitors. These flowers are homogamous. A drop of nectar is secreted near the base of the ovary-1n each of the septal furrows, and when the amount increases it gathers between the ovary and the broadened base of the opposite filament. After fertilization has been accomplished the pedicel undertakes an inward movement and presses the ovary against the stem. Along with this move- ment a reddish-purple coloration of the upper parts of the ovary, branches of the style and tips of the persistent perianth-leaves sets in resulting in a color-contrast between the top of the inflor- esence and its lower region where the flowers are still or hardly in bloom. The flowers are sufficiently visited by insects to insure either self or cross-pollination, and spontaneous self-pollination from the falling of pollen on the stigma is barely probable since the latter is usually not situated directly below an anther. A small- sized insect when sucking nectar is liable to bring one side of its head or thorax in contact with an anther, and the other side with a stigma, and a subsequent visit to another flower may result in cross-pollination. The following visitors were observed on the flowers: ' A. Hymenoptera Apide: (1) Apis mellifera L,. worker, s.; Andrenide: (2) Ha- lictus zephyrus Sm. female, s.; Vespide: (3) Polistes pallipes St. Mare. Ss: JAN. 1907. WISCONSIN FLOWERS AND THEIR POLLINATION. Pa B. Diptera Bombyliide: (4) Anthrax sinuosa Wied.; Syrphide: (5) Syrphus americanus Wied.; (6) Allograpta obliqua Say; (7) Mesogramma marginata Say; Tachinide: (8) E-vorista nigri- palpis Town.; (9) Archytas analis Fabr.; Sarcophagide: (10) Sarcophaga helicis 'Town.; Muscide: (11) Lucila sylvarum Meig.; (12) L. sericata Meig. ;—all s. or f. p. C. Lepidoptera Rhopalocera: (13) Pontia rape 1,.; (14) Phyciodes tharos Dru.—all s. D. Coleoptera Mordellide: (15) Mordellistena comata Lec. s. This list is similar to that obtained by H. Mueller (4) for - Tofieldia caiyculata Wahlenberg in the Alps, viz: 1 bee, 6 flies, 3 beetles, 3 butterflies and 1 ant. As regards the latter insect it is interesting to note that in our species of Tofieldia the viscid glands along the stem do not prevent the ants from reaching the flowers, although such arrangements are generally supposed to protect the flowers from these and similar intruders. Two species of ants Formica fusca 1,. var. subsericca (Say) Emery and Cremastogas- ter lineolata (Say) Emery were seen crawling on the flowers, and feeding on nectar. Uvularia grandiflora J. E. Smith. Large-flowered Bellwort. The blooming period extends from May 5 to June 5. Robert- son (5) has made us acquainted with the mode of pollination of this species in southern Illinois, and little is to be added from observations on flowers of our region. The one or two pendulous flowers have a length of 4 cm. In the newly opened ones the twisted perianth-leaves are close together and only bees of large size (bumble-bees) are able to force their way in, but later on: especially in warm weather, the flower through the loosening of 4. Herm. Mueller. Alpenblumen pp. 39-40. See also P. Knuth. Handbuch der Bluetenbiologie. Vol. II, p. 516. 5. Chas. Robertson. Flowers and insects. XVI. Bot. Gaz. Vol. XXI. pp. 270-271. (1896). yy. BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. the perianth-leaves becomes more bell-shaped, and allows smaller bees to gain access to the pit-shaped nectaries, one of which is situated at the base of each of the perianth-leaves. As a rule the three branches of the style are about 5 mm. shorter than the six stamens with their anthers of 15 mm. length, and they bend out- ward between the latter so as to place their stigmas in the path of the insects that are pushing their mouth parts up towards the nectaries. When emptying their pollen the anthers begin to open at the base, and the slit gradually progresses downwards (in the pen- dulous flower) and reaches the branches of the style. At this juncture spontaneous self-pollination can take place in the homo- gamous flower, but previous to this an insect may have effected cross-pollination. In exceptional cases the branches of the style are longer and surpass the anthers entirely, and spontaneous self- pollination is rendered less probable. The flowers are without any odor. The principal pollinator in our region is the female bumble- bee Bombus americanorum Fabr., but the visits of the smaller bees, especially those of the genera Osmia and Andrena are un- doubtedly also effective. Two specimens of a Syrphid-fly Chilosia cvanescens Loew differed in their behavior on the flowers. One of them inserted its proboscis from the outside between two perianth- leaves at their bases, and obtained nectar without rendering any services to the flower. This was done repeatedly. The other one was feeding on pollen while hanging on to the anthers, and probably coming in contact with the stigmas. In this manner dif- ferent flowers were visited whereby self-or cross-pollination may have been the result. The list of visitors is as follows: A. Hymenoptera Apide: (1) Bombus americanorum Fabr. female, s. and c. p.; (2) Osmia pumila Cr. male and female, s.; Andrenide: (3) Andrena cressonu Rob. female, s. and c. p.; (4) A. rufosignata Ckli, temale, s.. atid .c. Ys. (5) “Andrena sp. female; s.; (G6) Halictus provancheri D. T. female. s.; (7) H. cressonu Rob. fe- male, s. and c. p.; (8) A. versatus Rob. female, s.; (9) H. pilosus Sm. female, s. B. Diptera Syvrphide: (10) Chilosia cyanescens Loew, s. and f. p. JAN. 1907. WISCONSIN FLOWERS AND THEIR POLLINATION. 23 FAM. LILIACE-A. Allium tricoccum Ait. Wild Leek. This plant is remarkable from the fact that the rather large leaves make their appearance quite early in the spring, but dry up and disappear before the blooming time sets in. The latter lasts from July 11 to August 15. There are about fourteen green- ish-white inconspicuous flowers on short pedicels forming an. umbel at the end of a scape of about 22 cm. in length. The perianth-leaves are only 4 to 5 mm. long, they remain in an erect position with their tips inclining towards the stamens, the light . yellow anthers of which are just lifted above the perianth-leaves. From the middle of the 3-parted ovary arises the erect slender white style with its simple stigma. The flowers are proterandrous. At first the three anthers of the inner row shed their pollen, and at this time the style has reached only two-thirds of its length. Later on while the outer anthers are dehiscing the style becomes fullgrown and the receptive stigma is on the same level with the anthers. The first fhower of an umbel is located centrally, the process of blooming therefore progresses from the center to the margin. Nectar is secreted by septal glands and appears as a drop in each of the furrows about half way up. It is concealed between the furrow and the broadened base of the corresponding filament and, besides, the erect position of the perianth-segments. also assists in hiding it from view. No odor is emitted by these flowers. Although in an older flower a receptive stigma may be present together with pollen on the outer anthers there is hardly a possi- bility of spontaneous self-pollination on account of the upright position of the flower and the distance between the stigma and the outer anthers. Insects engaged in sucking nectar push their heads in between the stigma and the introrse anthers, and become dusted with pollen on the sides of their heads. Their visits to different flowers result in most instances in cross-pollination. Bees are the main visitors, as seen from the following list: A. Hymenoptera Apide: (1) Apis mellifera 1, worker, s.; (2) Bombus con- similis Cr. worker, s.; (3) Alcidamea producta Cr. female, s.: 24 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. Andrenide: (4) Halictus provancheri D. T. female, s. and c. p.; (5) H. connexus Cr. female, ’s. and c. p.; (6) H. zephyrus Sm. female, s..and c. p.; (7) H.‘pilosus Sm. temale, s.3°(8)- Prosser modesta Say female, s.; (9) P. affinis Sm. female, s. B. Diptera Syrphide: (10) Mesogramma geminata Say; (11) Sphero- bhonia cylindrica Say; Muscide: (12) Lucila cesar L.—all s. or f. p. Allium Canadense L. Meadow Garlic. The flowering period is from June 19 to July 17. There are 4 to 18 pinkish flowers arranged in a terminal umbel of 4 dm. length, and in addition to these the inflorescense contains about a dozen ovoid bulblets. The perianth-leaves are 7 mm. long, and they spread sufficiently to give the flower a diameter of 12 to 15 mm. In the middle of each of these pinkish leaves, espe- cially on those of the inner row, a light violet line, the so-called nectar-guide, points towards the middle of the flower. Nectar appears near the base of the ovary in the septal furrows and accu- mulates between the latter and the bases of the inner filaments. The flowers have a faint sweet scent. Proterandry is well marked. In the first or male stage the anthers dehisce one after the other, and the style has at the begin- ning of this stage a length of only 114 mm. with scarcely a trace of a stigma. The introrse anthers gradually become extrorse. In the second or female stage the style attains its entire length of 4 mm., and the stigma reaches maturity after all of the anthers are empty, rarely before. The stigma surpasses the anthers. ‘The style assumes a pink color and the stamens also (with the excep- tion of the light-vellow pollen) agree in color with the perianth. Numerous insects pay their attention to the flowers, and cross- pollination is insured through the high degree of proterandry. Visitors were taken as follows: A. Hymenoptera . Apide: (1) Clisodon terminalis Cr. female, c. p.; (2) Aleci- damea producta Cr. female, s.; (3) Andronicus cylindricus Cr. male, s.: (4) Osmia pumila Cr. female, s.; (5) Stelis 6-maculata Ashm. female, s.; (6) S. subemarginata Cr. female, s.; (8) Coelioxys moesta Cr. female, s.; (9) Calliopsis andreniformis Sm. b JAN. 1907. WISCONSIN FLOWERS AND THEIR POLLINATION. 25 female, s. and c. p.; Andrenide: (10) Halictus provancheri D. T. male, s.; (11) A. cortacews Sm. female, s. and c. p.; (12) =) albi- pennis Rob. inaie. sis (ie) Ty cressonw Rob. female, S. si H. versatus Rob. female, CR te Ba) ot ee pygmea Cr. nbas S. (16) P. modesta Say female, s\; ‘Crabronids :! (17) Oxybelus 4-notatus Say, s.; Philanthide: (18) ate Gis hace Sid.) 8.3 Sphegide: (19) Ammophila vulgaris Cr., s.; Eumenide: (20) Eumenes fraternus Say; (21) Odynerus pennsyleanicus Sauss. ; (22) O. conformis Sauss. —all s. B. Diptera Bombylide: (23) Bombylius atriceps Lw.; Syrphide: (24) Paragus tibialis Fall.; (25) Syrphus americanus Wied.; (26) Mesogramma marginata say; (27) M. geminata Say ; (28) Spherophoria aadnes Say; Agromyzide: (29) Ochthiphila pelystigma Meig.; Tachinide : (30) Gymnosoma fuliginosa Desv. ; (:37.) Senotainia irilineata v. d. W.; (32) Ocyptera dosiades Walk.; (33)Peleteria tessellata Fabr.; Muscide: (34) Lucilia sylvarum Meig.; (35) LL. sericata Meig.; Anthomyide: (36) Phorbia fusciceps Zett.; (37-38) Phorbia spp.—all s. or f. p. C. Coleoptera Coccinellidee: (39) Coccinella sanguinea 1,, s.; Mordellide: (40) Mordellistena comata Lec. s. Allium cernuum Roth. Nodding wild onion. Foerste (6) has given an account of the pollination of this species in which he called attention to the proterandry of the flowers. Around Milwaukee this plant is in bloom from about July 15 to August 29. Through the bending of the scape of 3 to 4 dm. length just below the umbel the very numerous flowers become nodding. At the time of the opening of the first flowers along the margin of the inflorescence those in the middle are still far behind in their development. The reddish-purple perianth- segments contrast rather strongly with the yellow anthers that protrude from the mouth of the flower. While the three outer perianth-segments are directed outwards, each of the three inner ones is erect, and with its wing-shaped margins it encloses the 6: A. F. Foerste. Fertilization of the wild onion. Am. Nat. Vol. XIX. p. 601. (1885). 26 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. opposite filament of the inner row. Corresponding projections of the upper margin of the ovary surround these filaments from within, and in this manner tubes are formed leading down to the nectar between the base of these filaments and the ovary. There is a rich supply of nectar coming from the septal glands. The stamens with their pinkish filaments have, when fully developed, a length of 12 mm., one-half of which extends outside of the perianth. One by one they grow in length and empty their pollen, those of the. inner row in advance of the others. In this respect the specimens of our surroundings do not agree with those studied by Foerste who states that the outer stamens are the first to dehisce. In the first stage of these proterandrous flowers when the three inner stamens have reached their entire length the stig- matic region of the style is situated in the mouth of the flower. By the time the outer stamens have shed their pollen the style has become as long as the anthers, and the stigma has reached maturity. This represents the second or female stage. Proter- andry is so distinct in this species of Allium, as to render cross- pollination a certainty. The faintly sweet-scented flowers are rather attractive to bees as shown by the following list: A. Hymenoptera Apide: (1) Apis mellifera L. worker, s.; (2) Bombus pennsyl- vanicus De G. female and worker, s.; (3) B. wirginicus Oliv. worker, s.; (4) B. ternarius Say, female and worker, s.; (5) Clisodon terminalis Cr. female, s.; (6) Anthophora walshi Cr. female, s.; (7) Megachile infragilis Cr. female, s.; Andrenide: (8) Halictus forbes Rob. female, s. and c. p.; (9) H. sephyrus ~m. female, c. p.; (10) H. albipenmis Rob. female, c. pr; (11) H. sparsus Rob. female, c. p.; (12) Colletes eulophi Rob. female, s. B. Diptera Syrphide: (13) Tropidia quadrata Say, s. C. Lepidoptera Rhopalocera: (14) Pontia rape L, s. Lilium Canadense L. Wild yellow Lily. The blooming time is from July 2 to 28. On the outside the nodding flowers are red with a yellowish tinge while the inner sur- face is mainly yellow with numerous small brown spots. Shortly JAN. 1907. WISCONSIN FLOWERS AND THEIR POLLINATION. 27 after opening the perianth-segments spread horizontally so as to give the flower a diameter of 10 to 11 cm., but later the tips of the segments become reflexed. At the base the segments are closely -approximated. for a length of about’ 3 cm., and form a bell-shaped portion of 5 mm. diameter at the bottom. ' This space is nearly entirely occupied by the ovary and the fila- ments, and consequently only long-tongued insects can gain access to the nectar which is secreted in a depression at the base of each segment. No odor is perceptible. The extrorse anthers are 12 mm. long, they produce a great amount of reddish-brown pollen, and are lightly attached to the long (4 cm.) filaments. On account of the bending of the upper part of the filaments the anthers are carried outwardly, and finally they form a circle of 2 to 3 cm. diameter around the capitate dark brown stigma, which is situated on the same level. On the second day the upper part of the style curves outwards and brings the stigma either in contact with one of the anthers or in a position between two of them. In this new position the stigma is more apt to be struck by large insects approaching the flower from the side, butterflies or hawk- moths for example: According to Meehan (7) this lily is self-sterile. The dusting of the stigma with pollen from the same plant (self-pollination) would therefore be of no use to the plant. This mode of pollination, although ineffective is undoubtedly of common occurrence in these homogamous or shghtly proterandrous flowers, and once on a windy day, soon after the opening of a flower I saw a swaying anther touch the stigma before any insects had made their appear- ance. A small bee, Halictus versatus Rob., while collecting pollen was observed crawling around on the anthers as well as on the stigma, and a repetition of this behavior in a second flower might lead to cross-fertilization. Lovell (8) saw a bumble-bee, Bombus vagans Sm., alight on the stigma and afterwards crawl up along the anthers. He expresses the opinion that this species is visited by bees only, but it is probably adapted to Lepidoptera the 7. Thomas Meehan. Observations on Lilies. Proc. Acad. Nat. Se. Phil. 1875. pp. 412-413. 8. J. Lovell. The color of northern monocotyledonous flowers. Am. Nat., Vol. XXXIII., p. 498 (1899). 28 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. same as the average species of Lilium, and I have witnessed the visits of a butterfly, Argynnis cybele Fabr., to the flowers. I have often been on the lookout for visitors, but have seen the follow- ing only: A. Hymenoptera Andrenide: (1) Halictus forbesiti Rob., female, c. p.; (2) H. versatus Rob. female, c. p. B. Lepidoptera Rhopalocera: (3) Argynnis cybele Fabr., s. Lilium umbellatum Pursh. Western red Lily. This lily occurs on the clay-bluffs along Lake Michigan together with Tofieldia glutinosa, the species considered previ- and its flowering period from June 20 to July 16 falls together with that of Tofieldia. In the specimens under observation each plant carried either one or two of the erect flowers measuring about 12cm. across. The perianth-segments are directed laterally, and there is a slight recurving of the tips. Each of them becomes narrowed in the basal region, forming a so-called claw, the mar- gins of which are turned inward so as to meet each other and form a tube 2 cm. in length leading to the nectary at the base of the claw. There is a scanty supply of nectar, and no odor. The perianth-segments are red, changing to orange mixed with dark- brown spots around the opening of the tube. The stamens reach a length of 7 cm., and in consequence of an outward movement the anthers form a circle of 2 cm. diameter around the stigma, the same as in Lilium Canadense. Anthers and stigma are on the same level, and in the older flower the latter is carried to one side and often brought in touch with an anther. This leads to spon- taneous self-pollination. Whether this species is also self-sterile like the preceding one I am unable to state. In these homogamous flowers the filaments and style agree in color with the perianth- leaves, but the anthers and stigma are dark-brown and the pollen brownish-yellow. In favorable weather pollination is mostly due to the visits of butterflies, but pollen-collecting bees may also touch the stigma if they appear very shortly after the opening of the flower before the anthers have moved away from the stigma. The butterfly Argynnis cybele Fabr. is the most frequent visitor. It settles down JAN. 1907. WISCONSIN FLOWERS AND THEIR POLLINATION. 29 on one side of the flower and crawls around between the stamens and the perianth-leaves, draining one nectary after the other, and thereby dusting the lower surface of its front wings with pollen. Incidentally it rubs these same parts against the stigma. One bee and three butterflies make up the list of visitors: A. Hymenoptera Andrenide: (1) Augochlora confusa Rob. female, c. p. B. Lepidoptera Rhopalocera: (2) Papilio polyxenes Fabr.; (3) Argynnis cybele Fabr.; (4) Phyciodes tharos Dru.—all s. Erythronium albidum Nutt. White Adder’s Tongue. White Dog’s tooth Violet. This plant has been found in bloom from April 20 to May 15. Robertson (9) has given an account of this species and from this we see that there is a considerable difference in size between the flowers of our region with a diameter of 3 to 4 cm., and those of southern Illinois with a diameter of 61%4 cm. There is a soli- tary nodding white flower at the end of a scape of about 12 cm. length. Each of the three inner perianth-leaves has a pit-shaped nectary near the base and a small furrow running down to the latter. The adjoining filament covers the furrow from within, and the proboscis of an insect has to pass through the canal thus formed in order to obtain nectar. There is a median yellow spot, a “nectar-guide” near the base of each of the perianth-leaves, and it is of a deeper color and more distinctly heart-shaped on the inner ones. The stamens of the outer row are shorter than the others on account of the shorter anthers, and they shed their pollen entirely before those of the inner row start to dehisce. The flowers are homogamous since the stigma matures together with the outer anthers. As a rule the stigma in this species has three long and spreading branches, while that of E. Americanum the second species of our flora is usually short and simple. But Meads (10) has shown that there exists a great amount of vari- 9. Chas. Robertson. ° Flowers and insects VIII. Bot. Gaz., Vol. XVII., pp. 69-71 (1892). 10. M. E. Meads. The range of variation in species of Erythro- nium. Bot. Gaz., Vol. XVIII., p. 134 (1893). 30 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. ation in the two species, and that E. albidum may produce a stigma of the type credited to E Americanum, and vice versa. The inner anthers surpass the stigma to a slight extent only. According to Robertson cross-pollination may take place at any time, but he considers spontaneous self-pollination of com- mon occurrence in absence of insects. The closing of the flowers at night and in rainy weather would seem to me to favor spon- taneous self-pollination as thereby the anthers of the inner row are pressed against the stigma. The same mode of pollination may also result from the falling of pollen in a flower in which the stigma is situated directly below an anther. As Robertson points out the nodding position of the flowers favors the visits of bees, and nearly excludes other insects, and sixteen of the twenty- two visitors observed by him were bees. In our region the flowers are not so extensively visited, and I have noted the following bees only: Hymenoptera Apide: (1) Ceratina dupla Say; male and female, s.; (2) Osmia pumila Cr. male, s.; Andrenide: (3) Andrena vicina Sm. female, s. and c. p.; (4) Augochlora confusa Rob., female, s. Erythronium Americanum Ker. Yellow Adder’s Tongue. The first flowers appear several days behind those of the fore- going species, and the blooming time extends from about April 25 to May 19. When open the nodding flower is conspicuously yellow and is situated about 16 cm. above the ground. The bud has a reddish-brown color, due to such a coloration of the outer surface of the outer perianth-leaves. The inner surface of the latter and the leaves of the inner row in their entirety are yellow except towards the base where they become brownish with nu- merous minute reddish-brown spots. In this species too, as in the preceding one the nectaries are situated at the base of the inner perianth-leaves, and a furrow guides the insect’s tongue down to each of them. Dehiscence begins in the anthers of the outer row, the stamens of which are shorter than those of the inner row. The latter are 25 mm. long or about 2 mm. longer than the pistil. While considering the preceding species it was stated that the stigma in &. Americanum usually does not spread out in branches as in &. albidum. It is therefore not as liable to catch falling pollen in the open flower or to meet the anthers in the JAN. 1907. WISCONSIN FLOWERS AND THEIR POLLINATION. 3h closing flower as that of the last named species, and consequently spontaneous self-pollination might not be favored to such an extent in E. Americanum as in &. albidum. As regards pollination through the activity of insects the con- ditions are about the same in both species. Bees are here also the principal visitors. Besides perfect (hermaphrodite) flowers Meads (11) has come across female flowers i. e., with rudimentary anthers, not producing any pollen. This species therefore furnishes an exam- ple of a gynodioecious plant. The following species of bees are the only visitors I have noted on the flowers. Hymenoptera Apide: (1) Bombus americanorum Fabr. female, s.; (2) Osmia pumila Cr. male, s.; Andrenide: (3) Andrena vicina Sm. female, c. p.; (4) Halictus 4-maculatus Rob. female, c. p. FAM. CONVALLARIACE/E. Asparagus Officinalis L. Asparagus. The asparagus has escaped from cultivation and is a -com- paratively common wild plant around Milwaukee. blooming from about May 29 throughout the summer. Belated flowers have been seen even on October 6. Mueller (12) described and figured the greenish, pendulous and befl-shaped flowers. Breitenbach (13) noted the occurrence of perfect (hermaphrodite) flowers, but as a rule each plant has either male or female flowers only. Among the numerous specimens examined in our surroundings I have _ never come across one with perfect flowers. The male flower has a length of 6 mm., and always contains a rudimentary pistil. The female flower is considerably shorter (3 to 4 mm.) and is sup- plied with abortive anthers. ier bien Meads:.- Loc. cit.; p. 137. 12. H. Mueller. Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insekten, pp. 64-65. See also P. Knuth Handb. d. Bluetenbiologie, Vol. II., pp. 505-506. 13. W. Breitenbach. Ueber Asparagus officinalis, etc. Bot. Ztg., Vol. XXXVI., pp. 163-167. 32 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. The flowers with their faint odor are regularly visited by bees, but the larger and therefore more conspicuous male flowers are decidedly more attractive than the female flowers. On June 19 two large plants standing close together, one with male and the other with female flowers, were kept under observation for some length of time. The male flowers received a grater number of visitors, mostly female bees of the genus Halictus in search of pollen, and the few bees paying their attention to the female flow- - ers were mostly supplied with pollen from their previous visits to the male flowers. In this manner cross-pollination is insured in accordance with the rule laid down by Sprengel that in diclinous plants the male flowers are more showy so as to attract the insects in the order most favorable to pollination. Both kinds of flowers secrete nectar at the bottom of the tube. The following visitors were observed on three different days in June: Hymenoptera Apide: (1) Bombus consimilis Cr. female, s.; (2) Ceratina dupla Say female, s. and c. p.; (3) Megachile infragilis Cr. male, s.; Andrenide: (4) Augochlora confusa Rob. female, s. and c..p.; (5) Halictus coriaceus Sm. female, c. p.; (6) H. 4-maculatus Rob. female, c. p.;.(7) H. zephyrus Sm. female, c. p.; (8) Prosopis pygmea Cr. female, s. Clintonia borealis (Ait) Raf. Yellow Clintonia. On two different occasions, on June 3 and 5, I have had the opportunity of watching these flowers in a tamarack swamp at Elkhart Lake, Sheboygan Co., Wis. They were visited by two species of bumble-bees and two smaller bees as follows: Hymenoptera Apide: (1) Bombus consimilis Cr. female, s. and c. p.; (2) B. virginicus Oliv. female, s. and c. p.; Andrenide: (3) Halictus versatus Rob. female, c. p.; (4) Agapostemon radiatus Say female, s. Miss Alice Carter (14) witnessed the visits of bumble-bees at Ithaca, N. Y., and Lovell (15) in Maine those of a beetle, the 14. Alice Carter. Notes on pollination. Bot. Gaz., Vol. XVIL., “p. 21 (1892). 15.:) J. Lovell? Doe. :est.,4p. 499. JAN. 1907. WISCONSIN FLOWERS AND THEIR POLLINATION. 33 honey-bee and a bumble-bee Bombus consimilis, one of the species represented in the list given above. The bell-shaped greenish-yellow flowers are situated at the summit of a scape forming an umbel of three to six pendulous flowers directed to one side, and in addition to these we sometimes find two or three flowers lower down on the same side of the scape. The six perianth-leaves are recurved so as to give the fully developed flower a diameter of 21%4 cm. Stamens, pistil and perianth-segments are all of the same length, from 18 to 20 mm. In the basal region the segment is folded together and forms a medial furrow of 2 mm. depth along the inner side, at the bottom of which nectar is secreted. The broadened base of the opposite filament covers the furrow and a canal of 6 mm. length is thereby constructed running down to the nectary. The style protrudes from the middle of the flower, but it is directed slightly downward and carries a broad flattened stigma. The anthers are about 5 mm. in length. They are kept well out of the way of the stigma, being arranged in a circle of 2 cm. diameter around the latter. Such an anther splits open laterally and within a short time along its entire length. In warm and dry weather this whole process of dehiscence may be accomplished within an hour. The flowers are homogamous. There is a slight possibility of spontaneous self-pollination tak- ing place through the falling of pollen on the stigma, but the flowers are adapted to long-tongued bees and bumble-bees (flying at this time of the year in the female sex only) are certainly the most efficient pollinators. Such a bumble-bee usually alights on the lowest flower of a group and after sucking and collecting pollen crawls up to the neighboring one. Cross-pollination or at least self-pollination is the outcome. The visits of the short- tongued bees mentioned in the list, (Halictus and A gapostemon), are hardly of any use to the flowers, unless they alight on the stigma, but this is generally not the case. An interesting feature of these flowers is the arrangement by which they are more or less protected from unwelcome visitors. The bases of the filaments are well supplied with protruding hairs, and the same is the case with the perianth-divisions in their basal region along the outer surface, where they are close together. This renders it difficult for ants and all kinds of short-tongued insects to push their mouth parts from the outside in between the peri- 34 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. anth-divisions at the base of the flower or in between the base of a filament and a perianth-division on the inside. Vagnera racemosa (L.) Morong. Wild Spikenard. Robertson (16) has described the structure of these flowers, and given an account of their pollination as observed by~him in Macoupin Co. in southern Illinois, where the flowers bloom from May 7 to 30. In our latitude they appear nearly a month later, extending their flowering period from about June 2 to 29. The white flowers are very small, and are gathered in a panicle at the end of the stem, but being very numerous they render the inflor- escence visible from a considerable distance. I estimated the number of flowers in an inflorescence of 5 cm. breadth and 14 cm. length at about 500. The main parts of the flower are the diver- gent stamens and the pistil, while the perianth-segments are ex-. ceptionally small and inconspicuous as pointed out by Robertson. The flowers are proterogvnous and cross-pollination is the prob- able outcome. Grassmann (17) noted the presence of septal glands, but Robertson could not detect any nectar, and in our surroundings these flowers do not show the slightest trace of nec- tar. They are visited for pollen only, but their peculiar odor may be quite attractive to certain insects, bugs for example that I have repeatedly seen gathering in numbers on the flowers towards evening. In southern Illinois this species seems to be poorly visited, only three small bees and one beetle having been noticed by Robertson. In a certain locality along the railroad north of West Allis, a suburb of Milwaukee, the plants are plentiful, and I observed quite a gathering of various insects, notably bees and flies, but also beetles and bugs. Following is the list of these visitors: A. Hymenoptera Andrenide: (1) Andrena mvalis Sm. female, c. p.; (2) A:.corm. Rob. female; ¢c. p.5.(3) Ay cressonn Rob, female, apse (4) Augochlora confusa Rob. female, c. p.; (5) Halictus lerouxu 16. Chas. Robertson. Flowers and insects XVI. Bot. Gaz., Vol. XXL, p. 27071896); 17. P. Grassmann. Die Septaldruesen, Flora. Vol. LXVIL., p. 118 (1884). ; JAN. 1907. WISCONSIN FLOWERS AND THEIR POLLINATION. 35 Lep. female, c. p.; (6) H. zephyrus Sm. female, c. p.; (7) H. albi- pennis Rob. female, c. p.; (8) Sphecodes clematidis Rob. female, searching for nectar. B. Diptera Stratiomyide: (9) Stratiomyia lativentris Lw.; Bombyliude: (10) Bombylius atriceps Lw.; Syrphide: (11) Mesogramma gem- inata Say; Tachinide: (12) Peleteria tessellata Fabr.; (13) Archytas analis Fabr.; Sarcophagide: (14) Sarcophaga sp.; Dexiide: (15) Mvocera cremides Walk.; Muscide: (16) Lucila sylvarum Meig.: (17) LL. sericata Meig.; Anthomyide: (18) Phorbia sp.; (19) Drymeia sp.—all except (10) f. p., (10) prob- ing around the base of the ovary for nectar. D, Coleoptera FBlateride: (20) Agriotes oblongicollis Mels.; Scarabzide: (21) Trichius piger Fabr.; Cerambycide: (22) Cyrtophorus ver- rucosus Oliv.; (23) Acmeops bivitiata Say; Anthicide: (24) Corphyra collaris Say; Meloide: (25) Macrobasis unicolor Kirby —all f. p. D. Hemiptera. Capside: (26) Calocoris rapidus Say; (27) Poecilocapsus lineatus Fabr. (28) P. goniphorus Say—all resting on the flowers. Vagnera stellata (L.) Morong. Star-flowered Solomon’s Seal. This common species blooms around Milwaukee from about May 13 to June 8 and the flowers are abundantly visited by bees as well as flies. Robertson (18) speaks of an adaptation to the less specialized bees—Andrenidw, but my observations show that they are equally well adapted to the specialized flies of the family Syrphide, over one-half of the visitors belonging to the Andrenide -and Syphide, taken together. This is what might be expected when we consider the structure of the flowers. They are pure white with the exception of the light yellow anthers and are arranged in a terminal raceme. The diameter of a flower is about 12 mm. The leaves of the perianth are spread so as to form nearly a right angle with the axis of the flower, and the stamens take up an intermediate position between the perianth-segments and the pistil, whereby the anthers are kept at a distance from the 18. Chas. Robertson. Loc. cit., pp. 269-270. 36 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. stigma. The latter is receptive from the opening of the flower on, and later the introrse anthers open one by one. Proterogyny is well marked, and the flowers are destined to become cross-pol- linated. Where the flowers grow in patches as they usually do, visitors are not lacking, and they are attracted by a liberal supply of pollen, an agreeable sweet odor, and easily accessible drops of nectar secreted at the base of the ovary. I have taken the following insects on the flowers: A. Hymenoptera . Apide: (1) Apis mellifera L. worker, s.; (2) Bombus consim- ilis Cr. female, s.; (3) B. ternarius Say female, s.; (4) Nomada cuneata Rob. female, s.;(5) N. cressoniit Rob. male, s.; (6) Osmia purpurea Cr. female, s.; Andrenide: (7) Andrena nivalis Sm. female, s.; (8) A. hartfordensis Ckll. female. s.; (9) A. cressonu Rob., s.; (10) A. sigmundi Ckll., female, s.; (11) Augochlora wrdula om., (12) A. confusa’ Rob:, female, s.,and Gea (13) Agapostemon radiatus Say, female, s. and c. p.; (14) Halictus provancheri D. 'T., female, s. and c. p.; (15) H. lerouxii Lep., female, s. and c. p.; (16) H. sephyrus Sm. female, s. and c. p.; (17) AH. cressonu Rob. female, s.; (18) H. sparsus Rob., female, s.; Eumenide: (19) Odynerus pennsylvanicus Sauss., s. B. Diptera Stratiomyide: (20) Odontomyia pubescens Day; Syrphide: (21) Mesogramma marginata Say; (22) M. geminata Say; (23) Spherophoria cylindrica Say ; (24) Neoascia globosa Walk. ; (25) Eristalis dinudiatus Wied.; (26) Helophilus similis Macq.; (27) A. laetus Lw.; (28) H. chrysostomus Wied.; (29) Mallota cim- bicifornus Fall.; (30) Tropidia quadrata Say.; (31) Xylota cjuncida Say : (32) Syritta pipiens I,.; Tachinide: (33) Cistogas- ter wmmaculata Macq.: (34) Siphona geniculata Deg.; (35) Melanophrys insolita Walk.; (36) Gonia capitata De G.; (37) Peleteria robusta Wied.; (38) Archytas analis Fabr.; Sarcophag- ide: (39) Sarcophaga sp.; Muscide: (40) Lucilia sylvarum Meig.; Anthomyidz: (41) Hydrotea sp.—all s. or f. p. C. Lepidoptera Rhopalocera: (42) Pontia rape L.; s.; (43) Atrytone zabulon Bd. and Lec.—all s. JAN. 1907. WISCONSIN FLOWERS AND THEIR POLLINATION. 37 . D_ Coleoptera Scarabeide: (44) Trichius piger Fabr. s. and f. p. Vagnera trifolia (L.) Morong. Three-leaved Solomon’s Seal. It is a common inhabitant of the same tamarack swamp at Elkhart Lake, Sheboygan Co., Wis., referred to above in con- nection with Clintonia borealis, and it was observed on the same dates as the latter, viz: June 3 and 5. The average height of the plants is 15 cm., and the ten to fourteen flowers on slender pedicels are arranged in a loose raceme. As regards the structure of the flower and the relative position of perianth-segments, stamens and pistil to each other there is a striking similarity to the flower of lV’. stellata considered above, but that of V.. trifolia is much smaller, measuring only 6 to 7 mm. across. All of the parts of the flower are white, except the anthers which are brown-violet. Nectar appears in droplets in the furrows along the ovary and this indicates the presence of septal glands. In view, of the more or less upright position of the flowers spontaneous self-pollination can hardly occur. Such a flower is proterogynous, but only for a short while, and consequently cross-pollination results from the early visits of insects while later on after the anthers have begun to empty their pollen either cross or self-pollination may be effected by such visitors. Altogether these flowers do not seem to attract insects to any extent. ‘They are sweet-scented, but the individual flower is inconspicuous and the same may be said of the few-flowered loose inflorescence as a whole. On the two dates mentioned above two beetles were the only insects seen on the © flowers, but the time available for such observations was too short, and we might expect to find small bees and flies paying attention to them. The two beetles belonged to the following species : | Coleoptera Elateride: (1) Cardiophorus convexulus WLec.; (2) Elater rubricus Say-—both s. Unifolium Canadense (Desf.) Greene. Two-leaved Solomon’s Seal. Flowering period from May 27 to June 21. There may be as many as 50 of the small white fragrant flowers forming a terminal raceme on a stem 10 to 18 cm. high. The flowers are borne by short (4 mm.) pedicels two of which originate from a common point of the stem. mm. in the region of the ovary to 3 mm. in the middle, and still less at the mouth. The 40 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. six stamens are inserted above the middle of the tube. Their introrse anthers are directed inwardly and brought with their tips so close together as to form a cone in the mouth of the flower. An insect’s probocis has free access to the flower through the six lateral spaces between the filaments and the tubes. On account of the length of the style (9 mm.) the capitate stigma with its numerous papille protrudes into the cavity of the hollow cone formed by the anthers. As soon as the line of dehiscence which begins at the apex of the anther reaches the stigma spon- taneous self-pollination may take place. Before dehiscence has progressed so far an insect may effect self or cross-pollination by introducing its probocis through the middle of the flower and touching the stigma with pollen of the same or of another plant. The species of Salomonia (Polygonatum) which have been examined so far are known to have homogamous flowers (19), but in S. bifora we are undoubtedly dealing with proterandry. While the stigma is receptive before the flower opens the anthers do not begin to dehisce until after the opening has taken place. This species differs in another respect from the species studied heretofore. In the latter nectar is secreted by the septal glands of the ovary, but in \S. biflora it is produced in three spots on the inner surface of the perianth somewhat above the base. These three drops of nectar are visible from the outside through the transparent tube of the perianth, and they are situated on the dis- tinct lines that indicate the middle of the three inner perianth- segments. The opening of the flower takes place through the outward movement of the six tips (teeth) of the perianth-divisions, whereby those representing the inner row assume an erect posi- tion, while those of the outer row become reflexed. In the older (fertilized) flower these teeth move back to their original posi- tion and close the tube. The perianth gradually becomes yellow and withers. The following visitors have been noticed on the flowers: A. Hymenoptera Apide: (1) Apis mellifera I, worker, s.; (2) Bombus con- similis Cr. female, s. and c. p.; (3) B. virginicus Oliv., female, s.:; (4) B. americanorum Fabr., female, s. 19. P. Knuth. Handb. d. Bluetenbiologie, Vol. II, p. 507. JAN. 1907. WISCONSIN FLOWERS AND THEIR POLLINATION. 41 B. Aves. (5) Trochilus colubris L., s. — Bumble-bees are the most important visitors. The visits of our humming-bird (Trochilus colubris) are of interest and have been discussed at the beginning of this paper. Salomonia commutata (R. & S.) Britton. Smooth Solomon’s Seal. This plant, the Polygonatum giganteum Dietr., is much larger than the one just referred to, reaching in our region a height of 10 to 15 dm. Its flowers appear later than those of the other species, from June 7 to July 3. Robertson (20) has considered this species in connection with a review of the genus. The speci- miens studied in our locality differ in several points from those of southern Illinois as described by Robertson. There are two to five flowers in a group. The tube is about 17 mm. long, and has a diameter of 4 mm. at the mouth and 6 mm. in the middle. The teeth of the outer perianth-divisions are hardly more reflexed than those of the inner, they are all nearly erect. The flowers are homogamous, stigma and anthers becoming mature as soon as the tube opens. In the Illinois plants (Robertson) the style is too short to touch the anthers, thereby excluding spontaneous self- pollination. In our specimens the style with its stigma either reaches up between the anthers as in S. biflora, or it even sur- passes the anthers by at least 1 mm. In the latter case cross-pol- lination through insects may be more easily accomplished than in S. biflora, on the other hand spontaneous self-pollination may take place when the pollen falls. In the plants of our surround- ings therefore two different ways are open to spontaneous self- pollination. Nectar is produced by the septal glands of the ovaries, but in addition to this the tissues of the inner surface of the tube are very juicy and yield droplets of a sweet liquid when punctured by the mouth parts of the visiting insects. Even the inner surfaces of the teeth (tips of the perianth-division) which are dry imme- diately after the opening of the tube show such droplets after having received the attention of bees, and I have several times seen the short-tongued hees figuring in the list below (Halictus) obtaining sweets around the mouth of the flower. In our region Salomonia commutata is andromonoecious. I 20. Chas. Robertson. Loc. cit., p. 268. 42 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. have come across specimens having the uppermost flower or the two uppermost flowers of the stem sterile i. e. with the style rudi- mentary or nearly wanting. This is the only example of an andro monoecious species of Salomonia (Polygonatum) hitherto re- ported. The humming-bird has been observed at the flowers, and three bees besides: A. Hymenoptera Apide: (1) Bombus consimilis Cr., female, s.; Andrenide: (2) Halictus forbesti Rob., female, s.; (3) H. 4-maculatus Rob., female, s. and c. p. : B. Aves. (4) Trochilus colubris L,, s. Trillium grandiflorum (Michx.) Salisb. Large-flowered Wake-robin. It is the commonest of our species of Trillium and is usually found in blossom from about May 6 to June 3. The large erect white flowers are among the most conspicuous of the spring flow- ers of our woodlands. They are proterandrous as shown by Loew (21), who studied them from plants growing in the Botanical Gar- den at Berlin. The anthers are 12 mm. long, two-thirds of this length being above the stigmas and one-third reaching down below the latter. Dehiscence begins above, and as soon as the stigma is reached spontaneous self-pollination undoubtedly takes place unless it has it has been preceded by self or cross-pollination through insects. Jn flowers in which the anthers have shed their pollen completely the stigmatic surfaces may be seen surrounded by pollen. According to Miss Alice Carter (22) nectar is secreted by septal glands, and in the plants examined in our neighborhood this is very clearly the case. Large drops are sometimes visible between the septal furrows of the ovary and the petals, taking up the space around the bases of the filaments. We might expect these showy and sweet-scented flowers with an abundant supply of pollen and nectar to be decidedly attractive to insects, and still this is not the case. It is, on the contrary, quite astonishing how little attention is paid to them. The only insect ever seen by me 21. E. Loew. Bluetenbiologische Beitraege II. Pringsh. Jahrb. Vol. XXIII., pp. 78-79 (1892). 22. Alice Carter. Notes on pollination. Bot. Gaz., Vol. XVII., p 21 (1892). JAN. 1907. WISCONSIN FLOWERS AND THEIR POLLINATION. 43 visiting such a flower in search of food was a small bee, a male Ceratina dupla Say. Some bees, especially the males of solitary bees are in the habit of selecting flowers of convenient structure as lodging-places for the night or in inclement weather, and under these circumstances they may be instrumental in effecting pollina- tion. On a very windy day I found a male of the same bee referred to above seeking protection in one of the flowers, and on another occasion I saw two males of Andrena geranu Rob., taking up their abode in such a flower, also on account of the very high wind. Miss Carter kept flowers of this species under observation at the Botanical Garden of South Hadley, Mass., and she men- tions the visits of pollen-collecting honey-bees, (an introduced species), but not of any of our native insects. From all these facts I am forced to believe that spontaneous self-pollination is the rule in Trillium grandiflorum and that only a small percentage of the flowers becomes cross-pollinated. Trillium nivale Riddell. Early Wake-robin. On a former occasion (23) I mentioned this species as being the earliest among our entomophilous flowers. The first flowers may be expected within the first two weeks in April, and in the exceedingly early spring of 1898 they appeared already on March 26. Neither before nor since the publication of the paper just cited have I ever succeeded in witnessing the visit of any insect to this pollen-flower, and spontaneous self-pollination is to all appearances the usual mode of pollination in our region. This is brought about by the recurving of the style until the stigma meets the anthers, but it takes place rather late, and this circumstance, together with the fact that the sigmas are at first situated above the anthers, points to cross-pollination as a possible outcome during the early life of the flower. Trillium erectum L. Ill-scented Wake-robin. This species has been noticed in blossom from May 19 to June 1, but my observations do not cover its entire flowering period. It is of especial interest on account of the variation in color shown throughout its range. According to Britton’s Manual the petals may be dark purple, pink, yellow, greenish or white. 23. S. Graenicher. Bull. Wis. Nat. Hist. Soc., Vol. I (new series), pp. 1-2. 44 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. Loew (24) considers the dark purple and ill-scented variety, a nauseous flower, and he informs us that the styles surpass the anthers, and that the former are bent backwards. Miss Carter (25) states of the dark variety with a disagreeable odor observed at South Hadley, Mass., that no nectar is secreted, that the stamens and pistils are of the same length, and that self-pollina- tion is apparently the rule. She noticed four beetles on the older flowers and did not consider their presence of any importance. Weed (26) saw several species of flesh-flies feeding on the pollen of these flowers in New Hampshire, and he regards the latter as proterandrous and adapted to cross-pollination. Around Milwau- kee T. erectum appears to my knowledge in the white variety only, and these flowers possess an agreeable sweetish odor, but they do not produce any nectar. Those examined measured 5 cm. across, and their stamens were 13 mm. long, 10 mm. of which were taken up by the anthers. The stigmas are situated some- what above the latter, but they are gradually brought in contact with them when the branches of the style curve outward. I have seen a stigma in close touch with a dehiscent anther. As set forth above these flowers offer only pollen to the vis- itors, and they probably attract very few of them. On May 24 I noticed a bumble-bee, a female Bombus americanorum Fabr., alighting on a flower hunting for nectar; not finding the desired object it immediately flew over to a neighboring flower of Salo- moma biflora (see above) where it was more successful. Alto- gether the flowers of 7. erectum seem to be poorly attractive to insects, and spontaneous self-pollination takes place probably in the majority of the cases. Trillium cernuum L. Nodding Wake-robin. The white flowers are concealed beneath the leaves, and for this reason they are not as readily noticed as those of the species of Trillium already considered. I have met with these flowers on several occasions between May 22 and 27, and have not witnessed a single visit. They are as Miss Carter (27) has noted, 24. E. Loew. Bluetenbiol. Beitraege II., pp. 78-79. 25; A. Carter. Loc. cit., p. 20. 26. C. M. Weed. ‘ten New England blossoms and their insect visitors, pp. 53-60 (1895). at. A, Carter... coca, p21. JAN. 1907. WISCONSIN FLOWERS AND THEIR POLLINATION. 45 slightly proteraridrous, and in the fully opened nodding flower spontaneous self-pollination may easily result from the position _ of the recurving stigmas directly below the anthers. Small drops of nectar from the septal glands may be seen near the base of the ovary. A bumble-bee was observed by Miss Carter sucking nectar. Trillium recurvatum Beck. Prairie Wake-robin. Robertson (28) has given an account of the pollination of this dark purple erect flower. Usually a number of plants grow to- gether in patches in damp woods. The flowers of our region, blooming from May 15 to about June I agree in all details with those from southern Illinois as described by Robertson. The green sepals are reflexed, but the dark purple petals form an arch over the middle of the flower. The rigid anthers with their remarkably broad connective are very dark in color, and are inclined over the dark purple branches of the style. Pollen may fall directly on the stigmas, and this is one way in which spon- taneous self-pollination is possible. It also takes place when the recurved stigma touches an anther lined with pollen, a procedure which I have witnessed in several older flowers. As Robertson remarks, the flowers possess neither nectar nor odor, in fact nothing to attract insects except possibly the purple color, and he expresses the opinion that they may be visited by small flies at night. On May 20 during the day I watched a fungus-gnat Sciara exigua Say (family Mycetophilide) crawling around in a flower and coming in contact with both anthers and stigmas. Although such a visit may be favorable to pollination, the flies of this family can hardly be depended upon to pay regular visits to these flowers, and it is more than probable that in T. recurva- tum spontaneous self-pollination is the method usually resorted to. 28. Chas. Robertson. Loc. cit., p. 273. NEW CHALCID-FLIES FROM CAPE COLONY, By CHARLES T. BrugEs The following seven new species of Hymenoptera of the super- family Chalcidoidea were sent to me by Dr. Hans Brauns of Willomore, Cape Colony. The types are in the Milwaukee Public Museum. They represent an interesting addition to the very small num- ber of Chalcids so far described from South Africa. Two form the types of new genera, while the others add three genera not hitherto recorded from that region. FAMILY TORYMID-. SUBFAMILY ORMYRINZ. Ormyrodes gen. nov. Body coarsely punctate, nowhere striate, the punctures at the base of the middle abdominal segments scarcely coarser than else- where. Abdomen very long, subulate, nearly three times as long as the head and thorax, with a strong median dorsal carina ex- tending from the base of the third abdominal segment to the tip of the abdomen. Ocelli large, the lateral ones equidistant from the median one and the eye-margin. Eyes thickly pilose. Pro- thorax one-half as long and considerably narrower than the mesonotum, the latter with a slight depression on each side to indicate obsolete parapsidal furrows. Legs slender, tibial spurs small and delicate. Tarsi all rather distinctly spinous beneath. Wings with a long marginal vein, two-fifths as long as the sub- marginal. Stigmal one-third the length of the marginal, clavate and unusually oblique; postmarginal as long or longer than the marginal, attenuated gradually at the tip and continued as a faint thickening as far as the wing tip. Type O. carinatus sp. nov. The extremely long, awl-shaped abdomen, uniformly punctuate body, hairy eyes, and long postmarginal vein in the wings will serve to identify the genus which falls close to Ormyrus. In sculp- ture of the body it resembles Forster’s Tribeus; the latter is how- 46 JAN. 1907. NEW CHALCID-FLIES FROM CAPE COLONY. 47 ever not recognized by Mayr as generically distinct from Ormy- TUS. Ormyrodes carinatus sp. nov. Female. Length 10 mm., of body 7mm. Head and thorax bronzed green, the thorax with a reddish cast; abdomen zneous, varied with bluish and greenish, sides of the third segment anteriorly whitish pubescent, anterior angles of the fourth and fifth segments much more strongly so, the spots appearing olive green in certain lights. Base of the sixth segment deep orange, seventh metallic blue. Legs light rufous; coxz greenish black, thickened parts of the femora, especially the posterior pair, blue-black; base of tibize and tarsi except tips pale yellow. Wings hyaline, with a very indistinct cloud below the stigma. Head coarsely, almost confluently punctured, covered with a whitish pubescence. Antenne black, the pedicel and second flagellar joint of equal length, first flagellar one-third shorter, no ring-joint, fourth and fifth equal, the following decreasing, tip of antenne broken off in the type specimen. Occiput, especially on the sides, circularly striate. Thorax and scutellum punctured like the head, the scutellum broadly rounded at the tip. Metathorax very short, scarcely visible above. whitish hairy and punctured on the sides. First and second abdominal segments smooth, except for transverse bands of fine punctures at the middle. Third rather deeply pitted with punctures the size of those on the thorax. The abdomen is suddenly constricted at the tip of this segment, the tip of the fourth segment being only one-quarter as wide as the base of the third. Third segment longest, fourth to sev- enth about equal, each two-thirds the length of the third. Venter distinctly, but more finely punctate. Ovipositor projecting to a dis- tance equal to one-half the length of the pygidium, blunt at tip. Described from one female collected at Uitenhage, Cape Col- ony, November 15, 1896. BPAMILY ENCYRTIDAL. SUBFAMILY EUPELMIN2. Charitopus albopalpalis sp. nov. Female. Length 3 mm. Head and thorax metallic green, abdo- men beyond the first segment decidedly coppery. Legs brown or piceous; the anterior coxe and trochanters, the spurs of the middle 48 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. and hind tibie, extreme base of first joint of middle tarsus, hind trochanters and a very decided stripe on the outer side of the posterior tibie, pale yellow or whitish. Antenne piceous, the flagellar joints except the last, yellowish brown. Mandibles brown, with black tips. Palpi whitish, the last joint long, swollen and bent at the base. Body slender; head transverse, two and one-half times as wide as thick and about as broad as high; front microscopically rugose, face shagreened. Eyes hairy. Antenne 11-jointed, the flagellum brown except the last joint, which is black. Scape piceous, thickened towards the middle, nearly one-half as long as the flagellum; pedicel a little shorter than the first and second flagellar joints together, ring joint wider than long. Third and following fiagellar joints wider and shorter, the penultimate quadrate and one-half as long as the apical one. On the under side of the pedicel is a series of about ten very fine, long hooked hairs to be seen only under high magnification. Mesonotum shagreened, shining, the parapsidal elevations almost obsolete. Scutel- lum with a tolerably broad base on the mesonotum, its surface micro- scopically rugulose. Metanotum polished, the metapleurze above with long white pubescence. Abdomen as long as the thorax, the posterior margins of the segments entire. Ovipositor projecting very slightly. Wings hyaline; submarginal vein two-fifths the length of the wing, twice as long as the marginal; postmarginal strongly developed, dimin- ishing apically, but distinct to the apex of the wing; stigmal one-third the length of the marginal, knobbed at the tip. One female, Algoa Bay Cape Coiony, November 24, 1806. The present species could be placed in no other described genus, but may possibly not be congeneric with the type of Charitopus. As it agrees in having no bristles on the middle metatarsi, scarcely any impression on the mesonotum, and long postmarginal vein, it seems to fall here. The spur of the middle tibia is well-developed but not especially long and fF can not detect the “schildformigen mittelbrustseiten” described by Forster (Hym. Stud. 11, p. 31) in his generic diagnosis of Charitopus, as more evident than in other Eupelmines. The peculiar hooked hairs on the antennal pedicel are different from anything I have seen. Parasolindenia gen. nov. s Female. Apterous, abdomen very strongly depressed, almost wafer-like; when seen from above oval, twice as wide as the thorax JAN. 1907. NEW CHALCID-FLIES FROM CAPE COLONY. 49 and only one-half longer than wide. Ovipositor exerted. Head one and one-half times as high as wide and twice as wide as thick antero- posteriorly. Antennz inserted low down on the face, very slender, with a white annulus on the flagellum. Face with a large, but very slight depression. Malar furrow present. Eyes bare, showing a faint pubescence only under a compound microscope; elongate-oval, convergent above. Ocelli in a rather small triangle, the lateral ones near to, but not contiguous with the eye-margin. Prothorax very much contracted in front. Mesonotum sloping very strongly in front, the parapsidal elevations very sharply defined, especially behind. Seutellum narrow, almost as long as the mesonotum, with a broad base against the mesonotum, the axillae triangular, three times as long as wide in front, the outer edges of the two axillae slightly converg- ing behind. Secutellum narrowed behind the tips of the axilla to a slightly rounded point. Posterior face of the metanotum with an irregular large anterior areola and a smaller posterior one. First to sixth abdominal segments of about equal length, the seventh short; posterior angles of the sixth and seventh roundly produced so as to make the tip of the abdomen quadridentate. Legs very short, the middle tibiz with a large stout spur, their metatarsi spinose. Hind tibie with two very small, delicate spurs, one of them almost obsolete. Wings entirely absent. Type. P. aptera. The type species is of very peculiar appearance due to its flattened abdomen and long, slender antennz and legs. It falls near Solindenia Cameron, from which it differs by the complete absence of wings, verv slender antennz, and distinctly exerted ovipositor. Parasolindenia aptera sp. nov. Female. Length 3.4 mm, width of abdomen 1.75 mm. Pale brown, the head bronzed black; the abdomen and pleure more or less bronzed. Head shining, but microscopically punctured or shagreened. Base of mandibles brownish. Antenne 13-jointed, scape very slender, not at all thickened apically, rufous; flagellum slender, black, two and one-half times as long as the scape, its sixth and seventh joints pure white. Scutellum, axille, and anterior enclosure of the metanotum paler brown than the mesonotum. Abdomen fuscous, with indis- tinctly bronzed surface. Its surface has a silken appearance due to a thick appressed brownish pubescence over which are scattered 50 RULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. sparse, white appressed hairs; sides of the abdomen paler in color. Venter with a bluish cast, its pubescense sparse. Ovipositor as long as the apical two abdominal segments, pale with a black tip. Legs brownish, hind tibiw lined above with pale yellow; first two joints of hind tarsi, except the extreme base of metatarsus, whitish. Tips of all the tarsi blackish. A single female from Willomore, Cape Colony. Eupelminus robustus sp: nov. Female. Length 4-5 mm. Sub-opaque, piceous black, antennal scape, except the apex, annulus on antenne, middle coxe and trochan- ters, and the base of four hind tarsi honey-yellow, the markings of the legs being somewhat paler, especially apically. Head three times as wide as thick when seen from above, and a trifle longer than wide when seen from in front, its surface microscopically rugulose. Front above the antenne almost flat, scarcely impressed. Malar furrow distinct. Eyes oval, distinctly hairy, separated above by more than one-third the width of the head, the lateral ocelli near, but not con- tiguous with the eye-margin. Antenne slender, inserted consider- ably below the level of the lower eye-margin; flagellum slightly thick- ened apically, not quite twice as long as the scape, the single ring- joint as long as thick. Thorax very short, the mesonotum sharply declivous, the parapsidal elevations sharp. Prothorax as wide as long, transversely aciculated; mesonotum scarcely as long as wide; the seutellum so sharply declivous behind that its surface forms a right angle with the surface of the mesonotum. Axille small, triangular, scutellum broad, finely rugulose, as is also the short, simple meta- thorax. Abdomen ovate, as wide as the thorax and two and one-half times as long as wide, subopaque and sparsely pale hairy; the upper surface and the venter both convex; six visible segments, the second to fifth of about' equal length, their posterior margins not incised; sixth longer, rounded at the tip, and with a few scattered punctures, ovipositor slightly exerted. Venter more shining. Legs rather stout, the anterior femora slightly swollen; middle tibize with a strong black spine, the middle metatarsi spinose; posterior femora swollen near the base, their tibie of even width and distinctly arcuated. Wings very small and narrow, extending only to the tip of the metathorax; fuscous, with an oblique band near the apex. They are distinctly angled or broken near the middle. JAN. 1907. NEW CHALCID-FLIES FROM CAPE COLONY. 51 One female from Algoa Bay, Cape Colony. A species of rather remarkable aspect. The abdomen is con- vex above and shape and texture departs from the more typical Eupelminz, recalling in superficial appearance certain Scelionide except that there is no lateral carina. It would seem similar in some ways to 4rachnophaga Ashmead, which has no malar fur- row; it is also fully winged. Eupelmus nubifer sp. nov. Female. Length 4mm. Ovipositor 1mm. _ Black, the head and the pleure strongly blue, the thoracic dorsum and abdomen less strongly bronzed. Scape of antenne and legs varied with brownish yellow; ovipositor pale. Wings with a large fuscous cloud. Head two and one-half times as wide as thick, with a coarsely reticulate sculpture partially concealing a fine transverse aciculation. On the occiput and cavity of the face the reticulations disappear and the transverse aciculations show plainly; cheeks shagreened; clypeus with rugosities and punctures intermixed. Mandibles and palpi black. Flagellum of antenne slender, a little more than twice as long as the scape, pedicel a trifle longer than the first flagellar joint; ring joint quadrate; flagellar joints gradually shortening, the penultimate quad- rate, one-half as long as the apical joint. Prothorax evenly narrowed anteriorly, three-fifths as 1ong' as wide, obliquely aciculate on each side; mesonotum shagreened, with a trace of transverse aciculation anteriorly; parapsidal elevations parallel, very distinct but not sharp above, the posterior margin of the segment raised, then suddenly de- clivous and more or less distinctly trilobed. Anterior median eleva- tion rounded in front and tapering to a point just behind the middle of the mesonotum. Seutellum rounded behind, with a moderately wide base against the mesonotum; scapule about two times as long as wide. Metathorax very short; pleure shagreened. Abdomen spatulate, the posterior margins of the basal segments strongly incised, not quite as long as the head and thorax together. Dorsal surface con- cave, except at the tip. Legs rather slender, blue-black; the middle and posterior trochanters, all knees, bases and tips of tibiz, and tarsi except tips, honey-yellow or ligater. Marginal vein one-third longer than the submarginal; postmarginal and stigmal short, about equal, the stigmal curved and but slightly knobbed at the tip. One female from Bothaville, Orange Free State, May 15, 1899. 52 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. The roughly sculptured head and clouded wings ought to make this species easily recognizable. Eupelmus volator sp. nov. Female. Length 3.5 mm. Shining purplish black; trochanters, bases of femora, knees, base and tip of tibize, and tarsi except tips, brownish testaceous. Wings hyaline, the venation pale. Head shin- ing, the occiput finely transversely aciculate and the cheeks vertically aciculate; malar furrow very distinct. Antenne -short, distinctly thickened toward the tip. Pedicel as long as the first flagellar joint and the ring joint together, the joints thereafter shortening and thick- ening, the sixth flagellar being quadrate; penultimate joint only: one- third as long as the apical one. Eyes without trace of any pubescence. The insertion of the antenne is distinctly below the level of the lower eye-margin, and they are well separated at the base. Clypeus convexly elevated. Prothorax very short; mesonotum shagreened, with the parapsidal elevations broadly rounded above, slightly convergent be- hind, meeting the transverse posterior elevation in a curve; central elevation rounded, not acute behind. Metanotum with a large impres- sion on each side, separated by a median carina. Pleure shagreened. Abdomen not quite as long as the head and thorax together, concave above, the posterior margins of the basal segments deeply incised. Venter subopaque toward the base. Ovipositor as long as the head height, pale except at the extreme base and tip. Marginal vein about as long as the submarginal; postmarginal and stigmal subequal, each one-fourth as long as the marginal, the stigmal distinctly curved and but little enlarged at the tip. One female from Port Elizabeth, South Africa, October 1, 1895. This is possibly not a true Ewpelmus on account of the entirely bare eyes, low insertion of the antennz, but it seems to belong no- where else and I hesitate to erect a new genus for its reception. Eupelmus cursor sp. nov. Female. Length 4.5 mm. Elongate, slender; apterous, except for very small wing pads which reach only to the tip of the scutellum. Black, more or less bronzed; the prothorax bright greenish-blue; antennal scape pale brown. Mesonotum brown, with metallic blue re- fiections behind; the elongate scapule pale yellow; middle and pos- JAN. 1907. NEW CHALCID-FLIES FROM CAPE COLONY. 53 terior legs with the trochanters, knees, tips of tibiz, and tarsi except tips pale yellowish. Head shining, shagreened, the facial depression with indications of transverse aciculation. Lower part of face golden or coppery, the clypeal margin slightly emarginate medially and edged with white hairs. Eyes faintly, but distinctly hairy. Prothorax twice as wide as long, concave above and, polished. Parapsidal elevations very sharp, converging behind, the central portion longitudinally con- cave, without any indications of an anterior central elevation. Axille rather approximated, the base of the scutellum therefore narrower than usual, as is also the entire scutellum. Metanotum shining, irregu- larly raised. Abdomen narrow, a little longer than the thorax, convex above and beneath; first dorsal segment incised behind, second only roundly emarginate, and third almost entire; surface shagreened. Ovipositor exerted only one-half the head height; stout, pale yellow. Legs slender, the spines of the middle metatarsi pale yellow, concolor- ous with the tarsal joint and not at all conspicuous, the metatarsus is enlarged in the usual way however. Middle tibial spur strong. One female from Bothaville, Orange Free State, May 1, 1899. This is a slender species much like the North American E. dryorlizoxeni Ashm. It differs from the Eupelminus described on a previous page by its very narrow body, aside from generic differences. Public Museum, Milwaukee, December 15, 1906. NOTES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF NORTH AMERICAN PARASITIC AYMENOP TERA UE: By CHaryues T. BRuEs. BNCYRTIDA. Eupelmus melanderi sp. nov. Female. Length 3 mm. Ovipositor 1 mm. Black, varied with brown and greenish reflections; legs brownish; ovipositor pale. Head black with metallic greenish reflections especially strong on the vertex, those on the sides of the face purplish. Labrum and mandibles yellow, the latter with black teeth. Palpi black. Antenne 11-jointed, rather stout, the flagellum a little more ‘than twice as long as the scape. Scape pale yellow beneath, darker above and at tip, flagellum black; pedicel as long as the first flagellar joint, the ring-joint short, but nearly quadrate; the first, second and third flagellar joints gradually decreasing in length, the third about twice as long as wide at tip; fourth to seventh decreasing in length, the seventh about quadrate; last joint enlarged, spatulate and as long as the two preceding. Thorax brownish-yellow, the middle lobe and the scutellum more or less black with greenish reflections. Prothorax twice as wide as long, bilobed. Mesonontum three times as long as the prothorax, the parapsidal eleva- tions very short and high. Abdomen as long as the thorax, shining black; ovipositor and its sheaths pale except at the extreme base. Wings aborted, very short, reaching only to a little beyond the base of the second abdominal segment, bent upwards at the base of the abdomen, their tips infuscated; subcostal vein distinct. Legs brown- ish-yellow, the tips of the middle and hind tibiz and their tarsi whitish; hind femora darker at the middle. Described from three female specimens sent me by my friend Professor A. L. Melander. He bred them from a gall of Rhodites sp. on Rosa piscocarpa at Pullman, Wash. This is a close relative of Eupelmus dryorhizoxeni Ashm., a species abundant in certain parts of the eastern states. The 54 “e aan 1907. NORTH AMERICAN PARASITIC HYMENOPTERA. 55 antennz are shorter and stouter however, the wings not so sharply and peculiarly bent, the prothorax shorter, and the entire insect of much stouter habitus. ICHNEUMONIDE. Callidiotes kansensis sp. nov. Female. Length 4.5 mm. Black, legs reddish-yellow, prothorax rufous, base of antennz brownish, just beyond the middle with a pale annulus. Clypeus yellow, first three abdominal segments margined with ferruginous. Head twice as wide as thick; face slightly narrowed be- low; cheeks below almost smooth, white pilose. Clypeus oval, with a raised anterior margin, its upper edge distinctly separated from the face. Mandibles black at the tip, palpi pale. Antenne 34-jointed, as long as the body, joints 11-14 whitish. Parapsidal furrows indistinct, uniting above the scutellum to form a depressed scabrous area; parap~- sides and anterior part of the mesonotum smooth. Scutellum punctu- late, rufous. Pleure finely punctate, sericeous pubescent, hind mar- gin of mesopleural piece with a row of submarginal punctures and with a deep impression above the middle. Metanotum rugulose, completely areolated, the basal and middle lateral areas separated. Abdomen distinctly petiolate, the first segment nearly three times as long as wide at the tip, longitudinally aciculate, with a lateral carina behind the spiracle reaching to the tip. Viewed from the side the upper mar- gin is evenly arcuated. Second and third segments of about equal length, the second nearly quadrate and finely microscopically rugulose and aciculate. Third segment scabrous, remainder shining. Tip of abdomen yellow, the ovipositor projecting as far as the length of the hind metatarsus, its sheaths broadened except at the tip. Venter whitish. Legs, including’ coxe, brownish-yellow; fourth and fifth tarsal joints of equal length. Wings hyaline, veins piceous, stigma. piceous with a white base; radius originating beyond the middle of the stigma, areolet absent. Basal and transverse median nervure inter- stitial. Transverse median nervure of hind wings broken near the tip. Described from one female collected at Lawrence, Kansas, during July by Mrs. E. S. Tucker. This is the first North American species to be referred to this genus. It resembles Mesoleptus albifrons Cresson, on ac- count of the annulate antenne, but the metathorax is completely 56 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. areolated and the radial vein originates beyond the middle of the stigma. The abdomen is not entirely smooth as in the European species of Callidiotes, but the present form agrees in all other characters of genric value. Scopiorus monticola sp. nov. Female. Length 5.46 mm. Black, with face, mandibles, first three antennal joints beneath, cheeks, palpi, tegule, antetegule, and venter, except for a median series of black spots, white. Legs, including coxee, sternum, mesopleure and metapleure, except above, ferruginous. Apical two-fifths of posterior tibiz and posterior tarsi from tip of first joint black. The clypeal suture and tip of mandibles are black and the white of the face medially emarginate above. Head and mesonotum smooth, polished, the former two and one-half times as wide as thick. Antenne 27-jointed, almost as long as the body, acuminate at the apex and indistinctly broadened medially; first flagellar joint the longest, about four times as long as wide, remainder decreasing in length, the middle joints not quite twice as broad as long. Scutellum foveate at the base, the fovea smooth. Metathorax shining, almost smooth, very strongly areolated. Abdomen coriaceous at the base, apex of first seg- ment and beyond smooth. First segment with a deep preapical trans- verse impression, the one on the second segment less deep and broader. Carine of first segment not reaching beyond the transverse impression. Second and following segments narrowly margined with white pos- teriorly. Wings hyaline, the veins piceous; stigma black with a white base. Ovipositor very short, yellow. One specimen collected at Colorado Springs, Colorado, 5915 ft. Aug. (i. S. Tucker). This species is related to S. quebecensis Provancher, but differs by the shorter carinz on the basal abdominal segment as well as in coloration. Metopius birkmani sp. nov. Female. Length 10 mm. Black, marked with yellow as follows: Anterior orbits, spot below tegule, line in front, scutellum except base, spot on post-scutellum, spot at side of metathorax near apex, spot above posterior coxe, first abdominal segment, and wide posterior mar- gins of segments two to six. Four anterior legs, including coxe, reddish-yellow, the femora darker medially. Posterior legs black, with the upper side of coxe, trochanters, tip of femora, and base of tibie JAN. 1907. NORTH AMERICAN PARASITIC HYMENOPTERA. 57 reddish-yellow, remainder of tibiz fuscous, tarsi ferruginous. Clypeal shield with a central carina; honey-yellow with a central black dot. Antenne rufous, 41-jointed, the scape and pedicel yellow below. Wings deeply infuscated but hyaline at the tip, i. e., beyond the second recur- rent nervure. Stigma fulvous, veins piceous. The facial shield is some- what less than twice as high as wide, rounded below, the sides nearly straight, converging; clypeus truncate. The antenne are short and stout, scarcely more than half the length of the body, the flageilar joints, toward the apex, at least three times as wide as long. Male. Length 8mm. This sex is much lighter in color, with the wings more strongly infuscated. The legs are entirely yellow except for reddish blotches at the base of the hind coxe and at the middle of the hind femora. The pro-, meso-, and metapleureze each have a large yellow spot that almost entirely covers them and there is a stripe just below the mesosternal suture. The mesonotum has a large yellow spot connected with a large triangular humeral yellow spot. The tegule are also yellow. The facial shield is lemon-yellow, and slightly nar- rower than in the female. The antenne are 39-jointed, the flagellum ferruginous. The bands on the abdomen are wider, occupying nearly the entire second segment, two-thirds of the third, and more than one- half of-the following ones. Described from two specimens, male and female, from Fedor, Lee Co., Texas. They were sent to me by Rev. G. Birkman with a number of interesting Texan Hymenoptera. The sexes are so dissimilar, that unless associated might be taken for distinct species. The present form resembles M. rufipes Cresson from Colorado, but the hind legs of the female are more or less black and the clypeal shield yellow while there is no rufous on the legs or abdomen ALY Slip AL. Asobara barthii sp. nov. Length 1.75—2.25 mm. Black, the legs, first two joints of antenne, mandibles and legs, pale brownish-yellow. Prothorax and abdomen more or less piceous brown. Head shining black, almost twice as wide as thick. Mandibles bidentate, the outer tooth longer and a little curved. Clypeus projecting anteriorly, with a raised margin. Palpi whitish. Antenne 18-jointed in the female and 19-jointed in the male; 58 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. the scape, pedicel and base of first flagellar joint brownish-yellow. First and second flagellar joints about equal in length, the first stouter, third and fourth decreasing, remainder shorter, subequal, each about two and one-half times as long as thick; apical joint a trifle larger, oval and more slender. Thorax polished black, the propleurz piceous. Mesonotum with more or less distinct furrows anteriorly, scapulz each with a deep transverse groove. Mesonotum just in front of the scutel- lum with a fovea and occasionally with a trace of an impressed line connecting this with the depression at the base of the scutellum. This depression is broad and deep, rugose at the bottom, and undivided by any carine. Scutellum rounded at the tip and polished. Metathorax finely rugulose, not areolated, with indications of some irregular longitudinal carine anteriorly. Abdomen sub-petiolate, the petiole brown, gradually widened, twice as wide at tip as at base, sculptured above with irregular aciculations. Remainder of abdomen piceous, shining. Ovipositor of the female three-fourths as long as the body, its sheaths sparsely clothed with long hairs. Legs pale yellowish- brown, the posterior femora and tibiz weakly clavate. Wings hyaline, the stigma narrow, but distinctly triangular in outline, about four times as long as wide. Radial cejl extending to the tip of the wing, the first abscissa of the radius as long as the second transverse cubitus. First cubital and first discoidal cell separated, the first transverse cubitus also present. Second discoidal cell distinct and closed, although very narrow. Described from many specimens of both sexes bred from the puparium of a Syrphid fly (Temnostoma bombylans Fabr.) issu- ing May 30, 1906, Milwaukee, Wis. The puparium was collected under the bark of a fallen log by my friend Dr. Geo. P. Barth, after whom I take great pleasure in dedicating the species. The present form differs considerably from the more typical species of Asobara and may perhaps find a more congenial place after the various genera of this group have been more exhaustively studied. Coelinius longulus Ashm. In our collections are two males of this large species originally described from Colorado. They are from Nebraska and Wiscon- sin. In his description Ashmead states that the antenne of the JAN. 1907. NORTH AMERICAN PARASITIC HYMENOPTERA. 59 type are broken. The complete appendages are 50-jointed and one and one-half times as long as the body. Dinotrema soror Sp. nov. Female. Length 1.75 mm. Black; legs, first abdominal segment and basal three joints of antenne reddish yellow. Head twice as wide as thick, polished above, below the antennz convex and punctured. Mandibles honey-yellow, with black tips; palpi whitish. Cheeks smooth and polished. Antenne 19-jointed, first flagellar joint nar- rower, but considerably longer than the second which is twice as long as wide; following joints sub-equal, those near the apex a little shorter and slightly moniliform in shape. Mesonotum polished, without any traces of parapsidal furrows. The scutellum at base with a large transverse fovea divided by a delicate median carina. Metanotum rugose-reticulate, without carine. Spiracles round, very distinct. Ab- domen sub-petiolate, three times as long as wide at tip, its surface roughened. Rest of abdomen polished; ovipositor projecting beyond the tip of the abdomen by somewhat less than the length of the first abdominal segment. Legs reddish-yellow. Wings hyaline, stigma linear, imperceptibly thickened basally and extending to the tip of the radius. First discoidal cell sessile; first and second abscisse of the radius meeting at a distinct angle, the first abscissa and, the second transverse cubitus about equal. First cubital cell almost quadrate, the second receiving the recurrent nervure and therefore five-sided. Subdiscoidal nervure originating well below the middle of the discoidal nervure. Described from a female sent me a number of years ago by Mr. H. G. Klages, collected at Pittsburg, Pa. The genus Dinotrema has never had any species referred to it so far as I know, and Forster designated no type. The present species runs into this genus in both the classification adopted by Ashmead and by Szépligeti, so I have followed the custom usually adopted with Forster’s atypical genera and referred it here as Dinotrema. Orthostigma americana sp. nov. Female. Length 3 mm. Black; under side of scape and pedicel, mandibles, palpi, tegule, and legs, luteous; the hind tibize and tarsi blackish. Head shining, two and one-half times as wide as thick, the temples full and the occiput concave. Face microscopically punctured, protuberant, sparsely whitish hairy. Mandibles tridentate, with a 60 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY. SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. triangular median tooth and two less distinct lateral ones. Antenne very long, the flagellar joints nearly equal after the first two which are slightly longer and subequal, each being about four times as long as thick. Cheeks smooth and polished. Mesonotum smooth, with in- distinct arcuate parapsidal furrows anteriorly, posteriorly with a deep medially elongated fovea which is almost confluent by its posterior point with the deep transverse scutellar fovea; the latter fluted along its bottom. Metanotum about as wide as long, not areolated or carinated, but irregularly and finely rugose. Pleurz smooth and pol- ished, the mesopleura below with a polished depression. Abdomen as long as the head and thorax; first segment microscopically roughened, the spiracular angles protuberant; about twice as long as wide at the apex which is one-half wider than the base; second and third shining, equal in length, the third widest; fourth and following narrowed to a point. Ovipositor shorter than the hind metatarsus. The abdomen is distinctly petiolate, convex above and not compressed apically, the sec- ond segment more or less brownish. Wings hyaline, the veins dark and very distinct. Radial cell closed at the tip of the wing, the stigma linear, but thickened and reaching to the middle of the radial cell, its sides parallel except at each end. First and second cubital cells separ- ate, the second transverse cubitus about one-third the length of the second abscissa of the radius and equal to the first abscissa of the latter. Recurrent nervure received very near the base of the second cubital cell; second discoidal cell distinct, small and closed at apex, the subdiscoidal nervure not interstitial; submedian cell considerably longer than the median. Hind wings with the submedian cell one-half as long as the median along the costa. Described from one female collected June 18, 1906, at Mil- waukee, Wisconsin. BRACONID-. Hormiopterus Giraud. TABLE OF NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES. t, Wings distinéetly infuseated-on-banded < oi %.'. sce sete eae 2 Wings pure hyaline, antenne 30-jointed, ovipostor nearly as long ag. che sbOdy 3. a. edd oa ee eee ee oe claripennis sp. nov. 2.. Ovipositor shorter than) the abdomen: tcsus2>.. dc) san ca he eee 3 Ovipositor one and two-thirds times the length of the entire body, wings with only a faint indication of a white band, an- tenn 30-jointed, head and legs ferruginous....caudatus sp. nov. JAN. 1907. NORTH AMERICAN PARASITIC HYMENOPTERA. 61 3. Ovipositor two-thirds the length of the abdomen, anterior wings with a distinct white band, body entirely black..fasciatus Ashm. Ovipositor one-half the length of the abdomen, wings sub- fuliginous with some whitish streaks, but without a distinct white band, body dark fuscous varied with ferruginous. aciculatus Cress. Hormiopterus claripennis sp. nov. Female. Length 4.5 mm. Ovipositor 4.25. Black, head, base of antenne, prothorax, tegulz and legs more or less ferruginous or fus- cous. Head more transverse than usual, about one-half wider than thick. Occiput and vertex shining and very finely and distinctly trans- versely aciculated; cheeks polished; face with a delicate sculpture and covered with sparse glistening hairs. Eyes very large, their long diameter more than half the head-height. Antenne very slender throughout, 30-jointed, the flagellar joints after the first decreasing in length, but the subapical ones are fully three times as long as thick. The joints are of even thickness and not easily counted. Palpi long, pale yellow. Mesonotum smooth, except for the crenulate sutures and furrows. Pleurz very finely rugulose and whitish-hairy. Metanotum rugulose, with faint traces of areolation. Abdomen not quite as long as the head and thorax together, at the base two-thirds as wide as the tip of the metathorax. First segment two and one-half times as long as wide at apex, its surface coarsely longitudinally striated; basal two- thirds of second segment striated above, the striz reaching the tip laterally; the oblique impressions are long and reach the basal margin of the segment. Apical margin of the segments shining. Ovipositor black. Wings clear hyaline, the veins and stigma piceous black. Sub- median cell longer than the median, recurrent nervure almost inter- stitial, being received by the very tip of the first (not second) cubital cell; sub-discoidal nervure interstitial; second abscissa of the radius one-half longer than the first and two-thirds as long as the second abscissa of the cubitus. Legs, including coxe, fuscous, the anterior legs, middle tibize, and all tarsi and trochanters ferruginous. Posterior tibize with a pale yellow annulus at the extreme base. One female, Douglas Co., Kansas, Sept., collected by Mr. E. S. Tucker and sent by him for identification. The hyaline wings and general appearance of this species remind one of Hormius, but the neuration is that of Hormiopterus. 62 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL IIISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. Hormiopterus caudatus sp. nov. Female. Length 6 mm. Ovipositor 10 mm. Black, head, base of antenne, prothorax, and legs ferruginous. Head full behind the eyes, its surface sub-opaque, finely rugulose, the occiput with faint trans- verse aciculations; cheeks nearly smooth and shining. Antenne setaceous, the joints very distinct, 30-jointed, the flagellar joints de- creasing in size regularly from the first which is four times as long as thick, while the sub-apical joints are but little longer than thick. Eyes very small, their diameter less than one-third the head height. Thorax subshining, black, the anterior part more or less fuscous; mesonotum faintly sculptured scutellum slightly convex at tip, with a fluted de- pression at the base; entire pleurze rugulose. Metanotum rugose- reticulated, not areolated, with a median carina evident anteriorly but fading out behind, on each side of this are two very short carine arteriorly, parallel with the median one. Mesopleurz with no smooth space. Abdomen almost as wide at base as the tip of the metathorax. First segment one and one-half times as long as wide at tip, the an- -terior angles each with a short longitudinal carina, surface irregularly striate longitudinally. Second segment one-half longer than the first, its anterior half longitudinally striate, especially towards the center, the oblique lateral impressions short and more nearly transverse than usual; apical segments smooth and shining. Sheaths of the ovipositor fuscous with black tips. Legs, including coxe, entirely ferruginous. Wings infuscated; the stigma, except base and veins, piceous. From the base of the stigma there extends a narrow, more or less indistinct hyaline cross-band which has a branch extending along the second abscissa of the cubitus. Submedian cell longer than the median, sub- discoidal nervure straight, interstitial; recurrent nervure interstitial with the first transverse cubits; first and second abscisse of the radius nearly equal, each about as long as the second transverse cubitus and one-half the length of the second abscissa of the cubitus. Described from one female specimen from Fedor, Lee Co., Texas, April. 26, 1904, (Rey. G. Birkman). The species comes near to H. aciculatus Cresson, but differs on account of its very long ovipositor and different thoracic sculpture. Public Museum, Milwaukee, January 18, 1906. A WEASEL NEW TO WISCONSIN’S FAUNA. By Henry L. Warp. Last November the Milwaukee Public Museum received as a gift from E. J. Wehmhoff, Esq., of Burlington, Wis., a small weasel in the flesh which Mr. Wehmhoff wrote had been “caught in the country in the act of killing a mole.” The specimen had excited some interest and discussion as to its identity, which would indicate that it is not commonly observed. In conversation with the mother of the donor | am informed that her husband, Mr. Wehmhoft, has for forty vears trapped all about Burlington and is consequently well informed as to the mammals of the region, but that he had never before seen or heard of this kind of weasel. From these facts it is not unlikely that the species is peculiar in its habits or is very scarce. Its small size probably militates against its being frequently taken in the ordinary traps intended for larger mammals; so that, after all, our knowledge as to its rarity is dependent on more or less fortuitous observation. As the Museum possessed no specimens of short-tailed weasels for comparison it was impossible to make a satisfactory determin- ation of the species, though from a consultation of the literature it seemed to conform very exactly with P. rivosus as described by Bangs in Proc. Biol. Soc’y., Wash., Vol. X. Its position in the extreme southern part of the state so poorly agreed with what is known of the geographical distribution of this northern species that it seemed hardly probable that in these times of close splitting of species by faunal areas it would be allowed as cospecific with rIXOSUS. In order to obtain a satisfactory determination I forwarded the specimen to Dr. C. H. Merriam, who writes under date of Jan. oth: “I have just now examined the specimen in connection with our specimens of rivosus and allegheniensis. I regard allegheniensis as a subspecies of rivosus. Your specimen being in winter pelage does not show the dark belly of allegheniensis, but probably would have this character in summer pelage. It is a female and therefore does not show the skull characters to advan- tage. I regard it however as alleghentensis.” 63 64 BULLETIN OF WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. VOL. 5, NO. 1. Considering this determination as authoritative the species should then be known as Putorius rixosus allegheniensis (Rhoads) which Rhoads, in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., Feb. 7, 1901, calls Allegheny Weasel and in his Mammals of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, 1903 p. 173 terms Alleghenian Least Weasel. Our specimen is No. 1363, female, Nov. 26, 1906, Burlington, Racine Co., Wis. The measurements taken in the flesh~ are: length of head and body, normal, 150 mm.; under tension, 160; tail before skinning, 29; vertebral measurement as determined after skinning, 27; manus, 13; pes 21; ear, back, 4; ear, notch to tip, 11. Skull: condylar basilar length, 30; zygomatic width, 15; mastoid width, 14; interorbital constriction, 6.5. The species is remarkable not only from its small size, but also because of the extreme shortness of its tail, the vertebral part of which does not reach to the end of the toes in the made up skin and the hairs extend only about 5 mm. beyond them. The end of the tail appears to be entirely devoid of any suggestion of the dark tip common to other species of weasels, but when held against a white background it can be seen that about one-third of the terminal hairs are dark in color. The underparts to middle of sides are white. The upper parts ‘extending on outsides of hind legs to the heels are mixed “walnut brown” and white; deepest brown en the occiput and nucha, be- coming lighter posteriorily and also laterally from the vertebral region. Low on the sides anteriorily as well as all the posterior part of the back the brown is so mixed and interrupted by white as to produce a clouded effect. This winter has been remarkably open, there being hardly a trace of snow up to the time that this weasel was captured, yet its change to winter pelage was well advanced. A very large female P. noveboracensis taken Jan. 13th, 1907, a few miles north of Milwaukee, at Whitefish Bay, shows no indi- cation of assuming its white coat, whereas a good sized male taken a few miles south of the city at Hales Corners on Nov. 11, 1906, had changed to about the same degree as shown in our alieghemensis. At no time up to the middle of January had the ground either at Burlington or about Milwaukee been entirely covered with snow and the little that had fallen had soon disap- peared. The temperature had been exceptionally high for this period of vear. a nees Sabo ‘pe “addressed to. ‘the General “Museum, Milwaukee, Wis. ~ OR ee 5 “des Naturhistorischen Vereins von Wis., “4871, 10 senttgs a be. : EE See ar Geo, Be AES, IOS pirat, 6 e oes aes a= Sem Soe be beard 339A » 1874, 10° y5° ie aes rere Roger ea Sas BORSA. Nese Sahl 1876, 10 ee Ce pets he, ee es Se RATES ee 3 a es 1876-77, 10 “aif e See - ee RE ae CaN eS 7 o i Si cat ti? Tic ae IG 95 ES ee, Sh 1877-78, 10 BPs: pep z ay : Bh So re ot sae es : ay Pre ah Oa 1879-80, LOZ 5 5 tee : 4 eS ; oF re Reais = Sparen ityaes a i MRSS 5 = 1880-81, 10 Lis : = pies pe sz Pro ° he Nat. Hist. So. of £ Wis, Apl. 6. “285, to Des. 7,285 15 cents. PE ogee : RE Jane 11, °86, to Dee. 13, °86/.15 MASE ee ui a Fes Pete eee AINE 1, Jan., 1900. 250 ports see ee T, “No. 22,2Apr.; 1900; S505, Fee Se EP Now3 J aly: 1800250545 = 725 2a No 4, Oot 1000 50. oe Ay. Ne, dan. 2190250, See “AY Nowe Ape 21902250), ACS oe “IL, No. 3, duly, 1902.50: 5,0 548 No. 4, Oct., 1902..50- ,, ee : Tl, Triple TUMper, Salis a RA Se POTS See he : _Apr. and July, 1903, $1. 00 ~ Ns ef yey a, Opes ses ALI, No. 4, Nov., 1905: .50 cents. 22 2 5 rie eae eee a. SEI EV, Noss 2, Apr, 0650-5 2 Bek aes wales - LV, No. 3, duly, 1906. .50 ~5: ey ee ATV, No.4, Oct., 1906. Bt 5. cme a 5 : a 7m ee ae Sa5 eon ae Ne: Ay Jan.,: ae .d0 gts = se a he ¢ follov ng Oecasiona Papers published by ‘the. = Soviety 1 may ie pigs ines ol of oes Maciek Group” “of the - Pally - G. -W. & E. G. Peckham, Nov., 1£894.- 3, ees of the Homalattus. iP of the eer & _ oe ;beckbar., DSS. 1895. = ese ae ihe ok SRR Se aN SAS eet ol - No 1, Ook 1001.24.25 Cai = ~No-?, Jan., 1902... +25 ig ASS is Now 3, ‘Apr., 1902. RON ARS AE a es “TI, Noy 4; July; 1992>. . ee oR ees Nou] a; Ost 1902. «eon ae HP vols cewseico §=»ss APRIL, 1907 No. 2 - BULLETIN OF THE WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY EDITED BY THE SECRETARY CONTENTS: Proceedings. || Notes on a New Guest-ant (Leptothorax glacialis) : and the Varieties of Myrmica brevinodis - William Morton Wheeler Wisconsin Flowers and Their Pollination—II - 5S. Graenicher Notes and Descriptions of North American Para- sitic Hymenoptera—IV_ - o = - Charles Thomas Brues On the Fertilization of the Eggs of the Asterias and Arbacia - - . - - - Ellen Torelle A New Apiocera from South Africa - - - A. L. Melander |} Additions to the Lepidopterous Fauna of Mil- waukee County - - - - =. = Richard A. Muttkowski CRecter Articles” - 53 2 a E: 5 fe a MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. THE EDW. KEOGH PRESS. oy Entered as second-class matter, Oct. 24, 1906, at the post-office, Milwaukee, Wis., under Act of Congress of — July 16, 1894. (Issued quarterly.) wma ao 7, “ : Re ot eS pee ae EF Ri aie Sa ae ¥ a ae AF 5 eee Fie ire ye Se tee s ~~ | Se a “a on. ed 2 & . = Ping * re) . my: az (Her : é Rear 2s an 2 > $ a yy ies x 4 sd 2 2-Ty Neo a o pie: \ x -* = aK = Fee The Wisconsin Natural History Society, t MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. ORGANIZED MAY 6, 1857. a ee AND DIRECTORS. dpa E. Teller, President. . vets SW .50 2116527 Street, Alvear ae He Dyed: Pe a agede Neate ale Be Milweuie _ William pineek. Treasurer. Sa Siete, COST 28th Street Milas e Sigmund Graenicher...,:..........0.....5.551 | th one Milwauke _ PUBLISHING COMMITTEE. Henry L. Ward, - Geo. W. Peckham, © Chas. E. Monroe. REGULAR MEETINGS. July and. August, in the trustees’ room in the Public Museum ae - Milwaukee. eis: PUBLICATION. & The “Bulletin of the be Sk ee Hist Society." ” “ . See ee) MEMBERSHIP DUES. a Se Reg City. Members, $3.00 per annum; N on-resident Members, § annum; Life Members, one Peers of fifty dollars. 7 BULLE FIN OF THE WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Vol. 5, New Series. APRIL, 1907. No. 2. PROCEEDINGS. Milwaukee, Jan. 10, 1907.. Meeting of the combined sections. President Teller in the chair, and Messrs. Barth, Brues, Brundage, Case, Colles, Doerflinger, Graenicher and Ward present. The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting, which were approved. Dr. Case spoke of collecting fossil reptiles in Texas, and related some of his experiences there during the past summer. Mr. Teller exhibited a beautiful specimen of millerite, a sulphide of nickel. It was an inclusion in a mass of calcite crystals. Mr. Brues exhibited part of a lot of fossil insects belonging to the Harvard Museum. There was considerable discussion among those present regarding the rock in which the fossils are imbedded and concerning the extreme abundance of fossil insects at Florissant, Colorado. The meeting then adjourned. Milwaukee, Jan. 31, 1907. Regular monthly meeting of the Society. President’ Teller in the chair, and about fifty persons present. Mr. Ward called attention to the suppression of part of the appro- priation for the Biological Survey in the agricultural appropriation bill, then before Congress, and moved that the secretary'be instructed to express the disapproval of the Society of such action to the Wis- consin Members of Congress. Motion seconded and passed. Mr. Teller called attention to the fact that there would be a vacancy on the Board of Trustees of the Public Museum in May, 1907, when the term of office of one of the citizen members of the Board expires. As the state law requires that the Wisconsin Natural History Society 65 66 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol.5, No. 2. annually nominate a person for this office who shall be preferred by the Mayor for appointment, Mr. Teller asked that the Society take action on the matter. Dr. Case said that this matter would require mature deliberation and moved that it be referred to the Board of Directors. Motion was seconded and passed without further discussion. There being no further business, Mr. C. T. Brues addressed the meeting on the “Role Played by Insects in the Transmission of Certain Disease of Man and the Higher Animals.” The speaker referred to the wonderful progress made during recent years toward an under- standing of this matter and outlined the discovery, investigation and final proof of the connection between mosquitoes and malarial and yellow fever. He described the life history of the mosquito and of the malarial parasite which is the direct cause of malaria. The relation of the abundance of mosquitoes to proper drainage and sanitation was . referred to briefly before turning to a consideration of certain insect- borne diseases of animals caused by small parasites known as trypa-’ nosomes. He closed his remarks with a discussion of the cause of the so-called Texas fever of cattle and the importance of this disease in the economic development of the southern part of the United States. The meeting then adjourned. DIRECTORS’ MEETING, After the regular meeting, a Directors’ meeting was held and the name of Edw. W. Windfelder chosen for nomination as member of the Board of Trustees of the Public Museum. The secretary was ordered to transmit this decision to the Mayor. Milwaukee, Feb. 10, 1907. Meeting of the combined sections. President Teller in the chair, and the following members present: Miss 'Torelle, Messrs. Barth, Brues, Case, Colles, Clowes, Doerflinger, Graenicher, Russell and Ward. The secretary read the minutes of the last section meeting, which were approved. Dr. Case opened the discussion with a description of certain Permian reptiles which he had been studying and collecting for a number of years. He referred particularly to a species of Naosaurus which had recently been mounted in the American Museum of Natural History. He told something of the history of the study of this peculiar 1907.] Proceedings. 67 reptile and its relatives, and gave his most recent views concerning the probable cause for the remarkable developments shown by certain parts of the skeleton. The interesting geographical distribution of related Permian reptiles was also outlined. Mr. Ward then exhibited a series of weasel skins from Wisconsin. He referred critically to the various records of species of weasels occur- ring in the state. He showed a skin of Putorius rixosus allegheniensis (Rhoades) from Burlington, Wis., a record which widely extends the known range of the species. Mr. Brues then referred to a recent deviation in zoological nomen- clature by a writer on a group of stony corals who considered it neces- sary to abandon binomial nomenclature and adopt a geographical series of names numbered according to the localities from which the species came. The meeting then adjourned. Milwaukee, Feb. 28, 1907. Regular monthly meeting of the Society. President Teller in the chair, and about 75 members present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Mr. Teller reported that a committee consisting of Dr. Graenicher and himself had called upon the Mayor regarding the appointment of a trustee for the Public Museum. The secretary read an invitation from the seventh international congress of Zoologists for the society to be represented by delegates at its Boston meeting in August in 1907. There being no further business, Prof. S. W. Williston of the University of Chicago, delivered a lecture on the phylogeny of the Elephant. The lecturer described with the aid of lantern slides the evolutional development of the Proboscidea to the modern elephants from the ear- liest known forms, recently discovered in Egypt, with the upper and lower incisors or tusks adapted for gnawing after the manner of rodents. The lower pair was gradually lost, while the upper ones became greatly increased in size. Their geographical migrations from Africa, through Europe to North America in recent times, and finally to South America, through the open land communication of the northwest and the Isthmus of Panama were traced. The numerous species inhabiting North America since late Miocene times were discussed, with a brief 68 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No.2. history of the later elephants of the United States that have only recently disappeared. After the lecture President Teller thanked Professor Williston for his kindness in coming to Milwaukee to lecture, and expressed the great appreciation of the Natural History Society. The meeting then adjourned. Milwaukee, March 21, 1907. Meeting of the combined sections. In the absence of President Teller, Vice-President Ward presided. Mr. George W. Colles spoke on the Classification and Origin of the Micas. The term mica embraces a group of minerals which have certain marked chemical and physical characteristics, the principal of which is their cleavability into thin flexible plates. They are all compound hydrous silicates of aluminum and another base of a highly complex character. As is usual in complex minerals of this sort, the chemical composition is not fixed and invariable as in quartz, calcite and gypsum, and consequently to find a rational’ chemical formula which would embrace all the mica minerals was a very difficult matter. It was, accomplished, however, by Mr. F. W. Clarke, who has given much study to the question of chemical formulas for minerals. According to the old standard classification, which seems to have been followed by everyone who has written on the subject until the publication of Colles’ work, all mica was divided into three sorts, termed muscovite, phlogopite and biotite. There is neither rhyme nor reason in such a classification as this. While the species known as muscovite and phlogopite belong in two separate groups, the term biotite either was applied to two different types or else it represented a type of which phlogopite was a mere variety. There are really two different main groups into which all the numerous species and varieties of mica that have been described naturally fall. Chemically, these are distinguished as monad and dyad types, that is, types in which the positive radicals are monads or dyads, respectively. Because of this difference in chemical composition the two classes have been called perissad and artiad micas, respectively, from the Greek words for “odd” and “even.” In the perissad group the principal monad radicals are H, K, Li, Al(OH)., AIF,, AlO, Fe’’, and in case of the semi-mica paragonite, Na. The principal dyad bases are Mg, Fe”, AIOH and AIF. 1907.] Proceedings. 69 These chemical differences correspond to certain physical and mineralogical differences which are likewise strongly marked, whence the two classes may be termed alkaline and magnesian, or again granitic and pyroxenic; or again igneous and aqueo-igneous. The first class occurs in granitic rocks; the second in pyroxene, especially in connection with calcite and apatite. Micas of the first class are comparatively hard, brittle and anhydrous; those of the second class are soft, flexible and contain slightly more water, which is more easily driven off by heat. Moreover, the alkaline micas are more often clear and transparent, but the magnesian are invariably colored, whence it arises that the latter are worthless for glazing purposes, which has been until recently the principal commercial use of mica. It was not, therefore, until the development of the electrical industry that this magnesian mica came to have a commercial value. It is remarkable, however, that while the granitic micas are of common occurrence in all parts of the world, the magnesian micas are comparatively rare, and there is only one district where they are at present mined, this being the Laurentian of Canada. The circumstance of formation and the difference of the deposits point clearly to an absolutely different mode of origin of the alkaline from the magnesian micas. While different theories have been put forward to account for the former, the weight of evidence seems to show an origin by metamorphism and heat alone, probably accom- panied by great pressure in the cases where large crystals are formed. The origin of the magnesian micas, on the other hand, is far from clear, but it is certain that it was absolutely different from that of the alkaline micas; and the most likely theory seems to be that they were formed near the surface from or in connection with a magnesian magma with the aid of hot water, steam and gases. The speaker alluded to the existence of numerous facts in support of the theories and conclusions given, which, however, could not be stated in details in a short discussion. After some discussion on the part of several members, Mr. Charles H. Doerflinger spoke on some recent archeological discoveries in Southern France. | The following papers were ordered printed by the Board of Directors : NOTES- ON A. NEW. GUEST-ANT) 22477 OT Hen GLACIALIS, (-AND- SHE VARIETIES - re MYRMICA BREVINODIS EMERY. By WILLIAM Morton WHEELER. In two former papers* I described the habits of Leptothorax emerson, a small yellowish Myrmicine ant, which lives in inter- esting symbiotic relations with Myrmica rubra brevinodis, a larger brown species of the same subfamily. The Leptothorax occupies small cavities, communicating by means of tenuous galleries with the more spacious chambers and galleries of the Myrmica, and, while freely and intimately consorting with its host, is very careful to keep its own brood isolated. This small ant feeds, as I have shown, partly on the oleaginous secretion cover- ing the bodies of the Myrmica workers, whom it licks and sham- poos with comical assiduity, and partly on the liquid food which, after submitting to this treatment, these insects regurgitate. L. emersont was first discovered among the Litchfield Hills of Connecticut, at altitudes varying from 1,000 to 1,600 feet, but sub- sequently I found it also at similar elevations in the Berkshire Hills of Massachusetts. More recently, Mrs. Annie Trumbull Slosson took a single winged female on the summit of Mt. Wash- ington. These facts indicate that the species belongs to the sub- boreal or alpine fauna, a conclusion which is confirmed by a study of the distribution of its host ant. As this host is extremely common in the Rocky Mountains and apparently also throughout British America, I fully expected to find the Leptothorax occur- ing over much of the same territory, but, although during the summer of 1903 I collected ants extensively in Colorado at alti- *The Compound and Mixed Nests of American Ants. Amer. Nat- ural. XXXV, 1901, pp. 431-415; and Ethological Observations on an American Ant (Leptothorax Emersoni Wheeler) Arch. f. Psych. u. Neurol. II, 1903, pp. 1-31, 1 Fig. 70 1907.] Wheeler, A New Guest-ant. a2 tudes varying from 5,000 to 10,000 feet, I never once saw a specimen. During the summer of 1906, however, while collecting in Florissant Cafion, at an elevation of 8,500 feet, I came upon a flourishing colony of M. brevinodis spread out under a group of five flat stones on the grassy bank of a stream and containing numerous workers, a few callow females and males, and many larve and pupe of a Leptothorax, which, on account of its very dark color, I at first took to be an undescribed species. Closer examination, however, showed that it might be regarded more properly as a subspecies of the New England emersom. The host, too, was found to differ in several minor characters from the eastern form of M. brevinodis. A portion of the Florissant colony was taken alive and kept for six weeks in an artificial nest for the purpose of observing the behavior of the ants. My notes on this colony will be recorded below, after a description of the new subspecies of Leptothorax and a revision of the varieties of M. brevinodis. It was necessary to make this revision in order to gain a clearer conception of the taxonomic affinities of the host ants to each other and to the other varieties of the subspecies. Leptothorax emersoni glacialis subsp. nov. The worker measures 3-3.5 mm. in length and differs from the worker of the typical emersoni in the following characters: the mesonotum is distinctly less convex so that the thorax in profile is more like that of L. acervorum, and the hairs are less abundant and somewhat more reclinate on the antenne and legs. As in the typical form, many of the hairs on the body and tibie are obtuse, but not clavate. The head and gaster are black, the thorax, upper portion of the petiole and postpetiole, and the extreme base of the gaster, dark brown; the legs, antenne, clypeus and mandibles are yellowish brown,, the clubs of the antenne infuscated. The worker is less variable in: size, and individuals with ocelli are much rarer than in the typical emersoni. The female is no larger than the worker and of a very similar color, except that in mature specimens the thoracic dorsum is as dark as the head and gaster. The male measures 3 mm. and is black throughout, except the tarsi and articulation of the legs, which are sordid yellow. The mandibles 72 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 2. are more pointed, and the thorax is more robust than in the male of the typical form. The pronotum and scutellum are much more opaque and heavily sculptured, the former being densely punctate and rugose, with three shining streaks, one down the middle and the others over the parapsidal furrows. The scutellum and epinotum are densely reticulate-punctate. In the typical emersoni the pronotum is shining, distinctly foveolate in front and rugose-punctate behind. The wings of .glacialis are larger, broader and more whitish. L. emerson and its subspecies belong to a small group of the genus characterized by I1-jointed antennze in the worker and female and a distinct though feeble constriction of the thorax at the mesoépinotal suture. For this group, which -com- prises also the circumpolar L. acervorum, muscorum and lirticorms, and the neoboreal provancheri, Ruszsky* has recently erected a distinct subgenus, Mychothorax. L. emerson, is evidently very closely related to L. provanchert Emery, but the latter is said to have clavate hairs on the tibia, whereas in the former the hairs both on the body and tibia, though often obtuse, are never clavate. As Emery described provancheri from a single specimen, this species, when more specimens are avail- able, may prove to be cospecific with the one I have called emerson. Examination of several hundred specimens from a large num- ber of colonies of Myrmuica rubra from different parts of North America convinces me that Emeryt was right in concluding that the true palearctic M@. rubra sulcinodis Nyl. does not occur in this country, but is replaced by a distinct subspecies, brevinodis.. Of this Emery distinguished two forms, the typical brevinodis and a variety which he called sulcinodoides, because it approaches the European subspecies somewhat more closely. More recently Forel *The Ants of the Russian Empire. Kasan, 1905, p. 609 et seq. (in Russian). +Beitrage zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. Syst. VIII, 1894, pp. 312, 313. {Descriptions of Some Ants from the Rocky Mountains of Canada. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1902, pp. 699, 700. ; 1907.] Wheeler, A New Guest-ant. 73 has described a second variety, frigida, from British Columbia. The North American brevinodis, like the European sulcinodts, is restricted to the mountains, though in the Northern States one of its varieties occasionally, and in British America probably more generally, descends to much lower elevations. The worker and female of M. brevinodis differ from sulcinodis in the shape of the antennal scape, which even in the variety sulcinodoides is more uniformly and gracefully bent at the base. The males of all the forms of brevinodis I have seen, have the scape unusually short, never more than a third and often only a fifth or sixth as long as the funiculus, whereas the scape of the male sulcinodis is nearly half as long as the remainder of the antenna. The body of the male brevinodis is, moreover, always deep black, whereas it is more‘or less red or brown in the European subspecies. Although even in single colonies the size, sculpture and color of the individ- uals may vary considerably, J am able to distinguish the following varieties among the specimens in my collection: 1. Myrmica rubra brevinodis Emery, (typical). This form was based on some workers from Salt Lake, Utah. Emery’s description agrees very closely with a form which is not uncommon in Colorado, at altitudes below 7,000 feet, nesting in the sandy and gravelly banks of streams. The male described by Emery cannot belong to this, or indeed to any other form of brevinodis, on account of the great length of the antennal scape, which.is recorded as “not quite as long as half of the funiculus.” The following description is drawn from specimens belonging to a single colony: Worker. Length 4—4.5 mm. Antennal scape evenly bent at the base, not angular and not compressed, gradually enlarged distally. Epinotum with well-developed, rather slender and curved spines, which are nearly as long as the base of the segment. Petiole short, less than twice as long as broad, in profile with gradual, concave, anterior slope, rather acute summit and angularly convex posterior slope. Sculpture of body moderately strong; rugz on upper surface of head sharply longitudinal and reticulate, on the occiput and sides of head reticulate 74 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 2. only; the interrugal surfaces over the whole region finely and rather feebly punctate. Thorax with coarse, regular, longitudinal ruge except on the sides of the pronotum where the surface, at least behind, is uniformly and densely punctate. Petiole and sides of postpetiole longitudinally rugose, node of latter smoother and densely punctate, finely striated or sometimes slightly glabrous. Hairs moderately abundant, slender and pointed. Body and appendages red; gaster with a broad dark brown or blackish band across the middle. Female. Length 5—6 mm. Antenne and sculpture of head like those of worker; thorax more sharply longitudinally striated above. Head, thorax, pedicel and appendages red; gaster black or dark brown; an anteromedian and two parapsidal blotches on the mesonotum, the metanotum, and posterior border of the scutellum, black. Nodes of petiole and postpetiole and in some specimens also the upper surface of the head dark brown. Wings dilute yellowish at the base, with pale brown veins and stigma. Male. Length 4.5—4.8 mm. Scapes straight, rather stout, about l, as long as the funiculus, and as long as its five basal joints together ; club 4-jointed. Hairs white, very slender, rather long and abundant, erect or suberect on both the body and appendages. Body black; tarsi, mandibles, genitalia and articulations of the legs yellowish; antenne reddish brown. Wings white, very faintly yellowish at the base, with pale yellow veins and stigma. Colorado: Colorado Springs, 5,990 feet (Wheeler) ; Boulder, 5.247 fect CLA. Cockerell). 2. Var. brevispinosa var. nov. Worker. Resembling the preceding in stature and color, but with very short spines which are not longer than half the basal surface of the epinotum and with more irregular, vermiculate thoracic ruge. Female. Somewhat paler than the typical form. The antero- median blotch of the mesonotum is lacking and the gaster is red, with a broad brown band across its middle. The epinotal spines are hardly longer than broad at their bases. Wings colored like those of the typical form. Male. Scapes somewhat curved and constricted at the base, about , as long as the funiculus and as long as its four basal joints together. Colorado: Cheyenne Cafion, 8,500 feet, and Colorado City, 6,064 feet (Wheeler) ; Cafion City, 5,329 feet (P. J. Schmitt). 1907.] Wheeler, A New Guest-ant. 75 New Mexico: Las Vegas, 6,398 feet, and Pecos, 6,366 feet (rd. 2... Cockerell The specimens from Pecos (two workers) have unusually short spines, which are hardly longer than broad at their bases. 3. Var. decedens var. nov. Worker. Length 3.5—4 mm. Scapes evenly curved at the base as in the typical form. Spines short, straight and acute, somewhat more than half as long as the base of the epinotum. Sculpture of head as in the typical form, but the thorax above vermiculately and reticu- lately, instead of longitudinally rugose; sides of pronotum densely punctate, meso- and metapleure longitudinally rugose. Sculpture of petiole and postpetiole as in the typical form. Body and appendages yellowish brown; head dark brown or blackish above; gaster black. Male. Length 4.5 mm. Scapes straight, nearly 144 as long as the funiculi. Wings uniformly whitish hyaline, not suffused with yellow at the base; veins and stigma very pale brown. . Colorado: Buena Vista, 7,900 feet, and Florissant, 8,500 feet (Wheeler). Colonies rather small, nesting under stones in grassy places on the banks of streams. 4. Var. sulcinodoides Emery. Emery included more than one variety under this name, as shown by the localities which he cites (South Dakota, Utah, Maine). I would restrict the name to a distinct, large and dark- colored form, which is very common in the Rocky Mountains, at an altitude of 8,000 to 10,000 feet under stones and logs along the margins of subalpine streams and meadows. The larve and immature pupe of this form have a pecular greenish yellow color and oily luster, which I have not observed in any of the other varieties. Emery’s statement that sulcinodoides approaches the European sulcinodis, is true of the worker but not of the male, which has extremely short antennal scapes. Worker. Length 4.5—5.3 mm. Antennal scapes with a distinctly angular bend at the base, which is narrow and somewhat compressed. Spines as long as the base of the epinotum, slender, straight, acute and diverging. Sculpture strong; rugz# on the sides of the head 76 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 2. reticulate and not longitudinal, those on the thorax somewhat reticu- late above, but longitudinal on the sides, even of the pronotum. Petiole and postpetiole sharply and longitudinally sulcate, the node of the latter sometimes more finely and irregularly rugose or more or less punctate. Hairs yellow, acute, rather short and moderately abundant. Head and gaster black; thorax, petiole and postpetiole deep red or, in some colonies, almost black; mandibles, antennze and legs of a somewhat lighter red. Female. Length 6—6.5 mm. Resembling the worker. Spines as long as the base of the epinotum, straight, rapidly tapering and blunt at their tips. In some specimens the thorax is entirely black, like the head and gaster, and there is a black spot on each node of the pedicel ; in others the thorax is deep red, with the mesopleure, metanotum, posterior border of scutellum and the mesonotum, except for a pair of small red anterior and a larger posteromedian spot, black. Wings distinctly brown at the base, with light brown veins and stigma. Male. Length 5.5—6 mm, Scapes very short and straight, only about 4% as long as the funiculus and as long as its two basal joints. Club distinctly 5-jointed. Hairs yellow, long and abundant, especially on the legs. Body and appendages black; antennal clubs dark red, tarsi dark brown, articulations of legs yellowish. Wings like those of the female. Utah: (Emery). Colorado: Florissant, 8,000-9,000 feet; Cheyenne Cafion, 5,990 feet (Wheeler) ; Westcliffe, 7,849 feet, and Boulder, 5,347 feet (P. J. Schmitt); Ward, 9,000 feet, and Hali-way, House, Pike's Peak (1. DAC Cockerelly; New Mexico: Top of Las Vegas Range, 11,000 feet; Har- vey’s Ranch, Las Vegas Range, 9,600 feet; Beulah, 8,000 feet; (T. D. A. Cockerell), Beatty’s Cabin, Upper Pecos Valley (Mrs. W. P. Cockerell). 5. Var. canadensis var. nov. Worker. Length 4—5 mm. Differs from the variety sulcinodoides in its somewhat smaller size and in the coloration, which is yellowish brown, with the upper surface of the head and the gaster, except at the base and tip, dark brown or blackish. The sculpture on the head is somewhat. weaker, the hairs on the body slender and pointed. 1907.] Wheeler, A New Guest-ant. 77 Female. Length 5—5.5 mm. Resembling the worker. Thorax yellowish brown with the metanotum, posterior border of scutellum, an anteromedian, often double, blotch and two large parapsidal blotches on the mesonotum, black. Wings distinctly brown at the base, with brown veins and stigma. Male. Length 5—5.7 mm. Closely resembling the male of the var. sulcinodoides, and with equally short antennal scapes. The wings, however, are of a deeper brown at their bases, the mesonotum is more densely and more extensively striated, and*the hairs on the legs are shorter and stiffer. Connecticut: Colebrook, Litchfield County, 1,000-1,600 feet. Massachusetts: New Boston, Berkshire County, 1,400 feet. Maine: (Pergande); Ogunquit (H. S. Platt). Pennsylvania: Lehigh Gap. Michigan: Marquette (M. Downing); Isle Royale (O. Gleason). ! Wisconsin: Milwaukee (C. E. Brown). Nova Scotia: Digby (J. Russell). British Columbia: Golden (W. Wenman). This is the only form of brevinodis which descends to lower levels in the Northern States. Transitional forms between it and the true sulcinodoides undoubtedly occur. Females from several of the Nova Scotia colonies have the thorax nearly black, and the workers of many colonies from the same region are almost yellow, with only the posterior portion of the head and a broad band across the gaster dark brown. The var. canadensis rarely reaches as great a size as the variety to which I have restricted the name sulcinodoides, and nests in cool bogs or meadows, under stones or logs. Its larve and young pupe are pearly white and not greenish yellow. 6. Var. subalpina var. nov. Worker. Length 4—5 mm. Resembling canadensis in color but differing both from it and sulcinodoides in having the hairs on the body obtuse, instead of pointed, and somewhat stouter than in the other varieties. Female. Length 4.,—5 mm. Colored like the female of canadensis, but with the wings whitish hyaline throughout, with very pale brown 78 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 2. veins and stizma, and the upper surfaces of the petiole and postpetiole black. Male. Length 4.3—4.8 mm. Closely resembling the male of cana- densis, but with the wings colorless at the base as in the covarietal female. Colorado: Florissant Cafion, occuring at a higher level (8,500) than sulcinodoides and replacing this variety along the _margins of some of the streams and meadows. 7. Var. frigida Forel. According to Forel, the worker of this variety has “the head longitudinally rugose, also at the sides, and nearly without trans- versal reticulations (in the typical brevinodis, the sides of the head are more reticulated). The abdomen highly polished, with only a few scattered erect hairs (more hairy and with slight scattered punctures in the typical brevinodis.) The whole body less hairy than in the typical brevinodis. Red; the abdomen and the upper side of the head brown. In all other parts like the typical form of the subspecies. “Ice River Valley, British Columbia, 5,000 feet.” [Edw. Whymper |. A single worker from Homer, Alaska, (A. Mehner) and a number of workers and males from the Bay of Islands, New- foundland (L. P. Gratacap) in my collection agree very well with Forel’s description. The color of the workers and the shape of the antennal scapes are the same as in the var. sulcinodoides. The sculpture is also very similar, except that the sides of the head are longitudinally rugose, and the petiole is coarsely longi- tudinally rugose in front and transversely rugose behind. In the male, the scapes are very. short, not longer than the two succeeding joints together, or % of the funiculus. The hairs on the body and legs are nearly white. Length of worker, 4.8—5.3 mm; of the male, 5.5—6 mm. The host of the typical Leptothorax emersoni is the variety above described as canadensis, that of L. glacialis the var. subalpina. I have been unable to detect any differences in the habits or behavior of these two host ants. The nest of the Colo- 1907.] Wheeler, A New Guest-ant. 79 rado variety resembled in every way that of the Connecticut form, and the small nests of L. glacialis were arranged around the periphery under the edges of the stones in the same manner as those of the typical emersoni in the bogs of the Litchfield Hills. That the habits of the Western inquiline, however. are somewhat different from those of the Eastern type, is indicated by the follow- ing notes on the colony kept under observation in an artificial nest from July 17th to August 31st. The artificial nest was of the design which I have described and figured in a former paper.* and consisted of two cham- bers of the same size, one of which was kept dry and illum- inated, the other darkened and kept moist with a slice of sponge soaked in water. The installed colony consisted of the broods of both species, about a hundred Leptothorax workers, and a few males and females, and about seventy-five Myrmica workers. The queen of the latter species escaped while the ants were being collected. As soon as the ants and their broods. together with some of the earth in which they had been living, were placed in the lighted chamber, the Myrmicas hastened to transport their own larve and pupe to the dark chamber. The Leptothorax, however, remained behind, and by the following day had hollowed out a small cavity in the earth and had brought into it all their young. This cavity was immediately beneath the glass roof-pane and fully exposed to the light. The Myrmicas kept visiting the Leptothoray continually, but the latter pulled the intruders by the forelegs or antennz, and in every way showed the same desire to be left alone in their own habitaculum, as I have observed, under similar circumstances, in the Eastern emersoni. The Myrmicas endured no end of tweaking and pulling, but nevertheless kept pushing their way into the Leptothorax cavity as if unable to forego the society of their little inquilines. Although so jealously guarding their own habitaculum against *On the Founding of Colonies by Queen Ants, with Special Refer- ence to the Parasitic and Slave-Making Species. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. XXII, 1906, p. 48, fig. 1. 80 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol.5, No. 2. the intruders, the Leptothorax workers did not hesitate to enter the chamber in which the Myrmicas had taken up their abode. ‘There they ran about, accosting the Myrmicas, which had gorged themselves with the sugar water in the manger in one of the corners of the chamber. The Leptothorax mounted their backs, shampooed their bodies and then, turning to the ventral side, promptly placed their tongues in contact with those of their host and imbibed the regurgitated sweets. The shampooing, how- ever, was of much briefer duration and much more perfunctory than in the colonies of the typical emersont. Often the glacialis worker omitted these manipulations altogether and went at once to the mouth of its host. Sometimes as many as five or six of the little ants would remain standing on the floor of the nest and drink simultaneously from the tongue of a single Myrmica. If the host failed to proffer the droplet of food, the Leptothorax would usually pinch her fore leg or antenna, and this more emphatic and probably more painful appeal rarely failed to elicit the desired response. The Leptothorax undoubtedly obtained all of their food from their hosts, for during the entire six weeks they were under observation, I never found one of them eating from the manger, or even showing the slightest interest in its contents. In the privacy of their own quarters, however, they freely fed one another by regurgitation with the food they had obtained from the Myrmicas. As by July 2oth the Leptothorax had shown no disposition to move their brood into the dark chamber with the Myrmicas, I undertook to coerce them by exposing their quarters to the bright sunlight. Even this had no effect, till the glass roof-pane became heated, when they slowly and reluctantly took up their larve and pupz and migrated into the dark chamber. Then the entrance between the two chambers was closed. I expected the Leptothorax to establish themselves in one of the larger cavities of the sponge, as had been done by some of my colonies of the typical emersoni, but they merely stacked their brood in three piles at the end of the sponge. Here they were, of course, fully exposed to the Myrmica workers and the latter began to visit them assiduously. The 1907.] Wheeler, A New Guest-ant. 81 presence of the brood, however, caused the Leptothorax to react by pulling and tweaking the fore legs and antenne of their visitors. By the following day they had brought all their lar and pupz together in a single pile on the side of the sponge opposite that occupied by the Myrmicas and their brood. July 23rd I left Florissant, and for several days traveled about in Colorado, carrying the nest in my luggage. The jarring of the railway train must have had a tendency to mingle the broods of the two species, for during the night of July 23rd to 24th, the Leptothorax built a wall of agglutinated sugar crystals about 4 cm. long, parallel with and about a cm. from the edge of the sponge. This wall they were apparently unable to carry up to the roof-pane, so that the long, narrow chamher which they had endeavored to construct, and in which they had placed their brood, was open above and at both ends. The visiting Myrmicas were in.no wise restrained by the crystalline rampart, but in their uncontrollable craving to be near the little inquilines kept climbing over it or pushing their way into the openings at the ends. No change was observed in the relations of the two species till I reached Colorado Springs, July 26th, when I found that the Leptothorax had abandoned their useless abode at the edge of the sponge and had moved their brood in under a delicate film of sugar, which they had built inside the food-cup. This film was fastened to the floor and to the vertical wall of the cup, so as to enclose a triangular cavity, which communicated with the outside by means of a single small opening. Structurally this little cell was, of course, an admirable contrivance for preventing the visits of the Myrmicas, but, unfortunately, by August Ist, its sugar wall had been partly dissolved by the moisture in the chamber, and partly eaten by the host ants, so that the little guests and their brood were again exposed on all sides. They now gave up all attempts at keeping their brood sequestered, and by August 3rd, when I arrived in New York, to my surprise, both species had collected and mingled their broods together in a single large cavity in the sponge. Henceforth, till all of the pupz of both species had hatched, the workers of one species did not hesitate 82 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 2. to seize and carry the offspring of the other indiscriminately, although up to this time neither had shown the slightest interest in the brood of the other. By reversing the illumination of the chambers and keeping damp sponges in both of them, it was possible to make the ants move back and forth from one to the other, but, although this was repeated on several successive days, the ants always ended by keeping their brood intermingled, either at the edge of the sponge, or in one of its cavities. The original compound nest had, therefore, been converted into a mixed colony: This was quite unexpected, as I had found it extremely difficult to bring about such a result in my colonies of the typical L. emersoni and M. canadensis. ‘The rapidity of this conversion may have been connected with the condition of the inquiline and host broods, for at the time of its occurrence all the larve had become pupe, and many of these were pigmented and ready to hatch. The presence of eggs or larve among the Leptothoraxr brood would probably have rendered such a fusion of the’ two colonies impossible. Early in August a few males and females of the Leptothorax and seven males of the Myrmica made their appearance. The behavior of the inquilines towards the latter was the same as towards the workers. The little ants shampooed these black, winged creatures and licked their mouth-parts, but I was unable to ascertain whether any food was regurgitated. The Leptothorax were always on hand whenever a Myrmica male was being fed by a worker of its own species. Sometimes the guests would congre- gate in numbers and lap up portions of the food as it was passing ‘from the tongue of the worker to that of the male. August toth I isolated twenty of the Leptothorar workers and a few of their pupz in a nest provided with honey and a few dismembered house-flies. ‘The ants lived for a few days in a cavity of the sponge till their pupz had hatched and then wandered aimlessly about the nest. They were never seen to approach the food in the manger and gradually died one by one before the end of the month. This result was very different from that obtained with isolated colonies of the typical L. emersoni, for these soon 1907. ] Wheeler, A New Guest-ant. 83 learned to eat from the manger and lived several months’‘as a pure colony. During August the gaster of one of the larger Myrmica workers in the original nest became unusually distended, and as small packets of eggs were continually appearing and being as rapidly devoured by the workers, I concluded that this unusual individual had become gynzcoid and was trying to function as the queen of the colony. At the end of the month, after all the brood of both species had hatched and the ants had become demor- alized, as usually happens when there are no young on which to concentrate their attention, I discontinued my observations. The gynecoid worker was dissected and found to contain a number of mature eggs. The above observations indicate that the habits of L. glacialis are similar to those of the typical emersomi, although differing in two important respects: first, the Colorado form feeds less on the surface secretions of its host and more on regurgitated food ; and, second, this ant seems to have lost the instinct to secure its food in any other way. If further observations should prove that these differences are common to all colonies of L. glacialis, and not an idiosyncracy of the colony which I happened to have under observation, or due to the depressing and demoralizing effects of confinement in an artificial nest, we should be justified in con- cluding that this subspecies has reached a more advanced stage of inquilinism or parasitism than the typical form of the Eastern States. American Museum of Natural History, New York City, March 9th, 1907. WISCONSIN FLOWERS AND THEIR POLLINATION. & If. By S. GRAENICHER. SAXIFRAGACIAL anp GROSSULARIACEA.* FAM. SAXIFRAGACE/. Saxifraga Pennsylvanica L. Swamp Saxifrage. The genus Saxifraga is represented by a very large number of species in Europe, and for many of these their relations to insect visitors have been recorded, while for our North American species this has not been done in a single instance. The only one occurring in our immediate neighborhood is the species named above. It is fairly common in swampy grounds, and is rather large for a saxifrage, some specimens attaining a height of about 1m. In the Menomonee Valley, between Milwaukee and Wau- watosa, the plants were seen in blossom from May 15 to June 18. The numerous small flowers (about 5 mm. in diameter) are arranged in cymes, and the latter form a long panicle on a stout scape. In the erect flower the small greenish calyx-lobes are re- flexed, but the lanceolate white petals assume an horizontal posi- tion, and the 10 stamens in 2 rows are also directed laterally from the time on that they begin to shed their pollen. The upper por- tion of the ovary forms a disc-shaped nectary around the two styles, and nectar is secreted in abundance. These flowers are decidedly proterandrous, and in this respect they agree with the majority of the European species, very few of which are proter- ogynous. Dehiscence starts in the stamens belonging to the outer row, and a few days later those of the inner row become *Classification and nomenclature according to “Britton’s Manual of the Flora of the Northern States and Canada.” 84 1907.] Graenicher, Pollination of Wisconsin Flowers. 85 involved in the same process. At the beginning of this, the male stage of the flower’s existence, the styles are very short, and the stigmas hardly noticeable. But the styles gradually: rise above their surroundings, and after all the anthers have emptied their reddish-yellow pollen the small capitate stigmas become receptive. The female stage is therefore very plainly separated from the male stage, and in such a flower self-pollination is entirely out of the question. Cross-pollination is insured by the visits of numer- ous insects, and these obtain a bountiful supply of nectar and pollen. The individual flower is unsightly, but the grouping of such a large number as are usually present in the inflorescence of each plant renders the whole more or less attractive. Correspond- ing with the entirely exposed situation of the nectar we find these small flowers visited nearly exclusively by insects with short tongues. Several European species of Saxifraga are especially attractive to flies, but in our S. Pennsylvanica other short-tongued insects are just as well represented, and the small bees of the genus Halictus are always regular attendants. According to the list given below the flies and short-tongued bees together represent 64% of the entire number of visitors, and this agrees quite well with the figures obtained for other flowers with entirely exposed nectar. A. Hymenoptera. Apide: (1) Apis mellifera L., worker, s.; Andrenide: (2) Andrena marwe Rob., female, s.; (3) Halictus pilosus Sm., female, s. and ¢. p.;. (4) A. zephyrus Smi., female, s. and c. p.; (5) Ho sparsus Rob., female, s. and c..p.; (6) H. hortensis Lov., female, s. and c. p.; (7) H. anomalus Rob., female, s. and c. p.; (8) Sphecodes cressonu Rob., female, s.; (9) S. arvensis Patton, female, s.; (10) Prosopis pygmea Cr., male, s.; Eumenide: (11) Odynerus philadelphie Sauss., s.; Crabronide: (12) Crabro obscurus Sm., s.; (13) C. trifasciatus Say, s.; (14) Oxybelus 4-notatus Say, s.; Ichneumonide: (15) Ichnewmon sp., s.; (15) Cryptus persimilis Cr., s.; (17) Cryptus sp., s.; (18) Chorineus carinatus Cr., s.; Tenthredinide: (19) Dolerus similis Norton, s. ; (20) D. aprilis Norton, s. 86 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol.5, No. 2. B. Diptera, Stratiomyide: (21) Odontomyia pubescens Day; Syrphide: (22) Paragus bicolor Fab.; (23) Platychirus quadratus Say; (24) Allograpta obliqua Say; (25) Mesogramma marginata Say ; (26) Spherophona cylindrica Say; (27) Syritta pipiens L,.; Con- opide (28) Zodion fulvifrons Say; Tachinide: (29) E-rorista confins Fall.; Sarcophagide: (30) Sarcophaga helicis Town.; Muscide: (31) Lucila cesar L.; (32) L. sylvarum Meig.; An- thomyide (3) Phorbia fusciceps Zett.; (34) Phorbia sp.; (35) Hydrotea sp.; Geomyzide: (36) Agromysa eneiventris Fall.— all s. or f. p. C. Coleoptera. Elateride: (37) Glyphonyx recticollis Say; Cerambycide: (38) Acmeops bivittata Say; Chrysomelide: (39) Orsodachna atra Ahr.—all s. or f. p. Heuchera hispida Pursh. Rough Heuchera. Alum-root. This plant is remarkable on account of the close relations existing between it and the bee Colletes estivalis Patton. The latter is an oligotropic bee, collecting pollen from the flowers of some species of Heuchera only, and it has been observed by Patton (1) in Connecticut, on the flowers of H. americana, and by Robertson (2) in Southern Illinois, on H. Mispida. Around Milwaukee it is a regular visitor of the latter species, and last year, on June 3, I also came across it at Eagle, Waukesha Co., Wis., where H. lispida occurs in great numbers along the rail- road leading to Palmyra. In Illinois Roberson found the plant visited by this bee exclusively, but in our region bees of the (1) W. H. Patton. Proc. Bost: Soc. Nat. Hist. XX, pp. 142-144 (1879). (2) Chas. Robertson. Flowers and Insects. VIII. Bot. Gaz. XVII, pp. 178-179 (1892). Chas. Robertson. Notes on Bees, ete. Trans. Am. Ent. Soe. XXII, p. 116 (1895). 1907. ] Graenicher, Pollination of Wisconsin Flowers. 87 genera Halictus and Augochlora also resort to these flowers in search of pollen, as shown by the heavy and very conspicuous load of brick-red pollen that they carry away. The earliest flowers of Heuchera hispida make their appearance several days ahead of their special pollinator Colletes estivalis. In 1901, for example, the first flowers were noticed on June 7. On June II the females of Halictus and Augochlora were busy at these flowers, but of Colletes a single specimen was seen, a male flying around the flowers in search of the females, which had not arrived up to this time. Four days later, however, (at the time of my next visit) they were also present, sucking and collecting pollen. Judging from the description of the flowers as given by Robertson, those of our surroundings agree essentially with those from South- ern Illinois. The inflorescence is a panicle containing numerous greenish tubular flowers, which have been observed in blossom from June 3 to July 2. Along its upper side the flower is longer than along the lower side; in other words, it is obliquely cut off, and the width of 4 mm. enables the visiting short-tongued bees to insert their heads into the tube in search of nectar at the bottom, The tube is 6 mm. long, and nectar is secreted in drops on the upper surface of the ovary and on the adjacent walls of the calyx. These flowers are proterogynous, but the upper anthers shed their pollen soon after the stigmas have become receptive. The two divergent styles, with their small stigmas, reach the mouth of the flower, but since the dehiscent anthers are situated 2 or 3 mm. beyond the mouth of the flower, spontaneous self-pollination can the flowers are visited early before their anthers begin to open, and this insures cross-pollination. The following bees were taken on the flowers: Andrenide: (1) Colletes estivalis, Patton, male and female, s.and c. p.; (2) Halictus provancheri D. T., female, s. and c. p.; (3) H. zephyrus Sm., female, s. and c. p.; (4) H. hortensis Lov., female, s. andc. p.; (5) Augochlora confusa Rob., female, er andtc? pi. 88 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 2. Mitella diphylla L. Mitrewort. The small, white, cup-shaped flowers, blooming from about May 5 to June 15, are adapted to small-sized insects. Syrphid- flies and short-tongued bees are'the principal visitors, and the smallest among these belonging to the fly-genus Paragus, and the bee-genus Halictus are the most’ frequent ones, as far as the number of individuals is concerned. The flowers are arranged in a terminal raceme on a scape that attains a length of 30 to 40 cm. At its entrance the flower is 2 mm. wide, its depth is the same, and the nectar-drops on the lower portion of the calyx-tube are easily reached by insects with very short mouth-parts. The small, triangular calyx-lobes are erect, while the much longer white petals, with their fringed appearance, are spread out laterally or reflexed, as in the older flower. There are Io stamens, all of them arising at the same level from the wall of the calyx and con- verging towards the middle, thereby forming with their anthers a small circle below the mouth of the flower. The very short styles, with their stigmas, are situated somewhat below the anthers. In the opening flower the anthers are all nearer to the calxy-ttube but as those of the 5 stamens that alternate with the petals begin to open, they move towards the middle, and later on the 5 remaining stamens undertake the same movements. Proterandry is present, but of short duration, since the stigmas reach maturity very soon after the first anthers have burst open. In view of the vertical position of the flower, spontaneous self-pollination by the falling of pollen can hardly be expected, at least not in the young flowers. But the styles increase in length and place the stigmas beneath the anthers, and in the older flower this kind of pollina- tion may take place if pollination through insects has not been accomplished previously. The latter are mostly present to such an extent as to insure either cross or self-pollination. Pollen is transported by the mouth-parts of the visitors. When in search of nectar an insect has to insert its proboscis between the stigmas and the introrse anthers, whereby some of the pollen adheres to the sides of the proboscis and in this way may be brought in con- 1907.] Graenicher, Pollination of Wisconsin Flowers. 89 tact with the stigmas of the same or of another flower. Following is a list of the bees and flies observed on the flowers: A. Hymenoptera. Apide: (1) Ceratina dupla Say., female, s.; Andrenide: (2) Augochlora confusa Rob., female, s.; (3) Halictus quadri- maculatus Rob., female, s. and c. p.; (4) H. pilosus Sm., female, s. and c. p.; (5) H. albipennis Rob., female, s. and c. p.; (6) H. hortensis Lov., female, s. and c. p. -B.. Diptera. Syrphide: (7) Paragus bicolor Fab.; (8) Allograpta obliqua Say.; (9) Mesogramma marginata Say.; (10) Sphero- phoria cylindrica Say all S..0f is "p. FAM. GROSSULARIACE. Within the genus Ribes (currants and gooseberries) the species differ considerably in the structure of the flowers, and accordingly in their adaptation to insects, as has been shown by ' Hermann Mueller (3) for several species of Europe. The same is clearly illustrated by the 5 species of our region considered below. We have on one side the primitive and saucer-shaped flowers of R. rubrum receiving the attention of small and poorly adapted insects; on the other side, the campanulate flowers of R. gracile and R. foridum adapted to the largest among the spe- cialized bees (the bumble bees), and between the two extremes we find R. oxyacanthoides and R. Cynosbati, adapted to bees in general. They all bloom close together, as will be seen from the follow- (3) H. Mueller. Weitere Beobachtungen, pp. 298-300. See also P. Knuth Handb. d. Bluetenbiologie, Vol. II, p. 437. 90 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 2. ing dates, indicating the blooming periods of these species as observed around Milwaukee: R. rubrum, April 24—May 27. R. Cynosbati, May 2—May 29. R. floridum, May 6—June 7. R. gracile, May 6—May 25. R. oxyacanthoides, May 9—June 16. According to these observations, all of the species have their flowers open together between May 9 and 27. Ribes rubrum L. Red currant. This plant is an inhabitant of damp woods, and is rapidly disappearing from the immediate surroundings of Milwaukee on account of the changed condition of most of the woods of our territory. It occurs also in Europe and Asia, and H. Mueller (4) has given an account of its pollination. The structure of the flower, as it occurs with us, does not quite agree with Mueller’s description and the figure presented by Knuth (5). The flower of our region is purplish, has a diameter of about 6 mm., and is rather flat, with entirely exposed nectar like R. alpinum (6), while the European one is more campanulate, with slightly concealed nectar. From this we must conclude that the flower of the North American Ff. rubrum has remained nearer to the primitive type of the ancestral flower, while in Europe the flower has progressed in the direction of a campanulate flower. The same may be stated for the cultivated form, the red currant of our gardens. There are 20 or more flowers in a drooping raceme. The stamens, with their introrse anthers, and the style with the greenish 2-parted stigma, are all of the same length, hardly reaching I mm. above the disc. The anthers and the stigma become mature at the same time (homogamy). Nectar appears as small drops on the - (4) H. Mueller. Die Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insekten, p. 95. (5) P. Knuth. Handb. d. Bluetenbiologie, Vol. II, part 1, p. 439. (6) H. Mueller. Loc. cit., p. 94. 1907. ] Graenicher, Pollination of Wisconsin Flowers. 9] uneven purplish disc, and the flowers are slightly sweet-scented, Insects crawling around on them may effect either self or cross- pollination. Some of the flowers are directed upwards, while others assume a vertical position, and in the latter pollen may fall down on the stigma and cause spontaneous self-pollination. The only visitors I have been able to observe on the few plants met were with a small fly, Themira putris L., (family Sepsidz), and a small parasitic wasp, Orthocentrus nigricoxis Prov., (Tryphoninz). Ribes oxyacanthoides |. Northern gooseberry. In this species the greenish pendulous flower is campanulate. _ The different parts at the entrance, i. e., the calyx-lobes, petals, and long stamens are more or less divergent, and for this reason insects can easily gain access to the flower. The white petals are inserted near the upper margin of the calyx-tube, and in this region the latter measures 3 mm. across and is just as deep. The flowers are homogamous. From its middle on the style is divided into 2 long slender branches, and these gradually become divergent, and carry the stigmas a short dlistance past the anthers. There is hardly any possibility of the latter coming in contact with the stigmas, - but spontaneous self-pollination due to the falling of pollen may take place in the drooping flower. Nectar is present at the bot- tom, and is to some extent hidden from view and protected by hairs on the lower part of the calyx-tube and the style. In some flowers round openings may be noticed in the wall of the calyx-tube near its base, and these are made by ants, and enable the latter to steal nectar from the outside instead of proceeding along the natural route which is protected by hairs. The structure of these flowers and their pendulous position point to an adaptation to bees, and 7 of the 9 visitors figuring in the following list are bees: A. Hymenoptera. Agia: 63) Bombus consumits Cr., fetndle,.s.;°, (2). B. apmims “Cr., female, s.; -(3) .B., ternarius Say., female, s.; 92 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol.5, No.2. Andrenide: (4) Andrena milwaukeensis Graen., female, s.; (5) A. vicina Sm., female, s.; (6) Halictus coriaceus Sm., female, s, and c..p.; (7) A. forbesu Rob., )fenidle; Ss: andee a Eumenide: (8) Eumenes fraternus Say, s. B. Diptera. Syrphide: (9) Melanostoma obscurum Say., f. p. Ribes Cynosbati L. Wild gooseberry. © There are usually 3 of the greenish campanulate flowers form- ing a small raceme only 3 cm. in length. The calyx-lobes are entirely reflexed, but the much smaller white petals are erect. At its entrance the flower has a diameter of 3 mm., it widens out somewhat below, and has a depth of 4 mm. The stamens arise from the calyx-tube a short distance below the petals and converge towards the style. The anthers form a ring around the style about 114 mm.- beyond the mouth of the flower, and, as a rule, the dark-green two-parted stigma surpasses the white anthers by at least 1 mm. But the style shows a tendency to variation, and in some plants the stigma hardly surpasses the anthers at all, thereby favoring spontaneous self-pollination in these homogamous flowers. Nectar is present at the bottom of the tube, a sweet odor is noticeable, and the laterally directed flowers are well visited by insects, mostly bees. Numerous hairs arising from the inner wall of the calyx-tube, as also from the style, serve to protect the nectar from unwelcome visitors, but so far as ants are concerned, I have on several occasions seen specimens of Cremastogaster lineolata (Say) Emery and Formica fusca 1. var. subsericea (Say) Emery force their way down to the nectar. Not rarely these ants also gain an entrance to the flower by biting a piece out of the calyx-wall, and Trelease (7) has seen the white-faced hor- net (Vespa maculata L,.) perforating these flowers in the same manner; although on other occasions he witnessed this insect (7) Wm. Trelease. ‘Note on the Perforation of Flowers. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, VIII, pp. 68-69 (1881). 1907.] Graenicher, Pollination of Wisconsin Flowers. 93 visiting the flowers in a legitimate way. The following insects were seen on the flowers: A. Hymenoptera. Apide: (1) Apis mellifera L., worker, s.; (2) Bombus virginicus Oliv., female, s.; (3) B. americanorum Fabr., female, Ss, (4) By separatus Cr., female, s.; (5) B. ternarius, Say., female, s.; Andrenide: (6) Andrena mulwaukeensis Graen., female, s.andc. p.; (7) A. vicina Sm., female, s. and c. p.; (8) A. nivalis Sm., female, s. and c. p.; (9) A. dubia Rob., male, s.; (10) Halictus ierouxu Lep., female, s.; Vespide: (11) Vespa germanica Fabr., s. B. Diptera. Syrphide: (12) Pipiza femoralis Lw.; (13) Syrphus amer- icanus Wied. ait sor £2) p. Ribes gracile Michx. Slender gooseberry. Robertson (8) has made us acquainted with the mode of pollination of this species. In the slender, pendulous flower, the calyx-lobes are reflexed, and together with the petals, they serve as footholds for the visiting bees. The converging stamens are rather long, and extend in the flowers of our region about II mm. beyond the calyx-tube. The latter is 3 mm. deep. By pressing up against the filaments, the erect petals, which are only 2 mm. long, form a tube which practically constitutes an elongation of the calyx-tube. In order to reach the nectar at the bottom of the flower, the insect must have a proboscis of at least 4 mm. length. This is inserted through one of the openings between two fila- ments and the top of a petal. In this species, as in the two pre- ceding ones, there are numerous hairs at the bottom of the tube. In these flowers we are dealing with proterandry. When the first anthers dehisce the stigma is still 4 mm. below the anthers (above in the pendulous flower), but on account of a gradual (8) Chas. Robertson. Flowers and Insects. IX. Bot. Gaz. XVII, pp. 270-271 (1892). ’ 94 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 2. lengthening of the style, the stigma surpasses the anthers before it becomes receptive. Pollination is generally due to insects and the flowers are, as Robertson states, adapted to bumble bee females. the only sex of bumble bees represented so early in the year. On account of their size, they are the only bees which, while hanging on to the flowers, are capable of sucking, and at the same time touching the anthers and stigma. These parts of the flower come in contact with the ventral surface of the base of the abdomen. Robertson observed 4 species of bumble bees, and in addition to these, 18 smaller bees which he regards as intruders, for the rea- sons set forth above. But in several instances I have seen some of the smaller bees (species of Andrena) visiting the flowers for nectar, and besides crawling to the top of the flower for the pur- pose of collecting pollen. Such visits of the smaller bees are of course of as much importance to the flower as the visits of bumble- bees, although these flowers are undoubtedly adapted to the latter. The exceptional visits of flies to such a flower are of little significance. At Milwaukee I have seen the following insects as visitors: A. Hymenoptera. Apide: (1) Bombus americanorum Fabr., female, s.; (2) B. consinulis Cr., female, s.; (3) Nomada cressonu Rob., female, s.; (4) Ceratina dupla, Say, male,s.; Andrenide: (5) Andrena nivalis Sm., female s. and c. p.; (6) A. milwaukeensis Graen., female, s. and c. p.; (7) A. cressoni, Rob., female, s. and c. p.; (8) é Bee. LIN OF THE WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Vol. 5, New Series. JULY, 1907. No. 3. PROCEEDINGS. Milwaukee, April 11, 1907. Meeting of the combined sections. President Teller in the chair, and Messrs. Brues, Carpenter, Case, Copeland, Doerflinger, Ogden, Russell and Ward present. Mr. Howland Russell gave some ‘Notes on Wisconsin Oaks.” He read a recent paper by Prof. E. J. Hill from the Botanical Gazette, referring to the common occurrence of Quercus ellipsoidalis Hill in the vieinity of Milwaukee, and the probable absence of Quercus palustris Moench. in this region. Mr. Russell exhibited specimens of leaves and acorns of these and several other species, pointing out the various differential characters that separate them. Later the discussion was taken up by several members. after which the meeting adjourned. Milwaukee, April 25, 1907. Regular monthly and annual meeting of the Society. President Teller in the chair and about ninety persons present. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved. Mr. Teller asked for nominations for the election of officers. Ma. Doerflinger moved that the secretary be instructed to cast a unanimous vote for the re-election of the present incumbents. The motion was seconded and passed and the officers elected as follows: President—-E. E. Teller. Vice-President-—H. L. Ward. General Secretary—C. T. Brues. Member of Board of Directors—S. Graenicher. Publishing Committee-—H. L. Ward, Geo. W. Peckham, C. E. Monroe. 139 140 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol.5; Naver The names of Mr. A. J. Wright and Rev. Frederick Edwards were proposed for membership and subsequently, approved by the Board of Directors. There being no further business, Mr. H. L. Ward addressed the meeting on “Museum Collecting.” He deseribed his experiences in collecting animals for museums in various parts of this country, Mexico, and the West Indies. The rediscovery of the West-Indian Seal was mentioned, and the manner in which he had obtained them. The collecting of sea lions on the Pacific Coast was described at length and the topography of the islands on which they live. The speaker also described several more recent trips which he had made into the northern parts of Wisconsin, made principally to obtain birds and accessories for bird groups in the Public Museum. The lecture was illustrated by stereopticon slides prepared from negatives made by Mr. Ward on the various collecting trips to which he srererred, Milwaukee, May 9, 1907. Meeting of the combined sections. President Teller in the chair and Messrs. Barth, Brues, Clowes. Colles, Carpenter, Doerfiinger, Graenicher, Russell and Sherman present. Dr. Graenicher described a recent classification of entomophilous flowers and insects first proposed by Loew for the European Flora. Ile mentioned the several categories illustrating each by specimens of fresh flowers. He then showed the degree of mutual adaptation among the several classes which he compared with the results obtained by Loew in Europe. Mr. Brues then exhibited two svecies of insects. One, Jgnotus anigmaticus, was a peculiar beetle of very anomalous structure which has puzzled svstematists since its discovery several years ago. The specimens exhibited had been found feeding on some dried Echinoderms in the Public Museum. This was the second time that the species has been collected, its original habitat being unknown, but probably the@ West Indies... The second was a new species of wingless fly belonging to the genus Puliciphora, recently bred from cattle tick eggs by the United States Department of Agriculture, and sent him for identifica- tion. Mr. Teller then exhibited’ some specimens of a rare fossil Echinoderm, /chthyechinus corbis, from the Chicago formation of the Niagara limestone. After considerable discussion about these, the meeting adjourned, PeseRVATIONS ON THE NESTING HABITS — OF GORYTES “GANALICULATUS, PACKARD By Grorcr P. BartH. While sojourning at Cedar Jake, Washington Co., Wiscon- sin, during the latter part of July of this year, my attention was attracted by a beautiful yellow-banded wasp busily engaged in performing its nesting labors among a large colonv of Aplhilanthops frigidus, an occasional Bembex, Cerceris, Anacra- bro ocellatus, Oxybelts, leaf. cutter bees and even an Osmua. All lived in perfect harmony on a little hill of sand not over twenty feet long and six feet wide located at the edge of a gravel pit bordering a wide, deep, though small ravine still in pristine state. An immense oatfield on the other three sides made this a secluded corner which received the full glare and heat of the sun during the greater part of the day. It was a treat as well as a study to see the methods by which these busy workers accomplished their aim of procuring an abiding place wherein their young could develop undisturbed: Aphilanthops vigorously scratched, sending showers of sand to a distance of more than a foot with a rasping sound which could easily be heard at a distance of from ten to fifteen feet; restless Anacrabro diving into her burrow only to emerge again flying backwards to scatter broadcast a. mass of sand grasped between her legs and body; Bembex with her angry hum when she attempted to pull out a pebble too large for even her strong man- dibles; Cerceris digging away at a rate which caused her fore- feet to resemble a blur of moving matter, while now and then Gorytes smoothed away her load of sand to make room for more. Although the primary object of my visit to this hill was to _ become acquainted with Anacrabro, I found that it was still too early in the season for that interesting insect, as she had not begun to store her cells, and so turned my attention to the 141 142 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [ Vol. 5; Nowe: worker whose habits, as far as I saw them, it will be my pleasant task to describe below. Unfortunately part of almost every day was marred by a shower of rain, or the conditions of the sky was such as is designated part cloudy in our weather reports. The notes will be given just as they were entered in my field hook at the time: Gorytes begins her nest by scratching at the chosen spot with her forefeet, occasionally helping with the mandibles when a pebble or particularly hard spot is met, until she has loosened a small pile of sand when she backs out and smooths this away to some distance. Pebbles are grasped by the mandibles and car- ried a short distance and there dropped. After the burrow has reached a depth greater than the length of the wasp, the sand accumulates behind her and is then pushed out with the abdomen at the same time assisting with the legs as she backs out. NEES EY NIG ae This nest was about one inch in depth when first seen at 5:25 p. M. July 14th. Activities were continued until nearly six o'clock, when the opening was closed from within. At 6: 40 the nest was still closed and remained closed until I left as darkness fell, so the presumption was that labor had ceased for the night. It rained steadily during the morning of July 15th, and the nest was not visited until 4:00 p. mM. It was still closed. The sand was blown away until the opening was free and the depth of the gallery tested with a grass stem. At 4:3:30 the wasp returned, carrying a leaf hopper. Although wide open, she instinctively began scratching at the entrance of the nest as if to clear it and then entered head foremost, carrying her prey. She came out at 4:4: 20, closing the hole as she came, using mandibles and feet in the operation. She then turned around to examine the work but a Formica subenescens running by disturbed her inspection, when she flew away a short distance and, upon the ant leaving, returned and proceeded to close more effectively with further materiai gathered by forelegs and mandibles from a radius of ahout one inch. After a short localitv study in gradually widen- 1907 | Barth, Nesting Habits of Gorytes canaliculatus, 145 ing circles departure took place at 4: 11:00, leaving a smooth hill of sand over the entrance. Her further activities were as follows: Returned at 4:55 with hopper. Opened the nest without dropping her prey. Came out at 4:56. Closed the opening. Flew away at 4:57:35. No locality study. Returned at 5:17:15 with hopper, Aving directly to the nest. Entered at 5: 17: 38. Came out at 5:17:55. Closed nest by scratching sand from a distance of about one inch. . Away at 5:17:59. No locality study. Returned at 5:52:45 with hopper. Pntered at 6252 (57. Came out at 5: 53: 30.- Closed the nest. July 16th. Part cloudy. Observations begun at 8:45 A. M. Wasp came at 9: 14. : Away at 9:14:40, A-few seratches to close. No locality study. Returned at 9: 40 with hopper. Entered. at 9: 40:15. Caiiie. out at. 9:40: 20,. “A-few scratches. to close. Away at 9:40:30. No locality study. Returned at 9:50:45 with hopper. Hatered. atsQ: 50% 55. q Came out lan g:51- 10). A. few scratches to close. Away at 9:51:14. No locality study. Returned at 10:00: 25 with hopper. Entered at 10:00: 30. Came out 10:00:40. Began filling the entrance by scratching towards herself while still in the hole. Away at 10: 00: 50. The wasp had not returned by 11 o'clock, so thinking the nest complete [| excavated. At 11:15 she returned with a hopper and sat about eighteen inches away watching the destruction going ona. Ithen caught her. The entrance of the nest was 0.4 cm. in diameter and widened 144 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [ Vol. 5, No. 3. to 0.8 cm. one inch down. Whole nest following the curve A to G., 11.cm2; “A to B:, 4°em73. © to: Dats sen eee 2cm.; a. a—firmly packed sand. The cells and gallery were practically in the same plane, cell 2 being about 1 cm. lateral to cells 1 and 3. Si a I}! i) [ene ee a0 | | a ee ieee ! | i! — = SS _ — NEST No. 1. CELL I. Contained eight leaf hoppers, seemingly placed haphazardly in the cell. The egg was on the left side of the thorax of a hopper in the middle of the cell, beginning at the neck and running parallel to the hopper’s body at the edge of the wing. Cell practically spherical in shape, 0.7 cm. in diameter. CELL 2. Egg shaped; 1.3 cm. long and 0.8 cm. in its greatest diameter; 14 leaf hoppers. No egg found. CELI, 3.°.1.2 .em. long: .and-.o:9: cm) im: diameters) ga meas hoppers. No egg found. | NEST NO). 2 July 16th. Wasp came at 2:54 with a hopper. A locality study of considerable care was made both before entering and on leaving, probably due to the fact that I had disturbed the surface to some extent in excavating an Anacrabro nest three inches away. ‘The entrance was under a small, round stone and 1907 | Barth, Nesting Habits of Gor ytes canaliculatus, 145 the gallery descended at a very slight angle. ‘The wasp left at 2:54:10 without closing the entrance. The nest was probably abandoned, as I did not see her again during my stay. RES yey oe, July 16th, 4:35 p. mM. This nest was already quite deep when discovered, but the wasp was still digging. The entrance was in the side of the hill which had a slant of about 45°. July 17th. Warm and dry. At 9 A. mM. the nest was closed by a small hill of sand. This was blown away, completely exposing the entrance. At 9:18:30 the wasp came carrying a hopper and went directly into the nest seemingly undisturbed by the fact of the nest being open. Came out again at 9:18:50 and closed by scratching sand from a radius of about one inch. Flew away at 9:20. Nest smoothly covered. Returned at 9: 50:7 with hopper. Entered at 9: 50: Io. Came out at 9:50:25. Closing by a few scratches. Away at 9:50:30. No locality study. Returned at 10:45:30 with hopper. Rested on sand near the nest. Entered at 10:45:55. Came out‘at' 10; 46:5. -Head first. Away at 10:46:10. No locality study. Returned at tr: 12: 10 with hopper. Entered at 11: 12: 12. Came-out at 11 712; 26, Away at 11:12:32. No locality study. At 11:21:20, a. Nysson fidelis (Cres.) entered the nest by quickly scratching it open. Came out at 11: 21:48, closing the opening much less perfectly than the Hoplysis and flew away. _ At 11:45:20 the Gorytes returned with a hopper and entered at 11:45:22, seemingly not disturbed by the fact of the Nysson having been there. 12:2:10 looking out of the nest. At 146 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [ Vol. 5, Norse 12:13:10 began to close the nest while’ still part’ way~ i dthe gallery scratching considerable quantities of material into the nest. She finally closed by taking material from around the nest, occasionally stamping it down with her abdomen. ‘This she continued until a perfectly smooth surface was_ presented. Believing this careful closing to indicate the completion of the nest, the wasp was caught as she was flying away at 12: 18. As far as could be determined the entrance was but slightly narrower than the gallery. «Cell 1 was 2 cm lateral to;caiha which again occupied the same plane as the entrance. A to B, 8 cm. Rather loosely packed with sand. C to D, 2 cm. also packed. \\S ‘ \\ x x SN ~S WS SKS NN RES x, ee \ \ SO \ S\N ~~ » WS RS YES AN NON Sh \ \, \ \ \ CELL 3. 1.3 cha. long and-o8 cm. im drameter, ieculaa oval; 12 leaf hoppers. The egg was placed on the right side of the thorax parallel with the edge of the wing, but starting shghtly posterior to the neck of the hopper. CELL 2. Seven hoppers and an egg which showed beginning larval segmentation. Placed on the right side of the thorax of the hopper as in cell 1. The Nysson egg was not found. 1907 | Barth, Nesting Habits of Gorytes canaliculatus. 147 NEST ONO: 4. niy 7th, 1907." Nest found atthe ‘base of a tussock. of erass. Wasp came at 9:47:10 with a hopper; came again at 9:54: 10 with hopper. Entered at 9:54:45. Samo 21 OO, with, nopper; .entered; . 1021-220; “out; iene: 22; away, 10:21:45; closing rather careful. Locality study none. Paiiew 10-25 .25,, withhopper;. entered, 10: 28::35;. out; fO226; 55; away, 10:29:6: .A few scratches. Locality. study none. PamiepotO. 4225.5 With shopper» “entered, 10: 32:37; out, 10: 32:40; away, 10:33:00. A few scratches. Locality study none. ame, 10° 26.10, with hopper; “entered; 10:48:15; out, ——; away, 10:48:20. A few scratches. Locality study none. Smo i OO With hopper. . emiered, 11° 13:16; out, Peo 1400; -away, 1b1:1422: A. few. ‘seratches.> ‘Locality .study none. Came 11:40:00, with hopper, and entered an Aphilanthops frigidus nest which was in the building close besides its nest. Seemed much puzzled by the change in the surface which the ejected sand of the Aphilanthops made. Hunted around, scratch- ing here and there, and finally found the entrance. Returned to post of observation at 1 p. m. Nest was very well closed. ' Came, 1:59:30, with hopper; entered, 2:00:00; out, 2:2:00; away, 2:2:20. Rather careful closing. Locality study none. While the wasp was in the nest a Nysson fidelis (Cres.), iden- tified for me by Mr. Viereck) started to enter the open nest but, becoming aware of the presence of the owner, backed out and flew to a distance of a foot, there resting quietly on the sand and 148 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [ Vol. 5, No. 3. watching. At 2:3:00 it rapidly opened the nest and entered, remaining till 2:10:00, when she came out again and closed the entrance. She was then caught. July 18th. The nest was excavated this morning. It ran northeast one and one-half inches, down and southeast by south two inches, east one inch to cell. la i . . The gallery was regularly round, with smooth inner surface, the entrance being about the same size as the prssage. Bi rok length being about I cm., and greatest diameter 0.7 cm. tained 9 leaf hoppers. The egg was on the thorax slightly below Z o (ya EaG a BOY Pe E ee - ‘ae ee ee a | LOK Sees — ¥ ee eee ce aoe, = a5 RON ayy pe 2 eat ee Se Ae ake a ; NGS oe Be pie ieee eee s wp —_— ANE C2 ET ee re ee Be ge gp Sears ee Pees oS ee: ee a Oe -_ ae ig Se a ek ee OL an Ne Ee, ee ee _— - or _ _—. - Cee oe) ae UML gE See FEE; Shee eae a Ze Sa ee —_— ee GEL LLL IE E oo tee Ee es ee Se tog et Fart setae NEST No. 4. Was regularly oval, as shown in the drawing, its Con- and parallel to the edge of the left wing, beginning at the neck. On the floor of the cell, about one-third from the entrance, another egg was found unattached. the wasp egg, curved. Cary 2: In shape it was similar to but smaller and the surface less shining; slightly Fight hoppers, irregularly round and_ partially back of the stone. The egg was placed in a position on the hopper like that in the other cell. 1907 | Barth, Nesting Habits of Gorytes canaliculatus, 149 NESPUNOY 5, jiily. 2oth, 1907.' Wasp came at 10:27:00 A, M., with a hopper. Left at 10: 27: 40. after carefully closing the entrance. Returned at’ 11:16:20 with a hopper. Entered at 11:16: 35, after resting about a foot from the nest. Came out at 11:17:15 and flew away at 11:17:30, with no locality study. Rain set in at noon and continued all the next day, and as I was compelled to return to the city on an early train, July 22nd, this closed my observations. GENERAI, REMARKS. The prey of the wasp seems to be exclusively leaf hoppers of the species Cyrtolobus fenestratus Fitch and Atyma inornata Say in all stages from the nympth to the adult as found in the cells. They were not closely packed and lay at all angles to each other as though carelessly thrown into place. None of the hop- pers responded to stimulation with fingers or forceps, so pre- sumably they were stung to death. In all cases the entrance was opened just sufficiently to allow “the wasp to slip in and careful watching failed to give any evi- dence of a shifting of hold on the prey as the wasp carried it in. This was carried tightly grasped about the neck or anterior thorax by the middle legs and, whether the wasp walked or flew, was never dropped. The wasp always entered the cell head foremost, carrying the hopper with her. The entrance was com- pletely closed when the wasp left, the little work required to pro- duce this being due to the small opening which the wasp made to enter, this being often but one-half of the actual size of the door. The quickness with which the insects were able to return with prey was due no doubt to a plentiful supply in the densely over grown ravine close by, as the wasps seemed invariably to go and come from that direction. The presence of an observer seemed to have no disturbing influence on her actions, as very frequently I sat within a few feet of the nest with an umbrella over my head for protection against the heat of the sun. NOTES AND. DESCRIPTIONS OF NORTH AMERICA PARASITIC#HY ME NOPT BRAG ve By Cuar.es T. Brus. FAMILY BE THYLIDAE: Goniozus hortorum sp. nov. Female. Length 2.25 mm. Black; antenni, except apex, pale yellow, legs piceous, the anterior pair and all the tarsi brownish- vellow. Head sub-shining, shagreened and with scattered large punctures; one and one-half times as long as wide. Face with a median carina between the antenne that. extends just above the level of the lower eye-margin, and a lateral one of the same extent on each side above the antenns. Seen from above the head is three times as long as the eyes. Eyes bare, ocelli in a small triangle near the posterior margin of the head. Antenne 13-jointed, extending only a short distance beyond the vertex; slender, with the joints submonili- form. Seape stout, two times. as long as thick. First flagellar joint only one-half as long as the pedicel, which is a little longer than the second; following subequal, becoming distinctly moniliform before the tip. . Mandibles varying from piceous to black. Palpi piceous, malar space very short. Pronotum and mesonotum sculptured like the head, the former evenly narrowed in front, and about two and one-half times as long as the mesonotum, the latter almost two times as wide as long. Scutellum shagreened, distinctly longer than the mesonotum and as broad as long, separated from the mesonotum by a very delicate suture and with a short oblique linear fovea on each side basally. Metanotum strongly shagreened laterally, but smooth and polished medially ; the entire lateral margins and the lower edge of the posterior slope margined, but otherwise without carine, except for a trace of one laterally at the top of the posterior edge. It is slightly longer than the mesonotum and scutellum together, with the posterior face coarsely shagreened. Abdomen oval, polished, as long or slightly longer than the head and thorax together; second and following segments broadly emarginate on their posterior margins. Legs stout but not at all spinose.. Claws bifid, with a long slender inner tooth. Wings hyaline, both stigmata piceous, the stigma somewhat but only slightly larger than the parastigma. Basal nervure angularly broken, but without 150 1907 | Brues, North American Parasitic Hymenoptera. 151 any stump of a vein, its upper section one-half the length of the lower. Two basal cells defined by pale yellow nervures. Marginal cell open, the radial vein three times as long as the stigma, separated by its own length from the wing tip. Three females bred by Prof. H. A. Surface from the larva of a microlepidopteron folding the leaf of the Apple; Floradale, Pa.: August 16, issued September 7. As can be seen from the following table, it is most closely related to Goniozus foveolatus Ashmead. NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES OF GONIOZUS.* 1. Metanotum smooth medially, without trace of a median carina. 2 Metanotum with a delicate median carina; stump of cubital etme lle CEVGLOPESC ores. s cso) bias ease ale afew erecta le ss platynote Ashm. 2. Head unusually large; legs piceous; tips of tibiae and tarsi pale; stump of cubital vein very small..... megacephalus Ashi. ner Pee NII MSI ZG. siege cise oP al'e ol atd osha Kiule od b\6 ope FE Dols cam ees 3 3. Stump of cubital vein as long as the upper section of the basal vervure; legs, except tarsi, black; wings hyaline; head with- out larger punctures interspersed: .... 605... clarimontis Kieff. Stump of cubital vein much shorter, often scarcely developed... 4 4. Abdomen as long the the head and thorax together............ 6 Abdomen shorter than the. head and thorax together.......... 5 Pe ete MGIC: “CORES VOLO O55 crc e sche cas nie eye es be hubbardi Howard. Legs piceous, with trochanters, tibiz and tarsi more or less ea URO RLS DUM a ot aay ds sah Pa od ha oh oh ase: oid je) vile wen We dR columbianus Ashm. ee AU VETS WNCCOUS VOT’ DEO WI. e'e ic oe ww wie stapece eres @ da are ee dies 7 Wis veins cestaceous or honey-yellow.a.. 0... 0.6 6 ods ovine os ) 7 lead of female one and one-half times as long as wide, with more or less distinct scattered punctures............ os Head of female two times as long as wide, smooth and impune- TEE SIM Gy eect SRR cy ee Grae oe ee a politus Ashm. 8. Metanotum not margined laterally, parastigma as large as the SI OTS Ned Sh age eae Ot Gee ee ne a longiceps Kieff. Metanotum margined laterally, stigma larger than the para- AAI AMER RMF so sci pne See tag ie oan Some ovale eee ey oc occipitalis Kieff. * Exclusive of West Indian and Mexican species, and also of those with a closed discoidal cell. These latter are more properly to be regarded as forming the Genus Parasierola Cameron. 152 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 3. 9. Stump of cubital vein distinct; wings subhyaline, with black stigma’ and honey yellow veins 2.35 7. + :s 5 ca 2 ane floridana Ashm. 2%. Wings fusco-hyaline, marginal vein one and one-half times as long as. thes stimimalll.:c: t-te. accents Soe eee macrogaster Ashi. Wing's: Any alime 5.0%. 22s an < 0 She leke ooh a phe pe eeateen ce en aie Dedeeneee 4. Eead not "nargined behind, marginal vein one-third longer than the stigmas... 7+ ty ee ee oh ca Gt oe RRS Reet eaear ago punctata Kieff. Occiput and cheeks margined behind, marginal vein almost two times as long as: the stiomaliac.:. . 1s. stasheeee ..surfacei Sp. nov. Sparaison gregarium sp. nov. Female. Jength 4 mm. Black; legs, except coxz; mandibles and scape and pedicel of antenne, honey-yellow. Head coarsely rugoso- reticulate, frontal ridge projecting one-half the diameter of the eye in front of the eye-margin. Seen from above, the head is as wide as thick, the frontal ledge one-half as wide as the front, rounded anter- iorly, with a reflexed smooth margin. Face below the ridge arcuately transversely striated. Mandibles ferruginous. Antenne 12-jointed, 1907 | Brues, North American Parasitic Hymenoptera. 155 black. the seape, except extreme tip and the pedicel ferruginous. Seape broadly dilated at the tip; pedicel two-thirds the length of the first flagellar joint; second to seventh slightly wider than long, the following growing more slender, but of equal length. Prothorax very closely and rather finely punctate in front. Pronotum and mesonotum deeply and coarsely punctate, the pronotum closely, but the mesono- tum more sparsely apically toward the center. Parapsidal furrows vaguely defined by punctures, scapule punctate, with no trace of any groove. Seutellum with a punctate frenum, two times as wide as long, its surface coarsely punctate, the punctures much sparser toward the center. Postscutellum with a very short spine. Metanotum finely rugose, more or less distinctly areolated anteriorly, and with a V-shaped carina on each side, but no median one anteriorly. Meso- pleura with a large smooth space, metapleura with a smaller one. Metanotum with its upper lateral angles produced. Abdomen elongate ovate, as long as the head and thorax, coarsely longitudinally striated above, except along the posterior margins of the segments which are smooth and polished. Apical segments more or less punctate; sutures crenulate. Venter sparsely and rather coarsely punctate. Leg's weakly spinous, clothed with glistening hairs. Wings infuscated, the costal cell hyaline. Stigma separated from the submarginal vein; stigmal vein recurved, a trifleslonger than the indistinct postmarginal one, with an imperceptible knob at the tip. Marginal vein indistinctly indicated. except at base and tip, where it is not visible. Two females sent me by Mr. Nathan Banks. They were collected at Falls Church, Va., August 2. This species can be readily distinguished by the pale legs from any other in our fauna, except S. famelicum Say, which, however, has hyaline wings. The species of Sparaison so far discovered within the United States may be separated by means of the following table: 1. Wings hyaline, scapule with a distinet grooved longitudinal line, lego, (excepn Cox, loney-vyellow'(.) ..66 06... 6 san famelicum Say. Wings infusecated, scapule without a distinct grooved line.... 2 © Legs, except coxee, honey-yellow, antennal scape, honey-yellow. gregarium sp. nov. Lees principally black, sometimes with the tibiz and tarsi lighter, emote Ayan IG. S252 B.TiGecst ecelo nis hides ols aSW Mla So palace ove 3 156 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [ Vol. 5, No. 3. 3. Abdomen smooth and polished except at the sutures. pacificum Ashm. Abdomen longitudinally rugose or striate......... alat ands oe 4 4. Metanotum rugulose medially, without a central carina...... 5 Metanotum with a distinct carina medially at the base; scapule PUMCUDGR” oe 5-50) wdereo oem eee ile eet eet ar ae graenicheri Brues, 5. Frontal ledge broad, on the same plane as the vertex, scapule ENP UNE LAU. wie ore site lite Aa stent cis at ee ane pilosum Ashm. Frontal ledge not so broad and not on the same plane as the vertex, more “Obnque.o.. esc). oe ot ae = © eee ee ee nigrum Ashm. Hadronotus robustus sp. nov. Female. Length 1.7 mm. Entirely black; the tibize and tarsi dull rufcus. Head large, considerably wider than the thorax, and three times as wide as thick, the occiput arcuately excavated; its surface coarsely rugose. Occiput above with a finely raised line, vertex with- out any smooth areas; lateral ocelli about their own diameter from the eye margin. Eyes bare. Facial excavation above the antennze deep. transversely striated and margined by a raised’ line laterally. Antenne 12-jointed, clavate, black, with the tip of the pedicel rufous. Pedicel and first flagellar joint of equal length, second distinctly shorter, third small, quadrate, club fusiform, not very stout, the joints slightly transverse. Mesothorax and scutellum coarsely rugose ; no parapsidal furrows. Metathorax very short. Abdomen short, sub- globose. about as wide and as long as the thorax; first segment deeply grooved and ribbed longitudinally near its base, apically rugu- lose. Second segment twice as long as the first, and one-third as long as wide, rugulose basally and microscopically so near the apex; third segment less than one-half as long as the second; fourth still shorter, both sculptured like the apical half of the second. Venter finely punctulate. Pleurze rugose but still more or less shining. Legs black. knees, tibie and tarsi, except terminal joint, rufous. Wings hyaline, the venation yellowish brown. Marginal vein short, about one-half the length of the stigmal; postmarginal nearly twice the length of the stigmal. Described from one female specimen collected by the writer at Austin, Texas. The species is related to H. insularis Ashm. from Grenada, West Indies, and to H. rugiceps Ashm. from the United States. It differs from both in the relative lengths of the antennal joints and the seginents of the abdomen. 1907] Brues, North American Parasitic Hymenoptera. 157 FAMILY ICHNEUMONID. Orthopelma thompsoni sp. nov. Male and female. Length 3.75-4.25 mm. Head and thorax black; legs in part and abdomen beyond the petiole reddish. Head broad. almost three times as wide as thick. Face distinctly narrowed below. more strongly so in the male. Clypeus with an impressed line near the anterior margin which is raised and weakly emarginate. Mandi- bles black, elypeus reddish in the male. Palpi pale. Antenne short and rather stout, 18-19-jointed in the female and 22-jointed in the male. Flagellar joints decreasing in length apically except the last, which is twice as long as the preceding; first flagellar joint four times as long as thick, penultimate only slightly longer than thick. Surface of head shining, faintly punctate, more distinctly so on the occiput and cheeks. Eyes bare, elongate, twice as long as wide. Oeciput and cheeks margined behind. Mesonotum finely punctate, no trace of parapsidal furrows. Scutellum with a depression anteriorly and strengly convex posteriorly. Metanotum areolated, all the areas separated and distinct. Abdomen with a long petiole. which is at least four times as long as broad} spiracles prominent, placed near the basal third; its surface finely rugose, with a carina on each side from the spiracle nearly to the tip of the segment. Following segments polished. Ovipositor as long or a little longer than the abdominal petiole, reddish, its sheaths narrow, black and nearly bare. Meso- pleura polished. with a fovea near the center, margined behind and with a wide finely crenate furrow below. Legs moderately stout; pale ferruginous, hind femora except tip piceous, and hind tibize darker apically. Coxe and first joint of hind trochanters black. Tegule pale yellow, abdomen, except petiole, bright ferruginous, the segments often with darker spots laterally behind, especially in the male. Wings hyaline, stigma and veins piceous, the former broad and paler at the base. } es W. & F 3) vepiders of. the Homalattus Cisne of the Family Z tee 2. , “Spiders of the Marpeusa Group of the = Family. - July: 1902; ‘Vol. Il, No.1, Oct., 1902, CBO Rea en bil 25 cents” ee is publication is now “issued by” the Wisconsin ‘Archeological © y of Dewan kee, from whom. the later volumes s may. be ebm: yy Ge _DECEM EDITED BY THE SECRETARY 3 ‘ dp) | ‘bos : ih Ms be) pe | | ’ y A j i UgiP A VA f Seal EF, rk “*y ; 4 y 4 \ } i : Mo a r ys { 1 ¢ / lenperk * } { ary ys 7) ba 1% ( ¥ y - US j } H Sen ; av ; LJ , ) j ft ; ! d ONTEN c¢ - Howland Russel =. © of Mil ora | st of the Fl et wau kee County, a ss of Psen ok Se Heures L. Vierec Society. > “George P. Barth’ tory 1s nsin- ‘Natural H barth | 1sco sen Ps WwW AUKEE, WISCONSIN a gem ; of s _MILW KEOGH PRESS. THE EDw. der Act of Congress office, M (issued quarter Oct ~ Of tter; d as second-cl S., un Wi by = ilwaukee Ty.) . 24, 1906, at the post- as8. ma July 16, 1894, per es OFFICERS AND D DIRECTORS. ae Zax | Bagar E. Teller, | President. Satie gee hee. 165, 27th a Street, Mi wa — "Sigmund Graentcher oc tered 51 ; E ‘cal 4 al "PUBLISHING COMMITTEE, Se | Henry L. Ward, - => Geo. Ww. Peckham, eee 5 CBee E, “Monroe. Pate vu eeeee i oe : = > Spee RAE s EFS oy TR , ar Oe ure are all held on the last einanders of Sick ae tly and August, in the trustees’ ‘room in the Public » um suild: | Milwaukee. f ere es Ee ‘annum; Life ‘Members, one payment of Bitty dollars. A Spee BULLE TLN OF THE ° Wisconsin Natural History Society VOLUME V (NEW SERIES) EDITED BY THE SECRETARY. MILWAUKEE 1907 CONTENTS OF VOLUME V. eee RENNER gate eats PV oe weave boas wakes p slat edie 5 eardes C ewan eee Sede. The Origin of Species. By Charles Otis Whitman............... Wisconsin Flowers and Their Pollination. By S. Graenicher..... New Chalcid-flies from Cape Colony. By Charles T. Brues....... Notes and Descriptions of North American Parasitic Hymenop- pene eee ey Charles TS BEves sac. die cc vle msec weer tgs dees A Weasel New to Wisconsin’s Fauna. By Henry L. Ward........ Pee NEE Qa ai ates tala veer diet eia a's s.c1u's! seas Ps eM al te tem tice Notes on a New Guest-ant (Leptothoraz glacialis) and the Varities of Myrmica brevinodis. By William Morton Wheeler........ Wisconsin Flowers and Their Pollination. II. By S. Graenicher. Notes and Descriptions of North American Parasitic Hymenop- Setar lv. ot CHarlesi t. EUCK. Fe rcico a5 ve sien e's © ss sin eie oa ates On the Fertilization of the eggs of Asterias and Arbaca, By Ellen | MRED ayy leh aet practi eae Ome shal epee. a econ) ha 6 wid vista ela a cid n'a’ ca ade ale do es A New Apiocera from South Africa. By A. L. Melander.......... Additions to the Lepidopterous Fauna of Milwaukee County. i OMEN. MIRC RICOWWSICL. 5 6s o <.5 5) auis olejaaicls ae pcslese sen ere ove s tte BRN ote COS ea alae: ote oop 8 ars) sic wae dis. a)s de 6i8 01d daenee 2 UE CERN er tayo! le ga shel aide oie ol iA Psi e wi <'aie nae sles sem aieleanelal Seda Observations on the Nesting Habits of Gorytes canaliculatus, Papeate PeveGeeree .. BAPE. i o6.'os sen sce sea de ase cmacn et « Notes and Descriptions of North American Parasitic Hymenop- temneee try re Wenrbes sls ESS aid wicrarc v0 es's ee e'ea Sie es eee ei aeRO PAE UUCLOS So sie gig gf dele dd can tely oS S044 ode led ga cease spe dade ee ae RRR UNCUT ia) nets a hes aor dio nial sili g Sama Ausle Ca ae eee Ved Re ees BeOUCCOUIMOS® cose ac se veh asa, s ss vera sett a, Scaincicr A visticlsatwid w’e- aheva. sis yaetn."< A Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. By Howland ae aR rates yale aa W ae 0a wena ahah w favave’ oo Shier @ dic. 6 do eco aes @ ole 0i ee wwe A New Species of Psen. By Henry L. Viereck.............s0e8> On the Nesting Habits of Psen barthi. By George P. Barth...... List of Members of the Wisconsin Natural History Society....... INDEX TO VOLUME V. New species and new names are marked with an asterisk. OMIT ORCL ECIINUG 20 rac sia arais stare sles eves aie 's Uiale e146 os tind die a0's 160 Leeman OW UCL. WADILS: OF, 6) 0d, giao scl sash 4 aisles sdlee va ss sa 2 Uae COMUACTISE, DOUMIUAGION OF pare oc '< eine Sicls.a 6 ceo oa oiei6oae wleisiy eos 24 SPEC GOT RIUM: OMINATION, OF o/s 6 cies.c «)s.036 oan sis) 06 ovale (eo a.s.el eine eats 25 Tit bTLCOCCUNG, POLUMATION Of . 05.5. ive ds koa se tev eraceccessene 23 Pe AES OP LILUIOCODG co tek Gio tinle die eld Ose eS ee jtd Wie Nee Sawa e de e's Sees 107 BEM CEES CO PT CCU BE fa mars ok a 6 oi Beare. rashid Wale alg dard are e acecd Oe eyie Oe alah 108 ECC EO OR OUI SU a saber dra. ci okorG, avo ores. dood are'd shes a 6a; oe 6 bre: ataloeh: GW ea: ool 088 126 PENTOCCTUNMETUS TCLS TIOGG OF. sceiaiae old are 6 edie alniec ce ae @ Wie as oho melee 258 ee eV EET DIGIC Tried ho ee at Bi ak oh hol Pwd de a1 due be, Bae lala cs we oho metals 56 Stieas s Classineation ‘ANd. OFICIN Of... ds ea eas nade c dense el eeve 68 merece county, Ora Olt. iis. scse das ae ities. patos ase to aiokae 167 maiwvankee county, Lepidoptera. Of 5.605. 2s cen eee a eee tans sede 128 Mitella diphylla, pollination Of........ce.cscccscees Oars ee ‘e 88 Pireeimit COlMlECIING, BOAITESS ON ie faces de cliaec nancacetes ahaa Seah abbas 140 PaO GUCOLY.: CASEUSSION OE o ou ty oo 5ah5....usseneee 155 Species, Origin’ Of. yo. ik. cape etek hae bp oni eee = eee eee enn 6 Streptopus. roseus, pollination OF. o.2s os = cece ea ss bias oa sitid Pee 38 Strong, R. M., lecture Di «andl beak weak Goce dent eke a Tofeldim giutinose, pollination Of... 2.2.5 agi bwie one be eee wea Torelle, Ellen, on fertilization of echinoderm eggs...........- ‘pea ‘Transmission of diseases: by. insectS.......,:.. .. suk o> «sve Calis eee > —ie Trilium. cernuwm,. pollination. OF5 2 ...\s 6). sans ss wbinw ess a beeen . 44 Trillium. erectum,. pollination. Of... 3.25. 5 .:..s ss» siseiwe «yee 43 Tritium grandifiorum, pollination of. ..........00ces0ccevececaves 42 Trillium. nivale, pollination Of... .¢.2.ss 01%). vs» 65<5a ee 43 Tritium recurvatum, pollination Of... 2. 2 Ao .i sce ss cou es bee 45 Unifoum canadense, pollination Of ...........05e+sceseecccsesws 37 Utularia grandifiora, pollination of... 0.22.5. osc ns 2 oes See Eee 21 Vagnera racemosa, pollination. Of 722% owt... se hese eee ey Vagnera .steliata, pollination heen Lee oe Viereck,. H. L., on a-new’ species of PSeMn. . os. 0ises 2 ds acts Ss oe 237 Ward,. HH: i., ona new; Wisconsin, Weasel...) .. i 2 .5.2s seme eee 63 Weasel new to Wisconsin.............. o pp 8 sino hive & Sip ates ee 63 Weasel skins, exhibition of..... ane tis nek sh est eeeee mee eee Le 67 Waltliston, S. Wij sdechure by snk cass eee er ee so ae Wheeler; W.. 'M., on -a new-fuest-ants. + ove. ss oes comes Se »: | (agi Whitman, -C.:0., tecture: by 2s Fo 2b ses. a5 - 2 Sere eee eee ee eee : 5 Whitman, C. 0.,; on-the origin of Species. ....:....% oe Mieke Ree 5 6 eb iN OF: THE WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Vol. 5, New Series. DECEMBER, 1907 No. 4 PROCEEDINGS. Milwaukee, Sept. 26, 1907. Regular monthly meeting of the Society. President Teller in the chair and about fifty persons present. The name of Mrs. E. Ruemmelin was proposed for membership and she was elected by the board of directors. There being no further business Prof. I. N. Mitchell of the State Normal School spoke on “Burbank’s Work With Plants.” He de- scribed the early life of Mr. Burbank, his first experiments in plant breeding and the difficulties which he encountered at the beginning of his work. After referring to the peculiarly acute observation of Mr. Burbank and his fine and discriminating methods of plant selection, the speaker turned to a consideration of a number of the more im- portant new varieties of plants which Mr. Burbank has produced, il- lustrating his remarks by means of stereopticon pictures. After the lecture the meeting adjourned. Milwaukee, Oct. 10, 1907. Meeting of the combined sections: President Teller in the chair and Mrs. Ruemmelin. Messrs. Brues, Colles, Edwards, Finger, Graenicher, Landau, Monroe, Russell and Ward present. Mr. Colles exhibited some rocks and minerals from Northern Ontario. Among them was a fine specimen of dendritic sil- ver, probably deposited from solution; some cobalt bloom and some glaciated slate. Mr. Monroe exhibited specimens of asters collected in September in the east. These included the following forms: Aster divaricatus, L., and varieties; A. Claytoni Burg; A undulatus L., and variety; A. patens, L., and A. aeuminatus Michz.; all from western Massachusetts or Connecticut; A. ericoides Iu. from western Connecticut and A. eri 163 164 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. coides pilosus (Willd.) from northern Ohio. He also exhibited in con- nection with the two last, specimens of A. favoni Porter and A. prin- . glei Gray, the former from northeastern Illinois, the latter from cen- tral Wisconsin. Mr. Monroe knew of no reason why the species above named should not all occur in Wisconsin, but he had never found the New England species in this state. The members were very much interested in Mr. Monroe’s exhibi- tion and there’ was a considerable amount of discussion concerning certain species. The meeting then adjourned. Milwaukee, Oct. 24, 1907. Regular eae nehte meeting of the Society. Vice President Ward in the chair and 47 persons present. The names of Mr. Charles B. Weil, 286 Knapp St.; Dr. Geo. W. C. Meyer, Oconomowoc, Wis.; Robert W. Martin, Jr., 3107 Cedar St., and Miss Alice Childs, East Side High School, were proposed for active membership in the Society, and they were elected at the directors’ meeting following. , There being no further business, Mr. Howland Russel addressed the meeting on “A Visit to Linnzus,” a retrospection on the life, home and character of the great pioneer naturalist gleaned from the writings of his contemporaries. Mr. Russell gave a brief description of the personality of Linnzus, followed by a biography considering the more important epochs in his life with his achievements during each. At the close he pointed out the immense amount of work accomplished by Linnzus and its place as the basis of all present systematic botany and zoology. After some discussion on the part of various members the méeting adjourned. Milwaukee, Nov. 14, 1907. Meeting of the combined sections. President Teller in the chair and about 50 persons present. Mr. Colles spoke on the origin and deposition of the Principal Ores of Copper and its extraction. The speaker described the most important ores of copper and classified them according to their chemical constitution. He de- scribed the manner in which ores are deposited, more particularly their relation to watery solutions, their geographical distribution and abundance. He also described the methods of extracting the metal from several of the more important types of ores. After he had finished some of the members joined in a short discussion on certain 1907] Proceedings. 165 points. Mr. Brues then exhibited a series of plants collected by the Museum expedition into northern Wisconsin during the past summer. He also showed a number of lantern slides illustrating the general aspect of the localities examined by the expedition. The meeting then adjourned. Milwaukee, Nov. 21, 1907. Regular monthly meeting of the Society. President Teller in the chair and about 60 persons present. Dr. Geo. W. Peckham spoke on Recent Additions to Our Knowl- edge of the Habits of Wasps. The speaker described the wonderful stinging instincts of certain wasps and then showed the advancing steps in the evolution of such instincts as illustrated by living species in different families. He was followed by Dr. S. Graenicher, who dis- cussed the habits of bees from the standpoint of recent discoveries. He dealt particularly with the locality and direction senses so fre- quently attributed to certain Hymenoptera. The recent concensus of opinion seems to be that these instincts are largely built up on indi- vidual experience and visual memory of objects whose position has to be learned by the bees. The meeting then adjourned. Cmeck (lIst) OF VTHE;thLORA |.OF. MILWAUKER COUNTY. By HowLAND RUSSEL. The following list is, of course, mainly a compilation of the two lists of W. M. Wheeler, published in April, 1888, and April ’89, with those of W. T. Bennetts, published July, 1900, and Jan. 1902, all of which were issued as bulletins of this society. To them have been added the names of such species as have been re- ported since the last of those lists was published. The generic and specific names used in those lists have been altered, wherever necessary, to bring them in accord with the latest authorities. There are several species given in the old lists which probably were never found in this county, but were so recorded as a result of imperfect identification. But, as this cannot be conclusively proven, these names have been included in the present list, although those plants are not now found in the localities men- tioned. There are others reported from localities the character of which has so changed that the species recorded are no longer found there, although they may perhaps grow elsewhere in the county. This is notably the case with those plants given as found in “Larkins Tamarack Swamp” (Sec. 1 Town of Greenfield.) This swamp has entirely disappeared, the trees have been cut away, the soil drained and the entire tract divided into vegetable gardens, so that there is now practically no trace of the original flora. The same is true of one or two localities from which spe- cies were reported by Rev. T. A. Bruhin. Some of these spe- cies, it may be confidently stated, no longer grow in the county. The present list is doubtless more or less incomplete in several ways, for new species are constantly being added to our records as certain groups of plants and certain localities are more care- fully studied. Except in the neighborhood of the lake, the ex- treme Northern and Southern parts of the county have received very little attention or study, and there are but few records from 167 168 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. these districts. The increase in facilities for reaching them, by means of electric cars, will probably add to our acquaintance with their flora. So, too, there are doubtless many in the city who are interested in botany and who could greatly aid in making a more complete plant census, if they would but report the results of their studies where they could be properly recorded. New plants also are added to our flora. by the introduction of seeds, brought here in rubbish and waste materials. The list is, how- ever, as complete as our present knowledge of the flora of the county makes possible. In this list the arrangement of families is that given by Engler and Prantl; the nomenclature is that adopted, so far as com- pleted, by the editors of the new Gray’s Manual, which is soon to be published. Where the names so given differ from those used in the second edition of Britton’s Manual, the latter are in- serted as synonyms, printed in italics. There are a number of generic and specific names which are liable to still further change to bring them in full accord with the rules of nomenclature adopted by the Vienna Botanical Congress, but these changes have not as yet been fully decided upon, nor are American botanists agreed as to the acceptance of this code. In the genus Crategus the names of the original species, from which Prof. Sargent has made numerous new species, are here given as svnonyms, although not strictly such. The editors of the new Gray’s Manual have very kindly given a great deal of time and labor in so correcting the names in the list as to bring them up to date. Thanks are also due to Dr. S. Graenicher, Mr. Wm. Finger, Dr. H. V. Ogden and Prof. E. J. Hill of Chicago for the great assistance they have given in the preparation of this list. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 169 OPHIOGLOSSACE A‘. Botrychium viginianum (L.) Sw. Botrychium. Throughout county. Common. OSMUNDACE. Osmunda regalis L. Royal Fern. Throughout county. Locally abundant. O. cinnamomea L. Cinnamon Fern. Common near St. Francis and locally throughout county. O. Claytoniana L. Clayton’s Fern. Throughout county. Locally abundant. POLYPODIACEA®. Adiantum pedatum L. Maiden-hair Fern, Throughout county. Common. Pteris aquilina L. Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn. Throughout county. Occasional. Cryptogramma Stelleri (Gmel.) Prantl. Rock-brake. In Town of Franklin. Asplenium Filix-femina (L.) Bernh. Lady Fern. Throughout county. Common. Camptosorus rhizophyllus (L.) Link. Walking-fern. Menomonee Valley. Very rare. Reported from Town of Franklin. Aspidium Thelypteris (L.) Sw. Dryopteris Thelypteris (L.) Gray. Shield Fern. Sec. 27, Oak Creek. Abundant. A. cristatum (L.) Sw. Dryopteris cristata (L.) Gray. Throughout county. A. spinulosum (O. F. Muller) Sw. Dryopteris spinulosa (Retz.) Kuntze. Sec. 5 Greenfield. Abundant. A. spinulosum var. intermedium. .D. C. Eaton. Dryopteris spinulosa intermedia (Muhl.) Underw. Sec. 27, Town of Lake. Cystopteris bulbifera (L.) Bernh. Filic bulbifera (L.) Underw. Bladder Fern. Menomonee Valley, and in Sec. 29, Town of Milwaukee. C. fragilis (L.) Bernh. Filix fragilis (L.) Underw. Throughout county. Common. 170 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol.5, No. 4. Onoclea Struthiopteris (L.) Hoffm. Mateuccia Struthiopteris (1.) Todaro. Ostrich Fern. Wauwatosa. O. sensibilis L. Sensitive Fern. Throughout county. Locally abundant. EQUISETACEA. Equisetum arvense L. Field Horse Tail. Everywhere. Common. E. sylvaticum L. Throughout county. Occasional. E. fluviatile L. Menomonee Valley. Occasional. E. hyemale L. Scouring-rush. Throughout county. Locally abundant. E. variegatum Schleich. Lake shore and Milwaukee River. Common. LYCOPODIACEAS Lycopodium lucidulum Michx. Club-moss. Near New Coeln. L. clavatum L. Running Pine. Near New Coeln. PINACE 4. Pinus strobus L. White Pine. Found sparingly along lake shore from Whitefish Bay to northern limit of county. Larix laricina (Du Roi.) Koch. Larch. Tamarack. Confined to a few small unreclaimed swamps throughout county. Formerly abundant. Thuja occidentalis L. Arbor Vite. Not uncommon along lake shore, also in a few scattered localities. Juniperus communis L. Common Juniper. Found sparingly along lake shore bluffs. J. communis var. depressa Pursh. J. nana Willd. Low Jupiter. More or less common throughout county, especially so near lake. J. vinginiana L. Red Cedar. Occasional. J. horizontalis Moench. J. Sabina L. Shrubby Red Cedar. Reported by T. Bruhin. Not found now in county. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 171 TY PHACHCAS. Typha latifolia L. Broad-leaved Cat tail. Locally common. SPARGANIACE A. Sparganium eurycarpum Engelm. Broad Fruited Bur-reed. Occasional throughout county. S. simplex Huds. Simple-stemmed Bur-reed. Along the Kinnickinnic River. NAIADACE. Potamogeton natans L. Common Pondweed. Common. P. amplifolius Tuckerm. Large-leaved Pondweed. Collected in county by Dr. H. E. Hasse. P. Nuttallii Cham. and Sch. Nutall’s Pondweed. Collected in county by Dr. H. E. Hasse. P. foliosus Raf. Leafy Pondweed. Not uncommon. P. diversifolius Raf. Rafinesque’s Pondweed. Collected in county by Dr. H. E. Hasse. P. pectinatus L. Fennel-leaved Pondweed. Reported by T. A. Bruhin from lake shore. JUNCAGINACEZ:. SCHEUCHZERIACEAE. Triglochin palustris L. Marsh Arrow-grass. Locally along lake shore north of city. Not common. ALISMACE A. Alisma Plantago-aquatica L. Water Plantain. Abundant. Sagittaria latifolia Willd. Broad-leaved Arrow-head. Throughout county. Common. S. rigida Pursh. Sessile-fruited Arrow-head. Collected in county by Dr. H. E. Hasse. 172 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. HYDROCHARITACE. VALLISN ERIACEAE. Elodea canadensis Michx. Philotria Canadensis (Michx.) Britton. Water-weed. Common. Vallisneria spiralis L. Tape grass. In Milwaukee River in northern part of county. GRAMINEE. Andropogon scoparius Michx. Broom Beard-grass. Near rolling mills in Bay View. A. furcatus Muhl. Forked Beard-grass. In southwestern part of county. Digitaria humifusa Pers. Syntherisma linearis (Krock.) Nash. Small Crab-grass. Town of Franklin. D. sanguinale (L.) Scop. Syntherisma sanguinalis (L.) Dulac. Large Crabgrass. Near New Coeln. Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. Barnyard-grass. Not uncommon. Panicum capillare L. Witch-grass. Common everywhere. P. dichotomum L. Forked Panicum. Near New Coeln. P. Porterianum Nash. Porter’s Panicum. In Wauwatosa and along banks of Milwaukee River, near city limits. Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv. Chaetochloa glauca (L.) Scribn. Yellow Fox-tail. Locally common. S. viridis (L.) Beauv. Chaectochloa viridis (L.) Scribn. Green Fox-tail grass. Menomonee Valley and other localities. Cenchrus tribuloides L. Bur-grass. Southern part of Bay View. Zizania aquatica L. Wild Rice. Common in the Menomonee Valley. Leersia virginica Willd. Homalocenchrus Virginicus (Willd.) Britton. White-grass. Common. 1907 | Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 173 L. oryzoides (L.) Sw. Homalocenchrus oryzoides (L.) Poll. Rice Cut-grass. Common. Phalaris arundinacea L. Reed Canary-grass, In the Menomonee Valley and north of New Coeln. Bruhin. P. cananariensis L. Canary-grass. Found in several places in the city. Hierochloe odorata (L.) Wahlenb. Savastana odorata (L.) Scribn. Holy grass. Occasional in the Menomonee Valley. Stipa spartea Trin. Porcupine grass. Southern part of Bay View. Oryzopsis asperifolia Michx. White-grained Mountain Rice. Southern part of county. Milium effusum (L.) Trin.. Meadow Muhlenbergia. Town of Lake. Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trin. Meadow Muhlenbergia. Occasional in Wanwatosa. M. sylvatica Torr. Minnesota Muhlenbergia. Wauwatosa. Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv. Brachyelytrum. In Town of Lake. Phleum pratense L. Timothy. Common everywhere. Alopecurus geniculatus L. Marsh Fox-tail. Common. Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) Gray. Sand Dropseed. In Bay View. Agrostis alba L. Red top. Herd-grass. Within the city. A. perennans (Walt.) Tuckerm. Thin-grass. Wauwatosa. A. hyemalis (Walt.) B.S. P. Rough Hair-grass. Common in Town of Lake. Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) Beauv. Blue Joint-grass. Near New Coeln. 174 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol.5, No. 4. Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link. Sea Sand-reed. Occasional. Avena sativa L. Oat. Occasionally escaped from cultivation. Melica striata (Michx.) Hitch. Avena striata Michx. Purple Oat. Town of Greenfield. Danthonia spicata (L.) Beauv. Wild Oat-grass. Common throughout county. Spartina cynosuroides (L.) Roth. Tall Marsh-grass. Milwaukee river, north of city limits. Phragmites vulgaris (Lam.) B. S. P. Phragmites Phragmites (U.) Karst. Reed. Southern part of county. Eragrostis capillaris (L.) Nees. Capillary Eragrostis. Near New Coeln. E. minor Host. £. Eragrostis (l.) Karst. Low Eragrostis. Bay View. E. major Host. Strong-scented Eragrostis. Reported by W. J. Bennetts from Menomonee Valley, near Sixth St. viaduct. E. hypnoides (Lam.) B.S. P. Creeping Eragrostis. Near Forest Home Cemetery. Dactylis glomerata I.. Orchard grass. Throughout county. Rare. Poa annua L. Low Spear-grass. Throughout county. P. triflora Gilib. P. flava L. False Red-top. Within city limits. P. pratensis L. Kentucky Blue-grass. June-grass. Common everywhere. P. glauca Vahl. Glaucous Spear-grass. Reported by Dr. L. Sherman. P. debilis Torr. Weak Spear-grass. Reported by Lapham. P. compressa L. Wire grass. Near New Coeln. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 175 Glyceria nervata (Willd.) Trin. Panicularia nervata (Willd.) Kuntze. Nerved Manna-grass. Southern part of county. G. grandis Wats. Panicularia Americana (Torr.) Mac M. Reed Meadow-grass. Reported by A. Conrath as found in county. G. septentrionalis Hitch. Panicularia fluitans (L.) Kuntze. Floating Manna-grass. Reported by A. Conrath as found in county. Festuca ovina var. duriuscula (L.) Koch. Sheep’s Fescue-grass. Reported by A. Conrath as within city limits. F. nutans Spreng. Nodding Fescue-grass. Near New Coeln. Bromus ciliatus L. Fringed Brome-grass. Throughout county. B. Kalmii Gray. Kalm’s Chess. Near New Coeln. B. hordeaceus L. Soft Chess. In Menomonee Valley. B. secalinus L. Cheat. Chess. Throughout county. Lolium perenne L. Ray grass. Town of Franklin. Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. Couch grass. Menomonee Valley. Hordeum jubatum L. Squirrel-tail grass. Abundant in northern part of county. Elymus virginicus L. Terrell-grass. Town of Lake. E. canadensis L. Nodding Wild-rye. Near New Coeln. E. arenarius L. Downy Lyme-grass. Bay View. Hystrix patula Moench. Hystrix Hystrix (L.) Mills. Bottle-brush grass. Throughout county. Common. 176 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. CYPERACEA#,. Cyperus flavescens L. Yellow Cyperus. Town of Greenfield. C. diandrus Torr. Low Cyperus. Common in south and west part of county. C. esculentus L. Yellow Nut-grass. Milwaukee River, north of city limits. C. Engelmanni Steud. Engelmann’s Cyperus. Milwaukee River, north of city limits. C. strigosus L. Straw-colored Cyperus. Near New Coeln. Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britton. Dulichium. Common throughout county. Eleocharis palustris (L.) R. & S. Creeping Spike-rush. Common throughout county. E. palustrus var. glaucescens (Willd.) Gray. Milwaukee River, north of city limits. E. acicularis (L.) R. & S. Needle Spike-rush. National Ave., just west of city limits. E. tenuis (Willd.) Schultes. Slender Spike-rush. Town of Lake. E. acuminata (Muhl.) Nees. Flat-stemmed Spike-rush. Reported by Dr. L. Sherman. Scirpus americanus Pers. Three-square. Chair-maker’s rush. Locally common. S. validus Vahl. S. lacustris L. Great Bulrush. Wauwatosa. S. atrovirens Muhl. Dark-green Bulrush. Common everywhere. S. cyperinus (L.) Kunth. Wool-grass. In southern part of county. S. Eriophorum (L.) Michx. 8S. cyprinus Eriophorum (Michx.) Britton. Dark-green Bulrush. Common everywhere. Eriophorum polystachyon L. Tall Cotton-grass. In southern and western parts of county. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 177 E. gracile Roth. Slender Cotton grass. Reported from Sec. 1, Town of Greenfield. Rynchospora glomerata (L.) Vahl. Clustered Beaked-rush. South side of Menomonee Valley, near city limits. Cladium mariscoides (Muhl.) Torr. Twig-rush. Reported by Dr. L. Sherman. Carex intumescens Rudge. Bladder Sedge. Cc. Near New Coeln. lupulina Muhl. Hop Sedge. Common. lupuliformis Sartwell. Hop-like Sedge. Occasional. vesicaria L. var. monile (Tuckerm.) Fernald. C. monile Tuckerm. Necklace Sedge. Near New Coeln. lurida Wahlenb. Sallow Sedge. Occasional south. hystricina Muhl. Porcupine Sedge. Whitefish Bay and Menomonee Valley. trichocarpa Muhl. Hairy-fruited Sedge. See. 1. Town of Greenfield. Houghtonii Torr. Houghton’s Sedge. Occasional. filiformis L. Slender Sedge. Southern part of the city. stricta Lam. Tussock Sedge. Locally common. gracillima Schwein. Graceful Sedge. Near New Coeln. granularis Muhl. Meadow Sedge. Near New Coeln. conoidea Schk. Field Sedge. Near Wauwatosa. laxiflora Lam. TLoose-flowered Sedge. Lake Woods. 178 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. C. aurea Nutt. Golden-fruited Sedge. Wauwatosa and along lake shore. C. pennsylvanica Lam. Pennsylvania Sedge. Common. C. nove-anglie Schwein. New England Sedge. National Ave., near city limits. C. przcox Jacq. Vernal Sedge. New Coeln, according to T. A. Bruhin. C. pubescens Muhl. Pubescent Sedge. New Coeln. Rare. C. scirpoidea Michx. Scirpus-like Sedge. Sec. 1, Town of Greenfield. C. leptalea Wahlenb. Bristle-stemmed Sedge. See. 1, Town of Greenfield. C. stipata Muhl. Awl-fruited Sedge. Within city limits. C. vulpinoidea Michx. Fox Sedge. Common, especially south. C. setacea Dewey. Bristly-spiked Sedge. Common. C. Sartwellii Dewey. Sartwell’s Sedge. In a tamarack swamp Sec. 5, Town of Greenfield. C. tenella Schk. Soft-leaved Sedge. Occasional in southern part of county. C. rosea Schk. Stellate Sedge. National Ave., near city limits. C. sparganoides Muhl. Bur-reed Sedge. New Coeln. C. cephalophora Muhl. Oval-headed Sage. New Coeln. C. stellulata Good. C. sterilis Willd. Little Prickly-sedge. See. 1, Town of Greenfield. C. stellulata Good. var. cephalantha Bailey. C. sterilis cephalantha Bailey. Sec. 1, Town of Greenfield. 1907 | Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. C. interior Bailey. Inland Sedge. Fish Creek. C. tenuiflora Wahlenb. Sparse-flowered sedge. Same locality as above. C. trisperma Dewey. Three-fruited Sedge. Same locality as above. C. Deweyana Schwein. Dewey’s Sedge. National Ave., near city limits. C. bromoides Schk. Brome-like Sedge. New Coeln. C. siccata Dewey. Hillside Sedge. See. 1, Town of Greenfield. _C. scoparia Schk. Pointed Broom Sedge. Within city limits, according to A. Conrath. ARACE AX. Arisema triphyllum (L.) Schott. Indian Turnip. Common, Calla palustris L. Water Arum. Reported by T. Bruhin from near New Coeln. Symplocarpa feetida (L.) Nutt. Spathyema fetida (L.) Raf. Skunk Cabbage. Common. Acorus Calamus L. Sweet Flag. Occasional throughout county. LEMNACE/. Spirodela polyrhiza (l.) Schleid. Greater Duckweed. Common. Lemna trisulca L. Ivy-leaved Duckweed. Common. L. minor L. Lesser Duckweed. Common. COMMELINACE AL. Tradescantia virginiana L. Spiderwort. Occasional in south and west parts of county. 179 180 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. PONTEDERIACE A. Heteranthera dubia (Jacq.) Mac M. Water Star-grass. In Milwaukee River, near city limits. JUNCACEZE. Juncus effusus L. Common Rush. Locally common. J. bufonius L. Toad Rush. Locally common. J. marginatus Rostk. Grass-leaved Rush. Reported by Dr. L. Sherman. J. alpinus Vill. var. insignis Fries. J. Richardsonianus Schult. Richardson’s Rush. Lake shore, south of: city. J. mnodosus L. Knotted Rush. ‘Common. Luzula pilosa Willd. Juncoides piloswm (L.) Kuntze. Hairy Wood-rush. Lake Woods, Whitefish Bay and Fish Creek. Occasional. L. campestris (L.) DC. var. multiflora (Ehrh.) Celak. Juncoides campestre (L.) Kuntze. Common Wood-rush. Occasional. LILAACE AS. MELANTHACEAE. Tofieldia glutinosa (Michx.) Pers. Tofieldia. Locally along bluffs of lake shore. Uvularia perfoliata L. Perfoliate Bellwort. Whitefish Bay. U. grandiflora J. E. Smith. Large-flowered Bellwort. Common. LILIACEAE. Allium tricoccum Ait. Wild Leek. Common. A. cernuum Roth. Nodding Wild Onion. Locally common. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 181 A. canadense L. Meadow Garlic. Common. ‘Lilium philadelphicum L. var andinum (Nutt) Ker. LL. wmbellatum Pursh. Western Red Lily. Bluffs of lake shore, north of Whitefish Bay. Reported by Wheeler as L. Philadelphicum L. L. canadense L. Canada Lily. Common. L. superbum L. Turk’s-cap Lily. Reported by Bennetts. No specimen in Public Museum. Not found since. Erythronium americanum Ker. Yellow Adder’s tongue. Common. E. albidum Nutt. White Adder’s-tongue. Common. CONVALLARIACEAE. Asparagus officinalis L. Asparagus. Common. Clintonia borealis (Ait.) Raf. Yellow Clintonia. Locally common. Smilacina racemosa (L.) Desf. Vagnera racemosa (U.) Morong. Wild Spikenard. Common. S. stellata (L.) Desf. V. stellata (L.) Morong. Star-flowered Solomon’s Seal. Common. S. trifolia (L.) Desf. V. trifolia (L.) Morong. Three-leaved Solomon’s Seal. Common. Majanthemum canadense Desf. Unifoliwm Canadense (Desf.) Greene. False Lily-of-the-Valley. Common, Streptopus roseus Michx. Sessile-leaved Twisted-stalk. Whitefish Bay and Wauwatosa. Not Common. Polygonatum biflorum (Walt.) Ell. Salomonia biflora (Walt.) Britton. Hairy Solomon’s Seal. Common. P. commutatum (R. & S.) Dietr. Salomonia commutata (R. & S.) Britton. Smooth Solomon’s Seal. Common. 182 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. Trillium recurvatum Beck. Prairie Trillium. In western part of county. T. nivale Riddell. Early Trillium. Wauwatosa, Very local, rare. T. grandiflorum (Michx.) Salisb. Large-flowered Trillium. Abundant in most woods. T. erectum L. Ill-scented Trillium. Reported from several parts of county. T. cernuum L. Nodding Trillium. Fairly common. SMILACEAE. Smilax herbacea L. Carrion Flower. Fairly common. S. ecirrhata (Engelm.) S. Wats. Upright Smilax. Common. S. hispida Muhl. Hispid Greenbrier. Fairly common. AMARYLEIDACEH A: Hypoxis hirsuta L. Coville. Star-grass. Not common. DIOSCORE ACE AL. Dioscorea villosa L. Wild Yam-root. Not uncommon. IRIDACE.. Iris versicolor L. Larger Blue Flag. Common. I. lacustris Nutt. Dwarf Lake Iris. Wauwatosa. One station. Sisyrinchium angustifolium Miller. Northern Blue-eyed Grass. Locally common. S. gramineum Curtis. S. graminoides Bicknell. Common Blue-eyed Grass. Keported from Wauwatosa by John A. Brandon. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 183 ORCEIDACEH Au. Cypripedium acaule Ait. Stemless Ladies Slipper. Reported by W. M. Wheeler. Not now found in county. C. hirsutum Mill. C. reginae Walt. Showy Ladies Slipper. In a few places. Becoming very rare. C. parviflorum Salisb. Small Yellow Ladies Slipper. Very: rare, C. parviflorum Salisb. var. pubescens (Willd.) Knight. C. hirsutum Mill. Large Yellow Ladies Slipper. Throughout county. Not common. Orchis spectabilis L. Galeorchis spectabilis (.) Rybd. Showy Orchis. Throughout county. Not common. Habenaria bracteata (Willd.) R. Br. Coeloglossum bracteatum (Willd.) Parl. Low Bracted Orchis. Throughout county. Not common. H. hyperborea (L.) R. Br. Limnorchis hyperborea (L.) Rybd. Tall Leafy Green Orchis. Reported by Wheeler. Probably the following. H. media Rybd. Limnorchis media Rybd. Intermediate Bog Orchis. Throughout county. Common. H. dilatata (Pursh.) Gray. Limnorchis dilatata (Pursh.) Rybd. Tall White Bog Orchis. Reported by Wheeler. Not reported recently. H. Hookeri Torr. Lysias Hookeriana (Gray.) Rybd. Hooker’s Orchis. South and west parts of county. Rare. H. lacera (Michx) R. Br. Blephariglottis lacera (Michx.) Rybd. Ragged Orchis. In Wheeler’s list, as from Sec. 1, Greenfield. H. psycodes (L.)Gray. Blephariglottis psycodes (.) Rybd. Smaller Purple-fringed Orchis. Throughout county. Occasional, Pogonia ophioglossoides (L.) Ker. Rose Pogonia. Reported by T. A. Bruhin. Probably not now found in county. walopogon pulchellus (Sw.) R. Br. Limodoruwm tuberosum L. Grass-pink. Calopogon. Reported by T. A. Bruhin. Prob- ably not now found in county. 184 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. Spiranthes Romanzoffiana Cham. Gyrostachys stricta Rybd. Hooded Ladies Tresses. One locality near Whitefish Bay. S. latifolia Torr. Gyrostachys plantaginea (Raf.) Britton. : Wide-leaved Ladies Tresses. Along Milwaukee River. Rare. S. cernua (L.) Richard. Gyrostachys cernua (l.) Kuntze. Nodding Ladies Tresses. Reported by Phillip Wells from Greenfield. Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R. Br. Peramium pubescens (Willd.) Mae M. Downy Rattlesnake Plantain. Seo. 32, Town of Oak Creek. Acroanthes monophylla (l..) Greene. White Adders mouth. Collected in county by Dr. H. E. Hasse. Aplectrum spicatum (Walt.) B.S. P. Putty-root. Adam and Eve. Two localities in Wauwatosa and Greenfield. Becoming rare. Corallorrhiza neottia Scop. C. Corallorhiza (L.) Karst. Early Coral-root. Reported by Wheeler from Sec. 1, Green- field. Not reported since. C. multiflora Nutt. Large Coral-root. Collected in county by Dr. H. E. Hasse. SALICACE. Populus alba L. White or Silver Poplar. Escaping from cultivation. Planted along streets. P. candicans Ait. Balm of Gilead. Escaping from cultivation. Planted as a shade tree. P. balsamifera L. Balsam Poplar. In Wheeler’s list. Not reported since. P. nigra L. var. italica Du Roi. Lombardy Poplar. Escaping from cultivation. Formerly planted extensively. P. deltoides Marsh. Cottonwood. Occasional throughout county. Common in Menomonee Valley. P. grandidentata Michx. Large-toothed Aspen. Common throughout county. P. tremuloides Michx. American Aspen. Common throughout county. 1907 | Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. Salix nigra Marsh. Black Willow. S. Throughout county. Not common. nigra var. falcata (Pursh.) Torr. Probably conspecific with S. nigra. amygdaloides Anders. Peach-leaved Willow. Abundant throughout county. lucida Muhl. Shining Willow. Common. serissima (Bailey.) Fernald. Whitefish Bay. Near New Coeln. fragilis L. Crack Willow. Sparingly planted. Occasionally escaped from cultivation. alba LL. White Willow. Cultivated in city parks under name of S. regalis. alba var. vitellina (L.) Koch. S. vitellina L. White Willow. A shade tree throughout city. pentandra L. NS. laurifolia Hort. Cultivated in city parks. babylonica L. Weeping Willow. Cultivated. Occasionally escaped. babylonica var. dolorosa. Wisconsin Weeping Willow. Cultivated in city parks. glaucophylla Bebb. Broad-leaved Willow. Common in neighborhood of lake shore. cordata Muhl. Heart-leaved Willow. Common throughout county. pedicellaria Pursh. 8S. myrtilloides L. Bog Willow. In Wheeler’s list. Not reported since. longifolia Muhl. S. fluviatilis Nutt. Sand-bar Willow. Common. petiolaris J. E. Smith. Slender Willow. Throughout county. Fairly common. discolor Muhl. Glaucous Willow. Very common. rostrata Richards. 8S. Bebbiana Sarg. Bebb’s Willow. Common. 185 186 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. S. tristis Ait. Dwarf Gray Willow. Reported by J. A. Brandon in 1900. Not reported since. S. candida Fluegge. Hoary Willow. Reported from Greenfield and Oak Creek. Very rare, if not now extinct in county. S. viminalis L. Osier Willow. In Wheeler’s list. Probably confused with the following species. S. purpurea L. Purple Willow. Escaped from cultivation. Locally common throughout county. JUGLANDACEZ. Juglans nigra L. Black Walnut. Formerly abundant. Not common now. J. cinerea L. Butternut. Throughout county. Occasional. Carya cordiformis (Wang.) K. Koch. Hicoria minima (Marsh.) Britton. Bitter-nut. Throughout county. Not common. C. ovata (Mill.) Ik. Koch. Hicoria ovata (Mill.) Britton. Shag-bark Hiecory. Throughout county. Fairly common. Given in Wheeler’s list as C. alba Nutt. C. glabra (Mill.) Spach, Hicoria glabra (Mill.) Britton. Pignut. Reported from Wauwatosa. Probably planted. BE TULAGE As. Carpinus caroliniana Walt. Blue Beech. Hornbeam. Throughout county. Occasional. Ostrya virginiana (Mill.) K. Koch. Iron-wood. Hop-hornbeam. Throughout county. Common. Corylus americana Walt. Hazel-nut. Common. C. rostrata Ait. Beaked Hazel-nut. Not so commo as C. americana.. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 187 Betula alba var. papyrifera (Marsh.) Spach. B. papyrifera Marsh. Paper Birch. Common near lake shore. B. lenta L. Black Birch. In northern part of county, also reported from Greenfield. B. iutea Michx.f. Yellow Birch. Throughout county. Occasional. B. glandulosa Michx. Scrub Birch. “Lincoln Ave. Swamps,” Menomonee Valley in Wauwatosa and Kinnickinnic River, near Forest Home Cemetery. B. pumila L. Low Birch. Reported by W. M. Wheeler from Sec. 1, Greenfield. Alnus mollis Fernald. A. Alnobetula (Ebrh.) K. Koch. Green Alder. Near Oak Creek Station. A. rugosa (Du Roi.) Spreng. Smooth Alder. Common throughout county. FAGACE Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. /'. Americana Sweet. Beech. Throughout county. Common. Quercus rubra L. Red Oak. Common throughout county. Q. coccinea Muench. Scarlet Oak. Throughout the county. Q. cellipsoidalis E. J. Hill. Hill’s Oak. Throughout county. Given as Q. palustris in Wheeler’s list. Q. velutina Lam. Black Oak. Throughout county. Q. alba L. White Oak. Common. Q. stellata Wang. Q. minor (Marsh.) Sarg. Post Oak. Reported by Wheeler. Probably Q. alba L. Q. macrocarpa Michx. Bur Oak. Common throughout county. Q. bicolor Willd. Q. platanoides (Lam.) Sudw. Swamp White Oak. Common throughout county. s 188 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. URTICACE As ULMACEAE. Ulmus americana L. White Elm. Common. U. racemosa Thomas. Cork or Rock Elm. In western part of county and occasional in eastern portion. UL. fulva Michx. Red or Slippery Elm. Throughout county. Celtis occidentalis L. Sugar-berry. Nettle-tree. Along Milwaukee River in extreme northern part of county; also in Menomonee Valley. MORACEAE. Humulus Lupulus L. Hop Occasionally escaped from cultivation. Cannabis sativa L. Hemp. Occasionally escaped from cultivation. URTICACEAE. Urtica dioica L. Great Nettle. Common. U. gracilis Ait. Slender Nettle. Common. Laportea canadensis (L.) Gaud. Urticastrwm divaricatum (L.) Kuntze. Wood Nettle. Common sounth and west. Pilea pumila (L.) Gray. Adicea pumila (L.) Raf. Clear-weed. Richweed. ‘Throughout county. Common. Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Sw. False Nettle. Common. Parietaria pennsylvanica Muhl. Pellitory. A weed in gardens. SANTALACE:. Commandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. Bastard Toad Flax. In southern part of county, in Menomonee Valley and at Whitefish Bay. Not common. 1907 | Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 189 ARISTOLOCHIACEL. Asarum canadense L. Wild Ginger. In Menomonee Valley and along Milwaukee River. Not common. A. canadensevar. acuminatum Ashe. A. dcuminatum (Ashe.) Bicknell. Long-tipped Wild Ginger. Reported by P. H. Dernehl from See. 29, Town of Milwaukee. POLY GONACE A, Rumex Acetosella L. Sheep Sorrel. Common. R. verticillatus L. Swamp Dock. In Menomonee Valley and near New Coeln. Not common. | R. Patientia L. Patience Dock. In yards in city. Not common. R. crispus L. Curled Dock. Common. R. conglomeratus Murr. Clustered Dock. Wauwatosa. R. obtusifolius L. Bitter Dock. Wauwatosa. Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. fF. Fagopyrum (1.) Karst. Buckwheat. Occasionally escaped from cultivation. Polygonum amphibium L. Water Persicaria. Throughout county. Not common. P. amphibium var. Hartwrightii (Gray.) Bissel. P. Hartwrightii Gray. Hart Wrights’ Persicaria. One locality in Wauwatosa. P. Muhlenbergii (Meisn.) Wats. P. emersum (Michx.) Britton. Swamp Persicaria. In Menomonee Valley. P. lapathifolium L. P. incarnatwm Ell. Slender Persicaria. Town of Lake and Jones Island. Abundant. P. pennsylvanicum L. Pennsylvania Persicaria. Throughout county. Locally abundant. P. Persicaria L. Lady’s Thumb. Common. P. Careyi Olney. Carey’s Persicaria. Town of Lake. 190 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. P. hydropiperoides Michx. Mild Water Pepper. Throughout county. Occasional. P. Hydropiper L. Water Pepper. Smartweed. Throughout county. Occasional. P. acre HBK. P. pwnctatum Ell. Dotted Smartweed. In Menomonee Valley, Wauwatosa. P. orientale L. Prince’s Feather. Waste places throughout city. P. virginianum L. Virginia Knotweed. Spring Meadow and Williamsburg. P. aviculare L. Doorweed. Common everywhere. P. maritimum L. Seaside Knotweed. A single specimen reported from Bay View by 'l’. Kumlien. P. erectum L. Erect Knotweed. Locally abundant. P. Convolvulus L. Black Bindweed. Common everywhere. P. cilinode Michx. Fringed Black Bindweed. On lake shore at Oak Creek. Cudahy. P. dumetorum L. Hedge Buckwheat. Near New Coeln. P. sagittatum L. Arrow-leaved Tear-thumb. Southern part of county. CHE NOPQOPIACEH A, Chenopodium album L. Lamb’s Quarters. Common everywhere. C. glaucum L. Oak-leaved Goosefoot. Gardens in city: C. Boscianum Mog. Bose’s Goosefoot. Occasional in western part of city. C. hybridum L. Maple-leaved Goosefoot. Gardens and waste places. Common. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 191 C. Botrys L. Jerusalem Oak. Forest Home Cemetery and along streets of city. C. capitatum (L.) Asch. Blitwm capitatum L. Strawberry Blite. Throughout county. Not common. Atriplex patula L. Spreading Orache. Gardens and waste places throughout city. A. patula var. hastata (L.) Gray. A. hastata L. Halberd-leaved Orache. Throughout city. Common. Salsola Kali L. Saltwort. Reported by Lapham along lake shore in 1852. S. Tragus L. Russian Thistle. Common nearly everywhere, in neighborhood of R. R. tracks. AMARANTHACE/E. Amaranthus retroflexus L. Rough Pigweed. Common. A. hybridus L. Slender Pigweed. Menomonee Valley. Sparse. A. paniculatus L. Paniculate Pigweed. Menomonee Valley. Sparse. A. blitoides S. Wats. Prostrate Amaranth. Common. A. grecizans L. Tumble-weed. Common. Acnida tamariscina (Nutt.) Wood. Western Water-hemp. Occurs within the city limits according to Conrath. A. tuberculata Mog. A. tamariscina tuberculata (Mogq.) U. & B. Menomonee Valley. One locality. NYCTAGINACEAE. Oxybaphus nyctagineus (Michx.) Sweet. Allionia nyctaginea Michx. Heart--leaved Umbrella-wort. In several localities. Spreading rapidly. O. hirsutus (Michx.) Sweet. Allionia hirsuta Pursh. Hairy Umbrella- wort. Along railway tracks. Local. 192 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol.5, No. 4. AIZOACHAT Mullugo verticillata L. Carpet-weed. In Menomonee Valley. Two localities. PORTULACACH AL Claytonia virginica L. Spring Beauty. Common. Portulaca oleracea L. Purslane. Pussley. A weed in gardens. CARYOPHYLEACH AL. Agrostemma Githago L. Corn Cockle. In southern part of county. Not common. Silene stellata (L.) Ait. Starry Campion. Common. S. vulgaris (Moench.) Garcke. Bladder Campion. In southern part of county. Uncommon. S. antirrhina L. Sleepy Gatchfly. A single specimen in Public Museum from Sechweichert’s woods. Menomonee Valley. S. Armeria L. Sweet William Catchfly. Escaped from gardens. Rare. S. noctiflora L. Night-flowering Catchfly. Common. Lychnis alba Mill. White Campion. Becoming common. L. calcedonica L. Scarlet Lychnis. Escaped from gardens. St. Francis. Saponaria officinalis L. Soapwort. Bouncing Bet. Throughout county. Locally abundant. S. Vaccaria L. Vaccaria Vaccaria (L.) Britton. Cowherb. Occasional along railroads. Common south among grain. Stellaria media (L.) Cyrill. Alsine media L. Common Chickweed. Abundant. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 193 S. longifolia Muhl. Alsine longifolia (Muhl.) Britton. Long-leaved Stitchwort. Menomonee Valley and Sec. 29, Town of Milwaukee. S. longipes Goldie. Alsine longipes (Goldie.) Coville. Long-stalked Stitchwort. Menomonee Valley and Wauwatosa. Cerastium viscosum L. Mouse-ear Chickweed. Common. C. vulgatum L. Larger Mouse-ear Chickweed. Common. Arenaria lateriflora L. Moehringia lateriflora (L.) Fenzl. Blunt-leaved Sandwort. Throughout county. NYMPHAVACEAL. Nuphar advena Ait f. Nymphaea advena Soland. Large Yellow Pond Lily. Milwaukee River. Rare. Formerly in Menomonee and Kinnickinnie Rivers. Nympheza odorata Ait. Castalia odorata (Dryand.) Woody. & Wood. White Pond Lily. Milwaukee River. Rare. Formerly in Menomonee and Kinnickinnic Rivers. CHERATOPHYLLACE As. Ceratophyllum demersum L. Horn-wort. In Menomonee Valley at foot of 18th Str. MAGNOLIACE/.. Liriodendron tulipifera L. Tulip Tree. A few in city parks. RANUNCULACEAE. Hydrastis canadensis L. Golden Seal. Wauwatosa and Oak Creek. Locally abundant. Caltha palustris L. Marsh Marigold. Common. Coptis trifolia (.)Salisb. Gold-thread. Near Whitefish Bay. 194 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. Isopyrum biternatum (Raf.) T. & G. False Rue Anemone. Wauwatosa. Not common. Actewa rubra (Ait.) Willd. Red Baneberry. Throughout county. Not common. A. alba (L.) Mill. White Baneberry. Throughout county. Occasional. Aquilegia canadensis L. Wild Columbine. Throughout county. Not common. A. vulgaris L. European Columbine. Reported by P. Dernehl from Milwaukee River. Delphinium Consolida L. Field Larkspur. Occasionally escaped from gardens. D. azureum Michx. D. Carolinianum Walt. Carolina Larkspur. Bennetts reports it from waste places in city. Anemone cylindrica Gray. Long-fruited Anemone. Throughout county. A. virginiana L. Tall Anemone. Throughout county. A. canadensis L. Canada Anemone. Throughout county. Occasional. A. quinquefolia L. Wind-flower. Throughout county. Locally abundant. A. patens L. var. Wolfgangiana (Bess.) Koch. Pulsatilla hirsutissima (Pursh.) Britton. Nuttalls’ Pasque Flower. In Wheeler’s list on authority of Mr. Wernich. Hepatica triloba Chaix. H. Hepatica (l.) Karst. Round-leaved Hepatica. Common. H. acutiloba DC. #H. acuta (Pursh.) Britton. Sharp-lobed Hepatica. Very common. Anemonella thalictroides (L.) Spach. Syndesmon thalictroides (L.) Hoffmg. Rue Anemone. Common. Clematis virginiana L. Virgin’s Bower. Throughout county. Occasional. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 195 Ranunculus delphinifolius Torr. Yellow Water Crowfoot. Common. R. laxicaulis (T. & G.) Darbey. RR. obtusiusculus Raf. Water- plantain Spearwort. Reported by T. Bruhin from southern part of county. R. rhomboideus Goldie. R. ovalis Raf. Prairie Crowfoot. Wauwatosa. R. abortivus L. Kidney-leaved Crowfoot. Common. R. micranthus Nutt. Rock Crowfoot. Occasional. R. sceleratus L. Celery-leaved Crowfoot. Occasional in south and west parts of county. R. recurvatus Poir. Hooked Crowfoot. Throughout county. R. acris L. Tall Buttercup. Throughout county. R. bulbosus L. Bulbous Buttercup. Wauwatosa. R. pennsylvanicus L. f. Bristly Buttercup. Southern part of county. R. repens L. Creeping Buttersup. Common. R. septentrionalis Poir. Marsh Buttercup. Wauwatosa. R. fascicularis Muhl. Tufted Buttercup. Throughout county. R. aquatilis var. capillaceus DC. Batrachiwm tricophyllum (Chaix.) Bossch. White Water Crowfoot. South and west. Thalictrum dioicum L. Early Meadow-Rue. Common. T. revolutum DC. T. purpurascens L. Purplish Meadow Rue. Common. T. polygamum Muhl. Tall Meadow-Rue. Throughout county. 196 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. BERBERIDACE/. Berberis vulgaris L. European Barberry. Occasionally escaped from cultivation. Caulophyllum thalictroides (L.) Michx. Blue Cohosh. West and south. Not common. Jeffersonia diphylla (L.) Pers. Twin-leaf. Wauwatosa. One locality. Abundant. Podophyllum peltatum L. May Apple. Mandrake. Abundant. MENISPERMACEAK. Menispermum canadense L. Canada Moonseed. Throughout county. Not common. PAPAVERACEZ. Papaver somniferum L. Garden Poppy. Occasionally escaped from cultivation. P. Rheas L. Field Poppy. Rarely escaped from cultivation. Argemone mexicana L. Prickly Poppy. A single specimen in Public Museum herbarium. Reported from south side of city. Sanguinaria canadensis L. Bloodroot. Common. Dicentra Cucullaria (L. Bernh. Bicuculia Cucullaria (L.) Millsp. Dutchman’s Breeches. Throughout county. Local. D. canadensis (Goldie.) Walp. Bicuculla Canadensis (Goldie.) Millsp. Squirrel Corn. Menomonee Valley. Corydalis aurea Willd. Capnoides aurewm (Willd.) Kuntze. Golden Corydalis. Reported by Wheeler from lake beach in northeast part of county. Fumaria officinalis L. Fumitory. Near Forest Home Cemetery. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 197 CRUCIFER. Lepidium ruderale L. Roadside Pepper-grass. Waste-places in the city. L. virginicum L. Wild Pepper-grass. A weed along roads. L. apetalum Willd. Apetalous Pepper-grass. Waste-places and roadsides. Greenfield. Locally abundant. Thlaspi arvense L. Penny-cress. Menomonee Valley. Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. var. leiocarpum DC. Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. Hedge Mustard. Common. S. altissimum L. Tall Sisymbrium. Common. Cakile edentula (Bigel.) Hook. Sea Rocket. Common in sand along lake shore. Brassica nigra (L.) Koch. Black Mustard. Common. B. juncea (L.) Cosson. Indian Mustard. Common. B. arvensis (L.) Kuntze. Charlock. Common. B. campestris L. Turnip. Occasionally escaped from cultivation. Diplotaxis bracteata Gren. & Godr. Menomonee Valley. One locality. Raphanus sativus (L.) Garden Radish. Occasionally escaped from cultivation. Roripa palustris (L.) Bess. Yellow Water-cress. é Not common. R. Nasturtium (L.) Rusby. Water-cress. Common. R. Armoracia (L.) A. S. Hitchcock. Horse-radish. Occasionally escaped from cultivation. Cardamine pratensis L. Meadow Bitter-cress. Menomonee Valley and Johnson’s Woods. 198 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. C. hirsuta L. Hairy Bitter-cress. Wauwatosa. Sec. 6, Greenfield. C. pennsylvanica Muhl. Pennsylvania Bitter-cress. South and west. Occasional. C. parviflora L. C. arenicola Britton. Sand Bitter-cress. Menomonee Valley. C. purpurea (Torr.) Britton. Purple Cress. Common. C. bulbosa (Schreb.) B.S. P. Bulbous Cress. Throughout county. Occasional. Dentaria laciniata Muhl. Cut-leaved Pepper-root. Wauwatosa and Oak Creek. D. maxima Nutt. Large Toothwort. Wauwatosa and Greenfield. Capsella Bursa-pastoris Moench. Bursa Bursa-pastoris (1.) Britton. Shepherd’s Purse. Everywhere. Camelina sativa (Il) Crantz. False Flax. Reported by Wheeler from south and west. Arabis levigata (Muhl.) DC. Smooth Rock-cress. Southern part of county and in Wauwatosa. A.- canadensis L. Sickle-pod. Throughout county. A. brachycarpa (T. & G.) Britton. Purple Rock-cress. Menomonee Valley. A. glabra (L.) Bernh. Tower Mustard. North of Whitefish Bay. Erysimum cheiranthoides L. Worm-seed. Not common. Berteroa incana (L.) DC. Hoary Alyssum. Wauwatosa. Hesperis matronalis L. Dame’s Rocket. Occasionally escaped from cultivation. Conringia orientalis (L.) Dumort. MHare’s-ear. Along lake shore. Rare. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 199 CAPPARIDA CH As. Cleome spinosa L. Spider-flower. Reported by Dr. L. Sherman. Polanisia graveolens Raf. Clammy-weed. Reported from Menomonee Valley by F. Runge. Specimen in Public Museum herbarium. SARRACENIACE. Sarracenia purpurea L. Pitcher-plant. Once abundant. . Now probably extinct. DROSERACE A. Drosera rotundifolia L. Round-leaved Sundew. Reported by T. A. Bruhin. Probably now extinct. CRASSULACEA:. Sedum Telephium L. Live Forever. Occasionally escaped from cultivation. PENTHORACEAE. Penthorum sedoides L. Ditch Stone-crop. Common. PARNASSIACE. Parnassia caroliniana Michx. Grass of Parnassus. Throughout county. Locally abundant. SAXIFRAGACE A. Saxifraga pennsylvanica L. Swamp Saxifrage. Common. Heuchera hispida Pursh. Rough Heuchera. Occasional throughout county. Mitella diphylla L. Two-leaved Mitrewort. Common. M. nuda L. Naked Mitrewort. North of Whitefish Bay and near New Coeln. 200 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. GROSSULARIACEAE. Ribes Cynosbati L. Wild Gooseberry. Common. R. oxyacanthoides L. Hawthorn Gooseberry. In southern parts of county and in Wauwatosa. R. rotundifolium Michx. Eastern Gooseberry. Common. R. gracile Michx. Slender Gooseberry. Common. R. prostratum L’Her. Fetid Currant. Wauwatosa. R. rubrum L. Red Currant. Throughout county. Not common. R. floridum L’Her. Wild Black Currant. Not uncommon. HAMAMELIDACE A. Hamamelis virginiana L. Witch Hazel. Common. PLATANACE:. Platanus occidentalis L. Sycamore. Button-wood. Planted in city parks. ROSACEAL. Physocarpus opulifolius (L.) Maxim. Opulaster opulifolius (L.) Kuntze. Ninebark. Wauwatosa and Milwaukee River. Spirza salicifolia L. Willow-leaved Meadow-sweet. Throughout county. Common. Rubus triflorus Richardson. R. Americanus (Pers.) Britton. Dwarf Raspberry. Throughout county. Not common. R. strigosus Michx. Wild Red Raspberry. Throughout county. Common. a | R. occidentalis L. Blackcap. Thimble-berry. ~Throughout county. Not common. 1907) Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 201 R. nigrobaccus Bailey. High-bush Blackberry. Occasional. A division of R. villosus Ait. R. canadensis L. Dewberry. Throughout county. R. Baileyanus Britton. Bailey’s Blackberry. Milwaukee River. R. hispidus L. Running Swamp Blackberry. Occasional throughout county. Fragaria virginiana Duchesne. Scarlet Strawberry. Throughout county. Common. F. vesca L. Wood Strawberry. Throughout county. Common. Potentilla arguta Pursh. Drymocallis arguta (Pursh.) Rybd. Tall Cinquefoil. Northeast portion of county. P. fruticosa L. Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Rybd. Shrubby Cinquefoil. Wauwatosa, also reported by F. Runge from Menomonee Valley. P. palustris L. Scop. Comarum palustre L. Purple Cinquefoil. In south and west parts of county. P. Anserina L. Argentina Anserina (L.) Rybd. Silver-weed. Along railroad tracks and on lake shore. P. argentea L. Silvery Cinquefoil. Near Hales Corners. . P. monspeliensis L. Rough Cinquefoil. Throughout county. Common. P. canadensis L. Five-finger. Throughout county. Geum canadense Jacq. White Avens. Common. G. virginianum L. Rough Avens. Southern part of county and Whitefish Bay. G. macrophyllum Willd. Large-leaved Avens. Whitefish Bay. G. strictum Ait. Yellow Avens. Throughout county. Common. 202 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol.5, No. 4. G. rivale L. Purple Avens. Throughout county. Not uncommon. Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr. A. hirsuta (Muhl.) Bicknell. Tall Agrimony. Very common. Rosa blanda Ait. Smooth Rose. Common. R. acicularis Lindl. R. Sayi Schwein. Prickly Rose. Common. R. carolina L. Swarmp Rose. Common. R. virginiana Mill. R. lucida Ehrh. Glossy Rose. Reported by Wheeler. Not reported since. R. humilis Marsh. Pasture Rose. Common. R. rubiginosa L. Sweetbrier. Reported by Bennetts from Oak Creek and Wauwatosa. POMACEAE. Pyrus americanus (Marsh.) DC. Sorbus Americanus Marsh. Mountain Ash. Known here only in cultivation. P. coronaria L. Malus coronaria (L.) Mill. Crab Apple. Common. P. arbutifolia (L.) L.f. Aronia arbutifolia (L.) Medic. Chokeberry. Reported from two localities, south and west. Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medic. Service-berry. Throughout county. A. canadensis (L.) Medic. var. Botryapium (L. f.) T. & G. A. Botrya- pium (L. f.) DC. Shad-bush. Throughout county. Locally abundant. A. spicata (Lam.) C. Koch. A. rotundifolia (Michx.) Roem. Round- leaved June-berry. Northeast portion of county. “A. spicata (Lam.) Dee. Low June-berry.” Reported by Bennetts from top of bluff just northwest of Wells Str. viaduct. Cratzgus punctata Jacq. Large-fruited Thorn. Throughout county. Very common. C. sertata Sarg. C. flabellata (Spach.) Rybd. Fan-leaved Thorn. Fox Point. 1907 | Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 203 C. cordata (Mill.) Ait. Washington Thorn. Reported by F. Runge from Greenfield. C. conjuncta Sarg. C. prwinosa (Wendl.) Beadle. Pruinose Thorn. Johnson’s Woods. Abundant. C. coccinea L. Scarlet Thorn. ‘ Johnson’s Woods. C. subrotundifolia Sarg. C. coccinea L. Scarlet Thorn. Honey Creek in Wauwatosa. C. tarda Sarg. C. tenuifolia Britton. Thin-leaved Thorn. Fox Point. Abundant. C. cyanophylla Sarg. C. tenuifolia Britton. Throughout county. Abundant. C. lucorum Sarg. C. tenuifolia Britton. Honey Creek in Wauwatosa. C. macracantha Lodd. Long-spined Thorn. In southern part of county. Occasional. C. sera Sarg. C. mollis (T. & G.) Scheele. Red-fruited Thorn. Throughout county. Common. C. tomentosa L. Pear Thorn. Throughout county. Common. C. rutila Sarg. C. tomentosa L. Along Milwaukee River. Occasional. DRUPACEA: Prunus americana Marsh. Wild plum. Throughout county. Common. P. spinosa L. Blackthorn. One specimen reported by T. Bruhin. P. pennsylvanica L. f. Wild Red Cherry. Not common. P. virginiana L. Choke Cherry. Throughout county. Common. P. serotina Ehrh. Wild Black Cherry. Very common. 204 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. LEGUMINOSAK. CAESALPINIACEAE. Cassia Chamezcrista L. Partridge Pea. Reported from one location in city. Gleditsia triacanthos L. Honey Locust. Along several roads leading to city. Probably planted. PAPILIONACEAE. Baptisia leucantha T. & G. White Indigo. A few specimens reported from Bay View. Genista tinctoria L. Dyeweed. Reported from lake shore, Seventh Ward. Medicago sativa L. Alfalfa. Becoming common. M. lupulina L. Black Medic. Very common. Melilotus alba Desr. White Sweet-clover. Very common. M. officinalis (L.) Lam. Yellow Sweet-clover. Not uncommon. Trifolium agrarium L. 7. aureum Poll. Hop Clover. Menomonee Valley and Oak Creek. Occasional. T. procumbens L. Low Hop-clover. Throughout county. T. dubium Sibth. Least Hop-clover. North Greenfield. Occasional. T. incarnatum L. Italian Clover. One locality in Wauwatosa. Escaped from cultivation. T. arvense L. Rabbit-foct Clover. Menomonee Valley and Whitefish Bay. Not common. T. pratense L. Red Clover. Everywhere. T. hybridum L. Alsatian Clover. Common. T. repens L. White Clover. Everywhere. 1907 | Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 205 Psoralea Onobrychis Nutt. Sainfoin Psoralea. Reported by E. Brunken from lake bluffs near county line. Amorpha canescens Pursh. Lead-plant. Wauwatosa. Probably elsewhere. Robinia Pseudacacia L. Locust. Common along roads. Planted. Astragalus canadensis L. A. Carolinianus L. Milk Vetch. Throughout county. A. neglectus (T. & G.) Sheldon. Phaca neglecta T. & G. Coopers Milk Vetch. Throughout county. Desmodium grandiflorum (Walt.) DC. Meibomia grandiflora (Walt.) Kuntze. Large flowered Tick-trefoil. Everywhere. D. pauciflorum (Nutt.) DC. Meibomia paucifiora (Nutt.) Kuntze. Few-flowered Tick-trefoil. Lake Woods. Rare. D. paniculatum (L.) DC. Meibomia paniculuta (L.) Kuntze. Panicled Tick-trefoil. Wauwatosa and Whitefish Bay. D. canadense (L.) DC. Meibomia Canadensis (L.) Kuntze. Showy Tick-trefoil. Common. Lespedeza repens (L.) Bart. Creeping Bush-clover. Wauwatosa. L. capitata Michx. Round-headed Bush-clover. Bay View. Vicia Cracca L. Tufted Vetch. Whitefish Bay, Town of Oak Creek, Town of Greenfield. Rare. V. americana Muhl. American Vetch. Throughout county. Common. V. caroliniana Walt. Carolina Vetch. Throughout county. Common. V. sativa L. Common Vetch. Tare. Whitefish Bay. Common. V. sativa L. var. nigra L. V. angustifolia Roth. Smaller Common Vetch. Whitefish Bay and vacant lots in city. Lathyrus maritimus (L.) Bigel. Beach Pea. Along lake beach. Abundant. 206 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. L. venosus Muhl. Veiny Pea. Throughout county. Common. L. palustris L. Marsh Vetchling. Throughout county. Not uncommon. L. ochroleucus Hook. Cream-colored Vetchling. Very common. Amphicarpa comosa (L.) G. Don. Falcata comosa (U.) Kuntze. Hog Peanut. Throughout county. Common. A. Pitcheri T. & G. Falcata Pitcheri (T. & G.) Kuntze. Pitcher’s Hog Peanut. Lake Woods and Whitefish Bay. Abundant. Apios tuberosa Moench. Apios Apios (L.) Mae M. Ground-nut. Wauwatosa and Milwaukee River. Not common. GERANIACE/. Geranium maculatum L. Wild Crane’s-bill. Everywhere. G. carolinianum L. Carolina Crane’s-bill. National Ave., east of Soldiers’ Home. OXATIMACE Ar. Oxalis repens Thumb. 0. corniculata L. Procumbent Wood-sorrel. A weed in city gardens. O. stricta L. Upright Wood-sorrel. Common. LINACEA:. Linum usitatissimum L. Flax. Throughout county. Occasional along R. R. tracks. L. Lewisii Pursh. Lewis’ Wild Flax. Reported by Bennetts from a vacant lot on east side of city. RUTACEAS. Xanthoxylum americanum Mill. Prickly Ash. Common in open woods, south and west. Ptelea trifoliata L. Three-leaved Hop-tree. Common in Menomonee Valley. 1907} Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 207 SIMARUBACE. Ailanthus glandulosa Desf. Ailanthus. Cultivated as a shade tree. POLYGALACE:. Polygala Senega L. Snakeroot. Wauwatosa and Whitefish Bay. Locally abundant. Senega var. latifolia T. & G. In woods near waterworks at Wauwatosa. EKUPHORBIACE.. Croton texensis (Klotzsch.) Muell. Arg. Texas Croton. Near Kinnickinnic River. Reported from one locality. Acalypha virginica L. Three-seeded Mercury. Reynolds’ Woods. Copious. Ricinus communis L. Castor-bean. Occasionally escaped from cultivation. Euphorbia polygonifolia L. Knotted Spurge. E; In sand of lake beach. Locally abundant. glyptosperma Englm. Ridge-seeded Spurge. In sand of beach and along R. R. tracks. Locally abundant. glyptosperma var. pubescens Engelm. Along railroad tracks. Locally abundant. maculata L. Spotted Spurge. Common in sand. Preslii Guss. EH. nutans Lag. Large Spotted Spurge. Western and southern parts of county. Locally abundant. corollata L. Flowering Spurge. Throughout county. Common. marginata Pursh. White-margined Spurge. Reported from one locality in Cudahy. Probably escaped from cultivation. Helioscopia L. Sun Spurge. Collected in county by Dr. Hasse. Peplus L. Petty Spurge. City gardens and waste places. Sparse. Cyparissias L. Cypress Spurge. Wauwatosa. Along roadsides. Gregarious. 208 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. CALLITRICHACEA«. Callitriche verna L. CO. palustris L. Water Starwort. Southern part of county. LIMNANTHACE/E. Fleerkea proserpinacoides Willd. False Mermaid. Reynolds’ Woods. Sec. 21, Greenfield. Dominant and copious. ANACARDIACEAE. Rhus typhina L. R. hirta (L.)Sudw. Staghorn Sumac. Eastern portion of county. Common. R. glabra L. Smooth Sumac. Western portion of county. Common. R. Vernix L. Poison Sumac. Near St. Francis and New Coeln. Rapidly disappearing. R. Toxicodendron L. var. radicans Torr. &. radicans L. Poison Ivy. Reynolds’ Woods and New Coeln. Not common. R. microcarpa (Michx.) Steud. Northern Poison Oak. Throughout county. Common. AQUIFOLIACEZ. ILICACEAE. Ilex verticillata (L.) Gray. Black Alder. In southern part of county and formerly near Whitefish Bay, also in Town of Granville. Rare. I. levigata (Pursh.) Gray. Smooth Winter-berry. Specimen in Public Museum herbarium, collected at New Coeln by T. A. Bruhin. CELASTRACH AS, Euonymus atropurpureus Jacq. Burning Bush. Sec. 27, Wauwatosa; Secs. 11 and 12, Greenfield; Sec. 22, Oak Creek. Sparse. Celastrus scandens L. Bittersweet. Throughout county. Locally abundant. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 209 ACEKRACEA. Acer saccharinum L. Silver Maple. Planted as a shade tree along vireets. A. rubrum L. Red Maple. Throughout county. Not uncommon. A. saccharum Marsh. Sugar Maple. Throughout county. Common. A. Saccharum var. nigrum (Michx.) Britton. A. nigrwm Michx. Black Sugar Maple. Throughout county. Not uncommon. A. spicatum Lam. Mountain Maple. One locality in Sec. 29, Town of Milwaukee. Numerous. A. Negundo L. Box Elder. Occasionally escaped from cultivation. SAPINDACEAE. HIPPOCASTAN ACEAE. Aesculus Hippocastanum L. Horse-chestnut. Commonly planted as a shade tree. Ae. glabra Willd. Fetid Buckeye. Rarely planted as a shade tree. Ae. octandra Marsh. Yellow Buckeye. Rarely planted as a shade tree. BALSAMINACE. Impatiens biflora Walt. Spotted Touch-me-not. Throughout county. Abundant. I. pallida Nutt. J. aurea Muhl. Pale Touch-me-not. Sees. 18 and 29, Town of Milwaukee. Not abundant. RHAMNACE. Rhamnus cathartica L. Buckthorn. Escaped from cultivation. Wauwatosa and Town of Milwaukee. R. alnifolia L’Her. Alder-leaved Buckthorn. Merrill Park. West end of Wells Str. viaduct. Formerly in Sec. 1, Greenfield. Ceanothus americanus L. New Jersey Tea. In south and west parts of county. Locally abundant. 210 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. VITACE AS. Vitis zstivalis Michx. Summer Grape. Throughout county. Not common. V. cordifolia Michx. Frost Grape. Menomonee Valley. V. vulpina L. Riverside Grape. Menomonee Valley. Ampelopsis quinquefolia (.L) Michx. Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. Virginia Creeper. Throughout county. Common. iA ACE AS Tilia americana L. Basswood. Linden. Throughout county. Common. MALVACE. Malva sylvestris L. High Mallow. A garden weed, escaping to woods. M. rotundifolia L. Cheeses. Dwarf Mallow. A common weed. M. moschata L. Musk Mallow. In southern part of county. Common. Abutilon Theophrasti Medic. A. Abutilon (L.) Rusby. Velvet Leaf. A weed in gardens and along roads. Hibiscus Trionum L. Bladder Ketmia. Escaped from gardens in southern part of county. HYPHRRICACE.. Hypericum Ascyron L. Great St. John’swort. Throughout county. Occasional. H. perforatum L. Common St. John’s-wort. Near Forest Home Cemetery. H. maculatum Walt. Spotted St. John’s-wort. Wauwatosa. H. canadense L. Canadian St. John’s-wort. Wauwatosa. H. virginicum L. Triadenum virginicum (L.) Raf. Marsh St. John’s-wort. Near New Coeln. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. Zit VIOLACEA. Viola sororia Willd. V. cuspidata Greene. Common Blue Violet. Abundant throughout county. V. subsagittata Greene. (Western form of V. sagittata Ait.) Arrow-leaved Violet. Reported from one locality in Wauwa- tosa and one in Oak Creek. V. cucullata Ait. Marsh Blue Violet. | In open grassy marshes. Rare. VY. affinis Le Conte. Thin-leaved Wood Violet. In rich wet woods. Not common. VY. conspersa Reichenb. V. labradorica Schrank. Dog Violet. Common. VY. pubescens Ait. Hairy Yellow Violet. Not common. VY. scabriuscula Schwein. Smoother Yellow Violet. Abundant throughout county. V. blanda Willd. Woodland White Violet. Abundant locally in cold damp woods. V. lanceolata L. Lance-leaved Violet. Given in Wheeler’s list on authority of Dr. L. Sherman. Not reported since. THYMELEACEAE. Dirca palustris L. Leather-wood. Occasional throughout county. BLAVAGNACEAE. Shepardia canadensis (L.) Nutt. Lepargyraea Canadensis (L.) Greene. Canadian Buffalo-berry. Banks of Milwaukee river and bluffs of lake shore. Locally abundant. LY THRACE. Lythrum alatum Pursh. Wing-angled Loosestrife. North line of See. 33, Town of Franklin. 212 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. ONAGRACE/E. Ludwigia palustris (L.) Ell. Jsnardia palustris L. Marsh Purslane. Southern part of county. Locally abundant. L. polycarpa Short & Peter. Ludwigia. Very common near New Coeln. Epilobium angustifolium L. Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop. Great Willow-herb. Fire-weed. North of Whitefish Bay and oceasional elsewhere. Gregarious. E. coloratum Muhl. Purple-leaved Willow-herb. Throughout county. Common. E. alpinum L. var. fontanum Wahlenb. E£. Hornemanni Reichenb. Alpine Willow-herb. Reported from Sec. 18, Town ot Milwaukee. Oenothera cruciata Nutt. Onagra cruciata (Nutt.) Small. Small-flowered Evening Primrose. A single specimen from near Whitefish Bay. Oe. biennis L. Onagra biennis (L.) Scop. Common Evening Primrose Throughout county. Common. Oe. biennis L. var. Oakesiana Gray. Onagra Oakesiana (Gray.) Britton. Oakes’ Evening-Primrose. In southern part of county. Not uncommon. Oe. rhombipetala Nutt. Rhombie Evening-Primrose. Railway tracks near Juneau Park. Oe. pallida Lindl. Anogra pallida (Lindl.) Britton. White-stemmed Evening Primrose. Near the city limits and the Kinnickinnic River. Gaura biennis L. Biennial Gaura.: In Menomonee Valley near Grant Marble Works. Circea Lutetiana L. Enchanter’s Nightshade. Throughout county. Common. C. alpina L. Smaller Enchanter’s Nightshade. Throughout county. Common. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 213 HALORAGIDACE. Proserpinaca palustris L. Mermaid-weed. Swamps in Menomonee and Kinnickinnic Valleys. Myriophyllum spicatum L. Spiked Water-milfoil. Throughout county. Common. ARAL EAC ha & Aralia racemosa L. Spikenard. Throughout county. Not uncommon. A. nudicaulis L. Wild Sarsaparilla. Throughout county. Occasional. Panax quinquefolium L. Ginseng. In southern part of county. Occasional. P. trifolium L. Dwarf Ginseng. Throughout county. Occasional. UMBELLIFER. Sanicula marylandica L. Black Snake-root. Common. S. gregaria Bicknell. Clustered Snake-root. Reynolds Woods. Town of Greenfield. S. canadensis L. Short-styled Snake-root. Locally abundant. S. trifoliata Bicknell. Large-fruited Snake-root. Throughout county. Rare. Eryngium aquaticum L. Button Snake-root. Southern part of county. Occasional. Osmorhiza Claytoni (Michx.) Clarke. Washingtonia Claytoni (Michx.) Britton. Wooly Sweet-cicely. Throughout county. Common. 0. longistylis DC. Washingtonia longistylis (Torr.) Britton. Smoother Sweet-cicely. Throughout county. Occasional. Erigenia bulbosa (Michx.) Nutt. Harbinger of Spring. Wauwatosa. Locally abundant. Cicuta maculata L. Water Hemlock. Menomonee Valley and Milwaukee River. Locally abundant. 214 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. C. bulbifera L. Bulb-bearing Water Hemlock. Menomonee Valley. Cryptotenia canadensis (L.) DC. Deringia Canadensis (L.) Kuntze. Honewort. Throughout county. Common. Carum Carui L. Caraway. Escaped from cultivation. Common. Tenidia integerrima (L.) Drude: Yellow Pimpernel. Throughout county. Locally abundant. Sium cicutefolium Gmel. Hemlock Water-parsnip. Southern and western parts of county. Common. Thaspium aureum Nutt. var. atropurpureum Coult. & Rose. foliatum (L.) Britton. Purple Meadow Parsnip. South and west. Locally abundant. Conioselinum chinense (L.) B.S. P. Hemlock Parsley. Throughout county. . Not common. Angelica atropurpurea L. Angelica. Throughout county. Common. Polytenia Nuttalliit DC. Polytaenia. Menomonee Valley. Tiedemannia rigida Coult. & Rose. Oxypolis rigidus (1.) Raf. Cowbane. Hemlock. Wauwatosa. Pastinaca sativa L. Wild Parsnip. Very common. Heracleum lanatum Michx. Cow-parsnip. Common. CORNACE, Cornus canadensis L. Dwarf Cornel. West of North Greenfield and north of Whitefish Bay. abundant in Sec. 1. Greenfield. C. circinata L’Her. Round-leaved Dogwood. Throughout county. Not common. C. Amomum Mill. Kinnikinnik. Silky Dogwood. Throughout county. Common. ERS Once 1907 | Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 215 C. stolonifera Michx. Red Osier Dogwood. Throughout county. Common. C. paniculata L’Her. (0. candidissima Marsh. Panicled Dogwood. Throughout county. Common. . C. alternifolia L. f. Alternate-leaved Dogwood. Wauwatosa and Whitefish Bay. ERICACE Ay. PYROLACEAE. Pyrola americana Sweet. P. rotundifolia L. Round-leaved Wintergreen. Whitefish Bay. Formerly also See. 1, Greenfield. P. elliptica Nutt. Shin-leaf. Near lake, Whitefish Bay and Town of Lake. P. asarifolia Michx. var. incarnata (Fisch.) Fernald. P. uliginosa Torr. Bog Wintergreen. Whitefish Bay. Locally abundant. P. secunda lL. Serrated Wintergreen. Whitefish Bay. MONOTROPACEHAE. Monotropa uniflora L. Indian Pipe. Throughout county. Rare. ERICACEAE. Gaultheria procumbens L. Creeping Wintergreen. North of Whitefish Bay. Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. Red Bearberry. On bluff north of Whitefish Bay. Rare. VACCINIACEAE. Gaylussacia resinosa (Ait.) T. & G. High-bush Huckleberry. Near New Coeln. Vaccinium corymbosum L. Tall Blueberry. Reported only from See. 1, Greenfield. VY. pennsylvanicum Lam. Dwarf Blueberry. Near New Coeln and Whitefish Bay. VY. macrocarpon Ait. Oxycoccus macrocarpus. (Ait.) Pers. Large Cranberry. Reported from a small lake in See. 1, Franklin. 216 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. PRIMULACE.. Samolus floribundus H B K. Water Pimpernel. Near Layton Park. Steironema ciliatum (L.) Raf. Fringed Loosestrife. Throughout county. Common, S. quadriflorum (Sims.) Hitch. Prairie Moneywort. Near the cement works on Milwaukee River. Lysimachia thyrsiflora L. Naumburgia thyrsiflora (l.) Duby. Tufted Loosestrife. South and west. Not common. Trientalis americana (Pers.) Pursh. Star Flower. Throughout county. Locally abundant. Anagallis arvensis L. Scarlet Pimpernel. Hawley Road south of National Ave. Dodecatheon Meadia L. Shooting Star. Throughout county. Occasional. OLUEBACEAL. Fraxinus americana L. White Ash. Throughout county. Common. F. pennsylvanica Marsh. [Red Ash. Throughout county. Occasional. F. pennsylvanica Marsh. var. lanceolata (Borck.) Sargent. F. lance- olata Borek. Green Ash. Lake Woods and Whitefish Bay. F. nigra Marsh. Black Ash. Throughout county. Common. GENTIANACE. Gentiana crinita Froel. Fringed Gentian. Throughout county. Locally abundant. G. quinquefolia L. Stiff Gentian. Milwaukee River near cement works, also Bay View near lake. G. quinquefolia var. occidentalis (Gray.) A. S. Hitchcock. Same as last. G. saponaria L. Soap-wort Gentian. Specimen in Public Museum herbarium collected in Wauwatosa by W. M. Wheeler. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 217 G. Andrewsii Griseb. Blind Gentian. Throughout county. Occasional. G. flavida Gray. Yellowish Gentian. Fox Point. Sparse. MENYANTHACEAE. Menyanthes trifoliata L. Buckbean. Reported from Sec. 1, Greenfield. Probably now extinct. APOCYNACE/.. Apocynum androsemifolium L. Spreading Dogbane. Throughout county. Common. A. cannabinum L. Indian Hemp. Wauwatosa and Town of Milwaukee. A. cannabinum L. var. hypericifolium (Ait.) Gray. 4A. hyperici- folium Ait. ; Near Pilgrims Rest Cemetery, according to Bennetts. ASCLEPIADACE ZA. Asclepias tuberosa L. Butterfly-weed. Oak Creek. Reported once. A. purpurascens L. Purple Milkweed. Southwestern part of county. Occasional. A. incarnata L. Swamp Milkweed. Throughout county. Common. A. phytolaccoides Pursh. A. exaltata (L.) Muhl. Poke Milkweed. Throughout county. Common west. A. syriaca L. Common Milkweed. Throughout county. Common. CONVOLVULACE. Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth. Morning Glory. Eseaped from cultivation. Occasional. I. hederacea Jacq. Ivy-leaved Morning Glory. Menomonee Valley, foot of 17th Str. 218 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. Convolvulus sepium L. Great Bindweed. Throughout county. Common. C. spithamzus L. Upright Bindweed. Wauwatosa and Whitefish Bay. Locally abundant. C. arvensis L. Small Bindweed. On bank of Juneau Park and in neighboring gardens. CUSCUTACE/:. Cuscuta obtusiflora HBK. C. polygonorwm Engelm. Smartweed Dodder. Menomonee Valley and near New Coeln. C. Gronovii Willd. Love-vine. Throughout county. Occasional. POLEMONIACEE. Phlox pilosa L. Downy Phlox. Wauwatosa and Oak Creek. Locally common. P. divaricata L. Blue Phlox. Throughout county. Common. Polemonium reptans L. Greek Valerian. Throughout county. Common. HYDROPHYLLACE/:. tydrophyllum virginicum L. Water-leaf. Throughout county. Common. BORAGINACE A. Cynoglossum officinale L. Hound’s-tongue. Common everywhere. C. virginicum L. Wild Comfrey. Bay View and lower part of 18th Ward, city. Not common. Lappula Myosotis Moench. L. Lappula (.) Karst. Stickseed. Wauwatosa. L. virginiana (L.) Greene. Virginia Stickseed. Common everywhere. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 219 Myosotis palustris (L.) Lam. Forget-me-not. Bay View. Lithospermum officinale L. Gromwell. Wauwatosa, Menomonee Valley near Merrill Park. L. latifolium Michx. American Gromwell. Wauwatosa. L. Gmelini (Michx.) A. S. Hitchcock. Hairy Puccoon. °* Southern part of county. Occasional. L. canescens (Michx.) Lehm. Hoary Puccoon. West of North Greenfield along R. R. tracks. Not numerous. Onosmodium carolinianum (Lam.) DC. False Gromwell. Once found by T. A. Bruhin in Sec. 4, Oak Creek. Symphytum officinale L. Comfrey. In southern and western parts of county and in waste places in city. Occasional. Echium vulgare L. Blue-weed. Viper’s Bugioss. Formerly along C. & N. W. R. R. tracks near Mineral Spring Park. Now extinct in that locality. VERBENACE/E. Verbena urticaefolia L. White Vervain. Throughout county. Common. V. hastata L. Blue Vervain. Throughout county. Common. ¥. stricta Vent. Mullen-leaved Vervain. Along R. R. tracks. West of Layton Park, also Menomonee Valley near 21st Ave. Vv. bracteosa Michx. Large-bracted Vervain. Along R. R. tracks. Juneau Park, Bay View and Menomonee Valley, also west of Wauwatosa. Locally abundant. LABIAT Az. Teucrium canadense L. Wood Sage. Throughout county. Occasional. Scuteilaria lateriflora L. Mad-dog Skullcap. Wauwatosa and banks of Milwaukee River. 220 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. S. versicolor Nutt. S. cordifolia Muhl. Heart-leaved Skulleap. Wauwatosa, Oak Creek and Franklin. S. galericulata L. Marsh Skullcap. In southern part of county. Agastache scrophularizfolia (Willd.) Kuntze. Giant Hyssop. In southern and western parts of county. Occasional. Nepeta Cataria L. Catnep. Throughout county. Common. N. Glechoma Benth. Glechoma hederacea L. Ground Ivy. Throughout county. Locally abundant. Prunella vulgaris L. Heal-all. Everywhere. Physostegia virginiana (L.) Benth. Lion’s Heart. Throughout county. Occasional. P. parviflora Nutt. Purple Lion’s Heart. Menomonee Valley near Merrill Park. Galeopsis Ladanum L. Red Hemp-nettle. Specimen in Public Museum herbarium, collected by F. Runge. G. Tetrahit L. Hemp-nettle. Once found by T. A. Bruhin near New Coeln. Leonurus Cardiaca L. Motherwort. Throughout county. Common. Lamium amplexicaule L. Henbit. City gardens and waste places. Locally abundant. Stachys aspera Michx. Rough Hedge-nettle. Throughout county. Locally abundant. S. aspera Michx. var. glabra Gray. S. tenwifolia Willd. Smooth Hedge-nettle. West of Village of Wauwatosa. Monarda fistulosa L. Wild Bergamot. Throughout county. Common. Blephilia ciliata (L.) Raf. Downy Blephilia. Wauwatosa. B. hirsuta (Pursh.) Torr. Hairy Blephilia. In southern and western parts of county. Occasional. 1907 ] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 221 Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers. American Pennyroyal. Throughout county. Locally abundant. H. hispida Pursh. Rough Pennyroyal. Near Whitefish Bay. One locality. Pycnanthemum lanceolatum Pursh. Koellia Virginiana (L.) Mac M. Mountain Mint. One locality on bank of Milwaukee River. Lycopus virginicus L. Purple Bugle-weed. Menomonee Valley in Wauwatosa. Locally abundant. L. rubellus Moench. Water Hoarhound. Wauwatosa and Town of Milwaukee. Occasional. L. europzus L. var. sinuatus Gray. L. Americanus Muhl. Cut-leaved Water Hoarhound. Wauwatosa. Locally abundant. Mentha viridis L. M. spicata L. Spearmint. In southern part of county. M. arvensis L. Corn Mint. Near New Coeln. M. arvensis var. canadensis (L.) Briq. J. Canadensis L. Wild Mint. Throughout county. Common. SOLANACE Al. Physalis pubescens L. Hairy Ground-cherry. _ Whitefish Bay. Common. P. virginiana Mill. Virginia Ground-cherry. See. 34, Greenfield. Abundant. P. heterophylla Nees. Clammy Ground-cherry. Sec. 9, Oak Creek. Sparse. Solanum nigrum L. Black Nightshade. Everywhere. S. triflorum Nutt. Cut-leaved Nightshade. Waste places in city. Occasional. S. carolinense L. Horse-nettle. Waste places in city. Occasional. S. rostratum Dunal. Sand Bur. Waste places in city. Occasional. 222 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. S. Dulcamara L. Bittersweet. Throughout county. Not uncommon. Lycium halimifolium Mill. L. vulgare (Ait. f.) Dunal. Matrimony-vine. Escaped from cultivation. Occasional. Hyoscyamus niger L. Black Henbane. A single specimen from Menomonee Valley reported by F. Runge. Datura Stramonium L. Jimson-weed. Throughout county. Rare. D. Tatula L. Purple Stramonium. Waste places in city. Rare. D. Metel L. Entire-leaved Stramonium. Waste places in city. Occasional. Nicotiana rustica L. Wild Tobacco. -New Coeln and Menomonee Valley. Reported twice. SCROPEULARIACE Ax. Verbascum Thapsus L. Great Mullen. Common. V. Blattaria L. Moth Mullen. Menomonee Valley near Merrill Park. Linaria Cymbalaria (L.) Mill. Cymbalaria Cymbalaria (.) Wettst. KXennilworth Ivy. A weed in gardens. L. vulgaris Mill. LZ. Linaria (L.) Karst. Toad-flax. Throughout county. Common. Scrophularia marylandica L. Figwort. Locally common. Chelone glabra L. Turtlehead. Throughout county. Common. Pentstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd. Hairy Beard-tongue. Near Milwaukee River. Locally abundant. P. lzevigatus Soland. var. Digitalis (Sweet.) Gray. P. Digitalis (Sweet.) Nutt. Fox-glove Beard-tongue. Wauwatosa and Whitefish Bay. Rare. Mimulus ringens L. Monkey-flower. Throughout county. Common. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 223 Veronica Anagallis-aquatica L. Water Speedwell. See. 1, Greenfield, and Sec. 32, Town of Milwaukee. V. americana Schwein. American Brooklime. Near New Coeln. V. scutellata L. Skullcap Speedwell. In southern and western parts of county. Common. V. serpyllifolia L. Thyme-leaved Speedwell. In lawns in city and near Soldiers’ Home. V. peregrina L. Purslane Speedwell. Neckweed. Near Soldiers’ Home. Vv. arvensis L. Corn Speedwell. Whitefish Bay and on National Ave. V. Byzantina (Sibth. & Smith) B.S. P. Byzantine Speedwell. A weed in city gardens and at Fox Point. V. virginica L. Leptandra Virginica (L.) Nutt. Culver’s Root. Throughout county. Occasional. Gerardia grandiflora Benth. Dasystoma grandiflora (Benth.) Wood. Western False-Foxglove. Bay View. Rare. G. tenuifolia Vahl. Slender Gerardia. In northern and western parts of county. Not common. Castilleja coccinea (L.) Spreng. Scarlet Painted-cup. Throughout county. Not common. Pedicularis lanceolata Michx. Swamp Lousewort. Throughout county. Common. P. canadensis L. Wood Betony. Lousewort. Throughout county. Common. Melampyrum lineare Lam. Cow-wheat. Whitefish Bay. LENTIBULARIACEA:. Utricularia vulgaris L. Greater Bladderwort. “Tn .a pool near Soldiers’ Home.” Wheeler. 224 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. OROBANCHACE Orobanche uniflora-L. Thalesia uniflora (L.) Britten. Broom Rape. North of Whitefish Bay and banks of Milwaukee River. Conopholis americana (L. f.) Wallr. Squaw-root. Oak Creek and banks of Milwaukee River, also Town of Greenfield. Epiphegus virginiana (L.) Bart. Leptamniwm Virginianum (L.) Raf. Beech Drops. Throughout county. Locally abundant. PHRYMACE.. Phryma Leptostachya L. Lopseed. Throughout county. Common. PLANTAGINACE/:. Plantago major L. Common Plantain. Everywhere. P. Rugelii Dec. Rugels’ Plantain. Throughout county. Fairly common. P. lanceolata L. Ribwort. In lawns in city. Along roadside Franklin. Occasional. P. cordata Lam. Heart-leaved Plantain. Wauwatosa and Oak Creek. P. Purshii R. & S. Pursh’s Plantain. Whitefish Bay. One locality. RUBIACE.. Mitchella repens L. Partridge-berry. Near New Coeln. Cephalanthus occidentalis L. Button Bush. Towns of Milwaukee, Greenfield, Oak Creek and Franklin. Occasional. Galium verum L. Yellow Bed-straw. Near Hopkins Road, Wauwatosa. G. Aparine L. Cleavers. Goose-grass. In southern and western parts of county. Occasional. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 225 G. circezans Michx. Wild Liquorice. Castalia Park and Black’s Woods in Wauwatosa, also Bay View and St. Francis. Sparse. G. boreale L. Northern Bedstraw. Near the Cement Mills, Milwaukee River. Abundant. G. triflorum Michx. Fragrant Bedstraw. In southern and western parts of county. Common. G. tinctorium L. Stiff Marsh Bedstraw. See. 18, Town of Milwaukee. G. trifidum L. Small Bedstraw. See. 1, Greenfield. G. concinnum T. & G. Shining Bedstraw. Reported from Wauwatosa. G. asprellum Michx. Rough Bedstraw. In southern and western parts of county. Not uncommon. CAPRIFOLIACEA. Sambucus canadensis L. Sweet Elder. Throughout county. Common. S. racemosa lL. S. pubens Michx. Red-berried Elder. Common in Town of Milwaukee. Rare in southwestern part of county. Viburnum Opulus L. High Bush-cranberry. In southern and western parts of county. Not uncommon. V. acerifolium L. Dockmakie. Throughout county. Common. Vv. pubescens (Ait.) Pursh. Downy-leaved Arrow-wood. Town of Milwaukee and southern part of county. Occasional. VY. dentatum L. Arrow-wood. Throughout county. Not uncommon. V. cassinoides L. Withe-rod. Whitefish Bay. V. Lentago L. Nanny-berry. Near New Coeln and Whitefish Bay. Occasional. Triosteum perfoliatum L. Horse Gentian. Throughout county. Common. 226 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. Linnza borealis L. var. americana (Forbes.) Rehder. JL. Americana Forbes. Twin-flower. Reported from Sec. 1, Town of Greenfield, also from New Coeln. Symphoricarpos racemosus Michx. Snowberry. Throughout county. Common. S. occidentalis Hook. Wolfberry. Menomonee Valley and North Greenfield. Abundant. Lonicera dioica L. Smooth-leaved Honeysuckle. Throughout county. Locally abundant. L. Sullivantii Gray. Sullivant’s Honeysuckle. Throughout county. Common. L. flava Sims. Yellow Honeysuckle. Reported by Wheeler as common in southern part of county. Probably confused with L. Sullivantii. L. japonica Thumb. Japanese Honeysuckle. Occasionally escaped from cultivation. L. oblongifolia (Goldie.) Hook. Swamp Fly-Honeysuckle. New Coeln and Menomonee Valley. Occasional. L. canadensis Marsh. UL. ciliata Muhl. American Fly-Honeysuckle. Throughout county. Common. L. tatarica L. Tartarian Bush-Honeysuckle. Occasionally escaped from cultivation. Diervilla trifida Moench. D. Diervilla (L.) Mac M. Bush-Honeysuckle. Throughout county. Common. VALERIANCE. Valeriana edulis Nutt. Valerian. Menomonee Valley. Occasional. CUCURBITACE. Echinocystis lobata (Michx.) T. & G. Micrampelis lobata (Michx.) Greene. Mock Apple. Throughout county. Common. Cyclanthera dissecta (T. & G.) Arn. Cyclanthera. Reported by W. J. Bennetts from Menomonee Valley, foot of 23rd Str. . 1307] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 227 CAMPANULACEE. Campanula rotundifolia L. Harebell. Menomonee Valley. Near Cement Mills on Milwaukee River, also Town of Milwaukee. Occasional. C. rapunculoides L. Creeping Bell-flower. A single plant in a vacant lot on Prospect Ave. No longer there. C. aparinoides Pursh. Marsh Bell-flower. See. 1, Greenfield, and Sees. 15 and 22, Oak Creek. C. americana L. Tall Bell-flower. Throughout county. Locally abundant. LOBELIACE AS. Lobelia cardinalis L. Cardinal Flower. Town of Granville. Lake bank north of Whitefish Bay. Reynolds Woods, (S. W. %4 Sec. 12, Greenfield). Formerly in other parts of county. L. syphilitica L. Great Lobelia. Throughout county. Common. L. spicata Lam. Pale Spiked Lobelia. Oak Creek. Franklin. Whitefish Bay. Not common. L. inflata L. Indian Tobacco. Throughout county. Common. L. Kalmii L. Brook Lobelia. Near the Cement Mills on Milwaukee River. COMPOSITE. CICHORIACEAE. Cichorium Intybus L. Chicory. Throughout county. Locally abundant. Lapsana communis L. Nipplewort. In a vacant lot in 7th Ward. Copious. Krigia virginica (L.) Willd. Adopogon Virginicum (L.) Kuntze. Cynthia. Menomonee Valley and Whitefish Bay. Locally common. Tragopogon pratensis L. Yellow Goats-beard. Escaped from cultivation. Occasional. 228 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol.5, No. 4. T. porrifolius L. Oyster Plant. Menomonee Valley and along C. & N. W. R. R. tracks near lake. Occasional. Taraxacum officinale Weber. 7’. Taraxacum (U.) Karst. Dandelion. Everywhere. Sonchus arvensis L. Corn Sow-thistle. Throughout county. Common. S. oleraceus L. Annual Sow-thistle. Throughout county. Common. S. asper (L.) All. Spiny Sow-thistle. Throughout county. Common. Lactuca scariola var. integrata Gren. & Godr. Prickly Lettuce. A weed everywhere. Incorrectly referred to as L..virosa L. in Britton’s Manual. L. ludoviciana (Nutt.) DC. Western Lettuce. Near swamp at New. Coeln. Occasional. L. canadensis L. Tall Lettuce. Throughout county. Common. L. canadensis L. var. integrifolia (Bigel.) Gray. UL. sagittifolia Ell. Arrow-leaved Lettuce. Wauwatosa and Whitefish Bay. Not uncommon. L. hirsuta Muhl. Hairy Wood Lettuce. Wauwatosa. Occasional. L. pulchella (Pursh.) DC. Large-flowered Blue Lettuce. Near swamp at New Coeln. Rare. L. floridana (L.) Gaertn. False Lettuce. Near Milwaukee River above city limits. Hieracium venosum L. Rattlesnake-weed. Near New Coeln and in Lake Woods. H. canadense Michx. Canada Hawkweed. Wauwatosa and Whitefish Bay. Occasional. H. scabrum Michx. Rough Hawkweed. Wauwatosa, Oak Creek and Lake Woods. Prenanthes alba L. Nabulus albus (L.) Hook. White Lettuce. Throughout county. Common. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 229 AMBROSIACEAE. Iva xanthiifolia (Fresen.) Nutt. Marsh Elder. Waste places in Menomonee Valley, also in Third and Fifth Wards. Locally abundant. Ambrosia trifida L. Great Ragweed. Throughout county. Locally abundant. A. trifida var. integrifolia (Muhl.) T. & G. Throughout county. With the preceding. A. artemisizfolia L. Ragweed. Everywhere. A. psilostachya DC. Western Ragweed. Menomonee Valley. Not common. Franseria Hookeriana Nutt. Guertneria acanthicarpa (Hook.) Britton. Franzeria. Menomonee Valley, along railroad tracks. Xanthium strumarium L. XX. glabratum (DC.) Britton. Smootish Cocklebur. Throughout county. Common, X. pennsylvanicum Wallr. Pennsylvania Clotbur. Waste places and along railroad tracks. Occasional. COMPOSITAE. Vernonia fasciculata Michx. Western Iron-weed. Menomonee Valley and Oak Creek. Locally abundant. Eupatorium purpureum L. Joe-pye Weed. Throughout county. Common. E. perfoliatum L. Boneset. Throughout county. Common. E. ageratoides L. f. White Snake-root. Throughout county. Not uncommon. Liatris pycnostachyaMichx. Lacinaria pycnostachya (Michx.) Kuntze. Prairie Button Snake-root. Menomonee Valley, Wauwatosa. Not common. L. spicata Willd. Lacinaria spicata (L.) Kuntze. Gay Feather. Bay View. Locally abundant. Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh.) Dunal. Broad-leaved Gum-plant. Granville. Wauwatosa. Becoming common. 230 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. Solidago ce#sia L. Blue-stemmed Goldenrod. Ss. S. Near New Coeln and Bay View. latifolia L. S. flevicaulis L. Broad-leaved Goldenrod. Throughout county. Locally abundant. stricta Ait. Willow-leaved Goldenrod. In southern part of county. speciosa Nutt. Showy Goldenrod. Bay View. rugosa Mill. Hairy Goldenrod. Wauwatosa, Granville & Milwaukee River near Cement W’ks. patula Muhl. Rough-leaved Goldenrod. Whitefish Bay and Wauwatosa. Locally abundant. ulmifolia Muhl. Elm-leaved Goldenrod. Whitefish Bay and Wauwatosa. Not uncommon. neglecta T. & G. Swamp Goldenrod. Bay View and Menomonee Valley. juncea var. scabrella (T. & G.) Gray. Sharp-toothed Goldenrod. Wauwatosa and Whitefish Bay. Locally abundant. arguta Ait. Cut-leaved Goldenrod. Wauwatosa and northern part of county. serotina Ait. Late Goldenrod. Occasional. North and south. canadensis L. Canada Goldenrod. Throughout county. Common. nemoralis Ait. Field Goldenrod. Throughout county. Not uncommon. rigida L. Stiff Goldenrod. Town of Franklin and Milwaukee River near Cement Works. ohioensis Riddell. Ohio Goldenrod. Menomonee Valley, Wauwatosa. Riddellii Frank. Riddell’s Goldenrod. North of city. Houghtonii T. & G. Houghton’s Goldenrod. Reported by Dr. L. Sherman. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 231 S. graminifolia (L.) Ell. Huthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt. Fragrant Goldenrod. Whitefish Bay and New Coeln. Locally abundant. Boltonia asteroides (L.) L’Her. Aster-like Boltonia. Sec. 21, Town of Lake; Sec. 33, Oak Creek. Abundant. Sericocarpus linifolius (L.) B.S. P. Narrow-leaved White-topped Aster. Near North Milwaukee. Aster divaricatus L. White Wood Aster. Banks of Milwaukee River. A. leptocaulis Burgess. Smooth-stemmed Aster. Lake Woods and Whitefish Bay. A. macrophyllus L. Large-leaved Aster. Throughout county. Locally abundant. A. Shortii Hook. Short’s Aster. Throughout northern part of county. Locally abundant. A. azureus Lindl. Sky-blue Aster. Menomonee Valley and Milwaukee River. Occasional. A. cordifolius L. Common Blue Wood Aster. Throughout county. Locally abundant. A. cordifolius L. var. levigatus Porter. A. Lowrieanus Porter. Smooth Wood Aster. Throughout county. Common. A. sagittifolius Willd. Arrow-leaved Aster. Reported by A. Conrath as found in county. A. Drummondii Lindl. Drummond’s Aster. Wauwatosa and Whitefish Bay. Locally abundant. A. undulatus L. Wavy-leaved Aster. Whitefish Bay and New Coeln. A. nove-anglie L. New England Aster. Near the Cement Works, at Lake Woods and Whitefish Bay. Locally abundant. A. puniceus L. Red-stalk Aster. Throughout county. Common. A. puniceus var. lucidulus Gray. Sec. 5, Greenfield. A. prenanthoides Muhl. Crooked-stem Aster. Throughout county. Not uncommon. 232 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. A. levis L. Smooth Aster. Throughout county. Abundant, especially north. A. junceus Ait. Rush Aster. In western part of county. Locally abundant. A. longifolius Lam. Long-leaved Aster. Whitefish Bay. A. ptarmicoides (Nees.) T. & G. Upland White Aster. Sec. 1, Greenfield. A. paniculatus Lam. Panicled Aster. Banks of Milwaukee River. A. paniculatus var. simplex (Willd.) Burgess. See. 1, Greenfield. A. Tradescanti L. Michaelmas Daisy. Wauwatosa and Whitefish Bay. Occasional. A. ericoides L. Frost-weed Aster. Cement Works on Milwaukee River. Sec. 6, Greenfield. A. lateriflorus (L.) Britton. Starved Aster. Throughout county. Locally common. A. angustus (Lindl.) T. & G. Brachyactis angustus (Lindl.) Britton. Rayless Aster. In waste places in city. Spreading. Erigeron pulchellus Michx. Poor Robin’s Plantain. Menomonee Valley. E. philadelphicus L. Philadelphia Fleabane. Throughout county. Common. E. annuus (L.) Pers. Sweet Scabious. Throughout county. Common. E. ramosus (Walt.) B.S. P. Daisy Fleabane. Throughout county. Common. E. canadensis L. Leptilon Canadense (L.) Britton. Horse-weed. Everywhere. Dellingeria umbellata (Mill.) Nees. Tall Flat-top White Aster. Menomonee Valley and Whitefish Bay. Locally abundant. Antennaria neodioica Greene. Smalier Cat’s-foot. Throughout county. Common. A. neglecta Greene. Field Cat’s-foot. Banks of Fish Creek, Town of Milwaukee. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 233 A. petaloides Fernald. Banks of Fish Creek, Town of Milwaukee. A. plantaginifolia (L.) Richards. Plantain-leaf Everlasting. Throughout county. Common. Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Benth & Hook. Large-flowered Everlasting. New Coeln. Gnaphalium polycephalum Michx. G. obtusifolium L. Sweet Everlasting. Throughout county. Common. G. decurrens Ives. Clammy Everlasting. Near St. Francis Seminary. G. uliginosum L. Low Cudweed. Southern part of county. Inula Helenium L. Elecampane. Southern part of county, also Lake Woods. Locally abundant. Polymnia canadensis L. Small-flowered Leaf-cup. Wauwatosa. Silphium perfoliatum L. Indian-cup. Sec. 8, Greenfield, according to Bennetts. -S. integrifolium Michx. Entire-leaved Rosinweed. Bay View and Sec. 20, Franklin. Locally common. S. laciniatum L. Compass-plant. Sees. 20, 32 and 33, Franklin. Occasional. S. terebinthinaceum Jacq. Prairie Dock. Bank of Milwaukee River and in Town of Franklin. Locally abundant. Heliopsis scabra Dunal. Rough Ox-eye. Throughout county. Common. Rudbeckia hirta L. Black-eyed Susan. Throughout county. Common. R. laciniata L. Green-headed Cone-flower. Throughout county. Locally abundant. Lepachys pinnata (Vent.) T. & G. Ratibida pinnata (Vent.) Barn- hardt. Gray-headed Cone-flower. Menomonee Valley, Wauwatosa. Abundant. L. columnaris (Sims.) T. & G. Ratibida columnaris (Sims.) D. Don. Prairie Cone-flower. Menomonee Valley, Wauwatosa and Whitefish Bay. Locally abundant. 234 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. Helianthus annuus L. Common Sun-flower. Escaped from cultivation. Occasional. H. petiolaris Nutt. Prairie Sun-flower. Menomonee Valley. Common. H. scaberrimus Ell. Stiff Sunflower. “Near C. & N. W. R. R. tracks, foot of Florida Str.” Bennetts. H. giganteus L. Giant Sunflower. Menomonee Valley and Whitefish Bay. Occasional. H. Maximiliani Schrad. Maximilian’s Sunflower. North Greenfield. H. divaricatus L. Rough or Woodland Sunflower. Southern and western parts of county. Common. H. mollis Lam. Hairy Sunflower. Menomonee Valley, near foot of 17th Str. H. doronicoides Lam. Obijiong-leaved Sunflower. Reported by Mr. Runge. H. decapetalus L. Thin-leaved Sunflower. Throughout county. Common. H. strumosus L. Pale-leaved Wood Sunflower. In southern and western parts of county. Occasional. H. tuberosus L. Jerusalem Artichoke. In Menomonee Valley and along Milwaukee River. Not uncommon. Coreopsis palmata Nutt. Stiff Tickseed. Wauwatosa. C. lanceolata L. Wance-leaved Tickseed. Reported by C. E. Brown from 8S. E. 44, Sec. 19, Town of Milwaukee. Bidens chrysanthemoides Michx. B. levis (L.) B.S. P. Smooth Bur Marigold. Throughout county. Occasional. B. cernua L.: Nodding Bur Marigold. Throughout county. Occasional. B. connata Muhl. Purple-stemmed Beggar-ticks. Reported by T. Bruhin from near New Coeln. B. frondosa L. Black Beggar-ticks. Everywhere. Common. B. vulgata Greene. Tall Beggar-ticks. Throughout county. Common. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. 235 B. trichosperma (Mich.) Britton. Tall Tickseed Sunflower. See. 1, Greenfield. B. aristosa (Michx.) Britton. Western Tickseed Sunflower. Locally common. Galinsoga parviflora var. hispida DC. Galinsoga. Throughout city. Locally abundant. Spreading. Helenium autumnale L. Swamp Sunflower. Sneezeweed. Throughout county. Common. Achillea Millefolium L. Yarrow. Milfoil. Everywhere. Common. Anthemis Cotula L. Mayweed. Everywhere. Common. A. arvensis L. Field Camomile. “Along Lincoln Ave. west of Forest Home Cemetery.” Bennetts. Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum L. Ox-eye Daisy. Throughout county. Locally abundant. C. Balsamita L. Costmary. Eseaped from gardens. Occasional. Matricaria inodora L. Scentless Camomile. “Forest Home Ave. opposite Pilgrims Rest Cemetery.” Bennetts. M. Chamomilla L. Wild Camomile. Along streets of city. Tanacetum vulgare L. Tansy. Menomonee Valley, Fond du Lac road, Mineral Spring road and elsewhere. Locally copious. Artemisia caudata Michx. Tall Wormwood. Waste places in city, also on lake shore. A. canadensis Michx. Canada Wormwood. Along lake shore, south of city. A. Absinthium L. Common Wormwood or Absinth. Escaped from cultivation. Occasional. A. biennis Willd. Biennial Wormwood. Waste places in city. Common. A. vulgaris L. Common Mugwort. Throughout county. Common. 236 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol.5, No. 4. A. Pontica L. Roman Wormwood. Escaped from gardens. Rare. A. ludoviciana Nutt. Lobed Cudweed. Menomonee Valley and waste places in city, also recorded as A. gnaphalodes Nutt. Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. Fireweed. Whitefish Bay. Cacalia reniformis Muhl. Mesadenia reniformis (Muhl.) Raf. Great Indian Plantain. Menomonee Valley. Common. C. atriplicifolia L. Mesadenia atriplicifolia (L.) Raf. Pale Indian Plantain. Throughout county. Occasional. C. suaveolens L. Synosma suaveolens (L.) Raf. Sweet-scented Indian Plantain. Milwaukee River near city and near Whitefish Bay.. Senecio Balsamitz Muhl. Balsam Groundsel. “West of National Home.” Occasional. S. aureus L. Golden Ragwort. Menomonee Valley and southern part of county. S. palustris (L.) Hook. Marsh Fleawort. Throughout county. Occasional. S. vulgaris L. Common Groundsel. In southern part of county. Common. Arctium Lappa L. Great Burdock. Everywhere. Cirsium lanceolatum (L.) Scop. Carduus lanceolatus L. Common Thistle. Everywhere. C. altissimum (L.) Spreng. Carduus altissimus L. Tall Thistle. Menomonee Valley and Whitefish Bay. Not uncommon. C. discolor Spreng. Carduwus discolor (Muhl.) Nutt. Field Thistle. Throughout county. Common. C. muticum Michx. Cardwus muticus (Michx.) Pers. Swamp Thistle. “A mile east of New Coeln.” (T. Bruhin.) C. arvense (L.) Scop. Carduus arvensis (L.) Robs. Canada Thistle. Everywhere. Centaurea Cyanus L. Blue-bottle. In southern and western parts of county. 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. ' ACERACE AD AIZOACE AD ALISMACEA5 AMARANTHACEZS AMARYLLIDACEAD AMBROSIACE ANACARDIACEZ APOCYNACED AQUIFOLIACEZ® ARACE ARALIACEZ45 _ ARISTOLOCHIACE ASCLEPIADACE45 BALSAMINACEZ BERBERIDACEZ5 BETULACEZ BORAGINACEA®D CAESALPINIACER CALLITRICHACE.AS CAMPANULACEZ® CAPPARIDACEZ CAPRIFOLIACEZ CARYOPHYLLACEAS CELASTRACEZD CERATOPHYLLACEZA CHENOPODIACE4 CICHORIACEH COMMELINACE A COMPOSIT 45 COMPOSITE CONVALLARIACE# CONVOLVULACE CORNACEZD CRASSULACE AD CRUCIFERA CUCURBITACEA4 CUSCUTACEZ5 CYPERACEZ DIOSCOREACEZ DROSERACEAS DRUPACE2 ELAEBAGNACEAD EQUISETACE AS INDEX TO FAMILIES. PAGE 209 192 a oy gil 191 182 229 208 217 208 179 213 189 217 209 196 186 218 204 208 227 199 225 | 192 208 193 190 227 179 227 229 180 217 214 199 197 226 218 176 182 199 203 211 170 ERICACEZ& EUPHORBIACEA FAGACEZ GENTIANACEZ® GERANIACEA4 GRAMINEA® GROSSULARIACE HALORAGIDACE AS HAMAMELIDACEZ® HIPPOCASTANACE HYDROCHARITACEZ® HYDROPHYLLACE ZS HYPERICACE 45 ILICACE IRIDACEZ® JUGLANDACEZ& JUNCACE.Z& JUNCAGINACE A LABIATAD LEGUMINOSA5 LEMNACEZ= LENTIBULACE45 LILIACE AD LILIACE LIMNANTHACEZ® LINACE 4a LOBELIACE 45 LYCOPODIACEA® LYTHRACEZ® MAGNOLIACEZD MALVACEZ5 MELANTHACE MENISPERMACEZ® MENYANTHACE MONOTROPACES MORACEZ NAIADACEZ3 NYCTAGINACEAD NYMPHABACE A OLEACE.2 ONAGRACEZD OPHIOGLOSSACE Aa ORCHIDACE ZS 237 PAGE 215 207 187 216 206 172 200 213 200 209 172 218 210 208 182 186 180 17t 219 204 179 223 180 180 208 206 227 170 211 193 210 180 196 217 2156 138 171 191 193 216 212 168 133 238 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. PAGE OROBANCHACEA® 224 SALICACEAD OSMUNDACEZ= 168 SANTALACEA® OXALIDACEZ 206 SAPINDACEZ PAPAVERACEZ® (196 SARRACENIACEZ PAPILIONACEZ 204 SAXIFRAGACEZ® PARNASSIACE 4 199 SCHEUCHZERIACEZ PENTHORACEZ 199 SCROPHULARIACEZ PHYRMACEA® 224. SIMARUBACEZ PINACEZ® 170 SMILACEZ PLANTAGINACEZE 224 SOLANACEZ® PLATANACEZ® 200 SPARGANIACE4 POLEMONIACEZ® 218 THYMELEACEZ POLYGALACEZ® 207 TILIACE4 POLYGONACE AS 189 TYPHACEZ POLYPODIACE4 169 ULMACEZ POMACEZ 202 UMBELLIFERAZ PONTEDERIACE4 180 URTICACEZ PORTULACACEZ& 192 URTICACEZ PRIMULACEZ 216 VACCINIACE2 PYROLACEZ 215 VALERIANACE AS RANUNCULACEZ 198 VALLISNERIACEZ RHAMNACEZ= °209 VERBENACEZ ROSACEZ® 200 VIOLACEA® RUBIACEZ 224 VITACEZ® RUTACEA& 206 [Vol. 5, No. 4. PAGE 184 188 209 199 199 171 222 207 | 182 221 171 211 210 171 188 218 188, 188 215 226 172 219 211 210 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. INDEX TO GENERA AND SPECIES. abortivus (Ranunculus) Absinthium (Artemisia) Abutilon Acalypha acanthicarpa (Gertneria) acaule (Cypripedium) Acer acerifolium (Viburnum) Acetosella (Rumex) Achillea acicularis (Eleocharis) acicularis (Rosa) Acnida Acorus acre (Polygonum) acris (Ranunculus) Acroanthes Act#2a acuminatum (Asarum) acuminata (Eleocharis) acuta (Hepatica) acutiloba (Hepatica) Adiantum Adicea Adopogon advena (Nuphar) A®sculus estivalis (Vitis) affinis (Viola) Agastache ageratoides (Eupatorium) agrarium (Trifolium) Agrimonia Agropyron Agrostemma Agrostis Ailanthus alatum (Lythrum) alba (Actz@a) alba (Agrostis) alba (Betula) alba (Lychnis) alba (Melilotus) alba (Populus) alba (Prenanthes) alba (Quercus) alba (Salix) albidum (Erythronium) album (Chenopodium) Alisma Allionia Allium alnifolia (Rhammus) Alnobetula (Alnus) Alnus Alopecurus alpina (Circea) alpinum (Epilobium) alpinus (Juncus) Alsine alternifolia (Cornus) altissimum (Cirsium) altissimum (Sisymbrium) altissimus (Carduus) Amaranthus DR ee UtotoH SCWOOl0oH O43 Ambrosia Amelanchier americana (Campanula) americana (Conopholis) americana (Corylus) Americana (Fagus) americana (Fraxinus) americana (Linn&a) Americana (Panicularia) americana (Prunus) americana (Pyrola) americana (Tilia) americana (Trientalis) americana (Ulmus) americana (Veronica) americana (Vicia) americanum (Hrythronium) americanum (Xanthoxylum) americanus (Ceanothus) Americanus (Lycopus) americanus (Pyrus) americanus (Scirpus) Ammophila Amomum (Cornus) Amorpha Ampelopsis amphibium (Polygonum) Amphicarpa amplexicaule (Lamium) amplifolius (Potamogeton) amygdaloides (Salix) Anagallis Anagallis—aquatica (Veronica) Anaphalis andinum (Lilium) Andrewsii (Gentiana) Andropogon androsemifolium (Apoecynum) Anemone ' Anemonella Angelica augustifolia (Vicia angustifolium (Epilobium) angustifolium (Sisyrinchium) angustus (Aster) annua (Poa) annuus (Hrigeron) annuus (Helianthus) Anogra Anserina (Potentilla) Antennaria Anthemis antirrhina (Silene) Aparine (Galium) aparinoides (Campanula) apetalum (Lepidium) Apios Aplectrum Apocynum aquatica (Zizania) aquaticum (Eryngium) aquatilis (Ranunculus) Aquilegia aquilina (Pteris) Arabis 239 240 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. PAGE Aralia Pads: Berberis arbutifolia (Pyrus) 202 Berteroa Arctium 236 Betula Arctostaphylos 215 Bidens Arenaria © 193 bicolor fOnerens) arenaria (Ammophila) 174 Bicuculla arenarius (Elymus) i biennis (Artemisia) arenicola (Cardamine) 198 biennis (Gaura) Argemone 196 biennis (CGnothera) argentea (Potentilla) 201 biflora (Impatiens) Argentina 201 biflorum (Polygonatum) arguta (Potentilla) 201 biternatum (Isopyrum) arguta (Solidago) 230 blanda (Viola) Arisema 179 Blattaria (Verbascum) aristosa (Bidens) 23D Blephariglottis Armeria (Silene) 192 Blephilia Armoracia (Roripa) 197 blitoides (Amaranthus) Artemisia 235 Blitum artemisiefolia (Ambrosia) 229 Boehmeria arundinacea (Phalaris) a UiFfas Boltonia arundinaceum (Dulichum) 176 boreale (Galium) arvense (Trifolium) 204 borealis (Clintonia) arvense (Cirsium) 236 borealis (Linnea) arvense (Equisetum) 170 Boscianum (Chenopodium) arvense (Thlaspi) 197 Botryapium (Amelanchier) arvensis (Anagallis) 216 Botrychium arvensis (Anthemis) 235 Botrys (Chenopodium) arvensis (Brassica) 197 Brachyactis arvensis (Carduus) 236 brachyearpa (Arabis) arvensis (Convolvulus) 218 Brachyelytrum arvensis (Mentha) 221 bracteata (Diplotaxis) arvensis (Sonchus) 228 bracteata (Habenaria) ‘arvensis (Veronica) 223 bracteosa (Verbena) asarifolia (Pyrola) 215 Brassica Asarum 189 bromoides (Carex) Asclepias 217 Bromus Ascyron (Hypericum) 210 bufonius (Juncus) Asparagus 181 bulbifera (Cicuta) asper (Sonchus) 228 bulbifera (Cystopteris) aspera (Stachys) 220 bulbosa (Cardamine) asperifolia (Oryzopsis) 173 bulbosa (Erigenia Aspidium 169 bulbosus (Ranunculus) Asplenium 169 Bursa asprellum (Galium) 225 Bursa-pastoris (Capsella) Aster Bol: byzantina (Veronica) asteroides (Boltonia) 2aL Astragalus 205 Cacalia Atriplex 191 cesia (Solidago) atriplicifolia (Cacalia) 236 Cakile atropurpurea (Angellica) 214 Calamagrostis atropurpureum (Thaspium) 214 Calamus (Acorus) atropurpureus (HKuonymus) 208 calcedonica (Lychnis) atrovirens (Scripus) 176 Calla aurea (Carex) 178 Callitriche aurea (Corydalis) 196 Calopogon aureum (Thaspium) 214 Caltha aureus (Senecio) 236 Camelina autumnale (Helenium) 235 Campanula Avena 174 campestris (Brassica) aviculare (Polygonum) 190 campestris (Luzula) azureum (Delphinium) 194 Camptosorus azureus (Aster) 231 canadense (Allium) ‘ canadense (Asarum) babylonica (Salix) 185 canadense (Desmodium) Baileyanus (Rubus) 201 canadense (Geum) balsamifera Populus) 184 canadense (Hieracium) Balsamita (Chrysanthemum) 235 canadense (Hypericum) Balsamite (Senecio) 236 canadense (Lilium) Baptisia_ 204 canadense (Majanthemum) Batrachium ‘ 195 canadense (Menispermum) Bebbiana (Salix) 185 canadense (Teucrium) [Vol. 5, No. 4. 1907] canadensis (Amelanchier) canadensis (Anemone) canadensis (Aquilegia) canadensis (Arabis) canadensis (Artemisia) canadensis (Astragalus) canadensis (Calamagrostis) canadensis (Cornus) canadensis (Cryptotenia) canadensis (Dicentra) canadensis (Elodea) canadensis (Hlymus) canadensis (Hrigeron) canadensis (Hydrastis) canadensis (Lactuca) canadensis (Laportea) canadensis (Lonicera) canadensis (Mentha) canadensis (Pedicularis) canadensis (Polymnia) canadensis (Potentilla) canadensis (Rubus) canadensis (Sambucus) canadensis (Sanguinaria) canadensis (Sanicula) canadensis (Shepardia) canadensis ( (Solidago) cananariensis (Phalaris) candicans (Populus) candida (Salix) candidissima (Cornus) canescens (Amorpha) canescens (Lithospermum) cannabinum (Apocynum) Cannabis capillaceus (Ranunculus) capillare (Panicum) | capillaris (Eragrostis) capitata (Lespedeza) capitatum (Chenopodium) Capnoides Cardamine Cardiaca (Leonurus) cardinalis (Lobelia) Carduus Carex Careyi (Polygonum) carolina (Rosa) carolinense (Solanum) caroliniana (Carpinus) earoliniana (Parnassia) earoliniana (Vicia) Carolinianum (Delphinium) carolinianum (Geranium) carolinianum (Onosmodium) Carpinus Carui (Carum) Carum Carya Cassia cassinoides (Viburnum) Castalia Castilleja Cataria (Nepeta) cathartica (Rhamnus) caudata (Artemisia) Caulophyllum Ceanothus Celastrus Celtis Cenchrus PAGE 202 194 Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. Centaurea cephalantha (Carex) Cephalanthus cephalophora (Carex) Cerastium Ceratophyllum cernua (Bidens) cernua (Spiranthes) cernuum (Allium) cernuum (Trillium) Chetochloa Chamecrista (Cassia) Chamenerion Chamomilla (Matricaria) Chelone cheiranthoides (Hrysimum) ) Chenopodium chinense (Conioselinum) chrysanthemoides (Bidens) Chrysanthemum Cichorium Cicuta cicutefolium (Sium) ciliata (Blephilia) ciliata (Lonicera) ciliatum (Steironema) ciliatus (Bromus) cilinode (Polygonum) cinerea (Juglans) cinnamomea (Osmunda) Circea cireezans (Galium) circinata (Cornus) Cirsium Cladium clavatum (Lycopodium) Claytoni (Osmorhiza) Claytonia Claytoniana (Osmunda) Clematis Cleome Clintonia coccinea (Castilleja) coccinea (Cratzegus) coccinea (Quercus) Caloglossum coloratum (Epilobium) columnaris (Lepachys) Comandra Comarum communis (Juniperus) communis (Lapsana) communis (Ricinus) commutatum (Polygonatum) comosa (Amphicarpa) compressa (Poa) concinnum (Galium) conglomeratus (Rumex) Conioselinum conjuncta (Crategus) connata (Bidens) conoidea (Carex) Conopholis Conringia Consolida (Delphinium) conspersa (Viola) Convolvulus . Convolvulus (Polygonum Coptis Corallorrhiza cordata (Cratzegus) 242 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. cordata (Plantago) cordata (Salix) cordifolia (Vitis) cordifolia (Scutellaria) cordifolius (Aster) cordiformis (Carya) Coreopsis Cornus corollata (Euphorbia) coronaria (Pyrus) Corydalis Corylus corymbosum (Vaccinium) Cotula (Anthemis) Cracea (Vicia) Crategus crinita (Gentiana) erispus (Rumex) eristatum (Aspidium) Croton eruciata (C®£nothera) crus-galli (Echinochloa) eryptandrus (Sporobolus) Cryptogramma Cryptotenia Cucullaria (Dicentra) cucullata (Viola) cuspidata (Viola) Cuscuta cyanophylla (Cratzegus) Cyanus (Cencaurea) Cyclanthera cylindrica (Anemone) cylindrica (Boehmeria) Cymbalaria Cymbalaria (Linaria) Cynoglossum Cynosbati (Ribes) eynosuroides (Spartina) Cyparissias (Euphorbia) eyperinus (Scirpus) Cyperus Cypripedium Cystopteris Dactylis Danthonia Dasiphora Dasystoma Datura debilis (Poa) decapetalus (Helianthus) decurrens (Gnaphalium) delphinifolius (Ranunculus) Delphinium deltoides (Populus) demersum (Ceratophyllum) Dentaria dentatum (Viburnum) depressa (Juniperus) Deringa.. Desmodium Deweyana (Carex) diandrus (Cyperus) Dicentra . dichotomum (Panicum) Diervilla : Diervilla (Diervila) Digitalis (Pentstemon) Digitaria dilatata (Habenaria) dioica (Lonicera) dioica (Urtica) dioicum (Thalictrum) Dioscorea diphylla (Jeffersonia) diphylla (Mitella) Diplotaxis Dirca discolor (Cirsium) discolor (Salix) dissecta (Cyclanthera) divaricata (Phlox) divaricatum (Urticastrum) divaricatus (Aster) divaricatus (Helianthus) diversifolius (Potamogeton) Dodecatheon Doellingeria dolorosa (Salix) doronicoides (Helianthus) Drosera Drummondii (Aster) Dryopteris dubia (Heteranthera) dubium (Trifolium) Dulcamara (Solanum) Dulichium dumetorum (Polygonum) duriuscula (Festuca) Echinochloa Echinocystis Echium ecirrhata (Smilax) edentula (Cakile) edulis (Valeriana) effusum (Milium) effusus (Juncus) Bleocharis ellipsoidalis (Quercus) elliptica (Pyrola) Elodea Elymus emersum (Polygonum) Engelmanni (Cyperus) Epilobium Epiphegus Equisetum Eragrostis EBrechtites erectum (Brachyelytrum) erectum (Polygonum) ‘erectum (Trillium) ericoides (Aster) Erigenia Erigeron Eriophorum Eriophorum (Scripus) Eryngium Erysimum Erythronium esculentum (Fagopyrum) esculentus (Cyperus) Euonymus Eupatorium Euphorbia europeus (Lycopus) eurycarpum (Sparganium) Euthamia exaltata (Asclepias) 1907] Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. Fagopyrum Fagus Faleata faleata (Salix) fascicularis (Ranunculus) fasciculata (Vernonia) Festuca filiformis (Carex) Filix Filix-femina (Asplenium) fistulosa (Monarda) flabellata (Crategus) flava (Lonicera) flavescens (Cyperus) flavida (Gentiana) flexicaulis (Solidago) Floerkea floribundus (Samolus) — floridana (Lactuca) floridum (Ribes) fluitans (Panincularia) fluviatile (Equisetum) fluviatilis (Salix) feetida (Symplocarpa) foliosus (Potamogeton) fontanum (Epilobium) Fragaria fragilis (Cystopteris) fragilis (Salix) Franseria Fraxinus frondosa (Bidens) fruticosa (Potentilla) fulva (Ulmus) Fumaria fureatus (Andropogon) Gertneria Galeopsis Galeorchis galericulata (Scutellaria) Galinsoga Galium Gaultheria Gaura : Gaylussacia gZeniculatus (Alopecurus) Genista Gentiana Geranium Gerardia Geum giganteus (Helianthus) Githago (Agrostemma) glabra (A%sculus) glabra (Arabis) glabra (Carya) glabra (Chelone) glabra (Rhus) glabra (Stachys) glabratum (Xanthium) glandulosa (Ailanthus) glandulosa (Betula) glauca (Poa) glauca (Setaria) glaucescens (Eleocharis) glaucophylla (Salix) glaucum (Chenopodium ) Glechoma Glechoma (Nepeta) Gleditsia glomerata (Rhyncospora) glomerata (Dactylis) glutinosa (Tofieldia) Glyceria glyptosperma (Euphorbia) Gmelini (Lithospermum) Gnaphalium Goodyera gracile (Eriophorum) gracile (Ribes) gracilis (Urtica) gracillima (Carex) grecizans (Amaranthus) gramineum (Sisyrinchium) graminifolia (Solidago) grandidentata (Populus) grandiflora (Gerardia) grandiflora (Uvularia) grandiflorum (Desmodium) grandiflorum (Trillium) grandifolia (Fagus) grandis (Glyceria) granularis (Carex) graveolens (Polanisia) gregaria (Sanicula) Grindelia Gronovii (Cuscuta) gryposepala (Agrimonia) Gyrostachys Habenaria halimifolium (Lycium) Hamamelis Hartwrightii (Polygonum) hastata (Atriplex ) hastata (Verbena) Hedeoma hederacea (Glechoma) hederacea (Ipomca) Helenium Helenium (Inula) Helianthus Heliopsis Helioscopia (Huphorbia) Hepatica Heracleeum herbacea (Smilax) Hesperis Heteranthera heterophylla (Physalis) Heuchera Hibiscus Hicoria hieracifolia (Erechtites ) Hieracium Hierochloe Hippoecastanum (Aisculus) hirsuta (Agrimonia) hirsuta (Blephilia) hirsuta (Cardamine) hirsuta (Hypeloxis) hirsuta (Lactuca) hirsutissima (Pulsatilla) hirsutum (Cypripedium) hirsutus (Oxybaphus) hirsutus (Pentstemon) hirta (Rudbeckia) hispida (Galinsoga) hispida (Hedoma) 244 hispida (Heuchera) hispida (Smilax) hispidus (Rubus) Homalocenchrus Hookeri (Habenaria) Hookeriana (Franseria) Hookeriana (Lysias) hordeaceus (Bromus) Hordeum horizontalis (Juniperus) Hornemanni (Hpilobium) Houghtonii (Carex) Houghtonii (Solidago) humifusa (Digitaria) humilis (Rosa) Humulus hybridum (Chenopodium) hybridum (Trifolium) hybridus (Amaranthus) Hydrastis Hydrophyllum Hydropiper (Polygonum) hydropiperoides (Polygonum) hyemale (Equisetum) hyemalis (Agrostis) Hyoscyamus hyperborea (Habenaria) hypericifolium (Apocynum) Hypericum hypnoides (Eragrostis) Hypoxis hystricina (Carex) Hystrix Ilex Impatiens incana (Berteroa) incarnata (Asclepias) incarnata (Pyrola) incarnatum (Polygonum) incarnatum (Trifolium) inflata (Lobelia) inodora (Matricaria) insignis (Juncus) integerrima (Tenidia) integrata (Lactuca) integrifolia (Ambrosia) integrifolia (Lactuca) integrifolium (Silphium) interior (Carex) intermedium (Aspidium) intumescens (Carex) Intybus (Cichorium) Inula Ipomcea Iris Isnardia Isopyrum Iva japonica (Lonicera) Jeffersonia jubatum (Hordeum) Juglans juncea (Brassica) juncea (Solidago) junceus (Aster) Juncoides Juncus Juniperus Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. Kali (Salsola) Kalmii (Bromus) Kalmii (Lobelia) Kellia Krigia labradorica (Viola) lacera (Habenaria) Lacinaria laciniata (Dentaria) laciniata (Rudbeckia) laciniatum (Silphium) Lactuca lacustris (Iris) lacustris (Scirpus) Ladanum (Galeopsis) levigata (Arabis) levigata (Ilex) levigatus (Aster) levigatus (Pentstemon) levis (Aster) Lamium lanatum (Heracleum) lanceolata (Coreopsis) lanceolata (Fraxinus lanceolata (Pedicularis) ' lanceolata (Plantago) lanceolata (Viola) lanceolatum (Cirsium) lanceolatum (Pycnanthemum) lanceolatus (Cardwuus) lapathifolium (Polygonum) Laportea Lappa (Arctium) Lappula Lapsana laricina (Larix) Larix lateriflora (Arenaria) lateriflora (Scutellaria ) lateriflorus (Aster) Lathyrus latifolia (Polygala) latifolia (Sagittaria) latifolia (Solidago) latifolia (Spiranthes) latifolia (Typha) latifolium (Lithospermum) laurifolia (Salix) laxicaulis (Ranunculus) laxiflora (Carex) Leersia leiocarpum Lemna lenta (Betula) Lentago (Viburnum) Leonurus Lepachys Lepargyrea Lepidium leptalea (Carex) Leptamnium Leptandra Leptilon leptocaulis (Aster) Leptostachya (Phryma) Lespedeza leucantha Baptisia ) Leucanthemum ( wtidemtieiicor Lewisii (Linum) (Sisymbrium) [Vol. 5, No. 4. PAGE 191 175 227 221 227 1907] Check List of the tlora of Milwaukee County. Liatris Lilium Limnorchis Limodorum Linaria lineare (Melampyrum) linearis (Syntherisma) linifolius (Sericocarpus) Linnea Linum Liriodendron Lithospermum lobata (Echinocytis) Lobelia Lolium longifolia (Salix) longifolia (Stellaria) longifolius (Aster) longipes (Stellaria) longistylis (Osmorhiza) Lonicera Lowrieanus (Aster) lucida (Rosa) lucida (Salix) lucidulum (Lycopodium) lucidulus (Aster) lucorum (Crategus) ludoviciana (Artemisia) ludoviciana (Lactuca) Ludwigia lupuliformis (Carex) -lupulina (Carex) lupulina (Medicago) Lupulus (Humulus) lurida (Carex) lutea (Betula) Lutetiana (Circea) Luzula Lychnis Lycium Lycopodium Lycopus Lysias Lysimachia Lythrum macracantha (Crategus) macrocarpa (Quercus) macrocarpon (Vaccinium) macrophylum (Geum) macrophyllus’ (Aster) maculata (Cicuta) maculata (Euphorbia) maculatum (Geranium) maculatum (Hypericum) Majanthemum major (Eragrostis) major (Plantago) Malus Malva margaritacea (Anaphalis) marginata (Euphorbia) marginatus (Juncus) mariscoides (Cladium) maritimum (Polygonum) maritimus (Lathyrus) marylandica (Sanicula) marylandica (Scrophluraia) Mateuccia Matricaria matronalis (Hesperis) maxima (Dentaria) Maximiliani (Helianthus) Meadia (Dodecatheon) media (Habenaria) media (Stellaria) Medicago Meibomia Melampyrum Melica Melilotus Menispermum Mentha Menyanthes Mesadenia Metel (Datura) mexicana (Argemone) mexicana (Muhlenbergia) Micrampelis micranthus (Ranunculus) microcarpa (Rhus) Milium Millefolium (Achillea) Mimulus minima (Hicoria) minor (Hragrostis) minor (l.emna) minor (Quercus) Mitchella Mitella Mehringia mollis (Alnus) mollis (Crategus) mollis (Helianthus) Mollugo Monarda monile (Carex) monophylla (Acroanthes) Monotropa monspeliensis (Potentilla) moschata (Malva) Muhlenbergia Muhlenbergii (Polygonum) multiflora (Corallorrhiza ) multiflora (Luzula) muticum (Cirsium muticus (Carduus) Myosotis Myosotis (Lappula) Myriophyllum myrtilloides (Salix) Nabulus nana (Juniperus) Nasturtium (Roripa) natans (Potamogeton) Naumburgia neglecta (Antennaria) neglecta (Solidago) neglectus (Astragalus) Negundo (Acer) nemoralis (Solidago) neodioica (Antennaria) neottia (Corallorrhiza) Nepeta nervata (Glyceria) Nicotiana niger (Hyoscyamus) nigra (Brassica) nigra (Fraxinus) nigra (Juglans) nigra (Populus) 246 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. nigra (Salix) nigra (Vicia) nigrobaccus (Rubus) nigrum (Acer) nigrum (Solanum) nivale (Trillium) noctifiora (Silene) nodosus (Juncus) nove-anglie (Aster) nove-anglie (Carex) nuda (Mitella) nudicaulis (Aralia) Nuphar nutans (Festuca) Nuttallii (Polytenia) Nuttallii (Potamogeton) nyctagineus (Oxybaphus) Nymphea Oakesiana (C#inothera) oblongifolia (Lonicera ) obtusiflora (Cuscuta) obtusifolius (Rumex ) obtusiusculus (Ranunculus) occidentalis (Celtis) occidentalis (Cephalanthus) occidentalis (Gentiana) occidentalis (Platanus) occidentalis (Rubus) occidentalis (Symphoricarpos) occidentalis (Thuja) ochroleucus (Lathyrus) octandra (A%sculus) odorata (Hierochle) odorata (Nymphea) C#nothera officinale (Cynoglossum) officinale (Lithospernum) officinale (Sisymbrium) officinale (Symphytum) officinale (Taraxacum) officinalis (Asparagus) officinalis (Fumaria) officinalis (Melilotus) officinalis (Saponaria) ohioensis (Solidago) oleracea (Portulaca) oleraceus (Sonchus) Onagra Onobrychis (Psoralea) Onoclea Onosmodium ophioglossoides (Pogonia) Opulaster opulifolius (Physocarpus) Opulus (Viburnum) Orchis orientale (Polygonum) orientalis (Conringia) Orobanche oryzoides (Leersia) Oryzopsis Osmorhiza Osmunda ovalis (Ranunculus) ovata (Carya) Ostrya ovina (Festuca) Oxalis oxyacanthoides (Ribes) Oxybaphus Oxycoccus Oxypolis pallida (Impatiens) pallida (GMnothera) palmata (Coreopsis) palustris (Calla) palustris (Caltha) palustris (Dirca) palustris (Eleocharis) palustris (Lathyrus) palustris (Ludwigia) palustris (Myosotis) palustris (Potentilla) palustris (Proserpinaca) palustris (Roripa) palustris (Senecio) palustris (Triglochin) Panax Panicularia paniculata (Cornus) paniculatus (Amaranthus) paniculatum (Desmodium) paniculatus (Aster) Panicum Papaver papyrifera (Betula) Parietaria Parnassia Parthenocissus parviflora (Cardamine) parviflora (Physostegia) parviflorum (Cypripedium) Pastinaca patens (Anemone) Patientia (Rumex) patula (Atriplex) patula (Hystrix) patula (Solidago) pauciflorum (Desmodium) pectinatus (Potamogeton) pedatum (Adiantum) pedicellaria (Salix) Pedicularis peltatum (Podophyllum) pennsylvanica (Cardamine) pennsylvanica (Carex) pennsylvanica (Fraxinus) pennsylvanica (Parietaria) pennsylvanica (Prunus) pennsylvanica (Saxifraga) pennsylvanicum (Polygonum) pennsylvanicum (Vaccinium) pennsylvanicum (Xanthium) pennsylvanicus (Ranunculus) pentandra (Salix) Penthorum Pentstemon Peplus (Euphorbia) Peramium peregrina (Veronica) perennans (Agrostis) perenne (Lolium) perfoliata (Uvularia) perfoliatum (Eupatorium) perfoliatum (Silphium) perfoliatum (Triosteum) perforatum (Hypericum) Persicaria (Polygonum) petaloides (Antennaria) petiolaris (Helianthus) PAGE 215 214 1907] petiolaris (Salix) Phaca Phalaris philadelpicus (Hrigeron ) philadelphicum (Lilium) Philotria : Phleum Phlox Phragmites Phryma Physalis Physocarpus Physostegia phytolaccoides (Asclepias) Pilea pilosa (Luzula) pilosa (Phlox) pinnata (Lepachys) Pinus Pitcheri (Amphicarpa) plantaginea (Gyrostachys) Plantago plantaginifolia (Antennaria) Plantago-aquatica (Alisma) platanoides (Quercus) Platanus oa Podophyllium Pogonia Polanisia Polemonium polycarpa (Ludwigia) polycephalum (Gnaphalium) Polygala polygamum (Thalictrum) Polygonatum polygonifolia (Euphorbia) polygonorum (Cuscuta) Polygonum Polymnia polyrhiza (Spirodela) polystachyon (Eriophorum) Polytenia Pontica (Artemisia) Populus porrifolius (Tragopogon) Porterianum (Panicum) Portulaca Potamogeton Potentilla precox (Carex) pratense (Phleum) pratense (Trifolium) pratensis (Tragopogon) pratensis (Cardamine) pratensis (Poa) Prenanthes prenanthoides (Aster) Preslii (Euphorbia) procumbens (Gaultheria) procumbens (Trifolium) Proserpinaca proserpinacoides (Flerkea) prostratum (Ribes) pruinosa (Crategus) Prunella Prunus Pseudacacia (Robinia) psilostachya (Ambrosia) Psoralea © psycodes (Habenaria) Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. ptarmicoides (Aster) Ptelea Pteridium Pteris pubescens (Sambucus) pubescens (Carex) pubescens (Cypripedium) pubescens (Huphorbia) pubescens (Goodyera) pubescens (Physalis) pubescens (Viburnum) pubescens (Viola) pulchella (Lactuca) pulchellus (Calopogon) pulchellus (Hrigeron) pulegioides (Hedeoma) Pulsatilla pumila (Betula) pumila (Pilea) punctata (Crategus) punctatum (Polygonum) puniceus (Aster) purpurascens (Asclepias) purpurascens (Thalictrum) purpurea (Cardamine) purpurea (Ipomea) purpurea (Salix) purpurea (Sarracenia) purpureum (Eupatorium) Purshii (Plantago) Pycnanthemum pycnosthachya (Liatris) Pyrola Pyrus quadriflorum (Steironema) Quercus quinquefolia (Ampelopsis) quinquefolia (Anemone) quinquefolia (Gentiana) quinquefolium (Panax) racemosa (Aralia) racemosa (Sambucus) racemosa (Smilacina ) racemosa (Ulmus) racemosus (Symphoricarpos) radicans (Rhus) ramosus (Erigeron) Ranunculus Raphanus rapunculoides (Campanula) Ratibida recurvatum (Trillium) recurvatus (Ranunculus) regalis (Osmunda) -reniformis (Cacalia) repens (Agropyron) repens (Lespedeza) repens (Mitchella) repens (Oxalis) repens (Ranunculus) repens (Trifolium) reptans (Polemonium) resinosa (Gaylussacia) retroflexus (Amaranthus) revolutum (Thalictrum) Rhamnus rhizophyllus (Camptosorus) Rheeas (Papaver) rhombipetala (C#nothera) 248 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. rhomboideus (Ranunculus) hus Rhyncospora Ribes Richardsonianus (Juncus) Ricinus : Riddellii (Solidago) rigida (Saggitaria) rigida (Solidago) rigida (Tiedemannia ) ringens (Mimulus) rivale (Geum) Robinia Romanzoffiana (Spiranthes) Roripa Rosa rosea (Carex) roseus (Streptopus) rostrata (Corylus) rostrata (Salix) rostratum (Solanum) rotundifolia (Amelanchier) rotundifolia (Campanula) rotundifolia (Drosera) rotundifolia (Malva) rotundifolia (Pyrola) rotundifolium (Ribes) rubellus (Lycopus) rubiginosa (Rosa) rubra (Actea) rubra (Quercus) rubrum (Acer) rubrum (Ribes) Rubus Rudbeckia ruderale (Lepidium) Rugelii (Plantago) rugosa (Alnus) rugosa (Solidago) Rumex rustica.( Nicotiana) rutila (Crategus) sabina (Juniperus) saccharinum (Acer) saccharum (Acer) Sagittaria sagittatum (Polygonum) saggittifolia (Lactuca) sagittifolius (Aster) salicifolia (Spirea) Salix Salomonia Salsola Sambucus Samolus sanguinale (Digitaria) Sanguinaria Sanicula Saponaria Saponaria (Gentiana) Sarracenia Sartwellii (Carex) sativa (Avena) sativa (Camelina) sativa (Cannabis) sativa (Medicago) sativa (Pastinaca) sativa (Vicia) sativus (Raphanus) Savastana Saxifraga Sayi (Rosa) scaberrimus (Helianthus) scabra (Heliopsis) seabrella (Solidago) scabriuscula (Viola) scabrum (Hieracium) scandens (Celastrus) seariola (Lactuca) sceleratus (Ranunculus) scirpoidea (Carex) Scirpus scoparia (Carex) scoparius (Andropogon) Scrophularia scrophulariefolia (Agastache) Scutellaria scutellata (Veronica) secalinus (Bromus) secunda (Pyrola) sedoides (Penthorum) Sedum Senecio Senega (Polygala) sensibilis (Onoclea) sepium (Convolvulus) septentrionalis (Glyceria) septentrionalis (Ranunculus) sera (Crategus) Sericocarpus serissima (Salix) serotina (Prunus) serotina (Solidago) serpyllifolia (Veronica) sertata (Crategus) setacea (Carex) Setaria Shepardia Shortii (Aster) siccata (Carex) Silene Silphium simplex (Aster) simplex (Sparganium) sinuatus (Lycopus) Sisymbrium Sisyrinchium Sium Smilacina Smilax Solanum Solidago somniferum (Papaver) Sonchus Sorbus sororia (Viola) Sparganium sparganoides (Carex) spartea (Stipa) Spartina Spathyema speciosa (Solidago) spectabilis (Galeorchis) spectabilis (Orchis) spicata (Amelanchier) spicata (Danthonia) spicata (Liatris) spicata (Lobelia) ) spicata (Mentha) spicatum (Acer) spicatum (Aplectrum) [ Vol. 5, No. 4. PAGE 199 202 234 233 230 211 1907 | spicatum (Myriophyllum) spinosa (Cleome) spinosa (Prunus) spinulosum (Aspidium ) Spirea spiralis (Vallisneria) Spiranthes Spirodela spithameus (Convolvulus) Sporobolus squarrosa (Grindelia) Stachys Steironema Stellaria stellata (Quercus) © stellata (Silene) stellata (Smilacina) Stelleri (Cryptogramma) stellulata (Carex) sterilis (Carex) Stipa stipata (Carex) stolonifera (Cornus) Stramonium (Datura) Streptopus striata (Melica) stricta (Carex ) stricta (Gyrostachys) stricta (Oxalis) stricta (Solidago) stricta (Verbena) strictum (Geum) strigosus (Cyperus) strigosus (Rubus) strobus (Pinus) strumarium (Xanthium) strumosus (Helianthus) Struthiopteris (Onoclea) suaveolens (Cacalia) subrotundifolia (Crategus) subsagittata (Viola) Sullivantii (Lonicera) superbum (Lilium) sylvatica (Muhlenbergia) . sylvaticum (HEquisetum) sylvestris (Malva) Symphoricarpos Symphytum Symplocarpa Syndesmon Synosma Syntherisma syphilitica (Lobelia) syriaca (Asclepias) Tenidia Tanacetum tamariscina (Acnida) Taraxacum tarda (Crategus) tatarica (Lonicera) Tatula (Datura) Telephium (Sedum) tenella (Carex) tenuiflora (Carex) tenuifolia ,Crategus) tenuifolia (Gerardia) tenuifolia (Stachys) tenuis (Eleocharis) terebinthinaceum (Silphium) Tetrahit (Galeopsis) Check List of the Flora of Milwaukee County. Teucrium texensis (Croton) Thalesia Thalictroides (Anemonella) thalictroides (Caulophyllum) Thalictrum Thapsus (Verbascum) Thaspium Thelyppteris (Aspidium) Theophrasti (Abutilon) Thlaspi Thuja thyrsiflora (Lysimachia) Tiedemannia Tilia tinctoria (Genista) tinctorium (Galium) Tofieldia - tomentosa (Crategus) Tradescanti (Aster) Tradescantila Tragopogon Tragus (Salsola) tremuloides (Populus) triacanthos (Gleditsia) Triadenum tribuloides (Cenchrus) trichocarpa (Carex) trichophyllum (Batrachium) trichosperma (Bidens) tricocceum (Allium) Trientalis trifida (Ambrosia) trifida (Diervilla) trifidum (Galium) triflora (Poa) triflorum (Galium) triflorum (Solanum) triflorus (Rubus) trifolia (Coptis) trifolia (Smilacina) trifoliata (Menyanthes) trifoliata (Ptelea) trifoliata (Sanicula) trifoliatum (Thaspium) Trifolium trifolium (Panax) Triglochin Trillium triloba (Hepatica) Trionum (Hibiscus) Triosteum triphyllum (Arisema) trisperma (Carex tristis (Salix) trisulea (Lemna) tuberosa (Asclepias) tuberosa (Apios) tuberosus (Helianthus) tuberculata (Acnida) tulipifera (Liriodendron) ypha typhina (Rhus) uliginosa (Pyrola) uliginosum (Gnaphalium) ulmifolia (Solidago) Ulmus umbellata (Comandra) umbellata (Dellingeria) umbellatum (Lilium) 250 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. undulatus (Aster) uniflora (Monotropa) uniflora (Orobanche) Unifolium Urtica urticefolia (Verbena) Urticastrum usitatissimum (Linum) Utricularia Uva-ursi (Arctostaphylos) Uvularia Vaccaria (Saponaria) Vaccaria Vaccinium Vagnera Valeriana validus (Scirpus) Vallisneria variegatum (Equisetum) velutina (Quercus) venosum (Hieracium) venosus (Lathyrus) Verbascum Verbena verna (Callitriche) Vernix (Rhus) Vernonia Veronica versicolor (Iris) versicolor (Scutellaria) verticillata (Ilex) verticillata (Mollugo) verticillatus (Rumex) verum (Galium) vesca (Fragaria) vesicaria (Carex) Viburnum Vicia villosa (Dioscorea) viminalis (Salix) Viola virginiana (Anemone) virginiana (Clematis) virginiana (Epiphegus) virginiana (Fragaria) virginiana (Hamamelis) virginiana (Juniperus) Virginiana (Kellia) virginiana (Lappula) virginiana (Ostrya) 231 215 224 181 virginiana (Physalis) virginiana (Physostegia) virginiana (Prunus) virginiana (Rosa) virginiana (Tradescantia) virginianum (Botrychium) virginianum (Geum) virginianum (Polygonum) virginica (Acalypha) virginica (Claytonia) virginica (Krigia) virginica (Leersia) virginica (Veronica) virginicum (Cynoglossum) virginicum (Hydrophyllum) virginicum (Hypericum) virginicum (Lepidium) virginicus (Elymus) virginicus (Lycopus) viridis (Mentha) viridis (Setaria) virosa (Lactuca) viscosum (Cerastium) Vitis vitellina (Salix) vulgare (Echium) vulgare (Lycium) vulgare (Tanacetum) vulgaris (Aquilegia) vulgaris (Artemisia) vulgaris (Berberis) vulgaris (Linaria) vulgaris (Phragmites) vulgaris (Prunella) vulgaris (Senecio) vulgaris (Silene) vulgaris (Utricularia) vulgata (Bidens) vulgatum (Cerastium) vulpina (Vitis) vulpinoidea (Carex) Washingtonia Wolfgangiana (Anemone) xanthifolia (Iva) Xanthium Xanthoxylum Zizania [ Vol. 5, No. 4. 221 ANEW SPEGCINS OR PSEN. By Henry L. VIERECK. Psen (Mimesa) barthi n. sp. Wings brownish transparent, nervures and stigma dark brown. Belongs to Fox’s group Kohli, but clypeus subbidentate. Female. 10 mm. Head: Pretty much the same as in simplici- cornis; polished portions with a steel blue reflection. Thorax: Dorsulum approximately as in simplicicornis; scutel punctured and striate; mesopleura distinctly but sparsely punctured ; dorsulum and mesopleura with a steel blue reflection; knees black, spurs whitish, tarsi brownish testaceous to brown; otherwise as in simplicicornis. Abdomen: ‘Pygidium bounded by a distinct carina; otherwise as in simplicicornis. Barring the exceptions already alluded to, this insect is almost uniformly black. Type Public Museum, Milwaukee, Wis. Type locality, Mil- waukee, Wis. One specimen collected by Dr. Geo. P. Barth. ON THE NESTING HABITS OF PSEN BARTHI VIERECK By GeorcsE P. BartH. Revenge is sweet. This spirit may have tinged the feeling of satisfaction which was derived from demolishing the abiding place of the above described intruder on what I fondly regarded as my crabro preserve. During the years 1905 and 1906 this old log in Bradley’s Woods, on the Milwaukee-Waukesha County line, had been a continuous source of pleasure and profit to me in my 251 252 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. growing intimacy with the habits of the Crabronidce and a feel- ing of disappointment and chagrin was experienced when it was seen that a colony of slender, black wasps had usurped this haunt of a more beautiful though coarser structured family. Nothing remained of the numbers of Crabro obscurus, chrysarginus, sex- maculatus and montanus which formerly nested here. During the summer but one Crabro brunneipes ventured to dispute the right of possession with Psen and built her nest in the log. One speci- men of Psen was caught carrying a leaf-hopper to thts log last year, but others must have builded to account for the numbers that chose this for a nesting site during the present season. ° The flight of the wasp is rather slow and not graceful. When hunting for a place to begin excavations she frequently alights and tests rather methodically here and there, walking from place to place, occasionally taking wing along the log in arcs with the side of the log. She is not at all shy, seemingly indifferent as to whether she is being watched or not even though the observer be quite close to the nest. The numerous parasitic flies which were constantly about the nests also did not seem to be a disturbing factor, although several times the returning wasp lunged at one which happened to be too close to the entrance. The prey of the was, seems to be exclusively adult leap-hoppers, of which the following species were found in the nests: Cyrtolobus fenestra- tus Fitch and Atyma inornata Say. The method of carrying the hopper was practically the same in all instances. It was firmly grasped at the neck or anterior part of the thorax by the middle legs, ventral or lateral side uppermost, and projected backwards under the abdomen of the wasp. Occasionaily the body was carried somewhat to the right side and below thus pushing the abdomen of the wasp to the left. In no instance was the wasp seen to fly directly into the nest, but alighted some inches away and deliberately walked in without shifting its grasp on its victim. 1907] On the Nesting Habits of the Psen Barthi Viereck. 253 NEST. The entrance to the nest was usually marked by a quantity of sawdust scattered about without definite form or arrangement. The nest remained open during the absence of the wasp though material was at hand with which it might easily have been closed to intruders. Frequently the entrance was in the side of a crack which extended into the log and in this event the sawdust was in large part carried to the surface and deposited there. A short gallery, smooth and evenly rounded, from three to four milli- meters in diameter, led perfectly straight or rather tortuously to the cells. . The accompanying drawings and measurements will illustrate. In all nests the cell was rather sharply divided from the gallery by a ridge formed by the abrupt incline into the bowl of the cell. In shape these varied to a considerable degree, the oval in some form being maintained however. ‘The cell was pro- visioned with from three to five leaphoppers which were in the majority of cases mixed with a little sawdust. These, presum- ably, were stung to death as neither the ones taken from. the - wasp immediately on her return from a hunting expedition nor those in any of the cells responded to stimulation with forceps, fingers or alcohol and they soon dried up. All the nests except number three were in the log. This nest was found in the debris which littered the ground about one foot from the log proper, the entrance being concealed under several chips of wood. ‘Thence it took its course downward irregularly, then horizontally and finally in a sweeping curve downward to the cell. This irregu- larity was not due to a desire on the part of the wasp to avoid costructions as where a piece of wood was encountered the wasp bored its way through instead of around it, at least three pieces of wood, none larger than three-fourths of an inch in any diameter being thus perforated. The cell itself occupied the center of a smal' square piece not over one inch each way. 254 Bulletin Wisconsin Natural History Society. [Vol. 5, No. 4. Gallery aA to Cc 0.4 em. in diameter. B to D 4.5 cm. At E 0.8 em. of packed saw- dust. Cell 1.2x0.6 em; irregularly oval. Entrance 0.3 em. 4-leaf hoppers. ‘A ene fea et ee Gallery A to B extending vertically. 0.4 Pee ae em. in diameter ; B to C= 4 cm. ee ee horizontally. ge es ee Cell regularly oval; 1.0x0.7 cm. En- a =. = = trance 0.4em. Contained 2 hoppers. | it ie SAS = Gallery cto D = 5 cm. in a sweeping curve... C.to 8B == ..6 Gm \ mn CS SS curved. B to A = 5 cm., almost ee Sa Wej straight. aA to D in a straight = = — line:== 11 em, ae Ky:— Cell Egg-shaped as drawn; 1.3x0.7 cm. “x RY = Entrance 0.4 em. Contained 2 hop- a (Sam pers. se i. ae a 1907] On the Nesting Habits of the Psen Barthi Viereck. 255 Gallery © filled with sawdust and 0.3 cm. in diameter. D and ~ = B open. D— 11% cm. long. Cell 1 Irreg. oval;. 1.2x0.7 «m.; ty clean and contained a = cocoon very lightly attached Sa — SS | to the walls. - =o Cell 2 regularly oval; empty and Nest No. A. clean; 1.0x0.6 em. = B- _— — — — Gallery Ato B= 2.2 cm. Co: D ==.) em. A to B = 5.9 emi: A to D. = 4.6 cm. @ -==.03! iem.. In diam. and packed with sawdust. Bos Of .ems ‘Tn diam. and open. Nest No. 5. Cell 1 1.3x0.7 cm.; 3 hoppers; egg on left thorax at edge of wing beginning at neck and extending parallel to the body. Cell 2 practically spherical; 0.8 ecm. in diameter. Empty. Wasp caught in gallery F. Nest No. 6. TOP VIEW. LATERAL VIEW. Ate D4 em. Cell 1 1.0x0.6 em.; 3 hoppers; contents mildewed. Ate C= 3) em: Cell 2 1.3x0.6 cm.; rather flat on one side, dome- Ato L = 3.7 em. like on other; cocoon. A to F= 1.2 cm. Cell 3 1.2x0.6 cm.; empty. D to B= Leem. Gallery H 0.3 em. in diam.; filled with sawdust. c to B= 0.6 em. Gallery G 0.4 em.; filled with sawdust. FtoL=2.5cem. — Gallery 1 0.4 em.; open. Wasp caught in nest. Entrance in a crack. = cashes F¢: gpa AS: — — —_— a —_— ag = = = lege = Big ay aes hg is a) —_ _— » ——_ ee | ee ee Semmes —— —_— ececendiliieer ee —— fs ee Sarat, rae mee = — = — Nest No. 7 SEA EES bn Se ceed PO Eg an — — = — — —_ Fr SS << = SS ae pe — ey fo =e o. Tc Re et sas) an —_—_ — —_— _— —_—_ Sa ails _ _— — ed —— — _— —— _ —_ Se ee se —_—_——_— — _— — _— — -_ — is _— 7 ——_— —_— = + ee _—_—— _ i -_ Bree = = = — ae So — r= = Ee = f ate = = s —_ — \/ Vy Nest No. 8. SURFACE VIEW. fron A to B 13 cha BR to C'=2 (cH. B tO Ds ty) Semis A tO 8 SH09 sem. A to E)== 4, “eim: Gallery H = 0.4 cm. in diam.; open. Gallery G@ = 0.3 em. in diam.; packed. Cell 1 a cocoon. Cell 2 1.1x0.7 cm. Empty. Galleries and cells were practically on the same horizontal plane, the entrance being in a crack in the log. All the galleries were packed with sawdust. | Cell 1 1.2x0.7 em.; contained a cocoon. Cell 2 very irregular in shape; contents mildewed. Cell 3 1.3x0.6 cm.; tained a cocoon. Cell 4 1.2x0.6 em.; regularly tained a cocoon. regularly oval; con- oval; con- All the cells and galleries on practically the same vertical plane. All galleries packed with sawdust. A to D = 1.5 cm. A to C = 3.8 em. Ato H == 7.0em. Cell 1 1.1x0.7 em.; regularly oval; 3 hoppers; entrance 0.3 cm. in diam. Cell 2 1.1x0.5 cm.; regularly oval; 4 hoppers. Cell 3 1.1x0.6 em.; one side considerably flat- ter than the other; 4 hoppers; egg on right thorax along the edge of the wing; contents beginning to mildew. A to B = 2.7 cm. 4 (OCB SS 3.7 Cu F to G@ = 12 cat 1907] On the Nesting Habits of the Psen Barthi Viereck. 257 MISCELLANEOUS CELLS OF WHICH THE NEST STRUCTURE WAS NOT TRACED. Cell No. 1: 1.1x0.5 cm.; empty; sharply differentiated from gallery ; regularly oval; 0.35 cm. at entrance; gallery 0.4 cm. not packed. Celi 2. 1.2x0.7; 4 hoppers somewhat mildewed; regularly oval; gallery to cell packed with sawdust. Celi 3. 1.1x0.7 cm.; regularly oval; 4 hoppers. Cell 4. 1.1x0.6 cm.; regularly oval; 5 hoppers; a small fly larva crawling about. Cell 5. 1.0x0.6 cm.; regularly oval; 3 hoppers; egg on right thorax along edge of wing. Cell 6. 1.2x0.7; egg shaped; entrance packed with sawdust and scmewhat smaller than the gallery beyond; 3 hoppers. Cell 7. 1.0x0.6 cm.; irregularly oval, one side being some- what flattened ; 3 hoppers; 3 fly larvae in cell. Cell 8. Very irregular; contents mildewed. Cell 9. Irregularly oval; 1.2x0.6 cm.; 3 hoppers; 2 fly larvae. Cell 10. 1.1x0.5 em.; regularly oval; cell and gallery empty ; sharply differentiated by ridge; 0.35 cm. at entrance to cell; 0.4 em. in gallery. In no case did the hoppers completely fill the cell, being gathéred in a ball either at one end or in the middle. Most of the cocoons, however, filled the cell and were lightly attached © to its walls with the hopper rests attached to its outer surface. The cocoons are buff or yellowish buff in color, frequently with whitish fibres or masses of fibre scattered over the surface. One larva in an artificial glass cell spun a cocoon which is entirely paper white. They are rather tough, tearing with difficulty, though quite thin. Nests one, two and three were excavated August 4th. The remainder were obtained September Ist. On this day but two wasps were seen about the log, one resting in the gallery of Nest No. 5 and the other carrying prey into Nest No. 6. LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE WISCONSIN NATURAL HISTORY “SOCIETY, ACTIVE MEMBERS. DrcAs We Aketly 364k osteo, ae Nat. Soldiers’ Home, Wauwatosa. Wis. Clarence J. Allen..............555 Juneau Place. Hugo. Alisthwager. os... 0. = si 118 Harmon St. Dr HKdwin’ P., Bartlett): } 7. 6a 05 422 Jefferson St. Dr Geo. Fs Barc 2 tke aera Goldsmith Bldg. Dr. Wm. A: Batehelor..; -... 223. = 1109 Kinnickinnie Ave. Adotph: Brersaeh ois Fix ions ete 1011 Second St. Mrs, As Gra ara bys. aie otelase's ofecee 1300 Grand Ave. Weal sauiee peeing ee «ie ane cee 236 Prospect Ave. Cr ETE BOsserpe7 ip seiciee ke ee 719 Franklin Place. Gottlob TOssent. 2h ua. .csenas ee a 719 Franklin Place. Charles EE. Brow s b's p-e)4 «52s ep gs 1214 Chestnut St. Gira Trlesi 2. Fir Wes ia a Nene! sat ote hae Public Museum. Wr, At A Brundage. no. ese 2404 State St. Dr: Arti), Burgess soe ass wis 1102 Grand Ave. Charles €; Carpenter.:......... 841 Cass St. Mass: Alnce: Childs 5 6 i<20? 22 need East Side High School. Herbert Clowesi. 2 02:5. bs Public Museum. Geo; WW; Colles i655 70 tae Sees Alhambra Bldg. Dr A. lvans-Comtorts.. 2c oe National Soldiers’ Home, Wauwatosa. Dr: Ernest Copeland. 22% .j.0.. <5 141 Wisconsin St. Pw (CLrOspyints esse sake 1k eo 2426 Wells St. Charles. H. Doerflinger........'.. 254 Ninth St. Rev. Frederick Edwards........ 184 Twenty-fourth St. Be. bss Marian. on’. "oot Gave ikans Sees 2918 Cedar St. JOM CMISERs Jy han eat ce ae tel ene 472 Cass St. Wim.” WanGer ss . oi. 6s ceca be yecs nee sere 297 Twelfth St. Adived WiSGher. . .ssc~ 2. 330 at 131 Eleventh St. A, 5k WUE Gia Ss Sis a lela ae ere 201 Wisconsin St. Charlies” Hz Junker. s\< «5 420 te 2520 Cedar St. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Dr: BR: Buckleye wee ee Rolla, Mo. Miss: Mioreénec Buck. <;. St. Lawrence University, Canton, N. Y._ WAS - Claes oss. ahi op ee eae eS Milton, Wis. ‘Henry W. Frieden.............Mineral Point, Wis. Wot Hodlaster:. 2 S72 1ce eee eae Biological Survey, Department Agri- culture, Washington, D. C. Fi; SY aC ESR. st eee oe ee Milton, Wis. Mass (Clara 1G. J0nes. 24 ence West Bend, Wis. udolph.. Kuehne... 2 is ats eens 825 N. Market St., Sheboygan, Wis. BS EL. Ayana. 3a 5.8 a Cie OR SEE ee 205 Market St., Kenosha, Wis. Dr Do Meu Millet: <2 sca. eee Oconomowoc, Wis. hey. 6. ©. Matehell | cscea tye ek 534 Summit Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Miss Marion Murdock.......... 247 Congress St., itenosha, Wis. Henry... Skayvlem 7. Se 22 os 3.2 2 Janesville, Wis. Dr: Charles HE. Slocum. «24.5% . Defiance. Ohio. HH. A}. Winkenwerdet...2..2 24.2. Watertown, Wis. 10 cents | Sovicht. pe Space erica. Vereins yon Wisconsin, a eS ae 1877- 78, 1879-80, 1880-81, BACH. EG Saiyan iaei ey ber iOveentey 2 ies 2785s Jan, 11, 486, to Dee. 13,.°86;-Mar. 14, 87, — 4 as : a att 95. oz Jan, 23, oe to Dee. Gee cael i 15 cents ext eee 13 : Pe wih Natural 1 Hist AS Seretst New Series), We Sc apet ete rae Hu jee Jan., 1900; Vii Pe No. Oy ae 1900; els I; Pe, Ne 8 ae eae : Vol i, No; 3, ee 1902; Vol, Il, No. 4 Oct. - pp ae ee A ithe e dese ernst eee eee ete e etree tee a IO Sok ae 1907; Vol, ENo, 22 “Apr., 1907: Vol. V, No. Sot ae 100% ‘Vol. Vv, No. 4, Dec., 1907 ieee aet 50 cents” ee = J = Lf. 2 r i ae oo casionel Papers: published by the Society may ‘be ‘e * ae ee ; sive: cents 7 apiece: . a * OMe as. Se ; ce . AMsayse < os res et “Ant-like Spiders of the Family. Attide,” GW. & ot 3 sigpidens of ‘the SaeothSh Gionb of the Family, ws & E. G. evaekiany Nov., 1894. 2 & ‘&. Ge + Peckham, Apri 1896. Ae. ; a as we = <2 i 7 ff z \ ; < ie BAS Se ee “fi cents ESS. ae 4 » - ms ¢ 7 4 ; > a erie SY