Na hinednirerinas . Sy tke ome tee Ne Sanur eee ot CLE SN ger ente yn teen 9 ; Si ee eat tit Re Chey TATeLeTG Le al . ad - ont ee : “s Se SES eras = CPE eats s v i ia tia aati Le oc et ee oe bee ay Sb OE EADS i) - Pai ek eee = a HARVARD UNIVERSITY rE LIBRARY OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology Fate th 4; i ae wal yi hiv ty rh j A D Hi ‘y i 4 Lf (an a att Gah i i v4), i ine fee at i hs Ay ee ie Uren Puy ins \ byt) inate 9 en Lt Woe at | SNA a ON Pe igs Pier ah WANED Yes veal) Ae Wien cal He ik ty Wc Mach Ara) Wer ht mM oe JG Tig Ye lt gt Mw rl h 5 " } we py \ By Psi BULLETINS OF IVE) CIE FE eo NT OLOG * MOE, Xl * 1960 al , a : | ; ° : aa cak n Me Maye Ai Fit Pape 5; : 7 x ah U 7 - * - } LIBRARY = |FEB16 1961; HARVARD | | UNIVERSITY | rivet . mae re ag I we Baad - é | = Vannes YAOIO0S C00 eu MUS. COMP, 2001 LIBRARY FEB 1 6 1961 ERSITY | io ww UNIVE Pages CONTENTS OF VOLUME XLI Plates Bulletin No. 185. Carpoid Echinoderms from the Silurian and Devonian of Australia By Edmund G. Gill and Kenneth E. Caster 1-10 1-72 186. Conflicting Age Determinations Suggested by Foraminifera on Yap. Caroline Islands. By W. Storrs Cole, Ruth Todd, and Clnewrles: (Ch, AMOS, ooo ce ssce here cecscsecennectecs 11-13 73-112 187. Some Smal] Foraminifera from Shel] Bluii, Georgia. : TBSHE ASE AN Ged BUC) eh ae opener are eee ee eee eee 14-16 113-130 188. Catalogue and Illustrations of Mollusks de- scribed by Wesley Newcomb, with a bio- graphical Resume. IByy AAreiowuie JBL, (CAKE, GIs ceccesctesestesccscceasocee ile 131-160 189. Wisconsin Molluscan Faunules from Jefierson County, Kentucky. By Ruth G. Browne and Donald E. INVUCC UB) oral Cle ee ee ee ee eee Pe eee ne 18-22 161-183 190. The Genus Camerina. SVE STORES. OCG seers eee ee ee 23-26 184-205 27 206-246 The Microfauna of the Yorktown Formation from James River, Surry County, Virginia. Strati- 1911, By Joseph W. Sabol Paleontology, 247-382 383-400 Some Aspects of the graphy, and Sedimentation of the Corry Sandstone of Northwestern Pennsylvania. JAY IDAWOMEI IB, SRISS) scsccgeccasesacccosendesapedeeeece sees a a ” rea | = oa uP be rocas ay arch BULLETINS ot OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY * VOL, XI NUMBER 185 1960 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U.S. A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION | 1959-60 PRISED BNE hie ile ea eek cepa Lco scot RR agar Mamca a Ue LN ou Neode NorMAN E. WEISBORD TCR PRESIDENT | bi 05 fe doy oe feeabe otal ged seTy oe aoe note yes abe cakes plegoeta bene cup os cease JoHN W. WELLS SECRETARY-LREASURER, (20 RI Re NL eivel ot REBECCA S. HARRIS BIRR CTOR: ott uted Ic) ueedsec ces uh talecoct tht edad anetec dae’ KATHERINE V. W. PALMER HOQUINSHT (eis Leone MIO da Naame OEE SOME SONI Se a ARMAND L. ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE AAAS |\GOUNGIL) oii: 2)2..h.cccslbbcdeecsteodeenesbebessouas KENNETH E. CASTER Trustees KENNETH E. CasTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) RALPH A. LIDDLE (1956-62) REBECCA S. Harris (Life) AXEL A. Otsson (Life) SOLOMON C. HoLusTER (1959-1965) NoRMAN E. WEIsBoRD (1957-63) JoHN W. WELLs (1958-64) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Mrs. Fay Brices, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER A. MyRA KEEN JAY GLENN MARKS G. WINSTON SINCLAIR Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, XII, XIV, XV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York USS.A. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 41 No. 185 CARPOID ECHINODERMS FROM THE SILURIAN AND DEVONIAN OF AUSTRALIA By EDMUND D. GILL National Museum of Victoria, Australia and KENNETH E. CAsTER University of Cincinnati March 1, 1960 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. Library of Congress Card Number: GS 60-300 HARVARD UNIVERSITY Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Page IADR EREEE acts nonsecene ar RREIB ES REN MERE OSEEC aE SEES SEE CERS Pg ESERE Tyo Re 5 Taermave lie Gtaray wae l sek secs MR nee oe cee eee SE Ee arene haan threeare enntcee 5 (CRG STRCAOMY dscecraXice dbOSS OEE bUS Raia sa eeeee UeRG BEC Ee ete acute Ses tree ea SR eB RE ee 7 StylOCOmetam cast yLOal eae cena Me Mie. vaste eeeee deen tases omctis wahta dean cos peuc ther eadiadeen sh eases 9 INIGRY GLASTRON. - ssscstncsesvadssoseaanqneooobostesbbeannaasaaceonoescnBése 10 Systematic paleontology ......... SRE ote ei ae ne 9 Nea ere Ne 11 Class Carpoidea jacked 1900, cemend: 1921, Reha Ae mien es ce aes ee eae 12 Order Solumtamiackelant SOO pe opti. Secs ac tte eee Seen ce se ee ae 15 RamulyDendrocystittidaes Bassler 93 Qian. eetene eee eee eee 16 Genus Heckericystis Gill and Caster, new genus .................... 16 Genusm Sy nmecocrnueBillinesse S59 ier ee eereene nacre eee LT) Family Iowacystidae Gill and Caster, new family ........00000000000000.... 20 Family Rutroclypeidae Gill and Caster, new family .....000000.0..00.00.... DD GenusPReirocly peu Withers 1953s teen eee eee 30 Rutroclypeus yunore Wiatherss W933... cee see 30 Re urctorae, Galland (@asters mew. SPeCles) .-)...ess eee oA R. ? withersi Gill and Caster, new species ....................... 40 Revs clopnlas (Dehn) atc. eee eee he 42 Order Mitratanyackell 19200 eee aes eee AS Suborder Placocystida Haeckel, 1896 Bes Racine Oe ris Renee d eee he ee 43 Bannlyoblacocystitidacsnew snares ewe c.ceeet tee e he 44 Genus Victoriacystis Gill and Caster, new genus ...... Senet 46 Victoriacystis wilkinsi Gill and Caster, new species ....... 46 V. aff. wilkinsi Gill and Caster (Lower Silurian) .......... 52 V. aff. wilkinsi Gill and Caster (Lower Devonian) ..........54 RAleOseos tap lnyemeeceresseree esse Fe oe eee eee esto Oe OE eee 55 PNGKMOWACAOMIENES 5. 550.c2.. ok ews nade sia te sedhovaaphunie i PO aie ee cee eee ee 56 TLAETEAETIIRS ees 8 dees crodks ce eso erIr ee mar Ren nee SR REE Pc BP ene ce sero ee ie serene Mn ieee EO IPINUSS. aedBeaocreaSédsceaee phaasceedont Ontos teeter eG auame ante ace Eee ee Raines ania ee eeu Rens Rae a Pe ry ae 61 TEXT-FIGURES Figure 1. Map of the State of Victoria showing carpoid sites 0.000... : 6 2. Distribution and principal evolution of the Carpoidea Soluta between 15 and 16 3. Heckericystis kuckersiana (Hecker) ...... IRENA POM opscde e RP oe eee 16 Am Swrimvocrinusiparadoxtcus Milimgs (220... gascdcos tee ecrespersesee oa mals 5 NOMAEN GAS, SATE. Woveyanes Givavell UAV6 Vel so. sesscaneessesnessenoseecenoeerecceeenoconnesoe: 20 6. Morphologic terminology of the Rutroclypeidae ........ 22 pa Geolocicsrance Omthenotderspote Garpoid cays see ees en eee 29 8. Rutroclypeus victoriae Gill and Caster, new Species ...............:cceeeee 35 S), UT OGNAIS” SUODDIES (QDS TN) ssscsssocosscaccoredosddooaes6t poosdesoeseseoquenbaveoe0He: 42 Ome acocysiztes jonbeswanws de Iominck sesso eee AS 11. Morphologic lineaments of Sees wilkinsi Gill and Caster, ME WAAS PC GIES eee creh ee eee eto eee se see eee . 48 ry i) . Plate patterns in two ystalian mitrates shorts aminities with Wie toriacystis wilkinst Gill and Caster. A. Specimen from the Lower Silurian of Melbourne, Victoria. B. Specimen from the Lower Dev- Onianvot skainglake Wrest) Victotia. @.... yess. scree cee nee ehh yore ee - = ij OS TOR SESS =, on BOs LP 8 Se Bh) CARPOID ECHINODERMS FROM THE SILURIAN AND DEVONIAN OF AUSTRALIA EDMUND D, GILL AND KENNETH E. CASTER ABSTRACT The Silurian and Devonian carpoid echinoderms described in this paper are the first representatives of the class to be recorded from Australia. A new genus and species of the Carpoidea Mitrata, Victoriacystis wilkinsi (Upper Silurian, Lower Silurian?, and Lower Devonian?) are diagnosed. The Carpoidea Soluta genus Rutroclypeus (type species R. junori Withers), formerly assigned to the Xiphosura, is reanalyzed and two new species, R. victoriae and R. withersi, (Lower Devonian all) described. The Rhenish Lower Devonian Dendrocystites globulus Dehm is provisionally referred to the genus Rwtroclypeus, and definitely to the new family based thereon. A new classification of the Carpoidea is proposed: two new sub- classes, Homostelea and Homoiostelea are defined, and two new superorders of the Homoiostelea, Stylophora and Astylophora, proposed. In the order Soluta two new families, Iowacystidae and Rutroclypeidae are diagnosed and the new genus of the Dendrocystitidae, Heckericystis (type species Dendrocystites kuckersianus Hecker), from the Russian Ordovician, proposed. Certain new names required by the Rules of Zoological Nomenclature are introduced. The distribution of the Carpoidea is con- sidered, and the significance of the Australian forms for paleogeography is assessed. INTRODUCTION Les Hétérostelea constituent un groupe étrange, trés hétérogéne —Cuénot This is the first account of carpoid echinoderms from the Australasian region, and indeed only two previous occurrences have been reported from the Southern Hemisphere, both from the Lower Devonian, viz. the Bok- keveld beds of South Africa (Cowper Reed, 1925; Rennie, 1936; Caster, 1956) ; and the Parana beds of Brazil (Caster, 1954; 1956). Victoriacystzs, new genus, is the first carpoid of Silurian age to be described from the Southern Hemisphere. The Australian carpoid fauna now presented consists of: SILURIAN = Victoriacystis wilkinsi, new genus and new species Victoriacystis aff. wilkins1 DEVONIAN Victoriacystis aff. wilkinsi Rutroclypeus junori Withers, 1933 Rutroclypeus victoriae, new species “Rutroclypeus” withersi, new species 6 BULLETIN 185 -- HEATHCOTEs | ' (Upper Silurian) SCALE of MILES Ea os 20 Cas of Aa “+ KINGLAKE WEST ~.- : : (Lower Devonian) .° -- MELBOURNE (Lower Silurian) Port Phillip GEELONG ¢ ‘Western Port Bay BASS STRAIT Cape Otway Text-fig. 1—Map of a part of the State of Victoria, Australia, showing the localities from which carpoid echinoderms have been collected. All these fossils come from the State of Victoria (see text-figure 1), and search through collections from other parts of Australia failed to reveal any further material. Accompanying the carpoids are many other echinoderms—cystoids, blastoids, crinoids, machaerideans, starfish, and brittle stars. Rutroclypeus was originally described as a King Crab, but later F. W. Whitehouse (1941), fresh from his study of primitive Cambrian echino- derms in Queensland, recognized R. jwnori as a carpoid. The specimen described herein as R. victoriae holotype was recorded by Gill, (1947) as Rutroclypeus sp. AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 7 CLASSIFICATION Ces sont des animaux marins benthiques si singuliers, qu’on les croirait origin- aires d'une autre planéte—Chauvel from Lameere. The carpoids embrace some of the most enigmatic organisms that have lived on earth. Among the echinoderms they constitute an assemblage of archaic departures from the better known routes of evolution and before their extinction in the Middle Paleozoic demonstrated an amazing diversity of organizational pians. Their rarity as fossils has undoubtedly militated against the recognition and acceptance of their higher categorical signifi- cance in echinoderm classification. Yet when confronted by a demonstrably unique and basically new scheme of organization, even though a paucity of material is at hand, there is much to be said for pointing up the evolu- tionary import of the novelty by creating the taxonomic structure seemingly required. As currently conceived, the Carpoidea may be considered as a natural class of Echinodermata, albeit not nearly so close-knit as most other classes of the phylum. In this respect they are most like the Cystoidea, if in truth this latter be a natural grouping. A flattish theca seems to be the carpoid prototype, in keeping with their early exploration of the “‘flat-fish” niche of marine ecology. Their other common trait is the differentiated tail or stele (heterostele), in the morphogenesis of which several evolutionary lines were followed. The Carpoidea are exceptional among echinoderms in showing no pentaradial symmetry. Bilateral organization, rather than radial symmetry is general and no doubt correlates with the eleutherozoic condition of all known carpoids. From the evolutionary viewpoint they are an illustration of seemingly profitless experimentation; despite the many morphologic changes rung on the organization of the Middle Cambrian prototypes, none of the mutational energy lead to numerical success at any time, or indeed to survival beyond the Lower Devonian. Jaekel (1900) proposed the Carpoidea as a separate class of the Echinodermata to embrace his orders Heterostelea and Eustelea. Bather (1900), on the other hand, considered the genera involved in Jaekel’s new class as aberrant representatives only of Haeckel’s (1896) cystidean order Amphoridea. This was still essentially Bather’s evaluation in 1913 when he admitted the existence of the heterosteles as a separate entity, equivalent to a delimited Carpoidea, subordinate to the Amphoridea. The remainder of 8 BULLETIN 185 Jaekel’s carpoid classification Bather peremptorily dropped. In reviewing the Carpoidea in 1921, Jaekel accepted Bather’s restriction of the Carpoidea to the Heterostelea, but stressed the class attributes of the group. This evaluation Bather (1929) finally accepted. In Jaekel’s (1900) original paper on carpoid classification, three suborders of the Heterostelea were erected, viz: 1. Cornuta for the ceratocystids and balanocystids 2. Marginata for the trochocystids, mitrocystids, anomalocystids 3. Soluta for the rhipidocystids and dendrocystitids Following Bather’s (1913) careful analysis of the Caradocian cysti- deans of Girvan, Jaekel (1921) abandoned his Marginata in favor of two new suborders, viz: 1. Mitrata for the mitrocystids, lagynocystids, and anomalocystids 2. Cincta for the trochocystids and gyrocystids Clearly there was considerable reshuffling of genera (family types) in this reorganization. Gislén (1927), Thoral (1935), Rennie (1936), Chauvel (1941), and Caster (1952; 1954; 1956) added genera to Jaekel’s list. Hecker (1940) clarified the morphology of Rh/pidocystis of the Est- land Ordovician and removed it from Jaekel’s Soluta to form the basis for a new order Digitata. The implication of this move was to elevate all of Jaekel’s suborders to ordinal rank. Thus Caster (1952) dealt with the Mitrata as an order in his restudy of the Ordovician Enoploura and at the same time proposed several new mitrate suborders—M@trocystida, Lagyno- cystida, Anomalocystida, and Placocystida. To these he subsequently (1956) added the suborder Paranacystida for a new Brazilian Lower Devonian mitrate. Jaekel no doubt had in mind the globose Eustelea when he proposed (1900) the class name Carpoidea (J//t. fruitlike), but it now belongs by elimination to the mainly flat “Heterostelea”. Whether the Carpoidea- Heterostelea in turn should be fractionated at the class level has received some consideration. However, accepting the Carpoidea (Heterostelea) as currently defined by Chauvel (1941) and the chief texts, such as the chap- ter by Guénot (1948) in the Traité de Zoologie, Moore, Lalicker, and Fischer (1952), and Shrock and Twenhofel (1953), the forms here con- sidered can be accommodated in the class. Carpoid fossils are seldom abundant, either in nature or museums. This sparsity may in part reflect low population densities, possibly coupled with specialized ecologic demands. But there can be little doubt that their AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 9 rarity is in part artifactual: it has often been demonstrated that carpoid materials are overlooked by collectors due to their unfamiliarity with car- poid anatomy and preservation. The class may have a considerable bearing on the eventual delimitation of Paleozoic faunal provinces. Stylocone and styloid.—Jaekel (1921, pp. 115-116) proposed these terms, employing them with discrimination for quite different structures, but in the literature they have often been taken as synonyms. It is important to re-establish the original nomenclature, which is as follows: 1. Stylocone. The cone-shaped ossicle forming the middle region of the stele, as in Cothurnocystis. Jaekel wrote, “Es ist als Stylokonus kreisel- formig bei Ceratocystis und Cothurnocystis (Fig. 113) und von oben her zentral ausgehohlt, wohl zum Ansatz von Muskeln, die wahrscheinlich bis zu den Basalien der Theca verliefen.” 2. Styloid. The organ of the middle region of the stele with teeth or blades on the ventral side (meaning here the side in contact with the sub- stratum), as in Enxoploura. Jaekel wrote, ‘Bei den Mitrata ist dagegen nur ein halbseitiges Stick von eigentumlicher Form (Styloid) vorhanden, das an der Innenflache ebenfalls ausgehohlt ist, aber auswarts mit zwei Zapfen vorragt, so dass es zugleich als ein Art Anker dienen mochte (Fig. 110, 112), der den Bewegungen der Theca und des obersten Abschnittes auch darin als Stiitzpunkt diente.”’ Jaekel carefully observed this terminology when defining the various orders of Carpoidea. Stylocone and styloid are both mesial stele structures, possibly homologous, but they can be contrasted thus: STYLOCONE STYLOID 1. Typified by structure in Typified by structure in Exoploura Cothurnocystis 2. Cone-shaped and with- Great variety of form and possessing out projections blades, teeth, or such projections 3. Constitutes a segment Inserted along ventral midline (Evo- of the stele ploura) or composed of a series of seg- ments with ventral projections (V7ctorza- cysts) 4. Hollow structure Solid structure 5. Functions probably sup- Functions probably anchoring and/or pro- porting and articulatory viding fulcrum for movement over sea floor 10 BULLETIN 185 In many carpoids the stylocone or styloid, as the case may be, has not been observed, or has not been adequately described, and until these impor- tant structures are better known, it will not be possible to study adequately their evolutionary significance. However, the stylocone appears to char- acterize the Cornuta (three genera at least), while the styloid characterizes the Mitrata (nine genera at least). Cuénot called the smooth, rather parallel-sided part of the stele of M/trocystites a stylocone, but this does not appear to be one in the sense of Jaekel. New classification —Jaekel called the Carpoidea “heterosteles” be- cause the stele is composed essentially of dimeres! in contrast to other stele organizations in the Carpoidea. Within this heterostelous group there are two other features of the stele which appear to be good fandamenta divi- sronis for Classification purposes, viz: 1. Longitudinal variation and specialization in the stele. In the Cincta (for example), the annuli of the stele do not vary in essentials from one end to the other, but in the Soluta and Mitrata (for example) there is a longitudinal two-fold or three-fold differentiation of the stele (proximal, mesial, distal). The class Carpoidea (Heterostelea) can thus be divided into two subclasses, the Homostelea? (those with all the stele elements the same, 7.e. supposedly simple dimeres) and the Homoiostelea* (those in which there is a longitudinal differentiation of the stele, so that proximal and distal, or proximal, mesial and distal sections can be recognized). The Homostelea are unspecialized, and the Homoiostelea specialized. The homosteles are on the whole earlier than the homoiosteles, the former being limited to the Cambrian and Lower Ordovician, while the latter ex- tend into the Lower Devonian. 2. Presence or absence of stylocone or styloid. Stylocone and styloid are part of the longitudinal differentiation of the stele already referred to, while carpoids having neither may be regarded as maintaining a more generalized condition. So the subclass Homoiostelea may be divided into the superorders Stylophora and Astylophora according to whether a stylo- 1 In Enoploura, and perhaps in all mitrate carpoids by implication, Caster (1952) demonstrated a tetramerous condition of the stele rather than the supposed dimerous organization. The lateral sutures of the component bodies of the stele annuli appear to fuse more rigidly, and perhaps earlier in evolution, than the dorso-ventral ones, thus creating the dimerous plan. 2 From homos (Gr.)—same, indicating a stele made of the same kind of elements. 3 From homoios (Gr.)—similar, indicating a stele made of homologous units which have become differentiated. AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 11 cone or styloid is present or not. The classification of the carpoids based on these features is as follows: Phylum ECHINODERMATA Klein, 1734 (in form ‘“Echinodermatum” ) Subphylum PELMATOZOA Leuckart, 1848 Class CARPOIDEA Jaekel, 1900, emend. 1921 (= Heterostelen ) I. Subclass HOMOSTELEA, new (stele not longitudinally differentiated ) 1. Order Cincta Jaekel, 1921 2. Order Digitata Hecker, 1940 Il. Subclass HOMOIOSTELEA, new (stele longitudinally differentiated ) A. Superorder STYLOPHORA, new (with stylocone or styloid) 3. Order Cornuta Jaekel, 1900 4. Order Mitrata Jaekel, 1921 B. Superorder ASTYLOPHORA, new (without stylocone or styloid ) 5. Order Soluta Jaekel, 1900 In this classification, carpoids are distinguished from other echino- derms by their heterostele condition, 7.e, lateral differentiation of the stele, while the subclasses are recognized by their longitudinal differentiation of the stele. There was a great deal of evolution in the carpoid stele, which thus contrasts with the conservative stem of crinoids. The evolution was apparently consequent upon the assumption of a free condition, whereby the stele changed from a mere organ of adhesion (if such it was) to an organ of locomotion. Superorders of the Carpoidea are recognized by whether a generalized condition is maintained, or the specialization of the stele continues by the production of a stylocone or styloid. The philosophy of this classification is to establish the higher categories on the stele and to establish the orders on the theca chiefly. This is in keeping with Jaekel’s establishment of the class itself on a feature of the stele, viz. the presence of ‘“‘pronouncedly biserial columns’. Perhaps Jaekel’s point could be ex- pressed more aptly as “columnals with two or more elements in each annulus’, because commonly it is only the distal stele which consists of dimeres. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY “We have here probably the most aberrant type of evolution found among the Echinodermata, and one which in the nature of things, one would least expect. To find among the Pelmatozoa a group of organisms that are perhaps more highly specialized for purposes of locomotion than a large proportion of the Eleutherozoa is a novel experience. So unlike Echinoderms are they in certain respects that some of them have been described as Crustacea, which indeed they closely simulate.” Kirk, LOM, jos Hike 12 BULLETIN 185 Class CARPOIDEA Jaekel, 1900, emend. 1921 (=Heterostelea) Diagnosis.—Primitive, aberrant, eleutherozo1c echinoderms ; flattened and tending toward bilaterality; theca and stele sharply differentiated, the theca tending to be rigid, and the contiguous part of the stele flexible. Jaekel stressed the nature of the stele in setting up both the Carpoidea (in his original wider sense) and the Heterostelea (—Carpoidea, s.s.). In carpoids the tail is heterostele (see text-figure 3), differing in more than lack of fixation from the supposedly homologous column of other (?) pelmatozoans. (Such resemblances as exist could be wholly analogous.) The carpoid stele is bilaterally organized and commonly depressed in ac- cordance with the overall flattening of the carpoid body. The component plates of the stele are arranged in biserial, tetraserial (or octaserial?) plan (dimeres, tetrameres, octameres), and from distal to proximal zones may possess all three plans. To this extent Jaekel’s (1900) definition of the carpoids as having “pronouncedly biserial columnals’ requires revision. The pelmatozoan pentaradial scheme is unknown in the class. Comparisons have been traditionally drawn between the carpoid stele and the peduncle of the amphoridean cystoids, the assumption having been that the amphoridean grade of organization reflects the possible gross organization of the hypothetical fixed ancestor of the carpoids. It has been widely, and for long, held also that the carpoids were attached. In the Amphoridea there is a regular transition from peduncle to theca, and from the regularized circlets of plates of the peduncle (alternating for the most part proximad from the seat of fixation) to the nonregular polyplacate condition of the theca. No doubt piates of the peduncular region were somewhat more tightly ankylosed than those of the thecal region, in keep- ing with their columnal function. Among the pseudocarpoids of the Rhombifera, such as Plewrocystites, the columnals were radially organized and presumably of five-part plan. In Plewrocystites the proximal columnals are progressively expanded in diameter as the calyx is approached. In the expanded zone they are much shortened and possess a large lumen. That they are often preserved bent in this area suggests a flexible zone analagous functionally to that of the proximal carpoid stele. The commonly flattened carpoid heterostele (see text-figure 2) is often regionally differentiated. The distal stele is dimerous in all forms AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 13 where this part is described. In the dimerous region, the distal section com- monly exhibits opposzte dimeres which proximally grade into an alternating sequence. In older carpoids and the more generalized ones, the dimeres are fused to form a telson-like organ in the proximal part of which the plates are alternate or even form a tetramerous series of alternating plates. In the Mitrata, and perhaps elsewhere, the distal stele is often flex_ble through- out, and commonly enrolled, as in Rhenocystzs. In some forms it is aborted to a mere rudiment (e.g. Enoploura). The mesial stele region of carpoids varies considerably, and no doubt the morphology of this zone will play a more prominent role in ordinal and family diagnosis in the future. In dendrocystitids the dimeres of the distal stele give way to the tetrameres or polymeres (e.g. Heckericystis kucker- Siana) and no separate mesial area can be distinguished. In the Marginata (Cothurnocystis) a new mesial structure appears in the form of a conical annulus (stylocone) which serves as an accommodator between the narrow, terete and biserial, flexible distal stele of this order and the rapidly expand- ing proximal stele. In the cone the lumen rapidly expands, and at about the same angle, apparently, as in the proximal stele. In the Mitrata (placocystitids) the mesial area is occupied by a styloid. This is a solid calcareous rod from the inferior surface of which two or three (perhaps more) prominences (spinelike, denticles, or ploughshare blades) are developed*. In some forms (e.g. Enoploura) the styloid ts in- serted on the inferior axial suture between imbricated proximal stele plates and apparently was held in position by muscles. The ends of the styloid axis were inserted, piston-like, in the lumen of the proximal stele. It would ap- pear that the styloid functioned as an anchor and perhaps also as a loco- motor organ (Kirk, 1911; Caster, 1952). It seems likely that the styloid is to be homologized with the stylocone in the Cornuta and the mesial stele in the Soluta. The proximal stele of the most generalized carpoids (e.g. Dendro- cystites, 5.5., see text-figure 2) comprises a series of integumentary rings. Alternate rings bear small plates and large respectively. The large plates are arranged in a single series on their annuli and many are required to complete a circle. The smaller ones cover the wider rings and are unorgan- * Note—New materials of the genus Exoploura from the Upper Ordovician of the Cincinnati area show the styloid to be composed of several sclerites which disaggregate upon weathering. The styloid blades contain coarse radial canals the function and homologies of which are still obscure. K. E. C. 14 BULLETIN 185 ized apparently, to be likened to granules rather than plates. At this grade of organization the proximal stele was terete. In forms which retained the terete section (e.g. Heckericystis kuckersiana, see text-figure 2) plates of varying size are fused to form telescoping annuli. Hecker (1940) said that the proximal stele ‘is composed of narrow rings made up of small, tightly fused plates of uneven size and varying shape. These rings are super- imposed on each other in a way resembling the sections of a telescope.” (Translation from Russian). By reduction of the granular annuli to inte- gumentary zones of connecting tissue (Dendrocystites) , an imbricate series of rings was apparently here also achieved. In the Mitrata, the terete proximal stele is tetrameral, with axial and lateral sutures between the annulus-forming plates. In many carpoids the “dorso-ventral” flattening pervades the proximal stele, and an arthropod- like series of broad imbricating scutes results. These show conspicuous axial and lateral sutures, and there is a hint of fused sutures (or so they ap- pear to be) on the two flat surfaces which would constitute an octameral organization, Bather (1913) stressed the existence in carpoids of two planes of symmetry which intersect along the main axis of the animal. On one, Bather’s extensiplane, the body is compressed; on the other, the symmetry plane, there is a tendency towards bisymmetry. The distal dimerism of the stele reflects the latter tendency, as also does the bilateral outline of many mitrates. Bisymmetry is by no means common, however; perfect bilater- ality never. Contrary to the views held by Bather, it now seems probable that all known carpoids were free during life, although there may have been precarpoid ancestors, still unknown, which were fixed. Textbooks have been particularly reluctant to face up to the eleutherozoic habitus of these early echinoderms (e.g. Cuénot, 1948, p. 11; Hyman, 1955, p. 17). The internal organization of carpoid plates needs more attention. Barrande (1887) was of the opinion that surface pores were present in certain Bohemian dendrocystitids but thought the plates to be noncanali- culate. Bather (1913) denied both pores and canals for the carpoids as a whole, and this trait has often been used as a signal distinction between the Carpoidea and the Cystoidea. Caster (1952) found pseudo-pores (or punctae) in the Ordovician mitrate Enoploura and subsequently (1954) pointed out the existence of a labyrinthine felt of canals in the plates of Paranacystis, a Brazilian Lower Devonian mitrate. Caster and Eaton (1956) BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., V. 41, No. 185 | ORDOVICIAN DEVONIAN 20, et oY SILURIAN SS _==—>=— HE equim ysis HA eS — €2313SsX901pu2aq,, 3d0un3 snjnqo}6 \1y21Mbpas saz13eXD04puaq snoijoos sapioysKooipuagq VWIIVYLSNV ae140z91A ~SnadAjr044ny DENDROCYSTITIDAE wa] sjenba aeos aiydeig : = 3 Oo : & suseees ; me | | eas : : > ic —— E = : 2. = e z 2 a ae - a Fe : 9 DENDROCYSTITIDAE IOWACYSTIDAE | RUTROCLYPEIDAE | i) Text-fig. 2.—Distribution and principal evolution of the Carpoidea Soluta. AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 15 discussed this canal system in greater detailt. Evidence is presented in this paper for a comparable system in the Australian solute Rutroclypeus. It would indeed be strange if a similar organization did not prevail through- out the class, just as it appears to do in the amphoridean cystids, whence they may have been derived. The chief difficulty in the path of the histolo- gical study of the carpoid skeleton is the nearly universal lack of suitably preserved material. The poor quality of the fossils may well derive from the porous and canal-riddled nature of the test; at any rate, molds and limonite pseudomorphs are the usual carpoid relics. Order SOLUTA Jaekel, 1900, emend. 1921 Diagnosis of order—Polyplacate heterostele (homotostele and asty- lophorous) echinoderms in which no fixed plan of thecal plate organiza- tion was achieved. A single tetraserial brachiole is eccentrically developed distally on the theca. Three families of the Soluta are recognized in the present study, as follows: DENDROCYSTITIDAE Bassler, 1938 Dendrocystites Barrande, 1887, Ordovician Dendrocystoides Jaekel, 1921, Ordovician Heckericystis Gill and Caster, new, Ordovician IOWACYSTIDAE Gill and Caster, new family Iowacystis Thomas and Ladd, 1926, Silurian | RUTROCLYPEHIDAE Gill and Caster, new family Rutroclypeus Withers, 1933, Devonian “Rutroclypeus” (new genus?), Devonian Comment.—Bather’s (1913) diagnosis of the dendrocystitids, hence of the Soluta as constituted since 1940 when Hecker excised the rhipido- cystids from Jaekel’s class, will very nearly serve today. Bather aligned the dendrocystitids with the ““Amphoridea’”’, but the hierarchy of classification + Note.—The histology of carpoid plates needs investigation. However, it is now clear that the Carpoidea shared with other Echinodermata a commingling of cal- careous stereom and fleshy stroma throughout the calicinal plates. The stroma strands occupied labyrinthine and anastomosing canals through the stereom. Such “pores’’ as have been observed on the exteriors of carpoid thecae, as in the cystoids, are probably exposed by abrasion after death; epistereom and epidermal tissue presumably covered them in life. Probably no carpoids developed the specialized stroma organs, 7.e. strands (— canals in the fossils) leading to single (haplo-) or double (diplo-) pores and their probably correlated asteroid papules. K. E. C. 16 BULLETIN 185 has now altered somewhat. The large number of polygonal plates, rather irregular in size, form and arrangement, few of which can be homologized even from individual to individual, point to an archaic plan of which the amphorideans may well be the archetype. The thecae of the earliest Soluta are the most inflated, thus most closely approaching the vasiform of the amphorideans. Likewise the earliest dendrocystitid heterostele 1s most reminiscent of the amphoridean attenuate, but polyplacate, peduncle. In both, the thecal plates commonly show a tendency to develop central bosses which culminate in the spinose processes of Rwtroclypeus. The outline of the flattened theca of the Soluta varies from the pyriform quadrilateral of early forms, through cordiform, tetralobate to subcircular in the terminal forms (see text-figure 2). Family DENDROCYSTITIDAE Bassler, 1938 Diagnosis —Soluta having thecae of no definite geometrical form; monobrachial; with a tendency to develop additional nonsubvective thecal extensions; theca composed entirely of polygonal plates; anus at proximal end near stele. Theca and stele somewhat inflated. Proximal and distal parts of stele well differentiated. Genus Heckericystis Gill and Caster, new genus Diagnosis of genus.—Dendrocystitids with proximal stele consisting of terete annul of fused plates. Type species —Heckericystis kuckerstana (Hecker). Baltic Ordovician. Text-fig. 3—Heckericystis kuckersiana (Hecker) from the Baltic Ordovician. From Hecker, 1940. Comment.—Hecker (1940) said of this species: Along the longitudinal axis, the theca has the form of a more or less equilateral triangle . . . By all appearances, the shape of the theca in live specimens of D. kuckersiana was not circular but flattened in section . . . Plates comprising the theca are placed in a mosaic-like fashion; they are of irregular polygonal shapes usually pentagonal, though not more than heptagonal—( Translation). AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 7/ The species 1s diagnosed thus: A triangular theca with extended anal pyramid; antibrachiole projection ap- parently undeveloped; the junction of stem and theca not depressed. Thecal plates of varying size (up to 5 mm.), thicker in the middle and with one or a few nipple- like nodules. Plates adjoining the stem are longer, have smaller nodules and form a rim with an indented massive edge. The brachiole consists of four rows of narrow plates (over 20 in number). Stem length apparently more than double that of the theca’s height. The stem’s proximal section consists of unbroken narrow rings and segments, divided by spacers made of small plates; the distal section is made up of two rows of flattened plates, alternating variously, without a fin. Kuckers (C2) and Itfer (C3) layers of the Baltic Lower Silurian (Leningrad region and Estonia). (Translation). Comment.—The evolutionary position of Heckericystis is shown in text-figure 2. In Dendrocystites the proximal stele consists of a series of annuli of tiny plates, and in Dendrocystoides of tetrameral imbricating plates, while in Heckericystis 1t comprises a series of terete annuli. The two last-named genera appear to be discrete lines of evolution from Dendro- cystites. On one line the tiny separate plates of Dendrocystites fuse to give the relatively smooth annuli of Heckerzcystis, whereas in the other line they become organized into sutured plates ancestral to those of the Iowacystidae and Rutroclypeidae. Genus Syringocrinus Billings, 1859 Along with a number of other echinoderms, Billings (1859) described a fragment of a carpoid which he named Syrimgocrinus para- doxicus. It consists of a complete, but damaged proximal stele, and a part of the distal stele. Billings was sure the fossil was part of a crinoid (hence the generic name) but was puzzled by its form (hence the specific name). This intriguing relic of Middle Ordovician life came from the ‘Trenton Limestone” (Sherman Fall member) of Quebec, but Billings’ figure pro- vides no adequate idea of the nature of the fossil. In 1900 Bather referred the fragment to the genus Dendrocystites, for which he had a wide conno- tation, and did so again in his 1914 study. Even so, Jaekel (1921) listed Syringocrinus as a genus of the family Dendrocystitidae. In 1928 Bather dealt with S. paradoxicus more thoroughly after he had further cleared the fossil of its matrix, revealing a fragment of the theca which showed small polygonal plates 1.25 mm. in diameter. Billings’ figure shows a second part of the distal stele separated from that in contact with the proximal stele. This was missing when Bather examined the fossil, but it indicates that the distal stele was long, as is usual in the Dendrocystitidae. In Syring- 18 BULLETIN 185 ocrinus the distal stele was at least four times the length of the proximal stele. Bather figured the remaining piece of the distal stele, showing the relative sizes of the plates and indicating the presence of transverse ridges on the left row of plates but overlooking detail which appears to us signifi- cant. Bather was not sure whether S$. paradoxicus should be referred to Dendrocystites (in his wide sense), but inclined to that view, so called the fossil “Dendrocystis (?) paradoxica’. This lead was followed by Bassler (1938) who listed Syringocrinus as a synonym of Dendrocystites (original spelling of the genus which Bather altered to “Dendrocystis’). Chauvel (1941) listed Syringocrinus as a genus in the family Dendrocystidae (= Dendrocystitidae), but Regnéll (1945, p. 195) followed Bather. Text-fig. 4—Syringocrinus paradoxicus Billings from the Sherman Fall member of the Trenton limestone (Mohawkian, Middle Ordovician) of Quebec, Canada. Traced from photograph of holotype. Dr. George Hanson, Director, Geological Survey of Canada, obliged us with the photograph of Syr7mgocrinus paradoxicus reproduced in Plate 6, figure 3 (No. 15214, National Museum of Canada). The label states that this holotype came from the ‘Sherman Fall beds, Beauport, P. Q.”” The photograph shows well the differentiated proximal and distal steles. The proximal stele consists of at least ten transverse rows of longitudinally over- lapping plates, a point that was not evident in earlier figures. On the side of the type specimen in view, two plates show in each transverse row, which with the corresponding two plates on the opposite side make a tetra- meral arrangement. The fossil cannot, therefore, be referred to Dendro- cystites or Heckericystis as herein defined, in both of which the proximal stele is terete and composed of a series of telescoping annuli. The ap- parently flattened condition of the proximal stele, as well as the tetrameral and imbricate nature of the transverse rows of plates in Syringocrinus re- AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 19 calls the scheme of Dendrocystoides scotica (Bather). (See text-figure 2.) As in this latter, the distal stele appears to show a dimeral arrangement of the plates. However, in Syr7ngocrinus, the plates on the left side are wider, more numerous, and more complex than those on the right. Moreover, in contrast with Dendrocystoides, and all other known Soluta, spinose structures suggesting an incipient styloid appear on the last three (left side as seen in specimen) of the distal stele plates preserved on the holotype. They consist of laterally directed flanges or spurs. These flanged dimeres are preceded by two simple dimeres on the left side. All of the left dimeres, and likewise all of the proximal stele plates revealed in the holotype, bear transverse elevated bosses or bars of a unique character. The distal stele 1s asymmetrical as seen in the specimen, the left series of plates are wider, more numerous, and more complex than those on the right. Except for the most proximal dimere of the right row of distal plates, which carries a line of three nodes, the right row is unornamented. If the flange-bearing distal dimeres represent an incipient styloid, then the distal stele at least must be twisted to one side, for this process is unti- versally developed on the inferior surface. Moreover, it is normally developed from or associated with mesial stele plates, but there is no separa- ble mesial stele in Syringocrinus. The prosopon (for term see Gill, 1949) of the stele plates, and the styloid-like flanges, would appear sufficient basis to consider the Canadian specimen as generically distinct from any hitherto described dendrocystitid, although an adequate generic diagnosis must await the discovery of the complete theca. The genus is of particular interest in that it is the only dendrocystitid so far recorded from the American continent. Wilson (1946) recorded three additional specimens, and extended the range of Syringocrinus to the Cobourg member of the Trenton limestone, but stated, “The Ottawa form does not add to the knowledge of the Calyx of the Canadian species.” The question might legitimately be raised as to whether the Syringo- crinus stele could perchance belong to some carpoid other than a dendro- cystitid. The only other carpoid at present known from the Middle Ordovi- cian of America is Billings’ (1838) Afeleocystites, likewise from the Ottawa Valley Trentonian (Cobourg beds). After a long period of sub- mergence in synonymy, the genus was shown by Caster (1952, p. 90) to be valid and to possess the mitrate organization. Although the details of the Ateleocystites stele, known only from the holotype and paratypes (Wilson, 20 BULLETIN 185 1946, pl. 2, figs. 14, b) are imperfectly understood, it appears to conform to the conventional mitrate organization (see Caster, 1952, fig. 2A, B). The Syringocrinus stele is far too generalized to fit into the Mitrata scheme. Moreover, the many small polygonal plates which Bather revealed at the proximal end of the specimen fortify the assignment to the Soluta-Dendro- cystitidae. Family IOWACYSTIDAE Gill and Caster, new family Diagnosis —Soluta with differentiated anal and antianal thecal faces, one having few symmetrically organized plates, and the other many poly- gonal plates; theca triangular in outline, compressed. Brachiole distal but not terminal. Text-fig. 5—lowacystis sagittaria Thomas and Ladd, from the Upper Ordovician (Maquoketa shale) of Iowa. Traced from Thomas and Ladd, 1926. Comment.—Thomas and Ladd (1926) wrote, ‘This genus exhibits a group of characters which place it close to the family Anomalocystidae and to which it is provisionally referred. However, the triangular outline of the theca, its stem characters, plate markings and single oral process located outside the sagittal plane are foreign to the family. Foerste (1917) sug- gested relationship to the Mitrocystidae or Lagynocystidae. The genus may eventually be relegated to a new family.”’ Bather (1928) referred the species to “Dendrocystis’. Dehm (1934) preferred to rank Iowacystis as at least a subgenus of Dendrocystites. The present authors consider Thomas and Ladd correct in making a new genus because the organization of this car- poid is unique, as they pointed out. However, they agree with Bather and Bassler that its affinities are with the Dendrocystites lineage (see text-figure AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 21 2), 7.e. a solute and not a mitrate. The suggestion of a new family is like- wise acceptable because the triangular theca with nonterminal brachiole, differentiated anal and antianal surfaces, and specialized marginal plates mark it off just as strongly in the Soluta as the circular theca and spinose plates mark off Rwtroclypeus. It is significant that Thomas and Ladd, Foerste, and Bather all suggested different and widely separated families in which lowacystis might be accommodated. Their lack of agreement be- speaks lack of success. The form is different from any family so far de- fined. The new classification of Carpoidea given in this paper, with its emphasis on stele structures for the higher categories, readily sets this genus in its correct associations. As indicated in text-figure 2, lowacystzs fits well into the evolutionary sequence of the Soluta. The plastic and primitive dendrocystitid carpoids evolved in one direction to give the triangular, comparatively highly organized theca of Jowacystis, and in another to give the circular theca of Rutroclypeus and “Dendrocystites” globulus. In both lines of develop- ment there was a similarly organized stele, surmounted by a compressed theca still with numerous polygonal plates (persistent genes of amphori- dean origin?) but with a well-marked basal plate and a well-defined outline bordered by marginals which are well developed in Jowacystis and some- what incipiently in Rutroclypeus. The Dendrocystites, Heckericystis and Dendrocystoides thecae are all wider proximally than distally, and to this extent tend to the triangular thecal outline found perfect in lowacystis. In addition to the contrasting thecal outlines, there are two other rea- sons for suggesting that lowacystis and Rutroclypeus represent two separate evolutionary lines arising from the dendrocystitids. Firstly, both have the primitive polygonal plates of the dendrocystitids, but Zowacystis, in spite of being the older (Ordovician), has its thecal plates much better organized than those in Rwtroclypeus (Devonian), viz. one side of the theca is covered with symmetrically arranged plates. Secondly, the brachiole on the distal margin of the theca in dendrocystitids finds an analogue in Ratroclypeus, but in Iowacystis the brachiole is not in the thecal plane but grows out of the thecal face on the anal side within the border of marginal plates. There is thus considerable divergence between the Iowacystidae and the Rutroclypeidae. In most zoological groups it is unusual to establish families with a single genus, but among these rare carpoids, so much of their evolutionary history remains undeciphered, that solitary genera so diversely organized QD BULLETIN 185 must be put in different families. Bather criticized Jaekel for so much splitting in his classification of the carpoids, but subsequent work has largely supported Jaekel as new discoveries have demonstrated the need for even further fractionation. Family RUTROCLYPEIDAE Gill and Caster, new family Diagnosis.—Soluta in which both thecal faces consist of numerous polygonal plates, the thecal outline 1s circular, the thecal surfaces close and subparallel, and the thecal plates commonly spinose. Proximal stele con- Spicuously flattened. Thecal surface Distal Marginal spine Thecal margin BRACHIOLE Polygonal plates with spines Merginal plates with spines --- Anal surface Basal plate with spine C- EBS Eeewienal eet Imbricating plate of stele-- Median suture Lateral suture 4 asumtc Nomenclature for thecal surfaces in Carpoidea SOLUTA MITRATA Antianal Carapace LZ "LEZLELLELIS UVU’UUIA » Plastron a—== Text-fig. 6—The morphologic terminology of the Rutroclypeidae, a new family of Carpoidea Soluta. Based on Rutroclypeus junori Withers from the Lower Devonian of the State of Victoria. AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER i) Oo Comment.—The extreme flattening of the theca and stele, the circular thecal outline, and the extraordinary size of the proximal stele area, set this family apart from both the Dendrocystitidae and the Iowacystidae. Morphologic terminology.—Rugged individualism among specialists and diversity of morphology among the carpoids have contributed to a highly varied and synonymous terminology for carpoid anatomy. ‘The terms adopted for the Soluta in this paper are shown in text-figure 6. The carpoid is fundamentally a bipartite animal composed of a theca which presumably held most of the vitals, and a stele through which (or the proximal part at least) ran a central lumen. Many synonymous terms have been employed for the stele, such as tail, peduncle, stalk, stem, and column. All carry associations which may be misleading. All, except “tail” imply fixation as used in other echinoderms, whereas “‘stele’”’ was proposed by Jaekel for the specific organ in carpoids. Orientation.—In keeping with the convention among echinoderm specialists, the plane of contact between the theca and the stele is taken as proximal. Thus all points normal to this plane in theca or stele are d7stal. This obviates the perplexing problem (see Caster 1954, p. 130, f.n. 2) of deciding “anterior” and “‘posterior’, the historical and functional meanings of which have often been at variance in the Echinodermata. Considering the structure and probable mode of life of the rutroclypeids, there can be little doubt but that the brachiole end of the animal was functionally anterior, and the stele end posterior. The inferred anal aperture is proximal lateral, but whether right or left, who can say? To be sure, homology with other carpoids and existing larval forms might be drawn upon, but it is certainly simpler to refer to the vent side as anal and the opposite as antianal. Throughout their history, the carpoids became progressively flattened, and the rutroclypeids are the most flattened of all. Among the Soluta, the Iowacystidae and the Rutroclypeidae are so compressed that they must have lived on one side, or the other, or either. The Iowacystidae have the two sides of the theca strongly differentiated by (a) plate arrangement, (b) presence of an anal pyramid on one surface, (c) presence of a brachiole on the anal surface, and (d) overlap of the proximal stele by the anal, but not by the antianal surface. The brachiole appears to have mi- grated from the terminal marginal position to just inside the marginal plates of the anal surface. To work freely the anal pyramid would need to be on the upper surface, 7.e. the animal-water interface, and not the animal-sea- 24 BULLETIN 185 floor interface. As the anal surface forms a hood over the proximal stele, this must surely have been the upper surface. It is interpreted, therefore, that Iowacystis lived with its anal surface upwards and its antianal surface on the sea floor, in which case the brachiole migration was no doubt to remove the brachiole from contact with the sea floor. If this be so, we may surmise that the function of the brachiole was not locomotory, mudstirring, or other purpose connected with the substratum, but rather some function or functions connected with the surrounding water, such as feeding, respira- tion, or water-testing. Furthermore, the many-plated side of Jowacysts was the anal surface which faced upwards, and the few-plated side was in contact with the sea floor. This is the orientation observed in the Mitrata, where the few plated plastron is on the sea floor and the many plated carapace is in contact with the surrounding water. Evolutionally, the side in contact with the sub- stratum has been the conservative side, while that in contact with the water has differentiated more. Then why have the plates of the anal side increased in number, a reversal of the process of plate reduction from the polyplacate amphoridean-like ancestor to the more organized skeleton of the carpoid ? No clear answer presents itself, but the increase in suture length may be significant. In view of the absence of any discovered water-vascular, branchial or genital pores, it may be that sutures were connected with such functions. The greater flexibility of a polyplacate upper surface would be an advantage if the animal employed a bellows-like operation for drawing water within the theca, then expelling it. In contrast with Iowacyst7s, the two sides of the Rutroclypeus theca are similar. Both are polyplacate and spinose, the brachiole is marginal and terminal, and there is no anal pyramid. The lack of differentiation be- tween the two surfaces, the presence of spines on both, the marginal posi- tion of the brachiole, and the lack of extruding plates around the anus (anal pyramid) suggest that Rwtroclypeus lived without preference on either the anal or antianal side. Organization.—The polyplated theca of the rutroclypeids is similar to that of the Ordovician dendrocystitids and the Ordovician-Silurian amphoridean cystoids. The addition of plates during ontogeny appears from limited materials to have been not dissimilar to that described by Haeckel (1896), Foerste (1917), and Chauvel (1941) in the “Amphor- idea,” 7.e., Diploporita. The highly characteristic spinosity of Rwtroclypeus is also analogous AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER i) WwW to a repeated trend in early echinoderms. The Lower (?) and Middle Cambrian Eocystites [Eocrinus?| longidactylus Walcott (1886)* from North America possessed median worts or bosses on its polygonal plates; the Ordovician amphoridean Calix sedgwicki Rouault (1851) (see Chau- vel, 1941, p. 29) is prominently spinose. Among the Soluta of the Ordo- vician, Heckericystis kuckersiana (Hecker, 1940) is notably similar to Rutroclypeus in development of spines, although they seem not to have reached the aculeate proportions of the Australian forms. Barrande (1887, pl. 26) showed warts or blunt spines on Dendrocystites sed gwicki. Spin- osity is often cited by evolutionists as evidence of phylogerontism. Cer- tainly it has been developed in numerous lineages toward the close of their geologic record. Such lines appear seldom, if ever, to have survived through rapid mutations into new higher category patterns. It might ac- cordingly be argued that several of the geologically earliest echinodermal lines were already racially old. It is thus questionable whether these highly specialized forms would have produced new lineages which survived long after their extinction. On the other hand, it appears more likely that the spinosity observed in amphorideans in Cambrian and Ordovician times, and in the Devonian Soluta, were recurrent phenomena without phylo- genetic import. In discussing these matters it is important to distinguish between taxonomic group and grade of organization. Although it is prob- able that the amphoridean Cystoidea are not ancestral to the Carpoidea (indeed the latter, as known from the paleontologic record, appeared a whole period of geological time earlier than the former in the strict sense, 7.e, excluding the eocystids), their generalized and possibly anachronistic organization in Ordovician and Silurian times may shed great light on the make-up of the as yet undefined carpoid ancestor. Thecal plate spines are characteristic of Rwtroclypeus, but apparently absent in the related “Dendrocystites” globulus Dehm. Possible functions of the Rutroclypeus spines are: 1. To prevent or reduce drift caused by water currents. 2. To elevate the theca slightly above the substratum, thus reducing suction effects and improving respiration and feeding. 3. To increase the surface area of the theca. The presence of canals 4 The genus Eocystites Billings is based on a single “cystoid” plate from the Para- doxides (Middle Cambrian) beds of St. John, New Brunswick. Walcott, 1884, reported the same general type of dissociated plate 1000 feet below the Middle Cambrian in Nevada, associated with Olenellus gilberti and at approximately the same horizon in Vermont in association with O. thompsoni. The nature of these early “cystoids” remains obscure. 26 BULLETIN 185 in the skeleton hints that such increase would be advantageous. The flattening of the theca increases surface area relative to volume. 4. To provide a deterrent for predators. In that there is a definite development of marginal spines in Rutro- clypeus which could not serve functions 1 and 2, functions 3 and 4 may be the more likely ones. The presence of spines on the proximal stele of Rutroclypeus junori is consistent with any of the above functions. The similarly shaped “Dezdrocystites’ globulus Dehm succeeded without spines. The mouth of rutroclypeids, as of all Soluta, is problematic. It is in- ferred to be near or at the base of the brachiole, the function of which has usually been assumed to have been ambulacral (some writers have sug- gested it was locomotory in other Soluta). The four sutures between the tetraserial plates are narrow and rectilinear, and certainly do not resemble the usual ambulacral grooves of echinoderm arms. For one or more of them to have functioned efficiently as a food conduit, one would suppose the need for cover plates, no evidence for which exists. On the assumption that the mouth lay at the distal thecal end of the organism, and the anus at the lateral proximal end, the course of the gut would seem to have been diagonal through the thecal cavity. It probably followed a curved or un- dulatory course. Certainly there is no a priori reason to postulate a U- shaped or looped gut in this bottom-crawling creature, whose sessile meta- morphosis was in all likelihood briefer than that of most echinoderms. Even the holothurians have lost the looped gut, if they ever had such. If the organization of the Soluta was preceded by the older Marginata plan (Trochocystis) where the apertures judged to be mouth and anus lie in close proximity on the distal margin, then their antipodal position in the Soluta would seem to be a good example of the operation of Bathet’s (1925, 1928a) “great sanitary principle’, 7.c. separation as far as possible of mouth and anus. This principle is wholly inoperative in the evolution of many echinoderms and other organisms, as Gislén (1930) has pointed out. At any rate, in the Soluta, mouth and anus where known, are separated to the maximum feasible distance, whatever the explanation. Nothing is known of water-vascular, branchial or genital apertures in the Soluta. If such pores existed, they probably occurred between, rather than through, thecal plates. Mode of Life.—The rutroclypeids lay free on the sea floor, but unlike many other carpoids, show in their body form no preferred orientation AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 27 with respect to the flattened surfaces. The two surfaces are grossly similar, and apparently either side could lie in contact with the bottom. The flat- tening of both stele and brachiole, as well as of the theca itself, together with the flexibility of stele and brachiole, suggest that, like many other flexible aquatic creatures of marked flattening, they may have been able to swim a little and thus shift position. Clearly they possessed no anchoring styloid (if that be the function of this mitrate organ) for intermittently holding position. Instead, possibly the whole thecal surface with its numerous spines served this role, whichever side happened to lie in contact with the bottom. The rigid distal stele no doubt served as a telson. The imbrication of the plates of the proximal stele indicates their free articula- tion; that the free edges are distally directed may be evidence of movement in the opposite direction. Many carpoids have nonimbricating plates in the proximal stele, but overlapping plates are found in both mitrates and solutes. This partial telescoping of stele elements probably correlates with increased activity of their possessors. The flexibility between theca and distal stele, and the flexible brachiole, may well have made it possible for the organism to turn itself over. The flattening of the distal stele could have served a kind of sculling propulsion. Muscles no doubt lay in the lumen of the stele and were at- tached in part in the thecal investiture. By such organs the telson or theca could have been elevated off the sea floor, and shift in position achieved. Symmetry.—The Rutroclypeidae are more bilaterally symmetrical than the Diploporita or the Dendrocystitidae. Among the Soluta they are only surpassed in this respect by the Iowacystidae. Their bilaterality, as in all carpoids, is not complete. Like the mobility from which it assuredly stems, their bisymmetry is probably a secondary imposition on a nonbilaterian. Traces of nonbilateral (but not radial) plan and of sessility are the per- sistent palimpsests of all carpoids. These statozoic inheritances are in turn, as in all Echinodermata, superimpositions on the bilaterian scheme of the vagrant archetype of which the Dipleurula larva is presumably recapitula- tory. However, so modified was the plan of the Precambrian archetype during the precarpoid sessile stage of the echinoderms, that for all practical purposes only the latter, and the succeeding mobile stage, need concern us. Quite possibly the unknown fixed ancestor of the carpoids (Precam- brian?) developed an amphora-like form analogous to the simpler amphorideans of the Silurian. In due course this was polyplated. At this organizational grade there were apparently two main courses open to evolu- 28 BULLETIN 185 tion: upright stature or recumbency. In both lineages there was advantage in peduncular attenuation of the body, and the production of either an upright stem or a flexible leash respectively. The latter subsequently became free. The “uprights” spawned the radial plan; the “recumbents’’ the “flatfish” type of organization. Herein would seem to lie the fundamental distinction between the carpoids and all other echinoderms: the carpoids became recumbents too early to develop any enduring radial organization. When they are first encountered in the geological record, they were already vagile benthos, improving on the bilateral scheme which was in all likel1- hood already well begun in their recumbent stage of sessility. The history of carpoid skeletal evolution is largely the record of accommodating a more or less chaotic polyplacate skeleton to flattish form and the requirements of limited mobility. A casual survey even of the class Carpoidea will demonstrate that bilaterality is by no means the only result of such accommodations. The Diploporita demonstrate the manner in which the unorganized plates of the theca first became regularized around the point of fixation; their regularization preceded progressively higher and higher on the peduncle. In the upright forms pentaradial symmetry of the regularized parts soon developed, but no evidence of pentaradial plan has been ob- served in the Carpoidea. Instead, a simple geometrical progression of plates is the rule. The distal stele is composed of opposite dimeres, succeeded by alternating dimeres; in the proximal part of the distal stele or in the proxt- mal stele, four elements are involved, while in the proximal stele of the rutroclypeids there is evidence that possibly eight elements contributed to each circlet. In Dendrocystites (as now defined) the proximal stele is com- posed of rings of larger and smaller plates in alternating rows, with a large number of scutes participating in each ring. Bipolar regularization has also taken place in the Soluta, whereby a brachiole is antipodal to a stele, which in many ways it resembles. In the rutroclypeids, the brachiole is composed of opposite tetrameres, thus re- calling the condition in the proximal stele of many mitrates. The serially constituted brachioles of the Soluta are easily taken for steles. The implica- tion of all this is that regularization does not necessarily commence at a point of adhesion, and in a motile organism might even be developed without any reference to a static past. It should be borne in mind that the thesis of a sessile ancestry for the Carpoidea is still unproved, although a likely one. AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 29 In contrast to the Diploporita, the stele and theca of the Carpoidea are sharply delimited. The proximal plane is the cleavage between thecal rigidity and stele mobility. On the theca of the Soluta, the regularization of the plates has progressed far less than on the flexible extremites. Standard- ization of basal plates, and possibly of marginal plates, occurs in Rwtrocly- peus and lowacystis; adanal and perhaps adoral plates exist; otherwise the number, shape, and arrangement of plates is quite archaic on both faces of Rutroclypeus and on the anal one of Lowacystis. CAMBRIAN ORDOVICIAN SILURIAN Lower | Middle | Upper i DIGITATA CORNUTA Text-fig. 7—Geologic ranges of the orders of the Carpoidea. Distribution —Although carpoids are known from the Middle Cam- brian to the Lower Devonian, the Soluta had a rather limited range prior to the Australian discovery of the Rutroclypeidae. The Dendrocystitidae are Ordovician and European except for the imperfectly known Syringo- crinus paradoxicus Billings from North America and some uncertain frag- ments from Korea (Kobayashi, 1934, p. 525). The Iowacystidae are ex- clusively Upper Ordovician and North American. Now there is added the Rutroclypeidae which belong (on present knowledge) to the Lower Devonian of Australia and Europe (“Dendrocystites’ globulus). It would be of the greatest interest to search the intermediate areas and formations 30 BULLETIN 185 for the linking faunas. The only other carpoids which survived as con- temporaries of the Rutroclypeidae are the mitrates, and round the world these carpoids became extinct at the same time. In the Lower Devonian of Europe, North America, South America, South Africa, and Australia, the last of the carpoids are found. The Soluta had their fullest known develop- ment in the Ordovician of Europe, but suffer their demise in the Lower Devonian of Europe and Australia. Genus Rutroelypeus Withers, 1933, emend. Gill and Caster Diagnosis of genus—The family 1s monotypic; the generic and familial traits are taken as the same for the time being. Type species.—Rutroclypeus junori Withers, 1933. Lower Devonian, Victoria. Rutroclypeus junori Withers Pl. 1, figs. 1-35 Ply Qefese2-3, 1933. Rutroclypeus junori Withers, Roy. Soc. Victoria, Proc., vol. 45 (ns.), pe lapp. 18-22. pls, ese dey 2: Diagnosis of species. Rutroclypeus with spinose proximal stele having ten (or thereabouts) segments, the more distal of which may be deflected distally. Material—1. Holotype. External mold of nearly complete specimen, P13681 °; 2. Paratype. External mold of fragment of theca, the proximal stele, and part of the distal stele, P13682; 3. Hypotype. External mold of a nearly complete young specimen, P16792, collected by Mr. F. S. Colliver; 4. External mold of part of the stele of a young specimen, P16447 (not a type). Localities —1. The holotype and paratype came from Collins Quarry, 114 mile northwest of Kinglake West Post Office, on the west bank of King Parrot Creek where crossed by the north boundary of the Parish of Kinglake. (Military Map, Kinglake Sheet, grid reference 254,799.) This quarry is on the south side of a road leading to a permanent camp of the Forest Commission of Victoria. 2. The other specimens came from Middendorp’s (formerly called Davies’) Quarry, about a mile north of Kinglake West State School at the end of a track and on the west branch of Stony Creek, Parish of Kinglake, allotment 59 A, no section. The track runs from Mr. Middendorp’s house northwards on the west side of the creek, stopping opposite the quarry which is on the east bank. (Military 5 Numbers so given are registered numbers in the paleontologic collections of the National Museum of Victoria, Australia. AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 31 Map, Kinglake Sheet, grid ref. 286,783.) Mr. R. B. Withers has kindly advised that he considers these two localities to be on the same or similar stratigraphic level. Age.—Lower Devonian. Description of holotype.—PIl. 1, figs. 1, 3. Theca flat, circular, about 4 cm. in diameter, consisting of a large number of plates which vary in diameter from a couple of millimetres to a centimetre, but usually are be- tween a quarter and three-quarters of a centimetre. Perimeter entire. Smaller plates are more common round the perimeter of the theca. Most plates possess a spine normal to the plate surface. Over most of the theca, the spine is at the centre of the plate, but round the perimeter the spine is often towards the outer edge of the plate. There is thus a tendency to have a row of spines round the perimeter. On the right hand side of the holo- type, as viewed in the matrix, there are two spines directed outwards in the plane of the theca, suggesting a row of marginal spines. The impressions of the spines show them to have been sharply conical in longitudinal out- line, circular in cross-section, and 1.25 to 1.5 mm. long. Stele about 6.3 cm. long as preserved, 7.e. over 11/, times as long as the theca. Stele inset into the theca about half a centimetre. Proximal stele about 1.2 cm. wide where inserted into theca; length about 1.7 cm.; tapering distally so that lateral borders of proximal stele continue without interruption as borders of distal stele. Proximal stele has well-marked median furrow, interpreted as a suture. There was apparently a suture also along each lateral border, making four sutures in all. The median suture is not quite straight, the irregularities perhaps reflecting development from original polygonal plates. Proximal stele composed of a series of segments, marked off by furrows (sutures) which are subparallel, and although transverse proxt- mally, they become deflected distally, reminiscent of the arrangement of the pleurae in the pygidia of some trilobites. There are probably ten segments in the proximal stele, but the count is not without doubt. There is a sug- gestion of a weakness longitudinally through the plates halfway between the median and lateral furrows, hinting that the segments may originally have consisted of eight plates per annulus—four on each surface of the stele. However, the break could be artifactual, which interpretation is sup- ported by the fact that no such break appears on the proximal stele of the hypotype. Spines like those on the thecal plates appear on many of the segments of the proximal stele. It appears that the pattern is to have one spine on Ss) No BULLETIN 185 each segment on each side of the median furrow, set about one millimetre from it, but in actuality spines are not present in every case. The contact of the proximal stele with the theca is of a broad V-shape, almost sagittate, as also is the contact between the proximal stele and the distal stele. The hypotype demonstrates a similar contact between the brachiole and the theca. Distal stele has subparallel sides except where it expands at the thecal end to fit the proximal stele. This triangular area can be distinguished from the rest of the distal stele and may be called the median stele. Bather made this distinction in Dendrocystites. The terminus of the stele as preserved is rounded and so evidently was not attached. The mold indicates that the distal stele of Rutroclypeus junori was a thin, flat structure, but this could in part be due to compression during fossilization. However, it certainly was not inflated. Faint transverse furrows provide evidence that the distal stele consists of a series of about two dozen fused segments. Description of paratype.—PIl. 2, figs. 2, 3. Proximal stele about 2 cm. long and 1 cm. wide at the distal end. Wide V-shape of inset of proximal stele to theca well shown. Segments deflected distally, especially at the distal end. Triangular median stele is not so flat in the paratype as in the holotype. At the thecal end, a prosopon of fine transverse lines can be made out. On the side of the distal stele a few minute bosses are present— incipient spines perhaps. Associated biota—The holotype and paratype are from the Collins Quarry where the associated biota is as follows: Plantae Fragments of land plants Anthozoa Large colonial coral Lindstroemia ampla Chapman Pleurodictyum megastomum Dun Pleurodictyum, sp. nov. Echinodermata —_ Blastoid Crinoids (numerous) Cystoids Machaeridian Crepidosoma kinglakensis Withers and Keble Crepidosoma sp. Eospondylus cf. tenuis Withers and Keble Lapworthura miltoni (Salter) Schuchertia junori Withers and Keble AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 33 Bryozoa Undet. Brachiopoda Atrypa sp. Chonetes aff. cresswelli Chapman Eatonia sp. Lingula sp. Notanoplia autralis (Gill) Orbiculoidea? Strophonella? Mollusca Coleolus ? Hyolithes sp. Cephalopoda Orthoceracones Trilobita Dalmanitid Ostracoda Beyrichia sp. The specimens of Rvtroclypeus junori other than the holotype and paratype come from Middendorp’s Quarry, and these are now described. Description of hypotype.—Plate 1, figure 2. This specimen is more or less a micromorph of the holotype, its thecal diameter being about 12 mm. The stele is about 25 mm. long, twice the length of the theca. The plates of the theca are much smaller than those of the adult specimens, being only 2-3 mm. in diameter as a rule, so growth of the theca must have been due in part to the enlargement of the plates. This applies also to Rutroclypeus victoriae. The brachiole consists of tetrameres—biserial plates on both anal and antianal surfaces. The insertion of the brachiole is shown clearly and reveals that it was introduced between the two thecal walls, similarly to the stele. The terminal plate at the proximal end has a broad V-shape, comparable with the corresponding plate of the stele. There is not so much deflection of the distal segments of the proximal stele as in the adult spect- mens. The proximal stele plates number at least as many as in the holotype. Several spines can be identified on the proximal stele, thus determining the species as R. junori. The distal stele tapers a little throughout its length. Its terminus is blunt and somewhat rounded, although this feature is not altogether clear. Casts of skeletal canals are present in the form of minute ferruginous columns. These are circular in cross-section. Plate 3, figure 3 shows similar structures in a specimen of Rwtroclypeus victoriae (P16884). The canals are normal to the plate surface (commonest orientation), in- clined or subhorizontal. Some of the columns (casts of the canals) are straight and some curved. They are minute in size, about 22 occurring per millimetre. Although contrasting somewhat in orientation, these canals 34 BULLETIN 185 appear to be homologous with those described by Caster and Eaton (1956) in the mitrate Paranacystis. The canals are generally more or less parallel to the plate surface in Paranacystis but usually more or less perpendicular in Ratroclypeus. Evidence for canals in both a mitrate (Paranacystis) and a solute (Rw/roclypeus), the only two orders extant in Lower Devonian time, makes it pertinent to search for evidence of them in the other earlier orders of carpoids. The stereom canals were occupied by stroma strands in life, of course. Description of P16447.—Imperfect stele of young specimen. Proxt- mal stele about 4 mm. wide; some plates have spines. Distal stele about 1.5 cm. long and divided by transverse furrows taken to indicate the boun- daries of the plates which by their fusion have formed the distal stele. Nearly 20 such plates can be distinguished. As far as can be made out on present evidence, growth in the stele is limited to enlargement of the plates, while in the theca there is the further factor of the addition of new plates (see description of Rutroclypeus victoriae). Rutroclypeus victoriae Gill and Caster. new species Pl) 2, fig. 1; Pl. 3, figs..1-3; Pl. 4, figs: 123— Piet Diagnosts.—Rutroclypeus without spines on proximal stele. About seven or eight parallel plates in proximal stele. Material—1. Holotype. External molds (counterparts) of anal and antianal surfaces of a nearly complete skeleton. (P16441-2) ; 2. Paratype A. External molds (counterparts) of anal and antianal surfaces of a juvenile specimen. (P16443-4) ; 3. Paratype B. External molds (counterparts) of theca and proximal stele showing casts of canals. (P16883-4) ; 4. Speci- mens other than types: P16446 is a proximal stele and part of the theca; P16926 1s a proximal stele only. Locality.— All specimens are from Middendorp’s Quarry, the location of which is described above. A ge.—Lower Devonian, Description of holotype.—Theca flat, approximately circular in out- line, 4 cm. in diameter, to which ts attached a flattish stele, the proxima! part of which is wider and consists of seven or eight annuli of four plates each, while the distal part consists of a series of comparatively narrow, fused plates. The stele is inset in the theca a distance of about 4 mm. which is the length of two segments of the proximal stele. The terminus of the stele is destroyed, but as preserved the fossil measures 7 cm. long. The AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER eS) wi) theca consists of a large number of polygonal plates, 87 being counted on P16441, but some of these are small, and in many cases one cannot be sure whether a fracture or suture is present. Text-figure 8 provides our artist’s interpretation of the plates. The largest plate is that contiguous with the proximal stele on the longitudinal axis‘of the animal and is distinctive enough to be given the name basal plate. It 1s the largest of the plates. There is a basal plate on both the anal and antianal surfaces. The proxt- Text-fig. 8—Rutroclypeus victoriae Gill and Caster, n. sp. Tracing from a photo- graph of the holotype. The brachiole is restored from the paratype. The lines shown in the median stele are fractures more than sutures. Drawing by Anneliese S. Caster. mal edge of the basal plate is shaped to accommodate the stele, a feature that can also be seen in the latex cast of specimen P16446. Overall, the largest plates are in the middle of the theca, and small plates more numer- ous round the periphery. Theca thin; originally probably slightly biconvex, but the only slight compressional displacement of the plates during fossil1- zation shows that the theca was never distended, the body cavity was narrow. The plates geniculate at the thecal perimeter to form a narrow mar- gin (see text-figure 6) as can be seen on the left edge of specimen P16442, and in P16449. The margin is between 1 mm. and 3 mm. high, and apparently possesses a zigzag suture where the various genicul- ated plates meet. Distance apart of the two molds shows that the plates were thin. In their growth, the plates have interfered with each other, so that the number of sides varies greatly. With all this variation, the over- riding of the plates when squashed in the stratum containing them, and the accidents of preservation, it is difficult to count the number of sides on the plates. However, the sides on all the plates on P16441 were counted as 36 BULLETIN 185 accurately as possible, and the following figures obtained: 3 sides 4 4 sides 19 5 sides 38 6 sides 18 7 sides 7 In one case it was impossible to make an estimate. Total plates counted, 87. The above figures should not be taken literally but only as an indication that the commonest number of sides is five. A circular area cannot be covered with pentagons, so even if there were no growth interference, some accommodation of plates would be necessary if the entire theca were to be covered. The two sides of the theca are similar, but there is no precise correspondence of plates, except for the basal plates. In the middle of nearly every plate there is a tapering spine with a rounded end in which no opening has been discovered. The spines are up to a millimetre in diameter at the base, and are generally 1 mm. to 1.5 mm. long. All spines project outwards normal to the surface on which they occur, whether it be one of the two main thecal faces or the margin. On the right side (as seen in the matrix) of P16442 there are three spines set closely together in a straight row. apparently on the one plate. On the marginal side of these spines is a small orifice which may be the anus. At the distal end of the theca, in the position occupied by the brachiole in other specimens, are some plates which may be a remnant of a brachiole; they are introduced between the thecal surfaces. This could be the locus of the mouth. Stele —Proximal stele consists of strongly imbricated plates, and the whole structure is considerably flattened. Width 11 mm. The contiguous part of the distal stele narrows rapidly to about 3 mm., whereafter the sides remain subparallel as far as the stele is preserved. The proximal part of the distal stele, 7.e. the median stele, probably consists of fused plates, and what are interpreted by us as breaks rather than sutures are represented in text-figure 8. The distal stele, which consists of opposed dimeres, and the proximal stele are well organized, and it is, therefore, not expected that the plates of the median stele would be unorganized, as would be the case if the lines in the text-figure represented sutures. Description of paratype A.—Juvenile specimen, like the holotype but much smaller, thecal diameter being 12 to 13 mm. and the stele of propor- tionate size, Thecal plates smaller than in adult. This specimen is notable AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 37 for its possession of a brachiole which is situated a little eccentrically at the distal end of the theca, reminiscent of the arrangement in Dendrocystites. The arm appears in one only of the counterparts, viz. P16443, which shows that it is flattish, and consists on the face shown of about 20 pairs of op- posing plates, thus contrasting with the proximal stele which has seven or eight. It is assumed that the opposite face of the brachiole had a similar constitution to the one shown, so that each annulus consisted of tetrameres as in the proximal stele. The more distal plates of the brachiole show no sign of imbrication, but those at the thecal end appear to have a slight imbrication; they have not the strong imbrication that characterizes the proximal stele. The brachiole is 11.5 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide at the base; it gently tapers to a rounded end. The arm is longer than the proxt- mal stele but narrower. As preserved the brachiole has a submedian furrow whereas the proximal stele has a median one (PI. 4, figs. 2, 3). Description of paratype B—The counterparts are to a certain extent complementary, so that most of the theca, including part of the brachiole, the proximal stele, and most of the median stele are preserved. The speci- men is a fully grown one, and provides evidence that the thecal plates were slightly convex, leading up to the spine in the middle. The brachiole is in- serted between the two surfaces. The large strong proximal stele of this genus is well demonstrated. The pattern of fracture lines in the median stele is quite different from that shown in text-figure 8, and it is not yet known what plates made up the rigid middle part of the stele. The minute columns believed to be casts of skeletal canals are well preserved in this specimen and so are figured in Plate 3, figure 3. A description of this fea- ture is given elsewhere. 4. Notes on other specimens.—Specimen P16446 shows well the in- sertion of the proximal stele into the theca. Like the brachiole, it was in- troduced between the anal and antianal shields. On the same piece of rock is a fragment of another Rvtroclypeus; the genus appears to have been pre- sent in larger populations than is usual with carpoids. A fragment among the specimens collected by Mr. F. S. Colliver from Middendorp’s Quarry demonstrates that there was a lumen in the proximal stele. A natural cross- section shows the plates on the anal and antianal surfaces with a space in between filled with sediment; as preserved the lumen is about half a milli- metre high and almost the same width as the stele. Preservation —The specimens of Rutroclypeus victoriae ate preserved in stratified siltstone which is bluish-grey where unoxidized and light grey 38 BULLETIN 185 where oxidized. The fossils are generally covered with a reddish-brown film of iron oxide. They have all had their skeletal material leached away, existing only as molds. By analogy it is concluded that the skeleton was calcareous ; if it were not it would be siliceous or phosphatic and, therefore, preserved in this particular environment. In the denser part of the beds from which these fossils came, the calcic material of corals and brachiopods has been preserved, and it is hoped eventually to discover unleached Rutroclypeus material. Paleobiology.—Counterparts being present in both the holotype and paratype of R. victoriae makes it possible to estimate the capacity of the body cavity. Counterparts when together are separated by only half a millimetre. As the displacement of plates by crushing during fossilization was not great, the body cavity must have been narrow. As no mud was found infilling the body cavity, it is inferred that on death the walls of the theca collapsed and were pressed together so that no sediment entered the body cavity. The smallness of mouth and anus would aid exclusion of sea floor mud. The plates of the theca are discrete, as shown by the sutures and by movement on them during fossilization, yet they held together remarkably well. Probably the skeleton was kept together by a strong integument, a feature well known in echinoderms, and one that links them with the vertebrates rather than the invertebrates. Although the walls of the theca have been so closely adpressed, and there is no infilling matrix, nevertheless no impression of the gut could be recognized. This fact, plus the extreme narrowness of the body cavity sug- gests Rutroclypeus was a microphage and not a mud-eater, If the animal were a mud-feeder, the theca! lumen would have to be larger to accommo- date the swollen gut, and there would be mud left inside the cavity when it died. It is imagined that minute plants and/or animals were swept into the alimentary canal by ciliary currents, probably from the brachiole. However, the possibility of a bellows-like action of the thecal walls has also to be considered. The presence of spines on the thecal plates is an interesting feature which may well be related to the central bosses to be found on some of the plates of Dendrocystites (Barrande, 1887). Even the smallest and youngest plates of Rutroclypeus may have spines, and indeed the spine may be the nucleus from which the plate grew. In certain echinoderms the spines have been proved to appear early in development (e.g. Gordon, 1927). Rutroclypeus presents three sympatric species. All occur at Midden- AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 39 dorp’s Quarry, and one species occurs at Collins Quarry in the same area and at the same or a similar stratigraphic horizon. Distribution of Rwtro- clypeus was apparently wide enough to allow separate populations to evolve their own characters (species differences), these species later coming to- gether on the same sea floor. In spite of their rarity as fossils, therefore, rutroclypeids must have had a fairly wide distribution. Paleoecology.—The fauna shows the environment was fully marine, while contemporary coral-stromatoporoid bioherms show that the seas were warm. There were currents present, as shown by current bedding, but these were not strong, as 1s proved by the fineness of the sediments and the small vertical thickness involved by current bedding. The rounded termini of the Rutroclypeus steles show that they were not attached by them to the substra- tum, while the flatness of these animals suggests they were benthonic. A free-living organism browsing on microzoa is envisaged; motile but not strongly so, Associated Biota—On the same slab as the holotype of R. victoriae there are two genera of trilobites, a number of brachiopods, and some other fossils. In a stratigraphical thickness of five feet at Middendorp’s Quarry, the following fauna has been collected: Plantae Fragments of land plants (common in one layer) Anthozoa Favositid coral Lindstroemia ampla Chapman L. yeringae Chapman Pleurodictyum megastomum Dun Pleurodictyum, 0. sp. Romingeria sp. Bryozoa Undet. Brachiopoda Coelospira cf. australis Chapman Eospirifer sp. Leptaena aft. rhomboidalis (Wilckens) Lingula sp. Notanoplia australis (Gill) N. withersi (Gill) Notoleptaena sp. “Nucleospira’ australis McCoy Orbiculoidea sp. “Parmorthis” sp. 40 BULLETIN 185 Plectodonta bipartita (Chapman) “Spirtfer” sp. Lamellibranchiata Nuculites maccoyianus Chapman Palaeoneilo sp. Gasteropoda Loxonema sp. Pleurotomaria sp. Mollusca Incertae Sedis Hyolithes sp. Trilobita Cyphaspis sp. Dicranurus kinglakensis Gill Leonaspis sp. Odontochile formosa Gill Phacops sp. Proetus euryceps (McCoy) Scutellum sp. Trimerus kinglakensis Gill Ostracoda Beyrichia sp. Echinodermata Asteroids including Petraster and Sturtzura. Blastoid Cystoids Ophiuroids including Lapworthura cf. miltont (Salter) “Plumulites” sp. Victoriacystis aff. wilkinsi Merostomata Pieces of eurypterid integument P16878-9. There is an horizon about a foot thick rich in Echinodermata (Gill 1947, pp. 17-18), and it is in this that Rvtroclypeus occurs exclusively as far as is known. The above fauna and land plants indicate water of moderate depth not a great distance from land yet open to the ocean, allowing entry of pelagic forms such as Dicranurus and Leonaspis. Rutroeclypeus (?) withersi Gill and Caster, new species Pl. 5, figs. 2-4; PlnG, fen! Diagnosis of species —Rutroclypeids with flat theca, lobate in outline, and with a characteristic arrangement of larger and smaller plates. A new genus appears to be indicated but because the material is frag- mental, it is referred temporarily to Rutroclypeus. Material—1. Holotype. External molds of portions of the anal and antianal surfaces of a theca. P16452-3; 2. Paratype. External molds of AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 4] portions of the anal and antianal surfaces of a theca, with a fragment of the proximal stele. P16450-1. Locality —Middendorp’s Quarry, Kinglake West, Victoria. Age.—Lower Devonian. Description of holotype-—The counterparts have only a median area in common. By making tracings and superimposing them so that the com- mon part overlaps, the thecal outline was obtained. The theca is composed essentially of plates similar to those in Rutroclypeus junori but fused round them or intercalated between them are more numerous much smaller plates. Each plate possesses a spine of the same character as those found in R. junori and R. victoriae. In size the spines are relative to the dimensions of the plates on which they occur. The small plates are often distinct, but in some cases they are fused to the plate around which they form a circlet. The counterparts show that the theca was thin, with subparallel anal and antianal faces. Description of paratype-—This specimen shows a few plates of the proximal stele. Round the large basal plate is a series of small spines which are interpreted as a circlet of small plates fused to the basal plate. The entire basal plate is not preserved, but 13 spines were counted on the perimeter of one-half of it. This fragment of a theca is approximately 28 mm. by 20 mm. revealing the theca to be of appreciable area in this species. A small part of the thecal margin on one side of the stele is preserved in this specimen, and it is rounded as in R. victoriae suggesting that the lobes shown in the holotype were at the distal end of the theca. Comment.—We have pleasure in naming this species after Mr. R. B. Withers, who worked for many years on the geology and paleontology of the Kinglake District, and is the author of the genus Rvtroclypeus. The present material is fragmental, but so characteristic is the plate pattern that the species is easily recognized. Some amphoridean cystoids possess large plates between which smaller ones are intercalated during growth. For instance, part of the theca of Calix sedgwicki (Chauvel, 1941, p. 38, figs. 6-7) possesses tuberculate larger plates between which smaller nontuberculate plates are added. The small plates form rows between the large ones in a regular fashion unlike the arrangement in “R.”’ withersi. The lobate outline of the new species is reminiscent of the Dendrocystitidae. After the above was written, a further specimen (P16885-6) was found at Middendorp’s Quarry. There is a proximal stele with about a 42 BULLETIN 185 dozen plates on each side of a median suture. A fracture passes through the median stele, but it can be seen that it narrows to a distal stele like that in other rutroclypeids. The theca is imperfect but compatible with the idea of an amphora-like outline. A brachiole like that in R. victoriae is present. Its position is enough to prove that the theca could not be a circular one as in R. junori and R. vicioriae. Another speamen (P 16901-2) consists of a poorly preserved theca, but there is enough margin to prove that the theca was not circular. “Rutroclypeus” globulus (Dehm) Pl. 6, fig. 2, 4; text-fig. 9 1934. Dendrocystites (Dendrocystoides?) globulus Dehm, Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Sitz., Math.-natur. Abt., 1934, pp. 20-21, pl. 1, fig. 1. This enigmatic carpoid from the Rhenish Lower Devonian is known only from the imperfect holotype specimen. Like Rwtroclypeus, of approxti- mately the same age, it 1s circular in thecal outline, and was apparently like- wise flattish in life. It ts covered by numerous polygonal thecal plates and possesses an invagination of the proximal thecal edge to accommodate the proximal stele. The size and proportions are similar to the Australian Rutroclypeus. Text-fig. 9—"Rutroclypeus’” globulus (Dehm), (Dendrocystites (Dendrocystoides?) globulus Dehm, 1934) from the Rhenish Lower Devonian. Traced from a photo- graph of the holotype in the Senckenberg Museum. Dr. Richard Dehm of Munich University and Dr. Wolfgang Struve of the Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M., assisted us by locating the holotype (Forschung-Institut Senckenberg, Katalog No. XXI 29a), pro- vided the photographs here reproduced and advised us that they were unable to detect any evidence of spines on the thecal plates of the specimen when we failed to find them in the photographs or original illustration. This absence of the characteristic spines of Rwtroclypeus, all other traits shared with it, would seem to be of generic importance. However, the unsatisfactory preservation of the holotype theca makes it prudent to await more information on Dehm’s species before erecting the genus current in- AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 43, formation suggests. However, there can be no doubt of the close alliance between the Rhenish and Australian rutroclypeids for which a common family seems manifestly desirable. Order MITRATA Jaekel, 1921 Diagnosis—Moderately flattened heterosteles, having a convex cara- pace and a weakly concave or flat plastron,; thecal plates relatively few and standardized, especially those of the plastron,; marginal plates participate in both plastron and carapace surfaces. Styloid present, Distal exothecal appendages usually present and rigid’. For a fuller discussion of mitrate characters and habits, see Chauvel (1941) and Caster (1952; 1954; 1956). Suborders of the Mitrata were proposed and defined by Caster (1952; 1954). The Mitrata are among the oldest carpoid fossils, known from the Lower Ordovician (Bohemian fauna) through the Lower Devonian. When they first appear in the record, they are already distinctively mitrate, showing almost no features to be homologized with any other echinoderms; see discussion of Mitrocystites and M/rtrocystella in Chauvel’s (1941) epochmaking study of Armorican? carpoids. The presence of a styloid is peculiar to the Mitrata from their inception. Suborder PLACOCYSTIDAS8 Haeckel, 1896 Diagnosis —Mitrates in which the carapace 1s composed of fused®, nonmimbricate plates; possessing a pair of rodlike brachia which articulate in sockets at the distal lateral extremities of the theca. 8 In Casters (1952) Anomalocystida, based on Schuchert’s rendition (1904) of Anomalocystites cornutus Hall, flexible, segmented brachia are shown; however, doubts still remain that these brachia are genuine, and if so, whether the anomalo- cystids are mitrate carpoids. Among other anomalous features of this genus (and suborder) is a unique plate organization and no known styloid process. The latter, is, of course, possibly an oversight, or nonpreservational feature of the limited materials. See footnote 10, below. Armorica is the former name for Brittany, in France. The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Article 5, requires that ‘the name of a family or subfamily be changed when the name of its type genus is changed’, but makes no such requirement for higher categories. The degree to which any or all mitrate thecal plates were ankylosed is open to reconsideration. The recent (1958-59) discovery of great quantities (many thousands) of free mitrate plates (Ezoploura) in the Upper Ordovician rocks of the Cincinnati area of Ohio and Indiana, each with a characteristic muscle im- print on the inner surface, strongly suggests that the plates were discrete in life and had integumentary connections only, or in great part. This mode of organiza- tion would tend to explain the rarity of articulated specimens in the fossil record. Sieving and washing of carpoid-bearing strata may indicate a far greater abundance of the group than records so far reported in the literature would suggest. K. E. C. “1 44 BULLETIN 185 Caster (1952; 1956) discussed Placocystida characters and relation- ships in some detail, and in the 1952 paper gave a diagnostic key for the recognition of major categories of the suborder. Placocystida are known from the Middle Ordovician (Canada) through the Lower Devonian (United States, Germany, South Africa, Brazil, and now Australia). They clearly stem from the Lower Ordovician Mitrocystida, from which they differ mainly in the possession of exothecal appendages, and a reduced number of nonimbricate carapace plates. From the exclusively Lower Devonian (United States) Anomalocystida, the Placocystida differ in the nature of the paired exothecal appendages (brachia). In the Placocystida they are rigid, while in the Anomalocystida they are segmented, if the reconstruction by Schuchert (1904) can be accepted??. In the Paranacystida (Brazil only), two (?) foliate and axially im- bricating plates extend from the distal thecal margin. In this group there are also significant differences in the thecal plate organization; the “‘ano- malocystid’’ plate, so characteristic of the Mitrocystida, Anomalocystida, and Placocystida, is absent or at least not identified. Family PLACOCYSTITIDAE, new name (Replaces Placocystidae Caster, 1952) Diagnosis.—T ypical Placocystida, having an asymmetrical plastron through the existence of an “anomalocystid” plate in the somatic series: carapace symmetrically arranged. The genera of this family at present known are: Boreal Province Placocystites de Koninck, 1869—Upper Silurian, Great Britain Victoriacystis Gill and Caster, new genus—Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian, Victoria, Australia Victoriacystis (7) Gill and Caster—Lower Silurian, Melbourne, Vic- toria 10 Caster (1952, p. 21) drew attention to the similarity between a distal stele and the unattached segmented structure alleged by Schuchert (1904, pl. 40) to be a brachium. The brachia illustrated by Barrande (1887, pl. 5, figs. IV, 1-4) for Anomalocystites show no segmentation, although he says that the preservation is poor. Wilson (1946) described and figured specimens of the closely related genus Ateleocystites, but found no brachia. If the brachia of Anomalocystites prove to be rigid, then the Anomalocystida will probably become synonymous with the Placocystida. J. K. Pope (pers. commun., 1959) has noted Lep/docoleus plates sheathing the brachial spines of Cincinnatian Enoploura. This suggests that the mitrate brachia were subvective, and that machaerideans are carpoid structures. Kerb G. AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 45 Rhenocystis Dehm, 1933—Lower Devonian, Germany Austral Province Placocystella Rennie, 1936—Lower Devonian, South Africa Australocystis Caster, 1955—Lower Devonian, Brazil The subfamily Placocystitinae (here emended from Placocystinae Caster, 1952) has been erected to receive Placocystites and the Australo- cystinae (Caster, 1955) to receive Australocyst7s. The other genera have not yet been referred to subfamilies. The three genera of the Boreal paleo- geographic province have a ‘‘P’’ somatic plate in the middle of the carapace ; the carapaces of the Austral genera have not yet been described. In the Boreal Placocystida there is an overall increase in the number of carapace plates from the Middle Ordovician Afeleocystites to the Lower Devonian genera, but this does not apply to the Austral genera, which apparently Text-fig. 10—Placocystites forbesianus de Koninck, Upper Silurian (Wenlock) of Great Britain, after Bather’s (1900) restoration from the type material. A. Plastron view. B. Carapace view. Lettering after Caster, 1952, 1954, from analyses of Enoploura of the American Ordovician and Rhenocystis from the Rhenish Lower Devonian respectively. M2 and M3 indicate possible areas of the placocystitid M1 and M4 plates which were later differentiated into separate plates—or are here indistinguishably fused into the M1 and M4 plates; x—indicates the general posi- tions in the M1 and M4 plates of the Jam plates of Enoploura and Rhenocystis, (likewise either fused into or not differentiated from the M1 and M4 plates) ; y—indicates the general position of the ax plates in Enoploura, at the base of the brachia. 46 BULLETIN 185 evolved along a different line. All the genera of the Placocystida have a conservative arrangement of plates in the plastron (the surface in contact with the substratum) ; new elements usually are introduced in the carapace (the surface in contact with the water environment). The plate organiza- tion of Placocystites forbesianus de Koninck as restored by Bather (1900) from the type material is shown in text-figure 10. An attempt has been made to employ the plate nomenclature used by Caster (1952; 1954) in his study of the Upper Ordovician Enoploura and of Dehm’s (1934) Rhenocystis of the German Lower Devonian. The two austral genera are remarkable in deviating considerably both from the boreal norm for the plastron and from each other as well in this respect. The increase in the number of carapace plates in the Boreal Placo- cystida, already referred to, takes place by an increase in the number of transverse rows of plates. In the Placocystitidae the increase is evidenced by the four rows of transverse plates in Placocystites, but five and six rows respectively in Rhenocystis and Victoriacystis. Evolutionally, the process of plate increase is of interest in that it is the reverse of the earlier reduction of plates which took place in the development of the comparatively oligo- merous Carpoidea from the polymerous amphoridean-like ancestors. Genus VICTORIACYSTIS, new genus Diagnosts.—Placocystitids with elongate subquadrilateral theca, the proximal carapace plates of which overarch the proximal stele. Proximal stele with outer ends of plates distally deflected. Styloid consisting of a group of segments bladed on the inferior side, the blades being reduced in size distally, Stele approximates length of theca. Type spectes—Victortacystis wilkinsi Gill and Caster, new species, Upper Silurian, Victoria, Australia. Victoriacystis wilkinsi, new genus, new species Pl<7; Pl. 8) figs.-1, 25 Pl’ 9; figs. 1,2; Pl. 10; fie; 2Stexter cata Diagnosis.—Same as genus for the time bein &, as only the type species 15 described. Material —1. Holotype. Counterparts P16787-8, are external molds in a fine-grained micaceous fawn sendstone with small diameter crinoid columnals and small fragments of brachiopods and other fossils. 2. Paratype. P16904, is a partial external mold in a matrix similar to AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 47 that of the holotype, showing part of the carapace and part of the plastron, plus the stele. On the same slab are some slender crinoids. This was the first known Australian mitrate specimen, and was found not 77 situ at the same locality as the holotype by Mr. R. W. T. Wilkins, after whom the species is named. Subsequent search led to the discovery of the holotype m situ. 3. P16905. Fragment of proximal end of theca, showing the char- acteristic prosopon, from the same locality. Not a type. Locality.—Outcrop in eroded bed of gully, locality F41-42, geological map of Parish of Heathcote, Victoria, published by the Department of Mines, Victoria. These rocks belong to the “‘Graptolite Beds” division of the ‘“Dargile Beds” of Thomas (1937). The associated fauna includes: Monograptus att. nilssoni (see Harris and Thomas, 1937) Melbournopterus crossotus Caster and Kjellesvig-Waering, 1953 Lind stroemia ? Heliolites Dalmanites Starfish, cystid plate, and crinoid columnals of a number of kinds Bryozoa Age.—Upper Silurian, zone of Monograptus nilssonz. Description of holotype.—Theca subquadrilateral, plano-convex, com- paratively large, measuring about 20 mm. in length by 12 mm. in width. Brachia are not preserved on any of the specimens, but the distal! corners of the theca seem to bear articulatory surfaces, hence text-figure 11 shows 1n- ferred bases of arms. The carapace is highly vaulted; plastron flat or slightly concave. As indicated in the generic diagnosis, the proximal carapace (chiefly plates lac) is hooded over the proximal stele, and hence shows no proximal ex- cavation of the margin. The plastron is considerably shorter than the cara- pace, and arcuately excavated on the proximal margin for the accommoda- tion of the large proximal stele. The plates of the two thecal surfaces are represented in text-figure 11. There has been some lateral imbrication of the plates after death, and only by closest comparison of the plates of the upper and lower surfaces, which were impressed upon one another internally and on the inner mold, has it been feasible to arrive at the reasonably certain plate determination shown. Both surfaces are shown in the figure as seen from above, 7.e. the 48 BULLETIN 185 Text-fig. 11—Morphologic lineaments of Véctoriacystis wilkins: Gill and Caster, new genus. new species, based on photographs of the holotype. A. Plastron surface. B. Carapace surface. C. Diagrammatic representation of the proximal region, lateral view, showing the hooded overhang of the carapace above the proximal stele, and the corresponding excavation of the plastron to accommodate the exceptionally large and broad proximal stele. Solid lines represent definite margins and sutures. Broken lines are lineaments, in part sutural, in part fractures, and possibly in part repre- sentations of margins of plates of the opposite thecal surface. Lateral dotted lines indicate the lateral geniculation of mitrates. The mitrate “triangle” carina of the inner proximal plastron region is also shown in dotted lines. The plate nomenclature is that of Caster (1952; 1954) which has also been applied to Placocystites in the foregoing text-figure 10. The diagonally ruled proximal (“tegmenal’’) plates, first noted in these Australian specimens, are now known in great detail from American Ordovician Enoploura (1959). Drawing by Anneliese S. Caster. carapace is as seen from above externally or on the inner mold; the plastron as seen on the outer mold. The plates are identified (with reservation as to homologies) in terms of the plate nomenclature of Caster (1952; 1954). On a ‘“‘tegmenal” surface, normal in orientation to the plastron, there AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 49 appear to be five small plates’. These appear to be in series with the cara- pace plates but geniculate distally to form a cover-surface, beneath which, probably was located the anterior aperture (mouth-anus). The median of the five plates bears nine nodes and the laterally contiguous plates two nodes each. The sides of the theca were nearly vertical, 7.e., normal to the general plastron surface, and composed of three plates which geniculate onto both the plastron and carapace surfaces to occupy considerable margin area of each; these marginal-lateral plates (p/m, mlm, and alm) cover more than half the area of the plastron and also the largest area of the carapace of any known carpoid. The posterior marginal lateral (p/m) is most unusual in reaching distally to about half the length of the theca. This may repre- sent the fusion of the ancestral medial lateral plate (7/m) with the pos- terior one; however, here it is assumed that this is not the case. No sutures between the M8 piate and the posterior lateral marginal has been noted. There are definitely 12 somatic plates on the carapace; the /am and ax plates of Exoploura and Rhenocystis may be present as well, as indicated by the question marks on text-figure 11. The large area which is identified as the overlapping p/m in front of M8 may represent a separate plate, fused to the narrowly overlapping p/m plate. No homologue of such a plate is, however, known in any mitrates. The axial carapace plates of Vactorzacystis are unique, 7.e., the Mac, P, CD, and M plates, the latter are extraordinarily large, and bear an axial carina which extends from the proximal margin of the plate to near the distal margin. The carina rises and broadens distally. The Mac plate is lozenge-shaped, but probably in life was a bit broader than here seen, for it is believed that a certain amount of imbrication between the margins of this plate and the /ac plates has been brought about by compression, as is clearly the situation between Mac and the M>5 and M8 plates. However, it seems quite certain that the Mac plate does not attain the proximal margin which is made by the contiguous and arched /ac plates. The M5, Mac, M8, and lac plates bear the characteristic mitrate prosopon consisting of fine, slightly wavy raised lines which are spaced about .3 mm. apart. The plastron plate organization is conservatively mitrate. The genus and species are unique, however, in having nearly half the plastron surface occupied by the p/m and bm plates. The Cs plate is correspondingly reduced in size. 11 A comparable, and probably homologous series of ‘‘tegmenal’” plates, is now (1959) known to occur in the Cincinnatian Ordovician Enoploura. Hundreds of examples of these plates have been recovered by sieving operations. K. E. C. 50 BULLETIN 185 The proximal stele shows marked flattening on the plastron side. It consists of a series of seven or more plates on each side of the midline, imbricated so that on each there is a free edge distally. The outer half of each plate is deflected distally in a marked manner. On the dorsal or superior surface the proximal stele is completely covered by extensions of the two most proximal thecal plates (/ac). On the inferior side, in the middle of the proximal stele, there is a somewhat rounded structure to which the proximal stele plates appear to be related (see text-figure 11A). Neither the detailed structure of this organ nor its function are known. The styloid is continuous with the distal stele, which is essentially a series of plates fused into a rod of triangular cross-section, tapering distally. The superior surface is flat, while the inferior surface 1s V-shaped in trans- verse outline. The styloid (S/) is not an inserted element as in Exoploura, but a section of the axial skeleton; it comprises a succession of similar seg- ments as seen in Rhenocystis latipedunculata Dehm, 1932, Miétrocystis? styloidea Dehm, 1934, and Paranacystis petrii Caster, 1954. The more proximal the segment of the styloid, the more fully it is developed. The first three segments from the proximal stele possess well-developed pro- jections which become successively smaller distally, but thereafter descend to mere nodes, which are undoubtedly homologous with the styloid projec- tions. Each projection consists of a transverse rounded flange, slightly hol- lowed on the distal face. The bar of the stele axis is thickened behind the flange so as to strengthen it. It is difficult to differentiate the styloid from the rest of the distal stele, for the segments with projections pass into seg- ments with nodes which pass into a double row of plates as seen in many earlier carpoids. The terminus of the stele is blunt, and was apparently free; there is no evidence of attachment. Description of paratype.—External mold with theca shown cornerwise, 7.e. impression of thecal edge with most of the plastron and half of the carapace; also proximal stele, styloid, and part of the distal stele. Nodes on distal end of theca visible, and characteristic prosopon of proximal plates of the theca are visible. The distal deflection of the proximal stele plates is evident as is the nature of the styloid. Comment.—The P plate and central region of the carapace (in fact pretty much all the somatic area) are somewhat obscure in the material at hand. Thus the plate nomenclature, as indicated both by the symbols and the broken lines in the text figure, is not definitive. Hence homologies are uncertain and comparisons only tentative. It is clear that AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 51 the mac plate did not attain the proximal margin, as it does in all known Northern Hemisphere forms. In this respect the similarities, although quite probably homeomorphic, are with the Brazilian Lower Devonian Australocystis. Clearly, not all of the carapace plates of Rhenocystis (fig. 5 of Caster, 1954) or of Placocystites (text-fig. 10) are present in this Australian form. For example, is there a suture between the areas labelled M6 and M1 ?; M7 and M4 ? How about the atm plates of Rhenocystis —are they possibly incorporated into the exceptionally large M plate sans suture? There seems to be evidence of wholesale fusion of pre-exist- ing plates in Vctoriacystis, the while additional plates (as compared with Enoploura) have been developed. These two processes operating simul- taneously and differentially in the mitrate carapace create serious problems in homologizing. With respect to the plastron surface, far greater certainty as to plate components exists. The flat surface is more readily preserved undistorted than the vaulted carapace. Moreover. the plastron plates were in all likeli- hood more firmly ankylosed than were the carapace plates, some or most of which may have had integumentary suturing. All standard mitrate plastron plates are accounted for; only proportions among them vary from well- known boreal placocystitids. In life the flat or slightly concave plastron surface would provide maximum friction with the substrate, while the deflected and slightly arched plates of the proximal stele would have less friction. Least friction of all would be caused by the V-shaped ventral edge of the distal stele. As the cupped flanges of the styloid are directed distally, they would act as anchors against a current into which the theca was heading, giving further reason for regarding the theca as the “‘business end” of the animal. It may well be that this was the attitude of Véctoriacystis in life, the ingesting end of the animal facing the food-bearing currents, and the styloid holding it in position. The sharp edge of the distal stele could sink into the sea floor, thus allowing the styloid to be more effective as an anchor. The flat plastron is interpreted as an adaptation to the flatness of the sea floor. Because of its simple function, little evolution has occurred in it, and so it is the conservative part of the theca. The rather flattened and rounded carapace accommodates the vitals, yet the smooth profile allows the easy flow of passing water currents. The fused stele would act as a telson, while the proximal stele would provide a zone of flexure. The animal might raise itself in the middle, 7.e., at the proximal plane, and then 2 BULLETIN 185 on the converse movement the stele wou!d stick into the sea floor, and the plastron would glide forward over the substrate like a sledge. Alternatively, this movement may have been rapid, so that a flip would disengage it from the sea floor and allow it to drift a short distance with the current. In any case, the raising of the middle of the animal would disengage the styloid from the sea floor, and so facilitate movement. Victoriacystis is nearest Rhenocystis Dehm (1933). Just as the Australian solute Rutroclypeus finds its correlative in ‘““Dendrocystis” globu- /us from the Lower Devonian of Germany, so the Australian mitrate Vzc- tortacystis finds its correlative in Rhenocystis from the Lower Devonian of Germany. Victoriacystis has been found in the Lower Silurian (?), Upper Silurian, and Lower Devonian (?), whereas Rhenocystis is known only from the Lower Devonian. These carpoids provide new evidence for a Middle Paleozoic seaway connecting the European and Australian areas (see Gill, 1953, for other evidence). Victoriacystis aff. wilkinsi Gill and Caster Pl. 9, fig. 3; text-fig. 12 The collections of the Geology Department of the University of Mel- bourne yielded a unique specimen of Lower Silurian carpoid (No. 2876). It came from the City Brick Co. pit on Camberwell Road in the Melbourne suburb of Hawthorn, and was collected by Mr. Bruce Moore. The speci- men!” consists of the external imprint of the plastron surface, which 1s clearly a mitrate form, and for the nonce best referred to V. wilkinsi, although in all likelihood new and better material will prove the rightness of the surmise that this is a distinct species, if not a new genus as well. Description.—The theca is 1 cm. wide and 2 cm. long. The plastron is approximately .25 cm. shorter than the carapace, Only the plastron sur- face details are known; these are characteristically mitrate, but differ some- what in proportions from the typical V. w7/kinsi, as can be seen on text- figure 12A. The proximal marginal excavation of the plastron margin is 12 While this paper was in press, five additional specimens of this species from the Melbourne Silurian were discovered in the collections of the Victoria National Museum. P18313 came from the Camberwell Road Quarry site; P18314-7 came from the same sequence as exposed in the excavations in 1952 for the Nurses’ Home of the Children’s Hospital, Gatehouse Street and Flemington Road, Park- ville. Unfortunately, all specimens are poorly preserved and add little to un- derstanding of this fossil, for again only the plastron surfaces are exposed, and these somewhat disarranged and badly leached. P18314 preserves the imprint of one of the spinelike brachial appendages which are so characteristic of the placocystids. The discovery of these additional examples raises hope that future close scrutiny of the Melbourne Silurian terrane may yield both substantial ad- ditional material and the data needed to resolve systematic problems. AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 33 considerably shallower than in V. wi/kinsz, 5.5., and the carapace may be much less hooded over this area than in the Heathcote material. Charac- teristic undulatory prosopon lines are present on the posterior half of the plastron. The specimen is notable for the presence of both brachial spines, affixed (ball and socket articulation) at the distal lateral extremities of the theca. The better preserved exothecal appendage is 6 mm. long. The proximal stele itself 1s poorly preserved and the plates indistinguishable. Its area is proportionally less than in typical V. w7lkinsz. The curious central plate or boss seems to be represented. Nature of styloid not shown. Considering the generally conservate organization of mitrate plastrons, such deviations as here exist in proportions from typical V. w#lkinsi suggest that a considerable deviation in carapace organization may well occur in this Melbourne form. Of course variation range in V. w/lkinsi is unknown, hence the taxonomic import of the smaller size and plate deviations of this Lower Silurian form remain intangible. Text-fig. 12—Plate patterns in two Australian mitrate carpoids which show affini- ties with Victoriacystis wilkinst Gill and Caster. A. Specimen from the Lower Silurian in the City of Melbourne, Victoria. (University of Melbourne No. 2876). B. Specimen from the Lower Devonian, Middendorp Quarry, Kinglake West, Vic- toria. This is the same horizon containing Rwtroclypeus junori Withers and other species of this genus. 54 BULLETIN 185 Fauna.—The matrix is fawn siltstone, and fossils are rare. Chapman (1925) described the solitary coral Lindstroemia scalaris in an identical matrix from “Hawthorn brick quarry, Camberwell”, which is the same locality. The holotype of Evomphalus holzeri Pritchard (1944) came from the ‘Auburn brick pits’, which, judging by the name of the collector, Mr. Holzer, came from the Fritsch Holzer and Co. pit. This pit is continuous with the City Brick Co. pit which yielded Victoriacystis (see Bain and Spencer-Jones, 1952). Age.—In this area a thick series of strata forms an open fold called the Templestowe Anticline (Nicholls, 1930). Further north graptolites and illaenid trilobites (Tomastus jutson7) prove a Lower Silurian age for the beds in this anticline. The beds yielding Victoriacystis are less than half a mile west of the axis of this anticline, while Upper Silurian (Lower Lud- low) graptolites occur at Studley Park over three miles west of the axis (Jones, 1927; Hills, 1941). The intermediate strata are notoriously pauct- fossiliferous. The site of the nearest illaenid to the Vctoriacystis locality is 21/, miles north on the same anticline, so the possibility of pitch or faulting has to be taken into account. However, on present knowledge of the structure there is no reason to doubt that the age is Lower Silurian. Victoriaeystis aff. wilkinsi Gill and Caster Pl. 10; fig. 1, 33 texthiea43 This carpoid is the only mitrate known from the Devonian of Aus- tralia. It 1s a unique and poorly preserved internal mold of the plastron surface and proximal stele in a partly decomposed siltstone. It comes from the same site and faunal association as the abundant materials of Rwtrocly- pews junori in the abandoned Middendorp’s Quarry at Kinglake West, Victoria. The poor specimen has not photographed well. General plate re- lations are schematically shown in text-figure 12-B. The plastron surface is about 1.8 long and 1.2 cm. wide as preserved. The plate organization is typically mitrate, and, like typical V. w7lkinsi and the placocystitid from Melbourne Lower Silurian, shows the unusually large expansion of the basal marginal and posterior lateral marginal plates, although here they seem to occupy somewhat smaller area than in the forementioned forms. It is of no doubt considerable taxonomic importance that in the Kinglake specimen the marginal excavation of the plastron for the accommodation of the proximal stele is of more nearly standard boreal proportions, and conse- quently no great discrepancy in length of plastron and carapace is to be AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 35) expected and no hooded effect of the proximal carapace plates. Here the stele excavation seems to be restricted to the basal marginal plates. This difference in the more conservative surface of the organism no doubt be- speaks eventual generic distinction of the Lower Devonian mitrates from the Australian Silurian forms. The plastron plan here exhibited much more strongly bespeaks typical placocystitids of the Northern Hemisphere. The proximal stele plates appear, on the other hand, to be organized around a roundish structure which is comparable to the organization of the holotype of V. wzthers. Likewise there seem to be evanescent signs of distal flexure of the stele plates. However, the area of the proximal stele is markedly less in the Devonian form. Styloid details are not distinguish- able. The chief interest in this specimen 1s that it proves that the mitrates continued into the Lower Devonian in Australia, as they did elsewhere (Europe, North America, South America, Africa, and New Zealand"). PALEOGEOGRAPHY The Australian carpoid fauna as known at present consists of a new mitrate genus with one species and possibly other species, and one solute genus with three species. The mitrates belong to the Lower and Upper Silurian, and Lower Devonian, while the solutes are confined to the Lower Devonian. Their closest known congeners inhabited the Boreal seas of Europe, and this evidence strengthens that based on other forms for a seaway or seaways reaching from Europe to Australia in Middle Paleozoic times (Shirley, 1938; Gill, 1953). Although there are Lower Devonian carpoids in both South America and South Africa, these are well marked off from the Boreal forms (Rennie, 1936; Caster, 1954; 1956). The only known tangible link between the Austral and Boreal paleogeographic pro- vinces is the brachiopod Awstralocoelia Boucot and Gill (1956). The Australian carpoids belong to the end of the life span of the class. As the Paleozoic of Australia is rich in echinoderms, it may be that earlier carpoid forms existed, but have not yet been discovered because of their natural rarity and their unusual character. 13 During an excursion into the Reefton Lower Devonian terrane of South Island, New Zealand in 1956, a single specimen of mitrate carpoid was found. It is of the placocystitid organization. Fortunately the preservation is excellent, and all surfaces can be studied on the external and internal molds. A paper on this new form will soon appear under the authorship of the present writers. 56 BULLETIN 185 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are indebted to Anneliese S. Caster for her careful and in- dependent drawings of the text-figures. The photographs are mostly the work of the late Mr. L. A. Baillot, the remainder are by his successor, Mr. Frank Guy. Mr. F. S. Colliver kindly made his collection available to us and gen- erously donated to the National Museum of Victoria such specimens as were made types. Mr. R. B. Withers obliged us with information concern- ing the stratigraphy of the Kinglake District, while Mr. Middendorp gave us permission to work his quarry. A party of three men with a compressor from the Public Works Department spent a day bringing down rock to assist the search for Rutroclypeus. In this way the stratum yielding the specimens was discovered and further material collected. LPP ERATURE Bain, A. D. N. and Spencer-Jones, D. 1952. Melbourne brick and tile industry. Min. and Geol. Jour., vol. 4 (5), pp. 20-28. Barrande, Joachim 1887. Classe des Echinodermes. Systéme Silurien du Centre de la Bohéme. vol. 7. Prague. Bassler, R. S. 1938. Pelmatozoa Palaeozoica. Fossilium Cat., I: Animalia, Pars 83. Bassler, R. S., and Moodey, Margaret W. 1943. Bibliographic and faunal index of Paleozoic Pelmatozoan echinoderms. Geol. Soc. America, Spec. Paper 45. Bather, F. A. 1889. The Cystidea of Bohemia. Nature, vol. 40, pp. 267-270. 1899. A phylogenetic classification of the Pelmatozoa. British Assoc., Rept., Sec. D, 1898, pp. 816-923. 1900. The Echinodermata. In Lankester, R. D., A. Treatise on Zoology, Pt. 3. London. 1906. Ordovician Cystidea from Burma. In Reed, F. R. C., The Lower Palaeozoic fossils of the Northern Shan States, Burma. Geol. Sur. India, Mem., vol. 2 (3), pp. 6-40. 1913. Caradocian Cystidea from Girvan. Roy Soc. Edinburgh, Trans., vol. 49 (2), pp. 359-529. 1925. Cothurnocystis: a study in adaptation. Paleont. Zeit., Bd. 7, pp. 1-15. 1928A. The anniversary address of the President. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 84, pp. 1-98. 1928B. Dendrocystis in North America. Canada Dept. Mines, Geol., Sur. Bull. 49 (Geol. Ser. 48, Contrib. Canadian Pal.) pp. 5-8. 1929. Echinoderms. Encyclopaedia Brittanica, 14th ed., pp. 895-904. AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER SM Billings, Elkanah 1859. On the Crinoidea of the Lower Silurian rocks of Canada. Canadian Organic Remains, dec. 4, pp. v-vi, 7-66. Boucot, A. J. and Gill, E. D. 1956. Australocoelia, a new Lower Devonian brachiopod from South Africa, South America and Australia. Jour. Paleont., vol. 30, pp. 1173-1178. Breder, C. M. 1955. Observations on the occurrence and attributes of pentagonal symmetry. American Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull., vol. 106, pp. 177-219. Caster, K. E. 1952. Concerning Enoploura of the Upper Ordovician and its relation to other carpoid Echinodermata. Bull. American Paleont., vol. 34, No. 141, 47 pp. 1954. A new carpoid echinoderm from the Parand Devonian. Acad. Bra- sileira de Cién., An., vol. 26, pp. 123-127. 1956. A Devonian placocystoid echinoderm from Paranda, Brazil. Pal. do Parana (Centennial Volume), pp. 137-148. Curitiba. Caster, K. E., and Eaton, T. H. 1956. Microstructure of the plates in the carpoid echinoderm Paranacystis. Jour. Paleont., vol. 30, pp. 611-614. Chapman, Frederick 1925. New or little-known fossils in the National Museum, Pt. 28: Some Silurian rugose corals. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Proc., vol. 37, pp. 104-118. Chauvel, J. 1941. Recherches sur les Cystides et les Carpoides Armoricains. Soc. Géol. et Min. de Bretagne, Mém., vol. 5. Cuénot, Lucien 1948. Anatomie, éthologie et systematique des Echinodermes. Traité de Zool., eles atriss 1953. Class des Cystidés. Traité de Paléontologie, T. 3. Paris. Dehm, Richard 1933. Cystoideen aus dem rheinischen Unterdevon. Neues Jahrb., Bd. 69B, pp. 63-93. 1934. Untersuchungen an Cystoideen des rheinischen Unterdevon. Akad. Wiss. 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Simple apparatus for vacuum injection of molding latex. Australian Jour. Sci., vol. 18, pp. 198-199. Gislen, Torsten 1927. A new Spanish carpoid. Ark. for Zool., Bd. 19 B, No. 2, 3 pp. 1930. Affinities between the Echinodermata, Enteropneusta and Chordonia. Zool. Bidr. Uppsala, Bd. 12, pp. 199-304. Gordon, Isabella 1927. The development of the calcareous test of Echinocardium cordatum. Roy. Soc. London, Philos. Trans., Sec. B, vol. 215, pp. 255-315. Haeckel, E. H. P. A. 1896A. Die cambrische Stammgruppe der Echinodermen. Jena Zeit., Bd. 30, pp. 393-404. 1896B. Die Amphorideen und Cystoideen Beitrige zur Morphologie und Phylogenie der Echinodermen. Festschr. C. Gegenbaur, Bd. 1, pp. 1-179. Leipzig. Harris, W. J., and Thomas, D. E. 1937. Victorian graptolites. (New Series, Pt. 4) Min. and Geol. Jour., July 1937, pp. 68-79. Hecker, R. Th. 1940. Ordovician and Devonian echinoderms. Acad. Sci. U. S. S. R., Pal. Inst, Ttav., i. 95.82 pp. 125pls. Hills, E. 8. 1941. The Silurian rocks of the Studley Park district. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Proc., vol. 53, pp. 167-191. Hyman, Libbie 1955. The Invertebrates: Echinodermata. The coelomate Bilateria. Vol. 4. New York. Jaekel, Otto 1899. Stammesgeschichte der Pelmatozoen, Pt. 1, Thecoidea und Cystoidea. 442 pp. Berlin. 1900. Ueber Carpoideen, eine neue Classe von Pelmatozoen. Deutsch. geol. Gesell., Zeit., Bd. 53, pp. 661-678. 1921. Phylogenie und System der Pelmatozoen. Pal. Zeit., Bd. 3, pp. 1-128. AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 59 Jones, O. A. 1927. Silurian graptolites from Studley Park, Melbourne, Australia. Geol. Mag., vol. 64, pp. 101-105. Kirk, Edwin 1911. The structure and relationships of certain eleutherozoic Pelmatozoa. United States Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 41, pp. 1-137. Kobayashi, Teiichi 1934. Middle Cambrian fossils from Kashmir. American Jour. Sci., vol. 27, pp. 295-302. MeNair, A. H. 1940. Devonian Bryozoa from Colombia. Bull. American Paleont., vol. 25, No. 93, pp. 1-34. Moore, R. D., Lalicker, C. G., and Fischer, A. G. 1952. Invertebrate fossils. Pp. 574-603. New York. Nicholls, Annie 1930. The structural features of the Silurian rocks in the Melbourne district. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Proc., vol. 42, pp. 129-134. Pritchard, G. B. 1944. Old Yarra History. Melbourne. Reed, F. R. C. 1925. Revision of the fauna of the Bokkeveld beds. South African Mus., Ann., vol. 22, pp. 27-226. Regnell, Gerhard 1945. Non-crinoid Pelmatozoa from the Palaeozoic of Sweden. Lunds Geol. Min. Inst., Medd., Bd. 108, pp. 1-255. Rennie, J. V. L. 1936. On Placocystella, a new genus of cystoids from the Lower Devonian of South Africa. South African Mus., Ann., vol. 31, pp. 269-275. Rouault, Marie 1851. Mémoire sur la terrain paléozoique des environs de Rennes. Soc. Géol. France, Bull., vol. 8 (2). Schuchert, Charles 1904. On Siluric and Devonic Cystidea and Camarocrinus, Smith. Misc. Coll., vol. 47, pp. 201-272. 1913. Anomalocystidae. In Lower Devonian. Maryland Geol. Sur., pp. 228- 229. Shirley, Jack 1938. The fauna of the Baton River beds (Devonian), New Zealand. Geol. Soc. London, Quart. Jour., vol. 94, pp. 459-506. 60 BULLETIN 185 Shrock, R. R., and Twenhofel, W. H. 1953. Principles of invertebrate paleontology. Pp. 642-745. New York. Thomas, A. O., and Ladd, H. S. 1926. Additional cystoids and crinoids from the Maquoketa shale of Iowa. University of Iowa Studies, vol. 11 (n.s.), pp. 1-18. Thoral, Marcel 1935. Contribution a l'étude paléontologique de l’Ordovicien Inférieur de la Montagne Noire et révision sommaire de la faune cambrienne de la Mon- tagne Noire. Pp. 362. Paris. Ulrich, E. O., and Kirk, Edwin 1921. Amecystis, a new genus of Ordovician Cystidea. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton, Proc., vol. 34, pp. 147-148. Walcott, C. D. 1884. On the Cambrian faunas of North America. United States Geol. Sur., Bull. 10, 72 pp. 1886. Cambrian faunas of North America. United States Geol. Sur., Bull. 30, 369 pp. Whitehouse, F. W. 1941. Early Cambrian echinoderms similar to the larval stages of Recent forms. Queensland Mus., Mem. 11, pp. 1-28. Wilson, Alice E. 1946. Echinodermata of the Ottawa formation of the Ottawa-St. Lawrence lowland. Canada Dept. Mines and Res., Geol. Sur., Bull. 4. Withers, R. B. 1933. A new genus of fossil king crabs. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Proc., vol. 45, pp. 18-22. Withers, R. B. and Keble, R. A. 1934A. The Palaeozoic starfish of Victoria. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Proc., vol. 46, pp. 220-249. 1934B. The Palaeozoic brittle-stars of Victoria, Roy. Soc. Victoria, Proc., vol. 47, pp. 196-212. PLATES The cost of plates and text-figures has been met in part from research funds of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of the University of Cincinnati. 62 BULLETIN 185 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Figure Page 1. RButroelypeus jumori Withers 050.100... sch s-coetcas: oaeze hon 2 cosencersoe eeeee eee 30 Holotype, P13681. Note spines on proximal stele. 2. Same. Holotype, P16792. Young specimen. 3. Same. Latex cast of holotype (fig. 1). PLATE 1 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 Lge at. Es) PLATE 2 BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 63 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Figure Page 1. Rutroclypeus victoriae Gill and Caster, n. sp. oo. eecceeeeseteeeeeess 34 Holotype, P16441. Antianal surface. DRM LCP TINO DIEM NWA e LS es eerie et ic eek nase Set aaa ccanstemtiee Sbacaecee ove s earactney 30 Latex cast of paratype (fig. 3). 3. Same. Paratype, P13682. 64 BULLETIN 185 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 Figure Page 1. Rutroclypeus victoriae Gill and Caster, n. sp. o.oo. ieceeeeeeeeereees 34 Specimen with lateral flexure, P16451. Natural section of proximal stele showing lumen. On same piece of rock as the paratype of R. withersi. Same. Latex cast of antianal surface of holotype. Orifices in tips of some spines are due to air bubbles under latex in spite of vacuum injection. NO 3. Same. Paratype B. Enlarged to show casts of skeletal canals. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 PLATE 3 BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 Figure nN AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 65 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4 Page Rutroclypeus victoriae Gill and Caster, n. sp. 0.00... 34 Anal surface of holotype, P16442. Same. Paratype A, P16443-4. Same. Latex cast of Paratype A (fig. 2). _R. vietoriae? Young specimen showing complete brachiole. Latex cast of P17423 (fig 5): Same. Original specimen. 66 BULLETIN 185 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 5 Figure Page 1. Rutroelypeus victoriae Gill and Caster, n. spo oo ccceececeeeeeeee 34 Latex cast of anal surface of holotype. A = probable anus. Note row of three closely spaced spines, with associated hollow interpreted as an orifice (the anus) in the animal. 2. RR. (2) withersi Guill and Gaster, nosp) ..<.....:05 40 Latex cast of holotype (part of a theca) with a characteristic plate pattern, P16452-3. 3. Same. Holotype, original specimen. 4. Same. Paratype, P16450-1. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 PLATE 5 BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 Figure AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 67 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 6 Rutroclypeus (?) withersi Gill and Caster, n. sp. ....... Latex cast of paratype (PI. 5, fig. 4). The rutroclypeid “Dendroeystites” globulus Dehm Holotype. Germany. Syringocrinus paradoxicus Billings Holotype. North America. “Rutroclypeus” [“Dendrocystites”] globulus Dehm. Theca and proximal stele of holotype enlarged. Soa colid gamectetc eae 40 68 BULLETIN 185 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 7 Victoriacystis wilkinsi Gill and Caster, n. g., mn. sp. 0c ees 46 Stereoscopic pair of photographs of the antianal surface of the holotype, P16787. The prominence of the spines, imbricated nature of the thecal plates and proximal stele are especially noteworthy. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 PLATE 7 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER 69 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 8 Figure Page 1. Victoriacystis wilkinsi Gill and Caster, n. g., n. sp. ooo occcceeeeccce. 46 Holotype, P-16787-8. Plastron. 2. Same. Latex cast of plastron. 70 Figure NR BULLETIN 185 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 9 Victoriacystis wilkinsi Gill and Caster, n. g., mn. sp. 0. ee. 46 Latex cast of paratype, P16904. Same. Holotype, carapace. Note proximal plates extended as a cover over the proximal stele. Victoriacystis aft. WilKINSt -.0....5....:..0::fcc0o0genve-ocveecooee ee ee 52 Dept. Geology, University of Melbourne, reg. No. 2876. City Brick Co. pit. PLATE 9 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 PLATE 10 Buti. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 AUSTRALIAN CARPOIDS: GILL AND CASTER al EXPLANATION OF PLATE 10 Figure Page TeV ACCORLACY SUIS 2a fe WMLAN SIs cress sees ate esa cae saeco ets atars eet edecnasceceseneescacdes 54 Kinglake specimen, P16880-1. Plastron view. 46 228 Ve wilkinst “Gill and) Caster sng: SP. cece. .0-.22cc0sy2 dere. teeoeerescenesees Latex cast of carapace of holotype. 3. Inner mold of part of specimen illustrated in figure 1. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVI. XXXVIII. XXXIX., Volume I. Il. Ti. ONG, BOB 1334: 5 27 IB Lehi rscl dees venspothasteadeaponcds Yaccs inly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca (Nos. 88-94B). 306 pp., 30 pls. oo... .ececcccecccsccsseceseseseececseeeces Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks. CNoa. 95-100) ." 420 pp, 58 ples hess cela valet cabie Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. (Nos. 101-108). 376 pp., 36 pls. ..0...0.00..... 8 ORY OR Bre Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nos.-'109-134). 412, pp., 54 pis, Sno eal ec ahd Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Nog. Bf5-11G) 5 ):) 748: pps 52 pls co ek PG ak PE 13.00 Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. CN; EUG) 5. 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(Nos. /177-183).) 448 pp. 36ipis. is. loa oe a Panama Caribbean mollusks, Venezuelan Tertiary formations and forams, Trinidad Cretaceous forams, American-Euro- pean species, Puerto Rican forams. 9.50 9.00 11.00 10.00 10.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 13.50 16.00 16.00 PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. Aon. G-12)25:\ i532 pp. 37 pisi (iN eal ce ie Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Pale- ozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. i Nos. 13-25).,-, 513 pp. Gl pls) 8a Li ee OAT, Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platy- strophia, and Venericardia. ROR. 26-20) |) 128, pp.,'18 plsiai is Rudist studies, Busycon. 21.00 25.00 6.50 CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY I. (Nos, 1-5). 354 pp., 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. I. (Nos. 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. IM. (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp. 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. IV. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp., 26 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. V. (Nos. 22-30). 437 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Pale- ozoic fossils. VI. (No. 31). 268 pp., 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pel ; ; VIL. one, alt ibs pp., 90 cat Te aes aE s me sia 14.00 aibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalo; VITI. (Nos. 33-36). 357 pp., 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. IX. (Nos. 37-39). 462 pp") 35 .PlSs.5-.8-4 cea sede eee 13.00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. X. (Nos. 40-42). 382 pp. 54 pls. Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. RL.. (CNos, 43-46) 0272 pp... 48 psec ease Ac cabesnleaceaobieeds ertiney, Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Vene- uela. xi. (Nos, "47-48). 494 pp., 8 pls. Venezuela and Trinidad forams and Mesozoic invertebrate bibliography. XENI. QNos, 49-50) 264 pps 47 pls... sci foc cccciee estes caseeadel adeene 10.00 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. XIV. (Nos. 51-54). 306 pp., 44 pls. Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. XV. (Nos. 55-58). 314 pp, 80 pls. Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. KVL: “(Nos.: 59-GL)s - 140 Ipp., 48 pls. 3.,..5. 2.5.0. cnn lecgdeateonépeadovonghegeage 6.00 Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. AVAL «-CNos, 62-63). > 283: pp.733, pls, .5.--0..ceecccsejenedonecheiaeessc Hedneveteaae 10.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. XVIII. / CNS. 64-67)... 5.286 pp.,29 pls. i... elageestssenascesdaadeageases 9.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. XIX. (No. 68). 7 An, > W780) | PI DE Oe Roe ROR UAE es 9.00 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. XX. (Nos, 69-20€). 266 pp, 26 pls. oo. iocceiec il ceceiedececcccecsedetuens 9.00 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. MAT. ANOs. 71-92) <5 S21 ppg 12 plse’ ..04..-cscpigessneiencapescandobacd vydvadhtbens 9.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. MXM. ' (Nos.43-36). 356 pp.,/31. pls. ie a ee 9.50 Paleozoic Paleontology and Tertiary Foraminifera. AXE. CNS. 47-79) 6") 251. Pps, 35: pls. Sais ek aad davecendengl ta 9.00 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. MUS. COM OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY * VOU XE NUMBER 186 1960 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U.S.A. P. 7001 | LIBRARY | MAY 18 1960 HARV! | | UNIVERSITY BULLETINS = t PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1959-60 PRIESTIVENTT chic cde sd Miwon cos cbachab'e tabatase MiB ode d, COTS 20, se Mea NoRMAN E. WEISBORD WIGEAPRESEDBINT (5003. oi hoc lon sa dpnnnsancid-Uby Lia etaecehindpyagderbdlh weaD¥ apbetoreedased} JoHN W. WELIs SHCRETARY-LREASURBR SA ile cal ucecaschoe snes da seakicesdeee deat als REBECCA S. HARRIS (ip ORRRCTOR Oe hee Ca On ME IOUINE all, As UN Oe ae KATHERINE V. W. PALMER GOUINSR re eV eS IN AS Age ALO oe AE AIL NAA ARMAND L. ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE, AAAS: GOPINGIL pec) ccccccheoslecrcdseplvcuedescsvecteevbenes KENNETH E. CASTER Trustees KENNETH E. CasTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) RALPH A. LIDDLE (1956-62) REBECCA S. Harris (Life) AxEL A. OLsson (Life) SOLOMON C, HOLLISTER (1959-1965) NoRMAN E. WEISBORD (1957-63) JoHN W. WELLS (1958-64) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Mrs. Fay Briaes, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER A. Myra KEEN Jay GLENN Marks G. WINSTON SINCLAIR Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, XII, XIV, XV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York USA. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 41 No. 186 CONFLICTING AGE DETERMINATIONS SUGGESTED BY FORAMINIFERA ON YAP, CAROLINE ISLANDS By W. STorrs COLE, Cornell University and U. S. Geological Survey RUTH Topp, and CHARLES G. JOHNSON U. S. Geological Survey March 25, 1960 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 60-302 MUS. COMP. ZOOL LIBRARY MAY 18 1960 HARVARD UNIVERSITY Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Page JAI SSIHRALE? at col Scctict te cot pace ERO eo coisa cpa br COSC re OMT] ECE ERT Se Pe ef Td Ipc bZoYGhOVeLSCOYOY: “sesachendctanageee aera sees opecesSe: Sasa ROR ee PP ea Mere er ne RO ee Bn Beer Vel (Geol OPIGESELELT Caer rte meee meme een re ese re ret ge eee cr sane MEER et acct, 78 ACAI ACESGEIP LIONS earn here eee. mins cicada eae aA es (acse Meen heen cose 80 PANGOSCOUO ENE TET SIATONOND, sj .ccacdoncsccsooposc ceocnceevosocusancencde uechubeoneg necRobsbcode poossoassbsoeecoete 82 Roncelatonupyalarcer Foraminiteragns - eee. n0.cnesi-oss-cdtase oceshent we shes cso noohvor age dactzacee 83 Correlavonupyasmaller Moramimitera mers crc.. 0 ce:sh erect ieearn Mercato sssstsave acs .giei rose 83 IGeTiCemneOALGin CACC gett Van auiiena te: se8) eek ot nae cee CMe om Cee RT 85 Evidence of the larger Foraminifera ..................... 1 RIOR TS Relive ca OE RR aes Fk A. 86 bwidencesoithe smallersE ofamiinibena x ct. s0csn- a0 cc28 onshoena. dose sadiessxeecepndeandye: 87 Conclusions ..... Se ee eet ES Ba SRE aor aR a oe REE ee Pe PO 89 [LiUSseAieiveS Ciel she 2 Stee ence aa tere conte ee ea ee er ee a oe a 91 Appendix (Descriptions of Foraminifera) Peplarcen Foraminitera trom) Yap; by W. Storrs Cole) — 02... ccs 9A Ba smaller Foraminifera from: Yap, by, Ruth) Wodd 1 ...2.c2....c-ccss- essen. corse 103 Plates ........ Oe EY EO Oe aa yeh eee as sr ca nr Rr RE sgencBospeannlOY/ LEX FIGURES Text-figure 1. Location of fossiliferous samples and outcrops of sandstone in fhe Map totmationsom sap. Caroline Islands)... eee aeneeoeeseees Ol TABLES Table 1. Comparison of correlations with Saipan and Guam based on smaller ayovel Tlereeyeve] Sovgevnabg CURACY sebmesdepenpauiuactes expen udoedseh eek ceaaceee sSoneaaoc eee meer TA 2. Species of larger Foraminifera and their stratigraphic range ................. 84 3. Species of smaller planktonic Foraminifera and their stratigraphic PAVE: pct cooee oe. ae Unda ea EROSIeS SALES AEED cre Ae sone PR en eee se LOA — 7 { F CONFLICTING AGE DETERMINATIONS SUGGESTED BY FORAMINIFERA ON YAP, CAROLINE ISLANDS! W. Storrs COLE”, RUTH TODD*, AND CHARLES G. JOHNSON? ABSTRACT The Map formation of Yap contains a good fauna of smaller planktonic and larger Foraminifera. This association of two kinds of Foraminifera, found in two samples, is the first such association observed by which comparison is possible between known and widely distributed zones of both larger and smaller Foramini- fera in the Pacific. The larger Foraminifera indicate correlation with formations on Guam and Fiji that are dated as Tertiary f (Miocene), and that overlie rocks of Tertiary e (early Miocene) age. The planktonic Foraminifera indicate correlation with a forma- tion on Saipan that was provisionally dated as Tertiary d (late Oligocene) and that unconformably underlies rocks of Tertiary e age. The Map formation is a variable, irregularly bedded, coarse and unsorted breccia and conglomerate with distorted lenses of finer material and channels filled with stratified sandstone. The conglomeratic nature of the Map formation makes reworking of the globigerinids seem a reasonable explanation of the conflicting age indicated by the two parts of the assemblage. However, that explanation is not wholly satisfactory as no source for the older Foraminifera has yet been found on Yap. Local expansion of ranges of index species or changes of sequence of zones that seem to apply consistently elsewhere in the Pacific are not acceptable explana- tions. INTRODUCTION In the many occurrences of Foraminifera that have been recorded from the Pacific Islands, good faunas of both smaller planktonic and larger Foraminifera have not hitherto been found associated in the same sample. Hence the discovery of both together on Yap is of unusual interest in that it seems to permit comparison between sequences that are based independently on larger Foraminifera on the one hand and on smaller Foraminifera on the other. Although the association of smaller and larger Foraminifera is the rule rather than the exception, rarely is a good fauna of the floating type of smaller Foraminifera found in the same rock sample with a good fauna of the bottom-dwelling larger Foraminifera. Therefore this instance of association of these two kinds of Foraminifera that have proved most use- ful for age determinations elsewhere in the world is of special interest. However, the results of our comparison are perplexing, for the larger Foraminifera point to a younger stratigraphic age than do the smaller (G@itablests): We are indebted to many of our colleagues for suggestions, helpful advice, and discussions of the problem; in particular to Preston E. Cloud, Publication authorized by the Director, U. S. Geological Survey. Cornell University and U. S. Geological Survey. 1 3-U. S. Geological Survey. 78 BULLETIN 186 Jr., Gilbert Corwin, H. S. Ladd, and J. I. Tracey, Jr. We are also grateful to M. N. Bramlette for study of the coccoliths and discoasters in the critical sample. The cost of the printed plates has been contributed by the William F. E. Gurley Foundation for paleontology of Cornell University. GEOLOGIC SETTING Yap is a compact group of four small high islands in the western Caroline Islands, latitude 9°35’ N., longitude 138°10’ E. It is situated near the southern end of the submarine ridge known as the West Caroline Geanticline and on the west side of the West Caroline Trench (Hess, 1948). In order of size and from south to north the islands are: Yap, Gagil-Tomil, Map, and Rumung. The geology of the islands was mapped in detail during 1947-48 by Charles G. Johnson. A later visit was made in 1956 during which additional samples of sandstones from the Map forma- tion were collected, four of which are discussed in this paper. The stratt- graphic names used here are slightly changed from those of Tayama’s reconnaissances of 1933 and 1934; the chief differences are substitution of the term formation for beds and changing Tomil agglomerate to Tomi! volcanics (Tayama, 1935). The basement rocks, the Yap formation, are dominantly green schists, amphibolites, and phyllites intruded by dikes and masses of serpentinized ultramafic rocks. Overlying the basement rocks and derived from them is a mass of tectonic breccia and water-laid sandstone and siltstone, the Map formation. The paleontologic problem to be discussed is concerned only with this formation, specifically the upper sedimentary part. The Tomil vo!canics, composed of andesitic tuffs, volcanic breccias, and lava flows almost completely weathered to red clay, unconformably overlie both the Map and Yap formations. Shallow alluvial deposits occupy the lower reaches of the short valleys, and narrow sandy beaches discontinuously line the seaward shores. A fringing coral reef up to a mile or more in width surrounds the entire group. Tiny Garim Island and two mushroom rocks on the reef flat off the east side of the southern tip of the Yap Island are the only remnants of formerly more widespread raised-reef limestone. The dominantly amphibolitic tectonic breccia of the lowermost part of the Map formation grades through several feet into coarse, rubbly to blocky, unsorted conglomerate that contains distorted lenses of fine to coarse gravelly sand. Bedding in the conglomerate is irregular and rough where discernible. The entire aspect of the deposits where fully exposed i) COLE, Topp, & JOHNSON YAP FORAMINIFERA ‘(uonviedaid ur “gpt) ajo Aq payipou se pu (9¢61) PNo[D Wor} UOT}I9g g Arenal J ArensIay p Areal 2 ArensIay f{ Arena y, ayeos our} J9}}9] UvISUOpUT ase g Arenal puv J ATRIYIIT Jo syUaWTpas quasaid JON ase 2 Aleiysoy JO 9U0}SWITT (ity JO 9U0}souIT] vuUn In YIM paqe]atI09 ) ase f Alenioy, JO 9U0}SAWITT spurys] VULTIVIY x. UUEND) UOVUIOF uePUIse Ey UOHLUIOJ eureAUIsudq dU0}SOWUT] vSUL} ey yuasaid JON UOT}LWIIOJ NSIS-PUT 3U0}S9UWT] neyoodse yuasaid JON <-—_ pa}¥ 9109 spurys] PULIILIL ‘uvdies (9U0}sowTy] | neysodse ], uvy} Jasunod) [86811J] Se ANA vIDFIUTWLIOT | JIS IV] Aq uorjryjari0o7y | Aq uorryartoD spurs] surjore) dex (ouojsouny neydodsey uvy}y Jopjo) [S86sITF]} 90E-WA-PA}P [P1109 vIDFIUIWILIOT Joy]eus UOTLWIIOJ uvuisey UOTLUIOJ vuvdAUrsusq au0}SIWT]| VSUPLIY yuasatd JON > vOl]eUIoy NSIS-eULy aU0}SIWT] neypodse ], quasaid JON g ArenrjIa J Area T, spur|s] vULIIe ‘uvdieg (2 Ayqrssod ) P AIeIOT, 2 AIVVIOT f{ Arenioy ayvos aw} 39}}3] uel SoUOpUT “BIDFIUTWUPIO T TIFIV] par Jojyeus uo poeseq wien) pure uedies YYIM SUOT}RTIITOD jo uostiedwo0y— T T9qeL 80 BULLETIN 186 in the sea cliffs along the eastern shore of Map is one of sporadic and sudden deposition accompanied by considerable slumping and sliding. Channels cut in the breccia and conglomerate are filled with stratified, green, friable, angular sandstone and siltstone. The thickness of the Map formation is variable. It is greatest on Map where it may exceed 75 meters. The sandstone in channel fillings generally is firm and only locally cemented by calcium carbonate. It is well bedded, with beds 2 to 12 inches thick, but with some massive beds 3 to 8 feet thick. In the well-bedded sandstone, small lenses of conglomerate are common; in the more massive sandstone, conglomerate lenses are rare but pebbles are scattered throughout the mass. The sand is dominantly grains of green hornblende with minor amounts of quartz, feldspar, serpentine, and needles of tremolite. Masses of very coarse,* angular, green sandstone, cemented in part by calcium carbonate, crop out in several places on the upper slopes of the hills on northeastern Map Island. Such masses were not observed in the sea cliffs. They may be sheetlike deposits more continuous than the channel fillings. Other outcrops of sandstone are found in the interior of Map and Gagil-Tomil. Text-figure 1 shows the distribution of sedimentary rocks of the Map formation and the location of the five samples which contain the faunal assemblages with which this paper is concerned. LOCALITY, DESCRIPTIONS Sample YM-304 {USGS loc. No. £11896}: Location: In the path on the ridge top above Nlul, Map Island; 1,100 meters S. 29° W. of Thilimad Island; latitude 9°35’20” N.; longitude 138°12’22” E. Altitude: About 55 meters. Outcrop: Sandstone, gray, massive, very coarse,* angular, with clay and calcareous cement. No bedding is apparent. Stratigraphic relationships are obscure. About 250 meters southeast of the outcrop are two remnants of deeply weathered volcanic rock that apparently overlie the Map formation. Sample YM-305 [USGS loc. No. £11897}: Location: 5 meters up slope from sample YM-304 [f11896}. Altitude: About 56 meters. Outcrop: Similar to that of YM-304 [£11896]. * Wentworth classification of clastic particles on the basis of grain size. YAP FORAMINIFERA: COLE, Topp, & JOHNSON 81 05' 138°0' I 140° Sf k U7 fea es eel A Y H « a H é os f Vix 435: H f ie wt ~ ¢Okinawa 1 Bas 8! © Iwo Jima f nee giwan PHILIPPINE SEA 3, z oe 3! . = ab co aé wy ae 0} Tess t Se ! Biz Le S Niul Xy De wads Pe Sq aed / SLY “Nour Miles i 3 wn Guam ony y p iN ces: ee 5 ; NG ys LANDS ar “ING 35° a YAP une Pee / 35° KY SP Palau. cproe eRe ee 140° a ae isl 4, LOCATION OF YAP, CAROLINE ISLANDS oa \ “ GAGIL- TOMIL \ ; Gatjapar / Zz Bal 0. 9°30! aa : Ie Location of fossiliferous samples and ; Wer, Oia P A i poses eS outcrops of sandstone in the Map } P ES formation on Yap, Caroline Islands ¢ f ra : i § oe x Outcrops of sandstone of the o Garim . | » a Map formation a ° Na | YM304 Sample number a a 2 ee eh ee ge ee 8 05' p (38°10 Text-fig. 1—Location of fossiliferous samples and outcrops of sandstone in the Map formation on Yap, Caroline Islands. 82 BULLETIN 186 Sample YM-306 [USGS loc. No. £11898}: Location: In the path from Nlul to Woned, Map Island, about 125 meters south of YM-304 [£11896]; 1,200 meters S. 24.5° W. of Thilimad Island; latitude 9°35/16” N., longitude 138°10’22” E. Altitude: About 45 meters. Outcrop: Sandstone, greenish gray, with white speckles, massive, medium. No bedding is apparent. Stratigraphic relations are obscure. Two remnant masses of deeply weathered volcanic rock apparently overlie the Map formation 200 meters to the east and 100 meters to the southeast of the outcrop. Sample YM-312 [USGS loc. No. £11899}: Location: Sample was taken from the center and lowermost part of a 1/,- to 1-meter cut bank on the north side of the wide path on the hilltop east of Orila, Map Island; 625 meters N. 60° E. of Pelau Island; latitude 9°34’55” N., longitude 138°9’3” E. Altitude: About 50 meters. Outcrop: Three-fourths to 11/4 meters of coarse green, angular sand- stone exposed in a cut bank about 6 meters long. At the east end of the bank the coarse sandstone overlies light gray, very fine* siltstone. The contact dips west about 5 degrees. The Map formation is overlain by deeply weathered volcanic rock about 50 meters south of the outcrop. Sample YM-314 [USGS loc. No. £11900}: Location: Sample was taken from the middle of the path at same location as YM-312 [f11899}: Outcrop: An area about 21/, x 3 meters of the coarse sandstone of sample YM-312 [£11899] is exposed in the path. At the east end of the outcrop the contact with underlying light gray, very fine* siltstone strikes N. 10° E. across the path. PALE@OECOLOGIC INTERPRETATION The physical nature of the sediments that make up the Map forma- tion, as discussed above, imply rather rapid deposition, probably into an area of irregular bottom and considerable slopes, and also probably during a period of concurrent disturbance of the sediments as they were laid down. In addition, the Foraminifera shed a little light on the local conditions of deposition, The discussion that follows refers specifically to sample YM- * Wentworth classification. YAP FORAMINIFERA: COLE, TODD, & JOHNSON 83 306 {£11898} and may be applied only questionably to the other samples of the Map formation. Of the four species of larger Foraminifera recorded from YM-306 {£11898 }, only one belongs to a genus that 1s Itving and that one (Cyclo- clypeus) is known to be an inhabitant of relatively deep water. Cole (1957a, p. 750, table 5) discussed the probable living conditions of Recent examples of this genus and reported that its minimum depth is 24 fathoms and the average depth at which it occurs commonly or frequently is 180 fathoms. The other two genera of larger Foraminifera found in YM-306 {£11898}, Lepidocyclina and Miogypsina, are both extinct. Even though other genera of larger Foraminifera having Recent representatives are probably indicative of shallow average depths (Cole, 1957a, table 5), little weight can be attached to the possibility that Lepidocyclina and Mio- gypsina suggest shallow rather than deep deposition. Of the smaller Foraminifera, those having a floating habit during life provide no direct evidence as to depth of the bottom on which their shells accumulate. The only direct evidence is provided by the benthonic species of smaller Foraminifera. In YM-306 [£11898] a rather varied fauna was found (see Appendix B) of which most of the species were rare and about two-fifths of them are indicators of deep water (100 fathoms or more). Thus, the best estimate about depth of deposition that can be based on both larger and smaller Foraminifera is that the sediments were laid down in moderately deep water, probably of 100 fathoms or more. CORRELATION BY LARGER FORAMINIFERA There are five species of larger Foraminifera in the samples from the Map formation, of which four occurred in sample YM-306 [£11898] from which the best fauna of smaller Foraminifera was recovered. These species of larger Foraminifera with their stratigraphic range elsewhere are listed (Table 2) with those from sample YM-306 | f11898} starred. Inasmuch as three of the species are restricted to Tertiary f and inas- much as the two other species are known to range into Tertiary f, the age of the Map formation as indicated by the larger Foraminifera is Tertiary f. CORRELATION BY SMALLER FORAMINIFERA The fauna of smaller Foraminifera, as listed and illustrated in Appendix B, indicates correlation of the Map formation (at least that BULLETIN 186 84 976 ‘4 “6F6L “IATYOW STL 314%) ‘GPGI ‘Us]aWWDg a UsNY “DO W f Arensay (uany “"T) vydsouljod (vussqt sory) vusdksony x more a Pe tae = ‘SZ6L “YO[A Jop urd : UST ‘d ‘OCG ‘pneg f{ puv 2 Atensay (Apeig) seswasveuns (vurpidajng) vurstropidaT x “ove “d : “8Z61 “YIA[A Jop uvA FOCI ‘d “6E6I ‘Tapnea f{ pure a Arena JasIaqunyYy sg sasjapue (vurpidajnq) vurshropldaT x Gor cole WIWIAg wz uayny ‘5 W ; i Ares, FF ‘s uv, svaifravdoput (snag p20j9£9) snag p20] x Ayioyny asuri satzedg sry dvss17V3}S asuvi sYydvisjesys 94} puv vIayUIWeIO Jasivy Jo saiadg—z rquy YAP FORAMINIFERA: COLE, Topp, & JOHNSON 85 part of it represented by sample YM-306 [{f11898]}) with the Fina-sisu formation of Saipan (Todd, ef a/., 1954) and also with a recently reported occurrence (Hamilton and Rex, 1959, p. 789) of a fossil Globigerina ooze from a pocket within altered basalt from the edge of Sylvania Guyot in the Marshall Islands. These three occurrences (Saipan, Sylvania Guyot, and Yap) seem to be the first records in the western Pacific of the Globigerinatella insueta zone, a zone set up in Trinidad (Cushman and Stainforth, 1945, p. 12) and originally regarded as of middle to late Oligocene age. Without fol- lowing the change in concept of the age of this zone, and without dis- cussing the current disagreement about its age in terms of the European time scale, it is sufficient to state here that the Globzgerinatella insueta zone is now regarded as belonging in the Miocene, probably lower to middle part. A recent zonation of the Miocene (Blow, 1959, chart 1) set up in Venezuela on the basis of planktonic Foraminifera includes this zone with others above and below it. Occurrences of many of the planktonic species upon which Blow’s West Indian zonation is based have been reported, having the same relative positions, in both the Mediterranean and the western Pacific regions, thus giving support to the theory of worldwide extension of planktonic Foraminifera zones. Globigerinatella insueta Cushman and Stainforth, itself, for which the zone was named, seems to be nowhere abundant. In Trinidad and elsewhere in the West Indian region the much commoner species, G/obr- gerinoides bisphericus Todd, serves as substitute zone marker for it, and in Venezuela as a means of setting off the upper part of it as a subzone (Blow, 1959, p. 75, 77). Globigerinoides bisphericus is present in the Map forma- tion on Yap as well as in the Fina-sisu formation on Saipan and in the Globigerina ooze from Sylvania Guyot. In addition, both on Saipan and Yap, rare specimens of Globigerinatella insueta were also found, con- firming that in the western Pacific, as well as the West Indies, the two species are associated. EVIDENCE REGARDING AGE It is generally agreed that over long distances a better correlation theoretically can be made by planktonic species of any group of organisms than by benthonic ones. This concept is based on the assumption that plank- tonic species have virtually instantaneous world-wide dispersal, at least in 86 BULLETIN 186 the equatorial belt, provided the oceanic areas are connected. Although this concept is widely accepted for the planktonic as compared with the ben- thonic small Foraminifera, it may be questioned for the planktonic as com- pared with the larger Foraminifera because most species of larger Foramini- fera have shorter recorded stratigraphic ranges than most of the benthonic smaller Foraminifera; possibly a result of more rapid evolution in the more complex larger Foraminifera. The benthonic Foraminifera, larger as well as smaller, are probably dispersed as adults entangled in masses of drifting seaweed or similar materials (Myers and Cole, 1957, p. 1075), but this means of dispersal could be effective only in shallow-dwelling benthonic Foraminifera. Geo- graphic ranges of the benthonic species that inhabit the deep sea bottom are extended by some other means. Myers’ (1936, p. 133) statement “.. . gametes are at the best only a transition stage of brief duration to which the great oceans would constitute a barrier difficult if not impossible to traverse’ suggests that probably little dispersion of Foraminifera species takes place during their larval stages. Within a faunal province the migra- tion of the benthonic Foraminifera seems, on distributional evidence, to be as rapid and as efficient as that of the planktonic Foraminifera. However, the migration of benthonic Foraminifera from province to province may be slower and more fortuitous than that of the planktonic Foraminifera. A problem arises when an attempt is made to reconcile the Yap faunas of smaller and larger Foraminifera with the Indonesian letter time scale. EVIDENCE OF THE LARGER FORAMINIFERA It has been well established that faunas of larger Foraminifera similar to that of the Map formation are stratigraphically younger than the faunas of the Tagpochau limestone (Cole, 1957b, p. 324) of Saipan. The Tagpochau limestone contains species, such as Heterostegina borneensts van der Vlerk, Spiroclypeus tidoenganensis van der Vlerk, Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) ephippioides Jones and Chapman, and Mzogypsinoides dehaartui (van der Vlerk), which are widespread throughout the Indo- Pacific region and are restricted to and diagnostic of Tertiary e. Moreover, the Viti limestone of Vitilevu, Fiji (Whipple, 1934, p. 146), containing Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) formosa Schlumberger (= L. (E.) ephip- pioides Jones and Chapman) is also Tertiary e in age, whereas the fauna of the younger Suva limestone 1s similar to that of the Map formation. YAP FORAMINIFERA: COLE, Topp, & JOHNSON 87 Although a Tertiary f fauna was not found on Saipan (Cole, 1957b), such a fauna was found in limestone on Guam (Cole, MS. in prepara- tion). This fauna is similar to that of the Map formation of Yap, and, moreover, it has been proved to be stratigraphically younger than other faunas found on Guam which have typical Tertiary e associations of larger Foraminifera and which are correlated with the Tagpochau limestone. Thus, the larger Foraminifera indicate that the Map formation 1s younger than the Tagpochau limestone of Saipan. Larger foraminiferal sequences were established as early as 1927 py van der Vlerk and Umbgrove and have been widely accepted (Glaessner, 1942; Cloud, 1956). All the evidence available to date demonstrates that the various faunas of larger Foraminifera are not only widespread within the Indo-Pacific region (Cole, 1957a, p. 748), but also that sequences are similar (Cole, 1957a, p. 744). The age of the Map formation may be reasonably given as Tertiary f so far as the evidence from the larger Foraminifera may be considered proof. EVIDENCE OF THE SMALLER FORAMINIFERA Correlation of the fauna from the Map formation with that of the Fina-sisu formation of Saipan seems to be the only presently available means by which the planktonic Foraminifera can shed any light on the placement of the Map material in the Indonesian letter time scale. The Fina-sisu formation, with which the correlation is made, is un- conformably overlain by the Tagpochau limestone. The latter is dated by means of larger Foraminifera as Tertiary e, and also includes, in its Donni sandstone member, a rich planktonic assemb!age characterized by the fol- lowing species: Globigerioides sacculifer (Brady) Globigerinella aequilateralis (Brady) Orbulina bilobata (d’Orbigny) O, universa d Orbigny Pulleniatina obliquiloculata (Parker and Jones) Sphaeroidinella dehiscens (Parker and Jones) S. kochi (Caudri) S. seminula (Schwager) Candeina nitida A Orbigny Globorotalia menardii (d’Orbigny) G. tumida (Brady) 88 BULLETIN 186 The above species, recorded as common to abundant in predominantly planktonic Miocene assemblages in the western Pacific (Todd, 1957, table 3 and p. 281; Chang, 1959) are not found in the planktonic assemblage from Yap. The possibility was considered that the Donni sandstone might not be a member of the Tagpochau limestone but a separate formation overlying it, and that the Donni planktonic assemblage might be younger than the Tertiary e assemblages of the Tagpochau limestone. Cloud, Schmidt, and Burke (1956, p. 70) stated that the Donni sandstone member was observed to wedge out into and beneath lower Tertiary e limestones of the Tag- pochau. Todd (1957, table 3 on p. 279) found several of the same plank- tonic species in other facies of the Tagpochau that were characteristic of the Donni sandstone member. In view of these two lines of evidence it is not thought likely that the Donni assemblage could be younger than that of the bulk of the Tagpochau limestone. But even if it were, the com- parison may be restricted to the Tagpochau limestone which contains a Donni-type assemblage of planktonic Foraminifera and is dated as Tertiary e by its larger Foraminifera. Even without the confirming stratigraphic relationships between these two formations: Tagpochau (including Donni) above and Fina-sisu below, their planktonic assemblages imply separate age; the Donni assemblage being younger than that of the Fina-sisu (Todd, 1957, p. 274-280). Furthermore, regardless of where these assemblages occur, there is an easily recognizable age distinction between the older Globigerinatella insueta zone and a younger assemblage containing the species listed above, in particular Globorotalia menardii and species of Sphaeroidinella (compare Blow, 1959, chart 1). It seems unlikely that the relative age of these two faunas—dissimilar in species composition but identical in facies—are reversed in the Pacific, or that the stratigraphic ranges of their species are much extended in the Pacific, in view of their restriction elsewhere. Finally, two trial assumptions about the age of the Yap fauna of smaller planktonic Foraminifera will be made, as follows: first, that the Yap fauna is either Tertiary e or Tertiary d. If we accept the assumption that the Yap fauna is older than that of the Tagpochau limestone, then there is no conflict with already presented evidence on Saipan. Whether the Fina-sisu formation (with which the correlation of the Yap material is made) proves to be Tertiary e or Tertiary d is an open question. How- ever, as the overlying Tagpochau limestone appears from the evidence of YAP FORAMINIFERA: COLE, Topp, & JOHNSON 89 the larger Foraminifera to be no younger than Tertiary e, the fauna from Yap is presumably also no younger than Tertiary e. The possibility should be left open that it might prove to belong in Tertiary d¢, should the Tertiary d (late Oligocene?) age of the Fina-sisu formation eventually be estab- lished. Second, the trial assumption will be made that the Yap fauna is Tertiary f. Then both the Fina-sisu (with which the correlation is made) and its unconformably overlying Tagpochau limestone must be no older than Tertiary f which is not consistent with the evidence of the larger Foraminifera concerning Saipan. The evidence of the smaller Foraminifera favors Tertiary e or Tertiary d as the age of the Map formation, rather than Tertiary f as indicated by the larger Foraminifera. It is, therefore, necessary to seek a logical expla- nation which will satisfy these conflicting age indications. CONCLUSIONS One possible explanation which might account for the difference in age determinations between the smaller and the larger Foraminifera is that the larger Foraminifera represent the indigenous fauna, whereas the smaller Foraminifera were reworked from an older deposit on Yap. The nature of the deposit, as described in a previous section, 1s thoroughly con- sistent with reworking. However, no earlier sedimentary formation which could have been the source of reworked fossils has been recognized on Yap. Search for additional evidence of reworking has not been fruitful. M.N. Bramlette, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, to whom material was sent in the hope that the coccoliths and discoasters from inside the individual chambers of the globigerinids might be significantly different from those in the matrix, reported (written communication Oct. 8, 1959): “. . . neither the raw sample nor the picked specimens of globigerinids from YM-306 were much good for my studies. The few coccoliths and discoasters in both were much the same, but both had only sparse specimens and these were corroded or with secondary growth.” In sample YM-306 {£11898} there is no strong indication of mixture of deep-living and shallow-living forms. Moreover, as discussed in an earlier section, the weight of evidence suggests moderately deep deposition for both parts of the Map fauna. The abundance of the planktonic speci- mens makes it seem unlikely that such a predominant part of the popula- 90 BULLETIN 186 tion would have had its origin in reworking of a previous deposit. Therefore, lacking evidence of the existence of an earlier deposit and lacking conclusive evidence of reworking, other possible explanations of the age discrepancy between larger and smaller Foraminifera must be sought. One such explanation is that in the Pacific area the zone of an index species might be locally expanded so that particular species here used for restricted age indicators are not narrowly limited stratigraphically on Yap. Such an expanded stratigraphic range of species of various organisms in the Indo-Pacific region has been long recognized (Vaughan, 1924, p. 685). Examples of this phenomenon are Tubulogenerina tubulifera (Parker and Jones) and Valvulammina globularis (d’Orbigny), both Eocene markers in the Paris Basin and known from the Miocene of the Marshall Islands drill holes; and the genus Bol/vinella extinct in post-Oligocene rocks of North America but living in the Indo-Pacific. We know of no such exam- ples, however, among planktonic Foraminifera. Introduced species, even planktonics, may have different ranges within the region into which they are introduced than in their areas of origin, and it is not always possible to determine which of these regions is the area of origin. Although the possibility was considered that the ranges of the Foraminifera within wide areas of the Pacific basin might vary from place to place, the evidence of essentially similar sequences of larger Foraminifera has been reported from so many different localities that this possibility is rejected, For the smaller Foraminifera similar evidence in the Pacific is, so far as known at present, less complete and not widespread. But the evidence is not lacking; Saipan (see Table 1) provides the best sequence of good planktonic faunas (Eocene, Oligocene? and Miocene, separated on strati- graphic grounds) known at the present time in the Pacific, and here the succession is the same as that known elsewhere in America and Europe. Furthermore, four of the West Indian planktonic zones are known in Japan (Shoshiro Hanzawa, written communications, Sept. 26 and Oct. 9, 1959) having the same relationships to each other in Japan as they do in the West Indian region where they were originally established. That these four planktonic zones are placed higher in the Indonesian letter time scale in Japan than they are on Saipan on the basis of their relationships to larger Foraminifera zones is not so important as their occurrence in Japan with their order as expected and not reversed. Therefore, although YAP FORAMINIFERA: COLE, TODD, & JOHNSON 91 we recognize the probability of Foraminifera zones having different absolute ages from place to place, we do not, on the basis of present know- ledge, consider it likely that the major zones of planktonic Foraminifera have different relative positions in the Pacific than they have elsewhere, or that they are recurrent. These rejected possibilities leave us with scarcely anything more than the conclusion that we cannot explain the conflicting evidence of age from the larger and smaller Foraminifera on Yap. More data correlating the ranges of smaller Foraminifera with those of the larger Foraminifera are needed. In fact, correlation between the ranges of all species, regardless of group, are a pressing need in strati- graphic paleontology. Until such studies are made, extreme caution is indicated in long distance correlation, particularly when only one or another group of specialized organisms are used. ERPERATWORE Clie D Asano, Kiyoshi 1939. Limestones of the South Sea Islands under Japanese Mandate. The Jubilee Publication in commemoration of Prof. H. Yabe’s 60th birthday, v. 1, p. 537-550. (Japanese, unedited English translation in U. S. Geol. Survey Library.) Blow, W. H. 1956. Origin and evolution of the foraminiferal genus Orbulina d’Orbigny. Micropaleontology, v. 2, No. 1, p. 57-70, text-figs. 1-4. 1959. Age, correlation, and biostratigraphy of the upper Tocuyo (San Lorenzo) and Pozén formations, eastern Falcén, Venezuela. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 39, No. 178, p. 67-251, pls. 6-19. Caudri, C. M. B. 1932. Die Foraminiferen-fauna van eenige Cycloclypeus-houdende gesteenten van Java. Geol. Mijn. genootsch. Nederland en Kolonien, Verh., Geol. Ser, v. 9, p. 171-204, 3 pls. 1939. Lepidocyclinen von Java. Idem, v. 12, p. 135-257, pls. 1-10. Chang, Li-Sho 1959. A biostratigraphic study of the Miocene in western Taiwan based on smaller Foraminifera (Part I: Planktonics). Geol. Soc. China Proc., No. 2, p. 47-71, pls. 1-5. Cloud, P. E., Jr. 1956. Provistonal correlation of selected Cenozoic sequences in the western and central Pacific. Eighth Pacific Sci. Congr. Proc., Manila, v. 2, p. 555- Awe ple Z , Schmidt, R. G., and Burke, H. W. 1956. Geology of Saipan, Mariana Islands. Pt. 1, General geology. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 280-A, p. 1-126, pls. 1-25, figs. 1-10, chart [1957]. 92 BULLETIN 186 Cole, W.S. 1945. Larger Foraminifera of Lau, Fiji. B. P. Bishop Mus., Bull. 181, p. 272-297, pls. 12-30. 1954. Larger Foraminifera and smaller diagnostic Foraminifera from Bikini anes U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 260-0, p. 569-608, pls. 204-222, 2 tables. 1957a. Larger Foraminifera from Eniwetok Atoll drill holes. Idem, Prof. Paper 260-V, p. 743-784, pls. 230-249, 1 fig., 6 tables [1958, 1959}. 1957b. Larger Foraminifera. Idem, Prof. Paper 280-I, p. 321-360, pls. 2, 4, 94-118; 4 tables, 1 chart. 1957c. Variation in American Oligocene species of Lepidocyclina. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 38, No. 166, p. 31-51, 6 pls. MS. Tertiary larger Foraminifera from Guam Island. Cushman, J. A., and Stainforth, R. M. 1945. The Foraminifera of the Cipero marl formation of Trinidad, British West Indies. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Sp. Pub. 14, p. 3-75, pls. 1-16. Drooger, C. W. 1953. Some Indonesian Mitogypsinae. K. Nederlandse Akad. Wetensch. Proc. set, B; ve 56, Noid) py 104-1235 2) pls: 1955. Remarks on Cycloclypeus. Idem, v. 58, No. 5, p. 415-433, 16 text-figs. Glaessner, M. F. 1942. Problems of stratigraphic correlation in the Indo-Pacific region. Roy. Soc. Victoria Proc., v. 55, pt. 1 (n. ser.), p. 41-80, correl. chart. Hamilton, E. L., and Rex, R. W. 1959. Lower Eocene phosphatized Globigerina ooze from Sylvania Guyot. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 260-W, p. 785-798, pls. 250-254, fig. 255 (map). Hanzawa, Shoshiro 1957. Cenozoic Foraminifera of Micronesia. Geol. Soc. America, Mem. 66, p. 1-163, 41 pls., 12 figs., 7 tables. Hess, H. H. 1948. Major structural features of the western north Pacific, an interpreta- tion of H. O. 5485, Bathymetric Chart, Korea to New Guinea. Geol. Soc. America, Bull., v. 59, p. 417-445. Ladd, H. S., and Hoffmeister, J. E. 1945. Geology of Lau, Fiji, B. P. Bishop Mus., Bull. 181, p. 1-399, 52 pls., 18 tables, 41 text-figs. Marks, P. 1957. Stratigraphic lexicon of Indonesia. Rep. Indonesia Kementerian Pere- konomian Pusat Djawatan Geol. Bandung, Publ. Keilmuan No. 31, ser. geol., p. 1-233, 2 maps, numerous correl. charts. Mohler, W. A. 1949. Flosculinella reicheli, n. sp. aus dem Tertiar e, von Borneo, Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, v. 42, No. 2, p. 521-527, 3 text figs. [1950]. Myers, EK. H. 1936. The life-cycle of Spirillina vivipara Ehrenberg, with notes on morpho- genesis, systematics and distribution of the Foraminifera. Royal Micros. Soc., Jour., v. 55, p. 120-146, pls. 1-3. YAP FORAMINIFERA: COLE, Topp, & JOHNSON 93 , and Cole, W. S. 1957. Foraminifera in Treatise on marine ecology and paleoecology. Geol. Soc. America, Mem. 67, v. 1, p. 1075-1081. Rutten, L. 1911. On Orbitoides in the neighbourhood of the Balik-Papan-Bay east-coast of Borneo. K. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam Verh., p. 1122-1139, 4 text- figs., 1 map. 1912. Studien tiber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien. Geol. Reichs-Mus. Leiden Sammle ser eave 9 eps 2OU-21yeeplss 125 13. Rutten, M. G., in van Bemmelen, R. W. 1949. The geology of Indonesia. Vol. 1A, General geology. The Hague, Government Printing Office, 732 p., illustr. [p. 83-88, tables 11-13}. Tan, S. H. 1932. On the genus Cycloclypeus Carpenter. Nederlandsche Akad. Wetensch. Meded., No. 19, p. 1-194, pls. 1-24, 7 tables. Tayama, Risaburo 1935. Geomorphology, geology, and coral reefs of the Yap Islands. Inst. Geol. Paleont., Faculty of Sci., Tohoku Imp. Univ., Contr. [in Japanese], No. 19, p. 1-43. 1936. Yap Island from a geological aspect. Kagaku (Science), v. 6, No. 2, p. 61-65 (Japanese, edited English translation by the Military Geology Branch, U. S. Geological Survey). Todd, Ruth 1957. Geology of Saipan, Mariana Islands. Pt. 3, Paleontology. Smaller Foraminifera. U.S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 280-H, p. 265-320, pls. 64-93, tables 1-4. ; , Cloud, P. E., Jr., Low, Doris, and Schmidt, R. G. 1954. Probable occurrence of Oligocene on Saipan. Amer. Jour. Sci., v. 252, Pp. 673-682, pl. 1, text-figs. 1, 2) Umbgrove, J. H. F. 1931. Tertiary Foraminifera. Leidsche Geol. Meded., v. 5, p. 35-91. Van der Vlerk, I. M. 1928. The genus Lepidocyclina in the Far East. Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, v. 21) No: 1, p. 182-211, pls. 6-23, tables’ A-G. 7 __, and Umbgrove, J. H. F. 1927. Tertiaire Gidsforaminiferen van Nederlandsch Oost-Indié. Dienst Mijnbouw Nederlandsch-Indié Wetensch. Meded., No. 6, p. 1-35, text figs. 1-24, 2 tables. Vaughan, T. W. 1924. Criteria and status of correlation and classification of Tertiary deposits. Geol. Soc. America, Bull., v. 35, p. 677-742, tables 1-3. Whipple, G. L. 1934. Larger Foraminifera from Vitilevu, Fiji. B. P. Bishop Mus., Bull. 119, p. 141-154, pls. 19-23. 94 BULLETIN 186 APPENDIX A. LARGER FORAMINIFERA FROM YAP W. STORRS COLE INTRODUCTION Larger Foraminifera have been reported from Yap by Tayama (1935; 1936). He recorded the presence of Mzogypsima in the Map formation and of Cycloclypeus in the Garim formation. Asano (1939, p. 546, 549) cor- related the beds with M/ogypsima of Yap with the Miocene limestones of Saipan and other islands and those with Cycloclypeus with Pliocene and Pleistocene limestones found elsewhere in the mid-Pacific. Recently, Hanzawa (1957, p. 32, 93) recorded the presence of Nephrolepidina sp. and Miogypsina sp. in the Map formation and illustrated three specimens. Charles G. Johnson collected numerous samples from Yap of which several yielded larger Foraminifera. Their presence was noted first in certain thin sections made from the Map formation. Later, samples from this formation were disintegrated and matrix-free specimens were obtained for oriented thin sections. It was not possible to obtain matrix-free speci- mens from the Garim limestone, therefore, its fauna is known only from thin sections. The species and the localities from which they came from the Map formation are shown in the table on the following page. Although the fauna is small, this part of the Map formation is as- signed definitely to Tertiary f. (Miocene). The fauna is a younger one than that of the Tagpochau limestone (Cole, 1957 b, p. 324) of Saipan which was assigned to Tertiary e. The Map formation correlates approxt- mately with a Tertiary f limestone of Guam (Cole, MS.,), the Suva and Futuna formations (Ladd and Hoffmeister, 1945, p. 26) of Fiji and the Mentawir beds or lower Balikpapan layers (Marks, 1957, p. 9) of eastern Borneo. Certain samples (as YM-311) from the Map formation contain thin seams of lignitic material. These samples seemingly are without Foramini- fera. During this investigation John T, Stark submitted for examination thin sections of xenoliths from a volcanic breccia on Truk (locs. Eo-102 and Ud-170). Although matrix-free specimens were not studied from this 95 CoLe, Topp, & JOHNSON . . YAP FORAMINIFERA x x x: x x (uayny “T) vedsowljod (vuisdtSompy) vursddsomy =A ie ts i ero ae x 2 — —(Uapeig) szsuauuns — : x = x = yoSJaquinyyps 1UI{ADUL - . ae a xX aqua voiuodrl (vurpidajnz) purptsopiday x i ; a uvy, snoyfisvdoput (snagjsopa€) snadkjr0j9¢9 fooot13] | f{eost13} | {868113} | {zos113] | [908113] pIC-WA cLe-WA 90¢-WA SO¢-WA yOC- WA AyI]e0T satvadg uonevuroy dey ay} wosz sorads 96 BULLETIN 186 material, the species are similar to those found in the Map formation of Yap. Numerous thin sections from two localities (YY 89 and 90) repre- senting the Garim limestone were available. This limestone apparently has a sparse population of larger Foraminifera. There were, however, a sufh- cient number of accidental sections of Cycloclypeus (C.) carpenter Brady in the thin sections from locality YY 89 to identify this species. In addition from this same locality one undoubted specimen of Bacuwlogypsina sphae- rulata (Parker and Jones) was found. The only other Foraminifera in the thin sections were a few Amphistegina sp. (YY 89) and one peneroplid (ROALSD)). Although the fauna is small, the Garim limestone apparently repre- sents a reef limestone of Pleistocene age. The specimens are deposited in the U. S. National Museum. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Family Camerinidae Genus Cyeloeclypeus W. B. Carpenter, 1856 Subgenus Cyeloelypeus W. B. Carpenter, 1856 Tan (1932) erected numerous specific and subspecific names in an intensive study of specimens of this subgenus from abundant material from the Malay Archipelago. He based his classification on the external appearance of the test, on a statistical analysis of the number of periem- bryonic chambers between the embryonic chambers and the annular cham- bers, and on the size of the embryonic chambers. Although Tan established without question that the number of periembryonic chambers do decrease and that the size of the embryonic chambers does increase from stratt- graphically older to younger populations, this progression can not be used for the precise stratigraphic determinations implied by Tan. Moreover, it is impossible to recognize the numerous subspecies which he proposed because in a given population there is within limits complete gradation between specimens with varying number of periembryonic chambers, size of embryonic chambers, and external appearance. Although it is impossible to revise Tan’s classification completely without studying his material, it is possible to suggest that most of his species and all of his subspecies can not be distinguished. It is doubtful if YAP FORAMINIFERA: COLE, Topp, & JOHNSON 97 there are more than four recognizable species in the subgenus Cycloclypeus, namely, C. (C.) koolhoveni Tan (Tertiary c and d), C. (C.) etdae Tan (Tertiary e and Tertiary f), C. (C.) imdopacificus Tan (upper Tertiary e, Tertiary f and probably Tertiary g), and C. (C.) carpenter: H. B. Brady (probably Tertiary g to Recent). As Tan did not recognize certain earlier proposed specific names for Cycloclypeus for he thought they could not be applied because of inade- quate original descriptions, it will be necessary to restudy the types of these older disregarded species. It will be possible after this 1s done to determine which of the specific names used by Tan are synonyms. The suggested reduction in species of Cycloclypeus conforms more nearly to Caudri’s (1932, p. 180) early classification of the subgenus. Hanzawa (1957, p. 48) recently considered that her classification was better than that proposed by Tan. Other references expressing doubt con- cerning Tan’s classification are Cole (1945, p. 278) and Drooger (1955, p- 415). Cycloeclypeus (Cycloclypeus) indopacifieus Tan Ale ail, anes, il, Si, 2h, ©) 1930. Cycloclypeus neglectus vat. indopacificus Tan, Mijningenieur, Jaarg. 11, [do 23); ZaxSc 1932. Cycloclypeus indopacificus indopacifica’ Tan, Nederdandsche Akad. accel iIMededieno= 19 p2 66-67, splis 19s hea I: sple 225 hos WOc pl: 23: on Cycloclypeus postindopacificus postindopacifica Tan, idem, p. 66-67, pl. 15, hee plese ies ipla 25, Moy dl: Four specimens only were found. As the surface of these specimens was weathered, they could be identified only by the internal features of the median sections. The measurements made from these specimens are shown on the following page. Discussion —Specimens from Guam Island (Cole, MS.) assigned to this species have five nepionic chambers and specimens from Lau, Fiji, (Cole, 1945, p. 280, 281) had four to six nepionic chambers. The speci- mens from Yap have four to eight chambers. In the study of Cycloclypeus found on Guam, Cole (MS.) expressed the opinion that, “The variety which Tan named C. (C.) posteidae hexa- septus is sufficiently distinct to be a separate species.” He separated C. (C.) hexaseptus from C. (C.) indopacificus by the fact that the nepionic chambers “make slightly more than one complete volution around the em- bryonic chambers in C. hexaseptus and somewhat less than a complete vo’- ution in C. indopacificus.” 98 BULLETIN 186 Specimen from locality— YM-306 | {£11898}, shown on Dimensions YM-304 [f11896}, shown on Pl. 11— Pl. 11— Fig. 4 Fig. 1 Fig. 9 Figs Diameter| 1.6 | DP 2.6 A? Diameters of initial (elnUANTO oY Sewage ap eeece ober oeseh ob H| 230x240 | 110x120 150x170 | 190x190 Diameters of second | chamber . smroccceseennc | AOR) | rcilfsX0 100x260 | 140x290 Distance across both | Glam pers eens lL 360 200 260 | 330 Large, | Small, Small, | Large, First nepionic chamber .....|_ undivided | undivided | divided undivided Number of nepionic | | | | Ghambersas eee | 5 | 7 8 | 4 . | | INepioniey coils ees 1— | 1 | lists if As the specimens from Yap are intermediate between specimens from Lau, Fiji, which were referred to C. hexaseptus and those from Guam Island which were assigned to C. imdopocificus in the length of the nepionic coil, they are assigned to C. indopacificus, and C. hexaseptus 1s considered to be a synonym of this species. Occurrence elsewhere.—Java; Lau, Fiji; Guam Island. Family Miogypsinidae Genus Miogypsina Sacco, 1893 Miogypsina (Micgypsina) polymorpha (lL. Rutten) Pl. 1, figs. 2. 6-8; Ply 12s hose4eoes 1911. Lepidosemicyclina polymorpha L. Rutten, K. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam Verhepy lids7/—i139% 1912. Miogypsina polymorpha (L. Rutten), L. Rutten, Geol. Reichs-Mus. Leiden Samml., ser. 1, v. 9, p. 207-209, pl. 12, figs. 6-9. 1912. Miogypsina bifida L. Rutten, idem, p. 209, 210, pl. 12, figs. 10, 11. YAP FORAMINIFERA: COLE, TODD, & JOHNSON 99 1926. Miogypsina polymorpha spiralis L. Rutten, Geol.-mijnb. genootsch. Nederland. en Kolonien, Verh., Geol. ser., v. 7, p. 321, 322, pl. 2, figs. 27, 28, te his eeiiin polymorpha (L. Rutten), Drooger, K. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam, ser. B, v. 56, No. 1, p. 106-108, pl. 1, figs. 1-4, 31. 1953. Miogypsina bifida L. Rutten, Drooger, dem, p. 108, 109, pl. 1, figs. 5-9. 1953. Miogypsina polymorpha spiralis L. Rutten, Drooger, dem, p. 109. Numerous specimens of this species were found in several of the sam- ples. Although the exterior of these specimens was weathered so that the details of the surface were obscured the specimens could be recognized as miogypsinids by the fan-shaped outline of the test. Numerous equatorial and vertical thin sections were prepared of which one vertical section and parts of four equatorial sections are illustrated. The distinctive features of the equatorial sections are the large initial periembryonic chamber which may be larger than either of the embryonic chambers and the numerous, normally elongate hexagonal equatorial cham- bers. Although the hexagonal chambers are more numerous toward the distal margin of the test, they occur also in the area adjacent to the em- bryonic chambers. These chambers are interspersed with the diamond to arcuate chambers which are found in most of the other species of Mzo- oypsina. Although the pertembryonic coil is developed seemingly only on the distal side of the embryonic chambers, certain specimens have small peri- embryonic chambers on the proximal side of these chambers. Thus, the periembryonic coil may surround the embryonic chambers except for the proximal edge of the second embryonic chamber which is in direct contact with the marginal fringe. Measurements of the four equatorial sections are shown on the fol- lowing page. Discussion.—L. Rutten (1911) from the vicinity of Balik—Papan bay on the east coast of Borneo described two species of miogypsinids assigning them to a new subgenus Lep/dosemicyclina which he considered to be a new subdivision of the genus Orbitoides. He stated (p. 1139) that O. (L.) thecideaeformis was obtained from ‘‘Pulu Balang-strata’”’ and O. (L.) polymorpha came from ‘“Mentawir-strata.” Later, Rutten (1912) enlarged the description of these species, gave illustrations, and trans- ferred them to the genus Miogypsina. At the same time he described a third species under the name M. bifida. Drooger (1953) reéxamined the part of Rutten’s original material which was retained in the Mineralogisch-Geologisch Instituut of Utrecht, 100 BULLETIN 186 Measurements of equatorial sections of Miogypsina (Miogypsina) polymorpha Specimen from— M-314 | {£11900} Dimensions YM-304 [£11896], | | shown on shown on Pl. 11— on pl. 12—]/ pl. 11— Fig. 7 Fig. 6 Fig. 8 Fig. 8 en ctu een ete mm. DEST Led 1.65 2.0 WATMIN. sdancidonapooooarenvosacdt VON 2.0 1.8 3 1.6 Embryonic chambers: | Diameters of | initial chamber ....... | 110x140 90x70 80x90 80x80 Diameters of second chamber L 90x170 90x120 80x110 70x130 Distance across both chambers ........u@ 215 210 190 170 Diameters of initial periembryonic chamber ........ eee LOx8 0 120x100 140x110 110x80 Equatorial chambers: * Radial diameter ........... u 130 90 80 110 Tangential diameter |...“ 100 60 70 80 *Hexagonal chambers near distal edge. thereby adding significant details concerning the three species described by Rutten. Recently, Cole (19574, p. 340; 19574, p. 771) identified speci- mens from Saipan Island and from samples from drill holes on Eniwetok Atoll with M. (M.) thecideaeformis and discussed this species in detail. There appears to be agreement that M. bifida is a synonym of M. polymorpha. Umbgrove (1931, p. 71) placed it in the synonmy of M. polymorpha, and Drooger (1953, p. 108) stated “The internal features of M. bifida appeared to be practically identical with those of M. poly- morpha.” YAP FORAMINIFERA: COLE, Topp, & JOHNSON 101 M. (M.) thecideaeformis has been recorded from Saipan Island (Cole, 19576, p. 324) and the drill holes on Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls (Cole 1957a, p. 746) in strata which were assigned to upper Tertiary e. In the Malay Archipelago M. thecideaeformis has been reported from Tertiary e and Tertiary f, whereas M. polymorpha has been considered to be confined to Tertiary f. In part the extension of the range of M. (M.) thecideaeformis into Tertiary f may be the result of misidentification. Drooger (1953, p. 110) stated ‘Evidently M. thecidaeformis mainly differs from M. polymorpha in the regular development of the nepionic chambers, and in the development of elongate-hexagonal equatorial chambers at a much later ontogenetic stage, if at all.” Two other species of Mogypsina from the Malay Archipelago which develop hexagonal equatorial chambers in the proximal part of the equa- torial layer that should be mentioned are: M. (M.) polymorpha spiralis L. Rutten and M. (M.) indonesiensis Tan. Drooger (1953, p. 109) restudied M. (M.) polymorpha spiralis and stated “No definite conclu- sions about the exact systematic place of this variety can be given, though it is likely that it belongs to M. polymorpha,” a conclusion with which the writer agrees. Specimens identified by Cole (1954, p. 599) from the Bikini Atoll drill holes as M. (M.) imdonesiensis Tan are not only identical with the illustrations given by Tan of this species but also are similar to the speci- mens named by L. Rutten M. (M.) polymorpha spiralis. Therefore, it is probable that M. (M.) smdonensiensis is another synonym of M. (M.) polymorpha. Family Orbitoididae Genus Lepidocyelina Giimbel, 1870 Subgenus Eulepidina H. Douvillé, 1911 1911. Nephrolepidina H. Douvillé. Inasmuch as embryonic chambers of the nephrolepidine and eulepi- dine shape intergrade and both shapes are found in specimens assigned to a single species, these two subgenera are combined. This change in the subgeneric classification is discussed in detail in an article in press which will be published in ‘‘Micropaleontology”’, volume 6, No. 2 [1960]. 102 BULLETIN 186 Lepidocyelina (Eulepidina) japonica Yabe Pl 12; figs! 6.09/19 1a 1906. Lepidocyclina japonica Yabe, Geol. Soc. Tokyo, Journ., v. 13, p. 317, 2 text-figs. 1909. Lepidocyclina tournoueri var. angulosa Provale, Riv. Ital. Paleont., v. 15, p. 90, 91, pl. 2, figs. 13-15. Typical specimens with few heavy pillars (fig. 7, Pl. 12) were found. Associated with these are specimens with small pillars (fig. 10, Pl. 12). Moreover, certain vertical sections of specimens with heavy pillars do not show the pillars as the section may pass between the pillars (fig. 6, Pl. 12). All of the specimens are similar in every other internal feature. Although the presence or absence of pillars has been used in the past by authors, either as a specific or a varietal distinction, Cole (1957c, p. 42) expressed the opinion that this criterion is not valid, inasmuch as there is normally complete gradation in a given population from individuals with- out pillars to those with well-developed, heavy pillars. As L. (N.) angu- losa represents one end of a series, the other end of which is L. (N.) japonica, these two species are combined. Occurrence elsewhere-—Vanua Mbalavu, Lau, Fiji; Bobor Zone, West Java; Koetei, east Borneo; Guam Island. Lepidocyeclina (Eulepidina) martini Schlumberger Pl. 12, figs. 1-3 1900. Lepidocyclina martini Schlumberger, Geol. Reichs-Mus. Leiden Samml., Sera ls Va Gwipselsa-133eipl. GyHigs. 5-9: 1945. Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) martini Schlumberger, Cole, Bernice P. Bishop Mus., Bul. 181, p. 288, 289, pl. 25, figs. A-M. 1957. Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) sp. Hanzawa, Geol. Soc. America, Mem. 66, p. 32.ypl. 34. fie: W7. This species which occurred in the Tertiary f limestone of Guam has been redescribed and discussed in a manuscript (Cole, MS.) which should be published soon. As the specimens from: Yap are identical with those from Guam additional comments are not necessary. Occurrence elsewhere. Madoera; Rembang, Java; Vanua Mbalavu, Lau, Fiji; Guam Island. Lepidocyelina (Eulepidina) sumatrensis Brady Pl. 11, fig. 5 1958. Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) sumatrensis (Brady), Cole, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 260-V, p. 773-775, pl. 239, figs. 1-4; pl. 241, hess 1=s0Repls > 242, figs. 3-20 [imprint date, 1957] (reference and synonyms). Occurrence elsewhere. Under various names this species has been recorded from numerous Tertiary e and Tertiary f localities in the Malay Archipelago, Saipan and Guam Islands, and from the drill holes on Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls. YAP FORAMINIFERA: COLE, TODD, & JOHNSON 103 B. SMALLER FORAMINIFERA FROM YAP RUTH Toop Numerous species of smaller Foraminifera found in the Map forma- tion on the island of Yap are recorded; the planktonic ones illustrated and the benthonic ones merely listed. Although most of the specimens are filled, recrystallized, or covered with a fine crystalline coating, the spect- mens may be studied as free individuals, and good identifications are possible for most of them. The planktonic fraction of the population of smaller Foraminifera is predominant over the benthonic. This Map fauna appears to be approximately equivalent in age to the Fina-sisu fauna of Saipan, and both may be attributed to the Globigeri- natella insueta zone of Trinidad. Age and correlation with other Pacific occurrences are discussed in the main body of the paper. Though two samples (YM-304 [f11896} and YM-306 [f11898}) were studied and appear to contain essentially the same fauna, the speci- mens from YM-306 [f11898} are much better preserved. Hence the lists that follow pertain solely to YM-306 [f11898}. The following species were found and are listed in approximate order of abundance under each group. Planktonic species: *Globigerinoides bisphericus Todd Globoquadrina altispira (Cushman and Jarvis) Globigerinoides trilobus (Reuss) Globorotalia mayeri Cushman and Ellisor *Globigerinoides subquadratus Bronnimann Globigerinoides aft. G. ruber (d’Orbigny) Globigerina falconensis Blow *Globigerinatella insueta Cushman and Stainforth Orbulina suturalis Bronnimann The restricted age determination is based on the starred species as shown in Table 3. All the others include the restricted range within their longer ranges. The absence of Orbulina universa dOrbigny in the Yap assemblage, which is the kind of assemblage in which O. wniversa would be expected, is further confirmation of the placement of the Yap material in the Globigerinatella insueta zone, which records so far indicate is every- where older than O. wniversa. 104 BULLETIN 186 Table 3—Species of smaller planktonic Foraminifera and their stratigraphic range. (Zonation after Blow, 1959, p. 75, chart 1. Ranges of species in the West Indies after Blow, 1959.) Globigerina bulloides zone Spiiaeroidinella seminulina zone Globorotalia menardit menardi! i Globigerina nepenthes zone mayer! / nepenthes Globorotalia mayer! mayer! / /enguaensis zone Globorotalia fohsi robusta zone Globigerinoides trilobus Orbulina suturalis Globigerina falconensis G. fohsi ~ G fe) = {o) N 3 lobata zone 5 g db Ss 9 | G. fohsi NS i 3 QE x S | fohsi zone i S S18 Q ; ; es (ey Ss Q S | G fohsi barisan 8 i Bs ; ry = S| ensis zone S323 ss Rs 8 RSP Gh ae w S > insueta | = & BS 3 g 8 ; : . . SS 3 WH is) Globigerinate/la bisphericus SATs R 3 : S) o insueta 2 & AS 2 Q = zone $./, insueta / ions x trilobus S iS Sy Catapsydrax 8 S stainforthi zone Catapsydrax dissimilis zone YAP FORAMINIFERA: COLE, TODD, & JOHNSON 105 Benthonic species: Amphistegina sp. Anomalinella rostrata (Brady) Asterigerina sp. Cassidulina aff. C. subglobosa Brady Gyroidina aff. G. soldanu (d Orbigny) Pseudoeponides umbonatus (Reuss) Reussella sp. Anomalina? sp. Planulina cf. P. wuellerstorfi (Schwager) Neoconorbina sp. Eponides sp. Nonion sp. aft. N. pompilioides (Fichtel and Moll) Bulimina cf. B. tuxpamensis Cole Elphidium sp. Rosalina sp. Robulus vortex (Fichtel and Moll) Bolivina sp. Rectoglandulina sp. Epistominella sp. Cibicides sp. aff. C. cicatricosus (Schwager) Osangularia? sp. These benthonic species, having longer ranges than the planktonic, do not permit any refinement of the age which is based exclusively on the planktonic species. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Family Glebigerinidae Genus Globigerina d’Orbigny, 1826 Glebigerina faleonensis Blow Pl. 13, figs. la-b 1959. Globigerina falconensis Blow, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 39, No. 178, p. 177, pl. 9, figs. 40a-c, 41. Rare specimens seem identical with the types of this species that was described from the Miocene of Venezuela. There it ranges from the Glob- gerinatella insueta/Globigerinoides bisphericus sabzone upward to the Globigerina bulloides zone of uppermost Miocene to Pliocene? age. Genus Globigerinoides Cushman, 1927 Globigerincides bisphericus Todd Pl. 13, figs. 11a-b 1954. Globigerinoides bispherica Todd, in Todd, Cloud, Low, and Schmidt, AMINES. OWE, Yt, We QIAs jo. COSI, pol wl, saverss We 106 BULLETIN 186 This most abundant form among the Yap planktonics has been re- corded widely (from Saipan and Sylvania Guyot in the central Pacific; from Trinidad, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Barbados in the West Indian and South American region; and from Algeria, Morocco, Angola, and Sicily in the Mediterranean region). It serves as a means of subdividing the upper part of the Globigerinatella insueta zone. In eastern Venezuela its range is rather restricted, as it is found only in the Globigerinatella m- sueta/Globigerinoides bisphericus subzone and the lower part of the over- lying Globorotalia fohsi barisanensis zone. Globigerinoides aff. G. ruber (d’Orbigny ) Pl. 13, figs. 10a-c A few specimens, having a small spire and three chambers of about equal size comprising the final whorl, may be closely related to Globigeri- noides ruber (d’Orbigny) but cannot be identified with certainty. Globigerinoides subquadratus Bronnimann Pl. 13, figs. 9a-b 1954. Globigerinoides subquadrata Bronnimann, in Todd, Cloud, Low, and Schmidt, Amer Jour. Sci., v. 252, p. 680, pl. 1, figs. 5, Sa-c. Rare, but not entirely typical, specimens of this species described from the Globrgerinatella msueta zone in Trinidad and Saipan occur in the Yap assemblage. They are characterized by high arched apertures which dis- tinguish the species from Globigerinoides trilobus (Reuss). Globigerinoides trilobus (Reuss) Pl. 13, figs. 8a-b 1850. Globigerina triloba Reuss, K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Cl., Denk- Scht.wa dep: 3745 pl. 47, ties) Ilta-d: This species appears to have a relatively long range in the Miocene and probably extends upward into the Pliocene or higher. It is charac- terized by broad, curved, low-arched apertures. Specimens are fairly com- mon in the Yap assemblage, but preservation is not good enough to verify that they have the wall texture typical of this species. Genus Globigerinatella Cushman and Stainforth, 1945 Globigerinatella insueta Cushman and Stainforth PIs etieee 1945. Globigerinatella insueta Cushman and Stainforth, Cushman Lab. Foram. Reser op subs l4 p69) ply 13..tesie7-9° , Only one specimen of this distinctive species was found. Genus Orbulina (@Orbigny, 1839 Drbulina suturalis Bronnimann PIS 13) fie aS 1951. Orbulina suturalis Bronnimann, Contrib., Cushman Found. Foram. Res., v. 2, pt-4, ip: 135, text-hg. 2; figs. 1-15; text-fig. 3, figs: 3-8) 1S 13-1 Gain 22; text-fig. 4, figs. 2-4, 7-12, 15, 16, 19-22. A single specimen was found. Preservation is not good enough to allow determination of whether the apertural pores are restricted to the YAP FORAMINIFERA: COLE, TODD, & JOHNSON 107 sutural areas or are scattered over the final chamber. If the apertural pores are restricted, the specimen belongs in the form described as Globigeri- noides glomerosa Blow (Blow, 1956, p. 64), the stratigraphic range of which is restricted to approximately the same degree as Globigerinoides bisphericus Todd (Blow, 1956, text-fig. 4). If the apertural pores are scattered over the final chamber, the specimen belongs in Orbwlina sutu- ralis, the stratigraphic range of which extends upward into the upper Mio- cene or basal Pliocene. Lacking a firm basis for identification as the more restricted species, the specimen is identified as the more wide-ranging one. The lower limits of the ranges of both these species include the upper part of the Globigerinatella insueta zone. Genus Globoquadrina Finlay, 1947 Globoquadrina altispira (Cushman and Jarvis) PIB s hess 3-7) 1936. Globigerina altispira Cushman and Jarvis, Contrib., Cushman Lab. Foram. Ress ve l2ep. 55 ple I tigs: 1ga-c, 14 This species is nearly as abundant in the Yap material as Globigeri- noides bisphericus. It was described from the Miocene of Jamaica, W. I., and has been widely recorded from the Miocene in various parts of the world (Louisiana, Haiti, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Aruba, Trinidad, Venezuela, Colombia, and Peru in the West Indian and South American regions; in Spain, Italy, and Sicily in the Mediterranean; and in Saipan, Sylvania Guyot, and mid-Pacific seamounts in the Pacific). In the Vene- zuelan section its range is from the Catapsydrax stainforthi zone to the lower subzone of the Globorotalia mayeri zone. Several variations in shape are illustrated. Family Globorotaliidae Genus Globorotalia Cushman, 1927 Globorotalia mayeri Cushman and Ellisor Pie 13, figs. 2a-¢ 1939. Globorotalia mayeri Cushman and Ellisor, Contrib., Cushman Lab. Foram. Resmavenllo ep aallerplie2 ties. 4a-c. A few typical specimens were found in the Yap material. This species was described from subsurface Miocene material in Louisiana. It serves as a zone marker in the West Indian region. It has been recorded from various parts of the world, as follows: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Venezuela, Peru, Italy, Sicily, and Algeria. In the Venezuelan section Globorotalia mayeri ranges from the Catapsydrax stainforthi zone to the top of the Globorotalia mayeri zone, including the Globigerinatella insueta zone in the lower part of its range. ~~ a¥ i » 1 th i, , 1 be XS $ i Sx! a 7 Pie at a — a ii 5 " i oe te en a pre = (y G&G weuvi oe | D« - 7 FS a a ; * ~ f Y : 2 ’ Sana PEATE S 110 Figure i354, 9 2, 6-8. D. BULLETIN 186 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 11 Cycloclypeus (Cyecloclypeus) indopacifieus Tan.......-.........- Parts of median sections, x 40, illustrating embryonic and peri- embryonic chambers; 1, 4, 9, USNM 626410 a, b, c, from locality YM-304 [f11896]; 3, USNM 626411, from locality YM-306 [f11898}. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) polymorpha (LL. Rutten ).............. 2. Vertical section, x 20; USNM 626415b, from locality YM-312 [£11899]. 6-8. Parts of equatorial sections, x 40, illustrating embryonic, periembryonic and equatorial chambers; 6, 7, USNM 626414a, c, from locality YM-304 [f11896]; 8, USNM 626415a, from locality YM-314 [f11900}. Lepidocyelina (EKulepidina) sumatrensis (Brady )...-.........-- Vertical section, x 20, USNM 626416, from locality YM-304 [f11896}. 102 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 PLATE 11 BuLu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 PLATE 12 4°. * KS es * ape? " pit. * ees oe te 'y oF A) SIND C Les ne BAe ew ODT Poa A a ITorooe & Bae, ghee eonseraen Ba 355 . gout a Pa YAP FORAMINIFERA: COLE, TODD, & JOHNSON 1: EXPLANATION OF PLATE 12 Figure Page 1-3. Lepidoecyelina (Kulepidina) martini Schlumbergev...............-. 102 1. Vertical section, x 40, USNM 626409a, from locality YM-304 [11896}. 2, 3. Equatorial sections, x 40; 2, specimen with “‘tryblio- lepidine’” embryonic chambers, USNM 626409b; 3, specimen with “nephrolepidine’’ embryonic chambers, USNM 626409c; from locality YM-304 [£11896]. 4,5, 8. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) polymorpha (lL. Rutten)............. 98 4,8. Parts of equatorial sections, x 40, illustrating embry- onic, periembryonic and equatorial chambers; USNM 626414b, d, from locality YM-304 [f11896}. 5. Vertical section, x 40, USNM 626414e, from locality YM-304 [f11896}. 6, 7, 9-11. Lepidecyelina (Eulepidina) japonica Yabe................00:.. ee 102 6,7, 10. Vertical sections, x 20, USNM 626412a, b, c, from locality YM-304 [f11896}. 9,11. Parts of equatorial sections, x 40, illustrating embry- onic, periembryonic and equatorial chambers; USNM 626413a, b, from locality YM-304 [f11896]}. 2 BULLETIN 186 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 13 (Magnifications all x 68 except figures 3, 4, and 8, x 45. a, Dorsal view; 6, ventral view; c, side view unless otherwise stated.) Figure I, “Globiverina, faleomenmsis) Blow icssccccssceecceccesce-c- doceeesao-eceresececsesseneesteeeeetenae USNM 627031. 2. Globorotalia mayeri Cushman and WILSOL.............:. sees eseeseseeeeeees USNM 627038. 3-7. Globoquadrina altispira (Cushman and Jarvis) cece eceeccceeeesteeeeees 3. USNM 627033. 6, Side view. 4. USNM 627035. 6, Side view. 5. USNM 627034. 6, Side view. 6. USNM 627036. 7. USNM 627032. Side view. Si (Globigerinoides, trilobus (RCUSS))\c-ceccccesssecee ceseesctee cee eee USNM 627030. 9. Globigerinoides subquadratus Bronnimann .........cecceeeceeeeescceeeeeeeeeees USNM 627029. 10. Globigerinoides aff. G. ruber (VOrbigny ) .....:::ccccceeeeeesececeeeeesteeeeeeenneees USNM 627037. 11. Globigerinoides bisphericus Tod d...................0::ccccccesscceseessseneeceesenenceeens USNM 627028. 12. Globigerinatella insueta Cushman and Stainforth...... eee cceeseeeeees USNM 627026. (32 (Oxbulinaysuturalis) Bromma cecccceeeeeseseeessecccoseeteee eee ee USNM 627027. All specimens from YM-306 [f11898}. — sH | ) S eB Z je) ca] 4 = Ay oo je) = < = | =) jaa) XXIV. XXV. XXVI. ’ XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX, XXXII. XXXIX. XLI. Volume I. CNos BO-S7p 5 334 pp.) 27. pls!) Sk a. Lig Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca (Wow, $3-945) "306 pp. S0 ‘else i elu Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks, (Nog,'' 95-100), 420 pps/'58 pls. cic e a ly udh, Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. CNos): FOTOS) 1376) pps 36, pls. 2) sho let eceeee liao eons Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nos, TO5-114),'\ 422 pp 54 plas! h ee a Ls Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. Os. Ih Bs a 2 1) [Re en Rr Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. (Nes\ 207) 5. (563 pps'65 pls ence a sa: Jackson Eocene mollusks. (Nog. "118-128)'s 458) pp.! 27 pls...) Povscccseshalead ed al Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsyl- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil local- ities. (Nos, 129-133).! 294 ipp.,. 39 pls. iin. ul als el a Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. (Nos, 134-138)..''448-pp., Si pls. Ni a ge Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. (Nos; | 140-145) °- 400 pp$19 pls.) i. ki ed Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovician cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods, and conularid bibliography. CNos. {146-154)’. . 386-pps’ 31. plish nic eae 2a G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordo- vician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimidae, Vol- utidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (Nos. (155,160). 412 pp./Sp pls. nc) i a) ae Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian-Chazyan fossils, foraminiferal studies. (Nos.~161-164). 486 pp. 37 pls. |i) ue a, Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera, Stromatoporoidea. (Nos. 165-176) >, 447. pp.5'53) pls.) cca (ah a. Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina, Miocene ostra- cods, and Mississippian of Kentucky, turritellid from Vene- zuela, larger forams, new mollusks, geology of Carriacou, Pennsylvanian plants. QNos. '177-183). 448 pps SGppls. 2 GV a ieee eadeel Panama Caribbean mollusks, Venezuelan Tertiary formations and forams, Trinidad Cretaceous forams, American-Euro- pean species, Puerto Rican forams. (Ne:/163). (./92' pp. AOypls, Me Australian Carpoid Echinoderms PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. (Nos: -G-12).) S51 pps 37 pisix!, wane Lacs hy Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Pale- ozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. (Nos713-25). 1,513, pp Gl piss is Ue ee ee Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platy- strophia, and Venericardia. ROS. AGB 128. pp iTS pls a ea Rudist studies, Busycon. 9.50 9.00 11.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 13.50 15.00 16.00 16.00 21.00 25.00 6.50 CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY I. (Nos. 1-5). 354 pp., 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. II. (Nos. 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. Il. (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp., 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. IV. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp., 26 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. V. (Nos. 22-30). 437 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, vapesatey and Pale- ozoic fossils. VI. (No. 31). 268 pp., 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods WEE), .CNOs32)i), 730 pp, (90 plsvi8i0 85. NS Oe Ss oe ee 14.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods. VIII. (Nos. 33-36). 357 pp. 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. OX. CNO8., 37-39) > 462 ppi- 35 pls yi. k yo renwal eset ocatshcosetuengee 13. 00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. X. (Nos. 40-42). 382 pp., 54 pls. Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. XE) (Nosy 43-46) .~ 272 pp., 40 pisses eit sees Wesecoenlens see Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Vene- zuela. XII. (Nos. 47-48). 494 pp., 8 pls. Venezuela and Trinidad orams and Mesozoic invertebrate bibliography. KENT... CNos;:49-50) 3-7 264 -pp:,' 47 pls\....2.4..01.\ nes ectgeles to ipeabaee 10.00 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. XIV. (Nos. 51-54). 306 pp., 44 pls. Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. XV. (Nos. 55-58). 314 pp., 80 pls. Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. XVI. (Nos. 59-61). 140 pp., 48 pls. onc. ceeceeeeeeeeneeeeeenees 6.00 Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. KVIL.” (Noss 62763) 2.283 Pp... BBC DIS. sai nnsh-ieeledaensenee nse Cocekecpecumbegelen 10.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. XVIEL." -CNos. 64-67).)\\- 1286. pp., 29° pls.y oA ee atasee an. 9.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. EX. | GNo.:68).:5272 pp. 24 pisr iN su See a eee 9.00 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. Ks: - (Nos.\69-706) 5 3266 pps26 pisses. lings waul eens 9.00 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. SER U.CNOS."7L-72),.. 322. pp.,. 12. pls) cee ele eae 9.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. ATT. *)\ (Nos, 73-76) «°°. 356 pps SU DIS o/s Mien denen Moire 9.50 Paleozoic Paleontology "and Tertiary Foraminifera. AXEL (Nog TSO 25ST ppd SS plist, ices Ly past te etacetes eo eae 9.00 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. May Hf 8 1960 7 HARA UNIVERS BULLETINS ry or OF “AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY MOL. LT NUMBER 187 1960 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U.S. A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION | 1959-60 , PRESIDENT 3.03.25) 3A ES eed Nee ae Ae Ae UL NorMAN E. WEISBORD VICE-PRESIDENT (603) SON Sa TE ie I rE AN clk J teeth JoHN W. WELLS SEGRETARY- TREASURER (05 ee eS RN INNS IN cae REBECCA S. HARRIS DP TREGTOR 2a eee hee Ae ean DUS NS rae Ue KATHERINE V. W. PALMER GOUNSRE vee EI ea A NEUE NA IY eh ed ONS Phi La ARMAND L. ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE. AAAS GOUNGIL: occ. -..c65).coeccNovenes cbecodenesdecscesedt KENNETH E. CASTER Trustees KENNETH E. CasTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) WINIFRED GOLDRING. (1955-1961) RALPH A. LIDDLE (1956-62) REBECCA S. Harris (Life) AxeEL A. Otsson (Life) SOLOMON C. HOLLISTER (1959-1965) NorRMAN E. WEISBoRD (1957-63) JoHN W. WELIs (1958-64) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Mrs. Fay Bricos, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER A. Myra KEEN Jay GLENN MARKS Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, XII, XIV, XV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 41 AT_- 10°77 CORRECTIONS Page 68—explanation of Plate 7—read Rutroclypeus victoriae Gill and Caster, p. 34 Change specimen No. P16787 to P16441 Page 46—under Victoriacystis wilkinsi delete Pl. 7 Page 34—under Rutroclypeus victoriae read Pl. 7 Please insert the included correction in Bulletin American Paleontology, vol. 41, No. 185, 1960. May 6, 1960 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION . 1959-60 PRESIDENT Sh BAN Ee, BSS UTA ay PR ER RE RNAS un NorMAN E. WEISBORD VICE-PRESIDENT (0091 203, SM TUN NG ee I ne Aesth okey JoHN W. WELLS SEGRETARY- TREASURER 5 icles ec dh SR eee fe a Retin ee REBECCA S. HARRIS MP STRCTOR 200) tots Kec shoce cosas tes eete ap teeapeseah neldaat ra ditbe asec asad KATHERINE V. W. PALMER CETIINS ET eta ALC Ne MA NG Sd SUN gh Nt can ARMAND L. ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE AAAS CoUNCIL eat ral See eR MORES OF KENNETH E. CASTER Trustees KENNETH E. Caster (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) WINIFRED GOLDRING. (1955-1961) RALPH A. LIDDLE (1956-62) RDenrera C Llannxro (Tifa Awrne A fV\eananat (T 2£A Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, XII, XIV, XV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. ‘ BN \, Se. Se BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 41 No. 187 SOME SMALL FORAMINIFERA FROM SHELL BLUFF, GEORGIA By S. M. HERRICK May 6, 1960 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 60-303 MUS. COMP. ZOOL LIBRARY MAY 18 1960 HARVARD UNIVERSITY Printed in the United States of America Plates CONTENTS Page JEN OYSLIRENG Hy set RRA eran nr ets sot ro Ere EE ae eee oe ene re: Cee eee 117 AE TeteONCA Ue GET) let me a eee RES MAES oer snes rea, ween cies Fate va ea la eae aele ton ies 107 Generalizedisection at Shell Bluth eres cces yc. c feces. ofees--scoeecacin oes saecsedesetecegenentogeanentesa ses 119 RISCHISSTONSO Les PECLOSM Mee ey ener oe eR RES oi 5 i ccrleoh SS Iet a OA ce RN Je 120 Marginulina triangularis d’Orbigny, variation ..................ccccecsccereeeetsenceonseees 120 Guitaling: ine cularts (A OLpeny ir cccet a croen sche eee eaisee. pteoednte Be eaddhas acess 120 Globyling e7bbaid Otbigwy, VatiatiOny sence caedeeeeeeesteeeer Pee 121 Sigmomorphina semitecta terquemiana (Formasini) ........0...cccccceeeeeeeescceeee: 121 Sigmomorphina cf. williamsoni (Terquem) Cushman and Ozawa ............. 121 NOU LO Maa VeEnGa ((@usiitiaty)) we esac tgs oo cee eae nea eee tia eee sarge seers 122 Nonion inexcavatus (Cushman and Applin) ............... PRR ES Os 09, 122 Biphiaium texanum (@ushman and vApplim)) -2222..-.-22.-.-20--5-2-eeeestey ones oeee-sudes 122 ID ScORhes Mpeme sp aerica, Gusta se. ci.c5scse.ce ee once sade ieee ts csoseceeeedewessoasone sass 123 Discorbis assulata Cushman ...... Bearer Sy hectata Me caire an eit deere es PU A Sater 123 Drvcorves eacode mses @ushiman atid) Garrett rece. e.iec---ceecre Cushman, 1935, U.S. Geol. Sur, Prof. Paper 1811, p. 43, pl. 16, fig. 13; Howe, 1939, Louisiana Geol. Sur., Geol. Bull. 14, p. 73, pl. 10, fig. 16-19; Cushman and Herrick, 1945, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research Gontrenval2il a pts. eps ous ple dation 3. This species occurs commonly in the late Eocene (Jackson) of North America and has been reported also from beds of middle Eocene age. It occurs rarely in the Shell Bluff material. Discorbis assulata Cushman PIS iSite. 13 Discorbis assulata Cushman, 1933, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research Contr., v. 9, Deaton ple 2.shies 2s" Cushman, 1935, Wl Ss Geol. Sur, Prof Paper 118i, p. 44; pl. 17, figs. 1, 2; Cushman and Herrick, 1945, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research Gontra ve 215 pt 3, ps os) pladih fros2: This species was originally described from the Ocala limestone of Georgia and is characteristic of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. It has been recorded also from the middle Eocene of Georgia. It occurs commonly in the Sheil Bluff material. Discorbis coccaensis Cushman and Garrett Pl. 16, fig. 18 Discorbis subaraucana Cushman, 1935, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 181, p. 43, pl. 18, figs. la-c. Discorbis cocoaensis Cushman and Garrett, 1938, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research Conte. va 14, pt 35 psio3, pl. ld, fie. 1. This species is different from Valvulmeria jacksonensis Cushman be- cause of its circular outline and large final chamber. The Shell Bluff speci- mens show eight chambers in the adult coil and hence are different from Discorbis subaraucana Cushman. This species, according to Cushman‘ is diagnostic of uppermost Eocene (Jackson) in the American Gulf Coast. It occurs somewhat rarely in the Shell Bluff material. 4 Cushman, J. A., and Garrett, J. B., 1938, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research Contr., v. 14; pt. 3; p. 63. 124 BULLETIN 187 Genus VALVULINERIA Cushman, 1926 Valvulineria jacksonensis Cushman Pl. 14, fig. 7 Valvulineria jacksonensis Cushman, 1933, Cushman Lab, Foram. Research Contr., v. 9, p: 18, pl. 2, figs. 9a-c; Cushman, 1935, U. S. Geol. Sur:, Prof. Paper 181% p. 44, pl. 18, figs. 2a-c. This species is characteristic of the late Eocene (Jackson) of the American Gulf Coast, and it has been recorded as common in the Ocala limestone of Georgia. It occurs abundantly in the Shell Bluff material. Family ANOMALINIDAE Genus ANOMALINA dOrbigny, 1826 Anomalina jacksonensis texana (Cushman and Applin) Pl. -15s hes d2 Discorbina jacksonensis Cushman and Applin, var. texana Cushman and Applin, 1926, Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geol., Bull., v. 10, p. 178, pl. 9, fig. 11; Howe and Wallace, 1932, Louisiana Dept. Conserv., Geol. Bull. 2, p. 77, pl. 14, figs. 3a-c; Ellisor, 1933, Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geol., Bull., v. 17, No. 11, pl. 4, fig. 8. Anomalina jacksonensis (Cushman and Applin) var. texana (Cushman and Applin), Cushman, 1935, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 181, p. 51, pl. 21, fig. 10. The Shell Bluff specimens are small but show open, somewhat evolute coiling, and hence are tentatively placed under this subspecies. This form has been recorded from the late Eocene (Jackson). It oc- curs commonly in the Shell Bluff material. Anomalina granosa dibollensis Cushman and Applin PIL 16s fow22 Anomalina granosa (Hantken) var. dibollensis Cushman and Applin, 1926, Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geol., Bull., v. 10, p. 179, pl. 9, fig. 15; Cushman, 1935, WSs Geols Sur. (Prof, Paper 1Sih ips 50) ple 218 igs G7 This subspecies has been reported from the late Eocene (Jackson) of Texas. It occurs rarely in the Shell Bluff material. Genus PLANULINA (dOrbigny, 1826 Planulina cocoaensis Cushman Pl. 14, fig-8> PliS seas Planulina cocoaensis Cushman, 1928, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research Contr., v. 4, p: 76,~pl. 10, figs. la-c; Cushman, 1935, U. S. Geol. Sur Prof. Papersisi Da 2 ple 22) figs: 7a=c. Planulina cocoaensis Cushman has been reported from the late Eocene (Jackson) of Alabama. It occurs rarely in the Shell Bluff material. Figure 11 illustrates what probably is a young form belonging to this species. SHELL BLUFF, GEORGIA, FORAMINFERA: HERRICK 125 Cibiecides cf. lobatulus (Walker and Jacob) Cushman Rie ie Os Ple NGwies 9 Nautilus lobatula Walker and Jacob, 1798, Adam’s Essays on the microscope, Kanmacher’s ed., p. 642, pl. 14, fig. 36. Cibicides lobatulus Cushman, 1927, Jour. Paleont., v. 1, p. 170, pl. 27, figs. 12, 13; Hanna and Church, 1928, Jour. Paleont., v. 1, p. 201. Truncatulina lobatula (Walker and Jacob), d’Orbigny, 1839, in Barker-Webb and Berthelot, Histoire naturelle des iles Canaries, v. 2, pt. 2, Foraminiferes, p. 134, pl. 2, figs. 22-24; d’Orbigny, 1846, Foraminiferes fossiles du bassin de Vienne, p. 168, pl. 9, figs. 18-23; Brady, H. B., 1884, Challenger Report, Zoology, v. 9, p. 660, pl. 92, fig. 10; pl. 93, fig. 1; Cushman, 1918, U. S. GeolSur. Bull’ 676; py 16, ple fe. 10s "ply 17, figs. 1-32 @ushman, 19225 U. G. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 129, p. 96, 135, pl. 20, figs. 1-3; Cushman, 1923, U. S; Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 1133, p. 40. Cibicides lobatulus Cushman, 1935, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 181, p. 52, pl. 22, figs. 4-6. Cibicides cf. lobatulus (Walker and Jacob), Cushman, 1945, Cushman Lab. Hofam= Research Contr, ve-21, pt. 3; p. 72: This species is widely distributed through the Tertiary and Recent. It is abundant in the Shell Bluff material. Cibicides pseudoungerianus (Cushman) Cole and Gillespie Truncatulina ungeriana Brady, H. B., 1884, Challenger Report, Zoology, v. 9, pl. 94, figs. 9a-c (not Rotalina ungeriana d’Orbigny) ; Cushman, 1918, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 103, p. 69, pl. 24, fig. 1. Truncatulina pseudoungeriana Cushman, 1922, U.S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 129, BE pa One lS Omiple 20M ic- Oi Cushmany 1923 U2 1S. Geole Sut. Prot Paper 133, p. 40. Cibicides pseudoungerianus Cole and Gillespie, 1930, Bull. Am. Paleont., v. 15, No. 57b, p.15, pl. 3, figs. 10, 11; Ellisor, 1933, Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geol., Bulle ve 17, No. 11) pls; figs. 3,4: (Gushman, 1935, Wi. S: Geol. Sur, Prof. Raper 8p: 52, pl. 23, figs.. la-c: This species occurs commonly in the late Cenozoic (Oligocene- Recent). Rare specimens referable to this species were found in the Shell Bluff material. Cibicides americanus (Cushman) PIG: fies 20 Truncatulina americana Cushman, 1918, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 676, p. 63, pl. 20, fiese esos pl. Qing Cibicides americanus Cole and Gillespie, 1930, Bull. Am. Paleont., v. 15, No. 57b, p. 14, pl. 4, fig. 4; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 61, pl. 12, figs. 5a-c; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175, p34) pl. 13, figs. 2a-c; Nuttall, 1932, Jour. Paleont., v. 6, p. 32; pl 7, figs. 10, 11; Cushman and McGlamery, 1942, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 197-B, ps 15, pl. 7, figs. 8-10: This species occurs commonly in the American Oligocene and Mio- cene. Many specimens referable to this species were observed in the Shell Bluff material. 126 BULLETIN 187 Cibicides americanus antiquus (Cushman and Applin) Pl. 14, fig. 10 Truncatulina americana (Cushman) var. antigua Cushman and Applin, 1926, Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geol., Bull., v. 10, p. 179, pl. 9, figs. 12, 13. Cibicides americanus (Cushman) var. antiquus (Cushman and Applin), 1935, WES.iGeols Sur. Prota Paper 181s papseipla ce iese ano. This subspecies has fewer chambers and more curved sutures than the typical species with which it is associated at Shell Bluff. Cibicides americanus antiquus (Cushman and Applin) has been re- ported from the late Eocene (Jackson) of South Carolina and Alabama. It is common in the Shell Bluff material. Cibicides cf. refulgens Montfort Pl. 15,aigantS “Hammonia Balanus seu Balanoidea,’ Soldani, 1789, Testaceographia, v. 1, pt. 1, p. 58, pl. 46, figs. nn. oo. Cibicides refulgens Montfort, 1808, Conch. Syst., v. 1, p. 122; Cushman, 1928, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research, Spec. Pub. No. 1, pl. 50, figs. 2a-c. Truncatulina refulgens dOrbigny, 1826, Am. Sci. Nat., v. 7, p. 279, pl. 13, figs. 8-11; d’Orbigny, 1826, Modeles, No. 77; Brady, H. B., 1884, Challenger Report, Zoology, v. 9, p. 659, pl. 92, figs. 7-9; Egger, 1893, Abhandl. kon. bay. Akad. Wiss., Munchen, Cl. II, v. 18, p. 401, pl. 16, figs. 31-33; Goés, 1894, Kongl. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl., v. 25, No. 9, p. 89, pl. 15, figs. 775, 776; Bagg, 19112, U.S: Geol. Sur., Bull. 513; p. 83; Cushmany 1915) Usa Nat Mus., Bull. 71, pt. 5, p. 30, pl. 12, fig. 2; figs. 33a-c (text) ; Cushman, 1918, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 676, p. 61, pl. 18, figs. 3a-c; Cushman, 1921, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 100, v. 4, p. 312, pl. 63, figs. 1a-c; Heron-Allen and Earland, 1922, British Antarctic Exped. Zoology, v. 6, p. 207, pl. 7, figs. 23, 28. Cibicides refulgens Cushman, 1931, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 104, p. 116, pl. 21, figs. 2a-c, The Shell Bluff specimens are not so flat, dorsally, nor so convex, ventrally, as the typical species. For similar reasons these specimens cannot be referred to Crbicides planoconvexus Cushman and Todd. Neverthe- less, these specimens are sufficiently convex ventrally as to belong clearly in the refulgens-westi group; hence they are tentatively assigned to this species. Cibicides refulgens Montfort has wide geographic and geologic dis- tribution, particularly in the Tertiary. It is common in the Shell Bluff material. PEATES 128 BULLETIN 187 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 14 Figure Page uf, Marginulina triangularis (’Orbigny, variation ..........cccccceeseesesseeeereeee 120 Side view; x 120. 2: Globulina gibba G’Orbigmy, VariatiOn! <....--....2---....-0-0:.0.0-0-ceseencessseccceneoene 121 Side view; x 120. 3. Sigmomorphina semitecta terquemiana (Fornasini) «..........:c:ceeee 121 Side view; x 120. 4. Sigmomorphina cf. williamsoni (Terquem) Cushman and Ozawa...-..121 Side view; x 120. 5. Elphidium texanum (Cushman and Applin) -:ccc. ceccccceeeseeceeeeeeeeeeeees 22, a, Ventral view; b, Peripheral view; x 120. 6. Discorbis hemisphaerica Cushman .............ccscccescescesscssscseeseeensonsecenens 123 a, Ventral view; b, Dorsal view; x 120. 7. Valvulineria jacksonensis Cushman. ............. dhsnsdade reve nhvass ct gear 124 a, Ventral view; b, Dorsal view; c, Peripheral view; x 120. 8) Planulinaicocoatensis: Gushiman! -cccceccc-cc--. 4 XIE. . (Nos, 49/50) ' 264/ pp. 49 pis / ae ee Ce 10.00 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. XIV. (Nos, 51-54). | 306 pp., 44 pls. Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. XV. (Nos. 55-58). 314 pp., 80 pls. Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. XVE.' (Nos, 59-61).) 340 pp. 48 pls. oo ecw ge dana hoelees 6.00 Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. RVI. (Nos, (62-63)... 283)pp., 33 pls. a: 8 58 Nad a retcnce ditedeeae gee 10.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. XVIII. (Nas. 64-67). 286 pp., 29 pls. .......... 9.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals, REX. GNo, G8)y 272) pp. \24, piss ..oN te WT) eae 9.00 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. XX. (Nos, 69-700). 266 pp, 26 pss ......ce.-cceediecseseecsccbecedeesetcen 9.00 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. MAE. ANOs. '71-72),,\','321 pp. 12! pls lsat ag VEG 9.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. XXII. (Nos. 73-76). 356 pp., 31 pls. ........ Nestled ARO Paleozoic Paleontology "and Tertiary Foraminifera. RATING (CNOS. 77-79) NV 25L ppg! SS Pls oes al seed dcsealenddeua eet eerie stepe 9.00 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. ean ae, MUS. COMP. Z00L a LIBRAPY | JS JUL — 7 1960 | HAR! "D UNIVERSITY BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY * VOL. XLI NUMBER 188 1960 Paleontological Research Institution ‘Ithaca, New York U.S. A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1959-60 PRESIDEN oso Reece eG aes MAAR Cees Rane ERG NorMAN E. WEISBORD ACES PRESEN DE oon io sadn cco A. ns easton eenaehoy so ade Bmadih conouetedilcpsanceeempe reek rst JOHN W. WELLS SECRETARY- TREASURER fcc) 402 pele DZone Meck aeton ae eae REBECCA S. HARRIS IDIRRCTOR tdin lien oe a Pat pBe iky aca ann Speen Coa eae KATHERINE V. W. PALMER GOING Bie DRT ERA i pre Jo Sys 2 Bek en de ee ARMAND L. ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE AAAS COUNCIL ........:...ccseeseseseseeees fis sealNaoedpat KENNETH E. CASTER Trustees KENNETH E. CastER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) RALPH A. LIDDLE (1956-62) ~ReBEcCA S. Harris (Life) AxEL A. Otsson (Life) SOLOMON C, HOLLIsTER (1959-1965) NorRMAN E. WEISBORD (1957-63) JoHN W. WELIs (1958-64) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Mrs. Fay Brices, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER 3 A. Myra KEEN Jay GLENN Marks #}) “f Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, XII, XIV, XV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York USS.A. If ee fics rn BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 41 No. 188 CATALOGUE AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF MOLLUSKS DESCRIBED BY WESLEY NEWCOMB, WITH A BIOGRAPHICAL RESUME By ARTHUR H. CLARKE, JR. National Museum of Canada Ottawa, Ontario June 30, 1960 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 60-304 MUS. COMP. Z00L LIBRARY JUL - 71960 HAR! RD UNIVERSITY Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS a 135 meaner Oe Tr eRe Ae 8 oe Soe eh eo 135 SORTS AS 2 eee eee eee ees eve 135 EOE TT le ee er en 142 Bibliography of Wesley Newcomb’s Papers on Recent Mollusca... 143 List of Recent Mollusca described by Wesley Newcomb, with original citations Ae Nae ee ena as 144 een Se PON at 156 PEADES Frontispiece eg he ee ed oe 160 CATALOGUE AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF MOLLUSKS DESCRIBED BY WESLEY NEWCOMB, WITH A BIOGRAPHICAL RESUME ARTHUR H, CLarke, IRs ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Wesley Newcomb (1808-1892) has often been called the last of the old school of American conchologists. Socially prominent and highly regarded as a scientist, Newcomb was a friend of Augustus A, Gould, Isaac Lea, Thomas Bland, and many other well-known conchologists active during the third quarter of the nineteenth century. He is probably best known for his work with Hawaiian Achatinellidae of which he described nearly 100 species, but he will also be remembered as the author of many Californian species of “Helix” and other mollusks. Except for an affectionate but brief memorial by R. E. C. Stearns written in 1892, little information regarding Newcomb has been published. The Newcomb Collection of shells, once one of the largest and most com- plete in America, has remained neatly unnoticed for over 60 years. Fortunately, this collection has been Preserved intact and is now at Cornell University. Information for the following biographical resumé of Wesley New- comb has been gathered from scattered published reports and from a number of unpublished letters. Notations written by Newcomb in books and on labels have also been of value, and such data have been included in the catalogue of his species. The task of uncovering types in the Newcomb Collection is probably complete with respect to species described by New- comb or formerly attributed to him, but no finalized list of types received by Newcomb from other authors can be given at this time. BIOGRAPHICAL RESUME Wesley Newcomb was born at Pittstown in Rensselaer County, New York, on October 20, 1808, the third son of Dr. Simon Newcomb and Sarah (Follett) Newcomb. His father was of the fifth generation of the family in America. The first was Andrew, also a physician, who came to *National Museum of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. 136 BULLETIN 188 this country in 1635. Young Newcomb undertook the study of medicine and matriculated at White Plains Academy, Rensselaer Institute, and Jefferson Medical College. He received his M.D. degree from Castleton Medical College in Vermont, where he was valedictorian of his class. While at Rensselaer Institute, Wesley Newcomb came under the influence of Professor Amos Eaton who directed him into the study of shells preliminary to studying paleontology. To quote Dr. Newcomb, “I fancied recent shells would furnish a key to paleontology and I expected in a few weeks of study to master the science of conchology’”’. (Stearns, 1892). Newcomb was so intrigued with conchology that it became a dominating influence, and paleontology was virtually forgotten. After graduation from Castleton, Newcomb visited Paris for further study of medicine. Upon his return, he began medical practice in Albany in partnership with Dr. Henry Van Antwerp. Later he moved to Troy and was engaged in the wholesale drug business. In February, 1838 he married Mrs. Helen H. Wells Post, the sister of his business partner, and on May 10, 1842 a son Thomas was born. Details of Newcomb’s efforts in conchology are lacking for this period. It is known that he was accumulating a collection and was corres- ponding with other workers as early as 1845, the date given by C. B. Adams (1851: 203) for Cyclostoma swiftianum Newc. MS. According to Stearns, Newcomb visited 21 of the West Indian Islands in 1846 and 1847, and also collected in South America. Some of Newcomb’s manuscript names for species collected during this period were published by others, viz.: Tomigerus cumingi “Newcomb” Pfeiffer, 1849; Helix cassiquiensis “Newcomb” Reeve, 1852; and Ppa conoidea ““Newcomb’’ Pfeiffer, 1854. In the Gold Rush Year 1849 Dr. Newcomb and his family moved to California. Living was especially difficult in that unsettled territory for Mrs. Newcomb whose health was poor. Accordingly, in January 1850 the family sailed for the Hawaiian Islands and settled in Honolulu. It was in the islands that Newcomb did his most important work. During the next five years he collected extensively and accumulated his famous collection of beautiful Hawaiian tree snails, the Achatinellidae, species of which were common in those early days. According to Hartman (1888), “He collected and reared large numbers of the different species and observed the numerous varieties from a common ancestor.” Nearly 40 years later the Newcomb Collection of Achatinellidae was regarded as still the finest in existence (Stearns, 1892). . NEWCOMB MOLLUSCAN TYPES: CLARKE 137 In May, 1853 Newcomb’s first paper was published, a description of 21 new species of Achatinella. In 1854 a second paper entitled, ‘‘Descrip- tions of Seventy-Nine New Species of Achatinella (Swains.)” appeared, in which 58 additional species were described and the original 21 were redescribed. This paper was first published separately sometime before June 4, 1854, and on November 14 of the same year it was republished, with changes in orthography and pagination, as part of volume 21 of Pro- ceedings of the Zoological Society of London. L. Pfeiffer (June 4, 1854) gave many page references to the first issue of Newcomb’s paper and in- cluded additional evidence indicating that the 58 new names involved should date from that issue which should be considered a first edition. A more complete discussion of this problem has been published (Clarke, 1958b). In 1856 Newcomb returned to New York and settled in Albany, where he devoted most of his time to his collection. A second visit to Europe was made in 1857, this time primarily for the purpose of studying the types of Achatinella of Ferrusac, Swainson, Pfeiffer, and others. For a portion of this sojourn Newcomb had Augustus A. Gould for a companion. He met Cuming, Reeve, Gray, Sowerby, Adams, Hanley, Owen, and others in London, and Deshayes, Kiener, Bernardi, and Hupé in Paris. After returning to the United States he completed his, “Synopsis of the Genus Achatinella’ which appeared the next year. In 1858, Newcomb returned to California and established medical practice in Oakland. Here he continued active field work and research, and although opportunities were less numerous he continued to describe new species. During this period and subsequently, Newcomb collected ex- tensively and travelled as far south as Ecuador. He maintained a lively series of exchanges with most of the well-known conchologists over the world. Many additional species and much type material were obtained in this manner. Many specimens collected by Newcomb were described by other authors, especially Ancey, Gould, Lea, Tryon, and Pfeiffer. According to Tryon (1865), the Newcomb Collection contained ap- proximately 10,000 species and was then the third most complete in North America, exceeded only by the collections of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia and of John C. Jay with 13,000 and 12,000 species respectively. Ezra Cornell, who founded Cornell University three years earlier, purchased the Newcomb Collection in 1868 for $15,000. It was soon transported to Ithaca and set up in the museum in McGraw Hall. 138 BULLETIN 188 Newcomb supervised the installation of the collection and continued to devote his time to its increase and enrichment until his death. Numerous letters from Newcomb to Ezra Cornell add much informa- tion that is of interest here. After making arrangements for the purchase of the collection and before moving to Ithaca, Newcomb revisited the Hawaiian Islands for the purpose of collecting additional specimens. In a letter to Ezra Cornell dated September 1, 1868, Newcomb wrote, “I arrived in this place {Honolulu} last Monday and have been engaged in gathering shells, all thus far duplicates which will be useful only in ex- changes. . . . After using my dredge in the harbor I expect to sail for Kauai, one of the islands to the leeward which I have never visited. My son in law Dr. Hillebrand will accompany me, and we expect to penetrate a district not often visited even by the natives, and may hope to find some novelties in the way of Botanical and Conchological specimens. ... I shall be on the look out in every department of Nat. Science for the Museum of the Cornell University. On the 5th. of Oct. shall leave on the steamer for San Francisco, and as soon as possible after 4th. Nov. sail for New York, reaching there about the Ist of Dec. in time for the arrival of the ‘‘Cre- morne” fa ship carrying the main part of the Newcomb Collection}. Since reaching here I have been successful in obtaining several specimens of Cypraea tessellata and C. sulcidentata both rare species, also quite a number of South Sea Island and especially Marquesan shells of some value.” Again on October 20, 1868, Newcomb wrote, “I arrived from my expedition to the Sandwich Isl. in this place [San Francisco} on the 18th. and make the following general report. “By dredging outside the Harbor of Honolulu in from 10 to 30 fathoms of water I obtained a species of Modiola entirely new to Science and incomparably the most beautiful of the Genus [M. Peasez Newcomb}. Also some 10 species of Terebra some of them in quantity for exchange. Several (30 to 50 species) other shells quite rare in Collections were also obtained in perfect condition. “In the Harbor of Hanele { Hanalei} on the Island of Kauai I dredge only 2 or 3 species of Terebra; but I obtained many desirable shells by collecting some 12 miles westward and from the Collection of Mrs. John- son by purchase. A vessel arriving from Enderbury Is!. enabled me to pur- chase some fine Cones of great rarity at my own price. Upon the whole my success exceeded my expectations the result being a trunk of large size well filled (no. 46). [He described acquisition of botanical specimens and NEWCOMB MOLLUSCAN TYPES: CLARKE 139 purchase of ‘The Friend”, “The Hawatian Spectator” and other rare pub- lications on Hawaiian history. } “I propose to remain here until after election as my friends in Oak- land insist upon my aid in the Canvas for Grant and Colfax. ... On the steamer of the 6th of Nov. I expect to leave and spend a week or two dredging in the Bay of Panama & thence to New York.” Newcomb spent 10 days in Panama, but the rainy weather made col- lecting difficult and only a few species new to his collection were obtained. On December 9, in a letter written from New York, Newcomb announced the arrival of the ships Cremorne and Valparaiso bearing the collection, and inquired about working conditions in the new McGraw Hall. In response to a request for information, G. W. Tryon wrote to New- comb on January 4, 1869, “. .. I think that you will have great difficulty in preserving your specimens if they are to be handled by students in the manner you describe. My opinion is, decidedly, that such a course should not be permitted by any institution, Duplicate specimens only, should be handled—a type series should be arranged in glass cases, locked up, and the key mslaid. Small specimens might be protected by enclosing them, w7th the labels in glass tubes closed at the open end by cork dipped in hot sealing wax. Mounting on glass will not answer. We propose to mount our large speci- mens on Card board printed to order—and made to fit the trays exactly. Tryon’s advice was sound and Newcomb followed it, spending much of his time during the following years preparing tablets for exhibition. While waiting for the arrival of cardboard trays and other supplies, Newcomb spent the time “in examining the public and private Collections in Boston, Cambridge, Salem, and New Bedford” and in visiting the Academy of Natural Sciences and the Smithsonian Institution. In two letters written from his father’s home in Lansingburgh (now Troy), New York, dated February 6 and 26, 1869, Newcomb expressed disappointment at the contents and manner of arrangements of these museums. He wrote, “I noticed the same species repeated 8 to 10 times and under 3 or 4 dif- ferent names, usuing synonyms as designating species. This in a Scientific Collection is unpardonable.” This feeling probably accounts for the pre- sent absence from the Newcomb Collection of some of the types of New- comb’s Achatinellas which he had synonymized in his “Synopsis” (1858). Types of only a few of these synonymized species were retained under 140 BULLETIN 188 their original names, perhaps indicating that Newcomb later considered them distinct. During the winter of 1869 and 1870, Dr. Newcomb and his wife collected again in Central America. Newcomb described his experiences in a series of letters to Ezra Cornell. As in former letters, Newcomb’s social inclinations and manifest ability to make friends are plainly indicated. He was given much assistance in his expeditions by the Governor of Panama, and was invited by new-found acquaintances to visit Nicaragua and the interior of Ecuador. According to one of his letters, he also collected on Navassa Island. In addition, collections were made also at Taboga and Flamenco Islands in Panama Bay, and in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and San sic {El} Salvador. Several days were spent collecting in the Gulf of Fonseca after which Newcomb wrote, “I have pretty thoroughly scraped at the bottom for specimens in Natural History. ... My collection of shells 1s so full that I doubt if I can thus far add a single species to the Collection.” Although details are lacking we know that in 1870, at President Grant’s request, Dr. Newcomb accompanied a government expedition to Santo Domingo as “Sanitary Expert’ and, according to Lamb’s Bio- graphical Dictionary, succeeded in rediscovering the rare Helicina viridis Lamarck. The next year he was appointed one of the commissioners to examine and report on the Sutro Tunnel near Virginia City, Nevada. In addition to preparing shells for exhibition, much time was spent in enlarging the collection through exchanges of duplicates with other workers. In an undated report to Professor Burt Wilder, Newcomb wrote that he had recently added 402 species and many varieties to the collection from specimens sent by Thomas Bland, H. H. Smith, James Lewis, Mrs. George Andrews, Henry Hemphill, Mrs. Hillebrand, and many others. The collection was already particularly rich in types received from Ancey, Anthony, Cuming, Hemphill, Nevill, Lea, Pease, Pfeiffer, and Reeve, and contained some lots, including types, from nearly every worker in mollusks active during that period. In a report to the Trustees of Cornell University dated July 1, 1885, Newcomb estimated the commercial value of the collection at nearly double the original purchase price. He also quoted Isaac Lea as stating that the Newcomb Collection was the most beautiful and best arranged of any in Europe or America. NEWCOMB MOLLUSCAN TYPES: CLARKE 141 Although Newcomb made several collecting expeditions in his later years, no published contributions appeared after 1874 when his description of Mya hemphill: marked the first appearance of Mya arenaria Linné on the Pacific Coast in recent time. From 1886 to 1888, he was instructor in conchology at Cornell. On January 27, 1892, at the age of 83, Dr. New- comb died of the “‘grippe’”’ at his home in Ithaca. He was survived by his wife and son. About 1906, under the direction of Professor G. D. Harris, the Col- lection was catalogued as part of the Paleontological Museum collections and a card file of species was made. The Newcomb Collection then num- bered approximately 16,600 lots, and with the subsequent addition of the excellent Carlotta J. Maury Collection of New York fresh water shells and miscellaneous donations, the total increased to about 17,000 lots. Approxi- mately 25 years later the Collection was partially dismantled and put in storage to make room for expansion of teaching facilities. In 1953 the Newcomb Collection was removed from storage for renovation. At that time the shells were removed from their cardboard placques, retaining Newcomb’s original label with each lot. This renovation was partially com- pleted by Mr. Arthur W. Soper and continued from September 1955 to September 1956 by the author. After the reduction of the number of species resulting from the application of modern taxonomic concepts, the collection will still contain well in excess of 10,000 species and subspecies. A prominent characteristic of most of the material in the Newcomb collection is the lack of precise data, a common fault with early collections. Many of his published localities are similarly vague, and a few of them have been shown to be incorrect (Cooper, 1868; Pilsbry, 1914, 1939). Such errors have been attributed in most cases to incorrect locality data given to Newcomb by other collectors. Mixture of labels came about also by movement of the collection after Newcomb’s death. Newcomb was a meticulous and conscientious worker and described species only after careful study. He was deceived by ambitious artists, how- ever, to the extent that he unwittingly described four “manufactured” species: Achatinella aplustre, A. hybrida, A. johnsoni, and A. venulata. In addition, a small number of species were based on the mistaken but widely accepted philosophy that no molluscan species could be so wide- spread as to occur on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. 142 BULLETIN 188 In 1956, Dr. Henry A. Pilsbry, the best qualified malacologist to judge all of Newcomb’s work, wrote as follows: ‘Newcomb was an excellent conchologist of the old school. Most of the forms defined by him are still held to be valid species or subspecies. His work was done at the time when one of the chief tasks of naturalists was the discovery and definition of species. Until this was well advanced, little sound work on the classification, zoogeography or ecology of mollusks could be accomplished, Newcomb was one of the small group of pioneers of whom Say, Gould, Lea, Conrad, and A. Binney were illustrious exam- ples. Their work cleared the way for later malacologists.” ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author expresses appreciation to several individuals who have contributed in various degrees to the subject matter of this paper. Prof. Clifford O. Berg of the Department of Entomology and Limnology, Cornell University, and William J. Clench of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, have given valuable suggestions and editorial comment. Dr. Clench also checked certain bibliographic references unavail- able to the author. Prof. W. Storrs Cole of the Cornell University Geology Department kindly gave permission to publish this report, as well as en- couragement and advice during its preparation. Katherine Van Winkle Palmer of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, gave much use- ful information concerning Newcomb’s publications and the history of the Newcomb Collection at Cornell. The late Henry A. Pilsbry of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia generously contributed an authoratative evaluation of Newcomb’s work. The trustees of the Teagle Foundation supported the curatorial work on which this report is partly based. Finally, this paper could not have been completed without the constant help and advice of my wife, Louise R. Clarke. The cost of the engraving of the plates has been defrayed by the William F. E. Gurley Foundation for paleontology of Cornell University, through the courtesy of W. Storrs Cole, Chairman of the Department of Geology. The frontispiece is from a photograph in the archives of the Paleontological Research Institution. 1853, 1854, 1854, 155). 1855: 1855 1858, 1860, 1860, 1861, 1861, 1864, 1864, 1865, 1865, NEWCOMB MOLLUSCAN TYPES: CLARKE 143 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WESLEY NEWCOMB'’S PAPERS ON RECENT MOLLUSCA May. Descriptions of new species of Achatinella from the Sandwich Islands. Annals New York Lyceum Nat. Hist., 6, pp. 18-30. before June 4. Descriptions of seventy-nine new species of Acha- tinella (Swains.), a genus of pulmontferous mollusks, in the col- lection of Hugh Cuming, Esq. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, December iS ats5 55 pp: desires dh plates: November 14. Descriptions of seventy-nine new species of Acha- tinella (Swains.), a genus of pulmoniferous mollusks, in the col- lection of Hugh Cuming, Esg. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 21, pp. 128-157 + 3 plates. Another edition with altered orthography and pagination. May 8. Abstract of descriptions of some animals of Achatinella, and other remarks. Ibid., 22, pp. 310-311. September. Description of five new species of Achatinella. Proc. Boston Soc, Nat. Hist., 5, pp. 218-220. October. Descriptions of new species of Achatinella. Ann. New York Lyceum Nat. Hist., 6, pp. 142-147. September. Synopsis of the genus Achatinella. Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York, 6, pp. 303-336. April. Descriptions of new species of the genera Achatinella and Pupa. Ibid., 7, pp. 145-146. May. Description of a new species of Helix, from Bougainsville Island. Abid., 7, pp. 283-284. February. Descriptions of six new species of shells. California Acad. Nat. Sci., Proc., 2, pp. 91-94. April. Descriptions of three new species of shells, Ibid. 2, pp. pp. 103-104. March. Descriptions of nine new species of Helix inhabiting Calr- forma. Ibid., 3, pp. 115-119: March. Descriptions of a new species of Pedicularia. Ibid. 3, pp. WANNA. January. Descriptions of new species of land shells. Ibid. 3, pp. 179-182. July. Description of a new species of Helix. Amer. Jour. Conch., 1, Pp. 255. 1866, 1866, 1866, 1870, 1870, 1874, BULLETIN 188 October. Catalogue of Helices inhabiting the West Coast of America, north of Cape St. Lucas, and west of the Rocky Mountains ; together with remarks upon some of the animals, and their Special distribu- tion. Amer. Jour. Conch., 1, pp. 342-350. January. Descriplion of a new American Species of Helix. Ibid. 2, pyoe Waze January. Addition to “Catalog of Helices Inhabiting the West Coast of North America, north of Cape St. Lucas”. Ibid: 2) Paes July. Descriptions of Achatinellae. Ibid, 2, pp. 209-217. February. Descriptions of new species of marine Mollusca. Ibid. 5, pp. 163-164. February. Description of a new American Helix. Ibid. 5, p. 165. December. Description of a new species of shell from San Francisco Bay. ‘Califomia Acady Sci. Proc, >, p41): LIST OF RECENT MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY WESLEY NEW- COMB, WITH ORIGINAL CITATIONS AND TYPE LOCALITIES In the species list, the old mame Ranai (now Lanai) has been pre- served. In addition, the following abbreviations are used: AJC American Journal of Conchology ALNHNY Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History, New York. ANYLNH Annals of the New York Lyceum of Natural History (an alternate title) Cu Cornell University Paleontological Museum (Newcomb Collection) PBSNH Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History PCANS Proceedings of the California Academy of Natural Sciences PGAS Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (a subsequent title for the same society). Sel Sandwich Islands (old name for Hawaiian Islands) 7ONSp. for the first edition of Newcomb’s 1854 paper. The date May, 1854 has been used for brevity. Also, since the plate and figure numbers and the remarks are the same in both the first and second editions, the word ‘“‘ditto” is substituted for these data in citations to the second edition. NEWCOMB MOLLUSCAN TYPES: CLARKE 145 All figures of Newcomb specimens published by Newcomb (in ////.) or by Tryon (1867) have been cited. Nearly all of Newcomb’s achatinellid types and types of his North American species of land mollusks have been figured by Pilsbry, ef a/ (1911-1916) and Pilsbry (1939-1948) respec- tively. These publications are well indexed and citations to figures given therein would be too numerous for inclusion here. Most of the species not figured by one of the above authors are figured here, but in a few cases no specimens were available, and the exact identity of these must remain in doubt for the present. Original locality data are given in parenthesis after the reference to the literature in which they first appear. Appropriate additional comments by Newcomb on labels or in notes, or published by other early writers, are given in quotes. Corrections and additions by this author are in brackets. acuta Newc., Achatinella: May, 1854: 79NSp.: 16, pl. 23, fig. 36 (Lehui, Oahu. But a solitary specimen was found. . . ); PZSL, 21: 142, ditto. ““The figure is not the shell forwarded, but a true A. soror.”’ (Newcomb, in notes). Three idiotypes, CU 29898 “Maui, S.I.”. adamst Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 19 (Makaweo, Mau1) ; 79NSp.: 11, pl. 22, fig. 20 (E. Maui, at the roots of ferns {in} the almost inaccessable ravines of the mountainous districts around Lahania, W. Maui); PZSL, 21: 137, ditto. agglutinans Newc., Achatinella obesa var.: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 17, pl. 23, fig. 39a (Hale a ka la, Mani sze [Maui}) ; PZSL, 21: 143, ditto. Four syntypes, CU 30037 “E. Maui”. affinis Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 16, pl. 23, fig. 35 (Kula, E. Maut) ; PZSL, 21: 142, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 29901 “Haleakala, Maui’”’. albo-labris Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 23, pl. 24, fig. 56 (Waianoe svc {Waianae}, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 149, ditto. Four syn- types, CU 29902. alexandri Newc., Achatinella: 1865, PCANS, 3: 182 (Insula Sandwich, . elevation of 7,500 feet, on West Maui) ; 1866, AJC, 2: 216, pl. 13, fig. 14. Six syntypes, CU 29903. ampla Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 11, pl. 22, fig. 19 (Kolau, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 137, ditto. Four syntypes, CU 29904. angasiana Newc., Helix: 1860, ALNHNY, 7: 283 (Baugainsville Island). SIC 146 BULLETIN 188 anthonit Newc., Achatinella: 1861, PCANS, 2: 93 (Kauat) ; 1866, AJC 2210, pl: 13; tis, 2. Four synty pes, CUl 29905: apicata ‘‘Newc.” Pfeiffer, Achatinella: 1856 (February), PZSL, 23: 210 (no locality given). Three syntypes, CU 30135 (Oahu). “A. sift Newe. var. apicata’’ (Newcomb, on label). aplustre Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 21, pl. 23, fig. 51 (Kolau, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 147, ditto. assimilis Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 22, pl. 23, fig. 53 (W. Mani sic [W. Maui}); PZSL, 21: 148, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 29907. ayresiana Newc., Helix 1861, PCANS, 2: 103 (northern Oregon) ; Tryon, 1867, AJC 3, p. 161, pl. 11, fig. 28 ({type locality emended] Santa Cruz [Island, California}). CU 26038a selected as lectotype (Pilsbry, 1939, p. 127) ; five lectoparatypes, CU 26038. baldwinii Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 29, pl. 24, fig. 72 (Ranai) PZSL 2 ta aditto: bicolor “Newc.” Pfeiffer Achatinella 1859, Monographia Heliciorum Viventium 4: 558 (Manoa Val fley} insulae Oahu). Listed in synonymy under A. brevis Pfr. and not described. Specimen(s) catalogued as CU 30026 but not located. “A. mustelina Migh. vat. bicolor. Identity determined by the animals. W. N.” (in catalogue, originally copied from Newcomb’s label). biplicata Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79 NSp.: 30, pl. 24, fig. 75 (Ranai, Sandwich Islands) ; PZSL, 21: 156, ditto. Seven syntypes, CUP 99 ae blakeana Newc., Helix: 1865, PCANS, 3: 179 (Insula Niphon-Japan). Three syntypes, CU 26102a. brewert Newc., Helix, 1864, PCANS, 3: 118 (prope “Lake Taho”, Cal fifornia}, et montibus septentrionalibus). Lectotype, here selected, CU 26131a (see this paper, Pl. 17, fig. 10) and 8 lectoparatypes (the rest of the type lot) CU 26131 (see Pl. 17, fig. 9),, alli frome Wake Tahoe, Nevada’. bridgesit Newc., Helix 1861, PCANS, 2: 91, (San Pablo Gal fifornia}) ; Tryon, 1867, AJC, 3, pl. 11, fig. 29. Four syntypes, CU 26132 “Contra Costa Co., Cal [ifornia}, Coast Range’’. buddu Newc., Achatinella: 1854, 79NSp.: 29, pl. 24, fig. 73 (Palolo, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 155, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 29912. NEWCOMB MOLLUSCAN TYPES: CLARKE 147 californica Newc., Pedicularia: 1864, PCANS, 3: 121 (from a coral grow- ing on a monster crustacean of the genus Echidnocerus, which was taken in very deep water at the Farallones Islands | off San Francisco Bay, California}). Holotype, CU 20474 (this paper, Pl. 17, fig. 1). carpentert Newc., Helix: 1861, PCANS, 2: 103 (Tulare Valley, Cali- fornia). ‘“The type was . . . lost on the ‘Golden Gate’ ’’ (Cooper, 1868, p. 221). cassiquiensts ““Newc.” Reeve, Helzx: 1852, Conchologica Iconica, 7, pl. 65, No. 334 (Hab. Cassigui, Cuba) ; Pfeiffer, 1859, Monographia Heli- ceorum Viventium 4: 33 (Hab. Cassiguia s7c in Demerara { British Guiana }, ec. in insula Cuba, teste Newcomb). casta Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79 NSp.: 8, pl. 22, fig. 12 (Ewa, Oahu. Its northern limit is the valley below Mouna Roa, and half a dozen ravines, south, in the district of Ewa.) ; PZSL, 21: 134, ditto. Eight syntypes, CU 29920. cestus Newc., Achatinella: 1854, 79NSp.: 7, pl. 22, fig. 8 (Palolo, Oahu) ; PASE Aeris 2 editto, Sixtsymtypes, CW 29925: concinna Newc., Achatinella: 1854, 79 NSp.: 31, pl. 24, fig. 79 (Island of Ranai) ; PZSL, 21: 157, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 29932. conoidea ‘“‘Newc.” Pfeiffer Pupa: 1854, PZSL, 22: 70, (Hab. in Demerara | British Guiana }—Newcomb). Lectotype, here selected, CU 29190a (this paper, Pl. 17, fig. 4) and two lectoparatypes, CU 29190. cornea Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 15, pl. 23, fig. 32 (no type locality); PZSL, 21: 141, ditto. ‘Waialua’ (Newcomb, in notes). Five syntypes, CU 29933. cornelliana Newc., Proto: 1870, AJC 5: 164, pl. 17, fig. 3 sec [PI. 17, fig. 6} (dredged in 12 fathoms of water outside the reef near Honolulu, Sandwich Islands). Holotype, CU 21131 (this paper, Pl. 17, fig. 7). costata Newc., Physa: 1861, PCANS, 2: 104 (Clear Lake, California). Lectotype, here selected, CU 30828a (this paper, Pl. 17, fig. 3) and four lectoparatypes, CU 30827, 30828. crassa Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May) 79NSp.: 29, pl. 24, fig. 71 (Ranat) ; PZSL, 21: 155, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 29936. crassilabrum Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79 NSp.: 15, pl. 23, fig. 31 (Waianoe sic [ Waianae}, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 141, ditto. Five syn- types, CU 29940. crebri-striata Newc., Helix: 1864, PCANS, 3: 116, (San Clemente Island, Cal [ifornia}). Three syntypes, CU 26377. 148 BULLETIN 188 cronkhiter Newc., Helix: 1865, PCANS, 3: 180 (Klamath Valley, Ore- gon). Five syntypes, CU 26391. cumingi Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 25 (Hale-a-ka- la, Maut) ; 79 NSp.: 24, pl. 74, fig. 59 (Hale-a-ka-la, Maui) ; PZSL 21: 150, ditto. Four syntypes, CU 29941. cuming? ‘‘Newc.” Pfeiffer, Tomzgerus: 1849, Zeitschrift fiir Malacozoolo- gie 6: 67 (Habitat propé Para Brasiliae). curta Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 18, pl. 23, fig. 43 (Waialua, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 144, ditto. Eight syntypes, CU 29942. cylindrica Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79 NSp.: 8, pl. 22, fig. 11 (Waitanoe sc [ Waianae}, Oahu, on the ground) ; PZSL, 21: 134, ditto. Three syntypes, CU 29943. cylindrica ““Newc.”” DeKay, Physa: 1844: Natural History of New York, part 5, Mollusca, p. 77, pl. 5, fig. 83. cypreophila “Newc.” Binney and Bland, Helix: 1869, Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America, 1: 166, fig. 287 (Copperopolis {Cal- averas County, California }). decipiens Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 27, pl. 24, fig. 68 (Kahana, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 153, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 29944. declivis Newc., Helix: 1865, PCANS, 3: 180 (Insula Niphon, (Japan) ). Lectotype, here selected, CU 26314a (this paper, Pl. 17, fig. 13) and two lectoparatypes, CU 26414 (fig. 14). dubia Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 23 (Oahu, among stones) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 26, pl. 24, fig. 65 (Waianoe svc { Waianae}, Oahu) ; PZSL 21: 152, ditto. Seven syntypes, CU 29953. durantt Newc., Helix: 1864, PCANS, 3: 118 (Santa Barbara Island, California). Type specimen(s) catalogued as CU 26483 but not located. dwightii Newc., Achatinella: 1855, ALNHNY, 6: 145 (Molokai) ; 1866, AN G22 213; plyi3; tie, 9) Five syntypes, CU 299577: elegans Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79 NSp.: 23, pl. 24, fig. 57 (Hauula, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 149, ditto. Six syntypes, CU 29958. elevata ‘‘Newc.” Pfeiffer, Achatinella: 1856 (February), PZSL, 23: 209 (no locality). elongata Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 26 (Oahu). Three idiotypes, CU 29960. emmersonu Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 30, pl. 24, fi (District of Waialua) ; PZSL, 21: 156, ditto. 74 09 NEWCOMB MOLLUSCAN TYPES: CLARKE 149 facta Newc., Helix, 1864, PCANS, 3: 118 (Insul. “Santa Barbara” et “San Nicholas” [California}) ; Tryon, 1867, AJC, 3, pl. 11, fig. 32. Six syntypes, CU 26543 (Santa Barbara, Cal.). flavescens Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 25, pl. 74, fig. 62 (Hawaii) ; PZSL, 21: 151, ditto. Four syntypes, CU 29964. fulgens Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 4, pl. 22, fig. 24 (Neu, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 131, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 29967. fulva “Newc.” Pfeiffer, Achatinella: 1856 (February), PZSL, 23: 208 (no locality) . fumosa Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 14, pl. 23, fig. 28 (Manoa, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 140, ditto. Six syntypes, CU 29969. fusca Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 28 (Oahu) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 19, 23, fig. 44 (Manoa, Oahu . . . found among the decaying leaves of the Tutui, near the base of the mountain at the head of Manoa valley.) ; PZSL 21: 145, ditto. Six syntypes, CU 29970. fusoidea Newc., Achatinella, 1855, ALNHNY, 6: 144 (E. Maut) ; 1866, Gro e2isuple 13, fe. 8. gabbi ‘Crosse and Newcomb” Crosse, Helicina: 1873, Journal de Conchy- liologie, 21: 354 (Samana, in regione Dominicana insulae Haiti, Antillarum). Lectotype, here selected, CU 24020a (this paper, WAL. Lye fig. 2) and one lectoparatype, CU 24020, both from “Santo Do- mingo’’. The shell of this species 1s bright green. gabbii Newc., Helix, 1864, PCANS, 3: 117 (San Clemente, Cal Wikomnap)y > Mryons 1867, AJC 3: pl) 11, fig: 31. Five idiotypes, CU 26621. Newcomb wrote: “I have seen but a solitary specimen of this species.” It is uncertain which of the specimens in lot 26621 1s the original specimen, or if it is now in the Newcomb Collection. germana Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 25, pl. 74, fig. 61 (Makawao, Mani sic [Maui}); PZSL, 21: 151, ditto. Syntype, CU 29971. gigantea Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 10, pl. 22, fig. 17 (Hale a ka la, Maui) ; PZSL, 21: 136, ditto. glabra Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 13, pl. 22, fig. 25 (Kolau poko, Oahu); PZSL, 21: 139, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 29972. LSO) BULLETIN 188 gould Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 21 (On Tutui trees, Wailuku valley, Maui) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 4, pl. 22, fig. 1; PZSL, 21: 129; ditto. “Three syntypes, CU 29978: grana Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 29 (E. Maut) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 20, pl. 23, fig. 46; PZSL, 21: 146, ditto. Four syntypes, CU 29981. hartmant ““Newc.” Hartman, Achatinella: 1888, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 40: 54, pl. 1, fig. 12 (Oahu, fossil). Three syntypes, CU 29987 (Kauai). “‘extincia Pfr. a misnomer as this is not an extinct species.” (Newcomb, on label). helena Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 27 (Molokai) ; 1854 (May), 78NSp.: 25, pl. 24, fig. 63 (Molokai, within the coil of the Ti tree leaf, as it starts from the trunk); PZSL, 213 15ieydieoe Three syntypes, CU 29988. hemphillu Newc., Helix: 1870, AJC, 5: 165, pl. 17, fig. 4 (White Pine Mining District, [Idaho,} at an altitude of 8000 feet). Three syn- types, CU 26715. hemphilli Newc., Mya: 1874, PCAS, 5: 415 (Bay of San Francisco). Lectotype, here selected, CU 17134a (this paper, Pl. 17, fig. 6) and 114 (3 valves) lectoparatypes, CU 17134. hillebvandi Newc., Helix: 1864, PCANS, 3:115 (Tuolumne County, California). Specimens catalogued as CU 26724 but not located. humilis Newc., Achatinella: 1855, ALNHNY, 6: 143 (Kalae, Molokat) ; 1866, AJC, 2: 211, pl. 13, fig. 4. (On the ground, under low bushes). Three syntypes, CU 29989. hybrida Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 21, pl. 23, fig. 52 (Kolau, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 147, ditto. idahoensis Newc., Helix: 1866, AJC, 2: 1, figs. 1, 2, and 3 (between Idaho City and Cour d’Alene Mining District, Idaho Territory). Three syntypes, CU 26772. intermedia Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79 NSp., 9, pl. 22, fig. 13 (Waianoe svc [ Waianae}, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 135, ditto. Four syn- types, CU 29990. japonica Newc., Succinea: 1865, PCANS, 3: 118 (Japan). Holotype, CU 30257 (this paper, Pl. 17, fig. 8) “Swccinea lauta ? Gould’ (New- comb, on label). NEWCOMB MOLLUSCAN TYPES: CLARKE iuSat johnsoni Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 21, pl. 23, fig. 50 [& 51} (Kolau, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 147, ditto. Three syntypes, CU PSL kauaiensis Newc., Achatinella: 1860, ALNHNY, 7: 145, (Kauai, Ins. Sandwich) ; 1866, AJC 2: 209, pl. 13, fig. 1. Four syntypes, CU 29992. labiata Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 27, (Oahu) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 15, pl. 23, fig. 33 (Lehui, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 141, ditto. Six syntypes, CU 29993. lineolata Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 29 (Maut) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.:14, pl. 23, fig. 29 (Hawai) ; PZSL, 21: 140, ditto. Four syntypes, CU 29996. maniensis ““Newc., Pfeiffer, Achatinella: 1856 (February), PZSL, 23: 207 (Mani sic [Maui}). Laps. cal. for mauiensis. manoaensis ‘““‘Newc.” Pfeiffer, Achatinella: 1859, Monographia Heliceorum Viventium 4: 545 (Manoa Val {ley} insulae Oahu). Listed under synonymy of A. melampoides Preiffer not described. mastersi Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 27, pl. 24, fig. 67 (Mani sic [Maui]}) ; PZSL, 21: 153, ditto. Six syntypes, CU 30012 (Molokai). mauiensis Newc., Achatinella: 1866, AJC, 2: 217, pl. 13, fig. 16 (West Maui). Valid emendation for maniensis. Four syntypes, CU 30013. melanosis Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 18, pl. 23, fig. 41 (Hawaii) ; PZSL 21: 144, ditto. Syntype, CU 30014 (Mouna Loa, Hawait). melanostoma Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 6, pl. 22, fig. 7 (Ewae Oahu i PZSE. 21> 132- "ditto, moesta Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 31, pl. 24, fig. 77 (Island of Ranai) ; PZSL, 21: 157, ditto. Three syntypes, CU 30018. mucronata Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 28 (Molo- kai) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 20, pl. 23, fig. 49 (Mani s7c {Maui }) ; PZSL, 21: 146, ditto. Four syntypes, CU 30019 (E Maut). multilineata Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 12, pl. 22, fee 23 (Kolau poco, Oahu); PZSL, 21: 138, ditto. Four syntypes, CU 30022, 30023. Of the original lot of five specimens the one indicated by Newcomb as type is missing. nigra Newc., Achatinella: 1855, PBSNH, 5: 219 (E. Maui) ; 1866, AJC 2: 210, pl. 13, fig. 3. Five syntypes, CU 30028. iy? BULLETIN 188 nitida Newc., Achatinella: 1853, (May), ANYLNH, 6: 29 (E. Maut) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 14, pl. 23, fig. 30; PZSL, 21: 140, ditto. Six syntypes, CU 30030. nivosa Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79 NSp.: 6, pl. 22, fig. 6 (Niu, Oahu) ePZSES 21-52 s\ditto: obesa Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 24 (Hale-a-ka-la, Maui, among decaying leaves) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 17, pl. 23, fig. 39; PZSL, 21: 143, ditto. Three idiotypes, CU 30038. obscura Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79 NSp.: 31, pl. 24, fig. 78 (Island of Ranai) ; PZSL, 21: 157, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 30039 (Kauat). obtusa ‘Newc.” Pfeiffer, Achatinella: 1856 (February), PZSL, 23: 209 (no type locality). Specimen(s) catalogued as CU 30040 but not located. occidentale Newc., Pisidium: 1861, PCANS, 2: 94 (Ocean House, San Francisco, { California}). Lectotoype, here selected, CU 16767a (this paper, Pl. 17, figs. 11, 12) and 314 (7 valves) lectoparatypes CU 16767. ornata Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 23, pl. 24, fig. 55 (E. Maui... found ina limited locality, in a deep ravine, at the back of Lahaina) ; PZSL, 21: 149, ditto. Three syntypes, CU 30042 (W. Maut). ovata Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 22 (Waianai, Oahu) ; 1854 (May) 79NSp.: 4, pl. 22, figs. 2, 2a (Kahana, Koolan, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 130, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 30044. oviformis Newc., Achatinella: 1855, (October), ANYLNH, 6: 147 (listed as a synonym of A. sowerbyana Pfr., and not described) ; Pfeiffer, 1856 (February), PZSL, 23: 208 (described as a valid species credited to Newcomb). peaset Newc., Modiola: 1870, AJC, 5: 163, pl. 17, fig. 2 pl. 17, test (Sandwich Islands, dredged in 12 fathoms, outer harbor of Hono- lulu). One half holotype (1 valve), CU 14860. According to New- comb the other valve is at the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. petricola Newc., Achatinella: 1855, ALNHNY, 6: 143 (Molokai) ; 1866, AJC 2: 211, pl. 13, fig. 6 (Molokai, on the rocky sides of a Pali or precipice). Two syntypes, CU 30069. NEWCOMB MOLLUSCAN TYPES: CLARKE 153 pfeiffert Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 25 (Molokai) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 24, pl. 74, fig. 58; PZSL, 21: 150, ditto. pfeifferz Newc., Vitrina: 1861, PCANS, 2: 92 (Carson Valley, [Nevada }). Six syntypes, CU 25870. physa Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 26, pl. 24, fig. 64 (Mouna Kea, Hawaii); PZSL, 21: 152, ditto. Four syntypes, CU 30072, 30073. polita Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 24 (Molokai) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 16, pl. 23, fig. 37; PZSL, 21: 142, ditto. Seven syntypes, CU 30077. porcellana Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 20, pl. 23, fig. 37 (E. Mani szc [E. Maui}) ; PZSL, 21: 146, ditto. porphyrea Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79 NSp.: 10, pl. 22, fig. 16 (Waianoe s7c [ Waianae}, Oahu .. . terrestrial, not arboreal... ); PZSL, 21: 136, ditto. Three syntypes, CU 30078. pulla “Newc.” Pfeiffer, Achatinella: 1856 (February), PZSL, 23: 209 (Ranai) ; Newcomb, 1866, AJC, 2: 211, pl. 13, fig. 5 (placed in synonymy with pusilla Newc.). pupoidea Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79 NSp.: 18, pl. 23, fig. 42 (E. Mani sec [E. Maui}) ; PZSL, 21: 144, ditto. Two syntypes, CU 30086 (W. Maui). Newcomb (1858, ALNHNY, 6: 319) synonym- ized this species with A. e/lipsoidea Gould but in notes written later stated: “‘pwpoidea is distinct from fig. 96 of {Gould's United States } Exp {loring} Exp {edition Mollusks }, this species of Gould is a true textilis Fer.’’. pusilla Newc., Achatinella: 1855 (October), ALNHNY, 6: 144 (Ranat) ; 1866 AJC, 2: 211, pl. 13, fig. 5. Four syntypes, CU 30087. recta Newc., Achatinella: 1954 (May), 79 NSp.: 19, pl. 23, fig. 45 (Waialua, Oahu) ; PZSL,21: 145, ditto. red fieldi Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 22 (Wailuku, Maui) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 6, pl. 22, fig. 5 (Molokai and E. Maui, on Tutui, Ohia, and Ti trees) ; PZSL, 21: 131, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 30091. remyt Newc., Achatinella: 1855, ALNHNY, 6: 146 (Ranai). Two syn- types, CU 30093. reticulata Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 22, pl. 24, fig. 54 (Waianoe sic [Waianae}, Oahu); PZSL, 21: 148, ditto. Three syntypes, CU 30095. 154 BULLETIN 188 rowelli Newc., Helix: 1865, PCANS, 3: 181 (Arizona). Holotype, CU DHS Wife rowellii Newc., Pupa: 1860, ALNHNY, 7: 146 (near Oakland, Cali- fornia). Lectotype, here selected, CU 29170a and seven lectopara- types, CU 29170. rubiginosa Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 28, pl. 24, fig. 69 (Palolo, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 154, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 30103. rufa Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 21 (Molokai) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 4, pl. 22, fig. 3; PZSL, 21: 130, ditto. Two syntypes, CWA O05: rufocincta Newc., Helix: 1864, PCANS, 3: 117 (San Diego, et Insula “Santa Catalina’, Cal [ifornia}). Four syntypes, CU 27531 (Catalina 1 Calla): rugosa Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 12, pl. 22, figs. 22, 22a (Ewa, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 138, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 30109. rutila Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 12, pl. 22, fig. 21 (Niu, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 138, ditto. Six syntypes, CU 30113. sanguinea Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 9, pl. 22, fig. 15 (Lehut, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 135, ditto. Four syntypes, CU 30114. semtcarinata Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May) 7ONSp.: 30, pl. 24, fig. 76 (Island of Ranat) ; PZSL, 21: 156, ditto. Specimen(s) catalogued as CU 30116 but not located. Solitaria Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 24, pl. 74, fig. 60 (Palolo, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 150, ditto. sordida Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 7TONSp.: 13; pli 23;uites=27 (Lettui sz¢e [Lehui}, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 139, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 30118. soror Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 17, pl. 23, fig. 38 (Mani sic {Maut]}) ; PZSL, 21: 143, ditto. Six syntypes, CU 30119. sSplendida Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 20 (Waialuku, Maut) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 5, pl. 22, fig. 4 (Waialuku, Maui, on Tutui trees) ; PZSL, 21: 131, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 30122. Striata Newc., Tornatellina: 1861, PCANS, 2: 93 (Kauai, Insula Sand- wichensis) . subvirens Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 10, pl. 22, fig. 18 (Niu, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 136, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 30130. succincta Newc., Achatinella; 1855, PBSNH, 5: 220 (Ewa, Oahu) ; 1866, A G2 213s ple sion Rout. syntypes, CU 30132. NEWCOMB MOLLUSCAN TYPES: CLARKE 155 swiftt Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 7, pl? 22, figs, 9; 9a (District of Ewa, [Oahu}) ; PZSL, 21: 133, ditto. Three syntypes, CU 30134. Swiftianum ““Newc.” C. B. Adams, Cyclostoma: 1852, Contributions to Conchology, No. 11, p. 216. terebra Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 18, pl. 23, fig. 40 (W. Mani sc [W. Maui}); PZSL, 21: 144, ditto. Eight syntypes, CU 30144. tessellata Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May), ANYLNH, 6: 19 (Molokai) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 13, pl. 23, fig. 26 (Molokai. Found at Kalai on Tutui trees and on the broad leaf of the Ti.) ; PZSL, 21: 139, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 30147. tetrao Newc., Achatinella: 1855 (May), PZSL, 22: 311 [nomen nudum]; 1855 (October), PBSNH, 5: 219 (Ranai) ; 1866, AJC, 2: 214, pl. 13, figs, 11, 12. Five syntypes, CU 30149. traskt Newc., Helix: 1861, PCANS, 2: 91 (Los Angeles, Cal [ifornia}). Four syntypes, CU 27832. tryont Newc., Helix: 1864, PCANS, 3: 116 (Santa Barbara, and San Nicolas Islands, Cal [ifornia}). Five syntypes, CU 27858 (Island of Santa Barbara, California). turgida Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 8, pl. 22, fig. 10, 10a (Ewa, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 134, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 30154. undulata Newc., Achatinella: 1855, PBSNH, 5: 218 (Waialua, Oahu) ; 1866, AJC, 2: 216, pl. 13, fig. 15. Four syntypes, CU 30160. ustulata ‘‘Newc.” Pfeiffer, Achatinella: 1859, Monographia Heliceorum Viventium, 4: 534 [nomen nudum }. variabilis Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 28, pl. 24, fig. 70 (Ranai) ; PZSL, 21: 154, ditto. Six syntypes, CU 30164. venulata Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 20, pl. 23, fig. 48 (Kolau, Oahu) ; PZSL, 21: 146, ditto. violacea Newc., Achatinella: 1853 (May) ANYLNH, 6: 18 (Molokai) ; 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 9, pl. 22, fig. 14; PZSL, 21: 135, ditto. Five syntypes, CU 30174. vitrea Newc., Achatinella: 1854 (May), 79NSp.: 16, pl. 23, fig. 34 (Manoa, Oahu. Its locality is near the summit of the mountain ridge dividing Manoa from Palolo Valley.) ; PZSL, 21: 142, ditto. Six syntypes, CU 30181. 156 BULLETIN 188 voyana Newc., Helix (Macrocyclis): 1865, AJC, 1: 235, pl. 25, fig. 4 [fig. 3} (Canyon Creek, Trinity Co., California). Six syntypes, CU 27961. wheatleyi Newc., Achatinella: 1855, ALNHNY, 6: 147. Listed as a syno- nym of A. widua Pfeiffer and not described. Five specimens in the Newcomb Collection (CU 29977) are labelled “A. glabra wheatleyi Newc. mss., Oahu.” whitneyt Newc., Helix: 1864, PCANS, 3: 118 (propé “Lake Taho’’, Cal {1fornia} in montibus ‘Sierra Nevada’, elevatione 6100 ped. Angl. {— English feet}). Three specimens in the Newcomb Collection (CU 27973) are labelled: “H. (Zonites sub. g. Hyalina) Whitneys Newcomb, Nevada’. They are Retinella indentata paucilirata Morelet and cannot be the types of Helix whitney. williamsi Newc., Mitra: 1870, AJC, 5: 163, pl. 17, fig. 1 [pl. 17, fig. 5] (Philippine Islands ?.... or at Guam). One specimen (CU 19089) labelled “type” is another species. The true type was not located. zebra Newc., Achatinella: 1855, ALNHNY, 6: 142 (East Maui). Three idiotypes, CU 30185. SELECTED REFERENCES Binney, W. G. 1863. Bibliography of North American conchology previous to the year 1860, Part 1, American authors. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 5, pp. i-vii + 1-650. Clarke, A. H., Jr. 1958 (a). Wesley Newcomb: A biographical resumé. American Malaco- logical Union, Annual Reports for 1957, pp. 6-7. 1958 (b). Status of Newcomb’s achatinellid names. Nautilus, vol. 71, No. 4, pp. 148-151 (April). Cooper, J. G. 1868. On the distribution and localities of West Coast helicoid land shells, .... Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 211-240. Crosse, H. 1873. Diagnoses molluscorum novorum, ex insula Haiti dicta oriundorum. Jour. de Conchyliol., vol. 21, pp. 352-356. Hartman, W. D. 1888. A bibliographic and synonymic catalogue of the genus Achatinella. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., pp. 16-56. NEWCOMB MOLLUSCAN TYPES: CLARKE 5) 7/ Pfeiffer, L. 1854 (June 4). Skizze einer monographie der gattung Achatinella Swains. Malac. Blatt., vol. 1, pp. 112-145. 1856 (February 5). Descriptions of sixteen new species of Achatinella from Mr. Cuming’s collection, collected by Dr. Newcomb in the Sandwich Islands. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, vol. 23, pp. 207-210. Pilsbry, H. A. 1939-1948. Land Mollusca of North America, north of Mexico. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Monographs, No. 3, 4 parts, 2207 pages. Pilsbry, H. A., C. M. Cooke, and A. Hyatt 1911-1916. Manual of Conchology, II, 21, 22, and 23 (Achatinellidae), 1208 pages, 174 plates. Stearns, R. E. C. 1892. In memoriam—Dr. Wesley Newcomb. Nautilus, vol. 5, pp. 121-123. Tryon, G. W., Jr. 1867. Monograph of the terrestrial Mollusca of the United States, descriptions of additional species of helices. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. 3, pp. 160-163. 1892 (January 27). Obituary notice. Ithaca Daily Journal (Ithaca, New York), vol. 40, No. 22, p. 3. BEBE S 160 BULLETIN 188 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 17 Page 1. Pedicularia califormica NeWCOmD.............:ccccccceesceeetseceeseeeeeeeeeettseeeees 147 Holotype, Cornell Univ. Paleo. Mus., No. 20474, height 4.0 mm. 2. Helicina gabbi Crosse and N@WCOMD...-....cccceccceeeteeeeseseeeeseesetteeesentees 149 Lectotype, Cornell Univ. Paleo. Mus., No. 24020a, height 4.0 mm. A bright green species. 3. Physa. costata New Comlse-.:ecs:o0-: Pisidiumoccidentale New Gomlecc-:cececececseccces eee ee 152 Lectotype (two views), Cornell Univ. Paleo. Mus., No. 16767a, length 3.3 mm. 13: 4 Helix: declivis) Newcoralysccccecrcceccsrr ree ee -148 13. Lectotype, Cornell Univ. Paleo. Mus., No. 26414a, diameter 6.8 mm. 14. Lectoparatype, C. U. 26414, diameter 6.8 mm. t 1 12] PLAT BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 itp i of ie haa ot : We ‘ fa ; XXVI. XXXII. XXXIX. XL. XLI. Volume I. Ii. Ti. IV. (Nos, 80-87). 334 pp., 27 pls, Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca (Nos, 88-94B). 306 pp., 30 pls. .o...ccccecccscccsscessescscescsesseenencesees Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks. «Nos, 95-100) .3420pp,, 58 pls: 355 hola sesocd chessctfocenl Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. CNos.. 101-108). 376 ppt 36 pls. 5.0 his ideale cccscedecssteseosdereks Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nos...109-414).) |.412 pp; 54 pls. sooo a Eh Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Nog. S115-116) 6 (-738-pp, 52-pls.- oe ee Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. CNOS ENG 56S, Dire OF BIS es lates cecal escedelas tine Jackson Eocene mollusks. (Nos. 118-128). 458) pig 27 plseo ris. eee eel de Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsyl- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil local- ities. (Nos. 129-133) )"".294pp., 39 plse\ a). ok ee ll Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. (Nos; 154-139). \448)\pp.. 51 pls... ae ce Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. CNos. 140-145). 400 pp.) 19; pls... sie. .eeccecc lence deeds ke Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovician cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods, and conularid bibliography. (Nos.: 146-154). 386-pp., 31 plst oi food ciccctdscgoosscoeecseces G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordo- vician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimidae, Vol- utidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (Nos: 155-160), 412 pp.:53 pls.) eee Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian-Chazyan fossils, foraminiferal studies. (Nos. 161-164): " 486 pp. 37 plse’....2ec oo laced) Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera, Stromatoporoidea. (Nos, 165976), 447 pry S3ipls. co... kee Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina, Miocene ostra- cods, and Mississippian of Kentucky, turritellid from Vene- zuela, larger forams, new mollusks, geology of Carriacou, Pennsylvanian plants. (Nos..177-183)-) 448; pp.. 36, pls. 2S... sides ecakas Noes dachaselc, Panama Caribbean mollusks, Venezuelan Tertiary formations and forams, Trinidad Cretaceous forams, American-Euro- pean species, Puerto Rican forams. (NeMIBA) LC R006 pp. ple he a) lg Type and Figured Specimens P. R. I. (Nos. 185-187). ee eee ere eee Perri i irr ee er reer re eet PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. ONGAY G21 2 Pai 53 Ppa ST: PIS ca eae ee, Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Pale- ozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. Cos) ¥3-Pa) a 513 ppg 61 piss we a eee Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platy- Strophia, and’ Venericardia. (Nos. 26-28). DLS; WD VLG MDIS sae torceeccc tether clon ch Ae aearcnes 9.00 11.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 13.50 15.00 16.00 16.00 21.00 25.00 6.50 CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY I. (Nos, 1-5). 354 pp., 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. Ii. (Nos. 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. Ii. (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp., 29 pls. y ye Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. IV. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp., 26 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas, V. (Nos. 22-30). 437 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Pale- ozoic fossils. VI. (No. 31). 268 pp. 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods. WET. (NO: S2) 0) FBOWPD.s GO BUS. aie. scan decsel esas c Saco ded dove aatleeee tenets 14.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods. Ill. (Nos. 33-36). 357 pp., 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. IX. | (Nos. 37-39). oc 462 pp., BS) plse i peccc LV apescsvodk hannthadgdeceetd 13.00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. X. (Nos. 40-42). 382 pp., 54 pls. , Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. XL. (ONG8. 345-46) 0.272 pp. 41 pis! adie Lag al ieee Penton Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Vene- zuela. XII. (Nos, 47-48). 494 pp., 8 pls. Venezuela and Trinidad forams and Mesozoic invertebrate bibliography. XU. | CNos. 49:50) >), 264 pps 47. pls. cs. chk ad etal 10.00 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. XIV. (Nos. 51-54). 306 pp., 44 pls. Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. XV. (Nos. 55-58). 314 pp., 80 pls. Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. KVI.‘', QNos...59-G1)3\ | /140\ipp., 48) pls. \..19. 60h Leeds devpsebeadentecoent 6.00 Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. XW. \. GNos) 62-63). 283 ppi3\ 33° pss... sde--.csben Shands Aplecchditemenssunes 10.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. KVIEE SONos: 64-67) .' 286) pp., 29 pls. <. ..262.L..cclebegiensenelcboebaulapant 9.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. EX.) .ON0.68)e) 272 pp.) 24 NpI Ss ho. io. acs. dap cuas dead beens eae ee 9.00 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. Km. ' (Nos. 69-700). 266) pps 26cpls.) s.c..0:....0 eee 9.00 | Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. XX. -)(Nos. 71-72) \. \321 pps) L2pls. io... eA Aah \vadsecsncoteapemenmoedees 9.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. XXEE...}CNos. 76276).. °\356 pps Sb pls. Get tek i bln ateeeeions 9.50 Paleozoic Paleontology and Tertiary Foraminifera. MAREE, 3CNos. 29} 250) ppl SRuplsy Vy ict odega oyecuntceeeets mean 9.00 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. LIBRARY MUS. COMP. i, AUG 1.0 1960 | HARVARD UNIVERSITY © | BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VOL* XLI NUMBER 189 1960 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U.S. A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1959-60 TPRESTOEN TY ec cc los eee a Oa TIN ree LR eS tag Re Ag NoRMAN E. WEISBORD WIGE-PRESEDEINT, 22.3. svascc-aaohidecantscses sa peog. sensu od coprananasestesch caybeanchadupegs JoHN W. WELLS SECRETARY TREASURER? .5otjosissubiv2ok ain oe be es Pore REBECCA S. HARRIS DIRECTOR eae ee ee ee aL Sd ee alae KATHERINE V. W. PALMER GOLINSR ee EO OMNES tie a/einay 2 oa ap etre tee: Wenlae daca ARMAND L. ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE AAAS COUNCIL «0.....ccc:ccccsescedeccsssscesssesseccesnneets KENNETH E. CASTER Trustees KENNETH E. CAsTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) RALPH A. LIDDLE (1956-62) REBECCA S. Harris (Life) AXEL A. OLsson (Life) SOLOMON C, HOLLISTER (1959-1965) NoRMAN E. WEIsBORD (1957-63) JoHN W. WELLS (1958-64) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Mrs. Fay Briccs, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER A. Myra KEEN Jay GLENN MARKS Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, XII, XIV, XV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 41 No. 189 WISCONSIN MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS FROM JEFFERSON COUNTY, KENTUCKY By RutH G. BROWNE and DONALD E. MCDONALD August 5, 1960 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U-S.A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS60-305 MUS. COMP. Z00L LIBRARY AUG 1 0 1960 HARVARD UNIVERSITY Printed in the United States of America TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PADS BRAG te ene ae eM TIET Fp eM Sta L Ce Ae EAN oe, Neer. on doe nlOS TIUEROKO UVLO ONT: -aasantnna onstrates team ta Roce I Oe Ao ate gS ect et one 165 FO GARIO MM OLeSECLIONS Weeseares cain eae a ese es See Ree re Re ge ben tesa cmekine nse ssoe See eeeecen. 165 DESC tl OMOleSeCHOMS ites teem re emia eee em eet ee eee eee ae eee 167 INUSC LOS aa 5 dee cece een Cems a ee aus So, oo eer Ack See Re eer pee oe eT teen 168 TS Lect maeS Gal see ts came nee rte et Sentra ae ican ae Meena oy ste octets A oe 170 SOlamSomtowi ieee sree ye ci een mye eset Come n err taate ga se eere Eo 7A Acti clan Vite was SEGELO ME FH oh 2 gcc eetie basa ria soa See see, See teem eeen oe 172 Noumea ew SECHOM: Ea. ANG ae Side: nc oste ee, eee elec eae. oct ncacs ork 173 itor cles Vale ws SECHIO Me Ak co atcha din oe ce tsescestitic asuaun tes cuume Leet ete. Raeaene 173, TEVA UN REUL JIC chcage cane a Se nae eee oe Pee ean ne ae aR On SD Re 174 Golo realise mitt Cam Geese ceaacsi s.r eeicaeo eres davd area seca a Pate senn Soe Soa ae wos oa sag omene SESE 175 apwall, Cle abige ore IICYeAMEES jaanasnesaeenns aver vereosontrocecuss sunsadaneescddoytesoaceaannrweectecscaeer a, PNGK ONC GOITM EMIS meee Nemes Tema sen nnU ee men cen fair PU Leen Peeters fue a eeany: Aare est 178 RELCKCT CCS ee et eI RR Men var Seem Tr Sey Pet er Tee See aC Lee E a Le ee 178 ILLUSTRATIONS Figures ieIMapeolmareakstucliecieere see etter ees e ta rn re nace reece matte: ..166 B, \KOOvNSOYNON MO SACLNOVOY 2a coseeccecasnsoesenssceetendbossoporasnbasdoundoace Facing page 169 Bi, IWiloqurayel WET GREBION ccacccesnnasanacdlnnncnenane genbbadebeeagsuvsnpbasooaseubane 174 Plates SMe VIC dO ralgnee eaeasi er tte etre Nears Facing page 168 OMS Levarnise Galpien asc kre career sncsee renee eons Facing page 168 XO}, JOINS OSON ON. A0V enttonspsccuouceasddeosecdoa eine srorencaaeeaacece Facing page 169 Deer ea anatvalll stems terete Mento cate eas. tetas morse cect eaaeen ice Facing pages 182, 183 WISCONSIN MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS FKOM JEFFERSON COUNTY, KENTUCKY RUTH G. BROWNE and DONALD E. MCDONALD ABSTRACT Molluscan faunas of Wisconsin age are the first described from Jefferson County, Kentucky. Loess and water-laid silts from the Tazewell substage yielded 25 species representing 8 families and 18 genera. From deductions based on the ecological requirements of the extralimital species it is concluded that the annual mean temperature was lower than at present, the region was provided with permanent water bodies, and the territory was wooded. The location of the region just beyond the terminus of the Wisconsin ice sheet explains the cool climate as well as accounting for the water bodies either as melt- water streams issuing from the glacier or as proglacial lakes formed by damming of existing streams. The ice sheet also provided the source material of the sediments as active out- wash without protective cover of continuous vegetation. INTRODUCTION A short paper by Dr. Louis Ray of the U. S. Geological Survey in the Journal of Geology (Ray, 1957) prompted the study of the molluscan faunas that are the subject of this report. Waile pursuing a field study con- cerned with the Quaternary history of the Ohio River Valley, Dr. Ray examined an excavated exposure at Medora, Kentucky, and described three loess formations at this site. Leverett in 1929 called attention to fossili- ferous loess in the vicinity of Louisville, Kentucky, but he had not recog- nized any stratigraphic sequence of loess formations. A visit to the Medora site and examination of the loess showed that snail remains were sufficiently abundant to warrant study of the faunas. Investigation was undertaken to find other exposures of loess in the area south of Louisville from which collections might be made. Three additional exposures were located and sections of them were made by the authors. The fauna herein recorded is from all four localities. The hypotypes are deposited with the Paleontological Research Institu- tion at Ithaca, New York. LOCATION OF SECTIONS The four sites which comprise the study of this report are all located on the U. S. Geological Survey’s Valley Station Quadrangle which lies east of 31-W about 10 miles south of Louisville, Kentucky. BULLETIN 189 166 oe ey Ne Sneha a |; JOHNSONTOWN’ ROAD: VALLEY STATION 2 SS MILES 1 0) KENTUCKY WISCONSIN MOLLUSKS: BROWNE & MCDONALD 167 The original site at Medora, described by Dr. Ray, is located in the west central rectangle, 38° 3’ 20” north latitude and 85° 52’ 0” west longitude. The site is 0.3 miles northeast of the intersection of Pendleton Road and the Louisville and Nashville Railroad on Miller’s farm. The hill! lies directly back of the barn. A second site was located in the same rec- tangle. This site is 38° 4’ 12” north latitude and 85° 51’ 42” west longi- tude, 600 feet east of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad and 0.3 miles north of Blevin’s Gap Road. Both of the other sites are located in the northwest rectangle about a half mile apart. One is the hill approximately 650 feet east of the Illinois Central Railroad on a dirt road which turns east of 31-W just south of the intersection of Johnsontown Road, 38° 7’ 12” north latitude and 85° 51’ 9” west longitude. The other is the hill lying southeast which can be reached by taking Valley Station Road from 31-W for a distance of 0.9 miles to the present subdivision called Mound View, 38° 6’ 51” north latitude and 85° 50’ 40” west longitude. The base of the hill lies about 0.4 miles north of the entrance to the subdivision. For purposes of reference the sites are cited by the names Medora, Blevin’s Gap, Johnsontown, and Mound View. DESCRIPTION OF SECTIONS Deposits of Pleistocene age occur throughout the Ohio River Valley and the four sections herein described are representative of a portion of these deposits as found in the Valley Station Quadrangle. Using these four localities it is possible to reconstruct the history of Pleistocene depost- tion in the area shown in Figure 1. The sediments comprise what appears to be a till of Ilinoian or older age. They are overlain respectively by the Loveland loess of Hlinoian age on which the Sangamon soil is well developed, and two deposits of Wis- Map oF AREA STUDIED Figure 1—The stippled area represents alluvium; the lineated area, the valley wall. The area appearing white is representative of swamps, lakes, and other bodies of water extant at the time of deposition. The black area represents the horizon along which the Pleistocene deposits occur or are likely to occur. The sites studied are circled in white. The area of the map is from 85° 49’ 00” to 85° 52’ 30” west latitude and from 38° 02’ 30” to 38° 07’ 30” north longitude. Map source—The Valley Station Quadrangle of the United States Department of the Interior—Geological Survey, and the Aerial Geological Survey map of Jef- ferson County, 1931, were used for constructing Figure 1. 168 BULLETIN 189 consin age, the Farmdale loess and the fossiliferous sediments of the Tazewell substage. The Tazewell sediments are loess deposits at two localities (Medora, Plate 18, and Blevin’s Gap, Plate 19), water-laid silts and sand at another (Mound View, figure 3), and a complex deposit of loess and water-laid sediments at the fourth (Johnsontown, Plate 20). Several streams arise in the hills of the area and flow westward to join the Ohio River. Along the western front of these hills each stream breaks through a barrier at the end of its valley before flowing onto the Ohio River flood plain. These barriers represent deltas or sand bars built by the Ohio River during glacial or Quaternary time when it flowed at that level. The lakes or ‘‘wet’’ areas, shown in white on Figure 1, were then formed as the waters amassed behind the barriers. It appears that loess deposited against the valley wall constituted another barrier at the Johnsontown site. At this site a cross-section of the deposits exposes water-laid sediments somewhat restricted by and overlying loess deposits. It may be noted from Figure 1 that the Johnsontown and Mound View sections (appearing in the upper portion of the map) occur in a “‘wet” area. The Johnsontown section, as above stated, is composed of part aqueous and part loess deposition. The Mound View section appears to be completely aqueous. The Medora and Blevin’s Gap sections occur in a dry region and are both composed entirely of loess. MEDORA SECTION Northeast 0.3 miles of the intersection of Pendleton Road and the Louisville and Nashville R. R. Unit Description Thickness : ! (feet) Pleistocene Series: Wisconsin Stage Tazewell loess 4. Soil containing humus: grey, leached ................ 0.5 3. Silt: yellow-brown (10 YR 5/6) *, clayey, leached! ').7.U4 aay ee Sh ee cae eee 2.0 *The figures and letters in parenthesis represent colors which approximate as closely as possible, those on the Rock Color Chart which is based on the Munsell system and is distributed by the National Research Council, Washington, D. C. All colors were taken using damp samples. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 PLATE 18 MEDORA SECTION Tazewell loess Sa “Sup BS BLEVIN’S GAP SECTION 9 A ii - we 4, om ~ Se get para ie ‘ ed Sgt dzone yi eh eo aes 7 EP “33H . pen ek ee BENCH Tazewell loess ZmSOileted clayey, welluoxddized eae nee 1. Silt: yellow-brown (10 YR 5/4), unleached, powdery, compact, oxidized, fossiliferous, con- tains calcite nodules at base ............. ; Total Tazewell Farmdale loess 1. Silt: grey-brown (10 YR 5/4), leached, ox- idized, unfossiliferous, contains large calcite nodules, especially near top Total thickness of sediments of Wisconsin age Thickness (feet) 2.0 100.0 2.0 16.5 1205 5.0 1259 KENTUCKY WISCONSIN MOLLUSKS: BROWNE & MCDONALD lal Illinoian and/or older stages 2. Clay: grey, (perhaps re-reduced, or perhaps most iron compounds have been leached from this zone), contains particles of red clay, has erosional surface filled by overlying loess .......... 2.0 1. Mudstone (till?) with cobbles, locally derived: mottled red-brown (5 YR 5/6) and orange- rowetine (GO sVaRGi7, AON oom s seater wa enc aoa eee 2.25 Total thickness of sediments of Illinoian and/or to Ol ERESta CESp est ay ner rea a ere area ee re Sel O 5) JOHNSONTOWN SECTION North 1 mile of Valley Station Road; east approximately 700 feet of Highway 31-W. Unit Description Thickness (feet) Pleistocene Series: Wisconsin Stage Tazewell (water deposited) Seo OlleWitine MUIINASs: ORC, eer gears a ecerevsnccee sees ee: 1rORtO ES PSII ETEC, CLAVCY) shore ata cs ira, Jee Re Cee 2.0 3. Silt: yellow-brown (10 YR 6/4), clayey .......... 3.5 2. Silt: yellow-brown (10 YR 5/6), laminated, leached Ws patsely tossiliferouSincs...4.c9e2 oe 5 BENCH 1. Silt: yellow-brown (10 YR 5/6), laminated, leached, moderately uncompacted, fossiliferous, contains calcified rootlets, has a laminated area of fine to medium, water-deposited sand and a laminated area of clayey, more oxidized silt * 20.0 Tazewell loess 1. Silt: yellow-brown (10 YR 6/5), unleached, powdery, fossiliferous, contains large calcareous nodules at base ........ OA ens Ree ee ea ema | 28) Total Tazewell ...... ae - ae SVARSy ice) SIoiK(0) *See Figure 2 for a more detailed description of this zone. i BULLETIN 189 Farmdale loess 1. Silt: red-brown (10 YR 5/4), leached, un- fossiliferous, contains abundant large concre- EOmSmOn SECO Mdays Gall cite yaaa eee tae see ee BE) Aiotall Wisconsin =. 7... 2. Pn cect ee 60.0 Illinoian Stage 1. Silty clay: mottled red (10 R 3/4) and black by accretions of limonite and manganese, soil profile developed during Sangamon interglacial stage, contains large spinose nodules of calcite 2.0 Loveland loess 2. Silt: orange-brown (10 YR 6/4), mottled, leached, well oxidized, contains nodules of Callies seen ey ea A eA UR eee ae ene . 3.0 1. Silt: yellow-grey (10 YR 5/6), clayey, un- NACI CCR ete ee esd at as, on ee ea ee 2.0 GCovercdttor base isnt oe es ee 4.0 ako tall MltMONAMS Foss. te sssctatecthcnsSe aeons eee RE 9.0 Total Pleistocene ............. nae Ag ee Un ns 71.02 ton 7iles MOUND VIEW SECTION #1 Sand pit north 0.5 miles of Valley Station Road at Mound View Subdivision. Unit Description Thickness ; (feet) Pleistocene Series: Wisconsin Stage Tazewell (water deposited) 3. Sand: fine to medium, laminated, contains coal Particles sc: Ms ve cy cea aac tne enetrare Mn ents 8.0 2. Silt: yellow-brown (10 YR 6/5), sandy, leached, contains thin plates of calcite and calcified rootlets eT PP eee te cons Aas tn, 3.0 1. Sand: fine to medium, laminated, contains coal PartiClest a Neen ete. atte esheterocee eee ete ee 11.0 Total Tazewell KENTUCKY WISCONSIN MOLLUSKS: BROWNE & MCDONALD 173 MOUND VIEW SECTIONS #2 AND #3 Sand pit north 0.5 miles of Valley Station Road at Mound View Subdivision. Unit Description Thickness Pleistocene series: —) Wisconsin Stage Tazewell (water deposited) 5. Soil: red, sandy, well oxidized, contains plant TOOLS ase 1.1 Se ee EMS ea ee caries 4.5 4. Silt: yellow-brown (10 YR 5/6), leached fos- SYM ES ROLUG eit Neto ere ce dda ght At ah 4 ar ARP eee OER ae 7.0 BENCH 3. Sand: medium to fine, laminated, has inclusions lea eA RUE CIES ret te eos. ats 9 Cyan Re eae cee ES) we) 245) 2. Silt: yellow-brown (10 YR 5/6), laminated, leached, moderately uncompacted, fossiliferous 7.0 to 14.0 1. Silt: yellow-brown (10 YR 6/5), sandy, leached, fossiliferous, contains thin plates of GalGiteie ee eee ese. OS RERPERRS SCRAnO MRE ME 0 Mio allielkaze welled oeeag ee a tas SH ents Cel Bisse 25.0 to 30.0 MOUND VIEW SECTION #4 Sand pit north 0.5 miles of Valley Station Road at Mound View Subdivision. Unit Description Thickness Pleistocene Series: (feet) Wisconsin Stage Tazewell (water deposited) Be Sevonle JeNonayeN ell 2. Ciceneceasnetecsceuenes ee lO 2. Silt: yellow-brown (10 YR 5/6), leached, uncompacted, grades upward into laminated sand with zones of more oxidized silt up to leached, fossiliferous, contains thin plates of Call Citexetear at ner ve hres en 1.0 Total Pleistocene exposed (average) ............. 23225 174 BULLETIN 189 MOUND VIEW SECTION en fig. 3 Section =1 Section =3 Section =4 bench [25 sand nN P| eae Ey silt _ Section Figure 3. Mound View Section. FAUNAE LIS® The fauna represents 8 families, 18 genera, and 25 species. 1. Endodontidae * Anguispiva alternata (Say) ** Helicodiscus parallelus (Say) Discus cronkhitez (Newcomb) Punctum minutisstmum (Lea) 2. Pupillidae *Gastrocopta armifera (Say) Vertigo nylanderi (Sterk1) Vertigo modesta (Say) Columella alticola (Ingersoll) Pupoides albilabris (C. B. Adams) 3. Va!lontidae Vallonia albula Sterki Mr. Burt Monroe of Anchorage, Kentucky, made a collection of Recent snails while he was a student of the University of Louisville in 1952, and he reported these species from Jefferson County. These species have also been reported from Jefferson County since the time Mr. Monroe made his study. KENTUCKY WISCONSIN MOLLUSKS: BROWNE & MCDONALD WS 4. Succineidae Succinea grosvenort Lea Succinea grosvenort gelida (F. C. Baker) Succinea ovalis Say 5. Zonitidae **Euconulus fulvus (Muller) Retinella cf. R. binneyana (Morse) ** Zonitoides arboreus (Say) on . Polygyridae *Stenotrema fraternum (Say) Stenotrema lear (Binney) Stenotrema leai aliciae (Pilsbry) *Stenotrema stenotrema Pfeitter * Allogona profunda (Say) Triodopsis multilineata (Say) ~ . Helicinidae Hendersonia occulta (Say) co . Haplotrematidae *Haplotrema concavum (Say) Of the 25 species listed, all have living representatives. Six species are extralimital and nine are reported inhabiting the region at the present. ECOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE A reconstruction of the habitat which includes terrestrial species recovered from both fluvial and loess deposits indicates the prevalence of ponds and lakes throughout the period of deposition of the sediments from which these faunas were collected. A sizeable deposit of bog iron ore is present at the Mound View site and species adapted to an environment close to water are found in the loess as well as the water-laid sediments. Hendersonia occulta (Say) (Plate 22) is a common fossil at all four localities studied. Shimek, as well as other Pleistocene geologists, con- sidered this a key fossil for interpreting conditions at the time of loess deposition. Professor Shimek (1904, p. 176) credited the species as found in well-wooded territory in loose leaf mould. However, he stated that the shells were not found on grounds subject to overflow. It remained for Dr. van der Schalie (1939, pp. 1-8) to make a study of the species Hender- sonia occulta in Michigan and to gather sufficient data to show that the species is restricted to areas not only close to water but often on grounds subject to overflow. Dr. van der Schalie also examined the present day distribution of Hendersonia occulta as reported by persons from other 176 BULLETIN 189 areas and concluded that the close association of each colony to some lake or stream applied elsewhere. The species Discus cronkhiter (Plate 22), Succinea grosvenori (Plate 21), Vallonia albula (Plate 21), Vertigo modesta (Plate 21), Vertigo nylanderi (Plate 21), and Gastrocopta armifera (Plate 21) prefer relatively open situations such as woodland borders or dense growths near streams. A. Byron Leonard (1950, pp. 24-25), in referring to another fossil of the present assemblage—Svwccinea ovalis (Plate 21)—stated, “Swccinea ovalis is an inhabitant of moist situations near ponds, swamps, and streams, often among trees or shrubs—its preference for moist environments is so characteristic that its distribution on a wooded slope may be suddenly truncated above a horizon where contact springs emerge.” The habitat was apparently not only more humid than at present but appears to have supported a floral cover more dense than exists in the area at the present time. Many of the species are woodland species, but the presence of the true forest genera [ Allogona (Plate 22), Triodopszs (Plate 22), and Anguispira (Plate 22) } implies woodlands more extensive than woodland strips bordering streams. A Recent fauna reported by Oughton from Ontario, Canada, (1948, pp. 1-126), is so similar to the faunal assemblage recorded here that a comparison of species is interesting as it bears on the comparison of present climatic conditions with those prevailing at the time the fossil faunas lived. Of the 25 species of this report Oughton listed 20 with one species, Swc- cea ovalis, probably present but not found. All the pupillids common to both assemblages—Vertigo nylandert, Vertigo modesta, and Columella alticola (Plate 21) as well as three other species—Retinella cf. R. binneyana (Plate 21), Vallonia albula, and Discus cronkhitex—are extant in North America only in the cool regions of Canada, northern United States, and mountainous areas. Of these six species, those which range southward into mountainous regions are con- fined to high altitudes. A. Byron Leonard (1952, figure 13) recorded localities where Columella alticola is living. Each of these localities is at an elevation of 7,500 feet or more. In the same paper (1952, figure 8) those localities are recorded where Discus cronkhitei is living. In the southern part of its range it is confined to altitudes from 7,000 to 8,000 feet. It seems safe to assume that the area of the present study had a climate not unlike that of Ontario, Canada, today which is prevailingly cooler and where lower mean temperatures obtain. U7 KENTUCKY WISCONSIN MOLLUSKS: BROWNE & MCDONALD "(%Z Ury} ssa]) AIVEY=Y ‘(%OT 0} %Z) vowwoy=yD ‘(as0w JO %oT) yurpunqy=y ‘SIS YI Je payda]]OI suawdads Jo Jaquinu [v}0} Jo asv}UaIADg (Avg) snoroqie saproyuo0z (Keg) eysapow 081719 A (1yI9}$) Topuryéu O31I9A OJO/O V\O |<) TyIAIS BpNq[e vUO][eA (hes) vyesurpyynu stsdopony — Y Avg sijeao vaunong Jayeq ‘D ‘gq eples wousasors vourong © BIT MOUDASOIS vaUIDINS Ol ma \< Ol )< Y IYI BUdI0Ua}s VUL91}OUD}S, pled | epjoUuTOY m4 | A u (swepy ‘qd ‘D) siqeiiqie soprodng (vay) Wnussynurw wmnzoung O O (Avg) v}[N290 vIUOsIapuay (Avg) snyatjesred sndstpoorayH O O A | |< (Avg) Wnavou0) vuaIjo;dey (Avg) vsrozrute vydod0Isey (J9aT]MPT) SMATNZ sny~nuoong (jJOssasuy) vpoonye vypaunjoD u WwW (qQWOIMAN) T9yYYUOID sndsiq u 9) (Avg) v}eusa}]e virdsinsuy Pasaaod MOAq | PrJaAOD dAoqe ]jomozey [Jomozey $sa0] pJamoze (Avg) epunjord vuosol[y aS poysodap J9}vA [jamazey, ee Ne OTN etek Ww saivadg pue snuay dey s.uraatg uMO}UOsUYyOL z AXONLNAM ‘ALNNOO Nosudddal AO TIFAAZV.L AHL WOT GAYAAOOTY SASNTIOW 178 BULLETIN 189 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to express their appreciation to Dr. James Conkin, geologist at the University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, who sug- gested the project. Dr. Conkin made available the facilities of the univer- sity as well as literature from his personal library. Dr. William J. Wayne, glacial geologist, Indiana Geological Survey, visited the sites and reviewed the sections. His comments were extremely helpful. Thanks are also due him for checking the species and reviewing a preliminary draft of this report. REFERENCES Franzen, Dorothea S., and Leonard, A. Byron 1943. The Mollusca of the Wakarusa River Valley. Univ. of Kansas Science Bull, vol. XXIX, Pt I, No. 9, pp. 363-430, pl. XXII forex figs 1-6: Franzen, Dorothea S., and Leonard, A. Byron 1947. Fossil and living Pupillidae (Gastropoda-Pulmonata) in Kansas. Univ. of Kansas Sci. Bull., vol. XX XI, Pt. II, No. 15. Frye, John C., and Leonard, A. Byron 1952. Pleistocene geology of Kansas, Univ. of Kansas Bull., 99, p. 1-223, ou, Sie esives, TleiG/. La Rocque, Aurele, and Forsyth, Jane 1957. Pleistocene molluscan faunules of the Sidney Cut, Shelby County, Ohio. Ohio JoursSct, 57 (2) {p> Sit Leonard, A. Byron 1952. Illinoian and Wisconsin Molluscan fauna in Kansas. Univ. of Kansas Paleo. Contrib., Mollusca, art. 4, pp. 1-38, pl. 1-5, fig. 1-15. Leonard, A. Byron, and Frye, John C. 1943. Additional studies of the Sanborn formation, Pleistocene, in north- western Kansas. American Jour. Sci., vol. 241, pp. 452-462. Leverett, Frank 1929. The Pleistocene of northern Kentucky. Kentucky Geol. Sur., ser. VI, vole 31. pps dais Oughton, John 1948. Zoogeographical study of the land snails of Ontario. Univ. Toronto Studies, Biol. Ser., No. 57, pp. 1-126. KENTUCKY WISCONSIN MOLLUSKS: BROWNE & MCDONALD 179 Pilsbry, H. A. 1939. Land Mollusca of North America (north of Mexico). Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Mon. No. 3, vol. 1, pt. 1, pp. 1-573. 1940. Land Mollusca of North America (north of Mexico). Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Mon. No. 3, vol. 1, pt. 2, pp. 574-994. 1946. Land Mollusca of North America (north of Mexico). Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Mon. No. 3, vol. 2, pt. 1, pp. 1-520. 1948. Land Mollusca of North America (north of Mexico). Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Mon. No. 3, vol. 2, pt. 2, pp. 521-1113. Ray, Leuis L. 1957. Two significant new exposures of Pleistocene deposits along the Ohio River Valley in Kentucky. Jour. Geology, vol. 65, pp. 542-545. Shimek, B. 1904. Helicina occulta Say. Proc. Davenport Acad. Sci., 9, pp. 173-180. van der Schalie, H. 1939. Hendersonta occulta (Say) in Michigan; its distribution ecology, and geological significance. Acc. Papers, Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, No. 399, Sappela pls desma: Walker, Bryant 1928. The terrestrial shell-bearing Mollusca of Alabama. Univ. of Michigan, Mus. Zool., Miscell. Pub. No. 18, pp. 1-180. YC 8 is, i YR Pea Ge a . = 7 ya e iy § a » > 7 6 «4 : P - / a 4 129 Pps, 1S PIS sacks cen cg evbesvpoMbecccectoees Rudist studies, Busycon. 9.50 9.00 11.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 13.50 15.00 16.00 16.00 20.00 6.40 21.00 25.00 6.50 CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS’ OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY I, (Nos, 1-5). 354 pp., 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. II. (Nos. 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. IMT. (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp., 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. IV. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp., 26 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas, V. (Nos. 22-30). 437 pp. 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Pale- ozoic-fossils. VI. (No. 31). 268 pp., 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods. WHE, (NO. 32) s ‘> 730) PRIS pls ise lic cos Koccvscecekeh ented toneoemeede 14.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods. VIII. (Nos. 33-36). 357 pp., 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. UX. GNos.. 37-39) 7' 462 ‘pps 35 ples .c, 0.00 Mee A terested 13.00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. X. (Nos. 40-42). 382 pp., 54 pls. Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. o xC Nos. 42-46) }./272 pp. 4iyplst dct ne ee Tertiary, Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Vene- xI zuela. XI. (Nos. 47-48). 494 pp., 8 pls. Venezuela and Trinidad forams and Mesozoic invertebrate bibliography. XI «CNos.-49-58) . . 1264, \pp347, pls. °c soso. \hactehe an deaedebaeteueate 10.00 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. XIV. (Nos. 51-54). 306 pp., 44 pls. Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. XV. (Nos. 55-58). 314 pp., 80 pls. Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams _ and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. XVI. (Nos. 59-61). 140" pp. 48 pls. 28..,..2.4.)o0y.... dei eessces ted 6.00 Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. KVIN.) (Nos. 62-63).\ © 283. pp. 33 “plain dae B ekceckeneenees 10.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. RVILE: \QNos. 64-67) J\- \286 ppiy 29 ‘pss 2.00 econ 9.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. REX; (Ne 68).:' 272 ppl 24 plete sol labret areopemane 9.00 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. XX./; (Nos. '69-70C).)\ 266%pp.’ 26 ‘pls.’ .2).0..0.8. fl aE ee 9.00 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. SXB« ONos. 7-72). ), 321 pp.) 82 plete cen eae 9.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. AAT (Nos.\'73-76),. ) 356: pp. 31 pls. (...\....5. i dsb dnaacee 9.50 Paleozoic Paleontology and Tertiary Foraminifera. SALT. CNos,- 97-99) ." 252) pp. 435 plse sf. 2 pccechds. cee eee eee 9.00 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. — ue. AP, ZOOL | pidiany DEC — 9 1960 | HARVARD | UNIVERSITY | BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VOL. XLI NUMBER 190 1960 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U.S. A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1959-60 PRESIDENT Ye cb Rue GO eb Weer Ey i Be Nai NorMAN E. WEISBORD WAGESPRESIDENT ii) sch) cc todd cases et chnacnaad aap sdteetee iat ne veaadbamde lactones JoHN W. WELLs SECRETARY- TREASURER )0 Fee ee ORE Nt 2 ee ee REBECCA S. HARRIS TORR CTOR | ZONA SN UES AM SUCRE CIE ea KATHERINE V. W. PALMER GOTINSR I hl) 7 See aya) ch a ra ee Md LL EN | ARMAND L. ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE AAAS COUNCIL oe...ccccciccecccccesessceceteseccsedenesens KENNETH E. CASTER Trustees KENNETH E. CAsTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) RALPH A. LDLE (1956-62) REBECCA S. Harris (Life) AXEL A. OLsson (Life) SOLOMON C, HOLLISTER (1959-1965) NoRMAN E. WEISBoRD (1957-63) JoHN W. WELLS (1958-64) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Mrs. Fay Brices, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER A. Myra KEEN Jay GLENN MARKS Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, XII, XIV, XV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 41 No. 190 THE GENUS CAMERINA By W. Storrs COLE, Cornell University October 7, 1960 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 60-306 MUS. COMP. ZOOL LIBRARY DEC~ 9 1960 HARVARD UNIVERSITY Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Page EN SUURENGLE™ 33h seen ane IR AER oe anit ON AEM OM Mine AO ic gene bac i 8 189 ETE CUNEO MM re 2s fen vec dan Sone Rosa Sete RE ee oe SEE TIN Con ene ee 189 Wocaliticsrok the i eured specimens... .o-.n.eoie eee 2 nee ana ee ee = 19 Gonmmentsromithe emus: Ke 7ROLPALLA: «.o.rn.thctencpevcs 8: gnciepcsniees ia, siete Genesis sa ceeseseesaeues 192 Comments on the species Camerina planulata (Lamarck), 1804 ........................ 194 Basiswoteclassiticatiompee see Hes eee 3 ane ase Be ee eee 196 Wineagesyotethes SemUS GA7Zer1Bd crc nceannee cece eee Lan ea ea ee wl OS TB Ret at Rem GHLCC ie eee ee ener er te Neo Ree IT en a eT ce RTM AA 198 LONGER soe RE sees ee RR ne CRREE ARP OEE nr te PRR oA Suen Ere Dee In ee See SERIA FeOes 200 THE GENUS CAMERINA* W. STORRS COLE Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. ABSTRACT The internal structure of representative specimens of the several genera which have been recognized for camerinids with undivided chambers is reviewed. The conclusion is reached that the only valid genera which can be distinguished by internal structure are Camerina and Miscellanea. The other assumed genera have been based on superficial and intergrading differences in form which are individual and specific, not generic, characters. Miscellanea seemingly is confined to the Paleo- cene, but Camerina which may be subdivided in several! form lineages extends from Paleocene to Recent. INTRODUCTION The camerinids for the purposes of this study are divided into two large categories, those which have open undivided chambers as viewed in median section, and those which have the chambers subdivided by chamber- lets. The genera of camerinids with subdivided chambers will not be dis- cussed as these are recognized readily. An attempt will be made to clarify and define the generic names which have been applied to specimens with undivided chambers. The genus Miscellanea which has been described (Cole, 1956, p. 240) in detail is considered to be a valid one. Specimens referred to this genus have distinctive internal structures which serve to separate them 1m- mediately from the other genera of camerinids. Paraspiroclypeus with vacuoles in the spiral wall as its distinguishing structure is not a valid genus. The vacuoles are a specific characteristic, not a generic one. These specimens, except for the vacuoles, are identical in form and structure to species formerly assigned to Operculinoides. The main confusion has resulted from the attempts which have been made to substantiate and distinguish between Camerina, Planocamerinoides (= Assilina of authors), Operculina, Operculinoides, and Rantkothalia all of which have similar internal structure. Carpenter (1862, p. 248) in his classic monograph entitled “Intro- . the difference ce duction to the Study of the Foraminifera’’ wrote *The cost of the printed plates was supplied by the William F. E. Gurley Founda- tion for Paleontology of Cornell University. 190 BULLETIN 190 between Operculina and Nummulina (= Camerina of most recent authors) comes to rest only on the general form of the spire and the conspicuousness of its convolutions, —characters which seem by no means sufficient for the separation of the former as a genus distinct from the latter.” He (p. 248) did retain the two genera because they are“. . . to be at once distinguished by their external conformation .. .” Although Carpenter demonstrated that generic separation of certain genera of the camerinids was based on external appearance rather than on differences in internal structure of the test, numerous generic, and even subgeneric, names have been proposed and used. Barker (1939, p. 307) reviewed the generic classification of the camerinids and stated (p. 308): “Tam not yet convinced as to the advisability of splitting up the group into so many genera, as in all cases forms can be found intergrading from one so-called genus to another.” However, Barker (1939, p. 308) was of the “ . . . opinion that Hanzawa (1935) rightly abandoned Hofker’s theory that all the genera are synonymous with Camera, and until more work has been done on the evolution and phylogeny of the group it seems preferable to adhere to the accepted classification as modified by Hanzawa.” Since 1935 the classification suggested by Hanzawa has been modified both by the addition and combination of genera. Cole (1953, p. 32) at first combined Rankothalia Caudri (1944, p. 367) with Operculinoides Hanzawa (1935), and later he (1959, p. 352) placed these two genera in the synonomy of Operculina d’Orbigny (1826). At the same time Cole (1959, p. 352) suggested that Planocamerinoides Cole (19586, p. 262) (= Assilina of authors) was seemingly a synonym of Camerina. Thus, he recognized only two genera, Camerina Bruguiére (1792) and Operculina d’Orbigny (1826). Nagappa (1959, p. 156) reinstated Ranzkothalia as a valid genus largely on the double structure of the spiral wall. He (1959, p. 160) recognized as valid genera Camerina, Operculina, and Ranikothalia. In addition he (1959, p. 159) wrote “ . . . Miscellanea lacks the marginal cord so characteristic of the other nummulitid genera...’ Waughan (1945, p. 27) and Cole (1956, p. 241) in contradistinction have stated that Mcscellanea does have a marginal cord. This study is an attempt to demonstrate that there are only two valid genera of all those that have been proposed for camerinids with undivided chambers. They are Camerina and Miscellanea. Locality 6. eo) oh 10. ole GENUS CAMERINA: COLE 191 LOCALITIES OF THE FIGURED SPECIMENS Europe Sands of Wemmel, near Brussels, Belgium; Bartonian. Cuise-la-Motte, near Compiégne, France; Ypresian. Chaumont-en-Vexin, Paris Basin, France, donated by the late T. Wayland Vaughan; Lutetian. India Kohat District, near Shinki, Wazaristan, collected by the late L. M. Davies; Paleocene. Borneo Muara Djaing on the Tabalong River, southeastern Borneo, donated by the late T. Wayland Vaughan; Tertiary d (Oligocene). Bonin Islands Shizukazawa, Oki-wura, Haha-jima, (Hillsborough Island), gift of Shoshira Hanzawa; Lutetian. New Hebrides Espiritu Santo, gift of Mrs. Esther R. Applin; Recent. Station IS-M-149-56, Ishigaki-shima, Yaeyama-gunto, Ryu- kyu-retto; small patch of Ryukyu limestone 1.1 mile north of the village of Kainan along the west bank of the upper course of the Miyara in central Ishigaki-shima, The exposure extends from the level of the stream channel to about 50 feet above the channel. The limestone is either plastered against or interfingered with unfossiliferous terrace gravels called the Nagura gravel. Cuba Cut in the Carretera Central below the railroad bridge at Central San Antonio 2 kilorneters west of Madruga, Havana Province, Cuba (Palmer sta. 757) ; Paleocene. Trinidad, British West Indies Pit at Lizard Springs (Maerky collection 102b III) near Guayaguayare, southeastern Trinidad; courtesy of John B. Saunders; Paleocene. Guaico-Tamana Road, ravine east of mile 13.5, gift of Hans Kugler; Miocene. 192 BULLETIN 190 COMMENTS ON THE GENUS RANIKOTHALIA The genus Ranikothalia, the type specics of which is Nwmmulites nuttall1 Davies (1927, p. 266), was erected by Caudri (1944, p. 17) to include camerinids with “bluntly rounded chamber tops in horizontal section’’ and with a greater “thickness of the coarsely gutted supplementary skeleton as compared with the majority of the other Nwmmulites.” Mrs, de Cizancourt (1948, p. 11) considered that American specimens referred to Ranikothalia were not sufficiently distinct from Camerina to be segregated 1n a separate genus. However, she did use subgeneric designa- tions for these specimens, some of which were placed in Camerina (Camerina) and others in Camerina (Operculinoides). Cole (1953, p. 33) concluded that specimens referred to Ranzkothalia should be placed in the genus Operculinoides, Later, he (1959, p. 352) demonstrated that Operculimoides was a synonym of Operculina. Thus, in the classification which he developed Ranzkothalia became another synonym of Operculina. Recently, Nagappa (1959, p. 159) reinstated Ranikothalia for speci- mens which “have the typical rounded topped chambers and there is also the inner lining on the roofs of the chambers.’ In addition, Nagappa (1959, p. 157) wrote “Although . . . the marginal cord in Nammulites s. I. is extremely variable, the forms of the O. bermudezi group do exhibit a coarseness in the marginal cord which is not present in any of the true Nummulites.” He (p. 159) remarked that Smout (1954, p. 76) had stated that the type species of Ranikothalia, Nummutlites nuttalli, “is also a typical Nummulite.”’ Mrs. de Cizancourt (1948, p. 10) stated concerning the round-topped chambers which supposedly characterize species of Ranikothalia that“... other species of Nwmmulites have this likewise...’ If the illustration of “Operculina” catenula (fig. 3, Pl. 25) is compared with the illustration of “O.” ammonoides (fig. 2, Pl. 25), it will be observed that the shape of the chambers is the same in the two species. Moreover, the chambers of Camerina orbignyi (fig. 3, Pl. 24) have rounded tops similar to those of species typically assigned to Ranzkothalia. The shape of the chambers is governed by the amount of curvature of the chamber wall as it approaches the spiral wall. Species in which the chamber wall is straight and radial have round-topped chambers as viewed in median section. Thus, the shape of the chambers is decidedly a specific, not a generic, character. GENUS CAMERINA: COLE 193 The structure of the whorl wall is emphasized by Nagappa (1959, table, p. 156) as one of the outstanding characters of Ranzkothalia, He recorded this for Camerina as “Single, not differentiated, canaliculate”’ ; for Operculina “As in Nummutlites, spiral canals tend to be more nu- merous’; and for Rankothalia as “Double, inner simple, outer coarsely canaliculate, ‘degenerate’. Yet, Nagappa illustrated (fig. 3, pl. 22) a part of a whorl wall of a specimen he identified as Operculina sp. which shows a double wall. Carpenter (1862, p. 269) accurately described the structure of the spiral wall of Camerina as follows: ‘Each septum, in well-preserved speci- mens, can be distinctly seen to be composed of two lamellae, between which the canal system is interposed ... ., and it generally happens that the lamella which forms the anterior face of one septum can be traced along the inner edge of the ‘marginal cord’ . . ., a considerable interval being sometimes left between them, so as to become continuous with that which forms the posterior face of the next septum. . .” The description of the structure of Camerina is identical with that given by Cole and Herrick (1953, p. 53) for Operculinoides georgianus (= Ranikothalia bermudezi of Nagappa, 1959, p. 159 = Camera cate- nula). Yet, Nagappa (1959, p. 156) stated that Camerima and Rantko- thalia can be distinguished from each other on the structure of the “whorl wall.” The following illustrations demonstrate clearly the similarity in structure in specimens formerly assigned to various genera: Pl. 23, fig. 5—formerly classified as Operculina (Recent) Pl. 23, fig. 6—Camerina (Ypresian) Pl. 24, figs. 1, 4, 5—Camerina (Lutetian) Pl. 24, figs. 2, 3—Camerina (Bartonian) Pl. 24, fig. 6—formerly classified as Operculinoides (Miocene) Pl. 25, fig. 2—formerly classified as Operculina (Recent) Pl. 25, fig. 3—formerly classified as Operculinoides and Rantkothalia (Paleocene) Pl. 25, fig. 4—Camerina (Oligocene) PI. 25, fig. 5—formerly classified as Operculina (Pleistocene) Pl. 26, fig. 1—formerly classified as Operculinoides and Ranikothalia (Paleocene) Pl. 26, fig. 2—Camerina (Eocene) Thus, there is no fundamental difference either in chamber shape or the structure of the spiral wall in Ranikothalia, Operculina, and Camerina. 194 BULLETIN 190 COMMENTS ON THE SPECIES CAMERINA PLANULATA (LAMARCK), 1804 Indian specimens which Davies (1927, p. 266) named “Nammutites” nuttalli had been assigned previously to Camerina planulata (Lamarck) (Nuttall, 1926, p. 114). Later Caudri (1944, p. 367) designated Camerina nuttalli as the type species of the new genus Rantkothalia. Davies (1927, p. 267) wrote: ‘The chief distinctions are that the Indian form always has more or less bossed and granulated poles, whereas granules are never seen on planulatus; it also has a much thicker marginal cord, and stronger and straighter septal filaments than are normal to planulatus’’. However, Davies (p. 267) did admit that “The Sind spect- mens are, on the whole, those most like p/anuwlatus, although they generally exceed planulatus considerably in size.” The transverse section (fig. 3, Pl. 23; fig. 3, Pl. 26) of C. planulata has a distinct group of pillars in the central area, some of which are con- tinuous to the surface where their ends form small surface bosses. These pillars in the European specimen of C. planulata are the same as those found in Indian specimens of “N.” nuttalli (see: Davies, 1927, fig. 4, ple1s): Likewise, the similarity in the development of the marginal cord is apparent if figures 3, 4, Plate 23 are compared with figure 19, plate 6 of Davies (Davies and Pinfold, 1937). Variation in the development of the marginal cord is a specific feature, not a generic one, as may be demonstrated by comparison of the following illustrations all of which represent specimens traditionally assigned to Camerina: Pl. 25, fig. 1; Pl. 26, fig. 7; pl. 2; figs 8-10 (Cole 1953)e The median section (fig. 1, Pl. 23) of a European specimen should be compared with figure 9, plate 3 of Davies and Pinfold (1937). These two sections have the same arrangement and pattern of coiling and chambers. The inner and outer division of the spiral wall (fig. 6, Pl. 23) and of the spiral sheet (fig. 4, Pl. 23) of C. planulata is similar to that of speci- mens of Operculina ammonoides (fig. 5, Pl. 23) except in thickness. Davies (Davies and Pinfold, 1937) illustrated a part of the spiral whorl (fig. 20, pl. 6) of a specimen which he identified as ““Nawmmutlites” nuttalli, The granulation of the outer wall of this specimen is identical GENUS CAMERINA: COLE 195 with that of Miscellanea stampi (= M. miscella). Therefore, this incor- rectly identified specimen has caused confusion regarding the wall structure in the type species of Ranikothalia. “Nummulites” nuttalli has a wall struc- ture identical with that of C. planulata. The inescapable conclusion is that “N.” nvttalli is a synonym of C. planulata. At the same time that Davies (1927) named C. nuttalli, he described (p. 274) Operculina sindensis. Caudri (1944, p. 368) recognized that O. sindensis was related to C, nuttalli (= C. planulata) and placed this species in Rankothalia. Nagappa (1959, p. 158) attempted to justify the retention of the two specific names, but his own analysis demonstrated that only one species can be recognized as all the supposed differences are gradational ones. So far only microspheric specimens have been discussed. In Europe it has long been recognized that megalospheric specimens, originally named C. elegans Sowerby, represent the alternate generation of C. planulata, a specific name which has priority and must be used both for microspheric and megalospheric specimens. Davies (Davies and Pinfold, 1937, p. 41) wrote “... N. nuttalli probably has N. thalicus for its megalospheric companion and merges into N. sindensis whose companion is probably N. thalicus var. gwynae.” Camerina thalica is without question the megalospheric form of C. nwttalli (= C. planulata). The following species and subspecies from India are considered to be synonyms of Camerina planulata: 1927. Nummulites nuttalli Davies, p. 266-268, pl. 18, figs. 3, 4; pl. 19, figs. 7-9 (microspheric specimens). 1927. Nummutlites nuttalli var. kohaticus Davies, p. 269, pl. 19, figs. 1-6 (probably microspheric specimens). 1927. Nummulites thalicus Davies, p. 269-271, pl. 20, fig. 1-4 (megalo- spheric specimens) . 1927. Nummulites thalicus var. gwynae Davies, p. 271, pl. 20, fig. 5 (megalospheric specimens) . 1927. Operculina sindensis Davies, p. 274-276, pl. 19, figs. 10-13 (micro- spheric specimens). 196 BULLETIN 190 BASIS OF CLASSIFICATION The separation of camerinids with undivided chambers into distinct genera has been based on the type of coiling (involute or evolute), the number of coils, the height of the coils, the shape of the chambers, the character of the spiral wall, and the strength of the marginal cord. The definition of genus (Webster's New International Dictionary) is: “A group of structurally or phylogentically related species, or con- sisting of an isolated species exhibiting unusual differentiation.” Another definition (Mayr, 1942, p. 283) is: “A genus is a systematic unit including one species or group of species of presumably common phylogenetic origin, separated by a decided gap from other similar groups. It is to be postulated for practical reasons that the size of the gap shall be in inverse ratio to the size of the group.” The structural differentiation in the test of specimens assigned to Miscellanea is distinct from that in the other camerinids with undivided chambers. Miscellanea has a marked and strongly granulated spiral wall, a bulbus ending of the chamber partitions (fig. 6, PI. 26) and a distinctive marginal cord (figs. 4, 5, Pl. 26). These structural differences clearly distinguish this genus and separate it from the other genera of camerinids with undivided chambers. However, there are no structural differences which may be used to distinguish between Camerina, Planocamerinoides (= Assilina of authors), Operculina, Oper- culinoides, Ranikothalia, and Paraspiroclypeus. These genera have been defined in terms of intergradationa! features which are specific rather than generic differences. Cole (1953, p. 32) demonstrated that the structure of Ranzkothalia was the same as that of Operculimoides. At that time he emphasized (p. 34) that the strength of the marginal cord is a specific, not a generic, character. Later he (Cole, 1959) proved that Opercwlimoides and Oper- culinella were synonyms of Operculina. The internal structure of Planocamerinoides (= Assilina of authors) is identical with that of Camerina except the spiral wall does not cover the preceding whorls. Planocamerinoides is evolute, whereas Camerina is involute. It has long been accepted in other genera of larger Foraminifera that evolute and involute specimens may occur in the same genus. Hetero- stegima is an example. Moreover, Cole (1959, p. 352) emphasized that individuals of a single species may ‘“‘grade from those which are involute — O —N GENUS CAMERINA: COLE to others which are evolute.”’ Thus, the definition of Planocamerinoides has been based on characteristics of individual specimens. If sufficient study is made, it can be predicted that the supposed species of Planocamerinoides will integrate with species which have been placed in Camerina. Cole (1958a, p. 191) has stressed the importance of the ecolo- gical environment on the development of the tests of certain American species formerly referred to the genus Operculinoides. Therefore, the abundance of evolute specimens at certain horizons might be ecologically controlled rather than genetically controlled. Gill (1953, p. 832) remarked that “The manner in which Assvlina daviesi disappeared from the Bhadrar beds at the level of the thick lime- stone in the middle of this formation, and then reappears in great numbers when shale conditions again spread far to the west, suggests that the com- munities A. daviesi were capable of extensive and rapid migration toward areas of more favorable ecology.” An alternate explanation is that this species did not migrate but remained continuously in the area. The evolute form dominated during the time of shale deposition, whereas both involute and evolute forms of the same species existed together during the time of limestone deposition. Specimens of a species still living run the gamut from individuals with evolute tests (Planocamerinoides type) (see: Cole, 1959, fig. 5, 6, Plezs-me: 7,12) pl. 29; figs 3, pl 30; figs. 6, 7, pl: 31) tolothers with involute tests (Camerina type) (see: Cole, 1959, fig. 1, pl. 28; fig. 7, pl. 30). Another living species, “Operculina’ venosa, has individuals with the same internal structure as does Camerina, Carpenter (1862, p. 241) placed this living species in the genus Cameria. Although species such as ““Operculina’ complanata on first inspection appear to be distinct from Camerina laevigata, the appearance is misleading. The structure of the test is fundamentally the same and the two species are connected by other species which are entirely intermediate. The superficial difference in appearance is because “O.”” complanata is the end species of one lineage within a single genus. Inasmuch as there are no decided gaps between Camerina on one hand and Operculina on the other, and as species heretofore placed in these supposedly distinct genera are phylogenetically related, Operculina is a synonym of Camerina. Stratigraphically this genus ranges from Paleocere to Recent. 198 BULLETIN 190 LINEAGES OF THE GENUS CAMERINA Although it might seem desirable to use subgeneric designations to separate certain lineages within this form-fluid genus, there is so much variation in form without any change in fundamental internal structure that a subgeneric separation would encounter the same difficulties as were in- herent in the divided generic classification. The phylogenetic relationships are best expressed by indicating certain dominant lineages which have developed. There are at least four distinct and definite lineages: 1) Those species which are either involute or evolute, multi-whorled with little or slight expansion of the coils and with excep- tionally large microspheric individuals (formerly Camerina and Plano- camerinoides) ; 2) Those species which are evolute with relatively few rapidly expanding coils (formerly Operculina) ; 3) Those species which are essentially the same as lineage 1 except for their smaller size, relatively few coils and relatively sma!l microspheric generation; and 4) Those species which are intermediate between lineages 2 and 3 (formerly Oper- culinoides) . LitBRAGURE GIlED Barker, R. W. 1939. Species of the foraminiferal family Camerinidae in the Tertiary and Cretaceous of Mexico. U.S. Nat. Mus., Proc., v. 86, No. 3052, p. 305- 330) ply 11222. Carpenter, W. B. 1862. Introduction to the study of the Foraminifera. Ray Soc. London, p. 1-319, 22 pls., 57 text figs. Caudri, C. M. B. 1944. The larger Foraminifera from San Juan de los Morros, State of Guarico, Venezuela, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 28, No. 114, p. 356-404, pls. 30-34. Cizancourt, M. de 1948. Nummulites de Vile de la Barbade. Geol. Soc. France, Mém. No. 57, MeESen Ven Zi, Pel 3652) pls. Cole, W. S. 1953. Criteria for the recognition of certain assumed camerinid genera. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 35, No. 147, p. 29-46, pls. 1-3. 1956. The genera Miscellanea and Pellatispirella. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 36, No. 159, p. 239-254, pls. 32-34. GENUS CAMERINA: COLE 199 1958a. Names of and variation in certain American larger Foraminifera— No. 1. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 38. No. 170, p. 179-213, pls. 18-25. 19586. Names of and variation in certain American larger Foraminifera, particularly the camerinids—No. 2. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 38, No. 173, p. 261-284, pls. 32-34. 1959. Names of and variation in certain Indo-Pacific camerinids. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 39, No. 181, p. 349-371, pls. 28-31. , and Herrick, S. M. 1953. Two species of larger Foraminifera from Paleocene beds in Georgia. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 35, No. 148, p. 49-62, pls. 4, 5. Davies, L. M. 1927. The Ranikot beds at Thal (north-west Frontier Provinces of India). Geol. Soc. London, Quart, Jour., v. 83, pt. 2, p. 260-290, pls. 18-22, 7 text figs. , and Pinfold, E. S. 1937. The Eocene beds of the Punjab Salt Range. Palaeont. Indica, Mem., n.s., v. 24, Mem. No. 1, p. 1-79, 7 pls. 4 text figs. Gill, W. D. 1953. Facies and fauna in the Bhadrar beds of the Punjab Salt Range, Pakistan. Jour. Paleont., v. 27, No. 6, p. 824-844, pls. 88-91, 4 text figs. Hanzawa, S. 1935. Some fossil Operculina and Miogypsina from Japan and their Sstrati- graphical significance. Tohoku Imp. Univ., Sci. Reports, ser. 2 (Geol.), v. 188 Now espe -29> 3) pls. Mayr, E. 1942. Systematics and the origin of species. Columbia Univ., Biol. ser., No. 13, p. 1-334, 29 text figs. Nagappa, Y. 1959. Notes on Operculinoides Hanzawa, 1935. Palaeont., v. 2, pt. 1, p. 156- 160, pls. 21-23. Nuttall, W. L. F. 1926. The larger Foraminifera of the upper Rantkot series (lower Eocene) of Sind, India. Geol. Mag., v. 63, p. 112-121, pls. 10, 11, 3 text figs. Smout, A. H. 1954. Lower Tertiary Foraminifera of the Qatar Peninsula. British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), p. 1-96, 15 pls., 44 text figs. Vaughan, T. W. 1945. American Paleocene and Eocene larger Foraminifera. Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. 9, p. 1-67, 46 pls., 11 text figs. PEAES BULLETIN 190 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 23 Camerina planulata (Lamarck) «..----.....-:::cccescsssseececereeeee 193, 1. Median section of a microspheric specimen, x 8, to show the shape of the coils and the pattern of the chamber partitions. 3. Part of a transverse section of a microspheric specimen, x 20, to show the marginal cord and the axial pillars. dy . Enlarged part of the specimen illustrated as figure 3, x 40, to show the details of the marginal cord and the two distinct layers of the spiral wall. 6. Enlarged part of the specimen illustrated as figure 1, x 40, to show the two distinct layers of the spiral wall and the axial canal through the chamber partitions. Camerina orbignyi (Galeotti) .....-2.:::--.::.c.scccccesoceeseoeseeeeseees 192. Median section of a microspheric specimen, x 8, to show the shape of the coils and the rounded tops of the chambers. Camerina ammonoides (GronOvillS) .....::::ccecccceeeeeeeeeeeeeenees 193. Enlarged part of the specimen illustrated as figure 6, plate 30, Bull. Amer. Paleont. v. 39, No. 181, x 40, to show the similarity in structure to that of C. planulata. 1, 3, 4, 6—Loc. 2 2—Loc. 1 5—Loc. 7 Page 194 193 194 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 PLATE 23 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 PLATE 24 Figure Py Bh GENUS CAMERINA: COLE 203 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 24 Parts of median sections, x 40, except 4 which is x 8. Camerina laevigata Bruguiere ........0...........secccesseeereeeceseeeeeeeoennes 103 1,5. Enlarged parts of the spiral wall to show the structure. 4. Part of a microspheric specimen to show the character of the coils and the pattern of the chambers. Camerinay OEDISMYy (GalleOtitel)\y .--cc-e-so-ce-s2-ooeooessssoosce-s-onencoese- 192, 193 Parts of the spiral wall to show the structure. Camerina cojimarensis (ID. K. Palmer) ......::::c::cccceeecseeeree 193 Part of a median section introduced for comparison with figures eG welates23- 1, 4, 5—Loc. 3. 2, 3—Loc. 1. 6—Loc. II. N © od Figure ot BULLETIN 190 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 25 Page All illustrations x 40 Camerina: BDOnimeNnsiS (HANZAW2!A) .--c.c-ceeccccecceccssvscccsccecceeceonercene 194 Part of a transverse section to show the marginal cord and the spiral wall. Camerina ammonoides (GronOvills) ..-.c..eeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeees 192, 193 Part of the median section of the specimen illustrated as figure 2, plate 30, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 39, No. 181, to show round- topped chambers and the double structure of the spiral wall. Camerina catenula (Cushman and Jarvis)... cece 192, 193 3. Part of a median section which is similar to that of C. ammonoides, figure 2. 6. Part of a transverse section to show the marginal cord and the structure of the spiral wall; compare with figure 1. Camerina fielhteli (NMiGHE1OER)ccceescccseceeecsceeeesceeecceeeeneeeeeenceeneeeeeeee 193 Central part of a median section of a megalospheric individual. Camerina complanata (Defrance) ....-..:cecccccceecceeeeeeteeeeeneeeneensees 193 Part of the median section of the specimen illustrated as figure 3, plate 31, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 39, No. 181, which has the same structure as that of the specimens illustrated as figures 5, 6, Plate 23. Ii—Toc. 6: 2—Loc. 7. 3—Loc. 9. 4—Loc. 5. 5—Loce. 8. 6—Loc. 10. PLATE 25 BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 PLATE 26 Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 Figure 4-6. =I GENUS CAMERINA: COLE EXPLANATION OF PLATE 26 Camerina ecatenula (Cushman and Jarvis) ..----.ccccccccseeeeseeeeeeees Part of a median section of a megalospheric specimen, x 40, for camparison with that of Camerina fichteli, figure 4, Plate 24. Camerina boninensis (HanZirwar ) cecccccccccseececccceseeccceecsseeeeeeeeeeees Median section of a megalospheric specimen, x 12.5, to show the large embryonic chambers and the character of the coils. Camerinayplanul ately (uae) iessseceseetes-cceeceecser-scccesecesessevecese-s- Transverse section of a microspheric specimen, x 12.5; the same specimen parts of which are enlarged as figures 3, 4, Plate 23. Miscellanea miseella (d’Archiace and Haime).............:ccccceeees 4,5. Parts of transverse sections of megalospheric specimens, x 40, to show the coarsely granulated spiral wall and the marginal cord. 6. Part of a median section of a megalospheric specimen, x 40, to show the looplike end of the chamber partitions. Camerina orbignyi (Galeotti) ....-...cccccecceseceesecceeesseeeteseeeseeenees Part of a transverse section of a microspheric specimen, x 40, to show the marginal cord. 1—Loc. 10. 2—Loc. 6. 3—Loc. 2. 4-6—Loc. 4. 7—Loc. 1 193 194 196 194 PN Vs UNOS, CO-Siic yt SSS Plog SP BUS ie ek ccs casned a qrceselclaubenhevearenton ' Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca XXV. (Nos. 88-94B). © 306 pp., 30 pls. oo. t. eis ecsececspeenssecbecreneed Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks. MVE...) CNos. 95-100). | 420 pp., 58) piss lcci bide ip sacndabphoneck-deceee Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. XXVIE. (Nos. 101-108),°376 pp. 36 pls. 2.00. Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. XXVITI. (Nos. 109-114). 412 pp., 54 pls. oo.coooceecetecteeeeeeereee Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. XX EX..: CNos. 125-116). '. 738) ppg 52 ‘pis, 0.82 en CN Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. BAR.’ (Nos 187), 563 pp. 69. pls! fea a A Rr OLS Dl Jackson Eocene mollusks. mE! CNOs,. 118-128) 2) 458. pp./ 27 pls ice ve NS, Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsyl- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil local- ities. XXXII. (Nos. 129-133). 294 pp., 39 pls.......... Ryne Ati rn ide ea ae Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. MAXIE, (Nos,. 134-139) 448)'pp..( 51) piso) ech eencandeessectvceess Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and _ paleontology. XXXIV. (Nos. 140-145). 400 pp., 19 pls. o.oo). ec oc ceeececeeceetseneteeeseeee Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovician cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods, and conularid bibliography. AXXV.. (Nos. (146-154). 386 ‘pp. BE ‘pls. (oie ed G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordo- vician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimidae, Vol- utidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. XXXVI. (Nos. 155-160). 412 pp., 53 pls. ooo. cceceeteeesedeccseseeees Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian-Chazyan fossils, foraminiferal studies. XXXVI. (Nos. 161-164). 486 pp., 37 pls) oo... cececcectecvecten! Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera, Stromatoporoidea. XXAVEEL x (Nos. 165.176): \\\:447 ppzi53 pls. oc A Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina, Miocene ostra- cods, and Mississippian of Kentucky, turritellid from Vene- zuela, larger forams, new mollusks, geology of Carriacou, Pennsylvanian plants. XXXIM) / (Nos. 177-183)//- 448 pp 36\plsi hy. oho ke tue te Panama Caribbean mollusks, Venezuelan Tertiary formations and forams, Trinidad Cretaceous forams, American-Euro- pean species, Puerto Rican forams. PERN CNG, £O4). ODE Pps tL Vols dy co) le ee ENN AY tlt Type and Figured Specimens P. R. I. XLT \(Nos. 185-189). . (183 pp. 23 pls.4.) ke Os Gaede wee Australian Carpoid Echinoderms, Yap forams, Shell Bluff, Ga. forams, Newcomb mollusks, Wisconsin mollusk faunas. PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA Volume I. (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. TE SCNos)) §-12)..) \.531pp.s37; piss loco oe li, IN AUS) ACA 1a Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Pale- ozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. TE. (Nos. 13-25). 513 pp. 61 pls. ...0..0 004. NU RSS earth al Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous: crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platy- strophia, and Venericardia. DV oie ON OS. 26-28). 0/028 pps TS pls.) 3.25 etek il vA, selevceny ees Rudist studies, Busycon. 9.50 9.00 11.00 10.00 10.00 13,00 14.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 13.50 15.00 16.00 16.00 20.00 7.65 21.00 25.00 6.50 CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA | BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY I. (Nos, 1-5). 354 pp., 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. Ik. (Nos. 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. IW. (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp., 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. IV. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp., 26 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. V. (Nos. 22-30). 437 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Pale- ozoic fossils. VI. (No. 31). 268 pp., 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods. VEL: | (NO: 32). =. 730! pp. 908pisi (a0 ES eal ee a 14.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods. VIII. (Nos. 33-36). 357 pp., 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. PR CNGSS- 37-39). 462) pps 65! ples 5 oe DE Ae 13.00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. X. (Nos. 40-42). 4382 pp., 54 pls. Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. XI. (Nos! 43-46) ¢).. 272 pp. Ar piss Ye A ee Pe ee ereiaey Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Vene- zuela. XII. (Nos, 47-48). 494 pp., 8 pls. Venezuela and Trinidad forams and Mesozoic invertebrate bibliography. XK EW...”.CNos. 49-50)... - 264 pps 47) pls. is Sc eee. Su Ree 10.00 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and ‘Tertiary Mammalia. XIV. (Nos. 51-54). 306 pp., 44 pls. Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. XV... (Nos. 55-58). 314 pp., 80 pls: Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. XVI. (Nos. 59-61). 140 pp. 48 pls. ....... cP A a OE Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. XV. (Nos. - 62-63), 283 pp.) 33 pls77h on was ae 10.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. KVOI. | \QNos) GEG2)5: 2286. pbs, 29 Pls. 0 2h.:5...fepitcarnccons soe eeeaanen cae 9.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. KIX; CNO.68) 272 pps 24 piss 2 ve NGA OSU een ee 9.00 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. XX») (Nos: 69-700) a): 266-pp., 2G piss a0. 02.. cA eae 9.00 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. XX <: CNos, 71-02). < 321 pps 12 7plss gan AOS ea ee 9.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. AX. “ONOS. (23476); ° 356 pp. 31, piss oN ee eis ae 9.50 Paleozoic Paleontology and Tertiary Foraminifera. RATIO CNOs.: 79-29) 0: 25 Epps) SS Se ioe eh ANG ib aleeastege atest 9.00 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. ' weet: er saldeiene lenis [Mus aia TUF, e Gen | i salad : | RNA ; | sae BULLETINS | 22 | DARIN na ! RERSTY OF AMERICAN * VOL XE! NUMBER 191 1960 _ Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U.S. A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1959-60 PRESIDENT 2 Ce ee aU Ne AO WU ec ha NoRMAN E. WEISBORD PVICBYPRESIDENT 2c ioe ocular Bly eo 8 Mss he NN a aL JOHN W. WELLS SEGRETARY- TREASURER oink SRG ee sen OE Vie ae DN Nea ihe REBECCA S. HARRIS TTR GTOR is eee ee UN TCL ELD et AD nt OBL EC KATHERINE V. W. PALMER OVINSE TION es eer SOIR! RNS NIT Ui HA eal CT Ne ACM AN NE ARMAND L. ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE AAAS COUNCIL) 0..)..0):04i cc KENNETH E. CASTER Trustees KENNETH E. CasTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) RALPH A. LIDDLE (1956-62) REBECCA S. Harris (Life) AXEL A. OLSSON (Life) SOLOMON C. HoLLIsTER (1959-1965) NORMAN E. WEISBORD (1957-63) ‘JOHN W. WELLS (1958-64) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Mrs. Fay Brices, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER Hans KucGLer A. MyrA KEEN Jay GLENN MARKS Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, XII, XIV, XV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 41 No. 191 THE MICROFAUNA OF THE YORKTOWN FORMATION FROM JAMES RIVER, SURRY COUNTY, VIRGINIA by JOSEPH W. SABOL November 25, 1960 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 60-307 MUS. COMP. Z00L LIBRARY DEC - 9 1960 RARYARD UNIVERSITY Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS NOS) SRVE St a seer ace ce acter eee CERN rece Eo Pn ee Pe SOs et Een tL PO SE HOLME (SEU yar ec fect oae sents anaes hare dace eee eases oes NGO WLC SIMEMtS Frcs ae nace mee ee tne Men Sainte a seh HG set he ou Sedimentary description of the Cobhams Wharf material ................ Rrevious: work oni the Gobhams Wharf area... 0.02.1... .cseeee cee ne cee 5 Mollusks of the Cobhams Wharf area ............. CE ee era omiments onthe .cenus BuaCcella oe ee asceensstocceecgse eter esntee: steer Gommentston theslagenid Foraminifetay...-...402..-2. cate eee IN@LesfonmuneisyStematiGidescriptiomspe em eects aieeesereeeeee eters Systema CrdeseniptiOmsineereecen qa reas na Reon neon season goer ore eee ora tmmaratihe rabies purrs tks. er .foe ears cole fetes cece eictea ron Gere ce, soe eee Ostracoda Pee Ret rah ee ee ree ne eee we Nae Bibliography fe ST eee A este gee ree ete eee Rigtesse eee ate SRE CHT Se ate ETE MERE er Ee me RT TEXT FIGURES Figure 1. Area of outcrop of Yorktown formation N . Distribution of Ostracoda in the Yorktown formation ...... 3. Depth ranges based on foraminiferal-mollusk fauna . 4. Distribution of Foraminifera in the Yorktown formation THE MICROFAUNA OF THE YORKTOWN FORMATION FROM JAMES RIVER, SURRY COUNTY, VIRGINIA JOSEPH W. SABOL ABSTRACL Foraminifera, Ostracoda, and Mollusca from the Yorktown formation (upper Miocene) of the Cobhams Wharf area, Virginia, are listed, described, and discussed. Twenty-five forms of Foraminifera and 15 forms of Ostracoda are compared stratt- graphically and ecologically with other localities of the Yorktown formation on the York-James Peninsula of Virginia. The validity of Mansfield’s zonation of the Yorktown is discussed on the basis of present micropaleontological data. Results show that Mansfield’s ‘zones’ are not valid and that the Foraminifera-Ostracoda fauna of the Yorktown formation is related to the Ecphora-Cancellaria facies of the Choctawhatchee formation of Florida. The problem and status of the genus Buccella and Lagena are discussed. It seems that the Yorktown sea was a shifting one with a depth of about 25 meters at the Cobhams Wharf area. This report sup- plements the work done on the Yorktown formation in the York-James Peninsula by McLean (1956, 1957). PURPOSE OF THE sSPUDN The purpose of this study is to increase and extend the overall know- ledge of the Yorktown formation in Virginia. This paper is a supplement to micropaleontological work done on the Yorktown by McLean (McLean, 1956, 1957). Because this study is meant to be a supplement to McLean's work in the York-James Peninsula of Virginia, where there are areas of the two reports that overlap, the author has seen fit to refer the reader to Mc- Lean’s papers. In the case of illustrations and descriptions of species, only those specimens were figured that differed from McLean's illustrations, or that were not illustrated by him. It was hoped at the outset of the current study that some of the ques- tions concerning the Yorktown would be answered. To a certain extent this has been the case, at least some of the questions have been answered in the author's mind. Though I have discussed the Yorktown and its problems with a number of individuals I take full responsibility for the views and analysis set forth in this paper. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his appreciation to all who have aided him during this study. Special thanks are due to James D. McLean, Jr., for his suggestion that the problem was worthy of study, for offering both moral and physical assistance, and for giving freely of his time and facili- ties. The author is also indebted to Katherine V. W. Palmer of the Paleontological Research Institution for her identifications of the mollusks. Miss Ruth Todd of the U. S. Geological Survey made the Cushman collec- tion available to the author at various times and answered questions con- DMP BULLETIN 191 cerning certain species. Various members of the U. S. Geological Survey expressed their views to the author concerning the Yorktown formation, particularly in respect to its zonation. The illustrations in this paper were drawn by Mrs. Sally Diana Kaicher, Scientific Hlustrator. The reader will agree, I am sure, that the quality of the illustrations speak for the ability and talent of the illustrator. My many thanks to Mrs. Kaicher. SEDIMENTARY DESCRIPTION OF THE COBHAMS WHARF MATERIAL The material on which this paper is based was collected by Mr. George C. Barclay of Newport News, Virginia, in 1957. The description of the collecting locality as given by Mr. Barclay is as follows: “. . . material collected from cliffs on west side of the James River, Surry County, Vir- ginia, two miles south of Scotland Wharf pier, known as Cobhams Wharf or Beach.’ Figure 1 shows the location of the material for this study and also the area covered by McLean (1956, 1957). The collected material may be described as being a fine-to medium- grained, calcareous sand containing less than one percent size particles. Little evidence of gravel was found in the sample. The grains are mainly subangular in shape and range in size from .5 x .5 x 1 mm. to 1 x 3.x 5 mm. The sample contained a large number of shell fragments most of which were well worn by abrasion, Fragments of shell material and sand grains were found cemented together by calcareous cement and stained by iron oxide. The microfauna contained in the described sample consisted of Foraminifera, Ostracoda, Mollusca, sponge spicules, and fragmentary organic remains. This fauna showed only a fair degree of preservation, and many of the specimens had been affected by leaching to some degree. For the size of the bu'k sample, the number of preserved specimens was low. PREVIOUS WORK ON THE COBHAMS WHARF AREA Until the advent of this paper only one other study has been made of the microfauna of the Cobhams Wharf area, Surry County, Virginia. That study was conducted by Cushman and Cahill (1932-33) and was concerned only with the Foraminifera of the area. Cushman and Cahill studied two samples of fossiliferous material from Surry County, Virginia; however, they classified the two as St. Marys in age. The two localities that they MICROFAUNA YORKTOWN MIOCENE: SABOL 213 Richmend Ral @sh Saas so A Hatteras = 7 g zi YORKTOWN FORMATION oS Area of Outcrop t Cobhains wharf Figure 1 214 BULLETIN 191 studied are as follows: 1/241; just below College Run on Cobhams Bay, right bank of the James River, Surry County, Virginia, beds outcropping at water level, and 1/543; half a mile to 1 mile below Sunken Marsh Creek, James River, Surry County, Virginia, lowest bed, basal bed along river. The two numbers given to the collections are those found in the catalogue of Tertiary localities of the U. S. Geological Survey. The fraction indicates that the two numbers are 10241 and 10543 respectively. Listed below are 2 2 the Foraminifera described by Cushman and Cahill (1932-33) from the two Surry County localities mentioned above. LOCALITY NUMBER 10241 LOCALITY NUMBER 10543 Textularia agglutinans Textularia gramen Dentalina consobrina var. emaciata Textularia mayori Nonion incisum Guttulina austrica Elphidium incertum Pseudopolymorphina dumblei Discorbis consobrina Elphidium incertum Eponides mansfieldi Bulimina gracilis Eponides lateralis Bolivina paula Discorbis floridana Discorbis consorbrina Discorbis turrita Eponides lateralis Rotalia beccarii var. parkinsoniana For a more extensive resumé and discussion of the past work on the Yorktown formation and its area of surface outcrop, the reader is invited to see McLean, 1956, pp. 266-278. MOLLUSKS OF THE COBHAMS WHARF AREA The mollusk fauna of the Cobhams Wharf area was identified by Katherine V. W. Palmer of the Paleontological Research Institution. The specimens identified by Dr. Palmer are listed on page 215. The mollusks together with ecological data show that a change of some type does occur in the Yorktown formation. Mansfield, on the basis of mollusks alone, divided the Yorktown into two zones; zone 1, the Pecten clintonins zone, and zone 2, the Trritella alticostata zone, with zone | being the older of the two. This zonation is still used by the U. S. Geological Survey. Zone 1 and zone 2 as set up by Mansfield represent two distinct periods of deposition with respect to time. In the light of the current study and after reviewing recent studies concerning the Yorktown and the units above and below it, I cannot substantiate Mansfield’s zonation in its MICROFAUNA YORKTOWN MIOCENE: SABOL DNS) entirety. To this I will agree, there is a change in the faunal elements of the Yorktown approximately at the stratigraphic level of Mansfield’s zone 1 and 2. At this point in our knowledge of the Yorktown it is difficult to say that this change denotes the subdivision of two ‘zones’ in its original connotation. It seems likely that the faunal change that occurs in the York- town, especially at McLean's Carter's Grove outcrop, should be attributed to the shifting of environments, and called facies, rather than a definite time break, and called zones. If Mansfield’s zones are valid for the mol- lusks as he states, they should also be recognizable for the other constituents of the fauna, namely the Foraminifera and the Ostracoda. It should be remembered that when Mansfield worked on the York- town in 1927 that little was known and less attention was paid to the ecological subdivisions of geologic units. Had Mansfield had access to our present-day knowledge of ecology and the influence that environment places on faunas he may or may not have subdivided the Yorktown as he did. Also, if at the time of Mansfield’s study, more had been known about the rest of the contained fauna in the Yorktown, his final decision may have been altered. No true picture of a geologic unit can be obtained until all elements of that unit, both lithologic and paleontologic have been investigated. Smith (1959), while working on the Trent formation of North Carolina, which is overlain in places by the Yorktown, refers to the earlier work of Thorson (1957). Thorson discussed several Venus communities and pointed out the fact that Venus fluctuosa communities give way to Cardium communities as the bottom becomes silty. Although Thorson conditions exist in Europe, Smith stated that shifts of this type may occur in the Trent formation of North Carolina. It seems logical to assume that if this type of shift did take place in the Trent, it could have taken place in the overlying Yorktown formation in North Carolina, and in Virginia. Listed below are the mollusks found in the Cobhams Wharf sample, with Dr. Palmer’s notes. They are deposited in the Paleontological Re- search Institution and bear the catalogue numbers 7063-7080. Glycymeris sp. probably G. swbovata (Say) Ostrea dispavilis Conrad Chlamys (Placopecten) clintonia (Say), Yorktown Chlamys jeffersonia (Say) Chlamys santamaria middlesexensis (Mansfield) ; same as Powell's Lake top bed. 216 BULLETIN 191 Cf. Crassatellites undulatus (Say) Astarte (Ashtarotha) undulata (Say) Chama congregata Conrad Venericardia granulata Say: same as Carter's Grove specimen Mercenaria sp. Chione sp. Gafrarium metastriatum Conrad Corbula sp. Dentalinm carolinense Conrad Cf. Turritella alticostata Conrad The Cobhams Wharf sample of the Yorktown also contained the following fragmentary bits of microfauna: 3 otoliths 2 Bryozoa fragments 1 pteropod 3 badly worn apical whorls of small gastropods numerous barnacle plates 1 small coral OSTRACODA OF THE COBHAMS WHARF AREA The Cobhams Wharf sample contained 15 species of ostracods, none of which are new. All of the species was reported by McLean (1957) as present in one or more of his samples of Yorktown material from the York-James Peninsula. The ostracods from Cobhams Wharf area supplement the supposition of McLean (1957, pp. 60, 61) that the Yorktown is related stratigraphic- ally and/or ecologically to the Ecphora—Cancellaria ‘facies’ of the Choc- tawhatchee formation of Florida. It is not the author’s wish here to expound on the merit of the term “facies” as opposed to “zone”. The author is more interested in the actual relationships of the units. However, the problem of the Yorktown—Ecphora—Cancellaria relationship is still open to some debate and the results of this particular study will by no means answer the entire question. A greater amount of detailed stratt- graphic work is needed before this supposition can be substantiated. From the studies of Puri (1954), who used “facies” for the various units of the Choctawhatchee and McLean’s (1956, 1957) Yorktown study, it is MICROFAUNA YORKTOWN MIOCENE: SABOL QF Figure 3 DEPTH RANGES BASED ON METERS FORA MINIFERAL - MOLLUSK FAUNA 200 300 50 FATHOMS FELGATER'S CREEK err. UE MOORE HOUS 4 FT. UP USE BASE BEACH LANGLEY FIELD UPPER MIDDLE 6 FT. UP OF LOWER pa PANOPEA SAND] |, ECPHORA SAND| WALLACE | | i l i} i SiYWaALUVO r = : RANGE Figure 2 BEACH WALLACE PANOPEA SAND OR YOUNGER DISTRIBUTION OF OSTRACODA IN) SRE YORKTOWN FORMATION FELGATER'S CREEK OLDER THAN YORK TOWN VENUS SAND Cytheromopha cf. warneri Howe & Spurgeon . Clithrocytheridea virginiensis Malkin Acuticythereis laevissima Edwards Aurilia conradi (Howe & McGuirt) Paracypris choctawhatcheensis Puri Cushmanidea echolsae (Malkin) Murrayina martini (Ulrich & Bassler) Loxoconcha purisubrhomboidea Edwards - - - - Paracytheridea vandenboldi Puri Cushmanidea ashermani (Ulrich & Bassler). .- - Hemicythere schidtae Malkin Cushmanidea ulrichi (Howe & Johnson) Pterygocythereis americana (Ulrich & Bassler) Murrayina barclayi McLean Orionina vaughani (Ulrich & Bassler) Cytheretta ulrichi Puri Bairdoppilata triangulata Edwards. ....... Puriana rugipunctata (Ulrich & Bassler) Cytheretta burnsi (Ulrichi & Bassler) Actinocythereis exanthemata (Ulrich & Bassler) Cytheropteron talquinensis Puri Eucythere sp Murrayina howei Puri Cytherura reticulata Edwards 218 BULLETIN 191 apparent that certain faunal elements of the Choctawhatchee and the York- town are related. The point in question is the extent of this relationship. The faunal information that is available concerning the Yorktown and the Ecphora—Cancellaria facies points out similarities. The sedimen- tary analysis of the two also coincide as much as ‘two units’ with such lateral extent can coincide. The author favors the supposition that the two units are stratigraphically similar; however, ecologically divergent. The absence of certain species in one or the other unit points toward different ecological conditions. As stated by McLean, “there are more species which are not present in the two units than are present.” Figure 2 shows the relationship of the ostracods from the Yorktown formation at Cobhams Wharf with various other Yorktown localities. FORAMINIFERA OF THE COBHAMS WHARF AREA The Cobhams Wharf sample yielded 25 identifiable species of Foram- inifera, all except Lagena sulcata were reported from one or more of Mc- Lean’s collecting localities. The relationship of the species found at Cobhams Wharf with those found at other Yorktown localities are shown in Figure 4. The Foraminifera described in this study as do the ostracods, show a relationship to the Arca-Ecphora-Cancellaria facies of the Florida Miocene. Puri (1953) regarded the Arca and the Cancellaria facies as contempor- aneous. If this is the case, there is evidence for a closer relationship between the upper Miocene of Virginia and that of Florida. The question which remains is whether the relationship is a strati- graphic or ecologic one, or both? Lack of knowledge concerning the two units hampers the answering of the question at the present time. The most probable solution to the problem would be a complete statistical analysis of the faunas of the units, because superficially they show only vague but apparent relationships. The foraminiferal faunas of the Cobhams Wharf sample corresponds closely with McLean’s locality of the base of the Carter's Grove outcrop. The Cobhams Wharf area also compares to the base of the Carter’s Grove as far as the lack of certain species of Foraminifera are concerned. Figure 4 shows an absence of such genera as Massilina, Robulus, and Dentalina in the Cobhams Wharf sample. The Carter's Grove basal sample contained no Massilina ot Dentalina and only two specimens of Robulus vaughanti. PANU) SABOL AICROFAUNA YORKTOWN MIOCENE: OLMYOA NVHL Yad TO T ANOZ NMOLMYOA @ ANOZ NMOLMYOA o a n ANVS VYOHdOd aNvs Vad ONVd ff YAODNNOA YO ANAOOLId AOVTITVM ANVS SONATA UVHM SINVHEOO dWvo dn * La = dn *La 9 dn “La OT dn “La OT a Tait att dn * La = dn *La 9 HOVdd a Tad Wadd AAOUD SiWaLYVvo ASNOH AHYOOW MAGHO SiWALVOTAA Uosiepuy essoidep eTTaoong STSUSUMOZYHIOL eBTIeTNAXaz seloured eusse ss AUSTQIO,p TAqgseqyeo erresopoyy (AuBTqI0,p) essetdep euTTnuetd dood ODDO OGOGON00D (weuysng) eTtqgnz eutydrouxtTodopnasg Snehenerenececelersheleleieleere-sieieseveceleel Cure oon seiouped euTTNygnNy AUBTQIO,p BoetTIySsne euTTNAINy| ee a car) weeseeooooreusng TLokem BTLeTNy xa, SsTsuesTysna etrep—nyxay, ST[ToOeLIS eUuTWTTNg AUBSTQIO,P Stine elTTeuotuoHf 0 8 UeuysnD Thsoreed eutydrouousts§ ueg]OW + eTnzeqysooopnasd eut—nyqny ‘I@A (UOSUETTTIM) eqeTIGSsqns eusezey] ) JOYTSM JOU) WeusnO snpNnyeqoT “jo saptorqto uosiepuy serayred elTTaoong (ssnoy Jou) ueuysnO eyerqstnusz *Jp BUuTIOD TAQ "eMeZO 8 UBUISNO euUeUTWENSUS B499qTWeS eUTYdIOWOUSTS AUSTqQIO,p BeuetTepueos etzetnyxole BoTil4yusouod eTeMe ) sfsuertreztd uotuon UeaTOW BVeOTNsOpnssd I AUSTQIO,p UsweIS ety NOILVNUYOAT NMOLMYOA HHL NI VUATININVUOXT HO NOILNAGIYLSIA y AUNSDIA 220 BULLETIN 191 The correlation of the Cobhams Wharf sample and the base of the Carter's Grove implies a depth of water at the Cobhams Wharf area of at least 25 meters. This assumption is based on the premise that the fossil faunas of the sample were also the living faunas of the area. Certainly some of the species found in the thanatocoenosis were present in the biocoensis, but which ones and to what extent is not known. Many of the forms contained in the sample appear to be redepositional. On the basis of the present information even the general depth estimation of at least 25 meters may be a misconception. COMMENTS ON THE GENUS BUCCELLA I feel the necessity here to state a few facts concerning the genus Buccella. After a thorough study of the specimens belonging to this genus, I found no definite criteria for their separation. Andersen’s subdivision of the genus is based, for one thing, on the relative amount and distribution of the pustulose material on the ventral side of the test. In the case of Cobhams Wharf material it was not possible to completely subdivide the specimens, because of the large number that fell between those described by Andersen. In trying to compare the species B. mansfieldi and B. parkerae from Andersen's description the author found little difference between the two. After studying the Cobhams Wharf material and that of Andersen at the U. S. National Museum, I question the fact that Buccella parkerae is a valid species. Andersen stated that B. mansfield? has a greater number of chambers than any other species of Buccella. This number is 9-12, with 11 chambers the most common. Buccella parkerae then has 9-11 chambers in the last whorl with 11 the most common. Andersen stated in his remarks concerning the genus that, “The most evident characteristic of the genus Buccella is exhibited by B. mansfieldi, this being the pustulose material covering the ventral side of the test”. The description of B. mansfield7 states ‘‘. . . the basal margin of the last formed chamber bearing a coating of pustulose material (a few specimens have pustules covering the entire ventral side of the test)”. For B. parkerae, the description points out the pustulose material covering the umbilicus, sutures, and basal margin of the last formed chamber, thickly deposited in the umbilicus, less densely deposited in the outer portion of the sutures. Andersen’s specimens show a definite difference in size, but in many cases all other features seem the same. i) ra MICROFAUNA YORKTOWN MIOCENE: SABOL 2 In the current study I have refrained from subdividing all my spect- mens of Buccella. Of the 81 specimens found in the sample all were worn to some degree, many greatly. I found it unwise to try to separate all the species on the basis of pustulation because of the worn condition of the test and because of the large number of individuals that did not fit Andersen's original descriptions but fell between these. In the case of B. mansfields and B. parkerae, taking all else into consideration, I do not feel that size 1s a valid factor for determining the species. There is a possibility that B. parkerae is a young form of B. mansfieldi or an individual variation. If the ecological conditions that were present at the time of growth were favorable, the size of the individual should reach its maximum, if they are not favorable growth may be retarded. Changes in one or all of the ecologic factors effecting marine animals have a definite reaction on the physical form of the animal, but what effect and to what extent is often impossible to say. Certainly some of the members of the marine com- munity will be able to withstand environmental changes greater than others. All this leads me to think that if when we are trying to classify marine animals such as the Buccella that possibly we should be thinking in terms of the lineation of the group and not try to make species. The specimens of Buccella that were present in the Cobhams Wharf sample vary slightly from individual to individual. If all the forms are lined up one after another and shifted around until at one end of the line we have the indivi- dual with the greatest amount of pustulation (which is the most outstand- ing characteristic of the group) and at the opposite end of the line we had the individual with the least amount of pustulation we see that we also have individuals between these two which vary one after another from one end of the line to the other. We can make the same type of lineation using the size of the individual and find that the variation holds true, within limits. There are of course, gaps in the line of individuals, but I believe that these gaps can be filled. I am by no means discounting Andersen's work on the Bwccella, it cannot be overlooked. I do feel that this group represents one of the major problems in taxonomy, the breakdown on the species level. Lineations according to size, shape, arrangement of chambers, may be found in other groups of animals. Darwin admitted that the process of natural selection depends to a great extent on some of the individuals of a population slowly becoming modified. This modification disturbs the mutual relations of the population as a whole. In effect, at a given time, a species as we know it No N i) BULLETIN 191 may not be a true representation of its present species group, although it exhibits the overall characteristics of the parent group. COMMENTS ON THE LAGENID FORAMINIFERA The status of the genus Lagena in Cushman’s classification presents certain problems in regard to individual forms. The species Lagena sulcata, for example, is represented by a variety of forms with varying character- istics, but all of which more or less fit Cushman’s classification. This 1s due to the broad interpretation given to the genus by Cushman. A more definite breakdown of the forms belonging to this group was devised by Parr (1947). Parr’s classification contains two main subdivi- sions; tests with terminal apertures and tests with subterminal apertures and entosolenian tube. The latter of the two subdivisions Parr called Parafussurina. Those forms with terminal apertures are further divided into forms with neck and no entosolenian tube, Parr’s Lagena; and those with or without a neck but having an entosolenian tube. This latter sub- division Parr broke up into Oolina and the Fissurina. The only difference, according to Parr, between Oolina and Fissurina is that Oolima has a circular test in cross section whereas the Fisswrina have a compressed test. Parr’s classification for some of the forms now contained in the genus Lagena seems to fill a gap in Cushman’s classification of the Foraminifera. In this study the author has used Cushman’s classification rather than to confuse the issue, but pointing out for each specimen of Lagena the cor- responding name under Part’s classification. NOTES ON THE SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS The author has in the current study described and illustrated only those forms which vary from the holotype description, in the case of new species or species differing from those described and illustrated by McLean. In the case of the genus Globigerina the author did not find sufficient recognizable features to allow him to separate species. The classification used for the Foraminifera is that of Cushman, with the inclusion of the genus Buccella. The classification used for the Ostracoda is that of Puri. The specimens on which this study is based are all on file at the Paleonto- logical Research Institution, Ithaca, New York, catalog numbers 7000 to 7062. MICROFAUNA YORKTOWN MIOCENE: SABOL 22 res SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS FORAMINIFERA Family Textulariidae Genus Textularia Defrance, 1824 Textularia canadeiana d Orbigny Textularia canadeiana d Orbigny, 1839, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fisc. Pol. Nat. Cuba, “Foraminiferes”, p. 143, pl. 1, figs. 25-27; Cushman, 1922, Carnegie Inst. Washington, pub. 311, p. 23, pl. 2, fig. 2; Cushman, 1922, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 104, p. 8, pl. 1, figs. 1-3; Cushman and Ponton, 1932, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 80, pl. 30, figs. 9-10; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. YOOOVIE INO; 1G0, jo BUG jak 3S, wes. 45 G 7, iO, Wu. Frequency.—Five specimens. P. R. I., No. 7000. Dimensions.—Length, 0.80-1.50 mm.; breadth, 0.56-0.75 mm. Remarks.—Wall coarsely arenaceous; tests contain large dark grains. Textularia eustisensis McLean Textularia eustisensis McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 318, pl. 35, figs. 5a-b. Frequency.—Eighteen specimens. P. R. I., No. 7001. Dimensions.—Length, 1-.78-0.78 mm.; breadth, 0.60-0.43 mm. Remarks.—The average form is nearly three times as long as broad. Textularia gramen d’Orbigny Textularia gramen dOrbigny, 1846, Foram. Foss. Bass. Tert. Vienne, p. 248, pl. 15, figs. 4-6; Cushman, 1918, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 676, p. 8, pl. 9, figs. 4-5 (not figs. 2, 3, 6) ; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 17, pl. 1, figs. 5a-b; Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 81, pl. 30, figs. 7-8; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, pl. 36, figs. 7, WEN. Frequency.—Six specimens. P. R. I., No. 7002. Dimensions.—Length, 0.68-0.98 mm.; breadth, 0.51-0.65 mm. Remarks.—Finely arenaceous as opposed to T. canadeiana; sutures definitely curved downward; tests increase in width rapidly with respect to length. Textularia mayori Cushman Textularia mayori Cushman, 1922, Carnegie Inst. Washington, pub. 311, p. 23, pl. 2, fig. 3; Cushman, 1922, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 104, pt. 3, p. 7; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 17, pl. 1, figs. 6-8; Cushman and Ponton, 224 BULLETIN 191 1932, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 9, p. 40, pl. 1, figs. 2-3; Phleger and Parker, 1948, Geol. Soc. Amer., Memoir 46, pt. 2, p. 5, pl. 2, figs. 1-5; Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 82, pl. 20, figs. 7-8; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 320, pl. 36, figs. 1-3. Frequency.—Five specimens. P. R. I., No. 7003. Dimensions.—Length, 0.70-1.10 mm.; breadth, 0.55-0.76 mm. Remarks.—Test finely arenaceous with very fine cement; easily dis- tinguished by elongated conical spine at periphery of each complete cham- ber, although spines are easily broken and worn down. Textularia pseudobliqua McLean Textularia pseudobliqua McLean, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p: 320) pl. 35, figs. 8-9, pl: 36, figs. 17a-b. Frequency.—Five specimens. P. R. I., No. 7005. Dimensions.—Length, 1.22-1.51 mm.; breadth, 0.62-0.71 mm. Remarks.—Sutures slanted downward as opposed to T. gramen which has sutures curved downward, test varies from fine to coarsely arenaceous with coarse cement. Textularia yorktownensis McLean Pl. 27, figs. la-b Textularia pseudobliqua aspera (McLean), 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 320, pl. 36, figs. 8, 14. Textularia yorktownensis McLean, Sept., 1959, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 5, p. 969, not T. aspersa Ehrenberg, 1838 not Terquem, 1882, nor Brady, 1882. Test triangulate, stubby, slightly compressed, periphery rounded test outline somewhat lobate due to deeply depressed sutures; chambers generally distinct, broader than high, increasing gradually in size as added, final chambers quite high, nine visible chambers in holotype; sutures deeply depressed in later portion of test, indistinct in early portion, slanted downward; wall coarsely arenaceous, with much cement; aperture a low arch within a distinct reentrant at the base of the last formed chamber. Length of holotype, 138 mm.; breadth, 0.78 mm. (McLean 1956). Frequency.—Ten specimens. P. R. I., Nos. 7004 and 7006. Dimensions.—Length, 0.82-2.01 mm.; breadth, 0.68-1.21 mm. Remarks.—This form has been elevated to a full species. It differs from I. pseudobliqua by having an extremely rough test which completely obscures the details of the form. Textularia spp. Several forms were found that could not be classified according to particular species because of broken or worn test. P. R. I., No. 7007. NR N 7) MICROFAUNA YORKTOWN IVMIOCENE: SABOL Family Miliolidae Genus Quinqueloculina d@’Orbigny, 1826 Quinqueloculina sp. One form was found that belonged to this genus, but it was too badly worn to permit positive identification. The specimen was relatively close to the description of Q. wheeldon:. P. R.1., No. 7008. Family Lagenidae Genus Nodosaria Lamarck, 1812 Nodosaria eatesbyi d'Orbigny AL, Da, wes, Ds Nodosaria catesbyi d’Orbigny, 1839, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fisc. Pol. Nat. Cuba, “Foraminiferes’, p. 16, pl. 11, figs. 8-10; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, pp. 28-29, pl. 5, fig. 4; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-a, p. 14, pl. 5, fig. 5; Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 101, pl. 26, fig. 6; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 329, pl. 39, figs. 1-4. Nodosaria sp ? Cushman, 1922, Carnegie Inst. Washington, vol. 17, No. 311, (Bs 32; jolly Zh stree Be Test composed of two chambers, the proloculum subglobular, with a short basal spine, the second chamber more pyriform apertural end somewhat prolonged; suture district and depressed; wall ornamented with numerous very distinct costae which extend the entire length of the two chambers to the aperture. Length 0.45 mm.; diameter 0.17 mm. (Cushman and Cahill.) Frequency.—Two specimens. P. R. I. numbers 7009-7010. Dimensions.—Length, 0.82-0.90 mm.; breadth, 0.30 mm. Remarks.—Specimens of this form were found that did not coincide with the description given above. The author suggests that the description of this species be redefined to include those forms that are composed of more than two chambers. McLean, (1956) also noted the occurrence of this species with more than two chambers. This fact does not, in the author's opinion, necessitate the erection of a new species. More probably the difference should be considered as a variation in form of the species until such time as the percent of the variation can be more closely checked. Genus Lagena Walker and Jacob, 1798 Lagena suleata (Walker and Jacob) Parker and Jones Lagena sulcata Cushman, 1923, U.S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 133, p. 25, pl. III, fig. 8. Test flask-shaped, body portion subglobular, ornamented with numerous plate- like costae running the length of the test, a few often more prominent than others, rather closely set and numerous, sometimes ending in spincse projections at the 226 BULLETIN 191 apical end; neck variously ornamented by costae or annular rings. Maximum length 0.45 mm. (Cushman.) Frequency.—One specimen. P. R. I., No. 7011. Dimensions.—Length 0.40 mm.; max. dia. 0.30. Remarks.—L. sulcata would be classified as Oolina sp., probably Oolina collaris according to Parr’s (1945) classification. In all other respect the Cobhams Wharf forms fit the description above. Lagena palmerae McLean Lagena palmerae McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 332, pl. 39, figs. 1la-b. Frequency.—One specimen. P. R. I., No. 7012. Dimensions.—Length 0.60 mm.; max dia. 0.35 mm. Remarks.—Truncated base and fluted neck make this form relatively easy to identify. L. palmerae would be classified as belonging to the genus Lagena according to Parr’s (1945) classification. Lagena pseudosuleata McLean Lagena pseudosulcata McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 332, pl. 39, figs. 11a-b. Frequency.—One specimen. P. R. I., No. 7013. Dimensions.—Length, 0.39., max. dia. 0.35 mm. Remarks.—This form may be easily confused with L. su/cata especially in the case of worn specimens. Parr’s classification would eliminate this confusion by classifying L. psewdosulcata as belonging to the genus Oolina. Lagena substriata (Williamson ) Lagena substriata Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 31, pl. 5, fig. 14. Test elongate, body of the test longer than broad, basal end rounded apertural end tapering into an elongate neck; wall ornamented with numerous, fine, longi- tudinal costae, continuous from the base of the chamber to the neck, sometimes a few on the neck itself. Length 0.50 mm.; diameter 0.25 mm. (Cushman). Frequency.—One specimen. Dimensions.—Length, 0.55 mm.; dia., 0.35 mm. Remar 5a Re le Nose Oe Lagena sp. One form was found in the sample that represents L. sp. It is not so finely costate as L. swbstriata and does not have the truncated base of L. palmerae. P. R. I. No. 7015. MICROFAUNA YORKTOWN MIOCENE: SABOL 227 Family Polymorphinidae Genus Guttulina d’Orbigny, 1839 Guttulina austrica da’ Orbigny Guttulina austrica d'Orbigny, 1846, Foram. Foss. Bass. Tert. Vienne, p. 223, pl. 12, figs. 23-25; Cushman and Ozawa, 1930, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 77, art. 6, pp. 29-30, pl. 4, figs. 3-5; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 333, pl. 40; figs. 1-3. Frequency.—Seven specimens. Dimensions.—Length, 0.50-0.85 mm.; breadth, 0.35-0.40 mm. Remarks.—P. R.1., No. 7016. Guttulina pseudocostatula McLean Guttulina pseudocostatula McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 334, pl. 40, fig. 8, 10-11. Frequency.—One specimen. Dimensions. —Length, 0.63 mm; breadth, 0.44 mm. Remarks.—This form is easily confused with G. costatula when working with worn specimens with indistinct costae. In worn specimen there is also a resemblance to G. palmerae which had costae only on the apertural end. P. R. I., No. 7017. Guttulina sp. One form was found that is probably G. awstrica but is too badly worn to make a positive identification. P. R. I., No. 7018. Genus Pseudopolymorphina Cushman and Ozawa, 1928 Pseudopolymorphina rutila (Cushman ) Pseudopolymorphina regina var. rutila Cushman, 1923, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Raper 1133) p: 34, ple 55 figs! 7-8: Pseudopolymorphina rutila Cushman and Ozawa, 1930, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. vol. 77, art. 6, p. 100, pl. 26, figs. 3a-b; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 36, pl. 5, fig. 20; Cushman and Ponton, 1932, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 9, p. 67; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 19, pl. 6, fig. 11; Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, pp. 105-106, pl. 21, fig. 18; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XX XVI, No. 160, pl. 41, figs. 6-9, 16-17. Frequency.—Two specimens. Dimensions.—Length, 0.82-0.98 mm.; breadth, 0.30-0.41 mm. Remarks.—P. R. I., No. 7019. 228 BULLETIN 191 Genus Sigmomorphina Cushman and Ozawa, 1928 Sigmomorphina concava (Williamson ) Polymorphina lactea var. concava Williamson, 1858, Recent Foram. Great Britain, Py 72 eplGy figsesliole iis. Sigmomorphina concava Cushman and Ozawa, 1930, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 77, art. 6, p. 139, pl. 38, figs. 5-7.; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 336, pl. 41, figs. 14, 18. Frequency.—One specimen. Dimensions.—Length, 0.54 mm. ; breadth, 0.50 mm. Remarks.—P. RB. 1., No. 7020. Sigmomorphina semitecta “var.” terquemiana Cushman and Ozawa Sigmomorphina semitecta “var.” terquemiana, Cushman and Ozawa, 1930, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. vol. 77, art. 6, pp. 129-130, pl. 33, figs. 4-5, pl. 34, figs. 2-3, pl. 35, fig. 1; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 337, pl. 41, figs. 12, 19-24. Frequency.—Twelve specimens. Dimensions.—Length, 0.31-0.63 mm.; breadth, 0.31-0.54 mm. Remarks.—P. R. 1., No. 7021. Fiumily Nonionidae Genus Nonion Montfort, 1808 Nonion pizarrensis (\V. Berry ) Nonionina boucana Cushman, 1918 (not d’Orbigny), U.S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 676. [Ds OS, joll, Ady, sale Sk, Nonton pizarrensis W. Berry, 1928, Jour. Paleont., vol. 1, p. 269, text figure I, figs. 1-3; Cushman 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 37, pl. 6, figs. 7-8; Cushman and Ponton, 1932, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 9, p. 69; Cushman and Gahill, 1933, U.S. Geol. Sur, Prof. Paper 175-A, p: 20) pli 7maeseeea-pe McLean 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 340, pl. 42, hss Os Ss 105 We Nonton pizarrense Cushman 1939, U. 8. Geol. Sur. Prof. Paper 191, p. 24, pl. 6, fig. 27; Clapp, Ann Dorsey, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol. Mines, and Water Res., Bull. 2, p. 300, pl. 35, figs. 6a-c; Puri 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 145. Frequency.—Forty-six specimens, Dimensions.—Length, 0.51-0.76 mm. ; breadth, 0.41-0.73 mm. Remarks.—This form was abundant in all cf McLean’s localities. P. R. I., Nos. 7022-7023. MICROFAUNA YORKTOWN MIOCENE: SABOL 229 Genus Nonionella Cushman, 1926 Nonionella auris (d°Orbigny ) Valvulina auris d'Orbigny, 1839, Voyage dans |’ Amerique Meéridionale, vol. 5, pt. 5, Foraminiferes, p. 47, pl. 2, figs. 15-17. Nonionina auris Cushman, 1925, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 44, pl. 7, figs. 3a-c. Nonionella auris Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 38, pl. 7, figs. la-c; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 21, pl. 7, figs. Ga-b; Cushman, 1939, U.S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 191, p. 33, pl. 9, fig. 4; Clapp, Ann Dorsey, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines and Water Res., Bull. 2, p. 301, pl. 35, figs. 3a-c; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, p. 341, pl. 43, figs. 1, 4. Frequency.—F¥our specimens. Dimensions. —Length, 0.55-0.63 mm.; breadth, 0.37-0.50 mm. Remarks.—P. R. I., No. 7024. Family Buliminidae Genus Bulimina Cushman Bulimina gracilis Cushman Bulimina gracilis Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 43, pl. 8, figs. 5a-b; Cushman and Ponton, 1932, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 9, p. 76; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 24, pl. 7, figs. 16a-b; Cushman, 1936, Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull. 47, p. 431, pl. 5, figs. 8a-b; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 344, pl. 44, figs. 6, 8-10. Bulimina elongata, Cushman and Parker, 1937 (not d’Orbigny), Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram, Res., vol. 13, pt. 2, p. 49, pl. 7, figs. 1a-b, 3 a-b:,(not 2a-b); Cushman, 1946 (not d’Orbigny), U.S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 210-D, pl. 25, figs. 16a-c (not others).; Clapp, Ann Dorsey, 1948 (not d’Orbigny), Maryland Dept. Geol. Mines and Water Res., Bull. 2, p. 303, pl. 36, figs. 5-6. Frequency.—Three specimens. Dimensions.—Length, 0.54-0.98 mm.; breadth, 0.13-0.19 mm. Remarks.—P. R. I., No. 7025. Genus Uvigerina @Orbigny. 1826 Uvigerina calvertensis Cushman Uvigerina calvertensis Cushman, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines Waters Rese wll pee 22s pla alia yetiose9 sl OReIMclean) 11956.. Bull) Amer. Paleont. vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 348, pl. 46, figs. 2a-b. Uvigerina kernensis Clapp, Ann Dorsey, 1948, (not Barbat and Von Estorff). Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines Water Res., Bull. 2, p. 308, pl. 36, fig. 24. Frequency.—One specimen. Dimensions.—Length, 0.68 mm.; breadth, 0.43 mm. Remarks.—P. R. I., No: 7026. 230 BULLETIN 191 Uvigerina cf. tenuistriata Cushman (not Reuss) Uvigerina cf. tenistriata McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 349, pl. 45, figs. 9a-b, pl. 46, figs. 3a-b. Frequency.—Two specimens. Dimensions.—Length, 0.51-0.72 mm.; breadth, 0.29-0.33 mm. Remarks.—The two forms found fit Cushman’s description except fomsize: PP) Ro No: 70277 Family Rotaliidae Genus Buceella Andersen, 1952 Buccella cf. depressa Andersen Pl. 27, figs. 4a-c Eponides peruvianus Sunes and Parker, 1931 (not d’Orbigny), U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. vol. 80, art. 3, p. 19 (not figured). Buccella depressa Aiiees 1952, Washington Acad. Sci., Jour. vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 145-146, tf. 7a-c, 8; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 355, pl. 50, figs. 2-4. Eponides peruvianus campst Boltovskoy, 1954, Revista del Inst. Nacional Invest. Ciencias Nay. y Mus. Argentino Ciencias Nat “Bernadino Rivadavia’’, tomo 3, No. 3, p. 204, pl. 17, figs. 6a-c, 7, 8,; Boltovskoy, 1954, idem, tomo 3, No. 4, p. 287, pl. 27, figs. 8a-b. Test of medium size; trochoid; dorsal and ventral sides equally biconvex. Dorsal side with surface smooth, finely perforate and hyaline (in well-preserved specimens): and with slightly curved sutures oriented oblique to the peripheral margin. Ventral side with surface more coarsely perforate than the dorsal surface, sutures greatly depressed, nearly radial, and partly filled with opaque pustulose material; chambers inflated; and with depressed umbilicus and basal margin of last- formed chambers bearing a moderate coating of pustulose material. Periphery broadly acute to rounded and lobulate. The number of chambers in the last-formed whorl ranges from 7 to 9, the most common being 8. Adult tests have 2144 to 3 coils. In well preserved specimens all apertures are concealed by pustulose material. Weathered specimens exhibit .. . . a low arched primary aperture at the basal margin of the last-formed chamber and slitlike supplementary apertures that extend along the outer postero-suturel margins of each chamber. (Andersen, 1952.) Frequency.—Twenty specimens (?). Dimensions.—Diameter, 0.41-0.52 mm.; thickness, 0.16-0.29 mm. Remarks.—The specimens recorded as B. cf. depressa fit the descrip- tion given by Andersen sufhciently to be classified as such. All the speci- mens do not fit Andersen's description exactly, especially as far as the amount and distribution of pustulose material is concerned. P. R. I., Nos. 7028-7029. Bucecella parkerae Andersen Pl. 27, figs. 5a-c Eponides mansfieldi Cushman and Parker, 1931 (not Cushman, 1930), Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 7, pt. 1, pl. 2, fig. 10a-c. MICROFAUNA YORKTOWN MIOCENE: SABOL 231 Buccella parkerae Andersen, 1952, Washington Acad. Sci., Jour. vol. 42, No. 5, p. 149, tf. 9a-c; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 356, pl. 51, figs. 2a-c. Test small; trochoid; biconvex, dorsal side nearly conoidal, ventral side with an umbilical flattening. Dorsal side with surface coarsely perforate; and with sutures of variable intensity; in the early coils concealed by a thin exogenous covering of shell material, in the last coil distinct, limbate, and in some specimens slightly raised above the surface of the test. Ventral side with surface coarsely perforate; depressed sutures radial near the umbilicus and abruptly curved back- ward at the peripheral margin; umbilicus depressed; and with umbilicus, sutures, and basal margin of the last-formed chamber bearing a coating of pustulose material, thickly deposited in the umbilicus, less densely deposited in the outer portion of the sutures. Periphery acute, limbate and slightly lobulate. The number of chambers in the last-formed whorl range from 9 to 11, 11 being the most common. Adult tests with 214 to 3 coils. The primary aperture is concealed by pustules. Supplementary apertures on the ventral side of the test are located in the slight depression at the outer margin of the suture near the periphery. Each aperture is a long slitlike opening barely visible under high magnification. (Andersen, 1952.) Frequency.—Ten specimens (?). Dimensions.—Diameter, 0.35-0.49 mm.; thickness, 0.12-0.20 mm. Remarks.—TVhe 10 specimens that I have reported as B. parkerae fit Andersen's description closely. There is less variation in the distribution of the pustulose material, however, the range in size is greater than that given by Andersen. As I have stated previously in this paper I do not feel that size, in this case, is a valid delineation between B. parkerae and B. mansfieldi. The specimens of B. parkerae reported here were classified using the illustrations of Andersen and those of McLean. The reader is invited to compare McLean’s figures of B. parkerae (McLean, 1956, pl. 51, figs. 2a-c) and the author’s figures of B. parkerae, Pl. 27, figs. 5a-c. Both McLean’s figures and those of this study were drawn by the same illustrator from slides that were identifiable by number only. P. R. I., No. 7030-7031. Bueeella spp. Pl, 27, figs: (Ga=b Several forms were found that could not be placed under one of Andersen’s or McLean's descriptions. This was due in part to the worn condition of the tests and also to the variation found from individual to individual. P. R. I., Nos. 7032-7034. Family Glebigerinidae Genus Globigerina d’Orbigny. 1826 Globigerina spp. Twelve forms were found that were not classified as to species. Mc- Lean (1956) classified the Globigerina from his Yorktown localities as 232 BULLETIN 191 forms A, B, C, D, and E. This pelagic form is another example of a group in which the variation in forms might best be described by lineation. It is true that certain differences can be seen in the group, but the question in the author's mind ts if these differences are valid species characteristics. In many forms the difference may be so slight that it should be called a variation, but where is the line to be drawn between a variation and a new species” Pe Rede aNo. 7035: Family Globorotaliidae Genus Globorotalia Cushman, 1927 Globorotalia sp. One specimen of this genus was found in a slightly worn condition. Family Anomalinidae Genus Planulina @Orbigny, 1826 Planulina depressa (d'Orbigny ) Truncatulina depressa d'Orbigny, 1839, Voyage dans |’ Amerique Méridionale, vol. 5, pt. 5, Foraminiferes, p. 39, pl. 6, figs. 4-6. Planulina depressa Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 60, pl. 12, figs. 2a-c.; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 34, pl. 12, figs. Ga-c; Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36 pp. 141-142, pl. 27, figs. 1-3; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 366, pl. 48, figs. 8-11. Frequency.—Abundant. Dimensions.—Diameter, 0.76-0.93 mm. Remarks.—This was the most abundant form in the sample. McLean found this species apparently to be restricted to Carter’s Grove outcrop beds on the York-James Penninsula. P. R. I., Nos. 7037-7038. Genus Cibicides Montfort. 1808 Cibieides cf. lobatulus (Cushman ) Truncatulina lobatula Cushman, 1918, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 676, pp. 60-61, pl. 17, figs. 1-3. Cibicides lobulatulus Clapp, Ann Dorsey, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol. Mines Water Res., Bull. 2, pp. 315-316, pl. 39, figs. 5a-c; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 366, pl. 48, figs. 12-13. Frequency.—F ive specimens. Dimensions.—The dimensions of this form were not taken because of irregular outline of the test. Remarks.—The tendency of this form to coil inwardly over the dorsal side makes the outline highly irregular. The amount of coiling varies greatly between individuals. P. R. I., No. 3709. MICROFAUNA YORKTOWN MIOCENE: SABOL 233 Cibicides sublobus (Cushman ) Truncatulina subloba Cushman, 1918, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 676, p. 62, pl. 19, figs. la-c. Cibicides sublobus McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 366, pl. 48, figs. 8-11. Frequency.—Ten specimens. Dimensions.—Diameter, 0.53-0.63 mm. Remarks.—P. R. I., No. 7040. Genus Hanzwaia Asano, 1944 Hanzwaia concentrica (Cushman ) Pl. 27, figs. 7a-b, 8a-b Truncatulina concentrica Cushman, 1918, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 676, pp. 64-65, pl. 21, figs. 3a-c. Cibicides concentrica Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4 pp. 61-62, pl. 12, figs. 4a-c.; Cushman 1931, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 104, pt. 8, pp. 120-121, pl. 21, figs. 4-5, pl. 22, figs. 1-2; Parker, 1948, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard Univ., vol. 100, No. 2, pl. 1, figs. 16a-b. Cibicides concentricus Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 35, pl. 13, figs. 3a-c; Cushman, 1944, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Publ. No. 12, p. 37, pl. 4, figs. 29a-b.; Clapp, Ann Dorsey, 1948, Mary- land Dept. Geol., Mines Water Res., Bull. 2, p. 315, pl. 39, figs. 1-2.; Phleger and Parker, 1948, Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. 46, pt. 2, p. 29, pl. 15, figs. 14-15; Bermudez, 1949, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Publ. No. 25, p. 296, pl. 26, figs. 7-12. Cibicidina concentricus Parker, 1954, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard Univ., vols 35 Nos 10) pl. 13; figs. 7,10. Hanzawaia concentrica Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 140, pl. 12, figs. 7-9; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 367, pl. 49, figs. 4-6. Frequency.—Seventy-three right-hand coiling specimens; ninety-four left-handed coiling specimens. Dimensions.—Diameter 0.61-1.12 mm. Remarks.—The number of left-hand coiling specimens as opposed to the right-hand coiling forms may infer something as to the environment of the Yorktown sea, but just what the author ts not certain. More detailed statistical work with this species may reveal the relative worth of noting the difference in the coiling. At this point in our statistical knowledge as related to ecology the author does not feei that the opposed coiling forms represent anything in particular. P. R. I., No. 7041-7044. Genus Cibicidella Cushman, 1927 Cibicidella variabilis (d@Orbigny ) Truncatulina variabilis d’Orbigny, 1839, in Barker, Webb and Berthelot, Hist. Nat. Iles Canaries, vol. 2, pt. 2, ‘“Foraminiferes’” p. 135, pl. 2, fig. 29; Bagg, 1912, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 512, p. 84, pl. 24, figs. 1-4 (not pl. 25, figs. 4-5). BULLETIN 191 No Uo nes Cibicidella variabilis Cushman, 1931, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 104, pt. 8, p. 127, pl. 24; fig. 3.; Cushman and Ponton, 1932, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 9, p. 192, pl. 15, figs. 5-7; Cushman and Todd, 1945, Cushman Lab. Foram Res., Spec. Publ. No. 15, p. 72, pl. 12, fig. 11.; Clapp, Ann Dorsey, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol. Mines Water Res., Bull. 2, pp. 316-317, pl. 39, figs. 8a-b.; Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 140-141, pl. 8, figs. 4-6; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVI, No. 160, p. 369, pl. 49, figs. 9-11, 14. Frequency.—Fifty-three specimens. Dimensions.— Because of the irregularity of this form no dimensions were taken. Remarks. —P. R. 1., No. 7045. Order OSTRACODA Latreille Suborder PODOCOPA Sars Family Bairdiidae Subfamily Bairdiinae Sars, 1923 Genus Bairdoppilata Coryell, Sample, and Jennings, 1935 Bairdoppilata triangulata Edwards Bairdoppilata triangulata Edwards, 1944, Jour. Paleont., vol. 18, p. 507, pl. 85, figs. 5-7.; Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 223, 225, pl. 1, figs. 3-4, text figs. la-b.; McLean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XX XVIII, No. 167, p. 69, pl. 7, figs. 1a-d. Frequency.—Two valves. Remarks. —P. R. I., No. 7046 Family Cypridae Genus Paraeypris Sars, 1866 Paracypris choctawhateheensis Puri Paracypris choctawhatcheenis Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 227-228, pl. 1, figs. 10-12, text figs. 2a, b, d; McLean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont:, volt XOXSe VILE No? 167, p: 70; pl. 7, figs, 2a-d: Frequency.—Two valves. Remarks.—P. R. 1., No. 7047. Family Cytheridae Subfamily Loxoconehinae Sars, 1926 Genus Loxoeconeha Sars, 1866 Loxoconcha sp. The one specimen of this group that was found was too worn to make a positive identification. P. R. I., No. 7048. MICROFAUNA YORKTOWN MIOCENE: SABOL 235 Subfamily Cytherideinae Sars, 1925 Genus Clithroeytheridea Stephenson, 1936 Clithrocytheridea virginiensis Malkin Haplocytheridea sp. aff. H. israelskyi Swain, 1953, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper ARAN, [OD DO), all; ill, wakes, WS=i17/- Clithrocytheridea virginiensis Malkin, 1953, Jour. Paleont., vol. 27, p. 783-784, pl. 79, figs. 23, 25-28.; McLean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXX VIII, No. 167, p. 74, pl. 8, figs. 2a-g. Frequency.—All the specimens of this form were inarticulate. Remarks.—P. R. I., No. 7049. Subfamily Eucytherinae Puri, 1954 Genus Cushmanidea Blake, 1933 Cushmanidea ashermani (Ulrich and Bassler ) Cushmanidea ashermani McLean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXX VIII, No. 167, p. 77, pl. 8, figs. Sa-f. Frequency.—Two articulated specimens, eight valves. Dimensions.—Length, 0.87-0.94 mm.; height, 0.42-0.45 mm. ; thick- ness, 0.38-0.40 mm. Remarks.—P. R.I., No. 7050. Cushmanidea ulrichi (Howe and Johnson ) Cytherideis ulrichi Howe and Johnson, 1935, in Howe ef al., Florida Geol. Sur., Bullets. ps 16) plas. tes. E14 Pure 1952) Jour. Paleont. vol, 26) ps 9115 Bull. 36, p. 287, pl. 9, figs. 11-13. Cytherideis subaequalis ulrichi Malkin, 1953, Jour. Paleont., vol. 27, p. 779, pl. WB; MB, WES Bile Cushmanidea ulrichi McLean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XX XVIII, No. 167, p. 79, pl. 9, figs. 3a-d Remarks.—P. R. I., No. 7051. Subfamily Brachytherinae Puri. 1953 Genus Pterygocythereis Blake, 1933 Pterygocythereis americana (Ulrich and Bassler ) Cytherets cornuta var. americana Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, text, p. 122; plates, pl. 37, figs. 29-33 (vol. II). Cythereis alaris Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, text, pp. 123-124; plates, pl. 38, figs. 34-36. Cythereis (Pterygocythereis) cornuta var. americana Howe et al., 1935, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 13, p. 26, pl. 2, figs. 19, 21-24, pl. 4, fig. 24; Swain, 1948, pany aad Dept. Geol. Mines, and Water Res., Bull. 2, p. 206-207, pl. 14 (13), g. 4. Pterygocytherets cornuta americana Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, p. 41-42.; Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 261, pl. 13, figs. 1-5, text figs. 9d-f. 236 BULLETIN 191 Prerygocythereis americana Malkin, 1953, Jour. Paleont., vol. 27, p. 795, pl. 80, figs. 26-29.; McLean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XX XVIII, No. 167, p. 80, pl. 9, figs. Sa-d, 6a-e. Remarks.—P. R. 1., No. 7052. Subfamily Trachyleberinae Sylvester-Brad'ley. 1948 Genus Actinocythereis Puri, 1953 Actinocythereis exanthemata (Ulrich and Bassler ) Cythere exanthemata Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, fexts py Wiiieplates, sple. 36, tigsal-o» Cythereis exanthemata Swain, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines and Water Res., vol. 2, p. 204, pl. 12, figs. 14-15. Trachyleberis exanthemata Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, p. 37, pl. 6, fig. 5.; Malkin, 1953, Jour. Paleont., vol. 27, p. 791, pl. 81, figs. IG}, USEPA) Actinocythereis exanthemata Puri, 1953, Amer. Midland Naturalist, vol. 49, p: 179-181, pl. 2, figs. 4-8, text. figs. 3-f.; Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida (Geol: Suge, Bulle voll 46, 1Ssstigsmo-13- Actinocytherets aft. exanthemata Swain?, 1955, Jour. Paleont., vol. 29, p. 634, pl. 63, figs. 5a-b, text figs. 37c, 38, 7a-c.; McLean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., VOls exOXeXo VIE INO Gia pa S25 ple Os tess liane Remarks.—P. R. 1., No. 7053 Genus Eehinocythereis Puri, 1953 Eehinocythereis clarkana (Ulrich and Bassler ) Cythere clarkana Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, text, p. 98; plates, pl. 35, figs. 1-10 (vol. II). Cythere clarkana var. miniscula Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur. Miocene, text, p. 99; plates, pl. 35, figs. 11-14 (vol. II). Leguminocytherets clarkana Swain, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol. Mines and Water Res., Bull. 2, p. 207, pl. 14, fig. 6; Swain, 1951, Uy S. Geol. Susy Promebapern 234-A, p. 43, pl. 6, fig. 18. Trachyleberts clarkana Malkin, 1953, Jour. Paleont., vol. 27, p. 792, pl. 82, figs. 1-3. Echinocytherets clarkana McLean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXX VIII, No. 167, p. 84, pl. 10, figs. 3a-c. Frequency.—Two inarticulate specimens and one articulate specimen. Paka INos 054" Remarks.—McLean (1957, p. 85) considered this species to be pre- Yorktown and noted that it had not been found in Yorktown formation outcrops. Genus Murrayina Puri, 1954 Murrayina howei Puri Cythere producta Ulrich and Bassler (not Brady), 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur. Miocene, text, p. 115; plates, pl. 36, fig. 17; pl. 38, figs. 28-30. Cythereis producta Howe, 1935, in Howe ef al., Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 13, p22. pls lofigs. 31232. 35, S7ple 40 figss Vl-1 2: MICROFAUNA YORKTOWN MIOCENE: SABOL 23h Trachyleberis martini Malkin, 1953, Jour. Paleont., vol. 27, p. 793, pl. 82, figs. 6-9 ?, 11-13 ?. Murrayina howei Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 255-256, pl. 12, figs. 9-10, text figs. 8g-h.; McLean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXXVIII, No. 167, p. 85, pl. 10, fig. 4a-e. Frequency.—Six inarticulate specimens. Dimensions.—Length, 0.85 mm. to 0.92 mm., height, 0.36 mm. to 0.42 mm. Remarks.—P. R. I., No. 7055. Murrayina martini (Ulrich and Bassler ) Cythere martini Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur. Miocene, text, Poewali2=3 plates. ipl. 36) mes. I-15). Cythere micula Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur. Miocene, text, p. 116; plates, pl. 36, figs. 18-20. Cythereis martini Swain, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines, and Water Res., Bull 2 palOGs ple 12 fies. 16-17, Trachyleberis ? martini Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, p. 29, Ole Sh, wi, 5. Trachyleberts martini Malkin, 1953, part, Jour. Paleont., vol. 27, p. 793, pl. 82, fig. 10 ? (not other figures). Murrayina martini Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 256, pl. 12, figs. 11-13, text figures 8e-f.; McLean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XX VIII, INon G7, p) 8G; pl. 11) figs: Ila-c) 2a-b, 4a-d! Fregquency.—Seven inarticulate and four articulate specimens. Dimensions.—Length, 0.79 mm. to 0.84 mm.; height, 0.37 mm. to 0.41 mm. Remarks.—P. R. I., No. 7056. Murrayina sp. Two specimens were found that did not compare with any published descriptions, however, both specimens were too badly worn to make a post- tive identification. P. R. I., No. 7057. Genus Puriana Coryell and Fields, 1954 Puriana rugipunetata (Ulrich and Bassler) Cythere rugipunctata Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, text, p. 118; plates, pl. 38, figs. 16-17. Cythereis rugipunctata Howe et al., 1935, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 13, p. pl. 1, figs. 18, 20-22; pl. 4, figs. 22-23. Favella rugipunctata Edwards, 1944, Jour. Paleont., vol. 18, p. 524, pl. 88, figs. 5-6; Malkin 1953, Jour. Paleont., vol. 27, p. 797, pl. 82, fig. 24; Wan den Bele, 1950, Jour. Paleont., vol. 24, p. 86.; Van den Bold, 1946, p. 100, pl. 10, oe Se Trachyleberis ? rugipunctata Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, Pe 38a ply Gy ties (8) 23% 238 BULLETIN 191 Puriana rugipunctata Coryell and Fields (in Puri, 1953), Jour. Paleont., vol. 27, p. 751; Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull 36, p. 257-8, pl. 12, figs. 18-19, text fig. 8 k.; McLean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XX XVIII, No. 167, p. 89, pl. 11, figs. 5a-d. Frequency.—Nine articulate specimens. Dimensions.—Length 0.66 mm. to 0.67 mm.; height, 0.37 mm. to 0.38 mm. Remares.—P. R. I., No. 7058. Cytheretta wlriechi Puri Cythere plebera Ulrich and Bassler (not Reuss), 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur. Miocene, text, pp. 102-103; plates, pl. 35, figs. 20-29 (vol. II). Cythere plebeia var. capax Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland, Geol. Sur., Mio- cene, text, p. 1103; plates, pl. 35, figs. 30-33. Cythere porcella Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, text, pp. 106-107; plates, pl. 36, figs. 26-33. Cytheretta plebera Swain, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol. Mines and Water Res., Bull 2) pe 2025 ple W4 nes, 3-45) Malkin) 1953) Jour Pale svolee27aapaioOs pl. Sil, figs. 126; 9% Cytheretta ulrichi Puri, 1952, Jour. Paleont., vol. 26, p. 204-205,. pl. 39, fig. 3, text tilese 5-7 Cytheretta porcella Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, p. 45, pl. 4, fig. 7; McLean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXX VIII, No! 167} pe 92, ple ie figss 3a-d: Remarks.—P. R. I., No. 7059. Subfamily Hemieytherinae Puri, 1953 Genus Hemicythere Sars, 1925 Hemicythere schmidtae Malkin Trachyleberis ? cf. T. angulata Swain, 1951 (not Sars), U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, 29-30, pl. 3, figs. 9-12. Trachyleberis ? reesidei Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, p. 30 ol, Bis wee, 13h. ; Hemicythere schmidtae Malkin, 1953, Jour. Paleont., vol. 27, p. 796-797, pl. 82, figs. 16-8.; McLean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XX XVIII, No. 167, p. 92, pl. 12, figs. 2a-d. Frequency.—Two inarticulate and two articulate specimens. Remarks.—P. BR. I., No. 7060. Genus Aurilia Porkorny, 1955 Aurilia conradi (Howe and McGuirt ) Pl. 27, figs. 9a-c Aurilia conradi McLean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XX XVIII, No. 167, p. 94, pl. 11, figs. 7a-b. Frequency.—Three inarticulate and sixteen articulate specimens. Remarks.—P. R. I., No. 7061, 7062. MICROFAUNA YORKTOWN MIOCENE: SABOL 239 BIBLIOGRAPHY Anderegg, Fred 1930. The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Yorktown formation of Virginia. Univ. Virginia Master’s Thesis, 107 pp., 7 figs., 10 pl. Andersen, J. L., et al 1948. Cretaceous and Tertiary subsurface geology. Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines, and Water Resources, Bull. No. 2, pp. 1-433, pls. I-X XXIV, figs. 1-30. Bandy, O. L. 1954. Distribution of some shallow-water Foraminifera in the Gulf of Mexico.. U. S. Geol. Sur:, Prof. Paper 254-F, pp. 1125-141, pls. 27-31, figs. 5-13. Bermudez, P. J. 1949. Tertiary smaller Foraminifera of the Dominican Republic. Cushman Lab. Foram Res., Spec. Publ. No. 25, pp. 1-315, figs. 1-6. Berry, E. W., and Gregory, W. K. 1906. Promarus Alleni, a new genus and species of walrus from the upper Miocene of Yorktown, Virginia. Amer. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, vol. 21, pp. 444-450, pls. 1-4. Boltovskoy, E. 1954. Foraminiferos del Golfo San Jorge. Revista Inst. Nacional Invest. Ciencias Nat. y Mus. Argentino Ciencias Nat. “Bernardino Rivadaria’’, tomo 3, No. 4., pp. 79-228, pls. 1-19. 1954. Foraminiferos de la Bahia San Blas. Revista Inst. Nacional Invest. Ciencias Nat. y Mus. Argentino Ciencias Nat. “Bernardino Rivadavia’’, tomo 3, No. 4, pp. 245-300, pls. 20-29. Cederstrom, D. J. 1943. Memorandum-concerning the ground-water supply at Camp Peary, U. S. Navy, Williamsburg, Va. Unpublished report in files of Virginia Geol. Sur. and the United States Geol. Sur. 1945. Selected well logs in the Virginia Coastal Plain north of James River. Virginia Geol. Sur., Circular 3, pp. 1-81, fig. 1. Clark, W. B., and Miller, B. L. 1906. A brief summary of the geology of the Virginia Coastal Plain. Virginia Dept. Agric. & Immigr., Geol. Surv. Virginia Bd. Agric. & Immigr., Geol. Sur., Bull. 2, pp. 11-24. Clark, W. B., Shattuck, G. B., and Dall, W. H. 1904. Miocene, Vol. 1, text, vol. 2, plates. Maryland Geol. Sur., pp. 1-543, pls. 1-85. Curtis, N. M., Jr. 1955. Paleoecology of the Viesca member of the Weches formation at Smith- ville, Texas. Jour. Paleont., vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 263-282. Cushman, J. A. 1918. Some Pliocene and Miocene Foraminifera of the Coastal Plain of the United States. U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 676, 100 pp. 240 BULLETIN 191 1922. The Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocear. U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 104, pt. 3, pp. 1-149, pls. 1-26. 1922. Shallow-water Foraminifera of the Tortugas region, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pub. 311, vol. 17, pp. 1-85, pls. 1-14. 1923. The Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean. U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 104, pt. 4, pp. 1-227, pls. 1-42. 1926. Miocene species of Nonionina from California. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 1, pt. 4, pp. 89-92. 1929. The Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean. U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 104, pt. 6, pp. 1-129, pls. 1-22. 1930. The Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 104, pt. 7, pp. 1-79, pls. 1-18. 1931. The Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean. U. 8. Nat. Mus. Bull. 104, pt. 8, pp. 1-179, pls. 1-26. 1939. A monograph of the foraminiferal family Nonionidae. U. 8. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 191, pp. 1-100, pls. 1-20. 1950. Foraminifera; their classification and economic use. Fourth Edition, Harvard Univ. Press, pp. 1-605, pls. 1-55. Cushman, J. A., and Cahill, E. D. 1933. Miocene Foraminifera of the Coastal Plain of the eastern United States. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, 50 pp., 13 pls., charts. Cushman, J. A., and Cederstrom, D. J. 1945. An upper Eocene foraminiferal fauna from deep wells in York County, Virginia. Virginia Geol. Sur., Bull. 67, pp. 1-58, pls. 1-6. Cushman, J. A., and Ozawa, Y. 1930. A monograph of the foraminiferal family Polymorphinidae Recent and fossil. U.S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 77, art. 6, pp. 1-185. Cushman, J. A., and Parker, F. L. 1947. Bulimina and related foraminiferal genera. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 210-D, pp. 55-176, pls. 15-30. Cushman, J. A., and Ponton, G. M. 1932. The Foraminifera of the upper, middle and part of the lower Miocene of Florida. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. No. 9, pp. 1-147, pls. 1-12. Cushman, J. A., and Valentine, W. W. 1930. Shallow-water Foraminifera from the Channel Island of southern California. Contr. Dept. Geol. Stanford Univ., vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-51, pls. 1-10. Darwin, Charles 1892. The origin of species. 6th edition, 2 volumes combined, D. Appleton & Co., New York. Vol. 1, pp. 1-365, vel. 2, pp. 1-322. Edwards, R. A. 1944. Ostracoda from the Duplin marl (upper Miocene) of North Carolina. Jour. Paleont., vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 505-528, pl. 85-88. Gardner, Julia A. 1943. Mollusca from ihe Miocene and lower Pliocene of Virginia and North Carolina. Part 1. Pelecypoda. With an Introduction by W. C. Mansfeld. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 199-A, pp. 1-178, pls. 1-23. MICROFAUNA YORKTOWN MIOCENE: SABOL 241 1948. Mollusca from the Miocene avd lower Pliocene of Virginia and North Carolina. Part 2. Scaphopoda and Gastropoda. U.S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 199-B, pp. 179-310, pls. 24-38. Heron-Allen, E., and Earland, A. 1916. The Foraminifera of the west of Scotland. Trans. Linnean Soc., 2d ser., Zool., vol. XI, pt. 13, pp. 197-299, pls. 39-43. 1932. Foraminifera. Part 1. The ice-free area of the Falkland Islands and adjacent seas, Discovery Reports, vol. LV, pp. 291-460. Hofker, Jan. 1930. The Foraminifera of the Siboga Expedition, Part I, families Astrohi- zidae, Rhzamminidae, Reophacidae, Anomalinidae, Peneroplidae. With an introduction on the Life-Cycle of the Foraminifera. E. J. Brill Ltd., Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 1-170, pls. 39-64. 1950. What is the genus Eponides? Micropaleontologist, vol. 4., No. 1, pp. 15-16. 1954. Candorbulina universa [PLANE and Orbulina universa d’Orbigny. Micropaleontologist, vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 38-39. Howe, H. V. 1955. Handbook of ostracod taxonomy. Louisiana State Univ. Studies, Physical Sci. Ser., No. 1, pp. 1-386. Howe, H. V., et al. 1935. Ostracoda of the area zone of the Choctawhatchee Miocene of Florida. Geol. Bull. No. 13, Florida Dept. Conservation, Geol. Dept., pp. 1-47, pl. 1-4. Ladd, H.S., Gunter, G., Lohman, K. E., and Revelle, R. 1951. Report of the committee on a treatise on marine ecology and_ pal- eoecology, 1950-1951. Report No. 11, Div. Geol. &. Geography, Nat. Research Council, pp. 1-83. Loeblich, A. R., Jr., and Tappan, Helen 1955. Revision of some Recent foraminiferal genera. Smithsonian Misc. Colle svol® 128) No: 55 pps 1-3i70 Lowman, S. W. 1949. Sedimentary facies in Gulf Coast. Bull. Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol., vol. 33, No. 12, pp. 1939-1997. (Manuscript copy from Lowman.) Malkin, D. S 1953. Biostratigraphic study of Miocene Ostracoda of New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia. Jour. Paleont., vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 761-90. Mansfield, W. C. 1927. The Miocene stratigraphy of Virginia, based upon the study of the faunas. Thesis (copied fragment) at the George Washington University. Mansfield, W. C., and Ponton, G. M. 1932. Faunal zones in the Miocene Cope hatchee formation of Florida. Jour. Washington Acad. Sci.. vol. 22, pp. 84-88. McLean, J. D., Jr. 1950. Stratigraphic study of well at Crisfield, Somerset County, Maryland. Bull. Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol., vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 133-138. 242 BULLETIN 191 1956. The Foraminifera of the Yorktown formation in the York-James Peninsula of Virginia, with notes on the associated mollusks. Bull. Amet. Paleont., vol. XX XVI, No. 160, pp. 261-394, pl. 35-53. 1957. The Ostracoda of the Yorktown formation in the York-James Penin- sula of Virginia, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XX XVIII, No. 167, pp. 57-96. 1959. Textularia yorktownensis, new name, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 969. Miller, D. N., Jr. 1953. Ecological study of the Foraminifera of Mason Inlet, North Carolina. Contr. Cushman Found. Foram. Res., vol. 4, pt. 2, pp. 41-63. Norton, R. D. 1930. Ecologic relations of same Foraminifera. Bull. Scripps Inst. Ocean- ography, Tech. series, vol. 2, No. 9, pp. 331-338. Parr, W. J. 1947. The lagenid Foraminifera and their relationships. Royal Society of Victoria publication, vol. 58, pls. 1-2, N. S., read December 1945. Art. 10, pp. 116-133, pls. 6-7, 1 text fig. Parker, F. L. 1948. Foraminifera of the Continental Shelf from the Gulf of Maine to Maryland, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard Univ., vol. 100. No. 2, pp. 214-240, pls. 1-7. 1954. Distribution of the Foraminifera in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard Unit., vol. 111, No. 10, pp. 453-588, pls leis: Parker, F. L., Phleger, F. B, and Peirson, J. F. 1953. Ecology of Foraminifera from San Antonio Bay and environs, south- west Texas. Cushman Found. Foram. Res., Spec. Publ. No. 2, pp. 1-75, pls. 1-4. Phlieger, F. B 1955. Ecology of Foraminifera in southeastern Mississippi Delta area. Bull. Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol., vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 712-752. 1954. Ecology of Foraminifera and associated micro-organisms from Missis- ippi Sound and environs. Bull. Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol., vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 584-647. Phleger, F. B, and Parker, F. L. 1951. Ecology of Foraminifera, northwest Gulf of Mexico. Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. No. 46, pp. 1-64, pls. 1-20. Post, Rita J. 1951. Foraminifera of the south Texas Coast. Pub. Inst. Mar. Sci., vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 165-176. Puri, H.S. 1952. Ostracode genera Cytheretta and Paracytheretta in America. Jout. Paleont., vol. 26, No. 2, p. 199-212, pl. 39-40, 14 text figs. 1952. Ostracode genus Cytheridea and its allies. Jour. Paleont., vol. 26, No. 6, p. 902-914, pl. 130-131, 14 text figs. 1953. The ostracode genus Hemicythere and its allies. Jour. Washington Acad. Sci., vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 169-179, pl. 1-2. MICROFAUNA YORKTOWN MIOCENE: SABOL 243 1953. Taxonomic comment on: “Ostracoda from wells in North Carolina part I. Cenozoic Ostracoda’ by F. M. Swain. Jour. Paleont., vol. 27, No. DS PPs DOW a2. 1954 (1953). Contribution to the study of the Miocene of the Florida pan- ‘handle. Part Ill. Ostracoda, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, pp. 221-345, pl. 1-7. Remond, C. D. 1949. What is the genus Eponides? Micropaleontologist, vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 18-21. Richards, H. G. 1947. Invertebrate fossils from deep wells along the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Jour. Paleont., vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 23-37. 1950. Geology of the Coastal Plain of North Carolina, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., new series, vol. 40, pt. 1, pp. 1-82, figs. 1-76. Roberts, J. K. 1932. The lower York-James Peninsula. Virginia Geol. Sur., Bull. 37 (Educational Series. No. 2), pp. 1-58, pls. 1-19. 1942. Annotated geological bibliography of Virginia. Univ. of Virginia Bibliographical Series No. 2, Dietz Press, Richmond, Va., pp. 1-726. Said, R. 1949. Foraminifera of the northern Red Sea. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Publ. No. 26, pp. 1-44, pls. 1-4. 1951. Foraminifera of Narragansett Bay. Contr. Cushman Found. Foram. INES.4 WO, Ave Is joe WAKO. Slama, D. C. 1954. Arenaceous tests in Foraminifera—an experiment. Micropaleontologist, vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 33-34. Smith, A. Barrett 1959. Paleoecology of a molluscan jauna from the Trent formation. Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 855-871. Stach, L. W., et al. 1951. Illustrated catalogue of Japanese Tertiary smaller Foraminifera. Part 14. Rotaliidae, pp. 1-21, figs. 1-155. Stephenson, L. W., and MacNeil, F. S. 1954. Extension of Yorktown formation (Miocene) of Virginia into Mary- land. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. 65, pp. 733-738. Stephenson, M. B. 1938. Miocene and Pliocene Ostracoda of the genus Cytheridea from Florida. Jour. Paleont., vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 127-148, pl. 23-24. Swain, F. M. 1948. Ostracoda in the Hammond Well. Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines and Water Resources, Bull. 2, pp. 187-213, pl. 12-14. 1951. Ostracoda from wells in North Carolina; Part I, Cenozoic Ostracoda. UWE SsGeole SumePromPaper234 A. pp. 1-58, pls li 1955. Ostracoda of San Antonio Bay, Texas. Jour. Paleont., vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 561-646, pl. 59-64, 14 text figs. 244 BULLETIN 191 Thorson, Gunnar 1957. Bottom communities (sublittoral or shallow shelf). Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. 67, vol. 1, pp. 460-534. Ulrich, E. O., and Bassler, R. S. 1904. Ostracoda. Maryland Geol. Sutrv., Miocene, text, pp. 98-130; plates, pls. 35-38. Van Den Bold, W. A. 1950. Miocene Ostracoda from Venezuela. Jour. Paleont., vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 76-88, pl. 18-19. Vernon, Rk. 0. 1942. Geology of Holmes and Washington Counties, Florida. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 24, pp. 1-161. PLATES 246 BULLETIN 191 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 27 Figure Page Ja-b. Textularia yorktownensis McLean ...................::.cccesseceseseeeeeeee 224 P. R. I, No. 7006; plesiotype. 1a, apertural view; 1b, side view. 2-3: Nodosaria) Catesbyi C’OrbDigniy, -.e-ccecccn-csccses-eeeeesscosseaesceeeseeer eee ey P. R. L., No. 70110; plesiotype. 2, Ww n jou Mm si (ay) = “a 4a-c. Buccella cf. depressa Andersen «..-.........c..cceeeerseereeeerrsesreeeseeeees QB) P. R. I., No. 7029; plesiotype. 4a, ventral view; 4b, dorsal view; 4c, edge view. Fa-c. Buecella parkerae Andersen -:-...2.-::..sscccccc.cc00:+-cerseecee eee eee P. R. I., No. 7031; plesiotype. 5a ventral view; 5b, dorsal view; 5c, edge view. Ga-b. Buccellla: ‘spp: .-:cseccccsteeessec. ss cosacasennse ce esseneccests Sateeeet eae eee DP al P. R. I., No. 7034; plesiotype. 6a, ventral view; 6b, dorsal view. Ta-b, Sa-b. Hanzawaia concentrica (Cushman) ..........:ccceeeeseccessseeeseceeees 233 P. R. I., No. 7044; plesiotype. 7a-b. Left-hand coiling form: 7a, dorsal view; 7b, ventral view; 8a-b. Right-hand coiling form; Sa, dorsal view; 8b, ventral view. 9a-e. Aurilia conradi (Howe and MecGuitt).....-.-.......::::00c:s:ssserrss LOS P. R. I., No. 7062; plesiotype. 9a, interior right valve; 9b, interior left valve; 9c, exterior left valve. Figures 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 magnified 40x; Figures 4, 5, 6, 9 mag- nified 60x. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 41 PLATE 27 XXVIII. XXXII. XXXII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVI. XXXVIII. XXXIX. XL. XLI. Volume I. Pf IV. Swe Rudist studies, Busycon. Nos. 88-87)..\ ‘334 pp.,.27 plsi sess cy te GMa. Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca CNosi-88-9495) 2), 306: pp, 30 pls. eo a is! Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks. (Nes, 957100)..." 420 pp.'58 pls.) F i oe Alar ose Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. (Nos. , 262-108)\.376.(pp-; 36) pls.) ea SU ae, Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (NOs, 109-104). )" 412 ppl, 54 pls.) hl ea ate Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Nas. 115-116)" 738) pps 52 \ pls A ee te Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. (NOC, IT) 0503 ppl, Oo Bs Ws Oe es be eel ee Jackson Eocene mollusks. (Noss )118-128)2)"458 pp. 27 cplsi ui. a ae Ne e Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsy]l- | -vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil local- ities. (Nos.(129-133) <:) 294>pp> 59 plsi ook io in SE Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. (Noss 154-139)), | 448) pps 51" pls.)'>. 7505 ke ORO Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. (Dios?) 140-145) .\400 pps 19 pls) oN Mes Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovician cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods, and conularid bibliography. (Nos, 146-154)! 386. pp. 31 ipissi. ie Le hk G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene) Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordo- vician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimidae, Vol- utidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (Nos: (155-160), \::412)pps'53 pls!) 2 A Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian-Chazyan fossils, foraminiferal’ studies. (Nos. 161-164): 486 ppi37 pis. Au. 6 a a Py) ae, Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera, Stromatoporoidea. (Nos. 165-176). |447 pp.5'53. pls. i. cle, pa Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina, Miocene ostra- cods, and Mississippian of Kentucky, turritellid from Vene- zuela, larger forams, new mollusks, geology of Carriacou, Pennsylvanian plants. (Nos, 477-183). | 448 pp !36, pls) ee Vie TE A Panama Caribbean mollusks, Venezuelan Tertiary formations and forams, Trinidad Cretaceous forams, American-Euro- pean species, Puerto Rican forams. (Nova84) 3/096 pple lipll Weck in bie Tae ee Type and Figured Specimens P. R. I. (Nos. 185-1909)" 205) pp 326 pled oti sbo eG Australian Carpoid Echinoderms, Yap forams, Shell Bluff, Ga. forams, Newcomb mollusks, Wisconsin mollusk faunas Camerina. 2 PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. Nosy G02) i053 1ppi 37 piss NO Pr ee Aye Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Pale- ozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. CNos./Fo-2apy) S15 pp.2\ 61 Dish Vikas. brick a Ve Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platy- strophia, and Venericardia. ON@S.( 26-28). s128 pply18 pls ya i ee ae 9.50 9.00 11.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 13.50 15.00 16.00 16.00 20.00 8.90 21.00 25.00 6.50 CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY I. (Nos. 1-5). 354 pp., 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. I. (Nos. 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. IM. (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp., 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. IV. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp., 26 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. V. (Nos. 22-30). 437 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Pale- ozoic fossils. VI. (No. 31). 268 pp., 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods. : VE. QNo:-82)..'/'730:pp., 90 pis.) Ps el ee 14.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods. | VIII. (Nos. 33-36). 357 pp., 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. IX. (Nos. 37-39). 462 PP., 35 pls. See eee eee eee reer ee ree 13.00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. X. (Nos. 40-42). 382 pp., 54 pls. Y Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. Ma: | (Nos//43-46)).-- 272 ‘pp, 41) pls Reo boc ee Tertiary, Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Vene- zuela. XII. (Nos, 47-48). 494 pp., 8 pls. Venezuela and Trinidad forams and Mesozoic invertebrate bibliography. XUMI.. (Nos, 49-50): 264 pp. 47 pls... cn SO n ee ae 10.00 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. XIV. (Nos. 51-54). 306 pp., 44 pls. Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. XV. (Nos. 55-58). 314 pp., 80 pls. Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. KVES (Nos. 59-61) | 140 upp. 48-pls. 86 NA ee 6.00 Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. X VEL °CNos.:.62-63). \* 283 pp... 33-pls. i so sh eee 10.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. XVEIL... (Nos. 64:67). > 0286 . pps 29 psc nics cpeci gee chest else ecopdanatened 9.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. REX: (No.768) 6) 272: ppl 24 pisiiscca ds Sek S ee 9.00 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. KX; 4(Nos,/'69-70G)." \ 266 pps 26 pissin ee 9.00 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. XE (Nes 21-726!" S20 pp 12iplss Lh ales Pera ae 9.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. XXG. |. (Nos. 73276). 3.356 \pp., 31 pls? oe ale a 9.50 Paleozoic Paleontology and Tertiary Foraminifera. MATT. (Nos. 27-29) 40 251 \ppy; 35. pls. ohn) oe Ne Ge 9.00 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. DEC 151960 leat 8 BULLETINS | wiz OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY RIVERO VOL. XLI NUMBER 192 1960 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U.S.A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION sa 1960-61 PRESIDEN Tye ccc ea fee acc et See PEO SP AR Ea NorMAN E. WEISBORD VICESPRESIDENT (N02 eh Sal Se ON a NE 2 eh ae! Joon W. WELLS> SECRETARY=-REASURER+ {0k 2a ee RE yo MN ee te REBECCA S. HARRIS IDIRBOrOR. air any ee ys Se Nae ct ieee AVAIL, lam KATHERINE V. Ww. PALMER COUNSEE ses AU tN Sle RU ANB ete MAE eb are lh tee eet ARMAND L. ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE AAAS COUNCIL 100.0000. Ley Be aA eA KENNETH E. CASTER Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1960-1966) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) RatpH A. Lippie (1956-1962) REBBECCA S. Harris (Life) > AxeL A. Orsson. (Life) Sotomon C. HOoLvisTER (1959-1965) | NorMAN E. WEIsBORD (1957-1963) Joun W,. WeELts (1958-64) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMer, Editor Mrs. Fay. Brices, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER A. Myra KEEN JAy GLENN Marks Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers, may’ be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, XII, XIV, and XV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscription may be entered-at any time by volume or year, with average price of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income -tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U\S.A. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VOL. 41 NO. 192 SOME ASPECTS OF THE PALEONTOLOGY, STRATI- GRAPHY, AND SEDIMENTATION OF THE CORRY SANDSTONE OF NORTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA By Danie. B. Sass November 22, 1960 PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION ITHACA, NEW YORK, U. S. A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 60-308 MUS. COMP. 7001 LIBRARY DEC 151960. pRQvAnn : NIVEROITY U ‘This work is dedicated to the memory of the writer’s late father, Julius Sass, whose respect for truth was passed on to a grateful son. Printed in the United States of America 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page HAs DEUTER valle dee aa eli Be 6 atl Se MUNDI CUE CSO ae At A ae 251 SPV ELSTON il aTa NES eV ah a ete Pe SoA aoe Ca ON Se Re 251 ISTP WEI MLO Cece ae 2A SACS SRAM en tue LO ce aE PO Nan SO 2 TO eee 252 EE pOSe= aM VSCOPE OL IN VEStIS ALOR: 22-22 0ere se eS aaa ecu ecetsenacb ce cecvtttene 252 FES 7l OU Seek VOT Kuga eee ee ee eee a set Re oe ete Os pie oes ee 257 BRIM EyPeOR DLE OUSy NVOLKh er ne rene See Nr re eg eae as 257 Bvolutionvottherstratignaphic name) Conny see ee 257 Stratigraphic continuity in northwestern Pennsylvania —..00 000000... 260 Correlation with the Berea sandstone of Ohio —.W.2.2222-.20.00.0..sceececccceeeee--os- 266 BECAuUTAD AY WAN SECum eM EAE OMe eater eee Cece ait ogc tlen ewan 269 gah ebeLoumia tromsibel owes eo ae ee Oe ee aren Se ye eel 271 WshemLOLMAtlONS FADO Ve: Gece cutee 4 a oe EE Br Yt ee he 273 Perron © OFT Wm SAE OS COMES Cree sar ae ME eee ee Nee ee Ee 274 ihtembasall members vse oe te eee eee ees Dee ee eed 274 sehtesnard dilesmemiber sessment ee ee ee ote So 276 Tr levS: CUP ya Se Phys Ver] Oey Glaeser Meas ia ape NM OSES Wha: Dee ie 2 le, S Sonetane URN Serene Dh Stratigraphic paleontology —.............. ANON R error APERS Sat OE MOS EER A eee 278 Compositionzotcthes fauna <..5.22)- ee eee ee a ee ee 278 Distribution of the fauna __._. ss (Os RN Pasa a SE OE 279 Ecologieallmerm pila Om sac eee ce as cae een ee Se ee ee 283 RossiblesonieinssOrsthe fauna eee eee) See ee ee ee eee 287 IN emandeconnre latlonicc-. te ee ee ee Fleet Ns PEND SL ey I ak 290 SS LILERIIN A TAVam LIN Ae COME) USI OTIS tesserae asec ene cee ee ee were eda een ere 293 Systema tlCmpal contol o Syme cee ees ete eet ee ee ee ee 296 Samines ginal mente) wre ceollleaoin 4s ee ee ee 296 reparationmol:sp CClinen Sess et eect eee ett eee ee ee eee LE eee 296 Baleontolo atcaap) ate stiee ser es eee eae eens hee aides Satine ae Or ay, Bia we Bee 297 J Ey DONO OS SSS Sw I ae ee Ne EP ee rere ee 297 “TBE «Sas es SE a De st ae ee Ee Oe ee eS Cat ere 297 BTR AXON OTT gene re eee es cre ae Nee gee ores eee ee an 297 PEsiniys] uiraaieeey Teh @ nates setae es oe ese i en ek a er ed Rr tee ER ee ee er eee 298 Clathnospongiae lalla S845 0s nee eae eee eee ae epee te ee Sea: 299 Bere OULChy Detaalls SUS R46 ed ck oo. meal ee Pee en 8 eee aa pnts ay 302 DES Eacy [iva rrttgps tel CLT O a Och ah ce westerns eae ae ee Cora OR Bn Dr ea oe eee 309 LEGG ROG MAD FLITE TDG NNN GN ene ea 309 SST GOL Tt SwmVV ANCHE lS SUR GS in seen seer cee ee een eee oe 337 FRETCT EN COS MI te eee ance ies Renee Sie es alan beeen en ge ME ONS ES Ran tet Saree ee 362 TEXT-FIGURES Page Figure 1. Generalized geologic map of northwestern Pennsylvania and ACHAC Ente NG Wer ViO Tee tee es terns ee ee pe aes ae ane 253 2. Historical review of the nomenclature and stratigraphic position ot them @orny wand stonel ses eee eee ee Between 253-254 3. Area of investigation in northwest Pennsylvania (by quadrangles) 254 4. Restoration of the continuity of the Corry sandstone in north- WES LEDNEME ENN Syilivra Inlay veers eee sete ceensere ae ee sh eo nek eT es In Jacket Mealblemls 2: ~I LIST OF TABLES Page Locationvo£. outcrops) sso tes ee ee ei ce 256 The formation above and below the Corry sandstone as desig- Malte din byyaiviAltal OU ie ANTE En OT, Sos ee eee 270 . List of faunal elements arranged according to locality 280 . List of faunal elements arranged according to quadrangle 281 . Comparative measurements of several specimens of Ectenodictya carll; (Stall andyClarke), .2t5 ee ee 307 . Distinguishing characteristics of the genus Paraphorhynchus and other plicated rhynchonellid brachiopods -._.........----- 317 . Characteristics of the pedicle valve of typical specimens of known species of the genus Paraphorhynchus Weller, 1905 _....... 323 - Status of proposed syringothyroid gemera. .. 2) ee ee 344 Corry SANDSTONE PENNSYLVANIA: SASS De Cal — SOME, ASPECTS OF THE PALEONTOLOGY, STRATIGRAPHY, AND SEDIMENTATION OF THE CORRY SANDSTONE OF NORTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DANIEL B. Sass ABSTRACT A thorough study of the fauna of the Corry sandstone of northwestern Pennsylvania is herein initiated. Species of four genera, two of the Porifera and two of the Brachiopoda, are described. Some hitherto unrecognized mor- phological characteristics of the Dictyospongiidae are emphasized. Four species of the brachiopod genus Paraphorhynchus Weller (1905) are described, one of which, P. casteri is new. A new criterion of the genus is proposed in the presence of a “posterior adductor process’ in the pedicle valve. Characteristics of the genus Syringothyris Winchell (1863), s.5., are evaluated; two Corry species are redescribed and compared with similar forms in the underlying Knapp formation. The synonymous relationship between S. randalli and S. angulata postulated by Caster (1930, p. 174) is rejected. An attempt is made to reconstruct the former continuity of the Corry sandstone throughout its area of surface outcrop in northwestern Pennsyl- vania. The formation is divided into three members including: (1) a lower sandstone member; (2) a middle siltstone; and (3) an upper sandstone member. The Lower Mississippian (Kinderhookian) age of the Corry is reaffirmed. A correlation of the lower Corry member with the upper portion of the Bedford shale of Ohio is suggested. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS All of the work was performed while the writer was a student and Curator of the Museum at the University of Cincinnati. The faculty and staff of the Department of Geology not only granted permission for the use of departmental facilities but also gave freely of their time and experience to lighten the problems which fre- quently accompany a study of this kind. Dr. K. E. Caster was particularly helpful in accompanying the writer in the field, granting access to his personal library, field notes and collections, and volun- teering information from his own experience in northwestern Penn- sylvania. In the course of the field investigation and the preparation of the manuscript it was necessary to seek financial assistance to defray a portion of the expenses involved. Such aid was acquired in the form of grants from the American Association of Petroleum Geolo- gists Research Fund and the Fenneman Fund of the University of Cincinnati. Dr. William S. Lytle of the Pennsylvania Geological Survey granted access to both published and unpublished maps and bulletins 252 BULLETIN 192 of the Survey. Dr. J. F. Pepper and Wallace de Witt, Jr., of the United States Geological Survey, sent copies of their publications and information from their field notes. Dr. F. D. Hoiland, Jr., of the University of North Dakota, supplied copies of diagrams and photographs from his dissertation. Mr. William H. Heers, Librarian of the United States Geological Survey, sent rare foreign periodicals. All of these individuals and the organizations they represent, have thus contributed to the completion of this work. At times when the type specimens of certain species were neces- sary for the accurate indentification of material at hand, their receipt was expedited by the personal attention of Dr. K. V. W. Palmer, Director of the Paleontological Research Institution, and Dr. D. W. Fisher, State Paleontologist of the New York Geological Survey. Permission to reproduce a road map of the State of Penn- sylvania was graciously accorded by Mr. Richard E. Scully of the General Drafting Co., Inc., Covent Station, New Jersey. Fellow students at the University of Cincinnati were helpful in many ways. Mr. Orville D. Naegele accompanied the writer in the field during the summer of 1958. Mr. John L. Carter and Mr. John K. Pope made helpful suggestions concerning photographic tech- nique. Miss Ruth Brill assisted in the typing of the manuscript. Elizabeth A. Dalvé draughted many of the text figures used in the manuscript. Grateful acknowledgment is made to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of the University of Cincinnati for the financial help defraying the cost of the engraving of the plates. INTRODUCTION PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION The Corry sandstone has been cited (Dickey, e¢ al., 1943) as one of the most readily recognizable formations in the Oil Region of northwestern Pennsylvania. It is the first markedly nonconform- able unit in the Devono-Mississippian terrane of the region. The Corry lies above the Devono-Mississippian facies (Big Bend and Chagrin magnafacies of Caster, 1934, p. 24) without being an integral Generalized Geologic Map of Northwestern Pennsylvania and Adjacent New York. al Corry SANDSTONE PENNSYLVANIA: SASS ot E ah hia Mm PY Beet a ip. b ; . i U tn l a ll rs | all oe NEW YORK alii i > ny NEN fa aS as a a a Figure 1 254 BULLETIN 192 AREA OF INVESTIGATION IN NORTHWEST PENNSYLVANIA (By Quadrongles) Figure 3 part of the facies pattern expressed by the antecedent record in the Penn-York Embayment. The present study of the surface expression of the Corry has a threefold objective: (1) to establish the stratigraphic continuity of the Corry in northwestern Pennsylvania; (2) to initiate a study of its fauna and the relationship of this fauna to temporally and spatially adjacent faunas; (3) to further knowledge of the faunal and sedimentary history of the Devono-Mississippian boundary in northwestern Pennsylvania. Although a fauna has long been recognized, it has never been thoroughly studied. Girty (1912, p. 303) apparently undertook such A HISTORY OF THE NOMENCLATURE AND STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION OF THE CORRY SANDSTONE (In Northwestern Pennsylvania ) GENERAL COMPOSITE SECTION FOR N.W.PENNSYLVANIA (diagrammatic) & & rs OG oA SYS) Oe Se es a, ° UNCONFORMITY 9 w ry) ” “ S z SHENANGO SS. 4 La CORRY = Sa > & |MEADVILLE GRP. i a 5 NN Ls aio o rT) x * = = ac | = |SHARPSVILLE GRP th ra] $ SNE he o z|o || = z < zi . = w Ss a @ |ORANGEVILLE SH. x Ss LOWER | : | G = Qs 2) r a|z & ane % s XXXXXXXXAXXX > z alo wold Fe POCONO/] «| PITHOLE] o a “i o ; ie p 7 Q < a fm iB 3 ee = 0 CORRY |\s grit = i z BEREA CORRY a | BEREA |_|5EREA in & CORRY z S$ coRRY |w Miele Fa leh: > 1a] P jaisa. ! grit a SS. 13) be pea|S & re) So} z|o < el Se |S ° ss rn 7 Ww =| 4 lo oO) Q x 8) grit 8 } ° (CORRY) | « Whe a (5 my} co} ° a wn ay ' ' & Fy Ww ae a alg a ° a == abs ss i Fe g sah |S & wl o|___|w|a i a a =|<|-4trs3 hh aa: = = <(—_15 S 5) XAXXXXXK | op z o ¥ cS) w 3 | & |HAYFIELO su? x rs ie Gy 3 x a Ss = Pig Fa - x 4 = = =| / cUSSEWAGO S a x 5 Bt EespewAce __-- pranig ) Fs} q ° 1 #f = iS — =I 4 1 s

Ww Mery 47 a 1°] w o Wr, He « wy & i & Y/ Wa 9 LEGEND i « Ww > z Bi 7 re Hen WOODCOCK SS. © i = "CORRY" Ly ms q 4 Rodgers recognized the absence of “Catskill beds’ in this region ii 2 ist VENANGO O/L SD. Ww % = u RY CORRY = odgers recog) 9 h a > 3 2 | o + The composition of this stage is artificial and used only as a convenience i / Ee a bs S < GM indicates deliberately omitted sequences. it = | x & is TH ; 5 = SALAMANCA @ * $ Questionable designation, correlation, or limit. = r > > CONGL. g Base of Mississippian System("Lower Carboniferous’) CORRY wlio x Top of Bradfordian or Devono-Miss sequence. |=) oO = i | y Gradational Sequence. Te sc a eta 8 aa = Corry SANDSTONE PENNSYLVANIA: Sass 255 a study which, but for a list, was never published. Chadwick (1935b, p. 337) documented the fauna from the fragmentary lists of others. Caster (1930, 1934) is the only worker to date to give serious attention to the fauna. However, his study was only incidental to a more ambitious undertaking. Questioned generic and specific identi- fications have marked a larger part of the faunal studies of the Corry. There has been no thorough sedimentological investigation of the Corry sandstone. The recent work of Pepper, et al., (1954), dealing with the Berea sandstone of Ohio, gives little sedimentary data about the Corry—the supposed temporal correlative of the Berea. A more thorough study along sedimentological lines could enable geologists to better understand the paleogeography and dy- namics of early Mississippian time in the Oil Region. The field work on which this report is based was conducted during portions of the summers of 1957 and 1958. The primary purpose of this phase of the investigation was to supplement relevant faunal material in the Museum of the University of Cincinnati with specimens collected in situ. No effort was made to map the Corry in detail. Instead, as many locations as possible were visited, the sections measured and collections of both a lithologic and faunal nature assembled. Oppor- tunities to measure complete sections and delimit faunal zones within the Corry were the exception rather than the rule. The time-rock terminology at the left of Fig. 2 is a compilation from a number of sources which include Caster (1934), Dickey Cititsp. 5) wuytle, eral. (1958. p..6), and. Holland «(19585 p: 27). Because there is no general agreement among geologists as to the higher stratigraphic nomenclature for northwestern Pennsylvania, only an arbitrary selection such as this is now feasible. In order to avoid unnecessary duplication the designation of outcrops throughout the remainder of the text conforms to the usage of the various authors cited. A correlation of the preferred and synonymous designations is given herein on Table 1. Authorship of individual outcrop designations is accorded by hyphenated capital letters as follows; S, Sass (this report); C, Caster (1934); P, Pepper, et al. (1954); CT, Cathcart (1936, unpublished). The coordinates for each outcrop are given on Table 1. BULLETIN 192 256 *aj6uoupono uljxuos4 *aj|buospond A419 j10 *ajbuoipond oysauoll *aj6uospony ajjiasauiq “aj6uoipond ajjiapoaw VINVATASNN3d YO4 SNOILVNSISZO JIONVYGVNO ANY STO8WAS “9]u04pono s6ulsdsS abpiiquop *“ajbuoipono ajjiasnyiL ‘ajbuospon ajnoipiy PL ‘a}6uospono pjaiyyaus - us ‘ajbuoupono auoy y ‘ajbuospono f41d volun *ajbuospono fssod “ajjiasBuno, *aj6uoiponO uass0oMm “STVYSWNN 0304-0108 3H1 AB G3LVOIGNI Juv 1Y4Od34Y SIHL YO4 G3SN SNOILYVN9IS3G0 dOYOLNO 3HL (66 : cl6l) YASSOUd (981: 1881) 3LIHM | | | |x Hzray 137, 138, 140 cornelliana, Proto 17 147 cornuta var. ameri- cana, Cythereisg .... 235 Pterygocy- EHeEReIS) 2 eee 235 cornutus, Anomalo- CysStites= == 43 Corry sandstone 25 2b2yecDoe 257, 260, 263, 264, 272, 278, 294 Corwin, Gilbert ...... 78 costata, Physa ....17 147 Cothurnocystis .......- ) 13 Crassatellites -........- 216 “Crawford shale” _... 259, 260 erenulatus, Parapho- Tea AOOINUIS oe eesce 3195 323; 330, 334 Crepidosoma .......--- 32 aff. cresswelli, Chonetect 33 cronkhitei, Discus. Dy alk Wa, ee crossotus, Mel- bournopterus ........ 47 Cuénot, Lucien ...... 5, 8, 10 Cuise-la-Motte, near Compiégne, ANC eure ee 191 cumingi, Tomigerus 136 Cushman: Ji AS 85, 123 386 Cushman, J. A. and Herrick, S. M. Cushmanidea Cushman’s classi- fication cuspidata, Syringo- TICS Yee eee cuspidatus, Syringo- LTD YaTL pees see Cussewago beds Cussewago lime- SUOMI CMR ate 8 Bee Cussewago “Mono- them” STONGR A eee > nc Cussewago shale .... Cycloclypeus Cyclostoma Cyphaspis Cypraea Cyrtospirifer Cystoidea Cystoids Dalmanites Dalmamitid’ 22. danvillensis, Mar- TUN “Dargile Beds’, Victoria, Australia Davies ions 2 = Davies, L. M. and Rintolds Has: = Davies’ Quarry, Australia davissi, Assilina declivis, Helix __17 dehaartii, Miogy- peinoides dehiscens, roidinella Dehm, Richard Dendrocystites Sphae- INDEX 261, 96-98, 110 136 40 38 279, 322, 325, 341, 343, 345 Uy, wi 32 86 87 20, 42, 46 5, 13-15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28, 29, Dendrocystoides Dentalina BOS 7 2884042 eye ae 21, 42 214, 218 Dentalium =, cf. depressa, Buccelila = Whines eee: Truneatulina desmia, Clathro- SON STG eee eee dibollensis, Ano- TOMENTNE, oecemceree cose DICT AMUT sys Dictyophyton Digitatape ss eee Dipieurula Diploporita Discorbina Discorbis Discus? =e disjuncta, Spirifera.. disparilis, Ostrea _.. Donni sandstone ___ Drake, Mrs. Dory- CH )( ley ieee es ee ae DrocserwiGa Wee dumblei, Pseudo- polymorphina Eaton, Ames IED} 15 ©1011 ee eccentrica, Ecte- MOCICtY Aes Echinocythereig —..... Echinodermata LDC) VOO ES) nee Ecphora-Cancel- laria zone Ectenodictya eidae, Cyclocypeus elegans, Camerina .. elongata, Bulimina elongatus, Parapho- TMNVANC IS) en BA phidivumy Enderbury Island, ELAR Wiaiiigee es eee Endodontidae Enoploura eee rrr Eocrinus? Hocystites 387 299, 302 11 27 24, 27-29 124 123, 214 174, 176 341 215 87, 88 117 G7 214 211, 216 278, 294, 302, 305 97 195 229 311, 319, 323, 324, 330, 334 105, 122, 214 138 174 hts diet, Ile! 43-46, 48-51 25 25 INDEX HOS pier yess 39 Eospondylus ............ 32 Eosyringothyris ...... 344 ephippioides, Kule- Didinaye 86 Lepidocyclina .... 86 Epistominella ........ 105 ExpOnid egy ee 105, 214 erithacus, Acarnus.. 284 Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides .... 191 JORIENNG) se opccseeersessees 8 SGOT aes 7, KHuconulus) === 175 Bullepidina 2 86, 101 Euomphalusg ...........- 54, 279, 283 Huplectella 22. 304, 305 euryceps, Proetus 40 eustisensis, Tex- tularia, 22-2] 223 exanthemata, Acti- nocythereis .......... 236 Cytherea 236 Trachyleberis ........ 236 expansa, Ecteno- dGtyaic = ae oe 303 extensa, Syringo- Chiynisthe = = oe 287 F falconensis, Glo- bigerina ............ 13 103, 105, 112 Farmdale loess ........ fatima, Parapho- NES LO eats Vel oNANOM ONE Ce ee Bil), (Byes fenestrata, Clathro- SpOngla 301 fergulioi, Syringo- Ny ETIG ha ee a 347 fichteli, Camerina 26 193 Ria Rie ete eae rede ESE Ieee CS eee 94 Fina-sisu formation 85, 87-89 First Venango sand 263 JEM UEC Goes onsesaee 222 floridana, Discorbis 214 fluctuosa, Venus .... 215 moerstey, Al kee 20, 24 forbesianus, Pla- COGYStite swe 45, 46 formosa, Hule- janiobbae, See ese 86 Lepidocyclina .... 86 Odontochile = 40 foshi barisanensis, Globorotalia ........ 106 fraternum, Steno- RETIN. se ee 22 Ii, ier Fritsch Holzer and ios pit] se 54 fulvus, Euconulus 21 ngs, ALZlT/ Futuna formation .. 94 G gabbi, Helicina _...17 149 Gavhar eee eee 216 Gagil-Tomi] Islanid 78 Garim! dsland === 78 Garim limestone .... 94, 96 Gastrocopta .__........... 174, 176 gelida, Succinea .... 175 georgianus, Oper- culinoides .......:.... 193 gibba, Globulina 14 121 gigantissima, Ostrea 119 gilberti, Olenellus 25 Gill, Edmund D. .... 6, 19 Gill, Edmund D. and Caster, Kenneth E. Carpoid Echi- noderms from the Silurian and De- vonian of Austra- bie hee Peer eee eee 5 CSU Peel IDR aes 197 girtyi, Parapho- rhynchus ..32, 33 280-283, 295, 320; 3200 oc OnmooUs 33; S340 Gislén, T. 8, 26 Glaessner, M. F. _... 87 Globigerina ..........18 85, 103, 105, 1A, Rae, BIL Globigerina spp. ....-- 231 Globigerinatella 138 85, 1OsanOG: V2, Globigerinella 87 Globigerinoides 18 85, Si 03: 105; LOGS Oral Globoquadrina _.....138 103, 107, 112 Globorotalia .... 18 87, 103, 105, InP PRP SDs Lee eee 232 Globulinay IA. UAL globulus, ‘“‘Dendro- CY SUIS! = ate 52 Dendrocystites ........ 5, Gy) 2ilee2be 26, 29, 42 388 INDEX Dendrocystites (Den- Dendrocystoides? Dendrocystoides? “Rutroclypeus” ..6 “Rutroclypeus” [ Dendro- CV SUES see glomerosa, Glo- bigerinoides Glycyvmeris gonthieri, Parapho- TAMAS), 2 eee sees Rhynchonella ___..... Gould, Augustus A. gracilis, Bulimina .... gramen, Textularia granosa, Anomalina granosa dibollensis, Anomalina granulata, Veneri- cardia “Graptolite Beds”, Victoria, Australia grosvenori, Suc- QUINCE, seeseccesees. 21 grosvenori gelida, Succinea Guaico-Tamama Road, Trinidad .. @inghin: 22): ee eee Guayaguayare, Trinidad Guttulina SiO). .css ere ee Guy, Frank gyrocystids Gyroidina Haeckel, E.H.P.A. halli, Syringo- thyris Hamilton, 1) Tl. 2 hamiltonensis, Cla- throspongia Syringothyris Hanson, George _.. Hanzawa, Shoshiro. Hanzwaia Haplocytheidea Haplotrema -- = Jalenereis, (6 IDS ee Eartamanhe Wi 1) sieeeee 120, 214, 313, 319, 135, 137, 214, 214, 47 175-177 ILS, ELL IGA Ute St, Oil 191 227 227 56 8 105 Havana Province, CWA po eee Hawaiian Islands .. Hawthorn, Australia “Hawthorn brick quarry, Camber- weil”, Australia Hayfield monothem Hayfield shale ._.... Heathcote material Hecker, R. Th. Heckericystis Helicodiscus Efelt lites aaa [lela b-de eee omes ee aes Hemicythere hemisphaerica, Discorbis Hemphill, Henry _.. hemphillii, Mya ._.17 Hendersonia Herrick, S. M. Some Small Fora- minifera from Shell Bluff, Georgia herricki, thyris Heterostegina “Heterostelea”’ hexaseptus, Cyclo- clypeus Hillebrand, Dr. ........ ENO TK Cer) eee holzeri, Euomphalus Homoiostelea _... _. NON O Spee ee Homostelea howei, Murrayina __.. Hyalospongea hybrida, Acha- tinella Hyolithes Syringo- Illinoian Illinoian Stage Illinois Central Railroads Keys implexa, Ecteno- dictya ley 136, 138 52 54 272 268, 271 8, 14-16 5, 13-18, “al, 245 140 175 174 47 136 238 135, 123 140 150 175 141, aly 293, 342, 361 86, 196 Se IO) Le) a, OS 138 190 o4 Oy, JKOS all 10 5 236 299 141 33, 40 167, 169-171 172 167 303 incertum, Elphidium incisum, Nonion indonesiensis, Mio- LV SMA ee eee Indo-Pacific region indopacificus, Cyclo- Cliypelsiee 11 inexcavatum, Nonion inexcavatus, Nonion... 15, 16 insueta, Globigerin- BUKOVIA, aececosaceseaee 13 MOWAGYSitISH eee irregularis, Clathro- spongia Globulina Guatwlinay 16 Ishigaki-shima, New Hebrides .....- Ishigaki-shima, Yaeyama-gunto, Ryukyu-retto, New Hebrides sp. aff. israelskyi, Haplocytheridea Itfer layer, Baltic Lower Silurian J jacksonensis, Anoma- 1 ero ee Discorbina Valvulineria ....14 jacksonensis tex- ana, Anomalina 165 jacksonensis var. texana, Dis- corbina Jaekel, Otto James River, Virginia japonica, Eulepidina Lepidocyclina ..12 Succinea ........ 17 JayecvohniC. = Jefferson County, Ky. jeffersonia, Chlamys Johnson, Charles G. INDEX 214 214 101 86 84, 95, 97, 987 alo 122 122 85, 88, 103, 105-107, 112 aly, ADS alle 24, 29 301 120 120 191 124 Tella, At, 22 165, 167, 174 215 78, 94 johnsoni, Acha- fimie Wish ase Sn 141 Johnsontown, Ky. .... 168, 171 Johnsontown, Road, VES ha aA oes RR ne sent 167 junori, Rutro- clypeus.......... Ieee, 0, 22, 23. 30) 32) 335 44a: Schuchertia ........ 32 jutsoni, Thomastus 54 K Kainan, New Hebrides == 191 Karagandin, basin, (WESES SRS ga ee 289, 290, 313, 314 Kauai sElaiwiaiil es 138 Kazakstan, WOSUSVIRG | Gee a a 289, 313, 31/4 Grit C key 165 Keokule beds) = 294 kernensis, Wivailserinay ese 229 Kinderhookian __.__. 290, 294 SOI 302, Kinderhoook limes tome) == 311 King Parrot Creek, Australia 30 Kingiake, Victoria, AIS tralia sees 41, 56 Kinglake West, Victoria, Australia 53, 54 Kinglake West Post Office, Australia 30 Kinglake West State School 30 kinglakensis, Crepidosoma_ ....-- 32 Dicranurus: = 40 MDIEMORSNEIS) ese 40 Kainkaay dwn ee 11 Knapp formation .... 262, 267, 268 kochi, Sphaeroi- Ginielliay =e ss 87 Kohat District, near Shinki, Wazaristan, India 191 var. kohaticus, Nummulites ......-- 195 koolhoveni, Cy- cloclypeus .......----- oii 390 INDEX TSO INGE), 8 ek A a eee 29 Kuckers layer, Baltic Lower Sithaslehn —easeseaeces 1% kuckersiana, Den- drocystites ........-- 16 Heckericystis -..... By BEE UG. 5 kuckersianus, Dendrocystites -... 5 Kushaqua shale .... 268, 272 L lactea var. concava Polymorphina .... 228 lactea var. oblonga, Polymorphina .... UAL ILEGIGL, Jel Sh eee ee 78 laevigata, amenity 2s 24 193. 197, NRC INA ee sse es. 2-2 wise: 211, 218, 222, 225, 226 S10, 226 WASeMIG ae 2 se 120 Lagynocystida .......- 8 LaMoreaux, P. E. .... il7/ Lapworthura ......-.-- 32, 40 lateralis, Hy OMIGES) sess ee 214 ILI, JISRIETOS ae eee Ua WMO) ale lh leai, Stenotrema 22 Ips, aU 77 Rhenocystis .......- 50 latipedunculata, leai, aliciae, Stenotrema ...... 22 GBs IT Leiorhynehus .........- BLP Leningrad ........ can gl Leonard, A. Byron 176 COMASDIS 22202 -=- 40) Weptraeman =~ --2--2-_-- 39 Lepidocoleus .....-.....- 44 Lepidocyclina 11, 12 83, 84, 86, 95, Mal aly, al), Saiglal Lepidosemicyclina 98° 99 Wewas> James! ==. 140 Lindstroemia .....-.-.- BY, oth ole Oe: eNO ay eee 33, 39, 279 mionhymehws; 2. 316 Littles Corner limestomies 222. WA, BIB Lizard Springs, aDbrenitanl Lele eeeee 191 lobatula, Nautilus .. 125 iireumMeatulinay 125, 232 ef. lobatulus, Cibicides.... 14, 16 125, 232 Logan formation __. 293 longidactylus, HOGYSUILES) se 25 Hocystites (HOCEINIES) eee 25 Louisiana limestone 288 Louisville, Ky. 165, 168, 174, 178 Louisville and Nashville Railroad 167, 168, 170 Loveland loess ......-. ILO), WU Lower Corry SENMOW ONES) 5 274 Lower Devonian, State of Victoria, ANISH NGY 22 Lower Kinder- hookianty= == 294 Lower sandstone TINCT C Tee ee 2 WOxO COMNGhaneeeeere 234 San eee eee 234 Soxonemay 40 Inudlow: 20: 54 lyassakuday ss 299 M maccoyianus, INUIGWHIGE SS eee 40 Machaeridian ........ 32 Madruga, Havana Province, Cuba .... 191 magnifica, Ecteno- dicta 308 Malay Archipelago 96 Mansfield, W. C. ...- 214 mansfieldi, Buccellay 220, 221 Hponidess = 214, 230 Map formation ........ 77, 78, 80, 82. 83, 85-87, 89, 94, 103 Map island) 78 Maquoketa shale, TOWa) oe eee 20 Vian enalic wena 26 Mia oamiulamiay peseeeseeeee 120 Marshall Islands ._... 85 martini, Cythere .... 237 Cythereiss 237 Hulepidina --.------- 84 Lepidocyeclina 12 84, 95, nO Zealal INDEX WQOWPIPE NADINE), so pececeeee tee Droit Trachyleberis -..... 230 Trachyleberis? __.. 237 IMME SIU), oh easoscesescce 218 Maury (Carlotta J.) Collections 141 mayeri, Globoro- bala Se ee ee 1S LOS Omer al? Ae oxctiUlil agi aleeeee ee 214 223 McBean, Burke County, Georgia.. Aig McBean formation 7 AS) Meltean, J. D.. Jr: PALES PAR. 216, 218 Meaidivallille geese 261 Meadville lime- SUONCY 4a rans eo ees 263 medialis, Parapho- rhynchus ..31, 33 280-282, 286, 294, 322, 323, 326, 321, 329, 330, 334 Rhynchonella IMedomas Keynes megastomum, Pleuro- dictyum Melbourne, Aus- tralia Melbournopterus _. menardii, Globoro- talia Mentawir beds Mercenaria metastriatum, Gafrarium micula, Cythere Middendorp’s Quarry, Victoria, Aus- tralia Middle Corry Middle Corry siltstone middlesexensis, Chlamys Miller’s farm, miltoni, Lap- worthura ef. miltoni, Lap- WOME ONT, oo eee ease minutissimum, Punctum Miogypsina .... Ky. 322, 32, 44, 174, 83, 94, 99° oval 165, 167, 168 39 54 47 40 IT 95, 98-100, 110, 111 Miogypsinoides 86 miscella, Mis- cellamea 2.2.22... 26 195, 196 Miscellanea ......-..--- 189, 190, 195, 196 missouriensis, Rhynchonella ...... 312, 322, 327 Shumardella _...... 313 IMM ata, eee ee ip, 102 OXI). Be! Mitroecystella -_.......... 43 Mitrocystida, 2. 8, 44 Mitnocyistisy 50 Miyara, New Hebrides) 22 191 modesta, Vertigo 21 174, 176 WMIOGWIOUE, joes 138 MIO INE alg jo 18 Monograptus .......... 47 Monroe) Bunt 174 Moores Bruce = 52 Moore, R. D., Lalicker, C. G., and Fischer, A. G. .... 8 Mound View, Ky..... 16M; iG Seeslaiee Ue, Wed “Mountain sands” 258 Muara Djaing on the Tabalong River, Borneo .....- 191 multilineata, Triodopsis ___.....22 175-177 Munsell system .__.. 168 IMUPIPYALNE, 2 236 SW hse cee ee eee 237 NIiyaiete Soca ee 141 Wiyeness. ID, Tel czccesce 86 N Nagappan Yo 2 190, 192, 193. 195 Nagura gravel ........ 191 National Museum of Victoria, Aus- [meee IY, ke eee ee 30 Neoconorbina .......- 105 Nephrolepidina ...... 101 Nephrolepidina sp. 94 Newcomb, Andrew 135 Newcomb, Sarah Hollets =. 135 Newcomb, Dr. Simon 135 Newcomb, Wesley .. 135-142 Newcomb Col- lection, = 137, 139, 140, 141 392 New Hebrides nilssoni, Mono- graptus aff. nilssoni, Monogrophus ...... nitida, Candeina __.. Nlul, Map Island .... Nodosaria Nonion Nonionella INOtanoOpiliay 2 nucalis, Cyrto- Spine 2s. sNweleospitay =. INTC UIT HES) ‘Nummulina Nummulites EA AACS) ban nuttalli, Nummu- NOS), ace nuttalli var. kena- ticus, Nummu- lites nux praenux, Camarotoechia __ nylanderi, Vertigo 21 0 obliquiloculata, Pulleniatina var. oblonga, Polymorphina obsolens, Shu- mardella Ocala limestone occidentale, Pisidium SOM apes 22 Odontochile Ohio River AViallilleiyg Ss ee es “Oil Lake Group”.... Oil Lake series P OileRezion) Pas = “Oil-Sand Group” .... Olean Olean conglomerate Olenellusss= Oolinaweews 22s INDEX 191 47 47 87 80 225 105, 122, 214, 228 aa 228 190 192-195 195 192, 1945 195 195 314 V7As CATON A777 87 121 313 123, 124 146 175, 177 40 165, 167 259, 261, 271 263 252, 255 258 261 262 25 222, 226 189, 190, 193, 195-198 Operculinella _........ 196 Operculinoides __..... 189, 190, 192, 193, 196-198 Orangeville shale 273, 277, 296 Orbiculoidea ........... 33, 39 Orbignyi, Camerina 23, 24, 26 192-194 Orbitoides __........... 99 Oxpmlinaye ee 13 87, 103, 106, IW O}(e alae Orila, Map Island 80 Osanierlariah eee 105 OStneartie > st. -2 ee eee 215 Ottawa Valley Trentonian’ 2 19 Ovalis, Sueccinea 21 175-177 P Palaeoneilo ............ 40 palmerae, Lagena __ 226 panamensis, Marginulina ........ 120 “(2) paradoxiea, Dendrocystis” _. 18 paradoxicus, Syringocrinus __6 U7. AS 29 Paradoxides, “2 25 Parafussurina ____. 222 parallelus, Helicodiscus ....22 Wes IT PY Parana beds, Brazil 5 BRaranacystiday 8, 44 ParanacysStisy sss 14, 34, 50 Paraphorhynchus _.. 251, 279, 282, 285, 288, 289, 310-318, 315-317, 321, 322, 325, 330, 334, 346 Paraspiroclypeus _ 189, 196 Paris Basin, VNGEINCS) —cececccenecenocer 191 Parish of Heathcote, WACtOn aes 47 Parish of Kinglake, PAYS Eales 30 parkerae, Buecella ............ 27 220, 221, 230, 231 var. parkinsoniana, Rotalique =e 214 Parkville, ATIStralliaie ee 52 “Parmorthis? 2:22::- 39 Parr’s classifi- Cation = ee 222 393 INDEX pawl, Ixolbiviog, ...--- 214 TEENS), Wo dele coecesscee 140 Peasei, Modiola 138 Pendleton Road, Ky. 167, 168 Penn HEmbayment 252 percelia, Cythere ._.. 238 “Perma wiel dua 296 peruvianus, BypOonidesi y= 230 peruvianus campsi, Hponidesma= 230 IPagraste nee ee 40 petrii, Para- INEK CRASHING cp eepocenasscue 50 Peyton, Garland 117 Pieiitere yljaeeee es IB, MAM JRA OWUNG OR, coceeeseccecen 105, 124, 232 IIB AM ORIEAS Socsccasseccoscs 279, 283, 287 plebeia, Cythere __. 238 Cytheretta, 2 238 plebeia var. capax, @ytherer 222 238 Plectodonta ............ 40 Pleistocene, -.-..-2..- GEG Se WO=173,, 175 Pleurocystites _....... 12 Pleurodictyum ._...... 32, 39 Pieurotomaria ........ 40 Plicatosyrinx .......... 344 ee lummlivescassa 40 Pocono sandstone 259 Rolyeyrid ae ae aD polymorpha, Lepi- dosemicyclina ...... 98 Miogypsina 11, 12 5, 98, 99 Mal, alalal Orbitoides .......... 99-101 ENaC O) Sue ee 40 Phragmodictya ........ 278, 302 Pilsbry, Henry A..... 142 Pitholes eulte 259, 260 pizarrensis, Nonion 228 Placocystella _......... 45 Placocystida ._....... 8, 43-46 Placocystites .......... 45, 46, 48, 51 Placopecten _.......... 215 Planocamerinoides 189, 190, 196-198 planoconvexus, Cibicides= 126 planulata, Camerina ....23, 26 193-195 polymorpha spiralis, Miogypsina .........- 101 Folymorphina ........-. 120, 121 Polystomella .......... 122 pompilioides, Nonion 105 Bone. Ws ke 44 Pope Hollow conglomerate ...... 265 porcella, Cytheretta 238 Post, Mrs. Helen EE Wielllisa eae 136 Rostaehomialss === 136 posteidae hexasep- tus, Cycloclypeus 97 Pottsville con- glomerate __......... 262 Precambrian ___......-.- 27 producta, Cythere 236 @ythereis =... 236 LEONI) goeseineconesccacec 40 profunda, Allo- PON aN c- oaee eee 22 175-177 Prosyringothyris .... 344 pseoducarpoids ____.... 12 pseudobliqua, Nextajlanlay see 224 pseudocostatula, Guibtuilina ee 227 Pseudoeponidea ___.. 105 Pseudopolymor- pihiinvay - 5 zee ee 214, 227 pseudosulcata, TA SONA, — 2 scceseecces. 226 Pseudosyringo- 1FIOTN'g)i) ste e es aeere e 344 Pseudosyrinx __...... 344 pseudoungeriana, Trunecatulina 22: 25 pseudoungerianus, @ibicides a 125 Ptergocythereis _..... 235 IPUlgTiaete ese eee ee SLOP SsikSemoden Pugnoides) 222 BUN, SsIL7/ pugnus, Rhyn- chonella Sie EBullenratinag 87 Pp aie eee 136 Pupoldesy 174 Purianish tee ee ee 237 Q Queensland ............ 6 Quinquelocullina .... 225 394 INDEX R randallji Septo- syringothyris -...- 283 Songer Lo eso 287 Syringothyris ..35 281, 283, 287, 295, 340, 341, 344, 351, 355, 358, 360 Ranikothailia, 2-2. 189, 190, 192-196 TR, IONS) —ceeeccesnee 165, 167 Rectogiandulina .- 105 redfieldi, Calatho- SOO), Seeeaeeeec ee 303, 307 Ectenodictya ........ 307 Reefton, South Island, New Acalamn dae eae 55 reesidei, Trachyleberis ?.... 238 ef. refulgens, Gibicides” =... io 126 Truneatulina ........ 126 Reeneliy |G, 22.2.4 18 ING, d/oWally eyes 8 Ve tMG May ss. ce UY, WA Reussellan 105 TRSD: ks \ ee 85 Rhenish rutro- clypeidsi= 43 RihienioGyStis! 2. ilps, 45), 2405 49-52 Rhipidolystis -....... 8 Rhipidomella _........ 279, 288 uhiomibiieraye.------——- 12 aff. rhomboidalis, Leptaena .............. 39 Ry NCone lias 309, 312, 22, a2 Rhynchotreta ___........- Bl, SALT “Riceville shale” _... 272 TRC IOWUIDS © ee seecene eee IOS, PAU Romimngeenriay =. 39 IRORENGNOE), eee 105 rostrata, Anoma- Lime lake Se! 105 EVO Guay ee oe ae. 214 rowellii, Pupa __.17 154 ruber, Globi- gerinoides __.... 183 al, als, rugipunctata, @ythene: see 237 Haveli aero 237 TEUMICTAIN GY anasto nesen ee 237 Trachyleberis? -.. 237 Rumung Island ...... 78, 80 rutila, Pseudo- pclymorphina 227 Rutroclypeus ........ H., (, 1s, iG, 21, 22, 24-26, 29, 30, 32-34, 35, 37-42, 52-54, 56 Tew, IME, (Ge se 84 Ryukyu, New Ifebridies. 22--22----- 191 NS) Sabol, Joseph W., The Microfauna of the Yorktown Formation from James River, Surry County, Witter ouleh Se eee 185 sacculifer, Globi- gerinoides -.....-.-- 87 sacculum, Ecteno- GiClVares =... ee 308 sagittaria, LowaGysStis) 20) Say alee nn ee eee 85, 87, 89, 90 Sands of Wemmei, near Brussels, Belgium Sangamon santamaria mid- dlesexensis, Chilamnysie eee Savannah River .....- Savane sealaris, Lind- stroemia Schickschockian schmidtae, Hemicythere _...... Sehuchert, C. Schuchertella Schuchertia, =.= scotica, Dendro- Gy stoidess = Scotland Wharf pier, Virginia SUIS AM see sedgwicki, Calix Dendrocystites __.. sellaeformis, Ostrea semitecta, Sigmomorphina terquemiana Sigmomorphina 14 191 seminula, Sphaer- OC InIe ae Septosyringothyris Shell Bluff, Georgian 22 Shellhammer Hoi- low formation —__. Shenango Shenango sandstone “Sherman Fall beds, Beauport, P.Q.” _... Sherman Fall mem- ber, Quebec Sherman Fall mem- ber Trenton lime- stone, Quebec E’ninki, Wazaristan, Nia ree ere Shizukazawa, Oki- wura, Haha-jima (Hiilsborough Island), Bonin Islands Shrock Re Re, Twenhofel, W. H. Shumardella = Sigmomorphina Silurian sindensis, Num- TUTE See Operculina Siple, George E. _.. Shami, Jeb Jel wee Smut Ae eles eee soldanii, Gyroidina S OUND aes eee Soper, Arthur W. .... Sphaeroidinella sphaerulata, Baculo- gypsina “Spirifer” Spirifera Spiroclypeus spissa, Syringo- thyris Stainforth, R. M. stainforthi, Cata- psydrax stampi, Miscellanea Stark, John T. INDEX 87 279, 283, 344, 361 117, 119-126 265, 269, 274, 290, 292 261 263 18 LZ 18 191 191 8 310, 317 121, 228 27, 170 195 195 IL 140 192 105 22,25-27, 29 141 87, 88 96 40, 337 341 86 340, 341, 347 85 107 195 94 135 Stenotremaye Stenotrema _.. 22 St. John, New Brunisiwacke es Stony Creek, Aus- Craig. 220 ee striata, Parapho- TabyaaVelayb lS} Rhynchonella striato-costata, Rhynchonella striatocostatus, Paraphorhynehus . striatus, Parapho- rhynchus ..32, 33 175 175,177 25 30 328 327, 330 312 es 318-320, 323, 330 280-282, 286, 294, 320, 323, 327, 330, 334 Strophonella Struve Wolfgang .... Studley Park, Australia SPUN EZ Ua eee styloidea, Mitro- CY SEIS ee aes Stylophora subaraucana, Dis- corbis subglobosa, Cassi- GlWUGH OIE, tenses subiobus, Cibicides sub-Olean con- glomerate subovata, Glycy- MEIGS) (2 eee subquadratus, Globigerinoides 13 substriata, Lagena Succinea sulcata, Lagena .... sulcidentata, Cypraea sumatrensis, Eule- pidina Lepidocyclina 11 suturalis, Or- jaunty Suva formation Suva limestone swiftianum, Cyclostomay Sylvania Guyot Syringocrinus .......... 396 103, 33 42 54 40 84, 102, 110 103, 106 94 86 136 85 17-20, 29 INDEX Syringopleura ...... 293, 341, 344 SMAPS OVS ope, pene 344 Symineothryis! — 2 PADI, PAD, PAS 283, 290, 295, 337, 339, 344, 15, 348, 350); 359, 360 qh Tabalong River, IB ORME OMe 191 Tagpochau lime- SOO ee eee eee 86-89, 94 Iva “Sy oe eae 96 Tayama, Risaburo 94 Maizewiellll 22-3222. 165 Tazewell loess .......- 168, 169, 171-173 Templestowe ANTMUCVTNNGS oes eee 54 cf. tenuis, Eospon- OR AUDIG) 2c a5 eee eee eee 32 ef. tenuistriata, Wiva Seri aye 230 ANGIES) OS), Sees eee 138 terquemiana, Sig- TOMO) ONANVOEY, so eee aA tessellata, Cypraea 138 texana, Anomalina.. 124 Polystomella -....... 122 texanum, Elphidium Aa el “PEs cre eney, 5 ee DARA 2 85 224. SID Oy Aaa ees 224 thalicus, Nummu- NPE Stereo eee eae 195 thalicus var. gwynae, Nummu- Lite See ee 195 thecidlaeformis, Miogypsina ........ 100, 101 Onbitoides! 22 99 “The Hawaiian Spectatuee 139 Thilimad Island __.. 80 Third mountain SECITOT(G lee aeee ee ene 259 ikhomas Ae On 47 Thomas, A. O., and Jbfiolel, Jah St eee PAD). Pall ROMA TUS h eeeeeee ee 54 thompsoni, Olenellus 25 “PaO mW, WIS Seeeteccceee 8 ithorsony (Gye 215 Thysanodictya .......... 299, 301, 302 TAO Cy 260 Midiowutesshale ses Zle, he tidioutensis, Ecteno- Cictyaye 308 tidoenganensis, Spiroclypeus ........ 86 tiffanyi, Ecteno- Gietya ele 308 WOGIGL, IRINA ooo 85 tomacula, Clathro- SON Sa eeeenees 301 Tomigerus -..............- 136 Tournaisian beds __. 290 ALPACA. Vo lh, dirs 78 transversus, Para- phorhynchus ........ 287, 319. 323, 326, 330, 334 Trent formation, North Carolina .... Zileey “Trenton Limestone” i. Ie Trenton limestone, Canadayao sere 19 triaequalis, Para- phorhynechus ...... 313, 314, S31), B78} Rhynchonella 314 triangularis, Marginulina __14 120 triangularis danvil- lensis, Marginu- 120 lina triangularis, panamensis, Marginulina ........ 120 triangulata, Bairdoppilata _..... 234 trilobus, Glo- bigerinoides _.... 13 103; 106, 112 ARTEMAOEV EIS) soe scence 40 itr O GOP SIS eee 175, 176 trochocystids ........-- 8 iro GhOGyStlSae= 26 SINT Kee eee 94 AUN ae ay eee 125, 226 Avreonl, (Ge We dts coe 137, 139 Tubulogenerina tubule ray eee 90 tumida, Glo- borotaliay = 87 turrita, Discorbis .... 214 AMUSE, eecenceececsoce 216 tuxpamensis, IAWUGUTOINE, Co cccceeeree 105 typa, Syringothyris 339 397 U Victoriacystis —....... 44, 46, ulrichi, Cushmanidea 235 virginiensis, Cli- Cytheretta -........- 238 throcytheridea Umbgrove, J. H. F. 87 viridis, Helicina umbonatus, Pseudce- Viti limestone ...... WOnides eee: 105 syatileyus iigin es undulata, Ashtarotha 216 yon Muskeln, INS aii meee eee aan 216 INTONSOWA sacaccnencoonacce undulatus, vortex, Robulus Crassatellites™ ==-- 216 ungeriana, Ww Truneatulina ...... 125 universa, Orbulina S75. LOR Wwe, IR, Ibe Slee Upper Corry Walcott Capea SaAm@ Stowe) | See. 291 walcotti Hydnoceras UWivall Se eT claeenee ese ee se=ee 229 Waverly formation vy Waverly group .....-.- Wayne, William J. Valley Station West Caroline Quadrangle, Ky. 16d. Lor Geanticline ........ Valley Station West Caroline JRO GI), IK Seessssec- Sh, alealealies: APIRSINCM 2 senececeencee Wrailil@rmiaees ee AAS Gs Wilt piles Glee Valvulammina Whitehouse, F. W. PO las eee 90 Wilder) Burt === Wall nlimenitae 2s. 193 1294 Wilkins, R. W. T.- Van Antwerp, Henry 136 wilkinsi, Vic- Van der Vlerk, I. M. 84 toriacystis -..-.-.- variabilis, Cibi- aff. wilkinsi, PAGANI) cocecse coeds 233, 234 Victoriacystis 9, 10 rumeatwlimayes- 233 ef. williamsoni, vascella, Clathro- Sigmomorphina 14 SOM ates eee ee Sie WailSoms eAGs yy eee Vaughan, T. WAS @ Ii ae Weal naNl, secs eeeseaee Ole WHS COMSiMemeese eae ee vaughani, Robulus -. 218 Wisconsin age .....--- Venango sand ......- 262 Wisconsin Stage WenenriCardivay 2. OAM AWanaerese Jets IB% seceee- venosa, “Oper- withersi, Rutro- OU? Seco eeeeeee 197 Gly Deus 56 venulata, Acha- Woned, Map Island inne Wate eee 141 wuellerstorfi, “Vergent series” .... 258 Fe Vammnailiimay yeas WIPE) ececennnsectisnasncee 174, 176 “Vespertine series” 258 xX Victoria, Australia DOE SON r4al. 44, 54 INGO NO SUA eases ee Victoria National Museum, Victoria, Australia victoriae, Rutro- clypeus 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 23-35, Biffy BS Oe) INDEX Nee\joy siehbaleh Yap formation 398 5, 9, 40-42, 48, 49, 52-54 235 140 86 86 9 105 78 86 6 140 47 7-10 5, 46, 48, 53 5, 40, 52, 54 121 19, 44 316 165, 169 168 MS alyAL, Ie 31, 41, 56 40 80 105 oO INDEX yeringae, Lind- SHO eM ey, York-James Penin- sula, Virginia ...... yorktownensis, Mesciuilaiay see 27 SYST IGE S111) ee zobeida, Parapho- IPOANOINDS se ACMitoides) =e zuleika, Parapho- ONAN YS — 399 319, XXVII. . XXVIII. pd XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXII. XXXIV. XXXYV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVITI. XXXIX, Volume I. Il. Ii. IY. CMs. IOL-T08)2 (876) po.° 6G. pls ss, hs eh eee 10.00 Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (NDE. TOOT G12 Py eae as Ne A en 10.00 Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (NOSs\o-LIGhA 7 738 pp. 2 ‘pls. sue ee 13.00 Bowden \forams and Ordovician cephalopods. GN O./ FEZ).; 56S; ppg 65 Pls. Ae eS 14.00 Jackson Eocene mollusks. CNOS, “NIS=198).° “458 ‘pp., 27 ple. yl calc Seale 12.00 Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsylvanian crinoids, Cypraeidae, Cretaceous, Miocene and. Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil localities. (NOs. 129.183), (294 pp. S97 Wis. hci cee en 10.00 Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca, (Noss 134-199) 0448) pp. 51 Wishes ceca 12.00 Deyonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. (Nos. 140-145). 400 pp.; 19’ pls)... eh dn 12.00 Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tas- manian Ordovican cephalopods and Tennessee Or- dovician, ostracods, and conularid bibliography. (Nas) / 146-154)" 386 spp:, 31 “pis. an168. 5 ck. - ne 12.00 G: D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleo- cene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Aus- tralian Ordovician cephalopods, California Pleisto- cene Eulimidae, Volutidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (Nes\7155-160)<. 412 appi, 53) Dish nth Gee eee 13. 50 Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian- - Chazyan fossils, foraminiferal studies. (NOS, 161-164). :486pDi) 3% BIS. | cps, hed Sect Me lacteascnsnnsee 15.00 Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Canal Zone Foramini- fera, Stromatoporoidea, CNOSe 165-36). 447 Dpiy SS\ WAS. Cice oh IC OA ee oe alec 16.00 Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina, Miocene ostracods, and Mississippian of Kentucky, turritellid from Venezuela, larger forams, new mollusks. geology of Carriacou, Pennsylvanian plants. (NOSE 197-188); )/ 448) DOS. 36. DIS) oF scl i tek dest 16.00 Panama Caribbean mollusks, Venezuelan Tertiary for- mations and forams, Trinidad Cretaceous forams, American-European species, Puerto Rico forams. (No, 188). < 998 pple 1) Blb cei ah ae a NS ae 20,00 Type and Figured Specimens P.R.1. (Nos.-18h=192),< 388-pps.4'35 pis: 20 Se ae 16.50 Australian Carpoid Echinoderms, Yap forams, Shell Bluff, Ga. forams. Newcomb mollusks, Wisconsin mollusk faunas, Camerina, Va. forams, Corry Sandstone. PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia. rudistids and venerids, CNos, 6-99). 531spp.37 pls. fo a hoe dae 21.00 Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spon- dyli, Paleozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. (NOS: 18-25) 7-519 pp. 6k pis Paes Ne RS a 25.00 Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleo- zoic siphonophores, Busycon. Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Creta- ceous jellyfish, Platystrophia, and Venericardia. (Nos: 26-28).' 128) pp.) t8-pla. Co ee Vt as a eed eens Rudist studies, Busycon 6.50 CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA XXII. XXII. X XI. XXIV. XXYV. XXVI. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY (Nos. 1-5). 354 pp., 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos. 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp. 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp., 26 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. (Nos. 22-80). 437 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils. (No. 31). 268 pp., 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods. (CN 0.32) 602780. pp 99 ple ec ee et ee 14.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods. (Nos. 33-36). 357 pp., 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos. 37-39).--462-pp5.36 pis. chained 13.00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. (Nos. 40-42). 382 pp., 54 pls. Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. (Nos, 45-46). 272: pp. “41 pte isis, cp ace te eee Tertiary, Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Venezuela. (Nos. 47-48). 494 pp., 8 pls. Venezuela and Trinidad forams and Mesozoic inverte- brate bibliography. (Nos, 49-00).:— 264=pn:, 47% )-pis.) Lh 10.00 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. (Nos. 51-54). 306 pp., 44 pls. Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. (Nos. 55-58). 314 pp., 80 pls. Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. (Nos. 59-61). 140 pp., 48 DIS. oo. eect ec eeeeeteseceeeeeeeeee 6.00 Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos, 62-63) .)'- 283° pps 838.18.) 254 ee A Ne 10.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. (Nows.:.64-67)s - 286. ppi,/29" pis. seca a ee 9.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. ONO GSN BTS Pee. ek MAUS Sea cas a th dosnt eater bene tee nee 9.00 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. (Noss:69=206). .. 266.40.) £26, pis. ene Te eee 9.00 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. (Nos. 34272); 821 pp; te pis; cola Re eG 9.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. (NOs: 73-76) 356) ppl: Sipls +: Ac ee as 9.50 Paleozoic Paleontology and Tertiary Foraminifera. (NOS. 7-29). 251-ppq 35/plsi, Renee eee 9.00 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Con- rad. (Nos.*80-87) 3:33.49 n427 pls) 5 ean ee 9.50 Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos: 88-94B)./ 30@‘pp:,.30-plsy it a 9.00 Paleozoie fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Mesozoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Mary- land Miocene mollusks. (Nos.795=100).: ‘420 pp. 58 plsit A eee ce 11.00 Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fos- sils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eo- gene corals, and geology and paleontology of Iicua- dor. * - ei i Fe meee 5 SOO OO LL EE, are OAV S LP SD i Bee MP as a FO IE a a eet NLA ea , Eee eee EES eb tenth OO LLL, mt AVL SSD fee OTP Oe ns Sy a bey DE De a kl ty RNR Tee ata “ a aes ie ad ee + - ~~ = “~ — = eee 2 Ca p Reece a aS — te ee “ ~ 2 ne ee SPL A Ome