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Ordovician Stromatoporoidea of North America Bylo ds Gallaweay-ang. J. St. Jeam df. ..0......... 1-13 Names and Variation in Certain Indo-Pacific Camerinids—No. 2. A Reply Pe SOLES: COLG? tha eee eae Pa a oe Le. 14-16 Mississippian Smaller Foraminifera of Kentucky, Southern Indiana, Northern Tennessee, and Southcentral Ohio Be aimes ys AGOMII i ee 17-27 An Analyses of Certain Taxonomic Problems in the Larger Foraminifera Eee STORES OIG Woke! ik ith. wage aes uae 28-39 Rudist Assemblages in Cuba SSP 1D CUBES TT 0) 0 eer eee ee nn na oe eo Pages 1-106 107-128 129-368 369-408 409-422 S72 BULLETINS | ‘OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY * VOL. -XEL- NUMBER 194 1961 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U.S.A. PALEONTOLOGICAL Heh rg ae INSTITUTION 1960-61 eae Re PRESIDEN Royo 2 Re Lh oe Ne Oe a nel) ae NORMAN E. WEISBORD ~ VICE-PRESIDENT foe yet OW DNS sinc SANS a 5 N? JOHN W. WELLS — SECREPARY- TREASURER, 50/007 1p) ts Ee oh an No led REBECCA S. ‘Harris DIRECTORY< VTE ey Oh Bs ee al ee a tee KATHERINE Vv. W. PALMER OGenises Me oak al a Rae hee ..ARMAND L. ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE AAAS COUNCIL 2 tees KENNETH E.) CASTER ; Trustees | Wel KENNETH E. CASTER (1960-1966) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) WINIFRED GOLDRING§ (1955-1961) RatpH’ A. LIpDLE (1956-1962) ResseccaA §. Harris (Life) AXEL A. Oxsson (Life) SOLOMON C. HOLLISTER (1959-1965) | NoRMAN E. WEISBORD (9ST 19D) Joun W. WELLS (1958- 64) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and -PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Mrs. Fay Briccs, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER’ Hans KUGLER A. Myra KEEN | Jay GLENN MARKs Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, XII, XIV, and XV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or. year, with average price of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New. York UNS.A: BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VOL. 43 NO. 194 ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA OF NORTH AMERICA by J. J. GaLLtoway Indiana University and JST] EAN, FR- University of North Carolina May 8, 1961 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. f Library of Congress Catalog Card Nus ; rer “ ‘ ~ iN s j Printed in the United States of Amer CONTENTS Page Ua a ACCT oem Pe Fe La Le ee Aha Se Me cay Se kag. cates op Sette MEANS Red sce eac tn aatenchat saute weet 5 UAE ENR Act CRN ers net oe ee Coed) ee A oe ha ies eR el 5 RPeRRRCR EERE CL TNR INES Ree Se ec UNO gute oF he Lee eo see 9 SPE PUGICUE, (DEWAR Bee Ut ER Ae Ss Sen Rie Roe Sa ee eae ae ; Shimer and Shrock, 1944, Index Fossils of N. A., p. 63, pl. 19, fig. 17. (Locality not given.) Beatricea conosimilis Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno- issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister Geol. i Okhrany Nedr, nov. ser., vola&, p.078, pl: 40; head (e. Ords2Uirals:) Coenosteum.—Coenosteum of moderate size, 4 to 5 cm. in diameter and in fragments 10 to 15 cm. long. Surface with small mamelons; 3 mm. in diameter, and 5 to 7 mm. apart laterally, round or oval lengthwise of the stem, and arranged in vertical or slightly spiral rows. Between the mamelons there are small papillae. Latilaminae 2 to 5 mm. thick. Astrorhizae absent. Cross and vertical sections—The axial column is 10 mm. in diameter and in fragments 10 to 15 cm. long. Surface with small superposed cysts. Lateral zones composed of latilaminae 2 to 4 mm. thick. Small, regularly arcuate cysts embrace 1/6 to 1/4 of a circle, 4 in 2 mm. broad and half as high. The cyst plates are tripartite, with a thin, dark, dense, median layer, a thin, upper flocculent layer, and a thick lower flocculent layer nearly filling the chamber. Each cyst overlaps about 1/3 of each subjacent cyst. Small, long, narrow pillars, which are intermittent in the outer part of the lateral zone, are common but are difficult to detect. They are inclined up- ward 20° to 30° from the horizontal. Comparitsons.—This species is characterized by the small nodes. The cysts, pillars, and axis appear to be identical with those of A. plummen, A. intermedia, and A. cylindrica. The nodes are much smaller than those of A. nodulosa (Billings), who said (Billings, 1857, p. 344), “The surface of this species is covered with oblong, oval, or sub-triangular projections from one to three lines in height.” Occurrence and hypotypes.—This species occurs sparingly in the Liberty formation near Lebanon and Bardstown, Kentucky. We have two specimens, apparently typical of A. nodulifera, one from the upper Richmondian, Vauréal formation of Anticosti Island, ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 37 Yale Peabody Mus., No. 9200B, and thin sections, Indiana Uni- versity Paleo. Coll., fragment and slides 302-35, 73, and one from the Richmondian, Anticosti Island, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (no number), and one slide; fragment in In- diana University Paleo. Coll., and slide 302-67. Aulacera intermedia (Foerste) ea pleas Pitbe eho s Beatricea nodulifera intermedia Foerste, 1909, Bull. Denison Univ. Sci. a vol. 14, p. 300, pl. 8, figs. 4a, b. (U. Ord., Liberty fm., Marion Co., Ky.) ; Parks, 1910, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Sera Now 7, D. i Dlee 255 ne 9. (From Foerste.) Coenostewm.—Coenosteum cylindrical, slightly tapering. Three incomplete specimens are 24 to 40 mm. in diameter. Surface with vertically elongate nodules, arranged in slightly twisted, longitu- dinal rows. Nodules 3 to 5 mm, from crest to crest, 0.5 mm. high, 1.0 to 1.5 mm. wide, and 3 to 12 mm. long. Astrorhizae absent. Cross and vertical sections —Latilaminae 2 to 4 mm. thick. The axial zone is about 5 to 10 mm. in diameter and consists of large cysts, variable in size, 2 to 7 mm. broad, 1 to 6 mm. high, which grade into the lateral cysts in one specimen and make a tube in another. The lateral cysts are highly arched and variable in size from axis to periphery, 0.2 to 2 mm. broad, averaging 0.5 mm. and half as high. The cystose plates consist of a thin, dense, median primary plate, a thin, flocculent upper layer, and a thick floc- culent lower layer. Pillars are rare in the outer latilaminae and rare or absent in the inner latilaminae. Comparisons.—Aulacera intermedia (Foerste) is characterized by small, elongate nodes. The large, cystose axial zone, which does not make a tube, applies to some specimens of other species also and the cysts are the same size as for A. plummert, A. nodulifera, and A. cylindrica. A. intermedia differs from A. nodulifera in sur- face characters. Occurrence.—A. intermedia occurs sparingly in the Upper Ordo- vician, basal Liberty formation of Kentucky, but has not been reported from Indiana, Ohio, nor from Russia. It has been reported from Manitoba by Okulitch (1943, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 38 BULLETIN 194 vol. 37, sec. 4, p. 62-68). We are grateful to the University of Cincinnati Museum for the loan of a typical specimen; the exact locality in Kentucky is unknown. It also occurs rarely in the lower Liberty two miles southeast of Deatsville, Kentucky. Hypotype.—University of Cincinnati Museum, No. 17542, one slide; Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slides, Nos. 299-48, 92. Liberty formation, Wilson Creek, two mi, southwest of Deatsville, Kentucky, collected by Mrs. Ruth G. Browne, Louisville, Kentucky, specimen RB 18, slides 308-11, 57, 58. Aulacera cylindrica (Foerste) Pl.5, figs fab Pl. 12, figsss 8) ae Beatricea undulata cylindrica Foerste, 1909, Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., vol. 14, p. 298, pl. 9, fig. 7. (U. Ord., Liberty fm., Ophelia, Ky.) ; Parks, 1910, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 7, p. 44. Beatricea sibirica Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-isseldovatel- skogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Okhrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, p. 76, pl. 38, figs. 1-6; pl. 39, fig. 1. (U. Ord., Siberia.) Beatricea conica Yavorsky, 1955, ibid., p. 74, pl. 36, figs. 3, 4; pl. 37, fig. 1; Dies oO etigs. 2, Se.4( Uy Onc soiberiaa) Beatricea vulgaris Yavorsky, 1957, ibid., vol. 18, p. 45, pl. 22, figs. 1, 2. (U. Ord., Novaya Zemlya.) Coenostewm.—Coenosteum small, subcylindrical or elongate conical, up to 25 mm. in diameter, in fragments up to 100 mm. long. Surface smooth, with minute, round, convex, cyst plates. The axial column is 6 to 8 mm. in diameter, and generally occupied by a single row of large, nearly superposed, upwardly arched cyst plates. Latilaminae 2 to 5 mm. thick. Astrorhizae absent. Cross section—VThe large axial cysts are covered by smaller, outwardly convex cyst plates. In one specimen, of the 16 or more in our collections, the axis is a zone in which the largest cysts grade into the lateral cysts (PI. 5, fig. 1b). Cysts variable in size, 4 to 6 cysts in 4 mm. horizontally, 12 to 16 cysts in 4 mm. vertically, averaging 0.8 mm. broad, and one-third as high; regularly arcuate, making 1/6 to 1/4 of a circle. Cyst plates tripartite, consisting of an upper flocculent layer 0.15 mm. thick, a dense median layer 0.03 mm. thick, and a lower flocculent or tufted layer 0.3 mm. thick which fills most of the cystose vesicles. Small, long pillars are inclined slightly upward from the horizontal and occur rarely in the outer part of the lateral zone. ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN aa Comparisons.—Aulacera cylindrica (Foerste) closely resembles A. plummeri G. and St. J., with which it occurs, but the surface is smooth rather than undulate. It may be the young stage of A. plummeri, but many specimen of A. plummeri, with ridges, are much smaller than those of A. cylindrica. The name is useful in referring to one of the two smooth forms of Awlacera. A. peichuangensts is smooth but has flatter cysts and more pillars. We see no difference between Foerste’s species and those of Yavorsky. The conical form of A. conica is not of itself sufficient to distinguish A. comica from A. plummeri or from A. cylindrica. Occurrence ——This species occurs abundantly in the Liberty formation, two miles southwest of Deatsville, Kentucky. The ma- terial was collected by Mrs. Ruth G. Browne, Louisville, Kentucky, and Dr. Guy Campbell, Corydon, Indiana. The same or similar forms occur in Russia. Hypotypes.—Indiana University Paleo. Coll., Nos. GC4, 20; RB 30, 34, 59, 60, 61, 62, G7, 68, 69; slides 302-20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 74; 308-31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42. Genus PSEUDOSTVLODICTYON Ozaki, 1938 Type species (monotypic), P. poshanense Ozaki, 1938, Jour. Shanghai Sci. inistsusee. 2, vol)2..p- 208. pls 24, fig. 23 pl. 25, figs. la-e. (M. Ord., Shan- tung); Galloway, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 37, No. 164, p. 424, pl. sila ty ater Rosenella (part) Ozaki, 1938, Jour. Shanghai Sci., sec. 2, vol. 2, p. 216, pl 32, cig. 1 (M. Ord. Shantung): Coenosteum massive or attached to other stromatoporoids, strongly latilaminate, composed of long, regular laminae which may be wrinkled or straight, with or without denticles, and without cysts, pillars or astrorhizae. Middle and Upper Ordovician, China, Vermont, and Texas. Six species. Pseudostylodictyon differs from Rosenella in not being com- posed of cysts and generally lacking denticles. The presence of mamelons and mamelon columns is a specific character; a genus may have species with columns and other species without columns. 40 BULLETIN 194 ‘The genus has simple structure compared with most stromatopor- oids, but it is most similar to the family Labechiidae. KEY TO SPECIES OF PSEUDOSTYLODIC1 YON la. Mamelon columns strong Za.) Latilamunae motiwayy ae nones P. poshanense Ozaki 2b. Latilaminae Wavy vewcsdemusmcannend. £ LAMOLLense Seen 1b. Mamelon columns vague or absent 2c. Laminae not wrinkled Ja) “aminae Seto 1O%m 2) maton P. 2 eatom (Seely) 3b. Laminae 20 or more in 2 mm...P. 2 chazianum (Seely) 2d. Laminae wrinkled in places 3c. Without denticles .....P. ? kayi Galloway and St. Jean 3d. With denticles and corrugations .....P. 2 montoyaense Galloway, n. sp. Pseudostylodictyon 2 lamottense (Seely) Pl. 5, figs. 2a, b Stromatocerium lamottense Seely, 1904, Rept. State Geol. Vermont, vol. 4, p. 147, pls. 69, 72, pl. 74, fig. 1 (M. Ord., B Chazy, Fisk’s Quarry, Isle La Motte, Vt.) Exterior—Coenosteum massive in isolated masses “two to six or more feet in section,” (Seely, 1904, p. 147) apparently not forming bioherms, surrounded by black limestone, The limestone 1s attached to the worn edge of the specimen. Surface with unequal mamelons, 3 to 6 mm. in diameter and 10 to 15 mm. apart. Astrorhizae absent, Vertical section—The specimens are composed of white lati- laminae, 2 to 5 mm. thick and wrinkled in more or less parallel layers, and forming irregular mamelon columns 2 to 6 cm. long. The lati- laminae are separated by black limestone, similar in thickness and contortion to the latilaminae, so that when the specimens are cut vertically and polished a striking, banded marble results. The banding obviously results from a winter’s layer of lime mud on the living organism, which rejuvenated the next spring and formed annual layers. The banding is not the specific character, but rather the size of the wrinkles and the finer structure of the latilaminae are the specific characters. The latilaminae, the white bands, are composed of fairly regular laminae, 0.17 to 0.26 mm. thick, closely ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 41 appressed, and numbering 15 to 18 in 2 mm, The laminae have a thin, dark upper layer, and a thick, flocculent lower layer, which is darker in places but is not moniliform. The lower layer is trans- versely fibrous in places. The laminae are not wrinkled, other than conforming to the wrinkles of the latilaminae, and do not make arcuate plates except at the top of the latilaminae where the mud stopped the growth of the organism. There are no denticles on the laminae, and there are no vertical or horizontal tubes or canals, nor astrorhizae, nor pillars. The tangential section shows nothing diagnostic. Comparisons.—This species differs from P. ? eatom in the more wrinkled latilaminae. The size of the coenosteum and the alternating latilaminae and mud layers can scarcely be taxonomic characters. It occurs stratigraphically below P. ? eaton, in the B Chazy hort- zon. [he black limestone is composed of small euhedral crystals of calcite and smaller, rounded grains of calcite, with a thin matrix of black, carbonaceous material. P. ? chazyanuwm, from the basal or A Chazy, lacks the wrinkles of the latilaminae, and the laminae are finer. Types—B Chazy, Fisk’s Quarry, Isle La Motte, Vermont, specimen figured by Seely, 1904, pl. 72. Our figures are from syn- types from Goodell’s Quarry, collected by Seely, 1885, now in the Paleontological Collection of Middlebury College, and fragments in Indiana University, slides 301-59, 60, 61. Pseudostylodictyon ? eatoni (Seely) Pl. 5, figs. 2a, b Stromatocerium eatoni Seely, 1904, Rept. State Geol. Vermont, vol. 4, p. 146, pl. 71; pl. 74, fig. 2. (M. Ord., upper or C Chazy, Goodell’s Ridge, south of Village, Isle La Motte, Vt.) Description —The following description is based on Seely’s holo- type in the Middlebury College Paleontological Collection. Exterior—Coenosteum massive, up to 20 cm. in diameter, composed of latilaminae 5 to 10 mm. thick. Surface with convex knobs 6 to 20 mm. in diameter. Astrorhizae absent. Vertical section —The latilaminae are broadly undulating, form- ing large, sharp knobs which do not make continuous mamelon columns. The latilaminae are in turn composed of fairly regular laminae, 0.12 to 0.2 mm. thick; 8 to 10 in 2 mm.; there is a thin upper 42 BULLETIN 194 layer, and a thick lower layer, which is moniliform in the type speci- men (1904, pl. 71) but not conspicuously moniliform in other specimens (1904, pl. 74, fig. 2). The laminae lie mainly one on an- other, but there are numerous places in which the laminae are separated by clear spaces of differing width. In some places the lower layer has a transversely fibrous or porous appearance. The laminae are not wrinkled, and there are no denticles nor pillars. The laminae rise smoothly over the mamelon columns, in some cases leaving vacuities in the mamelons, but there are no astrorhizal nor axial tubes, nor are there astrorhizal canals. Langential section—Vhe tangential section shows irregular patterns made by the cut laminae. Comparisons —This species is simple for a _ stromatoporoid, lacking cysts, pillars, denticles, and astrorhizae. It is much like the type species of .Pseudostylodictyon excepting for the monticular columns. It is much like P. ? lamottense from the B or middle Chazy. It might, with the other species of the genus, be considered as a calcareous alga, but there are no cells such as is usual in an alga. Holotype.—The specimen figured by Seely, 1904, on pl. 71, in Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt., from C Chazy horizon, Goo- dell’s Ridge, Isle La Motte, Vt. A section from that specimen, slide 301-58, Indiana University Paleo. Coll., is figured on our Plate 5, figure 3b. Pseudostylodicton ? kayi Galloway and St. Jean Pl. 5, figs. 4a, b; PI, 6; hese Pseudostylodictyon kayi Galloway and St. Jean, 1957, in Galloway, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 37, No. 164, p. 425, pl. 32, fig. 6. (M. Ord., middle Chazy, “Fleury” Quarry, one mile southeast of Isle La Motte village, Vt.) Extertor.—Coenosteum massive, up to 20 cm. in diameter with latilaminae 5 to 10 mm. thick, and with large, irregularly developed, pointed mamelons 10 mm. in diameter and about 30 mm. apart. Astrorhizae absent. Vertical section.—The laminae are fairly regular. They are 0.15 to 0.18 mm. thick, 10 or 12 in 2 mm., mostly closely appressed, but in zones of 4 to 6 laminae separated by narrow zones of calcite. The laminae have a thin dark upper layer and a thick lower ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 43 flocculent or fibrous layer. In places the laminae are strongly wrinkled wtih some of the wrinkles open at the top. In addition to strong mamelons in places five to six laminae rise abruptly leaving a vacuity, as if the laminae had erupted. Tangential section—In places in the section there are con- spicuous rings 0.14 to 0.18 mm. in diameter, made by the cutting of the wrinkles. Comparison.—P. ? kayi differs from P. ? eatont mainly in hav- ing wrinkled laminae; it also occurs at a lower horizon, middle instead of upper Chazy. Occurrence and types —The holotype, KAI, is from the middle Chazy, “Fleury” Quarry, one mile southeast of Isle La Motte vil- lage, Vermont. Collected by Marshall Kay. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slides 300-21, 22, 23, 24. A paratype, KA5, from the same quarry, has abundant wrinkles of the laminae. Slides 300-19, 20. Vseudostylodictyon ? chazianum (Seely) Pl. 6, figs. 2a, b Stromatocerium lamottense var. chazianum Seely, 1904, Rept. State Geol. Vermont, vol. 4, p. 148, pl. 73, upper figure. (M. Ord., middle or B Chazy, South Hero, Vt.) Exterior—Coenosteum conical, several inches tall, composed of latilaminae 1 to 2 mm. thick; surface without regular mamelons or knobs, and without astrorhizae. Vertical section.—Seely does not give a vertical thin section. Our description is drawn from a specimen labeled by Seely, from “A Chazy,” South Hero, Vermont, although the text says “B Chazy.” The specimen is somewhat silicified. The latilaminae are thin, averag- ing less than 2 mm., are undulating but not forming knobs, as in P. ? eatoni, nor wrinkles, as in P. 2 lamottense. The laminae are thin, 0.02 to 0.03 mm. thick, numbering 20 or more in 2 mm. The laminae con- sist of a thin, dark upper layer and a thicker, gray, flocculent lower layer. There are no corrugations nor denticles, pillars, nor cysts. The simplicity of this form suggests an alga, and the thin la- minae of the hypotype (PI. 6, fig. 2b) might be interpreted as cells of a calcareous alga. Comparisons—This species differs from P. ? eatoni in the thin laminae and few knobs; from P. ? lamottense in the thinner laminae and it lacks the wrinkled lJatilaminae of that form. 44 BULLETIN 194 T'ypes.—Syntypes were from the B Chazy horizon from Basin Harbor, Vermont, Appletree Point, South Hero, Vermont, and from Chazy, N. Y. Seely’s specimens are in Middlebury College, Vermont., and part of one specimen from South Hero, Vermont, in Indiana University, slides 301-62, 63, and from the Maclurites beds, South Hero, % mile west of Rt. 2, Grand Isle Co., Vermont, collected by Marshall Kay, 1954, specimen KB1, slides 300430, 31, 32, 33, 34; specimen KB2, 300-35, 60, 73. Pseudostylodictyon ? montoyaense Galloway, n. sp. : Pl. 6, figs, Sapp Exterior—Coenosteum massive, more than 10 cm. in diameter. Surface smooth or papillate, without mamelons, but gently undu- lated, making nodes of various sizes and spacing. Latilaminae con- spicuous, 2 to 8 mm. in thickness, averaging about 5 mm. Astror- hizae absent. Vertical sectton—The coenosteum is composed of laminae, which are thin, 10 to 12 in 2 mm., mostly parallel, rarely making arcuate plates. Most of the laminae consist of a lower, finely granular, nearly straight plate, and an upper plate to which are attached short, conical denticles or the upper plate is finely cor- rugated, making cones, 10 to 12 denticles or corrugations in 2 mm. In places the denticles and corrugations are regular and touch the overlying lamina, making oval galleries wider than high. Nodes are irregularly developed, but without axial structures common in mame- lons, such as larger pillars, an axial tube or tubes and astrorhizal canals. Some places in some specimens show no denticles or wrinkles, but the laminae are flat, either directly superposed, or separated by carbonate crystals. Tangential section—The sections show small round spots in places which are the conical wrinkles. In other places there are annuli of laminae, indicating nodes, but not showing mamelons. Many tangential sections show no structure but granular areas. Remarks——The Montoya specimens have been considerably altered by calcification and dolomitization, but the structures are apparent in sections thicker than in unaltered specimens. The lack of large arcuate cyst plates is different than for Rosenella which is ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 45 much coarser in structure. The specimens are intergrown with an alga, a sponge, and a coral in places. Occurrence.—Abundant in the Upham formation of the Mon- toya group, of Upper Ordovician age, crest of Scenic Drive, E] Paso, Texas, collected by R. H. Flower, 1958. Holotype—No. S86, and slides numbered S6, collections of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology; part of holotype and slides 308-22, 23, 24, 25, in Indiana University Paleo. Coll. Paratypes Nos. S2, 83, $4, 85, S7, and S8, parts of S4 and S7 in Indiana University Paleo. Coll., and slides. Genus ROSENELLA Nicholson, 1886 Type species (originally designated), R. macrostyla Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 84, pl. 7, figs. 12, 13 (Middle Silurian, Gotland) ; Nicholson, 1886, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 18, p. 19; Kuhn, 1928, Foss. Cat., Hydrozoa, p. 46; Parks, 1907, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 4, p. 23; No. 5, 1908, p. 42; Gorsky, 1935, Trans. Arctic Inst., vol. 28, p. 94; Ozaki, 1938, Jour. Shanghai Sci. Inst., sec. 2, vol. 2, p. 215; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Okhrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, p. 67, pl. 30; Galloway, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 37, No. 164, p. 424. Coenosteum laminar or massive, composed of convex plates on which are conical denticles, or which have conical wrinkles. Plates compact, porous, or flocculent. Astrorhizae obscure. Rosenella differs from C'ystostroma in the irregularity in size of the cysts and in having denticles. Middle Ordovician, China, North America. Middle Silurian, Europe, North America. Devonian, Russia, Novaya Zemlya. About 12 species. Rosenella cumingsi Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pi, 6: fies. 4a; 0 Exterior—Coenosteum massive, at least 12 cm. in diameter. Surface not preserved, but a vertical weathered section shows lati- laminae 2 to 5 mm. thick, and mamelon columns, with evenly convex mamelons 10 mm. in diameter and 5 mm. high. Astrorhizae and pillars absent. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed entirely of coarse arcuate cysts. Pillars are absent excepting for conical spines or denti- cles on the upper cyst plate. The denticles are uneven in size, 46 BULLETIN 194 thickness, and in distribution, and extend only a short way through the chambers. The cysts are irregular in shape and size; some are arcuate 1 mm. broad and % mm. high, but the cysts are mostly broad, irregularly undulating and low, about 8 in 2 mm. vertically, and 2 in 2 mm. horizontally. The cyst plates are tripartite, with a thin, dense median plate, 0.02 mm. thick, and a thick upper plate, 0.05 mm. thick, and a thin lower plate. The specimens have been infiltrated, recrystallized and partly silicified, so that as is usual with weathered-out specimens, the structures have been more or less destroyed, and description unsatisfactory. Comparisons —lThe tangential section shows nothing of con- sequence. This species is characterized by the thin, variable cyst plates, especially the thin, lower plate, and the mamelons, from which it differs from R. woyuensis Ozaki (1938, p. 215, pl. 31, figs. la-d), as well as in the stronger denticles. Such simple, as well as variable forms, cannot be distinguished with certainty. The ir- regularities of growth seem to be due to the rugged conditions of life. Holotype.—Middle Ordovician, lower Trenton limestone, new lock above Amsterdam, New York, collected by Dr. E. R. Cumings, 1914; Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slides 299-66, 67; 300-84; paratype, Middle Ordovician, Black River limestone, Watertown, New York, also collected by Dr. Cumings, 1914; slide 235-21. It also occurs in the upper Black River limestone of Quebec, slides 302-43, 44, 45; from the Chaumont limestone east of McBride Bay, South Hero twp., Grand Isle Co., Vermont, 301-11-20, from the Chaumont limestone, Otter Creek, southwest of Fort Cassin, Vermont, 302-5, 6, 7, 8, and from the lower Trenton, Rockland fm., % mi. west of Bridge, Crown Point, New York, 302-4, 9. The Vermont and New York material was collected and presented to us by Prof. Marshall Kay of Columbia University. Genus LABECHIA Edwards and Haime, 1851 Type species (monotypic), Monticularia conferta Lonsdale, 1839, in Murchi- son, Silurian System, p. 688, pl. 16, fig. 5 (Lower Silurian, Wenlock, England). Labechia Milne-Edwards and Haime, 185i, Mon. Polyp. Foss. Terra. Paleo., p. 155, 279; Nicholson, 1879, “Tab. Corals Palaeo. Per.,” p. 330, fig. 44: ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 47 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 81-84, fig. 13A, B;. pl. 3, figs. 7-15; 1891, vol. 44, pl. 20, figs. 1-3; 1886, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5; wo]. 18, p. 11; Yavorsky, 1931, Bull. United Geol. and Prosp. Ser. U.S.S.R., vol. 50, fase. 94, p. 1408 (Devonian age doubtful) ; Smith, 1932, Summ. Prog. Geol. Serv. Great Britain, for 1931, pt. 2, p. 23 (Visean, doubtfully a stromatoporoid) ; Ozaki, 1938, Jour. Shanghai Sci. Inst., sec. 2, vol. 2, p. 210-213, pls. 26-28; Kuhn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Band 2A, p. A50, A51; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister Geol. i Okhrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, p. 58-65, pls. 24-28, 41; ibid., 1957, vol. 18, p. 29-36, pls. 13-17; Galloway, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 37, No. 164, p. 427, pls. 31, 32. Coenosteum laminar, encrusting or massive, possibly subcylin- drical, consists of outwardly convex cyst plates, and large, round, long pillars. Pillars with light centers not hollow. Tissue of primary plates compact, with inner and outer flocculent layers. Surface papillate. Astrorhizae not typically developed. Upper Ordovician and Silurian, Europe, Russia, China, North America. Upper Devonian, Russia. About 20 species. The genus was named for Sir Henry de Labech; it is pronounced la-bésh’-1-a. KEY TO AMERICAN ORDOVICIAN SPECIES OF LABECHIA la. Mamelons 5 mm. in diameter or less 2a. Cysts broad, low, thick; pillars large, L. pustulosa (Safford) 2b. Cysts short, high, thin, regularly overlapping; (Byles ie alieintp aaa aee i ee Ae a ee a L. huronensis (Billings) 1b. Mamelons large, 10 mm. in diameter; pillars thick Ae Re ae L. macrostyla (Parks) Labechia pustulosa (Safford) Pl 7, fiess la; b, 2a;°b Stromatopora pustulosa Safford, 1869, Geol. Tenn., p. 276, 285. (M. Ord., College Hill ls., Catheys fm., Nashville gr., Nashville, Tenn.) Stromatocerium pustulosum Hayes and Ulrich, 1903, U.S. Geol. Surv. Folio 95, figs. 23, 24, (M. Ord., Catheys fm., Columbia Quadrangle, Tenn.) ; Bassler, 1932) Geol. Surv. Tenm, Bull: 33, sp. 226, pl. 22, figs. 10,. 11. (Hayes and Ulrich’s figures repeated.) Wilson, C. W., Jr., 1948, Geol. Surv., Remn. Bull. 55) p..38, 41, 43, pl. 12; figs. 6, 7; 1949, Bull. 56, p. 119, 129, 143, pl. 12; figs. 6, 7: ?>Stromatocerium canadense Nicholson and Murie, 1878, Jour. Linn. Soc. Zool., vol. 14, p. 223, pl. 3, figs. 9, 10. (M. Ord., Trenton, Peterborough, Ontario.) 2Stomatocerium canadense var. minimum Parks, 1910, p. 20, pl. 22, fig. 3. (M. Ord., Trenton, Frankfort, Ky.) Surface-—Coenosteum massive, hemispherical to tuberose, up to 20 cm. in diameter and 10 cm. thick, composed of latilaminae 2 48 BULLETIN 194 to 10 mm. thick. Surface with minute papillae, small cysts, and low conical mamelons, 5 mm. in diameter, 2 to 3 mm. high, and 10 to 12 mm. apart from center to center. Small astrorhizae with few canals may occupy the summits of the mamelons. Vertical sectton.—The skeleton consists of small, slightly arched cysts % to 2 mm. broad and 14 to % mm. high, the broader ones flattened and no higher than the shorter ones; each cyst overlaps % to % of the subjacent cysts, with a tendency to form layers of cysts only one cyst in thickness. The layers of cysts rise smoothly over the mamelons. The walls of the cysts consist of a thin, outer, dark, dense plate, 0.03 mm. thick, and a lower, thick, gray, floccu- lent, moniliform layer 0.16 mm. thick, leaving a narrow chamber cavity up to 0.13 mm. high, filled with clear calcite. An outer floc- culent layer is thin or missing, Pillars are common, long, straight or curved, 0.10 to 0.25 mm. thick, and 4 occur in 2 mm. The pillars usually have been completely recrystallized or replaced by white calcite, rarely leaving a narrow, dark shell on the outside, and in many places cannot be detected. Astrorhizae are scarcely distin- guishable in vertical sections in the mamelons and do not make vertical tubes. Tangential section—The cysts are cut at many angles, and many odd patterns of curves and gray masses result; around the mamelons the cyst plates curve in bands, with the cysts convex outward, presenting the same structure as seen in vertical section. The darker, abundant material in the section is the flocculent material of the lower, thick layer of the cysts. Astrorhizae are not distinguishable. Pillars are rarely distinguishable, but the few that can be recognized are round. In the Cannon limestone specimens from Flat Rock, Tennessee, which have smaller cyst plates than the typical form, the pillars are round, averaging 0.24 mm. in diameter and 0.5 mm. apart, some ringlike; the pillars surely never were hol- low, but the centers have been recrystallized more than the borders (Pl. 7, fig. 2b). Remarks.—The original locality and horizon of Safford’s speci- mens are the College Hill limestone, in Nashville, Tennessee. “The section commences in the river beneath the wire bridge, and ascends to the top of Capitol Hill,’ (Safford, 1869, p. 276). The horizon of Safford’s “Stromatopora pustuloswm” has been determined to be ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 49 lower and upper members of the Catheys formation, at Nashville. (Bassler, 1932, p. 109; Wilson, 1948, p. 35-44). The species was not described other than as “having conical pimple-like elevations on its surface,” (Safford, 1869, p. 285). Both Labechia and Cysto- stroma, from the Trenton group, have mamelons, as does Stromato- certum, from the Black River group. These genera are distinguished by flat pillars in Stromatocertwm, round pillars in Labechia and absence of pillars in Cystostroma. A stromatoporoid identified as Stromatocerium pustulosum by Hayes and Ulrich occurs abundantly in the Catheys limestone of the Columbia Quadrangle area, Tennes- see; the specimen figured has slightly larger mamelons than the ones we have, but they may be the same species. Bassler (1932, p. 88) indicated that the middle part of the Cannon limestone is “filled with Stromatoceriwm pustulosum” and also (p. 112) named the middle Catheys the “Stromatocerium pustulosum bed” because of “many large colonies” of the species. It is much like L. macrostyla Parks in the strong, abundant, round pillars, but the cysts are larger, have thick lower, and less curved plates. On weathered specimens, the pillars and mamelons are first to dissolve, leaving holes. The presence of round pillars places this form in the genus Labechia. Stromatocerwm has flat, vermicular, or irregular pillars. Stromato- ‘certum munmum Parks (1910, p. 20, pl. 22, fig. 3), also from the ‘Trenton group, has mamelons and arched cysts but no pillars, and is, therefore, Cystostroma, but the ostensible type specimen has large, round pillars, as in Labechia pustulosa (Safford). Types and occurrence.—We have three specimens which appear to be topotypes, from which the above description is drawn, collected especially for us from Safford’s type section, “beneath the wire bridge to the top of Capitol Hill’ (Safford, 1869, p. 276; Wilson, 1948, p. 38, Loc. 18), from the lower four feet of the Catheys forma- tion or Constellaria beds ( Wilson, 1949, p. 140, 143) by Prof. C. W. Wilson, of Vanderbilt University. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slides 302-81, 85, 92. Dr. Wilson also collected two poorly preserved. specimens from the upper Catheys formation, City Quarry, Nash- ville, Tennessee; slides 302-86, 87. The species occurs rarely in the Bigby-Cannon limestone (Wilson, 1949, p. 119, 129) but is abund- ant in various layers and localities in the Catheys formation. We have parts of two specimens from the Cannon limestone of Flat 50 BULLETIN 194 Rock, Nolensville Pike, southeast of Nashville, Tennessee, which has abundant round pillars and smaller cyst plates but it is identified with the Catheys form; slides 299-82, Pl. 7, figs. 2a, b. L. pustulosa also occurs at the top of the Benson formation, Valley View, Ken- tucky, and in the Flanagan formation, at Frankfort, Kentucky, Labechia huronensis (Billings) Pl. 7, figs. 3a, be 4a-op Stenopora huronensis Billings, 1865, Canadian Geol. Surv., Pal. Foss., vol. 1, p. 185. (U. Ord., Richmond, Cape Smyth, Lake Huron, Ont.) Not Alveolites granulosus, James, 1871, Cat. Foss., Cincinnati Group, p. 2. (U. Ord., Waynesville fm., Clarksville, Ohio) ; James, 1892, Jour. Cincin- nati Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 15, p. 148, fig. 9. Type, Univ. Chicagos No. 2250, vertical section by Parks, 1910, pl. 22, figs. 6, 10 (12) =Stromatocerium granulosum (James). Tetradium huronense Foord, 1883, (part) Contr. Canadian Cambro-Sil. Micro- pal., vol. 1, p. 25, pl. 7, figs. 1, la. (U. Ord., Cape Smyth,” Lake: Sion Ont.) Stromatopora subcylindrica James, 1884, Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 7, p. 20, fig. 1. (U. Ord., Waynesville, near Morrow, Ohio.) Labechia ohioensis Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., London, vol. 39, p. 31, 32, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2. (U. Ord., Waynesville, Ohio) ; 1886, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5; vol. 18, p..13, pl. 2, frgs. 1, 2. (U, Ord. Cape (Smythe lieaee Huron, Ont.) Labechia montifera Ulrich, 1886, Contrib. N. Amer. Paleont., vol. 1, p. 33, pl. 2, figs. 9, 9a. (U. Ord., Madison, Ind.) (Description and figures of internal characters are based on a specimen from the U. Ord., Waynesville, Ohio) ; Cumings, 1908, 32nd. Ann. Rept. Geol. and Nat. Res. Indiana, p. 704, pl. 1, figs. 2, 2a, 2b. (U. Ord., Saluda fm., Osgood, Ind., and Waynes- ville, Ohio.) Labechia huronensis Whiteaves, 1897, Canadian Rec. Sci., vol. 7, p. 131. (U. Ord., Lake Huron and Lake Ontario, Ont.) ; Lambe, 1899, Ottawa Nat., vol. 135 pel 7.0: Stromatopora indianiensis James, 1892, Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 15, p. 92, (U. Ord., Elkhorn fm., 5%4 mi. west of Connersville, Ind.) Labechia subcylindrica Parks, 1910, Univ. Toronto Studies Geol. Ser. No. 7, p. 27, pl. 23, figs. 3, 4, 6, 7. James’ type, from the Waynesville fm., Mor- row, Warren Co., Ohio, in Walker Mus., University of Chicago, No. 1199. Stromatocerium indianaense Foerste, 1916, Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., vol. 18, p. 302. | Stromatocerium huronense Foerste, 1924, Geol. Surv. Canada, Mem. 138, p. 74, pl. 2; pl. 3, fig. 2 is a Stromatocerium. (U. Richmond, Cape Smyth, Manitoulin Island, Canada). Exterior—Coenosteum massive, hemispherical or conical, up to 27 cm. in diameter and 12 cm. high. The mamelons are small round, dome-shaped, 2 to 3 mm. high, 2 to 5 mm. in diameter and 5 to 8 mm. apart; the surface may appear smooth because the ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 51 mamelons are covered with rock, or have been broken off. Papillae are variable, from 4 to 24 may occur in 10 mm., averaging 16 in 10 mm. Latilaminae are prominent, from 2 to 10 mm. thick, often separated by layers of mud. Specimens with mamelons 5 to 8 mm. in diameter and nearly as high, with large, round pillars which diverge in each mamelon, are L. macrostyla Parks. Vertical section The coenosteum displays arched cyst plates and long pillars. There are seven to nine cyst plates in 2 mm. vertically, and two to four plates in 2 mm. horizontally. The cyst plates are composed of a thin outer, compact layer 0.02 to 0.05 mm. thick, a thick, secondary, flocculent lower layer, which is 0.10 mm. thick, or which may fill the entire cystose vesicle; the outer, flocculent layer is thin. The pillars vary from 0.2 to 0.3 mm. thick. Three to five pillars occur in 2 mm., they extend through several rows of cysts, and may be slightly curved. The pillars are composed of loosely aggregated, granular material which tends to be arranged in vertical rows. [here is no outside wall on the pillars, and the pillars are not hollow as considered by Nicholson (1886b, p. 13). There may be mamelon columns through one or several latilaminae, but some specimens do not show mamelons in section. In some speci- mens there are groups of dividing and flaring pillars (Galloway, 1957, p. 393, pl. 36, fig. 9, slide 285-80), which we interpret as patho- logic not a taxonomic character. Tangential section—The pillars are round, of variable size, 0.15 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, and joined by the cyst plates in an irregular manner. The pillars have no walls and are not hollow. Some pillars join into stellate aggregates. Astrorhizae small, not us- ually developed. In poorly preserved specimens, the pillars and even the cysts may not be seen in the tangential section. Remarks —Labechia huronensis has been given many names, mainly because different authors could not recognize the species of Billings, and species were differentiated only by external shape. Much confusion also has resulted from descriptions based on speci- mens from widely spaced localities. For example, Ulrich (1886, p. 33) used a specimen from Madison, Indiana, to describe the external characteristics; and a specimen from Waynesville, Ohio, to describe and figure the internal characteristics of his L. montifera. Nicholson 52 BULLETIN 194 (1886, p. 21) also named L. ohtoensis for a specimen from Waynes- ville, Ohio. Later the same year, in another article, Nicholson (1886b, p. 13) based the description and figures of L. ohtoensis on a specimen from Cape Smyth, Lake Huron, Ontario, which is a topotype of L. huronensis (Billings). This is the nearest to an authentic figure of L. huronensis (Billings) we know of. To add further confusion to the matter, Billings’ type is a composite, con- sisting of L. huronensis growing on a Tetradiwm, a condition not recognized by either Billings nor Foord (1883, p. 25) and first pointed out by Foord in Nicholson (1886b, p. 14). Billings’ type has apparently been lost; it is not in the Canadian Geological Survey Museum. Comparisons —L. huronensis has many small pillars, and smaller and more curved cysts than L. pustulosa (Safford) from the Trenton. The pillars are frequently poorly preserved and it takes several slides to determine the shape of the pillars. L. macrostyla Parks has many large pillars, as well as large mamelons. L. huron- ensis differs from the Silurian species of Labechia in having smaller pillars. It is a typical Labechia and not Stromatoceriwm which has flat pillars. At the type locality it occurs with a Stromatoceriwm. The identity of L. hwronensis is based on Nicholson’s figure of a topo- type furnished by Foord (1886b, p. 14, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2), and on a topotype collected and figured by Foerste (1924, pl. 2, fig. 2.) The pillars in Foerste’s specimen are abnormally large, up to 0.4 mm. in diameter, about as large as they are in L. macrostyla Parks, but the mamelons are smaller, and the pillars do not diverge in the mamelon columns. Occurrence.—Labechia huronensis occurs at the localities given in the synonomy. It also occurs commonly in the Waynesville at Waynesville, Morrow, Clarksville, and Wilmington, Ohio. We have specimens from the Upper Ordovician, Saluda, and Whitewater formations in Indiana, and it seems to be an index fossil of those horizons. It occurs in abundance at the damsite in Muscatatuck State Farm; in the Versailles State Park, Ripley County; in the Tri- County Quarry, northwestern Switzerland County, and three miles west of Madison, Jefferson County, all in Indiana. It is the most common of the stromatoporoids in the Richmond group. Specimens ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 53 indistinguishable from L. huronensis occur in the upper Maysville at the old Agawam Station on the L. & N. R. R., Clark Co., Ken- tucky, slides 301-30, 31; 308-64, 65, 66, 67, 77, 78, 79. Topotype.——Foerste’s specimen from Cape Smyth, Manitoulin Island, Geol. Surv., Canada, No. 5596, 3 slides; Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slides 308-96, 97. Hypotype, slide 299-33. Typical specimen, slide Nos. 278-20; 282-33, 99, 100; 285-47, 48, 49, 50, 73, 79, 80; 299-32-34, 38, 41, 96-100; 300-1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 77, 78, 79, 80; 302-39, 40, 41; 308-1-6, Bee 91.92.93, 94,95. Labechia macrostyla Parks Pls tiss: las pb Labechia macrostyla Parks, 1910, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser. No. 7, peopl 22. tie, 12 (meorrectly numbered fig; 10); pl. 23, figs. 1, 2, 11. (“Lower Trenton Drift,’ Ann Arbor, Mich.) Exterior—Coenosteum massive, up to at least 10 cm. in length, composed of latilaminae, 5 to 10 mm. thick. Surface with large, dome-shaped mamelons, 6 to 10 mm. in diameter, 4 to 6 mm. high, and averaging 10 to 12 mm. apart from center to center. At the apex of each mamelon is a small astrorhiza, with three to six radiating grooves. The surface is covered with strong papillae, the ends of the pillars, which are larger on the mamelons, where they tend to coalesce; they are round and about 14 mm. in diameter in the depressions, and up to % mm. in diameter on the mamelons. Vertical section—Latilaminae, annual growth layers, are de- marked by a concentration of flocculent material and reduced, closely spaced cyst plates, and by layers of mud. Astrorhizae do not form vertical tubes in the mamelon axes. The mamelons are confined to a single latilamina at least where there are interruptions in growth, The skeleton is composed of small, arcuate, imbricating cyst plates and abundant, large, long, round pillars. The cyst plates number about 4 in 2 mm. horizontally and 8 to 10 in 2 mm. vertically. In the holotype the cyst plates seem to consist of only one plate, but in the paratype and in other specimens, the cyst plates have thin, compact, upper plates, and thicker, lower flocculent layers, with obscure lower boundaries. The pillars are large, 0.3 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, extending through many cyst plates, diverging in the mamelons and converging between mamelons, five or six in 2 54 BULLETIN 194 mm. The pillars have no definite outer boundaries, and are composed of gray, granular tissue, which tends to be arranged in vertical lines, much as if they were vertical rods and pores, probably layers of which the pillars are composed, but there is no axial canal (cf. Parks, LON ps 26). Tangential section—Obscure astrorhizal canals occur in the large mamelons. The cut cyst plates form an irregular reticulation, and the pillars are large, 0.2 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, abundant, mostly separated by one to two pillar diameters. The pillars are composed of granular bodies and have no definite boundaries, being fuzzy at the edges, show no indication of being hollow, but show indications of having had small, vertical pores and rods, A section across a mamelon, such as Parks’ figure (1910, pl. 22, fig. 10 [12 in error] ), will be oblique and will not show the shape of the pillars in transverse section. | Comparisons.—L. macrostyla differs from L. huronensts, in the larger mamelons, larger pillars, and the divergence of the pillars in the mamelons. This species occurs with L. huronensis in the Rich- mond and differs mainly in having larger mamelons, more abundant, and larger pillars. [he pillars are round, but where the large pillars converge and coalesce the resulting compound pillar may be mis- taken for the broad pillars of Stromatoceriwm. Occurrence.—We have several well-preserved specimens of this species from the late Richmond, Elkhorn formation, from Elkhorn Falls, four miles south of Richmond, Indiana, and from Huffman’s Dam, near Dayton, Ohio, and from the Whitewater formation, three miles west of Madison, Indiana. Typical examples occur in the Saluda formation one mile south of Milan, Indiana, and in the Waynesville formation in Ohio, but have not been reported from the Waynesville or Liberty formations of Indiana and Kentucky. It also occurs in the Leipers formation seven miles upstream from Ro- wena, Kentucky. It occurs in the Catheys formation of Nashville, ‘Tennessee. It is not represented in material from the Richmond of Escanaba River, Michigan. A typical specimen, silicified but showing all structures, was collected by Dr. R. H. Flower, from the Upper Ordovician of Lone Mountain, south of Silver City, New Mexico. It occurs abundantly in the Cynthiana formation, “Strom. Zone,” ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 55 five miles southeast of Winchester, Kentucky. This species is un- usual because of its long stratigraphic range from Trenton to late Richmond, but there seems to be no difference between the forms in the different horizons. Lectotype——‘“Lower Trenton Drift,” Ann Arbor Mich.; U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 36929A, slides NMI1-9, 10, collected by Dr. Carl Rominger, designated as “type specimen” by Parks (1910, p. 26), and “beautifully preserved.” Lectoparatype, Parks pl. 23, figs. 2, 11, which is poorly preserved. Lypical speciomens.—Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slides 282-59, 60; 301-25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47; 302-3, 39, 40, 41; 308-14, 15, 16, 17. Genus STROMATOCERIUM Hall, 1847 Type species (monotypic), Stromatocerium rugosum Hall, 1847, Pal. New York, vol. 1, p. 48, pl. 12, fig. 2 (M. Ord., Black River gr., Watertown, N.Y.) ; Seely, 1904, Rept. State Geol. Vt., vol. 4, p. 144, pl. 70; pl. 74, fig. ae arks, 1910, Uniy. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 7, p. 8, pl. 21, figs. 3-7; Kiihn, 1928, Fossilium Catalogus, Hydrozoa, p. 47; 1939, in Schinde- wolf, Handbuch Paladozoologie, p. A 52, fig. 80; Galloway and St. Jean, 1955, Amer. Mus. Novitates, No. 1728, pp. 1-11, figs. 1-7 (holotype) ; Gallo- way, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 37, No. 164, p. 431, pl. 33, fig. 3 (holotype). Coenosteum hemispherical, latilaminate, composed mostly of broad cysts, some short and arcuate; pillars long, platelike or with flanges, not round. Primitive astrorhizae may occur. Middle Ordovician, Black River, Trenton, and Cincinnatian, North America and Russia. Eight species, KEY TO SPECIES OF STROMATOCERIUM la. Pillars broad, thick, diameter 0.3 mm. Pat OUEPACE! WAITOUE MATIC] OMS i. cercacrtscreseeetnce S. rugosum Hall 2b. Surface with large mamMelons cesses S. tumidum Wilson 1b. Pillars broad, thin, diameter 0.03 to 0.07 mm. 2c. Pillars with narrow flanges 3a. Pillars platelike, sporadic oe ee S. canadense Nicholson and Murie BULLETIN 194 56 3b. Pillars irregular in shape, abundant 4a. Pillars small, without vacuoles t eaeeaas S. amsterdamense Galloway and St. Jean 4b. Pillars large, with vacuoles Pt eee ray S. leipersense Galloway, n. sp. 2d. Pillars with broad flanges 3c. Cyst plates mostly straight, not overlapping i Nee S. michiganense Parks 3d. Cyst plates arched, overlapping S. granuloswm (James) 2e. Pillars with few or no flanges je. Stellars im tadiall @rOU pS: .c. es eee S. australe Parks 3f. Pillars not in radial groups ete S. platypilae Galloway, n. sp. Stromatocerium rugosum Hall Pl. 8, figs. 2a, b, c Stromatocerium rugosum Hall, 1847, Pal. New York, vol. 1, p. 48, pl. 12, figs. 2, 2a, 2b. (M. Ord., Black River lIs., Watertown, N.Y.) ; Hitchcock, 1861, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 7, p. 290, fig. 190; Chapman, 1861, Can- adian Jour., new ser., vol. 6, p. 508, fig. 72; 1864, Expos. Min. Geol Canada p. 102, fig. 72; Nicholson and Murie, 1878, Jour. Linn. Soc. Zool., vol. 14, p. 222, 223; Winchell 1886, Geological Studies, p. 321, fig. 223 (from Hall’s fig. 2b) ; Miller, 1889, North American Geol. Pal., p. 165, fig. 123; Lesley, 1890, Pennsylvania Geol. Surv., Rep. P4, vol. 3, p. 1102, text fig.; Whiteaves, 1896, Canadian Rec. Sci., vol. 7, p. 149; Seely, 1904, Rept. State Geol. Vermont, vol. 4, p. 144, pl. 70; pl. 74, fig. 5. (Ord., Isle La Motte, Vt.) ; Grabau and Shimer, 1909, N. A. Index Fossils, p. 46; Parks, 1910, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser. No. 7, p. 11-15, pl. 21, figs. 3-7; Butts, 1926, Geol. Surv. Alabama, Spec. Rep. 14, p. 128, pl. 32, fig. 8; Wilson, 1948, Canada Geol. Surv. Bull. 11, p. 47, pl. 23, figs. 1-3; Shimer and Shrock, 1949, Index Fossils of N. A., p. 63, pl. 19, figs. 12>°15) 4 irom Parks); Galloway and St. Jean, 1955, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Novitates, No. 1728, 11 pp., 7 figs. (type specimen). Stromatopora rugosa d’Orbigny, 1849-1850, Prod. Paléont. Strat. Univer., p. 26; Chapman, 1863, Canadian Jour., new ser., vol. 8, p. 197, fig. 169; Billings, 1863, Geol. Surv. Canada, Rept. Prog., p. 140, fig. 72; Billings, 1865, Geol. Surv. Canada, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, p. 213; Nicholson and Murie, 1878, Jour, Linn. Soc. Zool., vol. 14, p. 195, fig. 1, (from Billings) ; Lesley, 1890, Geol. Surv. Pennsylvania, Rep. P4, vol. 3, p. 1108, text fig. (after Billings, 1863). Surface.—Coenosteum hemispherical; the type is 120 mm. in diameter, 78 mm. high and is a fragment 30 mm. thick. Parks re- ported coenostea up to eight inches in diameter. Surface irregular but without mamelons or distinct papillae. Astrorhizae are not observable at the surface, although they are obvious on a smoothed ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN Ey surface. Undulatory latilaminae are distinct on a weathered surface, 2 to 4 mm. thick, and must have been the “rugae” Hall had in mind. The type specimen has been infiltrated with calcium carbonate, recrystallized, somewhat leached and in small part silicified, yet the structure can be satisfactorily made out. The chamber cavities are in part filled with clear, crystalline calcite, and in part filled with black, fine-grained, calcareous and carbonaceous material. The structures are white in a dark background, the reverse as seen in most stromatoporoids. The specimens from Isle La Motte mentioned by Hall (1847, p. 48) as abundant and “completely silicified,” show no internal structure, as mentioned by Hall. Specimens from the solid limestone of Isle La Motte and elsewhere, are infiltrated with cal- cium carbonate and in part recrystallized, and structures can be seen satisfactorily. Vertical section— The skeleton consists mainly of broad cysts, which might be mistaken for laminae, some short, arcuate cysts, and long vertical pillars. The broad cyst plates are from 2 to 5 mm. broad, nearly flat, but are shown to be cyst plates rather than laminae, for they come down to the underlying cyst plates at the ends, and the cysts on two sides of the pillars frequently do not match. There are also narrow, arcuate cysts, 14, to % mm. broad. The cyst plates are close together vertically, 7 to 10 in 2 mm. The cyst plates are tripartite, the median plate 0.05 mm. thick and com- posed of clear, granular calcite; the upper and lower plates are each about half as thick as the median plate, and composed of dark, finely granular, and flocculent tissue. The pillars are long, extend through one or two latilaminae; the pillars are in general straight, but they branch, bend, and some join other pillars; they are irregular in distribution, varying from 2 to 6 in 2 mm. They are narrow or broad, depending on the direction in which they are cut; where cut through the thin part of the pillar, they have a thickness of 0.12 to 0.3 mm., and when cut the broad way, the breadth runs up to 1/2 mm. or more. The pillars consist of a median zone of light- colored, finely granular calcite, the recrystallized original material, and an outer zone of dark, granular and flocculent tissue, precisely like the upper and lower layers of the cyst plates. The median cyst 58 BULLETIN 194 plate in some places joins the median zone of the pillars. We consider it unlikely that pillars or median cyst plates were hollow. Neither astrorhizal canals, tubes, nor columns are apparent in_ vertical sections. Langential section—lThe pillars radiate from the mamelon centers, with short astrorhizal canals between. The astrorhizal centers are from 7 to 10 mm. apart. The astrorhizal centers do not have vertical tubes. The pillars are vermicular, variable in thick- ness, curve, branch, and have short, spinelike flanges, and some few pillars tend to be round. The pillars have a normal thickness of about 0.27 mm., and a normal breadth of 1 mm., but range in breadth up to 4 mm. Some of the pillars are outlined by black rims; most of the pillars are white calcite, and the interspaces or chambers are filled with dark, fine-grained material. In the early part of the latilamina the pillars are thinner than normal. Comparisons.—S. rugoswm is characterized by the broad cyst plates, and large pillars which radiate from the astrorhizal axes. S. rugosum has larger and broader pillars than any other species of the genus except S. tumidum. S. canadense may be the same species; it has thin, broad pillars. Occurrence.—S. rugosum occurs in the Middle Ordovician, Black River of Watertown, New York, Escanaba River, Michigan, and has been reported from northeastern New York, northwestern Vermont, Paquette Rapids, Ontario; specimens from other localities and hori- zons should have identifications checked, especially those from the ‘Trenton. It is remarkable that Seely (1904, pl. 74, fig. 5), and Parks (1910, pl. 21) correctly identified the species, considering that their specimens were not from the type locality, and neither had studied the type specimen. The above description is based on the holotype. Holotype.—Middle Ordovician, Black River limestone, Water- town, New York. American Museum of Natural History, specimen No. 590/75, and eight thin sections, 590/5, A to H. Strematocerium tumidum Wilson Pi. 8; fig. 3 Stromatocerium rugosum tumidum Wilson, 1948, Can. Geol. Surv. Bull. 11, p. 47, pl. 23, fig. 3, (S. tumidum encrusting another stromatoporoid) ; ? figs. 6, 7, (M. Ord., Leray-Rockland beds, Paquette Rapids, Ottawa River, Ont.) Exterior—Coenosteum massive or tuberose. Surface with large, ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 59 conical mamelons, 6 to 10 mm. in diameter, 5: to 10 mm. high, and 10 to 15 mm. apart from center to center. The surface of the type, and of a topotype we have sectioned, are silicified and so distorted by chalcedony in the form of beekite rings that smaller features have been destroyed; internally, the topotype has been in part silicified but the structures can be determined. Vertical section—The coenosteum is composed of latilaminae from 4 to 10 mm. thick. The skeleton is composed of thin, broad cyst plates, about 10 in 2 mm., and long, thick vertical pillars, about 5 in 2 mm. The cyst plates consist of a thin, dark, compact outer layer and a thick, flocculent, and moniliform lower plate. The earliest stage consists of arcuate cyst plates. The pillars are variable in thickness, 0.06 to 0.09 where cut the narrow way and up to 0.3 mm. where cut the broad way. Pillars have been infiltrated with calcium carbonate and recrystallized and now appear as clear calcite with no definite boundaries. Tangential section.—Structures are obscure. The mamelons may have had astrorhizae. The pillars are thick and broad, as in S. rugosum. Comparisons —The large mamelons are the diagnostic feature. Occurrence.—S. twmidum occurs at the top of the Black River and base of the Trenton, Leray-Rockland beds, Paquette Rapids, Ottawa River, Ontario, the same horizon as other typical species of Stromatocerium. Topotype.—Part in the University of Cincinnati Museum, No. 22822, and part in the Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slides 299- 76; 302-31. Stromatocerium amsterdamense Galloway and St. Jean Pl. 8, figs. 4a, b Stromatocerium amsterdamense Galloway and St. Jean, in Galloway, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 37, No. 164, p. 432, pl. 33, fig. 4. (M. Ord. Black River, Amsterdam, N.Y.) Exterior—Coenosteum massive; the incomplete holotype is 100 mm. wide, 70 mm. high and 30 mm. thick. Polished surfaces show low mamelons, 2 to 3 mm. in diameter and 8 to 10 mm. apart from center to center. Latilaminae are not well marked, 2 to 4 mm. thick. 60 BULLETIN 194 Vertical section.—The skeleton consists of thin, flat cyst plates, so flat and broad that they might easily be mistaken for laminae. The cyst plates are from 4 to 5 mm. broad, thin, 0.02 to 0.03 mm., and appear to have been composed of only one layer; there are about 12 cyst plates in 2 mm. Pillars are long, mostly narrow, but variable from 0.02 to 0.2 mm in width; they widen, narrow and branch up- ward, and number about 6 in 2 mm. The cyst plates and pillars have been infiltrated and recrystallized, so that no original tissue remains, ‘The cysts or interspaces are filled with dark, calcareous and appar- ently carbonaceous material, so that the appearance is the reverse of that of most stromatoporoids. Small low mamelons occur in the vertical section, but there are no mamelon tubes. Tangential section—TVhe mamelons are conspicuous, marked by large vacuities, not astrorhizal tubes, but vacuities between lati- laminae, and by pillars radiating from the mamelon centers, which are from 4 to 8 mm. apart. Vague astrorhizal canals, shown in black, radiate between the pillars, but do not clearly branch. The pillars are in general flat and thin 0.03 to 0.05 mm. thick, oval, vermicular and irregular in shape, with numerous small flanges. Some of the pillars are outlined by black borders, perhaps the original outer boundary tissue; most of the pillars are indicated by white finely granular calcite, the reverse of the original condition, There is no evidence that the pillars or the cyst plates were hollow. Comparisons.—S. amsterdamense is characterized by the thin, broad cyst plates, and by the abundant small, thin, crooked and spiney pillars, as seen in tangential section. The cyst plates are also closer together, and the pillars are only one-fifth the breadth of those in S. rugosum. Superficially, the two species are similar, even to color and preservation. Holotype-—Upper Black River limestone, at the new lock just above Amsterdam, New York, Indiana University Paleo. Coll., No. 4629; slides 235-11, 12; 299-44-47. The type specimen was collected by Dr. E. R. Cumings in 1914. It also occurs in the basal Trenton at Crown Point, New York (slides 302-11-14). Stromatocerium canadense, Nicholson and Murie Pl. 9, figs. la, b Stromatocerium canadense Nicholson and Murie, 1878, Jour. Linn. Soc. Zool., vol. 14, p. 223, pl. 3, figs. 9, 10. (M. Ord., Trenton ls., Peterborough, ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 61 Ont) ; Parks, 1910, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 7;.p. 15, pl. 21, Bes: 9= pl. 22. figs. 1, 2. Labechia canadensis Nicholson, 1886, Mon. Brit. Strom., ‘pl. 2, figs. 3-5; 1891, p. 163, pl. 20, fig. 9; 1886, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 18, p. 14, pl. 2, fig. 5 (Russian specimen.) Surface —Coenosteum massive to laminar, some attached to other fossils. Surface with mamelons, 3 to 4 mm. in diameter, 4 to 6 mm, apart and 2 mm. high. On most mamelons there are three to five obscure, radiating grooves, qualifying as primitive astrorhizae. On and between the mamelons are prominent round papillae. Vertical section—There are prominent mamelons about 5 mm. apart. lhe skeleton consists mostly of broad, flat cysts, and of large, convex cysts in places. The cyst plates are tripartite, consisting of a median, thin, dark, compact layer, and outer, thin, light-colored, granular layer, and an inner, thick light-colored, flocculent layer. The cyst plates average about 8 in 2 mm. vertically. On the upper layer, in places, there are short, conical spines or denticles, In a few places the cyst plates are flat, close together, and without pillars of any kind. Pillars are unequally developed; mostly they are long and straight, some curved, mostly narrow, others broad, varying from none to 5 in 2 mm. The pillars are white and granular, obviously re- crystallized, with dark borders, hke the lower and upper plates of the cysts. Tangential section—Mamelons are indicated by concentric bands of cyst plates, and by radiating pillars; astrorhizae are ob- scure. [he pillars are flat, averaging about 0.07 mm. thick, and 1 to 3 mm. broad. The pillars are vermicular and irregular, they curve, branch and have short, spinelike flanges. Some of the pillars have dark rims. Comparisons—The specimens have been infiltrated with cal- cium carbonate, and most of the skeletal material has been re- crystallized. The chambers or galleries are filled with clear calcite. This form, as understood by Parks and by us, is a Stromatoceriwm, as first recognized by Nicholson and Murie, for the cyst plates are flat and the pillars are broad. The denticles on the outer plate are un- usual for Stromatocerium, but the structures emphasize the close relationship to the labechioid genera Cystostroma, Rosenella, Pseu- dostylodictyon, and Labechia. The specimen from Girvan figured by 62 BULLETIN 194 Nicholson (Mono., pl. 20, fig. 9) is likely not this genus, but a Cystostroma. Nicholson gave no tangential section of this species, and we have been unable to study the type specimen. Nor did Parks (1910, p. 15), in numerous specimens, determine or figure the shape of the pillars, whether round or flat, with flanges or with- out. Our specimens have scattered pillars, and resemble Parks’ figures (1910, pl. 21, figs. 8, 9; pl. 22, fig. 1), and they also show flat pillars, much like the immature pillars of S. rugosum (Galloway and St. Jean, 1955, pl. 10, fig. 6). Considering the poor preservation and the great variation in the species noted by Parks (1910, p. 16), it may be that this species is really S. rugoswm from the same hori- zon, showing irregular or injured growth and poor preservation. The sporadic pillars may not be a reliable character, because any species of Stromatocertum and Labechia may have places which show few or no pillars. Occurrence.—S. canadense occurs at the top of the Black River and Lower Trenton, originally from Peterborough, Coutchiching, and Paquette Rapids, Ontario; it has also been reported from New York, Michigan, Kentucky, and Tennessee. We have specimens from the Black River from Fort Cassin, Vermont, and from Chazy and Pattersonville, New York, and from the lower Trenton from Escanaba River, Michigan and from the Cynthiana limestone, Cyn- thiana, Kentucky. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slides 235-23; 299-65, 301695705 Wl 12/3214. (ouelo. Stromatocerium leipersense Galloway and Ehlers, n. sp. PI. 9; figs. 2a, Bb Exterior—Coenosteum a large head, 14 cm. in diameter and 6 cm. thick. Surface nearly smooth, without mamelons or astrorhizae, but with abundant papillae, which are elongate and flanged, but not arranged in linear nor radial order. Astrorhizae absent. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of straight or out- wardly convex and overlapping cyst plates and long pillars. ‘There are about four cyst plates in 2 mm. horizontally, and about 10 in 2 mm. vertically. The cyst plates appear to be composed of only one thin layer; the chambers are filled with clear calcite or with dusty appearing calcite. The pillars are continuous and variable ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 63 in size, from 0.1 to 0.2 mm. thick, and some appear to split into two branches, or may cut from one flange to another in the same pillar. The pillars have round or vertically elongate vacuoles, 0.04 to 0.1 mm. in diameter. The appearance of tubules in some pillars is prob- ably due to cutting a depression between two flanges. Tangential section—The pillars are irregular in size, 0.06 to 0.26 mm. thick and up to 0.6 mm. broad, irregular in shape with many short flanges. Each pillar has from one to six round vacuoles or tubules, averaging 0.05 mm. in diameter. There are also small round vacuoles outside the pillars, seen especially when the section is near the surface, and outlined by mud, in which case the vacuoles in the pillars are scarcely apparent. The pillars are arranged in hap- hazard manner and show no indication of astrorhizae nor mame- lon columns. Comparison.—The pillars of this species resemble those of S. amsterdamense, but they are larger, not arranged in radial lines, and have vacuoles. Holotype—A single specimen in the University of Michigan Paleontological Collections, No. 39500, Leipers formation, from the bank of the Cumberland River, opposite the downstream end of Belk Island, about seven miles upstream from Rowena, Kentucky, collected by Dr. G. M. Ehlers. Slides 01-15, 16, 17. Indiana Uni- versity Paleo. Coll., slides 308-80, 81, 82. Strematocerium michiganense Parks Pl. 9) figs. 3a, b Stromatocerium michiganense Parks, 1910, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 7, p. 9, pl. 21, figs. 1, 2. (M. Ord., “Lower Trenton Drift” of Ann Arbor, Michigan.) Exterior —The type specimen, U. S. Nat. Mus., 56843, is now only a slab, 55x 38x 6 mm., polished on both sides. It has grown on and was overgrown by Labechia macrostyla. It is inconspicuously latilaminate, but there are no indications of monticules nor astror- hizae. The specimen is strongly infiltrated by calcium carbonate, the cysts and pillars recrystallized, but their shapes are well pre- served. Vertical section—We have made three good sections of the holotype, one vertical and two tangential sections. The cyst plates are thin, 0.03 to 0.06 mm. thick, and composed of only one layer. 64 BULLETIN 194 They are convex and overlapping or flat betweeen the pillars. There are six to eight plates vertically and up to four cyst plates hori- zontally in 2 mm. The pillars are long, thin where cut the narrow way, 0.07 to 0.10 mm. thick, and two to six times that thickness where cut the broad way. There are about four to six pillars in 2 mm. The pillars are composed of finely granular calcite, with thin, dark borders. Both cyst plates and pillars have been recrys- tallized. The cysts are smaller and closer together at the base of each latilamina. There are no indications of mamelon axes nor of astrorhizae. Tangential section—The pillars are thin, 0.07 to 0.09 mm., and broad, about 0.3 mm., branched so that the arms come together, making polygonal figures 0.3 to 0.4 mm. across, with frequent branches extending into the polygons, remindful of the figures made by the corallites and septa in Tetradium, but the polygons of the present species are not corallites. The flanges of the pillars branch at about 120°, and in places the flanges do not meet, as shown by Parks (1910. ol 2 ine. 2 yy Comparisons —This species differs from others of the genus in the broad flanges of the pillars. It cannot be substituted as the type of Stromatoceriwm (Parks, 1910, p. 10), since S. rwgosum Hall, 1847, is the monotypic type, and it is now well understood. The age of the only specimen known is in doubt, particularly as the type is intergrown with Labechia macrostyla, which occurs also in many places in the late Richmond. Stromatocerium is largely confined to the Black River and lower Trenton. L’ype.—The holotype and only known specimen was collected by Dr. Carl Rominger from the lower Trenton Drift of Ann Arbor, Michigan. It should be looked for around Peterborough, Ontario, in the Trenton, where Nicholson and Murie found Stromatocerium canadense. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 56843. Slides NM 1-6, 7, 8. Stromatecerium australe Parks Pl. 9, figs. ba, D Stromatocerium huronense var. australe Parks, 1910, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 7, p. 24, pl. 22, fig. 11. (U. Ord., Leipers fm.; Nashwille; Tenn. Type U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 49507.) Stromatocerium huronense australe Foerste, 1916, Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Wnty., “vol. 18. ipe s02. ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 65 Exterior—Coenosteum massive, nodular, 7 cm. in longer di- ameter, Surface rough with adherent rock debris, showing mamelons in places, 5 mm. in diameter, 10 to 12 mm. apart; in places showing elongate pillars. The latilaminae are scarcely discernible; astrorhizae were not observed. — Vertical section—The skeleton is well preserved for Ordo- vician forms, by infiltration of calcium carbonate. The skeleton consists of irregular arcuate cyst plates, many of which are fairly straight between pillars. The cyst plates consist of thin, dark, median plates with lower and upper thin granular plates. The pillars are mostly close together, about 4 in 2 mm. in the columns; be- tween the columns the pillars are scarce. The pillars are mostly thin, 0.05 mm.; others, which are cut obliquely near the broad way, are much thicker and look hollow, as noted by Parks (1910, p. 24) due to lack of original calcification, as is true of the pillars of many Ordovician forms. Langential section—There are mamelon columns, 4 to 8 mm. in diameter, composed of 12 to 24 radiating flat pillars, between which there are close cysts, part of which are curved inward toward the center of the column, part of which join each other, and part of which are fairly straight. The pillars have few flanges, and are from 0.1 mm. to 0.15 mm. in thickness, with irregular edges. Some of the pillars branch a few times. There appears to be no substance in the pillars other than crystallized calcite. The radiating columns show no indications of astrorhizae nor of an axial tube. Comparisons.—This species is a real Stromatocerium as shown by the broad pillars. It is one of the better characterized species, but whether it is a variation of Labechia huronensis remains to be demonstrated. It is not unique in the variation in the number of pillars in different parts of the coenosteum; many Ordovician forms of Stromatocerium and Labechia have a variable number of pillars which Parks took to be a principle characteristic of his variety, stating that the pillars, “appear to be hollow and which fail entirely in many parts of a section, leaving vesicular tissue only,” (1910, p. 24). Although we have many specimens of Stromatocerium from the Ordovician, including other specimens from the Leipers formation, this is the only specimen of S. australe we have seen. The flat pillars radiating from centers is an important characteristic, but does not 66 BULLETIN 194 occur in Labechia huronensis, which has round pillars, not flat, as considered by Parks, (1910, p. 23). The other specimens enumerated by Parks at the end of his original description of S. australe, most of which we have studied, belong to other genera and species, having no more in common than the variation in the number of pillars. L'ype and occurrence.—Although Parks did not designate a type specimen, the only specimen figured is a vertical section of U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 49507, middle Cincinnatian, Nashville, Tennessee. That specimen was designated as the “Holotype” by Bassler (1915, p. 1213), and its age determined as Maysville (Leipers). The above description is drawn entirely from that specimen, of which we have five thin sections, three in the U.S. Nat. Mus., and Nos. 309-37, 38, in Indiana University Paleo. Coll. Stromatocerium granulosum (James) Pl. 9, figs. 4a, b Alveolites granulosus James, 1871, Cat. Foss. Cincinnati Group, p. 2. CU: Ord., Waynesville fm., Clarksville, Ohio); 1892, Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nate Eist:. vole a5 saps I4 See.) Stromatocerium huronensis Parks (part), 1910, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 7, p- 20, pl. 22. figs. 6,9, 12 (error for 10). jlamesaanypeman Alveolites granulosus. Lxterior—Coenosteum massive; surface with low mamelons, 4-5 mm. in diameter and 10-12 mm. apart from center to center. Latilaminae are 4 to 8 mm. thick, Astrorhizae are present but ob- scure. Ihe description is drawn from a topotype similar to James’ type. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of thin, convex, overlapping plates and thin pillars, much as in Labechia huronensts, for the thin, flat pillars are rarely cut to show their breadth. There is no outer plate, and the inner plate is obscure. Langential section—Some of the pillars are flat, with minute flanges, and radiate from the center of mamelons, as shown by Parks, (1910; pl. 22, fig. 12); many pillars have threes fadmamme branches, others have broad flanges and join, making odd-shaped polygons or figures. Comparisons.—This species has been confused with, and its characteristics have been attributed to, Labechia huronensis which has round pillars and which occurs higher in the Richmond. It differs from S. michiganense in having smaller pillars, with both ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 67 broad and narrow flanges, and, in vertical section, the plates are arched and overlap. Occurrence and types.—sSo far known only from the Waynes- ville formation near Clarksville, Ohio. The type is in the Walker Mus. Univ. of Chicago, No, 2250. A topotype, from the Fort Ancient member of the Waynesville formation, from Penquite Run, two mi. southwest of Clarksville, Ohio, from which the above description is largely drawn, is in the Mus. Paleont., University of Michigan, No. 7774, slides O1-18, 19, and a piece of the topotype in the Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slides 308-18, 19, 84, 85, 86. Stromatocerium platypilae Galloway, n. sp. Jel IQ, ieee IB ic Exterior—Coenosteum a large head, at least 16 cm. in diameter, composed of thick latilaminae up to 15 mm. in thickness, well pre- served by infiltration of calcium carbonate. The base is not pre- served. Surface fairly smooth without mamelons, papillae or as- trorhizae. Vertical section—TIhe skeleton is composed of slightly up- arched cysts, which are thin, with thin median, lower, and upper plates. The cysts are larger and farther apart than in almost any other species of the genus, four or five in 2 mm., tending to be arranged edge to edge but many overlap subjacent cysts, Cutting through the cysts are fairly straight, flat, and thin vertical pillars. The pillars show a clear white line in the middle or on one side. The pillars number four or five in 2 mm., varying in distribution. The resulting frail skeleton had partly collapsed before fossilization, as shown at the upper left of Plate 10, figure la. Tangential section—The cysts make a pattern of oval figures, or make curved lines which show the dark median layer and the upper and lower layers. Cutting through the section in no readily apparent order, are the thin vertical pillars. They mostly show a median white layer, which is not a geometric line but is variable in width. The pillars cut through the cyst plates and join each other at various angles. There is no radial pattern nor suggestion of astrorhizae. The pillars are thin, about 0.03 mm., although they are not parallel-sided. 68 BULLETIN 194 Comparison.—This species is a typical Stromatoceriwm, and the thin flat pillars distinguish it at once from other species of the genus. It lacks the flanges on the pillars of S. michiganense. Holotype—This type specimen was collected by Frank H. Walker, of the Kentucky State Geological Survey, Liberty formation, near Highway 30, 24% miles northwest of Owingsville, Bath County, Kentucky. Indiana University, slides 308-20, 21, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74. 78. Genus DERMATOSTROMA Farks, 1910 Type species (originally designated), Stromatopora papillata James, 1878, The Paleontologist, No. 1, p. 1 (U. Ord., Maysville gr., Cincinnati, Ohio). Dermatostroma Parks, 1910, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 7, p. 29, pl. 23, figs. 8-10; Foerste, 1916, Bull. Sci. Lab., Denison Univ., vol. 18, p. 297, pl. 1, fig. 3. Coenosteum laminar, encrusting foreign objects, 1-10 mm. thick and up to 10 cm. in diameter, consisting of several, irregular, undu- lating laminae, with oval chambers, the D. papillatum group, or of prisms, D. ? corrugatum group, or of clear calcite crystals with no recognizable organic structure, D. costatwm group. Pillars large, conical, with lumina but not hollow, extending from peritheca to surface, and some short, small, solid pillars, or pillars absent. ‘langential sections show round pillars becoming polygonal at their bases; tissue compact. Surface papillate, without or with small monticules, or weathered smooth. Astrorhizae unknown. Ordovician, Black River to Richmond. North America. Thirteen species. The surface of typical species resembles that of Labechia, as do the strong pillars, but the skeleton is not definitely cystose. The second group, D. ? corrugatum, D. ? glyptum, and D. ? escana- baense, has radially crystalline prisms and has no internal charac- acteristics of typical Dermatostroma. The third group, that of D. costatum, shows no internal structure, but a thin, structureless layer of crystals of calcite, The forms assigned to Dermatostroma agree in being a thin encrustation, generally attached to other organisms, and in having papillae. They are not typical stromatoporoids. ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 69 KEY TO SPECIES OF DERMATOSTROMA la. Coenosteum composed of laminae and pillars; surface papillate 2a. Surface papillate but not monticulate. 3a. Pillars long (Cincinnatian ) fan Bapillae UWnitOrny, talc D. papillatum (James) BEDS pb aIAS VATIADIC ccccasecnssacscomsns D. diversum Parks Sage Pillans shorts ( Prenton)! scree. D. cavernosum Parks 2b. Surface monticulate and papillate 3c. Monticules 2 mm. in diameter .....D. scabrum (James) 3d. Monticules 4 mm. in diameter..D. canaliculatum Parks lb. Coenosteum composed of prisms; surface papillate 2c. Prisms 0.4 to 0.8 mm. in diameter 3e. Surface without sharp, vermiform ridges. see eae D. 2 corrugatum (Foerste) 3f. Surface with sharp, vermiform ridges Beate aati: D. 2 glyptum (Foerste ) 2d. Prisms 0.2 to 0.4 mm. in diameter bl kate tes, Al D. 2? escanabaense Galloway & Ehlers, n. sp. lc. Coenosteum one or more wrinkled laminae lying on polygonal crystals of calcite; surface papillate 2e. Surface costate SPeteOOStAG) WiIEMOlUG MOU WIESe o2.¥.sescisiciaduuies D. costatum Galloway & St. Jean, n. sp. Mire OStac iOulilabe ec ais Mee oo cca D. nodoundulatum Galloway & St. Jean, n. sp. Pree O NOL ACEN INOUE LATE. 2: cditeeh Gsesiids Srraashoissuctlosinnce D. concentricum Galloway & Ehlers, n. sp. 1d. Skeletal structure unknown; papillae elongate, in vertical rows; attached to orthoceroid cephalopod “i ALD TTSIRT GT ea ke eens a ee D. tyronense Foerste SUL WEE 072, 2" Sane esa ee D. ottowaense Wilson Dermatostroma scabrum (James) Pl. 10; figs; 2a, 5, Pl: 23; fie. 4 Stromatopora scabra James, U.P., 1879, The Palaeontologist, No. 3, p. 18; James, J. F:, 1892, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 15, p. 91. Labechia scabra Harper and Bassler, 1896, Cat. Foss. Trenton and Cin- cinnatian periods vicinity of Cincinnati, p. 3. 70 BULLETIN 194 Dermatostroma scabrum Parks, 1910, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 7, p. 31, pl. 24, figs. 1-3, (Cincinnatian, Warren Co., Ohio); Foerste, 1916, Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., vol. 18, p. 297, pl. 1, fig. 4. (Waynes- ville fm., Wilmington, Ohio.) Extertor—Coenosteum a thin encrustation on other organisms, up to 3 mm. in thickness. Surface with prominent papillae, 0.2 mm. in diameter and nearly as high, and 0.5 to 0.6 mm. apart, or 4 or 5 in 2 mm., and conical monticules 2 mm. in diameter, 1 mm. high, and 3 to 4 mm. apart from center to center. Astrorhizae absent. The name “scabrum” must have referred to the attached condition rather than to any rough surface feature. Vertical section—The skeleton is made up of three or four thick, undulating laminae, which leave irregularly oval spaces be- tween. [he laminae are nearly homogeneous, in places transversely fibrous and vaguely porous. The laminar tissue is light in color, compact, not maculate, and passes up into pillars. The pillars are elongate, conical, and extend from the thin, basal peritheca to the surface, though some pillars are discontinuous and some are super- posed. [he pillars are light in color, with a central lighter part, re- sembling ring-pillars. Tangential section—The tissue is light in color, mottled in appearance by crystals and finely crystalline patches of tissue. The pillars are round, from 0.1 to 0.3 mm. in diameter, largest toward the bases, where they may coalesce to form polygonal figures. The pillars have a halo of radiating tissue, surrounding a dark ring and a clear center, which is not a tube. This species differs from D. papillatum in the larger papillae and the occurrence of monticules. Occurrence.—D. scabrum occurs mainly in the lower Rich- mond of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, and has been reported from the Maysville of Ohio, the Leipers of Tennessee, and the Richmond of Bentonsport, Iowa. Hypotypes—Miami University, No. 821, from the Leipers for- mation, attached to Escharopora pavoma, Mt. Parnassus, Colum- bia, Tennessee, Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 302-10; from the Richmond group, Kentucky end of the Madison, Indiana, bridge, attached to Hebertella sinuata, slide 299-5 "'=:wersity of Michigan, ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST, JEAN 71 Mus. of Paleont. No. 15697, and slide; from the Upper Ordovician of Bentonsport, lowa; and from the Cincinnatian of Lebanon, Ken- tucky. Dermatestroma ? corrugatum (Foerste) Pi a0s fies sani Labechia (?) corrugata Foerste, 1910, Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., vol. 16, p. 86, pl. 1, fig. 11. (U. Ord. Whitewater fm., Dutch Creek, Wilming- ton, Ohio.) Not Dermatostroma corrugatum Parks, 1910, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 7, p. 34, pl. 24, figs. 7, 10, 11, 14 = D. glyptum (Foerste). Coenosteum.—A flat or curved expansion, 2 to 7 mm, thick, not bifoliate, either grown on the sea bottom mud or attached to other objects. Surface papillate or smooth, the papillae variable about 3 or 4 in 2 mm., and with irregular nodes or ridges (not cor- rugations, as the name suggests), enclosing small papillate areas, 1.5 to 2 mm. in diameter. There are no mamelons nor astrorhizae. Vertical section.—No vertical section has been published nor mentioned in the description. D. corrugatwm of Parks is D. glyptum. Our specimen consists of one layer of vertical, contiguous prisms of fibrous, feathery calcite, 0.4 to 0.8 mm. in diameter, with the fibers diverging upward at 30 to 45 degrees fromthe horizontal, and darker in places, similar to the “fan structure” of the septa of Scleractinia (‘Wells in Moore, Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontoloy, Ea)! Coelenterata, p. F337, fig. 231). The prisms seem to be simple trabeculae (ibid., p. F 251). There are no cyst plates, as in typical Labechiidae, nor laminae nor pillars, as in D. papillatum and D. scabrum, nor mere calcite crystals, as in D. costatwm and D. nodoundulatum. Langential section—The section consists of polygons, much the same from base to top, of fairly uniform diameter, 0.4 to 0.8 mm., radially fibrous, darker in some clusters of polygons, similar to the sclerodermites of Scleractinia (Wells, ibid, p. F337, fig. 231), and as well figured by Parks for D. glyptum. (1910, pl. 24, figs. 6, 10). Comparison.—This species is like D. glyptum except for the lack of sharp, vermiform ridges. Inasmuch as D. ? corrugatwm and D. 2 glyptum came from the same locality and horizon, and the dif- ference is only in the surface ridges of D. ? glyptwm, and considering that Parks confused the two forms, it seems most probable that 72, BULLETIN 194 the two forms are the same species. The fibrous prisms, “fan struc- ture” and sclerodermites, identical with the structure in Scleractinia, is too similar to be accidental, but it is remarkable that an Ordo- vician hydroid should have identical structure with a Recent coral, except for the smaller size of prisms, 0.03 mm. for Recent. Occurrence.—Common in the Whitewater formation near Wil- mington, Ohio, collected by Dr. W. H. Shideler. Topotype, Indiana Univ. Paleo. Coll., slide 308-98. Dermatostroma ? glyptum (Foerste) PI. 10, figs. 4a, b; Pl 13. ieee Labechia (?) corrugata glypta Foerste, 1910, Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., vol. 16, p. 87 (Whitewater fm., Wilmington, Ohio). Dermatostroma glyptum Parks, 1910, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 7, p. 33, pl. 24, figs. 4-6. Dermatostroma corrugatum Parks, 1910, ibid, p. 34, pl. 24, figs. 7, 10, 11, 14. [Not D. corrugatum (Foerste) ]. Dermatostroma glyptum Foerste, 1916, Bull. Sci. Lab. Dennison Uniy., vol. 18 p. 298, pl. 1, fig. 2 (Whitewater fm., Wilmington, Ohio). Coenostewm.—Specimens grew on muddy bottom or attached to other organisms, and are 1 to 4 mm thick. The surface is distinc- tive; papillae are strong and variable in size, about 3 or 4 in 2 mm. There are sporadic, long, sharp, vermicular ridges, which are the characteristic feature of the species, although the papillae are larger than those in D. 2? corrugatum. There are small, irregular monticules, but no astrorhizae, It is unlikely that specimens may grow upward back to back, making a bifoliate structure (Parks, 1910, p. 34); more likely two or three layers develop one over the other, as in the specimen figured on Plate 10, figure 4a. Vertical section—One specimen (302-15) consists of three layers, of variable thickness, averaging about 1 mm., leaving irregular lacunae between. Each lamina is composed of vertical prisms, 0.4 to 0.8 mm. in diameter, each with “fan structure” and sclerodermites, similar to those in D. 2? corrwgatum. Another typical specimen (Univ. Mich. 7665) consists of one layer 2 to 4 mm. thick. There are several round centers of silicification in the middle of the layer of specimen U. M. 7665. The papillae are the rounded ends of the prisms. ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 73 Tangential section.—Since the laminae are thin the section cuts at different depths and the patterns of prisms, papillae and lacunae are not uniform. The tops of the prisms pass into papillae which are round and composed of radial fibers. The prisms have sharp, darker edges and are radially fibrous, and much of the tissue shows dark, fibrous centers (sclerodermites), and the lacunae are round to irregularly lobed. Occurrence —Whitewater formation, Dutch Creek, Wilmington, Ohio, collected by G. M. Austin, University of Michigan, No. 7665. Same locality, collected by W. H. Shideler, No. 815. Indiana Uni- versity Paleo, Coll., part of specimen and slide 302-15. Topotypes—ITwo specimens, Indiana Univ. Paleo. Coll., slide 302-15, and Univ. Michigan Mus. Paleo., No. 7665 and slide 01-21. Dermatostroma ? escanabaense Galloway and Ehlers, n. sp. lal shi S otc cele as etl Exterior—Coenosteum encrusted on Cystostroma minimum, 3 to 5 mm. in thickness, consisting of one to three thick layers of vertical prisms. Surface nearly smooth with undulations, and where not weathered, with small papillae about 0.15 mm. in diameter, at the ends of the prisms. There are no mamelons nor astrorhizae. Vertical section —The layers are 1 to 5 mm. thick, with irregular spaces between; the papillae are preserved between layers and are contiguous, 0.18 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, averaging 0.24 mm., and composed of feathery fibers of calcite, diverging from the center to the edges of the prisms, but not making the “fan structure” as per- fectly as in D. ? corrugatum and D. ? glyptwm. There are indications of thick horizontal laminae or growth layers. There are no cysts, laminae, nor pillars. Tangential section—The section consists of polygons about 0.3 mm. in diameter, with thick-walled cylinders with light centers inside them, about 0.15 mm. in diameter. The walls of the cylinders are radially fibrous, some with smaller cells between. Comparisons.—The prisms are scarcely half the size of those of D. ? corrugatum and D. ? glyptwm, and the small rings are con- spicuous in tangential section. This species resembles typical species 74 BULLETIN 194 of Dermatostroma mainly in the attached habit and the papillate surface. Occurrence and type.—The holotype and only known specimen is attached to Cystostroma minimum (Parks), from the Middle Or- dovician, Black River or Trenton, of Escanaba River, Delta County, Michigan, collected by Dr. Carl Rominger, Univ. Michigan, Museum of Paleontology, Cat. No. 39449, slides O1-23, 24. Indiana Uni- versity Paleo. Coll., fragment and slides 308-98, 99. Dermatostroma costatum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 11, figs. 2a, b? Pile ieietiocwe sore Coenosteum.—Eleven specimens are cylindrical with smooth, nearly straight longitudinal ridges, of which four are nearly hollow or filled with coarse calcite, and exhibit no remnant of Awulacera; seven are outside of Aulacera cylindrica and A. plummer. The specimens are from 20 to 50 mm. in diameter and from 5 to 10 cm. long. [he ridges are rounded, 4 to 10 mm. across and 10 mm. apart, with rounded furrows of similar size between, and one specimen (RB11) shows papillae. There are no mamelons nor astrorhizae. Cross section—The inside is typical Aulacera, not showing any surface ridges as in A. plummeri, in seven specimens. The axial columns and cystose lateral structure of the Aulacera are well pre- served, some with pillars. ‘The outside structure of the Awlacera shows degeneration, the cysts are shorter, the arrangement less com- pact and less regularly arranged, pillars may fail, and the cysts are replaced, 1 to 5 mm. from the outside of the specimen by debris from the Awlacera and by clear, coarse crystals of calcite. The outer layer, 0.2 to 5 mm. thick, the Dermatostroma, shows no organic structure, only Awlacera debris and granular calcite. In places there are toothlike processes, the papillae, which rarely occur in the specimens with smooth ridges. Remarks.—The outer structure is deemed to be Dermatostroma because of the distinction from the host, the great destruction of the Aulacera (Plate 11, figures 2a, b; 302-19, 20), the papillae similar to those of D. papillatwm, and the lack of similarity with algae, or any other group of organisms than the problematical stromato- poroid Dermatostroma. ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 75 The Dermatostroma appears to have been parasitic and attached to the Aulacera when both were alive, for the Dermatos- troma grew entirely around the Auwlacera, the outside cysts are dis- arranged, separated by the parasite, the lime of Awlacera was ab- stracted, and in no case is the Dermatostroma attached to a com- pleted Aulacera, as would be true if the Aulacera had been dead and largely calcified. The Dermatostroma has partly to entirely absorbed the host Aulacera, which would not be true if the Aulacera had been dead long. None of the specimens has an outside shape of the cylin- drical host, and in some the parasite has an oval section, whereas the Auwlacera is cylindrical. The outside organism may be mistaken for Aulacera plummeri. It may be that some of Yavorsky’s species (1955, pl. 34, figs. 4,5, pl. 40, fig. 1) are Dermatostroma on Aulacera, for one figure (pl. 34, fig. 5) shows papillae and some (1955, pl. 34, figs. 3, 6; plejo, iiss. 3, 4: pl. 37, fig. 1) do not show cyst plates in the outer zone, but a confused mass of tissue similar to that in some of our slides (302-19, 20; 308-99). Occurrence—Abundant, attached to and largely replacing Aulacera plummeri and A. cylindrica, in the lower Liberty formation on Wilson Creek, two miles southwest of Deatsville, Kentucky, col- lected by Dr. Guy Campbell and Mrs. Ruth G. Browne. Holotype—From the above locality, collected by Mrs. Ruth G. Browne, Indiana University Paleo. Coll., No. RB11, slides 308-99, mies tararypes, KBs, 32,33, 52, 56, GC1, 10, same locality, col- lector and depository; slides 302-19, 20; 308-10, 11; 309-8, 9, 10, ero 15. 16. hme 18) 19,20. Dermatostroma nodoundulatum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pi Ties cod. Dive cho, lesa keene Coenosteum.—Four specimens are overgrown on four small specimens of Aulacera. The surface is longitudinally ridged; ridges slightly spiral, discontinuous and dividing. The ridges are mostly 3 mm. wide, 6 to 10 mm. apart and 2 mm. high. In one specimen (RB1) the ridges are 10 mm. wide, 15 mm. apart and 5 mm. high. Each ridge has oval, round or irregular nodes, about 2 mm. in diameter, 5 to 8 mm. apart along the ridges, and 1 to 2 mm. high. 76 BULLETIN 194 The surface ridges, valleys and nodes, where well preserved, are covered with papillae; the papillae are oval vertically, about 6 in 2 mm., and 0.2 to 0.3 mm. high. Weathered surfaces show no papillae. The specimens are up to 9 cm. long and 4 cm. in diameter. Astrorhizae absent. Cross section—The Aulacera is round in section, but the Dermatostroma is oval in section, touching the Aulacera in places, in other places separated by clear calcite or by mud, from the Aulacera. There are in places radial clear lines resembling roots or the mycelium of a fungus, as well as clear spaces between zones of cysts. The Dermatostroma continued to grow on the upper surface after the host was thrown down into a horizontal position (RB75). In no place is there any definite tissue of the Dermatostroma, only clear calcite or a mass of disintegrated cysts (302-27). There are no pillars of either Auwlacera or Dermatostroma. Comparisons —D. nodoundulatum differs from D. costatwm and from other species of Dermatostroma in the prominent nodes. This species was at first mistaken for Aulacera nodulifera ( Foerste), from the same general region and horizon in Kentucky, but the differ- ence in shape and arrangement of the nodes on ridges, the papillae, the lack of continuity of the outer structures and the Awlacera struc- tures inside, proves to us that the crust of the specimens is a different object than that in the inside Awlacera. Types and occurrence.—Holotype, RB73, from the lower Liberty formation of Wilson Creek, two miles southwest of Deatsville, Ken- tucky, collected by Mrs. Ruth G. Browne, slides 302-23; 309-1, Indiana University Paleontological Collections, and three paratypes from the same locality, RB1, 74, 75. One specimen, RB1, has larger ridges and larger nodes but has papillae, and is separated from the Aulacera by calcite and disintegrated cysts; RB1, slides 302-24, 27. Dermatostroma concentricum Galloway and Ehlers, n. sp. Pl. 11, figs. 4a, b,c; Pl Leis Exterior—Coenosteum annular, 4 to 5 mm. thick, attached to a layer of calcite which in turn lies on an Auwlacera cylindrica. The cylindrical, composite specimen is 8 cm. long, broken at both ends, and 4 cm. in diameter. Surface with low, rounded mamelons about ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN Ui 5 mm. in diameter, alternating in vertical rows about 10 mm. apart. The mamelons have summit irregularities but no definite astror- hizae, On and between the mamelons there are oval papillae, five or six in 2 mm., tending to be arranged in vertical rows; the papil- lae may be the wrinkles of the laminae but are not pointed as the wrinkles are in sections. The surface also has striations or slicken- sides, due to movement of the enclosing rock toward the base of the specimen as it stood in the rock; the base is not preserved. Cross section—The Aulacera has a central column of hemi- spherical cysts about 8 mm. in diameter, and the lateral zone of cysts is 14 mm. thick. The cysts, especially the outer ones, are about half destroyed by the parasitic attached organisms, only the thick, middle part is left intact, and some of the cysts and groups of cysts are upside down, indicating disturbance during the life of the specimen. ‘There are no indications of pillars. Surrounding the Awlacera is a cylinder of coarsely crystalline calcite, 2 to 4 mm. in thickness, which shows no organic structure of either the Aulacera or the outer organism. The outer layer, 3 to 4 mm. thick, is an entirely different organism. It consists of eight concentric laminae. Each lamina is one granular or flocculent layer. Each lamina is regularly wrinkled, in places rising into denticles, from two to six in 2 mm., averaging 4 in 2 mm. Each wrinkle rises about halfway across the inter- laminar space, rarely touching the overlying lamina, so that no solid structures as pillars, hold the laminae apart. There are neither pillars, pores, tubes nor fibers in the laminae. The innermost lamina lying on the calcite annulus is imperfectly formed, wrinkles are not apparent, but there are imperfect, radial pseudopillars, like those in parasitic specimens of Dermatostroma and in other parasi- tized species of Aulacera. There is no peritheca; it looks as if the calcite annulus were a part of the Dermatostroma which was para- sitic on the Aulacera during the lives of both forms. Longitudinal section—Sections cut lengthwise of the specimen (Pl. 11, fig. 4b), show laminae, no cysts, and denticles in places are as numerous as the wrinkles; in places the laminae show two layers of granular tissue. Tangential section—The denticles and tops of wrinkles are round, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter and separated by a distance of 78 BULLETIN 194 half their diameter; they are composed of granular tissue without definite walls; some wrinkles make rings about 0.4 mm. in diameter with large, clear centers. A mamelon shows scattered oval or round patches of granular tissue in a clear calcite groundmass. There are no indications of astrorhizal canals. Comparisons.—This species differs from other species of Derma- tostroma in having larger and more regular laminae, more regular wrinkles, and denticles. It resembles “Labechia? sp. (Gen. et sp. nov? )” Ozaki (1938, p. 213, pl. 27, figs. la-e), but the wrinkles do not make loops as in Ozaki’s form, and there are no continuous pillars. It does not have the cysts of Rosenella; it is like Dermato- stroma in its parasitic habit and papillae, and in the concentric laminae and wrinkles, much as in Dermatostroma costatum (309-14). Occurrence and holotype.—The only specimen known was col- lected by Dr. Carl Rominger in 1903 from the upper Richmond, at Blackbridge, 10 miles upstream from Louisville, Kentucky, Uni- versity of Michigan, Museum of Paleontology, section 01-25. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., sections 308-62, 63. CHECK LIST OF ORDOVICIAN GENERA AND SPECIES OF STROMATOPOROIDEA Valid names are in Roman type; synonyms, unrecognizable forms and forms belonging to other genera are in italics; names in parentheses have been changed. An asterisk denotes species oc- curring in North America. Actinostroma Nicholson, 1886b, not in Ordovician A ctinostroma ? sp. indet. Ozaki, 1938=Labechiella ohsei (Sugiyama), 1941 Actinostroma ? mingshankouensis Ozaki, 1938=Labechiella mingshankouensis (Ozaki) Actinostroma ? trentonense Ulrich and Everett, 1890, a calcareous sponge Actinostroma trentonensis Weller, 1903=Solenopora compacta (Billings), 1865, an alga Alveolites Lamarck, 1801, a coral Alveolites granulosus James, 1871=Stromatocerium granulosum (James) Aulacera Plummer, 1843 Aulacera bacula (Yavorsky), 1955; (Beatricea bacula Yavorsky) Aulacera ? conica (Yavorsky), 1955; (Beatricea conica Yavorsky) Aulacera consimilis (Yavorsky), 1955; (Beatricea consimilis Yavorsky) *Aulacera cylindrica (Foerste), 1909; (Beatricea undulata cylindrica Foerste) ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 79 *Aulacera intermedia (Foerste), 1909; (Beatricea nodulifera intermedia Foerste) *Aulacera nodulifera (Foerste), 1909; (Beatricea nodulifera Foerste) *Aulacera nodulosa (Billings), 1857; (Beatricea nodulosa Billings) Aulacera peichuangensis Ozaki, 1938 *Aulacera plummeri Galloway and St. Jean, 1957; (Aulacera Plummer, 1843, no specific name) *Aulacera radiata Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Aulacera sibirica (Yavorsky), 1955; (Beatricea sibirica Yavorsky) Aulacera sp. Plummer, 1843=Aulacera plummeri Galloway and St. Jean, 1957 Aulacera telposensis (Riabinin), 1939; (Beatricea telposensis Riabinin) Aulacera ? tenuipunctata (Yavorsky), 1955; (Beatricea tenuipunctata Yavorsky) Aulacera tenuitextilis Yavorsky; (Beatricea tenuitextilis Yavorsky) Aulacera undulata (Billings), 1857; (Beatricea undulata Billings) Aulacera undulatadirecta (Yavorsky), 1955; (Beatricea undulatadirecta Yavorsky) Beatricea Billings, 1857=Aulacera Plummer, 1843 Beatricea bacula Yavorsky, 1955=Aulacera bacula (Yavorsky), 1955 Beatricea conica Yavorsky, 1955=Aulacera ? conica (Yavorsky), 1955 Beatricea conosimilis Yavorsky, 1955=Aulacera conosimilis (Yavorsky) Beatricea gracilis Ulrich in Foerste, 1920=Cryptophragmus gracilis (Ulrich) Beatricea nodulifera Foerste, 1909=Aulacera nodulifera (Foerste) Beatricea nodulifera intermedia Foerste, 1909=Aulacera intermedia (Foerste) Beatricea nodulosa Billings, 1857=Aulacera nodulosa (Billings) Beatricea regularis Stearn=Aulacera cylindrica (Foerste) Beatricea sibirica Yavorsky, 1955=Aulacera cylindrica (Foerste) Beatricea sulcata Hyatt, 1865=Aulacera undulata (Billings), 1857 Beatricea telposensis Riabinin, 1939=Aulacera telposensis (Riabinin) Beatricea tenuitextilis Yavorsky,=Aulacera tenuitextilis (Yavorsky) Beatricea tenuipunctata Yavorsky, 1955=Aulacera ? tenuipunctata (Yavorsky) Beatricea undulata Billings, 1857=Aulacera undulata (Billings) Beatricea undulata (Billings) Nicholson and Lydekker, 1889=Aulacera undulata (Billings) Beatricea undulata cylindrica Foerste, 1909=Aulacera cylindrica (Foerste) Beatricea undulatadirecta Yavorsky, 1955=Aulacera undulatadirecta (Yavorsky) Beatricea vulgaris Yavorsky, 1957=Aulacera cylindrica (Foerste) Cladophragmus Raymond, 1931=Cryptophragmus Raymond, 1931 Cladophragmus bifurcatus Raymond, 1931=Cryptophragmus bifurcatus (Ray- mond) Cryptophragmus Raymond, 1914 *Cryptophragmus antiquatus Raymond, 1914 *Cryptophragmus arbusculus Bassler, 1932 ; *Cryptophragmus bifurcatus (Raymond), 1931; (Cladophragmus bifurcatus Raymond) ani : *Cryptophragmus gracilis (Ulrich) in Foerste, 1920; (Beatricea gracilis Ulrich) Cryptophragmus gracilis Yavorsky, 1955—doubtful stromatoporoid *Cryptophragmus parallelus (Raymond), 1931; (Zhamnobeatricea parallela Raymond) *Cryptophragmus ? rochensis Wilson, 1932 Cystostroma Galloway and St. Jean, 1957 *Cystostroma fritzae Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. pik *Cystostroma minimum (Parks), 1910: (Stromatocerium canadense minimum Parks) *Cystostroma simplex Galloway and St. Jean, 1957 *Cystostroma vermontense Galloway and St. Jean, 1957 80 BULLETIN 194 Dermatostroma Parks, 1910 *Dermatostroma canaliculatum Parks, 1910 *Dermatostroma cavernosum Parks, 1910 *Dermatostroma concentricum Galloway and Ehlers, n. sp. *Dermatostroma ? corrugatum (Foerste), 1910; (Labechia ? corrugata Foerste) *Dermatostroma costatum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. *Dermatostroma ? escanabaense Galloway and Ehlers, n. sp. *Dermatostroma delicatula (Parks) 1908; Labechia delicatula Parks, 1908 (Silurian) *Dermatostroma diversum Parks, 1910; (Dermatostroma papillatum diversum Parks) *Dermatostroma ? glyptum (Foerste), 1910; (Labechia corrugata glypta Foerste) *Dermatostroma nodoundulatum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Dermatostroma ottawaense Wilson, 1948—=Dermatostroma tyronense Foerste *Dermatostroma papillatum (James), 1878; (Stromatopora papillata James) Dermatostroma papillatum diversum Parks, 1910=Dermatostroma diversum Parks *Dermatostroma scabrum (James), 1879; (Stromatopora scabra James) *Dermatostroma tyronense Foerste, 1912 Labechia Edwards and Haime, 1851 *Labechia antiqua Wilson, 1948 *Labechia australis (Parks), 1910; Parks) (Stromatocerium huronense var. australe Labechia canadensis (Nicholson and Murie), 1878 = Stromatocerium canadense Nicholson and Murie Labechia Labechia Labechia Labechia Labechia Labechia *Labechia *Labechia Labechia Labechia *Labechia Labechia Labechia Labechia Labechia Yabe Labechia Labechia changchiuensis Ozaki, 1938 ? chingchiachuangensis Ozaki, 1938 coreanica Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 corrugata Foerste, 1910=Dermatostroma corrugatum (Foerste) corrugata glypta Foerste, 1910=Dermatostroma glyptum (Foerste) granulosa (James), 1871=Labechia huronensis (Billings) huronensis (Billings), 1865; (Stenopora huronensis Billings) macrostyla Parks, 1910 montifera Ulrich, 1886=Labechia huronensis (Billings), 1865 ohioensis Nicholson, 1886=Labechia huronensis (Billings), 1865 pustulosa (Safford), 1860; (Stromatopora pustulosa Safford) regularis Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 regularis tenuis Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 regulata (Endo), 1932; (Stromatocerium regulatum Endo) shanhsiensis Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930; and Sugiyama) ? sp. Ozaki, 1938 = Rosenella or Pseudostylodictyon variabilis Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 (Labechina shanhsiensts Labechiella Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 Labechiella mingshankouensis (Ozaki), 1938; (Actinostroma ! mingshan- kouensis Ozaki) Labechiella ohsei (Sugiyama), 1941; (Labechiellata ohsei Sugiyama) Labechiellata Sugiyama, 1941, typographical error for Labechiella Labechiellata mingshankouensis (Ozaki), Sugiyama, 1941, in Labechiella mingshankouensis (Ozaki), 1938 Labechiellata ohsei Sugiyama, 1941=Labechiella ohsei (Sugiyama) Labechina shanhsiensis Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930,=Labechia shanhsiensis Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930, (lapsus calamt) Lophiostroma Nicholson, 1891 Lophiostroma ? sp. indet. Ozaki, 1938 Lophiostroma ? shantungensis Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 error for ORDOVICAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 81 Ludictyon Ozaki, 1938,=Sinodictyon Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 Ludictyon vesiculatum Ozaki, 1938=Sinodictyon vesiculatum (Ozaki), 1938 Plumatalinia Nestor, 1960 Plumatalinia ferax Nestor, 1960 Pseudolabechia Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 Pseudostylodictyon Ozaki, 1938 *Pseudostylodictyon ? chazianum (Seely), 1904; (Stromatocerium lamottense chazianum Seely) *Pseudostylodictyon ? eatoni (Seely) 1904; (Stromatocerium eatoni Seely) *Pseudostylodictyon ? kayi Galloway and St. Jean, 1957 *Pseudostylodictyon ? lamottense (Seely), 1904; (Stromatocerium lamottense Seely) *Pseudostylodictyon ? montoyaense Galloway, n. sp. Pseudostylodicyton poshanense Ozaki, 1938,=(Pseudostylodicyton poshanensis Ozaki) Pseudostylodictyon sp. (Ozaki), 1938; (Rosenella ? sp. Ozaki) Rosenella Nicholson, 1886 *Rosenella cumingsi Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Rosenella ? sp. Ozaki, 1938,—Pseudostylodictyon sp. (Ozaki), 1938 Roseneila woyuensis Ozaki, 1938 Sinodictyon Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 Sinodictyon columnare Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 Sinodictyon vesiculatum (Ozaki), 1938; (Ludictyon vesiculatum Ozaki) Stenopora Lonsdale, 1844, a bryozoan Stenopora huronense Billings, 1865,—Labechia huronensis (Billings), 1865 Stromatocerium Hall, 1847 *Stromatocerium amsterdamense Galloway and St. Jean, 1957 *Stromatocerium australe Parks, 1910 *Stromatocerium canadense Nicholson and Murie, 1878 Stromatocerium canadense minimum Parks, 1910,=Cystostroma minimum (Parks) Stromatocerium eatoni Seely, 1904; Pseudostylodictyon ? eatoni (Seely) *Stromatocerium granulosum (James), 1871 (A/lveolites granulosus James) Stromatocerium huronense (Billings) Parks, 1910,=Labechia huronensis (Bill- ings), 1865. Stromatocerium huronense australe, Parks, 1910,=Stromatocerium australe (Parks), 1910 Stromatocerium lamottense Seely, 1904,=Pseudostylodictyon ? lamottense Seel =e lamottense chazianum Seely, 1904,=Pseudostylodictyon ? chazianum (Seely) *Stromatocerium leipersense Galloway and Ehlers, n. sp. *Stromatocerium michiganense Parks, 1910 Stromatocerium moniliferum Seely, 1904,=alga similar to Sphaerocodium Stromatocerium montiferum (Ulrich), 1886,—Labechia huronensis (Billings), 1865 *Stromatocerium platypilae Galloway, n. sp. Stromatocerium pustulosum Hayes and Ulrich, 1903,—=Labechia pustulosa (Saf- ford), 1869 Stromatocerium regulatum Endo, 1932,—Labechia regulata (Endo), 1932 ; Stromatocerium richmondense Miller, 1882,—Girvanella richmondensis (Mil- ler), 1882, an alga *Stromatocerium rugosum Hall, 1847 } Stromatocerium rugosum tumidum Wilson, 1948,—Stromatocerium tumidum Wilson ; *Stromatocerium tumidum Wilson, 1948; (Stromatocerium rugosum tumidum Wilson) 82 BULLETIN 194 Stromatopora Goldfuss, 1826 Stromatopora cincinnatiensis James, orginal reference not known, referred to in a list by Mickleborough and Weatherby, 1878 Stromatopora compacta Billings, 1862,=Solenopora compacta (Billings), 1862, an alga Stromatopora indianiensis James, 1892,—Labechia huronensis (Billings), 1865 Stromatopora lichenoides James, 1879,=Arthropora, bryozoan Stromatopora ludlowensis James, 1884,—Ceramoporella, a bryozoan Stromatopora lyoni James, original reference not known, referred to in a list by Mickleborough and Weatherby, 1878 Stromatopora 2? manchuriensis Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930, not recognized, possibly a calcareous sponge, as Saccospongia Stromatopora papillata James, 1878,—Dermatostroma papillatum (James), 1878 Stromatopora pustulosa Safford, 1869,=Labechia pustulosa (Safford), 1869 Stromatopora scabra James, 1879,—Dermatostroma scabrum (James), 1879 Stromatopora sp. Holtedahl, 1914, unrecognizable Stromatopora subcylindrica James, 1884,=Labechia huronensis (Billings), 1865 Stromatopora tubularis James, 1884,—=Ceramoporella, a bryozoan encrusting on a cephalopod Tetradium Dana, 1841, a coral Tetradium huronense Foord, 1883,=Labechia huronensis (Billings), 1865 Thamnobeatricea Raymond, 1931,=—Cryptophragmus Raymond, 1914 Thamnobeatricea parallela Raymond, 1931,=Cryptophragmus parallelus (Ray- mond), 1931 ORDOVICIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Allen, A. T., and Lester, J. G. 1954. Contributions to the paleontology of northwest Georgia. Georgia Geol. Survey, Bull. 62, pl. 15, fig. 11. Bassler, R. S. 1915. Bibliographic index of American Ordovician and Silurian fossils. U. S: Nat. Mus., Bull. 92, vols. 1,2) 1521 pp. 1932. The stratigraphy of the Central Basin of Tennessee. Geol. 'Tenn., Bull. 38, p. 214, 226, pl. 16, fig. 9; pl. 22, figs. 10, 11. 1935. Description of Paleozoic fossils from the Central basin of Tenn- essee. Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., vol. 25, p. 104. Billings, E. 1857. Ordovician and Silurian rocks of North America. Geol. Survey Canada, Rept. Prog. 1853-56, pp. 343-345. 1862. On some new species of fossils from the calciferous Chazy, Black River, and Trenton formations. Geol. Survey Canada, Palaeozoic Fossils;=vol. Lpty.2) pelsp: 1865a. New species of fossils from the Quebec group in the northern part of Newfoundland. Geol. Survey Canada, Palaeozoic Fossils, vol. 1, pt. 6. pps 212) 213. 1865b. Notes on some of the more remarkable genera of Silurian and Devonian fossils. Canadian Nat. and Geol., ser. 2, vol. 2, pp. 405-409, ray Ay Lp Bolton, T. E. 1960. Catalogue of type invertebrate fossils of the Geological Survey of Canada. Dept. Mines and Tech. Surveys Canada, vol. 1, pp. 20-23. Brainerd, E., and Seely, H. M. 1890. The Calciferous formation in the Champlain Valley. Geol. Soe. America, vol. 1, p. 502. ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 83 Butts, Charles : 1926. Geology of Alabama. Geol. Surv. Alabama, Spec. Rep. 14, p. 128, pl. 32, figs. 4-8. 1940. Geology of the Appalachian Valley in Virginia. Virginia Geol. Susney ule 52.) pt. 1, pp. 120) 182), 189. 214, pt: 2, "p. 100; pl. 92: Caley, J. F. 1940. Palaeozoic geology of the Toronto-Hamilton area, Ontario. Canada Dept. Mines and Res., Geol. Survey, Mem. 224, 284 pp. Cumings, E. R. 1908. The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Ordovician rocks of Indiana, Thirty-second Ann. Rept. Geol. and Nat. Res. Indiana for 1907, pp. 700-703, pl. 1. Dyer, W. S. 1925. The stratigraphy and paleontology of Toronto and Vicinity; The paleontology of the Credit River section. Ann. Rept. Ontario Dept. Mines, vol. 32, part 5, p. 50. Endo, R. ae ; 1932. The Canadian and Ordovician formations and fossils of South Manchuria. U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 164, p. 40. Foerste, A. F. 1909. Preliminary notes on Cincinnatian and Lexington fossils. Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., vol. 14, pp. 298-300, pls. 7-9. 1912. Strophomena and other fossils from Cincinnatian and Mohawkian horizons, chiefly in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky. Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Uniy., vol. 17, pp. 20, 21. 1916. Notes on Cincinnatian fossil types. Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., vol. 18, pp. 297-304, pls. 1, 2. 1920. The Kimmswick and Plattin limestones of northeastern Missouri. Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., vol. 19, p. 195, pl. 23, fig. 7. 1924. Upper Ordovician faunas of part of Ontario and Quebec. Geol. Survey Canada, Mem. 138, pp. 9, 25, 27, 38, 40, 41, 44-46, 53, 59, 74-77, pis...2, 3. Foerste, A. F., and Cox, I. H. 1936. Cephalopods and a Beatricea from Akpatok Island. Geol. Mag., vol. 73, pp. 290, 291, 304, 305. Foord, A. H. 1883. Contributions to the micropalaeontology of the Cambro-Silurian rocks of Canada. Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Canada, p. 25, pl. 7, fig. 1. Fritz, M. A. 1925. The stratigraphy and paleontology of Toronto and vicinity; Hy- drozoa, Echinodermata, Trilobita, and markings. Ann. Rept., Ontario Dept. Mines, vol. (32) pt. 4, p- 2, pl.’ 1, fig. 1. Galloway, J. J. 1957. Structure and classification of the Stromatoporoidea. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 37, No. 164, pp. 341-480, pls. 31-37. Galloway, J. J.. and St. Jean, J., Jr. 1955. The type of the stromatoporoid species Stromatocerium rugosum Hall. Amer. Mus. Novitates, No. 1728, pp. 1-11, figs. 1-7. 1957. A bibliography of the order Stromatoporoidea. Jour. Paleont., vol. 30, pp. 170-185. Goldiuss, A. 1826. Petrefacta Germaniae. List and Francke, Leipzig, 1st ed., p. 21, pl. 8, figs. 5a-c. 2d. ed., 1862. $+ BULLETIN 194 Grabau, A. W. 1922. Ordovician fossils of North China. Paleont. Sinica, ser. B. vol. 1, fas. 1, pp. 109-181. Grabau, A. W., and Shimer, H. W. 1909. North American index fossils. A. G. Seiler and Co., New York, vol. 1, pp. 34-47, figs. 56-74. Gurich, Go - 1908. Leitfossilien; Kambrium und Silur. Gebriider Borntraeger, Berlin, Lieferung 1) pp: 35,36, pl. 9: ; Hall, James 1847. Palaeontology of New York. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 1, pp. 48, S78, Toil WAs aiese Bo Va Woy. Hayes, C. W., and Ulrich, E. 0. 1903. Description of the Columbia Quadrangle. U. S. Geol. Survey, Geol. Atlas, Columbia folio, No. 95, pp. 2, 5; faunal chart, figs. 23, 24. Hyatt, AN 3 1865a. On Beatricea and Pasceolus. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1D, jo, 1D) 1865b. Remarks on the Beatriceae, a new division of Mollusca. Amer. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, vol. 39, pp. 261-266. 1868. On Beatricea. Essex Inst. Proc. 5, p. 187. 1885. Structure and affinities of Beatricea. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Ady. Sci., for 1884, p. 492. James, J. F. 1887. Protozoa of the Cincinnati group. Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 9, pp. 244-252. (The number is dated January 1886, a misprint for January, 1887). 1892. Manual of the paleontology of the Cincinnati group, part 3. Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 15, pp. 88-96; part 4: zbid., pp. 147-149, text fig. 9. James, U. P. 1871. Catalogue of Lower Silurian fossils, Cincinnati group. Cincinnati, 14 pp.; Additions, 1873, 4 pp. 1878. Description of Cincinnatian and other Paleozoic fossils. The Paleontologist, No. 3. 1884. Descriptions of three new species of fossils. Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., vol: 7, pp. 20,;°21,°139; 140, text figs. 1=1c) ply 7 ates Kalfina, V. K. 1960. Stromatoporoidei iz Kembriiskikh otlozheny Sibiri. Trudy Sibir. Nauchno-Issledovatel. Instituta Geol. Geofiziki Mineral. Sur. Minist. Geol. Okhran. Nedr S.S.S.R. Ser. Neft. Geol. Mater. Paleont., vol. 8 Kiihn, 0. 1928. Fossilium Catalogus 1. Animalia. Pars 36: Hydrozoa. W. Junk, Berlin, pp. 1-114. 1939. Hydrozoa: in Schindewolf, Handbuch der Palaozoologie. Band 2A, pp. A36-A68, figs. 51-96. Lambe, L. M. 1899a. On some species of Canadian Palaeozoic corals. Ottawa Nat., vol. 12> pp. 217-226; 237-298. 1899b. Notes on a stromatoporoid from the Hudson River formation» of Ontario. Ottawa Nat., vol. 13, pp. 170, 171. Lecompte, M. 1956. Stromatoporoidea. in Moore, R. C., Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part F. Geol. Soc. America, pp. F107-F144, figs. 86-114. ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 85 MeCoy, F. 1851. A systematic description of the British Palaeozoic fossils in the geological museum of the University of Cambridge, vol. 1. Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 12, 65-67, text figs. a, b. Miller, S. A. 1889. North American geology and palaeontology. Western Methodist Book Concern, Cincinnati, Ohio, pp. 155, 165, 166, fig. 123. Nestor, H. 1960. Plumatalinia—a new genus of Stromatoporoidea from the Upper Ordovician of the Estonian S.S.R. Eesti Nsv Teaduste Akad. Toimet. Fuitisikalis-Matemaat. Tehniliste Teaduste Seer. vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 225- 228, pls. 1, 2. (Russian with Estonian and English summaries.) Nicholson, H. A. 1886a, 1889, 1891, 1892. A monograph of the British stromatoporoids. Palaeont. Soc. London, vols. 39, 42, 44, 46, pts. 1-4, pp. 1-234, pls. 1-29. 1886b. On some new or imperfectly-known species of stromatoporoids. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 5, vol. 18, p. 13, pl. 2. Nicholson, H. A., and Lydekker, R. 1889. A manual of palaeontology. Vol. 1, Wm. Blackwood & Sons, Edin- burgh and London, pp. 229-239. Nicholson, H, A., and Murie, J. 1878. The minute structure of the skeleton of Stromatopora and its allies. Jour. Linn. Soc. London, Zoology, vol. 14, pp. 187-246, pls. 1-4. Oxley, P. 1951. Chazyan reef facies relationships in the northern Champlain Valley. Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., vol. 42, pp. 92, 95, 97, 98, 100, 102, 104, 105. Ozaki, Kin-emon. 1938. On some stromatoporoids from the Ordovician limestone of Shan- tung and south Manchuria. Jour. Shanghai Sci. Inst., sec. 2, vol. 2, pp. 205-223, pls. 23-34. Parks, W. A. 1910. Ordovician stromatoporoids. Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 7 pp. A-52. ipls. 21-25. Plummer, J. T. 1843. Suburban geology or rocks, soil and water, about Richmond, Wayne County, Indiana. Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. 44, p. 293, 294, fig. 8. Radugin, K. Y. 1936. Some coelenterates from the Lower Silurian of Gornaya Shoria. Rec. Geol. W. Siberian Region, No. 35, pp. 86-106, 2 pls. Raymond, P, E. 1914. A Beatricea-like organism from the Middle Ordovician. Canada Dept. Mines, Geol. Surv., Mus. Bull. 5, pp. 1-19, pls. 1-4. 1924. The oldest coral reef. Rpt. State Geol. Vermont, vol. 14, pp. 72-75, 1 text fig. 1931. Notes on invertebrate fossils, with descriptions of new species. Bull. Museum Comp. Zoology, Harvard College, Geol. Ser., vol. 9, pp. 177- 184, pls. 2, 3. Ripper, E. A. : 1937. The stromatoporoids of the Lilydale limestone. Part II—Syringo- stroma, Stromatopora, and other genera. Roy. Soc. Victoria Proc., new ser. vol. 49, pp. 178-205, pls. 8, 9, text figs. 1-4. Safford, J. M. 1869. Geology of Tennessee. S. C. Mercer, Printer to the State, Nashville, Tennessee, p. 285. 86 BULLETIN 194 Schuchert, (. 1919. The proper name for the fossil hydroid Beatricea. Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. 47, pp. 293-296, fig. 1. Seely, H. M. 1894. Notes on the genus Stromatocerium. Science, vol. 23, pp. 72-79. 1902. In Perkins, G. H., The Geology of Grand Isle. Rept. State Geol. Vermont, vol. 3, pp. 158, 159, 164. 1904. The Stromatoceria of Isle La Motte, Vermont. Rept. State Geol. Vermont, vol. 4, pp. 144-152. Shaler, N. S. 1877. On the occurrence of the genus Beatricea in Kentucky. American Waie, Sole Wl Jos CAS. Shidler, W. H. | 1946. Beatricidae (Abstract). Geol. Soc. America, Bull. vol. 57, p. 1230. Shimer, H. W., and Shrock, R. R. 1944. Index fossils of North America. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York; Chapman and Hall, Ltd., London, pp. 58-63, pls. 18, 19. Shrock, R. R., and Mallot, C. A. 1933. The Kentland area of disturbed Ordovician rocks in northwestern Indiana. Jour. Geol,. vol. 41, pp. 347, 357, 359, 360. Shrock, R. R., and Raasch, G. 0. 1937. Stratigraphy and structure of the area of disturbed Ordovician rocks near Kentland, Indiana. Amer. Midland Naturalist, vol. 18, pp. 484, 489, 491, 492, 498-501, 507, 511-513, 515, 535-538, pl. 2, figs. 1-3. Shrock, R. R., and Twenhofel, W. H. 1939. Silurian fossils from northern Newfoundland. Jour. Paleont., vol. 13, pp. 244, 245, 247, 248 pl. 27, fig. 1. Stearn, C. W. | 1956. Stratigraphy and Palaeontology of the Interlake group and Stone- wall formation of southern Manitoba. Geo). Survey Canada, Mem. 281, pp. 10, 11, 14-16, 52-54, pl. 1, fig. 4, pl. 9, fig. 14. Stose, G. W. E+ 1908. Cambro-Ordovician limestones of the Appalachian Valley in southern Pennsylvania. Jour. Geol., vol. 16, p. 714. Sugiyama, T. 1941. A new form of the genus Labechiellata from Chosen (Korea). Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol. 48, pp. 461-463, figs. 1-3. Twenhofel, W. H. ape ; 1926. Hunting fossils on Anticosti Island. Nat. Hist., vol. 26, pp. 515- 524. 1927. Geology of Anticosti Island. Canada Dept. Mines, Geol. Survey, Mem. 154, No. 135, pp. 16, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 35, 37, 44-46, 49-54, 56, 60, 64-67, 69, 70, 75, 83, 104, 107. Ulrich, E. 0. ae A stale ; ; 1880. Catalogue of fossils occurring in the Cincinnati group of Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. Published by the author, Cincinnati, pp. 4, 6. Vinassa De Regny, P. E. ecg 1910. Fossil Ordoviciani del Nucleo centrale Carnico. Atti Accad. Gioenia Sci. Nat. Catania, ser. 5, vol. 3, Mem. 12, 48 pp., 3 pls. Whiteaves, J. F. ; 1895. Systematic list with references of the fossils of the Hudson River or Cincinnati formation at Stoney Mountain, Manitoba. Geol. Survey Canada, Palaeozoic Fossils, vol. 3, pt. 2, p. 114. ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 87 1897a. Canadian stromatoporoids with reference to the literature of each species described from Canada. Canadian Rec. Sci., vol. 7, pp. 129-146. 1897b. The fossils of the Galena-Trenton and Black River formations of Lake Winnipeg and vicinity. Geol. Survey Canada, Palaeozoic fossils, vol. 3, pt. 3, p. 135. Wilson, A. E. 1932. Ordovician fossils from the region of Cornwall, Ontario. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vol. 26, pp. 385, 386, pl. 3, figs. 5, 6, table. 1947. The Algae Spongiae, Anthozoa, Stromatoporoidea, Graptolitoidea, Vermes, Conodonts, and trails of the Ottawa formation within the Ottawa-St. Lawrence Lowland. Roy. Soc. Canada, Proc., ser. 3, vol. 41, p. 192. 1948. Miscellaneous classes of fossils, Ottawa formation, Ottawa-St. Lawrence Valley. Canada Dept. Mines and Resources, Mines and Geology Branch, Geol. Surv., Bull. No. 11, pp. 45-50, pls. 22-25. Wilson, (. W., Jr. 1948. The geology of Nashville, Tennessee. Tennessee Dept. Cons., Div. Geol, Bull53, pp. 16, 25, 27, 33, 38, 39, 41: 43, 50, 64, 104, pl. 6 es. 4°59 plii2: figs..6,°7 + pl. 21, fig. 4. 1949. Pre-Chattanooga stratigraphy in Central Tennessee. Tennessee Dept. Cons., Div. Geol., Bull. 56, pp. 4, 37, 50, 56, 61, 66, 67, 119, 129, 138, 139, 143, 150, 151, 153, 192, 337; pl. 6, figs. 4, 5; pl. 12, figs. 6, 7; pl. 21, fig. 4. Yabe, H., and Sugiyama, T. 1930a. On some Ordovician stromotoporoids from south Manchuria, north China and Chosen (Korea), with notes on two new European forms. Sci. Repts. Tohoku Imp. Univ. ser. 2, vol. 14, pp. 47-62, pls. 17-23. 1930b. Notes on two stromatoporoids from Chosen (Corea). Jap. Jour. Geol. Geog., vol. 8, pp. 9, 10, pls. 3, 4. Yavorsky, Y. I. 1932. Ein Stromatoporenfund in Cambrium. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Palaont., Abt. B, pp. 613-616, 5 figs. 1950. Devonian Stromatoporella and their significance for stratigraphy. Voprosy Paleontology, vol. 1, Izdatel’stvo Leningradskogo Gosuday- stvennogo Universtsitata, pp. 243-263, pls. 1-7. 1955. Stromatoporoidea Sovetskogo Soyuza. Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nau- chno-issledo vatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol.; Okhrany Nedr, Nov Ser., vol. 1, pp. 1-173, pls. 1-89, text figs. 1-11. 1957. Ibid Pt. 2, vol. 18, pp. 1-167, pls. 1-43. Young, F. P., Jr. 1943. Black River stratigraphy and faunas. Part I, Amer. Jour. Sci., ser, 5) vo 240 pt 1, p: 159. pe-2, pp. 218, 220, 223, 233, 236-238. ) ADDENDUM After the above paper was submitted for publication, one new genus of Ordovician stromatoporoid and two new genera and one new family of supposed Cambrian stromatoporoids were brought to our attention. Comments concerning Stromatocerium canadense Nicholson and Murie are based partly on the op- portunity provided the junior author to examine slides of the Nicholson collec- tion through the support of the National Science Foundation and with the aid and co-operation of Dr. Dighton Thomas, Curator of fossil Coelenterata at the British Museum of Natural History. 88 BULLETIN 194 Genus PLUMATALINIA Nestor, 1960 Type species (monotypic) Plumatalinia ferax Nestor, 1960, Eesti Nsv Teaduste Akad. Toimetised, Fiiisikalis-Matemaat. Tehniliste Teaduste, vol. 9, No. 3, p. 225-228, pls. 1, 2. (Upper Ordovician, Estonia.) Coenosteum massive, with a basal epitheca, composed of rows of long, broad, low arched cyst plates presenting a laminar appearance which may or may not turn upward to form pillar columns. The columns are composed of a lacy intergrowth of tissue, giving rise to long, thick, round pillars. The surface has numerous round depressions and should be coarsely papillate due to the large pillar columns. Astrorhizae are absent in the type species. The type species comes from the Pirgu stage (Fic) which is Upper Ordovician in Estonia. Nestor correctly considers Plumatalinia to be a member of the family Labechiidae, as indicated clearly by the presence of curved cyst plates and the absence of distinct laminae or laminae and short pillars. Nestor considers the genus to be close to Pseudolabechia, differing in that the columns lack diverging pillars characteristic of Pseudolabechia. The genus is close to Pseudostylodictyon Ozaki in the arrangement of cysts into small columns and in the low flat nature of the cysts. It differs in that there is anastomosing secondary tissue in the pillar columns, producing the large long pillars. The genus seems closer to Pseudostylodictyon than to Pseudolabechia. It is closely related to both genera. Plumatalinia differs from Labechia in that the pillars are thicker and lack distinct walls or solid zones of flocculent tissue. Nestor says that the genus lacks monticules but has craters on the surface. Depressions on upper surfaces of stromatoporoid coenostea are unusual, though common on undersurfaces of latilaminae of mamillate species. The depressions are produced by the laminae which turn upward, hence inward, at the base of latilaminae. The pillar columns are about 34 mm. in diameter in the type species, therefore, the coenosteal surface should display coarse papillae. PRE-ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDS We comment that so far as we know, the Chazy stromatoporoids are the oldest known. However, stromatoporoids were reported by Obrutschew (1926, Fortschr. Geol. Palaont., vol. 5, No. 15, p. 86, et seg.) but neither descriptions nor figures were presented. Cambrian stromatoporoids were reported by Yavorsky in 1932, and we discuss them in the foregoing paper and elsewhere (Galloway, 1957, pp. 389, 390; Galloway and St. Jean, 1957, p. 87). We have been informed by Dr. H. Nestor, of the Institute of Geology of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Erik Fltgel, of the Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienne, Austria, of a paper published by V. K. Kalfina (1960, S. N. I. I. G. G. I. M. S., vol. 8) on Cambrian stromatoporoids of Siberia, in which two new genera and a new family are proposed. The genera are Korovinella and Praeactinostroma; the new family is Korovinellidae. We have not had an opportunity to see the paper. Dr. Nestor informs us (personal communica- tion) that he has seen some supposed Cambrian stromatoporoids in Leningrad, which he thinks may not be true stromatoporoids. He does not say if they are Kalfina’s specimens. Dr. Fliigel informs us (personal communication) that Pracactinostroma is proposed for the previous species Actinostroma vologdent Yavorsky which is one of the two previously known species of supposed Cambrian stromatoporoids that we have already questioned, based on its morphological appearance in published figures of thin sections. It will be interesting to learn the results of the Soviet investigation. ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 89 STROMATOCERIUM CANADENSE Nicholson and Murie We have judged Nicholson and Murie’s species to be a representative of the genus Stromatocerium, as did Parks, based on the deduction that the species possesses platelike rather than round pillars. Nicholson and Murie originally placed the species in the genus Stromatocerium and Nicholson later (1886 a, pl. 2, figs. 3-5; 1886 b, p. 14) removed the species to the genus Labechia. Un- fortunately, the type specimen in the British Museum of Natural History, from Peterborough, Ontario, is poorly preserved so that pillars and cyst plates are completely altered, represented only by recrystallized calcite. Cyst plates are represented by remnants of thin median cyst plate layers in places, with no suggestion of an upper or lower flocculent layer. The pillars and pillar walls are almost completely destroyed. Pillars are mostly represented as streaks of clear calcite extending perpendicularly to the orientation of the cyst plates. Some of the streaks of recrystallized calcite are fractures in the specimen and are not really related to pillars, though most such altered areas represent the location of former pillars. The flat nature of the cyst plates, and the long continuous pillars extending through the cyst plates appear more as they do in the genus Stromatocerium than Labechia, and are the bases for our including the species in Stromatocerium. It is possible that Nicholson was correct in assigning the species to the genus Labechia, for no specimen in the Nicholson collection appeared to be a demonstrable Stromatocerium. In Nicholson’s monograph (1886a, pl. 2, fig. 4) in an additional vertical section from the type specimen, enlarged 12 times, the pillars are slightly thinner than represented in the figure. Some of the vertical clear areas are not pillars as suggested in the figure but are extensions beyond the ends of detectable pillars. We have suggested that Nicholson’s specimen from Girvan (Monograph, pl. 20, fig. 9) may be a Cystostroma because no pillars are illustrated. Pillars are distinct in nonfigured parts of the thin section used for the illustration by Nicholson. The specimen is not S. canadense but 1s another species belonging to the genus Labechia. As we suggested previously, topotype material of S. canadense from Peterborough, Ontario, needs to be collected and studied extensively. 90 BULLETIN 194 Explanation of Plate 1 Specimens and slides, except where otherwise noted, are in the Indiana University Paleontological Collections. Figure Page 1. Cystostroma vermontense Galloway and St. Jean _.....................- 12 a. Vertical section of hoiotype, X 10, showing latilaminae separ- ated by mud, cyst plates with thin, dark upper plate and thick, flocculent lower plate, without pillars and with few preserved chamber cavities. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 300-17. Retouched. b. Vertical section same specimen, slide 300-18. Retouched. c. Tangential section, X 10, same specimen, showing cut cyst plates and no pillars. M. Chazy, quarry 1 mi. southeast of Isle La Motte, Vt., specimen KA2, slide 300-25. Retouched. 2. Three “protocoenostea” intergrown with alga, X 7. Upper Chazy, 1% miles south of Isle La Motte, Vt., specimen KC4, slide 300-72. Unretouched. 3. Cystostroma simplex Galloway and St. Jean .....00.....2200..cecccceeeeeeeee 13 a. Vertical section of holotype, X 10, showing strongly curved cyst plates, dark, thick upper plate, with villi but without denticles or crenulations, and moderately thin lower, flocculent plate, Slide 299-60. Retouched. b. Tangential section, X 10, same specimen, showing cut cyst plates and villi, but lack of pillars. Trenton, Carters ls., Mill Cr., 7 miles south of Nashville, Tenn., slide 299-62. Retouched. 4, Cystostroma minimum (Parks) =... eee 14 a. Vertical section of topotype, X 10, showing a mamelon, cysts with thin upper plate, moderately thick, moniliform lower plate, open chambers, and lack of pillars. Trenton, Bigby lIs., Old Crow Distillery, Frankfort, Ky., University of Cincinnati, No. 4087. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 302-33. Un- retouched. b. Tangential section, X 10, showing a mamelon with cysts sur- rounding it, but does not show an astrorhiza. Same specimen as 4a, slide 299-69. Unretouched. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 PLATE 2 ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & Sv. JEAN 91 Explanation of Plate 2- Figure Page 1. Cystostroma fritzae Galloway and St. Jean, n. Sp. .0.......222eeeeeeeeeee 16 a. Vertical section of holotype, X 10, showing two latilaminae, low, arcuate cyst plates, with thin, dense upper plate and thick lower, flocculent plate, which generally fills the chamber cavity, and lack of pillars. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 309-21. Retouched. b. Tangential section of same specimen, X 10, showing small cysts, and lack of astrorhizae. Upper Ord., Richmond egr., Liskeard fm., Farr Quarry, Timiskaming, Ont., collected by Dr. M. A. Fritz. Slide 301-89. Retouched. Zervpiopiracmus antiquatus Raymond © .._.:...-..-.2.0.... 22222 selene 19 a. Cross section of topotype, X 6, sectioned presumably by Ray- mond, showing axial column, 4 mm. across, with axial tabulae and small cysts on the outside of the column, followed by a layer of mud, presumably laid down during the winter season, this followed by a summer layer of the adult stage, consisting of slightly curved cysts and by large pillarg between the cysts. The pillar substance has been entirely replaced by calcite. The layer of organic material is a latilamina, or “sheath” of Raymond. Pamelia ls., Carden twp., Ontario, Can. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard University. Retouched. b. Cross section of another specimen, X 6, from the same place, showing a bryozoan not followed by a latilamina. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard University. Unretouched. ce. Cross section of another specimen, X 4, from the same place. Axial column 3 mm. in diameter, followed by clear calcite with remnants of cysts and pillars, and this is followed by a sheath of the mature stage of the stromatoporoid, with two latilaminae, and this is followed by mud. Unretouched. 3. Crypotyphragmus antiquatus Raymond ..............22...--2--------------- 19 a. Longitudinal section of one of Raymond’s topotypes, X 10, showing the axial column, 4 mm. in diameter, followed by mud, sheath, mud, outer sheath, and mud. Note the extension of the pillars into the mud, showing that the pillars cannot be tubes. Pamelia ls., Carden twp., Ont. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard University. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 302-96. Un- retouched. b. Tangential section, X 10, from the same specimen, showing round pillars and darker remnants of the fillings of the cyst chambers; slide 302-94. Unretouched. c. Part of a cross and tangential section of a fragment of Ray- mond’s types, X 10, from the Pamelia limestone, Lot. 25, Con. VI, Carden twp., Ontario, loaned by the Geological Survey of Canada, No. 4320c, showing cysts and pillars replaced by clear calcite, and the chamber fillings by a darker material. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 308-31. Unretouched. 92 BULLETIN 194 Explanation of Plate 3 Figure Page 1. Aulacera plummeri Galloway and St. Jean... eee 27 a. Cross section of topotype, X 10, inner zone of cysts with poor calcification of structures and lack of pillars, outer zone of well-calcified cysts, and abundant piliars; slide 299-40. Un- retouched. b. Vertical section of same specimen, X 10, showing inner zone poorly calcified and without pillars, and outer zone, well calcified, with pillars inclined outward and curving upward; slide 282-58. Upper Ord., Saluda fm., Elkhorn Cr., 4 miles south of Richmond, Ind. Unretouched. 2. Aulacera plummeri Galloway and St. Jean ........0.20..0cecceceeee ee a. Vertical section of small hypotype, X 6, showing rapid grada- tion from large, axial cysts into small latera] cysts, with a few, small pillars in the outer zone; slide 302-26. Retouched. . Cross section, same specimen, X 6, showing small cysts, outer thin and inner, thick flocculent plates, and a few small pillars in the outer zone; slide 302-26. Upper Ordovician, basal Liberty fm., Wilson Cr., 2 miles southwest of Deatsville, Ky. Collected by Ruth G. Browne. RB2. Retouched. 3. Aulacera, undulata’ (Billings) 000 eee a. Part of cross section of lectotype, X 10, showing larger cysts than in A. plummer, strongly curved cysts in radial zones, moniliform lower plates, and lack of pillars. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 299-88. Unretouched. . Part of cross section, X 4, same specimen as for fig. 3a, showing radial zones of strongly convex cysts with irregular cysts between, moniliform lower cyst plates, and absence of pillars. Slide 299-89. Unretouched. . Radial, longitudinal section, X 10, cutting a radial zone of cysts, showing their large size and hemispherical form. Same speci- men as for fig. 3a. Slide 299-90. Unretouched. . Oblique tangential section, X 10, showing round cysts, dark, compact outer plate and inner, thick moniliform plate, open chambers, and absence of pillars. Same specimen as for fig. 3a. Upper Ordovician, Vauréal fm., Battery Cliff, Anticosti Is., Can. Canadian Geol. Surv., No. 2588, marked “TYPE”. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 299-90. Retouched. 30 PLATE 3 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 pe cee = 2 wry Spas FOTIA « Vw BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 PLATE 4 ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 93 Explanation of Plate 4 Figure Page 1. Aulacera radiata Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -.....-.ceccccccecceeeeeeee 32 a. Cross section of holotype, X 10, showing a ray of cysts little different from cysts between rays, a few pillars in the ray, small cysts with low plates of flocculent tissue nearly filling the chambers, and latilaminae separated by calcite with pseudo- pillars, denoting imperfect calcification in life. Specimen 702A, Mus. Comp. Zoo]., Harvard University, slide 302-70. Retouched. b. Vertical, radial section of holotype, X 10, cut between rays, showing latilaminae of smal] cysts, without pillars, the lati- laminae separated by layers of calcite with pseudopillars. Specimen 702A. Richmondian, Anticosti Is., Can. Harvard Uni- versity Paleo. Coll., slide 308-55. Unretouched. PICT OW NLOSay CiIMeS sos. oe A a a. Cross section of topotype, not well preserved, X 10, showing a mamelon, latilaminae, small, low cysts and scattered, poorly preserved pillars. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 299-85. Retouched. b. Cross section, nearer the center than fig. a, X 10, showing curved cysts but no pillars. Same specimen as for fig. a. Upper Ordovician, Vauréal fm., Battery Cliff, Anticosi Is., Can. Loaned by Canadian Geol. Surv., No. 1917. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 299-86. Retouched. Agiicers nodulitera (Moerste) 2.1.0. es. a. Cross section of hypotype, X 10, showing large cysts rising into the nodes, but no pillars. Richmondian, Anticosti Is.. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard University. Fragment in Indiana University Paleo. Coll., and slide 302-67. Retouched. b. Cross section of hypotype, X 10, poorly preserved, showing cysts and a few strong pillars. Vauréal fm., Battery Point, Anti- costi Is., Can. Peabody Museum, Yale University, No. 9200B. Collected by W. H. Twenhofel. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., fragment and slide 302-73. Retouched. A OTISIG ET 2 PTH eng 10707 Le a ER Oven ef 02 en Cross section of hypotype, X 10, showing inner curved cysts without pillars. The outer cysts were incompletely calcified in life. Lower Liberty fm., 2 miles southwest of Deatsville, Ky., collected by Ruth G. Browne, Louisville, Ky. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., RB18, slide 308-11. Unretouched. 34 36 94 Figure ik 2. BULLETIN 194 Explanation of Plate 5 Aulacera’ cylindrica (Poerste) 2 .2....-::22. 020. a. Vertical section of hypotype, X 3, showing axial column which is not a tube, large axial cysts, small lateral cysts which are incompleteiy calcified, and lack of pillars. Basal Liberty, 2 miles southwest of Deatsville, Ky., collected by Ruth G. Browne, RB69. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 308-32. Retouched. b. Cross section of small specimen, X 3, showing gradation of larger cysts into small ones, and lack of pillars. RB68. Same locality and collector as for 3a. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 302-74. Retouched. Pseudostylodictyon ? lamottense (Seely) _.........222222200ccccccccceceeeeeeeeee a. Vertical section of one of Seely’s syntypes, X 10, showing wavy latilaminae separated by mud, the irregular laminae, without denticles, corrugations or pillars. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 301-61. Retouched. b. Vertical section of the same specimen, X 3, to show irregular latilaminae separated by calcareous and carbonaceous mud and thin laminae. Middie of B Chazy, Goodell’s Quarry, Isle La Motte, Vt., collected by H. M. Seely, 1885. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 301-60. Retouched. Pseudostylodictyon ? eatoni (Seely) -...........222-2.2.ccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a. Weathered surface of holotype, X 2/3, showing mamelons of various sizes. Same specimen as figured by Seely (1904, pl. 71). Upper or C Chazy, Goodell’s Ridge, south of Isle La Motte, Vt. Unretouched. b. Vertical section of holotype, X 10, showing a mamelon, regular laminae with thin upper layer and thick, flocculent and monili- form lower layer, and lack of wrinkled laminae. Indiana Uni- versity Paleo. Coll., slide 301-58. Retouched. Pseudostylodictyon ? kayi Galloway and St. Jean ................... a. Vertical section of holotype, X 10, showing a mamelon and eruption of several laminae, regular laminae with upper, thin, dark layer and lower, thick flocculent layer, and some wrinkled laminae. The laminae are separated into groups with clear ealcite between, apparently due to noncalcification of laminae in life. Middle Chazy, 1 mile southeast of Isle La Motte village, Vt. Collected by Marshall Kay. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., KAI1, slide 300-21. Retouched. b. Tangential section of holotype, showing rings where the section cuts the wrinkles of the laminae, and flocculent laminae. Same locality, collector and depository. Slide 300-24. Retouched. 40 41 42 ButuL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 48 PLATE 5 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 Veatwerty 1 hae 5 “pe on a) 9h ae ds oa ai , aro Sims Ata q sd “A -&" RAs Figure 1. Pseudostylodictyon ? kayi Galloway and St. Jean ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN Explanation of Plate 6 a. Vertical section, paratype, X 10, showing regular, wrinkled laminae. Middle Chazy, ‘Fleury’ Quarry, 1 mile southeast of Isle La Motte village, Vt. Collected by Marshall Kay, Indiana University Paleo. Coll., KA5, slide 300-20. Unretouched. b. Vertical section from the some specimen as for la, X 10, showing groups of laminae separated by calcite and few wrinkles; slide 300-19. Retouched. Pseudostylodictyon ? chazianum (Seely) .............222222:::00cecceceee-222--- a. Vertical section of one of Seely’s syntypes, X 10, labeled “A Chazy, South Hero, Vt.,” although Seely’s description (1904, p. 148) stated “B Chazy.” Largely silicified, shows thin laminae. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 301-63. Retouched. b. Vertical section of hypotype from near the type locality, X 10, showing the thin laminae, lack of corrugations, denticles, cysts, or pillars. Middle Chazy, Maclurities beds, South Hero, % mile west of Route 2, Grand Isle Co., Vt. Collected by Marshall Kay, Indiana University Paleo. Coll., KB1 and slide 300-30. Unre- touched. Pseudostylodictyon ? montoyaense Galloway, n. sp. -....2.............- a. Vertical section of holotype, X 10, showing regular laminae, wrinkled laminae, and denticles. Slide 308-22. Unretouched. b. Tangential section of holotype, X 10, showing cut laminae and denticles; wrinkles are more common than usual. Upper Ordovician, Montoya gr., Upham fm., crest of Scenic Drive, El Paso, Texas. Collected by R. H. Flower, 1958. Part in New Mexico Inst. Min. Tech., No. S6, and siides, part in Indiana University Paleo. Coll., and slide 302-23. Unretouched. Rosenella cumingsi Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ...........2.-..2------- a. Vertical section of holotype, X 10, showing irregular develop- ment of cysts and wrinkles and denticles on the thin cyst plates. Middle Ordovician, upper Black River, new lock above Amsterdam, N.Y. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 300-84. Unretouched. b. Vertical section of paratype, X 10, showing the same features. Lower Trenton, Rockland fm., %4 mile west of bridge, Crown Point, N.Y. KG1, Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 302-4. Unretouched. 95 43 44 96 BULLETIN 194 Explanation of Plate 7 Figure Page 1. Labechia pustulosa (Safford) ....2....0....0...22.. 2 ee 47 a. Vertical section of topotype, X 10, showing thick, low cysts and vertical, calcite streaks where the pillars had been. Lower Catheys formation, Tennessee Central Railroad Station, Nash- ville, Tenn. Collected by 'C. W. Wilson, Jr., 1954. Indiana Uni- versity Paleo. Coll., slide 302-83. Unretouched. b. Tangential section, X 10, of the same specimen, showing cysts and obscure, large round pillars. Slide 302-82. Retouched. Labechia puStulosa, (Safford) 2.2.20...) See a. Vertical section of hypotype, X 10, showing the low cysts with thin upper plate and thick flocculent and moniliform lower plate, (the plates are smaller than those of the topotype), and abundant, large pillars replaced by calcite but leaving the out- side rim in places. Cannon ls., Flat Rock on Nolensville Pike, southwest of Nashville, Tenn. Part in Vanderbilt University Paleo. Coll., part in Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 299-83. Unretouched. b. Tangential section, X 10, of same specimen, showing a mamelon, thick cysts, and many round pillars, some with darker rim. Slide 299-82. Unretouched. Labechia huronensigs (Billings) ___................002.cc.-cececeeceecccecececeeeeeeeeee a. Vertical section of hypotype, X 10, showing typicai, thin, curved cyst plates with lower, poorly defined, flocculent plate, and typical ‘small, long, straight pillars which have vague, vertical rods and no definite outer boundary. Whitewater fm., Muscata- tuck ‘State Farm, Ind., Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 299-33. Unretouched. b. Tangentia] section, X 10, of same specimen, showing numerous small pillars which tend to be round but without definite boundaries. Slide 299-63. Unretouched. Labechia huronensis (Billings) .....2.02...-..20.. eee a. Vertical section of topotype, X 10, showing small, thin, arched, overlapping cyst plates, and large, straight and loose-textured pillars which are not hollow. Upper Richmond, Meaford fm., Cape Smyth, Manitoulin Is., Can. Specimen figured by Foerste, 1924, pl. 24, fig. 2. Canadian Geol. Surv., No. 5596. Indiana University, slide 308-96. Unretouched. b. Tangential section, same specimen, X 10, showing large round and coalescent pillars, which are loose-textured but not hollow, and joined by the cyst plates, simulating radial arms of pillars of Actinostroma Slide 308-97. Unretouched. 47 50 50 PLATE 7 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 438 re. UAV BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 PLATE 8 So KESE Men Cee SS igure ik ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN Explanation of Plate 8 PReCO io unACTOStVIa | Parks 22:2 be a. a. Vertical section of lectotype, one of Parks two syntypes, X 10 showing two latilaminae, one mamelon, thin, curved, over- lapping plates, and large pillars, some confluent with variable texture. “Lower Trenton Drift,’ Ann Arbor, Mich. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 36929A, slide NM1-9. Unretouched. b. Tangential section of the same specimen, X 10, showing large pillars of granular texture, some confluent, many joined by curved cyst plates, slide NM1-10. Unretouched. SimomaLocerinm HueOSmmM Ehal) 2... ee el. eek a. Vertical section of holotype, X 6.7, showing broad, slightly curved cyst plates, and long thin pillars where cut the narrow way and broader pillars where cut the broad way. Middle Ordovician, Black River, Watertown, N. Y. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., slide No. 590/5B. Unretouched. b. Tangential section of same specimen, X 6.7, showing mature, thick, broad pillars in white, in radial arrangement, but no definite astrorhizae; slide 590/5C. Retouched. c. Tangential section, same specimen, X 6.7, showing immature, thin, broad pillars in white, radially arranged, but no astro- rhizae; slide 590/5C. Retouched. Siromatocerium tumidum: Wilson _.220: 2.0 seeecicceccecce eee Vertical section of partly silicified topotype, X 10, showing remnants of cyst plates and pillars, and mud between lati- laminae. Middle Ordovician, Black River, Paquette Rapids, Ottawa R., Can. Univ. Cincinnati Museum, No. 22822; Indiana University, slide 299-76. Retouched. Stromatocerium amsterdamense Galloway and St. Jean ............ a. Vertical section of holotype, X 10, showing thin, broad cyst plates which approach laminae and long thin pillars with spurs. Upper Black River limestone, Amsterdam, N. Y. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., No. 4629, slide 235-11. Retouched. b. Tangential section, same specimen, X 10, showing a mamelon with radiating pillars; the pillars are small, irregular in shape, with many small flanges. Slide 299-47. Retouched. est | 56 98 Figure kg .Stromatocerium canadense Nicholson and Murie BULLETIN 194 Explanation of Plate 9 a. Vertical section of hypotype, X 10, showing broad, thin cyst plates and thin pillars which are sporadic in occurrence. Middle Ordovician, top of Black River, Pattersonville, N. Y. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 235-23. Unretouched. b. Oblique tangential section of same specimen, X 10, showing a mamelon with radial, thin, broad pillarg with small flanges. The cyst plates are broad, thin and many have denticles on the upper side. Slide 299-65. Unretouched. Stromatocerium leipersense Galloway and Ehlers, n. sp. ............ a. Vertical section of holotype, X 10, showing small, arcuate cyst plates, long pillars of variable size, and small, round vacuities in the pillars. Upper Ordovician, Leipers fm., opposite Belk Is., 7 miles upstream from Rowena, Ky. Mus. Paleont. Uni- versity of Michigan, No. 39500: Indiana University, slide 308-80. Retouched. ; b. Tangential sections of Same specimen, X 10, showing irregular flanged pillars outlined by mud at left, and irregular pillars with many round vacuoles at right. Slide 308-81. Retouched. Stromatocerium michiganense Parks _................- eee a. Vertical section of holotype, X 10, showing curved and flat cyst plates, and long, straight mostly thin pillars, both outlined by dark material. Middle Ordovician, lower Trenton, from glacial drift, Ann Arbor, Mich. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 56843; slide MNI-6. Unretouched. b. Tangential section of same specimen, X 10, showing broadly flanged, narrow pillars, which meet, forming polygons, and absence of mamelons and astrorhizae. Slide NMI1-7. Retouched. Stromatocerium australe Parks _.............00.4. 2 eee a. Vertical section of type specimen, X 10, showing thin pillars and close cyst plates in a mamelon. Upper Ordovician, Leipers fm., Nashville, Tenn. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 49507; Indiana Uni- versity Paleo. Coll., slide 309-37. Unretouched. b. Tangential section of same specimen, X 10, showing thin radi- ating pillars with few flanges, and thin, irregular, branching pillars between columns, where pillars are usually lacking. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 309-38. Unretouched. Stromatocerium granulosum (Jameg ....................---:--------2seeeeeeeeeee a. Vertical section of topotype, X 10, showing arched cyst plates and thin plates and thin pillars. Upper Ordovician, Fort Ancient mem., Waynesville fm., Clarksville, Ohio. Mus. Paleont. Uni- versity of Michigan, No. 7774, slides O1-18, 19; part in Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 308-18. Retouched. b. Tangential section of same specimen, X 10, showing platelike pillars with large and small flanges. Slide 308-19. Retouched. 62 63 64 66 PLATE 9 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 f S22 SD oo BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 99 Explanation of Plate 10° Figure Page 1. Stromatocerium platypilae Galloway, n. sp. ..02..2.222..2ee2e eee eeeeeee eee 67 a. Vertical section of holotype, X 10, showing the large cysts with three thin plates, the thin, long, straight, rarely branching, vertical pillars, without flanges, mostly with a thin, median white line. Upper Ordovician Liberty fm., 2% miles northwest of Owingsville, Ky. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 308-70. Retouched. b. Tangential section of same specimen, showing the cyst plates with thin, dark line, and the flat or curved pillars with median white line; the pillars do not have flanges, but the white, Median line is minutely variable in width. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 308-68. Retouched. Pe eItOstroma SEaADrUM (JAMES) oo k2 ecko cckleeceecee nd etc e cece eee 69 a. Vertical section of typical specimen, X 10, attached to Escharopora pavonia. Upper Ordovician, Leipers fm., Mt. Parnassus, Columbia, Tenn. Miami University, No. 821. Indiana University, Paieo. Coll., fragment and slide 302-10. Retouched. b. Tangentia] section of same specimen, X 10, showing mamelons by lighter color and cut laminae, and round pillars with dark ring and light center. Same slide. Unretouched. 3. Dermatostroma ? corrugatum (Foerste) __.........------..22----2.-ce-c--2-ececeeee vei a. Vertical section of topotype, X 10, showing the contiguous prisms of fibrous, feathery calcite, with the fibers diverging upward, darker in places, and lack of laminae, pillars, cysts, galleries or tissue of typical Stromatoporoidea. Upper Ordovi- cian, Whitewater fm., Wilmington, Ohio. Coil. by W. H. Shideler, Miami University. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., fragment and slide 308-98. Unretouched. b. Tangential section of same specimen, X 10, showing mamelons? prisms, with radiating fibers, darker in places. Slide 308-98. Unretouched. bo Penn aAOSirom. © Slypitm (Koerste) . 0.2... oc ceceecc cee cence 7 a. Vertical section of topotype, X 10, showing three layers with lacunae between, large, contiguous, fibrous prisms, and large papillae. Upper Ordovician, Whitewater fm., Wilmington, Ohio., collected by W. H. Shideler, No. 815. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 302-15. Unretouched. b. Tangential section of same specimen, X 10, showing irregular surface and large prisms with radial, fibrous structure, and smaller, round, radially fibrous structures, the papillae. Slide 302-15. Retouched. 100 Figure BULLETIN 194 Explanation of Plate 11 Page 1. Dermatostroma ? escanabaense Galloway and Ehlers, n. sp. ........ 73 a. Vertical section of holotype, X 10, showing the small, vertical prisms and the diverging fibers and indications of growth layers. Middle Ordovician, Black River of Trenton fm., Escanaba R., Delta Co., Mich., University of Michigan, No. 39449. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 308-98. Left half retouched. b. Tangential section of same specimen, X 10, showing the small prisms, as compared with those of D. glyptuwm, each with a dark ring with light center inside, each terminating in a papilla. The radial fibers are obscure. Slide 308-99. Unretouched. Dermatostroma costatum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -............... a.Cross section of holotype, X 10, showing outer layer with costae and papillae, consisting of debris of Aulacera cyst plates, and inner layer of less disturbed cyst plates. Upper Ordovician, Lower Liberty fm., Wilson Cr., 2 miles southwest of Deatsville, Ky. Collected by Ruth G. Browne. Indiana Uni- versity Paleo. Coll., RB11, and slide 308-99. Slightly retouched. b. Cross section of paratype, X 10, showing outer thin layers with organic debris, lying on coarsely crystalline calcite with organic debris inclusions, which pass downward into Aulacera cysts and pillars partly destroyed. Same collection. RB5, slide 308-10. Slightly retouched. Dermatostroma nodoundulatum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -... a. Part of cross section of holotype, X 10, showing surface with papillae, outer zone of Aulacera debris and calcite, and inner zone of less disturbed Aulacera cysts. Upper Ord., basal Liberty fm., Wilson Cr., 2 miles southwest of Deatsville, Ky. Collected by Ruth G. Browne. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., RB73. Slide 308-23. Retouched. b. Paratype, X 10, showing papillae on outer layer of Aulacera debris, passing downward into calcite and less disturbed Aulacera cysts. Same locality, collection and depository. RB1, slide 302-27. Retouched. Dermatostroma concentricum Galloway and Ehlers, Nn. sp. ............ a. Cross section of holotype, X 10, cutting a mamelon, showing the disturbed cysts of the Aulacera, the calcite layer, and the wrinkled laminae of the Dermatostroma. Upper Ordovician, Blackbridge, 10 miles upstream from Louisville, Ky. Collected by Dr. Carl Rominger, 1903. Mus. Paleont., University of Michigan, specimen and slide 01-25. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slide 308-62. Unretouched. b. Vertical section of holotype, X 10, showing only one layer in the laminae, which are flocculent and wrinkled, slide 308-63. Unretouched. ec. Tangential section of holotype, X 10, showing round denticles and wrinkles, slide 308-63. Unretouched. 74 75 76 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 PLATE 11 PLATE 12 AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 438 BULL ORDOVICIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA N. AMER.: GALLOWAY & ST. JEAN 101 Explanation of Plate 12° All figures natural size except No. 1 Figure Page 1. Aulacera plummeri Galloway and St. Jean .........0..0000 2 27 a, 10; Hypotype, X 2/3, with spiral, longitudinal ridges characteristic of large specimens. Basal Liberty fm., Wilson Cr., 2 miles south- west of Deatsville, Ky. Collected by Ruth G. Browne. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., No. RB4. Aulacera plummeri Galloway and St. Jean _..00....020022.eeeeceeeceeeeee ee Paratype, immature. Same locality, horizon and collector. RB2. Aulacera plummerij Galloway and St. Jean ooo... Topotype, with nearly straight ridges. Whitewater fm., Elkhorn Cr., 4 miles south of Richmond, Ind. Collected by C. H. Hill. Aulacera radiata Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -.-22-2....oo-eeeeeeeeeee ee Holotype, showing thin rays of cysts. Richmondian, Anticosti Island. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard University, No. 702A. PPC Ret Pmt. \(ESUNNIIN SS). ek ee Part of lectotype, with surface somewhat weathered, showing short, slightly spiral ridges. Late Richmond, Anticosti Island. Canadian Geol. Surv., No. 2583, Marked “TYPE.” Collected by J. Richardson. BePRICer “NOUMIONS » CDIMINES) | ero ee Topotype, showing large nodes in vertical lines. Upper Ordovician, Anticosti Is. Peabody Mus., Yale University, No. 19556. Pen aCer NOGUMNICHY GHOeTSLG) — o-oo. Se ee ccc el Smal] hypotype, too poorly preserved to furnish a thin section. Basal Liberty fm., 2 miles southwest of Deatsville, Ky. Collected by Ruth G. Browne. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., No. RB74. PP CE Le merin Oi ht (Gl OCTSLG 28 eco 5 a 5 ee Eee each ested eens se elas Hypotype, poorly preserved, showing discontinuous ridges and elongate nodes. Basal Liberty fm., 2 miles southwest of Deats- ville, Ky. Collected by Ruth G. Browne. No. RB20. Dearie Cy tinrica (HOCTStG) oec20 coool es nce aces cecncnnececewennesteveeceeee Hypotypes, curved specimens, showing lack of nodeg and ridges. Basa] Liberty fm., 2 miles southwest of Deatsville, Ky. No. RB60, 61. 32 30 34 36 37 38 102 Figure 1. ne BULLETIN 194 Explanation of Plate 13 All figures natural size Dermatostroma scabrum: (James) ............... 2 eee Hypotype, showing monticules and papillae. Upper Ordovician, Richmond gr., Kentucky end of bridge, Madison, Ind. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., No. 5076, siide 299-50. Dermatostroma ? glyptum (Foerste) _2........0000222oooceeeceeee ee Topotype, showing surface ridges and papillae. Whitewater fm., Dutch Cr., Clinton Co., Ohio. Coll. by G. M. Austin. Mus. Paleont., University of Michigan, No. 7665, slide 01-21. Dermatostroma ? escanabaense Galloway and Ehlers, n. sp. ........ Holotype, attached to Cystostroma minimum, showing irregular surface with small papillae. Black River or Trenton, Escanaba River, Delta Co., Mich. Collected by Dr. Car] Rominger. Mus. Paieont., University of Michigan, No. 39449; part in Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slides 308-98, 99. Dermatostroma costatum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ..........-....- Holotype, attached to a largely destroyed Aulacera, showing nearly straight longitudinai ridges and papillae. Lower Liberty fm., Wilson Cr., 2 miles southwest of Deatsville, Ky. Collected by Ruth G. Browne. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., RB11, slides 308-99, 100. Dermatostroma costatum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -_............-- Paratype, ova] in section 2% X 1% inches, attached to a layer of calcite 1-5 mm. thick, in turn attached to a cylindrical Aulacera cylindrica, 20 mm. in diameter, with the outside largely de- stroyed by the parasitic Dendrostroma. Liberty fm., 2 miles southwest of Deatsvilie, Ky. Collected by Ruth G. Browne. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., RB5, slides 308-10, 11. Dermatostroma costatum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ......----...--- Paratype, young specimen, on immature and largely destroyed Aulacera plummeri. Same collection. No. RB52, siides 302-19, 20. Dermatostroma nodoundulatum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. _.- Holotype, showing nodes on nearly vertical costae. The small, abundant papiliae do not show in the figure. Lower Liberty fm., 2 miles southwest of Deatsville, Ky. Collected by Ruth G. Browne, Indiana University Paleo. Coll., No. RB73, slide 302-22. Dermatestroma nodoundulatum Gailoway and St. Jean, n. sp. -.. Paratype, attached to Aulacera plummeri, but spreading onto mud on both sides. Same collection. No. RB75, slides 308-56, 57. Dermatostrema nodoundulatum Galloway and St. Jean _............. Paratype, attached to one side of A. plummeri, spreading out on both edges, with larger ridges and nodes than usual, with papillae. Same coilection, No. RB1, slides 302-24, 27. Dermatostroma coneentricum Galloway and Ehlers, n. sp. -....... Holotype, showing surface with mamelons. Upper Richmond, Blackbridge, 10 miles upstream from Louisville, Ky. Collected by Dr. Carl Rominger. Mus. Paleont., University of Michigan, No. A, slide 01-25. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., sections 302-62, 63. 72 73 74 74 74 75 75 76 PLATE 13 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 INDEX VOLUME XLITI NO. 194 Note: The left hand bold face figures refer to plates, the right hand light face figures refer to pages. A a Cin) 43 Actinostroma .......... Actinostromaria ...... 7 Agawam Station, ICOMEUCKY oc et.cs- 53 Akpatok Island ........ 2G 6 AES ee 6 AIVEOHTES 2.260005... 4:. 50, 66 American Museum of Natural History 58 amsterdamense, Stromatocerium 8 56, 59, 60 , 63 Amsterdam, New Vi ee 46, 59, 60 Ann Arbor, Miechiean:.............. 53, 55, 63, 64 Anostylostroma ...... 7 Anticosti Island .... 6, 21, 29, 30, 34 antiquatus, Cryptophragmus 2 7, 17, 18, 19-21 Appletree Point, Wermont.<....::....:.: 44 arbusculus, Cryptophragmus 18 LE): Tal easy, elk Oe) af 18, 21-39, 74, 75, 76, 77 ewisetn., Gy Mo... .:..:. le australe, Stromatocerium 9 56, 64-66 australe, Stromato- cerium huronense 64 Aylmer, Quebec ...... 17, B bacula, Aulacera .... 27 Baffin Island, PMEHEE - 622... a Peltic-area- 2 ........2.:. 6 Bardstown, Kentucky ............ 36 assier, R. S. .........- 16, 49, 66 Bath County, Kentucky .|.....2:...-.: 68 > Gi eyA eae 41, 42, 43, 44 BGabriCed. (6c. Pee Dees Belk Island, Kentucky’ .........:..-. 63 Bellefonte, Pennsylvania ...... aly Benson, formation, KenUMERY .. ih sc0i2.. 50 Bentonsport, Iowa .. AOE Bernheim Forest, Kentucky: 42.2. 6 bifurcatus, Cryptophragmus 18 Bigby limestone Kentuleky 0.05.5. 1 ta D6 Tennessee ............ 49 Brings ha... ep A S50 | Ae} La 34, 35, 36, 52 Blackbridge, Kentucky. 5.1.5... 78 Black River limestone .............. 46 Black River stage .. 5, 24, 49, 55, 64, 68 Alabama™=..5... 20 Indiana s .3 o 20 Kentucky)... 20 Nirentean Ac: ce 11,74 WESSOUTI 22... 65... 20 New York ........... 20, 46, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62 Ontario: 255 20, 62 Pennsylvania ...... 20 Quebec? one... 20, 46 Tennessee ............ 20 Wermont ss): 62 WAREINIA e.. 20 Bony Falls, Nichigany ss. 16 British Museum of Natural History .. 89 Browne, Ruth G. .... 9, 30, 38, 39, (Dy (6 Bucher, W. H.~....... 16 Bullitt County, Kentucky .......:...... 30 Butts’ Charles .......5.: 19 Ce Cambrian 02.0.0... 1,80 SiWeGiat 7 eer, oe 88 Campbell, Guy ........ Canaan, Indiana ...... Canada, Geological 9, 30, 39, 75 25 Survey of ........ 20 So ones canadense, Stroma- COCEENIM) |. ono. 2 8, 47, 55, 58, 60-62, 64, 87, 89 canadense minimum, Stromatocerium .. 14, 16, 47 canadensis, TApeCHIAY 2 a2. 61 INDEX Canadian Geological Survey Museum .. 52 canaliculatum, Dermatostroma .. 69 Cannon limestone, Tennessee ............ 48, 49 Cape Smyth Manitoulin Island 5S Ontario, 2 aes 50, 52, 53 Capitol Hill, Nash- ville, Tennessee .. 48, 49 Carden township, Ontario i506 19, 20 Carters limestone, Tennessee ............ 11, 14 Casey County, NentuUcKYe ee. 30 Catheys formation .. 50 Tennessee ............ 47, 49, 54 cavernosum, Derma- LOStEOMIA sce 69 CACh azo Wes 41, 42 Chaumont limestone, NWierimonite... 46 chazianum, Pseudo- stylodictyon ...... 6 40, 41 chazianum, Stroma- tocerium lamottense 43 Chazy limestone, NeW YOEK 3.0." 44, 62 WETrmontmass ee Hp db dlsy Gale 42, 43, 44 Chazvane ee vate oe 7, 11, 138, 41-44 Chinawe oot eer 6, 22, 39, 45, 47 Cincinnatian series iS) a5) Kentucky .............. 7A OIG! ee een 68, 70 Tennessee ............ 66 Cincinnati Museum, University of ...... 16, 38, 59 Cladophragmus ...... Clark County, Kentucky (..2.3..... 53 Clarksville, Ohio ... 50, 52, 66, 67 Clavidictyon 7... 25 Club Island, ake Huron vec 26 College Hill limestone, Tennessee ............ 47, 48 Colorado 6 Columbia Quadrangle, Tennessee ............. 47, 49 Columbia, Tennessee 70 concentricum, Der- matostroma 11, 13 69, 76-78 conferta, Monti- CUlatarics ieee 46 conica, Aulacera .... 24, 27, 39 conica, Beatricea .... 38 Connersville, Indiana 50 conosimilis, Beatricea 36 Constellaria beds, Tennessee ............ 49 Cooper, G. Arthur .. 9 corrugata glypta, Labechia .............. 72 corrugata, Labechia val corrugatum, Derma- tostroma .......... 10. 68:69; Fie costatum, Derma- tostroma ....11,13 32, 68, 69, 71, 74, 75, 76, 78 Coutchiching, Ontario ~.si.. 2h 62 Crown Point, NewYork... 22s 46, 60 Cryptophragmus 6, 1051-222: 24, 25 Cumberland River, Kentucky 3 63 Cumings, E. R. ........ 46, 60 cumingsi, Rosenella _.......... 6 45, 46 cylindrica, Aulacera ...... 5, 12 - 25, 27. o0seur 37, 38, 39, 74, 75, 76 cylindrica, Beatricea WUNGulata ses 38 Cynthiana limestone, Kentucky. |. 24.05 54, 62 Cystostroma 7... ee 6, 7,, LOsae En 22, 24, 25, 45, 49, 61, 62, 89 EPICZACS cer, ee 2. “Tiaras 1ONGATAUEN GM. vagy sopra T 11, 12, 14-16, 73, 74 SIMPLEX: =e 1 Td, 12, 13544 vermontense ....1 LIS as D Dayton, sOhio ye 54 Deatsville, Kentucky =. 208 25, 30, 38, 39, 10, 00 Deiss, Charles F. .... 9 de Labech, Sir Henry 47 Delta County, Michigam %. 50a 74 Dermatostroma _...... 6,8; 11, 25; 29, 30, 68-78 canaliculatum ...... 69 cavernosum ......... 69 concentricum ris 69, 76-78 corrugatum ~.... 10 ~=—«68, 69, 71, 72 costatum ....11,13 32:60; 692 75 74, 75, 76, 78 GiVeErsumM —.....060... 69 escanabaense 11,13 68, 69, 73 ,74 INDEX glyptum ...... 10, 13 68, 69, 71, pias 65 nodoundulatum Di, he 32, 69, 71, 75, 76 ottawaense ........... 30, 68, 69, papillatum .......... 30, 68, 69, 70, 71 scabrum ...... 10, 13 69-71 EYEONENSE. ............. 69 0 7, 8, 10, 45, 47 diversum, Derma- fostroma ...:.......... 69 Dutch Creek, Ohio (tay 6 E eatoni, Pseudostylo- MRCtVOR! 5... 5 40, 41, 42, 43 Stromatocerium 41 Einers, G. M.. .......... 9, 63 Elkhorn Creek, ore 6 ae 30 Elkorn Falls, 04ers 54 Elkhorn formation, MEAT. ...3..-.... 0c... 25,.50, 54 Ellis Bay formation, , Anticosti Island .. 61 BE, El Paso, Texas ........ 45 England Lower Silurian .. 46 Wienloeks ....00.4...... 46 escanabaense, Der- matostroma 11,13 68, 69, 73, 74 Escanaba River, WaemMmgan ......:.:.:- 11, 14, 16, 54, 58, 62, 74 Escharopora pavonia 70 Estonia Piro Stage .......... 88 Upper Ordovician 88 F ferax, Plumatalinia . 88 Pasner, A.oG..........5.0. 23 Fisk’s Quarry, Sermon ).0) 5:2... 40, 41 Flanagan formation, mentucky.....)..:..... 16, 50 Flat Rock, Tennessee ............. 48 Fleury Quarry, WETHIONG «2.2008. 42, 43 Flower, Rousseau H. 9, 45, 54 Fligel, Erik ............ 88 Pocrstes A Bs 255, 20, 30, 52 BOOGG wAweH or): 5 4 Fort Ancient member, Ohio .... 67 Fort Cassin, Vermont 46, 62 Frankfort, Kentucky 15, 16, 47, 50 fritzae, Cysto- Stroman ne es 2 tly, Fritz, Madeleine A. 7, G Galloway, J. J......... S13) 28.01 Gamachian age ........ SiooroD Gamachian group, Anticosti Island .. BLS, oS Girvan, Scotland .... 61, 89 glypta, Labechia COPLU Ata fi s2 U2, glyptum, Dermato- Stroma 2... 10, 13 68, 69, 71, Wee des Goodell’s Quarry, Vermont 56.35. fc. 41 Goodell’s Ridge, VEEMONE™ oy, 7.0.08. 41, 42 Gotland, Middle SUM W053. Pet sae: 45 gracilis, Crypto- phracmuUs. 24)... 18 Grand Isle County, WETITONG 4.05.50. 44, 46 granulosum, Stroma- COCERIUM 24.1... 50, 56, 66, 67 granulosus, Alveolites ............ 50, 66 H Haas sOUG eA 9 Haileybury, Ontario bh aa le Hall Fame sues, DDT Harvard University 20 AVES oC Wee 49 Hebertella sinuata 70 Huffman’s Dam, Ohio 54 huronense, ensis australe, Stroma- LOCEEMIM Uo.15.0.. . 64 Raveena re if 6, &, 15, 18; 47, 50-53, 54, 65, 66 SLENODOrA™...2.2...,-< 50 Stromatocerium .. 50, 66 Tetradium 3.0.08 50 EWisseyt ft. G2), oe 9,16 Ry atie fe oe 24 I DUOHANA ae. aa 6,22, 255 26, 30, 35, 37 INDEX Milan. 2s ee 54 Muscatatuck State Farm ...... 52 OSSO00G A eee. 50 Richmond’. 2) HAA AL, PAL 29, 30, 54 Ripley County .... By Saluda formation 25, 27, 29, 30, 50, 52, 54 Switzerland County ive Tri-County Quarry 52 Upper Ordovician ME PAs Gay 50752 Versailles State Rarka ene ye Waynesville formationy i. 54 Whitewater fopmation 2225. 29, 52, 54 indianaense, -is Stromatocerium .. 50 Stromatopora ...... 50 intermedia, ; Aulacera ...... 4,12 252 20,30% 37, 38 Beatricea noduli- LICE) i ig a SO 37 Institute of Mining and Technology, New Mexico ......... 45 Isle La Motte, Vermont: 326 5, 7, 11, 40, 41, 42, 56, 57 J PIS al oie ois oe eee 6 Jefferson County, TGA es ee 52 K ialbsina Ve Ke 88 kayi, Pseudostylo- dictvon.=..4: 45 570 40, 42, 43 Kay; dManshall «7... 9, 13, 43, 44, 46 Kentland Indiana... Dal Wenbucky. eines eae 6,26, 50,32; oD, oo,62,.00 KeOreaiacay. Cte hr ate: 6 Korovinella.. oi). 88 15ST aiay a @ Seer Mae ae 22 L Labech, Sir Henry de 47 Labeehia- 2.0.22 G6, 7,-Sbiale 20, 25, 46-55, 61, 62, 65, 68, 78, 89 Labechiella .............. 6% it Labechiidae ............ 7, 8, 10-78, 88 Lake Huron Club Island .......... 26 Manitoulin Island 30 Ontario= = i278 50, 52 Rabbit Island ...... 26, 21, 30,32 Richmond stage 30 Upper Ordovician 27, 30 Lake Ontario, Ontario iie:..c ee 50 Lake St. John, Quebec ==. 26 Lake Timiskaming, Ontario 5 ee 17 Eahicker <€.1G 23 lamottense chazianum, Stro- matorcerium .... 43 Pseudostylodic- LV ONG eee 40, 41, 42, 43 Stromatocerium .. 40 Lebanon, Kentucky 36, 71 Lebanon limestone, Tennessee ............ PAI Lee County, Wireiniay sae 19.2% leipersense, Stro- matocerium ........ 9 56, 62, 63 Leipers formation 65 Kentucky. .2.255.. 54, 63 Tennessee ............ 64, 66, 70 Leningrad 3.0. 88 Leray beds, Onvarnio-e: <8 58 Liberty formation, Indiana) 2..4 5 sows 25, 27, 30, 54 Kentucky eo... (25: Dieweo: 30, 36, 37, 38, 39, 54, 68, 75, 76 Liskeard formation, Ontario ees aa. o by Lone Mountain, New Mexico ......... 54 Lower Ordovician .. 8 Lower Silurian, BONS ANG tee ice eee 46 Lower Trenton Drift, Michigan .. Louisville, Kentucky Lowville limestone 53, 55, 63, 64 78 New York:! 20 OnGarto os...) eae 20 Pennsylvania ........ 20 Quebee 2F.2...6.605)..4 20 Wiarecunignaene 57a. 20 Loysburg, Virginia 19.2% INDEX M Maclurites beds, REMURTONNG «co.cc. he nsos 44 macrostyla, faaecnia: ....4.!..- 8 47,49, 51, 52, 53-55, 63, 64 mosenella © ............ 45 Madison County, ReNCUCKY ...:........: 30 Madison, Indiana .... 50: S52; 54, 70, 76, 77 . Shh 6 1 SVG 6G. 26,35).57 Richmond stage .. a Stony Mountain formation ........ 35 Manitoulin Island Gape Smyth ........ He Bake Huron «.....2. 30 Marion County, ACEMEUCKY <.......«.. 30, 36, 37 Maysville group Rentueky ............ 53 iit «Ses eee 68, 70 Tennessee ............. 66 McBride Bay, MErMont » .............. 45 MeLaren, DD. J. ........ 9 Miami University .... 70 VEC ara 62 michiganense, Stro- matocerium ........ 9 56, 63, 64, 66, 68 Middlebury College 41, 42, 44 Middle Ordovician 10, 11, 18, 24, 39, 45, 55 GREHTIAS Send, al WeTRUCKY. ..2..........: 14, 47 NimehWican. .............. 63, 74 New: YORK .....00.0.... 6, 46, 55, 56, 58, 59 PNUATG 2. osc)... 17, 19, 47, 58, 60 Pennsylvania ...... 17 UG) ts) 17, 19 siantung .0.7.:..... 39 Tennessee ............ 14, 47 DST EAOTG ou 652.33. Grisle 12.413. 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 Middle Silurian ...... 45 “SCR i ee 45 Milan, Indiana ........ 54 Mill Creek Tennessee ............. 14 emer SA oy Ze minimum, Cystostroma ...... 1 11, 12, 14-16, 73, 74 Stromatocerium .. 49 Stromatocerium canadense ............ 14, 16, 47 IMEISS OUP Tip sg ti Gee 6 Black River stage 20 Monticularia con- FORGA Bee hele 46 Monticulipora .......... 19 montifera, Labechia 50, 51 montoyaense, Pseud- Stylidictyon ........ 6 40, 44, 45 Montoya limestone, Texas 45 specimens: —.4)54 44 Woore RivG. ea 23 Morrow, Ohio ......... 50, 52 Mount Parnassus, Tennessee ............ 70 Winters siete 64, 89 Muscatatuck State Farm, Indiana .... 52 N Nashville group, Tennessee ........ 47 Nashville, Tennes SCC eee ae 14, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 64, 66 Capitol Hill .......... 48, 49 Nelson County, Kentucky 2. 43.3 29, 30 Nestorvl cnc. 88 INGVaGai tn. 6 New Mexico ......... A 6 Institute of Min- ing and Tech- NOLO YS =. eae 45 Lone Mountain .... 54 Silver City 2)...46 54 Upper Ordovician 54 New VOEK, a. 4405 5, 6, 58, 62 Nicholson, H. A. .... Dee os ae. 62, 64, 89 nodoundulatum, Der- matostroma 11, 13 32, 09.74, Vian ile nodulifera Aulacera ...... 4,12 25, 26, 30, 34, 3G,o7, 10 Beatricéa 5.7202. 36 intermedia, Beatricea <2... 37 nodulosa Aulacera .... 4,12 25, 26, 34, 3D; a6 Beatricea: +)... ak 21.25, 0a4, 00 Nolensville Pike, Tennessee ............ 50 Novaya Zemlya ...... 26, 38, 45 Upper Ordovician 38 INDEX .@) Obrutschew, W. A. 88 ONIOE SS ee aes Ge262 305 3500 ohioensis, Labechia 5052 Ontario. won 6, 26, 30, 34 38 Ophelia, Kentucky Ordovician (see lower, middle and upper) Osgood, Indiana .... 50 Ottawa, Ontario .... dye ais) all River, Ontario .... ottawaense, Derma- tOStromiass. =e. 69 Otter Creek, Wermont) Act... 46 Owingsville, Kentucky ............... 68 OZ aka eke ues sae: 26, 78 =) Paleoalveolites paquettensis ...... 14 Pamelia limestone 69 New. York==3. j< 20 Ontario (eee: 20 Quebec eras. 17, 19, 20 papillata, -um, Dermatostroma .... 30, 68, 69, vineral Stromatopora ...... 68 paquettensis, Paleoalveolites .... 14 Paquette Rapids, Ontario "20303... 58, 62 parallelus Crypto- phragmus! 0 18 Parks, WAS oe Dee lis oikgs 55, 58, 62, 64, 65, 66, 71, 72, 89 Pattersonville, New=Yotk 5.2, 62 pavonia, Escharopora 70 Peabody Museum, Yale University aD,08 peichuangensis, AMlaCera 2. Fo... ad (es) Pennsylvania .......... 6 Penquite Run, Ohio 67 Perrys: Ge ene 9 Petersborough, ONTAnIO. | Go ee: 47, 60, 62, 64, 89 Pirgu stage, Estonia 88 platypilae, Stroma- tocerium .......... 10 58, 67, 68 Plomatalmia 00.53: 88 plummeri, Aulacera 3,12 1,21, 23620 26, 27-30, 32, 33, 36, 37, 39, 74, 75 Plummer, John T. .. 5, 21,2223) 25, 27, 29 poshanense, Pseudo- stylodictyon ....... 39, 40 Praeactinostroma .... 8 Pseudolabechia ........ 6:7; 4iRSs Pseudostylodictyon . 6,7, 10. 39-45, 6] pustulosa, -um bed, Stromato- Centum 7. ee 49 Labechia ......... 7 6,'7,,85. 15; 16, 18, 47-50, 52 Stromatocerium .. 16, 47, 49 Stromatopora ...... 47, 48 Q Quebec ais, oe 34 R Rabbit Island, Lake Huron ....... 26, 27, 30, 32 radiata, Aulacera ...... 4,12 26, 28, 32-34 Raymond, P. E. ........ 18, 20, 24 Richardson, J. ....... Sie Richmond, Indiana D, al, 25020 ’ 29, 30, 54 Richmond stage (group)i eee 21, 25, 52,55, ; 64, 66, 68 Anticosti Island 26, 31, doaoe 35, 36, 37 incianars oo. VA Bare 54, 70 LOW aN tee 70 Kentucky 92... 70, 78 Lake Huron ........ 30 NManitObal..co ae 31 Manitoulin Island 50 Michigan... 2c 54 OIG fe a eee 54, 70 Ontanigs- em THATS Sp Ringer, George ........ 9 Ripley County, mndianacwe ees 52 rochensis, Crypto- phrasmus 74 18 Rockland formation New Yorkies c 46 Ontanige 7.22 a0: 58 Rominger, Carl ........ 9, 55, 64, 74, 78 Rosenellay i223. 3... 6.7, 10-0 39, 44, 45, 46, 61, 78 INDEX Rosenellina .............. iW Rowena, Kentucky .. 54, 63 Royal Ontario Museum ................ 17 rugosa, -um, Stromatocerium 8 8, 55, 56-58, 60, 62, 64 Stromatopora .......... 56 tumidum, Stroma- JO CE ae ee 58 USS DAR DORAT VOU: 37, 39, 45, 47, 55, 61 S martord. J. M. ....... 48, 49 SJ S21 ie ee 13e20 St. John, Lake, MINEO 6 e ccs. 28 Saluda formation WGA =. 86... 25, 27, 29, 30, 50, 52, 54 Nriie es SS 50 scabra, -um Dermatostroma 10, 13 69-71 MABECHIA, ............. 69 Stromatopora ....... 69 Schmidt, Bruno M... 9 penmenert, C. ........:. 23, 24 Selerachinia -~............ (hae Scotland, Girvan .... 61 peely. Hs Me... 40, 41, 42, 43, 58 DAMES, 952... 26, 39 Shideler, William LL eS eee 9, 30, 73 Shimer, H. W. ........ Dae DOO CAO pmrpekc. Ro... Da PABA BS Beibretetcta Se Se 6, 38 siberica mualacera: ....)..0.).... 2A Eig Ge 38 Silver City, New Mexico “Le eT ae 7, 10, 47, 52 Lower, England .. 46 WGdle ate. 45 Middle, Gotland 45 simplex, Cystos- 17010 ies 1 PD Ze Sa Simodictyon —..:........ G10) 22525 Sinuata, Hebertella 70 South Hero township, Vermont 46 et g (010101 43, 44 Stenopora huronensis .......... 50 Stony Mountain for- mation, Manitoba 35 Stromatocerium. ...... 6, 8, 11, 49, 52, 54, 55, 68, 89 Stromatopora ........... 7, 47, 48, 50, 68, 69 subcylindrica Labechia- 2.4... 50 Stromatopora ...... 50 suleata, Beatricea .. 30 Switzerland County, PAGAN A ess ek 5 ie T telposensis, Aula- Cease i HE ee: 27 Tennessee _............... (5 USi5 (O74 tenuipunctata, Aulacerary....0.. 27 Tetraqniimy 2s. 52, 64 MEX AStalroe serene. 39 Thamnobeatricea .... 17 Thomas, Dighton .... 87 Timiskaming Lake, ONCAMIO mM cc 1b Trenton, Drift, Michisan =.= 53, 55, 63, 64 Trenton limestone INGWi YOLK: 22s: 46 OWEAGION =.32 5s ce. 60 Trenton stage ........ 49, 52, 55, 58, 64, 69 Kentucky... 14, 15, 16, 47 Michigan +30 2. 11, 16, 62, 74 News York (s.245. 46,60 Ontarton (a. er 47, 62 Tennessee ............. 14 Tri-County Quarry, IMm@vana: ees 52 tumidum Stromatocerium 8 55, OG, 09 Stromatocerium FUSOSUIMT 20: 58 Twenhofel, W. H. .... 2S tyronense, Derma- COSELOMIA: (eee. 69 U Wirieh? EsOs.. 2.8: 49,51 undulata Aulacera ...... 3, la Zoe con Zoee. Beatricea ..3.....-.; Ree PAG | cylindrica, Beatricea: .20./..05...- 38 undulatadirecta, Avlacera.. \.cGsi.5.4 26-55 Ungava Bay, Ak- patok Island ........ 26, 30 INDEX United States Na- tional Museum .... L5G won 63, 64, 66 Upham formation, MOXaS. ON eau ea: 45 Upper Devonian ..... 47 Upper Ordovician . LOLS: 22, 39, 47 Akpatok Island .... 30 Anticosti Island .. 21, 30, 34 EStonias. 6 see 88 indiana ee ee. 2A 2; oD 50, 52 TOWN St ee (al Kentucky .............. Za By O18 37, 38 Lake Huron ......... 27, 30 New Mexico ......... 54 Novaya Zemlya ... 38 ONION Re end 35, 50, 66, 68, 71 Ontarion” 1s. e 17, 34, 50 Quebec ........0......... 34 RRUSSW ae ce. ni a Ot Shantunes sa... 26 Siberiat ie.) hie. 38 Tennessee ............ 64 PRE ASE, eee ee 45 WR Gee Peete re 36 Wrasse na ee ab vemry 6, 36 V Valley View, Kentucky .............. 50 Vanderbilt Uni- VEPSITY 0. Chee. 14 Vauréal formation, Anticosti Island Sky Gy B18 VerMOME ioe kt 6, 39, 58 vermontense, Cystostroma ...... 1 Dig bo 1 Papa 3 Versailles State Park) Indiana. 52 VAI Nee eae 6 WiSGan i ie aina 47 vologdeni Actinos- LEONA, J. ise cose 88 vugaris Aulacera .............. 27 Beatricea .............. 38 WwW Walker, Frank H. .... 68 Walker Museum, University of Chicago: <4. 43.82 50, 67 Warren County, OHIO: 2) okie 50, 70 Watertown, New VOB A ce Ce cs eee 46, 55, 56, 58 Wayne: W. Ji 9 Waynesville formation Indvana. <7..Ae4 ae 54 Kentucky _............ 54 Ohio teiee Sea ae 50, 52, 54, 66, 67,70 Waynesvile, Ohio .... 50,51) 32 Wells, J. Wi. ..e fil Wenlock, England... 46 Whitewater formation indiana ee ee 29, 52, 54 OO y 5s. eee 71, (2s Whittington, H. B.. 9, 20 Wilmington, Ohio . 52, 40 le (PATE Wilson, Alice E. .... 9, 20, 31, 35 Wilson, Charles AAT, SVs ac knee 9, 14, 49 Wilson Creek, . Kentucky _............ 25, 0, aon 75, 46 Winchester, Kentucky =.4... 4 5D woyuensis, Rosenella .............. 46 Way OMNI. ete 6 Y Yale University Peabody Museum 3h. a4 VYavorsky, V. 1 (238 7, 24, 26, 75, 88 BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY x ----- VOL. XLII NUMBER 195 1961 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U.S. A. SAT HSONis S 7 4 ‘ts ‘ < : Lea ae | My hired i d PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH a STITUTION Ve 1960-61 na AV PRESIDEN (1 lest Stile neat Waedacacar bene eod vc NORMAN E. WEISBORD VICE-PRESIDENT «2... jcc. PSM A INNA MO ye NING TPM ta, Bb Joun W. WeELis lM SECRETARY- TREASURER 0.0/0.) ecp,lissessaryenassorsitebeteeekivivsscitllles see REBECCA, S. HARRIS I PISIRBCTORG) il At s Uh ok oie elear tice Paid aha Pe cee iteag EWN .... KATHERINE V. W. PALMER) GOUNSBE call... loli. PN CEM AMO TT V2 1/0 oe aN LAE A Sa ARMAND L. ADAMS ) i REPRESENTATIVE AAAS COUNCIL ).....:..)esi(seceecaieeeet) cites KENNETH E. CASTER h Trustees iy KENNETH E, CASTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) RALPH A. LIDDLE (1956-62) — ReBecca S. Harris (Life) AXEL A. OLSSON (Life) ) SOLOMON, C. HoLuisTER (1959-1965) NorMAN E. WEISBORD (1957-63) h JoHN W. Weis (1958-64) mera!) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALONT a f ; | and | | ri i PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA a KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor , ? | a Mrs. FAy Brices, Secretary : i’ Ygortory Board a KENNETH E, CASTER Hans KuGLER | ia A. Myra KEEN | Jay GLENN /Marxs" 700g P alt Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on . application. All volumes available except vols. I-WI, VIII, X, XII, hap XV of | Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price — of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per M issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. \ / ig By For sale by Ae t Paleontological Research Institution | b 109 Dearborn Place ‘4 Ithaca, New York hha ( re USS.A. ; an ee BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 43 No. 195 NAMES OF AND VARIATION IN CERTAIN INDO-PACIFIC CAMERINIDS—NO. 2. A REPLY By W. STORRS COLE Cornell University January 16, 1961 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. ye Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 61-306 7% = = - i ca : eee i‘ a : = : a 4 \ } ; | Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Page CLS SERLSE oc cconjoccdbeetcoe lt oceee Hee O Oe MMeaee co nN TOe ceeC itil SUPE ERDSHGNT, —2ccleo hsljec ss ee eG gee REINO ital CS EELETLES os ncogdianlags eat kts aes NO EDN eet tae ea ee a ILL 3} (Lt P RES DL HBIEAIBIOVGY oc dace nee a En 113 2 LAS LE SEED | cccet cho olla Sat eta rN te a 114 MEMEO OAIZCTING AID TLONOLTACS 0. jovcscsceheessuatvyvs sansenesvagessinsesbonsineivensiaversvsseee 118 meemeaspcenmens trom the ehilippine Islamds: 2.2... isc. ess ccs seen se i nasegn esto toenne 120 Memmerinag complanata and Camerina DAartSCD1 o.....sccccc0cccnsneccsscescnecenseeseveevosevnesevenns 120 22 EZ EISESIG IT. cacacesa dees ole oe et ees ea lep i etaA NOU al es noe ee 123 TE EEPUEPE GIG) ed ised ect call Saree eae Ge tC 123 MI I Tne Os En had etedtenielain Maat sans «aidtioodcomwee oie eaanedeBacs DS, SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION FEB ! 4 1989 NAMES OF AND VARIATION IN CERTAIN INDO-PACIFIC CAMERINIDS—NO. 2. A REPLY.* W. Storrs CoLe Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. AN ESIURINC IE This discourse presents additional evidence for the modification of the traditional classification of camerinids with undivided median chambers and is, in part, a reply to Smout and Eames (1960) who disagreed with the classification of certain Indo-Pacific species presented by Cole (1959). Whereas Smout and Eames recognize seven species as- signed to two genera, an attempt is made to demonstrate that there are only three species belonging to one genus. The causes of the variation between individuals in a given species are discussed and applied to series of specimens. INTRODUCTION Many years ago in one of the first discourses on variation in American species of larger Foraminifera Vaughan (1933, p. 6) wrote: ‘‘Variation in several species of Lepidocyclina is discussed in some detail on subsequent pages... The amount of variation in many species of orbitoids is bewilder- ing. Because of such variation and the difficulty of defining certain species, I have for years delayed publication on some of them. It would be expect- ing too much to hope that all interpretations made in this paper will re- main unchallenged or unchanged. A more reasonable hope is that this study may help in a very difficult kind of research.” Although Vaughan had available the published conclusions of many workers and vast numbers of specimens in his own collection, there still remained much to be discovered concerning variation as most of the species not only of the orbitoids, but also of the other larger Foraminifera, had not been investigated in sufficient detail. In the years that have intervened Vaughan, Vaughan and Cole, and Cole among others have carried forward these studies. Recently, Cole (1953; 1958a; 1958b; 1959; 1960) published a series of studies on variation in the camerinids both at the generic and the specific levels. He (1960, p. 189) decided that “...the only valid genera which can be distinguished by internal structure are Camerina and Miscellanea” in the camerinids with undivided chambers. In part this conclusion was based on a detailed study (Cole, 1959) of certain Recent and fossil species from the Indo-Pacific region. As Vaughan predicted would be the case, certain interpretations which Cole (1953, p. 32; 1959) made have been challenged by Nagappa (1959) and by Smout and Eames (1960). Cole (1960) refuted the arguments of *The cost of the printed plates was supplied by the William F. E. Gurley Foundation for paleontology of Cornell University. Li 2 BULLETIN 195 Nagappa, and in this discourse an attempt will be made to invalidate the objections raised by Smout and Eames. Although criticism is salutory and should be encouraged in all fields of human endeavor, and especially in science, one should expect that the criticism would be objective, logical, imaginative, and above all, informa- tive. Moreover, the presentation of new data rather than a rearrangement of data already published would make any criticism vital rather than a sterile compilation of opinion from pre-existing data. Therefore, for this reply to Smout and Eames (1960) I have prepared additional photomicrographs of external views and thin sections of certain critical species. In addition to my own considerable collection I have had made available to me through the courtesy of the U. S. National Museum Recent specimens from the Philippine area actually identified by Cushman (1921). Cole (1959, p. 356) wrote: “In most cases thin sections were prepared from each of the variants. In the explanation of the plates a reference is given after each thin section to the variant which duplicates the external appearance of the specimen from which the thin section was made.” It should be re-emphasized that suites of specimens which had identical ex- ternal appearance were selected from each population. From each suite a specimen was preserved for the external appearance, whereas other, but identical, specimens were ground either for transverse sections or median sections. This practice was followed in preparing additional sections, some of which are illustrated. Therefore, it is difficult to understand why Smout and Eames (1960) should disregard this stated association of external views with the thin sec- tions and place certain specimens in one species, but relegate the corre- sponding thin section to another species. On plate 28 (Cole, 1959) a specimen was illustrated as figure 2. The transverse section from an identical specimen was shown as figure 15, plate 30 and the corresponding median section was given as figure 5 on plate 30. Smout and Eames (1960, p. 111) assigned the transverse section (Cole’s fig. 15, pl. 30) to Operculinella cf. O. striatoreticulata (Rutten), a middle to upper Eocene American species. They placed the other two specimens which were identical with the specimen from which the transverse section was made under Operculinella venosa. In a similar manner the transverse section on plate 29, figure 5 was assigned to Operculina gaymardi although the corresponding photomicro- INDO-PACIFIC CAMERINIDS: COLE 113 graph of the external view (fig. 9, pl. 28) and that of the median section (fig. 8, pl. 30) were referred by them to Operculinella venosa. The specimens discussed are deposited in the Cole collection at Cornell University and will be transferred eventually to the U. S. National Museum. ILOXG NINES Recent material Locality 1. Albatross station D5141, latitude 6° 09’ 00” N., longitude Oh 8/000) seewat ardepumor 29) fathoms: 2. Albatross station D5142, latitude 6° 06’ 10” N., longitude 121° 02’ 40” E., at a depth of 21 fathoms. 3. Albatross station D5134, latitude 6° 44’ 45” N., longitude 121° 48’ 00” E., at a depth of 25 fathoms. 4. Tacloban Anchorage, Philippine Islands. §. Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides, through the courtesy of Mrs. Esther R. Applin. Fossil material 6. Station IS-F 310a-56, Ishigaki-shima, Yaeyamagunto Ryukyu- retto; deposit of gray sandy clay exposed in the north bank of the east branch of the Nagura-gawa about 2.45 miles from the mouth of the river (reference: Cole, 1959, p. 350). 7. Nak6shi, Haneji-mura, Okinawa-jima, through the courtesy of the late T. Wayland Vaughan (reference: Yabe and Hanzawa, 1925, p. 39). 8. L 444, Oneata, Lau Islands, Fiji (reference: Ladd and Hoff- meister, 1945, p. 90). GAUSESVOE VARTATION Individuals of a given species of Foraminifera may differ from each other because of genetic influences or because of environmental controls. It may be assumed that individual variation within a given species in a population from one locality is controlled by plasticity within the species, whereas differences in a given species collected from different ecological situations are influenced in addition by external or environmental controls. Vaughan (1933, p. 7) wrote: “The variations presented by some spe- cies of Lepidocyclina suggest that the phenomena may be fundamentally similar to the variations obtained by Jennings in his experimental study of Difflugia corona. This work of Jennings should be studied by everyone who 14 BULLETIN 195 is engaged in taxonomic work on foraminifera... From the accounts given in this paper of variation in single lots of specimens of species of Lepidocy- clina and from work such as that of Jennings, it is obvious that to attach a different specific name to every variant in a lot of specimens of Lepidocyclina is an absurdity.” Although Vaughan was concerned at that time with species of Lepidocyclina, it should be obvious that these observa- tions can be applied to any species. Heron-Allen (1915, p. 262) in describing the development of the tests of Foraminifera which were maintained in aquaria observed: “...in a tank in which I cultivated many generations of Massilina secans (d’Orbigny) in my laboratory at Selsey, in which the salinity was kept at a fixed standard by the addition of fap water (from my own wells) which was markedly hard owing to the presence of lime, some interesting and extraordinary modifications of the shells were brought about. In this case, far from the shells becoming weak and hyaline, they had a tendency to add striae and ridges of secondary shell-substance upon the surface of the shell, and marked carinations and denticulations round its periphery . . .” Thus, there is abundant evidence not only from the observations cited, but also from other sources that variation between individual specimens may be controlled either by genetic factors or by environment. Although the paleontologist cannot study interbreeding populations, he should be able to make deductions particularly when he has abundant and well-pre- served material for study. In a study of American middle and upper Eocene species of Operculi- noides (== Camerina) Cole (1958, p. 191) observed that individuals of a given species from shales had smaller, more delicate, and fragile tests than did individuals of this same species from limestone. He postulated that these differences resulted from environmental controls. This deduction re- garding the fossil specimens is substantiated by the experiment of Heron- Allen with the cultures which he maintained. CLASSIFICATION Smout and Eames (1960) used the specific names Operculina gaymardi Deshayes, O. ammonoides (Gronovius), O. hanzawai Smout and Eames, and Operculinella venosa (Fichtel and Moll) for specimens which Cole (1959) classified as Operculina ammonoides. The specimens which Cole identified as Operculina venosa were reclassified by Smout and Eames as Operculinella cumingii (Carpenter). INDO-PACIFIC CAMERINIDS: COLE 115 Two separate but interlocking problems are involved in the different uses of the nomenclature. The first one is the definition of “Nautilus” venosus Fichtel and Moll. The second problem is a broader one inasmuch as it is concerned with the definition of genus and species in the broad sense. Although much has been written concerning the species ‘Nawtilas”’ venosus, the types have not been redescribed to my knowledge. Therefore, one must depend on the type figure. This figure is similar to specimens from the Philippine area (figs. 18, 19, Pl. 14) originally described by Car- penter as Am phistegina cumingii. However, other specimens from the Indo- Pacific (figs. 20-22, Pl. 14) somewhat resemble the type illustration of “Nautilus” venosus. Although Camerina “cumingii” (figs. 18, 19, Pl. 14) is a distinct species, the question arises whether the other involute specimens (figs. 13- 17, 20-22, Pl. 14) are another species, or whether this kind of specimen belongs at one end of a gradational series which includes evolute specimens known as Camerina ammonoides (figs. 1-12, Pl. 14). The type illustration of C. venosa is an involute specimen with wavy sutures, several of which bifurcate. Most specimens of C. “cumingii’’ pos- sess sutures which bifurcate, and at one time I considered this to be a specific character which could be used to prove that C. “cumingii” and C. venosa were the same. However, certain of the other kind of involute specimens occasionally have sutures which bifurcate (see: fig. 20, top and right side, fig. 22, upper left side, Pl. 14). Thus, this characteristic can not be used to define C. venosa. However, the type illustration of C. venosa has wavy, unbeaded su- tures which are limbate and the test is completely involute. Therefore, it is similar to the external appearance of C. “cumingii.” The other kind of specimens has more regularly recurved sutures which normally are beaded or have a tendency to bead. The umbonal area has a distinct set of small bosses, and in the majority of the tests the spiral wall of the final volution does not cover the umbonal area (figs. 20-22, Pl. 14). The sutures are much narrower than those of C. cumingii. Chapman and Parr (1937, p. 291) clearly stated these differences in their study and concluded that C. “cumingii’” was a synonym of C. venosa, a conclusion which is correct from the information available. Smout and Eames (1960, p. 111, 112) retained the species “Oper- culinella cumingi’ and used the name Camerina venosa for specimens simi- 116 BwWreERIN LOS lar to those illustrated as figures 20-22, Plate 14. They state in separating this kind of specimen from Camerina ammonoides that “O. venosa has a thinner marginal cord, thinner chamber walls; also flattened polar regions, with the return to the margin at an obtuse angle to them. O. ammonoides has evolute chambers, while all but the last whorl of O. venosa are strongly evolute.”’ If the illustration (fig. 8, Pl. 15) of a specimen which was assigned by them to O. venosa is compared with a specimen of the evolute kind (fig. 11, Pl. 15) it will be found that both specimens have the same internal structure and differ only in the kind of coiling. As the kind of coiling is variable and complete gradation can be demonstrated, the separation used by Smout and Eames can not be maintained. The specimens to which they apply the name O. venosa belong to the Camerina ammonoides series. The gradation which occurs in this series will be discussed in detail later in this discourse. Smout and Eames (1960, p. 112) argue that the genus Operculinella Yabe, 1918, based on Am phistegina cumingii (= Camerina venosa) should be retained, or another generic name substituted for it as they wrote: “Cole (1958) showed that there is insufficient difference between Operculinella and Operculinoides for generic distinction. He preferred to use Operculi- noides, but Operculinella is obviously the senior name and the one of these two that should be conserved. Its actual validity is doubtful, however, and the possible prior synonyms will be discussed elsewhere.” Seemingly, an attempt will be made to re-establish Palaeonummulites Schubert, 1908, based on Nummulina pristina Brady, 1874, as Eames ef al (1960, p. 448) wrote: “Palaconummulites ...is regarded as a prior syno- nym of both Operculinella Yabe 1918 and Operculinoides Hanzawa 1935.” However, the illustrations of Nummulina pristina are so similar to those of specimens assigned to Operculinella that the name Palaconummu- lites can not be used as a prior name if the thesis is accepted that Oper- culinella is a synonym of Camerina (Cole, 1960, p. 196). As Cole (1960) has given recently adequate proof that the former division of the camerinids without subdivision of the chambers has been based upon specific rather than generic characteristics, little can be added here. However, that discourse was not available to Smout and Eames at the time they wrote their paper. Inasmuch as they emphasized the retention of the genus Operculinella, it might be pertinent to discuss the status of this genus in more detail. INDO-PACIFIC CAMERINIDS: COLE iealiy7, Smout and Eames (1960, p. 112) wrote: “The genus represented by O perculinella is, however, an important one. The numerous small nummu- loid species that occur in the Tertiary and Quaternary can be classified rapidly as evolute or at least partially involute with a negligible proportion of cases of real difficulty. To ignore this traditional distinction would in- crease the number of species of Operculina to the point where, as in Nummulites, they become very difficult to comprehend.” As a dissent from this viewpoint it should be stated that the structure and form of many of the Tertiary to Recent specimens traditionally classi- fied under various generic names, such as Operculinella, is identical with that of other specimens from the Eocene and Oligocene traditionally classi- fied as Camerina. Thus, one had to determine the stratigraphic level from which the specimen was obtained before it could be assigned to a genus. If a narrow, unimaginative viewpoint is maintained with regard to the classification of animals into genera and species, divisions will result which are artificial and empirical. The end product of such a classification is the proliferation of “form” genera and species without regard to the rela- tionship of these animals in nature. The superficial “form” of the individual specimen which is selected at random as the type of the species may become the dominant factor upon which a generic classification later is based. Types are essential to the classification, but only as a frame of refer- ence which must be expanded as data is accumulated. “Form” genera and species also have their place in any paleontological classification because it is impossible in many cases to demonstrate that interbreeding would occur, and also where the natural position of the individuals can not be determined because of the lack of sufficient observation. However, with sufficient data, even without the benefit of applying the criteria of interbreeding and an analysis of the soft parts, it should be possible to postulate natural relations to a greater degree than has been done by many taxonomists. Smout and Eames (1960, p. 112) wrote: “it is only in the case of Operculina gaymardi and O. ammonoides that intergradation is found, and even then-the use of two names is convenient.” To me the maintenance of two names not only conceals the relationship between the individual specimens of a single population, but also is less convenient than the use of one name inasmuch as many individual specimens must be arbitrarily as- signed to one or the other species. 118 BULLEN [95 Moreover, they deny the existence of intermediate specimens between the specimens selected as representative of other species which they define as they wrote (p. 112): ‘“The existence of intermediate specimens . . . is not firmly established, nor is there proof of continuous variation between evo- lute and partially evolute species.” Sufficient photomicrographs have been published to demonstrate that the gradation is complete and that it is impossible to separate the individ- uals of the series in question except by subjective and artificial decisions so that many specimens would be classified as one species by a competent worker, whereas another equally competent authority would place these same specimens in another species and genus. The end result of artificial and subjectively determined divisions is chaos so far as either the classification or the practical use of genera and species in stratigraphy is concerned. On the other hand if genera and species are based on a natural classification which recognizes variation and inter- gradation, it is possible to determine the geographic and stratigraphic ranges of the genera and species and to use them for correlation with some degree of assurance. VARIATION IN CAMERINA AMMONOIDES Smout and Eames (1960) in the rearrangement of the specimens as- signed by Cole (1959) to the species “Operculina” ammonoides decided that the transverse section (Cole, 1959, pl. 29, fig. 5) which was made from a specimen similar to the one illustrated as figure 9, plate 28 (Cole, 1959) should be assigned to “Operculina”’ gaymardi, whereas the uncut specimen should be placed under the species ‘“O perculinella” venosa. Therefore, another specimen from the suite from which these speci- mens were selected originally was chosen and a transverse section was cut (figs. 7, 9, Pl. 15). This section was photographed X 20 for comparison with figure 5, plate 29 (Cole, 1959). The only difference which can be observed is that the second specimen is slightly thicker through the center. This specimen (fig. 7, Pl. 15) also was photographed X 40 (fig. 9, Pl. 15). A specimen (fig. 8, pl. 29, Cole, 1959) assigned to “O.” ammo- noides by Cole, but to “Operculinella” venosa by Smout and Eames (1960, p. 111), was rephotographed X 40 for comparison. In addition a specimen from Nak6shi which was similar to the specimen (fig. 17, Pl. 14) was made into a transverse section (fig. 10, Pl. 15) and a specimen from Espiritu Santo was cut for a transverse section (fig. 11, Pl. 15). INDO-PACIFIC CAMERINIDS: COLE 119 If the illustrations (figs. 8-11, Pl. 15) of these four specimens are studied, the similarities in internal structure, such as the wall structure, marginal cord, and axial plugs, are apparent. It should be noted here for those who have not made and studied thin sections that the axial plug may appear to be absent, or it may appear only at one side. This is the result of the position of the section. Moreover, the thickness of the axial plug is governed in part by the position of the section. Although the internal structures are identical in these specimens, the shape of the test varies from completely involute (fig. 8, Pl. 15) to slightly evolute (fig. 105 Pl. 15) to evolute m the final whorl (fig. 9, Pl. 15) to evolute (fig. 11, Pl. 15). As the kind of coiling is reflected in the develop- ment of the alar prolongations, the completely involute specimen has long alar prolongations which extend to the axial plugs, whereas the evolute specimen is without alar prolongations and the partly evolute specimen (fig. 9, Pl. 15) has alar prolongations in the initial part, but lacks these in the final volution. Inasmuch as Smout and Eames (1960, p. 110) assigned the specimens from Nak6shi (Cole, 1959, pl. 28, fig. 3; pl. 29, fig. 9; pl. 30, fig. 4) which Cole had identified as “Operculina” ammonoides to a new species which they named Operculina hanzawai, additional specimens were studied (figs. 2-17, Pl. 14; figs. 2-5, 10, Pl. 15) and sectioned. In their discussion of this new species Smout and Eames (1960, p. 111) state: “The increased development of the alar prolongations of the chambers in the later whorls is, however, characteristic of neither species [O. ammonoides and O. venosa as interpreted by them] and cannot be sat- isfactory evidence of gradation between species.’’ However, as the length of the alar prolongations is a function of the kind of coiling, it should vary with individual specimens depending on the amount of overlap of the spiral wall. Figure 2, Plate 15 is identical with figure 9, plate 29 (Cole, 1959). Four additional transverse sections from Nak6shi (figs. 3-5, 10, Pl. 15) are illustrated and numerous external views (figs. 2-17, Pl. 14) are given. These should demonstrate that there is complete gradation from specimens with long alar prolongations to those without alar prolongations (figs. 4, Ser l. 15). This series from NakOshi integrates with the ones from Espiritu Santo (figs. 8, 11, Pl. 15) and Ishigaki-shima (fig. 9, Pl. 15) through the speci- men illustrated as figure 11, Plate 15 which is the same as figure 3, Plate 15 120 BULLETIN 195 and through figure 10, Plate 15 which is essentially the same as figure 8, lense I15- The most evolute and compressed specimen (fig. 5, Pl. 15) from Nak6shi from which a transverse section was made is similar in all respects to the specimen from Ishigaki-shima (Cole, 1959, fig. 4, pl. 29) which Cole identified as “O.” ammonoides, but which Smout and Eames (1960, p. 110) reclassified as Operculina gaymardi. It is apparent that this speci- men (fig. 5, Pl. 15) interconnects in structure with the other specimens from Nak6shi, Espiritu Santo, and Ishigaki-shima assigned to Camerina ammonoides, and it can not be considered a distinct species. RECENT SPECIMENS FROM” THE PEMEIPPINE SISsigaiNies In the representative lots of specimens from the Philippine Islands identified by Cushman (1921) the following observations may be helpful. Specimens identified as Operculina discoidalis (d’Orbigny) are Camerina ammonoides, one of which is illustrated (fig. 1, Pl. 14). Specimens iden- tified as Operculina granulosa Leymerie are also Camerina ammonoides and one (fig. 23, Pl. 14) is illustrated. This specimen is identical with one from Apia Harbor, Uporu, Samoa Islands, illustrated by Yabe and Hanzawa (1925, fig. 13, Pl. 5). Operculina elegans Cushman (1921, p. 381) is al- most identical with the specimen from Nak6shi illustrated as figure 8, Plate 14 and is identified as Camerina ammonoides. Most, if not all, of the specimens identified by Cushman (p. 375) as Operculina gaimairdi @Orbigny are Camerina bartschi. Recently Graham and Militante (1959) published a report on Recent Foraminifera from the Puerto Galera area in northern Mindoro, Philippine Islands. On plate 12 they gave excellent illustrations of the Camerina which they found. Their figures 1-4, 7 and possibly figure 5 are C. ammonoides and figure 6 is C. venosa. CAMERINA COMPLANATA AND CAMERINA BARTSCHI “Operculina” bartschi Cushman (1921, p. 376) is a Recent species from the Philippine area, the type illustration of which is a sketch. Cole (1959, fig. 16, pl. 28) photographed a specimen to illustrate the external appearance. Smout and Eames (1960, p. 110) decided that this specimen should be referred to Operculina gaymardi Deshayes. In addition they (p. 113) assigned other specimens (Cole, 1959, fig. 16, pl. 29; fig. 2, pl INDO-PACIFIC CAMERINIDS: COLE Dab 31) from Oneata, Lau Islands, Fiji, identified by Cole as O. complanata, to O. gaymardi. Yabe and Hanzawa (1925) identified specimens from Nak6shi as Operculina bartschi and gave an excellent series of illustrations. As the late T. Wayland Vaughan had presented me with a suite of these specimens a transverse section (fig. 3, Pl. 16) and a median section (fig. 8. Pl. 16) were prepared. Additional sections (figs. 1, 4, 5, Pl. 16) were made from specimens from Oneata and from the Philippine area (figs. 2, 6, 9, Pl. 16). These illustrations should be compared with those of Camerina complanata given by Cole (1959, figs. 3, 4, pl. 31). All of these sections are similar except some have larger embryonic chambers. Smout and Eames (1960, p. 109) emphasized the size of the initial chamber as a specific feature of Camerina complanata as they noted ““... the comparatively large megalosphere measuring about 0.35 mm. in diameter. Cole’s pl. 29, fig. 16 may be this species but his pl. 31, fig. 2 has a small megalosphere and in this feature, the shape of the septa and the pace of the spire, the specimen agrees with the most laxispiral variants of Oper- culina gaymardi.” The measurements of the embryonic chambers of certain of these specimens are given in Table I. Table 1—Measurements of the embryonic chambers of Camerina complanata PI, 16, PI. 16, Pl. 16, pl. ules pl. 31,% aye, Ul fig. 8 fig. 9 fig. 3 ie D Diameters of initial chamber.....@ 80x80 130x150 50x50 280x310 100x110 Diameters of second chamber ...@ 60x150 80x180 25x70 160x350 50x90 Distance across both chambers...“ 180 220 85 460 170 * Cole, 1959. Several additional median sections were made from the original suite of specimens from which the specimen illustrated by figure 3, plate 31 (Cole, 1959) was obtained. The embryonic chambers vary in size from specimen to specimen. The smallest observed diameter across both chambers was 260y. Thus, the embryonic chambers in these specimens vary from 260 to 460. 122 BULLETIN 195 Yabe and Hanzawa (1925, fig. 12, pl. 7) figured a specimen identified as Operculina bartschi from NakOshi which as near as can be estimated has embryonic chambers which have a diameter across both chambers of about 400 ». Thus, from two median sections from Nak6shi the range in diameter across both embryonic chambers is 220 to 400 p. The specimens from Nak6shi in external appearance are identical with those identified as O. bartschi from the Philippine area (compare fig. 16, pl. 28, Cole, 1960, with fig. 11, pl. 6, Yabe and Hanzawa, 1925). The internal structure of the specimens from NakOshi (figs. 3, 8, Pl. 16), ex- cept for the size of the embryonic chambers, is identical with specimens (figs. 2, 6, 9, Pl. 16) from the Philippine area. However, the specimens of O. bartschi from Nak6shi in internal structure resemble specimens from Ishigaki-shima (figs. 3, 4, pl. 31, Cole, 1960) which were identified by Cole as O. complanata and accepted by Smout and Eames (1960, p. 109). The major difference between the specimens identified as O. bartschi from Nak6shi and those assigned to O. complanata from Ishigaki-shima is in the external appearance as the specimens identified as O. bartschi have beaded surfaces, whereas those identified as O. complanata have smooth surfaces. The specimens from Oneata, Lau Islands, Fiji (figs. 1, 4, 5, Pl. 16) represent the same kind of specimens previously identified as O. com planata by Cole (11945, p. 278; figs. D=G, pl 12; figs. F=1, pl. 113) 19se separa fig. 16, pl. 29; fig. 2, pl. 31). The internal structure of these specimens (figs. 1, 4, 5, Pl. 16) is the same as that of O. bartschi (ies. 2, 6,9, Plato from the Philippine area. These specimens differ, however, in external ap- pearance as the specimens from Oneata have smooth surfaces, whereas those from the Philippine area have beaded surfaces. Cole (19580, p. 193) suggested “that the degree of beading is an in- dividual rather than a specific character and is controlled to some extent by environmental factors.” The experiment of Heron-Allen (1915, p. 262) substantiates this observation. Therefore, specimens identified previously as O. bartschi are ecologic variants of Camerina complanata. If this is the case, O. bartschi is a synonym of Camerina com planata. However, if the size of the embryonic chambers is to be a governing factor in identification at least three species should be recognized, that is, one species for each population. The size of the embryonic chambers as well as the total size of the test is variable in most species of larger Foraminifera. Therefore, size is not a critical specific character. _ INDO-PACIFIC CAMERINIDS: COLE 123 CONCLUSION If the thesis developed in this discourse is accepted and applied to the vast host of species which have been proposed, the nomenclature would be simplified and a classification would result which not only would more nearly approximate conditions in nature but also would be of more exact use in stratigraphy. It is impossible under present conditions to use species in the majority of cases for correlation as the same species commonly mas- querades under many names. Nor has sufficient attention been given to the fact that many species are only ecologic variants, and, therefore, not true species. Smout and Eames (1960) recognize seven species, all of which seem- ingly have similar, if not identical, geographic and stratigraphic ranges. Moreover, they place these species in two genera. The interpretation devel- oped in this discourse is that there are only three species, namely, Camerina ammonoides, C. complanata, and C. venosa, belonging to one genus. Two lineages are represented, the C. venosa and the C. complanata ones, with C. ammonoides representing a sublineage of the C. venosa lineage. The concepts expressed herein may be revolutionary, but if they stim- ulate work which leads eventually to a clarification of the classification of the camerinids the purpose of this discourse will be accomplished. Vaughan’s preliminary work in 1933 has had this result with the classification of the American species of the Lepidocyclina. Although over 200 species and vari- eties had been proposed, detailed work has reduced the number of species significantly so that at present about 28 species are recognized. It is not expected that all taxonomists will agree with the proposals set forth here as there have been and always will be the “lumpers” and the “splitters.” But as data are accumulated and as workers attain experience in taxonomic work, the tendency to subdivide becomes less pronounced, and, thereby, a more natural classification evolves. MOBS IMONE MIN BID) Chapman, F., and Parr, W. J. 1938. Australian and New Zealand species of the foraminiferal genera Operculina and Operculinella. Roy Soc. Victoria, Proc. v. 50, Pt. I, n. ser., p. 279-299, pls. NG. 175 7atext tgs. Cole, W. S. 1945. Larger Foraminifera of Lau, Fiji. Bernice P. Bishop Mus., Bull. 181, p. 272- 297, pls. 12-30. 124 BULLETIN 195 1953. Criteria for the recognition of certain assumed camerinid genera. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 35, No. 147, p. 27-46, pls. 1-3. 19584. Names of and variation in certain American larger Foraminifera—No. 1. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 38, No. 170, p. 179-213, pls. 18-25. 1958b. Names of and variation in certain American larger Foraminifera, particu- larly the camerinids—No. 2. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 38, No. 173, p. 261-284, pls. 32-34. 1959. Names of and variation in certain Indo-Pacific camerinids. Bull. Amer. Pallaoraten, Wo 395 IN@, IB, js 9-371, jolls, 2B=3 1. 1960. The genus Camerina. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 41, No. 190, p. 189-205, pls. 23-26. Cushman, J. A. 1921. Foraminifera of the Philippine and adjacent seas. U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 100, v. 4, p. 1-608, 100 pls., 52 text figs. Eames, F. E., Banner, F. T., Blow, W. H., and Clarke, W. J. 1960. Mid-Tertiary stratigraphical Palacontology. Nature, v. 185, No. 4711, p. 447, 448. Graham, J. J., and Militante, P. J. 1959. Recent Foraminifera from the Puerto Galera area, northern Mindoro, Philip- pines. Stanford Univ. Publ., Geol. Sci., v. 6, No. 2, p. 1-170, 19 pls., 8 tables, 2 text figs. Heron-Allen, E. 1915. Contributions to the study of the bionomics and reproductive processes of the Foraminifera. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, v. 206, ser. B, p. 227-279, pills, 1Ssi18. Nagappa, Y. 1959. Notes on Operculinoides Hanzawa, 1935. Palaeont., v. 2, Pt. I, p. 156-160, pls. 21-23. Smout, A. H., and Kames, F. E. 1960. The distinction between Operculina and Operculinella. Cushman Found. Foram. Res., v. 11, Pt. 4, p. 109-114. Vaughan, T. W. 1933. Studies of American species of Foraminifera of the genus Lepidocyclina. Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., v. 89, No. 10, p. 1-53, pls. 1-32. Yabe, H., and Hanzawa, S. 1925. A geological problem concerning the raised coral-reefs of the Riukiu Islands and Taiwan; a consideration based on the fossil Foraminifera faunas contained in the raised coral-reef formation and the youngest deposits underlying it. Tohoku Imp. Ontv.,, Sct, Nepts.,.sex. 25 (Geol) muv.nz) INOW 2a p 29-5 Geiplsm sear PLATES. Ca I 126 BULLETIN 195 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 14 Figure Page 1-17, 20-24. Camerina ammonoides (Gronovius).......0..0...........cceeeeeeeee eee 1S ees 1-17, 20-23. External views, x 10; 24, median section, x 20. 1. Specimen from the Philippine area (Recent) identified by Cushman (1921, p. 379) as Operculina discoidalis (d’Orbigny); USNM 15965. 2. Specimen from Nakoshi (fossil) which is identical with the specimen illustrated as figure 1. 3-17. Specimens from Nakoshi to demonstrate the variation in coiling and ornamentation of the test. 20-22. Specimens from Espiritu Santo (Recent); figure 21 is to be com- pared with figure 13. 23. Specimen from the Philippine area (Recent) identified by Cush- man (1921, p. 381) as Operculina granulosa Leymerie; compare with figure 8; USNM 15985. 24. Median section from a specimen similar to figure 9. 17,18. Camerina venosa (Fichtel and Moll).........000..00.0....cc TS} External views, x 10. Specimens from the Philippine area (Recent) for comparison. 1. Loc. 3.—see text for description of localities. 2-724) Locke 18-19. Loc. 2. WV=22, ILE 55 23. Loc. 4. PLATE 14 .» VOL. 43 EONT ULL. AMER. PAL PLATE 15 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 48 INDO-PACIFIC CAMERINIDS: COLE D7, EXPLANATION OF PLATE 15 Figure Page Transverse sections, x 40, except figure 7, x 20. 1. Camerina complanata (Defrance)........0.......066:ccccceeeeete ee eeeees 120 Upper part of the specimen illustrated as figure 2, Plate 16, to show the structure of the spiral sheet and the marginal cord. 2-11. Camerina ammonoides (Gronovius) .........000..0..000...::ccee NS) Te 2. Specimen similar to the one (Cole, 1959, fig. 9, pl. 29) selected by Smout and Eames (1960, p. 110) to represent Operculina hanzawai. 3-5. Specimens to illustrate the progressive shortening of the alar pro- longations as the test becomes more evolute and compressed; 3, see: figs 2, Pile 14-4. see: fig. 8, Plt 14> 5, see: figs. 10, 11, Pl. 14. 6. Small specimen. 7,9. The same specimen; fig. 9 enlargement of fig. 7; see: fig. 9, pl. 28, Cole, 1959. 8. The same specimen illustrated as fig. 8, pl. 29, Cole, 1959. 10. A slightly evolute specimen; see: fig. 17, Pl. 14. 11. Evolute specimen; compare with fig. 7, pl. 28, Cole 1959 to dem- onstrate differences in the embracement of the final volution. 1. Loc. 1—see text for description of localities. DSi Oe, Weoc.7. 6,8,11. Loc. 5 Te See OC 6 128 BULLETIN 195 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 16 Figure Page 1-6, 9, x 20; 7, x 40; 8, x 12.5 1-9. Camerina complanata (Defrance).................... cette 120 1, 8,9. Median sections. 2-8. Transverse sections; see: fig. 1, Pl. 15 for an enlargement of fig. 2; 7, enlargement of the upper part of fig. 3. 1,4,5. Loc. 8—see text for description of localities. Db Dn NOC. 1 355 Bo IOC PLATE 16 VOL. 43 °? ULL. AMER. PALEONT . ~e 4-3 @p 2? pan haan = — ee Dnt sab - BULLETINS OF Rye » AMERICAN ~ PALEONTOLOGY VOL. XLIT. * NUMBER 196 1961 hs _ we Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U <.2..22220- oo ee eee 325 Cl. mississippiana, ne spo 2 326 A gathammina’ Neumayr, (1887. 222-c..-2c2.-2ccecceent es ooee onsets soon see 329 A MiSSiSSIPPIGNG, MN. SP. 0.22 ee 331 Hemigordius Schubert, 1908 i2...52.01.020-2 oe 334 Hy morillensiss ne Spl ince ee 334 Trochammina Parker ‘and Jones, 1859 2...2 022. 32 335 PE SORLOCTUSTSeactlscoS (0). ees ener neat ee eee or 336 Stacheia Brady, U876) 22.22.60 ecient eee 338 Ss *CLCatT 1X, Ms “SPeo) hice oe el ee 339 S. neopupoidess ny Sp. ose3 oe. ee 341 S. treperlopsiformis, Me SP. .cceeeeceecte- Gece ee 342 REEF ENCES) eco sscethne ls ea ne ee 343 Brguress Cork ee) ee Go Fe Ae eect oe Boca ate a er 347 PCS eee ee eh ee Ne ce AR I a Sas 2 BR ee ee 347 MIssISsIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 133 CHARTS 1. Correlation of Upper Devonian and Lower and Middle Mississippian formations in southern Indiana, Kentucky, northern Tennessee, and BSemOUE FIN GEMM ETc ONIN ee Cee ens ee cece cone ee cae tan fold in between 148-149 2. Correlation of Chesterian formations in western Kentucky and southern Indiana with the Chesterian formations in southeastern Kentucky ........ 149 3-10. Occurrence of species by locality and bed numbers ........................--.- 204-210 [tis TERETE EP LG Boks) o ELEY i ae el AOE Dr on ee rc ZiGd=22 1 22. Range of species in the Mississippian and uppermost Devonian fold in between 222-223 23. Stratigraphic range of genera in southern Indiana, Kentucky, northern Tennessee, and south central Ohio in terms of the North American COTES DI TTSSTSS NOP OVE gL Rea eine Se IN tre ate ae tate ee Ree ode eT 222 MAP 1. Location of counties, measured sections, and collecting sites fold in between 139-140 oe ' ; iar ae are hi y 1s de University of f : j y MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA OF KENTUCKY, SOUTHERN INDIANA, NORTHERN TENNESSEE, AND SOUTELICENTRAL OHIO James E. ConkKIN University of Louisville ABSTRACT This paper is the first attempt at regional investigation of the occurrence in time and distribution in space of faunas of smaller Foraminifera in any Paleozoic system in North America. The investigation has been directed upon the Mississippian system, particularly aimed at examination of the Lower Mississippian sequence which I have long known to contain rather well- developed foraminiferal assemblages. Geologic sections were measured and collections made from 89 geographic localities in southern Indiana, Kentucky, northern Tennessee, and southcentral Ohio. The shale beds were found to contain more Foraminifera than the limestones; thus emphasis was placed upon these fossiliferous shales. During this study, Mississippian smaller Foraminifera were recognized for the first time from Ohio and Tennessee. Previous to this study, only one Mississippian formation in Kentucky was known to contain smaller Foraminifera (Conkin, 1954); during this study most of the Mississippian formations were found to contain smaller Foraminifera in greater or lesser amounts. This paper describes these Mississippian faunas and attempts to recognize usefulness of certain genera, species, and faunal assemblages in stratigraphy and correlation. The Foraminifera herein described are allotted to 12 families, one of which, the Miliolidae, is new to the Mississippian system; to 18 genera, seven of which are new to the Mississippian system: Agathammina, Climacammina, Crithionina, Proteonina, Stacheia, Thuramminoides, and Trochammina; to 38 species, 18 of which are described as new species. One genus, Thuramminoides, is removed from the family Saccamminidae and placed in the family Astro- rhizidae. Two generic revisions are included: Hyperammina and Thuram- minoides. A proposal is introduced to formalize the emendation of Hyperam- mina made by Conkin in 1954. One specific revision is included: Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Plummer, 1945. One genus, Lugtonia Cummings, 1955 and one species, Thuramminoides teicherti (Parr), (Crespin, 1958) are placed in synonomy. A practical scheme of classification of wall structure of Mississippian Foraminifera, based on and modified after the classifications of H. B. Brady, 1876, H. J. Plummer, 1930, and R. H. Cummings, 1955, is presented here. The Mississippian Foraminifera are, by this introduced classification, divided into four large groups: 1) Arenaceous. A) calcareous—extraneous grains in calcareous or ferruginous cement or both. B) siliceous—extraneous grains in siliceous cement. 2) Granular calcareous—equidimensional grains of calcite embedded in crystalline calcite cement. A) calcite granules secreted by the protoplasm? B) calcite granules derived from a supersaturated, limy, sea bottom by selection of extraneous calcareous material by the protoplasm? 3) Compound wall—inner wall layer of fibrous calcite; outer wall layer of microgranular layer of calcite, or altered from calcite. 4) Amorphous calcite, or imperforate calcareous wall. Paleozoic smaller Foraminifera are rather conservative in their evolution; nevertheless, certain genera are found to display enough biologic change to permit their use in zonation of the Mississippian sequence on a series level. 136 BULLETIN 196 The most important foraminiferal genus for zonation of the Lower Mississippian is Hyperammina. Evidence for the evolution of one species of Hyperammina, H. kentuckyensis, from another, H. rockfordensis, is presented, and the time of mutation is rather closely determined to be during upper Coral Ridge time (lowest Osagian). Division of the Mississippian system of the studied area into zones char- acterized by certain species, genera, or faunal assemblages follows: Chesterian—zone of Millerella; endothyrids; Climacammina, Earlandia, and Hemigordius. Meramecian—zone of endothyrids; Earlandia. Osagian—zone of Hyperammina kentuckyensis, and large Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis; this zone is divided into six subzones. Kinderhookian—zone of abundant IJnvolutina with rare occurrence of Thuramminoides sphaeroidalits. Attempts were made to interpret the paleoecology of the individual species and to give information concerning the mode of deposition of the sediments in which the Foraminifera occur. The enduring value of this paper lies in its presentation of detailed description of all the species, both previously known ones as well as new species (species descriptions from other geologic periods and other geographic areas can not be used to exemplify the genetic complex of a Mississippian form, even if of the same species); in the generic revisions; in the comments on genera and species; in the recognition of faunas, genera, and species which are restricted to definite portions of the Mississippian sequence; in the detailed measurement of geologic sections and accurate placement of individual species within the Mississippian system. INTRODUCTION PURPOSE This paper presents the first broad paleontologic and strati- graphic coverage of smaller Foraminifera in the Mississippian system of North America. The purposes of this work are several: to describe the faunas found in the Mississippian sequence in Kentucky, southern Indiana, northern Tennessee, and southcentral Ohio; to give generic and specific revisions where necessary and to comment upon genera and species; to demonstrate the usefulness of Foraminifera and foraminiferal faunas for zonation of the Mississippian; to attempt recognition of evolutionary sequence of faunas; to present a number of measured sections; and to attempt interpretation of the paleoecol- ogy of the Mississippian beds in which smaller Foraminifera occur. PREVIOUS WORK Little effort has been expended upon Mississippian Foraminifera in North America with the exception of the genera Endothyra and MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 137 Muillerella. These two genera are excluded from this study inasmuch as they are by definition not smaller Foraminifera. Only a few papers have been published on Mississippian smaller Foraminifera of North America. The first paper contained Dawson’s (1868, p. 285, text-fig. 82) description of Earlandimta priscilla (Dawson) from Nova Scotia. C. L, Cooper’s (1947) report of four genera of smaller Foraminifera (Glomospira, Hyperammuna, Paleo- textularia, and Trepeilopsis) from the Chesterian Kinkaid* forma- tion of Illinois constitutes the first record of Mississippian smaller Foraminifera in the United States. Only cursory records of Foramini- fera have been noted by a handful of workers since Cooper’s paper. Coryell and Rozanski (1942) reported one species, Spirillina obduxa, from the Chesterian Glen Dean limestone in Harding County, Illinois. The Meramecian has heretofore not yielded smaller Foramini- fera. Species of Endothyra of course are abundant in the Meramecian beds. The first known Lower Mississippian species of smaller Fora- minifera in North America, Hyperammina kentuckyensis, was described by Conkin (1954, pp. 166, 167, pl. 31, figs. 1-6), from southwestern Jefferson County, Kentucky. Conkin (1957, p. 1889) reported the first Lower Mississippian smaller Foraminifera from Ohio and Indiana, and recognized the stratigraphic value of the Involutina-dominated Kinderhookian Bedford shale and the Hy- perammina-Thuramminoides-dominated Osagian beds in Ohio, Ken- tucky, and southern Indiana. In 1959, Gutschick and Treckman published the first comprehensive work on Mississippian foramini- feral faunas, from the Kinderhookian Rockford limestone of northern Indiana. Gutschick (personal communication) has in press (International Geologic Congress, 1960) a comprehensive review of Mississippian micropaleontology, including the history of work on Mississippian Foraminifera in North America, so no further commentary will be presented here. *Kinkaid formation, Weller, 1920 not to be confused with Kincaid formation Gardner, 1933 Midway group, Paleocene, Texas—Ed. 138 BULLETIN 196 PRESENT WORK This paper is based on collections from measured sections or stratigraphically placed outcrops or both from 89 localities in south- ern Indiana, Kentucky, northern Tennessee, and southcentral Ohio. Samples were taken from the shales and silty shales of the Lower Mississippian; from the limestones, shales, and sandstones of the Chesterian beds; and from the calcareous Meramecian sequence. Greatest sampling was done in the Lower Mississippian. - Limestones in the Mississippian of the studied region seem to contain few or no smaller Foraminifera, with the exception of the Kinderhookian Rockford limestone, In the Osagian, the limestones rarely produce a few fragments of Thuramminoides and Hyperam- mina, with the exception of the Floyds Knob formation, which in its shell breccia facies produces prolific numbers of well-preserved and gracefully slender Hyperammina kentuckyensis. In this work, smaller Foraminifera are described from _ the Mississippian of Ohio and Tennessee for the first time. Previous to this paper, only one species of smaller Foraminifera, Hyperammina kentuckyensis, was known to occur in Kentucky (and this occurrence in only one formation, the Floyds Knob). Results of this study demonstrate the occurrence of smaller Foraminifera in nearly all formations of the Lower Mississippian of the studied area and the occurrence of smaller Foraminifera in the Meramecian and Ches- terian sequences, but to a lesser degree. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am most grateful to Dr. K. E. Caster, University of Cincinnati, under whose valued direction this paper was prepared for the doctorate degree. Acknowledgments are due to several institutions and individuals from which aid was received: the Geological Society of America which sponsored field work in Kentucky in the summer of 1958; the Research Committee of the University of Louisville for funds partially covering cost of photomicroscopy. Thanks also go to individuals who have extended much kindness and assistance during the field work, preparation of samples, and writing of the MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 139 manuscript: Dr. A. C. McFarlan, past director of the Kentucky Geological Survey, who made facilities for field work available to me in the winter of 1957; Mr. Ralph Bernhagen, State Geologist of Ohio, for his support of field work in Ohio in the winter of 1956, and spring of 1957; Dr. Thomas Beveridge, State Geologist of Missouri, for his support of field work in Missouri in the spring of 1958 (the monographing of the Mississippian Foraminifera of Missouri is now under way); Dr. R. C. Gutschick for use of photo- micrograph facilities at the University of Notre Dame, and for presenting to me a paratype collection of Foraminifera from the Rockford limestone of northern Indiana; Dr. Lewis Gazin for making types at the United States National Museum available; Dr. C. Summerson of Ohio State University, for loaning types from the Silurian and Devonian of Ohio and Indiana; Dr. Chas. E. Graham of Denison University for information concerning collecting localities and for accompanying me in the field around Newark, Ohio. Thanks especially go to Mr. Donald McDonald, Curator of the Geology Museum at the University of Louisville, for his aid with photography and retouching of the figured specimens; Mrs. Donald McDonald for help with the typescript; Dr. Arland Hotchkiss, of the University of Louisville, for use of photomicroscopy equipment; Dr. Daniel Jackson, of the University of Louisville, for critically reading parts of the manuscript. Lastly, thanks to Mrs. Barbara Conkin for her execution of charts and tables, and foremost for her keen criticism which has added so much to this work. The cost of illustration of this work has been met by the fol- lowing institutions: The Department of Geology of the University of Cincinnati The Kentucky Geological Survey, Lexington, Kentucky The University of Louisville DEPOSITION OF TYPES All figured specimens are deposited in the Cushman Foramini- feral Collection of the United States National Museum, Washington 25, D. C. Duplicate sets of specimens (unfigured paratypes, topo- types, or hypotypes) are deposited in three other institutions: 140 BULLETIN 196 1. Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. (Nos. 26403-26425. ) 2. Department of Geology Museum, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 21, Ohio. 3. Department of Geology, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. In addition, the bulk of the unfigured types are retained by the writer in the geological collections of the University of Louisville. STRATIGRAPHY LIST OF LOCALITIES The geographic positions of 89 localities from which sections were measured or samples collected or both in Kentucky, southern Indiana, northern Tennessee, and southcentral Ohio are presented here. The locality numbers used throughout the paper are preceded by the initial of the state in which they occur (except on Map 1 where space did not allow their inclusion), and are consecutively numbered within each state. KENTUCKY Jefferson County K-1. Section measured down ravine below first lookout on road up Jacobs Hill, Iroquois Park, southern Louisville. Louisville West Quadrangle, Wate38509 224 Ne Long. 85° 47’ 8” W. K-2. Section measured on northwest side of Kenwood Hill, east of Jacobs Hill, southern Louisville. Louisville West Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 9’ 22” N, Long. 85° 46’ 10” W. K-3. Section measured on south side of Kenwood Hill, east of Jacobs Hill, southern Louisville. Louisville West Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 9’ 7” N, Long. 85° 46’ 3” W. K-4. Section measured in east quarry of the Coral Ridge Brick and Tile Corp., Coral Ridge. Brooks Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 5’ 25” N, Long. 85° 43’ 20” W. K-5. Sample from the Floyds Knob formation (Bed 1) at old quarry on Mitchell Hill Road, .2 miles from top of hill. Valley Station Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 4° 40” N, Long. 85° 46’ 12” W. Bullitt County K-6. Section measured on west side of Button Mold Knob, east of County Road 1020, one mile south of the northern Bullitt County line. Brooks Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 4’ 40” N, Long. 85° 42’ 35” W. K-7. Samples from the Button Mold Knob member (Bed 1) and the lowest shale bed in the Kenwood sandstone member (Bed 2) of the New Providence formation, and from the Floyds Knob formation (Bed 3) on road up Brooks Hill about one mile west of Brooks. (Stockdale, 1939, p. 141). Brooks Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 3’ 20” N, Long. 85° 43’ 30° VV. “ll WAYNE SCIOTO pREENUP GENERALIZED DISTRIBUTION OF MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS IN THE STATES STUDIED. CALE 22° 24) TENNESSEE Map 1. Location of counties, measured sections, and collecting sites in Kentucky, southern Indiana, northern Tennessee, and south-central Ohio Numbers refer to locality numbers used in this paper INDIANA DAVIDSON ROSS 7 8. G 6 Ri 8 EENUP MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 14] Section measured in road cut where State Highway 61 and County Road 1020 join at Gap-in-Knob. Brooks Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 1’ N, Long. 85° 42’ 15” W. Samples from within the Brodhead formation 6” to 10” (Bed 1) and 16’ to 33’ (Bed 2) above road level in road cut north of Knob Creek Church on State Highway 44 about 9 miles west of Shepherdsville. Kosmosdale Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 55’ N, Long. 85° 53” 15” W. . Section measured on west slope of knob on northwest edge of Lebanon Junction. Lebanon Junction Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 54’ 24” N, Long. 85° 44’ 15” W. Nelson County K-11. Section measured in road cut along U.S. Highway 62, .5 miles south- west of Boston. Lebanon Junction Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 47’ 8” N, Long. 85° 40’ 30” W. . Section measured in road cut along U.S. Highway 31E, .5 miles south- west of Balltown. New Haven Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 44’ 7” N, Long 85-30": 207. W. . Section measured at Blue Gap, 2.65 miles north of RR tracks at New Haven on U. S. Highway 31E. New Haven Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 41’ 207aNe Lone. 85.33" 55” W.. Larue County K-14. K-15. Marion K-17. K-18. K-19. K-20. Section measured along secondary road leading west up hill, .25 miles north of Athertonville. New Haven Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 38’ 22” N, Long. 85 36 38”. W. Section measured along U. S. Highway 31E at Muldraugh Escarpment just northeast of White City; base of section about 3 miles southwest of Athertonville. (Modified after Stockdale, 1939, p. 208). Hodgenville Ouadranele, Wat.37- 35) 32” Ni Long: 85039" 35” W. . Sample from the upper part of the Somerset shale member (Bed 1) of the Salem limestone along road leading up hill northwest of old Ginseng Post Office, across West Fork of Otter Creek, 10 miles southeast of Hodgenville. Howardstown Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 30’ 27” N= Rones 85. 35. 15 W. County Section measured across from church on County Road 457 at Holy Cross. Loretto Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 40’ 22” N, Long. 85° 26’ 52” W. Section measured in road cut 2.5 miles east of Marion-Nelson County line, west of Raywick on State Highway 84. Raywick Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 33’ 45” N, Long. 85° 29’ W. Samples taken from Falling Run member (Bed 1) of Sanderson for- mation and lower 6” to 1’ (Bed 2) and 2’ to 3’ (Bed 3) of New Providence formation in road cut just across from St. Joseph Church, at St. Joseph. Raywick Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 31’ 20” N, Long. 85° PILL Samples taken from the 6 foot fossiliferous shale in the Caney Creek member of the Brodhead formation (Bed 1), from near the top of the Brodhead formation (Bed 2), and from the Floyds Knob formation (Bed 3) along State Highway 55, 8.5 miles south-southwest of Lebanon, just north of Taylor County line near Findley Post Office. (Stockdale, 1939, p. 159). Spurlington Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 27’ 45” N, Long. 85° 20’ 10” W. 142 . BULLETIN 196 Taylor County K-21. Sample taken from Somerset shale member (Bed 1) of the Salem lime- stone at Willowtown, 3.5 miles northwest of Soloma and up hill from Good Hope Baptist Church. (Stockdale, 1939, p. 210). Soloma Quad- rangle, Lat. 37° 26’ 30” N, Long. 85° 24’ 45” W. Caldwell County K-22. Sample taken from the Renault limestone (shale) (Bed 1), in road cut at Flynn Creek at east edge of Princeton on U. S. Highway 62. Olney Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 7’ 34” N, Long. 87° 50’ 22” W. K-23. Samples taken from the Paint Creek (Bed 1), Cypress (Bed 2), Menard (Bed 3), and Kinkaid (Bed 4) formations at Walches Cut on Illinois Central RR track about 1.9 miles east-northeast of Scotts- burg. Princeton East Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 6’ N, Long. 87° 47’ W. K-24. Sample from shale in Paint Creek limestone (Bed 1) west of farm north of Sand Lick Road about 2.5 miles east of Bald Knob. Princeton East Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 4’ 20” N, Long. 87° 45’ 25” W. Breckenridge County K-25. Sample from the Glen Dean limestorie (Bed 1) in old abandoned quarry west of creek at Glen Dean. Glen Dean Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 39’ 10” N, Long. 86° 32’ 30” W. Grayson County K-26. Sample from Glen Dean limestone (Bed 1) one mile south of Grayson Springs on State Highway 88. Clarkson Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 26’ 50” N, Long. 86° 13’ 25” W. Metcalfe County K-27. Sample taken from transition between New Providence and Brodhead formations (Bed 1) in road cut on north side of Edmonton just south of South Fork of Little Barren River, on State Highway 80. Edmonton Quadrangle, Lat. 36° 58’ 50” N, Long. 85° 36’ 47” W. Cumberland County K-28. Section measured on big hill on State Highway 90 northwest of Burkesville. Waterview Quadrangle, Lat. 36° 47’ 37” N, Long. 85° DD ie Bia Pulaski County K-29. Sample from the Glen Dean limestone (Bed 1) on RR cut just east of Sloans Valley at Sloans Valley Tunnel. Burnside Quadrangle, Lat. 860 56404) No onpers 4033) 63020 We K-30. Sample from upper 16.5 feet of Pennington shale (Bed 1) above 6 foot siltstone bed, 1.5 miles northwest of turnoff to Sloans Valley on U. S. 27. Burnside Quadrangle, Lat. 36° 57’ N, Long. 84° 34’ W. K-31. Samples from the top of the Golconda limestone (Bed 1) at top of quarry and from the Hardinsburg shale (Bed 2) at Tatesville Quarry, -.5 miles south of Tatesville on U. S. Highway 27. Burnside Quadrangle, Lat. 36° 56’ 45” N, Long. 84° 34’ 40” W. K-32. Section at Fishing Creek, Lake Cumberland, west of Somerset. Delmer Qtiadrangle;, Mat. 37> 3” 55” N) “Lone: 84. 412.20" Wi Casey County K-33. Samples from the silts in the Floyds Knob formation (Bed 3), the upper 10 feet of the Brodhead formation (Bed 2), and from the McKin- K-34. MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 143 ney Knob siltstone member (Bed 1) of the Brodhead formation about 7 miles northwest of Liberty along State Highway 49 at steep hill from plateau to valley of Martins Creek. (Stockdale, 1939, pp. 210, 211). Bradfordsville NE Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 25’ 15” N, Long. 85° 0’ 2.5” W. Sample from within lower 80 feet of the New Providence formation (Bed 1) in road cut on State Highway 78 west of junction of 78 and County Road 906 at Turkeyfoot Gap, one mile west of county line. Ellisburg Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 27’ 55” N, Long. 84° 52’ 45” W. Boyle County K-35. Lincoln K-36. Section measured at exposures on slopes behind farm on north side of County Road 300, west of Junction City, and 1.4 miles west of State Highway 35. Junction City Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 35’ 22.5” N, Long. 84° 48’ 15” W. County Samples from the lower 2-3” of the New Providence formation (Bed 1); from the upper 40 feet of the New Providence formation (Bed 4) ; from the lower (Bed 2) and upper (Bed 3) part of the lower 70 feet of the New Providence formation; from shaly siltstone with calcareous concretions, about 70’ below the Floyds Knob, in the Brodhead forma- tion (Bed 5); and from the Floyds Knob formation (Bed 6); along U. S. Highway 27, at Halls Gap, 4.5 miles south-southeast of Stanford. (Stockdale, 1939, pp. 162, 163). Halls Gap Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 27’ 40” N, Long. 84° 38’ W. . Sample from the lower 2 feet of the New Providence formation, 3.3 miles west of Crab Orchard on the Halls Gap Road. Crab Orchard Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 25’ 45” N,. Long. 84° 32’ 30” W. . Section measured in road cut on east side of U. S. Highway 150, at county line of Rockcastle and Lincoln counties, 2.6 miles south of inter- section of 150 and State Highway 39. Brodhead Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 26 IN. Lone..84- 27' 58” W. . Samples taken from the Brodhead (Bed 1) and the Floyds Knob (Bed 2) formations; section measured from the New Albany through the New Providence formations; at Cruzes Gap, 3.2 miles south of Crab Orchard on State Highway 39. Crab Orchard Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 25’ N, Long. 84° 30’ 30” W. Rockcastle County K-40. K-41. K-42. K-43. Sample from the lower part (Bed 1) of the New Providence forma- tion, about 1.5 miles southeast of Brodhead on U. S. Highway 150. Brodhead Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 23’ N, Long. 84° 24’ 55” W. Samples taken from the uppermost part (Bed 1) of the Brodhead for- mation and the Wildie siltstone member (Bed 2) of the Muldraugh formation, just south of Renfro Valley on U. S. Highway 25. Wildie Quadrangle, Lat.%37° 23’ N, Long. 84° 19’ 50” W. Sample from the Paint Creek limestone (shale) (Bed 1) at top of road cut at top of hill about 4 miles north of Renfro Valley on U. S. Highway 25. Wildie Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 25’ N, Long. 84° 19’ W. Sample from the Pennington marine limestone (Bed 1), on U. S. Highway 25, 1.1 miles north of the Rockcastle River, 2.6 miles south of Livingston. Bernstadt Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 14’ 40” N, Long. 84° Sats WV Madison County K-44. Section measured at Boone Gap, along U. S. Highway 25, 3.5 miles south-southwest of Berea. Berea Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 31’ 40” N, Long. 84° 19’ 10” W. 144 K-45. BULLETIN 196 Section measured along U. S. Highway 421 at Big Hill, about 5 miles southeast of Berea. Big Hill Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 32’ 10” N, Long. 84° 12’ 45” W. Jackson County K-46. Samples taken from the horizon of the Big Clifty sandstone (Bed 1) and from shale in the Hardinsburg sandstone (Bed 2), at Clarks Station Quarry, 2.4 miles south of Morill on U. S. Highway 421. Johnetta Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 29’ 55” N, Long. 84° 8’ 52.5” W. Estill County K-47. K-48. K-49. Samples taken from the Trousdale formation (Bed 2) and upper 1.75 feet of the Portwood formation (Bed 1) on State Highway 52 at entrance to the McLaughlin farm, one mile east of Waco. (Campbell, 1946, p. 366). Moberley Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 34’ 15” N, Long. 84° a 40” W. Sample taken from lower 4 feet of the New Providence formation (Bed 1) at cliff along north side of L&N RR track, just east of Cow Creek where it joins the Kentucky River, 2.5 miles southeast of Irvine. (Stockdale, 1939, p. 121). Irvine Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 40) 3 55camNe Long. 83° 56’ 30” W. Sample taken from the Conway siltstone (Bed 2) and the lower part of the New Providence formation (Bed 1) along State Highway 52 below Estill County Quarry, at steep hill about 4 miles east of Irvine. (Stockdale, 1939, p. 168). Irvine Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 42’ 30” N, Long. 83> 53’ 30” W. . Section measured in L&N RR cut, .5 miles north of Hargett, 6 miles northwest of Irvine. (Measured by Campbell, 1946, p. 866). Palmer Quadrangle) Lat) 37-47-77 N* ones 8420 sew. Powell County K-51. K-52. Section measured on Pompeii Hill up from quarry, .4 miles northeast of Clay City. Clay City Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 51’ 45” N, Long. 83° 54’ 40” W. Section measured in road cut on County Road 213, 7.4 miles south of Jeffersonville. Means Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 53’ 8” N, Long. 83° 51’ 49” W. Clark County K-53. Section measured at Lulbegrud Creek along secondary road which leads east and then south from State Highway 52 at the north edge of Indian Fields, about .5 miles east of Indian Fields and .75 miles northwest of Powell County line. Levee Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 56’ 10” N, Long. 83° 59’ 10” W. . Section measured on west side of Lulbegrud Creek at barn on poor road, 1.1 miles in straight line east-southeast of Indian Fields. Levee Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 56’ N, Long. 83° 58’ 45” W. Montgomery County K-55. Section measured along secondary road leading north from U. S. Highway 460, .6 miles north of junction, .25 miles east of bridge over Slate Creek, 2.25 miles east of Jeffersonville. (Measured by Stockdale, 1939, pp. 93, 94). Means Quadrangle, Lat. 37° 58’ 30” N, Long. 83° 4g’ 55” W. MISsISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 145 Menifee County K-56. Samples from the Frenchburg freestone (Bed 1) and the Haldeman siltstone (Bed 2) at Frenchburg Quarry, .5 miles west of Frenchburg on U. S. Highway 460, and 300 yards north of the highway. French- burg Quadrangle, Lat. 37°57’ 2.5” N, Long. 83° 38’ 22” W. Bath County K-57. Section measured along “Old Virginia State Road,” .25 miles west of Olympia Springs. Olympia Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 3’ 37” N, Long. 83° 40’ 45” W. Rowan County K-58. Section measured in roadcut on U. S. Highway 60, .4 miles east of Bluestone, 5.5 miles west of Morehead, just northeast of RR track. (After fig. 7, Geol. Soc. Kentucky Field Trip Guidebook, 1955). Farmers Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 8’ 55” N, Long. 83° 30’ 15” W. K-59. Samples from the Farmers siltstone member of the New Providence formation (Bed 2) and the New Providence formation (Bed 1), in road cut on U.S. Highway 60, .5 miles southwest of intersection of 60 and County Road 519, southwest of Morehead. Morehead Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 9’ 50” N, Long. 83° 26’ 50” W. K-60. Sample from the Rothwell shale (Bed 1), on Morehead Lookout Tower road about 1.5 miles in straight line east of Morehead. Morehead Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 10’ 25” N, Long. 83° 24’ 25” W. K-61. Section measured in road cut on State Highway 32, 1.85 miles south of Hilda Post Office. Haldeman Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 11’ N, Long. 83° 30’ W. Fleming County K-62. Section measured along State Highway 32, extending .7 miles west- northwest of Rowan County line, 9 miles southeast of Goddard. (Measured by Stockdale, 1939, p. 96). Plummers Landing Quadrangle, Wates8> 05! 45/ON, Long.<83:2.31"45" “W. K-63. Section measured along county road leading from Wallingford to Poston School, at hill one mile northeast of Wallingford. (Modified after Stockdale, 1939, pp. 96, 97). Burtonsville Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 2¥ 30” N--Long: 83°35" 45” W. Carter County K-64. Sample from the upper 6 feet of the Rothwell shale (Bed 1), in road cut on U. S. Highway 60, 2.75 miles southwest of Olive Hill. (Stock- dale, 1939, p. 218). Olive Hill Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 17’ 30” N, Long. Saris 452 WW. Lewis County K-65. Sample from green-gray shale (Bed 1) in New Albany at road level and above 40 feet of New Albany in road cut 2 miles west of Vance- burg and .3 miles southwest of bridge over Salt Lick Creek, on State Highway 10. Vanceburg Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 35’ 20” N, Long. 83° ZA SONY. K-66. Section measured along road from Vanceburg to Tannery, at north side of Ganders Branch; bottom of section 1.25 miles south of C&O RR station at Vanceburg; section continues east-southeast up hill for .75 miles. (Measured by Stockdale, 1939, pp. 98, 99). Vanceburg Quad- rangle, Lat. 38° 35’ 5” N, Long. 83° 19’ W. 146 BULLETIN 196 K-67. Section measured along poor secondary road at head of Montgomery Creek, leading up steep hill to Greenup County line; top of section 5 miles southeast of Garrison; bottom of section 2 miles along road south of Rexton Post Office. (Measured by Stockdale, 1939, pp. 187, 188). Brushhart Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 35’ 15” N, Long. 83° 6’ 30” W. Greenup County K-68. Section measured near south end of Ohio River bridge, along secondary road ascending bluff, in steep ravine and on hillside. (Measured by Stockdale, 1939, p. 181). Portsmouth Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 43’ 15” N, Long. 82° 59” 40’ W. INDIANA Perry County I-1. Section measured in Kunkler Quarry, on U. S. Highway 460, 1.3 miles west of Uniontown Post Office. (After fig. 7, Geol. Soc. Kentucky Field Trip Guidebook, 1952). Lat. 38° 14’ N, Long. 86° 42’ W. Clark County I-2. Samples from the Button Mold Knob member (Bed 1) of the New Providence formation along secondary road 1.25 miles north of Car- wood. Speed Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 27’ 30” N, Long. 84° 52’ 30” W. I-3. Samples from the Coral Ridge (Bed 1) and Button Mold Knob (Bed 2) members of the New Providence formation at the Louisville Cement Company Quarry, on State Highway 60, 2.6 miles northwest of the intersection of Highway 60 and U. S. 31W, about 8 miles north of New Albany. Speed Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 24’ N, Long. 85° 38’ W. Floyd County I-4. Samples from the Jacobs Chapel shale (Bed 1), Rockford limestone (Bed 2), and the lower 3 feet of the New Providence formation (Bed 3), one mile northwest of Jacobs Chapel Church and U. S. Highway 31W, where creek crosses Chapel Lane Road. New Albany Quad- manna, Jen Si ZIV 5S IN, Ibo. BS= oy" Be VA I-5. Sample from the Floyds Knob formation, at Spickert Knob, along road up the escarpment, 3.5 miles northwest of New Albany. New Albany Quadrangle, Lat: 38° 19 53” N, Long. 85> 51 We I-6. Section measured at Goetz Quarry, .5 miles west of New Albany city limits on U. S. Highway 460. New Albany Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 16’ SO INS Mee 5250! S54 Vii TENNESSEE Davidson County T-1. Sample from the Maury shale (Bed 1) at Bakers, a station on the L&N RR. (Campbell, sec. 43, 1946, p. 887). Ridgetop Quadrangle, Lat. 36° 22’ N, Long. 86° 17’ W. Sumner County T-2. Section measured 200 yards north of Garretts Creek Church, north of Westmoreland. (After Campbell, sec. 37, 1946, p. 885). Lat. 36° 33’ 30” N, Long. 86° 14’ 30” W. Macon County T-3. Section measured in road cut on State Highway 52, 8 miles west of Red Boiling Springs. (After Campbell, sec. 42, 1946, p. 887). Red Boiling Springs Quadrangle, Lat. 36° 30’ 8” N, Long. 85° 57’ 20” W. MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 147 Clay County T-4. Section measured along State Highway 52, 4 miles southeast of Celina. (After Campbell, sec. 41, 1946, p. 887). Lillydale, Kentucky, Quad- rangle, Lat, 36° 30’ 20” N, Long. 85° 27’ 30” W. OHIO Scioto County O-1. Section measured at cliffs north of Buena Vista, on U. S. Highway 52. (Modified after Hyde, 1953, pp. 196, 197). Buena Vista Quad- Fanelewibate ss, S745". Ne ong. 83) 15" 457s W. O-2. Section measured behind Greystone Motel on U. S. Highway 52, just west of Portsmouth. Pond Run Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 43’ 47” N, Long. R32! “SOW: O-3. Section measured in road cut at hill 3 miles north of Portsmouth on U. S. Highway 23. Sciotoville Quadrangle, Lat. 38° 45’ N, Long. 82° 57’ W. O-4. Section measured on secondary road leading north from State High- way 73 at Henley, up hill northeast of Henley. Otway Quadrangle, eatesSecolaN. Lonest83. 190 15° We Pike County O-5. Section measured at bridge over Beaver Creek, .75 miles southeast of Piketon. Waverly Quadrangle, Lat. 39° 3’ 30” N, Long. 82° 59’ 50” W. O-6. Section measured along County Road 772, south of Nipgen and just south of Ross-Pike County line. Nipgen Quadrangle, Lat. 39° 11’ 14” N, Long. 83° 9! W. Ross County O-7. Section measured along Jester Hill Road, 1.5 miles south of U. S. Highway 50 at Bainbridge. Sunbury shale at sharp bend in road where poor road intersects Jester Hill Road. Sample of Bedford shale taken one mile south of Highway 50 on Jester Hill Road. Bainbridge Quadrangle, Lat. 39° 12’ 25” N, Long. 83° 16’ 12” W. O-8. Section measured on N&W RR track, one mile north of Higby. Waverly Quadrangle Lat. 39°: 11’-30” N, Long. °82° 52’ W. Fairfield County O-9. Sample from shale in the Maxville limestone (Bed 1), Rush Creek Limestone Company Quarry, Rushville. Thornville Quadrangle, Lat. S945) 30 N: Lage. 82° 27° 45 W. Franklin County O-10. Sample from transition bed between Bedford shale and Ohio shale (Bed 1), at southeast side of dam at Central College. Westerville Quadrangle, Lat. 40° 46’ 15” N, Long. 82° 52’ 50” W. Wayne County O-11. Sample from shale bed no. 4 in the lower 5 feet of the Black Hand sandstone member (Bed 1) of the Cuyahoga formation at Armstrong. West Salem Quadrangle, Lat. 40° 54’ 40” N, Long. 82° 0’ 30” W. 148 BULLETIN 196 CORRELATION CHARTS Chart 1 shows the correlation of Upper Devonian and Lower and Middle Mississippian formations in southern Indiana, Kentucky, northern Tennessee, and southcentral Ohio. In general, only those names of formations and members are used in which Foraminifera were found. Each column is generalized from the measured sections at the localities indicated at the top of the column. Chart 2 correlates the Upper Mississippian (Chesterian) forma- tions of southern Indiana, and western and southeastern Kentucky. MEASURED SECTIONS Beds in which Foraminifera were found are indicated by an asterisk before the bed number, Not all other beds were sampled, but most were, and thus beds without an asterisk may generally be taken to be unfossiliferous as regards Foraminifera. Most of the sections were measured by me; many of them in Kentucky and southern Indiana were based on Stockdale’s (1939) locations and determinations as to stratigraphic level, and a few of the sections are given as measured by Stockdale. The sections in ‘Tennessee are based on Campbell’s (1946) work as to location and stratigraphic placement. The sections in Ohio are largely based on Hyde’s (1953) locations and stratigraphic determinations, but most were measured by me. Samples were taken throughout 5.5 foot intervals, or from lithologically and stratigraphically distinct units thinner than 5.5 feet. South-central Ohio -stnoq DAITABUDL an "21S "3S-UeTeS NVIDOGWVYIWwn Ne) are Cuyahoga nyoso Caer NVIDVSO Ney akc is oi sien -u9TD ul9 FT Bedford neoaynoyy ~TeqtuueTpy NVIMOOH - US aNIM NVINOAGTG mr MISSISSIPPIAN DEVONIAN Northeastern Kentucky and southern Ohio Chart] . Correlation of Upper Devonian and Lower and Middle Mississippian Formations in southern Indiana, Kentucky, northern Tennessee, Louis -— j and south-central Ohio (after Stockdale, 1939, Plate 6, and K-65 - O-l s = e > Campbell, 1946, Plate 2). —— — ‘a enue ot : : =6< i O-6-11 5) O MERAMECIAN Salem-St. Ste. \. Southern Ohio / NeOSCES Brodhead Christy Creek Vertical Scale iS) Mul = aia PRothwell | 2 Thickness of beds is Floyds Knob | ae generalized. Thickness Rey Southern Indiana ra of thinnest units is Branch 1-2-6 < Northwestern HAG SORELCE, q ; Haldeman Wat Upper Kentuck S sn Edwardsville aS K-51-64 memo | oo Southeastern aug Southern Kentucky Ss : K-44, 45, 47-50 Floyds Knob oa inca Muldraugh °o pee Haldeman ‘aes ve io Elovds Knob a Floyds Knob x Northern a Tennessee = -l1-4 # Floyds Knob iWiawiten Indian Fort Combs p 2 z i Kenwood Cree 7 Button V2 | Mold B Coral Ridge ea Rockford = [Underwood | —— Sy ; Riri, IL tise (IE Seaton! Falling Run aa] = es Sanderson[ Sanderson § | Blackiston Blackisto Keokuk Brodhead OSAGIAN Brodhead Brodhead New Providence- Fern Glen- Burlington New Providence New Providence SS Vv Providence [me TE a Sanderson [Sanderson | = aa | Ohio New Albany Chatta-= nooga New Albany New Alban MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 149 Chart 2. Correlation of Chesterian formations of southern Indiana, and western and southeastern Kentucky. Southern Indiana and western Kentucky I-l, K-22-26 Southeastern Kentucky K-29, 30, 31,42, 43, 46 Waltersburg Pennington Tar Springs [Gien Dean | __[Glen Dean Hardinsburg Soe Hardinsburg cg ae ae [Cypress |_| Big Clifty Paint Creek Paint Creek Misco le aN GH sol BeieA Ny, 150 BuLLeTiIn 196 OG Yo Real R, . Shale, olive gray; covered above. . Siltstone. I ik I . Shale, olive gray. Shale with two thin siltstone layers. 5 SMS, Clave ieee KENWOOD SS. MB Siltstone. Shale, olive gray; no large ironstone concretions. Shale, olive gray, silty at various horizons; large ironstone concretions, rarer in upper LIP LOSE. (-@ Wlaliie ) | ] Shale, olive gray; worm markings; CGonwlarsta mn toate ue) oO WO fe) oF * oO co 2 Z, O H < a aa O [a fa O Z, ca A > O ed A, = cal Z 18) UIE TE PINE WACO) 3G) IBY IC IN| (O) 8) IML; IMEB} 1D) IY ITA || AS aN 5s) ohale, blue eray:. 4 Double ironstone cone-in-cone. ay Shale, olive gray; worm markings. 2. Ironstone lenses. *1, Shale, blue gray; transitional to olive gray in upper part; covered below. (OTH EARTELAHE Coral Ridge mbr. MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 151 EO@GALITY K-2 =o 7.ss+ 8, Sandstone, buff; middle bed with sens eesalan ironstones; olive gray shales SEE ey ose" — between sandstone beds. =A a a Zee = ae => aS ory mene (eo hia Le Olive \cm ane 27 ae ; A patanes O ————= = x = 6. Shale, olive gray, with ironstone a ZS ae concretions; no megafossils. Sipe as a} a e On Res 15t4n eo), Shale, olive gray, with ironstone | 2 ae concretions; Button Mold Knob fam. | = olo ap *4. Shale, olive gray, with fossiliferous Le EPS == limestone lenses. ea fone Tape a) a 8 —_ So 2 —— ON Ee = m = rp = Q, ee — = tS) Gye — a 1D) ea) o) 3 — *3, Shale, olive gray, with rare lime- cee a 19'2"' a stone lenses; cone-in-cone layer ; Xo = aD - Coral Ridge fauna. 3 = ie *2. Shale, olive gray, mostly covered. O s 3 22M we) Oo 4 1, Shale, olive gray, with phosphatic nodules; not measured. Falling Run 152 BULLETIN 196 LOCALITY K-3 oS Be * 6, Siltstone, sandstone, and shale; buff to olive gray. KENWOOD SANDSTONE 17!9" *5, Shale, olive gray; no megafossils. *4, Shale, bluish gray, ironstone concretions; no megafossils. sli iMlit *3. Shale, bluish gray; very rare Button Mold Knob fauna. BUTTON MOLD KNOB MEMBER A UIRCHUANTTT E 4 4 q 4 q *2. Shale, bluish gray; cone-in-cone layers, kidney ironstone concretions; Coral Ridge fauna. util se) Oo n ° a. v4 c?) oO ea ZA O H < 2 m4 O fy 6 O Z, i] A > O mx A, = fx] Z dll CORAL RIDGE MEMBER Shale, olive gray; no megafossils; covered below. MIssISsIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 153 LOCALITY K-4 *8. Shale, olive gray, soft; fossiliferous lenses, crinoidal concretions; large ironstone concretions. TITRA . Covered. MIDDLE . Shale, olive gray, soft, fossiliferous. HAL . Covered. . Shale, blue gray, soft; many fossils. PULLONSMOLD KNOB MEMBER . Shale, blue gray; rare fucoids; no other megafossils noted. (i Nth Ht + Fad O HH < = jae O fy &] O 7, [x] (a) > O ad A, = fx] ZL . Shale, blue gray; small kidney iron- stones; cone-in-cone layers at top and base of unit; Coral Ridge fauna. uN Hi: Ht q q q q . Shale, gray blue; no megafossils noted. CORAL RIDGE MBR. LOWER UPPER f Il 154 BULLETIN 196 LOCALITY K-6 * 8. Sandstone and siltstone. SL 6) Ope Ce K EN WOOD SS. *7. Shale, olive gray; rare Button = Mold Knob fauna, THOT * 6, Shale, olive gray; crinoidal limestone patches; Button Mold Knob fauna WCATHUTUE rt @-@D *5. Shale, olive gray; crinoidal lime- i5t7 Me- stone patches; large ironstone concretions: Button old Knob BUTTON MOLD KNOB MEMBER -— *4. Shale, olive gray, with limestone (TLD — lenses and ironstones. 51'7!' INS Wise ek ©AVe Db Cele he OERRSViTA ir ON *3. Shale, olive gray; kidney ironstones mostly covered. ge Faas al LOW ER MIDDLE UPPER 16'1"' *2. Shale, olive gray; no megafossils. 4 Falling Run recedes member Coral Rid 1. Shale with phosphatic nodules. MIssIsstIpPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN SS LOCALITY K-8 *9. Shale, blue-gray, green-gray, partly covered; covered above; kidney-ironstones throughout. 8. Cone-in-cone layer and coprolites. * 7, Shale, blue-gray. Z0'5"" exposed r 4 WL 6. Ironstone nodules, 1'! thick ledge. *5, Shale, blue-gray; scattered coprolites. NHL iit *4, Shale, blue-gray, with three layers of Coral Ridge nodules, ith ttl HH A O HH <6 2 aia O fry G) UO a [x] A > O a a = 2) A i *3, Shale, blue-gray. (Hil FALLING *2, Shale, orange-olive-gray, with phosphatic nodules at base. RUN Loe i. Shale Bile Slee. meas AUBANY | Meas 156 BuLLETIN 196 LOCALITY K-10 Siltstone, massive, weathers shaly; blue gray to buff; worm markings; covered above. LEBANON JUNCTION SILTSTONE MBR. Shale, silty, olive gray; buff in uppermost part; partly fossiliferous. BRODHEAD FORMATION ea x] ea = fx] 2 fx] a < ap 9) op) O é aa A, WY) m4 fx] > 4 S) O TET ET EEL EERE FET ERE EEE EEE MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 157 LOCALITY K-11 *5, Siltstone and shale; not measured. Keith Knob siltstone *4, Shale, blue brown gray to blue gray; browner at base. itil 10'6"! *3. Shale, green gray; one Bellerophon noted. *2, Shale, green gray; glauconitic in upper part. Zz O H < = ed O fay fy O Zz (2 A > O eg A, = fx) Z 12'6"! Falling 1. Shale, green gray, with phosphatic Run nodules. PSH UTNMAT CRATE FLERELERENUTUGRAREVECRYCLUALHTE EUR EUARVELE SETH 158 BULLETIN 196 LOCALITY K-12 *5, Shale, green gray; partly to mostly covered: *4, Shale, green gray; some kidney ironstone nodules; less fossiliferous than below; partly covered. @ AHHH HERUOHIOTE Z O HH < = ae O fy i] O Z ea a) > O aa Ay = fy) EZ * 3. shale, green pray, fossiliterous, infrequent kidney ironstones; crinoid stems replaced by limonite. | int | ell t *Z. Shale, sett, green gray, * 1. Shale, hard, green pray, with phosprapie nodules. MIssIssIpPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 159 LOCALITY K-13 U a) n ° oY * o + Ta) Zi O HH < a aa O fx, x) O Zz ] A > O m A, = ea Zz *12. Shale, olive gray; frequent ironstone chips, but no large ironstones noted; covered above. ll. Ironstone bed. *10. Shale, olive gray. 9. Ironstones, large, in discontinuous band. * 8. Shale, blue gray; Conularia in an ironstone chip. 7. Ironstones, large. * 6. Shale, blue gray. *5. Shale, blue gray; frequent kidney iron- stones; common coprolites; Conularia, one Bembexia ellenae noted. * 4. Shale, blue gray to olive gray. * 3. Shale, olive gray, with two thin calcar- eous bands with incipient cone-in-cone structure. Ze oohale, olive pray. *1, Shale, olive gray, with phosphatic nodules. 160 BULLETIN 196 IOXYGIN ITAL eS hee = *10. Siltstone, shaly; not measured. 9. Covered; not measured. * 8, Shale, sandy, olive gray, slumped, weathered to red clay; gravel on surface. * 7, Shale, olive gray, clayey. 6. Covered Z O H < a cx, O fay fa) O Z i] ‘a > O rx, A, = (3 a *5, Shale, olive gray to blue gray. 4. Shale, not sampled. * 3, Shale, olive gray to blue gray. * 2, Shale, hard, olive gray, with large phosphatic nodules : 1. Shale, black, fissile; not measured, MISssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 161 LOCALITY K-15 ras 6. Limestone, fine grained to dense, blue (aa a Sy iat LOUIS LS SALEM LIMESTONE il 3 *4, Shale, with limestone lenses; ea) ee bryozoans. = == a) -] = B - (ed [x] — = YW) —_———— mm ea Ww Zz O < = ad O fe, i) O Zz [2] a. > O aa A, = ea) Ze ». *3, Shale, olive gray. LAAT NACH AUALTAT 8 (| *2, Shale, olive gray, with phosphatic nodules. 1. Shale, black, fissile; not measured. 164 BuLteTin 196 LOCALITY K-28 sae *14, Siltstone, hard, blue gray, with rare shaly spots; covered above. . Shale, silty. . Siitstone, massive, medium to fine grained; rare geodes noted. Siltstone, hard, gray blue, calcareous; frequent quartz geodes, . Siltstone, hard, gray, calcareous, massive, weathers like shale; rare, impure limestone seams. Shale, hard, blue gray; rare, impure limestones about 1 foot thick. owl . Shale, hard, blue gray, with ironstone- cherty-crinoidal-limestone seams. . Shale. . Limestone, crinoidal, ue) .) i] fe) Qu * 1) Q — Z O rt H < a ec O fa, fz] O Z fe a) > O ec A, = fa] Z, 5. Shale, mostly covered. . Limestone and shale; 3 inch limestone bed at base. . Shale, green yellow gray, with phosphatic bed near middle; rare nodules. . Shale, brown, with phosphatic nodules. Shale, black, fissile; not measured. MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 165 ELOGALITY K-32 . Siltstone, bluish, weathering brown; fossiliferous. ; . Limestone, cherty and silty. Limestone, crinoidal, o¥litic?. Limestone, cherty and silty; crinoidal in upper part; rare clay seams, KEOKUK LIMESTONE . Shale, silty, soft, bluish; fossiliferous. * 9. Siltstone and shaly siltstone; no fossils noted in upper part; lower part with argillaceous limestone ledges; rare crinoidal limestone lenses near base; 190! lower one-fourth fossiliferous. . Covered. Shale, fossiliferous; thin limestone lenses . Covered. . Shale, fossiliferous; common crinoidal linvestone: lenses up tosl, 5! thick. . Shale with siltstone layers. . Shale, fossiliferous, with thin crinoidal limestone lenses, 1-2'' thick, in Upper part. Z O Es O m4 A, = a] Zz . Shale, green gray, with ironstone nodules; snails? . Shale, green gray, with phosphatic nodules; New Albany shale below. 166 EOGALITY ~ K-35 ie} cd) n (e) Qu 4 oO S S Zi O Hi < a 4 O fx, ea) © a [2] A > O ec A, = éa| Z, BULLETIN 196 * 7. Shale, olive gray; covered above. Oe Covered. Shale, olive gray. Shale, olive gray to yellow, mixed. Shale, olive gray, with phosphatic nodules containing fossils. Shale, gray, with plant fossils. Shale, black, fissile, with many nodules; not measured. MissIssipPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 167 LOCALITY K-38 *8, Shale, blue gray, partly-covered at top; rare coprolite? structures throughout. * 7, Shale, blue gray, with regular-sized kidney ironstones in middle portion; coprolite? structures of limonite. ORMIBALEA EA TGAT HH | [lla *6, Shale, blue gray, softer than below; no kidney ironstones noted. | Z O eH EA <0 a se O (xy a O Z fz A > O ed A, = A MALU RTU LETTING Shale, with rare kidney ironstones which are larger than usual. I 3°'6" > | sw onale, blue gray; partly covered. { | 11 Shale, olive gray, with phosphatic nodules. Shale, hard, gray, with some black shale in middle. Shale, black, fissile; not measured, 168 BULLETIN 196 LOGALIGTY K-39 8. Siltstone, buff to olive gray, iron stained yellow-orange. 6. Large ironstone concretions in single bed. *5, Shale, olive gray, with some kidney ironstones. U | Hk HT | I it | ae) oO n O Qu 1 oO a h Z, O eo ia < = oa O fy fx] UO Zz fx Q ee S O aa A, = ea Z Nill Ani 4. Covered. 3. Shale, gray to buff to olive gray, with phosphatic nodules; Tasmanites. \ x2. Shale, olive gray to brown. 1. Shale, black, fissile. MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 169 LOCALITY K-44 ll. Siltstone, light gray to buff; worm markings and Taonurus. 10. Siltstone, olive gray. 9. Shale, gray to dark gray, very silty. BRODHEAD FORMATION CONWAY SILTSTONE 8 . Limestone, dense, gray. = *7, Shale, silty, blue gray. 6. Limestone lenses. *5. Shale, silty, dark gray to blue gray; ironstone concretions. *4, Shale, clayey, blue gray to olive gray. Ww N Z O HH < a px O fx 2 O Z 8 A > O ex A, = (2 Z 3. Siltstone lens, clayey. == *2. Shale, olive gray, clayey. l. Shale, black, fissile; not measured. 170 BULLETIN 196 LOCALITY K-45 *ll. Shale, buff to olive gray, silty; with large ironstone concretions; covered above. Brodhead Conway siltstone 10. Covered. 143' *9, Shale, olive gray. *8. Shale, olive gray, partly blue gray, silty; rare small medium sized ironstones at top. . Covered. . Shale, blue gray to olive gray. . Covered. Z O HH < 2 ma O fx, i] UO Z fy] Q > O fae A, = fx] Zz . Shale, blue gray to olive gray, silty, clayey. . Shale, olive gray, partly covered. . Covered. . Shale, black, fissile; not measured. MIssIssIpPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN al LOCALITY K-50 *« 13. Shale, black and gray layers inter- bedded. *12. Shale, black, fissile; with Schizobolus concentricus , Orbiculoides lodiensis. NEW ALBANY SHALE *l1,. Shale, gray, calcareous, with hard shale layers. 10. Shale, subfissile, black, calcareous; Lingulopora williamsana. Limestone. . Ohale, fissile, black; no fossils. Limestone and calcareous shale. Shale, calcareous, black. Shale, earthy, greenish to black. Limestone, brown. Limestone, shaly, gray to black. x @ 0 0 © SH = (0) G n jel) H o S z E HH xt = eg O fy Q O O = =. ed O A, Z, O = “s y, O stained brown to black; no fossils. O28 omar SS aS) —= *8. Shale, green gray to buff, clayey, =h a iron stained. [x] Z . Shale, hard, greenish, _with phosphatic nodules *6. Shale, hard to soft, brown. . Shale, black, fissile; phosphatic nodules with Lingula and Orbiculoidea 5'10"! SUNBURY SHALE 4. Shale, grayish yellow to gray, weathered; no fossils. 3. Shale, black, fissile. + NS) . Shale, siliceous, brittle, olive gray to plus gray; 6 feet long, wedge in Sun- Nil 1, Shale, black, fissile; upper 2 feet sampled. LOCALITY = O ~ < = ~ O fy fy O Zz fy a) > O mm A, = fx] Zz Falling Ru SUNBURY? BEDFORD+* NEW ALBANY SH. MIssISsIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 175 K-54 ill i iit i Lil i | I Weil | Ata ete! H VT <8; eles Shale, green gray. Shale, green gray; no nodules; some brown shale. Shale, green gray; no nodules noted. Shale, green gray, some brown; no nodules noted. . Shale, hard, green gray; phos. noduleg Shale, hard, brown, some gray brown; some soft shale. . Shale, soft, brown gray, clayey. Shale, black, fissile. 176 BULLETIN 196 LOG ATE InY, . Shale, clayey, green gray; not measured. NEW PROVIDENCE . Siltstone, calcareous, hard, buff. . Shale, clayey, buff gray, weathered yellow. . Shale,. black, fissile; upper foot SUNBURY weathered soft, coffee-colored. SHALE *5, Contact seam; weathered shale *4, Shale, sandy, semi-fissile in part; clayey, olive gray to buff at base. BEDFORD SHALE 3. Shale, black, fissile; upper 5 feet and lower 1 foot sampled. ea = < ae wn val Zz = Q 4 a0 = eal Z \*2. Shale, clayey, olive green. l. Shale, black, fissile; not measured. MIssISsIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 177 LOCALITY K-57 Peo ltrssone), shialy . Shale, olive gray, with ironstone concretions. NEW PROVIDENCE | +L (lil i il 7. Shale, black, fissile; some softer gray and brown shale in lower 3 feet. SUNBURY SHALE *6.Shale, gray to buff brown, sandy, calcareous. ty ae 5 5. Shale, black, fissile. fx] — < Ly n ~~ EZ, << pQ 4 ft = fx] Zi . Shale, gray. . Shale, black, fissile. . Shale, clayey, gray to olive. . Shale, gray to black, semi-fissile. 178 BuLLETIN 196 LOCALITY K-58 *5, Siltstone with shale, blue gray. FARMERS SILTSTONE = 4S halle, silty, blwengnay Forcwaye co ¢ am Za O HH < = aa O fy fz] O Z i] fa > O mK A, = i] Z * 3. Shale, clayey, blue gray, with thin silty layers. 2. Shale, black, fissile, SUNBURY SHALE 1, Shale, soft, sticky, yellow to buff to gray; some black; spores; not measured, MiIssIssIpPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 179 HOGALITY K-61 Siltstone, in smooth, even beds, with intercalated shales, gray, green, and purple. FARMERS SILTSTONE Shale, olive gray to blue gray, clayey; silty in upper part, and gray to buff; middle part weathered; samples taken from upper Z.5' and lower 2'. < G5 | O any < > 2) O Zi O HH < = a O fy x] UO Zi fx Q > e) mm A, = ea q HENLEY SHALE Wh * 1, Shale, black, fissile. SUNBURY 180 HOCAEETY K-62 Z. ae H <6 a ex O fa a O Z es A > O pC A, = 8 Z, Farmers siltstone BEDFORD New Paes | BULLETIN 196 8. Shale, very silty. 7, Siltstone in single bed, gray to buff. 6. Shale and siltstone; no samples 5. Siltstone, in smooth even beds separated by shale partings; gray to buff; ironstone concretions; Taonurus. 4, Shale, clayey, olive gray; sample bakeny i Fonayup pena omhec te 3. Shale, black, fissile. 2. Shale, partly arenaceous, blue gray, with pyrite. 1. Shale, black, fissile; not measured. MIssIssIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 181 LOCALITY K-63 Covered. gn ‘NJ 11. Siltstone, gray to buff, in single bed. == aes O-sohale, clayey, slightly silty, gray to 35! _@- drab, with ironstone concretions. er os *9, Siltstone, smooth even beds, separated 34! == by shaly partings; partly covered. 13! = * 8. Shale, clayey; partly covered. SUN= | igi6n 7. Shale, fissile, black. BURY 6. Shale, partly arenaceous, blue gray to BED- 3516" == olive gray; intercalated black fissile FORD shales in lower part. 5. Shale, black, fissile. Sz" x) 4 < Ele —_— ow wn 3! *4, Shale, green gray. a Z < 3. Shale, black, fissile. a 4 < we = i) a 3! *2. Shale, green gray. 10! 1. Shale, black, fissile; mostly covered. 182 BuLLeTIn 196 LOCALITY K-66 Shale, very silty, light gray; worm markings. Siltstone in smooth even beds up to 3" thick, gray to drab, separated by shale partings up to 1'' thick; Taonurus. Siltstone and shale, clayey, drab; Taonurus. VANCEBURG SILTSTONE Siltstone, drab, evenly bedded, with shale partings. Covered. f 0 0 a <{ D 1) O Z 2 FH <0 2 pe 0 ies fy O A jx] 2 > © aa A, = a Z Shale, clayey, olive to maroon. SUNBURY})71 . Shale, black, fissile; soft, weathered SHALE to gray brown in upper part. BEREA aes cae . Sandstone, gray to brown; ripple SS. — marks. Shale, sandy in upper 6 feet, in irregular beds, light gray to buff; light to medium gray, soft, sticky, plastic shale in lower part; lower 15 feet covered. BEDFORD SHALE a MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 183 LOCALITY K-67 ROTHWELL] 6! *8, Shale, clayey, olive gray and SHALE = maroon. FLOYDS |thin =\*7. Shale, silty, glauconitic, greenish KNOB FM.|streak black to olive gray. G Q — *6. Siltstone, limestone lenses, and we a on os silty shale, olive gray and maroon; ee 35! OE fossiliferous; partly covered. ty ~ ame ier (ees ee == o n A ec ee u 5, Siltstone with shaly zones; x 2 S 50! NR fossiliferous. aa < Z © 4, Shale and siltstone, gray to drab; a partly covered. = 105! ae O fxy QA < S Wes ae 3. Siltstone, massive, gray to drab; = peo ie sampled in lower part. : aa eee 6 ra AAZ ra YY ees HH 4 ar ass . pares Tee Eo aia O = 10! Nee 2. Siltstone, shaly, iron stained; worm markings. om — *1. Shale, olive gray, silty, iron stained; ironstone lenses; worm markings. NEW 25! aan ea) ZA % 0 a as 5 vO Oo, & 184 BULLETIN 196 LOCALITY K-68 * 6, Siltstone and shaly siltstone, blue gray to olive gray, shalier in lower part; Taonurus and worm markings. HALDEMAN SILTSTONE 5. Siltstone, massive, buff to drab. * 4, Siltstone, shaly, blue gray to olive gray; Taonurus and worm markings, = N Z O HH < 2 Aq O [xy A < ea) a0) a O a OQ 3. Siltstone to sandstone, massive, dark gray, weathering brown; worm markings. CHRISTY CREEK SILTSTONE 2. Shale, silty, dark gray, weathering brown. -*], Shale, silty, dark gray, with thin silt- stone layers; covered below. NEW PROVIDENCE FORMATION MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 185 HOGALITY I-1 8. Shale, dark gray, micaceous; non-marine, * 7, Shale, clayey, brownish buff to olive gray to gray; fossiliferous. exposed 6. Limestone, Ae 5. Covered. +4. ohale, buff to gray. (2 Zz O A Y) a] = 4 A ae < Z i) ai 3. Limestone, shaly, light olive gray, weathers ocherous, 2. Shale; no sample taken. «1, Limestone, shaly, light olive gray. 186 BULLETIN 196 MOG ALITN Y 91-6 * 10, Shale, olive gray, partly covered; e- rare ironstone concretions; ironstone chips on surface. 9. Covered, = * 8, Shale, olive gray, partly covered; == frequent large 1ronstone Conererionmcr re ager Oe 6''-1' in diam. ; ironstone chips on eae surface; fragments of Bembexia ellenae on surface, rare segmented = worm markings. 101' exposed SHOU * 7, Siltstone, shaly, brown; no megafossils. EO URE IVICA TE @ AN) life { *6, Shale, brown; no megafossils. Ht il . Shale, brownish gray; rare kidney ironstones; no megafossils. «x 4) ohnale, olive gray to DIitnelipray ene megafossils. Lilli AIRY | NE We OND ELAN Ce . Covered. . Cone-in-cone layer; quarry floor. Shale, gray; not measured. MIssIssIpPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 187 LOCALITY T-2 *4, Limestone and silty limestone, light greenish gray, with olive gray shale partings. NEW PROVIDENCE FORMATION 3. Shale, black, fissile, with a few phosphatic nodules. *2Z, Shale, dull olive gray, with layer of nodules at base. Saat lz Shale; black, fissile. CHATTANOOGA GASSAWAY SHALE 188 BULLETIN 196 BOCA EY is *4, Limestone, cherty, with thin shale seams; not measured; sample from lower 5 feet. [z] Ee, O H n fx] 2 +] i] Z PH < QO, H Oo © fy * 3, Shale, gray to green gray; phosphatic nodules and glauconitic, calcareous, Shale at top. 2. Shale, hard, gray; upper 6 inches with NEW PROVIDENCE large phosphatic nodules; some green MAURY SH. gray shale; no fossils noted. 1. Shale, black, fissile; not measured. CHATTA- MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 189 LOCALITY T-4 aS shale, cherty, green to orange to gray; with some phosphatic nodules. i; 11% i 110) LIU (\\t 3. Shale, hard, gray; no phosphatic nodules. =, O oa < = ed O fy fx] re) = : fx] ce A are > O lad a, = {x} Z, #2, Shale, green gray, with large phosphatic nodules. MAURY SH. Peshale, black, frssile not measured. 190 BULLETIN 196 LOCALITY O-1 3. Shale, fissile, black. *2, Sandstone, buff to tan to light gray, fine grained, evenly bedded, with siltstones and silty shale; some beds micaceous, < i] ea 3) Q BEDFORD 1. Shale, black, fissile; covered below. OHIO SHALE MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 191 BOGALITY O-2 * 9. Shale, silty, brownish gray, AE t lk i Ki 0 ! @ a Go : Shale, gray, platy; small ironstones. . Siltstone. . Shale, silty, with thin siltstones. . Siltstone, in three beds, with two 2 inch shale breaks. VANCEBURG MEMBER x aS . Shale, gray green. 3. Siltstone, massive. rZ, WOLEStOnNe,) sialy, Preen Crays partly eovened. * 1, Siltstones and sandstones up to 2.5 feet thick, with intercalated green gray shales up to 6 inches thick. Zz O H < = ad O fy < O O at < mH = UO 17'6"! 192 BULLETIN 196 LOCALITY “O-3 2 ss ; Se * 6, Siltstone, blue gray, gray, thin to Qf ule medium bedded, with silty shale. aD) apRO ONO nolo — *5. Shale, blue gray. 64! == 4. Covered by slump. 7, O H << = 60! e O fay ss — UO *3, Shale, blue gray. O —_—_ aie —= = paes > i=) — U st 100! ene 516" ~= *2.Shale, blue gray, with thin siltstones. B16" 1, Shale, not sampled. MiIssIssIpPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 193 BOGALITY O-4 ola Were iee* Sandstone, light gray to blue gray; beds contorted; not measured. 6. Shale, not measured or sampled. 5. Shale, clayey, gray to yellow buff. * 4, Shale, clayey, gray to yellow buff. SHALE | Bi Din One * 3, Shale, clayey, gray to yellow buff. * 2, Shale, gray to dark gray; spores; not measured, transition zone. ai 1. Shale, black, fissile; not measured. OHIO SHALE 194 BULLETIN 196 LOGALITY. ©-5 3. Siltstone, gray; covered above. *2, Shale, blue pray; olive gray, butt ane reddish; clayey; thin siltstones. SHALE QA m O fy Q ea) Q . Covered, River level. MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 195 LOCALITY O-6 M. 10. Shale, gray to blue gray, clayey, slightly silty. CUYAHOGA F HENLEY SH 9. Shale, black, fissile, becoming more clayey and browner upward. 8. Covered. 7. Shale, gray, partly covered. 6. Shale, black, fissile. 5. Sandstone, massive. SUNBURY SHALE ; ae \ 4") Shale, thin: 3. Sandstone, massi 2. Shale, thin. 1. Sandstone, massive. BEREA SANDSTONE 196 BULLETIN 196 LOCALITY O-7 ON . Shale, greenish-gray, clayey; some maroon shale in upper part; covered above. 30'6!! THAT . Siltstone, buff to gray; ''Buena Vista", . Shale, gray, yellowish, buff, to AU Mol reddish, clayey. CUYAHOGA FORMATI TGA . Shale, black, .fissile; road intersec- tion at base of Sunbury shale. . Sandstone; measurement from well on Lester's Crabtree Farm, [x] a O en Ww a a < ap) <6 ea) ad Gy] mA *1, Shale, gray to tan; sample taken l ‘mile south of Hiway 50 on Jester Hill Rd. MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 197 LOCALITY O-8 *5. Shale, gray, clayey, with a few thin sandstones; covered above. — =a = ' 4. Sandstone, medium grained, red brown. *3, Shale, gray, silty and clayey. 2. Sandstone, medium grained, reddish l. Shale, gray, clayey with thin sandstones; sample from upper 2 feet. Z O EH S O 198 BULLETIN 196 STRATIGRAPHIC PALEONTOLOGY COMPOSITION OF THE FAUNAS A complete list of all Mississippian smaller Foraminifera re- ported in this study follows: Order FORAMINIFERA d’Orbigny, 1826 Family ASTRORHIZIDAE Brady, 1881 Genus CRITHIONINA Goés, 1894 C. palaeozoica, n. sp. Genus THURAMMINOIDES Plummer, 1945 emend. T. sphaeroidalis Plummer, 1945 emend. Family SACCAMMINIDAE Brady, 1884 Subfamily SACCAMMININAE Brady, 1884 Genus PROTEONINA Williamson, 1858 P. cumberlandiae, n. sp. P. wallingfordensis, n. sp. Family HYPERAMMINIDAE Eimer and Fickert, 1899 Subfamily HYPERAMMININAE Cushman, 1910 Genus HYPERAMMINA Brady, 1878 emend. Conkin, 1954 H. casteri, n. sp. H. kentuckyensis Conkin, 1954 H. rockfordensis Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 Family EARLANDIIDAE Cummings, 1955 Genus EARLANDIA Plummer, 1930 E. consternatio, n. sp. Family REOPHACIDAE Cushman, 1927 Subfamily REOPHACINAE Cushman, 1927 Genus REOPHAX Montfort, 1808 R. cf. R. arenatus (Cushman and Waters), 1927 R. asper Cushman and Waters, 1928 R. kunklerensis, n. sp. R. cf. R. lachrymosus Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 R. mcdonaldi, n. sp. R. cf. R. minutissimus Plummer, 1945 MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 199 Fanily TOLYPAMMINIDAE Cushman, 1929 Subfamily INVOLUTININAE Cushman, 1910 Genus INVOLUTINA Terquem, 1862, emend. Loeblich and Tappan, 1954 I. exserta (Cushman), 1910 I. longexserta Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 I. semiconstricta (Waters), 1927 Genus GLOMOSPIRA Rzehak, 1888 G. articulosa Plummer, 1945 Genus LITUOTUBA Rhumbler, 1895 L. semiplana, n. sp. Subfamily TOLYPAMMININAE Cushman, 1928 Genus TOLYPAMMINA Rhumbler, 1895 T. botonuncus Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 T. cyclops Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 T. jacobschapelensis, n. sp. T. laocoon, n. sp. T. tortuosa Dunn, 1942 Genus AMMOVERTELLA Cushman, 1928 A. cf. A. inclusa (Cushman and Waters), 1927 A. labyrintha Ireland, 1956 A. cf. A. primaparva Ireland, 1956 Genus TREPEILOPSIS Cushman and Waters, 1928 T. glomospiroides Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 T. recurvidens Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 T. spiralis Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 Family LITUOLIDAE Reuss, 1861 Subfamily HAPLOPHRAGMIINAE Cushman, 1927 Genus AMMOBACULITES Cushman, 1910 A. gutschicki, n. sp. Family TEXTULARIIDAE d’Orbigny, 1846 Subfamily TEXTULARIINAE qd’Orbigny, 1846 Genus CLIMACAMMINA Brady, 1873 C. mississippiana, n. sp. FamilyMILIOLIDAE d’Orbigny, 1846 Genus AGATHAMMINA Neumayr, 1887 A. mississippiana, n. sp. Family OPHTHALMIDIIDAE Cushman, 1927 Genus HEMIGORDIUS Schubert, 1908 H. morillensis, n. sp. 200 BULLETIN 196 Family TROCHAMMINIDAE Cushman, 1929 Genus TROCHAMMINA Parker and Jones, 1959 T. ohioensis, n. sp. Family PLACOPSILINIDAE Cushman, 1927 Genus STACHEIA Brady, 1876 S. cicatrix, n. sp. S. neopupoides, n. sp. S. trepeilopsiformis, n. sp. The Foraminifera presented in the above faunal list are alloted to twelve families, one of which, the Muiliolidae, is new to the Mississippian; to eighteen genera, seven of which are new to the Mississippian: Agathammina, Climacammina, Crithionina, Pro- teonmma, Stacheia, Thuramminoides, and Trochammina; to 38 species, 18 of which are described as new species: Agathammina mississip- piana, Ammobacultes gutschicki, Clymacammina mississippiana, Crithionina palaeozoica, Earlandia consternatio, Hemigordius moril- lensis, Hyperammina casteri, Lituotuba semiplana, Proteonina cum- berlandiae, P. wallingfordensis, Reophax kunklerensis, R. mcdonaldi, Stacheia cicatrix, S. neopupoides, S. trepeilopsiformis, Tolypammina jacobschapelensis, T. laocoon, and Trochammina ohioensis. GENERA AND SPECIES IMPORTANT IN STRATIGRAPHIC DIVISION HYPERAMMINA Three species of Hyperammzna occur in the studied area. Frag- ments of Hyperammuina are common to abundant, many identifiable as to species. Specimens with proloculi are not uncommon. The most commonly occuring species is Hyperammina caster, which is especially characteristic of the lower New Providence and lower Cuyahoga where H. kentuckyensts is lacking, but H. castert occurs in lesser numbers at many other levels from the Upper Devonian Portwood formation to the Chesterian Pennington shale, and possibly the Menard limestone. H. castert ranges higher in the New Providence formation, and is abundant at this level, from southeastern Kentucky: to southern Ohio where H. kentuckyensis is absent or present only in the upper part of the New Providence in southeastern Kentucky. In eastern Kentucky the upper part of the New Providence was not sampled and thus the lower range of MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 201 H. kentuckyensis and the upper range of abundant H. casteri were not determined in this area. Hyperammina kentuckyensis is highly characteristic of and is restricted to the Osagian of Kentucky and southern Indiana, oc- curring most abundantly in the Floyds Knob and middle and upper New Providence formations. Hyperammina rockfordensis, like H. castert, occurs in the lower New Providence and lower Cuyahoga formations, but less abundant- ly; unlike H. casteri, H. rockfordensis does not occur above the lowest part of the middle New Providence formation (lower Button Mold member); H. rockfordensis ranges downward through the Kinderhookian to the Upper Devonian Blackiston formation. INVOLUTINA In abundance, /nvolutina semiconstricta and I. exserta are characteristic of the Kinderhookian and lowest Osagian. J. long- exserta apparently is restricted to this zone but does not occur abundantly. /nvolutina was not found in the Meramecian, but col- lecting was restricted in this series. J. semiconstricta occurs com- monly, but locally, in western Kentucky and southern Indiana, in the Paint Creek shale and in the shaly part of the Menard limestone (associated with J. exserta); the species is less commonly observed in the Kinkaid limestone. PROTEONINA Of the two species of Proteonima found in this study, P. cwm- berlandiae occurs most commonly in northwestern and southwestern Kentucky and in southcentral Ohio, while P. wallingfordensis occurs mostly from southeastern Kentucky to southern Ohio. Both species are often found together at the same locality, however. Proteonina cumberlandiae occurs especially in the lower -and middle New Providence formation, and in the lower part of the Cuyahoga formation. P. wallingfordensis is most abundant in the lower New Providence and lower Cuyahoga and in the middle Cuyahoga formation. THURAMMINOIDES SPHAEROIDALIS This long-ranging species in the Mississippian of the studied area is particularly characteristic of and abundant in, the New 202 BULLETIN 196 Providence and Cuyahoga formations. The species also occurs in moderate numbers in the Brodhead formation. It ranges through- out the Mississippian in the studied area and has been found in the Blackiston formation of Upper Devonian age. T. sphaeroidalis from the Silurian and Devonian of Kentucky was reported by Conkin and Conkin (1960, p. 8). The species was originally des- cribed from the Pennsylvanian of Texas and has been identified in the Permian of Australia (Crespin, 1958). TREPEILOPSIS Three species of Trepeidlopsis were found during this study. They had been described by Gutschick and Treckman (1959) from the Rockford limestone of northern Indiana. The most commonly oc- curring of the three species 1s 7. spiralis which is found particularly in the lower part of the New Providence formation of Kentucky and Cuyahoga formation of Ohio, and in the Kinderhookian; however, 1’. spiralis ranges up into the Muldraugh formation, and down to the Upper Devonian Portwood formation. JT. recurvidens occurs especially in the lower part of the New Providence and Cuyahoga formations, but it also ranges upward into the Brodhead formation. 1’. glomospiroides was found in the Rockford limestone of southern Indiana and in the lower parts of the New Providence and Cuyahoga formations. AMMOVERTELLA Fragments of Ammovertella were found from the Kinderhookian to the middle Chesterian; identifiable species are three: A. cf. A. inclusa, which ranges from the Bedford to Brodhead formations; A. labyrintha, which was found only in the lower part of the New Providence formation; and A. cf. A. primaparva which occurs in the Kinderhookian Eulie shale of Tennessee, the Rockford limestone of southern Indiana, and the lower part of the New Providence and Cuyahoga formations. Thus, Ammovertella 1s especially common in the Kinderhookian and lowest Osagian. AMMOBACULITES One species of Ammobaculites, A. gutschicki, was found in the studied area. This species represents the third identified species of the genus in the Mississippian of North America. A. gutschicki was MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 203 found in the Kinderhookian Eulie and Falling Run shales. It ranges up through the upper Osagian Brodhead formation and correlatives; however, A. gutschickt occurs commonly only in the lower part of the New Providence formation in eastern and _ northwestern Kentucky. AGATHAMMINA One species of Agathammina, A. mississtppiana, was found in this study to occur rarely and in few localities; the species has a stratigraphic range from the base of the Osagian to the top of the middle Chesterian. At present it has not been found commonly enough to have real stratigraphic value, but it does represent the earliest occurrence of the genus in North America, and indeed, of the family Miliolidae. HEMIGORDIUS Hemigordius morilensis was found only in the Chesterian beds of the studied area, especially in the shaly beds of the Glen Dean limestone in western Kentucky. The species was also found in the Paint Creek and Kinkaid limestone and the Big Clifty-Cypress sandstones but does not occur in numbers at any sampled locality. EARLANDIA The lowest known Earlandia, E. consternatio, was found in the Chesterian and Meramecian, but not below the Somerset shale member of the Salem limestone. F.. consternatio is especially common in the Paint Creek shale in western Kentucky. RANGE CHARTS Charts 3 through 10 show the occurrence of species according to locality number and bed number. The bed number is the same as that on the measured sections. Where no measured section is given, the bed number refers to the bed number in the list of localities. A solid black square indicates that the species occurred commonly to abundantly in that bed. An “X” indicates that a species was found, but not commonly, in that bed. Charts 11 through 21 show the range of species in the various more or less distinct lithologic provinces. A wide range line indicates common or abundant occurrences of that species. A thin line indi- BULLETIN 196 204 STSUSPIOJFSUTTTEM eUIUOCD}OIg Sjueursery stsdojttedezy SjuswIsery eCutuUedATO], Sjuswsery CutmUeradApy SJUSUISeIF VTPeJAPAOWIULY sijeiids ‘7 SepltortdsoworTs stsdojttedei yj, PsOnpj107 aT UQOd.ORT “FT StsusjTedeyosqooel ‘7 SdOTOAD) a snounuojoq eutururedAjqo J, XM STJeWploreaeyds saptoutwmumeinuy, a XT1I}EDID etayoeis ee eter eet es a VeIpUe,IequiIno euluosj}0Ig eueldiuras eqnjyonjtyT Coe SpyneueoyaIes SPSS GaGa ie oe SETS Oe 2 Se Oe Siete IEA OE ae a sarusuasieonen raise | aa as a A. ; J ° e e He Pt tt TT a cena le mes BSSNnpoUut “VY “fd eTTeJTeAOWULY CT aaa THOLYOSINS sojIyNoeqowumwmsiy 6 LUVHO alee ain) Conc illteen ls 9-1|S-I| p-1|€-1]2-1 “(P-T-L “9-Z-I SorpeooT) tequinu peq pue Ay[RoOOT Aq Seloeds Jo eouerINIIC 205 MIssISSIPPIAN ci FORAMINIFERA: eae SBR SS SRheerx x MOLL sjuswBexy stsdopredesy S06 S SCUOGERoae es SI ee Pure aa aan PTTIXIXE XX KT XXX squswBery eurumueredky SEES lSsselae ae lle alaselbal SjUsWIseIy eTTe}ITeAOWMUNY VAN, x xX | Bee steatds "J, = SE See ae Sees Ve rn BL susptAinoadr stsdojtedeai yj, SeEeeee) Wad Y Sijeproaseyds 58 proutuiueanyuy SaGame Ree aciae Ree machen ARS ale PEE eel TOAD eutururedATo T Sseptodndaosu *¢ XTI}eOTD elayseys STSUSPIOFSUITTEM “gq seTPUueTIIGUIND eUIUODIOIG eYOIAJSuUOIIWINS *T ej1aSKd eUTINTOAUT SISUuapPIOFHOOI "PY Hr SCL FER tooth _ LI : a ____stsuekyonquey “H | a, nN [SMT mex hehe rojseo eure reday Sareea sass a HEE be PR xT eso[Notjaze eartdsouoyy celal el RIBS IBS BREE Sai bien zaapi RRS oe ag eg ae Aw x gouty Teun eal me Sette} f+ Gat SESE le BCT LL VSO Vy? Srseresomony Alonso nearen (Ge Se Eee wees TyOTYOS ND sazTNoeqouuy PEPPER PEE REE PEPER PPP EREEPEPEEPLEPE 6-4 oe pee! 9-MIS-M v-M €-M] 27-4 I-M ‘(6-I-M SOT}ITVOO0T) Joquinu poq pure AjzITROO], Aq Sepoo0ds JO VdDUNIINIIO “fF WABYO es 196 206 Tiajsed eutuUersdAy Ol}eUIa}SUOD BIpue[Iey eodtozoserzed eutuor1yytiy THITYISnd saytpnoeqouwmy euetddtsstsstul euIUIUIeYeS YY VAAN ts | XX XXX BERaaaaeee a a euqurakqey VjajresomMy EMEC) SSG Be Oily aed sjueuisery stsdojreder] P(e el SS ie Freee SyususeIy eututuredAo J, XA XDD KKKIX x Xb sjusuIsery CutUIUeIadAyY ales na a (aa Palestine & sqUsWseIs eTTeJ1aAOWIWY eek es ela lige) stjeaiids stsdotiedeiy, seals lL ae il es sdozoAo euturureddqo J, WAZA DX x . STTeproreeyds saproutmumeinygy, eee A He ae XTTIEOTS BT@YIeIS i a ei a stsueproysuryyem “q ee eee ee Xe eax Pa seTpueTrequind euTUOS7;0Iq RSE EBS Baaaes 6 Ele ae fe ByOTISUOD TUES“ EGE" ene ce mea: ee ej19sxesu0] “J BH es) | || | | it | oe re ]198xe BUTINTOAUT SOCCER LLL IRL he Re (ROA aa StSsUaspiOsyOOI “Hy SGG000S00000e Senne) cede = stsuakyonjuey H bed S [ He ep EMS EBERS CER PRPEPEPEPEL © PPE PEDEPP TERPS PPE APPEL 61-1 SI-H LI-SMI9I-“ SH] ST“ FI-s Sis 1 (ADs | LiSStO Ls st “(6T-01-M SOM MTeooT) Jaquinu peq pure AzTRd0] Aq SOTDedsS Jo sdUEIAINDDO “G JAvYD Agathammina mississippiana Ammobaculites gutschicki Ammovertella cf. A. inclusa A. labyrintha Glomospira articulosa K-20|K-21/K-27 K-28 Chart 6. Occurrence of species by locality and bed number (Localities K-20, 21, 27, 28, 32-41), K-32 13 [o[shahe uifidl 914 ee eee K-33/K-34|K-35 K-36 K-37/K-38 K-39 K-40/K-41 ce bX] | Hyperammina casteri H. _kentuckyensis H. rockfordensis Involutina exserta I, semiconstricta Proteonina cumberlandiae i Pp. _wallingfordensis Stacheia cicatrix S. neopupoides S. trepeilopsiformis H an RCC xX L] Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Trepeilopsis recurvidens T. spiralis Ammovertella fragments Hyperammina fragments Tolypammina fragments | KI N77 Trepeilopsis fragments x Involutina longexserta a 207 MIssIssIpPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN WT TT TX Xx mie eb ls pe «2 Nees ee 9P-SMIEP-SIeP-M It¢e- UTE Bt SEH ER sjuswsery eUuTUIUIedATO J, SJUsUISeIyT CPUTUIUIeIadAT SJUSUUISeIT VTTeJTIAOWIUI YY STTe@ptoreeyds saptoutuiwmedny J, stsusiayTyuny xeydosy SJOIAJSUODIUIAOS “J az >. (il Le ed Pfc ~ me 2j19SxK9 CUTIN[OAUT | TI9jsed eutumureradAy Ra SISUST[IIOU SNIPIOStuUlaTzT ie OlJeUIDSUOD eIpuelTIey ei a eed ee ee VUCTAACISSISSIUL CUIWIUIeEOeUIITY) See ees Zee euelddisstsstul euTUIWIe UES Y (ae MOG CiCe Ce soles lak eae ree] aan ae aes eee sae eeary Bae aie >= Fee “(9h ‘Eh ‘Ch ‘TE-62 ‘92-22-M ‘T-I SeMTeooT) tequnu peq pue AzI[RO0] Aq Soetoeds JO 90UaTINDIO *) WROD BULLETIN 196 208 BuO Wei ea Ee Sjusuldery stsdojtedei J, eG els | SjJuswsery eutuImedAjo], RV RI pe ar SJUSUIGe IT Bt ae H eee selec 19 aoe stjeitds stsdojredaa cee aaa RRS XQ Stleptoreeuds soprourmureanygy Sees ssaaee ai a STSUSPIOFSUTT[eM eUTUOSJOIqG VJOIIJSUOSTUIAS CUT NTOAUT STSUBPIOJHOOI “PY stsuakyonjuey “Y TI9}Seo eUIUIUeIadAyy TYOIOsjns saztpNoeqowury SSsoke ete tea See Raeeae SSS Be Seas a eae eaees Lease ae "ERA SEC eeeSSbeee TiiTiTIi MC | Bll x !)hUd|dCcvexaXx< x AO EOE eee eae x PEPPER ERE PrP as ey OS-Ml6F-M/8P- MILb-s NA Dall) 22 “(OG-LE ‘Gh ‘PP-M SOTPITVOO'T) IOquINU pleq PUR AI]TBVOOT AQ SoTDeds FO DVIUITANIIO *8 WRTO 209 MissiIssIpPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN euetdiuras eqnjyonj}ryq SsjJUsUISeIT Stsdottedsar yf sjusuIsery eutUIUTedATO TF sjusuIsery PuTUIUIeISOdAPT SJUIUISeIF VTTOJIOAOWULY stjeatds ‘] SUSPTAINIAI “jf saptortdsouroys stsdojtradeiy sitTeptoreeyds saptouturmeiny ys saptodndosu ‘s XTI}eOTO BIoyoe} SNUITSST]NUTUI XeYydoay STSUBPIOJSUTTTeM “dq aeIpueTIIqUIND eUuTUOSs}OIg ByOIIJSUOIIUIDS “T ej1asxoesuoT ‘T 2}JI9SK9O BUTIN[OAUT Me LL LJ aa bm Be i X Ey vA SISU@PIOJHIOI “YY Be LIN aE Zae8 neo SEB aes ale SECRUISbelI og aos et a ce | JES ede ss GA NZ NM x Til9jsed BPUIUIUIeISDCALT esonojzae eVItdsouloty esnjpout “VY ‘Fo SlTeJIaAOWIUIY THITYOS}NS Sopt[NoOeqouUUY BURIACAISSISSIUL CPUIWIUIEYIES VV Arbeit €9-Al29- M/19- Ml 09- Ml6S- MH] 85-4 Bo aie ae SSS Sl PG = St Eqs st C92 SIT SSS ‘(F9-TG-M SOTJITRVIO7T) JequInu peq pue A}T[VIOT Aq Sotoods JO sdueTINDIO *G WeYO ee ne =] ea A = ae Lae mx sl Bane mr | SS mx a Beals aes te | <=> Pees EINE uesaagaanae Bae Se SS eee x Ramer TELS Eceacne ace Ree een SRS bexSEra SPB BENE aR eSeeaRe ee a ree eee CS SX Bese eaeSsiatmereae eS ee 2) an RL Bneseeeeer suena Eee ete) ae as Be eae fc SS Cl XX StI EE ESE Hg — See eee Pee Leela eleva ieeL cheat ea | viel | ESE SESE a es Ae WORE eS ee ue | CS EIS SOS Eee Gleeson ees s SS Glo HO] ol Ss] el 8] ols! e] aS o| ul o o| Sais g)¥/ els) §/s/8yale/ 2) O/c).e1s]c)e/ Big) 3/218 = S[4{a} ojo] 9is|4 2 Q.)-4) © Sletnlalelsl lees loll clclelalfletsle SE an ad Lae ==) - Floyds Knob & 2LeaRes Nae aes Brodhead —— Acderwood | BULLETIN 196 DA. Chart 12. Range of species in northwestern Kentucky (Localities K-1-19). O OTJeUTZISUOD ETpueyT1ey sjueuideay stsdojiedary, SJUSUID EIT eurtumtuieurdAzo j, sJUusUIBe IT eurUUe rad AT foe sjusuidery eTaj1enouy | | rg = SuaplAInoeaz stsdojtederzy, stTeptoreeyds saptoururuesny J, - ~sisuetedeyosqooel ala sdojoXo eutumureddjor | | XTIJEOLD VrayoeIS pe | SISU@PIOJSUITITEM “gq a eetpuelrequind eutuosjorg |_| eyotaysuootures “T] | ej19sxe eurynjoauy| | sisuepzozyoor “py ] stsuakyonjuey “PY fF] Ti9jsed eurmurerodAyy fmm " Bs0[Nd1}z1e ertdsouroTy By ed1ozoaejed eutuotyyta15 | | eAredeuitid ‘y “jo ‘vy eal BsnfOur *y “Jd el[aJeaoMUIY fa 6 Saitnoeqouuy | | te) wen i APPAR eae Junction @ o fo) H aa Pp pocrosooors TTL TTT TTT TTT pees Floyds Knob | RT ee Somerset Cea! SaSReESE n ood ol/Kenw Falling Ru ZS CONKIN MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: Range of species in southwestern Kentucky (Localities K-20, 21, 27, 28, 32-41). Chart. Is: eqjuraAqey * Via ie eben Oey, er etayda Knob Oe Maur Falling Run Bedford Harrodsburg Muldraugh feewildve =! | Somerset u 2a) peaypo BULLETIN 196 214 Chart 14. Range of species in southern Indiana (Locality I-1), and in western Kentucky (Localities K-22-26). Sjuatusery eututuedAsjo yz, sjusuIsery eutumuresadAzy SJUSWISeIT CTTAJIIAOWWIY Ssijeptoreeyds saproutmwei¢nyy, stsusraTyHUNY xeydosy BYOIAJSuOSIUINS “J eJ19SxKe CUTIN[OAUT T19jseod euruuerodhyy STSU9T[TIOW SnIprosturayy O1JeUI9D}SUOD eIpuLl1ey eueiddisstsstul eulmmuUieyuiesy Palestine Tar Springs Glen Dean {| i | Tt tT Hardinsburg Golconda Cypress Paint Creek MISsSsISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN DAS Chart 15. Range of species in southeastern Kentucky (Localities K-29-31, 42, 43, 46). perammina casteri Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Hardinsburg Golconda Big Clifty Paint Creek Q — © © )Pennington ) ® ~ 5 BULLETIN 196 216 Chart 16. Range of species in northern Tennessee (Localities T-1-4). SO a Seay Bue 3 CA || |e SjuswBery epjeiraaowmmy eee See : [ee EE oe sswprppo: a] — ee ra | ne a ee =e eso NOTE CET CITUEET ES eee hea eee ess ean Vv 7 eewesoumy) Sid aukeg 410 q¥] eoueptaorg MeN| eBoouezeyD| MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN ONT: Chart 17. Range of species in southeastern Kentucky (Localities K-44, 45, 47-50). a oct rf a {0 al: 8} a] ° n oh et | 2] a RIE] SI Ele elEl ala] lol] 6 m}.O 1 § a [| Qj Els wm] o| O} 2] 8) OF aol & M)-alalolole] 4 jo} ee) tal cae bal (2) o BI) | O/YSlojaic] ec] @ ui” Sf} alo Oa l(SrslalEl sia SESE he ° |S] OlElE VISIEIElals eh O1s1°Olglso Slo plalo/S/PPHio 0 |e [H] Oo) o] 5) {> [OPS eloiaye ac lHIS|H|] >] Oo HO TS Es Po J Epanderson Ses Sagsees 7 See EASE e eS (pete 218 BULLETIN 196 Chart 18. Range of species in eastern Kentucky (Localities K-51-64). = «6 « - fs n ™|2 CS ol fi AO] oe he) o) as) fom al A} OU 44 O n al & by ed aleSiian [ice a Ola fe aol | ole 3 Sia, o n Hy we! 4] ©] | O} @ £ n g a} 3 cafes in a1 0 : wn . n q n e ela Sale (a he s ma | 7 o|§ . E) a) OFS] Of lcs a5 |) Eh Silecihe Ge LY alo} S} a] 8] § 2] 4 AIG SAA SAN 3 | Sy (Sy I a les o| Pe ie) O] Ding =) é SB} e] & | 4 a| & E O & a is 2 & O] H]--a 16) yx] O &) O)n1 E] @] oO} a) FE) 5 o| Y x10 O15] # g -Q]| > ein aA jor El- Hi () c ron «a | Of -e te] Oo} Oo H ec] £& Ho} eo} O}]o;] A e He} (-)) ol o ov =| &) & ee oo) | te |e NU al ie 2 S| is} : dl ele Siulcd_: fe} <| < a0) yy Y a ee [EX] H sa | Hil oe eee fae /Floyds Knob _| 25 Knob oe | eal Hoe eles Tl IMAERURERLAORLELE Fort Br anc h ee melt tel tT fa e mai MissIssIpPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 219 Chart 19. Range of species in northeastern Kentucky (Localities K-65-68), a and in southern Ohio (Localities O-1-2). n 3 ay n n } 3 “dt ue) 3) a i) S 013 ial fie fa sat Wa yo} ray x c 138 ole| | 2)-s12] e <<} 9} o wil o o| a & Stl ral etait een fe Nee oo wl Ol g] ®) 4] a] Sic Slul4| Ss CPs) of st] Hy ela alolald iil ike P| Oe bd a 8 om m) a] o] 8] 5] 2148 Ma] alo a Sl al Sl al ele (yo epee Piul Els a ats|a) 2/5 )als H |.n YP so} S]Pslel} cla VIA EIS] e] of] el ola o|& > Bleofal el glols| Gla H1o/3/Elo/< o}o}H S Ole iatole| QE |S ]xlalo roy ce) ol ke) 2) n 3/o/qa & S| .] u Pas) 2 oO} |S 1c ]u | > Rothwell | | TET | TT TT TT Floyds Knob eee eae eee ee iw | Branch sideman: (Pe ep eel a ae SERS all eA ER EEa Creek jee ee RRA. cee 3/Creek eal Brodhead Vance- burg EN eceeer ESE SS Eon a) aes eee es Raa eee ag Pama AER es) ZiHenle [Sunbury | Berea ea Pr ies (as i ae LaBare lie iil TR BULLETIN 196 220 Chart 20. Range of species in southern Ohio (Localities O-3-5). DeIPUeTIOqUIND eUuIUO0S\}OIg stjepro1oeuds Se9ploutuIueINny J, STSUSPIOFSUTTTeEM eUIUOSIOIgG eJO1I}JSuOotTULAaS. “JT ej1asxo eUTINIOAUT SsJUSUIGeIy CUIUIUIeIadAT T1aj}seo eutumesradkyy esopTnoij1e ertdsomoTty peer SD Gage Cuyahoga I" Ear ee Shee 221 MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN Chart 21. Range of species in southcentral Ohio (Localities O-6-11). bus: Bll ee aR eRe ER Sees Logan Black Hand sani NAME ae eR eee Maxvitte ome esoyedng BULLETIN 196 222 ‘uvrddississtjy odA4} UPOLIOULY YON 94} JO SW} UL OLYO [V1] U9DYINOS pueR ‘voSSouua], ULoy}LOU ‘AYonIUIy “eUVIPUL ULEYy NOS Ul eioUEes Jo sSuvI1 OYydeiIsHelsg “$2 WWeYO eCUIUIUIeY IOI J, SNIPIOSTw9 fT SojI[noeqowuy la wt d d 1 + 0 t eset TTT rowel 111 Tb Louis Upper Ea Salem] | | {TUT | tT l 35 yNyooy iS y |=” aP ura FLO uetiaysauy UeTIIUIeIOWF uetseso INE IRIS SESS IAL MG - L9pury > ea Q Only those are listed i Foraminife found. List constitute < correlation mosus ; FERRE R. mcdonaldi R. minutissimus i= 4 * — ¥ 7 ! Soman = hoe : E ee | Sie i 2 i wt : hoe ay 5 : ee | < 7 ee. pS =< ‘ = 7 Z ~ ~ 2 x a | t ! cf , os Ker e i 1 ; = K y ‘ | + 2 £ - | \ f * as d yy - Chart 22. Range of species in the Mississippian and uppermost Devonian, sIsusOIYyO euluiuUIeYyd01 J, ee -tsdojtede 13 - erayoeys SS eee snsoutr MEO PSP Ue) ° snjeuere “Yy yo xeydoay stsuapi0F -Burrem “qd eelpuelioequino eutuo0ajoig eueydiuies ee e}O114S -uoolwies “J ~ eee Ee tt eurynj[OAuy ae -piofyIOI 5 -Ayonjuey T19jseo rel eBsopnoty re ea stsueqtizou | | OB | SsnIprostwie py Gi | 5 Nie ie, & OTyeUre}SUOd eIpuepieq eotozooerted PUTCO A oS) euetddtsstsstut ePUIWUIUTe OeUITITD eAredeutid Nf pe * eujurshqey * esnpour “W ee TOAOWIWI YY TypOTYOs Ins soytpnoeqowmuly euetddtssitsstut BUIUIULeUIeS Y n < ra ° ° @ o BS ons ro SD Bi. 0 ow H H i —& a2 0 a Slels o ue Go asl 2S) dS} O] oa} 1S) 4 O° ce} rs) So] © | alo He 5} Sear o|v of }O [oa mor Oe HB] S/QO).§) S| of 3 a 2a a=) “Alo Ole Ae Be © e] Slelelels els S280 85 | §| 2] 5)0] S}.24 3] © 2 = : a EY (Bs Sa b= [a JOlmloO}Oj ma] a jax wos Dan uetreyseuUD BekeEs (hia 8 8 merset rrodsburg othwell-Wildie New Providence OMiddle & Upper Cuyahoga Lower Cuyahoga Rockford Jacobs Chapel St. Louis pyMiddle & Upper R <4) |Brodhead Z| \Floyds Knob MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 223 cates occurrence of that species, but rarely or in small numbers. A given species may occur at only one locality in a particular member or formation; these charts indicate the sum total of occurrences at all the localities on each chart. Chart 22 shows the range of the species in the Upper Devonian and Mississippian formations in which Foraminifera were found. Again the thick lines indicate common to abundant occurrences, and the thin lines, relatively rare ones. The presence of a given species in any formation or member represents the sum total of occurrences of this species at all localities. The range of the genera in terms of the type Mississippian sec- tion is given on Chart 23. In the case of Ammovertella, Hyperam- mina, Tolypammina, and Trepeiopsis, the indicated range is par- tially based on fragments not identifiable as to species. ANALYSIS OF MISSISSIPPIAN AND UPPER DEVONIAN FAUNAS UPPER DEVONIAN Limited sampling of the Upper Devonian shales in connection with the present study of the Mississippian system has revealed the presence of a sparse fauna of smaller Foraminifera in the lenses of green to gray-green to buff-yellow shale which are intercalated in the lower part of the New Albany shale. The fauna consists of the following species: Involutina exserta, I. semiconstricta, Hyper- ammuna. casteri, H. rockfordensis, Proteonina wallingfordensis, Thur- amminoides sphaeroidalis, and Trepeilopsis spiralis. It is now known that the Middle Devonian limestones of Kentucky also contain some smaller Foraminifera. Conkin and Conkin (1960, p. 8) listed the following Foraminifera from the following Devonian formations: New Albany shale: Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis and Hyper- ammina spp. Portwood formation: Hyperammuina spp., Proteonina sp., and Lhuramminoides sphaeroidalis. Beechwood limestone: Rhabdammina? sp. Sellersburg limestone: Lituotuba sp., Psammosphaera sp., In- volutina sp., and Hyperammina spp. 224 BULLETIN 196 KINDERHOOKIAN Twenty-one species of smaller Foraminifera were found to occur in the Kinderhookian, from southern Indiana: through Ken- tucky and northern Tennessee to southcentral Ohio (except in southeastern Kentucky where the Kinderhookian was not sampled). Two species, Involutina semiconstricta and I. exserta, were found to be abundant throughout this area; associated with these two species, Trepeilopsis spiralis was found in abundance, but at few localities; in addition, fragments of Ammovertella, Tolypammina, and other species of Trepeilopsis occur. Occurring less frequently and at various localities were 18 other species: Ammobaculites gut- Schickit, Ammovertella cf. A. wnclusa, A. cf. A. primaparva, Glomo- spira articulosa, Hyperammina castert, H. rockfordensis, Involutina longexserta, Lituotuba semiplana, Proteonina cumberlandiae, P. wal- lingfordensts, Stacheia neopupoides, Thuramminoides sphaeroidals, Tolypammina botonuncus, T. cyclops, T. jacobschapelensis, T. lao- coon, T. tortuosa, and Trepeiopsis glomospiroides. Notably absent in the Kinderhookian beds is the Osagian form, Hyperammina kentuckyensis; also H. casteri and Thuramminoides Sphaeroidalis are only moderately well developed in these beds. LOWEST OSAGIAN The most prolific Mississippian foraminiferal fauna in the studied region is found in the lowest part of the Osagian, below the Fern Glen-Burlington correlative (the Button Mold Knob mem- ber of the New Providence formation). These early beds, perhaps the earliest known Osagian in North America, were recognized and designated as the Coral Ridge member of the New Providence for- mation by Conkin (1957). On the basis of a megafossil fauna, the Coral Ridge fauna of Conkin (1957), the upper part of the Coral Ridge member was determined to be slightly younger than known Kinderhookian beds and slightly older than known Osagian beds. Nonetheless, an Osagian age for the Coral Ridge fauna is proven by the presence of such characteristic Osagian genera as: Orbitre- mites, Beyrichoceras, Merocanites, Pericyclus (Tournaisian of MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 205 Europe), and Wachsmuthicrinus. No megafossils (except Scalari- twba) are found in the lower part of the Coral Ridge member so that this unit might be either Osagian or Kinderhookian with age determination based on megafossils; however, information gained from foraminiferal faunas lends some rather tenuous evidence sup- porting a Kinderhookian age for this unit. In the present study, the foraminiferal faunas of the lower New Providence (Coral Ridge, Clay City, Farmers siltstone, and Henley members of Kentucky) contain 26 species of smaller Fora- minifera, while the lower Cuyahoga of Ohio (Henley shale mem- ber of Ohio) contains 18 species. From southern Indiana to eastern Kentucky, and in south central Ohio, lowest Osagian faunas consist of abundant Hyperam- mina casteri, Involutina exserta, I. semiconstricta, and Thurammi- noides sphaeroidalis with more or less abundant occurrence of Am- mobaculites gutschicki, Hyperammina rockfordensis, Trepeidopsis spiralis, and fragments of Tolypammina and Trepeidopsis. Occuring less frequently, and at varying localities, 12 other species were found: Agathammina mississtppiana, Ammovertella cf. A. inclusa, A. labyrintha, A. cf. A. primaparva, Crithionina palaeoxzoica, Glomo- spira articulosa, Hyperammina kentuckyensts, Stacheia cicatrix, S. neopupoides, Tolypammina cyclops, Trepeilopsis glomospiroides, and I. recurvidens, Rarely Lituotuba semiplana, Reophax ct. R. lach- rymosus, R. mimutissimus, and Tolypammina jacobschapelensis are found in the lowest Osagian. OSAGIAN Twenty-one species were found in the Osagian (exclusive of the lowest part). In Kentucky, 18 species occur in the middle and upper New Providence, 13 species occur in the Brodhead forma- tion, three in the Floyds Knob formation, seven in the Rothwell and Wildie members of the Muldraugh formation. In Ohio, five species are found in the middle and upper Cuyahoga, and nine in the Black Hand sandstone. Abundant Thuramminoides sphaeroi- dals and Hyperammina kentuckyensis are especially characteristic of the middle and upper New Providence formation from southern Indiana ‘to southern Kentucky. Proteonina cumberlandiae and [n- 226 BULLETIN 196 volutina semiconstricta occur commonly in northwestern Kentucky. Ammobacultes gutschicki, Glomospira articulosa, Hyperammina castert, Involutina exserta, Proteonina wallingfordensis, and Trepei- lopsis spiralis are of less common occurrence from southern Indiana to southwestern Kentucky. In northeastern Kentucky and southern Ohio, Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis and Hyperammina castert are commonly occurring species in the middle and upper Cuyahoga. Lesser numbers of Glomospira articulosa, Proteonna wallingfordensis, and Trepeiop- sis spiralis also occur in these beds. Hyperammina kentuckyensis is rarely found in northeastern Kentucky, and the species is not found in Ohio and Tennessee. A localized fauna consisting of nine species was found in the thin shales in the lower five feet of the Black Hand sandstone at Armstrong (Locality 0-11) in central Ohio. This Black Hand fauna consists of common Trochammina olhoenstis, with less common Aga- thammina mississippiana, Ammobaculites gutschicki, Ammovertella cf. A. inclusa, Glomospira articulosa, Involutima exserta, I. semi- constricta, Proteonina cumberlandiae, Reophax mcdonald, and Lhuramminoides sphaeroidalis; in addition, fragments of Hyperam- mina and Tolypammina occur. The only other know occurrence of R. mcdonaldi is in the Churn Creek member of the New Providence formation of northeastern Kentucky. The Brodhead formation of Kentucky and the Logan forma- tion of Ohio were not extensively sampled, but Hyperammuina castert, H. kentuckyensts, and Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis occur in the Brodhead of northwestern to northeastern Kentucky. The follow- ing species were less commonly observed in the Brodhead of north- western to northeastern Kentucky: Ammobaculites gutschicki, Am- movertella cf. A. inclusa, Glomospira articulosa, Involutina exserta, I. semiconstricta, Proteonina cumberlandiae, P. wallingfordensis, Stacheta cicatrix, Trepeillopsis recurvidens, and T. spiralis. In the Logan formation of Ohio, only Thuramminoides sphae- roidalis and fragments of Hyperammina were found. The Floyds Knob formation is especially characterized by abundant and well-developed Hyperammina kentuckyensis, with lesser H. casteri and Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis. The Floyds Knob formation is not present in Ohio. MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN OTF In the Muldraugh formation, Foraminifera were found in the Wildie sandstone and the Rothwell shale in eastern and northeastern Kentucky, but nowhere in abundance. Seven species were identified from the Muldraugh: Agathammina mississippiana, Glomospira ar- ticulosa, Hyperammina castert, H. kentuckyensis, Reophax cf. R. arenatus, Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis, and Trepeilopsis spiralis. MERAMECIAN Only five species of smaller Foraminifera were found in the Meramecian, but this may be due partly to restricted sampling which in turn was due to the abundance of limestone in the series (lime- stones were found not to be significantly productive of smaller Foraminifera). However, among these five species is the oldest known occurrence of Earlandia, E. consternatio. The Somerset shale member of the Salem limestone in north- western Kentucky yielded Earlandia consternatio, Hyperammina castert, Proteonina wallingfordensis, and Thuramminoides sphaerot- dalis. In the Somerset shale of southwestern Kentucky only 7. sphaeroidalis and fragments of Hyperammina were observed. Smaller Foraminifera are known from the St. Louis limestone at only one locality, in Rockcastle County, Kentucky, where Thur- amminoides sphaeroidalis was found, poorly developed. No Ste. Genevieve smaller Foraminifera were encountered; however, in the Ste, Genevieve correlative in Ohio, the Maxville limestone, one species, Proteonina cumberlandiae, was found in the thin green shales which are intercalated between the limestone layers. CHESTERIAN Nine species of smaller Foraminifera were found in the Ches- terian series, two of which, Climacammina mississippiana and Hemi- gordius morillensis, were not found in lower beds. Collecting was generally restricted to the shalier formations and as a result the records of occurrences of Foraminifera in the Chesterian are rather scattered stratigraphically. The more commonly occurring species were Earlandia consternatio, Hemigordius morillensis, and Involutina semiconstricta. Less commonly observed species were: Agathammina mississippiana, Climacammina mississippiana, Hyperammina caster, 228 BULLETIN 196 Involutina exserta, and Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis. Reophax kunklerensis is present only in the shaly portion of the Menard lime- stone in Perry County, Indiana. Fragments of Hyperammina, Am- movertella, and Tolypammina were found in several formations at various localities in the Chesterian. ZONATION OF THE MISSISSIPPIAN BASED ON SMALLER FORAMINIFERA It has been assumed by many foraminiferalogists, particularly those who have worked on the magnificent Recent, Tertiary, and Mesozoic faunas, or even by those who concentrate upon the fusu- linids, that arenaceous Foraminifera in general are so conservative, slowly evolving, and of such simple makeup, that they would be of little use in stratigraphic paleontology and correlation. It was thought that their usefulness lay primarily in their being indices for types of depositional environment; or in essence, they were strongly controlled by facies. This conservative picture of the arenaceous Foraminifera has been fostered by the provincial nature of the works on Paleozoic smaller Foraminifera. Workers have been overly occupied with the description of faunas from small geographic areas (often one or two outcrops) and usually from small intervals in geologic time, often a member of a formation, or formation. Several faunas of smaller Foraminifera have been described from the Ordovician to the Permian of the United States, but no real effort has been exerted to attempt recognition of the ecological requirements of the faunas in a hori- zontal dimension or the recognition of evolution in a vertical di- mension with time. No broad monographic work has been attempted to correlate the various faunas over different regions of the country, and to cite any stratigraphic significance of the arenaceous Forami- nifera. It is quite true that arenaceous Foraminifera in general are con- servative and slowly evolving forms, and that they are of value in the recognition of facies and interpretation of environment of depo- sition; however, it is possible to demonstrate change within arena- ceous Foraminifera in the Mississippian and to recognize species, MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 229 genera, and faunas which are restricted to certain parts of the sys- tem, surely not by facies alone. It can be further shown that the Foraminifera in the Mississippian can be used as a basis for recogni- tion of foraminiferal zones within the system and for stratigraphic division and correlation within a region, if not between regions. Based on the information derived from this study, I introduce a foraminiferal zonation of the Mississippian of the studied area as follows: Stratigraphic Name: Zones (species, genera, faunas) Chesterian: Millerella, Climacammina, Hemigordius, Earlandia, and endo- thyrids. Meramecian: Endothyrids and Earlandia. Osagian: Hyperammina kentuckyensis and Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis ; includes all formations from the top of the Muldraugh to the base of the Coral Ridge member of the New Providence; this zone is divided into six more or less locally applicable subzones: 1. Muldraugh—poor development of Hyperammina kentucky- ensis and Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis. 2. Floyds Knob—excellent development of H. kentuckyensis; rare IT. sphaeroidalis. 3. Brodhead—poor development of H. kentuckyensis and mo- derate development of JT. sphaeroidalis; rare other Fora- minifera; locally a megafossil fauna is present which re- sembles (but is distinct from) that in the New Providence below. 4. Upper Cuyahoga—upper New Providence (Black Hand- Churn Creek members) Reophax mcdonaldi — a possible marker. . Button Mold Knob member of the New Providence for- mation; divided into two parts: 5a. Upper Button Mold Knob—common occurrence of short, stubby, H. kentuckyensis; common occurrence of T. sphae- roidalis, sometimes associated with the Button Mold Knob megafossil fauna. 5b. Lower Button Mold Knob—highest occurrence and near absence of H. rockfordensis in lower part; common and large Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis; H. kentuckyensis; general absence of Button Mold Knob megafossil fauna. . Coral Ridge member of New Providence formation-Henley shale member of Cuyahoga formation—most prolific smaller foraminiferal fauna in the Mississippian; divided into two parts: 6a. Upper Coral Ridge—rare, short, stubby H. Kentucky- ensis; H. rockfordensis; frequent to common large T. sphaeroidalis; associated in Jefferson, Bullitt, and Nelson counties, Kentucky, and Clark County, Indiana, with the Coral Ridge megafossil fauna of lowest Osagian age. 6b. Lower Coral Ridge member—absence of H. kentucky- ensis; H. rockfordensis; frequent to common occurrence of large T. sphaeroidalis. Wr loa 230 BULLETIN 196 Kinderhookian: Various faunas with much the same Foraminifera as in the Upper Devonian; abundant occurrence of Jnvolutina; rare and small T. sphaeroidalis; common Tolypammina, Ammovertella, and H. rockfordensis; rare occurrence of the land spore Tas- manites. Upper Devonian: Faunas much like the Kinderhookian, but sparser, with fewer species and individuals; fewer T. sphaeroidalis, Involu- tina, Tolypammina, and Ammovertella; frequent Tasmanites and other spores. PALEOECOLOGY Interpretation of ecology of the individual species is attempted in the Systematic Paleontology portion of this paper. More general considerations as to the relationships between the faunas and the lithology of beds is presented here. Lithology represents the fos- silized environment. Ideally then, it may be possible under favorable conditions of preservation to reconstruct the life relations of organ- isms to their chemical, physical, and biological environment. UPPER DEVONIAN The “black shales” of the Upper Devonian contain no Forami- nifera; this is in keeping with the chemical and physical conditions of formation of dark organic muds (stagnant waters, reducing con- ditions, lack of oxygen, low pH, state of incomplete oxidation of organic matter); such extremely restricted environment could be exploited only by forms of life capable of living in a nearly anaerobic state, and either primitive (unspecialized), or highly specialized for life in such restricted environment. There are, however, small and thin green to green-gray shale layers intercalated between the black shale beds in the lower part of the New Albany shale and in the Olentangy shale; these green shales carry a rather small fauna of arenaceous Foraminifera. In general, the test size is small, and the test is simple in structure, with the exception of Thurammuinoides sphaeroidalis. This Devonian foraminiferal fauna consists of a small cosmopolitan group which possessed wide range of tolerance for various kinds of environment. KINDERHOOKIAN The black and brown shales of the Sunbury carry no Foramini- fera, but intercalated small lenses of gray to gray-green shales carry a small fauna of five genera and seven species. MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN Sell The Jacobs Chapel shale, soft, clayey, greenish-gray, contains only four genera and six species, but a large number of individual specimens. The small areal distribution, the fine-grained, clayey muds, and the diminutive nature of the megafossils occurring in the formation, may indicate lagoonal conditions which, because of the gentleness of the wave action, might promote the growth of such fragile forms as Tolypammina which are found in this unit in numbers, The Kinderhookian beds generally consist of fine-grained, gray to buff to greenish-gray shales; however, some fine-grained lime- stones are present, such as the Rockford limestone. In these fine- grained sediments, with little fine silt present for the construction of arenaceous tests, some Foraminifera, such as Involutina semicon- stricta and J. exserta, built smooth tests with few silt grains and abundant cement (this type of test is herein called Variant 1); in other beds which carry sufficient fine-grained silt, these two species are often present as Variant 2 which has a coarse texture to the tests and only a small amount of cement compared to Variant 1. A typical fine-grained limestone of Kinderhookian age is the Rockford limestone of southern Indiana. The Rockford is a dense, glauconitic, and ferruginous limestone which may have been laid down in a restricted environment of a lagoon; it contains a high concentration of tolypamminids; I have observed that tolypamminids are rather characteristic of fine-grained sediments, particularly dense limestone. The phosphatic nodules of such beds as the Maury shale in Tennessee, the Falling Run of southern Indiana and Kentucky, and even the green glauconitic grains in the Rockford limestone, prob- ably indicate near shore conditions. LOWEST OSAGIAN The Coral Ridge member of the New Providence formation may be (in its lower part) transitional between the Kinderhookian and Osagian; no megafossils, other than the problematic Scalarituba, are found in the lower part. The upper part of the Coral Ridge member contains the Coral Ridge fauna of lowest Osagian age. Associated with the Coral Ridge fauna are small nodules of iron- Do) BULLETIN 196 stone indicating some concentration of carbonates in the muds at the time of deposition. It is interesting to note that the greatest abundance of genera, species, and the greatest number of individual Foraminifera occur in the lowest part of the New Providence forma- tion, in the Coral Ridge member, or in the lower few feet of the New Providence formation where the Coral Ridge member is not recognized. The most abundant foraminiferal fauna in Ohio occurs in the lower few feet of the Henley shale, at the base of Bed 10, at Nipgen (Locality 0-6), and in the lower few feet of the Cuyahoga formation at Jester Hill (Locality 0-7). OSAGIAN The middle New Providence formation contains the next most abundant fauna; in places it contains crinoidal biostromes and fossiliferous shales carrying the Button Mold Knob megafossil fauna. The upper part of the New Providence becomes silty and the Kenwood sandstone and its equivalents are too silty and sandy to promote even moderate numbers of Foraminifera, except in the intercalated shaly beds. The Brodhead formation is in general too sandy to support significant numbers of Foraminifera; however, in some localities the Brodhead may contain shalier beds with a fair development of Foraminifera. The Floyds Knob formation is a variable lithologic unit, ranging from a shell breccia to oolitic limestone to siltstone to silty shale, all glauconitic. The Floyds Knob sediments must have been de- posited in shallow waters with land nearby; minor unconformity is evidenced by the glauconite grains and occasional erosional surfaces, sometimes with a number of limestone pebbles in the basal beds of the formation. Only three species of Foraminifera were found to occur in the Floyds Knob: rare Hyperammina casteri, abundant and well-preserved H. kentuckyensis, and rare Thuramminoides sphaeroidals, H. kentuckyensis is beautifully developed and abun- dant throughout the formation, with best development in the lime- stones, but present in some numbers even in the shaly siltstones. MERAMECIAN The limestones of the Meramecian were not extensively exam- MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 253 ined, but evidence derived from the samples studied indicates that the highly calcareous nature of the sediments militates against num- bers of arenaceous Foraminifera having occupied the Meramecian seas. An ideal environment for promotion of arenaceous Foraminifera would be one of clayey muds, with fine-grained silt present in quanti- ties sufficient for the construction of tests. The arenaceous Fora- minifera were not adapted to live in highly calcareous sediments in the absence of fine-grained silts or fine-grained sand. Meramecian seas were dominated by calcareous tests (granular calcareous and compound walled forms; that 1s, forms like Earlandia and Endo- thyra). These forms lived in the shoal areas of lagoons or shallow seas, where the water was saturated with calcium bicarbonate. Only one species, Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis, has been found in the Harrodsburg (Warsaw) limestone. The granular calcareous Karlandia has its lowest occurrence in the Somerset shale member of the Salem limestone. In the St. Louis limestone (shale) only Thuramminoides Sphaeroidalis has been found among the arenaceous forms. In shale streaks in the Maxville limestone (Ste. Genevieve cor- relative) one specimen of Proteonina is reported. It is of course true that nearly all Meramecian beds contain endothyrids in greater or lesser numbers. CHESTERIAN The Chesterian beds are dominated by Millerella and the endo- thyrids. Other Foraminifera are rare with only seven genera and nine species here reported from the studied region. One genus, Climacammuina, 1s unknown in the beds below the Chesterian. Hemi- gordius morillensis, C. mississippiana, and Reophax kunklerensis are restricted to the Chesterian. H. morillensis 1s an amorphous cal- careous form; C. mitssissippiana is a calcareous form with a com- pound wall. Note that most forms restricted to and characteristic of the Chesterian have calcareous tests or tests with cement dom- inantly calcareous. It seems that the occurrence and distribution of smaller Foram- inifera in the Mississippian beds are not completely controlled by facies, but that evolutionary changes can be observed within the 234 BULLETIN 196 genera of Foraminifera (Hyperammina, for example), and within groups—faunas replacing one another vertically in time. In summary, most Mississippian smaller Foraminifera occur in clayey shales which contain much silt and fine-grained sand or fine-grained sand which is necessary for construction of an arena- ceous test. Beds which best exemplify this type of lithology are in the lower Osagian and Kinderhookian series. Sandstone beds do not carry Foraminifera unless there are shales or clayey siltstones interbedded with them. In the highly calcareous limestone sequences, as in the Mera- mecian, smaller Foraminifera are nearly absent. The best develop- ment of smaller Foraminifera in limestone is in the impure, argil- laceous, and silty limestones. The Chesterian beds of western Kentucky provided a better en- vironment for smaller Foraminifera in their alternation of shales and sands than does the dominantly limestone Chesterian sequence of southeastern and eastern Kentucky; in the Chesterian series, smaller Foraminifera occur mostly in the calcareous shales. WALL STRUCTURE Detailed discussions of problems of wall structure and composi- tion are included under generic and specific descriptions in the Systematic Paleontology portion of this paper (under the genera Hyperammina, Ammobaculites, Reophax, and Earlandia); however, a few general statements are presented here. Primary concern here is with the smaller Foraminifera; 12.2., those Foraminifera which can be identified without sectioning; therefore, wall structure in larger Foraminifera is not considered. A practical classification of wall structure and wall composi- tion of Mississippian smaller Foraminifera is presented here (infor- mation taken partially from Brady, 1878; Plummer, 1930; and Cum- mings, 1955). 1) Arenaceous A) calcareous—extraneous grains in calcareous or ferrugin- ous cement or both B) siliceous—extraneous grains in siliceous cement MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 25 2) Granular caleareous—equidimensional grains of calcite em- bedded in crystalline calcite cement (subarenaceous wall of Brady, 1876) A) calcite granules secreted by the protoplasm, embedded in crystalline calcite cement? B) calcite granules derived from a supersaturated limy sea bottom by the selection of extraneous grains of cal- careous material by the protoplasm? 3) Compound wall—inner wall layer of fibrous calcite; outer wall layer of microgranular calcite or aragonite’, or altered from calcite or aragonite? 4) Amorphous calcite, or imperforate calcareous (porcellaneous ) Controversy over wall structure and wall composition revolves around questions of original microstructure of the test wall and composition of the cementing material (whether originally cal- careous, ferrugino-calcareous, siliceous; or whether wholesale re- placement by silica of original calcareous or ferrugino-calcareous tests has taken place). Secondary disputation concerns the source of the grains that are incorporated into and are a part of the test wall, whether the grains may be secreted by the protoplasm, or are chosen by the protoplasm from extraneous particles (organic or in- organic fragments) on the sea bottom, or both. Involved also in these discussions are the questions as to the time of origin of the various types of tests, and which types of tests are primitive and which advanced. Most Paleozoic smaller Foraminifera have been thought to be arenaceous; however, there are a number of Upper Paleozoic smaller Foraminifera with crystalline calcareous tests which possess an inner wall layer of fibrous calcite, such as Nodosinella (Cummings, 1955, p. 224). Perhaps the fibrous wall structure evolved in Devon- ian times; at least I know of no earlier record of this type of wall microstructure. I can not accept the proposition advanced by some workers that all Paleozoic arenaceous Foraminifera are actually the results of secondary replacement by silica of an original crystalline calcite test. Such a ‘proposition seems unsound for several reasons: (1) no 236 BULLETIN 196 definitive, compelling petrographic work on the test microstructure has been presented which embodies comprehensive thin-sectioning of representatives of all arenaceous families, Recent and fossil, (2) truly arenaceous Foraminifera are represented in the Quaternary, Tertiary, and Mesozoic, and (3) ideas bearing on phylogenetic con- tinuity of genera which obviously have stratigraphic ranges from Paleozoic to Recent (as in Hyperammina) would be hopelessly confused, for the type of Hyperammina (a Recent species) has a truly arenaceous wall. As a basis for clear understanding of wall structure and wall composition of fossil arenaceous Foraminifera, Recent arenaceous forms should first be examined, for much more detail of wall struc- ture can be seen in them than in the Paleozoic forms. Certainly some Paleozoic Foraminifera have had their wall structure and chemical composition ‘altered by weathering and various types of replacement, 1.é., silicification, dolomitization. The terminology of the texture of the wall of smaller Foramini- fera is discussed in the Systematic Paleontology portion, but addi- tional notes may be added here as to usage of the term “arenaceous”’. In opposition to some present workers, but in agreement with H. J. Plummer (1930), I consider the term arenaceous to be a good one to describe the granular nature of smaller foraminiferal tests. Further, I see no objection to the use of the term arenaceous merely because it happens to be a term used in describing grain size in sedimentary rocks. Can not a word have more than one meaning, particularly when the term appears in two rather different disci- plines? A better substitute terminology has not been devised. Cer- tainly such terms as siltaceous, lutaceous, or the like would be sub- ject to the same inexactness as is the term arenaceous. Description of wall texture in numerical terms (measurement of individual grains) 1s an exercise in preciseness, but such method would have questionable advantage. A detailed study of grain size by precise measurements of individual grains would be a valid line of research, but certainly should not be directed soley for the purpose of in- validating the well-established textural term, arenaceous (which used in the restricted sense of Plummer, 1930, is quite exact). MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 235i SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Order FORAMINIFERA dOrbigny, 1826 Family ASTRORHIZIDAE Brady, 1881 Genus CRITHIONINA Goés, 1894 Crithionina Goés, 1894, Kongl. Svensk. Vet. Akad., Handl., vol. 25, No. 9, p. 14; idem, 1896,Mus. Comp. Zool., Bull., vol. 29, p. 24; Rhumbler, 1903, Arch. Protisk., vol. 3, p. 229; Cushman, 1910, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 71, pp. 53-57. Crithionina [?] Moreman, 1930, Jour. Paleont., vol. 1, No. 4, p. 45. Type species, Crithionina mamilla Goés, 1894. The generic definition of Crithionina as given by Cushman (1910, p. 53) follows: Test spherical, lenticular, or variously shaped, interior either labyrinthic or with a single chamber, apertures small and scattered or indistinct, wall thick, composed of sponge spicules or very fine sand, often chalky in appearance. Crithionina seems to be a genus compounded of two distinct test types: one such as C. mamilla Goés, 1894 and C. rotundata Cush- man, 1910 is labyrinthic internally; the other type of test is com- posed of a large to rather large hollow interior surrounded by a relatively thick wall composed of sand, sponge spicules, shells of other organisms, mica flakes, with irregular and intersitial apertures. I have studied the holotype of Crithtonina rotundata and find that the internal labyrinthic structure is not so regular as depicted by Cushman (1910, p. 57, figs. 64, 65). For this reason then, the Paleozoic genus Thuramminoides (with a regularly arranged in- terior) is not congeneric with Crithionina. The geologic range of Crithionina has been given as Silurian to Recent (Cushman, 1948, p. 71). Cushman’s record of the Paleozoic occurrence of the genus was based on Moreman’s (1930, p. 45, pl. 5, figs. 7, 11) report of C. rara from the Silurian Chimney Hill lime- stone of Oklahoma and on Parr’s (1942, p. 107, figs. 9, 10) record of C. teicherts from the Permian of Australia. Crithionina rara Moreman, 1930 is in doubt; it may be a species of Thuramminoides, perhaps T. sphaeroidalis; however, inasmuch as the types of C. rara are unavailable for study and no description or figures of the internal structure of the species was given, the generic 238 BULLETIN 196 affinities must remain in question and the present writer can not accept Moreman’s form as congeneric with Crithionina. C. teicherti Parr has been referred to Thuramminoides by Crespin (1958, p. 41, figs. 12, 13). T. teichertt (Parr) is herein considered a junior sub- jective synonym of 7. sphaeroidalis (see discussion of T. sphaeroid- als). ' | have found in this study specimens of a form which fit the generic concept of Crithionina as exemplified by Recent species, in- cluding the type species, C. mamilla. The new species, Crithionina palaeozotica, is the first undoubted fossil species of Crithtonina yet reported, older than Miocene. Crithionina palaeozoica, new species Pl, 19; fie 29s eisaens Description—Test free, subglobose, a rounded to tumidly ellip- tical mass, with a hollow central chamber the diameter of which is one-third to one-half the diameter of the entire test; test wall is thick and cavernous, about .5 mm thick, consisting of passages, irregularly contorted and progressing from the central cavity to the surface of the test where the passages intersect the surface of the test to form apertures; some passages are large (some up to .34 mm in diameter) and others are small (some as small as .03 mm); viewed from within the central cavity, the proximal ends of the passages appear to form on all sides a network or meshwork, spheri- cal surface; thus, there is some regularity to the internal labyrinthic structure, and the texture of the test wall in cross-section looks like the texture of a bath sponge; the test wall is arenaceous, con- sisting of agglutinated fine siliceous silt grains in siliceous cement (regardless of the original wall composition); the color is white to orange-buff. Measurements.—See Table 1 for measurements of Crithionina palaeozoica and for comparison with measurements of C. rotuwndata Cushman, 1910. Comparison and affinities —Crithionina palaeozoica is strikingly similar to C. rotwndata Cushman, 1910 in that: (1) the labyrinthic structure is arranged to form a regular network, (2) both species possess similar structure (passages extending from the central hol- low to and piercing the surface of the test to form apertures of vari- MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 239 ous sizes), (3) the labyrinthic wall 1s thick, occupying about one- third of the diameter of the test, and (4) the central chamber wall (the inner margin of the test wall) forms a spherical network surface enclosing the central hollow. Table 1. Measurements of Crithionina palaeozoica, n. sp., in mm. and comparison with C. rotwndata Cushman, 1910 Pl. 19, fig. 9 unfigured C. rotundata, holotype paratypes U.S.N.M. No. 8259 Pl. 19, figs. 10, 11 Max. diam. 1.40 .81-.91 .30-.60 Min. diam. 1.20 .25-.43 Diam. of interior space 34 Diam. of canals .03-.34 .03-.08 Crithionina palaeozoica is also similar to the other species of Crithionina which possess a labyrinthic test wall enclosing a hollow interior, such as C. lens Goés, 1903 and the types species, C. mamuilla Goés, 1894. The exterior of the holotype of Crithionina palaeozoica is similar to the exterior of C’. rugosa Goés, 1896 while the surface of the para- types of C. palaeozoica is similar to the surface of C. lens Goés, 1903. Crithionna palaeozoica differs from C. rotundata in: (1) being much smaller (C. rotundata is 2.1 to 4.3 times larger than C. palaeozoica), (2) having the labyrinthic structure of the test wall ‘somewhat more regular than in C. rotundata, and (3) different test composition (the holotype of C’. rotwndata is only slightly cemented, with minute silt particles, muscovite flakes, and shells of other ani- mals, whereas the test of C. palaeozoica is rather mgid and com- posed of siliceous silt grains in siliceous cement (regardless of the original composition of the cement). Inasmuch as Crithionina rotundata is Recent, and only two species, C. pisum (Colom, 1945, p. 4) and C. sp. (Parr, 1942, p. 78), both of which are Miocene, are heretofore known in the fossil form, the four above characters are considered of specific importance. Evolution would not have preserved the same species for 200 mil- lions of years inasmuch as mutations occur at rather constance rates 240 BuLLETIN 196 within particular groups of organisms.. With such an immense lapse of time, the genetic complex of a species almost certainly would have been transmuted into other species. Type locality—Blue Gap on U. S. Highway 31E, 2.65 miles north of New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky (Locality K-13). The holotype is from the Coral Ridge member of the New Provi- dence formation, 22 feet to 27 1/2 feet above the Falling Run member of the Sanderson formation (Bed 4), | Stratigraphic occurrence—Crithiomna palaeozoica is known to occur only in the Button Mold Knob and Coral Ridge members of the New Providence formation in Kentucky. (See Charts 4, 12, and, 22) Ecology.—C'ntthionina palaeozoica is known to occur only in the olive-gray to blue-gray, soft and plastic shales of the New Providence formation and at localities where these shales do not have megafossil faunas or calcareous beds. Recent species of Crithionina are known from cool to cold waters and from moderately deep waters (Cushman, 1910, pp. 53-57). Remarks.—Crithionina palaeozoica derives its name from the Paleozoic sequence of rocks inasmuch as this is the first known species of Crithionina to be reported from the Paleozoic. Genus THURAMMINOIDES Plummer, 1945, emend. Thuramminoides Plummer, 1945, Univ. Texas, Pub. 4401, pp. 218, 219, pl. 15, figs. 4-10; Crespin, 1958, [Australia] Bur. Mineral Res., Geol. and Geophys., Bull. 48, pp. 40-42, pl. 3, figs. 9-13; pl. 31, figs. 1, 2. Type species, Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Plummer, 1945 (monotypic genus). Thuramminoides was erected by Plummer (1945, pp. 218, 219) on material from the Pennsylvanian (lower Strawn shale) in San Saba County, Texas. Only the type species is known. Plummer’s original definition of Thuramminoides (1945, p. 218) follows: “The external characters of this globose unilocular test are like those of Thurammina, but internally it is labyrinthic.” MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 241 The definition of Thurammina Brady, 1879 (from Cushman, 1948, p. 80) follows: . Test typically free, usually nearly spherical, sometimes compressed; cham- bers typically single, occasionally divided; wall thin, chitinous, with fine sand; apertures several to many, at the end of nipple-like protuberances from the surface, occasionally wanting. The original generic definition of Thuramminoides Plummer, 1945 is hereby emended on the basis of topotypes (Plummer’s Station 205-T-148) from the Texas Pennsylvanian and specimens collected from the Mississippian beds herein studied: The original shape of the test was spherical, but most specimens have been distorted into discoidal or lenticular forms, sometimes broken. The biconcave, compressed tests of Thuramminoides often resemble red blood corpuscles. The exterior surface 1s smooth to moderately rough with a thick test wall composed of quartz sand embedded in siliceous cement. There is no evidence of secondary replacement in the siliceous cement or quartz grains of the test wall in any of the hundreds of specimens of Thurammuinoides studied, There are no characteristically astrorhizoid apertures present in LThuramminoides, but there are multiple tubular openings of two sizes in the test wall. A few small protuberances are rarely seen on the exterior of the test; these are not considered to be apertures. The interior of Thuramminoides is not really labyrinthic as originally described. The test wall surrounds a moderate-sized hollow sphere (proloculus? ). The test wall is occupied by centripetal tubes which extend from the boundary of the hollow sphere toward the surface of the test; in some instances, the centripetal tubes pierce the surface of the test. In most cases, however, the centripetal tubes do not perforate the surface of the test. In addition, there are small tubelets in the outer part of the test wall which do not always run perpendicular to the surface of the test wall; these tubelets pierce the surface of the test in a great number of instances. Carbonaceous matter 1s sometimes observed in the interior of Thwramminoides where the interior centripetal tubular structure is not present. In cases where the centripetal tubular structure is absorbed or de- stroyed, there seems generally to be small to medium-sized, pitlike polygonal to rounded depressions on the interior part of the test wall. 242 BULLETIN 196 Thuramminoides has affinities to the genus Crithtonina, a genus which includes the “labyrinthic species” C. lens Goés and C. ro- tundata Cushman, 1910. C. rotwndata Cushman (1910, pp. 64, 65) is especially close to Thuramminoides. The description of C. ro- tundata was given by Cushman (1910, pp. 56, 57): Test free, subspherical, composed of loosely agglutinated sand grains; surface with many pores leading by canals through the thick walls to the simple central chamber with many circular or roughly polygonal openings which ramify into canals leading to the surface; wall of the central chamber and canals is firmer than the rest of the test, usually showing in these firmer portions a reddish-brown cement; color dark grayish brown. Diameter 3-6 mm. The interior “labyrinthic” part of the test (irregular tubular structure) of Crithionina is not regular enough for this genus to be congeneric with Thurammunoides. The centripetal tubular structure in Lhuramminoides radiates out equally and regularly in all direc- tions on a definite geometric plan, like a sunburst of tubes from a hollow sphere. Thurammanoides may have affinities to Hauesler’s (1890, p. 69) genus Thuramminopsis from the Jurassic of Switzerland. Thur- amminopsis 1s apparently arenaceous and possesses a network of tubular structures on the interior side of the test wall (this network indicates a “labyrinthic” interior to the test). The centripetal tubular structure of Thurammunoides is singular, and such structure is not observed, nor does the family definition allow inclusion of such forms, within the Saccamminidae. However, Lhuramminoides was referred to the Saccamminidae by Plummer, and later workers have followed her lead; the similarity of the in- ternal structure of Thurammuinoides to Crithionma, a member of the Astrorhizidae, has not been recognized previously. Thus, Thuram- manoides can not be retained in the Saccamminidae inasmuch as the family does not embrace tests with labyrinthic or centripetal tubular internal structure. Thwramminoides is hereby removed from the Saccamminidae and placed in the Astrorhizidae. The Astrorhizidae includes in its definition those arenaceous genera which have either labyrinthic or centripetal tubular interiors. Stratigraphically Thuramminoides is known in the United States from the rocks of Middle Silurian through Middle Pennsyl- MIsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 243 vanian periods. In Australia, the only other country in which Thuramminoides has been reported, the genus is known from Permian strata. After Plummer’s erection of the genus from the Middle Penn- sylvanian shales of Texas, Thwrammuinoides was not reported in any other beds or areas until Conkin (1957, p. 1884) cited a Thuram- minoides-Hyperammina zone from the Osagian rocks of Kentucky and Ohio. Conkin (1958, p. 17) recognized Thurammuinoides in the Lower Mississippian New Providence formation (Coral Ridge mem- ber) and the Underwood shale at the Gap-in-Knob section, north of Shepherdsville, Bullitt County, Kentucky. (See Chart 23 for range of Thuramminoides in the Mississippian as determined in this study.) Crespin (1958, pp. 40-42) demonstrated the presence of Thur- amminoides in the Permian of Australia, recognized 7. sphaeroidalis, and placed Crithionina teichert1 Parr in Thuramminoides. T. teicherts (Parr) is considered in this work a junior subjective synonym of 7’. sphaeroidalis. Conkin and Conkin (1960, p. 8) in discussing the discovery of Silurian and Devonian Foraminifera in Kentucky, recognized for the first time the occurrence of Thurammuinoides sphaeroidalis in these two systems. It is interesting to recall that Moreman (1930, p. 45, pl. 5, figs. 7, 11) reported a new species of Foraminifera under the name of Crithionina rara. Moreman’s species may be a true Crithionina, or may be the first reference to a Thuramminoides. Inasmuch as the types of C. rara are not available for study, this species will remain of doubtful generic position. Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Plummer, 1945, emend. Pl. 17, figs. 1-10; Pl. 18, figs. 1-4; Pl. 26, figs. 1-3, Fig. 1 Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Plummer, 1945, Univ. Texas, Pub. 4401, pp. 218, 219, pl. 15, figs. 4-10; Crespin, 1958, [Australia] Bur. Mineral Res., Geol. and Geophys., Bull. 48, pp. 40, 41, pl. 3, figs. 9-11; pl. 31, figs. 1, 2; Conkin and Conkin, 1960, Geol. Soc. America, S. E. Sect., Abstracts, p. 8. Thuramminoides teicherti (Parr), Crespin, 1958, [Australia] Bur. Mineral Res., Geol. and Geophys., Bull. 48, pp. 41, 42, pl. 3, figs. 12, 13. Description (specific emendation).—Test free, unilocular; test shape spherical in life; fossils may retain original sphericity, but 244 BULLETIN 196 usually are preserved as flattened, disk-shaped to lens-shaped masses which range in size from .118 to 2.15 mm. in the Mississippian forms, and up to 2.50 mm. in Crespin’s Australian Permian forms; test arenaceous with fine to medium-sized quartz sand grains embedded in a moderate to large amount of siliceous cement; when in excess, cement gives the test a glossy appearance externally; internally, the species 1s not labyrinthic, but consists of many centripetal tubes which occupy ithe test wall and radiate outward from the central hollow sphere toward the surface of the test; some of the centripetal tubes pierce the surface, most of the tubes do not; in the outer portion of the test wall much smaller tubelets are disposed at various angles to the surface of the test; many of these tubelets pierce the surface but others do not; the test wall 1s moderately thick to thick; carbonaceous material is sometimes observed in the interior of the test when the centripetal tubular structure has not been preserved; in such instances, there are vestiges of this centripetal tubular struc- ture on the interior surface of the test wall in the form of small to medium-sized, pitlike polygonal to rounded depressions; distinct astrorhizoid apertures are lacking; rarely a few, small protuberances are present but these are not regarded as necks of apertures; the two sets of tubes (the centripetal tubular structures and the smaller, erratically oriented tubelets) apparently functioned as multiple apertures; no evidence of dimorphism is indicated as microspheric and megalospheric forms are not distinguishable; color of test is variable, ranging from white to gray to buff to orange and brown. A summary of the essential elements of the emendation of Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis follows: Topotypes of Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis were found not to be labyrinthic in the interior as described by Plummer (1945, p. 219); the interior of the test is hollow, surrounded by a thick test wall which ipossesses centripetal tubular structure identical to that possessed by the Mississippian specimens of the species; these large tubes may or may not pierce the surface of the test. In addition, the outer part of the test wall contains many smaller tubelets which are irregularly arranged, but most pierce the surface of the test. No typical astrorhizoid apertures present, but apertures are multiple. Measurements—See Table 2 for measurements of present specmens of Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis and Table 3 for range MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 245 in measurements of 7’. sphaeroidalis-and for comparison of the range of measurements of Plummer’s Pennsylvanian and Crespin’s Permian specimens. Comparison and affinities—The Mississippian specimens of Thurammiunoides sphaeroidalis agree in all respects with topotypes collected by me, and exhibit all features shown in Plummer’s pub- lished figures. In general, the Mississippian specimens are much better preserved than Plummer’s Pennsylvanian material. The Mississippian collections contain many well-preserved spherical specimens (Plummer postulated an original spherical shape for her specimens although none was close to this). Most of the Mississip- pian examples are flattened as were Plummer’s and Crespin’s. All presently known Silurian and Devonian forms of the species agree with the Mississippian ones and also with Plummer’s type figures and topotype material. Crespin’s new name, Thuramminoides teicherti (Parr), based on Crithionina teicherti Parr, 1942, (Crespin, 1958, pp. 41, 42, pl. 3, figs. 12, 13) is invalid inasmuch as this species 1s conspecific with Ll. sphaeroidalis. T. teicherta exemplifies every characteristic of 7. Sphaeroidalis as shown by examination of topotypes of 7. sphaer- oidalis and by the Mississippian specimens of the species, as well as the features that are shown by Plummer’s published figures of the types of T. sphaeroidalis; in addition, T. tetcherti fits the emendation of T. sphaerotdalis as presented here. Stratigraphic occurrence.—The stratigraphic range of the species Lhurammiunoides sphaeroidalis is the same as that of the genus: Middle Silurian to Permian. (See Charts 3-18 and 22 for occurrence of 7. sphaeroidalis in the Mississippian. ) Ecology.—The smallest examples of Thuramminoides sphaer- otdalis occur in the Devonian part of the New Albany shale. The species generally increases in size with decreasing geologic age al- though there are exceptions due to the nature of the enclosing sedi- ments. [he largest forms of the species are found in the Permian of Australia (Crespin, 1958, p. 40) where the largest specimen is re- ported to be 2.5 mm in diameter. The Pennsylvanian forms of Plummer exhibited a maximum size of 1.6 mm. (Plummer, 1945, p. 219). The largest Mississippian specimens of the species occur in 246 BULLETIN 196 the Coral Ridge and Button Mold Knob members of the New Provi- dence formation in which beds the species rarely reaches a diameter of 2.15 mm, Above the Brodhead formation, however, the size of the test diminishes with decrease in geologic age. The most favorable environment for growth and proliferation of Thurammuinoides sphaeroidalis in the Mississippian existed during deposition of the fine silt-bearing, plastic shales of the Coral Ridge and Button Mold Knob members of the New Providence formation in Kentucky and southern Indiana. The absence of megafossils in the outcrops of the lower part of the Coral Ridge member indicates that T. sphaeroidals could flourish in environmental conditions which were not condusive to the promotion of prolific invertebrate life in general. Yet, T. Sphaeroidalis was tolerant of calcareous mud and muddy water en- vironment ‘as 1s shown by its abundance in the calcareous shales of the Button Mold Knob member of the New Providence formation. In Ohio, the Cuyahoga formation contains much smaller forms of 1. sphaeroidals; this smallness of test and poor development of the species in the Cuyahoga formation is correlated with more and coarser silt and sand grains on the east side of the Cincinnati arch in Ohio. The New Providence ‘beds in eastern Kentucky, all along the strike of the Mississippian beds, again show smaller test and much more meager development of 7. sphaeroidalis due to deposition of sediments under environmental conditions much like those of the shales in the Ohio Cuyahogan sequence. Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis has not been found in the strictly sandstone beds; the species is: present in the Black Hand sandstone of eastern Ohio only in the thin intercalated plastic shale units. Thus, 7. sphaeroidalts “preferred” clayey shales in which there were sufficient small silt grains to allow construction of an arenaceous test. MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 247 Table 2. Measurements of Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Plummer, 1945, in mm. specimen and min. max. locality number, formation, type number diam. diam. thickness and bed number Biri7, tig... “fA .70 55 K-13, New Providence, bed 2 Pie ir, tig. 2 Ey) 39 37 O-11, Black Hand, bed 1 i. 17, fig. 3 47 49 34 K-13, New Providence, bed 8 Pl. 17, fig. 4 47 <2 10 K-9, Brodhead, bed 1 Eloi7, fig. 5 90 90 25 Ke15, (Clay. City, ‘bed 5 Pi 7, fig. 6 75 5 aly; I-6, Button Mold Knob, bed 8 Bivi7, fig: 7 81 82 42 K-36, New Providence, bed 4 Pinas, fiz. 8 .60 .70 a K-13, New Providnce, bed 10 PE 17, fig. 9 1.20 1.85 25 I-2, Button Mold Knob, bed 1 Pi 17, fig. 10 85 86 25 K-63, Henley, bed 8 ie 18; fig. 1 1.50 1055 40 K-36, Brodhead, bed 5 rie ts. fig. 2 85 .90 25 O-8, Cuyahoga, bed 5 Pile 18) fis. 3 1.65 1.65 45 K-19, New Providence, bed 3 Pl. 18, fig. 4 98 1.00 19 I-6, Button Mold Knob, bed 8 Table 3. Range in diameter of Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Plummer, 1945, in mm. Permian (Australia) .39-2.50 Pennsylvanian (Texas) .70-1.60 Big Clifty sandstone .403-.550 (3 specimens) Glen Dean limestone 1.00 (1 specimen) Paint Creek limestone .118-.210 (4 specimens) Brodhead formation .369-.487 (4 specimens) Black Hand sandstone .377-.993 (8&8 specimens) Cuyahoga formation .487-.900 (8 specimens) Henley shale .650-.850 (2 specimens) Button Mold Knob member and equivalents .218-2.00 plus (44 specimens) Coral Ridge member and equivalents .235-2.15 (27 specimens) Sunbury shale .244-.420 (5 specimens) Falling Run member .235-.900 (4 specimens) New Albany shale .235-.285 (4 specimens) Family SACCAMMINIDAE Brady, 1884 Subfamily SACCAMMININAE Brady, 1884 Genus PROTEONINA Williamson, 1858 Proteonina Williamson, 1858, Rec. Foram. Great Britian, London, p. 1; Cush- man, 1948, Foraminifera, Cambridge, p. 78. Reophax Montfort, Brady, 1879, (pars), Quart. Jour. Micros. Sci., vol. 19, p. 51, pl. 4, figs. 3a, 3b; idem, 1884, Rept. Voyage Challenger, Zool., vol. 9, p. 289, pl. 30, figs. 1-5; Rhumbler, 1895, Kon. Gesell. Wiss. Gottingen, Nachr., p. 82. (non Reophax Montfort, 1808, Conch. Syst. vol. 1, p. 331) 248 BULLETIN 196 Difflugia Lamark, Egger, 1895, (pars), Kon. bay. Akad. Wiss. Miinchen, vol. 18, p. 251. (non Difflugia Leclerc, 1815, Mus. Hist. Nat., Mem., v. 2, p. 474) Saccammina Sars, Eimer and Fickert, 1899, (pars), Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., vol. 65, pp. 671, 672. (non Saccammina Sars, 1869, Forh. Vidensk.-Selsk. Christiania, p. 248, (xomen nudum) Type species, Proteonina fusiformis Williamson, 1858, (original designation. Recent, Great Britian). The generic definition of Proteonina was given by Cushman GI928.p: 73): Test free, a fusiform or flask-shaped undivided chamber; wall a thin chitin layer on which are cemented sand grains, mica flakes, other tests, efc.; aperture usually circular, often with a slight neck which may become elongate. The Mississippian species of Proteonina have tests composed of siliceous grains in siliceous cement (regardless of the composition of the original test wall). The affinities of Proteonina Williamson, 1858, Lagenammina Rhumbler, 1911, and Saccammina Sars, 1869 are obscure. Lagenam- mina and part of Saccammina (the free, single chambered forms) may belong to the genus Proteonina. The genus Proteonina ranges stratigraphically at least from the Silurfan to the Recent (see Chart 23 for the range of Proteonina in the Mississippian). The genus is undoubtedly primitive and con- servative in its evolution. Proteonina cumberlandiae, new species Pl. 19, tiesealese Pl, 26, fies. 45 5 eieseeees Description.—Test consists of a single chamber with a tapering neck which is broken off some specimens; aperture circular, at open end of neck; chamber teardrop to avocado-shaped, from 1.3 to 2.5 times longer than broad; test more or less compressed in present specimens so that original proportions of test were more slender; neck rather slender and from about one-third to one-half the length of the chamber; wall of fine siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of test hight gray to yellowish gray. Measurements.—See ‘Table 4 for measurements of Proteonina cumberlandiae, Vable 5 for range in measurements in the species, and Table 8 under P. wallingfordensis for comparison of this species with those to which it is similar. MIssISsIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 249 Comparison and affinities—See discussion under Proteonina wallingfordensts. | Type locality —Hill side along road on side of Fishing Creek, Lake Cumberland, near Somerset, Pulaski County, Kentucky (Lo- cality K-32). The holotype is from the New Providence formation, 8.5 to 25 feet above the Falling Run member of the Sanderson forma- tion (Bed 2). Stratigraphic occurrence—Proteonina cumberlandiae occurs in the Sunbury shale of eastern Kentucky, the Kinderhookian Falling Run member of the Sanderson formation, throughout the Osagian New Providence formation in Kentucky and southern Indiana, sparingly in the Brodhead formation, and in the Osagian Cuyahoga formation of Ohio, including the Henley, Vanceburg, and Black Hand members; one specimen was found in a shale break in the Mera- mecian Maxville limestone. (See Charts 3-6, 9-13, 18, 21, and 22 for details of occurrence. ) Table 4. Measurements of Proteonina cumberlandiae, n. sp., in mm. specimen and length length diam. diam. diam. locality number, type number of of of of of formation, and test chamber chamber base end bed number of neck of neck eo tie 3 «| A460 ~SC«C8S2StiCTSSC(‘“‘i*j GT. «SSCS. ~‘-9, Maxville, bed 1 eon ties a 806. 806 9.545... 118" | 2.108 0-14; Black Hand, bed 1 PE 19) fig. 2 436 it Psy .075 .067 K-31, New Provi- holotype dence, bed 2 Table 5. Range in measurements of 25 specimens of Proteonina cumberlandiae, n. sp., in mm. Length of test .235-.806 Length of chamber .168-.806 Diam. of chamber -151-.545 Diam. of base of neck .067-.168 Diam. of end of neck .033-.134 Ecology.—Proteonina cumberlandiae undoubtedly had much the same ecological requirements as did P. wallingfordensis. The species is known to occur only in silt-bearing shales and shale breaks in sandstone and limestone. Thus P. cumberlandiae “preferred” 250 BuLLETIN 196 muddy sea bottoms with silt and fine-grained sand, in which there was generally an absence of calcareous-rich sediments. Proteonina wallingfordensis, new species Pl. 19, figs. 4-8; Pl. 26, fig. 6 > esate Description—Test consists of a single chamber with a tapering neck; test shaped like a Florence flask, with chamber originally nearly spherical (compressed in most specimens), or in instances slightly oblate; neck about one-sixth to one-half the length of the chamber, and about one-fourth to two-fifths the diameter of the chamber at the apertural end of the neck; wall of fine siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of wall white to light gray to yellowish- gray. Measurements.—See Table 6 for measurements of Proteonina wallingfordensis, Table 7 for range in measurements of the species, and Table 8 for comparison of the species with those to which it 1s similar. Comparison and affimties—The two species of Proteonina found in this study are distinguished from each other as shown on Table 8. Inasmuch as Proteonina is a simple form even among smaller Foraminifera, it is in instances difficult to distinguish various species. Furthermore, the genera Lagenammina and Saccammuina in- clude some species which are not clearly distinguishable from Pro- teonina. All three genera have been reported from the Silurian to Recent. The relationship of these genera is obscure, as noted by Dunn (1942, p. 327). Lagenammina and the single-chambered and free forms of Saccammina may belong in Proteonina; such Paleozoic forms of these two genera from the United States all are composed of siliceous grains in siliceous cement, and apparently, in their fossilized state are without the chitinous base of Recent forms. Table 6. Measurements of Proteonina wallingfordensis, n. sp., in mm. specimen and length length diam. diam. diam. locality number, type number of of of of of formation, and test chamber chamber base end bed number of neck of neck EVe2G etic .762 soy | 554 L252 134 K-2, New Provi- dence, bed 3 | od ae be a Foe 586 436 436 .201 .168 K-63, Farmers, bed 9 MIssISsIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN DSi PI t9, fig. <7, 352 .269 seul) 118 .067 K-63, Farmers, holotype bed 9 PID fis. 6 436 aS) ey 193 101 K-63, Farmers, bed 9 Bislo. fic. 8 369 302 319 118 088 O-7, Cuyahoga, bed 4 Pietoetip 5 1.000. .720- 840 360, +240 .O-1, Bedford, bed 2 Table 7. Range in measurements of 39 specimens of Proteonina wallingfordensts, n. sp., in mm. Length of test .235-1.000 Length of chamber .201-.720 Diam. of chamber .201-.840 Diam. of base of neck .059-.360 Diam. of end of neck .047-.240 Table 8 gives a comparison of the present species of Proteonina and of several Paleozoic species of Proteonina, Lagenammina, and Saccammina which are somewhat similar to the two species of Proteonina herein described, As seen on Table 8, P. wallingfordensts and P. cumberlandiae are distinct from the species with which they are compared. P. wallingfordensis with its spherical chamber 1s similar to Lagenammina sphaerica, Saccammina aspera, P. cervict- fera, and S. moremam. However, the neck of P. wallingfordensis dit- fers from the neck of all these other species in that it is broader than the neck of S. aspera and L. sphaerica, longer than the neck of S. moremani, and more slender and more tapering than the neck of P. cervicifera. Proteonina cumberlandiae differs from Lagenammina stilla in having a broader and longer neck, and from L. sphaerica, the neck of which is similar, in not having a spherical chamber but rather a teardrop to avocado-shaped chamber. Proteonina cumberlandiae and P. wallingfordensis differ from each other in that the chamber of P. wallingfordensis is spherical rather than teardrop or avocado-shaped and its neck is shorter and stockier. Type localhty—One mile northeast of Wallingford, along hill road leading to Poston School, Fleming County, Kentucky (Locality K-63). The holotype is from the Farmers siltstone (Bed 9). Stratigraphic occurrence.—Like Proteonina cumberlandiae, P. wallingfordensis occurs in the Kinderhookian Falling Run member BULLETIN 196 N BUIOYL]YO ‘URLINIIS | ERGO: 8/T +/1 J10Ys [eorrayds 6£61 ‘PuelaI] tuvmsaI0M *§ MOIIBU a}B/ qo It6l ‘Appiid pue BUBIPU] ‘UBTINIIS CES: 9/1 6/1 ‘ya0ys ‘qeortayds-qns JIBMIICO V4adsD DUIWUDIIDE Japua]s jeorrayds BWOYR[YO ‘UBIANIIS BExcg CNG 6/1 ‘gyesuoja ApjaF1od Jsowle OF6l ‘UBWAIOY, VIIMIDY gS “T pajurod 19yje1 |e prosdiyja OS6l BPWOYe|YO ‘UBTIN[IS Bo Xt’ +/T 21/1 ‘1OYs SSa] 10 a1OW ‘“UBWIAIOJA Y7/1ZS DULUUDUIDDT SBX9 ], 69°X6° pe}o113su0d ‘4n0}s 876 ‘S19Ie MA ‘upruvAa[Asuudg 2[PPIA BU0T TT 03 ¢° S/Z 0} F/T C/T 9} E/T eotrpuljAd 4nojys ‘papuno. pue uewysnd v4af191ab109 “qd 6+S5°X908" Japusjs podeys opeooae Ayonjuay ‘UBISeESQ 0} TST'XSEz C/T 9% cH St Ol O/T ‘BuO, 19qj}e1 0} doipie9} IDIPUD]AIQUin) * SU0| $3°X00'T Ajayeiapow [eorteyds Ajieou Ayonjuay ‘ueIsesQ 0} [07 XSEZ C/T OF 9/T GIG OO tefl ‘SuUIIIde} 0} [vors1ayds S18) pAOf{OU1]]DM DUIUOIJOAT agdajojoy {o “MUL UL 4SAq saquivys saqupys fo yoau fo advys LIGULDY I u0140)0] puv abo fo saa UvIP {0 yOu] “uvip/y4au fo advys puv yibua] [4IaU {Oo “wo1p {0 4jOua] UN ULLUL UL ‘ds -u ‘sisuapsofsuyjvm “gq pure ‘ds ‘u ‘QDIPUDILAQUNI “J YIM DUIWUDIIVE pure ‘punumDpuasvT] “vuimoa104g JO so1seds [B19AaS fo uostiedwi0d 2 age], MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 253 of the Sanderson formation, throughout the Osagian New Providence formation of Kentucky and southern Indiana, and throughout the Osagian Cuyahoga formation of Ohio. Above the Osagian, P. walling- fordensis was found in the Somerset shale member of the Salem lime- stone. Unlike P. cumberlandiae, P. wallingfordensis occurs also in the Blackiston, Bedford, and Maury shales, as well is in shale in the Berea sandstone. (See Charts 3-6, 8-13, 17-22 for details of occurrence. ) Ecology.—Recent species of Proteonina are rather widely dis- tributed in cool to cold and rather deep to deep waters. Proteonina is not restricted to cold and deep water or both, for species of the genus are found in other environmental situations where particulate material (generally siliceous sand and silt) is available for con- struction of tests. | have recovered Recent specimens of Proteonina from bay bottom muds in Corpus Christi Bay, Nueces County, Texas, associated there with silt or sand-bearing muds or both. Proteonina wallingfordensis occurs most often in the area from southeastern Kentucky to southern Ohio in the silty shales of the New Providence and Cuyahoga formations, while P. cuwmberlandiae is more abundant in northwestern and southwestern Kentucky and in southcentral Ohio in the less silty shales of the New Providence and lower Cuyahoga formations. This “preference” for the less silty shales by P. cumberlandiae is perhaps reflected in its more slender test, while P. wallingfordensis with its stockier test seemingly was able to live in a more silty environment. Family HYPERAMMINIDAE Eimer and Fickert, 1899 Subfamily HYPERAMMINAE Cushman, 1910 Genus HYPERAMMINA Brady, 1878, emend. Conkin, 1954 Hyperammina Brady, 1878, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 1, pp. 433, 434, pl. 20, figs. 2a, 2b; idem, 1884, Rept. Voyage Challenger, Zool., vol. 9, pp. 257-260, pl. 23, figs. 4, 7-10; Cushman and Waters, 1930, Univ. Texas, Bull. 3019, p. 33; Plummer, 1945, Univ. Texas, Pub. 4401, pp. 219, 220; Conkin, 1954, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research, Contr., v. 5, pt. 4, pp. 167, 168; Cummings, 1955, Micropaleontology, v. 1, No. 3, pp. 233, 234. Nodosinella Brady, Cushman, (pars), 1927, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research Contr., vol. 3, pt. 3, p. 147, pl. 26, figs. 4, 5a, 5b. (mon Nodosinella Brady, 1876, Pal. Soc. Mon., v. 30, p. 102). 254 BULLETIN 196 Hyperamminella Cushman and Waters, 1928, Cushman Lab. Foram. Re- search, Contr., vol. 4, pt. 2, p. 36, pl. 4, figs. 3, 4. (zon Hyperamminella de Folin, 1881, Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse, Bull. année 15, p. 140. zomen nudum). Hyperamminoides Cushman and Waters, 1928, Cushman Lab. Foram. Re- search, Contr., vol. 4, p. 112. (New generic name substitution.) Type species, Hyperammina elongata Brady, 1878 (original designation. Re- cent, Atlantic Ocean). Conkin (1954, p. 167) summarized Brady’s generic concept of Hyperammina: H. B. Brady (1878, pp. 433, 434, pl. 20, figs. 2a, 2b) first defined Hyperam- mina with H. elongata as the genotype, and in 1884 (pp. 257-260, pl. 23, figs. 4, 7-10) emended his original definition . . . Brady considered Hyperammina to have: an arenaceous test , free or adherent, [attached tests have since been referred to other genera] with an elongate tubular, singular or branching, second chamber; aperture open or only slightly constricted; interior smooth; exterior roughly or smoothly finished with test tapering toward the aperture; and a proloculus of varying bulbosity and shape. The generic concept of Hyperammina and its relationship with Hyperamminoides Cushman and Waters, 1928 were discussed by Conkin (1954, pp. 167, 168); this discussion amounted to a generic emendation of Hyperammina although no formal statement of emendation was made in the 1954 paper. I now formally propose that the 1954 (pp. 167, 168) discussion of the generic concept of Hyperammuina be recognized as constituting generic revision of Hyperammuina. To this end, I repeat the essential elements of my generic emendation, which added to Brady’s defini- tion, bring Hyperammina up-to-date and capable of embracing all species of Hyperammina and Hyperammuinoides, as informally stated in 1954 (pp. 167, 168'): (1) the second chamber may be nontapering, may taper towards the proloculus, or in a few species taper toward both the aperture and the proloculus (‘hourglass tapering’); (2) aperture may be moderately or strongly constricted; and (3) exterior may be marked by transverse constrictions of varying strength. . . No clear generic definition is possible for either Hyperammina or Hyperamminoides as long as Hyperamminoides is accepted as a valid genus. Hyperamminoides, therefore, should be suppressed in favor of Hyperammina. The three characters considered diagnostic of Hyperamminoides by Cushman and Waters (constricted aperture, siliceous test, and tapering shape of test) and the one character considered diagnostic of Hyperamminoides by Plummer (the rapidly expanding nature of the second chamber) are here considered only of specific value. All the above characters are exhibited in varying degrees by species of Hyperammina. MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 255 Considerable misunderstanding as to the nature of the test wall in Hyperammina has arisen. Cushman’s treatment of the test wall is vague and his terminology is not precise. Generally, in de- scribing species of Hyperammina, Cushman referred to the test wall as “arenaceous” or “agglutinated”. Arenaceous, or agglutinate, to Cushman meant extraneous grains in a secreted cement; the cement could be ferruginous, calcareous, or rarely siliceous, usually with an interior chitinous lining. Thus, when Cushman used the term arenaceous without comment, he tacitly assumed that the test wall contained either ferruginous or calcareous cement. When Cushman dealt with Paleozoic Hyperammina, as well as with many other Paleozoic genera, his tacit assumption as to the nature of the test wall was not always well founded, as in all instances he apparenetly made no real determination as to the chemical nature of the cement, and in many instances did not describe the chemical composition of the agglutinated grains. Cushman and Waters described several faunas from the Penn- sylvanian of Texas (1927, 1928, 1930) in which the test wall com- position was stated to be arenaceous; these statements by Cushman and Waters were assumptions based on preconceived ideas as to the test wall composition. However, Cushman and Waters (1928, p. 36) based their generic definition of Hyperammuinoides on the fact that it had siliceous cement (which cement they considered to be original). Plummer clearly understood the unnecessary difficulties at- tending lack of precision in the nomenclature and description of the nature of the test wall in smaller Foraminifera, Among Plum- mer’s contributions to the nomenclature of arenaceous forms was the proposal to adopt (1930, p. 7): . the word ‘adventitious’ as a satisfactory comprehensive term to describe all orale composed of an extraneous material bound by cement. The term ‘arenaceous’ will be employed strictly according its etymology, that is, for tests composed of mineral grains obviously selected from their surroundings and cemented into a firm investment by a protoplasmic secretion. Plummer (1945, p. 219) described the test wall composition in Pennsylvanian Hyperammina: The shell of the Texas Pennsylvanian species in this generic group [Hyperammina] consists of siliceous grains bound by an insoluble siliceous cement, which is generally subordinate enough to leave the surface distinctly dull and rough but commonly of fine texture. . . 256 BULLETIN 196 The true nature of the wall composition of the type species of Hyperammina, H. elongata Brady, a Recent species, was not known until Cummings (1955, pp. 233, 234) examined the type material in the British Museum (Natural History) and reported that this material has a calcareous or ferrugino-calcareous cement, whereas the wall of Hyperamminoides is stated to have a siliceous cement. Such a fundamental difference of secretory activity in the cytoplasm can not be regarded as mere specific variation, as Conkin would suggest. However, tests of Hyperammina often undergo secondary alteration by silicification in Paleozoic sediments. This has been noted in several populations of Hyperammina neoglabra Conkin from different localities in the British Carboniferous. Hyperamminoides is therefore included within the genus Hyperammina, in the present work, on the grounds that the former is based on secondarily silicified specimens of the latter. Conkin (1956, p. 193) attempted to clarify Cummings’ misun- derstanding of his concept of the wall structure in Hyperammina and its junior subjective synonym Hyperammuinoides: . .. I would not suggest that cement secreted by the protoplasm of a foram- inifer is of mere specific value. Until Dr. Cummings’ announcement, I knew of no reference to [Paleozoic] Hyperammina possessing calcareous or ferrugino- calcareous cement secreted by the cytoplasm; indeed, the generic definition of both Hyperammina and Hyperamminoides [here the writer was following Plummer’s description of the chemical nature of the cement in Hyperammina inasmuch as Brady had not defined it precisely] had clearly required that these two genera possess siliceous cement. Therefore, the specific variation to which I referred was not a variation between siliceous cement [regardless or origin: original or altered] and calcareous or ferrugino-calcareous cement, but was a variation in the proportion of siliceous cement [regardless of origin: original or secondary] to cemented grains. Crespin (1958, p. 35), in a study of the Permian hyperamminids of Australia, discussed the relationship between Hyperammuina and Hyperamminoides, and concluded: After studying innumerable tests, I agree with Conkin in using Hyperam- mina rather than Hyperamminoides, for the following reasons: (1) The dif- ference in the shape of the proloculus is neither a definite generic nor a specific character. . . The amount of increase in width of the test is surely specific rather than a generic character, (2) Plummer (1945) remarks that the tests of Hyperammina are mostly much longer than those of Hyperam- minoides. Evidence against this view is shown in the two species described by Parr (1942) from Western Australia. The tests of ‘Hyperamminoides’ acicula are up to 20 millimetres long; the greatest length of Hyperammina coleyi is given as 9 millimetres, and (3) Cummings (1955) found that the test of Hyperammina had calcareous or ferrugino- calcareous cement, but no species with calcareous cement were found during the present investigation. The tests were presistently siliceous, as found by Conkin (1956). As already com- mented here, there seems to be little or no evidence of secondary silicification of arenaceous tests in the Australian Permian or in the rocks in which the foraminifera are found. MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN DT Plummer (1945, p. 223) placed considerable importance on the proportion of cementing material to arenaceous grains in the constitution and texture of the test of the two genera; thus in dis- cussing Hyperamminoides Plummer remarked: The strong shell wall is composed of fine, siliceous cement. . . Most of the species exhibit such an abundance of siliceous cement in the shell wall, that the surface is very smooth and even glossy, but sufficient variation exists in both genera to render this feature too unstable to serve as a generic character. I reiterate here my belief that the amount of cement (whether originally ferrugino;calcareous or siliceous) is at most of only specific value. In many instances it is doubtful whether the proportion of cement to cemented grains is of any taxonomic value. The cement is considered tto be secreted by the protoplasm and the kind of cement should not vary within a species or genus. Actually it is considered that genera in any subfamily, and perhaps the genera of a family, should possess the same kind of cementing material. Some families of Foraminifera as presently conceived do not have the same test composition displayed in all the genera within the family. Many families undoubtedly contain unnatural groupings of genera. It is known that some Protozoa do secrete siliceous test material and I can see no inherent difficulty in believing that some Paleozoic Foraminifera may have used silica as cement. Actually Miliammina, and others of the Silicinidae (Cretaceous and Recent), possess siliceous cement, although admittedly such truly siliceous genera in post-Paleozoic rocks are few and rarely encountered. Cummings (1955, p. 234) reported: “Usually, representatives of the genus Hyperammina are found in the British Carboniferous in an unaltered condition.” However, in the Pennsylvanian of Texas (Plummer, 1945, p. 261), unaltered Earlandia (with calcareous ce- ment) occur in the same beds and at the same localities as does Hyperammina. The presence of Hyperammina (with siliceous ce- ment) and unaltered Earlandia (with calcareous cement) in the same beds at the same localities lends support for the possession of an original siliceous cement by Hyperammina. If there has been secondary replacement of the Hyperammina then the silicification would have been extremely selective, leaving Earlandia completely unaltered. 258 BULLETIN 196 St. Jean (1957, p. 41) expressed the following suspicion: Because of the transversely fibrous type of wall found in the diverse species of the fauna [Pennsylvanian Stanton fauna from Dubois Co., Indiana], it is suspected that all Paleozoic Foraminifera referred to the genus Hyperammina are actually Earlandia. If all Paleozoic Hyperammuna originally possessed a calcareous test as has been advocated by St. Jean (1957), then Hyperammina would become a junior subjective synonym for Earlandia Plummer, 1930 only if Hyperammina and Earlandia both possess granular cal- cite tests, as St. Jean believed (1957, p. 41). However, it is not yet established whether Earlandia was “arenaceous” in the sense of Plummer (1930 p. 7); that is, whether the calcareous granules were “selected” from the calcareous material on the sea bottom in warm, shallow seas, highly charged with carbonates, or whether the cal- careous granules in the calcite cement were secreted by the proto- plasm of the foraminifer. If we were to entertain hypothetically the assignment of Hy- perammina to the granular calcareous Earlandiidae Cummings, 1955, then what is the phylogenetic relationship of the Paleozoic Hyperam- mina and the Recent Hyperammina? Even the most ardent advo- cate of original crystalline calcareous wall constitution could hardly maintain the restriction of the genus Hyperammina to the Recent. In essence, St. Jean advocated just such restriction of Hyperammina when he suspected that Paleozoic Hyperammina are actually Earlandia, St. Jean (1957, p. 41) recognized the type species of Hyperammina, H. elongata Brady, 1878 to be a Recent arenaceous form, but took no notice of Cummings’ work (1955, p. 233) which demonstrated that the type species has an arenaceous test of quartz sand grains in calcareous or ferrugino-calcareous cement. Inasmuch as the type species of Hyperammina is arenaceous, there may well be, in the Paleozoic beds, silicified Harlandia which thus come to “mimic” Hyperammina, but the arenaceous Hyperam- mma can not be secondarily calcified to “mimic” Earlandia (which genus possessed a granular calcareous wall). Further, I believe that St. Jean (1957, p. 41) made a funda- mental misinterpretation of evolutionary thought in his discussion of his Earlandia bulbosa (which in reality is most likely a new species of Earlandia, not Hyperammina bulbosa): MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 259 As it seems unlikely that this genus [Hyferammina] would be so far ranging, the Pennsylvanian Hyperammina bulbosa is placed under the genus Earlandia. Although the exact zoological relationships between Paleozoic and Recent Hyperammina are unknown, primitive and simple forms of life possessing wide tolerances for and potentialities for adaptation to various chemical, physical, and biological factors of environment, should have long geologic ranges, especially if the life forms are adapted to live in an environment which has persisted basically un- changed throughout immense lengths of geologic time. A further difficulty may be involved in the correct interpreta- tion of wall structure and composition as Cummings mentioned elo; p- 234): As Plummer (1945) noted, complete specimens of Hyperammina are rare, and fragments are difficult to distinguish from members of the Rhizamminidae. Some records of the latter group in the Upper Paleozoic may be the result of incomplete preservation of Hyperamminidae. Fragments of some of the members of the Rhizamminidae occasionally may be mistaken for fragments of Hyperammina; many species of Hyperammina are described from fragmental material (lacking the proloculus). It 1s interesting to note that at least some of the species of the Rhizamminidae are reported to have an outer calcareous layer (Cushman, 1948, p. 73). The foregoing discussion of possible silicification and original calcareous test composition and structure has not convinced me that all Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Mississippian, and Pennsylvanian Hyperammina in the United States and all Australian Permian Hyperammina are secondarily silicified. Much more work needs to be done on the wall structure of Paleozoic Foraminifera along the lines of Cummings’ contribution. Not enough faunas have been described, and not enough concern has been given to the composition of the test wall; perhaps silicifi- cation has been extremely selective in replacing only certain types of Foraminifera, or environmental conditions differing so much in various areas have promoted silicification in one area and not in another. At present state of knowledge of wall structure and composition of Paleozoic smaller Foraminifera, no sweeping conclusions should 260 BULLETIN 196 be attempted which bear upon the nomenclature of genera and ideas of phylogeny. Assumptions as to wall structure, as yet unverified, can not be used as guides in systematics. I believe that problems of wall composition and structure are much more complex than gen- erally recognized and that the foundation of foraminiferal systema- tics is weakened by our lack of exact knowledge, most particularly among arenaceous Foraminifera. Hyperammina casteri, new species Pl. 20, figs, dake Pl. 26, figs. 7,87 MigsmGed Description.—Meegalospheric form: Test consists of a proloculus of varying shape (oblate to spherical to somewhat pointed prolate to rounded prolate) and a straight to nearly straight second cham- ber which gradually and more or less regularly expands from a diameter less than that of the proloculus to a diameter greater than that of the proloculus; in a few instances, the test tapers toward the aperture after having expanded slightly in that direction; most tests show faint to moderate external constrictions at irregular in- tervals; test size. varies greatly, with some specimens as much as three times larger than others and with all sizes between represented by yet other specimens; nearly all specimens are flattened so that measurements other than length are exaggerated about one and one- third times their original size; aperture formed by slightly to moder- ately constricted end of tube; apertural end of most specimens broken; test wall opaque to translucent and generally rather smooth with large proportion of siliceous cement, but wall may be rather granular with a lesser proportion of cement; color of wall varies from white to cream to gray. Microspheric form: Test consists of a tiny pointed proloculus and a rather rapidly expanding second chamber which ceases to expand after achieving considerable length; the general shape of the test is that of an elongated cone; the proloculi of some speci- mens are extremely long and pointed; the pointed tips of the tiny proloculi are broken off of many specimens; aperture formed by slight constriction of open end of cone; however, the apertural end is usually broken; nearly all specimens are flattened as in the megalospheric form; measurements of test corrected for distortion MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 261 show that the test was about three times to six times longer than broad; a few tests show less expansion of the second chamber and have the length about seven times longer than the width; in other respects the microspheric form closely resembles the megalospheric form. Measurements.—See Table 9 for measurements of the megalo- spheric form and Table 10 for measurements of the microspheric form of Hyperammina castert. Table 11 shows the range in measure- ments of H. casteri, a comparison in the ranges of the measurements of H. casteri and H. glabra, and the ranges of the measurements of the tests of H. castert which have been hypothetically restored to their original dimensions, before flattening occurred. Comparison and affinities—The megalospheric form of Hy- perammina castert 1s somewhat similar to the megalospheric form of H. glabra Cushman and Waters (1927, p. 146); however, H. castert is proportionally broader, with a maximum diameter (for a given length) attaining nearly three times that of H/. glabra and a proloculus diameter ranging to nearly two and one-half times greater than that of H. glabra. The microspheric form of Hyperammina casteri is distinct from all forms of Hyperammina in the present study because of its conical shape; however, the microspheric form is similar in its conical shape to H. expansa (Plummer) (1945, pp. 223, 224). H. expansa expands at a much faster rate than does H. casteri and in g...eral has a larger proloculus. Plummer did not give measurements for the proloculus of H. expansa, but the proloculi of three topotypes (from Plummer’s Locality No. 128) range from .042 to .067 mm. in diameter. Also, the microspheric form of H. casteri resembles H. johnsvalleyensis Harl- ton (1933, p. 8). The microspheric form of H. castert superficially resembles Reophax buccina Gutschick and Treckman (1959, pp. 239, 240), but R. buccina has a much larger proloculus (.08 to .10 mm.), and its test is partially constricted internally. The generic position of R. buccina is in doubt. 262 BuLLeETIN 196 Table 9. Measurements of Hyperammuina castert, n. sp., megalospheric form, in mm. specimen and type number BE 1, el. PI PA: iPk 2, IP 121\, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 26, 20, 20, figs. 14, 15 fig. 5 fig. 18 rele fig. 7 fig. 9 fig. 7 fig. 3 fig. 12 specimen and type number Pl Pl lei elle BE Pl . 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20) fig. 6 fig. 16 fig. 8 holotype IE AAO see, Pl. 20, fig. 4 Pl. 20, fig. 13 diam. length of of max. proloc. test diam. IS) Apt) 420 193 .704 53192) 450 3=-:1.625 450 PU ALE) 300 120 840 sie 244 =61.126 .270 L445) 1.350 .300 134 924 .164 .670 134 diam. length of of max. proloc. test diam. 025 .780 .218 1.260 425 .604 .168 AOA 7 806 Ze .746 33)8) .033 1.140 269 .050 SLI 302 570 302 .018 586 AVIE min. diam. 302 138 .350 .190 .080 .210 .200 109 088 min. diam. 025 142 .025 ROMS 168 .033 .050 .067 018 locality number, formation, and bed number K-13, Brodhead, bed 10 K-38, New Providence, bed 7 K-31, New Providence, bed. 2 K-31, New bed 2 K-36, New bed 5 K-16, New Providence, bed 3 K-12, New bed 2 K-36, New bed 2 K-5, Falling Run, bed 1 Providence, Providence, Providence, Providence, Table 10. Measurements of Hyperammina caster, n. sp., microspheric form, in mm. locality number, formation, and bed number K-34, New Providence, bed 7 I-3, New Providence, bed 1 K-16, New Providence, bed 3 K-16, New Providence, bed 3 K-16, New Providence, bed 3 I-4, New Providence, bed 3 I-4, New Providence, bed 3 K.-36, New Providence, bed 1 K-5, Falling Run, bed 1 MIsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 263 Table 11. Range in measurements of Hyperammuna casteri, n. sp., in mm., and comparison with H. glabra Cushman and Waters H. casteri H. glabra megalospheric microspheric megalospheric 34 specimens 38 specimens Diam. of proloc. .120-.450 .018-.075 150 Length of test up to 2.30 up to 1.26 up to 3.00 Max. diameter .134-.650 .105-.470 .120-.200 Min. diameter .080-.350 .018-.075 Restored ranges Diam. of proloc. .120-.360 .015-.060 Max. diameter .107-.520 -084-.380 Min. diameter .080-.280 .015-.060 The megalospheric and microspheric forms of Hyperammina castert taken together are roughly similar in appearance to the megalospheric and microspheric forms of H. elegans (Cushman and Waters) (1928, p. 36). However, H. elegans is much larger (up to 5 mm. long and 1 mm. in diameter) and is more strongly constricted. L'ype locality —One mile west of Jacobs Chapel, Clark County, Indiana (Locality I-4). The holotype is from the lower three feet of the New Providence formation (Bed 3). Stratigraphic occurrence.—Hyperammina castert has a longer stratigraphic range than do the other species of the genus encount- ered in this study. The species ranges in Kentucky from the Upper Devonian part of the New Albany black shale upward and through- out the Kinderhookian and Osagian; in the Meramecian the species has been found only in the Somerset shale member of the Salem limestone; in the Chesterian, H. casteri occurs in the upper part of the Pennington shale, while questionable specimens of Hl. casteri were found in the shaly part of the Paint Creek and Menard lime- stones. [he species occurs in the Kinderhookian and Osagian of southern Indiana. In Ohio, H. casteri has been found in the Osagian Cuyahoga formation, H. casteri occurs rather often (in the Kinder- hookian and lower Osagian) in association with H. rockfordensts, and less often in association with H. kentuckyensis, within the Osagian sequence. See Charts 3-22 for details of occurrence of H. castert in the Mississippian. Ecology —Hyperammina casteri occurs in a wide variety of shales (calcareous and noncalcareous), shaly siltstones, and shaly 264 BULLETIN 196 sandstones; thus, like /nvolutina semiconstricta, the species was tol- erant of a wide range of environmental conditions. There is no gradual change in size with decreasing geologic age, nor apparently any other change in the morphology which can be correlated with stratigraphic level. Various sized specimens are found even in the same sample. The great variety in size and shape assumed by H. castert may indicate that polymorphism existed within the species rather than the species having had simple alternation of miucro- spheric and megalospheric generations. Remarks.—TVhis new species 1s named in honor of Dr. K. E. Caster, Professor of Geology at the University of Cincinnati. Hyperammina kentuckyensis Conkin, 1954 Pl. 21, figs. 1-9; Pl. 26, tise Seehneans Hyperammina kentuckyensis Conkin, 1954, Cushman Found. Foram. Research, Contr., vol. 5, pt. 4, pp. 166, 167, pl. 31, figs. 1-6. Description—Conkin gave this peeitie description of Hyperam- mina kentuckyensts: Megalospheric form shows an oblate proloculus and a moderately curved, undivided second chamber, tapering initially toward the aperture, then ex- panding toward the aperture the remainder of the test, producing a necking at the position of reversal of direction of tapering (this double tapering of the early part of the second chamber is herein termed ‘hourglass tapering’); test moderately constricted externally at irregular intervals; part of test between last constriction and moderately constricted aperture, slightly inflated forming a distinct lip which ranges up to 16 percent of the total length of the test; wall cream colored and smoothly finished, consisting of minute siliceous grains in siliceous cement; rarely a specimen approaches a cylindrical shape, . . . but this is merely an individual abberation within the species. Microspheric form shorter, stouter, and less curved than megalospheric form; proloculi of microspheric forms broken off; very early part (less than 10 percent of total length of second chamber) narrow, and very gradually expanding, followed by a rapid expansion, and thereafter approaching a cylindrical shape, but always retaining a definite expansion; . . . aperture slightly constricted; lip as in megalospheric form; wall same as in megalo- spheric form, but thicker. Measurements—See Conkin (1954, p. 166) for measurements of type specimens, Table 12 (this paper) for measurements of topo- types and hypotypes, and Table 13 for range in the measurements. Comparison and affinties—Hyperammina kentuckyensis was originally compared to H. glabra Cushman and Waters, 1927, as fol- lows (Conkin, 1954, p. 167): The megalospheric form of Hyperammina kentuckyensis differs from the megalospheric form of H. glabra in having: (1) numerous moderately de- 265 MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN veloped, though distinct, external constrictions, . (2) pronounced ‘hourglass’ tapering of the early part of the second chamber, (3) distinct lip structure, and (4) oblate proloculus The microspheric form of Hyperammina kentuckyensis has no close affinities to any known microspheric form of Hyperammina. Gutschick and Treckman (1959, p. 238) described a new species, Hyperammina rockfordensis, as having close affinities to H. elegans Rauser-Cernoussova and Reitlinger, 1937 and to H. kentuckyensis Conkin, 1954. Table 12. Measurements of Hyperammina kentuckyensts Conkin, 1954, in mm. diam. length locality number, specimen and of of max. min. formation, and bed type number proloc. test diam. diam. number Pl. 21, fig. 2, com 7st 9 11s). 084 KS) Floyds: Knob; topotype - bed 1 Pl. 21, fig. 1, 067. 1.208 .087 .050 K-5, Floyds Knob, topotype bed 1 ie2t, fig. 3: .092 95 SN, .084 K-5, Floyds Knob, topotype bed 1 mi 21; fig. 9 126 858 .109 075 1-2, Button Mold Knob, bed 1 Pl. 21, fig. 7 604 118 .060 I-2, Button Mold . Knob, bed 1 Pl 21, tig. 5 120 850 118 .084 K-32, New Providence, bed 5 Bie 21, fig.’ 6 1.083 134 055 K-32, New Providence, es. bed 5 El 21, fig. 4 1.100 134 .067 K-32, New Providence, bed 5 j Pe 2), fig. 8 126 .704 105 .069 K-6, Button Mold Knob, bed 5 Table 13. Range in measurements of 29 specimens of Hyperammina kentuckyensis Conkin, 1954, in mm. Diameter of proloculus .067-.176 Length of test .436-1.629 Maximum diameter of test .092-.252 Minimum diameter of test .050-.120 Diameter of lip .087-.244 Diameter of aperture .025-.134 In the present paper (under Hyperammina rockfordensis) I document the derivation of H. kentuckyensis from H. rockfordensts (or stated another way, the transformation in time of H. rock- fordensis into H. kentuckyensis ), | Although the two species are intimately related and Hyperam- 266 BULLETIN 196 mina kentuckyensis is derived from H. rockfordensis, H. kentucky- ensis differs from H. rockfordensis in having: (1) distinct hourglass tapering, (2) the second chamber expanding more rapidly, (3) dis- tinct constrictions, and (4) rather less granularity to the test wall. Type locality—This species was described by Conkin (1954, pp. 166, 167) from the Mississippian (upper Osagian) Floyds Knob formation (Bed 1) on the north side of Mitchell Hill in southwestern Jefferson County, Kentucky (Locality K-5). Stratigraphic occurrence—Hyperammina kentuckyensis is re- stricted to beds of Osagian age in Kentucky and southern Indiana; the species is not known from the Mississippian of Ohio or Tennessee. (See Charts 3-6, 8, 9, 11-13, 17-19, and 22 for details of occurrence. ) Ecology.—Hyperammina kentuckyensis is best developed and most abundant in the coquinas (crinoid, bryozoan, and brachiopod breccias) of the Floyds Knob formation as presented at the type locality. The nature of the Floyds Knob formation thas never been studied in detail except for tracing of its distribution and significance as a datum within the Osagian rocks of Kentucky and southern Indiana (Stockdale, 1931). The universal presence of glauconite grains or pellets, coupled with the presence in some places of rounded to angular pebbles of limestone near the base or within the forma- tion, strongly suggests unconformity, or certainly near shore deposi- tion. [his conclusion is further supported by the coquina of abundant brachiopod fragments and other invertebrate fragmental remains. Significant portions of the formation are in places composed of beds of odlitic limestone. The origin of and the chemical and physical environment of deposition of odlitic beds is well known. Oolites today are formed in marine waters that are of high alkalinity (and thus supersaturated with calcareous salts), high pH, tropical temperature, and shallow depth, as in shoal areas where agitation of water by waves causes the formation of concentric bands of calctum carbonate around some foreign particle as a nucleus, (For ecological signifi- cance of odlitic limestones, see Henson, 1950, pp. 215-238, and Con- kin and Conkin, 1958, p. 151.) In most areas, the Floyds Knob formation is a glauconitic lime- stone or siltstone or both. Where the limestone is absent or poorly developed, tests of Hyperammina kentuckyensis are distorted in MIsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 267 appearance and generally smaller in size. Among these apparently depauperate forms there is occasionally found a “giant”’. Hyperammina kentuckyensis is known to be well developed, but of smaller size, in the New Providence formation (particularly in the calcareous shales of the Button Mold Knob member); the species is rare in the Coral Ridge member of the New Providence formation in which beds the transformation from H. rockfordensis to H. kentuckyensis occurred. The species is less well developed in the slightly calcareous siltstones of the Brodhead formation. Un- doubtedly the water was colder in New Providence and Brodhead times than in Floyds Knob time. Remarks.—Hyperammina kentuckyensis was probably the first species of smaller Foraminifera to be described from the Lower Mississippian of North America. Only a few specimens of the several hundred examples studied of Hyperammina kentuckyensis exhibit slight effervescence with strong hydrochloric acid. This effervescence may indicate the original presence of calcareous material in the test of H. kentuckyensis. The types of H. kentuckyensis described from the limestone of the Floyds Knob formation in Jefferson County, Kentucky, were recovered from acid residues. Any calcareous material originally present in the test would have been dissolved before the specimens were recovered, However, it may be noted that in washed shale samples which have not been treated with acid, specimens of H. kentuckyensts (siliceous ) occur with calcareous megafossils which are not replaced by silica. The rare effervescence in H. kentuckyensis mentioned above prob- ably is due to calcareous material in the main cavity of the test or m tiny spaces which may occur between siliceous grains. Hyperammina rockfordensis Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 PY 2 ties: 0-13; Pl. 26, tic. 105 Bre. 9 Hyperammina rockfordensis Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 2, p. 238, pl. 34, figs. 1-5, text-figs. 1A-1C. Description —Test consists of a prolate to spherical proloculus, the diameter of which is equal to or greater than the maximum diameter of the second chamber, and a straight or nearly straight undivided second chamber which enlarges only slightly distally so 268 ies ~ BULLETIN 196 © that the apertural region of the second chamber is only slightly larger in diameter than the initial portion of the second chamber; a slight amount of hourglass tapering is noted on some tests; test slightly constricted externally; apertural end is broken off of all present specimens; wall constructed of fine siliceous grains in siliceous cement; wall color white to buff to gray. Measurements —sSee Table 14 for measurements of present specimens of Hyperammina rockfordensis and Table 15 for rangé in measurements of the species. . Table 14. Measurements of Hyperammina rockfordensis Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, in mm. diam. length locality number, specimen and of of max. min. formation, and bed type number proloc. test diam. diam. number JA 245, anf, 10 105 Bail 059 050 K-17, New Providence, bed 3 Pl. 21, fig. 12 160.670 .118 109 K-13, New Providence, bed 2 IPA, all, saves, 313} 118 554 .084 .067 K-57, New Providence, bed 8 IP Ak. ieee, IC 118 .738 Ont .084 K-13, New Providence, bed 2 12 Ak seer, Tal .092 822 088 062 K-13, New Providence, ‘ bed 2 Table 15. Range in measurements of 24 specimens of Hyperammina rockfordensis Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, in mm., and comparison with the original types As measured Restored Original types Diam. of proloculus .092-.160 .092-.128 .110-.130 Max. diam. of test -050-.118 .040-.094 .090-.110 Min. diam. of test .050-.109 .040-.087 .070-.090 Comparison and affinities —Hyperammina rockfordensis has its closest affinities to H. kentuckyensis, but H. rockfordensis differs from 1. kentuckyensts in having: (1) only slight hourglass tapering in some specimens, (2) the second chamber expanding only slightly from the proximal to the distal end so that the proloculus possesses the greatest diameter observed in the whole test (or at least a diameter equaled only by the greatest diameter of the second chamber), (3) a test only slightly to moderately constricted (if at all), and (4) rather more granularity to the test wall. It appears that Hyperammina rockfordensis is the ancestral MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 269 stock from which H. kentuckyensis was derived. This belief is based on several considerations. H. rockfordensis has its closest affinities to H. kentuckyensis and is directly succeeded in time by H. kentucky- ensis (H. kentuckyensis does not occur below the Osagian and H. rockfordensis is typically a Kinderhookian species known only from the lower Osagian). The transition from H. rockfordensis to H. kentuckyensts occurred in Coral Ridge time inasmuch as few speci- mens of H. rockfordensts were noted in the lower part of the Button Mold Knob member and H. kentuckyensts is rarely encountered in the lower part of the Coral Ridge member of the New Providence formation. The morphological features of Hyperammuna rockfordensis could be, with moderate exaggeration, made to correspond on a specific level with the morphological features of H. kentuckyensis. Indeed, rarely a specimen seems to fit in either species and can be identified only by its association with distinctive forms of one or the other species. Thus, I believe that the material presented in the Kinder- hookian H/. rockfordensis and the lower Osagian forms of H. ken- tuckyensis exhibits as well as can be hoped for among Paleozoic simple arenaceous Foraminifera the transformation of one species into another, The geologic range, the time of first appearance of H. kentuckyensis, the time of last occurrence of H. rockfordensts, and the morphological affinities of the two species are consistent with the interpretation of the evolution of H. kentuckyensis from H. rockfordensts. Stratigraphic occurrence —Hyperammina rockfordensis is known from the Kinderhookian Rockford limestone of northern Indiana (Gutschick and Treckman, 1959). The species is herein recognized from the Upper Devonian Blackiston formation; in the Kinder- hookian, from the Eulie and Maury shales of Tennessee, the Falling Run member of the Sanderson formation and the Jacobs Chapel shale of southern Indiana. H. rockfordensis was found to occur especially in the Coral Ridge member of the New Providence for- mation and in the lower few feet of the New Providence formation where the Coral Ridge member is not recognized, The species occurs rarely in the lower part of the Button Mold Knob member of the New Providence formation and in the Henley shale of Ohio. The age of the lowest beds (lower Coral Ridge member) of the New 270 BuLLeETIN 196 Providence formation is in doubt. The lower part of the Coral Ridge member does not contain a megafossil fauna and may be partially Kinderhookian in age. Conkin (1957) adequately demonstrated a low Osagian age for the megafossil fauna from the upper part of the Coral Ridge member in Jefferson and Bullitt counties, Kentucky, and Clark County, Indiana. (See Charts 3-6, 8-13, 16-18, 21, and 22 for details of occurrence of H. rockfordensis in the Mississippian. ) Ecology.—In Kentucky, nearly all specimens of Hyperammina rockfordensis are found in the Coral Ridge member of the New Provi- dence formation, or equivalent parts of the New Providence forma- tion; the characteristics of the Coral Ridge member were given by Conkin (1957, p. 116): upper part: Shale, green-gray to blue-gray, with ironstone lenses, ironstone cone-in-cones, flat, variously shaped, dark gray to blue-gray, small ironstone nodules, some phosphatic nodules, rare and thin ferruginous and fossiliferous limestone lenses; pyritized, marcasitized, silicified, Coral Ridge fauna. lower part: Shale, green-gray, virtually free of ironstones of even the smallest size, with worm markings; no megafossils noted. Inasmuch as Hyperammina rockfordensis occurs in the Coral Ridge member of the New Providence formation and in the Rock- ford limestone, we must consider the ecological conditions existing during the deposition of the Coral Ridge member and the Rockford limestone in order to hope to present something of the ecology of the species. The fossils of the Coral Ridge fauna are pyritized, marcasatized, and some individuals are replaced partially by silica; the fauna is associated with a large number of small lens-shaped ironstone nodules and beds of ironstone cone-in-cone layers; phosphatic-fer- ruginous thin lenses are present at Kenwood Hill (Locality K-3). It seems as if the Coral Ridge fauna is a biocoenosis in that (1) most species present complete growth series from young to adult individuals, (2) fragmentary specimens are rare, (3) no real evi- dence of currents is preserved in the fine, clayey, plastic shales, and (4) the pelecypods are preserved with both valves tightly closed. The great amount of iron sulphide in the sediments may indicate the sudden death of the fauna en masse because of reducing conditions and the release of poisonous sulphides. The presence of abundant coprolite-like structures may also indicate conditions of incomplete oxidation, but the presence of the large number of impure calcareous MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 271 ironstones and the absence of carbonaceous material in the sediments would seem to indicate shallow water deposition; nevertheless, the presence of several goniatite genera (Merocamtes, Pericyclus, and Beyrichoceras) does not restrict the environment to shallow water. Hyperammina rockfordensis is present in the lower part of the Coral Ridge member where no megafossils (except Scalarituba) are known. In all events, it 1s demonstrated that H. rockfordensis “preferred” muddy bottoms in which there were sufficient amounts of fine silt to allow construction of a fairly thick arenaceous test. The Rockford limestone hthology was characterized by Gut- schick and Treckman (1959, pp. 230, 231) as a: . yellow-grey fine-grained argillaceous crinoidal limestone with small black Baiaded phosphatic pebbles in its basal part. There are also 1 to 2 inch interbeds of calcareous fossiliferous shale. The HCl acid residues are largely made up of fine silty granular siliceous porous aggregates, undoubtedly argilla- ceous, and arenaceous Foraminifera in abundance. There are some quartz sand grains, sihicified fragmental fossil material, pyrite, rare glauconite, and oc- casional radial aggregates of fine needle-like crystals of millerite. Gutschick and Treckman continued by discussing the fauna of the Rockford limestone, mentioning the several cephalopods which apparently were found in the shale units, . Other large fossils are scarce because of limited exposures, but include both large and diminutive forms of brachiopods, corals, bryozoans, gastropods, trilobites, abundant echinoderm debris and fish fragments. The microfaunas include conodonts, holothurian sclerites, microcrinoids, ostracodes, worm tubes, and other material. Most, if not all, are calcareous or phosphatic and are found in the water washings of the calcareous shale inter- beds. .. . The major portion of the fauna of the Rockford is diminutive which suggests some restrictions in general normal marine conditions. The acid residues of the Rockford limestone of southern Indiana consist of fine muds, plus arenaceous grains, fossils, and fossil frag- ments. The presence of glauconite and pebbles of phosphate must indicate near shore environment. The possibility that the Rockford limestone represents lagoonal deposits should at least be considered. The fine-grained muds, the presence of diminutive elements of the fauna, the thinness of the Rockford limestone, and its position in an unstable framework of sedimentation (fairly quick changes in environments as presented by various different lithologies in rather thin beds below and above) may indicate deposits laid down near a fluctuating sea shore. In conclusion, it can be remarked that Hyperammuina rockford- ensis was well adapted to fine-grained sediments where soft muddy Lie BULLETIN 196 bottoms were the rule, but where there were sufficient amounts of fine silt to allow construction of a fairly thick arenaceous test. Family EARLANDIITDAE Cummings, 1955 Genus EARLANDIA Plummer, 1930 Nodosinella Brady, 1876, (pars), Paleont. Soc., vol. 30, p. 66. Earlandia Plummer, 1930, Univ. of Texas, Bull. 3019, pp. 12, 13; Cushman, 1948, Foraminifera, Cambridge, p. 86; Cummings, 1955, Micropaleontology, Vole 16s Nom 35 aps225- Type species, Earlandia perparva Plummer, 1930 (original designation by Plummer, 1930). Description —H. J. Plummer (1930, pp. 12, 13) described Earlandia from the Pennsylvanian Brownwood shale at Bridgeport, Wise County, Texas. Test free, very elongate, composed of a globular or subglobular proloculus and an elongate, nonseptate, second chamber; shell wall of minute crystalline calcareous granules bound by a calcareous cement, imperforate, smoothly fin- ished; aperture a broad circular opening at the end of the tube. . . . The salient distinguishing character of Earlandia n. gen. is the constitution of the shell wall, which is identical with that of Endothyra and Nodosinella. Hyperam- mina is its morphological equivalent with a typically adventitious test (aren- aceous in Pennsylvanian strata). Hyperamminoides [synonym of Hyperammina Brady, 1876] another very closely allied structure is composed of fine siliceous sand grains smoothly finished with much siliceous cement and is especially characterized by the constricted aperture at the end of the enlarging second chamber. Cummings (1955, p. 227) erected the new family Earlandtidae to embrace tthose genera which are, ““Tubular or uniserial tests in which the wall is composed of equidimensional granules of calcite bound by calcium cement.” Cummings placed Earlandia Plummer, 1930, Earlandinella Cummings, n. g. (1955, p. 230), and Lugtoma Cummings, n. g. (1955, p. 231) in the Earlandiidae. In Europe, Farlandia ranges stratigraphically from the Middle Tournaisian into the Lower Permian (Cummings, 1955, p. 235, text- fig. 10). In Australia Earlandia is reported from the Permian (Cres- pin, 1958, pp. 58, 59). Farlandia has been recorded from North America only in the Pennsylvanian; however, this paper extends the stratigraphic range of Earlandia downward into the Middle Mississippian. The relationship of Harlandia and Paleozoic species of Hyper- ammina in regard to general morphology and wall structure is dis- cussed in this work under the genus Hyperammina. Some workers, MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN DATS) as Plummer (1930, 1945) and Conkin (1954), have held (or tacitly assumed) that Paleozoic species of Hyperammina are congeneric with Recent Hyperammina; but others, as St. Jean (1957) believed that all Paleozoic species of Hyperammina are in reality species of Earlandia which have been secondarily replaced and recrystallized. The latter group of workers hold that Paleozoic Hyperammuina are not congeneric with Recent Hyperammina. I admit that some Paleozoic Hyperammina may eventually prove to be Earlandia; nevertheless, I can not accept the thesis that all Paleozoic Hyperam- mina are merely replaced and recrystallized Farlandia. Earlandia. consternatio, new species Pl. 21, figs. 14-16; IEE 7159 sae. LIS Jeb 1K) Description—Test moderate-sized, elongate; proloculus (broken off of all specimens) followed by an undivided tapering and shghtly arcuate second chamber; test constricted at rather regular intervals; test wall of calcium carbonate particles in crystalline calcite cement; wall imperforate; aperture formed by slightly constricted open end of second chamber; prominent lip present; test smooth with texture of unglazed porcelain; color, pastel gray. Measurements—See Table 16 for measurements of Earlandia consternatio and Table 17 for range in measurement of E. conster- natio and comparison with £. perparva Plummer, 1945. See Table 13 for comparison with Hyperammina kentuckyensts. Comparison and affinities—Earlandia consternatio is similar to the type species of Earlandia, E. perparva, but E. consternatio has a more constricted aperture, is less elongate (rather more cylin- drical than E. perparva), and is larger. Earlandia consternatto is similar to Hyperammina kentuckyensts in its morphology, but the test of E. consternatio is less prominently constricted; furthermore, the test of E. consternatio is completely calcareous. Type locality —Outcrop on slope west of farm off of Sand Lick Road, Caldwell County, Kentucky (Locality K-24). The holotype is from shale in the Paint Creek limestone (Bed 1). Stratigraphic occurrence.—Earlandia consternatio is known only from two Chesterian formations, the Paint Creek and Glen Dean 274 BULLETIN 196 limestones, and one Meramecian formation, the Somerset shale mem- ber of the Salem limestone. (See Charts 5, 7, 14, 15, and 22 for de- tails of occurrence of EF. consternatio in the Mississippian. ) Ecology.—Earlandia consternatio was found only in calcareous and fossiliferous shales. Seemingly then, the species required an en- vironment in which the water was charged with calcium bicarbonate. Remarks —The remarkable similarity which exists between Earlandia consternatio and Hyperammina kentuckyensis seems to indicate the perfection of isomorphism between analogous genera of Foraminifera. | The specific name is proposed because of the surprising similar- ity which exists between Earlandia consternatio and Hyperammina kentuckyensts. Table 16. Measurements of Earlandia consternatio, n. sp., in mm. length locality number, specimen and minus max. min. formation, and bed type number proloc. diam. diam. number Pl. 21, fig. 16 1.700 .190 .100 ce Paint Creek, ed 1 Pl. 21, fig. 14, 1.200 180 080 K-24, Paint Creek, holotype bed 1 Weil, Ail, sees, 15) 800 .120 050 K-24, Paint Creek, bed 1 Table 17. Range in measurements of six specimens of Earlandia consternatio, n. sp., im mm. and comparison with E. perparva Plummer, 1945 E. consternatio E. perparva Length of test .61-1.70 1.00 Max. diameter .10-.19 08 Min. diameter .03-.10 Diam. of proloculus .030 Family REOPHACIDAE Cushman, 1927 Subfamily REOPHACINAE Cushman, 1927 Genus REOPHAX Montfort, 1808 Reophax Montfort, 1808, Conch. Syst., vol. 1, p. 331; Brady, 1884, (pars), Rept. Voyage Challenger, Zool., vol. 9, p. 289; Chapman, 1902, (pars), The Foraminifera, London, p. 137; Cushman, 1930, Univ. Texas, Bull., No. 3019, p. 37; idem, 1948, Foraminifera, Cambridge, p. 90, pl. 3, figs. 27, 28; Cummings, 1955, Micropaleontology, vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 234, 235, pl. 1, figs. 7, 8, 13, 16, 18, text-figs. 8, 9. (non Reophax, Rhumbler, 1895, Nachr. K. Gesell. Wiss. Gottingen, p. 82 MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 21S Haplostiche Schwager, 1865, Ver. Vaterl. Nat. Wiirttemburg, Jahresh., vol. 21, p. 92, figs. 2a-2c. (non Haplostiche Reuss, 1861, K. Bohmen Gesell. Wiss., Sitzber., vol. 1, p. 15) Nodulina Rhumbler, 1895, K. Gesell. Wiss. Gottingen, Nachr., pp. 85, 86. Protoshista [?] Eimer and Fickert, 1899, Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., vol. 65, pp. 677, 678, text-fig. 21. Lugtonia [?] Cummings, 1955, Micropaleontology, vol. 1, No. 3, p. 231, pl. 1, figs. 9-12, 20, text-fig. 6; Crespin, 1958, [Australia] Bureau Mineral Res., Geol. and Geophys., Bull. 48, pp. 65, 66, pl. 7, figs. 6, 7. Type species, Reophax scorpiurus Montfort, 1808. The generic definition of Reophax as given by Cushman (1930, p. 37) follows: Test free, elongate, composed of several undivided chambers, ranging from overlapping to remotely separated ones connected by stolon-like necks, in a straight or curved linear series; wall single, of agglutinated material, firmly cemented, sand grains, mica scales, sponge spicules or other foraminifera; aperture simple, terminal, sometimes with a slight neck. Cushman’s generic definition for Reophax (1948, p. 90) differs essentially from his 1930 generic definition only in the mention of a chitinous base for the test wall. Cummings (1955, pp. 231, 232) divided Reophax into two gen- era. Reophax was retained by Cummings for those forms which are agglutinate and possess stolon-like necks, while a new genus, Lug- tonia, based on Nodosinella concinna Brady, 1876 as the type species, was erected with the purpose of embracing those forms which have succeeding chambers overlapping preceding chambers and a test wall of original granules of calcium carbonate in calcareous cement. Cummings placed Lugtoma in his new family Earlandiidae which he defined in the following manner (1955, p. 227): “Tubular or uniserial tests in which the wall is composed of equidimensional granules of calcite bound by calcareous cement.” Cummings’ basis for the genus Lugtonia was some 450 speci- mens from the British Lower Carboniferous, all of which are silicified. Thus, in reality, Lugtonia was erected only on the basis of its pos- session of overlapping chambers in contrast to the presence of stolon- like necks connecting the chambers in the genus Reophax s.s.; Cum- mings noted (1955, p. 231) that, “[Lugtonia] must be distinguished on the basis of chamber form,” . . . “original microstructure of wall unknown. . .” Cummings has assumed without conclusive evidence that the wall of Lwgtoma is secondarily silicified from an original wall of calcareous granules in calcareous cement. 276 BULLETIN 196° While discussing his specimens of Hyperammina, Cummings (1955, p. 234) noted: “Usually, representatives of the genus Hy?er- ammina are found in the Bnitish Carboniferous in an unaltered state.” It seems strange that in the British Carboniferous all Lug- tonia, and Reophax to a varying degree, should be completely secondarily replaced by silica while the Hyperammuina of that region are usually unaltered, agglutinate test with ferrugino-calcareous cement. Iit becomes singular when we remember that North Amer- ican Mississippian and Pennsylvanian, and Australian Permian Hy- perammuna are reported to possess siliceous cement, Further, I am not convinced that all reophacids with overlapping chambers are or were originally composed of calcareous granules in calcareous ce- ment. Reophax with overlapping chambers described in the present paper are composed of quartz grains in siliceous cement, not of calcareous granules in calcareous cement. Crespin’s (1958, p. 65) new species which was referred to Lugtonia, L. thomast, does not fit Cummings’ generic -definition in that L. thomast Crespin was described as: “Wall thick, finely aren- aceous, composed chiefly of regular sized quartz grains in consider- able cement, giving the test a smooth, polished appearance.” Crespin recognized the difficulties in referring her new species to Lugtoma; she noted (1958, p. 35): Tests of certain foraminifera from Western Australia have been referred to the new genus Lugtonia of Cummings (1955). All features are similar to this form, but the wall of the test though polished is definitely arenaceous, quartz grains of varying size being set-in a siliceous cement. Cummings placed the genus in his new family Earlandiidae as he regards the present siliceous test as secondary to granular calcareous structure. However, for the present the Western Australian specimens are included in the Reophacidae. Further, Crespin (1958, p. 35) noted in her discussion of the genus Hyperammina: As already commented here, there seems to be little or no evidence of secondary silicification of arenaceous tests in the Australian Permian or in the rocks in which the foraminifera are found. It is certain that the only basis for differentiation of Lugtonia as a distinct genus is in the lack of stolon-like necks which connect the chambers in Reophax, 5.5. and the possession of overlapping chambers in Lugtonia. The overlapping of the preceding chambers by succeeding chambers may or may not be of generic significance. MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN Did Until the Reophax, s.J. of the world are studied as to wall structure, and the forms with overlapping chambers are found to invariably possess original calcareous granules in calcareous cement, [ have no course but to use Reophax, s.J. and to consider Lugtomia as of doubtful generic status. If it be found that the overlapping nature of the chambers 1s truly of generic value, then Lugtonia could be considered a valid genus only if it be removed from the family Earlandiidae and placed in the Reophacidae, a family of arenaceous Foraminifera. Cummings indicated in text-figure 10 (1955, p. 235) that Lugtonia is known in the British Isles from the upper part of the Viséan and Namurian, with some species restricted to the Namurian. However, he records Reophax, s.s. (in the upper Paleozoic) through- out the Carboniferous and Permian. In the rest of the world, true Lugtonia has not yet been recognized, but Reophax, 5.1. with over- lapping chambers is found almost universally in the geologic column from Paleozoic to Recent. Thus, seemingly, Lugtonia has no wide stratigraphic significance. (See Chart 23 for stratigraphic range of Reophax, s.J. in the Mississippian as determined in this study. ) Reophax cf. R. arenatus (Cushman and Waters), 1927 le 2c. LS): Ie AAD, eee pai I Nodosinella arenata Cushman and Waters, 1927, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research, vol. 3, p. 147, pl. 26, figs. 2, 3. Nodosinella? arenata, Warthin, 1930, Okla. Geol. Sur., Bull. 53, p. 28, pl. eS Be a Plummer, 1945, Univ. Texas, Pub. 4401, pp. 225, 226, pl. 17, figs. 1-3. Description—Test stocky, consisting of a globular proloculus and a-second distinctly pyriform chamber of a greater diameter than the proloculus; aperture at open end of tapering neck of second chamber; wall composed of fine quartz grains in a moderate amount of siliceous cement. Measurements.—See Table 16 for measurements of Reophax cf. R. arenatus. Comparison and affinities —The present specimens closely re- semble Plummer’s figured specimens of Reophax arenatus (1945, pl. 17, figs. 1, 3). Only two specimens were found in the present study; 278 BULLETIN 196 thus the range of variation of Reophax cf. R. arenatus in the Missis- sippian system is not known. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Reophax cf. R. arenatus has been found only in the Rothwell shale member (Bed 8) of the Muldraugh formation at Garrison, Lewis County, Kentucky (Locality K-67). Ecology.—The specimens of Reophax cf. R. arenatus are from a soft, clayey, plastic when wet, olive-gray to maroon shale. This shale contains only small amounts of fine to medium-sized grains. No macrofossils were observed. | Brady (1884, p. 289) noted the wide depth tolerance of Reophax: The genus Reophax is cosmopolitan and its bathymetrical range extends from almost the deepest portion of the sea-bottom yet explored [as determined by the Voyage of the Challenger 1873-1876] to the shallow waters of the Laminarian zone. Reophax asper Cushman and Waters, 1928 Pl. 21; tig224 ieee Reophax asperus Cushman and Waters, 1928, Cushman Lab. Foram. Re- search, Contr., vol. 4, p. 37, pl. 4, fig. 7. Reophax asper Cushman and Waters, 1930, Univ. Texas, Bull., No. 3019, Dos dd, 8G, fol, Aran, 10), Description—Test elongate, coarse grained, consisting of five chambers which are somewhat obscure in outline due to rugosity of test wall; chambers oblate and gradually expanding in diameter; last chamber roughly pyriform; wall composed of angular quartz grains in a ‘small amount of siliceous cement. Measurements—See Table 19 for measurements of Reophaw asper. Comparison and affinities —The present specimen is remarkably similar to the figured type of Cushman and Waters (1930, pl. 2, fig. 10) but is slightly smaller and apparently has one less chamber. Reophax asper is distinctive among the species of Reophax consid- ered in this paper because of the rugosity of the test. Table 18. Measurements of Reophaw cf. R. arenatus (Cushman and Waters), 1927, in mm. length length specimen and of max. of last no. of diam. of type number test diam. chamber chambers proloculus Pie tical 9 .746 403 453 2 369 Ply 26; tice 658 302 403 2 201 MIsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 279 Table 19. Measurements of Reophax asper Cushman and Waters, 1928, in mm. Pl. 21, fig. 24 Length of test .570 Max. diameter .226 Length of last chamber 252 Number of chambers 5 Diameter of proloculus .084 Stratigraphic occurrence.—The figured specimen was found in the Button Mold Knob member (Bed 2) of the New Providence formation at the Louisville Cement Company Quarry, Clark County, Indiana (Locality I-3). The species was originally reported by Cushman and Waters, 1930, from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Texas. Ecology.—Reophax asper probably had ecological requirements similar to the other species of Reophax of this study, but A. asper apparently “preferred” a muddy bottom in which there were suf- ficient quartz silt grains available for construction of a test. High concentrations of calcareous salts certainly were not required inas- much as the species occurs in the lower part of the Button Mold Knob member of the New Providence formation which at this lo- cality is not significantly calcareous and does not contain calcareous megafossils. Reophax kunklerensis, new species Pl. 21, figs. 20-23; Jelly AS. Teles, Tiebes Mbt, Ie Description—Test small, slender, straight to gently curved, consisting of small proloculus and a succession of seven to nine moderately inflated chambers which expand in diameter evenly until the last chamber; last chamber is as broad as or only slightly broader than preceding chamber, and up to three to six times broader in diameter than the first chamber; last chamber longer than pre- ceding chambers due to the tapering neck of the aperture and is of pyriform ‘shape; last chamber as broad as long or nearly so, while preceding chambers are about 1.5 to 1.6 times broader than long; wall composed of rather coarse quartz grains in a small amount of siliceous cement; no dimorphism is evident. Measurements.—Table 20 gives the measurements of Reophax kunklerensis, and Table 21 the range in measurements of the species. 280 BULLETIN 196 See Table 25 under description of R. minutissumus for comparison of R. kunklerensis with that species. Comparison and affumties—Reophax kunklerensis 1s similar to R. minutissimus Plummer, 1945; however, R. kunklerensis is shorter and more slender and has more chambers than does R. minutissimus. Reophax kunklerensis differs from R. mcdonald in that R. kunklerensis 1s shorter, has more chambers (and these chambers less rounded ), 1s more slender, and expands more from the proloculus to the last chamber. | Type localhty.—Kunkler Quarry, on hill side, south side of U.S. Highway 460, 1.3 miles west of Uniontown Post Office, Perry Coun- ty, Indiana (Locality I-1). Types are from the upper shale (Bed 7) of the Menard limestone. _ Stratigraphic occurrence—Reophax kunklerensis is known to occur only in the lower three feet of the upper shale portion of the Menard limestone, just above the nine-and-one-half foot quarried limestone. The limestone units were merely spot checked for Fora- minifera by acidization. Ecology.—tThe upper shale of the Menard limestone is a marine, soft, plastic when wet, buff to tan to brown, calcareous and fossili- ferous, thin-bedded unit. This fossiliferous shale, lying immediately above the main limestone unit of the formation and lying immedi- ately below more than 10 feet of dark gray, nonfossiliferous shales, represents a depositional environment perhaps transitional from typical marine waters to quiet muddy waters of lagoons. Reophax kunklerensis has a moderate amount of cement (at present siliceous, regardless of its original chemistry) and a con- siderable amount of silt particles in its test. R. kunklerensis was adapted to live in fine-grained calcareous muds which contained only small amounts of silt. The invertebrate fauna of the upper shale is restricted in the number of animal groups present. The dominant groups recovered from the shale are the crinoids (many wing plates of Pterotocrinus menardensis), the brachiopods (thin valved Derbya), fenestrate bryozoans, and rare solitary lophophyllid corals. The invertebrate fossil shells are mostly complete (7. e., both valves of thin-shelled brachiopods are commonly intact). Some fragmentation occurred MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 281 perhaps as a result of post-depositional compaction of the shale; little breccia 1s present; thus, wave action was not pronounced. The foraminiferal fauna of the Menard limestone (shale) con- sists of a small array of arenaceous genera which characteristically live in silty or sandy muds: Hyperammuina, Involutina, and Reophax. Remarks. —Reophax kunklerensis derives its name from the Kunkler Quarry, west of Uniontown Post Office, Perry County, Indiana. Table 20. Measurements of Reophax kunklerensis, n. sp., in mm. diam. of length proloculus specimen and length max. of last HOOF (Of oF 117St type number of test diam. chamber chambers chamber) Piel, fig. 20, 503 143 118 75 .050 holotype Pl. 26, fig. 14 529 130 101 8 (.042) Pl. 21, fig. 22 570 134 134 9 037 Pl. 21, fig. 23 590 134 134 9 042 Pl. 21, fig. 21 420 118 118 7 033 Table 21. Range in measurements of eight specimens of Reophax kunklerensts, n. sp., in mm. Length of test .420-.590 Max. diameter .118-.151 Length of last chamber .101-.143 Number of chambers 7-9 Diam. of proloculus .033-.050 Reophax cf. R. lachrymosus Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 PI. 21, fig. 18; TEN AAD, ieee Sse Sela tes el Reophax lachrymosa Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 240, 241, pl. 34, figs. 20-25, text-fig. 2A, 2B. Description.—This species is represented in the present material by only two fragmentary specimens which consist of two chambers each; these chambers are elongate and pyriform; the last chamber has a length of 1.36 and 1.4 times greater than the breadth; present specimens are flattened on one side; surface of test finely granular, of fairly small quartz grains in a moderate amount of siliceous ce- ment; color of test white and gray. Measurements —See Table 22 for measurements of Reophax cf. R. lachrymosus. 282 BULLETIN 196 Table 22. Measurements of Reophax cf. R. lachrymosus Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, in mm. length diam. length diam. locality number, specimen and of first of first of last oflast formation, and type number chamber chamber chamber chamber bed number IP Alle dower, 113 268 .180 LES 185 K-58, New Providence, bed 3 IL AAG, wees 1S} 235 .168 Zon .168 O-7, Cuyahoga, bed 4 Comparison and affinities—The present specimens are similar to the last two chambers of Gutschick and Treckman’s paratype of Reophax lachrymosus (1959, pl. 34, fig. 23), but the present speci- mens are proportionally slightly broader. R. lachrymosus is similar to R. bendensis Plummer, 1945, as Gutschick and Treckman. pointed out (1959, p. 240); however, R. bendensis is generally much larger. Plummer (1945, pl. 17, fig. 8) shows a youthful specimen of a size nearly that of R. lachrymosus; however, the present specimens are somewhat broader than R. bendensis which has chambers 2.3 times longer than broad. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Reophax cf. R. lachrymosus is herein recorded from the lower New Providence formation of Kentucky and the lower three feet of the Cuyahoga formation of Ohio. This species was originally described from the Rockford limestone of northern Indiana. See Charts 10, 21, and 22 for details of occurrence of R. cf. R. lachrymosus in the studied area. Ecology.—The specimens of this species were found only in soft, plastic when wet, shales. Thus, the species was adapted to live in muddy environments with only small amounts of silt grains present. Table 23. Measurements of Reophax mcdonaldi, n. sp., in mm. diam. of length proloculus specimen and max. of last no. of (or of first type number length diam. chamber chambers chamber) Pl. 21, fig. 25, 640 269 235 5 151 BZ eticuece .678 .269 319 3 Soe Pl. 21, fig. 30 738 302 302 3-4 (.151) Ble 21) ieee s 658 Zoo 235 4-5 (.118) led lae Pallas bifed, « 2AG) .704 319 .470 3 (.226) Pilg ly tiene, .622 PAE Zod 3 (.134) MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 283 Table 24. Range in measurements of 13 specimens of Reophax mcdonaldi, n. sp., in mm. and comparison with R. tumidulus Plummer, 1945 R. mcdonaldi R. tumidulus Length of test .554-.840 1.05 Max. diameter .201-.369 40 Length of last chamber .185-.470 No. of chambers 3-5 + Diam. of proloculus etiSil .030 Reophax medonaldi, new species Pi, fies. 25-305 Pl. 26, fig. 15; Wigs. 14, 16 Description.Test small, rather stocky, straight to slightly curved, with a fairly large proloculus and a succession of up to five moderately inflated chambers which enlarge in diameter only slightly in some specimens, but which in most specimens enlarge gradually up to twice the diameter of the first chamber; chambers about 1.2 to 1.5 times broader than long, except the last chamber which 1s as long as it is broad or nearly so, due to the tapering neck of the aper- ture whch gives the last chamber its broad pyriform appearance; test coarse textured, composed of quartz grains in a moderate amount of siliceous cement. Measurements—See Table 23 for measurements of Reophax mcdonaldi and Table 24 for range in the measurements of the species, and for comparison with R. tuwmidulus Plummer. Comparison and affimties—Reophax mcdonaldi most closely resembles R. tumidulus Plummer (1945, p. 231, pl. 17, fig. 31). How- ever, R. mcdonald: has more chambers, is shorter, less broad, and expands more than R. tumtdulus. R. mcdonaldi differs from R. kunklerensis in being larger, broader, and expanding less and having fewer chambers. Type locality.—Road cut along Vanceburg-Tannery Road, 1.25 miles south of Vanceburg, Lewis County, Kentucky (Locality K-66). Holotype and all figured measured specimens on Table 23 are from the Churn Creek shale member of the New Providence formation (Bed 9). Stratigraphic occurrence.—Reophax mcdonaldi is apparently re- stricted to the Osagian, occuring only in the Churn Creek shale member of the New Providence formation in Kentucky and in shale in the Black Hand sandstone member of the Cuyahoga formation 284 BULLETIN 196 of Ohio. (See Charts 10 and 19-22 for details of occurrence. ) Ecology.—Reophax mcdonald is known only in shaly siltstone and shale in sandstone. The nature of the test reflects this species’ “preference” for silty or sandy environments by having its wall con- structed of moderate to coarse-grained silt or sand, with a small to moderate amount of siliceous cement. No megafossils are present in the enclosing sediments except for “worm markings” (poorly preserved specimens of Scalarituba). Vhus, R. mcdonaldi was cap- able of living in muddy, sandy, waters where animals other than “worms” were apparently unable to establish themselves, Remarks.—This new species of Reophax is named for Mr. Don- ald McDonald, Curator of the Geology Museum at the University of Louisville. Reophax cf. R. minutissimus Plummer, 1945 Pl. 21 feeds Reophax minutissimus Plummer, 1945, Univ. Texas, Pub. 4401, pp. 230, 231, pl. 17, figs. 25-30. Description—Test small (proloculus missing), consisting of four evenly and rather rapidly expanding chambers; first three chambers are moderately inflated and 1.7 to 2.7 times broader than long; last chamber as long as broad and pyriform; length of test 1s 1.94 times longer than width; test coarse grained, of quartz grains in siliceous cement. Measurements —TVable 25 gives measurements of Reophax ct. R. minutissvmus. Table 25. Measurements of Reophax cf. R. minutiss_mus Plummer, 1945, in mm. Ley Alle Seyeie 317) Length 487 Max. diameter 252 Min. diameter .084 Length of last chamber ESE Comparison and affinities—This specimen closely resembles Plummer’s figured paratype (1945, pl. 17, fig. 26) of Reophax minutissimus. The present specimen is somewhat broader than Plummer’s figured specimens, but this may be due to incompleteness of the present specimen (only four chambers are preserved) and certainly one specimen could hardly exemplify a species. MIsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 285 Stratigraphic occurrence.—A single specimen of Reophax cf. R. minutissimus was found in the basal part of the Henley shale mem- ber (Bed 2) of the Cuyahoga formation (New Providence forma- tion), one to two feet above the Sunbury shale at Locality K-61 (south of Hilda Post Office, Rowan County, Kentucky). Ecology—The Henley shale member of the Cuyahoga forma- tion is a soft, plastic when wet, olive-gray shale with small amounts of fine to medium-sized silt grains. The absence of megafossils in the basal portion of the Henley shale at Locality K-61, and the re- covery of only one specimen of Reophax cf. R. minutisstmus may indicate that environmental conditions were far from optimum even for this species. Family TOLYPAMMINIDAE Cushman, 1929 Subfamily INVOLUTININAE Cushman, 1910 Genus INVOLUTINA Terquem, 1862, emend. Loeblich and Tappan, 1954 Ammodiscus Reuss, 1862, (pars), Akad. Wiss. Wien., Sitz., math-natu. Cl., Jahrg. 1861, 44, Abt. 1, p. 365. Involutina Terquem, 1862, Acad. Imp. Metz, Mem., ann. 42 (ser. 2, ann. 9), 1860-1861, pp. 450, 451. Involutina Terquem, emend. Loeblich and Tappan, 1954, Washington Acad. Sci., Jour., vol. 44, No. 10, pp. 308-310, figs. 2a, 2b. Type species, Involutina silicea Terquem, 1862 (monotypic genus). The emended generic definition of Jnvolutina Terquem, 1862 as given by Loeblich and Tappan (1954, pp. 308, 309) follows: Test free, discoidal, with proloculus followed by an undivided planispiral tubular chamber, which slightly overlaps preceding whorls at the lateral mar- gins; occasional irregular surficial constrictions possibly denoting stages of growth, but without internal septa; wall finely agglutinated, of sand grains with considerable cement; aperture at the open end of the tube. Loeblich and Tappan (1954, p. 308) showed that Ammodtscus Reuss, 1862 is a junior synonym of Spirilina Ehrenberg, 1843 and that the generic name Ammodiscus should be suppressed. The type species of Involutina, I. silicea Terquem, 1862, was found to be an agglutinate form, completely undivided internally, and thus capable of embracing all species formerly relegated to the genus Ammodiscus, other than those forms which possess a hyaline calcareous test. 286 BULLETIN 196 The emended definition of Involutina by Loeblich and Tappan did not make a definite reference to those forms of “Ammodiscus” which, in addition to being agglutinate and undivided internally, possess a final rectilinear portion (neck) such as Jnvolutina (form- erly Ammodiscus) exserta. | believe that such meaning was implied when Loeblich and Tappan (1954, p. 308) concluded: “Thus the species previously considered as Ammodiscus will fall in the same genus [nvolutina.” Loeblich and Tappan (1954, p. 308) removed the genus Involutina ‘Terquem, 1862 from the family Silicinidae and relegated it to the family Tolypamminidae Cushman, 1929 and the subfamily Involutininae Cushman, 1910. Chart 23 gives the range of Jnvolutina in the Mississippian as determined in this study. Involutina exserta (Cushman), 1910 Pl. 22, figs. 4-6, 8: PI, 26, figs. 16, 17, 19; Wie. 21 Ammodiscus exsertus Cushman, 1910, United States Nat. Mus., Bull. 71, pt. 1, pp. 75, 76, figs. 97a, 97b (in text). Involutina exserta (Cushman), Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Jour. IPevkeoymtte, WOlle SS, IO A, jd Ash, jal SH, saves, &, O: Description—Test biconcave, consisting of a small proloculus and a second chamber planispirally coiled, of two to six volutions, © becoming uncoiled and aligned at nearly a right angle to preceding whorls, and in the same plane as preceding whorls; aperture formed by open end of tubular second chamber; test rough, with medium- sized grains in a moderate amount of cement (Variant 2, see Com- parison and affinities); in a few cases the test is clear and glossy and made up largely of cement (Variant 1); color of test, white to gray- white to rusty. Measurements.—See Table 26 for measurements of /nvolutina exserta and Table 27 for the range in measurements of this species. ‘Table 26. Measurements of Involutina exserta (Cushman), 1910, in mm. locality no., specimen and thick- no. of diam. formation, and type number diam. length ness whorls proloc. bed number Pls. 26, fios 19 .604 622 118 3 K-6, New Provi- dence, bed 4 Ply 22, sens 13:35 Ey | 101 355 K-1, New Provi- dence, bed 2 MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 287 min 26, fig. 16 269 369 042 3 016 O-6, Henley, bed 10 Pi. 22, fig. 4 335 562 .067 3 .017 K-14, New Provi- dence, bed 6 E22, fig. 5 a | 302 .067 2.5 K-14, New Provi- dence, bed 6 Pie 22, fig. 6 386 Syl .067 3 K-14, New Provi- dence, bed 6 Pie 26, fig. 17 .570 586 .084 3.5 O-4, Bedford, bed 3 Table 27. Range in measurements of 22 specimens of Involutina exserta (Cushman ), 1910, in mm. Diameter of proloculus .012-.025 Diameter of test .235-.386 Length of test .319-.622 Thickness of test .033-.118 Comparison and affinities —By reference to Tables 27 and 31 it will be seen that the infraspecific vaniation is as great within Involutina exserta as it is within I. semiconstricta. The forms in the present study resemble some of those found in the Rockford limestone by Gutschick and Treckman (1959, p. 241, pl. 35, figs. 8, 9); nevertheless, most of the present forms vary considerably from the Rockford specimens in having more rugged, coarser grained tests and larger size (herein called variant 2). The whorls in the present material are usually partly or completely ob- scured by the rough wall texture. A comparison of two morphological features of several present specimens of [nvolutina exserta and of several of Gutschick and Treckman’s forms (1959, p. 241) from the Rockford limestone follows: length diameter of test of test Present specimens: 430 mm. 362 mm. Rockford specimens: 410 mm. 330 mm. One variation of the species (herein called variant 1) is com- posed largely of cement with little agglutinated matter. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Involutina exserta is known from: the Silurian (Moreman, 1930, p. 58; Dunn, 1942, p. 338); the Missis- sippian Kinderhookian Rockford limestone of Indiana (Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, p. 241); and the Recent (the holotype is from the sea off Japan). 288 BuLLETIN 196 From the stratigraphic information collected in this study, Involutina exserta appears to be especially abundant in the Kinder- hookian and lower Osagian beds. No specimens were found in the Meramecian. With the exception of an isolated occurrence in the brown, plastic shaly part of the Menard limestone, no specimens were found in the Mississippian above the Osagian Brodhead forma- tion of Kentucky, nor above the middle Osagian Black Hand sand- stone member of the Cuyahoga formation of Ohio. Variant 1 has been found only at the following localities and in the following stratigraphic units: Nipgen, Ohio (Locality O-6), Cuyahoga formation, Henley shale member, lower one foot and from three to 4.5 feet (Bed 10). Jester Hill, Bainbridge, Ohio (Locality O-7), Cuyahoga forma- tion, Henley shale member, lower 11 feet (Bed 4). Armstrong, Ohio (Locality O-11), plastic shale in lower 5 feet of the Black Hand sandstone (Bed 1). (See Charts 3-7, 9-14, 16, and 18-22 for details of occurrence. ) Ecology.—Apparently Involutina exserta had much the same ecological requirements as J. semiconstricta inasmuch as the two species are in some instances associated with one another in the same beds, but J. exserta generally occurs in more arenaceous sedi- ments where fine ‘to medium silt grains are available in sufficient quantity to construct the rather stout agglutinate test (variant 2). Involutina longexserta Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 Pl. 22, £fSSueteaon Pl. 26, fig. 18; ieee Involutina longexserta Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 241, 242, pl. 35, figs. 10-14. Description—tTest planispiral becoming uncoiled; coiled por- tion circular to oblately elliptical; second chamber coiled for a few volutions and then uncoiled at right angles to the preceding whorls, but still in the same plane; proloculus obscured by the coarse texture of the test; length of uncoiled portion of test is greater than or equal to the minimum diameter of the coiled portion; number of whorls varies from more than two to more than three; aperture circular, formed by open end of tube; wall structure arenaceous with medium MISssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 289 coarse-grained silt and a moderate amount of insoluble cement (vari- ant 2); color of test, white to gray. Measurements —See Table 28 for measurements of /nvolutina longexserta and Table 29 for range in measurements of the species. Comparison and affimties—I have studied paratypes of IJn- volutina longexserta and am convinced of the validity of the species; however, some difficulty 1s experienced in deciding whether partic- ular specimens are complete tests of J. exserta or fragments of J. longexserta. | have followed the practice of referring to J. longex- serta only those specimens which are undoubtedly comparable to the types of the species. The present specimens possess fewer whorls than do the studied paratypes or figured types, and most present specimens have more coarsely arenaceous wall structure with less cement than do the types. In the present material, the internal coiled portion is almost completely obscured, but enough can be observed to ascertain the presence of only a small number of whorls. As to the general shape of the test in the present material, the coiled portion is less circular in outline than that of the types, although two specimens do re- semble three of the Rockford types (Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, pl. 35, figs. 12-14) including the holotype. None of the forms in the present material attains the maximum length of the Rockford specimens (.91 mm.); however, some of the present material closely approaches this dimension. On the other hand, the diameter of the coiled portion of the present specimens varies from .269 to .470 mm. while the diameter of the coiled portion of the original types of J. longexserta ranges only from .210 to .270 mm. The range of variation within Involutina longexserta can readily be appreciated from the above statements and by reference to Table a. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Involutina longexserta was originally described from the Rockford limestone of northern Indiana (Gut- schick and Treckman, 1959). As determined in this study, J. longexserta has a stratigraphic range from the Upper Devonian New Albany shale to the lower New Providence formation. (See Charts 3, 5, 6, 9, 11-13, 16, 18 and 22 for details of occurrence. ) 290 BuLLETIN 196 Ecology.—Apparently Involutina longexserta required much the same type of environment as did both J. exserta and J. semicon- stricta. The species occurs more frequently in the fine- to medium- grained, silt-bearing New Providence shales than in the less silty Kinderhookian shales; this, coupled with the observation that the present tests of J. longexserta are of medium coarse arenaceous tex- ture with a moderate amount of cement, seems to indicate an in- herent “preference” for an arenaceous environment. Gutschick and Treckman’s types of IJnvolutina longexserta possess a clearer and more glossy test than do the specimens ob- served in this study. The fine-grained texture of the Rockford tests 1s probably due to the more calcareous and less silty nature of the sediments in the Rockford hmestone. Table 28. Measurements of Jnvolutina longexserta Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, in mm. locality number, specimen and thick- no.of formation, and type number diam. length ness whorls bed number PIP 26 tieels 28)8}5) 139) .109 2@ K-13, Coral Ridge, bed 2 Pl. 22, fig. 9 404 720-084 «22> K-13, Coral Rider bed 2 Pl. 22, fig. 7 269 554 067 2? Ke57 Bedtodt bed 6 Table 29. Range in measurements of 12 specimens of Involutina longexserta Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, in mm. Diameter .269-.470 Length .394-.899 Thickness .033-.134 Involutina semiconstricta (Waters), 1927 PI. 22, Tigses tea Pl... 26, fig; 20 jeter Ammodiscus semiconstrictus Waters, 1927, Jour. Paleont., vol. 1, p. 132, pl. 22, tigy alk Ammodiscus semiconstrictus var. regularis Waters, 1927, Jour. Paleont., vol. 1, p. 132, pl. 22, fig. 2. Cornuspira semiconstrictus, Harlton, 1933, Jour. Paleont., vol. 7, pp. 9, 10, pl. 2, figs. 2a, Zb: Involutina semiconstrictus (Waters), Loeblich and Tappan, 1954, Washing- ton Acad. Sci., Jour., vol. 44, No. 10, p. 306. Description.—Test planispiral, circular, biconcave; test in some MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 291 imstances elliptical as a result of secondary distortion; diameter of test .210 to .594 mm.; proloculus small, .008 to .028 mm. in diameter, spherical to elliptical in form; second chamber tubular, planispiral, of three to eight whorls, and moderately constricted externally; aper- ture circular in cross-section, formed by the open end of tube; medium-sized specimen has an apertural diameter of .37 mm.; wall composed of siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of wall, gray to orange-buff to white. Two general variations in test composition are recognized in the Mississippian forms of Jnvolutina semiconstricta: Variant 1, clear and glossy and dominantly of cement with little agglutinate material; Variant 2, more robust test with much more agglutinate material and less cement. [hese variants are discussed under ecology. Measurements—See Table 30 for measurements of several Mississippian specimens and Table 31 for range in measurements and comparison with Pennsylvanian forms. Comparison and affinities—I have examined specimens from Plummer’s Pennsylvanian localities in Texas and agree with her (1945, p. 232) in considering /nvolutina semiconstricta var. regularis (Waters) to be synonymous with J. semiconstricta (Waters). How- ever, I am not convinced that J. semiconstricta var. regularis is a juvenal form of J. semiconstricta; rather, I believe that the relation- ships between the diameter of test, thickness of test, number of whorls, and size of proloculus indicate wide individual variation in adult forms in regard to these anatomical features. ‘The wide infra- specific variation in J. semiconstricta can be appreciated by refer- ence to Table 31. By measurement and study of the various anatomical features of Involutina semiconstricta attempts were made to uncover evi- dence of change within the species with time. There seems to be a trend toward increase in the test diameter with decreasing geologic age. The Devonian beds were found to yield the smallest known tests of J. semiconstricta; the largest recorded tests of the species are found in the Pennsylvanian. Within the Mississippian sequence, the Chesterian J. semiconstricta are the smallest, with the Kinder- hookian next largest and the Osagian forms still larger, but smaller than the Pennsylvanian forms. The small average size of the Chester- 292 BULLETIN 196 ian specimens presents the exception to the gradual increase in size, and may be the result of insufficient sampling of Chesterian beds; the Chesterian beds sampled in this study yielded few smaller Foraminifera. As regards the number of whorls per test, the Pennsylvanian forms possess the largest number (as many as 10 whorls). In the Mississippian materials studied, the Kinderhookian forms of Jn- volutina semiconstricta have the greatest number of whorls (up to eight); this number of whorls is comparable to that which I observed in medium-sized specimens of J. semiconstricta from Plummer’s Pennsylvanian material. The Chesterian forms possess the least number of whorls (up to 5) while the Osagian and Devonian forms possess less (up to 6% and 7) than the Kinderhookian forms, but more than the Chesterian forms. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Involutina semiconstricta has a rather wide stratigraphic distribution in the North American Upper Paleozoic sequence. The species was first described from the Pennsy]l- vanian of Oklahoma (Waters, 1927); Plummer (1945) reported the species from the Pennsylvanian of Texas; Gutschick and Treck- man (1959) found it in the Kinderhookian Rockford limestone of northern Indiana. Involutina semiconstricta is herein recognized from Upper De- vonian, Kinderhookian, Osagian, and Chesterian beds. It is especially abundant in the Kinderhookian and lower Osagian beds. The highest known Osagian examples of J. semiconstricta are in the fine-grained, olivergray shale streaks in the Black Hand sandstone of Ohio. No Meramecian forms were found. (See Charts 3-14 and 16-23 for de- tails of occurrence. ) Ecology.—Involutina semiconstricta is recorded dominantly from soft, fine-grained, plastic shales which have fine to medium- sized silt grains; these beds usually have a paucity of marine mega- fossils. 7. semiconstricta is in some instances (as in the Bedford shale) found in association with carbonaceous matter and chitinized land spores of the genus Tasmanites and other spores, J. semicon- stricta is also known to the writer from the semilithographic lime- stone of the Louisiana limestone at Louisiana, Missouri. Thus, it seems well established that the species “preferred” fine-grained sedi- ments. MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 293 The variation in the composition of the agglutinated test is be- lieved to be due to ecological conditions present on the sea bottom at the time of deposition of the sediments. For example, in the Up- per Devonian part of the New Albany shale of Kentucky, the Eulie shale (New Albany equivalent) of Tennessee, the Kinderhookian Rockford limestone and Jacobs Chapel shale of southern Indiana, the Bedford and Sunbury shales of eastern Kentucky, the basal few feet of the Osagian Henley shale of Ohio, and the shale in the Black Hand sandstone of Ohio, /nvolutina semiconstricta is present in the form of Variant 1, a clear and glossy test with a great proportion of cement and little agglutinated material. In these aforementioned sediments only small amounts of small grain-sized material are available for building an agglutinate test. For these reasons, the cement secreted by the protoplasm makes up most of the test, thus producing a depauperate skeleton. Two specimens of Variant 1 were also recovered from the dark, soft shales of the Chesterian Kinkaid formation. In a study of the Upper Pennsylvanian (Virgilian) microfauna of the Deer Creek formation of Kansas and northern Oklahoma, Involutina semiconstricta was the only species of Foraminifera found in the strictly black fissile shale member (Larsh-Burroak shale) (Conkin, B., 1954, p. 16); these black shales in the Pennsylvanian cyclothems are seemingly similar lithologically to the Devonian black shales. The occurrence of Involutina semiconstricta in the Mid-Con- tinent Pennsylvanian black shales and in the small gray-green shale lenses within the Devonian “Black shale” demonstrates the ability of this species to live under unfavorable environmental conditions. Reducing conditions, low pH (with consequent unavailability of calcareous and ferruginous-calcareous salts for cementation of aren- aceous grains to make an agglutinate test) would militate against support of all life except the most hardy and unspecialized forms (or forms particularly specialized to live in stagnant reducing con- ditions ). In more arenaceous beds and in better aerated waters, such as those found in the Osagian, the tests of Involutina semiconstricta are found to be more robust, to have a more granular appearance, 294 BULLETIN 196 and to have a smaller percentage of cement compared to arenaceous material. Thus, the occurrence of Involutina semiconstricta in various kinds of sediments (fissile black shale; sublithographic limestone; green gray, blue gray, and buff plastic shales; gray and spore-bearing carbonaceous shales; silty shales; and soft, plastic, green-gray shales within black fissile shales) demonstrates eloquently the versatility of the species in adapting to various ecological conditions existent in diverse sites of sedimentary deposition. The more conservative, the more unspecialized nature of the species would also account for the geologic longevity of J. semsconstricta. Table 30. Measurements of Involutina semiconstricta (Waters), 1927, in mm. locality number, specimen and max. thick- no.of diam.of formation, and type number diam. Ness whorls proloc. bed number B22. hiee 2 BOIS VF .090 5 021 K-23, Paint Creek, bed 1 Le 2A. aise I 420 .033 8 .016 I-4, Jacobs Chapel, bed 1 Pl. 26, fig. 20 330 .067 6 .016 I-4, Rockford, bed 2 Pl. 22, fig. 3 352 033 6.5 016 T-2, Eulie, bed 2 Table 31. Range in measurements of 21 specimens of Involutina semiconstricta (Waters), 1927, in mm. Present specimens Pennsylvanian forms Maximum diameter .210-.594 393-1525 ‘Thickness .017-.101 .059-.166 No. of whorls 3-8 5-10 Diam. of proloculus .008-.050 .008-.055 Genus GLOMOSPIRA Rzehak, 1888 Trochammina Jones and Parker, 1880, (pars), Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., v. 61, p. 304. Glomospira Rzehak, 1888. Verb. k.k. Grol. Reichs. p. 191; Cushman, 1928, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research, Special Publ. No. 1, p. 102. Gordiammina Rhumbler, 1895, Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen, p. 84. Type species, Trochammina gordialis Jones and Parker, 1860 (monotypic genus). Cushman’s (1948, p. 96) generic definition of Glomospira fol- lows: Test free, with a proloculum and long, tubular, undivided, second chamber MIsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 295 winding about its earlier coils in various planes; wall arenaceous with much cement; aperture at the end of the tube. All specimens studied in this paper were composed of quartz grains in insoluble silica cement. Chart 23 shows the range of Glomospira in the Mississippian as determined in this study. Glomospira articulosa Plummer, 1945 Biocrmiess naliQ) Pl 2g ehloe hs HS 17 Glomospira articulosa Plummer, 1945, Univ. Texas, Pub. 4401, p. 233, pl. 16, figs. 21-25; Ireland, 1956, Jour. Paleont., vol. 30, No. 4, p. 847, text- fig. 4, figs. 7-10; Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 242, 243, pl. 35, figs. 17-19. Description.—Test consists of a proloculus (usually not visible ) and a gradually expanding tubular second chamber which coils around itself in a haphazard manner so as to form a tightly wound knot of varying, but always compact, shape; aperture at open end of tube; wall fine grained with siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of wall, white to gray to yellow gray. Measurements.—See Table 32 for measurements of Glomospira articulosa. Comparison and affimties—Because of variability within the species no two specimens look exactly alike; however, the present specimens are conspecific with the specimens figured by Plummer (1945, p. 233) and by Gutschick and Treckman (1959, pp. 242, 243). The present examples of Glomospira articulosa are in general of the same size as those figured by Gutschick and Treckman (1959) and by Plummer (1945), but a few specimens are larger than most members of the species; Ireland’s (1956, text-fig. 4-7-10) figured specimens are generally smaller. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Glomospira articulosa was recorded by Plummer (1945, p. 233) from the Lower and Middle Pennsyl- vanian of Texas; the species was reported from the Upper Pennsyl- vanian of Kansas by Ireland (1956, p. 847). Gutschick and Treck- man (1959, p. 242, 243) reported the species from the Rockford limestone of northern Indiana. In the present work, Glomospira articulosa was found in the 296 BULLETIN 196 Kinderhookian and Osagian beds, but not stratigraphically above them. (See Charts 4, 6, 9-13, 16 and 18-22 for details of stratigraphic occurrence. ) Ecology.—Glomospira articulosa occurs in the Mississippian of the studied region primarily in clayey, plastic shales without signifi- cant carbonates. However, G. articulosa was adapted to live in the calcareous mud environment that existed on the sea bottom during deposition of the Rockford limestone. The possibility of the Rock- ford limestone having been deposited in a lagoon is discussed in the section on Hyperammina rockfordensis. Cushman noted (1928, p. 102) that Recent species most com- monly occur in cool water. Perhaps the shape (coiled like a ball of twine, the “Gordian Knot” of Plummer, 1945) was an adaptation (mot in Lamarckian sense) which afforded considerably more strength and resistance to breaking of the test in moderately agitated waters. Table 32. Measurements of Glomospira articulosa Plummer, 1945, in mm. locality number, specimen and max.diam. max.diam. formation, and bed type number of test of tube number Teal 2%, sae, JO 520 .150 K-23, New Providence, bed 3 PIS27 hie sl .470 .200 O-7, Cuyahoga, bed 4 16 specimens .310-.806 .080-.370 Genus LITUOTUBA Rhumbler, 1895 Lituotuba Rhumbler, 1895, Nachr. Kongl. Gesell. Wiss. Gottingen, p. 83. Trochammina Brady, 1879, Quart. Jour. Micros. Sci., (N.S.), vol. 19, p. 59, pl. 5, fig. 6. Type species, Trochammina lituiformis H. B. Brady, 1897 (designated by Cushman, 1910). Rhumbler’s (1895, pp. 83, 84) description of the genus Lituo- tuba follows: Ich vereinige in diesem Genus alle diejenigen biformen Arten der von Butschle und Neuwage schon als chaotisch erkannter Ordnung Trochammina, deren Anfang spiral eingerollt, deren Ende aber noch gerade gerstrecht ist. Hierher also; Lituotuba (Trochammina) filum Schmid; Lituotuba centrifuga (Brady); L. lituiformis (Brady). Fossil in Kohlenkalk. Chart 23 shows the stratigraphic range of Litwotuba in the Mississippian of the studied area. MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 297 Lituotuba semiplana, new species Ple22.tieswid sae Plea, tg, 2s, Hiss s Description.—Test free, consisting of a spherical proloculus and tubular undivided second chamber which coils in nearly the same plane for 2% to 2% whorls, then uncoils and becomes rectilinear, with the rectilinear portion in nearly the same plane and directed at right angles to the preceding part of the second chamber; aper- ture circular, somewhat constricted; wall of second chamber with slight constrictions externally; wall of fine siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color white to gray. Measurements—See Table 33 for measurements of Litwotuba semiplana and comparison with L. exserta Moreman, 1930. Comparison and affimties—Lituotuba semiplana has close af- finities to L. exserta Moreman, 1930 but differs from L. exserta in having (1) nearly planispiral coils, (2) lesser number of whorls (about 2% in L. semiplana, but 4 to 5 in L. exserta), (3) slight ex- ternal constrictions, and (4) smaller size. Type locality —North of Garrett Creek Church, north of West- moreland, Sumner County, Tennessee (Locality T-2). The holotype is from the Eulie shale (Bed 4). Table 33. Measurements of Litwotuba semrplana, n. sp., in mm. and comparison with L. exserta Moreman, 1930 diam. max. length Man. | Max. min. diam. of diam. of diam. diam. diam. of specimen and proloc. of test of of of aperture type number tube test neck neck Pl. 22, fig. 11, 02 08 269 20 08 07 03 holotype Pl. 22, fig. 12 03 07 290 20 10 06 03 Pi. 27, fig..2 05 .07 290 24 10 07 .03 L. exserta .34- 48 Stratigraphic occurrence. — Lituotuba semplana has been re- covered from the Kinderhookian Eulie shale of Tennessee (Locality T-2, Bed 4) and the lower Osagian New Providence formation in Kentucky (Locality K-52, Bed 8; Locality K-6, Bed 2). Ecology. — LIntuotuba semsplana occurs in the noncalcareous parts of the Eulie and lower New Providence shales, where inverte- brate megafossil assemblages are absent. The species required a sediment with fine siliceous grains with which to construct its test. 298 BULLETIN 196 Subfamily TOLYPAMMININAE Genus TOLYPAMMINA Rhumbler, 1895 Hyperammina Brady, 1879, (pars), Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci., vol. 19, p. 33; idem, 1884, (pars), Rept. Voyage Challenger, Zool., v. 9, pp. 260, 261. Tolypammina Rhumbler, 1895, Nachr. Kon. Ges. Wiss. GOttingen, p. 83; Cushman, 1910, United States Nat. Mus., Bull. 71, p. 66; idem, 1928, The Foraminifera, Cambridge, p. 98. Serpulella Eimer and Fickert, 1899, Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., vol. 65, p. 674. Type species, Hyperammina vagans Brady, 1879 (original designation, by Rhumbler, 1895, p. 83). Description —Rhumbler’s (1895, p. 83) original description of Lolypammina follows the definition of his subfamily Girvanellinae (now obsolete ) : Gehause mehr oder weniger festgewachsen, mit kugliger oder ovaler Anfangskammer, sonst eine gleich weite ROhre darstelland, welche sich in unregelmassigen Hin-und Herwindungen aufknauelt. The generic definition of Tolypammina as given by Cushman (1910, p. 66) follows: Test typically adherent by its under surface, but may become free, con- sisting of an elongate oval proloculum and a long irregular tube, unbranched, composed of sand grains and reddish brown cement. There has been some doubt as to the relationship between Toly- pammina and Ammovertella. The salient generic characteristics of the two genera have been critically reviewed and commented upon by Ireland (1956, p. 838): The test of Tolypammina is generally a free tube circular in cross-section and attached only in the initial stage and at various points in the later stage where support of the long tube is needed. Growth of the tube is always in random directions. The lower wall of the tube, where attached, is generally of agglutinated particles, though in some cases the surface of the object of attachment is used as part of the lower wall. The initial stage may be straight, ‘slightly coiled, or with one or two whorls . .. Ammovertella is generally attached throughout the length of the tube, but the terminal portion may be unattached and circular in outline. Growth from the proloculus is sinuous, back and forth in a plane with test generally enlarging in the same direction. In the final stage the tube may make a partial or complete encirclement of the early portion of the test. A lower wall is not found because the surface of attachment serves as the bottom of the test; and the cross-section of the tube is semi-circular, flat on the bottom and convex on top. Tubes bent back over the top of the test use the older portions of the tube as a bottom surface. Ireland apparently overlooked that part of Cushman’s de- scription of Ammovertella (1928, p. 98) in which the early plani- MIsSsISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 299 spiral portion of the tube is mentioned. Thus, like Tolypammuna, Ammovertella may or may not be planispirally coiled initially. Generic differentiation between Tolypammina and Ammover- tella usually has been made upon the basis of summation and analysis of the nature of: (1) attachment (or nonattachment or degree of attachment), (2) winding of the second chamber, (3) presence or absence of lower wall (and method of construction), and (4) cross- sectional shape of the proloculus and second chamber; nevertheless, there are instances of gradation between the two genera, and in some cases it has been difficult to make generic allocation of doubt- ful species. Gutschick and Treckman (1959, p. 241) recognized the prob- lems involved in differentiation of species of Tolypammina and Am- movertella as follows: We are following the diagnosis outlined by Ireland (1956, p. 838) for the characteristics of this genus [Tolypammina]. It must be recognized that such vermicular adnascent tests show great variation which makes it difficult taxo- nomically. We find that some Rockford tolypamminids contradict some of Ireland’s criteria for distinguishing between Tolypammina and Ammovertella. The semi-circular cross-section of the tube is like Ammovertella; the presence of an agglutinate floor wall is like Tolypammina. Coiling in the early stages is characteristic of Tolypammina; [Here, as Ireland, Gutschick and Treckman make no mention of the planispiral nature of the early portion of Ammovertella as originally described by Cushman] however when the forms have one or two whorls in the early stage, a semi-circular second chamber, and may or may not have a wall along the surface of attachment, it is difficult to decide to which genus they belong. The attached tests, early development of coiling, and the late uncoiling into simple tube, not writhing, seems to favor their assignment with Tolypammina. A practical method, and I believe the best means, of differentia- tion between Tolypammina and Ammovertella is offered here, The basis for generic differentiation lies primarily in the configuration of the second chamber with other characters considered of secondary significance. The second chamber of Tolypammuna is sinuous and tortuous but does not wind in the same general plane, and the windings of the second chamber do not fuse into a planoconvex unit. Tolypam- mina is more or less free of attachment, with the tubular second chamber rounded in cross-section where free, and semicircular in cross-section where attached. In contrast to Tolypammina, Ammovertella exhibits a sinuous, tortuous, (back and forth) maze of windings of the second chamber 300 BULLETIN 196 in the same general plane; this maze of windings is fused into a planoconvex unit. The floor of the test (if present) is more or less flat, depending on the nature of the surface to which it is attached; the sides and top of the test are convex. The latter portion of the second chamber may utilize the earlier portions as bases for at- tachment. in summary then, the principle generic characteristic of Am- movertella is considered to ibe the winding back and forth of the second chamber in the same general plane with the fusion of the winding tube into a planoconvex unit; initial portion of the tube may be planispiral. Inasmuch as little is known concerning the test wall of are- naceous Foraminifera, I am unwilling to undertake a detailed specu- lation on the original wall composition of Paleozoic Tolypammuina and Ammovertella. The present specimens are arenaceous, consist- ing of siliceous grains in siliceous cement (regardless of original composition). A more or less detailed consideration of the original wall composition and structure would follow the lines of the dis- cussions of wall composition and structure of Hyperammuina (Conkin, 1954: Cummings, 1955; and Conkin, 1956); such course, at present state of knowledge of wall structure of Paleozoic Foraminifera, most likely would be unfruitful. Chart 23 shows the stratigraphic range of Tolypammina in the Mississippian as determined in this study. Tolypammina botonuneus Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 Pl; 22, igi se Wie. Tolypammina botonuncus Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33. Noy Z,"p. 245, pl. 36, tes. 15, m6: Description.—Test attached, consisting of a bulbous proloculus, followed by a tubular, undivided, second chamber (with a thin floor wall); second chamber coils around and closely embraces the pro- loculus for about 3/4 whorl, then narrows and bends almost at a right angle, then finally uncoils to form a straight tube which expands gradually; proloculus only moderately elevated above the level of the 3/4 planispiral whorl of the second chamber; cross- section of the second chamber rather triangular (controlled by MIsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 301 mode of attachment); wall finely arenaceous with siliceous silt in siliceous cement (regardless of original composition of the test wall); color of test, gray to white-gray. Measurements—See Table 34 for measurements of present specimen of Tolypammina botonuncus and comparison with Gut- schick and Treckman’s types of the species. Comparison and affimities—Gutschick and Treckman (1959, p. 245) discussed the species Tolypammuina botonuncus: The species is characterized by its button-hook shape with less than one whorl of the second chamber, constrictions at the bend, and linear portion of the mature part of the test. It is similar to Tolypammina cyclops, n. sp., but does not have the complete coil around the proloculus, is smaller, and more unidirectional. The present specimen compares well with the original descrip- tion of the species by Gutschick and Treckman; the only differences noted were that the present hypotype has generally smaller size, less height to the proloculus (not projecting much above the level of the 3/4 planispiral whorl), a triangular cross-section of the second chamber, and a small irregular wedging to the second chamber. Stratigraphic occurrence.—T olypammina botonuncus is recorded only from the Kinderhookian Rockford limestone of northern Indi- ana (Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, p. 245) and in this study from the Rockford limestone of southern Indiana (Locality I-4, Bed 2). Ecology.—Apparently Tolypammina botonuncus had much the same ecological requirements as the other species of Tolypammuna. Remarks.—Only one specimen of this species was found in this study. Tolypammina cyclops Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 PI. 22, figs. 14, 15; Plo2iwe-tiss 3 Mie, 25 Tolypammina cyclops Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 245, 246, pl. 36, figs. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10-14. Description —Test attached, composed of a spherical proloculus and a tubular second chamber, semicircular in cross-section; second chamber coils a little more than one time around the proloculus be- fore uncoiling; uncoiled portion describes a sinuous path; height 302 BULLETIN 196 of proloculus greater than the second chamber and projects above the level of the coiled portion; second chamber partially floored with a thin layer of arenaceous material of siliceous grains in siliceous cement; wall of test composed of siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of test, white to light gray. Measurements.—See Table 35 for measurements of hypotypes of Tolypammina cyclops. Comparison and affmnities—The three present measured speci- mens closely resemble Gutschick and Treckman’s species and two of them fit well within the range of measurements given for the types of Tolypammina cyclops. The third specimen of the present material however, is much larger than those figured by Gutschick and Treck- man (1959, pl. 36, figs. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7). The figures 10414 on plate 36 of Gutschick and Treckman are of large size; nevertheless, the third specimen of the present material is still larger. Stratigraphic occurrence.—T olypammuina cyclops was originally described from the Rockford limestone of northern Indiana. T. cyclops was found sparingly in the Rockford limestone and Jacobs Chapel shale in southern Indiana, and in the lower New Providence and Cuyahoga formations. (See Charts 3-5, 10-12, 21, and 22 for details of occurrence. ) Table 34. Measurements of Tolypammina botonuncus Gutschick and Treckman 1959, in mm. and comparison with holotype and paratype PIRZ2 gels Holotype Paratype Length of test 1.02 85 1.20 Diam. of proloculus a1 215 14 Diam. of whorl 18 24 2, Min. diam. of tube ee 07 08 .08 Max. diam. of tube 16 14 18 Table 35. Measurements of Tolypammina cyclops Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, in mm. diam. length diam. diam. of of of of locality number, specimen and proloc. test coiled end of formation, and type number portion tube bed number Pl. 27, fig. 3 084. .403 .168 .092 1-4, Rockford, bed 2 Pl 22, ete 4: LO E450 252 eats I-4, Rockford, bed 2 P22 tienes P45) .692 570 25 I-4, Jacobs Chapel, bed 1 MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 303 Ecology—This species undoubtedly had much the same eco- logical requirements as T’olypammuna jacobschapelensis. Tolypammina jacobschapelensis, new species Pl. 22, figs. 16-21; Pl, bes peo eon Description—Test consists of an attached proloculus and a second chamber in the form of a long, aimlessly sinuous tube, semi- circular in cross-section, and attached throughout its length, or be- coming unattached near its end; proloculus in the shape of half an egg and usually somewhat pointed at the initial larger end, though in some instances the initial end is rounded; apertural end broken off all specimens; the surface of attachment of the proloculus and the tubular second chamber may be partially or entirely covered with a thin floor, or the floor may be absent altogether; tube usually enlarges gradually but may maintain its initial diameter which 1s from about one-half to three-fourths the diameter of the proloculus, or rarely the tube may diminish in diameter; wall finely granular, composed of quartz grains in siliceous cement; color of test white, rarely reddish-orange. Measurements—Measurements of Tolypammuina jacobschapel- ensts are given in Table 36, and the range in the measurements of this new species and comparison with 7. cyclops are given in Table vg Comparison and affimties—Tolypammina jacobschapelensis is somewhat similar to 7. cyclops Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, from the Rockford limestone of northern Indiana, but the second chamber of T. jacobschapelensis does not coil around the proloculus, and the proloculus of 7. jacobschapelensts is usually pointed at its tip rather than being completely spherical; furthermore, the proloculus of 7. jacobschapelensts is attached, while that of 7. cyclops is unattached. Type locality —Campbell’s (1946, p. 856) type locality for the Jacobs Chapel shale, one mile west of Jacobs Chapel, Clark County, Indiana (Locality I-4). The holotype and paratypes are from the Rockford limestone (Bed 2). Stratigraphic occurrence —Tolypammina jacobschapelensis has been found only in the Rockford limestone in southern Indiana and in the lower New Providence formation in northwestern Kentucky. (See Charts 3, 4, 11, 12, and 22 for details of occurrence. ) 304 BULLETIN 196 Table 36. Measurements of Tolypammina jacobschapelensts, n. sp., in mm. diam. of diam. length specimen and diam.of length of tube near of end of type number proloculus proloculus proloculus of tube test Pls 22, fies .084 101 .050 peeve 2.000 Pi22 fig cles 151 185 .084 .134 1.500 PIO 22. tee 16 .134 201 101 .193 1.500 holotype Pl) 22. fig 20 .269 .285 118 .134 .800 Pl. 22, fig. 21 Dye 386 201 285 2.100 PME AAgly Beas 5) .134 .193 .088 SATs -950 LP Cy ae IIE) .193 201 Om 151 .650 Table 37. Range in measurements of 22 specimens of Tolypammina jacobschapelensis, n. sp. in mm. and comparison with 7. cyclops Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 T. jacobschapelensis T. cyclops Diameter of proloculus .084-.269 .075-.150 Length of proloculus .101-.285 .09-.15 Diam. of tube near proloc. .050-.201 — Diam. of end of tube .084-.285 .06-.20 Length of test up to 2.10 up to ca. 2.0 Ecology.—The environment of deposition of the sediments of the Rockford limestone is discussed in the present work under the ecological portion of Hyperammina rockfordensis. The Jacobs Chapel calcareous shale bears a diminutive macro- fauna of rather varied groups of organisms, including microblastoids, brachiopods, and snails; however, the ostracodes and Foraminifera do not show signs of “dwarfing”. Both the Rockford hmestone and the Jacobs Chapel shale have diminutive faunal elements which are reminiscent of the “dwarf” macrofauna of the Louisiana limestone of Missouri; thus, it seems clear that the Rockford limestone and Jacobs Chapel shale present evidence of somewhat restricted environmental conditions of deposi- tion, perhaps sedimentation in calcareous muddy lagoons, or deposi- tional sites closely associated with such lagoons. In lagoonal environ- ments, water depth would be shallow and the water should be slightly agitated. The land close at hand could act as a source for the green phosphatic substance which mottles the Rockford lime- stone. MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 305 I have observed that Mississippian species of Tolypammina are found mostly in dense (fine-grained to semilithographic) lime- stones, sometimes associated with algal limestones. In some beds, such as the Greenbrier limestone of West Vir- ginia, Tolypammina is present almost to the exclusion of other Foraminifera and thus presumedly was able to live under environ- mental conditions unfavorable to other Foraminifera. Only one other genus of Foraminifera, Climacammina, has been reported from the Greenbrier limestone of West Virginia (Flowers, 1956, p. 10). Near White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County, West Virginia, I collected Tolypammina in abundance from dense limestone in the upper and middle parts of the Greenbrier limestone. The association of Lolypammina at this locality with well-preserved dasycladacean algae is proof of shallow water, Oodlites are abundantly present which indicates at least slightly agitated water. It follows necessarily from the limestone lithology of odlites and the green calcareous algae, that the sea water was alkaline and supersaturated with calcium bicarbonate. The mostly attached and encrusting nature of the Tolypammina may account for the ability of such animals with seemingly deli- cate, sinuous, long, and tubular tests to maintain themselves in shallow, somewhat agitated water. Tolypammina is thus seen to be characteristically associated with calcareous shales and argillaceous limestones, in near shore warm waters of shallow depth. The associated diminutive faunal elements lend evidence for a somewhat restricted environment, not promoting development of macrofossil assemblages of robust or even normal-sized individuals; the depositional site may have been a lagoonal or shoal area. Remarks.—This new species is named for the type locality of the Jacobs Chapel shale and thus is based on a geographic name. Tolypammina laocoon, new species Pl 2. tis OSh ene 326 Description—Test free in its early portion, consisting of a large spherical proloculus followed by a tortuously coiled, glomo- spiroid, undivided, rather tightly embracing, second tubular chamber; the coiling in the holotype is in this manner: from the proloculus the second chamber describes a small and tight U-shaped loop 306 BULLETIN 196 which turns back toward the proloculus and passes beneath the proloculus and a part of the U-shaped loop; the second chamber then continues in a tight coil around the proloculus for the distance of one whorl (nearly planispirally coiled), the first formed loop being used as part of the attachment; the loop and end of the spiral chamber are in, or nearly in, conjunction one with another; the coil then abruptly bends downward and progresses to the other side of the test (or left), then ‘continues across the diameter of the cross-section of test; the remaining portion of the second cham- ber then abruptly bends downward and finally turns upward to form a gradually enlarging linear and rounded tube; test rather robust; test wall finely arenaceous, of siliceous grains in siliceous cement (regardless of original composition); apertural end of tube broken off; color of wall, white to gray-white. Measurements.—See Table 38 for measurements of Tolypam- mina laocoon. | Table 38, Measurements of Tolypammina laocoon, n. sp., in mm. Pl. 22, fig. 23, holotype Length of test .76 Diam. of proloculus 10 Diam. of coiled portion 5) Length of coiled portion lk Min. diam. of tube .08 Max. diam. of tube sls) Comparison and affinities —Tolypammuna laocoon has no close affinities to any know Tolypammina. Although superficially some- what similar to 7. botonuwncus, T. laocoon differs from T. botonun- cus in that it: (1) is free (unattached) in early portion, (2) has a rounded tubular second chamber, and (3) has a glomospiroid con- figuration in the initial portion of the second chamber. Ly pe locality.—Jacobs Chapel, southern Indiana (Locality I-4); type locality for Jacobs Chapel shale; holotype is from the Rockford limestone (Bed 2). Stratigraphic occurrence.—Tolypammina laocoon is _ recorded only from the Rockford limestone. Ecology.—Tolypammina laocoon apparently “preferred” fine- grained shales and calcareous muds. The tortuously coiled earlier portion of the test may thave been an adaptation to strengthen the MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 307 test and may have acted as a substitute for the stability of a more attached living habit. Remarks —Tolypammina laocoon is named because of the serpentine-like coiling of the early portion of the second chamber. Tolypammina tortuosa Dunn, 1942 Pls 22, 1185 225 LEM ATOM exer ys lehitess e747) Tolypammina tortuosa Dunn, 1942, Jour. Paleont., vol. 16, No. 3, p. 341, pl. 44, figs. 19-21, 32. : Description Test mostly attached (some portions are free and are rounded and tubular); proloculus large, elevated above height of second chamber; proloculus is surrounded by the second chamber for three-fourths of a whorl, then the second chamber coils and bends in a tortuous manner, not always in the same plane; test generally with a floor wall, occasionally not; tubes often crowded and some- what intertwined; the overall shape of the test is determined by the mode of attachment; test wall of fine siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of test, white. Measurements.—See Yable 39 for measurements of Tolypam- mina tortuosa. Comparison and affimties——The present specimens seem to be conspecific with Tolypammuina tortuosa Dunn, 1942, from the Silur- ian Brassfield limestone of Missouri. Table 39. Measurements of Tolypammuina tortuosa Dunn, 1942, in mm. locality number, specimen and diam. of min. diam. max. diam. formation, and type number proloculus of tube of tube bed number unfigured AUF 10 25 I-4, Rockford, specimen bed 2 Pie 22, fie. 22 .08 05 ple; I-4, Rockford, bed 2 Stratigraphic occurrence.—Tolypammina tortuosa is known to occur in the Middle Silurian and the Lower Mississippian. The species was found in the Kinderhookian Rockford limestone (Bed 2) at Jacobs Chapel, Indiana, (Locality I-4) and in the Eulie shale (Bed 2) near Westmoreland, northern Tennessee, (Locality T-2). 308 BULLETIN 196 Ecology.—Tolypammina tortuosa undoubtedly lived in much the same environment as did the other tolypamminids. Remarks.—Five specimens of the species were recovered. Genus AMMOVERTELLA Cushman, 1928 Psammophis Schellwien, 1895, Palaeontographia, vol. 44, pts. 5, 6, p. 265. (non Psammophis Boie, 1827, fide Cushman, 1948, Foraminfera, Cambridge, Dae Ieke ' Ammovertella Cushman, 1928, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research, Contr., vol. 4, p. 8; idem, 1948, Foraminifera, Cambridge, p. 98. Type species, Psammophis inversa Schellwien, 1898. Description.—The generic definition of Ammovertella was given by Cushman (1948, p. 98): Test attached, with proloculus and long, tubular second chamber, early portion planispiral, later and larger portion bending back and forth but progressing forward in one general direction; wall clearly arenaceous with much cement; aperture at end of the tube.—Pennsylvanian to Recent. Schellwien proved the arenaceous character of the wall by test with polarized light. The salient features of the genus Ammovertella as I conceive of them have already been given in the section devoted to the genus Tolypammina. A summary of the generic characters of Ammovertella will suffice here: Ammovertella presents a sinuous, tortuous (back and forth) maze of windings of the second chamber in the same general plane; this maze of windings is fused into a planoconvex mass. [he floor of the test (if present) is more or less flat; the sides and top of the test are convex. The later portion of the second chamber may utilize the earlier portions as bases for attachment. The initial portion of the second chamber may or may not form itself into one or a few planispiral coils, In essence then, the princi- pal generic character of Ammovertella is considered to be the winding back and forth of the second chamber in the same general plane with fusion of the winding tube into a planoconvex mass. All tests of Ammovertella in the present material are composed of siliceous grains in siliceous cement (regardless of original wall composition ). Chart 23 shows the range of Ammovertella in the Mississippian as determined in this study. MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 309 Ammovertella cf. A. inelusa (Cushman and Waters), 1927 Pl. 23, fig. 8; Pl. 27, figs. 6-9; Fig. 29 Psammophis inclusa Cushman and Waters, 1927, Cushman Lab. Foram. Re- search, Contr., vol. 3, p. 148, pl. 26, fig. 12. Ammovertella inclusa (Cushman and Waters), 1930, Univ. Texas, Bull. 3019, pp. 44, 45, pl. 7, fig. 13; Ireland, 1956, (pars), Jour. Paleont., vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 853, 854, text-fig. 5-12. (non Ammovertella inclusa [Cushman and Waters], Ireland, 1956, Jour. Paleont., vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 853, 854, text- fe s—6-11, 13, 14). Description.—Test attached, consisting of a proloculus and a gradually expanding tubular second chamber which is planispirally coiled for one or two volutions in the present specimens, then me- anders in the same general plane back and forth and partially em- braces the coiled portion; in some specimens the tube laps back on top of previous portions of the test; cross-section of tube semicir- cular; tubular portion fused together to form a planoconvex mass; wall of test composed of fine siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of wall, white to gray to yellowish gray. Measurements —Vable 40 gives measurements of Ammovertella cf. A. inclusa; Table 41 gives the range in measurements of the spe- cies and the measurements of Cushman and Waters’ holotype. Comparison and affinities—The present specimens are only compared to Ammovertella inclusa inasmuch as the illustration given by Cushman and Waters (1930, pl. 7, fig. 13) shows only the upper convex side of the test; however, Cushman and Waters’ description of the test allows comparison of the present material with A. mclusa. The form which Ireland described (1956, pp. 853, 854, text-fig. 5— 6-11, 13, 14) as Ammovertella inclusa does not seem to be con- specific with A. imclusa inasmuch as Ireland’s specimens apparently lack the planispirally coiled early portion of the second chamber; only one figure (text-fig. 5— 12b) shows a planispiral coil, In other respects these forms closely resemble the figure of the holotype of A. inclusa. Stratigraphic occurrence—Cushman and Waters (1930, pp. 44, 45, pl. 7, fig. 13) described Ammovertella inclusa from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Texas. Ireland (1956, pp. 853, 854, text-fig. 5— 12) reported the species from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Kansas. The present specimens were found as rather scattered occur- rences from the Bedford shale to the lower part of the Brodhead 310 BULLETIN 196 formation. (See Charts 3, 4, 6, 9-13, 16,18, 19, 21, and 22 for details of occurrence. ) Ecology —Ammovertella cf. A. inclusa is recorded in this work only in soft, blue-gray to olive-gray, plastic when wet shales which contain fine-grained silt, and are in instances, calcareous with well- developed megafossil faunas (such as the Button Mold Knob mem- ber of the New Providence formation which carries the Button Mold Knob fauna). No specimens of Ammovertella have been observed in strictly siltstone or sandstone beds in the studied area. Thus, it seems that Ammovertella cf. A. inclusa, and probably Ammovertella in general, “preferred” a soft, muddy sea bottom. This species could live in calcareous or noncalcareous sediments, with or without a well- developed megafauna. Where megafaunas were present, the species would utilize the living organisms or hard fragmental parts of dead organisms as objects of attachment. The habit of attachment may have been an adaptation to an agitated environment of deposition. A moderately shallow-water en- vironment is evidenced by the association of the species with the Button Mold Knob fauna and the stratigraphic proximity of the dominantly molluscan Coral Ridge fauna. The alkalinity of the water must have been fairly high in order to allow formation of the calcareous shales and crinoidal bioherms within the Button Mold Knob member. Table 40. Measurements of Ammovertella cf. A. inclusa (Cushman and Waters), 1927, in mm. length width min. max. locality number, specimen and of of diam. diam. formation, and bed type number test test of tube of tube number PISZ 3) iets 480 440 .033 092 K-2, New Providence, bed 2 Pl. 27, fig. 6 521 .335 .033 101 #K-2, New Providence, bed 2 PU 27, fies 7 554 420 118 K-32, New Providence, bed 2 LEA en asa, 8 a7 403 .033 084 K-32, New Providence, bed 2 P) S27 ee tiean9 503 420 .033 101 K-32, New Providence, bed 2 MISsSsISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 311 Table 41. Range in measurements of 13 specimens of Ammovertella cf. A. inclusa (Cushman and Waters), 1927, in mm. and comparison with the holotype holotype (all but length are estimated from original figure) Length of test .302-.710 .850 Width of test .252-.453 .540 Min. diam. of tube .025-.033 .063 (earliest part not visible) Max. diam. of tube .067-.134 .220 Ammoyertella labyrintha Ireland, 1956 LPL Capers Oe) ee 2n) ee HO en 28 Ammovertella labyrintha Ireland, 1956, Jour. Paleont., vol. 30, p. 854, text- figs 62 A. 2: Description—Test consists of a tortuous, labyrinthic maze of intertwining tubes, partially attached at the base of the fused unit to a substratum, and partially free or attached to other tubes; pres- ent specimens only fragmentary; test wall gray to dull tan. Measurements —See Table 42 for measurements of Ammover- tella labyrintha. Table 42. Measurements of Ammovertella labyrintha Ireland, 1956, in mm. Bees. fie. 9 Diam. of proloculus 084 Diam. of tube .05-.08 Diam. of test 79 Comparison and affinities —Present specimens seem to fit well the descriptions and figures given for Ammovertella labyrintha by Ireland (1956, p. 854). Stratigraphic occurrence——Ammovertella labyrintha is known to occur in the Pennsylvanian and Permian of Kansas. Herein the species 1s reported from the lower part of the New Providence forma- tion, 11 to 16.5 feet above the New Albany shale, near Atherton- ville, Larue County, Kentucky, (Locality K-13) and in the lower 2.5 to 5.5 feet of the New Providence formation at Fishing Creek near Somerset, Pulaski County, Kentucky, (Locality K-32). Ecology.—Apparently Ammovertella labyrintha had much the same ecological requirements as other ammovertellids. 312 BULLETIN 196 Ammovertella cf. A. primaparva Ireland, 1956 Fl. 23, fies 10: Pl. 27, Hecke aie oe Ammovertella primaparva Ireland, 1956, Jour. Paleont., vol. 30, No. 4, p. 834, text-fig. 6— 8-12. Description Test attached, consisting of a tiny proloculus and a gradually expanding tubular second chamber which meanders back and forth in a plane and usually progresses roughly in the same direction; adjacent walls are fused so that the whole test forms a planoconvex mass; tube makes up to eight crossings, making four complete meanders in the present specimens; cross-section of the tube semi-circular; as noted by Ireland (1956, p. 854), the later more randomly winding portion of the second chamber is readily broken off, and it 1s not preserved in the present specimens; wall composed of siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of wall, white to light yellowish-gray. Measurements.—Vable 43 gives the measurements of Ammover- tella ct. A. primaparva; Vable 44 gives the range in measurements of A. cf. A. prymaparva and measurements of Ireland’s types of the species. Comparison and affinities—The present specimens are frag- mentary, and for this reason are compared with Ammovertella primaparva; however, the specimens of this paper closely resemble text-fig. 6— 8, 9, and 11 as given by Ireland (1956). Ammovertella prymaparva is similar in the meandering manner of its second chamber to the type species of Ammovertella, A. in- versa (Schellwien), 1898, but A. primaparva does not possess the planispirally coiled initial portion of the second chamber. A. prima- parva differs from A. inclusa (Cushman and Waters), 1927 in lacking the planispirally coiled early portion of the second chamber and in having the earlier portion of the test less embraced by the meander- ing of the second chamber. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Ireland (1956) described Ammover- tella primaparva from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Kansas. The present specimens are from the Kinderhookian Eulie shale of Ten- nessee and the Rockford limestone of southern Indiana, the lower part of the Osagian Henley shale member of the Cuyahoga forma- tion of Ohio, and the lower part of the Osagian New Providence MIssISsIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 313 formation of Kentucky. (See Charts 3, 4, 10, 12, 16, 21, and 22 for details of occurrence. ) Ecology —Ammovertella cf. A. primaparva likely had ecological requirements similar to those of Ammovertella cf. A. inclusa, except A. cf. A. primaparva has been found in the Rockford limestone. As discussed under Hyperammina rockfordensis and Tolypammina gacobschapelensis, the Rockford limestone may represent deposition in a lagoonal environment. ‘Table 43. Measurements of Ammovertella cf. A. prumaparva Ireland, 1956, in mm. width length no.of — min. locality number, specimen and of of cross- diam. formation, and type number test test ings of tube bed number Pl. 23, fig. 10 335 386 7 033 0-6, Henley, bed 10 E27, tig. 11 oe 386 i .063 I-4, Rockford, bed 2 Table 44. Range in measurements of five specimens of Ammovertella cf. A. prymaparva Ireland, 1956, and measurements of the holotype, in mm. Present specimens holotype Width of test .294-.453 .25 (lower part) Length of test .269-.386 (lower part) .60 (whole test) No. of meanders up to four three Min. diam. of tube .017-.067 .020 Genus TREPEILOPSIS Cushman and Waters, 1928 Turritellella Cushman and Waters, 1927, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research, Contr., vol. 3, p. 38. (non Turritellella Rhumbler, 1903, Archiv. Prot., vol. 3, p. 283) Trepeilopsis Cushman and Waters, 1928, Cushman Lab. Foram Research, Contr., vol. 4, p. 38. Type species, Trepeilopsis grandis (Cushman and Waters), 1928 (original designation). Cushman’s generic definition (1948, p. 99) of Trepeidopsis 1s as follows: Test attached to Productus spines, with a proloculus and long, tubular, second chamber, early portion spirally coiled, later bending back and making nearly a straight tube over the earlier whorls; wall finely arenaceous with much cement; aperture at the end of the tube. 314 BULLETIN 196 There is some question as to the relationship between Trepedop- sis Cushman and Waters, 1928, and Twurritellella Rhumbler, 1903. I would broaden the generic definition of Trepedopsis more than did Cushman and Waters. The generic definition of Trepedopsts, as I view it, should require that species of Trepeilopsis be attached to some object, brachiopod spine, sponge spicule, or such; the final portion of the second chamber may or may not recoil backward over the earlier part of the second chamber. Turritellella would have generic characters similar to Trepedop- sis except the test must be free (unattached) and may not have the later portion of the second chamber recoil backward over the earlier part of the second chamber. Among the trepeilopsids there are some species, such as Lrepedopsis spiralis Gutschick and Treckman which seemingly fit the generic definition of Twurritellella; however, Gutschick and Treck- man (1959, p. 244) interpret their Rockford 7. spiralis as a Tre- pedopsis which was wound around a calcareous cylindrical spine which has been dissolved leaving a hollow enclosed by windings. Such solution of a calcareous spine would make the test superficially like Turritellella. It may be added here that a test in question must show definite evidence of attachment on the inner side of the second chamber or the example should not be placed in Trepeiopsis. Chart 23 shows the range of Trepeilopsis in the Mississippian as determined in this study. Trepeilopsis glomospiroides Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 Pl, 28, figs. 1, 2: Pl. 27, fies ds ese Trepeilopsis glomospiroides Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 243, 244, pl. 35, figs. 29-31. Description.—Test attached to a spine, spicule, or similar object; test consists of a proloculus (broken off of all present specimens) and a gradually enlarging tubular second chamber which winds tightly and spirally around the object of attachment for about five to six coils (in present specimens) and then winds in a glomospiroid fashion over the latest coils and the end of the object of attachment; MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN S15 aperture formed by open end of tube; wall of fine siliceous silt in siliceous cement; color of wall white to yellowish-gray. Measurements —See Table 45 for measurements of present specimens of Trepeiopsis glomospiroides and Table 46 for range in measurements of the species. Comparison and affinities—The present specimens are in gen- eral slightly smaller than Gutschick and Treckman’s types of the species but otherwise are identical with them. Stratigraphic occurrence —Trepeiuopsis glomospiroides was originally described from the Rockford limestone of northern In- diana. T. glomospiroides was found in this study to occur in the Rockford limestone of southern Indiana, the lower New Providence formation of Kentucky, and the lower Cuyahoga formation of Ohio. (See Charts 3, 9-11, 18, 21, and 22 for details of occurrence. ) Table 45. Measurements of Trepeidopsis glomospiroides Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, in mm. locality number, specimen and . no.of max. formation, and bed type number length coils diam. number Pi. 23,- fig. 1 .650 7 302 K-51, New Providence, bed 6 er 23, fis. 2 452 7 259 I-4, Rockford, bed 2 PE 2/7, tig. 13 2550 5 226 I-4, Rockford, bed 2 Table 46. Range in measurements of five specimens of Trepeiuopsis glomospiroides Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, in mm. Length .425-.650 No. of coils 5-7 Max. diam. 213-302 Ecology.—Trepeilopsis glomospiroides is known to occur only in dense (fine-grained) limestone and in fine-grained, calcareous or noncalcareous plastic shales. JT. glomospiroides has not been ob- served in medium to coarse-grained limestones. It is believed that the species lived on an argillaceous or calcareous-argillaceous bottom, in quiet waters; the Rockford limestone has already been interpreted as possibly lagoonal (see discussion under Hyperammina rockford- ensis ). 316 BULLETIN 196 Trepeilopsis recurvidens Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 Pl: 23, figs. 3, 45 Pl. 27, tiga aie Trepeilopsis recurvidens Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 2, p. 244, pl. 35, figs. 25, 26. Description.—Test attached to a spine, spicule, or similar object; test consists of a proloculus (broken off of present specimens) and a gradually enlarging tubular second chamber which spirals tightly around the object of attachment for six to eight coils, then uncoils and turns back over the preceding coils in a broadly winding path directed toward the proloculus; aperture at open end of tube; wall finely grained, of siliceous silt in siliceous cement; color of test, light gray. Measurements.—See Table 47 for measurements of Trepedopsis recurvidens. Comparison and affimties—The present specimens closely re- semble the figured specimens of Trepeilopsis recurvidens Gutschick and Treckman (1959, pl. 35, figs. 25, 26) and unfigured paratypes of this species in my possession. Gutschick and Treckman give .90 mm. as the length of the holotype. Unfigured paratypes of the species measure .60 to .75 mm. in length. Trepedopsis recurvidens differs from A. mississtppiana Cooper (1947, p. 87, pl. 20, figs. 34-41) in being more regularly coiled. Stratigraphic occurrence —Trepeilopsis recurvidens was origi- nally described from the Rockford limestone of northern Indiana. ‘The species was found to occur, in the present study, in the Cuya- hoga formation undifferentiated and in the Henley shale member of the Cuyahoga formation in Ohio; in Kentucky the species occurs in the Button Mold Knob member of the New Providence forma- tion and in the Haldeman siltstone member of the Brodhead for- mation. (See Charts 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 18, 21, and 22 foridetailsson occurrence. ) Ecology.—Trepeilopsis recurvidens was found only in clayey shales of the lower part of the Cuyahoga formation, the plastic Hen- ley shale, in the calcareous shales of the Button Mold Knob member, and in the olive-gray to drab-gray shale breaks in the Haldeman siltstone member. T. recurvidens seems to have lived on soft, cal- careous or noncalcareous muddy sea bottoms. This species, and Trepeiopsis in general, have not been observed in strictly siltstone or MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 37 sandstone beds. Species of Trepeidopsis in general were attached to and coiled around spines or spicules, or other elongate organic frag- ments. Sponge spicules are often used for support and attachment. Although, ecologically, the sponges today are most abundant in water just below tide level, representatives of the Porifera are known to be widely distributed even at great depths of the ocean. Table 47. Measurements of Trepeilopsis recurvidens Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, in mm. locality number, specimen and n0.0f max. formation, and bed type number length coils diam. number Pie27, tig. 12 .675 7 420 K-56, Haldeman, bed 2 Pl. 23, fig. 4 625 6 319 O-7, Cuyahoga, bed 6 Peas. fie. 3 .700 7-8 .269 O-7, Cuyahoga, bed 6 Trepeilopsis spiralis Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 Pil BY sue EOE Pi cde tie. a eee oe Trepeilopsis spiralis Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 243, 244, pl. 35, figs. 20-24. Description—Test attached to a spine, spicule, or similar ob- ject; test consists of a proloculus (broken off of present specimens ) and a tubular second chamber which winds tightly and spirally around the object of attachment, gradually enlarging, and consisting in present specimens of about 6 to about 12 coils; aperture formed by open end of tube; wall of fine-grained silt in siliceous cement; color of wall, white to gray to rusty. Measurements.—See Yable 48 for measurements of Trepedopsis spiralis and Table 49 for range in measurements of the species. Comparison and affimties—The present specimens are identical with Gutschick and Treckman’s figured specimens and with un- figured paratypes in my possession. Table 48. Measurements of Trepeidopsis spiralis Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, in mm. locality number, specimen and no.of max. formation, and bed type number length coils diam. number Pl 27, figs 14 950 12? 302 K-32, New Providence, bed 2 Pi 23, fig. 7 1.050 8 386 K-12, New Providence, bed 4 El. 23, fig: 5 470 6-7 126 I-4, Rockford, bed 2 P25; fig: 6 .750 10 255 T-2, Eulie, bed 2 318 BULLETIN 196 Table 49. Range in measurements of 19 specimens of Trepeilopsis spiralis Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, in mm. Length of test .500-1.100 Number of coils 6-12 Maximum diameter of test .151-.386 Stratigraphic occurrence.—Trepeiopsis spiralis occurs in the Eulie shale of Tennessee; the Rockford limestone and Jacobs Chapel shale of southern Indiana; the Bedford shale, the New Providence formation, the Conway Cut and the Haldeman siltstone members of the Brodhead formation, and the Rothwell shale member of the Muldraugh formation of Kentucky. (See Charts 3-6, 8-13, 16-19, 21, and 22 for details of occurrence. ) Ecology.—Trepeilopsis spiralis occurs in soft, plastic shales, in shale breaks within siltstone, and in fine-grained limestone, possibly lagoonal. The ecological requirements for the species were probably much like those of 7. recurvidens and T. glomospuiroides. Family LITUOLIDAE Reuss, 1861 Subfamily HAPLOPHRAGMIINAE Cushman, 1927 Genus AMMOBACULITES Cushman, 1910 Spirolina d’Orbigny, 1846, (pars), Foram. Foss. Bass. Tert. Vienne, p. 137. Haplophragmium Brady, 1884, (pars), Rept. Voyage Challenger, Zool., vol. neyo Oils S04. Ammobaculites Cushman, 1910, United States Nat. Mus., Bull. No. 71, pp. 114, 115. Type species, Spirolina agglutinans d’Orbigny, 1846 (original designation, by Cushman, 1910. Miocene, Austria). The generic definition of Ammobaculites was given by Cushman (1910, p. 114) as follows: Test free, chambered, early portion close coiled in one plane, latter portion uncoiled and made up of a more or less linear series of chambers; wall coarsely arenaceous, fairly thick; aperture single at the center of the terminal face of the uncoiled portion, but in the coiled portion at the base of the apertural face. Gutschick and Treckman (1959, pp. 247-249) described the oldest known Ammobaculites, A. leptos, A. pyriformis, and A.? sp. from the Kinderhookian Rockford limestone of northern Indiana. The species described in the present study, A. gutschicki, is, there- fore, the third known species from the Mississippian system. Chart 23 shows the range of Ammobaculites in the Mississippian as deter- mined in this study. MIssISsIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 319 Gutschick and Treckman (1959, p. 249) noted concerning Ammobaculites? sp.: Specimens recovered from acid residues are vesicular and indicate that the animal must have formed its test of agglutinate lime sand grains cemented together with a siliceous paste. It is the siliceous material which 1s preserved. Again quoting Gutschick and Treckman (1959, p. 249) con- cerning wall composition: Composition and nature of wall structure have become important criteria for classification of Foraminifera. If we are to regard these as important generic characteristics and recognize isomorphism as valid (Ireland, 1956; Cummings, 1955), then the Rockford form would become a new genus related to the agglutinate silica grained Ammobaculites and the calcareous test Endothyranella. Again, in Ammobaculites the spector of wall structure and wall composition arises. Some workers on Paleozoic Foraminifera would hold to strict isomorphism in Foraminifera. Thus, it has been con- ceived that Ammobaculites and Endothyranella are isomorphs. Ac- cording to some workers, Ammobaculites would be considered to have siliceous grains in siliceous cement while Endothyranella would be considered to have calcareous grains (whether extraneous or se- creted by the protoplasm) in calcite cement; others consider Endo- thyranella to have a completely fibrous calcite structure and compo- position. However, Cushman in his original generic definition of Ammobaculites (1910, p. 114) described the wall as coarsely arena- ceous (arenaceous to Cushman presumedly meant grains of various composition embedded in ferruginous, calcareous, or ferrugino- calcareous cement). I believe that the crux of the wall problem lies primarily in the nature of the cement. If all Foraminifera (save a minute number, as in the family Silicinidae) had originally calcareous, ferruginous, or ferrugino-calcareous cement, and if nearly all siliceous cement repre- sents secondary replacement of original ferruginous, calcareous, or ferrugino-calcareous cement, then I can not accept the principle of isomorphism; that is, I would be quite hesitant to say that genera of Foraminifera are so selective in the type of extraneous particles which they incorporate into their test wall that such selection of extraneous particles would constitute a valid basis for generic dif- ferentiation. 320 BuLLeETIN 196 ot ajeansGl9s7., pp: 15,489) disavows the possession of an aren- aceous test by any Paleozoic Foraminifera. In line with this assump- tion, St. Jean (1957, p. 41) suspected that: . all Paleozoic Foraminifera referred to the genus Hyperammina are actually Earlandia. The type of Hyperammina, H. elongata Brady (1878, p. 433, pl. 20, fig. 2) is a Recent arenaceous form from the Arctic Sea. Thus, St. Jean assumed the granularity in the tests of Paleozoic Hyperammuina to be due to secondary recrystallization of an original calcite test. What are the relationships between Paleozoic Hyperam- mina and Recent Hyperammina (which are undoubtedly aren- aceous)? I should think that the phylogeny of Recent Hyperammina extends back to the Paleozoic Hyperammuina, although such a propo- sition is difficult of proof, as is also (it may be noted) the negation of the statement. After all, no one seriously believes the genus Lingula among the inarticulate brachiopods does not have a strati- graphic range from Cambrian to Recent. Certainly it is admitted that the smaller Foraminifera have relatively simple test shapes, and thus there are not a great number of structures which can be used for specific and generic criteria. In another vein, if arenaceous (agglutinate) or adventitious (in the sense of Plummer, 1930, p. 7) Foraminifera are known in the Paleozoic (a proposition nearly all workers in the past have agreed to), then the cement in any given genus may have been: (1) orig- inally ferruginous, calcareous, or ferrugino-calcareous, (2) siliceous, or (3) originally ferruginous, calcareous, or ferrugino-calcareous and secondarily replaced by silica. If all Paleozoic arenaceous tests were originally calcareous, ferruginous, or ferrugino-calcareous, then I would disavow isomorphism; thus Ammobaculites would be con- generic with Endothyranella (the chemical nature of the extraneous grains is not here considered of generic importance). If some Paleozoic Foraminifera originally possessed siliceous cement (se- creted of course by the protoplasm), then I would admit the prin- ciple of isomorphism and then Paleozoic Ammobaculites (at present with siliceous cement) and Endothyranella would be distinct genera. I can see no reason to believe that the nature of the extraneous particles in arenaceous Foraminifera (in the sense of Plummer, 1930, p. 7) would of necessity constitute a criterion for generic, or even MISSISSIPPIAN. SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN S21 specific differentiation. It has been manifestly demonstrated that arenaceous genera can use particles of many materials to incorporate into their test wall in instances where the “preferred” particles are not available. Of course, some Foraminifera are more selective than others in their “choice” of extraneous particles to incorporate into their test wall; some species are extremely “demanding” in their selection of particles for test construction. In conclusion, until the Quaternary, Tertiary, Mesozoic, and Paleozoic Foraminifera have been thoroughly monographed as to their wall structure and composition (with basic investigation di- rected at adequate redescription of the available types of smaller Foraminifera, as well as study of ecology of Recent Foraminifera and paleoecology of fossil Foraminifera), most statements con- cerning the nature of wall structure of smaller Foraminifera are conjectural. Indeed, we know very little about wall structure and wall composition of Foraminifera in general. The obscure references to arenaceous tests, without clear statements as to the true nature of the cementing material, and to lesser extent the nature of extran- eous particles (in adventitious tests) have served magnificently to confound and delude present workers in their study of the Fora- minifera. Currently, the nature of the test wall in Foraminifera is so beclouded that no worker can remain unconfused when discoursing on wall structure and chemical composition, and their relationships to elements of taxonomy, classification, and phylogeny of the Fora- minifera. Ammobaculites gutschicki, new species PZ a eine Sa libego. PAS ahi: £55 Be 35 Description—Test consists of planispiral and rectilinear por- tions; planispiral part indistinct in inner portion, but outer whorl composed of three to five-and-one-half gradually enlarging inflated chambers; rectilinear portion consists of as many as five slightly enlarging oblate and inflated chambers; final chamber of rectilinear series, subequally long as broad and pyriform due to tapering neck of aperture; test wall moderately coarse-grained with moderate amount of siliceous cement; test generally somewhat compressed; color of test, white to reddish-orange. 322 BULLETIN 196 Measurements.—See Table 50) for measurements of Ammobacu- lites gutschickt and Table 51 for range in measurements of the species and comparison with A. pyriformis Gutschick and Treckman, 1959. Comparison and affmities—Ammobacultes gutschicki has its closest affinities to A. pyriformis Gutschick and Treckman (1959, pp. 248, 249, pl. 37, figs. 14-17, 19, 21-25), especially in the nature of the coiled portion of the test, but A. gutschicki differs markedly in that the rectilinear portion has fewer chambers (up to five) than A. pyriformis (which has six or more rectilinear chambers); in addi- tion, the rectilinear chambers of A. gutschicki are oblate rather than prolate as are the rectilinear chambers in A. pyriformss. Type locality—Blue Gap, 2.65 miles north of New Haven, Nelson County, Kentucky, (Locality K-13) on U.S. Highway 31E. Holotype from the New Providence formation, 44 to 49.5 feet above the Falling Run member of the Sanderson formation (Bed 10). Table 51. Range in measurements of 27 specimens of Ammobaculites gutschickt, n. sp., in mm. and comparison with A. pyriformis Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 A. gutschicki A. pyriformis Length of test .386-.688 -750-1.050 Diam. of coiled portion .176-.440 .250-.280 No. of chambers in outer whorl 3-5.5 4-6 Length of rectilinear part .277-.658 Diam. of rectilinear part .092-.252 No. of rectilinear chambers 1-5 6 or more Stratigraphic occurrence—Ammobaculites gutschicki 1s found in the Falling Run member of the Sanderson formation, in the New Providence formation, especially in the lower part (Coral Ridge member and equivalent beds) in Kentucky and southern Indiana, in the Brodhead formation in Kentucky and less frequently in the Cuyahoga formation in Ohio. The species also occurs in the Eulie shale of northern Tennessee. Thus, A. gutschicki is known to occur only in the Kinderhookian and Osagian. (See Charts 3-6, 8-13, 16-18, 21, and 22 for details of occurrence. ) Ecology—Ammobaculites gutschicki occurs especially in the soft, plastic when wet, blue-gray and olive-gray shales of the New Providence, and, in the somewhat more silty shales of the Brodhead 323 CONKIN MIsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA £ paq £ peq € paq z paq € paq ‘QOUIPIAODIG MAN “F1-¥ ‘QOUaPIAOIG MAN ‘“pI-y ‘QOUIPIAOIG MAN ‘8I-y & paq ‘hajuaH “19-Y ‘Q0UIPIAOIG MAN ‘ET-y ‘QOUIPIAOIG MAN ‘/T-¥ ‘QOUdPIAOIG MAN ‘ZI-¥ 9 paq ‘edoyedny ‘/-— ‘QOUIPIAOIG MAN ‘E[-y ‘QUapIAOIG MAN ‘E1-¥ ‘QOUIPIAOIG MIN ‘ET-¥ 4OqQuUienu P2q puv ‘uo1nmsos ‘daquinu A71]090] ‘ulur ul ‘ds SLI QUDY fo ‘Ou LV ploy] ICV $8 AS OIC CSC S8I° 8c 102° j4vg {o ‘mvp 06¢° 697° LLO Oct 690° £0r OLY 98E° OLY £0r 140d Sy $°$ a 7 ad $ [404% JSD] ADIUIJIJIIA ADIUIPIJIIA ADIUIIIJIIA U1 SLIGUDY I fo “MLDIp {oO 416ua] fo ‘ou CSC 985° SEe" Tcs° S8T° oe ET CSC +09" 09c I8E° CSC $09" LLO 889° Orr 9LT LES bre OL9 69£° 029° ]109 Y1bua] ‘u ‘LY IVY ISING SIJYNIVGOUMU p jo SJUIWIINS BIA] ‘OS a[qe | 0% “SIF “EZ ‘Id IZ ‘SIF “£2 ‘Id 8I “SIF “EZ ‘Id adAjoloy Il “SIF ‘€Z ‘Id St “SIF ‘EZ ‘Id LI ‘SIF “EZ ‘Id 91 ‘SIF “EZ ‘Id 22 “SIF “EZ ‘Id EL “SIF “2 ‘Id +I “SIF ‘EZ ‘Id ZI “SIF “€% ‘Id daquinu aga} puv uauizags 324 BULLETIN 196 and Cuyahoga formations; there are rather small to moderate amounts of silt in these beds and the silt is usually of small to medium size. Remarks.—This new species is named for Dr. Raymond C. Gutschick, Head of the Dept. of Geology at the University of Notre Dame, in recognition of his pioneering work on Lower Mississippian smaller Foraminifera. Family TEXTULARIIDAE d’Orbigny, 1846 Subfamily TEXTULARIINAE d’Orbigny, 1846 Genus CLIMACAMMINA Brady, 1873 Textularia Defrance, Brady, 1871, (pars), Geol. Soc. Glasgow, Trans., vol. 3, suppl.;{p. 13: (nomen nudum ) Climacammina Brady, 1873, Geol. Surv. Scotland, Mem., Expl. Sheet 23, p. 94; idem, 1876, Paleont. Soc. Mon., vol. 30, pp. 67, 68; Cushman, 1948, Foraminifera, Cambridge, jas LAO. Bigenerina d’Orbigny, Brady, 1884, (pars), Rept. Voyage Challenger, Zool., We Gh De SVMS) 7s Type species, Textularia antigua Brady 1871, (monotypic genus). Cushman’s (1948, p. 120) generic definition of Climacammina follows: Test free, early portion biserial, later uniserial; wall arenaceous, mostly of fine fragments but including coarser ones, cement calcareous; aperture in the biserial portion textularian, in the uniserial portion irregularly cribrate, terminal ...I have examined Brady’s specimens of Climacammina antiqua as well as duplicates which have been treated with acid. The cement is calcareous, but the arenaceous fragments are of various sorts and sizes. The test is truly arenaceous as stated by Brady in his original description of the genus. The original specimens show the characteristic distortion and collapsing so fre- quently seen in the Textulariidae. The stratigraphic range of Climacammina was considered by Cushman (1948, p. 120) to be Carboniferous to Permian. However, Cushman (1928, p. 120) reported the range of the genus to be “Carboniferous to Permian... Tertiary and Recent(? )”, and noted: The Bigenerina robusta H. B. Brady (Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 1884, p. 371, pl. 45, figs. 9-16) and some Tertiary species have essentially the characters of Climacammina, but there seems to be a very wide gap where no representatives of the genus are known if these are the same as the Paleozoic forms. Chart 23 shows the range of Climacammina in the Mississippian as determined in this study. There has been some doubt as to the relationships between Climacammina and Bigenerina. Brady (1876, pp. 371, 372) rejected MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 325 the genus Climacammina; however, Climacammina was considered valid by Cushman (1948, p. 120). The specific definition of the Recent Bigenerina robusta Brady (1881, p. 53) was given as follows: Test elongate, compressed in its earlier (biserial) portion, cylindrical in its later (uniserial) growth. Uniserial segments numerous, short, somewhat irregular, often ventricose at their periphery. Aperture simple and Textularian in the biserial segments, becoming multiple and porous in the uniserial portion, the pores either arranged in a ring or irregularly distributed in the central part of the exposed face of the terminal chamber. Interior non-labyrinthic. Length, about 1/5 inch (4.8 mm.). The original generic definition of Bigenerina by D’Orbigny (1826, p. 261) requires Bigenerina to possess a single terminal aper- ture in the uniserial portion, the figures of the type species, B. nodosaria d’Orbigny, 1826 (p. 11, figs. 9-12) demonstrating beyond doubt the single terminal aperture of the genus Bigenerina. It seems reasonable that Bigenerina robusta Brady, 1881, be relegated to Cluymacammina in that it fits well within the generic concept of Climacammuna, except its interior is not labyrinthic. The type species, C. antiqua (Brady), 1871 is labyrinthic (Brady, 1876, p. 68), but not all species which have been referred to Clymacammina are labyrinthic. The lack of examples of Climacammina between the Tertiary and Permian is no evidence that they did not exist. Ulti- mate knowledge concerning the geologic range of any fossil 1s deter- mined empirically and therefore is rather fortuitous. Climacammina often occurs in hard limestones and its presence there would have to be determined from thin sectionings. In any event, stratigraphic discontinuity can not be given preference over biologic evidence (identical morphology) in dis- cerning the geologic ranges of species, or any taxon above the species. The paleontologic record is supreme; it is the measure for ascer- taining the time-stratigraphic ranges of all taxa of higher or lower catagories. Climacammina mississippiana, new species Pl. 24, figs. 1-6; Figs. 41-43 Description—Test elongate, approximately five times longer than broad; test consists of two portions, the earlier portion con- sisting of about 11 biserial textularian chambers, followed by a series of three uniserial chambers; the textularian series has inflated 396 BULLETIN 196 chambers taking on a rounded wedge shape; the uniserial series has nearly cylindrical chambers; the last (or third) uniserial chamber becomes rounded and only slightly bluntly pointed at the middle of the apertural face; the uniserial chambers possess cribrate apertures; the apertural face of the uniserial chamber is pierced by eight or possibly slightly more, partially triangular apertures (the two present specimens are imperfectly preserved); sutures originally distinct and depressed, but both specimens exhibit evidence of wear; internally the test wall is seen to be composed of two layers, both calcareous, the inner layer is crystalline calcite completely secreted by the protoplasm of the foraminifer, while the outer layer is aren- aceous with calcite cement (see Fig, 43). Measurements.—Table 52 gives the measurements of Climacam- mina mississippiana and a comparison with the measurements of C. cylindrica Cushman and Waters, 1928. Table 52. Measurements of Climacammina mississippiana, Nn. sp. in mm. and comparison with C. cylindrica Cushman and Waters, 1928 C. mississippiana, 0. sp. C. cylindrica holotype, Pl. 24, paratype, Pl. 24, figs. 1, 2, 6 figs. 3-5 Length of test 971 554 2.000 Length of uniserial chambers 3- mak) .210 2- 118 118 1- 118 118 Diameter of uniserial chambers 3- .462 .436 .600 2- 470 369 1- 403 360 Length of biserial chambers 5- 185 4- 101 3- 084 2- .075 1- .068 Diameter of biserial chambers 5- 252 4- Pay. 3- .160 2- 134 1- 118 Diameter of proloculus .118? Thickness of outer wall .080 Thickness of inner wall .050 MISssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN S27 Comparison and affinities—Climacammina mississippiana has its closest affinities to C. cylindrica; however, C. mississippiana dil- fers from C. cylindrica in having: (1) smaller number of biserial chambers, (2) smaller number of uniserial chambers, (three instead of four as in C. cylindrica), and (3) size only about one-half that of C. cylindrica. Ly pe locality. —Clark’s Station Quarry, 2.4 miles south of Morill on Highway 421, Jackson County, Kentucky, (Locality K-46). Holotype is from the horizon of the Big Clifty sandstone (Bed 1). Stratigraphic occurrence—Climacammina has been _ reported from the Permian of Texas, the Pennsylvanian of Texas (Cushman and Waters, 1930, p. 56), and the Pennsylvanian of Oklahoma ( War- thin, 1930, p. 31). The only record of Climacammuina in the Missis- sippian of North America is the report of a Climacammina? zone in the Greenbrier limestone (top of the Reynolds limestone) in West Virginia (Flowers, 1956, pp. 7, 8). The species of Climacam- mina? of Flowers is a true Climacammina; I have collected samples and prepared thin sections of the Greenbrier limestone which yielded specimens of Climacammina along with Tolypammina spp. and dasycladacean algae in the pisolitic limestone portions of the upper Greenbrier in Greenbrier County near White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. In Europe, Climacammina is known to range from the Permian downward into the Lower Carboniferous. In Russia, Climacammina antiqua (Brady), 1876 has been reported from the Lower Carboni- ferous around Leningrad (Mikhailov, 1939, p. 62, pl. 4, figs. 17, 18). In the present study Climacammina was found in the lower Chesterian Paint Creek limestone and Big Clifty sandstone; thus, the geologic range of Climacammina is extended downward to the Upper Mississippian in North America. Ecology—Of the two specimens of Climacammina misstissip- piana found in this study, one is from the calcareous, clayey, and fossiliferous shale of the upper portion of the Paint Creek limestone (Bed 1), south of Mt. Vernon in Rockcastle County, Kentucky, (Locality K-42) and the other specimen is from a marine shale at the horizon of the Big Clifty sandstone (Bed 1) at Morill, Jackson County, Kentucky, (Locality K-45). These two localities are about 17 miles apart. 328 BULLETIN 196 Flowers commented on the sediments within which the Climacammina zone occurs in the Greenbrier limestone of West Virginia (1956, p. 8): The Climacammina? faunal zone can nearly always be found in wells having little clastic material in the upper part of the Greenbrier limestone. In southeastern West Virginia where there is a large increase in clastic material at the location of this zone, both the Greenbrier and the Mauch Chunk are universally thick in this area, making it difficult to locate with any cer- tainty, either the stratigraphic position of the Reynolds limestone or the top of the Greenbrier limestone. Where this is the case, the position of the Climacammina? zone cannot always be determined. The occurrence of Climacammina mississtppiana in the calcar- eous shale of the Paint Creek limestone is in keeping with the cal- careous nature of the test, but the occurrence of C. massissippiana in the less calcareous shales at the horizon of the Big Clifty sand- stone raises questions as to whether the Big Clifty specimen might have been reworked from one of the lower limestones or calcareous shales. Climacammina in general flourished in the warm and shallow seas of high carbonate alkalinity as evidenced by its occurrence in the Greenbrier limestone in association with the characteristically warm and shallow water sedimentary structures, the oolites and pisolites. Nevertheless, Climacammina mississippiana occurs, so far as is known, in calcareous shales in Kentucky, demonstrating that the species of Climacammina are not restricted to the odlite-pisolite limestone facies. Remarks——tThe cribrate aperture and the labyrinthic interior of Climacammina mississippiana clearly distinguishes it from any superficially similar species of Bigenerina d’Orbigny, 1826. Thus, C. mississtppiana becomes the first Mississippian species of the genus to be described from North America. Family MILIOLIDAE d’Orbigny, 1846 Genus AGATHAMMINA Neumayr, 1887 Serpula Geinitz, 1846, (pars), Verstein. Deutsch. Zechsteingebirge und Roth- liegenden, Heft 1, p. 6, pl. 3, figs. 3-6 (fide Cushman, 1948, Foraminifera, Cambridge, p. 177). Agathammina Neumayr, 1887, Sitzber. K. Wiss. Wein, Math.-Naturiv. Cl., vol. 95, pt. 1, p. 171; Cushman, 1927, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research, Contr., vol. 3, pt. 4, p. 188; idem, 1928, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research, Spec. Pub. No. 1, pp. 145, 146. MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 329 Type species, Serpula pusilla Geinitz, 1846 (subsequent designation by Cushman, 1927, p. 188). The type description of Agathammina was given by Neumayr (1887, p. 171): Ich fasse unter diesum Namen Formen zusammen mit wtnregelmassig miliolides Aufrollung, unvollkommender Kammerung und Sandiger Schale mit kalkigens cement. Vorwiegend carbonische und permische Arten. Cushman’s (1928, p. 146) generic definition of Agathammina follows: Test tubular, undivided, winding about an elongate axis; wall imperforate, calcareous, with arenaceous material at the surface; aperture formed by the open end of the tubular chamber. The miliolid genus Agathammina has been reported from the Recent (Cushman, 1929, p. 21), the Tertiary (Grzybowski, 1896, p. 282), the Pennsylvanian (Cushman and Waters, 1930, p. 59; Galloway and Ryniker, 1930), and the Permian (Cushman and Waters, 1928, p. 43). Agathammina mississippiana is the first Mississippian species of the genus to be reported. (See Chart 23 for the range of Agatham- mina in the Mississippian. ) All specimens of Agathammina mississippiana are composed of fine-grained siliceous silt in siliceous cement. The problem of test wall composition again looms, In one specimen of the present ma- terial, I concede that there must have been siliceous replacement of the original arenaceous test inasmuch as the test is composed com- pletely of chalcedony. None of the present specimens effervesces with acid. Inasmuch as the tubular second chamber of the present speci- mens is not divided, the specimens can not be referred to the family Silicinidae. A possible course of action would be to erect a new genus, the generic essence of which might be expressed as a form with a proloculus followed by a tubular and undivided second chamber which winds about an elongate axis, and is composed of siliceous silt grains in siliceous cement. This temptation is resisted inasmuch as the structure of the test wall of Paleozoic arenaceous Foramini- fera is insufficiently known to allow conclusive judgement as to the questions of original wall structure versus replacement, and the real nature of isomorphism among Foraminifera. 330 BULLETIN 196 Agathammina mississippiana, new species - Pl. 23; figs. 23-25; Pl, 27, tg, 183 Migass Descnption.—Test configuration varies from narrowly spindle- shaped in the early one coil stage to broadly oval (shaped like a Quimqueloculina or Spiroloculina) in the mature two-coil stage; test compressed; test consists of a spherical proloculus, followed by an undivided, tubular second chamber disposed in two coils; whorls nearly planispirally coiled around the proloculus producing the milio- line appearance of the mature test; the ends of the elongate axis are slightly pointed and are formed by the sharp bending of the second chamber around the ends of the axis; length of test attains a size as much as 2.9 times the width, but the average ratio of length to width is slightly less than 2 to 1; aperture terminal, rounded to elliptical, formed by the constricted open end of the tubular second chamber; test opaque to translucent, white to gray to orange-buff in color; test wall composed of fine-grained siliceous silt in siliceous cement. Comparison and affinities—Agathammina mississtppiana 1s similar to A. protea Cushman and Waters, 1928 in that: (1) the measurements of A. protea given by Cushman and Waters (1928, p. 43) fall well within the range of dimensions of A. mississtppiana, (2) a prominent milioline shape 1s possessed by the mature forms of both species, (3) ratio of length to width of test is about 2 to 1 in both species, (4) both species have forms which vary from nar- rowly elongate to broadly elongate shape, and (5) both species are nearly planispirally coiled. Although Agathammina mississippiana has closest affinities to A. protea, A. mississippiana differs specifically from A. protea in having (1) less number of coils (two in A. mtssisstppiana compared to five or six in A. protea) and (2) a more rounded to elliptical aperture than the subtriangular aperture of A. protea. Agathammina mississippiana is also somewhat similar to A. pusilla, the type species of the genus. Galloway and Ryniker (1930, p. 8) believed that A. protea Cushman and Waters, 1928 is con- specific with A. pusilla. However, I consider A. protea to vary signi- ficantly, and certainly specifically, from A. pusilla in having much more regular and planispiral coiling. MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 5) | Measurements—See Table 53 for measurements of Agatham- mina mississippiana and for comparison with A. protea. Type locality—Road cut along U. S. Highway 31E, .5 miles southwest of Balltown, Nelson County, Kentucky, (Locality K-12). The holotype is from the lower 2 to 5.5 feet of the New Providence formation (Bed 4). Stratigraphic occurrence —A gathammina mississippiana occurs in the Osagian of Kentucky in the lower New Providence formation and the Rothwell shale member of the Muldraugh formation; in the Chesterian, it occurs in the Glen Dean formation. In Ohio, the species is recorded from only the Osagian Black Hand sandstone member of the Cuyahoga formation. (See Charts 5-7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 21, and 22 for details of occurrence. ) This is the first known reference to Agathammina in the Muis- sissippian System. Thus the time of origin and the lineage of the family Miliolidae is extended backward in time one geologic period. Table 53. Measurements of Agathammina mississippiana, n.sp., 1 mm. locality number, specimen and thick- formation, and bed type number length width NeSS number Pr 23, fir. 24, .657 420 185 K-25, Glen Dean, holotype bed 1 i235, tig. '25 924 503 193 O-11, Black Hand, bed 1 ie 25, te. 235 453 .260 .176 K-35, New Providence, bed 7 Ecology —Agathammina mississippiana with only one known exception is restricted ecologically to soft, plastic shales, dominantly with no large amount of carbonates present. Thus the species was apparently best adapted for life on a muddy sea bottom where fine silty grains were available. The members of the family Miliolidae are characteristic of shallow water. The strictly calcareous imperforate (porcellaneous) forms, such as the genus Muiliola, where they appear in plethora are characteristically associated with reefs, as in shallow water environ- ment of lagoons, fore-reef shoals, or bank reefs, The ecology of the 32 BULLETIN 196 Eocene Muiliola limestones of the Middle East was considered by Henson (1950, p. 230): Typical Miliola limestones occur in shallows of barrier-reef lagoons and in littoral shoal areas of fringing-reefs. Along flat, foreland shores and in analogous shallow-water environments where reef development is in patches rather than belts, the reef and back-reef facies may be intricately intermingled. . . . Miliola \imestones, recognizably modified by mixture with other material, may also be formed in open littoral zones. Futher, Conkin and Conkin (1956, p. 895) discussed the eco- logical significance of the Nuwmmoloculina limestones from the lower Cretaceous of the Sierra Madre Oriental of Mexico, southwest and east Texas, Louisiana, and central Florida as follows: There is excellent evidence for a lagoonal origin of some of the subsurface Lower Cretaceous limestones of southwest Texas and the other areas as noted above in that they: (1) are dense, gray to dark-colored, organic limestones containing carbonaceous matter, hydrogen sulphide gas, and in some places anhydrite, with frequent to abundant miliolids (to the near exclusion of other fossils) and (2) alternate with reef nucleus rocks and fossils (algae, reef foraminifers, rudistids and other mollusks with smaller amounts of corals and bryozoans. . . . From consideration of their ecology it is clear that miliolids occuring in abundance are facies foraminifers characteristic of back-reef and inter-reef environments. I do not, of course, imply that reef conditions existed in areas where the present specimens were found (in fact it is clear that no reefs were present), but it is desirable to establish the fact that miliolids have a propensity for shallow water environments. It is well known that miliolids are frequently found in sandy, littoral zones. I have observed the dominance of miliolids in the Recent beach and very near shore sand, seaward from Padre Island in Nueces County, near Corpus Christi, Texas. Again, it is well estab- lished that miliolids live in the shallow and somewhat brackish water of bays. Family OPHTHALMIDITDAE Cushman, 1927 Genus HEMIGORDIUS Schubert, 1908 Cornuspira Howchin, 1895, Roy. Soc. South Australia, Trans., vol. 19, p. 195, pl. 10, figs. 1-3 (zon Cornuspira Schultze, 1845, Organismus Polythal., Leipzig, p. 40). Hemigordius Schubert, 1909, Jahrb. K. K. Geol. Reichs., 1908, vol. 58, p. 381; Cushman, 1928, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research, Spec. Pub. No. 1, p. 161. Type species, Cornuspira schlumbergeri Howchin, 1895. MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 333 Cushman’s generic definition (1948, p. 192) of Hemigordiws follows: Test free, early coils not entirely planispiral, later planispiral and com- pletely involute, but not umbonate; wall calcareous, imperforate; aperture formed by the open end of the tube.—Carboniferous and Permian. I have topo- types of the type species, and it is certainly close to Cornuspira. Chart 23 shows the range of Hemigordius in the Mississippian as determined in this study. Hemigordius morillensis, new species Plas, tle; 26; Pl. 27, fig. 17; Fig. 30 Description—Test free, discoidal, circular in outline; juvenar- ium consists of a proloculus and two to three non-planispiral whorls; diameter of juvenarium making up as much as 45 percent of the diameter of the tubular, undivided second chamber; juvenarium succeeded by as many as four planispiral whorls; megalospheric form may be completely planispiral; test not completely involute, with portions of preceding whorls visible; exterior of test rarely possesses secondary deposits which obscure the nature of the internal coiling; aperture rounded; wall calcareous and imperforate. Measurements.—See Table 54 for measurements of Hemigordius moriulensts and for comparison with H. calcarea Cushman and Waters, 1928. Table 54. Measurements of Hemigordius morillensis, n. sp., in mm. and comparison with H. calcarea Cushman and Waters, 1928. Pi23) tg. 26 unfigured holotype paratypes H. calcarea Diam. of juvenarium .10 02, .07 14 Diam. of test 30 sO oo 5816) Axial width of test .08 .03 Diam. of proloculus .03 AOE 02 No. of whorls in juvenarium 2 Oe es 3 No. of planispiral whorls 2:5 Wore: 15 Comparison and affimties—Hemigordius morillensis seems to be similar to H. calcarea Cushman and Waters, 1928; unfortunately the figures of H. calcarea are poor. The only original measurement given for H. calcarea was the diameter, | have prepared the measure- ments of H. calcarea in Table 54 from examination of Pl. 6, figs. 1-2 of Cushman and Waters, 1928. 334 BULLETIN 196 Hemigordwus morillensts seems to differ from H. calcarea in having: (1) whorls more planispirally arranged, (2) lesser number of whorls in the juvenarium, and (3) a pronounced microspheric form. Type locality—Clark Station Quarry, Morrill, Jackson County, Kentucky, (Locality K-46). The holotype is from the shale at the horizon of the Big Clifty sandstone (Bed 1). Stratigraphic occurrence —Hemigordius morillensis is herein re- ported only from the Chesterian beds, occuring in Kentucky in the calcareous shales of the Paint Creek limestone, basal shales of the Big Clifty-Cypress sandstone, the calcareous shale of the Glen Dean limestone and in the Kinkaid shale. (See Charts 7, 14, 15, and 22 for details of occurrence. ) Ecology.—Hemigordius morilensis occurs primarily in cal- careous shale. The test is completely calcareous crystalline. The species displayed a definite “preference” for limy mud bottoms. Remarks.—There is no evidence of replacement of the calcareous crystalline test, Family TROCHAMMINIDAE Cushman, 1929 Genus TROCHAMMINA Parker and Jones, 1859 Nautilus Montagu, 1808, (pars), Testacea Britania, Suppl., p. 81, pl. 18, fig. 3. Rotalina d’Orbigny, Williams, 1858, (pars), Foraminifera Great Britain, Fol., London, p. 50, pl. 4, figs. 93, 94 (zon Rotalina d’Orbigny, 1846, Foraminiferes fossiles du Bassin tertiarie de Vienne, Paris, p. 149). Trochammina Parker and Jones, 1859, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3), No. 4, p. 347; Brady, 1879, Quart. Jour. Micros. Sci., vol. 19, p. 54. Lituola Lamarck, Parker and Jones, 1865, (pars), Philos. Trans., p. 325. (zon Lituola Lamarck, 1804, Ann. Mus., vol. 5, p. 243). Haplophragmium Reuss, Siddall, 1879, (pars), (fide Cushman, 1948, Fora- minifera, Cambridge, p. 106); (non Haplophragmium Reuss, 1860, Akad. Wiss. Wien, Sitz., vol. 40, p. 218). Type species, Nautilus inflatus Montagu, 1808 (monotypic genus). Brady (1879, p. 54) presented a complete and clear account of the vicissitudes of the genus Trochammina and gave the generic definition of Trochammina Parker and Jones, 1859 in the restricted sense of Brady: The genus Trochammina was established by Messrs. Parker and Jones (Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1859, ser. 3, vol. LV, p. 347), for a group of MISsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 335 arenaceous foraminifera characterized primarily by their thin, smooth finely- cemented tests. Although the name was originally applied to a rotalid shell (Nautilus inflatus Montagu, 1808, Test. Brit., Suppl., p. 81, pl. 18, fig. 3—Rotalina inflata Williamson, 1858, Rec. For. Gt. Br., p. 50, pl. 4, figs. 93, 94), the author prefers to regard the trochoid, often adherent variety (Tr. sqguamata J. and P.), as the type of the genus. The tenuity and fine texture of the arenaceous investment rather than the mere general contour has very properly been accepted as the essential distinction, and fresh forms possessing this character have one by one been added to the genus until it has come to include a series having a very wide range of morphological variation. Not only have we trochoid and rot- aliform, but nautiloid, milioline, spirilline, and as we shall presently see, lageniform and nodosarian modifications of the type. In addition to these there are certain simple adherent organisms, described by d’Orbigny under the name Webbina (Foram. Canaries, p. 125), whose natural affinity is with the same group; in point of fact the term Trochammina, with these repeated additions, has come to comprehend an assemblage of forms having the dimen- sions of a family rather than a genus. The series is now altogether too bulky and diverse to be zoologically convenient, and it is necessary to consider whether it may not be subdivided with advantage. Prof. von Reuss makes a distinct genus of the spirilline non-septate forms to which he gives the name Ammodiscus, and their term has been generally adopted by German authors. If we accept Webbina to distinguish the simple adherent varieties and Am- modiscus for the free, non-septate forms, and limit the application of Trocham- mina to the well differentiated septate modifications of the type, to which it was first applied, there only remains the Nodosaria-like species to be provided for, and for these the term Hormosina (from oppos, a necklace) would be a suitable generic or subgeneric appellation. Trochammina ohioensis, new species J By, Wie, AY, Ss Pl. 27, fig. 16; Fig. 38 Description—Test trochoid, moderately compressed, earlier chambers more globose, chambers of last whorl moderately inflated and the largest in size; test of three whorls. The last whorl consists of three to four chambers; sutures on both dorsal and ventral sides nearly straight, or slightly curved; aperture on the ventral side of test, extending to mid-point of the apertural face, at the base of the last chamber; aperture slitlike and rather rectangular, .084 mm. in length and .025 mm. in height; test usually somewhat distorted, crushed; wall coarsely arenaceous of siliceous grains in siliceous ce- ment. Measurements—See Table 55 for measurements of Trocham- mina ohtoensis and Table 56 for range in the measurements and for comparison with 7. arenosa Cushman and Waters, 1927. 336 BuLLeETIN 196 Table 55. Measurements of Trochammuina ohioensis, n. sp., in mm. specimen and maximum maximum no. of chambers in type number diameter width outer whorl dorsal ventral Pl. 23, fig. 27, 50 | 24 3 3 holotype Pl. 23, fig. 28 60 28 4? 3? Table 56. Range in measurements of nine specimens of Trochammina ohioensts, n. sp. in mm. and comparison with T. arenosa Cushman and Waters, 1927 T. ohioensis T. arenosa Maximum diameter .37-.60 65 Maximum width .13-.29 18 No. of chambers in outer whorl: dorsal 3-4 4 ventral 3-4 + Comparison and affumties—Trochammina olioensis is similar to T. arenosa, but T. ohtoensts differs from T. arenosa in having more inflated chambers, much coarser quartz sand grains in siliceous cement, and generally smaller test. Unfortunately the shape and dimensions of the aperture in Trochammina arenosa are unknown. JT. arenosa is based on one specimen; however, the species is reported (Cushman and Waters, 1927, p. 152) as being “common” in the Pennsylvanian of Texas. Thus, presumably a characteristic form was figured; nevertheless, the range of individual variation remains unknown. Type locality—All specimens are from shale streaks in the Black Hand sandstone (Bed 1), at Armstrong, Ohio, (Locality O-11). Stratigraphic occurrence—Trochammina ohioensis is known only from the Osagian Black Hand sandstone of Ohio. Ecology.—The occurrence of Trochammina ohioensis only in the silty and sandy shale of the noncalcareous Black Hand sandstone and its absence elsewhere may indicate the “preference” of T. ohtoensis for a muddy sand environment. Remarks —Trochammina ohioensis is the first species of L'rochammina reported from the Mississippian of the studied area. MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN Sa, Family PLACOPSILINIDAE Cushman, 1927 Subfamily POLYPHRAGMINAE Rhumbler, 1913 Genus STACHEIA Brady, 1876 Stacheia Brady, 1876, Paleont. Soc. Mon. 30, p. 107; Cushman, 1927, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research, Contr., vol. 3, pt. 1, p. 42; idem, 1927, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research, Contr., vol. 3, pt. 4, p. 189; idem, 1928, Cushman Lab. Foram. Research, Spec. Pub. No. 1, p. 178. Stacheia Brady, emend, Chapman, 1895, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. 16, p. 321. Type species, Stacheia marginuloides Brady, 1876, first species (subsequent designation by Cushman, 1927). Brady’s (1876, p. 107) definition of Stacheia follows: Test (normally) adherent, composed either of numerous segments sub- divided in their interior, or of an acervuline mass of chamberlets, sometimes arranged in layers, sometimes confused. Texture subarenaceous, imperforate. Chapman (1895, p. 321) emended Stacheia Brady, 1876: Test adherent or free; composed of numerous segments subdivided in their interior, or of an acervuline mass of chamberlets, sometimes arranged in layers, sometimes confused, or of a thick-walled test with acervuline or labyrin- thic structure and with the interior subdivided into numerous elongate sinuous cavities (the latter characters especially applying to the Rhaetic representatives of the genus). Aperture simple, but irregular, terminal or scattered over the surface of the test. Texture subarenaceous, composed of fine sand, sometimes admixed with coarser material, and with a calcareous or chitinous cement; imperforate ... In his ‘Monograph of the Carboniferous and Permian Foramini- fera’ Dr. Brady lays particular stress upon the fact that in the Carboniferous strata Stacheia is always parasitic (adherent); and such is undoubtedly the case with specimens from that formation. In the Rhaetic assemblage the tests are more often perfectly free in their mode of growth. The flat complanate or fron- dose form (S. dispansa) is by far the best represented species, in point of num- bers, in the Rhaetic washings; and this form appears to have flourished on the sea-bottom, spreading horizontally and growing so numerously as to make a separation band at frequent intervals in the clay deposits. Most of the present Stacheia are adherent, usually either to sponge spicules or bryozoan fragments. Apertures are usually not observed; openings at the distal portion of the elongate forms may contain the apertures. The test is smooth or moderately smooth, containing fine siliceous grains in much siliceous cement. Perhaps the silica cement in these arenaceous forms indicates replacement of original calcareous cement. Most species of Stacheia exhibit rather wide latitude of individual variation; the specific characteristics are not strongly pronounced. Many of the specimens are adherent and thus the configuration of the test is somewhat controlled by 338 BULLETIN 196 their mode of attachment and by the shape of the object to which they are attached. The free living forms also exhibit irregularity in the shape of their tests. The adherent mode of life and the arenaceous nature of the test would seem to cause the species of Stacheia to be provincial in their distribution. Wider geographic distribution might have been attained if the genus had been adherent to floating algal masses; however, the arenaceous nature of the test would seem to restrict the genus to the benthos. Stratigraphically, Stacheia has been reported from the Silurian and the Pennsylvanian of North America. This is the first record of the genus in Mississippian rocks. Chart 23 shows the range of Stacheia in the Mississippian as determined in this study. Stacheia cicatrix, new species Pl, 25, figs; d-ar Pl. 27, figs. 20; 2i-Vbiewsn Description.—Test adherent, forming medium to _ large-sized irregularly to poorly rounded, compressed, semiglobular to discoidal, or less often irregular, masses, all fused into a unit; attached gen- erally to sponge spicules and bryozoan fragments; test arenaceous with siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of test gray to buff- white. Measurements——See Table 57 for measurements of Stacheia cicatrix and Table 58 for range of measurements of S. cicatrix and comparison with S. acervalis. Comparison and affimties—Stacheia cicatrix resembles S. acer- valis Brady, 1876 in general appearance. Inasmuch as little internal structure is discernable in thin sections of the present specimens or in the original material of Brady (1876, p. 16, pl. 9, figs. 6-8) and inasmuch as Stacheia is a generalized genus, the precise definition of species of Stacheia is difficult. S. cicatrix differs from S. acervalis in having: (1) more regularly rounded individual masses fused into a unit, (2) stronger amalgamation of the individual rounded masses, and (3) a larger size to the fused mass. Type locality —Northwest side of Kenwood Hill, southern Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, (Locality K-2). The holo- type is from the Coral Ridge member (Bed 2) of the New Provi- dence formation. MIsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 339 Stratigraphic occurrence.—Stacheta cicatrix has been found only in the Osagian New Providence and Brodhead formations and in the Meramecian Somerset shale member of the Salem limestone in Kentucky. The species is most abundant below the Brodhead forma- tion, especially in the lower and middle parts of the New Providence formation. In Ohio, the species is known only from the Osagian Hen- ley shale member of the Cuyahoga formation. (See Charts 3-6, 9-13, 18, 21, and 22 for details of occurrence. ) Table 57. Measurements of Stacheta cicatrix, n. sp., in mm. specimen and locality number, formation, type number length diameter and bed number PE 25, fir. 1 1.70 82 K-2, Button Mold Knob, bed 4 Pr 25, fig. 2 1.30 1.20 I-2, Button Mold Knob, bed 3 Er 25. fig. 3, 1.60 84 K-2, New Providence, holotype bed 2 PE 2s, fig: 21 1.10 89 K-4, Coral Ridge, bed 2 Table 58. Range in measurements of 10 specimens of Stacheia cicatrix, n. sp. in mm. and comparison with S. acervalis Brady, 1876 S. cicatrix S. acervalis Maximum length .84-2.5 .80 Maximum diameter .35-1.4 Ecology.—Stacheia cicatrix apparently was restricted to shaly beds which contain megafossil remains, inasmuch as the species was primarily adherent in its living habit (to sponge spicules or bryo- zoan fragments). The generic definition of Stacheia requires that its species possess calcareous cement. S. cicatrix contains no calcareous cement. It is possible that the tests of S. cicatrix have been replaced by siliceous material. In any event, I am unwilling to erect a new genus based on this species inasmuch as our lack of precise infor- mation concerning original wall structure and chemical composition of Paleozoic Foraminifera and processes of possible replacement of these ancient forms precludes such action. Remarks—tThe trivial name for this new species is derived from the resemblance of the test to a scar. 340 BULLETIN 196 Stacheia neopupoides, new species Pl. 25, figs. 4, 5; Fig. 40 Description.—Test adherent, elongate, small to moderate-sized; externally the test appears as a mass, cylindrical to somewhat taper- ing, composed of an irregular series of indistinct, curved chambers; test delicate, usually attached to a sponge spicule; test texture fine- grained or smooth; test wall of fine siliceous grains in siliceous ce- ment; color, gray to yellow-gray. Measurements—See ‘Table 59 for measurements of Stacheia neopupoides and for comparison with S. pupoides Brady, 1876 and S. congesta Brady, 1876. Table 59. Measurements of Stacheia neopupoides, n. sp. in mm. and comparison with available measurements of S. pupoides Brady, 1876 and S. congesta Brady, 1876 specimen and locality number, formation, type number length diameter and bed number 121 A, ame 5p 89 .30 K-4, New Providence, holotype bed 6 Ply 27, fig 19 .66 30 K-32, New Providence, bed 3 PIR 25) tice 4 94 45 K-61, New Providence, bed 2 3 unfigured paratypes .50-.97 .25-.37 . S. congesta 5 Carboniferous, Scotland S. pupoides 1.0 Carboniferous, Scotland Comparison and affimties—Stacheia neopupoides has closest affinities to S. pupoides Brady, 1876 and S. congesta Brady, 1876. It is with some reluctance that a new species is erected in view of the similarities between the present specimens and S. congesta and S. pupoides. However, inasmuch as S. congesta and S. pupoides are primarily European species (S. pupoides has been reported by Cush- man and Waters, 1930, p. 73, figs. la, lb; pl. 12, fig) S iremmeae Pennsylvanian of Texas) and the genus Stacheia was undoubtedly an arenaceous and encrusting or attached form, I feel that the pres- ent material is not conspecific with either S. congesta or S. pupoides. Stacheia neopupoides seemingly has closest affinities to S. pupoides but differs from S. pupoides in having more prominent sutures and less fusiform test, MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 341 Type locality —East Quarry of the Coral Ridge Brick and Tile Corp., at Coral Ridge, southwestern Jefferson County, Kentucky, (Locality K-4). Holotype is from the Button Mold Knob member (Bed 6) of the New Providence formation. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Stacheia neopupoides occurs in the lower Osagian beds of Kentucky and eastern Ohio and in the Kinder- hookian Bedford shale. See Charts 4, 6, 9, 13, 18, 19, 21, and 22 for details of occurrence. Ecology—Stacheia neopupoides seems to have been adapted to live in fine-grained, slightly calcareous muds. Remarks. —Stacheta neopupoides receives its trivial name from its similarity to S. pupordes. | Stacheia trepeilopsiformis, new species PE 2b, Hes.) 6G. 7s Migs 39 Description.—Test adherent to spines, rods, or other cylindrical objects; early portion apparently consisting of a series of uniserial or nearly uniserial (perhaps slightly trochoid), moderately inflated segments (two to three) which are fused into a broad cone-shaped mass, the proximal portion of which is pointed; no evidence of at- tachment found at the base; the fused mass succeeded by three nearly rectilinear large segments, the last of which exhibits over- lapping of segments at right angles to the section sutures; object of attachment missing, leaving a rounded or oval opening; wall aren- aceous with calcite cement; no evidence of replacement. Measurements.—See Table 60 for measurements of Stacheia trepeilopsiformis and for comparison with S. pupoides Brady, 1876. Comparison and affimties—Stacheia trepeilopstformis has its closest affinities to S. pupoides Brady, 1876, but S. trepedopsiformis differs from S. pupoides in having lesser number of segments per test length, and in addition, the test of S. trepeilopsiformis is general- ly less rapidly expanding distally proximally than S. pupoides; how- ever, this is not always the case (Brady, 1876, pl. 8, figs. 20, 26). Type locality —F ishing Creek, Lake Cumberland, west of Som- erset, Pulaski County, Kentucky, (Locality K-32). Holotype is from the upper part of the New Providence formation, 167% to 175 feet above the Falling Run member of the Sanderson formation (Bed 10). ‘ : 342 BuLLETIN 196 Stratigraphic occurrence—Stacheia trepeilopsiformis has been found only as a single specimen in the upper part of the New Provi- dence formation in southern Kentucky in an area where the New Providence formation probably contains beds younger than Fern Glen-Burlington. Table 60. Measurements of Stacheia trepedopsiformts, n. sp., in mm. and comparison with S. pupoides Brady, 1876 Ee deen Zhe holotype S. pupoides Length of test 1.00 1.00 Distal diameter 35 Proximal diameter 12 Ecology.—Stacheta trepeilopsiformts is an arenaceous, calcareous form and is found in calcareous shales intercalated between siliceous siltstones. It is difficult to present much concerning the ecological requirements of a species from observation of one specimen; never- theless, the sediments in which the specimen occurs indicate the existence of a calcareous, marine mud environment in close proximity to sites of silt and sand deposition; the paucity of fossils in the sedi- ments may indicate restricted marine environment in near shore shallow water where shaly beds were interspersed within deltaic silts, REFERENCES Brady, H. B. 1876. A monograph of Carboniferous and Permian Foraminifera (the genus Fusulina excepted). Paleontogr. Soc. Monogr., vol. 30, pp. 1-166, 12 pls. 1878. On the reticularian and radiolarian Rhizopoda (Foraminifera and Polycystina) of the North-Polar Expedition of 1875-76. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 1, pp. 425-440, pls. 20, 21. 1879. Notes on some of the reticularian Rhizopoda of the Challenger Expedition. Quart. Jour. Micrs. Sci., vol. 19, pp. 20-63, 261-299, pls. 3-5. 1881. Notes on some of the reticularian Rhizopoda of the Challenger Ex- pedition. Pt. III, Quart. Jour. Micrs. Sci., vol. 21, pp. 31-71. 1884. Report on the Foraminifera dredged by H. M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Rept. Voyage Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, pp. 1-814, pls. 1-115. Browne, R., Conkin, J., Conkin, B., and MacCary, L. M. ! 1958. Sedimentation and stratigraphy of Silurian and Devonian rocks in the Louisville area, Kentucky. Geol. Soc. Kentucky Field Trip, pp. 1-46, 18 figs. 3 tables. Campbell, G. 1946. New Albany shale. Geol. Soc. America, Bull., vol. 57, pp. 829-908, 3 pls., 7 figs. ~ MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 343 Chapman, F. ae 1895. On Rhaetic Foraminifera from Wedmore, in Somerset. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 6, vol. 16, pp. 305-329, pls. 11-12. Colom, G. 1945. Los Foraminiferos de “concha arenacea” de las Margas burdigali- enses de Mallorca. Instit. Invest. Geol., Estudios Geologicos, Num. 2, pp. 1-33, 12 pls. Conkin, B. 1954. Microfossils of the Virgilian Deer Creek formation of Kansas and northern Oklahoma. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Univ. of Kansas. Conkin, J. E. 1954. Hyperammina kentuckyensis, n. sp. from the Mississippian of Ken- tucky, and discussion of Hyperammina and Hyperamminoides. Cush- man Found. Foram. Res., Contr., vol. 5, pt. 4, pp. 165-169, pl. 31. 1956. “Nodosinella Brady, 1876, and associated Upper Paleozoic genera”— A comment. Micropaleontology, vol. 2, No. 2, p. 193. 1957. Mississippian smaller Foraminifera of East-Central United States (abstract). Geol. Soc. America, Bull., vol. 68, p. 1889. 1957. Stratigraphy of the New Providence formation in Jefferson and Bullitt counties, Kentucky, and description of the Coral Ridge fauna. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 38, No. 168, pp. 109-157, 3 charts, 5 tables, 2 text-figs., 4 pls. Conkin, J. E., and Conkin, B. 1956. Nummoloculina in the Lower Cretaceous of Texas and Louisiana. American Assoc. Petr. Geol., Bull., vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 890-896, 4 text- figs. 1958. Revision of the genus Nummoloculina and emendation of Nummo- loculina heimi Bonet. Micropaleontology, vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 149-158, pl. 1, text-figs. 1-25, tables 1-5. 1960. Arenaceous Foraminifera in the Silurian and Devonian of Kentucky. Geol. Soc. America, S. E. Sect., abstracts, p. 8. Coryell, H. N., and Rozanski, G. 1942. Microfauna of the Glen Dean limestone. Jour, Paleont., vol. 16, No. 2, pp-. 137-151, pl. -23, 24. Cooper, C. L. ; 1947. Upper Kinkaid (Mississippian) microfauna from Johnson County, Illinois. Jour. Paleont., vol. 21, pp. 81-94, pls. 19-23. Crespin, I. 1958. Permian Foraminifera of Australia. [Australia] Bur. Min. Res., Geol. and Geophys., Bull. No. 48, pp. 1-207, 33 pls. Cummings, R. H. 1955. Nodosinella Brady, 1876, and associated Upper Paleozoic genera. Micropaleontology, vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 221-238, pl. 1, text-figs. 1-10. Cushman, J. A. re 1910. A monograph of the Foraminifera of the North Pacific Ocean. United States Nat. Mus., Bull. 71, pt. 1, pp. 1-134, 203 figs.; pt. 2, pp. 1-108, 156 figs.; pt. 3, pp. 1-125, 47 pls. 1928. Foraminifera. Their classification and economic use. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub., No. 1, Sharon, Massachusetts, pp. 1-401, 59 pls. 1948. Foraminifera. Their classification and economic use. Cambridge, pp. 1-605, 9 text-figs., 31 text-pls., 55 key pls. 344 BULLETIN 196 Cushman, J. A., and Waters, J. A. 1927. Arenaceous Paleozoic Foraminifera from Texas. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Contr., vol. 3, pt. 3, pp. 146-153, pls. 26, 27. 1928. Some Foraminifera from the Pennsylvanian and Permian of Texas. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Contr., vol. 4, pt. 2, pp. 31-56, pls. 4-7. 1930. Foraminifera of the Cisco Group of Texas. Univ. Texas, Bull. No. 3019, pp. 22-81, pls. 2-12. Dawson, J. W. 1868. Acadian Geology. 2d. ed., London, pp. 1-694, text-figs. 1-23. Dunn, P. H. : 1942. Silurian Foraminifera of the Mississippi Basin. Jour. Paleont., vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 317-342, pls. 42-44. Flowers, R. R. 1956. A subsurface study of the Greenbrier limestone in West Virginia West Virginia Geol. Sur. Rept. Inv., No. 15, 17 pp. Galloway, J. J.. and Ryniker, C. 1930. Foraminifera from the Atoka formation of Oklahoma. Oklahoma Geol. Sur., Circ. No. 21, pp. 1-27, pls. 1-5. Grzybowski, J. 1896. Otwornice czerwonych ixow z Wadowic. Akad. Umiej. Krakowie, Wydz. Mah.-Przyr., Rozpr., Krakow, ser. 2, tom 10, pp. 261-308, tables 8-11. (fide Cushman, J. A., 1950, Card Catalogue Foraminifera. United States Geol. Sur., Washington) Gutschick, R. C., and Treckman, J. F. 1959. Arenaceous Foraminifera from the Rockford limestone of northern Indiana. Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 229-250, pls. 33-37, 3 text-figs. Hauesler, R. 1890. Monographie der Foraminiferen-fauna der schweizerischen Trans- versariuszone. Schweiz. Pal. Ges., Abhandl., v. 47, art. 1, pp. 1-134, Taf. 1-15. Harlton, B. H. ; 1933. Micropaleontology of the Pennsylvanian Johns Valley shale of the Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma, and its relationship to the Mississippian Caney shale. Jour Paleont., vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 3-29, pls. 1-7. Henson, F. 1s S. z 3 1950. Cretaceous and Tertiary reef formations and associated sediments in the Middle East. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Bull., vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 215-238, 14 figs., 1 table. Hyde, J. E. yee f ‘ 1953. The Mississippian formation of central and southern Ohio. Ohio Div Geol. Sur. Bull. 51, pp. 1-355, 54 pls., 19 figs. (edited by M. F. Marple) Ireland, H. A. si 1956. Upper Pennsylvanian arenaceous Foraminifera from Kansas. Jour. Paleont., vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 831-864, 7 text-figs. Loeblich, A. lice JI, and Tappan, H. I = 1954. Emendation of the foraminiferal genera Ammodiscus Reuss, 1862, and Involutina Terquem, 1862. Washington Acad. Sci., Jour., vol. 44, No. 10, pp. 306-310, 2 text-figs. McGrain, P. : 1952. Outcrop of the Chester formations of Crawford and Perry counties, Indiana, and Breckenridge County, Kentucky. Geol. Soc. Kentucky Chester Field Excursion, pp. 1-20, 10 figs. MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 345 Mikhailoy, A. 1939. To the characteristics of the genera of Lower Carboniferous Fora- minifera, In: Maliavkin, S. F. (Ed.), The Lower Carboniferous deposits of the north-western limb of the Moscow Basin. Leningrad, Geol. Admin., Symposium (Sbornik), No. 3, pp. 47-62, 4 pl. Moreman, W. L. 1930. Arenaceous Foraminifera from the Ordovician and Silurian lime- stones of Oklahoma. Jour. Paleont., vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 42-59, pls. 5-7. Neumayr, A. 1887. Die Natiirlichen Verwandtschaflsverhdltnisse der schalentragenden Foraminiferen. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien., Math.-Naturw. cl., Sitzber., Wien Bd. 95, abh. 1, pp. 156-186. Orbigny, d’, A. 1826. Tableau methodique de la classe des Cephalopodes. Ann. Sci. Nat., Paris, ser. 1, tome 7, pp. 96-314, pls. 10-17. Parr, W. J. 1942. Foraminifera and a tubiculous worm from the Permian of the northwest division of Western Australia. Roy. Soc. Western Australia, jour. vol.27; pp. 97-115, 2 pls. Plummer, H. J. 1930. Calcareous Foraminifera in the Brownwood shale near Bridgeport, Texas. Univ. Texas, Bull. No. 3019, pp. 1-21, pl. 1. 1945. Smaller Foraminifera in the Marble Falls, Smithwick, and the lower Strawn strata around the Llano Uplift in Texas. Univ. Texas Pub. 4401, pp. 209-271, pls. 15-17, 16 figs. Rhumbler, L. 1895. Entwurf eines Natiirlichen Systems der Thalamophoren. Nachr. k. Gesellsch. Wiss. Gottingen, Math.-Nat. Cl. 1895, pp. 51-98. St. Jean, J. aps 1957. A middle Pennsylvanian foraminiferal fauna from Dubois County, Indiana. Indiana Dept. Conserv. Geol. Sur., Bull. No. 10, pp. 1-66, pls. 1-5. Stockdale, P. B. 1931. The Borden (Knobstone) rocks of southern Indiana. Indiana Dept. Conserv., Div. Geol. Sur., Pub. No. 98, pp. 1-330. 1939. Lower Mississippian rocks of the East-Central Interior. Geol. Soc. America, Sp. Paper, No. 22, pp. 1-237, 26 pls., 2 figs. Thomas, R. N., et al. 1955. Exposures of producing formations of northeastern Kentucky. Geol. Soc. Kentucky Field Trip, pp. 1-32, 11 figs. Warthin, A. S. ; 1930. Micropaleontology of the Wetumka, Wewoka, and Holdenville for- mations. Oklahoma Geol. Sur., Bull., No. 53, pp. 1-95, pls. 1-7. Waters, J. A. 1927. A group of Foraminifera from the Dornick Hills formation of the Ardmore Basin. Jour. Paleont., vol. 1, pp. 271-276, pl. 22. SHEP PLATES FIGURES 348 BULLETIN 196 Explanation of Figures Figures 1-19 1. Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Plummer; 2, 3, Proteonina cumber- landiae, n. sp.; 4, 5, Proteonina wallingfordensis, n. sp.; 6, 7, Hyperam- mina casteri, n. sp.; 8, Hyperammina kentuckyensis Conkin; 9, Hyperam- mina rockfordensis Gutschick and Treckman; 10, Earlandia consternatio, n. sp.; 11, Reophax cf. R. arenatus (Cushman and Waters); 12, Reophax kunklerensis, n. sp.; 13, Reophax cf. R. lachrymosus Gutschick and Treckman; 14, 16, Reophax medonaldi, n. sp.; 15, Reophax asper Cushman and Waters; 17, Glomospira articulosa Plummer; 18, Lituotuba semiplana, n. sp.; 19, Crithionina palaeozoica, n. sp. FIGURES 1-19 ULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 FIGURES 20-36. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 MISssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 349 Explanation of Figures Figures 20-36 20; Involutina semiconstricta (Waters); 21, Involutina exserta (Cush- man); 22, Involutina longexserta Gutschick and Treckman; 23, Tolypam- mina jacobschapelensis, n. sp.; 24, Tolypammina botonuneus Gutschick and Treckman; 25, Tolypammina cyclops Gutschick and Treckman; 26, Tolypammina laocoon, n. sp.; 27, Tolypammina tortuosa Dunn; 28, Ammovertella labyrintha Ireland; 29, Ammovertella cf. A. inclusa (Cush- man and Waters); 30, Hemigordius morillensis, n. sp.; 31, Ammovertella ef. A. primaparva Ireland; 32, Trepeilopsis recurvidens Gutschick and Treckman; 33, Trepeilopsis glomospiroides Gutschick and Treckman; 34, Trepeilopsis spiralis Gutschick and Treckman; 35, Ammobaculites gut- schicki, n. sp.; 36, Agathammina mississippiana, n. sp. 350 BULLETIN 196 Explanation of Figures Figures 37-43 37, Stacheia cicatrix, n. sp.; 38, Trochammina ohioensis, n. sp.; 39, Stacheia trepeilopsiformis, n. sp.; 40, Stacheia neopupoides, n. sp.; 41-43, Climacammina mississippiana, n. sp. ULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 FIGURES 387-43 PLATE 17 ULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 48 MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 85 Explanation of Plate 17 Figure All figures X 50 Page 1-10. Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Plummer __................--0...0...---- 243 i, 2. 3. Spherical test showing surface configuration of centripetal tubes. No. 628628 USNM. Spherical test with outer wall destroyed, showing casts of tube ends. No. 628629 UISNM. Spherical test, slightly crushed, showing ends of large centripetal tubes. No. 628625 USNM. . Broken specimen showing interior of test. Tube structure destroyed. No. 628617 USNM. . Broken test showing rounded pits on interior wall where tubes pierce surface. No. 628624 UISNM. . Flattened test with internal tubular structure Visible through translucent outer wall. No. 628621 UISNM. . Small collapsed test with shape like a red blood corpuscle. No. 628618 USINM. . Flattened test with several protuberances, not taken to be apertural necks. No. 628620 UISNM. . Large flattened test with protuberances. No. 628619 USNM. . Test of the most common variation, with a low protuberance. No. 628626 USNM. Rae BuLLeETIn 196 Explanation of Plate 18 Figure All figures X 50 Page 1-4. Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Plummer .............20....000202222-22-0-0----- 243 1. Large test of typical appearance. Dark filling visible through translucent outer wall. No. 628616 USNM. 2. Test with large low protuberances. No. 628623 USNM. 3. Large broken test with internal structure destroyed. No. 628627 USNM. 4. A typical flattened test. No. 628622 USNM. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 PLATE 18 Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 353 Explanation of Plate 19 Figure All figures X 50 Page 1-3. 4-8. cL) een Eroteonina “CumMNerlandiae, MW. Sp), .22.-cescecesesl eens eke pees sccncsesscce. 248 1. Large specimen with neck missing. No. 628634 UISNM. 2. Holotype, showing teardrop shape. Test compressed. No. 628632 USNM. 3. Test more elongate than usual. No. 628633 USNM. Proteonina wallingfordensis, n. sp. 4, 6, 8. Tests showing typical round to oblate chamber and stocky tapering neck. Nos. 628638, 628640, 628641 USNM. 5. Large specimen of typical shape. No. 628642 U'SSNM. 7. Holotype. No. 628637 USNM. PMO nI a PaltCO7ZOIGA, TM. SP... i....-ces cee ee she 238 Holotype, showing spongy texture of test wall. No. 638653 USNM. Cramonina rotundata Cushman 2..o.2.c..2.. bic. ccececcenecesscenenebeeeess- 239 Fragments of the holotype. Shows less regularity to test wall than does Crithionina palaeozoica, n. sp. Figure 1-18. Hyperammina casteri, n. sp. 1 bs > CO Or 8, BuLLETIN 196 Explanation of Plate 20 All figures X 50 Page Holotype, microspheric form, Test broken at apertura] end, but well developed otherwise. No. 628644 USNM. . Microspheric form, broken at apertural end. No. 628650 UISNM. . Megalospheric form, slightly constricted. No. 628662 USNM. . Microspheric form, slightly constricted, with proloculus missing, No. 628651 USNM. 7, 12. Megalospheric forms with apertural ends broken off. Noss. 628655, 628658, 628659 USNM. . Microspheric form with extremely long and pointed tip. Apertural end broken off. No. 628645 USNM. 11. Microspheric forms, less conical than most. Nos. 628647, 628648 USNM. . Megalospheric form, apertural end broken. Proloculus some- what pointed. No. 628660 USNM. . Microspheric form showing apertural end with slightly con- stricted aperture. No. 628649 USNM. . Microspheric form, A typical small specimen. No. 628652 USNM. 15. Fragments of a large megalospheric form. No. 628654 USNM. . Large microspheric form; proloculus missing. No. 628646 USNM. . Large megalospheric form; apertural end partly broken. No. 628657 USNM. . Large megalospheric form with oblate proloculus; apertural end broken. No. 628656 USNM. PLATE 20 : PO Whiting, ¢ ade Jia sively [nlp] =H =| S) > e rs a = om 6c fd — Lae) a 3 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 48 PLATE 2 pi S TAY iy PHD 4 Z aes Lepesant eh oz Vs Sing Fae Ie Il ole 5 “5 ee Party pee ani? af Dar doe ATS AT a STD, » AT ALD Ht MISSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 355 Explanation of Plate 21 Figure All figures X 50 Page 1-9. 10-13. 14-16. lye 18. at; 20-28. 24. 25-30. Hyperammina kentuckyensis Conhin .....-..0......022....cc2cccecccecceeeeeeeee 264 1. Topotype showing slender, constricted test, hourglass taper- ing of early part of second chamber and oblate proloculus. No. 628664 UISNM. 2, 3. Topotypes. Nos. 628663, 628665 USNM. 4-9, More or less well-developed specimens, all showing char- acteristic constriction of test and development of lip at aper- tural end. Proloculus missing on figures 4, 6, and 7. Nos. 628669, 628670, 628668, 628667, 628671, 628666 UISNM. Hyperammina rockfordensis Gutschick and Treckman ........ 267 Tests showing rather cylindrical second chamber with few faint constrictions. Nos. 628674, 628675, 628672, 628673 UISNM. Reorindiay CONStOENAGIOS I), SDs)... kee e eS ed DABS 14. Holotype, proloculus missing. Shows tapering nature of test. Constrictions less prominent than in Hyperammina kentuckyensis, but otherwise shape of test is similar. No. 628677 USNM. 15, 16. Small and large specmens. Proloculi missing. Nos. 628679, 628678 UISNM. Reophax cf. R, minutissimus Plummer .........00000000..0.00000022222000----- 285 No, 628698 UISNM. Reophax cf. R. lachrymosus Gutschick and Treckman ............ 282 Broken specimen. No. 628689 USNM. Reophax cf. R. arenatus (Cushman and Waters) ..........0............- 278 No. 628681 USNM. eGiiiix so WMMKICrENSIS. of sy. Sgr es es he es os 280 20. Holotype, showing typical slender test with oblate over- lapping chambers. No. 628684 USNIM. 21-23. Nos. 628687, 628685, 628686 UISNM. Reophax asper Cushman and Waters ...............22.2..--.cecceeeeeeeeee eee 279 Specimen showing rugose wal] of angular quartz grains. No. 628683 USNM. MEE OWN MICOOMALGT. "ie. SM. 55 ere be ee ee so ee 284 25. Holotype. Shows typical stocky test with inflated, oblate, overlapping chambers, and pyriform last chamber. No. 628691 USNM. 26-30. Tests showing variation of form within the species. Nos. 628692, 628696, 628694, 628695, 628693 USNM. 356 BuLLeETIN 196 Explanation of Plate 22 Figure All figures X 50 Page 1-3. 4-6, 8. 22. 23. Involutina semiconstricta (Waters) ........-..02....---2222222eeeeeee 291 1. Variant 1. Delicate test composed of much cement. No. 628710 USNM. 2. Variant 2. Robust test composed of much silt and relatively small amount of cement. No. 628709 USINM. 3. Variant 1. No. 628712 USNM. Involutina exserta’ (Cushman) ....00.......-5....24..... 287 All specimens are Variant 2, with large proportion of silt and little cement. Nos. 628701, 628705, 628703, 628699 USNM. 5. Specimen with neck broken off. . Involutina longexserta Gutschick and Treckman ......................-- 289 Nos. 628708, 628706 UISNM. . Glomospira articulosa Plummer. ............02.........:2222200e--eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 296 No. 628713 USNM. Litwotuba: Semiplana, n. sp... ee eee 297 11. Holotype, microspheric form. No. 628715 UISNM. 12. Megalospheric form. No. 628716 UISNM. . Tolypammina botonuncus Gutschick and Treckman ...................- 301 No. 628718 USSINM. Tolypammina cyclops Gutschick and Treckman ........................ 302 14. No. 628719 UISNM. 15. Fragment of exceptionally large specimen. No. 628720 USNM. Tolypammina jacobschapelensis, n. sp. ....................-- 2 Sees 304 16. Holotype, showing partially walled floor of test, and pro- loculus shaped like half an egg with a pointed end. No. 628722 USNM. 17, 18. Specimens with pointed proloculi. Nos. 628724, 628723 USNM. 19, 20. Specimens with rounded proloculi. Fig. 19 shows under- side of test with attached proloculus. Nos. 628728, 628725 USNM. 21. Large specimen with pointed proloculus. No. 628726 USNM. Tolypammina, tortuosa, Dunn, ...:...--.....2-22-0.--eec-ce-cc eee 308 No. 628730 USNM. TolypammMina laocoon, n. sp. ............2---------- 2 307 Specimen showing winding of early portion of second chamber. No. 628729 UISNM. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 PLATE 22 BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 PLATE 23 MIssISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN S57 Explanation of Plate 23 Figure All figures X 50 except where noted Page 1, 2. Trepeilopsis glomospiroides Gutschick and Treckman. ............ 315 Specimen showing glomospiroid winding of last portion of second chamber. Nos. 628740, 628742 USNM. 3. 4. Trepeilopsis recurvidens Gutschick and Treckman. .................... 316 Specimens shawing last portion of second chamber returning toward proloculus. Nos. 628745, 628743 UISNM. 5-7. Trepeilopsis spiralis Gutschick and Treckman. ........................ 318 Nos. 628747, 628748, 628746 USNM. 8. Ammovertella cf. A. inelusa (Cushman and Waters) ................ 209 Specimen showing underside of test, early planispiral portion, and later embracing windings of second chamber. No. 628734 UISNM. 9. Ammovertella labyrintha Ireland —................2.-22-2.2...00002202-2eeeeeeeeeet 312 Specimen showing maze of fused windings of second chamber. No. 628736 UISNM. 10. Ammovertella cf. A. primaparva Ireland ........000000000..0.02....-eeeee 313 Specimen showing rather regular meandering of earlier portion of test. Later more irregularly winiding portion is missing. No. 628738 USNM. eo AMMOpACMILeS SULSCHICKI, n. SP. _...........---2--220002ecskacceeeseenaesceeeeeceeee 322 11. Holotype, showing oblate rectilinear chambers and pyriform last chamber. No. 628750 USNM. 12-21. Specimens showing variation within the species. Nos. 638623, 638625, 638624, 638630, 638628, 638629, 638631, 638627, 638633, 638632 UISNM. 22. Broken test of unusually large size. No. 638626 USNM. 23-25. Agathammina missisSippiana, n. sp. -.................22222-22..22eeeeeeeeeeeees 331 23. X 28. No. 638637 USSNM. 24. Holotype. No. 638635 USNM. 25. X 31. No. 638636 UISNM. Zo bemirordins Morilensis, nm. Spi ..225...ccci 2-2 cece ek eeee neg nee 334 Holotype, showing rather irregularly winding early portion and planispiral later portion of tubular chamber. No. 638639 USNM. Lino ErOenammins OWIOCNSIS, TM) SPs iki eos lac vecee coe eteceecotense 336 Sp. 27. Dorsal view of holotype. No. 638641 USNM. 28. Ventral view of flattened specimen. No. 638642 USNM. 358 BULLETIN 196 Explanation of Plate 24 Figure All figures approximately X 90 Page 1-6. Climacammina mississippiana, n. sp. ........2..2.0000000.--2eeceeeeeeeeeeeeeees 326 1, 2. Holotype. Apertural and lateral views. No. 638654 USNM. 3-5. Broken specimen showing only uniserial portion. No. 638655 USNM. 6. Polished section of holotype showing biserial-uniserial cham- ber arrangement, ey T 7 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 PLATE 24 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 PLATE 2! MIsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 359 Explanation of Plate 25 Figure All figures X 50 Page IEE SHACK ER ACICALEEX. 1). Sipe ees oe Se Ne ets ee os 339 1, 2. Nos. 638645, 638646 USNM. 3. Holotype. No. 638644 UISNM. fe Stachela, MEOPUPOIMES, : SP. <.......26.2-2sccccc. eee dee ee kee b nob ece ee edenee cence 341 4. No. 638651 UISNM. 5. Holotype. No. 638649 USNM. 6, 7. Stacheia trepeilopsiformis, n. sp. .................222222220200000eceeeee cece eee 342 Two views of holotype. No. 638652 UISNM. 360 BULLETIN 196 Explanation of Plate 26 Figure All figures X 50 Page 1-3. Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Plummer ......................00000..... 243 1, 2. Thin section showing centripetal tubes, cut longitudinally near edge of test and transversely near center. Nos. 628630, 628631 USINM. 3. Dark material in center appears chitinous. No. 628639 USNM. 4, 5. Proteonina cumberlandiae, n. sp. 22...40020..... eee 248 Thin section. Nos. 628635, 628636 USNM. 6. Proteonina wallingfordensis, n. sp. ____..........0.0.----2se-2eececeeeeeeee eee 250 Thin section. No. 628643 UISNM. 7, 8. Hyperammina casteri n. sp, -:...2-..20.. eee 260 7. Thin section of megalospheric form. No. 628661 USNM. 8. Thin section of microspheric form with proloculus missing. No. 628653 UISSNM. 9. Hyperammina kentuckyensis Conkin ............002..0000000000 264 Thin section of specimen in fig. 5, Pl. 5. No. 628670 UISNM. 10. Hyperammina rockfordensis Gutschick and Treckman ............ 267 Thin section showing thickening of wall at junction of pro- loculus and second chamber. No. 628676 USNM. 11. Earlandia comsternmatio, n. sp. 2.22 eee aie Thin ‘section of specimen with proloculus missing. No. 628680 UISNM. 12. Reophax cf. R. arenatus (Cushman and Waters) .................-..---- 278 Thin section. No. 628682 USNM. 13. Reophax cf. R. lachrymosus Gutschick and Treckman ............... 282 Thin section. No. 628690 USNM. 14, Reophax kunkleremsis, n. sp. -.:..-..0-2-:-..---. 2 eee 280 Thin section showing overlapping nature of chambers. No. 628688 USNM. 15. Reophax medonaldi, n.isp. .....222. 2 eee 284 Thin section showing overlapping chambers. No. 628697 USNM. 16, 17, 19. Involutina exserta (Cushman) —_....0.... ee 287 Thin sections. Nos. 628702, 628704, 628700 USNM. 18. Involutina longexserta Gutschick and Treckman ....................... 289 Thin section. No. 628707 USNM. 20. Involutina semiconstricta, (Wiaters) ....-....-..---222..-2222-2002eeeeeenne eee 291 Thin section, Variant 1. No. 628711 USNM. PLATE 26 ULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 43 PLATE MIsSISSIPPIAN SMALLER FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN 361 Explanation of Plate 27 Figure All figures X 50 Page i 6-9. 10. ie 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. ed 18. ile 20, 21. Glomospira articulosa Plummer -..........000.......22...20000.00s0ceeeeeee eee 296 Thin section showing irregular winding in tight knot of tubular chamber. No. 628714 USNM. Pre OnIba eSCMIPIANa,. Ne nSp? ce see ee le 297 Thin section, megalospheric form, showing nearly planispirall coiling. No. 628717 USNM. . Tolypammina cyclops Gutschick and Treckman. ........................ 302 Thin section. No. 628721 USNM. MEOLYpAMINIINA LOrtmoOsa Mumm... ee et 308 Thin section showing intertwining of tubular chamber. No. 628731 USNM. . Tolypammina jacobschapelensis, n. sp. ......00020.000000.0..222.eeeeeeee ee 304 Thin section showing pointed tip of proloculus and partial floor wall. No. 628727 UISNM. Ammovertella cf. A. inelusa (Cushman and Waters) ................ 309 Thin sections showing winding tube fused into a unit (specimen in fig. 9 is lost). Nos. 628732, 628733, 628735 USNM. Ammovertella labyrintha Ireland |......0...0..2..0...0-2ie) alZ Thin section showing complicated maze of windings of seconid chamber, No. 628737 USNM. Ammovertella cf. A. primaparva Ireland ............00...0........04.0..-.- 313 Thin section showing regular meandering of tubular second chamber. No. 628739 UISNM. Trepeilopsis recurvidens Gutschick and Treckman .................... 316 Thin section. No. 628744 USNM. Trepeilopsis glomoOspiroides Gutschick and Treckman. ............ 315 Thin section showing irregular winding about upper end of spiral. No. 628741 USNM. Trepeilopsis spiralis Gutschick and Treckman _._........0..000000002..... 318 Thin ‘section showing spine or spicule about which tube is wound. No. 628749 USNM. Ammobaculites gutschicki, n. sp. .2.02000.0.00000000202222222222eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee= 322 Thin section showing planispiral coiling of early portion. and rectilinear arrangement of later portion. No. 638634 USNM. ECO chAMIMiNey OWIOMNSIS, WeSp. 82248 ise a ee 336 Thin section. No. 638643 USNM SMC OTANIS MOLITENSISS Me SPs oe ke ee ood eee 334 Thin section showing planispiral coiling of outer whorls. No. 638640 USNM. Agathammina mississippiana, n. sp. .............2.0.00::.--2.-2----eeeeee Bau! Thin section showing coiling; test much altered. No. 638638 UISNM. Siacheia NEOPUPOIMOS. 11. SD: 2.. feel csc sso echoes ee elec 341 Thin section. No. 638650 USNM. iTeUel Pe CICALEIN Adie > Sine eee Sue ck ater ean LU ai eT 339 Thin sections. Nos. 638647, 638648 USNM. 362 INDEX Light face figures before bold face figures refer to Figure numbers; bold face to Plate numbers; light face to pages. A acervalis, Stacheia .... acicula, “Hyperam- TMUTOMMES 2 eee Agathammina, ..........-- ageglutinans, STO ina, Sees ee ne Ammobaculites -......... Ammobaculites? Ammodiscus. ............-- Ammovertella antiqua, Climacam- MOTI ys bee Se eae Rextularia; oe arenata, Nodosinella arenatus, Reophax .... Reophax Gl TR se eek eak 11, 19, 26 arenosa, Trocham- Dd aM gS Hees eau Paes SR oR Jd Sean articulosa, Glomo- Spiraea I PP, PALI asper, Reophax 15, 21 aspera, Saccam- mina Bath County, Semitic kay. seeeseee Bedford shale Beechwood limestone bendensis, Reophax .. Berea sandstone ........ Bernhagen, Ralph .... Beveridge, Thomas .. Beyrichoceras 338, 339 256 135, 199, 200, 203, 328, 329, 331 318 199, 202, 234, 318, 319 318-320 285, 286, 335 199, 202, 223, 224, 228, 230, 298-300, 308, 310 327 324, 325 277 277 aR} ey eA 278 335, 336 199, 224-227, 295, 296 198, 278, 279 251, 252 145 137, 147, 202, 253, 293, 309, 318, 341 223 282 253 139 139 224, 271 Big Clifty sandstone .........----- Bisenerina’ 2 Black Hand sand- stone member Blackiston formation botonuncus, Tolypam- TON Naa ee 24, 22 Boyle County, Kentucky... = =e Brady, (Ek. By Brassfield limestone Breckenridge County, Kentucky 2s Brodhead formation... Brownwood shale .... buccina, Reophax .... bulbosa, Earlandia .. Hyperammina Bullitt County, Kentucky Button Mold Knob member C calearea, Hemigordius Caldwell County, Kentucky Campbell, Guy 144, 203, 327, 328, 334 324, 325, 328 147, 225, 226, 229, 246, 249, 284, 288, 292, 293, 331, 336 201, 202, 253, 269 199, 224, 300- 302, 306 143 135, 234, 235, 254, 256, 278, 324, 325, 334, 337, 341 307 142 141-1438, 202, 203, 225, 226, 229, 232, 246, 249, 267, 288, 309, 316, 318, 322, 339 272 261 258 258, 259 140, 141, 229, 243, 270 140, 146, 201, 224, 229, 232, 240, 246, 267, 269, 279, 310, 316, 241 333, 334 142, 273 144, 146-148, 303 Caney Creek member Carboniferous Foraminifera ........ Carter County, Kentucky Casey County, Kentucky Caster, Kenneth E. .... casteri, Hyper- ammina. ..6, 7, 20, 26 cervicifera, Proteonina ehammian- Bs 5.-.-..2.- Chimney Hill TUMESEOME. -.2.-5.620-4:-2. Churn Creek member cicatrix, Stacheia ..37, 20, 27 Clark County, Indiana Clark County, LSS) -0\ ea Ciay City siltstone member Clay County, Tennessee coleyi, Hyperammina Eu Ce ee concinna, Nodosinella congesta, Stacheia .... onion Boo. 20.. sn. Woman. J, - occ. <:-2 Conkin, J. E. and Oro, 4S, S| -2 ts consternatio, Ear- fangig,»...\. 10, 21, 26 Conway Cut siltstone MGM DEY . 2.3.53... meoper. C. Tu. 226..2..-.:. Coral Ridge member 141 256, 257, 275- 277, 327, 340 145 142, 143 138, 264 198, 200, 223- 227, 232, 260- 264 251, 252 337 237 226, 229, 283 200, 225, 226, 338, 339 146, 229, 263, 270, 279, 303 144 225 147 135, 136, 199, 200, 229, 233, 305, 324, 325, 327, 328 256 239 275 340 139, 293 135, 137, 224, 243, 254, 256, 264, 266, 270, 273, 300 202, 223, 243, 266, 232 198, 200, 203, 227, 278, 274 144, 318 137 146, 224, 225, 229, 231, 232, 240, 243, 246, 267, 269-271, 322, 338 Comuspira ee Coryell, oH. N. and Rozanski, G. WOUESDIMs glhigsas eels es Crithionina Cumberland County, Kemiickey. 2 s cumberlandiae, Pro- teonina ..2, 3, 19, 26 Cunmmamokes Wks Sle Ba Cushman J, Ave, Cushman, J. A. and Winters: a vAe. os: Cuyahoga formation cyclops, Tolypam- mina cylindrica, Climacam- HTM ees ne te Cypress formation .... D Davidson County, Tennessee Dawsons ed Ws 2. 2..2. Deer Creek formation Derbya jo 2 og eee Mined Sone ee Se Difflugia Dubois County, Indiana Donne a Ps Ee ict. 363 332, 333 137 135, 202, 238, 243-245, 256, 272, 276 135, 198, 200, 237-240, 242, 243 142 198, 200, 201, 224-227, 248, 249, 251-253 135, 234, 235, 256-259, 272, 275-277, 300 237, 240-242, 248, 255, 259, 275, 294, 296, 298, 308, 313, 319, 324, 325, 329, 333 255, 278, 279, 309, 327, 329. 336, 340 147, 200-202, 225, 226, 229, 232, 246, 249. 253, 263, 282, 284, 285, 288, 302, 312, 315, 316, 322, 324, 331, 339 eee 25, 22,27 199, 224, 301- 303 326, 327 142, 203, 334 146 137 293 280 223, 230, 235, 291 248 258 250, 287 364 E IDenelehale lish 8 eee eee 136, 198, 203, ral PAN Reo 234, 257-259, 272, 273, 320 Barlandinellay =. 272 elegans, Hyperammina 263, 265 elongata, Hyperammina ........ 254, 256, 258, 320 ENGlothiy na wee ee Oman oan 272 Endothyranella ........ 319, 320 Estill County, ISGMIGIIC keyg se ee 144 UTES Siete eee 202, 208, 269, PN BAS (UT 312, 318, 322 expansa, Hyperam- TMT oe eee ear a ae 261 exserta, Involu- italy ee. 21, 22,26 199, 201, 223- 226, 228, 231, 286-290 IGPHAIONANOB, 4 ease 297 F Fairfield County, Ohio 147 Falling Run MenUDE rh wee ie Se VAT AO Saco, 249, 251, 269, 322, d41 Farmers siltstone Member ee ANDY ara), Adal Fleming County, Keniuckcys AS. 25k: Blowers, Rha 22. 305, 327, 328 Fioyd County, TNA se Bees ws 146 Floyds Knob LORMaAhion see ae 138, 140-148, 146, 201, 225, 226, 229), 232, 266 Franklin County, OTC res ci ae 147 Frenchburg freestone 145 fusiformis, Proteoningd, = 22...- 248 G Galloway, J. J. and FOV UEKOr IO. met ee 329, 330 Gaizin,.. be wis. si.)-. sce: 139 glabra, Hyperammina 261, 263-265 Glen Dean limestone 137, 142, 2038, 273, 331, 334 Gloniospira =e 137, 199, 293, 295 glomospiroides, Tre- ; peilopsis ..33, 23,27 199, 202, 224, 225, ola gets 318 Golconda limestone .. 142 gordialis, Trocham- 1.0) 00: eee ant aera 294 Gordiammina ............ 294 Graham, Chas. EH. ....-. 139 grandis, Trepeilopsis o13 Grayson County, = Kentucky 22-26 142 Greenbrier County, West Virginia —....... 305, 327 Greenbrier limestone 305, 327,328 Greenup County, Kentucky 2s 146 Grzybowski, J. ........-- 329 Gutschick, R: Cy 137, taoyone Gutschick, R. C. and Treckman, J. FE’. ....0 26992 (e2s2- 287, 289, 314, 316, 318, 319 gutsichicki, Ammobacu- ites; 35,28,27 199, 200, 202, 203, 224-226, 318, 321-323 H Haplophragmium ...... 318, 334 Haplosti¢che: 22a 275 Haldeman siltstone .. 145, 316, 318 Harding County, Mors, 2. te 137 Hardinsburg shale .... 142 Ssandstome § ::!2.-.2-1.1.2 144 Harrodsburg limestone 233 Hemicorndiic, 136, 199)208;, 229, 332, dao Henley shale MVETN OCT soc oe eee 225, Zon, 249, 269, 285, 288, 293, 312, 316, 339 Henson: a. Re Se 266, 332 Hormosinay 25:3 — ao Hotehiciss Ay tc 139 Hydey diate ane 147, 148 Hyperammina, ......--:. 135-138, 198, 200, 223, 226- 228, 234, 236, 243, 253-259, 261; 265, 2h. 273, 276, 281, 298, 300, 320 Hyperamminella ...... 254 Hyperamminoides .... 254-257, 272 if inclusa, Ammovertella SLO. aaa 29, 23,27 199, 202, 224- 226, 309-313 Psammophis .......... 309 inflatus, Nautilus .... 334, 335 inversa, Ammovertella 312 Psammophis, :..2....- 308 AMONG, oc -....0-----< 2 136, 199, 201, 225,250, 20.L, 285, 286 Peelamd. Eh. A. .......... 295, 298, 299, 309, 312 J Jacobs Chapel shale.. 146, 231, 269, 293, 302-304, 306, 307, 318 jacobschapelensis, Toly- pammina 23, 22,27 199, 200, 224, 225, 303, abs Baeksom, Ds 22-2... 139 Jackson County, ieenmiumeky .:2:_-..2::... 144, 327, 334 Jefferson County, Foentm@eky (0... 8..: 137, 140, 229, 266, 267, 270, 338, 341 johnsvalleyensis, Hyperammina ........ 261 K kentuckyensis, Hyperam- ming ........-. 8,21,26 136-138, 198, 200, 201, 224- Dole Loo Dod, 263-269, 273 274 Kenwood sandstone Tie 140, 232 fankaid formation... —137, 142, 201, 203, 293, 334 kunklerensis, Reophax 12, 21,26 198, 200, 228, 233, 279-281, 283 L labyrintha, Ammover- peTTA 6 3. 28,283.27 199, 202, 225, 311 365 lachrymosa, Reophax lachrymosus, Reophax Pole (a Byer aean 13, 21,26 198, 225, 281, 282 248, 250-252 281, 282 Lagenammina .......... laocoon, Tolypammina 26,22 199, 200, 224, 305-307 Larsh-Burroak shale 293 Larue County, ientiuelkiy: 22): 141, 311 lens, Crithionina ...... 239 leptos, Ammobacu- JID EXC Alar ae 318 Lewis County, Kentuckyn 145,146; 278: 283 Lincoln County, Memtuchey: sic. 143 TEATEUTO EA at ons oes ad Se 334 Teno tila 2 22a ey Nelson County, Mentucky= 2324. neoglabra, Hyperam- YOMUTN tn ss 4. ee ee neopupoides, Stacheia 40, 25, 27 ING UiInga Wir, WAS aoe New Albany shale... 199, 200, 203, 225-227, 329- dol 199, 200, 227, 233, 325-328 316 144 237, 243, 287 251, 252 199, 200, 203, 227, 233, 333. 334 143, 202, 225, 227, 229, 278, 318, 331 334 141, 229, 240, 322, 331 256 200, 224, 225, 340, 341 329 145, 228, 230, 245, 263, 289, 293, 311 New Providence formation Nodosaria nodosaria, Bigenerina Nodosinelia INodiuiliniay |=) ees Nueces County, Texas Nummoloculina obduxa, Spirillina .... Ohio shale ohioensis, Trocham-- TOUTE), soaks: 38, 23, 27 Olentangy shale Orbitremites eo------ Paint Creek formation 140-146, 200- 208, 224-226, 229, 231, 232, 240, 243, 246, 249, 253, 263, 267, 269, 270, 279, 282, 283, 289, 290, 297, 302, 308, 310- 312, 315, 316, 318, 322; 3838, — 338, 339, 341. 342 335 325 235, 253, 272 275 332 332 137 147 200, 226, 335, 336 230 224 142, 1438, 201, 208, 2638, 273, 327, 328, 334 palaeozoica, Crithionina 19,19 Paleotextularia ........ Parno Wd eee Pennington marine limestone shale Pennsylvanian For- aminifera Pericyclus perparva, Earlandia 198, 200, 225, 238-240 137 237, 239, 256 143 142, 200, 263 202, 240, 241, 243, 245, 252, 255, 257, 259, 272, 276, 291- 293, 295, 309. 311, 312, 327, 329, 338,340 224, 271 272-274 Perry County, lage 146, 228, 280, 281 Pike County, Ohio .... 147 pisum, ‘Crithionina .... 239 PMMe ns EL. J... ss0.20. 135, 234, 236, 241-245, 255- 259; 261; 272; 273, 207, 282. 291, 292, 295 296, 320 Portwood formation 144, 200, 202, 223 Powell County, ESETILUGEY 2225-2. --2600.: 144 primaparva, Ammovertella Gite oe 31, 23,27 199, 202, 224, 2255 Sul2e oS priscilla, Earlandinita Hea, protea, Agathammina So, Sash ePoceonimad, ~2.. 22... toe IS 200; 201, 223, 24.7, 248, 250-253 PPotosmista ....-...0.-..- 275 Pisammophis .............. 308 Psammosphaera _....... 223 Pulaski County, Meminteky:-...2.0:... 142, 249, 311, 341 pupoides, Stacheia _... 340-342 pusilla, Agathammina 330 SEI Ti 6 Cee 329 pyriformis, Ammobaculites OLS, oaZ Permian Foraminifera Grreeustralia. 25.05.04 202, 237, 243, 245, 256, 259, 22 216 R Bata, Crithionina ....: 237, 243 Recent Foramini- ‘LEIS ae ee eee 236, 238, 239, 253, 256-259, 287, 320, 329 recurvidens, Trepeilop- 23). ae 32, 23,27 199, 202, 225, 226, 316-318 Renault limestone .... 142 JRC Uie ae aaa anaes 198, 234, 247, 274-278, 281 Rhabdammina? .......... 223 Erumbler, Ws. ............ 296, 298 robusta, Bigenerina.. 325 367 Rockcastle County, Nentucky - 2. 143, 227, 327 Rockford limestone 137, 1388, 146, 202, 231, 269- atl, 282; 287, 289, 290, 292- 296, 301-304, 306; 307, a2, Sila oo altos 318 rockfordensis, Hyperam- mI May ee ee 9, 21,26 136,198, 201, 223-225, 229, 230, 263, 265- 271, 296, 304, Bilson Ross County, Ohio .... 147 Fvobaliniay scecg 205 ee 334 Rothwell shale TMEMIDGr see ee 1A AeA ys AAT 278, 318, 331 rotundata, Crithionina 237-239 Rowan County, Kenttitekay- 5.424 145, 285 rugosa, Crithionina.... e2a0 S Saccammina ......-------- 248, 250-252 Sie Sean basse ace 258, 273, 320 St. Louis limestone .. 227, 233 Ste. Genevieve limestones. 2 2 221, 200 Salem limestone ...... 141, 142, 203, 221, Lose, Los 274, 339 Sanderson formation 141, 249, 253, ZOO moran, a4 Sealarituba ..... er nNau D2, Lola oi AS 284 schlumbergeri, ComuUuspina 1-22.22 332 Scioto County, Ohio.. 147 scorpiurus, Reophax 215 Sellersburg limestone 223 semiconstricta, Involu- 102 kere ee 20, 22,26 199, 201, 223- 221; 2ol, 264, 287, 288, 290- 294 semiplana, Lituotuba 18, 22,26 199, 200, 224. 225, 297 Merpiila 22... ce. 328 Seromleli a) 2. 298 368 silicea, Involutina .... 285 Silurian Foraminifera 252, 287, 307, 338 Silurian and Devonian Foraminifera ........ 202, 243, 245, 259 Somerset shale MENUDSE 6. eae PA A 203: 221; 230, 2005 263, 274, 339 sphaerica, Lagenam- TBI soon ee Pee Dol ea 2, sphaeroidalis, Thuram- minoides 1, 17, 18,26 135, 136, 198, 201, 202, 223- 230; 232, 233, 237, 238, 243- 247 spiralis, Trepeilopsis 34, 28,27 199, 202, 223- ZO ole onde. 318 by CUNT El 6s 012 Rea a eB a 285 SPINO(INa se 318 AICHE Vsc2 ak ae 135, 200, 337- 340 stilla, Lagenammina VAS Iie pAlayn Stockdale, P. B. .x..... 140-146, 148, 266 Strawn shale ._......... 240 Summerson, Chas. .... 139 Sunbury shale .......... 147, 230, 249, 285, 293 Sumner County, Tennessee .............. 146, 297 T Tasmilaniteg =... 42 230 Taylor County, Kentueky* _ss32-0:: 142 teicherti, Crithionina 243, 245 Thuramminoides UR Riese alt 245 Pextwlarian 4. 324 thomasi, Lugtonia .... 276 Ablehobaenaah oa wlals w Weceyen 240, 241 Thuramminoides ...... 135, 4.37% 2008: 200, 237, 240- 243 Thuramminopsis ...... 242 oly pammdtidan ee 199, 223-226, 228, 200, 231, 298-301, 305, 308, 327 tortuosa, Tolypam- 16900012 geen 27, 28,27 199,224,307. 308 trepeilopsiformis, ; Stacheia _...39, 25,27 200, 341, 342 Trepeilopsis -............. 137,199, 202, 223-22 D5: oilic 314, 316, 317 Trochammina 2.328 135, 200, 294, 296, 334-336 Trousdale formation 144 tumidulus, Reophax.. 283 PMirritelleliass: 3 aL3, d14 U Underwood shale........ 243 ¥ vagans, Hyperam- TIMI oe ee 298 Vanceburg member .. 249 W Wachsmuthicrinus .... 225 wallingfordensis, Pro- teonina ..4,5,19,26 198, 200, 201, 223, 224, 220, 227, 248-253 Warthin ); Plate 54.) eure 9b Plate 35: figure 3. PALEOECOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS At locality 1 there were abundant specimens of Camerina dia in association with a modest number of specimens of Lepidocyclina (Lepido- cyclina) canellez. At locality 3 there were abundant, large size specimens of L. (L.) canellez and a modest number of specimens of C. dia, or just the reverse of the situation at locality 1. At locality 4 Heterostegina antillea in modest numbers occurred with rare specimens of C. dia and numerous specimens representing two species of Lepidocyclina, L. (L.) canellei and L. (E.) undosa. At localities, such as locality 5, L. (L.) canellez in abundance was associated with numerous specimens of Streblus mexicanus mecatepecensis (Nuttall) and Elphidium. At locality 9 L. (L.) canellei in abundance occurred with Mzogypsina antillea (Cushman) and other species of Lepidocyclina. However, camer- inids were not found at this locality. These associations suggest that ecological controls were operative to some extent. Cole (19574, p. 751) had written “. . .Heterostegina re- quire(s) warm, shallow protected situations. Operculina (—=Camerina) favors partly protected conditions, but is more tolerant of greater depth and lower temperatures.” Elsewhere he (Cole, 1959, p. 354) stated “The average depth at which Heterostegima occurred in the vicinity of Bikini and the Philippine Islands was 25 to 32 fathoms.” Bandy (1960, p. 11) wrote, “Most rotaloids with pillars are inner shelf inhabitants, as represented by the cosmopolitan Streblus... Streblus is eutyhaline and eurythermal whereas the others mentioned are steno- haline and stenothermal.” The abundance of Streblus and Elphidium at locality 5 as well as the character of the sediments, massive cross-bedded sandstones between which occur thin, fossiliferous beds of sandy clay, suggest that these sediments accumulated in shallow water in a somewhat protected situation such as a large bay. This is the environment suggested for such localities as 1, 3 392 BULLETIN 197 and 5 of which locality 5 represents the shallowest environment with the most variable conditions and locality 3 represents the deepest environment of these three localities. In contrast to these localities the sediments at locality 9 in which Miogypsina occurted with Lepidocyclina, but without camerinids seemingly were deposited in waters which were too deep or too cold for the camer- inids. The faunal association at locality 4 is suggestive of conditions which represent intermediate conditions, probably those which occur near the lower limit of the ecological controls favorable to the camerinids. Specimens of L. (L.) canellez with weak pillars and thin floors and roofs of the lateral chambers would be those of the deeper environments, whereas specimens with larger pillars and thicker floors and roofs of the lateral chambers would represent kinds which inhabited shallower and probably warmer water. Stellate specimens of L. (L.) canellez are associat- ed commonly with abundant specimens of Heferostegima, and seemingly are developed in the situations which are optimum for the development of Heterostegina. LITERATURE CITED Barker, R. W. 1939. Species of the foraminiferal family Camerinidae in the Tertiary and Cretaceous of Mexico. U.S. Nat. Mus., Proc., v. 86, No. 3052, p. 305- 55 Op lSemlulia22e Bandy, O. L. 1960. General correlation of foraminiferal structure with environment. Internat. Geol. Congress, Session 21, Pt. 22, p. 7-19. Cole, W. S. 1928. A foraminiferal fauna from the Chapapote formation in Mexico. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 14, No. 53, p. 203-231, pls. 32-35. 1945. Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida—No. 4. Florida Geol. Surv., Bull. 28, p. 1-160, 22 pls., 8 text figs. 19534. Some late Oligocene larger Foraminifera from Panama. Jout. Paleont., v. 27, No. 3, p! 332-337, pls. 43; 44. 1953b. Eocene and Oligocene larger Foraminifera from the Panama Canal Zone and vicinity. U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 244, p. 1-41, 28 pls., 2 text figs. (1952). 1953c. Criteria for the recognition of certain assumed camerinid genera. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 35, No. 147, p. 28-46, 3 pls. 1956. Jamaican larger Foraminifera. Bull Amer. Paleont., v. 36, No. 158, p. 205-233, pls. 24-31. 19574. Variation in American Oligocene species of Lepidocyclina. Bull Amer. Paleont., v. 38, No. 166, p. 31-51, pls. 1-6. 19576. Larger Foraminifera from Eniwetok Atoll drill holes. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 260-V, p. 743-781, pls. 230-249, 1 text fig. LARGER FORAMINIFERAL TAXONOMY: COLE 393 1958a. Names of and variation in certain American larger Foraminifera— No. 1. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 38, No. 170, p. 179-213, pls. 18-25. 19586. Names of and variation in certain American larger Foraminifera, particularly the camerinids—No. 2. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 38, No. 173, p. 261-284, pls. 32-34. 1959. Names of and variation in certain Indo-Pacific camerinids. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 39, No. 181, p. 349-371, pls. 28-31. 1960. The genus Camerina. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 41, No. 190, p. 189- 204, pls. 23-26. 1961. Names of and variation in certain Indo-Pacific camerinids—No. 2. A reply. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 43, No. 195, p. 111-128, pls. 14-16. , and Gillespie, R. 1930. Some small Foraminifera from the Meson formation of Mexico. Bull. Amer. Paleont.; v. 15, No. 576, p. 125-137, pls. 18-21. , and Herrick, S. M. 1953. Two species of larger Foraminifera from Paleocene beds in Georgia. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 35, No. 148, p. 49-62, pls. 4, 5. Cushman, J. A. 1918. The larger fossil Foraminifera of the Panama Canal Zone. U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 103, p. 89-102, pls. 34-45. 1919. Fossil Foraminifera from the West Indies. Carnegie Inst. Washing- ton, Publ. 291, p. 21-71, pls. 1-15, 8 text figs. Doornink, H. W. 1932. Tertiary Nummulitidae from Java. Geol.-Mijnbouwk. genoot. v. Nederland en Kolonién, Verh., v. 9, p. 267-315, pls. 1-10, 2 tables, text figs. a-l. Douvillé, R. 1907. Sur des lépidocyclines nouvelles. Soc. Géol. France, Bull., ser. 4, v. 7, Pp. 307-313, pl. 10, 3 text figs. Drooger, C. W. 1960. Some early rotaliid Foraminifera. Koninkl. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch., Amsterdam, Proc., ser. B, v. 63, No. 3, p. 287-334, 5pls., 3 text figs. Eames, F. E. 1953. The Miocene/Oligocene boundary and the use of the term Aquitanian. Geol. Mag., v. 90, No. 6, p. 388-392. , Banner, F. T., Blow, W. H., and Clarke, W. J. 1960. Mid-Tertiary stratigraphical palaeontology. Nature, v. 85, No. 4711, p. 447, 448. Gravell, D. W. 1933. Tertiary larger Foraminfera of Venezuela. Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., v. 89, No. 11, p. 1-44, 6 pls. aoe. CC ann Hanna, M. A. 1937. The Lepidocyclina texana horizon in the Heterostegina zone, upper Oligocene, of Texas and Loutstana. Jour. Paleont., v. 11, No. 6, p. 517- 529, pls. 60-65. 1938. Subsurface Tertiary zones of correlation through Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Bull., v. 22, No. 8, p. 984-1013, Taps: 394 BULLETIN 197 Grimsdale, T. F. 1959. Evolution in the American Lepidocyclinidae (Cainozoic) Foramini- fera: an interim review. Koninkl. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch., Amsterdam, Proc., ser. B, v. 62, No. 1, 8-33, 1 text fig. Lemoine, P., and Douvillé, R. 1904. Sur le genre Lepidocyclina Gimbel. Soc. Géol. France, Mem. No. 32, p. 5-42, 3 pls., 3 text figs. Nuttall, W. L. F. 1932. Lower Oligocene Foraminifera from Mexico. Jour. Paleont., v. 6, No. 1, p. 3-35, pls. 1-9. Palmer, Dorothy K. 1934. Some large fossil Foraminifera from Cuba. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat., Mem., v. 8, No. 4, p. 235-264, 5 pls., 19 text figs. Palmer, R. H. 1948. List of Palmer Cuban fossil localities. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 31, No. 128, p. 277-452. Smout, A. H., and Eames, F. E. 1960. The distinction between Operculina and Operculinella. Contrib. Cushman Found. Foram. Res., v. 11, Pt. 4, p. 109-114. Tan, S. H. 1932. On the genus Cycloclypeus Carpenter. Nederland Akad. Wetensch. Meded., No 19, p. 1-194, pls. 1-24, 7 tables. Vaughan, T. W. 1927. Larger Foraminifera of the genus Lepidocyclina related to Lepidocy- clina mantellz. U.S. Nat. Mus., Proc., v. 71, Art. 8, ip. 1-5, 4 pls: 1928. Species of large arenaceous and orbitoidal Foraminifera from the Tertiary deposits of Jamaica. Jour. Paleont., v. 1, No. 4, p. 277-298, pls 43-50. 1933. Studies of American species of Foraminifera of the genus Lepidocy- clina. Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., v. 89, No. 10, p. 1-53, 32 pls. and Cole, W.S. 1932. A new species of Lepidocyclina from the Panama Canal Zone. Jour. Washington Acad. Sci., v. 22, Nos. 18, 19, p. 510-514, 1 pl. 1941. Preliminary report on the Cretaceous and Tertiary larger Foraminifera of Trinidad, British West Indies. Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper 30, p. 1- 136, 46 pls., 2 text figs. Woodring, W. P. 1957. Geology and paleontology of Canal Zone and adjoining parts of Panama. U.S Geol. Sur. Prof. Paper 360-A, p. 1-145, 23 pls. 1958. Geology of Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. Smithsonian Miscell. Goll, W135, ING, 3538. W395 Si polls: 1960. Oligocene and Miocene in the Caribbean Region. Second Carib. Geol. Goniieiianses p27e62) letables Yabe, H. 1918. Notes on Operculina-rocks from Japan with remarks on “Nummulites cumingii Carpenter. Tohoku Imp. Univ., Sci. Rep., ser. 2 (Geol.), v. 4 IN(os 2h Be MOVENACy jelle 9, PEAGES This study was made subsequent to the ones by Cole and Applin and Cole which had been accepted for publication (Contrib. Cushman Found. Foram. Res., v. 12, pt. 4, 1961). Therefore, some of the specific names of Lepidocyclina used in those articles have been changed.—Editor’s note. 396 BULLETIN 197 Explanation of Plate 28 Figure Page 1-7. Camerina cojimarensis (D. K. Palmer)................c:::ceeee 378, 379 1. Central part, X 40, of a median section of a megalospheric specimen. 2. Transverse sections; 2, X 20; 3, X 12.5; of megalospheric specimens. 4. Transverse section, X 12.5, of a microspheric specimen. 5,6. Median sections; 5, X 20; 6, X 12.5, of megalospheric specimens. 7. Part of a median section, X 12.5, which is not ground to the median plane in the central area of a microspheric specimen. 1-7. Loc. 2—see text for locality descriptions. E28 PLAT wild owe AD V4) i pet IM, 43 VOL. Ue) PALEONT BULL. AMER. PLATE 29 VOL. 48 se) PALEONT BULL. AMER. LARGER FORAMINIFERAL TAXONOMY: COLE 397 Explanation of Plate 29 Figure Page Hedin eC AMENIN A) Gia (COLE AMCs POMEOM) |<. SS ceees PALEONTOLOGY * VOL. XLII * NUMBER 198 1961 Paleontological Research Institution -2=-~ Ithaca, New York ji < VinoOiy,., oA ay. U ‘its oy PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN STITUTION oi 1961- 62 | 6 pi PRUSWOENT ord) hae iol PSDs | alecetaas A a iarat stab: WE Sane ee Jou W. WELIS VICK-PRESIDENGE fOr Me le yt IN, atl SU Ds ts loves AXEL A. OLsson - SECRETARY-TREASURER ¥.....-s.00cs0cee0: nay A BaeH es Wen ANY REBECCA S. HARRIS TORECTOR isc etl she cola cad eet Hah Da _ KATHERINE Vv. W. PALMER Comnemt )) ot Roth eA, i MO UME SL velesssseuseis. ARMAND L, ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE AAAS COUNCIB (042M Can leu vestheseses KENNETH E. CASTER Y Trustees KENNETH E. Caen (1960-1966) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) DoNALD W. FIsHER, (1961- 1967) RALPH A. LIDDLE (1956-1962) REBECCA S. HARRIS (Life) | AxEL A, OLssoNn (Life) OMEN C. HoLLisTER (1959- 1965) NORMAN E, WEISBORD (1957- 1963) JoHN W. WELLs (1958- ) BULLETINS. OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY | : and 'y, Xs | PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V, W. PALMER, Editor i Mrs. Fay Bric6s, Secretary DAT MR Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER ‘Hans Kucier A. MyrA KEEN > | Jay GLENN Marks Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price — of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica Americana in- voiced pet issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.SIA, BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 43 No. 198 RUDIST ASSEMBLAGES IN CUBA By iS) CHUBB Geological Survey, Jamaica November 21, 1961 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. Swi THSON 1A | INSTITUTIOF Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 61-305 Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Page A ESRALE 4. sc.lcete cob Seco SEE moo Se Sent re Eee Operas ee 413 Re ECHL CET ONS ia RA ee ONT Sx ory nutes eee rsac nies dinszoaseoetosteudieed, 413 iparcuraeand: P2ranosarcolites faunas in Cubad <..ccccccccoseceescenseatendessshreveneenacseustedens 414 EEE CP Re IBT 227208 CA ag Tel anne ee 417 a DUFUR TEAS DUT gS a li eR fe Pp a 419 eA A OSM a ee eRe te Weta y Lene ALG abel ies we ere kT Rk pl oe de ee 422 RUDIST ASSEMBLAGES IN CUBA te) sCHUBB Geological Survey, Jamaica ABSTRACT The existence of separate Barrettza and Titanosarcolites assemblages in Cuba having been questioned, this paper explains how these faunas may be distinguished, and the localities where they may be found; makes a necessary correction; gives a more definite age (Campanian) than was pre- viously possible for the Barrettia fauna; and recapitulates the corrected faunal lists, including the larger Foraminifera found with Barrettza and Titanosarcolites. INTRODUCTION In 1905 the writer read a paper before the First Caribbean Geological Conference, in Antigua, entitled Rudist Assemblages of the Antillean Upper Cretaceous, which was subsequently published (Chubb, 1956). The prin- cipal purpose of this paper was to prove that the oft repeated statement that Barrettia and Titanosarcolites occur together in the Caribbean area 1s erroneous, and an attempt was made to show that in Jamaica, Cuba, and the other Antillean islands, there are two distinct rudist faunas, with hardly a species in common—an older associated with Barrettia and a newer associated with Titanosarcolites. Another still older rudist fauna, character- ized by Tepeyacia, was recognised in Cuba. In a separate section of the paper the age of the different rudist faunas was briefly discussed. This problem was treated on a regional basis, in the light of evidence from different parts of the Antillean and Central American area. Recently Torre (1960, pp. 53-64) criticized the opinions expressed in this paper, in so far as they concern Cuba. With regard to the Tepeyacia fauna we are in agreement both as to its existence and its age, which we believe to be Cenomanian-Turonian. Our differences are mainly concerned with two questions: (a) the existence within the Habana formation of a Barrettia fauna, distinct and separate from the Titanosarcolites fauna, and (b) the age of the Barrettza fauna. These two problems were considered separately in the original publica- tion (Chubb, 1956), but throughout his paper Torre confused them, never discussed the first problem apart from the second, and attributed to the writer views that he does not hold. In this paper, for the sake of clarity, the two problems will be discussed independently. 414 BULLETIN 198 BARRETTIA AND TITANOSARCOLITES FAUNAS IN CUBA Torre made no attempt to examine the foundations of the writer's belief that two distinct faunas exist in the Habana formation. He seemed to treat it as merely a personal opinion, based perhaps on guesswork. Actually the separation of the two faunas was achieved by a meticulous and detailed analysis of all published fossil lists available to the writer, especially those of the Utrecht geologists who investigated considerable areas of Cuba in the years 1933 and 1938-9. The work of these geologists is of exceptional value because they were diligent collectors, and they recorded the exact site of every find, gave it a distinguishing letter and number, and pinpointed it on their maps. Thus it became possible to as- certain which rudist species were associated together in Cuba. The lists referred to will be found in the publications of Rutten (1936, p. 37), MacGillavry (1937, p. 24), Thiadens (1937, pp. 43-4), Vermunt (1937a, pp. 36-7), Van Wessen (1943 pp. 57-8) and Hermes (1945, pp. 20-1). Much information may be extracted from these lists. A study of Vermunt’s list will show that at locality H870, in Pinar del Rio, the following rudists were collected: Barrettia monilifera, B. multilir- ata, Torrettes sanchezt, Biradiolites cf. aguitanicus, B. tschoppi, Tampsta ruttent, Chiapasella cubensis, and Plagioptychus sp. Obviously, as all these species were found together they must be regarded as members of one fauna. Rutten’s list shows that at locality H550, in northern Santa Clara (Las Villas), the following species were found: Barrettia monilifera, Torreites sanchezi, Parastroma sp., Biradiolites cubensis, Parabournonia bispida, and Chiapasella cubensis. It will be noted that three species are common to both lists. All the species at both these localities are associates of Barrettia and must be regarded as members of the Barrettia fauna. Locality H698 in MacGillavry’s list of Camaguey rudists may be con- sidered next. Here were found Titanosarcolites giganteus, Bournonia thiadensi, B. cf. bournoni, Biradiolites lumbricoides and Parastroma guitartz, Nermunt’s list shows that locality H774, in Pifiar del Rio, yielded Titanosarcolites giganteus, Orbignya sp. (determined as O. mullerriedi by MacGillavry, 1937, p. 111), Praebarrettia sparcilirata, Bournonia thiadenst, Chiapasella pauciplicata, and Caprinula cf. annulata. ‘Two species are com- mon to the lists. Being associated with Titanosarcolites the fossils from both these localities belong to the Tétanosarcolites fauna. CUBAN RUDIST ASSEMBLAGES: CHUBB 415 It will be noticed that not one of the species found at the Barrettza localities, H550 and H870, was found at the Titanosarcolites localities, H698 and H774. If Thiaden’s list of rudists in southern Santa Clara (Las Villas) be compared with Rutten’s list of those in northern Santa Clara, it will be found that there is not one species common to the two. The former list includes Titanosarcolites in several localities, the latter in- cludes Barrettia. If all the abovementioned fossil lists of the Utrecht geologists be analysed and compared, it will be found that none of them recorded Barrettia from the same locality as Tztanosarcolites, and the rudist species associated with the former genus were always different from those associat- ed with the latter, with one possible exception, Bzradzolites aquitanicus. If they are plotted on a map it will be found that the Barrettza localities are always many kilometers away from the Titanosarcolites localities. These statements are not guesses, they are not opinions, they are not theories, they are facts. The main purpose of Torre’s article seems to be to demonstrate that there is only one rudist assemblage in the Habana formation, including both Barrettza and Titanosarcolites. If this is true it should be easy to prove, for it is only necessary to cite a few localities where the two genera may be found together, but there is no mention of even one such locality throughout his article. Torre laid great stress on, and repeatedly referred to, a brief mention in the writer's paper (Chubb, 1956, p. 11, lines 8-13) of the limestones of Loma Yucatan. The fauna of these limestones was referred to only incidentally, not as a representative, but as a doubtful example of the Barrettia fauna; it was expressly stated that Barrettza had not been found there. These limestones were provisionally included in the Barrettza beds mainly because Vaccznites occurs in them, and elsewhere in the Antillean area this genus is generally associated with Barrettia, for example at 3 km. W. S. W. of San Diego de Los Bafos, Pinfar del Rio. Vaccinites is also found with Barrettia in Puerto Rico, and the same genus has recently been found in Jamaica, 5 km. southeast of Lucea, Hanover, where it again occurs with Barrettza. It was, therefore, thought that a further search of the Loma Yucatan limestones would probably reveal the presence of Barrettia. But if Dr. Mario Sanchez Roig denies the existence of this genus in these limestones (Torre, 1960, p. 57) his word must be accepted. Evidently the Loma Yucatan limestones contain an intermediate rudist fauna, newer than 416 BULLETIN 198 that of Tepeyacia and older than that of Barrettia. It is preferable to call this the Dwrania fauna, rather than to use Torre’s term, Dwrania and Vaccinites fauna, as the latter genus occurs in other horizons. Torre observed that the only way to clarify the problem of the exist- ence of distinct Barrettia and Titanosarcolites faunas in Cuba would be by an exhaustive investigation, including field-work, collection, and _ strati- graphic study. To assist in this programme some localities will be suggest- ed where the investigation might be carried out profitably: (a) The Barrettza fauna (without T7tanosarcolites) may be found in Pinar del Rio west of Verracos and southwest of San Diego de los Bafios; in Las Villas about six to seven km. east and southeast of Esperanza, one km. west of Bernia, and three km. northwest of Pastora; in Camaguey at about 17 km. and 27 km. west of Camaguey city on the La Florida road, at Arroyo Hondo, and at 8 km. west and 14 km. east of Sibanicu. It is poss- ible, but not certain, that Barrettza might also be found in Las Villas at seven to eight km. east of Fomento, at five to six km. northwest of Cab- aiguan, and at four km. south of Camajuani. (b) The Tztanosarcolites fauna (without Barretiza) may be found in Pinar del Rio west of San Juan y Martinez and thence in a northeasterly direction to the neighbourhood of Guayabo; in Las Villas, west of Jutia and immediately north and east of Fomento; in Camaguey, east of Ciego de Avila, west and north of Piedrecitas, around Ingenio Grande and in an area five km. southeast thereof, at five km. and 17 km. north-north-east of San Francisco on the road to Veinte y Uno, and at four to six km. south of Berrocal. Special attention should be paid to an exposure about 11/4 km. south- west of San Diego, Pifar del Rio (H802). Although in his stratigraphic paper Vermunt (1937a, pp. 36-37) recorded only Barrettza and species belonging to the Barretiza fauna at this locality, in another paper (1937b, p. 263) Tuitanosarcolites giganteus was added to the list. This record is thought to be erroneous, perhaps a slip of the pen, perhaps a printer's error. However that may be, this is the only definite locality known to the writer where it has been claimed, by any geologist who has worked in Cuba, that Barrettza and Titanosarcolites occur together. It is also suggested that the Loma Yucatan fauna should be sought, not only in the hill of that name north of Camaguey, but also in northern Pinar del Rio, around and between the harbours of Bahia Honda and Cabanas. CUBAN RUDIST ASSEMBLAGES: CHUBB 417 When this work has been accomplished and the existence of the two faunas in the Habana formation recognised, it may be possible to find the solution of other problems, such as why, in Pifiar del Rio, Las Villas, and Camaguey, the outcrops of Barrettza limestone always lie some 10 to 30 km. north of those of T7tanosarcolites limestone. AGEJ/OF THE BARRETIIA FAUNA There is no need to discuss here the age of the T7tanosarcolites fauna as there is general agreement that it is Maestrichtian. The question of the age of the Barrettza fauna was dealt with only briefly in the earlier paper (Chubb, 1956, pp. 16-17). It was considered on a regional basis in the light of evidence drawn from Jamaica, Cuba, and south Mexico. The following facts were mentioned: (a) that in the St. Ann’s Great River section, Jamaica, the shales below a Barrettia limestone yield Turon- ian-Coniacian fossils; (b) that in northern Las Villas, Cuba, Rutten (1936, pp. 7, 36) found Turonian-Coniacian ammonites apparently below a Barrettia limestone; (c) that in Chiapas, south Mexico, Mullerried (1936, p. 160) reported Turonian-Coniacian ammonites, not below, but above Barrettia; (d) that the apparent inconsistency would be resolved if it were assumed that Barrettza ranged from Upper Turonian to Lower Senonian; (e) that recent evidence suggested that Barrettia ranged into the Campanian in Puerto Rico and Cuba; and finally (f) that Campanian Foraminifera had been found in the shales below Barrettia in St. James, Jamaica. No attempt was made to draw any final conclusion from these varied pieces of evidence. Torre, however, persists in treating the mention of the Turonian-Lower Senonian as the writer's considered opinion of the range of Barrettza, and devotes much space to attempts to discredit it. He is tilting at windmills. He is evidently unaware that in the last few years a considerable amount of research on the problems of the Caribbean Cretaceous has been carried out (Chubb, 1958a; 1958b; 1959; 1960a; 1960b) and that new evidence has led to the possibility of a more exact evaluation of the age of the Barrettia beds. As Mullerried’s reported discovery of Turonian-Coniacian ammonites above Barrettia in south Mexico conflicted with evidence from other areas, it was decided to visit Chiapas, in order to study the Cretaceous sequence 418 BULLETIN 198 personally. Accordingly, after the Twentieth Session of the International Geological Congress in Mexico City (September 4-11, 1956) the writer spent a full month in the state (Chubb, 1959). Most of Mullerried’s faunal horizons were discovered, but unfortunately not the Barrettia and ammonite zones. It was found, however, that Campanian rocks rested directly upon Turonian, both Coniacian and Santonian were absent, and the opinion was formed that the Chiapas Barrettza horizon was probably Cam- panian. The Barrettia bed in St. Ann’s Great River, Jamaica, which is under- lain by beds with a Turonian-Coniacian fauna, is now known to be over- lain by beds with a Campanian one. The possibility, therefore, arises that this Barrettia bed might be Santonian, as was suggested in a paper read to the Mexico Congress in 1956 (in press), but it is now regarded as more probably basal Campanian (Chubb, 1960a, p. 91), the Santonian being absent. As previously mentioned the St. James Barrettia bed is underlain by a thick shale formation yielding Upper Campanian Foraminifera and is succeeded by 800 meters of beds without diagnostic fossils, above which lies the basal bed of the Maestrichtian with the first T7tanosarcolites. This Barrettia bed is, therefore, believed to be Upper Campanian (Chubb, 1960a, p. 88). In another recent publication (Chubb, 1960b, p. 17) it was stated that ‘the genus Barrettza could perhaps be regarded as an index fossil of the Campanian in Jamaica as well as in the other Greater Antilles,” and it might be added, in south Mexico. Torre (1960, p. 57) quoted the occurrence of orbitoidal Foraminifera, such as. Pseudorbitoides, with Barrettia, as evidence of a Maestrichtian age. Evidently he does not know of the work of Bronnimann (1957, p. 591) who, after an exhaustive study of Pseudorbitoides israelskyi Vaughan and Cole, including topotype material from Louisiana, and specimens from Mississippi, Texas, Chiapas, Cuba, Haiti, and Puerto Pico, concluded that this species is restricted to the Campanian. The Utrecht geologists included the larger Foraminifera in their fossil locality lists. By an analysis of these lists it is possible to ascertain which Foraminifera were associated with Barrettia and which with Titanosar- colites; the former may be regarded as Campanian, the latter as Maestricht- ian. Pseudorbitoides israelskyi and P. trechmanni were found with Bar- rettia but not with Titanosarcolites. CUBAN RUDIST ASSEMBLAGES: CHUBB 419 Three species were reported to be common to both groups, Vawghan- ina cubensis, Orbitoides browni, and Lepidorbitoides minima. According to Bronnimann (1957, p. 591) V. cubensis, Orbitoides palmeri, and Sulc- operculina dickersoni form an assemblage which is diagnostic of late Maestrichtian beds, and as would be expected, all three were found in the Titanosarcolites limestones of Cuba. Vaughanina cubensis, however, would not be expected in the Barrettza beds, and Rutten alone, among the Utrecht geologists, reported it there, not in his palaeontological paper (1935, p. 528) but only in his stratigraphical paper (1936, p. 36). Possibly the report may have been due to a mistaken identification, as there has been considerable confusion between this species and Pseudorbitoides israelskyz (Bronnimann, 1954, pp. 91-93). CONCLUSION In the Upper Cretaceous rocks of Cuba four successive rudist faunas may be recognised. The fossil lists previously published (Chubb, 1956, pp. 10-13) require revision owing to the separation of the Loma Yucatan fauna from the Barrettia fauna. The larger Foraminifera of the Campanian and Maestrichtian are included in the lists. (a) Tepeyacia fauna of the Provincial limestones; the age is prob- ably Cenomanian-Turonian. Caprinuloidea perfecta Palmer Coalcomana ramosa (Boehm) Sabinia sp. Ichthyosarcolites sp. Tepeyacia corrugata Palmer (b) Durania fauna of the Loma Yucatan limestones. The age is believed by Torre, following Albear and MacGillavry, to be Upper Cam- panian; but in view of the absence of orbitoidal Foraminifera a somewhat earlier age, perhaps Santonian or Coniacian, may be suggested. Durania curasavica (Martin) D, lopeztrigoi (Palmer) Vaccinites macgillavry: Palmer Torreites tschoppz MacGillavry Praebarrettia coralli (Palmer) (c) Barrettza fauna of the lower Habana formation. The age is Campanian. 420 BULLETIN 198 RUDISTS Plagioptychus antillarum (Douvillé) Antillocaprina crassitella MacGillavry Birvadiolites cubensis Douvillé . macgillavry: Vermunt . tschoppz Vermunt . cf. acuticostatus d’ Orbigny _ cf. lameracensis Toucas cf. aguitanicus Toucas Parabournonia hispida Douvillé Radiolites macroplicatus Thiadens non Whitfield Chiapasella cubensis Rutten Tampsta ruttent Vermunt Vaccinites vermunti MacGillavry Torreites sanchezt Douvillé Parastroma sanchezi Douvillé Barrettia monilifera Woodward B. multilirata Whitfield les} jes} [ee] lee) lee FORAMINIFERA Vaughanina cubensis Palmer (according to Rutten) Orbitoides browni (Ellis) Torreina torres Palmer Lepidorbitoides minima Douvillé L. planasi Rutten L, cubensis (Palmer) L. rooki Vaughan & Cole L. aguayoi Palmer Pseudorbitoides trechmanni Douvillé P. israelskyi Vaughan & Cole (d) Tvtanosarcolites fauna of the upper Habana formation. The age is Maestrichtian. RUDISTS Mitrocaprina tschoppi (Palmer) Antillocaprina annulata (Palmer) A, pugniformis (Palmer) CUBAN RUDIST ASSEMBLAGES: CHUBB 421 Titanosarcolites giganteus (Whitfield) Biradiolites galofrez (Palmer) B. aquitanicus Toucas B. lumbricoides Douvillé Bournonia planasi Thiadens B. thiadensi Vermunt B. cancellata (Whitfield) B. cf. bournoni Des Moulins Thyrastylon adhaerens (Whitfield) Chiapasella bermudezi Palmer C. pauciplicata Mullerried Orbignya mullerriedi Vermunt Parastroma guitarti (Palmer) Praebarrettia cf. peruviana (Gerth) P. sparcilirata (Whitfield) P. porosa Palmer FORAMINIFERA Sulcoperculina dickersoni (Palmer) Vaughanina cubensis Palmer Orbitoides apiculata Schlumberger O. brown (Ellis) O. palmer: Gravell Lepidorbitoides estrellae van Wessem L. macgillavryi Thiadens . minima Douvillé . minor (Schlumberger) . nortont (Vaughan) . palmeri Thiadens . rutteni Thiadens . rutteni var. armata Thiadens . tschoppi van Wessem el leat eet Jost leah lost lee: 422 BULLETIN 198 REFERENCES Bronnimann, Paul 1954. Upper Cretaceous orbitotdal Foraminifera from Cuba, Part I, Vaughanina. Contr. Cush. Found. Foram. Research, vol. 5, pp. 91-105. 1957. Morphology and stratigraphic significance of Pseudorbitoides israel- skyt Vaughan & Cole. Eclog. Geol. helvet., vol. 56, pp. 582-604. Chubb, L. J. 1956. Rudist assemblages of the Antillean Upper Cretaceous. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 37, No. 161, pp. 1-23. 1958a. The Cretaceous rocks of Central St. James. Geonotes, vol. 1, pp. 3-11. 1958b. The Cretaceous inlier of St. Ann’s Great River. Ibid, pp. 148-152. 1959. Upper Cretaceous of central Chiapas, Mexico. Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., vol. 143, pp. 725-756. 1960a. Correlation of the Jamaican Cretaceous. Geonotes, vol. 3, pp. 85-97. 1960b. The Antillean Cretaceous geosyncline. Second Carib. Geol. Con- ference, Puerto Rico, Trans. pp. 17-26. Hermes, J. J. 1945. Geology and palaeontology of east Camaguey and west Oriente. Cuba Geog,ens Geol Med Uitrechiarsera2.NO war MaeGillavry, H. J. 1937. Geology of the Province of Camaguey, Cuba, with revisional studies of rudist palaeontology. Ibid, No. 14. Mullerried, F. K. G. 1936, La edad estratigrafica de la Barrettia y formas cercanos. An. Inst. Biol. Mexico, vol. 7, pp. 155-164. Rutten, M. G. 1935. Larger Foraminifera of northern Santa Clara Province, Cuba. Jout. Paleont., vol. 9, pp. 527-545. 1936. Geology of the northern part of the Province of Santa Clara, Cuba. Geog. en Geol. Med. Utrecht. No. 11. Thiadens, A. A. 1937. Geology of the southern part of the Province of Santa Clara, Cuba. Ibid, No. 12. Torre, Alfredo de la 1960. Notas sobre rudistas. Soc. Cubana de Hist. Nat., Mem., vol. 25, pp. 51-64. Vermunt, L. W. J. 1937a. Geology of the Province of Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Geog. en Geol. Med. Utrecht, No. 13. 1937b. Cretaceous rudistids of Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Jour. Paleont., vol. 11, pp. 261-275. Wessem, A. van 1943. Geology and palaeontology of central Camaguey, Cuba. Geog. en Med. Utrecht, ser. 2, No. 5. 2 a i . yi : a oy m ie “> XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI XXXVI. XXXVIII. XXXIX. XLII. XLIII. Volume I. (Nos) BEG-L16) 6/1758) bp. SA ples yi Maca gele “Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. | VRINDH AAT: DGS, PPUNOD plSa tel lk une UN tae ts yea Jackson Eocene mollusks. (Nos FISTS) (458 Pes QF DIS. ei siseciy ace deeossualall Has Mead Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsy]- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae, Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent Fie Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil local- (Nos. "129- BS 6 VEO PR OS PISO: RELA coke Udita ta cen Silurian cephalopods, crinold studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. CNOsis FS45830)0 448) BBS ST Ise Moo OA Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy paleontology. (Noal \$40-145)., 400: pp. 19 piso 0 Nee ei Gal Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovican cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods and conularid bibliography. Nos: 146°154)..'386 pps 31 pls sk es, G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordo- vician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimide, Vol- utidae, and Devonian ostracods ‘from Iowa. (Nos. 155- 160). 412 PPI a Plas Ls ee SU OUR Ne Das Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian Chitta fossils, foraminiferal studies... (Nos. 161- 164). ARG ADD a PIS. | ce NAN Ak Pe Miu BONE, Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera, ' Stromatoporoidea. (No&.1165:176)i)\ 447 (pps 53 piste). Ak ek a Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina, Miocene ostra- cods, and Mississippian of Kentucky, turritellid from Vene- zuela, larger forams, new mollusks, geology of Carriacou, Pennsylvanian plants. (Nos. 177-183)°" “448 pp) 36 piss AG ae te Panama Caribbean mollusks, Venezuelan Tertiary formations and forams, Trinidad Cretaceous forams, American-Eur- opean species, ae Rico forams. Ce. TSE). ORG nop A ple eh AS oh ASN a Type and Figured gpiceiticis PRI. | (Nos. 185-192). Bc 0) SYN ph 0) Kd aR GLO RG UB FR AR Da ris Australian Carpoid Echinoderms, Yap forams, Shell Bluff, Ga. forams. Newcomb mollusks, Wisconsin mollusk faunas, Camerina, Va. forams, Corry Sandstone. (No. 193). In press. (Nos. 194-197). Ordovician stromatoporoids, pak camerinids, Missis- sippian forams. PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. . (Noai\G-12). 0) $30 “pp.4/B7 piso NN ee Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Pale- Ozic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida, Cos.) 15-25) 1593, pes 6lipls.) 2 ON Oe RAI eg Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platy- strophia, and Venericardia. CINGS) 20-20 ALS pp iL Sips old. eo Me Rudist studies, Busycon 18.00. 15.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00. 13.50 15.00 16.00 16.00 20.00 16.00 21.00 25.00 6.50 CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN | 5 PALEONTOLOGY AND EaTAORTOERIEEICR AMERICANA “ “BULLETIN S OF AMERICAN PALONTOLOGY - NN = Re ms Z pak ee a eee eee “ y= ‘ ‘ ye — 5 eS i, ~ - L T = en =, a eg ~ a y a et ee ee ——F : ; aes ey ae = aol ony See + Te > Sy ee ow . Vols. ae See Kraus Reprint Bree BD NG, 32) 65730 pp. 90 piss ne... he AC ~~ 15,00. 7a Claibornian Eocene scraphopods, gastropods, ‘and cephalopods my) VIII-XV. See Kraus Reprint | oe 16 East 46th Street, New York 17, N. Y. of: Oy ae XVI. (Nos. 59-61). 140 Dp, 48 pls, ee Ch, ONS Se 600-5 Venezuela and Trinidad Pevtiaty Mollusca. | ae XVII. (Nos. 62-63). 283 pp., 33 pls... ee. ee ie sereee 11,00 a Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. L aan ne AVIEIT. (Nos. 64-67). - 286 ppi,29 pls. ue ea La as ee 11 00; 8 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. os XIX. (No. 68). 272 pp., 24 pls. 0.00.0. Weiss edeaeVStupeceleh ae aa 10.00 - Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. . a ce XX. (Nos. 69-70C).. = 266/ppy.26 pls! 20). Oe ee 10. 00 e Lain Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Ciba, di MAL. ).CNoS344-72) 6.0 6321 pp.12 pisces mT 11.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. XXII. (Nos. 73-76). 356 pp., 31 pls. ........... KA ee 00 ; : Paleozoic Paleontology and Tertiary Foraminifera. | ARATE. : CNos, (9-19) C1251 pps 35) Dish 2h: Fok Ar eae 10. 00— | Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Nee | XXIV. (Nos, 80-87). 334 PPS 2H pls Aue A ea 10. 50 Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca. / a XXV.)" (Nos. 88-946). = > 306. pp.,(30 pls. i hl ase (10.00 © Paleozoic Pescils of, Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- 4 zoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- ys ‘ia cene mollusks. ; Fs XXVI. ~(Nos;-95-100) .’. / 420. pps, 58: pls... oN. 11.00 Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban - a and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and ae | _ geology and paleontology ‘of Ecuador. - | e. XXVII. (Nos. 104108)... (376 pp., 36’ pls. owe oe 12. 00 P| Tertiary Molusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian: fish and. 14 a | Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. ak XXVIII. (Nos. 109-114). 412 pp., 54 pls. oo. 12.00 Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and f Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. | * 4 ri) fk ys a ~ i wie ‘An x si Aird = = Soe INDEX VOLUME XLIII Light face figures refer to page numbers. Bold face figures refer to plate numbers. For index to Bulletins 194 and 196 see those Bulletins. cf. acuticostatus, IBIPaGiOliteS: o.oo... 420, 421 adhaerens, Thyrastylon Albatross station ........ 113 aguayol, Lepidorbitoides ........ 420 Aguila Petroleum Company ..¢....08.0k. 377 ammonoides, Camerina: ...... 14,15) 295) T1651 15. 1201025 SOMCrCULINA’ 20:2... 119 SIpercedlina. = 25.0). .<. 114, 117 Operculinella ............ 116 Amphistegina ............ a 15) Andonegui station, DMC MICO ee... hones: Bit annulata, Antillocaprina ........ 420 Cf. annulata, C2) 01501 O12 re 414 annulatus, Cycloclypeus ............ 382 Katacycloclypeus ...... 382 CSS a i ore 384 antillarum, Plagioptychus .......... 420 antillea, Heterostegina ......... 384, 391 Miogypsina ................ 391 Amaaliocaprina® ....:.:....... 420 Apia Harbor, Uporu, Samoa Islands ......... 120 apiculata, Orbitoides .... 421 Applin, Esther R. ........ nals: aquitanicus, IBIFAGIONLES: 3 5..)...1.... . 421 ef. quitanicus, ITAGIONEES .c8 o26...2 414, 415, 420 Arbol Grande station, near LamMpico: ....:...:.. 377, 384 3 SS LTH Se eee ee SO oud asterodisca, Lepidocyclina .......... Blo, o4D,010, 386, 388, 389 B Bahia, Honda, Cuba .... 416 Bajada de Chichimeca, Vera Cruz, Mexico... 377 Bandy, Orville =............. 391 Barker, R. Wright ........ 381 ANGE UIA eae ee 413-420 Barro Colorado Island, Panama Canal Zone SAT bartschi, Camerina ...... 120 Operculinal <3 I P4abe aps “Operculina’’ 2 120 bermudezi, Chiapasella 421 BEGEOCA etki ot oat es 416 Bikini sland) 3!) 391 Biradiolites: 22s... 414, 420, 421 Bournoniarn {ose a 414, 421 cf. bournoni, Bournonial =-5%....5... 414, 421 Bronnimann, Paul.......... 419, 422 browni, Orbitoides ........ 419-421 bullbrooki, Spiroclypeus ............ 384 Byram niaties vo oe 374 C Cabanas. Cuba... < 416 Caimito formation ........ 383 Camaguey, Cuba .......... 414, 416, 417 Camajuani,-Cuba =... 416 Cameriniay fea 111-118, 120, 123, 37, 377, 378, 380, 382, 383, 389, 391 Campanian. 28.0 -c.4s08 413,417 cancellata, Bournonia 421 canellei, Lepidocyclina 30-39 375, 376, 383, 384, 386, 388, 389, 391, 392 Gap rina cae tal eo. vA 414 Caprinuloides <.....4. 0. 419 Caribbean. screen 381 Carpenter, (Wr Po... 115, 381 catenula, Camerina .... 382, 383 Chapman, F. and ate Wesder ccatvcdsee: 1B Chiapas; Mexico |,.....-°. 417, 418 Chiapasellac ice oe. ee 414, 420, 421 Chubb betds 252A 413, 417, 422 Chubb, L. J., Rudist Assemblages in Cuba 413 Cienfuegos, Cuba ........ 376 Coalconiana-s..02.4e> 419 cojimarensis, Camerina @e..3:...-. 28 378, 379, 389 “Operculinella’”’ ........ 376, 380 BOlet IW Ser ee Ree tet 116, 120-122, 377, 380, 383-385 Cole, W. Storrs, An Analysis of Certain Taxonomic Problems in the Larger Foraminifera .......... 373 Cole, W. S. and Herricks 'S. 3 ee 383 Cole, W. Storrs, Names of and Variation in certain Indo-Pacific Camerinids—No. 2. AVE LYE Sele eR hee 111 complanata, Camerina ........ 15, 16 120-123 Operculina ................ PAL, WR Contacian: ee eee 418 coralli, Praebarrettia.. 419 Cornell University ...... 113, 376 corona, Difflugia .......... 113 corrugata, Tepeyacia . 419 crassicosta, Lepidocyclina ............ 384 crassitella, Antillocaprina ........... 420 Cuba err Sa eae ee ee 376, 378 cubensis, Biradiolites 420 Chiapasella ................ 414, 420 Lepidorbitoides ........ 420 WEN NEIOUN OEY. sicussacoea-r 419-421 cumingii, Amphistegina 115, 116 “Nummulites” .......... 378 Operculinella ............ 114 “cumingil”, Camerina . 115 curasavica, Durania .... 419 Cushman, Ave ee 112, 120, 384, 385 Cycloclypeus 7... 381, 382 D dartoni, Lepidocyclina 388 Bulepidina ss 388 GiajeCamenrimay =. 29 383, 389, 391 dickersoni, Sulecoperculina .......... 419, 421 Dithluygiay Sle Mek oe 113 dius, Operculinoides.... 374 Douvilles Ri ae tee 384 Drooger. ©. Wao 380, 381 Durrani ea wo eee, 416, 419 lopeztrigol 2s. 419 E Hames; hs uber ses 116, 378 elegans, Operculina .... 120 Biphiditiiny eee eee 391 Kocene 3..." eee 112, 114, 117, 374, 375, 378, 381, 386 Esperanza...) =. See 416 Espiritu Santor a. 118, 119, 120 estrellae, Lepidorbitoides .._.. 421 Bulepidinal. s.aee 374, 384, 385, 388, 391 = Ii eh oe ail, First Caribbean Geological Conference 413 Florida, .o):... 43 374 EFomento. 2. ee 416 Foraminifera <). 23e HOM ellisy 30. 122, 373-375, 389 G gaimairdi, Operculina . 120 galofrei, Biradiolites.... 421 Gatun Lake 2333 383 gaymardi, Operculina 112, 114, 117, 12051129) “Operculina’ 7. 118 giganteus, Titanosarcolites ........ 414, 416, 421 giraudi, Lepidocyclina 373, as Graham, J. J. and Militante, Pease 120 granulosa, Operculina 120 Gravell, D. W. and Hanna, Mi AS 4 374 Grimsdale, i: hee 386 Guam 4d a eee 382 guitarti, Parastroma.... 414, 421 Gurley, William F. E., Foundation for Paleon- tology of Cornell ve University)... Habana formation ........ 413, 414, cae hanzawai, Operculina 114, 119, 120 Hermes, J.J: eee 414, 422 Heron-Allen, E. ............ 114 Heterostegina ................ 384, 391, 392 hispida, Parabournonia 420 Hausteca Petroleum Company .55..0%.ce 377, 384 INDEX | Ichthyosarcolites sp. .... 419 Indo-Pacific region ...... BM Le oarKss indo-pacificus, Svelochypeus ............: 382 International Geological Congress, Mexico. City... k.6..... 418 Ishigaki-shima Yaeyamagunto Ryukyu-retto ......... israelskyi, Pseudorbitoides ...... 418-420 J Somdaica, BWI. .....::..... 384, 413, 415, 417 Mamessis. Mo .......9.......: STF K Katacycloclypeus .......... 382 L La Boca marine member 375 Ladd, H. S. and Hoffmeister, J. E. ... 113 La Laja, Mexico ........... 377 cf. lameracensis, BieaAGiOltes, 5... 420 Ba titanee, Cuba ...... 377 as: Villas, Cuba ............ 416, 417 Lavoutte, Cuba ............ Syl epidoeyclina”™ ............ EEL eis 4, 123, 373-376, 383-389, 391, 392 Lepidocyclina SEO ANOrPAN? ©). 02.1.1 385 Lepidorbitoides............. 419-421 oma Yucatan .............. 415, 416 Loma Yucatan limestones _.............. 419 lumbricoides, BiraAdiOliwtes «........52..2: 414, 421 M MOSSY PSING 6) 391, 392 miraflorensis, Lepidocyclina .......... alo, ola aoD- 389 Miramar, Mexico ....... Bie Noscellanea 2.02. oy LT Stie owe Mitrocapritial s..2o 420 monilifera, Barrettia.... 414, 420 Mullerried, F.K.G. ........ 417, 422 mullerriedi, Orbignya 414, 421 multilirata, Barrettia .... 414, 420 MacGillavry, H. J......... 414, 419, 422 macgillavryi, Biradiolites 2...) 420 Lepidorbitoides ..... . 421 Vaecemites. 0.3 ee 419 macroplicatus, Radiohtes= > 23. fas.” 420 mantelli, hepidoeyclina ..4.. 4: 373, 374, 386, 389 Marianna limestone ...... 374 Martin-Kaye, P. H. .... She IMPASSIINIG: hrs ea okt 114 matleyi, Lepidocyclina 384 mecatepecensis, Strebluss:. 2 391 mexicanus mecatepecensis, StrebDUS sik eee: 391 TICES 1 COTE Tie ee anes ne 377, 384, 417 Mindoro, Philippine Islands se ae ee: 120 minima, Lepidorbitoides 419-421 minor, Lepidorbitoides 421 MGOCEROM eek, sa alOvowe N Napappat Ys ee ee HWE 3 Nagura-gawa ................. 113 Nakoshi, Haneji-mura, Okinawa-jima 113, 118-122 INAS aio) ee ote 115 New Hebrides .............. 143 nortoni, Lepidorbitoides 421 INIT a ee: 116 INMNIOGES) Ga imoke SONTOMMINNUICESS: esi. 2. at 381 nuttalli, “NiMMNLULIUES: 3... 381 fe) ONSOeCeNe. ov cee 117, 374, 383, 384, 386 Oneata, Lau Islands, Chi ka ae eee er tee a eee 1S S21 Opereulna: 254. .4.25 112 aA 121, 122, 37537, oon, 383, 391 WY, on obec 112, 114, 116, Operculinella 374, 377, 378, 380, 383 INDEX Orbignyay. oo as. 421 Orbienya! Spe woe ee. 414 Orbitoides. 4) se. 419-421 Ozulama, Mexico ......... 377 Pp Palacio Penal, Mexico 377 Palaeonummulites ...... 116, 378, 380 Paleocene 22.0.0 ee 375, 381 Palmer, Mrs. D. K. .... ont palmeri, Lepidorbitoides ........ 421 Orbitoides: .-8..-535. 419, 421 Palmira road, Pueblo Grifo, Santa Clara PROVINCE... a 376 Panama Canal Zone ....377, 383, 385 Panama formatiin ........ 375 pancanalis, Lepidocyclina 384 Panvcor Rivets 2. 22. 377 Parabournonia ............ 420 Paraspiroclypeus .......... 377 Parastroma 2223.5. oo 414, 420, 421 parvula, Lepidocyclina 373, 384-387 parvula crassicosta, Lepidocyclina ............ 384 Rastobaaasen cle eae wes 416 pauciplicata, Chiapasella ................ 414, 421 Pellatispirella ................ 383 Pena Blanca, Panama Canal Zone ................ 383 pencanalis, Lepidocyclina ............ 384 pengaronensis, Camerina... 6.0. 378, 380 perfecta, Caprinuloidea 419 cf. peruviana, Praebarrettia ............ 421 Philippine area ............ IDA lay ren 1 Phillippine Islands ........ 120, 391 Pinar del Rio... 414, 415, 417 Plagioptychus ................ 420 Plagioptychus sp. ........ 414 planasi, Bournonia ....... 421 Lepidorbitoides ........ 420 Planocamerinoides ...... 377 planulata, Camerina.... 381 porosa, Praebarrettia .. 421 Potrero, Vera Cruz, MGRICOME See. ee cee. 3501p Praebarrettia ................ 414, 419, 421 pristina, Nummulina.... 116, 378 Provincial limestones 419 Pseudorbitoides ........... 418, 420 Puerto Galera area _. 120 Puerto” Rico. eee 415 pungiformis, Antillocaprina ....... 420 Q Quaternary... G7, R Radiocycloclypeus ..... 382 Radiolites..... =... 420 ramosa, Coalcomana.... 419 Ranikothalia) 90 377, 380, 381 Reeent. 2... ee OM Pi Pee PG) 375 Rio Chagreg ................... 383 Roig, Dr. Mario Sanchez 415 rooki, Lepidorbitoides.. 420 Rutten, M. GG. o.-eeee 414, 417, 419, 422 rutteni, Lepidorbitoides 421 Tampsia °.)...52ee 414, 420 rutteni var. armata, Lepidorbitoides ........ 421 S Sabinia sp. 3... 4 ee 419 Samoa Islands ............... 120 sanchezi, Parastroma .... 420 Torreites. 3... 414, 420 San Diego de Los Banos, Cuba> 2.23 415, 416 San Francisco, Cuba .... 416 Santa Clara (Las Villas), Cuba ............ 414, 415 Santa Clara Province.... 376 Santonian: 3... 418 secans, Massilina ........ 114 Selsey>. 3.3. .52 55 114 Senonian «..¢.:-5...: 3a 417 Smout, A. H. and Eames.) FE. Eo) ae 111, 212) as 115, 117-119, 121, 123 sparcilirata, Praebarrettia {2.2 414, 421 Spiroclypeus ................ 384 St. Ann’s Great River, Jamaica: 01.5 418 St. James, Jamaica .... 417 St. Lucia, West Indies 377 Streblus.ci. See 391 striatoreticulata, Operculinella ............ 112 INDEX 419, 421 373, 374 Sulcoperculina ..........:... supera, Lepidocyclina + Tacloban Anchorage, Philippine Islands... 113 Tamaulipas, Mexico ..... 377, 384 Tampico, Mexico ........ 376, 377, 384 Tampico Embayment ee ge a ee nite fel 377 OSETTUNE e 414, 420 Tanhuijo, Vera Cruz, GS) a re 377 tempanii, Lepidocyclina 384 OME PIGINA .......05...-- 384 PREMEVACTA = .i....ss.ccc ecw 413, 419 (LSS AC) ie 117, 381 ‘ehradens: A. A. ............ 414, 422 thiadensi, Bournonia .... 414, 421 PV EASEVION, oo... de ee es 421 Titanosarcolites .......... 413-416, ey MPO GV ANG — ok... casetbe sy: 381 Torre, Alfredo de la ....413-415, eae ferrel: “Lorreina. .:.......:.. 420 Moercema f.....°n=...-. 420 SMEEOHES cn... oe le 414, 419, 420 tournoueri, Lepidocyclina 32, 34,35 384, 388, 391 Eulepidina 32, 34,35 384, 388, 391 trechmanni, Pseudorbitoides ...... 418, 420 TESST 2 0s Sr re 384 tschoppl, Biradiolites ........ 414, 420 Lepidorbitoides ......... 421 Nittocaprina ............ 420 Moereintes ....2..6.040..0..: 419 PCIROMUAI I .. o+..6e..cics. stone 417, 418 U undosa, Lepidocyclina 384, 391 PRMeEpIdiNna-=...........2... 384, 391 U. S. National NUSeUIN = ow ak LS as 7 6 Vaccinites eens Leer meat 415, 419, 420 variolaria, Camerina .... 381 Vaughan, T. Wayland 111, 113, 114, 384-386 Vaughan, T. W. and Cole QWer Sas ee 111, 384 \WeN evel menage oy 419-421 Wenezuela oes... 384 venosa, Camerina 14 115, 116, 123, 378 Operculinas =. 119 Operculinella .........: 112-114, 116 “Operculinella” ........ 118, 380 venosus, “Nautilus” .... TALS) Vera Cruz, Mexico ..... SHU WEEMUNt) uae de a: 414, 416, 422 vermunti, Vaccinites . .. 420 WETGRACOSIS. ohne 416 WwW waylandvaughani, Lepidocyllina .......... 373, 376, 385- 389 Wessem, A. van ........ 414, 422 West Indies ................ 377 willcoxi, “Nummulites” ...... 378 “Operculinoides” 380 Windward Islands, West Indies ............... 377 \WOOdrINE) We be = SIT bie: XY Z Yabe, H. and Hanzawas S: occ. 113, 120-122 yurnagunensis, Lepidocyclina ........:... 384 Bulepidimay .425....4.: 384 pane ‘egy | ns é te . Soh ee Tie “¥ a iad (Seer “*, SF fe J Sees Baa ELS ze er sa) fees. ese on a A ; eae fe ot te Tag ve Aik of a A frei s raed Tee pea ye fy ‘Sp kita o>» a y 4? fe é Bo = te, ELE ON a NS 2 is ae Mca fSoitaodie’ fag EAM On a “rab Ene ey fstoseen a Twat Ss ‘ Sea Frigate itv v AGT 5 ry at ata — caer fie ort Ve ooo i “ys Site Sa i : ; ee S41 RE SS, = bs Ser ee ing LI >” Ges Z tan o> MLE, AE a ee sel. . ll Lf a Oy | | eA, We, 7 AS Ne iy ! ~ E. I s O, Negroes = ci ee : ce ‘9, se oy w A ego *) Lh " ij Mw, & , | 1 imi ty oS Mil ai i i b ee 2 | | : a cn "WL