~m'-i SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. ISTo. ^1. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF AMERICAN NATURALISTS: V. TflE PUBLISHED WRITINGS OF Dli. CHARLES GIRARD. BY G. BROWN GOODE. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1801. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF AMERICAN NATURALISTS: V. THE PUBLISHED WKITINGS OF DR. CHARLES GIRARD. BY G. BROWN GOODE. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1891. advertisp:mp]nt. This work (Bulletin N<». 41) is one of a series of papers intended to illustrate the collections belonging to the United States, and constitu- ting- the National Museum, of which the Smithsonian Institution was placed in charge by the act of Congress of August 10, 1846. The x>nblications of the National Museum consist of two series — the Bulletins, of which this is No. 41, in continuous series, and the Proceed- ings, of which the fourteenth volume is now in press. A small edition of each paper in the Proceedings is distributed in pamphlet form to si)ecialists in advance of the publication of the bound volume. The Bulletins of the National Museum, the publication of which was commenced in 1875, consist of elaborate papers based upon the collec- tions of the Museum, reports of expeditions, etc., while the Proceedings facilitate the prompt publication of freshly accpiired facts relating to biology, anthropology, and geology, descriptions of lestricted groups of animals and plants, the discussion of ])articular questions relative to the synonymy of species, and the diaries of minoi' expeditions. Other i^apers, of more general pijpular interest, are printed in the Appendix to the Annual Keport. Full lists of the publications of the Museum may be found in the cur- rent catalogues of the publications of the Smithsonian Institution. Papers intended for publication in the Proceedings and Bulletins of the National Museum are referred to the CommittcH* on Publications, composed as follows : T. H. Bean, A. Howard Clark (editor), P. E. Earll, Otis T. Mason, John Murdoch, Leonhard Stejneger, Frederick W. True, and Lester F. AVard. ^ S. P. Langley, Secretary of the Smithsonian InstitHtion. Washington, 1). C, May 28, 1891- Charles Girard, M. D. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF AMERICAN xXATURALISTS. Y. THE PUBLISHED WHITINGS OF DR. CHARLES GIRARD BY aEORGE BROWN GOODE. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1891. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF DR. CHARLES GIRARD. In the preface to Bulletin No. 20 of the IT. S. National Museum, "The Published Writings of Speneer Fullerton Baird," mention was made of the contemplated publication of others in the same series, among them the " Bibliography of Dr. Charles Girard.'' The pressure of other du- ties has delayed the completion of this work, which is now presented as the fifth of the special bibliographies of prominent naturalists. Charles Girard was born in Mulhouse, France, March 9, 1822, and received his education at Neuchatel, Switzerland, where he was the assistant and pui>il of Professor Agassiz, who l)rought him to the United States in 184:7, in company with Mr. E. Desor. Dr. Girard remained in Cam- bridge, Massachusetts, as a student and assistant to Agassiz until the fall of 1850, Iwhen he removed to Washington, and engaged in the nat- ural history work of the Smithsonian Institution, where for a number of years he was Professor Baird's i)rincipal assistant, showing marked aptitude for scientific work. The Smithsonian Institution afforded him new opportunities for the pursuit of scientific work, and becoming a naturalized citizen in 1854, he took a medical course at Georgetown College, and was graduated therefrom in 185C. In connection with his medical studies he pursued his scientific researches in the Smithsonian Institution where he remained until 1860, when he decided to visit Paris. Meanwhile the civil war occurred which delayed his return to Washington, behaving accepted a commission to supply the Confederate army with drugs and surgical instruments. In 1863 Dr. Girard made a tour of the Southern States, and in 1865 returned to Paris, entering immediately upon thie practice of medicine, to which he has devoted fif- teen years of his life. He now lives in comparative retirement at Neu- illy sur Seine, near Paris, where he still devotes himself to scientific study. He is a man of letiring habits and great industry. While in America he held high rank among descriptive naturalists. His special studies were the herpetology and ichthyology of North America, and in the domain of ichthyology he is particularly well known for his work on the cyprinif the cottoids is the most elaborate of his scientific writings, although his ichthyology of the Pacific coast, that of the Mexican ])oundary, and his herpetology of the United States Exploring Expedition are niucli more extensive. Several papers upon helminthology, the practice of medicine, the theory of life, the bibliography of science, and kindred subjects were published by him. VI BULLETIN 11, UNITED STATE.S NATIONAL MUSEUM. Ill 18G1 Dr. Girard Tvas awarded the Cuvier i»iize 1»y the Institute of France.* Dr. Girard's connection with the Smithsonian Institution is best re. membered by his association with Prof. Spencer F. Baird, in preparing the well known Catalogue of ISTorth American Reptiles, Part i. Serpents, and in describing numerous species and genera of American reptiles and fishes. His career as an author covered a period of about forty years, extending from 1850 to 1891. His contributions to science num- ber eighty-one ]>apers, distributed as follows: Herpetology, 21; ichthy- ology, 42; helminthology, 14; theoretical biology, 3; medicine, 1 ; bibli- ography, 3. No portrait of Dr. Girard has been i»ublislied, but the Xatioiial ]\Iu- seum has a small portrait painted in Paris in 1847, by Albert de Meuron. The following genera and species have been named in his honor: Girardinus, Poey. Girardinichthys, Bleeker. Cambarus Girardianus, Faxon. Microcyphus Girardi, Desor. Synapta Girardi, Pourtales. Vortex Girardi, Schmidt. **The commission on awards in its report published in " Comptes Rendns des Stances de I'Academie des Sciences, 1861, Vol. Lir, p. 594," says: "Parmi les ouvrages adress^s an conconrs pour le prix Cuvier, la Uommission a remarciue cenx d'nn zoologiste americain, M. Girard, snr la faune ichtliyologi(ine des regions occidentales dn nonvean nionde, et snr les reptiles recneilles pendant le voyage d'exploration du Capitaine Wilkes dans les mers antarctiqnes. Le dernier travail publi6 aux frais du gouvernement des £tats-Unis n'est pas indigne de prendre place a c6t6 des beaux et importants ouvrages dont le principal naturaliste de cette expedition, M. Dana, avait precddemment enrichi la science." B I B L 1 O G \i A I' [I Y PUBLISHED WRITINGS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. 1). I.-CHRONOLOGICAL CATALOGUE. 1. 1849. GiKARD, Charlks. Ou the Geuns Cottus JucL Proceedings Boston Society Natural History, iii, 183-90, 1849. Thus far the Cottus embodied both fresh-water and marine species. In compliance with tlie strict rules of scientific nomenclature, the name of Cottus, properly so called, created by Artedi, is hencieforth retained for tlio freshwater species, or Miller's Tluimb; whilst that of Acanthocottus is ma^le to include the marine species, or Sculpins au/'NciV»cc,xi, 2d series, 41, 1851. Revised edition in Proceedings ^Imerican Association for Advancement of Science, iv, 258, 1851. 17. 1851. (iiRARn, Charles. On the Organs of Vision and Nervous System in the Em- liryo of Ascidia. Proceedings lioston Societi/ of Xafitral Histori/, iv, 30-31, 1851. Views on the oculiforni spot in embryo representing the nervous system o{ Ascidia. 18. 1851. GiRARD, Charles. Die Planaricii mid Nemertinen Nordamerikas. Xordamc- rircanischer Monatshericht fur Xaliir and Heilkitnde. Keller and Tiedeman, I'hiladelphia, ii, 1851, p. 1. I'L.WAKIAX.S. Phagocata, Leidy 1 Phagocata gracilis, Lcidy : 1 Dendrocn'luiii pnlcherrlmuin, ( i rd 2 Dendroeo'luni aiqx'rbuui, ( ird 2 Planaria tigriiia, G rd 2 Ddgesia, Grd 2 Dugesia gonocephaloiden, Grd 2 prr.Lic'ATioxs of charles gieard, m. d. 6 1851. UiiiAiiK, Ciiahlks— ( '(Mitimird. IMiijenia maculala, (jrd 3 Vicinities of I'liila., Lciily, Giranl. ProHouia xiargiuatnm, Lcidy 3 VitiiiititH of I'liilii., Lcidy. Planocera elliptica, ( i rd 3 Polycelix variabiliii, (ird . . . . .^ 3 ProsthiostoinuiH ijrac!li% Clrd 3 PKOcERonES, (iirard 4 Procerodes Wheatlandi, (ird -. 4 Vortex 'Warreni, Grd 4 Vortex Candida, 0 rd 4 Monoeelis ipatuUcauda, ii. s 4 Bonton llarbor, Cli. Girard. Nemerteans. Ptlia qracilin, ii . s 4 BoHtoii Harl)or, ("li. (iirard. TetraiteiiDiia nerpeiitina, ii. s 4 Boston Harbor, Cli.Oirard. Meckelia fragilU, ii. s 4 Chelsea Beach (Mass.), Ch. Giravd. 19. 1851. GiRARP, Charles. On a new Genus of American C'ottoids. Provirdiuffs Ronion Society of Xatiiral ffistorii, iv, 18-lH. 1851. Trigi.op.sis, 11. g 19 Triglopais Thoinpxoni, ii. .s 19 Oswego, Professor Baird. 20. 1851. Girard, Charles. Historical skotcli of Gordiacenn. Proceedbujs Acndeuiy of Xatiiml Sciences rhiUideJphiu, v, 279-284. 1851. Observations on the anatomical structure of Gordiace;¥. 21. 1851. Girard, Charles. The Seventeen-year Locusts {Cicada septeudecim.) liosion Evcniutj Traveller, Sept. 3, 1851. The metamorphosis of the 17-year locust have been so thoroughly investigated, especially by the late iliss H. Morris, of Gennantown, Pa., that no roimi is left for any doul)t as to the jieriod of 17 years of its nndergronnd life. The phenomenon of its regular appearance above ground every 17 years has attracted the attention of the learned community, which carefully recorded the ))eriods during the present century. A curious stat(Mnent resulteil therefrom, viz, that, although reappearing regularly every 17 years in the same locality, minor swanns of that insect were noticed in other locali ties, apiH'ariiig likewise regularly every 17 years, the ])eriods of which, liowever, were not synchronic « ith those of the appearance of the larger swarms. The question then arose whether the insect had been created at repeated times during a given epoch in the history of the earth, or whether they all jiroceeded from a single creation in a single locality, whence they subsequently spread into the manifold places where they are now observed. The late Dr. Burnett, of Boston, having brought the matter before the American Associa- tion for the Advancenient of Science at the Albany meeting of August, 1852, upheld the theory of repeated creations of the insect in various localities. Dr. Girard took up the opjiosite view, defending the idea of one sole creation on a single locality, imimting the existenct^ of the minor swarms to accidental mig)'ati(Uis and climatic influences, without actual transformation in their anatomical and zoohigical cLaraetera. 6 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 22. 1851. GiKAKi), CHAia.KS. Description of a new I'laiiaria and a uew NciucrteH from the Coast of Florida. ProceedhKjH Boston Society of Xaiural Mistori/, iv, 137. 1851. Thysanozoon nigrum, ii . s 137 Cape Florida, L. F. Pourtales. Meclcelia atra, ii. .s 137 Cape Florida, L. F. Pourtales. 23. 1851. (fiRAKn, CiiARi.KS. Mammalia. IconograpliicEncyclopmVia of Science, Litirature, and Arts. New York, S^>. 1851. (See. No, 25.) 24. 1851. GiRARD, Charles. On the Classification of Mammalia. Proceedings of American Association for Advancemen t of Science, iv, 319-35. 1851. Two schematic plates represent, one, the classification of maniinalia from a l)iological point of view; the other illustrates the historic development of that class through geological eras. 25. 1851. Girard, Charlks, with Spencer F. Baird and others. Outlines | of | Gen- eral Zoology I "Mammals," Charles Girard | "Birds," John Cassin | "Rep- tiles," Spencer F. Baird | " Fishes," Spencer F. Baud | "Invertebrates," S. S. Haldeman | — | Reprinted from the Iconographic Encyclopjedia | of Science, Literatnre, and Art | — | New York: | Rudolph Garriciue, Publisher | 2 Bar clay St., Astor House | 1851. | 8vo. 502. 1851. This extract constitutes the zoological portion of th(! work entitled "Iconograpliic Ency- clopanlia * * "," specially compiled and rewritten, with special reference to adaptation to this country. Section relating to mammalia, ])p. 392-5(12, contains a full classification of the group, with a special chapter on Geographical Distrihution of Mammalia, p. 498. 26. 1852. Girard, Charles. Contributions to the Natural History of the Fresh-water Fishes of North America. I, Monograph of the Cottoids, with 3 plates. [Smithsonian Contributions to Knoivledjje, vol. iii.] 1852. 4to. CoTTi's. Artedi 33 Cottus Ricfiardgoni, Agass., pi. i, figs. 1-2 39 Northern shore of Lake Superior, Agassiz. Cottus cognatus, Richards 41 Cottun Wilnoni, n. s., pi. i, figs. 3, 4 42 French Creek, Pa., L. D. "Williams ; Alleghany River, Professor Baird. Cottun Bairdi, Grd., pi. i, figs. 5, 6 44 Mahoning River, Professor Baird. Cottus A Ivordi. n. s., pi. i, figs. 7, 8 46 Lake Huron, Major Alvord. Oottus meridionalis, Grd., pi. i, figs. 9, 10 47 .Tames River, Va., Rock Creek, District of Columhia. Oottus gracilis. Heck., pi, i, figs. 11, 12 49 Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York States. Cottus i:iseosus, Hald., pi. ii, figs. 1, 2 51 Reading and Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Professor Baird; Rohrersville, Maryland ; Rock Creek, District of Columbia. Cottus Franklini, Agass., pi. ii, figs, 5, 6 53 Southern and eastern shores Lake Superior, Agassiz. Cottus gobioideg, Grd,, pi, ii, figs. 3, 4 55 Lamoille River, Ransom Colberth. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D. 7 1852. GiRARD, Charles — Contiimod. Cottim boleoidex, Grd., pi. ii, figs. 7,8 56 Windaor, Vermont, Eil. C;ib(»t. Cottus formos^is, ii. s 58 Lake Ontario, Profes.sor Baird. CottUK Fahricii, Grd 59 Greenland, O. Fabriciu.s. COTTOPSis, Giraid 62 Cottopsis asper, Grd 6'3 Columbia River, Dr. Gairdner. Teiglopsis, Girard 64 Triglopnis Thompsoni, Grd., pi. ii, figs. 9, 10 65 Lake Ontario, Professor Baird. 26.(1 1852. Girard, Charles. Oh Salmo 0(xua.s.sa, a new spooio.s of l^akc Trout. Proceedings Boston Society of XaturoJ Histori/, i\ , 202-3. 1852. Salmo oqnassa, n. s 262 Moosemegantie Lake, Charles Girard. 27. 1852. Girard, Charles. American Zoological, Botanical, aud Geological Bibliog- raphy for the year 1851. Prejiared at the recjiiest of Prof. Spencer F. Haird, Assistant Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. SiUiman's Atnericun Journal Science and Arts, xlii, 2 ser. 1852. Appenlbar^lx Pealei, n. s 87 Potomac at AVashington, District of Columbia, Girard. Cambarus rusticux, n. a '. . . 88 Ohio River at Cincinnati, Baird. Cambarus propinqtms, n. .s 88 Lake Ontario, Sackett's Harbor, Oswego, Baird. Cambarus fosgor, f!rd 88 Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Vork, Girard. (Raliuesque.) 8 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1852. GiiiAUD, Charles — Coutinucd. SECOND GUOUr. Canibarus Bartoni, TSrichs 88 Pt'uusylvauia, New York, De Kay; Massachusetts, Gould, etc. Camhanis CaroUnuii, Ericlis 88 Carolina, Ericlison ; Anderson, South Carolina, Girard. C'ambanis montanus, n. s 88 Virginia and Maryland, Girard. Camharun diogenes, u. s 89 Meadows about Washington, District of Columbia, Charles Girard. Camharus longulus, n . s 90 Middle States of the United States, Girard. Camharus pusillua, Grd 90 Lake Ontario, near Saratoga, Lake George, Lake Chaniplaiu, Utica, Oswego, (Raflnesque) Baird. Camharus robustus, n. s 90 Humber River near Toronto, Canada, Girard. Camhanis Gambeli, n. s 90 California, Dr. W. Gambel. Cambarus Nebrascensis, n. s 91 Fort Pierre, Kebraska, Culbert-son. THIKU tJllUUP. Cambarus BlanditKji, Erichs 91 Southern States, Harlan; Summerville, South Carolina, Charles Girard. Camharus Clarki, n. s 91 Tt^xas, John H. Clark. Cambarus acutus, n. s 91 Mobile River, Mississipx)i, D. C. Lloyd. Cambarus acutisshnus, n. s 90 Mobile River, Mississippi, D. C. Lloyd. Cher.\ps, Erichs 87 Engaeus, Erichs 87 30. 1852. GiRART), CiiARLKS. R6vision du jrenre Cottns dos auteurs. iSchwelzcrische GeseUschuft fur die (Icnammten Xatuncisscnschafteii, xii, 1852, pp. 28. Sl'El'IES <)K THE OKIENTAL HEMISPHERE. Acaiithucottus scorpius, Grd 6 European oceans at large. Acanthocottus bubalis, Grd 6 Coasts of France and England, North i\vA. Acanthocottus quadricoriiis, Grd 7 Baltic Sea, Engl.iiul and Scandinavia. Acanthocottus jaok, Grd 7 Kanitsehatka, I'allas. Acanthocottus iilattjccphalus, Gi'd 7 Pallas, (,'uvier and \'alenciennes. Acanthocottus diceraus, (Jrd 7 Sea of ICanitscliatka, Tilesius. Acanthocottus ^^entraUs, (ird 8 Sea of Kanitschatk.i, Collie. Acanthocottus claviger, Grd 8 Sea of Kaintschatka, Collie. Acanthocottus Mcrtcnsl, Grd 8 Sea of Kanitsehatka, Mertens. Acanthocottus inarmoratus, Grd 8 Sea of Kanitsehatka, Mertens. The following two species are from tlie Tertiary e]m
  • tion of two new genera and two new species of Planarite. Proceedings Boston Society of Xatnral Historij, iv, 210-19. 1852. NiOBE, n. g 210 Niobe zonata, n. s 211 Boston Harbor. FoviA, n . g 211 Fovia Warreni, Grd 211 Dugtsia Foremani, n. s 211 Tiber Creek, District of Columbia, and Four Mile Run. C. (Jirard. Pdelkmra parasitica, Leidy, being identi.al witli Voi-ti'X ranilidti, Gid., tlic spe.ies will be recorded henceforth as follows : Bdelloura Candida, Grd 211 10 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 33. 1852. GiKAiiO, CiiAKLK.s. All accoimt of ;i new species of Spataugitlaj. rrucci'dintjii Boston Society of Natural HMory, W., 213. 1852 A mphidetus Kurtzi, n. s 213 Folly Islunil, South Carolina, J. 1). Kurtz; Cape Fear, North Caroliu.i, Ch. Girard. 34. 1852. GiRAUD, Chakles, witli SpkncerF. Baird. Cbaracteristicsof some New Rep- tiles iu the Museum of tlxe Smitlisouiaii Institutioii. First Part. Proceedings Academy of Natural Scicnccti I'hiladrlphiit, v'l, 68-70. 1852. Siredon lichenoides, ii. s C8 Lake at the head of Sauta F6 Creek, New Mexico, It. II. Kern. Cnemidophorus tigrig, n. s 69 Valley of Great Salt L.ake, Stiiusbury. Vrotaphytus Wizlizeni, ii . s 69 Santa Fe, Dr. Wizlizenusi between Sau Antonio and El Paso del Norte, J. I). Gra- ham. Uta, n. g 09 Uta Stansbtiriana, n. s 69 Valley of Great Salt Lake, Captain Stanshury. Sceloporus gracioaus, n. s 69 Valley of Great Salt Lake. Elgaria seincicauda, n . s 69 Oregon . Plestiodon skiltonianum, n. s .-,... . 69 Oregon, Rev. George Geary. Phrynosomaplatj/rhinum, n. s 69 Valley of Great Salt Lake, Stansl)ury"s p.arty. Pliri/nosoma modeHuin, n . s 69 Valley of the Rio Grande, General Chnrcliill; between San Antonio and Pa.so del Norte, Colonel Graham. Churchili.ia, u. g 70 CliwrcJi illia hcluna, n . s 70 Rio (Jrande, General Churchill. Coluber mormon, n. s 70 Valley of Great Salt Lake, Captain Stansbury. Heterodpn nasicum, n. s 70 Texas, Gener.al Churchill. 35. 1852. Girard, Charles, with Spencer F. Baird. Characteristics of some New Rep- tiles iu the Museum of the Siiiithstmiau Institution. By Speucer F. Baird and Charles Girard. Second Part. Containing' tlie species of the Saurian order, colk'cted hy .John H. Clark, und(n- Col. .1. D. Graham, head of the Scientific Corps, United States and Mexican Boundary Commission, iiiid a few others from tlie same .-idjoiniujr territories, obtained from other sources, and mentioned uiuh-r tlieir special lieadinj^s. Proceediuijs Academy ofN'atural Sciences Philadelphia, vi, pp. 125-9. Presented for ])ul>lication .July G, ordered jirinted Aug. 31, 1852. Holbroolcia Texana, P.. and G. R 125 Holbroolcia affinis, n. s. Along the Rio San Pi'dro. Holbroolcia propinqua, n. s 126 Texas, between ludiauola and San Antonio. Crotaptiyttm Gambeli, u. s. California, Wni. Ganibel. Crotaphytus dorsalis, u. s. Desert of Colorado, California, J. L. Leconte. I7a ornata, ii. s. Rio San Pedro, Texa.s. PITBLICATION8 OF CIIAKLES GIRARD, M. D. 11 1852. (JiUAHi), Charlks — C'ontiinicd. isceloporus I'oinnetti, ii. s 127 Rio San IVdm, and t\w province ot'Souora. Sceloporun Clarki, n. s. Sceloporus Thayeri, n. s. ludianola, Texas. Sceloporus dispar, ii. s. Vera Cruz, Dr. Burrough.s. Onemidophorus mafuioratiix, n. .s 12S Between San Antonio, Texas, and El Paso del Norte. CneinidopJiurus (iraliaiui, ii. s. Found with ]ireeediuj; species. Cne»iidophorus gularh; ii. s. Indiauola, Texas, and the Valley of the Kio San Pedro. Cnetuidophiinis pcrplezus, n. s. Valley of the Rio Sau Pedro. Onemidophorus gracilis, n. s. De.sert of Colorado, J. L. Lecoute. Cneiitidophorus prcesig7iis, n. .s. Chagres, C. B. Adams. PleHiodon obsoletum, n. s. Valley of the Rio San Pedro. Elgaria nohilis, u. s. Fort Webster, New Mexico 129 36. 1852. GiRARD, Charles, u-\1h Spkxcer F. Baird. Characteristics of some New Rep- tiles iu the Mnsenin of tlie Sinithsoiiiau lustitiitioii. By .Spencer F. Baird aud Charles Girard. Third Part. Coiitainiujji,- the Batriiehiaus iu the t(dlec- tion made by J. II. Clark, esq., under Col. .T. 1). Graham, ou the United States and Mexican Boundary. Proceedings Academy Naturtd Sciences Philadelphia, vi, i>. 173. Presented for publication Oct. 21, ordered printed Oct. 26, 18.52. Ainhhjstoma proserpine, n. s 173 On the route from Montgomery, Mexico. Bana areolata, n. s. Rio San Pedro of the Gila. Bufo punetatus, n. s. Rio San Pedro of the Rio Grande del Norte. Bufo granulosus, n. s. Between Indianola and San Antonio, Texas. 37. 1852. Girard, Charles, with Spkxcer F. Baird. Descriptions of New Species of Reptiles, collected by the U. S. Exploring Expedition uiulerthe comuumd of Cajjt. Charles Wilkes, U. S. N. First paxt. — Includinji; the .species from the Western Coast of America. Proceedings Academy Natural Sciences I'hiladelphia, vi, 171-177, 1852. Pre- sented for publication Oct. (>, ordered ])rinted Oct. 20, 1852. Attibli/sloiiia tenebrosuin, n. s 174 Oregon. liana aurora, n. s. I'uget Sound. liana Draytoni, n. s. San Francisco, Cidifornia, and on Columbia River. llyla regilla, n. s. Sacremento River, in Oregon and Puget Sound. liufo boreas, n. s. Columbia River and Puget .Sound. Sceloporus gracilis, n.s 175 Oregon. 12 JU'LLETIX Jl, INITKI) STATES NATIONAL MU.SKl'M. 1851'. GiHAUD, ('iiAi!ij;s, H-Uh .Si'ENCEK F. 13a1hi»— Coutinucd. Scelojyoroun or.cidf>itali>:, ii.s • 17" California, probaljly Oivj^oii. Sceloporoim frontalin, ii. s I''-' Paget Sound. Elgaria principis, li. s. Oregon and Piiget Sound. FAgaria fonnona, n. s. California. FAgaria grandis, n. s • 176 Tropidoiwtus ordinoides, n. a. Pugot Sound. Wenona, n. g. Wenotia Jsahella, n. a. Pugct Sound. Calamaria temiix, n. s. Paget Sound. Crotalus lucifer, n. s. Oregon and California. Emyg marmorata, n. s. Puget Sound. 38. 1853. GiRARD. Charlk.><, with Spencer F. Baird. Catalogue | of | North American Reptiles | in the Museum of tlie | Smithsouian lustitutiou. | — | Parti. — Ser- pents. I By I S. F. Baird and C. Girard. | — [Seal of tht^ Smithsonian Institu- tion.] I W:ishin<;ton : | Smithsonian Institution. | January, 1853. [Accepted for publication November, 1852.] 8vo, pp. xvi, 172. CONTENTS. Page. Preface - v Introduction vii Explanation.s of Terms )ised. Synop.si.s of families and genera and sy.'itcniatic order of .specie.s of Nortli American Serpents ix Catiilogue of Serpents 1-144 Appendix A. — Species examined, of which no specimens are in possession of the Smith.souian Institution 145 Appendix B.— Species d(^scribed by authors, but of which no specimens could be obtained 150 Appendix C— Species collected on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey by .John H. Clark and Arthur Schott, under Maj. Wm. H. Emory, and received too late for insertion in their proper places - 156 Appendix D. — Index of Sources from which the specimens have been received 162 Appendix E. — Index of States and Territories from which specimens have been re- ceived 164 Alphabetical Index 165 1. Vern-icuLir Names 1C5 2. Systematic Names 167 Although published under the names of the two authors as a joint production, this work is a .series of monographs for which the individual authors only claimed to be responsible. The record of authorship is lost. In the following list of species discussed, the parts written by Professor Baird, so far as he can recall the matter to memory, are printed in italic type, those by Girard in heavy-faced tyjie. " In the present catalogue it is i)roi>osed to present a systematic account of the collection of North American Serpents in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution. In the Appen- dix will be found such species not in possession of the Institution, as could be borrowed for description, as well as notes on more or less authentic species of which no specimens could be found. "A complete synonomy of all the species has not been attempted, as tending to swell the bulk of a catalogue too mu(;h. All thosi% however, necessary to a ])roper understanding of the history or character of the species, have been introduced, and all the .synonyms (juoted have been actiudly verified by original reference. " Owing til the want of ostecdogical preparations, it has been a difficult task to arrange the genera in a natural succession. In many cases forms are now combined which will hereafter PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIEARD, M. D. 13 1852. GiRARD, Charles, with Spencer F. Baird — Coutiuued. Tiecessarily be widely separatiMl. The almost entire detjciency of modern general works upon the Coluhridii;, has also been a serious obstacle to any correct idea of a natural system. 'J'hc forthcoming work of M. M. Duni6ril will uudoubtly clear np luiich of the obscurity which now exists. But when systematic writers all carefully avoid the sulyect of the Ojiliidians, each waiting for the others to make the first step, the attempt to combine genera by well- marked, tliouj^h perha])s artificial points of relation, will, it is hoped, bo looked ujmn with indulgence, even after more c(miprehensive and extended investigations shall render it neces- sary to break >ip the combinations here adopted. "The collections upon which the original descriptions of the present catalogue have been based are as follows: — Spencer F. Baird. Species froni Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Charles frirard. Maine, Massachusetts, and South Carolina. Re^'. Charles Fox. Species from eastern Michigan. Dr. P. R. Hoy. Species from eastern Wisconsin. Prof. L. Agassiz. Lake Superior, Lake Huron, and Florida. Dr. J. P. Kirkland. Northern Ohio. G. W. Fahnestock. "Western Pennsylvania. Miss Valeria Blaney. Eastern Shore of Maryland. Dr. C. B. E. Keunerly. Nortbern Virginia. John H. Clark. Maryland, Texas, New Mexico, and Sonora. John Varden. District of Columbia and Louisiana. Dr. J. B. Barratt. Western South Carolina. Miss Charlotte Paine and Mrs. M. E. Daniel. Western South Carolina. Dr. S. B. Barker. Charleston, S. C. Prof. F. S. Holmes and Dr. W. J. Burnett. South Carolina. K. R. Cuyler and Dr. W. L. Jones. Georgia. D.C.Lloyd. Eastern Mississippi. Dr. B. F. Shumard and Col. B. L. C. Wailes. Mis.siasippi. James Fairie. Mexico and Western Louisiana. Capts. R. B. Marcy and G. B. McClellan, U. S. A. Red River, Ark. Ferdinand Lindheimer. Central Texas. Col. J. D. Graham, U. S. A. The specimens collected while on the U. S. and Mex. Boundary Survey, by Mr. J. H. Clark, viz., in Texas, New Mexico, and Soriora. Maj. W. H. JImory. Specimens collected on the U.S. and Mexican Boundary Survey by Arthur Scbott, at Eagle Pass, Tex., and by J. H. Clark, in Texas and New Mexico. Gen. S. Churchill, V. S. A. Valley of the Rio Grande. Dr. L. Edwards, U. S. A. Northern Mexico. Dr. Win. Gambel. New Mexico and California. Dr. John L. Le Conte. Littoral California. Dr. C. C. Boyle and J. S. Bowman. Central California. Dr. A. J. .Skilton. Species collected in California by Heniy Moores, Esq. U. S. Exploring Expedition. Littoral California and Oregon. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Various unique specimens described by Dr. Holbrook. Boston Society of Natural History. California. " Smithsonian Institution, January 5, 1853." SYSTEMATIC INDEX OF WELL-ASCERTAINED SPECIES OF NORTH AMERICAN SERPENTS. Crotalus, Linn. Page. 1. Crotalus dnrissue, Linn Penna., Louisiana, Mississippi 1 2. " admanteris, Beauv South Carolina 3 8. " flf^or, B. & G., n. s Texas 5 4. " lucifer, H. &. G Oregon 6 5. " confluentus, Say Arkansas, Texas 8 6. " moto««M« B. & G., n. s Sonora 10 7. " oregonus, Holbr Columbia River 145 CROTALOPHORrs, (Jray. 1. Vrotalophorus miliarivn, Holier Georgia, South Carolina 11 2. " co/isors, B. & G., n. s Texas 12 3. " tergeminuii. Holbr - Wise, Mich., Ohio 14 4. " Edwardn, li. S^ G., n. s Mexico. Sonora 15 5. " Kirtla^idi, KolhT Ohio 16 14 BULLETIN 41, UNITED 8TATEIS NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1853. GiRAKi), f'HAKLKS, xvith Spkncek F. Baird — Continued. Agkistrodon, Beanv. 1. Aykigtrodon contort rix, B. & G Ohio, Penn., S. C, La 17 ToxicoPHis, Tioost. 1 . ToxicophU pixcivorui, B. & G Louisiana 19 2. " j)M3>iaa;, B. i«», Holbr S. C, Miss 59 6. " 7ia)ficMS, B. & G Ark., Texas, Sonora, Cal 61 PiTUOPHis, Holbr. 1. Pitvophis 7nelanoleucus, Holbr Carolina 65 2. " bellonaB. Si,G Texas, Cal., Sonora 66 3. " McClellani, B. &. G.,l^.a Arkansas 68 4. " catenifer, B. &, G California 69 5. " Wilkcd, B. & G., n. s Oregon 71 6. " a?i?icc. and (i. San Diego. 5. Rhinocheilus Lecontei, B. and G. San Diego. 6. Contea mitis, B. and G. San J 086. 7. Diadophis amabilis, B. and G. San Jose. 8. Rena humilis, B. and G. Vallecitas, California SACRIANS. 1. Crotaphytus dorsalis, B. and G 301 Desert of Colorado. 2. Sceloponis occidentalis, B. anAG. San Francisco. 3. Uta StansbuHana, B. and G. Valley of Great Salt Lake. 4. Uta ornata, B. and G. San Diego and San Francisco. 5. Phrynosoma coronatum, Blainv. San Diego. 6. Cnemidophorous gracilis, B. and G. Desert of Colorado. 7. Elgaria scincicauda, B. and G. Califoruia. 8. Plegtiodon SkiUoniatmm, B. and G. San Diego. 9. Anniella pnlchra, Gray. San Diego. BATRACHIANS. 1. Bufo halophila, n. s 301 Benicia. 2. Hyla regilla, B. and G. San Francisca or San Francisco. 3. Litoria occidentalU, n. s. San Francisco. 4. Jiana Lecontei, n. s. San Francisco. 5. Aneiden liiguhrig, Baird. San Francisco. 6. Batrachoxepx attenuata, Bon. San Francisco. 7. Taricha livvin, n. s. San Francisco. 40. 1853. GiRARD, Charles, tcith SrEXCEU F. Baird. [Report, on thej Reptiles in SfdiiKhiirji^'i Exploration and fiurvcy of the Vallei/ of Great Salt Lake of Utah. Washington. 1853. 8^^. tiiredon lichenoidex, Bainl, ]>1. i Xid (Jnemidopliorux tigrU; 15. and ( ! ., ])1. ii :j:i8 CkOTAPHYTI'S, Holl)rook 339 Crotapliiitus Widizeni i). and G., \t\. iii 340 Bull. 41, N. M. li 18 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1853. GiiiAiJi), Charles, with Spknceu F. Baihd— Continuea. HoLBROOKiA, Girard 341 HolbrooHa maculata, Giianl, ]il. vi, fig. 1-3 342 Uta, Baird and Girard 344 TJta Stanihuriana, B. and G.,pl. v, fig 4-6 345 Sceloporus (jracioms, B. and G., pi. v, fig. 1-3 346 Elgaria icincicauda, B. and G., pi. iv, fig. 1-3 348 FleMiodoii Skiltoniamim, B. and G., pi. iv, fig. 4-6 349 Churchillia, B. and G 350 ChurchilUa hellona, B. and G 350 Coluber mormon, B. and G 351 Ilcterodon nadcxis, B. and G 352 41. 1853. GiitAKi), Charles. A niouogrniiliic essay on the. genns Phrt/nosoma. Stau.ibiiri/'s Exploration and Snrviij of the Valley of Great Salt Lake of Utah. Washiugtou. 8^. 1853. The following species are disiusscd : rhrijnosoma Douglanisi Gray, pi. vii, fig. 6-10 362 Valley of Great Salt Lake, Captain Stan.sbiiry. Fhrynomma platyrliinurm, G., pi. vii, fig. 1-5 363 About (ireat Salt Lake, Stansbury. rhnjnoisoma modcatmn, G., pi. vi, fig. 4-8 365 Valley of Rio Grande west of San Antonio, General Cliurehill. Fhrynokoma orbindare, Wiegm 359 Mexico and in Sonora. Phrynosoma cvrnntum, Gray, pi. viii, fig. 1-G 360 Texas, Arliansas, and Louisiana. Fhrynot:oina coroiiatum, Blainv., pi. viii, fig. 7-12 360 Oregon and California. 42. 1853. Girard, Charles, with Spencer F. Baird. Description of some uew fishes from the Eiver Zuni. Proceedings Academy Xatural Scieiicrs Philadclj^hia, vi, 1853, pp. 368,369. GiL.\, B. &G., n.g 368 1 . Gila robunta, n. s 369 River Zuni. 2. Oila elegans, n. s 369 River Zuni. 3. Oila ijraciliii, u. s 369 River Zuui. 43. 1853. Girard, Charles, ((■)"//( Spexcer F. Baird. Description of New Species of Fishes collected hy Captains 11. B. Marcy and Geo. B. McClellan in Arkansas. Proc((diiitj.s Academy Xatural Sciences Philadeljihia, vi, 1853, jip. 390-392. liead Aug. 30, 1853. 1. Foinotin hreviceps. n. s 390 Otter Creek, Arkansas. 2. Fomotis longidus, u.s 391 Otter Creek, Arkansas. 3. Leuciicim lutrenxii, n. s. Otter Creek, Arkansas. 4. Lenciscus btibalinus, n. s. Otter Creek, Arkansas?. 5. Ceratichthys vigilax, n. s. Otter Creek, Arkansas. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D. 19 44. 1853. GiRARi), Charles, ivith Spenxer F. Baird. [Report on the] Fishes iu Sit- greaves' Report of an ExpcdUion down the Zuhl and Colorado Hirers. Washing- ton. 1853. 8". Gila, B. & G 148 1. Gila robusta, B. & G , pi. i (fishes) 148 ZiiBi River. 2. Gila clegans, B. iV G., pi. ii (tishe.s) 150 Zuiii River. 3. Gila (jracilin, B. &- G., pi. iii (fishes) 151 Zuiii Kiver. 45. 1853. GiRARD, Charles, with Spexcer F. Baird. [Report on the] Reptiles in Marcy and McCleUan'ti Exploration of the lied Biver of Louisiana in the year 1S53. Washington, 1853, pp. 217-214. serpent-s. Crotalus, L 217 Crotalus eonjluentus, Say, i)l. i 217 Western Texas. EUTAINIA, B. , CiiAHLKs. [Kc])ieal Collections of the U. S. Explorinj^ Expedition." Proeeedhu/s Academy Xatiiral Sciences Philadelphia, am, 1853, pp. 378-379. Read Ang. 9, 1853. liana pretiosa, n. s 378 Puget Sound. Biifo Columbiensig, n. s. Columbia River. 51. 1853. GiRARD, Charles. On a New Species of the Genns Salmo, Proceedings Academy of Xaiural Sciences Philadelphia, vi, 380-1, 1853. Salmo sehago, n. s 380 Southern part of the State of Maine. 52. 1853. GiRARD, Charles. Observations upon tlie American Species of the Genua Esox. Proceedings Academy of Xatural Sciences Philadelphia, vi, 386. 1853, A comparative examination of Esox estor and Eaox reticulatus. 53. 1853. GiRARD, Charles. Note upon a Nest Constructed by Catfisb. Proceedings Academy of Xalural Sciences Philadelphia, vi, 387. 1853. Observations at Sctiuylkill Falls, Pennsylvania. 54. 18.53. GiRARD, Charles. Publications of Learned Societies and Periodicals in the Library of the Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Contrihutions to Knowledge, vii, 18.53, Appendix. Part ii, Ibid., viii. 18.56. Stimpsonia, n. g. Stiinpsonia at(rttiitiaca. n. a 367 Charleston Harbor. I'lanocera nebnlom, n. s. Charleston Harbor, Lieutenant Kurtz and Wni. Stimpson. Imooine, n. g. Iinogine ooulifera. n. s. Sullivan's Island, South Carolina; Charles (iirard. 22 BULLETIN 41, tmiTED STaTES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 55. 1853. GlKAUi), ClIAKLES. Descriptions of New Neuicrtcans aud Plaiuirians from the coast of the Carolinas. Proceedings Academy of Katiirai Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 365-7, 1853. liorlasia Kurtzi, n.s - •- •- - — -- — 3C6 Cliaiicston Harbor. Renieria, n. g. Jienieria rubra, n. s. Charleston Harbof. Leodes, n. g. Leodeg atriolenta, n. 9. Charleston Harbor. Amphiporug sanguineus, n. s. Charleston Harbor. Meckelia poeahontas, n. s. Coast of North and South Carolina. Mecielia lizzice, n.s 367 Charleston Harbor. 56. 1853. GiRART), Charles, with Spencer F. Baird. Description of New Species of Fishes collected by Mr. John H. Clark, on the U. S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, under Lt. Col. Jas. D. Graham. Proceedings Academg Natural Sciences Philadelphia, vi, 1853, pp. 387-390. Read Aug. 30, 1853. Pilevma carbonaria, n.a 387 Rio Salado, Texas. Boleosoma lepida, n.s 388 Upper tributaries of the Rio Nueces, Texas. Pomotus aquilensis, n. s. Eagle Pass, Texas. Catostonius latipinnis, n. s. Rio San Pedro of the Rio Gila. Gila Emoryi, n. s. Near mouth of the Gila. Gila Grahami, n.s 389 Rio San Pedro of the Gila. Fundulus graudis, n. s. Brackish waters in the vicinity of Indlanola, Texas. Fundulus tenelliis, n. s. Prairie Mer Rouge, Louisiana, and Ruasellville, Kentucky. Hydrargyra similis, n.s. Brackish waters in the vicinity of Indianola. Cyprinodon elegans, n. s. Rio Grand del Norte. Cyprinodon macularius, u. s. Rio Gila. Cyprinodon hovinus, n.s. Leon's Springs, Rio Grande del Norte. Cyprinodon gibboius, n.s '.. 390 Brackish waters of Indianola. ITeterandria affinis, n. s. Rio Medina and Rio Salado. Ueterandria nobilis, n. s. Leona and Comanche Springs. Heterandria patruelis, n. s. Hydrographic basin of the Rio Nueces. Ueterandria occidi'ntalis, n. s. Rio Santa Cruz of the Rio Gila. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D. 23 57. GiKAKi), CilARLKS. Di'sciiptiuus of Ne\y Species of Rcptilos colloctod l).v tbe U. S. Exploring Expedition under the coniniiind of Ciipt. Charles Wilkes, U. S. N. Second Part. — Including the species of liatrachians exotic; to North America. Proceedhnjs Academy of Natural Sciences rhiladeJpliia, vi, 420-24, 1853.* KANID^. LeptoDactylus, I^itz 420 Leptodactylus ocellatus, Grd - » » . . . • - 420 Leptodactylus lahyriiithicus, Onl 420 Leptodactylus typhonius, Fitz > ^ - 420 Leptodactylus serialis, n. s 421 Rio tie Janeiro, Brazil. Leptodactylus caliginosus, n. 8 422 Rio tie Janeiro, Brazil. Cystignathus, "Wagl '. 420 Gyitignathuis maeroglossuSf Duin . &. B ■. 420 Cyitignathus gracilis. Diim. & B 420 Cystignathus roseus, Dmn. &, B 420 Cystignathus paroulus, n. s .' 422 Rio do Janeiro, Brazil. Cystignathus nebtdosus, n. s 422 Valparaiso, Cliile. Pleukodema, Tscb 420 Pleurodema aruneo, Grd 420 Pleurodema bibroni, T.scli 420 Pleurodema bufonium. Bell 4'20 Pleurodema Darwini, Bell 420 Pleurodema elegans. Bell 420 Pleurodema nodosa, G rd 420 Crinia, Tscli 420 Crinia georgiana, Tsch 420 Australia. Ranidella, n. g 422 lianideUa signi/era, n. s 422 New Holland. Wagleria, n. g 422 Wagleria peroni, Grd 422 New Holland. Wagleria dorsalis, Grd 422 New Holland. Kassina, n. g 422 Kassina senegalensis, Grd 422 Western Africa. HYL^. Ranoidea. Tseh 422 Jianoidea resplendens, n. a 422 Wollougong Illawara, near the coast. Ranoidea Jtavoviridis, n. s 422 AVollongong Illawara, about fresh-water streams. Hylarana, Tsch 423 Hylarana inindanensis, u. s 423 Caldera on Mindanao. Hylarana Erythrcea, Grd 423 Hylarana chalconola, Grd 423 Hylarana icaigiensis, Grd 423 Halophila, n. g 423 Halophila heros, n. s 423 Sebukea, Fiji Islands. Halophila vitiemis, n. s 423 Sebukea, Fiji Islands. * See No. 37 — the first part. 24 BULLETIN 41, T^NITLD STATES NATK^XAL MUSEUM. 1853. GiRAKL), ClIAKLKS— ColltiuUL'd. Hylodes paivun. ii. .'i 423 Kio rle Janeiro, Brazil. Eloi-ia bufunmm, u. s 423 Kio (Ic Jauciro, Brazil. . Elonia voiHPfiiKi, II. s 423 Rio (Ic .Janeiro, Bx-azil. lilFOXID.-E. lihinnderma aifinifem, n. s 424 Kio tie .Janeiro, Brazil. liufo Uojuhrowus, II. s 424 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. B'ufo gracilis, n. s 424 Rio lie Janeiro, Biazil. BUFONELL.V, II. g 424 Bufonella crucifera, n. .s 424 New Holland. Metaeus, II. g 424 Metaeun timidus, ii. .s 424 Valparaiso, Chile. 58. 1854. GiKARi), CnAULKs. Embryoloj^y of Planocera elliptica. Journal Acadony of Nat ii nil Sciour^i. 2 Scr., ii, 307-25, 1854. (Three plates.) 59. 1854. GiRARD, Ciiaui.es. Re.searclios | upon | Nemerteans and Plauarians. | by | Charles Girard, | eorre.spdiiding member of tlie Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, | the Bo.ston Society of Natural History, and the Lyceum of Natural | History of New York, member of the American Association | for the Advancement of Science, and the | National Institute of Washington | I I Embryonic Development of Planocera Ellijitica. | [With Preliminary Re- marks upon the general Plan of that Work.] Merrihew aud Thompson, Philadelphia. 1-27. 1854. 60. 1854. GiRARD, CuARLK.s. On a New Eutonuistracan of the Family Limnadidaj in- habiting the W^estei'u Waters. Proceed i)i{is Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, vii, 3, 1854. LlMN.\DELI,A, n. g 3 Limiiadella Kitei, n. .s. Cinciunati, Ohio; Tliomas Kite. 61. 1854. GiRARP, Ciiarles,«'(7/(.SpexcerF. Baird. Decsription of New Species of Fishes collected in Texas, New Mexico, andSonora, by John H. Clark, on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, aud in Texas by Capt. Stewart Van Vliet, U. S. A. Second Part. Procecdinys Academy Natural Sciences Philadelphia, vii, 1854, pp. 24-29. Pre- sented for publication March 7, ordered printed March 28, 1854. Pomotix speciostis, ii. s 24 Brownsville, Texas. Pomotix fallax, n. s. Elm Creek, Texas . romotis eonvcxifronn, ii. s. Rio Cibolo, Texai3. Pomotis ne/astun, n. s. Rio Cibolo and Rio Silarto, Texas. Pomotis heron, n. .s 1 25 Rio Cibolo, Texas. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D. 25 1854. GiHAKi), C'hvules, with Spencer F. Bahu> — ('outiiiuod. Bryttiis longiUun, u. s. Rio Cibolo, Texas. (iryt^ten nuecensiii, n. s. Kio Frio ami Kio Niiecen, Texas. Herichthys, n. g. Herichthys cyannguttatus, n. s. Brownsville, Texas. AILURIOHTHYS, 11. g 26 Ailuriehthys ttiariiiux, ii. s. Iiidiaiiola, Texas. R. Arius eqaestris, n. s. Iiiilianola, Texas. K. Pi)ti.elodu>! affinis, n. s. Rio Grande del Norte. ASTYANAX, n. g. Aityanax argenlatus, n. a 27 Rio Nueces, Texas. Catostomus congestus, u. s. Rio Salado. Catostomus Clark-i, n. s. Rio Sauta Crnz, Gila. Catostomus jileheius, n. s 28 Rio Mimbres of Rio Gila. Catostomus iiisignis, n. s. Rio San Pedro of Rio Gila. Carpiodes tumidus, n. s. Near Fort Brown, Texas. Oila gihbosa, n. s. Rio Santa Cruz. Gila pulchella, u. s 29 Rio Mimbres of Rio Gila. 62. 1854. GiR.^RD, Charles. Notice of ;i new sjiecies of Salinouida' from the north- eastern part of the United States. Froceedinys Academy Natural Sciences rhiladeJj)lua, vii, 1854, 85-86. Salmo Gloveri. n. s 85-86 Union River, Maine, M. Towuseud Glover. 63. 1854. GiRARD, Charles. A list of the North American Bnfouids, with diagnosis of new species. Proceedings Academy Natural Sciences Fhiladelphia, vii, 86-88. 1854. This paper, is a resume of more complete descriptions intended for the Reports on Reptiles (Nos. 94 and 95), which, for reasons alluded to further on, were not published in full. BUFO Americanus, Lee 86 All the other States from Maine to Virginia, Valley of Mississippi, Northwest, and Canada. JBufo lentiginosus, Holbr 86 Seacoast from South Carolina to Florida. Bufo Woodhousi, n. s 86 New Mexico. JBufo cognatus. Say 86 From Nebraska to Coahuila, Mexico. Bufo speciosus. n. s 86 Rio Grande del Norte. Bufo punetatus, B & G 87 Devil's River Valley and Coahuila. Bufo dehilis, n. s 87 Rio Grande del Norte. Bufo nebulifer, n. s 87 Valley of Rio Grande del Norte. Bufo columbiensis, B. &G 87 Columbia River. 2() BI'LLETIN 41, t'NlTED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1854. GiKAHK. CiiAiii-KS— Coiitiniud. Bufo boreas, V>. \- (!. Columbia Kivii- and l'u;;it Simnil. Bu/o hulophila, 15. \ G - 87 Calii'ornia. Bufo quercinus, Holbr 87 Charleston, South Carolina. Bufo ingidior, i\. s - ^.^ . .. i 88 Chiliuahna, Dr. "Wfbb. Engyitoma CarolinenKe, Holbr. . . ...^ ^ . ^ 88 South Carolina, Georgia, Florida. Louisiana, and Misslssifipi. Engystoma rugosum, Duni. Sc B. (doubtful as North American .species) ;...;. 88 64. 1854. GiRARD, Charles. Desoriptiou.s of New Fishes collected by Dr. A. L. Heer- mauu, uaturalLst attached to the survey of the Pacific Railroad route uuder Lieut. R. S. Williauisou, U. S. Army. Proceedings Natural Academy of Science.'^ Philadilphia, vii, 129-139. 1854. VKRCW.r.. Centrarehux intermedin, n. s , 129 Saeramento Eiver. Cottid.t;. Cottopsin grdottis, n. -s 129 Rio Sail Joaquin. ASPICOTTUS, n. g 130 Agpicottus bison, r\.s , 130 San Francisco. Leptocottus, n. g ; 130 Leptocottus armatus, ii. s 130 San Francisco. SCORP.SN1CHTHYS, 11. g 131 Scorpcenichtkyg marmoratus, u. s , 131 ScORP^NID^. Sebastes auriculatus, u. s 131 San Franci.sco. HkterolepiDjE, n. fain , , 132 Chirus, Stell , 132 Ghirus pictux, n. s 132 San Francisco. Chirus guttatus, n. s 132 San Francisco. Ophiodon, n. g 133 Ophiodon elongatus, ti. s ■ 133 San Francesco. GASTEROSTEIDyE 133 Oasterosteus Williamsotii. ii. s 133 Williamson's Pass, California. Gasterosteus microcephalu^, n. s 133 San Joaquin Valley. Atherinid^ T. 134 Atherinopsis, n. g 134 Atherinopsis Californien s/y, n. s 134 San Francisco. GOBUD^ 134 Oobius gracilis, n. s 134 San Francisco. EMBIOTOCOID.E 134 Embiotoca Uneata, n. s 134 San Francisco. Amphistichus similis, n. s 135 San Francisco. Amphistichus Heermanin, n. s 135 San Francisco. f»ttBLICATIOXA OF CHARLES QIRARD, M. D. 27 1854. GiKARP, Charles — Coiitiiiiiod. CvPlUNlDiE 135 Gila conocephala, B. 6c (J. (n. h.) 136 Eio San Joaquin. POGONICHTHYS, n. iT 136 Pogoniehthys iiKvqidlohus, B. & G. (n. s.) •■ 136 San Joaquin River. Pogoniehthys gymmetncus, B. & G. (n. ,s.) ^ . ^ . . . ; . ^ . . ^ i i . . . . ^ i . . i 136 Fort Miller, San Joaquin Valley. Lavinia, n. g - ^ 137 Lavinia exilicauda, B. & G. (n. .s.) . . . ^ . ^ ; ;..... 137 Sacramento Kiver. Lavinia crassicanda, B. & G. (n. s.) • m 137 Rio San Joaquin. Lavinia conformis, B. & G. (n. s.) 137 Poaa Creek, California. Leucosomus occidentalis, B. & G. (n. s.) 137 Posa Creek and Grove Creek, California. Clupeid.e 138 Clupea 'inirabilis, u. s 138 San Francisco. Meletta ccerulea, n. 8 .• • 138 San Francisco. Engraulis mordax, n. a 139 PLEURONECTIDyE 138 Pleuronichth YS, n. g 139 Pleuronichthyx coenoms 139 San Francisco. Platichthyg, n.g 139 Platichthys rugosus, n. s 139 San Francisco. Parophrys, n.g 139 Parophrys vetulus, n. s 139 San Francisco. PSETTICHTHY'S, n.g .% 140 Piettichthys melanostictus, n. s 140 San Francisco. 65. 1854. GiR.A^KD, Charles. Enumeration of the Species of Marine Fishes collected at San Francisco, Cal., by Dr. C. B. R. Kennerly, naturalist, attached to the Survey of the Pacific Railroad route, under Lieut. A. W. Whipple. Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, vii, 141-2. 1854. Chinis constellatus, n. 8 141 Atherinopsis Calif orniensis, Grd. 141 PORICHTHYS, n. g. Porichthys notatus, n. a. Emhiotoea lineata, Grd. Ainphiitichus argentatus, Ag. HoleonoHis rhodoteras, Ag. Meletta ccerulea, Grd. Oadun proximus, n. s. Parophrys vetulus, Grd 142 Psettiehthys sordidus, n. s 142 66. 1854. GiRART), Charles. Observations upon a collection of Fishes made on the Pa- cific Coast of the United States by Lieut. W. P. Trowbridge, U. S. Army, for the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Proceedings Academy of Xatural Sciences Philadelphia, vii, 142-56. 1854. Percid^. Lahrax nebulifer, n. a 142 Monterey, California. Labrax elathratus, n. s 142 San Diego, California. !?P) riLLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1854. Gii?Ai:i>. CiiAKLKs — Coutiimed. Thachinid^. Jleterontichus, ii. g 144 Heteronticlnis rontratun, ii. s 143 San Diego, (California. Sphynfiia arrjentea, n. s 144 San Diego, California. COTTID^. ('ottopnis parvug, n. .s 144 Pre.siilio, (California. Leptocuius anuatus, i JrJ % 145 San Diego, (Jaliforiiia. Scorptmiichthj/it warmoratxii:. ( Ird 145 Hcorpceniehthii)! lateralis, n. s 145 San Luis (Jbi.spo, California. SCORPAENID-E. Scorpctna guttata, n. s 145 Monterey, California. Sebasten auriculatus, (ird 146 Presidio, California. Sebaites rosaceus, n. s 146 San Diego, California. Sebantes fanciatux, n. s 146 Presidio, California. Heterolepid.t.. Chirus guttatus. Grd 147 Presidio, California. Chirtis congtellatus, Grd 147 Presidio, California. Gasterosteid,e. (lagterogteiig plebiui, n. s 147 I'residiQ, (Jaliforuia. Gasterogteus inopinatug, n. s 147 Presidio, California. Sct.ENlD.E. XJinbrina undulata, ii. s 148 San Diego, California. Glyphisodon rubicundus, n. s 148 Monterey, California. SrOMBERESOCID.E. Belone exilig, n. s 149 San Diego, California. Blennid.e. Blennms gentilig, n. s 149 Monterey, California. Guniiellug ornatus, n. s 149 Presidio, California. Apodichthys, n. g 150 Apodichthyg Jlavidus. n. s 150 Presidio, California. Apodichthys violaeeug, n. s 150 San Luis (^bis])o, California. Anarrhicas felis, n. s 150 Monterey, California. LOI'HIID.E. Porichthyg volatttg, ( Ird 151 Monterey, California. L.\BRIDJE. Julig 7nodegtus, n. s 151 San Diego, California. Atherinid.e. Atheritiopgig Cull/oiiiieugig, Grd 151 Presidio, Califoiuia. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D. 29 1854. GiRARD, Charles — Continued. Kmhiotocoid.t-:. Emhiotoca Jacksuni, Ag ,,..,.,, 151 Presidio, Calit'oruia. Embiotoca Uneata, Grd .,.. .,.,^,.^, , 151 Sau Diego, California. Embiotoca Cassidii, ii. s ,,...,. ^ ^ ^ ,,.,.,., , 151 Sau Diego, California Holconotits rhodoU'iuii, Ag ,...., ^ ..., , 152 Sail Diego, California. Holconotus Trowbridgi, n. s ,...,......,.. 1 52 Holconotits megalopg, u. s 152 Presidio, California. Phanerodon, u. g - 153 I'hanerodon furcatus, n. .s 153 Presidio, California. Amphiitichus argenteus, Ag 153 Cyprinid.e, Pogonichthijs argyreuMin, n. s 153 Presidio, California. (jYPRINODONTIDiE. Fundulits parvipinni)!, n. s 154 San Diego, California. Gadid^. Gadtis proxinms, Grd 154 Presidio, California. Cr.uPEiD^.. Clupea rnirabilis, Grd 154 Presidio, California. Meletta ccerulea, Grd 154 Presidio, California. Engraulig mordax, Grd 154 Sau Diego, California. Engraulis delicatisximus, u. s 154 Sau Diego, Califoruia. Salmonid^. Argentina pretioaa, n. s 155 Presidio, California. PLEURONECTID/S. Pleuronectes maculosus, n. s 155 San Diego, California. Platichthys rugosus, Grd 155 Presidio, Cidifornia. Parophrys vetulus, Grd 155 Presidio, California. Psettichthys sordidus, Grd 155 Presidio, California. Discoboli. Lepadogaster retieulatus, n. s 156 San Luis Obispo, California. LOPHOBKANCHII. Syngnathvs brevifotftrin, u. s 1 56 Sau Diego, California. Syngnathun leptorhyncMm, u. ,s 156 San Diego, Califoruia. 67. 1854. GiRARD, Charle.s, wUlt. SriCNCER F. I>AiRi>. Notice of a, New Gcuus of C^ypri- iiitlfp. Proceedhif/fi Acadcmj/ of Xatiiral ScienccH I'liihtdclphia, vii, 1854, p. 156. COCHI.OGNATHUS, U. g 156 CochlognafMis ornatun. u. s. I'rownsville, Texa.s. 30 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 68. 1854. GiRAKD, Charlks. Cliaracteristifs of someCartilagiuoiis Fisbi-s of the Pacific Coast of Nortli America. Proceedingx Jcadrmy of Xa In ml ScUnces I'hUadcl2)h'ia, vii, 196-7. 1854. Cestracion J'ranciiici, n. s 196 Monterey Bay, California, Lieut. W.P. Trowlnidge, U.S. Army. Triads ieini/asmatum, n. s. San Francisco Bay, CaliCoruia, I.ieut. AV. P. Trowbritlge, U. S. Army. tSpinax (Acanthiaa) Stickleyi, n. s. Puget Sound, Dr. George Suckley, U. S. Army. Jiaja binoculata. n.s 197 Sau Francisco, California, Dr. A. L. Heermann. 69. 1854. GiRARD, Charles. Abstract of a report to Lieut. .lames M. Gilliss, U. S. N., upon the fishes collected cluriug the U. S. N. Astronomical Expedition to Chile. Proceedings Academy of yaiural Sciences rhiladelphia, vii, 197-9. 1854. Percichthys, n. g. Percichthys chUensiis, n.s 197 Cliilian fresh waters. Percichthyi tnelanops, n.s. Rio de Maypo, Chile. Percilia, n. g. Per cilia Gillisgi, n. s. Kio de Maypo, Chile. Basii.ichthys, n. g. Ba-ailichthys microlepidotus, n.s 198 Chilian fresh waters. Nematogenys, n. g. Nematogenyg inenrtis, n. s. Chilian fresh waters. Alosa mugica, n.s 199 Caldera Bay, Chile. Engratdis pnlchellus, n. s. Caldera Bay, Chile. Cheirodon, n. g 199 Cheirodon pii.ciculug, n.s 199 Santiago, Chile. Jidelloftomapolyfreina, n. s. Bay of Valparaiso, Chile. 70. 1854. Girard, Charlks. Abstract of a report to Licnt. .James M. Gilliss, U. S. N., upon the reptiles collected during the U. S. N. Astronomical Exjjeditiou to Chile. Proccediiifjs Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, vii,22G-7. 1854. batrachian.s. Cystigiiathus tceniatus, n.s 226 ■ Santiago, Chile. Phyllobatei! aitratus n.s 226 Bay of Panama, Prof. C. B. Adams. OPHIDEANS. FAapn niyrocinetvs, n.s 226 Taboga, Bay of Panama. Dryophih vittatuti, n. s 226 Taboga, Bay ol Panama. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D. 31 1854. GiRARD, Charles — Coutinued. Tachymenis chilensis, n. s 226 Santiago, Chile. T^NIOPHIS, 11. g. Iceniophis tantillue, ii. s 227 Santiago, Chile. .SAURIANS. VroctotretUB scmoratun, ii. .s , ,.,,.,,., , , , 237 Santiago, Chile. Froetotretun fitantoni, n. s 237 Santiago, Chile. 71. 1854. GiRARD, CHARLE.S. I Jf.sciiptiou of some Xl'w Si»ecies of Fishes from the State of Massachusetts. Proceedings Boston Sociclji Xaiuntl Misfori/, v, 40-41. 1854. Pomotis obesus. n. .s .' 40 Charles River, S. V. I'.aiid. Boleosoina fimforme . ii . s 41 Farmingham, S. F. Baird. Esox ornatun, ii. a. Farmingham, S. F. Baird. V2. 1854. GiRARD, CHARLE.S. Oil thf fiiiiiily of EmbiotocoicUe and its mode of develop- meut. Proceedhif/s Boston Soc'H't;i af Xainml Uistory, v, 81-2. 1854. An abstract of the pajicr, No. 80. 73. 1854. GiRARD, Charles. On I'lacohvonchns simpler. Proceedings Boston Socirtii of KaturaJ History, v, 89, 1854. Placobranchus nimplex, ii. .s 89 Chelsea Beach, Massachusetts : Ur. Girard. 74. 1854. Girard, Charles. Ou Armicola natntin. Proceedings Boston Society of Katnrdi History, v, 88-91, 1854. ' Arenicola nalalis, n. s 88 Chelsea Beach, Massachusetts. 75. 1854. Girard, Charles. On a Specinicn of storcria Dckayi from the Vicinity of Cambridge, Massaclinsetts. Proceedings Boston Society of Natural History, v, 89, 1854. 76. 1854. Girard, Charles. l)endrocn?hi (Phiuarida- and Neniertida-) in Stimpsou's Synopsis of the Marine Invertebrates of (irand Mauau. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, vi, 27, 1854. I'l.ANAUID.K. Typhlolepta acuta, u. .s 27 Island of Grand Maiian: Dr. Stinipsou. Leptoplana cllijihoides, u. s., fig. 16 27 Island of Grand JIanan; Dr. Stimpson. 3:^ liULLETlN 41, UNITP:D 8TATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1854. GiKAKD, CuAKLES — Coutiuuecl. NEMERTID.E. Vo^eidon affinis, n. s 28 Island of Grand Manan; Dr. Stimpsou. Nabeda, n. g. Nareda stiperba, n. s., fig. 17 28 Island of Grand Manan; I>r. ■Stimpson. Nemertes ohscura, Desor 28 Island of Grand Manan; Dr. Stimpson. Tetraatemma serpentina, Grd 28 Island of Grand Manan; Dr. Stimpson. Omatoplea Stimpsoni. n. s., tig. 18 28 Island of Grand Manan; Dr. Stimpsou. 77. 1855. GiRARD, Charles. Report to Lieut. James M. Gilliss, U. S. N., upon the rep- tiles collected (luring tlieU. S. N. Astrouoniical Expedition to Chile. Beport of the U. S. Xaval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, ii, 207-20. 1855. BATRACHIA. Family lianidee 207 Cystignathus, Wagler 207 Cyitignathus tceniatus, Grd., pi. xxxv, tigs. 8-11 207 Family Hylidce 208 Phyllobates, Dum. & B 208 Phyllobateti auratus, Grd., pi. xxxiv, tigs. 12-15 20!) opiudia. Family Tiperidce 209 Flaps, Sclm 209 Elaps nigrocinctue, Grd., pi. xxxv, tigs. 1-6 210 Family Oxj/cephalidce 211 Dryophis, Fitz 211 Dryophig vittatug, Grd., pi. xxxvi, tigs. 1-6 211 Family Cohibridce 213 Tachymenis, Wiegm 213 Tachymenis chilensis, Grd., pi. xxxvii, tigs. 1-6 213 T.ENlOPHiy, Grd 215 Tceniophis tantillus, Grd., pi. xxxvii, tigs. 7-12 215 SAVRIA. Family Stellionkla; 217 Proctotretus, Dum. & B 217 rroctotretus tenuis, Dum. & B., pi. xi, figs. 1-4 219 Proctotrettis femoratus, Grd., pi. xi, tigs. .^-12 221 rroctotretus Stantoni, Grd., pi. xi, figs. 13-20 223 Family LacertidcB 223 Apdromera, Dum. & B 223 Aporomera ornata, Dum. &, B., pi. xxxix, tigs. 1-4 223 Cnemidophorus, Wagl • 226 Cnemidophonis prcesignig, B. & G., pi. xxxviii, tigs. 1-5 227 78. 18.55. Girard, Charlks. Rei)ort to Lieut. .lames M. Gilliss, U. ,S. N., upon the Hslies collected during the U. S. N. Astronomical Expedition to C'hile. Report of the U. S. Noral .isfrononiicdl ExpetJifion 1o the Southern Hemisphere, li, 230-53. 1855. Family Percida; 230 Percichthys, Girard 230 Percichtliyg chilensig, Grd., pi. xxix, figs, l-t 231 PUBLICATIONS OK ('HAKLE8 GIRAKD, M. D, 33 1855. GiRAKD, Charles — Coutiuutid. Percichthys melanops, Grd., pi. xxs, lig.s. 1-5 233 Percili A, Girard 235 Percilia Gillissi, ( Jrd., j)!. xxix. tig.s. 5-9 236 Family Atheriiiidce 237 Basilichthts, Girard 238 Basilichthys microlepldotus, (Jrd., pi. xxx, Ugs. 6-9 238 Family Silundce 240 Nematogents, Girard , 240 Ncmatogewjs inermis, Grd., pi. xxxii, figs. 1-3 240 Trichomyotekus (Humb.), Valenc 242 Trichomycterus maculatus, Cuv. et Val., jd. xxxiv, figs. 1-3 243 Trichomycterus maercei, u. s 245 Family Clupeidce 245 Alosa, Cuv 245 Alosa muiica, Grd., pi. xxxi, figs. 1-4 240 Engraulis, Cuv 247 Enijraulis pulchelhis, Grd., pi. xxxi, fig.s. 5-9 247 Family Characini 249 Cheirodon, Girard 249 Cheirodon piscicuhm, Grd., pi. xxxiv, tigs. 4-7 249 Family Myxinoidea 251 Bdellostoma, Miill 251 Bdellostoma polytreina. Grd., pi. xxxiii, figs. 1-5 252 79. 1855. Girard, Charles. Report to Liout. James M. Gilliss upon the Crustacea col- lected dnriug the U. S. N. A.strouoinical Expedition to Chile. Report of the U. 8. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, n, 254-62. 1855. crustacea. Decapoda anomoura 254 cenobtid.e ^gleid^ 254 ^GLEA, Leach 254 JEglea Icevis, Leach 255 ^(/Ica denticulata, Nic 255 ^glea intermedia, Girard 255 Decapoda macroura 259 pal.tsm0nidje alpheixye 259 Rhynchocinetus, Edw 259 Rhynchocinetus typn, Edw -60 80. 1855. Girard, Charles. Notes njxjn the viviparous Fishes inhal)itiug the Pacific coast of North America, with an «aiumeratiou of the species observed. Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, \\i, 318-22. 1855. From observations traced upon the genital apparatus of the female there exists an ovarian sheath or sack, which, during the early period of pregnancy, is an elongated and subcyliudrical tulif, containing the ovaries proper, two in number, each of which consisting of two, three, or more vascular membranes, attached by their upper edge to the upi)er floor or roof of the sheath, forming either one, two, or more pouches (accoi-ding to the number of those membranes) of the same length as the sheath itself, widely open beneath, though not in a direct communica- tion with one another, since the membranes hang loosely down, resting on the lower tioor of the sheath. The eggs are formed within the texture of the ovarian membranes themselves. We have examined the ovaries oi Ennichthys iff crwa/im, when the sheath, withiu which they were con- tained, was not larger than an ordinary quill. Numerous eggs could bo observed in a very immature state, appearing to the naked eye like minute dots. Under the microscope, they exhibited evident traces of the germinal vesicle, surrounded as yet with a very scanty supply of vittilino substance. The slieath and the ovaries gradually increase in bulk, as the eggs themselves first increase in size and the embryos afterwards. Tlio sheath is a muscular membrane chielly, whilst the ovarian membranes, we have stated, are altogetlier vascular. Bull. 41, K M. 3 34 I^IILLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEITM. 1855. GiKARD, Charles — Contiuiu'd. "When mature, tlie eggs either fall into the space between the membranes or ovarian pouches, or else remain attached to the ovaries until tlio embryos issue out of them. AVe are inclined to think that they drop into the pouches as eggs. At any rate, we found very young embryos loosely contained in the ovarian pouches, when no trace of the egg membrane could be seen within the tissues of the ovaries in the shape of corpora lutei or graflftan vesicles. "Whatever be the case, numerous eggs or embryos may be observed within one pouch. The young thus remain together until grown to a considerable size, when, filling up the si)ace in a more com- ]>act luannei-, the ovarian membranes, in their nature very expansive, will extend a fold be- tween each embryo. In lias manner every individual young, when removed sideways from the ovary, appears to the operator as if inclosed in a sei)arat(! cavity, pouch, or follicle of the ovary, wliilst, in reality, the membranes may be stretched out or extended, and the entire l)rogeny loosened from all adherence or connection with tliem. Tlie male organs of generation consist of two spermaries, a right and a left, perfectly inde- pendent of each other, each having its separate duct, discharging their contents into an elongated cloaca, into which the bladder likewise em])ties its contents. This cloaca commu- nicates Avith the exterior by a subcircular opening, the edge of which is rather ]irotruding. Such is that apparatus— the same in its general structure as in the other osseous fishes. There is no sheath inclosing tlie two spermaries, and this fact tlirows a considerable light upon the morphology of the ovaries, the latter being in fact two in number, but so closely connected together as to simulate a single organ. Thus the general disposition, not the jilan of structure, of these organs is adapted to tlie mode of reinoduction— a single sheath being a more simple adaptation than two, one for each ovary. How the mechanical act of fecundation takes place w(^ are not prepared to say from direct observations; the eggs themselves must be fecundated within the ovarian sheath; a copula- tion of some sort is therefore required, and it is not improbable that at this period the eggs have dropped fi-om the ovarian membranes into the pouches or spaces between tliese mem- branes, in which they are freely floating. The hatching of the embryos takes place at an early period. After leaving the egg shell, they liave an abdominal bag containing the remaining yolk, which is to be gi-adually alisorbed during a period when neither the mouth nor the esophagus are fomied ; the fins liaving not yet appeared. The visual organs begin with a dejjosition of an external layer of black pimentum, in every respect similar to the same organs in invertebrata. The head is anteriorly rounded, and the cleft of the mouth not yet apparent at the ]>eriod when the fins begin to develop. The caudal has the start over -all other fins : its posterior margin is first lanceolated, then rounded, with a convexity gradually diminishing until it is ])erfectly straight, when a gradual emargi- nation commences, and from a slight crescent reaches tlie forked sliajie which it assumes in the adult. The soft and articulated portion of the dorsal and anal fins next assume a devel- opment reaching extraordinary portions, which they again gradually lose as soon as free from parental sheltering. The posterior portion of these fins is especially to be noticed, being longer and deeper than the anterior jiortion (the reverse of what we observe in the adult, ) and extend- ing generally beyond the base of the caudal fin, a character, therefore, not ex, CitAKLKs. Life I inits | Physical A.spocts. | By | t'liiulosCiiranl. | From tlie Proceedinjjjs of tlie National Iiustitute | W;isbiugtou | Printed Vty K. A. Waters | 1855 | R. A. Waters. Washington. 1-29. 18.35. Proceedings National Institute, i. 2-22. 1855. "We read in the preface ; "Of the physical natiir(> of aiiiniated beings alone, we propose to treat in the present inemoii-: the different phases through which it passes from its first manifestation np to its last stage of existence constituting what we term the physical aspects of life. "The physical aspects of life result from a series of functions, all of which depend on one general function presiding throughout the whole range of animal existence: in other words, the law under which a physical being starts is the law under which it lives its whole life through. "It is therefore proposed, as oiu- chief ol)ject. to inquire into the ultimate process of organic life, that is to say, the elaboration of matter, its assimilation, and its passage into the various jiarts and organs which it constitutes. "Hence the leading thought of this essaj- may thus he briefly expressed: The phenomena of the animal economy take place as though the living fabric were but a factory of cells. "Fir.st. All the organs and tissues are a compound of cells, diversely modified or meta- morphosed. "Second. The tu'st aspect under which an animal manifests itself is that of a cell. "Third. The subsequent growth of that animal is a simple multiplication of cells. "Fourth. The nourishing process is a mere replacing of decayed or brokeu-up cells by new ones. "Such is the hypothesis, tlicdrv, or law. whichever it may be termed." 82. 1856. GlRAKD, OiLviiLES. Coutriliutious to the Fauna of Chile. 1856. 4'. Fishes, Reptiles, and Crustacea. Reprint from the second volume of GilUs's U. S. Xaval Astronomical Expedition to the Soiithern Hemisphere during the years 1849, '50, '51, and '52. (Sec above, Nos. 77. 78, and 79.) 83. 18.56. GiHAHD. Charles. Notice iij)nn the species of the genus Salmo of authors, observed chiefly in Oregon and California. Proceedings Academg Natural Sciences of I'liiJadeJphia. viii, 217-20. 18.56. Salmn Hcouleri, Richards 217 Deschutes River, Oregon, Dr. Newberry. Sabmi quinnat, Richards 217 Columbia River, Richard.son. Halmo ipectabilis, n. s 218 St. Marv's Mission, Oregon, Dr. Sucklev, Sfi BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1856. GiKAUi), Charles — Coutiuued. Fario aurora, n. s -IS Astoria, Oregon, Lieutenant Trowbridge. Fario argyreus, n..s -18 Capo Flattery, Lieutenant Trowbridge. Fario Uuppitch, Grd. Columbia Eiver, Oregon, Dr. Geo. Suckley. Fario Oairdneri, Grd -19 Klamath Eiver, Oregon, Dr. Newberry. Fario Clarki, Grd - 1 9 Columbia Kiver, Oregon, Dr. Suckley. Fario n/Hlatim, n. s 219 Humboldt Bay, Lieutenant Trowbridge. Solar Lewisi, n. s 219 Falls of Mis.souri Kiver, Dr. Suckley. Salar virginalis, n. s 220 TTtah Creek, tributary of Rio Grande, Lieutenant Beckwith. Salar iridca, ( Jrd 220 California, Lieutenant Trowbridge and others. 84. 185ti. (iiHAKi), ('iiAKi.r.s. On ;i 71CW ijciiii.s ;ui(l s])cci('s of Urodclii from th(> collec- tious of the U. 8. Exj)l(>riiig Exju'ditioii. under Coinniandcr Cliarlcs Wilkos, U. S. N. rrorcedings Academy of XnturuJ Sctcnicfi rhihidilphid, viii. 140. 185(5. Heredia, n. g 140 JJeredia Oregonensig. ii. s. Oregon, U. S. Exploring Expedition. 85. 18.56. GiRARD, Chaulk.s. Oontrilnitious to tli(> Ichthyoloj,^- of the Western Coast of the United States from Speeiuiens in the Mnseuni of the Smithsonian Insti- tution. Proceedings Acadcinii of yafiiral Sciences FhUadclphio, viii, 131-7 1856. Paralabrax, n. g 131 Paralahrax nebulifer, n. s 132 Monterey, California, Lieutenant Trowbridge. Paralabrax clafhratus, n . s 132 San Diego, California, Lieuteuant Trowbridge. HOMALOPOMUS, n. g 132 Homalopomus Trowbridgi, ii. s 132 Astoria, Oregon, Lieut. "W. P. Trowbridge. Oligocottus, n. g 132 OligocottuK maevlosus, ii. s 133 Leicottus, n. g 133 LeioeoUut. hirundo, n. s ^.. 133 San Miguel, California, Lieut. W. P. Trowbridge, IT. S. A. Artedius, n. g 134 Artedius laleralig, n. s 134 San Luis Obispo, California, Lieut. W. P. Trowbridge, U. S. A. Artedius notospilotus, n. .s 134 Tomales Bay, California, E. Samuels. ( )PL()POM.\, n . g 1.35 Oplopoitm pantherina, n. s 135 Cape Flattery, Washington, Lieut. "W. P. Trowbridge, V. S. A. (iasteroiteus intennedius, n. s 135 Cape Flattery, "Washington, Lieut. W. P. Trowbiidge. (timli'rostms Piigetti, n. s 135 Paget Sound, Dr. Geo. Suckley, U. S. A. (Iiihiaa Xfit'berri, n. s 136 CoregonuK WiUiamsoni, n. .s 136 Des Chutes River, Dr. Xewbury. « I'LDLR'ATIONS OF CHARLES (ilEAKD, M. J). ,i ( 1856. GlKARP, f'UAKLES — Cttiitiiiueil. J'lalichlln/ii unibroau^, ii . s 1 .it; Cajio Flntd'iy, W;is1iiiif;t(ni, liicuf. W. 1'. Trowbridire, U.S. A. Pleuronichthi/ti ipittiilatm:, ii. .s 137 Tomales Bay, California, E. Samuels. Ammodytes personatun. ii . s 1 37 Cape Flattery, "Washington, Lieut. W. P. Trowbridge, U. .S. A. Bhinoptera vespertilw, n. s. Tomales Bay, E. Samnel.s. 86. 18.")6. GiKARi). Charles. Re.searclios upon the Cypriuoid Fishes | inhabiting the | Fresh waters of the United .States, | west of the Mississippi Valley. | from | Specimens in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. FroceedinfjH Aeademif of Xatural Sciences PliUadelphia, viii, lfi.5-213, 185(5. [Also reprinted as a ])aniplilet of 48 pages. 8' .] The fishes which are the subject of the present memoir were collected at different times and periods by several naturalists and .surgeons attached to the various surveys undertaken within the past five years. And, first of all. there is the survey of the United States and Mexican boundary, from 1851 to ISo.'i. John H. Clark, who accompanied Col. J. D. Oraham in 1851, collected extensively in the rivers and creeks of Texas and Xew Mexico. Under Maj. "W. H. Emory, now com- missioner of the boundaTV line, numerous collections were made by Dr. C. B. Kennerly, in Texas, in the valley of the Rio Grande and provinces of Chihuahua and Sonora. The survey of routes for a railroad to the Pacific was commenced in 1853, and continued until 1855. Lieut. A. W. Whipple, under whose command the survey' near the thirty-fifth parallel of latitude was efiected, in securing the services of Dr. C. B. Kennerly, contributed very largely to our collections of fishes from Texas and the numerous tributaries of the Arkansas Kiver. H. B. Mollhausen, artist to the same expedition, also showed much zeal and industry for collecting. The survey near the thirty-second parallel of latitude, western end, under Lieut. .T. G. Parke, contributed a few specimens, collected by Dr. A. L. Heermann. The eastern end of the same thirty-second ])arallel was explored by Capt. John Pope, and under tlie direction of Dr. George G. Shumard, interesting specimens were obtained. The survey of the partial routes ou the Pacific side, under Lieut. R. S. Williamson, Dr. A. L. Heermann being surgeon and naturalist to the party, a large collection of fresh-water fishes, among which were several Cyprinoids, was made in the valley of the San Joaquin River and the Tulare Valley. Suhsequently, the same offii*-r explored the Sacramento Valley from San Francisco, Cali- fornia, to Astoria, Oregon, liaving Dr. John S. Xewberry as naturalist, who secured many interesting members of the family of fishes now under consideration. The survey of the route near the thirty-eighth and thirty-ninth parallels, under the late- ('aptain Gunnisson, and of tln^ forty-first, hy Lieut. E. G. Beckwith, secured many interest- ing specimens from the valley of the Great Salt Lake and Humboldt River. The survey of the northern route, under Governor I. I. Stevens, was as fruitful in many respects as both the United States ami Mexican boundary survey and the survey of the thirty-fifth parallel. Dr. George Suckley, Dr. J. G. Cooper, and Dr. John Evans proved inde- fatigable in their efforts for collecting. The upper Missouri and Vellowstone Rivers were explored by Dr. F. V. Hayden, under the protection of Col. A. Vaughan. and thus w(^ were made ac, ('hakles — Coutiniud. cxtcmling from Pugot Sound anil (Im Britisli jiossussioiiH at tlic north lo tlio valleys ot' the Rio Gila and Rio (Trandc del \orte (Rio Bravo) to the .south, and even including the Mexican provinces of Tainaulipa.s,Xew Leon, Coahuila, Chihuahua, and Sonora. The investigations of such an amount of material could not be extemporized. Indeed, even investigations upon these various collections could not have been traced each separately in the order in which they were collected. From a preliminary examination of the first lot received in 1851 I became vei'y soon impi'essed with the difficulty of the task and foresaw the utter impossibility, at that time, to do anything like Justice to the subject. In the mean time, however, a Notice upon a collection of finhen from the southern bend of the TenncKgee Biver, in the ,State of Alabama, by Louin Ayassiz, was published, "■' containing several members of the (\yi)rinoid family. And some time afterwards appeared a Synopsii of the Iclithifoloyical Faima of the Paeifie slope of North America, chiefly from the collections made l)y the V. S. ExiAoring Expedition under the eominand of Cai)t. ('. Wilkes, luith recent additions and comparisons with eastern types. By the same author. \ These two papers, though anticipating .some of the following results, were greeted with a hearty weU'onu',. and I can only regret tliat the second was not concluded up to the time I am writing. I have delayed entering into tliis sul)ject as long as was consistent with the duties imposed upon me. In both of them we tind the laudable desire, of attenii)ting to bring back into use the long- forgotten genera of Rattuesquit. which fell into disuse becau.se of their own imperfection, and if they have not passed into the <()mui(pn nomenclature of the day it was owing to their defect more than to the partiality of naturalists ; for we may well imagine how anyone would feel when rebuilding another's work, as little known to the author as to the com- mentators them.selves. And yet, for my part. I havi' always looked upon the restoration of Rafinesque's genera and species as highly desirable, as soon as they h4id once been proposed and introduced into science as names. But in order to do justice to the scheme, it was necessary to the under- taking that (uie should go to the very ground covered by Rafinesqne himself during all sea- sons of the year, to enable us to di.scriminate between that which Rafine.sque really observed and that which is imaginary. That the Ichlhyologia Ohiensis has been and still is a stumbling block, is fully evinced by the fact that Dr. J. P. Kirtland. the Ohio ichthyologist, of untiring and energetic zeal and perseverance, was battled in many of liis attempts to determine Rafinesque's genera and species. These genera and species, thus restored by Prt)fessor Agassiz, may therefore not be re- ceiv^ed by all ichthyologists as the final settlement of that much controverted question. But whether the identification be right or wrong, .since we must have these names, I sincerely hope tliey will now be adopted, once for all, as projiosed. Since circumstances have compelled me to write this memoir before the completion of Agassiz's synopsis, I have restored the balance of Rafinesque's genera in the family of Cy- prinoids: such are Plargyrus ami iSemotilus. Ouco upon that field of inquiry I reverted to Jlec\ie\' a geneva A rffy reus iuv\ Leucosonui^, and showed their claim for admission upon the .same general principles and canons of scientific nomenclature. On a former occasion the genus Leucosomus Vfa,s altogether misunderstood by nu>, and it it thus entered into the "History of the Fishes of Massachusetts, by Dr. D. H. Storer." Professor Agassiz was led into the same error.; Meckel, by inadvertence, applies the name of Cyprinus chrysoleucus, Mitch., to Leuciscus pulchelhis, Storer, as shown by the figures given of its teeth and the wording of its generical diagnosis. Leucosomus, therefore, is identical with Cheilonemus, and accordingly the name is to be adopted. Cheilonemus was proposed for Leuciscus pulchcllus, and allied species, when it was sui>i»osed that Leuciscus chrysoleucus would constitute the type of the genus Leucosomus. But it is now well ascertained that Leucisc^is chrysoleucus of Mitchell belongs to Rafines(iue's genus Liixilus; and Lvxilus has the priority over Leucosomus. Leuciscus (iracilis of Richardson, referred by Heckel to Leticosomus. is of a difterent generic type. As to the genus Aryyreti.s, Heckel includes iu it two sjiec ies generally distinct, ('ypriiuis atronasas, Mitch,, and Oypr. rubripinnis. Mus. Par. MS. But Cyprinus rtibripinnis is iden- tical with Leuciscus cornut^cs, and since Leuciscus cornutus is to enter the genus Plargyrus of Rafinesiiue, C(/prinM» a«rowa»MS remains as the type of the genus Argyreus, which again is identical with Jthinichthys. It must be recollected, however, that the teeth figured by Heckel under the name of Argyreus rubripinnis are those of Plargyrus cornutus. ' Am. Jour, of Sci., 2d .ser. xvii, 1854, pp. 297, 3.53. f Am. Jour, of Sci.. 2d ser.. xix. 18.55, ]ip. 71. 215. ; Amer. Jour, of Sci.. 2d ser., xix. 1855, p. 225. i PTTl!M(i((t is sufhciently familiar witli it. It would be dift'er- eut were I to write a popular worlc on oiu' fishes. In the diagnosis of tlie genera I have often repeated characters shared by many of them ; these repetitions I am convinced are needful to their proper understanding. It may not ap- pear so to a few ichthyologists ; but I write for naturalists, for the reader who seek.s after general information. Besides, the method I follow is the natural, the true method; that which has .superseded the artiticial method of the last century. In describing the teeth I have adopted Heckel's phraseology, since it appears to me to answer to the present wants of ichtliyology. Tiie coloration, as a general rule, is described from specimens preserved in alcohol, in wliich the brilliancy of the hues is seldom preserved, and occasionally quite altered. In the course of these investigations I have carefully compared the fishes of our hemis- phere with those occuiring in the waters of the eastern hemisphere ; and when genera and species, either of fishes or reptiles, have at any time been described as new, it was the result of such comparative study, shunning display of loose erudition and false criticism, which too often leads the true observer into error. I have thus added many new genera and species to tlie known lists. Tliis is not surpris- ing; for a country so vast as North America, irrigated by so many branching streams and largo bodies of water in the shape of lakes and numerous ponds, a country comparatively little explored, was to yield many species ^mkno^v^^ to our predecessors in the field. A super- ficial knowledge of the Iiistory of ichthyology iu ISToi-tli America, would at once explain how it is that a " Synopsis of the Fishes of North America," published in 184C, should not liave proved a full and complete record of all existing fishes of the country ; a synojisis which, moreover, only professes to give sucli species as were known at that time. If we are so for- tunate as to be able to add to the known catalogue of genera and species, let us not lose sight of both the time and the circumstances under which we have accomplished it. Recrim- inations, in that respect, are not likely to advance our knowledge on the subject, and, fur- thermore, it j)laces a cotemporary exactlj' iu the same situation towards the next coming generations as the former generations Iield towards him. Most of the new genera which I projjose liavo been designated by words taken fi'om the Xorth American Indians, as being more euphonic than any one I might have framed from the Greek. The classic literature has already furnished so many names that there are but few instances in wliicli a name niiglit yet be coined and express Avhat it is intended to repre- sent. I oifer this remark as a mere statement, not as an apology. CyPEINI. Mylocheilus, a gass 109 Mylocheilus lateralis, Ag. ., i 109 Puget Sound, Dr. Suckley. irylocheilusfratercidus, n. s - 1()9 Monterey. California, Lieutenant Trowbridge. 2fylocheilus caurinus, G 1()9 Astoria, Lieutenant Trowbridge. Mylopiiarodon, Agass 109 Mijlopharodon conocephalun. G. 1()9 San Joaquin River, California. T>r. Heermanii. Mylopiiarodon 7'obustns, Avers 109 San Francisco, California. Dr. Xewberry. (Jatostdmi 170 Carpiodes damalis, ii. s 170 Milk River (Upper Missouri). Dr. Suckl<"y; Arkansas River near Fort Smith, Dr. Shnmard. Ictiobus tuuudua, G - . . - 170 Rio Grande del Norte. Mo.xosTOJiA, Rafin 170 Moxostoma claviformlg, n. s 171 Coal Creek, off of South Fork of Canadian River. MoUliausen. MoxoUoma Kennerlei, n. s 171 Dry Creek, Ti^xas, Dr. Kennerly. 40 BULLKTIX 41, UMTKl) STATES NATIONAL I\rT^«EUM. 1856. GiRARD, Chaklp:s — Continned. Moxostoma victorice, ii. h 1~1 With the pit'ceding. Moxostoma Vanipbelli, u. s 172 Live Oak Creels, Texas, Dr. KeiiiuTly ; Devil'.s Kiver, Texas. J. U. (Hark. Ptychostomus, Agass 1"2 Ptychostomus congestus, G 1~2 Eio Sahvlo, Texas, J. H. Clark. rtychoctonms alhidus, ii. s 1 72 Rio San Juan (New Leon). Lieut. 1>. X. Ciiurh. Ptyelwgtomus Jlaydeni, ii. s 172 Yellowstone River, Dr. Hayileu. MiNOMUS, n. j; 173 Minomus insignis, G 173 Rio San Pedro, tributary of the (!ila. Minomus plebeius, ii 173 Rio Minibres, Lake (Juzuiau, >lexiir>. Minomus Clarki, G 173 Rio Santa Cruz. AcoMUS, n. g. Acomus forsteriamts, ( ! 1 73 Briti.sh North America. Acomus aurora, G 173 Lake Superior, Agassiz. Acomus latipinnis 173 Rio San Pedro, tributary of the Gila. Acoinus Guzmaniensin, n. s 174 Janos River, emiityiu};' in Lake Guzman, I)i'. Kennerly. Acoinus generosus, n. s 174 Cottonwood Creek, an affluent of Great Salt Lakeof I't.ah. Lieutenant Beekwith. Acotmis griseus, n. s 174 Sweetwater fork of Platte River. .T. S. Bowman. Acomiis lastarius, n. s 174 Milk River, Dr. Suekley. Catostomus, Linn 174 Catostomus occidentalis, Avers 174 San Francisco, California, Dr. Newberry. Catostomus lahiatus, Ayer.s 175 Klamath Lake, Oregon. Dr. Newberi'y. Catostomus wacrochilus, n. s 17.") Astoria, Lieutenant Trowbridjie, Catostomus tSuckli, n. s 17,") Milk River, Dr. Suekley. Catostomvs Bernardini, n. s 17.'i Upper water.s of the Rio nuaqui, Mexico. Chon'drostomi 175 Campostoma, Ajiass .170 Campostoma anomalum, Agass 17G Campostoma ornatum, n. s 17G Chihuahua River, John Potts. Campostoma formosulum, n. s 170 Rio Saliinal, Texas, Dr. Kennerly. Campostoma nasutiim, n. s. Cadereita and Monterey (New Leon), Lieutenant Couch. DiONDA. n. g 176 Dionda spiscopa, n. s 177 Rio Pecos, Capt. John Pope; Camanehe Spring, J. H. Clark. Dionda serena, n. s 177 Rio Sabinal, Texas, Dr. Kennerly. Dionda Texensis, n. s ] 77 Rio Nueces, Texas, J. H. Clark. Diorida papalis, n. s 178 Delaware Creek, tributary of Rio Pecos, Texas, Captain I'ope. Dionda argentosa, n. .s 178 San Felipe Creek, and Devil's River (Rio Grande), John n. Clark. Dionda chrysitis, n. s 178 Live Oak Creek, Texas, John H. Clark. PUHLK'ATIONS OK ('[lAIx'LKS (4TUAR1), M. I>, 41 185(i. GlKARO, t'HARLES — Coutiuilod. Dioiula tnclanops, ii. a 178 Buciui Vista, Coahuila. Ijieutciiaut Couch. Dionda Couchi, u. s 178 Guajuco Monterey, and Cadereita, Now Leon, Lieutenant (Joueli. Dionda plumbea, n. s - 178 Canadian River (Llauo E.stacado) Mollhansen. Dionda spadicea, n. s 17H Fort Smitli, Arkansas, Miillhansen. n YBORHVNCHUS, AgaSS 1 7!» Ilyhorhynehus perspinmg, n. s IT'.i Avlfansas River near Foi't Smith, Dr. Sliiinianl. Hyhorhynchus tenellug, n . s 17!) West of Choctaw Agency, Mollhausen. Hyhorhynchus puniceus, n. s 179 Antelope Creek, Dr. Kennerly. Llano Estacado, Mollhausen. Hyhorhynchus confertttg, n. s 179 Hurrah Creek, tributary of Rio Pecos, Mollhausen. riMEPHALES, Ratin 180 Pimephales inaeulosus, n. s 18i) Arkansas River near Port Makee, Lieutenant Beckwitli. Pimephales fasciatus, n. s 180 Yellowstone River. Dr. Haydeu; Milk River, Upper Mis.souri. Dr. Suckley. Algoma, n. g 180 Algoina amara, n. s 181 Lagnna, near Fort Brown, J. IL Clark. Algoma fluviatiUs, n. s 181 Monterey, New Leon, Lieutenant Couch. COCHLOGNATHUS, B. (fc G 1 81 Coehlognath us ornatus, B. &U 181 Brownsville, Texas, Captain Van Vliet. Hybognathus, Agas.s 181 Hyhognathus argiritis, n. s 182 Milk River, Dr. Suckley; Arkansas River, near Fort Smith. Di'. Slmmard. Hyhognathus Evansi, n. s 182 Fort Pierre. Nebra.ska, D. J. Evans. Hybognathus placitus, n. s 182 Arkansas River, near Ff Rio San Antonio, Dr. Kennerly. 44 lULLirriN n, iMTKn statks national museum. 185(>. (;ii;ai:i>. ('iiAHi.EK--Unntiniii(l. Moil iana ■prnsrrpina, ii . s . . . -'••) Devils liivcr, 'I'exas, Joliii H. ('lark. Montana aitrata, n. s 200 Piedra Painte, Kew Mexico, John H. Clark. Moniana complanata, n. .s 200 Brovrnsvillo, Texas, Capt. Van Vliet. Moniana lactabilis, n. s 200 Hurrah Creek, tributary of Rio Pecos, MoUhaiisen. Monia im jndchi'lla , ii. .s 200 Su<;ar Loal' Creek, trihutary of Poteau River, Miillliau.seu. Moniana frif/ida, ii. .s 200 Kio Salado, Rio Sabiiial, .and Rio Medina, tributaries of Riu San Antonio. Texas, John H. Clark; also lu Rio Frio, tributaries of Rio Nneees, Dr. Kennerly. Moniana Couchi, n. s 201 Vicinity of China, New Leon, Mexico, Lieutenant Couch. Moniana nitila, n. a 201 Cadereita, New Leon, Mexico, Lieutenant Couch. Moniana nitida, n. s 201 Cadereita, New Leon, Mexico, Lieutenant Couch. Moniana, formoga, n. s 201 Rio Mimbres, Mexico. Montana gracilin, n. s 201 Near Monterey, New Leon, Lieutenant (!ouch. Moniana gibboga, ii. s 201 Brownsville, Texas, Capt. Van Vliet. Moniana tristis, n. s 201 Lieutenant Beckwith. Ri('HAnDSO>'ius, n. g 201 liicliardsoniun balteatus, C 202 Foit Vancouver and Fort Dalles, Columbia River, Dr. Suckley. Jticliardsoii iux lateralis, n . s 202 Fort Steilacoom, Paget Sound, Dr. Suckley. LuxiLUs, Ratin 202 TaixHus Americanus, G 202 Luxilua compregsxis, Ct 203 jAtxilng obesun, Ct 203 Luxilus ocddentalig, G 203 IjUxHus leptohomng, n. s 203 Dry Creelc, Texas, Dr. Kennerly. Luxilus Seco, n. s 203 Rio Seco, tributary of Rio Nueces, Dr. Kennerly. Luxihis liicidug, n. s 203 ('oal Creek, tributary of South Fork of Canadian Ri\er, Mollhauson. Semotilus, Rafin 203 t Kio San Pedro of the Gila, John M. Clark. Tigoma obesa, n. .s 206 Salt Lake Valley, J. S. Bowman. Tigoma Humholdti, n. s 206 Humboldt Eiver, J. S. Bowin.in and Lifutcnant lioikwith. Tigoma lineata, n. s 206 Lieut. E. G. Beckwith. Tigoma gracilis, n. s 206 Lieut. E. G. Beckwith. Tigoina gibboi-occedin()H Academy Xatnml .Scienccx of FhUaddphio. x, 1858, p. 167-171. Amhlodon neglectus, n.s 167 Taniaulipas. I 'inhrina phalcena, n.s 167 Iiidiaiiola, Brazos, Texas. OllTHOPklSTlS, II. g 167 Orthoprutix duplex, n.s 167 Indianola, Brazos, Texas. PCliLICATIONS OF CllAKLlvS (JIKARD, M. T). 49 1858. UlKAKL), C'lIAItLES C'oiltillUtMl. Neom.enis, n. g lt)7 Xeomcenis emarginatus, Grtl 1G7 Folyiiennus octonemus, ii. s 167 Brazos, Texas. Mugil Berlandieri, ii. s 167 Tudianola, Brazos, Texas. Chorinemus lanceolatus, n. s 168 St. Joseph's Island. ( 'HLOROSCOJIBRUS, U. g 168 ChlofoscombruH Carihbceus, ii. s 168 St. Josepli's Island. DoLioDON, n. g 168 Doliodon Carolinus, Grd 168 DuVwdon npinoaus, Grd 168 Caeangus, n. g 168 Carangus esculentus, Grd 168 Carangus ehri/gos, Grd 168 Carangus fallax, Grd 168 Carangus pinguetus, Grd 168 Carangus Harthulomcei, Grd 168 Carangus defensor, Grd 168 Carangus falcatus, Grd 168 Carangus Riehardi, Grd 168 GOBIONELLUS, U. g 168 OobioneUus lanceolatus, Grd 168 Gohionellus bacalavs, Grd 168 OobioneUus sma ragdus, Grd 168 Gobionellus brasiliensis, Grd 168 Gobionellus hantatus, n. s 168 St. Joseph's Island. (iobiiis lyricus, n. s 169 Brazos Santiago, Texas. Gobius Wvrdemanni, n. s 169 l?razos Santiago, Texas. T. B. Lippincott & Co. | 1858. | 4to. pp. i-xvii, 1-496, pU, i-xxxii. Several additional plates were included in the atlas to this edition. Order I. Bateachia. Tribus I. Batrachia urodela 2 a. Trematodeira 3 j3. Atretodeira 3 Family Salamandrid^ 4 Taricha, Gray. Taricha toroga, Gray, pi. i, figs. 1-8 5 Puget Sound, Oregon; San Francisco, California. Family PLEThODONTlD.^ 7 Axaides, Baird. Anaides, Lugubris, Baird, pi. i, tigs. 26-33 8 San Francisco, California. Heredia, Girard 10 Ueredia oregonensis, Girard, pi. i, figs. 18-28 11 Discovery Harbor, Puget Sound (Oregon). XiPHONURA, Tsch l.'i Xiphonura tenebrosa, Grd., pi. i, tigs. 9-17 14 Oregon. Tribus 1 L Batrachia Anura 16 Family Ranid^. Australia. K ana, Linn 17 liana aurora, B. & G., pi. ii, figs. 1-6 18 Columbia Eivcr, Oregon. liana 1) ret iosa, B. & G., pi. ii, figs. Ki-18 20 Puget Sound, Oregon. liana Draiitoni, B. & G., pi. ii, tigs. 19-24 23 California. liana maritima, Eis.so, pi. ii, tigs. 7-12 25 I.sland of Madeira. PUBLK'ATIOXS OF CHARLES GIRAKD, M. D. 51 1858. GiKAiJD. Charles, with Spenckh V. Haikd — Coutiuued. Leptodactylus, Fitz 28 Leptodactyhts ocellatus, Gril.. pi. iii. figs. 1-6 29 Eio de Janeh'o, Brazil. Leptodactylus caliginosvs, Grd 31 ( ; YSTIGNATHl'S, Wagl 33 Cijstignathus nebulosus, Grd., pi. iii, fig.s. 19-23. YalparaLso, Chile. CuMgnathus parviilus, (iid.. jil. iii, lig.s, 34-38 35 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Pleurodema, Tsch 37 Pleurodema hibroni, Tsch., pi. iv, tigs. 33-38 38 Valparaiso, Chile. Pleurodema elegans, Bell, pi. iv, fig. 28-32 40 Valparaiso, Chile. Wagleria, Gira'rd 42 Wagleria peroni, Grd., pi. iii, tigs. 29-33. Southeastern Australia. Ranidella, Girard 44 Ranidella signifera, Grd., \\\. iii, figs. 39—13. Australia. Family H\t.id,5; .- 47 R.asoidea, T.soh, Kanoidca renplendens, Grd., pi. iii. figs. 7-12 48 "Woollongong, Illawara, New South Wales. Eanoidca flavo-viridis, Grd 50 "Woollongong, Illawara, New South Wales. Hylarana, Tsch 52 Hylarana iiiindanensis, Grd. Caldera, Mindanao. Halophila, Girard .^ Halophila heros, Grd., pi. iv, figs. 1-0 55 Feejee Islands. Halophila vitiensis, Grd., pi. iv, figs, 7-1 1 57 Sebukea, Feejee Islands. Halophila dorsualis, Grd., pi. iv. figs. 12-10 58 Feejee I.slands. Hyla, Laur ' 59 Hijla regilla, B, & G., pi. iii, figs. 13-18 60 Puget Sound. Hyla cyanea, Schleg 62 Hylodes, Fitz. Hylodes jmrvus, Grd., pi. iii, figs. 24-28 63 Ri(j de Janeiro, Brazil. Elosia, Tsch 64 Elosia namta, Tsch., pi. iv, figs. 39-43 65 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Elosia hiifonium, Grd., pi. iv, figs. 23-27 '. 66 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Elosia vomerina, Grd., pi. iv, figs. 17-22 69 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Family Bufo.md.t, 71 Rhi.voderma, Bum. & Bibr. lihinoderma signifera, Grd 72 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1?UF(), Laur 74 Bvfo borcas, B. &. G.. pi. vi, figs. 4-9. Puget Sound, Oregon. Sufo Colunibiensis, B. & G.. pi. v, figs. 4-9 77 Columbia River, Oregon. Eufo marinus, Schu., i)l. vi, figs. 1-3 80 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Bu/o graeilis, Grd., i)l. vi, figs. 1 0-21 83 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Bufo lugnhrosus, Grd., pi. vi, figs. Kt-l.'^i 85 Valparaiso, Chile, 52 lU'LLETlN 41, UNITED STA'l'KS NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1858. GiKAKD, Chakles, uUh Spknxkk F. Baiui)— Coutiuufd. Bvfo thaul, Less., pi. v, figs. 15-19 88 Valparaiso, Chile. Mvfo pa;2)pigii Tsch 90 Coast of Peni. Sufo melanostictiM, Scbu., ]il. v, tig.s. lO-li 1)2 Singapore. BUFONELLA. Giraid 94 Bitfonella cruci/era. ( ird 95 Australia. Met.eus, Giraril 96 Metceiis tbnidus, Gi'fl 97 Yalparai.so, Chile. liKACHYCEPHALUS, FitZ 99 Brachyeephaliis cnirantincuf. Crd., pi. v. figs.^ 20-24 100 Rio tie Janeiro, Brazil. Order II. < )phidia 105 Sabrina, Girarrt 106 Sabrina tessellata, CJi'd.. pi. xv. tigs. 7-9. Coast of Peru. < ■ YLINDROPHIS, Wagl 1 08 C;/lindro]}}iis rii/a. Gray , 109 Singapore. Wenona, B. & G Ill Wenoiia phtmbea. B. & G.. pi. vii. tigs. 1-7 112 Puget Sound, "Washington. Wenona Isabella. B. & G.. 1>1. vii. tigs. 8-U 113 Puget Sound. "Washington. MoRELlA, Gray 115 Morella argun, Duni. & Bihi-. Xear Sydnej-, Australia. Enygrus, Wagl 117 Etiygrus bibroni, Dum. &. Bibr.. pi. viii. tigs. 8-11. Xavigator and Peejeo Islands. Rabdion, Dum 119. Babdion occipitale, Grd 120 Fpper Hunter, near Sydney, Australia. LoDiA, B. &G 122 Lodia tenuis, B. &- G.. pi. ix. flgs. 8-11. Puget Sound. "Washington. CoSTiA. B. &G 124 Contia mitis, B. & G.. pi. x. tigs. 6-12 125 California and Oregon. Bascanion. B. & G 126 Bascanion vetustus, B. , Charlies, with ^vv.sckr V. Baiku— (,'<»iitiuiu'(l. Ei:t.i;nia, H. & (i 147 EuUenia infernalis, B. & G., pi. xiv, tigs. ll-Ki 148 Sacrainento River, Calil'oriiia. Eiitceiiia Pickeringi, B. & (i., 1>1. xiii, Hi,'s. 14-20 150 Puget Soiiud, Oregon. Eutcenia leptocephala. B. &. G., pi. xiii. tigs. 7-i;t 151 Puget Sound. Oregon. Eutcenia ordinoidea, I?. ^V- < ! .. i>l. xiv. tigs. 1-+ 1.53 California. Eutcenia vagranx, B. \ i\.. pi. xiv, flg.-*. ,5-10 1.54 Puget Sound. Oregon. C'ANTORIA, Girard 156 Cantoria violacca. Grd.. iil. xi. lig.s. 7-10. Singai)ore. Li/gophis inerremi, Wagl.. pi. xi. figs. 1-0 159 Kio de Janeiro, Brazil. Diomicug TcinmincHi, Duni. >.v I'.ilir 161 Valparaiso, Chile. Lygophis elegans, Tsch . . 163 San Lorenzo. Peru. Amphiesma rliodomclax. Duni. ..V Bil)r 165 Singapore. Henodon ancoriis. ( li-d 107 Manilla. Erythrolatnjirus rfnutisshn tis. Hoie 169 llio de Janeiro. Brazil. Cerberu.s, C u v 170 Cerberus hoceformis, Duni. &;. Bil)r., pi. ^ ill, figs. S-11. Ryan's Hill, near Singapore. TACHY.MENIS, Wiegm 173 Tathyvienlis chile nsia, (xrd. Valparaiso, Cliili. DOLIOPHis, Girard 175 DoUophin JJavicepn. Grd.. ]>\. \. figs. 1-5 176 Singapore. Pseudelaps psammophis, ( Jrd 178 Sydney, Australia. Platurus, Latr 180 Platurus laticaudatiin, Wagl. Fiji Islands. Platurus colubriiiua, AVagl 183 Feejee and Tonga Islands. Pelamys, Dand 184 Pelamys bicolor, Dand 185 Poniotu or Soeiety Islands. Crotalus, Linn 187 Crotalus hicifer, B. &:■ G., pi. xv, figs. l-(i. Western coast of United States. Order III. Sauria 193 Family VARAXiD.li 194 TTYDROSArRUS, "Wagl 195 JTydrosaurus vari'us, ( Jray 196 Xear Sydney, Australia. Family L acertid.15 1 97 Subfamily CfELODOXTES 199 Lacerta, Linn. Lncerta maderensis, Fitz., yd. xxiv, tigs. l-.S 200 I.sland of Madeira. Subfamily Pleodontes 201 Teins, Merr. Teing teguixin, Schiuz., j)!. x viii, figs. 1-7 202 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Family ZoNrEiD.^ 204 Ei.oaria, Gray 205 Elgariaformosa. B. & G., pi. xxiii, figs. 10-17 206 Fpper California. 54 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STA'I'ES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1858. GiKARD, Charles, with Spencek F. Baikd — Contiuiicd. Elgaria scincicauda, B. & G., pi. xxiii, figs. 1-9 210 Upper California. Elgaria grandis, B. & G., pi. xxii, figs. 1-9 212 Oregon. Elgaria principis, B. & G., pi. xxii, fig.s. 9-ld 214 Puget Sound. "Washington. Family Amphisb.«:nid.s; 215 Cephalopeltis, Miill 216 Cephalopeltig sctttigera Gray 217 Eio tie Janeiro, Brazil. Family Scincid.e 218 Subfamily Ophiophthal-mi 219 Cevptoblephart s, Wieglil. Cri)2itohlepharus plagioccplialtiti, ( ! nl ., pi. xx vi, fig.'s. 17-24 220 Otaheiti and Sandwich T.sImikI.s. Cryptoblepharus eximius, (ird., ]il. xxvi. tig.s. 25-32 222 Feejee Archipelago. Subfamily Saurophthalmi •. 223 Ophiodes, "VVagl 224 Ophiodes itriatim, AVagl 225 Kio de Janeiro, Brazil. Tiliqua, Gray 227 Tiliqua rufesceng, Gray. Mangsi Island, Philippine grouj). EuPREPis, Wagl 229 Etiprepis venustux, Grd., pi. xxvi, flg.s. 1-8. San Jago, Cape de Verde Island.s. Ctclodus, Wagl 232 Cyclodus gigag, Gray 233 Sydney, An.stralia. Cyclodina, Girard 235 f'yelodina cenea, Grd., pi. xxvi, fig.s. 9-16 236 Bay of Islands, Kew Zealand. Hombronia, Girard 239 Hombronia undoga, Grd., pi. xxvii, figs. 17-24 240 Bay of Islands, New Zealand. Hombronia fasciolarig, Grd., pi. xxvii, figs. 2.5-32 243 Bay of Islands, New Zealand. Oligosojia, Girard 245 Oligogoma Zelandicum, Grd.. jd. xxvii. figs. 9-16 246 Bay of Islands, New Zealand. Oligogoma iwctuuni, Grd 249 Coral Islands. Ltgosomella, Girard 251 Lygogomella mstuoga, Grd., pi. xxvii, figs. 1-8. Bay of Islands, New Zealand. LiPiNiA, Gray 254 Lipinia vuleania, Grd. Caldera, on Mindanao, Philippine Archipelago. . HlNlLlA, Gray 257 ninidia tceniolata, Gray 258 Pewen Bewen, Southeast Australia. MABin A. Fitz 260 Mahuya agilig, Fitz 261 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Emcja. Girard 262 Emoa atrocogtata. Grd 264 Feejee Archipelago. Emoa iSamoengig, Grd 265 Navigator and Fiji groups of islands. Emoa nigrita, Grd 268 Samoa, Navigator group. Emoa cyanura. Grd 270 Coral Islands. PUBLlCATIO^'8 OF CHARLES GIKAKJ), M. D. 00 1858. GiKAHD, CiiARLKS, With Spencer V. Baikd— ( '<>n( iiuud. Family (Iekkotid,?! 972 (Jehyra, Cxiay 07*? Gehyra Oceanica, Gray - ' Navlffator Islands anil Talioiti. 074 Oehyra vorax, Grcl " Fei'jeo and Rarnlia. Pebopus, Wii'gni "■" Peropus ■mutilatug, Wiegni. Balabac Passage, Plillinpino Archipeligo. Peropus neglectus, Grd "' Rio de Janeiro, IJrazil. Dactyloperus, Fitz "'^ Dactyhiperus instilenxiii. ( ! nl -"" Oaliu and Kanai, Sandwicli Islands. (.'ROSSURUS, ^^agl -^'■ CrogsuntK platiiums, Grd. East Indies. Hemidacty'lus, Cuv -*'" H^mklaetylus mabuia, Ciiv., pi. xxv.lijis. 9-l() 283 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Heinidactylus cyanodactylus. Cird., pi. xxv,tigs. 17-24 284 Port Praya, San Jago, Cape Verde Islands. BoRYURA, Gray - - . 28o Boryura vulpemda, Grd., pi. xsi\-, figs. 17-24 280 Sandwich Islands. ASCALABOTES, Cuv -^^ Ascalabotes Delalandii, Fitz., pi. xxv, tigs. 1-8 289 San Jago, Cape de Verde Islands. Gekko. Laur '^^^ Oekko Indicus, Grd., pi. xvi, figs. 9-16. Island in Balabac Strait, near China Seas. Gekko Monarchus, Gray 292 Singapore. HOPLODACTYLUS, Fitz 29.3 Hoplodactylus pomarri, Grd., pi. xviii, tigs. 10-16 294 Bay of I.slands, Brazil. DiPLODACTYLUS, Gray '^^^ Biplodactylus vittatus, Gray. pi. xxiv. figs. 9-16 297 Sontheastern Australia. DiPLODACTYLUS, Fltz -^^ Diplodactylvs phacophoritu, Tsch., pi. xxv. figs. 25-32 300 Amancaes Mountains, Pern. Phyllurus, Cuv ^^'^ Phyllurus plattmis, Cuv 303 Southeast Australia. GONIODACTYLUS, Kuhl ^^'^ Goniodactylus marmoratim, Kiihl. Mangsi Island, Philippine group. Heteronota, Gray ■^"^ Eeteronota pelagica, Grd., i)l. xxiv. figs. 25-32 306 Feejee and Navigator I.slands. Naultinus, Gray -_ ^"^ Naidtinuis punctatus. Gray, pi. xvi, figs. 17-26 309 Bay of Islands, New Zealand. Family Iguanid^ •^12 Suhfamily Pleurodontes 313 MiCKOLOPHUS, Dnm. & Bilir. Mierolophus Pentvianvt:. (iray ^1-i Peru. — Taraguira, Gray 3^'^ Taraguira torquata. Gray .318 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Saccodeira, Girard '^-^ iiaccodeim ornatusima, Girard, pi. xxviii, figs. 1-8 323 Lower Cordilleras, below Obrc^illo, near Tanga, Republic of Peru. r)(i TULLKTIN 41, rNni:i> S'I'AI'KS XATTOXAl, ^K'SKTM. 1858. (;ii;ai;1>. C'iiaki.ks, iri//( SrEXCF.u F. Baikd— ("0 Port Desire, Patagonia. Phytidodcira Magellanica, (Ird 3,^1 Port 11e.sir6, Patagonia; Pcckct Hnilioi-, Strait "f ^Sfngfllan. h'hytidddeira hihroni, Grd :t.">2 I'cirt Desir6, PatagoTiia. lihytidodeira Wiegman iii . (Jrd 3.')2 Itepnblio of Chile. Phi/tidodeira nigroniacvliild. ( ii-d . . ^SS Re])nblic of Chile. Phytidodeira nxycepliiihi. (ird.. ])1. xwiii. li^i's. 2ti X\. Coi-dilleras, altitiuli- of .f.oiHi led. Ktil.9^mus, Girard .3.'>7 Knlcemus tenvin, (ird.. ])1. xxviii. figs. 9-l(i :!.')S Valparaiso, Cliile. Pulcemus Darinni, (ird.. ])1. xvii, fig,s. S-14 :!(!1 Coast of Patagonia. Kulfi'nuis pictm; Grd :!(U Republic of Chile. EiiUeitnisfitzingeri, (ird Ii(i.') Republic of Chile. Eulcvmnx affmis, (ird 3(50 Port l)esir6 and Santa Crii/.. Patagonia. KulfPmvs iigvifer. (i rd :;(ifi Republic of Cliih>. Tvidrcmus itiariddtim. ( ird :;(;7 Republic of I'crn. ( »HTHoi,;F..Mfs, ( ! ii ard IKW Orthohi iiiiin Peaglri, (!rd.. pi. xvii. tigs. 1.", 21 :!(!0 (di coast of Patagoni:!. Orthokfinus ■tmiUiinacvlafiif, ( Inl :t72 Republic of Chile. (trtholinniix Fittroii, Grd 373 Hahia Blanca and Rio Negro, Patagonia: Mahhniado, near mouth of Kio La Plata. P.R.\CHYLOPHr.e, Cuv. I!rarhido2}hi(i.f(isi'iatiis. Cuv., pi. xviii, figs. K-9 374 1 iiiisntalvod iiiid Peejee Islands. PURLICATTONS OF CIIAIJLKS (UEAKD, M. D. 57 IKyX. (;ii;.\i;n, Chaklks, with i^rv.yi'Kn F. I>ah:i) — Contiiiiied. ScELoroRUS, Wiogiii ;!77 Scelopomn undtilatitii, Wiej;in, pi. xix, lifjs. 15-:il :j79 Between Mississippi Valley ami Atlautie Oceau. New Jersey, anil (lull" of Mexico. Sceloporus oecidentaliii, H. & G., pi. xix, ligs. 8-14 S83 California and Oregon, west of Koeky Moiintain.s. Sceloporus fti»)tolix. H. \- {',.. pi. xis, figs. 1-7 384 Paget Sound. Oregon. Seeloporun gracilh. P.. \- ('... pi. xx. figs. 1-9 3S6 Oregon . Phrynosoma, Wiegni 389 Tapaya, Cuv 394 lapai/a orbicularis, ('iiv. Valley of Mexico. Tapaya Hernanden, Grd 395 New Mexico. Tapaya ornatissima, Grd 396 Mountain region of New Mexico. Tapaya brevirostrig, Grd 397 Plain.s of Kansas and Nebraska. Tapaya JDouglasui, Grd., pi. xxi, figs. 1-5. Mountain region of Oregon. Batk.\chosoma, Fitz 400 Batrachosoma coronatum, rit/,., pi. xx. fig.s. 10-13. Fpper California. Phhyno.soma (Wiegni.), Grd 402 Phrynosoma cornutum, Gray, pi. xxi, figs. 6-9 4O3 Southwestern States of the Union. Phrynosoma regale, Grd 4O6 Valleys of Zuni and Colorado Kivers. DoLiosAUKUS, Grd 407 Doliosaitr^is McCalli, Grd 408 Deserts of Gila and f^olorado Kiver.s. Doliosanrus platyrhinos, Grd 4O9 Valley of Great Salt Lake of Ttali. Doliosanrus modestus, Grd 409 Valley of Eio Grande del Norte. Subfamily Acrodontes 410 Bronchocel.*, Kanp 411 Bronchocela cristatella. Kani>. Singapore. AMPHreOLURUi?, Wagl 413 A mphiboliinis muricatus, AVagl 414 New South Wales, Australia. Amphibolurus maculiferus, Grd 417 New SoTith Wales, Australia. Oreodeira, Girard 419 Oreodeira gracilipes, Grd 420 New South Wale.s, Australia. Order IV. Chelonia 425 Suborder I. CHELOXn 427 Fain ily Chelonid-?:, P.onap 429 Thalassochelys, Fitz. Thalassochelys corticnta. Onl.. (il. xxix 431 Madeira. LEPiDorHELYS, Fitz 434 f.epidoclielys olivacea, Fitz 435 Chinese Seas. Lepidochelys I>ussuniieri. (Jrd 437 Coa.st of Malabar. Remarks on Chelonia vergata. Si'hn. Careita, Merr ^ 438 Caretta imbricata, Merr 440 Atlantic Ocean, West Indies especially. Caretta squamosa, Grd., pi. xxx, figs. 1-7 442 Sooloo Seas and Indian Ocean. o8 15ULLET1N 41, I'MTEi) STATES NATIONAL MUSErM. 1858. GiKAiU), Chahles, uUh .Spkxcer F. Baikd — Continued. (^aretta roitrata, Grcl., i»l. xxx, figs. 8-13 446 Feejee Islauds. Epchelys, Giranl 447 Fjuehelys macrupus, Gril., ]il. xxxi, figs. 9-11 44'^ Mangsi Isliiiids, Pliilippiuo Archipol.ago. Iteniarks on tlm genii.'^ Halichely.s of l-'it/.ingoi-. (JHELONIA, Broiigii 4.")'2 Chelonia viridm, Temui. & Scbleg 4r>3 "West Indies. Chelonia maculosa, Cnv 4.">4 Coast of !Malal>aii. Ohelo-nia mannorata, Dmn. & Kilir., iil. xxxi, tigs. r>-7 4r>r> Atlantic Ocean. Chelonia formosa, (!i-(l., iil. xxxi. tigs. 14 450 Feejee Islands. Chelonia tenuis, Grd., ]il. xxxi. fig. s 459 Honden Island, I'aniuotu Group; Taliiti and Eimeo; Kosa Island. Suborder II. Testudinata 401 Family HYDE.A.SPrDES 402 Family Emydid^ 463 Subfamily Clem.^ivdid.^ 464 ACTINEMYS, Agass. Actinemys mannorata (Ag.), Grd.. pi. xxxii 465 Puget Sound (Oregon); Sacramento River (California). amily TESTrDiNiD.« 470 Testuim). Linn. Testudo Avstralis. Grd. Bay of Islands. New Zeland. 94. 1858. GiRARD, Cii.vRLES. United States iiiid Mexican | Boundary Survey | under the order of | Lieut. Col. W. H. Emory, | Major First Cavalry, and United States Commissioner. | lelitliyology | of the Boundary, | By | Charles Girard, M. D. Report of the Vnited States and Mexican Boundai}/ Survey, ii, 1-77. 1858. ichthyology. Percid.e. DiopUtes nuecensis. Grd., i)l. i 1 Calliunis longulus, Grd., pi. iv, figs. 1-1 5 Pornotis speciosus, B. & G., pi. iv, figs. ;">-8 5 Pomotis heros. B. & G., pi. ii; figs. 1-1 -■ 6 Pornotis aquilensis, B. & G., pi. iii, figs. 1-8 7 Pomotis fallax, B. & G.,pl. ii, figs. 5-8: pi. iii. tigs. 9-12 8 Etheostomidje 10 Pileoma carbonaria, B. & G., ])1. viii, figs. 10-13 10 Poecilichthys lepidiis, Grd,, jd. viii, figs. 14-17 11 Batrachid.e. Patrachus tan, Cuv. & Val 11 Sci.i;xiD,E. Otolithus Drummondi, Ricliards, ]il. \i 12 OtoUthus nothus, Holbr 11 Leiostomus ohliquus, DeKay 11 Homoprion lanceolatns, Holbr 11 Homoprion xanthurus, Holbr 11 Conodon antillarms, Cuv. & Val 11 Pogonias fasciatus, LacSj) 11 Sargus ovis, Cuv. -!) 19 Atherixid^ 19 Atherinop»is, sp 19 Indianola, Texas. .1 therinopsis, sp 19 Mexico. MUGILID.*: 19 Mugil Beiiandieri, Grd., pi. x, tig.s. 1-t 20 Soo^rBRID.T; • 20 Chorinemus, Guv. & Val 20 Chorinemus lanceolatus, Grd., pi. xi, fig. 5 21 ( "HLOROSCOMBRCS, Grd 21 Chloroscomhrus Caribbceus, Grd., pi. xi, fig. 6 21 DoLiODOX, Girard - 22 Doliodon CaroUnus, Grd., pi. xi, fig. 4 22 Doliodon gpinosus, Grd 22 Carangus, Girard 23 Carangus esculentus, Grd., pi. xi, figs. 1-3 23 Carangtig chrysos, Grd 23 Carangus fallax, Grd 23 Carangus pisquetus, Grd 23 Carangus Bartholoma'i, Grd 23 Carangus defensor, G rd 23 Carangus falcatus, Grd 23 Carangus Michardi, Grd 23 Argyreios^is capillaris, DeKay, pi. xi, fig. 7 23 Vomer setapinnis, n. s., pi. xi, fig. 8 24 TyENIOID.E 24 Trlchiurus lepturus, Linn 24 GOBID.15 24 GoBioxELLUS, Grd 24 Oobionellus hastatttg, Grd., jil. xii. fig. 7-8 25 Gobionellns lanceolatus, Grd '-4 Gobionellus bacalaus, Grd "-4 Gohionellus smaragdus, Grd 24 Gobionellus brasiliensis, Grd 24 Gobius lyricus, Grd., pi. xii, figs. 4-5 25 Gobius Wurdenian7i i, Grd 25 Gobius catthlus, Grd., pi. xii, figs. 9-10 26 Gobius gulosus, Grd 26 GoBiosoMA, Girard 27 Gobiosonia molestum, Grd., pi. xii, fig. 11 27 Gobiosoma alepidota, Grd 27 Blenxid.b 27 Blennius multiflllis, Grd., pi. xii, fig. G - 27 Eleotris sumnulentus, Grd., pi. xii, figs. 1-3 28 Eleotris gyrinus, Cnv. & Tal., pi. xii, figs. 11-12 28 PhiUpnus dormitator, Cuv. & Yal., pi. xii, flg. 13 29 Pleuroxectid.e 29 Four species belonging to several genera 29 ECHEN'EID.E 29 Echeneis, sp 29 St. Joseph's Island. Ophidid.e 29 Ophidion Josephi, Grd 29 SCOMBERESOCIDJE 30 Belone scrutator, Grd., pi. xiii .• 30 Labrid.*; 30 IlERICHTHYS, B. & G 30 Flerichthys cyanoguttatus, B. & G., pi. iv, figs. 9-12 30 GO T.UIJ.F/riN 11, rXlTKI) STA'I'KS XATIOXAIv Ml'SEUM. 18r>X. (ilKAKD. Chaim.ks— ('(nitiiiiird. SlURIII.f. J 31 Aii.rKiCHrirvs, B. & G 31 Ailiirichthi/ii marinus, B. & G., pi. xiv 31 Ailurichtlii/s gronovi, Grd 31 Ailurichthi/s eydouxi, Grd 31 Ailvrichthyn blochi, Grd 31 A rius equestris, n. s., pi. xv 3'J Pimelodug affinis, B. & G.. i>l.s. xvi. xvii 32 Pimelodus vulpeg, Grd.. pi. xviii 32 C YPRIXID.E - 34 fctiubus liDtvUhis, Ciril.. ])1. xix, tigs. 1-4 34 MoxonUima Keiinerli. Grd., ])1. xx. figs. 7-9 34 Moxostoma Victorke, Grd., ]>1. xx, figs. 1-3 30 Moxoitoma Campbelli, Grd., pi. xx, figs. 4-C 35 Ptychoxtninus congestus, Grd., pi. xsi, figs. 5-8 36 nycliostoums albidus, Grd.. pi. xix, figs. 5-8 36 MiNOMUS, Girard 37 Minoinus insignis, Grd., pi. xxi, figs. 1^ 37 Minomim pleheiug, Grd., pi. xxii, figs. 1^ 38 Minomus ClarH, Grd.. pi. xxii, figs. 5-8 38 Acomus latipinnis, Grd., \t\. xxii, figs. 1-6 39 Aeoimis Ouzinaniensis, Grd.. pi. xxiii, figs. 6-10 39 Catostomvn Bernardini. Grd., ]>1. xxiii. figs. 1-5 40 Campostom.\, Agass 40 Campostoma ornatiiin, Grd., pi. xxv, figs. 1-4 41 Campostomaforniomtlum, Grd., pi. xxv, figs. 5-8 41 Campostoma namtum, Grd., pi. xxv, figs. 9-12 42 Dionda serena, Grd., pi. xxvi, figs. 9-12 42 IHonda Ti'xenns, Grd., pi. xxvi, figs. 21-24 42 Dionda argeniosa, Grd., pi. xxvi, figs. 5-8 43 IHonda chrysitis, Grd., pi. xxvi, figs. 13-16 43 Dionda melanops, Grd., pi. xxvi, figs. 17-20 44 Dionda Couchi, Grd., pi. xxvi, fig. 1-4 ■. 44 Algoma, Girard 44 Algoma amara, Grd.. pi. xxvii, fig. 17-20 45 Algoma Jfuviatilis, Grd., pi. xxvii, 13-16 45 COCHLOGXATHCS, B. &. G 4 Cochlognatlnts ornatug, B. ifc G., pi. xxxv, figs. 12-17 46 Algansea tincella, Grd., pi. xxvii. figs. 1^ 46 Argyreug oscnlus, Grd.. pi. xxvii, figs. 9-12 47 Argyreus notabilis, Grd.. pi. xxvii, figs. 5-8 47 Agosia, Girard. Agosia chrygogaster, Grd., pi. xxviii, figs. 5-8 48 Agogia metallica, (ird., pi. xxviii, figs. 1-4 49 Gobio (egtivalis, Grd., pi. Ivii, figs. 17-29 49 Meda, Girard 50 Medaftdgida. Grd., pi. xxviii, fig.s. 9, 10 50 Chiola velox. Grd., pi. xxxi, figs. 21-24 51 A Ibitrni'lUis amabilig, Grd., pi. xxix, figs. 10-13 51 Alburnt'llus megalopg, Grd., pi. xxix, figs. 1^ 52 Alburnellus sociug, pi. xxix, figs. 14-17 52 CoDOMA, ( Hrard 53 Codoma ornata, Grd., pi. xxix. figs. 22-25 53 ('(idoma vitfata, Grd., pi. xxix, figs. 18-21 53 f'yprinella mncrostoma, Grd.. pi. xxxi, figs. .5-8 54 <'ypri)irlla veniigta, (ird., ])1, xxxi, figs. 1-4 .54 (Ujprinella Texana, Grd., i)l. xxxi, figs. 9-12 55 Cyprinella luxiloides, Grd., pi. xxxi, figs. 13-16 55 Montana anrata, Grd., pi. xxx, figs. 13-16 56 Montana complanata, Grd., pi. xxxi, figs. 17-20 56 Montana frigida, Grd., pi. xxx, figs. 17-20 .56 Moniana Couchi, Grd., pi. xxx, figs. 21-24 57 Moniana rutila. Grd., pi. xxx, figs. 1-4 .57 Moniana n ifida, Grd 58 Moniana J'onnoga, Grd., pi. xxx, figs. 5-8 .58 Moniana gracilis, Grd 59 PUBLICATIONS OF CHAKLES (aKAKD, M. 1). Gl 1858. GiKAiU), Charles — Contiimed. Moniana gibbom, Grd., pi. xxs, fig.s. 9-lL' 59 Moniana proserpiiia, Grd 59 Luxiltts lej)tosomus, Grd., pi. xix, tigs, 9-12 tiO TiAROGA. Guard 00 Tiaroga cobitis, Grd.. pi xxvii. tigs. 11-14 (iO 6'i7a elegaiis, B. &, G ort.s of Explorations ;ni. \h:,:\. May 'il, 18.54, and Auf-iist 5, 18.51. \ul. x, Kisiii.s. l,S.->S. I'.y Charles ( Jir.iid, M. !>., Wash- ington, 1859. With 7t> jjhiles. 1 . The fishes of western North America are as yet too lilllc Ivimwu. and the aiiiouiLl nf iirw materials for inn hei- investigations too great, also. Id warrant anything like an alteiii|il uu the pi'esent occasion to establisli a natural series. Allii' treating of the various groups in a 62 BULLETIN 41, TJNITED STATE.S NATIONAL MU.SEUM. 1859. GiRAKD, CiiAULES — Contiuiifd. series of monographs, as already begun (see No. 26), we shall be better prepared to do justice to that part of tliis subject. Wc have dwelt at some lengtli upon two groups — the Cataphneti, or mailed cheeks, and the Embiotocoids, or vivaparous family, both of tliem having numerous representatives ah)ug the Pacific coast. They constitute the most prominent feature of tlie ichthyic fauna of tliat region of the North American cimtinent, together with the Trachinids and the Heterolepids, which seemingly bring into closer relationshi])s tlie Percoids and the Cottoids, properly so culled. The true Percoids themselves appear isolated west of the Rocky Moun- tain range. Tlie Spliyneniil I'amily is represented by one species of the genus Sphi/r(cna. The Sciienoids, so far as observed, are few in numbers, and remind us of the Atlantic types. Not a single species of Sparoids has. as yet, come to our knowledge from the coasts of Oregon and California. As to the Atherinoid family, we tind in California a rather large species designated by the settlers umler the name of "Smelt, " possibly on account of its delicacy, and which is. truly speaking, an ally of the '" Silverside " or "Silver-fish " of our Atlantic coast, and the "Peace del Key" or " Pescadilla del Key" of Central and South America. The "Silver-fish" being of a diminutive size, even when full grown, its esculent (qualities have remained unnoticed by either fishermen or gastronomers. The "Pesce del Key" tells its own story. The scarcity of Scomberoids is a curious feature in the fauna of our western coast; a Mackerel (Scomber), a Bonito (Pelami/n) and two (Caranx), constitute thus far the entire known list. But we venture to say that further researches will bring to light many more of them. The only .species of Chetodonts we are acquainted with from the western coast was ob- tained in the southern part of the State of California. The Blennioid family is seemingly more numerous than the preceeding ones, new generic ty peii (Xeocliniis, Xiphidiiin, Apodichthyx, Cebidichthye, ;mA Aiiarrichthys) having been found, along with species of known genera (Blennhu, Gunncllus, and Lumpenus). The Gobioids, properly so called, are comparatively scarce, two species of the genus Oobiug constituting the entire known list. The Cycloptcrids, or Discoboli, are represented by two species also, one of which is a Lepadogaster, the other a Cyclogaster. The 15atraclioid or toad fish family has furnished one species to the I'auna, exhibiting the characters of a new genus, which we have called I'orichthijs. The Labroids proper are anything but numerous, the Embiotocoids being considered as a separate family. We believe, nevertheless, that msiuy more will be discovered along the southern coast of California. The Pomacentrid familj-, or marine Labroids, with pectinated scales, has yielded one species, which we place in the genus Glyphinodun, not having the means of determining more accu- rately its generieal position. The Chromids, or fresh- water Labroids with pectinated scales also, have not yet been met with along the Pacific range of North America. We have evidences of their ])resence in the basin of the Kio Grande del Norte (Kio Bravo), one species being figured and described in the " Icbthy(dogy " of the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey. The Scomberesocids, or "garfishes," on the other hand, arerepresented, thus far, by a species of billfish (Belone). The Gadoid family has given us a Cod. a Whiting ( Merlangus). and a Cusk (Broarnius); the latter we have not examined. The Pleuronectids, or tiatfishes, are tolerably well represented, though we observe, as yet, no turbots C7?/)0)n,6M») proper. The halibut ( Hi2}poglust:vi! ) is spokffli of as occurring along the coast, but we have not had it in our hands. The Ophidioid family is represented by two known genera. Ophidioit and Ainmodytes, whilst the true eels have not yet been heard of. The SaluKuioids are abnudant. especially in species of the Linnean genus Salmo. to which may be added a white fish (Coregonw!) and two smelts, one belonging to the genus Oamerus, the other to that of Thalcichthys of recent creation. No Characinids are known north of the valley of the Kio Grande del Norte (Rio Bravo), in which one species was collected by the Mexican Boundary Commission, in whose report it is figured and described. The Sco])elids have furnished us, so far, with one species of the genus Saiintx from the Pacific coast. The fresh waters teem with Cyprinoids and Percoids, the former east and west of the Kocky Mountains, the latter almost solely eastw.ardly. in the shape of suulislns ( I'diuotin') and bass (A mblopliteg and Centrarchus), a single sjiecies of bass having been nutin-d in Call- Ibriiia. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIKAKD, M. ]>. fi3 1859. CJiHAKi), Chahles — Coutiuufd. Of tlio Cypriuodrjiit family, we iiiciition but one .si»'cus, an iiili:ilii(:inl of ihc fnsli waters of California. Tliose collected iu the interior of tlio continent we iiiopose to iiivesfii;ate at some fiitnre time. The Etheostomoids are likewise left aside for the ])resenl. A few pickerels, or Esocids, have been observed in the liydrotiraiihic basin of the Arkansas. Some catfisbes, or Pimelodi, were secured at the initial point of exploration of tlie thirty. fifth and forty-seventh par.illels, none having Ijeen noticed west of tlie Ilocky Mountains. Of the Clupeidaj or herring family we meet with two herrings proper, one belonging to the genus Clupea, the other to the genus SiMetta, and several anchovies {Kw/raidls), but thus far no shad (Alosa) have been seen in the collections, which have been made and submitted to our examination. Three Plectognaths have been noticed, a "Monu-flsh" (Orthagdriicux), :i " l);\\lomi-1\Hh" (Tftraodon), and a "Trigger" (BalUtes). Five "Pipe-lishes" {i>i/ngnathus) and one "Sea-horse" (Hippocaiii-j/us) rein-csent the Lopho- branch family. The Ganoids of the western coast consist in three species of sturgeons (Acipeniser) , and in the interior of the continent in a ■Paddle-flsh" (Polyodon), a "Shovel-nose'' (Scaphirhyn- chus), two species of "Mud-tishes"' {Auiia), and three species of "(lar-pikes" {Lepidoiteus) . The cartilaginous fishes, as observed, are anything but numerous; iive species of Sharks belonging to the genera Tn'aA-t*-, Musielus, Cestracion, Heptanchus, auA Aeanthitn ; five species of Skates belonging to the genera Rhinohatus, Xarcine, Raja, Vra2)tera. and Jihinoptera, and nine species of Lampreys belonging to tlie genera Petromyzon, Ichthi/omi/zon, Ainmoca-tcs, and Scolecosoma. The " Elephant-lish " (Chimcera) was observe as I'ligit Sound. Order Acanthopteki 3 Eaniily Percid.e, Bona]) 3 DiOPLiTES, Ratin 4 Dioplitei nueceiuis, G 4 PoMoxis. Rafin 5 Pomoxis sparoides. G C Pomoxis nigro maculatus, (i 6 Pomoxis annularis, Ralin G Pomoxis nitidiis, G., pi. ii, figs. 5-8 6 Ambloplites, Rafin - 8 Ambloplites cenezis, Agass., pi. i 8 Ambloplites interruptus, G., pi. ii, tigs. 1-4 10 C ALLIURUS, Rafin ] 1 Calliurus melanops, (J., pi. iii U Callinrus diaphanus, G., pi. iv., figs. 1-5 i;! Calliurus formosus, G., pi. v. figs. 1-4 14 Calliurus longiilus, G., pi. v, figs. 5-8 1 fi CalUvrus microps, G., pi. iv, figs. 5-8 17 Calliurus nitirinus, G., pi. vii., figs. 1-4 18 Bryttus. Cuv. & Yal 19 Bri/ffus alhuhis, G., pi. vi, figs. 1^ 19 Briittnn xiijnifcr, G., pi. vii, figs. 5-8 20 Bryttus huinilis, G., pi. vii, figs. 9-24 21 POMOTIS, Rafin 22 Pomotis luna, G., pi. viii, figs. 1-4 22 Pomotis speciosus, B. & G.. jd. viii, figs. 5-8 23 Pomotis heros, B. & G.. pi. is, figs. 13-16 24 Pomotis aqinlensis, B. & G., pi. ix, figs. 1-4 : pi . x, ligs. 8-1 1 25 Pomotis popii, n. s 26 Pomotis fallax, B. & G.. pi. viii, figs. 1-10; pi. ix, figs. 5-12; pi. x, figs. 1-7 27 Pomotis breiuceps, B. & G 28 Labrax, Cuv 29 Labrax chrysops, G., pi. xi. figs. 1-4 29 Stizostedion, Rafin 31 Stizostedion bornis, G., pi. xi, figs. 5-8 31 Paralabbax, Girard 33 Paralabrax nebulifer, G., pi. xii, figs. 1-4 33 Paralahrax clathratus, G., pi. xii. figs. 5-8 34 Family TrauhiniDvE, Bonap 35 Heterostichus, Girard 36 64 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 18.7,). (UitAKU, Charlks — Coutiuuetl. neteroitichus rostratut:, ('•.. }>1. xiii 36 1 Family SPHYHiENlD.E, IJDuap 38-j •Sphvr.kna, Art6(li 38 j Sphyrccna argentea, (i., pi. xiv 39 j Tribe of Cataphracti 40 ' Family Heterolepid.e, < iirard 40 Chirus, Stt'lliM- 41 Ohiropsis. Giranl 41 Chiropgis conciellatun, G., pi. xix 42 Chiropinii pictus, G., pi. xx, figs. 1-4 43 Chiropsis guttatun, G.. pi. xx, flgs. 5-8 44 ChiropsU nebuloxux. n. s 45 OPLopOiMA, Girard 46 Oplopoiiiapantherlna, (J., pi. xviii, figs. 1-3 46 Ophiodon', Girard 48 Ophiodon elongatus, (.>., pi. xviii, flgs. 4-7 48 Family Cottid.e, Girard 50 C'oTTopsis, Girard 51 Cottopnis aaper, G 51 Cottopsis gulosns, G 53 Cottopnu parvus, G 54 Olkjocottl's. Girard 55 OUgocottus macvloniis, G 56 Oligocottus analis, G 57 OUgocottus globicepi, ii. .s 58 Leptocottl's, Girard 59 Leptocottus armatux, G., pi. xv, fig. 2 6i) Leiocottus, Girard 62 Leiocottux hiruiido, G., pi. xvi, figs. 2 and 3 62 ScoKP.EXicHTHYS, Girard 63 Hcorpcenichthys marmoratus, G., pi. xvi, fig. 1 61 AspicOTTUS, Girard 65 Anpicottuis hison. G., pi. xv, fig. 1 66 Hemilepidotus, Cuv 67 Hemilepidottii! t^plnonui, Ayres 68 Artedius, Girard 69 A rtedmn lateralis, G., pi. xxii», fig. 5 and 6 70 Artedms notospilotug, G., pi. xxii'', figs. 5 and 6 71 Z.\NioLEPis, (Jirard 73 ZaniolepU latipinnis, G., pi. xvii, figs. 5 and 6 73 N'autichthys, n. g 74 Nautiehthys ocvlo-fasciatug, G 75 Family Scorp.exid.e, Swains 76 ScoRP.«NA. Artedi 76 Scorpmia guttata. G., pi. xvii, figs. 1-4 77 Sebastes, Cxiv 78 Sehastes rosaceus, G., pi. xxi 78 tSebasteg fasciatug, G., pi. xxii 79 SebaUeg auriculatus, G 80 Sebastes melanojys, Vt 81 Sebastes paricispiids. Ayres, pi. xxii", figs. 1-4 83 Family Gasterosteid.e, Bonap 84 Gasterosteus, Art6di 85 dasterosteus plebeius, G 86 (lasterosteus serratus, AjTes. . . . , , , 88 dasterosteus intermediug, G , 89 dasterosteus inopinatus, G , 90 CasterosteMS microcephalus, G 91 (lasterosteiis Pugetti, G 92 Onsterastciis Wllliamsoni, G 93 Family Si iamu.-e, Bonap, 95 A jim.t)r)0\, Rafln 95 A mblodon gruiiniens, Rafin., pi. xxiii 96 Amblodon saturinis, i\. s . . 9h 1.E.OSTOMUS, l.ae^p .^\[^Z...'.. ...... . 99 PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D, 65 1859. CtIRard, Charles — Continuod. Leiostomus lineattig, Ayres, pi. xxii'", figs. 1-4 gg Fmbrina, Cuv 101 Umbrina imdulata, G jOl ramily Atherinid^, Bonap 102 Atherixopsis, Girard 102 Atherinopsis californiensis, (t 103 Family Scombeid.e, lionap 10.5 Scomber diego, Ayres 10,5 PfiLAJlYS, Cuv. & Val 105 Pelamys lineolata, n. s 106 Trachurus, Kafln loy Trachurus symmetricus, G 107 Trachurus hoops, n. s 108 Family Squamipinnes, MiiU HO Ephippus, Cuv HO Ephippus zonatus, u. ,s HO Family Blennid.e, Bonaj) 112 Blexnius, Art^di 113 Blennius gentiUts, G., pi. xxv», fig. 4 113 Keoclinus, u. g ] 14 Neoclinus Blanchardi, n. s 115 GUNNELLUS, Cuv llg Gunnellus ornatus, G lig Apodichthys, Girard 117 Apodichthys flaxndus, G 117 Apodichthys virescens, Ayres. .' 118 XiPHiDiox, n. g 119 Xi2)hidion mucosum, n. s 119 Cebidichthys, Ayres 121 Cebidichthys violaceus, G., pi. xxv'', figs. 4, 5 121 LuJiPENUS, Reinli : 122 Lumpemts anguillaris, G., pi. xxv"", figs. 1-3 123 Anarrhichthys, a j res 124 AnarrhichthysfeUs, G., pi. xxv», figs. 1-3 125 Family Gobid.b, Bonap 126 GoBius, Art6di 126 Gobius lepidus, G., pi. xxV, flgs. 5, 6 127 Gobius Newberri, G 128 Family Cyclopterid.e, Bonap 129 Lepadogaster, Gouan 129 Lepadogaster meandricus, G 130 Cyclogaster, Gronov 131 Cyclogaster pulchelhis, G 132 Family Lophid.e, Bonap , 1.33 Family Batrachid^, Swains 133 roRlCHTHYS, Girard I34 Porichthys 7wtatus, G., pi. xxv 134 Order AXACANTHIXI 137 Suborder Apodes I37 Family Ophidid.e, Bonap I37 Ophidion, Art6di 138 Ophidian Taylori, n. a 158 Ammodytes, Art6di 138 A mmodytes personatus, G 139 Suborder Thoracici I40 Family GADlDiE, Bonap I40 Brosmius marginatus, Ayres '. 141 Merlangus prodicctus, Ayres 141 Morrhua, Cuv 141 Morrhua proxima, G., pi. xl», figs. 5-8 142 HoMALOPOMUS, Girard 143 Homalopomus Trovbridgi, pi. xl», flgs. 1-4 144 Family Pleuroxectid.e, Bonap 145 Paralichthys, n. g ^ 146 Paralichthyg macidosus, G 147 Platichthys. Girard 148 Bull. 41, :N^. M. 5 66 bullp:tin 41, united, states national museum. 1859. GiRAKD, Chahles — CoDtiuned. ^ Plafichthi/s rtigosus, G 148 Platichthi/x umbrosus, G 149 PLErRONiCHTHYS, G inird 150 rienronichthijs ccenosus, G 151 Pleuronichthijs gttttidatus, G 152 Parophrys, Girard 153 ParoiJhrys vctulus, G 153 PSETTICHTHYS, Girarcl 154 Psettichthys vielanontictus, G 154 Pscttichthijs sordidus, G., pi. xl'^ 155 Order PH APvYlf GOGNATHI 157 Suborder M alacopterygii 157 raiuily SCOMBEEESOCID.E, Owen 157 BELfiNE, Cuv 158 Belone exiUs, G , 158 Suborder Acanthopterygii 160 raiuily Pomacentrid^, Agass 160 Glyphisodon, Lacep 160 Olyphisodon ruhicwidns, G., pi. xxiv 161 Family Labrid.E, Bouap 162 JULIS, Cuv 162 Jrilis modestits, G - 163 Family Embiotocoid.e or Holconoti, Agass 164 Embiotoca, Agass - 168 Embiotoca Jacksoni, Ag., pi. xxvi, figs. 3, 4 ; pi. xxvii and pi. xxviii 168 Embioioca Cassidi, G., pi. xxvi, fig. 12 ; pi. xxix 171 Embiotoca TVebbi, G., pi. xxx 173 Embiotoca lineata, G., pi. xxvi. figs. 5, G ; pi. xxxi 174 Embiotoca ornata, G., pi. xxvi, fig. 11 176 Embiotoca pcrspicabilig, G., pi. xxvi, figs. 1, 2 ; pi. xxxii 178 Embiotoca argyroaoma, G 180 Damalichth YS, Girard 181 Damalichthys vacca, G., pi. xxxiii 182 PHA^•ERODO^f, Girard 183 Phanerodonfurcatus, G., pi. xxxiv, figs. 1-5 184 Abeona, Girard 186 Abeona Trowbridgi, G., pi. xxxiv, figs. 6-10 186 Khacocheilus, Agass 188 Phacocheiliis toxotes, Agass, pi. xl 188 H YSTEROCARPUS, Gibbons 190 Hyatcrocarpus traski, Gibb(ms, pi. xxvi, fig. 14 190 HoLCONOTVS, Agass 193 Holconotun rhodoterus, Ag., pi. xxvi, figs. 7, 8; pi. xxxv, xxxvi, figs. 1-4 193 Ennichthys, Girard - 196 Ennichthys viegalops, G., pi. xxvi, fig. 10, and pi. xxxvii 197 Ennichthys Heennanni, G., pi. xxvi. fig. 9, and pi. xxxviii 199 Amphistichus, Agass 201 A mjthistichiis argcnteus, Ag., pi. xxxix 201 A uiphi^tichvs similis, G., pi. xxxvi, figs. 5-9 203 Order PHTSOSTOMI or MAL ACOPTEEI 206 Suborder Apodes 206 Suborder Abdojiixales 206 Family Silcrid.^, P)Onap 207 PiMELODUS, Linn 207 Pimelodvs catulits, n. s., pi. xli, figs. 4-6 207 Phnclodvs felinvs, n. s 209 Pimelodiis Antonieiisix, n. s 209 Pimelodus ailurus, n. s., pi. xliv - 210 Pimelodiis hipus, n. s 211 Pimelodus olivacevs, n. s., pi. xli, figs. 1-3 ; pi. xlii 211 Family f yprixid.^, Girard 212 Tribe of Cyprina, Girard 213 Mylocheilus, Agass 213 Mylocheilvs catirinus, G., pi. xlvi, figs. 1^ 213 Mylocheihts lateralis, Ag. & Pick., pi. xlv., figs. 5-8 -. 214 Milocheibisfratemthis, G., pi. xlv, figs. 1-4 215 PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIKAKD, M. L». 67 1859. GiisAKD, Charles — Continued. M\T,ePHAROD0N, Ayres 2K Mfjlopharodon conocephaius, G., pi. xlvi, figs. ii-S 216 Miilopharodon robustus, Ayre-s, pi. xlvii 9jg Tribe of Catostomi, Girard _ ~,,j Carpiodes, Kaiin ~.„ Carpiodes damalis, G., pi. xlviii, tig.s. 1-4 oj^^ MoxosTOJiA, Kaflu 219 Moxonfoina claviformis, G., pi. xlviii, figs. 5-8 .219 Ptyciiostomu.'*, Agass 090 Ftychosto-inus Haydeni, G., pi. xlix, flg.s. 1-4 220 AcoMUS, Girard 29i Acomus gencrosus, G 291 Acoinun griscus, G., pi. xlix, figs. 5-9 9.,2 Acomug lactaniis, G., pi . 1 .:,.„ Catostomus, Lesueur .^I-a Catoxfnmus occidentalis, Ayres 094 Ciitiisiiimus labiatus, Ayre.s 224 Vatii.sfiniius macrocheilug G .>.J5 Catostomus sucklii, G., pi. li 226 Tribe of Chondrostomi, Girard 226 Dionda, Girard ,27 Dionda episcopa, G .,9^ Dionda papalis, G .i.,g I>ionda 2?lumbea, G., pi. lii, flgs. 21-25 298 Dionda spadicea, G., pi. lii, figs. 26-30 ^-^Q Dionda grisea, G., pi. lii, figs. 6-8 930 Hyborhynchus, Agass 93q Hyborhi/nchus perspicttlus, G., pi. lii, figs. 16-20 231 Ilyborhynchus tencllus, G v-ji Hyborhynchus punieeus, G., pi. lii, figs. 1-5", 1 1-15 232 Ilyborhynchus confertus, G., pi. lix, figs. 11-15 233 PiMEPH ales, Rafin 900 Piniephales maculosus, G 93J Pi>ne2)fialesfasciatus, G 93^ Hybog.vathus, Airass. 235 Hybognathus argyritis, G., pi. liii, flgs. 5-8 235 Hybognathus Evansi, G 935 Hybognathiis placitus, G 935 Orthodox, Girard 23^ Orthodon inicrolcpidotus, G., pi. liii, figs. 1-4 937 Algansea, Girard 238 Algansea bicolor, G .' 033 Algansea obesa, G .ion Algansea formosa, G 93a Lavinia, Girard 9^^ Lavinia exilicauda, pi. liv, figs. 1— t -j^j Lavinia harengus, G 9^9 Tribe PoGoxiCHTHi, Giriird .^^9 Argyrecs, Heck .)^3 ArgyreuH dulcis, G., pi. liv, figs. 6-8 243 Argyreus nubilus, G ' -t^ Pogonichthys, Girard 245 Fogonichthys inaequilobus, pi . hi, fig. 14 245 Pogonichthys syinmetricus .»^g Pogonichthys argyreiosus 9 ig Pogonichthys communis, pi. 1 v 9_jt GoBio, Ciiv .,jg Gobio gelidus, G •> ig Gobio vernalis, G 910 Leucosomus, Heck .i^y Leucosomus dissimilis, G 250 Leucosomns pallidus, G., pi. Ixi, figs. 6-10 251 Leucosomus incrassatus, G., pi. Ixi, figs. 1-6 252 Leucosomus macrocephalus, Cx 952 Cekatichthys (Baird), Girard 252 Ceratichthys Icptoccphalus, G 253 68 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1859. GiRARD, Charles— Contiuued. NocoMis, Giraril - 254 Nocotnis nebrascensis, G 254 Hybophis, Agass 255 Tribe of Alburni ■- 255 ExoGLossuM, Rafin 255 Exo(jloi,sum mirabile, G., pi. Ivi, figs. 5-8 'J56 Cliola, Girard 256 Cliola vigilax, G 257 Cliola. velox, G - 258 Cliola vivax, G 258 Alburntellus, Girarrt 259 Alhurnellus dilectus, G., pi. h ii, figs. 9-12 259 Alburnellus umbratilii; G 261) Alburnops, Girard 260 Alburnops blennius, G., pi. Ivii, tigs. 13-16 261 Albuniops Shumardi, G., pi. Ivii, figs. 1-4 261 Alburnops illeeebrosun, G.. pi. Ivii, figs. 5-8 262 Pl.vbgyrus, Rafin 263 Plargi/rus Boivmani, G., pi. lix, figs. 1-5 263 Cypeinella, Girard 264 Cyprinclla bvbaUna, G 265 Cyprinella mnbrom, G., pi. Iviii, figs. 1-5 260 Cyprinclla Gnnnisoni, G 267 Cyprinella Beckwithi, G 267 Cyprinclla mavis, G 268 Cyprinella lepida, G., pi. Iviii, figs. 21-25 26S Cyprinclla notata, G., pi. Iviii. figs. 16-20 269 Cyprinella Whipplii, G., pi. iviii, figs. 6-10 270 Cyprinella lugiibris, G 271 Cyprinclla ludibtinda, G 271 MoNiANA, Girard 272 Moniana littrensis, G 272 Moniana leonina, G.. pi. lix, figs. 6-10 273 Moniana deliciosa, G 274 Moniana Icetabilis, G 275 Moniana pulchclla, G.. pi. Iviii, figs. 11-15 275 2[oniana/ri(jida, G., pi. lix, figs. 1 6-20 276 Moniana triitis, G 277 RiCHARDSONlu.s, Girard 278 Richardsoniui! baUeatus, G., pi. Ix, figs. 1-4 278 Jiichardsonius lateralis, G., pi. Ix. figs. 5-8 279 LuxiLUS, Rafin 280 Tiuxihis occidentalis, G 280 Luxilus seco, G 281 Luxilus lucidus, G., jil . Ix, figs. 9-12 282 Semotilus, Raflu 283 Semotilus xpeeiosus, G., pi. Ixi, figs. 11-25 283 HuDSONius, Girard 284 Gila. B. & G 284 Gila robusta, B. & G 285 Ciila elcgans, B. & G 286 Gila gracilis, B. & G 287 TiGOMA, Girard 288 Tigoma conformis, G 289 Tigoma bicolor, G 289 Tigoma ohesa. G 290 Tigoma Humboldti, G 291 Tigoma cgregia, G 291 Tigoma Uneata, G 292 Tigoma crasta, G., pi. Ixii 293 Tigoma gracilis, G 293 Cheoxda, Girard 294 Cheonda Cooperi. G., pi. Ixiii. figs. 1-5 »294 C'heonda c.(vnih'a. G., iil. Ixiii, figs. 6-9 295 8lBi)MA. (iii-iird 296 Siboma rr((s\lc(niilu. C,., pi. 1x1 v, figs. 1-1 290 Hiboma utraria, G 297 PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLE!^ CilRARD, M. T). C}\) 1859. (iiKAKi), CiiAKLES — Continued. I'T YCnOCHElLUS, A gass 208 J'li/cliocheiltis Orcijoneimis, (!., ])1. Ixiv, figs. 5-9 298 Pli/clwehcilug grandis, O 299 Ptychocheilus rapax, G., ]il. Ixv 300 Ptychocheilus vorax, G 301 Clinostomus, Giranl '. 302 Family Cyprinodontid^, Owen 302 FUNDULUS, LacSp 303 Fundiilus 2>arvipin)ii)i, G 303 Family EsociD/E, Boiiap 304 Family Salmonid.e. Bonap 304 Salmo (Artfidi), Valenciennes 305 Salmo scoideri, Kichanls 31)5 Salmo quinnat, Kicliards, pi. Ixvii 306 Salmo spectabilis, G 307 FaRIO, Yaleno 308 Fario aurora, G., pi. Ixviii 308 Fario tsuppitch, G., pi. Ixix, figs. 1-4 310 Fario argyretts, (i ., pi. Ixx 312 Fario Gairdneri, G., pi. Ixxi, figs. 1-4 313 Fario Clarki, G.. pi. Ixxi, figs. 5-8 314 Fario stellatus, G., pi. Ixix, figs. 5-8 316 Salar, Yalenc 318 Salar Leivisi, G., pi. Ixxii 318 Salar virginalis, G 320 Salar iridea, G., pi. Ixxiii, fig. 5 and pi. l.xxiv 321 OSMEEUS, Artedi 323 OnmeriiD pretiosiis, G., pi. Ixxv, fig. 5 324 Thaleichthys, Girard 325 Thaleichthys Stevetm, G., pl. Ixxv, figs. 1-4 325 COREGONUS. Art6di 326 Coregonus WilUamsoid, G., pl. Ixvi 326 Family Scopelid.e. Owen 328 Saurus (Laurida) lucioceps, Ayres 328 Family Clupeid.e. Bonap 328 Clupea, Art6di 329 Clupea riiirabilis, G 329 Meletta, Valenc 330 Meletta coerulea, G., pl. Ixxv, figs. 5-7 330 Hyodon, Lesneur 332 Hyodon tergisrts, Lesu., pl. Ixxv, figs. 1-4 3.32 Engraulis, Cuv 333 Engraulis mordax, G 334 Engraulis nanus, n. s 335 Engraulis delicatissimus, G 335 Engraulis compresstis, n. s 336 Order PLEOTOGX.iTHl 338 Family B.'i.LISTID.?;, Bonap 338 Family GYMNODOXTlD.qj, Yarrell 339 Tetraodon, Linn 339 Tetraodon politus. n. s 340 Order LOPHOBRANCHH 341 Family Hippocampid.?;, Owen 342 H YPOCAMPUS, Cuv -• 342 Hipocampus ingens, n. s 342 Family Syn'gxathid.e, Bonap 343 Syngnathus, Art6di 344 Syngnathus Californiengis, Storer 344 Syngnatlms brcvirostris, G 345 Syngnathus Icptorhynchus, G 345 Syngnathus A bboti, n. s 346 Syngnathus arundinaceus, n . s 347 Order GanoYdei 348 Family Asn.\D.^, Baird 348 Amia. Linn 349 A mia ocellicauda. Richards 349 Amia uccidentalis, De Ka v 350 70 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 185'J. (Jii;ai;i>, Chaklks — Continued. Kiiiiiil.v Saueu>.«, De Kay 350 LiiPiDosTEUS, Lac6p 350 Lepidosteiis leptorhynchus, ii . s 351 l.cpidosteug (Cylindrosteus) latirof^trii:, ii. s 352 IjCjiidosteus (Atractosteus) Berlavdirri, ii. s 353 Paiiiil.V Sturionid^, Swaius 354 AciPENSER, Artedi 354 A cipenser hrachyrhynchus, Ay res 355 Acipenser tranxmontanus, Richards 355 Aeipenser acutiroslris, Ayres 355 Acipenser mediro&triii, Ayres 350 ScAPHiRH YNCHUS, Heck 357 Scaphirhynchus plaiyrhynchus, Bd 357 PoLYODON, Lac6p 357 Polyodon folium, Lacep 358 Order Holocephali 359 Family Chim.erid^, Bonap 35!) Chimera, Linn 359 C'himcera collice, Benu 3i)0 Order Plagiostomi 361 Suborder Squali 361 Family Scyluodontid.e, Girard 302 Triakis, Mull. & Heule 302 Triakis senii/aseiatus, G 302 Family Ml'stelid.e. ftirard 304 3[u>itelus felis, Ayres 364 Family Cestraciontid.e, Owen , 364 CESTRACIO>f, Cuv 305 Cedtracion fmneisci, G 365 Family Notidanid-E. Owen 366 Heptanchus maculatus, G 307 Family Spinacid.e, Owen 307 A C'anthias, Eisso 307 A canthias sucklii, G 368 Suborder Ra.i.-e 369 Family Ehynobatid.e, Owen 370 Rhynobatus, B1. Sclin 370 Rhynobatus productus, Ayres 371 Family TORPEDINID^, Owen 371 Narcine calif ornica, G 371 Family Rajid.e, Oweu 371 Raja, Artedi 372 Ilaja Cooperi, n. .s ■. 372 Uraptera, Mull. &. Henlo 373 TJraptera binoculata, G 373 Family Myliobatidje, Owen 374 Rhinopteea, Kubl 374 lihinoptera vespertilio, G 375 Order Dermopteri 370 Suborder Marsipobranchii, s. Cyelostomi 370 Family Petrom yzontid.e, ( )wen 370 Petromyzon, Linn 377 I'efromyzvn tridentdtus, Gairdn 377 I'etroiiiyzon clliatus, Ayres 378 I'ctrdtiiyzon lividus, n. s 379 Petromyzon 2)lumbeus, G ^. 380 Petromyzon Astori, n. .s 380 ICHTH YOM YZON, 11 . g 381 Jchthyomyzon castaneus, n. s 381 Ichthyomi/zon hirudo, n. s 382 Ammoccetes, Dum 383 A imnocoetes cihariug, n. s 383 Soolecosoma, n. g 384 Se.oleeosovia concolor ^= Ammoeoetes concolor. Kirk. Scnlecosoma unicolor ^= Amvi. nnicolor, De Kay. Scolecosoma borealis~Amm. boreaiis, Agass. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D. 7l 96. 1859. GiKAKD, CiiAKLES. Rcpoi't ou Fislios oollectetl on tlie Survey of route near the tliirty-eiglith and tliirty-niutli parallels, explored by Capt. V. W. Gun- nison, and near the foi'ty-lirst parallel, explored by Lieut. E. G. IJcckwith. Paeific Railroad Expl. and Surv., vol. x, Part iii, No. iv. Bryttvs humilis, G., pi. vii, figs. 9-24 21 Amblndon gninniens, Raf., pi. xsiii 21 Ptychostonms Haydeni, Gril., pi. xlix 21 Aeomiis generosus, Gi'd., figs. 1^ 21 Acomtm grisms, Gril., ])1, xlix, flg.s. 5-9 22 Pimephales maeulosns, Grd 22 Hybognathus plaeitus, Grd 22 llyhognathus Evansi, Grd - - ■ 22 Algansea obesa, Grd 22 Lavinia exilicauda, B. & G., pi. liv, figs. 1-4 23 Argyreus dulcis, Grd., pi. liv, fig.s. 5-8 23 Pogoniehthys incequilohus, B. & G., pi. 1 vi, figs. 1-4 23 Nocomis Nehrascensis, Grd 23 Exoglossum mirabile, Grd., pi. Ivi, figs. 5-8 23 Cyprinella Gunnisoni, Grd 24 Cyprinella Beckwithi, Grd 24 Cyprinella htgubrig, Grd 24 Cyprinella ludibunda, Grd 24 Moniana tristis, Grd 24 Semotilus speciosm, Grd., pl. Ixi, iigs. 11-15 25 Gila elegans, B. & G 25 Tigoma obesa, Grd 25 Tignma Humboldti, Grd 25 Tigoma cgregia, Grd 25 Tigoma lineata, Grd 26 Tigoma gracilis, Grd 26 Siboma atraria, Grd 26 Ptychocheilus vorax, Grd 26 Salar virginalis, Grd 26 Salar iridea, Grd., pl. Ixxiii, fig. 5, and pl. Ixxiv 27 Meletta caerulea, Grd., pl. Ixxv, figs. 5-7 27 ITyodon tergisia, Grd., pl. xxv, figs. 1-4 27 97. 1859. GiR-\RD, Charles. Report upon Fi.shes Collected on the Survey of route near the thirty-fifth iiarallel, explored by Lieut. A. W. "Wliipple, and near the thirty-second parallel, explored by Lieut. J. G. Parke and V^.^^i. Jolm Pope. Pacific Rail Road Expl. and Surv., vol. x, Part vi, No. 5. Diopletes nuecensin, Grd 47 Ambloplitex interruptus, Grd., pl. ii, figs. 1-4 47 Calliurus nielanoiis, Grd., pl. iii -1" Calliurus diaphamis, Grd., pl. i\', figs, 1-4 47 CalUurun fonnomis, Grd., pl. v, figs. 1-4 47 CalUurug longulus, Grd., pl. v, figs. 5-8 ; pl. vi, figs. 5-8 48 Calliurus micropg, Grd., pl. iv, figs. 5-8 48 Bryttun albtdus, Grd., pl. vi. figs. 1^ 48 Bryttus iignifer, Grd., pl. vii, figs. 5-8 48 Bryttus humilis, Gj^., pl. vii, figs. 9-24 48 Pomotis speciosus, B. & G., pl. viii, figs. 5-8 49 Pomotis heros, B. & G., pl. ix, figs. 13-16 49 Pomotis aqnilensis, B. & G., pl. ix, figs. 1^ ; id. x, figs. 8-11 49 Pomotis fallax, B. & G., pl. viii. ngs. 9-12 ; pl. ix, figs. 5-12 ; pl. x, figs. 1-7 49 Chiropsis constellatus, Grd., pl. xix 49 Sebastes rosaceus, Grd., pl. xxi 50 Amblodon grunnicns, Eafiii., pl. xxiii 50 Atherinojisis Calif orniensis, Grd., pl. xxii'' J'O Porichthys votatus, Grd., pl. xxv 50 Morrhua proxima, Grd., pl. xl", figs. 5-8 50 72 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1859. GiRARD, Charles — Coutinued. Parophrys vctulus, Grd 50 PKettiehthys aordidus, Grd., pi. xP OlyphisodoH ruhicundus, Grd., pi. xxiv Ihnbiotoco lineata, Grd., pi. xxxi ; pi. xxvi. figs. 5-6 Holconotus rhodoterus, Ag., pi. xxxvr-pl. xxxvi, figs. 1-4; i)l. xxvi, figs. 7. 8 Amphistichtis argenteus, Ag., pi. xxxix Pimelodus catulus, Grd., pi. xli, figs. 5, 6 52 Pimelodus Antoniensia, Grd ; 52 Pimelodus felinus, Grd 52 Moxostoma claviformis, Grd., pi. xlviii, figs. 5, 9 52 IHonda pltimbea, Grd., pi. lii, figs. 21-25 52 Dianda spadicea, Grd., pi. lii, fig.s. 26-30 53 Dionda grisea, Grd., pi. lii, figs. 6-10 53 Hyhorhynchus perspictms, Grd., pi. lii, figs. 16-20 53 Hyhorhynchus puniceus, Grd., pi. lii, fig.s. 1-5; figs. 11-15 53 Hyhorhynchus tenellus, Grd 53 Hyborhyncut! confertus, Grd., pi. lix, figs. 11-15 54 Hybognathus argyritis, Grd., pi. liii, figs. 5-8 iU Oobio vernalis, Grd 54 Leucosomus palUdus, Grd., pi. Ixi, figs. 6-10 54 Leucosomun incrassatus, Grd., pl. Ixi, figs. 1-6 54 Pxoglossiim mirabile, Grd., pl. Ivi, figs. 5-8 55 Cliola vivax, Grd 55 Alburnellus dilectiis, Grd., pl. Ivii, tigs. 9-12. 55 Alburnelhis unibratilii, Grd 55 Alhurnops blennius, Grd., pl. Ivii, figs. 13-16 55 Alburnops Shumardi, Grd., pl. Ivii, figs. 1-4 56 Alburnops illecebroeus, Grd., pl. Ivii, figs. 5-8 56 Cyprinella mnbroia, Grd., pl. Iviii, figs. 1-5 56 Cyprinelta svavis, Grd 56 Cyprinella le2nda, Grd., pl. Iviii, figs. 21-25 56 Cyprinella notata, Grd., pl. Iviii, figs. 16-20 57 Cyprinella Whipplii, Grd., pl. Iviii, figs. 6-10 57 Montana lutrensis, Grd 67 Montana Leonina, Grd., pl. lix, figs. 6-10 57 Moniana delieiosa, Grd 57 Moniana Icetabilis, Grd 58 Moniana pulchella, Grd., pl. Iviii, figs. 11-15 58 Moniana frigida, Grd., pl. lis, figs. 16-20 58 I/uxilug seco, Grd 58 Luxilus lucidus, Grd., pl. Ix, figs. 9-12 58 Meletta coerulea, Grd., pl. Ixxv, figs. 5-7 59 Scaphirhynchus platyrhynchun, Bd 59 98. 1859. GiRARD, Charle.s. Eeport ou Fishes Collectefl ou the Survey of routes in Cal- ifornia to eounect with the routes near the thirty-fifth and thirty-second parallels, explored by Lieut. E. S. Williamson. Pacific Rail Road Expl. and Surv., Aol. X, Part iv, No. 4. Pomoxis nitidus, Grd., pl. ii, figs. 5-8 83 Ambloplites interruptus, Grd., pl. ii, figs. 1— t 83 Paralabrax nebulifer, Grd., pl. xii, figs. 1-4 83 Paralabrax clathratus, Grd., pl. xii, figs. .5-8 83 Chiropsis constellahis, Grd., pl. xix ."*. 83 Chiropsis pictus, Grd., pl. xx, figs. 1^ 84 Chiropsis giittatus, Grd., pl. xx, figs. .5-8 84 Ophiodon elongatus, Grd., pl. xviii, figs. 4-7 84 Cottopsis guloius, Grd 84 Leptocottus armatus, Grd., pl. xv, fig. 2 84 Scorpcenichtkys marnioratus, Grd., pl. xvi, fig. 1 84 Aspicottiis bison, Grd., pl. xv, fig. 1 85 Hemilepidotus spiiiosus, Ajtcs 85 Sebastes /aseintus, (ird., jd. xxii 85 Jsiebastes aiirindatus, Grd ■ 85 PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES filRARD, M. T). 78 18r)9. (iiKARO, Charles — Coutiinu'd. Oasterostexis viicrocKphalus, Gi'd 85 Oastcrosteus Williamsoni, Grd 8(i Atherinopsis Californieniis, Gi tl., pi. xxii' , 8(i Gobins lepidus, Grd., i)l. xxxv", tigs. 5, G 80 Morrhua proxiina, Grd., pi. xl", figs. 5-8 86 Platichthys rugosug, Grd 8G Pleuronlelithys coenostis, Grd 80 Parophrys vetulus, Grd 87 Psettichthys melanostictus, Grd 87 Embiotoca JacJcsoni, Ag., pi. xxvii, xxviii ; pi. xxvi, figs. 3-4 87 Emhiotoca lineata, Grd., pi. xxxi ; pi. xxvi, figs. 5-6 87 Holconotus rhodoterus, Ag., pi. xxxv ; xxxvi, figs. 1-4 ; xxvi, figs. 7-8 87 Enniehthys Hermanni, Grd., pi. xxxviii, xxvi, tig. 9 88 Amphistechus argeiiteus, Ag., pi. xxxix 88 Amphiatechus similis, Grd., pi. xxxvi, figs. 5-9 88 Mylopharodon robustus, Ayres., pi. xlvii 88 Mylopharodon conocephalus, Grd., pi. xlvi, figs. 5-8 88 Algansea formosa, Grd 88 Lavinia exilicauda, B. & G., pi. liv, figs. 1^ 89 Pogonichthys inceqxdlohus, B. & G., pi. Ivi, figs. 1-4 89 Pogoniehthys symmetricus, B. & G 89 Ltixiliis occidental^, Grd 89 Tigoma conformis, Grd 90 Tigoma crassa, Grd., pl. Ixii 90 Siboma crassieauda, Grd., pl. Ixiv, figs. 1-4 90 Cbipea mirabilU, Grd 90 Meletta eoerxdea, Grd., pl. Ixxv, figs. 5-7 90 Engraulu namts, Grd 91 99. 1859, GiRARD, Charles. Report upon Fislies Collected, on the Survey of routes in Calitornia and Oregon, explored by Lieut. R. S. Williamson and Lieut. Henry L. Abbot. Pacific Rail Road Exi^l. and Surv., vol vi. [Also referred to in Part iv, vol. x.] Sebastes paucispinis, Grd., pl. xxii", figs. 1-4 .34 Artediun lateralis, Grd., pl. xxii*. figs. 5, 6 .34 Artediiis iwtospilotus, Grd., pl. xxii'', figs. 5, 6 .34 LeiostoDiun lineatus, pl. xxii*", figs. 1-5 34 Anarrhichthys felis, pl. xxv», figs. 1-3 34 Blennius gentilis, Grd., pl. xxv", fig. 4 34 Gobiui lepidus, Grd., pl. xxv», tigs. 5, 6 34 Luinpeniis anguillaris, pl. xxv*", figs. 1-3 34 Cebidichthys violaceus, pl. xxv*", figs. 4, 5 34 Gunnellus ornatus, pl. xxvi", figs. 6, 7 34 Homalopoinus Troivbndgi, Grd., \)\. xl», figs. 1-4 34 Morrhua proxima, pl. xl^, tigs. 5-8 34 Mylocheilus caurinus, pl. xlv, figs. 1^ 34 Mylopharodon conocephalus, pl. xlv. figs. 5-8 34 Tigoma crassa, Grd., pl. Ixii 34 Coregonus Williamsoni, Grd., pl. Ixvi 34 Fario aurora, Grd., pl. Ixviii 34 Fario argyreus, Grd., pl. Ixx 34 Salar iridea. pl. xxiv 34 100. 1859. Girard, Charles, irith Spexcer F. Baird. Reports of Explorations and Sur- veys to Ascertain tlie Most Practical and Economical Route for a Railroad from tlie Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Made under the direction of the Secretary of War in 1853-56, according to acts of Congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1853, and August 5, 1854. Vol. x. Reptiles. P,y Spencer F. Baird. Washington, 1859. i°. A " general report " upon the reptiles collected by the various explorations .ind surveys for the Pacific llailroad was contemplated by Spencer F. Baird .and Cliarles Girard. I'lates for 74 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1859. GiRAUD, CuAKLES — Continued. that purposi' were prepared at the Smithsonian Institution under their supervision and care, inehidin;; those aceonipanyiiii; the reports ol' Drs. Cooper and Hallowell, as shown by the uniiiue serial numeration. In the mean time the characteristics of tlie new genera and sjjecies appeared in tlie I'roceedinijs of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. (See above, Nos. 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, and 03.) Professor Baird being personally in charge of the reports upon "mammals'' and "birds," and Dr. Girard of the report upon "lishes," there was not sufficient time to do justice to the report upon "reptiles." Dr. Girard being called abroad, the entire task fell upon Professor Baird, who prepared all the data upon the subject, describing such uew species as had not been characterized before. It is much to be regretted that plates xxiv to xxxvi appeared with a merely nominal explanation, when a comparative discussion of all the genera and species figured was contemplated by both of the herpetologists named. The following list enumerates the species which have beeu studied by Dr. Girard, under whose direction the plates were proiiared. Chelonia. Actinemys mannorata, Agass. Emy nigra, Hollow. Sauria. Callisaurus ventralis, Baird. Crotaphytus collarig, Holbr, pi. xxiv, fig. 1. Crotaphytus Winlizeni, B. &. G. CnemidopTiorus tesselatus. Dipsosaurus dorsalis, Hallow. Doliosaurus platy rhinos, Grd. Elgaria grandis, B &. G. I!lgariaprincipis,'B.&G. Heloderma horridwn, Wiegm. HolhrooHa maeulata, Grd. Holbrookia tezana, B. & G. Lygosoma lateralis, Dum. & Bibr. Fhrynosoma corntitutn, Gray. Plesfiodon skiltonianum., B. & G. Plestiodon septentrionalis, B. & G., 1)1. xxiv, fig. 2. Plesfiudon faseiaftis, B. & G. Plestiodon obsoletum, B. & G. Sceloporus graciosns, B. & G. Sceloporiis occidentalis, B. & G. Sceloporus tmdulatus, AViegni. Sceloporus consobrinn^. B. & G. Sceloporus Thayeri, B. &, G. TajHtya brevirostris, Grd. Tapuya Douglasi, Grd. Tapaya Hernandesi, Grd. Tapaya ornatissinia, Grd. JJrosavrus gradostis, Hallow. Ufa Stansburiana, B. & G. Ophidia. Ancistrodo^i contortrix, B. &. G.,pl. xxv, fig. 12. Abastor erythrogrammus. Gray, pi. xxxiii, fig. 83. Easeanion conMrictor, B. & G., pi. xxxi, fig. 07. Bascanion Fremonti, B. & G., pi. xxxi, fig. 68. Bascanion Foxi, B. & G., pi. xxxi, 69. Bascanion flaviventris, B. & G., pi. xxxi, fig. 70. Bascanion vetustus, B. &, G., pi. xx, fig. 1, .ind pi. xxxvi, fig. C. Celuta amoena, B. & G., pi. xix, fig. 2, and pi. xxxiii, fig. 95. Chlorosoma vernalis, B. & G., pi. xxxii, fig. 81. Contia mitis, B. &. G., pi. xxxvi, fig. 7. Crotalus lucifer, B. & G., pi. xi and pi. xxxvi, fig. 1. Crotalus duri^sus, L., pi. xxi\-, fig. 1. Crotalwi atrox, B. & G., pi. xxiv, fig. 3. Crotalus conjluentus. Say, \t\. xii and pi. xxiv, fig. 4, Crtit(duK adamanteus, Beauv., pi. xxiv, fig. 2. Crotalus niolossus, B. & G., pi. xxiv, fig. 5. Crotalus Oregonus, Holbr.. pi. xxiv, fig. 6. Crotalus cevastes, Holbr., pi. xxxv, figs. 4-5. Crotalus tigris. Kenn., pi. xxxv, fig. 1. Crutalophorus tniliarius, Holbr., pi. xxiv, fig. 7. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D. 75 (iin.vKD, Charles — Coutinued. Crotalophorus consorx, B. & ( r., pi. xxiv, fig. 8. ('rotalophoruis terijeiniiiuis, Hulbr., \>l. .\xv, tig. 9. dfotalophorus Jidwami, B. &, G., pi. x.w, flg. 10. Crotaluphorus Kirtkoidi, Holbr., pi. xxv, fig. 11. Diadophis punctatus, B. & G., pi. xxxiii, fig. 82. Diadophis amabilig, B. & G.. pi. xxxiii, fig. 83. DUtdoplds docilin, B. &. G., pi. xxxii, fig. 1, and pi. xxxiii, fig. 84. DiadophiH pulchdlus, B. & G., pi. xxxii, fig. 85. Diadophis regaliis, B. & G., pi. xxx, fig. 86. Dipsas nt'ptfiitrionalis, Kenu., ])1. xxv, fig. 18. lUapn/idviui, Cuv., pi. xxv, -fig. 15. J-Jlaps tcner,.Ti. & G., pi. xxv, fig. 16. FAaps tristis, B. & G., pi. xxv, flg. 17. Eutatnia saurita, B. &, G., pi. xxvi, fig. 19. Eutcenia faireyi, B. ami G., pi. xiii and xvi, and pi. xxvi, fig. 20. Eutmnia proxiina, B. &, G., pi. xxvi, fig. 21. Eutcenia ornata, B. & G., pi. xxvi, fig. 23. Eutcenia sirtalis, B. & G., pi. xxvi, fig. 23. Eutcenia ordinata, B. & G., pi. xxvi, fig. 24. Etitcenia radix, B. & G., pi. xxv:, fig. 25 and pi. sxxiv, fig. 5. Eutcenia niarciana, B. & G., pi. xxvi, fig. 26. Eutcenia onlino'ides, B. &, G., pi. xxvi, fig. 3. Eutcenia dorsalis, B. & G., pi. xxvi, fig. 2. Eutcenia vagrans, B. &. G., pi. xvii. Eutcenia infernalis, B. vt G. Eutcenia concinna. B. & G., pi. xv, fig. 2. Eutcenia elegans, B. & G . Eutcenia Cooperi, Keun., id. xv, flg. 1. Eutcenia Pickeringi, B. & G., pi. xxxvi, flg. 3. Eutcenia leptocephala, B. &, G., pi. xxxvi, fig. 2. Eutcenia Haydeni, Kenn., pi. xiv. Farancia obseura, B. &.G., pi. xxxiii, flg. 82. Georgia obsoleta, B. & G., pi. xxxi, flg. 66. Georgia Cooperi, B. &, G., pi. xxxiv, flg. 1. Haldea striatula, B. & G., pi. xxxiii, fig. 81. Herpetodryas flavigularis, Hallow. Ueterodon platyrhinos, Latr., pi. xxviii, flg. 38. lleterodon cognatus, B. & G., pi. xxviii, fig. 39. Ueterodon niger, Troost., jd. xxviii, fig. 40. Ueterodon atmodes, B. & G., pi. xxviii, fig. 40. Heterudon sinius, Holb., jd. xxviii, flg.s. 42 and 42 bis. Ueterodon nasicus, B. & G., pi. xxviii, tig. 43. Lamprosoma occipitale, Hallow., pi. xxxv, flg.s. 6, 7. Leptophis cestivus, Bell, pi. xxxii, flg. 79. Leptophis majalis, B. & G., pi. xxxii, fig. 80. Lodia tenuis, B. & G., pi. xxxvi, flg. 8. llastieophis Jlagelliformis, B. & G., pi. xxxi, fig. 71, and pi. xxxii, flg. 72. Masticophis Jlavigidaris, B. & G., pi. xxxii, flg. 73. itasticophis tnormon, B. & G., pi. xxxii, flg. 74. Maaticophis o'rnatus, B. & G., pi. xxxiii, flg. 75. iliinticdphis tceiiiatus, B. &. G.. pi. xxiii. and pi. xxxii, flg. 76. Jfa,\tic(ipihis Schotti, B. & G.. pi. xxxii. fig. 77. Jifaatieophis testaceus, B. &. G. Nerodia transversa, B. &. G., pi. xsvi, flg. 1. Nerodiafasciata, B. & G., pi. xxxiv, flg. 4. Nerodia sipedon, B. & G., pi. xxvii, fig. 27. Nerodia erythrogaster, B. & G., pi. xxiii. and pi. xxvii, fig. 28. Nerodia taxispilota, B. & G., jd. xxvii. fig. 29. Nerodia Holbrooki, B. & G., pi. xxvii. fig. 30. Nerodia nigra, B. Sc G., pi. xxvii, fig. 31. Nerodia rhomhifer, B. & G., pi. xxxiv, flg. 2. Nerodia WoodJiousi, B. & G., pi. xxxiv, fig. 3. Ninia diademata, B. & G., pi. xxvii, fig. 37. Ophibolus Boyli, B. & G., pi. xxx, fig. 57. Ojihibnlus splendidus, B. & G., pi. xxx, flg. 58. Uphibolus Sayi, ii. Sc G., pi. xxs, fig. 59. IQ BULLETIN 41, UXTTED STATK,'^ XATIOXAL MrsET^M. 1850-. GiUAKD, Charles — Continued. Opliibolus rho)nbotiHt)iilatut>, P.. «fc G., j)l. xxx, Qg. (iO. Opldbolun eximiuit, 1!. &. G., pi. xxx, lig. Gl. Ophibolus clericus, 15. . S: G. Bufo Americanus, Lcconte, pi. xxxv, fig. 2. Pxifo nebulifer, Giiard. Pti/o Woodhotisi, (iiiard, pi. xxxv, fig. 1. JS«/o cognatus, Say, pi. xxxvi. Pvfo boreas, B. & G. Ilyla regilla, B. & G., jd. xxviii, fig. 3. Rana catesbiana, Sha^v. Rana clamitans, Daiid. Rana haleeina, Kalni., ]d. xxix. fig. 7. Rana 2^retiosa, B. & (i. Scaphiupus Hammond!, I'aiid. jd. xxviii, fig. 2. Siredon lichenodes, Baird. Sliredon gracilis, Baii-d, jd. \li\-. lig. 2. Tarieha torosa. Gray. 101. 1859. CiHAUD, CiiARLK.s, trilh Spkxcf.u F. Eaiud. Unitod Siatos and Mexican | P.oundaiy .Survey, | inider the order of | Lieut. Col. W. IL Emory, | Major First Cavalry, and United States Conniussioner. | — | Keptiles | of the PUBLICATIONS OF CHAKLEK OIRAKD, M. D. 77 1859. GiRARD, Charles, with Spencer F. Baird. — Continued. Boundary, | by | Spencer F. Baird, | Assistant Secretarj' of the Smithaonian Institution. | With iu)tes by the Naturalists of the Survey. | = | 4to. pp. (2) 3-35, pi. xli (for title of volume see under 80 and 81). Tlie remarks above under Xo. 'Ji aiiply eiiually liero. 1. Aspidonectcs Emoryi. Apassiz 2. (iijiMchelys laccrtina, Apissiz. 3. Ozotheca trii,t>jcha, Agassiz. 4. Thiirostcrnum sonoriense, Aga.saiz. 5. Platythyra Jlavescens, Agas.-iiz. 6. Ptychcmyn mobilensis, Agassiz. 7. Trachemys elegans, Agassiz. 8. Ghrysemys Oregoneiuis, Agassiz... 9. Xcrobatcs Berlandicri, Agassiz. 10. Alligator lucius, Cnv 11. Seeloporus Clarki, B. & G. 12. Seeloporus gpinosus, Wieg, ])!. xxix, figs. 4-6. 13. Scelopor^is consobrinux, B. & G. 14. Seeloporus torquatus, Weigni. 15. Seeloporus Poinsetti, B. &, G., pi. xxix, figs. 1-3. 16. Seeloporus ornatus, Baird. 17. Scelojwrus Thayeri, B. & G 18. Seeloporus sealaris, "Wiegmann. 19. Seeloporus marmoratus, Hallow. . 20. Seeloporus Cottchi, Baird. 21. Euphryne obesa, Baird., pi. xxvii. 22. Crotaphytus collaris, Holbrook. 23. Crotaphytus rcticulatus, Baird. 24. Crotaphytus Wislizeni, B. & G., pi. xxxi 25. TJta Stansburiana, B. & G. 26. Uta ornata, B. & G. 27. Uta ornata var. linearis, Baird. 28. TTta symmetrica, Baird. 29. Vta Sehotti, Baird. 30. Uta graeiosa, Baird. 31. Dipiosaurus dorsalis, Hallowell, pi, xxxii, figs. 7-13. . . 32. Callisaurus ventralis, Baird. 33. Uolbrookia tnaculata, Girard. 34. IIolbrooHa propinqua, B. &, G. 35. Holbruokia approximans, Baird. 36. Uolbrookia texana, B. &. G., pi. xxx. 37. Uolbrookia affinis, B. & G. 38. Tapaya Hernandezi. Girard. 39. Tapaya ornatissima, Girard 40. Phrynosoma cornututn. Gray. 41. Phrynosoma regale, Girard, pi. xjcviii, fig."?. 1-3. 42. Doliosaurus McCalli, Girard, pi. xxviii, figs. 4-6. 43. Doliosaurus modestus, Girard 44. Cnemidophorus Grahami, B. & G., pi. xxxii, figs. 1-6. 45. Cnemidophorus inornatus, Baird. 4G. Cncmidojihorus octolineatus, Baird. 47. Gnemidojihornsperplexus, B. & G. 48. Cneinidoj)horus tigris, B. & G., i)l. xxxiii. 49. Cnemidophorus gracilis, B. & G., pi. xxxiv, fig. 7-14, Cnemidophorus gularis, B. & G 50. Helodcrmahorridurn, Wiegm., pi. xxvi. 51. Gerrhonotus TVebbi, Baird, pi. xxiv, figs. 1-10. 52. Gerrhonotus nobilis, B. & G., pi. xxv, figs. 1-8. 53. Gerrhonotus infernalis, Baird. 54. Gerrhonotus olivaceous, Baird. 55. Flestiodon guttulatus. Hallow 56. Anolis Carolinensis, Cuv. 78 BULLETIN 41, TUMTEJ) STAT?:S NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1859. GiRARD, Charles, wilh Spkncer F. Baikd— Continued. 57. Phyllodactylus tuhcrculoms, "Wiegin., j)!. xxiii. flgs. 1-8. JSphaeriodactyhm notatiis, Bairil, pi. xxiv, figs. 29-37. 58. Stcnndacti/lus variegatus, Baird, pi. xxiii, figs. 9-'J7 ; pi. xxiv, figs. 11-19. 59. riciitiodon obi.olctus, B. & G., pi. xxv, figs. 9-16. 60. Plentiodon tetrar/rammu^, Baird. 61. Lyijosoma latcrale, Dmii. Bib 13 62. Annidla jnilchra, Gray. OPHIDIA. 63. Crotalus atrox, B. & G., pi. i 14 64. Grotalun coiijluentus, Say. 65. Grotalun moloniius, B. & G.,pl. ii. 66. Crotalus tigris, Konnicott, pi. iv. 67. Crotalus cermtes, HalloweU, pi. iii. 68. Crotalophorus conaors, B. l. xviii. 92. Masticophis ornatus, B. &. G., pi. xvii. 93. Masticophis testaceus, B. & G., pi. xvi. 94. iittlvadora Grahamice, B. &. G., pi. v, fig. 2 21 95. Leptophis inajalis, B. &. G. 96. Sonora scmiannulata, B. i G., pi. xix, fig. 3. 97. Jihinochilus Leconti, B. & G., pi. xx. 98. Lamprosoma occ(pt7aie, Hallowell, pi. xxi, fig. 1. 99. Lamprosoma episcopxim,Tsieuuicott, jd. viii, tig. 2 22 100. Diadophis regalis. B. & G. 101. Diadophis docilis, B. & G., pi. xxi. fig. 3. 102. Tacniophis imperialis, B. & G., pi. xix, fig. 1 23 103. Tantilla gracilis, B. & G. 104. Tnluca liucala, Kennicott, pi. xxi, fig. 2. 105. Eciia dulcis. B. & G 24 BATRACHIA. Biifo Americtt7ius, Le Conte, pi. xxxix, figs. 1-4 25 106. Btifo pitnctatus, B. & G., pi. xxxix, tigs. 5-7. 107. Bufo nebulifer, Grd., pi. xl, figs. 1-4. 108. Bvfo speciosus. Grd., pi. xl, tigs. 5-10 26 109. Bvfo alrarius. Grd., pi. xli, figs. 1-6. 110. Bufo halophila, B. & G., pi. xli, figs. 7-12. 111. Bvfo insidior, Grd.. pi. xli, figs. 13-18. 112. Bufo Woodhousi, Girard 27 113. Btifo cognatus. Say. 114. Bufo debilis. Girard. 115. Eana catetbiana, Shaw. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIKAED, M. D. 79 1859. Gir.AKi), Charles, wifh Spencer F. Baird — Contiiuiod. IK). Rana Montezumae, Baird, pi. xxxvi, figs. 1-6. 117. liana Berlandieri, Baird, pi. xxxvi, fig.s. 7-10. 118. liana areolata,'B. & G., pi. xxxvi, tigs. 11, 12 28 119. Seaphiopuis Couchi, Baird, pi. xxxv, figs. 1-6. 120. Acris crepitans, Baird, pi. xxxvii, figs. l-t-lT. 121. Heloeeetes C'larki, Baird, pi. xxxvii, figs. i-O. 122. Hyla scmifaaciata, Hallovr. 123. Hyla eximia, Baird, pi. xxxviii. figs. 8-10 29 124; Hyla Yanvlieti, Baird, pi. xxxviii. figs. 1-3. 12.5. Hyla affmis, Baird, pi. xxxviii, figs. 4-7. 126. Amblystoma 2>roserpina, B. & G., pi. xxxv, figs. 7-14. 127. Amblystoma Texanum, Baird, pi. xxxv, fig. 15. 128. Siren lacertina.lj. 102. 1858. GiRARD, Charles. "A Rcpreseutative of the Myxinoul Family on the north- eastern Coast." rroceedUujs AciuJemy of Natural Sciences I'hiladelphia, x, 223-4. 1858. lehthyological Notices, i. ILyxine limosa, u. a. Bay of Fundy, Dr. \V. Stimpsou. 103. 1858. Girard, Charles. "A Giant Herring canght off Lonij Ishiiid." rrocecdiufjs Acadenui of Xafnral Sciences I'ltiladclpli ia, x, 224. 1858. lehthyologieal Notices, ii. Megalops elongatus, u. s. Off Long Island, W. H. Dougal. Probable, babitat. Gulf of Mexico. 104. 1858. Girard, Charles. "New facts relating to the History of the Salmons of Columbia Kiver." rroecedinfis Academijof Xatnral Sciences rhiladelphia, x, 224-5. 1858. lehthyologieal Notices, iii. Salmo Ncivbcrri, n. s. Columbia River. 105. 1S5.S. GiRAKi), Ch.vrles. •'The Genus Thaleichtliys." Proceedings Academy of Xatural Sciences rhiladelphia, x, 225. 1858. lehthyologieal Notices, iv. Thalciehthyn Facificus, Grd., idfiilical witb T. Htcvcnsi, Grd.* 106. 185'J. Girard, Charles. "Curious traits of Organization amongst the Fishes of California and Oregon." Proceedings Academy of Xatnral Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 5(5-8. 1859. lehthyologie.il Notices, v. Xeoclimix satiricus, ii. s. Bay of Monterey, California, A. .S. Taylor. 107. 1859. Girard, Charles. "A Ke|ires(iit:itive nf the Family Ophisnrida', from tho Pacific coast." J'roceediiu/s Academy of Xatural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 58. 1859. Ichthycdogical Notices, vi. Mykichtiiys, n. g. Myrichthys tigrinus, n. s. Adair Bay, Oregon, Capt. C. P. Stone. i _ __ * Report upon the Fishes of the IT. S. P. R. R. Explorations .and Surveys. 80 BULLETIN 41, UNITED .STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 108. 1859. GiKAun, Ciiaules. "A CijprincUa fioiu the waters of Eock Creek." Procc('(linf/s Academy of Natural Sciences rhiladelxihia, xi, 58-9. 1859. Iclitljyologira-l Notices, A'ii. Cyprinella analontana. n. a. Ilock Creek, Potomac River. 109. 1859. GiKAun, Charles. "A FiDidnlus from Palatka, East Florida." Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 59-60. 1859. Ichthyologieal Notices, viii. Fundulus gcminolis, n. a. Eiist Florida, Townsend, Glover. 110. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. " Fundulus teucUus." Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 60. 1859. Ichtliyological Notices, ix. Ztjijonectea tenelhts. Prairie Mer Rouge, Louisiaua; KiiHsellville, Kentucky. 111. 1859. GlRARD, Charles. " Hydrargyrti, collected between Fort Defiance and Fort Union, New Mexico." Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Pliiladeljjhia, xi, 60-1. 1859. Ichtliyological Notices, x. Hydrargyra zebra, u. s. Rio Bravo, tributary Rio Grande del Norte, Ives' Party. 112. 1859. GlRARD, Charles. "The Genus Gamhusia." Proceedings Academy of Natieral Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 61-2, 1859. Ichtliyological Notices, xi. Gamhitsia Holbrooki. n. s. South Candiua, Florida, Cli. Girard; T. Glover. Note by Professor Poey of Cuba. 113. 1859. Girard, Charles. " OnGirardinu.s formosus." Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 62-3, 1859. Ichtliyological Notices, xii. Girardiniis formosus, Grd. South Carolina, Mr. Glover. Noticed by Agassiz, as Hcterandria formona, Ag. (M. S.) 114. 1859. Girard, Charles. ''A Blind Fish, taken from a well, near Bowling Green, Kentucky." Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 63-4, 1859. Ichtliyological Notices, xiii. Typhlichthvs, n. g. Typlichthyg sxdjtcrranens, u. ». Bowling Green, Kentucky, J. E. Tounglove. 115. 1859. Girard, Charles. '<0n Promotis ohesus." Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences I'hiladelphia, xi, 64, 1859. Ichtliyological Notices, xiv. Refers to PoinotU ohesus, Grd., and genus Bryttits; liryttus ohcsus, Grd. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIKARD, M. D. 81 116. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. "A Megalops from the Tortugas, Garden Key, Florida." Proceediixjii AcaUcmy of Natural Science.i Philadvlphia, xi, 64, 1859. Ichtliyological Notices, xv. Refers to 2Iegalo}>s elongatui. Giranl. 117. 1859. GlRAKi>, CiiARLKS. "The geuus Arlina." Proceedings Aijadetni/ of Natural iScienccti Philadelphia, xi, 64-5, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xvi. Arlina, n. g. Arlina effulgens, n. s. Potomac Eivor aud tributaries. 118. 1859. GiR.^RD, Cn.VRLES. "Another Represeutative of the Etheostomid family, from the Potomae River." Procecdinys Aeademij of Natural Science.^ Philadelphia, xi, 65-6. 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xvii. ESTRELLA, U. g. Estrella atromaculata, u. s. Potomac Kiver. 119. 1859. GiRARD, Charle.s. " Pereina nchulosa, iu the waters of the Potomac River." Proeeedings Academy of Natural Sciences PhiladclpMa, xi, 66. 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xviii. Described by Professor Haldeman; captured in tlie Susquehanna River. 120. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. " Etheostoma caprodes oi Rafinesque." Proceedings Academu of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 66. 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xix. Refers to genus Percina, Haldeman; Percina caprodcD, Grd. 121. 1859. GiRARi), Charles. "Are Pileonia semifaseiafum and Percina nchulosa identi- cal?" Proceedings Academu of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 66. 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xx. Reference to the third species of the genus Percina : Percina scmi/axciata, Grd. 122. 18.59. GiRARD, Charlks. '• Pileoma Zehra." Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 66. 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xxi. Reference to tlie fourtli species of Percina, appellation, Percina zebra, Grd. 123. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. " Pilcoma carhonaria." Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 66. 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xxii. Reference to the fifth species of Percina, appellation, Percina carbonaria, Grd. Bull. 41, N. M. G 82 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 124. 1859. (JiKAHD, Charles. "A new genus of Etheostomid." rrocrrdhigs Academy of Natural Sricnrcs rhUadclphla, xi, 67. 1859. Iclithyological Notices, xxiii. OLIGOCEPHALCS, 11. g. Oligoeephalus lepidns. n. s. Describorl uuder the iiauie of Pceciliclithi/t! Icpidiis, Grd., in tht; report of the Uiiited States and Mexican Bouudary Commission. 125. 1859. GiRARn, Charles. "Oligoeeiilialn.s from James River, Virginia. Proceedings Academy of Xafiiral Sciences riiiladeJphia, xi, 67. 1859. Iclithyological Notices, xxiv. Oligoeephalus Miiiieralis, n. s. James Kiver, Virginia. 126. /859. GiRARD, Charles. "Oligoeephalus Liuslii iVoni Wolcott. Wayne County, New York." Proceedinos Academij of Xafiiral Sciences Philadelphia, xi. 67, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xxv. Oligoeephalus Liiidi, Grd. Wolcott, Wayiu' County New York. Described by Dr. II. It. Storer iimler the Miiiiellatioii of Ethcostoma Liiislci/i. 127. 1859. GiRARn, Charles. "ASjiecies of Etheosfonui collected at Fort Gratiot, Lake Huron." Proccedinf/s Aeadeinji of Xafaral Science>i Philadelphia, xi, 67-8, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xxvi. Alvordics, n. g. Alvordius maculatin, n. s Lake Huron, Maj. B. Alvord. 128. 1859. Girard, Charles. " Catonotus fasciatiis." Proceedings Academy of Xatural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 68, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xxvii. Calonotys faiseiatus, n. s. E. S. Dayton. 129. 1859. Girard, Charles. "Hadropterns in the Waters of the Potomac River." Proceedings Academy of Xatiiral Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 100, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xxviii. Madro2>terus mac^datuH. u. s. Tributary of the Potomac River, in Anne Arundel County. Maryland. 130. 1859. Girard, Charles. "Hadropterns in the Arkansas River." Proceedinga Academy of Xatiiral Seiences I'hiladelpliia, xi, 100, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xxix. lladioiiti'ruv SImmardi. ii..s. Arkansas Eiver, Dr. George G. Shumard. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIKAKD, M. D, 83 131. 1859. GiRAKD, Charles. "A Eepresciitativo of the Etheostoma family ])rocuresnm Creek." Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 102-3, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xxxv. Oliyocephalux 2)t(lcheUus. n. s. Gypsum Creek, Whipple party. 137. 18.59. GiRARD, CiLVRLKS. " Boleosoma in th.e Rio Seco., Texas." Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 103, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xxxvi. Boleosoma (/racile, n. s. Rio Seco autl Rio Leona, Texas, Ur. C. B. Keuuerly. 84 BULLETIN 41, UNITED WTATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. ^ 138. 1859. GiRARi), Charles. ''The Gemis Boleichthys." FnK(T(li)i(/s Academy of Xatural Sciences FhUadelphia, xi, 103-4, 1859. Icbthyological Notices, xxxvii. Boleichthys, n. g. Boleichth)/D exilis. n. s. Little iluddy Kiver, Upper Missouri, Dr. George Suckley. 139. 1859. GiRARn, CuARLKS. "Boleiehtbyn in Coal Creek, Arlvansas." Procccdiiu/s Acadcmij of Natural Sciences rhiludelphia, xi, 103, 1859. lelithyologioal Notices, xxxviii. Boleichthyn ]Miippli, n. s. Coal Creek, Arkansas, Whipple iiarty. 140. 1859. GiHARi), Charles. "Boleichthys at Piedrapainte, Texas." Proceedings Academy of Nainral Sciences rhiladelpkia, xi, 104, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xxxix. Bolcichthns elegans, n. s. Piedrapainte, Texas, John H. Chirk. 141. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. "Boleichthys in Cannr)n Ball River." Froceedinys Academy of Xataral Sciences FhUadelphia, xi, 104, 1889. Ie]itliyolo.i;ical Notices, xl. Boleichthys Warrcni, n. .s. Upper Missouri and Yellowstone Kivers, Lieut. G. K. Warren. 142. 1859. GlRARD, Charles. "The Genus Zyyoiiectcs." Froceediny Academy of Natural Sciences FhUadelphia, xi, 113, 1859. Iclithyologicul Notices, xli. Zi/ijonccti't pulchellus, n. s. Sugar Loaf Creek, Arkansas, Ayiiipple party. 143. 1859. GiRARD, CiLVRLES. " Zuoirt ^Vloug Our Owu Shores and in the Mexican Prov- inces." Froceediiiys Academy of X((tur((I Sciences FhiJadelpliia, xi, 114, 1859. Ichtliyolo<;ical Notices, xlii. Comparison between the genus Liinia and PaciUa. Profe.ssor Poey quoted. Mollinesia latijriiina were collected at (lalveston, Texas, by Dr. Kennedy, and Pcecilia muUilincata collected at Palatka. East Florida, by Mr. Glover. 144. 1859. GiRARi), Charles. " FocciHa Uueolata troiu Brownsville." Frocecdiuys Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 114-15, 1859. Ichthyolojjical Notices, xliii. Pcecilin Uncolata, Ord. Itio Bravo of tlie Rio Grande del Norto. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES CIRARD, M. D. 85 145. 1859. (tIkaki), CiiAitLES. "The Spocics JAmia pwciloidvs." I'rocA'ed'DUjH Academii of Natural Sciences riiiladelpli'ui, xi, 115, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xliv. Limia paeciloides, n. s. Indjaiiolu, Texas, .Tobn II. Clark. 146. 1859. GiR.\Ri>, Charles. ''i(»(/V(/or«io.sY( iu a Lagoon at Paolo Alto." rroceediiK/H Academy of Xatural Scioiccs Philadelphia, xi, 115, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xlv. Liinia J'orinosa, n. ». Paolo Alto, Mexico, .Toliu H. Clark. 147. 1859. GiRARD, Charle.s. "Limia in the Province of New Leon." I'roceediiKj Jeademi/ of Xatural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 116, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xlvi. Limia Covchiana, ii. .s. Ivio San Juan, Lieut. I). N. Couch. , 148. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. "A Species of Limia Common aljont Matamoros." I'roveediiKjs Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 110-17, 1859. Ichthyolooical Notices, xlvii. Limia ^[atalnolensill, Ji. .s. Matamoros, L. Berlaiiilier. 149. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. "The gcnns Adinia." Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 117. 1859. Ichthyi)logical Notices, xhiii. Adinia, u. g. Adinia inultifasciata, ii. s. (ialveston, Texas. Dr. C. B. K. Kennerly. 150: 1859. GiRARD, Charles. "The genns Lucania." Proceedinys Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 118. 1859. Ichthyological Notices, xli.x. Lucania, n. g. Lucania venusta, Grd. Iiidianola, Texas, .John H. Clark. This is Limia venusta, Grd., descrihi'd and figured in the Ichthyology of the United State."} and Mexi. K. Kcnnerly. 155. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. "The Affinities lietween Gambnsia and Zygonectes." Proceedhif/fi Academy of Nulural Scien)isi5, :i24. 165. 18.59. Gi-RARD, Charles. " Chipea leres." J'rocecdinDs Acadcnuf of Xalnral Sciences J'hihidelphia. xi, 158. 1859. Ichtliyological Notices, Ixiv. Kefers that .speriem to genus Hari'iiynla. of X'alencieniics, uniler tlie name of i/. teres. Baird and DeKay quoted. 166. 18.59. GiRARD, Charles. '' rimelodns Icmniscatns.'' Proceedings Academy of Xal II ral Sciences Pliiladelpliid. xi, 1.58. 1859. Ichthyological Notices, Ixv. Tliis is tlie same as Xoturiis lemalxcatus, fird. Pennsylvania. Lesneur. 167. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. " Pimelodns gracilis." Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 1.58-9. 18.59. Ichtliyological Notices, Ixvi. This is the same as Pimelodus Hoxighi, Grd. Sommtsrville, New York, F. B. Hough; Foxl)urgh and Ogdeiiluirg, Pennsylvania, Baird. 168. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. ''A Species of Pimelodus C(dlected in the Neighhorhood of Racine, Wisconsin." Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 159. 18.59. Ichtliyological Notices, Ixvii, Pimelodus Hoyi, n. s. Kacine, Wisconsin, Dr. Hoy. 88 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 169. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. "Spcoimeiis of a Siiccics of I'imchxhin catight in Root Itiver, near Raciiu', Wiscousiu." Proceedings Academi/ of I\^afi(rol Sciences I'ltihidclphiu, xi, 159. 1859. Ichthyological Notices, Ixviii. Pimelodus confinis, n. .s. Koot River, "Wisconsin, S. F. Baiitl. 170. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. "A Species of Pimelodus coUeeted by Robert Keuuicott, Anx Plaines, Illinois." I'roceedint/s Academi/ of' Xotiirol Sciences Pliiladclpliiu, xi, 159. 1859. lilitliyolonieal Notices, Ixix. Piiiti'liidiis ciiprfoidi'K. n. s. Anx ri:iiii<'s, Illinois, liobcit Kcnnicott. 171. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. " /'//*io/orf».s- w(/«.s/' DeKay (not Cuv. and Val.). Proceedings Academi/ of Xntnrai Sciences Phihideljiliia, xi, 160. 1859. lehtliyolof^ical Notices, Ixx. I'iniclodiis DeKayl, ii. s. Lake Ontario, S. F. r.ainl. 172. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. "The true Pinuilodits catns" (not DeKay). Proceedings Aeadenuj of Naiural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 160. 1859. Iclitliyological Notices, Ixxi. Pimdudiis catiis, Cnv.and Val., L Southi-in States. 173. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. "The 'Channel Cat,' or 'Mud Cat,' of the Chesapeake." Proceedings Academi/ of Natural Sciences I'liiladelphia, xi. 160, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, Ixxii. Pimelodus lynx, n. s. I'otoniac River anil Deeji linn, and at Carli.sle, Pennsylvania. 174 18.59. GiRARD, Charles. "Pimelodus puma collected in Charleston, South Carolina." Proceedings Academy of Natnral Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 160, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, Ixxiii. Pimelodxis puma . n. s. Cliarleston. South ('ai'oliua, Cliarles Giranl. 175. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. "Pimelodus rulpeculus, collected in Charleston, South Caro- lina." Proceedings Aeademij of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 160, 1859. Ichthyologcal Notices, Ixxiv'. Pimelodus vulpeculus, n. s. (Uiarleston, South (!.'irolina, Charles Girard. 176. 1859. GiRARD, Charles. " Pimelodus platyccphalus collected in the Neighborhood of Anderson, South Carolina." Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, xi, 161, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, Ixxv. Pimelodus platycephalus. n. s. Anderson, South Carolina, Mrs. Baniel. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D. 89 177. 1859. CiKAUD, Charles. "A Cattish collected in the Black Warrior and Hi<,^sl)y Rivers, Alabama. Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences rhiladelphiii, xi, 161, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, Ixxvi. Pimelodus meyalops, ii. s. Black Warrior and Bigsby Rivers, Alabama. Prof. A. Wincbell. 178. 1859. GiR.^RD, Charles. "A Catfish collected at Prairie Mer Rouge, Louisiana." Proceedinds Academy of Natural Sciencen Philadelphia, xi, 161, 1859. Ichthyological Notices, Ixxvii. Pimelodus f/raciosug, n. s. Prairie Mer Rouge, Louisiana, James Fairie. 179. 1858-'59. GiRARU, Charles. Ichthyological Notices, a reprint from the ProcecfZiH^s of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, December 11, 1858; March, April, and May, 1859. A pamphlet of 36 pages, 8vo. Alphabetical list of the .species as di.scus.ied supra : Adinia tnultifaseiata. G 25 Alvarius lateralis, G 17 Alvordius mandatus. G 14 Aplesion Pottsi, G 18 Arlina effulgens, G 12 Soleichthys elegans, G 20 Boleichthys exilis, G 20 Boleichthys Warreni, G 20 Boleichthys WhippU, G 20 Boleosoma gracile, G I!' Bryttus chcetodon, G ■ 32 Bryttus ohesus. G 11 Catonotusfasciatxis, G l''> Cyprinella analostana, (J Gambusia affinis, G : - - - 28 GambusiafurmoM, G !• Gambusia rjraciUs, G 29 Gambuma Uolbrooki, G ^ Gambusia nobilis, G 28 Gambusia patruelis, G 28 Gambusia senilis, G 30 Gambusia speciosa, G 29 Girardinus occidenkdis, G 27 Girardinus sonoriensis, G - 28 Hadropterus macidatus, G 1*^ Hadropterus Shutnardi, G l" Harenula teres, G 33 Hydrargyra zebra, G "' Limia Couchiana, G 24 Limia formosa, G 23 Limia matamorensis, G 25 Limia pceciloidcs, G 22 Lucania affinis, G 26 90 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 185.S-'r>9. OiUARi), Charles — Coutiiiiu-d. Litcauia vemtsta, G -6 Lncania [sj/ec. iunom.] 2G MeyaloxiS elongatua, G 2, 11 Molliensia latipinna, Lcsiieiir 22 Mynchthys tiyrinus, G 5 Myxine Umoxa, G 2 Neoelinus Blanchardi, (J .- 4 Neoclimis satyricus, (3 4 Notunis lemiiucatus, G - - 33 Oligocephalvs (Irahami, G - 19 OligocephalKS humeralii; (} - - 14 Oliyocephalus Linsli, G 14 Oligocephalus Leonensis. G 19 Oliyocephalus lepiduf, G 14 Oligocephaluti pulchellus, (i 19 Peixina caprodes, G - 13 Percina carbonnria, G 13 Percina nehiilosa, Halcl 13 Percina se/mijasciata, G 13 Percina zebra, G 13 Pimelodits catus, Ciiv. & Tal 34 Pimelodus confinis, G 33 Pimelodus ciqn-eoides, G 34 Pimelodus Dekayi. G 34 Pimelodus gracilis, G - 33 Pimelodus graciosus, G 30 Pimelodus IloyI, G 33 Pimelodus lynx, G 34 Pimelodus megalops, G 35 Pimelodus platycejalialus, G 35 Pimlodus puma, G 35 Pinielodus vulpeculus, G 35 Thaleichthys Pacificxis, G 3 Typhlichthys subterraneus, G 9 Zygonectes pulchellus, G 21 Zygonectes tenellus. G C 180. 1859. OiRART), Chari-KS. Herpotologioal Notices. rn>crc(liii{/K Academji of Katural Scieuccn PMluddphlu, xi, l(i9-7(), l ami August. 1803. PUBLICATIONS OF CHAELES GIRARD, M. D. 91 183. 1872. (iiUAKi>, CllAKLKs. I'liucipt'S (Ic liiolti.nif appliques a l:i Modiciiit;. I'arLs. 18. 1872. A second and revised edition of ' L:i vie an point de vile jiliysique." 184. 1872. GiRARD, Ch.\RLES. Coiitribntiou a rilistoiro uii^(lico-eliiiur(i;icult' dii Sii'^oo de Paris. L'aiubnlaiioe niilitaiie de la rue Violet, No. .57. Succursale dc I'Hotel des Iiivalide.s. raris. 1872. Pp. 100. 8vo. As chief physician of one of the military ambulances during the memorable siego of Paris, in 1870-'71, Dr. Girard was afl"orded an opportunity for writing an elaborate chapter on tlie diseases originating in the alimentary canal, with special reference to the etiology of typlioid fever, of which the various stages have been carefully described. 185. 1888. Girard, Cii.\RLEs. Systematic CatalojTue | of the | Seieutitic Labors | of | Dr. Charles Girard. Poissy. 8^\ Pp. 3-13. 1888. A limited number of copies were printed for private circulation. 186. 1888. Girard, Cii.a.rles. Les Poissons Aveugles des Cavernes Amdricaines. Le XaturaUste, Paris, 107-8. 1888. Typhlicthys svhterraneus, Grd., is figured from an original drawing graciously furnished by Professor Baird, Secretary Smitlisonian Institution. 187. 1888. GiR.\RD, Charles. Les Poissons souterraius du Nouveau Monde. Le XaturaUste, Paris, 222. 1888. Animal life exists in the underground waters and is onlj' .seen incidentally. Thus the vol- canes of the equator throw up periodically large quantities of fishes of which but little is known. The mud volcanos of Guatemala likewise emit fishes yet undcscribed. Wo are aware by the inspection cf the .socalled " Cenotes '' of Yucatan that in the sheets of subter- ranean water of that region are to be lonnd fishes of various kinds. In California the arte- sian wells furnish fishes, of whose (-haraeter, however, we know but little. Explorers of those regions ought to devote some of their time to the investigation of these matters. 188. 1889. Girard, Charles. Les Poissons Musiciens. Le Nattiraliste, Paris, 57-S. 1889. (tig.) The fact that certain fishes ])ossess the singular faculty of emitting given sounds within the element in which they live is well known. The names of Qurnards, Grunters, Croaken Drums, and similar appellations by which they are usually designated have been uamed with reference to the soiuids they emit. Extraordinary sounds attributed to a fish are reported upon by Lieutenant (iilliss, U.S. Na\y. as follows : "During the following summer of 1852 — a submarine phenomenon attracted no little atten- tion among the residents and visitors at Caldera, of which more than one account reached Santiago. One correspondent wrote me: 'The night I stopped at Caldera I went at half past 11 o'clock to hear the submarine music, aod I confess it has astonishedme. Though the position is neither graceful nor comfortable, on lying down in the boat and jdacing your ear ui)on the bottom you hear it in its perfection. I stuck to it for a long time and was charmed indeed. It has now been pretty well ascertained that it conies from fish, which gather in great number on a quiet and retired spot on the bay, and as each one produces a single note, the most soft and charming harmony results, resembling the .aColian liar]) nearer than anything to which lean compare it. If we suppose the sounds to be produced by fisli, that will also account for the difterent localities where they are heard. On my return to Caldera I will endeavor to obtain tbe name by which the fish is known there, if 92 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSET^M. 1889. GiKAKD, CiiAiJLKS— Contiimed. I should not succcod in obtaining a .specimen for you.' Another friend, to whom I wrote on receiviuj; the above, tells me: 'The idea of the music heard here being produced by tish never entered my brain until you wrote me about Mr. H. I am not fully prepared to oppose the seuoritas who pronounce it a siren, and among whom it has caused no little sensation. It is always near one place, and is never heard during the day. Ton must come down for a personal examination, becavise, though I shall send you a bo.>f containing some of the small tish caught in the bay, I have no intention to assert that a or the musical fish shall be among them.' My friend sent fish according to promise, of which an account is given in the report from Mr. Charles Girard. One of them he has named Alosa muaica from thi.s circumstance. When I wrote again, only four months later, these charming aquatic serenaders had shut »ip their orchestra, or gone else where." — [Gilliss's Exp. to South Hemisphere, vol. I, p. 270, 271.] According to all probabilities, says Dr. Girard, those musicians have taken a northerly direction, having been heard near the equator by the engineer Outfroy de Thoron, who speaks of them as follows : "Itwasintlie Bay of Paillon, surrounded with virgin forests, tliat I heard for the first time the song of the fish musician. Already, while at Campana, much about it was told mo. There were many of those fishes in the Mataje; thej' were heard at certain hours in the even- ing and in certain quarters pointed out to me. But I attached no groat importance to the subject at that moment, my conviction being that this animal was well known to naturalists, so that as a more satisfaction of curiosity 1 awaited a favorable opportunity in going to hear them. But as it sometimes hapi>ens that these fishes do not await obscurity for uttering their 7nusic, a chance served me admirably on my return from Paillon to Campana. "On proceeding along a seacoast at sunset, a strange song, extremely grave and prolonged, was suddenly heard about me. I first thought It to be a gnat or a bumblebee of an extraor- dinary size, but perceiving nothing above or around me, I asked the oarsman of my pirogue whence this noise came. 'Sir,' he answered, 'it is a fish which thus sings; some call these fishes siren, and others musicians.' On progressing a little further I heard a multitude of divers voices, harmonizing amongst themselves, imitating to perfection the sound of a church organ. " The Bay of Paillon is not the sole locality where one may enjoy this phenomenon. It occurs in several places, and even with greater power and evidence in the river Mataj6, especially at the foot of a promontory called Campanilla. This river has two outlets upon the Pacific Ocean and a third one into the baj' already named. By ascending it beyond Cam- pana one reaches Campanilla, where the same phenomenon occurs. I was told that in the River del Molina, an affluent of the Mataj6, the song ofthe.se fishes had likewise been heard. It may not be uninteresting to know that these animals live in waters of different qualities, since that of Paillon is salted, whilst that of the river does not mingle with the preceding except at tide times. The fishes musicians execute their music without being troubled by your presence, and this for several hours consecutively without exhibiting theniselvos near thc^ .surface of the water, and the continuous vibration of their song produces an aerial sound. One feels amazed that such a noise could ])roceed from an animal no more than 10 inches in length. It is a fish, the exterior configuration, of which presents nothing peculiar,- its color is white with some oluish spots along the back. Such is the fish which is taken by the hook on the very places where the .song is uttered. It is towards sunset when the.se fishes begin to make themselves heard, continuiiig their song during the night, imitating the grave ami medial sounds of an organ, [Outfroy de Thoron, I'Amfirique equatoriale, 1866, 137-140.] The origin of the harmonious sounds heard in the bays of Caldera and Paillon deserve the attention of the future explorers of the Pacific coast of South America. The magnitude of the scene on which the phenomenon is displayed, the mystery which surrounds its mani- festation, are such as to awaken general cariosity. 189. 1889. GiRAKD, Charles. Les Pois.sons Soutfrrainos dn Nord de I'Afriqnc Le NattiraUste, Pari< 103-6, 1889. The De.sert of Sahara contains many wells of considerable magnitude Surrounding these wells rich oa.ses have sprung up, sustaining a native population of some importance. But what is most remarkable about the wells is the fact that they bring forth fi-om groat depths living fishes, which, instead of being blind, as one would be led to suppose a priori, are pro- vided with eyes as jierfcct as tho.se of fishes living in the rivers. The prevailing opinion is that the fishes from the artesian wells are native of the water courses over the surface of tlie .soil and have penetrated subsequently into the ground, whence they are brought up by the wells. PUBLKA'J'IONS OF CHARLES GIKAIU), M. D. 93 1889. GiRAKD, Charles — Continued. This question, however, has uot been (Icliiiittly settled. The objections to this tlieory are given iu tlio abov(> jjapcr. Tlie following species have been oliserved and tigured: C'l/prinodon calaritantii. Val. Zab occidental and all the wells of Oucd Rix. Chrmnis Desfontainii, Sauv. Hot Springs of Gaffa. 30° K. C hromis zillii, Sanv. Oued Rix from Meliix Chott to Toiigoiirt. Hemiehromis Saharre, Sauv. AVells from the vicinities of Tougoiirt. Tlemichromisi liolandii, Sauv. Zab occidental (Zibans). Similar, though ditfercut .species of the Cliromid family, live in the depths of the Lake of Tiberias, with the curious habits of hatching their own eggs and bringing up their progeny sheltered iu their buccal cavity. It remains to be seen whether the Chromids of Africa exhibit the .same traits in their habits. 190. 1889. GiRAKD, Charles. Les Andes et la, Cordillfere 6(piatoriennes. Le Xafnraliste, Paris, 37-38, 1.59-161, 1889. The conimitteo for the organization of the first international congress of zoology have en- deavored to point out a certain number of questions upon which a discussion might bo usefully raised byitsfuture members. Among those questions was the "Determinationof the regions of tlie globe the fauna of whicli was insufficiently known." The above paper tends to show that the Republic of the Equator throughout, witli the sur- rounding headwaters of the Rio del Cauca, the Rio Magdalena, tlie Amazon River, the Rio Parana, and th(! Rio La Plata, with special references to the subterranean faunas, were in- cluded in tliat category. 191. 1889. Girard, Charles. Les Andes, laCordilloicd rAmazonic: PrecM6 d'lme lettre a Mr. Ra]>h. Blanchard. Congres international de Zoologic, Paris, 1889, 101. Revised edition of the foregoing paper, together with special reference to the fishes ejected by the volcanos of tho equator, and to the lack of scientific information as to their natural history. A letter to R. Blanchard enumerates the species actually living in open waters sur- rounding those volcanos, and which have been too ha.stily identified from Humboldt's time to our days by ichthyologists. 192. 1889. GiRARD, Charles. La Faiiue Soiiterraiue des Andes et de la- Cordillfere. Congres international de Zoologie, Paris, 1889, 110. A complement of the foregoing "Paper, "and entering into fuller details respecting our actual knowledge upon the subterranean fauna of the regions previously mentioned. 193. 1890. GiitARD, Charles. Les I'oissous Yivii)ares de la cAte Ani(:^rieaine de I'ocdan Pacifique. Le NatHraliste, No. 69, 24-25 ; No. 70, 39 ; No. 72, 61-62 (figs. ). Paris, 1890. A French translation from the "Report on the Fishes in the Explorations and Surveys of tho Pacific Railroad." [No. 93.] 194. 1890. GiRARi), Charles. 1 >e la Pliosjdioreseeuee en {i;^n<5ral et celle desmersenpar- tienlier. Le Naturalistc Paris, 1890, pji. 210-212. 94 BULLETIN 41, I NITED .STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1890. GiRARP, CiiAKLES — Coutiiuicd. ABSTRACT. Tlicre ail! iiatiiralisto -who still believe that pliospliorescenco is tlie "result of a peeiiliar .secretion of a viscous or slimy liquid." Others think that the same plu'iionienon "does not depend upon the will of the animal and manifests itself through anomalous cireunistauces." To show the inanity of such conceptions Dr. Girard relates a curious and quite decisive observation made in Boston harbor in ISl", in company with Agassiz, Desor. and Pourtales. "The house we inhabited on the cliff of East Boston, faced the harbor, Birds Island, and Governors Island on the left hand, and the city of Bo.ston on the right. ' ' Towards the end of summer, during a calm night lighted by a full moon, Pourtales called our attention to an unusual brightness of a silvery blue over the surface of the water. It looked like a sheet of liquid silver. Agassiz and Desor thovight it to be a reflection of the satellite. "Wo were, however, soon convinced that such was not the case, inasmuch as the brightness continued, even with a greater intensity, when the moon happened to be moment- arily hidden behind packs of heavy clouds driven by upper currents of the atmosphere. "To leave no room for any possible doubt, Pourtales and myself went on a little skiff gathering in a pail a sample of water from the center of the phenomenon. Nothing particular attracted our attention except that as we were jirogressing, the brightness which we still per- ceived at a given distance, disappeared from our immediate surroundings, the surface of the water showing its usual aspect, and the thought occurred whether we were not laboring under an optical delusion. Sfevertheless we filled our pail to examine its contents at home. By the light of our lamps, the water appeared perfectly limpid and cont.ained no living beings visible to the naked eye. But in the obscurity and calmness one could see a myriad of sparks darting to and fro — genuine aquatic fireworks in miniature. The least agitation or a simple shock against the pail would cause these sparks to vanish, and to reappear after quietness was restored. In a transparent glass jar, little aniiualculae could be distinguished like so many whitish dots disseminated throughout the liquid. The microscope showed a -small Crustacea of the genus calamis, bearing a strong resemblance to Varictes of Templeton. The luminous emission, of a celestial blue, could bo seen proceeding from the nervous system of the little animal whose transparency enabled us to see its entire organization. The point initial was the cephalic ganglion above the esophagus, subject to isochronal contractions, and whence the luminous flashing passed rapidly through all the nervous strings to the other ganglia, which themselves were motionless." Dr. Girard considers the phenomenon of phosphorescence as manifesting itself under two distinct aspects. First, tm.active state, and second, a.2)assivc stated The active state proceeds, diu'ing life, from the nervous system of the animals in which the phenomenon occurs and under the immediate control of their will, intermittent therefore in its aspect, whilst the passive state resides latent among dift'used or disaggi-egated organic substances without vital impulse, and showing some activity under agitation of various sorts and under the action too. of luminous rays like those of the moon. 195. 1890. GiRAKi), Charles. La maladii' dii Barbeau {Barhun fluviatUis L.) Le XatHf ralistc, Paris, p. 254, 1890. AH.STHACT. A very strange and serious disease, characterized by an acciuuulation. between skin and flesh, all alimg the lateral line, of an apiiarently fatty substance made of sarcosjyroids, affected tho common barbel of the river Seine in its windings about Paris. That disease assumes the character of an epidemic, already observed years ago among the same fish in the rivers Meuse and Moselle. It terminates fatally and tho dead fishes may be seen floating on the surface of tho water. Death is brought about by asphyxia in the following manner : Tho bulky and fatty substance affecting but one side of the body, the fish loses both equilibrium and specific gravity. Unable to maintain itself any longer swimming in full water, it rises thus forcibly to the surface, where the access of the air to the gills impedes respiration and brings about death. Tho flesh as well as the organs in the abdominal cavity exhiliit at first no signs of alteration. By and by suppuration may setinand the swollen re- gion then bursts open like an abscess. 196. 1891. GiRARO, Charles. Uiic tortne hiropbalc Le XaturaUsU; Paris, p. 1, 1891, (fig.). A very young specimen of Chr)ise)n ifs pieta i'roin flie Fnited St.ites, exhibits two well -formed heads emerging from under a carapax seemingly iHninal in its exterior aspect. Four limbs. I rUBLlt'ATlONS OF CHARLES GIEAKD, M. D, 95 1891. GiUARO, Charles — Coutiiincd. two to tlie right aud two to tlio left, and a single tail are well developed, the limbs on the right side probably belonging to one fetus and those of the left side to the other fetus. Dis- section, however, was not made, the author having had bvit one sketch of the animal at Iiis command. 197. 1891. GiRARD, Charles, Dens esptices houvcUl'S de plauair^8 aindricaiues. Le Xaturalisfe, Paris, 1891. Ilydrolimane brunneus, n. s. Ri^-idet from Fairmount Tark, Jos. Leidy. Phaijocala coronata, n.s. Near Fort Bridger, Wyoming, Jos. Leidy. 198. 1891. GiRARD, Charles. Keeherchcs sur k-s i)l;inaire.s et los uemortieus du TAm^- ri(Hie du Nord. Annales tSciencen XafureUes, Varis, 1891. A systematic recoi'd of notes and cursory observations, viewing a general treatise on the subject (see Iv"o. 59), and which circumstances prevented from carrying out fidly. Terrestrial Planakians: Ehyschodemds, Leidy. Rhynchodemus nylventrin, Leidy. Freshwater Planarlvks: IlYDJtOLlMAX, Hald. Sydiolimax grit^ens, Hald. HydroUmax hninnetis, Grd. Procotyla, Leidy. Piocotyla fiuvialilis, Leidy. PHAtiOCATA, Leidy. Phayocata gracilis, Leidy. Phagocata coronata, (rril. DuGEsiA, Gii-ard. Diigesia gnnocejihaloiden, Grd. Dvgesia Foreviani, Grd. Dtigegia maeulata, Grd. Dugesia frimcnta, Grd. Dexdroccelum, Oerst. Dendroca'liini siiperhum, Grd. Dendrocoehnii j)idchcrnmuin, Grd. Marine Pl.anarlvss : Plvnocera, Blainv. Planoccra elliptica, Grd. Planoccra nebulosa, Grd. Leptoplana. Leptoplana ellipnoideg, Grd. Imogine, Girard. Imogine oailifcra, Gid. Thysaxozoox, Grube. Thymnozoon nigrum, Grd. Procerode.?, Girard. Proccrodes Wheatlayidi, Grd. Xiobe, Girard. Xiobe zonata, Grd. TiTHLOLEPTA, Oerst. Typhlolepta acuta, Grd. Typhlolepta fuliginosa, Leidy. POLYCELIS, Ehr. Polycclis variabiliK, (J id. Pdlycdis tigrimis, Grd. Phosthiostomuji, Quatref. Prostldosloiniim gracilr, Grd. 96 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1891. GiUAHD, Charles — Contiuued. BuELLOURA, Leidy. Bdelloura Candida, Gril. Bdelloura rustica, Leidy. KHABDOCCELA : Derostoma, Diigis. Dcroxtoma marginatinn, Grd. FoviA, Giraid. Fovia fVarreni, Grd. MoNOCELis, Ehr. Monocelis spatulicauda, Grd. Macrostoma, Ed. v. Bfii. Macrostoina hystrix, Ocrst. Macrostoma sengitimin, Sillini. Microstoma. O. Scli. Microstoma lincare, Oerst. Microstoma, eaudatmn, Loidy. Microstoma Philadelphicvm, Leidy. Microstoma variabile, Leidy. Stenostoma, O. Sell. Steiiostoma Icucops, O. Sell. Stenostoma affile, Silliiu. Prorhynchus, M. Scliultze. Prorhynchus fiuviatilis, Leydiy. Mesostojia, Dugis. Mesostoma go7iocephabiin, Sillim. Mesostoma ccecum, Sillim. Meisostoma Pattersoni. Sillim. Mesostoma vivipanim, Sillim. Gyrator. Gyrator aVms, Sillim. Vortex, Ehr. Tortex arviiijer, S. Sell. Vortex Pirujuis, Sillim. Vortex Blodgetti, Sillim. Plagiostoma. Plagiostoma iHamim, Sillim. Fresh-water Nemerteans : Emea, Leidy. Emea rubra, Leidy. Emea Sillimani, Grd. Marine Nemerteans: Tetrastemjia, Ehr. Tetrastcmma serpentina, Grd. Hecate, Girard. Hecate elegans, Grd. rosEiDO>f, Girard. Poseidon colei, Grd. Poseidon affinis, Grd. Nareda, Girard. Nareda siq^erha, Grd. BORLASIA, Ok en. Borlasia Kilrtzi, Grd. Leodes, Gii-ard. Leodes striolenta, Grd. Kenieria, Girard. Renieria rithra, Grd. Amphiporus, Ehr. Amphiporyis sanguineus, Grd Polia, Dellelhiaje. Polia gracilis, Grd. Meckelia, Leuek. ^fecf:ch'a /ragilis, G rd . Meckelia atra, Grd. Meckelia jwcaliontas, Grd, Meckelia lizzioi, Grd. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D. 97 1891. GiRARD, Charles — Continued. Meckelia Icetea, Leidy. Meckelia rosea, Leidy. Ommatoplea, Ehr. Ommatoplea Sti7npiioni, Grd. Stimpsonia, Girard. Stimpsonia aurantiaca, Grd. II. SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE. analysis. Page. Bibliography. . 97 Embryology, physiology, and medicine 97 Natural hi'Story 97 Mammals 98 Reptiles and batrachians 98 Fishes 99 Insects 99 Arachnids and myriopods 100 Crustacea 100 Entomostracans 100 Worms 100 Planarians and Nemerteans 101 MoUusks 101 Echinoderms 101 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 27. American Zoological, Botanical, and Geological Bibliography for the year 1851. Prepared at the request of Prof. Spencer F. Baird, Assistant Secretary Smithsonian Institution, by Charles Girard. Sill. Amer. Jour. Sc. and Arts, second series, xiii, 1852. 28. Bibliographia Americana Historico-Naturalis, A. D. 1851. Smiths. Contr. to Knowledge. Wash- ington, 1852. 8vo. 54. Publications of Learned Societies and Periodicals in the Library of the Smithsonian Institution. Part I: In Smiths. Contr. to Knowl., vii, 1853. Part II: Ibid., xiii. 1856. 185. Systematic Catalogue of the Scientific Labors of l»r. Charles Girard. Paris. 1888. 8vo. EMBRYOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY, AND MEDICINE. 2. On the so-called Biogen Liquid. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, 236. Sill. Amer. Journ. Sc. and Arts, second series, ix, 1850, 399. 7. On the Development oi Planocera elliptica. Proc. Bost. .Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, 348. 8. On the Embryology of Planaria. Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc, ii, 1850, 398. 9. Sur I'embryologie des Planaires. Bull Soc. Sc. Nat. Neuch., ii, 1850, 300. 58. Embryology oi Planocera elliptica. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., second series, ii. 1854. 307. 59. Researches upon Nemerteans and Planarians. I. Embryonic Development of Planocera elliptica. Phila., 1853. 4to. 17. On the Organs of Vision and Nervous System in the Embryo of Ascidia. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, 1851, 30. 81. Life in its Physical Aspect. Washington, 1855. 8vo. 181. La vie au point de vue physique ou Phv8iog6nie philosophique. Paris, 1860. 18mo. 183. Principes de Biologie appliqu6s k la Medicine. Paris, 1872, in 18mo. 184. Contribution a Thistoire m6dico-chirurgicale du Siege de Paris. L'ambulance militaire de la rue Violet, No. 57. Succursale de I'Hotel des Invalides. Paris, 1872. 8vo. GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. 82. Contributions to the Fauna of Chile. Reprint from Gilliss's XJ. S. N., Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere during the years 1849, '50, '51, and '52. "Vol. ii, 1856, 230. 4to. 190. Les Andes et la Cordill^re 6quatoriennes. LeNaturaliste, 1889, pp. 37-8 and 159-161. Paris. 4to. 191. Les Andes, la CordiU^re et I'Amazonie. Pr6c6d6 d'une lettre a M. Raphael Blanchard. Stu- la fauno souterraine de I'equateur. Congres international de Zoologie. Paris, 1889, 101. 192. La faune souterraine des Andes et de la Cordill6re. Congres international de Zoologie. I'aris, 1889, 110. 194. De la phosphorescence en gen6rale el i-elle des mers eu particulier. Le Naturaliste, 1890, 210-212. Bull. 41, X. M. 7 98 BULLETIN 41; UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM MAMMALS. 23. Mammalia in the Iconoffraphic Encyclopcedia of Science, Literature, and Art^. New York, 1852, 8vo. 24. On the Classification of Mammalia. Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc, vi, 1852, 312. 25. Outlines of General Zoology. Mammals, by Charles Girard ; Birds, by John Cassin ; Eeptiles, by Spencer F. Baird; Fishes, by Spencer ¥. Baird; Invertebrates, by S. S. Haldemaii. Reprinted from the Iconographic Encyclopaedia of Science, Literature, and Arts. New York, Riidolphe Garrigue, publisher, Barclay street, Ast or House, 1851. 8vo. 502. REPTILES AND BATRACHIANS. 14. Ou a New American Saurian Keptile. Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc, iv, 1851, 200. 37. Descriptions of New Species of Eeptiles collected by the TJ. S. Exploring Expedition under the command of Capt. Charles Wilkes, U. S. Navy. First part. Including the species from the "Western coast of America. By Spencer F. Baird and Charles Girard. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., vi, 1852, 174. 57. Second part. Including the species of Batrachians exotic to North America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc- Phila., vi, 1853, 420. 88. Third part. Including the species of Ophidians exotic to North America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., ix, 1857, 181. 90. Foxirth part. Including the species of Saurians exotic to North America. I'roc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., ix, 1857, 195. 50. A communication ou a species of Frog, and another of Toad, recently described from specimens in the herpetological coUections of the U. S. Exploring Expedition, by Spencer F. Baird and Charles Girard. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., vi, 1853, 378. 34. Characteristics of some new Eeptiles in the Museiun of the Smithsonian Institution. By Spencer F. Baird and Charles Girard. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., vi, 1852, 68. (First part.) 35. Second part. Containing the species of the Saurian Order, collected by John H. Clark, under Col. J. D. Graham, head of Scientific Corps United States and Mexican Boundary Commission, and a few others from the same or adjoining territories, obtained from other sources, and mentioned imder their special headings. By Spencer F. Baird and Charles Girard. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., vi, 1852, 125. 36. Third part. Containing the Batrachians in the collection made by John H. Clark, under Col. J. D. Graham, on the United States and Mexican Boundary. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., vi, 1852, 173. 38. Catalogue of the North American Eeptiles in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Part I: Serpents. By S. F. Baird and Charles Girard. Washington, 1853. 8vo. 40. Eeptiles in Stansbury's Exploration and Survey of the Valley of Great Salt Lake of Utah. By Spen- cer F. Baird and Charles Girard. Washington, 1853. 8vo. 41. A Monographic Essay on the Genus Phrynosoma. In Stansbury's Exploration and Survey of the Valley of Great Salt Lake of Utah. Washington, 1853. 8vo. 45. Eeptiles in Marey and McClellan's Explorations of the Eed River of Louisiana in the year 1852. By Spencer F. Baird and Charles Girard. Wa.shington, 1853, 217. 39. List of Eeptiles collected in California by John L. Leconte, with descriptions of New Species. By S. F. Baird and Charles Girard. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., v, 1853, 300. 61. A List of the North American Bufonids, with diagnoses of New Species. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., vii, 1854, 86. 71. On a specimen of Storena DeKayi from the vicinity of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., v, 1854, 89. 76. Abstract of a Eeport to Lieut. James M. Gilliss, U. S. N., upon the Reptiles collected during the U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to Chili. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., vii, 1854, 226. 77. Report to Lieut. James M. Gilliss, U. S. N., upon the Eeptiles collected during the U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to Chili. Eeport of the U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, ii, 207, 1855. Washington. 4to. 84. On a New Species of Urodela, from the collection of the U. S. Exploring Expedition iiuder the command of Capt. Charles Wilkes. U. S. N. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., viii, 1856, 140. 93. United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840. 1K41, 1842. under the com- mand of Charles Wilkes. U. S. N. Vol. xx. Herpetology. Philadelphia, 1858. 4to. With a folio atlas. 101. United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, under the order of Lieut. Col. W. H. P^niory. Eep- tiles of the Boundary. By Spencer F. Baird. With notes by the naturalists of the Survey. Vol. ii. 4to. 1859. 180. Herpetological Noti((>,s. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. I'hUad., xi, 18.59, 169. 100. Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the Most Practical and Economical Eoute for a EaUroad from the Mississippi Eiver to the Pacific Ocean. Made under the direction of the Secretary of War in 1855-56, according to acts of Congress of March 3, 18.53, May 31, 18.34, and August 5, 1854. Vol. x. Eeptiles. By Spencer F. Baird. Washington, 1859. 4to. 196. Une tortue bic6phale. Le Naturaliste. 1891, 19. PUBLICATIONS OP CHARLES GIRARD, M. D. 99 FISHES. 1. On the genus Cottus Auct. Proc. Boet. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, 183. ;!. Additional observations on the nomenclature and classification of the Fishes of the genus Cottus. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, 302. 4. A monograph of the fresh-water Cotti. Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc, ii, 1850, 409. 5. On "Acanthoeotti" in Storer"s Fislies of Nova Scotia. Bo.st. Journ.Nat. Hist., vi, 1850, 247-250. 6. On "Gasterostei" iu Storer's Fishes of Nova Scotia. Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., vi, 1850, 254^260. 19. On a new genus of American Cottoids. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., i v, 1851, 18. 2fia. On Salmo oquassa, a New Species of Lake Trout. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, 1852, 362. 30. Revision du genre Cottus des auteurs. Nouv. M6m. Soc. Helv. Sc. Nat., xii, 1852, 28. 26. Contributions to the Natural History of the Fresh- water Fishes of North America. I, Monograph of Cottoids. Smiths. Coutr. to Knowl., iii, 1852. 4to. 3 plates. 42. Descriptions of some New Fishes from the River Zuiii. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., vi, 1853, 368. 43. Description of New Species of Fishes collected by Capts. R. B."Marcy and Geo. B. McClellan in Arkansas. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., vi, 1853, 390. 44. Fishes in Sitgreaves' Report of an Expedition down the Zuiii and Colorado Rivers. "Washington, 1853. 8vo. 46. Fishes in Marcy and McClellan's Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana in the year 1852. Washington, 1853. 8vo. 51. On a New Species of the genus Salmo. Proc. Acad. Nat. So. Philad., vi, 1853, 380. 52. Observations upon the American Species of the genus Esox. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vi, 1853, 386. 53. Note upon a nest constructed by Cattish. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., vi, 1853, 387. 56. Descriptions of New Species of Fishes collected by Mr. John H. Clark, on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, under Col. J. D. Graham. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., vi., 1853, 387 (first part). 60. Descriptions of New Species of Fishes collected in Texas, New Mexico, and Sonora, by John H. Clark, on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, and in Texas, by Capt. Stewart Van Vliet, U. S. A. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., vii, 1854, 24 (second part). 62. Description of New Species of Fishes from the State of Massachusetts. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., v, 1854, 40. 63. Notice of a New Species of Salmonidai from the Northeastern Waters of the United States. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., vii, 1854, 85. 64. Characteristics of some Cartilaginous Fishes of the Pacific Coast of North America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., vii, 1854, 196. 65. On the Family of Embiotoicids and its mode of Development. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., v, 1854, 81. 66. Descriptions of New Fishes collected by A. L. Heermann, naturalist attached to the survey of the Pacific Railroad, under Lieut. R. S. "Williams, U. S. A. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., vii, 1854, 129. 67. Notice of a New Genus of Cyprinida'. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., vii, 1854, 155. 73. Enumeration of the Species of Marine Fishes collected at San Francisco, (California, by Dr. C. B- R. Kennerly, naturalist attached to the survey of the Pacific Railroad route under Lieut. A. W. Whipple. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., vii, 1854, 141. 74. Observations upon a Collection of Fishes made on the Pacific Coast of the United States, by Lieut. W. P. Trowbridge, U. S. A., for the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., vii, 1854, 142. 75. Abstract of a Report to Lieut. James M. Gilliss, U. S. N., upon the Fishes collected during the U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to Chili. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., vii, 1854, 197. 78. Report to Lieut. James M. Gilliss, U. S. N., upon the Fishes collected by the U. S. Naval Astro- nomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere during the years 1849-50-51-52, vol. ii, 1856, p. 230. 80. Notice upon the Viviparous Fishes inhabiting the Pacific Coast of North America, with an enu- meration of the Species observed. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., vii, 1855, 318. 83. Notice upon the Species of the Genus Salmo of authors, observed chiefly in Oregon and Califor- nia. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., viii, 1856, 217. 85. Contributions to the Ichthyology of the Western Coast of the United States, from specimens in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., viii, 18.56, 131. 86. Researches upon the Cyprinoid Fishes inliabiting the fresh waters of the United States west of the Mississippi Valley, from specimens in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Proc. Aca3, part i, p. 93; U.S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 126. Bascanion constrictor. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 93 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxi, fig. 67. Bascanion flavi\t:ntris. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 96; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 20 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxi, fig. 70. Bascanion Foxi. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part 1, p. 96; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, pi. xxxi, fig. 69. Bascanion Fremonti. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 95 ; P. R. R. Surv,, vol. X, 1859, pi. xxxi, fig. 68. Bascanion vetu.stus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 300; Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 97 ; TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 127, pi. viii, figs. 12-19; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, pi. xxxvi, fig. 6. Batrachosoma. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 400. Batrachosoma coronatcm. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 400, pi. xx, figs. 10-13. BOLTALIA. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 279. Brachylophus. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 373. Brachylophus fasciatus. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 374, pi. xviii, figs. 8 and 9. Bronchoccela. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1853, p. 411. Bronchoccel-v iristatella. F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 411. Calamaria tenuis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 176. Callirhinus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 182 ; TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 139. Callirhinus Patagoniensis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 182 ; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 139, pi. xii, figs. 1-6. Callisaurus ventralis. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 8 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 17. Calotes. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 411. Cantoria. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., ix, 18.57, p. 182; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 156. Cantoria violacea. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. PhUa., ix, 1857, p. 182 ; U. S. Expl. Esped., 1858, p. 156, pi. xi, figs. 7-10. Caretta. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 438. Caretta imbricata. IT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 440. Caretta rostrata. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 446, pi. xxx, figs. 8-13. Caretta squamosa. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 442, pi. xxx, figs. 1-7. Celuta. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 129. Celuta amcena. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part 1, p. 129 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxiii, fig. 95. Cephalopeltis. U. S. Expl. Esped., 1858, p. 216. Cephalopeltis scutigera. IT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 217. Cerberus. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 170. prr.Li('Ari()\,«^ of charles cikard, m. d. 103 Charina. U. S. Expl. Exped.. 1858, p. Hi. Chelonia. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 452. Chelonia bicakinata. IT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 441. Chelonia Formosa. TT. S. Expl. Exped., 185S, p. 456, pi. xxxi, figs. 1^. CHELONLA. MA3ILOSA. IT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 444. Chelonia marmorata. F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 455, pi. xxxi, figs. 5-7. Chelonia pseudocaretta, IJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 441. Chelonia pseudomtdas. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 454. Chelonia vikgata. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 4:^7. Chelonia vieidis. F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 453. Chelonia tenuis. F. S. Expl. Exped.. 1858, p. 459, pi. xxxi, fig. 8. Chelyjiys. F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858. p. 462. Chionia. F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 230. Chionia venusta. F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 230'. Chlorosoma. Cat. X. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 108. Chloeosojlv vernalis. Cat. N. A. Eeptiles, 1853, part i, p. 108 ; P. E. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxii. fig. 81. Chrysemys Oregon-ensis. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 4. Churchillia. Pr. Acad. Kat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 70; Stans- hnrj Surv. Salt Lake, 1853, p. 350. Churchillia belona. Pr. Acad. ]S"at. Sci. Phila., vl, 1852, p. 70 ; Stans- bury's Surv. of Salt Lake, 1853, p. 350. Cnemidophorus . Marcy and McClellau'.s Rep. Expl. Red River La., 1853, p. 239; Gilliss's Rep. Exp. S. Hemisph., ii, 1855. p. 22. Cnesiidophorus gracilis. Pr. Acad. JTat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 128; Pr. Acad. Jsat. Sci. PMla., vi, 1853, p. 301; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 10, pi. xxxiv, figs. 7-14. Cnemidophorus Geahajii. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 128; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 10, pi. xxxii, figs. 1-6. Cnemidophorus gularis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 128; Marcy and McClellan's Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 239, pi. x, figs. 1-4; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 11 ; P. R. R. Sur- vey, vol. X, p. 38. Cnemidophoeus ixoenatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1858, p. 255; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 10. Cnemidophorus marmoratus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vi. 1852. p. 128. Cnemidophorus octolineatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Ph^la., 1858, p. 255; M.'x. Bound. Sui'v., vol. ii, p. 10. Cnemidophorus perplexus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 128; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 10. Cnemidophoeus pejesignis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 128; Gilliss'.s Rep. Exp. S. Hemisph., vol. ii, 1855, p. 23, pi. xxxviii, figs. 1-5. Cnemidophorus sexlineatus. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, p. 38. Cnemidophorus tessellatus. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, p. 18. CNEJIIDOPHOEUS TIGRIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 69 ; Stans- bury's Surv. Salt Lake, 18.53, p. 338, pi. ii, Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 10, pi. xxxiii. COLUBEE MOEMON. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 70 ; Stans. bury's Surv. Salt Lake, 18.53, p. 351. CONTIA. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 18.53, part i, p. 110: F. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 124. CONTIA JUTIS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 110; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1853, p. 300; F. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 125, pi. x, figs. 6-10; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, id. xxxvi, fig. 7. Crossltius. F. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 281. Ceossueus platyueus. F. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 281. Ceotalophoeus. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part — , p. 11. Ceotalophoeus consoes. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 12: Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 15; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxvi, fig. 8. Ceotalophoeus Edwaedsi. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 15; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii. p. 15, pi. v. fig. 1; P. R. R. Siu-v., vol. X, pi. XXV, fig. 10. Ceotalophoeus Kietlandi. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. Ifi; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. XXV, fig. 11. Ceotalophoeus mill^^eis. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 11: P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 40, -p\. xxiv, fig. 7. Ceotalophoeus tergeminus. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 14; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. XXV, fig. 9. Crotalus. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, p. 1 ; Marcy and Mc- Clellan's Rep. Expl. Red River, La., 1853. p. 217; F. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 187. Crotalus adamanteus. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 3 ; P. R. K. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxiv, fig. 2. Crotalus atrox. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 5 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, p. 14, pi. 1; P. R. R. Surv., vol. s, p. 39, pi. xxiv, fig. 3. 104 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. CROTAI.US CERASTES. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 14, fig. 3 ; P. R. E. Surv., vol. X, pi. XXXV, fig. 4. CitOTALOS CONPLUENTUS. Cat. j^. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 8 ; Marcy and McClellan's Espl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 217, pi. i; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 14; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, p. 40, pi. xxiv, flg. 4. Ceotalus dueissus. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 1 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 39, pi. xxiv, flg. 1. Cbotalus lucifeh. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 176; Cat. N. A. ReptUes, 1853, part i, p. 6; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1853, p. 300; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 187, pi. XV, figs. 1-6; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxvi, fig. 1. Ceotalus molossus. Cat. ]Sr. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 10; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 14, pi. ii; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxiv, flg. 5. Crotalus Oeegonus. Cat. N". A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 145 : P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxiv, flg. 6. Ceotalus tigeis. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 14, pi. iv ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. XXV, fig. 1. Ceotaphytus. Stansbury's Surv. Salt Lake, 1853, p. 339; Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 234. Ceotaphytus collaeis. Marcy and McClellan's Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 235; Mex. Bound. Sui-v., vol. ii, p. 6; P. R. R. Siirv., vol. x. p. 17 and 37, pi. xxiv, flg. 1. Ceotaphytus dorsalis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. PMla., vi, 1852, p. 126; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 301. Ceotaphytus gambeli. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 126. Ceotaphytus eeticulatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1858, p. 253; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 6. Ceotaphytus Wislezeni. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 69 ; Stans- hury'sSurv. Salt Lake, p. 340, pi. iii; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 7, pi. xxxi ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pp. 17 and 37. C R YPTOBLEPHARUS . U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 219. Cryptoblepharus eximius. IT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 222, pi. xxvi, flgs. 25-32; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., ix, 1857, p. 195. Cryptoblepharus plagiocephalus. IT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 222, pi. xxvi, flgs. 17-24. Cyclodina. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 195; XT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 235. Cyclodina .sinea. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 195; IT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 236, pi. xxvi, figs. 9-16. Cyclodina Temmincki. U. S. Expl. Exped., 18.58, p. 236. Cyclodus. IT. S. Expl. Exped., 18.58, p. 232. Cyclodus gigas. IT. S. Expl. Exped.. 1858, p. 2.33. Cy'lindeophis. U.S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 108. Cylindrophis eufa. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 109. Dactyloperus. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 279. Dactyloperus ixsulexsis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 197; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858. p. 280. Dexdrophis. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 129. Dendeophis picta. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 129. Dexdrophis prasinus. V. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 131, pi. xii, figs. 7-10; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 181. DiADOPHIS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 112. DiADOPHIS AMABILIS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 113 ; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 300; P. R. R. Serv., vol. x, pi. xxxiii, fig. 83. DiADOPHIS DOCILIS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 114; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 22, pi. xxi, fig. 3; P. R. E. Surv., vol. x, p. 43, pi. xxxii, fig. 1, and pi. xxxiii, fig. 84. DiADOPHIS PULCHELLUS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 115; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxiii, fig. 85. DiADOPHIS PUNCTATUS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 112; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxiii, fig. 82. DiADOPHIS REGALIS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 115; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 22; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxiii, fig. 86. DiPSAS septentrioxalis. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 1 : P. R. R. Sui-v., vol. X, DiPSOSAURUS DORSALIS. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 8; pi. xxxii, figs. 7-13; P. R. R. Surv., x, 1859. Diplodactylus. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 296. Diplodactylus vitt,\tus. IT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 297, pi. xxiv, flgs. 9-16. Discodactylus. IT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 299. Discodactylus phacophorus. IT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 300, pi. xxv, figs. 25-32. DOLIOPHIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 182; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 175. 16, pi. viii, fig. pi. xxv, fig. 18. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D. 105 DOLIOPHIS FLAVICEPS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. T'hila., ix, 1857, p. 182; U. S. Expl. Expod., 1858, p. 17G, pi. x, figs. 1-5. DOIJOSAUKDS. IT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 407. DOLIOSAURUS McCaLLI. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 408; Mex. Bound. Siu-v., vol. ii, p. 9, pi. xxvili, fig.s. 4-6. DOLIOSAURUS MODESTUS. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 409; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 10; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, p. 38. DOUOSAUKUS PIATTKHINOS. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 409; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 18. DORYUKA. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 285. DORYURA VULPECULA. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 286, pi. xxiv, figs. 17-24; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. PliUa., 1857. DEOMICUS TEMinNCKI. F. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 161. Dryophis. Gilliss' Rep. Exp. S. llwnispli., ii, 1855, p. 7. Dryophis vittatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1854, p. 226; Gilliss' Rep. Exped. S. Hemisph., vol. ii, 1855, p. 7, pi. xxxvi, flgs. 1-6. Elaps. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part, i, p. 21; Gil- liss' Rep. Exp. S. Hemispli., ii, 1855, p. 5. Elaps pulvius. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, part 1, 1853, p. 21; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. XXV, fig. 15. Elaps nigeocinctus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila, vii, 1854, p. 226; Gilliss' Rep. Exp. S. Hemi.spli., vol. ii, 1855, p. 6, pi. XXXV, flgs. 1-6. Elaps tener. Cat. N. A. ReptUes, 1853, part i, p. 22; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 15, pi. vii, fig. 1 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxv, fig. 16. Elaps tristis. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, p. 23 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxv. fig. 17. Elgaria. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 205. Elgaria Formosa. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi.,1852, 175; TJ. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 206, pi. xxiii, flgs. 10-17. Elgaria grandis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 176; TJ. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 212, pi. xxii, fig. 1-9. Elgabia nobilis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 128. Elgaria, principis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 175; TJ. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 214, pi. xxii, flgs. 9-16. Elgarla. scincicauda. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 69; Stanabury Surv. Salt Lake, 1853, p. 348, Elgaria scincicauda— continued. pi. iv, flgs. 1^; I'r. A<-ad. Nat. Sci. I' vi, 1853, 301; U. S. Expl. Exp., 18 210, pi. xxiii, flgs. 1-9. Emoa. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 197 ; Expl. Exped., 18.58, p. 261. Emoa atrocostata. TJ. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 264. PjMOA baudini. TJ. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 263. Emoa Carteeeti. TJ. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 263. Emoa cyanuea. TJ. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 270. Emoa hieroglyphica. IT. S. ExpL Exp., 1858, p. 263. Emoa nigrita. Pr. Acad. Nat. .Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 197 ; Expl. Exp., 18.58, p. 268. Emoa samcensis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 197 ; Expl. Exp., 18.58, p. 265. Emys maemorata. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 176. E.MYS nigea. P. R.R.Surv., x,1859, pi. i. Enygrus. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 117. Enygrus bibroni. U.S.Expl.Exped.,1858, p.ll7, pl.viii.flgs Eretmochelys. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 439. Erythrolamprius venutissijius. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 169. EUCHELYS. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 18.58, p. 447. EUCHELYS M.EROPUS. TJ. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 448. EUL^MUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 198 ; Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 357. EULiEMUS AFFINIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., ix, 1857, p. 198 ; Expl. Exp., 18.58, p. 366. EUL^EMUS DARWINI. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 198; Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 361, pi. xvii, flgs. EUL^MUS FITZINGERI. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 198; Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 365. EUL^MUS MAMLATUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857. p. 198 ; Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 367. EUL^MUS PICTUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 198 ; Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 364. EUL^MUS SIGNIFER. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 198; Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 366. EUUEMUS TENUIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 198; Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 358, pl.xxviii, flgs. EUPHRYNE OBESA. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. C, pi. 27. hila., 58, p! U.S. U.S. U.! 8-11. U.S. U.S. U.S. 8-14. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. 9-16. 106 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. EUPBEPIS. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 229. EtJPREPIS VENUSTUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1S57, p. 19.5 ; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 229, pi. xxvi, flga. 1-8. EUT^NIA. Cat.N.A.Reptiles, 1853, parti, p, 24; Marcyand McClellan Rep. Expl. Salt Lake, 1853, p. 209; U.S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p, 147. EUTjENIA concinna. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 46; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, pi. xv, fig. 2. Eut.«;nia Coopeei. P. R. R. Surv., vol.x, 1859, pi. xv, fig. 1. EUT^NIA DOKSALIS. Cat. N. A. ReptUes, 1853, part i. p. 31 ; P. R. R. Sitrv., vol. X, p. 40, pi. xxvi, fig. 2. EUT^NIA ELEGANS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 185:{. pait i. p. :i4; P. 11. R. Surv.,x, lH.'i9. EUTiENIA FAIREYI. Cat. N. A. Reptile.s, 1853, part i, j). 25 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxvi, fig. 20. Eut.s:nia Haydeni. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, pi. xiv. Edt.enia inferx.wlis. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, parti, p. 26; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 148, pl.xvi. tigs. 11-16; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859. EUT^NIA leptocephala. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, parti, p. 29; IT. S. Expl. Exp., 18.58, p. 151, pi. xiii, figs. 7-13; P. R.R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, pi. xxxvi, fig. 2. Edt^-nia marciana. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 36 ; Marcy aud McClellan Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 221, j)l. iii ; Mex. Bouud. Surv., vol. ii, p. 17; P. R.R. Surv., V()l. x, p. 41, pi. 'xxxvi, fig. 26. ■ EUT^NIA ORDINATA. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, parti, p. 32; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxvi, fig. 24. EtJT^NIA ordinoides. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, parti, p. 33 ; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1853, p. 300; U.S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 153, pi. xix, figs. 1-4; P. R. R. Sirrv., vol. x, p. 19, pi. xxvi, fig. 3. Etrr^.NIA ORNA'I'A. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 16, pi. ix ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxvi, fig. 22. EUTiENIA PAEIETAilS. Cat. N. A. Ri^ptiles, 1853, part i, p. 28. EUTaSNIA PiCKEEINGI. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 27; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1857. p. 150, pi. xiii, figs. 14-20 ; P. R. R. Surv.. vol. x, pi. xxxvi, fig. 3. Eut.s:nia proxima. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 18.53, part i. p. 25; Marcy and McCleilan's Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 220, pi. ii; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 16; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, p. 40, pi. xxvi, fig. 21. EtjTjEnia radix. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 34; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxiv, fig. 5, and pi. xxvi, fig. 25. ECT^NIA SAURITA. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 24; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxvi, fig. 19. EUT^.NIA SIRTALIS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 30; P. R. R, Surv., vol. X, pi. xxvi, fig. 23. EUTjENTA vagrans. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, j). 35; U. S. Expl. Exp., 18.58, p. 154, pi. xiv, figs. 5-10; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pp. 19 and 41, pi. xvii. Farancia. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i. p. 123. Farancia abaccra. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 123 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxiii, fig. 92. (lEKKO. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 290. Gekko indicus. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 290. Gekko monahchus. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 292. Gehyra. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 272. Gehyra oceanica. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 273. Gehyra vorax. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 197 ; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 274, pi, xvi, figs. 1-8. Georgia. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 92. Georgia Cooperi. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 92 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, i>l. xxxiv, fig. 1. Georgia obsoleta. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 158; Mex. Bound. Surv,, vol. ii, p. 20, pi. xv; P. R.R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxi, fig. 66. Gerrhonotus infernalis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 18.58, p. 255; Mex. Bouud. Surv., vol. ii, p. 71. Gerrhonotus nobilis. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 11, pi. xxv, figs. 1-8. Gerrhonotus olivaceus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1858. p. 255; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 11. Gerrhonotus Webbi. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. PMla., 1858, p. 255; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 11, pi. xxiv, figs. 1-10. GONIODACTYLUS. V. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 304. GONIODACTYLUS MARMORATUS. • U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 304. Gypochelys lacebtina, Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 3. Haldea. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 122. Haldea striatula. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 122 ; P. E. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxiii, fig. 91. Halichelys atra. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 4.52. Heloderma hoebidcm. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 11, pi. xxvi ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 38. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D. 107 I Hemidactixus. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 282. Hemidactsxus cyanodactylus. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 284, pi. xxv, fig.s. 17-24. Hemid.ictylus mabuia. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 283. Herpetodryas flavigularis. p. E. R. Surv., X, 1859. Heterodon. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part 1, p. 51 ; Marcy and McClelhm Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 222. Heterodon atmodes. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i,p. 57; P.R.R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxviii, fig. 41. Heterodon cognatus. Cat. X. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 54; Mex. '^ Bound. Surv., ii, p. 17 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxviii, fig. 39. Heterodon nasicus. Pr. Acad. Kat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 70 ; Stans- bury Surv. Salt Lake, 1853, p. 352 ; Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 61 ; Marcy and McClellan Expl. Red River, La., p. 222, pi. Iv; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 18, pi. xi, fig. 1 ; P. R. R. Siu-v., vol. X, pp. 19 and 41, pi. xxviii, fig. 43. Heterodon nicer. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 55; P.R.R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxviii, fig. 40. Heterodon platyrhlnos. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 51 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxviii, fig. 38. Heterodon sevtds. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i. p, 59; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxviii, fig. 42. Heteronota. r. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 305. Heteronota pel.\gica. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 197 ; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 306, pi. xxiv. figs. 25-32. HlNULIA. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 257. HiNULIA T.a:NIOLATA. TT. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 258. HOLBROOKIA. Pr. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc, iv, 1851, p. 200 ; Stans- bury Surv. Salt Lake, 1853, p. 341 ; Marcy and McClellan Rey. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 235. HOLBROOKIA AFFINIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 125; Mex. Bound. Surv.. vol. ii, p. 8. HOLBROOKIA APPEOXIMANS. Mex. Bound., vol. ii, p. 8. HOLBROOKIA JIACULATA. Pr. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sci., iv, 1851, p. 201 ; Stans- bury Surv. Salt Lake, 1853, p. 342, pi. vi, figs. 1-3; Marcy and McClellan Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 236; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 8; P, R, K, Surv. vol. x, p. 18. HOLBROOKIA PROPINQUA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 126 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 8. HOLBROOKLi TEXANA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1852, p. 125; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, y. 8, pi. xxx ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 38. HOMBRONIA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1X57, p. l';6; F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 239. HOMBRONlA CRASSICAUDA. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 240. HOMBRONIA FASCIOLARIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 18.^7, p. 196 ; TT. S. Expl. Exp., 158, p. 243, pi. xxvii, figs. 25-32. HOMBRONIA TJNDOSA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci., PhUa., ix, 1857, p. 196; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858. p. 240, pi. xxvii, figs. 17-24. HOPLODACTYLUS. r. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 193. HOPLODACTYLU.S BREVIDACTYLUS. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 294. HOPLODACTYLUS DUVAUCELI. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 294. HOPLODACTYLUS GRANULATUS. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 294. HOPLODACTYLUS MACULATUS. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 294. HOPLODACTYLUS PO.MARII. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 197 ; U, S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 204, pi. xviii, figs. 10- 16. Hydrosaurus. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 196. Hydrosaurus varius. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 196. Lacerta. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 199. Lacerta maderensis. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 200, pi. xxiv, figs. 1-8. Lamprosoma episcopum. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 22, pi. vii, fig. 2. Lamprosojia occipitale. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 21, pi. xxi, fig. 1; P. R. R. Surv,, vol. x, pi. xxv, figs. 6, 7. Leptochely's. TJ. S. Expl. Exped.. 1858, p. 434, Lepidochelys olivacea. TT. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 435, Lepidochelys dussumieri. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 437. Leptophis, Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 106; Marcy and McClellan Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 232. Leptophis ^stivus. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p, 106; P. K. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxii, fig, 79, Leptophis majalis. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 107 ; Marcy and McClellan Expl. Red River, La., 18.53, p. 232, pi. ix; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, ]i. 21; P. R. R. Survey, vol. X, p. 43, pi. xxxii, fig. 80. LlODEIRA. TJ. S. Expl. Exped,, 1858, 3.'{9, LlODEIRA CHILENSIS. U. S. Expl. Exp,, 1858, p. 340. 108 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. hioh.rMvu. U. S. Expl. Exi.i'd., 185«, \,. 334. LlOLiEMUS NITIDUS. F. S. Expl. Exp., 18.'i8, p. 33-t, pi. xxviii, fl^js. 17-24. LlOPHIS MEREMl. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 159, pi. xi, fig. 1-6. LiPINIA. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 254. LiPINIA VULCUNIA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., ix, 1857, p. 196; TT. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 254. LODIA. Cat. X^. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 116; TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 122. LODIA TENUIS. Cat. X^. A. Reptiles, 1853, part, i, p. 116; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 122, pi. ix, figs. 8- 11 ; P. R. R. Siu-v., vol. X, pi. xxxvi, fig. 8. Lygophis elegans. IT. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 163. Lygosoma. Marcy and McClellan Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 18.53, p. 240. Lygosoma lateralis. Marcy and McClellan Expl. Red River, La., p. 241; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 13; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, p. 39. Lygosomella. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 196; 17. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 251. Lygosomella ^stcosa. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 196; TT. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 251, pi. xxvii, fig. 1-8. Mabuya. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 260. Mabuya agilis. TJ. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 261. Masticophis. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, 98; Marcy and McClellan Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 230. Masticophis flavigulakis. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 99; Marcy and McClellan Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 230; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxsii, p. 73. Masticophis flagelliformis. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, pp. 98 and 149; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxxi, fig- 71; pi. xxxii, fig. 72. Masticophis mormon. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 101 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxii, fig. 74. Masticophis ornatus. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853^ part i, p. 102; Mex. Bound Surv., vol. ii, p. 20, pi. xvii; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxiii, fig. 75. Masticophis Schotti. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 160 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 20, pi. xviii ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxii, fig. 77. Masticophis t.eniatus. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 103; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 20, pi. xxiii and xxxii, fig. 76. Masticophis testaceus. Mex. Bouud. Surv., vol. ii, p. 20. pi. xvi; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, ]). 43. Microlophus. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 18.58, p 313. Microlophus Peruvianus. F. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 314. MiCROPS lixeatus. p. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxiv, fig. 6. MOEELIA. F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 115. MORELIA ARGUS. F. S. Expl. Exp., 18,58, p. 115. Naultinus. F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 308. Naultinus pundatus. F. S. Expl. Exp., 18.58, p. 309, pi. xvi, figs. 17-26. Nerodia. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 38. Nerodia Agassizi. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 41. Nerodia erythroqaster. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 40; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 19 and 41, pi. xxvi, fig. 28; pi. xviii. Nerodia fa.sciata. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 39; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxiv, fig. 4. Nerodia Holbrooki. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 43: P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxvii, fig. 30. Nerodia nigra. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 147: P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxvii, fig. 31. Nerodia rho.mijifer. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 18.53, part i, p. 147; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxiv, fig. 2. Nerodia sipedon. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 38; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxiv, fig. 2. Nerodia taxispilota. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 43 : P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxvii, fig. 29. Nerodia trans\'ersa. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 18,53, part i, p. 148; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxvi, fig. 1. Nerodia "Woodhousi. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part, i, p. 42; Mex. Bound. Surv.," vol. ii, p. 17 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 41, pi. xxxiv, fig. 3. NiNIA. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 45. NiNIA DIADEMATA. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 49 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxvii, fig. 37. Oligosoma. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1857, F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 245. Oligosoma noctuum. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 196; F. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 249. Oligosoma zelandicum. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 196, F. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 246, pi. xxvii, figs. 9-16. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D 109 Ophibolus. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 82: Marcy and McClellan Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 227. Ophibolus Botli. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 82; Mex. Botmd. Surv., vol. ii, p. 20; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. XXX, fig. bl. Ophibolus clericus. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 88 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. XXX, fig. 62. Ophibolus doliatus. Cat. K. A. Reptiles, 1853, paiti, p. 89; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. XXX, fig. 63. Ophibolus Evansi. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, p. 43. Ophibolus eximius. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 87; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. XXX, flg. 61. Ophibolus gentilis. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 18.53, part i, p. 90; Marcy and McClellan Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 229, pi. viii ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. XXX, fig. 64. Ophibolus getulus. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 85; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxi, fig. 65. Ophibolus rhombomaculatus. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 18,53, part i, p. 86; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. XXX, fig. 60. Ophibolus Sayi. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 84; Marcy and McClellan Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 228, pi. vii; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 20 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxx, fig. 59. Ophibolus splendldus. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 83; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 20 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 43, pi. xxx, flg. 58. Ophiodes. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 224. Ophiodes striatus. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 225. Oreodeira. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 199; F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 419. Oreodeira gracilipes. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 199; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 420. Obtholjemus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 198; U. S. Expl. Exped., 18.58, p. 369. Orthol«;mus Beagli. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857 S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 369, pi 15-21. ORTHOLiEiMUS FiTZROI. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 18.57 S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 373. Orthol,emus multimaculatus. Pr. A<-ad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 18.57, p. 198; V. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 372. Osceola. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 133. p. 198; TT. xvii, figs. p. 198; IT. Osceola elapsoides. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 133 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxxiii, fig. 97. OZOTHECA TRISTYCHA. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 18.59, ji. 3. Pelamys. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 184. PELAJIYS BICOLOK. U. S. Expl. Exped., 18.58, j). 185. Peropus. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858. i>. 277. Peropus mutilatus. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 277. Peropus jjeglectus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 18.57. ]>. 197; XJ. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 278. Phbynosoma. St.ansbury Surv. Salt Lake, 1853; Marcy and McClellan Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 233; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, pp. 388, 402. PHR-iTJOSOMA CREVIROSTRUM. IT. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 392. Phrynosoma CORNUTUM. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. PhUa., 1852, p. 301 ; Stans- bury Surv. Salt Lake, 1853, p. 360, pi. viii, figs. 1-6; Marcy and McClellan Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 233; TJ. S. Expl. Exp., 18.58, p. 403, pi. xxi, figs. 6-9; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 9; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, p. 38. Phrynosoma coronatum. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. .301 ; Stansbury Surv. Salt Lake, p. 360, ]il. viii, figs. 7-12; IT. S. Expl. Exp.. 1858, p. 392. Phrynosojly DouGL.\ssr. stansbury Surv. Salt Lake, 18.53, p. 362, pi. vii, figs. 6-10; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 392. Phrynosoma Hernandesi. r. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 392. Phrynosoma McCalli. IT. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 392. Phrynosom a modestum. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila.,|vi, 1852, p. 69 : Stans- bury Surv. Salt Lake, p. 365, pi. vi, figs. 4-8; r. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 392. Parynosoma oebiculare. stansbury Surv. Salt Lake, 1853, p. 359 ; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 392. Phrynosoma ornatissbium. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 392. Phrynosoma platychinum. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 69; Stansbury Surv. Salt Lake, 1853, p. 363, pi. vii, figs. 1-5; ¥. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 392. Phrynosoma regale. IT. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, pp. 392 and 400; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 9, pi. xxviii, figs. 1-3. Phyllodactylus tuberculosus. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 12, p). xxiii, figs. 1-8. Phyllurus. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 302. 110 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PHYLLURns PLATUEUS. F. S. Expl. Esped., 1858, p. 303. PiTUOPHIS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 65; Marcy aud McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 225; TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 133. PiTL'OPHIS ANJfECTENS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 72 ; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 300 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X., pi. xxix, fig. 48. PiTUOPHIS BELLONA. Cat. ]Sr. A. Reptiles, 1853, parti, p. 66; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 18 ; P. R. R. Siirv., vol. X, pp. 18 and 42, pi. xxix, fig. 46. PiTUOPHIS CATENIFER. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, parti, p. 69; U.S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 135, pi. viii, tigs. 1-7 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxxvi, fig. 4. PiTUOPHIS McClellani. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 68 ; Marcy and McClellan Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 225, pi. V ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxix, flg.47. PiTUOPHIS MELANOLECCUS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, parti, p. 65; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxix, fig. 44. PiTUOPHIS Sayi. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxix, fig. 45. PiTUOPHIS WiLKESI. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, parti, p. 71; U.S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 137, pi. ix, figs. 1-7; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxxvi, fig. 5. Platemys macquaeia. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 462. Platueus. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 180. Platueus colubeinus. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 183. Platueus laticaitjatus. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 180. Platythyea flavescens. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 3. Plestiodon fasciatus. p. R. R. Surv., vol. x, p. 39. Plestiodon guttulatus. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 12 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 18. Plestiodon obsoletum. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 128 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 12, pl.xxv, figs.9-16; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, p. 39. Plestiodon septenteionalis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1858, p. 256; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 18, pi. xxiv, fig. 2. Plestiodon skiltonianusi. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 69 ; Stans- bury Surv. Salt Lake, 1853, p. 349, pi. iv, figs. 4-6; Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 301 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, p. 18. Plestiodon teteageammum. Pr. Acatl. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1858, p. 256; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 19. Peoctoteetus. Gilliss Rep. Exp. S. Hemisph., ii, 1855, p. 13 ; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 329. Peoctoteetus femoeatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 227; Gil- liss'Rep. Exp. S. Hemisph., ii, 1855, p. 15. pi. xl, figs. 5-12. Peoctoteetus peetinatus. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 333. Peoctoteetus Splendidus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 18.17, p. 198 ; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 329, pi. xvii, figs. 1-7. Peoctoteetus Stantoni. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 227; Gil- liss' Rep. Exp. S. Hemisph., ii, 1855, p. 17, pi. xl, figs. 13-20. Peoctoteetus tenuis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. PMla., vii, 1854, p. 227 ; Gil- lias' Rep. Exp. S. Hemisph.. ii, 1855, p. 217, pi. xl, figs. 1^. Pseudelaps psammophis. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 178. Ptychemy's mobilensis. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 3. Ptychodeiea. U. S. Expl. Exp., 18.59, p. 340. Ptychodeiea cyanogastee. U. S. Expl. Exp.. 1858, p. 347. Ptychodeiea fe.morata., U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858. p. 344. Ptychodeiea geacilts. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 341,pl. xvii, figs. 22-28. Ptychodeiea inteemedia. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 348. PTY'CHODEIRA mosaica. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 349. Ptychodeiea Stantoni. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 347. Rabdion. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 119. Rabdion occipitale. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 181 ; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 120. Rachites. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 230. Regina. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 45. Regina Claeki. Cat.N. A. ReptUes, 1853, part 1, p. 48; Mex. Bound. Surv., pi. ii, p. 17, pi. x, pi. xi, fig. 2; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxvii, fig. 34. Regina Geahami. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 48; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 17, pi. vii, fig. 2 : P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxvii, fig. 34. Regina Kieklant)i. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxvii, fig. 36. Regina lebeeis. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 45 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxvii, fig. 32. Regina eigida. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 46 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxvii, fig. 33. Rena. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 142. Rena dulcis. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, parti, p. 142; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 24; P.R. R.Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxiii, fig. 100. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIEARD, M. D. Ill Eena humilis. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 143; Pr. Acad. Xat. Sci. PMla., vi, 1853, p. 300. Ehinocheilus. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 1:20. Ehinocheilus Lecoxti. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 120; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 300 1'Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 21, pi. xx ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxiii, fig. 90. Rhinostoma. Cat. ISr. A. Reptiles. 1853, part i, p. 118. RnmOSTOMA COCCINEA. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 118 ; P. R. R. Snrv., vol. X, pi. xxxiii, fig. 89. Rhytidodeiea. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 198; TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 349. Ehytidodeira bibroni. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 198; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 352. Rhytidodeiea Kingi. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 198; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 350. Rhytidodeiea magellonica. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix. 1857, p. 198; V. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 351. Rhytidodeiea nigkomacul.\ta. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., Lx, 1857, p. 198; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1851, p. 353. Rhytidodeiea oxycephala. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. ix, 18.57, p. 198; TT. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 353, pi. xxviii, figs. 26-33. Rhytidodeiea "SViegmanni. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 198; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1851, p. 352. S.iBEINA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 181; XJ. S. Expl. Exp.. 1858, p. 106. I Sabrina tessellata. f Pr. Acad. Nat. Soi. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 181; "TJ. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 106, pi. xv, figs. 7-9. Saccodeiea. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 198; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 322. Saccodeiea oexatissima. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 18!J7, p. 198; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 323, pi. xxviii, figs. 1-8. Salvadoha. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 1U4. Salvadoea Geahami^. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853. part i, p. 104; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 21, pi. v, fig. 2; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xxxii, fig. 78. Saueidls modestus. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 328. SCELOPORUS. ;Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 236: TT. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, ; p. 377. I SCELOPOEUS t^LAEKI. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852. p. 127; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 5. SCELOPORUS CONSOBRINUS. Marcy and McClellan Rep. Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 237, pi. x, figs. 5-12; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 5; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 37. SCELOPORUS Couch I. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, \t. 6. SCELOPORUS DISPAB. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 175. SCELOPORUS PEONTALIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 175; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 384, pi. xix, fig. 1-7. SCELOPORUS GRACILIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 175; U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 386, pi. xx, figs. 1-9. SCELOPOEUS GEACIOSUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 69; Stansbury Surv., Salt Lake, 1853, p. 346, pi. V, figs. 1-3 : P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, p. 17. SCELOPORUS LONGIPES. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, p. 17. SCELOPOEUS MARMORATUS. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 6. SCELOPORUS OCCIDENTALIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 175, and 1853, p. 301; IT. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 383, pi. xix, figs. 8-14; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. X, p. 17; P. R. R. Siu-v., vol. X, 1859. SCELOPORUS ORNATUS. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 5. SCELOPORUS POINSETTI. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 127; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 5, pi. xxix, figs. 1-3. SCELOPORUS SCALARIS. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 6. SCELOPORUS .SPLNOSUS. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 5, pi. xxix, figs. 4-6; P. R. R. Surv,, vol. x, p. 37. SCELOPORUS ThAYERI. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 127; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 6; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 37. SCELOPORUS TOEQUATUS. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol., ii, p. 5. SCELOPORUS UNDULATUS. U. S. Expl. Exp., 18.58, p. 379, pi. xix, figs. 15-21; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, p. 37. Scotophis. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 73; Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 226. Scotophis Alleghanie.\sis. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, j)art i, p. 73; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 42, pi. xxix, fig. 49. Scotophis coxfinis. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 76 ; P. R. R. Surv.. vol. X, pi. XXX, fig. 52. Scotophis Emoeyi. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i. p. 157; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii. p. 19, pi. xii: P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, p. 43, pi. xxx, fig. 56. 112 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. SCOTOPHIS GDTTATUS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 78; P. R. R. Siirv., vol. X, pi. XXX, fig. 54. SCOTOPHIS L^TUS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 77; Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 227, pi. vi; P. R. R. Sinv., vol. X, pi. XXX, lig. 53. SCOTOPHIS^ LiNDHEIMERI. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 74; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 19; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xix. flg. 50. SCOTOPHIS QUADRIVITTATUS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853. part i, p. 80 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. XXX, fig. 55. SCOTOPHIS VULPINUS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 75 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, pi. xix, fig. 51. SiBTNON. IJ. S. Expl. Exp., 18.58, p. 142. SlB\-NON NEBULATUS. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 142, pi. xi, figs. 11-16. SONORA. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 117. SONORA SEMIANNULATA. Cat. K. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 117; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 21, pi. xix, fig. 3; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, pi. xxxiii, fig. 88. SPH.^iRIODACTYLUS NOTATUS. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, p. 12, pi. xxiv, figs. 29-37. Sphargis. TJ. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 429. Steirolepis quadrivittata. U. S. Expl. Exp., 18.58, p. 314. Steirolepis thoracica. U. S. E.xpl. Exp., 1858, p. 314. Steirolepis Tigris. TT. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 314. Steirolepis x.^ntostigma. U. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 314. Stenodactylus variegatus. Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 12, pi. xxiii, figs. 9-27, and pi. xxiv, figs. 11-19. Stenostoma. TJ. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 106. Storeria. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 135. Storeria DeKayi. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 135; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, pi. xxxiii, flg. 98. Storeria occipitomacdlata. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 137; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, pi. xxxiii, fig. 99. Tachymenis. Gilliss' Rep. Exp. S. Hemisph., ii, 1855, p. 9; XT. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 173. Tachymenis chilensis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 226; Gilliss' Rep. Exp. S. Hemisph., ii, 1855, p. 9; pi. xxxvii, figs. 1-6; TJ. S. Expl. Exp., 1858, p. 173. T^ENIOPHIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 227; Gilliss' Rep. Exp. S. Hemisph., ii, 18.55, p. 11. T^NIOPHIS IMPERIALIS. Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 23, pi. xix, fig. 1; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, pi. xxxiii, fig. 87. TjENIOPHIS tantillus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 227; Gilliss' Rep. Exp. S. Hemisph., ii, 1855, p. 11, pi. xxvii, figs. 7-12. Tantllla. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 18.53, part i, p. 131. Tantilla coronata. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 131 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, pi. xxxiii, fig. 96. Tantilla gracilis. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 132; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 23. Tapaya. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 394. Tapaya brevirostris. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 397; P. R. R. Surv., X, 1859, p. 18. Tapaya Douglassi. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 397; P. R. R. Surv., X, 1859, p. 18. Tapaya Hernandesi. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 395; Mex. .Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 8; P. R. R. Surv., x, 1859, p. 38. Tapaya orbicularis. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p, 394. Tapaya ornatissima. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 396; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 9; P. R. R. Surv., x 1859, p. 38. Taragcira. U. S. Expl. Exped., 18.58, p. 317. Taraguira torquata. V. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 318. Teius. TJ. S. Expl. Exped.. 1858, p. 201. Teius teguixin. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 202, pi. xviii, figs. 1-7. Testudo. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 470. Testudo Australis. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 470. Testudo tabulata. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 465. Thalassochelys. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 429. Thalassochelys caouana. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858. p. 432. Thalassochelys corticata. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 431, pi. xxix. Thyrosternum sonoriense. Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 3. Tiliqua. F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 227. Tiliqua rufescens. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 227. TOLUCA LI neat A. Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 23, pi. xxi, tig. 2; P. R. R. Surv., x, 1859, pi. xxxv, fig. 8. TOXICOPHIS. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 18.53, part i, p. 19. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D. 113 TOXICOPHIS PISCIVORUS. Cat. N. A. Keptiles, 1853, part 1, p. 19; P. R. R. Surv., X, 1859, p. 40, pi. xxv, fig. 13. • TOXICOPHIS PUGNAX. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part, i, p. 20; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 15, pi. vi ; P. K. R. Surv., X, 1859, pi. xjiv, fig. 14; Tkai'hemys elegans. Mex. Boimd. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 3. Tbopidonotus junceus. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 145, pi. xiii, fig.s. 1-6. Tropidonotus obdinoides. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 176. UROSAUKUS GRACIO.SI-.S. p. R. R. Surv., X, 1859. Uta. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 69; Stansbury's Surv. Salt Lake, 1853, p. 344. TJta ohacic Mex. Boil. .u. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 7. Uta ohnata. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. PhUa., vi, 1852. p. 126, and 1853, p. 301; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 7. Uta ornata linearis. Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 7. Uta Schotti. Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 7. Uta Stansburiana. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 69,and 1853, p. 301; Stansbury Surv. Salt Lake, Uta St ansbuei an a— continued. 1853, p. .345, pi. V, figs. 4-6; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 7; P. R.R. Surv., x, 1859, p. 37. Uta symmetrica. Mox. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 7. Virginia. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 127. Virginia valeric. Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 127; P. R. R. Surv. X, 1859, pi. xxxiii, fig. 94. Wenona. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 173; Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 139; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 111. Wenona Isabella. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 176; Cat. N. A. Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 140; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858. p. 113, pi. vii, figs. 8-14. Wenona plumbea. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 176; Cat. N. A., Reptiles, 1853, part i, p. 139; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 112, pi. vii, fig.s. 1-7. Xenodon ancoeus. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 167. Xerobates. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 471. Xerobates cerlandieri. Mex Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 4. BATRACHIANS. .fflRis crepitans. Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 28, pi. xxxvii, figs. 14-17. Amblystoma. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 13. Amblystoma Californiense. P. R. R. Surv., X, 1859, pi. xxx, figs. 1-3. Amblystoma mavortium. P. R. R. Surv., x, 1859, p. 20. Amblystoma pboserpina. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 173; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 29, pi. XXXV, figs. 7-14. Amblystoma tenebrosum. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 174. Amblystoma texanum. Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 29, pi. xxxv, fig. 15. Anaides. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 8. Anaides lugubris. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 302; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 8, pi. i, figs. 26-33; P. R. R. Surv., x, 1859, pi. xxx, fig. 4. Batrachoseps attenuata. • Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 302. Beachycephalus. TT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 99. Bbachycephalus aurantiaous. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 100, pi. v, figa. 20-24. BuU. 41, N. M 8 Bufo. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 74. Bufo alvarius. Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 26, pi. xii, figs. 1-C. Bufo americanus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 86; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 25, pi. xxxix, figs. 1-4; P. R. R. Surv., s, 1859, pi. XXV, fig. 2. Bufo boeeas. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 174; and 1854,p. 87; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 74, pl.vi, figs. 4-9; P. R.R. Surv., x, 1859. Bufo cognatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 18.54, p. 86; Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 242. pi. xi; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 27; P. R. R. Surv., x, 1859, pi. xxxvi. Bufo columbiensis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 379: and 1854, p. 87, U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 77, pi. v, figs. 4-9. Bufo debilis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 87; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1859, p. 27 ; P. R. R. Surv., X, 1859. Bufo gracilis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 424; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 83, pi. vi, figs, 16-21. 114 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. BUFO GRANULOSUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila., vi, 1852, p. 173. BUFO HALOPHILA. Pr. Acad. Kat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 301; and 1854, p. 87; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 26, pi. xii, figs. 7-9. BUFO INSIDIOR. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., Tii, 1854, p. 88 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 26, pi. xii, figs. 13-16. BUBX) LAMENTOR. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 169. Euro LENTIGINOSUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 86. BUFO LUOUBROSUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 424 ; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 85, pi. vi, fig.s. 10-15. BUFO MARINUS. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 8, pi. v, figs. 1-3, and pi. vi, figs. 1-3. BUFO MELANOSTICTUS. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 92, pi. v, figs. 10-14. BCFO NEBULIFER. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vii, 1854, p. 87 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 25, pi. xi, figs. 1^; P. R. R. Surv., X, 1859, p. 44. BUFO PCEPPIGI. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 90. BUFO PUNCTATUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 173, and vii, 1854, p. 87 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 25, pi. xxxix, figs. 5-7. BUFO QUERCINUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila,, vii, 1854, 87. BUFO SPEflOSUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 86 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 26, pi. xi, figs. 5-10. BUFO THAUL. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 88, pi. v, figs. 15-19. BUFC WOODHOUSI. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 86 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 27 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, pp. 20 and 24, pi. xsv, fig. 1. BUFONELLA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 424 ; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 94. BUFONELLA CRUCIFERA. Pr. Acid. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 424 ; TT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 95. Ceinia. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 420 ; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 17. Ckinia georgiana. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 420 ; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858. p. 17. Ctstigkathcs. Pr.Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vi. 1853, p. 420: Gil- liss' Rep. Exp. South. Hemisph., ii, 1855, p. 3; F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 33. Cystignathus gracilis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 420 ; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 33. Cystignathus macroglossus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi. 1853, p. 4?0 ; V. S. Expl. Erpcd., 1858, p. 33. Cystignathus nebulosus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 422; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 33, pi. iii, figs. 19-22. Cystignathus parvulus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 422; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 35, pi. vii, figs. 34-38. Cystignathus roseus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 420; TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 33. Cystignathus t^niatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 226; Gilliss' Rep. Exped. S. Hemisph., ii, 1855, p. 3, pi. xxxiv, figs, 8-11. Elosla. U. S. Expl. Exped. 1858, p. 64. Elosla bufonium. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 423; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 66, pi. iv, figs. 23-27. Elosla nasuta. F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 65, pi. iv, figs. 39^3. Elosia vomerina. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 423; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 69, pi. iv, figs. 17-22. Engystoma Carolinensis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 88. Engystoma rugosum. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 88. Engystoma texense. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 170. Halophila. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 423; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 54. Halophila dorsualis. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 58, pi. iv, figs. 12- 16. Halophila heros. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 423; TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 55, pi. iv, figs. 1-6. Halophila papua. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 55. Halophila vitie.\sis. Pr. Acad. N.at. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 423; TT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 57, pi, iv, figs. 7- 11. Heloccetes Claeki. Mex. Bound Surv., vol. ii, 1859, p. 28, pi. xxxvii, figs. 4-9. Heredia. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., viii, 1856, p. 140; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 11. Heredia Oregonensis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. viii, 1856. p. 141; TT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 11, pi. i. figs. 18-25. Hyla. F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 59. Hyla affinis. Mex. Bound Surv., ii, 1859, p. 29, pi. xxxviii, figs. 4-7. Hyla cyanea. D. S. Expl. Exped, 1858, p. 62. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, M. D. 115 Hyla eximia. Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 29, pi. xxxviii, tigs. 8-10. Hyla regilla. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. PMla., vi, 1852. p. 174, and 1853, p. 302 ; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 60, pi. iii, fig.s. 13-18; P. E. R. Surv., x, 1859, pi. xxviii, fig. 3. Hyla semifasciata. Mex. Bound Surv., ii, 1859, p. 28. Hyla Vanvlietti. Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 29, pi. xxxviii, figs. 1-3. Hylabana. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 423; V. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 52. Hylakana chalconoja. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 18.53, p. 423. HyLARANA ERYTHR.EA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 423. Hylarana mindanensis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 423 ; TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 52. Hylarana waigiensis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 423. Hylodes. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 62. Hylodes parvus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 423; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 63, pi. iii, flgs. 24^28. Kassina. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 420 ; TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 17. Kassina senegalensis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 422. Leptodactylus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 420; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 28. Leptodactylus caliginosus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 18.53, p. 422; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 31. Leptodaclyus labyrinthicus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 18.53, p. 420; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 29. Leptodactylus ocellatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 420; \J. S. Expl. Exped,, 1858, p. 29, pi. iii, figs. 1-6. Leptodactylus serialis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 421. Leptodactylus typhonius. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 420; TJ. S. Expl. Exped.-, 1858, p. 29. LiTORIA occidentalis. Pr, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 18.53, p. 302. Met^us. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 424; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 96. Met,«us timidus. Pr. Acatl. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 424; F. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 97. Necturus lateralis. P. R. R. Surv., x, 1859, ji. 45. Phyllobates. Gilliss' Rep. Exped. South. Hemish., ii, 1855, p. 4. Phyllobates aueatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila,, vii, 1854, p. 226; Gil- li.ss' Rep. Exped. S. Hemisph., ii, 185,5, p. 5, pi. xxxiv, figs. 12-15. Pleueodema. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 420; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 37. Pleurodema atunco. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 420. Pleurodeala bibroni. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 420; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 38, pi. iv, flgs. 33-38. Pleurodema bufonium. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 420; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 38. Pleurodema Darw^ini. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 420; TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 38. Pleurodema elegans. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 18.53, p. 420; TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 40, pi. iv, flgs. 28-32. Pluerodema nodosa. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 420; TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 38. Rana. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 17. Rana aeeolata. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 173; Mex. Bound. Surv., 1859, p. 28, pi. xsxvi, figs. 11-12. Rana aurora. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 174; TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 18, pi. ii, flgs. 1-6. Rana Berlandierl Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 27, pi. xxx\'i, figs. 7-10; P. R. R. Surv., x, 1859, p. 45. Rana catesbiana. Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 27; P. R. R. Surv., x, 1859, p. 45. Rana clamitans. P. R. R. Surv., X, 1859, p. 45. Rana Draytoni. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 18.52, p. 174 ; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 23, pi. ii, figs. 19-24. Ran.v halecinar. P. R. R. Surv., X, 1859, p. 45, pi. xxix, flg. 7. Rana Leconti. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci, I'liila., vi. 1853. p. 302. Rana jlveitijla. TJ. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 25. pi. ii. flgs. 7-12. Rana Montezuale. Pr. Acad. Nat, Sci. PhUa., vii, 1854, p. 61 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1859, p. 27, pi. xxxvi, tigs. 1-6. Rana pipiens. Marc.v'.s and McClcllans Rep. Expl, R.d Uiv., La., 1853, p. 213. 116 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Kana pbetiosa. Pr. Acad. Nat. Scl. Tliila., vi, 1853, p. 378, and vii,1854, p. 62; U. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 20, pi. ii, figs. 13-18; P. E. K. Surv., x, 1859. Ranidella. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 421 ; IT. S. Expl. Exped., 1858, p. 44. Kanidella sionifera. Pr. Acad. Nat. S4; P. R. R. Surv.. vol. X, 1859, p. 303. FUNDULUS SEMINOLIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 59. FCNDULUS TENELLUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 389. Gadus proximus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 141 and 154. Gambusia. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 72. Gambusia affinis. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 72, pi. xxxix, figs. 12-15; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 120, Gambusia gracilis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 121. Gambusia Holbrooki. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 61. Gambusia nobilis. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol.ii, 1859, p. 71, pi. xxxix, fig.s. 8-11 ; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 120. Gajibusia patruelis. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 72, i>l. xxxix, figs. 1-7 ; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., xi. 1859, p. 121. Gambusia senilis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859. p. 121. Gajmbusia speciosa. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 121. Gasterosteus. Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., vi, 18.50, p. 284; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X. 1859, p. 85. G-asterosteus apeltes. P. B. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 85. Gasterosteus biaculeatus. P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 85. Gasterosteus Cuvieri. Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., vi, 1850, p. 254, pi. vii, fig. 1. Gasterosteus inopinatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854. p. 147; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, i>. 90. Gasterosteus intermedius. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, ]i. 135; P. R. R. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 89. Gasterosteus minocephalus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 133; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 91. Gasterosteus occidentalis. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 85. Gasterosteus plebeius. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 147; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 86. Gasterosteus Pugetti. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 135; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 92. Gasterosteus serratus. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 88. Gasterosteus Williamsoni. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 133; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 93. GiRARDINUS. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 73. GiRARDINUS OCCIDENTALIS. Mex. Bound. Surv.. vol. ii, 1859, p. 73, pi. xxxix, figs. 16-19; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 119. GiRARDINUS SONORIENSIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 120. GiRARDINUS FORMOSUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 62. GlI.A. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 368; Sitgr. Rep. Expl. Zuiii and Color. Riv., 1853, 148; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii. 1856, p. 205: P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 284. GiLA CONOCEPHALA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vii, 1854, p. 135. Gila eleg.ins. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 369; Sitgr. Rep. Expl. Zufii and Color. Riv., 1853, p. 150, pi. ii; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 205; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 61; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 286. GiLA Emoryi. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 388; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. iv, 1858, p. 62, pi. xxxiii, fig. 5-10. Gila gibbosa. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 28. Gila gracilis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 369; Sitgr. Rep. Expl. Zufii and Color. Riv., 1853, p. 151. pi. iii; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. viii, 18.56, p. 205; P. R. K. Surv., vol. s, 1859, p. 287. 126 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Gila Gbahami. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 389; Mex. Bound. Siirv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 61, pi. xxlv, figs. 9-12. Gila pulchella.' Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 29. Gila robcsta. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 308; Sitgr. Rep. Expl. Zinii and Color. Riv., 1853, p. 148, pi. i; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 205; P. E. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859. p. 285. Gltphisodon. P. E. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 160. Gltphisodon bubicundus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vii, 1854, p. 148; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 161, pi. xxiv. GOBIO. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 188; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 248. GOBIO AESTIVALIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 189; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 49, pi. Ivii, figs. 17-29. GOBIO GELIDUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 188; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 248; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, pi. xxix, figs. 5-9. GOBIO VERNALIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 189; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 249. GOBIONELLUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., x, 1858, p. 168 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol ii, 1858, p. 24. GOBIONELLUS BACAI.Al'S. Pr.Acad.Nat. Sci. Phila., x, 1858, p. 168 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 24. GOBIONELLUS BRASILIENSIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., x, 1858, p. 168; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 24. GOBIONELLUS HASTATUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., x, 1858, p. 168 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 25, pi. xii, figs. 7,8. GOBIONELLUS LAMEOLATUS. Pr. Aca. 169; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p.^6, pi. xii, figs. 9,10. GOBIUS GRACILIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 134. GOBIUS GULOSUS. Pr. Acad. Nat, Sci. Phila., x, 1858, p. 169; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 26. GOBICS LEPIDDS. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 127, pi. xxva, figs. 5,6. GOBIUS LYRICUS. Pr. Acad. Nat, Sci. Phila., x, 1858, p. 169; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 25, pi. xii, figs. 4, 5. GoBius NewbeRri. Pr. Acad. Nat, Sci. Phila., vii, 1856, p. 136 ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vi, 1857, \t. 539, pi. xxv, figs. 5-8 ; P. R. R. Surv., voL x, 1859, p. 128. GOBIUS WURDEMANNI. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., x, 1858, p. 169 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 25. Grystes nuecensis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 25. Gunnellus. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 116. Gunnellus macrocephalus. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vi, 1850, p. 263; Mem. Anier. Acad., v, 1855, 261, pi. x^di, fig. 3. Gunnellus ornatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 149 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 116, pi. xxv&, figs. 6, 7. Hadropterus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 100. Hadropterus maculatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. PhQa., xi, 1859, p. 100. Hadropterus Shumardi. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., xi, 1859, p. 100. Harengula. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 158. Harengula teres. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. PhUa., xi, 1859, p. 158. Hemicheomis Rolandi. Le Naturaliate, 1889, p. 103. Hemichromis Sahara. Le Naturaliate, 1889, p. 103. Hemilepidotus. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 67. Hemilepidosus spinosus. p. R. R. Surv., X. 1859, p. 68. Heptanchus. 1'. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 367. Heptanchus maculatus. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 367. Herichthys. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854. p. 25; Mex. Bound. .Surv.. vol. ii, 1858, p. 30. Herichthys cyanoguttatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila,, vii, 1854, p. 25 ; Mex. Bound. Surv.. vol. ii, 1858. p. 30. pi. iv, figs. 9-12. Heteeandria affinis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 390. Heterandria nobilis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 390. Heterandria occidentalis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., vi, 1853, p. 390. Hetekanduia patruelis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 390. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRAED, M. D. 127 Heterostichus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci, Phila., vii, 1854, p. 143; P. R. E. Siirv., vol. X, 1859, p. 36. Heterostichus rosteatus. Pr. AciMl. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 143; P. R. R. Siirv., vol. X, 1859, p. 36, pi. xiii. Hippocampus. P. R. R. Snrv., vol. x, 1859, p. 342. Hippocampus lngens. P. R. R. Siu-v., vol. X, 1859, p. 342. HiPPOQLOSUS vulqakis. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x. 1859, p. Ufi. HOtCONOTUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1855, p. 322; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 193. HOLCONOTUS AGGASSIZI. p. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 205. HOLCONOTUS FULIGINOSUS. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 18.59, p. 205. HOLCONOTUS GiBBONSI. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 205. HOLCONOTUS JIEQALOPS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 152. HOLCONOTUS RHODOTERUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, pp. 141 and 152, aud vii, 1885, p. 322, pl.s. xxxv aud xxxvi, figs. 1-4, and pi. xxxvi, figs. 7 and 8. HOLCONOTUS Trowbridgi. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila, vii, 1854, p. 152. HOMALOPOMUS. Pr.Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 132; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 18.59, p. 143. HoMALOPOMUS Trowbridgi. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 132; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 144, pi. xla, figs. 1-4. HOMOPRION LANCEOLATUS. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, lH."i8, ]». 11. HOMOPRION XANTHURUS. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 11. HUDSONIUS. Pr.Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii. 1856, p. 210; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 284. HUDSONIUS AMARUS. Pr. Acatl. Nat. Sci. Phila.. viii, 1856, p. 210. HUDSONIUS FLUVIATILES. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 210. Hybogn.whus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 181 ; P. R. R. Snrv., vol. x, 1859, p. 235. Hybognathus aegyritis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, 182; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 235, pi. liii, figs. 5-8. Hybognathus Evansi. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 182; P. R. R, Surv., vol. x. 1859, p. 236. Hybognathus nitidus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. viii, 1856, p. 182.- Hybognathus nuchalis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 181. Hybognathus placitus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 182; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 236. Hybognathus regius. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 182. Hybopsis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 182. Hybopsis storerianus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 182. Hybopsis Winchelli. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1H56, p. 182. Hyboehynchus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 179; P. R. R. Siu-v., vol. X, 18.59, p. 230. Hyborhy-nchus confertus. Pr.Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, 170; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 233, pi. lix, figs. 11-15. Hyboehynchus notatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., viii, 1856, p. 179. Hyborhynchus perspicuus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. viii, 1856, p. 179; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 251, pi. lii, figs. 16-20. Hyboehynchus puniceus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 179; P. R. R. Surv., vol.x, 1859, p. 232, pl.Ui, fig.s. 1-5 and 11-15. Hyborhynchus tenellcs. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 179; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 231. Hydeaegyea similis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 389 ; Mex, Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 68, pi. xxxv. figs. 1-8. Hydraegtea zebea. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila., xi, 1859, p. 60. Hypsolepis. Mom. Aiuer. Acad., n. s. v., 1855, p. 284. Hypsolepis coenutuh . Mem. Amer. Acad., v, 18.55, 284, pi. xxi, fig. 3. Hypsolepis gibbosus. Mem. Amer. Acad., v, 1855, 284. Hysteeocaepus Teaski. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 205. Hyodon. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 332. Hyodon teegisus. P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 332, pi. bcxv, figs. 1-4. Ichtiiyomy'zon. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 18.59, p. 381. Ichthyomyzon appendix. p. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 381. Ichthyomyzon argenteus. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 381. Ichthyomyzon castaneus. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 381 . ICHTHYOIMYZON HIEUDO. P. R, R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 382. ICHTHY'OMYZON LAMOTTENI. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 18.59, p. 381. ICHTHY'OMYZON PLANERI. P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 381. ICTELIS. p. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 22. ICTIOBUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., viii, 18,56, p, 170; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858. 128 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. ICTIOBUS TUMIDUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 170; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 34, pi. xix, figs. 1-^. JOHNIUS. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 14 ; P. T^,. U. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 96. JOHNIUS OCELLATUS. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 14, pi. viii, figs. 1-4 ; P. K. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 96. JULIS. P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 162. J0LIS MODESTUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., vii, 1854, p. 151 ; P. R. R. Svirv., vol. X, 1859, p. 163. Labrax. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 29. Labhax chkysops. P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 29, pi. xi, figs. 1-4. Labrax clathratus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 142. Labrax nebuufer. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vii, 1854, p. 142. Labrcs pulcher. P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 162. Lagodon rhombclifer. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 16, pi. iv, figs. 13-16. Laurida lucioceps. P. R. E. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 328. LAVDflA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 137, and viii, 1856, p. 184 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 240. Lavinia alutacea. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 184; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 240. Lavinia conkormis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 18,54, p. 137. Lavinia crasSicauda. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 137. Lavinia exilicauda. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 137, aud viii, 1856, p. 184; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x. 1859, p. 241, pi. lis, figs. 1-4. Lavinia haeengus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 184; P. R. R. Surv., vol. s, 1859, p. 242. Leiocottcts. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 133; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 62. Leiocottus hirundo. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 133; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. .62, pi. xvi, figs. 2-3. Leiostomcs. P. R. R. Surv.. vol. X. 1859, p. 99. Leiostomus lineatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 135; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 99, pi. xxii, figs. 1-4. Leiostomus obliquus. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 18.58, p. 11. Lepadogaster. P. K. 11. Sui'v., vol. X, 1859, p. 129. Lepadogaster meandricus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 155; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 130. Lepadogaster eeticulatcs. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 155. Lepidosteus. P. E. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 350. Lepidosteus Berlandieri. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 353. Lepidosteus ferox. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 353. Lepidosteus latirostris. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 352. Lepidosteus leptorhynchus. P. R. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 351. Lepidosteus platostomus. P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 351. Lepidosteus oxyueus. P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 351. Leptocottus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 130; P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 59. Leptocottus armatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, pp. 130 and 145; P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 60 pi. XV, fig. 2. Leuciscus Americanus. Storer Fish., Mass. (Mem. Amer. Acad.). Leuciscus bubalinus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 391; Marcy and McClellan Eep. Expl. Eed Eiv., La., 1853, p. 249, pi. xiv, figs. 5-8. Leuciscus lutrensis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 391. LUCISCUS VIGILAX. Marcy and McClellan Eep. Expl. Eed. Eiv. La., 1853, p. 248, pi. xiv, figs. 1-4. Leucosomus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 188 ; P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 250. Leucosomus Americanus. Storer Fish, Mass. (Mem. Amer, Acad.), 1855, p. 283, pi. xxi, fig. 2. Leucosomus dissimilis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 189; P. E. E. Surv., vol. X, 1859. p. 250. Leucosomus inckassatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 190; P. E. E. Surv-., vol. X, 1859, p. 252, pi. Ixi, figs. 1-6. Leucosomus macrocephalus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1858, p. 252. Leucosomus occidentalis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. PhUa., vii, 1854, p. 137. Leucosomus pallidus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 190; V. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 251, pi. Ixi, figs. 6-10. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 70; j?r. Acad. Nat! Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 114. Limia couchiana. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. PhUa., xi, 1859, p. 116. Limia Formosa. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859. p. 115. Limia matamorensis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. PMla., xi, 1859, p. 116. PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIRARD, U. D. 129 LiMIA PCECILOIDES. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., x, 1858, p. 170; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 70, pi. xxxviii, figs. 8-14; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi. 1859, p. 115. LiMIA VENCSTA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., x, 1858, p. 171; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 71, pi. xxxix, figs. 20-23. LOBOTES EJIARGINATUS. Ninth An. Kep. Smiths. Inst., 1854, p. 332. LrC.-VMA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 18.59, p. 118. LUC.^.NIA AFFINIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 18.59, p. 118. LUCANIA VENUSTA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 118. LUCANIA SP. INOM. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 118. LUCIOPERCA. p. R. R. Surv.. vol. x, 1859, p. 31. LUCIOPERCA BORE A. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 201. LUMPENUS. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 122. LUMPEXUS ANQUILLARIS. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 18.59, p. 123, pi. xxv?^ tigs. 1-3. LUXILVS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 202; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 280. LUXILUS Americanvs. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 202. LUXILUS CHRYSOCEPHALUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 202; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859. p. 280. LUXILU-S CHRYSOLEUCUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 202; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x. 1859, p. 280. LUXILUS COMPRESSUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 18.56, p. 203. LUXILUS LEPTOSOMUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. viii, 1856, p. 203 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858. p. 60, pi. xix, figs. 9-12. LUXILrs LUCIDUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii. 1856, p. 203; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 18.59, p. 282, pi. Ix, figs. 9-12. LUXILUS OBESUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 203. LUXILUS OCCIDENTALIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 18.56, p. 203; P. R. R. Surv.. vol. x, 1859, p. 280. LUXILUS SECO. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Piiila., viii, 1856, p. 203; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X. 1859, p. 281. Malthe. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 18.59. p. 133. Meda. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. viii, 1856, p. 191 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 50. Meda frigida. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xiii, 1856, p. 192; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii., 1858, p. 50, pi. xxviii, figs. 9 anil 10. Bull. 41, X. M,_<> Megalops elongatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., x, 1858, p. 224, and xi, 1859, p. 64. Meletta. P. R. R. Surv., vol. X. 1859. p. 331). Meletta ccerulea. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1856, pp.138,141, and 154; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 330. Meletta sp. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 18.58, p. 75. Merlangus. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, pp. 141 ;inil 143. Merlanrus chalcogram.mus. p. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859. ]>. 141. Merlangus productu.s. p. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, pp. 141 anil 143. Merlucius. p. R. R. Surv.. vol. X, 1859. p. 141 and 143. Merlucius fimbria. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 141. MiCROMETRUS AGREGATUS. P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 205. MiCROMETRUS MI.XIMUS. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 205. MiCROPOGON. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii. 1858; P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 95. MiCROPOGON UNUULATU.S. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii. 1858. p. 13. pi. vii. MiNOMUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 173; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 37. MiNOMUS Clarki. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p, 173; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 38, pi. xxii, figs. 5-8. MiNOMUS IXSIGXIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 173; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 7, pi. xxi, figs. 1-4. MiNOMUS PLEBEIUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 173. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 38, pi. xxii, figs. 1-4. MOLLIENSIA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 114. MOLLIENSIA L.4.TIPINN.\. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 114. MONIANA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 199; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 272. MONIANA AURATA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 200; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 56, pi. XXX, figs. 13-16. MONIANA COMPLANATA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1S56, p. 200; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p, 56, pi. xxxi, figs. 17-20. MONIANA COUCHI. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 201 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 57, pi. XXX, figs. 21-24. MO.VIANA DELICIOSA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 199, P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1S59, p. 274. 130 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Montana Formosa. Pr. Aeail. Xat. Sri. Phila,, viii. 18.->6, p. 201; Mex, Bounil. Surv., vol. ji, 1858, p. 58, pi. X3fx, figs. 5-8. MONIANA FRIGIDA. Pr. Aciwl. ?fat. Soi. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 200; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 56, pi. XXX, fifTS. 17-20 ; P. R. E. Surv., vol. x, 18,59, p. 276, pi. lix, figs. 16-20. MONIANA GIBBOSA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 201; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 59, pi, XXX, flg.s. 9-12. MONIANA GRACILIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 18.56, p. 201; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii. 1858, p. 59. MONIANA L-ETABILIS. Pr.Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 200; P. E. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 275. MONIANA LEO.MNA. Pr.Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 199; P, R.R. Surv., vol.x, 1859, p. 273, pl.lix.figs. 6-10. MONIANA LUTEENSIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, X856, p. 199; P, R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 272. MONIANA NITIDA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 201; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii. 1858, p. 58. MONIANA PROSERPINA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 18,56, p. 200; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 858, p. 59. MONIANA PUU'HELLA. Pr.Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 200- P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 275, pi. Iviii, fig.s, ll-l.'K MONIANA RUTILAR. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 201; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 58. MONIANA TRI.STIS. Pr.Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 201; P. E. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 277. MORRHUA. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. Ul. MORRHUA GRACILIS. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859. p. 141. MORRHUA MINUTA. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x. 1859, p. 142. MORRHUA PROXIMA. P. K. R. Surv., vol. x,1859, p. 142, pi. xlrt,fig8. 5-8, MORRHUA PRUINOSA. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859. p. 142. MORRHUA PYGMiEA. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 141. MORRHUA WACHNA. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, ]i. 141. MOXOSTOMA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., viii, 1856. p. 170; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x. 1859. \k 219. MOXOSTOMA CAMPBELL!. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. viii, 1850, p. 172: Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii. 1858, p. 35, pi., XX, figs. 4-6. MOXOSTOMA OLAVIFOBMIS, Pr.Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 171; P. E. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 219, pi. xlviii, fig.s. 5-9. ^MOXOSTOMA KENN^RLI. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 171; Mfx. Bound. Surv., vol. ii. 1859. \>. 34, pi. XX. figs. 7-9. MOXOSTOMA VICTORIA. Pr. Nat. Acad. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 171; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 35, pi, XX, figs. 1-3. Ml'GIL. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 102. MUGIL BeKLANDIERI. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., x, 1858, p. 167 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 20, pi. x, figs. 1-4. MUSTELUS FELIS. P. R. R. Surv., X, 18.59, p. 564. Mylocheilus. Pr.Acad, Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 169; P. E. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 213. Mylocheilus caurinus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 169; P.E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 2l3,pl.xlvi. figs. 1-4. Mylocheilus fraterjjelus. Pr. Ac:id. Nat Sci. Pliila.. viii. 1856, p. 169; P. E. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859. p 215, pi. xlv. figs, 1-4. Mylocheilus lateralis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Soj. Phila., viii. 1856, p. 169; P. E. E. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 214. pi. xlv. fig.s. 5-8. MYLOPHARODOrj. Pr. Apad- Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 169; P, E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 215. Mylophabodon conocephalus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 169; P. n. E. Surv., vol. X, 1860, p. 216, pi. xlvi, figa. 5-8. Mylopharodon robustus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sti. PhOa., viii, 1856, p. 169; P. E. E. Surv., v(d. x, 1859, p. 216, pi. xlvii. Myrichthys. Pr. Acail. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 58. Myrichthys tigrincs. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, j). 58, Mytilophagus f.vsciatus. p. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 205. Myxcine. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., x, 1858, p. 223. Myxcine limosa. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., x, 1858, p. 223. Narcine Califoknica. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 371. Nautichthys. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 74. Nautichthys oculofasciatus. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 75. Nematogenys. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii. 18.54. \>. 198; Gillias' Rep. Esped. S. Hemisph., ii. 1855. p. 36. PUT5L1CATI0NS OF CHARLES GIRAKD, M. D. 131 NEMATOOENYS INEHMI8. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., vii, 18.'.4, p. 19«: Gilliss' Rep. Exped. S. Hemisph., ii, 1855, p. !!6, pi. xxxii, tigs. 1-3, KEOC'LIXUS. r. K. K. Siirv. vol. X, 1859, ]>. lU; Pr. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859. p, 56. NEOCLINrS BLANCHAUpI. P. R. R. Surv., Yol, X, 1859, p. 114; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliiln., xi, 18.')<), p, 50. NEOCLINU.S S.\TYRICl"S. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., vi, 1859, p. .'ifi. Neocongek. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., x, 1858, p. 171 Mcx. Hound, Surv,, vol. ii, 1858, p. 77, NEOCONCJER MUCONATV8. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. x, 1858, p. 171 Mex. Bouud. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 77. Neom^NIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., x, 1858, p, 1G7 Mcx. Bound. Surv,, vol. ii, 1858, p. 18, KE0M.^5NIS EMARGINATl'S. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., x, 18.38, p. 167 Mcx. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 18, pi ix. figs. 5-8. Neomur^na. Pr. Acad. Nat. Soi. Phila., x, 18.58, p. 171 Mex. Bound. Surv.. vol. ii, 1858, p. 76. Neomur.ena xigromaculata. Pr, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila,, x, 1858. p. 171 Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 70, pi. xli. NOCOMIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1850, p. 190; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 254. NOCOMIS BELLICUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 18.56, p, 2i;!. NOCOMIS nebrascen.sis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii. 1856, p. 190; P. R. R. Surv,. vol. X, 1859, p. 2.54. NOTUEUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 158. NOTURUS LEMNISCATUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 18.59, 1,58. OUGOCEPHALrS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. xi, 1859. p. 07. Oligocephalus (Jrahami. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. xi, 1859. p, Itrj, Oligocephalus humeralis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 07. Oligocephalus Linslh. Pr. Acnd. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi. 1859, i>. 07. Oligocephalus leonensi.><. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 102. Oligocephalus i.epidus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi. 18.59, ]>. 07. ( )Ll(;OCEPHALUS PULCHELLUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, ]>. 1(I2. OLIGOrOTTUS. Oligocottus GLOBICEPS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. I'hila., i.x, 1857, p. 202; P. K. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 58. Oligocottus maculosuh. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 13.3; Bost. .Tourn. Nat. Hist., vi, 1857, p. 133, pi. xxiv, flg. 7, Ophidion. P. R, R. Surv,, vol. X, 1859, p. 1.38, Ophidion Josepiii, Pr, Acad. Nat. Sci, Phila., x, 1858, p. 170; Mex. Bound. Surv,, vol. ii, 1858, p. 29. Ophidion Taylori. P. R.R.Surv„ vol. x, 1859, p. 1.38. Ophiodon. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 123: P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 48. Ophiodon elongatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii.. 1854, p. 133; . P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 48, pi. xviii, figs. 4^7. Opistoqnathus. p. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 18.59, p. 114. Oplopoma. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 185G, p. 135; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 46. Oplopoma pantherina. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 135; P. R. R. Surv.. vol. x, 18.59, p. 4, pi. xviii, tigs. 1-3. Ohthagoriscus. ■ p. R. R. Surv,, vol, X, 18.59, p, 338. Orthodon. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1850. p. 182; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 237. Orthodon microlepidotis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 18.50, p, 182; P. R.R. Surv., vol. x, 18.59, p, 237, pi, liii, tigs. 1-4. Orthopristis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. x, 18.58, p. 107; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 15. Orthopristis duplex. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., x, 18.58, ji. 107; Mcx. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 15, pi. ix, figs. 1-4. Osmerus. P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 18,59, ]). 323. Osmebus pretiosus. p. R. R. Surv., vol, X, 1859, p. 324, pi. Ixxv, flg- a. Osmerus Stevensi. P. R. R. Surv., X, 18.59, 325. Otolitiius. p. R. K. Surv,, vol, X, 18.59, p. 95. Otolithus Drujimondi, Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 18,58, ]>. 12, pi. vi. Otolithus nothus. Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1858, ]>. 11. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 18;56, p. 132; P. ' Pachylabbus variegatus. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 18.59, ]). ,55. Oligocottus analis. Pr. Acad, Nat. Sci, Phila., ix. 1,^57, ]). 2(il ; 1'. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 57. P. R. R. Surv.. vol. x, 185!t, p. 205. Paralabrax. Pr. Acad. N;il. Sri. I'liila., viii, 1,S50, p. 131 ; P. R.R. Surv,, vol. X, 18.59, p. 33. 132 BULLf:TIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Paralabbax clathratus. Vt. Acad. Nat. Sci. Tliila., viii, 18:.6, 132; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 34. pi. xii, figs. 5-8. Paralabrax nebulifer. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. viii. 1856. p. 132; P. R. R. Surv.. vol. x. 1859. p. 33. pi. xii, figs. 1-4. Paralep.sis. p. R. R. Surv.. vol. x, 1859. p. 39. Paralichihys. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x. 18.59, p. 146. Paraliothys maculosus. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 147. Parophrvs. Pr.Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vii. 1854, p. 139; P. R. R. Surv.. vol. x, 1859, p. 153. Parophrys vetulus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila.. vii, 1854, jip. 139, 142, 1.55. Pelamys. P. R. R. Surv.. vol. X, 1859, p. 105. Pelamys lineol.a.ta. P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 1U6. Peecichthys. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vii. 1854, p. 190; (HI- liss' Rep. Exped. S. Hemispli.. ii. 1852. p. 20. Peecichthys chilensis. Pr. Aca. 233. PiMEPHALES FA.SCIATUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Scl. Phila.,viii, 1856, p. 180: P. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 234. PiMEPHALES MACULOSUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1850, ]>. 180; P. 11. K. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 234. PiMEPHALES PEOMKLAS. P. R. R. Surv., X, 1859, p. 233.' Plargyrus. Pr.Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. viii, 1856, ]>. 19.">; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 263, Plargyrus argentatus. Pr, Acad. Nat. Set. Phila., viii. 18.56, p, — . Pl.\rgyrus Bowmani, Pr.Acad. Nat, Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 196; P. R. R. Surv.. vol. x, 1859, p. 263, pi. lix, flgs. 1-5. Plargyrus cornutus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila,, viii, 1856, p. 196. Plargyrus frontalis, Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila,, viii, 1856. Plargytius gibbosus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci, Pliila,, viii, 18.56, PL.'V.RGY'RUS typicus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila,, viii, 1856, Platessa bilineata. p. R. R, Surv,, vol, x, 18.59, i). 146. Platessa stellata. P. R. R. Surv,, vol, x, 18.59, ].. 148, Platichthys. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., vii, 1854, p. 139, and viii, 1856, p. 136: P, R, R. Surv., vol. x, 18.59, p. 148, Platichthys rugosus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila,, vii. 1854, ]), 139 and 155: P. R. R. Surv,. vol, x. 1859. ]). 148. Platichihys stell.vtus. P. R. R, Surv., vol. x, 1859. y. 148. Platichthys umbrosus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., viii, 1850, p. 136; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 149. PLEURONECTES MACULOSUS. P. R. R. Surv,, vol. x, 1859, p. 147. PLEURONECTES STELLATUS. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x. 18.59. p. 148. Pleuronichthys. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., vii, 1854. p, 1,39; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 150. Pleuronichthys ccenosus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., vii, 1854, ]>, 139: P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p, 151, Pleuronichthys guttulatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 137; Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist,, vi, 1857, i>. .542, pi. XXV, figs. 1-4 ; P. R. R. Surv,, vol. x, 1859, p. 152. PODABRUS. Pr.Bost, Soc, Nat, His,, iii, 18.50, p, 3U4; N. Mem. Soc. Helv, .Sci, Nat., xii, 1852, j). 14. PODABRUS CENTROPO.MUS. Pr, Bo.st. Soc. Nat. Hisf,, iii, 1850, p. 304; N. M6m. Soc. Helv. Sci. Nat., xii, 1852, p. 15. PODABRUS COTTOIDES. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat, Hi.st,, iii, 18.50, p. 304; N. M6ni. Soc. Helv, Sci. Nat., xii, 18,52, p, 14, PCECILIA, Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 69: Pr. .Acad, Nat, Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 114. PoiCILIA LINEOLATA. Pr.Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 18.58, p. 170; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol, ii, 1858, p. 70, pi. xxxv, flg.s. 9-11; Pr. Acad. Nat, Sci, Phila., xi, 1859, p. 114. PCECILIA MULTILDJEATA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 18.59, i». 114. Pcecilichthys lepidus. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 18,58, p. 11, pi. viii, flgs. 14-17. Pogonias fasciatus. Mex. Bound, Sui-v.. vol. ii, 1858. p, 1 1 . POGONICHTHYS. Pr.Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1854, p. 136, and viii, 1856, p. 187 ; P, R, R. Surv., vol. x. 1859. p, 245, POGONICHTHYS ARGYREIOSUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 153, and viii, 1856, p. 188 ; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x. 1859. p. 246. POGONICHTHYS COMMUNIS. Pr.Acad, Nat, Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 188: P. R. R. Surv., vol, x, 18,59, p. 247, pi. Iv. POGONICHTHYS IN^QUILOBUS. Pr.Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p, 1.36; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 188; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 245. pi. Ivi, figs. 1-4. POGONICHTHYS SYMMETRICUS. Pr.Acad.Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 136; Pr, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 188: P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, ]>. 246, POLYNEMUS OCTONEMUS. Pr.Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila,, X, 1858. p, 167: Mex. Bound. Surv,, vol. ii, p. 19, pi, x, figs. .5-9. POLY'ODON. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859. p. 357. POLYODON FOLIUM. P. R. R. Surv,, vol. x, 1859, p, 3,58. POMOTIS. P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 22, POMOTIS AQUILENSIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vi, 1853, p. 388; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 7, pi. iii, figs. 1-8.; P. R. R. Surv., Vol. x, 18.59, p. 25, pi. ix, flgs. 1-4, and j)!, x.. flgs. 8-11. PoMOTIS BREVICEPS. Pr, Acad. Nat, Sci, I'liila,, vi, 1853, p. 390; Marcy and McClellan"s Rep. Expl. Red River, La., 1853, p. 246, pi. xiii ; P. R. K. Surv., vol. X, 1858, p. 28. POMOTIS CONVEXIFRONS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., vii, 1854, p. 24. POMOTIS FALLAX. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854. p. 24 ; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 8, pi. ii, figs. 5-8, and pi. iii, figs. 9-12; P. R. R. Surv.. vol. X, 1859, p. 27, pi. viii, figs. 9-12: pi. ix, figs. 5-12 ; pi. X, fig.s. 1-7. 134 I'.rLI^KTIX 41, t'NITEl) STATES NATIONAL Ml'SEUM. Pomot:!5 hekos. Vr. Acad. Nat. Sci. PliihT., vii. 1854, p. 25 ; Mfx. Bound. Snrv., vol. ii, 1858, ji. 6,pl. ii, figs. 1-4; P. E. It. Suiv., vol. X, 1859. p. 24, pi. ix, fig.s. 13-16. POMOTIS LONGULIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853. p. 391; Marcy and McClellan".s Eep. Expl. Ked Kivt-r. l.a., 1853. p. 245. pi. xii. POMOTIS LUNA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. ix. 18.57. p. 201 ; P. It. It. Surv., vol. X. 18.50. ]). 22. pi. viii. fig.s. 1-4. POMOTIS NEFASTUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. I'liila.. vii 1854. p. 24. POMOTIS OBESUS. Pr. Post. Sci. Nat. Hi.st.. v, 1854. p. 40; Otli An. Rep. Smiths. In.st., 1854, p. 324. POMOTIS POP EI. P. E. It. Surv., vol. X. 1858. j). 20. POMOTIS SPECIOSUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii. 1854, p. 24 ; Mex. Bound. Surv.. vol. ii. 1858, p. 53, pi. iv, figs. .5-8; P. E. R. Surv.. vol, x, 1859, p. 23, pi. viii. fig.s. 5-8. POMOXI.'^. I*. K. It. Surv.. vol. X. 18.59. p. 5. POMOXIS ANNULARIS. P. E. E. Sur^-., vol. s, 1859, p. G. POMOXIS NIGROMACULATUS. P. E. E. Surv., vol. s. 1859. p. 6. POMOXIS NITIDUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., ix, 1857, p. 200; P.P. It. Surv.. v. 172; Mex. Bound. Surv.. ii. 1858. \i. 36, jil. xix, figs. 5-8. Ptychostomus congestus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 18.56, p. 172; Mex. Bound. Surv.. ii, 1858, ]>. 36. id. xxi. figs. .5-8. I'TYCHOSTOMUS HAYDENI. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 18.56, p. 172; P. E. E. Surv.. X. 1859, p. 220, pi. xlix. figs. 1-4. R.\JA. P. R. R. Surv., X, 1859, p, 372. Raja binoculata. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vii. 18.54. p. 196. Eaja Coopehi. p. E. E. Surv., X, 1859, p. 372. Ehacocheilus. P. E. E. Surv., X, 1859, p. 188. Ehacocheilus toxotes. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii. 18.56, p. 130; P. E. E. Surv., X, 1859, p. 188 pi. xl. Rhixichthys. P. E. E. Surv,, x, 1859, p, 243. ItHlNOBATUS. P. E. E. Surv., X. 1859. p. 370. ItHlNOBATUS PRODUCTUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vii. 18.54. p. 196; P. - E. E. Surv.. X. 1859. p. 370. Ehinoptera. p. E. E. Surv.. X, 1859. p. 374. EHIXOPTERA VESPERTILIO Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. viii, 18.56, p. 137; Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., vi, 1857, p. 544, pi. xvi. figs. 1-3 : P. R. E. Surv.. x, 1859, p. 375. Rhombus. P. R. R. Surv., X, 1859, p]), 146 and 1.50. Rhombus maculatus. Seventh Ann. Rep. Reg. Tniv., N. T., p. 23 ; Ninth Ann. Itep. Smiths. Inst., 1854, p. 350. RiCHARDSOXIUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii. 1856. p. 201 ; P. E. R. Surv.. x, 1859. p. 278. RiCHARDSONIUS BALTEATUS. i'r. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856. p. 202; P. R. R. Surv.. X. 1859, p. 278. pi. Ix, figs. 1-4. RiCHARDSONIUS LATERALIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 202: P. R. E. Surv., X. 18,59. p. 279, pi. Ix. figs. .5-8. Salak. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 18.56. p. 219; P. E. E. Surv., X. 1859, p. 318. S.\LAR IRIDEA. Pr. Aciul. Nat. Sci. Phila.. viii, 1856. p. 220; P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, ]>. 321, id. Ixxiii, fig. 5, and pi. Ixxiv. PUBLICATIONS OF CllAia.KS GIRAIH), M. D. 135 Balae Lewisi. Pr. Acad. Kat. Sii. I'liila., viii. 1856, ]). 21!); P. il. K. Siirv.. vol. X, 18S9, p. 318. iil. Ixxii. SaI.au VIRGINALIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliihi.. viii, 18'i(i. ]). "J'Jd: P. K. E. Sui-v., vol. X, 1859, p. :!20, pi. Ixxiil, figs. T-4. SALMO. Pr. Acad. Kat. Sci. Phila., Vii, 1856, p. 217; P. E. E; Surv., x^ 1859; p. 305. SALMO AURORA. P. E. E. Surv.. vol. x, 1859, p. 308. S.\LlVIO AUOYREUS. P. E. E. Surv., vol. X; 1859, p. 312. Salmo Gloveri. Pr. Acad. Nat. H.i. Phila., vii, 18.^.4, p. 55. Salmo oquas.sa. Pr. Bost. Soc; Xat. Hist., iv, 1852, p. 262. Salmo qulnnat. Pr. Acad. Xat. .Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 217: P. E. E. Surv., X, 1859, p. 306, pi. Ixvii. SALJIO SC'OULEKt. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. viii, 1856, p. 217; P. E. E. Surv., X, 1859. p. 305. Salmo sebago. Pr. Acad. Nat. .Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 380. Salmo spectabiliS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 218; P. ];. E. Surv., X. 1859, p. 307. Salmo stellatus. P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 316. Sahgu.s ovis. Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, l.'<58, [>. 11. Saurcs lucioceps. P. E. E. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 328. SAI'RUS mexicanus. Mcx. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, \>. 75. SCAPHIRHVXCHUS. P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 357. SCAPHIRHTSCHUS PLATIRHYNCHUS. P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 357. Scolecosoma. P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, },. 384. Scolecosoma borkalis. P. E. E. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 384. Scolecosoma co.ncolou. P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, !>. 384. Scolecosoma unicolor. P. E. E. Surv., vol. X, 1859, ]). 384. Scomber diego. P. E. i;. Surv., v(d. X, 18.59, p. 105. SCORP.ENW. P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 76. SCORP.^ENA GUTTATA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 18.54, p. 145: P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 18.59, p. 77 pi. xvii, tigs. 1-4. SCORP^NICHTHYS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 131: P. E. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 63. SCORP.T..VICHTHYS LATERALIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854. p. 145. SC0RP-fl5NICHTHYS MARMORATUS. Pr. Aca.l. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, pp. 131 and 145, and viii, 1856, p. 133 ; P. E. E. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 64, pi. xvi, fig. 1. 1K.-.9, p. 78. Sebastios. p. 11. E. Surv., vol. > SeiUstes aueiculatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vii. 1854. ]>]>. 131 and 146: P. E. E. Surv., vol. x. 18.5!). ]>. 80, Seh.\stes f.\.sci.\tus. J'r. Acad. Nat, Sci. Phila.; vii, 18134, i>. 146: P, E. E. Burv., vol. x, 1859, p, 79, ]>1. xxii. Seba.stes melanops. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, I,s.56, j). 135; I'. K. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, ]). 81. SBBASfES PAUCISPINIS. p. E. E. Surv., vol. x. 1859, p. 83. Sebasteh ros.\ceus. Pr. .\cad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vii. 1854. )i. 146: f > U. E. Surv., vol. X. 18,59, p. 78. ])1. xxi. SE.MIITIU'S. Pr. .Vcad. Nal. Sci. Phila., viii, 18.56, p. 203; 1\ E. E. Surv., vol. X. 1859. p. 283. Semotilus atromaculatus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 204; P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 18.59, p. 283. SEMOTILUS CEPHALUS; Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 203; P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1850, p. 283. SEMUtlLUS DORSALIP. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 203; P. E. S. Surv., vol. X, 1859, p. 283. Semotilus macrocephalus. Pr. Acad. Nat, Sci. Phila.. viii, 1856, p. 204. Semotilus speciosus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 204; P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 283, pi. Ixi, figs. 11-15. Siboma. Vi\ Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 208; P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 296. SIBOMA ATRARIA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 18.56. p. 208: P. E. E. Surv., vol. X, 1859. p. 297. SlBOM.4. CRASSICAUDA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 18,56, )). 208; P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 296, pi. Isiv, figs. 1-4. Sphyr.«;na. P. E. E. Surv.. vol. X, 18.59, i.. 38, SPHYR^IiNA AUGENTKA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, ]). 144; P. K. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 39. pi. xiv. Spinax sucklii. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. I'hila., vii, \>i'>4. p. 196. Stizostedion. P. E. E. Sui-v., vol. X, 1859, II. 31. Stizostedion boreus. P. E. E. Surv.. vol. X, 1859, p. 31, pi. xi, figs. 5-8. Syngnathus. p. K. E. Surv.. vol. x, 1859, p. 344. Sy.\gn.\thus Abboti. P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 346. SY'NGNATHUS arundinaceus. p. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 34(i. Syngn.\thus brevieostris. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 153; P. E. E. Surv., vol. x, 1859. p. 345. 136 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MI\SEl^M. Syngnathus CALIFORXIEXSIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 137 : 1'. R. R. Siirv., vol. X, 1859, p. 344. Syngnathus leptorhy-nchus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 156; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 345. Telipomis. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 18.59. p. 22. Tetraodon. p. R. R. Surv., vol. X. 1859, p. 339. Tetr.\odon poi.itus. p. R. R. Suiv., vol. X, 1859. p. 340. Thaleichthys. p. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 325. Thaleichthys pacificus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., x, 1858, p. 225. Thaleichthys Stevensi. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x. 1859, p. 325, pi. Ixxv, lij;s. 1-4. Thymallus. P. R. R. Surv., vol. X, 1859. p. 326. TiAROGA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii. 1856, p. 204; Mex. Bound. Surv., ii, 1858, p. 60. TtAROGA COBITIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. viii, 1856, p. 204: Mcx. Round. Surv., ii, 1858, p. 60, pi. xxvii. fijis. 11-14. TiGOMA. Pr. Acad. Niit. Sci. Phila., viii, 185G, p. 205; P. R. R. Surv., x, 1859. 288. TiGOMA BICOLOR. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 206: I'. R. R. Surv., X, 1859, p. 289. TiGOMA CONFORMIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliihi., viii. 1856. p. 206: P. R. R. Surv., X, 1859. p. 289. TiGOMA CRASSA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 207; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 293, pi. Ixii. TiGOMA GIBBOSA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii. 1856, p. 207: Mex. Bound. Surv.. vol. ii. p. 64. ])1. xxxiii, tigs. 1-4. TiGO.MA GRACILIS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 206: P. R. R. Surv, vol. x, 1859. p. 293. TiGOMA HUIIBOLDTI. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 206; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 291. TiGOMA INTERMEDIA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 206; Mex. Bound. Surv., v(d. ii. 1858, p. 63. TiGOMA LINEATA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 206; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 292. TiGOMA NIGRESCENS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 207; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 64, pi. xxxii, figs. 1-4. TiGOlLi OBESA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 206; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x. 1859, p. 290. TiGOMA PULCHELLA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 206; Mex. Bound. Surv.. vol. ii, 1858, p. 62, pi. xxxiv, figs. 5-8. TiGOMA PULCHRA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 207; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p . 65, pi. xxxii, figs. 5-8. TiGOMA PURPUREA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1856, p. 206; Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 63. Trachidermis. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii. 18.50, p. 302; N. Mem. Soc. Helv. Sc. Nat., xii, 1852, p. 13. Trachidermis fasciatus. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, p. 302; N. M6m. Soc. Helv. Sc. Nat., xli, 1852, p. 13. Trachidermis intermedius. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, p. 302; N. Mem. Soc. Helv. Sc. Nat., xii, 18.52, p. 13. Trachidermis uncinatus. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1849, p. 302; N. Mem. Soc. Helv. Sc. Nat., xii, 1852, p. 13. Trachurus. P. R. R, Surv., vol. x, 18,59, p. 107. Trachurus boops. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x. 1859, p. 108. Trachurus sy.mmetricus. P. R. R. Surv.. vol. x, 1859, p. 107. Triakis. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 362. Triakis semifascla^tus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 196; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 362. j Trichiurus lepturus. Mex. Bound. Surv., vol. ii, 1858, p. 24. Trichomycterus. Gilliss' Rep. Exped. S. Hemisph., ii, 1855, p. 38. Trichomycterus mauclatus. Gilliss' Rep. Exped., S. Hemisph., ii, 1855, p. 39, pi. xxxiv, figs. 1-3. Trichomycterus Macr^i. (lilliss' Rep. Exped. S. Hemisph., ii, 1855, \). 41. Tkiglopsis. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, 1851, p. 19; N. Mem. Soc. Helv. Sc. Nat., xii, 1852, p. 27; Monogr. of Cottoids, 1852, p. 64. Triglopsis Thompsoni. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, 1851, p. 19; N. Mem. Soc. Helv. Sc. Nat., xii, 1852, p. 27; Monogr. of Cottoids, 18,52, p. 65. pi. ii, figs. 9, 10. Typhlichthys. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. xi, 1859, p. 63; Le Naturaliste, 1888, p. 107. Typhlichthys subterraneus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 63; Le Naturaliste, 1888, p. 107. TTmbrina. p. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 101. Tmbrina phal^na. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., x, 1858, p. 167. UmBRINA l-NDULATA. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 148; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 101. rUBLICATK^XS OF CTTARI.ES CIKARD, M. I ). 137 Uranoscopcs. r. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, ).. i:i4. A'OMER SETAPINNIS. MfX. Bound. Surv.. vol. ii, IS.'iS. ]i tig. 8. XiPHlDIOX. I'. K. R. Surv., vol. x, 18,^9, p. 119. XlPHIDIOX MLTRON-^TL'S. r. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 18.59, p. 119. Frapter.^. P. R. R. Surv., vol. X. 18,">9, p. 37:!. Fraptera binocclata. P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1859, p. 37:i. Zaniolepis. I'r. Ac'ad. Kat. Set. Pliila.. ix, 1857, j). L'()2; P. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 1.8.59, p. 7:!. Za.violepis latipinnis. I'r. Acad. Xat. Sci. Pliila., ix, 18.57, p. 202; I'. R. R. Surv., vol. x, 18.59, p. I'.i, jil. xvii, figs. 5, (i. Zoarces. p. R. R. Surv., vol. X. 1859, p. 124. Zygonectes. Pr. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., xi, 1859, p. 60. Zygonectes pulchellus. Pr. Acad. Kat. Sci. Pliila., xi, 1859, p. 11.3. Zygonectes tenellus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., xi, 1859, p. 60. INSECTS. A.N.^BRUS. Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 259. Anabrus Haldemanni. Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 259, pi. xv, figs. 5-8. P.r.\chypeplus. Many and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 260. BR.\CH\TEPLDS MAGNUS. Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 260, pi. xv, figs. 1-1. Brachypeplus virescens. Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 261. Uaihinia. Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red lliv., La., 1853, p. 257. Daihinia brevipes. Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 18.53. p. 257, pi. xv, figs. 9-13. ARACHNIDIANS. ATREUS CALIFOENICrS. Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 269. Atreus Sayi. Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Exjil. Red Riv.. La., 1853, p. 209. Gai.eodes subul,\ta. Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La.,1853, p. 270. Lycosa pilos.4^. Marcy and McClellan'.s Rep. Expl. Red Itiv., La., 18.53, p. 263. i>l. xvi, figs. 4, 5. Mygale Hentzi. Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 262. pi. xvi, figs. 1-3 Scorpio borevs. • Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 267. pi. xvii. figs. 5-7. Scorpio californicus. Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 269. Scorpio Sayi. Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 269. Telegonus boreus. Marcy and McClellan's Rcji. Expl. Red Riv., La.,1853, p. 267. Thelyphonus excubitor. Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 265, pi. xvii. • MYRIAPODS. JULUS ATH.^VTUS. Marcy and McClellan's Rej). Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853. p. 274. JULUS oknatus. Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 274. SCOLOPENDRA HEROS. Marcy and McClellan's Rep. Expl. Red Riv., La., 1853, p. 272, pi. xviii. CRUSTACEA. ^GLEA. (iilliss' Rep. Exped. S. Hemispli., ii, 18.55. p. 50. iEGI.EA DENTICULATA. (Iilliss' Rep. Exped. S. Hemispli., ii. 18.55, ]>. 50. zEglea I.N'TERMEDIA. Gilliss' Rep. Exped. S. Hemispli., ii, 1855, p. ,50. iEGLE.V I,..EVIS. Gillies' Rep. Exjied. S. lliiuispli., ii, ASTACUS. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. ASTACOIDES. Pr. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 18.5.5, p. .50. 87. 138 nrLLKTIX il, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MU.SEU^r. Cambaris, Vi: Acad. iS'at. Sci. Pbila., y'\, 1852, p. K7. Cajvibaeus acutissimus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., vi, 1852, p. 91. CAMBARL'S acutus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila.. vi, 1852, p. 91. Cambarus affinis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. I'liila.. vi. 1852. p. 87. C'AMBAJRUS BARTOXI. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila.. vi, 18,52, p. 88. Cambaels blaxdixgi. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vi. 18.52. p. 91. Cambaeus CAEOLINL'S. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila.. vi. 1852. p. 88. (Jambarus Claeki. Pr. Acatl. Nat. Sci. Pbila.. vi. 1852. p. 91. Cambaeus DicxiENKs. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci, Pliila., vi, 1852, j.. 89. Cambarus fossoe. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852. p. 88. Cambaeus gambeli. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., vi, 1852, p, 9i), Cambaeus longulus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., vi, 1852, p. 91. Cambaeus mont.vnus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p, 88. Cajibarus nebrascensis. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., vi, 18.52, p. 91. Cambaeus oeeganus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 87. Cambarus Pealei. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 87. Cambarus pellucidus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 18,52. p. 87. Cambarus propixi^uus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., \ i, 1852. ]). 88. Cambarus pusillus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vi, 1852i p. 90. Cambarus kobustus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, p. 90. Cambaeus rusticus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vi. 1852, p. 88. Cheeaps. I'r. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila.. vi. 1852, p, 87. Eng.^US. Pr. Acad. Nat. .Sci. Phihi., \ i, 1852. p, 87. Khvxchocixetes. (iillish' Rep. Exped. S. Hcmisph.. ii. 1855, p. 54. IlHYNCHOCIXETES TYPICUS. Gillisfs' Rep. Exjied. 8. Semisph., ii, 1855, p. 55. ENTOMOSTRACANS, Lymxadella. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. ,'!. Ly-mxadeixa kitei. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, p. 3. WORMS. AeenicoLa xatalis. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hi.st.. v, 1854, p. 88. Phyllobranchus. Pr. Amer. Asa. Adv. Sci., iv, 1851, p. 124. Phyllobranchus raveneli. Pr. Auier. A.ss. Adv. Sci., iv, 1851, p. 125. PLANARIANS. Bdelloura. Pr. A.ad. Nat. Sci. Phila., iv. 1852, p. 211 ; Ami. Sciences Natnralles, Paris, 1891. Bdelloura Candida. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., iv, 1852, p. 211; Auu. Sciences Natur., Paris, 1891. bdelloura LONGICEI'S. Auu. Sc. Naturcllcs. Paris, 1891. Bdelloura eu.stica. Anu. Sc. Natiirelles, I'aris, 1891. Dexdroccelum. Auu. Sc. Naturcllcs, Paris, 1891. Dexdeocceluji lacteu.m. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, p. 265; Nordauier. Monatsb., ii, 1851, p. 2; Ann. Sc. Naturcllcs, Paris, 1891. Dexdroccelum puu'heerimum. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, p. 265; Nordaiucr. Mouatsb., ii, 1851, p. 2; Ann. Sciences Naturcllcs, Paris, 1891. Dendeoccelum supehbum. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 185(i, p, 265; Nordaiucr. ^Mouatsb. ii, 1851, p. 2; Auu. Sc. NatureUes, Paris, 1.S91. DexDUoccelum VITTATUM. I'r. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1S,'0, Nordauier. Mouatsb., ii. 1851, p. ; Sc. NatureUes, Paris, 1891. DER0STO.^L\. Auu. Sc. NatureUes, Paris, 1891. DEROSTOaXA margixatu.m. Ann. Sc. NatureUes, Paris, 1891. Dugesia. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, iii, 1850, Nordauier. Monatsb., ii, 1851, ]>. : .Sciences NatureUes, Paris, 1891. DUGESL\ Eoeemani. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., iv, 18.)2, Anu. Sc. NatureUes, Paris, 1891. Dugesia gonocephala. Pr. I'.ost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, Nordauier. "Mouatsb., ii, 1851, p. l Sciences NatureUes, Paris, 1891. Dugesia gonocephaloides. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, Nordaiucr. Mouatsb., ii, 1851. p. i Sc. NatureUes, Paris, 1891. . 205; Auu. . 265; Ann. p. 211; ). 265; Auu. i. 265; Ann. Prr.LICATlONS OF CHARLES GIRAUD, M. D. 139 DUC.ESIA MACULATA. Xordamer. Mouatsb., ii. 1851, p. 3: Ann. Sci- ences Natnrelles, Paris. 1891. DUGESIA TRUNCATA. Ann. So. Xaturcllcs. Paris, 1891. FoviA. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, 1852, p. 211; Ann. "Sciences Xaturelles, Paris, 1891. FoviA Warreni. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, 1852, p. 211; Ann. Sc. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Gteatoe. Ann. Sc. Kaliirelles, Paris, 1891. GyEATOR ALBfS. Ann. Sc. Natnrelles, Paris. 1891. Htdrolijiax. Ann. Sc. Natnrelles. Paris. 1891. Hydrolimax bruneus. Le Natural, 1891. Paris: Ann. Sc. Natnrelles. Paris, 1891. Hydrolimax gkiseu.s. Ann. Sc. Naturelles, I'aris. 1891. Imogine. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., vi, 1873, p. ItCT: Ann. Sc. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. Ijiogixe oculifera. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 367; Ann. Set Naturelles. Paris. 1891. Leptoplana. Ann. Sciences Naturelles, Paris. 1891. Leptoplana ellipsoides. Smiths. Contr. to Know!., vi, 1854, p. 27, fig. 16; Ann. Sciences Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Macrostoma. Ann. Sc. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Macrostoma liystrix. Ann. Sc. Naturelles. Paris, 1891. Macrostoma sensitivum. Ann. Sc. Naturelles. Paris, 1891. Mesostoma. Ann. Sc. Natnrelles. Paris, 1891. Meso.stoma ca?cum. Ann. Sc. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Mesostoma gonocephaluui . Ann. Sc. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. Mesostoma Pattersoni. Ann. Sc. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. Mesostoma viviparum. Ann. Sc. Naturelles, I'aris, 1891. Microstoma. Ann. Sc. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. Microstom;i caudatum. Ann. Sc. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. Microstoiua lineare. Ann. Sc. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. Microstoma Pliiladelpliicuni. Ann. Sc. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. Mici'ostoma variabile. Ann. Sc. Naturelles, Paris. 1S91. MfWOCELIS. Ann. Sc. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. MOXOCELIS SPATULICAUDA. Nordamer. Monatsb., ii, 1851, i>. 3: Ann. Sc. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Hist., iv, 18.-)2. p. 210; es, Paris, 1S91. Jll : .\iin. .Vnn. Si-i. , p. 264. 1850, NiOBE. Pr. Bost. Soc. N:il Anil. Sc. Naturi NiOBE LI.MACIXA. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, 18.5L Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. NiOBE ZONATA. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, 1852, ]>. 21 1 Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891 . I'HAGOCATA. Nordamer. Monatsb., ii. 1X51. p. It Ann Naturelles, Paris, ].s91. Phagocata coronata. Le Natural, Paris, 1S91 : .\nn. Sci. Naturelles, 1891. Ph.\gocata gracilis. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, p. 264; Nordamer. Monat.sb. ii. 1851, p. 1 ; Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Plagiostoma. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Plagiostoma planum. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Planaeia gracilis. Pr. Bo.st. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 18.'0, Pl„4N.\RIA TIGRINA. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii. Nordamer. Monatsb., ii, 1851, j). 2; Ann Sci. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. Planocera. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Planocera elliptica. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850. Nordamer. Monatsb., ii, 1851. p. : Sci. Natiu-elles, Paris, 1891. Planocera nebulosa. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853. p. 36 Sci., Naturelles, Paris. 1S91. POLYCELIS. Ann. Sci. Natnrelles. Paris, 1891. PoLYCELIS TIGRINIS. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. POLYCELIS VARIABILIS. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, p. 251 Nordamer. Monatsb., ii, 1851, p. 3; Ann Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Procerodes. Pr. Bost. Soc. Niit. Hist., iii. 1850 Nordamer. Monatsb., ii, 1851. p. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891 . Procerodes Wheatlandi. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, p. 251 Nordamer. Moinitsb., ii, 1851, p. 4; Ann Sci. Naturelles. Paris, 1891. Procotyla. Ann. Sci. Naturelles. Paris, 1891. Procotyla b'luviatilis. Ann. Sci. Naturelles. Paris, 1891. Prorhynchus. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. Prosthiostomum. Ann. Sci. Naturelles. Paris. 1891. Prosthiostomum gracile. I'r. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, p. 251 Nordamer. Monatsb., ii, 1851. p. 3; Ann Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. 264; . 251; Ann. Ann. , p. 251; 4: Ann. 140 BULLETIN 41, rXITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Prostoma. Ann. Sci. Xaturelles, Paris, 1891 . Prostoma marginatum . Nordanier. Monatsb., ii, 1851. ]). li : Ann. Sci. Katurelles, Paris. 1891. Ehynchodemus. Ann. Sei. Katurcllcs, Pari.s, 1801. Ehynchodemvs sylvaticus. Ann. Sci. Naturelles. Paris, 1891. Ehynchodemus terrestris. Ann. Sci. Xatnrellcs. Paris, 1891. Stenostoma. Ann. Sci. XatiircUcs. Paris. 1891. Stenostoma agile. Ann. Sci. Natnrelle.s, Paris. 1891. Stenostoma leucops. Ann. Sci. Naturelles. Paris, 1891. Thysanozoon. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris. 1891 . Thysanozoon nigrum. Pr. Post. Soc. Xat. Hist., iv, 1851, p. IHT; Ann. Sci. Naturelle.s, Paris, 1891. Ann. Typhi.olepta. .\nn. Sci. Naturelles. Pai-is, 1891. Typhlolepta acuta. Smiths. Contr. to Kuowl.. vi, 18.54, p. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891 . Tythlolepta fuliginosa. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Vortex. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Vortex armiger. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Vortex Bi.odgetti. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Vortex Candida. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, p. Nordamer. Monatsb., ii, 1851, p. 4. Vortex pinguis. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891 . Vortex Warreni. Pr. Post. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, p. 264; Nordamer. Monatsb., ii, 1851. p. 4. 204; NEMERTEANS. Amphiporus. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Amphiporus sanguineus. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi. 1853, p. 366 ; Ann. Sci. Naturelles. Paris, 1891. BORLASIA. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. BORLASIA KURTZI. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 18,53, p. 366 ; Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891 . Emea. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Emea Sillimani. Ann. Sci. Naturelles. Paris. 1891. Emea dugesi. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Emea rubra. Ann. Sci. Naturelles. Paris. 1891 . Hecate. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iv. 18.52. p. 185; Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. Hecate elegans. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, 1852. p. 186: Ann. Sci. Naturelles, 1891. Leodes. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 366 ; Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Leodes striolenta. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. vi, 1853, p. .366; Ann. Sci. Naturelles. Paris, 1891. Meckelia. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Meckei.ia atra. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iv. 1851, p. 137; Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. Meckelia kraqilis. Nordamer. Monatsb., ii. 1851, p. 4; Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Meckelia lactea. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891, Meckelia lizzi.t,. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 367; Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. Meckelia pocahontas. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 18.53, p. 366; Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Meckelia rosea. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Nareda. Smiths. Ooiitr. to Knowl., vi, 18.'4, ]i. 28 : Ann. Sci. Naturelles. Paris, 1891. Nareda superb a. Smiths. Contr. to KnowL.vi, 1854,p.28. flg. 17; Annales Sci. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. Omatoplea. Ann. Sci. Naturelles. Paris, 1891. Om.vtoplea Stimpsoni. Smith's Contr. to Knowl., vi, 1854. ]>. 28, fig. 18; Ann. Sciences Naturelles. Paris. 1891. POLIA. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. PoLiA gracilis. Nordamer. Monatsb., ii, 1851, p. 4 ; Ann. Sci. naturelles, Paris, 1891. Poseidon. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, 1852 ]>. 1S6; Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris. 1891. Poseidon affinis. Smiths. Contr. to Knowl., vi. 1854. p. 28; Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Poseidon colei. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iv.. 1852, p. 186 ; Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Eenieria. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi. 1853. p. 366; Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. Eenieria rubra. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1853, p. 306 ; Ann. Sciences Naturelles, Paris, 1891 . J PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES GIKARI), M. ]). 141 STIMI'.SONIA. Pr. Ai-ad. Nat. Sci. riiila., vi. 185:3. p. ■.itu : Ann. Sci. Naturellcs, Paris, 1891. Stimsonia aurantiaca. Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 185)3, p. ;{67 ; Ann. Sci. Naturelles, Paris, 1891. TETRASI'EMMA. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, I'aris, 1891. Tetra.stemma seri'E.n'tina. Nordainer. Monatsb., ii. 18.'>1, ]i. 4; Smiths. Coutr. to Knowl.. vi. 18.>4, p. 28; Ann. Sci. Nattirelles, Paris, 1891. MOLLUSKS. Plasobranchus simplex. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., v. 185-t. p. 89. ECHINODERMS. Amphiuetus. Pr. Bost. Soe. Nat. Hist., iv, 18.')2, p. Amphidetus Kvrtzi. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hi.st., iv, 18D2, p. ECHINOCVAMUS MINIMUS. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, ISW. p. ECHINOMETRA NIGRIXA. Pr. Bo.st. Soc. Nat. Ilisl.. iii. 185H. i>. HELIE(HINr.S. Pr. Bust. Soi:, Nat. Uist., iii, 1850, p. 213. 2i:i. ;!07. :j(iG. llKLlECHINl'S (tOULDI. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii. 1S.")(), p. HG.^. Melebosis. Pr. Bost. Soe. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, p. :iC5. Melebosis mirabilis. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850. i>. :i()5. Psajoiechinus asteroides. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii. 18,50. ji. :i(>(i. Schizaster lachesis. Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1850, p. :i(is. o SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES 3 9088 01421 0736