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I liavp come

To speak with lips that rather should be dumb; For what are words? At every step 1 tread The dust that wore the footpriuts of the dead, But I'or wliosc life my life had never known Tliis faded visture which it calls its own. Here sleeps my father's sire, and tliey wlio grave That earl er life here found their peaceful tfrave. In days f;oiie by I songlit the hallowed ffrouu'l, Climbed yon Iouk slop. ; the sacred spot I found Wliere all unsullied lies tlio winter snow. Where all untrathered spring's pale violets blow. And tracked from stone to stone the Saxon name That marks the l)lood I need not blush to claim,— Blood such as warnifd tlie Pilyrim sons of toil. Who held from God the charter ot the soil.








PUBLIC library'

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The writer first became interested in genealogical matters about the year 1855. Finding that nothing was known respecting the ancestors of persons bearing his name, who lived in New England previous to the nineteenth centurj^, he commenced making investigations and col- lecting materials for a genealogical histor3' of that branch of the Burrage family. The result of his labors appears in the following pages. Owing to business engagements and some public duties, leisure for the arrangement of the materials and the preparation of the work was not found until the present time.

It is to be regretted that the materials are so scant}^ All, such as they are, have been gathered from public records and the recollec- tion of persons now living. No famil}' histories or traditions have been handed down to enlighten us respecting the lives of the first three generations that dwelt in New England. The men of that time were so engTossed by the difficult task of preserving themselves and their generation, that they had little time or leisure to refiect upon the generations of the past or to think of those of the future. Then it is probable that more items of family histor}' would have been preserved, had the different generations continued to reside in the same houses or the same towns lived in b}' their ancestors.

It has been deemed proper to give a brief sketch of the heads of families, and most prominent persons, of the first nine generations, embodying the most important facts gathered respecting the life and character of each, and in addition to give a complete genealogical


record, as far as is possible, of the ancestors and descendants of John Barrage, who settled in Charlestown in 1637.

In some cases it has been fonnd difficult to obtain facts, owing to lack of interest with man}' persons respecting their ancestors or those with whom thej' are connected bj- ties of consanguinity. The author desires to acknowledge his obligations to Mr. Ilauiilton Barrage, Mrs. P^lizabeth Bradley, and Mr. John Brisk Biirrage for facts in regard to their respective branches of the family, and to Mr. Joseph Mills and others, who have furnished valuable information.

Boston, August 15, 1877.



The name of Burrage first appeal's in the town and county records of England in the sixteenth century. As a surname, it lias undergone many orthographic changes. It is found written in the earlier records, Burgh, Burough, Borough, Borage, Bearadge, Bur- rish, Beridge, Burridge, Burrage, etc., etc. Respecting its origin, there is room for considerable speculation; but we are inclined to accept the theory of the late H. Ct. Somerby, who w^as an expert in such matters, hav- ing devoted the greater part of his life to genealogical investigations. AVe are indebted to him for most of the items in these pages gleaned from English records. In a letter, dated Dec. 4:, 1858, he says, "The name of Burrage, anciently written Burgh, is local, and derived from the village of Burgh, in the county of jN^orfolk, from which place, at an early period, branches of the family removed and settled in various parts of the country, where they appear in ancient records as con- siderable landholders."

In a p]-evious letter (dated in London, April 2, 1858),


accompanying copies of wills and parish records, he had written, " The name, as you will perceive, is spelt in every possible way, all onginating, no doubt, from Bui-gh, which by a roll of the r sounds very like Burrage, and was probably thus coiTupted." The word '* burgh" is of Saxon origin, and signifies a place of defence or security, whether it be a mountain, a walled town, or other place in which a community fortify them- selves. It is the appellation of man}' towns and several old castles in the counties of Suffolk, Cumberland. Lin- coln, and Xorfolk, England.

In pursuing his investigations, the genealogist, as well as the student of general history, finds the field of his researches confined within comparatively narrow bounds. He soon finds himself confronted by an insu- perable barrier to fuither progress in the lack of intel- lectual development prior to a certain period, which incapacitated mankind from making and preserving any record of themselves or their acts.

Surnames did not become hereditary in England with the nobility until the fourteenth century, and a much later period dated their adoption b\' the common people. By this circumstance, and the fact that there were no public records of births, mamages, and deaths previous to the sixteenth centuiv. the field of «:enealoincal research is, under the most favorable circumstances, restricted to narrow limits. AVe can go but a little way towards tracing our pedigree to the primal i)air or


to Mr. Darwin's progenitors of the race; but while we are unable to trace the stream to its source in the wilds of savage nature, it is an interesting and grateful task to follow its course as far as we are permitted, to learn all we can respecting the men and women whose blood and temperaments we inherit.

The registries of the counties of Suffolk, Essex, and [Norfolk show that persons bearing the name of Burrage w^ere quite numerous in those counties, especially in Norfolk, in the sixteenth century, and were landholders of considerable importance. They were generally styled yeomen, and evidently belonged to the great middle class, to which England is mainlv indebted for the emi-



iient names in her literature and the great deeds of her liistory.

John Barrage,^ wliose hneage it is the purpose of these pages to traee, was born in Norton Subcourse,t Ji parish of Xorfolk County (near Norwieh), England. According to the i)aiish records, he was baptized April 10, 1(31(3. The first of his ancestors of whom we have a record was Kobert Burrage, of Seething, another small parish, near Norton Subcoursc. His wife's name was liose. His will is dated Jan. 2, 1559. (See Api)endix A.) lie had two sons, Kobert and Kichard. Kiehard removed to Norton Subcourse, where, according to the ]iarish recoi'ds, lie had ten children, seven sons and three dauiihters. There is no record of his mai'ria^re oi' of his death. His iliiid son, Thomas Burrage, who was born Feb. 28, l.")81, was mai-ried Aug. 19, K3(K3, to Frances Dey. They had seven chikhvn, five daughtei'S and two sons. John, the fifth child and the eldest son.

* See Appendix li, evideuce respecting liLs identity and the origin of tlie coat of anns on title-page.

t Norton Subcourse is a small parish (or village) situated about twelve miles southeasterly from Norwich, which has l)een a large place and a city of note for more than one thousand 3ears. hi King Canute's time, Norwich was a fishing town. It was occupied by the lionians soon after the conquest, in the forty-sixth year after Christ. It is the most ancient manufacturing town in England, and has been noted for its woollen fabrics since the reign of Ilcnry I. The name of Burrage still appears in its directory. (See Appendix C.) Norton Subcourse i.s described b}' the London Post-Offlce Directory of 18.53 as follows : " A widel)' .scattered village, four miles east from Loddon, is in Clavering Hundreds and Union; contained in bs.'jl, 42S inhabitants. Its area is 1,h4!) acres." The church, which was built in 13.S7, is dcscril)e(l in Bromtield's " llistorj'of Norfolk County," 1730, as "a single pile and thatched, with a round tower and three belLs."


was baptized, as before stated, April 10, 1616. Thomas Biirrage died March 2, 1632. By will, of which he ap- pointed his wife executrix, he left the possession and use of all of his property to his wife during her life, with a proviso that, at her death, the greater portion of his estate should go to his son John upon the con- dition that he should pay out certain legacies named, to his brother and each of his sisters. (See Appendix A.) It is probable that John, who was sixteen years old at the time of his father's decease, remained at home assisting his mother in the care of the farm, until he attained his majority, in the spring of 1637. At that time the people of England were in a ferment upon the great questions of civil and religious freedom, which were destined to create a revoluti(m in State and Church, and produce a great change in the habits and industry of the nation. Charles I, among other arbitrary measures for raising money, was forcing the ship-money tax upon his subjects. Appleton's Cyclopaedia says, " Ship-money was a tax which the maritime counties had some time paid in time of Avar, instead of furnishing ships for the navy; this was uoav, in time of peace, demanded from the inland counties as well as from the maritime. Through the patriotic efforts of John Hampden, who was resolved to bring to a solemn hearing the great controversy between the people and their oppressors, towards the close of the year 1636, the cause came on in the Exchequer Chamber before the twelve judges,


seven of whom pronounced against the disputant. The only effect of this decision was to exasperate the temper of the people. The decision placed the property of every individual at the mercy of the crown. The per- secuted party felt that there was no alternative but to seek their homes in other countries ; but an order was issued April 6, 1G38, prohibiting shipmasters from carrying passengers from the kingdom without special license." Hume, in his "History of England," says respecting the decision of the judges: "Ilambden, how- ever, obtained by the trial the end for which he had so generously sacrificed his safety and his quiet ; the people were roused from their lethargy, and became sensible of the danger to which their liberties were exposed. These national questions were canvassed in every com- pany; and the more they were examined, the more evidently did it appear to many, that liberty was totally subverted, and an unusual and arbitrary authority exer- cised over the kingdom. Slavish principles, they said, concur with illegal practices ; ecclesiastical tyranny gives aid to civil usurpation; iniquitous taxes are supported by arbitrary punishments, and all the privileges of the nation, transmitted through so many ages, secured by so many laws, and purchased by the blood of so many heroes and patriots, now lie prostrate at the feet of the Monarch." And hi Bromfield's "History of Xorfolk County," we find the following: "At this time (1634) John Burridge, Gent., of Norwich, for refusing to


pay 5 pounds assessed upon him towards the ship, was committed to i)rison, l3ut on payment was discharged. The ship-money was the beginning of trouble. At a court, held Xov. 19, it was agreed that the mayor of Lynn and bailiffs of Yarmouth, who were appointed to be at ^N'orwich the day following about the business of the ship, should be entertained at the mayor's house at the public cost, and the justices, sherilis, and alder- men were desired to attend the business; the sum of 10 Lbs. was allowed for that purpose, and 15 Lbs. more for entertaining the high sheriffs of ]N'orfolk and Cambridgeshire. This was the first ship of war asked of them."

Again, the same work says, " This year (1637) wheat was about 22 shillings (about |5.50) and comb barley, 16 shillings (|4.00), and hops, 15 Lbs. (|75.00) a hun- dred. The troubles now increasing in the church, by means of many schismatical and flictious persons that were for innovations both in church and State, many of them who could not push on then* designs to a crisis so early as they wished, as Mr. Peck, Mr. Albee, Mr. Ward, Mr. Bridges, etc., being opposed in their proceedings by Bishop Wren, went voluntarily beyond the sea, some to Holland, some to I^ew England, and others to divers places."

Hume also says, "In this year (1637) the Puritans restrained in England shii)ped themselves off for Amer- ica and laid there the foundations of a government which


possessed all the liberty, both civil and religious, of which they found themselves bereaved in their native country. But their enemies were unwilling that they should anywhere enjoy ease and contentment, and dread- ing, ])erhaps, the dangerous consequences of so disaf- fected a colony, prevailed on the king to issue a proc- laiuation di-barring these devotees access even to those iiihospitabU- deserts. Eight ships lying in the Thames, and riadv to sail, wei-e detained by order of the council; and in these were embarked -John llambden, John Pym, and Oliver Cromwell, who had resolved foi'ever to aban- don theii- native country and 11} to the other extremity of the globe, where they might enjoy lectures or dis- courses of any length or Ibrni which })leased them. The king had afterward full leismv to repent this exer- cise of his authority.

"The bishop of Norwich, b}^ rigorously insisting on uniforniitv, had l)anished many industrious tradesmen fi'om that city and di'iven them into Holland. The Dutch began to be more int"nt on commerce than on orthodoxy; and thought that the knowledge of useful arts, and obedience to the laws, formed a good citizen, though attended with ei'r(»rs in subjects in which it is not allowable I'or human nature to expect any positive ti'uth or cei'taintv.'"'


Such was the state of affairs in England when John Bui-rage, of Norton Snbeonrse, having arrived at "man^s estate," resolved forever to abandon his native country and " fly to the other extremity of the globe." We can only conjecture the motives that impelled him to leave kindred and his native land for the wilds of Xew Eno- land, but it is highly probable that he was moved by the same considerations that influenced the great body of his countrymen Avho emigrated to the Xew World, so well stated in the foregoing quotations. It is quite likely also that the restless, sanguine spirit of youth had somewhat to do in determining his course.

We do not know the name of the vessel that brought him to America, nor with what company he came, hav- ing been unable to find his name in any of the preserved lists of emigrants who embarked for this countr}^ The fir'st record we find of him here is in the town records of Charlestown, Massachusetts, under date of 1637, as follows: "John Burrage* hath liberty to take John

* This is the orthography uniformly used by him, as it has been l)y the desceudants of his son Thomas. His son William, after his removal to Newton, appears to have adopted " Burridge " as the manner of spelling the name, and his descendants have generally followed his example in tliat resiject.


Charles' house lott by goodman Blotts. Goo'^ Tho" Line liacl yielded him y'' house lott before goo'^ Charles m ease Elias Maveriek did refuse it or leave it."

In the same book, under date of 1638, in a reeord of the possessions of the inhal)itants, is the following description of the house and lot and other possessions of John Burrage: ^' The possessions of John Burrage in Charlestown limits. One dwelling house & a garden riatt situate in the east side l)utting south east upon the harbor, bounded on the uorth east by AV"\ Stitson, on the north west and south l)y Capt. Sedwiek: four acres of earalile land by estimation more or less situate in the lin side l)utting east towaids ^Slcnotomy River Koilh west upon tlu' too Long bounded on t lie uorth east by Laruion PaiTott Oi on the south west by Will AYitherell @ John Stratton, Half a mile Cow Connnons Ware two Cow Commons l)ought of AFr. Zaehary Symmes.^ Five acres of Woodland more or less situate in Mistick side butting north east ui)on James Thompson south west n[)on the woodland bounded on the uorth west by AVill Smith, @ on the South east by Henry Bullock. This live acres was sould to lliehard Lowdon. Fiften acres of land more or less situate in water side butting north west ui)on Geoi'ge Hutchinson; south east upon John Gould @ Samuel Carter, bounded on the uoi-th east by Henry Bullock (a on the south west by Will. Smith. Two acres of ]\Ieadow moi-e or less situate in the ^Ivnd at Wilbur ])oint.'"


He lived in the liouse above described about twenty- four years. In a deed dated Sept. 29, 1()01, he conveyed the premises to Richard Kussell. They are described as follows: "Containing one dwelling house and ware- house neer adjoining thereto with the garden grounds and fruit trees standing thereon, together with the w harf butting out to the Kiver side, the said Messuage being bounded on the north & on the west by the house & ground of said Richard Russell & on the east by William Stitson and on the south by the street way extending forth to the sea side."

From this description, after looking over the ground with some care, we conclude that the estate was located upon the territory now included within the limits of the United States ^avy Yard, near the western entrance at the foot of AVater Street.

By deed bearing the same date, Richard Russell con- veyed to John Burrage an estate which is described as follows : " One messuage or tennenient sittuate, lying and being within the bounds and limits of Charlestown, contayning one dwelling house & warehouse next ad- joining thereto, wdth wdiarfing and land adjoining thereto, and is bounded with River south west, Mr. AVillough- bye's ship-yard west, Mr. Thomas Starrs house, Nathan- iel Smith and a shop still reserved to me the said Richard Russell on the north and the common street or land east, being sometime the possession of Ralp Wory de- ceased." This trade appears to have been simply an



exchange, one estate having been bartered for the other. The consideration named in each deed is the .same, namely, one hnndred pounds sterUng.



For some time before the year 1657, Francis Hudson and John Buri'age owned and operated the feriy be- tween Boston and Charlestown. Hudson lived on the Boston side on Hudson's Point, where the works of the Boston Gas Light Company now stand, the landiug- place of the ferry on that side. It is probable that tlie landing-place on the Charlestown side was on the prem- ises first owned by Burrage, and that after this exchange it was transferred to his new wharf. Tliis change of route, doubtless, besides diminishing the distance over the river, had the advantage of landing the passengers


nearer to the square or market-place, which was the centre of popukxtion and busmess. The new location was near where the Charlestown end of the Charles River Bridge now is, between the two avenues that lead to the Charles Kiver and Warren Bridges. The first-named bridge stands upon, or veiy near, the track of the old ferry. Burrage resided in the house bought of Russell until his death.

The items relating to him, to be found in the town and county records, are so few that we are unable to get a very definite idea of the occupation and mode of life of John Burrage for the first twenty years of his residence in Charlestown, We know that he was mar- ried about 1639, but know only the first name of his wife, Maiy. He took the freeman's oath, and was admitted a freeman of the commonwealth. May 18, 1642. He had qualified himself for this by becoming a member of the First Church of Charlestown on the 10th of the same month.* His wife had been admitted to the same church one year before. We have found no record of the death of his first wife; it occurred subsequent to 1616 and previous to 1651, In 1654 or early in 1655 he married Joanna Stowers, daughter of Nicholas and Amy Stowers. The Stowers family were of the coni-

* Under the first charter of the Massachusetts Colony, before a member of society could vote or hold any public office he must be made a freeman (upon taking the freeman's oath) by the general or quarterly Court. To become such he was required to produce evidence that he was a respectable member of some Congregational church. 3


pany of emigrants of whom Kca'. INFi*. ITigginson, Rev. Mr. Bright, and Thomas Graves, engineer, were mem- ])ers, who arrived from England and settled in Salem and Charlestown the last of June or the first of July, 1G29. "With the exception of Thomas A\^alford, a blacksmith, who had bulk and occupied a palisado house upon the south side ol" Breed's (now Bunker's) Hill, these emigrants were the first that settled in Charlestown.*

jS'icholas Stowersf was herdsman foi- the settlement. His duties were ''to drive the herd forth to their food (to the Cow Connnons) in the main every morning and to bring I hem into town every evening, and to have fifty bushels of Indian Corn for kee])ing the Milch Cows till Indian harvest be taken in/' lie was also to have the benefit of kt-cping such other cattle as came into the town during the sununer. Sept. 28, 1G30, it was ordered l)y the (ieuiTal Court "that those of Dorchester who bought eertayne Cattell of the ^rerchants of Dpr-

* Frotliiiiirliain irivcs the following record of the first proceedings of the first settlers of Charlestown :

" The inhabitants y' first settled in this place and brought it .into the denom- ination of an English town was (were) as follows, viz. : Anno, IDL'S (1(52!)), Ralph Sprague, Richd. Sprague, William Sprague, John Meech, Simon Uoyte, Abra Palmer, Walter Tamer, Nicholas Stowers, John Stickliue, Tho. Walford (smith), y' lived here alone before.

"Mr. Graves who had charge of the servts. of the company of patentees with whom he built the great house this year for such of the sd. company as are shortly to come over whicli afterwards became the meeting house."

t Nicholas and Amy Stowers were of the thirty-five persons who were dismissed from the Boston Church the 14th of the eighth month, 1G32, and furnicd the First Church in Charlestown. Fruthinyham.

uM^jf:'-^ ^ jda^i^^-idfev '



j)anv (^^ cini^rrniits nf wlioiii 7Jt \ . Mi\ I liiririn^on. Ticv. ^Ii*. liri;xlit, and 'I'li<iiiia> ( iiavts, on;;:iiR'rr, a\ tir iiu iii- Ikis. wlio arrivfd rmin I"]ii;^laiul and stttK-d in Salem an<l ( 'liailr-tnwn tlic la>t «»1" »Junr or tlic fir>l of duly, MV1\). ^\"nll tlir ('X('('j)ti«»n iA' Tlionias Wallnrd, a l»Ia( k«-nntli. uli«» liad l»uill and (tccujm-d a ]»alisado lntu>»i- uj)nn tin- s<»utli n'mU- of IJiccd"-* (n<»\v Hnnki-rV) Hill, tluv-f (inigrants wriv tin- lii-'l thai s(.'ltK<l in ( liarlr-tnu M.*

Ni(li(»las Stown-T wa< lunKnian for tli«' scttlnncnt. Hi- (hitifs wi'iv " to tlrivc tin- h»id r<iitii to llu-ir 1o(m1 (to tlu' ('(»w ('<unnions) in tin- main fvtry niornin;;: and to lirin;^ tlicin into town every evenin;^", and to have lilty l»n-«hels of Indian ( 'oin lo|- keepin;; tlie Milch ( 'ows t^dl Indian haivest ho taken in." He was also t<» have tlu- henelit ol" keepin;^ sueh <»thei- cattle a> came into the town diirinir the suniiniT. Sept. 28, 1«>:>(I, it was ordiied hv the ( teneial ( ourt "that those of 1 )oi<h<>tei' who hoiii^ht certayne ( 'attell of the Merchants of 1 )t)r-

Frotliinsltam \i\\vs the following rcconl of the first proceedings of the first settlers of Charlestown :

"The inh.ibitaiits flr^t willed in this place and brought ll.lnto Ihe denom- ination of an English town wa.s (were) an follows, viz. : Anno. ir,L'H n('i21»), Halph Spragne, Hirhd. Sprague, William Spragtie, John Meech, Simon llo.vte, Abra Palmer. Waller Tamer. Nicholas Slowcrs, John Stickline, Tho. Walford (smith). live«l here alone before.

"Mr. Graves who had charge of the servls. of the compan.v of patentees with whom he built the great house this year for such of the sd. company as are shortly to come over which aHerward" Ix'Cime the meeting h<mse."

tN'ichol.ns and .\my Stowers were of the thirty-five pcr-ons who were dismissed from the Boston Churrh Ihe 14tli of the eighth mouth. U'^^VI. aud formed the First Church in C'harlestowu. Frothinyham.


1 yf ^







pany of emigrants of whom Rev. Mi*. TTig-ginson, Rev. Mr. Bright, and Thomas Graves, engineer, were mem- l)ers, who arrived from Enghind and settled in Sak'm and Charlestown the last of June or the first of July, 1629. AVith the exception of Thomas Walford, a blacksmith, wlio had built and occupied a palisado house upon the south side of Breed's (now Bunker's) Hill, these emigrants were the first that settled in Charlestown.*

^Nicholas Stowersf was herdsman for the settlement. His duties were " to drive the herd forth to their food (to the Cow Commons) in the main every morning and to bring them into town every evening, and to have fifty l)usliels of Indian Corn for keeping the Milch Cows fdl Indian harvest be taken in." He was also to have the benefit of keeping such other cattle as came into the town during the summer. Sept. 28, 1G30, it Avas ordered by the (general Court '^'that those of Dorchester Avho bought certayne Cattell of the Merchants of Dor-

* Frothin^liain fjives the following record of the first proceedings of the first settlers of Charlestown :

" The inhabitants yt first settled in this place and brought it .into the denom- ination of an Englisli town was (were) as follows, viz. : Anno, 1028 (U\2'.)), Ralph Sprague, Richd. Sprague, William Spragiie, John Meech, Simon lloyte, Abra Palmer, Walter Pamer, Nicholas Stowers, John Stickline, Tho. Walford (smith), y' lived here alone before.

"Mr. Graves who had charge of the servts. of the company of patentees with whom he built the great house this j'ear for such of the sd. company as are shortly to come over which afterwards became the meeting house."

t Nicholas and An)y Stowers were of the thirty-five persons who were dismissed from the Boston Church the Uth of the eighth mouth, 1032, aud formed the First Church in Charlestown. FrothiuijUain.


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Chester shall pay unto ISTich: Stower 9 bushels of meal or Indian Corn or 9' of beans for the keepmg of said Cattell according to agreem't made w''' him." Under date of 1639, the records of the same Court say: "K^icholas Stower being chosen one of the Constables of Charlestown did take his oath the 9^*" of the 3*^ month 1639, before me Increase ]^owell." ]!*^icholas Stowers and Amy, his wife, had four children, all of whom were married and left descendants. Their names were Richard, Joseph, Abigail, and Johanna. Abigail mar- ried John Knight. IS^icholas Stowers died May 17, 1616; Amy died in 1667-68.*

* The choice by the children of Nicholas and Amy Stower of an adminis- trator upon the estate of their deceased parents, on file with the will of Nicholas Stower, in office of the clerk for the county of Middlesex, at East Cambridge, a heliotype facsimile of which is subjoined, is as follows :

" We whose names are under written do consent and make choise of our beloved brother Samuel Hayward to be administrator upon the estate left by our deere Mother Ame Stower lately deceased acording to the tenor of the last will and testament of our honored father Nicolas Stower. Witness our

hands this IG. day of the first month ICGS





In the records, the name is sometimes written Stowers, and sometimes Stower.


As has been said, the records furnish no infoi-ma- tion respecting- the occupation and mode of hfe of our ancestor during the first twenty years of his residence in Charlestown. It is probable that he cukivated tlie plot of ground Ijy his house and the four acres of " earablc land in the lin side," kept cows on the " stinted Common,""' cut grass on the meadow at Will)ur's Point, and chopped wood in his wood-lot "on Mistick side." Probably, to vary the diet of his family, he

* Frothinsrhatn says, " 1637, the large tract of land lying between Winter Hill Road and Cambridge was divided into rights of pasturage. A large connnittee was chosen to do this, or ' to stint the Common,' who determined the number of ' Cows Commons ' which the one hundred and thirteen inhabi- tants .should have in this pasture. The agreement was as follows : ' In con- sideration of the straitness of the Common on this side of Mistick Kiver, it was agreed, that all the ground from the town to Menotomiy Kiver that is without the enclosures shall be reserved in Common for such Cattle as are necessarily to be taken care for near home as Milch Cows, working Cattle, goats and calves of the first year, and each man to have a propriety of the same, according to the proportions under written for such Cattle above specified, either of their own or any they shall let unto of the same kind, and not other ways.' The largest number any one had was ten and three- fourths Commons ; the smallest, half a Cows Commons."

In the "division of the woods and Commons on Mistick syde"in lfi.^8, according to the principles of which, the quantity allotted to each individual indicates nearly his relative circumstances as to property, the average num- ber of acres of woodland to each person was 2''>^Vo' ^^^^ number of Cow Commons ij*^Q- John Burrage received 25 acres of woodland and 4i Cow Commons.


sometimes caught fish in the Charles and Mystic Rivers and the harbor, one of the things that could be easier done at that period than at the present time. It is quite likely that he worked for hire in running the ferry rowing one of the boats before he became one of the owners of it. We do not know the date when John Burrage first became a partner with Francis Hudson in the ferry; it was between 1648 and 1657. In the Mas- sachusetts Colony liecords, under date of Oct. 27, 1648, Francis Hudson and James Hayden are refei-red to as " farmours of Charlestown ferry." In the same volume, under date of May 6, 1657, is the following : " In ans'' to the petiteon of Francis Hudson & John Burrage in ref- erence to regulation of payments of fferry at Charles- town the Court declares that for sure payment the law already in force dated anno 1648 provides sufiiciently for y^ case & orders that in case of change of money this Country Coyne being not in smaller pieces than six pence & three pence it shall not be lawful for any passenger to refuse to receive one penny or two pence in good peage* to make their change more easy and ready; that constables in all cases shall pay for their own passage, and for such as are or shall be employed in public service by authority they shall bring with them a certifficatt under the hands of them by whom they are

* Wampum peag-ue, Indian money, current then and above one hundred years kiter ainoufj; the Eni^lish. To the time of the Revolution, 1775, a peage or peague was of the value of the sixth of a peuuy.


employed w''^ shall be payed by the treasury of the Country or County accordhig to order exprst in y*" Cer- tifficatt to which treasurer its property belongs."* The copartnership of Hudson and Burrage, which, as we have seen, commenced previous to May, 1657, continued until the death of the junior partner in 1685.

At the present time, in view of the vast amount of travel over the two bridges that span the river between the peninsulas, it is difficult to realize that for one hundred and fifty-six years after the first settlement of

* The Massachusetts Colony Records also have the following, under date of Oct. 21, lOGS : " In anw to the petition of Francis Hudson & John Hurragc the Court on hearing of the peticoners by their Connnittee & considering the petition, conceive that there may be just cause of complaint & some abate- ment may be needful, but the rent of the ferry by this Court is graunted to the Colledge and the peticorners contract being with the sayd CoUedge therefore declare y' this case is not proper for theire coguesance." And Oct. 13, 1675, "Whereas the keeping of Charles Towne ferry is a work of publicke concern this Court doeth grant unto Francis Hudson & John Burridge Sen. ferrymen, that their fower servants imployed to manage two boats be freed from being impressed in the Country's service, i. e. Richd Burton, Robert Francis, Jno Burridge Junr & Jolin Stride provided all posts & messengers imployed in publicke service passe freely & speedily." And under date Oct. 7, 1640, "The ferry between Boston & Charlestowne is granted to the Colledge."

Frothingham says of this ferry: "It was established in 1G.31, when the General Court allowed Edward Converse to ' set up a ferry between Charl- ton and Boston, for which he is to have 2d. for every single person and Id. a piece if there be two or more.' This lease was renewed, Nov. 9, 1637, for three years, for which Mr. Converse agreed to pay forty pounds rent into the Colonial Treasury, and to ' set up a convenient house on Boston side and keep a boat there.' He was allowed to exact the above-named fees ' as well on lecture days as at other times ' ; and for a horse or cow with the ' man that goeth with them, Gd. ; for a goat Id. ; a swine 2d. ; and for passengers after dark or before day-light in the morning, recompense answering to the season, and to liis pains and hazard, so it be not excessive.' In 1040 this ferry was granted to Harvard College, which iu 163'J had received £50 from it."


Boston and Charlestown (the first bridge was built in 1786) the only way of connnunication between the two places was by a ferry of row-boats. Before onr ances- tor's decease, the business of the ferry must have grown to be quite large. Boston at that time contained be- tween 5,000 and 6,000 inhabitants, and Charlestown probably had 1,500 to 2,000. Besides, the people of Lynn, Salem, and other towns on the northeastern shore went by this route when they visited Boston. There- fore, although the inhabitants stayed at home more and spent less money than people do in these days of rail- roads and steamboats, the amount of travel and traffic must have been large compared with the scant facilities afforded for their accommodation by a ferry of that kind, and it is altogether probable that the proprietors had as much business as they could well attend to.*

In addition to his duties at the ferry, Burrage served for many years as " clerk of the market." He was first elected to that office at a town-meeting in 1658, and from that year to 1672, inclusive (fifteen years), he was

* The following description of Charlestown and the ferry, by William Wood, in a book entitled "New England's Prospect," published in 1034, is given by Erothingham : "On the North side of Charles River is Charles Towne, Avhich is another neck of land on whose north side runs Misticke- river. This towne for all things, may be well paralel'd with her neighbor, Boston, being in the same fashion with her bare necke, and constrained to borrow conveniences from the Maine, and to provide themselves farmes in the country for their better subsistance. At this towne there is kept a Ferry boate, to conveigh passengers over Charles River, which betweene the two townes is a quarter of a mile over, being a very deepe channel. Here may ride forty ships at a time."

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^ ^SC^m^ Jt-^ ^^W :J^^ 4




employed av'''' shall be payed by the treasury of the Country or County according to ordei- exprst in y^ Cer- tifficatt to which treasurer its property belongs."* The eoj)artnership of Hudson and Bun-age, which, as we have seen, commenced previous to May, 1657, continued until the death of the junior partner in 1685.

At the present time, in A'iew of the vast amount of travel over the two bridges that span the river between the ])eninsulas, it is difficult to realize that for one liundred and tifty-six years after the first settlement of


* The Massachusetts Colony Records also have the following, under date of Oct. 21, in03 : " In an»r to the petition of Francis Hudson & John Burragc the Court on hearing of the peticoners l)y their Committee & considering the petition, conceive tliat there may be just cause of coni])laint & some abate- ment may be needful, but the rent of the ferry by this Court is graunted to the CoUedge and the peticorners contract being with the sayd CoUedge therefore declare }'' this case is not proper for theire cognesance." And Oct. 13, 1675, "Whereas the keeping of Charles Towne ferry is a work of publicke concern this Court doeth grant unto Francis Hudson «& John Burridge Sen. ferrymen, that their fower servants imployed to manage two boats be ft"eed from being impressed in the Country's service, i. e. Rich<i Burton, Robert Francis, Jn" Burridge Junr & John Stride provided all posts & messengers imployed in publicke service passe freely & speedily." And under date Oct. 7, IG-tO, "The ferry between Boston & Charlestowue is granted to the CoUedge."

Frothingham says of this ferry: "It was established in 1031, when the General Court allowed J'dward Converse to ' set up a ferry between Charl- ton and Boston, for which he is to have 2d. for every single person and Id. a piece if there be two or more.' This lease was renewed, Nov. 9, 1G37, for tliree years, for which Mr. Converse agreed to pa}' forty pounds rent into the Colonial Treasui'y, and to ' set up a convenient house on Boston side and keep a l)oat there.' He was allowed to exact the above-named fees ' as well on lecture da}'s as at other times ' ; and for a horse or cow with the ' man that goeth with them, Od. ; for a goat Id. ; a swine 2d. ; and for passengers after dark or before day -light in the morning, recompense answering to the season, and to his pains and hazard, so it be not excessive.' In 1(!40 this ferry was granted to Harvard College, which in 1G39 had received £50 from it."

mm '-w



Boston and Charlestown (the first bridge was built in 1786) the only way of communication between the two places was by a ferry of row-boats. Before our ances- tor's decease, the business of the ferry must have grown to be quite large. Boston at that time contained be- tween 5,000 and 0,000 inhabitants, and Charlestown probably had 1,500 to 2,000. Besides, the people of Lynn, Salem, and other towns on the northeastern shore went by this route when they visited Boston. There- fore, although the inhabitants stayed at home more and spent less money than people do in these days of i-ail- roads and steamboats, the amount of travel and traffic must have been large compared with the scant facilities afi'orded for their accommodation by a ferry of that kind, and it is altogether probable that the proprietors had as much business as they could well attend to.*

In addition to his duties at the ferry, Burrage served for many years as " clerk of the market." He was first elected to that office at a town-meeting in 1658, and from that year to 1672, inclusive (fifteen years) , he was

* The followiug description of Charlestown and the ferry, by William Wood, in a book entitled "New England's Prospect," published in lG3-i, is given by Frothingham : "On the North side of Charles River is Charles Towne, which is another neck of land on whose north side runs Misticke- river. This towne for all things, may be well paralel'd with her neighbor, Boston, being in the same fashion Avith her bare necke, and constrained to borrow conveniences from the Maine, and to provide themselves farmes in the country for their better subsistance. At this towne there is kept a Ferry boate, to conveigh passengers over Charles River, which betweeue the two townes is a quarter of a mile over, being a very deepe channel. Here may ride forty ships at a time."


annually re-elected by the freemen of the town. The market was held in what is now Charle.stown Square. It was established by the General Court, in 1637, as follows: "Charlestown upon their petition was grauntcd a market to begin 7'^ of 2'^ month 1637 & so to be kept constantly upon the 6"' day of the week."

Palfrey ("History of Xew England," Vol. II, p. 271) quotes from Johnson's " Wonder- Working Providence " the following description of Charlestown market-place in 1650: "Charlestown hath a large market place near the water side, built round with houses comely and fair, forth of which there issues two streets orderly built with some very fair houses beautified with pleasant gardens and orchards. The t(nvn consists in its extent of about a hundred and iifty dwelling houses. Their meeting house for Sabbath assembly, stands in the market place very comely built and large."

The holding of a public market one day in every week was an English custom that had existed for many years, and the emigrants brought it with them to Charles- town. 13ut it is a singular circumstance that the settlers of Boston, who came from the same, counties and towns, did not favor the custom. Such was their antipathy to it that more than one hundred years elapsed befoi'e a majority of the voters would consent to the establish- ment of a })ermanent public market Avithin the limits of the town.


Drake quotes one Capt. Uring, who wrote, in 1724, as follows : " The Town of Boston is plentifully supplied with good and wholesome provisions of all sorts, not inferior to those in England. Though the town is large and populous, they could never be brought to establish a market in it, notwithstanding several of their Govern- ors have taken great pains to convince the inhabitants how useful and beneficial it would be to 'em; but the Country People always opposed it; so that it could not be settled. The reason they give for it is, if Market Days were appointed, all the Country People coming in at the same time would glut it, and the Town's People would buy their provisions for what they pleased, so rather chuse to send them as they think fit. And some- times a tall fellow brings a turkey or goose to sell, and will travel through the whole town to see who will give the most for it, and it is at last sold for 3s. and Gd. or 4s. ; and if he had staid at home he could have earned a Crown for his labor, which is the customary ]3rice for a days' work. So any one may judge of the stupidity of the Country People."

We can hardly agree with Drake when he adds: " Thus if Capt. Uring's statements be cori-ect, as to the opposition to a Market-house, and they probably are, a solution to the question is obtained, for which the town records furnish no clue." We cannot see why the " Town's People," wdio controlled the matter, should have been made stupid respecting what was foi- their


interest by either the " stupidity " or the shrewdness of the " Country People " as to theirs !

After he ceased to act as clerk of the market, John Buri-ag-e was for several years the records say in 1G74-5, 1()7.j-(), and 1^(3-7 chosen "Salt Measurer" by the town. It is quite evident that he led an active life and was a useful citizen. In l(j()2 and 1004: he, in c<)nii)any with his sou. doliii ]5urra<^e, Jr., shipj)cd horses to Barl)adoes. One of tliein is described in the records as follows: '• 1 Sorrel gelding', flaxen mane and a wliite blase down liis fasc bought of Mr. Kusscll."


Thus it appears by the records that, m the period from 1656 to 1672, our ancestor was a busy man, and proljably prosperous and contented. He had been blessed with eleven children, eight of whom were living at the last-named date. Two of the daughters were married. The other children, three sons and three daughters, probably lived with their parents. John, Jr., was then old enough to assist at the ferry, which he did, as we learn from the records. But all the conditions and affairs of life are mutable and uncertain. The last days of our Puritan ancestor were doomed to be clouded l)y misfortune. In 1677 his eldest son, John, Jr., died of the small-pox, which prevailed extensively as an epidemic that year and with fatal effects. Ko less than ninety-one persons are registered as having died of it in Charlestown during the year.

Then came other troubles. We find recorded at the Middlesex Registry of Deeds, with date of Oct. 23, 1678, a deed by which he conveyed to his son, William Burrage, who was the eldest living child by his last wife, and who had a few months before attained his majority, nearly all his real estate, indeed all of it, excepting the house in which he lived. This strange act is explained


by certain papers on file in the Probate Ofiice of the same county. They are a record of the evidence given before James Russell, Judge of Probate in 1()92, in a hearing upon the petition of the other children of John Barrage to have the deed made null and void, on the ground tliat the grantor was incompetent when it was made. The evidence is as follows :

First. "The deposition of Francis Hudson aged seventy-eight years or thereabouts is y' he was for a long time partner with John Bunage, of Charlestown, Ferriman, who was a very diligent & laborious man imtil he met with the fall of (off) a horse which was about thirteen years before his death which so shattered his Brains that he was never capable of managing any business after so long as he lived, so that I was forced to manage tlu' whole aftairs of the Ferry for his wife and family, and when he was asked by any passengers where the ferry boat was, he would answer them very crossly. Sometimes he would say she has not been here in one thousand years & such like answers. Dated in Charlestown ye 24 february 169| Sworn before James Bussell ye Judge of Probate wills &c. ye day & year above said by ye said Francis Hudson."

Second. "Alexander Logan, aged 24 years or there- abouts testified tliat having ocashen to discourse with John Burrage concerning his deed of gifte to his son '^Villiam Burrage a short time after he had sined the deed of gifte to him, and he then declared, that if he


had asined any gifte to him it was contrary to his minde and it Avas altogether unknown to him, that is the hole truth, and acorden to the beste of my knolidge he then declared it in these words."

Third. "The testimony of Jacob Hurd aged 39 years or thereabouts, testifyeth & saith that he was present when John Burrage sined the deed of gifte to his son William Burrage, Baring date the 23"^ of oktober 1678 & did before that tiem & att that tiem & after that tiem several years aperhend the said John Burrage above menshend to be a very eras ! Braend Man,"

By these papers, which have been lying unnoticed in the Probate Office nearly two hundred years, we have a history in brief of a sad ftuuily tragedy. The father, towards the close of a long, laborious life, after having endured the privations and hardships encountered by the first settlers in the inhospitable wilderness and bleak climate of JS^ew England, meets with the greatest calamity that can befall any human being. From the testimony of Francis Hudson, it appears that the acci- dent which occasioned the loss of his reason occurred about 1672. In 1677, as we have seen, his son, John, Jr., who, judging from the records, was a promising young man, had died of the small-pox; and now, one year after that affliction, comes another trouble into the unhappy family. The eldest of the two surviving sons appears to have taken advantage of his fiither's mental incapacity, to get possession of nearly all his property,


and thus attempt to defraud the other heirs of their share of the estate; Hke Jaeob of old, taking advan- tage of his father's infirmity to steal the inheritance of his kin; supported in his scheme, perhaps, as was the son of Isaac, by a partial and too indulgent mother. But it is possible, since in connnon with most women at that time, she could not write (she always signed by her mai'k"). lliat although she joined her husl)an(l in signing the deed, she was not aware of the character of the transaction to which she became a party. It is a satisfaction to know that the ti'ick was but temporarily successful; that the Coui't tleeided the deed to be in- valid; and that eventuall}^ the property was divided among all the rightful heirs.

We also learn from these ancii'ut papers from the ^' sworn testimony" oC one who had had a lifelong ac- ([uaiutauee with him. and had been connected with him as a j)artnei' in business thirty years that John Bur- rage was a man of sterling character. We believe the qualities asci-ibed to him in the words " diligent and laborious" have been transmitted through six genera- tions of his descendants to the present time. If the generations that are to succeed us should not (oi* if they should) be distinguished by more brilliant charac- teristics, may these solid qualities ever remain their heritage !

* See Appendix M.


Jonisr BuRRAGE died Oct. 19, 1685. His yoimg-est son, Thomas, then twenty-two years old, administered upon the estate of the deceased, which was not finally settled and distributed until May 2, 1694. His widow, Joanna Burrage, died Dec. 25, 1689. ^The inventory of the property, dated Dec. 15, 1685, amounts to £287 lis. Od., less debts of the estate of £41 5s. 9d., leaving a bal- ance of £24:6 8s. 3d. above indebtedness. This included all the property that had been conveyed to William Burrag-e, which conveyance the Court had decided to be null and void. This sum was quite considerable for the time, when the relative value of property, measured by the currency of the day, was probably five, if not ten, times as great as at present.

The inventory of household articles (see Appendix D) is interesting, as giving a glimpse into the manner of living in those days. The furniture would seem adequate for the comfort of a family, even now, not- withstanding tallow candles and pine knots, instead of gas, sufficed for furnishing light; that water for the household was drawn from a well, instead of coming into the house by an aqueduct from Mystic Lake, and the spinning-wheel stood in the place now occupied by


the i)i;nio, wliile white, sanded floors showed in ])laec of carpets. It will be remembered that this was during' the reign of King James II, but tifty-five years after the fii'st settlement of Charlestown and Boston by the ll]nglish. The whole country, excejiting a few towns, was a w^ilderness, without roads or bi'idges and most of the other conveniences that are now deemed public necessities. The items of "pillion and cloth" indicate the maiiiR'r in which our ancestress and her daughters were wont to tra\cl when they visited each othei* at their respective homes in ( "harlestown, Lynn, and Billerica.

From other sources we get glimpses of the customs and mode of life in the Puritan Commonwealth at that time. In the Middlesex Court files, under date of April 19, IGOO, is the following: "John Burrage petitions to be exempt from the watch." April 17, 1()()-!: Testi- mony,— "John Burrage aged forty five years or there- abouts, (lid know Mr. lloberts the Cooper that lived in Mr. Avery's house." April 17, 1G67: "Complaint of Thomas Line against his servant John Stratton, and Goodman Burrage against the same, that on election day he was at John Harris his house playing at nine pins and cudgells with Sam. Frothingham & Christopher Goodwin tt others. Good. Penticost named as sister of his had died was his excuse." August, 1GG8: "Testimony of John Burrage (Jr.) aged twenty two years. Saw Sarah Largin coming out of the Pink's boat on the


sibbath day." Dec. 20, 1671: "Testimony of Johanna Bnrrag-e aged about '47 years in case of widow Bell v.s. John Jones for deffiimation of character." Frothins;- ham's "History of Charlestown" says: "As early as 1634, Oct. 13, it was ordered that none be permitted to sit down and dwell in this town without the consent of the town first obtained"; and Feb. 21, 1637, "that no freeman should entertain any in their houses but to give notice thereof at the next town meeting," and " none that are not free should entertain any without the con- sent " of three of the selectmen. This year the General Court passed a law providing that none from abroad should reside in any town without the consent of one of the counsel or two of the magistrates, under penalty of one hundred pounds ; and the next year a more stringent municipal order of the town (April 3, 1638) provides that "no freeman shall entertain any person or persons at their houses, but to give notice to the townsmen (select- men) within fourteen days; and such as are not free, not to entertain any at all without consent of six of the men deputed for the town affairs ; and these to acquaint the town therewith at their next meeting upon penalty of ten shillings for every month that they keep them without the town's consent; and the constable is to see this order observed from time to time, and to gather up the aforesaid fines by way of distress." Nor was this, by any means, a dead letter: this year Faintnot Wines and I^icholas Stowers were fined " ten shillings a piece



for receiving inmates without license from the town." HospitaUty, for a long tiiiu', continiu'd to be an expen- sive virtue. In 103.") the town voted "that whoever had been warned forty-eight hours before a town meet- ing, and shall fail, unless the occasion be extraordinary, shall forfeit and i)ay 18d."; in 163(5, that a committee " settle the rates of all workmen, laborers, and servants' wages, and for cart and boat hire"; also a fine of os. " for every tree felled and not cut up," and at the end of six days " that any other might cut up the tops and take the tree"; and in 1037 that the ^vllarves should be, on pain of 10s., kept clear of timl)er and firewood, that hay and otlicr things miglit l)e landed, whieli were to remain not above two days after landing upon pain of 12d. each day"; and in 1038, "that no inhal)itant sell his estate to a foreigner without consent of the town"; for doing which Robert Hawkins Avas fined 19s., which was levied by distress.*

Under date of 1618 the Records say: "It was voted that if any man's fence bee downe or insufficient theye shall forfeit for each offens 12'\ And iff any shall leave oi)en any Gates or Barrs of the field they shall forfeit for each ofFens two shillings six pence besides paying for all dama2:es."

* The excuse for these suraptuan' and arbitrarj- laws must be fouud in the opinions then universally held respecting the proper functions of government, and the desire of a people who had fled from oppression and persecution to fortify their infant Commonwealth against enemies of every kind, to the end that the freedom for which they had become exiles from their native land might be preserved for themselves and their posterity.


In 1641 the town voted " that whosoever should kill any wolf within the ^JsTeck or any part of the Milch-Cow Common, shall receive from the Constable of the town ten shillings for each wolf killed."

In 1648 Margarett Jones, of Charlestown, was in- dicted for being a witch, found guilty, and executed hanged in Boston, June 15. She was charged with "having such a malignant touch that if she laid her hands on man, woman, or child in anger, they were seized presently with deafness, vomiting, or other sick- ness, or some violent pains." Winthrop says, " The husband of the woman, after she was executed, had taken passage in a ship w4iich lay in Charles River, bound to Barbadoes, well ballasted, but with eighty horses on board; and being observed to roll on a sudden, as if she would have overset, an officer was sent wdth a warrant to apprehend the man; and after he was committed to prison the ship ceased her rolling, which it is said was never rencAved afterwards."

We do not know that our ancestor took any part in this sad tragedy ; but he probably witnessed it, and very likely sympathized with the government in its action. Such was the effect of superstition, the fruit of a vicious theology engrafted on the religious sentiment, that the belief in witchcraft was almost universal at that time.

Two years previous to this, the town of Lynn, Eng- land, voted " that Alderman Thomas Rivett be requested to send for Mr. Hopkins, the witch discoverer, to come


to Lynn, and his charges and recompense to be bourne by the town."*

Jolm liurrage could, probably, have witnessed from his residence, which looked out upon the river, the roll- ing of the "bewitched" ship if it had occurred; but Drake intimates that the cause of the alleged rolling (or of the alley at ion) was that there was some question about Jones's abiUty to i)ay his passage; hence some unseen spirit tronliled the ship uutil an officer, with a wan-ant IVoiii the ("oiiil, had taken the impecunious husband of the iinroiluiiatc victim of a l)igoted and cowardly superstition from the ship to prison.

Intolerance, a kindred vice, was as prevalent and universal at tliat time as was superstition. "The 8inn)le Col)l)k'r of Agawam," a famous book at the time (1G47), said, "lie that is willing to tolerate any religion or discrepant way of religion besides his own, unless it be in matters merely indifterent, either doubts of liis own or is not sincere in it." The author (Rev. Mr. AVard) also said, in 1645, " To authorize an untruth l)y a toleration of State is to build a sconce against the walls of heaven, to battle God out of his chaii-." Tol- eration was generally preached against by the Puritan clergy as a sin in rulers, which would bi'ing down the judgments of heaven on the land.

" Let Men of God in Conrt and Chnrches watch O'er such as do a toleration hatch,"

* Frothingham, from " Ricliards'-s Lyuii," Vol. II. p. 724.


is a quotation from verses found in Kev. Mr. Dudley's pocket-book, which expresses the sentiment of the time. Tlius the Puritans, the Protestants of Protestants, who for conscience' sake had fled from persecution, when they attained power, adopted the very dogma upon which their great enemy and persecutor, the Romish Church, had founded the Inquisition with all its horrors. Happily, it is impossible for men or communities "to escape the consequences of their first principles." The doctrine of the right of private judgment in matters of religion, upon which the Protestant Peformation was based, and upon which the pohty of the Puritans, both ecclesiastical and civil, was founded, has borne and is still bearing its legitimate fruits in emancij^ating the human mind from the arbitrary bonds of civil and sacerdotal authority, and consequently inciting to the investigation of all problems involving the welfare of mankind. To the influence of this principle is the world indebted for the experiment now on trial in America of " a government of the people by the people and for the people." May virtue and education become so prevalent in all sections of our beloved country as to insure the success of the experiment in the perpetuation of the Pepublic!


At the decease of our emigrant ancestor, there were l)ut two of his male descendants left to perpetuate the name of Burrage, viz., his sons AVilliam and Thomas. In the county records, between the years 1(377 and 1090, William Bmrage is called ^' a Mariner." His name appeal's in a j)i(runinaiy list i)repared by Con- stable Greenwood, for the use of the assessors of taxes in Boston, in 1()74; it also a})pears in a list of the inha])itants of Boston, in KJO."). By the town records, we learn that three of his children, Elizabeth, John, and Sarah, were born in Boston. We have found no record of liis marriage, and do not know the maiden surname of his wife, Sarah. It seems pi'obable that he com- menced going to sea when quite young, and that he continued to follow the occupation of a sailor, having his residence in Boston, sailing, perhaps, between that port and Barbadoes and other of the AVest India Islands, until he removed to Xewton. We do not know the date of his removal. Under date of Xov. 15, 1714, ^'William Burridge of Xewton Husbandman" received from Ebenezer Williams a deed of thirty-three acres of land, with house and barn thereon, situated in Xewton. The consideration was J£115. A year later,


he mortgaged the premises to Ephraim Wlieeler for £200, from which it appears that he got a good bargain in the pnrchase, or Mr. Wheeler was content with rather poor security. He died in 1720. The inventory of his estate amounted to £139 4s. 6d. (See Appen- dix E.) He left five daughters, but ouly one son, John, to continue the male line in his branch of the family.

John Burrage was twice married, and reared a large family in Xewton. We do not find that he held any office, save that of constable (and highway surveyor) ; but judging by what we glean from the town and county records, we conclude that he was a thrifty and respected citizen. He died in 1765, leaving an estate appraised at £280 Is. 8d. The early town records of Newton were so poorly kept that it is difficult to get a complete list of his children, and we are not absolutely sure that we have succeeded in doing so. In a preface to the town book, the committee chosen by the town to copy the old records of births, deaths, and marriages, say : " They were so poorly kept that it is not probable that more than half of the deaths in the town were recorded, and the records of births are about as incom- plete. When they could make up the deficiency from other towns and in Boston, they have done so." Some of his descendants remained in i*^ewton until about 1825; some lived in that part of Dedham which afterwards became Dover; others went to Concord, Lunenburg,


Medforcl, etc. An account of them will be given on a subsequent page.

Thomas Burrage, the other surviving son of 'the emigrant, removed, probably at an early age, to Lynn, where he was apprenticed to the carpenter's trade. He was married, in Lynn, to Elizabeth Breed, of that place, 'NoY. 20, 1(387. By her he had seven children, two sons and five daughters. She died in 1709, and he maiM-ied, in 1710 or 1711, Elizabeth Davis, the widow of Kobei-t Davis, of Dunstable. There is abundant evidence that he was a man of sterling character and of considerable influence in his adopted town. The town records say that, in 1002, he was chosen one of the overseers of '•Kumney Marsh." In 1691: he was one of three that " were chosen for y*" Jury tryalls." In 1695 he was chosen by the town one of the constables. In 1698 the town again chose him one of (the two) "over- seers and hawards of Rumney Marsh." In 1703 he w\as chosen one of the four " tithing men for the en- sewing year as the law directs"; and to the same "office" several years subsequently. He became a dea- con of the church previous to 1712, when "Deacon Thomas Burrage" was chosen one of the "Selectmen," to which office he was several times re-elected. He w\as often chosen by the town to serve on committees where the exercise of discretion and good judgment was required.

The following extracts from the Lynn town records


are interesting as showing the contrast between the Lynn of that time and the Lynn of to-day: "March 8"', 1G97, the town did vote that every householder in the town should sometime before the fifteenth day of May next kill or cause to be killed twelve blackbirds, and bring the heads of them, at or l^efore the time aforesaid, to Ebenezer Stocker's, or Samuel Collins or Thomas Burrage's or John Go wing's who are appointed and chose by the town to receive and take account of the same, and take care that this order shall l^e duly pros- ecuted ; and if any householder as aforesaid shall refuse or neglect to kill and bring the heads of twelve black- birds, as aforesaid, every such person shall pay three pence for every blackbird that is wanting as aforesaid, for the use of the town." The town also, in 1698, allowed twenty shillings for killing a wolf and two shil- lings for killing a fox* "March 5, 1715. Voted that Mr. Lovejoy John Porter & Deacon Burrage view y*" Meeting house & Report what they think best to enlarg seats." " Sept. 2(3, 1717. Voted that Deacon Burrage hath liberty to set up a pew on the south side of the Meeting house next the men's shares & begin at the window at the back part of the squar of the pew for- merly granted Henry Collins soe to come upon a squar forward so far as to leave a passable alleway as the

* Between the years 1698 and 1722 there were killed in Lynn AVoods and on Nahant, four hundred and twenty-eight foxes, for which the town paid two shillings each. In 1720 the town voted to pay no more for killing them. Lewis.



Committy for the Meeting hous shall order, provided he maintain the glass windo\y against the pew/'

It was in 1692, five years after the marriage of Thomas Bun-age and Elizabeth Breed, tliat the ealamitous delu- sion of the Salem witchcraft prevailed. The following extracts from Lewis's -'History of Lynn'' show how^ that town suffered from it : ^' Seven of the persons arrested belonged to Lynn. Thomas Farrar was brought before the Court, at Salem, May IS, and sent to prison at Boston, where he was kept until November 2, more than five months. lie was an elderly man, and his son, Thomas Farrar, Jun., was one of the Selectmen this year. He lived on Xahant Street, and died February 23, 1094.* The following is the testimony against Thomas Farrar: 'The deposition of Ann Putnam who testifieth and saith; that on the 8'^ of May, 1692, there appeared to me the apperishon of an old gray head man, with a great nose, which tortored me and almost choaked me and urged me to Avrit in his book; and I asked him what was his name, and from whence he came, for I would complain of him; and people used to call him old father pharoah ; and he said he was my grandfather for my fiither used to call him father; but I told him I would not call him grandfather for he was a Avizzard and I Avould complain of him, and ever since he hath afflicted me, and almost choaking me, and urging me continewally

* See on pasc 47 how some of us are probably couuected, by ties of coii- sauKuinity, with this victim of the delusiou.


to writ in his book.' On evidence like this people were taken from their homes and imprisoned more than half a year" he might have added, and many were hanged. " The first thing which opened the eyes of the prose- cutors, was the crying out against the Rev. Jeremiah Shepard, minister of the church at Lynn, as a wizard! Everybody saw the absurdity of the charge, and the Court were convinced that if the matter went much farther themselves might not be safe."

By this and another item from the same History, which follows below, it will be seen that our Pnritan ancestors were still in Lynn, as in Charlestown, in 1G48, dominated by those twin scourges of mankind, super- stition and bigotry. It says, "1694 the Society of Friends having increased, Mr. Shepard became alarmed at their progress, and appointed the nineteenth of July as a day of fasting and prayer, that the spiritual plague might proceed no further."*

Deacon Thomas Burrage died March 11, 1717,t in

* The same work saj^s, "lu 1708, a fast was held, 23d June, and prayers offered for deliverance from the devastations committed by insects on fruit trees. They appear to have been caterpillars and canker-worms. And we had, in 1863, another grievous instance of the destruction that ma,y l)e accom- plished through the combined industry of those voracious little spoilers. But tliis unbelieving generation, instead of resorting to pra5^ers and fasting, resorted to burning brimstone and other stifling appliances."

t Old style, in which the year commenced March 25. From the fourteenth century till the change of style in 1752, the year began at March 25. After this change was adopted, events that had occurred in January, February, or before March 25, in the old legal j'ear, would, according to the new arrange- ment, be reckoned in the next subsequent year. Hence the date was some- times written thus : "March 11, 1717-18." This explains and reconciles the diite of Deacon Barrage's death and the date of the vote, September, 1717, giving him liberty to set up a pew in the church.


the fifty-fourth yenv of his age. His sons, John and Thomas, were appointed executors of his will. The inventory of his estate amounted to ,£552, 14s. Od. (See Appendix E.) It appears that but one of his daughters Avas married. Joanna nuirried, about 1712, Daniel Mansfield, of Lynn, who was a prominent man in the town's affairs for many j^ears, and appears to have been a successful, energetic citizen. By him she had eight children, one son, named Thomas, and seven daughters.

John, the eldest son of Deacon Thomas Burrage, married, Jan. 1, 1718, Mehitable Largin, and had one son, John, and seven daughters. It appears from the records that he was much respected by his fellow- townsmen, having been selected for many offices of trust and responsibility. Mai-ch 4, 1722, he was chosen clerk of the market. Previous to 1732 he was chosen a deacon of the church, taking the place that his father had filled befin'e him. lie was also frequently chosen to serve on important committees, and was sealer of weights and measures. Deacon John Burrage died May 15, 17G1, aged sixty-seven years. There is no record in the Probate Ofl&ce of Essex County of a will by him, or of any administration on his estate. It is probable that he disposed of his property to his heirs before his decease.* His only son, John, was never

* Additioual evideuce that this was the case is fouud in the fact that in 1704: letters of admiuLstratiuu weix- granted to Jolin Ijurrai^e, Jr., upon the


married, hence the family name was continued no fur- ther by this bi-anch of Deacon Thomas Burrage's family; and of the seven daughters, only one was married. She, Lydia, was twice married: first, to Zaccheus i^orwood, by whom she had one son and two daughters. The son, Jonathan Norwood, graduated at Harvard University, 1771. His death, March 18, 1782, was caused by his falling from his horse; he was a physician. After the decease of her first husband, she married Josiah Martin, of Lynn. Lewis and ^ewhall's " History of Lynn " says, " For many years the tavern in Saugus was kept by Zaccheus ]N"orwood, and after his death by his widow, who married Josiah Martin, who then became landlord, as tavern-keepers were then called. In 1775 he enlisted in the wai-, and Mr. Jacob J^^ewhall then took the tavern, which he kept through the Revolution and until the year 1807."

Although this John Burrage, Jr., did not marry, and in this respect failed to follow the traditions and exam- ple of the men in the Burrage line before (and since) his time, in all other respects he seems to have fully maintained the reputation of the family name. He, too (in 1771), was chosen deacon, and under date of 1776

estate of his sister, Meliitable Burrage, wlio died in 17.59, nearly two jears before the decease of her father, and the iuventoiy of lier estate, showing tliat she held in her own right considerable property' for a single woman in those days. The inventory (see Appendix H) is interesting, as an indication of female taste at that period. It shows that the deceased was, in some respects at least, a true daughter of live. It will be seen that the items of clothing and jeW'Clry comprise more than one half of her whole estate.


wa-i chosen town treasurer, whicli office he filled until his death, in 1780. His name appc?ars on the nuister rolls in the State archives as one of "the fourth foot Company of ^lilitia in Lynn who marched to Concord on the 19'^ of April 1773" (the battle of Lexmgton), and doubtless he participated in the conflict. Lewis says, "On receiving the intelligence that the troops had left Boston, many of the inhabitants of Lynn immediately set out, without waiting to be organized and with such weapons as they could most readily procure. . . . The English troops arrived at Lexington a little before five in the morning, when they fired n\)(>n Xhv inhabitants assembled in ai'ins before the meeting- house, and killed eight men. . . . The people from Lynn met them on their return (from Concord), and joined in firing at them from the walls and fences. The English had sixty-five men killed; the Americans, fifty. Among these were four men from Lynn, who fell at Lexington.'' Deacon John Bunage. Jr., in his will, is styled "Wheelwright.'" His will and the inven- tory of his estate, which amounted to £*2,7.>1 Os. lOd., are interesting documents. (See Appendix G.) For that time, and for a man of only fifty years, his estate was quite large. In its reduction "to paper Money at the Currant Rate of exchange at 60 for one," we see to what a low point Continental ^^aper-money had then fallen, and have a striking illustration of the operation and efliect of the system of an irredeemable


paper currency issued and made a legal tender by government.

Thomas, the yonngest son of Deacon Thomas Bur- rage, married, Jan. 30, 1722, Sarah ^N'ewhall,* of Lynn, by whom he had eleven children, five of whom were sons. He follow^ed the trade of his father, that of carpenter and joiner, or " housewright." Although he never became a deacon, and as far as appears by the records was not an ofiice-holder of any kind, there is ample evidence that he was a respected and thrifty man and a good citizen. He died in 1759. Of his eleven children, only five survived him, viz., William, Josiah, Abijah, Desiah, and Susannah. His first wife, Sarah, died May 14, 1749, and he married, l^ov. 15, 1750, Anna Wayte, of Maiden. She survived him many years. The first wife was the mother of all his children. His will, dated Dec. 8, 1759, is quite an elaborate docu- ment. (See Appendix F.) The inventory of his estate amounted to £721 3s. lOd., a goodly sum for that time. He appointed his sons "William and Josiah executors. Abijah was then a minor, and during his minority was

* She was a daughter of Joseph Newhall, who was a sou of Thomas New- hall, Jr., the first white persou boru in Lyuu, and who was the sou of Thomas Newhall, Sr., who came from England and settled in Lyuu in 1030. Joseph Newhall was born Sept. 22, 1658. He married Susanna, a daughter of Thomas Farrar, in 1678, and settled in Lynnfleld. This Thomas Farrar, the grand- father of Thomas Burrage's wife, was, doubtless, the one accused by Ann Putnam of beiug a wizard, having a great nose, etc., in the time of the Salem witchcraft delusion. Sarah was the youngest of eleven children. Her fathir perished in a violent northeast snow-storm on the 30th of January, 1705, whju she was one year old.


put under the guardianship of Theophihis Breed. Only two of . his daughters were married: Desiah mari-ied Edmond Whittemore, and had four children, two sons and two daughters; Susannah married Stephen Waitt, of Maiden. The three sons, William, Josiah, and Abijah, all became cordwainers (shoemakers), wdiich fact is an indication that Lynn was then begin- ning to make a specialty of the business that has since grown to such large proportions in the place that the scattered village planted on a sandy beach, amid the marshes through which the Saugus River flows to the sea, has become a city, containing moi-e than 32,000 inhabitants. WilHam, tlie eldest son, remained in Lynn l)ut a few years after his father's decease.


The records say "William Burrage, of Lynn, and Phebe Barrett, of Maiden, were married March 20, 1760." In the spring of 1767 he removed to Leominster, where he bought of "Joseph Darby," for £144: 13s., a farm of about sixty acres. It was situated in the easterly part of the town, on the eastern slope from the valley of the ^^Nfashua River (north branch). He resided there, following the occupation of farmer, and shoemaker and cobbler for his neighbors, until his decease. He had eleven children, six sons and five daughters; only four of whom survived him, viz., Thomas, William, Josiah, and Anna. He died Sept. 23, 1820, at the ripe age of eighty-nine years, a longer life- by twenty years than any of his ancestors, of whom we have a record, lived. Several of his grandchildren, now living, have a clear remembrance of him and of his wife, their grandmother. They speak of him as having been of a mild disposition and remarkably conscientious. He was diligent and frugal in his habits, was a good neighbor and a respected citizen. In size he was rather below the average, and during the last years of his life his form was much bowed by age.

His wife survived him nearly two years. She died




May 22, 1822, aged eio^lity-tAvo years. It is said that she ])ossessed miu-h i'oree of eliaraeter; that her talent and aptitude for business was superior to her husband's,


and that liis moderate success in retaining his patrimony and supporting and rearing a large family was largely due to her efforts.

AVhen they removed to Leominster they had three childi'en, Sarah, Thomas, and Phebe, Avho were l)orn in Lynn. Leominster, at that time, had been an incorpo- rated town but twenty-seven years. There were but few roads or l)ridges, and but a small })ortion of the land had been eleai'cd of "'the forests primeval'"' and made fit



for tillage * The dwellings were of the humhlest de- scription. All articles of clothing were home-made. The men tilled the land, cnt down and drew the fnel to the house, built roads, raised flax in the fields and wool from their sheep, and ever sturdily contended with the

Li:(iMl.\.-l'i:u COMMON, 1830.

elements for the subsistence of themselves and their ftnnilies ; while the women did their full share in the work, by spinning and weaving the flax and wool pro- cured by the men and making them into garments to clothe the whole family, besides attending to the care


* B3' a census of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, taken in *S^-G5, two years before the period alhuled to, it appears that tliere were in Leominster at that time, 104 liouses, 107 families, and 74o inhabitants. In 17i)0 the number of inhabitants was 1,181) ; in IScO there were 1,48G, and in 1820 1,71)0 iuha])itants in the town. In 1830, at the time in which Leominster town common and the meeting-house of the First Congregational Society (built in 1823) are repre- sented in the subjoined cut, there were 1,8(12 inhabitants, and the valuation of the property in the town was $386,468. Since the advent of railroads and the introduction into the town of manufactures, especially during the last fifteen years, the growth has been much more rapid. In 1875 the population had increased to 5,201. By the report of the assessors of the present year, tlie number of polls assessed is 1,603, Avhich indicates that the population at present is ))etween 6,000 and 7,000. The num))er of dwelliug-houses is 1)65, and the total valuation of the property .$3,775,1)81.



I] m'BB%(*E MimoUlAL.

Mn\ l^J. }f^I± n-A rijrhty-two yvnty^. It in naid that hIh. I .f flianiclcr; thnt lur talent

niul nptiiiulr I«» - wan MiiM-rior to lur husliamrs.

|l«>t UK IN KK

Lui*.uT at Wm. JBSJutBiB i:r. »»i. wMim as meo lt».

an<l tliat hi-' nuMlmte siic-c*e»H in ri-taininj< his patrimony anil sni»iM)itinir :nl rrarinj^ a hir;^e family wa.s lar^^tlv (luf 1< ' Ix-r rtV" "It -i.

\\ lun tiny ri'iovcd to Leominster tl eliihhni. Saiali. 'homas, an<l I'helM', Lvnn. L('«»iuin-'tr, at that tinu*, li rated town hut tventy-seven few loads or l)ii<lps. and l)nt^ liad hccii ( leaiiel f "the

\ *t*»"



for tillaorc* Tlio dwellings wo? of the humblest de- seription. All articles of doting were home-made. The men tilled the land, cut dow and drew the fuel to the house, built I'oads, raised tla>iu the iields and w^ool from their sheep, and ever stui'dy contended with the


elements for the subsistence of Lhemselves and their families ; while the women did tcir full share in the work, by S])inning and weaving te ttax and wool pro- cured I)y tlic men and making tem into garments to clothe the whole family, besides ttending to the care


* By a census of the Colony of Massacliuses Bay, taken in -ISCS-Oa, two years before the period alliuleil to, it appears th. tiiere were in Leominster at

4:5 iulnitants. In 171)0 the niinil)er

l,4h and in LS20 1,790 inhabitants

oinster town eonunou and the

ty (l)iiilt in 1823) are repre-

^, and the valuation of

t of railroads and

during the last

the population

present j'eai",

poi)uhition at

louses is yG5,

tliat tinie. 104 houses, 107 family

of inluibitaut^Kasl,ls;); iu

in the tou^^^^^^^ at





and nurture of the ehildren, the preparation of the food, and performing* tlie otlier numerous duties of a house- hold.* Candor, however, compels the remark that the men and women of that day were able to do all this because the wants to be provided for were few and sim- ple; that all their lal)or would have failed to support them in the style of living now prevalent in ^ew Eng- land; that they would have l)een as unsuccessful in attempting to "livr biyoiid thi'ir moans" as are some of their descendants at thr pi'escnt time. The conditions of life and of livin;.;- change fi'oin age to age, but the laws that govern them are unchangeable. A Avise economy and living icitliui one's income while in vigor- ous health are, as they ever were, the only sure guaran- ties of security and independence in sickness and old age.

To return to tlie members of tlie family still remain- ing in Lynn. As has been said, William had two brothers, Josialit and Abijah, who survived their father. About 177.") Josiah married Susanna Kamsdell, by whom he had one child, a son, named Josiah. From an early age he had at times been subject to insanity, and his marriage was delayed for several years on that account. After his marriage he had a recurrence of the malad}, and lived but a Uttle more than a year subsequent to

* See Appendix M.

t Josiah Barrage was sometimes styled cordwaiuer and sometimes glazier iu the records.


that event. Under date of Feb. 18, 1771, the Probate Judge, m answer" to a petition from the selectmen of Lynn, appointed his uncle, John Burrage, to be his guardian. April 2 of the same year, under order of the Court, "an inventory of the Estate of Josiah Bur- rage of Lynn a Person Non Compos Mentis was taken by John Mansfield Benj Xewhall and Holden Johnson." It consisted of a dwelling-house, half a barn, furniture, heel-maker's tools, joiner's tools, half a house, land, live stock, etc., and amounted to ^303 Is. 8d. There is also a copy of a receipt from Josiah Burrage, dated April 3, 1775, for i£303 Is. 8d. in full from John Burrage for his interest committed to him as his guardian, witnessed by Thcophilus Breed and Susannah Burrage. He died in 1776, at the age of forty years. His widow survived him thirty-five years. She died 1809, and was the last person of the name of Burrage that resided in Lynn. His son, Josiah, died in the year that he attained his majority, Dec. 30, 1797. We have evidence that his loss was acutely felt by his mother, and that she deeply mourned his death, from one who lived with her at the time, and from an inscription on a monument erected to his memory in the old cemetery in Lynn, which, not- withstanding its quaintness, is quite pathetic. (See Appendix I.)

As has been said, Abijah Burrage, who was the youngest son of Thomas and the youngest grandson of Deacon Thomas Burrage, was never married. He died


in 1780, at the age of thirtj^-five years. The inventory of his estate amounted to £230 lis. 4d., and was re- dueed to paper-money at the " Currant rate of Exchange at 75 for one." A copy of this, also, is given (see Appendix J), as a matter of interest in showing the approximate market price of certain articles at that time, and as indicating the manner of living in I^ew England then.

It will he seen that after the death of his hrothers, Josiah and Ahijah, AVilliam Burrage was the only surviving gi'andson of Deacon Thomas Bun-age, who bore the family name. But for him that branch of the family would then have become extinct. The change of location from the sea-coast to the hills and valleys of Leominster seems to have had a salutary effect u})()n the family stock, so that at the present time the danger of its running out appears very remote.

The three generations of Bun-ages who resided in Lynn from 1G87 to 1800 lived upon the Common, now called the Old Common. We think they all lived on the north side. Thomas, the son of Deacon Thomas, lived on the north side, a few rods east of the centre of the Common, where the meeting-house stood. We think his father and his brother John, to whom the homestead-house was bequeathed, lived on land adjoin- ing his on the westerly side, which was probably opjK)- site the church, or a little west of that position. (Sec cut.) The Couunou is now about half a uiilc iu length


and ten to twenty rods wide. The meeting-house is thus described in Lewis's " History of Lynn " : " 1682. The meeting-house Avas this year removed from Shepard Street to the centre of the Common and rebuilt; it was fifty feet long and forty-four wide ; it had fokling-doors on three sides, without porches. The top of each door was formed into two semicircuhir arches; the windows consisted of small diamond panes, set in sashes of lead ; the floor was at first supplied with seats, and pews were afterward separately set up by individuals, as they obtained permission of the town. By this means the interior came at length to present a singular appear- ance. Some of the pews were large, and some small; some square, and some oblong; some with seats on three sides, and some with a seat on one side; some with small oak panels, and some with large pine ones; and most of them were surmounted by a little balus- trade, with small columns, of various patterns, accord- ing to the taste of the proprietors. Most of the square pews had a chair in the centre, for the comfort of the old lady or gentleman, the master or mistress of the family by whom it was occupied. One pew, occupied by black people, was elevated above the stairs in one corner near to the ceiling. The galleries were extended on three sides, supported by six oak columns, and guarded by a turned balustrade. They were ascended by two flights of stairs one in each corner on the south side. The pulpit was on the noi'th side, and



sufficiently large to contain ten persons. The top of the room was unceiled for many years, and exhil)ited enormous beams of oak, ti-avei-sing the roof in all directions. Tiie hglit from the diamond windows in the gables, shining down upon the great oak beams,


presented quite a picturesque appearance. The roof presented four iiediments, and was surmounted by a cupola, with a I'oof in the form of an inverted tunnel. It had a small bell, which was rung by a rope descend- in"- to the centre of the room. The town-meetings continued to be held in this house till 1806. It was universally known as the (Jld Tunnel Meeting-IIouse, and remained on the C<nnmon till 1827."


Such was the edifice that our ancestors looked out upon every morning, and to which they repaired on Sundays to listen to the sermons of Rev. Mr. Shepard, Kev. Mr. Whiting, or the Rev. Mr. Henchman, or Rev. Mr. Treadwell, according to the generation to which they belonged. Deacon Thomas Burrage (the carpen- ter), who had liberty to set up a new pew in place of his old one, in 1717, probably did the work of making the pew himself, and doubtless set up several for other members of the chuix-h.

Besides the land connected with their houses by the Common, they owned many outlying tracts at Rumney Marsh, Black Swamp, Tomlin's Swamp, Farrington's Pasture, Rail Hill, and Fox Hill, Dungeon Pasture, etc., and at Nahant. The whole number of acres named in the inventory of Thomas Burrage's estate (in 17(30) was one hundred and twenty-three, in thirteen different lots. In the estate of John Burrage, inven- tory dated 1780, there were two hundred and sixty acres, in seventeen different lots. As a general thing, the soil of Lynn is light. We have but little doubt that William l^urrage found his new farm in Leominster more productive than the one he left in Lynn.


AVe have now arrived at tliat period in the history of the En<2,-li8h Colonies in Anieriea wlien, l)y tlie natni'al operation of the ])i'inciples l)ronii'ht to these shores by the refug'ees from j)olitieal tyi'anny and I'eligions pei'se- cntion, a eonllict was to take i)hiee l)etween the aneient and tlien (h)niinant (h»,uMna that kings and priests, or a select lew, are dlcii/r/// appointed to absolntely direct and govern tlie peopK', and the new idea ^vhi(•ll aHirms the cquarity of all men befoi'e the law, the right of pri- vate judgment, and that all who are taxed to support government are entitled to a voice in its management.

It is gi'atifying to know that at this ci-isis the pos- tei-ity of oui- emigrant ancestor did their part towards upholding and defending the princi})les for which he saeritieed so much.

Upon the muster-rolls of the soldiers of the Revolu- tionary War in the State archives are the names of ten of. his descendants. Five enlisted for three years or during the war, three of whom, at least, died in the service; two others served in the militia from one to t\vo years; the others served only as "alarm" oi' "min- ute" nien. I'he five last named were a ])ai't of the militia only, and did not belong to the '' Continental" or


regular army. Three of the ten were at the battle of Lexinglon; three served at the fortifieation of Dor- chester Heights Avhen the British were driven out of Boston; and one of them, Thomas, was with the army at Cambridge when the battle of Bunker Hill was fought. In view of the fact that there were not at the time of the Revolutionary War more than fourteen able- bodied men of the Burrage name and family in Massa- chusetts, it may be said that it furnished its full quota. The list as taken from the muster rolls, in the order of time, is as follows:* First, those under the head of " Lexington Alarms."

1. "A Roll of the fourth foot Company of Militia in Lynn Avho marched to Concord on the 19^'' of April, 1775," in Avhich is the name of

"John Burrage, Private time of service

2 days, pay - 2 10^

Travel 46 miles @ l'^ 3 10

2. "A Muster Roll of the several pursons that marched from Xewton to head quarters at Camloridge on the nineteenth day of April A. D. 1775, on the Alarm, under the command of Amariah Fuller Capt.," in which is

" Ephraim Burridge Private, miles out 28, Days 1 ex- pense for travel 0-2-4 Total 0-3-9."

* These extracts are coi)ied verbatim from the muster rolls iu the St:ite a rchives.


3. ^'Tn tlie Province of Massachusetts Bay Comity of Sutfolk

"A Koll made up ])y Capt. Ebcnezer Battle of Ded- ham fourth parish, from 19"^ of April 1775 to 20^*^ of December 1775 '' in which is the name of " Thomas Burridge Days 5, Miles 40f 0-10-4 "

4. ''A Pay Pole foi- Capt. Xalhaniel Carter's Com- pany in C<»1. .V hi jail Stearns"' Pegiment of Militia in the County of AVorcester, and State of Massachusetts Bay that Marclit to Williams town on an .Vlarm August ye 22: 1777 by order ol' lirigidier General Jonathan War- ner mulcr the cominand ol" Major Ebcnezer Bridge in the Service of the I'nitcd States." On the roll is

"William Burrage- Eleven days, Xnml)er of miles from home 111, Milage out and home 0- 9:3

Wages 0-14:8"

The roll sworn to before Thos. Legate, Justice of the Peace.

* The writer, a grauLlsoa, reineint)ers that hi.s father used to rehite the cir- cumstauce of his father having marched with the Leominster Company of Militia upon the " Ahirm" and call for more troops previous to the battle of Bcnniuirtou. The tradition was, that when the.v had proceeded as far as " the Mountain," the)' were met by a messenger who informed them of the result of the liattle and told them their services were not needed, whereupon they turned back. The battle occurred on the 10th of August. The enemy did not appear before Bennington until the 13th. There were no telegraphs or railroads then, and it is probable that the call did not reach Worcester County before the IGth, the day of the battle. The troops did not start until the 22d, and could not have an-ived at Williamstown, where the messenger met them, before the 27th.


Secondly, those of the militia who were called out to take possession of and fortify Dorchester Heights, March 4, 1776, when Washington, l)y having this done, compelled the British to evacuate Boston, and leave the soil of Massachusetts, which has not since been trod by the foot of a foreign foe.

1. "A Pay Rool made up by Capt Eben"" Battle in Col. Mcintosh's Regiment for Rations, Milage & service in taking possession of Dorchester hill and fortifying it March 1776."

" Thomas Burrage six days service made up

after the Continental establishment £0 8 0

Milage out and home 30 miles @ one penny

per mile 0 2 6

3 days Rations @ 7"^i per Ration 0 1 lOi

Total 0 12 4|"

" 2. A Muster Roll for the Company of Militia of I^ewton under the Command of Capt. Amariah Fuller, In Coll! Thatcher's Regiment who was called into pub- lic Service March 1^^ 1776

Samuel Burridge Jr. miles travelled 22 @ l'^ 0- 1-10 No. of Rations 3 1-1^2

Time of service 5 Days wages G- 8

Whole amount £0-10-4 J"


Tklrdlij^ those who were ealled out and marehed to Boston, Dec. 9, 1776, prol)ably l\v ^'an Ahirni" oeea- sioned by intelligence that a lai-ge body of British troops had left Xew York in a large ileet of shii)S and ti'anspoi'ts and were passing through Long Island Sound. It })i'oved tlial thrir destination was Xew ])()rt, K. T., where they arrived Dee. 7, and AVent no further.

"A ]\[uster Ivoll of the Men that marched By order of Council to join Col" Crafts liegt. at Boston Dec. 9, 1776 under the Coininand of Joseph Craft First Leiut. the said officer and soldici-s received Kations but for one oi' the days made u[) in this IJoll.''

^' Ephraim Burrage, Xo. of days in service 5, Xo. of Rations ().2-t Whole amount of Wages and Rations 0.-9-0

John Burrage, Xo. of da3^s in service 5. Xo. of Rations 0.2—1. AVholc amount of Wages and Rations 0-9-0"

These were doubtless from XcAvton. The following l)roi)erly belongs in this place:

"Return of Prisoners sent from Xew York in Cartel Brig, Rising Empire, Godfrey, Comander." On Ixick of the paper is the following:

^'List of Prisoners Brouu'lit in the first Cartel from


Road Island." Among them is the name of " Thomas Burrag-e" Dated "Providence, Jan^' 18, 1777 Signed John Ayres."

We do not know hoAv it happened that Thomas Bnr- rage became a prisoner, whether he was in some way gobbled np by the British troops when they evacuated Boston, and was carried to Xew York, which might have been the case, since he marched with the American troops to fortify Dorchester Heights, or whether he Avent with his brothers, John and Ephraim, npon the call on the " Alarm," Dec. 9, 1776, to Rhode Island, and was captnred thei-e. Bancroft, in speaking of the move- ment of the British fleet and troops that cansed this "Alarm," says, "The Island of Rhode Island could offer no resistance; the American armed vessels that were in the bay went np to Providence for shelter." It is possible that some of the Massachusetts militia called out on that occasion were on one of these American armed vessels that did not retreat in season, and thus fell into the hands of the enemy.

All of those named thns far, except the John Burrage last mentioned, belonged only to the militia or " minnte men," and were not in the regnlar Continental service. AVe find one more mention of Samuel Burrage, Jr., viz., in an "Abstract of Rations dne Capt. Phillip Thomas's Company in Col. Marshall's Regiment in the Continental Service to March 25, 1777


Samuel Biirridge from Febrnaiy G"', days 48

@ Of Whole sum £1 5 7J

Rations rec'd Sum due £1 5 7) "

This is tlie la-^t we ean finil respecting liim. Tt is quite prol)al)l(' thai he died in the service; lie may have died at home, but the JSTewton town records are so defective that we cannot tell whether that was the case or not.

The other five found on the rolls a])])ear to have served during the wai' ov until they died in the service. Their names were, AVilliam Burridge, of Concord; Sim- eon Burridge, of Concord ; John Buri'idge, of Concord ; flohu Burridge, of Xewton; John Burridge, of Brain- tree.

We will give what a[)[)ears on the muster I'olls re- specting each of them:

1. "Eight months service ITTo John Burridge, of Concord, William Burridge do do in Capt. Joseph Butlers Company in Col. John Xixon's Kegt. John Burridge, of Xewton, in Capt. Xathan Fuller's Com- pany, in Col. Thomas Gardner's (Col. Bond) Regt."

2. "A list of Capt. Gideon Parker's Company in the Regt. of Col. Moses Little: William Burridge Xo. 10 inlisted Jan. 1, 1776; John Burridge Xo. 14 inlisted Jan. 1, 1776."

3. "Muster Roll of Capt. Elisha Brown's Company in Col. Josiah AVhitnev's Regt., in the Colony service


fi'om the time four days next preceding their March, to the first day of August ii. D. 1776. Camp at Hull, Oct. 21, 1776 John Bnrridge began service June ye 13, Service 1 month 8 days. Advanced pay £2-0-0.

Total £3-1-0

Deduction 2-0-0

Eemains £1_4_0"

4. "Abstract of Rations Rec'd and due Capt. Phillip Thomas his subalterns & in Col. Thomas Marshall's Regt. in the Continental service from Dec. 3, 1776 to February 7, 1777 inclusive. Together with their subsist- ence from Boston to Bennington being 220 miles allow- ing eleven days for their march thither. William Bur- ridge entered the service Dec. 11. l^o. of Days 58 1 Ration @ 6}/ Amount £1-11-5. Simeon Burridge entered the service Dec. 12 Ko. of Days 57. 'No. of Rations 1 @ 6|'^— Amount £1-10-10|."

5. "A Pay Rool of Capt. Thomas ^N'ewcomb, in Col. Eben Thayer's Regnft of new levies from the County of Suftblk Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Raised for three months to Reinforce the Continental army 1780 a part of the Company stationed at West Point & part at Rhoad Island. John Burridge, Com- mencement of pay July 28, terme of Discharge Oct. 30, time of service 3 months 6 days Days allowed to return homs 20 Miles per day 3 Establishment


per month £2-0-0 Total wages .£6-8-0 Rations £l)-V2-{) Milage @ 1*^ per mile £0-5-0/'

(5. "A Keturn of Men raised for thi'ee years from Dec"" 2"* 1780— Surtblk & Essex Counties John Bur- ridge, Braintree AVhen i-aised, 30 Dee' 1780."

Then in tlic cohimns ol" eiTtilicates ol" linal settle- ments arc the Inllowing interesting (locunients:

"Will'" Bun-age ])rivat(' of Concord in the Coll? Co. Col. Marshall lieginicut. Died Jan. 12, 1778.


By his service frcnn Jan. 1. 1777 to Jan. 12, 177S is 12 mo" 12 d.iys (ai 40 S. ])er month. For ^hieh the nominal sum has been paid him by the Continent £21.-10-0

By Delay & luV 5 5 5

£30 _l_5


To Cash paid him from Proceeds of Lottery

£:30_()_() value 0-18.5

To his proportion of small stores at the

Camp at the regular prices 0-18-9

To 12 months 11 days wages paid him by the Continent (a^ -40 S. i^er month 21— 14-8 value 12-15- 5

Dee. 31 To Ballanee 15 -8-10

£30 -1 -.5


3yr^— The above Ballance £15-8-10 mul- tiplied by 32} to make good the Depri- ciation, is in Currant Money £501-17-0

Certified 20, Jan. 1785.

Simeon Burridge Private, of Concord in the Coll" Comp. Col. Marshall's Kegt. Died March 7, 1778.


By His service from Jan. 1, 1777 to March

7"^ 1778 is 14 months 7 days @ 40 S. per month for which the nominal sum has l)een paid him by the Continent £28 -9-4

By Delay & Int^ 5 8-8



To Cash paid him from Proceeds of State

Lottery £30 value 0 18-5

1 Shirt 1 pair Shoes 1 pair Hose sup- plied by the State at regulated prices 1- 4-4

To 14 months 7 days wages paid him by the Continent @ 40 S. per month £28-9-4 value 13-11-8

His proportion of small stores at regulated prices deducting what he had paid to- wards them 1-1-11

To Ballance 17-1 -8



The above Ballaiiee £17-1-8 multiplied ])y 32] to make good the Depreeiatioii, is in Currant Money £555-4-8

John Burridge Private of Coneord in Major's Comp'y Col. Wesson's Regt.


By his serviee from Jan. 1, 1777 to Dec. 30, 1770 30 months (a^ 10 S. pi'i* month lor which the nominal sum has been paid him l)y the ('outinent 72- 0- 0


To Cash paid him fi'(nn Proceeds of Lottery

£30-0-0 value 1-17- 5

To 3 shirts 3 pair Shoes 3 hose supplied

by the State at the regulated prices 3-13- 0

To his proportion of small stores delivered in Camp at regulated prices, deducting the value of what he has paid towards them 2-1(3- 3

To 36 months wages paid him by the Conti- nent at 40 S. per month £72-0-0 \ alue 17-19- 6


Dec 31 To Ballanee -15-13-10

£72- 0- 0 The above Ballanee £45-13-10 multiplied by 32 1^ to make good the Depreciation is in Currant Money £1481-11)- 7

Certified 28"' June 1780.


John Burrage, Private of ISTewton in Capt. Watson's Comp'y Col. Wesson's Kegt.

Cr. By his service from Api-il 1, 1777 to May 20, 1778 is 13 Months 20 Days at 40 S. per month for which the nominal sum has heen paid him by the Continent £27-6 : 8

Died May 20, 1778.

I do Certify that the above John Burrage inlisted

During the war.

J. W. Wesson^ Col. Certified 21 April 1781-xx


To Cash paid him from the Proceeds of

State Lottery £30.-0- value 2- 8- 7

To 2 Shirts 2 pair Shoes, 2 pair Hose sup-

phed by the State at the regulated prices 2- 8- 8

To His proportion of small stores delivered in Camp at regulated prices, deducting the value of what he paid towards them 1- 2- 0

To Bounty of £24-0-0 paid him by or in behalf of the town of Newton ^N^ot charged— 0- 0- 0

To 13 months 20 days wages paid him by the Continent at 40 S. per month £27- 6-8 value 8-18- 7


Dec. 31 To Ballauce ^2-^-10

£27- 6- 8


The above Ballancc 12-8-10 multiplied by 321 to make good the Depreciation is in Currant Money £404-7-1

JoJiu Burridge Private of Afhol^ in Ca])t. J. Blaneh- ard's Com])V, Col. Wesson's Kegt.


By ihe Depreciation on the Delay of Pay- ment of his wagi's to the 'H"' of Decem- ber 1779 £'5-14- 5

By Interest on the above Sum from Jan. 1"^

to Dec. 31, 1780. 0-10

By his service from the 1 Day of JanV to the 14. Day of May 1780, is 4 :M()nths 14 Days at 40 S. i)er month 8-18- 8


There is no such name on the town records of Athol. This, doubtless, is tlie same John Burrld,i;e wlio subsequently enlisted from Braiutree in Capt. Newcomb's company, Col. Thayer's refjiment. We were for a long time greatly puzzled by his case, n appeared that he was married in Braintree, Mass., in 1779, to Mary Spear, of that place, and lived there after the close of the war till 17S0, and had rive children; but we could not ascertain whence he came, or whither he went after 17S<). Finally a clew was found while look- ing over the pension list at the State House, in a record of a pension granted him in 1850, on application of his dnnijhtn- Salhj Thmjcr, Wist L'niiihiJjih, Vt. It was then discovered that some of his descendants now reside in Braintree, Vt., to which place he removed from Braintree, Mass., soon after 1781). Mr. Charles Burridge, of Braintree, Vt., a grandson, writes that "there is a tra- dition in their family that his grandfather came from England. When a young man, not of age, was pressed into service in the war between England and America, but was secretly taken l)y his father and shipped to America, and that he changed his name from Burroughs to Burridge on board ship and always went by that name afterwards " Thus, at leiiglh, was our failure to find any trace of hi:u either in the town or county records of Massachusetts accouuteil for.


Dr. To Cash paid by United States on Account

of his wages for the year 1780 0- 2- 7

To Amount of small stores delivered in Camp g- at the prime Cost and charges of Trans- " portation 0- 1- 8

Dec 31 To a certificate for the balance 11:-15- 8


In another book are the following entries :

"John Burrage Kewton 9''' Eegt. Time of inlist- ment, During the war Time of service, 13 months 20 days Capt AVatson. Dead."

" W" Burridge lO''^ Regt. Time of inlistment 3 years. Time of service, 12 months 12 days Residence Con- cord—CoL Co. Dead."

" Simeon Burrage 10'^ Regt. Time of inlistment, 3 years. Time of service 14 months 7 days Residence, Concord Col. Co. Dead."

"John Burrage 9^'" Regt. Bounty received in land or money $50. Time of inlistment 3 years. Time of service 40 months 14 days. Residence Concord. Com- mander Major Co."

These are the same persons, it will be seen, that are named in the certificates of final settlements.

It is not known where William, Simeon, and John died, or what were the circumstances attending their decease, but the respective dates of their deaths are sus'arestive.


William and Simoon, Avho were brothers, and both in the 10th Keg't., died in the winter of 1778, one Jan. 12, the other Mareh 7, and their eonsin, John, in the 9th Keg't., died on the 20th of the following Ma}^ It seems probable that they were all in Washington's army, in winter quarters at Valley Forge, in this the darkest period of the war, and that the exposure and excessive sufferings of the soldiers during that terrible Avinter were the cause of their death. Bancroft says, "As his (Washington's) men moved towards the spot selected for their winter resting place, they had not clothes to cover tlieir nakedness, nor blankets to lie on, nor tents to sleep under. F(K' the want of shoes, their marches through frost and snow might be traced by the blood fiom their feet, and they were almost as often without provisions as with them."" On the 23d of De- cember, 1777, Washington wrote, "Men are confined to hospitals or in farmers" hcnises for want of shoes. We have this day no less than two thousand eight hundred and ninety men in camp unfit for duty, because they are barefoot and otherwise naked. Our whole strength in Continental troops amounts to no moi-e than eight thou- sand two hundred men in camp fit lor dut}-. Since the fourth instant, our numlK'rs fit for duty from hardship and exposure have decreased nearly two thousand men. JS'umbers still are obliged to sit all night by fires."' "Even so late as the lllh of Fel)ruary, Dana, one of the committee (sent by Congress to investigate the state of


aifairs) reported tliat men died for the want of straw or materials to raise them from tlie cold, wet earth."

It is no wonder that men exposed to snch hardships died; the marvel is that any should have survived them. All lionor to those sturdy men of our family stock who, though but common soldiers in the ranks, devotedly endured such hardships and faced death at every turn to give liberty to their country and a re})ublic to man- kind! Especial honor and homage to the memory of the three who died in the service! They are not men- tioned in history; their names are not engraven on enduring monuments of stone ; they left no posterity to piously preserve the remembrance of their heroic vir- tues; and had it not been for the business records of the army in the State archives, their names would have been consigned to oblivion. Yet to such as they are we indebted for the establishment of our beloved country, with its free and beneficent institutions, and again for its salvation in the late war of the Kebellion. While their spirit remains to animate the hearts of her people, the Republic will endure.



It lias Ix'cn said thai .loliii liui-i-au-c. of Xcwlon, \W. son (if Williaiii, and ^i-andson of tlu' fmi,L;M'anl, John Bun'a;>X', was twici- 111:11 riL-(l. Ills first wife, to whom he was niai-ricd Oct. 9, 17IS. was Lydia Ward, of Xuwtoii, (Iaii_L;-liti'r of Deacon Ivicliard Ward. liy licr lie ])rob- al)ly had two. and perhaps three, eliihh'en, viz., Lydia and Williaiii and possibly John, l^ut as the dates of tlie births of his children are not on tlie Xewton records, it is impossible to determine whether two only or three of them wi-re by his first marriage. She died in 1724, and on the '2~){h of January, 1725, he married Sarah Smith. By this marriai;-e he had three sons, Samiiid, Thomas, and Ei)hraim, and three dangliters, Sarah, ]\rary, and Anna. He lived at first on tlie Dedham road, now Centre Street, between Xewtoii Corner and Xewton Centre. In 173.3 he ])oniihl a farm of eighty acres and bnilt him a honse npon it. in that })art of the town now called Xewtonville, a short distance south of where the depot of the Boston and .Vlbany Jiailroad stands, on the road leading to Xewton Centre. The farm joined, or nearly so, the farm iij)on which the house whei'e General Hull once lived, now occupied by Ex-Govei'uor Clartin, stands. His sons Samuel and Ephraim lived


near him. AYilliam, until he removed to Concord, lived on the Dedham road, now Centre Street, in what is now ^N'ewton Corner, so called; and Thomas, at the age of thirty-four, removed to Dedham, in that part subse- quently incoi-jiorated in the town of Dover.

William, who we suppose to have been the eldest son of John Burrag-e, married, Dec. 13, 1744, Hannah Osland, of Xewton. He was a farmer. In 1756 he sold his farm in jSTewton and bought one in Concord, Mass., to which place he removed wnth his family in that 3'ear. He died there in 17(33, leaving four sons, AVilliam, Simeon, Jonathan, and John, and two daugh- ters, Lydia and Hannah. Three of the sons served in the war of the Kevolution and two of them died in the ser- vice. Jonathan and John settled in Lunenburg, Mass.

Samuel, who was probably the third son of John, resided in Xewton luitil his decease, in 1793. He was called "a weaver." He married, Oct. 31, 1754, ]Mary Draper, of Dedham, and had one son, Samuel, Jr., who did not survive him, and two daughters.

Thomas, the fourth son of John, Ijought a ftirni in Dedham in 17(35, removed thei'e, and was married in November, 1767, to Abigail Fisher, of Medfield. He had five children; two sons, John and Obed, and three daughters, A])igail, Kezia, and Anna. John remained in Dover. Obed, in 1810, removed to Templeton, Mass., where he resided until 1849, when he went to Shrews- l)urv, where he died in 1850.


AVliiU' hv lived in XrAvton. Tlioinas "Burrnuv was styliMl in tliL' ck'L'ds in which his name appears, "weaver"; after his removal t<> De«lham he was called ''Ilnshand- man." Il ap[)ear> that three, if not more, of tlu' sons of John were weaver->.'^ W i- do not know how the business was eondneted. hnt il \\a>. of eonrse. done hy hand-loom-. At that time, as has heen said in another place. mo->t all the fahrics n>ed for clothing' wei'e home- made. /. t. -])nn and woven hy hand from lln' raw material, either wo<il or tlax. i-ai>i'd on the farm. It is prohahle that the men who followed it as a trade either went Irom hon<e to hon-e. workinii" l»y the day. or to(dv the \arn to tluir o\\ n hou'^es or >hop> and wove the cloth for a certain prict- ]>er yard. If we are to judii'e by tin- apparent results. i)ecuniai-ily, to those who fol- lowed the occuj)ation. we nnr^t conclude that it was not a very proHtahle hn-^ini'ss, that farnfmi;" ]»aid hettt'r. The cause of thi> is to he found. ])ri»hal)ly, not in foreiii'n competition from the ahsence of a tarilf, nor in the ex- cessive amount of labor-saving machinery in the coun- try, but in tlu' competition of the incbisti'ious wonu'U, the wives and (hm«;hters of the farmers; and the fact that the demand for the articles manufactured was c<mi- l)aratively limited. owin«j^- to the simjtie and Irniial habits of the people, and the sui)enor durability of the fabrics, whose strength was not impaired by excessive heating,

* The fatlKT is also stvlotl " weaver" in a deed dated 1724.


Bhearinf^, oi- flofking to give them a meretricious smooth- ness and fini>h, as is done to a Uirge extent in inaiiiifac- turing u itli the improved machinery of tlie }ji'esent time. Tiiomas Barrage appears to have been an industrious, l)atriotic, and worthy citizen. He died suddenly wliilc at work on the highway repairing roads in ITUU, at the age of sixty-nine years.

Epln-aim Bun-age, the fifth son of Joliu. mat i led, in IKu, EIizal)eth Sever. He was a farmer, and lived in Xewtoii iiiilil ITllO. whr-n lie bonglit a fai-in in Shirley and I'cmoved to that town, where he resided until ]i\< decease, in 180.'>. He left two children, Andi-ew and l^etsey, who, after the death of tlieii- father, removed witli Iheir mother to AValtham. Xeither of tliem mar- ried.

Of John, Ji'., the other son, we know but little. In 1747 he witnessed the signatures of his father and mother to a deed, and in 1706 joined his brothers in signing a release of all claim upon his father's estate. In that instrament he is styled "weaver." We find no conveyances to him or by him recorded, nor do we find any record of his mai-riage. Doubtless he is the John Burrage, fi'om Xewton, who died in the Continental service in 1778, although he must have been past the maximum age fixed by Congress for military duty.

Lydia, the eldest daughter, married, Jan. 17, 1745, Archibald Smith, of Xeedham, who prolniljly afterwards removed to Concord, as in deed of r>.ee to Wm. Burrage,


1 ".")(). land of Arcliihald Siiiith is rcrcn-od to \n dosoril)- inu" tlu' hounds. ^Vnothcr dauiihtcT, Sarah, iiiaiTicd Benjamin Adams, of Newton. There is no reeord of the inai-ria<2:c of Marv, thi- third dau:j,htei-. Anna, tlie f. )Ui-th (hiunhter, was not niari'ied. She dic-d in Newton, April (J, 1825. Slie wa» the la>t ol' tlie (K'sccndants of ^ViUiani l>uri'aL:-e tliat lived in Newton. We do not know ol' anv other liaxinLi' TinimI in thai place ^inee the close of the last centni'v, hut the name has been rej)- rcsented there during- the la>t ten or fifteen years by some of the de>-ecndants of his hfolher Thomas. At present there are four lamilies li\in;;- in Newton who trace their ])edijrree to Thc^nns Barrage and Elizabeth Breed, «if Lvnn, KJST.


Thomas Burrage, of Leominster, the eldest son of William Bnrrage, formerly of L^nn, when abont twen- ty-six years of age, removed to Templeton, Mass., then a very sparsely settled township, where he bought a tract of wild land and set to work to clear oif the trees and make it fit for tillage and a dwelling-place. His industry and self-denial Avere such that he was soon able to erect a dwelling-house, and having induced Miss Abigail Fairbanks, of Templeton, to become a partner with him in his "enterprise," the twain were married Aug. 21, 1791, and connnenced house-keeping. They had twelve children, four sons and eight daughters, all born in Templeton. He resided there until the spring of 1820, when his parents having become infirm from old age, he returned to the homestead at Leominster to cultivate the farm and filially care for the old people while they lived. He resided there until his decease, which occurred Oct. 10, 1828. His wife survived him thirty-four years. He was an industrious man and of a genial, social disposition. He appears not to have had so much business faculty as his brothers William and Josiah, but possessed quite as much intellectual ability and had more taste for reading and metaphysical inves-


ti*^ation<. Sovon of h\< cliildrcn survived him; only one of liis sons, Jonatlian, was married and left posterity.

Jonathan l^nrraiii' was hoi-n in Temijleton, March 18, 1805. lie was thiicc marrif(l, and had nine children. (See "Genealo;^} .") \\ hm a youni;- man he learned the ti'ade of house ])aintci" and followed it several years; siibsef[ni'ntly cnn'a^rd in tin- manufaclniv of bellows at Filclihnru; afterwards left that and went into tlu' hnsi- iiess of mannfact m'inu' vaiaiish. For the iirst ten or fifteen yeaiN after hi- lir-t man'ia,u-e. he r^-sided in Fitch- hiu*"*; then removed to ( "amhrid^'e. While there the homestt'ad in Leominster of hi^ uneU', ^\'iliiam I^urrage, wlio had deeea-^t'd, wa-^ olfered for sale by the executor; he i)nrehasi'd it and nanoved his family there. The transaction pioxcd an nnfoi-tnnate one. As a residence it was too far from his bnsine-s, which was still at Cam- bridge, and not having either the requisite experience or time to cultivate the iarm. that Itecame rhifjl// fridtful of expense, so after li\ing there four or five yeai"s, he was obliged to give it up and I'etui'u to Cambridge. Subsequently he remo\ed to Koxbury, where he died in 1854:. lie was a very industrious, kind-hearted, honest man, and possessed the easy, genial, and sanguine temperament of his father.

Respecting the daughters, Sena married, 1820, her cousin, John Burrage, and had one child, John Milton Burrage. She died March 11, 1824. Abigail man-ied, Oct. 1, 1818, Horace Xcwton, of Fitchbui-g, and had


three sons and one dang-hter. She died in 1850. Har- riet married, 'Nov. 26, 1829, Leonard Battis, and had three daughters and one son. She and her husband now Hve in Cambridge, Mass. Mary married. May 26, 1825, her cousin, Emory Burrage. They resided on the homestead farm of their grandfather, and cared for liei" parents while they lived. In 1872 they sold the farm and moved into and occupied a part of the house in which his mother lived in the ISTorth Village, and after her decease bought the house. They still reside there. Adeline married, May 30, 1830, David Child, of Tem- pleton, and had six children. She died in 1811. Iler husband married, June 29, 1812, her sister Joan. Joan died in 1813; she had no children. Sophronia married, l^ov. 2, 1835, James Cutter, by Avhom she had two children. She died in 1811.

William Burrage, the second son of William Burrage, of Lynn, was apprenticed at an early age to Benjamin Hawks, a tanner, in Leominster. After having finished his apprenticeship, when about twenty-two years old, he commenced the tanning and currying business for him- self, in a very small way, in the north part of the town. He began with no other capital than health, strength, and an indomitable resolution to succeed. But from the first, his great industry, frugality, and good judg- ment insured his success, and he steadily gained in worldly goods, and in the respect and esteem of his




In 1814 be was clioscn a deacon of the First Congrc- gational Cbnrcb, tbc only clnn'cb tben m the town, and I't'tained tlic ofKcf nntil his di-atb, in 1844. He was many times cliosen to iili offices of ti'ust and responsi- Ijility. and at tlic time of his decease was, l)y virtue of his sterling charactei', as wi-ll as by his wealth, one of the most ])i'oininent citizens in ihi' town. ITe was twice mari'ie(l. Fir-t, Fel). '2. 171>1\ to Mai'v 'loslin, of Leom- inster, by wlidiii he had six childi-eii. viz., William, J'olly, Leonai'd, Fhirsa, William, and Caroline. She died Dec. 11), ]S2(). .Imic iM, 1821, he mamed Roxanna Sandei>on. of Laiica>tei'. liy hei" he had eight childix'n, five of whom sui'\i\ed him, viz., (icorge Sanderson, \\'illiam F.. Maiy Jane, Chai-Jes W., and ^Mai'tba Ann. Of the ehildi'en by the first wife, three only lived to be married, viz., J^eonard. Fliii'sa, and AVilliam. AN illiam mari-ie(l, June 1, 1S24. Mary Ann liicbai'dson, of Leom- inster, b\' whom he had one child, Marv Caroline. He died in ISlJ.I. Fhirsa mai-ried Thomas Stearns, of Leominster, in 1S17, and died in 1810.

Leonard married, Aj)ril l.^ 1819, Mira ^Vllen, of Leominster. They have had no children.

lie learned the trade of tanner and cnrrier in his father's shop, and soon after attaining his majority was admitted to an intei-est in the bnsiness with his father, and a few years afterward bonght the yard and sho]) and carried on the Inisiness alone nntil some years latci', when he took into partnership with him his cousin,


^t. 74.



h. 1797.


George S. Bun-age. To their business of tanning and currying leather, which had greatly increased, they added, about the year 183G, that of manufacturing shoes for the Western market. This business, which has now grown to such enormous proportions, was then in its infiuicy. In 18J4, after fourteen or fifteen successful years, they dissolved the copartnership and left the business.

The same qualities which, in the fiither of Capt. Leonard Burrage, insured success and a good name, were inherent in and performed the same service for the son. From his youth, his abilities and high character commanded the respect and confidence of all who knew him. He has been the recipient of many tokens of esteem and confidence from his fellow-citizens of Leom- inster. When a young man he was promoted to the office of captain in the company of militia of which he was a member, a greater mark of distinction at that time than it has ])een since, 23roof of which is found in the fact that those who received the title at that period usually retained it so long as they lived. For many years, he was annually chosen moderator of the town- meetings and served on the school committee, board of selectmen, and in other positions of trust and responsi- bility, and ably represented the town in the General Court in the years 1833, 1843, 1814, and 1845. Capt. Burrage and his excellent and greatly esteemed wife still reside in the house in which they have lived to-


gethei- more than half a ceiitui-y,* enjoying a greon old age, the crown of temperate and well-spent lives,

George Sanderson Burrage, the eldest son hy the second wife, was twice married. First, A})ril "2, 1844, to Martha G. Phelps, of Leominster, by whom he had three children. She died Ang. G, 1849; and he mai-ried, Jan. 1, 18.") 1, Anrelia Chamberlain. 15y his second marriage he had five children. Soon after his first marriage he removi-d to Aslil)nrnham and bonght a large ti'act of woodland in tliat town. His brothers, William F. and Chai'les AV., afterward became associated with him in the building of a factory and the mamiftictnre of chairs, tlu-re Ix'ing a good watii'-prix ilege on the land ])ur(hasc(l. For st'xcral yt-ars tlu- bi'others carried on (juite a large business, ;nid gatlu'rc(l so much of a village around thcii- woi'ks that the jj'eneral <rovernment made the place a post station, with the name of ^'Burrage ville." But the enterpi'ise did not pi'ove a snccess, and was eventually abandcmed by all the brothers. About the year 1801 he removed to Xai)a City, California, where he became engaged in the business of gi-ai)e raising. He died there May 1(5, 187(), at the age of fifty-three years. It may be said of hiui that he was ambitions, industrious, honest, and of more than ordinary intelli- gence; but, as is sometimes the case, he seemed doomed by the Fates not to meet with success commensurate to his ambition, his worth, or his ability.

* Since their marriage, flfty-eiglit years. See liellotype view of liouse subjoiued.


William F., the second son by the last marriage, mar- ried, July 25, 1859, Eveline Lawrence. They had three children. As has been said, he joined his brother, George Sanderson, in the Burrageville enterprise, but sold out his interest before the business was closed and returned with his family, a few years later, to Leomin- ster, where he died, ^ov. 11, 1873, shortly after his return from California, to which place he had made a iourney the previous year on account of his health, which was then much impaired, and to visit his brothers there. He was a valuable citizen, a man of excellent judgment, and a good specimen of the practical, com- mon-sense Xew-Englander.

Charles W., the third son by the second marriage, left Ashburnham before the business was closed up, and removed to ^ew Haven about 18G0. He there adopted the profession of civil engineer. After remaining there several years, he removed to Portland, Oregon, where he now resides in good cii-cumstances and much re- spected. ^OY. 30, 1851, he married Sarah J. Hills, of Leominster. They have had three children, all sons. One, Edward H., was born in Ashburnham; another, William H., was born in jS^ew Haven; the other, Chas. F., in Portland", Oregon. They are all living.

Of the two daughters who survived their father, Mary Jane, who was a very amiable and attractive per- son, a young lady of great promise, died at the age of twenty-two years. Martha Ann, married Feb. 16, 1859, Porter M. Kimball. She died ^N^ov. 4, 1863, leaving one


fliild, an infant, wliich died soon after tlu' death of its niotlier; and tlie lmsl)and and fatliei* snrvived the death of his wife and ehild but a few months. Both Avere niueh respeeted and esteemed h}' a hn-ge eirelc of friends, and tlieir h)ss was greatly deplored by the community in which they had lived.

Anna, the only one of the daughters of AVilliam Bur- rage, of Lynn, who survived liim, was married May 5, 1810, to Benjamin Carter, of Leominster. For several years after their marriage, Anna and her Inisband lived with her parents, caring for them in tlieir old age and carrying on the farm. I'pon the decease of his father, her husband and his bi-other donalhan built a dwelling- house on that ])orti(tii of the i'arm which was their in- heritance. Their land adjoined her father's farm and also that of lu-r brother fJosiah. In the spi'ing of 1820 they moved into their new house, their place at the homestead being tilled In her brother Thomas and his i'amily. who at this time, as has been mentioned else- where, leturned from Templeton. In this house they resided as long as they lived. They had no children. She died March 12, 18ol. ller husband died several years before that time. She was an industrious, patient, conscientious, kind-hearted woman of the old school. Some of her nephews still have a vivid and grateful rememl)rance of the toothsome ai)ple-pie and big dough- nuts she used to dispense to them with a libi lal hand Avhen they called at "Aunt Anna's" on their way to or from the district school.


JosTAii BuRRAGE, the third son, remained at home, helping his fiither to cany on the home farm and work- ing a portion of the time for the neighboring farmers for wages nntil the thiitieth year of his age. In that yeai', March 7, 1800, he married Euth Kilbnrn, a daugh- ter of William Kilbnrn, of Lunenburg, a descendant of George Ivilbnrn, who came from Wood Ditton, England, in 1635, and settled in Eowley, Mass., in 1640. William Kilbnrn removed from Eowley to Lunenburg in 1767, the same year that William Burrage went from Lynn to Leominster. During the first year after their mar- riage the young couple lived in a hired house about a mile northeast of the homestead of his father, on the Shirley Yillage road, on which her father's homestead w\as situated, at a distance easterly of about two miles from her new home. But for several years before his marriage, Josiah had had his eye on the intervale farm which joined the homestead on its western and southern boundaries,^ owned by one Jonas Fiske, who was hardly

* This farm is boimded westerly and soutliwesterly by the Nashua River, a somewhat uncertain and movable boundary, since, owiug to the alluvial character of the soil, it is constantly undermining its banks on either side and thus changing the location of its channel. The farm-house is situated on the slope to the river (on a natural terrace) about midway between the river and the homestead of his father, purchased in 1767. The farm is now in the possession of Alvah A., the twelfth child of Josiah and lluth K. Burrage.




capable of carrying it on, and tlu'reforc somewhat in- clined to sell it. Tlie difKculty wa.s in getting the means to make the purchase. lie probably had saved of his earnings, up to that time, five or six hundred dollars, barely enough to pay for stock and tools for a farm and the scanty furniture of his dwelling. But, luckily, his brother AVilliam offered to become jointly responsible with him for the purchase-money, and in the spring of 1801 (the deed is dated Api-il 20, 1801) the form of eighty acres, with the buildings thereon, and thii'ty-six acres and thirty-two rods of land l^esides, was conveyed to Josiah Burrau;e and William Ibii-raue for the sum (»f $3,000. So the young man of thirty-one and the young woman of twenty-one years moved on to llieir farm.


cheerfully assumed their new duties, and bravely faced the contingencies of the future. When we reflect that the relative value of money at that time w^as more than double wdiat it is now, that the interest pa3'able on the debt incurred was fifty cents a day, and that it had been decreed that they w^ere to rear thirteen childi*en of their own on the farm, we get some idea of the nature of the contingencies that then and there confronted them, and can partially realize the magnitude of the task undertaken by the coiu'ageous young couple.*

They lived on the farm until 1846, forty-five years. During that time, fifty to seventy-five acres of land were added to the original purchase; another bai'n, a cider-mill, and other out-buildings w^ere erected; the house was enlarged by an addition and completely finished in modern style ;t the wdiole paid for, and the farm thus entirely freed from debt. Yet all this was but subsidiary only an accompaniment to the mc-

* The products of a farm at that time were sold at very low prices com- pared with the preseut prices of tlie same articles. The best cord- wood was but S2.50 to $3.00 per cord, delivered at the door ; pork, 6 cts. per lb. ; butter, 8 to 12 cts. per lb. ; potatoes, 20 to 25 cts. per bush. ; eggs, 8 to 12 cts. per dozen, etc. The highest price paid for labor was .$1.00 per day in haying time, or §10.00 to .$15.00, and board, per month, for the year. Under such circumstances, when a dollar stood for so much, and it required the equivalent of two bushels of potatoes or four pounds of the best butter to pay one day's interest on the debt of the farm, the outlook for being able to support a family and pay the principal must have been rather discouraging. (See Appendix M.)

tThe subjoined cut represents the homestead of Capt. Burrage as it appeared at the period between 1830 and 1846. It was engraved by Kussell & Bichardson from an oil painting by a young artist by name of Burridge, an Englishman, painted in 1846-47. 12




mcntous worlv of rearing thirteen ehildren to become worthy men and women.

It is a remarkable circumstance that during the forty- five yeai's that Josiah and Ruth Burrage resided in the house in which they reared thirteen chiklren, twelve of whom were born there, death did not once cross the threg;hold of then- home; that during that long period, though so many commenced their existence within its walls, no one died beneath its roof.

The subject of this sketch did not adopt the narrow, selfish policy of keeping his sons at home to help him cultivate the farm and pay off the debt when it was against their intei-est, but from the first consented to their leaving him Avhen it appeared that it would be for their advantage. Hence it happened that when he had i-eached the age of seventy-five years, and the infirmities of old age had impaired his strength and incapacitated him (and his wife) from carrying on the farm, he found himself alone, with no son to take his place at the plough, nor daughter to assist her mother in the house. Therefore, by the advice of his children, he sold the homestead to Mr. Farwell, the husband of his youngest daughter, Elizabeth, and removed to the North Village, about one mile up the river. lie had previously erected a dwelling there on a lot of land purchased of his son, George S., who had himself built a house for his own residence on an adjoining lot, both houses being on the site of a dwelling and shop


bclongin<^ to George S., destroyed by fire the ])revions year. He resided in this house until his decease, which occui'rcd Xov. 5, 1856, two montlis and twenty days aCter the eighty-sixth anniversary ul" his birth.*

Capt. Josiah Burrage was a good type of the okl- tinie, sturdy, honest, thrifty Xew England farmer. Without brilliant intellectual endowments, he possessed in an eminent degree the solid ([ualities of sound com- mon-sense, good judgment, and stability of character, lie ever acted on the (^oIiKmi Ivule ol" treating others as he would that they should treat him; was a kind ncigh- l)oi', a ii'i'od citizen, alwass tal<inir a deep interest in ])ul)lic affairs, and ever held the respect and esteem of his fellow-townsmen. Having little taste or leisure lor j)ublic service, he held but few public offices.

* Hj' will, he left his estate to his wife diirins her life, directing that so niiicli of it as remained after her deeease should be divided equally among those of his ehildreu or their heirs livins; at the time the will was made. At the end was the followiu'r clause: "If there is a residue of m^- estate left after the decease of my wife and the payment of all expenses, I re<iuest my children to fiive to each of my graudchildreii a large IJible " The executors fulHUed the l)e(|uest, Sept. 1, 1875, presenting to each of the forty-four grand- children then living a IMble, with the following inscription printed upon the lly-l'jaf:



itY nis (oi; iir.i;) (;i:an"I>iatiii;i:.


i.i:<iMiNSTi:i;, mass.

N < ) \- 1-: M U K K 5 , 1 iS J (i .

Ut<iLi;sT H'l.ni.l.KO SKIM. I, IS

JEt. 80.

^a/i/ ^ad'taA cSu'iiiZ^e.

h. 1770.


About the year 1800 the year of his marriage he was chosen captain of the "JN^orth Company" of Light Infantry of his native town, the same that his nephew, Leonard Burrage, was chosen to command some twenty years hiter. He hekl the office several years, and retained the title as long as he lived. At that time such an office was deemed important and held in high esteem. The person chosen to it became a member of the small aristocratic circle which then existed in every country village, composed of the min- isters, the lawyers, the doctors, the ti'aders, and the commissioned officers of the militia. These, in legal documents and on public occasions, were styled " gen- tlemen," whereas the rest of mankind were called yeomen, or l)y the name of their occupation.

JSText to a sound judgment, Capt. Burrage, with his untiring industry, was doubtless indebted for his success as a farmer and bread-winner for his children to an exceedingly compact, hardy, and vig- orous physical organization. When an old man, he used to say that he had never experienced the sensation of fatigue; yet from his youth until he reached the age of seventy-five years, he probably averaged fourteen or fifteen hours a day of hard work. In the summer he rose at dawn and continued work until the sun had disappeared behind the Monoosnock Hills, and from the intervale the plaintive notes of the whippoorwill heralded the approaching shades of


night. Tn the Avinter he would leave his hed two or three hours ])efore sunrise, and, after dressing', make a fire in the kitehen, fill the teakettle and hang- it on the ci-ane in the fii-e]ihice, then go to the harn and ^'rodder" his oxen and the other fifteen or twenty eattle. Meanwhile, his wife would lisc and ])repare breakfast, which was always eaten by candU'-light. After bi'eak- fast, he would yoke the oxen, hai'uess them to the cart or sled, take his dinner i)ut up in a small tin pail, and about an hour before the sun was u[) start foi' the wood- lot, which Avas about two miles from the house. Ujion his arrival there, he would i)i'oceed to put on a load of wood from a large pile that had l)een cut the previous winti'r and spring, and carry it to tlie ceutiv of Laneas- ter A'illage or to Leominster, each being three or four miles distant from the Avood-lot. The day's woi'k was nsually tlie calling of two loads, of a eord eaeh, and the return home, travelling twelve to sixteen miles with an ox-team, besides loading and unloading the wood, lb' would reach home two or thi-ee houi's after sunset, put u[) and feed his team, eat a hearty supper, which he would find prepared for him by his good wife, and go to bed, to rise the following morning to go through the same programme. This was done, usually, whether the weather was favorable or unfavorable, mild or extremely cold. J le often came home with his feet partially frozen. lie received for the wood, delivered, if it was pine, $2.oO, or if it was hai-d wood, $3X)0 per cord.

.1 m







h. 17 so.




He did not believe in the eight-and-ten-hours-a-day notions of the present time. Indeed, he eonld not have snpported his family and paid for his farm by the hibor of ten honrs a day. He beUeved fully in the mission of work. Before they left home, except during the three or four months of the year they attended school, his sons, from the time they became large enough to drive the cows to pasture, drop corn, "ride horse to plough," or pick stones from the mowing land, wei'e required to work steadily and continuously. To this discipline of steady work at that time they are doubtless indebted for whatever success they have achieved since.

Ruth (Kilburn) Burrage survived her husband nearly nineteen years. She died May 1, 1875, at the age of ninety-four years six months seventeen days, retaining her mental faculties in remarkable clearness to the last. In many respects she was a remarkable woman. Born before the close of the war of the Revolution, her life, which nearly spanned a centuiy, though in humble station, was an eventful one. As her husband was a good specimen of the old-time ]^ew England farmer, so was she a good example of the old-time farmer's wife. Mariied at the age of nineteen years, she cast her lot with one who, like herself, possessed no wealth but that of a brave and loving heart, good health, and an indom- itable resolution. During the first twenty-five years of her married life she bore thirteen children, took care of them in health and sickness, prepared all the food for


the family, which usually included one or more hired laborers, made butter and cheese, spun yarn from wool and flax, made the clothing of the younii-er children, and did the mending for all the family, besides doing the numerous other things required in a farmer's house- hold. She had but little, if any, help in the house, save when her childi'en wei'e born, until hei' daughters became old enough to assist her.

'^^rhns, until she left the (arm, she ])robably averaged more houi's of labor each day than even her husband did. .\nd yet her physical organization, although })()s- sessing givat \ itality, was never robust like his. Unlike him, she was oClm comi)elled to confess that she was tired, llcf mind was characterized by keen perceptive l)owers and a vei-y ivtentive memory. V\) to the last year of her lile, she was always ready to illustrate by somi' anecdote or story of former years any subject that chanced to come u[) in conversation.

Although naturally reserved and undemonstrative upon the subject of ivligion, as upon all matters in which her personal leelings were profoundly intei'csted, she possessed a deeply religious nature. In theolog}-, she, as well as her husband, was liberal and tolerant of the opinions of others, believing that Avhatever may be tluir ci-eed, and in spite of any intellectual belief, it will ever be well with those who mean I'ight and do right, and the reverse with those who mean evil and do evil.*

* See Appendix K.


It is to be regretted that a fuller history of the fami- lies descended from John Biirrage, of Newton, cannot he given, hut circnmstances have rendered it impossible to give more than the bare outline in most cases.

As has been said, his son, "William, married Hannah Osland in 1744, and in 1756 removed to Concord, Mass., where he died in 1763, two of his sons, Jonathan and John, subsequently settling in Lunenburg. Jonathan married, probably in 1776, Sally Barthrick. They had two sons and six daughters.

William, the eldest son, married Sophia Ellis, and had three sons and two daughters. One daughter has de- ceased; the other children, William H., Simeon, Hannah, and John B., are now living in Petersham, Mass.

Jonathan, Jr., the other son, married Hannah Keeser, by whom he had two sons and five daughters. John, the eldest son, married in Lunenburg, and had two chil- dren. He died in 1848. Artemas P., the other son, resides in Lunenburg unmarried. Three of the daugh- ters were married in Lunenburg.

John, the other son of William Burrage, of Concord, who settled in Lunenburg, married. May 10, 1781, Lois Barthrick, a sister of Sally, his brother Jonathan's wife.



(Tradition says they were married by Parson Adams, of Lunenburg, at his house, and that the house was soon after destroyed by fire and the parish i-eeords whieh Avere kept there all consumed.) They had six sons, Thomas, John, James, Joseph, Marthi, and AVilliam, and one daughter, Betsey.

Thomas, when al)()ut twenty-seven years of age, mijjrrated to Pennsvlvauia and settled in West Town, Chester County, in tliat State, wlu'i'c lie mai-i'ied, about the year 1810, Ilaiuiah Yearsley. She died soon after giving bii'th to a daughter, named Elizabeth, and Dee. 31, 1SIl\ Ik- iiiai-ried Mary Howell. By her he had four ehildirn, viz., Thomas II., Mary Ann, John, and llannali. Sin- difd in ISH). In June, 1823, he married Hannah Paul, who died in al>(»ut a year, leaving one son, AVilliam. His fourtli marriage seems to have proved unfortunate from some cause other than that of death. lie mai-ried a ^Fi-s. Kenshaw, from whom, after a short time, he obtalittd a divorce. It appears that, notwith- standing his matrimonial experiences, he still remained a devotee of Hymen and mari'ied again, his fifth and hist wife being a Mrs. Child.

About the year 1820 he took a contract to build a section of the Delawai-e and Chesapeake Canal. Sub- sequently he bought a schooner or sloo]) on which he went as master in the coasting trade for several years. After his marriage to Mrs. Kenshaw, he went into the hotel business; kept the Arch Street House, then a


hotel OH Point Road, and lastly, the Branch Town Hotel, in Philadelphia. Dnring a portion of this time he was also engaged as cattle drover, with two partners, one of whom lived in Penn Yan, ]^. Y. About the year 18-t3 he removed to Penn Yan, with his son, John, who kept a hotel in that place a short time. They then removed to Elgin, 111. But the climate there not agree- ing with them, they soon returned to the State of j!^ew York. The California gold fever was then at its height, and they were induced to join their means to engage in gold digging, and Jolin went to the mines. He stayed a short time, made some money, and then returned and bought a farm near Palmyra, ^. Y., where he and his father lived until then' decease. John died al)out the year 1858; his father, Thomas, died Oct. 13, 1860, in the seventy-ninth year of his age.

John, the second son, married, Feb. 13, 1812, Rebecca Greenleaf, of Medford. They had two children, a son and a daughter, who died Avithout issue.

James, the third son, when a young man, went to Detroit, Mich., where he married Sarah Maynard, who died soon after hei' marriage. Subsequently he. removed to Pennsylvania, and became a mariner. The latest intelligence received from him by his friends in Mas- sachusetts was by letters from him and his brother, Thomas, dated Jan. 25 and Feb. 3, 1812, which said that he was building a vessel in which he intended to go to Boston the next autumn. It is conjectured that he was lost at sea.


Joseph, the fourth son, married, in 1814, Lydia, the daughter of Deaeon Ward Jackson, of Boston. He settled in Cambridge, and for fifteen years was collector of tolls on the Cambridge or West Boston Bridge. Subsequently, he went into tlie lumber busmess with a Mr. Bowman, under the fii'in name of Burridge & Bow- man, and continued the business and the connection till shortly befoi-e his decease. He had two sons and five daughters, only two of whom are now living, viz., Waid J. and Caroline Y. lie died in 18()8, aged eighty years. He was an honest man aud a much-respected citizen; was chosen by the town of Cambridge to serve on its J^oard of Selectuicn iu the years 1835, 1836.

Mai-tin, the liltli son, married, in 1816, Eliza Withing- ton, of Medford, l)y whom he had three sons and two daujrhters. Both the daughters and two of the sons Avere married in Medford, whei-e one son and one daugh- ter still reside; the others have died. His first wife died, and in 181:0 he married Hannah Tratt. Mr. Bur- rage has always followed the occupation of a gardener, as did his father before him. He has the i-ecord of an honest, industrious man and a good citizen.

William, the youngest son, married, in 1822, Elizabeth l!^ixon, by whom he had one child, John Q. A. Bur- rage. He lives in Lawrence, Mass., where he is in the employ of the Boston & Maine Railroad Company. John Q. A. Burrage married. May 10, 1819, in Boston, Sai-ah L. Thayer. He also lives in Lawrence, and is


in the service of the Boston & Maine Raih-oad Com- pany.

Betsey, the only danghter, married, Ang. 11, 181-1, David Bncknam, of Medford. They had one child, Elizabeth, who married. May 23, 1834:, John P. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley have had three childi-en. They reside at I^ewton (Upper Falls) .

For sevei'al years previons to 1800, John Barrage resided in Shirley, probably near the boundary between that town and Lunenburg. About the year 1800 he removed with his family to Medford, Mass., where he died, July 20, 1822.

As has been said, he was a soldier in the war of the Revolution. Mrs. Bradley, a granddaughter, says: "He served nearly eight years, and it was while at home on a furlough that he was married. I have in my possession his roll-book (he was an orderly sergeant in Capt. Cushing's company), the hymn-book he carried in his pocket through the war, and $65 of the Conti- nental money, in which he was paid off after the close of the war."

Besides his patriotic record as a soldier, we are so fortunate as to possess testimony to Sergt. Bun-age's worth of character from one of his contemporaiies. Mr. Josiah Burrage, of Cambridge, recollects that soon after he went to Boston to live, about 1828, Mr. Francis, of Medford (the father of the late Rev. Dr. Francis and of Mrs. Lydia Maria Child), who sometimes traded at the

102 THE BUKUAdr: memorial.

shop in which he was employed, asked liiin one day if he was a rehition of the hite John Barrage, of Medford, i-emai'lving that " it would be an honor to be, for he was a very Avoilliy man, greatly respeeted in Medford by all who knew him." He followed the occupation of gardener while he lived in Medford.

Thomas, the onlv other sou of John Hui'i"a<re, of Xewton, \\liose postei'ily udw beai- the family name, as has beeu said elst'where. settled in a part of Dedham which afterwai'ds became Dover. All of his five chi!- (li'eu were mai'rii'd. (See " (ienealogv.")

John r>iii-i-(i<i<. Ills eldest sou, was born Auii". 23, lib*). lie was a fanner, owning a farm in Dover; also a carpentei*; was a major in the regiment of militia of ^N^orfolk ("ouuty, and ser\ ed a short time in the war of 1812 at one of the forts iu Boston Harbor. He was one of tlie selectmen of Dover in 1805, 180G, 1807, and 1808. About IS 14, when at work uj)on a meeting- house which was being erected, he fell from the build- ing at a great height, and was so seriously injured that he was a cripple ibr the rest of his life.

Major Burrage appears to have possessed uuich force of character, and was respected in the communit}^ in which lir lived. June 17, 1792, he married Al)ii;-ail l*ratt, of Sherboru. They had six children, two sons, four daughters. He died Api'il 2)5, 1S.")1. One of his sons died at the age of four years. The other son, flohn Bui'rage, niarried, Xoveuiber, 1820, Xancy Poor

^t. 71. b. 1806.


Dana, of Dedham. They had seven children, five sons, two daughters. HamiUon Barrage, one of the sons, resides in Lowell, where he is clerk of the Lowell Bleachery Corporation. Another son, George Dana Burrage, is one of the firm of Chessman & Burrage, men's furnishing goods, Boston, and resides in that city.

Mr. Burrage has followed his trade of carriage- maker fifty years. He lived in Dover until 1827; in Qnincy and South Braintree, Mass., from 1827 to 1832; in Groton, Mass., from 1832 to 1841; in South Boston, from 1844 to the present time. He is a good citizen, and has gained the respect and esteem of the com- munity wdierever he has lived. That he is an earnest, conscientious, steadfast man of principle is shown in the fact that he w^as one of the original antislavery men, and has always abided by the principles of the " Free Soil " party, voting the " Free Soil " ticket when there was but one other man in the town brave enough to obey his convictions in the face of ridicule and persecution.

Obed, the second son of Thomas Burrage, of Ded- ham (or Dover), married, in 1799, Julia Leland, of Sherborn. They had two daughters and one son. He was at one time a captain in the militia, and retained the title. About 1810 he removed from D®ver to Tem- pleton, where he resided till 1849, when he removed to Shrewsbury, Mass., where he died in 1850.


Abigail, the eldest daughter of Thomas Burrage, married, in 179G, Jabez Baker, of Dover. They had one son and two daughters. Iveziah, the second (hiugliler, married, Aug. 22, 1708, Edward Simmons, of AVatertown, afterwards of Leominster. They had thi-ee daughters, lie was a paper manufaetui'er, and carried on the l)usiness at the "Upper Mill" in Leom- inster for many yeai'S.

.Vniia. the ^^oungest daughter, married, in 1801, Lewis Smith, of Dover. They had eight children, two sons, six danghtei-s. The youngest daughter, Catherine Iv., manied George Sumner Burrage, a de- scendant ol" Deacon 'i'homas Burrage, of Lynn, who mai-ried Elizabeth Breed, in 1(387. Thus, George Francis, the youngest son of George S. Burrage and his wife Catherine K., became the joint descendant of the two brothers, AVilliam and Thomas, sons of the emigrant, John Burrage, and after the lapse of one hundred and fifty years the two diverging streams were united in one cuiTcnt in his person.


JosiAH BuERAGE, of Leoiiiinster, and his wife, Ruth, were greatly blessed by a kind Providence in enjoying the unusual privilege of living together in the bonds of matrimony more than fifty-six years, and in surviving to see all of their thirteen children happily married. Such felicity is rarely vouchsafed to husband and wife.

They had nine sons and four daughters. John, the eldest son, w\as twice married: First, in 1820, to his cousin, Sena Burrage, by whom he had one child, John Milton Burrage. She died in 1824. In 1835 he mar- ried Mary Watson, of Cambridge. By her he had two children, Charles Edward and Annie Catherine.

"When a child he had a severe sickness, which ter- minated by settling in one of his legs, and so affecting it as to destroy all muscular power in the limb, so that he became a cripple for life, and could walk only by the aid of crutches. This circumstance, together w^ith his aptitude for reading and study, led his parents, notwith- standing their straitened means at that time, to give him a liberal education, that he might be fitted for the practice of the law. The studies to prepare him for entering college were pursued at the Groton and ^ew Ipswich Academies. He also recited, while at home,



to Joscjili G. Kendall, Esq., a graduate of Harvard College, who was then praetisiiig law in Leominster. He entered Brown I'niversity in 1821, and graduated in 182.5.

Respeeti ng his life at the university, Dr. Barnas Sears, who was a elassmate, w^'ites as follows, under date of May 2."), 1877:* "]Mr. John Burrage was a classmate of mine duiing the years 1821-1825. The class was, I tliink, the hugest that had ever entered; and my acquaintance with the majority was less inti- mate on tliat account. Tf I can trust to my memoi-y ioi- a j)ii'i()(l of more than lifty years, your brother used crutclus, was rather shoi't. with a well-formed head and shoulders, and a somewhat i)al(' countenance. I think Ills lualth was not very vigorous. His lialnts were perfectly regular; his character, so far as I knew, faultless; and his diligence and fidelity as a student, quite uniform. He was rather serious than mirthful. Possibly his physical condition gave a slight tinge of sadness to his life. It was either so, or he Avas natu- ralh' more sedate than others. I do not rememl)er hearing any of his classmates say a word against him. His scholarship was very respectable. If he ever failed in a recitation, I do not i-emember it. My relations with him were always pleasant, and I caimot think of liim at tliis distant time without feelings of tenderness.

* In a kind note, roplyin;^ to a reciiiest that he would furnish such rcniini- isceuces as he might liave respecting his classmate, John Burrage.


If you remember him as I do, it will be a i:>lcasiiig- duty to record his worth, and doul^ly so, from the fact that he was your brother."

After graduating he went to Buzzard's Bay for a few months as a teacher in the family of Mr. Cornelius Grinnell. Subsequently he went to New Bedford and studied law in the office of Williams & Warner, doubtless struggling hard, meanwhile, to earn enough to meet his expenses. After a while he opened an office for himself, was admitted to the bar, and com- menced the practice of law in ISew Bedford. He remained there until the spring of 1843. At one time his business was quite successful, but he was not a good collector of his oivn dues, lacked in the manage- ment of financial affairs, looking out for the interests of others more than for his own; consequently it was found, eventually, that the receipts were insufficient to meet the expenses of his increased family. Hoping to better his condition, and being advised to the step by his brothers, in the spring of 1843 he removed to Charlestown. AVhat the result might have been after a while it is impossible to say; but at first, being in a new place and among strangers, he, of course, found matters worse than at :N'ew Bedford; and the few months of his life in Charlestown must have been a period of great mental anxiety and distress. Early in the month of August he Avas taken down witli malig- nant typhoid fever, and 'died on the 24th of that mouth.


1843, passing away within fifty rods of the spot whci'O his ancestor and namesake, the emigrant, had died, one hundred and fifty 3'ears before.

^Iv. Barrage possessed a remarkably clear, vigorous intellect. Xotwithstanding the physical disabilities under wliicli he lalxtivd, which would seem an almost insuixM'able obstacle to success, he acquired and main- tainc(l a good jjosition at tlu' bar of J5ristol County. lie was respected for his high character by all who knew him. In tlic years 1833, 1834, having been nominated by the Anti-Alasons of Xew Bedford for representative to the legislatui'c, he was elected, and proved a useful member of that body. It may be said of him that he was broad and liberal in his o])ini()ns, generous-hearted, extremely conscientious, a pul)lic-s^)irited citizen, (n/ Jionist Jairiier.

Emory, the second child, was the only one of the nine sons who remained at home to assist his father on the farm until twenty-one years of age. AVhen in his twenty-third year. May 26, 1825, he married Mary, the daughter of his uncle, Thomas Burrage, and the young couple took up their abode with her parents in the house bought by their grandfather in 1767. As has been said before, they took charge of the farm and faithfully cared for the old people as long as they lived. The farm was greatly impi-oved under their skilful and laborious admmistration. When they left it in 1871 one liundred and four years after their grandfather


moved on to it its real and relative value was doubt- less more than treble what it was in 1767. Mr. Burrage was very systematic as well as industrious. With him " there must be a place for everything and everything must be in its place." He proved as successful a farmer as his father had been before him under different conditions ; and in the art and mystery of honse-keep- ing in a farm-house, his wife has had few equals. Her butter and cheese were unsurpassed, and, not to men- tion other culinary triumphs, her cream-toast was for many years alike the despair of I'ival house-keepers and the delight of all who had the good fortune to partake of it.

In 1848 Mr. Burrage was chosen a deacon of the First Congregational (Unitarian) Church of Leomin- ster, the church of which he has been a member from his youth and of which his parents and grandparents were members before him. He still retains the office. His fellow-citizens have also testified their confidence and respect by calling upon him to fill other offices of trust and responsibility. In thought he is liberal and progressive; detests bigotry, injustice, and immoralities of every kind; hence he has ever been an earnest oppo- nent of the two great evils of his day, slavery and in- temperance, having been an outspoken friend of the temperance and antislavery movements when they were unpopular and despised.

Owing to infirmities incident to increasing years, tlie


labor and care of carrying on the fiii'in became so bnr- densome to both, that in 1871 Deacon Burrage and his wife felt compelled to sell the ancestral acres. It is a matter of regret that none of the family were so circnm- stanced as to be able to take charge of the farm. The only alteinative was to sell it to the highest bidder. It was bonght by Mr. T. Dwight AVood, of AVestminster. The old house, which stood on the farm in 17(57, was toi-u down about IS.'),^ and replaced by a more modei'n and convenient one. 'I'hree or four years before he left, Deacon Hui-i-age erected an addition. The appearance of the [)lace is therefore very unlike what it was before the old house was demolished.*

After the sale of their fiirm, Deacon Burrage and his wife removed to the North Village, and lived in a pai't of the house occupied by his mother and her niece, Miss E. Eunice Taintei' (who had lived with her so long and had so kindly ministered to her in her declining years that she seemed more like a daughter than a niece). Upon the decease of his mother, in 1875, they ])ni-- chased the house and lot of the executors and still reside there. Miss Tainter lives with her brother, Deacon Elijah F. Tainter, in Xewton.

Josiah, the third son, was born July 24, 1801:. "When fourteen years of age he went to li^•e with his cousin, Jeremiah Kill)urn, in Groton, to learn the hatter's trade.

* The cut on page 50 represents the old house as it appeared about 1707-



After working at the business about three 3^ears, his health faihng, he was compelled to leave it and return home, where he spent two or three years studying and farming. In the winter of 1824 he taught school for a few weeks in Lunenburg and also in a district in ^orth Lancaster. While at Groton, he attended the academy there a part of one term. About the first of May, 1824, when nearly twenty years of age, he bravely set out alone to seek his fortune in Boston ; being the pioneer of those of the family who have since made that city their home, and the first of the name of Burrage to connect himself with its business since the decease of his emigrant ancestor, the ferryman, in 1685.

His fii^st experience is best described in his own words. He says: "About the first of May, 1824, I went into a country store at ^NTeponset Tillage, Dorchester, where I stayed until February, 1825. Then I went to Boston, and tended in a grocery store on Purchase Street. After remaining there one month my employer got drunk and I quit him; and about that time Cousin Kil- burn started a hat store on Hanover Street, and solicited my assistance. I remained in his employ about three months, when Cousin K. sold out. Then I went to a wooden-ware store, where for three days eveiything went on quietly, but on the fourth day my employer got crazy drunk and went at me with an axe-helve and I left him." He then answered, in person, an advertise- ment for a book-keeper by Mr. :N'ewell Bent, a hunber


dealer at Cambridgeport, and let liimself immediately to Mr. Bent for the term of six months for his board, no other compensation. Fortunately he boarded in Mr. Bent's family, and thus became acquainted with Mrs. Bent, who aCterwai-ds pi-oved a valuable friend. At the expiration of \hv six months, Mr. Bent made him a pi-esent of ten doUars and a hat (which he got out of a bad debt), and advanced his wages, for the future, to ten dollars a month and board. After working in this way for some time, Mr. Bent had occasion to discharge his foi'cman on the whai'f, and re(piested Josiah to take his place and still continue to peilbi-m the duties of book-keeper, which he consented to do; but when, some time later, the young man, wlio was doing double duty, asked for an advance in his wages, it was refused, whereupon he left and let hiin^rU" in a grocery store in Boston for iifteen dollars a montli. This Avas in 182S. For tile three following years he was engaged in the grocery and lumber business alternately (being for a few months in the employ of Burridge & Bowman) with wavering and doubtful success. In 1831, at the expiration of eighteen months of labor lor himself in a lumber and grocery business, he found that he possessed a capital of three hundred dollars, just the amount he had when he went in eighteen months before. At this time Ml-. Bent, his former employer, died, leaving a son to continue the business he left.

Now caiii'j the reward of the voung man's former


faithful services and upright character. Mrs. Bent, the widow and mother, insisted that the young clerk who had lived in her family should he found and an offer of an interest in the business made to him. She had been so favorably impressed by the young man's character that she was unwilling that her son should associate himself with any other partner. So he went in with young Bent as an equal partner, under the style of Bent & Burrage. Thus after striving seven years for a position, he obtained a firm foothold. The business established by Josiah Burrage, Jr., in 1831, has been continued by him (in difterent connections), on the original wharf, to the present time; although for the last two or three years it has been conducted by his sons, Josiah K. and Frederick E., under the style of Burrage Brothers, he having only a nominal interest in the business. From the first, Mr. Burrage gained some- thing above his expenses each year, always paid his debts promptly, and now has a competency, the reward of untiring industiy, frugality, sagacity, and fair dealing. He is universally respected in the community, where he has resided fifty years.

In 1844 and 1845 he was chosen one of the selectmen of Cambridge, and after its incorporation as a city served in the Board of Aldermen two years, 1859, 18G0. In 1857 he was one of the representatives from the city to the General Court, and has at diff'erent times been chosen to fill various other positions of trust and re-



sponsibility. In 1833 he married Abigail Stiulley, of Leicester. They have had five eliildren, four of whom, William Wirt, Josiali Killjurn, Martha Augusta, and Frederick Emory, are living and reside in Cambridge.

George Sumner, the fourth son of Josiali and Kuth K. 15uii-age, was born Aug. 10, 1806. When twelve years of age, his father a})prentiet'd him to his uncle, William Burrage, to learn the business of tanniug and currying. After serving the full time of his apprentice- shi]), soon after he had attained his majority, in 1828, he followed his brother Josiali to l^ostou, where he at once found work in currying leather, and in a short time set uj) business for himself lie i-emaiued in Boston several years. In 1829 or 18)50 his cousin, Leonard l>urrage, ha\iiig ])r()])osed to him to become a ])artiu-r with him- self in the business at the old shop in Leominster, he returned to his nati\c' town, and thenceforth resided there so long as he lived. lie continued w^ith his cousin until 184-1-15, when the copartnership was dissolved.

For a few years, subsequently, he carried on the manufacture of shoes, but eventually gave it up, and during the last twenty years of his life was employed in transacting business for the town and his neighbors, and ill tilling a few acres of land. He was a sagacious business man. If his ambition had been commensurate with his ability, and his health had been adequate, he might have accumulated a large fortune. As it was, he was deemed a ^'Ibrehan ^.ed" man by his neighbors, and


left ail estate adequate foi' tlie support of those Avho were dependent upon him.

He was twice married. In 1831 he married Catherine Richards Smith, of Dover. They had four children, two of whom died in infancy. Adelia Ann, the eldest child, died Dec. 26, 1857, in the twenty-sixth year of her age, of consumption, after a long- and painful illness. She was intelligent, amiable, very conscientious, and of an affectionate disposition. Her early death was a great loss to the com'munity in which she lived as well as to a large circle of friends.

George Francis, the only one of the four that survives, is married, and lives in Boston. (See sketch of sol- diers in war of the Rebellion.) The mother died Jan. 3, 1840. Mr. Burrage married Martha Ann Minot, Sept. 15, 1810. By her he had three children, one of whom died in infancy. The youngest daughter, Catherine S., is married, and resides in Worcestei-. Alfred H., the youngest son, lives with his mother.

George Sumner Burrage died suddenly of disease of the heart, Feb. 25, 1877, in the seventy-first year of his age. His death was deeply lamented by his neig-hbors and fellow-townsmen, as well as by a large circle of relatives. In him a sound judgment and strong will were united with a kind heart and a woman's tenderness of feeling. His known honesty, kindness, and sound judgment brought many to him for advice when in trouble, and he was' often chosen by his fellow-


townsmen to manage tlie nninic-ipal affairs of the town. He served on the Board of Selectmen for many years. In 1851 he represented the town in the General Conrt, and had the honor of being- one of those who first elected Charles Sumner to the United States Senate, when after many hallotings Sumner was at last chosen by a luajoiity of one. J lis l)i-()ad and generous nature and a keen nioial sciix- led liiin to engage earnestly in the anli>hivi'i'V and IciiiiK'i-ance r(.'foniis, when they were first starlcil and wt-re extremely uii])o|uilar, and he could never tolerate injustice, dishonesty, or im- j)urity, wlutlu-r practised in ])ublic or private station.

AVilliam, the lifth son, was born May 11, 18U8. lie remained at home until abont eighteen years of age, when he went to work in one of the i)ai)er mills in the Xorth \'illage of Leominster. He remained thei-e one or two years, and then apprenticed himself to learn the trade of tannei' and cui'i'ier at the shop of his nncle, AVilliam, and his cousin, Leonai-d Burrage, as his brother, George S., had done before him. His time expired in the s])ring of 18)50, when he was twenty-two years old. He then Avent to Boston, and worked for a short time for his brother, George S., for $10 per month. But a pi-ominent leather dealer, who was interested in a i)atent leather-splitting machine, desired to get agents to travel South and AVest to sell the machines, and William engaged himself for that woi-k. He was gone several months, en(bn-ing great fatigue


and many hardships and dangers, travelHng at that time, on land, being entirely by stage-coaches or on horseback. After his retnrn he was taken ill with a fever, the resnlt of hardships and exposnre. As a boarding-honse at that time, as well as now, was not a good place to be sick in, his brother Josiali hired a horse and chaise and carried the sick man home to Leominster, a day's ride of forty miles, when in a high fever. The disease was very severe, but a strong con- stitution and the carefnl nursing of his mother carried him through it. When convalescent, he found it would take all his money, to the last dollar, to pay the doctor's bill, and the prospect appeared gloomy enough; but with renewed health came fresh courage. He again bravely went to work at his trade in Boston, and with such success that he was soon able to connnence busi- ness for himself in a small way, and from that time gradually but steadily increased his business and im- proved his circumstances. The business of manufac- turing shoes for the Southern and Western markets was then in its inception. At first he bought the leather in its rough state, curried and dressed it, and then sold it to the boot and shoe manufacturers ; then he began to furnish leather for boots and shoes to be made on his account; until, finally, he sold nothing but boots and shoes, which were either manuftictured by him or for him. Meanwhile, both the city and its business increased very rapidly; and Mr. Burrage's


capital increased with them, till lie became one of the principal men in the shoe and leather trade.

About the year 1845 he took into partnership his brother Joseph, and Mr. Ilines, and for several years the business "was carried on under the style of AVni. Burrage & Co. Subsequently, when they removed from Fulton Street to Pearl Street, Mr. Ilines left, and Mr. Hlake was taken into the firm, the name of which then becanu' liurrage, Blake, &: Burrage. This co- l)artnership existed about thive years, when Mr. Blake left, and ^Fr. Jolm (^. ITt'iiry 1)ecame a partner. Subse- quently, ]\Ir. Bui'i-age's heaUh having become impaired, he deemed it best to retire from active business. He therefore sold out his interest to his bn^ther Joseph, and ^Iv. Henry, who afterwards conducted the business under the firm name of Burrage ct Henry, AVilliam contributing a portion of the ca[)ital and becoming a sjK'cial partner in the lirm. This arrangement existed until his decease.

About 1838 ^Fr. Bun-age, with several other gentle- men, most of whom were engaged in the same business as himself, obtained an act of incorporation as the Shoe and Leather Dealers' Bank. He was on its first Board of Directors, and continued a director of the institution until his decease.

He was twice mari'ied: First, to Mary Ann Jackson, of Koxbury, :\ray 14, 1835. She died :\Ia]ch 5, 1840. They had no children. In 1841 he man-ied Maiy (iil-


more French, of Boston. They had two children, a daughter, Ellen Rebecca, and a son, William Clarence. The daughter married Lewis Dixon, M. D., and resides in Worcester; the son married Edith D. Yose, and lives in Boston.

Mr. Bnrrage died suddenly on the night of 'Nov. 30, 1859. His health had not been good for several years, but on the day of his death he visited his office in town, and did not appear to be more unwell than usual.

The subject of this sketch possessed more than ordinary intellectual ability. He had keen perceptive powers; caught an idea quickly; reasoned rapidly and acted promptly; was sagacious, and an excellent judge of men. While ever shrewd to look after "the main chance," he had an exceedingly kind, genial disposition, and an inexhaustible fund of wit and humor, in short, was a good example of the sagacious, shrewd, genial Boston merchant of that time. He held public office on two occasions: in 1853 he was a member of the common council of Boston from old Ward 7; and in 1854, one of the representatives from Boston to the legislature. In his will he bequeathed, in fourteen legacies, |26,000 to sundry relatives and friends, to whom the gift Avas a grateful benefaction. The rest of his estate was left to his wife and children.

Alinira, the eldest daughter and sixth child, was born Feb. 16, 1810. She lived with her parents until she married James H. Marshall, of Leominster, Xov. 25,

^ rf W^^.i:,Wjss^'^Wjgc^^^^,w^AW-^M




capital increased with them, till he became one of the principal men in the shoe and K-athei" trade.

About the year 184:5 he took into ]iartnership his brother Joseph, and ^Er. I lines, and for several years the business was carried on under the style of Wm. Bnrraii'e &: C'<3. Snl)seqnently, wlien they removed from Fuhon Street to Pearl Street, ^Ir. Ilines left, and Mr. BLike was taken into the firm, tlie name of whicli tlien Ix'came I>nrrauv, Blake, cV: I>nn;iLi-e, This co- ])a]'tnt'rship existed al)out tln'ce years, wlicn Mr. Blake lelt, and Mr. dolm (^). Henry became a i)artner. Subse- (picnlly, ]\rr. Bui'ragT's health having- become impaired, lie deemed it best to retire from active business. He therefore sold out his interest to his l)rother Joseph, and Ml". Henry, who afterwards conducted the business under the firm name of Burrage &: llenr}^, AVilliam contributing a portion of the capital and becoming a special partner in the firm. This arrangement existed until liis decease.

About 1838 Mr. Burrage, Avith several other gentle- men, most of whom were engaged in the same business as himself, obtained an act of incorporation as the Shoe and Leather Dealers' Bank. lie was on its first Board of Directors, and continued a director of the institution until his decease.

He was twice married: First, to ^VFary .Vnn Jackson, of Roxbnry, :\ray 14, 183.";. She died March o, 1840. They had no children. In 1841 he mai'ried MaryCiil-





more French, of Boston, They had two children, a danghter, Ellen Kebecca, and a son, AYilliam Clarence. The danghter married Lewis Dixon, M. D., and resides in Worcester ; the son married Edith D. Yose, and hves in Boston.

Mr. Bnrrage died snddenly on the night of Xov. 30, 1859. His health had not been good for several years, but on the day of his death he visited his office in town, and did not appear to be more nnwell than usual.

The subject of this sketch jDOSsessed more than ordinary intellectual ability. He had keen perceptive powers; caught an idea quickly; reasoned rapidly and acted promptly; was sagacious, and an excellent judge of men. AYhile ever shrewd to look after "the main chance," he had an exceedingly kind, genial disposition, and an inexhaustible fund of wit and humor, in short, was a good example of the sagacious, shrewd, genial Boston merchant of that time. He held public office on two occasions: in 1853 he was a member of the connnon council of Boston from old Ward 7; and in 1854, one of the representatives from Boston to the legislature. In his will he bequeathed, in fourteen legacies, $26,000 to sundry relatives and friends, to whom the gift was a grateful benefaction. The rest of his estate was left to his wife and children.

Almira, the eldest daughter and sixth child, was born Feb. 16, 1810. She lived with her parents mitil she married James H. Marshall, of Leominster, :N'ov. 25,


1847. They liad one child, Charles Sumner Marshall. After a long and severe illness, from which she ap- peared to be recovering, she died suddenly Xov. 10, 1872, in Canada, where she had gone eight or ten weeks before, with her husband, on account of his health.

She was of a peculiarly calm, equable, undemonstra- tive temperament, but possessed nuich greater fortitude and force of chafaeter than was suspected by those who liad l)nt a pai'tial acquaintance with her and the circum- stances of her life.

Sarah Ann, the second danghter and the seventh child, was burn Xov. 9, 1811. She married David Mc- Clui-e, of Cambridgeport, May lo, 1831. They had eight childi-en, all of whom, save one, Ellen AVatson, died in infancy or childhood. She and her husband re- sided in Cambridge until hvv decease. His business was tlie mannfaetnring of vai'ni^li and chemical preparations of dilferent kind-. There is bnt little doubt that his work over the kettles in wdiich the ingredients were melted shortened his own life and injuriously affected the health of his wife and children. He was an indus- trious, upright, conscientious man and a kind husband. Sarah .Vnn died Dec. 11, 1850, of consumption, after a long and })ainful illness, aged thirty-nine years. A few weeks before her decease, she was taken to South Car- olina, with the hope that she might be benefited b}* a warmer climate; but the journey was of no avail, it only increased her sutferinii's. hhe (ijd on the wav home.


Her temperament was the opposite of that of her sister Ahiiira, being exceedingly sprightl}^ and vivacious. She was an excellent mimic, and would greatly amuse her friends when she chose to personate certain eccentric individuals. But to her vivacity were united the more solid virtues of a gracious womanhood. She was a good wife, a tender mother, a kind, sympathizing friend, a conscientious Chi-istian woman. Her husband survived her but a short time. He died July 20, 1852, aged forty-nine years.

Their daughter, Ellen Watson, married Charles H. Stearns, of Westminster, Oct. 14, 1857. She died July 19, 1861, leaving two children, a daughter, Addie L. Stearns, and an infant son. The son died in 1863. Thus Addie L. is the only living descendant and repre- sentative of Sarah Ann and her husband, and their eight children. She lives with her father in Worcester.

Joseph, the sixth son and eighth child, was born Xov. 16, 1813. At the age of seventeen or eighteen years, he, following in the footsteps of his brothers George S. and William, left the form and apprenticed himself to learn the tanning and currying business at the old shop, then in charge of his cousin Leonard and his brothei", George S. After serving the term of his apprentice- ship, he desired to obtain the means to attend an acad- emy for the purpose of getting a better education than he had been able to obtain in the public schools. So he worked as journeyman until he had accumulated suffi-



cient for the ])nr]:)ose, and tlien went to tlic Bolton Academy, kept by Master Fry, fur .several terms, teachiiig one of the pnblic schools of Leominster in the Avinter.

In the spring;- of ISoT he went to Boston, and in com- pany with ]\Ir. Asa l*ierce, under the firm name of Pierce & Bun-age, commenced llie business of currying leather. lie nMuained in this connection until about the year 184."), when he took an interest in the business of his brother AVilliam. and continui-d with him, as before mentioned, until tlu- (k-ccasL' of the latter, in 1859. After that he can'it'd on the business with Mr. John Q. lleniy, nndci' the- styk- of I^urrage & Ileni'v, until Oct. 31, 18()G, wlu'U tlu' c<)j)ai-tne'i'ship was dissolved, and he iornu'd anollu'r with Mr. William L. Keed, a boot and shoe manufacturer of ^Vbington; Mr. I). B. Closson being subsequently admitted a ])artuer. The firm name was Burrage & Keed. AVhen the copartnership expired by limitation, having decided to retire from active busi- ness, he sold out his interest in the stock to Heed & Closson, of which iirm he became a special partner, contributing a portion of the ca})itak This was but a few days befoi'c the great fire. The fii'm lost by the fire their entire stock of goods, amounting to $60,000. They received from the insurance but $31,200, fifty-two ])er cent, although the stock was fully covered, leaving a loss of $28,800.

Having a large family of children, Mr. Burrage


deemed it wise to remove Avith them into some place more rural than Arlington, and therefore sold his house there in which he had lived about twenty years, bought a house and small farm of fifteen acres of land in Pitts- ford, Vt., and in the spring of 1873 removed there with his family. His estate was sufficient to support them comfortably and respectably in their new home.

Mr. Burrage was twice married: First, to Frances S. Perrin, of Montpelier, Yt. By her he had six children, three sons, three daughters. The eldest son, Joseph Perrin, graduated at Harvard University, enlisted in the Union army, and was killed Oct. 28, 1863, in the battle of Lookout Mountain. (See sketch of soldiers.) She died Dec. 26, 1859, aged forty-three years. In June, 1861, he married Mary E. Closson, of Thetford, Vt. They had six children, three sons, three daughters. The youngest son was born but a fcAV weeks before his father's death, which occurred very suddenly, Aug. 30, 1873, from disease of the heart. He was on a visit to Boston for a few days, partly for business purposes. The night before starting on his return, he stayed at the house of his brother, A. A. Burrage, in Union Park. At breakfast he appeared to be in good health, and seemed in excellent spirits when he left the house for the Fitchburg Kailroad Station. His son, William T., met him at the cars to accompany him to Pittsford. Soon after seating themselves in the cars, immediately after the train started, Mr. Burrage suddenly threw his


head back, gasped, and expired instantaneously, without a struggle or uttei-ing a word.

It may be said of Deacon Joseph Burrage that he was a good business man, a kind luis])and and father, a conscientious Christian, an intelligent, public-spirited citizen. He was inr many years deacon of the Ortho- dox Congregational ( "liurcli in Arlington, and sn])ei'in- ten(h'nt of the Sunday s-hool. Jle was an eainest antislaNcry man, a consistent advocate of tem[)erance, and by \\\< ii|)iiiilit . conscientious eharactcr connnanded the respect ot" all wlio knew him.

Johnson Cai-tcr, the sexentli son and ninth child, was boi-n Jan. 20, ^f^^^). At the time of his birth, Jonathan Cartel- (a brother of I^enjamin) and his wife, ]\rary Johnson, who had been recent]}' mai'ried, lived in a room in the north end of his father's house, called "the north I'oom"; thus it liap[)encd that his mother, to honor her IViend, Mrs. Carter,* named her seventh son Johnson Carter. Subsequently, when the child was three or four years old, Mrs. Carter, who had no chil- dren, begged that he might go to live with her awhile. His mother having by that time no less than eight of his brothers and sisters on her hands, and not know-

♦Mrs. Carter was a person of mnch force of cliaracter, very intelligent, kind-hearted, and greatly inspected by her neighbors and all who knew her. After the death of her husband she lived alone in the part of the house they had forracrl}- occupied, supporting herself by cultivating the land that was her dower Johnson's brothers and sisters always c:illod h -r " Aunt Carter,'' while tliey called tlu'ir real Aunt Carter, "Aunt Anna" She died about the year 1845.


mg what the future had m stoi'e for her, finally con- sented.

Before this, Jonathan Carter and his wife had moved into the new house that had been built jointly by and for him and his brother, Benjamin, upon land inherited from their father. So one winter's day, the youthful seventh son w^as put into a basket upon a hand-sled, and drawn by one of his older brothers over the snow to his new home. The now gray-haired merchant retains a vivid recollection of that exhilarating half- mile ride. lie lived with Mrs. Carter three or four years, probably till the death of hei" husband, whicli occurred in 1824.

At an early age the lad manifested a predilection for trade ; so when he w^as fifteen years old his father found a place for him in the country variety store of George H. Hills, in the centre of the town of Leom- inster. He remained there and in other stores in the town, attending the district school in the winter months, until he w\as between eighteen and nineteen years of age. He then attended the Groton Academy one term, and taught school during the following winter in a district in the southwestern part of Lunen- burg, called Hardscrabble.

After the close of his school, in the spring of 1835, his brothers, George S. and William, having found a situation for him in the wholesale and retail woollen- ffoods store of A. & G. A. Kendall, 22 and 24 AVash-


ing-ton Sti'cet, Boston, he went to tliat city. .Vftcr beiiif'' with the Messrs. Kendall a little more than ei"h- teen months, they decided to give np the retail ])ortion of their bnsiness and move into another street, which Avas wholly devote(l to the wholesale trade; and they snr})ris('d the young man l>y proposing to him that he should take the sIoit and cai'ry on business Toi- hiui- self, at the same tiuic sliowiug their confidence in his al»ility and iulcgi'ity by olb'ring to give hiui all the credit be riMpiiiiMl. lie was too dilHdent to undertake the enterprise alonr, and therefoi-e ("oi'med a copartner- ship witb anotber young man, \. J. liicbai'dson; and on the lltli ol" October, b^.'^O, a little more than three months before his twenty-first bii'thday, the}' com- menced the business of buving and selling woollen goods, under tbe style of Richardson S: Bnrrage.*

From the first their l)u-<iness steadily increased, both in ^•obuue aud profit, until the year 1845. Unhapi)ily, it came to pass that their great prosperity served to disturb the equipoise of their minds and distract their judgment. The Burlington AVoollen Mills, at Bur- lington, Vt., having been nnsuccessful, were put on the market to be sold at less than fifty per cent of their cost, and Kichardson & Bnrrage w^ere indnced 1)V })arties interested to join in Iniying in the prop-

* About Uie year 1S42 tlicy rein;>vi'(l to a now iirauito warohousc, erected by Mr. Jolin Siininons, on Milk Street, at the corner of Tlieatre Alley, and tlienceforih discontinued the n-tail business, scllinj; at wliolesale only.


erty, upon the understanding that they were to man- age it and sell the goods manufactured. So, in 1845, they sold out and left their jobbing business, which they understood and were masters of, and went into the manufacturing and commission business, of which they knew little or nothing, thus forsaking a cer- tainty for an uncertainty.

As might have been anticipated, the new business dragged from the first, and proved inisuccessful, re- sulting in the loss, in the course of four or five years, of all they had made during the previous eight or nine years. They were compelled, at last, to suspend pay- ment; but they eventually paid all their debts in full.

Mr. Burrage, disappointed but not discouraged by his ill-luck, with a stout heart imm.ediately set about retrieving his fortune. Shortly after the suspension, in 1849, he formed a connection with the firm of James M. Beebe & Co., and resumed his old business of buying and selling woollen goods, and with more than the old-time success. He remained in this con- nection fifteen or sixteen years, when the firm of Beebe & Co. dissolved. He then, with three or four junior partners, took the woollen-goods branch of the business, and for seven or eight years carried it on under the style of J. C. Bui-rage & Co. In 1873, his health having become impaired by too close application to business, he retired from trade, possessing an ample competency.


Mr. Burrage was peculiarly fitted by nature for a merchant. He possessed good judgment as to men oi- merchandise, unswerving integrity, affability, and untir- ing industry and perseverance. He is liberal in his opinions, gives freeh' to objects of chai'ity, and is a public-spirited citizen, respected In all who know him.

He married Emeline Brighain, of Groton, Xov. 29,

1838. They have had six children. two sons, three daughters, all of whf)n) are living. The sons and two of the daughters are married.

Martha, the third daughter and tenth chiM of Josiah and Kuth K. Burrage, was born Feb. 4, 1818. She married John Dallinger, of Cambridge, Dec. 6, 1836, and had two children, Sophia Elizabeth Dallinger, who died in infancy, and AVilliam AVilberforce Dallinger, who is maiTied and resides in Cambiidge. She died of consumption, after a long and painful illness. May 5, 1845, aged twenty-seven years, deeply lamented by her relatives and a large circle of friends.

As in person she was the handsomest of her mother's children, so was she one of the loveliest in character. She possessed a refined and peculiarly sensitive nature, a quick, active mind, and an aflectionate disposition.

Elizabeth Smith, the fourth daughter and eleventh child, was born May 2, 1820. She married, Xov. 20,

1839, Peter Farwell, of Fitchburg. They have had seven children, five sons, two daughters, five of whom are living. The eldest daughter, Catherine S., married.


July 10, 18G9, James :N". Steele, of Chicago, and now lives in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Farwell resided in Leominster (at one time on the homestead farm of her father, as has been mentioned) until 1870, when, all but the youngest of their childi-en having gone to Chicago to live, they also removed to that city and now Uve there, their sons and youngest daughter living with them. A\ ith her large family to rear and care for, she has led a busy life. In temperament she perhaps more nearly resembles her mother than did any other one of the children, ha\dng like fortitude, equanimity, and faithfulness in the performance of every duty.

" She openeth her mouth with wisdom ; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her." In other words, she is a model ^ew England w^ife and mother.

Alvah Augustus, the eighth son and tw^elfth child, w\as bom May 30, 1823. His childhood and early youth, like that of his brothers, was passed at home, where, hke them, he was required to contribute his labor, however shght it might be, towards cultivating the farm to support the family. From his sixth till his eleventh year, he usually attended the district school durino- the summer and w^inter terms. After he reached the age of eleven years, until he left home, he only attended during the ten or tw^elve weeks of the winter



term." Wlicn in his sixteenth year his l^rother, John- son C, proi)Osed that he shoukl go into the store of Kiehardson &: Barrage to learn the business of selling woollen goods, and his father eonsenting, he eagerly aecepted the proposal. So after the close of the winter term of the district school, his fiither took the iarm lunse and wagon tln-iv were no railroads then and carried him over the Ilai'vard, Concord, and Lex- ington lioad to Boston; and on the lOtli of February, is:;!). Ir" entered upon a mercantile life in that city, and has ever since made it his home.

He remained with Richardson & Burrage until they -old out their jobbing business. He first received a -alaiy as salesman in 1844, the year he became of age.t It was .S4.10, AVith this he supported himself and laid u]) i<:V.K JMie next year his salary was advanced to .S<)<M). At the end of 184.3, his accunudated capital was .Sl^-). From that time for twenty years or more, some- thing was added to it each year.

Messrs. Arthur AVilkinson, Joshua Stetson, and F. AV. Xewton had formed a copartnership for the purpose of buving the stock and stand of Kichardson & Buo-age

The first winter after he went to Boston, when sixteen years of age, he returned home and attended the district school ten or eleven weeks. This was the extent of his school advantages.

t Up to thi?i time he had received for his services only his board and clothes, which had cost per annum sums varying from 8250 the first year to .?;^7.3 the fifth year. When he went to Boston to cjmmence his business career, his worldly goods consisted of one suit of clothes and fifty cents in cash.


and continuing the business. To secure the services of one who Avas acquainted with the customers, they offered Alvah A. a small interest in the business and a partner- ship in the firm. So on the 1st of January, 1846, he commenced business for himself as one of the firm of "VYilkinson, Stetson, & Co. He retained this connection for nearly seven years, leaving it in October, 1852. Upon the 1st of January, 1853, he formed a copartner- ship with !Noble H. Hill, his brother, Charles H, Bnrrage, and Chas. J. Danforth, under the style of Hill, Bnrrage, & Co. This connection continued for six years; the firm dissolved in December, 1858. The two brothers then took in two other partners and continued the busi- ness under the style of Bnrrage Brothers & Co. Under this name, with difi'erent partners, they carried on the business for fifteen years, until Dec. 31, 1873, when the copartnership was dissolved and Alvah A. Bnrrage re- tired from active participation in trade.* A little more than a year before this event, on the 9th and 10th of :N'ovember, 1872, occurred the disastrous conflagration in Boston, which destroyed about one half of the busi- ness portion of the city, and property estimated at

* Wilkinson, Stetson, & Co., while Mr. Barrage was a partner, occupied the store in Milk Street to which Richardson & Barrage had removed in 1842. Hill, Barrage, & Co.'s store was the hall and chamber of the old " Jnlien Hall " building, at the corner of Milk and Congress Streets. Barrage Brotliers & Co. at first occupied the chambers of the granite and brick warehouse at the cor- ner of Franklin and Hawley Streets, Nos. 33, 35, and 37 Franklin Street. Subsequently, during 1871 and 1872, until the fire, they occupied the lower floor and basement of the same building.


seventy or eig:hty million dollars. All of the Bnrrages doinii: bnsiness in Boston lost heavily l)y the fire. Bnrraii'e Brothers & Co. had a stoek on hand of about ^245,000, all of whieh, save about )?1,400, was destroyed. They received lioni insurance about J^144,000, leaving a loss of about $100,000. J. C. Burrage & Co. had a stock of about 8100,000. Avliicli was cntii-ely destroyed. They received from insurance about .$11:0,000, leaving a loss of about SrAOOO.

As has been said elsewhere, Reed & Closson, with whom fTost'i)h Burrau-e was a s])ecial partner, lost $28,800.

AVhile in acti\r bu>iness, ^Fr. liui-rage served two years, 18G7-18()9, in the K-ui^lature. Since his retirc- mnit I'roui tiadc he has served 1 wo years, 1875, 1876, in tlu' IJoard ol" Aldermen of the city govei-nment of Boston.*

At the close of the vear 1870, the Mayor, lion. Sanmcl C. Cobb, api)ointed George S. Hale, Alvah A. Burrage, and Augustus Parker a commission under an oi-dei- of the city government, ''to consider and report u[)on the treatment of the poor who apply to the city for i-elief, whether temporary or permanent, and to ascertain what, if any, changes are desirable in the laws of the Commonwealth and the ordinances of

* As chairman of the joint committee on improved seAAcrage, in 187(>, he had the lionor to be, in some desrree, instrnniental in forwarding the scliemc for a system of iuterceptinir scAvers (Avitli pnmpinj; works) for the city ol Boston, liually adopted by the city government tlie present year.


the city for the rehef, maintenance, and employment of all classes of the poor." The commission now have the sul3Ject under consideration.

When in the legislature, in 1867, Mr. Burrage was appointed by the Speaker of the House upon a joint committee to sit during the recess to consider and report a plan for the maintenance of Charles River and Warren Bridges. The committee met from time to time after the adjournment of the legislature. The chairman on part of the House w^as taken ill, and it so happened that the preparation of the repoi^t devolved on Mr. Burrage. Thus it came to pass that a descend- ant of one of the first owners and operators of the Charlestown Ferry, two hundred years after his ances- tor petitioned the General Court respecting the regu- lations and tolls for passengers over the river, drew up and presented to the General Court a plan for main- taining the bridges so that passengers could go over free. The plan was substantially adopted by a subse- quent legislature.

Mr. Burrage married EUzabeth A. Smith, of" Groton, May 17, 1849. They have had eight children, three sons, five daughters, six of Avhom are living. The eldest son died in infancy. Their eldest daughter, Ruth, whose lovely character and rare endowments had caused her to become the favorite of a large circle of friends, as well as the joy and pride of her parents, died April 11, 1872, a few weeks subsequent to the


twenty-second anniversary of lici- l)irtli, aftoi* a short l)iit excoc'dingly ])ai!iriil illness, <liiriii<>; uhit-li the slrcii<j;lli and beauty ol" her eliaraeter were strikingly shown in tlie fortitude, i>alienfc>, and eheerfnhiess with wliicli she en(lui-e(l liei' snflVrings, bade adieu to friends and llie jn\> and liope^ <>1" a youtld'id life, and met the ine\itable summon- t<> an unknown shoi'e.

Chai-le- Hein-y. the ninth snn and thii'teentli cliild, wa< hoi'ii dune "_'•_', h^ll."). He I'emaiued at home, work- ing'on the farm and alleiiding the i)ul)Ue school as his brotliei'- liad done, uulil he reached tlie a,2:e of eighteen years. lie tluii attended the seliooi or academy of ^h\ ^Farsliall S. Ivice. at Xewton, during one term, and sul)-e<|uently studied one term at tlie Lunenburg Aeadems. ill- parents, at that time, had but two of their childieii with them, \iz., .Mmii'a and Charles lleurv. TlieN were now to j)arl with their youngest.

In the fall of isn. wlien nineteen years of age, havinii" been olfered a situation in tlie store of liich- ardson, l^urrage, A: Co., "tlie baby of the family" left home, followed his l)rothers to lk)ston, and entered npon a mercantile life. As his brother, Alvah A., had done, he commenced as a boy in the lowest j^osi- tion to learn the whole business and work his way np to a higher place, lie was, of course, subject to many mortifications and tribulations during the first year or two of his api)renticeship. As a sample of some of them, it is related that dui'ing the first week, a si)ruce


and somewhat conceited English boy of twent}^ years, who had entered the stoi'e several years before, and was therefore considerably above Charles in position, in giving him an errand to do one day, took occasion to ask the young man, who was but one year his junior, and who had just completed his education by two terms at an academy, if he could read ivriting. But Charles had abundant opportunity to retaliate subsequently; for the English boy had acquired or inherited the cockney pronunciation. He would ask a boy to " take the haxe and bring him the atcliet," and say the weather Avas " hawful ot, a good deal otter than it was in Hing- land," although he could read writing.

AVhen Richardson, Burrage, & Co. sold out their jobbing business, Charles went with Wilkinson, Stet- son, & Co. (in which firm his brother, A. A., had become a partner) . He remained with them until about 1851, when he let himself for a year to Newton, Eaton, & Co., at the then very liberal salary of $2,000. He remained there until Jan. 1, 1853, when he became a partner, as has been before mentioned, in the firm of Hill, Burrage, & Co., formed at that time. As has been said, he re- mained a partner in that firm until its dissolution, Dec. 31, 1858, and subsequently continued with his brother, A. A., in the firm of Burrage Brothers & Co., until it dissolved, Dec. 31, 1873. He then formed a copartner- ship with Messrs. M. B. Cole and E. P. Tucker, under the style of Burrage, Cole, & Tucker, which continued


three years. ]Mr. Tucker then went out, and Mr. A. F. Poole was admitted, and the business is now conducted under the name of Burrage, Cole, & Co.

Mr. Burrage is now the only one of the six brothers who went to Boston to live that remains in active business. He is an npright, honorable mer- chant; is popular as a salesman, because customers feel that he would sooner cheat himself than wrong them; is of an easy, genial temperament and i)leasant dispo- sition; does not object to an occasional joke. In his opinions he is liberal, abhors bigotry, and despises narrowness and meanness; is a good neighbor and a public-spii'ited citizen. In short, though the last in his father's family, he ranks among the first on the roll of w^orth.

He has been married twice: Oct. 11, 1853, to Mary Green Hunt, of Boston, by whom he had one child, George Dixwell, born March 12, I8G1, wdio is now liv- ing at home. She died April 1, 1861. He married Lydia Love, of Philadelphia, Oct. 5, 1864. They have had five children, four of whom are living. They re- side at Chestnut Hill, Xewton.


With the foregoing chapter ends our sketch of the first nine generations in our pedigree. Of succeeding generations who have but recently come upon the stage to act their parts in the drama of fife, it is not our purpose to speak at length. It will devolve upon the fomily chronicler of the future to record the virtuous deeds and portray the exalted characters which it is hoped will distinguish them. But we should be delin- quent, and our work would be incomplete, if we failed to allude to the patriotic sacrifices of those of the tenth and eleventh generations who enlisted in the armies of the Union and bravely fought for liberty and onr country in the late war of the Rebellion.

Again, as in the war of the Revolution, did the descendants of our emigrant ancestor do their part in upholding and defending the jmnciples which he, in common with the other Paritan founders of our Com- monwealth, made such heroic sacrifices to establish on these shores.

Those who served as soldiers in the war were



Joseph Pen-ill Burrage was born in Boston, May 4, 1842, tlu' t'lile.st son of Josej)!! and Franees (Perrin) Burrag-e. Being a serious, stiulious lad, his parents desiji'ned that he should receive a college education and become a minister, lie pursued his preparatoi'v studies at Phillips Academy, Andover, and entered Harvard College in the autuinn of 18o8.

Kev. Mr. ( 'ady, in a sketch <»f" liini in the "'ITarvai'd ]Sreiii()i'ial Biogra[)hies," says: "lie secured and always inniutaiucd a good rank as a scholar, and soon made a ])ublic |»roie.ssion of religion. After the attack on Fort Suinpter and the Baltimore riot, he felt a great desire to enlist, but di'cided to com})lete his college course. He therefore lemained in the university and graduated honorably in the class of 18G2. He pronounced an oration at the Coinnienceiiient exercises, and three days later enlisted as a i)rivate in the IJ.'kl ^lass. Yols. Four davs later, just one week from his graduation, he entered upon his duties in camp at Lynnfield.

"He was immediately appointed a sergeant, was soon after made the 1st sergeant of the company, and in May following received a commission as second lieutenant. All who knew hiin felt that his promotion was fairly and honorably won and was l)ut an earnest of still higher honors. Indeed his captain wrote that, had he survived the enofaorement in which he fell, he would at once have been promoted.

"His regiment joined the Ariny of the Potomac, in


which it remained nearly a year. It bore its part in the fruitless struggle at Chancellorsville, and participated in the perils and honors of Gettysburg. After tlie disaster at Chickamauga, it went to reinforce the im- perilled Army of the Cumberland.

"On the evening of the 28th of October, 1863, the regiment, wearied with the fatigues and hardships of a long passage, reached Brown's Ferry, in the vicinity of Chattanooga, Tenn., and encamped with the hope of an unbroken night's rest. It was soon discovered, how- ever, that the rebels had obtained possession of a hill near Lookout Mountain which commanded the road and the railway. It was necessary that they should be dis- lodged. They were evidently in force and carefully intrenched. To assail them was a work of peril, but at all hazards it must be done; and the wearied troops Avere called out at midnight.. In the bright moonlight the assaulting column was formed, the 33d Mass. and 73d Ohio in the advance, the 136th ]^ew York and 55th Ohio as a support. At the word of command they moved forward with a cheer. As they climbed up the Steep ascent, that full October moon made them but too plain marks for hostile fire; but they pressed on till the routed enemy were driven in confusion. Col. Underwood wrote that the Mass. 33d that night won the applause of the veteran Army of the Cum- berland.

"When the brief struggle was over, along the slope


of that steep hillside were strewn the woiiiided, the dying-, the dead. Two thirds the way up the ascent, falling in the second charge while cheering on his men, the body of Lieut. Burrage lay peacefully in the soft, Avhite moonlight. He fell in his early prime, scarce twenty-one years of age, struck l)y a ball which pierced his licai't.

"Lieut. Burrage had great simplicity of character. lie was thoroughly honest and transparent as a crystal. There was a great charm in his naturalness and guile- lessness, his unaffected modesty and truthfulness. He had also great kindness of heait. Xo one was readier than he to do a favor, and to do it witlumt seeming to impose an ol)ligation. lie was icuiarkably ])ui-c-minded. He canu' i'roui college witli liis heart unstained, and he maintained the same cliaracter to the end."

The foregoing is a true delineation of the character of Lieut. Burrage and a just tribute to his worth. The following extract from one of his letters, written shortly after he had entered active service, show^s the spirit of the patriotic young soldier. Under date of Sept. 6, 18(32, he wrote, "AVe see rather more of the realities of Avar here than at home. One of our men I was talking with this morning said 'if he had known as much as he did now he would not have enlisted, and I think that is the state of a good many that enlisted for the fun of the thing or to get the bounty. I should enlist again if I were set free, though T nmst confess it looks pretty


dark just now, our troops back just where they were a year ago and so many hves lost for nothing."

Upon receivmg tidings of his death, his ftither imme- diately started for the seat of wai- to obtain the body and bring it home for burial. It was found that the ball that piei'ced the heart of Lieut. Bnri*age struck and carried away the ring and stem to his watch; that if it had struck an inch lower, it would have hit the watch, and in all probability would not have entered the body. So slight are the contingencies upon which hang the issues of life and death.

So the manly form of the young soldier, which n little more than one year before had gone forth animated and all alive with the spirit of patriotism, was brought home and tenderly consigned to the soil of his native State, and rests peacefully in the quiet of Mount Auburn.

I'pon the day of tlie funeral, his parents received from one of his uncles, accompanying a gift of flowers, the following lines from Lowell's immortal poem in memory of Col. Kobert G. Shaw, which, with the change of one word, are so strikingly and beautifully appropriate for the occasion that we feel constrained to copy them here, deeming them a more endui'ing, as well as a more graceful^ tribute to the heroic dead than any monuments of brass or •stone :

"Why make we moan For loss that doth enrich us vet With upward yearnings of regret?

Bleaker than unmossed stone

Tin: i'.ri;i;.\(;i: .mi:.mi>u[al.

Our lives \v»-iv Imt fur this iiiiiiioi-t:il <i:iiii or iinstilliMl loiii^inj; ami iiispirin^ iciiii I

As tliiills of Ioiiix-IiusIhmI tour Live ill tlu- viol, so our souls ^low liiir With ki'cii viltratioiis frorii the toiuh <Iiviiii'

( )f iioltlcr iiatiirt's ^mw.

" Hravf. j;oo(l. :m<l tnii". I 8t'o him stand Ix-foiv iiif now, Aii'l U'lul ajrain on that ch-ar Im-ow,

Wlu-n- victorv's siiriial fh-w, Hon' sirrt't irerc life! Yet l>\' tlu- month linii-->ft Ami look niaih' up for duty's utmost di-l't.

I could divine In- knew Tliat deatli within the snlphiirons liostiie lines, In the mere « n-ek of nol)l\-pit«hed (h'sinns,

I'lueks heart's-ea.se and not nie.

" Happy their end AVho vanish down life's evening; stream, riaeiil as swans that drift in dream

Hound the next river-lieinl I Happy lon<; life, with honor at the close. Friends' jiainless tears, the softened ihouirht of foes!

And yet, like him, to spend All at a <rush, keepinjr our first faith sure From mid-life's doul>t and eld's c-ont^-ntmeiil poor.

^^■ll:lt more eouM fortune send?

•• Kiirlit in the van. On the red hillside's slippery sw«-ll, "With heart that l>eat a eharjie. he fell

Foeward. as tits a man : r.ut the high soul Imrns on to light men's feet. "Where death for noble ends makes dying sweet ;

His life her crescent's span Orbs full with share in their nnlarkening days "Who ever climbed the battailous steeps of praise

Since valor's praise began.


' ' His life's expense Hath won for him coeval youth, With the immaculate prime of truth ;

While we, who make pretence At living on, and wake and eat and sleep, And life's stale trick by repetition keep,

Our fickle permanence (A poor leaf-shadow on a brook, whose plaj' Of bus}' idlesse ceases with our da}')

Is the mere cheat of sense.

"We bide our chance Unhapp}', and make terms with Fate A little more to let us wait :

He leads for aj'e the advance, Hope's forlorn hopes that plant the desperate good For nobler earths and days of manlier mood.

Our wall of circumstance Cleared at a bound, he flashes o'er the fight, A saintly shape of fame to cheer the right

And steel each wavering glance."

Thomas Fairbanks Blindage was born in Fitchl3nrg, Mass., July 4, 1834, the eldest son of Jonathan and Maiy T. (Upton) Biirrage, Jan. 14, 1857, he married Harriet L. Battis. He was at that time engaged in the manu- facture of varnish, in Roxbury, Mass., having, in 1854, succeeded to the business of his father, who died July 5, of that year. On the outbreak of the war of the Ke- bellion, in the spring of 1861, it was with difficulty that he could deny himself the privilege of entering the ser- vice of his country. But as successive calls for troops were made, more and more urgent did the question of duty become, and July 29, 1862, he wrote, "The time


has come when I can no long-er enjoy the peace and comfort of my ])leasant home without a sense of shame and dishonor. My country calls for my aid and I cannot withhold it." It was a decision conscientiously made, 3-et not without the deepest struggle, as he thought of the loved ones he must leave at home.

That the stt'i) was deliherately taken is fui'ther shown hy an extract from a Icttrr written hy him to another person, under date <>1' Nov. 25, 1862. He said, "I came into the service with tlie I'esolution to stay until the war was finished. I am, theivfore, in a tln-ee years' regi- ment, — the last fi-om Massachusetts, and shall stay that time, unless sooner discharged, which I confidently expect."

He enlisted as a jjrivate, Aug. 13, 1862, in a company then forming in Koxhui-y, and afterwards known as Co. C, 41st Regt. Mass. Vols. His company command- er was Capt. John L. Swift, a wai-m personal friend. lie was soon a[)pointed sei-geant, and devoted himself Avith untiring interest to his new duties. The regiment, under the command of Col. Thomas E. Chickerin<2:, left Massachusetts, Xov. 5; remained in camp, in Xew York, nearly a month; and embarked Dec. 4 on the steamer "Xorth Star," for ^Xew Orleans, to co-operate with the troops under the command of Gen. X. P. Banks. On its arrival in Xew Oilcans, the regiment Avas ordered to Baton Kouge, and landed there, Dec. 17. AVhilc in camp, at tliat i)]ace, about two weeks later, Sei'gt. Burrage was


taken ill with chronic diarrhoea, and was ordered to the hospital. But a forward movement, it was thought, was at hand, and before he had fully recovered he returned to his regiment. ]N^ot long after, he was again ordered to the hospital; but, impatient to be with the troops, he soon insisted on the privilege of rejoining his regiment. His request was granted, unwisely granted, and in a short time he was again brought back to the hospital. Medical aid was now unavailing; and having communi- cated to his attendant words of tender, affectionate remembrance to the loved ones at home, he died about nine o'clock on the evening of April 29, 1873, passing away so quietly that the attendant knew not just when he breathed his last. His sword, which was presented to him by the Sunday school of the Vine Street Congre- gational Church, in Roxbury, he gave to his faithful attendant, Sergt. Horton. The following winter the remains were brought home to Roxbmy and deposited in the beautiful cemetery of Forest Hills, where they peacefully repose.

"How sleep the brave, who sink to rest By all their country's wishes blest ! "When Spring, with dewy fingers cold. Returns to deck their hallowed mould, She there shall dress a sweeter sod Than Fancy's feet have ever trod.

"By fairy hands their knell is rang, By forms unseen their dirge is sung ; 19


There Honor comes, a piljjriin gray. To l)less tlie turf that wraps their clay ; And Freedom shall awhile repair. To dwell, a wcfpiiiLT hfrmit. there I "

Ik-ni'v Swi'ctscr liiirra;4X' was l)urn in l""ilclil)iii-ii\ Mass., .Ian. 7, ISliT, the scc-oiid son of Jonathan and ^Iar\ v. (I |itiin) linri-au"c. W lim a Ixiy. \\v attcnch'd t hr ( 'lianiicN 1 1 all Schixij, H(»-l(tn : allci'w ai'ds st nd'u'd at Pici-cc Aca(h'niy. Middlrhni-o", Ma>s.: and in Srptnnhi'r, 1S.~,7, cntncd liidwn I 'ni\(i'>it y. I'rox idcnci-, K. I. lie •jraihiatrd in h^^dKand cntri'cil tin- Ni'\\l<»n rhL'okm'ical ln-lilnrK»n. Nrwtun ('cnti'c, Ma^s.. Xwj;. 1, 1S()*J. \\ liilr ^pcndinu" a xatalinn in l-'itilihni';^", \\v c'ldi.^tcd as a ])i-i\alt' in (n. .V, .'Kitli Ivfizt. ^Fa^s. \'(>ls. Wa.s made a si'i-i;rant, Anu'. "> ; xM-^cant-niajni-, An,!;'. 1^7. Sept. 2, the re<j,"iincnt , niuh-r the coininand (d" ('ol. Ilcni'v How- man. Kdl \\ orcr^ti'f, whri'c it was rrci'nited, and em- harked at l)o-lon. on thr >lranu'r "Mei'rimaek," lor \\' a -hi nut on. ( )n llu- ai'rival <d" tlie regiment in A\ asli- inu'ton, Sept. 7, it was assig'iied to the 9lli Army Coi'ps, thill nndn- the command of" (Jen. Biu'nside, and followed the fortunes of tliat coi'Ijs nntil the elose of the war; ssrvinu' in ^raryhuid, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, and \'irL;inia. Afay 10, 1863, Sergt.-Major Burrage was ])romoted to tlie i>o>ition of second lieutenant, Co. 1), receiving his couunission when tlie regiment was engaged in the siege of \'ickshiu-g, under (4i-ant. Xov. 17, 18 ),'), lu' was commissioned first lieutenant, to


fill a vacancy caused by the death of Lieut. Holmes, killed at the battle of Campbell Station, in Tennessee, :N"ov. 16. At the battle of Cold Hai-bor, Va., June 3, 1864, he was wounded in the right shoulder; was com- missioned captain, June 19, 1861, to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Capt. Amos Buftum, killed at Petersburg, June 18. On account of his wound, he was granted a furlough and returned home for a few weeks. Subsequently rejoined his regiment in front of Petersburg, and assumed command of his company about the middle of September. Was taken prisoner in front of Petersburg, ]N^ov. 1, and kept in Libby Prison, Pichmond, until Dec. 11, when he was removed to Danville, Ya. During his imprisonment he suffered greatly, in common with other Union prisoners, from privations of food and brutal treatment at the hands of the rebel government. But he bore it all with his usual stoicism and habitual cheerful good-nature, and came out of his confinement in as good spirits, and apparently in as good health, as he enjoyed before his capture. He was exchanged for Eoger A. Pry or, a rebel general, Feb. 22, 1865 ; was brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers, March 13, 1865; April 16, appointed acting-assistant adjutant-general on staff of Gen. Cui'tin, commanding 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 9th Army Corps, in place of Major Peckham, killed at Petersburg. After the sur- render of the rebel armies, he was mustered out of ser- vice at Alexajidria, Ya., June 8, 1865, and returned


Avitli liis regiment to Massachusetts, having done val- iant service for his country and conferred lionor u})on the family name.

He suhsequently resumed his studies at the Theo- logical Institution, and graduated in January, 1867. Prepared the ^lemorial Volume entitled "Brown University in the Civil AVar,'' i)uhlished at Providence, li. I., in 1S()7, an ablr and interesting work. Tn 18(j8, visited (icniiany to finish his studies, and remained there a little more- tlian a year. .Vfter liis return, having received a call to become the minister of the Paptist Chui-ch in AVaterville, Ale., he was ordained to that office Dec. :30, 1809. May 19, 1873, he married Caro- line, only daughter of Kev. James J. T. Champlin, D. D., President of Colby University. Resigned his pastorate Oct. 1, 1873, and removed to l*ortland, Me., having become editor and proprietor of "Zion's Advocate," a religious newspaper, and now I'csides there.

AVilliam Allen l^urrage was born in Leominster, Alarch 5, 1814, the son of John M. and Abbie Maria (Jewett) Burrage. AVhen about thirteen years of age he went to live with his gi-eat-uncle, Deacon Emory Burrage, and remained there, working on the farm and attending the public school, until the summer of 1862. At that time the civil war had been going on for more than a year; the Union armies had met with many reverses; McClellan, with an army of 160,000 men, had got stuck in the nuid of the Peninsula in Virginia, and while


invading the enemy's country with the purpose of cap- turing its capital Avas continually halting to throw np entrenchments, apparently to protect his own ai-my from capture; the ruling classes in England had in many waj^s showm their sympathy for the Confederacy and their hostility to the Union cause, as had the govern- ments of most of the European states. Under such circumstances it is not surprising that there were gloomy forehodings at the ^orth, and a deep and wide- spread solicitude as to the ultimate result of the war. There was an urgent call for more troops. The young man of eighteen years could no longer resist the incite- ments of patriotism and the promptings of duty; so early in August, 1862, William A. Burrage, following the example of his cousin Joseph P. Burrage, enlisted as a private in Co. H, of the 33d Eegt. Mass. Yols, and joined him in the camp at Lynnfield. The regiment remained in camp till the last of August, when it was ordered to the seat of Avar and was transported to Alexandria, Ya. It remained there several Aveeks, guarding the city and perfecting itself in drill. While there William Avas promoted to the rank of cor- poral. Subsequently the regiment Avas assigned to the 11th Army Corps and joined the Army of the Potomac, in Avhich it remained nearly a year. Thus William and Joseph Avere in the battle of Chancellorsville and the great conflict (Avhich Avas the turning-point of the war) at Gettysburg. After the last-named battle the lltli


Corps, to which tlii> ))3(1 ^Nfass, was still attached, was oi'dcrcd to reinforce the Army of the Cumberland in Tennessee. This Avas about the hist of September, 18G3. A month later, Lieut. Joseph P. Burraiic fell in the battle of Lookout ^Mountain. After his fall, Corp. Burrage was left alone, thenceforth to pursue the hard, stern line of duty, and lace death on many a sanguinaiy held without the dear com]ianion>hip of his relative and fiiiiid. To the young man (or boy), not yet twenty years of age, this must have been the most trying ex- pcrii'uce of the war. Soon after this the 33d became a part of Gen. Sherman's army, renowned for making the famous "^SFarch to the Sea," and Cor]). Burrage was in the hard fighting at ^larietta, Atlanta, Savannah, and other places, and ])articipated in the hard marching of that army in its triumi)hant advance through Georgia, South Carolina, and Xoith Carolina, a distance of nearly one thousand miles. While in Georgia, Corp. l^urrage was promoted to the rank of orderly- sergeant.

The surrender of Gen. Lee's army to Gen. Grant was soon followed by the surrender of the ai'my of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston to Gen. Sherman. The Union troops Avere then marched to Washington, where Sergt. Burrage was mustered out of service the last of June or the first of July, 1865, and rc- tunu'd home, ha\ing sei'ved nearly the full term thi-ee years of his enlistment.

Though not ambitious for high position or Aime,


Sergt. Barrage was a good soldier, a true specimen of the conscientious, hardy young men whose persist- ent valor brought victory to our banners and saved the Republic.

After the close of the war, Sergt. Burrage learned the business of making shoes, in Leominster. March 25, 1869, he married Abbie Thayer, of Leominster. Subsequently, he made an engagement to work for a shoe manufacturer in Marlborough, Mass., and removed to that town.

Edward Carter Burrage was born in Boston, June 13, 181:1, the eldest son of Johnson C. and Emeline (Brigham) Burrage. He attended the public schools of Boston, and graduated from the Quincy Grammar School, a Franklin Medal scholar, in 1855. Subse- quently he attended for several terms the school of the Messrs. Allen, at West :Newton, and afterwards studied a year at the school of Mr. Wm. H. Brooks, in Boston.

When in his nineteenth year he visited Europe, in company with Mr. James Allen; was absent about two years. Upon his return, in the autumn of 1861, he entered his father's store, J. M. Beebe & Co.'s, and was employed there Avhen the pressing urgency for more troops, in the summer of 1862, induced the gov- ernment to issue a call for the enlistment of men to serve nine months. It was thought by many that by throwing vast masses of troops upon the i-ebel armies


the rebellion conld be crushed out at once; but as lias been said elsewhere, at that time, the situation appeared to fjivor the success of the slaveholders' rebellion and the consequent dismemberment, of the Union. It was evident that the government, and the cause of fi-eedom which it represented, could only be saved by tiie unsi-Hish patriotism and heroic devotion of all classes in the Xortlu-rn States.

This was dee[)ly reali/A'd l»y the subject of this sketch, who, IVoiu liis youth, had been noted for a conscientious thought I'ulness beyond his years. So, obeying the promptings of duty, he enlisted in August, 1802, in (\). C\ of the 1 1th liegiment, jVEassachusetts Militia, Col. Francis L, Lee, a regiment recruited by the Xew England Guai'ds, of Boston, under the call for ''nine months' men."' lie ranked as corporal. His C()ui[)any bore the colors of the regiment which served under Cien. J. dr. Foster, in Xorth Carolina, and was prominent in the battles of AVilliamstown, Kingston, Whitehall, Goldsboro', and siege of Little Washington. By the death of Sergt. Stacy Curtis, at the battle of AVhitehall, Dec. 16, 1862, Corp. Burrage was promoted to the rank of sergeant, which he held when the regi- ment w^as mustered out of service in June, 1863.*

After returning from the war he re-entered the store, and subsequent!}^ became a partner in tlie house of J. C. Burrage & Co. When that tirm dissolved he

* See Appendix L, letters from Burrage soldiers at seat of war.


went into the wholesale crockery and glassware store of Abram French & Co., and still remains in that business.

Jan. 16, 1866, he married Julia Long Severance, of West IN^ewton. They have had three children. They now reside in West ^N^ewton.

George Francis Burrage was born in Leominster, Mass., Sept. 14, 1838, the son of George Sumner and Catherine R. (Smith) Burrage. He attended the public schools in Leominster until about seventeen or eighteen years of age, when he left home and went into a whole- sale woollen-goods store in Boston to learn the business. But the experiment did not prove a success. He did not like the business. At that time he had a somewhat restless temperament and roving disposition; so after remaining two or three years he left. Subsequently, having become affected by the gold-digging mania, he embarked for California, and upon his arrival there went to work in the mines; but that business did not prove very profitable, and soon lost it charms. He left it and engaged himself as a travelling salesman for a jewelry house in San Francisco. After remaining in California one or two years he went to China, where, after sundry adventures, he obtained a situation in an American com- mission house. While there he heard of the war at home, and became anxious to return and take a hand in it, so took passage for Boston and reached home in the latter part of the year 1863.

Absence from his native land, instead of abating his



patriotic ardor, had served to deepen and intensify it. So on the 13th of Api-il, 1864, he enlisted in the United States Signal Corps, and served in that branch of the army at the capital, and in its vicinity, niitil the close of the "war; was mustered out of the service in Xovember, 1865.

Since the war, he has been engaged as commercial travrlU-r lor different houses in Boston, in tlie business of selling tailors' ti'iiiimings, with good success.

Xov. 25, 1868, he married Elizabeth Ann Hammond, of Leominster, Mass. They h-dxc had three children, two of whom are living. They reside in the Doi'- chester District, Boston.

Such is the brief record of the pati-iotic services of the Bnrrage soldiers in the civil war.* The four who survived the contest still live to enjoy tlie fruits of their labors in experiencing the gratitude of their country- men, and by li\'ing in a more firmly consolidated Union, a country free from the taint of human slavery; a true conunonwealth of equal rights to all her people.

Of the two who died in the service, one lives in his ])osterit3', who will ever treasure the memory of his heroic sacrifice for the right as their most precious heritage. The other, in giving his young life to duty and his countr}', sacrificed every earthly hope.

" But the high soul l)urus ou to light men's feet Where death for noble ends makes dj-ing sweet."

* See Appendix L, letters respecting? the soldiers and their friends dur- in;r the war, and k-ttcrs from soldiers at tlie seat of war.


Since he left no posterity, may all future inheritors of the family name or blood become heirs of his spirit, ever cherish his memory and emulate his heroic virtues !

Our brief and imperfect genealogical sketches are now brought to a close. Upon the whole, the record is a creditable one. While it contains no great names and recounts few brilliant achievements, it is singularly free from names made disreputable by unworthy actions. Generally, those who have borne the name appear to have been diligent, conscientious, stable in character, and "zealous of good works."

The preparation of a work like this is calculated to profoundly impress one with the transitory nature of human life and the inestimable value of a noble, virtu- ous character. He sees that the longest earthly life is of but a span's length, and that a person's worth to himself, as well as to mankind, is measured absolutely by the extent of his steadfast fidelity to the higher promptings of his nature. Fortunes come and depart, death takes the place of life; but a grand character, formed by a conscientious obedience to the higher, the God-like impulses of the soul, must needs abide for- ever; for by virtue of its likeness to the divine nature, it takes hold on eternity.




1. Eobert Burrage, of Seething, Norfolk County, England. Will proved in the Bishop's Court, at Norfolk, May 13, 1559. Married Rose : d. 1559.

GENERATION II. Children of Robert (1) and his wife Rose.

2. Eobert, m. Amy Cooke ; d. Dec. 3, 1598.

3. Richard.

4. Margary, d. Sept., 1571.

GENERATION III. Children of Robert (2) and his wife Amy.

5. Robert, b. Feb. 24, 1583; d. April 29, 1631.

6. Catherine, b. Oct. 30, 1586.

7. Thomas, b. Oct. 26, 1589.

8. William, b. June 9, 1592.

9. Matthew, b. May 26, 1595; d. May 2, 16.5.

10. Susan.

Children of Richard (3), of Seething and Norton Subcourse, Norfolk County, England.

11. Henry, b. Nov. 17, 1577; d. Aug. 13, 1643.

12. Richard, b. Oct. 4, 1579 ; d. July , 1646.


■13. Thomjis, b. Feb. 28, 1581 ; m. Frances Dey, Aug. 19, lt;()(3; a. March 2, l(;32-;3.

14. Anne, b. Fob. 10, 1583.

15. Alice, b March 7, 158fi.

]G. Elizahclh, b. April 17, 1580.

17. John, b. April 18, 15U1 ; d. in iiilaiicy,

18. John, b. Nov. 4, 15!)3.

19. Owen, b. Jan. 12, 1595-6.

20. Anthonv, b. March , 1598.


Children of Thomas il3), of Norton Subcourse, and his wife


21. :\Iarv, b. Sept. 21, IGOC

22. Margarctt, 1). Feb. 28, 1G07-8; d. June 21, 1(J32.

23. Grace, b. ; d. Dec. 5, 1612.

24. Leiitia, 1). July 10, 1012; d. Dec. 5, ](;i2.

25. John, 1). April 10, IGIO; m. 1st, Maiy ; 2d, Joanna

StowH'rs; d. Oct. 19, KJ85. 2( 2

0. Ilenrv, > , V ,. '^M 1 <*->A > I). Nov. o<), 1()20.

7. Aiuia, )


Children of John (25i, of Norton Subcourse, England, and Charlestown, Mass., and his 1st wife, Mary.

28. Mary, b. March 8, 1640; m. John Marshall, of IJillerica ;

d. Nov. 30, 1680.

29. Hannah, b. Nov. 14, 1643 ; m. John French, of Billerica ;

d. July 17, 1667.

30. Elizabeth, m. 1st, Thomas Deanc ; 2d, John Poor, both

of Charlestown.

31. John, 1). 1646; ni. June 15, 1675, Susannah Cutler; d.

June, 1677.


Children by his 2d wife, Joanna. 32. Nathaniel, b. Dec, 1655; d. Dec. 21, 1(350. -33. William, b. Jime 10, 1657 ; m. Sarah ; d. 1720.

34. Sarah, b. Nov. 24, 1658; m. William Johnson; d.

35. Bethiah, b. May 23, 1661.

36. Thomas, b. May 26, 1663; m. Nov. 30, 1687, Elizabeth

Breed, of Ljain ; d. March 11, 1717-18.

37. Kuth, b. Feb. 28, 1664; m. Ignatius White.

38. Joanna, b. ; d. June 16, 1668.

GENERATION VI. Children of Mary -(28) and her husband, John Marshall.

39. John Marshall, b. Aug\ 14, 1667; d. Sept. 5, 1667.

40. Mary INIarshall, b. Oct. 2, 1668; d. July 17, 1669.

41. John Marshall, b. Aug. 1, 1671.

42. Hannah Marshall, b. Dec. 18, 1673 ; d. April 21, 1674.

43. Thomas Marshall, b. Oct. 10, 1675 ; d. Oct. 20, 1675.

44. Isaac Marshall, b. Jan. 31, 1677 ; d. April 28, 1678.

45. Mehitable Marshall, b. Aug. 13, 1680: d. Aug. 13, 1680.

Children of Hannah (29) and her husband, John French.

46. Haimah French, b. Jan. 11, 1663 (O. S.) ; ni. John Kit-


47. Abigail French, b. Dec. 6, 1665 ; m. Benjamin Parker.

Children of Elizabeth (30) and her 1st husband, Thos. Deane.

{He died Dec. 2S, 1677, of siiKdl-pox.)

48. Elizabeth Deane, b. Jan. 3, 1668 ; d. Aug. U, 1669.

49. John Deane, b. April 30, 1672.

Children by her 2d husband, John Poor.

50. Thomas Poor, b. Dec. 27, 1682.

51. Bethia Poor, b. ; tl. May 23, 1689.

52. Joanna Poor.

53. Silence Poor, b. Dec. 20, 1686 ; d. May 22, 1687.


Children of John f31», Charlestown, and Susannah, his wife.

54. Susannah, b. April 25, 167G; m. Feb. 22, 1G94-5, Alex-

aiulei- Michel; d. Dee. 30, 1710.

55. John, b. July 31, 1078; d. .Tan. 18, 1680.

Children of William (33) and his wife Sarah.

n. Elizabeth, 1). June 10, 1091 (in Boston) ; m. Get. 22, 1717, Jolm (lieney.

57. John, h. Fcl). 11, 1(;!I3 (in T.oston) : m. 1st, Ort. 9, 1718,

Lydia Ward; 2(1, Jan. 17, 1725, Sarah Smith; d. Jan. 24, 1705.

58. Sarah, b. Sept. 21, 10)II5 (in Boston) ; m. Benjamin

Adams, of Newton.

59. Lydia, m. April 24, 1729, John Cheney. GO. Abiijfail, m. Jan. 8, 1729, Edward Prentiee. (>1. Buth, m. ()rt , 1731, Ebenezer Segur.

Children of Sarah (34) and her husband, Wm. Johnson.

02. William Johnson, b. Aiii:. 19, 1082; d. Sept. 20, 1G82.

G3. John Johnson, b. Sept. 11, 1085.

G4. Bethia Johnson, b. Mareh 25, 1094; d. July 15, 1094.

Children of Deacon Thomas (36i, Lynn, and his wife Elizabeth.

05. Joanna, b, Aug. 20, 10)88; m. Daniel Mansfield; d.

June 8, 1733. GO. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 20, 1091. 07. Jolm, b. Jan. 20, 1094; m Jan. 1, 1718, Mehitable

Largin ; d. May 15, 1761. 68. Thomas, b. Sept. 19, 1697; m. Jan. 30, 1722, Sarah

Xewhall; d. 1759. 09. :\Iary, b. Mareh 3, 1099.

70. BethJMh, 1). May 12, 1704

71. Kuth, I). Feb. 1, 17i)7.

Deacon Burrage's tirst wife died June 10, 1709. He afterwards m. Elizabeth Davis, a w^idow.


Child of Ruth (37) and her husband, Ignatius White.

72. Ignatius White, b. Feb. 9, 1683 (O. S.).


> Susannah (54) and her husband, Alexander Michell.

[It is not known where they settled, but it is supposed that they lived hi Lancaster. Have found no record of their chil- dren, if they had any.]

Children of Elizabeth (56), of Newton, and her husband,

John Cheney,

73. William Cheney, b. July 8, 1719.

74. Elizabeth Cheney, b. Nov. 2, 1721.

75. Elenor Cheney, 1). Feb. 6, 1724.

76. Samuel Cheney, b. Jan. 31, 1726; d. 1761.

77. Abigail Cheney, b. Aug. 20, 1727.

Children of John (57), of Newton, and his 1st wife, Lydia Ward.

78. Lydia, m. Jan. 17, 1745, Archibald Smith, of Necdham ;

probably removed to Concord.

79. William, m. Dec. 13, 1744, Hannah Osland ; d. Oct., 1763.

80. John, d. in war Rev., May 20, 1778.

Children by 2d wife, Sarah.

81. Samuel, m. 1st, Oct. 31, 1754, Mary Draper; 2d, Hamiali

Draper ; d. 1793.

82. Thomas, b. 1731; m. Nov., 1767, Abigail Fisher, of

Dedham; d. 1799.

83. Ephraim, b. ; m. 1767, Elizabeth Sever.

84. Mary.

85. Sarah, m. 1755, Benjamin Adams, of Newton.

86. Anna, d. April 6, 1825.



Child of Lydia (59) and her husband, John Cheney.

87. Lydia Cheney,' b. Dec, 1731.

Children of Abigail (60) and her husband, Edward Prentice.

88. Samuel Prentice, b. Nov. 28, 1720.

89. Sarah Prentice, b. ; d. 1743.

90. Thomas Prentice, b. Oct. 30,1732. 1)1. Al)igail Prentice, 1). Dec. 16, 1734.

92. John Prentice, b. June 6, 1736.

93. Edward Prentice, 1). Oct. 14, 1738.

94. Kiith Prentice, b. Sept. 3, 1741.

95. AN'illiam Prentice, b. March 9, 1744.

Children of Ruth i61), of Newton, and her husband, Ebenezer


96. Mary Segur, b. May 9, 1732.

97. Kebecca Segur, 1). May 30, 1734.

98. Hannah Segur, b. Jan. -lb, 1736.

99. Ebenezer Segur, b. Dec. 2, 1737; d. 1738. lUO. Kuth Segur, b. Sept. 9, 1739 ; d. 1739.

101. Ebenezer Segur, b. Aug. 10, 1741; d. 1741.

102. Samuel Segur, b. Nov. 14, 1742 ; d. 1797.

103. Sarah Segur, b. Eeb. 2-2, 1745.

104. P>ethsliel)a Segur, b. April 10, 1747.

105. Jolm Segur, b. Aug. 9, 1751.

Children of Joanna (65), of Lynn, and her husband, Daniel


106. Ehzabcth Mansfickl, b. April 1, 1713; m. Stocker.

107. Hannah Manstield, b. May 2^, 1715 ; m. Collins.

108. Thomas Mansfield, b. May 24, 1717; m. Pethia Poole.

109. Lydia Mansfield, b. Jan. 4, 1718 ; m. Sterns.



110. Bethia Mansfield, b. Dec. 11, 1721.

111. Joanna Mansfield, b. March 15, 1723.

112. Sarah Mansfield, b. July 7, 1726.

113. Mary or Margaret Mansfield, b. July 24, 1728.

Children of Deacon John (67), of Lynn, and his wife Mehitable.

114. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 30, 1721 ; d. Sept. 7, 1793.

115. Lydia, b. Nov. 25, 1723; m. 1st, April 19, 1750,

Zaccheus Norwood ; 2d, May 20, 1763, Josiah Martin.

116. Mehitable, b. March 12, 1725; d. Oct. 12, 1759.

117. Bethiah, b. 1728 ; d. May 14, 1728.

118. John, b. Nov. 23, 1730; did not marry; was a deacon;

see sketch; d. Jan. 20, 1780.

119. Mary, b. 1733 ; d. Sept 22, 1751.

120. Joanna, b. 1735; d. Dec. 16, 1751.

121. Abigail, b. 1737 ; d. Oct. 17, 1740.

Children of Thomas (68), of Lynn, and his wife Sarah.

122. Desiah, b. Jan. 18, 1723; m. May 14, 1743, Edmund


123. Thomas, b. Jan 1, 1725; d. March 8, 1751.

124. Al)ijah, b. Oct. 27, 1729 ; d. in infancy.

125. William, b. Dec. 9, 1731; m. May 20, 1760, Phel)c

Barrett, of Maiden; d. Sept. 23, 1820.

126. Sarah, b. Dec. 8, 1733 ; d. Sept. 16, 1752.

127. Josiah, b. April 30, 1736; m. Susannah Ramsdcll ; d.


128. Susannah, b. Aug. 20, 1738; m. Feb., 1775, Steplien

Wait, of Maiden.

129. Ruth, b. May 13, 1744; d. Sept. 4, 1745.

130. Al)ijah, b. July 8, 1745 ; d 1780.

131. Rutii, b. Oct. 16, 1746; d. Jan. 9, 1748.

132. Another child, b. Jan. 7, 1748 ; d. Jau. 9, 1748.



Children of William (79^ of Newton and Concord, and his

■wife Hannah.

133. AVilliain, d. in war of Kev., Jan. 12, 1778.

134. Lydia, ni. Dec. 2, 17()8, Daniel Brooks, of Acton.

135. Simeon, d. in war of Kev., March 7, 1778.

130. John, b. Ang. 29, 1755; m. May 10, 1781, Lois Barthrick, of Lnnonhnrir; d. Jnly 2, 1822.

137. Jonathan, b. 1750; ni. Sally l>artlnick, of Lnnen1)nrg ;

d. July 11), 1810.

138. IlaiHiah, m. Aug. 22, 17!I9, Samuel Buel, of Mcdford.

Children of Samuel i81', of Newton, and his wife Mary.

139. Mary, b. July 19, 1750 ; m. Feb., 1787, Samuel Sanger,

of Watc'rtown.

140. Samuel, b. March 0, 1759; served in Kev. Avar; date

of death unknown.

141. Caty, 1). April 2, 1703.

Children of Thomas ^82^ of Newton and Dedham, and Abigail,

his wife.

142. John, b. Aug. 23, 1709; m. June 17, 1792, Al)igail

Pratt, of Sherborn; d. April 23, 1851.

143. Obed, b. July 25, 1772 : m. April 3, 1799, Julia Leland,

of Sherl)orn ; d. April 17, 1.S50.

144. Abigail, b. Jan. 19, 1775; m. May 14, 1790, Jabcz

Baker, of Dover.

145. Keziah, b. 1778; m. Aug. 22, 1798, Edward Simmons,

of Watertown.

146. Anna, b. 1780; m. Xov. 20, 1801, Lewis Smith, of



Children of Ephraim (83), of Newton, and his wife Elizabeth.

147. Andrew, ) removed to Waltham ; dates of birth not

148. Elizabeth, > known ; were not married.

Children of Lydia (115), of Lynn, and her husband, Zaccheus


149. Jonathan Norwood, b. Sept. 19, 1751; d. March 18,


150. Susannah Norwood, b. Jan. 13, 1754.

151. Mehitable Norwood, b. April 11, 1756.

Children of Desiah (122), of Lynn, and her husband, Edmond


152. Elizabeth Whittemore.

153. Joseph Whittemore.

154. Edmund Whittemore.

155. Esther Whittemore.

Children of William (125\ of Lynn and Leominster, and his

wife Phebe.

156. Sarah, b. Dec. 31, 1760; d. Dec. 3, 1776.

157. Thomas, b. Dec. 4, 1763; m. Aug. 21, 1791, Abigail

Fairbanks, of Templet on ; d. Oct. 10, 1828.

158. Phebe, b. Feb. 1, 1766 ; d. June 17, 1809.

159. William, b. Sept. 2, 1768; m. 1st, Feb. 2, 1792, Mary

Joslin, of Leominster; 2d, June 21, 1821, Koxaiuia Sanderson, of Lancaster.

160. Josiah, b. Aug. 16, 1770; m. March 7, 1800, Kuth

Kilburn, of Lunenburg; d. Nov. 5, 1856.

161. Abijah, b. April 24, 1773 ; d. Sept. 10, 1787.

162. John, b. March 10, 1775 ; d. Aug. 15, 1779.

163. Anna, b. Feb. 4, 1778; m. May 5, 1810, Bonjainiu

Carter, of Leominster; no children; d. :\Iarch 12, 1851.


104. Joseph, b. Nov. 5, 1780; d. Oct. 31, 1803.

105. Sarah. 1). Jan. 25, 1784; d. Sept. 18, 1806. IGO. ratt3s 1). April 21, 1787 ; d. Oct. 30, 1807.

Child of Josiah (127), of Lynn, and his wife Susannah. 107. Josiah, b. 1770; d. Dec. 30, 1797.


Children of Sergt. John (136), of Lunenburg and Medford, and his wife Lois.

168. Thomas,!). April 22, 1782; in. 1st, Hannah Yearsloy ;

2d, Mary Howell; 3d, Hannah Paul; 4th, .Mrs.

Rcnshaw; 5th, Mrs. Child; d. Oct. 13, 1860. 100. John, b. Dec. 7, 1784; ni. Feb. 13, 1812, Rebecca

(ireenleaf. of Medford; d. June 19, 1820.

170. James, b. Apiil 28, 1786 ; m. Sarah Maynard, of Detroit ;

])n)bal»ly lost at sea about 1842.

171. Joseph, b. May 21, 1788; m. xVpril 24, 1814, Lydia

Jackson, of Boston; d. Feb. 11, 1868.

172. Martin, b. July 27, 1793; m. 1st, Sept. 8, 1816, Eliza

AVithington, of Medford; 2d, May 12, 1840, Hannah Pratt.

173. Betsey, 1). July 21, 179:); m. May 11, 1814, David


174. William, b. April 30, 1801 ; m. Elizabeth Xixon.

Children of Jonathan (137), of Liinenburg, and his wife SaUy.

175. Sally, b. Feb. 4, 1777.

176. Lydia, b. Sept. 10, 1779; d. Dec. 18, 1850.

177. Martha, b. 1780; d. Feb. 15, 1813.

178. William, 1). Nov. 11, 1782 ; m. Sophia Ellis ; d. Dec. 18,



179. Jonathan, b. July, 1785; m. Hannah Keescr ; d. May

28, 1865.

180. Mary.

181. Nancy.

182. Hannah Harriet, b. July 8, 1797; m. 1st, Levi Farns-

worth; 2d, Jan. 1, 1826, Artemas A. M. Pierce; d. June 26, 1846.

Children of Major John (142), of Dover, and his wife Abigail.

183. Sylvia, b. Jan. 9, 1794; m. Oct. 3, 1824, Richard Ken-

drick, of Newton.

184. Roxanna, b. April 8, 1796 ; m. April 28, 1822, Ebeuezer

liicker, of Dedham.

185. John Lowell, b. Feb. 13, 1798 ; d. Sept. 29, 1802.

186. Anna, b. Dec. 21, 1800; m. June 8, 1823, her cousin,

Jabez Baker, Jr.

187. Caroline, b. May 6, 1804 ; m. Calvin Burden, of Troy.

188. John, b. July 12, 1806; m. Nov., 1829, Nancy Poor


Children of Capt. Obed (143), of Dover and Templeton, and

his v^ife Julia.

189. Julia L., b. Feb. 3, 1802; m. Apiil 2, 1829, Jonatlian

Nichols, of Shrewsbury.

190. Betsey, b. ; m. Nov. 27, 1833, Jason

Lamb, of Templeton.

191. Lowell T., b. Oct. 2, 1804; m. Dec. 24, 1829, Adeline

Davis, of Templeton.

Children of Abigail (144), of Dover, and her husband, Jabez


192. Abigail Baker.

193. Jabez Baker, Jr., m. June 8, 1823, Anna Burrage.

194. Mary Baker.


Children of Keziah (145), of Dover, and her husband, Edward


195. Anna Simmons.

196. Betsey Simmons.

197. Jane Simmons.

Children of Anna (146 1, of Dover, and her husband, Lewis


198. Selinda Smith, 1). Aug. 10, 1803 ; m. John II. Miller,

April 5, 1827,

199. Anna Smith, b. Feb. 6, 180G ; m. Wm. Clarke, Jan. 4,


200. Lewis Smith, b. Feb. 22, 1808 ; m. May Wilson, Oct.

31, 1838.

201. Francis Smith, 1). March 25, 1810 ; d. Aug. 30, 1826.

202. Catherine Richards Smith, b. April 15, 1812; m. Geo.

S. Burrage, May 15, 1831 ; d. June 3, 1840.

203. Isaac Smith, b. Dec. 27, 1814; m. Frances Carter,

Dec. 1, 1843; d. Dec. 19, 1851.

204. Abby Burridge Smith, b. June 10, 1817; m. John

Adams, Nov. 1, 1837.

205. Martha I. Smith, b. Oct. 12. 1819 ; m. Calvin L Hawes,

Dec. 2, 1843; d. Aug. 27, 1855.

r' Children of Thomas fl87i, of Leominster, and his wife Abigail.

206. Sena, b. May 19, 1792; m. John Burrage, her cousin;

d. March 11, 1824.

207. John, b. March 15, 1794; d. Sept. 25, 1800.

208. Abigail,!). March 12, 1796; m. Oct. 1, 1818, Horace

Newton, of Templeton ; d. Sept. 28, 1850.

209. Harriet, b. March 12, 1798 ; m. Nov. 26, 1829, Leonard


210. Thomas, 1). June 6, 1800; d. July 29, 1826.


211. Mary, b. Feb. 14, 1802; m. May 26, 1825, Emory

Burrage, her cousin.

212. Sarah, b. March 2G, 1804; cl. Aug. 26, 1804.

213. Jonathan, b. March 18, 1805; m. 1st, June 19, 1828,

Sarah Downe, of Fitchburg ; 2d, April 30, 1833, Mary T. Upton, of Fitchburg; 3d, Dec. 14, 1841, Sarah T. Farnum ; d. July 5, 1854.

214. Adeline, b. June 10, 1808 ; m. Dec. 30, 1830, David

Child, of Templeton; d. Dec. 2, 1841.

215. Joan, b. Jan. 14, 1810 ; m. June 29, 1842, David Child ;

d. July 15, 1843.

216. Sophronia, b. April 20, 1815; m. Nov. 2, 1835, James

Cutter; d. March 7, 1841.

217. An infant son, b. Oct. 19, 1817 ; d. Oct. 19, 1817.

Children of Deacon William (159), of Leominster, and his 1st wife, Mary.

218. William, b. Nov. 30, 1792; d. Feb. 27, 1795.

219. Polly, b. Dec. 29, 1794; d. Dec. 10, 1817.

220. Leonard, b. March 14, 1797; m. April 15, 1819, Mira

Allen, of Leominster.

221. Thirsa, b. June 16, 1799; m. June 12, 1817, Thomas

Stearns; d. May 24, 1819.

222. William, b. May 4, 1802; m. June 1, 1824, Mary Ann

Richardson, of Leominster; d. Jan. 19, 1825.

223. Caroline, b. Sept. 10, 1805 ; d. Oct. 22, 1826.

Children by 2d wife, Roxanna.

224. . George Sanderson, b. May 15, 1823; m. 1st, April 2,

1844, Martha G. Phelps; 2d, Jan. 1, 1851, Aurclia Chamberlin; d. May 16, 1876.

225. William F., b. April 5, 1826; m. July 25, 1849, Eve-

line Lawrence ; d. Nov. 11, 1873.

226. Mary Jane, b. Jan. 12, 1829 ; d. Aug. 22, 1851.



227. Charles W., h. Aug. 25, 1830 ; m. Xov. 30, 1854, Sarah

J. Hills, of Leominster.

228. Henry Auiriistus, b. :Marfh 20, 1833 ; d. April 10, 1838.

229. Martha Ann, 1). March 17, 1835; m. Feb. IG, 185;t,

Porter M. Kiml)all : tl. Xov. 4, 18(i3.

230. Henry Waldo, b. March 31, 1840; d. March 19, 1841.

231. Dana Barrett, b. Sept. 16, 1842; d. April 28, 1843.

Children of Capt. Josiah (160i, of Leominster, and his "wife

Ruth K.

232. John, 1). Oct. 30, 1800; m. 1st, 1820, Semi Biirragc,

his cousin; 2d, Sept. 17, 1835, 'Mary "Watson; d. Aug. 2G, 1843.

233. Emory, b. Sept. 18, 1802; m. May 2(3, 1825, Mary

Purrage, his cousin.

234. Jobiah, b. July 24, 1804; m. May 15, 1833, Abigail

Studley, of Leicester.

235. George Sumner, born Aug. 10, 1806; m. 1st, May 15,

1831, Catherine K. Smith, of Dover; 2d, Sept. 15, 1840, Martha Ann Minot, of AVestminster ; d. Feb. 25, 187 7. 23('). William, b. May 14, 1808; m. 1st, May 14, 1835, Mary Ann Jacl<son, of Jvoxbnry ; 2d, March 31, 1841, Mary G. French, of Boston ; d. Xov. 30, 185'J.

237. Almira, b. Feb. IG, 1810; m. Xov. 25, 1847, James H.

Marshall, of Leominster; d. Xov. 10, 1872.

238. Sarah Ann, b. Xov. 9, 1811 ; m. May 15, 1834, David

McCkire, of Cambridgeport ; d. Dec. 14, 1850.

239. Joseph, b. X'ov. 16, 1813; m. 1st, Jan. 20, 1841, Fran-

ces S. Perrin, of Montpelier, Yt. ; 2(1, June 6, 1861, Mary E. Closson, of Thetford, Vt. ; d. Aug. 30, 1873.

240. Johnson Carter, b. Jan. 20, 1816; m. Xov. 29, 1838,

Emeliue Brigham, of Groton.

241. Martha, b. Feb. 4, 1818; m. Dec. 6, 1836, John Dal-

lingcr, Jr., of Cambridgeport; d. May 5, 1845.


242. Elizabeth Smith, b. May 2, 1820; m. Nov. 20, 1830,

Peter Farwell, of Fitchlnirg.

243. Alvnh Augustus, b. May 30, 1823; m. May 17, 1849,

Elizabeth Amelia Smith, of Groton.

244. Charles Henry, b. June 22, 1825 ; m. 1st, Oct. 11, 1853,

Mary Greene Hunt, of Boston; 2cl, Oct. 5, 1864, Lydia Love, of Philadelphia.


Child of Thomas (168), of Lunenburg and Pennsylvania, by his 1st -wife, Hannah.

245. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 5, 1811; m. 1st, Bcnj. Griffith; 2d,

W. K. Lee.

Children by his 2d wife, Mary.

246. Thomas Howell, b. Oct. 22, 1813; m. Jan. 12, 1855,

Mrs. Emma (Davis) Koberts.

247. Mary Ann, b. July 15, 1815 ; m. 1835, John Funk.

248. John, b. June 10, 1817; m. June 16, 1842, Lavina

Coon, d. 1858.

249. Hannah, b. June 11, 1818; m. 1837, Joseph Mills, of


Child by his 3d wife, Hannah.

250. William, b. Aug. 26, 1823; m. Sarah Ann Hill, March,


Children of John (169), of Medford, and his wife Rebecca.

251. John, b. Sept. 4, 1813; d. 1813.

252. Eliza G., b. Jan. 5, 1815; d. April 8, 1839.


Children of Joseph (171), of Lunenbiirg and Cambridge, and his wife Lydia.

253. Joseph, b. Jan. 25, 1815 ; d. Sept. 10, 1873.

254. Lucy, b. Fel). 25, 1817 ;)d. March 15, 1817.

255. Louisa, b. Feb. 25, 1817 ; S d. Sept. 23, 1843.

256. Sarah J., 1). .April 23, 1821 ; d. Sept. 27, 1851.

257. Caroline Y., b. June 12, 1824.

258. Anna J., b. June 16, 1828 ; d. Nov. 17, 1870.

259. Ward Jackson, 1). Dec. 6, 1829.

Children of Martin (172^ of Medford, and his wife Eliza.

2(;0. Andrew Bi^'^-elow, b. May li>, 1817; m. Sept. 22, 1839, Piiscilla B. Baker; d. Sept. 8, 1873.

261. Henry, b. Jan. 14, 1820; ni. June 10, 1849, Ilaunali J.


262. Eliza W., b. Sept. 24, 1822 ; m. March 5, 1845, Henry

Kimball ; d. Jan. 5, 1858.

263. Cathcniic L., b. July 10, 1825; m. Jan. 24, 1850,

C. F. Lyflcrinann.

264. John B., b^ July 29, 1827 ; d. Juno 12, 1873.

Child of Betsey (173 >, of Medford, and her husband, David

Bucknam. '

265. Kli/al)eth liucknani, b. May 26, 1815 ; m. May 23, 1834,

John P. Bradley, of Newton.

Child of William •(174\ of Lawrence, and his wife Elizabeth.

266. John Q. A., 1). Feb. 22, 1825 ; m. May 10, 1849, Sarah

L. Thayer.

Children of William (178), of Lunenburg, and his wife Sophia.

267. William Hathaway, b. Oct. 11, 1815; m. March, 1857,

Botlica Fiskc.


268. Simeon, b. May 19, 1818; m. 1st, Betsey Foster; 2d,

1854, Nancy Parker.

269. Martha Ann, b. Aug. 13, 1820; m. 1842, Loring


270. Hannah Maiia, b. June 17, 1823; m. July 4, 1847,

Ithamar Wood, of Lunenburg.

271. John Brisk, b. Oct. 28, 1825^; m. Nov. 16, 1852,

Maltha B. Gibbs; lives in Petersham, Mass.

Children of Jonathan (179), of Lunenburg, and his wife Hannah.

272. Mary B., b. July 31, 1810.

273. John, b. May 3, 1814; m. Mary Ann ; d. Jan. 23,


274. Sarah J., b. March 18, 1319; m. June 30, 1841, Asa

Kilburn, of Lunenburg.

275. Harriet, b. Oct. 25, 1821.

276. Hannah Maria, 1). June 29, 1824.

277. Artemas P., b. July 6, 1830.

278. Triphena, m. Silas Loveriiig.

Children of Hannah Harriet (182) and her 1st husband, Levi


279. Laura Farnsworth.

280. Jonas, changed to Alphonso Farnsworth.

Children by 2d husband, Artemas A. M. Pierce.

281. Joseph Buirage Pierce, b. Jan. 27, 1831.

282. James Burrage Pierce, b. March 5, 1834; d. March 29,


283. Fiances Angelica Pierce, b. June 5, 1835; ni.

Spinney ; lives in Chelsea.

284. Sylvia Jane Pierce, b. Feb. 24, 1838 ; d. May, 1868.


Children of Sylvia (183), of Dover, and her husband, Richard


285. Juliu Kendrick.

28G. Siisaiintih Kendriok.

287. Elizalx'tli Keiulric-k.

288. Ellen Kendrick.

Children of Anna (186 >, of Dover, and her husband, Jabez

Baker, Jr.

2S9. W:nren Baker.

25)0. Matilda Baker.

21)1. Maiy Uaker.

2:ti>. lleiiiy r.akei-.

Children of Caroline (187 >, of Dover, and her husband, Calvin


2im. Iliraui r,. IVuden. 1.. O.-t. 2C,, 1S28 ; d. May 21, 1802. 2!)L Mary \V . Bard.'n, h. Dee. 27, LSJO; ni. Nov. 28, 1871,

Daniel F. Mann, of Xeedham. 295. Frederick Barden, 1). dnly 22, 1832; d. Fob. 8, 1870. 29G. Ann l^anlen, 1> Ang. 7, 183.5; d. Jan 13, 1843.

Children of John (188 , of Dover, and his wife, Nancy P.

207. Caroline Ann, 1). Aug. 12, 1831.

2[)S. John Dana, b. Sept. 19, 1833; d. Aug. IG, 1834.

299. Hamilton, h. June G, 1835; ni. Oct. 2, 18G1, Mary

How Davis.

300. John Francis, h. Jan. 11, 1838.

301. Ellen Koxanna. b. Jan. 1, 1840.

302. George William, b. April 19, 1842; d. Ang. 13, 1844.

303. George Dana, b. Oct. 12, 1845; m. Oct. 12, 1870,

Mary Hall PaluKu-, of Bo.ston ; she d. March G, 187G.


Children of Lowell T. (191), of Templeton, and his wife Adeline.

304. Julia Leland, b. Doc. 31, 1830.

305. Abbie Aiitoinotte, b. July 23, 1810.

306. Margarett Jaue.

Child of Sena (206), of Leominster, and her husband, John


307. John Milton, b. May 19, 1821; m. 1st, April 4, 1843,

Abbie Maria Jewett; 2d, Nov. 26, 1846, Elizabeth Robins Hadley.

Children of Abigail (208), of Templeton, and her husband, Horace Newton.

308. Frederick William, b. Oct. 14, 1819; m. 1st, Dec,

1848, Nancy C. Gibson ; 2d, Abby S. Cutter ; d. Jan. 16, 1874.

309. Abigail, b. Feb. 21, 1826; m. Oct. 1, 1845, Aaron K.


310. Charles Harrison, b. Aug. 5, 1830; m. April 16, 1863,

Lizzie S. Lee.

311. Henry Sawyer, b. Sept. 8, 1835 ; d. July 6, 1836.

Children of Harriet (209), of Templeton and Leominster, and her husband, Leonard Battis.

312. A son, b. Oct. 4, 1830; d. Oct. 7, 1830.

313. Harriet Louisa Battis, b. April 1, 1^32; m. Jan. 14,

1857, Thomas F. Burrage, her cousin.

314. Julia Allen, b. May 3, 1835 ; d. Sept. 6, 1836.

315. Julia Henrietta, b. Aug. 21, 1839; m. Aug. 20, 1863,

Wm. S. Barber, civil engineer, Cambridge.

ChUd of Jonathan (213), of Templeton, and his 1st wife. Sarah.

316. Leonard Downc, b. June 26, 1832. When al)()ut twenty-

one years of age he disappeared one day when in the western part of Massachusetts, and never has been seen or heard from by his friends since.


Children by 2d wife, Mary T.

317. Thomas Fairhanks, 1). July 4, 1834; m. Jan. 14, 1857,

liis cousin, Harriet Battis ; d. in war of the Rebellion while serving in the Union army, April 29, 1863. (Sec sketch of soklici's.)

318. Henry Sweetscr, 1). Jan. 7, 1837 (see sketch) ; ni. May

19, 1873, CaroHne Chaniplin, of \Val( iviUc, Me. ; she d. Nov. 21, 187,').

319. William Upton, h. Dec. 22, 1838 ; d. An^^ 12, 1839.

320. Edwin Augustus, b. Nov. 21, 1840; d. Sept. 15, 1841.

Children by 3d wife, Sarah T.

321. Mary Abigail, b. Nov. 18, 1842; m. Nov. 8, 1871,

Oscar H. Evans; d. Jan. 13, 1873.

322. Sarah Elizal)eth Tilton, b. Nov. 2, 1844. Was adopted

l)y Wm. n. Palmer, and his Avife, Sarah C. Palmer, of Poxbuiy, Mass., and her name changed to Sarah Pnrrage Palmer, March 15, 185G.

323. Martha Sophronia, b. Dec. 22, 1846; d. Nov. 13, 1861.

324. Ilarrietta Adeline, b. March 2, 1851.

Children of Adeline (214, of Templeton and Leominster, and her husband, David Child.

325. Mary Adeline Child, b. March 3*0, 1832; d. July 29,


326. Mary Adeline Child, b. Oct. 10, 1833; d. Sept. 16,


327. Jonathan Bush Child, b. July 1, 1835 ; m. Sept. 5, 1865,

Sarah B. Pobinson.

328. Harriet Child, b. April 24, 1837 ; d. Oct. 1, 1838.

329. Emily Wallace Child, 1). Aug. 1, 1839 ; d. May 28, 1842.

330. William Child, b. Nov. 10, 1841 ; d. Aug. 11, 1842.


Children of Sophronia (216), of Templeton and Leominster, and her husband, James Cutter.

331. Abby Sophronia Cutter, 1). July I'J, 1836; m. her

cousm, Frederick W. Newton; no children.

332. George W. Cutter, b. Dec. 20, 1839 ; d. Nov. 4, 1840.

Child of WUliam (222), of Leominster, and his wife Mary Ann.

333. Mary Caroline, b. May 26, 1825; m. Dec. 4, 1848,

Emory Lyon, of Stirling; d. Sept. 23, 1852.

Children of George Sanderson (224), of Leominster, and his 1st wife, Martha G.

334. Clara A., b. Dec. 20, 1844 ; m. May 15, 1865, Frank S.


335. Ellen M., b. March 20, 1847; m. May 4, 1867, Lewis

W. McGlauflin; d. Sept. 8, 1867.

336. Mary E., b. May 21, 1849 ; d. Sept. 6, 1849.

Children by his 2d wife, Aurelia.

337. Cora Chaml)erlin, b. Dec. 29, 1851 ; m. May 31, 1870,

Thomas J. Tucker, of Napa City, Cal.

338. William Henry, b. March 11, 1854; d. March 19, 1854.

339. Martha Bay ley, b. June 20, 1855 ; d. July 25, 1855.

340. Charles Dana, b. Feb. 20, 1857.

341. Albert Cameron, b. Nov. 21, 1859.

Children of William F. (225), of Leommster, and his wife


342. Mary E. Bm-rage, b. Oct. 9, 1851 ; d. Sept. 19, 1874.

343. Leonard F., b. Nov. 2, 1853 ; m. Jan. 13, 1876, Mary

Lillian Packard ; lives in Leominster ; is a partner ot the tirm of Packard & Co.

344. Hattie M., b. Aug. 21, 1856 ; d. Nov. 12, 1874.



Children of Charles "W. (227 >, of Leominster and Oregon, and his wife Sarah J.

345. Edward 11. , b. May 20, 1856. 34(3. Williasn 11., 1). July 3, 18G0. 347. Charles F., h. Oct. 23, 1864.

Child of Martha A. (229^ of Leominster, and her husband, Porter M. Kimball.

348. William Burrage Kimball, b. April 12, 1863 ; d. Jidy 28, 1864.

Child of John (232\ of Leominster, and his 1st wife, Sena.

340. John Milton, b. May 19, 1821 ; m. 1st, April 4, 1843, Abbie Maria Jowett ; 2d, Xov. 26, 1846, Elizabeth Robins Iladley. He lives in Leominster in the house formerly occupied by his great-aunt Anna, and her husband, Benjamin Carter. When L. & G. S. Bur- race left the tanniui]: and currying establishment founded by Deacon William Burrage, it was taken and carried on fur several years l)y John Milton Burrage and a Mr. Babcock, under the tirni name of Babeock & Burrage. He still follo\vs the business of tanning and currying.

Children by 2d wife, Mary.

350. Charles Edward, b. Dec. 19, 1838; d. Jan. 18, 1850.

351. Annie Catherine, b. Sept. 25, 1840; m. Oct. 14, 1861,

James T. Joslin, Esi^., of Leominster. They reside in Hudson, Mass.


Children of Josiah, Jr. (234), of Leominster and Cambridge, and his wife Abigail.

352. Cordelia Elizabeth, b. Aug. 10, 1834 ; d. Oct. 31, 1839.

353. William Wirt, b. Feb. 7, 1836; m. Nov. 14, 180(5,

Frances H. Merriain, of Boston. lie was fitted for college at the Cambridge High School ; entered Har- vard University in 1852 ; graduated in 1856, taking the fourth part in rank, and pronounced an oration entitled " Manifest Destiny." Is a counsellor, and practises law in Boston ; resides at Cambridge.

354. Josiah Kilburn, b. July 13, 1838; m. Oct. 14, 1874,

Laura A. Doe, of Cambridge; resides in Cambridge; and with his brother, Frederick E., continues the lumber business established by his father in 1831.

355. Martha Augusta, b. Dec. 26, 1841 ; lives with her parents.

356. Frederick Emory, b. April 7, 1850; lives with his

parents, in Caml)ridge.

Children of George Sumner (235), of Leominster, and his 1st ■wife, Catherine R.

357. Adelia Ann, b. Aug. 10, 1832 ; d. Dec. 26, 1857.

358. Francis Smith, b. Dec. 23, 1834; d. April 8, 1838.

359. George Lewis, b. March 8, 1837 ; d. March 10, 1837.

360. George Francis, b. Sept. 14, 1838 ; lii. Nov. 25, 1868,

Elizabeth Ann Hammond of Leominster. (See sketch.)

Children by 2d wife, Martha Ann.

361. Frederick Eussel, b. Sept. 20, 1844; d. Sept. 4, 1845.

362. Alfred Henry, b. June 22, 1846 ; lives with his mother,

in Leominster.

363. Catherine Smith, b April 11, 1850; m. Nov. 21, 1875,

Oscar A. Taft, of Worcester, Mass., in which place they reside.


Children of William (236), of Leominster and Boston, and his 2d wife, Mary G.

364. Ellen Rebecca, 1). April 1, 1849; m. May 20, 1873, Lewis L. Dixon, M. D,, of Dedham ; they live in Worcester, Mass., "where he follows his profession.

3G5. AVilliiini Clarence, 1). March 7, 1851; m. .Jnne 5, 1873, Ediih Dixon Vose, of New York ; they live in Boston ; he is interested in the business of the Household Art Company, Boston.

Child of Almira (237), of Leominster, and her husband, James H. Marshall.

306. Charles Sumner Marshall, b. Oct. 27, 1851 ; m. Dec. 23, 1875, Love D. Swift.

Children of Sarah Ann (238t, of Leominster and Cambridge, and her husband, David McClure.

367. Emily Jane McClure, b. Jan. !», 1835 ; d. Sept. 6, 1836.

368. Ellen Watson McClure, b. Nov 21, 1836; m. Oct. 14,

1837, Charles H. Stearns, of Westminster. They resided in Worcester, Mass. She d. July 19, 1861.

369. David Henry McClure, b. March 6, 1839; d. April 11,


370. Charles Emery :MeClure, b. July 30, 1840; d. Aug. 2,


371. Sarah Elizabeth McClure, b. July 30, 1841 ; d. Oct. 3,


372. John -Burragc McClure, b. Feb. 6, 1844; d. Ang. 27,


373. William Addison McClure, b. Xov. 3, 1845 ; d. Nov. 4,


374. Arthur Perrin McClure, b. Dec. 8, 1847; d. Aug. 16,



ChUdren of Deacon Joseph (239), of Leominster and Boston, and his 1st wife, Frances S.

375. Joseph Pcrrin, b. May 4, 1842; d. while scrvin- in

Union army in war of RebelKon, Oct. 20, iSg3. (See sketch.)

376. Emily F., b. Sept. 5, 1844; d. Aug. 20, 1849.

377.. William Thompson, b. Jan. 30, 1849 ; m. Sept. 9, 1873, Frances L. Closson, of Thetford, Vt. They now reside at Rutland, Vt.

378. Fannie Eva, b. Jan. 23, 1852.

379. Ella H., b. June 6, 1855.

380. Arthur Stoddard, b. Dec. 19, 1859.

Children by 2d wife, Mary B.

381. Mary Louisa, b. June 3, 1863.

382. Alice E., b. Jan. 20, 1865; d. Feb. 21, 1869.

383. George Closson, b. June 30, 1866.

384. Herbert F., b. Jan. 28, 1868.

385. Gertrude A., b. July 18, 1870.

386. Dwight Grafton, b. Aug. 3, 1873.

Children of Johnson Carter (240), of Leominster and Boston, and his wife Emeline.

387. Frances Morse, b. Dec. 18, 1839; m. Oct. 10, 1861,

Benjamin J. Lang, of Boston, professor of nnisic.

388. Edward Carter, b. June 13, 1841 ; m. Jan. 16, 1866,

Julia L. Severance, of West NeAvton. They live in Newton. He is with Abram French & Co., dealers in crockery and glassware. (See sketch.)

389. Herbert Emory, b. Dec. 18, 1845; m. June 3, 1868,

Euby Moore Childs, of Charlestown. They live at Newton. He is in the store of Abram French & Co.


390. Helen,!). July 10, 1848; m. Jan. 21, 1874, John W.

Girter, of Boston, mnnuftictui-cr and dealer in ink. They live in Newton.

391. Emma, b. Dec. 18, 1850.

392. Marion, b. Jan. 18, 1853.

Children of Martha (241\ of Leominster and Cambridge, and her husband, John Dallinger, Jr.

393. Sophia Elizabeth Dallin<ier, 1). Aug. 21, 1837; d Ang.

2b, 1837.

394. William Will)eiforce Dallinger, b. Sept. 27, 1840; m.

Oct. 14, 18(58, Eliza])eth F. Kingman, of Chicago. They reside in Cambridge.

Children of Elizabeth S. i242i, of Leominster, and her hus- band, Peter Farwell.

395. Francis William Farwell, b. March 19, 1841.

39G. Catherine Smith Farwell, b. Dec. 5, 1842; m. July 10, 1869, James X. Steele, of Chicago.

397. Charles Emory Farwell, b. March 10, 1845 ; d. April 14,


398. Emory Farwell, 1). May 3, 1847 ; d. June 24, 1849.

399. George Edward Farwell, b. Feb. 24, 1851.

400. Arthur Farwell, b. Oct. 2, 1852.

401. Helen Gertrude Farwell, b. Dec. 28, 1858.

Mr. and Mrs. Farwell and all their children now reside in Chicago, the sons and Helen, the unmarried daughter, living with their parents. The sons are engaged in trade in ditferent establishments in that city.

Children of Alvah Augustus (243), of Leominster and Boston, and his wife, Elizabeth A.

402. Kuth, b. March IG, 1850; d. April 11, 1872.

403. Wendell Smith, b. Jan. 15, 1852; d. Jan. 22, 1852.


404. Jeanic, b. Nov. 25, 1853.

405. Clara Elizabeth, h. Jan. 21, 1858.

406. Walter Lincoln, b. Oct. 21, 18 GO.

407. Edith, b. Dec 4, 1865.

408. Edgar, b. Jan. 16, 1868.

409. Amy, b. July 21, 1873.

Child of Charles Henry (244), of Leominster and Boston, and his 1st wife, Mary G.

410. George Dixwell, b. March 12, 1861.

Children by his 2d wife, Lydia.

411. Mary, b. April 25, 1866; d. June 13, 1872.

412. Josephine, b. Nov. 26, 1868.

413. Margaret Cotton, b. June 1, 1871.

414. Elsie, b. Sept. 17, 1875.

415. Paul, b. May 20, 1877.


Children of Elizabeth (245), of Philadelphia, Pa., by her 1st husband, Benjamin Griffith.

416. Louis Griffith, d. in infimcy.

417. Annie Griffith, b. April 4, 1839 ; m. Benj. Taylor.

By her 2d husband, William K. Lee.

418. John Lee, b. Nov. 7, 1844.

419. Thomas Lee, b. Sept. 26, 1846.

420. Harriet Lee, b. July 20, 1852 ; m. J. Tomliusou.

421. William Lee, b. Dec. 28, 1855.

Children of Thomas H. (246), of Philadelphia, Pa., and his

wife, Emma.

422. Thomas, b. Oct. 14, 1856.

423. Benjamin H., b. Nov. 18, 1859.


Children of Mary Ann (247), of Philadelphia, Pa., and her husband, John Funk.

424. Emma Funk, 1). Oct. 27, 1841 ; m. Wm. Raincr.

425. Jucol) Funk, b. 1842.

426. Ciithernie Funk, 1). Feb. 3, 1844; ni. Bcnj. Rowland.

427. John Funk, b. March 15, 1852.

428. Mary Ann Funk, 1). 1855.

429. Hannah E. Funk, b. March 5, 1857 ; m. Thos. Morrison.

Children of John (248), of Philadelphia, Pa., and his wife


430. Mary E., 1). July 31, 1844.

431. Tliomas, b. Fcl). 24, 1849.

432. Martha L., b. April 21, Ls.ia.

Children of Hannah (249), of Philadelphia, Pa., and her husband, Joseph Mills.

433. Mary E. .Alills, 1). Feb. 19, 1838; m. Geo. M. Castor.

434. John Mills, 1). Auir. 3, 1841.

435. Helen Mills, b. March IG, 1843; m. C. W. Sweet. 43(5. Susan Mills, b. April 21, 1845; m. Maxwell Rowland.

437. William G. Mills, b. July 6, 1847 ; m. Ella Munson.

438. Charles Mills, b. July 18, 1849 ; deceased.

439. Harry H. :Mills, b. Nov. 30, 1850.

440. Frank Mills, b. March IG, 1853.

441. Joseph Mills, Jr., b. July 4, 1855.

442. James D. Mills, b. July 1, 1859.

443. Hannah Burrage Mills, b. Dec. 9, 1860.

ChHd of WiUiam (250), of Philadelphia, Pa., and his wife

Sarah Ann.

444. Mary Ann, b. April, 1856.


Child of Andrew Bigelow (260), of Medford, and his wife

Priscilla B.

Uo. Annie L., b. Aug. 27, 1840 ; d. April 27, 1855.

Children of Henry (261), of Medford, and his wife Hannah J.

446. Nellie A., b. April 8, 1855.

447. Emma G., b. Nov. 2, 1859; d. May 13, 1865.

Child of Eliza W. (262), of Medford, and her husband, Henry


448. Ada Kimball; deceased.

Children of Catherine L. (263), of Medford, and her husband, C. P. Lyffermann.

449. Willie L. Lyffermann, b. May 21, 1855; d. Aug. 8,


450. Charles Frederick Lyffermann, b. Sept. 26, 1859.

Children of John Q. A. (266), of Lawrence, and his wife

Sarah L.

451. Martha Ann, b. Dec. 24, 1850; d. Oct. 17, 1856.

452. William W., b. May 7, 1858.

453. Thomas Jefferson, b July 7, 1860; d. Aug. 3, 1860.

454. Kichard Leon, b. July 27, 1861 ; d. Nov. 10, 1861.

Children of William H. (267), of Lunenburg, and his wife


455. William K.

456. Sumner.

NOTE —Children of Elizabeth Backnam (265), and her husband, John P.


Sarah Elizabeth Bradley, b. Oct. 4, 1835. Lucy Bigelow Bradley, b. July 13, 18:17; d. June 15, 1858. Mary Louisa Bradley, b. Oct. 15, 1839. 24


Children of Simeon (268), of Lxinenburg, and his 1st wife,


457. La villa.

458. Emilia.

Children by 2d wife, Nancy. 45!». Tvoljcrt. 4G0. Warren.

Children of Martha Ann (269), of Lunenbiu-g, and her husband,

Loring Foster.

461. Maitlia A. Foster. 402. Frances Foster.

Child of Hannah Maria (270, of Lunenburg, and her husband,

Ithamar Wood.

4Ga. Rosiiia A. Wood, b. Dec. 12, 1850.

Children of John Brisk i271\ of Lunenburg, and his wife

Martha B.

464. Mary A., h. Dec. 9, 1853.

4(')5. Emma E., b. May 6, 1855.

4HG. Gihnan E., b. July 1, 1857.

407. Hattie E., b. March 17, 1868.

Children of John (273*, of Lvmenburg, and his wife Mary Ann.

468. Harriet Ann, b. Jan. 81, 1844. 409. George Newton, b. Feb. 18, 1846.

Children of Hamilton (299i, of Lowell, and his wife Mary H.

470. Katie, b. July 22, 1865.

471. Guy Hamilton, b. June 14, 1867.

472. Mabel How, b. April 4, 1870.


473. Herbert Dana, b. Aug. 13, 1873.

474. Sydney Davis, b. July 31, 1875.

475. John Otis, b. Feb. 13, 1877.

Children of George Dana (303), of Boston, and his wife Mary H.

476. Bessie Palmer, b. Oct. 6, 1871.

477. Archie Hamilton, b. March 16, 1873.

478. Mary Hall Adams, b. Feb. 20, 1875.

Child of John Milton (307 and 349), of Leominster, and his 1st wife, Abbie M.

479. WilHam A., b. March 5, 1844. (See sketch of soldiers

in civil v\ ar. )

Children by 2d wife, Elizabeth R.

480. Leonard Joslyn, b. Nov. 1, 1847; m. Nov. 26, 1868,

Lucy E. Goodrich, of Lunenburg; she d. in 1874.

481. Horace Edward, b. Aug. 10, 1849; m. Aug. 28, 1S73,

Lyle Stedman, of Indiana. y^^

482. Milton Robbins, b. Aug. 15, 1852 ; m. July 30, 18«*,

Susie L. Trumbull, of Lowell.

483. Myra Allen, b. Aug. 18, 1854; d. June 2, 1856.

484. Charles Henry, b. Oct. 20, 1856.

485. Emory Franklin, b. Nov. 23, 1858.

Children of Sergt. Thomas Fairbanks (317), of Fitchburg and Roxbury, and his wife Harriet L.

486. Henry Thompson, b. Oct. 27, 1857.

487. AVilliam Edwin, b July 15, 1859.

488. Charles Albert, b. Sept. 20, 1860; d. Sept. 25, 1860.

Children of Major Henry Sweetser (318\ of Fitchburg and Portland, and his wife Caroline.

48.'. Champlin, b. April 14, 1874. 490. Thomas Jayne, b. Nov. 15, 1875.


Child of Mary Caroline (333\ of Sterling, and her husband,

Emory Lyon.

491. Emma Caroline Lvon, ]). Xov. 2{], 1840 ; d. June 4, 1850.

Child of Clara A. '334', of Ashburnham, Mass., and Napa City, Cal., and her husband, F. S. Poland.

492. Henry Frank Poland, 1). Ang. 30, 1870.

Child of Cora Chamberlin (337), of Ashbiirnham, Mass., and Napa City, Cal., and her husband, Thomas J. Tucker.

493. Thomas J. Tncker, Jr., 1). April 15, 1873; d. Ai)ril 23, 1873.

Child of Leonard F. (343 », of Leominster, and his wife Mary W. 494. Grace Lawrence, b. Jan. 24, 1877.

Children of Annie Catherine (351\ of New Bedford and Hudson, and her husband, James T. Joslin.

495. Ralph Edgar Joslin, b. Aug. 2(), 18G4.

496. Nellie Watson Joslin, b. Sept. 16, 1866.

Children of William Wirt i353), of Cambridge, and his wife

Frances H.

497. AVilliam Sargent, b. Dec. 12, 1869.

498. George Barret, b. July 16, 1874.

Child of Josiah K. (354\ of Cambridge, and his wife Laura A. 499. Edith May, b. April 6, 1876.


ChUdren of George Francis (360), of Leominster and Boston, and his wife Elizabeth A.

500. Frank Sumner, b. Oct. 23, 1872.

501. Mary Catherine, b. Nov. 18, 1874; d. April 23, 187G.

502. Louise Minot, b. March 3, 1877.

Child of Ellen Rebecca (3641, of Boston, and her husband, Lewis L. Dixon.

503. Rolaud Burrage Dixon, b. Nov. 6, 1875.

Children of William Clarence (365), of Boston, and his wife

Edith D.

504. Clarence Vose, b. March 25, 1874.

505. Mabel Ruth, 1). Dec. 29, 1875.

Children of Frances Morse (387), of Boston, and her husband, Benjamin J. Lang.

506. Harry AUston Lang, b. Oct. 5, 1864; d. Aug. 7, 1866.

507. Mariraret Ruthven Lano-, b. Nov. 27, 1867.

NOTE. Child of EUen McClure (368), of Cambridge, and her husband,

Charles H. Stearns,

Addie L. Steams, b. July 19, 1869.

Children of 'William W. Dallinger (394), of Cambridge, and his wife Eliza- beth F. ,

Arthur Kingman Dallinger, b. Aug. 10, 1870; d. Aug. 18, 1871. Frederick William Dallinger, b. Oct. 2, 1871. Philip Bun-age Dallinger, h. Jan. 9, 1876.

Children of Catherine Smith FarweU (396), and her husband, James N.


Isabella Elizabeth Steele, b. May 23, 1870. Ruth Steele, b. Aug. 6, 1873. Mary Steele, b. Dec. 23, 1875.


Children of Sergt. Edward Carter (388), of Boston, and his wife

Julia L.

508. Severance, b. July 18, 1868. 50U. Bessie, b. Aug. 5, 1870.

510. Caroline Severance, b. Nov. 5, 1876.

Children of Herbert Emory (389', of Boston, and his wife

Ruby M.

511. Francis Johnson, b. Oct. 30, 1870.

512. Harry Lang, b. May 25, 1872.

513. Alice, b. Nov. 2l», 1874.

Children of Helen (390), of Boston, and her husband, John W.


514. Lucy Carter, b. Xov. 4, 1874.

515. Ivichard Burrage Carter, b. April 8, 1877.


Children of Leonard Joslin i480', of Leominster, and his wife

Lucy E.

516. Ruth Kilhurn, b. Jan. 22, 1870.

517. Jo^iah, b. July 5, 1872.

518. Henry Francis, b. Feb. 6, 1874.

Child of Horace Edward (481i, of Leominster, and his wife


519. Horton, b. Nov. 8, 1876.

Child of Milton Robbins (482 ^ of Leominster, and his wife

Susie L.

520. Mabel Eliztibeth, b. June 21, 1875.




Abstract of the Will of Robert Burrishe, of Seetiiixg, in THE County of Norfolk.*

Robert Burrishe of Seething in the County of I^orfolk. Will dated January 2, 1558. Wife Rose. Sons, Robert and Richard. Daughter Margery mentions Jermyas. Appoints his wife, Richard Tybenhani and John Buckinham executors. Proved in the Bishops Court of JSTorfulk, May 13, 1559.

Abstract of Will of Robert Burryshe, of Seething, Husbandman.

Will dated Dec 5, 1598. To his wife Amy his houses and lands in Seething and Mundham, for nine years and she to bring up the children. To his son Robert ^6100. Son Thomas £70. Son William £70. Son Mathew £70. When 21. To daughter Susan £50, and daughter Kath- erine £40. Brothers in law Richard & Gregory Cooke of Borough- hapton Kephew George Barnes Proved in the Bishop's Court of Norwich, Jan. 20, 1598-9.

Will of Thomas Berridge.

In the name of God Amen. I Thomas Berridge of Norton Subcors, in the Couutie of Norff. Yeoman, doe make this my last will and testa- ment, revoking all other wills heretofore by me made.

* These copies and abstracts of wills in England, and items from English parish records, were furnished by H. G. Soinerby, Esq The items from tlie parish registor of Norton Subcourse, used in the genealogy, have been verified by obtaining orticial certificates from the vicar of the church at that place. 25


Item. I give unto Frances Berriclge, ni)' wife all my houses and .ands, both free and copieliold, in Norton .Subcors, during her naturall life, and all my movable goods and chattells whatsoever, paying ray debts and towards the bringing up of m}' children. And after her decease I give all my said houses and lands lying and being in Norton Subcors, unto John Berridge my sonne and his heirs forever, upon these conditions following and not otherwise.

Item. I give unto Marie Berridge, my daughter, fifteen pounds of lawfull monie of England, vc^^ I will that John Berridge, my son, shall paie within one year after the death of ni}' wife, that is to say, five pounds of lawfull monie the first yeare, and so yearly during twoe years after the death of Frances Berridge my wife, five pounds a year until the some of fifteen pounds of monie be paide.

Item. I give unto ^largarett Berridge my daughter, fifteene pounds of lawfull money of England, to be paide unto her by John my sonne, that is to say, five pounds to be paid witiiin four years next after the death of the said Frances Berridge my wife, and the other tenne pounds to be paid unto the said Margarett my daughter within twoe 3'ears next after, that is to sale, five pounds a yeare untill the some of fiftene pounds be paide.

Item. I give unto Ileurie Berridge my sonne the some of tenne pounds of lawfull monie to be paid by John Berridge my sonne, that is to sale, five pounds of monie within seven years after the death of Frances Berridge my wife, and the other five pounds to be paide within one year next after that.

Item. I give unto Anne Berradge, my daughter tenne pounds of lawfull monie of England, to be paid by John Berridge my sonne, that is to saic, five pounds of monie within tenne years after the decease of the said Frances Berridge my wife, and the other five pounds within one yeare next after that. And if it shall happen the said several somes of monie not to be paid to my said sev'all children, that then my will and minde is, that my said sev'all children w^^ I have given these sev'all legacies to, ev'ie one of them, or soe many of them as shall not be paide according to this mv last will, that thoy shall enter into any pte or pcell of my said freehold laud w<:'> I have here before given, and take the profitt of the said lands to them and their heires uutill they be fullie


satisfied and paide. And if it shall liappen that John Berridge my sonne shall dye without issue of his botlie lawfully begotten, that °hen I give all those houses and lands before given, unto Henrie Berridge my sonne, and his heires, paying the aforesaid legacies as my sou John ought to pay! My minde and will is that Frances Berridge my wife shall not sell any timber or make any stroppe or wast, but shall keep the houses in repair taking timber for it

Making Frances my wife sole executrix, if any of my children dye before theire portion come to be paide, I give the portions to them that live equally.

In witness whereof I have sett my hand and scale this third day of August in the seven yeare of Charles by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, &c. 1631.


Sealed and delivered in presence of us, Miles BuRKorcii, Edward Freeman, George Branthwaite

Proved in the Bishop's Court of Norwich March 20, 1632-.S3.

appe:n^dix b.

Will of Barnabt Burrage.

In the name of God Amen, third day of September in the year of our Lord God one thousand five hundred and fower skore & seaventeene, I Barnaby Burrage of Welles next ye sea, in y" County of Noiff. wcav, being whole of raynde & of sound & pfect remembrance, thanks be therefore given to God, do make ordayne, & declare -this my last will & Testam' in manner & forme followinge, that is to say. First and before all things I doo geve & comytte my soule into ye hands of Alniyghfie God the father, Sonne & holy ghoste, my creator redeemer & snnclilier, beleeving stedfastly yt I am & shalbe for eV saved by the only death and passion merits & mercye of o^ lord & saviour Jesus Christe; and I will my bodye to be buried whene it shall please God to appoint the same.


Item. I give towards the relief of the poor people of AVcUs aforesaid iii» iiiid.

Item. I give towards the rep'acons of the church of the same towne two shillings.

It-em. 1 give towards the rep'acons of the church at Wighton in ye said countye iii^ iiiid.

Item. I will y' Margaret my wife shall have thoccupation of all that my house scituate lying and being in Wighton, aforesaid sometyme twoe tents together, w'^ the croftcs & meadowe to the same adioynynge, w'*» their appurtenncs, for & during the terme of her natural! life: she keep- ing & maynteynynge my said house in good rep'acons and prserving the saffron nowe i)lanted in the said crofte during the said terme, & after the decease of my said wife, I will tliat Oily my daughter now the wife of George Hill, shall have the occuparon of my said house crofte & mcdow w"i their appurtenncs for and during ye space of one whole yeare next after the decease of my said wife (my said daughter or her husband maynteyn3'ng my said house in good repacons and maynteynyng & p'serving ye said saffron during the said one yeare) And after the decease of ray said wife & the expiracon of ye said one yeare I will said house, crofte and meadow w"i their appurtenncs to remayne to John Burrage my sonne & to his heires for ever, upon condicon nofrt'istandinge hereafter followinge (y' is to saye) if the said John together w^ John Greene of Welles aforesaid, yeomn, w*in one month next after my decease shalbecome bound in due forme of lawe unto Richard Burrage my sonne in one obligacon in the some of Fower & Twenty Pounds for the pay""' of Twelve Pounds to him the said Rychard, his executors or assegnes, in the porch of y* pish church of Welles afore- said, w^iiin one 3'eare next after my decease, and in an other obligacon unto Henry Burrage my sonne in the some of Twenty Pounds for the payem* of Tenu Pounds to him the said Ilenrj' or his assigns in y"^ said church porch at such tyme as he the said Henry shalbe of his full age of three and twent}' yeares, w*^ a pviso yt if y" said Henry shall depte this p'nle life before he shall come to y'' said age, that then the said Tenne Pounds shalbe equally payd to ye said Rychard & George Burrage my sonnes or to such of them as shall then be living. And in an other obligacon unto y said George Burrage my sonne in y some of Twenty


Pounds for the paymt of x^ to him ye said Georo;e or his assignes in the said church porch at such tyme as y" said George Barrage shalbe of his full age of xxiii*y yeares, w*^ a pviso also y* if said George shall depte this p'snt life before he shall come to said age, that then tlie said Tenne Pounds shalbe equally and truly paid to the said Eychard & Henry my sonnes or to such one of them as shall then be living, And if the said John Burrage my sonne together w'^^ the said John Greene his said suertye shall not be come bounden w'^^in ye said one month next after my decease as is aforesaid in the said thre sev'all obligacons to mj^ said three sonnes, Rychard, Henry and George, as is aforesaid, & in such manner & forme and accordinge to my true meaninge as is aforesaid. Then I will, devise & my myude is that my said house crofte and meadow w"i their appurtenncs ymediately after ye decease of my said wife & after ye ende of the said one year lymitted to my said daughter Oily to occupye the p'mises & after such default had & made by my said sonne John in not being bound w"i ye said suretye as is aforesaid, shall remayne & come to E3'chard, Henry & George my said sonnes & to there heirs for ever any thing or things herein to the contrary thereof in any wise notwt'istandinge.

Item. I give to Agnes my daughter now the wife of Will™ Porte, Oily my daughter, now the wife of George Hill, Elizabeth my daughter now the wife of George Monnes, & Susan Burrage ray daughter, to ev'y one of them Five Pounds, to be paid at y feast of Nativilye of or Lord God wch shalbe in the yeare of o' Lord God one thousand five hundred in y^ church porche of Welles above remembrcd

Provided I will & my mynde is y* wheras y' house I nowe dwell in, is by John Kynge morgaged unto mee as by c'teyn writings thereof made may appeare, yf it shall happen ye said John Kynge to forfayte the said hou. e so as it fall to my sonue John as heyre unto me, then I will y'y" said Jolm my Sonne shall paye to my said daughters these said legacies of Five Pounds a peece in such manner & forme following & according to my true meaning as is aforesaid.

^ Item. l give to my sister Mary Fuller iii« iiii<i & Five yards of linen cloth of Yi^ a yard

Item.— All the residue of all my goods, cattells debts, implements of household & all other things moveable whatsoever, I doe wliolly give and comitt to the good discrecon of y^ said Margaret my wife, whome I doo


make, institute, & ordayne mv sole executrix of this my last will & Tostam' willing her to take my debts & paye my debts & legacies, «fc desiring her to see my yonger children well brought upp, vfe this my Tcstamt «S: last will truly pformed & fullfilled according to the true mean- ing hereof & to y praise of Almyghlie God. Also I doo ordayne my said Sonne Rychard Burrage my supvisor of this my Testam' & last will desiring him to assist my said executrix in y* premises w*** his good counscU & travaile, & I give him for his payncs therein xx^


These being witnesses, Mr. Goldsmythe, George Moxxs, Mergeky Homes, Wii.i.>' IlAL^rv Proved Sept. I'J, l.")97 in the Archdeacon's Court of Norfock

"Will of Maroaret Btrrage.

In the name of God Amen, the fowerteenth day of September in the year o' Lord one thousand five hundred fower score and sevventeene, I Margaret Burrage of Welles next the sea, in the C'ountie of Xorff. widow, lieinge whole of mynde and of good and pfect remem1)rance thanks be therefore given to Allmightie God, do make and declare this m}' last will and testamnt in mann' and forme followinge, that is to say; First and before all things, I doe hollie give, bequeath, comend and comitte my soule into the hands of Allmightie God the father, sonne and holie ghost, my creator, and redeemer and sanctifier, believing assuredlie to be ever- lastingly saved by the only p'cious death, passion, mercie and merits of or Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. And I will my body to be buried in the earthe when it shall please God to appoynle the same Item. I give to the poore people of Wells afforsayd two shillings Item. I give and bequeath to Agnes my daughter nowe the wife of W™ Porte, my best gowne, one of the hogges or swine now in my yarde, and twenty shillings, the said gowne and hogge to be deliv'ed p'sently after my decease and the said twentie shillings to be payed at Mich'as

I/eni. I give and bequeath to Oily my daughter, now the wife of George Hill, my best peticote and one hogge swine to be deliv'ed p'sently


after my decease, and twentie shillings to be paid at Mich'as 1509 aforesayd

Item. —I give and bequeath to Susaune Eurrage my daughter, the liv'ge bedsteade now standing in the little howse called the chamber, a payer of blanketts, a payer of sheets, my cov'lett, my cowe dunde collor, my best wast cote and sauegard to be deliv'ed p'sently after my decease and twenty shillings to be payed at Mich'as 1599 aforesayde

Item. I- give to Elizabeth my daughter now the Avife of George Monnes, my blacke come, all my working day clothes, my husbands blacke to be delived p'sently after my decease, and twenty shillings to be payed to her at Mich'as one thousand five hundred nynetie nyne aforesayde.

Item. I give to George Burrage my sonne one Bullock nowe of two years of age, now in the valewe (by the estimation of George Monnes and George Hill) of twenty shillings, to be delivered to him or to his assignes at Mich'as 1599 aforesayd, Provided always, that if it shall jilease God that any of my sayd children, Agnes, OUie, Susanne, Elizabeth and George, do dep* this p'sent world before the receypt of ther sayd sev'all legacies, then I will that the legacie or legacies of him or her, or them so d'pted shalbe equallie divided amongst the rest of them that shall survive that is to saye, to be divided at such tyme or tymes as the ptie or ptics so deptd should have receyved there sayd sev'all legacies if he shee or they had lived

Item. I give and bequeath unto Kichard Burrage mj'' sonne, the best hatte that was my husband's, one posted bedsteed w*'^ one feather bed and boulster, a payer of sheets, a payer of blanketts one cov'lett w"> all the paynted cloths thereunto belonginge, as it now stands in the parloure, and one chest nowe standing at the feete of the sayd bedsteed in the sayil parloure

Jie7ji. I give to Benimin Hill and Trances Hill the children of my daughter OUey to either of them five shillings

Item. —All the residue of all my lynnenand napie not before bequeatlied I will to be equally divided amongst all of my sayd fower daughters

Item.— All the residue of my goods cattalles, debts, obligations, imple- ments of householde, and all other things moveable whatsoever, not before bequeathed, I do whollye give and bequeath them unto John Burrage my sonne, whom I do make and ordayne my sole executor of


tliis my last wille and testament, willingc him to take my debts and fo paye my debts and legacies, and to pforme and fulUille the hu^t will and testament of Barnaby liurrage his father my late husband deceased, of Wh sayd testament of my sayd Inisbanrl I am ordayned sole executrix, and further willing liim to cause my two younger sons to be well and honestly brought and trayned up, and desiringe him to see this my last will and testament fullfilled and p'formed according to the true meaning hereof and to the pnxyse of Allmightie God.


These l)eing witnesses George Gotts, Rouekt AVixgiikld and


Troved in the Archdeacon's Court of Norfolk January 18, 1507-8

Will ok .John IU'kuage.

John Burishe, alias Borage, of North IJarsham in the County of Nor- folk, gentleman. "Will dated Oct. 24, 1030. Gives to the reparations of the churches of North Barsham, Iloulton, Thorpe, Walsingham Burn- ham West gate, Briston, Badham, Ilempsted St. Michael at-Thorne in Norwich, St. Nicholas in Lynn Regis, and to the poor of said parishes.

To the church of Snoring and the poor there, he gives nothing " because Doct. Pierson, tlie late parson there and some other evil dis- posed, very uncharitably would not suffer my harmless son to be buried there in christian burial, pretending that he dyed of the plage; neither would he be persuaded to have him searched, but procured a warrant to shut up me and my Company for six weeks space to my great grief and enforcing me to pay 40 to the watchman " «S:c. &c.* 833-3 tliat Sir Henry

Note. This looks like a case of quarantine. He and hi.« family were probably- shut up in their hou.se to prevent them from spreading the infection, and a watchman appointed to see that they did not go out or communicate with others. Doubtless tlie most aggravating fe;iture in the matter, to Mr. Burrage, was the fine to pay forty shillings to the watchman. It is possible that the old adage respecting being sen- tenced "to be hanged aTid pay forty shillings " originated from this incident.

This will is interesting as illustrating some of the different ways of spelling the family name, and as tending to confirm Mr. Somerby's theory respecting its origin. It will be seen that this testator wa.s the eldest son of Barnaby and Margaret Burrage, whose wills, dated 1597, precede this.


Le Strange liad been his great enemy for twenty years. Mentions his godson John Thorne of South Creek. The tliree daughters of his late sister Agnes, sometime the wife of William Porte of Great Yarmouth. Grandchild John, son of Lewis Salter, and Mary his wife, testator's daughter, lately deceased. Daughter Elizabeth, wife of Martin Harrison. Daughter Bridget Borage, Daughter Frances Borage, Wife Mary, late wife of AVilliam Ilallman, Daughter Sarah, now wife of John Balliston, Daughter Jane, Grandchild John Greene, John Burishe ali'is Borage, son of brother Richard Borage, clerk (clergyman). Makes his nephew John Burishe alias Borage and Giles Notley residuary legatees


Will of Riciiaed Bueeidge.*

Richard Burrage of Ilappisburgh, Clerk, Will dated October 7, IG.'JS. Desires to be buried in the chancel of the church. Gives to the poor of Ilappisburgh, East Ruston, Hickling, Salthurst, Killing, Wighton, Welles next the sea, St. Augustines in Norwich, and St Pauls in Nor- wich. To his son John, his house, &c. &c. in East Ruston. To his daugh- ter Sarah, wife of Edward Page, lands, &c. in Happisburgh. To son Samuel the house where he testator now dwells. To daughter Anne Burridge lands, &c. in East Ruston. To daughter Elizabeth houses, &c. in the parishes of St. Augustine and St. James in Norwich. To son Richard lands, &c. in Buxton and other places. Kinsman AVilliam Munns. To his wife Anne a house in the parish of St. Pauls in Norwich. Mentions the daughter of Robert Burrage which he had by testator's Kinswoman, Brome.

Proved in the Bishop's Court of Norfolk, March 23, 1638-9.

*It will be seen that this Richard was also a son of Rarnaby Burrage, "of "Welles next ye sea."


202 'illH lU i;i;A(iK MK.MOKIAL

Ai!>i i;a( is ok Wills and Extracts ri:oM rAinsii l{i:fiisTKi!s,


Abstracts of Wills in ''" h'-'jistry OxI'mc at Ipsiclch, County of Sk folk,


Thomas Iiiirr;ul<»c of Ipswic-li, iiinholder Oct. 14, 15S0. Desires lo lie buried at St. !Mary I^lms, in Ipsuieh. "Wife M:irv. Son AVilliam. l);iu<:liter Tlioniasine, wife of TliDnias Evcranl, and their "> ehilthxn. Appoints Ids sou William executor and Henry Gipps supervisor. Proved

Nmv. ji. \r,so.

I^rtractsfroni the Parish liegis'cr of St. Mary Elms,tchich hcjins in '[')'>~.

JJaptized 1584. Oct. 30 Ales y- daut' of Willm Bure;,'e and Ales his wife.

l.-jSG. Aui^ .'i, Will"" y' son of Wyllame hurege & Ales lies wyfe.

15!»:J. Januarj' 15, Tiiomas the soue of Will"" borege & Elsabethc his w yfr.

l(i."»4. Eliziibeth, daughter of Tliomas and Elizabeth IJurrage.

Married l')!»2 April 10, William liurcge and Elsabcth foxe ware ma red.

JJuried 1578. >ept. l.'>, Margrct y' wyfe of thomas buryche wa> l)i;ny<l.

15'Jl. Feb. 2 Ales y dauf of Wyllm burege was bearyed.

1000. Aug. 23, Elizabeth Borrage a younge ehilde was l)uried.

1017-1>^. Jan.v 15, Elizabeth the wife of Will'" Hurridge wa.s buried the XV dai of January.

ICiil. Will'" Berrag the elder was buried the xiii dai of June.

1038-9. widow liurage the elder was burryed Feb. 4.

1038. "William Burrage the elder, Inn Keeper, wa.s buried Xovem. 24.

10O7. Sept. 9 Elizabeth Burrage the wife of Thomas Burge.

Ahstracts of Wills in the ArcIt(lcaotn''s Ontrt of Xorfolk^ at yorwidi.

Walter Bearadge of Thornham Husbandman , Sept. 4, 1580. To hi.s wife Cicely all his lands, &c. in Thornham during her life, then to Son .Idliii, Daughters Airnes mid Mary. Proved Nov. 10, l.^sO.


AdministiMtion of the goods, &c. of Thomas Burridge of Scoulthorpe, granted to Alice his widow, April, 1589.

Ednuind Burradge of Worsted, yeoman, Feb. 12 1612-13. Desires to be buried in the churchyard near his wife. Present wife Alice. Daught. Alice. Daught. Mary, wife of Andrew Kose. Daught. Bridget, wife of Humphrey Allison, Grandchild Agnes Claighton. Proved July 28, 1617.

William Burrage of Marcham Magdalen, tailor, March 20, 1586-7. Wife Barbara. Daughtei-s Cicely, Elizabeth, Abigail, and Alice Burrage.

Ahst7'acts of Wills proved in the Bis/jop's Court of Norwich, at Norwich.

Thomas Burgh, of Kessingland, 1422. Wife Alice.

Godford Burgh, of Sutton, Rector, May 4, 1439. Sister Katherine, mentions Eeginald Burgh. Appoints William Burgh executor. Proved June 17, 14.39.

Nicholas Burgh of Swathfield, June 15, 1493. W^ife Margaret. Men- tions his lands in Swathfield, North Walsham, Knopton, Bukton, &c. &c. Son Robert. Daughter Cicely. Proved Oct. 21, 1493.

John Burgh citizen of Norwich, April 2, 1529. Desires to be buried in the church of St. Clement of Fybrigg in Norwich, against the altar of St. John Babtist.

John Beareadge of Thornton, carpenter, Sept. 31,1613. Wife Eliza- beth. Sons Benjamin, John, and Michael. Daughter Elizabeth, not 16. Proved Oct. 20, 1613.

John Borowght of Walsoken, Nov. 9, 1504. Daughters Cecelia and Agnes. Master William. Smeaton executor.

John Burrishe of Worsted, raffeman, Apiil 11, 1573. Wife Agnes. Sons John, Thomas, and William, all under 21. Daughters Agnes, Mar- garet, Amy, and Joan, not 18. Sister Mary Burrishe. Appoints his wife executrix and Henry Tymplie, gent, supervisor. Proved July 31, 15T3. Also in Norfolk Co.

Richard Burrough (or Borough) of Norton Subcorse, yeoman. Will dated Oct. 18, 1644. Gives all his houses and lands to his nephew Henry, son of his brother Henry deceased, and appoints him executor. Proved in the Archdeacon's Court of Norfolk 1G46. Sealed with a crescent between three boar's heads.


Mr. Somerb3% in a preface to the copies and abstracts of wills and extracts from parish records forwarded liy liim, wrote respecting this last- named will as follows: "In the year 1046, Richard Barrage, of Norton Subcorse, uncle to John IJurrage, died: and in an inventory appended to the will, mention is made of a close of land of Jive acres, partly belonging to John Barrage, now beyond the seas. The will is sealed with a coat of arms, viz., a crescent between three boar's heads, evidently a pan upon the name Morage, as it was sometimes written."

Among other names attached to wills and found on parish registers in different counties are the following: Thomas Barrage of Ilarloe, Essex Count}-, Sept. 1, 15S1. John Beridge of "NVard'ey, Rutland County, loTO. AVilliam Berridge of Whistendiue, 1(311. Margaret Burridg of Tumble, "Wondside in the parish of Ruskbie, 1633. "William Bunage the elder, of Wotton in Bedfordshire, Jan. .30, 1584.

The parish register of Wighton. in the County of Norfolk, has the marriage of "William Barrage, 1594, and the births of his children as follows: Anne Barrage, 15!J5; Alyse Burrage, 1598; Maria Burrage, 1600; William Burrage, 1606; Andry Burrage, 1609; George BitrrocVje, 1612; James Burradge, 1016. And in will, June 6, 1640, the same names of the same persons are written as follows: " "William Boreage the elder of Wighton in the County of Noifolk joiner to his eldest son "V\'illiam all his houses Sec. Seccoad son George Boerage, youngest son James." Daughter Anne, wife of John Hall. Daughter Katherine deceased, late wife of Robert Porter. Grandchild Maiy Purlaiid. Daughter Andery Porland. Appoints his son William executor. Witnessed by George Burridge and others. Proved in the Archdeacon's Court of Norwich March li>, 1643-4.


From Bromfleld's "History of Norfolk County": "Norwich, named by the Saxons North-Wic, meaning North Castle, on the River Wensum, a branch of the Yare, the castle first built in reign of Utfa, first king of the East Angles, soon after the year 575; in the Confessor's time called the Burgh or Borrough; that part under the jurisdiction of the king and the


earl was called peculiarly the Burgh. The year 133G is memorable f.)r the great increase of the Flemish stuffs or worsted manufacturo, named from Wursted or Worsted, in Norfolk, in winch a colony of old Dutch settled in Himry the First's time. Norwich became the principal place for its manufacture."

In the Post-Office Directory of Cambridge, Norfolk, and Suffolk Counties, England, for 1853, are the following names: "Residents of Norwich : Burrage & Jeffries, outfitters ; Edward Burrage, baker ; Edwin Burrage, baker ; Joseph James Burrage, schoolmaster; John C. Burrage, boys' school; Mrs. Susannah Burrage, tobacconist; Miss S. Burrage, school mistress of district boys' school; Albert Burrage, baker." It will be noticed that in every case the name is written as our ancestor wrote it. Also in Yarmouth which is the port at the mouth of the River Yare, below Norwich there were " Burrage & Ames, bricklayers; Jolin Burrage, bricklayer;" Mrs. Mariena Burrage, shopkeeper, South Town; and Mrs. Sarah Ann Burrage, dres?-maker." In other counties than Norfolk the orthography of Burridge is more common than that of Burrage.

Items respfctixg Persons of the Name of Burrage axd so^ri-: OF THE Names with which it is connected by Similaisity of Orthography".,

In Bromfield's "History of Norwich," under date of l-t]G, John Burgh is named as one of the city sergeants for packing juries.

About 1500 Robert Burgh was one of the Burgesses in Parliament from Norwich.

In 1742 Tbomas Burrage was chosen Sub-Charaberlain of Norwicli.

In 1439 Nic. Burgh, citizen, was buried in the church of the Aii>tiii Friars Norwich.

"John de Buryhersh died in 19'h of Richard 2. Wife Jlaud. A daughter Maud married Thomas Chaucer, E^q., son of the famous poet

Sir (jeoffrey."

Under the head of " Massingham Magna," in the list of rectors of the church of "St. Mary's," there is John Bcrege, D. D., died 101)8. In another place, " Tomb of the wife of John Beridge Doctor of Divinity of Great Massingham. Died Feb. 21, 1725."


In Vol. YIl, pnge 5, is the following: "Mr. John Borage of North Barsham, Gent, gwe by his will dated Oct. 27, 1030, to the Master, fel- lows, and scholars of Clare Hall, in Cambridge where he was sometime a scholar, a rent charge of 33 £. per anuiim out of his Messuages Lands & tennements in Xorth Barsham," &c.

Under the heal of Ilappisburgh, in a description of the church there (dedicated to St. Mary), in the list of vicars, is the following: ''1002 Bicliard Burrage appointed by the King, a lapse. In 1003 he returned 195 communicants." This is the Richard Burrage whose will is given on page 201 of the appendix.

lu Berry's " Encyclopedia Ileraldica," there is a description of armo- rial bearings granted to a Borage (Devon), and others granted in 1700 to Burridge, Ilolden, Kent, borne in 1S25 by F. (J. C. Burridge, Esq., of Lillcsden, in Ilawkhust, Kent.

In Dyer's " History of the Universit}' of Cambridge," is a notice as follows: "John Berridge, A. M. 1742, an eminent Methodist, senior fellow of this college and author of ' The Christian World unmasked.' The first person at Cambridge who ai>pears to have been much influ- enced by Methodism, who occasionally preaching in the pulpit of St. Mary's gave great olTence to the University; this was in 1755. The epitaph on hi?'' tombstone written by himself will best explain both his doctrine .• d hjs style.










Art tliou born again ?

No Salvation without a new ])irth.

I was born in sin February, 1710,

Remained ignorant of my fallen .state till 1730

J "' , proudly on faith and works for salvation till 1754

Admitted to Everton Vicarage 17.55

Fled to Jesus alone for refuge 1750

Fell asleep in Christ January 22d 1793.


" He is spoken of as having become another Ilolcroft by preaching through Cambridge sliire Bedford sTiire and Huntington sliire in houses and barns as well as his own pulpit. lie even sent forth lay preachers. Many dissenting churches now in those counties were originally formed of his disciples; and some gentlemen of the University in about 1768 were a good deal formed in Mr. Berridge's school."

The writer has a copy of "The Christian World unmasked" "cor- rected and abridged by Abner Morse, pastor of the First Congregational Church in Nantucket, 1822." It evinces a good deal of ability and power in the writer. Upon those who admitted his theological premises, it would be likely to have great effect. The sketch of his life prefixed to the work says that his preaching drew large crowds who were deeply impressed by his discourses.

APPENDIX D. An Ina^entoky of the Estate of John Bureage, late of

ChARLESTOWN, as it was APPEAISED the 18tH of N0YE:yiBER,

1685, BY John Gael, Sr., and Samuel Hunting, Imps. :

His wearing apparrel, one great Coat

3 Wascoats @ 3 pr. Breeches 2 pr drawers ri^ockings (g shoes

6 neck cloaths, 5 caps @ 4 handerchers

6 Shirts

Books IQs Arms @ Ammunition

a table 5^ (2) forms 5^ (2) Joynstools #

a Cupboard @ trunk 208 a chest @ box 5^

12 Chairs

a feather bed @ sted with furniture

a tlock bed furniture

a bedsted @ bed @ furniture porch chamber

a bedsted @ bed with furniture hall chamber

a sreat chest l-" 6 Cushions 6^


s. d.


- -


10 -


10 -


7 -

10 -

14 -


5 -

12 -


10 -


ir, -


11 -


(to -



Amount carried furivard,

£20 10 -


Amount broittjJU foncurd, a chest @ desk

8 pr Sheets 2 Cupboard cloths o*' 11 pillow cases V 12 napkins 9^ 6 eh napkins 8* table cloths @ towels lis pillion @ Cloath

in the kitchen puter 2* 5* brass 1* 12^ a pestle @ mortar 3" Scales @ weights Spitt @ dripin pan chafin dish @ candle stick 2 tables @ forms 1* 6 spoons 18«-3-? Earlhern ware 2^ meal trough, cefe, pajis Iron utensils pots Andrions, tramels &c. a pr of bellows barrels @ tub lO

2 banners @ smoothing iron

bottles Juggs @ pots 5" a cow @ hog 2' 15^

4 piggs 1' 5" a srtaall am-hor .!>«

The half of two boat' i* lO^ | part of one boat 2'

Lumber @ old ir..n \\ itiiln doors (2 without

Two wood 1' t-

Three acres of upland

3 Cow Conmions @ a half Common 20 acres of hay laud be it more or less

Tbe dwelling house wharf (g barn with two wardens


10 8 3



9 11 12











1 IG 12









10 G
















^£287 14 -


JOHN CALL The estate in debt £41 5' !>■'

Charlst. 15 Dec. bo sworn by i huinty Joanna @ Thomas Burrage

TnE Original AorEtMENT ot thk Childrkx of Jonx Burrage


" The whole amount £214-0-0 being divided in Ten parts amongst us as followeth. Imi)^ To Susanna Burrage being the daughter of John ]Jurrage eldest son of s"d Julm Biuragc furty eiglit puuml- sixti-eii sliii-


lings being a doul)le share, and for ye rest of the chilch-en, viz: Mary Marshall, Hannah French, Elizabeth Poor, William Burrage. Sarali Johnson, Bethiah Burrage, Thomas Burrage & Ruth White, twenty four pounds eight shillings a piece, twenty four pounds eight shillings being a single share. AVhat we have already received formerly of our lionored father or otherwise out of his estate being considered as also coniju-ized in ye whole Inventory and substracted out of our respective parts,"' &c. Dated May 2, 1694. Signed by John French, John Marshall, Thumas Burrage, William Johnson his mark and seal— V— Sarah Johnson her mark and seal, Ruth r w— AVhite her mark and seal, Susanna Burrage.

APPENDIX E. AYiLL OF Deacon Thomas Burrage. Lynn, March G, 1717.

In the name of our Lord God amen. I Thomas Burrage of Lynn in ye County of Essex in ye Province of Massachusetts Bay In New England, Joyner, being sick & weak & not knowing how soon it may please God to take me out of this world. Doe take y* opportunity to make this my last will and testament as follows

First and principally I commit my soul Into ye hands of my Blessed Redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ hoping & believing through his merits to find acceptance at ye throne of grace, and my body to the Earth from whence it was taken, to be decently buryed at ye descretion of my Executors hereafter named hoping through Christ for a glorious resur- ection, & as for my Worldly Estate God of his Mercy hath bestowed upon mee I give & bequeath as follows

Impr^. That all my Just Debts be duely & honorably payed. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Elizabeth, shee renouncing all her right of Dower in my Estate, all the moveable Estate shee brought wlien I married her & four pair sheets, Two Tali!e cloths, half a dozen of Naj)- kins, half a dozen of Towels, one coverlid, one blankett, a chest of drawers, a table & a half a dozen of black chairs; and my said wife so long as shee remains my widow To live in y" easterly lower room in my


Dwelling house and my two sons John & Thomas to provide for my said wife att yc own Cost & charge in equal ])arts betwixt them yearl}' & ever}' year so long as shee I'emains mj' widow, six cords of wood at the house, twelve bushells of Rye, three bushells of ^hllt, one hundred w^t of beif, one hundred w'" of Porke, ten pounds of sheeps wool and twenty pounds of tlax, & to keep her a cow winters and summers; & If shee chance to marry then my three sons to give her three pounds a year during her natural life.

Impi-s. I give and bequeath to my two sons .Tohn Burrage & Thomas Burrage in equal halves betwixt them & to their heirs & assigns forever all of ni}' lands of all sorts (excepting that four-acres of salt marsh y' I bought of Mr. Bass). That my said son John his heirs & assigns to have over & above his half of said lands, and my said son John to have all my housing on my Land where I now live & to pay half 3'e value yerof to my said son Thomas Towards building him a house. Item I give to my daughter Joanna Mansfield ten shillings shee having had a portion already. Item I give to my other four daughters, namely, Elizal)eth Burrage Mary Burrage Bethiah & Ruth Burrage, fortj- pounds to each of them & they to have all the moveables in my house (excepting so much of It as I have given to my wife) to be equally divided amongst them & what there Avants to make up ye forty pounds to each of said four daughters, my will Is yt it shall be made up by said Two sons equally betwixt them.

Item, my will Is, & I doe appoint my Two sons John Burrage & Thomas Burrage to be m}- lawful executors to this my last will & Testa- ment, and for ye confirmation yerof I ye said Thomas Burrage have hereunto affixed my hand «fe seal this sixth day of March anno Domine one thousand seven hundred & seventeen.

(Signed) TIIO' BURR AH E.

Signed & Sealed in presence of us

richakdson joiinsox John Ivouv John Buhiull.


Inventory of the Estate of Thomas Bui!i;aoe.

Imp' To Wearing apparel & books 2-:>- O-O

To five feather beds & furniture Table Linen & Clotli 57-12-0

" 3 chests of drawers, 2 tables & Trunk 6-13-0

" Looking glass, 24 chairs & a chest 5_ _^

" pewter, brass, Iron & Bedstead &c. 12-15-0

" Joyners Tools & some Joyners' Bords & Joyce 7_ ;j_o

" Ilorse furniture &c. q_ rn

" 5 Cows 3 young Cattle, 2 horses 20 sheep 4 swine GO- 0-0 " Ye Homestead, 7 acres upland, 15 acres Meadow & about

63 acres of Common Lotts 212- 0-0 " That part of housing & Land bo't of Nathi Rust & two

thirds of four acres of Salt Marsh bo't. of Mr Bass 110- 0-0

" Dwelling house Barn & Shopp oO- 0-0


To a Debtt Due from the Estate to Jolm Burrage £50-0-0

provisions not prized. Proved Salem April 16 ann D' 1718.

Inventory of the Estate of Williaji Burrage, 1720.

A true Inventory of all and singular the goods, chattells, and credits of Wm. Burridge, late of Newton, in the County of Middlesex, dece;ised, intestate, apprized by us the subscribers, and is as follows, to wit: Imprimis; his purse and apparel £1-10/ Books 12/ 2- 2-0

Bed Jfe Bpding £5-0-2 Old beds £2-10/— two Coverlids 15/ 8- 5-0

5 sheets £1-15/ other Linen 3/ 1-18-0

Pewter 13/ brass 5/— 2 Iron pots 13/— Iron Kettle 10/ 2- 1-<I

Earthen ware 4/ Tinn 2/ spoems 1/ box and heater 3/ 0-10-0

Woodin Vessels H/6'^ tongs & trammels 5/ 0- 8-(;

One hammer 1/ one ax 2/6 Hoe 1/6 0- 5-(»

One gun 10/ four chairs 4/ kneading trough 1/6 0-15-6

Chest and trunk 5/ Table 5/— Spinning Wheel 8/ 0-18-0

Amount curried forward, £17- 3-0


Amount hront/ht forward, £17- 3-0

Cask 4/ One Sickle 1/ Beetle, ring & wedges 5/6 0-10-6

One Muck fork 1/0 plow-irons 5/ Old Iron 4/G 0-11-0

two Cows @ each a heifer 2 f - 10/ 10-10-0

A Mare and Colt @ 7 Lbs. two swine 2 Lbs 9- 0-0


Debts due to the Estate By Bill one hundred ponivls, llfty of w'» is payable the last of July past The other fifty due on the last of September 1721 100- 0-0

A desperate debt one pound-10/ 1-10-0

£139- 4-6

(ITis Dkhts.)

Funeral charges r)£-12-6 other debts 5-13-7 11- 6-1

John Greenwood John Spring Samuel Hide ai)p'' >wnrn to by both Aug. 15, 1720i

A P P E X I) I X F . Will of Thomas Bi-ruaok, Lvnx, Dkc. S, 1S59.

In the name of fio I amen. I Thomas Burrage of Lynn in tlie County of Essex and Province of Massachusetts Bay in Xew England, Ilouse- wright being weak in body, but in my perfect disposing mind and Memory and apprehensive of My Mortality Do make this my last will and Testa- ment & hereby appoint My sons William Burrage & Josiah Burrage Executors hereof. Imprimis. I Commend my soul to the Mercy of God in Christ My Redeemer and order my Executors to bury ray body in a decent manner. Item I will that my Executors pay all my just debts & funeral charges out of ray cash, notes of hand & bonds due to me and my book debts, which if they should not be sufficient the remainder to be then paid out of my live stock.

I/.cia. I give and bequeath to my wife Anna all the household goods & furniture shee brought to me upon our Marriage, with what money shee shall h;ive in keeping at My decease and what goods shee may have by


her, which are her proper & present interest To be to her her lieirs & assigns forever, and her word shall determine both as to the money & goods what are hers. I also give to my said wife and her heirs and assigns forever, one feather bed Bedstead & beding as shee shall chuse, also one Cow which shee shall chuse out of my stock, also one equal half of my Movable Estate of every name nature & kind after my debts & funeral charges as above in this my will particularly allotted & given and excepting my live stock, remaining Husbandry utensils & Carpenter's & Glazier's tools I also give to my said wife for and during the whole time shee shall remain my widow, The keeping well of one Cow, winter & summer to be done by my said Executors and also the free and Intire use & Improvement of the East room & and the north East lower Bud room in my now Dwelling house & such a part of my cellar to improve as shee shall choose and free liberty to pass from & round my said house & to the Gardens »& well as shee pleases, and to make use of the Kitchen as shee hath occasion, and to pass to it either way as shee pleases, and also the free use of one third, part of each of my gardens as shee shall choose. I also give to her during said term of her widowhood annually each and every year and in just proportion for less than a year eight bushels Merchantable Indian Corn, Two bushels Merchbi Rye, Two bushels of Malt, one barrel of Cyder, Sixty pound of good Merchbi beef & eighty pound of good Merch^i pork, & Ave Cord of good Merch^' fire wood, Cord length, all the above particulars of stores & provisions to be seasonably and within each and every year provided & delivered to her at my now dwelling house where she is to reside by my three sous William, Josiah & Abijah in three equal parts or such as may legally represent each of them. Shee accepting the whole of the above in lieu of her right of Dower in my estate.

Item.— I will give & Bequeath to my son William the land with tlic house he has recently built on my homestead with all my laljour on & about said house, and privilege of passmg round said house as he may have occasion and as best suit his convenience, also one just third part of my remaining live stock and one third part of my husbandry utensils, also one equal half part of each of my three wooil-lotts in Lynn, one lying in the ox pasture, so called, one in the middle pasture and the other in Tomlins swamp so called, To be to him his heirs and assigns forever.


Item. I will give & bequeath to my son Josiah my carpenter's shop & all my carpenter's tools & Glaziers utensils, also half one feather bed, bedstead & l)eding, also my desk also one just third part of my whole live stock after debts and funeral charges paid & my wives Cow taken out, and one third part of all my husljandry utensils and I will that my said son and all by & under him shall have liberty to pass round the shop as he & tliey may have occasion ; also one equal half part of my above mentioned wood-lotts The above particulars to be to him his heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I will give *fc Bequoatli to my son Abijah one nine acre Wood lott lying in said Lynn on the back of Tomlins swamp, so called, also one half one feather bed, Ijcdstcad & beding,also the whole remaining part of my live stock & husbandry utensils, also one equal half part of my now Dwelling house with the land it covers, and liberty to pass round it excepting my wive's liberty of Improving & privilege as mentioned, & excepting my daugliter Susanna's improvement & privileges as herein- after mentioned. To be to him his heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I will give & Bequ«*atii lo my son Josiah the land my carpenter's shop covers also the other equal half part of my now Dwelling liouse with the land it covers, and liberty to pass round it Excepting my wives and said daughter Susanna's liberty of Improving & priviledges as herein mentioned in all regards. To him his heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I will give & Bequeath to my daughter Susanna & her heirs »fc assigns, one feather bed, bedstead & beding, also the remaining part of all my personal movable Estate (Except one bed, bedstead & beding for William) also sixty six pounds thirteen shillings & four pense lawfull Money, To be paid her as follows, viz. Twenty six pounds thirteen shillings & four pence in two payments by my son William Burrage the first payment in one year after my deceas and the seccoud payment in two years after ray decease & twenty six pounds thirteen shillings four pence to be paid in two payments by my son Josiah, the first payment, viz, one half in one year & the second in two years after my decease, and the remaining thirteen pounds six & eight pence, amounting in the whole to the said j£G6,13,4d lawful money, to be paid to her by my son Abijah in two years after my decease, & if the said sums are not freely paid as above ordered then Interest shall be paid from the time set for payment till paid, also I


give her the free use of the west chamher hi my Dwell hig house & liherty to pass & repass to & from the same & priviledge in ray cellar & the use of the kitchen as shee have occasion from my decease to tlic time shee shall be married. The above to be in full of her portion of my Estate.

Item. I will give & Bequeath to my grand children by my deceased daughter Deziah Whittemore which' with what I have heretofore given my said daughter Is in full of their right & portion in my Estate, That is to say to Elizabeth Whittemore Eight pounds lawfull money, to her & her heirs forever to be paid by my sons William Josiah & Abijah in equal parts when the said Elizabeth shall arrive to the age of eighteen years, aiso one bed bedstead & beding, and to each of my deceased daughters two sons Joseph & Edmond & her daughter Esther one pound six & eiiiht pence laAvfull money each, to be paid by my three sons William, Josiah & Abijah, in equal parts, to the sons when twenty one years of age & to Esther when eighteen years of age To them and their respective heirs forever.

Lastly, I will give & Bequeath to my three sons William, Josiah & Abijah & their respective heirs & assigns forever my whole remaining real Estate not herein before given in three equal parts, To each one third part but on this condition that they & each of them well & truly pay in all regards as is above mentioned & ordered The several sums of money & stores herein willed to my wife & Daughter Susanna and the children of my daughter Deziah, which sums I herein Debt my said re- maining real Estate with and absolutely subject it to the payment of the same. And do also Debt the same with the stores annually to be provided for my wife.

In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand & seal this eighth day of December Anno Domini 1759.


Signed, sealed, published & declared by the s'd Thomas Burrage to be his last will & Testament in presence of us who at tlie same time hereto affixed our hands as witnesses before s'd Testator.

Nathaniel IIkncii.man.




To 2 hatts 20/ 2 great coats 30/ other wearing api)arel 70/ 6 - -

' G shirts 30/ 7 pr StocksB 9/ 1 Cap G^ Silk Handkerch 2/ ' 1 pr Stock'B 4/ a bible 12/ one ditto 12/ other books 7/ ' Best Bedstead & Beding in East Room ' Chest with drawers 53/4 Desk 32/ Tablo 12/ Looking

glass 30/ ' G chairs 24/ "Warming pan 8/ Candlostick 1/ ' 17 ounces & i Silver 114/ Delph ware 12/ Glassware G/ ' Andirons G/ Tongs & Shovel G/ ' Two Beds, Ik'dsteads & beding in East chamber ' One lied in West Chamber, beding Sc Curtains ' One ditto in S'd Chamher & beding 80/ ' Old Case drawers 12/ table 6/ 4 chairs G/ 4 ditto G/ ' IG pairs Sheets, table Linen &c £.0 ' 3 brass Kettles & skellet GO/ 2 tea Kettles 22/ ' 3 Iron pots 2 Kettles & Iron bread pan 20/ ' 2 Tranu'ls 12/ 2 pr andirons 24/ shovel 4/ ' Warming pan 0/ box Iron 30/ flatt Irons 30/ ' 2 Maple tables IG/ 2 square tables 8/ IG chairs o/S ' case of Drawers IG/ 2 dozen Pewter Plates 42/8 ' 7 pewter dishes 24/ Earthern ware G/ Cyder (.'asks, tubs,

&c. 2G/ ' one yoke of oxen £13.6.8. —0 Cows £28-16-96/ Each. ' pr two year old Steers 120/ 3 yearlings 80/ 11 Sheep 12/

Each ' one horse lOG/S 2 Swine 20/. Each 40/ ' one Cart ^ wheels Clews & pin Gl/4 ' Two plows. Wheelbarrow &c 18/. 2 hoes, 3 axes & dung

fork 12/ ' Two yokes 2 draft chains & horse tackling

Amoanl carrltd forward,














































































Amount hrowjlit forward^ To Two forks, 2 Rakes & shovel 11/2 Grindstone 12/ 2 Sleds

8/6 "■ Cash ia house £10-13-4. Bonds and notes £31-10-8 " The Dwelling house £120 Barn & shed adjoining 2G-13.4 " The Shop & Joyners tools & Glaziers tools " Abt 12 acres land adjoining to ye house " 7 acres and 60 poles of Land in Nahant " 23 acres & 80 poles of Land in Baxter's pasture, so called " Abt 24 acres in Farrington's pasture, so called " Eleven acres land in Rail Hill so called *' 7 acres and 40 poles land in Chase Hill so called " abt. 9 acres ^vood land behind Tomlins Swamp ' '' abt 6 acres wood land in Tomlins swamp *' abt 4 acres wood land in ye Ox pasture so called " abt 6 acres wood land in the Middle pasture so called " 7 acres Salt Marsh at Birch Island so called " 4 acres Salt Marsh in ye lower division " 2 acres Salt Marsh called Fox Hill lot



William Burrage JosiAH Burrage

iBenj Newhall Erenezer Burrill Theophilus Breed


11 8


4 -

1.4 146

13 4


15 4


- -


- -

ed 31

6 -


- -


14 S


0 -


- -


4 -


4 -


- -


- -


- -


- -





April 14, 1760 William Burrage & Josiah Burrage made oath to the truth of this Inv"* and to add what more Estate shall come to tlieir

knowlidge. ^ ., ti n

John Ciioate Jd. I'ro.


Will or Deacon John Burrage, 1780.

In the name of God amen, I John Burrage of Lynn in the County of Essex in the State of Massachusetts Bay, Wheelwright, being in an infirm and dangerous state of health, but (blessed be God) of a sound and



dispo'iing Mind and ^Menioiy, do make and ordain tliis my last will and testnmeut, and is as follows, that is to say

Imprimis. I commend my immortal soul to the Mercy of God through Christ, My body I commit to the Dust to be interred in decent Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named, in sure hojje of a glorious Resurrection at the last day.

Item. I order and direct that my just debts, funeral charges and the expense of settling my Estate be duly and seasonably paid.

Item. I give and bequeath unto the widow Ruth Breed of Lynn afore- soid six Cords of oak wood to take it standing upon my wood lot near Penny Bridge (so called) in said Lynn, lying between the lots of James Newhall and the heirs of Jonathan Xewhall; three cords thereof to be paid unto her in three months after my decease and the other three cords in twelve months from the first payment.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Mother Mchitible Burrage and my sister Elizabeth Burrage and the survivor of them all the Provisions Wool, Flax, Hay & Forage which I shall own and possess, and the crops grow- ing on standing upon nn' lands (if an}- there may be) at the time of my decease. I also give and bequeath unto my said Mother and my said sister Elizabeth jointly and severally and the survivor of them, the use and improvement of all the Residue and Remainder of My Estate both Real and Personal for and during the term of their natural lives and the life of the longest liver of them, and in case it shall so happen in Providence that the Income and Profit of My Estate shall be insufficient well and comfortably to support and maintain them or either of them, then I hereby authorize and empower mv Executor hereafter named to make sale of such Part of my Estate either real or personal as he in his Discretion shall think will be least prejudicial to the Estate (except what is herein given and allotted) and make good and sufficient Deed or Deeds thereof and apply the Money arising from such sale for the support and subsistence of my said Mother and sister Elizabeth or the survivor of them.

Item. I give and devise unto my sister Lydia Martin her heirs and assigns after the death of my said Mother and sister Elizabeth, four acres and thirty two polos of land lying at Xahant in Lynn aforesaid, being lot laid out to Doctor Oliver's successors on Bass rock; also one hundred and thirty one poles of land on said Xahant in the field that Avas fenced near Mr. Breed's.


Item. 1 give and devise to John Treadwell of Lynn aforesaid, clerk, his heirs and assigns after the death of said mother and sister Elizabeth, six acres of woodland laid out on said Lynn Town Common in the third Division and fourth Range, being part of a lot drawn by Joseph Burrill near steep Hill (so called) and is the westerly part of said lot.

Item. I give and bequeath unto the Selectmen of the Town of Lynn aforesaid, as Trustees, after the Death of my said Mother and sister Elizabeth all the wood that shall be standing upon a lot laid out on said Lynn Town Common in the third Division and fifth Range to Josei)h Hall, and contains two acres and 100 poles, is near the Dungeon between the lots of Richard Mansfield and Theophilus Breed, for the only use and benefit of Sarah Thoyts of said Lynn, spinster; But if said Sarah shall not survive niy mother and said sister Elizabeth, then the bequest to lapse and become void

Item. I give and devise unto my l^ephew Jonathan Norwood and his heirs and assigns, from and after the Death of my said Mother and my sister Elizabeth, the East End of a Dwelling house with half a garden and yard adjoining and about one acre of land near the said house lying in Lynn aforesaid, being the same which I purchased of him the said Jonathan.

Item. All the Rest, Residue and Remainder of my Estate I give, devise and bequeath unto the said Jonathan Norwood and my two nieces Susanna Boardniau and Mehitable Norwood their heirs and assigns, to be divided equally between them. And I do hereby nominate and appoint John Flagg of Lynn aforesaid Physician, to be Executor of this my last will and Testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 301 h day of May anno Domini 1780.

Signed JOHN BURRAGE. [seal]

Signed, Sealed, published and declared by the said John Burrago, in the Presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses thg^-oto in his presence.

Thomas Rhoades. Samuel Baciieller. David Lewis.


Ax Inventory of the Estate of Deacon eJoiiN Burrage late OF Lynn taken by us whose Names are hereunto subscribed August 17, 1780.

In the East Boom

A Bn)le 18/ one Quarter of Henry's Expositions GO/

Eight sermon Books 12/ two Beaver Hats 32/

A Perrivvig C/ blue Coat £4-10. two old Coats 50/

A Chocolate Colored Coat 50/ a great Coat GO/

four jackets 55/ two jir. Breeches 48/ five pr hose 11/

Shoes and Boots '.)/ nine shirts 48/ & mittens 1/G

pr Silver Slioe Buckles & two silver spoons 30/ a clock 72/

Tea Table 24/ Miiple oval Table 14/ six Joiners chairs 18/

a Hat Case and two Pictures 3/ pr Ilandirons 12/

West Front Boom

Case of Draws 15/ Looking Gla.ss 15/

Bedstead Bedding and Curtains c€12.

Oval Ta]>le 8/ five chairs 15/ a great chair 3/

East Front Chamber Bed, Bedstead and Bedding 80/ a brown chest G/ 4 G -

Wiiite chest 5/ 3 Casks 3/ Clock reel 2/ two Baskets 2/G an

old sword 2/ 14 6

West Front Chamber

Bed, Bedstead & Curtains with the Bedding £12. 12 - -

Eight chairs 24/ Oval Table 10/ nine Table Cloths 42/ 3 IG -

Three pillow Cases 5/ five napkins 5/ six sheets 40/ 2 10 -

West Back Chamber Bed & Bedding 40/ Meal chest 2/. 2 Casks 3/ * 2 5 -


Five pounds Cotton wool 10/ Sole Leather 8/ 18 -

a box of Irons 12/ forty weight sheeps wool GO/ 3 12 -

Old chain Tackling 4/ Old Iron 2/ Close stool 2/ 8 -
























Amount carried for Lcard, - £81 \) -


£81 9 -

7 12 -

Amount brought forward^

East Back Boom Desk 6/ Table 6/ Bed, Bedstead & Bedding £1.


Two small Tables 5/ five chairs 10/ Small Steelyards 6/ 11-

Three Candlesticks 5/ Large Iron Kettle 8/ Handirons 8/ 11-

Two Trammels 8/ Shovel & Tongs 3/ Fender 1/ 12 -

Iron Pots 2/ Two Iron Kettles 4/ Lanterns 4/ 10 -

Shed Iron Pots 4/ four Pails 2/ Churn 4/ Tubs 2/ Mortar 6/ 18 -

Kitchen Closet a brass Kettle 30/ Iron Tea Kettle 5/ 115-

five Pewter dishes 36/ twenty seven Pewter Plates 30/ 3 12 -

five Pewter Porringers 3/ Pewter Bason 3/ Tin ware 3/ 9 -

Warming Pan 4/ Case with 7 Bottles 12/ Case of Knives &

forks 2/ 18 -


five Cyder Barrels 7/6 Tubs & 60 Lbs. Salt Pork 40/ Beer Barrels 1/ Wooden Tunnel S^i Sope & Tub 15/

Out door Moveables thirty Bushels Indian Corn in Corn Barn .£7-10 Two Scythes and one Sneath 7/ six saws 60/

four axes 20/ a stone hammer 3/ an addice 6/

Joiners Tools £6- four augers 12/

Lumber in the old shop 40/ Cheese Press 3/ Beetle and two

Iron wedges 8/ Iron Crow 7/ Three ox Yokes 18/ Shod Shovel 2/ Horse Tackling 12/ four Hoes 8/ four chains 24/ Grind stone crank and fraim

12/ Horse Cart 30/ Ox Cart £5 Chaise £8 tln-ee hay

forks 10/


1 IG























17 4

Three Rakes 3/ a flax Brake 2/ Dung foik 6/ ^^

Amowit carried forward,

1144 4 2








Amount brought forward^ £144 4 2

Two hay forks 5/ Ox sled 6/ Two Ploughs 30/ 2 7-

Aii old chain Wheel 0/ Seventeen Sheep and foiu-teen

Lamhs .€15-16/ 1(5 2 -

a Horse £9 a yoke of oxen £12 Seven Cows £35 oG - -

An odd Steer £5 Yoke of Steers and a heifer two years

old £7-10-0 12 10 -

A Yoke of Steers & a heifer one year old £5 two Calves

36/ Two Hogs £9 Three Piggs £3 a Harrow 0/ Iron Fetters 8/ Hair Cart Rope 24/

Eeal Estatk all lying in Lynn The Homestead being about seventeen acres of land, the

Dwelling House, the Barn and other buildings thereon 554 - -

The lower field containing about twenty-six acres 240 - -

The East end of the Dwelling House that was formerly

Cola Burrills with about one acre of land 110 - -

Seven acres of Salt Marsh lying in Whitings Gap 49 - -

Four acres of Salt Marsh called Roger's Marsh 28 - -

Five acres of Salt Marsh adjoining the last mentioned 42 10 -

Three acres of Salt Marsh bought of Jedadiah Collins 21 - -

Two acres and a quarter of Salt Marsh by the lower field 7 - -

Thirteen acres and 25 poles of land at Xabant 117 - -

One acre of laud in Xine Hills Pasture

Nine acres of woodland lying West of Perry Bridge

Six acres of Woodland at Steep Hill

Five acres of Woodland lying in Black Swamp

Eight acres of woodland lying on the east side of Perry Bridge

About eight acres of woodland at Burrill's Hill

Sixty nine acres of woodland in the Dungeon Pasture

Seventy six acres of land in Farrington's Pasture

Anvjunt carried forward, £2,24G 1 2

This reduced to Paper Money at the Currant Hate of exchange at GO for one amounts to £134,763 :-lO-0.


7 2


IG -


- -


10 -


- -

ge 88

- -


- -


8 -


- -



Amount brought forward, £2,240 1 2 Cash anb Specialties. A State note dated Dec 1, 1777 £10 Three State notes dated Jan 1, 1777 £.30,— Bond of William & Job Collins dated Aug. 1709 13- 0-8

IsTote of John Mansfield dated July 1770 e,-13-4

Note of Josiah Eamsdill dated Deer 1772 1-10-0

Note of Ebenezer Mansfield dated Jan 1709 0- S-O

Note of the town of Lynn dated Nov. 1777 102- 9-8 Note from Eichard Mansfield dated March 1774 3- 0-0

Note of Edward Johnson dated Sept. 1706 6-13-4

Note of Pharaoh Newhall dated Feb 1875 13- 0-8

Note of Samuel Graves dated May 1774 7- 4-

Note of Josiah Martin dated Feb. 1704 12- 0-0

Note of Daniel Gallewshew dated Feb 1779 10- 0-0

Paper Money 970 Dollars ^91- 0-0 ^^ ^

Signed John Flagg Executor. £2,754 0 10

John Mansfield ^

Josiah Breed V Committee.

Ephraim Breed )


AN Inventory of the Estate of Mehitable Burraoe late of Lynn taken by the subscribers this 26™ day of Dec. 1-(.4.

To Sundry Books " The whole of her wearing apparel " Gold Necklace 40/ Stone Earrings 20/ " one pr Gold Buttons 20/ Silver Buckles 10/ " one pr Silver Hooks 3/4 Silver spoon 2/ " one gold Locket 8/ Silver Cup 18/

Amount carried forward,


Amount brought forward, To one large Silver Spoon 12/. 2 small do. 5/ " Cash by lier att the time of her death " Money upon Bond " 0 table cloths 24/. 1 pr Sheets 12/ " 6 towels 8/. 1 pillow Case 1/4 " 2 Trunks 8/8, half of a Desk 33/4 " China Ware 7/ one pewter dish 5/ " 2 pewter Porringers 2/6 " 1 pr Flatt Irons 5/, 2 small looking gla.sses 6/

Essex Dec. 27, 17G4 r Tiri:oriiiLus Brked John Burkage. < Will*" Burrage C .Jo>iAii Burrage

John Burrage made oath to the Truth of this Inventory and to add what more Estate shall come to his knowledge.

Joiix Ciioate Jd. Pro.





























Com'*" Sworn



IN Lynn.

^ly widowed Mother, My only earthly Friend, Erected this Monument, To t€ll each Traveller W ho looks this way. That underneath this stone Rests the ashes of her only son, JOSIAII BURRAGE, Who died Dec. 12, 1797, Aged 21 years. Oft do we sec the tender hud of hope Opening its heauties to the Morning light; AVhen lol a frost cuts down the tender ])lant And levels all our prospects in the dust.


Will of Susanna Burrage.

I Susanna Burrage of Lynn in the County of Essex, in the Common- wealth of Massachusetts, widow, declare this writing by me sul)scril)ed to be my last will and testament. In the first place I order my Executor hereinafter named to pay all my just debts and funeral charges in due season. Then I order my said Executor as soon as may be to pay the following legacies from the proceeds of my Estate, viz: To my brotlier Nehemiah Eamsdell I give the sum of twenty dollars. To my brother Joseph Eamsdell I give the sum of twenty dollars. To my sister Anna Ramsdell I give the sum of twenty dollars. To my sister Rhoda wife of Thomas K. Hudson I give the sum of twenty dollars. To Fanny Bartry I give the sum of twenty dollars. I also give to my two sisters Anna and Ehoda aforesaid, equally between them, all my wearing apparel. The residue of my Estate real and personal, I give and bequeath in equal halves to my brother in law William Burrage & sister in law Susanna, wife of Stephen Wait & to their heirs forever.

Of this my last will I do appoint James Gardner of said Lynn sole Executor. In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal & declare the same to be my last will, this tenth day of October A. D. ISOl.


In presence of Theophilus Hallowell. Samuel Hallowell. Kimball Ramsdell.

The account of James Gardner, executor, as above, dated Jan. 10, ISIO, states that the legacies had been paid to the different persons named in the will, that to Fanny Bartry having been paid to Thomas and Fannn Bowler.

Reminiscexces of the Burrages, of Lynn, by iMit. and Mus.

Bowler. Late in the year 1861, while pursuing some genealogical investigafions in a neighboring town (Newton), the writer was told by the wife <.f the town clerk tliat she was acquainted with an elderly lady in Lynn wi.o



once resided with a Burrage family in that place, and that her name was Mrs. Bowler. He at once wrote to Mrs. Bowler, and received in reply the following letter:

Lynn, Dec. 27, 1861. Mr. Burrage:

Dear Sir, I received 3onr letter and was very glad to hear from the

Burrage family, for I liave been anxious to know if any of them were

living. I have inquired from those who came from near Leominstei', but

could learn nothing satisfactory. I was well acquainted with j'our

family, and lived with Mrs. Susannah Burrage from one 3'ear old until I

was married, and took care of her afterwards until she died, in 1809, aged

74 j'ears. She was a kind woman and was much set by among her

friends. Your grandfatlier and his wife used to come down once in a

while and spend a few days, but your father and one of his brothers used

to come every year and sometimes twice. They brought all kinds of

country produce to sell, and made it their home at our house and stayed

four or five weeks. Your grandmother* lived with us after her son

died. He died dei'anged. He left one son, who lived until he was a little

past twenty-one years old; he was a very pious young man. His mother

set a good deal b}' him, and she mourned his loss as long as she lived.

They were both as near to me as an own mother and brother would have

been. We lived on the north side of the common, near the pond. She

owned a good deal of land, but it was not worth much in those days.

She made her will before she died and gave all her property to your

grandfather's family, except two rooms in the old house. Her husband's

brother, Abijah, lived in the next house to ours. There are at present

three streets through, and one each side of her land, with perhaps twenty

buildings on them. I cannot write all I wish to say to you, and I would

like to hear from your farail}' if you will honor us with a visit. Mr.

Bowler joins in the request. We would be very happy to see you and

we would talk it all over. Until then I will subscribe myself your

unknown correspondent,


* She mean.s Anna (Wait) Burrage, the second wife of tlie writer's great-grand- fiitlier, Tlionius IJurrage.


This Thomas Bow]er was town clerk of Lynn for many yoars. Soon after receivmg this letter, the writer, accompanied l)y Mr. Josjah Barrage, called upon Mr. and Mrs. Bowler. They found them to he very intelligent and -pleasant people, considerahly advanced in years. Mrs. Bowler was quite deaf, and although she used an ear-trumpet, it was difficult to converse with her. No facts of importance, heyoud what were communicated in her letter, were ohtained. Mr. Bowler pointed out, on the spot, the house formerly occupied hy Mrs. Susannah, the widow of Josiah Burrage, previously the residence of his father, Thoma.s Burrase.

APPENDIX J. An Inventory of the Estate of Abijaii Burrage late of Lynn


Personal Estate. Wearing apparel. 1 Claret Coloured Coat 13/4 1 hlue do 10/ 1 Surtout Coat 10/ blue great Coat 7/

Velvet Waist Coat 18/ —1 Ginum Cloth 6/ 1 Striped waist Coat 1, 6— 1 pr Lasting Breeches 1/6 1 pr Leather Breeches 1/6 2 checked shirts 4/ 1 black silk Handkerchief 6/ 1 pr Trowsers 6<i 4 pr Yarn Stockings 4/ —1 pr black worsted do 3/ 1 pr Shoes 1/ 1 pr Shoe Buckles 1/6—1 pr Yarn Mitts 4a 1 Beaver Hat 18/ 1 pr Gold Sleeve Buttons £1 3 Books 7/ 1 Yard Hairbine 6/ | Lb Yarn 1/4 1 Bed, Bedstead and Furniture 120/ 1 Chest 6/ 1 Case Draws 18 1 fire arm & accoutrements 10/ 1 Shoe Maker's Bench 3/ & Tools 5/6 3 Chairs 6/

1 Bagg 1/6 1 pr Tongs 2/0 2 Buckets & Basket 1/6 Earthern Ware 2/ W^ooden do. 11^ 1 brass Kettle G/1

2 Hay forks 2/ 4 Hundred Hay 16/ 12 Bundles of Flax 4/ one half a grindstone 6/

Amount carried forward, ' '









































Amount brought forward, £17 12 0

12 Bushels of potatoes 15/ 12 ditto of apples 12/ 17-

1 Barrels of Cyder 15/ 3 Empty Barrels 7/ 12-

3 Shovel & Rake 2/0 '2k Bushels of Barley 15/ 17 0

16 Bushels of Indian Corn ® 4/ pr Bu. 04/ 5 Sheep at 12/

per head 00/ 0 4-

Jieal Estate.

1 dwelling house & 3^ acres of land

half a Barn .€10. —half a Shed .€2

4^ acres of wood land near Tomlins Swamp

3 Cords of wood standing in Farrington's Pasture

£230 11 4

The Currant exchange as paper ^lonoy now passes at 75

for one, amounts to £17,202 10 -

Signed, RicnAUD Mansfield ) JosErii IIaut )

Administrator. > Daniel Xewhall > Coinmitlee.

) EriiRAiM Breed j

















From the Boston "Commonwealth" Xewspaper, May 8, 1875.

There died in Leominster, 1st inst., Mrs. Ruth K. Burrage, widow of the late Josiah Burrage, ninety-four years, six months, seventeen days old. The descendants of Mrs. Burrage, living at the time of her decease, were as follows: Seven children, forty-two grandchildren, twenty-four great-grandchildren, three great-great-grandchildren, seventy-six in all. Ruth Kilbourn was born in Lunenburg, Oct. 14, 1780; was married in 1800 to Josiah Burrage, of Leominstpr, who was born in 1770. They lived upon their fann in Leominster in one house fort3--six years; reared thirteen children, nine sons and four daughters, and no death occurred in the house while they occupied it. Her husband died in 1856, aged eighty-


six years. During her earl}- married life she often travelled on horseback to visit her friends, carrying a child in her arms, and dismounting to let down the bars in the fences across the foot-path. Her oldest children remember that she often worked while holding a child witli one arm, rocking a cradle in Avhich another slept with one foot, and with the other foot turned the spinning-wheel. She retained her mental faculties to the last. She remembered the birthdays of all her descendants, and would often prompt the mothers respecting incidents in the lives of their children, which they had forgotten. The last years of her life were calm and peaceful. She was remarkable for the equanimity of her disposition and the patience with which she bore the troubles of life and tlie infirmities of old a^e.

APPENDIX L. Correspondence witk the Selectmen of Leominster.


Boston, April 2.5, 18G1.

Messrs. Manson D. Haw^s, Alanson Richardson, John J. LocKEY, Selectmen of Leominster: (?en(Zeme?i, Herewith we hand you seven hundred dollars ($700. 00), which w^e beg you to accept on behalf of the town of Leominster. We desire to have the money appropriated to the purchase of revolver pistols, to be used by her patriotic citizens comprising Co. A, of the 9tli Regiment Light Infantry, in defence of the government and liberties of

our country.

Peeling assured that our dear old native town will ever do her part in sustaining and defending the free institutions transmitted to us by our fathers, we are, with great respect,

Your obedient servants,




Town Clerk's Offick, LEOMiNSTEn, ]\Iay 0, 1S61.

Gentlemen, At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Leominster, held thi.s day, the selectmen made known your liberal and patriotic gift, whereupon it was unanimously

liesolved, That the generous and timely gift of our esteemed friends, the Messi-s. Burrage, of Boston, excites in us feelings of lively gratitude, and responding, as we do, most heartily, to the patriotic sentiments con- tained in their letter covering the gift, we assure them that the love of freedom and of right, so nohlj' vindicated by the citizens of their native town in 177G, is still maintained and cherished here in 1S61; also

Jiesolved, That the sum received be appropriated by the selectmen, in concurrence with the Messrs. liurrage, towards the purchase of equip- ments to be used b}' our citizen soldiers, comprising Company A, in suppressing the present reljcllion against the general government.

Most respectfully yours,


Town Clerk of Leominster.

To Messrs. Joiixsox C. Bukuage, Alvau A. Buicrage, Charles II. Burrage.


Letter accompaxyixg a Copy of the Resolves passed at a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Leominster held May 6, 18G1.

Leominster, May 10, 1S61.

Gentlemen, In the discharge of my otBcial duty it gives me pleasure

to make known to you the grateful response of the citizens of our good

old native town to your noble genero.sity. At the same time, pci'mit me

to give expression to my own personal feeling of gratification that we

who remain by the home of our fathers are affectionately remembered

by those who have gone out from us to engage in the labors and duties

of life elsewhere. Most truly yours,


Messrs. Johnson C. Burrage, Alvah A. Burrage, Charles II. Burrage.



Boston, May 14, ISGl.

Gentlemen, We refer to our letter of the 2otli ult. to say tliat, wliile it was our wish that the money enclosed therein, together witli the $110.00 afterwards handed to Mr. Lockey, making SSICOO in all, should be appropriated as we then indicated, we did not intend to restrict the town from using the property in some other way if circumstances should occur by which it would cease to be of benefit to the sacred cause of defending the government and liberties of our country in that special form; it was designed ultimately to assist the citizens of our native town in the sustenance and defence of free institutions to be used under direction of their selectmen. Respectfully yours,




Messrs. Manson D. Haws, Alanson Rchardson, John J. Lockey,


Letter respecting Enlistments.

Boston, July 29, 18G2. Dear Brother George,— Will you be kind enough to see Willie Burrage at Emory's at once and say to him that "Uncle Joseph" says there is i)lonly of room in the Company Joseph P. is in, in the 33d Regiment at Lynnfield, and Joseph will be delighted to have Willie join it and go with him. I am very much pleased that two of the Burrage name have enlisted to light the battles of our country. I have said nothing to them about it, but I would say to you that I intend to give them each my note for one hundred dollars, to be paid with interest to them or their heirs or assigns, at the end of the war, or upon the termmation of the period for wliich they enlist, or upon their decease, if they should die before that time. I will here offer the same to any other one of the Burrage name, or any one who is connected with me by blood or marriage, if he will enlist in the course of the next four weeks.

Very truly youis, *****


At the close of the war the promise made (or implied) in the foregoing letter was fulfilled ; and besides the six Barrage soldiers or their heirs, included in tho proposal, the same sum was paid to each of two young women, one of whom had lost a husband and the other her betrothed, in the war, both men being remotely connected with the writer of the letter by marriage. The amount disbursed to or for the eight persons was about SI, 000.

It is not supposed that this inlluenced the action of the persons men- tioned in the least; indeed, few if any of them knew of the proiDOsal until after they had enlisted. The incident and the preceding letters to and from the town of Leominster are only given as items of history, and an indication of the tone of the loyal portion of the community at that time.

VI. Lkttkk from Seuot. JosErn P. Buuhage.

Near Falmouth, Dec. 25, 1802.

Dear Uncle^ A merry Christmas and happy Xew Year to you and all the IBurrages in Union Park and elsewhere. I have just received your letter, by good luck getting here just in time. Your present is very acceptable, and I thank you much. Just now there is not much chance to get a great deal in the eatable line; the sutlers are all out of goods, and in Falmouth there is very little that can be had. A couple of us went down this morning and got some meal at the rate of §2.50 a bushel; but this was very acceptable, for our rations have been short ever since we left Fairfax. For a week we had nothing but salt pork and crackers, and not so much of these as we wanted. At Stafford Court House some of our company went out on a foraging expedition, drove a cow into the woods, one knocked her on the head with a stone, while "Willie run his bayonet into her as a finisher. He and I had a great supper and break- fast of liver and steak, and our haversacks were heavier for a couple of days; but they are pretty strict about such things, putting a guard on all property within our reach. Our rations now, however, are getting better; this morning we got some potatoes, which will be worth a great deal to us, as we were beginning to have the scurvv. Our march here was a


hard one, as you suppose. When we started, the snow was a couple of inches deep, and the ground frozen; hut it soon grew wanner, and the mud was awful. I never saw any in Massachusetts that was anythiuir like it. Sometimes we could hardly lift our feet, the clay was so adhesive. We could not come very fast, of course. The teams could not get along as well as we did. One regiment had to hurn theirs. Our wagons got through, hut five horses have died since. We averaged about ten miles a day, which was about as much as we could bear in the state of the going. The nights were all pleasant, and we were generally able to get pine boughs, then with our rubber blankets over us and one under us, we slept very well. Willie and I came through as well as any one, and have been well since, except colds and coughs. Yesterday we had our first picket duty in the face of the enemy. The post I was on was not, to be sure, very near, though we could see dress i^arades of the rebels and hear their hand, which seemed to be a fine one. Most of the men, however, were on the bank of the river, and the rebels just on the other side. Many came down to the water and wanted to exchange papers, tobacco, etc. The bed of the river is rocky there, and can be crossed without going over one's boots. Our orders were strict not to talk with them or permit them to come over; but one lieutenant and private did come, and were sent to headquarters; another came and gave himself up. lie was a Scotchman, and belonged to the 85th Alabama Regiment; he had plenty of tobacco and a little Southern money, but nearly all his clothing he had picked up on the battle-field. He said their troops were badly ofT for clothing, and were all sick of the war. Our own soldiers are getting into the same condition very fast, and indeed the last battle was enough to discourage them. The old troops say they would not fight again in such a place. As to the battle, no two tell exactly the same story. You probably have better accounts at home than we get from those who wen' there, for each one saw only a small area around him. They all agree in thinking that we were badly beaten, and Burnside is not very popular with the troops. About the future, nothing is known. Some think we shall go into winter quarters; others, that another attempt at an a.lvance is to be made; but we cannot believe anything here till we get oniers to

do it.

Our regiment is ready, and will fight, I think. The men like the



colonel better and better, I think. You see that ink and paper are scarce, so I must stop. Willie received your letter this morning, and will write something; he has been busy washing, and is now superin- tending a soup for four of us. Ever so much love to all. I shall think of your New Year's night, and remember a year ago. Hope next year we shall pass the holida3's at home again.

Your nephew,


YII. Letter from Sergt. Edward C. Burrage.

Camp Stevenson, Xewrern, Dec. 20, 1802.

Dear Uncle, Yours of tlie 20th inst. was duly received. AVe at New- bern here had quite a merry (comparatively) Christmas after all. Having arrived so recently from that fatiguing e.xpcdish. we were in the way to enjoy a day Of rest, much more a holiday. Then, too, a large express arrived the day before, and I had a box from home in splendid order. On Christmas morning the mail came, in which was your kind letter, as well as one from the folks. So you see I had about my share of Christ- mas gifts, notwithstanding my situation.

Ere this you have, had detailed accounts of Gen. Foster's expedish. 'T was successful, and if Burnside had been as successful at Fredericks- burg, before this I presume we should have gone to Wilmington. I think the last expedition was quite an experience for us, though appar- ently it was nothing compared to the Fredericksburg fight. Still I have seen enough of the field strewn with the dead and d^'ing, and heard enough of the groans of the wounded aud dying, to sa}^ nothing of men dying l)y the wayside of fatigue. I say I have seen and heard enough of all this to satisfy me, if I see and hear no more. There is something grand and poetical about the battle, xintil a wicked ball strikes down a valued friend at your side, and then is the time that tries. Our company lost three splendid fellows at Whitehall Bridge, and I must own that it has abated a jot of my patriotism to see such lives sacrificed to those miserable rebels. However, it is a fate we should all be prepared for, and I am trying hard to bring myself to it, when my turn shall come, as it is likely to before next summer.


We are brigaded with three okl regiments, 10th Conn., oth R. I., 24(h Mass. The former is in every way a fighting regiment; it lost 104 incii (mostly in a charge) at Kingston Bridge. We were upon their heels (having to pass over those wounded and dead bodies, bah!), and if they had not succeeded we should have tried.

At Whitehall Bridge we were exposed to some rascally sharp-shooters. They got the range of our colors, and as my place is next to the color guard, I had a good opportunity to hear the music of whistling bullets. Col. Lee exposed himself considerably there, displaying, to be sure, some intrepidity, but drawing upon us an increased fire. We did some tall marching during those ten days, and the boys are not over it yet. There are some whose feet are in an awful condition ; who are entirely played out, as the saying is. I still hold my own. My feet were a little sore, but I did my thirty miles on the last day with the rest. There is one thing, we had fine weather throughout, hardly a drop of rain; however, that was unnecessary, for there was plenty of water in the roads.

I have been thinking a good deal of home during these holidays, although it is hardly possible to be homesick among so many. Give much love to all the household at 7 Union Park, Aunt Lizzie, Cousins Ruth, Jeanie, Clara, and little Walter. I hope they have not forgotten me.

Thanking you again for your letter and enclosure,

1 am your affectionate nephew,


Remember me to Uncle Charles.


Letter from Sergt. Joseph P. Burraoe.

Camp near Falmouth, Jan. 19, 1SG3.

Dear Uncle, Yom letter of Jan. 2 was received in due time, together with the kind token of your remembrance of us.* We were very iiuich gratified to find that we had been missed and remembered on Xew Year's night, and next to being there ourselves wa" the satisfaclion of seeing

* A missive of kind remembrance and thanks to the sohlier-relativcs «* t^'e s*',*! "^ war. signed by each person present at a family gathering at the house of A A. ISiir- rage on tlie evening of Jan. 1, 1803. Tliere were thuty-eight signatures iii aU.


each one's name. I almost seemed to see them as I read over the list, and almost hear the gay 'laugh of the children as they played blindman's buff, etc. We should have liked very much to have been with you, but shall have to wait for another j'ear.

January 22. I began this, as you see, three days ago, but was obliged to leave for drill that day; and the next, just as I got ready to resume, the bugle sounded again. We went out, not knowing what for, and found that it was to hear orders, among them one from Burnside, announcing a forward movement. The lieut. -colonel in command made a short speech; we cheered for (lu; Union army, etc., the band played, and we got quite enthusiastic. Gen. Smith, our brigadier-general, rode up just then, and also made us a little speech. We began to drill, when an order came to pack up iinmediately. The ofTicers' tents and most of the baggage was left, only two wagons coming with us. We marched in about an hour down the river, passing through the camps of Sumner's Corps, which did not appear to have been moved. It soon became dark, as the clouds were heavy, but we kept on till we had gone about six miles, I should think, when we turned into the woods and stopped for the night. It was dark as could be, so we laid down on the first place we came to, close to our guns, rubber blankets under and over us.

It soon began to rain, but we got to sleep and did not wake for several hours, to find, alas! when we did, that we were in a pool of water and decidedly wet. We got up, shivered awhile, and then lay down again on a higher place, and managed to get through the night, though it seemed pretty long. In the morning we built a large fire, and after getting some coffee, fried pork, and crackers, our staple dish, felt much better. The rain subsided into a kind of a drizzle. We found we were only about half a mile from the river, nearlj- opposite where Franklin crossed in the last battle (Fredericksburg). The place where our camp is was evidently used as a hospital after the battle, for bloody clothing and bandages are thick around us ; a few graves also serve to show that the battle was near our position. Now, however, all we can see are a few rebel pickets and some apparently deserted rifle-pits. The fog and smoke are still quite heavy and prevent our seeing far. During the day we managed to get our blankets decently dry, and put up our shelter tents and slept quite comfortably kist night in .si)ite of wind and ruin, which still continued.


Towards morning a large fire was seen in the direction of Fredericks- burg, and two or three cannon-shots heard. To-day the weather con- tinues dull, the thick and damp and mud prevailing everywhere. . Whether the movement is given up or our commanders are waiting for fair weather, we cannot tell. Two or three rebel regiments have been seen moving up the other side of the river, so that I fear they have discovered our movements. The prevailing opinion is that our troops are to cross five or six miles up the river, and also perhaps down the river, we being a reserve to prevent any crossing of the rebels, and to defend our batteries which are in position all along this side. We may be wakened up by the roar of a hundred cannon, or we may go back to our old camp and wait another month. We all felt confident of success when we first heard the order; and even now I think the same, though it seems unfortunate that this storm should have delayed us and given the rebels time for preparation.

I shall write further to-morrow, if we don't move. Willie and I stood the rain nicely and are quite comfortable now, allready for the fight, if it comes. You might tell father you have received this, if you please, as I may not get time to write, and I am afraid he will be anxious.

Much love to auntie, Kuth, Jeanie, and all the cousins.

Your nephew, JOSEPH.


Letter from Corporal Wm. A. Burrage.

Camp 33d Regiment Mass. Vols., Lookout Valley, Tenn., Feb. 4, 1SG4. Dear Uncle, Youvs of the •28th ult. reached me this morning, also the package containing the chevrons. Letters came through much quicker from Massachusetts within the last few days than they have for some time. I am very glad to hear that Uncle Johnson has recovered his usual good health once more, and hope it will continue so. I have seen so nuich sickness around me since I have been in the army that I know how to prize good health. Without it one cannot enjoy life to any great extent. In the last " Gazette " there was quite a lengtliy account of the reception of the 2d, 32d, and parts of the 23d and 25th Kegiments when they


arrived in Boston. I am glad that the people gave such a -welcome. They cannot calculate the amount of good it will do thera to think about it when they return once more to the dangers and trials of the field. Too much cannot be done for them while they remain at home. They are Massachusetts soldiers. Any regiment that can say that, commands respect wherever they go, for the whole army knows that such a thing as a Massachusetts regiment running is not upon record. I know this to be the case with this regiment. If there is an important position to hold in time of battle, or if there is a quick march to be made, the .'^ikl is always called ui)(ni. I have sometimes thought Ihcrc was such a thing as getting too good a name. At all events, it is l)ettcr to be in this condition than in some others.

A glorious time )'ou must have had at Uncle Johnson's party, a regular reunion of the Burrage family. I see the President has called foroWjOOO more men. I hope lie will get them; it will be a hig thing on ice if he does. If the people at home could only see the deserters that come in and hear their story, I believe they would exert every effort for a final blow. It is all nonsense to talk about this rebellion holding out a great while longer. If we stay here a month longer we shall have the whole of Bragg's army within our lines. Last night a whole brigade came in and they report that there is another on the way. Hunger is doing all this. If a campaign is opened the coming spring I imagine things will fiy. It pleases the soldiers amazingly to see the renomination of Lincoln for President. lie is very popular with the army wherever I have been. I saw Burnside once while in the army of the Potomac when he had command, and like his looks very much.

Kcmeinber me to all. Am well as usual.

Truly yours,



Letter erom Corp. Wm. A. Burraoe.

Xear Marietta, June 20, 18G4. Dear Uncle, Yours of the 10th inst. came to hand yesterday, and very glad was I to hear from you. Since I wrote last we have had a hard


time of it on account of the wet weather we have had. It has rained all the time now for the past three or four weeks, so you can Jud.Lje what it must be to move around. We are now about live miles from Marietta, and to the west.

Since leaving Dallas we have driven the rebs out of three or lour strong positions, and I guess if we have good success here they will have to go to the other side of the Chattahoochee Eiver. The rebs have been flanked out of every position that they have held yet. Their right now rests on what is called Kenisaw Mountain and runs back in a southwest direction. It is said that in falling back they have shortened their line considerably for the purpose of trying to break our lines. I just wisli they would try it. We never had an opportunity of fighting them behind our breastworks. I prefer to do it rather than fight them behind theirs. A week ago yesterday (Sunday) we were at work all day hard, throwing up breastworks within fifty yards of the rebel works. It was lively work, I assure you, although but few of the regiment were wounded. The next morning they evacuated their works and fell Ijack a mile. AVe followed on and came up with them. Another job of digging ritle-pits, and as a matter of course they were flanked out and had to fall back to their present position. Yesterday morning we started after them and our line was formed about three o'clock; our company was thiown out as skirmishers, and into the woods we went to find out Avhere tliey were. After going half a mile we ran against their skirmishers in an open field. We gave a yell and went after them on the run. We did n't go a great ways, for we found ourselves within two hundred yards of their fortifica- tions. We had to keep mighty close to the ground to save our bacon, I assure you. During the day it had rained tremendously and we were all soaked to the skin; you can perhaps imagine our " feelinks " in such a position, not very pleasant. After our brigade had tlirown up works, we retired a short distance, threw up barricades of rails, and very quietly sat down behind them to watch the movements of Johnny ]{eb. In pleasant weather, skirmish or picket duty is a very pleasant duly; but when a man is soaking wet, with no fire to warm himself by, it is not so pleasant as it might be. When on the skirmish line, one has to keep a sharp lookout for the safety of his head, and also to see that the enemy do not make any advance movements. It is generally crack, crack, all


the time, for when either side see one of the opposite, a bullet is sent as a compliment and request to keep out of sight.

We were relieved this morning about four o'clock, and h'ave been engaged in drying our things, for everything was soaking wet. It has been quite pleasant to-day. By getting up into a tall tree, one can see Marietta and a considerable portion of the rebel lines. The rebels run their cars into Marietta yet. I hope by the next time I write that wc shall hold it. Atlanta is twenty miles from here. If the rebels fall back from here, it is thought that they will make the next stand on the Chat- tahoochee River, where they have fortified. It is about eight miles from the river to Atlanta. I am verj' much obliged for the envelopes and stamps and paper that you sent. We have no means of getting any now. I should like to have you send me a couple of bunches of envelopes, as I have run out my supply and don't know when I shall be where I can get any in this part of the country. But I must stop as the mail is going out directly. I was very sorry to hoar of the death of James E. Marshall.* I had not heard of it before ; it will be a hard blow for his father. He will have the consolation of knowing that he died in a ylorious cause. Give love to Aunt Lizzie, Cousin Ruth, and Jeanie.

Truly yours, WM. A. BURRAGE.


Lettek from Sergt. Wm. a. Burrage.

Xear Goldsroro', March 28, 18G5.

Dear Unde, We have made port at last, and have a fair prospect of resting awhile. I am glad that we have opened communication once more with the outside world. We have been here four days. Gen. Schofield occupied the place a short time before we did. Gen. Terry came up from Wilmington, and occupied Cox's Bridge, and laid pontoons for us to cross on over the Neuse River.

On the 19th wc fought Gen. Johnston on his own ground, and most everlastingly beat him; he saw fits for a while, I guess. I think it was

* A son by a former wife of James H. Marshall, who married Almira Burrage; a very promising young man, killed in one of the battles of the Wilderness.


the hottest tight we have seen since leaving Athuita. We had severe skirmishing on tlie IGth. In both actions our regiment lost about twenty men. I was very fortunate, and came out all right. Johnston tried his best on the 19th to smash the left wing of Sherman's army. He had about 30 000 men, and threw them on two corps (the 14th and 20th); but we held our ground, and the next morning he fell back, leaving his dead and wounded. We cajitured a large number of prisoners bedsides.

The army was in a barefooted and ragged condition. I marched shoe- less for a week or more before we reached this place. The cars are running to Newbern now, and bringing up supplies. The "AVihnington " is being repaired. We have been engaged in building houses since we have been here, and have them completed. We expect to go to work on fortifications to-morrow. The weather has been very fine for the past ten days. Since we left Savannah we have marched upwards of six hundred miles, through swamps and mud, waded rivers,. and everything else that came in om* way; in fact, we have had a hard time of it, harder than I wish to see again. I have been very well, although I feel ■' played out" now.

While we were at Fayetteville I wrote to you. Probably you have received the letter before this. We received a large mail day before yesterday, it being the first one for two months.

I should like to have you send me a bunch of envelopes and some writing papei'. I have got out, and there is none to be had here. Kemember me to all; shall write again soon.

Truly yours,



Letter from Serc4t. Wm. A. Buri!A(;c. Camp 33d Mass. Vols., near Richmond, May t), 18(w. Dear Uncle, ^Ye arrived here last evening, after a nine days' inardi, having left Raleigh on the 30lh of April. We are camped a few miles outside of the city. We are to pass through the city in n-vicw to-day. To-morrow we shall start for Washington, probably. Gen. Ilalleck is to review us, it is said. We have had very pleasant weather since we left 31


Raleigh, but the marching has been hard. We have averaged eighteen miles a day; some days we marched twenty-three or twenty-four miles. It seems to me tliat we might be sent to Washington by transports. It is rather hard after marching as we have for the past four or five months. I shall write again as soon as we reach Washington. I am well, but tired. Remember me to Uncle Joseph, as I shall not have time to write him.

Yours in haste,


The foregoing, selected from nearly one hundred letters received by the writer from soldiers during the war, are interesting, since they give an inside view of the great struggle and show what were some of the hardships as well as dangers encountered by the brave defenders of our nationality, and the spirit with which they were met and endured.


For the first one hundred years following the settlement of the country by the English, the increase in population was not rai)id, and the advance of the people in education and the arts was very slow. It is not sur- prising that such was the case. The settlers were so much occupied in clearing the land for cultivation, in forcing the scanty means of subsist- ence from the soil, in defending themselves from the Indians, and in making the country fit to live in, by building roads, bridges, and other first necessities to a civilized community, that the things not so immedi- ately essential to existence were neglected. Hence we see by the county and town records that the first two or three generations of the descend- ants of the fii'st settlers were more illiterate than their ancestors, who received their education in England. A large proportion of the men and a great majority of the women could not write their names, making their mark instead when signing legal documents.

After the formation of the Union and the adoption by the several States of the Federal Constitution there was a marked change. Poi^ula- tion began to increase more rapidly, greater progress was made in educa- tion and the arts, and the accumulation of wealth became more general.


But there was little change in the habits and manner of living previous to 1830 or 1835. Agriculture was still the principal occupation, an<l the farms continued to be owned and cultivated by descendants of the tirst settlers. The housework was performed by their wives and daughters (the hired maid of foreign birth being then unknown), who also manu- factured the larger part of the clothing worn. The houses were plain, without architectural ornament, and the furniture extremely simple. Woven carpets were seldom seen; if any carpets were used, they were generally made of woollen rags, braided and sewed together. There were churns and cheese-presses, spinning wheels, hand-looms, and dye-pots, but no pianos or pictures, and but few if any books. Travelling was not indulged in to any extent, there being no railioads or steamships, and intercourse between different towns as well as between different sections of the country was difficult and therefore infrequent compared with the present time. Telegraphs were unknown, and the mails, instead of being carried by fast steamships and railroads, were transported by slow sailing- vessels, stage-coaches, and on horseback. The rates of postage were three to five times greater than they now are. In towns as remote as Leominster, which is about forty miles from Boston, a visit to that city was deemed of as much importance as is a trip to Europe now. Weeks of preparation were made for it, and the event was the theme of conver- sation in the family long after it had occurred. The journey, whether by stage-coach or the farm-horse and wagon, occupied the whole of a day. The farmers usually went to market in Boston once during the year, generally in the autumn after the crops were all harvested. They carried pork, turkeys, chickens, butter, cheese, eggs, and other farm produce, and returned with plaster of paris, salt, molasses, sugar, tea, and other groceries, and sundry articles of dry goods, which were expected to mostly supply the wants of the family in tliose articles until the next annual visit to the city. Contrasted with the maiinor of living at the present time this appears extremely simple and frugal ; but it is a question whether greater wealth and luxury have produced or are pro- ducing a higher order of men and women or more real enjoyment.

After the advent of steam-railroads and the introduction of manufac- tures by improved machinery, such as the cotton gin, the spinning jenny, the power loom, and other labor-saving inventions, a great change took



place in the customs and mode of life of the people. It was made more marked by the introduction of great numbers of poor and ignorant emi- grants from Ireland, who were employed in building the railroads and performing the 1 djor not requiring intelligence and skill, while many of the young mon of New England descent left their homes to seek a wider field for the use of their educated and active brains in the great West.

As an indication of the simple manner of life of the farmers of New England, in the period referred to, we give the subjoined copy of an account of William Burrage, of Lynn, with the store in Leominster, during the first three years of his residence in that town. The account is now in possession of Deacon Emory Burrage:



Mil \ViLL>« Huuragp: to James Richard Jux.

:May 14 To 1 Gall. X. E. Hum £*0 2

^ peck Salt

2 pipes

1 pr Sleeve Jiultons 27 2 (its. N. E. Kum 1

1 Skillet 1

I 3'd Tammcy 1

\ " Ribbon June 3 2 Qu' X. E. Rum Del'd his Boy— 1

" 11 7 Lb White sugar 1 4

1 scain Thread


July 9

^ Lb chalk Deld

1 yd Taffity I his

1 Pail Mother

1 pece Tape 1 Gallo. W. I. Rum 1

1 peck peas 1 cheese tub 7 yd Dowlas 1 scain Silk

J his

Del'd Man

10 1 1 3 1 4 2



0 4


4 4 1

n 1

4 0 8 4 10

Amount carried forward, £i 19 5J


Amount hroughx

5 forward, £1





1 scain Thread


2 Qut. N. E. Rum


2 Qu' Molasses

\ Lb Tea




2QutN. E. Rum

Deld his Boy




2 Lb. 10'* Nails 4 Lbs Shuger 1 Qut N. E. Rum 1 Lb. Tobacco



3 6


March 22

\ Lb Powder




1 yd Calamancoe

1 Qut N. E. Rum

2 Qut Molasses 2| y* Binding







1 Lb. Tea



1 yd Oeznabergs



\ yd Calamancoe




2 Qut N. E. Rum Cash over p* for veal


4 4


2 Lbs suger ) ^ ,,, , . ry

° > Del'd his Boy 1 ax '

1 6


7 Lbs suger



\ Lb. Tea





7 Lbs suger 2 Qut ]Sr. E. Rum Holt

-Del'd Obediah



6 4



2 Qut. N. E. Rum 1 yd Calamancoe 5 yd. Binding Silk








7 Lbs suger



Amount carried forward, -£4


Amount hrouglit forward,

, £4





2 Qu' X. E. Rum.

Del'd his





2 Qut X. E. Rum

7 Lbs sugar

1 3

4 4

1 Lblf/J Xails

Del'd his Boy



1 yd Calamancoe 5 yd Binding

1 scaiu silk

2 Qu' X. E. Rum

2 1






2 Qut X. E. Rum

1 Qu' Molasses 1 paper pins


4 6 8

1 Lb Powder Del'd his Boy



1 Comb



1 yd. Calamancoe 5 yds Binding

Silk 1 felt Halt 1 oz. Spice 2 DulM lii

is Boy

2 2

6* 2f G If






Cash not paid for .'





i lb. Tea


3 oz. Indigo

1 Almanack ) del'd his

1 yd Binding ) wife

Snuff April 12 1 i)eck salt Del'd his Boy

May 4 Cash

June 27 1 Ll> powder del'd his Boy

July 11 1 (iall. Rum

1 Gall Molasses

1 peck salt Aug 20 2 Qut Rum










Amount carried forward, X'G 2 OJ


Aus. 20

Oct. 10

1770. March 12










Atnount brought forward, £G i Lb Tea 1 Lb. Shoott Snuff dl'd his Boy Copreas & Snuff

1 Comb

& Supra Cr.


1770 March 13 "

14 By 5 pr. Women slioes

11 " 4pr Do

8 " 2prs Do

23 " Ipr Do

8 " Ipr. Do

9 " Apples 9 " 21 Bushels a])ples


18 8 4 5 6 16




8 8 8 0





4 on


Ball" Due James Eichards Jun. Leominster May 7"! 1770 Errors Excepted Ilec'<i ye above in full by his note of hand


13 10} 10 4:2


In looking at the items of the foregoing account it is interesting to sec how few and simple were the wants of the iamily compared with the requirements of a household of like position relatively at the present time, and to compare the prices of the commodities with the jjnccs of the same articles now. The value of the colonial currency in the Fedornl money of to-day was about as follows : One pound, 83.33; one shilling, 16f cents; one penny, Ij^o^q ct;"ts.

But the most notable feature of the account is the frequency and prominence of the charges for New England rum. "When it is rcnii'Mi- bered that William Burrage, the purchaser, was a quiet, orderly citi/cu and a remarkably conscientious, steady-going chureh-nKUibcr, whin


chuich-membership liad some significance, it is easy to conceive that tlie use of intoxicating liquors was universal in the community, and their consumption very great considering the scanty population and poverty of the people. And there is ample historical evidence that such was the case.

Lewis and Xewhall's " History of Lynn " says: " At the funeral of Rev. Thomas Corbett, in 1G85, weie expended one barrel of wine. £G 8s.-, two barrels of cider, lis ; eighty-two pounds of sugar, £2 Is.; half a cord of wood, 4s.; four dozen gloves for men and women, £o 4s. ; with some spice and ginger for the cider." And in IHSO, at the funeral of Joseph Armitage, as per the administrator's account: " For Coffin, vaile and digging grave, 14s.; in wine ami eider for his Inirriall, £2 0 0." The last two items costing nearly three times as much as the first three. If so much was deemed necessary on such solemn occasions, what woidd be required at festivities, at weddings, and social gatherings ?

The custom of "treating" with intoxicating drinks on all occasions, public and private, at military trainings and musters, the raising of frames of buildings, husking-becs, etc., and at private houses when any one called, was continued until about the year 1833, when the great tem- perance-reform movement was commenced. The writer remembers the first funeral he attended when a chi^d, it must have been when he was about six years of age, in 1829, and how strange it seemed even to him then to see the pall-bearers step into a side room after the services and take their toddy (in view of the mourners) before starting for the grave.

Drunkenness had so increased, the vice of intemperance had become so prevalent, that the evil was seriously affecting alike the financial, the physical, and the moral condition of the people. The reform did not commence a day too soon for the welfare, the salvation even, of Xew England ! In its scope and results it was one of the best revivals of true religion that ever blest a community. Its apostles are entitled to the profound and unceasing gratitude of the people of the whole country.


Page 51. lu first liue of foot-note, for " 1863-5," read 1763-5.

Page 104. lu the third line of last paragraph, instead of "two sons, six daughters," read three sons, five daughters ; and instead of "the youngest daughter, Catherine R.," read the third daughter, Catherine 11.

Page 167. For "Calvin Burden" o^lio married Caroline Burrage), read Cal- vin Barden.

Page 168. In ninth line from foot, instead of "children of Tliomas (l:!T)." read children of Thomas (157).

Page 175. After "304, Julia Leland," read b. Dec. 31, 1830; m. Oct. 6. 1H52, Geo. H. Rice, of Stratton, Vt. ; tlieir child Henry N. Rice, h. in Shrews- bury, Mass., April 28, 1854.

Page 175. After "305, Abbie Antoinette," read b. July 23, 1840; m. Sept. 1, 1859, Julius A. Green, of Shrewsbury, Mass. ; their chiUl .\l)l)ie May'i-.x Green b. July 5, 1860.

Page 175. After "306, Margaret Jane," read m. July 11, ISiJl, Franklin '1'. Lamb, of Templetou, Mass.

Page 182. After "398," instead of "Emory Farwell," read Emory Jiurra'/e Farwell; and after "400," instead of "Arthur Farwell," read Arthur Burrage Farwell.

Page 204. For the name " Andry," where it occurs, read Amlnj.

Page 212. Instead of the date "Dec. 8, 1859," after the words ••Will of Thomas Burrage, Lynn," read Dec. 8, 1759.






Abbie Antoinette, 167, 175.

Abigail, 75, 80, 104, 160, 162, 163, 104, 167,

168, 175. Abijah, 47, 48, 52, 53, 54, 1G3, 165, 213, 214,

215, 226, 227. Adelia Ann, 115, 179. Adeline, 81, 169, 176. Albert Cameron, 177. Alfred H., 115, 179. Alice, 158, 190. Alice E., 181. Almira, 119, 170, 180. Alvah A., 123, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135,

171, 182, 229, 230, 231, 2.35. Amy, 183, 193. Andrew, 77, 165. Andrew B., 172, 185. Anna, 49, 74, 75, 78, 86, 104, 158, 101, 164,

105, 167, 108, 174, 212. Anna J., 172. Anne, 158, 194. Anne L., 185.

Annie Catherine, 105, 178, 188, Anthony, 158. Archie Hamilton, 187. Artemas P., 97, 173. Arthur S., 181.


Benjamin H., 183.

Bessie, 190.

liessie Palmer, 187.

Bethiah, 159, 100, 163, 209, 210.

Betsey, 77, 98, 101, 160, 107, 172.


Caroline, 82, 167, 169, 174.

Caroline Ann, 174.

Caroline S., 190.

Caroline Y., 100, 172.

Catherine, 157, 193.

Catherine L., 172, 18.5.

Catherine S., 115, 179.

Caty, 164.

Champlin, 187.

Charles A., 187.

Charles 1)., 177.

Charles E., 105, 178.

Charles F., 85, 178.

Charles H., 131, 134, 1-3.J, 136, 171, 1S3. IsT.

229. 230, 231. Charles ^Y., 82, 84, 85, 170, 178. Clara A., 177, 188. Clara E , 183. Clarence V., 189. CoraC, 177, 188. Cordelia E., 179.


DanaB., 170.

Desiah, 47, 48, 1G3, 165.

Dwiglit Grafton, 181 .


Edith, 183.

Edith May, 188.

Edgar, 183.

Kdward C, 137, 151, 153, 181, 190, 2M, Xl'.

Edward 11., 85, 178.



Edwin A., 176. Eliz-ibeth, .38, 08, 1.53, loO, 100, lf>l, 1G3, 103,

171, 18.-?, 210, 218, 2in. Elizabeth S., 91, 128, 120, 171, 182. Eliza G., 171. Eliza W.. 172, 185. Ella H., 181. Ellen M., 177. Ellen R., 119, 174, ISO, 189. Elsie, 183. Emily P., 181.

Env)ry, 81, 108, 109, 110, hi\ 170, 244. Emory F., 187. Emma, 182, 186. Emma K., 186. Emma G., 185. Eiihraim, 59, 62, 03, 74, 77, 101, 105.


Fannie E., 181. Frances, 194. Frances M., 181, 189. Francis J., 190. Francis S. , 179. Frank S., 189. Frederick E., 113, 114, 179. Frederick R., 179.


George B., 188.

George C, IHl.

George D., 103, 1.36, 174, 183, 187.

George F., 104, 115, 137, 153, 154, 179, 189.

George L., 179.

George X., 186.

George Sanderson, 82, 84, 85, 109, 177.

George Sumner, 83, 01, 92, 104, 114, 115,

116, 121, 125, 153, 170, 179. George W., 174. Gertrude A., 181. Gilman E., 186. Grace, 158. Grace Lawrence, 188. Guy H., 180.


Hamilton, 4, 101, 174, 186.

Hannah, 75, 97, 98, 15S, 159, lOJ, 171, 184.

Hannah HaiTiet, 167, 173.

Hannah Maria, 173, 180.

Harriet, 81, 1(W, 17.3, 175.

Harriet A., 170, 180.

Harry L., 190.

Hattie E., 18(3.

Hattie M., 177.

Helen, 182, 1!K1.

Henry, 157, 1.58, 172, 185.

Henry A., 170.

Henry F., 190.

Henry S., 137, 110, 148, 170, 187.

Henry T., 187.

Henry W., 170.

Herbert D., 187.

Herbert E., 181, 190.

Herbert F., 181.

Horace E., 187, 190,

Horton, 190.

James, 98, 99, 166.

Jeiinie, 18.3.

Joan, 81, 169.

Joanna, 31, .3.3, 44, 1.50, 100, 162, 103.

John, 8, 9, 13. 14, 15, 10, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, .32, 3(5, .38, .30, 44, 45, 40, 53, 54, 57, 59, 62, 63, 64, f«, m, 08, 60, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 07, 08, 00, 101, 102, 101, 105, 100, 15S, 100, 101, 163. 1(>4, 1(56, 106, 1()7, 108, 170, 171, 173, 174, 178, 184, 186, 194, 207, 208, 210, 211, 217, 219, 220, 224.

John B., 4, 07, 172, 173, 180.

John D., 174.

John F , 174.

John L., 167.

John M., 80, 105, 148, 175, 178, 187.

John O., 187.

John Q. A., 100, 172, 185.

Johnson C, 124, 127, 130, 1.32, 151, 170, 181, 229, 2.30, 231.

Jonathan, 75, 80, 97, 143, 140, 104, 100, 107, 169, 173, 175, 190.

Joseph, 08, 100, 118, 121, 123, 124, 1.32, 1.3.H, 166, 170, 172, 181.

Joseph P., 12.3, 137, 138, 141, 150, 181, 231, 232, 234, 237.

Josephine, 18.1.



Josiah, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 5i, 79, 8(), 87, 88, 8!), yi, y2, 101, 105, 110, 112, 113, 114, 117, 128, KJS, lt)5, 166, 170, 179, 190, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 221, 227, 228.

Joiiah K., 113, 114, 179, 188.

Julia L., 1G7, 175.


Katherine, 193.

Katie, 186.

Keziah, 75, 101, 164, 168.


Lavina, 186.

Leonard, 82, 83, 93, 114, 116, 121, 169. Leonard F., 177, 188. Leonard J., 187, 190. Letitia, 158. Louisa, 172. Louise M., 189. Lowell T., 167, 175. Lucy, 172.

Lydia, 75, 77, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166.


Mabel E., 190. Mabel H., 186. Mabel R., 189. Margaret, 158. 194. Margaret C, 183. Margaret J., 175. Margary, 157, 193. Marion, 182.

Martha, 128, 166, 170, 182. Martha A., 82, 85, 114, 170, 173, 178, 179, 185, 186.

Martha B., 177.

Martha L., 184.

Martha S., 176.

Martin, 98, 100, 166, 172.

Mary 74, 78, 81, 108, 109, 158, 159. 160, 161, 163,' 164, 167, 169, 170, 183, 194, 210.

Mary Ann, 98, 171, 184.

Mary A., 176, 18(5.

Mary B., 173.

MaryC.,82, 177, 188, 189.

Mary E., 177, 184. MaryH. A., 187. Mary J, 82, 85, 169.

Mary L., 181. Matthew, 157, 193. Mehitable, 45, 163, 218, 2J.3. Miltou R., 187, 19U. MyraA., 187.

Nancy, 167. Nathaniel, 159. Nellie, 185.



Obed, 75, 103, ICA, 167. Owen, 158.


Patty, 166. Paul, 183. Phebe, 50, 165. Polly, 82, 169.


Richard, 8, 157, 19.3.

Richard Leon, 185

Robert, 8, 157, 186, 193.

Rose, 157.

Roxanna, 167.

Ruth, 133, 1.59, 160, 161, 162, 163, 182.

Ruth K., 91. 95, 114, 128, 190, 228.


Sally, 161'..

Sauuiel, 61, 63. 64, 74, 75, 161, 164

Sarah, 3S, 47, 50, 74, 78, 1.59, M), Wl 1'">-'S

165, 1(56, 1()9. Sarah Ann, 120, 121, 170, 180. Sarah E. T., 176. Sarah J., 172, 17.3. Sena, 80, 105, 168, 175. Severance, IW. Simeon, 64, 65, 67, 71, 72, 75, 97, UA, l,\

186. Soiihronia, 81, 169, 177. Sumner, 185. Susan, 157, 193. Su..anuah,47,48,.53,l.A1.51.1.A2<^».-5«^.

214, 215, 225, 226, 227. Sydney D.,l«7. Sylvia, 167, 174.



Thirsa, 82, 109.

Thomas, 8, !), 13, 31, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 49, 50, 53, 54, 57, 59, 00, 61, 03, 74, 75, 70, 77, 78, 79, 98,99, 102, 103, 104, 108, 157, 158, 159, 100, 101, 103, 1(^, 105, lOG, 108, 171, 183, 184, 193, 195,209, 210, 211, 212, 215, 210, 220, 227.

Thomas F., 1.37, 14.3, 145, 17G, 187.

Thomas H., 98, 171, 183.

Thomas J., 185, 187.

Tripheua, 173.


"Walter L., 18.3. AVarcl J., 100, 172. "Warren, 18<). AVeiulellS.,lS2.

"William, 13, 27,28, 29, 38, 47, 48, 49, 52, 54, 57, 00, 04, f)5, 00, 71, 72, 74, 75, 78, 79, SO, 81, 82, 87, 88, in, 98, 100, 104, 114, 110, 118, 119, 121, 122, 125, 1.57, 159, 1(», 101, 103, 104, 1(>5, 100, 109, 170, 171, 172, 177, 1^0, 184, 193, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 224, 225,244, 247.

"SViUiam A., 137, 148, 151, 187, 237, 238, 240, 241, 242.

"William C, 119, 180, 189.

AVilli.im E., 187.

AVilliam F., 82, 84, 85, 109, 177.

"William H., 85, 97, 172, 177, 178, 185.

"William K., 185.

William S., 188.

AVilliamT., 123, 181.

"William U., 170.

"William AV., 114, 179, 185, 188, 189.

"Willie, 23L



Adams, Benjamin, 78, 100, IGl, Adams, John, 108. Adams, Parson, 98. Alhee, Mr., 11. Allen, James, 151. Allen, J. C, 2.30. Allen, Mira, 82, 109. Allen, Messrs., 151. Allison, Humphrey, 203. Armitage, Joseph, 248. Avery, Mr., 32. Ayres, John, 03.


Bahcock & Barrage, 178. Bachelder, Samuel, 219. Baker, Abigail, 107. Baker, Henry, 174. Baker, Jahez, 104, 104, 107, 174. Baker, IMary, 107, 174. Baker, Matilda, 174. Baker, PriscQla, 172.

Baker, "Warren, 174 Balliston, John, 201. Bancroft, 03, Banks, Gen. N. P., 144. Barber, "Wm. S., 175. Barden, Ann, 174. Barden, Calvin, 107, 174. I Barden, Frederick, 174. Barden, Hiram B., 174. Barden, Mary W., 174. Barnes, George, 193. Barrett, Phebe, 49, 103. Barthrick, Lois, 97, 104. Barthrick, Sally, 97, 104. Bartry, Fanny, 225. Battis, Harriet L., 143, 175, 176. Battis, Julia A, 175. Battis, Julia H., 17.5. Battis, Leonard, 81, 108, 175. Battle, Ebenezer, 00, 01. Bearadge, 5 Bearadge, Agnes, 202. Bearadge, Benj , 20.3. Bearadge, Elizabeth, 203.


Bearadge, John, 202, 203.

Bearadge, Mary, 202.

Beai'adge, Michael, 203.

Bearadge, Walter, 202.

Beehe, James M. & Co., 127, 151.

Bell, Widow, 33.

Bent, Newell, 111, 112.

Bent, Mrs., 112, 113.

Berege, John, 205.

Beridge, 5.

Beridge, John, 204.

Berrag, Wni.,202.

Berridge, Rev. John, 206, 207.

Berridge, Thomas, 193.

Berridge, Wni.,204.

Blake, Mr., 118.

Blanchard, Capt. J., 70.

Boardnian Susannah, 210.

Bond, Col. , 64.

Boerage, George, 204.

Borage arms, 20G.

Borage, 5.

Borage, Bridget, 201.

Borage, Frances, 201.

Borage, Jane, 201.

Borage, John, 200, 201, 206.

Borage, Mary, 201.

Borage, Richard, 201.

Boreage, Anne, 204.

Boreage, Katharine, 204.

Boreage, Thomas, 202.

Boreage, Wm., 204.

I^orege, Elsahethe, 202.

Borongh, 5.

Borough, Richard, 20-3.

Borowght, Agues, 203.

Borowght, Cecelia, 203.

Borowght, John, 203.

Borrage, Elizabeth, 202.

Bowler, Fanny, 225, 226, 227.

Bowler, Thomas, 225, 226, 227.

Bowman, Col. Henry, 14(5.

Bowman, Mr., 100.

Bradley, Elizabeth, 4, 101, 185.

Bradley, John P., 101, 172, 185.

Bradley, Lucy B., 185.

Bradley, Mary L., 185.

Bradley, Sarah E., 185.

Brauthwaite, George, 195.

Breed, Elizabeth, 40, 42, 78, 159.

Breed, Ephraim, 228.

Breed, Ituth, 218.

Breed, Theophilu.s, 48, .53, 215, 217,219, 224.

Bridge, Mr., 11.

Bridges, ISIajor Ebenezer, GO.

Brigham, Enieline, 128, 170.

Bright, 18.

Brooks, Daniel, 104.

Brooks, Wra. H., 151.

Bromfield, 8-10.

Brown, Capt. Eli.sha, 64.

Buckingham, John, 193.

Bucknam, David, 101, KW, 172.

Bucknam, Elizabeth, 172, 18.J.

Buel, Samuel, 164.

Buffum, Capt. Amos, 146

Bullock, Henry, 14.

Burage, Wni., 202.

Burege, Alyse, 202.

Burege, Elizabeth, 202.

Burge, Thomas, 202.

Bm'gh, 5.

Burgh, Alice, 203.

Burgh, Cecily, 203.

Burgh, Godford, 203.

Burgh, John, 20,3.

Burgh, JMargaret, 203.

Burgh, Nichola.s 20:!, 205.

Burgli, Reginald, 203.

Burgh, Robert, 203-5.

Burgh, Thomas, 203.

Burgh, William, 203.

Burghe, John, 201.

Burnside, Gen., 146, 2;M, 238.

Burradge, Alice, 203.

Burradge, Bridget, 20.?.

Burradge, Ednunid, 203.

Burradge, George, 201.

Burradge, James, 204.

Burradge, Mary, 203.

liurradge, Thomas, 202.

Burrage & Auu!S, 205.

Burrage, Abigail, 203.

Burrage, Albert, 205.

Burrage, Alice, 203.

Burrage, Alyso, 201.

Burrage, Anne, 204.

Burrage, Audry, 204.

Burrage, Barbara, 203.

Burrage, Baruaby, 195, 20(1, •_'(ll.



Biirrage, Blake & Run-age, llS.

Barrage Brothers & Co., i:il, 132, 135.

Burrage, Cecilj% 203.

Burrage, Cole & Co , 1.%.

Barrage, Cole & Tucker, 1.35.

Burrage, Edward, 20.5.

Burrage, Edwin, 20.").

Barrage, Elizaljeth, 1117, 203-202.

Barrage, George, I'KI, l!i7, WJ.

Burrage & Henry, 118, 122.

Burrage, Henry, I'HJ, 1!)7.

Burrage, J. C. & Co., 127, 12.

Burrage, J 'ine.s, 2fli.

Burrage & Jeffries, 205.

Burrage, Joliu, I'.MJ, l'.»7, I'.H), 20i, 205.

Burrage, John C, 205.

Burrage, Jo-scjih J., 205.

Burrage, Margaret, I'JG, lifl, 200.

liurrage, Maria, 204.

Burrage. Mariena, 20.5.

Burrage, Oily, I'.Ki.

Burrage, Richard, I'.lTi, 1!I7, 2(J(i.

Burrage & Reed, 122.

Burrage, Robert, 201.

liurrage, Sarah Ann, 205.

Burrage, Su.<an. 1!»7.

Barrage, Tlionia.s, 202, 201, 205.

Burrage, William, 202, 20{, 20i.

Barrage, Wni. & Co, 118.

Barridg, Margaret, 201.

Burridge, 5.

Burridge, artist, 89.

Burridge & Bowman, 100, 112.

Burridge, Charles, 70.

Burridge, Elizabeth, 202.

Burridge, F. G. C , 20(5.

Burridge, George, 201.

Burridge, John, 10, 70.

Burridge, Richard, 201.

Burridge, Thomas, 20 5.

Burridge, William, 202.

Biirrill, Col., 222.

Burrill, Ebenezer, 217.

Burrill, John, 210.

Burrill, Joseph, 219.

Burrish, 5.

BuiTislie, Agnes, 203.

Burrishe, Amy, 193, 203.

Burrishe, Joan, 203.

Burrishe, John, 200, 201 , 203.

Burrishe, ^largarct, 203. Burrishe, Mary, 203. Burrishe, Robert, 19.3. Burrishe, Thomas, 20.3. Burryshe, Robert, 193. Buryche, :Margaret, 202. Buryche, Thomas, 202. Buryherish, John de, 205. Burrough, 5. Burrough, Henry, 203. Barrougb, John, 70. Burrough, Miles, 195. Burrough, Richard, 203, 204. Burton, Richard, 22. Butler, Capt. Joseph, G4.

Cady, Rev. Mr,, 138.

Call, John, 207, 208.

Canute, King, 8.

Carter, Anna, 124, 178.

Carter, Benjamin, KU, 124, 12-5, KW, 178.

Carter, Frances, IGH.

Carter, John W., 182, 190.

Cart<'r, Jonathan, 124, 125.

Carter, Lucy, 190.

Carter, .Mrs., 124.

Carter, Nathaniel, 60.

Carter, Richard Barrage, 190.

Carter, Samuel, 14.

Chamberlain, Aurelia, 84, 1(19

Champlin, Caroline, 148, 17G

Champlin, Rev. J. T., 148.

Charles I, 8.

Charles, John, 14.

Chaucer, Sir Geoffrey, 205.

Chaucer, Thomas, 205.

Cheney, Abigail, 101.

Cheney, Elenor, 161.

Cheney, Elizabeth, 161.

Cheney, John, 160, 161, 162

Cheney, Lydia, 162.

Cheney, Samuel, 161.

Cheney, William, 161.

Chessman & Barrage, 10.3.

Chickering, Col. Thomas, 144.

Child, David, 81, 169, 176.

Child, Emily W., 176.

Child, Harriet, 176.


Cliild, Jonathan B., 17G. Child, Mary A., 17G. Child, INIrs., 98, 16(3. Child, Mrs. Lydia Maria, 101. Child, William, 17(>. Childs, Ruby M., 181. Choate, John, 217, 224, 229. Claflin, Ex-Gov., 74. Claighton, Agnes, 203. Clarke, William, 168. Closson, D. B., 122. Closson, Frances L , 181. Closson, Mary E., 123, 170. Cobb, Hon. S. C, 132. Cole, M. B., 1.35. Collins, Henry, 41. Collins, Job, 223. Collins, Samuel, 41. Collins, William, 223. Converse, Edward, 22. Cooke, Amy, 157. Cooke, Gregory, 193. Cooke, Richard, 193. Coon, Lavina, 171. Corbett. Rev. Thomas, 248. Craft, Joseph, 62. Crafts, Col., 62. Cromwell, Oliver, 12. Curtin, Gen., 147. Curtis, Stacy, 152. Gushing, Capt., 101. Cutler, Susannah, 158. Cutter. Abby S., 175, 177. Cutter, George W., 177. Cutter, James, 81, 169, 177.


Dallinger, Arthur, 189. Dallinger, Frederick K., 189. Dallinger, John, 128, 170, 182, 189. Dallinger. Philip Burrage, 189. Dallinger, Sophia E., 128, 182. Dallinger, Williani W., 128, 182, 189. Dana, 72.

Dana, Nancy Poor, 103, 167. Danforth, Charles J , 131. Darby, Joseph 49. Darwin, Mr., 7. Davis, Adeline, 167.

Davis, Elizabeth, 40, 160.

Davis, Mary How, 174.

Davis, Robert, 40.

Deane, Elizabeth, 153.

Deane, John, 159.

Deane, Thomas, 158.

Dey, Frances, 8, 158.

Di.vou, Lewis L , 119, 180, 189.

Dixon, Roland Burrage, 189.

Doe, Laura A., 179.

Downe, Sarah, 169.

Drake, 25.

Draper Hannah, 161.

Draper, Mary, 75, 161.

Dudley, Rev. IHr., 37.


Ellis, Sophia, 97, 166. Evans, Oscar H., 176. Everard, Thomas, 202.


Fairbanks, Abigail, 79, 165.

Farnsworth, Aliihonso, 173.

Farnsworth, Jonas, 173.

Farnsworth, Laura, 173.

Farnsworth, Levi, 167, 173.

Farnum, Sarah T., 169.

Farrar, Thomas, 42, 47.

Farwell, B. Arthur, 182.

Farwell, Catherine S., 128, 182, 189.

Farwell, Charles E., 182.

Farwell, Emory, 182.

Farwell, E. George, 182.

Farwell, Francis W., 182.

Farwell, Helen G., 182.

Farwell, Peter, 91, 128, 12«t, 171, 182

Fisher, Abigail, 7.5, 161.

Fiske, Bodica, 172.

Fiske, Jonas, 87.

Flagg, John, 219, 22.3.

Foster, Betsey, 173.

Foster, Frances, 186.

Fostcr,Gen. J. G., 152. 214.

Foster, Loring, 173, 186.

Foster, Martha A., 186.

Foxe, Elsabeth, 202.

Francis, Mr., 101.

Francis, Rev. Dr., 101.



Francis, Ilobert, 22.

Franklin, Gen.. 2.33.

Freeman, Edward, 10.5.

French, Abigail, }'){).

French, Abrani & Co., loS, 181.

French, Hannah, l."»"J, 2(»1».

Frendi, John, 158, l.V.l, '2W.

French, Mary (i., 119, ITp.

Frothinghan), 18, 20, 22, 23, W.

Frothint^hani, Sam., .32.

Fuller, Cai»t. Amariah, '>'.*, CI. Fuller, Mary, l!»7. Fuller, Capt. Nathan. (VI. Funk, Catherine, 184. Funk, Emma, 1S4. Funk, E. Hannah, 184. Funk, Jacob, 184. Funk, John, 171, 184. Funk, Mary Ann, 184. Fry, :Master, 122.

Gallewshew, Daniel, _'2.t. (lardner, Jame.*;, 22.">. iardner. Col. Thoni.i.-i, (^. (JibUs, M.artiia H., 173. Gib.son, Nancy C, 17o. Gipps, Henry, 202. Gotlfrey, Commander, ()2. Goodrich, Lucy E., 187. Goodwin, Christoiiher. .■)2. Gott.s, Cieorge, 200. CJould, John, 14. Gowitig, John, 41. Grant, Gen., 146, 150. Graves, Samuel, 223. Graves, Thomas, 18. Greene, John. VMj, l!t7, 201. Grt^enleaf, Rebecca, !Mt, KlU. Greenwxxl, Constable, .'58. Greenw(xid, John, 212. Griffith, Anne, 18;j. Griffith, Benjamin, 171, 18.3. Griffith, Louis, 183. Grinnell, Cornelius, 107.


JIadley, Elizabeth li., 175, 178. Hale, George S., 132.

Hall, John. 204.

Halleck, Gen., 241.

Hallman. 201.

Hallowell, Samuel, 225.

Hallowell, Theophilus, 225.

Halma, William, l!i8.

Hammond, Elizabeth A., 154, 17'J.

Hampden, John, <l, 10, 12.

Harris, John, 32.

Harrison, Martin, 201.

Hart, Joseph, 228.

Hawes, Calvin L., KhS.

Hawkins, Kobi-rt, ;U.

Hawks, Benjamin, 81.

Haws, Man.«in I)., 22',l, 231.

Hayden, James, 21.

Hay ward, Samuel, 111.

Henchman, Natlianii 1, 21.'>.

Henchman, Hev. Mr., 57.

Henry, John Q., 118, 122.

Hl.le. Samuel, 212.

Hig^jinson, Bev Mr., 18.

Hill, Benjamin, litii.

Hill, Biirrage iV Co , 131, 135.

Hill, Frances, 1!)!).

Hill, George, VX>, 1<i7, 1II8, I'.Jl).

Hill, Noble H., 131.

Hill, Sarah Ann, 171.

Hills, (Jeorge H., 125.

Hills. Sarah J., 85, 170

Hines, Mr., 118.

Holmes, Lieut., 147.

Holt, Obediah, 245.

Homes, Mar;;ery, l'J8.

Hopkins, .Mr., .35.

Horton, Serg., 145.

Howell, ^Lary, !i8, 106.

Hoyt, Simon, 18.

Hudson, Francis, 16, 21, 22, 28, i'!'.

Hudson, Thomas K., 22.">.

Hull, Gen., 74.

Hume, 10. 11.

Hunt, Mary Greene, 1.36, 171.

Hunting, Samuel, 207, 209.

Hurd, Jacob, 28.

Hutchinson, George, 14.

Ivorj', John, 210.



Jackson, Lydia, 100, IGG.

Jackson, iSIary Ann, IIS, 170.

Jackson, Dea. Ward, 100.

James II, King, 32.

Jewett, Abbie iM., IIS, 175, 178.

Johnson, "il:.

Johnson, Bethia, 160.

Johnson, Edward, 223.

Johnson, Holden, 53.

Johnson, John, 160.

Johnson, INIary, 124.

Johnson, Richardson, 210.

Johnson, Sarah, 20'.).

Johnson, Wm., 159, 160, 209.

Johnston, Gen. J. E., 150, 240, 241.

Jones, John, 33.

Jones, Margaret, 35.

Jones, husband of Margaret, 36.

Joslin, James T., 178, 188.

Joslin, Mary, 82, 165.

Joslin, Nellie AVatson, 188.

Joslin, Ralph E., 188.


Keeser, Hannah, 97, 167. Kendall, A. & G. A., 125, 126. Kendall, Joseph G., 103. Kendrick, Elizabeth, 174. Kendrick, Ellen, 174. Kendrick, Julia, 174. Kendrick, Richard, 167, 174. Kendrick, Susannah, 174. Kilburn, Asa, 173. Kilburn, George, 87. Kilburn, Jeremiah, 110, HI. Kilburn, Ruth, 87, 1G5. Kilburn, Wm., 87. Kimball, Ada, 185. Kimball, Henry, 172, 185. Kimball, Porter M., 85, 170, 178. Kimball, William 15., 178. Kingman, Elizabeth F., 182. Knight, .John, 19. Kynge, John, 197.

Lamb. Jason, 167. Lang, Benj. J., 181, ISO. Lang. Harry A., 189. Lang, Margaret It., 1H9. Liirgiu, Mehitablc, 44, 160. Largiu, Sarah, .■?2. Lawrence, Eveline, 85, 169. Lee, Col. FrancLs, 152, 2.15. Lee, Gen., 150. Lee, Harriet, 18.3. Lee, John, 183. Lee, Lizzie S., 17.5. Lee. Thomas, 183. Lee, Wm., 183. Lee, Wm. K., 171, 183. Legate, Tliomas, fiO. Leland, Julia, 103, 164. Le Strange, Sir Henry, 201. Lewis, Alonzo, 41, W, .5.5. Lewis, David, 219. Line, Thomas, 14, 32. Litch, Aaron K., 175. Little, Col. INIoses, 64. Lockey, John J., 229, 231. Logan, Ale.Kandcr, 28. Love, Lydia, 13r), 171. Lovejoy, .Mr., 41. Levering. Silas, 173. Lowden, Richard, 14. Lowell, 141.

Lyfferman, C. F., 172, 1^5. Lyfferman, Willie L., 18.5. Lyon, Emma C, 188. Lyon, Emory, 177, 188.


McClellan. Gen , 148. McClure, Arthur P., 180. McClurc, Charh's E., 180. McClure, David. 120, 170, ISO. McClnre, David H., 180. McClure, Ellen W., 120, 121, ISO, 189. McClure, Emily J., 180. McClure, John B., 180. McClurc, Sarah E., ISO.



McClure. AVm A., 180.

McGhuiflin, Lewis W., 177.

Mcliitosli, Col , 61.

Mnnslidd, liotliia, 1G3.

Mansfield, Daniel, 44, IGO, UV2.

JIan.slield, Ehenezer, 223.

Mansfield, Elizabeth, 1(J2.

Mansfield, Hannah, 1()2.

Mansfield, Joanna, KW, 210.

Mansfield, John, oS, 223.

Mansfield, Lydia, ir>2.

Mansfield, iMary, ](!3.

Mansfield, Kieliard, 210, 223,228.

Mansfield, Sarah, 1G3.

Mansfield, Thiinias, ir.2.

Marshall, Charles S., 120, 180.

Marshall, Hannah, l.V.i.

Marshall, Isaac, I.V.).

Marshall, James E., 24fl.

Marshall, James H , 110, 170, ISO, 240.

Marshall, John, 158, l.")!l, 200.

Marshall, Mary, 15!», 200.

Marsliall, Meliitahle, 1.59.

Marshall, Col. Thomas, C3, Go, ir,, GL

Marshall, Thomas, loO.

iNLirtin, Josiah, 4.5, 1G3, 223.

Martin, Lydia, 218.

Maverick, tllias, 14.

Maynard, Sarah, <»«», IGG.

Michel, Alexander, IGO, IGl.

Meech, John, 18.

Merriam, Frances H., 179.

Miller, John R.. 1G8.

lyiills, Charles, 184.

Mills, Frank, 184.

Mills, Hannah B., 184.

Mills, Harry H., 184.

Mills, Helen, 184.

Mills, James D., 184.

Mills, John, 184.

Mills, Joseph, 4, 171, 184.

Mills, Mary E., 184.

Mills, Snsan, 184.

]Slills, Wm. G., 1&4.

Minot, Martha A , 11.5, 170.

Monnes, George, 107, 108, 100.

Moore, Hannah J,, 172.

Morrison, Thomas, 184.

Morse, Ahner, 20t}.

Munns, AVm., 201.


Newcomb, Capt. Thomas, 65, 70. Newhall, Benj , 53, 217. Newhall, Daniel, 228. Newhall. Jacob, 4.5. Newhall, .James, 218. Newhall, Jonathan, 218. Newhall, Joseph, 47. Newhall, Josiah, 215. Newhall, Pharaoh, 223. Newhall. Sarah, 47, IGO. Newhall, Thomas, 47. Newton, Eaton &Co., l.'^o. Newton, Frederick W., l.'Jo, 177. Newton, Horace, 80, IGS. Nichols, Jonathan, 1G7. Nixon, Elizabeth, 100, 166. Nixon, Col. John, 64. Nowell, Increase, 19. Norwood, Jonathan, 4;5, 16.5, 210. Norwood, Mehitablc 1G.5, 219. Norwood, Susannah, 1G.5. Norwood, Zaccheus, 45, 103, 16.5.


Oliver, Dr., 218.

O.sland, Hannah, 75, 97, 161.


Packard, Lillian, 177. Page, Sarah, 201. Palfrey, 24. Palmer, Abra, 18. Palmer, Mary II., 174. Palmer, Sarah Burrage, 176. Palmer, Sarah C, 176. Palmer, William H., 176. Pamer, Walter, 18. Parker, Augustus, 1.32. Parker, Capt. Gideon, 64. Parker, Nancy, 173. Parrott, Larmon, 14. I'aul, Hannah, 98, 1G6. Peck. Mr., 11. Peckham, ilajor, 147. Penticost, Goolman, .32. Perrin, Frances S , 12:^, 170. Phelps, Martha G , 84, 169.



Pierce, Artemas A. M., 1G7, IT,"?. Pierce, Asa, 122 Pierce & Burrage, 122. Pierce, Frances A., 173. Pierce, James B., 173. Pierce, Joseph Burrage, 173. Pierce, Sylvia, 173. Pierson, Doctor, 200. Poland, Frank S., 177, 178. Poland, Henry F., 188. Poole, A. F., 13G. Poor, Bethia, 159. Poor, P:iizabeth, 209. Poor, Joanna, 159. Poor, John, 158. Poor, Silence, 159. Poor, Thomas, 159. Porland, Audry, 20i. Porte, William, 197, 198, 201. Porter, John, 41. Porter, Robert, 204. Pratt, Abigail, 102, 164. Pratt, Hannah, 100, 166. Prentice, Abigail, 162. Prentice, Edward, IGO, 162. Prentice, John, 162. Prentice, Rvith, 162. Prentice, Samuel, 162. Prentice, Sarah, 162. Prentice, Thomas, 162. Prentice, William, 162. Purland, Mary, 204. Putnam, Ann, 42, 47. Pryor, Roger A., 147. Pym, John, 12.


Rainer, Wm., 184. Ramsdell, Anna, 225. Ramsdell, Joseph, 225. Ramsdell, Kimball, 225. Ramsdell, Nehemiah, 225. Ramsdell, Susanna, 52, 163. Ramsdill, Josiah, 223. Reed & Closson, 122, 132. Reed, William L., 122. Renshaw, Mrs., 98, 166. Rhoades, Thomas, 219. Rice, Marshall S., 134.

Richards, .James, Jr., 244, 247.

Richardson, A. J., 126.

Richardson, Alaiison, 229, 2.'?1.

Richardson & Uurrage, 126, l.Wl, \M, l.V>.

Richardson, Mary Ann, K2, 169.

Ricker, Kbenezer, 1()7.

Rivett, Thomas, 35.

Roberts, Enuiia (Davis), 171.

Roberts, Mr., 32.

Rose, Andrew, 203.

Rowland, Benj., 184.

Russell, James, 28.

Rus.sell, Richard, 1.5, 26.

Russell & Richardson, «9.


Salter, Lewis, 201.

Sanderson, Ro.\anna, 82, \(i.').

Sanger, Samuel, 164.

Sears, Dr. Barnas, 106.

Sedgwick, Capt., 14.

Segur, Bathsheba, 162.

Segur, Ebene/er, 160, 162.

Segur, Hannah, 162.

Segur, John, 162.

Segur, Mary, 162.

Segur, Itebecca, 162.

Segur, Ruth, 162.

Segur, Samuel, 162.

Segur, Sarah, 1(;2.

Sever, Elizabeth, 77

Severance, Julia Lon

Shaw, Col. Robert (J., 141.

Sherman, Gen , 150, 241.

Shepard, Rev. Jeremiah, 43, r>7.

Simmons, Anna, KkS.

Simmons, Betsey. KW.

Simmons, Edward, lOi, 164, 1(W.

Sinnnons, Jane, 16S.

Sinnnons, John, 127.

Smeaton, William 203.

Smith, Abby B., 168.

Smith, Anna, 1(W.

Smith, Archihald, 77. 78, Kil.

Smith, Catherine II., 104, 115, lfi«, 170.

Smith, Elizabetii A., i;W, 171.

Smith, Francis, 16S.

Smith, Cien., 2:k;.

Smith, Isaac, 168.

161. l.-|3.




Smith, Lewis, 104, 164, 168.

Smitli, Martha I , 168.

Sinitli, Natliatiiel, 15.

Smith, Sarah, 74, 100.

Smith, Seliiida, 1(W.

Smith, Will, 14.

Somerhy, H. G., 5, l'J3, 200, 204.

Spear, ilary, 70.

Spragiie, lialpli, 18

Spragiie, Kichanl, 18.

Sprague, "NViii., 18.

Spring, John, 212.

Starrs, Thomas, 1.5.

Stearns, Col. Alnjah, 60.

Steams, Addie L., 121, 189.

Stearns, Charles H., 121, 180, 180.

Stearns, Thomas, 82, IG'J.

Stedman. Lyle, 1H7.

Steele, Isaljella K , 18<l.

Steele, James N., 129, 182, 189.

Steele, Mary, ISi).

Steele, Knth, 18!l.

Stetson, Joshua, l.TO.

Stickline, John. 18.

Stitson, Wm., 15.

Stocker, Ehcnczer, 41.

Sto\ver.s, Al)igail, I'J.

Stowers, Amy, 17, 18, 10.

Stowers, Joanna, 17, 10, 158.

Stowers, Joseph, 10.

Stowers, Nicholas, 17, 18, 10, :«.

Stowers, IJichard, 10.

Stratton, John, 14, 32.

Stride, John, 22.

Studley, Ahigail, 111, 114, 170.

Sumner, Charles, 116.

Swift, Capt. John L., 144.

Symms, Zacharj-, 14.


Taft, Oscar A., 170. Tainter, Dea. Elijah F., 110. Tainter, E. Eunice, 110. Taylor, Benj., 183. Thatcher, Col.. 61. Thayer, Abhie, 131. Thayer, Col. Ebenezer, Go, 70. Thayer, Sally 70. Thayer, Sarah L., KV), 172.

Thomas, Capt. Philip, 63, 63. Thompson, James, 14. Thorne, John, 201. Thoyts, Sarah, 210. Toinlinson, J., 183. Treadwell, John, 218, 210. Treadwell, Itev. Mr., r,7. Trumbull, Susie L., 187. Tucker, E. P., 135, VM. Tucker, Thomas J., 177, 188. Tybenham, Itichard, 103. Tymplie, Henry, 203.


Underwood, Col., 130. Upton, Mary T.. 160. Uring, Capt., 2.5.

Vosc, Edith D., 110,180.


Wait, Susannah, 225.

Waitt, Stephen, 48, 16.3, 225.

Walford. Thomas, 18.

Ward, Lydia, 74, 1(W, IGl.

Ward, Mr., 11.

Ward, Hev. Mr., .36.

Ward, Dea. Richard, 74.

Warren. fJen. .Jonathan, 60.

Washington. Gen., 72.

Watson, Capt., 60, 71.

Watson, .Mary, 105, 170.

Wayte, Anna. 47.

Wesson, Col J. W., 68, 60, 70.

Wheeler, Ephraim, .30.

White, Ignatius, 1.50, 161.

White, Knth, 200.

Whiting, Rev. Mr., .57.

AVhitney. Col. -Josiah, 64.

WhittfUiore, Deziah, 215.

Whittemore, Edniond, 48, 63, Kio, 215.

Whittemore, Eliz.abeth, 1G5, 215.

Whittemore, Esther, 165, 215.

Whittemore. .Joseph, 165, 215.

Wilkinson, Arthur, 130.

Wilkinson, Stetson & Co., 1.31, 1.3.5.



Williams, Ebenezer, 3S. Williams & Warren, 107. Willoiighby, Mr., 15. Wilson, May, 108. Wines, Faintnot, 3.3. Wingfield, Robert, 200. Witherwell, Will, 14. Withington, Eliza, 100, 1()6. Wood, Itliamar, 173, 180.

Wood, Hosinn A , IMO Wood, T. Dwight, 110. Wood, Wm , 23. Wory, Italjih, 1.",. Wren, Bisliop, 11.

Yearsley, Ilannaii, '.»«, mi.



Abstracts of wills in England, 202, 203, 204.

Agreement of the children of John Bur- rage, Charlestown, 208.

Atlanta, 150.

Battle of Bennington, GO.

" " Chancellors ville, 14!».

" " Cold Harbor, 147.

" " Gettysburg, 149.

" " Goldsboro', 157.

" " Lexington, 40.

" " Little Washington, 152

" " Lookout Mountain, 13!:>, 150.

" " Marietta, 151.

" " Whitehall, 152 Bequest of Josiah Burrage, 92. Bigotry, the pre\-alence of, 43. Birthplace of Ruth Kilburn Burrage, 88. Boston, Great tire in, 131. Bridges, Charles River and Warren, 17, 23,

133. Burrage names in Post-OflSce Directory of

Cambridge, Norfolk, and Suffolk Coun- ties, Eng . 205. Burrage, Origin of the name, 5, 0. Burrage, Orthography of the name, 1.3. Burrage soldiers in War of Rebellion, 137-

155. Burrage soldiers in War of Revolution,


Campbell Station, 147.

Charlestown ferry, Ki, 21, 22, 23.

Charlestown in HVM and 105*), 23, 24.

Cloths, Home-made, 70.

Coat of arms, 204.

Common, stinted, 20.

Commons, Division of, in lO-X, 20.

Connnon, Lynn, 54.

Correspondence with the s.-k-ctmi-ii of

Leominster, 229. 2.30, 231. Customs prior to 170(), .32. Customs and niainicr of living in Ni'W

England prior to ]H;i5, 2-12. Customs and laws in Lynn, 41-43.

Dedham, .39. 75

Depositions of Francis Hudson ami hiIhis,

28, 29. Dover, 39, 75. Dorchester Heights, 01.


Engl.and, State of affairs iii. in IC^W-in.

9, 12. England, E.xtract.s from paiisli n'gi!<t<»rs

in. 202, 204 [-'•M-

England, Al.stra<ts ..f wills in. 2<>2, 2<ll. Epita|iii of Rev. .lolin Herriilge, 2<ll>. Extracts from the nnister rolls in the State

archives, .")9-7l.



F. Freeman's oath, 17. Farm itroilucts, Prices of, 89. Fae-siiiiile of signature of John Bnrrage, 1G(J8, 19.


Genealogj% 157. Generation I, 157. ir, 157.

III, 157.

IV, 158. V, 158.

" VI, 1.59. " VII, KJl. " VIII, IW.

IX,1(M>. X,171.

XT, 183. " XII, 190.


Iloincsteacl of Cajit Josiah Bnrrage, S7, 89,

90. Homestead of Cai)t. I>oonartl Barrage,

84. Honiesteafl of Dca. Wm. Biirrage, 81. Homesteads of Iamui Burrages, 54, 5G. Honor to the soldiers, 7.3. House and farm in I^ominster bought by

Wm. Barrage in 17(>7, 50.

Intolerance, 36.

Items respecting the name of P.urrage, 205, 206.

Inventory of estate of Jolni Bnrrage, Charlestown, 207.

Inventory of estate of Dea. Tlionias Bur- rage, LjTin. 211.

Inventory of estate of Wm. Barrage, New- ton, 211.

Inventory of estate of Thomas Barrage, Lynn, 21G.

Inventory of estate of Dea. John Barrage, Lynn. 220

Inventory of estate of Mchitable Barrage, Lynn, 222.

Inventory of estate of Abijah Barrage, Lynn, 227.

Inscription on gravestone in Lynn Cem- etery', 224.


Laws, Sumptuary, 3.3, 34. Leominster in 17(57, 50, 51, 52. Leominster population and liouses, 17G3 to

1875, 51. Leominster Common, 18.30, 51. Letter from Sergt. Edward C. Bnrrage, 2.34. Letters from Lieut. Joseph P. Barrage, 232-

23.5. I.«tter9 from Sergt. "William A. Bnrrage,

237, 238, 240, 241. Letters to and from the selectmen of

Leominster, 229, 231. Letter respecting enlistments, 231. Ijcxington alarm, 59. LuTienburg, 97, 98. Lynn, Laws and customs in, 41, 42. Lynu Common, 54.


Markets, 2.3, 25. Meetiug-house, Old Tunnel, 56,


Nashua Biver, 49, 87.

Newton, 39, 74.

Norton Subcourse, England, 8.

Norton Subcourse, Old church in, 9.

Norwich, England, 8, 10, 11, 201.


Obituary notice of ]Mrs. Ruth K. Barrage, from the "Commonwealth" newspaper, 228.

Old style, 43.


Peage, 21.

Petersburg, 147.

Private judgment, The right rif, 37.


Beflcctions, 155.

Reminiscences of the Lynn Barrages, 225.




Savannah, 150.

Sewerage, Improved, in Boston, 132.

Store account of William Biu-rage, 1767, 244.

Superstition the cause of belief in witch- craft, 37.

Surnames, their first adoption, 6.


Templeton, 75-79.

"The Christian World Unmasked," 207.


Use of intoxicating liquors in New Eng- land, 207.

Valley Forge, 72. Vicksburg, 14(5.



Wampum, 21. War of the Revolution, 58. Whitehall, 152. Will of Baniaby Burrage, 19&. Will of .Tohn Burrage, Burrishe, or Bo- rage, 200. Will of Dca. Jolm Burrage, 217

jNIargaret Burrage, 1!IH.

Richard Burridge, 201.

Robert Burri.slie, 193.

Robert Burryshe, VXi.

Susanna Burrage. 225.

Thomas Burrage, 175'.), 212.

Dea. Thomas Burrage, 209. Williamstowu, 1.52 Witchcraft delusion, The, 35-42. Wolves, Bounty for killing, in Cliarle.<-

town, 35. Wolves, foxes, and blackbirds, Bounty for killing, in Lynn, 41.



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