















Western Federation

of Miners



May 19, 1893.



at Salt Lake City, Utah,


Amended at Denver, Colorado, 1895


at Denver, Colorado, 1896


at Salt Lake City, Utah,



at Salt Lake City, Utah.


Amended at Salt Lake City, Utah,



at Denver, Colorado, May,



at Denver, Colorado, May,



and revised at Denver, Colorado, 1

November, 1901.


at Denver, Colorado, May,



at Denver, Colorado, May,



at Denver, Colorado, May,



at Salt Lake City, Utah,



at Denver, Colorado, May,



at Denver, Colorado, June

. 1907.


at Denver, Colorado, July


Amended at Denver, Colorado, July, 1



at Denver, Colorado, July



at Butte, Montana, July,


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Western Federation of Miners



May 19, 1893.

Amended at Salt Lake City, Utah, 1894. Amended at Denver, Colorado, 1895. Amended at Denver, Colorado, 1896. Amended at Salt Lake City, Utah, 1897. Amended at Salt Lake City, Utah, 1898. Amended at Salt Lake City, Utah, 1899. Amended at Denver, Colorado, May, 1900. Amended at Denver, Colorado, May, 1901. Amended and revised at Denver, Colorado,

November, 1901. Amended at Denver, Colorado, May, 1902. Amended at Denver, Colorado, May, 1903. Amended at Denver, Colorado, May, 1904. Amended at Salt Lake City, Utah, 1905. Amended at Denver, Colorado, May, 1906. Amended at Denver, Colorado, June, 1907. Amended at Denver, Colorado, July, 1908. Amended at Denver, Colorado, July, 1909. Amended at Denver, Colorado, July, 1910. Amended at Butte, Montana, July, 1911.

Pearl Print Shop, 026 19th St., Denver


1 1. We hold that there is a class struggle in

2 Society and that this struggle is caused by eco-

3 nomic conditions.

4 2. We affirm the economic condition of the

5 producer to be that he is exploited of the wealth

6 which he produces, being allowed to retain

7 barely sufficient for his elementary necessities.

8 3. We hold that the class struggle will

9 continue until the producer is' recognized as

10 the sole master of his product.

11 4. We assert that the working class, and

12 it alone, can and must achieve its cwn eman-

13 cipation.

14 5. We hold, finally, that an industrial union

15 and the concerted political action of all wage

16 workers, is the only method of attaining this

17 end.

18 6. Therefore, we, the wage slaves, em-

19 ployed in and around the mines, mills, smel-

20 ters, tunnels, open pits and. open cuts, havp

21 associated in the Western Federation of

22 Miners.



1 Section 1. This organization shall be known

2 as the Western Federation of Miners, and shall

3 be composed of all persons working in and

4 around mines, mills, smelters, tunnels, open

5 pits and open cuts, organized into unions pay-

6 ing per capita tax to the Federation.

7 Sec. 2. The objects of this organization

8 shall be to unite the various persons working

9 in and around the mines, mills, smelters, tun-

10 nels, open pits and open cuts, into one central

11 body, to practice those virtues that adorn so-

12 ciety and remind man of his duty to his fellow

13 man, the elevation of his position and the main-

14 tenance of the rights of the workers.

15 Sec. 3. Whenever twenty or more persons,

16 working as specified in Section 1 of this arti-

17 cle, shall be found that will be self-supporting,

18 they shall, on application, be granted a char-

19 ter. Provided that no charter shall be issued

20 the effect of which is to segregate the

21 crafts engaged in the mining industry.

ARTICLE II. Convention.

22 Section 1. This Federation shall hold its bi-

23 ennial convention on the third Monday in July,

24 at such place as the convention shall designate

25 before adjournment of any session thereof.

26 Sec. 2. Each union shall be entitled to one

27 delegate for one hundred members or less, and

28 one for each additional one hundred or major-

29 ity fraction thereof. Provided, no delegate shall

30 in any event, either holding proxy votes or rep-

31 resenting a union entitled to a greater number,

32 cast more than five votes.

1 See. 3. Representation in the biennial con-

2 vention shall be based on the April report

3 prior to the holding of the convention, and the

4 January report of each year shall be an annual

5 report; provided, in case a special convention

6 is held, the representation shall be based on

7 the last monthly report prior to the calling of

8 the special convention.

9. Sec. 4. Each union shall elect a delegate or

10 delegates and alternates to attend the biennial

11 convention of the Federation. Such delegates

12 and alternates shall be nominated and elected

13 in compliance with Section 1, Article III of the

14 By-Laws, and said election of delegates and al-

15 ternates shall take place at the semi-annual

16 election of all local unions, the first meeting in

17 June. The alternate delegate shall only at-

18 tend and be entitled to a seat in the convention

19 when the regularly elected delegate fails, re-

20 fuses or is unable to be present to discharge

21 his duties. To be eligible, a delegate or alter-

22 nate must be a bona fide wage worker in the

23 jurisdiction of his local union, or one who is

24 employed by his local union, or the Western

25 Federation of Millers, having a membership in

26 good standing in the Western Federation of

27 Miners for a period of not less than one year,

28 immediately preceding the date of his nomina-

29 tion; provided, however, that the provisions of

30 this section shall not apply to the unions and

31 members thereof which have been organized

32 for a length of time less than that mentioned

33 herein. Delegates shall present their creden-

34 tials and have them passed upon before taking

35 their seats in the convention. Delegates in at-

36 tendance at the convention and absenting them-

37 selves without permission from the sessions

38 thereof shall not be entitled to their per diem

39 for any day, or part of a day, upon which they

40 were absent. Duplicate credentials must be in

1 the hands of the secretary-treasurer at least

2 fifteen days prior to the meeting of the con-

3 vention. No local union shall be entitled to

4 representation in the convention which has not

5 complied with the constitution of the Federa-

6 tion. All proxy credential certificates must be

7 sent direct to the delegates named thereon, and

8 the duplicate certificate to the secretary-treas-

9 urer at headquarters fifteen days prior to the

10 meeting of the biennial convention.

11 Sec. 5. Delegates representing a majority

12 of the unions comprising the Federation shall

13 constitute a quorum.

14 Sec. 6. Ladies' Auxiliaries of the Western

15 Federation of Miners shall be entitled to one

16 delegate with one vote for each auxiliary in

17 good standing and transportation expenses for

18 said delegate shall be paid by the Federation.

Pay of Delegates.

19 Sec. 7. The pay of each delegate to the bi

20 ennial convention shall not be less than $5.00

21 per day, which shall be paid by the union he

22 represents.

23 The Federation shall pay the transportation

24 expenses of one delegate from each union in

25 good standing. Any union electing more than

26 one delegate shall pay transportation expenses

27 on all delegates elected above that number.

28 Secretaries of all local unions shall insert on

29 credential card the name of delegate entitled

30 to mileage at headquarters.


Nomination and Election of Officers.

31 Section 1. The officers of the Federation

32 shall consist of the President, Vice-President,

33 Secretary-Treasurer, and four other Executive

34 Board members, all of whom shall be elected

35 by a vote of the membership.

1 Sec. 2. The call, with blanks for nomina-

2 tions, shall be issued by the Secretary-Treas-

3 urer on the first day of March in each even

4 numbered year. Each local may nominate one

5 candidate for each office, but the name of no

6 candidate shall be placed on the ballot unless

7 nominated by at least five locals.

8 Sec. 3. The returns of the nominations

9 must be in the hands of the Secretary-Treas-

10 urer of the Western Federation of Miners not

11 later than the 15th day of April; provided, that

12 any local that cannot be reached by mail may

13 use' telegraph or other means of communica-

14 tion.

15 Sec. 4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall im-

16 mediately notify each nominee of his nomina-

17 tion, and his acceptance, together with a state-

18 ment certifying to the eligibility of the nom-

19 inee for the office for which he is nominated

20 according to the provisions of this Constitution,

21 must be in the hands of the Secretary-Treas-

22 urer not later than May 10th.

23 Sec. 5. The Secretary-Treasurer shall send

24 to each local Union a sufficient number of bal-

25 lots for the members thereof on which shall be

26 printed in full the names of all eligible candi-

27 dates. The voting shall take place at the regu-

28 lar June election of that year.

29 Sec. 6. The Secretaries of the local unions

30 shall immediately after election send the bal-

31 lots and returns of the election to headquar-

32 ters, said returns to be signed by the judges of

33 election, countersigned by the Secretary and

34 bear the seal of the local union. The returns

35 shall be sent to headquarters in a special en-

36 velope provided by headquarters on which

37 shall be printed the words ''Election Returns,"

38 these returns and the ballots to be held intact

39 until the convening of the Convention.

40 Sec. 7. At the Convention a committee of

1 three shall be elected to canvass the returns,

2 the ballots to be held intact until the close^ of

3 the Convention, after which, if no contest is

4 made, these ballots shall be destroyed.

5 Sec. 8. For the offices of President, Vice- G President and Secretary-Treasurer the candi-

7 dates receiving the highest number of votes

8 for each of those respective offices shall be

9 elected, and the four candidates for Executive

10 Board members receiving the four highest

11 number of votes shall be declared elected.

12 Sec. 9. All officers elected to be installed

13 at the Convention or, if absent, as soon there-

14 after as possible, and they shall take office on

15 the 1st day of September following.

16 Sec. 10. Delegates to the American Peder-

17 ation of I^abor Convention shall be elected an-

18 nually, according to the same provisions for

19 the election of officers in the biennial election.

20 Sec. 11. The candidates receiv-

21 ing the highest number of votes shall

22 be declared elected.

23 Sec. 12. The candidates receiv-

24 ing the next highest number of votes

25 shall be declared alternates.

26 Sec. 13. Delegates to the American Ped-

27 eration of Labor shall receive the same pay as

28 Delegates to the Western Federation of Min-

29 ers' Convention.

30 Sec* 14. To be eligible to any elective

31 office, or Delegate to the American Federation

32 of Labor Convention, the same qualification

33 shall be required as those provided in this

34 Constitution for Delegates to the Western Ped-

35 eration of Miners' Convention.

Recall of Officers.

36 Sec. 15. On petition for the recall of an

37 official of the Western Federation of Miners

38 signed by not less than ten per cent of the

1 membership of the Federation in good stand-

2 ing from not less than ten local unions of the

3 Western Federation of Miners, it shall be the

4 imperative duty of the Executive Board to

5 call for a referendum vote of the entire mem-

6 bership in the manner provided for in Section

7 11, Article IV.

ARTICLE IV. Duties of Officers.

Duties of President.

8 Section 1. It is the dutj^ of the President to

9 preside at all meetings of the Federation, pre-

10 serve order, enforce the constitution and watch

11 vigilantly over the interests and affairs of the

12 Federation. In this he shall be assisted by all

13 the officers of the Federation. He shall have

14 the right to vote at the election of officers, and

15 when the members are equally divided he shall IG have the deciding vote on the question under

17 consideration. He shall sign all orders drawi

18 by the Secretary-Treasurer, in compliance with

19 a vote of the majority at any session of the

20 Executive Board. He shall, with the approval

21 of the Executive Board, fill all vacancies occur-

22 ring in the Executive Board, or in the offices

23 of Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer. He

24 may, with the approval of the Executive Board,

25 appoint such organizers as the condition of the

26 Federation may justify. Said organizers shall

27 at all times act under the instructions of the

28 president, and they shall receive not less than

29 $100.00 per month for such time as they are

30 actually employed, together with transporta-

31 tion expenses, and they shall report to the of-

32 fice of the Federation in writing at least once

1 each week, while in the employ of the Federa-

2 tion as organizers. The President shall visit

3 each district once each year, and visit as many

4 unions as the condition of the Federation will

5 permit; and he may also examine the books of

6 any union he visits, provided he has time so

7 to do, in order to ascertain if each union is

8 paying its share of the maintenance of the

9 Federation. He shall communicate with persons

10 living in places where the Federation does not

11 exist, and have them organized, if possible. He

12 may convene the Executive Board when, in his

13 opinion, the affairs of the Federation will justi-

14 fy the same; and he may, with the approval of

15 the Executive Board, call an extra convention

16 of the Federation, and he shall, on the written

17 request of six members of the Executive Board

18 or on written request of ten unions having a

19 combined membership of 7,500, call an extra

20 convention of the Federation. He shall be and

21 he is hereby constituted the trustee to sell,

22 transfer or encumber in any manner and to

23 any extent that he deems for the best interests

24 of the Federation, any and all real and per-

25 sonal property, except the funds of the Western

26 Federation of Miners, with the concurrence

27 and under the direction of the Executive Board

28 of the Federation, or a convention duly called

29 and assembled, and he shall execute all such

30 documents in manner following: The Western

31 Federation of Miners, by , Trustee.

32 He shall submit a complete report of his work

33 during the term of his office to each conven-

34 tion, and make such recommendations as in

35 his judgment will advance the interests of the

1 organization. The President shall have the

2 power with the consent of the Executive

3 Board, to revoke the charter of any local

4 union for violation of the constitution or by-

5 laws, or proven treachery to the principles of

6 the Western Federation of Miners. He shall

7 receive $5.00 per day for his services, besides

8 such an additional amount as may be neces-

9 sary to defray his transportation and other

10 expenses.

Duties of yice-President.

11 Sec. 2. It is the duty of the Vice-President

12 to assist the President to preserve order at

13 all meetings and assist him in the discharge

14 of his duties; preside during his absence, and

15 perform the duties devolving upon the Presi-

16 dent; and in case of vacancy occurring in the

17 office of President, he shall ascend to the

18 Presidency and act as such for the unexpired

19 term.

Duties of Secretary-Treasurer.

20 Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Secre-

21 tary-Treasurer to attend all conventions of the

22 Western Federation of Miners, and bring there-

23 to all the necessary books, papers, and docu-

24 ments pertaining to his office, and keep a

25 proper and correct record of the proceedings

26 of the conventiou; read all petitions, resolu-

27 tions and communications, not in charge of a


1 special committee, which may be submitted to

2 the Federation, file and safely keep, unless

3 otherwise ordered, all papers or documents

4 which have been before the convention. At each

5 biennial meeting of the convention he shall

6 submit a complete report of the receipts and

7 disbursements of the Federation for the pre-

8 ceding year, number of unions organized, num-

9 ber in good standing and the number of unions

10 disbanded, if any, and the cause thereof. If

11 ordered by the convention, he shall cause to be

12 printed duly authenticated copies of the pro-

13 ceedings of the convention and furnish each

14 local union with a copy thereof. He shall pre-

15 pare, sign and seal all charters and such other

16 papers and documents as may emanate from

17 the Western Federation of Miners, and which

18 are required to be duly authenticated. He

19 shall, at the end of each quarter, send a report

20 to each local union, showing the receipts, and

21 the dates thereof, of all moneys received from

22 the local unions for the preceding quarter. All

23 moneys coming into his hands belonging to the

24 Federation shall be deposited, at least twice a 2.5 month, in some solvent bank or banks, and

26 shall only be drawn out to pay indebtedness

27 arising out of the due conducting of the busi-

28 ness of the Federation, and then only after

29 a bill shall have been first duly presented by

30 the creditor, when in payment thereof a check

31 shall be drawn and signed by him, after which

32 he shall present it, together with the bill, to

33 the President for his counter-signature. He

34 shall have charge of all the funds and property

35 of the Western Federation of Miners, and shall

36 keep a careful and accurate account thereof, as

37 well as an accurate account of all funds arising

38 out of the relation of the Federation with the

39 local unions, and whenever money is receiverl

40 from a local union, a receipt therefor must be


1 given or mailed to the sender. He shall prompt-

2 ly attend to all correspondence pertaining to his

3 office, and within the first week in May of each

4 year he shall send to each union which is not

5 indebted to the Federation for moneys, which it

6 should have paid under the Constitution, dupli-

7 cate credentials for delegates. Upon the expi-

8 ration of his term of office or retirement from

9 any cause he shall faithfully account for all

10 money or property coming into his hands and

11 all funds or property remaining in his hands or

12 not paid out or disposed of in the due course of

13 the discharge 'of his official duties, it shall be

14 accounted for and turned over to his successor

15 or such other person who may be duly author-

16 ized to take into his custody the funds or prop-

17 erty of the Federation. For the honest and faith-

18 ful discharge of his duties he shall give a bond

19 in the sum of not less than $30,000, the bond so

20 given to be approved by the Executive Board and

21 kept in their custody. For his services he shall

22 receive the sum of one hundred and fifty (150)

23 dollars per month, which may be paid monthly

24 out of the funds of the Federation, in the same

25 manner as is provided for the payment of other

26 bills and indebtedness. He shall issue a supple-

27 ment to his quarterly report of all members

28 suspended, fined or expelled during the quarter.

Executive Board.

29 Sec. 4. The Executive Board shall consti-

30 tute the Federation board of arbitration and

31 conciliation, and between conventions have full

32 power to direct the workings of the Federa-

33 tion. No representative of a union shall be en-

34 titled to a hearing before the Executive Board

35 without proper credentials, with the seal of

36 the union attached thereto.

37 Sec. 5. The Executive Board shall be con-

38 vened by the President, or by the Secretary-


1 treasurer, at the request of three members of

2 the Board.

3 Sec. 6. The imperative mandate shall effect

4 all elective officers on receipt of a petition

5 signed by over fifty per cent of the members

6 of the Federation in good standing.

7 Sec. 7. The jurisdiction of the Western

8 Federation of Miners shall cover the United

9 States and its territories, and the Dominion of

10 Canada.

11 Sec. 8. Each member of the Executive

12 Board shall act as an organizer and he shall

13 also be required to make such investigation

14 relative to the condition of each local union

15 as in his judgment may be necessary, and make

16 a report thereof to the President of the Feder-

17 ation on or before the 10th day of June of each

18 year. In case of trouble arising in the juris-

19 diction of a union, the member shall be sum-

20 moned and given full charge in the direction

21 of negotiations until the arrival of the Presl-

22 dent, who shall be summoned if necessary. For

23 all necessary services rendered in the discharge

24 of his duties, he shall receive the sum of $5.00

25 per day for such time as he is actually em-

26 ployed, together with his transportation ex-

27 penses, and he shall at all times be subject to

28 the orders of the President.

29 Sec. 9. The Executive Board members

30 shall be placed on continuous pay, and kept In

31 the field constantly, and be at all times under

32 the direction of the President, who shall direct

33 their actions in the field, and shall require

34 each member to report weekly the result of his

35 work, and to audit the books of all locals he

36 may visit and make a thorough report on con-

37 dition of same.

38 Sec. 10. All members of the Executive

39 Board, and organizers employed by the Fed-

40 eration shall submit monthly reports for publi:


1 cation in the Miners' Magazine, these reports

2 to contain matters of interest to the general

3 organization.

4 Sec. 11. The Executive Board shall, on de-

5 mand of ten or more locals, submit all such

6 matters pertaining to such proposition to a ref-

7 erendum vote through the Secretary-Treasurer,

8 not later than fifteen days after receipt thereof;

9 provided that no such referendum shall be sub-

10 mitted which is a reversal of a former refer-

11 endum within one year. The majority of such

12 vote shall be binding on all parties concerned.

13 Sec. 12. The Executive Board Members

14 shall be delegates at large to the convention

15 and entitled to the same privileges as other

16 delegates at the convention.

ARTICLE V. Revenues and Disbursements.

17 Section 1. The revenue of the Federation

18 shall be derived from a charter fee of ten dol-

19 lars and a per capita tax of twenty-five cents

20 per month on all monthly dues collected in

21 accordance with the stamp system, to be paid

22 from the general fund of each union through

23 the purchase of said stamps in advance, and

24 in case of emergency such assessments, as in

25 the judgment of the Executive Board or con-

26 vention may be necessary, the same shall be

27 paid from the general fund, and based on the

28 preceding monthly report previous to such as-

29 sessment.

30 Sec. 2. Any union failing to purchase the

31 required number of per capita and assessment

32 stamps to stamp all membership cards, in com-

33 pliance with the stamp system, shall be peral-

34 Ized as prescribed by Section 3, Article IX.



Official Journal.

1 Section 1. The Journal shall he issued

2 weekly under the direct supervision of the

3 General Executive Board. The Executive Board

4 shall have the power to appoint the Editor of

5 the Miners' Magazine,

6 Sec. 2. The pages of the official journal

7 shall be open to all officers and members of

8 the organization for the discussion of social

9 affairs, industrial, economic and political

10 questions, or any other questions pertaining

11 to the interest of the working-class. It shall

12 endeavor to enlighten the membership of the

13 organization on the cost of production of the

14 various kinds of metals, viz: iron, steel, lead,

15 zinc and copper, and its market value. It shall

16 endeavor to give statistics showing what wages

17 are being paid, to the miners, millmen and

18 smeltermen and steel workers in the different

19 states and territories in the jurisdiction of the

20 Western Federation of Miners. It further shall

21 endeavor to demonstrate what relation there

22 exists between one set of workers and another

23 set of workers, especially those workers who

24 are engaged in the production of coal, iron,

25 steel, lead, zinc and copper, and other precious

26 metals, and it shall at all times advocate the

27 principles of Industrial Unionism.

ARTICLE VII. Strikes and Adjustments.

28 Section i. It shall be unlawful for any

29 union to enter upon a strike unless ordered

30 by two-thirds of the votes cast upon the


1 question; such questions shall be decided by

2 referendum vote, notice of such referendum to

3 be posted three days in advance, vote to l)e

4 by ballot and polls to be open for not less

5 than eight hours. No call shall be made for

6 a referendum vote on a strike until after hav-

7 ing received the approval of the Executive

8 Board of the W. F. M.

9 Sec. 2. In case of a strike being in progress

10 in the jurisdiction of the Federation, where a

11 union of the Federation is on strike, regularly

12 ordered by the union and the Executive Board,

13 and in the opinion of the President and the

14 executive Board it becomes necessary to call

15 out any other union or unions in order to carry

16 the strike to a successful termination, that

17 they shall have full power to do so.

18 Sec. 3. Any agreement entered into between

19 the members of any local union and their em-

20 ployers as a final settlement of any difficulty

21 or trouble that may occur between them shall

22 not be considered valid or binding until the

23 same shall have the approval of the Executive

24 Board of the Western Federation of Miners.

25 Sec. 4. No local union or unions of the W.

26 F. M. shall enter into any signed contract or

27 verbal agreement for any specified length of

28 time with their employers.

ARTICLE VIM. New Unions.

29 Section 1. Whenever twenty or more non- 30 union or union men shall be so situated within

31 the jurisdiction of a union that the attendance

32 at the meetings of such union would be incon-

33 venient, they may apply to the President of the

34 Federation for a charter. Should he consider

35 their application a proper one for the advance-

36 ment, both of the interests of the applicants and

37 the Federation, a charter shall be granted them


1 and their territorial jurisdiction defined. If

2 such applicants are members they must apply :j to their respective unions for transfer cards,

4 through the secretary-elect. Any union refus-

5 ing to issue such cards shall be subject to a

6 fine, the amount of which shall be determined

7 by the Executive Board.

ARTICLE IX. Penalties.

8 Section 1. Any union failing or refusing to

9 comply with the Constitution and By-Laws

10 shall for the first offense be suspended from

11 the privileges and benefits of the Federation

12 for three months, and for the second offense,

13 six months, or be expelled, as the Executive

14 Board may determine.

15 Sec. 2. Any union failing to make correct

16 monthly reports to the Secretary-Treasurer of

17 the Federation, thereby evading its just share

18 of the per capita tax and assessments, shall be

19 fined for each offense a sum equal to double

20 the amount so evaded.

21 Sec. 3. Any local union whose Secretary

22 fails to place the required number of per capita

23 or general assessment stamps upon a mem-

24 ber's card shall be subject to a fine of one dol-

25 lar for each stamp not so placed.

26 Sec. 4. Any local union whose Secretary

27 fails to forward to the Secretary-Treasurer of

28 the Federation properly filled out monthly and

29 annual reports within ten days after the same

30 become due, shall be advertised in the Miners'

31 Magazine. This section shall not apply to local

32 unions in Alaska.

ARTICLE X. Duties and Privileges of Members.

33 Section 1. Each member at initiation shall

34 pledge himself to support the Constitution of

35 the Federation and obey all lawful orders of


1 the Executive Board, in addition to the obli-

2 gation required by the union of which he be- 8 comes a member.

4 Sec. 2. If a member of a union commits an

5 offense in violation of his obligation, or against

6 the good and welfare of his union, or any union

7 of the Western Federation of Miners, or any

8 members thereof, or in violation of the Consti-

9 tution and By-Laws of the Western Federation

10 of Miners, or affiliated unions, he shall be en-

11 titled to an impartial trial by his local union,

12 as hereinafter provided. The offense with which

13 he is charged shall be presented in writing to

14 his local union by the member making the

15 charge, who at the time must be a member of

16 the Western Federation of Miners in good

17 standing. Said charges shall be read by the

18 Recording Secretary of the union at the first

19 regular meeting of the union after the paper

20 containing the charges is received. When said

21 charges are read, the President shall, without

22 discussion, appoint an impartial committee of

23 five members of the union in good standing to

24 investigate such charges, whose duty it shall be

25 to present a copy of the charges to the member

26 against whom the charges have been preferred

27 and notify him when to appear before said com-

28 mittee for trial. Similar notice shall be served

29 upon the member preferring the charges. This

30 committee shall elect a chairman and secretary

31 before proceeding to hear evidence for the

32 plaintiff and defendant, and keep a correct copy

33 of the charges and all testimony presented, and

34 submit the same to the union, with their writ-

35 ten report signed by alj members of the com-


1 mittee. The union shall either adopt or reject

2 the report of the committee. The defendant

3 shall have the right to appeal to the Executive

4 Board of the Western Federation of Miners,

5 and from that body to the ensuing convention.

6 The Executive Board shall receive no evidence

7 in the case except the records of the commit-

8 tee, nor permit any witness to appear for the

9 plaintiff or defendant. Should the union fail to

10 preserve the records of the investigation as re-

11 turned by the committee or refuse to surrender

12 the same to the Executive Board upon the re-

13 quest of the Secretary-Treasurer, it shall be

14 subject to whatever penalty the Executive

15 Board may deem necessary to impose upon it.

16 Sec- 3. Any one acting as a strike-breaker

17 or scab during a strike in the jurisdiction of

18 the Western Federation of Miners, who pro-

19 fesses to have seen the error of his ways, may

20 be placed on probation by the local union in-

21 volved, on the condition that he remains in that

22 union's jurisdiction and lends his efforts to re-

23 pair the wrong he has helped to bring on;

24 provided, that this shall in no way apply to

25 any man who has been a deputy sheriff or gun

26 man in the employ of any corporation. Such

27 men shall remain on probation until such time

28 as the local union involved shall declare his of-

29 fense expiated in full by good work for the

30 cause.

31 In case of a union being defunct, the Execu-

32 tive Officers of the Western Federation of

33 Miners shall be governed by this provision. The

34 card issued on probation shall be marked

35 "probation card."


1 Sec. 4. Whenever any member of a local

2 union shall be discharged for participating in

3 the active affairs of the local, or of the Western

4 Federation of Miners, it shall be the duty of

5 the local union to investigate fully and use all

6 means in their power to have same member

7 reinstated in his position.

8 Sec, 5. Whenever a member of a local

9 union shall become a foreman, shift boss or

10 assume a position that cannot be termed as

11 part of the mining industry, he shall lose all

12 rights to a voice, vote or seat in the meetings

13 of his local union, but may continue his mem-

14 bership as a beneficiary member, or upon ap-

15 plication to the Financial Secretary he may

16 be granted a withdrawal card.

ARTICLE XI. Legislation.

17 Section 1. The initiative and referendum

18 shall govern all legislation. Whenever a local

19 in good standing, delegate or delegation in con-

20 vention shall, by resolution, offer an amend-

21 ment to the Constitution and By-laws, the same

22 shall be considered in the biennial conven-

23 tion, and by that body submitted to the mem-

24 bers of the Western Federation of Miners, who

25 shall vote upon the same within sixty dayc;.

26 All locals voting on a referendum shall use โ€”

27 First: A blank record sheet for the names

28 of all members voting;

29 Second: Printed ballots with the questions

30 fully stated upon them, with the spaces, so as

31 to vote for or against any question;

32 Third: That envelopes containing record

33 sheets with names, report blanks, with totals


1 of votes cast for or against all questions,

2 should contain no other matter, and the word

3 "referendum" should be marked upon the en-

4 velope, and the same shall not be opened until

5 the date set for compiling the votes of all

6 locals.

7 After having received the approval of a ma-

8 jority of the members voting upon the ques-

9 tion, it shall receive the signature of the Presi-

10 dent and Secretary-Treasurer, and becomes a

11 part of the organic law. The Secretary-Treas-

12 urer shall canvass the vote on all referendum

13 questions and make up a return sheet, setting

14 forth the vote of each local, and furnish all

15 locals with a copy of the same.

ARTICLE XII. Emergencies.

16 Section 1. Whenever a vital circumstance,

17 not otherwise provided for, arises and the same

18 cannot in justice be deferred until the assem-

19 bling of the convention, the Executive Board

20 may submit any important question so arising

21 to a referendum vote of the entire member-

22 ship in good standing, in the manner described

23 in Section 1, Article XI. The majority of such

24 vote to govern in all cases submitted.

25 Sec. 2. Whenever a proposition of vital im-

26 portance presents itself to the membership of

27 the W. F. M., not otherwise provided for, the

28 Executive Board shall, on demand of ten or

29 more locals, submit all such matters pertaining

30 to such proposition to a referendum vote

31 through the Secretary-Treasurer, not later than

32 fifteen days after receipt thereof; provided 83 that no such referendum shall be submitted


1 which is a reversal of a former referendum

2 within one year. The majority of such vote

3 shall be binding on all parties concerned.

4 Sec. 3. This constitution shall not be

5 amended except by a majority vote of all dele-

6 gates assembled in convention or by initiative

7 petition of at least ten locals of this organiza-

8 tion, representing at least five per cent of the

9 whole membership, the same to be approved

10 by referendum vote as described in Section 1,

11 Article XI.



ARTICLE I. Strikes and Lockouts.

1 Section 1. Whenever a istrike shall be ap-

2 proved by the Executive Board and local union

3 as authorized by Section 1 of Article VII, of the

4 Constitution, the Treasurer of such union shall

5 receive all aid sent by the Secretary-Treasurer.

6 Said Treasurer shall file a bond with the Execu-

7 tive Board, subject to its approval, in such sum

8 or sums as the Executive Board may determine.

9 Said Treasurer shall make complete itemized

10 returns through the Secretary-Treasurer to the

1 1 Executive Board and local union of the receipts

12 and disbursements, and the persons aided.

Receipts and Accounts.

13 Sec. 2. Local unions shall preserve all re

14 ceipts issued by the Secretary Treasurer and

15 have the same presented to the finance com-

16 mittee at the biennial convention, through

17 their delegates to the convention, in order to

18 compare them with the stub book of the Sec-

19 retary-Treasurer.


20 Sec. 3. The President shall send to each

21 union which has paid per capita tax and is not

22 ninety days in arrears for assessments, a quar-

23 terly password.

Membership Card.

24 Sec. 3A. Throughout the jurisdiction of the

25 Western Federation of Miners a uniform mem-


1 bership card shall be used. The same shall be

2 the stamp card system, approved by the Tenth

3 and amended by the Sixteenth Annual Conven-

4 tion; the form and style of said cards shall

5 provide a space wherein local Secretaries shall

6 record the amount of sick benefits received by

7 each member. Said card shall be designed by

8 the Executive Officers of the Western Federa-

9 tion of Miners.

Withdrawal Cards.

10 Sec. 4. If a member takes a withdrawal

11 card from the union to which he belongs and

12 goes to work as specified in Section 1, Article

13 1, of the Constitution, where there is a union

14 of the Federation, he shall at once deposit his

15 card in that union; failing to do so, he shall be

16 held for dues and assessments from the time

17 he starts to work by the union within whose

18 jurisdiction he may be employed.

19 Sec. 5. No withdrawal card shall be issued

20 to any member of the W. F. M. except such

21 members who are actually engaged in some oc-

22 cupation not included in the jurisdiction of the

23 W. F. M., or one who permanently retires from

24 the occupation specified in Article I of the

25 Constitution.

26 Sec. 6. Local unions of the Federation

27 shall have full juridiction over all members

28 who are permanent residents of their local

29 districts, subject, however, to the right of ap-

30 peal described in Section 2, Article X, of the

31 Constitution.

32 Sec. 7, Local unions shall have power to

33 name the amount to be collected as a rein-

34 statement fee from members six months or

35 more in arrears for dues and assessments.

36 Sec. 8. Secretaries shall place due stamps

37 on members' cards for back dues collected for

38 reinstatement or otherwise.


Interchangeable Cards.

1 Sec. 9. Transfer cards and withdrawal

2 cards issued by any chartered labor organiza-

3 tion shall be accepted by local unions of the

4 Western Federation of Miners, subject to the

5 rules and qualifications governing members of

6 such locals of the Western Federation of

7 Miners.


8 Sec. 10. Any member leaving the jurisdic-

9 tion of his union and going to work in the juris-

10 diction of another union of the Federation shall

11 immediately deposit his membership card with

12 the Financial Secretary and pay up all arrear-

13 ages. The Financial Secretary receiving the

14 member's card shall immediately notify the

15 union of which the member has a card, so that

16 the member's account can be closed in the for-

17 mer union; and the failure upon the part of

18 the Financial Secretary to notify the union

19 within fifteen days shall subject him to a fine

20 of not less than one dollar nor more than five.

21 All arrearages collected (other than local as-

22 sessments) shall belong to the union receiv-

23 ing the membership card and all advance dues

24 which may have been paid shall be remitted;

25 provided, however, that no advance dues shall

26 be requested for the month in which transfer

27 is made. Any member in good standing trans-

28 ferring from one local to another, upon signing

29 the Constitution, shall be entitled to all the

30 rights and benefits of that local.

31 Sec. 11. Any member working within the

32 jurisdiction of a local union and refusing to de-

33 posit his card, shall be subject to a fine of not

34 less than $1.00 nor more than $50.00, said fine

35 to be left to the discretion of the local union.

36 Sec. 12. When a member of a local union

37 goes to work within the jurisdiction of another

38 and refuses to deposit his card, it shall be its


1 duty to place a fine against him and suspend

2 him from any benefits whatsoever. Any Secre-

3 tary accepting dues from a member who is in

4 the jurisdiction of another local shall be sub-

5 ject to a fine of not less than $1.00 nor more

6 than $5.00.

ARTICLE II. Supplies.

7 Section 1. All withdrawal and notification

8 cards of the Federation shall be made of uni-

9 form size, with stub attachment.

10 Sec. 2. The Federation has adopted, for

11 the sake of uniformity, the following supplies,

12 which must he procured from the Secretar}^-

13 Treasurer, except in the Dominion of Canada,

14 where blanks shall be printed to conform with

15 the laws and usages of that country, as well

16 as in conformity with this Constitution, and

17 that the same may be printed in the Dominion

18 of Canada, viz.: Constitutions, withdrawal

19 cards, notification cards, quarterly report

20 blanks, blank bonds for officers of unions, ap-

21 plication blanks, ledger, day book and cash

22 book, and that it be imperative on the part of

23 all locals to use this system of bookkeeping.

24 Provided, all membership cards and the auth-

25 orized metal emblem of the Federation shall be

26 procured from the Secretary-Treasurer of the

27 Federation.


Nominations, Elections and Installations of Officers.

28 Sec. 1. Nominations of officers in local

29 unions shall be made from the floor. Nomina-

30 tions shall remain open for three regular meet-

31 ings prior to election, when each Recording

32 Secretary shall, within ten days thereafter,

33 forward the names of all officers elected to the

34 Secretary-Treasurer of the Federation, who


1 shall compile a directory of the same and

2 forward a copy of these directories to each o local union. It shall be optional with eacii

4 local union as to whether it shall hold annual

5 or semi-annual elections. Installation of offi-

6 cers for local unions shall not take place until

7 the first meeting in July or in January.


8 Sec. 2. All unions shall, on the demand of

9 five or more members in good standing, take a

10 secret ballot upon any question coming before

11 the union.

ARTICLE IV. Jurisdiction.

12 Section 1. The jurisdiction of the Federa- ls tion shall extend to all states and territories

14 and the Dominion of Canada as described in

15 Section 7, Article IV, of the Constitution.

District Unions.

16 Sec. 2. Where a majority of members vot-

17 ing in a district or state deem it necessary,

18 they may organize a district or state union for

19 the purpose of doing business for the district

20 or state. Such unions shall apply to the Fed-

21 eration for, and receive a special charter, said

22 charter to be issued at cost. Such district or

23 state union shall be subordinate to the Feder-

24 ation, but shall be a higher authority than the

25 local unions of the Federation in its jurisdic-

26 tion. All local unions of the Federation with-

27 in the jurisdiction of a district or state union

28 shall be a member of said district or state

29 union and recognize the authority of same.

Defunct Unions.

30 Sec. 3. When any local union has a mem-

31 bership of less than ten members in good

32 standing, the charter of such local may be con-

33 sidered defunct, and surrender its charter and

1 books to the Federation; and any member of

2 the said union becoming desirous of joining

3 another union of the Western Federation of

4 Miners sliall, by paying the dues and assess-

5 ments he owed in his former union ui^ to the

6 time the books were turned over to the Fed-

7 eration, be transferred to the union to which

8 he makes application.

9 Sec. 4. The property of defunct unions

10 shall be held in trust by the Federation for a

11 period of not less than one year; thereafter it

12 shall become the property of the Federation.

13 Sec. 5. Where two or more locals are situ-

14 ated in the same locality or district, and one or

15 more locals become weakened by loss of mem-

16 bers or otherwise, they may, by a majority

17 vote of each local interested, consolidate. All

18 money and property shall belong to the union

19 so consolidated, except the charter or charters

20 of the locals ceasing to exist, said charters to

21 be forwarded to headquarters immediately.

22 The unions so consolidated shall be held for

23 all existing indebtedness.


24 Section 1. Each local Financial Secretary

25 must keep a record of all members that are

26 expelled from local unions, and when a person

27 is proposed for admittance into any local of

28 the Western Federation of Miners, the Finan-

29 cial Secretary must first look at the list re-

30 ported by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Fed-

31 eration and then report to his union the result

32 of his investigation.


33 Sec. 2. Each Secretary of the local union

34 shall be required to keep a copy of all corre-

35 spondence in a copying book suitable for that

36 purpose.


ARTICLE VI. Fines and Penalties.

t Section 1. Any member who is under the

2 influence of liquor, appearing as a delegate at

3 any convention of the Western Federation of

4 Miners, or failing to answer roll call without

5 being excused by the President, shall be fined

6 for the first offense the sum of one dollar; for

7 the second offense the sum of two dollars; for

8 the third offense the sum of five dollars, and

9 any delegate or delegates who shall have been

10 guilty of such an offense shall be censured and

11 reprimanded by the President, and the union

12 to which he or they may belong shall be noti-

13 fied of his action.


1. Call the meeting to order.

2. Warden, secure the door.

3. Presentation of credentials.

4. Appointment of committees.

5. Roll call.

6. Reading of minutes of previous meeting.

7. Communications and correspondence.

8. Bills.

9. Reports of officers.

10. Reports of standing committees.

11. Special committees.

12. Unfinished business.

13. New business.

14. Election of officers.

15. Good and welfare of the Federation.

16. Installation of officers.

17. Adjournment.



1 During the continuance of the meeting si-

2 lence must be observed, the officers and mem-

3 bers retaining their respective seats, and no

4 one leaving the room without permission of

5 the President or Vice-President.

6 No member shall, by conversation or other-

7 wise, interrupt the business of the Federation

8 or refuse to obey the chair.

9 The President, while presiding, will state

10 every question coming before the Federation,

11 and immediately before putting it to a vote

12 shall ask: "Are you ready for the question?"

13 Should no member rise to speak, or by silence

14 indicate their readiness, he shall rise to state

15 the question, and after he has risen no member

16 shall be permitted to speak upon it. He shall

17 announce the result or decision of the Feder-

18 ation upon all subjects.

19 Every member, when he speaks or offers a

20 motion, shall rise and respectfully address the

21 presiding officer. While speaking he shall con-

22 confine himself to the subject under debate,

23 avoiding all personalities and indecorous lan-

24 guage, as well as any reflections upon the

25 union or its members.

26 Should two or more members rise to speak

27 at the same time, the chair shall decide who is ^8 entitled to the floor.

29 No member shall disturb another in his

30 speech unless to call him to order for words

31 spoken.

32 If a member, while speaking, shall be called

33 to order, at the request of the chair, he shall

34 cease speaking and take his seat until the


1 question of order is determined, when, if per-

2 mitted, he may again proceed.

3 No member shall speak more than once on

4 the same question until all the members wish-

5 ing to speak shall have had the opportunity to

6 do so, nor more than twice without the per-

7 mission of the chair.

8 When any communication, petition or mem-

9 orial is presented, before it is read a brief

10 statement of its contents shall be made by the

11 introducer to the chair.

12 No motion shall be subject to action unless

13 seconded and stated by the chair.

14 Any member may cail for a division on a

15 question when the sense will admit it.

16 When a question is before the Federation

17 no motion shall be received unless to close, the

18 previous question, to lay on the table, to post- 19 pone indefinitely, to refer, to amend, and shall

20 have precedence in the order herein arranged

21 โ€” the first three of which shall be decided

22 without debate.

23 After any question, except one of indefinite

24 postponement or one the result of which the Fed-

25 eration cannot reverse, has been decided, any

26 member who voted in the majority may, at the

27 same meeting move a reconsideration thereof.

28 No amendments shall be received except

29 they are in writing.

30 All questions not provided for by the Con-

31 stitution, By-Laws, Rules of Order, or by the

32 General Laws of the Federation, shall be de-

33 termined by a majority of the members at a

34 regular meeting.

35 These rules may be suspended for a special

36 purpose by a vote of two-thirds of the mem-

37 bers present.

38 Roberts' Rules of Order shall govern the

39 proceedings of the Federation in the absence

40 of any rules not herein provided for.





Organization and Objects <>

Convention 3-5

Pay of Delegates 5

Nomination and Election of Officers and Execu- tive Board i 5-7

Duties of President 8-10

Duties of Vice-President 10

Duties of Secretary-Treasurer 10-12

Executive Board and Duties of 12-14

Revenues and Disbursements 14

Penalty for Violation of Stamp System 14

Official Journal 15

Strikes and Adjustment 15-16

New Unions and Jurisdiction of 16-17

Penalties 17

Duties and Privileges of Members 17-20

Legislation 20-21

h]mergencies by Legislation 21-22

Constitution, How Amended 22


Strikes and Lockouts 23

Receipts and Accounts 23

Password 23

Membership Card 23-24

Withdrawal Cards 24

Reinstatement 24

Interchangeable Cards 25

Transfer 25-26

Supplies 26

Nomination, Election of Officers 26-27

Balloting 27

Jurisdiction of Federation 27

District Unions 27

Defunct Unions 27-28

Expelled Members 2N

Correspondence of Locals 2S

Fines and Penalties of Delegates 2!ยป

Mules of Order ;^0-31

Order of Business 29