QL 555 S9W563 1903 THE rflies of Switzerland aNIi If Alps of Central Europe. <.l oiK.I WIIKKLI Price Ss. net, I nte Heaved 6s. 10 S THE §qu)6(D3 Butterflies of Switzerland AND THE Alps of Central Europe. (GEORGE WHEELER, M.A. Price 5s. net, Interleaved 6s. LOXLHJS : ELLIOTT STOCK, 62, Paternoster Eow, E.G. AuiiKiit, IMH. INTRODUCTION. The difficulty I experienced, when beginning to collect buttei-flies in Switzerland, in finding out what to look for, and when and where to look, and the discovery that many others were in the same situa- tion, tirst opened my eyes to the necessity for a book with some such scope as the present. No work dealing with the Swiss butterflies as a whole had appeared since Frey's " Lepidopteren der Schweiz " in IHHO, though Lang's " Butterflies of Europe " was published in 1884, and 1885 saw the production of the "European JUitterfiies " of Kane, who has become the " guide, philosopher and friend" of a large and ever-inci-easing number of British lepidopterists in the Alps and elsewhere. Moreover, not only had new species been discovered since that time, but one of the books was in German, another decidedly expensive and not very portable, and the third, 1 was informed on trying to obtain a copy, sold out ; and in neither of them was the subject of variation, so intensely interesting even to the " mere collector," more than lightly touched on. It was not, however, until much later that I even contemplaied the possibility of trying to supply the deficiency, an idea which was first suggested to me after the publication of some of my papers in the Knt(»ii(il(iijisf\ lltrord, when I found, to my own great surprise, that my advice was asked, and my opinion consulted, by entire strangers, even including, during the last two years, some of the best known lepidopterists of Switzerland. This circumstance, together with the fact that no one else seemed willing to throw himself into the breach, must be my excuse for undertaking the task ; and, if it be a case of " where angels fear to tread," I can only plead that at least I have not " nis/wd in." Often the inclusion, or even the sup- pression, of a single line has entailed the close examination of many specimens, and a most unexpected amount of correspondence. The original idea was to include Swiss butterflies only, but Switzerland is so entirely a political rather than a geographical ex- pression, that it seemed necessary either to enlarge or diminish the scope of the Avork, and, after much consideration, the whole of the Alps of Central Europe have been included ; i.e., the Alpes-Maritimes, the Hautes and Basses Alpes, and Savoie in France : the Alps of N. Italy ; the Tyrol ; the Styrian, Carinthian and .Tulian Alps, and such small portions of the S. of Upper and Lower Austria as are alpine. At the same time the original idea has not been lost sight of ; the whole of Switzerland is included whether alpine or not (which has involved the inclusion of the French Jura), anu those species and varieties which have never been taken in Switzerland are marked with an asterisk ('•'), for the convenience of those collectors (no insignificant number) who confine their attentions exclusively to the l)utterflies of that country. It will also, no doubt, be at once perceived that the localities given outside Switzerland are both fewer and often less precise than those within it, especially with regard to the more eastern portion of the region ; and I must at once admit that I feel myself far less well ecjuipped for dealing with the latter portion of the subject, both from INTRODUCTION. being pei'sonally unacquainted with the country, and from the fact that^it has been very Httle worked except in the neighbourhood of a few centres. The whole subject has been as much condensed as possible, and, to save space, abbreviations (lists of which are given) are very freely used. With the same view, descriptions are reduced to a minimum ; the pre- vailuig colours of each tribe or genus are given, and often a dis- tinguishing character of the latter; then, under each species, the synonyms," size, foodplant of the larva when known, and the super- ficial difference between $ and $ are noted, and one or more characteristics — as few as possible — given, by which each may be distinguished from its neighbours. This has been by far the most exacting portion of the work ; in every difficult case many specimens have been examined, and, in no instance, have the distinctions been drawn by reference to books or plates alone, without examination of the actual insects themselves. It must be farther understood that the characteristics given are often not those which scientifically diffe- rentiate one genus, or even one species, from another (these being often more prominent in some earlier stage), but those which are easiest of recognition, and consequently the most superficial. In the same way, secondary sexual distinctions have always been chosen by preference, and the androconial pockets are generally referred to by their appearance, aj., "a thickening of the nervures," "a black line," itc, rather than Ijy their actual structure or function. The stage at which hybernation takes place is given either under the tribe, genus, or species. Localities are next mentioned, with dates and authorities, and 1 have by preference given the most modern instances that I can find, and have as far as possible taken, when there was any choice, those which have not been previously published, or which were scattered through the pages of magazines ; the year has been added whenever possible, as times of emergence vary greatly with the season ; the year 1899, for instance, was abnormally forward ; 1898, and in the mountains 1902, unusually late. Lastly, special attention has been paid to variation, and under the head of "Directions of Variation " a good deal of information is often implied concerning the type, which has enabled me to dispense with a considerable amount of direct description ; when no localities are added after the various forms mentioned it is to be understood that they occur with the type. Variation in size is only mentioned specially when it is pronounced, as all collectors must be aware that all species differ somewhat in this respect ; the size given in millimeters after the name of each species is an average ; this small but important item of information has involved a great deal of actual measurement, the sizes given in Favre's " Lepidopteres du Valais," which I had intended using as a basis, being generally, though by no means always, the largest to which each species attains, unless in abnormal cases. With regard to Classification and Nomenclature I hold strong views, which would take far too much space to state here, though I fear that certain inklings of them have forced their way out occa- sionally in notes ; but there are two things which to me are anathema, to which I must shortly refer. The ffrst of these is the breaking up of large genera into "genera of convenience." 1 feel most strongly that the division into genera ought, strictly speaking, to correspond INTRODUCTION. 111. with a i)hysioIo^ieal fact, and always with the sm/ir physiolo.s^ical fact, r/:., the posnibihty of genuine hybridisation. This is, of course, merely an ideal which can only be reached by an immense amount of actual experiment, and for which neQ;ative evidence requires to be cumulative before it can be regarded as havinif much force ; but to search for characters by which a genus can be split up, simply because it is large and " unwieldy " (why unwieldy ? who wants to " wield " it?), or to divide genera by characteristics of varying importance, is to cut at the root of ail possible development of classification on scientific lines. The second is the doctrine that the first- described form of an insect (or of anything else) must be regarded as the type. It would perhaps be most scientific to regard the most ancestral form as the type if this Avere possible, but, as in most cases, it would be impracticable to determine which is the most ances'tral form, the only possible alternative is to regard as typical the most generally distributed form (surely in most cases a matter easy enough to deter- mine), and others as varying from it. I cannot help feeling that classification and nomenclature, even at the loss of some degree of fixity, ought to be made subservient to scientific fact, rather than that such fact should be obscured by a too pedantic adherence to the letter of the law of priority. With regard to the application of these prin- ciples to particular cases I am most humbly open to correction, from the principles themselves I see no reason to deviate. While on the one hand, as Mr. Tutt and others have pointed out, no linear arrangement of classification can be really satisfactory, it is obvious, on the other hand, that both in books and collections no other is possible, and the problem is to choose the least objectionable, i.e., that which least glaringly contradicts scientific facts so far as they are established. It is, of course, highly improbable tliat any arrangement chosen would quite commend itself to anyone else, unless to someone who had published one of his own which was strictly adhered to ; so, as I have not strictly adhered to any, everyone is likely to find some- thing to complain of, and, in fact, I have finally adopted the present one, not because I could not find complaints against it myself, but because " in the present state of our ignorance " I could find more against any other. I consulted Mr. Tutt on this matter, and have in most cases followed his suggestions, but the position which I have assigned to Nemeobius Lucina, and Libythea Celtis will not, I fear, meet with his approval. The practice of beginning with the more gen- eralised forms, though the more logical, has still probably many enemies. With regard to the actual nomenclature employed, that of the Hes- periides is the most uncertain ; I feel convinced that some at least of the generic names will prove to be incorrect, but pending further investiga- tion, I have applied them in accordance with the use of others more competent to judge than myself. If it be necessary to ignore Billberg's generic names in this case, it would appear that Lejitidia should also give way to Lcptusi^, Hb. ; I have, however, retained Callophri/s, for which there seems to be no alternative. One or two generic divisions, e.f/., Drijas from Ariiynnia, and Xomiadcx from Cii/nda, I have retained unwillingly, and I hope temporarily, but the genus Melampias (as well as some others not generally adopted), I have felt it necessary to suppress. Our knowledge of the earlier stages of the (inclusive) genus Krebia, is far too slight and fragmentary to serve as a basis for subdivision, the " • INTRODUCTION, imagines resemble, one another so closely that no superficial difference will help US, Professor Grote, whileacceptingthedivision, does not defend it by difference of neuration, and Dr. Chapman's organic researches would suggest a different subdivision if one were necessary. With regard to specific names there is little to be said. I have, in accordance Avith my strongly expressed views on "types," restored Alcris in place of learns, regarding the latter as a variety (r. note in Im-n), but have retained the use of Anjus to replace J. Fam. HESPERIIDiE. Sub-Fam. HESPERIIN.E. Tribe Hespekiidi. Genus, Carcharodus, Hh. (Spilothyrns, Dup.). Dist. Char. Series of 8 spots from costa nr. apex, and 3 separate spots on disc f.w., wh. appear translucent when held up to light. C. Lavaterae, Esp. (Alc;ea>, Falir.) ; ooimii. Fd. ])]t. Staclnis i-crta ; (?) hyb. 1. full-fed. (J with, $ without costal fold f.w. Dist. Char, transparent spots large ; grd. col. np.s. It.; un.s, uni- colorous wh. Log. In Switz. only in S.\Y., but there not uncommon. Fusio vii. /99 {Clt]>.) ; Sepey, vii. 97 ("V*.) ; between Aigle and Sepey, viii. 2/98 {Jonea) ; in most places between Martigny and Mtirei (Fav.), mounting up to 5000ft. at Zermatt, and Borisal, where it is V. ab., esp. from 2nd Refuge to Ganter Bridge, vii. -viii. /97, /98 (IFA.) ; Stalden, vii. 9 91 ; S. Nicholas, vii. 12 99 (/>*/.■;//.); Twann- berg; St. Blaise; Neuveville (/•'>>'//) ; Veyrier, viii. 10, but v. rare (JU.). Digne, vi. b. and m. ,99, ab. {H.-llni.) ; vii. /91 {I. inn.) ; Basses Alpes and Alpes ^laritimes, gen. in dry torrent beds and hot rocky places, not c. {l''(l.); i-'tOium. Fd. pit. various mallows; byb. I, full-fed, ^ with, 2 ^vithout costal fold f.w. Z TlIK r.T-TTF.PFT.TF.S OF SWTTZEKLAND Dist. Char, transparent spots larf>er than C Alcnx, the 2 exterior on disc with straiglit inn. ediofe : slioht mau\i' tinV.) ; Sion, viii. 11/7G; Zinal, viii. 1/98 (R.-Bni.), &c. Between the Schwarz and \\'eiss Liitschine (S'/"'.) ; Pilatus [KiifrJit) ; Lugano, vi. H7 (Jours). Digne, vi. lP)/99 (//.- />/».) ; nr. Cannes, iii. e. iv. b. 98 (TAy.) ; Vallon Obscur, &,c. (Hnn.) ; Beaulieu, v. /88 {Jonca) ; Bourg 8t. Maurice, vii. e. /98 ; Le Lautaret, viii. b. ,'90 ; Bourg d'Aru, viii. m. /96, the Brevent, viii. 19/02 ; Abries, viii. m. 19ob, worn ; Torre Pellice, viii. b. /Ol ; Jiobbie, viii. m. /Ol ; Au Pra, viii. m. /Ol {Tt(tt) ; Certosa di Pesio, damp spots in mtns. (Xorris) ; Susa, vi, 18/02 (f.oin'); Aosta, viii. 98, below Pn' St. Didier, viii. b. ,98 {'ri(tt): ValMalenco, vii. 7, 1900 (/.'.-/;///.) ; Lake of Como, viii. /9G ; Olgiate, viii. ,95 (Miss Ftn.) ; (lardone, viii., 1, 1900 {Jone>^) ; Orta, esp. Strona Valley, vi. h.k iii. 1900 (fjnir) ; Botzen {Kan<') ; Mendel Pass, vii. /95 {Linn.). Directions of Yar. (a.) size, occasionally as small as 25mm. (b.) lightening of grd. col. Yar. Bsetica, //////'/•. (Marrubii, litnhr. ; Floccifera, /Al.) ; much lighter, yell.-gr., one or two It. bands h.w. ; smaller than type. Loc By the old church at Vex, vii. 82. ab. {( 'Itrist) ; nr. Loeche (Ivnvht). C. Alcseae, /vs-/). (^lalvanim, Hotf'iiKiiui.^i'iitj ; Malva'. Ilh.)\ :-i0inin. Fd. pit. various mallows ; hyb. I. full-fed. 3 with, 5 without costal fold f.w. Dist Char, transparent spots v. small ; 2 exterior on disc gen. crescentic ; tinge of red-brn. up.s. Log. Less local than the last but gen. singly: 2 broods, iv.-v., and vii. -viii. All along the Rhone Valley (Fav.), i'.;/., Branson, v. 15/02; Loeche, vii. e./'99 ; Brig, ix. b./97, worn (117/.); Val d' Anniviers, vii. HI 97 {n.-Jlni.) ; Mt. V>iivvy, vi. 80/1900 (Bhn.) ; Cieneva, Veyrier, viii. H (/>/.) ; Weissenburg, nr. the new Baths, scarce (////.); Burgdorf (M. -!>.); Basle, v.-viii. (CJin'st): Coire, Piheintbal, and lower ]\iisc)x (Kill ids). Gresy-sur-Aix, viii. m. 1900; Abries, viii. m. 1900, worn; Bourg d'Oisans, viii. m. /9() ; St. ^lichel-de-^Iaurienne, viii. b. /97 ; Bourg St. :\[aurice, vii. e. /98 ('/'////); Digne, vi. 8/99 (J!.- Urn.) ; Alpes Maritimes, iv.-v. and viii.-ix. [I'direll) ; Certosa di Pesio, damp spots in mtns., v.c. (.Vnrr/.s) ; Susa, viii. m. ,/96 [Tiitt) ; below Iselle, vii. 7/99 (/;/.///.) ; Pre St. Didier, viii. b. /98 ; Torre Pellice, viii. b. ; Bobbie, viii. m. 01 ('I'ntt); Gardone, viii. 1/1900 (Jniirs); Brenner, vii. e. 1900(/;.-/>7«.). Directions of Yar. (a.) distinctness of markings, esp. dk. ante- margl. band up.s. f.w. (b.j more reddish-brn. suffusion. AND THE ALPS OF CKNTRAT, F.I'ROPK, 8 var. Australis, /- been in some cases applied to different forms, and each fresh attempt at elucidation having,' often made matters more confused than before. This applies specially to the various forms of Alveus and Serratuhe. Moreover, the sp. resemble one" another in a gen. way so closely, and yet the individuals vary so greatly in a single sp.. that the difficulty is increased tenfold. In addition to all this, no two collections seem to agree in their separation of the sp. and vars., and I am. as yet, far from feeling the comparative certainty in this genus that I feel, ri<;htly or wrongly, in Krebia and Milita?a. Tuder these circumstances experience will no doubt discover errors in the following treat- ment of this genus, and, in particular, it may be said that the localities for the more obscure and uncertain forms are by no means implicitly to be relied on, as it is sometimes far fi'om certain to what exact forms they refer. ] Prevailing col. Blk. or blackish, with wh, spots, gen. more or less Q-shaped np.s, f.w. Dist. Char, a brush of hair on hind tibia of J . 3 with, ? without a costal fold f.w. ; also the 3 has and the 2 has not a tuft of hair at the extremity of the body, and the ? has gen. a tendency to be less spotted than the 3 , esp. ■ h.w. It will not be necessary to give these details with the sp.l *H. Sidae, /vs/^ 80mni. Fd. pit. (and 1.) nnknowii. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. basal and cl. bands of brt. oi'. Log. Perhaps hardly within the region in S.E. France, but not uncommon nr. Hyeres. ,'.ir.) : but at Follaterre v. fine and fresh vi. 12, itc. 02 (U'A.); Sembrancher, ;Martigny, Saillon, Sion, Sierre, Brig, \c. (Far.); mounts to .jOOOft., ^'.//.," Montana, vii. 11 99, ab. ; Berisal, vii. '9K; v.e. and fine nr. 2nd Refuge on Simplon Pass, vii. 8/01 (117/.) ; Riftel Alp, vii. 01 (Lnni.); Gadmen {lliittrr); Olten, on the Schafmatt (/\'««'<7/«); Rienne, St. Blaise (('ouh'n(). Tarasp {Chn'st}, is the only loc. I can find in the Grisons, but 1 think it must be found elsewhere. Tin; ]!rTTi:r,i'].[i:.^ (1f swnj'.EKLANi) I)i,i>iie, vi. b. ,99 {Il.-l>r)i,) ; vii, /91 (Lnni.) ; Ijeaiivezev, vi.-vii. (PoircU) ; e. in the mtns. of the Alpes jMaritimes {linn.) ; Certosa
  • 1.) \ c. in the Valais and the Grisons, *'.//., Montana, vii. 11/99 (ITA.) ; Arpilles, Bovine, Looche- les-bains, Stalden, &c. {Far.) ; Riftel Alp, vii. /Ol {Lvin.) ; Campfer, on dry slopes, c. {-fours) ; Dischmathal, vi. 27/01 ; Brusio, vii. 13/01 (Fis.), &c. Gen. distributed over the rest of the region ; 2 broods at lower, 1 at higher elevations. Directions of Yar. (a.) number and size of wh. spots up. s. var. Onopordi, llmhr. ; with ntimerous large spots, a large form ; un. s. pale. Log. Bortel Alp; Mattmark, Saas, vii. 15-2S' {r. ; with large spots ; of small size; grd. col. nn. s. red, or brownish-gr. Log. Basle {( '/in'.st) ; the Bechburg and Saut dii Doubs (I!--^-) ; Burgdorf, Resi nr. Soleure, vii. and viii.-ix. {M.-lK) ; Varen (Christ): Biirenfallen Alp, vii. -viii.; Salquenen (/'V/r.) ; Martigny {W'srhl.). Digne, viii. ; Alpes JMaritimes (I'dirrll) ; above St. ]Martin Vc'subie, vii. b. [Ilriiidlh. Wn THK ALPS OF CKNTRM, i:ri;i)l'H, o "yar Conyzse, (inrnrc .- i^pots v. wh. ; mi. >^. pale. LOC. l^i^^nc vii.-viii. (I'oin'U). var. Fritillum, Trcifsrlihr: with laroer spots up. s. than type, and much hirger spots un.s. h.w. Loc. According to Frey the usual form of the plains hut not exclusively so. Zurich '{Fm/) ; Trift Alp {II.- S.) ; Gadmen (r//f/.s7) ; ' on the slopes at Weissenburg, not scarce (//'/.); Morteratsch Glacier, viii. 1/01 (F/s.) ; c. in the Rhone Valley: Fully, Branson, ]\'artigny, Brig, Sec. {Far.); Sierre (117/.). 2 hroods in the plain vi. and viii. ; 1 in the mtns. {Fre;/). yar. Carlinse, Ilmhr. ; with v. small spots up. s. Loc The Gemmi, {Far.) : Loeche-les-Bains, vii. /99 (//<««) ; Le Lautaret, vii. 30, viii. 5 {Tiitt). I Obs.— Cirsii, M.-D. is v. differently described. It is said to be as large as the type, and to be conspicuously dusted with yell. ; spots on up.s. h.w. almost wanting ; un. s. so It. that it might be taken for Carthami. It is a S. form. (Frey, Lepidopteren der Schweiz, p. .51, note.) The name has no business to be applied to this form if it be a var. of Alveus. I am inclined to think it a form of Carthami.] H. Serratulae, Ilmhr.: 25mm. Fd. pit. Jim nKnitmin and I'iitintlUa frif/ida. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. roundish basal wh. spot nr. costa ixulatcd ; cl. It. band not projecting towards base; inn. marg. un.s. h.w. darkish. Loc. Surenen (^7/mf) ; Engstlen Alp {Baker); Monnetier, vi. 2 ; Pont de Nant, vii. {Bl.) ; the Jura, ''.//., St. Georges, vi. e. /02, c. (H'/f.) ; Branson, Jeur-briilee, from Sierre to Zinal, from Visp to Zermatt, vii.-viii. {Far.) ; Val d'Herens, I'^erisal, Saasthal {li.-Brn.); Tiisch, vii. /99 {Ilnsa) ; Andermatt, vii. /8G, v.c. {Jimrs) ; Rosegg Glacier, viii. 8 01 {Fis.) ; nr. lake at St. Moritz, vii. e. (Xifli(il'<(in). Directions of Yar. (a.) Size of spots up. s., gen. small, some- limes obsolescent, culminating in : ab. Caeca, /•'/•(•. (with basal spot less isolated), in wh. there are none, or V. few and small. Loc I'ontresina, vii. /85 {Litw.) ; Berisal (H'A.) : Engstlen Alp {liak.-r) ; T.ortel Alp, Zermatt, Trift Alp {Far.). ab. Tarasoides, 1 1 "fury, with spots up. s. confluent. H. Cacaliae. Hmhr. : 28mm. Fd. pit. (and 1.) unknown. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. cl. It. band projecting inwards in middle; liasal spot isolated ; un.s. f.w. v. washed out and indistinct. Loc Gen. ab. in the high alps from ]\Iartigny to the far side of the Tyrol, vi.-viii., e.;/., Dranse Valley below Orsieres {Baker) ; Arpilles ; ]^)Ovine ; Bortel Alp, v. ab. ; by Riffel Alp Hotel, vii. 26/02, V. ab. ; the Grimsel, Sec. {Far.); ab. in Upper Engadine, vi.-vii. (3//.S-.S l-tn.); often at great elevations {yirhohnn) \ e.a., Rosegg Glacier, viii. 9 01 {Fis.); Pontresina, vii. ;8o {Luui.); b THE BT'TTERFT.IES OF SWITZERLAND Campfev, c, {Juiu's); gen. from ')500ft. to ToOOft., Weissenhnrp', about SOOOft., scarce, vii. (/A/.) : En,«>stlen Alp (Jlal.rr). Chauionix, viii, ,'98 {Miss /•'//;.); scarce in Basses Alps (l\l.)\ Gemmi, )ir. the Schwarzbach, vii. /99 [Horn) ; Mattmark (lliitu-r) ; below Zermatt, vi. (Vihujclcr) ; Povine {Far.) ; Andermatt, vi. fi/HG, c. and fine {Jones); Maloja, vi. e., one only (}liss l-'tn.) : mtns. round iiergiin ; Albula Pass, vi. b.-viii. b. {Frfij). Stelvio ; Franzenhcihe and 1000ft. above {Frcij) ; Certosa di Pesio, not rare in Val ^laguareis, vi. e. /{)2 ( A'«///7".s) ; Alios, vii. 1;1- 18/99 (Pon-dl). H. Centaurese, Ihuhr. : 8()mm. Fd. pit. (and 1.) unknown. Dist. Char. un. s. h.w. zigzag markings nr. fringe; grd. col. up. s. browner than last sp. Loc. Steinenthul, nr. lierisal, vi.-vii. (linl-.ei). H. Malvae, /.. (Alveolns, ///^): '28mm. Fd. pit. Fraijaria, llnhiis, I'ltttnitiHa, kc: hyb. 1. Dist. Char. up.s. wh. spots larger and more conspicuous than in any other sp. in proportion to size. Loc (len. distributed over the region, and gen. c, iv.-vi., and at higher elevations to vii. m., ejj., Stelvio, nr. Trafoi {H.-Bni.) ; found up to (jjjOOft. Directions of Yar. (a.) confluence of spots up. s. ab. Fasciata, Tutt : in which wh. spots h.vf. unite into a cl. band. ab. Intermedia, Srhihle: in which wh. spots f.w. are confluent and banded, but not forming a large blotch. ab. Taras, Ihiistr: in which wh. spots f.w., and sometimes h.w. also, join into a large wh. patch. Loc. Anywhere with type ; I'.fi., Veytaux (117/.) ; Berne, v. 7/98 {FU'inynii) ; Weissenburg {If;/.}: Martigny ; Sion ; Sepey ; (iryon (Far.) ; Aigle, iv. 2H '08 (HV/.) : not uncommon at Monnetier, v. 25, 28: vi. 10 {Bl). (b.) diminution of wh. un.s. h. w. \M( TiiK Ai.rs OK ('i;nti;m. ki'hoI'k. I B,b. Malvoides, I'.lirrs: with un.s. h. w. brownish. Loc. Alpes Maritiines. vii.-viii. {I'mrcll). [This would .seem to imply a re<:;ular '2nd brood. 1 Genus, Pyrgus, ///^ Prevailing col. r>ll<. or blacisish with wh. or whitish spots. Dist. Char, nhsence of brush of hairs on hind tibia in S • S and ? difl'er otherwise as in Hespei'ia. *P. Tessellum, IIU. : :>liimi. Fd. pit. (and 1.) uii- Isuow n. Dist. Char. up.s. f.w. *2 oblou.i;- wli. spots under the distorted Q-mark, one below the other, forminj^ a square; 2 distin' t rows of wh. spots h.w. Log. Alpes Maritimes, rare (linn.) ; liotzen [Kanr), v. ami v.ii. Directions of Yar. (a.) ,!. h.w. varying from yell. - bin. to olive-grn. P. Sao, ////. (Sertorius, lloffuutuusctjn) \ •24niiii. I'd. [)lt. IliiliKs idaiKx and I'dlrriiini xaiiiiiiisnrJia. Dist. Char, ord wli. space from apex in fringe f.w. much wider than the others; It. cl. band un. s. h.w. [.rojects towards base at costa. Loc ^^"idely -i)rca■//) ; in 2 broods, iv.-\i., and vii.-viii. Xr. Uasle, Liestal, the Schafmatt, i^c. {Christ): Schafi'hausen (/'/•<(////) ; St. Gall, scarce (Tlisvlder) ; Ziirich, not c. {l-'inj)\ the Jura, r.'j., St. Georges, vi. e. 02, c. (H'/*.); St. Cergues, vi. 2(5 {Bl.) ; in the Mittelland of Canton Uerne ; 8 THK BUTTERFLIES OB" SWITZEELANO Obei-haslithal ; hills nr. Burgdorf {Frei/) ; Weissenbuug, v, variable {Hc/is. Loc. Alpes Maritimes (llnii.). Genus, Nisoniades, lib. Prevailing col. darkish brn. J with, $ without a costal told, f.w. containing lighter scales. N. Tages, L. : 'i.SniDi. Fd. pit. Lotus nn-Hlcnlntiis, I niuuilla raria, Ihcris, kt. ; hyb. 1. full-fed. Dist. Char, a row of v. small wh. spots close to fringe up. and un. s. f.w. and h.w. Log. Gen. distributed and c. iv.-v., and vii. -viii. (My earliest date is Veytaux iii. 29,99): mounts up to about 5500ft. ; not v.c. in the S.E. alps of France {I'oivell). Dire'itions of Yar. (a.) distinctness of markings ; sometimes almost obsolete. ab. Approximata, Loire (So called because approaching the Greek var. (uicolor.) Loc. Aigle, iv. 08 {Sldpcr) ; Susa, vi. e. /02 (Ijurc). (1 .) col. of lighter cl. band up.s. f.w., brn., gr., or slightly reddish, (c.) extent of inner line of wh. dots up.s. f.w., varying from a single spot on costa to a complete series. AMI TIIK .\1,I'S Ol' CKNTIJAI. KlKOrK. J Sub-Fam. PAMPHILIN/E. Tribe Pamphilidi. Genus, Pamphila, I'ulir. Prevailing col. or. hin. Dist. Char. uu. s. h.w. spots lighter than grcl. col. P. Sylvanus, /•-'s/'. ; o'iniiii. ¥d. pit. Luinln i>ili>s(i, /■'istiird. I 'ml, \c. ; hyb. 1. J with, $ without 1)11\. transverse streak up.s. f.w. Dist. Char. iin. s. h.w. spots yell, and inconspicuous. Loc. (ten. distributed and c. up to G-jOOft. vi.-viii. Directions of Yar. (a.) size ; from 2r)-85uiui. (b.) depth of grd. col. ; specimens from the mtns. gen. darker. P. Comma, /.. ; 3 'iH, ? o3min. Fd. i)lt. ('<>n»ulhi ran'a, and various grasses : hyb. 1. S with, 2 without blk. transverse streak up.s. f.w. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. spots conspicuous and silvery wli. Loc. (ien. distributed and c. in the mtns. up to 7500ft. and by no means uncounuon at lower elevations, vii.-viii. Directions of Yar. (a.) brighter col. un.s. h.w. culminating in: ab. Catena, Sti'iis, 1 . jiiin;irns ; hyb. 1. S with, 5 without longish blk. streak up.s. f.w. Dist. Char. up.s. greenish tinge. Loc. V. local, often coniined to v. snuiU ait as. vii.-viii. ; Veyrier, vii. 1. {in.} ■ Sierre, and several places in tlie Pfynwald, one or two 10 THK IJUTTERFLIES OF SWITZKULAND being by the main road, vii. ni. /DO ; Brig, right bank of Rhone, below the bridge, ix. b. /OH, worn (H'A.) ; Martigny, above Plan Cerisier ; between Aigle and Sepey ; Arpilles ; Zennatt (I-'ar.). [This last is considerably above the usual limit. I Basle (Kncclit) ; St. ]31aise and neighbourhood {ri>iilfni) ; neighbourhood of St. Gall, but scarce {Taschlcr) ; wide spread around Tarasp (Killias) ; Weissenburg, up to BBOOt't. (////.). Between Annecy and Chavoire, v. ab., vii. e. 02 ; Gresy-sur-Aix, vii. e. /98 (Tiitt) ; Digne, vi. b. /99 {n.-l!ni.) : Alpes Maritimes, gen. distributed {PmnU) ; Aosta, viii. m. /98 {'J'i(tt). Directions of Yar. (a.) Amount of marking in J up.s. f.w.; sometimes unicolorous, sometimes with the or. costal streak and fan -shaped row of spots as well marked as in the J . (b.) grd. col. un.s. h.w.; gen. unicolorous, but greener gr. specimens have an or, anal patch. T. Lineola, Orhs. (Virgula, lll>.) ; 'iOmni. Fd. pit. Tn'ticinii, &(.-. ; hyb. ov. S with, ? without short blk. streak up.s. f.w. Dist. Char, suffused blk. border up.s., the outer end of the nervures being gen. conspicuous ; further distinguished from Action by absence of greenish tinge up.s., and from Flavus (Thaumas) by absence of grn. from apex f.w. un.s., and of brt. or. patch at anal ang. h.w. un.s. Log. ^ • ab. in the meadows and roads in Valais up to more than -JOOOft. {l-'(ir.). In my experience ab. where it occurs, but local. Sepey, vii. 97 (IIV*.); the Jura {Frci/) ; scarce in the lowlands, ('.//., Basle ; Berne; Liestal ; St. Gall {7''yr^) ; Weissenburg {/i^/,) ; Gondo, vii. 17/02 {Fis.) ; c. in the Grisons {Fn'i/); <>././., Pontresina ; Bad Alveneu; Disentis (Lmu.); Thusis, viii. /95 (Ji/.s.s Ftii.)\ I'.rusio, vii. 13 /Ol (^'V.s.) ; Fusio, vii. /99 ; Guarda, vii. 1900 {('lip-)- Gresy-sur-Aix, vii. e. /98 ; viii. m. 1900, worn ; Abries, viii., m. 1900 ; Larche, vii. 1900 ; Megeve, viii. /02, v. ab. (Tntt) : Macug- naga, vii. /96 (J/m Ftn.) ; Digne, vi. /90, vii. /91 (Lnni) ; Alpes Maritimes, St. Martin Vesubie, and many other places, but rather local, and not v.c, vi.-vii. (I'oirdl) ; Courmayeur, vii. /94 ; viii. /98 {T.tt). Directions of Yar. (a.) lighter grd. col. up.s. ab. Pallida, I'l'tt ; a pale straw-col. ab. found occasionally in l)oth sexes. ab. S Semicolon, Str. : •28i)im. Fd. ])lt. f^otiis liispidns, hyb. p. (J without, 5 with large or. l[)lotch up.s. f.w. Dist. Char. un.s. f.w. copper, h.w. grn. grd. col. Loc. Perhaps hardly comes into the region, but Milliere gives waste land of Vallauris : ab. nr. Hyeres : r.//., Col de Serre, iii. 18 ; Costebelle, iii. 21 ; Carqueiranne, iii. 29 /02 {Sldjii-r). Tribe Chrysophanidi. Genus, Chrysophanus, Hh. Prevailing col. copper (or brn.), often with more or less prp. redections ; un.s. with eye-spots : hyb. 1. (exc. Alrifihran). C. Yirgaurese, />. ; 8()mni. Fd. pit. llnmcr uniosd. II. acuta, Solidaaa rirf/aiirca. Brt. or. -copper, c( without, $ with niniierous 1)1 k. spots on disc f. and h.w. Dist. Char, interrupted line of wh. dots oi' daslics un.s. h.w. Loc \'. occasionally in the lower valleys, <.//., Aigle, 1 3, worn, vii. e. /97 ; Martigny (11//.) ; but gen. ab. in Switz. at the pine forest zone. esp. in-, streams and in moist places, vii. e. and viii. ; Jura. Savoie, t.//., the lirevent, viii. 18/02 : Boui-g 8t. jNIaiirice. vii. e. /98 (2'i(tt); Diiuphiny Alps — St. ^Iichel-de-j\Iaurienne, vii. e., viii. b. /97; ])Ourg d'Oisans, ^iii. m. ,y(i; Hautes Alpes, c.//., Abries, viii. m. 1900 {Tiitt) ; llasses Alpes. <'.;/., l^.arcelonette, vii'i. 1900 {Tatt) : Digne, vii. /91 [Liini.) ; Alpes Maritimes, up to .5000ft. [llrni.): I'iedmont — Prr St. Didier, viii. b. /98 ; ]5obl)ic. viii. m. 01, c. : Au Pra, viii. \n. 01 : ('am])iglio. vii. '9.") ('J'lttt): AN'oH'sIkm-l!-. vii. liS ,97 {Liin,.}. Directions of Yar. (a,.) size: from 2J-o8mm. (1).) un.s. f.w., distinctness and continuity of wh. line. AND THK ALPS OF CENTRAI- KT'ROI'E. 13 (c.) 2 ) wh. line appearing on up.s, (d.) (? , breailth of blk. border, v. rarely with three l)li\. spots nr. apex, up.«. f.w. (e.) 5 , loss of brilliance of (;y(\. col., calniiuiil- ing in : var. Zermattensis, Fallou, with grd. col. yell.-brn. Log. ZiM-uiiitt valley, vii. /Ol (fjnn.) ; Berisal, viii. /98, ab. (irVf.); Zinal, vii. 81 and viii. /'OS {1!.-Jirn.)\ Sedriin, viii. 27/02 (/'V.s.j ; Canipfer, v. ab. {Jones) ; Saasthal, and JNIaderanerthal (Kane). Hitherto considered a ? var. but a corresponding 7.) ; rare in N. Switz. (Kanr) ; apt to disappear when its haunts are drained. S. Tyrol, vii. /95 [Linn.) ; Savoie, Gi'and Saleve, vi. 24 ; vii. 4 ; le Reculet, vi. 26 and Monnetier, v. 30 (lU.). Directions of Yar. (a.) ^ , extent of deep prp. suffusion up. s. h.w. (b.) more or less conspicuous copper band in this suffusion, like ? . (c.) J , copper of f.w. up.s. more or less invaded by brn., culminating in : yar. Eurybia, OcA.s. (Eurydice, Hh.) ; ^ has far less prp. ; the blk, disc, spot up.s. f.w. almost always absent ; 5 only v. slight tinge of copper ; dull or. cl. area un.s. f.w. v. indistinct both in ^ and $ . Loc. The usual mtn. form (but at Miirren, even in the Blumen- thal, only the type is found). In some places both forms fly, e.ff., Engelberg, ab. (Daker) ; above Nax {(^hrist) ; so also in the Arve Valley nr. Chamonix [liakcr) ; above Abries, viii. m. 1900, v. worn (Tvtt). Much less local than the type and by no means confined to damp or marshy places : from the Valais to the Stelvio, vii. -viii.. ('.//., Simplon road, v. ab. from Ganter Bridge to 5th Eefuge {Wh.) ; Oberalp, viii. /'95, Andermatt, viii. /95 (Clip.) ; Mattmark and Saasthal, viii. b., a small form; Arolla up to 7000ft. viii. 25/96, &c. (R.-Bni.) ; and gen. in the high ^'alaisian valleys ; also in those of the Grisons; t?.r/., Pontresina, vii, /85 (Lnin.) ; Davos, viii. 2, 1900; Fusio, vii. 1). 1900; Guarda, vii. e. 1900 {Clip.). Splu- gen, W. side, vii. 5, 1900 {R.-Jh-n.), kc, &c. Susten, Handeck, AND THK Ar,PS OV CKNTKAL KUROl'K. 15 Ursei'oiitlial, \.c. [Iuiik]: (rriiusel, Alots-h Glacier (l-'ar.); iUiiii (likm.), Sec. The Ih'ovent, viii. in. lH/02 ; Le Lautaiet, vii. e. /9() ; La (irave, viii. b. /9G; Larche, vii. e. 1900; Abries, viii. b. 1900 ('/';<«); St. Martin Vesubie (Bnn.) ; Cogne, viii. ni. /94 ; ]3obbie, viii. m. /Ol, worn {Ti(tt) ; Macugnaga, vii. 16-20, 1900; Campiglio, vii. /95 {Clip-) ; Salzburg and Berchtesgaden, vi. e. 1900 [Lanii). The extreme form of this var. is named : ab. $ Nigra, l-'ar. .- v. dk. bm. without a touch of or. ; blk. disc, spots up.s. f.w. V. distinct. Log. Mt. Chemin, Martigny (/'«*•.) ; l>erisal {IVJt.). (d.) tendency of blk. spots un.s. to coalesce, forming : ab. Confluens, (ierhard : sometimes on one side only. (e.) diminution in size ; $ fulvous, ab. Stieberi, ^ ''//*« /v/ ,■ a N. form, but rei)i)rtod from Engelberg (/.'(//,■(■/■). [Obs. — in Mr. Finon's collection are .H specimen^ without iiiarkiiig.s on the left f.w. un.s. ; a sc. spots ; faint traces of unte-iaargl. row of spots f. and h.w. ; no or. margl. band h.w., making the \vh. fringe v. conspicuous.] C. Alciphron, Untt. (Hipponoc. A's//. ,• Lampetii, Hb.) ; 33mm. Fd. pit. l!i(i)u\r acctosa : liyli. ov. S , copper suffused with [ir[)., of Leu giving a brownish appearance, 9 brn. [Obs. — The ? of several sp. of this genus, notably of llcipludii and Doiili^^ (infers extremely from the ^ in >!linpe, as well as col. and marking.s, the J liaving iin angular outline, csp. h.w. Dist. Char. un.s. grd. col. f.w. l)rl. copju'r, h.w. jtalr fawn-col.; darker in ? . Log. \ • I'arely met with in >Switz. : i'Jngelberg, \ii. {Fn;/} ; Fiesch (not Viege), vi. e. {Trapp) ; c. at the upper end of the Yal Bregaglia, vi. e. {liazzi(fhe>), Certosa di Pcsio, v. c. {Norrh). DireGtions of Yar. (a.) 3 , diminution in extent of sufiusion. ()l)s. — In Geneva Tniversity Museum h a i specimen from Hyeres with only a row of prp. spots h.w. (b.) greatly increased brilliancy of col. up.s., esp. in ? , leading through the Grecian var. Melibccus, Sh/r. to: var. Gordius, 'S/(/:r/' .• brilliant copper with numerous blk. spots, S witli, $ without metallic prp. suffusion ; 33-37mm. Log. Immensely more c. in this region than the tyj)e. Linder the cliffs between ^'crnayaz and Martigny, v. ab., vi. 18-15/02 (Bkiii.) ; vi. 19 01, ,02, &c., till vii. m.; also on the other side of the Rhone Valley, and on the path up to and beyond la l^atiaz Tr/(.) ; Fully, Granges, Sierre {Fac.) ; Pfyuwald, vi. 24/99 (ll/.-ui.) ; IG THE BUTTF:RFI,IES OF SWITZERLANI) in many of the lateral valleys between Martigny and Brig, cr/,, Evolena, nr. Ferpocle Glacier ; Niouc and Susillon, in the Val d'Anniviers ; Haltschieder (Far.) ; St. Nicholas, vii. 17/97 ; vi. 80/98; Saas, vii. 15/9S [Bkiii.) ; v. ab. on the Simplon Pass, esp. from iind to 4th Refuge, vii. /98 (W/i.) ; Simplon Village, vii. e. /99 {Ti(tt) ; c. in the S. valleys of Tessin, the Valais, and the Grisons. Grand Saleve (Fav.) ; not mentioned, however, by Jil. in his list of captm'es nr. Geneva) ; the Brevent, viii. 18/02 ; Abries, viii. m., worn out ; Crete de Reychasse up to 7000ft., viii. m. 1900, worn ; Larche, up to 6500ft., vii. e. 1900; r.arcelonette, viii. m. 1900 (Tutt): Digne, vi. 4/99 {R.-lh-n.); vi. /90, vii. /91 (Luin.); St. JMartiu Vosubie, Val de Madone, 7000-7500ft., &c. (P>riii.) ; Certosa di Pesio, much scarcer than the type {Nnrr'aC) ; Courmayeur, vii. 1). /02 [Lntrc) ; Pre St. Didier, viii. b. /98 (TuU); Varzo {Lowr); Stresa, vi. 10/87 {Joni's): below Iselle, vii. 7/99 (/)'/(•;/?.) ; Campiglio, vii. /95 {Lvui.); Trafoi, Meran, &c. (Tutt) ; and gen. in S. and S.E. valleys of the Alps. Directions of Yar. (a.) ^ , fullness and brilliancy of prp. suffu- sion. Gen. not v. brt. in the Rhone Valley, tho' often brilliant on the Simplon, nr. 2nd Refuge (If'/f.) ; more so on S. slope, and also larger {Far.) ; v. brt. prp. at Stresa {J())ti's) ; also at Digne {U.-Bni.) ; almost confined to costa and thorax at Courmayeur [Lowe) ; poor in col. at Crete de Reychasse {TuU). (b.) size of spots ; varies greatly, esp. in $ . Mr. Lowe remarks that at Varzo the markings are all much darker and thicker than in Martigny specimens (this corresponds with Mr. Tutt's experience at pjobbie) ; in one of Mr. Lowe's specimens, a 5 , the whole h.w. is suffused with brn., leaving only an or. border with conspicuous blk. spots ; this closely resembles a ? m the Geneva Museum, from Hyeres, marked Alciphron ; "a fine blk. ?, Val Malenco, vii. 7, 1900" ab. ? Midas, Luu-e ; has the row of spots outside the centre up.s. f.w. reduced to dots, the border broad, but opening into a large spot (or spots) at anal ang. ; the h.w. having an ante-inargl. band of blk., more or less wedge-shaped dashes, leaving the whole disc brilliant copper exc. a blk. disc. spot. Log. Martigny, vi. 1900 {L»in-) ; nr. Vernayaz, vi. 29, 1900 (H7(.). other specimens exist, but so far as I know them, all are from the foot of the cliffs between Vernayaz and Martigny. C. Dorilis, ///////. (Circe, Srliiff; Xfintlie, Fnhr. ; Phocas, liott.) : 2ymm. Fd. pit. (inn'sta, llmnr.r, \:c. S brn., $ with copper on disc f.w. and out. marg. h.w.; (for shape r. Alrijiliran), Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. more or less strongly tinted with yell. (c. \ irtjaiiri'ii). \\l> rilK \I.PS l)F CKVIK-M, KlIiol'K. 17 Loc. In dry sunny s|i>)ts tlu'oii,i;ii()iil Suit/, and tdsewhfi'c, l)ut liy no means gen. c. iv.-vi., and viii.-ix. (My earliest date is \'eytau.\, iii. 17/99). In v. early seasons, such as 1899, there seem to he 8 hroods, iii. -v., vi.-vii., and viii.-ix., Tjansanne, /9i (Tiitt) ; Veytaux, not nnconnuon, <•.!/., v. 18/01, \t'. (TI7<.) ; Veyrier, v. 10 ; vii, 18 : viii. 4 (/>/.) ; the .Fura (/'Vr//) ; between Bex and Chietre, iv. e. and v. h. ,97, c. (HA.); Follaterres. v. 20/02, worn; Forclan, V. 2802, good (/>'/>•»/.); les Ormonts, ratlier c, viii. b. /85 {Jmien) \ Fully, Saillon, Sion, Sierre, l)etween \'isp and Stalden, Gondo, itc. (Fav.) : \'acallo, v. 19; Sagno, vi. H (Maijer) ; Lugano, vi. /96 ; Locarno, vi. (5 99 (t'/iji.) ; Lucenio, viii. '85 (Lvin.); Weggis, vi. /96 {Titft): •' \n the plains from Ilasle to the Grisons and Lugano " {h'riij). Digue, vi. 12 99 {i!.-llni.); vii. 91 (/-/////.) ; St. Martin Vesubie, V. c. {linn.); le Coin, v. 28; Divonne, viii. 10 {Bl.) ; Gresy-sur-Aix, vii. 25/96, just emerging; l'>ourg S. Maurice, vii. e. /91 ; Bourg d'Oisans, viii. m. /96 {Tutt) ; Lago Maggiore, ix. /98 ; Esino, viii. /02 (.1//.S.S Fin.) ; Certosa di Pesio, vi. and viii. 92 (Xorris) ; Bobbie, viii. m. /Ol, fresh ; Val d'Aosta, viii. m. 98, v. ab. ; Pre St. Didier, viii. b. /98 ; Torre Pellice, vii. e. ()1 {'J'xtt) ; Stresa, vi. b. '87 {Jonrs) ; Pejo, vii. /95 ; Wolfsberg, vii. 18,97 {fjim.). Directions of Yar. (a.) size: greatly diminishing, culminating in : ab. Nana, IIA. ; a v. small form, 23mm. and less. Loc. Aigle, Roche, viii.-ix. (IT//.) ; Caux, viii. e. {Fis.) ; and doubtless elsewhere in the late brood. (b.) increase of size, number, and brightness of or. spots in S , "P-s. sometimes extending to f.w. (c.) appearance of a row of small prp. spots within the or. spots up.s. h.w. ab. PurpureOpUnctata. Wh. [cf. I'/thms ah. ('/"-. (Montana, M.-l>.) : wh. is deep, lich brn. v. dk. up.s. ; S iiiid ? with slight prp. reflections, and without or. spots up. or un.s. Loc. The usual mtn. form, but sometimes as low as 2000ft., '■.//., (ilion (Slo/irr), vii. -viii.; Pont de Nant, vii. (/>7.) ; Mt. Chemin ; above FoUaterre ; (irand St. Ik-rnard ; Locche-les-l)ains ; Gemmi ; Zermatt ; Mayenwand (Far.); above Simplon village, worn ^s and hue ? s.viii.b. 99, c. {Tutt); Arolla, 7000ft., viii. 25 96; Berisal. viii. 5 97 : Saas Fee, viii. b. /97 {11.- Urn.) ; Andermatt, viii. /95 ; Oberalp, viii. 95; Goschenen, vii. /96 {Tntt) ; Engelberg {lUih'r); is THE BI'lTEKlLlKS OF SVVlXi^ERLAND Davos, vii. 2, IDOO {Tutt) ; Fusio, vii. 1-12, lUOO {C/i)>.) ; Upper Engadine, not v. c. : in wood at foot of iSchafberg, vii. {Xichoh(in); wide spread, but gen. scarce on S. alps (Fn'U). Larcbe, vii. e. ioOO (Tutt) ; Madone des Fenetres ; Mt. Balme de la Frema, GBOOft. {Briii.) ; above Certosa di Pesio, vii. m. /92, $ s v. scarce (.Vor//.s); Val Ferret, above Couruiayeur, vii. e. /94; viii. b. /9H {Tutt); above Susa ; Yal Malenco, vii. 7, 1900 [ll.-lhn.); Macugnaga (M.S.S Ftn.) ; Trafoi. vii. ui. 1900 {LI.- Urn.) : Heiligenblut, vii. /97 (Chp.). (e.) a modification of tbe last. var. (? & ab.) Brunnea, IIV'. •• large, no prp. reflections; 3 witb or. spots at anal ang. iin.s. li.w., and sometimes all along out. marg. li.w., $ varying on up.s. from unicolorous rich dk. bni. of 3 to dull copper (rarely) on disc f.w. ; h.w. brn. with or. spots of un.s. h.w. (and occasionally of f.w^) reproduced on up.s. ; closely resembles dk. form of J lii'pntlun- $ and var. Kiiri/bia 9 on up.s. Loc. Miirren. vii. e. and viii. b. 1900, c. (U'A.). C. Phlasas, /.. : 28iinii, Fd. ]i)lt. Umncx ncctom. 3 with dk. costa up.s. f.w. and narrower copper band h.w. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. darkish brn., v. slightly spotted, with faint ante-margl. reddish band. Log. Widely distributed, but not gen. c. in Switz. exc. S. of the Alps : I have only met with it in any numbers in 2 places, '■/::,, JJrig, viii. 81/98, on right bank of Rhone about 500 yds, below the bridge, and nr. Berisal, vii. in. and viii. 98, on right bank of (Winter, above the stone bridge. One may meet with it singly anywhere up to 4000ft. or more, iv.-vii. and viii.-ix. {Frvij). My earliest date is A'eytauK, 1st week in May ,99. Much commoner on H. side of Alps, c^/,, h1). at Chiasso {'Ma jiff). Amongst other [)laces mentioned are Arzier, vii, lb; Veyrier, \iii. IG ; Onex, viii. (/)/.); Saas Fee, viii. 1, kc. /94: (li.-Jlrn.) : Disentis, vii. /85 {Lmn.}; Davos, vii. 2, 1900 {Sl(,in>r)\ Fusio, vii. 12,98 (^7/;/.). Bourg 8t. INIaurice, vii. '98 ; Digne, iv. '97 (7'"^0 • vi. /90 ; vii. ,91 {I. mil.) : \. 1() 02 {l;.-I!ni.) : Alpes Maritimes, c. everywhere {llriii.) : Susa, \i. e. ,02, fairly c. {Loin-) ; viii. m. '97, v. varied ['I'litl): Torre Pellice valley, viii. /Ol ; Aosta, viii. in. ,98 {TiiU) ; Tyrol, ('.//., Mendel, vii. 9i"> ; Carinthia, r.;i., Wolfsberg, vii. 18/97 {l.imi.). Directions of Yar. (a.) depth of col. on disc of f.w., and band of h.w . up.s. leading to : ab. Intermedia, Tutt .• gid. col. brassy. ab. Schmidtii, 'rrrlmnl .- grd. col. whitish. Loc. 1 specimen at Maitigny, viii. IM 01 {S(uiicr). (b.) copper col. suffused with dk. ab. Suffusa, luit : culminating in : AM) TllK ALPS of CKNTKAI. KIlIOl'K. 19 ab. Eleus, I'dhr. : in wh. llic coppei- is entirely suti'used and h.w. distinctly '' tailed." Log. a v. frequent form of '2nd brood in S., occasionally also N. of the S. Alps; r.//., IVn-isal, viii. e. /9S ; Brig, ix. b. /98 (117/.); Sion, Sierre, Niouc, Visp, Htalden (/•>//-.). St. ?klichel-de-Maurienne, vii. e. /97 ; Susa, viii. ni. /97 ; Torre Pellice. vii. e. /Ol (7'/(^/). (c.) size and number of spots up.s. f.w. (d.) a series of prp.-bl. spots inside copper band up.s. h.Av., forming : ab. Caeruleopunctata, stnr. {rf. Ampliidantas and Ihrilis ab. I'miiunnjiimctatu). Log. Esp. in 8.; e.(i., at Chiasso balf the specimens are of this form {Maijcr) ; Brig, viii. /98 (TIV/.). (e.) absence of band up.s. h.w., called : ab. Obsoleta, Tntt. (f.) band replaced by long radiating wedge- shaped lines, forming : ab. Radiata, Tntt. C. Amphidamas, llxp. (Helle, Hh.) ; 26mm. Fd. pit. Jlinih'.c aci'tdsa, I'uli/ijoiiiDii binturta. 3 with brilliant prp. reflections, 2 with large prp. spots up.s. Dist. Char. Brilliancy of the metallic prp.. in connection with small size. Log. In Switz. a mtn. sp. : W. slope of the Moleson in marshy meadows, vi. 25 01 (/.'/.) (too early for this loc. in/02); 1 at Villard- sur-Clarens, vi. 12 01 (/'V.s.) ; 1 on slope of Rochers de Naye, nr. ('au\, vii. m. /Ol, worn (Linn.) ; 1 in Tinic^re Valley, vi. 25/02 {('/tadtcick) ; 1, worn, at ^■illa^s-sur-C^ryon, vii. /02 [Moss). Obs. — All these Iocs, are on one chain, and it is therefoie probable that Amplddamax may be found in suitable, and perhaps less accessible, mai'shy spots between these points. Htockhonithal (////.); Bas de Cheville (Miis.'ittcr): 'framelan (J//.); Hasliberg {Surll) : -lustisthal {Jninrr) ; Pilatus (Wxrhl.) : esp. on the Kmsigen Alp (' hrist) ; Ober-C-rurnigel (M.-lK). (Obs. — The specimens from the last loc, acconliuj;- to Frey, are remarkable for the extreme biilliancy of the metallic prp. in the d . and for the ante-margi. row of brt. pip. spots on all 4 \vs. cT and ? ; these observations arc certainly true of the Gurnigel specimens I have seen at Geneva ; those from Tramelan arc, howcvtr. ecjually magnificent, i DireGtions of Yar. (a.) Brilliancy and extent of [n-p. suffusion [r. s,>/,n)). Obs. — The suffusion of the Tnunclan c? is oi the col. ul A. his, that of the Gurnigel L. Areas, ll'>tt. (Krebus, Knock) ; 8-2miii., Fd. pit. clover, SaiKpii^orha n/rninalis : hyb. 1. V. dk. sooty brn. S' suffused with dk. bl., 2 unicolorous. Dist. Char. un.s. with grd. col. dk. umbei- l)ni. Log. ]''.\ceedinf?ly local, and confined to marshy spots : not liitherto found in' the Valais. Hevmance, vi. 14, 26; Versoix, vii. (in.) ; a field behind the Hotel at Mt. Barry, vii. b. /98, ab. (TT7/.) ; vi. e. 1900, nearly ovei' (/>'/,(».); Weesen Marsh, vii. 8/01 , ab. ; a mile W. of Attalens, vi. 11/01 ; En Saumont, above Clarens, vii. 1/90, and vi. 12.01 (lux.) ; marshes nr. Biinschen, at about 8000ft. scarce (//.'/.) : Berne : Leuk {JUmii) ; moors above Einsiedeln (I'aiil): between Sehiipfen and Aarberg {ll<>flnniharli)\ Aarau [Sndl); W. of Pontresina ; E. of St. Moritz (Fis.). Wolfsberg, vii. 16/97, ab. {Limi.) ; Grand Saleve, vii. ; Divonne, vii. and viii. (!) (7?/.). Directions of Yar. (a.) diminution of size, culminating in : ab. Minor, H'it'.cr. Log. Hiselen. nr. lake of Bienne {liiit:cr). (b.) distinctness of spots f.w. up.s. S • L. Euphemus, Hh. (Diomedes, lloft.) ; o2mm. Fd. pit. Saiuitiisurba, Lotm cnrniculatus, clover; hyb. 1. Lightish bl., 3 spotted, veined, and bordered, ? spotted and almost entirely suliused with blk. Dist. Char. grd. col. un.s. yellowish brn. ; S further distin- guip.hed from Arion g by size, ? from Alcon ? , and Arion var. ohscin-a $ by the absence of all spots un.s. f.w. (and gen. h.w.), outside the cl. row. Log. Marshes and damp meadows; much the same range in Switz.. and often the same Iocs, as Areas ; not in the Valais. Versoix, vii. (/;/.); Mt. Barry, vi. e. /98, ab. (HV/.); same place and date 1900, worn out {Hkm.) ; Weesen marsh, vii. 8/01, v. large, 36mm. (/'Y.s.) ; Liestal (C7(n,s<) ; Oftringen (UV/^L) ; Ins: and in the water meadows nr. Aarau {Sndl) ; Berne (-%.'//) ; Bchiipfen, Aarberg {llotJicnhacli); Neuveville (^'o(//'<'r») ; Tour de Gourze ; Jorat {LaJiarpe); Miinsterthal {Zll.-lhddcr). Busa, vii. 24/99 {Il-Bni.) ; Divonne, viii. 10 (!) (7>7.) ; Marcoux, nr. Digne, vii. {Ihnzel) ; marshy meadows in Alpes Maritimes {Ih-ni.); Certosa di Pesio, ab. in all the wet meadows by the Beinette springs, vii. IB, &c., /92 {XorrU) ; Wolfsberg, vii. 18/97, ab. {[,11111.). Directions of Yar. (a) brightness of S , depending on extent of dusting with blk. scales. (b.) extent of blk. .suH'usion in ? . L. Alcon, /'wAr. (ArciiS. /vs/*. ; Fit[tli('miis, G'n^/wr/). ;)()iiiiii. I'M. [)lt. ' 'utisiifi saijlttalis and ( iciiliainnii iniciiiiionaiitlir; liyb. 1. AM> TllK Vl.l'S OV CKNTi; \l. K r K( >|'K . 21 Darkish lilac-bl., S' without. ? willi hlk. spots auci surt'usioii ap.s. Dist. Char. un.s. grd. col. darkish ex, vii. /02, worn (.1/o.s.s) ; Frenieres, vii. 18 /91 (/'Vn.) ; l>ex, (^hampory, Visperter- binen, Triftalp, Stalden {Far.); Zermatt, N.W. of Boden Glaciei- ; W. of Evolena, beyond the stream, vi. 2(5 /97 (/'V.s.) ; Rift'elalp, vii. /Ol (fjiiiu.) ; Rerisal, vii. m. S)S ; in the gorge leading to the Steinen- thal and on the Steinenalp, vii. 11 /Ol, c. ; above 5th Refuge, vii. 13 01 (117/.); Simplon Hospice, vii. 25 /02 ; Laquinthal (Far.) ; Bois de Bay, vi. 26; Versoix, vi. (Bl.) : Basle (C'Ar/.sf) ; Ziirich (Fret/) ; Schatt'hausen (Trapp) ; St. Gall (Tdachlcr) ; E. of Wengen (Fis.) ; " dry stony places at foot of .Jura," e.t/., nr. Olten (Wsckl.) ; 8t. Blaise {Coulerii) ; St. Cergues, vi. 25 {Bl.) ; Bienne and Soleure {Blitzer) ; marshes nr. Biinschen, 3000ft. {tlij.) ; Gadmen {Biitzcr) ; Bergiin, Stulser-weg, c. {ZIL); Fusio, vii. b. /99 ; Guarda, vii. e. 1900, with broad border {Clip.); Morteratsch Glacier, viii. 1/01 {Fis.) ; Pontresina, vii. /95 {Mhs Ftn.). The Dole {liakcr) ; le Reculet, vi. 26 {Bl.) ; Beauv€zer : Alios, vi.-vii. {I'orrell) ; Digne, vi. /99 (A//s.s- Ftn.) ; Torre Pellice, viii. b. /Ol {Tutt) ; Macugnaga, vii. /99 {Flip.) ; Campiglio, vii. /95 ; Wolfsberg, vii. m. /97, scarce {Linn.) Directions of Yar. (a.) diminution in size : var. Monticola, stt/r. [Obs. — Stgr., Cat. 1901, p. 90, does not give Switz. as a loc. for the type, but for this var., which he describes as being mther smaller, Hgliter gr. un.s., with more bl. at base of h.w.; the dift'erence is not very intelligible, as it is a physical impossibility for any specimens to have lean bl. at base of h.w. than the Swiss tntn. ones, unless they are without a vestige of it. Mr. Rowland-Lrown mentions a specimen taken by him at Mattmark, 7,000ft., corresponding with Stgr.'s description.] (b.) diminution of 1»1. in $ culminating in : ab. 2 Nigra, ll'A. .• in wh. it disappears under the blk. sutt'u- sion. Loc. Steinenthal, Sec. L. Arion, /.. ; lOiniii. I^\l. pit. Tliiiiims srijuilhnn (in early stages seems to re(piire soiiu- iuiiniiil Food, i'mlunrh) : hyb. h Brt. b], witli slight lilac tinge; 2 gen. largei-. and with larger blk. spots up.s. f.w. than S • Dist. Chir. spots on up.s. f.w, in conni'ctiun wuh lightish grd. col. un.s. 22 THE BUTTEKFI^IES OF SWITZERLAND Log. Wide spread throughout the region, but somewhat local, vi.-viii. b, [It would require a monograph to give all the Iocs, with their varying forms ; the following are only examples, and in most cases neither books nor correspondents give much detail as to size and markings.] Veytaux, v. 27/97; Caux, vi. /97 ; Sepey, in many places, large and It., vii. b. /97 ((17/.) ; on most of the slopes bordering on the Rhone Valley, /'.//., all round Martigny, Mayens de Sion, Evolena, Val d'xVnniviers, Forest of Aletsch, &c. (Fav.) ; St. Nicholas, vi. 30-vii. 20/98 ; Binn [Bkm.), &c. Meyrin, vii. 26 ; Versoix, viii. 18 (/>V.); Miirren, vii. e. 1900, a It. form (Tf7(.) ; marshes nr. Biinschen, 3000ft. (/7//.) ; Liestal {Kane) ; Jura, «>.//., Ht. Cergues, viii. 29 {Bl.) ; San Stefano, vi. 29, v. dk. {jMat/c'r) ; Pontresina, vii. /84, &c. (Liint.) ; Val Leventina, v. large and brt. (Trapp) ; Splugen, vii. 5, 1900, ab. {IL-hirn.). Savoie, cj/., Chavoire, vii. e. /02, worn; Megeve, viii. b. 02 ; The Brevent, viii. m. /02 ; Gresy-sur-Aix, vii. e. /97 (Tiitt) ; Digne, Eaux Chaudes, vii. m., ab., v. variable, from brt. It. bl. to var. Obsado {II.- Bill.) ; \'allon Obscur, St. Martin Vesnbie, Madone des Fenetres {Brill.) ; Baveno, v. large, vii, /88 {Liim.) ; fjrenner, vii. 27, 1900, v. dk., approaching ^-»/>.sr»ra (/7.-/.'>-».) ; high up the Eggenthal, not V. dk., vi. e. 01 {Lour) ; S. Tyrol, vii. /^5 and /97 {Lmi.). Directions of Yar. (a.) size : exceptionally only 82mm., some- times up to 44mm. (b.) extent of blk. shading over disc, culmi- nating in : var. Obscura, r/n-lst, in wh. the blk. almost reaches to the base, esp. in (? . [Obs. — This var.. according to (lie ori^'inal de.sciiptoii (Frev, Lepidopteien cler Schweiz, p. ;-}2, 1880— not 1890, as in Star's Cat.) is not r. siiiall ; tlio' tiie (? esp. is gen. smaller than the type. j Log. Gen. in the mtns. Berisul vii.\ iii. 9S(II7/.); Zermatt, la Forclaz. I'ritnt, Thyon, Turtmannthal, Ij;i(|uinthal,\tc. {Far.): Hospenthal. vii. /96 i'l'iitt); Silser Sec. vii. 1 9r> (.Um- Ftn.) ; Fusio, vii. 1-12, 1900, Guarda, vii. e. lilOO {('lii>.)\ Via Mala, vii. .5, 1900 {II.- Urn.) ; occasionally in the plain, r.ij.. the usual form at Sierre, vii. /99 (HA.) ; Martigny {Far.). Digne (//.-/>';■».) ; Alpes Maritimes above 3000ft. {Brm.); Cour- mayeur, viii. b. /95 {2'titt) ; Val Ferrex, a poor form, vii. b. /Ol {Lour) ; Pejo, vii. /95 ; Campiglio, vii. /9r) {('/i/i.) ; ViUach ; Sau Alp, Kor Alp, vii. 97 {L)nu.). (c.) size and number of spots up.s. L. lolas, (h-hs. (lolaiis, //A.); 42mii]. Fd. pit. Foluti'a aiiidrcficcns : hyl). p. S lilac-bl., ? blackish-brn. with bl. suliusion at base. Dist. Char, large size : up.s. f.w. unspotted in both sexes. Log. In Switz. confined to the Rhone Valley l»etween Martigny and Salquenen ; v. local, and confined to spots -where the fd. pit. grows ; gen. one }>rood, vi., but in 1901 there were two, as in S. iocs., at its headquarters at Follaterre ; v. e. {M'schl.) and vii. 26, several, quite fresh (fT7/.) : same loc. vi. 23, 1900, ab. ; vi. 22 01, AND THF. M.l'S iiF CKNTHAJ- KT'KOI'i:. 28 1 2 only; vi. 21,02, 1 S , 'I'litc fresh (117/.); vi. 3,02, worn {lUnii.) ; vi. 29/02, v. worn {Slicliluii) ; Sicrrc, vi. 18/99 (.Wrs. /.«">•) ; vi. 15, 21, .<:c. (HV/.) ; Sion ; Corin ; Halquenen (/'«r.). Di,^rne, v. (Po/ir^/) ; vi. b. /99, 1 S (3//.s.s Ftn.) ; vi. /90 (o,ni, but AuunuJa has not the straight row of 4 basal spots un.s. h.w. wh. is found in Ah'.ci^, noi' has it the slightest wh. sutt'usion inside the peacock eyes.1 Log. \'. local : under the clitts between Vernayaz and Martigny, but only in, and close to, the uuirshes, v. ab. vi. 24, 1900 (Loire) ; vi. 19, Sec. /Ol, /02 (T(7(.) ; ft. of Mt. Ravoire, Martigny ; fields between Martigny and Fully; Vex in the Val d'Herens (Far.); Tarasp, ab. (Killias); Guarda, vii. 1900 (Chp.). Annot, vii. 17/99, a few ; St. Martin Vesubie, vi. 28 to vii. 7/99 {Lanij) ; Certosa di Pesio in Val Cravina, vi. b. /92, scarce {Nonis) ; Monte Viso, Mt. Cenis (Kane): Cortina, vii. 17, 1900 (Pi.-Pni.); Sarnthal and Eggenthal, vi. e. /Ol (Lowe), (v. infra). Directions of Yar. (a.) size : from 2G-86mm. (b.) distinctness of peacock eyes un.s., never V. strong, and often absent on f .w. in 3 . (c.) amount of or. up.s. ? . (d.) exiict tintof grd. col. 3 ■ (e.) extent of dk. suffused border up.s. 3 ; [much richer and darker at Botzen than in the Rhone Valley [Lowe).] (f.) distinctness of blk. vcining up.s. 3 ; (always v. distinct on h.w.). (g.) occasional margl. row of blk. spots up.s. h.w. 3 . (h.) tendency to obsolescence of cl. row of eye-spots, un.s. f.w. 3 . [Obs. SpvUer mentions 3 iti(ifialiis ijli/ct/iiliiflltiti, A. cirer, Antlii/llis citbicraiia. ( 'unndlhi varia, Mclilotit.s, &c. ; byb. 1. V. (Ik. brn., S with, 5 without, greenish-bl. scales at base. Dist. Char, un.s, brownish-gr., with eye-spots f.w. in a nearly straight line, and with the double eye-spot next but one to inn. marg. h.w. coming outwards towards out. marg. Loc. Gen. one of the commonest Lycienids; mounts up to about 8000ft. ; from iv. e. to viii. at lower elevations, vii.-viii. at higher ; in the former case probably 2 broods {Far., Tutt), rather than a prolonged succession of emergences {Fre;/), as the 1. feeds up v. rapidly. My earliest date is Veytaux, iv. 3/99 ; extraordinarily ab. in Jura, e.;/., St. Georges, vi. e. /02. Directions of Yar. (a.) Increase of size (with increase of green- ish bl. up.s. (? ). yar. Montana, /Vv// .- 24-26mm.; eye-spots un.s. often larger. Loc. Gen. in moderately high Iocs., c//., Simplon (Far.); but a V. usual form on the slopes above Lavey, (>.(/., v.-vi. /02 (TT7/.). Le Lautaret, vii. e. /9G (Tntt). (b.) further increase of size (without iiiait' bl. in J). var. Alsoi'des, (jerliani : 26mm. and above. Loc. In the high mtns., r.//., Simplon Pass; Pierre-a-voir sur Saxon; Glacier de Trient (/v]ii'i-alii) \ 20mm. Fd. pit. (and 1.) unknown. 3 deep prp.-bl. (like Srhri(s), 2 brn. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. row of eye-spots in an almost unbroken line, as the last does not conspicuously approach the border. 3 differs alscj from Schrtis in size, and broader border, and from Minima in col. Loc. Alpes "Miiritimes {I Inn.). C. Sebrus, llsdr. ; 25mm. Fd. pit. (hiohnjcius niuutand, < h'dhits, and ('dltitca orhiircscois. J deep brt. ])rp.-bl., $ brn. Dist. Char. un.s. pale blnish-gi'. with spots on f.w. in nearly straight line (c. N. Si'iitia/yiin). AND THE ALPS OF CENTRAL EUROPE. 25 Log. Gen. a scarce sp., but ab. in uuiny places in Rhone Valley, and found up to GOOOft., iv. e.,v., and vii.-viii. b. (1st brood far the more ah.) ; v. ab. on road nr. Ht. Triphon station, v. 15/01, and Martigny, on road to ]5ranson, v. 20/01 ; Lavey, v. 10, &c. /02, c. : Veytaux, iv. /99, and v. /Ol ; Vernayaz, iv. 30/02 ; Sierre, vii. m. /99 ; Martigny, vii. 22/99, a few (IFA.) ; viii. 8/01 (Slopcr) ; Saillon V. ab. ; Sion; Sierre to Brig; Berisal; Simplon; Laquinthal; Zennatt, &c. {Far.); Schaffhausen (Trapi)); in many places round Geneva, both in Bwitz. and Savoie ; <'.//., (leneva, iv. 22 ; Veyrier, v. 13, 22 ; Herraance, v. 29; le Coin, v. 2;{ ; vi. 14; Monnetier, v. 25, 29 ; vi. 2, 5 ; Bossey, vii. 25 {lU.) ; (the last 3 in Savoie). Chavoire, vii. e. /02 {Tntt), not uncommon in the Basses Alpes ; Grenoble, v. b. /97 ; Digne, iv. /97 (Tutt) ; vi. b. /99 {li.-llni.) ; esp. le I)ois du Kocher Coupe, ab. {Joiws); Col de Rouaine, about 3800ft., vii. 9, scarce and rather worn {Pnirdl) ; Ozglosse, Pain de Sucre, &c. {Kaur) ; above Barcelonette, vii. 3/92 {Xorris); Piedmont {Kane). Directions of Yar. (a.) occasional bl. suffusion at base of ws. up.s. ? . Loc. e.(j., St. Triphon (Fis.); Lavey, v. slight (117*.); v. strongly marked specimens from the Jura {Atj.). [Obs. — The Jura " blues" have a marked tendency towards bl. in the ? s.] (b.) occasional It, col. up.s. Etnaea, Zll. .■ in wh. they are large and snn-ounded with wh. ab. Caeca, i'uchy. .- in wh. they are obsolete. ab. Striata, Wh. .- in wh. some are extended into streaks. ;Obs. — I have seen no i of ibis ab. 26 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND (c.) occasional sli.yht bl. surtnsion at base of ws. ? . (d.) deepening of gi-d. col. in ^ . Log. ''.'/., above les Avants. viii. 2/96 (h'.-Ihu.) ; Bisbinno, vi. 12 {Maimi N. Cyllarus, Jlott. (Damfftas, Hh.) ; 30mm. Yd. ])lt. AstriKjaliis, Tri folium, AfelUotiis, ( hiohn/chis, (itniista : hyb. 1. 3- brilliant bl., 9 brn. with bi"t. bl. bases. Dist. Char. un.s. f.w. eye-spots increasing greatly in size from eosta to below the middle, in connection with bl. or grn. suffu- sion over greater part of h.w. (c. Mdanops). Loc. C. in most years from Montreux to Morel, esp. at Lavey (Wh.) ; Sion and Brig (Fat:) ; iv. e. v.-vi. (My earliest date is Veytaux, iv. 5/99.) Not gen. found above 3000ft., but mounting exceptionally considerably higher, when it may be found later; e.f/., Splugen, 4700ft., vii. 5, 1900 {JL-Jh-n.). In many places round Geneva; Veyrier, Chene, Bois de la Batie, Bois de Bay, i^c, v. 6-27 (BL). Not V. c. elsewhere in Switz. ; Locarno, vi. b. /02 (CJip.) ; San Stefano, v. 22 (Mai/rr); Weissenburg, vi. b., not c. (%.) ; Jura (Christ); Bergell (Frey); Tarasp (/•/;.) ; Auribeau, iv. 6/03 (V'//^0 ; Vallon Obscur, St. Marliu Vesubie {Jinn.); Alassio, iv. m. /03 {'I'mt) ; Certosa di Pesio, vi. b. /92, c. (AV*;/7'.s) ; Aosta, v. /95, e. fine (Miss Ftn.); Orta, v. m.-vi. m. 1900, scarce (Lour); Trafoi (Fiyi/). Directions of Yar. (a.) Size: reaching to 3Bmm. or 31mni., hut sometimes v. small, culminating in : ab. Blachieri, Milliiri': sometimes as small as 22mm.; un.s. eye-spots gen. large (but r. infni.). Log. Rhone Vallev, &c., e.,i., Lavey, v. 2.S,*1900; v. 10/02; Veytaux, v. /Ol ; Aigle, v. /6l (Tf//.) ; e. above Saillon [Far.) ; Troinex, iv. 29 (7>'/.). Monnetier, vi. 3, 4 (/>/.); St. Martin Vesubie, vi. 6/92 (Bnii.) ; Susa, vi. 18/02 (J. awe). (b.) number and size of spots un.s. ab. Tristis, derhard ; with eye-spots f.w. v. large. ab. Lugens, Caradja ; almost (sometimes quite) without eye-spots h.w.; up.s. l>t/i. : spots of un.s. f.w. and sometimes of h.w. prolonged into streaks. Log. Charpi^nv, v. 9, 13/01 (/'Vs.); a magnificent d" with streaks on all 4 ws. 15ranson, v. 15/02 (IVh.). jObs. — With leKavcl to the var. hi numher of spots in the band of f.w. un.s., I cannot do better than refer to Mr. Lowe's captures at Susa and Certosa di I'esio, 6 spots bein^ the normal number; 1 j' s, ] ? with 5; :-5 s s witli 6 on ri^hl A\n THF. AT.PS OF C'F.NTR AT, ET'IiOPF. 27 and 5 on left \v. ; 4 c^ s, 2 9 s with 7 ; one of the i s with 7 ^pots has also " a small but distinct basal spot on each f.w." (Ent. Eec, xiv., :^;-i;j). I have also a i with these basal spots, which has 6 spits on the licht wing and 7 on the left — the reverse of Mr. Lowe's.] (c.) diminution of bl. in $ up.s., culminatins? in : ab. ? Andereggii, IVnhl : almost, often quite, without bl. ; lar^e spots un.s. esp. on h.w. Loc. So far only in the Valais and the nei.^hbonring parts of Vaud. Veytaux, iv. e. 97 ; Lavey, v. 24 01 ; v. 10 02 ; Sierre, v. 7 02 ; Sion, v. 22 02 (II'A.) ; Martiyny, Branson, Saillon (/-Vfc.) (d) col. of un.s. h.w., varying from deep sky-bl. to It. emerald grn. N. Melanops, ]'uh\\ ; 25mm. Fcl. pit. ])<>riiruiiiin cU'cioiibi'Hs. $ brt. bl., $ blackish-brn. with bl. suffusion. Dist. Char, row of spots un.s. f.w. greatly increasing in size from costa to below the middle, h.w. scarcely sprinkled with bl. at base; further distinguished from ('>/llan(s ab. JUacliicri by a faint margl. row of lunules un.s. h.w. Loc. A correspondence with ^Ir. Elwes has elicited the fact that it was undoubtedly this sp. and not ('i/llarns ab. Bladiicii that he took nr. Sion in the 2nd week in ]May, /87. These are the only Swiss specimens known, though the sp. has frequently been looked for since in the same loc. ; being small and v. local, the exact spot may have escaped detection, or the insects may have been passed over as small t'l/Uanis, wh. is ab. nr. Sion. Digne, iv. 5 02, c. (U.-Jlni.) ; ab., esp. in the Bois du Rocher Coupe, V. b. 91 (Joiu's); iv. e. /97, perhaps the most ab. " blue " {Ti(tt). Vallon Obscur, &c. {linn.) ; Cannes, iv. /98 (Tiitt) ; on thyme, up to about 2500ft. {I'onrll). Directions of Yar. (a.) extent of bl. up.s. 2 . (b.) diminution of spots un.s., those on h.w. being sometimes not ocellated. [Obs.— This is not ab. Marchandii, B>tdv., as apparently supposed by /.'/•)"., this ab. being without spots un.s. f.w., and being so far confined to Catalonia.] Genus, Polyommatus, Lair. P. Eumedon, Hsp. (Chiron, J!<>lt .■ Antiqua, ///////) ; ;Uinm. I\l. pit. seeds of Gcranimn mniinininiin and ii. jirati'nsi'. Brt. dk. brn. S without, ? gen. with or. spots at anal ang. up.s. h.w. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. a wh. streak extending from disc, spot almost to out. marg., more or less wedge-shaped, t/ir jioint of tlir imli/i' hcimi toiranh the umrif. Loc. Not gen. c, but mounting up to G000ft..or move, vi.-vii.; 28 THE bllTTERFLIES OF SWITZKHI.ANI) Veytaux, vi., Sepey, vii. /97 (Tf7/,) ; Vnl d'Anniviers, vii. b. /97 ; Sierre, vi. 17-24 /93 (n.-Brn.); Arolln,, c. vii. 12, 1900; St. Nicholas, vi. 30/96 ; vii. 11/98, &c. (L'A•»^) ; Haas, vi. m., Mattmark See, vii. e. (Jones) ; Berisal, vii. /98, v. ab. (TfVi.) ; and oen. in the valleys of S. Valais. The Engadine, './/., Pontresina, vii. /95 {Misa Ftii.) ; ft. of the Schafberg, vii. c. (Jnnrs), &c. Dischmathal, vi. 27/01 (Fis.) ; Fusio, vii. /99 : Guarda, vii. 29-31, 1900 ((%.); T*renigai-tner woods, nr. Berne (Freij) ; Weissenl)Ui-g, scarce (H//.) ; .1 lira, <'.//., C basse ral {('oidcni); Neiiveville {Hdtlwuhar/i) ; l>reitbo- denalp, nr. Meiringen ; Kandersteg {^[.'IK) ; La Vare, above Pont de Nant, vii. {BL). Pontarlier {Kane) ; Le Lautaret, vii. e. '96; Abries, viii. ni. 1900 {Ti(tt); Basses Alpes {Kone) \ Alpes Maritinies on all mtns. {Millieri') \ Cogne, viii. 7-12 /94 ; Courniayeur. vii. e. 94 {Tntt) ; Macugnaga, vii. /99 (Clip.) ; Susa, vi. 27/99, v. c.*; Cortina, vii. 27, worn {H.^-Bni.); Campiglio, vii. /95 (Lwii.): Stelvio. vii. 12. 1900 {Pi.-Bm.) ; Val Bigontina, viii. /95 (7'/f/n. Directions of Yar. (a.) diminution in size of eye-spots un.s., culminating in : ab. Subtus-impunctata, Fitr.: in which they are absent from f.w. ab. Speveri, Hks^: in which they are altogether absent. (b.) absence of or. up.s. h.w. J . (c.) tendency to obsolescence of wh. streak, un.s. h.w., culminating in : ab. Fylgia, SjiaHtihern : in which it is obsolete. [Obs. — This is a var. of the extreme N., but Stgr. says also " ab. ubique " ; it can only be expected in the highest altitudes reached by the sp. Mr. Buckmaster, however, notes a c? from Sierre— another instance of the curious tendency of that locality to produce nitn. forms. Cf. Arion var. Obscura.} P. Donzelii, Bsdv. ; 26mm. Fd. i)lt. (and 1.) unknown. ^ It. steely bl. broadly dk. bordered, $ brn. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. a wh. streak from the indistinct peacock eyes to the disc, spot, more or less wedge-shaped, the point of the iredjie heiny towards the base. Log. In Switz. only in the Valais and the Engadine, between 4000ft. and 6500ft. (exc. Martigny-Combe, de Bowjeiitunt), vii. -viii. Ponchette, in Val d'Anniviers ; damp places by the Viege below the Rit^fel {Fav.) ; by chapel of St. Laurent between Vissoye and Zinal, viii. 1/97, c. (B.-Brn.); Turtmannthal, viii. 18/91; Lotschenthal, viii. 9/90 {Fis.) ; Saas Fee, vii. e. /85 (Jones) ; a pine forest in the Saas Valley, ab. (Far.) ; Berisal, viii. /97, /98, scarce ; Simplon Village, viii. b. /99, c, vii. 10/01, ab. (Wh.) ; Pontresina, vii, /95 (Miss Ftn.y, at ft. of Schafberg; Rosegg Valley, vii. (Mrhnlson) \ Sils Maria; St. Moritz ; Celerina: Raniaden (Fir,/); (Vampfer, scarce (JoiU's). Alios; Barcelonette, vii. (Po((v//) ; Glaisolas; Godessart ; Digne; Mi. Cenis (Kane); Valley of the Borcon (Brni.); Oouruia^eur, moraine of Glacier de Miage, viii. b. /98 (Tutt) ; Cortina, vii. 21, 1900; Trafoi, vii. 12, 1900 (B.-Bni:). AND THE ALPS OF CENTRAL EUROPE. 29 Directions of Yar. (a.) amount and distinctnefcs of or. spots un.s. (b.) $ , amount of bl. at base of h.w. up.s. (always slight). P. Damon, SV/////'. (Biton, Sulzer) ; 35mm. Fd. pit. Onohr)irliif< satira : hyb. 1. cT brt. slightly greenish-bl.. with broad dlw suffused border, ? smaller, brn. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. a long whitish streak, not wedge-shaped, reaching almost from base to nr. out. marg. Loc. Not c. in N. Switz. Schaffhausen {Trapp) ; !St. Gall {T(hchler) ; Zurich (Freij) ; Liestal {Christ) ; Arlesheim (Knecht) ; nr. Lucerne, viii. e. /99 (Sandford) ; Weggis, vii. /96; Kigi,vii. /96 {2\itt) ; gen. distributed, often c, and sometimes ab. in E. Vaud, the Valais, the Bernese Oberlund and the Grisons; e.>/., les Avants, vii. 30/01 (Slnper) ; Aigle to Sepey, vii. /97, and other years, v. ab. (U7i.) ; viii. 2/9H (Jones) ; throughout the Rhone Valley, c. (Wh.); Evolena, Inden, Loeche-les-bains, Visp valley up to St. Nicholas, &c. (Fav.) ; below Berisal, v. c, viii. 20/97, and earlier other years (Wh.) ; Weissenburg, c. (////.) ; Grindelwald and Miirren, vii. /89 {Lm7i.) ; c. nr. St. Moritz, vii. {NicJiohou) ; Guarda, vii. 1900 ; Pontresina, vii. 1900 (C/ip.) ; Bad Alveneu, vii. /88 (Lmn.), &c. ; nr. Geneva, Veyrier, vii. 13 ; Sierne, vii., Monnetier (Savoie), vii. (lU.) ; not uncommon on the Jura Vaudois (117/.). Gen. c. in Savoie, Hautes Alpes, and Basses Alpes, e.g., la Clusaz, viii. 4/02, V. ab. ; Abries, viii. m. 1900, v. ab. (Tntt) ; Digne, vii. /91 {Lm7i.) ; Bourg d'Oisans, vii. m. /96 ; Bourg d'Aru, viii. m. /96 ; Bourg S. Maurice, vii. e. /98 ; Petit St. Bernard, viii. b. /98 ; Barcelonette, viii. m. WOO {Tntt); Barcelonette and Alios, vi. e. /92, ab. (Xorris) ; local in Alpes INIaritimes. top of r>alme de la Frema, 7300ft. {Brm.) ; Cannes (Lmn.) ; Certosa di Pesio, ab. on damp spots under Cima Car, and in Val Sestrera, vii. viii. /92 ; Courmayenr, viii. m. /98 ; Pre St. Didier, viii. m. '98; above Bobbie, viii. m. /Ol (Tutt). Directions of Yar. (a.) diminution of size, culminating in : Yar. Ferreti, For. ; 25mm.-29mm. ; grd. col. of n/^) ; Castellane {Poirdl) ; Certosa di Pesio, vii. -viii. /92, not. C. {Xonis); AND THE ALPS OF CENTRAL EUROPK. 81 above Bobbie, viii. m. /Ol, worn {'rutt) ; Susa, vi. 27/99 {l!.-l>ni.) ; viii. m. /96, Avorn i'l'ntt) ; Pre St. Didier to Aosta, viii. b. /98, worn {Ti(tt) ; Botzen, vii. 14/02, not fresh (Lour) ; various places round Vienna, vii. -viii. (Miss Ftn.). Directions of Yar. (a.) ? , almost complete loss of bl., forming: ab. 5 Steeveni, TreiUchhc ; Loc. The usual form in the \'alais : (2 type $ s at iMartigny, ii «•///.). Alpes Maritimes, commoner than type {linn.) ; Digne, vii. 2,90, and 91 {Tmiu.) ; St. ]\lichel-de-Maurienne, vii. e. 9G {Tntt). P. Corydon, I'oda (Tiphys, /vs/'.); 84nim. Fd. pit. (Jdionilla, I'iria, Aatrai/cdiis, c^c. : hyb. 1. S pale silvery bl. with greenish tinge, ? dk. fawn-brn. Dist. Char. Col. (un.s. f.w. gen. has principal line of eye-spots so bent inwards beloAV the middle as to form a line with disc, spot.) Loc. V. gen. and widely distributed, sometimes in amazing abundance [c.;/., between Miirren and Gimelwald, viii. i. 1900) ; mounts up to 7500ft. or more; one brood only vi. (in S.), vii., viii., and often ix. Directions of Yar. (a.) size : from 26mm. to B8mm. (b.) tint of grd. col. ab. Calydonius, Loire .• almost the bl. of Melecujcr : up.s. f.w. with narrow, v. blk. and v. clearly defined border; b.w. margl. row of strongly marked and isolated blk. spots ; un.s. f.w. blk. spots V. large, on much darker gi-. grd. col. than type ; h.w. with much bl. at base, or. eye-spots rather small and pale, grd. col. rather dingy, without a trace of fawn-col. Loc. ^lontana, vi. m. /99 {Loirr); Follaterre, vii. 22 99 (IIVA/.). '•' (?) ab. Hispana, 11.- S. ; lighter, pale spotted marg. ; a transi- tional form is not uncommon in Switz. ab. 2 Semibrunnea, Millihc (Semi-syngrapha, Tntt) ; base bl. to disc, spot f.w. and beyond in h.w. Loc. Not c, Berisal, viii. '97 (117/.). Alpes Maritimes {JJnit.) ; Lago di Loppio and Hiva (Jones). ab. ? Syngrapha, Keferstein (Mariscolore, Gerhard) ; bl. to the or. border. Loc. The hottest parts of the region ; v. scarce in Switz. ; 1 at Branson (l-'ar.) ; Tramelan, 2 superb examples (A;/.). (c.) extent and distinctness of or. spots up..«. ab. Aurantia, Intt : $ with distinct margl. or. spots edged internally with paler. [Obs. — One cannot, I think, be wron;,' in incliulinj/ here the ni has wh. fringes. Log. Gen. distributed and often c, esp. in the lowlands and lower slopes, clearings of woods, &c., v.-vii. and viii.-ix., but mounting as high as 5000ft. or even 6000ft., e.;/., ab. at Berisal, viii. /97 (Wh.); Zermatt (For.). Finest in S. Iocs. Directions of Yar. (a.) tint of grd. col. in S ■ Of the two usual shades it is suggested (Tutt, British Butterflies, p. 170) that the type name should be reserved for the more lilac, and the name var. Adonis, ///>., be applied to the more brilliant and greener form : 2 other shades are occasionally found : ab. Pallida, TKtt : paler, nearer in col. to Ali'.ris. and ab. SufFusa, T>itt .• of a darker, more leaden bl. (b.) amount of bl. up.s. 2 , culminating in : ab. 2 Ceronus, {■'■y., wh. has bl. like the S extending to the or, boi'dev. Loc Ttie nilerniediale forms are often c, the extreme form is AND TIIK ALPS OF CKNTRAI- EURORE. B3 scarce in Switz. Montana, vi. /98 {Lmre) ; Siori-e, viu. e. /99 (H h.) ; Jura, superb specimens {An.) ; Basle (Kveclit) ; Liestal {Christ) ; banks of the Sarine nr. Gruyere, viii. 29/97, the predominant form ttavoie, t'.',., Monnetier, vi. 5 {lU.) ; Basses Alpes, Digne, c. (Jnne^) ; vi.' /90 {L»m.) ; Alpes Maritimes {Una.) ; bt. Martm Vesubie, vii. 4/02 {JhmtaU) ; Orta, v.-vi. 1900 {Lowe). Gen. commoner on S. than N. Alps. rObs.— There is no ground for applying this name to ab. S Pinirta, the 2 forms often occur in dilTerent Iocs., the other sex being typical.] (c.) tendency to obsolescence of spots un.s. [Forms exist with one or both basal spots f.w. missing, parallel to Alexia abs. Iphis and Jcarivus.] ab. Cinnides, Stip: : spots on un.s. h.w. without ocellation. Log. V. scarce: Martigny, Sierre, Zermatt {Far.) Alpes Maritimes {Brin.) ; Yvoire, vi. 8 {BL). ab. Obsoleta, Tntt : in wh. many of the spots are obsolete. [- (?) ab. Krodeli, diUmer: in wh. all but the discoidals are absent.] , ,, . (d.) 3 with row of margl. blk. spots up.s. t.w. ab. Puncta, T>itt : in wh. they are small, but conspicuous. Log. Warm places ; *'.//., Follatere (HV;.) ; Orta {Lowe), &c. -ab. Punctifera, Obtk. : with large spots, broader blk. marg., gru. tint in bl. up.s., brighter un.s. [Obs.— This form, if it occurs at all in the region, can only be looked for on the hottest S. slopes.] (e.) tendency of spots un.s. to coalesce. ab. Striata, /"". P. Hylas, Hsp. (Doryliis, lib.; Argester, Bnjstr.) : B'imm. Fd. pit. Trifnli 11)11, MdilDtux, 'rin/nii(.< nilfiaris, S:c. : hyb. 1. 3 brilliant ,sky-bl., ? brn. Dist. Char. un.s. broadly sutiused wh. border, esp. f.w. ; fringe wh. Log. Gen. distributed on limestone, and often locally ab., v.-vi. and vii. -viii. at lower elevations, vii. -viii. at higher. Basle, scarce {Christ) ; Zurich {Freij) ; St. Gall {[lasMei) ; gen. distributed on the Jura {v. infra) ; Mfc. Barry, vi. 29 ; Rossinieres, vu. 2, 1900 {Bkm.); Weissenburg, not uncommon, 2 broods (/^/.) ; Hermance, vi. 14; Veyrier, vi. 17, and vii. 30; and other places round Geneva {BL) ;' gen. distributed in and round the Rhone valley : Veytaux ; Sepey; under the clifis between Vernayaz and Martigny, (!.//., vi. 19/02 ; below Berisal,esp. at the Ganter bridge, viii. {Wh.); Simplon, vii. e. /99; Guarda, vii. 1900; Fusio, vii. 1900 (' /,/>.) ; Hauderes, Evolena, Arolla, viii. m. /dd {Tutt) : vii. 15, 1900 (/>'/.»/.); Zinal, vii. 31/78, v. ab. {B.-Brn.) ; Zermatt, small specimens {Lrey); &c., Engelberg {liaker) ; Neuhausen, Interlaken {Liiiu.) ; nr. Thusis, vii. 5, fgOO (k-^''«.); gen. in S. valleys. Gresy-sur-Aix, viii. m. 1900 {Tutt) ; Chamonix, viii. 93 (.t//vs Ftn.); Digne, iv. e. /97 {TtUt) ; vi. 90, vii. 91 (/./-///.); \ allou 'Si THK ]!l:ttei?klies ok switzkki.an'O Obscur; St. Martin Vesubie, not v. c. {I!riii.) ; Abries, viii. m. 1900 ; Courmayeur, vii. e. /94 ; viii. 17/9H ; Pre St. Didier, viii. b. /98 ; Susa, viii. m. /97 ; Au Pra, viii. m, /Ol ; Torre Pellice, viii. b. ; Bobbie, viii. m. /Ol {Tatt) ; Susa, vi. 25 /99, ? s v. fine and brilliantly marked {11- Jim.) ; Lake Como, vii. /95 ; Olgiate, ix. '98 (Miss Ftn.); Stelvio (U.-Jlin.) ; S. Tyrol, vii. /9o ; Heiligen- blut, vii. 24/97 {L)iin.) ; Mcklling, viii. /97 {Mhs Ftn.) ; &c., &c. Directions of Var. (a.) J , border of blk. spots up.s. h.w. ab. Nigropunctata, "'/'. •■ blk. spots more or less conspicuous, blk. marg. sometimes broader. Loc. Occasionally witli type. The only form at St. Georges, Jura, vi. e. /02 (H'A.). (b.) tendency to obsolescence of spots un.s., esp. h.w. (c.) tendency to increase in number of spots un.s. (■?) ab. Addenda, Tutt : a name given to certain specimens taken at Susa, viii. m. 96. At the same time and place were taken some V. small specimens, wh. were named : ,,ab. Minor, Tntt : a Swiss specimen taken by Mr. Fison measures only 2Hmm. (d.) number and size of red spots up.s. J . (e.) occasional coalescence of spots un.s. f.w. ''■•''■''■' (f.) occasional bl. on 2 up.s., gen. only a slight powdering at base, but Frey mentions " a magnificent bl. ? at Bergiin, viii. /76." ab. ? Metallica, /V/r. .- v. dk. up.s. with a conspicuous powdering of metallic bl.-grn., sometimes on f.w. only, sometimes also on h.w. extending from the base more or less along the nervures. Log. Mt. Chemin (ir.sr/J.) ; Salquenen ((/<■ 7/m//V'''^"'"0 ' the Jura (All.) ; Chiasso, vi. 24,94 {Maijer). P. Escheri, ///>. (Agestor, (ukIhI) ; 08111111. Fd. i)lt. AatycKjaliis incdiiii^, A. iihutsin'ss/ihiiiiis and riaittui/u; hyb '? ov. or 1. , ■ ■ 3 brt. bl. (between Alc.cis and lUilanjiis), 5 brn. Dist. Char, narrow blk. out.-margl. line continued round apex, un.s. f.w. : J further distinguished by col. ; only I'/ieirtcs and A'. < ijllunis resemble it in this respect : also from Ale.ri.^ ah. Icarinnx by larger size, and ? by or. spots up.s. f.w. being rectangular rather than wedge-shaped : no basal spot un.s. f.w. Loc. V. scarce N. of the S. Alps except in Lower Valais : one pair clcse to Ollon {Wtiid), vi. 20 /Ol (117/.) ; locally ab. in Lower Valais, vi.-vii., Martigny, Arbaz sur Sion, Sierre, Pfynwald, &c., to Brig; Yisp to Zermatt and even higher (7' '((r.) ; E\olena, viii. 12 /96 AND THE ALPS Ol' CKNTUAL E|:U()1'K. 35 {lt.-]!nt) ; from 2n(l Rei'uge to Bei-iaal, vii. 7 /Ol, &.C., v. ab. ("'/(.) ; also on S. side of the Pass (Fav.) ; the Grisons, cj/., Campfer, vii., small (Jo«('x), Pontresina, vii. m. 1900, and Tessin {Clip.). V. c. in the Hautes Alpes, c.//., Abries, viii. m. 11)00 {Tntt) ; the Basses Alpes, <'.//., Digne, vi. /90, vii. /91 (Liiiu.) ; Dauphiny Alps, CI/., La Grave, viii. b. /96 ; Bourg d'Aia, viii. m. /96 ; Bourg d'Oisans, viii. m. /9G ; Bourg St. Maurice, vii. e. ,'94 (Tntt) ; Ht. Martin Vesubie, Yallon Obscur, Sec. (Jinn.) ; v. c. in the Italian Alps, e.ff., Certosa di Pesio {Xarn's) ; Torre Pellice \'alley up to 7000ft.," viii. /Ol {'I'litt); Susa (//.-/>'/■».); Pre St. Didier, viii. b. /98 {'f'litt) ; Courmayeur, vii. b. /02 [Lour) ; Tyrol, e.ij., Botzen (Kane). Directions of Yar. (a.) border of small blk. spots up.s. h.w. ^ . ab. Punctulata, HA. (b.) size and conspicuousness of or. spots up.s. in ? , esp. at apex f.w. (c.) tint of grd. col. un.s. (d.) occasionally spots un.s. prolonged into dashes {Fis.). P. Alexis,! HI). ; 80mm. Ftl. pit. J.ohis curnicuhitus, i'l-atjaria, Genhta, Mcilicai/o, Mclilotiis, Astrai/aliis, Sec: hyl). 1. J brt. lilac-bl., $ brn. with or. margl. spots. Dist. Char, extremely narrow blk. out-margi. line not continued round apex f.w. un.s. Loc. Gen. distributed, often c, and sometimes ab., though by no means the commonest "blue" as in England. Found up to 7000ft. or even more, iv.-x., in 2 and often 3 ibroods. My earliest date is Veytaux, iv. B/99. Directions of Yar. (a.) tint of grd. col. in j and amount of bl. in $ . ab. Pallida, Tutt : J pale lilac-bl., $ bra., shaded all over, exc. costa, with pale lilac-bl., pale wedge-shaped mark h.w., and often pale bl. marg. bordering the or. spots. ab. Clara, Tult : $ brt. bl. approaching Bellargus, $ same col., with or. spots esp. f.w. almost obsolete. [Obs. — This appears to be an ab. of the 1st brood.] ab. ? Caerulescens, H'A.; ? with col. of typical J only on basal part of ws. ab. J Cserulea. h'ttrhs: $ with col. of typical J as far as the or, spots ; marg. brn. + Note. — The utterly unscientific position tliat the first described form must be regarded as the type, can hardly have a better illustration than is afforded bv this sp. The ? Icarus, llott., only differs from the g by its border of or. spots up.s. If it be held, as it certainly should be, that the name Icarus must be applied to this unusual form, then Hiibner's name, Alexis, must be iestored fcr the true type, a course wh. would have the further advantage of getting rid of ab. Iphis, Baumli., and the consequent confusion with ab. Iphis, Mcip. " Literary " types, as opposed to natural ones, are an unnecessary, if " convenient," means of putting literature into opposition with science. 36 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND . ab. $ Icarus, Butt. ; ? col. of typical c? , but with ante-margl. row of or. spots. ab. ? Semiclara, Tittt; ? with col. of ab. Clara at bases only. ab. ? Angulata, Tntt : 5 like ah. Pallida, hut with angulated row of pale bl. spots just inside or. spots f.w. up.s. (b.) presence in type ? , and ab. Cicrulca 2 ' of wedge-shaped mark and cl. spot up.s. h.w. (c.) tendency to loss of spots un.s. ab. Iphis, Meit/eji : with one basal spot only un.s. f.w. ab. Icarinus, So-iha : wdthout any basal spot un.s. f.w. ab. Semi-persica, 'fUtt : spots on h.w\ more or less obsolete. ab. Persica, llirnrrt .• with all exc. the disc, spots obsolete, f. and h.w. (d.) tendency of spots un.s. to unite or lengthen into streaks. ab. Arcua, l'\ir. ,- in wh. the lowest basal spot, f.w., is united with the lowest of the cl. row into a long bow-shaped streak. ab. Striata, Ttitt .- in wh. the spots are more or less united (or prolonged) into streaks. [Obs. — These various abs. not having been sufficiently noticed, it is impossible to say whether all of them occur in Switz. or the central Alpine region. The ab. Ccerulea, F((i-hs, magnificent examples of wh. are in the collection of Col. Agassiz at Lausanne, is so strikingly different from the c. form of the ? with bl. at the base and slightly shaded over the centre of the ws., that I have ventured to name the latter ab. Ccertdettcois ; this form may be found wherever the brn. type ? appears. Ab. Arena is to be found in the Khone Valley, and is c. in the neighbourhood of Aigle and St. Triphon. Ab. Icarhms may be taken in tlie same Iocs, amongst others, and in vi. /98 was by far the commonest form at Veytaux ; I have also a splendid ab. Striatti from the same place. -Tudging from the analogy of other " blues," it would seem probable tliat in the S. of the region should also occur : ab. Celina, <>ht/,. .■ ^ with margl. row of blk. spots up.s. h.w.j P. Eros, Ochs. (Tithonus, Hh.) ; 29mm. Fd. pit. (and 1.) unknown. S It. greenish-bl., $ blackish brn. with pale bl. at base. Dist. Char. col. (between Corydon and Dai)ii>n) in connection with size ; (un.s. v. like Alexis). Loc. Principally in the Bernese, Valaisian, and Grisons Alps from about 4000ft. to 7000ft., vii.-viii. Pont de Nant (Vaiid), vii. 18, 27 (/'/.) ; Glacier de Trient ; Pierre-a-voir ; Diablerets ; Cretes de Thyon ; Evolena ; Inden ; Loeche-les-bains ; Daubensee; Gorner Glacier, &c. (Far.) ; Simplon Village, vii. e. /DO {Tntt) ; Siniplon Pass, nr. 1st gallery, viii. 6/98 ; nr. 5th Refuge, viii. 12,08, ab., $ rather later ; vii. 12/01, ^ and $ ; Steinenthal, vii. e. /99, v. ab. (TJ7(.) ; Haas, vii. .7-16 /98 ; Zermatt, vi. 28/99 (/>/.«?.) ; viii. 9/01 {!Sloper) ; Ritfelalp, vii. /Ol (Linn.) ; upper end of Lauter- brunnen valley, viii. 1, 1900 (117*.); Little Scheideck {I"is.) ; AND THE ALPS OF CKNTUAI, KUKOPE. 87 Meivingen {M.-D ) ; rather c. in Upper Engadine, Val Fex, SiC. (XirliolnDn) ; Pontresina, vii. /95, v. ah. (.1//.s'n Ftn.) ; Guarda, vii. 1900 (C/ip.) ; Campfer, faii-ly c. {Jones). Abries, viii. ui. IDOt) ; Larche, vii. e. 1900; Le Lautaret, vii. e. /96 (Tiitt) ; Gap {Kaur) ; Alios, viii. 2/92 {Sorri^) ; Beauvezer ; Colmars (/'o(/r//) ; Malmorte, \-. ah.; J)i,L,nie; Faillefou ; J>arcelonette (luaii') ; Alpos Maritimes, iK^t c. {nnn.); Cogne, viii. 8-12,91 ; Jiohbie and Au Pra, viii. in. /Ol, alx (Ti(tt) ; Certosa di Pesio, from GOOOft., not c. {Xorris) ; Kor Alp {Lmn.). Directions of Yar. (a.) depth of grd. col. b. (•? ov.) or 1. 3 slate-col., ? slaty-brn. Dist. Char. col. (<•/. Ihtnulii), in couneetioii with great breadth of wli. round hlk. spots un.s. Log. On all the high Alps from OoOOft. to 8000ft., vii.-viii., iu more or less numbers ; sometimes on moist spots many hundreds may be seen at a time, >'.(j., Steinenthal, vii. 11/01 {Wh.). Direotions of Yar. (a.) size of hlk. sjjots un.s. ab. Subtus-punctis-fortissimis, / V/r. ; m wh. they are v. large. (b.) tendency to lose hlk. centres of eye-spots un.s. h.w. (c.) tendency to develop conspicuously wh. nervures un.s. f.w. (d.) tendency to exhibit wh. spots up.s. ab. Aquilonla, Lon-r : disc, spot up.s. f.w. deep blk., triangular, on h.w. smaller, rounder and lighter, both surrounded with wh. ; ante-nuirgl. row of wh. spots f.w. up.s., nuirg. brighter than grd. col. ; v. faint eyes out. marg. h.w.; uu.s. h.w. clear lawn- 88 THE BUITEKFLIES OE S\VITZEKLA}>;D • col. ; the smoky markings at marg. obsolete f. and h.w., only one blk. spot nr. costa f.w. Loc. Pilatus, vi. 6 /Ol (Loive) ; apparently also the same form described by Frey (" Lepidopteren der Schweiz," p. 17), as being found occasionally in the Engadine. [Obs. — Mr. Lowe has another specimen from Pihitus, typical on up.s., but like the above un.s. (v. (b.) i^iipra.)] (e.) breadth of dk. border up.s. in J . (f.) spots un.s. occasionally elongated into dashes {Firy). P. Astrarche, linjstr. (Medon, Esp. ; Agestis, Hb.) ; 2Gmm. Fd. pit. Heliantlteiiium vul(/are, TrifoUiun, &c. ; hyb. 1. Brn., 3 greyer than $ u.s. Dist. Char. col. in connection with size ; no basal spot un.s. f.w. ; distinguished further from Ale.ris ab. Icnrinits 5 by entire absence of bl. from base of ws., and from others, c;/., Kioiwdon, Hijlas 5 , Kaclicri J , by the absence of their dist. chars. Loc. (ien. considered an ab. as well as a widely distributed sp., and found up to an elevation of 7000ft. or more; v.-vi. and viii.-ix. It appears not to be absent from any district, on rough, flowery pastures, wastes, and slopes. Directions of Yar. (a.) tendency of red spots up.s. to disappear, culminating in : ab. Allous, Hb. : in wh. they are absent. Loc. Principally in the warmer Iocs, in Switz. in 2nd brood. Also in the Basses Alpes {J''av.), and the Alpes Maritimes [Jinn.). ab. Alpina, Sti/r. .■ also without red spots up.s., but is smaller and of darker appearance. (b.) Tint of grd. col. un.s. which in 2nd brood is often brn., esp. in J . Yar. Calida, Hcllicr (.Estiva, Sti/r.) ; in wh. the red spots are also large. Loc. Chiefly in hot valleys, e.;/., Khone Valley from Martigny to Brig [l''ar.). P. Pheretes, Hh.; 28inm. Ftl. pit. (and 1.) uiikiiovvii. J brilliant bl., $ brn. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. wh. patches in place of all eye-spots. Loc. Confined to the high Alps, from about 5;j00ft. to 8000ft. ; not on the Jura, but v. widely distributed over the mtns. of Berne, Uri, Unterwalden, Lucerne, Glarus, St. Gall, Appenzell, A'aud, the Yalais, and the Orisons, vi. e. vii.-viii. (/•'«(■.," Lepidopteres du A'alais," speaks of it as somewhat scarce and local) ; cf/., Pont de Nant, vii. 12 {III.) ; Arolla, vii. 11, 12, 1900, not c. ; Saas, vi. e. /91 ; AND THE AT.PS OF CRNTTiAT. ET'ROPK. 39 vii. 5-15/98 (/;/.;».) ; viii.9/97 (li-llrn.) ; Zermatt, vii. 1.0/99 {Jllnii); Zinal, viii. 1/98, c. on the Arpitetta path (//.-/*/•».) ; on the Himplon Pass, not lower than the 5th Refuge, and not c. vii. e. /98, /99 (II7(.) ; nr. Languarcl Falls, vi. e., c. {Xichol>•».); vii. 91 {fjini.); Castellane, S:c., iii., iv. and vii. {Pmrcll) ; Croda da Lago, viii. m. /95 ; Torre Pellice, viii. b. /Ol {Tiitt) ; Brenner, vii. 1900, a large form {1!.-Hrn.). Directions of Yar. (a.) size ; specimens from Alpes Maritimes, V. much smaller than Swiss. (b.) un.s. size of blk. spots, esp. f.w. ; gen. large. 40 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND (c.) considerable darkening of gvd. col. ^ , culminating in : *Yar. Panoptes, tib. : in wh. the or. spots un.s. are also obsolete : v. small. Loc. Cannes ; (Hyeres). [Obs. — Some collectors well acquainted with these parts assure me that genuine I'lVioptes is not found there (unless iis an occasional ab.) ; v. small and dk. forms are c, but not without or. un.s. h.w.] P. Orion, PaUa.^^ (Telephii, Esp. ; Battiis, Hh.) ; 27mm. Fd. pit. Si'dniii tch'ji/iiitiii and ^'. album : hyb. p. 5 with broader border than J up.s. ; blk. with bl. on bases ; broadly chequered fringe. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. continuous or, band. Loc. N. of the S. Alps only in a v. restricted part of the Rhone Valley {v. infra) ; c. S. of the Alps in 2 broods, iv. v. and vi. m. vii. e.fi., Locarno, iv. b. /99, v. ab., and vii. (CJip.) ; v. : Lugano, iv. 16 /02 ; Val Anzasca, vi., Brusio, vii. e. (Fis.), Ac. St. Michel-de-Maurienne, vii. e., just out (Tiitt) ; Chiavenna, vii. b. 1900 (R.-Brn.); just above Crevola, vi. 26/96 {PusUim); Orta, v. m. 1900 {Loin^ ; Lake Como, viii. /96 {Miss Ftn.) Pre St. Didier, viii. b. /98 {Tntt) : Gorge de St. Andre, Nice, vi. 9/91 {linn.) ; Certosa di Pesio, vii. -viii. /92, c. {NorrU) ; Botzen, vi. e., worn ; vii. 14/02, presumably 1st and 2nd broods (Loire) ; Modling, vii. b. 1900 (Laufi) ; Isonzothal, vi. m. /92, c. on I\Ionte Matajur {Narris). Directions of Yar. (a.) size : from 24mm. -34mm. [Specimens of 1st brood from S. side of Alps much the smallest.] (b.) increase of bl. up.s., culminating in : Yar. Ornata, Sti/r. ,- wh. has a good deal of bl. on disc, f.w., and a border of bl. -ringed eye-spots, up.s., most conspicuous on h.w. Loc. S. Alpine Valleys, in 1st brood. (c.) diminution of bl. on w. bases, culmi- nating in : var. (and ab.) Nigra, (fcrhanl .• in wh. the bl. has almost, often quite, disappeared. 2 much larger and rather browner than ^ . Loc The usual Valaisian form, though the type is occasionally found. Only between Vernayaz and the Ganter, and mostly con- fined to the neighbourhood of Martigny : Branson, at ft. of vine- yards, V. 14, 1900, fresh ; v. 15/02, rather worn (1I7(.) ; Fully, v. 22 /Ol, between 8.30 a.m. and 9.80 a.m., v. ab. ; S. of Plan Cerisier, vi. b. /02, 1st brood (Fis.) ; Vernayaz, vi. 26/01, 1 only, worn (Bhu.) ; Bovernier, Sion, Granges, Sierre, entrance to Visp valley, and between the 2nd Refuge and Ganter Bridge on the Simplon (Far.) ; Fusio, vii., 12/1900 (Chp.) ; as ab. San Stefano {."\fai/<'r) ; S. side of the Simplon [Rdtzcr). Torre Pellice, viii. b. /Ol ; Bobbie, viii., m. /Ol (Tutt). AND THK ALPS OF CENTRAL EUROPE. 41 P. Optilete, Kiiorh ; '27miH. Kd. pit. V«aiuium vliginosum, r. nii/rtilliis, V. o.ri/cocctis. S (Ik. prp.-bl., ? brn. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. a conspicuous metallic bl. spot at anal ang., bordered on inn. side by brt. or. crescent. Loc. Gen. distributed on the higher Alps of Unterwalden. Berne, the Valais, and the Grisons, but seldom c. Moors nr. Einsiedeln, vii.-viii. {Paul) ; the high alps round Martigny, Bovine, vii. 25, Grand St. Bernard, Ac. ; above the Mayens de Bion ; the Gerami; the Grimsel ; the Furka, &c. (V'ac) ; Belalp, vii. 11/94. one ; between Zermatt and RiftVlalp, vii. 10/99 {Rhu.) \ above Zinal, at ft. of Durand Glacier, viii. b. /97 (IL-Brn.) ; Simplon road, above -1th Refuge, vii. e. ; above 5th Refuge, viii. b. /98 (Wh.); Saas Valley, vii. /85, a few, worn {Joiws); Miirren, vii. 24, 1900, 1 S (Tf^/'-) ; Goschenen, vii. /96 (Tntt) ; Engelberg (Kane) ; Guarda, vii. 1900 (CJip.) ; wood opposite Pontresina. rather c. : Rosegg and IMorteratsch valleys, usually in peaty places {Nicholson) ; Morteratsch glacier, viii. 1/01 {Fis.) ; Campfer, on banks of Inn, a few ; more c. 1000ft. higher {Junes). Le Lautaret, vii. 30, viii. 5/96; Pre St. Didier, viii. b. /98; Courmayeur, vii. e. /94 (Tutt) ; S. Tyrol, vii. /95 ; Wolfsberg, vii. 14/97 {Lmn.); Kor Alp, vii. 17/97 [Clip.). [Obs.— The usual Swiss form is smaller than type and larger than Gyparissus (? var. Sibirica, Star.).] Directions of Yar. (a.) diminution of size, culminating in : ab. (var.) Cyparissus, Hb. about 22mm. Loc. Occasionally with type, r.>i., top of Simplon Pass, viii. b. /98 ; Miirren, viii. 11, 1900 {Wh.). Chamounix ; Larche, Lac de la Madeleine {Kane) : as var. onlym N. latitudes. (b.) blk. spots un.s. occasionally replaced by long dashes. ab. Subtus-radiata, Fa v. (c.) occasional traces of additional metallic spots un.s. h.w. Genus, Rusticus, Hh. (Plebeius, Kirhij, &c.). [On the authority of Scudder and Grote, I have suppressed Plebeius as a generic name, as not having been so used by L.] Dist. Char. A more or less conspicuous wh. band un.s. h.w. just within the peacock ey(S. R. (Zephyrns, FrivahLsLi) var. Lycidas, Trupp. 33mm. Fd. pit. Astra(jalus e.vocarpus. $ lilac-bl., ? brn. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. straUjld row of 4 nrly. equal-si/.ed blk. spots across base. Loc. Extremely local : Simplon Pass, just above 2nd Refuge, 42 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND ab., and thence to Ganter Bridge, vi. 25/01 (Sloprr), vii. m. /98 ; vii. 8/01 (n7(.); same date /02 {S/idih}ji), Sec, &,c. ; from Visp to Stalden, Huteggen, Baltschieder, and Val d'Anniviers, vi.-vii, (Fiu:) ; St. Nicholas, vii. 18/98 (Loire) ; vii. 19/98 {Jllcm.) ; Folla- terre, vii. 22/99 {U'schl.) ; Gemmi, 2 $ s {Stau^lcn). Stresa, meadows nr. lake, vi. b. '87, a few ; x. /99, a ^ and $ smaller, presvimably a 2nd brood (Jones). Directions of Yar. (a.) up. s. h.w. (?, eye-spots showing or. edges, (b.) up.s. h.w. 2 , absence of eye-spots, (c.) iin.s. h.w. tendency of wh. band to be- come less distinct, (d.) shade of grd. col. un.s. R. Argus, /.. (^Egon, Srlu'tf'. ; Argyrotoxiis, Birj.'.tr.) ; 27mm. Fd. pit. TrifuUnut, Genista seoparia, Ononis spinosa, Colntea arborescens, &c. : hyb. ov. [Obs. — The confusion wh. always seems to exist between this and the following sp. has been materially increased by the discovery that the name Argus, L., by which the latter has been universally known, ought to be applied to the sp. generally called A-lgon. It is greatly to be regretted that the discovery, wh. serves no scientific end, was ever made, or that having been made, the discoverer did not suppress the useless fact. Unfortunately it is but too little realized that nomenclature is only a means to an end, and that that end is the illustration, and, so to speak, the condensation of scientiric facts, rather than a reproduction of the confusion of Babel.] 3 lilac-bl., 2 brn. Dist. Char. J rather broad suffused blk. border up.s., ? propor- tionately large eye-spots un.s., esp. f.w., and grd. col. gen. darker than Arifj/roi/nonhDi 2 , making the wh. band more conspicuous : some $ s are, however, difficult to distinguish. [Obs. — The claw on the front tibia of this sp. requires a fairly strong lens to distinguish it, so does not afford a ready means of identification, though useful as a final resort. It is, however, a mere prolongation of the upper j)ortion of the joint, and absurdly inadequate as a (jencric distinction.] Log. V. gen. distributed over the whole region in woods and clearings, on roadsides and riverbanks, alpine slopes and pastures up to the tree-limit : sometimes in endless profusion ; v.-vi. and vii.-viii. ; in the ratns. vii.-viii. only. Directions of Yar. (a.) increase of size up to 32mm. (in the hotter Iocs. ; the largest I have ever seen come from Sierre, and from the Rhone banks at Bouveret). (b.) diminution of size, culminating in : var. Alpina, lleire: not exceeding 23mm., sometimes less; ^ with rather darker grd. col. Loc. The usual form in the higher mtns., c//., Borisal, vii.-viii. ,98, and vii. b. /02, extremely ab. (HV/.) (c.) tendency to obsolescence of metallic spots un.s. h.w, (d.) tendency towards disappearance of wh. band un.s. h.w. in 3 . AND THK ALl'S OF CENTRAL KUKOPE. 13 (e.) un.s. shade of 'j;n\. col. (f.) $ , amount of or. up.s. (g.) tendency to develop mai'gl. I'ow of l)lk. spots up.s. h.w. J . (var.) ab. Bella, ll.-S.: with liglitci' un.s. (a transitional form is ab. in the Rhone Valley). R. Argyrognomon,! Hifisir. (Ar.(i., in immense numbers at the Ganter bridge, vii. /98, &c. (IIV*.). Gen. distributed through the rest of the region. Directions of Yar. (a.) size : largest gen. in hotter Iocs., Sierre, Jiranson, and larger still from Mendrisio, viii. 15/02 (/'Vs.). $B of 27mm. -2Bmm. are usual where ? Ilninura is found. The smallest constitute : var. iEgidion, McUsjirr ; 22mm. -2omm. J with rather darker grd. col. up. and un.s., $ gen. with some bl. up.s. Log. Gen. the mtn. form, but not to the exclusion of others, e.KC. the large rn.)\ Alpes Maritimes, c. in meadows {linn.); Certosa di Pesio, a few ? s below Chiusa, J s in a large clover field about a mile away, viii. 18/92 (A'or/i.s) ; Susa, viii. m. /97 ; Courmayeur, viii. b. /94 {Tiitt) ; Olgiate, viii. /95 ; Sondrio, viii. /96 [Miss l-'tn.) ; Lago di Loppio, vii. 81, 1900 {Jom-H) ; Wolfsberg, vii. 17/97 {Linn.). DireGtions of Yar. (a.) diminution- of size, culminating in : ab. Polysperchon, lUiistr. .- not more than 20mm. Log. With type or with var. ('uretas ; usually considered an ab. of 1st biood, but 1 have taken it in the Pfynwald, vii. 21/99, and at Branson, \ ii. 19, 1900, as well as vi. 1/02 in the latter loc. (b.) loss of or. spots un.s. h.w. constituting : var. Coretas, odi^. 2 entirely brn. up.s. Log. The only form (exc. ab. I'olysjwrc/uni) that I have ever found in the Rhone A'alley : the 2 seems v. scarce. Pfvnwald vii. 21/99 ; Martigny, vii. 22/99 ; both sides of Rhone*' bridge at Bran^.on, on right bank of Rhone, v. 20/01, and vii. 19, 1900 (W'h.). AND TllK ALl'S OF CKNTKAL EUHOl'K. 45 As ab., Digne, vi. 7/99 {li.-l'.nt.) ; vi. h. 90, c. but worn, all of this form {Junes); Alpes Maritimes, c in meadows (linn.); Mendel, vii. '95 (LiiDi.). [Obs. — This sp. requires even more than ordinary care, being v. fragile.] Genus, Cyaniris, hnlm. C. Argiolus, /.. (Acis, l')ihr. : Cleobis, .S'///:r/) : o'iiiiiii. Fd. pit. Uliamniis fiantiida {l''rc!/), ivy and holly ; byb. [). 1)1, with slight lilac tinge, J with v. narrow, ? with v. broad blk. marg. up.s. ; broadest in both sex.es at apex f.w. Dist. Char. Pale milky-bl. grd. col. un.s., with small blk. daslu'S. Loc. Widely spread, but in Switz. local and seldom c, often wiih V. restricted tlight. 1 have only seen it in any numbers at Veytaux, in the vineyards, v. and ix. /97; between Bouveret station and the Rhone, same dates, and under the cliffs opposite Yernayaz, v. 2() 02. Weissenburg, v.e., v. c. (W,'/.) ; nr. Sion, v.e., v.c. (irapii, Far.) ; Lugano, c. {Janes). Other places and dates are : Goschenen {E.-S.) ; Weissenstein, nr. Soleure {Jan'ji) ; Veyrier, iv. 29; Sierne, v. 12; Arzier, vii. 18 {I'd.); Veytaux, iv. 5/99; Vernayaz, iv. 22/02 ; ix. 8 02 ; Lavey, v. 29/02 (ITA.) ; Sepey, vii. /Ol {Liini.) ; Loeche, hr. Sierre {Fac.) ; Monte Generoso, vii. /88 {Lmn.) ; Chiasso (Mai/er) ; Faido, vi. 6/02 {Chp.) ; Sertigthal, and Val Bregaglia {Killias). Digne, iv. e. /97 {Tiitt) ; vi. 90, vii. /91 {[.inn.) ; Alpes Mari- times, e.;/., Vallon Obscur, c. ; St. Martin Vesubie, scarce {Bnn.) ; the Esterel, iv. b. /08, c. ; Auribeau, iv. b. /03 {Tutt) ; Monnetier, vi. 4; le Coin, iv. 23, v. 11; Mt. de Sion, vii. 29 : Bossey, v. 28 (/;/.) ; WoKsberg, vii. 19/97 {Limt.). Directions of Yar. (a.) size: 2omm. to 35mm. (b.) decrease in size of spots un.s., culminat- ing in : ab. Parvipuncta, l-'ar/is: a form ol' the summer brood with few and small spots. Genus, Lampides, Ifh. Dist. Char. un.s. streaked with brn. and wh. ; h.w. with slender " tail." L. Boeticus, /.. .• ooium. Fd. pit. pods of Coliitea and other Leiiiiiiii)a>setr : hyb. ov. S prp.-bl., 2 dk. brn. with brt. bl. on disc. Dist. Char. un.s. fawn-col. and wh. Log. In Switz. only isolated specimens exc. in the Rhone valley, c.//., Basle {l>iekeniiian)i) : Hottingen, viii. 13 and x. 0 79 {Snell) ; Lausanne {Faliaype). Not v. uncommon below Follaterre (on Coliitea), viii. 18-24/93 {l''ae.) ; viii. 21 99, ab., but mostly rather worn; viii. 27/01, 1 5, worn {Wh.) \ also St. Triphon, x. 3 '98 46 THE BUTTEKFLIES OF SWITZEKLAND (Fis.) ; Sierre, viii. 19/99, worn, and viii. 81/99, in good condition (Wh.) ; Aigle (Taskey) ; Geneva, vii. (/>7.). Gresy-sur-Aix, viii. 22, 1900 (Tiitt) ; Stresa, x. 18/99, c. {Jones); above Beaulieu, v. worn, x. 9/02 {IL-Brn.) ; St. Maurice, Cannes, scarce {Brut.) ; 8an Dalmazzo di Tenda, ix. ,92; Bordig- hera, v. /92, fairly c. (Norris) ; Susa, viii. m. /97 {Tiitt). [Obs. — Standi iKjer is mistaken in speakilig of Ilirticus in the Valais as " advena " ; it is to be found in the same spots every year, and in all stages, I have taken both 1. and p.] L. Telicanus, Luikj : 'iihiim. Fd. pit. Lijthniiii sttlictirin, heather, Sec. ; hyb. ov. 13rn ; c? glazed with lilac, J brt. lilac at base (spots of un.s. show through). Dist. Char. un.s. mouse-brn. and whitish. Loc \. scarce in Switz, : opposite la Croix, Martigny, nr. the Dranse, x. {W'scld.) ; also larvte ; Trois Torrents, vii. /91 ; also Cassarate, viii. 14/02 (f V.s.) ; every year in gardens in and round Geneva, c.;/., Geneva, viii. /80 ; Hermance, vii., Pinchat, vii. {lU.). Digne, vii. /91 {Linn.); Nice; Vallon Obscur ; Val des Fleurs ; Valley of Mantegna ; Ht. Martin Vesubie, a few, ii. to x. [Bnn.) ; Castellane, vii. 17/91 {Nicholson) ; Certosa di Pesio, vii. 18/92 ; c. . later round the Beinette springs ; San Dalmazzo di Tenda, ix. /92, v.c. on flowers of Aster anuilus ; Bordighera, c. throughout x. {Son- is). Tribe Thecliui. Genus, Callophrys, Hillhrnj. C. Rubi, /.. ; 'i.Snnn. b\l. [ilt. Sp. of Hiihiis, (inii^ta, I iUfininni, kc. ; hyb. p. 3 with, ? without a scaleless-looking o\al iiatch nr. costu, up.s. f.w. Dist. Char. Grn. un.s. Loc. \'. gen. distributed and mostly ab., even at 7000ft., r.ih, c. at top of Kochers de Naye; lii.-v., in the lowlands, vi.-vii. in the mtns. My earliest date is Veytaux, iii. 17/99. In Switz. it appears not to Ije double- brooded. Directions of Yar. (a.) tendency to disappearance of wh. line un.s., culminating in : ab. Immaculata, l-'nrli>i .• wh. is entirely without it. Loc. Occurs occasionally with type, r.//., Vacallo {Maijcr) ; Kochers de iSiaye, vi. 1/01 [Wh.). [Obs. — An ab. with tne bare patches up.s. f.w. ouhreous was tiikeii at Veyrier by Trot. Blachier, who has another (from Morocco), in which they arc dk. brn.j Genus, Laeosopis, Hmhr. (Aurotis, Ihilm.). AND THE ALPS OK CKNTRAT, KfROPK. 47 L. Roboris, Hsp. (Rvippns, ///>.) ; 8Bmm. Fd. ])lt. oak. g' with prp. i-eflcctions over i^reater part of f.w. and half h.w.. ? only alont^' inn. luarg. f.w. Dist. Char. Border of metallic-lilac-edfied peacock eyes on hrn.- gr. un.s. Loc. Digne, vi. e. and vii. b. 5)9, v. local and not c. {Miss l-'(n.)\ at Villard it reaches more than 8000ft.; Annot ; Entrevaux, vi. 80/01 {Poii-ell) ; St. Martin Vesubie on high road to Nice, 2 miles from village in oak copse ott' road {Brm.) ; vii. /Ol, v. ab., /.); Zurich {Zll.-Dolder) ; at Weissenburg the commonest Thecla {H.)\ r.otzen, vi. e. /Ol {Loire). (c.) tendency to lose the wh. line un.s., cul- minating in : ab. iEsculi, Bh. : in wh. it is wholly wanting on f.w. and occa- sionally on h.w. also. Loc. Aigle {Wh.) ; Pfynwald, vii. 9/98 {Bkiii.). Digne {li.-Brn.) ; Nice, &c. {Brni.) ; Certosa di Pesio, vi.-vii. /92 (Xorn's) ; Susa, vi. 18/02 {Lour) ; Botzen {Ka)ir). T. Spini, Sriiif. (Lvnceus, Esp.) ; n(.) ; vii. /91 (L»'».) ; St. Martin Vosubie ; Valley of the ^ladone ; Balme de la Frema, 7500ft. (!) {I inn.) ; Courmayeur, viii. m. /98 ; Pre St. Didier, viii. m. /98 ; Cogne, viii. 7-12/94 {Tntt) ; Certosa di Pesio {Norris) ; Lake Como, vi. /95 (A/m Ftn.) ; Bormio, the New Baths, vii. 11, 1900 {B.-Brn.) ; Cortina, fairly e. and fine, vii. m. 1900 {Jones); Falzarego Pass, viii. G 95 {'Inff); Mendel, vii. /95 ; St. Paul, Carinthia, vii. 17 97 ; Wolfsberg. vii. '97 {Fjiin.) ; Modhng, vii. /97 (A/m Ftu.). Directions of Var. (a.) number of or. spots anal ang. up.s. h.w. (b.) $ , large or. spots up.s. f.w., constituting: iiO THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND "ab. ? Lynceus, Hb. .- which on nn.s. has the or. diniinishefl. and the bl. spot v. large. Loc. Digne, vi. 4/99, »te. (fl.-Bm.) ; St. Martin Vesubie, rare {Brtn.) ; Certosa di Pesio, c. in 2nd brood, vii. e. '92 (Xarris) ; Bot/.en, vi. e. 01 (Lour). (c.) broader wh. line nn.s. Loc. S. of Alpes Maritimes (Unii.]. T. Pruni, L. : 82mm. Fd. pit. blackthorn, oak, &c. laise ; Neuveville {Couleru) ; Aarberg ; Schiipfen {linthenhacli) ; Lausanne ; Orbe (Laharpc) ; not rare at Schaffhausen (Trapp) ; Zurich, vii. /95 (Lmn.) ; Weissenburg, New Baths, scarce {Hff.) ; Coire (Killias) ; Choully, vii.; Meyrin, vii. {Bl.) ; Aigle, vii.' b. /97 {IVh.) ; St. Triphon (Fin.) ; Martigny ; Sierre ; Noes ; Corin {Far.). Mendel, vii. /95 {Lmn.). Directions of Yar. (a.) number of or. spots up.s. [//. N. Lucina, /.. ; 28mm. Fd. pit. ])rimrose, also various sp. of Il)i)in'.r. S with 6, ? with 4 walking legs. [The It, markings in the AND THK ALPS OK CKNTRAT, ETJROPK, 51 5 are gen. so much more conspicuous than those of the 3 , that the latter gen. appears to he dk. hrn. Mith or.-brn. macular band?, the former or.-brn. with v. ilk. l»ni. markings.] Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. 2 bands of \vh. spots, the basal one broken below the centre. Loc. Throughout the whole district from Digne to Wolfs- berg, and from Baale to the Alpes Maritimes, but becoming scarce in the latter loc, and not rising much above 8000ft., iv.-vi. [Obs. — It must occasionally be partially double-brooded, as Dr. Christ took it at Lecco, viii. /79 ; Mr. Tntt at Grcsy-sur-Aix, vii. e. /(t7 ; and :Miss Foun- taino at Olsiate, ix. /!)3. j Directions of Yar. (a.) extent of dk. col., esp. h.w., in S , i» which it sometimes almost obliterates the tawny markings ; the blk. dots nr. out. marg. sometimes unite into a band. (b.) suppression of margl. row of blk. dots in $ , culminating in : ab. Obsoleta, Tutt .- in which they are all absent f. and h.w. Division. PAPILIONIDA. Fam. PAPILIONIDiE. Tribe Papiuoxtdi. Genus, Papilio, /.. , liyb. }). Prevailing col. yell, and blk. Dist. Char. ;i long " tail " nr. anal. ang. h.w. P. Podalirius, /.. (Sinoii, l\i. (Sahari^^ ohth.: /Estiva, Kinu'v); up.s. blk. markings broader, itn.s. more rust-col. spots, and larger bl. ones ; " tails " shorter, size small. Loc. Arpilles, .Teur-Brulee, vii. (ir.srAi.) ; kc. ab. Nigrofasciata, llnthki' ; with broad blk. border almost covering the bl. Loc. With type, but v. rare ; and as it ha= been obtained by freezing pupie, only to be expected in the hightest haunts of the sp. : Zermatt {A(i.). (e.) or. -red spots in yell, lunules of border up.s. h.w., esp. nr. costa, constituting : ab. Rufopunctata, TIV;, Tribe Thaidi. Genus, Thai's, Fah:; Fd. pit. ArhuAochta ; hyb. p. • Prevailing col. yell, and blk. with red spots. Dist. Char, conspicuous dog-toothing, out. marg. up.s. esp. h.w. T. Polyxena, ,SV/////'. (Hypennnestra, Saipoli : Hypsipele, Fahr. : Rumina, Fsji.) ; 60mm. 5 larger than (J . Dist. Char, not more than 1 red spot up.s. f.w. Loc Formerly in Tessin (Fsd.). It may be found again, just ■ as L. Ijoeticua was; esp. as it was taken in some numbers by Trapj>, in the vineyards at Orta, vi. 19/.57. Like all the genus it flies v. early in the day, and is seldom seen after 2 p.m. Directions of Yar. (a.) darker colouring. ='^Yar. Cassandra, ///'. (Demnosia, h'rr. : Creusa, Mrinni) ; also smaller, r)Onnu. Loc. Digne and Chiiteaufort ; Savoie (/vV(»r) ; \'ence ; Cagnes ; nr. mouth of Loup; Cannes; on marshy gnl., and flies only a short time {P,nii.) ; Mouth of the Roja, iv. /92 (Ao/t/.s). [Obs.— Mr. A. H. .Jones remarks that the emergence of this sp. depends greatly on the season ; it was fairly c. at Hyeres, v. b. /88, but entirely over and the larvaj full fed by v. 6/94.] (b.) red spots replaced by yell, lighter than gi'd. col. ab. Meta, :Meigen (Rumina alba, K^p. : Rufescens, olfJi. : Flavoniaculata, Schililc). (c.) absence of red spot inn. marg. up.s. f.Av. *T. (Rumina. /..) var. Medesicaste, lllifin- (Ihiinina. Hh.: Rumina australis, Fsp.) ; -iSmm. 54 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND $ larger than 3 . Dist. Char. 8 red spots nr. costa up.s. f.w. Loc. L'Esterel, iv.-v. (Poivcll) ; (Irasse (Kane) ; [at Hyeres as early as iii. 18/02 (SlojU'r), as late as v. b. /90 {Jones).] Digne, iv. 7/02 (A'.-/;ra.) ; v. (Slopcr); vi. 7/99 (IL-nrn.) ; esp. dry hill-side behind cemetery. [Mr. A. H. Jones found both the butterfly and the larva in all stages, \\. b. /90, the young 1. on the un.s. of the leaves and in the tubes of the flowers of .■iristDlorJiia /mtolochia, the full-fed 1. concealed at the roots.] Directions of Yar. (a.) presence or absence of red spot nr. inn. marg. up.s. f.w. (b.) increase of red on h.w. "ab. Honoratii, Bsdv. .- in wh. the disc of h.w. up.s. is more or less covered with red. Log. So far, from Digne only, in varying numbers, e.tj., 16 taken in /95, only 1 in ,'96 {Tntt). Tribe Parnassidi. Genus, Parnassius, Latr. Prevailing col. wh. with blk. (and gen. red) spots. Dist. Char. f.w. with transparent out. marg. I Obs. — The ? , after pairing, possesses a remarkable abdominal sac, the use of wh. is as yet unknown. J P. Apollo, /.. ; 75mni. Fd. pit. St'dum telqth'nun and S. (libit III, rarely Sa.fifraija aizotdes. 3 with V. hairy, $ with nearly smooth abdomen (sac dk. brn. small and horny). Dist. Char. grd. col. viilkn wh. ; antennje not annulated ; gen. red spots h.w. only. Loc. Scarce i)i the N. plains of Switz., but ab. in the Rhone Valley, and gen. on the lower slopes and in sunny gullies through- out the region ; gen. less c. above 5000ft., but rises to 8500ft. at the Schwarzsee above Zermatt, and is c. at 7000ft. on the Simplon, and still higher on the Albula. It sometimes emerges as early as iv. e. {far.), and lasts till ix. m. (i///.), often in good condition, though there is only one brood. Its most usual time for emergence is vi. and vii. Directions of Var. (a.) size : average specimens from the -Jura are said by h'lir. and M.-D. to be larger than those from the Alps, but are certainly not larger than those from the neigh- bourhood of the Rhone Valley. Specially flne above Susa, vi. . 24/99 {ll.-Brn.) ; large at Abries, vii. m. 1900 {Tiitt) ; v. small and approaching Ddinx in the Torre Pellice valley, viii. /Ol {Tiitt). I The largest alpine specimens look small compared with some of the Spanish examples from the Albarracin district {( '///*.).] (b.) size of spots, culminating on the one hand in ; AND TUK AM'S oK CKNTKAL EUKOPE. 00 ab. (& var.) Carpathica, l!rl>,(: with v. large costal spots up.s. f.w. : and ab. Wiscotti, <>l)th.: with v. large spots up.s. h.w. ; and on the other hand in : ab. Novarae. olitli. : wiihout spots u]).s. h.w. (c.) blk. spots up.s. f.w . joined into a band, (d.) absence of wh. centres to red spots. j-Qhs. — Kline (pjiuopean Butterflies, p. -l) would seem to imply that the wh. pupils are peculiar to the I'yrenees, but it is certainly the usual form ; the other is scarce. There is a magnificent example with v. large red spots in ISlr. Fison's collection. I (e.) col. of red spots, varying from brt. crim- son through It. rd. and or. to : ab. Nevadensis, Obtli. : in wh. they are yell. Log. (Occurs as var. in S. Spain) ; as ab. in the Alps, r./j., Weissenburg (////.) ; nr. Basle {lUirchhardt) ; &c. (f.) presence of a red spot or spots, f.w. con- . stituting : var. Pseudonomion, I'/n-ist: wh. has always a red spot, gen. double, on inn. marg. un.s. f.w. and usually one outside the disc, cell ; the latter of wh. is gen., the former sometimes reproduced up.s. The long spot nr. anal ang. up.s. h.w. is also gen. red ; this sometimes occurs in other forms. Loc The usual form on the -Jura where it is v. ab.; not yet out, vi. e. /02 ; but rather worn, thofigh ab., viii. h. ,02 (H/'.) ; found as an ab. elsew'here ; c.//., Brusio, vii. 17/01 (VVs.j. (g.) occasionally 2 wh. pupils in cl. spot up.s. h.w. (h.) ? , tendency to darken greatly up.s., usually dk. in the X'alais, culminating in : ab. ? Brittingeri, IHi'l. Loc. Principally in the E. Alps, but also in the Engadine, the N'alais, c^c. [Obs. — A specimen from the Albula Pass has the 2 red spots h.w. united by a blk. bar. (R.-Brn.).] [Obs. — A question has been raised as to the specific difference between P. Apollo and F Deliiis, and the observations of Dr. Chapman on the larvae hardly seem to have been conclusive. There are not very many places where the 2 forms overlap in any numbers, and when this is the case hybrids are occasionally, though V. rarely, found, e.fj., between Simplon Village and the Hospice (Christ); Albula Hospice, a ? , viii. /Hi [Fi-eii] ; others are also mentioned by Freij in the "Bulletin Ue la Societe Entomoiogi(jue Suisse," vol. vii., p. 'JoO. Naturally these are in the highest haunts of P. Apollo. The piobability would seem to be that we have here a sp. almost, but not quite fully evolved; or rather, separated in most Iocs, but not entirely so in those places wh. are suitable to both forms. It would seem from the rarity of these hybrids, that even where they occur they are less successful in passing through the earlier s'ages than the progeny of either form alone. That they are true hyrids and not meiely inlermediate forms is to be inferred from the fact that they occur only when the two forms overlap. 56 THE BUTTERFLIES OK SWITZERLAND P. Delius, /vs-/^ (Plia^bus, I'nunwr) ; Crimm. Fd. pit. Saxifrofia arj/ides and Sciniicrriniiii iiioiitajuiiii. 2 with fewer and shorter hairs on body than S ; abdominal sac brn. and horny. Dist. Char. grd. coh up.s. creaiinj wh. ; antenna- annulated : gen. at least one red costal spot up.s. f.w. Log. Not rare, but local ; found esp. by the side of Alpine streams. Not in the plains nor on the Jura, also wanting in the highests Alpine Iocs. : gen. from 4500ft. to 8000ft. ; vii.-viii. On the heights of Glarus and St. Gall [l-'n-n) : Parpan, vii. /80 ; Pratigau, vii. /Hi {Tiitt); Pont de Nant, vii. 18/22 {HI.); between the Diablerets and the Argentine, vii. /02 [Mum) ; all the lateral valleys to the left of the Fihone between Brig and Martigny ; r.//., Evo- lena, vii. 11/98 {FLeinyiKj) ; Col Torrent, viii. b. /99 {Tutt) ; Col des Vaches, Zinal, viii. 1/98, ab. on marshy grd. (li.-Brn.) ; above 5th Refuge on Siraplon Road, vii. 9 and 12/01, ab. (HV/.) ; also the Gemmi {Far.) ; Oberalp See viii. e. /95 {('Jip.); Anderniatt, vii. m. /86 {Jom:^) ; gen. in the valleys of the Engadine ; c//., Pon- tresina, vii. /88, &c. {Lnin.) ; Guarda, vii. 22-31, 1900 ; upper marshy pastures of Val Tiioi, vii. 1900 {(.'hp.) ; &c, {v. ivfra). Chamonix; Mt. Cenis {Kane); slopes of Mer de Glace, Lavancher, viii. in. /02 ; Le Lautaret, viii. 5/96; Larche, viii. b. 1900; Abries, viii. m. 1900 {Tutt) ; above Yinadio, vi. e. /92 {'Sorria) ; Petit St. Bernard — La Thuile, viii. b. /98 ; Cogne, viii. m. /94 (2'//^^) ; Madone des Fenetres, vi. 28-vii. 7/99 {Lani/) ; Campiglio, vii. /95 {Lmn.) ; Stelvio {Fre;/). Directions of Yar. (a.) size of blk. and red spots. (b.j spots f.w. joined together, constituting : ab. ? Herrichii, obt/i. (c). eye-spots h.w. joined by blk. streak constituting ; ab. $ Cardinal, < >bt/i. .- in wh. the eye-spots are also v. large. (d.) absence of wh. pupils to red spots. (e.) occasional entire absence of red from f.w. ab. Inornata, II A. Log. C. in the Engadine, c;/., Sertigthal (N/o/ycr) ; also Simplon occasionally, c.//., vii. 9/01 (TlVt.) ; etc. (f.) occasional absence of red from one or both spots h.w. ab. Leonhardi, Fuld : wh. has h.w. only slightly marked. Log. Upper Engadine [lii'ild) ; not rare in Gadmenthal {Christ) ; Simplon {lliit-wr). (g.) increase in number of red spots culmi- nating in : ab. 2 Hardwiokii, Kane (Ruhrsi, Christ); wh. has three on outer costal blotch up.s. f.w. and distinct wh. ante-marg. band, h.w\ AND TUK AL1>S OK CENTKAL KUKOPK. Ot Loc. Esp. Simplon and the Gemini (Far.) ; I'ont do Nant, vii. 13 (/>7.). (h.) decrease of col. in red spots, culminating in : ab. Aurantiaca, S/ndcr .- in wh. they are replaced hy yell. Loc. Simplon and (iadmenthal (C/nist). (i.) darkening of up.s. in $ , culminating in: ab. 2 Nigrescens, HA..- wh. is greatly darker than type. Loc Esp. Engadine, <'.//., Languard Alp, nr. Glacier; nr. last trees E. of ft. of Kosegg Glacier, vii. 10 01 ; Heuthal, viii., 14 01 (Fis.) ; Sertigthal, vii., 22 and 25, 1900 {Slujier) ; nr. top of Furka, vii. 1 91 (/;.-/.')•».). P. Mnemosyne, L. : ()Oiiini. Fd. pit. ( 'oriidalis cdru and ( '. Iiallcri. ? -with smooth shiny body ; abdominal sac wh., large, and irregular in shape. Dist. Char, absence of red spots. Loc. Moist grassy places at moderate heights throughout the region, exc. the Jura; rarely much under 3000ft. or above 5500ft. ; vi.-vii. b, ; its lowest loc. appears to be on the mtns. round Wallen- stadt, at abou<- 1500ft. ; occasionally at ft. of cliffs at Martigny {Fav., Slope)-, Wh.). In nearly all the side valleys from Vernayaz to Brig : Salvan ; Forclaz ; Trient ; entrance to the Val d' Herens; ]\Iayens de Sion ; Arolla ; Niouc ; Plaine de la Madeleine ; Chandolin ; Saasthal ; Alpe Foliette nr. Loeclie-les-bains ; Balt- schieder Valley (Fav.) ; Berisal, v. ab., vii. b. ,98 ; over before vi. e. 99; and worn, vii. b. 01, but v. fine on the Steinenalp, vii. 1101 (117*.); Montana, vi. e. /9.S, v. c. {FU'iiii/nn) ; Urbachthal (M.-l>.) ; Gadmenthal, at about 5000ft. {iliUxer) ; Weissenburg, Itehind the ruins (/:/.'/.) ; Engelberg, on Engstlen Alp and in Huren- enthal [Mchmcv) ; \Vasen below Goschenen (U'.sr///.); Weggithal {!''reif) ; above Einsiedeln, at ft. of My then {I 'cud) ; ^Yiesen {FAHenrinii) ; Val Tellina {M.-D.). Digne, vi. /90 (Linn.) ; Certosa di Pesio, v. ab. up to 7000ft., vi.- vii. 92 (A"o/-r/.s) ; Susa, vi. 23/97 {U.-Jlrn.) ; Lolling, vii. /97 {Lum.). Directions of Yar. (a.) size : specimens from Switzerland and the Basses Alpes are gen. smaller than those from further E., but those from the Steinenalp are v. fine, (b.) size of blk. spots. (c.) darkening of grd. col. esp. in J , culmi- nating in : ab. ? Melaina, Uniiruth (Hartmanni, Standfnss). (d.) broadening of semi-transparent marg., culminating in : ab. Nubilosa, Cliristn/ili .• in wh. the v. broad marg. contains wh. spots. (e.) absence of blk. spot outside disc, cell, h.w. 58 THE BUTTERFLIES OE SWITZERLAND Fam. PIERID^. Tribe Aporiidi. Genus, Aporia, Hl>. Prevailing col. \\h. A. Crataegi, /.. ; (35mm. Fd. pit. liavvthoiii, fruit trees, and at higher altitudes I'mmis /lathis and Cotonca-'^tcr {lutv.) : hyb. 1. 5> with cl. area f.w. almost transparent. Dist. Char. Nervures of all ws. strongly marked in hlk., In-owner in 2 ' Loc \\'idely distributed and gen. ab. over the whole district ; in the Alps up to 6000ft. or more ; v., vi., vii., viii. according to altitude, >'.;/., I)e\, V. b. /97 ; Martigny, vi. 4/02; Berisal, vii. b. 01 (HA.) ; Zinal, vii, 81/9iS ; Rochers de Nave, viii. 4,9G, v. fine and fresh ; Ferpecle, viii. 14/96 {IL-llni.). Directions of Yar. (a.) increase of blk. markings. ab. Suffusa, I'utt : with blk. suffusion on out. mai-g. forming tri- angular patches. ab. Marginata, Tntt : further increased to form broad dk. border (v. rare). ab. Lunulata, 'latt : with a marked thickening of disc, lunule h.w. (b.) col. un.s. ab. Melaina, Jatt .- un.s. h.w. with a thick dusting of blk. scales between the nervures. ab. ? Flava, Tntt: un.s. h.w. yell. ; not uncommon in fresh (esp. bred) specimens. [Obs. — The ab. Alepicu, Cosmovici, " grey, transparent, completely without scales," I think we can all make with judiciously rough handling; it is doubtless not uucoinmon in nature towards the end of the season.] Tribe Piekidi, hyb. 1. Genus, Pieris, SclmDiL Prevailing col. wh., apex f.w. more or less blk. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. without markings, or only along the nervures. P. Brassicae, L. : (JOmm. Vd. pit. vurious Cnicii'c.nr. S without, 5 with, blk. spots, up.s. f.w. Dist. Char, large size, without markings un.s. li.w. Loc. Everywhere in the plains and up to 4n00ft., in 2 brood?, iv.-vi., and vii. -viii. ; above that height one brood only, vii. -viii. My earliest date is Veytaux, iv. 5/99. The greatest heights I find recorded are Riiielberg, 84.S0ft. and Fuorcla di Hnrlej, 9055ft. AND THE ALPS OF CENTRAL EUROPE. 59 Directions of Yar. (a.) size : oO-70mm. (b.) V. light apex up.s. f.w. in 1st l)i-oo(], known as: var. Chariclea, stji/i. .• which has also un.s. h.w, deeper in j>t(L col., and powdered, often thickly, with dk. scales ; my most mai'ked examples are from ^Martigny. (c.) a spot on f.w. up.s. in J . ab. Nigronotata. ■idc/inntdtf. P. Rapae, /-. .• 45nim. Fd. pit. Cnu-lfenr, also mignonette and other low plants. 2 with blk. dash (in addition to the spots), inn. marg. up.s. f.w. Dist. Char, small size, without markings un.s. h.w. Loc. C. everywhere, from iii. e. to ix. e. in the plains, emergence taking place later as altitude increases, and only one brood being found in the mtns. Occasionally met with even up to the snow- line (Firi/) ; m.y earliest date is Veytaux, iii. 15/9i). Directions of Yar. (a.) size : 87mm. -58mm. ; the smallest are known as : ab. Minor, Custa .• 87mm. -B9mm, (b.) It. apex up.s. f.w. in spring brood : var. Metra, Stpli. (Similis, Kmulih-otlski .• Debilis, Jl/i/u'rak;/) ; with spots also It. ab. Leucotera, StrfamUi : apex without blk., the spots small and gr. ab. (var.) Immaculata, ^ '"r/.v/v// (Alba, Srrli,,hl) : (piite wnthout markings. (c.) increase of size of Idk. spots, culmi- nating in : var. Messanensis, y.U. . a summer form. (The summer brood at Mai'tigny is v. close to this.) (d.) un.s. h.w. dull yell, with blk. powdt>ring. ab. (var.) Mannii, Maifr .• un.s. with blk. spots showing through, apex lighter yell. [Obs. — This is described us u suniiiiei' toriii, vi.-vii.. but 1 have taken it at Vernayaz, iv. 30/02, cf ; and Sierre, v. 7/02, ? . ] (e.) deeper shade of yell, in $ , culminating in: ab. ? Novangliae, Vr'((/f/r/ ; a closely approximating form occurs in Switz., i-.ii., Sepey, v. 2() 0'2 : ^Martigny, vi. 8/02 (h'i.s.). P. Napi, L. : 45mm. Fd. pit. Cardiunlur /initrnsis and other low plants, esp. ' "incifcni . S with not more than 1, J with 2 or 3 dk. spots up.s. f.w. 60 THE BUTTERFLIES Ol' SWITZERLAND Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. nervures broadly suffused with greyish-grn. Loc. C. everywhere in the plains and alps, and in var, Bri/nnire up to the snow-line, iii. e.-ix. e. Directions of Yar. (a.) darkening of the gr. tips and spots up.s. in 2nd brood, known as : var. Sabellicse, Stj)Ji. .- ^ has a spot up.s. f.w. ; nervures un.s. much less strongly marked. (b.) tendency in 2nd brood to obsolescence of markings un.s. h.w., culminating in : ab. Napsese, Ei/.) ; Mendelpass, vii. e. /95 {Tutt) ; Heiligenblut, vii. e. /97 {Lniu.). (d.) un.s. h.w., grd. col. and markings vary extremely ; with us the spring brood IS far brighter and more distinctly marked un.s. (e.) tendency of grd. col. to become yell., culminating in : ab. Sulphurea, Sriioijen : wh. has alj ws. of a clear sulphur col. Loc. The .Tura {Aij.). Genus, Pontia, Fabr. Prevailing col. wh. with blk. at apex. AND THE AT,PS OV CKNTRAIi KUROPR. ()1 Dist. Char. gi-n. or greenish on un.s. h.w., not onhj alomj tlir ncrrures. P. Callidice, /•^7^ ; 43mm. Fd. pit. alpine ('nirifira-. cT with V. little blk. at apex f.w., ? with wh. -spotted blk. border f. and h.w. up.s. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. cl. row of arrow-headed primrose spots. Loc. V. widely distributed iibove 6000ft., and occasionally lower, <'.;/., Eggen, on the Siinplon, .52/)Oft., and, most curiously, for several consecutive years on the dyke bordering the Rhone nr. Branson bridge (Fai:). 6500ft. -HOOOft. is the range of its greatest abundance. It Hies strongly and rapidly, often over dangerous ground. All the heights between Martigny and the Simplon (Far.) ; e.(f., Arolla, up to viii. 28/96 {H.-llm.) ; Steinenalp above Berisal, viii. m. /98, nearly over ; vii. e. ;99, and vii. 11/01 ; also above the 5th Refuge, vii. 9/01, v. fresh [Wh.) ; Riflfel alp, vii. /Ol {Lmn.) ; Gornergrat, viii. b. '01 (SZo/x'/-), Sec. Pilatus (Kim-ht) ; ab. on the heights of Glarns ; the l^ernese Oberland ; from the Gemmi to the Rhone Glacier (Kane); Oberalp, viii. e. /95 (Chp.) ; c. in the Engadine, e.r/., Pontresina, vii. /95 {Miss h'f.n.) ; Hchafberg, vii. 24 01, Sec. (kis.): Fusio, vii. 1-12/99; ab. on the Albula Pass, and at the Bernina Hospice, vii. 1900 (('hp.); Bad Alveneu, vii.-viii. m (Linn.) ; Jura, :\rt. Suchet, 523oft. (Kane). Chamonix (Kane) ; The Brevent, viii. m. /02 ; Le Lautaret, viii. b. /96; above Abries, viii. m. 1900 (Tiitt) ; Alios, Larche, vii.- viii. (Poirell) ; Mt. Balme de la Frema, St. Martin Vesubie, Madone des Fenetres, &c. (linn.) ; Certosa di Pesio, c. on Monte Faschia and the highest green alps, vii. /92 {Narris); Brenner Pass, summit of Postalp, c. (.Joncx) ; Stelvio, from Franzenhohe to summit, vii. 12/01, ab. (R.-llni.) ; Falzarego Pass, viii. m. /95 {Tutt) ; Mendel, Campiglio, vii. /95 ; Heiligenblut, vii. 25/97 (Lnin.). Directions of Yar. (a.) size, esp. in ? . [My largest specimen, from the Schafberg, is 48mm., my smallest, from the Steinen- alp, 37mm.] (b.) darkness of markings up. and. un.s. in ? . [Obs. — Specimens from E. Switz. are sen. finer and better marked than those from the Valais.] P. Daplidice, L. : 48mm. Fd. pit. ( 'nicit'cnr, Uescdacrfc, etc. rig, not rare, iv.-v. and vii.- viii. {Far.) ; Lake of Nenchatel (Sndl) ; St. Gall (Tihchler) ; Schart'hansen {'rrapp) \ Basle, Liestal {('/irist) ; Zotingen ; Aargau {Wsclil.) ; according to J-'ici/ not found in the Grisons. Gresy-sur-Aix, vii. e. 97; viii. m. 1900; Bourg S. Maurice, viii. b. /98; Abries, viii. in. 1900 (Tiitt) ; Digne, iv. 6/02; vi. 5/99 (11.- lint.); vii. 91 (Liini.) ; Vallon Obscur ; 8t. Martin Yesubie ; zigzags ascending Mt. Bahne de la Frrma {F>r)ii.) ; Pre St. Didiev, viii. m. /98 ; Aosta, viii. ni. /94 ; Susa, viii. m. /97 ; Torre Pellice, vii. e. /Ol {Tiitt) ; Certosa di Pesio, in lower valley, vi. /92 (Aorr/.s). Directions of Yar. (a.) size: a small form about 33mm., gen., but not exclusively, in the spring brood, constitutes : Yar. and ab. Bellidice, Orhs. (Belemida, Hb.) ; having un.s. much darker and duller grn., and disc, spot un.s. f.w. sometimes gr. instead of grn. Loc. Occasionally with type, e.ii., Sion, iv. 7 {BL) ; Lavey, v. lG/02; La Batiaz, viii. e. 1900 (Wh.); from Martigny to Loeche (Far.). Alpes Maritimes (as above) {linn.). Cannes, iii. e. /97; iv. b. /03 ; Alassio, iv. b. /03 {Tutt). Tribe Anthocharidi, hyb. p. Genus, Anthocharis, Bsdv. Prevailing col. wh. with blk. on f.w. only ; grn. on un.s. h.w. A. Simplonia, Frr. (Marchand*, Hh.-Gcycr) ; 4'2min. Fd. pit. Criicifero. J lai-ger and more strongly marked with blk. than 'Z.) ; nr. Gryon, vii. /02 (il/o.s.s) ; Setinenthal, viii. 1, 1900 (/•'/.•<.) ; 1, v. worn, reported from Campfer, ix. 26 i-JoiK's). Chamonix ; Larche {Far.); St. Martin Yesubie, itc. {Frm.); Courmayeur, vii. e. /94 {Tiitt) ; Mt. Chetif, vii. 3/02 {Fowe) ; Certosa di Pesio, vi. 15, &c. {Xorris). AND TUK Af-l'S Ol' CKNTKAf, KViROPE. 68 Directions of Yar. (;i.) markinu of un.s. less heavy and of yellowei'-grn. ivar. Flavidior. HA. (Ausonia, Far.)\ the form of the plain, ,1,'t'n. with bi"t. yell, neivures (hitherto confused with Aiisania); gen. also slightly larger, reaching 46mm. ; ? with more or less of dull yell, suffusion up.s. h.w. Loc. The Rhone Valley, <'.//., Lavey, v. e. /97 ; v. 2702 ; Bierre, V. 7/02 (H'A.) ; c. some years between Charpigny and J>ex, iv. e. ; v.; Illgraben, V. (/'V.s.) ; Martigny ; 8aillon ; Sion ; \'isp (/''«r.). A. Bella, ('nimcr (C'rameri, llullcr); .'VSiuin. I'M. pit. Kymastntiii and other I 'rKcijrni . 2 un.s. h.w. yellower grn. than S {lumr). Dist. Char, (type) un.s. h.w. mottled grn. and silver (c. Taiiis var. Ilellezina). Loc. ^lonte l>re, iii.-iv. (Kane). Digne, iv, 6/02 {R.-Brn.) ; Susa, vi. 18/02 {Lour) ; lit. Vinaigrier; Vallon Obscur ; 8t. Martin N'osubie [Jinn.): La Bocca, Cannes, vii. m. 91 {Nic/Kilxon) ; Certosa di Pesio, vi. m. ,92 iXnrris). Directions of Yar. (a.) absence of silver in 2nd brood. var. Ausonia, llh. : rather larger than type ; differs from Siiitjilonia {([. v.) by having straight or nearly straight outer edge to disc, spot, up.s. f.w., and much less blk. marking esp. at w. -bases and on costa ; un.s. h.w. wh. spots at border rounded and much more irregular. [Obs. — The absence of blk. from the costa f.w., up.s., is not a trustworthy char. ; most of the Spanish specimens I have seen have a good deal : Spuler figures ^4 i(soHW( with blk. on costa. i vi.-vii. The 2 broods sometimes overlap. 'A. (Tagis, nil.) var. Bellezina, lisdr. (Px'llidice. //.-S.) ; 2bmm. I'd. pit. Jb< ris jiiiinatK. 2 un.s. h.w. lightly washed A\ith yell, (haiir). Dist. Char. un.s. li.w. a v. small round blk. disc, spot ; and wh. spots edged with yell. t Note. — The examination of a large number of specimens from the \alais, and a compaiison of them with specimens of Antioiiid from S. France, Spain, Pied- mont and the Caucasus, has convinced me of what 1 have long suspected, vi~., that Aii)ioni(i is not found in the Valais. It is also prima facie improbable that if we have one brood of Beliu, it should take the form of the "ind, as the sanic' intluenees are brought to bear on the larvie and pupaj of our insect as on the 1st. but not on the '2ud, brood of liclid in the S. Further, it appears from a note communicated liy M. deKougemont to Chne. Favre (Lepidoptcrcs du Valais, Supplement, I'.tO;^, p. 2). that the 1. of Sinq)l(>itia, of wh. he has bred many, differs greatly from that of Ilclia, and closely resembles that of /'. Daplidice : he describes the p., wh. has no movable segments, as being also less slender than that of Hclio. and having a shorter and stouter nose-horn. I have, therefore, followed Dr. Spuler in trcHtiug siinidoiiia as a separate sp. Mr. Sloper (no doubt amongst many others) has bred both Iklia from eggs laid by Amvnia, and vice versa, in the regular cycle. 64: THE bUttekfLies of sWitzekland Log. IMgiie, on the Dourbes, vi. /89, nearly over {Mrs. XiclioU) ; sparingly at about 8000ft. iv. e. /97 {Tntt). Genus, Euchloe, Hh. Prevailing col. wh. or pale yell. ; un.s. h.w. with greenish marbling. Dist. Char. S with apex f.w. or. E. Cardamines, /.. ; 4"iiiiiii. Vd. \)\t. < '(inhniiinr jimtrnsls and other Crticifntr. \Vh. : J with, $ without ijroad or. apical blotch f.w. Dist. Char. mi.s. h.w. marbling of small irregular dashes ex- tending over whole \v. Loc. (i<'ii. c. in lowlands imd subalpine region, iii. e.-vi. b., and mountnig up well above ')()0()ft.. emerging later as altitude increases, being found as late as viii. b. in the highest Iocs. My earliest date is V'eytaux, iii. 17 '.)!>. tlu' latest 1 have found recorded is Zinal, viii. 2,1)8 V"'. -/•'•"• I- Directions of Yar. (a.) size: varies greatly, commonly 87mm.- 45nnn., exceptionally, 8lmm.-4ymm. (b.) size of disc, spot f.w. : its variation cul- minates in : ab. Lasthenia, Milli'<-re: in wh. (dl blk. is absent; un.s. h.w. with \ . pale greenish-yell, markings. (c.) diminution of or. tip, culnunating in : ab. Turritis, Ochs. .- in wh. it only just reaches disc. spot. Ohs. Tlie V. siiiiill specimens of this ab. ure called ab. Minor, Cvckerrll, and ab. Hesperidis, Seinilnnji. and are considered l)y the latter to be a separate sp. (d.) S , 'in.s. f.w. sometimes with yell. grd. col. exc. inn. nuirg. ab. Citronea, 1(7*. Loc. Khone Valley, i^c. ; r.;/., x\igle, v. I). /08 {Sl(,i>cr) ; above Htalden, v. 16/08 (117*.). (e.) 5 , sometimes a dull buff suffusion up.s. h.w., esp. nr. cosia. [Obs. — In the Geneva Museum is a hermaphrodite, the body appareiitli/ rf , ' the \vs. more like the ? , but with the lower half of tip of left w. or., and an or. streak on tip of right w. ; the rest of the tips show or. through the wh.j E. Euphenoides, .S7//;-. (Enpbeno, K^j). : Calleni)henia, lliitlii) ; HGmuj. 1-'(L pit. liisciifi'lla iliih/ma. 3 with primrose-yell., $ with wh. grd. col. (and a little or. nr. apex). Dist. Char. Slight extent of nuirbUng un.s. h.w. Loc. Monte lU'r (Miiir. Siiri'nt-M iii>rr) ; vi. /90 {Lmn.} ; vii. 7/1)!). iitarly over (/.'.- /7r».) ; r.arcelonette, vii. 2/92 (\<>rris) ; Viilloii ()l)scur, Mt. Vinaigriei", Goi-ge de 8t. Anciro, Cannes (linn.) ; Nice ; St. Martin Vosubie, v. /98 {Lanrf); above Villat'rauca, v. e. 92 (Snnis) ; Susii. vi. 23 99, still quite fresh (It.-Jini.). [At Hyeres as eaily ns lii. 27 /02(,S7->/.,.,-).l Directions of Yar. (a.) size (Alpine specimens lai-^er than nr. coast, linn.). Tribe Lkptoshdi. Genus, Leptosia, lfl>. (Lpuoopliasia, s'//*//. ; lit^ijtidin., lUllhrni) ; hyh. p. Prevailing col. wh. Dist. Char. I^jxtreme tenuity of abdomen. L. Sinapis, /.. ; oSiimi. Fd. pit. f.Miis rnniiciiJatns, lAitlii/nis iiralotsis, Orohiis, \ icia. '«/(-. ,- v, dk. blotch on apex f.w. up.s. but no markings un.s., exc. that the apical blotch shows through, and there is often a c. slight cl. gr. band on h.w. ab. ? Erysimi, lirh-Ji. : quite wh. up. and uu.s. [Obs.— Thete are both gen. lowland forms of the sunnner brood, but Krysimi, at any rate, sometimes occm's in the spring. I)inien.}>omein\ Ochs., is treated as being the same name (though applied to an opposite form of var.), as Niiropome, Kap. ; then the suKilhr form of the Swiss Alps gen. has a uarnurer, not a bruddcr, border than the type, and gen. resembles the description of Caflisclii, Canidja, exc. in what 1 take to be tlie special distinction of the latter, viz., the absence of the discoidal spot up. s. f.\y. ; then again, the majority of the Swiss specimens appear to be identical with those of N. Europe, as stated by Frey and Ftivre, though contradicted by Staudhiger, whilst the large N. German form, Ivtiropomc, E^p., is not found with us. I am inclined to suppose that we must disregard the narrowei- border (so far as named forms are concerned) and include these specimens for the present in the type, as they are not at all yellower than others, and so can hardly come under the form Schildei, St(jr.\ Loc. Confined to high elevations, from 3()00ft. to nearly 8000ft., but more usually from 5000ft. to 7000ft. I'lrii, however, remarks that single specimens are occasionally taken in the lowlands ; (possibly these may be bred) ; vii.-viii. On most of the heights from Martigny and the Gemmi to the Stelvio, and on through the Tyrol, ^(.0. ; <'.//., Arpilles, Bovine, Catogne, and Grand St. Bernard, nr. Martigny; at the top of the Val d'Anniviers ; Zermatt ; the (iornergrat; Saas ; Fiesch ; Morel; Aletsch Glacier, Sec. (Fav.) ; Arolla, vii. 11, 1900, worn ; towards Evolena, vii. 17, 1900 ; Eggis- horn, vii. 10 98 ; Belalp, vii., 4, /99 {Jikm.) ; Steinenthal ; W. end of Steinenalp, vii. 11/01, fresh ; vii. e. /99, worn ; top of Simplon Pass, beyond the Hospice, viii. m. /98, worn ; vii. m. 99, fresh (Wh.); Furka, Andermatt side, viii. 1/94 {I!.- Urn.); Engelberg {C/iiist) ; Oberalp, viii. e. /95 ; Davos Platz, viii, 2, 1900; Guarda, vii. 22-81, 1900; Pontresina, vii. 1-21, 1900 {('lip.); Upper Enga- dine {Mi^s Ftit.), f.;/., Morteratsch Glacier, c. vii. {Xichohi»i) ; St. Moritz and Weissenstein {J-'rc)/) ; Dischmathal, vii. 12, 1900 (Slnpcr) ; Campfer, ab. {J/•///.) ; c.;/., St. Martin Vesubie, vii. {Powell) ; Mont de la Saxe, vii. e. 94 ; above Pre St. Didier, viii. m. /98 {Tiitt) ; Brenner, vii. e. 1900, fresh {H.-Uni.) ; Sulden, vii. 1900 {Lmn.). Directions of Yar. (a.) breadth of border in S . Yar. (& ab.) o Europomene, e. g brt. primrose yell., $ clear yellowish wh. Dist, Char. lUk. spotted border, narrowing almost to a point at anal ang. f.w., and v. slight on h.w. ; distinguished from I'fdr/'iin var. Ilt'iric/ii by large blk. disc, spot f.w. Loc. Gen. distributed and c, usually ab., v. -vii. and viii.-xi. m., occasionally up to 8000ft. My earhest date is iv. 24/99. The highest loc. in wh. I have seen it in any numbers is above the 5th Kefuge on the Simplon Pass, at nearly 7000ft. Directions of Yar. (a.) size : exceptionally from 35mm. to 52mm. (b.) depth of grd. col., the brighter and deeper form of ? culminating in : ab. + Inversa, Alplth-akij ; in wh. it is of the col. of the S • [Obs. — The ab. Flu in, Hii^z, seems to be synonymous with this (as <:;iven in St(irs\ Cataloyae, 1901), as it is only ^ometiines that the yell, spots in border of f.w. are developed into a band.] (c.) tendency to disappearance of parts of the blk. border. ab. Apicata, Tutt : in wh. band f.w. is reduced to an apical tip. ab. Obsoleta, Tutt .- in wh. band of h.w. is almost lost. AND THE ALPS OF CENTRAL EUROPE. G9 (d.) tendency to exaggeration of blk. on h.w. amounting occasionally to a double row of blk. spots. (e.) diminution of double disc, spot h.w. [ab. Unimaculata, Tatt : in \vh. one is obsolete. ab. Pallida, Tiitt : in wh. it is barely visible. Obs —In Col. Agassiz' collection are 2 ? s, one with the un.s. h.w. entirely, and the other partly It. bluish-grn., the latter irregularly streaked with or.; tor this ab.. which may recur, is proposed the name : ab. Yiridescens, sioprr.] • C. Chrysotheme, /•:^7^ .■ 88111111. -4-2iJiiii. Fd. pit. \'irl<( /lirsiita. S without, ? with yell, spots in dk. border. Dist. Char. f.w. up.s. yell, costa, in connection with It. dull or. grd. col. Loc. Styria and Carinthia ; Salzburg, vii.-viii. [Kane) ; above Modling, viii. e. /97, c. (.Um Fin.). Directions of Yar. (a.) size: {c. mpra). (b.) up.s. f.w. disc, spot often reddish at out- line, sometimes outlined only in blk. and tilled in with reddish. ^C. Myrmidone, il^p. ; 8-2mm.-45iniii. Fd. pit. Cijiisu^ hiflDiKs : ( 'istiis. S without, ? with yell, spots in blk. border. Dist. Char. f.w. up.s. costa yell, (in 3 ), in connection with red.- or. grd. col. ; distinguished also from h'.ihiso by narrower blk. border and in 2 by squarer yell, spots. Log. St. Paul, Lavantthal, vii. m. /97 {l.nin.} ; Styria (^and N. Italy), IV. -V. and vii.-viii. {Sjiiih-r). Directions of Yar. (a.) size : (r. .s///)»v/). (b.) grd. col. of ? . ab. I Alba. Stijr. .• almost wh. ; distinguishctl from ab. HclUe, as type from Kilusa. [Obs.— It is not unlikely that both the above sp. may have been overlooked in various Iocs, as Kdiisn, e.g., Chrijuotheme in N.E. and Myrmidone in S.E. Switz.j C. Edusa, I'dhr. (Hyale, E>^}>. : Crocpus. l-'omrnnj : Electra, Larin : Helena, II. -S.): isimii. Fd. pit. clover, trefoil, Sec. S without, ? with brt. yell, spots in broad blk. border. Dist. Char. brt. or. grd. col., deeper than ( hiiisathmir, not so red as Miinuiihnu . Loc. \'. gen. distril)uted in the lowlands and often ab. up to 40U0ft., mucii less ab. than U>iaU between 4000ft. and 6000ft., but 70 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND mounting occasionally even above (SOOOft., c;/., on the Riffel- berg. v.-x. Directions of Yar. (a.) size: exceptionally fi-om 82mm. to 52mm. (All.). (b.) diminution of spots in $ culminating in: ab. Obsoleta, I'utt : in which they are absent. [Obs. — Surelj" one would be justified in including under this ab. those . ; (Unmi. Fd. ])lt. JIIkiiiiuiis ajpiim .- liyb. iu].. S grd. col. brt. yell., ? greenish wh. Dist. Char. J brt. or. suffusion extending over greater part of f.w. up.s. ; 5 Distinguished from li/tanini 2 by greater size, and slight or. blotch at root of w. ('? var. of L'iiainni.) Loc. Monte Bre (Mine. Siiffrrt-Mirfi) ; below Iselle, and has been found at Axenstein (Kct)ie). ii.-iv. and vi.-viii. Digne, vi. /90 ; vii. /91 (Ijiui.) ; iv. r,;02 ; vi. 9/99, 1st and 2nd broods respectively ; St. Andre, x. 16/02 (1!.-Jlr)i.); Alpes Mari- times, c, occurs even above Venanson (Jinn.) ; Certosa di Pesio, vii. /92 (Xorris). Fam. NYMPHALID^E. Sub.-Fam. NYMPH ALIN.E. Tribe Ar(,vnnidi : hyb. 1". Prevailing col. Tawny or. with blk. spots. Genus, Dryas, ////. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. silvery bars. D. Paphia, L. : (ioDim. Fd. pit. I' laid rduiiia, Unhns ItldUs^ &C. 2 darker than 3 ; 3 shows a conspicuous thickening of 4 lowest nervures f.w. Dist. Char. un.s. f.w. grd. col. or. (r. ramloia). Loc. Everywhere in lower valleys, gen. c, often ab., but seldom reachmg much above 8500ft. ; vii.-ix. b. (Wears well. I took an excellent 3 above Montreux, ix. 4/02). Directions of Yar. (a.) col. of metallic glow un.s. h.w., ranging from pink to prp. (b.) depth of grn. grd. col. un.s. h.w. (c.) depth of grd. col. up.s. $ , culminating in : ab. 2 Yalesina, /".."-y. . wh. has grd. col. yellowish brn. much suffused with blk., giving dk. appearance. Loc. Sporadic : v. uncommon in N. of region, less scarce in H., esp. S. valleys of Grisons {h'n'n) ; Tessin {A(i.) ; not v. scarce some years in the Rhone Valley; e.ij., Aigle in '97 ("A.) : Salvan (/•V.s.) ; 72 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND Visp, viii. b. /98 ; Pfyn, vii. e. /99 (Wh.); c. one year at Stalden (Frei/) ; Thusis, vii. 95 {Miss Ftn.), &c. Lower slopes of the Brevent, viii. 18/02 (Tntt) ; Chamonix, viii. /93 ; above Varenna (Miss Ftn.) ; Baveno, vii. /8H {Ltnn.) ; Alpes Maritimes (Bnn.) ; Pre St. Didier, viii. m. /98; Torre Pellice and Bobbie, c, vii. m. /Ol {Tiitt). (d.) absence of silver nn.s., constituting: *ab. Immaculata, r«ilirr (Anargyra, Sujr.) ; wh. occurs rarely in the Alpes Maritimes (llrm.). D. Pandora, Srhif. (C'ynara, Fain-. ; Maia, Cramer) ; 7omm. Fd. pit. Viola tricolor. . .• ASnim. Fd. pit. various Fiolanuv. J has a sliii/it thickening of the two lowest nervures up.s. h.w., $ larger and gen. darker. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. brt. yell, ante-margl. band without spots. Loc. \ . widely distributed and c, esp. on hill-sides, vii. -viii. ; most ab. from 2000ft. to 4000ft., ascendmg in some cases, (■.//., on the Siniplon Pass, even above GOOOft. Directions of Yar. (a.) reduction in size, culminating in : ab. Nana, 11'//. .• not more than 48mm. ; not bleached like vai-. VitJuita, Moorr. but brt.; $ scarcely darker than . : 48iinn. Fd. pit. (and 1.) unknown. $ gen. lighter than ^ up.s. Dist. Char, conspicuous dk. suffusion up.s. ; differs from Ino var. Xiiuileiisis l)y the double band of prp. un.s. h.w., one margl., one (incomplete) more cl. Loc. Local and gen. scarce in Switz., though c. in a few places ; not reaching far W. or S., found up to about 6000ft., vi.-vii. accord- ing to altitude. Surenenthal ; Gadmenthal {Riit:er) ; Rosenlaui, the Oberhaslithal, and the Reichenbach, e. {M.-D.) ; Handeck Fall {Snell) \ Reussthal, &h. {Kane) ; Seealpthal, scarce (/V//('r-/»//tr>//') ; in the Pays d'Enhaut, above Chateau d' Oex, between Rossiniere and Rougemont, and on towards Saanen {M.-P.) ; in the Grisons, above Flims {C/iriat) ; above Pontresina and Muottas, vii. m. 1900 {('Jij).) ; Roseggthal, 2 only, vii. /9o {Miss Ftn.) ; in a wood nr. the gorge, vii. {Xichnhon) ; nr. Bergiin, scarce {Zll.) ; Tarasp {Killias) ; opposite Guarda, 1 only, vii. e. 1900 {('lip.). Trafoi, vii. 15/1900, fine but scarce {I!. -Bin.) ; the wood sloping down to the Brenner See, vii. 27, 1900, worn {.Tones) ; Pejo, vii. /95 ; Lolling, vii. 8/97 {Lmn.). Directions of Yar. (a.) amount of. dk. suffusion up.s. B. Daphne, Srliitf. (Chloris, AVy^) ; 47mnL Fd. ))lt. lUtbns idn IIS, U. fniticosHs, »tc. 2 slightly larger and more strongly marked than ^ . Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. prp. suffusion extends to out. marg. on lower half of w. Log. In Switz. gen. found only between Lavey and Inden, c.//., Lavey, vii. {lU.) ; between Vernayaz and Martigny under the cliffs, vi. 27, 1900; vi. 19/01 and /02; also under cliffs on opposite side of valley, vii. 9, 1900; vi. 29/02 (IIV;.) ; between Sierre and Loeche, vi. 22/97 {I'listaiis); Sion, Niouc, Saillon {Fav.) ; also reported, doubtfully according to Fret/, from Oftringen, Engelberg (!), Pfiiffers and Ragatz. Digne, vi. 14/99 {R.-lim.) ; vii. /91 {Lmn.) ; Entrevaux, vi.-vii. {Pon-ell); Bourg d'Oisans, viii. /96 ; Bourg d'Aru, viii. m. 96; Pre St. Didier, viii. b. /98,ab. but worn {Tiitt) ; about a mile below St. Martin Vesubie, between that place and Venanson ; St. Sauveur {Hnn.); Certosa di Pesio, v. e., in upper valleys {Xorris); Botzen, vi. 20 01 ; Sarnthal, vi. 28 01, ab. {Lowe) ; Mendel, vii. ,95 {Lmn.). Directions of Yar. (a.) size of blk. spots ; occasionally much diminished {Fis.). 78 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND (b.) eoiilescence of blk. markings, culminating in : ab. Conjuncta, Tutt : with large blk. costal blotch, cl. blk. line united with next row of spots, and margl. united with ante- margl. row up.s. f.w. ; cl. blk. cloud, and margl. series of wedge-shaped streaks up.s. h.w.; un.s. f.w. with wide cl. blk. transverse band : h.w. with inn. half yell, and outer half reddish-prp. without darker markings. Loc. Pre St. Didier, viii. m. /98 {Tutt). [Obs.— In Col. Agassiz's collection is a specimen from the Tyrol, with the blk. spots up.s. h.w. prolonged into dashes.] B. Ino, liott. (Dictynna, ///>.) ; 40mm. Fd. pit. Sp'nwa anoiciis, S. ulinan'a, Saunidsorha officinalis, Jliibiis, Urtica, &c. 2 darker than S , and dk. border line un.s. more distinct. Dist. Char. prp. sutt'usion un.s. h.w. v. slight, and confined to outer cl. band, also distinguished from l>ai>li)it; by its much smaller size. Loc. Wanting in the Basle district, and gen. scarce in the N. lowlands of Switz., but otherwise gen. distributed throughout the region, though sometimes rather local, reaching above oOOOft., vi.- vii. The whole length of the Jura, e.;/., Tramelan {Gnklat) ; St. Georges, vi. 80/02 {\Vh.) ; St. Cergues, vi. 26 ; vii. 20 {Bl.) ; Rhone Valley, e.;/., between Villeneuve and Bouveret {Fis.) ; Lavey, vi. b. /97 (Tf7(.) ; and up most of the lateral valleys, e.ff., Pont de Nant, vii. 24 (7>'/.) ; Villars-sur-Bex, vii. /02 (Mrm) ; Zinal, viii. 5/02, c. {ri.-Brn.) ; Turtmannthal, ab. (Far.) ; &c. Mt. Barry, vi. 29, 1900, fresh {llkiii.) ; gen. distributed in the Grisons, <'.//., Pontresina, vii. /95 {Miss Ftn.) ; Davos, viii. 2, 1900 ; woods opposite Guarda, vii. e. 1900, c. {('h)^.) ; Campfer {.Jnnrs) ; Val Bevers, vii., rather c. {SirJiolson) ; J^ergiin and Poschiavo {Fn'n). St. Michel-de-Maurienne, vii. e., worn {Tutt) ; Godessart, vii. 3/92 c. (.Vo>r/.s) ; gen. a poor form in the Basses Alpes {Kaw) ; Alpes Maritimes {'llrm.); Pre St. Didier, viii. b. /98 ; Courmayeur, viii. b. /98; Val Ferrex, viii. b. /98 [Tutt) ; Tyrol, f.//., Campiglio, vii. /95 {Lmn.) ; Salzburg, vi. e. 1900 {Lan.: an ab. of 7.s/.s- $ , having up.s. shot with a dull purplish tint. Loc. With Isis, f.;/., at head of Val d'Anniviers, viii. 1/97 {li.-llni.); Simplon, 6th Eefuge ; Val de Bagnes (jf'Vs.) ; Davos, viii. 1, 1900 {Slojirr) ; Pcmtresma, vii. /84 (Lvin.), &c. Mont de la Saxe, viii. b. /91 ; Lauzon Valley, viii. m. /94; ; Cogne, viii. m. /94 ; Falzarego Pass, viii. b, /95 {Tntt) ; Mendel, vii, /95 (Linn.), kc. [Obs. — "A V. fine almost blk. ■? , vii. 28, 11)00, Brennei' " (Jl.-ISrn.), is probably to be rel'en-ed to tbis ab., or the next.] ab. ? Cinctata, l-'ar. : a further ab. of Isis, less shot with prp. but with a broad band of united blk. spots across f. and h.w. up.s., narrowed nr. centre f.w. by an or. streak wh. runs into it ; outside wh. is a row of large blk. spots, failing only at costa of each w. Loc. This magnificent form is so far only known from Barmaz, Dent du Midi, vii'. 81/02 {Fis.) (b.) un.s. f.w. with conspicuous blk. spots (wanting in type). var. Arsilache, l-^sp. (Inducta, Sjiatiiibern) ; wh. has also rounder ws. than type. Loc. At lower elevations than type, cf/., Tramelan, on the Jura {(iiirdat) ; the Vaitdois Alps {Laharpe) ; Biinschen, ab, {it.) ; &c. Le Lautaret, viii. b. /96 {Tiitt) ; Larche {Poirell) ; Alpes Mari- times (Brill.) ; Pejo, vii ./95 ; Campigho, vii. /95 ; Heiligenblut, vii. 25/97 {Lvm.). (b.) closer a])proximation of tint in the red and yell., leading to : AM) THl; ALPS OF CKNTKAL EUKOl'E. 83 var. Artemis, I'ahi.: witli ahuust uniform fulvous grd. col. and \vell-(lo\ eloped blk. markings. var. Signifera, Kane : with reddish fulvous grd. col., l)ut slight straw-col. in out. bund f.w. var. Ochrea, 'I'mt : with grd. col. uniform ochreous : no red. var. Brunnea, I'i'tt .■ with uniform brn. grd. col. resembling that of Cinxia. (c.) a gen. paling of both tints, the red becoming yellower, the yell, more ochreous. var. Provincialis, Hsdr. .- in wh. the dk. markings are also lighter and less conspicuous. Loc. In Switz. only as ab. ; (rlion, 1 2 (^'/"/«'v) ; 1 2 (/'V.s.). The usual form at low elevations in the Alpes Maritimes ; liasses Alpes {Powell) ; cj/., Hospitalet (Kane) ; Digne, vi. /90 {Lmn.). var. Iberica, oht/i. (Desfontainii, limbr. : Desfontainesi, /y.-S'. ; ]3eckeri, /.c/.j; in wh. the fulvous tint yet further predominates. Loc. Mt. Vinaigrier; Nice; !St. Martin Vesubie {Hnii., identi- fied by Stf/r.). (d.) conspicuous brightening of red and yell., approaching towards Matimia. Yar. Orientalis, II. -S. (Pr^clara, Kane). Loc. By no means uncommon in Switz. esp. round the head of the Lake of Geneva ; Glion ; Caux ; banks of the Khone at ]3ouveret (rr/(.) ; ab. at Jeur-Brulee (Far.) ; Champery, vi. 2,02; Le Prese, vii. 12/01 {Fi.s.). (e.) cl. pale band undivided at costa : ab. Yirgata, Tutt. In the 2nd group the un.s. h.w. is divided into 5 fairly regular bands of alternate yell, and or.-brn., more or less outlined in blk., the inner deep-coloured band enclosing, or nearly enclosing, a yell, spot, grd. col. of up.s. gen. nearly unicolorous, though in I'ho'hc showing, in some forms v. clearly, the bands of the 1st group. M. Phoebe, hnorh (Corythallia, I'^sp.) ; 44iiim. L\[. pit. Centaurea scabioxa, ('. jaa'ci, I'lantai/o lanccolata, Ac. 2 gen. larger than J" . Dist. Char. up.s. grd. col. reddish or., a cl. band on each w. and inn. l)and f.w. and a spot nr. base of h.w. being somewhat lighter. Loc. Widely distributed, but not found everywhere, c.i/., wantino- in the Berne, Zurich and St. Gall districts [Fren); but found in the N. at Schatfhausen {Trapji); and Basle {Kane); gen. c. in the S, Cantons, both in the lowlands and alps up to 5000ft., and in the Engadin as high as O-jOOft. : c.//., .Tura (/•><'//) ; Versoix, viii. IG, and other places nr, Geneva {Bl.) ; Lea Avants, viii. 2/20 {U.-Urn.) ; 84 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND Rhone Valley and lateral valleys, <>.//., Hierre, vi. 2i [llktii.), &c. ; Yisp, vi. 80/02 {SJwldoii) ; Berisal, v. c, esp. from 2nd Refuge to Ganter Bridge, vii. /98, &c. (IT//.); c. in the Grisons, c.//., Hilser See, vii. 1/95 (Miss l-'tn.); Pontresina, vii. m. 1900; nr. Guarda, vii. e. /Ol {C/i/i.}, etc. ; Locarno, iv. m. /03 {Tiitt) ; Lugano (Hi/.). Gresy-sur-Aix, vii. e. /97 ; Bourg St. Maurice, vii. e. /94 ; Petit St. Bernard, vii. e. /94; La Grave, viii. m. /96; Larche, vii. e. 1900 ; Abries, viii. m. 1900, ab. (Ttitt) ; Digne, vi. /90, vii. 91 {Lwu.) ; St. Martin ^'c'subie, &c. (Unn.) ; Pre St. Didier, viii. b. 98 ; Cour- mayeur, viii. m. /98 ; Torre Pellice, viii. 2/01, v. ab. ; Susa, just appearing, viii. 19/97 (Tiitt) ; Olgiate, v. /93, and viii. /95, here apparently double-brooded {Miss ]''tn.) ; Val Malenco, vii. 7,1900; Campiglio, vii. 95 [fjiiin.) ; Mendel Pass, vii. e. /95 [Tntt) ; kc. Directions of Yar. (a.) size, tendency to become noticeably smaller, culminating in : ab. Minor, Frey : 38mm. and less. (b.) a V. marked lightening of the pale bands giving a much more variegated appear- ance, known as : yar. Occitanica, Stijr. Loc. The warmer parts, esp. \'aren, and the S. side of the Simplon, where specimens are much finer than those of Granada : also nr. the Ganter Bridge {Far.) ; Pfynwald, vi. 24 ; St. Nicholas, vii. 20/98 {JJkiii.). (c.) a marked lightening of the darker portions, and obsolescence of blk. up.s., esp. at bases f. and h.w. and centre of f.w., some of the blk. being replaced by brownish. ab. (in S.E. Europe var.) ^theria, ErcrsDimui. Loc. Martigny, vi. 19,02 (H'A.) ; Bad Alveneu, vii. /84 {L)iru.). (d.) number and size of blk. spots un.s. f.w., esp. the last, wh. is sometimes a thick sq., sometimes consists of 2 curved lines placed horizontally back to back. M. Cinxia, /.. (Delia, Ihili. : Pilosella, Esp.) ; 3 oGmm. $ 40mm. Fd. pit. I'lantUijo lancivlata, &c. 5 decidedly larger than 3' . Dist. Char. up.s. grd. col. unicolorous or.-brn.; h.w. up. and un.s. with ante-margl. row of small blk. spots. Loc. V. gen. distributed and often c. in the lowlands and lower mtn. slopes, up to about 3500ft., occasionally much higher, v. -vii. Directions of Yar. (a.) size : gen. becoming smaller at higher elevations. [Obs. — Mr. Lowe mentions one on Mt. Crammont nr. the snow, vii. 7/02, so small that it was taken, before capture, for Parthcnie var. Varia.\ (b.) increase or decrease of blk. markings. AND TIIK AI,1'S Ol'' CENTRAL KUKOl'E. 85 ab. Suffusa, lutt: in wli. the blk. encroaches on tlic yrd. col. ab. Obsoleta, I'litt : in wh. the blk. is partially obsolete, and move of tlie <^i'(l. col. appears. ab. 2 Pallida, Tntt : in wh. the blk. also encroaches, and the grd. col. is much paler. ■'var. Diniensis, ll '//..• in wh. the ante-margl. row of blk. spots up.s. h.w. is absent. Log. Digne, r.//., v. 20/02 (Sldprr). M. Trivia, Srhiti'. (Ii)liigenia, /vsy;.) ; o()niin. Yd. pit. mullein. 5 without yell, spots on abdomen. Dist. Char, broad blk. marg. ('ndoiiinii or.-brn. lunules; further distinguished from Didyma, wh. it otherwise resembles, by its duller col. and hlk. lu'rcinrx. Log. Botzen, iv.-v. and vi.-vii. (Sjiulcr) ; mtns. of Piedmont {Kane). Directions of Yar. (a.) increase in size. {■' ?) var. Fascelis, A'.sy/. ,■ wh. is also a brighter chestnut-brn. Log. (?) Pas de Suze (Kane). M. Didyma, .) ; in 2 broods {J' reij] at lower elevations, vi. and viii., certainly only one at higher altitudes, vii.-viii., gen. up to 6500ft.; a v. small ^ not far from the snow on Mt. Crammont, vii. 7 02 (Lmre). Directions of Yar. (a.) size : considerable (my smallest S is 32mm., my largest $ 48mm.) (b.) grd. col. esp. in ? , forming several vars. (in Switz',, exc. Alpina, abs.). Yar. Alpina, >^/^. .■ up.s. f.w. with greenish tinge, h.w. deep red- brn. ; S v. slightly spotted. Log. By no means confined to the mtns. notwithstanding the name, though found there commonly, <'.//., Berisal, vii.-viii., ab.; but also between Aigle and Sepey (W/i.) ; between Sierre and Vissoye {Far.) ; at Sierre itself and in the Pfynwald the type is more usual ; Martigny ; Naters ; the Jura nr. Basle, &c. (l-'ac.) ; Pontresina, \n. 0") (.l//.s.s Ftn.), (tc. Larche, vii. e. lUOO ; Abries, viii. b. 1000 [Tntt). 86 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND Yar. Meridionalis, S^/r. .- S grd. col. v. bit. red, $ f.w. greyish and h.w., oxc. for dk. suffusion, tinted greenish. Log. In hot places with type: e.i/., c. some years in the vine- yards beyond la Butiaz ; Sion ; 8ierre ; Sec. {I''ar.). var. Graeca, St■ -shaped blk. mark nr. inn. marg. Log. I)igne, vi. 10/91), c. at privet by the side of rivulets (//.- Ilrn.) ; v., vi. and viii. {Poirdl) ; Certosa di Pesio, nr. Beinette, vii. 18/92 [Norris) ; St. Martin Vesubie, a tew, vii. b. /99 {Lamj). AND THE AT.PS OF CENTRAT^ EUROPE. 87 Directions of Yar. (a.) j^rd. col. darker and duller. var. Berisalensis, h'av. (false lierisali, Itnld). The Swiss form. lOb.s. — After mueli correspondence, and the examination of many specimens, I am fully assured that this is the Swiss form of .1/. Dciniii', as M. Piingeler supposes : the un.s. is identical, the up.s. differs from that of Deione (from la Valette) only in being darker in grd. col. and having the blk. markings more pronounced. It is beyond my comprehension how anyone can regard either Di'ione or Berisaleiiai^ as a form of Athalhi, the un.s. alone would preclude such a designation. I fail to see even a superficial resemblance, and the life-histories have nothing in common beyond what is common to the whole genus. Further, the 2 broods of Bcrixalcndx come out, one before, and the other after, the one brood of Athalia in the Rhone Valley. On the other hand, besides the close similarity of markings, the broods of Deione and Btiriimlcnds both feed on Linaria, both are regularly double-brooded, appear at approximately the same time, and in both the earlier brood is noticeably the larger ; both, again, are singularly constant in their special characteristics. The difference between the Spanish and S. French specimens of Deione seems to point in the same direction, the Spanish form being as much lighter as the Swiss is darker than the French.] Loc. Hitherto only from Martigny (Tour de la Batiaz through the vineyards to Plan Cerisier), and Saillon ; v. e. to vi. e.,and viii. m. to ix. m. ; e.ij., ^lartigny, v. 28/01, ab. (Fis.); vi. 14/02; vi. 25/01, rather worn; vi'ii. 27, 1900; ix. 1/99 (Wh.), &c., &c. ; reported also from the vineyards at Varen, vii. 8/02 {Sliddon, identi- fied by Clip.). [Obs. — This loc. is a v. likely one, the date, though rather late, by no means impossible, hut specimens intermediate between this and Athnlia are mentioned, which makes one pause before fully endorsing this loc. My correspondence on the subject, and the arrangement of various collections, have made me v. doubt- ful whether half a dozen collectors exist, outside the Iiabitiiex of the Rhone Valley, who really know Berit^alensis when they see it, still less when they do not.] Directions of Yar. (a.) 2 v. suffused specimens, becoming almost blk. (ir.sc//7.). (b.) 2 specimens with the >- mark divided thus : X; (^'V.s.). [Obs. — The name Berisaloisis is a complete misnomer, it being an open secret that the original type specimens came from Martigny, whence the captor went direct to Berisal, his captures from the 2 places becoming mixed. It has never been taken at Berisal, and it may be safely predicted that it never will be. It is V. likely that specimens from the Simplon Pass purporting to be Bcriau- lenxiK are responsible for much of the confusion through which it has been sup- posed to be a var. of Athalia.] M. Asteria, /'//•. (Asterie, II. -S.) ; 80mm. Fd. pit. unknown. 9 lighter than $ . Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. a single dk. margl. lino (the other sp. have a double one). Log. Only at high elevations in the E. Swiss and Tyrolean Alps and Piedmont, vii. -viii. On the Calanda {Wredan-) ; above Coire {Krii'dihaiinwr); above Churwalden {llii.)\ on the Gurgaletsch above Parpan {('adi-'«-/i) \ Davos, viii. 2, 1900 ; Pontresina, vii. 1-21, 1900 ; Guarda, vii. 22-81, 1900; Heuthal, vii. m. and Val Tuoi, vii. e. 1900 {Clip.); at the top of the Albula Pass {Frey) ; reported also 88 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND from between Zermatt and the Gornerorat {(Tiienrc) : considering its Piedmont haunts this is quite a likely loc, and I have myself taken S specimens on the Simplon, vii. m. /Ol. Larche, vii. e. 1900 ; Abries, viii. m, 1900 ; Pre St. Didier, summits of the Crammont and Mt. de la Saxe, vii. b. /98 (Tiitt) ; Jh-enner on the Postalp, vii. 28, 1900, .); Gmlmcn, \. c. {Ii. ,■ down to 2Hmm. or even less ; nn.). (b.) amount of blk. up.s. [Obs. — Mr. Fison has one entirely suffused with blk. exc. border.] (c.) amount of variegation up.s. in 5 . (d.) depth of colouring un.s. M. Athalia, Jiott. (Maturna, Hl>.) ; 8()inm. Fd. pit. Mdaiiijij/riDii pratcnsc, }f, tnjlvaticion, (Jentaurt>a, Vlantaiju, itc. 5 gen. larger, and with lighter un.s. than 3 . Dist. Char. cl. and and ante-margi. band up.s. f.w. more or less heavily divided by blk. ; up.s. h.w. with cl. band often suffused, almost always interrupted in centre with blk. (r. Parthenie) and with or.-brn. spot nr. base ; un.s. h.w. inn. dk. band gen. broader at costa than in Parthenw, Aardia, or Dirti/una : further distinguished from Partliouc and Aiirelia by the palpi wh. are dk. brn. above. Loc. Throughout the whole region, vi. -vii. -viii., rising as high as 6500 metres or more ; not, in my experience, so c. in tlie Rhone Valley as Partlteu'w. I Hi Id observes that the specimens emerging vi. are smaller, and those emerging viii. larger, than the average. He also remarks that the brighter the colouring the rounder the outline of the w. ; that the specimens from the mtns. of Lower Austria have v. small blk. spots un.s. h.w. ; and that those from moorlands are gen. darker than the average. Occasionally, in very hot years, a few small specimens, a pai'tial 2nd brood, appear i\. Directions of Yar. (a.) size : the mtn. specimens are gen. small but brt. {i;>i/d). (b.) increase of blk. ab. Navarina, sdi/i^-Lduiichauips : with blk. suffusion over all avs., leaving ante-margl. row of or.-brn. spots. ab. Aphaea, Hh. .• with 2 bands of or. spots up.s., the margl. lunules and cl. spot un.s. h.w. filled with blk. and a row of large blk. spots un.s. f.w. [Obs. — In Mr. Fison's collection is a specimen approaching this ab. with inn. edge of ante-margl. band suffused with blk., whole centre of w. It. yell, with band of large suffused blk. spots.] ab. Caucasica, Nf//r. .• f.w. normal, h.w. much suffused with blk. (c.) decrease of blk. ab. Corythalia, Ub. (Samonica, Riesen) ; all blk. markings absent from centre of f.w. up.s.; h.w. much suffused with blk., leaving a single row of or. spots. AND TIIK Vl.l'S OK CKNTK \l, I'.T l;( il'K. ill ab. Obsoleta, Tutt .- wilh conspicuously decreased l)lk. iuii,rl\iiiL!;s f. :iiid li.w. ab. Hertha, 'JurHsrl : witli lont^; Mk. streaks un.s. f.w. but lessblk. up.s. t'.w. ab. Yirgata, f'ntl : witti el. ot. l);nid f. and li.w. lenii^tlicnod into sM'caks. var. Helvetica. Iliilil : with ci. or. liand lentil kmuhI out on h.w. only (as in /'arf/n'iiic) ; un.s. h.w. with ohloiii;-. hlk. -boi-dered yell, spot nr. i-oot, and ck band sihcry-wh. in ,/ ;is well as $ . Log. l>ei-'hter. [Obs. — Specimens from Coire are dk.. sciiuc from Le I'rese dniker still, ap- proiichiiifx Dirti/inut in eol. {Fis.).] M. Dictynna, l-^sp. (Coiytbiilia, ////.) ; :>7uiin. Fd. pit. I i'r(i)iir . (c.) depth of colouring un.s., esp. h.w. Tribe V.\nessidi ; hyb. im. (exc. Ijcvana). Genus, Arachnia (false Araschnia), lib. A. Levana, L. : 8()inni. Fd. pit. nettle ; hyb. p. 9 larger than J" , with rather lighter grd. col. Dist. Char. Conspicuous It. veining un.s. with transverse lin(>s on basal half, giving a cobweb appearance (hence the name). [Obs. — The sensonal dimorphism in this sp. is so marked and extniordiiiarv that nothing is left in conunon but the character above mentioned and the vliv'htlv alluded shai)e of the \v. In the 1st lirood, iv.'\\. the j^i'd. col. up.s. is or. 92 THK Bl'TTERFUKS OF SWITZERLAND as in P. C-album, with dk. brn. markings; in the '2nd (and later) broods, vii.- viii. (and ix.), known as var. Prorsa, L. : the grd. col. is blk., with wh. broken bands and or. ante-margh lines. An intermediate form, v. scarce in nature, but readily obtained by keeping September chrysalids at an artificial heat during the winter (Far.), is called : ab. Porima, (h-hs. ; more nearly resembhng Prnrm, but with wh. replaced by tawny, and the band on h.w. almost always divided. Log. V. local ; c. round Basle, e.;/., Liestal (Christ) ; the Bechburg (IL-S.) ; c. in the Bernese Mittelland ; Schiipfen ; Burg- dorf ; Berne (J/f/////) ; throughout Oberaargau ; Lenzburg (TF.s<7(^.) ; Glarus {Heei) ; Kupfernaseruns above Fil/.bach, vi. 19/02 ; Thalalp, vi. 20, Ac. /02 ; [jerana (Fis.) ; v. scarce in the Grisons ; Tavanasa (}3ri'uf(/i'r) : Ragatz [FAsenriiuj) ; also in the Valais, at the ft. of Mt. Chemin ; nr. Sierre, esp. in the Pfynwald {Far.) ; in W. Switz. at Lucens, v. 1/8H {Hutchinson) ; also Moudon and Payerne (Fm/) ; (entirely absent from the Cantons of Schatfhausen, Thurgau, St. Gall, and Ziirich ; also from the Rhone Valley up to Martigny, and from the district bordering on the Lake of Geneva). The Tyrol; also Wolfsberg, vii. 15/97; Prorsa {Lmn.); Berchtes- gaden, vi. e. 1900 {Laufi). Directions of Yar, (a.) size of the dk. brn. markings in Lcrana. (b.) size and continuity of the wh. band in Prorsa. (c.) number and extent of thin or. ante- raarg. lines in Prorsa. Genus, Pyrameis, lib. Dist. Char, a triple wh. spot from centre of costa, and ante- margl. wh. spots from nr. apex half down f.w. P. Cardui, /.. .- ooium. Fd. pit. thistles. Dist. Char. gi'd. col. un.s. f.w. cherry col. Log. IV) 1)H found everywhere, in many years ab., up to 8000ft.; the principal brood emerges in late summer, but the insect is to be seen on brt. days during most of the year. Directions of Yar. (a.) blk. markings confluent up.s. ab. Elymi, Hmhr. .- in which the wh. spots are reduced to small streaks. (b.) absence of blk. spots up.s. f.w. except apical half. ab. Inornata, liramson: in which the wh. spots are also larger (both abs. scarce). P. Atalanta, L. ; 5r)iiiiii. Fd. pit. nettle. Dist. Char. Scarlet band across f.w. and border h.w. up.s. ANlJ THK ALPS Of CKNTKAL KIKOPK. 98 Loc. V, gen. distributed, but not often mounting v. high, though occasionally to the tree limit: vii. till hybernation, and in spring, but not gen. re-appearing till v.ra. Directions of Yar. (a.) division of red. band up.s. f.w. ab. Fracta, 'rntt .- the dk. grd. col. being developed along cl. nervure. (b.) a y^Qii. diminution of markings. ab. Klemensiewiczi, Schillc : red band f.w. shortened at both ends, large costal spot reduced to small wh. dot, red band h.AV. shorter, narrower, and without blk. spots. Genus, Euvanessa, Scuddcr. E. Antiopa, /.. ; 70mm. Fd. pit. willows, poplars, &c. ? larger than ^ . Dist. Char. Deep chocolate grd. col. with It. border. Log. Throughout the region, though seldom v. ab.; flying up to 6000ft. or more; viii.-ix., and after hybernation, iv.-vi., often in excellent condition. Directions of Yar. (a.) yell, border after hyb. becomes lighter, gen. almost wh., and the bl. spots become more prp. (b.) enlargement of yell, border. ab. Lintneri, Fitch .- in wh. the bl. spots are consequently reduced. ab. HygiaBa, Heijdcnicich ,- in wh. they are entirely lost. Genus, Vanessa, Fahr. Y. lo, L. ; 55mm. Fd. pit. nettle. Dist. Char, a large eye-spot on each w. up.s. those on f.w. gorgeously coloured. Loc. Gen. c. throughout the region, mounting occasionally up to some 8000ft. {e.;/.. the heights above the Blumenthal, Miirren, viii. 8, 1900, V. fresh) ; vii.-ix., and, after hybernating, all spring. Directions of Yar. (a.) size : [the so-called ab. loides, Ochs., is merely the result of half-starved larvie] . (b.) loss of eye-spots. ab. Exoculata, Wi'i/uh-r : with eye-spots h.w. obsolete. ab. Belisarius, (Hitli.: with all eye-spots obsolete. a,nd blk. spoti; f.w. confluent. ab. Fischeri, Staiiilfnss: in which eye-spots f.w. are disintegrated. showing a resemblance to the wh. spots of I'liraitwis. [Obs. — The last always, the 2 former usually, are obtained by i'efri{^eratiii^' pupi¥, but Fav. (Supplement tci the " Jjcpidopteres du Valais,' 1903, p. 5) says that these '1 occur here and there with the type.] 5)4 THE KrTTKKFJJES OF SWI XZIORLAN]) (c.) col. of the })rp. in eye-spots esp. h.w., varying from heliotrope to bl. (d.) occasional appearance of a bl. spot below eye-spot, h.w. up.s. ab. Cyanosticta, Rainidr .- spot varies greatly in size. Genus, Aglais, lib. A. Urticae, />. ; 4cSmiii. Fd. ])lt. nettle. Dist. Char, nn.s. f.w^ grd. col. of large portion, starting from e\t. half of inn. vnarg., of a buff tone, only slightly marked with brn. Loc. One of the commonest as well as most widely distributed of butterflies throughout the region: found in numbers up to 7500ft. and occasionally much higher : 2 or 3 broods, vi., viii., and some- times \. ; but the insect may be seen on warm days throughout the year. Directions of Yar, (a.) tint of grd. col. up.s. ; more or less or. in the red. (b.) distinctness of cl. band un.s. h.w. (c.) traces of blk. cI. band up.s. f.w.. culmi- nating in : var. (& ab.) Polaris, >V///-. .• in wh. blk. spot of inn. marg. is joined to middle costal spot. (d.) obsolescence of the 2 cl. hJk. s[)ot9 up.s. f.w. var. (& ab.) Turcica, s/. Prevailing col. or.-lwn. with blk. S))ots. and bl. spots in border. E. Polychloros, /.. .■ (Ulinm. hW. pit. elm and sallow. 2 larger than J . Dist. Char, absence of ir/i. spot nr. apex on costa f.w. up.s. ; In/.s dk. brn. Loc. V. widely distributed, but seldom ab., and somewhai uncertain iii appearing ; vii.-viii., and, after hybernation, all through the spring ; in plains and lower valleys. AM> TIIK .\l,l'S OF CK.NTKAJ, KUUUI'K. 0^ Directions of Yar. (a.) si/e: oOiiiiii.-Goiiiiu. (1).) coak'sccnce of l)ll<. s|)i)is iip.s. I'.w. ab. Testudo, /'.v- (i'yn'bonu'laiiui, ///'.) : which has also grd. col. f.w . much lii>'hfcer, and h.w. daikcr than typo : a luagniticent, l)ut scarce fonii. E. Xanthomelas, Z^/*. ; (Khiiiii. Fd. pit. willow. Dist. Char. \ . hkc rn>s, but with whitish spot on costa nr. apex np.s. f.w. : /("//.s j/ell. Loc. \'. scarce. i''ormerly taken at Wiuterthur [Jlonlor/) ; valleys of the K. \\\}^ {Sindcr) ; vii. to ix., and, aftei- hybernation, in the spring. Genus, Poiygonia, lll>. Prevailing col. brownish-or. with v. dk. brn. (or blk.) markings. Dist. Char. \ . jagged out. marg. f. and h.w. P. L-album, /-'.s/;. (Y-albuiii. i\thr. : Vjin-alhnin. \irr- ril/r) ; GOmm. Fd. pit. aspen, willow, Ac. Dist. Char. wh. spot on costa nr. apex both f. and h.w. (up.s. closely approaches Kununia, and the outline of the ws. is not so jagged as in other sp., but un.s. is that of Poli/i/onia). Loc. Doubtful whether found in region. Switz. is given in some authors, but I can find no more exact loc. and no evidence. Possibly in the valleys of the E. Alps, vi.-viii. {Spiiler). "P. Egea, Cramer (Triangulum, Luihr. : Vuu-album, Esp. : V-album, llr/.li.) : -tomm. Fd. pit. elm, nettle, llihr.s, Luni- crra, ( '(n'l/liis. ? gen. lai'ger than ^ . Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. consjjicuous wh. mark (iiiiilid ; further distinguished from C-uIIikiii by smaller spots up.s., and less jagged outline. Loc. v.-vi. and \iii.-i\.. also early spring after hybernation: only in 8. of the region. Digne, iv. m. /97 {Tutt) ; vi. lG/99, v. tine (/.'.-/>»■».) ; vii. /91 (Linn.): Cannes, ii. 27, hyb. {<'/i/i.); well distributed over ]>asses Alpes and Alpes ^laritimes, but not v. c, (I'oiirll) : N'allon Obscur, St. Martin- \'esubie, Sec. {linn.); Final- marina, V. 92, c. {Xnrris) : Susa. \iii. m. 97 (7'^/^) : vi. 24/99, c. in vineyards: Cortina, vii. HO, 1900 (I!.- Ilm.). Directions of Yar. (a.) darkening of coloration : ■var. J-album, /■->/'. (L-album. ///;.; Autumnahs. ■^(r/aiidli) : wh. is also smaller and with more augulated outline. Loc. The ordinary form of the later brood, r.;/., Alpes Mari- times, Jjeaulieu, .^c. {linn.); between Puget-Theniers and St. Andre, x. 9 and IG. (piite fresh {Jl,- Urn.). 96 THE BUTTEKKI.JES OV SA\ ITZERLANl) (b.) shade of grd. col. and conspicuousness of markings un.s. [These vary in a way exactly parallel with C-alhum, q. v.] P. C-album, L, ; 44iiiiii. Fd. pit. currant, nettle, elm, poplar, &c. 5 gen. larger than $ . Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. conspicuous wh. mark, rounded ; gen. like aC. Loc. Everywhere in the region in woods, gardens and road- sides, often ab. ; v. e., vi.; and vii., viii.-x., also in early spring after hybernation ; not gen. above 4000ft., but in Val Pellice at 8000ft. {Tittt). Directions of Yar. (a.) lighter grd. col. up.s. var. (& ab.) Hutchinsonii, Iwbwn (Pallida, Tutt); gen. in summer brood. (b.) tendency of dk. markings up.s. to form a cl. band culminating in : ab. F-albura, /'.'^7'. ; wh. has also the C-mark converted more or less into an P. (c.) darkening of border up.s., culminating in : ab. Reichenstettensis, Ituld: with pale grd. col. ; 2 basal spots up.s. f.w. in place of blk. blotch ; v. broad border, esp. on inn. marg. ; ;i,nd h.w. all dk. exc. base and nr. fringe. (d.) shape of wh. mark un.s. ; sometimes resembles a G, sometimes an 0, some- times a small i inverted, occasionally, in (? , reduced to a mere line, forming: ab. Iota-album, Nt'inilumi. (e.) grd. col. and markmgs nii.s. ; the more or less unifonxi dk. un.s. is regarded as the type, the shade of which varies considerably ; there are also 2 main divisions of the variegated form: ab. Pallidior, Pctofina : with It. grd. col. ab. Yariegata, Tutt .• witli ilk. grd. col., i.he grn. being often prominent. [^Obs. — The above give only the main t'ornis of the un.s., wh. varies ahnos^t (Midlessly ; such variation being independent of sex. and to a great extent also of time of emergence : it hns. however, been observed thsit the hybernatiug speci- mens are gen. more iiiiifoiin in colour, this jirobalily being useful for conceal- ment in the wintet. Tribe Nymphm.idi. Gei'iUs, Limenitis, I'alr. : livl). 1. VNl) THK ALPS OF CKNTRAL EUROPK. 97 Prevailing col. blk. (or v. d\<. l)rn.) with wh. spots ii.nd haiuls. L. Populi, L. ; 68111111. h\\. pit. [)oi)l;irs. Almost blk., S with uiiri-ow, 9 with l)ro;ul wh. band np.s. h.w. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. out. mai-g. It. greeuish-bl. baud divided by blk. Hues. Loc. Basle and Liestal, scarce (/''m/) ; Canton Aargan, c.//., Bremgarten, Lonzburg, Gysulatlnh, Sec. {WsifU.) ; commoner in the " Mittellaud " of Canton Berne, e.i/., Jiurgdorf, Schiipfen, Berne, Aarberg (M.-P.) ; Avidely distributed, but v. scarce in E. Vaud (r. infra) ; Gryon, vii. /02, much worn (Moss) ; not quite so scarce in the forests of the Valais; i^.;)., Forclaz, vii. 18/01 (Sloper); St. Leonard, Granges, Sierre, &c. (Fav.) ; not rare at Rossinieres (Tasker) ; in the cantons of Schaffhausen, St. Gall {Tiisr/der) ; Thurgau {Enifstcr), and Glarus, t'.;/., Mollis (Herr) ; in the Grisons, Coire, Trins, Tiefenkasten {Killias) ; ,Le Prese, at side of lake, vii. 12-15/01, mostly worn (Fis.) ; in the Jura at St. Cergues, vi. 26, and vii. (Bl.) : Versoix [Jnllien). N. Savoie, f.//., Sauverny, nr. Divonne (Ucrcrdin) ; les Voirons {Vor/t) : the Tyrol, ('.(/., Sarnthal, vi. 21/01, strongly tinged with bl. approaching col. of Camilla (Loire). [Obs. — The j- gen. rests on the grd. up to 10 a.m., the ? rarely descends before 4 p.m.] Directions of Yar. (a.) tendency towards loss of wh., culminat- ing in : ab. Tremulae, F!sp. ,• in wh. little is left but the apical spots ; grd. col. deep suuff-brn. [Obs. — A transitional form with the wh. v. narrow and much suffused with brn.. and the grd. col. brn. without a trace of bl.-blk., is the ordinary one in E. Vaud, at any rate at the lower elevations : Veytaux, \i. lH/i)7 [Uli.) ; Aigle, vi. 24/98, and vi. 2.5, 11)00 (/.()?(?£') ; Tiniere Valley, vi. •21H)2 (Cliadwkk) ; a mile beyond Sepey, vii. 2(i/01 ([.vai.) ; etc.] L. Camilla, Srhijf. (Lncilla, Ksji.) ; it) ; Oensingen, on the Bechburg (/.'.-S'.) ; in the cantons of Schaft- hausen (7>fl/y/') ; Aargau (H'scA?.) : 'Vhnvgiux {SKltberiffr) : and St. Gall {TdsvhU'i) ; Berne; Schiipfen; Burgdorf (M.-I).); Gadmen t Note. — The fact, wh. has always seemed probable, that Ctimilla is at least partially double-brooded, is now placed beyond doubt. Mr. Sloper reared a number of larvte from the 1st brood at Glion in 1901, some in captivity, some placed out of doors on the fd. pit. Although those in captivity were removed to Zermatt, they emerged in August, and, on returning to (ilion in September, at least one empty pupa-case was found on the plant on which he had placed the other larvse on leaving for Zermatt. !)"< THE JUTTElil'I.IKS (IK SU ITZKKJ.AxND (luitzei) ; entnince to the Klouthal {l''rci/) ; Weissenburg, up to ix. (/i//.) ; the Jura, e.(j., Sorvilier (Hg.) ; 8t. Blaise (Conlerii) ; St. Cergues, vi. 26 (Bl.) ; nr. Geneva, Veyi-ier, viii,, Onex, viii. 18 {BL); gen. distributed in Vaud and the Valais, e.g., Lausanne, vii. /85, not uncommon in gardens {Jones) ; les Avants, viii. 5/96 {R.-Jirn.) ; Veytaux, vi. 8/99 ; Aigle and Sepey, ab., vi. e., and vii., 1900, &c., Sierre, vii. and ix. 6/99 (Wh.) ; Pfyn, vi. 29/97 (Postam) ; Martigny ; Fully; Sion ; Varen ; above Greugiols, ab., &c. (Fav.) ; the Orisons {KilUas) ; r.;/., Bad Alveneu, vii. /85 {Lnm.) ; Pontresina, viii. b. /Ol {<'/ip.), and found singly as high as Bergiin, 4500ft. (Frey). Savoie, c.;/., nr. Geneva, Yvoire, vi. 2 ; Bossey, viii. 2, 3, 24 ; Mornex, viii. b. (/>/.); ]5ourg St. Maurice, viii. b. /98 ; Bourg d'Oisans. viii. m. /96 ; Barcelonette, viii. b. 1900; Gresy-sur-Aix, viii. m. 1900, small {Tutt) ; Digne, vi. 4/99, ab. {li.-Brn.) ; vii. /91 {Lni.n.) \ Vallon Obscur, kc. {Urni.); Susa, viii. m. /97 : Courmayeur, viii. b. /94 ; Pre St.- Didier, viii. m. /98 {Tutt) ; Certosa di Pesio, along the river, not uncommon {Xorris) ; Cortina, Tre Croce, vii. 2H, 1900 (U.-Brn.) ; Mendel, vii. /95 {Lmn.). Directions of Var. (a.) diuunution of wh., leading to : ab. + Pythonissa, Milllhr (? found in nature). L. Sibylla, /.. (C'cimilla, /v'.sy>.); 3 -IcSiiim.. 9 54miii. ^'d. pit. honeysuckle. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. out. marg. 2 rows of blk. spots on or. grd. Loc. Stated ])y 7''/vv/ to be found <;en. in the same Iocs, as ( (Diiil/d. but to be commoner, though not mounting so high. In the \';i,lais, howcxci'. it is even scarcer than ('aiiiilla, though ab. at Aigii'. cuu rgiiig \i. c. a little later than the other sp., and never (l()uble-l)i-()() THK ALl'S OK CKNTi; \1. KCKOl'K. 99 T larger than J . Dist. Char. h.w. up. and un.s. with only one \vh. band. Log. Hedges and copses in the S. and S.E. (not in the S.W.) of the region, vi.-vii. Locarno, vi. b. /M7, a few {Janes) ; Lugano, viii. b. (Meisstier) ; Monte Bre (Miih'. Snjfcrl-Micii). Susa, vi. 26/99, just emerging (H.-Bni.) ; Torre Pellice, to right of river, vii. /Ol ('/'////) ; Crcvola (/iVVf^c/) ; nr. the Inn at H. Jean, above Iselle {dc lloiKjetnont) ; liaveno, vii. /8H {Linn.) ; Stresa, in choslnut wood, vi. b. /87 {Joiws) ; Tyrol, ^'.//., 2 miles up the Eggenthal, vi. 22/01 {Loire); Styria {Kane); Carinthiji, e.. .• Hhea. llh.)\ TOiiiin. Fd. })lt. Arbutus uneilii : hyb. 1. 2 larger than i. Genus, Apatura, l-'nhr. : livli. I. 100 THE BUTTEKKl.ll'.S OK SWITZEKLAND Prevailing col. blk.-brn., with wh. spots and bands. A. Ilia, ScJuff'. (Iris, Esp.) ; s- 5r)mm., $ 68mm. Fd. pit. willows and poplars. '/.) ; Locarno (/'Vs.)'; Monte Bre {C/iriti) ; Alpes Maritinies, and J^)asses Alpes along streams, the type, and vars. Cb/tie and h!os [Poivell) ; as high as St. Martin Vesubie {Brm.) ; Certosa di Pesio, var. Clytic, viii. /92, c. (Nnrrh) ; Susa, viii. m. /97 (Tiitt); vi. 26/99, some fresh, mostly much worn (R.-Brn.) ; Olgiate, viii. and ix. /95, and /98 {Mixs F^tn.) ; Meran, /80 {Tutt). These dates point almost conclusively to a 2nd brood in the S. Directions of Var. (a.) loss of wh., culminating in: ab. Iliades, Mitis .- in which the wh. bands are almost unrepre- sented (v. scarce). (b.) increase of tawny col. (in type, only round eye-spots and at anal ang. h.w.). ab. (& var.) Clytie. .'v//'. (Astasia. Ilh.) : in which it takes the place of wh. ab. (& var.) Eos, llossi (Dilutior, Styr. .• Budensis, Fuchs) ; in which it invades the whole surface of the ws., esp. in $ . ab. Astasioides, Styr. .- a tawny form corresponding to ab. Iliades (,i. sii}>i((), v. scarce. (c.) absence of eye-spot at anal ang. h.w. ab. Metis, Fn-. Loc. Alpes Maritimes {linn.) ; Certosa di Pesio, below San Bartolomeo, viii. 30/92 {Ni)rris). [Obs. — The ? , like that of Irit<, seldtun descends from the trees till towards 4 p.m. ; the cT principally before 10 a.m., but may be found at other times on damp places in roads, or resting on any kind of garbage, though not to the same extent as the cT Iris.] A. Iris, L. ; c? OOmm., $ (iHiiim. Fd. pit. salloM\ S with. 9 without deep prp. reflet ions. AND THE ALPS OF CKNTRAL EUROPK. 101 Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. lar^c wedge-shaped wh. laud from costa, edged externally with chocolate col. Loc. Gen. distributed in the same cantons as Ilia {q.v.), and also Schaffhansen ; much commoner in E. Vaud, e.;/., ab. between Aigle and Sepey, vii. 5/01, &c. (Wh.) ; and in the Orisons, Coire, Pnltigau, the Ehine ^'alIey (KiUias) ; sometimes at great heights, ('.(/., top of the Rochers de Naye (f'/.s.), &c. ; emerges later than ///(/, vii.-viii., e.;/., Villeneuve, viii. 9/01 {Wh.) ; sometimes, however, rather earlier, even at considerable elevations, c.//., Jaman, vi. 24/01 (Slopcr) ; ab. in the forests of the Jura up to 2800ft. {Kane). Alpes Maritimes (/>/-H^.) ; Val Scsia {Kane); Certosa di Pesio, a few in lower valley, vi. '92 {Xorris) ; \'i]lach and Wolfsberg, vii. /97 {Lull}.). Directions of Yar. [ii.) tendency of wh. to diminish, culmi- nating in : ab. lole, Seliiff. (Beroe, Fabr.) ; in which only the apical spots remain. Loc. With type but v. scarce ; Berne {Mehsner) ; Burgdorf {M.-D.) ; Liestal {Christ) ; Alpes Maritimes {Brm.), &c. Fam. LIBYTHEIDiE. Genus, Libythea, Fahr. Prevailing col. brn. with or. blotches. L. Celtis, L(iir]i(nli)uj {Fsd.) ; 4(>min. Fd. pit. (\7//.s auatralis ; hyb. im. 9 rather larger than S • Dist. Char. A projecting ang. on out. marg. f.w., h.w. concave on costa, and again at upper |)art of out. marg. Loc. In Switz. confined to the S. From the village of Simplon down to (and beyond) the frontier to half an hour above Crevola ; at the village vii. /97 {I'iiiuieler), but v. rarely so high up the Pass; Lugano, iv. 10/02, mostly worn (/'V.s,) ; C'lnasso, vi. 26/92 {Alai/er) ; Roveredo, entrance to Misox Valley (////.); Brusio, vii. 18 /Ol, some V. fresh {Fis.). Digne, vi. /90, vii. /91 {Nie/udsou); Cannes, iv. e. /98 {Tutt) ; vii. {Pouell) ; Thorenc, vii. {Powell), Certosa di Pesio, vii. /92, two or three only {Norria) ; Crevola, vi. 3/99, fresh; v. 20, 1900, torn to shreds; Val Anzasca, vi. 12 and 15. 1900, fresh; Sarntbal and Eggenthal. vi. e. /Ol, ab. : \ii. 1 1 02. a few {Loire): Mendel, vii. /9B {Liiiit.) ; Husa, vi. 1>S 01, worn (Loire) ; vi. 26, c. on the Sta. Maria road, and also on the left bank of the Doria under the Mt. Cenis road {L'.-}>ni.) : viii. ni. 96 {Tuff): nr. Sondrio. viii. 9(). not c. {Miss Ftn.). A])parently enieigcs vi. vii.. continue-; (Ui the wing through viii., ;in(! after hybernation jip] eai> i\. \. and into vi., almost, if not quite, ov<-rlHp])im; the new bvofMl. 102 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZEKI-AN I) Fam. SATYRIDiE. Sub.-Fam. SATYRIN^. Tribe Parargidi. Genus, Pararge, llh. : liyh. 1. Dist. Char. up.s. h.w., a sn-irs- of eye-spots following out. inarg. P. Moera, L. (Adiasta. Ihiji.: Hvgtei, MabiUf): 48mm. I'M. |)ll. I '"(I (ininiK. (ilijiurlii ilnitmis. Hoidtinn uniriiiitiii. ? li,L'liU'i- and hfigliU'i- tliJiii J . Dist. Char. nn.s. h.w. ^i-d. col. //. Krownish-gr. Loc. (it'll, (listrihiited and usixidly ab. on walls, rocks. Sec, thi'ouglioiit ihe region, though apparently wanting in certain flatter parts of N. Switz.. './/.. Zurich (Frcj/) ; 2 broods in the plains, v. e. vi., and vii.-ix. Imt in the S. appearing iv. ; in the mtns. 1 brood, vi. e — viii. Directions of Var. (a.) si/e : a v. diminutive form about tlie size of rithninis ,^ at the top of the Htelvio, vii. 13, 1900; a rather larger, l)ut still v. small form at Cortina, vii. 20, 1900 (11.- I'>nt.). (i).) diminutioji of fulvous up.s. : ab. Obscura, Tntt: rather below average size; narrow fulvous ring round apical eye-spot and v. slight traces of 2 fulvous patches below, attendant apical eye- spots v. small, f.w. ; narrow fulvous marg. to eye-spots h.w. Log. Aix-les-Bains, v. b. 97 C'/^i.). ab. Monotonia, sdiild,': m wh. it has almost, or entirely, disajipeared {? J only). (c.) increase of fulvous up.s., culminating in : ab. (& var.) Adrasta, ///'. (Miera, /'.'.s//.) ; in wh. it is well- developed in J . ;Mi(l sn If uses most of f.w. in ? . , Obs. — This is a foiiii of the "ind lirood and is foiuid with type in iranii places (not gen. in " cold and elevated localities "" as stated by Lung, though in the Alpes Maritimes it is taken at St. Martin Vesubie, and Boreon (Powell). Digne, vi. e., and vii. nil were of this \ar. \MUx Ft)).). Every intermediate form may be found.] (d.) number of eye-spots up.s. h.w. (2-4, with traces of a 5th). (e.) eye-spot up.s. f.w. (i.) a large apical eye-spot with one wh. pupil, with indications of a small eye-spot al)ove. (ii.) a 2nd wh. pupil to large eye, with or without a small one abo\e, conspicuous or ill-delined. (iii.) this 2iid wh. pupil hecouiuig almost detached, with the blk. round it. fi-oiu the large oiu' : and (iv.) : ab. Triops, /'/"/'> ; a huge apical eye with 2 pupils, a well defined small one above, and another large single-pupilled eye in the interiiGural space below, as in Mcijnra ab. Albert L \NI) I'lIK ALPS OF CKNTKXr. KT'ROPK. 108 Loc A scai'ce ali. ol' 'Znd hrooil. with typi^ in wanner Iocs.; <;.//., Ai.iil.-. viii. ('. 11)00 (11//.). P. Hiera, r.) ; above Montreux, viii. .5/{)6 {R.-Brn.) ; Aigle, and thence to Sepey, V. ab., vi. e.-viii. m. (HV/.) ; Martigny, vi. 14/01 {Sloper) ; all along the Rhone Valley and the lateral valleys {Far.) ; on the Simplon Road up to the 4th Refuge (its exti-eme altitude, I think), vii. m. /98, V. ab., usually v. worn by viii. m. (T17/.) ; in the Orisons only in the 3 S. Valleys, Misox, Bergell, and Poschiavo (Frey) ; Lugano (-R.--S.) ; San Stefano, vi. 29 {Mayer). M.t. de Sion, nr. Geneva, vii. 20 {Bl.) ; kc. ; throughout the S. alpiuH valleys of France, N. Italy, the Tyrol, &c. Directions of Yar. (a.) decrease in size, culminating in : var. Alcyone, Nr/////. (Hermione, Ih-k/i..- Hermione minor. A'.s/*.) ; i55mni.-r)8m)n. [Obs. — After much correspondence and the comparison of many specimens from various Iocs. I feel convinced, esp. as there is nothing v. distinctive in the earlier stages, that Alcyone is merely the extreme form in one direction of the same sp. of wh. Herviioiw from the Riviera is the other extreme. It would be easy to form a series in wh. each insect would scarcely differ from those on each side of it, but the extremes of wh. should be the most pronounced forms of Hermione and Alcyone. In districts where both are found, as on the Riviera, they are distinct enough, aiid the separation into 2 sj^- niay be almost complete, Uermiove inhabiting the lowlands, Alcyone also the higher grd.; ifen/ijojie resting on tree irunks, Alcyone on rocks; the It. band of Alcyone, up.s., being narrower and more suffused than in Hennione, &c., but in Vaud and the Valais, the specimens are intermediate in size, markings and habitat, and on one side of the Aigle valley rest chiefly on trees, on the other side on rocks. None of the usual distinctions hold good in the average Swiss speci- mens. To take a few links in the chain the following are representative : — (i.) Hermione from the Riviera; (ii.) Hermione from S. Grisons ; (iii.) Her- mione, so-called, from the .lura; (iv.) Hermione, so-called, from the Rhone Valley ; (v.) Alcyone from the Riviera ; (vi.) Alcyone from Saxony. Frey treats both as one sp.] Log. The Bechburg {B.-S.) ; Veyrier, vii. 13 ; viii. 3 and 24 {Bl.) : singly throughout the Rhone Valley {Far.) ; i.e., specimens wh. more nearly approach typical Aleyone: nr. Fiesch, 2/95: Berisal, vii. 80/97, &c. [H.-Bm.). Bourg St. Maurice, viii. b. /98 ; St. Michel-de-]\laurienne, vii. e. /97 ; Bourg d'Oisjms. viii. m. /96'; Bourg d'Aru. viii. m. 96; Ij:i Grave, viii. li. 96; hclow Alirirs, viii. <). T.KIO {Tntt): Alpes AND THE ALPS OF CENTRAL EUROPE. 107 Maritimes, from sea level to oOOOft. (Ponrll) ; above Bobbie, viii. m. 01 {Ti(tt)\ Stelvio, below Spondinig, vii. 17/02 {IL-Jtrn.); i\I(')illing and JJadeii nr. Vienna, viii. /97 {Miss Ftn.). (b.) greater or less amount of smoky suf- fusion over it. band in S • (c.) greater or less amount of mottling on It. band un.s. h.w. ; sometimes, esp. in I Icniiiinic from the S., almost obliterating the band. (d.) greater or less amount of mottling on base, un.s. h.Av. (o.) frequently a 2nd spot on It. band f.w. up. and un.s. . : wh. is also lighter un.s. (e.) eye-spots (or blk. dots) h.w., gen. 1 up.s., 2 un.s. in ourg d'Oisans, viii. m. /96 [Tutt). Genus, Enodia, Hh. E. Dryas, Smjxdl (Phit>dra, L. ; Briseis, Ef^p. ; Athene, Brkh.) ; 52mm. Fd. pit. grasses ; hyb. 1. $ lighter and with more conspicuous eye- spots than ^ ; gen. larger. Dist. Char. up.s. f.w. 2 blk. eye-spots with prp. centres on dk. brn. grd. col. Log. Basle ; Ziirich, nr. the Trichtenshaus Mill [Sndl) ; Goldau (ZlL-TJolder) ; round St. Gall and in the Toggenburg {Tiisi-Jdcr) ; nr. the Lake of Thun, e.;/., Gunten ; Aarberg and Worb {J^'n't/) ; the Jura {Jihjiii), e.f/., St. Blaise and Neuveville (Frey) ; Weissenburg, in marshes {U'j.) ; Sierne, viii. 3 ; Versoix, viii. 18 (Bl.) ; Aigle, v. ab., viii. m.-e., 1900; between Chillon and Villeneuve, viii. /Ol, ab. (WIi.) ; the Rhone Valley, from Martigny to Fiesch (Fav.) ; c'jj., the Pfynwald, viii. b. /99, ab. (TI7/.) ; Lucerne, viii. /95 {Tutt); the Grisons {Killias), e.(/., Thusis {Nichohon) ; Bad Alveneu, vii. /85 (Lvm.) ; San Stefano, viii. 7 (Mayer). Chavoire, vii. e. /02 ; Gresy-sur-Aix, viii. e., 1900, v. ab. ; above Lac Bourget, viii. e. /94, v. ab., but not fully out, vii. 25/96 (Tutt) ; Digne ; St. Martin Vesubie (Poirdl) ; Venanson, v. ab. on Nice road, 58 kilometres from Nice (Bnii.) ; Lago di Loppio, vii. 31, 1900, v. c, but worn (Jones). Directions of Yar. (a.) size: v. variable. [My smallest is 47mm., my largest 62mm., both J s.] (b.) depth of grd. col. up.s., esp. in ^ . (c.) col. of un.s. h.w. esp. in ? , in wh. it varies from dk. to golden brn. (d.) loss of distinctness in markings un.s. h.w., culminating in : ab. (in Asia var.) Sibirica, Styr. : in wh. they are unicolorous, 7.) ; v. scarce in the Valais ; Mt. Ravoire, vii. m. /02 [Wschl.) ; Naters (Fav.) ; c. round Geneva, c.//., Veyrier, viii. 8 (m.); YaXBvegaglvA (Mnuidbir). C. in Savoie, <■.;/., Annocy (^'Vs.) ; Gresy-sur-Aix, viii. e. /94 ; vii. 25/90, just appearing, viii. 19, 1900, e. {Tiitt) ; Monnetier, viii. 10, V. large ; Bossey, viii. 3 ; le Coin, viii. 16 ; Mornex, viii. 24 and 31 (Bl.) ; Barcelonette, viii. b. 1900, small (Tittt) ; c. at Digne in dry stony places, esp. towards the Dourbes, vii. 19-29/91 {Xicholson) ; vii. 11-lG 89 (Mrn. Xic/ioU) ; &c. ; almost everywhere on dry rocky grd. in the Alpes Maritimes, vii. viii. (Boiirll); Spondinig, vii. 17/02 (I!.- Bin.) ; Modhng, viii. /97 {Miss Ftn.). Directions of Yar. (a.) increase of size, culminating in : ab. Major, obth. .• with broader It. band, esp. h.w. (b.) col. of band up.s. ab. Pirata, Ksp. .- with smoky reddish-yell. band. Loc. The French Alps. H. Semele, L. ; 50min. 2 larger, and with far more conspicuous and lighter markings up.s. f.w. than J • Dist. Char, up.s., band ochreous (often indistinct in ^ , esp. f.w.); un.s. h.w. dk. cl. line much waved and angulated (often form- ing a profile). Log. Basle ; Aarberg ; Burgdorf {Frcji) ; St. Ciall, scarce {Tiisr/iler); Hiitten ; Goldan {ZIL- Bolder); Zurich {Brci/); Veyrier, &c., vii., c. {BL) ; c. on the Jura, also in the cantons of Vaud, the Valais and the Grisons, exc. in the upper Engadine and the upper part of the Yal Bregaglia ; Chiasso, vi. e.-vii. b. {Mai/er) ; Guarda, vii. e. 1900 {Cfip.) ; found up to GOOOft., vi. e.-ix., according to latitude and elevation. Gen. distributed through the rest of the region, «'.//., Gresy-sur- Aix, viii. m. 1900; St. Michel-de-Maurienne, vii. e. /97 ; Petit St. Bernard, vii. e. /94 ; La Grave, viii. m. /95 ; Abries, &c., viii. m. 1900, 3 s V. dk. ; La Thuile, viii. b. 98 ; Pre St. Didier, viii. b. /98 ; Bobbie, viii. m. /Ol ; Susa, viii. m. /96, un.s. h.w., j with wh. band, $ covered with gr. marbling (7'»?f) ; Digne, vi. /90 ; vii. /91 {Linn.) ; Alpes Maritimes {Bnii.) ; Cadenabbia, vii. ;84 {Lmn.) ; the Tyrol, c.ij. Mendel, vii. /95 {Lmn.), Campiglio, vii. m. /95 {( 'lip.), SiC. Directions of Yar. (a.) col. of band. ab. S Suffusa, Tutt; in wh, the band is scarcely visible f.w., and consists of 4 or. spots h.w. var. Aristaeus, Jionelli (Semele, Hb.); with large reddish-or. band, of large size. Loc. The more usual form of the S. ; not uncommon as ab. in 112 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND the Valais ; the move usual form at Berisal, vii. /98, but not viii. /97. The form of the ? only at Susa, viii. m. /96 (Tutt), &c. ab. Pallidor, TkU : with pale straw-col. band. [Obs.— The name was originally {British Butteffliex, p. 300) applied to the ? only, but the s of the el. Jura, and some other place; has a broad pale band f. and h.w., and to this I have ventured to extend the name.] Vallorbe, viii. b. /02 {Wh.)\ Obergurnigel {Freij). (b.) distinctness of It. band un.s. h.w. (c.) eye-spots, up.s. f.w. ab. 3 Caeca, Tntt ,• in wh. they are unpupilled. ab. Addenda, 'iutt .- in wh. extra spots appear in the band. H. Arethusa, E>ip. ; 44mm. ? rather larger and with more pronounced band than 3 . Dist. Char. up.s. band tawny ; un.s. h.w. dk. cl. line not angulated in the middle. Loc. Reported from Val d' Anniviers {Mcnnet). Gresy-sur-Aix, viii. m. /97 ; above Lac Bourget, on rough grd., viii. 22, 1900, ab. {Tutt) ; Digne, vii. /91 {Lmn.) ; on dry hills Basses Alpes and Alpes Maritimes, vii. -viii. b. ; Castellane, &c. (Powell) ; 8usa, viii. m. /97 (Tutt) ; S. Tyrol {Spider). Directions of Yar. (a.) col. of band up.s. ab. Obsoleta, Ti /(. ; with band scarcely visible. ''Var. Erythia, Hb.: with tawny band redder and more pronounced. ■ var. Boabdil, Umbr. .- band and grd. col. darker ; larger ; v. dis- tinctly marked fringe. Log. Susa {Kane) ; Gresy-sur-Aix {Tutt). (b.) distinctness of It. cl. band un.s. h.w., culminating in : ' var. Dentata, Stijr. : with wh. neuration and band, and blackish dentate line between band and out. marg. Loc. A V. usual form in S. France; Grosy-sur-Aix, viii. m. /97; between Barcelonette and Prunieres, viii. b. 1900 {'J'utt) ; Digne {Pou-ell) ; Alpes Maritimes {IJrin.). Sub-Fam. EPINEPHILINtE. Tribe Epinephilidi. Genus, Epinephile, HJ>. Prevailing col. brn. and tawny-or. Fd. pit. grasses : hyb. 1. Dist. Char, borders of all ws. dk. brn. ; gen. followed, at least on f.w. by or. (v. slightly represented in Jurtina S and LycaanS ). E. Jurtina, L. (Janira, L. : Pami)liilus, ///////. ; Hyper- anthus, Wilkes; MyrtiUus, lumrrmii ; Lemur, Sc/irank) ; •15mm. AXD THE ALPS OF CENTRAL EUROPE. 113 Dk. bra., (? without, $ with conspicuous or.-brn. patch up.s. f.w. Dist. Char. f.w. up. and un.s. blk. apical spot with one wh.pupiL Log. Gen. ab. in meadows, grassy road-sides, open woods, c^c, mounting to about -lOOOft., and somewhat higher in the S. Alps ; vi.-viii. e. Directions of Yar. (a.) col. of up.s. ab. 3 Suffusa, 7'/'^^ .• without trace of or. even round eye-spot. ab. $ Fallens, 'r/iin-rii-Micij : or. rephiced l)y pale yell. ab. Semi-alba, Jlniaml .- the dk. col. giving place to pale whitish brn. ab. Brigitta, LjinKjh .- an extreme form of above, in wh. all the ws. are of the pale tint, with reddish base and inn, marg. var. HispuUa, Uh. : with more or. f.w. 3 , and with or. disc f.w. and with a partial or. band h.w. $ ; larger than type. Log. The regular form in the S. ; an intermediate form occurs in the Valais and other hot Iocs., becoming var. Hispnlla in the S. Orisons. (b.) col. of un.s. h.w. 2 . At Aigle it has a range of col. in the It. band (wh. is normally ochreous), corresponding with that of E. JEthiojm : ab. $ Grisea, Tatt ; with gr. band. ab. $ Yiolacea, WJi. : with band strongly tinted with heliotrope, (c.) number of blk. dots un.s. h.w., 0-5 ; normally 2 ; sometimes developed into ocellated spots, a/., Gimel, vi. 27/03 (IFA.). (d.) sometimes a small spot f.w., esp. un.s., attached below apical spot, occasionally showing a 2nd wh. pupil, (e.) occasional traces of additional eye-spots f.w. : ab. Erymanthea, P^sp. (Addenda, Mnidcij) ; v. rare. E. Lycaon, lloti. (Eudoni, E>ii>.\ ; 88111m. Dk. yell. -brn. ; J without, ? with conspicuous or.-brn. disc and lighter ante-raargl. band f.w. Dist. Char. f.w. up. and un.s. apical eye uninipillcd. Loc St. Gall {Tlhfldcr) ; Schaffhausen {Trap})) : Lostorf, scarce [Strldih-liiilioff) \ Jura, Bienne and Neuveville {M.-l>.) ; v. c. in the warmer parts of the \'alais from Martigny and I'ollaterre to Huteggen and Berisal, vii.-viii. (Fav.) ; /i//. ; Hevne, Hh.; Phaedra, Ksp.) ; 38mm. 3" -with, 5 without, dk. brown patch across or.- brn. disc f.w. up.s. Dist. Char. f.w. double-pupilled apical eye-spot, iji connection with absence of wh. (exc. dots), un.s. h.w. Log. Gen. v. local in Switz., though ab. in the few places where it occurs. Basle (r/u7'.s^) ; Wyl (/v/.sc^rj;;//) ; Schiipfen and Aarberg (Freii); Lucerne (TI'.srAi.); on the Jura nr. Neuchatel (Sndl); round Geneva, v. c, Bernex, vii. ; Meyrin, vii. 26; Versoix, viii.-ix., &c. {1>1.) ; Les Avants, viii. 5/96 [R.-Brn.) ; Charpigny, vii. m. /Ol ; viii. m. 1900, ab. ; Aigle, same dates, v. scarce (HV*.); Val Leventina [Trapp) ; the Misox valley, e.g., Roveredo {H(j.). Gen. c. S. of the Alps, and from Geneva to the Alpes Maritimes, but not beyond v. moderate heights. Directions of Yar. (a.) extra eye-spots up.s. (and un.s.) f.w. ab. Excessa, Tntt .• " 2, 3 or 4 extra spots, usually small and blind, somcijimes larger and ocellated." (b.) occasionally in J , apical eye v. small and unpupilled. ab. Caeca, Tutt. (c.) number of wh. points un.s. h.w. ; 0-6 gen. 3 or 4. (d.) lighter grd. col. up.s., culminating in : AND THE ALPS OF CENTRAL EUROPE. 115 ab. Mincki, Sccbohl : in wh. the band is yt41. (e.) darkening of up.s, ; v. rarely the l^ase of f.w. is dk. brn. and the It. band h.w. obsolescent. E. Ida, Esp. ; 40mni. (T with, 2 without dk. brn. patch across disc, up.s. f.w. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. It. cl. band narrow and /(//. ; brn. aiKh'oco- nial patch in <^ up.s. f.w. much divided up by or. nervuros. Log. Locarno, viii. (////.). Nice, Val des Fleurs ; \'allon Obscur ; Cannes, Sec. (linn.); nr. Grasse, on the road to Castellane, vii. 16/91 (XicJuiLsiDi) ; Iselle ; S. slopes of the Tyrolese x\lps {Kaiw). Directions of Yar. (a.) size : J s occasionally v. small {Pomdl). (b.) un.s. h.w. intensity of col. and markings. *E. Pasiphae, /vsy;. (Bathseba, Godart) ; 40mm. $ with basal half up.s. f.w. or.-brn. ; dk. brn. in S . Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. broadish wh. band, coming out towards border between the 2 costal and the 3 anal eye-spots. Log. Only in the S. part of the Alpes Maritimes ; not a mtn. sp. Directions of Yar. (a.) occasionally the eye-spot nr. apex f.w. up.s. has only one pupil. (b.) a 1th spot up.s. h.w., scarce {Powell). [Obs. — In Col. Agassiz's collection are several specimens, from Angers, with the or. replaced by yell., almost of a lemon col.] '■'ab. Flava, H7t. ; this form may possibly occur also within our range in the Alpes Maritimes. Tribe Ccenonymphidi. Genus, Aphantopus, WnUciKirot. A. Hyperanthus, L. (Polymeda, Scoiioli) ; 42mm. Fd. pit. i'oa, Milliiiiii, &c. : hyb. 1. 3 V. dk., 5 rather lighter, sooty-brn. Dist. Char, un.s., series of yell. -ringed eye-spots, normally 3 f.w., 5 h.w., with no other markings. Log. Gen. distributed and c, often ab. ; but not usually above 3500ft. ; vi.-vii. and sometimes viii. Directions of Yar. (a.) great diminution of size, culminating in : ab. Minor, l-'iulm; .); 35mm. Fd. pit. Poa, L'arex, Iris j^fieiulacorus. 5 with broader metallic line un.s. h.w. and more conspicuous eye-spots un.s. f.w. than J . Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. It. band, containing eye-spots, yell., broad, and reaching to marg. ; up.s. dk. brn. Log. Said to have been found on a moor at Diibendorf, nr. Ziirich, between 1820 and /30, by Bremi (? was it Hero). S. side of Simplon nr. Domod'Ossola (Far.); Cadenabbia on grassy slopes at back of vineyards, vii. /88, fairly c. (Limi.). Directions of Yar. (a.) tint of grd. col. up.s. (b.) number and size of eye-spots ; v. variable. C. Hero, L. ; 30mm. Fd. pit. Ehjinm Kuropdus, itc. $ lighter than 3 , and eye-spots up.s. more conspicuous. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. It. band narrow, wh., and irregular; up.s. dk. brn. Log. Bonfol {Kintili;/) : nr. Muhlen [Miiller] ; vi.-vii. v. scarce. Directions of Yar. (a.) number of eye-spots, (i.) often a 3rd up.s. f.w. in J . (li.) up.s. h.w. 2-4 ; gen. 3 in 7,-(//.) ; c. in the Valais ; in the Rhone Valley, e.;/., under the clift's between Vernayaz and Martigny; Fully; Saillon ; Sion ; Sierre ; Loeche ; Visp ; Brig (Far.) ; and in some places in the mtns., e.;/., Montana, vii. 11/99 (Tr/(.) ; Z^rmatt (Far.); the Furka, viii. 1/94 (/.'.- Z>'m.) ; Pont de Nant, vii. 20 (lU.) ; Weissenburg, behind the Old Baths, not c. (f/'/.) ; the Moleson {Laharpe) ; Mt. Barry, vi. 29, 1900 (Ukni.) ; Pfatfers {Z II. -Bolder) ; Tarasp, c, and Val Bregaglia {Fiazziiiher). Le Lautaret, vii. e. /96 ; La Grave, ,viii. m. /96 ; above Lansle- bourg, viii, b. /97 ; Larche, viii. b. 1900 ; Abries, viii. m. 1900 (Tiitt); Alios, vii. -viii. {Foirell); Barcelonette, vii. /92 [Nurru); St. Martin Vesubie nr. top of Mt. Balme de la Frema (Brin.); mtns. of Carinthia, 5000ft.-6000ft. vii., c. (L/mi.); Ivor Alp, vii. /97; Lolling, vii. 9/97 {Chp.). Directions of Yar. (a.) shade of grd. col. up.s. f.w., esp. in g . (b.) size of wh. patches un.s. h.w. sometimes V. small, sometimes almost confluent. (c.) obsolescence of eye-spots un.s, h.w., leading to : ab. Anaxagoras, Assmuss ,- in wh. there are 5 v. small ones and no metallic line. ab. Carpathica, llonmr.ahi: in wh. they are nearly (or quite) obsolete. . (d.) eye-spots on up.s. h.w. C. Arcania, L. ; o3mm. Fd. pit. grasses, esp. }fi'Iica ciliata. ? f.w. up.s. rather lighter than g . Dist. Char. up.s. f.w. or. brn. with dk. border ; un.s. h.w. con- spicuous broad wh. band, preceding eye-spots, exc. costal spot. Loc. The type mainly at low elevations, probably not above 8000ft. ; slopes of the Jura, nr. Basle {Chrut) ; the Bechburg {It.-S.) ; Neuveville {Couleru) ; Canton St. Gall, Rorshach ; Oberutzwyl ; Degersheim ; Bernek {TiiHclder) ; Weissenburg, not scarce (/7//.) ; Berne, vii. 7 98 (f'/s.) ; Veytaux, v. 26/97, vi. 6/01, &c. (H'A.j; Glion, vii. 29/01 {Sloper) ; Lausanne, c. (J7.-i>.) ; Veyrier, vi. 17 and 21 ; Hermancc, vi. 25 {JU.) ; c. in the Valais 118 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND on bushy slopes ; neighbourhood of Martigny ; Sion ; Loeche ; Visp ; Brig, &c. {Far.); in the Grisons, Malans {Ain.stein) ; Misox (Wrednw) ; Val Bregaglia {Bazur/her) ; Pontresina, vii. /84 (Lmn.) ; Locarno, vi. m. /87 (Joncx). The Dole (Baker) ; Bossey, vii. 25, c. (lU.) ; Gresy-sur-Aix, vii. 25/96 ; Bourg d'Aru, viii. m. /96 {rntt) ; Digne, vi. /90, vii. /91 {L))in.); St. Martin Vesubie ; Castellane ; Thorenc, vi.-vii. (PofiWZ); Susa, vi. 18/02 [Loire) ; Pre St. Didier, viii. b. /98 ; Courmayeur, vii. b. /91 ; Bobbie, viii. b. /Ol, over {Tiitt); Chiavenna, vii. 6, 1900 ; Cortina, vii., 1900 {IL-lUii.) ; Botzen, vi. e. /Ol [Lowe); Mendel Pass, viii. 1/95 [Tutt), &c. [Obs. — There must be a partia' "ind brood in the S. as it is noted from tlie Col di Tenda, x. 7/02 [R.-Bn,.].-] Directions of Yar. (a.) narrowing of wh. band un.s. h.w. Yar. Insubrica, liatzcr .- gen. rather larger than type, with broad dk. border, and 2 or 3 eye-spots showing on up.s. h.w. ; costal spot un.s. h.w. placed as in type. Log. Laquinthal [L\u\) ; Brusio, vii. 12, 18/01 (Fis.) ; Crevola [Ilxtzn-) ; Bisbinno, vii. 12/92 [Mai/er). Yar. Darwiniana, Sti/r. : smaller than type ; wh. band un.s. h.w. of more uniform breadth, more or less enclosing costal spot ; V. variable. Log. V. c. and gen. distributed over the high Alpes from Chamonix to Cortina [IL-Brn.) ; in swarms on the Simplon, vii. 11/01, &c. [Wh.) ; in some places as low as 2000ft., ejf., Glion, vi. b. /99, &c. (TTV,.). ab. Philea, Lrr. : smaller and approximating more closely to Satyriun, esp. eye-spots un.s. h.w. Log. Often with Danriuiana at high elevations ; also with Satijrion, e.;/., Pont de Nant, vii. 4 and 20 (BL). (b.) darkening of grd. col. up.s. f.w., cul- minating in : ab. ObsGUra, TliiJd : in wh. it is entirely suffused with dk. brn. Log. Zermatt ; Mayenwand [Far.). (c.) disappearance of apical spot un.s. f.w. ab. Obsoleta, Tntt. Log. Orta, esp. Sacro Monte, vi. b. 1900 [Loire) ; &c. C. Satyrion, Esp. (Philea, Hh.) ? var. of Anuoiin, or perhaps of Ijihis] ; 30mm. Fd. pit. grasses. $ up.s., esp. f.w., lighter than .) ; 28mm, -34mm. Ed. pit. Aira jn-fecox, and A. caHpitom. 5 with more distinct markings than S • Dist. Char, a slight ang. in h.w. about half-way down out. marg. Log. Not on the Jura, but in one form or other distributed over the high Alps of the whole region. Unfortunately, in many, indeed in most cases, the special forms from different localities are not mentioned in books, letters, or lists, and in many collections the Iocs, of the specimens are not attached ; hence a great difficulty arises in giving, what is most desirable, the exact habitat of the different vars. Speaking roughly, it may be said that the type is only reported from above Certosa di Pesio, vi.-vii. {Morris) ; that var. Yalesiana is to be found on the S. slopes of the Valaisian alps, the Mayenwand, the Pierre-;\-voir, and the Simplon ; that var. CanHinpe is the more usual form on the S. French, Piedmontese and Valaisian alps, and round Engelberg ; vars. Xdainiis and MnciiKm in the iJernese Oberland, the Grisons and the Tyrol ; though Nda)iu(s is to be found as an ab. throughout the region; ab. Obmleta appears to come chiefly from the Grisons : vii. and viii. are the usual months of appearance, according to altitude, but also vi. in theS. AND THE ALPS OF CENTRAL EUROPE. 123 The type has the hand continuous, with larfre eye-spots, pupilled in 5? . Directions of Yar. (a.) decrease in size and distinctness of markings. var. Yalesiana, M.-D.; 34mm.; a large form with continuous band and hxrge spots. var. Cassiope, habr. .• band continuous on f.w. ; but on h.w. only 8 or 4 blk. dots in fulvous rings. var. (& ab.) Nelamus, Thdv. (Bernensis, M.-D.); band reduced on f.w. and obsolescent on h.w., blk. dot^ almost (or quite) absent. var. Mnemon, IJaworth : band broken up mto rings ; gen. 4 f.w., 2 h.w. ab. Obsoleta, Tutt : bands and spots alike obsolete. [Obs. — Many intermediate forms occur.] (b.) great variation in number and size of spots. E. Melampus, FssL ; 32mm. Fcl. pit. Poo (iimiui, &c. ? with longer and narrower ws. than S' , markings gen. more pronounced and yellower. Dist. Char. blk. unpupilled spots in red-brn. macular band f.w., and rings h.w., up.s. and un.s., in connection with small size {v. EriphijU). Log. One of the most widely distributed and ab. of the mtn. Knbias ; in the fir zone, and in high pastures and meadows throughout the region ; vii.-viii. according to elevation and latitude. Occasionally found considerably lower than its normal range, c//., as low as 3300ft. at Weissenburg (%.); Brusio, vii. 12/01 (/'V.s.).' Directions of Yar. (a.) tendency to stronger marking, culmina- ting in : ab. Sudetica, Stiir. .- wh. has also somewhat lighter and yellower spots. Log. Priitigau {Zll.-Doldcr). (b.) diminution in size of reddish patches and blk. spots, (c.) number of blk. spots (the normal number is: up.s. f.w. 4, h.w. 2, the lowest spot on f.w. and the top one on h.w. being without blk. ; un.s. f.w. 2, h.w. 3 or 4). [Obs.— An example taken at Eanda by Frey with a wh. spot on each w. up.s. is recorded as : ab. Randae, P'or. E. Flavofasciata, Hcniic : 80mm. Fd. pit. (and 1.) un- known. 124 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND 2 with larger spot than .) ; Belalp {Dnitcli) ; the Grimsel, nr. the Aar Glacier {Mcissun-) ; Meienthal {W'scJd.) ; Furka, vii. /89 (Lmn.); Mayenwand {J-'rci/) ; the Grisons, (•.*-.) ; in wh. they arc whitish ; $ with chequered fringe. Log. The Schinberg in Aargau {ll.-S.) ; Gadmen {Zll.-Dnldci) ; Pilatus (Wschl.) ; Engelberg {ChrU) ; Loeche-les-Bains {Meissncr) ; Glacier de Trient (ir.srAL). (c.) tendency of spots, esp. un.s. h.w., to diminish in size and number, culmi- nating in : ab. Csecilla, ///*. ; in wh. they have almost disappeared on up.s., and only show traces of the largest on un.s. h.w. (enough, however, to distinguish from (Enie ab. Lit(iens). Log. Miirren, vii. 24, &c., 1900 {Wh.); Sefinenthal; Mann- lichen ; Dent du Midi {hu.) ; Engelberg (Christ) ; on the Joch Pass (ZIL-Lhlder) ; Gadmen {RiiUer) ; Guarda, vii. 1900 (C7(/).). Brenner Pass, vii. 27, 1900 {li-Urn.). E. Ceto, HI). ; 40mm. Fd. pit. Poa (iiuiaa, &q. ? macular band lighter and more conspicuous than in .). The Brevent,'viii. 18/02 ; Le Lautaret, vii. e. /96 {Tntt) ; Seyne ; Alios {Puirell) ; Ozglosse, Malmorte, &c. {Kane); St. Martin Vesubie {Poirell); Certosa di Pesio, v. c. {Xorris) ; Susa, vi. 24/99, v. fine (n.-Brn.); Courmayeur, vii. b. 02 (Loire); Chiesa,vii. 9, 1900, worn (li.-Brn.) ; Macugnaga, vii. /96 (Miss Ftn.) ; Trafoi, vii. 14, 1900, 130 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND V. ab. {R.-Urn.) ; Mendel, vii. /05 {Luin.); Campigiio, vii. m. /95 ; Pejo, vii. e. /95 {<-'lip.)- Directions of Yar. (a.) decrease in number and size of spots, culminating in : Yar. Obscura, Tiiit^cr : in wh. they are v. small, even in ? . Log. Glacier de Trient ; Val de Bagnes ; Laquinthal (Fav.) ; just below Simplon Village, vii. 10/01, v. ab. (irA.). Le Lautaret, viii. 1/96 (Tatt) ; Macugnaga [Far.). ab. Caradjae, Carlisdi : in wh. the spots have almost (or quite) disappeared, and wh. is also smaller. Log. In the highest parts of the range of the sp. (b.) tendency to lighter col. of spots, culmi- nating in : '•'ab. Phorcys, Frr. .- in wh. they are whitish with brn. centres. Log. St. Martin Vesubie ; Balme de la Frema ; Madone ; Berthemont, scarce (JSiin.). E. Medusa, Fahr. (Ligea, Esp. ; Medea, Biili.) ; 42mm. Fd. pit. Panicum samiuinale, &c. {Fai\). Brt. rich brn.; ? rather larger, and grd. col. un.s. considerably lighter than .) ; the Bechburg, v. c. (R.-S.); (lower down, c.;/., at St. Georges, specimens do not greatly differ from the type (H'/(.) ; between Lauterbrunnen and Wengen ; Nairs and the Gurgaletsch {Cafiinch); Tarasp (kajic) ; Fusio, vii. 1-12/99 {Chp.). The Stelvio, but net reaching to Franzenhohe (Firij) ; Stelzing (^L)nn.). AND THE ALPS OF CENTRAL EUROPE. 131 ab. ? Procopiani, llnnintzaki : an extreme form in wh. the eye- spots are unpupilled. (b.) increase in size and number of eye-spots, culminating in : var. Psodea, Ilh. (Eumenius, /'>/•.) ; wh. has the band lighter, and nearly (often quite) continuous. Log. Usually an E. form ; reported from E. Switz. and also (most curiously) from Pontarlier (Kane). Macugnaga, not scarce (Itat^cr) ; Styria (Kane). [Obs. — The usual range in number of eye-spots is : tf , up.s. f.w. 3-5, h.w. 3-4; un.s. f.w. '6-5, h.w. 3-6; ? , up.s. f.w. 4-6, h.w. 4-5; un.s. f.w. 4-5, h.w. 4-6.] E. (Erne, Hh. ; 89inm. Fcl. pit. grasses [Fav.). S V. dk. brn., J lighter and eye-spots more distinct. Dist. Char. up.s. f.w. 2 v. small, wh.-pupilled, blk. apical eye- spots, in small, dk., red-brn. patches ; 3 on up.s. h.w. in rings of same col. (in $ gen. 4, and often an extra one on f.w.) ; differs frona Pitho in absence of bands un.s. h.w. ; from Medusa in red-brn. patches being dk. and inconspicuous ; from Ceto, var. Obscura, in the patches being red-hrin., and not almond- shaped ; from Manto in the eye-spots un.s. being pupilled, and being placed in much smaller and rather darker patches ; from Sti/;ine var. Valesiaca, in the absence of the long mahogany patch un.s. f.w. Log. Local ; above Einsiedeln ; in the upper Sihlthal (Knecht) ; Bryschalp in the Weggithal {Frey) ; Triibseealp and Surenen {(Jhrisit) ; Gadmenthal {lliUzer) ; Weissenburg, large and It. (//'/.) ; Mt. Barry, vi. 29, 1900 ; Rossinieres, vii. 5, lS)QO\l',hw.) ; Miihle- bachalp, above Engi [Freij) ; gen. distributed in the Bernese Alps ; (>.>!., Gurnigel, v. ab. {'M.-lK) ; Miirren, vii.e., viii. b. 1900, c. (HV;.) ; Kandersteg, and the Gemmi, not uncommon, vii. /99 {Rom) ; not uncommon in the Vaudois Alps ; eji., Pont de Nant, vii. 11 [III.) ; Caux, vi. m. /97 ; Glion, vi. b. /99 (TIV*.); not c. in the Valais, Anzeindaz, Col de Cheville ; Laquinthal {Fav.) ; Dent du Midi, v. small, viii. 6/02 {Fls.). Le Reculet, vi. 21 and 26 {III.) ; Cortina, vii. 1900, not c. {Junes). Directions of Yar. (a.) tendency to disappearance of eye-spots, culminating in : Yar. Lugens, SUjr. : in wh. they have totally disappeared. Log. Miirren, vii. e., viii. b., 1900 (TCA.) ; Triimletenthal, vii. 10/01 {Fis.) ; Einsiedeln {Frey) ; Glacier de Trient {Fac). (b.) tendency to increase in size of red-brn. blotches containing eye-spots, culmi- nating in : Yar. Spodia, Stijr. (Psodea, Frr.) ; wh. is also of greater size; 132 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND eye-spots still small, but in more conspicuous blotches than Medusa var. Hippoinedusa. Loc. Gemmi and Laquinthal {Far.). Gen. the form of the E. Alps, Austria, Styria and Carinthia ; i'.iu). Log. The E. part of the region only (vi.), vii.-viii. Kiva, on lake of Garda, from 500ft. to 5000ft. (Klires) ; Lago di Loppio, vii. 31, 1900, c. (Jones) ; a mtn. stream above Esino, viii. /02, v. ab. (Miss Ftn.); Cortina district — Croda di Lago, viii. 7-14/95; Sora- piss, viii. 12/95 ; Val Bigontina, viii. 6/95 (Tntt) ; Mendel Pass, vii. e. /95, ab. {Lmn.) ; Isozonthal, nr. Tolmein, vi. 12/92 {Xoni.s). Direotions of Yar. (a.) tendency to loss of brt. colouring, culmi- natino' in : 134 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND "var. Reichlini, H.-S. (Styx, Frr.) ; larger, duller, bands un.s. f.w. and h.w. less conspicuous, and without eye-spots un.s. h.w. Loc. S. Tyrol, ('.//., Stelvio, New Baths of Bormio, vii. 11, 1900, ab. [H.-llrn.). An intermediate form between FwuhUni and the type exists. var. (? ab.) Stelviana, Curo (1871), (Italica, Fm/, 1880.) Loc. The Swiss form : an hour behind Zernetz, at Champlong {('nm) ; nr. Cierfs [Zll.-lJoldcr) ; in the Val da Fraele and Val Muranza {/AL- Voider) ; Monte Grigna, above Lecco (Christ). (b.) diminution of size, together with in- creased darkness of col. var. Morula, S/n-. : with un.s. f.w. unicolorous, but somewhat lighter well-defined band un.s. h.w. Loc. High meadows in S. Tyrol ; Grodner Joch ; Seisseralp [Kane). [Obs. — In the Museum at Sion are 2 specimens identified by Standfuss as this var., wh. were taken on the Gemmi by M. Paul.] *E. Scipio, Bsdv.; 42mm. Fd. pit. (and 1.) unknown. 3 with dk., $ with It., h.w. un.s. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. nearly unicolorous in connection with It. chestnut disc un.s. f.w., and large wh.-pupilled apical eye-spot f.w. up. and un.s. Loc Basses Alpes, vii. m., viii. ; Digne, the Dourbes, vii. /91 (L)/;n.) ; Draix ; Beauvezer ; Seyne ; Alios {Powell) ; Larche, viii. 1-4, 1900 {'rittt) ; Barcelonette ; Ozglosse ; Malmorte (A'«»<'). Directions of Yar. (a.) presence of eye-spots, 2 or 3, up.s. h.w. (b.) occasional presence of eye-spots un.s. h.w. in ^ . (c.) presence or absence of blk. dots repre- senting eye-spots un.s. h.w. in J . (d.) un.s. h.w. cl. band occasionally just visible. E. Euryale, Esp. ; 40mm. Fd. pit. a great variety of grasses {Far.). [Obs. — The number of contiicting descriptions of Euryale and Adi/te, including those which make Adyte a var. of Euryale, and those which make Euryale and its vars. to be vars. of Liyea, and the way in which most of these descriptions fail to fit in with facts, are positively distracting. On the whole, the preponderance of opinion seems to be in favour of regarding Euryale as a distinct sp., though I am not sure that this is correct. The whole matter requires further investigation, and the arrangement here adopted is merely tentative.] J with niuch more conspicuous It. ante-margi. band un.s. h.w. than cJ . Dist. Char. It. ante-margl. band, or traces of it, un.s. h.w., with a tooth cutting deeply into the middle of the dk. centre. AND THE ALPS OF CENTRAL, EUROPE. 135 Log. Gen. ab. in the Jura and the Alps, vii.-viii., extending in the S. to the Alpes Maritimes, and in the E. to the Styrian and Carinthian Alps. Directions of Yar. (a.) entire absence of wh. pupils in eye-spots, (b.) diminution of red-brn. band up.s., culmi- nating in : ab. Ocellaris, Sti/r. ,• in wh, it is reduced to small patches. Log. Canton Glarus {Christ) ; Larche, viii. b. 1900, as ab. (Tutt); Heiligenblut, with type, vii. 28/97, c. (Lmn.) (c.) obsolescence of blk. spots on red. band, culminating in : ab. Euryalo'ides, TeiviHtrom : in wh. they are almost extinct up.s. f.w. Loo. Toblach, viii. 4/95 ; Cortina district — Croda di Lago, viii. 5- 15 /95; Cristallo, viii. 8/95 ; Falzarego Pass, viii. 6/95; Val Bigon- tina, viii. 11/95 {Tutt) ; Heiligenblut, vii. 24/97 {Chp.). (d.) presence or absence of eye-spots un.s. h.w. (e.) distinctness of lighter ante-margl. band un.s. h.w. in $ ; gen. v. inconspicuous, exc. the " tooth." (f.) col. of It. ante-margl. band in 5 un.s. h.w., gen. whitish, but sometimes yell., forming : ab. ? Ochracea, I(7t. ; Dr. Spuler speaks of this as if it were a V. scarce form ; on the Simplon it is the usual one. (g.) un.s. dusted with wh. ab. Philomela, Eap. : wh. is without eye-spots un.s. h.w. Log. Gurnigel, ab. at about 4500ft. {J'rci/). [Obs, — Frey mentions a fine hermaphrodite, left side c? , right ? , wh. he took on the Maloja, vii. /65.] E. Ligea, L. (Alexis, Esp.) ; 47mm. Fd. pit. MiUimii, Ac. $ with much more conspicuous series of eye-spots un.s. h.w. than (? . Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. a wh. curved wedge about middle of eosta (v. conspicuous on dk. grd. col.) often continued as a broken band more or less across the w. Log. Distributed throughout Switz. and Savoie at low elevations but commoner in the N. than the S. In some places it is to be found at over 5000ft., e.;/., Miirren, vii. e. viii. b. 1900(117/.); in the lowlands it emerges vi. m. Less c. and more local S. of Switz., Bourg d' Oisans, viii. m. /9G; Abries, viii. m. 1900 (r/(«); Digne ; St. Martin Y esxihie {Poivell) ; Pre St. Didier, viii. b. /98 {Tutt); Certosa di Pesio, not uncommon, 136 THE BUTTERFLIES OF SWITZERLAND vii. m., &c. (Norris); Trafoi, scarce (Fretj) ; Croda di Lago, viii. 9- 18/95 ; Sorapiss, viii. 10/95 (Ttitt). Directions of Yar. (a.) size and number of eye-spots, (b.) extent of wh. band un.s. h.w. (c.) conspicuousness of It. band containing eye-spots, un.s. h.w. (d.) breadth of red-brn. band up.s. esp. h.w. The diminution of all these characters, exc. sometimes the 3rd, culminates in : Yar. Adyte, Hb. .- the small mtn. form, in wh. the eye-spots are often unpupilled up.s. on f.w. ; always exc. at anal on h.w. Log. Gen. distributed over the higher alps, but not, as a rule, so c. as FAiriialc, vii. -viii. [Obs. — The confusion existing with regard to these 2 sp. make Iocs, unreliable but both are widely distributed, and gen. occur together.] E. ^thiops, Eq>. (Medea, Hh. ; Blandina, Fahr.) ; 44mm. Fd. pit. Pua annua, IktctnUs f/louwrata. Ai/mtii^ canina. $ lighter than ip. (Sc.va, llh.) ; 44mm. Fd. pit. grasses {Far.). 2 lighter than .); nr. Rernina Hospice, vii. 9/01 (Fis.) ; Heuthal, c. {XicJiobn)!). P^xtending to extreme S. of region outside Switz., r.i/., Le Lautaret, vii. e.viii. b. 96 ; Crete de Reychasse and Pointe de Lauze, viii. m. 1900 {'l'i(tt); Certosa di Pesio, vii. /92, c. {Xnrris) ; St. ^lartin Vesubie; Faillefeu, iVc. vi.-viii. (Po/rr//) ; The Grammont, viii. b. /91; Cortina district — Nouvallo (Nuovalo), viii. 18 '95: Croda di Lago, viii. 9/95 ; Falzarego Pass, viii. 6/95 (7'///^ ^ Campiglio, vii. m. 96 {('Ji/>-)- Directions of Var. (a.) tint and conspicuousness of markings nn.s. h.w. (h.) tendency to disappearance of eye-spots up.s. f.w., culminating in : ab. Erinnys, /•.'•■ '" wh. the other eye-spots f. and h.w. are gen. more conspicuous also. Loc. The usual form of the 1''. part of the region ; Piz Lan- guard and Alp (iriim, vii. ni. 1900 (< '/i/i.) ; Campfer, just above tree limit, ab. (Jones) ; Pontresina, vii. /9r) (,'l//.s.s- Ftii.) ; Rosegg Glacier, viii. 9; Bernina Pass, viii. 30/01 ; Fluelathal, vi. 2H/01 (Fis.). In the last the type was much more usual. Stelvio from top to Franzenh()he, v. c, vii. 12, 1900 ; I'renner, vii. 2M, 1900 (i:.-llni.) ; Campiglio, vii. 95 (Linn.) ; Sec. E. Tyndarus, l-^s/i. .- 82min. Fd. ))lt. ovasses. ? lighter than J , gen. with un.s. h.w. much more con- spicuously marked. Dist. Char. np.s. v. strongly marked with metallic sheen of grn. and prp. [This occurs also to some extent in other sp., ».//., La/i/Kiiia, (idnic, Alccto, but not nearly so conspicuously.] Loc. Absent from the Jura, but otherwise c. throughout the region from the Alpes ]\Iaritimes (I'dircU), and Certosa di I'esio {Xonis) to Heiligenblut in Carinthia (fjim.) : often v. ab ; vii. -viii. Directions of Yar. (a.) tendency of the 2 small apical eyes to lose the pupils, and (b.) to disappear, culminating in : ab. Caecodromus, (hinire .- wh. is entirely without. Loc. Zermatt ; Thion-snr-8ion (C/irist) ; Berisal, vii. 99 (117/.) ; Arolla, viii. m. /99 (Tiitt) ; Oberalp, viii. 25/95 (Chp.) 'Slant de la Saxe, viii. b. ,94 ; Penegal, viii. 1/95 {'J'nft). (c.) tendency of apical eyes to become larger and more conspicuous, cul- minating in : var. (& ab.) Dromus, II. -S. (Pyrenaica, JJi'i/jk) ; wh. has also an ante-margl. row of Avh.-pupilled eye-spots in dk. mahogany rings up.s. h.w. ; it is larger than the type. Loc. Clitt's at the Rochers des Vents above Gryon {Kmclit) ; the (iemmi (Lowe); Pierre- :\- voir, Grand St. Bernard, Gi-iind Ferrex, Gornergrat (Far.) ; in these Iocs, as an ab. ; Miirren. viii. b. 1900, here the only form (Wh.). Le Lautaret, viii. b. /96; Mont de la Saxe, viii. b. 94 ; ^'al Veni, viii. m. /98 ; An Pra, viii. m. /Ol ('/'///<) ; Heiligenblut, vii. 24/97 (('lti>-) ; St. Martin Vesubie (linn.). i^Obs. — In Switz. the chestnut niiirkinf^s are not s;o Int. iis in the Spanish specimens. | var. Caucasica, /-"/. ; with a :-5rd small eye-spot up.s. f.w. in ^ ; li.w. ]ik(> Ih-iiiinis. 142 THE BT'TTERKLIKS OF SWITZERLAND Log. Mt. Buet (HUt^er). [Ohs.-^I have a ? from Miirren with a Bid spot up.s. f.w.] (d.) distinctness of markings un.s. h.w. [Obs. — Var. DromH.-< ? often has un.s. h.w. almost nnicolorous It. ri., only dmted with yell.-brn.] E. Lappona, Ksp. (Manto, Fahr.) ; 41miii. Fd. pit. grasses (Far.). 2 rather smaller than ^ , and It. band up.s. f.w. more con- spicuous. Dist. Char. up.s. f.w. i blk. dots on inconspicuous lighter band ; grd. col. un.s. h.w. gr. Log. Like Ti/ndartts absent from the .Jura, but otherwise dis- tributed over all the higher alps, though not gen. nearly so ab. as Ti/iulants : it is reported from all parts of the region from the Alpes jNlaritimes, vi. e. and vii. {Powell) ; and Certosa di Pesio, vii. {Xarris) ; to Stelzing vii. 11, and Heiligenblut, vii. 25 {Jjiin.); vi. to viii., according to altitude, >'.;/., Kochers de Naye, vi. 8, 1900; Simplon Pass, vii. m. /98 ; above Wasen, viii. b. /98 (TT'A.). Directions of Yar. (a.) tendencyofdk. transverse lines un.s. h.w. to obsolescence, culminating in ; ab. Pollux, K.y). : which is without them. Log. Roehers de Naye, vi. 3, 1900, the usual form (Wh.) ; Rossinieres, summit of Mt. Cray, vii. 6, 1900 (Bkni.) ; Anthemoz, Dent du Midi, vii. 29/02 (Fis.), &c. Basses Alpes and Alpes Maritimes {I'mrell) ; S. Tyrol, vii. /95 (Linn.). [Obs. — On the other hand the=e dk. transverse lines sometimes include a darker band. In Mr. Fison's collection in a female wh. he took on the Grimsel, with V. dk. cl. band un.s. h.w.] (b.) tendency to lose in addition the darker transverse lines up.s. f.w., culminating in : ab. Sthennyo, (IrasJin .• wh. has only the blk. dots in chestnut rings. (c.) Loss of the blk. dots, v. frequent on un.s. h.w., and culminating in : ab. Caeca, F^ir. .- in wh. they are absent f. and h.w., up. and un.s. Loc. Corno de Sorrebois {^\'s(■/ll.) ; v. scarce. Sub-Fam. MELANARGIIN/E. Genus, Melanargia, Miifim (Arge, iioiihu jminrciijiaiiDit, III.). Prevailing col. l)lk. and wh. marbling; hyb. . AM) THK ALPS OF CKNTIIAL KUlUJl'K. 148 M.Galatea, /.. (Lciu-oiuclanus, Foun-fiiij) \ ITiinu. Fd. pll. I'lilidiiii 1 1 rate use, and uth(3r gi'asses. ? iip.s. whiter, un.s. yellower than 3 • Dist. Char. un.s. h.w. cl. band tilled in with dl\. col.; eye-spots up.b. f.w. (piite inconspicuous. Log. Ab. in one or other of its forms throughout the whole region in the lowlands and on the lower slopes, and mounting in some places to a height of 6000ft. ; v. ui.-viii., but in N. Switz. not appearing before vi. m. In many Iocs, it does not reach above 8500ft. Directions of Yar. (a.) decrease in amount of blk. up.s. (i.) apex f.w., sometimes allowing the blk. apical spot to show conspicuously, (ii.) out. marg. h.w., sometimes allowing the eye-spots to show distinctly. (b.) entire absence of eye-spots. ab. Galene, ' >c/is. (Stgr., Cat., 1901, gives it without loc, implying •' anywhere with type." I have never come across it.) (c.) increase of blk. up.s. Yar. Galaxaera, /vs;*. .• wh. spots in border much decreased in size. Loc. A v. usual form in the hotter parts of Switz., the Rhone Valley, Tessin, and the S. of the Grisons. Yar. Procida, Hhst.: still more blk.; the other blk. markings encroaching on the wh. as well as the border. Loc. In Switz. only as an occasional ab., c//., Lugano, v. 25/96 (Fis.), but replacing the type in the Basses Alpes and Alpes Mari- times; also found in the Tyrol, «'.//., Botzen, vi. e. /Ol [Lowe). (d.) col. of un.s. ab. 2 Flava, Ixlt .• with brt. or. -yell. grd. col. ab. Leucomelas, /■-•v. .■ wh. grd. col., and markings only slightly darker. (e.) blk., even of antenn;u, replaced by rich tawny -brn. ab. Fulvata, Loire: with grd. col. warm primrose-yell.; un.s. lighter. Loc. Martigny, vi. 25, 1900 (Loire) ; in this specimen the It. and dk. are disposed much as in I'roeiila. M. Lachesis, llh. ; 5'2iiim. Dist. Char. h.w. with single blk. line along fringe, in connection with absence of blk. at bases up.s. exc. along inn. marg. f.w. Loc. Reported from Bex in the llaUetin de la Societe Kntomo' luijiijue !Si(i>i>ie, vol. ix., no. 2. Hi tHE i!lITTERFLIEJ> OF SWITZERLAXl) I Obs. — Two specimens were taken by }>[. Jioiel, one of wh. 1 have seen. It is untloubtedly Ijacliesis : M. Borel's collection consists only of a few eases of insects taken by himself in the neighbonrhootl of Bex, so that there is no possi- bility of mistake iis to loe. He has frequently searched the same spot since, but in vain. His own view is that the specimens had been bred in captivity, and had either escaped or been set free.j *M. (Tapygiji, Ciirllll); var. Cleanthe, Hstlr.: lighter than type ; 5Hmm. Fd. pit. Laniarhia ainca, and various grasses. Dist. Char. un.s. h.w., cl. band outlined in v. dk. col. Loc. Dif^ne, viii. c. {Mrs. Xir/inll). M. Syllius, Uhst. (rsyclie, lfJ>. ; Arge occitanica, /vs/).): 52niiu. Fd. pit. llraclu/jiDiiiiiui jiiitiiatKiii. 5 slightly larger than J . Dist. Char. un.s. h.w., nervure.s, and deep margl. dog-toothing, yell.-brn. Loc. Alpes Maritimes. A'illefranche, Ciorge of 8t. Andre, ke. {linn.): S. side of Simplon Pass {h'aiic) ; v.-vi. [At Hyeres as early as iv. 29/02 {Sloper).] Directions of Yar. (a.) number of eye-spots h.Av. ; normally 5. • ab. Ixora, lisilr. .• is entirely without. Sometimes a small spot appears in the usually empty interneural space al)ove the H lower eye-spots, up.s. or un.s. or both. In '•'ab. Sexoculata, SIojut: this is replaced on un.s. by a large eye- spot. [Obs. — 'Sh. Fison possesses one of 2 specimens wh. purport to liave been taken at Chateau d'Oex. After making; such enquiries as were possible, it seems that the only possible alternative was that they were received from Greece. If this is correct, Chateau d'Oex is probably the less unlikely loc, but the evidence is quite insufficient to admit it to the Swiss list.] EiaiATA. I'M^e '"i, line 14, for " Militaca " read " Mclilaca." I'aj^e y, line 20, delete "Entomologist." I'af^-e 12, line 3, for "I can find no later date " read " nr. Locarno IO-A{Fh.). I'age l.-i, line 27, for " Weineburj^ " read '• ^Vern(■bel■^■.'' I'a^^e 20, line 12, for " Leuk " read '■ Lenk." TaKe 54, line 2'J, for " hvi). 1." read " livli. p." J'age 72, line 1(5, foi- " I'isriic" read •• Ficscli." I'af^e 87, line ]:i, for ■' 1)1(mm1> '■ reai. Pamphila, Fabr. iSylvanus, Esp. . . Comma, L. ah. Catena, Stgr. car. (?) Alpina, Bath . . ah. Flava, Tutt Thymelicus, Hb. Acttbon, Esp. Lineola, Ochs. ah. Pallida, Tutt ah. s Semicolon, Stgr. ah. Ludoviciie, Mabille Flavus, Briinn. . . Cm i.Di'ii'i. Carterocephalus, Led. Palaimon, Pallas . • . • •) 10 10 10 10 11 U *Syl\ ius, Kuofli . . Heteropterus, Dunieril Morpheus, Pallas PAPILIONIDES. lvc.i;n'ii)a. IjYi.kxid.k. Lyc.knin.k. Tni'isi'oiuiii. Thestor, Hli. *Ballus, Fabr. CHUVSOPHAXIIpI Chrysophanus, Hb. Yirgaureu!, L. car. Zermattensis, Fallou (Uispar, Haworth) *car. Rutilus, Werneberg' Thersamon, Esp. *var. Omphale, Klug . . *Hippotho(', L. car. Eurybia, Ochs. . . a\). ? Nigra, Fa\ . ah. Contlueus, Gerhard ah. Stieberi, Gerhard . . Alciphron, Kott. . . car. Gordius, Sulzer . . ((/). ? Midas, Lowe (n. ab.) Dorilis, Hufa. ah. Nana, \Vh. (n. ab.) tih. Purpureopunclata, Wh. car. Subalpina, Spr. .. (■(((■. Brunnea, Wh. Phheas, L. ((/;. Intermedia, Tutt . . ah. Schmidtii, Gerhard ((/*. Sutt'usa, Tutt aJ). Eieus, Fabr. ah. Cieruleopunctata, Stgr. ((h. Obsoleta, Tutt ah. Kadiata, Tutt Amphidamas, Esp. LYca;NiDi. Lycaena, Fabr. Areas, Kott. ah. Minor, Kiitzer Euphemus, Hb. . . Alcon, Fabr. car. Monticoia, Stgr. . . ah. ? Nigra, Wh. (n. ab.) Arion, L. . . car. Obscura, Christ .. lolas, Ochs. Amanda, Schneider Cupido, Schrank Alinima, Fssl. car. Montana, Frey . . car. Alsoides, Gerhard ab. Pallida, Tutt ah, Obsoleta, Tutt r.\(;i:. . 11 11 12 VI 13 i:{ l:s 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 10 17 17 17 1>S IH 18 \H IS I'.l ];» 1'.) V.} ■20 '20 -.0 20 •21 21 21 22 22 23 21 24 24 24 24 146 IXDKX. *Li)rquiiiii, H.-S. Selirus, Jjsdv. ., Nomiades, Hb. SemiaigLis, Eott var. Montana, P'ley (il>. .Ktntea, Zll. [[ (il>. Ca;ca, Fuchs iih. Striata, Wh. (n. ab ) Cvllams, Eott. . . . . "''. Blaehieii. Millieie ' ah. Tristis, Geihaid . . (ih. Luo-ens, Caradja . . "/'. Dynius, Bikh. ctli. Subtus-radiata, Olith. «/'. ¥ Andere^Kii, linhl Molanops, Jisdv. . . Polyommatus, Lati . Euraedon, Esp. all. Subtus-impunctata, Fav ah. Speveri, Husz ah. FylKia, Spano-berK Douzelii, Bsdv. Damon, Schiff. . . rar. Feneti, Fav. (Adnietus, Esp.) *vur. Eippeitii, Bsdv. *Dolus, Hb. *{? ah. Vittata, Obth.) Meleager, Esp. ah ¥ Steeveni, Tieitschke .' Corydon, Poda . . ah. Calydonius, Lowe (n ab") ''.^ah. Hisi)ana, H.-S.) .. '/. ? •Semibrunnea, Mil]i(Ve' ? Synn-rapha, Keferstein Auiantia, Tiitt . . Punctata, Tutt . Pallida, Tutt Cinnus, Hb. Striata, Tutt .[ ah. Arcuata, Weynier . . Bellargus, Rott. . . var. Adonis, Hb. ((''. Pallida, Tutt ah. Suffusa, Tutt ah. ? Ceronus, Esp. . .' al). Cinnides, Stgr. ah. Obsoleta,' TuU {ah. Krodeli, Gilhner) "''. Puncta, Tutt *ah. Punctifera, Obth ah. Striata, Tutt Hylas, Esp. ah. Nigropunetata. Wli Oi ab.) . . . . ^ ■ i*'?)ah. Addenda, Tutt .. ah. Minor, Tutt • " ah. ? Metallica, Fav.' ' Escheri, Hb. ah Punctulata," Wh. (n'.ab.)'" Alexis, Hb. .. .. ('/'. Pallida, Tutt ah. Clara, Tutt ah. ? Casrulescens, Wli dV 'Ah.) .. .. ^ ■ (h. ah. (th. ah. ah. ah. ah. ah. ? Caerulea, Fuchs ah. ? Icarus, Rott. . . «&• ? Semiclara, Tutt ab. ? Angulata, Tutt ah. Iphis, Meigen ah. Icarinus, Scriba ." .* ah. Semipersica, Tutt ah. Persica, Bienert . . ah. Arena, Faw ah. Striata, Tutt *{:' ah. Celina, Obth.) Eros, Ochs. ah. Petrividenda, Fav. ah. Subtus-radiata, Obth. Urbitulus, Prunner 'f''. Subtus-punctis-foiVissimiV, rav. . . ah. Aquilonia, Lowe (ii. ab')' Astrarche, Brgstr. ah. Allous, Hb. "''■ Alpina, St^r. i-ar. Calida, Bellier Plieretes, Hb. "/'• ? Cajruleopunctata, Wh. (n. ab.) ah. Maloyensis, Kiihl ." Baton, Brgstr *var. Panoptes, Hb Orion, Pallas .. [] [[ rar. Ornata, Stgr. rar. (and ab.) Nigra, Gerhard" Optilete, Knoch . . ah. Cyparissus, Hb. ah. Subtus-radiata, Fav. Rusticus, Hb. (Zephyrns, Frivaldski) rar. Lycidas, Trapp .. Argus, L. . . var. Alpina, Berce "''. Bella, H.-S. Argvrognomon, Brgstr. .. [\ rar. .Egidion, Meissner ah. ? Argulus, Frey "h. ? Unicolor, Fav. '■"'; ('^»fl ('!'■) ? Brunne'a', Spuler Everes, Hb. Ar-iades, Pallas . . ah. Polysperchon, Brgstr. ^""■- Coretas, Ochs. .. Cyaniris, Dalni. Argiolus, L. ah. Parvipunctata, Fuchs Lampides, Hb. Bi'ticus, L. Telicanus, Lang '* Thkcijdi. Callophrys, Billberg Eubi, L. .. .. ah. Immaculata, Fuchs' Laeosopis, Pnibr. *lioboris, Esp. Zephyrus, Dalm. Quercus, L. ah. Bella, Gerhard ." ." v\v,i:. . m . 36 . m . 36 . 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 S'.) s:> 3'.» 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 44 45 4.5 4.5 46 INDEX. Ii7 Betuliu, L. (ih. J SpinosiK, Gerhard (?«/;. Pallida, Tutt) nh. ? Fisonii, Wh. (n. ,ib.) Thecla, I'ahr. \V iilhnni, Knoch lib. Biitlerowi, Kroulikort'ski Ilicis, Esp. vur. (and aJi.) Cerri, Hb. ah. .KscLili, Hb. Spini, Schirt'. *a}). ? Lynceiis, Hb. . . Pruni, L. . . A(a(ia\ Fabr. LEMONIIDiE. NK.MFOBHN.F. Nemeobius, Stph. Lucina, L. all. Obsoleta, Tutt PAPILIONIDA. PAPILIOXID.F. pAi'iiJONir>r. Papilio, L. Podalirius, L. ah. Feisthamelii, Dup. all. /anclseus, Zll. ab. Ornata, Wh. (n. ab.) ab. Undecimlineata, Einier . *Alexanor, Esp. . . Machaon, L. ah. Burdigalensis. Trinioule ah. Flava, Tutt ab. Pallida, Tutt ab. Sphyrus, Hb. aJi. Nigrofasciata, Kothke ah. Kufopunctata, Wh. (n. ab.) Thaioi. Thais, Fabr. Pdlyxena, Schiff. *(■(//•. Cassandra, Hb. .. *ab. Meta, Meigen (Rumiiia, L.) 'car. Medesicaste, Illiger *(j/^ Honoratii, Bsdv. .. Paknassiii'I. Parnassius, Latr. Apollo, L. ah. Carpathica, Rebel aJ>. Wiskotti, Obth. . . al). Novarae, Obth. a}). Nevadensis, Obth. var. Pseudonomion, Christ ah. ? Brittingeri, Piebel Delias, Esp. ah. ? Herrichii, Obth. ab. ? Cardinal, Obth. ah. Inornata, Wh. (n. ab.) ah. Leonhardi, Kiihl ah. ? Hardwickii, Kane ah. Aurantiaea, Spuler ;» Maturna, L. . 81 . 70 var. Wolfensbergeri, Frey . 81 . 70 Aurinia, Kott. . 82 . 70 var. Merope, Prunner.. . 82 . 70 (•((/■. Artemis, Fabr. .. . 83 . 70 var. Signifera, Kane . . . 83 var. Ochrea, Tutt . 83 . 70 var. Brunnea, Tutt . . . 83 . 71 var. Provincialis, Bsdv. . 83 . 71 var. Iberica, Obth. . . . 83 var. Orientalis, H.-S. . 83 ah. Virgata, Tutt . 83 Phitbe, Knoch . H3 ((//. Minor, Frey . 84 /■((/■. Occitanica, Stgr. . . . 84 . 71 ab. .Etheria, Eversmann . 84 . 71 Cinxia, L.. . . 84 . 72 ab. Sutt'usa, Tutt . 8.", . 72 ab. Olisoleta, Tutt . 85 . 72 al). S Pallida, Tutt . 8.5 *var. Diniensis, Wh. .. . 85 . 72 *Trivia, Schiti'. . 85 . 72 ■?*r((c. Faseelis, Esp. . 85 . 73 Didyma, Ochs. . . . 85 . 7:5 vai-. Alpina, Stgr. . 85 . 73 car. Meridionalis, Stgr. . 86 . 73 var. Gra?ca, Stgr. . 86 . 73 var. Occidentalis, Stgr. . 8f; . 73 Deione, Hb. . . . . . 86 . 73 var. Berisalensis, Fav. . 87 . 73 Asteria, Frr. . 87 73 Am-elia, Nickerl . 88 . 73 vai\ lihd'tica, Frey . 88 . 74 rar. Britomartis, Assmann . . 8IS . 74 I'arthenie, Brkh.. . . Hit (■(((■. Varia, M.-D. . H<) . 74 Athalia, Pott . !)0 . 7-5 ab. Navarina, Selys-Lun^ champs . ',(0 7') ab. Apha3a, Hb. . 90 . 75 ((6. Caucasica, Stgr. .. . 90 7") ab. Corythalia, Hb. . . , 90 . 71 i all. Obsoleta, Tutt . 91 . Hi ((?;. Hertha, Quensel .. . 91 . 7H ab. Virgata, Tutt . 91 . 71; /■((/•. Helvetica, Biihl . . . 91 Hi ab. Leucippe, Schneider . 91 . 71; Dictynna, Esp. . . . 91 7H Vankssidi. 77 Arachnia, Hb. 77 Levana, L. . 91 7s (■(((■. Prorsa, L. . . . 92 7.S al). Porinia, Ochs. . 92 7s Pyrameis, Hb. 78 Cardui, L.. . . 92 7U ab, Eiynii, IJnibr, . 92 119 (ih. Iiiornala, lUaiuson .. '.f2 Atalantii, L '.t2 ah. Fractrt, Tiitt . . - . '.»:! fill. Klemensiewiczi, Scliille . . Ho Euvanessa, Scudder Aiitiopa, L. . . . . . . '.'•) (//>. Lintneri, Fitch .. .. lt;'> ah. Hygiffia, Heydenreich Vanessa, Fabr. lo. L '.i;^ iih. Exoculata, Weviiier . . '.t3 ,(/). Belisarius, Obth 93 (f(/j. Fischeri, Staiidfuss) .. 118 iih. Cyanostiuta, liaynor . . 114 Aglais, Hb. I rticffi, L. . . . . . . Ij4 ah. Polaris, Stgr 1»4 ((/*. Turcica, Stgr. . . . . 1*4 all. Ichnusa, Bonelli . . . . 1)4 ah. Ichnusoides, Sclys-Long- champs . . . . . . 114 ah. Atrebatensis, Bsdv. . . Il4 Eugonia, Hb. I'olyehloros, L 114 (//*. Testudo, Esp. .. .. Ho Xautliomelas, Esp. .. .. Ito Polygonia, Hb. *E-album, Esp. . . . . . . Ho *Kgea, Cramer . . . . . . Ho *i;«r. .J-album, Esp. .. .. Do C-album, L 9<) ah. (and JVM.) Hutchiiisonii, liobsou . . . . . . hi; ah. F-album, I'Jsp. . . . . HO ah. Keicbenstettensis, lliihl . . H6 ah. Iota-album, Newnham . . H(i ah. Pallidior, Petagna . . Hfi ah. Variegata, Tutt . . . . H6 XymI'Hai.idi. Limenitis, Fabr. I'opuli. L. . . . . . . . . H7 ah. Treiiiuliu, Esp. . . . . H7 Camilla, Scliiff. . . . . . . H7 {ah. ? Pythonissa, Milliore) .. HS Sibylla, L. Hs ah. Angustata, Stgr. . . . . Hs ah. Stsenotaenia, Honrath . . HS ah. Nigrina, Weymer . . . . Its Neptis, Fabr. Eucilla, Fabr H8 APATURIDiE. Chai; \\.i;ti)I. Charaxes, Ochs. •lasius. I '.)<) ApaTT1!!1>I. Apatura, I'abr. Ilia, Schirt' 100 ah. Iliades, Mills .. .. 100 car. (and ah.) Clytie, Scliiff. . . lOO car. (and «/'.) Eos, Kossi .. loo f(^. .\stasioTdes, Stgr. .. loo ah. Metis, Frr lOfi Iris, L 100 ab. lole, Schilf 101 LIBYTHEIDiE. Libythea, Fabr. Celtis, Laicliarliug .. .. 101 SATYRIDiE. SATVHIN i;. I'\RAU(.II'I. Pararge, Hli. Mmra. li. all. ()l)scura, Tutt (//'. Monotonia, Sehildc (•(//■. (and ((//.) Adrasta. Hb. ((7). Triops, Fuchs Hiera, Fabr. ah. Trinoculata, Wh. (ii. a Megsera, L. ah. Alberti, Kedlich . . {ah. Mediolugens, Fuchs) ah. Transcaspica, Stgr. ah. Lyssa, Bsdv. *Egeria, L. (■((;■. Intermedia, Tutt. . var. Egerides, Stgr. .. ah. Pallida, Tutt Achine, Scopoli . . Satykidi. Satyrus, Latr. Hermione, L. (•((/•. Alcyone, Schiff. . . Circe, Fabr. (*'?)'(^. Silenus, Stgr, *Statilinus, Hufn,. . var. Allionia, Fabr. . . ""Fidia, L. . . *ali. Monticola, Thierry-Mieg *ActBea, Esp. Cordula, Fabr. ah. ? P(eas, Hb. «//. Brvce, Hb Enodia, Hb. Dryas, Scopuli ((/;. Sibirica, Stgr. Hll'l'AKCHIIDI. Hipparchia, Fabr. iJriseis, L. ah. Major, Obth. . . *ab. Pirata, Esp. Semele, L. ah. 0 Sufl'usa, Tutt vav. Arislieus, Bonelli. . ah. Pallida, Tutt ah. i CiKca, Tutt ah. Addenda, Tutt Arethusa, Esp. ah. Obsoleta, Wh. |n. ab.) var. Erythia. Hb. var. Boabdil, Ilmbr. . . (•(()•. Dentata, Stgr. EPINEPHILIN^, l-'.riM;i"Hii.iiii. Epinephile, Hb. •lurtiiia, L. . . . . ..112 ah i Sut'fuaa, Tutt . . .. IIH ah. ? Pallens, Thierry-Mieg . . ll.H 150 INDEX. ah. Semi-alba, Bruand i'A(w;. . . iia fib. Brigitti, Ljungh . . . . 113 var. Hispulla, Hb. .. 113 uh. ? Grisea, Tutt . . 113 ah. ? Violacea, Wh. (n. ab.) .. 113 ab. Erymanthea, Esp. . . 113 Lyeaon, Eott. .. 113 Tithonus, L. .. 114 ()/'. Excessa, Tutt .. 114 ah. Cffica, Tutt.. . . 114 ah. Mincki, Seebold . . . . 11.5 Ida, Esp. . . . . 11.5 *Pasiphae, Esp. . . . . llo *{(ih. Flava, Wh. ii. ab.) .. 11.5 ClKNOXY.MPHIDI. Aphantopus, Wallengren Hyperanthus, L. . . . 1L5 ah. Minor, Fuchs . 115 ah. Ai-ete, Millieie . 115 ab. Caeca, Fuchs . 115 ah. Obsoleta, Tutt . 11(3 ah. Vidua, Muller . IIH ab. Octoculata, Goze . . . iir, ah. Laiiceolata, iShipp . IKi Coenonympha, Hb. (Edipus, Faljr. . . . IIH Hero, L. . . . 11(5 (?*)ab. Aretioides, Fologne . 116 Iphis, Schiff. . 117 ah. Anaxagoras, Assinuss . 117 ab. Carpathica, Hoimuzaki . 117 Arcania, L. . 117 var. lusubrica, Riitzev . 118 var. Darwiniaiia, Stgr. . ILS ab. Philea, Frr. . 118 ab. Obscura, Kiihl . lis ab. Obsoleta, Tutt . 118 Satyrion, Esp. . 118 (■((/•. Uiiicolor, Wh. (ii. var.). . 119 ah. Caeca, Wh. (n. ab.) . llil Dorus, Esp. . IIH PamphiUis, L. . . . nil ab. Bipupillata, Cosmo vici . . ll'.t all. Obsoleta, Tutt . ll'.» ah. (and var.) Lyllus, Esp. . . ii;» *a1). Marginata, Ruhl . . . 120 ab. Unicolor, Tutt . 120 ab. Ocellata, Tutt . 120 ah. Pallida, Tutt . 120 Typhon, Eott. . 120 var. Philoxenus, Esp. . 120 ca/'. Laidion, Brkh. ., . 120 a/;. Isis, Thunberg . 120 ab. Obsoleta, Tutt . 120 EREBIINvC. (I'lxKIM. (Eneis, Hb. Aello, Hb. Erebia, Dalm. *Epiphron, Enoch var. Valesiana, M.-D. car. Cassiope, Fabr. .. vnr. (and ah.) Nehunus, var. Mnemon, Haworth ab. Obsoleta, Tutt Bsdv. 121 122 123 123 123 123 123 I'AdJC. Mehimpus, Fssl 123 ab. Sudetlca, Stgr. . . . . 123 ab. Randas, Fav. . . . . 123 Flavofasciata, Heyne . . . . 123 *Arete, Fabr. . . . . . . 124 *ah. ? Albofasciata, Hot'ner. . 124 Eriphyle, Frr. . . . . . . 124 ah. Intermedia, Frey . . 125 al). Impunctata, HiUner . . 125 Pharte, Hb 125 ah. Phartina, Stgr. . . . . 125 *var. (and ah.) Fasciata, Spuler 125 Christi, Riitzer . . . . . . 126 Mnestra, Hb 126 Alecto, Hb 127 ub. ? Persephone, Esp. . . 127 (•((/•. Glacialis, Esp. . . . . 128 ah. i Pluto, Esp 128 Manto, Esp. . . . . . . 128 var. Pyrrhula, Frey . . . . 129 ail. Bubastis, Meissner . . 129 ah. Caicilia, Hb 129 Ceto, Hb 129 car. Ob.scm-a, Ratzer .. .. l.SO (('^. Caradjse, Cariisch . . .. 130 *ah. Phorcys, Frr 130 Medusa, Fabr. . . . . . . 130 var. Hippomedusa, Ochs. . . 130 ah. ? Procopiani, Hormuzaki 131 (•(((•. Psodea, Hb. .. .. 131 (i:me, Hb. 181 var. Lugens, Stgr. . . . . 131 rar. Spodia, Stgr. . . . . 131 Stygne, Ochs. . . . . . . 132 i«/-. Valesiaca, Elwes .. 132 r«r. Pyrenaica, Riihl . . .. 132 ab. ? Aboculata, Fav. .. 132 Evias, Godart 133 *Nerine, Frr. .. .. .. 133 *(•(((■. Reichlini, H.-S. .. .. 134 (•«/■. Stelviana, Curo .. .. 134 *(■.')/•(((•. Morula, Spr 134 *Scipio, Bsdv. .. .. .. 134 Euryale, Esp. . . . . . . 134 ah. Ocellaris, Stgr. . . . . 135 aJ). Euryaloides, Tengstrcim 135 ((//. ? Ochracea, Wh. (n. ab.) 135 (/'*. Philomela, Esp. . . . . 135 Ligea, L. . . . . . . . . 135 var. Adyte, Hb 136 -Ethiops, Esp 136 ah. Obsoleta, Tutt .. .. 136 ah. Intequalis, Mousley . . 136 ab. i Nigra. Mousley . . 137 all. ? Pallida, Mousley . . 137 ab. ? Flavescens, Tutt . . 137 ah. Stricta, Mousley . . . . 137 «6. Leucotffinia, Stgr. .. 137 «/>. Ochracea, Tutt .. ..137 ab. Violacea, Wh. (n. ab.) .. 137 Neoridas, Bsdv 137 Pronoe, Esp. . . . . . . 138 rar. Pitho, Hb. .. ..138 Epistygne, Hb. .. .. •.. 138 Goante, Esp. . . . . . . 139 INDEX. 151 PAGK. PACE, .. 140 Gixlatea, L. .. 142 .. 140 ah. Galena, Ochs. .. 14;{ Spr. .. 141 nir. Galaxiera, Esp. .. .. 148 .. 141 rar. Proeida, Hbst. . . .. 143 ee . . 141 (lb. ¥ Flava, Tutt .. 143 .. 141 «^. Leucomelas, Esp. . . .. 143 .. 141 ah. Fulvata, Lowe (n. ab. .. 143 .. 142 (Laehesis, Hb.) . . .. 143 .. 142 (lapygia, Cyrilli) .. 142 *var. Cleanthe, Bsdv. . . .. 144 .. 142 *Syllius, Hbst .. 143 "ah. Ixora, Bsdv. .. 144 *ah. Sexoculata, Sloper (n. ab.) 144 Gorge, Esp. ah. Erinnys, Esp. var. (and ab.) Triopes, Spr, Tyndavus, Esp. . . ah. CiPcodromns, Gnenee var. Dromns, H.-S. . , rar. Caueasica, Tjed. . T^appona, Esp. ab. I'ollux, Esp. ah. Sthennyo, Gvaslin lib. Cnjca, Fav. MELANARGIINJE. Melanargia, Meigen GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF LOCALITIES. The following index does not profess in any way to replace " Baedecker," which is essential, but will, it is hoped, serve two purposes ; 1st that of giving a general idea of the geographical position of most of the localities mentioned under the different species, and 2ndly by means of the page references, that of a guide to the scarcer insects of a given locality, and to the insect or insects for which a locality (of otherwise merely ordinary interest) is worth a visit. The following abbreviations are used : A. Mar., Alpes Maritimes (Fr. French ; It. Italian); B.A., Basses Alpes ; B. Ob., Bernese Ober- land ; Car., Carinthia ; H.A., Hautes Alpes; Pdm., Piedmont ; Riv., Riviera (Fr. French, It. Italian); Sav., Savoie ; Switz., Switzerland; Tyr., Tyrol (Aus., Austrian : It., Italian) ; also Ctn., Canton ; Gl. Glacier; L., Lake ; Mt., Mountain ; P., Pass ; R., River; V., Valley; and btwn., between ; nr. near ; opp. opposite. PAftlC. Aaran, Ctn. Aargan, N.W. Switz. 20 (bis) Aarberg, Ctn. Berne, E. of Bienne 20 (bis), 39, .50 (bis), 97, 10-5, 107, 110, 111, 114 Aar Gl., above Grimsel P., B. Ob. 127 Abries, H. A., nr. Italian frontier 2 (bis), 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, l.j, l(i, 28, 29, 34, 3-5, 37, 49, -54, 56, CO. 61, 62, 66, C)?, 74, 84, 85, 88, 106, 109, 111, 114, 117, 132, 135, 137 Adelboden, B. Ob 139 AigJe, Ctn. Vaud, Rhone V. 1, 6, 8, 10, 12, 26. 29, 36, 46, 48, 49 (bis), .50, .52, 64,65, 70, 71, 72, 85, 89. 97, 98 (bis), 100, 101, lO;^, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 113, 114 (bis), 117, 137 Aix-les-bains, Sav 100, 102 Alassio, It. Riv 2(5, 62 AlbulaP., from Thnsis to Samaden, Grisons, 6, 39, -54, -55, 61, 66. 87, 129 Aletsch Gl., and forest, above Brig, to N. of Rhone V. 15, 22. 67, 140 Allalin GL, above Saastlial .. 127 Allee Blanche, Val Ferret, S. side, Sav 62 Alios, B. A. 6, 21. 28. 29, 37, -52, 61, 114, 117, 127, 129, 134, 139 Almagell, nr. head of Saasthal . . 133 Alpe Pianascio, above Val Maggia, Ticino . . . . . . . . 124 Alpes de Lens, above Saxon, Rhone V 124. 129 Alpe Tschitta, W. of Albula P. . . 128 Alp Griim, Bernina P. . . . . 141 Alpien, above Simplon P.. S. Side 44 Alp Laret, nr. St. Moritz, Engadine 82 Amden, above the Walensee, toN., Ctn. St. Gall 7-5 Ampezzo Alps, It. Tyr., N.E. of the Dolomites . . . . . . 81 Andermatt, Ctn. Uri, St. Gotthard P. 5, 6, 11, 14. 17, .56, 140 (bis) Annecy, Savoie . . . . 10, 111 Annot, in S.E. of B. A. 23, 47, -52, 1()7, 109 Anthemoz. on the Dent du Midi, above Rhone V. . . 128, 142 Anzeindaz, btwn. the Ai'gentine and the Diablerets . . 37, 131 Aosta, Pdm., below Grand St. Ber- nard P. 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 17, 18, 26, 31, 62, 72, 108, 133 Arbaz, above Sion, Rhone V . . 34 152 INDEX. PACtK. Ardetz, Upper Engadine . . . . 129 Argentine, Mt., between the Grcand Mipveran and the Diablerets 56, 06 Arlesheim, nr. Basle . . . . 29 AroJla, Val d' Herens, above Evo- lena 14. 17. 28. 33, 38, 39, 57, 01, 02, 06, 67, 74. 82, 121, 125, 127, 132. 139, 140. 141 Arpilles, Mt., Martigny 4, 5, 10, 53, 67, 121, 126, 129, 140 Arpitetta, Mt., above Zinal, Val d' Anniviers . . . . . . 39 Arve v., nr. Chamonix, Sav. 14, 103 Arzier, on the Vaudois .hua 18, 45 Attalens, Ctn. Fiibomg, above Vevey . . . . . . . . 20 An Pra, Pdm., high in Pellice V. 2. 8, 12, 29, 34, 37, 60. 139, 141 Aui'ibeau, Var, nr. Cannes 26, 45 Axenstein, above Brunnen, L. of Lucerne . . . . . . 71 Axenstrasse, road on E. bank of L. ofUri 11 Bad Alveneu, Albula P., N. side 10, 29, 49, 01, 84, 98, 110 Baden, nr. Vienna . . . . 107 (bis) Baltschieder V., to N. of Ehone V., opp. Visp . . 16, 42, 57, 133 Barcelonette, B. A., in the Ubaye V. 12. 16. 25, 28, 29, 37, 49, 50, (;5, 98, 109, 111, 112, 114, 117, 119, 134, 137 Biirenfallenalp, Simplon P. 4. 8S Basle, N.W. Switz. 2, 4 (bis), 7, 10 (bis), 21, 33 (bis), 39, 43, 45, 48 (bis). 49, 50 (bis), 55, 02, 74, 75, 83, 85. 89, 92, 97 (bis), 106, 107, 110, 111 (bis), 114, 117 (liis). 130 Baveno. L. Maggiore, N.E. Pdm. 22, 70, 72, 9'.l Beaulieu, Fr. Eiv. . . 2, 46, 66, 95 Beauvezer, B. A. 4 (bis), 21. 30, 37, 52, 114, 127, 134. 139 Bechburg, N. Jura 4, 39, 75, 92. 97, 105, 106(bis), 107, 111, 117 (bisi, 130 Beinette, S.W. Pdm., below Certosa diPesio.. .. 13.20,46, 86 Belalp, to N. of Rhone V., opp. Brig . . . . 41, 67, 90, 127 Berchtesgaden, Bavarian High- lands, S. of Salzbm-g 15, 92. 105 Bergell, r. Val Bregaglia Bergiin, Albula P., N. side 6, 8, 21, 34, 77, 78, 88. 91. 98, 132 Berisal, Simplon P.. N. sidel, 3, 5 (bis), 8, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 28 (bis), 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 39, 42, 43, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 75, 76, 84, 85, 88, 90, 103, 106, 112, 113, 133. 137. 139. 141 BernardineP..froniHinterrheinthal, Cirisons, to Jjellinzona, Ticino 124, 125 Berne, Switz. 6, 10, 20 (bis), 48, 75, 92, 97, 101, 107, 117, 120 Bernek. N.E. cornerof Ctn. St. Gall 117 Bernex, Sav., on the Dent d'Oche, above L. of Geneva . . . . 114 Bernina Hospice, at top of Bernina P., from Pontresina to Tirano (Italy) 39, 61, 76, 81, 90, 140, 141 Berthemont, A. Mar. (Fr.) 12, 89, 130 Bex, Vaud, Ehone V.17, 21, 52, 58, 63, 89, 105, 143 Bienne, Ctn. Berne, at foot of Jura 3, 21, 50, 105, 111, 113 Binn, E. of upper Ehone V. 15, 22 Bisbinno, W. bank of L. Como 26, 82, 118 Blumenthal, above Miirren, B. Ob. 25 Bobbie, W. Pdm., in Pellice V. 1, 2 (bis), 12, 15, 16, 17, 29, 31, 34, 37, 40, 72, 74, 107, 111, 114, 118, 134 Boden GL, above Zermatt . . 21 Bois de Batie, nr. Geneva . . . . 26 Bois de Bay, nr. Geneva 21, 26, 48, 105 Bonfol, N.W. corner of Switz. . . 116 }>ordighera. It. Eiv. . . 46 (bis) Boreon R., A. Mar. (Fr.) 60 (bis), 102, 133 Bormio, Val Tellina, It. Tyr. 4, 49, 134 Bortelalp, above Berisal, Simplon P 4, 5 (bis), 140 Bossey, nr. Geneva 25, 45. 98, 111, 114, 118 Botzen, W. Tyrol, N. of the Dolo- mites 1,2, 3, 4, 7, 23, 31, 35, 40, 49 (3 times), 50, 52. 77, 85, 108, 109, 118, 143 Bourget, nr. Chamberv. Sav. 74, 110, 112 Bourg d'Aru, Isere, nr. Bourg d' Oisans 2, 13, 29, 35, 77, 106, 118. 137 Bourg d'Oisans, E. of department of Isere, France 1, 2, 12, 17, 29, 35, 77, 98. 106, 109, 110, 114, 135, 137, 139 Bourg St Maurice, E. Sav. 1, 2 (bis), 8, 12, 17, 18. 29, 35, 49, 62. 84, 98, 106, 109, 114 Bouveret, S.E. corner of L. of Geneva 42, 45, 75, 76 (bis|, 78, 83. 91 Bovernier. nr. Martignv, ft. of Gd. St. Bernard P. . . ' . . . . 40 Bovine, Mt.. above JNIartigny 4, 5. 6, 41, 67, 121, 126. 129, 140 Bozingen, at foot of Jura, nr. Bienne. . . . . . . . . Ill Branson, Ehone V., opp. Martigny 2, 5 (bis), 25, 26, 27, 31, 40, 43, 44 (bis), 61, 70, 104 Bremgarten, Ctn.Aaigau, N. Switz. 97 Brenner P.. W. Tvr., S. from Innsbruck 2, 22, 39 (bis), 61, INDEX. 1.-3 VMiV.. 66. 67, 77. ^0, S«. 121, 12s, 12'.l, l;J8, i:{!l, 141 Bn'vent, Mt., nr. Cliaiaonix, Sav. 2, K. 12, lo, 16,22, 61, 72, 127, 129. 1:52 Brienzer Rothhorn, Mt., N. of L.of Biienz .. .. 89, 121, 12H Brif;-. Rhone V., ft. of the Shiiplon P. 2, 3, .5, 8, 10, 18, 19 (bis), 25, 26, 34, 38, 39, 48, 49, 62. 82, lOo, 109, 117, 118, 133 Brunnen, Ctn. Schwvz, on L. of Lucerne li, 40, 82, 120. 132 Brusio, S. of Po-chiavo V., S. side of Beinina P. 4, 10, 40, 55, 73, 101, 109, 118, 123 Biinschen, above Weissenburg, B. Ob. . . 20, 21, 22, 67, 80 Biiven, Bernese Seeland, nr. L. of Bienne . . . . . . . . 75 Bnrgdorf, Bernese Mittelland 2, 4, 8, 48, 75, 85, 92, 97, 101, 107, 111 Burgenstock, Mt., nr. L. of Lucerne 98 Cadenabbia, W. bank of L. Como 111. Cagnes, S. of A. :\rar. (Fr.). on the Loup Calanda, Mt.. \Y. of Coire, Grisonp Campfer. T'pper Engadine4, 6, 13. 2.S, 29, 35, 37, 41, 62, 66, 67, 68, 78, 80 (bis), 119, 121, Campiglio, S.W. Tyr. 12, 15, 16, 21, 22, 28, .56, 61, 66, 76, 78, S2, 84, 109, 111, 121. 127, 1.30, 138, 140, Cannes, Fr. Riv. 2, .3, 8, 27, 29, 40, 48 (bis), 53, 62, 65, 74, 95, 99, 101, Castellane, in S.E. of B. A. 30, 39, 46, 52, 112, Cassarate, E. of Lugano .. 44. Catogne. Mt. above Martigny, to S.E. Caux. above Montreux, L. of Geneva 14, 19, 22, 82, 83, 117. 128, 130, Celerina, Fpper Engadine. . Certosa di Pesio, S.W, Piedmont 2 (bisi, 4, 6, 13, 15, Ki, 17, 18, 20, 23, 26, 29, 30, 35, 37, 40, 44, 46, 48, 49 (3 times). 50, 57, 61, 62 (bis), 63, 71, 77, 86, 9S (l)is), 100 (bis), 101 Ibis), 103, 107 (bis), 114, 122, 125, Pis, 129, 133, 1.35. 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, Chamossaire, Mt.. above Aigle . . Chanionix, Sav., foot of Mt. Blane 6. 33, 39, 41, 56, (H, 62, 67, 72, 118, Champery,' in Val d'llliez, S. of Rhone V., opp. Aigle . . 21, Chandolin, above Val d'.\nniviers 57. 62, 74, 103, 12S, Charrat, Rhone V 116 53 87 141 141 115 118 46) 67 131 28 142 139 83 133 S9 Charpigny, Rhone V., between Aigb' and Bex 26, 47, 50, 52, 63, 65, 82, 89, 100, 104, 114 Chasseral, Mt., .hna, above L. of Bienne . . Chateau d' Oex, Ctn. Berne, V. of the Sarine . . . . 77, Chateaufort, B..\. .. Chatillon, Val d'Aosta, Pdni. Chavoire, nr. Annecv. Sav. 1, 10, 22, 25, 44, 49 (bis), Chene, nr. Geneva . . Chiasso, Tieino, S. point of Switz. 18. 19, 34, 45, 73. 191, 111 Chiavenna, foot of Val Bregaglia, Lombardy . . . . 40, Chietre, btwn. Bex and St. Maurice, Rhone V Chillon, on N.E. bank of L. of Geneva . . Chippis, opp. Sierre, Rhone V. Cliiusa, below Certosa di Pesio, 28 144 53 4 110 26 118 17 110 61 Pdm Choully, nr. Geneva Churwalden, Grisons, S. 44, 107, 108 . . 50 of Coire 74, 87, 132 Cierfs, Munsterfhal, S.E. Grisons 134 Cima Car, above Certosa di Pesio 29 Cogne v., Pdm., W. side of V;il d' Aostal, 8, 13, 15,28, 29, 37. 49, •56, 66, 72, 74, 80, 109, 114, 139 Coire. N. Grisons 2, 43, 50, 67, 87, 88, 91, 97, 101 Col deChevilie; S. of theDiablerets, Vaud 131 Col de Pillon, N. of Diablerets, Ctn. Berne . . . . . . . . 125 Col de Rouaine, B. A. . . . . 25 Col des Vaches, Zinal, Val d'An- niviers . . . . . . . . 56 Col di Tenda, A. Mar., It.. 51, 118 Col du Torrent, btwn. Evolena and Vissoye . . . . . . .56, 127 Colmars, in E. of B. A. . . 37, 127 Coltura, Val Bregaglia, Grisons . . 48 Comballaz, btwn. Sepey an Durand Gl., at head of Val de Bagnes, to S.E. of ^lartigny. 41 Eggen, Simplon P., S. side .. 61 Eggenthal, Tyr., S.E. of Botzen 22, 23, 99, 101 Eggishorn, to N. of Rhone V. above Fiesch . . . . . . . . 67 Eggiswyl, nr. head of Emmenthal 80 Einsiedeln, Ctn. Schwyz 20, 40, .57, 67, 80, 131 Emmenthal, Bernese Mittelland, S.E. of Bur-dorf . . . . 85 Emsigenalp, S.E. part of Pilatu.': 19 Engelberg, Ctn. Unterwalden, S. of L. of Lucerne 4, 14, 15 (bis), 17, 33, 41, 43, .57, 67, 74, 77, 89, 122, 128, 129 (bis), 132, 140 Engi,inSernfthal, Ctn. Glarusl25, 131 Engstlenalp. Ctn. Unterwalden, S.W. of Engelberg 4, 5 (bis), 6, 57, 121 En Saumont, above Clarens, Mon- treux 20 Entrevaux, in S.E. of B. A. 47, 77 Epplesheim, on Stelvio P. . . 125 Esino, above Varenna, E. bank of L. of Como .. ..17, 32, 133 Esterel, Mt., W. of Cannes, Fr. Riv 45, 54 Evolena, Val d'Herens, to S. of Rhone V., opp. Sion 4, 16, 21, 22, 29. .33, 34, 36, 48, 56, 67, 90, 127, 129, 133 Faido, on S. side of St. Gotthard P. 45 Failiefeu, B. A. 37, 39, 60, 139, 140 Falzarego P., S. Tyr. 49, 61, 66, 80, 135 138, 140 (bis) Faulhorn, Mt., B. Ob., above Grindelwald . . . . . . 140 Fenestrella, W. Pdm., S. of Susa 11, 81 Ferpecle, Val d'Herens, above Evolena ..16,-58, 66, 75, 127 Fiesch, Upper Rhone V. 15, 67, 72, 106, 110, 133, 138 Filzbach, above the S.W. of the Walenpee .. .. 92, 103 Finalmarina, It. Riv. . . . . 95 Findelen, above Zerniatt . . . . 127 Flims, Grisons, W. of Coire 11, 77 Flimserstein, Mt., N. of Flims 125 (bis) Fluela P., through the Fluelathal, from Davos toSiis, Grisonsll, 125 (bis), 140, 141 Foliette, Mt., nr. Loeche-les-bains, Gennni . . . . . . 57 Follaterre, Mt., Rhone V., opp. Ver- nayaz and Martigny 3, 17 (bis), 22, 31, 33, 42, 45, 61, 70, 108, 113 Forclaz, above Martigny on the P. to Cbamonix 11, 22, 57, sO, 97, 103, 125, 129, 133, 139 Franzenhohe, Stelvio P., Aus. Tyr., N. side 6, 61, 141 Freniere, above Bex . . . . 21 Fully, N. side of Rhone V., N.E. of Martigny 4, 5, 8, 11, 15, 17, 23, 40, 44, 51, 72, 88, 89, 98 (bis), 117, 126, 129, 140 Fuorcla di Surlej. S.E. of Surlej. Upper Engadine . . . . 58 Furka, P. from N.E. Valaisto Ctn. Uri41,57,66,67, 117, 124, 127, 140 Fu.^io, nr. head of Val Maggia, Ticino 1, 10, 14, 18 (bis), 21, 22. 28, 33, 39, 40, 61, 66, 82, 124, 126, 127, 129 (bis), 1.30, 139 Gadmen, off Haslithal toE.3, 5, 21, INDEX. 155 PACK. 39, 43, 5G, 57 (bis), 75, 77, 89, 97, 125, 129 (bis), 131 Gais, Ctn. Appenzell . . . . 120 Gamsen, Rhone V. between Visp and Brig . . . . 44, 133 Gandi-ia, on L. of Lugano, Ticino 8 Ganter, R., on the Simplon P., N. side 1, 40,42, 43, 84 (bis), 129 Gap, chief town of H.A. . . . . 37 Gardone, on W. bank of L. of Garda 2 (bis) Gasterthal, off N. side of the Gemmi to E 125 Gemmi, P. from Spiez on L. of Thun, to Loeche, Rhone V. o, 6, 17, 41, 42, 5iJ, 57, 00, 61, 121, 125 (bis), 131, 132, 134, 140, 141 Geneva, S.W. Switz. 2, 4, 25, 26, 40 (bis), 48 Gias del Ortiga, above Certosa di Pesio 128 Giinel, Jura Vaudois, above Rolle 113, 118, 120 Gimelwald, below Murren, B. Ob. 31, 52 Giornico, Ticino, Val Leventina 12, 109 Giubiasco, S. Ticino. below Bellin- zona . . . . . . . . 12 Glacier de Miage, S. side of Mt. Blanc, Pdm 28 Glaisolas, B. A 28 Glion, above Montreux 17, 48, 83 (bis), 107, 117, 118, 131 Godessart, B.A. 28, 60, 7H, 118, 127 Goldau, S. of L. of Zug . . 110, 111 Gomagoi, on the Slelvio, Austrian side 139 Gondo, on the Simplon, S. side, Valai? . . . . 10, 17, 04, 103 Gorge de St. Andre, A. Mar. (Fr.) 40, 05, 144 Gornergrat, above Zermatt 25, 36, 61, 67, 74, 88, 128, 139, 140, 141 G(")schenen, Ctn. Uri, on the St. Gotthard P., N. side . .17, 41, 45 Gr.md Ferrex, at the head of the Yal Ferrex, Valais . . 29, 141 Grand Md'veran, Mt., Vaud, above Bex 127, 140 Grand St. Bernard, P. from Martigny, Rhone V. to Aosta, Pdm. 17, 25, 41, 62, 07, 74, 121, 129, 141 Granges, nr. Sierre, Rhone V. 15, 40, 97, 100 Grangettes, farms nr. Villeneuve, at head of L. of Geneva . . 17, 75 Grasse, A. Mar. (Fr.), above Cannes 54, 115, 139 Grengiol s, Upper Rhone V , en trance to Binnthal . . . . 98, 133 Gresy, above L. Bouvget, Sav. 2, 8, 10 (bis), 17, 22, 33, 44, 40, 49 P.\OE. (bis), 51, 62, 70, 84, 98, 110, 111 (bis) 112 (bis), 114, 118 Grimsel, P. from liiicnz to Rhone Gl. 5, 15, 41, 08, 121, 124, 125, 142 Grindelwald, B. Ob., at head of Liitschinthal 29 Grcklner .Toch, S. Aus. Tyr., at head of Grcidnerthal . . . . 134 Gros Gloekner, Mt., E. Tyr. . . 68 Gruyere, Ctn. Fribourg, in Sarine V 33, 103 Gryon, above Bex, Rhone V. 0, 62, 73, 97 Guarda, Lower Engadine, entrance to Val Tuoi 10, 14, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 33, 37, 39, 41, .56, 66, 67, 77, 78, 82, 84, 87. Ill, 126, 127, 129, 140 (bis) Gumpoldskirehen, S. of Vienna . . 13 Gunten, on N. bank of L. of Thun 110 Gurgaletsch, Mt., S.E. of Coire 87, 129, 130 Gurnigel, Bernese Mittelland, nr. L. of Thun . . . . 131, 135 Guttannen, in the Oberhaslithal . . 75 Gysulafluh, Mt., N.E. of Aarau . . 97 Hallwyl, btwn. Lucerne and Lenzburg (Aargau) . . . . 120 Hauderes, above Evolena . . . . 33 Hasliberg, above the Haslithal, the N. side of the Grimsel P. . . 19 Hasli Scheideck, Mtn., S.W. of Haslithal 67 Handeck, in the Haslithal 14, 77, 125 Heiligenblut, in N.W. corner of Car. 18, 34, 39, 60, 01, 66, 82, 121, 12-!, 135 (bis), 141 (bis), 142 Heremence, off the Rhone V., opp. Sion 133 Hermance, nr. Geneva, on E. bank of L. 20, 25, 33, 46, 82, 105, 117 Heuthal (Val del Fain), to N.E. of Bernina P., N. side 39, 57, 82, 87, 90, 140 Hinterheinthal, Grisons, S.W. from Thusis 125 Hospenthal, on the St. Gotthard P. 22 Hospitalet, B.A 83 Hottingen, nr. Ziirich . . . . 45 Hutteggen (Huteck), Saasthai 30, 42, 113 Hiitten, S. of L. of Ziirich . . Ill Iffenthal, N. Jura, nr. Basle . . 105 Illgraben, S. of Rhone V., opp. Loeche . . . . . . . . 03 Inden, on S. side of Gemmi. below L-;('che-les-bains 2, 29, 36, 51, 77, 129 Innsbruck, in the Inn V., N. Tyr. 66, 109, 125 (bis), 128 Ins, btwn. Lakes of Bienne and Neuchatel 20 166 INDKX. PAOK. Interlaken, btwn. Lakes of Thun and Biien^ . , . . 3'i, 89 Iselle, Simplon P., S. side, Pdm.2, 16, 71, 99, 115 Isonzothal, Julian Alps, Carniola 40, 77, 1(J3 Jaman, Mt., above Montreux .. 101 Jeui'-Brulee, above Branson, Rhone V 5, 53, 82, 83 Joch P., S. of Engelberg .. .. 129 Jorat, Mt., N. of Lausanne . . 20 Jura, Mts., W. boundary of Switz. 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 33 (bis), 34, 4S, 48, 49, 50, 52, 55, 60 (bis), 66, 74, 78, 82, 83, 85, 89, 98, 100, 101, 106, 111, 112, 113, 117, 132, 137, 138 Justisthal, N. of L. of Thun 8, 19 Kalfeuser (Calfeisen) Alps, Ctn. Glarus, S. of Ragatz . . . . 125 Kaltberg, in the Turtmannthal, 5. of Rhone V. . . . . 90 Kandersteg, B. Ob., N. side of the Gemmi . . 28, 124, 125, 129, 131 Katzensee, Ctn. Zurich, N.W. of L 120 Kienthal, S. of Lake of Thun . . 125 Klonthal, in W. of Ctn. Glarus . . 98 Kor Alp, borders of Styria and Car. 22, 25, 37, 41, 117, 125 (bis) Kupfernaseruns, above Filzbach, S. of Walensee . . 92, 103 La Batiaz, tower, E. of Martigny 15, 30, 62, 86 (bis), 87, 89, 108 La Bocca, Cannes, Fr. Riv. 63, 107 La Bollene, A. Mar. (Fr.). .30, 52, 72 Lac de la Madeleine, nr. Larehe, B. A 41, 67 La Clusaz, Sav., between Thones and Megeve, below the Col d' Aravis . . . . . . . . 29 La Faucille, Jura, Sav., N.E. of Geneva . . . . . . . . 74 La Flegere, Mt., nr. Chamonix, Sav. . . . . . . . . 132 Lagalp, E. of Bernina P., near top, N. side . . . . . . . . 81 Lago di Garda, N.E. Lombardy . . 133 Lago di Loppio, N.E. of Lago di Garda .. .. 31, 44, 110, 133 Lago Maggiore, Ticino and Pdm. . . 17 La Grave, Dauphine, 13, 15, 35, 84, 106, 109, 111, 117, 137 Languard, R. and V., E. of Pon- tresina . . . . . . 39^ 57 Lanslebourg, at foot of Mt. Cenis', French side .. .. II7, 130 La Pallette, above the Col de Pillon', B. Ob 52 Laquinthal, to S. of Simplon P., S. side 21, 22, 24, 25, 62, 74, 89, 118, 121, 126, 127, 130, 131, 1.S2 Larehe, N.E. of B. A., nr. Italian frontier 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 29, 37, 39, 41, 49, 56, 6U, 61, 62, 66, 67, 74. 82, 84, 85, 88, 193, 109, 114, 117, 132, ] 34, 135, 137 Lattrigen 75, 105 Lausanne, on N. bank of L. of Geneva 8, 17, 45, 50, 72, 75, 98, 106, 117 Lauterbrunnen, B. Ob., S. of Inter- laken . . . . 29, 36, 79, 130 LauzonV., in Graian Alps, nr. Cogne 80 Lavancher, nr. Chamonix, Sav. . . 56 La Vare, above Bex, Rhone V. 28, 125, 126 Lavey, Vaud, Rhone V., between Bex and St. Maurice 24, 25, 26 (bis), 27, 45, 62, 63, 77, 78, 82 Lecco, on S.E. of L. of Como, Lombardy . . . . . . 51 Le Coin, at N.W. of the Grand Saleve, Sav. 8, 17, 25, 45. 103, 111 Le Lautaret, in Dauphine Alps 2, 5, 15, 24, 25, 28, 29, 37, 41, 56, 61, 66, 67, 80, 82, 117, 125, 127, 129, 130, 140, 141 Lenk, Simmenthal, B. Ob. (mis- printed Leuk) . . . . 20, 120 Lenzburg, Ctn. Aargau . . 92, 97 Le Peuty, nr. the Glacier de Trient, above Martigny . . . . 132 Le Prese, S. side of Bernina P., PoschiavoV 83,91, 97 Le Reculet, S.E, Jura, Sav., nr. Geneva . . . . 14, 21, 121, 131 Les Avants, above Montreux, L. of Geneva . . 17, 26, 29, 83, 98, 114 Les Plans, above Bex, Rhone V. 11, 119, 138 Les Voirons, Mt., Sav., E. of Geneva . . . . . . . . 97 Levens, A. Mar. (Fr.) in the Vesubie V. . . . . . . 108 Leysin, above Aigle, Rhone V. . . 48 Liestal, S.E. of Basle 4, 7, 10, 20, 22, 29, 33, 43, 44, 48 (bis), 49, .50 (bis), 62, 89, 92, 97, 101, 105, 106, 130 Locarno, at head of L. Maggiore, Ticino 8, 17, 26, 39, 40, 64, 76, 84, 99, 100, 115, 118 Loeche (Leuk), Rhone V., btwn. Sierre and Visp 2 (bis), 30, 45, 49, 62, 72, 77, 117, 118 Loeehe-les-bains(Leukerbad), above Loeche, on S. side of Gemmi 4, 5, 8, 14, 17, 29, 36, 60, 61, 62, 74, 76, S9, 103, 109, 127, 128, 129 (bis), 140 Lolling, on W. slope of Sau Alp, E. Car. 25, 57, 77, 78, 117, 130 Losone, nr. Locarno, Ticino . . 104 Lostorf, nr. Olten, N.E. Switz. 39, 113 LiJtschenthal, N. of Rhone V., above Gampel.. .. .. ..28 Index. 157 Lucens, Viuul, iibove Lausiinne, towards Neueliiitel ..75, '.)2, 105 Lucerne, Central Switz. 11, 17, 44, 70, 110, 114 Lugano, Tieino, at head of L. 2, 17, 40, 4.5, 52, ()1, 84, 99, 101, 106, 108, 143 Lungern, Ctn. Untorwalden, S. side of Brunig P. . . . . 105 Liitschine, 2 Us., from Grindelwuld and Lautevhrunnen Vs. to In- terlaken . . . . . . 2 Macolin (Magglingen), Jura, above Bienne . . Macugnaga, Pdm., E. of Mte. llosa 10, 15, 18, 21, 28, 114, 129, 130, Muderanerlhal, to E. of Amsteg, in Upper Reussthal . . Madone des Fenetres, Mt., A. Mar. (Fr.) .. 18,22,56,61,71, Magadino, on N.E. of L. Maggiore Malans, N.W. Grisons Malmorte, B. A. . . 37, 129, Maloja, at top of P. btwn. the Engadine and Italy 6, 11, 39, 60, 81, 88, 103, 121, 125, 127, Miinnlichen, Mt., btwn. Grindeiwald and Wengen, B. Ob. 121, 129 Mantegna, V., A. Mar. (Fr.), nr. Cannes . . Marcoux, nr. Digne, B. A. . . Marly, nr. Fribourg, Switz. Martignv, Valais, Rhone Y. 1,2, 3, 4 (bis"), 5, 6,8, 10, 12, 15,16,18, 22 (bis). 23, 25, 27, 28, 33 (bi.s), 34, 38, 44 (bis), 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, .52, .57, 58, 59 (bis), 60, 62 (bis), 63, 77, 84, 85,86,88,98, 100, 104, 105, 106, 108, 110, 113, 117, 118, 132, Mattmark, at head of Saasthal 4, 6, 14, Mayens de Sion, above Sion, to S. of Bhone V. .. 22, 41, 57, Mayenwand, N. of the top of the Grimsel P. 14, 17, 68, 118, 122, 124, 127, Megeve, Sav., S.W. of Chamonix 10, 22, 74, Meienthal, N.W. of Wasen on the St. Gotthard P. Meiringen, in E. of B. Ob., entrance of Haslithal . . 28, 37, 75, Mendel P., Tvr., S. of Botzen 2, 4, 8, 18, 4-5"^, 49 (bi.s), 50, 60, 61, 70, 74, 77,80,84,98, 101, 103, 105, 111, 114, 118, 130, 132, Mendrisio, S. Tieino . . 8, Meran, W. Tyr., N. W. of Botzen 16, Meyrin, nr. Geneva, Switz. 4, 22, 39, 48, .50, 98, Modane, S.E. corner of Savoie, nr, entrance of Mt. CeniF tunnel 50 131 13 133 12 118 134 135 (bi.s) 46 20 48 133 28 127 140 139 127 89 133 9 100 114 81 Modling, S. of Vienna 23, 34, 40, 49, 69, 99, 103, 107, HI Mole.son, Mt., Fribourg, above Bulle 19, 117 I\hjllis, Ctn. Glarus, nr. L. of Walenstadt (Walensee) . . 97 Monnetier, Sav., btwn. the Grand and Petit Saleve 5, 6, 8, 14, 25, 26, 29, 3.3, 45, 49, 103, 111 i\[ontaigne de St. Vincent, Digne, B. A 139 Montana, above Siurre, Rhone V. 3, 4, 31, 33, .57, 117 Mont Balme de la Frema, A. Mar. (Fr.) 18, 29, 49, 61, 62, 117, 121, 130 Mt. Barrv, Fribourg, nr. Gruvere 2, 8,'ll, 14, 20 (bis), 33, 78," 82, 117, 120, 131 Mt. Buet, Sav., nr. Chamonix . . 141 Mt. Cenis, S.E. of Sav. 23, 26, 56, 138 Mt. Chemin, Martigny to left of St. Bernard P. 15, 17, 34, 79, H8, 89, 92, 98 Mt. Chetif, above Courmayeur, Pdm 62 Mt. Crammont, Pdm., above Cour- mayeur . . . . 84, 85, 88, 90 Mt. Cray, above Chateau d'Oex . . 142 Mt. d'Autan, Martigny, Rhone V. 121 Mt. de la Saxe, above Courmayeur, Pdm. . . 66, 67, 80, 88, 141 (bis) Mt. de Sion, Sa»'., S. of Geneva 45, 106 Mt. d' Or, Jura, Fr. frontier, above Vallorbe 66 Monte Bre, S. Tieino, on N. of L. of Lugano 63, 64, 71, 88, 99, 100 Mte. Cenere, Tieino, to E. of head of L. Maggiore . . . . 12 Mte. Costa Rossa, above Certosa di Pesio . . . . . . . . 125 Mte. Faschia, above Certosa di Pesio 61, 128 Mte. Generoso, S.E. Tieino 45, 47, 133 Mte. Grigna, above Lecco, Lom- bardy 134 Mte. Matajur, .Julian Alps (S.E. group, Carniola) . . . . 40 Mte. Salvatore, S. of Lugano 49, 76 Mte. Viso, Pdm., on frontier of H. and B.A 23 Mt. Pelerin, above Vevey, Vaud, L. of Geneva . . . . . . 107 Mt. Ravoire, above Martigny, Rhone V. . . . . 8, 23, 111, 129 Montreux, Vaud, E end of L. of Geneva . . . . 26, 71, 106, 107 Mt. Suchet, Swiss Jura, above Vallorbe .. .. 61, 66 Mt. Vinaigrier, Fr. Riv. W. of Cannes.. .. ..63,65, 83 Morel, ITpper Rhone V. 1,26,67, 133 Mornex, nr. Geneva .. 98, 111 Morteratsch Gl., to S. of Bernina P., S. side ,.^21,41.67, 68 158 INDEX. Moudon, Vaud, btwn. L. of Geneva and L. of Neuchate] . . . . 92 Miihlebachalp, Ctn. Glarus 12-5, 131 Miihlen (Molins), Julier P., btwn. Tiefenkastenand theEngadine 116 Miinsteithal, E. Grisons .. .. 20 Muottas, Mt., nr. Pontresina .. 77 Miii-ren, B. Ob., above Lauteibrnn- nen 14, 22, 24, 29, 31, 39 (3 times), 41 (bis), 60, 66, 128, 129, 131 (bis), 132, 135, 137, 138, 139, 141 Mythen, Mt., Ctn. Schwyz 57, 132 Nairs, Mt., above C.unpfer, Upper Engadine Naters, nr. Brig, Rhone V. 14, 85, 89, Nax, on Mt. opp. Hion, Rhone V. Neuchatel, W. Switz., on the Jura 62. 106, Neuhausen, at the Schaffhausen Falls 33, Neuveville, Jura, on W. of L. of Bienne 1, 20, 28, 48, 50, 105, 110, 113, 117 Nice, Fr. Riv. 8, 40, 46, 48 (bis), 49, 6o, 83, 99, 115 Kicholaithal, V., above Visp. . . 62 Niesen, Mt., S. of L. of Thiin . . 124 Niouc, above Chippis, entrance of Val d' Anniviers 8, 16, 19, oO, 57, 62, 72, 74, 77, 81, 103, 133 Noes, W. of Sierre, Rhone V. 50 (bis) Novallo (Nuovalo), nr. Cortina, Tyr. . . . . . . 138, 140 130 111 14 114 70 Oberaargau, N. part of Ctn. Berne Oberalp P. to N.E. of Anderniatt 14, 17, 39, 56, 61, 66, 67, 128, Obergesteln, Upper Rhone V. Obergurnigel, above Gurnigel 19, 112, Oberhaslithal, upper part of Hasli- thal, formuig N. side of Grimsel P. . . 8, 75, 77, 89, Oberstalden, btwn., Schwvtz and Glarus ". Oberutzwyl, in W. of Ctn. St. Gall 106, Oensingen, Ctn. Soleure . . Oftringen, in the Aarthal . .20, 50, Olgiate, Lombardy, S.W. of Conio 2, 34, 44, 51, 84, 86, Ollon, Vaud, Rhone V Olten, Ctn. Soleure Onex, nr. Geneva, Switz. 92 139 125 125 3, 18, 44, 48, 98, Orbe, in the Jura Vaudois Ormont, above Aigle, Vaud 2, 17, Orsieres, in the Drance V., above Martigny Orta, N.E. I'dm. 1, 2, 4, 26, 33 (bis), 40, 53, 109, Osterwitz, W. Styria on the Stainz Alps 103 66 117 97 77 100 34 21 105 50 129 11 118 120 Ozglosse, B.A. PAGK. , . 25, 120, 129, 134 60 139 92 Pain de Sucre, \V. of the Grand St. Bernard P. Pantenbriicke, S. of Linthal, on the Sandalp Parpan, btwn. Coire and Tiefen- kasten . . . . . . 56, Pas de Cheville, S. of the Diablerets Passo Babane, above Certosa di Pesio Payerne, btwn. Fribourg and L. of Neuchatel Pejo, W. Aus. Tyr. 11, 17, 22, 77, 81, 82, 105, 121, 127, 130, 132 Pepiori, Mt., A. Mar. (Fr.) . . 121 Petit St. Bernard P., to E. of Grand St. Bernard 29, 56, 84, 111, 127, 132 Pfaffers, nr. Ragatz, E. of Ctn. Glarus 77, 117 Pfyn, village in the middle of the Pfynwald 30, 44, 52, 72, 98 (bis), 100 Pfynwald, btwn. Sierre and Loeche- Souste, on left bank of Rhone 9, 15. 30, 34, 44, 49, 72, 84, 85, 86, 89, 92, 110, 133 Pic de I'Aigle, A. Mar. (Fr.) . . 6 Pierre-a-voir, Mt., above Saxon, Rhone V. 24, 36, 37, 39, 74, 122, 126, 141 Pilatus, Mt.. W. of L. of Lucerne 2, 19, 38, 48, 61, 121 , 125, 128, 129, 132, 138 Pinchat, nr. Geneva . . 44, 46 Piz Languard, Mt., to E. of I'on- tresina . . . . . . 127, 141 Piz Okel, Mt., S. of Coire . . . . 8 Plan Cerisier, above Martigny Bourg, Rhone V. 10, 30, 40, 87 Pointe de la Lauze, above Abries, H.A 140 Ponchette, Val d'Annivieis 28, 74, 103, 128 Pontarlier, central Fr. Jura 28, 67, 131 Pont de Nant, above Bex 2, 5, 6, 9, 17, 36, 38, 56, 57, 62, 78, 82, 117, 118, 131, 132, 138 Pontresina, Upper Engadine 5 (bis), 10, 14, 20, 2], 22, 28 (bis), 29, 35, 37, 39 (bis), 41, 43, 56, 61, 66. 67, 74, 77, 78, 80, 82, 84, 85, 87, 98, 118, 121, 127, 139, ]40, 141 Poschiavo, S.E. Grisons, S. side of Bernina P. . , . . . . 78 Postalp, above villnge of Brenner, Tyr. .. 39, 61, 88, 121, 128 Priitigau, V. of the Landquart, N.E. Grisons .. 56, 101, 123 Preles (Pragelz), Jura, nr. L. of Bienne . . . . . . . . 117 Pre St. Didier, Val d' Aosta, Pdm. 2 (bis), 4, 12, 18, 16, 17, 29, 31, tNDliX. 159 I'AliE. 34, 35, 40, 41, 4'.), 62. ()7, 72 (bis), 73, 77, 78 (his), 84, 88, 98, 109, 111, 114, 118, 135 Promontogno, Val I3regaglia, Gii- sons . . • . . . . . 129 Piunieres, B.A 112, 119 Puget-Theniers, A. Mar. (Fr.) . . 95 Eagatz, E. of Ctn. Glarus 77, 92, 120 llandft, below Zevmatt . . . . 123 Karon, Khone V. .. .. 51, 52 Keichenbach, above Spioz, L. ot Thun 77 Kesi, nr. Soleure .. .. .. 4 Keussthal, N. side of St. Gottbard P 77 Revereulaz, above Vouvrv, Rhone V ".. ..75 Rheinthal, in E. of Ctn. Grisons 2, 101 Riffelalp, above Zermatt 3, 4,5,13, 21, 28, 3(j, 37, 39, 41, 58, «0, 1)1, (52, 80, 82, 90, 127, 128, 129 Rigi, Mt., N. of Lucerne . . 29, 103 Riva, at head of L. of Garda 31, 133 Rochers de Naye, above Montreux 19, 4ti, 58, (JO, 101, 103, 121, 138, 142 Rochers des Vents, above Gryon, Vaud, N. of Rhone V. . . 141 Koja, R., A. Mar. (It.) .. ..53 Roquebiliere, A. War. (Fr.) .. 72 Rorshach, on S.W. of L. Constance 117 Rosegg Gl., headofRosegg v., S.W. of Pontresina 5 (bis), 25, 28, 41, 57, 77, 81, 127, 140, 141 Rosenlaui, between Meiringen and Grindelwald, B. Ob. . . 75, 77 Rossboden Gl. and Alp, above Simplon P., S. side 90, 125, 140 Rossinieres, in Sarine V. nr. Chateau d'Oex 8, 21, 33, 77, 97, 131, 142 Rothenbach, S.E. of Emmenthal, Ctn. Berne 80 Rougemont, in Sarine V. nr. Chateau d'Oex . . . . 77 Eoveredo, at entrance of Misox V., Grisons.. .. .. 101, 114 Saanen (Gesseney), Ctn. Berne, V. of the Sarine. . . . . . . 77 Saas, to S. of Rhone V. above Visp 4, 5, 9, 13, 14, l(j, 17, 18, 28 (bis), 3(), 38, 39, 41, 57, 62,69, 81 (bis), 113, 127, 132, 140 Sagno, nr. Chiasso, Ticino 17, 76 SaiUon, Rhone V. opp. Saxon 3, 17, 25, 26, 27, 48, 63, 77, 87, 104, 117, 133 Saint Andre, E. of B.A., N. of Castellane .. . .52, 71, 95 St. Anton, S.E. Car. 125 (bis), 128 St. Beatenberg, above N. bank of- L. of Thun 107 St. Blaise, Neucbatel Jura 1, 3, 10, I'Aoi;. 21,50, 98, 110 St. Cergues, VaudoisJura 7, 14, 21, 22, 48, 78, 97, 98, 106, 108, 111, 117 St. Gall, N.E. Switz. 7, 10 (bis), 21, 29, 33, 43, 48, 62, 110, 111, 113 St. Georges, Vaudois Jura 5, 7, 14, 24, 34, 78, 89, 103, 117, 130 St. Leonard, Rhone V., btwn. Sion and Sierre . . . . 97, 100 St. Martin Vesubie, A. Mar. (Fr.) 1, 4, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 26 (bis), 30, 33, 34, 35, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50 (bis), .52, 60 (bis), 61,62, (bis), 63, 65, ()6, 67, 72, 73, 77, 81, 83, 84, 86, 89, 95, 100, 102, 107, 108, 109, 110, 117, 118, 121, 127, 129, 130, 133, 135, 136, 140, 141 St. Maurice, nr. Cannes . . . . 46 St. Michel-de-Maurienne, in S. of Sav. 2, 8, 12, 13, 19, 30, 31, 40, 78, 106, 109, 111, 114 St. Moritz, Upper Engadine 5, 20, 28, 29, 67, 74, 76, 80, 133 St. Nicholas, above Visp, 1, 8, 16, 22, 28, 29, 39, 42, 74, 84, 86, 113, 129, ]39 St. Paul, Lavantthal, E. Car. 49, 69 St. Remy, nr. top of Grand St. Bernard P., S. side, Pdm. 72, 121 St. Sauveur, in N. of A. Mar. (Fr.) 72, 77 St. Triphon, Vaud, Rhone V., btwn. Aigle and Bex 1.7, 25, 36, 45, 50 Saleve, Mt., Sav.,nr. Geneva 4, 14, 16, 20 Salzburg, N. of Province of Salz- burg, Austria 15,69,76,81, 103, 124 Salquenen, (Salgetsch) Rhone V., N. side, btwn. Sierre and Loeche 4, 23, 30, 34, 89, 104 Sal van, above Vernayaz, Rhone V. 57, 71 Samaden, Upper Engadine 28, 129 San Bartolomeo, nr. Certosa di Pesio 100 San Dalmazzo di Tenda, below Certosa di Pesio . . 46 (bis) San Martino, Ticino . . . . 89 San Stefano, nr. Chiasso, S. Ticino 8. 22, 26. 40, 73, 76, 106, 110 Sarnthal, N. of Botzen, Tyr. 23, 77, 97, 101 Sassenage, Dauphine Alps . . 137 Sau Alpe, E. Car. . . 22, 25, 124, 125 Saut du Doubs, Bernese Jura . . 4 Sauverny, nr. Divonne, S. Jura Sav 97 Schafberg, Mt., above Pontresina 18, 28 (bis), 39, 61, 119, 124, 129 Schalihausen, N. Switz. 7, 21, 25, 160 29, 49, 50, 62, 83, 105, lOd, 113, 117, Schafler, Mt., Ctn. Appenzell Schafmatt, Mt., above Aarau 3, Scheideck, Mt., B. Ob., above Grindehvald . . . . 36, SchinbeiK, Mt., Ctn. Aai'gau Schonbiiinn, S.W. of Vienna Schiipfen, Bernese Seeland 20 (bis), 50, 92, 97 (bis), 107, 114, Schwarzbach, on the Gemmi P. . . Schwarzsee, above Zermatt 54, Sedrun, S.W. of Disentis, on Obeialp P Seealpthal, S. of Appenzell Sefinenthal, to W. of Upper Lauter- brunnen V., B. Ob. . . 62, Seisseralp, S. Aus. Tyr., S. of Grodnerthal Sembrancher, Grand St. Bernard P., N. side .. .. 3, Sepey, Vaud, above Aigle, Khone V. 1, 2, 6, 10 (bis), 11, 22, 28, 29, 83, 45, 48 (bis), 49 59, 66, 85, 97, 98, 101, 105, 106, 107, Sertigthal, to S.E. of Davos 45, 56, 57, Seyne, B.A 129, 134, Sierne, nr. Geneva. . 29, 45, 98, Sierre (Siders), Khone Y. 3, 4, 5 (bis), 8, 9, 11. 15, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25 (bis), 27, 28, 29, 30, 33 (bis), 39, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 (bis), 49 (bis), 50 (bis), 51, 59, 60, 61, 63, 70, 74, 77, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89 (bis), 97. 98, 104, 108, 113, Sihlthal, parallel with W. bank of L. of Zilrich Silser See, L. at Sils ..22, 39, Sils Maria, Upper Engadin 28, Simplon P., from Brig, Rhone. V., to Domo d'Ossola, Pdm. 3, 9, 14, 16, 21, 24, 25, 35, 36, 39 (bis), 40, 41 (3 times), 54, 55, 56 (3 times), 57 (bis), 61, 62, 66, 67, 68 (bis), 72, 80 (bis), 81, 82, 84, 88, 106, 109, IIH, 121, 122, 125, 126, 128, 132, 135, 138, 140 (bis), 142, Simplon Village, on S. side of Simplon P. 8, 10, 14, 16, 17, 24, 28, 33, 36, 39, 61, 101, 125, 127, 130, Sion (Sitten), Khone V. 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 17, 19, 23, 25, 26, 27 (bis), 40, 45, 48 (bis), 60, 62, 63, 77, 86, 88, 89, 9.S, 100, 117, 118, Siselen, nr. L. of Bienne . . Solem-e, N.W. Switz. . . 21,. 39, Sondrio, Val Tellina, Lombardy 44, 76, Sonzier, above Montreux . . Sorapiss, S. Tyr. . . 133, 136, Sorvilier, Bernese Jura Splugen P., from Hinterrheinthal, 120 121 7 125 129 99 120 6 80 13 77 129 134 129 109 125 139 110 11 131 .S4 81 144 139 133 20 75 101 2 138 98 Grisons, to Chiavenna, Italy 14, 22, 26, 120 Spondinig, on Stelvio P., E. side 107, 108, 111 Stalden, above Visp, Rhone V. 1, 4, 8, 17, 19, 21, 30, 42, 49, 61, 62, 64, 72, 74, 89 Stalla (Bivio), Grisons, at junction of Septimer and Julier Passes 91 Steinenthal, and Steinenalp, above Berisal21 (bis), .36, 37, 57, 61, 66, 67, 68, 70, 74, 121, 127, 138 Stelvio P., Tyr., from Bormio (It.) to Meran (Aus.) 6 (bis), 28, 34, 39, 52, 56, 61, 102, 125, 127 (bis;, 130, 134, 138, 139, 141 Stelzing, N.W. Car. 124, 125, 130 (bis), 142 Stockhornthal, oft the Simmenthal, N.E. of Weissenburg . . . . 19 Stresa, on W. bank of L. Maggiore 16, 17, 42, 46 Strona V., nr. Orta, N.E. Pdm. . . 2 Stulzer-Weg, nr. Bergiin, on the AlbulaP 21 Sulden, W. Aus. Tyr., under the Ortler 67 Surenenthal, above Engelberg 5, 57, 77, 125, 131 Susa, Pdm., nr. foot of Mt. Cenis 2 (bis), 3, 4, 8, 11, 18 (bis), 19, 20, 26, 28, 31, 34, 35, 44, 46, 49, 50, 54, 57, 62, 63, 65, 79, 84, 88, 95, 98, 99, 100, 101, 108, 109 (bis). 111, 112 (bis), 118, 129, 130, 132, 137 (bis) Susillon, Val d'Anniviers 16, 74, 103, 133 Susten (Souste), Rhone V., at E. end of the Pfynwald . . . . 14 Tannenalp, Ctn. Unterwalden, E. of the Brunnig P 121 Tarasp, Lower Engadine 3, 10, 23, 26, 30, 47, 49, 77, 117, 129, 130 Tasch, below Zermatt . . 5, 62 Taulanne V., A. Mar. (Fr.) . . 136 Tavanasa, Rhine V., E. of Disentis 92 Thalalp, Ctn. Glarus, S. of Filz- bach 92, 103 Thorenc, high in A. Mar. \Fr.) 4, 77, 89, 101, 109 (bis), 118, 136, 139 Thusis, Grisons, W. end of Albula P. 10, 33, 43, 72, 110, 132, 139 Thyon, above Vex, opp. Sion, Rhone V. .... ..22, 36, 141 Tiefenkasten, Grisons, on W. side of AlbulaP 97, 133 Tiniere V., behind Villeneuve, Vaud 19, 97 Toblach, Tvr, entrance to Dolomites 135, i£8 Toggenburg, the W. part of the Ctn. St. Gall 110 Tolmein, in Isonzcthal, Carniola lc'3 ^^ 161 PACK. Torre Pellice, in Val Pellice, W. Pdm. -2 (bis), 17, IM, 19,21, 34, 85, 3i», 40, ryi, 02, 72, 7:5, 70, 84, 99 Tour d' Ai, Mt.. above Aigle . . 128 Tour de Gourze, above Cully, L. of Geneva . . . . . . . . 20 Trafoi. on Stelvio P., Aus. side 6, 10, 18, 20, 28, 60, 76, 77, 90, 129, 132, 130, 139 Tramelan, Bernese Jura 19, 31, 50, 60, 67, 78, 80 Tre Croce, Cortina, It. Tyr. 78, 125 Trient, above Martigny, nr. Fr. Frontier, towards Chanionix 11, 22, 24, 36, 57, 62, 121, 12o, 120, 129, 130, 131, 140 Triftalp, Mt., E. of Saas V. 5 (bis), 21 Trins, btwn. Coire and Flims, Gri- sons . . . . . . . . 97 Troinex, nr. Geneva . . . . 26 Trois Torrents, Val d' Illiez, off EhoneV.,opp. Aigle.. .. 46 Triibseealp, S. of EngelbergOO, 124, 125 (bis), 131 Triimletenthal, B. Ob., from Lau- terbrunnen V., to Eiger Gl. . . 131 Tscherva Gl., at head of liosseg V, Engadine . . . . . . 124 Turtmannthal, oft" Rhone V., to S. 11, 22, 28, 78, 88, 100, 121, 129 Twannberg, Mt., Jura, nr. L. of Bienne 1, 50, 117 Uetliberg, Mt., nr. Ziirich 48, 78, 103, 105 Urbachthal, S.W. of Haslithal, above Meiringen, B. Ob. . . 57 Urnerboden, E. side of Clausen P. Ctn. Uri 9 -Urserenthal, Ctn. Uri, upper Reuss V 15, 60 Utznach, at E. end of L. of Ziirich 49, 120 Yacallo, nr. Chiasso, S. Ticino 17, 40 Val Anzasca, to W. side of Simplon P., towards Mte. Rosa 11, 41), 101, 103 Val Arpi, nr. Certosa di Pesio 103, 125 Val Bever, to W. of Upper Enga- dine, S. of Ponte . . . . 78 Val Bigontina, nr. Cortina 28, 39, 66, 133, 185 Val Bregaglia (Bergell), S. side of the Maloja P., Engadine to It. 15, 26, 45, 100, 111, 114, 117, 118 Val Cavallo, nr. Certosa di Pesio . . 48 Val Cravina, nr. Certosa di Pesio 23 Val da Fraele, N.W. of Bormio, It. Tyr 134 Val d'Anniviers, to S. of Rhone V., opp. Sierre 2, 22, 28, 30, 42, 62, 67, 80 (bis), 81, 90, 91, 112, 127. 128, 140 Val de Bagnes, above Martigny 80, 130 Val de Boreon, 8. of A. Mar. (Fr.) 28 Val de Lantosque, S. of A. Mar. (Fr.) 11, 14 Val de Madone, S. of A. Mar. (Fr.) 10, 49, 52 Val des Fleurs, Nice, Fr. Riv. 40, 115 Val d'Horens, to S. of Rhone V., opp. Sion . . . . 5, 57, 109 Val di Vedro, lower part of Simplon P., S. side, Pdm 104 Val Ferret or Ferrex, from Orsieres, Valais, to Courraayeur, Pdm. 18, 22, 29, 78, 80 Val Fex, S. of Sils, Upper Engadine 37, 72 Vallauris, E. of Cannes, Fr. Riv.^ 12 Val Leventina, S. side of St. Gotthard P 22, 114 Vallon Obscur, Nice, Fr. Riv. 1, 2, 22, 20, 27, 30, 34, 35, 45, 46, 02, 03, 65, 95, 98, 107, 115 Vallorbe, Jura Vaudois 29, 49, 106, 112, 137 Val Maggia, Ticino, N. from L. Maggiore . . . . • • 124 Val Malenco, N. from Sondrio in Val Tellina, It. Tyr. . . 2, 18, 84 Val Marguareis, S.W. Pdm., nr. Certosa di Pesio . .6, 125, 139 Val Misox (Mesocco), S.W. Orisons, the S. side of Bernardine P. 2, 81, 100, 101, 106, 114, 118 Val Muerta, from Beaulieu to the Corniche, Fr. Riv 107 Val Muranza, S.E. Orisons, N. of the Stelvio 134 Val Pari, nr. Certosa di Pesio . . 48 Val Pellice, W. Pdm. leading to the , Col de la Croix and Abries . . 96 Val Sesia, btwn. L. of Orta and Varallo 101 Val Sestrera, nr. Certosa di Pesio 29, 48 Val Solda, N. of L. of Lugano (It.) 88 Val Tellina (Veltlin), from L. of Como to the Stelvio, It. Tyr. 13, 57 Val Travers, Jura, above L. of Neuchatel 120 Val Tuoi, to N. of Lower Engadine above Guarda 39, 56, 82, 87, 125 (bis) Val Veni, Piedmont, above Cour- mayeuv.. •• 2-5,139, 141 Varen, above Rhone V. on W. of Dala Gorge, nr. Loeche 4, 30, 49, 84, 87, 98, 104 Varenna, on E. bank of L. of Como 72 Varzo, Pdm. S. side of Simplon P. 16 Vence, in S. of A. Mar. (Fr.) . . 53 Venanson, below S. Martin Vesubie, A. Mar. (Fr.) .. ..71, 77, 110 Vernayaz, Rhone V. 15. 16, 23, 25, 33, 39, 40, 45, 59, 77, 117 Versoix, nr. Geneva, to N. 4, 20 162 INDEX. (bis), 21, 22, 44, 83, 97, 100,'^"'^' 107, 110, 114 Vevey, Vaud, N. of L. of Geneva Veyrier, nr. Geneva, to S.E. 1, 2 9, 17, IS, 2.5, 20, 29, 33, 39, 44, 45, 46, 48 (bis), 49, 50, 82 98, 100, 105, 106, 111 (bis), 117 Veytaux, btwn. Montreux and Chillon, L. of Geneva 2, 6, 8 (bis), 11,14, 17(bis),18, 22, 24, 25, 26 (bis), 27, 28, 33, 36, 45, 46, 60, 65, 79, 89, 97, 98, 105, A7 r, 117 (bis) Vex, opp. Sion, Rhone V.. . 2, 23 Via Mala, S. of Tiiusis, 1st part of Splugen P 22, 132 Vicosoprano, ValBregaglia, Orisons 129 Vienna, Austria . . . . 31 98 Villach, S. Car 11, 22,' 101 Villard sur Clarens, above Montreux 19 Villard, B:A. Villars sur Bex (sur Gryon)*, Vaud, above Rhone V. 14, 19, 21, 73, Villefranche (Villafranca), Fr. Riv! 65, 144 VjJleneuve, Vaud, at head of L. of Geneva .. ..78, 101, 110, 117 Vinadio, S.W. Pdm., N. of the Stura 56 Visp, Rhone V. 5, 14, 17, 19, 30 34, 40, 42, 63, 72, 84, 88 (bis)' «9, 107, 117, 1]8 Visperterbinen, btwn. Visp and Stalden, oi^' Rhone V. 21, Vissoye, Val d' Anniviers 28. 62,' 81,' Vouvry, Rhone V., btwn. Bouveret and St. Maurice 47 78 62 85 76 57 Walenstadt, S. of Ctn. St. Gall Wasen or Wassen (St. Gotthard) high in the Reussthal . . 57 Wasen (Simplon), above Berisal 74, 142 TTT PAGE. Weesen, at W. end of Walensee 20 „. . . (bis), 75, 120 Weggis, at ft. of the Rigi on L. of Lucerne . . . . 8 17 29 Weggithal, Ctn. Schwyz, W. ' of ' " Walensee . . . . 57 131 Weissbad, S. of Appenzell . .' 120 Weissenburg, Simmenthal, B. Ob 2, 5, 6 (bis), 8, 10 (bis), 11, 14, 26, 28, 29, 33, 45, 48, 49, 50 53, 55, 57, 60, 66, 70, 74 75 82, 89, 98, 103, 110, 117 (bis),' 123, 128, 131, 138, 139 Weissenstein (Orisons), nr. top of Albula P (57, 103 Weissenstein (Soleure), Jura 43, 45, 130 Wengen, B. Ob., above Lauter- brunnen . . . . 2I 130 Wiesen, Albula P., W. side' . .' 57 Winterthur, Ctn. Ziirich . . ." .' 9.5 Wolfsberg, Lavantthal, S.E. Car" 12, 17, 18, 20 (bis), 21, 41, 44, „, , „ 45, 49, 92, 99,' 101 Worb, E. of Berne no Wyl, N.W. corner of Ctn. St. Gall 114 Yvoire, Sav., nr. Geneva, on L. 33, 98 Zermati, at head of Visp V. to S. of Rhone V.l, 5 (bis), 6, 8, lo' 13, 14, 21, 22, 25, 32, 33 (bis), 34, 36, 39, 41, 49, 67, 70 74 76, 88, 103, 107, 117, 118, 'l29,' r, . , 1^3, 137! 141 Zernetz, Lower Engadine. . I14, 134 Zinal, Val d' Anniviers 2, 5, I3' 28, 33, 39, 41, 56, 58, '74, 78 (bis), 81, 121, 129, 13'^ Zmuttthal, S.W. of Zermatt 62 Zofingen., S. of Ctn. Aargau . " 6'> Ziirich, N.E. Svvitz. 5, 7, 21, 29 33, 44, 48 (bis), 49, 50,' 70,' 75' 8'J, 110, 111, 116,' 120 21