; 'V: "■0 ^V: - V*<; "^I if -O "^-^./4y'^^ as ry / ^^ ^.'^^ "^' ^- ^,v«»^^!^^2i--^j£.»— r^. .tK4.^y-yZ^, THE BUTTERFLIES OF THE WEST COAST OF THE UNITED STATES Illustrated with 940 Figures in Color- Photographu of Butterflies from the West Coast, nearly all of which were captured by the Author, with accurate data for each specimen WITH COLORED FIGURES AND DESCRIP- TIONS OF MANY NEW SPECIES AND NEW VARIETIES NOW FIRST PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM GREENWOOD WRIGHT SECOND EDITION . PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR \ W. G. WRIGHT 445 F STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 1906 .1'J3 Z ^ 1982 Cnpyrighted 1905 by W. G. WRIGHT TO WILLIAM H. EDWARDS MY STEADFAST FRIEND PREFACE THIS book is built upon twenty-five years' work among the butterflies of the West Coast ; and although a quarter of a century is a large portion of a man's life, yet the work of studying out the butterflies is but just begun. A hundred years would not suffice to finish it. The Author regrets that the work is not more complete and more nearly perfect than it is, for it touches him more nearly than it can touch anyone else. It doubtless contains many errors and mistakes, as all the works of man must necessarily be imperfect. But nothing has been written for effect, or from fear or favor, but, first and last, and all the time, to be in the right, and to place things as future students will find to be correct. This work is intended for the use and information of all who wish to know about the Diurnals, or Butterflies, of the West Coast, whether beginners or experts. The Author has expended much time and money and has traveled thousands of miles especi- ally to follow up and investigate in their own habitats new or doubtful species, such as Anthocharis Morri^oni. Chionobas Gigas. and Idiina, the Parnassians, and others ; and the results of such w^ork done years ago have always been lield in abeyance for the publication of this work; so that herein are contained the results of investigations made many years ago; for this book was planned twenty years ago, and everything has been conducted with that idea as a pole star, for all these years. The Author, then, sets down these things in all seriousness, and more for the use of coming generations than for the present ; believing that it will be many a long year before another man will devote twenty-five years of the best part of his life to wres- tling with the butterflies of the West Coast ; and believing further that the labor of all these years will result in some good for the student in years to come. W. G. WRIGHT. San Bernardino, CaL. May. ipojy. Preface to the Second Edition. rn HE Author begs to tliauktlie Initteiriy-loviiig public for the ai)]>reeiative receptiou which has beeu accorded the first edition of tliis Ijook. Esjtecially he wishes to thank Dr. Henry Skinner, of Philadelphia; Prof. Fordyce Grinnell Jr., of Stanford University; S. B. Parish, Esq., the eminent botanist; and tlic Editor of the Canadian Entojuologist, for their very favorable reviews of the book in the technical aud scieutitii; iiiagazincs of the day; aud Piofessor Joseph Giiunell, of Throop; Frank Stephens, Escj., author of '•California Mammals"; Mrs. Wilder; Miss Holdzkoiu, and many otlier juofessors, tea(diers, aud sci- entists, for jilacing the book before their classes, autl for tlicii faith ill it, and personal efforts iu its Iiehalf; ami also to many butterfly exjieits in various ]iarts of the country for faxorablc opinions and conimeudatory letters. At the great fire ill San Francisco, A'pril IS, l!H)(i, the items going to make up this book "The Buttertiies of the West Coast", including colored plates, stereotype [ilates, and mate- rial iu the printers' and binders' hands, and the finished goods iu the hands of the oiiginal i)ublishers, all was destroyed. In effecting an a