UMASS/AMHERST ♦ 31EDt.bDD5aE773E -'/y ti E^^^^'lESTS ,.'^i"l g/-^ .// .■'^/yf^//yy;0 %y yy-i//^ y, iv ^//y^'^ Vf^ /^ LIBRARY OF THE 0^-^4«^ J863* DATE DUE 1 t UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LIBRARY SF 265 A5 N.S. v.l 1891 :^>Ar ^- AGRiCULTUR. BUTTER TESTS Registered Jersey Cows WHEREIN THE YIELD HAS AMOUNTED TO FOURTEEN POUNDS OR MORE PER WEEK. Vol. I.— New Series. Comprising Vols. I. and II. published by Maj. Campbell Broicn and others. Vol. I. publislied by tlie Club, and all the New Tests reported to the Club up to March 31, 1891, OOI^SOLIDATED. TO WHICH IS ADDED A Supplement arj^ List of Tests for Long-er Periods tlian Seven Days. . COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN JERSEY CATTLE GLDB. June, 1891. -f^ 4 5 4, 2. 2- /5?/ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1891, by The American Jersey Cattle Clcb, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Waphington, D. C. JOHN POLHEMUS PRINTING COMPANY, 102 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. PEEFACE. The butter records in this volume (except those designated ''official ") have been i-eceived on the affidavits of the managers of the tests or the certificates of the owners of the cows tested, and their publication by the Club shall not in any wise be considered an official endorsement of their reliability. The tests designated " official " were made under the supervision of committees appointed by the President of the Club. All tests which appeared in Vols. I. and II. of the compilation of tests made by Messrs. Campbell Brown, Thos. H. Malone, Wm. J. Webster and M. M. Gardner have been marked in this volume by an asterisk (*) before the name of the tested animal. The tests are arranged according to amount, the largest record being put first, followed by the next largest, and so on down to the lowest. When a number of tests occur of the same amount, the names of the tested animals are arranged in alphabetical order. In the Index to Tested Cows the figures immediately following the Herd Eegister number of the animal is the amount of her test : e. g., 15.06 stands for 15 lbs. 6 oz. When an animal has more than one test in this volume, the largest only is given in the index, but the pages are given on which each of her tests may be found. In the List of Sires, arranged alphabetically, the names of the tested cows are arranged under their sires' names according to the amount of their tests, the largest coming first. Where an animal has more than one test, the largest only is given. The same arrange- ment has been followed in the List of Dams. CONTENTS. PAGE. Butter Tests of Jerseys i Index to Tested Cows 369 List of Sires, with their Tested Daughters ^*. 389 List of Dams, with their Tested Daughters 443 Supplementary List of Tests for Longer Periods than Seven Days. 513 ERRATA. The tester of the following animals having been discredited subsequent to the acceptance of the tests, and the owners stating that they have no outside evidence to substantiate his reports, by order of the Board of Directors their tests are stricken from the Book of Butter Tests, A^'ol. I, New Series : - Laughing Maid, 11022. Scituate of Woronoco, 18040. Lucy Lanier, 13053. Abbie Clay, 15702. Mary Norton, 13052. Gipsy May, 6259. Lucy of Hollydale, 32712. Farmer's Floss. 17773. Office of The American Jersey Cattle Club, No. 1 Broadway, New York. N. Y. Nov. 23, 1891. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. All tests ?)iarked zvitli an asterisk {*) are from Vols. I. and II. of "-Butter Tests of Jersey Cows,'' cwnpUed by Maj. Campbell Brown and others. Princess 2d 8046.— Yield of milk, 299 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 46 lbs. 12i'2 oz. (official) ; test made from February 22 to March 1, 1885 ; age, 8 3"ears ; property of Mrs. S. M. Shoemaker, Baltimore, Md. fLeoiF. S. 198 J. H. B.) [^?R S."03 J: H.-B.) - I co,^,,3i, ,18,4 \ N^?^-«i, J. H. B.) Princess 2d 8046 \ (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) / Jersey Pride (F. S. 1716 J. H. B.) VPrincess (F. S. 452 J. H. B.) Oxford Kate 13646.— Yield of milk, 248 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, un- salted, 38 lbs. 2 oz.; salted, 39 lbs. 12*oz. (official) ; test made from April 1 to 8, 1885 ; age, little over 6 years ; property of Andrew Banks, Baltimore, Md. Feed, 12 qts. of pea meal, 16 qts. ground oats, 3 qts. linseed oil cake, and 4 qts. wheat bran, with a good supply of clover hay. Beets and carrots were also fed in addition to the above. I Leo ( Khedive < (F. S. 198 J. H. B.) „., . J (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) ( Coomassie 11874 Oxford Kate 13646.. . . I ^^- ^- ^^^''- "• ^■' [ Phillis 18162 (F. S. 839 J. H. B.) Vercltit (F. S. 1846 J. H. B.) Mary Anne of St. Lambert 9770.— Yield of milk, 245 lbs.; jaeld of bvitter, 36 lbs. 12^4 oz. (official); test made from September 23 to 30, 1884; age, '5 years and 6 months; property of V. E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. Mary Anne of St. Lambert 9770. . . Stoke PofTis 'M a^SR -J ^^^^'^ ^^^is 1259, imp. btoke i-ogis .ia i^iti. -j j^jarjoram 3239, imp. .,,„,,. T , -D a r,n— ) Lord Monck 304. ^1"^ °/.^n^- ^*'°" ] ^''^" ~°-"' ( Amelia 484, imp. 0"'^»*80 i_ ,. ,„, T K . smr t I-ord LisgarlOee. ( Camelia of St. Lambert 5106 - -r.^y^. „. G f. Lamb. "( Hebe of St. Lambert 5117. 2 BUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. Ethleel 2d. 32291.— Yield of milk, 155 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 30 lbs. 15 oz. (otiifial) ; test made from July 1 to 7, 1885 ; ag-e, 2 years and 8 months ; property of J. A. McEwen, Nashville, Tenn. She was given about 20 lbs. of food daily in two feeds, made up of corn- hearts, oats and bran, proportioned about five-eighths corn-hearts, one-eighth oats, two-eighths bran. The proportions and (]uantity were varied according to the CAv's appetite. She also had hay, but ate very little of it, but ran on a good, rich pasture. Ethleel 2cl 32291 . i Top-sawyer 1404 * ^^\i^» '60 Lord nany .3445.... -■ ' ?'"^''T„i*0. / Duchess of Bloomfield 3(;.>3. \ l''"'*','' *''?^,'™P- ) Angela 1082. \ Khedive (Toiraeiit()r:K33 - (P. s. 103 J. II. B.) Ethleel 18724 J (F. S. 259 J. II. B.) (Angela '^ J ^p g 1C07J. H. B.) ( Beeswax 9807 \ S^P'^T/fl ^^04. I Bisma 3d 1870. *Insie of Riverside 23825.— Yield of milk, 389 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 30 lbs. 5p^ 025.; test made from May 6 to 13, 1886 ; age, 4 years ; property of Joseph H. Walker, Worcester, Mass. Feed, 4 qts. corn meal, 3 qts. of shorts and 1 peck of carrots, divided into three feeds daily, with hay and short pasture. ( Duke of Manslield 2277-' ?i''^'"V'"^.^,^""'*- ( Duke of Mansfield's Pierrot 6261 -' ^a Biche 905, nnp. I Rf.ttv T?r.«n,i 0101 j Pierrot (>3b, I Dip. Insie of Riverside ' ^^"^ ^"" '^'^ •' -'^ I Ro.a 2d 1622. 23825 .Pride of Williniantic 135 Dukeof Mansfield 2.77] i::-;:.;,:;^;^;,. Belle of Brooklyn 0403. J Scelnyi"'^- Ida of St. Lambert 24990.— Yield of milk, 290 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 30 lbs. 23/2 • 01 .io.)o t Stoke Posis 1259, i.nil). rstoke Pogis 3d 22.38 - MMrioran?3-><'l imn Idaof St. Lam- / Marjoram d».i.), imp. bert 24990 4 , ir- . -u -,„- • 1 i Lord Lisgar 106B Victor Hngo 19. , imp. Uvalhleen of St. Lambert 5122< Mr", u in~ • I Lucy of St. Lamberl 51 Ifi -J J^^.'^Ij'^.''^^^" ^^" '°'P- Cornwall Maid 19024.— Yieki of milk, 19}^ qts. per day : yield of bvitter, 29 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from July 31 to 37, 1887 ; age, 5 years and 3 months ; estimated weight of cow, 900 lbs.; grain fed during test, 6 qts. corn meal, 7 qts. oat meal, 3 qts. pea meal, 1 qt. oil meal and 6 qts. middlings daily ; prop- erty of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. ( Miiot,,,. qisr J Do'iiiiio of Darlington 2459. /-Ramapo 4679 -* ' f^emnun of Darlington 5.572. / Rurotas 2454 ) ^'ZZfW^' "'"'• Cornwall Maid 19024. . .-^ ' ^>"^"Pa 1-0. 1, Lady Cornwall 7179. imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 6 *Rosa F. "W. 13326.— Yi. '1(1 of milk, 200 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 29 lbs. 12 oz.; test made irom April 17 to 24, 1886 ; age, 9 years and 1 month ; prop- erty of O. F. Fuller, Blackstone, Mass. Fed twice daily on 10 lbs. of fine feed (suppose tliis means cut feed), with 7 lbs. of corn meal, 1 lb. pea meal and i^ lb. of Empire horse and cattle food, also good hay twice daily and ensilage once ; no pasture. , „ o-n t ^I«rk Tapley 270. f^™"'" '^^-y^^' ( Dazzle .379, imp. RosaF. W. 1.3326 -I I ^ Byron 279 ] ?.'"uv i^f "'^ '''• Uose F, 2d 13224 ^ ^{''l ^.l;,.., o-q lRoseP.13222 ] s'dvia 687 ' *Landseer's Fancy 2876.— Yield of milk, 152 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 29 lbs. lo oz.; test made from July 16 to 22, 1885; age, 11 years and 7 months; property of Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. Feed, 4 qts. corn hearts, 4 qts. oats, and 2 qts. wheat bran, fed twice dailj^ ; good blue-grass pasture. fLandseer 331. Landseer's Fancy 2876 1 Fancy 97 Oi) I. of J. Dazzle 379, imp. Gen. Grant 47. / Fancy 2d 95 . i Gen. S } Palest \ Gen. Scott 46. ■ "i Fancy 9, imp. Scott 46. ine 26, imp. Daphne of Arcadia 21710.— Yield of milk, 274 lbs.; yield of butter, 28 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from May 1 to 8, 1889 ; age, 7 years and 3 months ; esti- mated weight, 825 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 qts. corn meal, ground oats, bran and oil meal mixed ; property of Mrs. Lillie A. Morse, Newark, N. Y. TTa Daphne of Area- I dia 21710 < madge 3992. Flnnpr oQcft S Vermont 893. Eloper 2.386 -^ y,„pr,.ss 1552. j Vermont 893. I .Juliana 2236, imp. 'Juliana 3d 4173. Daphne of Staatsbiir ^u --is -j Marjoram 3339, imp. Lambert 9770 <. Lolly of St. Lam- ( Buffer 2055 \ Lord Jionck. 304. beit 5480 ] Amelia 484, imp ^Camelia of St. Lambert5106| {j-jf,L,sgar^f^66^^^ *Dove Dee 18059.— Yield of milk, 197 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 27 lbs. 9 oz. ; test made from June 13 to 19, 1S86 ; age, 4 years and 3 months ; prop- erty of J. H. Walker, Worcester, Mass. Feed, 4 qts. corn meal and 4 qts. shorts mixed and divided into two feeds, morning and evening ; short pastui-age, but was fed green cut clover and red- top to make up deficiency in pasture. This cow had a previous test of 15 lbs. 3 oz., made when she was 2 j'ears and 3 months old. ( Duke of Darlington 3460 -] ^ITit'^.'^u^^- /Eupidee4097 Euiotas^454. ^ Leda799 -^ i"'^"" ?5« I I Liiropa 176. Dove Dee 18059 -I (Micavvber 4796 1 tJ'" ^^^^L'^'-H^Vi'^S-^n I Dove 4th 10945 R°^'i of Lakeside 2d 10341. Dove 7834 \ \/uk4o ■ I Diicht'ss 548, imp. Paletta of Darlington 16255.— Yield of milk, 274 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of but- ter, 27 lbs. 8 oz. ; test made from June 1 to 8, 1888 ; age, 6 years and 23^2 months ; weight, 950 lbs,; grain fed daily, 17 lbs. chopped oats and corn and 73^ lbs. bran ; property of W. A. & A. F. Mullin, Mt. Holly Springs, Pa. Sarpedon930 1 Euron^rf /•Duke of Darlington 34G0- u^ t ^^J ,eo • I /Eurotas3454 \^^%.'Pt' "^^' \ I Pierrot 2d 1669 -j P'^^J ^36. I Palestina 4644 -? ! 9'^"ity 796. ' Duke of Darlington 34G0-. ! ul'i'P.P^- Paletta of Darlington 16255 • ■ ■ I Palestine 3d 1104 ] '^IfJ^^U'' Toltec's Fancy 27172.— Yield of milk, 130 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 27 lbs. 53^ oz.; test made from January 8 to 15, 1889; age, 5 years and 4 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gals, corn and oats; property of ^lauiy Jersey Farm, Columbia, Tenn. ( Tormentor 3533 * Khedive (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) /Toltec 6831 -^ ^°"^^''^°' '^^^'^ I Angela (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) jioitecbNii ) Or^Tinn US'; i Rajah 340, imp. Tol tec's Fancy ' Oo"*^" ^^^° ) Omoo 1347, imp. 27172 -I iLandseer-s Fancy 3876. ^ ^'°'^'''' '^^ | D^zle 3^9 imp. Young Fancy 97 -j ^f' ^'■«"* ^"■ Fancy 2d 95. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 6 Rosetta of Whiteland 6112.— Yield of milk, 201 lbs.; jield of butter, 27 lbs. 2-4 oz.; test made from August 26 to September 2, 1890; age, 14 years and 4 months; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, averaged about 291^ qts. bran, 4 qts. corn chop, S}-^ qts. oil meal and 3}4 qts. ground oats; property of G. F. Miller, Topeka, Kan. (Pilot, Jr. 141 •i?"°*^a'- • rRossmanll28 ] ^t"^ '^?.' ' ™ ( Jennie 3d 2244. Urgosy 4.320 , Comus 54. (I'lenty 950 -j gg^^ ^gg j^^^p *Canata 10523.— Yield of milk, 248 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 27 lbs.; test made from April 22 to 28, 1886 ; age, 8 years ; property of Joseph Walker, Worcester, Mass. Feed, 6 qts. corn meal, 4 qts. ground oats, 3 qts. shorts, given in three feeds daily ; no pasture. Canata 10323. /Prince of Warren 1512. I^Tamy 2d 7125 j Southampton 117, imp. ) Golddrop 222, imp. , r>r^f^r^„c 1 Rfi" ^ Sir Charles 131, imp. J Optimus 160, ] ^,^^^ig 3g9^ / Tamv 4601 i Optimus 1607. ' iamy -Jo-i •) Countess of Warren 3896. 6 BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. Eastwood Clea-i-water 30445.— Yield of milk. 263 lbs. ; jield of butter, 27 lbs.; dateof test, June lOtolT, 1888; age, Sj-ears, 11 months ; grain fed daily, 4 qts. corn meal and 4qts. bran ; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton. Va. I Vertumnus {Bobby (P.S.208J.H.B.)< (P. S. Kil J. H. B.) ( Young Kose (P. S. '13 J. H. B.) I Browny Roy d Beauty J (P. S. 158 J. H. B.) "sO-l'-ls"" "'""' """"'"j (!'■ S. 390 J. H. B.) / Princess Roval Clearwater 24383, imp. (P. S. 240 J. n. B.) * Laughing Maid 11 022 —Yield of milk, 262 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 26 lbs. ISi^ oz.; test made from June 19 to 25, 1886 ; age, 5 years and 9 months ; property of Hunnicutt & Yancey, Athens, Ga. Feed, 8}'o lbs. oat meal, 83^ lbs. corn meal, with green corn and clover, divided into two feeds dailj' ; good pasture. f Khedive j Leo (F. S. 108 J. H. B.) Knemve . ••■••■ | Coomassie 11874 ^Tormentor 3533 \ (P. b. 103 J. H. B.) (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) 110-2 J '^' *■ ~'^^ '^' "■ ^'' ' •^""'^'-'^ ^^- ^- ^^^' J- ^- ^-^ 1 iM i„„,. r.,- t Mr. Micawber 556. imp. L,. . .,,.,, plcduaj .1. •••■jxellie289.imp. V.Mirtha 343 < w„,.ff„..,i ^o ^ (F. S. 2.59 J. H. B.^ Laughing Maid tvt;,.,v, n.i > Hartford 52. Mirth 9~ (Moitol *Allie of St. Lambert 24991.— Yield of milk, 329 lbs.; yield of butter, 26 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from February 5 to 12, 1886; age, o years and 11 months ; pi'operty of George Smith, Grimsby, Ont., Can. Fed four times a daj' on 34 to 38 lbs. of mixed feed as follows : 10 part.' ground oats, 4 parts bran and 6 parts oil meal ; no pasture. No hay is mentioned as having been fed. ,„, , „ . oqo.Tic ) Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. r fetoke Pogis 3d 2238 •} Marjorau? 3239, imp. Allie of St. J Lambert 2499li ^ L^.-d Lisgar 106(5 -j ^'fX.e^4'9f ^^' ' ™^' ^Kathleen of St. Lambert 5122- , virtor Hno-n inr imi) I Lucy of St. Lambert 5116. -j Lydk 495 ' * Nancy Lee 7618.— Yield of milk, 360 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 26 lbs S% oz., unsalted ; test made from June 28 to July 4, 1883 ; age when made 7 years and 2}^ months ; pro]ierty of C. Easthope, Niles, Ohio. Feed, 2 qts. corn meal, 3 qts. bran, twice daily ; fair pasture. Young Glory Lemon ■{ (F. S. 137 J. H. B.) (Claimant -' (F. S. 170 J. H. B.l (P. S. 84 J. H.B.) /Daphne. (F. S. 1060 J. H. B.) Nonpareil (F. S. 1248 J. H. B.) EUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. 7 *Geraniimi 2d 783S.— Yield of milk. 244 11. s. \2K, oz.; yield of butier, 26 lbs. 4-34 oz.; test made from September 28 to October 4, 1885; age, 7 years and 6 montlis ; property of George M. Jewett, GlenviUe, Md. Feed, 15 lbs. of ground corn and oats, and seconds mixed with bran, fed twice a day ; good pasture. I -Marias 7V,0 ,...-' Millie Boy 434 rSignal 1170 ' -, ' Lady Mary 1148, imp. Geranium 2d 7838.. /-signal ir,u -. ' ■-"".• '"» I I Pansy Morris 2060 \^ta VGei'ii amum 3963 -) f''''^P\ 63«^.™P- j La Biche 90o, imp. Pridalia 17249.— Yield of milk, 289 lbs. 11 oz.; yieid of butter, 26 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from June 16 to 23, 1890; age, 8 years: actual weight, 975 lbs.; grain fed daily, 7 lbs. corn meal and 3 lbs. germ bran ; property of C. Dixon, Gillespieville, Ohio. Pridalia 17249. ; Ginx 1536 * ^en Rajah 705. ' ( Audrey 1447. / Fannv Micawber 1804.. .J ^''- Micawtjer 556, imp. / Fanny 2So, imp. I I Xut'liell 7-'9 .*Xeliisko479. IPride of Uie Hill 4877. . . ■ "^ ~ ' F<'i.i".V Oarden 1564. / Guinevere 1484 ■' J^^M'^'j/^-'^i^P- I Grifette d9b, imp. *Fill Pail 2d 24388.— Yield of milk, 207 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 26 lbs. .2 oz. ; test made from April 15 to 21, 1885; age, 4 years, 2 months and 22 daj's ; property of Mrs. A. C. E. Shoemaker, Stevenson, Md. Fed three times a day on pea meal, ground oats, linseed oil cake, wheat bran, clover hay, beets and carrots ; no pasture ; amount of feed not stated. 1 Khedive {Youni,' Prince -- (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) a*. S. 182 J. H. B.) ( Princesse (F. S. 1294 J. H. B.) Judy (F. S. 1590 J. H. B.) VFill Pail 24341 (F. S. 900 J. H. B.) Mermaid of St. Lambert 9771.— Yield of milk, 307 lbs.; yield of butter, 25 lbs. I3I2 oz. (official) ; test made from June 25 to July 2, 1884 ; age, 5 years and 2 months; property of V. E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. rQ» 1 o • 01 ooQQ t Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. Mermaid 6f St. Lam- \ ^^°^^ ^^^is 3d ,238 -, Marjoram 3239, imp. bert 9771 ■{ „. , , c,^ T / T. « .in=- ( Lord ;^ronck .304. Pink of St Lam- ( Buffer 205o -^ ^,^^,1,^ jg^^ i„,p hert 5486 -, , L^r^ U»gai 1066. ( Jessamine of St. Lambert ol2o -^ ^jiy of tst Lambert 5120. . Melia Ann 5444. 8 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Daisy Morrison 14035.— Yield of milk, 354 lbs.; j-ield of luitter, 25 lbs. IS^o oz.; test made from January 4 to 11, 1886; age, 4 years and 4 moiitlis ; property of J. H. Walker, Worcester, Mass. Feed, 3 qts. corn meal and 2 qts. shorts in the morning, and same feed in evening, with 2 qts. of oat meal in a pail of water. At noon she was also fed 2 qts. of oat meal ; no pasture ; test made 84 days after calving. ( Gil roy 1 653 -* g^"" I' °" Toi ; . ( John Morrison 4551 - | g^t G-'ltord 3.^1 , . Fawnette of Woodstock 3710 \ f^"'% ^^^^ '."\P- ^ ^ I Kit tredge s Little Fawn Daisy Morrison 14035. -[ • 3708. " Tnr.l Avimpr infi~ ' ^'O'''! Lisgar 1066. Lord Aylmer 106 -^ Pa:iline 4")4. Amelia 2d 1730 ■' V^"^- ^i' P- '^''- '™P' / Amelia 484, imp. Ruthione 31514.— Yield of milk, 263 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 25 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from October 9 to 16, 1890; age, 7 years and 4 months; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daily, 6 lbs. malt, 5 lbs. corn, oat3 and barley chop, 4 lbs. bran, and 2 lbs. oil meal ; property of Belmont Jersey Cattle Co., Columbus, Ohio. ( On I. of J. /Johnson's Acme 3656. .' I Svlvie Pino-htoTi <e, 5 years and 4 months ; actual weight, 1,160 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 qts. ground oats, 8 qts. corn meal and 4 qts. oil meal ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin. Pa. , '''s??S°' ^ Bachelorof St.Lambert4558-{ g^l^fifol St. Lambert 6638. Ida Marigold 32615.^ ' "a of St. Lambert 24990. ... J 1^^^°^^ |?.^^bert 5122. Arawana Mari ( Atamasco 2731 -' f.?*^'^'^.?.^,?-"^- gold 9.380. '( Vinca .3525. Mariana 5571 ■' g'^f "1^1'?" ^^^ f "^'^"f ? J567. j Bull's Kitty Clover 3897. *Selita J. 32184.— Yield of milk, 211 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 25 lbs. 2}4, oz.; test made from June 8 to 14, 1886 ; age, 4 years and 1 month ; prop- erty of W. B. Matthews & Son, Franklin, Tenn. This test was reported as having lieen made on grass alone ; it was good blue grass with the seed fully matured. /'Pertinaxl965. Selita J. 32184 J I Pertinatti 713 -' P"°f' •^'"- ^*^- } ^ertinatii a-i , p^^^ jjq^ j^^^ RoifiTial~fil jRoxbnry247. Koxana 1,61 -j cowslip 5th t 849. , Minnie Kersey 19895. . ..\ AiXlon ^^ I Cigarette 2849 Uln?. t Pertinax 1965. Roonan 513 Milo.590. Eloise 735. * Dora 4th 3936. — Weight of milk not given ; yield of butter, 25 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from August 3 to 10, 1883 ; age, 8 3'ears and 4 months ; property of Thomas L. Dodd, Nashville, Tenn. Fed twice daily on 1 gallon bran and i^ gallon corn meal, and all the clover hay she would eat, with good pasture. , /-,„„„„ tjr,n ( Napoleon 291. imp. ( Governor 890 - r'..oo;„ r-co ;m« /TT I oAti ' trracie (69, imp. /Vermont 893 -i ^ I ( Victorine 22.33, imp. Dora 4th 3936. (Jerry 15, imp. ,Dora 1550 -, 0,1-..; J Garibaldi 609, imp. I Daisy 2d lo4b -j jj^j^y ..^q j^^p 10 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Nymph of St. Lambert 12968.— Yield of milk, 280 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 24 lb.s. 14 oz.; test made from November 23 to 29, 1885 ; ag'e, 4 years and 5 months; property of Valnncey E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. Feed, 3 qts. oats, 1 qt. In'an, a few mangels, ensilage, and clover bay three times a day ; also, a short run on lucern pasture every day. . ^tnU-P Pnaie qd 90-58 ' Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. Nvmph of St. Lara- ^'"'"'^ ^°g'® •^'' ^^'^ / Marjoram 3339, imp. bert 12968 i Dmna of St. Lambert ( S.oke Pogls 3d 2238. . . . -] ^S^^^sS^^' Pet of St. Lambert 5123 \ Lord Lii^gar 1066. j LiKv of St. Lambert 5110. Princess Chuck 45650. c 456.50. i Princess Chuck 45650.— Yield of milk, 242 lbs.; yield of butter, 24 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from August 26 to September 2, 1890 ; age, 6 years and 4 months; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daily, averaged about 33i^ qts. bran and 4^-^ qts. corn chop, with 5 qts. oil cake and 7 qts. oat chop ; property of G. F. Miller, Topeka, Kan. i Taylor 1436 U-mli'ne1~03 Kansas Niobe Dnke 7335 ... - Ar J i?h i f-Q /Cedar Fairy IGOir ] ^;lth 2m I (Ros8manll2S iKl-'''- I Rosetta of Whiteland 6112. . - R"„-,^',",„^ ,,,_ ' ^oekei .a ~.toj -^ y^^j.^., ^t)8Q_ * Scituate of Woronoco 18040.— Yield of milk, 231 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 24 lbs. 14 oz. ; test made from July 24 to 30, 1885 ; age, 2 years and 10 months; property of Hunnicutt & Yancej', Athens, Ga. Feed, 14 qts. ground oats, 10 qts. corn meal, 6 qts. bran, mixed and divided into two feeds daily ; no pasture, but fed on green corn. , T>i 1 T^ c .mi ( King of Scituale .3622. ,^ ., , ^ ^^„, * Black Dehance 4014. . - j^g,,^ ^j. s£.i,„aie 7977. r^^t^ate Boy5b,4....- * Padislia 1023. Scituate of \\ oronoco I ' Musa 6910 ■ f..,i.,„f:o o^o-? 18040 4 ( ualactid ..D^.i. I „, . T • I T^ 1 T ofi!- j Roval Dnke of Ipswich 1590. U mi^ome of Ipswich ^ Duke, Jr. 246o -j jj^j^jg „f ips„ich 3922. ^'■^'■■^ ") . rT • V, "Qo t Briton 919. ( Amy of Ipswich oo8i. -^ p^^^jy ggjg^ *Hazen's Bess 7329.— Yield of milk, 344 lb.s. 133^ oz.; yield of batter, 24 lbs. 11 oz., .salted ; test made from November 5 to 12, 1883 ; age when made, 7 years and 5 months ; property of C. C. Crockett, Richmond, Ind. Milked during test, thrice daily. This test was conducted by appointees of the Illinois Jersey Breeders' Asso- ciation. Feed, Q% lbs. corn meal and 4 lbs. bran daily ; three days she had daily 7 ears of corn also ; two days sbe had 5 lbs. cooked potatoes each day ; one day she had 8 lbs. beets and 8 lbs. turnips ; pasturage, short blue grass. TIT. n.^Q J Bullv Bron.\ 604. \ Lo«^ Bronx 9.38 j s„,,gy .i,j ^.^4. /• Lord Bronx 2d 17.30. ■ • ■ , » Young Pilgrim .302, imp. ( Picture l.>« "(Princess 1154, imp. Hazen's Bess 7329....-^ ^. , .„, . / HI 13 ^n- Bismarck 292, imp. .,. „ , „„ j May Boy ,00 -, ^,,.„^„^ ^-^ VZina.Jd 41.34 ^ j Bismarck 292, imp. 'Zinal4.34 1 Belle 1225. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 11 *Lily Soituate 12665.— Yield of milk, 366 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 24 lbs. 91/2 oz.; test made from June 21 to 27, 1885 ; age, 4 years, 11 months and 7 days ; property of Ehrick Family, Oceanic, N. J. Feed, 13 lbs. ground oats, 9 lbs. corn meal, 7 lbs. bran and 13 lbs. middlings, divided into three feeds daily ; good pasture of mixed grasses with clover. ( Pharos, Jr. 3621 * l^^'Z f.f^ ""P- , Prince of Scituate 3888 . { T,h„^„! ikto ; f Belle of Scituate 7977. l' , ° S i?L-rnaf» / Jersey Belle of Scituate Lily Scituate 12665 \ "^^S- 1 I Narragan?ett 530 -1 f,?.' „ -vi Annie Dale 12662 \ ] 2 H ^d^,. UilyDale69 ^l^f;'??, Comet 130. Diana 261. Bill 50, imp I The Annie Cow 70. * Westphalia 24384.— Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 24 lbs. 9}4 oz.; age, 5 years; property of Mrs. S. M. Shoemaker, Baltimore, Md. Quality and quantity of feed not stated. At time of test the cow was owned by Mrs. S. M. Shoemaker, of Baltimore, but afterwards owned by Mr. J. S. Rogers, Paterson, N. J., who furnishes report of test. I Welcome , Hero ■{ (F. S. 172 J. H. B.) I (P. S. SO J. H. B.) ( MiiPique ' Kisber 4377 < (F. S. 1096 J. H. B.) (F. S.262J. H. B.) Westphalia 24384 \ ' Sophie (F. S. 4:54 J. H. B.) (F. S. 2715 J. H. B.) < Khedive f Leo (F. S, 198 J. H. B.) ^Gold Mark 24361 \ (P. S. 103 J.' H.'b.) ' " ' ' ^° p''f ^/f^V t~ w p. , (F. S. 2998 J. H. B.) I ^^-^^ ^-^^^ J- "• ^•> * Eugenie Chouteau 6186.— Yield of milk, 262 lbs.; yield of butter, 24 lbs. 8 oz.; test made f'-om June 26 to July 3, 1885; age, 8 years; ijroperty of Wilham M. Bell, Miami, Mo. Feed, 16 qts. bran and 1 pt. oil meal, divided into two feeds daily ; occa- sionally a few small ears of corn ; pasture during day. . TiT. QRR * Pioneer ,368. /Afo=fo, -OQ ^ ^ "( Button 953. P^"^**^^'^ lMaffle952 JClive319. ' J*iame 95^ ^ Plenty 950. Eugenie Chouteau 6186. -( jMaster723 j Sffle 952. ,Lucy Pope 5328. ' ) T„i:„ D„+„ ieic 3 Clarence Clive 711. ( Juha Bate 1816 j Corona 1796. Count's Fillpail 30975.— Yield of milk, 170 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 24 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from February 23 to 29, 1888 ; age, 3 years and 9 months; weight, 830 lbs.; grain fed daily, 6 lbs. corn and oats, 4 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. flax meal and . 1 pint condinlental food ; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. ( Count Cicero (F. S. 398 J. H. B.) Count's Fillpail 30975. ...< I Fille de I'Air (F, S. 3548 J. H. B.) 12 BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. King's Princess 30948, imp.— Yield of milk, 232 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 24 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from June 13 to 19, 1887; age, 6 years; estimated weight, 900 lbs. ; grain fed dailj-, 5 qts. corn meal, 4 qts. bran and 1 qt. i^ea meal ; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. i Khedive f Young Prince -> (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) {TCmtrCP <; 9SS T TT R^J (P. S. 182 J. H. B.) ( Princesse Kmg(P.S.238J. H. B.)^ (F. S. 1294 J. H. B.) (Judy (P. S. 1590 J. H. B.) Grise on I. of J. * Mother Hubbard 10331.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 24 lbs. 11^ oz.; test made from November 9 to 15, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 11 months ; property of F. C. Sayles, Pawtucket, R. I. Feed, 4 qts. corn meal, 1 qt. pea meal, IH qts. oil meal, 3 qts. shorts. 2 qts. middlings, 4 qts. crushed oats, mixed and divided into two feeds, given night and morning. She was also fed a few roots and hay at niglit, but had no pasture. 1 Sarpedon 930 -* Mercury 4.33. {Duke of Darlington 2460^ i^^'^^P^J'^^ . I Eurotas 2454 \ ^'o'er 2d 469, imp. } Europa 176. Grace Darlington .5.574. . -J ?,? f " "^'V. ,- " I \ lolet of Darlington 5573, imp. * Flower of Glen Rouge 17560.— Yield of milk, 262 lbs.; yield of butter, 23 lbs. 14^4 oz.; test made from May 4 to 10, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 1 month ; property of William Rolph, Markham, Ont., Can. Feed, 20 qts. oats and j^eas (2 of oats to 1 of peas) and 1 peck potatoes, divided into four feeds daily; clover hay, but no pasture. Jack Frost of St. Lambert 2419. Buffer 2055. Pride of Windsor 4&3, I' Lord INIcDuff .5147. . BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. 13 * Cherokee Rose 20921.— Yield of milk, 237 lbs.; yield of butter, 23 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from July 6 to 13, 1885 ; age, 8 years and 10 days ; property of M. M. Gardner, Nashville, Tenn. Feed, 18 qts. ground oats and corn daily, divided into three feeds ; good pasture of blue and orchard grass. ( Top-sawyer 1404 \ ^^^"ji^^ "^O {Beacon8fiel(i3416.j 1 Emblem 90. Brunette Lass 17fO, imp. ""vuetrol ^'"' i ^^^^^ ^''- ^- ''' '■ ^- ^-^l FaiTyTF-'s. %4j°H^-k) / (Remarkable ^ Rosa of Belle Vue 6954, imp. -^ (F. S. 229 J. H. B ) ( Bye-Bye (F. S.3180 J. H. B.) * Lady Panalphrex 17400.— Yield of milk, not weighed, 21 qts. per day ; yield of butter, 23 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from April 15 to 21, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 3 months; property of Joseph C. Kiplinger & Co., Springfield, Ohio. Feed, 2 lbs. oil meal, 8 lbs. oat meal, 6 lbs. corn meal and 8 lbs. of shorts, with a little salt, divided into three feeds daily ; good blue grass pasture. Lady Panalphrex 17400 Ea.ter Boy "d 5310 -! """'''' ''°'' ""' ^ faster Fiower 464.. ' ^^''" ^"^ ^"^ ^^^°- ) T ilv of the Vallev 74"^ » Duke (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) (Lilj ottbe valley ,439 "i Belle Dame 11951 (F. S. 1934 J. H. B.) 1 ( Bazoo 2832 ...A ^T"?*P''^ISJ ^ '^^• ^Castelara 2d 9859 ...\ C.a! } *- '^'®' '' ^^^^'^^ ^^^ ( Dairy Maid 992. / wiiHa Qjo J Sam Weller 271, imp. Hilda2d.5447 4 ' """' ''~ ] Hebe 943, imp. 14 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. *Oaklands Nora 14880.— Yield of milk, 153 lbs.; yield of butter, 23 lbs. 5 oz. ; test made from September 20 to 26, 1885 ; age, 4 years, 7 months and 9 daj-s; property of L. W. & H. W. Simonds, Berlin, Ont., Can. Feed, 5 qts. pea meal, 3 qts. ground oats, 1 qt. bran, mixed and divided mto two feeds, which were given at 5 a. m. and 5 p. M. daily ; good pasture. I Lord Lisgar 1066 \ If^Z^^^I" ^^' ' '""P" 1 Favorite of St. LambertSlls] ^^ «of imp'.' '"P" Oaklands Nora 14880-( ( Lord Liegar 1066 \ V^Zl^^^f ^^' ' ''^^■ Pet of St. Lambert 5123. { ] P?ulme 494. I Lucy of St. Lambert 5116. . , \ 1'''^^^^^^^° '^'' '"P' Golightly 25597.— Yield of milk, 275 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 23 lbs. 4 oz. ; test made from June 3 to 10, 1889 ; age, 7 years and 1 month ; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. corn meal, 9 lbs. ground oats and 9 lbs. middlings ; propertj' of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. {DomiiioofDarIington3459^|'^'"P^,*^°"?f-,. _ ,.,, ( Pedro 3187 \ 2- ^"^-'0°/ Darlington 5736. *Eurotas^54 "j i^a'lVr' ^"^^ Golightly 25597 -{ t jActi8 41&4 ■lN^IreY4lM ^^°'''' "'''' ^ Luna 2d 8949 .| [ta 894^ ' '''' *"'''■ Lady Golddust 2d 19861.— Yield of milk, 21 qts. per day ; yield of butter, 23 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from July 15 to 21, 1887; age, 6 years; estimated weight of cow, 900 lbs.; grain fed during test, 5 qts. corn meal, 8 qts. oat meal, 2 qts. pea meal, 1 qt. oil meal and 5 qts. middlings daily ; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. ( Sarpedon 930 \ K^74f ' /-Duke of Darlington 2460^ d . PL.^n lEurotas2454 Kpfir^" ^^ Lady Goiddust 2d 19861.-^ I ( Jersey Goiddust 2134, imp. Uady Goiddust 7718. ... j^^.^^ ,,, ( iiiueoira oua -j giyebeii ne. Ida Twinkle 36994.— Yield of milk, 266 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of bvitter, 23 lbs. 23^ oz.; test made from November 14 to 21, 1890 ; age, 4 years and 11 months ; actual weight, 1,090 lbs.; grain fed daily, 6 qts. wheat middlings, 12 qts. ground oats and 9 qts. corn meal, with 1 bucket oat meal gruel at midnight ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. 36994. ' ^%' f'^r^^f i ^''''''°'" °^ "^'^ ^"°'^''' ^'^^- ' Chadt? ol'st. Lambert 6638. Ida Twinkle | Ida of St. Lambert 24990 .* ^^f^lZ^"!! f! ~r!^ ; Kathleen of St. Lambert 5122. ( Bloomfield Squire 5423 ] iSne 972L lTwinkle864 ] AJ^-t^f I Prince of Croton ^90. i i>IUUllillCiU OLIUliC O^i^iO ^ ''Twinkle 5th 18486- BUTTER TESTS OF JKESEYS. 15 ♦Little Torment 15581.— Yield of milk, 334 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 23 lbs. 2% oz.; test made from March 17 to 33, 1885; age, 3 years, 1 month and 3 days ; property of George M. Jewett, Glenville, Md. Feed, 6 qls. ground corn and oa|:s and 1 pint oil meal, with all the hay she would eat, divided into three feeds ; no pasture. ( Khedive i Leo (P. 8. 198 J. H. B.) ivueune r ; " " ( Coomassie 11874 Tormentor 3533 { ^t^- »■ ^"•3 «'• ti- «■) (P. 8. 1442 J. H. B.) /-Tormentor 3533 < - • -■ — —' Little TormeBt 15581 J ^^■^■'''''- °- ^"^ i Angela (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) ^ Alpheu8ll68 -j ] ' 1 rnmillp 4th pooq ' Mogiil 568, imp. ' *- '^'"'"^ 4th 20-3 -J Camilla 2020, imp. I ^Alpheu8ll68 jKpanf VMeprise 4898 -; ! f."^_°l^^J/,''-:„ Nutley Dolores 13797.— Yield of milk, 334 lbs.; yield of butter, 23 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from March 24 to 31, 1890; age, 8 years and 3 months; actual weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 13 qts. corn meal, 6 qts. oil meal and 12 qts. ground oats ; property of T. R. Proctor, Utica, N. Y. .c„o^ j On I. of J. ^ •«■ "oVd" T "h rT ■ ■ 1 Matin I'Tommy I (P. S. 254 J. H. B.) (F. 8. 1629 J. H. B.) Nmley Dolores 13797. J ^^^ ^^ ""' '^ ^^ ^"^ ' ^amarez (F. 8. 944 J. H. B.) I .Snap ]S"atin°''- VNiitley Alma 13581 J (F. S. 254 J. H. B. ) ' fp s. 1629 J H B.) \ St. Clementaise (F. 8. 412 J. H. B.) * Sue Gallagher 15945.— Yield of milk, 188 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 23 lbs. 1% oz.; test made from July 26 to August 1, 1885; age, 4 years and 3 months ; property of James S. Stoll, Lexington, Ky. Feed, 10 qts. corn meal, 5 qts. oil cake, 5 qts. wheat bran, 10 qts. ground oats, mixed and divided into thi-ee feeds daily ; good blue-grass pasture. This cow had a previous test of 15 lbs. 4i^ oz., made in July, 1884. Sue Gallagher 15945- ' M?adow King of Farm- I Joseph 4319 ■* ?osephine\F. 8. 1621 J. H. B.) ington 4911 ^ , ^nave 1856. ( Knave 8 Dot 10616 -j ^^^ ^d 691. ^MabelCowle8 3879. , Toi,™„«i TT„,/i iKtc i Major Tunxes 1547. \ IshmaelHurdl548-j b^Jj.,^ j^^j^ g^gg ' 1 /^„i.q n„ot oQ'-Q 1 Major Tunxes 1547. ' ^°^^ ^""^^ -^8-8. .. -j g^J^,g Lophorn 3462. *Mos3 Rose ofWillow Farm 5194.— Yield of milk, 228 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 23 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from November 26 to December 2, 1885; age, 12 years ; property of Winslow S. Lincoln, Worcester, Mass. Feed, 6 qts. corn meal and 2 qts. shorts, with all the hay she would eat ; fed three times a day ; no pasture. ( Concord 1405 ] Coume^s .3d 990 / Young Concord 1406.. < Dick 1410 'Molly .3554 -| Venus 112. Moss Rose of Willow Farm 5194-! T^;„i, 1 (in J Count 1403. ^ „ ,.^. \ Dick 1410 \ Countess 114,imp. \,Molly3o54 -j j Typhoon 77. 16 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Maud Lee 2416. — Yield of butter, 23 lbs., salted ; test made from Octo- ber 6 to 13, 1879 ; age when made, 9 years and 1 month ; propej-tj' of F. W. Tanner, West Stockbridge, Mass. Feed, 4^^ lbs. corn meal daily ; pasture, gj®od rowen. Maud Lee 2416. Coeur de Lion 318, imp. Matilda 2405 Jester 456. . Minnie 695. ( Santa Ann 221. I .Jessie 544. \ Siiiita .\na 221. '/ .Mollv 520. Coquette of Glen Rouge 17559.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 23 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from February 10 to 17, 1891; age, 9 years and 11 months; actual weight, 1,080 lbs.; grain fed dailj', 6 lbs. oil meal, 6 lbs. pea meal, 8 lbs. corn meal and 10 lbs. crushed oats; property of Ayer & McKinney, Philadelphia, Pa. Coquette of Glen Rouge 17559 /'Jack Frost of St. Lam- bert 2419 ^Sweet Brier of St. Lambert 5481.. . \ Buffer 2055. \ Lord :Monck -304. '/ Amelia 484, imp. ( Pride of Windsor 4S3, imp. , T 1 r ;-„„_ i „• inrK j Pertinatti 713. Kate Gordon 8387 "^''''"""^ '''' ^°o=^;'Vo46 (Normanda3914 -| STh^r" *Mollie Garfield 12172.— Yield of milk, 358 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 33 lbs. 13 oz. ; test made from June 7 to 14, 1883 ; age, 7 3'ears and 3 months ; property of F. S. Peer, East Palmyra, N. Y. Feed, 4 qts. half bran and half ground corn and oats three times a day ; soiled on oats and peas. 'Bel Caliph 14.32, Mollie Garfield 12172.- , ■!,„,,.„„,;„«,„ i Pilot Boy 488. j Behsario 610 l Flora 1422. 1 Callione 13^6 i '^°'^" ^e Bas 398, imp. I Manle Dale -'907 * Victor 797, imp. LMapie uaie ,m, ^ g^^^^ jgg^^ ^^^ BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 17 * Niobe's Alpheanette 23336.— Yield of milk, 183 lbs. Q% oz. ; yield of butter, 23 lbs. lO)^^ oz.; test made from August 4 to 10, 1885 ; age, 2 years, 11 months and 3 days ; property of C. W. H. Eicke, West Monterey, Pa. Feed, 3 lbs. corn meal, 3^^ lbs. pea meal, 3 lbs. wheat middlings, 4 lbs. crushed oats, S}4 lbs. wheat bran, 1 lb. oil meal, mixed and given as a warm mush twice a day ; ran on medium good pasture. i SOB Of Alphea 562 j Xt^i'u''^ '"P" ) nr»„ vi^iot I Fiirofas 24VI -* Kioter M 469, imp. '^"™''^*'^^^ )Europal76. I . T^^™«„tnr A^-^ (Khetlive(P.S.103J.H.B.) Liit.e Torment 15581 . "^""^"'"''^ '"•'' | ^ ;-!;",: ^^''^^ ''■ «" ^^ } Meprise 4898 fflna 4th 20--J3. Fill Pail's Countess 24462.— Yield of milk, 223 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 22 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from May 30 to June 5, 1887; age, 4 years ; grain fed daily, 4 qts. bran, 4 qts. corn and oats and 1 qt. pea meal; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. ( Guy Pawkes Sir George 7656. . . . ■{ (F. S. 251 J. H. B.) ( Brown Bess 13092, imp. /"Count St. George 8403.. Fill Pail's Countess 24462 IfiII Pail 2d 24388. St. Clementaise 18163, imp. King (P. S. 2.38 J. H. B.) Fill Pail 24341, imp. BUTTEE TESTS OF JEESEYS. 19 Landseer's Fancy 2876.— Yield of milk, 123 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 22 lbs. 1% oz., unsalted; 21 lbs. 15 oz., salted (official); test made December 14 to 20, 1883 ; age when made, 10 years ; property of Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. " This cow was tested by an appointee of the A. J. C. C. It seems from the report made, that in view of the extraordinary ratio of milk to butter, very great precautions were taken, and in view of these the accuracy' of the test seems placed beyond doubt." — Vol. L, Maj. Brown's Comiiilation of Tests. On I. of J. Landseer's Fancy 2876. f Landseer 331 -. I ( Dazzle 379, imp. I 1 ro-n r'ronf i~ t Gren. Scott 46. W-oung Fancy 97 \ ^ ' '' ' Palestine 26 imp. } Fanov M q=i ' ^^^- Scott 46. ' ^^"^^-"^ ^'^^° "( Fancy 9, imp. * Eurotas 2454.— Yield of milk, 216 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 22 lbs. 7 oz.; test made February 26 to March 4, 1879 ; age when made, 7 years and 6 months ; property of A. B. Darling, New York, N. Y. (Rioter 746 E.H.B j ^f.^L^'J' ^^ °- ^■ j' Rioter 2d 469, imp - n- ^.".^i^-^^a ir u r ( Lot 78 Dauncey's Sale. . ^. Or.|> ~^^ E. H. B. Eurotas 2454. I 1 TnnitPrQ^ J Saturn 94, imp, ^"^""P"''' Alpheam ^&ll""'^=!^lP' 166, imp. Nutley Silverette 22410.— Yield of milk, 281 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 22 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from November 4 to 11, 1890; age, 8 years and 5 months ; estimated weight, 975 lbs.; grain fed daily, 10^^ lbs. corn meal, 4^/^ lbs. bran and 3 lbs. cotton seed meal ; property of R. A. Sibley, Rochester, N. Y. , Oriflamme 2559 rNutley's Favorite 5132.. -i Nutley Silverette 22410. ( 'Jeweler 1385. ■( Olive 232. r Nutley's Favorite 5132. . < p' \^ ;:,;>,„ p. , ,o, j ( Lena s Fnde .3.1....-^ ^^^^ ^ewis 2d 4047. 1 , i,r^r./i!,io->o-fi I Silverlocks. Jr. 699. Uutley Silver 13591 - '^ " '" ' ^fheHocKr Tr'^ilg'^P- ' Silver Pet 5179 ] ^.h eHocKS.^Jn^- 99.^^_ Royal Queen 24428.— Yield of milk, 224 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 22 lbs. 6oz.; test made from June 7 to 14, 1887; age, 5 yeai's and 5 months; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. bran, 4 qts. ground oats and corn and 1 qt. pea meal ; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Ta. (Hero(P. S. 126 J.H. B.) {Nero 7266 ^ (P. S. 180 J. H. B.T | Pretty Maid 7012, imp. (P.S.248J.H.B.) (Bossy(P.S.215J.H.B.^ Question (F. S. 313) J. H. B.) ( Carlo 5^59 •< ' I: 20 BUTTEE TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Grace Davy 8292.— Yield of milk, 242 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 22 lbs. 5}^ oz.; test made from September 15 to 22, 1885 ; age, 9 years ; property of George M. Jewett, Glenville, Md. Feed, 15 lbs. ground corn and oats, with best quality of seconds or shorts, and wheat bran, mixed and divided into two feeds daily, with grass pasture. Grace Davy 8292. . Young Davy 661. j Sir Davy 84. I Georgetta 93, imp. [ Young Sir Davy .3034 ...{ ' S^^'^t^f 3 '-^P' / ii>,cQn iR=;c j Hannibal 618, imp I (Susanl658 j Ariel 516, imp. 1 Grace Darling 2d 304. . On I. of J. Grace Darling 399, imp. * Attractive Maid 16925.— Y'ield of milk, 254 lbs.; yield of butter, 23 lbs. 5oz.; test made from October 9 to 16, 1885; age, 5 years and 7 months; property of William H. Burr, Redding Ridge, Conn. Feed, 10 lbs. ground oats and corn and 6 lbs. cotton seed meal, mixed and divided into two feeds daily ; good pasture. Attractive Maid 16925 r Don Pedro of Bingtiamton 2974. , Florence 1043. f Vernon lOri j Marius 760. I vernoniu.l | Velvet 294. Uo'^^^ol.U \^^^,, iAs.yana.x289 ] g^^Xf 58. lYoungDucliess41...]e£fi;il"l2'^- * Queen Mary of Woodlawn 11659. — Yield of milk, 303 lbs. 4oz.; yield of butter, 22 lbs. 5 oz. ; test made from July 15 to 22, 1882 ; age, 3 years and 5 months ; property of Raymond H. Perry, Bristol, R. I. Feed, 6 qts. meal (kind not stated) and 6 qts. shorts, mixed and divided into two feeds, given night and morning ; ran on rye pasture day and night. Her owner reports that she made him in June, just previous to this test, 18 lbs. 14 oz. of butter on grass and green cut lye, without grain, and gave 292 lbs. of milk in seven days. Queen Mary of Wood- lawn 11659.. I" Gilderoy 2107. . I Magnetic 1428 ( Jeanne Le Bas 2476. . I Gold Proof 10860 I Roanoke 1448... (DelphaSd 10713. ( Islander 561. "l Azalea 1443. I Noble (F. S. 71 J. H B.) I Dairy Pride (F. S. 348 J. H. B.) j Beechnut 109. ( Princesse 366, imp. ) Excelsior 647. ■| Delpha 1532. - Oonan 1485.— Yield of milk, 205 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 22 lbs. 2}4 oz., salted; test made from June 4 to 10, 1882; property of M. C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. ( Rajah 340, imp. ( Omoo 1247, imp. Oonan 1485. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 21 Naiad of St. Lambert 12965.— Yield of milk, 267 lbs.; yield of butter, 23 lbs. 2I4 oz. (official); test made from June 5 to 12, 1884; age, 4 years and 4 months ; property of V. E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. Naiad of St. Lam- \ Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 j fi'^SraSf L^^" bert 13965 { ^ , t ..,r , n^. ) ( Buffer 2055 i ^^^^ Monck 304. ' Lolly of St. Lambert 5480. \ ! ^'"f'l'^. ^^^' l^P- 1 Camelia of St. Lambert 5106 \ ^ord L.sgar 106^.^^^^ 5117. *Beulah De Gruchy 13480.— Yield of milk, 308 lbs.; yield of butter, 22 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from June 20 to 27, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 2 months ; property of Cornelius Wellington, East Lexington, Mass. Feed, 3 qts. corn meal, 1 qt. oil meal and 1 qt. pea meal, morning and evening, and at noon 1 qt. pea meal and 2 qts. oat meal ; pasturage good ; tested sixteen days after calving. f Grev Kin? i ^"^e (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) , Farmer's Glory 5196 j (P^ S^ ?6^9 J. H.' bV) ' Lily Grey (F. S. 770 J. H. B.) (F. S.274J.H. B.) ) Beulah De Gruchy 13480. J ^ Bonheur (F. S. 1651 J. H. B.) ( Butterstamp { |XVeV's '" J ' H ' I] ^MiS8 Beulah 24.358. . ] (?• »• ^^^ ^- H- B.) ' ^ultane ^P. S. . J. H. B.) (P. S. 257 J. H. B.) I Bellona (F. S. 457 J. H. B.) * Tenella 6712.— Yield of butter, 22 lbs. 1% oz.; test made from Novem- ber 18 to 26, 1881; age when made, 4}^ years; property of J. B. Wade, Atlanta, Ga. I Tu-»,;„o "Art j Willie Boy 434. rSicmal 1170 \ ' ^ady Mary 1148, imp. I ^'^^' ^ ^ ' ° ) pansv Morris 2060 ' ^^^^'^ ^4. Tenella 671-^ J ^ P^°^y 6th .38. \^^^^ 38-3 ) ^'^""^ D"^^ '^'^^'^ 1040- 1 vrctor°ne^Lachaise2740,imp. \ Archie 1112, imp. *Nora of St. Lambert 12962.— Yield of milk, 289 lbs.; yield of butter, 22 lbs.; test made from September 2 to 8, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 8 months ; property of William Rolph, Markham, Ont., Can. Feed, 20 lbs. barley meal daily, divided into two feeds, with clover and timothy hay. (ot 1 n • o^ oooQ i Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 \ Mflrinrflm -^a-^q imn I Marjoram 3^39, imp. , T ^, 1 T i=„o. mfiR i Victor Hugo 197, imp. Lord Lisgar 1066 ■ p„„iiiie 49! Duchessof St.Lambert5111-j ' rauiine 4^4. ' Pride of Windsor 483, imp. Bisson's Belle 31 144.— Yield of milk, 156 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 151^ oz.; test made from October 30 to November 6, 1888 ; age, 5 years and 8 months ; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daily, 5 gallons ground corn and oats, equal parts ; property of Maury Jersey Farm, Columbia, Tenn. D- ' T> 11 011AA ( Carlos on I. of J. Bisson s Belle 31144 j p^^j^y ^^ j ^f j 22 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Moggy Bright 25891, imp. — Yield of milk, 241 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from May 31 to June 6, 1887 ; age, 5 years and 11 months ; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. ground corn and oats, 4 qts. bran and 1 qt. pea meal ; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staun- ton, Va. ( Bright (F. S. 308 J. H. B.) Moggy Bright 25891....-^ I On I. of J. Giulietta Cooke 32193.— Yield of uuik, 257 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 133^ oz.; test made from July 28 to August 4, 1888; age, 6 years; esti- mated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 24 qts. bran, 4 qts. oat meal, 3 qts. corn meal and 1 qt. oil meal ; property of P. J. Cogswell, Rochester, N. Y. , T J c!v,„<-»„„u„ .-unn I Litchfield 674. J ^° Shaftesbury 2i99.. ■ chestnut 1888. [ Seneca Chief 4C9S ■( ^, ^_^ .„„ t Litchfield 674. «• V r. n I 001Q, ' ^^ Blossom o6o -, ^^^^-^ ^n^^^ g-jg Gmlietta Cooke 32193. J I ( Lawrence 61, imp. lGisia4447 ] ^-i,^^^ (Zuleikal900 ■{ iF. S. SO J. H. B.) I Phal'.ie 1.589. EvaofVerna 15228.— Yield of milk, 192 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from August 9 to 15, 1887; age, G ^-ears and 4 months ; fed during test, 6 qts. corn meal, 3 qts. oil meal, G qts. oats and 3 qts. bran per day ; property of J. S. & W. M. "Wallace, Lexington, Ky. , o;r,T,oi 11-n t Mariu* 760. 'w „ I , , on, < ' ^ ' P»"s^ Morris 2060. W.inderer .014 , ^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ,^,^^5^ j(j^(,_ EvaofVerna 15228...-! (Cosette3.,4 -, Daisy Grant 1445. I Nero 13, imp. Effie of Hillside 1521 . . . < p • , Oranee 1S4 I Evelina 446 ] ^diih 447. Lady Dartmouth 23 159.— Yield of luilk, 243 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from August 11 to 18, 1889 ; age, 7 years and 6 months ; estimated weight, 875 lbs.; grain fed daily, 10 lbs. corn meal, 10 lbs. ground oats and 10 lbs. middlings ; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. • T A Tw„,« fv, / xjrii«t„o Q1QC i Domino of Darlington 2459. fi-^9 i ' Premium of Darliirgton 5572. Ladv Dartmouth I ^'^"'^ i cnv^to- oa^^i » Rioter 2d 469, imp. 23159 -! ' ^irotas 2454 ^^ Europa 1 .6. .Snowball of Deer- I Bestor 2380 -j A^tTr^Sigg ^^' foot 2d 14457. . . { , Aiu: ' -Of," I Snowball of Deerfoot 4414.. ] ^iowdrop 2d 3608. Moyane 21595, imp.— Yield of milk, 276 lbs.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 12i^ oz.; test made from Maj- 29 to June 5, 1889; age, 7 years and 2 months; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 3 gallons corn meal and 1 pint cotton seed meal ; property of M. C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. , ProgreES (F. S. 286 J. H. B.) /■ProgresB 2d ^ (P. S. 298 J. H. B.) ( vini^f M i Sans-Peur (F. S. 201 J. H. B.) Moyane 21595 -( ^ (PS 149 J H. B.) " " ' ^'^°'^' ^^- *• ^^ '^- ^- ^■'> \ Tonic (F. S. 3804 J. H. 13 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 23 Duke's Pierrot Lady 31023.— Yield of milk, 266 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from January 11 to 18, 1890; age, 5 years and 6 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily averaged about 14 lbs., of which one-third was crushed corn and two-thirds bran; property of Charles A. Galwith, Fulton, Mo. Duke's Pierrot Lady 31033... ' Sweepstakes 1905 Duke, Mern- Boy ,..^.^^ . Su^kwel. 2d(R S^S4J H. B.) (P. S. 61 J. H. B.) ( Superb (F. S. .3.53 J. H. B.) ( Eva (F. S. 628 J. H. B.} [ Pierrot's Lady ^ Pierrot rth 1667 -J p^^"?* ^^' ™P- Jennings 11675 - ; 811, imp. ( Pierrofa Lady Hayes 11673. -] ^U^^_ Bomba 10330.— Yield of milk, 205 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 11^^ oz., unsalted (official) ; test made from October 6 to 12, 1882 ; age when made, 4 years ; property of A. B. Darling, Ramsey's, N. J. Feed, 1st day, 4 qts. wheat middlings, 2 qts. corn meal. 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th " 4 '• " 3 " " 3 " '• 4 " " 4 " " 4 " Duke of Darling- ton 3460 Bomba 103-30.- Beauty of Darling- ton 5736 2 i a a 2 i a " 1 2 ' '• " 1 1 " " 1 2 • " " 1 1 ' " " 1 qt. linseed. is-P<^^-«30 -IS^^'- *E"°t-^ -SKp^a'^r'^'p- ( Smith of Darlington 3458. ■' 2° ^'-^^ ''^' * t^ v _* — --. ■ .' o " * >^- , i^remmm of Darlington 5573. imp. I Grace of Darlington 5574. -' ?'Lh,^l/i^^ v ,„ -^-q ; ,r^ ^ = (V lolet of Darlington o5i.3, imp. * Croton Maid 5305.— Yield of milk. 254 lbs. 6 oz. ; yield of butter, 21 lbs. lljj oz., salted ; test made from June 28 to July 5, 1881 ; age when made, 5 years and 213 months ; property of Clark & East, Nashville, Tenn. Feed, 13 qts. bran, 5 qts. corn meal, haj' and pasture. •Signal 1170. Croton Maid 5305. > LnciUa 2735, imp. JM-US760 |S^,Fa^r^f?l8,i /Pansy Morris 3060 ] ^l^f^. ^- imp. 6th 38. * Phlox 16399.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 2 oz.: yield of butter, 21 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from June 5 to 11, 1884; age, 7 years and 2 months ; property of Columbia Jei'sey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. Feed, 10 qts. corn meal, 4 qts. bran over cut haj% divided into two feeds daily ; pasture of timothy, orchard and blue grass. Phlox 16399. j Guy Mamiering 698 -j gfo^eue Lass 1780, imp. / f;o,onia 451 q * ^^^^ °^ Grayholdt 1035, imp. I tiazama 4ol3 -^ Beauvine 1593, imp. 24 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Pearl Armstrong 2670.— Yield of milk, 317 lbs.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 10 oz., salted i^ oz. to lb.; test made from June 3 to 9, 1882 ; age when made, 10 years and 5 months ; property of Woodside Farm Hei-d, Troy, N. Y. Feed, 4 lbs. corn meal, 4 lbs. wheat bran ; pasture. ( Young Baron 702, Imp. Pearl Armstrong 2670 ^ ( Virtue Lass 1782, imp. ♦Primrose 11956.— Yield of milk, 282 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from June 21 to 28, 1885; age, 9 years, 4 months and 25 days ; property of J. W. Johnson, Plainfield, N. J. Feed, 20 qts. ground oats, 8 qts. pea meal, 4 qts. bran, 4 qts. oil meal, divided into four feeds daily ; pasture fair ; tested two months after calving. I Welcome I Welcome - (F. S. 160 J. H. B.) (Tom •<, ,F. S. 172 J. H. B.) ^ On I. of J. Primrose 11956 \ (P- «■ - J- H. B.) | Belle (F. S. 302 J. H. B.) (P. S. 244 J. H. B.) I ^.j^gj.^y (p g j^4,3 J jj g^ Royalist's Daisy 19187.— Yield of milk, 236 lbs.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 93^ oz.; test made from September 22 to 29, 1890 ; age, 9 3'^eai'S and 5 months ; actual weight, 650 lbs.; grain fed daily, average of 6 lbs. bran and shorts. If lbs. cotton seed meal and 13^ lbs. oil meal ; property of Mrs. Kate M. Busick, Wabash, Ind. I T?^,-aHct onnK i Duke (P. S. 70 J. II. B.) ) PnUlon Vr.;. fij!^- J ^'Ck (F. S. 199 J. H. B.) ' Golden Era 64o< -j ^^^^^^^ ^p g gg^ j g ^j- .'•Royalist2d3701. ^' ' ' ^^-^^"^^vr. o. o^ ,j._„. „.) Royalist's Daisy 19187^ ' "^'"'" "'" "'"^' "» ^"'^''^ ^^- »• 38' J- H- B.) Colonel Butler 1561. City 4th 16260. .Fairy of Forest j Colonel Miles .3258 -j YoungB^runefte'^SS. Fairv of Forest Citv 4849 -* E^c^lsior of Jersey 949, imp. Niobe of St. Lambert 12969.— Yield of milk, 280 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 9^4 oz. (official); test made from July 14 to 21, 1884; age, 4 years and 14 days; property of V. E. Fuller, Hamilton, Out., Can. rstokp Potris 3d -^ooQ j Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. I istoKe t-ogis da .,-..8 ^ Marjoram 3239, imp. Niobe of St. Lambert 12909.J ,nHnfT^ii-. ( Lord Lisgar 1060. UstelleofSt.Lambert7011-°"°'''''' I KK^^: inro I Pauline 2d 7009 "l Snet" ''''■ Lady Matilda Pogis 36270.— Yield of milk, 282 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from April 16 to 23, 1890 ; age, 4 years and 3 months ; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily averaged about 8 lbs. corn, 6 lbs. bran, l}-2 lbs. pea meal, 21^ lbs. cotton seed meal and 4 lbs. oats ; property of W. B. von Richthofen, Montclair, Col. ■ ^°>."'rlini:,^^'^" * '^'''''^°" ^^^° "I nX^'oflt: Lambert 5117. Lady Matilda I "^^'^ """ "j Afavoumpen of ^t Lambert q--- * ^^"•^'^ ^"-'"' '^'^ ~^- Pogis 36270 J. ' ^^^^ ourneen ot i^t. Lambert 9, , , -^ Amelia 484, imp. i' La Petite Mere ( T a Petite Mere 'i4"0 ! ^^"^^ P°g'^ ^~^^"' ™P- La i etite Mere ,04,0 | ^^^^^^ g^ 2^40. ' "^ 3^1^^^"'' i "'''"' °' ^"'""^ '^^' "- MaUwIll'IS,.;'"''' BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 25 * Valma Hoffman 4500.— Yield of butter, 31 lbs. 9 oz., salted; test made from July 23 to 29, 1883 ; age when made, 9 years and 4 months ; property of Samuel T. Earle, Centreville, Md. This test was made six months and twenty-two days after the cow had calved. /"Orange Peel 864, imp. Valma Hoffman 4500 ...J. I ( Derby 253 L, , „,„, j Black Imperial 255 ] 3^^^^ g^g ^ ''Valma 2192 < onm 400 ( Horse Shoe 1260 ]]^^ jjX^ Matilda 4th 12816.— Yield of milk, 336 lbs.; yield of butter, 31 lbs. 8}4 oz. (official) ; test made from July 7 to 13, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 3 months ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. Feed, about 31 lbs. sifted oats, pea meal, oil cake and middlings, mixed and divided into three feeds daily ; poor pasture. ( Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. Matilda 4th 12816.. ..- ( Matilda 3238, imp. Mamelle 20804.— Yield of milk, 356 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 31 lbs. 8^4 oz. (official) ; test made from June 5 to 13, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 3 months ; property of Thomas H. Malone, Nashville, Tenn. Feed, 31 lbs. ground corn and oats and 1 qt, cotton seed meal, mixed and divided into three feeds daily, morning, noon and night, and a good pasture of blue grass with the rest of the herd ; test was made forty days after calving. I Gilderov 2107 \ Magnetic 1428. /■ Gold Basis 40S8 3 ^'"^^^^ ^^° 1 Jeanne Le Bas 2476. I ^"^'^ ^^''' ^^^ ■ ■ ) Reaina 2d 2475 -! ^"'^''^ (F. S. 104 J. H. B.) ( Kegma Al ^175 . •••••■■■ 1 Regina (P. S. 33 J. H . B.) Mamelle 20804 { (P. b. 16 J. H. B.) I Ja/el ^501 * ^''^^ (P- S- 76 J- H. B.) Uazel's Maid 11011 - ""'p. I'Im J. H.B;i " ' " ' flying «^io QA o.ioQ J Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. Stoke Pogis 3d 22.38 -j Marjoran?3239, inip. ( Victor Hugo 197, imp. Lucy of St. Lambert 5116. < ' Lvdie 495 -! ^^ ^- °^ ^■ ^i'^^^'^^'' ) Bonnie 491, imp. Bronzie 9368.— Yield of milk, 138 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from August 27 to September 3, 1889; age, 11 years; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed dailj', 8 qts. bran, 6 qts. corn meal, 3 qts. fine mid- dlings, 7 qts. ground oats and 3 qts. cotton seed meal ; propert3' of A. D. McBride, Rochester, N. Y. ( Waterpower 756 -i S," !;,*'( £0 ; |'Samsonl079 \ ! o?.WT' "'^• \ Ocean Queen 1405 ] Eou'isa 1406, imp. Bronzie 9368 ■{ ( Harkaway 757 \ jtlT^l''^ ^fi^i^P' Jmogene 4552 \ ' ^'S^^ F*"° 1^' ' 1™P- I Lady Huntington 1737, imp ll BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 27 Gift 39901.— Yield of milk, 249 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from October 23 to 30, 1890 ; age, i years and 8 months ; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daily, 18 qts. ground oats, corn and peas and 2 qts. shorts ; property of Charles E. Hill, Denver, Col. Rime>-_ Hugo Pogis ^ OrloflE-s Stoke 11157 -j ^tfZ'oi St. Lambert 8348- Gift39901 -! ^^''^^"'^-^^^^^^'^^<^-\E:\^^f^^iSen:OU. , Polonius 2513 -' ^""T^^n ^^°- ^Glint 12896 -^ 'n^^*^'?^,^n Glimpse 53V5 -' Cossack 1150. ^ I Josephine Beacon .3306. Lady Antoinette 24391, imp.— Yield of milk, 272 lbs.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from May 31 to June 6, 1887 ; age, 6 years and 3 months ; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. bran, 4 qts. ground corn and oats and 1 qt. pea meal ; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. \ Rusticus ( Pretender -' ( P. S. 109 J. H. B.) rf^rk^YuBV-] ''■'■''''■''■''■> '^tS^tr94J.H.B.) Lady Antoinette 24.391 J ' ^ ' ^ ^ady Alice (F. S. 1838 J. H, B.) [castaledes (F. S. 2870 J. H. B.) Dura 26001. —Yield of milk, 382 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from October 18 to 25, 1890 ; age, 6 years and 7 months ; actual weight, 1,002 lbs.; grain fed daily, 7^^ lbs. corn meal, 7^^ lbs. ground oats, 2 lbs. linseed meal and 2 lbs. bran; property of M. A. Scovell, Lexington, Ky. ( T?p^ i^-^n * Colt, Jr. 825. j Kex i.i6U -, eouch's Lily 3237. > May Abelle 3932 ] ^^Sef ^9^ ''• 'Prince of M. 2811 Dura 26001 .Belle of Cherry Valley 1583 if;errv153a 1 Benham 1486. ,- ) ^^^^^ ^'^■^ I Sue Mousoo 3692. ' ■ 1 Lulu Gold Ear 15S35. . ] g^^^^g^ar Id 3592. Maggie Rule 31940.— Yield of milk, 184 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from September 17 to 24, 1890 ; age, 7 years and 4 months ; actual weight, 960 lbs.; grain fed daily, 6 lbs. corn meal, 6 lbs. wheat bran, 4 lbs. barley meal and 2 lbs. linseed meal; property of M. L. Frink, Oxford, Mich. / rn„„„„ ic~o * Mercurv 432. ■■'' lNymph^a5141 ] PbS J?! Maggie Ktile 31940 -{ , „. ,-„,„». ,„.„„,._„,, Pierrot , th 1667. Lt- .• , t, , ,• 1.^10 j Niantic .D244 I Flirt 482. VNiantic's Palestine 14519...-^ b- ^ •.„ ihkq t Pierrot 7th 1667. / Lady Fanning 11169. . . . -, paiegtine 3d 1104. 28 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Maggie Sheldon 23583.— Yield of milk, 288 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from February 14 to 20, 1886; age, 3 years and 11 months ; property of William Rolph, Markham, Ont., Can. Feed, 33 lbs. peas and oats with clover hay, and 30 lbs. mangel-wurzel, divided into three feeds daily ; no pasture. 1 T nrtiP -iaifi * ^°^^ Lisgar 1066 rSheldon 5250 \ ' favorite of SL Lambert 5118. Maggie Sheldon J < Hebe of St. Lambert 5117. ] I'.Tem"" ''" '"'P- 23583 1 ^^'&^76^'- "-"""i ^'"'"' ''''''' "^ "^^ ^ MaToram^li'L^P- I0phelie493 ^ Ellme 4^ imp. Edith Campbell 23011.— Yield of milk, 256 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 41^ oz. ; test made from January 6 to 13, 1888 ; age, 5 years and 3 months ; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. corn meal, 8 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. oil meal and 2 lbs. middlings ; property of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y''. ( Duke of Mansfield 2277. \ P^^^lf^^ {Norman B. 7001 \ ^ fe'^ ^'^5® o^^oooc I Pe-'f'V Daw I^IOS -* Burnslde 2d 2838. ( re^^y xjaw i.iua - Arbutus 2d 6298. I Coventry Boy 5847 \ g"^*^ °J ^^^ta^ ^^'^■ Beauty of Snipsic 22909.^ S'^V^^ P?t'''" ^^^.^^ , ( Pride of Snibsic 22306 , . \ ^?^^^^ Sector 02*4. ^ '^ I Lilly Burnside 4384. Judy of Riverside 1 6495.— Yield of milk, 284 lbs.; yield of butter, 21 Jbs. 41^ oz.; test made from October 18 to 24, 1886; age, 5 years and 2 months; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed during the test, 4^^ lbs. oats, 2}4, lbs. oil meal, 31.2 lbs. shorts, S"'^' lbs. bran, 3;''4 lbs. corn meal daily; property of C. W. H. Eicke, West Monterey, Pa. ( Amadeus 1043, imp. / Wessex 36.38 < , ^t„^„i„ „ om hda3d2254 1^72^ Judy of Riverside 16495.4 ( Napoleon 2d 527 \ v^l?iFha \ Floss of Lawnfield 16085 < ' ^"^Pa 558. / ,Tudv 691 \ Correct 223. (duay oai ^Dai8y692. * Reception 8557.— Yield of milk, 265 lbs.; yield of butter, 21 lbs, 4i^ oz.; test made from October 6 to 13, 1884 ; age, 10 years and 2 months ; property of George W. Farlee, Creskill, N. J. Feed, about 24 lbs. daily, of which two-thirds was ground corn and oats (one of corn to two of oats); the remainder of her feed — about 8 povinds — was old process oil meal, fed five times daily, and a good pasture. i Stookwpll 2d * ^'ob'e (F. S. 104 J. H. B.) , Jacques J (P S^ 24 J hVb.) " ' ' ' ' S"""*!'^^ (F. S. 68 J. H. B.) Reception 8557 ) (P. S. 63 J. H. B.) j jganneton (F. S. 237 J. H. B.) ' On I. of J. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 29 *Rose of St. Lambert 20426.— Yield of milk, 217 lbs.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 31^ oz.; test made from April 1 to 7, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 11 months ; property of Valancey E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. Feed not stated in test. ( Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 . i ?>°He ^°^'^» 1259, imp. ( Rambler of St. Lambert 5285-^ ' Marjoram 3239, imp. Ro- of St Lam- I ( Bessy of St. Lambert ^82 ] «»«- 2055^ ^^ ^^^_ bert 20126 -( bert .5105. (OrlofE3143 ( Lord Lisgar 1066. VEstelle of St. Lambert 7011 . -^ I Ophelie 493. Pauline 2d 7009 .f L"""^. Lisgar 1066. ) Pauline 494. * Atlanta's Beauty 12949.— Yield of milk, 146 lbs.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from February 3 to 10, 1885 ; age, 3 years, 6 months and 24 days ; property of L. J. & A. W. Hill, Atlanta, Ga. Feed, in the morning, 1 gallon corn meal, 1 gallon wheat middlings, and about 15 lbs. corn fodder — ensilage ; at noon, 1 peck carrots cut up and sprinkled with wheat middlings ; at night, 1 gallon cotton seed meal, 1 gallon wheat middlings, and plenty of hay ; no pasture. I Brigand 1899 \ ^^^^'''%}'^r?l' ( Smoke Smitb 4844 \ ' Lenore 2d 712. Selika 1805 \ ^f'"^^" f^' ,..« I Flora Ogden 1566. Atlanta's Beauty 12949.. -[ \ Leonidas 3010 \ f-'""*^'- "^"onco .Laura Hill 9084 \ ] ^^'''^"'T ^?^!: ^ Gerana 6115 \ ^f." Ogden 1545 j Clifton Fairy 3265. ♦Beauty of Seekonk 14651.— Yield of milk, 251 lbs.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from August 21 to 28, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 5 months ; property" of William H. Hopkins, Providence, R. I. Feed, 8 lbs. Indian meal, fed twice daily ; second growth meadow pasture. ( Pierrot 2d 1669 \ P'^."?* 636, imp. ! Admiral Farragut 2666 . \ ^,^.1'^^' '9^' ™P- Beauty of Seekonk 146.51-! I Von Bismarck 1021 \ ^T^IP' o«o. I Lady Theresa 2d 4253 ..\ Lady Theresa 2694. It ad V Theresa 9fi04 t Comet 130. ( Lacij i neresa 2bJ4 -^ Theresa 1919. ♦Island Star 11876.— Yield of milk, 150 Ji qts.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 3oz.: test made from June 7 to 13, 1884; age, 5 years and 2 months; pro^Derty of S. M. Burnham, Saugatuck, Conn. Feed, 12 qts. daily, 6 of coarse corn meal and 6 of ground oats, mixed and fed three times a day ; mixed grass pasture ; tested 58 days after calving. Island Star 11876. ( Guv Fawkes ,* ^°^^^ ^F- S- 233 J. H. B.) \ (F. S 251 J.' H. b'.) ^ Angelica (F. S. 1738 J. H. B.) ( Gazelle 15961 (F. S. 1726 J. H. B.) ( Koffee (F. S. 233 J. H. B ) 1 On I. of J. 30 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. *Zophar H. 12329.— Yield of milk, 423 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from June 13 to 19, 1885; ag-e, 6 years and 3 months; property of William H. Hayden, Albany, Vt. Feed, 8 qts. corn and oats, divided into two feeds, given moi-ning and evening" ; pasture with the I'est of the herd. ■ rm,„ o •>„ ionQ ( Mr. Toodles 377, imp. w ,.>c. The bqmre 1298 , Mattie 994. Homer H. 3683 )f..^,^^,... j Critic .m ( GUda .., . 9 -^ Lady Godfrey 678. ZopharH. 12329....-^ ,r • »j ir.i< ( DukeofWenington35, imp. ^ 0.11 ^ ^^''•'°'' -'^'^^™' ^"^ I Lavinia 1079. imp. V Jenny Gray 3511 ^ ( Young Major 214. ( Lady Lightfoot 2,4.,. . . . -^ Tulip 1793, imp. Hilda D. 6683.— Yield of milk, 249 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 2H oz. (official) ; test made from June 23 to 29, 1885 ; age, 9 years and 4 months ; property of Frederic Brouson, Greenfield Hill, Conn. .... f T of .1-1 j Sam Weller 271, imp. . ov,- f T f 11 i,M^ * ^ ^'^^ "^""^^'^^ ~'~ ' Dairy Maid 992. r Cliief Justice 2d 1143. . . ■ ^am-Weller 271, imp. 'H>lda943 _•■ j Hebe 94.3, imp. Hilda D. 6683 < I ny^s^f T„,,i ^.i-.i * Sam Wsller 271, imp. Hilda C 3869 ' ' ^^''^ ^^"'^^ 99- VUildaC.dffa9 /tt;,,,„ „,.! (Sam Waller 271, imp. ' ^'"^^ "'^ ■/ Hebe 943, imp. Rioter Carlotta 29667.— Yield of milk, 228 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 21 ibs. 2}i oz.; test made fron May 24 to 31, 1888 ; age, 4 years and 1 month ; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 6 lbs. wheat middlings ; property of James Stillman. Sing Sing, N. Y. (Hero {Carlo 5559 < (P. S. 126 J. H. B.) Pretty Maid 7012. . Quy Fawkes Coomassie 2d 11969. < (F. S. 251 J. H. B.) / Coomassie 11S74. Rioter Carlotta 29667 ^Butterstamp Lass 19517 , Ti„„,„,.« uke Alexis 1040. ( Aiaa3b.d ■( Archie 1112, imp. Sirona 27128 -! ' ; Benlomond 3980 -j yKi^Gamp 1446, imp. ^Signalinea 16336. ■1cEnone86l4 {fS^i^, BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 31 Miss Julia 26701.— Yield of milk, 265 lbs.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 1% oz.; tGst rnade from August 2a to September 1, 1889.; age, 6 years and 5 months; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daily, 5 qts. corn meal, 2 qts. ground oats, 2 qcs. bran and 2 qts. flaxseed meal ; property of Carson & Bro., Crab Orchard, Ky. Miss Julia 26701 .... I Wasliita .S813 \ i^°!?'"".!i?.^'-' ( Sir Alpha 6378 - * V^^^'% •^'^'^- IPP- I ( (,raj \ lolet 34S9 -^ ^.^^^^^ ^d 3488. \ ( Bcecavvood La^^■^ence .5938 \ {^n'AV uiiM.f itlo lEncore Lawrence 12588. - ^J'^ .°^ Hillside 1.349. :»Iother 12680 \ S'^^'^^J-^-?,^ Beechwood 1578. ' Dora of Hillside 1350. * Gold Lace 10723.— Yield of milk, 285 lbs. %}4, oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from June 7 to 13, 1885 ; age, 9 years and 1 month ; property of Spencer Borden, Fall River, Mass. Feed, 2 qts. pea meal, 2 qts. ground oats and 1 qt. linseed oil meal morning and evening- ; cut grass was also given her at night ; woods pasture. Beechnut 109. t BliicherSd 102. "( Fanny 72. Gold Lace 10726 , Excelsior 047 \ ^'.^i;?H',i^\P- /'Roanoke 1448 I ( Princesse 366, imp. Delpha 2d 10713 ^^^^'^^"^ I,'^£^^^i{ ' ''''• *Maquiila 24043.— Yield of milk, 149 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from October 13 to 20, 1885 ; age, 2 years, 10 montbs and 4 days ; property of Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. Feed, 4 qts. corn-hearts, 2 qts. oats, twice daily ; pasture i^ioor. ( Tormentor 3.533 \ llt\:%''k\m~ln l\ -ROSY King 4433 \ (F. S. 259 J. H. B.) $n^f'\ .^i n" ^^' ^- "• ^"^ I Silver Rose 475.3 ?i°hi!v^^'- Maquir.a 24043 < lMacn.ita-580 j Top-Sa.yer 1404 ^ Marill^;«|,■ ^ ' il^-dseer-s Fancy 2876.. ^^-5-^,,. Granny's Gem 30406.— Yield of milk, 179 lbs. 4 oz,; yield of butter, 21 lbs. .^1 oz. ; test made from October 8 to 15, 1887 ; age, 5 years and 8 months ; esti- mated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. corn meal, 6 qts. bran and 1 qt. flax meal ; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. I Khedive f Young Prince < (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) rK\Ti<'(V S 23SJ H BW (•'. ^. 182 J. H. B.) ( Princesse rb.\Ti^{f.i^.Mf^^.ti..a.)< tF. S. 1394 J. H. B.) ( Judy (F. S.1590J. H.B.) Granny's Gem 3l»406. . 1 Browny (P. S. 158 J. H. B.) ^•Granny ■< (P. S. 495 J. H. B.) ( Vieille Grise (F. S. 1002 J. H. B.) 32 BUTTEK TESTS OE JEHSEYS. *Geiii of Hope 17102.— Yield of milk, 253 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 21 lbs.; tested from July 3 to 10, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 10 months ; property of W. M. Bell, Miami, Mo. Feed, 4 qts. ground corn and oats, 10 qts. bran and 3 pints oil meal, divided into two feeds, and given morning and evening ; poor pasture. Gem of Hope 17102. ^ Knight, of St. Loui. 3080. . . ] f^f,}-^''/^^,, >,iemes 740.^, imp. ' Lily of Les Nlemes 74U5, imp. * Handsome Myra 14244.— Yield of milk, 276 lbs.; yield of butter, 21 lbs.; test made from October 15 to 22, 1884 ; age, 5 years and 6 months ; property of Cornelius Wellington, East Lexington, Mass. Feed, 6 qts. corn meal, 2 qts. oil meal and 4 qts. shorts, divided into two feeds ; good pasture. Handsome ( Grey (F. S. 244 J. H. B.^ Myra 14244. ( Duke (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) -) ^^f"^^^^ ^/\t\^} ^ij^^;^ Dai^y(:'.S.2:8J. H.B.I..* I buperb (F. b. 3o3 J. H. B.; I : Brimette (F. S. 841 J. H. B.) Lampedo 46204.— Yield of milk, 156 lbs. 8 oz.-, yield of butter, 21 lbs.: test made from October 2 to 9, 1889 ; age, 3 years and 4 months ; actual weight, 780 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 lbs. wheat middlings ; property of Mrs. Thomas Allen, Pittsfield, Mass. ■r M TM . in-« * Lord of Moimtain Side 7111. -| Carlo 5^59.^^^^ I Gold Plate 10..i3. . p^^ro 3187. ( Bhss lo219 -^ qq,^ Leaf 2d 5860. Lampedo 4G204 ■[ 1 , -.T-i ,~oeo I Sir George 7656. T r ^«-Qi (Niburn7658 / Violet (P S. .36 J. H. B.) ( Lunette 1310. ^ Rosette (.F. S. 1818 J. H. B.) Luani 37989.— Yield of milk, 190 lbs.; yield of butter, 21 lbs.; test made from September 20 to 27, 1889 ; age, 4 years and 5 months ; actual weight, 880 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 lbs. wheat middlings; property of Mrs. Thomas Allen, Pittsfield, Mass. , o- r- r-r-a J Guy Fawkes (F. S. 251 J. H. B.) j Sir George , bo6 j g^o^-n Bess 13092, imp. piburn ,6.)8 1 ... , , ,^ ^ ,.. . „ „ J Browny (F. S. 128 J. H. B.) ( Violet (P. S. 3u J. H. B.) -j jj^igy /p] s_ 5^ j_ jj g j Luani 37989 < ,„..,,,., ( Amadeus 1043. T .. , .n,o ^'"'°" ' Granny 2873. Uua 3d .8019 , Outa,j->o ggg ( Liia 4^b_ -J Filigree 2397. BUTTEE TESTS OF JERSEYS. 33 * Nelly 6456.— Yield of milk, 344 lbs.; yield of butter, 21 lbs.; test made from May 27 to June 2, 1881 ; age when made, 9 years ; property of Samuel Stratton, Litchfield, 111. Fed three times daily, each feed 3 qts. corn meal, 4 qts. bran, }^ qt. oil meal ; pasture, rye and blue grass. ( Younff Glorv ■) Ba™ey (F. S. 87 J. H. B.) ^Lemon P ^^°| 'f^^J- jj-g r •• 1 La Hougue (P.S.166 J. H. B.) (F. S. 170 J. H. B.) i Pale Topsy Nelly 6456 J (F. S. 563 J. H. B.) I i Brown Prince VLittle Browny ■{ (F. S. 85 J. H. B.) (P. S. 29 J. H. B.) I La Houguette (F. S. 167 J. H. B.) Palestine of Oxford 42194.— Yield of milk, 194 lbs. llj^ ozs.; yield of butter, 31 lbs. ; test made from November 35 to December 3, 1890 ; age, 5 years and 6 months; actual weight, 810 lbs.; grain fed daily, 5 lbs. wheat bran, 5J^ lbs. corn meal, 33^ lbs. barley meal and 4% lbs. linseed meal ; prop- erty of M. L. Frink, Oxford, Mich. \ Cecco 1673 \ c!veHllfimr> /Vntn ^Qll J ' '^sres 4^1, imp. /lOkOdysi ) TVT^„„>,„„ Ki ,1 j Mercury 4.32. ' Nymphaea 5141 -j ph^^ra 2561. Palestine of Oxford 42194.-^ (Niantic5244 ] SfgJ''' ''''• .Niantic's Palestine 14519 . ■{ P errot 7th 1667 I Lady Fanning 11169. ...\ ^Lfestine M lfo4. u Lady's Blossom 18491.— Yield of milk, 148 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 30 lbs. 15% oz.; test made from July 15 to 23, 1886 ; age, 4 years and 10 months; grain fed daily, 5 qts. bran ; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. ( Gilderov 2107 i Magnetic 1428. mard Trials 5050 ^^''"°" J--e ^e Bas 2476. I Eugenie 498 1 Florette 124 Lady's Blossom 18491.4 ' ^ '°'^^"^ ^^• ( Gilderoy 2107. VLady Ellen 11660 < , t,„„„„,.„ ..js 1 Gold Lace 10726 \ g^fp^tld 1^713. * Mary M. Allison 6308.— Yield of milk, 2543^ lbs.; yield of butter, 30 lbs. 14 oz., un.salted ; test made from September 18 to 24, 1883 ; age when made, 5 years and 10 days ; property of C. W. H. Eicke, West Monterey, Pa. Dui'ing the test the cow was milked three times each day. ( Maipqtir oA 1201 i Majestic 1.52, imp. r^ 1 f w,i ,., nior,onfo ( Majestic ..a 1^01 Hurline 1325, imp. pari of Willow Glen 2043. . . . p, .^^^ Charles 816. Mary M. Allison 6308. J ' yueechy .5S..7 -j gg„g ^g^^ I Traviata 3253 Mogul 532, imp. ■vT!„i,„ ■>A Kna S Iron Duke 18. Mobe3d506 "J Niobe 99, imp. 34 BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. * Willimenia H. 12325.— Yield of milk. 404 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from June 22 to 28, 188o ; age, 7 years and 4 months ; property of William H. Hayden, Albany-, Vt. Feed, 8 qts. corn and oats, mixed and divided into two feeds daily ; hill pasture with the rest of the herd. 'Homer H. 3683. Willimenia H. 12325 "1 Lucy Gray 274G. i Thp Snuire l-'OS i ^^''- Toodles 377. imp. \ ^'^^ bquire i~Jo , Mattie 994. /Piiriao—o J Critic .540. ' ^''"'^ ~"^ I Lady Godfrey G78. I AT ■ A/i„^ ii,(( ( Duke of Wellington .35, imp. J Major Adams 1044. . . - , g^..^^;^ j^.^ j^^^ ( Younir Mnjor 214. 1 Tulip 1793, imp. Ladv Lightfoot 2745. Eurotisama 29668.— Yield of milk, 163^ qts. per day ; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 13)^ oz.; test made from March 1 to 7, 1887 ; age, 2 years and 10 months; estimated weight, 600 lbs.; grain fed during test, 4 qts. corn meal, G qts. ground oats, 1% <^lts. pea meal, 1 qt. linseed meal and 7 qts. middlings ; prop- erty of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. I p<.rlrr> s. oauty 1319, imp. Juliet 485, imjj ■ Rachel's Duke 7022. . BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 35 Cultured Cream 29196.— Yield of milk, 241 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 12 oz. ; test made from Marcli 19 to 26, 1887 ; age, 3 years and 11 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily averag-ed about 8 qts. meal, 9 qts. ground oats, 8 qts. wheat middlings and \}4, qts. oil cake ; property of John P. Pomeroy, Housatonic, Mass. \ Duke of Darlington 2400. . . . -j |XIms S-IM.' ' T?arhel Rav 1TM * r)olphiii 2d' 468, imp. ( Kacbel Kay 1 ,o4 ., Helene 179. Cultured Cream 29196.-! I King of Fairview 778 -J It^i^^i '^^ * Flight of Willow Farm 24783.— Yield of milk. 199 lbs.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from May 37 to June 2, 1886; age, 5 years and 1 month ; property of Winslow S. Lincoln, Worcester, Mass. Feed, 13 qts. meal and shorts, mixed in equal proportions, and fed twice daily ; good pasture with the herd. St. Helier 4.5, imp. fU'Maiiey tj44i J \ Moss Rose of Willow Farm .5194 J MoUy^^ssT'^"'^*^ ^^^' _ . ' - -Floribel 2460. Cliff- 290. Bonnie 369. ( Metacomet 21.5 i T7>i„ „ 1.1.11 I Joe Hooker 'Flora 1221 "i R„bv 1218. * Alberta Signal 186 11. —Yield of milk, 234 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 30 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from August 8 to 14, 1885 ; age, 3 years, 4 months and 28 days ; property of R. McMichael, Lexington, Ky. Feed, 18 qts. bran, shelled oats, pea meal and corn meal, mixed (proportions not given) and divided into three feeds daily ; pasture, poor blue grass. , „ -,.,,,„ \ Son of Alphea 562. „, , ^. , ., ,„„„ Compeer 2.30, -J ggj,^ j^^^^^^ j-^-. Black Diamond V . 49.0. , gi ,1 „,y ( Valhalla 5300 -^ sj,.\i^.j^ ;jg7o. Alberta Signal 18611 . Aureola 8617 \ , » , -.q Q-Q ( ClemrtU 115(F. S. OIJ. H. B.) I .___,. „„_ ( Asteroid 8.>S -] LHar .340. Irene Sheridan 8428. -| i'^Z%m%Z-Z. Sheldon's Daisy of St. L. 53047.— Yield of milk, 340 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from October 11 to 18, 1890 ; age, 3 j-ears and 2 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 16 qts. ground corn, oats and peas and 2 qts. shorts ; property of Mrs. L. E. Hill. Denver, Col. 1 . . ^ , ■ ^, .... T . ,„„oe i Stoke Posi'^ 3d 22:38. ! Canada's John Sir George of St. Lambert 003fa -j p^icje of Windsor 483 imp ''st.'r'^W7''.°'.] ''"" '''' * Ny-P'^ °^ «'• ^^■^''"' '''''■ \ Di°anl lit LaSt 0630. I * Lome 5248 V Sheldon's Daisy \ Sheldon 5250 -^ ,jy,,g „f ^^ Lambert 5117. •^0592 -j , „, T V. to-c.f I Lor.l Monck304. ( Daisy of St. Lambert 2o840. . . -^ jy,iette 1374. 36 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. La Petite Pogis 28757.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 10^4 oz.; test made from July 27 to August 3, 1890 ; age, 6 years ; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. bran, 4 qts. oil meal, 6 qts. ground oats and 4 qts. corn meal ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. I ijn^r^a^ ipna * Diike of Darlineton 2460. _., .-,„ J Uproar 4009 ", Euphrates 9778 ^'"^" ^'^^^ i Antianira 2457 \ ^'^rcury 432. ' Antianua 24o, ^ Proserpine 1184, imp. La Petite Pogis 28757.-! ( Stolie Pogis 1259, imp. VLa Petite Mere 2d 12810. < „ , p • ,.-y,a imn ] La Petite Mere .5470. . |^°^et 3d'3240 ' ^• ♦Cassia 2d 21370.— Yield of milk, 283 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 10 14 oz.; test made from June 33 to 39, 1885 ; age, 8 years, 11 months and 3 days ; property of P. J. Cogswell, Rochester, N. Y. Feed, abovit 23 lbs. ground oats, pea meal, corn meal, and cotton seed oil meal daily, divided into three feeds. The propoi'tions of the above mixture are not given, but it was made up principally of ground oats ; pasture, clover and timothy. r Yankee 1003, imp. Cassia 2d 21370 ] , herald 895 -i 5^0^^ .?[q^ii;^o ■ ^*'''* *^^ ' Countess 2d ''■^SS ■) Napoleon 291, imp. i^ountess 4a ,..s» -^ Countess 764, imp. * Chrome Skin 7881.— Yield of mi'k, 226 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 10 oz., salted ; test made from June 22 to 29, 1883 ; age when made, 5 years and 2 months ; property of H. M. Howe, Bristol, R. I. Feed, corn meal, shipstuff and bran ; fair pasture. t"""^"*'** iaKS; Chrome Skin ;881....-^ (F. S. 348 J. H. B.) i?^„-„o .5^ oi-r. i Noble (P. S. 104 J. H. B.) ^ (P I. 16 J H.- B.r ■ ■ ■ ' Regi^'i (F. S. 32 J. H. B.) Comely of St. Lambert 2d 41 177.— Yield of milk, 266 lbs. 8 oz. ; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from June 2 to 9, 1889; age, 3 years and 4 months ; estimated weight, 700 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 12 qts. barley and oats and 3 qts. oil cake ; property of Wm. Rolph, Markham, Ont., Can. n;o^„'= -Di^i^r-iniQi * Sir George of St. Lambert 0036. ^Brier's Pogis 14163.. J ^^""^ * ^'"'^"^ ^^^^^ 1 Diana of St. Lambert 6636. Comely of St. Lam- ' Sweet Brier of St. J Lord Lisgar 1066. bert 2d 41177 -! Lambert 5481 I Lily of St. Lambert 5120. ^Comely of St. Lam- ^. , „ . oa ^oqc j Stoke Pogis 12.59, imp. bert 6639 i ^^"^^ ^°"^^ '^^ '^'^'^^ t Marjoram 3239, imp. ' Hebe of St. Lam- t Victor Hugo 197, imp. bert 5117 '( Portie 490. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 37 * Hallie's Jewel 1711 3.— Yield of milk, 197 lbs. 8 oz. ; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from March 6 to 12, 1886 ; age, 3 years, 7 montlis and 16 days ; propert3' of John A. Middelton, Shelbyville, Ky. Feed, 2 buckets cut oats, 14 lbs. corn meal, 5 lbs. oat meal and 6 lbs. oil meal, divided into two feeds daily, with all the clover hay she would eat ; no pasture. T> . x,„ J Vertumnus (P. S. 161 J. H. B.) \ (P I' ons't' h" r{ ■ 1 Young Rose (P. S. 43 J. H. B.) ,'Knight of St. Loui83680^ ^^- ^- '^"** "^^ "• ^■> Hallie's Jewel i ' Lily of Les Niemes r465, imp. 17113 J Master 7-^ -i '^'P 3*56- Corona 1796. 1 1 Master 7^^ . ^'P =^^6- Hallie Carter 53"9 3 ^ ^^^"^ ^^-■ Hallie carter o3_9 ^ , potomac 153. Peace 330. * Silvia Baker 8793.— Yield of milk, 121 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from April 21 to 28, 1886; age, 6 years, 10 months and 6 days ; property of John B. Wallace, Lexington, Ky. Fed 6 qts. corn meal, 6 qts. shelled oats, 3 qts. oil meal and 3 qts. wheat bran. / c7:i „_i„„i,„ T_ ann ( Sllverlocks .54 j, imp. /-^iW.r \fir,. ifi-« SUverlocks, Jr. 699 ] Kathleen 1767, imp^ pilverMmel6o8 } Minerva 1539 i Suffolk 607. Silvia Baker 8793 \ f Mmerva lo39 "i Maggie 1416. \ Daniel Webster 403 ■) 2°J^ 29'5^'imD *- Fannie Baker 4274 ] ' * ^°^* ^■^'-' '™P- f Silver Fawn 1374, imp. * Royal Daisy 25214.— Yield of milk, 129 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 9 oz. ; test made f i-om March 22 to 29, 1886 ; age, 2 years and 3 months ; property of C. W. H. Eicke, West Monterey, Pa. Fed three times a day on 18 lbs. of feed, mixed as follows : A'^.y ^^^- crushed oats, 3J^4 lbs. wheat bran, 2f.< lbs. oil meal, 3?^ lbs. corn meal, 'S}.^ lbs. wheat shorts, prepared in warm mash, with hay and green cabbage in addition. ( Duke of Darlington 2460 \ l^'^otltV^' r Yellow Boy 6381 - ' Jiurotas, .4.^4. ( Daisy 692, imp. ( Earl of Willow Glen 2043 - q neech v 'W^ ,Mary M. Allison G308. .A ¥nm,u\o Tm'r, I Traviata 3253 ] ?iS '^=^0^^ Niobe 3d .506. *Brenda of Elmhurst 10762.— Yield of milk, 201 lbs.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from August 21 to 27, 1885 ; age, 7 years and 6 months ; property of Valancey E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. Feed, pea meal and chopped oats, with a little bran (amount of feed not stated) ; pasture di-y and parched. ( stoke Pogis 1259, imp. r Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 < Brenda of Elmhorst I ( Marjoram 3239, imp. ^^"^^ "^ T«r^ TUaariivifi ( Vlctor Hugo 197, imp. Lord Lisgar 1(X,6 -, pa„,ine 494. Virtoria 411 * Victor Hugo 197, imp. \ ictona 411 , j^jjgj ^gj^ jjjjp l.Rosette of St. Lambert 5108 -< 88 BLTTTEE TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Cheerful of St. Lambert 8348.— Yield of milk, 239 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter. 2^) lbs. 8 oz.; test made from June 14 to 20, 1886 ; age, 8 years and 3 months; property of Valancey E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. Feed, 6 qts. ground oats, 6 qts. bran and 3 qts. pea meal, mixed and divided into three feeds daily, with good pasture ; tested 3 months and 14 days after calving. {S)nk,. Pn(ri>! -M ^o-io j Stoke Pogis 1259. imp. blokt Pogib .3d 2-58 -j ,^i,„.joram 3239, imp. Jessamine of St. i Lord Lisgar 1066 \ l},''\f ^ugo 197, imp. T onlho.•^ K1HK J ' rail 1106 4yi. Lily of St. Lambert .5120 \ ^aval 50(3. ..^^^^_^ ^^^^ .^^ Lambert 5125.. . Honey Belle 25824.— Yield of milk, 2.57 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 7J;-2 oz. ; test made from November 1 to 8, 1888 ; age, 5 years and 7 months ; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daih', 14 lbs, of ground oats, 13 lbs. corn meal, 12 lbs. of shorts and 2 lbs. oil meal; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. (Sarpedon930 j KKf rcnkeof Darliiigton2460] :KrjtT2d469, imp. (Eurota8 2454 lEuropal76. Honey Belle 25824 ...-{ i Guy Warwick 1450 -' ^S^^Z SOfi lHoneydropl0033 \ Sou W 517 " 1 Lady Pauline 2651 ] |°;^aes;-2649. Fedora of Greenwood 46892.— Yield of milk, 280 lbs.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 7 oz. : test made from July 13 to 19, 1890 ; age, 3 years and 11 months; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 7 lbs. ground oats, 5 lbs. corn meal and 1 lb. oil meal ; property of James T. Henderson, Auvergne, Ark. Kinsman of Green^voo,l ^ Kinsman 2d 6004 ] 1131^61^^- loni'sFKiPitu-s j Kinsman 3338. Fedora of Greenwood 46892 I ' ^"'^ ^ ^'^'® ^^'° ") Ona H. 8641. 1 , T athH ftjro ' Kins-man 3.338. Fidette of Woodruff 40536-^ '' J^^j.^d f 1 " 1 Rajah's Amelia 27064. -I To-f/,|i45. * Jazella G. 14191. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 7 oz. ; test made from July 8 to 14, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 2 months ; property of Thomas H. Malone, Nashville, Tenn. Feed, about 20 lbs. ground corn and oats (two of oats to one of corn by measure), given in three feeds daily ; also, about 1 qt. oil meal at each feed ; pasture dry and weather hot. i Gilderov 2107 * Magnetic 1428. fCnUl R.sis 4fl"?S i ^i^^e^oy 2107 , jg^j,„^ Le Bas 2476. ( Gold Basis 403S. .... , ^^^^^ (j, g ^^^ j ^ g^ (PS 16 J H B ) ^ K'^g'"'^ 'F- S- 32 J- H. B.) Jazella G. 14191 VJazere Maid 11011..- ' Maid of Avranches 6959. 1 i Jazel .3501 \ ^i""!^ ' ^P^s'ls'' J^H^'b^ . Uazel-e Maid 11011..-! JP, S. 159 J. H. B.) ! ^i^^f^^' ' J On L of J. 1 Grey Queen (F. S. 571 J. H. B.) butt:<:ii tests of jerseys. • 39 * Massena 35732.— Yield of milk, 210 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from June 11 to 19, 1884 ; age, 8 years and 3 months ; property of P. P. Paddock, Malone, N. Y. Feed, two feeds daily of 12 lbs. middlings and bran in equal proportions by measu re ; pasture of mixed grasses. ( Sam Weller Jr. 1352.. . -\ §?™ ^^:"?'" ^'1' ^°"P- j-Kaso 1353 -\ Nora 956, imp. I Viffnria^ir-i I Ned .o23, mip. ( V ictoria dl , o -J jgggjg 320r, imp. Massena 25732 < VHighland Mary 3d 19876 3 Dauiel Webster 403... jO^J^^fJ-i^p ' Highland Mary 291, imp. * Chroma 4572. — Yield of butter, 20 lbs. 6 oz. ; age when made, 7 years and over; property of O. S. Hubbell, Stratford, Conn. I St. Heller 45, imp. Ctiroma 4572 ■{ I St. Heller 45. Imp. Iantlie4562 ^^^"^^-^94 \l^jll, Lily 6th 500. Miss Satanella 31544.— Yield of milk, 275 lbs.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from June 23 to 3">, 1889 ; age, 5 years ; estimated weight, 900 lbs. ; grain fed daily averaged 20 qts. beans, oats, peas and corn ground together, with a little oil meal ; property of Mrs. E. M. .Jones, Brockville, Ont., Can. . Master Vermont i Compo Boy 2830. 1 ?^="?,' \1™: I 4^04 - IjUCllia 'wioO. I i Miss Vermont 7698, imp. Miss Satanella 31544-^ ^ commander-in-Chief .3035-! JS o'/lc ■ ■ I Signalia ,5303 -| ^j'""^' "'0- ^ Satanella 8927. . -' ' ' ' ' ', ^|" nafllkf °"^*^ ^^^^ ^''^^' *™^' Maiden of Jersev 2736. * Daisy of St. Peter's 18175.— Yield of milk, 346 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of but- ter, 20 lbs. 5% oz., unsalted ; test made from June 19 to 25, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years ; property of C. Easthope, Niles, Ohio. Feed, 2 qts. corn meal and 3 qts. -wheat bran, twice daily ; pa.sture, clover and timothy. ( Hero (P. S. 90 J. H. B.) -' ^T.^iXVIs^-IOTH t H b\ Daisy of St. Peter's 18175...^' t "''^•l"''i^i®;-,? . xi li ^ "' ) NpIIv 6456 (F S 157^ T H R 1 ' Lemon (F. S. 1,0 J. H. B. ( iseiiy 640b (i^ . b. lo,b J. H. H.).... -J Little Browny (P. S. 20 J . H. B.) May Dee Pogis 36993.— Yield of milk, 220 lbs.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. S^ oz.; test made from March 8 to 15, 1890; age, 4 years and 5 months; esti- mated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daily, 36 lbs. ground oats, oil meal and corn meal, mixed ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. I Stoke Pogis 12.59, imp. /"Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 -X I ( Marjoram 3239, imp. May Dee Pogis 36993. . A ( Enpidee 4097 \ ?^h^„^° q^»''1'°^°° ^^O, ^May Dee 18058 { i'r • k ' .-«« 1 May of Lakeside 10826.. ^^r^.^^-'ik^^- Dove 3d 10823. 40 BUTTER TESTS OE JERSEYS. * Honeymoon of St. Lambert 1 1221.— Yield of milk, 250 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 5}:^^ oz. ; test made from evening of Mai'ch 38 to morning of April 4, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 10 months ; property of Valancey E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. Honeymoon of St. Lam- bert 11221 'Stoke Pogis3d2238..- I Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. ' Marjoram 3239, imp. .Bijou of St. Lambert j Lord Lisgar 1066 -{ pluHne^494° ^^~' ™^" ^^^^ ^ tLaval506. '/ Amelia 484, imp. ( Cupid of St. Lambert 5104. * Kazan's Nora 4791.— Yield of milk, 299 lbs.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 5 oz. ; test made from June 14 to 21, 1884 ; age, 9 years, 1 month and 19 days ; property of Moulton Bros., West Randolph, Vt. Feed, 2 qts. corn meal, 2 qts. ground oats, 2 qts. wheat bran, 1 qt. pea meal and 1 pt. oil meal, weighing from 6 lbs. 9 oz. to 6 lbs. 14 oz., fed twice daily, with cut grass. She was also fed cut grass at noon ; i^oor pasture, grass dry and headed out. ( Rajah 340, imp. r'^'^''''' lNora434 \^^^'^- Hazen's Nora 4791 -< I May Boy 705 \ ^ismarck 292, imp. Izina3d4134 \ ] S'°''"^ V ^ooo • I Zina 14;J4 ] 1 " i2^.^ *Nan Day 17192.— Yield of milk, 209 lb.s.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 4oz.; test made from April 28 to May 4, 1885 ; age, 3 years ; property' of Robert McMichael, Lexington, Ky. v Feed, 22 qts. oat, pea and oil meal and bran (proportions not given), divided into three feeds daily ; short blue grass pasture. /'Duke of Ouaquaga 2740. ( Bedford 1084 i Lawrence 61 (F. S. 84 J. H. B.) ) ^e'llora 1084 -j L^dy Anna 1149, imp. Nan Day 17192. (Lady Emma 4892 1 Kll^fe .Bonnie Jean 13116.. Jersey 3501. Bedford 1081. Ladv Emma 4892. \ Duke of Ouaquaga 2740. ) Queenof Ouaquaga 6474 ] ^Sn^^^^^^ * Roonan 5133.— Yield of milk, 297 lbs.. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from June 10 to 16, 1884 ; age, 8 years and 6 months ; property of M. C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. Feed, 11 lbs. corn meal and wheat bran, mixed witii 2 pints cotton seed meal ; good pasture of blue and orchard grass, and an hour's run dailj' on an acre of oats ; fed twice daily. Pertinatti713 jJ^^.S-i^t R°— l'« ]?S7^^849. 'Rupert 1456 . Roonan 51.33. Oonan 14S5 i Rajah, 340, imp. ,uonan i4so ^ q^^^^ ^,-^^~ ■ BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 41 * Fairy of Verna 2d 10973.— Yield of milk, 280 lbs.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. d% oz.; test made from September 11 to 18, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 5 months ; propei'ty of George W. Farlee, Cresskill, N. J. For the first six days of her test she was fed 14 lbs. 13 oz. ground corn and oats (one of corn and two of oats) and 10 lbs. 63^ oz. oil meal. On the last day she was given 12 lbs. 5 oz. corn and oats (same proportion as the first), 5^ lbs. oil meal and 1}^ lbs. wheat bran ; five feeds daily ; good pasture ; test two months after cabling. (SicTTniiirn (Mariusreo. • Wanderer 3014 \ " ' P^^^^ ^o"i« 2060. wanaerer d0l4 ■< , Grand Duke Alexis 1040. Fairy of Verna 2d 10973^ ' <^osette rfS,4 -j jj^j^y ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ Fairy of Verna 6813, imp. * Camelia 2d 1 11 88.— Yield of milk, 296 lbs.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from May 27 to June 3, 1885 ; age, 6 years and 33^ months ; property of Adams Earl, La Fayette, Ind. Feed, 3 qts. ground oats, corn and pea meal in equal pai'ts, mixed with cut hay and a handful of oil cake ; fed twice a day ; fair pasture of timothy and clover. ( Merry Boy r Duke i (P. S. 61J. H. B.) (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) ( Superb rGrey King -{ (F. S. .353 J. H. B.) (P. S. 169J. H. B.) Camelia 2d 11188 -l iLily Grey (F. S. 770 J. H. B.) [camelia (F. S. 1687 J. H. B.) Dorine's Brunette 29309.— Yield of milk, 289 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 3 oz. ; test made from March 1 to 7, 1888 ; age, 3 years, 4 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 7 lbs. corn meal, 10 lbs. bran and 3 lbs. linseed meal ; property of J. R. Anderson, Jr., Lee, Va. {Rriinpttp's Prinre 7115 i Prince Hammond 3672, imp. Brunette s frmce dis.. -j grmjette Hammond 7284, imp. , P«,„p,,tnn 94fi^ i Hannibal 618. T^^rin. 7^^a J P^'°'^''*°° ^^^ i Sweetbrier 603. Dorine 7456 < 1 Plpmpnt its ljaqueline2164 j Si ^36 Edna of Verna 34537.— Yield of milk, 180 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 2^4 oz.; test made from June 13 to 19, 1888 ; age, 3 years and 3 months ; weight, 875 lbs.; grain fed daily, 2 qts. corn meal, 2 qts. ground oats, 4 qts. bran and 1 pt. oil meal ; property of Frederic Bronson, Verna Farm, Green- field Hill, Conn. , T? „f *„„ K1P0 1 Wanderer .3014. J?ootstep 5lb.i -J Fadette of Verna 6814. Edna of Verna 3453' lEdessa 21844, /■Halo 10517 < r> «pc., J Chief Justice 2d 1643. I ( Hilda D. 6683 -| jjjj^^ ^ gggg^ / -r. t* C100 j Wanderer 3014. j Footstep 5163 -j pa^ette of Verna 1 Off! t tr „ oooQ * John Gilpin 2199. ( ^ffle of Verna 8928 -^ ^ffle of Hillside 1521. '" I , -c- .- * ^lao j Wanderer 3014. Ij...„. „.„.. j Footstep 5163 1 Fadette of Verna 6814. 42 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Waxie 19706.— Yield of milk, 218 lbs.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 23^ oz.; test made from April 18 to 25, 1889 ; age, 7 j-ears and 3 months ; estimated -weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 5 gallons of a mixture consisting- of i^^ corn meal, }^ wheat bran and I4 ground oats; property of Morgan & Brown, Columbia, Tenn. \ Top-sawyer 1404 ] ^Slimt. iiseacousneiu .5-110 < ( Bnmette Lass 1780, imp. (' Beaconsiield 3416 Waxie 19700 I Top-Sawver 1404 \^ I. Beeswax 9807 - p, Bisma 3d 1870. Maiiiis 760. tnblem 90. ( Fairfax 5.30. I Bisma 1669, imp. * Lass Signal 16308.— Yield of milk, 212 lbs.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from April 7 to 13, 1886 ; age, 4 years and 3 months ; property of R. McMichael, Lexington, Ky. Fed twice daily on 1 gallon bran, 1 gallon corn meal, 1 qt. oil cake and good clover hay, with blue grass and rye pasturage. Her test was made four montlis after calving. \ Mai ins 700. Pan sv Morris 2060. , Signal 1170. Yictorine Lachaise '2740, imp. ., ■ . .,1, Af • .,o-J'"S°^''''" -. Pausv Morris Lliief of rheMiamis:29ob< . p„i,,;„i,n< f;^ I Annie Lachaise 3961 ]C^;-|^-^^^ Lass Signal 16308...-, ,, .,. ,, „,^, ^ Gold Prince 21&l...j^,^.,.,l^.^^^j J .Goid.e C . 8104 - | ciemem 11.5 (F. S. CI J. H. B.) ( Acacia lib, -J Daffodil .33.5. * Pilot's Veronica 18917, imp. — Yield of milk, 234 lbs.; 3'ield of butter, 20 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from October 9 to 16, 1885 ; age, 6 j'ears and 1 month ; property of "William H. Burr, Redding Ridge, Conn. Feed, 10 lbs. ground oats and corn and 6 lbs. cotton seed meal daily, mixed and divided into two feeds, given morning and evening ; good pasture. \ Leo ^Khedive - (F. S. 198 J. H. B.) (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) ( Coomassie 11874 rPilot -{ (F. S. 144:2 J. H. B.) (P. S. 183 J. H. B.) Pilofs Veronica 18917. .- \.Phillis 18162 (F. S. 8:^9 J. H. B.) [or. I.ofJ. Golden Plover 22388.— Yield of milk, 309 lbs.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 1% oz. ; test made from June 23 to 30, 1889 ; age, 6 years and 1 month ; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 6 qts. corn and oat chojo, equal parts ; property of S. H. Evans, Tidioute, Pa. I Rex 1330 j Colt, Jr. 8:25. (Easter Boy 3032 j «- 1..30 Co„ch-s Lily 3237. 1 Easter Flower 4.14:. \ ^^l^ 3^,. Golden Plover 223SS. . . .-, ( Beeswax 1931 .; )\f,'^.^r!f "^ ^66. 1 Xelly Pierpont 12.5.31 ... - J ^^^ Basher 932. ( Peggy Leah 309, -^ j^eah 2908. BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. 43 *Rose of Eden 13437.— Yield of milk, 296 lbs.; 3'ield of butter, 20 lbs. 13^ oz.; test made from June 18 to 24, 1885; age, 7 years and 3 months; property of Valancey E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. Bran, pea meal and chopped oats were fed to her three times a day, but her owner fails to state how much and in what proportions. She had clover and timothy pasture. { Sambo fDuke of Wellington. ... - ( F. S. 163 J. H. B.) (P. S. 81 J. H. B.) / Victoria 3041 TLandseer -{ (F. S. 4:31J. H. B.) (P. S. 162 J. H. B.) Eose of Eden l-SWr -i 1 Virtcinia (F. S. ISH J. H. B.) (P. S. .3:i5 J. H.B.) VSamares (F. S. 944 J. H. B.) *Cretesia 13657.— Yield of milk, 269 lbs.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from June 19 to 26, 1886 ; age, 6 years and 1 month ; property of Cyrus W. Sprague, Austerlitz, N. Y. Fed 3 qts. corn meal, 3 qts. crushed oats, 3 qts. wheat bran, 1 pint pea meal, 1 pint oil meal morning and evening ; pastured with rest of the herd. ( AfilPtnt! qiRii * Domino of Darlington 2459 /-T 1 TA * ,1, aono ' ^'^^^^^^ "^^^'^ "( Premium of Darlington 5572, imp. rLord Dartmouth 6.302. -. Rioter -M 469 imD Eurotas 24.>t - ^ °i^ ~r4 ' ^' Cretesia 136.57.... 4 (Europal.6. I T-i„o„ T->„ 1; 8b. . . -j ^-J^^ ^^ Darlington .5573, imp. * Lalla Rookh of Sugar Grove 15882.— Yield of milk, 296 lbs. 3 oz.; jueld of butter, 20 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from June 1 to 7, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 9 months ; property of C. Easthope, Niles, Ohio. During the week of her test she was fed twice a day, and consumed in the seven days 20 qts. corn meal, 62 qts. wheat bran and 3 qts. oil meal, and the run of a good timothy and clover pasture ; test three months after calving. , T -4^ x.ji^TA c~i * Hopewell 136, imp. . ,x . o.,^ iLitchfleld6,4 -, La Belle Helene4.57,imp. /"Marquis of Lossie 3ol2. . - . -vfaior Tunxe* 1547 Lalla Eookh of Sugar ( Victoria Guelph 3898. ■ g^^^.g Lop^orn .3462. Grove 15882 -l L „ ^ ,^ <.TT- J 1". 1 Tom (P. S. 77 J. H. B.) Ualla Rookh of Wood- ^ \ ictor. . . - La Petite Jaune lawn Home 12146 ^ (P. t?. 14b J. U. B.; (F. S. 1065 J. H. B.) ( Snow of Woodlawn I Claimant Home 12145 - (P. S. 84 J. H. B.) ( On I. of J. * Meines 3d 7741.— Yield of milk, 272 lbs.; yield of butter. 20 lbs. 1 oz.; salted less 1 oz. to lb.; test made from July 6 to 12, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years and 3 months ; property of V. E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. Feed during the test was 12 qts. daily of chopped oats and clover; clover hay in stable and clover pasture. iSt. Helier 45, imp. / Marquis 1401, imp. Meines 3559 J ^ ^ ^ ■, ,nn I „ , o-Er> > G€n. Grant 1409. [ Helen 3o56 "( Molly 3554. 44 BUTTEK TESTS OF JEKSEYS. * Dora Neptune 20318.— Yield of milk, 324 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. }o oz.; test made from June 11 to 17, 1884 ; age, 3 years and 3 months ; property of O. E. Rowley, Cortland, N. Y. Feed, 13i^ lbs. ground corn, oats and shorts, fed daily in three feeds; clover pasture. ,T>ir»r.f„„o f;-ellie 3d 1928. .Alice Donnal 12,26. -i . r>nnrlp i^-ii; imn \ Flora Lee of Tennessee 7694 \ NeHie 3d 1928 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 45 Baron's Sophie 1 76 1 5.— Yield of milk, 271 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. IS^g oz.; test made from May 2 to 8, 1887 ; age, 5 years and li^ months; estimated weight, 875 lbs. ; grain fed during test, 14 lbs. of mixed feed twice daily ; property of M. C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. {Farmer's Glory (F. S. 274 J. H. B.) Dick Perry Farm Maid ■{ (F. S. 223 J. H. B.) (.P. S. 178 J. H. B.) ( Bijou Sophie (F. S. 434 J. H. B.) (P- S. 989 J. H. B.) Lady Mary of Prospect 19768.— Yield of milk, 261 lbs. 8 oz. ; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 153^^ oz.; test made from August 23 to 29, 1886; age, 3 years and 5 months ; weight, 725 lbs.; grain fed during test, 23 lbs. daily of mixed corn hearts, oats, oil meal and middlings ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. rstoke Pogis 5th .5987 \ f to^e Pogis 1259, imp. j ° I Marjoram 3239, imp. Lady Mary of Prospect-? , „ , „„„ 19768. I I Butter Boy 3243 l^^Xfftf^^r^ Uady Mary Linden 12800 ...< ' ^^^ Leaf 4 , 69. ( Lady Mary 1148, imp. *Ethleel 18724.— Yield of milk, 163 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 14 oz. ; test made from July 30 to August 5, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 7 months ; property of the Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. ( Leo ( Khedive - (F. S. 198 J. H. B.) .Tormentor 3533 \ ^P" «■ ^^^ J- H. B.) { Coomassie 11874 (t!.i>.^D'i)j.a..ti.) (Angela(F. S. 1607J. H. B.) Ethleel 18724 i I Top-Sawyer 1404 \ ^ii^'jlT^O. '^ Beeswax 9807 J, ! ^™''J®'"in Ttw,na 'ir\ 1 Q-n ' Fairfax 530. (Bi.ma3dl!„0 ") Bisma 1669, imp. John Bull's Princess 49670.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 14 oz. ; test made from October 21 to 28, 1890; age, 3 years and 10 months; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daily, 18 qts. ground oats, corn and peas, and 2 qts. shorts ; property of Mrs. L. E. Hill, Denver, Col. , Canada's John Bull ( ^'L^f ".'f.^^^^ ®'- L^""" j Stoke Pogis 3d 2338. I 83SS < "^^ ""•* 1 Pride of Windsor 483, John Bull's Princess I I -kt-^^^v, ^f c* t „™ imp. MH7n J ( Nymph of St. Lam- < s^k-p PnaiaSri 005,8 49670 -: heiri oQfiR . ^^''^^ Pogi^ 3d 2238. CMC i~90» -j jjjj^j,^ pj g^ Lambert 6636. Lucilla Kent 8892, imp. Rioter Pink of Berlin 23663.— Yield of milk, 290 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 14 oz. (official) ; test made from August 8 to 15, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 3 months ; property of L. W. & H. W. Simonds, Berlin, Ont., Can. rStoke Pogis .3d 22.38. ... ] ll^^^J^&i'd7' Rioter Pink of Berlin I ' Marjoram 3,-39, imp. 23665 < r,„«„.cv." j Lord Monck 304. LmL-.f«. T.,.w,^j«r-' Amelia 484, imp. VPinkof St.Lamben5486 / y • f Of Tam ^ '^, -i"« » Lord Lisgar 1066. °''^^ ^^-^ "/ Lily of St. Lambert 5120 46 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. *Hypathia 2d 14774.— Yield of milk, 208 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. I3I2 oz.; test made from October 9 to 16, 1885; age, 3 years and 8 months ; property' of John B. Wallace, Lexington, Ky. , Rrisu- an- i Star Neal 1495. , Duke of Woodlawn 4160 \ ^"^^ ■^" | Dolly 2d 1020. ^^Tofi?/ ^^''(f J'~r''" J Pierrot 2d 1669. Hypathia 2d 14774 J quetFarm64,l ] Beauty Dian 1970. I Count D-Orsay 4159 .... -| S^^^^.iJ^P- '^Hypathia 1.3358 - Mack^2l ' * Fair Rose 2S97 ^ffie sfl. * Nal Day 26553.— Yield of milk, 310 lbs.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from April 28 to Maj' 4, 1886 ; age, 2 years and 3 months ; property of R. McMichael, Lexington, Ky. |SigDalda4027 -liSslY'- ( Signalda 2d 6748 - ConDeer •>%7 i Sadie's Choice 7979 -| ^^Znl glSo! Nal Day 26553 ■{ ^ ' I B«„,„e je,„ ..m > 5:L=„rosr.i" ss: * Phaedra 2561.— Yield of milk, 263 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 13 oz., salted ; test made from January 15 to 21, 1882 ; age when made, 9 years ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. Feed, corn and oats ground together, a little oil meal, roots cut fine and sprinkled with bran ; plenty' of good clover hay ; no pasture. I T.„->;to, n-j * Saturn 94, imp. (Mercury 432 f "''^"^ ^' ]^^i1Z J 'AlPl^«^^ I'l iRheTiefat'inT I 1 Tuniter Q"? i Saturn 94, imp. *Europal76 -iilK'ai^i. Phffidra 2.561. * Signal Maid 19361.— Yield of milk, 274 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 13 oz.; test made fi-om April 24 to 30, 1886; age, 3 years and 3 months; property of John A. Middelton, Shelbyville, Ky. This cow is reported to have made a test of 15 lbs. in Ma^^ 1885, when she was 27 months old. ( Merrv Bnv ■ Sweepstakes Duke 1905 ^' (P.'S. oi J. H. B.) J ( Superb ' Croton Maid's Duke 66.58.. i (F. S. .3.53 J. H. B.) / UrOlOn MaiQ 8 UUKC 0D.10.. ^ Vr . O. .3.D.5 o . J (croton Maid 5305 ^^^^^^.^ imp. Signal Maid 19361 . I , Tu-.-n.K^^ ootA 3 Lord Bvron 707. 1. o T„.-l.. idfi" J ^'l^^^'y 2844 \ Milkmdid .39.58. VEva Taylor 148..0 1 ^„„„„ ^„..,„. .., . (Signal 1170. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 47 Lora Nicholson 27135.— Yield of milk, 236 lbs.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 13^ oz.; test made from December 19 to 26, 1888 ; age, 4 years and 7 months ; estimated weight, 925 lbs.; grain fed daily, 24 lbs. corn and cob meal and cotton seed meal ; property of Campbell Brown, Spi'ing Hill, Tenn. Duke of Darlington 3460. . -J |Xh°" 4^"' ' Keception 3d 1102.^ -j Reception 85.57. rStoclvlioklerriU Lora Nicholson 27135 1st. Ello 3d 19078. Blossom's Tennessee 606o] ^roSTurOrange 69.58. ct ^^^^\fs QR-jfi * Rob Roy 1"< '™P- St. Ello me 1 g^,„g ^3f Farmington 911, imp. * Gardiner's Ripple 11 693.— Yield of milk, 264 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. I2I2 oz.; test made from June 13 to 20, 1884; age, 5 years ; property of J. B. Wallace, Lexington, Ky. / c;,r^<,i 11-?^ ( Marius 760. /Ml „„ r.>,;<.f ofiic jbignaiucu "( Pansy Morris 2069. ^Allegany Chief 2918. . ..{ grand Duke Alexis 1040. ( Corolla 4392 -J 3^,,^ Hartford 2718. Gardiner's Ripple 11693-^ I I Aii«„«^„ ri^Tv^^t ofiQi i Beacon Comet 13th 1281. ro,^fr,..'« Thi^fio iiqqJ ^"^g^^y ^"""^^^ ^^^- ) Snsan Maria 3048. ^Gardiner s Thistle 11338-^ j Devilshoof 866. ( jNeitie 6MI < j^gjfig gj~g_ *HuIla 7898.— Yield of milk, 226 lbs.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from September 13 to 20, 1884 ; age, 5 j^ears, 11 months and 25 days ; property of Edwin Thorne, Millbrook, N. Y. (Hector 791 1 S 'n^lmT ( Hector 2d 2837 \ Hockanum 79?' I Lady Creamly 1975 ] ^°^ 1974 Hulla7898 ■{ „ ^ ,, i The Squire 1298 j j^l^uTe 99^ '''' ™''- ^""^'P'^'"'' lHennie3335 j SelVa"' ''''• * Lille Bonne 8108.— Yield of milk, 275 lbs.; jaeld of butter, 19 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from June 12 to 18, 1885 ; age, 8 years and 10 months ; property of F. C. Havemeyer, West Chester, N. Y. /T^i u T, ,D o ir,-> T Ti c \ ( Welcome (P. S. 207 J. H. B.) j Plougli Boy (P. S. 102 J. H. B.). B^jj p s g^8 J H b') Lille Bonne 8108 — K ' Queen (F. S. 1239 J. H. B.) ♦Rosebud of Allerton 6352.— Yield of butter, 19 lbs. 13 oz.. unsalted ; age when made, 4 years and 6 months ; property of Mrs. J. B. Turner, Winnsborough, S. Q. ( Mogul .532, imp. ( Fortunatus 1152 j . ^ ..,^^ j Cadmus 4, imp. ( Jumata 1289 I Dans 3d 1287 Rosebud of Allerton 6352 -{ , ^n, ■ ' I , T^ » t i-,-.T \ Mogul 532, imp. I ( Fortunatus 11.02.... -j,„fi^tjjl.^^9_ ,Rhoda of Merion 5849. • -) , Saracen 480 (NelhePottsmo.... T«net fi64. ) Janet 664. 48 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. *Quachette 17091.— Yield of milk, 206 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 11}^£ oz.; test made from April 13 to 19, 1885 ; age, 2 year.s and 10 months ; property of V. Lowe, Palmyra, Wis. Mr. Lowe also reports a test of 17 lbs. 13 oz. from Quachette, made in June, 1886, on g-rass alone — wild grass pasture and rather, dry. ( Mohawk ^acq -! '^lpbe'19 1168. ( Waukesha 5330. . . \ Xolwood'l 0~- "''' ''''' '"^'• 'Xe„ia4944 ] Joey M 2919.'- Quachette 17091 -!. ( Mohawk 22(>q ( Alpheus 1168. dnnTiiir.^ 11-^" ' Mohawk ^^09 Biltimore Beauty 1G65, imp. V&uamico 11.3i.5 -> i n-; ,!..,,,„ iqit ' iiei\etia Odbo -^ j^^^j^ Curran 4091. Alpheon's Belle 27194.— Yield of milk, 217 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 11 oz. (official); test made from March 1 to 8, 1888 ; age, 4 years and 2 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 5 lbs. corn hearts, 4 lbs. rice meal, 2 lbs. oil meal and 6 lbs. bran. Chemical analysis : of butter, fats 86.20, casein 3.10, sahs 2.90, water 7.80; of buttermilk, fats 0.45, casein 2.98, sugar 2.94, salts 0.43, water 94.10 ; proiierty of John Boj^d, Elmhurst, 111-. ' Alpheon ( Alpheon's Belle 27194..- L Beatrice Cenci 16629. . I Florinde's Duke 4368. \ pio'^fudl^ua"^^''" ^^'^'^" 1 Tiindreiir 3749 .! Colnmbiad 534. ( lunocent 3,49 -j p^^j^y j^^g i Phino-aiik '^^l-i -t Columbiad 2d 1515. \ Lningauk.-.iU -^ Felicia .3748. / rvriii"! =s~1^ J Columbiad 2d 1515. ' ^ec'Iid 5. 15 ^ Innocent 3749. * Mink 2d 3890.— Yield of milk, 324 lbs. ; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 11 oz., salted ; test made July 14 to 20, 1882 ; age when made, 7 years and 7 montlis ; property of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. Feed was steamed cotton seed, wheat bran and corn meal ; reasonably good pasture. Mink 2d 3890. The Hub 1009. i I ( Mag VMink 2.548 - Motley 515 Bessie 139, imp. net 968 .. \ Jack Horner 514, imp. '/ Meg Merrilies 1372, imp. i Mr. Micawber .5.56, imp. '( ]\Ialiel 2544, imp. AT .»• ■\r:„„ 1 .-icf S Mr. .Micawber .556, imp. Mattie Micawber 2.54, -j ^1;,^,;,.^ ^f Roxbury 25.38, imp. Belle Williamson 8386.— Yield of milk, 157 lbs. 6i^ oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 103^2 ^^•'' test made from June 3 to 10, 1887; age, 8 years and 11 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 11 lbs. ground corn and oats ; property of Mrs. E. T. Allen, Columbia, Tenn. (Pertinatti713 {V^^h^^;^. /Pertinasl90o - ! Roxbury 247 ' ^o^33 -. ( Xormandy 1046. ( Norraanda ..914 j q,;^,^ ^^^ ^^jg BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 49 Evelina of Verna 10971.— Yield of milk, 264 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. lOJ^ oz. (official) ; test made from June 23 to 29, 1885 ; age, 6 years and 3 months ; property of F. Bronson, Greenfield Hill, Conn. ( mfftisl urn ) Marius 760. / wo„^o,». ^niA J ^ ' Pansy ^otus 2060. ( Wanderer 3014 ^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^1^^ ^^^^.^ ^^ Evelina of Vema 10971. . .K I ( Nero 13, imp. lEmeofmnsidel.5.1..j^^^^^^^^^ I Prince^f orange 184. * Rival's Ochra 10172.— Yield of milk, 225 lbs. 1-4 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. IQig 02- ; ^6st made from May 29 to June 5, 1886 ; age, 6 years and 4 months ; property of James N. Smith, Highland, Conn. KW.,..0C.» ™«....| ^^__^^^^^^^^ j^„,,^^,,^ l^Ochva 484.^ , ( j^t^j^ Lg g^^ ggg^ j^^p ( Azalea 144c! -j j^g^g ^gg^ ^^^^ Le Gros' Lily of the Valley 2d 13386.— Yield of milk, 158 lbs. 4 oz.; jneld of butter, 19 lbs. IO14 oz.; test made from March 2 to 9, 1888; age, 6 years and 10 months ; estimated weight, 950 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. corn and oats, 4 lbs. bran and 2 lbs. oil meal ; pi'operty of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. Masse 400. Rosa 122. (Son of Rosa 663... /"Tom McGreevy 1692 < I ( Princess 1154, imp. H^T' oP?,°/ci^''^ ( Duke Valley 2d 1338b. ^ fVertumnus \ (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) Ue Gros' Lily of tHe Valley 11537. \ *?• S- 161 J- H. B.) ( Co^omass^^^ ^^^^ Lydie(F. S.619J. H. B.) * Lady Fair 22103. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 19 lbs, 10 oz. ; test made from December 1 to 7, 1885 ; age, 3 years, 11 months and 24 days ; property of W. L. Conyngham, "Wilkes Barre, Pa. ( TTflnnv (P t; 911 T TT R J Vertummis (P. S. 161 J. H. B.) ( Cicero 7657 i ' Garenne24524 (P. S. 1575 J. H. B.) Lady Fair ! ^^' ^' ^'^^"^' ^' ^'^ ^'^ur De r Air 12702 (F. S. 1730 J. H. B.) '^^^°"^ \ (GrevKincr j Favourite (F. S. 144 J. H. B.) Icharmante ^ (P^: S. 40^ J. H. b'.) ' ^'^'^^ *F. S. 415 J. H. B.) (F. S. 1866 J. H. B.) ( Superintendent, on I. of J. *Oaklands Cora 18853.— Yield of milk, 169 lbs.; yield of butter, 191b.s. 9}. 2 OZ., unsalted ; test made from March 30 to April 5, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years and 2 months ; pi^operty of V. E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. ( Jersey Boy (P. S. 92 J. IL B.) . . ". . -j STp 's ' UO^l H^R V Oaklands Cora 1S8.53 ■' 1 Souiis (F. S. 110. J. H. B.) ' Lively (F. S. 1401 J. H. B.; 50 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. ^■Rozel Lass 20268 'F. S. 3929 J. H. Bj— Yield of milk, 273 lbs. 14 oz.; j'ield of butter, 19 lbs. d\^ oz.; test made from June 9 to 15, 1885 ; age, 5 yeai-s and 2 mouths ; proj^erty of Frederick Loeser, Somerville, N. J. This test gained in weight for every ounce or fractional part of an ounce of salt that was added to it. The butter, unsalted, is given in at 18 lbs. 7 oz., to which was added 1 lb. 2^4 oz. of salt, and the test is given at 19 lbs. 9% oz. * Maggie McM. 14073.— Yield of milk, 211 lbs.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 9 oz. ; test made from May 5 to 11, 1885; age, 4 j'ears ; property of R. Mc- Michael, Lexington, Ky. 1 p«KnrM 0-3-.- \ St. Martin 1482. ,„, ,, „„., lbal*ora^3o, 1 Bella 5354, imp. piiorndale 2o82 ^ g^^^^^. ^^^^ .\ ^ • AT ^r , „.'. J ' ^ " ^ ■( Kate K. 2d 3720 Maggie McM. 14073.-! ' IPandora of Staatsburgh 3d J Faro 1749 \ Sk°f if imp. Pandora of Staatsburgh 3280 -j ^hffibe'^3d^2293. *The Widow's Daughter 11507 — Yield of milk, 323 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 8^2 oz.; test made from June 8 to 14, 1885 ; age, 4 3'ears and 10 months ; propei'ty of U. F. Shalter, Terre Haute, Ind. The Widows J ' ^'So^^ ^^^^ ( Plenty 950. Daughter 11507. ..| Uhe Voung Widow ^ Lord Lawrence 1414. ... J l:^rMarfllS',1nS.'- "^ ^' iE«-f.taatsburgh3194]|«;^-SrP- ♦Dewdrop Pansy 19736.— Yield of milk, 289 lbs.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from December 15 to 21, 1884 ; age, 4 j'ears and 2 months ; property of James Crook, Jacksonville, Ala. ( Platon(F. S. 310 J. H. B.) Dewdrop Pansv 19730 -; ( Pansy (F. S. 1072 J. H. B.) * Reception 8557, imp. — Yield of butter, 19 lbs. 8 oz.; property of W. R. McCready, Saugatuck, Conn. , o, 1 II .1,1 ,D c .)! T Ti H ^ » Noble (F. S. 104 J. H. B.) 1 Stockwell 2d (P. b. 24 J. U. B.) -^ ^^^^^■^^^^^ ^p, g gg j g g ) ( o 8.CC[UC8 "S Reception 85.57. . . I *^- '^^ ^'^"^^ ^- ^'^ ' Jeanneton (F. S. 237 J. H. B.) ^ On I. of J. * Fairy Queen of St. Brelade's 7464.— Yield of milk, 222 lbs. 7 oz. ; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 7I4 oz.; test made from August 16 to 23, 1885; age, 9 yeai-s ; property of George M. Jewett, Glenville, Md. , Ai r. Tj„„ 1 Stockwell 2d (P. S. 24 J. H. B. ^r1!iT-h.b.)'^-(^-^-'^^'«'^-H-^-^ ( Duke . . *( Fairy Queen of St. J (P- «• 76 J.H. B.) g^ ,^ (p g 353 j g g ^ Rrplartf**s T-lKJ. I Fairy Queen. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 51 Alphea Vaudrada 1 7468.— Yield of milk, 212 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 7oz.; test made from August 31 to September 7, 1890; age, 8 yeai's and 5 months; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daily. 16 qts. ground oats, corn and peas and 2 qts. shorts ; property of Charles E. Hill, Denver,Col. ( Compeer 2367 ] |ena°Dtl!^!a irl^' r Black Diamond V. 4970. \ Sal in Alphea vaudrada 17468. \ ^ ^^^"^^"^ ^3*>0 ] fS^.f^ ^ Black Diamond's Queen 11865, imp. * Christmas Nannie 4075. — Yield of butter, 19 lbs. 7 oz., salted; test made from June 4 to 11, 1883 ; age when made, 9 years and 6 months ; property of A. W. Sawyer, Sycamore, 111. Feed, 1 qt. corn meal, 3 qts. wheat middlings daily ; pasture, good timothj'^ and clover. ,„ , o~o ( On I. of J. rBroker 8.3 -, -^^^.^ ggg^ j^^p Christmas Nannie 4075.4 j Czar 273, imp [princess 2205 (J^^ejBoy,., , Fanny 675, in imp. Fanny 675, imp. * Countess of Lakeside 12135.— Yield of milk, 251 lbs.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 7 oz., unsalted ; test made from April 6 to 15, 1882; age when made, 14 years and 1 month ; property of J. H. Walker, Worcester, Mass. Feed, 4 qts. mixture of equal parts of oats, middlings and new process linseed meal, twice daily ; hay. Countess of Lakeside ieeide 12135.-,' ^. ,^ . „ , ,., (DickSwivener74 \ftJrIm,imp. Dick Swiveller, Jr. 27b.. -. > k ( Twilight 977, imp. 1 Dick Swivelk-r, Jr. 270 ( Dick Swiveller 74. Betty 683 ^ -- — . --"■< Twilight 977, imp. Jennie 686, imp. * Rioter's Ruth 14882.— Yield of milk, 235 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 61.2 oz.; test made from November 23 to 29, 1885; age, 5 years and 6 months; property of Valancey E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. / oi 1 T. • oiii-Tio ( Stoke Poei-> 1259, imp. . T. K, f «t T 1 . ^08 J ^^°^^ ^°^'' ^"^ ^-^ Marjoram 3239, imp.'^ 1^ Rambler of St. Lambert 5285 -< ( Buffer -'Ow Rioter's Ruth ' ^^^'^ °* S^- Lambert 5482 ] ^j^^. g -^,- „ j g^ Lam- 14882 -! bert5105. 1 / c 1 T> ■ oj c^-.oo ( Stoke Pcgis 1259, imp. Ur .K . c. T , t o~- ^'°^^ ^°''' ^^ "^^ MarloranT 3239, imp.' I Moth of St. Lambert 9i 1.0..", Ruffer on^i^ I Bessy of St. Lambert 54S2 .) ^^^.^ftof St. Lam- bert 5105. 52 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Paola Stoke Pogis 34691.— Yield of milk, 234 lbs.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 63^ oz.; test made from December 31, 1888, to January 7, 1889; age, 3 years and 3 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, average of 29 lbs. corn meal, wheat bran, fine middlings and oil meal, mixed equal parts; property of P. J. Cogswell, Rochester, N. Y. r Exile of St. Lambert ( ^1fij.f jLo^ **'• ^^^™" j Orloff 3143. 13f,5r I neit 45.'j« ^ Charity of St. Lambert P , «t„..Pn.i« (AlUe of St. Lambert , gtoklpogis 3d 2238. P«°? Stoke Pogis I 24991 \ Kathleen of St. Lam- 3^^9i ] bert .5122. (Carlo(P. S.ISOJ. H.B.) (St. John ' (.5559 A. J. C. C.) [st. John'. Dai.y 2^388.. ] (?• «• ^'^ '■ H- B.) ( I' ^^^_ ^^ ^ ^^ ( Letacq Bess. * Bertha Morgan 4770.— Yield of millc, 294 lbs.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 6oz.; test made from January 10 to IT, 1882; age when made, 9 years; property of Edward Worth, Wawa, Pa. ( Lopez 313. imp. in dam \ 2S,y alf imp. Bertha Morgan 1770 < P'ltterson's Beiutv 4"()n i ^ijou (P. S. 65 J. H. B.) [ Fatteison b Ueautj 4,00 . . . . '^ ^^^^^^, ^g.-,^ j^^^^ * Bright Eyes 2d 2290.— Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 6oz.; test made from Juty 1 to 7, 1883; age, 12 j'ears and 3 months; property of E. M. Phelan, Cherry Valley, N. Y. {Napoleon 291, imp. , Jerrv 1.5, imp. Bright Eves 1.537 J ' Bettie 3(1 1535 ^ Garibaldi 609, imp. *Khelula 17970.— Yield of milk, 212 lbs. 8oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from November 23 to 30, 1885; age, 4 years and 8 months; property of James Stillman, .Sing Sing, N. Y. ( Khedive rYoung Prince ■{ (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) (P. S. 182 J. H. B.) ( Princesse fKing :.-{ (F. S. 1394 J. H.B.) (P. S. 238 J. H. B.) Khelula 17970 4 U"dy (F. S. 1.590 J. H.B.) Uophie(F. S. 434 J. H. B.) * Alluring 554 1 . — Milk was neither weighed nor measured; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 5 oz., salted; test made from July 20 to 27, 1882 ; age when made, 5 years and 6 months ; property of William N. McConnell, Dart- ford, Wis". This test is stated to have been made on grass alone. The cow was not fed ; she had wild pasture during the day, " tame at night." I Columbiad 534, imp. rColumbiad 2d 1515 < AlluriDg .5541 J Celeetia 1898 -^ Pearldrop 1409, imp. 1^ Purity 1408, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 53 Christel 6565.— Yield of milk, 205 lbs. ; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 5 oz. ; test made from June 14 to 21, 1887 ; age, 10 years ; estimated weight, 850 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 4 qts. bran, 4 qts. ground oats and corn and 1 qt. pea meal ; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. (Sam King 2376 -j ST-I^' 'King Philip of Mt. Hope 2399. j ^^^ (JNormarfiua "j Rosa 2d 1622. Christel 6565. Jdex2d5429 { Kerrot6S6 * Happy Blossom 18218.— Yield of milk, 347 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 5 oz. ; test made from March 14 to 21, 1886 ; age, 5 years and 6 months ; property of William H. Burr, Redding Ridge, Conn. (Duke rVertumnus ■{ (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) (P. S. 161J. H. B.) (Coomassie 11874 ' (F. S.1442J. H.B.) Happv Blossom 18218 -{ ^^Garenne 24.524 (F. S. 1575 J. H. B.) (Blossom F. S. 343 J. H. B.) ?ocette. fHappy -{ I (P. S. 211J. H. B.) ■'Ic * Valentine of Trinity 7460.— Yield of milk, 277 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 4% oz.; test made fi-om May 25 to 31, 1885 ; age, 9 years and 3 months ; property of Samuel McKeen, Terre Haute, Ind. 1 Stockwell 2d ( Merry Boy < (P. S. 24 J. H. B.) .j)^,j.g ) (P. S. 61J. H. B.) (Eva(F.S.628J.H.B.) Valentineof Trinity 746oJ ^P" ^^ '^ J- H. B.) ] guperb (F. S. 353 J. H. B.) Milkmaid 3d \ Jemmy (F. S. 44 J. H. B.) (P S 4 J. H. b'.) * Milkmaid (F. S. 95 J. H. B.) * Dot of Bear Lake 6170.— Yield of milk, 213 lbs.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 4 oz., salted ; test made from February 4 to 10, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years and 11 months ; property of John C. Drake, Marietta, Ohio. Feed during tlie test was 5 lbs. corn meal, 4 lbs. oats, 5 lbs. wheat bran, with what hay she would eat, ( Pnnce of Warren 1512. . ] %T^^^'^l 1^^|,-P- Dot of Bear Lake 6170 .. < ( Monmouth Duchess \ Optimus 1607 -j carrie 38W ^^^' ™^" I Monmouth Duchess 3895 -j f^^^^^^ggf' * Gray Beauty 3d 19845.— Yield of milk, 376 lbs. ; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 4oz.; test made from June 22 to 28, 1885; age, 9 years and 4 months; property of Silas Shook, Youngstown, Ohio. ( Frank Warren 1490 .j R'"-.l^f -rofi ^■*^^- ( Nerontes 9222 \ ] ^ '".'^ ^^ |' ^^^ . TT R ^ Gray Beauty 3d 19845... | ' kittle Florence K. 16055.; ^jot-lfce E.'i733 impl ^ Gray Beauty 16053 (F. S. 629 J. H. B.) ^Bessie Spaulding 2780. A '] S?^t<^^nc/^ ( Lady Spaulding 1091. . . . - of J. 54 BUTTEK TESTS OF JEESEYS. * Madolina H. 12327.— Yield of milk, 400 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 4oz.; test made from September 7 to 13, 1885; age, 6 years and 7 months; property of William H. Hayden, Albany, Vt. \ The squire 1-298 ] ^.J,!?^':' '''' '"'■ (Homer H. 3683 ] Crlt c 540 ' Gilda 2779 ] Lady Godfrey 678. . 1 Orange Peel .502 (Critic 540 \ (F. S. 129 J. H. B.) Caniiic 1359, imp. .Old Red VildDiTon L of J. I Pharos 022, imp. * Well Done 25987.— Yield of milk, 260 lbs.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 4 oz.; test made in June, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 4 months ; property of Jewett M. Richmond, Buffalo, N. Y^. ( Grev King ( Farmer's Glorv 5196. ...J (P. S. 169 J. H. B.) r u„ „f .„„ ^„t «oQi J (F- S. 274 J. H. B.) / Bonheur ?F^S 2Q1?H bT") (F. S. 1651J. H. B.) Well Done 25987 < (t. b. 291 d. U. B.) ( Erica (F. S. 1946 J. H. B.) ^ Village Lass. Fancy Wax 37159.— Yield of milk, 116 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 33^ oz. ; test made from December 3 to 10, 1888 ; age, 2 years and 11 months ; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons ground oats and corn, in equal parts; property of Morgan & Brown, Columbia, Tenn. / r ^^A Ti ,,...„ oil- J Top-Sawyer 1404. ,^ , „ ,,„„„ Lord Harry 344., 1 Duchess of Bloomfield 3653. / Fancy's Harry 9,7-. t .mfi^^p,. 001 J I Lan.lseer's Fancy 2876. -] l^^'^^^, 07. ( Top-Sawyer 1404 -^'' I Beeswax 9807 ! p., Fancy Wax 37159 I Marins 760 ^>ml)leiii 90. \ FMirfax 530 "1 r.isma l()6!t, imp. Bisma "<1 ;870. Rioter Rhea 10092.— Yield of milk, 18 qts. per day; yield of butter, 19 lbs. Si^oz. ; test made from August 7 to 13, 1886 ; age, 7 years and 4 months ; g^i'ain fed during test, 18 qts. per da^' ; estimated weight of cow, 800 lbs. ; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. ,T ,--n j Neptune of the Grange 154C. T o -.r.^ j '^^^°^ ^°''" 1 Jessica of the Grange 3805. Jason Jr. o2<0 < , Neptune of the Grange 154; . ( Lady Reynolds 3808 ^ c„{.,py gg^^ Rioter Rhea 10092 -( 1 . 11-^, ,„!,„. .^-io,8 ' T[oTace (P. S. 94 J. H. H. B.) 35 J. H. B.) Fan's Grouville ( xj<„\„ -v-ra * Horace (P. S. 94 J. H. B.)' Beauty 10079 -[ ( p. S 1629 J.'h"b.)' ' Cigarette (F. S. 1962 J. H. B.) 1 fSflnoPenr , J Welcome (F. S. 166 J. H. B.) Fan of Grouville P , J^ « omi' w r\' I Fauchon (F. S. 1322 J. H. B.J 7458. (F. S. 201 J. H. B.) Brunette (F. S. 12.56 J. H. B.) BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS, 65 Grace G. Parks 29263.— Yield of milk, 257 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from June 2* to July 1, 1888 ; age 6 years and 1 month ; estimated weight, 800 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 12 lbs. corn meal, 13J^ lbs. oil meal, 1^2 lbs. oats, d}4 lbs. bran and middlings ; property of A. D. McBride, Rochester, N. Y. Deerfoot Boy of Som- ^ Fitz 1988 -j ?^g|°y^|]?d 2d 4264. ^, „ , erbetby44 1 a„u , v>„ ^~. oqki ) Sancho Boy 1576. Grace G. Parks J ( Sally Parks 3854 -J white Eose 3771. 1 ( Duke of Somerset 1886. . \ ^if^l ^l^'Jl^i^,?}'''^ ^^^^■ '^Estella Parks 15435 - ' ^^°'^ T^"^^?'^ 3, 08. j Dnchess of Somerset j^^^^^ ^f Somerset 1886. °'''° I Cora Parks 3781. * Harmony 2d 17118.— Yield of milk, 273 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 3 oz. ; test made from May 15 to 21, 1885; age, 5 years and 1 month; property of Richard Peters, Atlanta, Ga. (Sio-nalllTO i Marius 760. rAlfon..o3013 Signal 11.0 , Panp Morris 20G0. ( Rosa Gamp 2732. . . . -j ^^^f^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ,^^ Harmony 2d 17118 -( I Pertinatti7i3 J Pilot. Jr. 141. -Harmony 4148 ^-tmam .3 Hen 1,0 n„p. Uusicim ]^}S^^1. * Annie Dale's Princess 12664. — Yield of milk, 335 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 23.2 oz. ; test made from May 31 to June 6, 1886 ; age, 7 years and 10 months ; property of E. Family, Oceanic, N. J. I Pharos, Jr. 3621 \ P^^f™^ 3552, imp. /- Prince of Scituate 3888.- . _^ J Pharos -Ssl imp Annie Dale's Princess ' ^'^"'^ °^ Scituate 79, , . . . ^ j^^^^^ g^j,-' ^^ ^^j^.^ 12664 -{ ate 7828. ^Narragansett5.36 j ^^^^^^f Unnie Dale 12062 - Km ^n i, L * Lily Dale 69 j ^H^l^&ow 70. * Beauty of Jersey 7850. — Yield of milk, 280 lbs. 15 oz. ; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 2 oz., unsalted ; test made from July 19 to 25, 1882 ; age when made, 6 years and 4 months ; property of W. J. Chinn, Frankfort, Ky. Feed, 1 qt. corn meal, 1% qts. wheat bran, 1 pt. oil meal, twice daily ; pasture, good blue grass. i Dick (F. S. 223 J. H. B.) Beauty of Jersey 7850 - j Mignonne (F. S. 9.55 J. H. B.) * Madge 18904 (F. S. 3502 J. H. B.)— Yield of milk, 245 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of buttex-, 19 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from February 10 to 17, 1886; age, 6 yeare and 6 months ; property of William H. Burr, Redding Ridge, Conn. 66 BUTTEE TESTS OF JEKSEYS. * Optima 6715.— Yield of milk, 191 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from January 24 to 31, 1885 ; ag'e, 7 years and 9 months ; property of L. J. & A. W. Hill, Atlanta, Ga. (Signal lirO (Marms.bO | Lady Mary 1148, imp. ] Pansy Morris 2060 J Albf^g^^j; gg Optima 6715 -I (Oakland 33 -j SowsS ''■ Uompl098 ] McCleUan^ 'Buttercup 3d 1099 K?cup2dll00. * Roland's Bonnie 2d 18054.— Yield of milk, 217 lbs.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 2 oz., unsalted ; test made from January 13 to 19, 1883 ; age when made, 4 3'ears and 11 months ; property of J. H. Walker, Worcester, Mass. Feed, 9 qts. equal parts corn meal and shorts ; no pasture. ' Star F. 8364. Eoland's Bonnie Sd 18054 I Bvron '^79 i ^^""^ Tapley 270. ) Svlvift fW7 ' ^^^ Lincoln 268. (bjiMabS, (Millie 690. .Roland's Bonnie 18053.. Roland of Deerfoot 8.363 -! Birdie Romeo 18052. I Albion 490. '/ Rose 2714, imp. J Jessie's Romeo 8362. ( Jessie 986. Tormentor's Favorite 36873.— Yield of milk, 142 lbs.; jield of butter, 19 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from December 2 to 9, 1890 ; age, 5 years and 1 month ; estimated weight, 825 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 5 gallons meal ; property of E. H. Hatcher, Columbia, Tenn. r TZh^Ai -a J Leo (F. S. 198 J. H. B.) ,p i ioot" h' r\ ' *^'oomassie (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) J (1^. b. B.) (11874 A. J. C. C.) r Tormentor 3533.... Tormentor's Favorite I 36873 -l ^Nilsson's Favorite 17680 Angela (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) ci Tj rMoQoi- J Qiiogue 090. bi> isoots d~io -j gjjiijg Bunj^yr ^406, j^p Kilsson2d3218 j ^onW * Thisbe 2d 2201.— Yield of milk, 373 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 13^ oz., salted ; test made from April 19 to 26, 1882 ; age when made, 11 years and 6 months ; property of John E. Stiles, Artesia, Miss. Feed was raw cotton seed and dry bran, with good pasture, mixed grasses. I Dick Swiveller 159 \ MoHie^lfo imn /■ Cliff 176 ^ ' ^^^°"'*^ ''' "' ^ P- I ' Fanny 305. imp. Thisbe 2tl 2301 -J ^,. , ,,. J Bertie 307 ] Fai° y V ^Thisbe 60, ^ w k- ^o- ' Charleston 1. W ybie 59o ■; princess 836, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 57 * Columbine of St. Lambert 8350.— Yield of milk, 363 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 1 oz. ; test made from June 4 to 10, 1886 ; age, 8 years and 1 month ; property of Valancey E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. # ( Stoke Pogis 3d 2238. j ^toke Pogis 1259, imp. Columbine of St. Lam- I I, Marjoram 3239, imp. bert 8350 -! "* C°Pid of St. Lambert 5104 ] IZtviT^i, imp. Cora Belmont 2d 48868.— Yield of milk, 308 lbs.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from June 22 to 29, 1890 ; age, 4 years and 3 months ; actual weight, 820 lbs.; grain fed daih', 8 qts, corn meal, 5 qts. oil meal and 10 qts. ground oats ; property of T. R. Proctor, Utica, N. Y". j Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 \ tl^^^J^lf%l^\i^^^- CoraBelmontSd ^Bunker9025 -j ^^^^.^ Bunker 1426, imp. ' Castella (F. S. 2845 J. H. B.) * Magna 2238, imp. — Y'ield of butter, 19 lbs. 1 oz., unsalted ; test made from October 19 to 26, 1882 ; age when made, 14 years ; property of W. B. Dinsmore, Staatsburgh, N. Y. * Rosy Dream 9808.— Yield of milk, 141 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from August 12 to 18, 1884 ; age, 5 years and 2J^ months ; property of Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. ( Lord Lawrence 1414. -j |^X M^rv lias imn (Jubilee 2125 \ MarbS ' ^" |Empresa2790 ] ^^^^I'^^l^i Rosy Dream 9808 < I Landseer m -{ nazzle^3r9 imp Uandseer's Fancy 2876. . ] gen Grant T' ( Young Fancy 9 -j p^^^y o^ 95. May Day Stoke Pogis 28353.— Yield of milk, 310 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs. }o, oz.; test made from March 9 to 16, 1889 ; age, 8 years and 9 months ; estimated weight, 1,050 lbs.; grain fed daily, 23 lbs. bran, corn chop and oat chop, mixed ; property of W. B. von Richthofen, Montclair, Col. f Stokp Pofri, ^d 22:W i ^^°^^ ^^Sis 1259, imp. May Day Stoke Pogis \ °^°^^ ^°^** "^'^ '^'^° 1 Marjoram 3239, imp. 28353 . ^ . . May Day of St. Lambert \ Lord Lisgar 106C ] pau^Hn^^g^" ^^~' ^™^' 5109 ■) J Victor Hugo 197, imp. ( lerne 13, 3 -j g^^^^y jgjg^ j^jp 58 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Belle of Prospect 2d 14326.— Yield of milk, 204 lbs.; yield of butter, Id lbs.; test made from July 11 to 18, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 1 month ; prop- erty of W. M. Bell. Miami. Mo. i Mogul 5;33, imp. ^ ' Sliirley 1613 j , I,„j, Duke 18.* Belle of Prospect M I ' ^'"^"^ "'^^ ^^^ 1 Xiobe 99. imp. 14.K6. .r Ran. of Prn«.P.t«fiP~ ^ Baltimore Boy 837.. -] v?olet°if Oakland 2080, imp. iBelle of Prospect 662,. , Baltimore Boy 837. ' -^^"y ^^''^ ^■^^~ (Una Carroll 1497. *Fair Lady 6723.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs.; yield of butter, 19 lbs., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from June 17 to 23, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years and 6 months ; property of the Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. Feed, 6 qts. daily of oats and corn ground together with cut hay ; pasture, blue grass and white clover. rGuy Mannering 698 ] ^.VneUeiass 1780, imp Fair Lady 6733 < VFanny Fair 4136.. \ Guy Mannering 698 -J g^unette'Lass 1780, imp. Lady Fair 1765, imp. Gilderoys Idex 42027.— Yield of milk, 265 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs.; made from 3Iay 11 to 18, 1889 ; age, -4 years and 2 months : estimated weight, 825 lbs.: grain fed daily, 20 lbs. bran and corn-hearts, mixed ; prop- erty of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. , ,r„ „,- , ,.« ( Islander 561. ^Magneticl438 , Azalea 144:3. Noble (F. S. 71 J. H. B.) Dairy Pride (F. S. 348 J. H. B.) Gilderov's Idex 42027.-' (-Gilderoy2107 -, \t^, ( Jeanne Le Bas 2476 . -j g^ I , T- , 1-c- j Brookside 1104. L, „, .„„ (Lrsell.b.. i Hebe 5th 1181. Ildex2d.^429 -_ ____ Pifrror. 636. ,mr, '/ TdPT 3108 i Pierrot 636. imp. f laex dius I Caprice 797, imp. * Rissa 16014 'F. S. 2173 J. H. B.)— Yield of milk, 210 lbs.; yield of but- ter, 19 lbs., unsalted ; test made from June 2 to 9, 1882 ; age when made, 4 years and 6 months ; property of Nathan Brownell, Hubbardsville, N. Y. * Silver Wave 10844.— Yield of milk, 382 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 19 lbs.; test made from July 6 to 13, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 8 months ; property of William E. Gates, Vicksburg, Miss. , ,, „„ ... ( Jack Horner 514. imp. ,'The Hub 1009 PI°"«-^ ^^^ , Meg Merrilies 1372, imp. Bessie 139, imp. Silver Wave 10844 - ( Lord Lisgar 1066. xr.ri.u ^^,~ ^ ^^^""^^ -^ ' Amelia 484, imp. V 6.J.3- - jy^jg, 670, imp 'SiLu4,0o -( Angela 1682. BUTTE K TESTS OF JERSEYS. 59 Cordelia Signal 33452.— Yield of milk, 199 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. lo^o oz.; test made from Juh' 15 to 32, 1889 ; age, 4 years and 8 months ; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. corn meal, 2 qts. ground oats and 2 qts. flaxseed meal ; property of Carson & Bro., Crab Orchard, Ky. .Sicrnallirn >MarinsT60. rWande-er 301-1 - ' P^°*-^' ^*«"^^ 2060. Cordelia Signal P^^^^^"^^ '''''■ " " " / cosette :58r4 ■' 'f.T.^^^^ tH^UT' .TO,-, ° I ' Daisy Grant i44o. imp. isecond Cousin , Beechwood Lawrence 59:38 . .; ^^'i^^^oV^HilUid'e \m. ^''^^ I vircr f-nn«!i, lOKftr? > Marins of Beechwood 1872. Nettina ofWinnikee 46406.— Yield of milk, 290 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of but- ter, 18 lbs. 151^ oz.; test made from December 24 to 31, 1889; age. 5 years and 4 months; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daily, 15 lbs. meal, TJ^ lbs. bi-an and about 1 lb. oil meal ; property of Rufus A. Sibley, Spencer, Mass. r IT hn. "PO ' ''"'^' °' ^"'^*'' '-''''' ■' Je^'r^eTBdie'of Scitaate 7828. V .,- f W i^"^"^'"'''''^ "/ Blossom of Darlington 7111. .'^""'i7"f Darlington 245^^ Netiina of W in- 1 " < \ esta 1235. imp. nikee 40400. ' 1 , Washita 3813 ■' ?°|S°^°t!^^L n I TDi, „,»;„., ii!ir,T ( letn\s dotjo, imp. VPhrynetmel619^...-.__ ____ . > Oriflimmp •iwo'^ '/ Phrvnpnp qo^q ' ' Oriflamme 2559. ' l^nrvnette 9U!^9 , p^rvne 4289. Bijou Ogston 82 10.— Yield of milk, 217 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from June 14 to 21, 1S8T ; age, 11 j-eai-s ; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. corn and oats and 1 qt. pea meal : property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. I Merry Boy (P. S. 61 J. H. B.) iDnke(P. S. 76 J. H. B.)- r Superb (P. S. 353 J. H. B.) Cotmtess (F. S. 1302 J. H. B.) * Countess Potoka 7496.— Yield of milk, 220 lbs. 9 oz. ; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 15 oz., uusalted ; thoroughly woi'ked, increased in weight when salted ; test made from May 14 to 20, 1882 ; age when made, 4 years and 1 month ; property of Thomas H. Malone, Xashville. Tenn. Feed, 6 qts. corn meal twice daily ; pasture, blue grass, very good. T„„„ ir; c-n ' Albert 44. * Jersey King s.9 ■, grinnella 1.302. Countess Potoka 7496. fFanchon's King 26:37. . . - , t,„>, r„.. ,- ^' /Fanchon2dl958 ! ^^.'choi; k^^- I Com Qcn 1 On I. of J. Icarrie Lena 3348 i ''" '"^ '[^^ITJ""' '^^■ i Lena 3S4< ^ g^^jg .-j^ .^g^j^ 60 BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Lady Phillis 18240.— Yield of milk, 245 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from March 14 to 21,1886; ag-e, 3 years and 11 months; property of William H. Burr, Redding Eidge, Conn. r Forget-me-not 6291 \ Grey King (P. S. 169 J. H. B. fFarmer'e Glory SlOG-- (F. S. 274 J. H. B.) ( Bonheur (F. S. 1651 J. H. B.) f orgei-ine-uoi n-ayi.-i (P. S. 291 J. H. B.) i Music (P. S. 118 J. H. B.) VErica -' Lady Phillis 18240 ] (F. S. 1946 J. H. B.) / Camdia (F. S.— J. H. B.) \ Khedive (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) I Grey Coat - (P. S. 197 J. H. B.) / Fanchon 2|00| ^ ^ ^ Phillis 18162 (F. S. 839 J. H''B.r *CEnone 8614.— Yield of milk, 139 lbs. 7oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from December 29, 1885, to January 4, 1886 ; age, 7 years and 8 months ; property of William Morrow, Nashville, Tenn. ( Marius 760 ■* "^""^ ^^^ ^^^• -Si„„alll70 jMarius ,60 , Lady Mary 1148. imp. \ Pansy Morris 2060 -[ ^f^f/g^^ gg n- 1 io~r.p \ Elkomah 4401 ] j^^jj^ ^^„.^^^ ^^gg L waiter urn iz,,b...-. . rj,^^^^ ^f ^lomu Waite 2334. ( Millie Waite 10646.. -j ^jj^g ^^ ^^unt Waite 5207. Derjava 59830.— Yield of milk, 204 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 14 oz. ; test made from October 31 to November 7, 1890 ; age, 2 years ; estimated weight, 550 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 lbs. corn, oats and barley chop, 4 Ib.s. malt, 2 lbs. bran and 2 lbs. oil meal ; property of Belmont Jersey Cattle Co., Columbus, Ohio. ( Top-Sawyer 1404 -\ ^!^!l^^j'^a' /- Lord Harry 3445 - Rw'T-n''- I Duchess of Bloomfield 3653. - ? °^T ^V,?:,,'™?- I ( Angela 1682. Derjava 598.30 - ( Signalda 4027 -] H^\^l''lMJ^- { Renalda 20924 ^ ^'°4 •»' -^v,, ., ^Penalha4i17 | Pertmattl 713. f Kenalba 4il, - ^gjjgj, j o-g. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 61 * Golden Princess 4557.— Yield of milk, 108 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from October 13 to 19, 1885; ag-e, 9 years and 10 months ; property of T. W. McNeely, Petersburgh, 111. This cow made a test of 17 lbs. 8 oz. in September previous to this test. 'Marcot726. Oolden Princess 4557 . .Daffodil 307, imp. ( Pioneer 368. 1 Myce 1810. . ( Bliicher. ( Beauty. ( Potomac 153. ") Candour 3-^5. ( Pioneer 368. i Button 953. Ulricalla 22225.— Yield of milk, 195 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from February 24 to March 2, 1887; age, 3 years and 5 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 lbs. crushed oats, 4 lbs. bran, 1 lb. oil meal, IJ^ lbs. corn meal, IJ^ lbs. pea meal and 2 lbs. shorts ; property of C. W. H. Eicke, West Monterey, Pa. I Amadeus 1043 \ v^th^Lin o-q^ ] Ida .M 2254 ] Wa ?72°'' Ulricalla 22225 -I 1 Rosa Thornton l''"^ -I '^*'''^"''' ^^° ] LottieVarren 1667. * Queen Neptune 15501.— Yield of milk, 237 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 131^ oz.; test made from October 20 to 26, 1885; age, 4 years and 10 months ; property of D. A. Givens, Cynthiana, Ky. Queen Neptune 15501. ( Neptune 2d (P. S. 206 J. H. B.) /'Scipio (P. S. 15^ ( Jersey Boy i (P. S. 92 J. H. B.) J. H. B.) i Belle Grisette 3d (P. S. 90 J. H. B.^ \, Mermaid (P. S. 55 J. H. B.) ,Lady Rushmore 11812, imp. Duke 4th (P. S. lOJ. H.B.) Syren (F. S. 371 J. H. B.) Birdie Nicholson 31676.— Yield of milk. 214 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from June 20 to 27, 1889; age, 4 years and 11 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed dailj^ 4 gallons, consisting of two-thirds meal and one-third oats ; property of Maury Jersey Farm, Colum- bia, Tenn. I Sio-nal 1170 * ^a^us 760. rSi^nalda 4027 -* ' ^^^^y ^^""'s 2060. Birdie Nicholson ° \ Alda :»73 -1 ?'■^"!^ ^^l^J" .^'^^i^ ^O^^''- 31076 ■[ ( Archie 1112, mip. '^'^'of. "^'a^l^r"" * °"'"" '"■'' "i Q"° en Maty 6212. (Lady Mary Hampton 4861 -;^-;|^P-!3;^«i;'-P- 62 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Happy Winn 35358.— Yield of milk, 282 lbs.; yield of buttei-, 18 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from April 1 to 8, 1889 ; age, 4 years ; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daily, 22 lbs. feed meal ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. , ^ .... \ Duke Of Darlington 2460. . \ IX.asS" f "'^^^^^"' (Nome Darlington 5956... ..;|^y^^5i?i-^-f«- Happy Winn 35358. iClusiusH.5781 -iS-^Sg '''•'■ .Happy H. 20566. . - ^___ ^ ___ ^^^^ [ MaTorldanis 1044 Jenny Gray 3511 \^^^ htfoot 2745. * Queen of Delaware 17029.— Yield of milk, 252 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 13 oz., salted; test made from June 24 to 30, 1882; age when made, 4 years and l}.^ months ; property of A. Baker, West Dry den, N. Y. Her feed was grass alone ; timothy just heading. I Xoble (F. S. 104 J. H. B.). -) f.^Tof^l' ^^ ^^ ^- ^^ ^'^ r Noble 901, imp...- luni.ou. ^17029°^ ■^*''^" """ J ^^""y °^ Babylon 2345, imp. i Jennie of Sidney ^ Noble 901 .; ^^^l^^%- 1^^^„ J" i;^^,,,^, iKo-tta of Sidney 4520... -iSi^^i^P:^^, 3,,, ,^p. Silicon 25577.— Yield of milk, 202 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from July 15 to 22, 1888 ; age, 4 years and 6 months ; estimated weight, 675 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. bran and 4 lbs. corn meal ; property of Jacob L. Thomas, Knoxville, Tenn. I Guy Fawkes ( Sir George 7656 < (F. S. 251 J. H. B.) [ Prince George 11571 ....■{ ( Brown Bess 13092, imp. I \ St. Clementaise 1S163 (F. S. 917 J. H. B.) I Umpire 2d (P. S. 232 J. H. B.) '"1 Snowy (F. S. 910 J. H. B.) Belle Dame 2d 22043.— Yield of milk, 143 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 12 oz.; made from December 7 to 14, 1890; age, 10 years and 9 months; actual weight, 920 lbs.; fed daily 12 lbs. wiieat middlings and 17 lbs. beets; property of Thomas Allen, Pittsfield, Mass. ; Hero ^P S 1-^fi T H R 1 * '^'^^^ ^'^- ^- ^^^ ^- ^- ^'^ ,,-. , .„„ \^"°<^-*'- ^-''•'■^••'^•■' (Cow8lip(P. S. 24 J. H. B.) rcarlo 5.«9 - ^ Yankee (P. S 27 J. H. B.) I ( Pretty Maid 7012 " on t nt i Belle Dame 2d 22043....-^ (F. S. 1493 J. H. B.) ('Jni. oij. VBelle Dame 11951 (F. S. 1934 J. H. B.) -Belmeda 6229.— Yield of milk, 202 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 12 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from April 3 to 9, 1883; age when made, G years and 3 days ; property of G. R. Dykeman, Shippensburgh, Pa. ; Pierrot 'M 1669 -* Pierrot G36, imp. ( Sunerb 1956 \ ' D^*°^-^ '96, imp. I *'"PerD i»5b ....<, , Bliicher 2d 102. (Mjrtle2d211 ( Myrtle 208. Belmeda6229 -l ( Hurd's Ivanhoe 1522. . . . -' '^'^^^^l- r^.^.,,.^ .,-o . lorphean 4636 - Mav Bm?TOr ^ / Hurd's Orpha. 3.346 l ffi^ifg^f " Silicon 25577 -! IsadieA. 25573, BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 63 * Lady Gray of Hilltop 6850.— Yield of milk, 42 lbs. per day ; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 13 oz. ; property' of R. J. Fair, Wallingford, Conn. I Albert 44 -* "^^"^ ^^' ^°^V- /■Wethersfield 966.-^ i Prankie 17, imp. Lady Gray of Hilltop " ' Grinnella 2d 1303, imp. in dam. -| g^j^n^fif igoo, imp. 6850 -I i Sam 980, imp. in dam -| 2" J" ,*]^ in., ; -„ „ VBess Lena 3349. . . -' a ?f T^ ,• '^ ^• /Tpnn -^^jr * Albert 44. f Lena 334, -^ ^^^^^^ .,^ gg^^ * Mon Plaisir of Yerba Buena Ranch 12622, imp.— Yield of milk, 239 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from March 6 to 12, 1884; age, 6 years ; property of Henry Pierce, San Francisco, Cal. *Narmeoka H. 12323.— Yield of milk, 381 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 12 oz. ; test made from June 13 to 19, 1885; age, 8 years and 6 months; property of William H. Hayden, Albany, Vt. ( Bvron 279 * ^»* "^^P^^y ~™- ( Bismarck i ^ ' B«"y 683. CFairbankV') •l-i77. "^ ^ | Sylvia 687 -| ^1^^;^^'" ~^^' Narmeoka H. 12323 -! iLadyLlghtfoot2745....r°^"^^^^°'^^^ ^ »a^f89, imp. ( Tulip 1793, imp. ♦Princess of the Valley 22641.— Yield of milk, 263 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from February 19 to 25, 1885 ; age, 6 years ; property of William Whiting, Holyoke, Mass. ! Rumicus * Sans-Peur (F. S. 201 J. H. B.) /-Pretender j ^?P S 109 J.' hIb.) ' ' ^^ncy (F. S. 1324 J. H. B.) Princess of the (P. S. 187 J. H. B.) ) Valley 22641 -{ { Gentille (F. S. 794 J. H. B.) Tenella 2d 19,521 . . , Blush Rose (F. S. 453 J. H. B.) * Tenella 2d 19521.— Yield of milk, 314 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from April 8 to 14, 1884 ; age, 3 years and 8 months ; property of J. B. Wade, Atlanta, Ga. f of 3 ""^'^^ ^'^'^^ ^'^^'^ '''' > vHrtLac^.^se 2740, imp. I ^ A[ra'Ml°'. . . . / Zina 2d 3082 -) f [^'^,416. I imo-tiHlii-n JMarius760. Tenella fi71o (S'gn7. imp. 'Litchfield 674. May Blossom 56S7 . ^Bessie Allen .3719. ^Tom Dasher 420 / Allen's Fawnette .3722. \ Albert 44. "/ Flora ^20. I Living Storm 173. '( Little Fawn 3308. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 65 Signalda's Rosebud 35583.— Yield of milk, 309 lbs. ; yield of butter, 18 lbs. lOig oz.; test made from April 28 to May 5, 1889; age, 3 years and 10 months; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 20 lbs. corn-hearts and bran, mixed ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. i Signal lirO \ Marina 760. / Signalda 4027 < 'i Pansy Morris 3060. ( Alda 3873 t Grand Duke Alexis 1040. Signalda's Rosebud 35583.- ' ^''^''' ^"- ''"P" rTSvnwnvrP q 1 t^s T Ti R > ( Tom (P. S. 77 J. H. B.) Uosebud of Belle Biowny (P. S. 158 J. H. B.) -^ ^^^^.^ ^p ^^ gg^ j g g ^ Vue 7702 < { Rosa of Belle Vue 6954, imp. Chancery 37987.— Yield of milk, 140 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from November 17 to 24, 1889; age, 5 years and 2 months ; actual weight, 930 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 lbs. wheat middlings ; property of Mrs. Thomas Allen, Pittsfield, Mass. , cv r^^„.„^ -fis« t Guy Fawkes (P. S. 251 J. H. B.) ,^.-u r-a.c ^ Sir George .656 •, Brown Bess 13092. imp. piburn .658 ") ,.• i , m c qr t w r ^ » Browny (P. S. 128 J. H. B.) / Violet (P. S. 36 J. H. B.) -] paisy (P. S. 511 J. H. B.) Chancery 37987 ■< , , ,„„. I , T> 1 • oec- * Sweepstakes Duke IQOo. VChaffinch 16.524... -J t Pandon 3169. ( Canary Bird 4th 969, . . . , Canary Bird 2396. « * Island Star 11876.— Yield of butter, 18 lbs. 10 oz., unsalted ; test made from May 30 to June 5, 1883 ; age when made, 4 years and 2 months ; prop- erty of S. M. Burnham, Saugatuck, Conn. Feed, 4 qts. corn meal, 4 qts. bran, daily ; pasture, June grass, timothy, redtop. I Nonpareil .Koflee - (P. 8.37 J. IT. B.) (P. S. 233 J. H. B.) ( Coomassie 11874 Guv Fawkes < (P. »■ 1«2 J. H. B.) Island Star 11876. (P. S. 2.51 J. H. B.) Angelica (F. S. 1738 J. H. B.) I Nonpareil fKoflee - (P S.37J.H. B.) ^ „ „„„, j (F, S. 233 J. H. B.) / Coomassie 11874 Gazelle 15961. . ... ... ...< (P. S. 1442 J. H. B.) (F.S.1726J.H.B.) (Lydia. *Percie 14937.— Yield of milk, 234 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from June 3 to 9, 188.5 ; age, 4 years ; property of Cornelius "Wellington, East Lexington, Mass. , XT 1 T OCQ1 > Beeswax 1931. \ ^ed Ives 3631 •, L^dy Ives 1708. /- Golden Lion 52.39. . . - j Pierrot 636, imp. / Hannah Duncan .3d 4020 . . -, Ylnnunh Duncan 4027. Percie 14937 -{ t » ■r^ <• » i,-op I -n- 1 • 1 onoK ' jMson of Deerfoot 10.j6. \ Pickwick 3985. -, yillette 1382. l^Bellita 2d 10311 , „ „., ,..., i Hamilton 1074. ' Belhta 4o.>? ( Little Bella 3693, imp. * Pride of the Manor 22652 (F. S. 3964 J. H. B.^— Yield of milk, 276 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from February 16 to 23, 1884 ; age, 4 years ; property of William Wliiting, Holyoke, Mass. 66 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Siloam 17623.— Yield of milk, 230 lbs. 12}4 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 9i^ oz.; test made from May 6 to 12, 1884 ; age, 3 ^-ears and 4 months; fed during test, 8 quarts oats and bran twice daily, with good blue grass pasture : prop- erty of John B. Wallace, Lexington, Ky. ( Silvcrlocks Jr. 699 -' ^"^f fo^'^^l^l^G. /-Silver Mine 1658 \ ? U'' ^^ni'^'- Minerva 1539 \ ^J'^^'.^ 60, I ( Maggie 1416. Siloam 17623.. ' ( Volunteer 1253 \ Q?^'^*'.'" ^.^™ Prunella 2d 5861 \ ' ^ ictonne 2233. ( Prunella 3607, imp. * Beauty Romeril 26090.— Yield of milk, 219 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from November 29 to December 5, 1884; age, 4 years and 7 months ; property of Newton Frazier, Simpsonville, Ky. ('Progress (F. S. 286 J. H. B.) I i Nonpareil Beauty Romeril 26090 J /Horace -, (P. S. 37 J. H. P. I (P. S. 94 J. H. B.) I Young Patricia Uady J ^P.S.35J.H.B.) (P.S.214J.H.B.) iStockwell2d l^Kittv 22006 - (P. S. 24 J. H. B.) (P: S. 82 J. H. B.) ( Fanny (F. S. 663 J. H. B.) Perry Farm Golden Cloud 22872, imp.— Yield of milk, 208 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from June 14 to 21, 1887 : age, 6 years ; esti- mated weight, 850 lbs.; gi-ain fed daily, 4 qts. ground corn and oats, 4 qts. bran and 1 qt. pea meal ; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. ( Jersey Boy rCato ■{ (P. S. 92J. H. B.) tP. S. 178 J. H. B.) ( Belle Grisette rRough -{ (P. S. 567 J. H. B.) (P. S. 239 J. H. B.) i Milord Perrv Farm Golden Cloud J l.Dovey -I ( p S. 119 J. 11 B ) 228'72. 1 (P. S. 254 J. H. B.) / Rosette (F. S. 1154 J. II. B.) VOnl. ofj. Rioter's Sweet Brier 30582.— Yield of milk, 212 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from February 11 to 18, 1891 ; age, 6 years and 8 months ; estimated weight, 1,100 lbs.; grain fed daily, 6 lbs. pea meal, 12 lbs. corn meal and 16 lbs. crushed oats ; property of Ayer & McKinney, Philadelphia, Pa. /-D-a ' Riote io481 ^ ^'' '''°'°'°' '''' ^'"'''"'"'' ' P''^'^^^^^^^^ Rioter's Sweet J ""' ' " " ' ^^^^ "^ ^^^ I^^^^^^^^* ^636. ...-] ^Lfof StSbm 512:^. Brier 30582... 1 \ c ^ x> • » c.» , T J T • in^cj i Victor Iliigo 197, imp. ISvveet Bncr of St. Lord Lisgar 1066 ■, p^„,ij,g ^^-J Lambert 5481 < , . „.,.,i cfia ' Lily of St. Lambert 5120 \ ^^j^.fj ^fwind.or 433, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 67 * Belle Grinnell 4073.— Yield of butter, 18 lbs. 8 oz., vmsalted ; test made from June 11 to 18, 1882 ; age when made, 7 years and 11 months ; property of S. W. Robbins, Wethersfield, Conn. Feed, 4 qts. corn meal night and morning- ; roug-h, bushy pasture. \ Rob Roy 17, imp. I Emma 801, imp. {Monitor 878 1 Albert 44 -* J"''>' 1^',™? firinnpiii, sfl oom } ' ^rankle 1,. ii Grinnella .3d 2209 .' ' l^rankie 1 . . imp. ' Grinnella 1.302, imp. * Brunette Hammond 7284, imp. — Yield of milk, 354 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 8 oz. ; test made from April 7 to 15, 1885; age, 9 years ; properly of F. C. Havemeyer, West Chester, N. Y. * Floribundus 2d 14949.— Yield of butter, 18 lbs. 8 oz., salted ; test made from June 34 to July 1, 1883; age when made, 4 years and 4 months; prop- erty of L. L. Tozier, Batavia, N. Y. I Welcome fTom - ( F. S. 172 J. H. B.) n-ictor J (P.«-'rJ.H.B.) (Belle (F. S. 302 J. H. B.) (P. S. 148 J. H. B.) Floribundus 2d 14949 J, (^La Petite Jaune (F. S. 106.i J. H. B.) '^ Floribundus (F. S. 659 J. H. B.) Lady Phillis 2d 35629.— Yield of milk, 360 lbs. 12 oz. ; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 8 oz. ; test made from January 39 to February 5, 1888; ag-e, 2 years and 9 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs. ; grain fed during test, 8 lbs. corn and oats, 4 lbs. cotton seed meal, 3 lbs. middlings, daily ; property of Wm. H. Burr, Redding Ridge, Conn. Koffee of Ridgeside ( Kin, Koffee 5522 -] ^^^^^ ^^ ^21 J. H. B.) Lady Phillis 2d ) Attractive Maid 16925. * ^°" ^^'^''^ "^ BinKhamton 2974. I Florence 1043. I 1 T?^,.™,^* ^„ ^„t «.-)oi * Farmer's Glory 5196. ^Ladv Phillis 18-40 \ forget-me-not 6291 . . . ^ ^rica , F. S. 1946 J. H. B.) Lady Phillis 18^40 . ...< ^ ^^^^ ,p_ g jg- j g g^ ' ^"i"'!* "-d 1B198 -) piiiiiia 18162. *Nymphaea 5141.— Yield of milk, 350 lbs. 9oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 1}.<2 OZ.; test made from June 30 to July 6, 1884 ; age, 8 years and 3 months ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. ' T„^;t„, no < Saturn 94. imp. I Saturn 94, imp '( Rhea 166. imp. Nvmphsea 5141 -{ , ,r .0-. ( Jupiter 93. (Mercury 432 -/AlpheaKl. 'Mercury 432 i Saturn 94, inip. ( Alphea 1,1 -, tjv„,. ... i„,|' r i^eaa.yy ^ Europa 176. 68 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSKYS. * Rosa of Belle Vue 6954. — Yield of milk, 205 lbs. 8 oz. ; j-ield of butter, IS lbs. Ti.> oz., Liusalted ; thoroughly worked, increased in weight when salted ; test niade from August 3 to 9, 1S82 ; age when made, 6 years and over ; property of Thomas H. Malone, Nashville, Tenn. Feed, 6 qts. corn meal twice daily ; pasture, blue grass, dry and poor. I Orange Peel 502 {Orange Peel 3d - (F. S. 129 J. H. B.) (P. S. 36J. H. B.) /Fairy (F. S. 332 J. H. B.) \ Orange Peel 502 Young Rose -' (F. S. 129 J. H. B.) I (P. S. 13 J. H. B.) (Rose ^Bye-Bye (F. S. 3180 J. H. B.) (F. S. 339 J. H. B.) * Leoni 1 1868.— Yield of milk, 224 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from April 30 to May 5, 1884 ; age, 4 years ; property of H. P. Figuers, Columbia, Tenn. p...,;.,„rf, -iQ ' Pilot. Jr- 141. . ^ , ,,^„ \ Pertinatti ,13 - p^^ ^j^ j I Rector 1458 -, , j^i^^k 722. Leoni 11808 I ' ^°^^''^ *^^ "•^■^~ / Roxana 1761. Brunette Lass 1780, imp. *Mollie Garfield 12172.— Yield of butter, 18 lbs. 7 oz.; property of F. S. Peer, East Palmyra, N. Y. Rai;^or,-^ cjn > ^''0^ ^ov 488. Beh^ario 040 ( Flora 1422. rBel Caliph 1432 ", I Jobn Le Bas 398 ' Calliope 1326 - (Noble F. S.71J. H. B.) Mollie Garfield 12172.. 4 i Caltha 877, imp. \ •««• 1 r> 1 '.r,r,~ * Victor 797, imp. ^Maple Dale 290, • g^^^j iggo/imj}; *Lucy Cobb 15133.— Yield of milk, 229 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 63^ oz.; test made from May 19 to 25, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 9 months ; property of L. J. & A. W. Hill, Atlanta, Ga. «..i„.,„,i iQcn ( Khedive 1051. , , , c -t,, ,c M ^ Brigand 1899 , Lenore 3d 712. ( Smoke bmith 4844 - ,Nelasko479. ' ^'^'''^^ ^'^O-^ -( Flora Ogden 1566. LncvCobb 151*5 -{ U-1 4tb.o,, .Telephone 3193 ]^^t^'''- VSida 4th 9284 - , SHverlocks. Jr. 699. f Maa -1.^0.1 -^ Winona of Clifton 3367. Friscilla Pogis 39270.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. Ci}i oz.; test made from March 12 to 19. 1890 ; age, 3 j^ears and 8 months ; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 7 lbs. 8 oz. corn meal, 5 lbs. cotton seed, 3 lbs. 8 oz. oil meal and 6 lbs. crushed oats ; property of Ayer & McKinney, Philadelphia, Pa. , L.. 1 Ti ■ -.u KfiQ- ( Stoke Pogis 13.59, imp. btoke Pogis Dth 598, . . . -^ Marjoran?3239. imp. Priscilla Pogis 39370. . < ' Dnchess of Darling- p u ke of Darlington 2400 ) |'J,7^fta8'2454?' ion 13830 - . ) Dick SwTveller 159. ' ^f'"'"^^ Stevens 1.3n..9. . . ■ p^;^^. gg^^ i^p_ BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 69 * Bloomer 3d 2321.— Yield of milk, 313 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from May 10 to 17, 1885; age, 13 yeai's and 1 month; property of Henry Pierce, San Francisco, Cal. I Hector of Plj'mouth Rock 886, imp. Bloomer 2d 2:331 I i Bloomer 2262 \ Deacon 29.3, imp. ' Bettie 5th 703 -* •^^"y ^■^' i°^P- * Eveline of Jersey 6781. — Y'ield of milk, average of 18 qts.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 6 oz. ; test made from July 25 to 31, 1881 ; age when made, 5 years and 4 months ; property of Edward L. Clarkson, Tivoli, N. Y'. I Clement 115 {/'Duke4th - (F. S. 61J. n. B.) (P. S. 10 J. H. B.) ( Queen Mab Grey Prince 4 (F. S. 180 .J. II. B.) (F. S. 168 J. H. B.) Uiren (F. S. 371 J. H. B.) Daisy (F. S. 1355 J. H. B.) *Lady Alice of Hillcrest 7450.— Yield of milk, 215 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from October 23 to 29, 1885; age, 7 years and 3 months ; pi'operty of James Crook, Jacksonville, Ala. : Mogul 532, imp. Jeweler 1385 < .Lookout Lady Alice <,f Hill- \ ^ ^^-1 Beauty 2d 1701 . . . -^ ^iF^S^^ H^ B^^ Mary Ann 2038 - p^j^ee 120. ' ^^^^°^ '^^'^ I Lady Alice 230. Le Brocq's Pansy Rex 23789.— Yield of milk, 280 lbs.; jueldof butter, 18 lbs. G oz.; test made from May 39 to June 6, 1888 ; age, 4 years and 8 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 2 lbs. 6 oz. oil meal, 4 lbs. 10 oz. ground oats, 2 lbs. 8 oz. bran and 3 lbs. 6 oz. pea meal ; property of H. M. Baum, Frankfort, Ind. j-Le Brocq-s Prize 3350. . ■[ Matin'7768, imp. %S:89'',^."^'....] ,^^^^.„„„„^,.^^,3,,5|Champi^^^^^^^^^ V.Pansy Res 115o9. . . •% 1 jjg^ jo-jq ( Princess Daisy 6248 -j gu^d's Kate 3678. * Pedro Girl 22400.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of bult.-r. 18 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from Marcli 9 to 16, 1886 ; age, 3 years, 8 months autl 9 days ; property of J. C. Kiplinger & Co., Springfield, Ohio. I Domino of Darlington ^ Pedro 3187 - 3459. ( Pedro 2d 5419 - ' Eurotas 2 154. ( „ ., , «n~,. s Magnetic 1428. Magnibel ,9,b -^ iii„"nibel 4040. Pedro Girl 22400 \ ^Oakland Chief 3964 l f^'^^'S imp. VFrozme's Pansy 19926.. -J . I Czar 251. (Frozme 8o,8 ■, Ladv 1418. 70 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Summerline 8001.— Yield of milk, 264 lbs. 6oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 6 oz.. unsalted; test made from August 7 to 14, 1883; age when made, 5 years and 5 months ; property of C. W. H. Eicke, West Monterey, Pa. The cow calved in January and was served April 28, 1883. ^ Wethersfield 966 -j GHnnllll'o,! vm ( Bristol Chief 14T6 - Comet ' 23 'J"dy691 -IK 69^ imp. Summerlme 8001 -! Salsoda -r-^l -^ ^''^ ^^^ ' Eugeifie 792, imp. ( Hattie 2d 2901 - jj^^,;^. ^.y^ ■ Alaric's Milicent 35363.— Yield of milk, 163 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 5^2 oz.; test made from August 30 to September 6, 1890 ; age, 5 year.« and 4 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons ground corn and 2 gallons bran ; property of Maj'es & Lipscomb, Columbia, Tenn. Alaric's Milicent 3536:J , Alaric of Lakeside 6621 Milicent H. 14445. ^ Earl of Lakeside 4050. . I Taeso of Mount Waite • 2384. f Fannie of Mount Waite 4238. ( Micawber 4796. ■/ Topsev of Lakeside 10240. , «„„„.. u -wcQ * The Squire 1298. ^ Homer H. .%83 , GiUia27r9. / T adv Crav Havden S^l^ ' ^'"J^"" ^dams 1044. f Laay c.ray Hajaen 6s\^ ^ ^adv Lightfoot 2745. Gazelle of Lakeside 10243 *Signetilia 16333.— Yield of milk, 238 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of l)utter, IS lbs. 51.,' oz. ; test made from December 28, 1885, to January 3, 1886; age, 33'eais and 11 months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. , ,,r.,, \ Marius 760. ,^. ,, ,^,. ^!>.gnalll,(> •, Pansy Morris 2060. /Siffnalda402, - ^ Grand Duke Alexis 104,1 (Alda 38.3 (Archie 1112, imp. Signetilia 10:»3 \ ,,„, ^ ^.m-r. \ Son of Alphea 562. U H- WW ■ ~o-Q ^ ^ ' ' B'-Ua Donna 1^27. VSadie's Choice 79.9 - i sioTini nrn '^^«'l>^'"^5300 ■;Sa3872. * Spiraea 4th 20075.— Yield of milk, 187 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 5% oz.; test made from November 27 to December 3, 1885; age, 2 years and 7 months; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. 'Lenox Cash Bov6804.. \ ^^^^ ^°y 2^8 '( Dido of Middlelieki 3416. / Smith's Fairy 6162. Spiraea 4th 20075. ( Albert 44. ■( Belle of Bloomfleld 4.331. c • -jniK y Rajah .340, imp. i.spiraea .191& -^ Fleur de Lis 614, imp. Cobweb 3d 21325... BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 71 * Cobweb 3d 21325.— Yield of milk, 214 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from August 21 to 28, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 9 daj^s ; property of William H. Hopkins, Providence, R. I. \ Pierrot 2d 1669 -! SlT?^:?^,?' -^P" ( Admiral Farragut 2666. . \ g?.!"^^ ' 9^' ™P- lMvrtle2d'>n I Blucher 2d 102. J ( JWyiiie ^a ~11 -^ Myrtle 208. I ^ Alpheus 1168 -j Sna^^^- IcobwebSOOB ] PierX''"- ' Madeleine 2d 2479, imp. J (F. S. 143 J. H. B.) ( Madeleine (F. S. 651 J. H. B.) * Hilda D. 6683.— Yield of milk, 268 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 5 oz., unsalted ; test made from May 27 to June 2, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years and 8 months ; property of Frederic Bronson, Southport, Conn. I Chief Justice 252 -* ff,'?!.J^S ll\' ^°^P- /■Chief Justice 2d 1643. . . } P'^''^ ?*f,'d 992. _ 1 Hilda 942 .Sam\Veller2,l,imp. I ( Hebe 943. imp. Hilda D.66a3 < ^ Chief Justice 252 ■] l^lJ^.^'l^]^^! Eh ^"^P" lHildaC.3869 - ? 'nr ,, ,-7 • Hilda 942 -* Sum Weller 2.1, imp. ( Hebe 943, mip. * Kitty Potter 9893.— Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 5 oz.; test made in June, 1885; age, 6 years; property of C. T. Grannis, Terrvville, Conn. Kitty Potter I i ( Schinchon 1132 5'^"°^ 63b. mip. Almont 2789 \ g«?»'>' »^fi ""P- i Tina 3057 §r:.''„^^.1''o"'^^- Fawn 658. ( McClellan 4th 85 -' McClellan 25. VHoneysnckle 1313 ■{ ' ^">' ^' ™P- ' Molly 1011, imp. * Butterstar 7799, imp.— Yield of milk, 316 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 41;^ oz.; test made from July 13 to 19, 1882 ; age when made, 4 years and 5 months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. Fed twice daily, at each meal 3 qts. coarse corn chop, 2 qts. bran, 1 pint cotton seed meal. Died of milk fever, 1883. „ , I Renault's Bull. vi^ « ■ VfiV V Wr N ■ ■ ■ "' Cow belonging to Y. /Bntterstamp < (f- ^- io^'i- "^- o.) Beaudains, St.Peter's. (P. S. 101 J. H. B.) /.,J.a..a.) (F. S. 272 J. H. B.) i ( Tnisit * Renault's Bull. Ictarii^Vit ' Vp s'ikot' wrT" "' Cow of Y. Beaudalns. VStarhght ..... (F S. 162 J. H. B.) ^ p^,i^^,^ Welcome. (P. b. 136 J. H. B.) ( ™-^- y.v Y -A- R ;• ■ ■ ■* Lady Jane (F. b. 41o J . H. B.) ^j,-- g .y^^ J 2 g ) 72 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Oonan 2d 19569.— Yield of milk, 158 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 41^ oz.; test made from July 23 to 30, 1888 ; age, 5 years and 6 months ; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed during test, 16 qts. corn, oats and barlej' mixed in equal parts and ground, daily ; property of M. C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. 1 Top-sawyer 1404 -j ^^^\!','i™*?; r Lord Harrv 3445 4 ] E'" °'^"l, ™: Duchess of Bloomfleld 3653. \ a "'To li^.i ""P" Oonan 2d 19569 -( I Angela 1682. ( Rajah .340, imp. I Oiuoo 1'247. imp. , Oonan 14S5. Chestnut's Beauty 21576.— Yield of milk, 273 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 413 oz.; test made from June 5 to 12, 1887; age, 7 years and 1 month; estimated weight, 825 lbs.; grain fed daily, 24 lbs. corn chop, bran and cotton seed meal, mixed; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill. Tenn. ^Napier (F. S. 275 J. H. B.) Chestnut's Beautv 21576 -^ I Chestnut (F. S. 3125 J. H. B.) Catchfly 25405.— Yield of milk, 207 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from August 1 to 8, 1889 ; age, 8 years and 2 months ; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed dail}', 6 qts. corn meal, 2 qts. oil meal and 6 qts. bi-an ; property- of W. C. Norton, Agent, Aldenville, Pa. f T)iamond Farl 91 IP. ' Longfellow 818. Diamond Kan 3110 -^ pavorita of Queens Co. ,Rocco4517 < 2825. 'Fantil937 ■jFaS-1296. Catchfly 25405 ■< . Emoeror 287 -* J*^"^ ^^' '™P- \ emperor *. / Eve 2d 734. ^Phoebe 4th 2271 -j f Phosbe 7G0, imp. * Colie 8309.— Yield of milk, 241 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from Julj^ 16 to 22, 1884 ; age, 5 j'ears and 8 months ; property of "William Simpson, New York, N. Y. (Mercury 432 )S!lm r St. Valentine 2251 -; ^i?°^fj .,i' ^ca ; Clotho 25fifi -* I^olptiin ~d 468, imp. [ ciotno ^5bb ^ ygjj^^g jgg^ i Colie 8309 -I I i Rioter 2d 469, imp. VTorfrida 3596 - , t,,^;... q, *E-°l-l-6 liSe'l'll. Frankness 62451.— Yield of milk, 198 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 4oz.; test made from May 17 to 24, 1890; age, 2 years and 11 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; fed ordinary rations ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. I btOKe roglS 5tn oy». .... -^ Murioram 3239. iinn. Frankness 62451 4 '( Marjoram 3239, imp. I Yellow Boy 6.381 \ ^^.l^L^.'^'HT"''^^'^'^ Yellow Emmie 28756. ..\ Bnk/of Bp e^-„e 4-81 / Wmmio TJ 0,1 1^0(1.1 ' JJUkC 01 HeiieVUe 4(81. ( Emmie B. .d loSO. ^^ ^^^^^ g^ j^^jg^ BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 73 Imperial Riotress 30259.— Yield of milk, 292 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 4oz.; test made from November 19 to 26, 1889; age, 4 j'ears and 11 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, average of 9 qts. bran, 3 qts. corn meal and If pints old process oil meal ; property of Mrs. Kate M. Busick, Wabash, Ind. ( Stoke Pogis 5th 5987.. . . -' fT'«°Hnr^^"''^.^f im'^''- ( Tug Wilson 9680 - ^^0^ ^' I Lily of St. Lambert 5120 -| ^a^^a' of Windsor 483, Imperial Riotress 30259.x imp. I I n^„^ oocn ' Sweepstakes Duke 1905. T „/i T „,ioi ifiniQ J ■' Minnie Parks 5350. VLady Imperial 16019. . ^ , ^asso of Mount Waite ' Mamie Waite 10645 - 2:i34. / Fansinco 2414. * Judith Coleman 11391.— Yield of milk, 256 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 4 oz., unsalted ; test made from Septem.ber 22 to 28, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 9 months ; property of W. H. Corning, Cleveland, Ohio. , X. 1 rl A n^ oirn * Red ClOUd 529. , , ^ ,, ,,^„ \ I^«^ t loud 2d 2260 , p^j„„ga i3g4 r John Knox 3289 - i On I of J ,. _ , „,„, ' Lady Pigot 2d 5798 "^/y ^\^-, 5-9-, j^p. Judith Coleman 11.391-^ - j s . f I T ,• .. r c... T , 11 « .lACK ( Lord Monck 304. [Juliette of St. Lam- ^ Buffer 2055 -^ Amelia 484, imp. bert 5483 -, .^ , o^ t 1, ^ .^o » Lord Lis^ar 106B. ( Rosette of St. Lambert 0IO8 -^ yictoria 411 U Pilot's Rose 17958, imp.— Yield of milk, 205 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. B% oz.; test made from June 7 to 14, 1887 ; age, 7 years and 5 months ; esti- mated weight, 850 lbs.; grain f ed dailj'', 4 qts. bran, 4 qts. ground corn and oats and 1 qt. pea meal ; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. ( Khedive -> ^eo (F. S, 198 J. H. B.) ( Pilot (P. S. 183 J. H. B.)^ (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) " ' ' Coomassie 11874. Pilot's Rose 17958 •< ( Phillis (F. S. 839 J. H. B.) ( Island Cow. Bunker's Pride 38571.— Yield of milk, 264 lbs.; yield of butter. 18 lbs. 31^ oz.; test made from June 5 to 13, 1890 ; age, 4 years and 5 months ; actual weight, 750 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 6 qts. corn meal, 8 qts. ground oats and 4 qts. oil meal ; property of T. R. Proctor, Utica, N. Y. / c» 1 -D • e.i, -no- * Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. StokePogis5tho98,....-j^jg^j„^^^ 3039 imp. ( Bunker 9025 ■•. I ( Sallie Bunker 1426, imp. Bunker's Pride 38571.4 I / TTTM1- ci^ I, a^co \\ernonlOil. L. „ , -o •., ,.0- Wilham Stub 6588 -^ Beautiful One 2622. VStella's Pride I6800 s , Vernon 1071. ( Maid of the ^ alley 16556 -^ ^^uHnda 14780. * Belle Dawson 8270.— Yield of milk, 278 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from October 11 to 18, 1885; age, 7 years; property of Wm. H. Burr, Redding Ridge, Conn. T, , ^,~ ( Commodore 2-29, imp. \ Roxbury 24 ■, p^se 709. f Commodore Roxbury 1586 -^ „ . o-T (Roxbury 247 Bouquet 8o2 '; Anna 592 Belle Dawson 8270....^ , Monmouth 210. , ,„ ^:Nye66. ■) Niobe 99, imp. [Mount Lebanon 44oi •■ ' Sister 1427, imp. 74 BUTTEE TESTS OF JEESEYS. Cicero's Jolie 18246.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from September 2 to 9, 1890; age, 8 years ; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed dailj^ 8 lbs. corn meal, 8 lbs. shorts, 8 lbs. ground oats and 1 lb. oil meal ; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. i Vertiminus rHappv - (P. S. 161 J. H. B.) (P. S. 211 J. H. B.) ' Gaieiine rcicero 7657 -l (F. S. 1575 J. H. B.) Cicero's Jolie 18246...-^ l,FleurDe I'Air 12:0-2, imp. (F. S. 1453 J. H. B.) * Countess Queen 13519.— Milk not weighed; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 3 oz. ; test made from Ma^" 29 to June 4, 1884 ; age, 3 j'ears and 22 days ; prop- erty of Mills & Walker, Greenville, S. C. ( FitiT iqss * Pasan 1800. * *"^ ^^^ * Canary Bird 2d 4264. ( Gen. Rosser 4189 -, On f of f ( Orphan Beauty 3769 -) g;.y,an 3763. imp. 3519-' Countess Queen 135 ( Son of White Rose, on \ Dulie of Framingham 1521 - I. of J. Queen of Jersey 4948...- ' White Rose 3771, imp. ' nc'i^if Park* -W^-^ ' Sancho Boy 1576. Jiesbie 1 ai k^ .^o.i -^ ^ady Carrie 3767, imp. * Fandango 12908.— Yield of milk, 260 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from June 12 to 18, 1886 ; age, 5 3'ears and 4 months ; prop- erty of Jordan Stokes, Jr., Nashville, Tenn. Marius 760. I Willie Boy 434. i -"'"'"'■ '"" -> Lady MarV 1148. imp. / Top-Sawyer 1404 -, i Clement 115 • 'Emblem 90 - (F. S. 61 J. H. B.) /On I. of J. Fandango 12908 i ^"°°"""'° 'F..n,« -IgSr'"""- * Georgiadear 11508.— Yield of milk, 242 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from November 30 to December 6, 1885 • age, 5 years and 3 months ; property of U. F. Shalter, Terre Haute, Ind. ^I^'P^Gtuldl917 \^^^- Georgiadear 11508. I r Argo>y i-iM ^ Plenty 950. i Normandy 1046 -* vffJv,;l^f^o-i Uormanda3914 „. . . ' _ ^ttfif niive 4tli 301S .* Q"^ker 887. * Lady Appel 8612.— Yield of milk, 288 lbs.; j-ield of butter, 18 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from August 31 to September 6, 1884 ; age, 7 years and 3 months ; property of I. D. Risher, Hope Church, Pa. i St. Martin 1482 -J ^°^ J f ^ . [ Young St. Martin 2219. . - • ' ^^^"'-^ °'^"' ""P" / Bella 5354, imp. Lady Appel 8012. I nwoh^r,^^ iiri j Willie Boy 434. T n<. -am i ^^'^''P'*^ ^^^^ ( Lady Ella -^d 11.50. Vl^olda o900 < virtnri., oqqn j Taiiitor's Bull of 1858, ; ■ / Virfnri . oooa t laiutor S Bull 01 I»S«,306. ' Victoria -980 , jj^jgy 2178, imp. BUTTER TESTS OB' JERSEYS. 75 * Lady Julia G. 16199.— Yield of milk, 210 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from April 28 to May 4, 1886; age, 3 years and 10 months ; property of Thomas H. Malone, Nashville, Tenn. ,Golcl Basis 4038. \GMeroynCn l S^^JIf ^ 2476. / Retina 2d 247-5 .; K? Jp^s's''}' H b\ (P. S ifi.T TT R 1 (Regina(F. S.32J. H.B.) (P. S. 16 J. H. B.) Lady Julia G. 16199..-! mrange Peel 2rt (Remarkable - (P. S. .36 J. H. B.) 'Rosa of Belle Vue 6954.^ (F. S. 229 J. H. B.) ( Young Rose ) (P. S. 43 J. H. B.) ( r ~ — Bye-Bye (F. S. 3180 J.H. B.) * Viva Le Brocq 13702.— Yield of milk, 206 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from August 31 to September 6, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 5 months ; property of G. B. & C. S. Smith, Eagle, Mich. , Horace * Nonpareil (P. S. 37 J. H. B.) nordce. . . . -^ young Patricia ^ Le Brocq's Prize 3.3.50. <^ ir. ». y4 d. u. l,.) (P. S. 35 J. H. B.) / Matin -~fi« * Horace (P. 8. 94 J. H. B.) ^ fFs'ifiaq'T' Hr/' Cigarette (F.S. 1962 J.H. B.) Viva LeBroca 13702.. i (F. S. 1629 J. H. B.) (Anollo » LoyaKP. S. 70 J. H. B.) I Vin'PttP -j-i ^ ^Vp s Yost' R '-r'; ' Rose (F. S. 1435 J. H. B.) VVicette ,4,1 - (P. S. 108J. H. B.) ■ orange Peel 502 'Young Rose - (F. S. 129 J. H. B.) (P. S. 43 J H. B.) f Rose (F. S. 339 J. H. B.) Witch-Kazel 4th 6131.— Yield of milk, 260 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 2| oz. ; test made from April 21 to 28, 1887 ; age, 10 years and 5 months ; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; no record of feed kept, but well fed; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. (Lawrence 61 \^^e rLord Lawrence 1414. . ..< (F. S. 232 J. H. B.) Witch-Hazel 4th 6131.-| ' ^^'^^ ^^'^ ^^^8, imp. ( Southampton 117, imp, ' I Hazel 91 ^Witch-Hazel 1.360. Clement 115. Lady Bird 221, imp. ♦Bonnie Yost 7943.— Yield of milk, 226 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 2 oz., unsalted ; test made from May 9 to 16, 1883 ; age when made, 4 years and 11 months; property of M. M. Gardner, Nashville, Tenn. Feed, 6 qts. corn meal daily ; pasture, blue-grass, very good. lPertinatti71.3 ] ^'iTi/o ' imp ^Rector 1458 ^ Mack T"" Uoxana2d2532 ! ioxanal761. Bonnie Yost 7943. . . -{ , ,,,, ^n„ ( Lawrence 61 (F. S. 84 J. H. B.) R„ P„,„ OR^ ^^' ° ^^° I Motto 80. ^Bo Peep 2850 -. t On I of J ( Sea Shell 1652 -^ Lind'ormjin's Rosetta 1651, imp. I 76 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Country Girl 4th 51877.— Yield of milk, 232 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from October 15 to 22, 1890; age, 8 years and 7 months; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daily, 18 qts. ground oats, corn and peas, with a little shorts ; property of Charles E. Hill, Denver, Col. ( Warwick 2G4, imp. 'Ma£;ogl868 ^ i r\ D-. ,v o 1 ijc- * On I- of 'T ■ ! , „. , 0-1 - ' ^'^^'^'^^ ^^' 'i Queen of Staatsburgh 2334, imp. C ountry Girl .3olo. - , Commodore 613. ' Clara 4th 1.341 ■ ^.^^^.^ -.j^^ .^^^ * Gold Ear 2d 3592. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from June 20 to 26, 1881 ; age, 7 years and 11 months ; prop- ertv of E. M. Phelan, Cherry Valley, N. Y. n /I -1 1.10 t Bliiclier 48. imp. ,„ , ., ,,„, ^ Koaencii i.iS ( Lady Bowen 354, imp. j-BrooivBidellOl < , Comet 130. i^-^y^^'^ -(jurasdsae. Gold Ear 2d 3592 < ^ ^ ^^ , T 1-0 \ On I. of J. L-. ,,x^ -.-.^ jdove i.j ■, St. Caihetine408. imp. V C^old Ear 2200 / „ v o-, ii -a * John T. Xorion 177. (Hebe 2d 11. 8 ( Hebe 1177. .Golightly 25597.— Yield of milk, 19 qts. per day ; yield of butter, 18 lbs, 2 oz.; test made from March 23 to 29, 1887 ; age, 4 years and 10 months ; esti- mated weight, 800 lbs. ; grain fed during test, 8 qts. corn meal, 5 qts. ground oats, 5 qts. bran and 1 qt. pea meal ; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. .T. 1 .1«- ^Domino Of Darlington 2459. -la^f^^f^j^Vlington 5736. r '— -^ ^g^^ir''- Golightly 25597 -{ . . ^. ..^, ( Tvn]s4183. Tj .K o^-o- 3 '^''^ ' ^^^* "' >'ereis 8951. V Bother 25o9o j^^^ Le Bas 398. ( i-una -a 8J4J ^ j^^^^ gy^ * Lucy Lanier 13053.— Yield of milk, 178 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from May 1 to 7, 1885; age, 4 years and 5 months; propertv of Hunnicutt & Yancev, Athens, Ga. ' ^ ' - n,^i„ioni (Clement 115(F.S.61J.H.B.) ,, ^ , .,,„, ^Cerdicl204 •,Editha651. J Auchentoroly 3494 -^ ^^^^ ^^^^_ ^^^^^ , ^^l^' <^- «• '' '■ ^^ ^'^ Lucy Lanier 13053. (.Parthenia of Oakshade j Butter Boy 3243 . . -J oak L^eaf^47( Maida 2d fioq3 -' Trusty 1101. Musidove 25379.— Yield of milk, 267 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 2oz.; test made from June 13 to 20, 1889; age, 6 years and 1 month; esti- mated weight, 8'^5 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. corn meal, 4 qts. shorts and 4 qts. ground oats ; property of Terence Carrigan, Hopkinton, Mass. , Pilot of Bowker Farm \ Prince of Deerfoot 2540. -[ pink'4,h^^9S3. 6085 ''', 1 Pilnt ^n-lQ „ ., „ ,.„ , ' ^^^y G"'^^^^ 1-136. . . . ■; 5'j^^ev of Lakeside 10240. MuBidove 25379. ' • I I , A^t;^o,.K„.. A'-aa ' ^Ir. Micawber .5.56, imp. i^ ^,^,,-«i Mlca^^ber4,96 ", Rosa of Lakeside 2d 10241. ^Dove 5th 14561 - . , lyj,,. o'-q 'Dove 7824 J Duchess 548, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 77 Pogis' May 26950.— Yield of milk, 219 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 2 oz. ; test made from December 20 to 27, 1890 ; age, 6 years and 7 months ; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daily, average of d}£ lbs. corn meal, 9H' lbs. crushed oats, 4^^ lbs. pea meal and 4^4 lbs. oil meal ; property- of Ayer & McKinney, Philadelphia, Pa. ( stoke Pogis 5th i Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. 5987 ■{ Pogis' May 26950. . J < Marjoram 3239, imp. ( Young Baltimore Boy 2048 -' l^i'i^i'!:L^r°^ ^^=o ^Lottie Mav ir'>01 -^ •'I Rose of the Isle 30S8. *iaj l'~"i--^p^^^^^4j^ 3533 J Hector of Plymouth Rock 886. * Roonan 5133.— Yield of milk, 284 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 2 oz., salted ; test made from April 4 to 10, 1883 ; property of M. C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. I Pertinatti 713 -) P""/- J}'" l^J- ( Rupert 1 456 - ' o"V"°' \?P- Rof ana 17fi1 ' Roxbury 247. ( Koxana 1 o I L 13656 ' Charity of St. Lambert 66:i8. Hmhinnri Trin ' ( Ida of St. Lambert 24990 1 f-^ul ^°='| I"! T^^'u . ., „ Hignland Ida - ^ / Kathleen of St. Lambert 5122. 38427 I Oakland Girl I Thorndale 2.582 1 ^.^I'^^a Q^:v: / ciotilde 4575 ' Tally Ho. S80. imp. 78 BUTTEIi TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Abbie Clay 15702.— Yield of milk, 195 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from July 2 to 8, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 4 months ; property of Hunnicutt & Yancey, Athens, Ga. i T owell irnO -* Vermont 893. /in,„,^». ^-^R jl^oweii i.ou ( Louise 5th 2303. ( Aliunder 4,56 s ^ q„^,,^, g87. Abbie Clay 15702 -| ( Yankee 1003, imp. I .\bbie A. 5791 ^, , -pvino..^.. oc /Abbie2d2268 ^^X'S.f" Gay Orphan 25985.— Yield of milk, 269 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 1 oz. ; test made from June 6 to 13, 1890 ; age, 8 years and 3 months ; actual weight, 905 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. corn-hearts, average of 5 lbs. crushed oats and 2 lbs. equal mixture bran and shorts ; property of Kentucky Agri- cultviral Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. i Grey King /Tanner's Glory - (P. S. 169 J. H. B.) (F. S. 274 J. H. B.) / Bonheur , Orphan J. (F. S. 1651 J. H. B.) (P. S. 256 J. H. B.) I General Don l^May Flower - (P. S. 60 J. H. B.) Gay Orphan 25985 ...J (P. S. 95 J. H. B.) I MuJ^oUe ^On I. of J. (F. S. 775 J. H. B.) Hettie of Briarcliff 26621.— Yield of milk, 185 lbs.; yield of butter 18 lbs. 1 oz. ; test made from May 31 to June 7, 1888 ; age, 4 years ; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. corn meal and 4 lbs. middlings; property of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. pomino of Darling- ^ Sarpedon 930 ■] S^^^^itf ' "^^^ / Beauty of Darlington i ^n^ith of Darlington °''^^ f Grace Darlington 5574. Hettie of Briarcliff 26621 Hennette 11624. i Fast Boy 2606 ] 5?S^|^^- ■■'Henme3335 ] SeT97^°' ''''• * J^nie Myrtle 22977. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from May 19 to 26, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 1}{ months ; prop- erty of Ingleside Herd, Meadville, Pa. f Antelone iQar * Golden Ball 1474. Antelope 19^ -^ Safrano Rose 3676. plulberry Lad 3954 < Jennie Mj-rtle 22977. .J ' Mulberry 1095, imp. Uorcas 4th 353:3 ■] g^^^^^, ^HXT'"'^ ^""^ ^^' '°'''' Oleo 38475.— Yield of milk, 256 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from August 4 to 11, 1888 ; age, 6 years and 4 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 18 qts. bran, 4 qts. oat meal, 2 qts. corn and oil meal ; property of P. J. Cogswell, Rochester, N. Y. J oi, ».. I, n.on t Litchfield 674. i Lord Shaftesbury 24^9. -^ chestnut im. /-Seneca Chief 4098 ^ » Litchfield 674. ( May Blossom 565< -^ ggggje ^„e„ 3719. Oleo 38475 < I , T. ,- 1.1 1 .o- j Butter Stamp 700. L xf V, n,«« j Pure Gold 148. 1 Ladv Palestine 2769. VPure Mocha 9186 < , jyjount Peter 1320. ( Mocha 2d 4881 \ jjocha 11)21. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 79 * Pet of Rose Lawn 1 1326.— Yield of milk, 258 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 18 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from May 18 to 25, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 11 daj's ; property of J. S. Rogers, Paterson, N. J. Pet of liose Lawn made 75 lbs. 15 oz. in the thirty-one days following this test, which, if added to it, would show the excellent yield of 94 lbs. of butter in 38 days. ( Columbiad ad 1515 \ gSa 189^' '"'"■ ( Aventurier 4254 -] T« K Ro 8^0 i mn (i- Alfntha 136.3 ■( Harpado 1859. ' Alfleda 6< 44 -^ Amaranth 62(X). * Medrena 3939.— Yield of milk, 298 lbs.; yield of butter, 18 lbs.; test made from July 8 to 14, 1884 ; age, 9 j^ears and 3 months ; property of Beech Grove Farm, Beech Grove, Ind. /--.r J „ -1- I Mr. Micawber 556, imp. piedway .1. , ^-^uj^. o^g^ j„,p Medrena 39.39 \ , -n « «i i * Duke 610. L . ^,,, ^Doneil ■, Favvn476. Uenina 1431 ^ , Nimrod 28. irRene-Moe ( Rene 39. 82 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. ♦Monmouth Duchess 4th 7129.— Yield of milk, 196 lbs.; j-ield of butter, 18 lbs.; test made from June 20 to 26, 1883 ; age, 8 years and 2 months ; prop- erty of W. A. Conover, Hackettstown, N. J. I Sir Charles 131, imp. j-Optimus 1607 -, ' Carrie ^804 * ^''' Charles 131, imp. Monmouth Duchess y-an^ o. .,-> ^ j^^^^. Lo^y^des 273, imp. 4th 7129 i I , rr, /^tr,r 1 )Q \ Prince Albert 119. imp. ,. „ 1, oon- ' ") Victoria 249. imp. I Monmouth Duchess 389o- ^ g,;^ ^.f,^^,^^ 1.31, imp. I Julia .38. W -J j^jj^^^. Lo„,ijdes 273, imp. * Patterson's Beauty 4760 — Yield of butter, 18 lbs.; property of John Patterson, Philadelphia, Pa. \ Bijou (F. S. 6.5 J. H. B.) Patterson's Beauty 4760 - ' Ariene 1071, imp. Sibyl's Beauty 25941.— Yield of milk, 186 lbs. 4 oz.; jield of butter, 18 lbs.; test made from April 25 to May 1, 1887 ; age, 5 years ; grain fed during test, 18 lbs. daily of mixed corn, oats and middlings ; property of George E. Jones, Litchfield, Conn. /"Forget-me-not C291, imp. r,-v 1- -o * .^-nAi I ( Sans Peur Sibyl s Beauty 2o941. .-^ , Taurus \ ( F. S. 201J. H. B, i Uibyl(P.S..345J.HB.)] (P-S.156J.H.B.) Uose (P. S. 1514 J.H.B.) (Lily(F. S. 1436J. H. B.) Miss Clifford 27962.— Yield of milk, 2o6 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 153^^ oz.; test made from June 8 to 15, 1890 ; age, 6 years ; e.stimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed dailj', 5 lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. coarse bran and 2 lbs. old process oil meal ; property- of A. S. Bell, London. Ohio. TA ii„ onnn * Buttur-Stamp 700. / n ,H -p pi.,o ^ ° '""^^ ^^^^ ' Latlv Palestine 2769. ^ Gold Ropf 6130 • , ontimus lr07 ' Warrcu-s Duchess 4622. -[ gP™s of Warren ,3806. arofio . -1 T,„„,.,.;.,i -A- * Black Imperial 25.5. T • T. f 111QO ^ ^'"I'enal .>0., - Cowslip 11.57. imp. Uessie Benton 1118.3- , Prince of Warren 1512. ' D"f °f ^<^a^ Lake 01,0. . -, Monmoutli Duchess -id 4610. Annie L. 12934— Yield of milk, 223 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 15 1^ oz. ; test made from September 16 to 23, 1886; age, 5 years and 8 montlis; property of W. B. Montgomery, .Starkville, Miss. piayBoy705 j S?I rs"''' 'Champion of America 1567- i uh 's om 173 Pan «v 1010 I i.uini: Morm l(d. ransy wu -j j^^j,y .,^ ^^.^ Miss Clifford 27963... Anaie L. 12934 -! I Annie Landens 2d 7070. . I Thomas Motley 2128. . . . ] Mi'^°2M9^^' ' ' ) \nnie Landers OOOfi } Aldine 11.36. ( Annie i^anaers ouub . . . -j j^^j^ Duffee2481. * Flashy Jessie 9722. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 15 oz. ; 7 days" test in March, 1885; age, 7 years and 2 months; property of S. W. Robbins, Wethersfield, Conn. , L-iocV, o-o.T * Pierrot 630. imp. 1 t- ia,.n ^r,.i4 -^ gg„^ ^j Farmington 911, imp. Flashy Jessie 9722 -^ I Jessie 2,1 1301, imp I ^iJje'S imp. BUTTEE TESTS OF JERSEYS. 83 * Glen's Festina 25851.— Yield of milk, 254 lbs. IQio^ oz.; yield of butter (unsalted), 17 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from May 21 to 27, 1886 ; age, 2 years, 3 months and 7 days ; property of A. McClintock, Millersl)urgh, Ky. ( Pedro 3187 * ""'»™o of Darlington 2459. [ May's Pedro 858S . . . . -^ ' I;-'"-otas 245t ( May Thornton 12851.. -] ^^^^r^^''- Glen's Festina 25851. .^ ( Glen Coley 7568 ! ^I^' "a/' ,■ ,, -lo.r* I Glen Belma 1724.3 -' ' '^"-'^"^y Mountain Maid 84^4. I Glen Belle 8465, imp. Grace Pansy 2d 18764.— Y^ield of milk, 236 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from November 2 to 9, 1886; age, 3 years and 10 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 20 to 25 qts. corn, oats and wheat bran in equal parts ; property of G. V. Green, Hopkinsville, Ky. ( Brigand 1899 * Khed'^'e 10?1 Smoke Smith 4844 - ' L^"0'>' -'.,;'■ \ Xfhisko 479. ■/ Flora Ogden 1566. / Selika 1805. Grace Pansy 2d 18764.- { Champion of America \ Chamijion of America 4th 4680 - 1.567. / Belle Flenr 6610. Mvrtle WricTht ^d 1-^154 * Plym"i"h Rock 2468. .^i^rue wngnt .cl Ulo4. ^ ^j^^.^j^ Wright 9399. * Jenny Gray 3511.— Y'leld of milk, 368 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from June 13 to 19, 1885; age, 12 j'ears and 5 months; property of William H. Hayden, Albanj^ Vt. piajor Adams 1044 J E^^°f S'lS" '" '""■ Jenny Gray 3511 ■{ i -vr ■ »~- Youn^ Major 214 -' ^^^"\ "Z^„ . - ■' •■ I Brenda 789, imp. Lady Lightfoot £745. Tulip 1793,. imp. Rioter Alphea 2d 29676.— Y^ield of milk. 238 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from August 13 to 20, 1890 ; age, 6 years ; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. ground oats, S lbs. middlings and 7 lbs. corn meal ; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. I Lord of Mountain i Carlo 5559 -' g®''° 'P.v '^.- /~'J,:V ^■'^■^ Side "111 - ' P'*tt>' "^I''"^' ^'^1'- ""P- Rioter Alphea 2d I " / Coomassie 2d 11969. -'!?">' '''''''":'^*','', '5'; ^.- ~"^' J- "• ^-^ ggg^g ^ I / Coouiasfie 118i4, imp. 1 Thkoti Tv q'>-n * Jason 15.50. Rioter Alphea 10091 - ' L?ciy Re.violds 3808. khansonnette5695..-;J,-',f-ter^l^266.^_ Su Lu 4705.— Yield of milk, 241 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 15 oz. (official); test made from June 6 to 12, 1883 ; age when made, 7 yeai's and 8 months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. Fed twice eachdaj'; at each meal, chopped oats, 33^^ lbs.; corn meal, 3 lbs.; bean meal, 1 lb.; cottonseed meal, 1 lb.; hay, cut, 1 lb.; the whole mixed and dampened. {Rioter 670, imp. ( Roxbury 247 * g°™"^.f ^^ ^''^ '^P" Angela 1632 -; ' ^°^^- '"''• Europa 121, imp. 84 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Witching 42252.- Yield of milk, 192 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. U}4 oz.; test made from December 29, 1889, to January 5, 1890 ; age, 3 years and 3 months ; estimated weight, 900 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 20 lbs. bran and corn chop ; property' of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. , T, » * c.iai * Farmer's Glory 5196. imp. . . V. T> ■ ,n-«n * Forget-me-not 6291 .... ^Hca ( F. S. 1946 J. H. B ) rbouthern Prince lO.bO- , pji^t (p g jga .T. H. B.) / Oxford Kate 13646. . . . -^ y^r^hn (F. S. 1846 J. H. B.) WitchiDS 42252 -I , „.„„ \ Khedive (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) T wn wt , «ci^ ' Tormentor .3o33 - ^jj„^,,.^ (p j, i,;^- j „. B.) . Little -\\ itcli 35813, •• •-.„ ^. , „ , ^,, „,.^, j Lord Lawrence 1414. / Witch-Hazel 4th -^ witch-Hazel 1360. * Belle of Lynwood 18364.— Yield of milk, 220 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from August 15 to 21, 1884; age, 3 years and 8 months ; jwoperty of J. L. Shallcross, Anchorage, Ky. T TT 1. 1^.1= * Duke of Grayholdt 1035, imp. ry, ^-n oo.- ^ Joe Holt 1625 , Ethelena 2761. r.MardiGras292,....- i Milo 590. Belle of Lynwood ' ^I"^^^"' ^'^ " •, Musette 2073. 18364 ;...-! -r.1,-1- o. J i = -~ \ Milo 590. \ Phihp Strader 15.-,, ... - F„rmo8a 1132. ,Cocotte.a92 -. ( Duke of Grayholdt 10.3.5, imp. / Vanilla .«.34 ■ y exation 27G0. Lydia Darrach 4903.— Yield of milk, 238>^ lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 14 oz. (official); test made from May 4 to 11, 1883; property of Edward Worth, Wawa, Pa. o* AT 1 T -Qo * St. Malo 486, imp. . .^ , „ „, „,, ^ ^'^- "^^'^'° "^ '• ' -^-^ "/ Bright Eye 1830. Doctor H. 2132 -^ ^ ^. ^^ ^^^_^ , On I. of J. 1819. Lvdia Darrach 4903 [ Doctor H. 2132 - On r I /Julia2d4902 -) ^^^i^ "1 T 010 (On I. of J. D ,, XT ,--n \^opez.il6 ■( Amv 395, imp. VBertha Morgan 4., 0...._ ^ __ ^ ._„ i Riiou (F. S. 65 „ ,. , „ . ._„„ \ Biiou (F. S. 65 J. H. B.) , Patterson's Beauty 4, 60. • .^^^^^ ^q; j^ ^^^ * Mary Norton 1 3052.— Yield of milk, 196 lbs. 12 oz. ; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from May 17 to 23, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 9 mouths ; prop- erty of Hunnicutt & Yancey, Athens, Ga. n ^-^-i.^n, t Clement 115 (F. S. 61 J. H. B.) ,, ^ , , „,„, ^Cerd,cl204 , Editha 651. „ .. rAuchentoroly 3494. • • • ", , Clement 115 iF S. 61 J. H. B.) Marv Norton ' Agnes Sorel 2162 - Qig^g,. 33- 13052 -! ioolden Rose of Au- ^ Chesapeake 2519 .) g^SrirsI*^"'" '°'''' chentoroly 8846 - Aurora of Brookwood J ^^^^ev 2518. ' '°"° "I Maud of Brookwood ,5671. Miss Bianca 12517.— Yield of milk, 263 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from March 10 to 17, 1883; age, 5 j'ears and 11 months; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 18 qts. corn meal, oat meal and pea meal, mixed ; property of Richai'dson Bros., Davenpoi't, Iowa. \ On I. of J. rpaustSOS -: I / Fanny 1343, imp. Miss Bianca 12517 ■{ I ilshmaell215 -l^fZ't'i, ^Miss Millie 12264 ) ^^^^,^ ^^^ ,,,,, . R^^392, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 85 - Fleece 18568.— Yield of milk, 284 lbs. 8 oz.; jneld of butter, 17 lbs. 133>^ oz.; test made from May 19 to 25, 1885; age, 5 years and 8 months; prop- erty of William E. Gates, Vicksburg, Miss. i Motley 515 \ i^^'' J^r^ ^^i;i™P J •' I Mep Merrihes 1372, im Fleece 18568 The Hub 1(W9 -' ' Mep Merrilies 1372, imp. Bessie 139, imp. i Top-Sawyer 1404 -\ ^^V'^!^'^^,\ Ifiusy Bee 6336 } i°? V'^'^^on / T!i«Tno Q,i is'-n Fairfax 530. ' ^'"^'^ 3'^ ^^'0 •( Bisma 1669, imp. *Mirtha 3437.— Yield of milk, 314 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 13>^ oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from July 18 to 24, 1883 ; age when made, 8 3'ears and 9 months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. TMedway 717, Mirtha .3437 J \ Mr. Micawber 556, imp. I Nellie 289, imp. I Hartford 52 -| S!,!,^°' f i "-Mirth 92 - '^^™y 'J- Mnttn sn * Prince oo. (Motto 80 -(OphirSl. *Regina 4th 12732, imp.— Yield of milk, 187 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 131^ oz., salted; test made from August 23 to 39, 1883; age when made, 7 years ; property of H. M. Howe, Bristol, R. I. I Rattler (P S ^a T H B 1 * N°^'^ ^^- S' ^"^ J' ^- ^'^ ,p^,jjj^ ^ Kattier (f. b. ,0.1. H. a.). -^ LadyJanefF.S.274 J.H.B.) (P. S.'ei' J.hVbV)"/ Sultane (P. S. 7 J. H. B.). -J ISeluie^u^een^' ^'^ Regina 4tli l->732. .J ' ^-ouguevi le (^ueeii I ^ Old Noble. (F. &...,- J. H.B.) VRegina - (F. S. 32 J. H. B.) / Mignoniie. - Lady Robin 1119, imp.— Yield of milk, .344 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. I3I4 oz.; test made from May 1 to 7, 1882; age, 15 years and 6 months; property of C. C. Crockett, Richmond, Ind. - Italian 4096.— Yield of milk, 274 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 13 oz. ; test made from May 20 to 26, 1883 ; age, 8 years and 6 months ; property of W. P. Ijams, Terre Haute, Ind. -r, , . ,„o„ ^^'^^ ^^^^^'^ ' ^* / Fleur de Lis 614, imp. Italian4096 K-nt.r 1 <•« (Onl.ofJ. ' ^^^^'^ "'^'^ 1 Dotty Dimple 377, imp. * Mabel's Jewel 6251.— Yield of milk, 305 lbs.; yield of butter. 17 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from May 4 to 10, 1885 ; age, 7 years and 8 months : i>roperty of William Crozier, Northport, N. Y. { Rex 13'0 -* ■ ' ^^^"'"^ ~"^- \ Couch's Lily 3237. . . -j ^Ij'^.^g.Ve 3336. Mabel's Jewel 6251...-^ , -r,-,., Q. t Monarch 82, imp. L, , , ,^„ ^Jiauai "/Earopal21.iinp. V-Mabel 109-! < _ J Taintor's Bull of 1856, 307, imp. ( Maia iuy.i -^ j^j^ia^^ J)^^y^ jogj^ j^p 86 BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. May Evening 15938.— Yield of milk, 289 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 13 oz. ; test made Aug. 19 to 26, 1887: age, 9 years 2^^ months ; grain fed during test, 8 lbs. corn meal, 8 lbs. oat meal, 8 lbs. shorts and 8 lbs. oil meal, daily; estimated weight of cow, 900 lbs.; property of J. Herbert Johnston, Plainfield, N. J. i Sarnedon OSO -* Mercury 4.32. r Polonius -513 \ fearpedon 930 ^ ^^ ^^^ (Leda ,99 (Europa 176. May Evening 15938. ..-{ i Onapk 1-^88 -' Governor 890. IPetV Beauty 157^6 - ^'^^^'^'^ ''^^ | Q"een of Staatsburgh 2-2.34. Hitrhland Pet '>fi53 ) Southey ol .. ( Higniana fei ^bo6. . .j g^own Bess 2049. * Belle of Riverview 21464. — Yield of milk, 383 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 121-^ oz. ; test made from May 21 to 28, 1886 ; age, 4 years and 9 months ; property of E. J. Larrabee, Albanj^ N. Y. ( St. Helier 45, imp. {Bravv 1923 J tTpIvpI'^k's (St. Helier4.%imii. I Uel^e 45b5 ^ p^^^^. g,^.^ T> .. e Tj- ■ : -n -in.-,.^ ( St. HcHer 45, imp. Buttercup of Kiverview ^ Bravy 1923 -. g^ive 4565. 19952 - . Tiravv IQsV ( Cora of Riverview Farm 9.337. -J g^^g^ ^i!^!; Countess Europa 35830. — Yield of milk, 264 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, IT lbs. 13 oz.; test made from November 16 to 23, 1889; age, 9 years and 2 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 6 lbs. corn meal, 4 lbs. bran and 2 lbs. linseed meal, mixed ; property of C. W. Talmadge, Council Grove. Kan. ,,-,. . ,, , ...o ( Hillhnrst 1210, imp. rcliief Modoc 1 - lb -^ jg^^^^. 3 jiy^ j^jj, Countess Europa .35820 J ( Roxburv 247. L . ,^„,, ^ Triumph .3.3b ", Ellen 848. l,Queenie 4696 - , Schuvler Colfax 1995. / Sweet Clematis 469,o. . . . -^ gouquet 852. * Cowslip of St. Lambert 8349.— Yield of milk, 239 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from March 18 to 24, 1884; age, 5 years and 10 months; property of Valancey E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. {t;f 1 T>^„;^ -i^ O.TJC * Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. Stoke i-ogis .^d ,,.f, -J Marjoram 3239, imp. TTT... L /> o. T 1 » T IT- ( Victor Hugo 197, imp. Witch of St. I.aml)ert i Lord Lisgar 11.66 J p„„u„a iq5 \ ^o™ ^'^-"' ^^"^ / Pauline 494. ■/ Lucy o. St. LambertSne ] ^'^495! ^^"^ ■; T ..„..„, c. T ..„,K„.f >Mi« 1 Victor Hugo 197, imp. * Crocus of St. Lambert 8351.— Yield of milk, 283 lbs.; j-ield of butter, 17 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from May 24 to 30, 1884 ; age, 6 years and 7 months ; property of Valancey E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. io» 1 D ■ oA .wQc ' Stoke Pogis 1259, imj). Stoke Pogis .id ~,3b. . . . •( Marjoram 3239, imp. T ,1 J- c T 1 . -r, a- oAr- > Lord Monck -304. ^°^lL°^ ^' • Lambert \ Bufler 205.. -^ ^^^^u^ ^g^^ ■ 54ou ■. ' '^' ^'^f ?inr ^'- ^'""' < Lord Lisgar 1066. ^«^" 510b .^ jj^ijp ^j. gj Laml)ert 5117. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 87 * Mercedes H. 12326.— Yield of milk, 356 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from June 13 to 19, 1885 ; age, 7 years and 3 months ; prop- erty of William H. Hayden, Albany, Vt. I The Squire 1298 * ^f';,'^°S!?|''' ^' ' ' ^P" rHomerH.3683 \ ?w Ki ' ( Lady Godfrey 678. Mercedes H. 12326....^ \ Orange Peel 503 I Critic 540 - (F. S. 129 J. H. B.) '•Gilda2r79 ." f Cannie 1359, imp. I Lady Godfrey 678 ^ Sil^jl?- ^^^ ^' «■ ♦Rosaline of Glenmore 3179— Yield of milk, 206 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs, 12 oz.; test made from February 25 to March 2, 1884; age, 11 years; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. ( Cadmus 4, imp. Saladin 447 J Woodbine 517 -* Hotspur 206. w ooQDine 01 r ^ Buttercup 518. Rosaline of Glenmore 31 79^ ( Xeptune 842, imp -\ ?" J- P//' „,„, . .Elveta2121 \ PH ice sY'' ' P" 1 Alice Gray 2d 1188 ■) ^^^fg- j.,^ j^p. * Royal Princess 2370.— Yield of milk, 160 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from December 28, 1880, to January 3, 1881 ; age when made, 8 years and 7 mouths ; property of Mrs. A. R. Adams, Watertown, Mass. ^Daniel Webster 403 {f^^^^^A- Daniel Webster 403. I ^ Butterfly 156 -{ Le Ga'llais, on I.of J. ^Princess Roval 2d 1005. -> ( Newton Belle 355, imp. * Butterfly, a ) Dam, imp. Royal Princess 2370. -l , Butterfly, owned by Mr Butterfly 156 < Le Ga'llais, on I. " ( Newton Belle 355, i Princess Royal 357 ^^If'"!-:;,'' '^'"'' Sheldon's Daisy 30592.— Yield of milk, 214 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from June 2 to 9, 1889; age, 5 years and 11 months ; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 10 qts. chopped barley and oats and 2 qts. oil cake; property of Wm. Rolph, Markham, Ont., Can. {T„„,^-oio t Lord Lisgar 1066. Lome 5248 -^ Favoritel^f St. Lam- bert 5118. Hebeof St.Lambert5117-[ Iift?'4^6"° ^^'' '°'^- Sheldon's Daisy 30592. -J ' ^°""^ •*^^- { T t-ri ^Ur^T,^L• Qni i Victor lingo 197, imp. i.ora Monch. .iUi -^ p^j^^^ ^j. ^vindsor 183, imp. Toilette 1374 * Victor Hugo 197, imp. doaette id, 4 ( Fancy 1318, imp. 25840 < imp. * Tinney 2d 26253.— Yield of milk, 257 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of batter, 17 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from May 6 to 12, 1886; age, 5 years and 7 months ; property of Archer N. Martin, Summit, N. J. I T«../i t,.i,„„- tncr- i Lord Lissar 1066. Lord Aylmer 1067 ■. p.,,,unp ,qi ' Hazel Eye 1514 \ Char eston i |Bellflower59 ] BelTe 5I Tinney 2d 26253. .,. ,«,,, (Charleston 1 -| ^"incefstse, imp. , Tinney 18015 ^ , Charleston 1. ^'^"'^ °-^ "I \iolet 15, imp. 88 BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. Country Girl Sd 12538.— Yield of milk, 219 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from October 7 to 14, 1890; ag-e, 11 years and 6 months; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; gn-ain fed daily, 18 qts. ground corn, oats, peas and shorts ; property of Charles E. Hill, Denver, Col. ( Quaker 887 -^ Queeifof Staatsburgh ,Copake 1387 < 2»'34, imp. f ( 'reamoot 4th *iSO * Napoleon 291, imp. [. L reampot 41D -.SJ ^ Creampot 1543. Country Girl 3d 12538-! ( Qual^er 887 -J Q°een°of staatsburgh '^Country Girl 3515 < 2234, imj). ^ lbs. corn meal ; property of James T. Henderson, Auvergne, Ark. i Guy Fawkes Sir George 7656 - (F. S. 251 J. H. B.) „. ^, .,,._, , / Brown Bess 13092, imp. Pnnce George llo. 1 . . ^ Violente 28819 { ( St. Clementaise 18163, imp. Violente (F. S. 4566 J. H. B.) 90 BUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. * Brunette Star 27270.— Yield of milk, 379 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from June 27 to July 4, 1886; age, 4 years and 3 months; property of Cornelius Easthope, Niles, Ohio. i Vertumnus THappv - (P. S. 161J. H. B.) . Cicero 7657 (P. S. 211 J. H. B.) / Garenne 24534 Brunette S-tar 27270. . f\^it:iKH) (uoi I ir. o. ail .1. a. D.) J uarenne Zia'H (P. S. 2fj6 J. H. B.) -l (F. S. 1575 J. H. B.) \ \F\euT De I'Air 13702 (F. S. 1736 J. fl. B.) T,.„„p..p ( Gambetta (P. S. 51 J. H. B.) (P S loY jVh.- B.i ■ ■ ■ ■' Fly (F. S. 815 J. H. B.) * Lady Thurlow 12410.— Yield of milk, 256 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from May 8 to 15, 1885; age, 5 years, 4 months and 6 daj-s; property' of Flemister & Bro., Tunnel Hill, Ga. I Hunter Boy 654 * S" ^' "^u'^-' i,» ,^o, • ( Leander 1184 - ' Bonnie Bright 1631, imp. / Jenny Wren 1642 •' U" V" ' ^ non ■ I •' ( Die Yernon 1630, imp. Lady Thurlow 12410..-! \ Hunter Bov 6.54 * 1," ^-^^J- u, ipoi • Ulollie Dickey 10349....- ' » Bonnie Biiizht 1631, imp. Die Vernon 16.30, imj). * La Septieme 13432, imp.— Yield of milk, 166 Iljs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 10 oz. ; test made from March 15 to 21, 1884; age, 4 ^-eai's and 3 montlis; property of C. E. Rowley, Cortland, N. Y. Lilly Signalda 23227.— Yield of milk, 158 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from August 22 to 29, 1888 ; age, 5 years and 2 montlis; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 16 qts., two-thirds oats, one-third corn, in two feeds ; property of M. P. Webster, Columbia, Tenn. i Signal 1170 -' Darius 760. ,' Signalda 4027 \ = | j^^^^ ?|r ' Vf ''^^ ,n.n =^ ) Aifia Qo-q ) Grand Duke Alexis 1040 fAlda.38.3 -(Archie 1112. Lilly Signalda 23227. . ..-{ , Belle of Tennessee ( doctor Wogg 3504 ■] I^XjM^oJg 3814. 9573 < J I Northern Chief f Belle of New York 6963. •< (P. S. 1:^7 J. H. B.) I Alousie 6962. Ma Belle Pogis 58831.— Yield of milk, 196 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from June 11 to 18, 1890; age, 6 years and 10 months ; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 qts. crushed corn and 24 qts. bran; property of Randal Litsey, Harrodsburgh, Ky. \ Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. /Lily's Pride .5088 • ' Lilv of St. Lambert 5120 * ^^^''f ' ^^■. . ,^., . I Pride of \\ indsor 483, imp. Ma Belle Pogig58831-v , Daisy's Duke 4545 * i^!,\^« ^Z ^'^y'^.'^^^^ 1035,imp. VI I Ma Belle Annette 9763 / Thia Assfi ( Dukeof Gravholdtl035,imp. '^"'^^^•^ , Ibex 2724, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. 91 * Marea 10167.— Yield of milk, 203 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from May 25 to 31, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 2 months ; property of D. H. & S. S. Tripp, Peoria, 111. ( On I. of J. /Le Brocq's Prize 3350. . -■ ' Matin 7768 [ g™t'e^' ^" ^^ "^^ °' ^'^ Marea 10167 i ^^- ^- ^'^^^ "^^ ^- ^-^ 'fp.'^S.Ieoa J. H. B.) ( Ramchunder 718 ■] ?"]? '\'P, imp. iMamie Coburn .3798. ... - ' ^J^"^ ?^- „ „ / Bowlev 1946 * ^^'"''Vir ■^•"^• ) Eve 456. * Oak Leaf 4769.— Yield of butter, 17 lbs. 10 oz.; property of S. M. Burn- ham, Saugatuck, Conn. i Ontario 865 \ ^^^""^ J'"P^"*' '■^^• ( Devilshoof 866 - ' Helen 2180. I I Darkness 1345, imp. Oak Leaf 4769 J ( Lord Nelson 860 -\ ^.^''^^ ^M- .,i ~o lEcho 2333 \ > ^""P15 ^'ow 2172. ) Fdith 2d sn^i * Saturn 94, mip. Proctor's Alma Dolores 47107.— Yield of milk, 181 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from February 8 to 15, 1890; age, 3 years; actual weight, 740 lbs.; grain fed dail}', 4 qts. corn meal, 8 qts. ground oats, 3 qts. oil meal and 2 qts. pea meal ; property of T. R. Proctor, Utica, N. Y. ( Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 -; l/a^rloram^isfiC''- ^Bunker 9025. ...< ' marjoram .«39, imp. "^ DrrLVS. J ' ^«"- «-ker 1436, imp. Uutley Dolores ^ Tommy (P. S. 249 J. H. B.). -J IX^^z fF.1'944''j. hIb.. '^' ' Kiitlev \ima 135S1 I Snap (F. S. 2.54 J. H. B.) ( .M iitiey Alma i.toSi -^ g^ ciementaise (P. S. 412 J. H. B.) * Rosaline of Glenmore 3179.— Yield of milk, 183 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 10 oz., salted ; test made from December 19 to 25, 1881 ; age when made, 8 years and 9 months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. Cadmus 4, imp. |'Saladin447.. KosalineofGlenmore3179... ' ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ -=P - Leta2121 P---«-'-P jE^l^y 2104, imp. I Alice Gray 2d 1188 -j l\^,^%% ^54, j^p. Toltec's Alice 31885.— Yield of milk, 153 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butler, 17 lbs. 10 oz. ; test made from January 28 to February 4, 1890 ; age, 5 years and 7 months; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 6 qts. ground corn and barley; property of S. N. Warren, Spring Hill, Tenn. r *»»-"■» ]5Si^VK. Toltec's Alice 31885....-^ I , .KT K„i lonn ( Belisario 640. L ,.,. .,.„ jNoobell399 ] Oonan 1485. V Sweet Alice 6402 < Roxburv 247 I Anna Roxbury 1803. -| S 592 92 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Empress 6th 3203.— Yield of butter, 17 lbs. 9^4 oz.. unsalted ; test made from July 1 to 7, 1882 ; property of M. H. Barnard, Forestville, Conn. Empress 6th 3203. r Vermont 893. / n^,.„^«, onn i Napoleou 291, imp. i Governor 890 -J ^^^^-^ .gg^ j„;p ^ I Victorine 22.33, imp. I I Gariba V Empress 1552 < I Eve 2d Garibaldi 609, imp. 34 ( On I. of J. "I Eve 733, imp. Miss Dora Deane 24505.— Y'ield of milk, 256 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 95g oz. ; test made from May 11 to 18, 1887 ; age, 4 years and 10 months ; estimated weight, 925 lbs.; well fed, but no record of feed kept; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. , , ^.^. j Guy Mannering 698. -J Bn/^ene'Lass 1780, imp. I f Argos> 4.i^0 1 Plenty 9.50. Miss Dora Deane 24505. , / T J T ■,,-,, \ Lawrence 61. p- ■ .f T. n V 0 ^~nJ ^°"^ Lawrence 1414 ^ady Marv 1148, imp. .EuniceofBelle\ lie 7.04-^ ( Planet 1130. ' Effie Goodloe 4806.. -^ ^^^ ^^ Staatsburgli 3194. * Belle of Wayne 18457.— Yield of milk, 230 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 91^ oz.; test made from May 20 to 27, 1886 ; age, 5 years and 9 months; property' of George P. Lapham, Macedon, N. Y. i Tocsin l'^12 I" Sir Farmington \ Prince of Croton 2490 -j Qignida 44.36, imp. Belle of Wayne ^^^^ 1 p.,,„ „f Fflrmintrton 3d 4060 i Pien-ot 636, imp. 16457 .... ...A l^arnnngton M 4UbU.. ^ gg,]g ^^ parmington 911, imp. I _ ,, „„ //-. t^ r,.5,o I Grand Duke Alexis 1040. iBelle of Canan- j Croton 2348 ^^ r,„,^ ^^^ 0730. daigua 10139 ^ . pipnot fiW imn ( Belle of Farmington 3d 4060.. -] jj^li; of Farmington 911, imp. * Cordelia Baker 8814.— Y^ield of butter, 17 lbs. 9 oz., salted; test made from May 1 to 7, 1883 ; age when made, 5 years and 2 months ; property of James B. Wilder, Louisville, K\. j Wethersfleld 966 -| t^^^Zl^tt' 2d 1.303. f Beeswax 19.31 -^ , roui^o gg.^. 'Lilly 2.0,8 1Pansyl019. Cordelia Baker 8814..-^ L R L fioo. * ^^'"^ °^ Glastonbury 1959. . -] ^d, j^Lh I523. I Pussy Baker 6994 -j ^ Robbins 953. ' Patty Baker 2o29 ^ p^gjg 35.33^ ^^^ * Goldthread 4945.— Yield of butter, 17 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from January 14 to 21, 1881 ; age when made, 4 years and 7 months; property of Edward M. Burns, Middleville, N. Y. , ^ e -D „ ,.po S Maxse 400, imp. /^Norwood lOi -; i p,.,r"5i lNorinal929 -j Efnda 846. Goldthread 4945 - „ ^ , „^„ 1 , ^ „„rt ) Monadnock 2o8. Quogue 690 -J p,.,^},,. j ,^0 ^Milwaukee 2920 -^ „,, ,oo< I BnllvBronx 604. ( Ishp 4th 1884 Ilslipl764. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 93 *Lady Vain 18573.— Yield of milk, 302 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from April 4 to 10, 1886; age, 5 yeax's and 6 months; prop- erty of William E. Gates, Vicksburg, Miss. t SUver Mine 1658.. -J ^^ert' '^52^9 ' '^^^■ fLord Longford 3997..] {^ZToVsHUnrg^ 893. ( Little Gentle 4640. -^ ^^^^^^ ^ j . ^.^.^ = Lady Vain 18573 A I Baronet "240 * ^^^^ Liggar 1066. I variella fi^"?? \ baronet .^40 ^ ^^^^^-^ ^^ ^ y\ ariella 633, -^ ^ ^^^^^^ g.p ■ ( bu Lu 4705 -^ ^jjggjjj jggo * Metah's Queen 4886.— Yield of milk, 358 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 9 oz., unsalted; test made from June 26 to July 2, 1881 ; age when made, 5 years ; property of George E. Bryant, Madison, Wis. (0-^-^^ -:Sm^oSr,imp. Metah's Queen 4886 < rMptahloof; j St. Malo 486, imp. { Metan U95 -j j^y^jig j294^ ^^^ * Nancy Lovelock 155 11. —Yield of milk, 207 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 9 oz. ; test made from March 1 to 8, 1885 ; age, 4 years ; pi-operty of J. B. Wallace, Lexington, Ky. Silverlocks Jr 6W * Silverlocke 546, imp. ftuveriocksdr. baa ^ Kathleen 1767, imp. 'Silver Mine 1658 -, , cff^n, m- ' Minerva l-iSq * o^^nolk bO, . Miner\ a 10^9 ^ Maggie 1416. Nancy Lovelock 15511. .-! ( Silver Mine 1658 \ f^^^^^^lo^' ^9^- lEmpress Eugenie 13549.-' ' Mmeiva lo29. • ' Nancy 1766, imp. Romp Ogden 5th 43181.— Yield of milk, 240 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from May 14 to 21, 1890 ; age, 4 years and 8 months ; actual weight, 940 lbs.; grain fed dailj", between 16 and 24 lbs. corn and oats; property of Wm. Morrow & Son, Nashville, Tenn. .Eancy. Harry 9777.]^-—^ | ggKn^eM 3653. ) Landseer'8 Fancy 2876. ■) ^^ing Fancy 97. Romp Ogden 5th 43181-^ poneil -lFawn4-6 UompOgdenl571.. [l^Unk'k. ' ^°™P ^^^ 1 Buttercup 3d 1099. * Milky Way 18865 (F. S. 2607 J. H. B.)— Yield of milk, 232 lbs. 15 oz.;. yield of butter,. IT lbs. 8}4 oz.; test made from September 18 to 24, 1884; age, 6 years and 6 months ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. Miss Bowris 12306.— Yield of milk, 276 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 83;2 OZ. ; test made from November 20 to 27, 1883 ; age, 6 years and 7 months ; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 18 qts. of a mixture of meal, ground oats, corn and peas ; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. ( On I. of J. rFaustSOS ■{ i Fanny 1343, imp. Miss Bowris 12306 < I I Ringleader 392, imp. VBessieRing 13175 ■{ Bessie 3V'0 ■! ^^'^^ Swiveller 74. uessie d5,o -j p^nnie 3519. 94 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Rioter's Sweet Brier 30582. — Yield of milk, 254 lbs. 6 oz. ; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 8^4 c>z.; test made from March 13 to 20, 1890; age, 6 years and 9 months; estimated weight, 1,050 lbs.; grain fed daily averaged about 53^2 ^bs. bran, GJ^ lbs. corn meal, 6 lbs. pea meal, 2 lbs. oats and 5^^ lbs. oat meal ; property of W. B. von Richthofen, Montclair, Col. rm...^m.f.r^n,<,^ J ""'' '''°''-"' °' ^'^ ^^^'^^"^eose .; 11-^,? onH'!ndsof4l3, imp. /Diana sKioter 10481 •< 1 Stokp Poo■i^ sd 'W.SS Kioter-s Sweet | \ Diana of St. Lambert 6636. . . . -) Pe° of S^Lambm 5123. c t T> • i> ci T IT- -.r.ei^ ( Victor Hugo 197, imp. .Sweet Brier of St. , Lord Lisgar 1066 -, pa„,i„^ 49I ^ Lambert 5481 ....-,' ^ L&val 506 ( Lily of St. Lambert 5130 -^ ^^^^^ ^f Windsor 483, imp. Brier 30583... *St. Jeannaise 15789.— Milk not weighed; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 8}^ oz.; test made in June, 1SS5 ; age, 5 years and 2 months ; property of S. W. Rob- bins, Wethersfield, Conn. ( Duke rVertumnus < (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) (P. S. 161J.H.B.) ( Coomassie 11874 fHappy J. (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) (P. S. 211 J. H. B. St. Jeamiaise 15789 -{ VGarenne 24524 (F. S. 1575 J. H. B.) I Leo /-Khedive -{ (F. S. 198 J. H. B.) (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) ( Cooraassie 11874 sy 18174..-^ (F. S. 1442J.H.B.) [Khedive's Dais i.a.) I Fanny (F. S. 551 J. H. B.) (F.S.459 J.H.B.) I \, Brown * Torment 15579. — Yield of milk, 17)2 qts. per day; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 8}4 oz.; test made from July 10 to 16, 1886; age, 4 years and 5 months; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. f Khedive ( Leo (F.S. 198 J.H.B.) ivceaue. . . . -^ coomassie 11874 , Tormentor 3533 < (f.b.WdJ.a.a.) (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) (F. S. 259 J. H. B.) ^ Angela (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) Torment 15579.. Lawrence (F. S. 61 J. H. B.) I iOkubol876 -< ^Irene of Short Hills 5137 < ( Mazie 1588, imp. Tflrtn iQOo J Duke of Shrewsbury 624. jarto lyu. ^ -^^^ Maitland 1590. *Zitella 2d 11922.— Yield of milk, 206 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 17 Ib.s. 8% oz.; test made from April 20 to 26, 1884; age, 3 years and 9 months; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. fitinahar 173Q -* Matchess 906, imp. 1 1 mnaoar i , da -, pgredot 238« irnr> Mercurv A Leda 799. / T,..,v,o. Tool- 4Ai.> J •^''''"'*"'" " '^=' "I Peredot 2388, imp-. [ Brother Jack 4042 -^ Mercury 432.' (insedra ,5bi | Leda 799. Zitella 2d 11922 -{ U„.sreo f'™"« l-^'- ' Minnie 2386, imp. BUTTE It TESTS OF JEESEYS. 95 * Cerita of Meadow Brook 5056.— Yield of milk, 119 qts.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from April 22 to 29, 1881 ; age when made, 5 years and 2 months ; property of Newton T. Beal, Rogersville, Tenn. ( second Iron Duke 202. . { Se^tlmp ' Troubadour 481 - ' ^^^°"® ^^' P' Cerita of Meadow Brook 5056 . I'yrene 4th 480. ' Cybele 136, imp. ^MonmouthSlO j EiYac m ' Cyrene 137, imp. * Countess Lowndes 26874.— Y'ield of milk, 210 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from June 18 to 24, 1884 ; age, 27 months and 15 days ; property of W. A. Conover, Hackettstown, N. J. , T„^^i 10— ( Giaylock 740. /nil A--,-:, ^ 'l Mis^ Jenkins 892. r Babylon 4- 23...- ( Devilshoof 866. I (Echo2do.8o -(Eciio2223. T, • « XT- iirin t Southampton 117, imp. ,^ ., ,. ^ P"°'=e of W arren 1512 • • ■ Golddrop 222. imp. ^ m> 6a , U, . . - , Optimus 1607. ' J ^^^ *°'^i "/ Countess of Warren ;3896. Countess Lowndes 26874. . . *Denise 8281.— Y'ield of milk, 218 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 8 oz.: test made from February 21 to 27, 1886 ; age, 6 years and 11 months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill. Tenn. / Ar ,..;„ ~ ~«n * Willie Boy 434. ,^ „ ,,„, inarms ,60 1 Ladv Mary 1148, imp. rTop-Sawyer 1404. . . -^ ^^^^^^ .^ .^^^ , ^'^l^of j'' '^^ '^ " ''• ""■ ""' Denise 8281 < ^Lucy 4577, imp ^Tim (F. S.112J. H. B.) / Bourgeoise (F. S. 442 J. H. B.) *Embla 4799.— Yield of butter, 17 lbs. 8 oz.; test made September, 1881 ; age when made, G}{ years ; property of C. R. C. Dye, Troy, Ohio. I Cadmus 4, imp. rSaladin 447 i ( T,' At ■ ^-i~ i Hotspur 206. ^ „ ,„„„ J '^\oodbine51 ", Buttercup .518. Embla4799 J, ... ( On I. of J. r Neptune 842, imp. in dam . . -) i^^/^: o|^<|.;, .,jo_j^ VElveta2121 < ( Alice Gray 2d 1 188 ■} ?^i°rr:^i;. . . , ,- mip. Alice Gray 2d 1188 ] i^LToray 154. imp. * Fanny of Cream Brook 13930.— Yield of milk, 259 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from January 4 to 11, 1886 ; age, 5 years and 7 months ; property of E. Kent & Son, New Market, N. H. /v . 1, M --in ( Nelusko 479. (^"f*^ell,29 -, Fannv Osden 1564. / \\ axy .illb { , Jer«ev Bov 272 Fanny of Cream Brook (LuLu3211 "i Lilly 3183. loyou A I I Mr. Micawber 5.56, imp. ^Fanny Micawber 1804. . - ( Fanny 285. imp. 96 BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. *Gabrielle Champion 14102.— Yield of milk, 178 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of but- ter, 17 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from June 17 to 33, 1885; age, 4 years and 3 months ; property of John Boyd, Elmhurst, 111. ^. , , , ■»!„ T> -n- ' Bismarck 292, imp. -Champion of America ^MayBoy.Oo ( Crocus 178~ ^ X. - 11 /^u • I '^^' Id ,Ain ( Livins; Storm 173. GabriPlle Champion ) / Pansy 1019 1 Dolly 2d 1020. 14102 ^i I . iui;,>^ii-3r 1 Nelnsko 479. ' <-u Tr/.„. o 1 Rnii ^ ■' Oazellf of Mobile 1735, imp. -Gilt Edge 3d 6041 - , y,.,,,,^, g^;,^ g^. (Gilt Edge ^GO^---, Gilt 1176. Helen Stoke Pogis 3 1 947.— Yield of milk, 236 lbs. 8 oz. ; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 8 oz. ; test made from July 9 to IG, 1888 ; age, 3 years and 3 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed dailA-, 3 lbs. bran, 9 lbs. corn meal, lOJ^ lbs. oil meal, 3I2 ^^^- fi'^^ middlings and 3 lbs. ground oats ; property of A. D. McBride, Rochester, N. Y. r Exile of St. Lambert ( ^l^i.'^f 4"'=."'' ^^- ^^°'' j Orloff 3143. 13G57 Helen Stoke Pogis 31947 '-"^" ^'"'"^ i Cliarity of St. Lam- llie of St. Lambert .stoke"''^' "^"^^ iKathle ^oinnf ^*- Lambert ^ g^^^^ p^g/^ g^ ^^SS. een of St. Lam- bert 5122. \ Baldwin's Frolic 13S40. ■) p|°v?n'{'"4sMr7^" I Lady Delphine 2»460. . . - j ^l-^f Guilford 2133. / Lady Sarah 4931 j Lita 4930. *Io 5th 280. — Yield of butter, 17 lbs. 8 oz., salted; made from June 23 to 29, 1881 ; age when made, 13 years and 8 months ; property of I. W. Vance, Cantrall, 111. .Roger 121 J Jupiter 122 | ga § imp. Io5th 280 -{ i TiiVk iiv* J Prince Albert IID, imp. |^Io3d245 -^ 1 Beauty 228, imp. / To 243, imp. *Lady Armington 7610.— Yield of milk, 300 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. .8 oz.; test made from July 10 to 17, 1885 ; age, 8 years ; property of William H. Hopkins, Providence, R. I. ^ Von Bismarck 1021 ■[ l^Jv Vhl^resa 2694 [ Von Bismarck .3d 17S0. . -' ^^^> /, .a (Lady Theresa 2694 j ^^^^^ Lady Armington 7610. . .-! Lady Theresa 2d 4253. . . 3 ''^"^ ^^^'^^^^^^ '''' ' ^FHI^-a 2694. 'Lady Theresa 2694 ] Co-^^lfg.g. * Mamie Coburn 3798. — Yield of butter, 17 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from May 2 to 9, 1878 ; age when made, 4 years ; property of Mrs. J. B. Ritzinger, Indianapolis, Ind. 'Ramchunder 718. \ Rajah 340, imp. ' Xellv .55 J Charleston 1. Mamie Cob urn 3798....-! " ' ( Nannie 4. M arm ion 359 On I. of J. Vr„..,„„ tru« ■ "^^™'°" -''■' • -iy'Ph 6.5, imp. ^Bowlcy 194G ) r-,.,, A~r ! Prince of Orange 184. 'E'*^ ^^^ (Eduh447. ^ BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 97 * Maud Melinda 12123. — Milk not weighed ; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from Janviary 13 to 19, 1884 ; ag-e, 5 years and 9 months ; property of C. E. Grosvenor, Canterbury, N. B., Can. ( Motlpv 515 ■* '^^'^^ Horner 514. imp. r Mir7a nOO \ ' ^^" Merrilies 1372, imp. piirza 1300 1 Mes 673 lOnl. of J. Maud Melinda 12126 J ' ^ '' ' ^^^^^^^ '''' '^V' {Mand of Millbrook 2070 -| JCd^^J^Imp' ^^'' '"'P' Rioter's Queen 14895.— Yield of milk, 314 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from June 20 to 27, 1885 ; age, 4 years ; estimated weight, 850 lbs. ; grain fed daily averaged 10 qts. oats, corn and bran ; property of Mrs, E. M. Jones, Brockville, Ont., Can. bert 528o -, { Rnffcr ■2m'\ Kioter's Queen 14895.^ ' ^e^^y of St. Lambert 5482 -| ^TBua'af St. Lam- ' bert 5105. iMaud of St. Lam- ( OrlofE .3143 -J [jSliJl" ''''■ " ' Di^^a of St- Lambert 6636 -) ^Lf o'f If Lambfrf 5123. Toy 20604.— Yield of milk, 258 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from October 24 to 31, 1890 ; age, 7 years and 8 months ; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 lbs. oil meal, 2 bs. bran and 20 lbs. corn sortings boiled on cob ; property of Garretson Bros., Pendleton, Ind. 1 Dnkp of Rplmont 44-S * Sweepstakes Duke 1905. .„ , .„, , T --0. i^^il^eot Belmont 44. S -, Bonnibelle Lee 7986 Duke of Belmont, Jr. "94. ", , Sweepstakes Duke 1905. / Duchess of Belmont 90.3o. . . - s^^sa Lee 53.53. Toy 20604..-! / i}„„„f Tj„ ^f T^ft^r.^^^ --"> > Brown V (P. S. 158 J. H. B.) ^ ,„„,, BeautyBoyofJeflersono,.>3-g:^fLecq 12.310, imp. .Queen Fan 18013 -> iRiin«i570 } Frankieof Jefferson 12312. . ■] ^^^^^ikk 4th 2253. * Welma 5942.— Yield of milk, 252 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter. 17 lbs. 8 oz., unsalted ; test made from October 2 to 8, 1882 ; property of Ariel Low, Jr., Warrensville, 111. 'Marius 760. Welma 5942. i Willie Boy 434 \ g^^^ ^^^■, ^^g, imp. ( Lady Mary 1148. imp. ( Marmion 359, imp. .Annie Wells 1947 - , C^re^.e 596. ( Lillie t dir lbO< -^ Bounty 1606. * Favorite of Avon 13438.— Yield of milk, 287 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 7^4 oz. ; test made from May 31 to June 6, 1885 ; age, 8 years ; property of C. E. Rowley, Cortland, N. Y. 1 Merrv Boy fDuke - (P.S. 61 J. H. B.) (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) (Superb /-Grey King J. (F. S. .353 J. H. B.) (P. S. 169 J. H. B.) Favorite of Avon 13438.-^ I Lily Grey (F. S. 770 J. H. B.) Icamelia (F. S. 1687 J. H. B.) 98 BLTTKli TKSTS OF JERSEYS. * Fair Starlight 7745.— Yield of milk, 2.")0 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 7% oz., unsalted ; test made from April 10 to 17, 1883; age when made, 6 years and 9 months ; property of David Strong, AVmsted, Conn. Feed, 8 qts. of mixture composed of one-third corn and two-thirds oats, ground together ; hay, all she would eat ; no pasture. ,,-. , in • • -~o i Rob Rov 17, imp. j-King of Fairview , ,8. . . -^ Eugenie 79-'. imp. Fair Starlight 7745. ..\ , ,, . ,.^'j * Millie Bov 434. \ t'antatoe 106.i - j^^^ o^ 2784. lPinkie2cl298. 'j ^. , • n-a- t Willie Bov 4.34. ' i^inKie ^,ao -^ Daisy 2783, imp. * Jennie of the Vale 9553.— Yield of milk, 250 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 71^ oz.; test made from May 1 to 8, 1884; age, 5 years and 5 months; prop- erty of H. W. Douglass, Pevely, Mo. .«■ v., , «, ^ ..a, ^ Welhersfield 066 -| oHnndlt' 2d 1303. j- Highland Blade 2164...- ( .Jupiter 9S.3. ' Chloc Daniels 2668 - LaSy Ortou 2667. Jennie of the Vale 9553. K ^ Pierrot 636, imp. Ulsie Brown 4026 - „^ .,..,-, \ Rob Rov 17. imp. / Rosa 2d 1622 -, ^^^^^ ~y^_ j^^p Princess Aurea Pogis 39266.— Y^ield of milk. 208 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of but- ter, 17 lbs. 7.1^ oz.; test made from August 26 to September 2, 1890; age, 4 years and 4 months ; estimated weight, 875 lbs. ; no record of feed kept- ordinary testing feed; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. o. , Ti • -.1, Knc'- * Stoke Pogis 1259. imp. j-Stoke Pogis oth 598. . . . . -^ Marjoraiu 3239. imp. Princess Aurea Pogis 39266-^ r fharlie Kittred-^e 1247 -' j°^^^^- L- }4S. iGold Princc!<» 8809 < 2.592. imp. / n^:,T;^ c uin. * Gold Piincc 2181. (&oldie(..8l04 ■, Acacia 1162. * Cottage Lass 5332.— Yield of milk, 201 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 His. 7 oz.; test made from June 5 to ll, 1884; age, 7 years and 10 months; property of Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. ^„ -, . ano * On I, of J. r Gu y Mannenng 698 •, Brunette La.„i^r,;„„ 0-10 * Sarpedon 930. ( Polonius 2ol3 - ^^/^ ^gg i Combination 43S9 S ^^_^, ,_^^ McClelYan 4th 85, Transcript 31867 HadyMel429... : \^^^ ] rh.onir,. .iro- * '^°^°= ''''""-' '''' ' Coum^Gisela 2820. VChronicle2162o -, l I.l=i I Miss Millie 12204 ] L'^Jle Rini"2175. * Daisy Brown 12213.— Yield of milk, 237 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 61^ oz.; test made from April 33 to 38, 1884; age, 3 years and .5 months ^ property of Campbell Brown, Spring- Hill, Tenn. I Khedive jLeofF. S. 108J. H.B.) /Tormentor .3533 ^ ^. S. ib3 J. h; B;i ' " ' ' ^'ooniassie m74^ ^^ (F. S. 259 J. H. B.) 'Angela (P. S. 1607 J, H. B.) 1 , Tj„-,^tr.,i i~i^ * Pertinatti 713. Ueedless 9522 jBraxtonl,15 , Brunette Lass 1780, imp. Brunette Lass 1780, imp. * Gipsy May 6259.— Yield of milk, 175 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 6J^ oz.; test made from July 10 to 16, 1885 ; age, 8 years and 3 months ; prop- erty of Hunnicutt & Yancey, Athens, Ga. {Young Baron 702, imp. jYonng Baron 702, imp. Gipsy Quee.i 5215 ] ( jjgp,^^ „f Plymouth ( Gipsy 6th 2275 -J 886. imp. / Gipsy 319, imp. Daisy Brown 12213. Leila of Briarclifl :i4184 100 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEY S. Lady Creamly 4th 19077.— Yield of milk, 215 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, IT lbs. 6^0 oz.; test made from May 24 to 31, 1887; age, 5 years : estimated weiglit, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 12 lbs. ground corn and oats; prop- erty of E. C. McDowell, Columbia, Tenn. , Blossom's Ten- ^ Top-Sawyer 1404 J EmblemTo LadyjCreamly 4th I / Blossom of the Grango 69.58. -} on I™of J ^" ^' ^"* *^' ^" ^'^ ( HnrkiTiiim VQ" * Bliichei 4S, imp. ^Lady Creamly 1975. 3 ^°'^'^"™' ' '~ > Dewdrop 11.5S. imp. / Ann 1974 - Blucher 8._mp / Cowslip ll.o7. imj). Leila of Briarclifif 24184.— Yield of milk, 171 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 6}4 c>z.; test made from May 21 to 28, 1886; age, 2 years and 6 months; estimated weight, 750 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 4 qts. corn meal, 2 qts. bran and 2 qts. malt spi'outs ; property of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. lSarpcdon930 l Sa'l'f fDomino of Darlington^ /i-uropai,b. 2459. I Beauty of Darlinirton ( Smith of Darlington 573(i ■< 2458. / Grace Darlington 5.574. (Grey King j Duke (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) I Jersey Lily 14044 -| ^ (P. S.^ 1^09 J. H. B.) ^ ^^J^.^J.'^X-o j. h. B. ) * Torfrida 3596.— Yield of milk, 256 lbs. SH oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 6}^ oz., salted ; test made from July 14 to 20, 1883 ; age when made, 9 years and 10 days ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. ( Rioter 2d 469, imp. '^"^^"^^^ ^''^ ] I j„puer 93 * S^^urn 94, imp. ^Europal7G ( J«P^ter 93 , Rhea 166 .mp. 1 Alnhe'i fl * Saturn 94, imp. ' A'P'i'^'i 1 ■ 1 -, Rhea 166, imp. Cordelia Signal 2d 44489.— Yield of milk, 237 lbs.; j^ield of butter, 17 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from June 8 to 15, 1889 ; age, 2 years and 10 months ; esti- mated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily averaged about 9 lbs. corn meal, 6 lbs. wheat bran and IJ^ lbs. flaxseed meal ; property of Carson & Bro., Crab Gi"chard, Ky. I Signal, Jr. 7166 l^fJ'll^P' i S'^-^^l Lad 12199 ; ^^'rtd Duke 1040. Cordelia Signal 2d ' ^^°<^<^ -"^ ^'^^^^' / Rhoda 1102. 444S9 -{ ^ Wanderer 3014 l clle«V38?4 Icordelia Signal 33452. - \ awo'od'Lavvrer,ce.5938. ( becond cousin Ubh9. -^ pj^^^ Cousin 126S3. ♦Floret 9959.— Yield of milk, 255 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter. 17 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from October 8 to 14, 1885 ; age, 6 years and 7 days ; property of William R. Goodspeed, Goodspeed's Landmg, Conn. i Pierrot 2d 1669 \ St"'"Q«' /'"P" ,-a„..^..u in-c J I Damtv ,96, imp. ^"•'''^'' ''■^'^ 1 Myrtle 2d "11 ' B'«^l'^'- '^^ IO2' I ( JUj rtie M~li ^ Myrtle 208. Floret 9959. Sharp's Newton 1953.. .jCaram^us314._ , Flora ha 6230 -, ..,k , ,a Conrh's T ilv 3'>37 j Albert 44. ' ^^oucn 6 Lily .i^.i, J Lilv Dale 3236 BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. 101 * Maggie Martin 9562. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 6 oz. ; test made from December 25, 1885, to January 1, 1886; age, 6 j^ears and 6 months ; property of H. L. Muldrow, Starkville, Miss. I Dash of Glastonbury 1959. * ?°u'?n^1^o\oo ' Much Ado 2405 \ ' Ladj Da.h 252.3. Maggie Martin 9562. Dandelion 2521, imp. 1 St. Martin 1482 < Reantv-iSlI imn .Lucette Martin 7770. ...■{ ^!^";^, '^^Vi imn / Lucilla W. 5357 ■ ?!' "*^tr -.i,U . !£ Onl. of J. Beauty .531 Barney 14f ') Lucy k. 5202, imp. 17158. Martha Lafayette 17158.— Yield of milk, 220 lbs, 10 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from June 17 to 24, 1888 ; age, 7 years and 8 months; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed dailj', 8 lbs. bran, 5 lbs. corn meal, 2 lbs. of cotton-seed meal and 2 lbs. pea meal ; property of T. S. Webb, Knoxville, Tenn. n .H 3445 iTop.Sawyerl404 { K^ A r Lord Harry 3445. . . . < Rioter fi70 imn Martha Lafayette I ' duchess of Bloomfield3653. -J rgeTa'ieir''- L , ,,„,„, (Milkboy2844 j KuS^oS'- VMary Garnet 10371 . < Yankee 1003 I Garnet of Bourbon 6345. . . . ■} i^^net of Staatsburgh 2d 3647. Nora Sheldon 43590.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from September 18 to 25, 1890 ; ag-e, 4 years and 4 months ; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. corn meal, 8 lbs. middlings and 7 lbs. ground oats ; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, ( ^^h1rM-«1l^'- ^''"" ^ ^'°*'''' ^''^' "^'' ' Pr^e^'^fTvhfd.orfsS, imp. I oert l.ia.dl ■■ Shplrlnn ^•1^0 Nora Sheldon \ ' Elaine of St. Lambert 27053. .| %f^^{l2 ^^ ' 43590 ^'m '' ^°'^ i ^'^ °' ^'''P"'' '''' '! Pi'ne Tret^Mary 16.321. * Pi°e Tree Mary 16321 ] g^^^^^^f^faid 8460, imp. Tette 20802.— Yield of milk, 188 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 6 oz. (official); test made from June 8 to 14, 1885 ; ag'e, 2 years and 7 montlis : prop- erty of Thomas H. Malone, Nashville, Tenn. ( r-iiriprnv 9in- i Magnetic 1428. / n 1^ Tj„ • moQ ('I'^ieroy 210, ^ .Jeanne Le Bas 2476. ( Regnia 2d 24. 5 (P. S. 16 J. H. B.) -^ p^^.,,^ ^p j^ 3.^ j ^ 3 ^ ■Tette 20802 J ,f„„„^.EQQ i Pansy's Albert lOOS. o„,,„„, .„ „«.o ^™°^ ^°^'^ (St. Perpettia 3648 ISyringa 3d 6. ,8. . ■ , B,,i,^,H ,.^^, ' ^ynnga dai ^ ^,^^,^^ .,^q^ 102 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Toltec's Fancy 27172.— Yield of milk, 124 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 6oz.; test made fi-om July 19 to 3."), 1885; age, 23 months; property of Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. Khc^dive (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) ( Tormentor 3533.. /•ToltecG831 ■{ (F. S. 259 J. H. B.) / Angela (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) Oomiil-lS5 \ Rajah 340, imp. „, , ^ ^,,^, Uonan l4Bo ( Omoo 1247, imp. Toltec's Fancy 27172 ' > < i- 1 ( Landl^eer 331 \ On I. of J T 1 , Tji £io-e ; I Dazzle 379, imp. Landseer's Fancy 28.6..-^ ( Gen. Grant 47. '^"""g^'^^cy 9' ■•••-, Fancy 2d 95. Vixen 7591 . * Vixen 7591.— Yield of milk, 196 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 6 oz., unsalted ; test made from December 12 to 19, 1883 ; age when made, 5 years and 6 months ; property of M. M. Gardner, Nashville, Tenn. ,,rari„.'-«n ( Willie Boy 4.34. ,„ „ ,,„, ^ManuMbu 1 Lady Mary 1148, imp. |Top-Sawyerl4a4 ^ ^^^,^^ ^^ .j Clement 115 (F. S. 61J. H. B.) ■ 1 ( Roxbury 247 -j g^^.^t"" '''' '"'" { Rosana 1761 -!. Paterson 11 I Cowslip 5th 849 iSfpSgk * Faultless 12018.— Yield of milk, 234 lbs. 18 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 5}4 oz., salted ; test made from July 14 to 20, 1883 ; age when made, 8 years and 6 months ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. 1 Pasha (P. S. 64 J. H. B.) FaultlcFs 12018 a ( Ceriso (F. S. 737 J. H. B.) Lady Ramaposa 26232.— Yield of milk, 245 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 17 Jbs. 51^ oz.; test made from December 11 to 18, 1888; age, 4 years and 8 months; estimated weight, 675 lbs.; grain fed daily, 15 lbs. middlings, 14 lbs. ground oats, 12 lbs. corn meal and 2 lbs. oil meal ; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. , Tij^M * niof ' Domino of Darlington 2459. Miletus 3186 -| Premium of Darlington 557 -Ramai)o4G,9 < t Rioter 2d 469, imp. ' Eurotas 24.54 -^ ^^^^^^^ ^.g Lady Ramaposa 26232- /'Ramai)o4679 < 1 , c f A 1 1, ceo i Dolphin 2d 468, imp. r. rvy, ..^ jSonofAlphea562 ] Alphea 17L V Gray Therese .5322. . -l ^ g/ prj^r 567. ( Therese 20c,9 ■ ^.' , „„ on-w. ■( Mary Ann 2038. Poppy H. 34865.— Yield of milk, 163 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 5}^ oz.; test made from October 20 to 27, 1889 ; age, 4 years and 7 months ; esti- mated weight, 750 lbs.: gram fed daily, 5 gallons ground oats and corn, in equal parts ; propertj- of Maury Jersey Farm, Columbia, Tenn. r. » o-fi * On L of J. \ Catono 3, 61 - qj^^^ .^g^,^ ! Pedro of tlu' Valley 8750-^ Oneco 918 / Rosabel Hudson 5704 -^ ^ ^.^,3^] Hudson 2877. Poppy H. 34865 J .> OH 00,. ^ ^■""'^"' ^'""'""' ^°-' '^' ^ "I M^admv IXon 4840. VArawana Poppy 2d 99.35- . Noraiah ^12 ' Arawana Poppy 6053 \ g°pp';^842 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 103 Wamla 32083.— Yield of milk, 263 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 5^ oz.; test made from October 1 to 8, 1888; ag-e, 4 3-ears and 1 month ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed dail}-, 34 qts. meal and bran, with a little oil meal; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. I Polonius 2513 -\ f^T^2^ ^'^■ /-Combination 4389 - ' k', ,'t'u' a^u o^ |LadyMel429 l Mel 2d 5? Wamla 32083 -I i Combination 4389 -' f "'.""I'J^.^.^.i^- I Wamba 30641 J Lady Mel 429 Orio-in 22204 .* Young George 3413. ' "''«'" ""'-"'* } Lady Victoria 16468. Zenitza 19190.— Yield of milk, 316 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 5}4 oz.; test made from July 1 to 8, 1888; age, 5 years and 10 months ; weight, 1,035 lbs.; g-rain fed daily, 10 lbs. bran, 8 lbs. corn meal, 1 lb. cotton-seed meal and 1 lb. pea meal ; proi^erty of Jacob L. Thomas, Knoxville, Tenn. Zenitza 19190. Tormentor 3533. iNeata 4748. Khedive -!L«o'FS.198J.H.B.) ii' ^ in-:i T IT p^ ) CoomassK; U . ^. 103 J. 11. h.) ,p o 1 xiQ .T TT T? ^ (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) Angela (P. S. 1007 J. II. B.) iRulanderl037.. |Fleta3859 \ Dnke of Grayholdt 1035. '( Caramel 2727. I Alvin 882. ■( Myrtle 612. Pearl's Lemon 41646.— Yield of milk, 330 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 5}£ oz. ; test made from April 37 to May 4, 1890; age, 3 years and 11 months; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 3 lbs. corn and oat meal, ground together, and 1 lb. ground oil-cake ; property of Albert Stracke, Warsaw, 111. f Younf^ Jupiter 12157. . . Pearl's Lemon 41016-^ I Pearl of Warsaw 30543 S Jupiter of Beechwood 0866 -j ^^f ™a1lo~0. / Arietta 5115 -\ Young Bajon 702, imp. ( Cowslip 1773. \ Algebar 4202. . ' Freialita 21421 1 rL'K,^ ) Orawapum 2833. '/ Carrie's Tennie C3C; ■/ Raritv 2d 7734. * Bees-wax 9807.— Yield of milk, 187 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 5 oz. ; test made from March 17 to 33, 1884; age, 5 j'ears and 8 months ; prop- erty of Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. rTop-Sawyer 1404. Beeswax ^Bisma3d 1870. I Marius 700. I Emblem 90. i Fairfax 530 ' Bisma 1669, imp. ( Willie Boy 434. "/ Lady Mary 1148, imp. Clement 115 - (F. S. 61 J. H. B.) I On I. of J. J Monmoutli 210. '( Copia 46, imp. 104 BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. * Judith Coleman 1 1391.— Yield of milk, 208 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 5 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from October 30 to November 5, 1883; age when made, 2 years and 11 months ; property of Rutherford Douglas, Lexington, Ky. Feed, 13 qts. wheat bran, 2 qts. corn meal; pasture, timothy and blue-grass. ^ Red Cloud -d :>-C0 -; il"^,^i^"lf 9- ""P- rjohn Knox 3289 - H^'i^'f, f^^' Lady Pigot 2d 5798 ■ * 1 V" S „ V -n- ■ r. Judith Coleman 11391 j ' ^ady o,9„ imp. Ijuliette of St. Lam- , Buffer 2055 -j ^°';i?^°Sf j^^.t bert 5483 - / A meiia 484, imp. / Rosette of St. Lam- , t „ /i t •„ t,-^a bert 5108 •' ^°^^ Lisgar 1066. "^"^^^'^ ( Victoria 411. Letitia Hunter 35575. — Yield of milk, 211 lbs. 4 oz.; j'ield of butter, 17 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from June 7 to 14, 1890; age, 4 years and 11 months; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 16 lbs. ground oats, corn and bran ; property of S. H. Godman, Muncie, Ind. Letitia Hunter 35575.. Black Diamond V. 4970 Belle of Cork 17403, imp. Comneer "367 -* S°" °'' --^'P^iea .562. oompeer ^b. ^ gg,,^^ Donna 1727. Valhalla 5300. I Signal 1170. 1 Azelda 3872. * Little Lass 28512.— Yield of milk, 163 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 5 oz. ; test made from June 9 to 15, 1886; age, 3 years and 3 months ; prop- erty of W. S. Shields, Bean's Station, Tenn. Khedive ■' ^""^ ™P- I ^ ' ( Rhea 16ti, imp. Richness 16536 -! ( Mercury 433 ■* J^PJ^er 93 l01ytemnestra2455 \ t, ^ufr q^* Leda T99 ' Jupiter 93. ' ^eaa.yy 1 Europa 176. * Syren V. 14619.— Yield of milk, 215 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from Februaiy 14 to 21, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 8 months ; property of Watts & Seth, Baltimore, Md. (( Welcome Hero ■{ (P. S. 172 J. H. B.) (P. S. 90 J. H. B.) ( Musique (F. S. 1096 J. H. B.) Sophie (F. S. 434J. H. B.j Uyren (P. S. 371 J. H. B.) ♦Renalba 4117.— Yield of milk, 267 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 4i^ oz.; test made from February 20 to 2G, 1882 ; age when made, 6 years and 10 months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. Feed, wheat bran, cotton-seed meal, linseed meal, chopped corn and peas, mixed, 4 qts. per day ; hay twice daily ; winter pasture of blue-grass. Pilot Jr. 141. Renalba4117, j Pilot 3. ^Pertinatti 713 \ruuLor...x ", Jenny 287, imp. I ( Pert 110, imp. 1 , I Belisario 640 i mov>,fj-^^- \ Renebel 2772 { ] Y}^I,\]f~~- |ReneOgdenl568 ] fc 2^56. 106 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Silver Delle 40691.— Yield of milk, 170 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter.-17 lbs. 43^ oz.; test made from September 7 to 14, 1890 ; age, 4 years and 5 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 14 qts. ground oats, peas and bar- ley; property of Mrs. Eliza M. Jones. Brockville, Ont., Can. ^ McHenry 5890 -\ ]fj^i Charlton 5463. { E" ^°°'i 13382 ■/ M 1 ~-o- ( Czar of New York 4049. ( Delle 2d 1... 3, , Delle 3789. Silver Delle 40691....-^ I Baritone 1075 \ f"^^^%^!^- ,,,0 ,„„ Icharlton Caroline 117243 Lad> Mary 1148, ,mp. I Caroline 2d 2019 grr^Hne 2738, imp. * Duchess of Bloomfield 3d 12250.— Yield of milk, 111 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 4i''g oz.; test made from March 6 to 13, 1886 ; age, 5 j'ears and 15 days ; property of Isaac Ross, Opelika, Ala. Khedive * Leo (F. S. 1P8 J. H. B.) 1 IP « inQ'T"M"Ti'\ '" ' Coomassie 11874 Tormentor 3533 < '^- *• ^^'^ '^- "• "■> (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) Duchess of Bloom- \ ,-p ^ .,-q t ti" tj' T " ) field 3d 12250 < ^^ ' '^^ ~'''^ '' ' "■ ^- ' Angela (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) Duchess of Bloom- \ Rioter 670, imp. field 3653 - , Rn^Unrv 9A~ 'A"g-l«l«8-~ -;KpTl2timp. * Anita H. 12334.— Yield of milk, 331 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from November 9 to lo, 1885; age, 5 years and 5 months; propei-ty of William H. Hayden, Albany, Vt. , rrh^ c. „;,„ > ^r- Toodles 377, imp. ^ ^ ^^ "' M-'ttie 994. I H°°^" ^- 3683 1 , Critic .540. (Wiaa.i,,9 ( Lady Godfrey 678. Anita H. 12334 -{ ^ , , Orange Peel .502 I Orange Peel .502 . Critic .540 < (F. S. 129 J. H. B. , ^' ( Cannie 13.59. imp. .) ^Gilda2779. " . I T A r^ Af,^ e~o ) Dick Swiveller Jr. 276. Lady Godfrey 6,8 ] jj^^ora 679. Catchfly 4th 47682.— Yield of milk, 247 lbs.; yield of bulter, 17 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from July 18 to 25, 1889 ; age, 3 years and 3 months ; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daih\ 4 qts. corn meal, 2 qts. oil meal and 4 qts. wheat bran; property of W. C. Norton, Agent, Aldenville, Pa. ^ .a^ I Miletus 3186. r.^,■ ., ■ i-,.< * Ramapo 46,9 ■ ^urotas 24.54. Kamapo Chieftain lo.324- ( I Favorite of Franklin 1 St. Julien of Franklin 25407 < 6939. Catchfly 4th 47682. ...J i Dorothy of Bovina 9373. I ^ ,.,„ 1 Diamond Earl 3116. Catchfly 2o40o - , Emperor 287. I Phoebe 4th 22,1 p^^^ -^ ; BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. 107 *Chloe 4th 4612.— Yield of milk, 207 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from October 28 to November 3, 1885 ; age, 9 years and 11 months; property of D. A. Givens, Cynthiana, Kj'. Yankpp 100^ imn ' ^^^^^ *F- S- 97 J. H. B.) i ankee iw.i, imp -^ Georgette (F. S. 309 J. H. B.) Cliloe4th4G12. •Chloe 1540. , Jerry 1.5, imp. ' riira 9rl i-^-^S * Garibaldi 609, imp. Clara za l.j.ib -^ ^.j^^.^ „jj^ ^^^ * Faith of Oaklands 19696, imp.— Yield of milk, 267 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 4 oz., salted ; test made from August 17 to 23, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years and 6 months ; property of V. E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. Feed, 8 qts. of ground oats daily; pasture, second-crop clover. Prince of the Valley -' ^fi^°'°« ... iiEi*'-- Jennie Cream 30622, /Jersey cream 3151 ^'^^^^^'^ ''' imp. 4' 460. *Minette of St. Lambert 9774.— Yield of milk, 297 lbs.; jneld of butter, 17 lbs. 4 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from July 25 to 31, 1883 ; age when made, 4 years and 2 months ; property of William Rolph, Markham, Ont., Can. .• stoke Pocris sd a^^S -* ^^°^^ P°Si8 1259, imp. Minette of St. Lam- °^°^^ ^°§'* '^°^ '^'•'^°- ■■■ i Marjoram .3239, imp. bert 9774 { May Day of St. Lam- , Lord Lisgar 1066 -J J^{ll^^' '''^ ^^P" ^"■^ •^'"■* "/ lerne 13-3 ' ^''"°'' ^''go 197, imp. r lerne 16,6 -^ Beauty 1319, imp. *Nannaxie 18860.— Yield of milk, 245 lbs. 6 oz.; j^ield of butter, 17 lbs. 4oz.; test made from February 8 to 15, 1881; ag'e, 7 years and 5 months; property of Cornelivis Whitbeck, Craryville, N. Y. ( Maxse 400, imp. Nannaxie 18860.. 'Anne 412. ( On I. of J. 1 Fawn 108, imp. 108 BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. * Oktibbeha Duchess 4422.— Yield of milk, 282 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 4 oz., salted ; test made fi'om April 7 to 13, 1882; age when made, 7 years and 1 month ; property of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. Feed, steamed cotton seed, corn meal and wheat bi-an ; good pasture. ( Motlev 515 3 ^^'^^ Horner 514, imp. ,- The Hub 1009 \ ^ ' ^eg Merrilies 1372, imp. I I Bessie 139, imp. Oktibbeha Duchess 4422-^ Uucky Belle 2214 f ''"^ *" ! KS^^V'^' «P-°^y6th38 -;?au|,Timp. * Plum 13228.— Yield of milk, 229 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from June 20 to 26, 1885 ; age, 4 years, 1 month and 20 days ; prop- erty of J. R. Gaston, Normal, 111. Test made on grass alone. (Fit7iq8S (Pagan 1800. ( Gen. Rosser 4189 '^"'' '''' ! Rf °f L^]'''^ '" ''''■ Plum 1.3228. ) Orphan Beauty 3769. . ■] ^%l^l^S:m, imp. ^ Baron Booth 2150. ...-] gUlif.^j^a^^'i'^-bf rn''''' iFannie Booth 12505.. . J ^^'lle^f Fr'^'iShZ 1521 . ' ^ ^^=^ ^''•^ / Betty 683. * Wybie 595. — Y'ield of buttei-, 17 lbs. 4 oz. ; test made in June, 1875 ; prop- erty of O. S. Hubbell, Stratford, Conn. Wvbie .59.J. \ Charleston 1, imp. in dam Princess 836. / Princess 836, imp. *Frankie's Lass 24900.— Yield of milk, 217 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 31^ oz.; test made from June 13 to 20, 1885 ; age, 6 years and 9 months ; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. , ,, ,„-,, \ Milo 590. ,„ , , ,^., jtouponl024 -, Pansev I,ass 1779, imp. ( t obden 18, 1 -' young Baron 702,. imp. ( Musette „u,ij ^ jjjjj^y Lggg ^qj^^ j^^p Prankie's Lass 24900^ iFrankie 5th 3542. .. ] '^"^''" ^^' ^ Que^en^o/staatsburgh 2234, imp. ' Frankie 17, imp. Lady Longfield 23524.— Y'ield of milk, 203 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 3I2 oz.; test made from November 23 to 30, 1886; age, 4 years and 9 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed dail}-, 16 lbs. corn chop, 6 lbs. bi-an and 6 lbs. cotton-seed meal, mixed ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. / TT /D u 011 T XT T3 \ ( Vertumuus (P. S. 161 J. H. B.) j Happy (P. S. 211 J. H. B.) Qarenne (F. S. 1575 J. H. B.) Ladv Locfield ( Cicero 7657 -^ 2^24. . .!. I ^^- ^- ~^ ^- H- B- ' ' Flour De I'Air 12702 (F. S. 1736 J. H. B.) ' Dappled (F. S. 2773 J. H. B.) 13UTTEH TESTS OF JEESEYS. 109 Belnina 19189.— Yield of milk, 214 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 3i^ oz.; test made from August 15 to 23, 1888 ; age, 6 years and 6 daj's ; weight, 947 lbs.: grain fed daily, 5 lbs. brar^, 5 lbs. corn meal and 6 lbs. oat meal; property of Jacob L. Thomas, Knoxville, Tenn. (Khedive jLeo(F.S,198J.H.B.) I (P 1 mq T TT T* \ Coomassie r Tormentor 3533 < (f.b.w.i0.ti.ii.) (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) ( Angela (F. S. 160" J. H. B.) Belnina 19189 -{ i Doctor Wogg 3504 •* c^?,^^J7^'*' ooia .Belle of Tennessee 9573. J at ll ^°??h'- ^^^ ' ^ 1 Northern Chief A (P. S. 137J. H ( Mousie 6968, imp ") 1 Northern Chief ( Belle of New York 6963. { (P. S. 137 J. H. B.) *Fear Not 6059.— Yield of milk, 255 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 3 oz., salted ; test made from August 6 to 12, 1882 ; age when made, 7 years ; prop- erty of Woodside Farm Herd, Troy, N. Y. Feed, 4 lbs. corn meal. 6 lbs. wheat middlings ; pasture. I On I. of J. 'Sans-Peur. Fear Not 6059.. (F. S. 201 J. H. B.) I Fauchon 22001 (F. S. 1332 J. H. B.) ( Prince of Wales. I ( Brown Prince < tLady of the Isles. . . < (F. S. 85 J. H. B.) i Browny (F. S. 113 J. H. B.) (F.S.993J.H.B.)|^. j^ J (F S. 334 J. h'.'B.)' ' Foi'get Me Not (F. S. 333 J. H. B.) * Mhoon Lady 6560.— Yield of milk, 261 lbs. 8 oz.; ^neld of butter, 17 lbs. 3 oz., unsalted ; test made from May 29 to June 4, 1883 ; age when made, 5 years and 6 months ; property of William B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. i( St. Helier 45, imp. Ralph 957 ■{ { Ibi 671 i Bertie 267. (Claude 669. ( The Hub 1009 \ f°^^?^,^}'^- ■ Mink 2d 3890 ! ^''*''^^^^i '""P' Mink 8548 U[''E-''*J-^- >. .- ,- ^ I Mattie Micawber 2547. Musquita 28462 — Yield of milk, 227 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 3 oz. ; test made from August 27 to September 3, 1889; age, 5 years and 6 months; estimated weight, 775 lbs.; gn-ain fed daily, 10 lbs. corn meal, 10 lbs. ground oats and 10 lbs. middlings; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. / ATiiof.iQ QioR i Domino of Darlington 8459. /-Rimino 4679 3 ''"'^'"^ '^^^ "/ Premium of Darlington 5578, imp. ' (Eurotas2454 .| |io- M ^ imp. Musquita 88462 ■{ i Sir Oeorcrp 7fi=ifi J ^"3' Fawkes (F. S. 251 J. H. B.) ATnnPv \\u^V iq-i-t i " ' Brown Bess 13092, imp. Uloney Mnsk 13, 14. . Vertnmnus (P. S.'l61 J. H. B.) ( uay uream ib9.i».. . -^ ^gj^j ^p g_ g-g j_ ^ -g ^ :l]0 butter tests of jerseys, * Princess Mostar 9700. — Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 3 oz., salted ; test made from April 22 to 29, 1882 ; age when made, 5 years ; property of James Cloud & Son, Kennett Square, Pa. I Rioter 670, imp. rOuke of Bloomfield 1544^ I Alice Bloomfield 1680, imp. Princess Mostar 9700-< . riif ton Del 1 1 1 1 r J ^''^y ^"^"^ ^^'•■ T^^.... <>Q~i * Clitton uell 111 , -^ Ladv Bowen 3M, imp. ^'^''^'^^•^ '/Linda 3d 3019 J Pilot Boy m ' ^'"'^'^ ^*^ '^-^^ I Linda 846. * Frugal 14925.— Yield of milk, 239 lbs. 4oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 2^i oz.; test made from June 25 to July 1, 1885; age, 9 years and 2 months ; prop- erty of Frederick Loeser, Somerville, N. J. I Noble fRattler - (F. S. 104 J. H. B. > (P. S. 30 J. H. B.i ( Lady Jane f Pasha -{ ( F. S . 274 J. H. B. > (P.S. 64J.H. B.) (Sultan l^Sultane { (F. S. 58 J. H. B.) (P. S. 7 J. H. B.) ( Longiieville Queen Frugal 14925 ....■{ (F. S. 272 J. H. B.) (F. S. 1671J. H. B.) I I Noble I (Stockwell 2d -I ( F. S. 104.J. H. B.) U,,^ ) (P. S. 24 J. H. B.) (Soucique (P. !5. 69 J. H. B.) ( ^jjijy ,p g (.4._, J jj j3 ) *Cetewayo's Silver Bell 18952.— Yield of milk, 214 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 2^o oz.; test inade from June 6 to 12, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 4:% months : property' of D. A. Givens, Cynthiaua, Ky. , 1, ,„, \ Hero (P. S. 90 J. H. B.) Komulus -, Stella (F. S. 705J. H. B.> f Cetewayo \ (P. b. 181J. U. B.) Cetewayo's .Silver Bell (P. S. 224 J. H. B.) 18952 < "■ Musiiiue (F. S. 109G J. H. B.) tsilverBell (F. S. 1807.1. H. B.) * Colt's La Biche 6399.— Yield of milk, 282 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 2}4 oz., unsalted ; test made from February 11 to 17, 1882 ; age when made, 4 years and 8 months ; property of D. A. Givens, Cynthiana, Ky. Feed, bran, shipstuff, corn meal, oil meal, mixed; hay; pasture, blue-grass. "X 'Knave 1856. Colt's La Biche 6399. ,La Biche 2d 4023. TT., i,„, n-< * On I. of J. \ Hashes 9o4 -^ j^^gj^ .^^.,., .^^^ i n.,^i.„ .-)Ko- J Robbing 953. ' ^^"^'^y ^5-' 1 Tidy 2520. \ Pierrot 030, imp. / La Biche 905, imp. * Cream of Sidney 17028.— Yield of milk, 345 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 2I2 oz.; test made from June 26 to July 3, 1881 ; age when made, 5 years and 1 month ; propertj^ of Andrew Baker, West Dryden, N. Y. I Noble qoi imn > ^'°^'® (^- '^^ ^'^^ ^- ^- ^'^ Proom of «iHT,Pv i-n-78 i ' ^ ' Fannv of Babylon 2345, imp. Cream of Sidney 1,0-28 < ( Paddv 899 imn I Rosetta of Sidney 4520 \ l^^tf'hT^lou 2346, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Ill Design 18481.— Yield of millc, 250 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 2^4 oz. ; test made from December 1 to 8, 1889 ; age, 7 years; estimated weight, 820 lbs.; grain fed daily, 18 qts. ground corn, oats and peas; properly of Richardson Bros., Daveniiort, Iowa. . ^. . , ,,,. i Hornbeam 2123 .; f „YiSSnpton 1913. Fini. Lawrence 410 -. ^„.^„^^^ „„.,, , Lord Lawrence 1414. ( Ella La« rence 8823 ~J Elfindune .5335. Design 18481 -{ , n w 10O.0 ' ^"""- '''" '''' -5 ^^^^^. , Damask 10250 < , -uo,.;,ic ^nn ' -Uistatt 48,, - Blondette 1817, imp. * Maggie Rex 28623.— Yield of milk, 298 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 2i^ oz.; test made from March 16 to 22, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 7 months ; prop- erty of Mrs. E. M. Jones, Brockville, Ont., Can. P .o.,o IColt Jr. 825. ' of Middlefield 3416. . -j ^°}f/jf ^fddlefleld 1516. Maggie Res 28623. I \ Bismarck 292, imp. .Maggie 2d 20.55. • ■ / ^ . „^_ , I Rhodes' Bull 824. Maggie 20o4 •, Bradley Cow 2052. * Warren's Duchess 3d 26836.— Yield of milk, 210 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 2}.^ oz.; test made from June 1 to 7, 1886 ; age, 3 years ; prop- erty of Bordwell & Cochran, Batavia, Ohio. ^ Champion of America 1.567. ] p^/gy jQig rChampion's Son 3286.- . guahes 954 Warren's Duchess 3d ( Williams' Birdie 4659 - j^^^^y 4^1^ {30 26836 < ^ „, , T^ t , r^ •■ ie,-.~ j Sir Charles 131. i:;ip. l.\\ arren's Duchess Optimus I6O1 -j Carj-je 3594. 4622 -J 1 Hector r'9 ( Countess of Warren 3896. . . -^ jj,ii^.j 3393 * Bellita 4553.— Yield of milk, 16 qts. per day; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from June 11 to 18, 1885 ; age, 9 years, 5 months and 27 days ; property of John H. Taylor. Thomaston, Conn. ,r . _^„ ( Wiliie Bov 434. „ ... , ,., , * Mariub , bO - j^ady Mar^ 1148, imp. (Hamilton 10, 4 - ( Southampton 117, imp. Bellita45.53 ] ' Emily Hampton 1912. .. -| ^,^^1^^^ ^0 ^ Little Bella 3693, imp. Cicero's Juno 16726.— Yield of milk, 20 qts. per day; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 2 oz,; test made from July 24 to 30, 1886 ; age, four years ; grain fed dur- ing test, 3 qts. corn meal, 7 qts. ground oats and 7 qts. middlings per day; estimated weight of cow, 850 lbs.; properly of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. ( Vertumnus fHappy.P.S. 211J.H.B.)-^ (P. S. 161J. H. B.) ) ( Garenne rCicero (057. ■■■•••• \ (F. S. 1575 J. H. B.) I (P. S. 266J. H. B.) (Fleurdel-AiriF. S. 1730 J. H. B.) Cicero's Juno 16726.. -( , „ t-- ( Duke (P. S. 76 J. II. B.) Grey King i i Uv Grpv Uuno Grey 16722 -^ (F. S. 169 J. H. B.) < ''' |p ^, ^-^^ j jj jj j uno urey ibv;;;:^ a (h. o. ioj o. xx. xj.i (P. S. 452 J. H. B.) ( Juno ^1-'. S. 768 J. H. B.) 112 BU'lTEll TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Gipsy 5th 2252.— Yield of butter, 17 lbs. 2 oz., imsalted ; test made from August 19 to 26, 1883 ; age when made, 13 3'ears and 5 months ; property of W. B. Dinsmore, Staatsburgh, N. Y. \ Xapoleon 291, imp. / Gipsy 319, imp. Gipsy 5th 2^52. * Lady Velvetine 15771.— Yield of milk, 132 lbs. 8 oz.; yield oi butter, uusalted, 17 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from June 19 to 26, 18S3 ; age, 5 years and 2 months ; property of W. R. McCready, Saugatuck, Conn. Lady Velvetine (P. S. 352 J. H. B.) 15771...-^ Vertumnus (P. S. 161 J. H. B.) 'Duke (P. S. 76 .J. H. B.) ^('oomassie 11874 (F. S. 1442 J. 11. B.) I Merrv Bov - (P.'S. bi J. H. B.) / Superb (F. S. 353 J. H. B.) ( Neptune - (P. S. 14 J. H. B.) / Jersey Pride (F."S. 1716 J. H. B.) Lady of the Isles (F. S. 092 J. H. B.) Serita 15520. — Y^ield of milk, 158 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from January 6 to 13, 1888 ; age, 6 years and 4 months ; estimated weight, 750 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. corn meal, 8 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. oil meal and 2 lbs. middlings ; property of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. ^bohd South 4.11 J ] T,„gt iioi_ ( Lulu Wmg 6292 -j Let tie Win- 2818. Serita 15520... J I T,, , t »v. 10.11 i St. Heller 45, imp. L „.„.,. ,^, \ Bluetooth 1821 -, 3;,^^^ ^.^_ VSalhe \\ ard 7201 - Tni«tv 1101 (Lass Edith 0290 \l^l^s'A. Theresa G. 16390.— Yield of milk, 212 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from June 6 to 13, 1887; age, 4 years and 11 months; esti- mated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 20 to 30 qts. corn, oats and wheat bran in equal parts ; property of G. V. Green, Hopkinsville, Ky. ,^1, ™ • <• r'l.^ .• „* Tiiii^„„ icon t Champion of America 1507. r Champiou of _ ^ C hampion of Hilltop 1839. -, ^^^^ ^-jcklehy 3100. ' (Silveretta 68.52 l ^iT-.^^T °' ^'^'''"'^'^'^■ Therese G. 16390. . .- ' "" = '^'^^ ' I T„,..„io.. T3Q- I Mogul .532, imp. Uiss Therese 7327. . \ '^" '^"^'^ ^'"'^ ] S'l^^"^' ''''■ (Tbere..«2039 l ^'a*;^. iZ7o38. Busy Princess 48202. — Yield of milk, 257 lbs. 2 oz. ; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 1% oz.; test made from June 19 to 17, 1890 ; age, 4 years and 2 months; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 5 lbs. bran, 6 lbs. oats, G lbs. corn meal and 2 lbs. cotton-seed meal ; property of M. Lothrop, Marshall, Tex. . «toL-o T>r.rric ^rl 90-^S * StOke Pogis 12.59, imp. f ^f»t,„c»^«iQ* " ' Marjoranf 3239, imp. /'Prmce of Melrose 4819- , Rnfl-n,- 0,,^^ T> -n ■ Princess of St. Lambert .5484- ?"°"f^'i'-.„„,,„ .„rt Busy Princess I 1 Juno 01 St. Lambert .ollO. 48202 - „ .Bee-M-neo >^-""'="° ll'^LfSiT.a ,r,^ BUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. 113 * Lactine 10680.— Yield of milk, 197 lbs.; yield of bvitter, unsalted, 17 lbs. 1^2 oz.; test made from June 23 to 28, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 3 months ; property of H. M. Howe, Bristol, R. I. ( ATn™,^*:^ 1 On I. of J. Grand Duke Alexis 1040 -^ yictorine Lachaise 2740, /Cloverine 3.510. imp. Rupertina 10409. vSignalana 7719. Kitty Clover 1113, imp \ Signal 1170 ' J[aiden of Jersey 273C, imp * Marius 760. "/ Pansy Morris 2060. 114 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Chenda 4599.— Yield of milk, 251 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 1% oz.; test made from April 30 to May 7, 1887; age, 11 years and 4 months ; estimated weight, 1,025 lbs.; no record of feed kept; projoerty of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. .Mari«.r60 i Wmic B.y 434 • • • ; E^ ^^ ,,3, i.p. I ( Lady Mary 1148, imp. Chenda 4599 -! ( Tancred 501 ■' ?" ^^ °!J- . I Chatelaine 1916 - ' ^ «'^<^^ ^94, imp. ' Lady Ella 114ti, imp. * Countess Micawber 1759. — Yield of milk, 152 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 1 oz. ; test made from April 31 to 28, 1884 ; age, 12 years and 2 months; property of Winslow S. Lincoln, Worcester, Mass. • Mr. Micawber 556, imp. Countess Micawber 1759 ,DickSwiveller74 "1 K'm. imp. Countess 3d 990 -, i rwa,- -isn I Countess 2d 991 \ ^^f^f^O^ ^^^ ^^p *Cyrene 4th 480.— Yield of milk, 112 qts.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from June 2 to 9, 1879 ; age when made, 8 years ; property of New- ton T. Beal, Rogersville. Tenn. T, , g. ( Monarch 82, imp. ^'•^^ "^ "/ Europa 121, imp. f Monmouth 210 -, ( Potomacl.53. Cyrene 4th 480 < ' ^"^^ ^'*" "l Fawn 323. '^ Cyrene 1.37, imp. Gordonetta 19570.— Yield of milk, 200 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 1 oz. ; test made from June 5 to 12, 1889 ; age, 6 years and 4 months ; esti- mated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons oats and corn meal, ground, and mixed in equal parts; property of M. C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. { Lord Harry .3445 Gordonetta 19570. . . m o„ _iiA. i Marius 7(iO. ) Top-bawyer 1404 -j g,,,,,,^,,, ^q ' Duchess of Bloomfleld 3653. ] ^^Ji;,'elaTG82"'''' ,T, ,. ,„,,- i Pciiiiiatii 713. Pertmax 196.-5 J Uoxaiiu 17( 1 Kate Cxordon 8387 , Normandv 10)6. (>ormanda.;914 "i Oli^e 4th3.>18. Hilda A. 3d 16636.— Yield of milk, 246 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 1 oz. (official); test made from May 25 to 31, 1886 ; age, 4 years and 10 months; weight, 1,240 lbs.; totals of grain fed during test, crushed oats 86 lbs., corn meal 31 lbs., bran 23 lbs., oil meal 17 lbs., pea meal 31 lbs.; total grain for 7 days, 177 lbs. ; property of Frederic Bronson, Greenfield Hill, Conn. pvanderer 2014 S te 38r4 ( Footstep 5163 ] On f of J I Fadette of Verna 6814. . {^airy of Verna 6813, .< imp. I I r.u- f T .■ .TO ( Sam Weller27], imp. TTnH« A ^OM J ^ ' "^ '"'*" °^ Dairy Maiu !ni2. Vmida A. 3951 4 , Sam Weller 271, imp. ' tiUaa 94~ - TTphp 043. inin. ■( Hebe 943, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 115 Lady Cleveland 30251.— Yield of milk, 178 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 1 oz. ; test made from Juh' 31 to 28, 1890 ; ag'e, 5 years and ?.' months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons ground corn ; property of H. P. Webster, Columbia, Tenn. ( Khedive r Tormentor 3533 < (P. S. 10:;; J. H. B.) fLord Alfred 5315 J ' ^(F's^r.or-T.H. B.) I ^ Ednita 6428 - j,^^^^ .^ g^g^ Lady Cleveland 30251. . . { g,.^^ ^^.^^^ ( Northern Chief 5643. ... - (F. S. 168 J. H. B.) [ Belle of New York 6963. ] ' ^(f''"s°155Y J^H^ ^B ) ^Mousie6960 \'iliy'''''- (F. S. 1355 J. H. B.) Lionette 18038.— Yield of milk, 19V^ qts. per day; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from July 4 to 10, 1887; age, 5 years and 1 month; esti- mated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed during test, 4 qts. corn meal, 7 qts. oat meal, 1}4 qts. pea meal, 1 qt. oil meal and 3 qts. middlings daily ; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. ( Verturanue fHappy(P. S. 211J.H.B.)- (P. S. 161J. H. B.) ,„. r-ac- j ( Garenne rCicero765< < (F. S. 1575 J. H. B.) T- »» .QAoo I { Fleur de I'Air 12702, imp. Lionette 18038 -( ' *- 7 V ^o^otto i~MR J Signal (F. S. 278 J. H. B.) Umgaratta 1,016 \ zingara (F. S. 1864 J. H. B.J * Lucilla 3d 9786.— Yield of milk, 322 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from December 19 to 25, 1884; age, 4 years and 10 months ; prop- erty of H, W. Douglass, Pevely, Mo. ( Dana 3620, imp. Lucilla 3d 9786 ] ( Lucilla 2735, imp. * Mousy 2d 14962. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, unsalted, 17 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from October 9 to 15, 1885 ; age, 6 years and 3 months ; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. ( Welcome (F. 8.172 J. H.B.) {Hero i (P. S. 90 J. H. B.) I Musique (F. S. 1096 J. H. B.) Stella (F.S. 705 J. H.B.) Mousy 2d 14962. Mousy (F. S. 1931 J. IL B.) * Theda H. 20567.— Yield of milk, 409 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter. 17 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from July 7 to 13, 1885; age, 3 years and 2 months ; prop- erty of William H. Hayden, Albany, Vt. TT Ti ofoo t The Squire 1298. Homer H. 3683 -, (jjij^ ;j-~9 (•Clusius H.5781 Theda H. 20567 i r.-, 1 T~^n I Critic 540. ^^^^^ ''^"^ "( Lady Godfrey 678. TT TT o£,oo i The Squire 1298. Homer H. 3683 Gilda2779. DancyH. 14440 < tt -,-,.., I Bismarck (Fairbanks') 1277. ( Eva H. 14442 -j j^^^,^. y^ay 3511. 116 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSETS. *AbbieZ. 3d 14742.— Yield of milk, 288 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs., salted: test made from May 5 to 12. 1883; age when made. 4 years and 10 inontbs ; property of J. R. Gaston & Son, Normal, 111. , ,, . ,„„ . ( On I. of J. ,^ , ,^ ,^,, ( Albion 490, imp i Bonfanti 388, imp. ^ Dcerfoot Bov 19iG - i p ,cr o'-s / Daisy of Deerfoot .3182. ] ^^f^'^-s, ^p. Abbie Z. 3d 14742 J, I Comet 130, imp. {Aome z.. liu^z , , Coventry 79 Lupar 14001 , Rose 3d 913 Abbie Z. 14002. *Brmiette of Scarsdale 13276.— Yield of milk, 240 lbs.; jield of butter, 17 lbs.; test made from June 22 to 28, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 1 month ; prop- ei'ty of F. L. Gaston, Normal, 111. Test made on grass alone. , TT 1 ~ 11 v3 ) Maiins 760. Hornbeam 2123 "^ Emily Hampton 1912. f Astronomer 41,^0 ^ . Lawrence Gl (F. S. 84 J. H. B.) Brunette of Scars- ' ^'''^^ ^'^' ^"^^ i Kitten 2879. dale 13276 < ,„ D •, lo.n ( Briton 919. L ,v 1 .noi * ^°""^ ^'■" ^^ °- ■ ■ " Jessie of Ipswicli 288:i. ^Beautiful 5981 a "^ ' Little Beauty of Ips- , ^gawam .597. wich 4341 -j Be.,„t^. of Ipswich 2449. Cetewayo's Lily 18950.— Yield of milk, 261 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs. (official); test made from June 30 to July 7, 1886 ; age, 5 years and 5 months; weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed during test, 45 lbs. corn meal, 21 lbs. crushed oats and 193^ lbs. pea meal ; property of James Stillman, Briarcliff Farm, Sing Sing, N. Y. , T.„r«„i„« > Hero (P. S. 90 J. H. B.) j ?? V icV V ■ it' ■ P ; ■ ■ ■ "' Stella (F. S . 705 J. H. B.) /Cetewayo < (P. S. 181 J. II. B.) ^ ' (P. S. 024 J. H. B.) { Mu^iqiie (F. S. 109C J. H. B.) Cetewayo's Lily 18950i \ Stockwell 2d f Jacques -, (P. S. 24 J. H. B.) Tiiv (P «; ififi 1 TT li J (P. S. SSJ. H B.) (Jeanneton Lily (P. S. 166 J. H. B.)< ^^p g 037 J, H. B.) ' La Rocque (F. S. 933 J. H. B.) Frolic's Pride 31667.— Yield of milk, 201 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter. 17 lbs. ; test made from June 24 to 30, 1887 ; age, 4 years and 2 months ; esti- mated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 lbs. corn meal, 2 lbs. oil meal and 16 lbs. bran ; property of A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y. , ,^.,„ I Matchless 006. \ tiiinabar 1,.39 - peredot 2388. 1 Mahkeenac.3290 - t Jumter 93 Frolic's Pride 31667. . -■ ( Europa 176 - ^i^hea 171 I Arthur's Frolic 4438, imp. ' ^ - Jersey Cream 3151.— Yield of milk, 266 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter. IT lbs., salted ; test made from June 15 to 22, 1881 ; age when made, 7 years and 11 months ; property of D. B. Dewolf, Lee, Mass. . „ ^ , , \ Jerrv 15, imp. ^ ^ ,,„ \ Albert 44 "/ Frankie 17, imp. i Tom Dasher 420 < 1 McClellan .3d 2.. Jersey Cream 3151 \ ' ^'°'"^ ^'~^ "» Pansy 6th 38. Creampot 460, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 117 Lisgar's Ella 24992.- Yield of milk, 314 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs'.; test made from Aug-ust 16 to 23, 1887 ; age, 6 years and G months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, peas, oats, corn meal and bran, all slie would eat ; property' of Mrs. E. M. Jones, Brockville, Ont., Can. ' "P'^^'^'^ ^"'^ 1 Lisetle 492, imp. Lisgar's Ella 24992.-^ ( Lord Lisgar 1066 \ 11^}°:?!-° ^•' ' ' '-^P- I Witch of St. Lambert 5479 K Pauline 494 I Lucy of St. Lambert 5116. -j LydKs.'^" ^''' ' *"^" * Matilda 3238, imp.— Y^ield of butter, 17 lbs.; property of T. S. Cooper, Coopersburgh, Pa. Minnie of Oxford 12806.— Yield of milk, 347 lbs.; yield of butter, 17 lbs.; test made from August 10 to 16, 1886 ; age, 9 years and 5 months ; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 qts. ground corn and oats and 2 qts. oil meal ; property of Frederick Loeser, Somerville, N. J. f stoke Pot'is "d 2414 -* ^^^^^ ^^^'^ ^-^9' ™P- sioh-e j-o„is ,u ^414. . . . ^ jjjarjoram 3239. imp. Minnie of Oxford 12806. Kratilda 2d ^^^71 i Stoke Pogi? 1259, imp. I ilatUda 2d 54. 1 -j j^atilda 3238, imp. * Queen of Nubbin Ridge 14528.— Yield of milk, 241 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter. 17 lbs.; test made from June 13 to 20, 1885; age, 4 years and 6 months; property of J. R. Kendall, Terre Haute, Ind. ( stock well 2d fMerry Boy \ (P. S. 24 J. H. B.) (P. S. 61J. H. B.) (Eva I Sweepstakes Duke 1905.-^ (F. S. 628 J. H. B.) ^14528°* ^"^'"" ■^''^"^-' [superb (F. S. 353 J. H. B.) 1 ,,., ,,. „ -,„_„ ( Silverlocks Jr. 699. Silver Mine 1658 •, ^^nerva 1539. Eastwood's Queen 14523 -> , ;.^,^. jiannerin- 698. ' *-°e^s o**^ 1 Alice Shirley 413S. -Rose 240, imp. — Yield of butter, 17 lbs.; property of John T. Norton, Farmington, Conn. Sibyl's Fancy 25942.— Yield of milk, 182 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 17 lbs.; test made from April 18 to 24, 1887 ; age, 5 years ; grain fed during test, 18 lbs. daily of mixed corn, oats and middlings ; property of George E. Jones, Litchfield, Conn. „ , . p„„. ( Farmer's Glory (F. S. 274 J. H. B.) r 7p^l^"°29iT H B.)' ■ ■ ■ ' E"'^^ <^- ^- ^9^^ "^^ ^- ^-^ Sibyl's Fancy 25942. . i \ Sans Peur ^ ^ ( Taurus (P. S. 156 J.H.B.)- (F. S. 201J. H. B.) Isibyl (P. S. 345 J. H. B.)-^ ( Rose (F. S. 1514 J. H. B.) ( Lily (F. S. 1426 J. H. B.) ■•' Young Fanny 9032, imp.— Yield of milk. 144 qts.; yield of butter, 17 lbs.; .test made from ]May 26 to June 1 , 1880 ; age when made, 3 years and 2}4 months , property of Isaac W. Stokes, Medford, N. J. \ Jimmy on I. of J. Young Fanny 9032 / Lily on L of J. 118 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Odelle Sales 15564.— Yield of milk, 157 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. lops oz.; test made from April 14 to 31, 1887; age, 6 yeai's and 3 months; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daily, 6 lbs. cotton-seed meal, 6 lbs. bran and 12 lbs. corn meal, mixed ; property' of Campbell Bi'own, Spring- Hill . Tenn. I Leo rKhedive { (F. S. 198 J. H. B.) (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) I Coomaseie r Tormentor 3533 -! (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) Odelle ^^ales 15564 J t^ngela (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) I Rajah 340, imp. Oonan 1485 - ( Omoo 1247, imp. * Creole Maid 11017.— Yield of milk, 229 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 15 oz. ; test made from Api'il 21 to 27, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 3 months ; property of Cokimbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. ( Pertinalli 713 -j ™°\fo \^^ /'Braxton 1715 J / i-eri uu, imp. ( Brunette Lass 1780, imp. Creole Maid 11017. . -I ( Alvin 882 \ p '^'^^^^-nqo iFleta 38.59 - Frince 55 'Myrtle 612 ] Pau^^'loo. * Dudu of Linwood 8336.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from Februaiy 5 to 11, 1884; age, 5 years and 1 month ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. ( Pertinatti 713 -* P''°* ''^- ^'*'^- (Rector 1458 I Tlack l^^^'- Uoxana 2d 2.532 -JRoxanairei. Dudu of Linwood 8.336.-^ i Ben Rajah 795 ] Enia^lf in^- iLittle Duck 3651 ^1,- ^^.f^, .rnp. ' ^"cni^ ~3W -J gjg jjuchess 58. *Effie of Hillside 1521.— Yield of milk, 290 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lb.s. 15 oz., unsalted ; test made from May 23 to 29, 1882 ; age, 11 years, 3 montli^ and 7 days ; property of Frederic Bronson, Greenfield Hill, Conn. Nero 13, imp. Effle of Hillside 1.521 ...\ p, .^^ _ ^^ q^^^^„^ jg^ J ?,^^i"™Jfv '"^P" E vel ina 446 { ^ ,-'^,tL,l\ i-cA-.tUAi- tometl.30. 'E'^'t^"^' I Jura 224, imp. Exile's Pauline 37530.— Yield of milk, 186 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 15 oz. ; test made from Januaiy 21 to 28, 1890; age, 4 years and 3 months ; esti- mated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 7 lbs. corn meal, 10 lbs. bran, 8 lbs. fine middlings and i^ lb. pea meal, mixed ; property of P. J. Cogswell, Rocliester. N. Y. fExileof St. Lam- I bachelor of St. Lambert 4558 -j g^'^ffSmg^ ^am- I bert 1 3657 <^ bert 66;38. ' ( A Hie of St T imbert "4W1 * ^^°^^ ^^^is 3d 22.38. Exile's Pauline .37.5.30. -! ^ ^""^ °' ^'- l-amfeit ~4J91. - Kathleen of St. Lam- bert 5122. 1 r->,i,iT,o„Q K-Qo J Marquis of Lossie 3512. MollieMadden2.5798 ' '' rir^oTfffi" (Mocha-s Pet 12985 TCha 2d'4^l'.- BUTTEE TESTS OF JERSEYS. 119 Forest Queen 12229.— Yield of milk, 210 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from August 15 to 21, 1886 ; age, 5 years and 10 months ; grain fed, a mixture of corn meal, bran and cooked cotton-seed meal, quantity not stated ; propertj^ of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. J^I-yBoyrOS \^^r^^- iChampionof America 150'i -J , iP^^^ywi9 -j Glenn Forest Queen 4809. -| Ofj4«i/„ii„e 3003, imp. l.iving Storm 173. Dolly id 1020. *Herberta 8811.— Yield of milk, 231 lbs. 15 oz.; jield of butter, 16 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from June 4 to 10, 1885 ; age, 6 years and 2 months ; property of Samuel McKeen, Ten-e Haute, Ind. ( Lord Bronx 2d 1730 ■] kfj,*?,,^™"^, ^'^^■ { Arnold's Bronx 3309.. . . \ t'lcture 1^33. / PorponsiB 41 SQ * Islimael Hurd 1548. ' Ooreop-sis 4188 -^ BrowerV Jersey 3801. Herberta 8811 -{ I Lord Bronx 2d 1730 -' {^^J.^^/^Po^o^^^- I Hazen's Bess 7329 \ M n Ro v'~m 2'- 3d 4134 ■;l'ii^?4"^;°^- * Jessie Lome 25213.— Yield of milk, 270 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from June 1 to 7, 1885; age, 2 years and 4 months; property of William Rolph, Markham, Ont., Can. ( Lord Lisgar lOCO \ f"!"' H'Jgo 197, imp. ( Lome 5248 \ * P=^'''"»^ ■'''^• Jessie Lome 25213. . ..-I °^"^ ^^^° 1 Berthe 490^ imp. iNina of St. Lambert I Stoke Pogis 3d 2238. . . . ■* M?v^^^°"'4?w^L'Jf ^^ 12963 Marjoram 3239, imp. " " '.' "* J^^^,T™.r^ ^^- ^*'"" i Lord Li.s?ar 1066. """^ °^'-^ ■/ Lilv of St. Lambert 5120. * Lizzie D. 10408.— Yield of milk, 207 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter. 16 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from May 27 to June 2, 1884 ; age, 4 3'ears ; property of John B. Trice, Hopkinsville, Ky. ( Pierrot 'M 1669 * P'^rrot 036. imp. I Superb 1956 \ | ^.".'"^^J.^^" ™"- ) iu-,„ o,i .111 Blucher 2a 102. ( Myrtle M 211 -(Mvrtlc208. Lizzie D. 10408 -J ( Isaac B. 1951 ■] ¥f '^^f .'J, if " VLily of Maple Grove 5079 -{ ^-t-.T \ Symphonia 4635 -] ^l^^^ia 1428. * Maudine of Elmwood 8718.— Yield of milk, 227 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of but- ter, 16 lbs. 15 oz., salted ; test made from .September 19 to 26, 1883 ; age when made, 4 years and 7 months ; property of W. B. Dugger, Carlinville, 111. 'Hindoo ''28'' > ^°^'«* *P- S- ''3 J- H- B.) nmaoo ^4»^ ^ ^^^ Gallais' Mermaid 4954, imp. Maudine of Elmwood 8718-^ ,Maudine3d5646. , Lord Baltimore 743 . 1 Fairfax 530. "/ Fides 51, imp. ;i9. 'I Jessica 1504. 120 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Polly Clover 7052.— Daily average of milk, 19 qts.; yield ol batter, 16 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from May 25 to 31, 1882; age, 6 years and 9 months ; propert}' of Warren F. Daniell, Franklin, N. H. In reporting this test Mr. Daniell states that by accident a portion of the cream was spilt, which his dairyman thinks wovild have made 12 oz. of butter. Polly Clover 7052. rSchinchon 1132 \ ^^^"0^ 636, imp. I . . . . -j geauty 804, imp. ^.Sally Clover 4468. ( Jack Dasher 932 . . (Betty Clover 3r&4. Tom Dasher 420 Judy G91. Narragansett .375. Leah 2968. St. Lambert's Coquette 41070.— Yield of milk, 257 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from October 10 to 17, 1889 ; age, 4 years and 5 months ; estimated weight, 850 lbs. ; grain fed daily averaged nearly 18 lbs. bran and corn chop in equal parts ; propertj^ of W. B. von Richthofen, Denver, Col, i ^'hP^rj:ffi ""^ ^^- ^^°'" * stoke Pogis 3d 2238. {Diana's Rioter 10481. . . . < °®" ^"^^ '/ Pride of Windsor 483, ' ^her^ tM- ^''°" ' Sto°k?-pogis 3d 2238. ''^^ 66.36 ■ p^j ^f St. Lambert 5123. Coquette of Glen ( "^"Lambert ^"fiq'' ' ^^^er 2055. Rouge 17559 < J^amoert .4iy -^ p^j^^ ^j Windsor 483, ( Sweet Brier of St. , j '"^A • .„„„ ,„„,, T •imhprt =u«i 1 I""™ Lisgar 106b. Lambeit chl81 -^ ^Uy of St Lambert 5120. * Baronetti 8425.— Yield of milk, 258 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. U^ oz.;, test made from May 11 to 17, 1885 ; age, 6 years and 7 months ; property of W. Gettys, Athens, Tenn. 'Baronet 2240. Baronetti 8425. .Marquise 2d 2868. Lord Lisgar 1066. Amelia 484, imp. 1 Majestic 152 ( Marquise 528 I Victor Hugo 197 ■( Pauline 494. \ On I. of J. "/ Clio 45, imp. J .Junius 204. 1 Cowslip 502. imp. * Maid of the Elms 18932 (F. S. 3096 J. H. B.)— Yield of milk, 239 lbs. 63^ oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. U}^ oz.; test made from May 3 to 9, 1885; age, 4 years and 11 months ; property of D. A. Givens, Cynthiana, Ky. * Pyrrha 6100.— Yield of milk, 243 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 14^^ oz., salted ; test made from July 14 to 20, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years and 5 months ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. 'Zeus 26.34. Pyrrha 6100. \ Bismarck 1423 (F. S. 204 J. H. B.) ' OwppiiEP 3314 i Kearsarge 257. I T,, „„• „r,~c \ Rioter 2d 469, imp. ^Themis 60, 6 -^ ^^^j^y^ 3586, jmp!^ BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 121 * Almah of Oakland 1 1 102.— Yield of milk. 253 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 14 oz., salted; test made from Maj' 1 to 7, 1883; age when made, 3 years and 3 months ; property of R. McMichael, Lexington, Ky. Feed, 3 qts. corn meal, 2 gallons wheat bran, 1 pint oil meal, daily, with hay ; rather poor blue-grass pasture. /-Thorndale 2583 ] g^"'^ ''■^'1^1™^- 1 Katinka 5264 ^ajfy 1 491 imp Almah of Oakland 11102^ ' ^'^te K. 2d 3,2b: imp. (.Pandora of Staats- { Faro 1749 1 ^*^'''i]°'^' §93. burgh 3d 6497 - ' F'"^"'^'*^ ^ ' ' '"^P- Pandora of Staats- , o„au-or s«~ ^-gt^328o l^tt/sfbogs. * Bertha Black 26275.— Yield of milk, 356 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from June 7 to 13, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 10 months ; property of Mrs. E. M. Jones, Brockville, Ont., Can. ( Azimuth 1412 * '^i^ y.fO- ( Czar of New York 4049. - uT J<^^^^ ' ) Princess Caroline 2021. . ] Sine 2d 2019. Bertha Black 26275 -! ( Matchem 747 -\ ^^''.'i^^.f ^• I Deiip o-sq J I Azlle lio6. \.Deiie3,b9 . (Clement 115 ' Honestj' 2147 - (F. S. 61J. H. B.) ( Candour 325. Clover Bud 4th 18992.— Yield of milk, 134 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 14 oz. ; test made from September 8 to 15, 1888 ; age, 5 years and 9 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 16 quarts corn and oats, ground ; property of W. J. Webster and C. Brown, Columbia, Tenn. .T .^ .^. iTop.Sawyerl404 ] fmE'?6. Lord Harry 3445 ^^^^^^^ ^^ Bloomfleld 3653. \ f^^^!^^' Clover Bud 4th 18992. . A r. . d4n-a i^-^^^^^^ ] in^nfa^?.'" VCloverBud40,4 { J Pansy's Albert 1008. ( Clover Blossom 405« -j ^Iberfs Clover 290C * Chrissy 2d 7720.— Average of milk, 18 qts. per day; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 14 oz.; test of 7 days made in May, 1884; age, 6 years and 1 month ; prop- erty of George W. Farlee, Cresskill, N. J. f Grand Duke Alexis 1040 -] vktor'ine Lachaise 2740, imp. Chrissy 2d 7720 < ( Chrissy 1448 -^ Kitty Clover 1113, imp, * Lucky Belle 2d 6037.— Yield of milk, 376 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 14 oz., salted ; test made from May 6 to 13, 1883; age when made, 5 years and 4 months ; property of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. Fed liberally on cooked cotton seed, corn meal and wheat bran ; good pasture. , T^T , 1 .,~n 1 Rajah 340, lap. ,,,^. „,„, Iselusko4,9 ■,Nelly55. I^Aldine 1130 -j ' Gazelle of Mobile 1735, imp. Lucky Belle 2d 6037 ....-[ , .,, ^ ,, ( Jerrv 15, imp. r L -R n 0.1, j Albert ,4 ")' Fr.nkie'u, imp. VLucky Belle 2214 -^ U'aieiscnll. ( Pansy bth 38 - p^^ . g ,mp. 122 BUTTKll TESTS OF JEKSEYS. * Silver Rose 4753.— Yield of milk, 264 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 14 oz., salted ; test made from July 1 to 7, 1881 ; age when made, 5 years and 9 months; jiroperty of Campbell Brown, Spring- Hill, Tenn. .Pilot Jr. Ul j"""^'''"^ l^^r^or^im,. ' Jenny 287, imp. Silver Rose 4753 -I I Cheltenham SO ■] f.f.'iL^Ajr, :^^ I R„„„ i.>i ' ( Juno 1-^0, imp. ^ " •* ^" '/ R,.,„„.„^ in.) I -John Brown G7. (BiunottelOi , CloverlOS. * Stolen Kisses 16864 (F. S. 3247 J. H.B.)— Yield of milk, 236 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 14 oz. ; test made from March 11 to 17, 1886; age, 5 years and 10 months ; i:)roperty of E. S. Henry, Rockville, Conn. Allie St. Helier 45794.— Yield of milk, 220 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs, 131.^ oz.; test made from July 13 to 20, 1889 ; age, 3 years and 10 months; actual weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 22 lbs, corn meal, fine mid- dlings and wheat bran, in equal parts ; property of P. J. Cogswell. Roches- ter, N, Y'. Cor|oral St. Helier ^ O'Malley 6441 ] fl^J^^^J^f r.Lw Farm 5194. Allie St. Helier I ' ' ^ Cinderen^St.UeU.r 27241. ]^[:^l^'^^/^^^^^ 45794 'I I ^ T^ ■ r.^.1- ( Sir George 7iio6. l.«„T...,. ..-o, j^'-^y""'^'- ■'' ■.Prina-s.e^F.S.l■294J.H.B.) ^Cad Lee 4th 35721. Cad Lee 5539 -J \'on Bismarck 2d 1779. Lurlina 3107. * Armon 10862.— Yield of milk, 227 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 133^ oz., salted }4 oz. to lb.; test made from April 26 to May 3, 1883 ; age when made, 3 j-ears and 7 months ; property of A, H. French, Aberdeen, Miss. Feed, 12 lbs, boiled cotton seed, 1^ lbs, wheat bran, 4c}4 ^^^^- <^o^"'^ meal ; pasture, blue-grass and red clover. , T^ 1 . ,■ -1 1 ioi~ * Planet ILSO. , ^ , ^, , ^^^ R=i'P^ ^•^>'^1 ^^^- -) Myce 1810. putter Malcer .3098 -, j concha 1397. ' Sugar 4940 -j creamery 3358. Armon 10862 - ,»ii- ii.or ( Nehislvo 479. Aldme 1136 i Gazelle of Mobile ^Mary Azuline 6314 < 1735. imp. (Azuline 3.360, imp. Kathy Torment 32910.— Yield of milk, 134 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs, I3I2 oz.; test made from February 23 to March 2, 1889; age, 5 3'cars and 5 months; estimated weight, 750 lbs,; grain fed daily, 3i£ gallons corn meal and ground oats ; property of Maury Jersey Farm, Columbia, Tenn, I Leo (Khedive ■ (F. S. 198 J. H. B.) _ ^ „.„„ j (P. S. 103 J. H. B. Coomassie 11874 ^ Tormentor 3.j33 < iF S 1442 J. H. B.) j .F.S.259J.H.B.) |Angela(F.S.1607J.n.B.,* ^ Kathy Torment 32910... -'. , t ., tx o,,„ J TopSawjer 1404. Lord Harry 3445 -j Du^ije^g of Bloom- iKathletta 19567 < field 3653. 1 1- . /-. A 000^ j Pertinax 1965. ( Kate Gordon 838< \ Normanda 3914. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 123^ * Attractive Maid 16925.— Yield of milk, 240 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from Jvxne 20 to 27, 1883; age when made, 3 years and 4 months ; property of "William H. Burr, Redding Ridge, Conn. Feed, 2 qts. cotton seed meal daily ; pasture, fair. f Don Pedro of Bing- i Vernon 1071 * ?J^,""f J.??' . [ hamton2974... - ^^''(•1 2^1' '"'I'- /Zodiac 1914 ■ f '"'i'^ ^!?.; Attractive Maid 16925. -^ / Zenitii 1361. I Astyanax 389 -) gen Scott 46 Florence 1043 - ' l'-f,-^"'Af n^o^^ \ Youn- Duchess 41 -' BiHnigs' Bull 38. = / Duchess 2d 42. Belle Yakout 38020.— Yield of milk, 303 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 13 oz. ; test made from April 15 to 22, 1888 ; age, 3 years and 10 months ; esti- mated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 5 lbs. corn and oats, ground, and 2 lbs. cotton-seed meal ; property of Wm. H. Burr, Redding Ridge, Conn. /Yakout 6842 \ ! R'^TIo'lJ^- r . I ) 1 Domino of Darlington celestia 2d 29482 J ^ ^'-^^^^ie 7110 j ^.^_ Icelestia 1898 ] ?eVridropl409, imp. Dove 5th 14561.— Yield of milk, 253 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from October 29 to November 5, 1889 ; age, 14 years and 6 months; estimated weig'ht, 875 lbs.; grain fed daih', 4 qts. corn meal, 4 qts. ground oats and 4 qts. shorts ; property of Terence Carrigan, Hopkinton, Mass. Micawber 4796 \^^- Micawber 556, imp. Rosa of Lakeside 2d p;,^^ 3-^^ •^"^*-' \ Rosa of Lakeside Dove 5th 14.561 10238. (r7ar27'? (On I. of J. Dove ygo4 3 1 Jennie 086, imp. Duchess .548, imp. * Goodbye 27366.— Yield of milk, 223 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from June 22 to 29, 1885 ; age. 4 years and 8 months ; jn-operty of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. I T- • ie>5~ * Critic 540. f Auroraboreellis 2408. ...\^ ™P''"'^ ^^'^ "/ Hisfhiand Mary 2d 303. I ' Lady of Walnut Grove 1 Orange !^kin I 4837 - (P. S. lOJ. H. B.) Goodbye 27366 \ { Petite Gii.'ee 3040 I (F. S. 948J. H. B.) //^ ui 1Q-1 ( Coupon 1024. 1^ , • , T o.nnn Cobdenl8,l 1 M usette 2073. ^Frankie's Lass 24900.. '- ! ^ _,__ oo- Forget-me-not 6291. J Southern Prince 10,60. . - ^^f^^^ ^^^^ ^^^_ I ( Thekla of Clover , p„, j t>.,._ Opiate 1111Q ' ^^ anderer .3014. ( bedate 11119 -^ Signalia 5303. ♦Thaley 14299.— Yield of milk, 264 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from February 1 to 7, 1885 ; age, 6 years ; property of William Rolph, Markham, Ont., Can. I N^onpareil (Koffee { (P. S. 37 J. H. B.) I Guy Fawkes ) (F. S. 333 J. H. B.) \ Coomassie 11874 (F. S. 251J. H. B.) (On I of I I ^ Angelica ■! XLL^^-fv..... (F. S. 1738 J. H. B.t J On I. Thalev 14299 -{ ^'fW^'^^'-ii V 'ir ' ii \" ' ' 1 Garenne 24525 I (F. S.1.38J. H.B.t (F. S. 1575 J. H. B.) Wauvette (F. S. 1972 J. H. B.) * Bonnie Grisette 2d 19526.— Yield of milk, 191 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of but- ter, 16 lbs. 121^ oz. ; test made from June 20 to 26, 1886 ; age, 4 years and 1 naonth ; property of T. Alexander Seth, Baltimore, Md. put. of Da,.i«...o„ ^60 ^?T- ""'■ Bonnie Grisette 2d 19526-^ ' ^''"^"P'' " '^■ f Rajah of Green Vale , Rajah 340. imp. ''Bonnie Grisette 6979. . . I "( Fleur de Lis 614, imp. ^ Grisette 596, imp. * Lady Fawn of St. Anne's 10920.— Yield of milk, 263 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 12^^ oz.; test made from September 8 to 14, 1885; ag-e, 14 years and llj^ months ; property of W. A. Eeburn, Ste. Anne de Cellevue, P. Q., Can. An excellent test for a cow nearly fifteen years old. She was fed four times daily on ground oats and peas and oil cake, in all, 26 lbs. — two-thirds oats, one-third peas, and two and one-half lbs. of oil cake ; pasture. \ Victor Hugo 197, imp. Lady Fawn of St. Anne"s 10920. ' Lisette 492, imp. Lottie Dorey 21578, imp. — Yield of milk, 175 lbs. 8 oz. ; yield of butter. 16 lbs. 121^ oz.; test made from January 21 to 28, 1889 ; age, 8 years and 10 months; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 3 gallons corn meal and 1 pint cotton-seed meal ; property of M, C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. ^ Signal (F. S. 278 J. H. B.) Lottie Dorey 21578 - ( Nancy (F. S. 2235 J. H. B.) 126 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Muriel 5th 1 90 1 7.— Yield of milk, 192 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 12)2 oz.; test made from Oct. 18 to 24, 1886; age, 3 years and 9 mouths; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed during test, 43^ lbs. oats, 2% lbs. oil meal, 3^.2 lbs. shorts, %% lbs. bran, Z% lbs. corn meal, daily ; property of C. W. H. Eicke, West Monterey, Pa. ( Vermont SQ'? i. Governor 890. /-Lenape 2732 \ ^ Victorine 2233. imp. ( Magna 2238, imp. Muriel 5th 19017 J. I ( Mogul 532, imp. \y ^luriel 3904. ( jNioDe da ouu -^ -^^^^^ gg .^^^^ * Down of Chatsworth 15251.— Yield of milk, 222 lb.s. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from March 26 to April 1, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 11 months ; property of Edward Austen, Glencoe, Md. , x„,,„ -R„_ .i^fii ( Rex 1.330. i John Kex - T-„ii,i„ ooo Dow-n of Chatsworth | ' ^^'^^'^ ^^^'"''^8 61 . 6. ... ■ pji^^^^ gggg ^Eudowood3661 -;|e^,f^V797. '\ Stansbury Nerissa 10917] ge^^f 1797.' ^^^' '°'^' 15251 . .Bonnie Eloise 15244... * Manoa 6340.— Yield of milk, 273 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from January 8 co 14, 1884; age, 6 years and 11 montiis ; property of Mrs. L. M. Fair, Wallingford, Conn. 1 Mt-o fic~ J Monmouth 210. rDuke of Lebanon 1880.. -^^' 1 Niobe 99. imp. Manoa 6.340 J ' ^^"""^ -Oa.y!^on 1279, imp. I Winnowa 2614 \ Ojl]^ %{ Winslow 2613, imp. Marburi 37991.— Yield of milk, 192 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from September 2 to 9, 1889 ; age, 4 years and 2 months ; actual weight, 860 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 lbs. wheat middlings ; property of Mrs. Thomas Allen, Pittsfield, Mass. I Gnv Fawkes ( Sir George 7656 \ (F. S.251J. H. B.) (^-'^"-'658 irny''^^"^'""-''""^- (Violet -, (F. S. 12SJ. H. B.) Marburi 37991 < (P. S. 30 J. H. B.) (Daisy (F. S. 511 J. H. B.) VMarchioness of Maple- i Duke of Maplehurst 2290 -j 5,"^.f °'' Pa«erson 1600. hiirsfSOIfi - (UI<1I1 hurst 8018. ' Clari 4266. 4266. i Pagan 1800. ( Caroline 2d 4265. '■■■ Miss Beauty 4053.— Yield of milk, 251 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from March 6 to 13, 1886 ; age, 11 years and 1 month : |n-op- erty of Peter D. Hulst, East Penfield, N. Y. {A„!, M^na i CoUamore's Atlantic 739. imp. ^P'* 1206 ■ Undine 1864, imp. Mjo„ T>i„oo„™ mop ( Coeur de Lion 318, imp. Miss Blossom 1986 • j^^^^^ jj^p,^ g..^ -^^^ BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 127 * Princess of Ashantee 13467, imp.— Yield of milk, 133 lbs. Jg oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 13 oz. ; test made from June 18 to 34, 1884; age, 5 years ; property of S. M. Burnham, Saug-atuck, Conn. Quail 3d 43568.— Yield of milk, 346 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from October 6 to 13, 1889; age, 3 years and 10 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 6 qts. corn, ground oats and wheat bran, mixed, and 3 qts. oil meal ; property of M. W. Terrill, Mid- dlefield, Conn. (Catono.3761 ! Ona TsVimn fPedro of the Valley 8750 - Ono/n oir ^ / Rosabel Hudson 5704. .. 0;'^«^°«^8^^^^^ Quail 3d 43568 -{ ' ^^^'^^^^ Hudson ,8. , . i °'1q^q°* Glastonbury ^ Ro^bins 953. '-Quail 5895 < ^^°^ '/ Lady Dash 3523. / i Martin of Glastonbur .' ^ Quiet 4G61 - 1960. ( Gentle of Glastonbury 4651. St. Lambert's Violet 25278.— Yield of milk, 283 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 13 oz. ; test made from November 7 to 14, 1888 ; age, 4 years and 9 months ; estimated weight, 1,100 lbs.; grain fed daily, 5 lbs. oat chop, 3 lbs. corn chop, 3 lbs. oil meal and 7 lbs. bran ; property of W. B. Von Richthofen, Denver, Col. i stunner 9679 Linden Butter Boy 5982, Lily of St. Lambert 5120- Butter Boy 3:43. Lady Mary Lawrence Violet 3d 3240, imp. '''■^^• T o,..,i Kfip ) Defiance 196. imp. L'lV'il 506 -J Lisette 492, imp.^ ' Pride of Windsor 483, imp. Smax 48562.— Yield of milk, 343 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 11}4 oz.; test made from June 10 to 17, 1890 ; age, 3 years and 1 month ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 15 qts. ground oats, corn and oil meal; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. ' Combination 3d 1757C. Smax 48562. .Comwa 3.5911. i Combination 4389 / Coma 29.330 { Combination 4.389.... / Comanca 19389 ( Polonius 2513. ■/ Lady Mel 429. ( Combination 4389. ( Metella 3905. ( Polonius 2513. / Lady Mel 429. I Combination 4.389. I Miss Bianca 12517. Butterstamp Lass 19517. — Yield of milk, 19 qts. per day ; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from Aug. 35 to 31, 1886; age, 3 years, 11 months; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed dvu-ing test, 3 qts. corn meal, 8 qts. oat meal and 8 qts. middlings, daily ; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. Domino of Darlington 2459. Premium of Darlington 5572 I T7 . cAKi i Rioter 2d 469, imp. lEurotas2454 , Europa 176. On I. of J. Maid of Five Oaks 7178, imp. Miletus 3186. Butterstamp L iss 19517 lamapo 4679 . 1: , Schonemunk Lass 9126. 128 buttp:k tests of jeeseys. - Dimple 3248.— Yield of milk, "20 qts. per day"; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 11 oz. ; test made from May 7 to 14, 1875; age when made, 3 years and 10 months ; property of G. W. Felter, Williamsburgh, Ohio. Fed twice dailj', each feed 3 lbs. chops and 2i^ lbs. bran ; pasture, timothy and blue-grass. ^ Living Storm 173 -] Kv^H^^imu ( Wallace Barnes ] v'64 .... - ^^^ "^^ 7.1 ^^ ) / Ancrpiinp "^-^ar ( Prince 4h2. Dimple 324S < ' Angeline 3,4, -^ clover 2cl 2902. Matchless 723, imp. Sicilienne 25010, imp.— Yield of milk, 162 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from June 14 to 21, 1887; age; 8 years and 2 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daih% 4 qts. corn and oats, 1 qt. jiea meal, and 4 qts. bran ; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. * Typha 5870.— Yield of milk, 234 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 11 oz.; made from July 16 to 22, 1884 ; age, 7 years and 4 months ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. 'Asgard 1379. I Typha 5870. 1 Torfrida 3590 ^Little Joker 093 ] g^^^^^^ ' '^'--'i-2389 -;S^nl;if4o,imp. \ Rioter 2d 409, imp. ")f ^r, ^r... 1 Jupiter 93. 'Europal.O -(AlpheaKl. mip. * Lass Rex Alphea 16965. — Yield of milk, 218 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 10^/^ oz.; test made from November 4 to 10, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 1 month ; property of D. A. Givens, Cynthiana, Ky. . T3„i«,i;„ o-iq * Sarpedon 930. ^Polonm> 2ol3 ", t ida 709. Lass Rex Alphea 10905 i;ex Alphea 4.509 - , j> , ooa / Usilda 2d 61.57 * ^^^ ^'^""• Lida 799. Rex 1330. / Usilda S32. \ Duke of Grayholdt 1035, ( Balboa 1244 ... - imp. Sunny Lass G033 - / Ibex 2724, imp. ' Twilight T Ks '^nqs -' Young Baron 702, imp. i\Miignt i.a^s-oys , Vesper Lass 1784, imp. Little Accident 15578.— Yield of milk, 176 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 103^ oz.; test made from November 6 to 13, 1880; age, 4 years and 9 months ; estimated weight, 750 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 20 lbs. of a mixture con- sisting of chopped corn, bran and cotton-seed meal ; property of A. K. Johnston, Stapleton, N. Y". \ Khedive • Tormentor .3533 - (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) fToUec6S31 \ ' ^J>f If Little Accident 15578. -( {V. S. 1007 J. H. B.) Oonan 14S5 ' TiSiilih .340, imp. Oonan l48o -^ q^^^^ y^^^^ j^^p 1 Khedive I ( Tormentor 3533 - (P. S. 103 J. H. 8.) [ Odelle Sales 15564 -J ' ^{'f | jg^j- j jj g ) ' r\^r. ,„ 1 to- ( Raiah 340, imp. Oonan 148., -^ q^^^ j._,^.^ j^J-p BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 129 Belle Steuben 20115.— Yield of milk, 230 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from August 16 to 23, 1886; age, 5 years and 1 month; esti- mated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, ground oats, corn and peas mixed with bran, all she would eat; property of Mrs. E. M. Jones, Brockville, Ont., Can. ( Norwood 1077 -\ ^^-''i ^ooa ^'^^■ ( Steuben 4751 ■{ Norma 1939. ) Joev 2d "919 * O^^ipee 697. Moey^a^yia », Joey 1048. Belle Steuben 2011.5..-^ ( Jason of Deerfoot 1636. -1 'J"'tfJ.^?J' ~'~' lElsieDinsmore5834....-,' ff f ^® ~A^- • u ) ( Duke of Framingham ' Hattie Parks 3776 -' 1521 . ( Flora Temple 3768. * Carria H. 14454.— Yield of milk, 358 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from July 7 to 13, 1885; age, 4 yeai's and 3 months ; property of William H. Hayden, Albany, Vt. 'Discard H. 5763. Carria H. 14454. ^ Jenny Gray 3511. S The Squire 1298. ■/ Gilda 2779. 214. imp. i Homer H. .3683.... Ladv Lidl927 j Pi'ot Boy 488 1 Kg'old 840. VLUKla 2a 192, , Charleston 1. ' L'°^^ S^** I Princess 836, imp. ♦Chestnut's Beauty 21576.— Yield of milk, 258 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 10 oz. ; test made from May 23 to 28, 1886 ; age, 6 years and 1 month ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. Chestnut's Beauty 21576 fNapier (F. S.275 J. n. B.) 'Royalist 2906 , (P. S. 139 J. H. B.) ( Duke - (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) I Eegina (P. S. 32 J. H. B.) n Chestnut (F. S. 3125 J. H. B.) 130 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Countess Coomassie 19339.— Yield of milk, 260 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of but- ter 16 lbs. 10 oz. ; test made from February 11 to 17, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 4 months ; property of M. G. Jacobs, Independence, Mo. \,, ^. ,,,, .SnvcrlocksJr.G99 ) ^S^j^'i)^- rSilver Mine 1658 - , o„fl--,,iv ,-o~ Countess COO- J ' Minerva 1529 S^f'-;^ ^{^ massie 19339 < ^^''^1?M^ °' ^^^ ^ ^' ^^'^ ^'^^ ' Faily 2CU584. "'Bai.yof.ersey3d.58..;B|ond.,193.^^^^^^^^ imp. * Duenna's Duchess 5508.— Yield of milk, 239 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 10 oz., salted ; test made f fom June 16 to 22, 1882 ; age when made, 5 years and 6 months ; ]iroperty of G. H. & H. A. Grimmell, Jefferson, Iowa. Feed, 8 qts. oats and 12 qts. of bran daily. ^ Duke of Grayholdt 1035, imp. ' Ti 0-1 fi 1 Young Baron 702, imp. Uuenna ^. lb -^ 3^,,^ ^^ Fleetwood 2551, imp. Duenna's Ducliess 5508. * Dusky 2525.— Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 10 oz.; test made in June, 1876; piopertv of J. B. Williams, Glastonbury, Conn. Kw 0-. ^^'^^^'^^ \S^^L,. Robbius9.,3 • 01^10 ( Splendid 2 imp. Duskv 2525 I ' ^ "^'^'"^ ^'^^^^ I Victoria 104, imp. Tidy 2.V20, imp. *Grinnell Lass 11859.— Yield of milk, 252 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 10 oz., unsalted : test made from April 20 to 26, 1883 ; age when made, 2 years and 10 montlis ; property' of William Crozier, Northport, N. Y. T 1 .mr, * On I. of J. ,^, ,, . .,.,,. * Jo^^<^P^ -^-^l-' ( Josephine The Marquis 380o - jpi'g jg.^j j ^ g^ Dark Eyes 8330, inii). Grinnell Lass 11859. j I ^Princeof Croton2J00...;?;"^^|".;'^l"„ Uelle Grinnell 2d 9009.. . Mo i'or^^S ' B*^"^- Gnnnell 40,3 - (-,,.;„,,, „.^ ^^j .,.q,^ * lanthe 4562. — Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 10 oz.; age wiien made, and over ; property of O. S. Hubbell, Stratford, Conn. St. Helier45, imp. lanthe 4562 < Tri^r * >ronai c'.i 82. „, . ... ^Miisi 1 Kuropu 12 , imp. Blanche ;)94 - ( pMu-i^imi 11 'Lily 6th .500 jLrrimp * Lady Cloud 19358.— Yield of milk, 183 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from April 8 to 14, 1884 ; age, 22 months ; property of John A. iliddelton, Shelbvville, Kv. u.^^ T «o-ofl i Prize Duke 942. ^ F«vot,e Rov 4-3- ^ ' ' F»"*^y ^^'' ~858. / tajette BOJ' 4i.}( -, 1 On t nf t I I Lady Pigot 2d 5798 -| ^^^ «|„J- ..^._ j^^,, Lady Cloud 19358 -( VLady Tilford 14467 , T>^A r'i„ 1 .>A .j.icn I Red Cloud .529. 3 Red Cloud 2d 2260 -^ Famosa 1B64. ' Lady Pigot 5797, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 131 * Miss Lofty 9718.— Yield of milk, 223 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 10 oz. ; test made from May 23 to 30, 1886 ; age, 8 years and 2 months ; prop- erty of E. Stevens Henry, Rockville, Conn. Miss Lofty 9718. f Duke of Mansfield 2277 -' F'^S'-'^l^'^nA-'^P- ) I La Biche 'JOo, iHip. I Belle of Brooklyn 9493 -j ^j-X" Ssh ^'■ Miss Peacock 30871.— Yield of milk, 257 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from January 22 to 29, 1890; ag"e, 5 years and 10 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily averag-ed 12 lbs. bran, 9 lbs. corn meal and 21^ lbs. cotton-seed meal ; property of W. B. von Richt- hofen, Montclair, Col. Miss Peacock 30871.. ^Oonan's Bajah8965.. .Little Torment 15581. Lord Harrv 3445 * Top-Sawyer 1 404. Duchess of Bloomfield 3G53. ) Oonan 1485 ^l^^^"^ U% ' '"P' I Omoo 1247, imp. \ Tormentor 3533. . i Khedive (P. S. 103 J*H. B.) "I Angela (F. S. 1G07 J. H. B.) «Meprise4898 \ P^l^^^^l' li't,. Camilla 4th 2023. Pedro's Mab 40212.— Yield of milk, 190 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 10 oz. ; test made from February 14 to 21, 1890; age, 4 years and 9 months ; estimated weight, 650 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 lbs. wheat middlings ; i^roperty of Mrs. Thomas Allen, Pittsfield, Mass. j-Domino of Darling.on g^^.p^don 9.30. f Pedro 3187 < " 1 Beauty of Darlington isurotas 2454 \ ^'o'^'' "f.f 9, imp. ^ I Europa 1 . 6. Pedro's Mab 40212 -{ , „ I rCieero 76.57 j ^appj^ oi, t H R > I (P. S. 2G6 J. H. B.) i '^- ^v> r V •■ ?-nV^ [Lady Mabella 221-38. . . .- ' (F ''°'i73B J H B Uabel 24344 j Di-pk Tu rp.n _ _ ' (P.6.96J.H.B.) iLi'Ho'cque'''-^-^ (V. S. 923 J. H. B.) * Pierrot's Lady Bacon 12482.— Average yield of milk, 4 gallons per day; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from May 24 to 30, 1884 ; age, 6 years and 2 days ; property of Joseph C. Kiplinger & Co., Eagle City, Ohio. Pierrot's Lady Bacon ( P'"''"^ '^^ ^66 12482 -l Princess of Mansfield 8070 \ Pierrot 6.36, imp. / Pet 811, imp. \ Pierrot 2d 1669. .. ( Flirt 482 ( Pierrot 6.36, imp. ') Dainty 796, imp. t Saiiia'Claus 30. I Duchess 3d 205. 132 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Isadore Stoke Pogis 37297.— Yield of milk, 200 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 91.3 oz.; test made from July 3 to 10, 1889 ; age, .3 years and 5 months ; estimated weight, 650 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 23 lbs., i.? fine middlings, I4' corn meal and %^ wheat bran ; property of P. J. Cogswell, Rochester, N. Y. f Exile of St. Lambert I ^l'=iit'T^5*'8 ^*' ^^"" ' Orloff .314:^. I 13657 < / Chaiitj of St. Lain- Isadore Stoke Pogis I ' ^olqa'^^ ^^' ^'^"^^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^„jg .^^j 32.38. 37297 < '^'^^^^ '( Kathleen of St. Lam- I ( Deerfoot Boy of Som- ^ Filz'lVls'^' tGrace G. Parks 29263. . . \ ^^^^^ ^^^^ '/ Sally Parks 3S.54. / 1 Duke of Somerset ■■ Estella Parks 154.35 - 1886. ( Duchess of Somerset 6276. * Ada S. 18366.— Yield of milk, 214 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from August 17 to 23, 1884 ; age, 3 years and 6 months ; property of J. L. Shallcross, Anchox-age, Ky. 'MardiGras2927 Ada S. 18366. iLorette 7393. ^ Joe Holt 1625. / Muezzin 3670. I Dnke of Grayholdt 103.5, imp. ") Ethelena2761. ( Milo590. ■» Musette 2073. ^ Balboa 1244 \ °," x'2724*?imp.°^*^^ ^"^^^^ ™^' / spring Beauty 28.59. . . -| ^-'^^^^'^.^^J^^^^ty 1268. * Arawana Queen 5368.— Yield of milk, 367 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 9 oz., salted ; test made from June 15 to 21, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years and 7 months ; property of John E. Phillips, Baltimore, Md. 'Rex 1.330. Arawana Queen 5368 . .Arawana Rose 3810. ,,^,t Tv sof; J Kob Roy 17, imp. \ <- olt Jr. 825 -I jyjgggig 2o-_j ( Albert 44. ■) Lily Dale 3236. /Couch's Lily 32.37.. , x-nniah S12 -* KaJa^ 340, imp. \ ->orajan .si.; ^ -^^^^ ^g^ \ McClellan 4th 85. ■( Molly 1011. / Honeysuckle 1313 Ciiansonnette 2d 29672.— Y'old of milk, 237 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from Sept. 16 to 23, 1888; age, 4 years and 2 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 10 lbs. corn meal, 14 lbs. ground oato, 16 lbs. shorts and 2 lbs. oil meal ; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. Chansonnette 2d 29672-^ 'Younjf Pedro 90.33... , C'hansonnette 5695. (Pedro 3187 / Rioter Alphea 10091 \ Westchester 1206... \ Clochette d'Or 5696. I Domino of Darlington 2459. ■ ■ "( Eurotas 2454. ( Jason J r. 3270. ■ "( Chansonnette 5695. i Inachus 928. •■ '( CIvtomne.«tra 245.5. 1 Duke 404. ■• '( Emma Washington 1663. BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. 133 * Dandelion 2521, imp. — Yield of milk, 345 lbs. G}4 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 9 oz., salted % oz. to lb.; test made from August 25 to 31, 1883; age when made, 15 years and 6 months ; property of John I. Holly, Plain- field, N. J. Feed, 8 qts. wheat bran, 3 qts. corn meal, 2 qts. crusiied oats. Dark and Fair 24468, imp.— Yield of milk, 167 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from June 7 to 14, 1887; age, 6 years and 2 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. bran, 4 qts. ground corn and oats, 1 qt. pea meal ; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. Dark and Fair 24468 i Nero r2( " I On I. of Nero 7266. of J. Carlo 5559 -* ^ero (P. S. 126 J. H. B.) (p°«.l8o j: H.B.i • • • I P^^p^f ™i''H°W\ Bossy (P. S. 215 J. H. B.)] ^omjP. h. n J. H. B.) (P. S. 24 J. H. B.) Eudora of Barre 12419.— Yield of milk, 249 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 9 oz. ; test made from April 1 to 8, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 6 months ; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 18 qts. ground corn and oats and pea meal ; property of Richardson Bi*os., Davenport, Iowa. \ Excelsior of Jersey 949, /"Tasso of Mount Waite ( Phenomenon 1147 ■■. imp. 2334 - (Tilly 2408. Eudora of Barre 12419-^ ' Dolly Hughes 2486, imp. ^ Mark Tapley 270 -[ |f^^ g^eller 271, imp. ^'^^^ ~^^S -} ^,,K-;» fiQ- » Abe Lincoln 268. (bjlMab«,.., "(MillieOOO. * Goldthread 4945. — Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from Jan- uary 14 to 21, 1881 ; age, 4 years and 7 months ; property of Edward M. Burns, Middleville, N. Y. , r;^ „f T>^co fit!o * Maxse 400, imp. , ,„_ \ ^°" °f K°^^ 6b3 ■ j^„g^ ^.,3 ^Norwood 10,7 -. . p„„_ oci i^onu^m^ iLincuiie. Goldthread 4945 -[ I ,-1 „ criA I Monadnock 258. L,-, , oooo \Quogue690 Frisky 1470. ^Milwaukee 2920 - , Bully Bronx 604. ' ^^"P ■*t'i ^°°^ "( Islip 1764. Income 19472.— Yield of milk, 251 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from November 15 to 22, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 8 months ; esti- mated weight, 825 lbs.; grain fed daily, 18 qts. corn, oats and pea meal in about equal proportions ; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. ' Auroraboreellis 2408. Income 19472 -{ [Niva 7523. I Umpire 16.37 ' Lady of Walnut Grove 4837 1 Critic 540 ") Highland INIary 2d 303. i Orange Skin -,' (P.'S. 19 J. H. B.) ( Petite Grist- 3)40 (P. S.948 J. H. B.) fCapTi OQ17 i Alpheus 1168. I L,aen ^n -^ Countess of Normandy < 2675. |countessGisela2820...-;|-X|||; 134 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. *La Petite Mere 3d 12814— Yield of milk, 227 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from February 13 to 18, 1886 ; age, 5 years and 11 months ; property of George G. Creamer, Hamilton, Mass. I Mida« of Oxford 5986 ' ^^°^^ ^""'^ ^^^^^ '™I'- Midas ot oxtord 59Sb. . ^ ^^^^^^^^^ gogg, imp. La Petite Mere 3d 12814. I T a Petitp More 5470 * ^^^^^^ P""'*" ^^5^' '™P- ( l.a Petite JMtre 54.0. . . . -^ yj^j^^ g^, g^.^^^ j^^^ * Pride of Bovina 8050.— Yield of milk, 314 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 9 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from March 20 to 37, 1883; age whrn made, 6 years ; property of W. L. Rutherford, Franklin, N. Y. Feed, 5 lbs. daily of ground corn and wheat bran, mixed, with all the good hay she would eat. T> r> .1 c T> ■ t- » ono ( Governor 890. ,Beii Butler of Bovina \ \ ermont 893 -^ Victorhie 2233, imp. ~'^~'* "/ T>„„i,„ o -I 0.1P ( t Emperor 287. ^.^ ,„ . ^„., , / Bertha 2d 2264 ( Bertha 704. Pride of Bovina 80.)U. .-^ ' , T, „ ,,Q~ ( Jerry 15. imp. ^PhcBbe 4th 2271 ^-P-- ^^ , Eve 2d 734. ^ ' Phoebe 760, imp. * Silveretta 6852.— Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 9 oz.; lest made from Nov. 20, 1881 ; age when made, 5^4 years ; property of R. J. Fair, Wallingford, Conn. ^, , . . , TIT D rn- I Bismarck 292. imp. , Champion of America \ May Boy TOo -^ crocus 1787 Silveretta 6852. l^o' '!„ ,„,„ I Living Storm 173. ' P'^nsy 1019 - Dolly 2d 1020. \ Sam 980, imp. in dam... -j g°g^,n°e 792. imp. ^ Mag 3351 . i Carrie Lena 3348 -&1!,7. Cocotte 11958.— Yield of milk, 173 lbs. 1.5 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8^ oz.; test made from May 21 to 38, 1887; age, 11 years and 3 months; esti- mated weight, 825 lbs., grain fed daily, 12 lbs. corn meal, 4 lbs. bran, 4 lbs. oil meal ; property of James Still man. Sing Sing, N, Y. ( TTpro ,P ^ on T TT R ^ i Welcome (F. S. 173 J. H. B.) Cocotte 11958 Hero (P. S. 90 J. H. B.) ] Musique (F. S. 1096 J. H. B.) ( Belle (F. S. 302 J. H. B.) Mrs. Knickerbocker 19367.— Yield of milk, 190 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of bvxtter, 16 lbs. 8% oz.; test made from June 33 to 30, 1887 ; age, 8 years and 1 month ; estimated weight, 850 hjs.; no grain fed during test, grass only; property of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. , ,, ^, ^,. ( Jack Horner 514. Motley 515 -, ;^jgg Merrilies 1372. rningo 1811 < Mrs. Knickerbocker ( Bessie 1.39, imp. 19367 ■{ , . . , ^„p ( Collamore's Atlantic 7-^9 \ AP>s 1206 -, xTndine 1864 \,Miss Beauty 4053 - » Coeur de Lion 318. ( Miss Blossom 1986 -^ p^^y pjmpie 377. BUTTEE TESTS OF JERSEYS. 135 * Sibyl's Beauty 25941.— Yield of milk, 170 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8} 2 oz.; unsalted, 15 lbs. 4}. 2 oz. ; test made from March 1 to 7, 1886 ; age, 3 years, 10 months and 33 days ; property of Timothy J. Hennesy, Litchfield, Conn. f Forget-me-not 6391... I (P. S. 291 J. H. B.) Sibyl's Beauty 25941. . -i ISibyl (P. S. 345 J. H. B.) 'Farmer's Glory -5196.. (F. S. 274 J. H. B.) I Grey King - (P. S. 169 J. H. B.) ' Boiiheur (F. S. 1G51 .1. H. B.) ,Erica (P. S. 1946 J. H. B. ^Taurus (P. S. 156 J. H. B.) I Sans-Peur - (F. S. SOU. H. B.) / 3:^003 (F. S. 1514 J. H. B.) .Lily (F. S. 1426J. H. B.) Signora Reid 27125.— Yield of milk, 341 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8^8 oz.; test made from July 13 to 30, 1887 ; age, 3 years and 9 months ; esti- mated weight, 835 lbs.; grain fed daily, chopped barley and wheat bran, not weighed ; property of William Bruce, Spring- Hill, Tenn. „. , ,,-.,1 \ Mariiis 760. ,^. ,, ,,. ,fMgnalll.O ■/ Pansv Morris 3060. , bigna.n o ( OHoff 3143. Broadway 508^3 ' ' "^"^'^ ^ ^"' ''''' ' ^^ ^^ ^^- L-"»'-' T n ' R • 3w * ^"'^^^^•^^" '''' ' T^^m^ ''''■ ^Tenella's Regina 3,092. - gi^ Lucius OTrigger ' Tenella .3d 37089 - 7961. ( Tenella 6713. 136 BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Carrie 3894.— Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz.; property of John V. N. Willis, Marlborough, N. J. I Sir Charles 131, imp. Carrie a894 -^ / Mary Lowndes 273, imp. * Chrissy 1448. — Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz. ; test made from June 31 to 27, 1878 ; age when made, 8 years and 5 months ; property of James A. Hayt, Patterson, N. Y. ( On I. of J. Chrissy 1448 -; / Kitty Clover 1113, imp. * Crust 4775. — Yield of milk not given ; jdeld of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from April 1 to 7, 1884 ; age, 8 years and 3 months ; property of James B. Wilder, Louisville, Ky. (Mercury 432 i'SHvi ( Alpheus 1168 \ f^^^^^^ y ■ crust 4775 ] I Europa 176 \SelA ^ Countess of Windsor 2024, imp. * Daisy of Belhurst 31 14. — Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz.; test made March, 1883 ; property of J. W. Whitenack, Dunellen, N. J. , ,, , , ^.r, ( Collamore's Atlantic 739, imp. ,, . ,^,. ,„,,, ^&rayloclc,40 Undine 1864, imp. Daisy of Belhurst 3114 - ' ' '^ ' Eudora 1863, imp. * Diana of St. Lambert 6636.— Yield of milk, 398 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from June 6 to 13, 1883 ; age when made, 5 years and 3 months; jDroperty of W. D. Reesor, Markham, Out., Can. Feed, 8 lbs. meal, 4 lbs. of bran, and the run of a good old pasture. ( stoke Pogis 12.59, imp. {.Stoke Pogis 3d 2238....-^ f Marjoram 32.39, imp. , T AT -o™ incc ) Victor Hugo 197. imp. n . . «, T ,, . ri.>. ^ ^°"^ ^''^'" ^°^^ » Pauline 494. Pet of St. Lambert .512.3. - ,.,,, i Victor Hugo 197, imp. / Lucy of St. Lambert ol 16 -J T ,. jig iq- Edy Signal 1 9430.— Y^ield of milk, 350 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz. ; test made from Sept. 21 to 28, 1887 ; age, 5 years ; grain fed daily, 6 lbs. bran and shorts, 8 lbs. corn and oats and 4 lbs, oil meal ; property of H. M. Baum, Frankfort, Ind. / o- 1 11-A 3 Marius 760. .Signal Tr -IfiC jSignalll.0 1 Pansy Morris 2060. |-Signal Jr. ,166 < J Grand Duke Alexis 1040. rAiaa3»<.i 1 Archie 1112. Edy Signal 19430 J . Grand Duke Alexis 1040 ) ^? ?or°nf Lachaise VEdyBashan 2d 16098... < 2740, imp. i Edy Bashan 1032 \ fafmt^^'' ^^^" BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 137 * Empress of Ely 2d 6771. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz., unsalted; test made 7 days in July, 1882; age, 5 years and 4 months ; property of C. H. Carpenter, Troy, N. Y. , t;.„„i:/1 -on * Lawrence 61, imp. r Baritone 1075 ] f^^!^^ uis, \mp. " " ' Goldstraw 8.5. Empress of Ely 2d 6771.4 ( Clement 11.5 I (Cossack 1159 ■{ (F. S. 61J. H. B.) 1, Empress of Ely 4883. ...< I Daffodil .3.35. ■on r T>„„ o.3n.j ) Beacon Comet 675. Belle of Beacon 3303. . . . -j j^^^^y gg,,^ ggg^ * Golden Skin 10861.— Yield of milk, 354 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from July 15 to 23, 1883 ; age, 3 years and 13 days ; property of Raymond H. Perry, Bristol, R. I. I Tj „v.„ 4- inn t Blticher 2d 102. , ,,,„ jBeechnutlOg ( Fanny 72. /Roanoke 1448 < ' ■' I Princesse 366, imp. Golden Skin 10861 -{ I , T? -.„i ■^..fif (Ned .52.3, imp. L , K o^ in-i^ * Excelsior 64 j Cushing-s No. 3, 1638. lDelpha2dl0a3 - ] Santa Ana 221. ( Delpha 10.32 ] jj^jj 545 ^ Lady Alexis 26916.— Yield of milk, 244 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from June 18 to 34, 1887 ; age, 3 years and 6 months ; weight, 840 lbs.; grain fed daily, 3 quai'ts corn and oats, ground ; property of W. H. Kennedy, Lincoln, N. Y. T. , , . ,K ,«Qo ^ ^'^""^ ^''^'' ^^'^'' ^^^ \ V?cIorfne Lachaise 1 Duke of Albany 3899 ...< o^-n imn j I Katydidn't 2734, imp. ~.4U, imp. Lady Alexis 26916 . . Belle of Maple Grove 11334 , » * VI 0-0 i Clement 115. j Asteroid 808 "j Lilac 340. ■ ( Madam Juny 113.33 ] Spa nl' * Lady Bowen 354, imp.— Yield of milk, 223 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz., unsalted ; test made from May 10 to 17, 1877 ; age when made, 15 years ; property of James Cloud & Son, Kennett Square, Pa. *Lady Love 2d 2212.— Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made in May, 1883 ; age when made, 11 years and 6 months ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. Feed, ground corn and oats ; pasture, very good. 'Albert 44. Ladv Love 2d 2212. -Lady Love 1315. I Jerry 15, imp. ( Frankie 17, imp. Malcolm 71 Pert 110, imp. Harry 72. Brenda 2d 107 138 BTTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Leonice 2d 8342. — Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz., unsalted ; test made from November 5 to 12, 1880 ; age when made, 3 years and 7 months ; prop- erty of P. W. Hardin, Frankfort, Ky. Feed, 1 gallon of bran scalded with 2 gallons of hot water ; pasture, fine blue-grass. (Pil Rina 11Q-? j Mogul 53-2, imp. Gil Blab 1193 -J (,y,,g,g j3g^ j^^'^^ Leonice 2d 8343 ■' / J „ -^ , ,oi ( OranM Peel 864, imp. f Leonice 4491 -J L„cie\>i83. imp. * Lida Mullin 9198.— Yield of milk, 269 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from March 24 to 30, 1882; age when made, 2 years and 10 months; propertj^ of G. R. Dykeman, Shippensburgh, Pa. , ■[);„,„„, 0.1 lira J Pierrot 636, imp. \ P'^"°^ -^ ^^*^^ i Dainty 796, imp. Lida Mullin 9198 J 'M>rtle,d,ll , Myrtle 208. iLily^of Maple Grove ^ Isaac B. 1951 -| Sel^r^isf ' /Symphonia4635 1 c^rdla 1428, imp. Lily Martin 49954.— Yield of milk, 256 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from June 12 to 19, 1890 ; ag'e, 3 years and 1 month ; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 3 gallons corn meul and 1 pint cotton- seed meal ; property of M. C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. P bert'455^^ '''• ^'"" *Orloff3143. T^o-o ct^L-o P^„i, iQRKsJ "' Charity of St. Lam- /Ida s Stoke Pogis 1365h-< bert"663S il-l-'^ «t- La-bert 24990] I'XS iiS- Lily Martin 499a4 -l hert .51-'2 ^Signalda402r "l ifda'Uf'- ^ «'g'«"^ ''''''' -, Kathletta 19567 ^ird H^rry 3445. ' ^atD^etta iJob, ^ j^^^^ Gordon 8387. * Minna Rajah 14847.— Yield of milk, 179 lbs.; yield of butter. 16 lbs. 8 oz. ; test made from June 3 to 9, 1885; age, 4 years; property of Columbia Jei'sey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. Minna Rajah 14847 / Marmaduke-6 King of , Marmaduke 483 \ mI^^^vv^^m'^U Hearts 2949 - ' -^^-ii^-ery i~«. " elly A. 1002. imp. ' Fanny 285, imp. Chief Tii«tire "^-^ * ^^^ ^Veller 271, imp. I '"'^^^^ Justice ,5, J p^jj.^. ^Jj^j^ ggg I jj ,,. qqo j Colonel 76, imp. ^*^'"^ ^•'^ I Minna 099, imp. * Nightingale K. 2d 19841.— Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8oz.; test made from June 1 to 7, 1883; age, 9 years and 11 months; property of Henry Hamilton, Brookfield, Ohio. i General Warren 1489. . . -J 'Iv^/L-l^i'^F^r, T-, , ,r- ^ 4r\n ' r rankle li , imp. /-Frank Warren 1490 ', > Pan 110. 'Cowslip 3, 06 I Daisy 3705. Nightingale K. 2d 1984 n I Stockwell (F. S. 116 J. H. B.) ^Nightingale K. 10056. . . •< \ Sultan ( Negro Girl 7650 - (F. S. 58 J. H. B.) ( Longueville Queen (F. S. 272J. H. B.) BUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. 139 *Pet Clover 14624.— Yield of milk, 17 qts. per day; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz., unsalted ; test made from August 25 to September 1, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 1 month ; property of W. F. Daniell, Franklin, N. H. ^ Plymouth Rock 2468. . . * ^T.^i^^fof '^''^ ^'^^■ /-Granite Rock 4.391 - o 5 u i,oi / Pollv Clover rov^ ) Schinchon 1133. ( foiiy L lover ,uo. 1 Sally Clover 4468. Pet Clover 14624 -I 1 Plymouth Boy 5683 -I ?^T".^q^ ^^'^^ ' Uay Cloverl32r3 \ 1 i"*^^ ^^^-iq.,, Mary Clover 9998 I'^ff '^of ^^'^k-^ , ^ -^ u .... I gg^j^y Clover 3784. * Sister Rex 13194.— Yield of milk, 301 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from June 23 to 38, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 9 months ; property of John Boyd, Elmhurst, 111. ( T?o-r iQQn J Colt Jr. 825. (-cash Boy 2348 f"'" '''° 8Xj;%';>i^""''- ] Dido of Middlefleld 3416 ] Cojt^Jr^ |j- ^^^^^^^ Sister Rex 13194 -I 1516. j Duke of Lebanon 1880. . -| Sl^e? Dawson 1379, ^Miss Seelock 6614 < imp. ' Mount Lebanon -t457. . . { lrJ%,^ i,,p. * Carrie Rex 10271.— Yield of milk, 345 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 73^ oz. ; test made from February 31 to 37, 1886 ; age, 6 years and 3 months ; property of Moulton Bros., West Randolpii, Vt. ,Rexl330 ^'"'''''■''' l^S^^^i'"^- 1 couch. Lily 3337 -j tj^^ jf 3336. Carrie Rex 10371 X . schinchon 1133 -\ ^^"9' ^36, imp. Cnrrip Clark fi5fi4 •<' ' Beauty b04, imp. I, came CiarK b6b4 a p|,„^„:^ ,.w J Living Storm 173. (Chamoib 1336 -j Belle 1335. * Milkmaid Felch 12339.— Yield of milk, 238 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 7I2' oz.; test made from April 19 to 25, 1884; ag-e, 3 years and 11 months ; property of C. R. C. Dye, Troy, Ohio. i Orange Peel .503 (Critic 540 ■{ (F. S. 139 J. H. B.) r Ike Felch 1293 < , ( Caunie 1359, imp. ,,.,, -J T-. 1 I, fooor, I ' Maid of Judah 2439, imp. Milkmaid Felch 13339..-! ' ^ I ( Excelsior of Jersey ^Milkmaid of Lake For- 1 Phenomenon 1147 < 949. est 5010 -j I Tilly 2408. ' T illv Lee 34-^1 i Metacomet 215. I.UI) L,ee ^,1 ^ Nettlesome 3407. * Corinna 2d 6594.— Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from July 1 to 7, 1883 ; age, 6 years and 2 months ; property of E. M. Phelan, Cherry Valley, N. Y. I Yellow Skin 871 \ a ri^Hn» 'fins f Graycoat 1105 ] ' Ariadne 608. ' St. Catherine 408, imp. ■Corinna 2d 6,594 -I ( Mogul 532, imp. ^'''^--^'''' 1ciio3dl269 'i^i?"^^'^"^'- 140 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Cream Calla 40233.— Yield of milk, 263 lbs. 13 oz.; j'ield of butter, 16 lbs. 7 oz. ; test made from September 30 to October 7, 1890; age, 5 years and 7 months; actual weight, 790 lbs.; no grain fed, pastui-e only; property of Mrs. J. H. Martin, Granville. N. Y. /'Europa's Duke 4832 Cream Calla 40233....-! . R.-r,« 1 r>.,L-o oion ' Chelten Duke 924. ) I>ro« n Duke 2190 -, g,,^^^ p^^^ j~gg /FnronalTfi \ Jupiter 93. r i<,uropa i.b -^ Alphea 171. I f Bishop's Brown Duke ^ Brown Duke 2190. '-Creamlie Westfleld 17818< "/ Papilio 47.59. ( Creme de la Creme 9887 -j f'^i^luL 2d 4370. * Gala 1375, imp.— Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from July 33 to 29, 1880 ; age when made, 11 j'ears and 6 months ; property of Charles S. Dole, Crystal Lake, 111. Feed, grass alone — pasture of mixed grasses. * Gladys of Belle Vue 9569. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from September 23 to 28, 1884; age, 5 years and 6 months ; property of James B. Wilder, Louisville, Ky. 1 ^^1^'lP^u^ ]^ ■„■•«••••• "I crementine -Lord Lawrence 1414....^ (J^. &. 84 d. U. B.) (F. S. 232 J. H. B.) Gladys of Belle ^'ue 9569 -I '' Lady Mary 1148, imp. VStella of St. Ouen's 6955, imp. Lady Hugo 29430.— Yield of milk, 239 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 7 oz. ; test made from July 15 to 21, 1887 ; age, 3 years and 6 months ; estimated "weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed during test, 2 qts. corn meal, 6 qts. oats, 6 qts. bran and 1 pint oil meal ; property of L. E. Hill, Denver, Col. , r>„i^„;„, 0-1Q * Sarpedon 930. Polonius 2ol3. i T p«^-« 010- i Domino of Darlington 2459. \ ^ ^^^'^ "^l**' ■) Eurotas 2454. ■ J -D „i Tj-: ^„ oo-n Daniel M'ebster 403. I Royal Princess 23r0. . -J princess Roval 2d 1005. j Signal (F. S. 278 J. H. B.) • 1 Daisy (F, S. 1835 J, H. B.) Pedroletta 26.597. Royalty 7210. .Romilly 14346. I Albert 44. 6th 38. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 143 * Belle of Patterson 5664.— Yield of milk, 241 lb.s. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 6 oz., unsalted ; test made from Jime 5 to 11, 1883 ; age when made, 5 years and 3 months ; property of W. J. Chinn, Frankfort, Ky. Feed, none ; pasture, good blue-gi-ass. Test made about 5 months after calving. i Marius 760 \ T^''P'\?°y f?1o • ( Signal 1170 J ] Latly Mary 1148, imp. I Pansy Morris d080 J Albert I ■' .... I Pansy i Belle of Patterson 5664-^ fGrandDiike Alexisl04o!2" J*?^*^-, , . ,„,„ I 1 ( Victonne Lachai3e:i740, ^Azelda 3872 < imp. ^ Grand Duchess of St. Peter's 2733, imp. *Cill of Glen Rouge 13818.— Yield of milk, 259 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 6 oz. ; test made from Julj- 21 to 27, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 4 months ; property of Miller & Sibley. Franklin, Pa. ( Jack Frost of St. i Buffer 2055 i Lord Monck. 304. Cill of Glen Rouge;: L^^-^^rt 2419 - I Ameha 4b4, imp. 13818 -I '■ Pride of Windsor 483, imp. I Pearl of St. Lambert i Buffer 2055 ■ ^°^'\ ^^l^?^. ^^■ 5527 ' / Amelia 484, imp. ^I^°t<^^«t-I^^-bert 5525] Laval 506..^^ * Fantine 1271.— Yield of milk, 252 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 6 oz., salted , age when made, 1 1 j^ears and 5 months ; property of H. M. Howe, Bristol, R. I. Feed, corn meal, g-round oats, bran, pumpkins ; pasture, very little. I Rajah 340, imp. Fantine 1271 - ( Fancy 0, imp. * Jessaline 26099.— Yield of milk, 264 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from March 7 to 13, 1886; age, 5 years; property of G. V, Green, Hopkinsville, Ky. Gillo. Jessaline 26099. (F. S. 5149 J. h! B.) ( Columbine (F. S. 131 J. H. B.) * Maid of Saragossa 9086.— Yield of milk, 190 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from August 5 to 12, 1885 ; age, 7 years and 7 months; property of David W. Voyles, Crandall, Ind. Maid of Sara 9086 /-R<,lK.^., io4, imp. 1 ( Prize Duke 04'^ * ^''^'^ 3^^- [prize Maid 3835 ] ' '^^'^^^y P"-« 1^67, imp. ' Jersey Prize 1267, imp. 144 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Miss Porter 20300.— Yield of milk, 180 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from July 17 to 23, 1885 ; age, 6 years and 5 months; property of G. L. & A. C. Davis, Port Jefferson, N. Y. Miss Porter 20300. f Young Prince I (P. S. 182 J. H. B.) ! Mrs. Porter 16667 (F. S. 304.J.T. H. B.) ( Khedive .P. S. 103J. H. B.) ^Princesse (F. S. 1394 J. H. B.) I Leo -' (F. S. 198 J. H. B.) / Coomassie 11874 (F. S. 144-2 J. H. B.) I Welcome - (F. S. 16G J. H. B.) / Silver Star ( F. S. 215 J. II. B.) 1 On I. of J. "( Carrie Belcoe (F. S. .3047 J. H. B.i * Moggy Bright 25891.— Yield of milk, 136 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 6 oz., unsalted; test made from June 25 to July 1, 1884; age, 3 years; prop- erty of W. R. McCready. Saugatuck, Conn. Moegv Bright 25891 . . (F. S. .5723 J. H. B.) \ Bright (F. S. 308 J. H. B.) /On I. of J. Petra 19267.— Yield of milk, 238 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from September 23 to 30, 1887 ; age, 5 years and 7 months ; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 qts. ground oats and corn and 8 qts. bran ; property of H. M. Baum, Frankfort, Ind. On I. of J. 'Le Brocq's Prize 33.50. Pel ra 19267 ) vr„ti„ r.~Ro I Horace (P. S. 94 J. H. B.) 'Matin., 68 U'igarette (F. S. 1629 J. H. B.) ( Marius 760. . . } Pet Anna 1G08 (F. S. 1962 J. H. B.) * Willie Boy 4.34. ■/ Lady Mary 1148. ) Marmion 359. "/ Lillie Fair 1607. * Yokun Maid 19073.— Yield of milk, 223 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 6oz.; test made from May 17 to 23, 1886; age, 4 years and 3 months; property of S. W. Taliaferro, Guthrie, Ky. , T!Mtt»r Rr>-,r -jojQ ' Balsora 23.57. Butter i!oy .324.3 ■ „ , j „ ,„„„ ■^'^^^^^■^-^-^ -/Wi,ch-Ha.ell360 ^S^^^^^^^. ^rn,. Yolcan Maid 19073....^ Bri.eis3875 jP-Cli^llOO j g^|er^ ,o8, t., ' J^^"- "f Berkshire 28:30. -[ 5[,°:fb/r'ry'2d-2199. * Couch's Lily 3237.— Yield of butter, 16 lbs. rA4 oz.; test made June, 1874; age when made, 5 years and 4 months ; piopei-ty of J. O. Couch, Middlefield, Conn. Mh„vt (( J Jerry 1.5, imp. I -•^"''^'^f ^^ ■) Fraiikie 17, imp. \ Sire bred thus: sire and dam imp, l)y Taintor. ' r. „ 11 o .T/i-.T * Splendid -, imp. Bradley Cow 20.r2 -, Lewi. ( 'ow xNo 1, 2050. Couch's Lily 32.37. Lily Dale 3236. BUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. 145 * Skipover 20217. — Avei-age yield of milk, 17 qts. per day; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 0^4 oz.; test made from July 18 to 24, 1886 ; age, 3 years and 5 months; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. "Pedro 3187. 'Domino of Darlington , s^rpedon 930. '-"*'^ 'I Beauty of Darlington Skipover 20217. ^Eurcias 2454. 5736. ( Rioter 2d 46 "( Europa 176. imp. -Sylvie of St. Mary's 19469, imp. *Benetia 21511.— Yield of milk, 163 lbs. 12 oz.; yield o^' butter, 16 lbs. 51 oz. ; test made from June 18 to 24, 1886 ; age, 3 years and 2 months ; prop- erty of J. T. & W. S. Shields, Bean's Station, Tenn. ^Baronet 2-240 I Amelia It^mp' puke of Milford 3820. . - Roxlirv 247 ^* I Angela 1682 - Pnrr.nJ loi imn Benetia21511 \ I Eu.opa 121, imp. I I Second Iron Duke 202, ^Lanrena of Meadow i Troubadour 481 - imp. Brook 4123 - i Cybele 136, imp. ' Nonpareil 2d 1413 \ Splreil mO, imp. * Granny's Gem 30406.— Yield of milk, 164 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5I4' oz.; test made from October 22 to 28, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 7 months; property of J. V. & C. Ramsden, Morton, Pa. i Khedive - (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) f Princesse (F. S. 1294 J. H. B.) King (P. S. 238 J. H. B.) "Young Prince (P. S. 182 J. H. B.) Granny's Gem 30406. . (P. S. 932 J. H. B.) ,Judy (F. S. 1590 J. H. B.) fBrowny (P. S. 158 J. H. B.) Granny -! (P. S. 495 J. H. B.j I Tom - (P. S. 77 J. H. B.) ( Fairy (F. S. 904 J. H. B.) Vieille Grise (F. S. 1002 J. H. B.) * Buttercup 17285.— Yield of milk, 295 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from January 5 to 11, 1885 ; age, 9 years and 9 months ; property of William Crozier, Northport, N. Y. rSans-Peur (F. S.201J H. B.) Buttercup 17285 ■ (P. S. 169 J. H. B.) Rose (F. S. 1450 J. H. B.) /"Welcome (F. S. 166 J. H. B.) . Fauchon (F. S. 1322 J. H. B.) ( Noble - (F. S. 104.J. H. B.) ( Daisy (F. S. 073 J. H. B.) 1 Dapper - ^F. S. 32 J. H. B.) I On I. of .1. Noble rWelcome -, (F. S. 104 J. H. B.) I (F. S. 106 J. H. B) (.On I. of J. Daisy (F. S. 073 J. H. B.) 146 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Carrie Lena 3d 20077.— Yield of milk, 195 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs, 5oz.; test made from April 26 to May 3, 1885; age, 2 years and 1 month; property of Campbell Brown, Spring- Hill, Tenn. 'T .„„^ na.y. «^v fisiu * ' Dido of Middlefield. 3416. Lenox Cash Boy 6804.. . - , ^,^g,.f _,_, / Smith sPairj 6162 , Belle of Bloomfield 4331. Carrie Lena 3d 20077. .-! ICarrie Lena 3.J48 i .^^^ ..^. I Albert 44. r Lena *«< -^ g^^^j^ g^ gg^j ♦Flora Lee of Tennessee 7694. — Yield of milk, 334 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from July 15 to 22, 1885 ; age, 9 years and 9 months : property of S. A. Eodgers, Loudon, Tenn. Daiide l.>-)6, imp. Xellie 3d 1928. Flora Lee of Tennessee 7694 < , Pi,ot .3, P"°tBoy488 1 Marigold 840. •Nrpiiie a44 J Richmond 19. ^^'"*^ ^^ 1 Kuhn's Pansy 48. * Flora of St. Peter's 8622.— Yield of bvxtter, 16 lbs. 5 oz., unsalted ; test made in June, 1879 ; age when made, 3 years and 5 months ; property of Wilhani Crozier, Northport, N. Y. Feed, all lucern she would eat; turned to pasture at night. Flora of St. Peter's 8622. ^ Prince on I. of J. ' Daisy on I. of J. *Grinnell Lass 11859.— Yield of milk, 308 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from February 9 to 15, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 8 months; prop- erty of William Crozier, Northport N. Y. T V, oiin i On I, of J. Joseph .J419 (Josephine 'The Marquis 380.5 { (F. S, 1621 J. H. B) Grinnell Lass 11S59. . -{ Dark Eyes 83-30, imp. I Prince of Croton 2490. . . -| J-'i'^I'XuVii- imr, T> 11 /-. • 11. .1 n/„.n ' M^leniua 44.-itj, imp. ^ Belle Grinnell 2d 9(KI9. . - , 1., ,,:»,,,. o~o / Belle Grinnell 4073 \ j^Wnm-lla 3d 2209. * Hattie Douglass 24960.— Yield of milk, 262 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from June 7 to 13, 1884 ; age, 5 years and 2 months ; property of H. W. Douglass, Pevely, Mo. T> ■ , Tj .)o-- I Pierrot 636, imp. ^ „. -,, , ,,,„.„ ^ Damty Bo) 29..0 , Dainty 796, imp. Kaltie Douglass 24900. ... - ' ^ Haltie 79."), imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 147 * Jersey Cream 3d, 8521.— Yield of milk, 239 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from May 23 to 39, 1885 ; age, 6 j'ears and 1 month ; property of H. G. Westlakc, Hillsdale, N. Y. , Maiirhester's Prospect \ Pierrot 5th 1665 -[ Eu<^eiiie'^d 1^3 ' ''^'' l01ie4m lllz^^^i"'''^^- Jersey Oream 3d 8521.-^ I ^«"® l^^^- ( Tom Dasher 420 -' ^J'^f ^tn ^Jersey Cream 3151 ■< * i-lora4iO. ' Creampot 460, imp. Kitty of St. Lambert Sd 40106.— Yield of milk, 304 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5 oz. ; test made from June 6 to 13, 1889 ; age, 4 years and 4 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 13 qts. oats and barley and 2 qts. oil cake; property of Wm. Rolph, Markham, Ont., Can. ( Sir George of St. Lam- i Diana's Rioter 10481. . . . - bert 6036. |- Brier's Pogis 14163 < I Diana of St. Lambert Kitty of St. Lam- I ^Tamben'^^?'- » Lord Li sgar 1066. bert 2d 40106 -{ Lambert a481 / Lily of St! Lambert 5120. Rosette of St. Lam- , j ^ , -. . „„^ i,,„„ bert 5108 -' ^°'^" Lisgar 1066. "^^ ^^^ / Victoria 411. *Lady Superior 22865.— Y^ield of milk, 364 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from April 10 to 16, 1884 ; age, 5 j^ears and 11 months ; prop- erty of Heulings Lippincott, Cinnammson, N. J. I Grey (F. S. 244 J. H. B.) Lady Superior 22865 J (F. S. .3118 J. H. B.} On I. of J. * Miss Vermont 7698, imp.— Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5 oz.; test made December, 1879; age when made, 6 years; pi'operty of W. R. McCready, Sauga- tuck, Conn. * Olie's Lady Teazle 12307.— Yield of milk, 375 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5 oz., salted; test made from July 1 to 8, 1883; age when made, 3 years and 3 months; property of L. H. Smith, Lexington, 111. No feed, except blue-grass pastvu-e. I -^^.-r. ny^i^f 00-1 t Pierrot 5th 1665. iNero t hiet 29ol i m itP -^r-,! Nero Chief 2d 4217 ^i-'^or Fairview 778. ( uoiiy .Neweu 4,o4 ^ Caiacanthus 1620. Olie's Lady Teaz'.e 12307X , \ir^ti,„..,fl..i,i nee I J P^q-''- Ch,ef 2662. . . -I JIan'Goode' o5h Voiie's May Bell 6567. ..A Tom Da.her 4>0. {.una 4146 , Belle J.105, 148 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. *?endiile 2d 16709.— Yield of milk, 22G lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5 oz.; uest made from September 26 to October 2, 1885 ; a£:e, 3 years and 11 months ; property of J. L. Shallcross, Anchorage, Ky. ( Happv r Cicero 7657 j (P. S. 211J. H. B.) I (P. S. 266J. H. B. PenduieM 1G709. [Pendule lfi673 (F. S. 2302 J. H. B.) \ Vcrtuninus (P. S. I6tj. H. B.) ' Garenne 24524 (F. S. 1575 J. H. B.) Fleur De I'Air 12703 (F. S. 1730 J. II. B.; ( Koflfee - (F. S.233.J. H. B.) ' An eel ic a (F. S. I7:i8 J. H. B.) I Sans-Penr - (F. S. 201 J. H.B.) ' Jolie. fGuv Fawkes (F. S. 251 J. H. B.) ^La Dame (F. S.2301J. H.B.) Pitapat 1 11 36.— Yield of milk, 197 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter. 16 lbs o oz.; test made from November 5 to 12, 1888 ; age, 8 years and 8 months ; actual weig-ht, 878 lbs.; grain fed daily, 20 lbs. mixed feed, consisting- of equal parts of corn meal, oat meal and wheat bran ; property of Jacob L. Thomas, Knoxville, Tenn. (Leo(F. S. 108 J. H. B.) i Khedive . - Coomasgie (P. S. 1442 J. H. B.) (P. S. 103 J. H.B.) / (11874 A. J. CO Angela (F. S. 1607 J. II. B.) Pitapat 11130 J. iGinx 1.536 ! Sv^^^^■ l Xi inena 5682 - '^o.T^i ii h ~Q'. Yamnrnh 9011 i ^^" Kajatl ,9.1. * Princess of Ashantee 13467. — Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5 oz., unsalted ; test made from Jidy 2 to 8, 1883 ; age when made, 4 years ; property of S. M. Bu/nliam, Saugatuck, Conn. Feed, 4 qts. corn meal and 4 qts bran ; pasture, June grass, no clover. Princess of Ashantee 13467 ''Not registered. .Bessie on I. of J. I Leo rKhedive -' (F. S. 198 J. H. B.) (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) / Coomassie 11874 .■I (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) ^Rose (F. S. 1.587 J. H. B.) Sister of Charity 62453.— Yield of milk, 174 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5oz.; test made from Jiuie 5 to 12, 1890; age, 2 years and 7 months; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; no record of feed kept, ordinary rations; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. ^ stoke Pogis 5th 5987. . Sister of Charity 024.53. -XellPogis 31991. ( Stoke Pogis 12.59, imp. / Marjoram 3239, imp. i Litchfield of Lee Farm i Litchfield 674. 8414 - / Victoria Guelph 3898. Nell of St. Lambert i Bachelor of St. Lam- 279.59 - bert 4.558. ( Ida of St. Lambert 24990. BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. 149 * Troth 6139.— Yield of milk, 104 qts.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from June 30 to 26, 1881, inclusive ; age when made, 4 yeava ; property of Thos. J. Hand, Sing Sing, N. Y. (Hornbeam 2123 -^ < Lady Ma, .v 1148, imp. Troth 6139 f Emily Hampton 1912. .. -| ^^-^S-""""^- ^ Blondette 1S17, imp. June, 1871, by Capt. Pratt. * Vieva 3d 7642.— Yield of milk, 311 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5 oz., salted; test made from July 15 to 21, 1883; age when made, 4 years and 10 months ; property of John E. Phillips, Baltimore, Md. f TVTor«p S47 ' Vanguard 845. Morse 84, J Cowslip of Tonawanda ' Sydney 3262 < 2116, imp. / Trnnr^Ho Q1-^R ' Vauguard 845. Vieva 3d 7642 ^ ' ''""'''' '''' ' ^S^mr'"""""^"' I Hannibal 618, imp. iVieva 2117 - 'Rope I'iO t Springvale 89. Kose :5U..... I Violet 151. imp. * Witch-Hazel 4th 6131.— Yield of milk, 210 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from March 28 to April 3, 1886; age, 9 years and 4 months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenii. i ^VvTll^i H • R V ■ ■ • ' crementine /-Lord Lawrence 1414....-^ (t . h. 84 d. U. B.) (F. S. 232 J. H. B.) Witch-Hazel 4th 6131. . .J ' ^^^^ ^^^'^' ""IS' '"^V- I I Southampton 117, imp. ^Witch-Hazel 1360 ^ ( Clement 115 ' Hazel 91 - (F. S. 61J. H. B.) / Lady Bird 221 (F. S. 92 J. H. B.) Jersey Jane 38308.— Yield of milk, 222 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4I2 oz.; test made from May 22 to 29, 1888 ; age, 2 years and 1 month ; esti- mated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed dailj', 6 lbs. corn meal and 3 lbs. oil meal; property of J. R. Anderson, Jr., Lee, Va. ( Jersey Express 5771, imp. Jersey Jane 38308. .... Doesticlis 2387 \ ^^^Z i^T'""' ^~'^^- I Jane Riley 11455 \ Veint 8^^ I Juliana 3d 4173 -[ J^^i^Ser Lemon Twig 42028.— Yield of milk, 246 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 41?^ oz. ; test made from March 23 to 80, 1889 ; age, 3 years and 11 months; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 23 lbs. mixed wheat bran and corn-hearts on the first three daj^s, and 15 lbs. corn-heai-ts on the last four days ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. , \Ta,Yr,ot,v 1 !oe * Islander 561. Gilderoy -107 " "' ^^alea 1443. , ^.iiaeroy ~1U( , 1^^^,,^^ ' Jeanne Le Bas 2476 ■{ (F. S. 71 J. H. B.) Lemon Twig 42028 \ ' ^fe'S'^J. H. B.) ( Magnetic 1428 1 '^^^'f 1443- ^ Orange Twig 11796 - *vro'),^lu^ in d IMflnnarnin 4im J Mandann 1041. r Manna-ram 4181 < ^ j^ ^ g-.^ 150 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Miss Clifford 2d 56149.— Yield of milk, 270 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, IG lbs. 4^2 oz.; test made from Ma^' 27 to June 3, 1890; age, 4 years and 1 month; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 lbs. corn meal and coarse bran, mixed in equal parts, and 2 lbs. linseed meal ; property of A. S. Bell, London, Ohio. ( ChampioB of America \ Champion's Son 3286. . . < 1567. /"Casta's Champion 11794-' ( Williams' Birdie 4G59. ^r P,-^ ..^.R14Q J 'casta Diva 8154 ] EefprFtelle M 7390. Miss Clifford 2d 56149 .A , n m r„, » ri-« * D"dlev 39PP. Gold Rope 61.59 - ^y^rren-s Duchess VMiss Clifford 27962 < 4622. ( Jessie Benton 11183. . . . ] })™f^?^'eif lake 6170. * Princess Sheila 7297.— Yield of milk, 213 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4:} 2 OZ-, salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from March 2 to 8, 1882 ; age when made, 4 years ; property of G. R. Dykeman, Shippensburgh, Pa. , Chanipion of America \ May Boy 705 -J crociis nsl^'" '™^" ^•^^' ')-D„„o, mm Livintr Storm 173. ( Pansy 1019 ^ Dollv "d U>^0 Princess Sheila 7297. .. -I " "° ^ ( Burnside 12.34 \ Kld«^M74 ^Elsie Burnside 5598 .... - C HfTon 6 imp 'Clematis 3174 ^ 'J^f/s 317"*^" Sparks 41041.— Yield of milk, 236 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 43^ oz.; test made from November 21 to 28, 1886; age, 3 years; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed dail}', about 8 quarts of ground corn and oats; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. , r>„, :„<,oKio ( Sarpedon 9-30. Polonius2513 < , / r^qq / Combination 4389 J. McPlellan 4th 85 I Lady Mel 429 ■{ Mel 2d St! Sparks 41041 . . 2000. Uomp Lawrence 13819. . -J ' Lc^irjliwrence 1414 i DearbornLawrence8834] ^ ['t;^i^^J'a'l334! ■D^,^^ Willie B05' 4.34. .vianub ,w -^ L^jy -^^j.^ J j4g^ j^jp Emblem 90, imp. Fairfax .530 Bisma 1GC9, imp. J Monmouth 210. ) Copia 46, imp. Carrie Lena 3d 20077.— Yield of milk, 197 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4 oz. (official); test made from May 21 to 27, 1885 ; age, 2 years and 2 months ; actual weight, 660 lbs.; grain fed daily. 2 lbs. ground oats, 2 lbs. wheat bran and 8 lbs. corn-hearts ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill. Tenn. Carrie Lena 3d 2007 /"Lenox Cash Boy 6804. ^Carrie Lena 3348 ,^„,, r>„ 01. Q J Rex 1330. Ca.h Boy 2248 -j j^-^^^ ^j Middlefield 3416. I Smith's Fairy 6162 \ ^^i-ifotliloomfield 4331. , „ nor, i On L of J. i Sam 980 -j gugeme 792, imp. lTena3347 J Albert 44. f i.ena .jJ4. ^ Hattie 2d 2301. Cetewayo's Daisy 18230. — Yield of milk, 188 lbs. 8 oz. ; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from July 7 to 14, 1889; age, 8 years and 5 months-, actual weight, 720 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 lbs. wheat middlings ; property of Mrs. Thomas Allen, Pittsfield, Mass. fRomulas (P. S. 181J. H. B.) fCetewayo J. (P. S. 224 J. H. B.) Cetewayo's Daisy 18230.-! VMt ^Daisy of St. John's 18170 (F. S. 3268 J. H. B.) ( Hero . { (P. S. 90 J. H. B.) ( Stella (F. S. 705 J. H. B.) lusique (P. S. 1096 J. H. B.) 152 BFTTER TESTS OF JERSEY>. Chansonnette 5695.— Yield of milk, 16 qts. per day ; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from March 4 to 10, 1887 ; age, 10 years and 5 months ; esti- mated weight of cow, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed during test, 6 qts. corn meal, 2 qts. pea meal, 6 qts. oat meal, 6 qts. bran, daily ; propei^ty of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. [ Westchester 1266 J. V. „, ^qo 1 Clytemnestra 2455 \ f^rfrZ '^'• ■( Leda 799, Chansonnette 5695 I I Duke 404 * '^'r^^ }^- ^ „ Vciochette d'Or 5696 J. | §,'P*7 mtl^I' o-,n 1 Emma Washington 1663 ^^^J^P.^^Sl gton 869. * Daisy Queen 9619. — Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4 oz.; property of H. B. Tatham, Philadelphia, Pa. Test made on grass alone. f Leo (F. S. 198 J. H.B.I TKhedive < i 'Vent Dai«v Queen 9619 J ^^' **' ^^^ ''' ^' ^' ' Coomassie 11874 -/ (P. S. 14 J. H. B.) uaisy t^ueen ybiJ < (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) ' Jersey Pride ^Onl. of J. (F. S. 1716 J. H. B.) Eltekeh 28266.— Yield of rhilk, 213 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4 oz. (official); test made from May 25 to 31, 1886; age, 2 years and 2 months; weight, 850 lbs.; totals of grain fed during test, crushed oats 64 lbs., corn meal 31 lbs., bran 23 lbs., linseed oil cake meal 19 lbs., pea meal 21 lbs.; total amount of grain 158 lbs.; i^roperty of Frederic Bronson, Greenfield Hill, Conn. Wanderer 3014. Signal IIIO. Cosette 3874. ( Footstep 5163 .< On f of J I Fadette of Yerna 6814. . { ^ »> % 'J-.^^ ^^la, J imn. Bltekeh 28263 J imp I Nero 13, imp. VEffieof Hillside 1521...^ •w,, i;„„ i le. J Prince of Orange 184. I!,vehna446 1 Edith 447. * Emily of Hillside 8073.— Yield of milk, 229 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4 oz. ; test made from February 7 to 14, 1883 ; age, 4 years, 11 months and 14 daj's ; property of Samuel Colgate, Orange, N. J. ( Collamore's Atlantic I Graylock 740 -/ 739, imp. I- T v.„ /-tji^i^ oirn J f Undine 1864, imp. fJohn Gilpm21&9 j ^ 0^^^^^^, ^m^g .^^^ ( Nellie of Orantre 502S... - imp. Emily of Hillside 8073. . \ ' Brownie 1035, imp. ( Collamore'8 Atlantic (Apisl206 \ 739, imp. ■-Elfrida of Hillside 4056. -' , I Undine 1864. imp. 'Effle of Hillside 1521.... J Nero 13, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. 153 Exile's Daisy 46885.— Yield of milk, 244 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4oz.; test made fx'om August 14 to 21, 1890 ; age, 2 years and 9 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily averaged about 6 lbs. corn meal, 5 lbs. bran and 2 lbs. cotton-seed meal; property of Joseph W. Shurter, Gansevoort, N. Y. Exile's Daisy 46885. f Exile of St. Lambert I 13657 Bactielor of St. Lam- bert 4558 Allie of St. Lambjrt 24991 .Daisy Stillson 28174.... Seneca Chief Nickel 2(1233.52. I Orioff 3143. '/ Charity of St. Lam- bert 6638. ( Stoke Pogis 3d 2238. '( Kathleen of St. Lam- bert 5122. ( Lord Shaftesbury < 2499. ( May Blossom .56.57. ) Guido 3521. • 1 Nickel 1978. * Favorite of the Elms 1656, imp. — Y'ield of milk, 314 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from June 5 to 12, 1876; age when made, 6 years ; property of William S. Taylor, Burlington, N. J. * Lydia Darrach 3d. 10662. — Y^'ield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from May 31 to June 6, 1885 ; age, 6 years and 5 months; property of H. P. Lewis, Brady, Pa. Test made on grass alone — timothy, red-top and clover pasture daring the day, and blue-grass pasture at night. Lydia Darrach 3d 10662. Duke of Brandy wine 2213 Lydia Darrach 4903. Doctor H. 21.32... (Lilly Morgan 47.52 {^^f^^f^^^ ^Doctor H. 2132 ' Bertha Morgan 4770 . . . ( St. Malo Jr. 733. "I Julia 2d 4902. ) Cheltenham 80. imp. ( St. Malo Jr. 733. ■/ Julia 2d 4902. ( Lopez 313. 1 Patterson's Beauty 4760. * Maid of the Elms 3d 15554.— Yield of milk, 172 lbs. S oz.; yield of but- ter, 16 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from July 21 to 27, 1885; age, 3 years and 4 months ; property of Thomas H. Malone, Nashville, Tenn. Maid of the Elms 3d 15.554 I Lawrence 61 ( Lord Lawrence 1414. ... - (F. S. 84 J. H. B.) ) / Lady Mary 1148, imp. ( Maid of the Elms 6960, imp. , On I. of J. Clementine (F. S.232J.H.B.) * Matilda 5th 18068.— Yield of milk, 146 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from June 15 to 22, 1885; age, 2 years and ll}^ months; property of J. H. Walker, Worcester, Mass. Matilda 5th 18068. Duke of Darlington 2460 Matilda 3238, imp. Parpedon930 \^^^- 'Eurotas2454 ] 1^^^^' ™^- 154 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Maud's Sultana 1 95 1 8.— Yield of milk, 18^^ qts. per day ; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from June 25 to July 1, 1887; age, 4 years and 7 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs. ; grain fed during test, 3 qts. corn meal, 7 qts. oat meal, 2 qts. pea meal, 1 qt. oil meal and 3 qts. middlings, daily ; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. ( Miictna ^isfi J Domino of Darlington 2459. 1 Ramapo 4679 J Miietus ciiBo ^ Premium of Darlington 5572 Maud-8 Sultana 19518. < I Eurotas 34.M -j Eu"ropa'l76^'*' ™^' ( Princess Maude 7177, imp. * Miss Signal 20379.— Yield of milk, 223 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4 oz. ; test made from May 24 to 31, 1886 ; age, 4 j^ears and 21 days; property of Peter D. Hulst, East Penfield, N. Y. f Tx i.„ ^f Ti,..»f„..^i n'-Q » Grand Duke Alexis 1040. \ ^'^^'^ °f Hartford 11<9. . ■ g^,,^ Hartford 2718. Alpenoa 00b2 -, ^ ^^ ^ ^^^^ _^^^ , p^.j^^ „f Guilford 2138 Miss Signal 20579 j- Alpenoa 0062 - p,.;^ „f , I / Lady Sarah 4931 , Lita 4930 lE„nhorhial122<, ^ Allegany Chief =^018. . . . -) ^^|,^]^ I Euphorbia 11229 -_ _ ___ i D^vilshoof S 'Nettle .3241. \ Devilshoof 866. Nettie 2176. *Miss Willie Jones 6918.— Yield of milk, 316 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4 oz., salted; test made from May 21 to 28, 1883; age when made, 7 years and 1 month ; property of "William S. Taylor, Burlington, N. J. Feed, 4 qts. corn meal and 4 qts. bran daily ; good pasture. ^ Dolphin 2d 46S, imp. . . . -) ^.f^f^^}' ^42 E. H. B. MOPSUS 1165 - ^ g , ^„- 2^^ ggg ' J'^''^ Richard, lb, 4 - Lady Richards 1017. Miss Willie Jones 6918 .Bronx Pearl 3752 i '^"'''""^" ''' ' kl^lT::^^'''' ''^' ''"P" ( Bashan 146. / Lady Webs t Derbv 25:3. ( Katy Bronx 3751 \ ^'^^^l ^^^^ ^..^ Onnolee 23804.— Yield of milk, 186 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from Apfil 14 to 21, 1887; age, 6 years and 6 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. corn meal, 4 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. middlings and 2 lbs. oil meal ; property of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. , T^- „„ 1011 I Motley 515. Bingo l.Sll - T, ;^ -.on [ Bingo 2d 6749 - pf diiha 1623 I Madge Living. Lord Lisgar 1066. Belle Bonair 33960. .J ' L''^' «^ ^•- L'^™'^"^ 5120. Xutshell 729 -* ^'elii!-ko 479. ^Obella 5080 < , t ,,.,] ■, ,,i„,„,. inc~ ' Florimel ST-^t -' i;""^" A.\ Imei 106. . r Jorimei .n-o ^ Finette 2787. Belle Lyman 28522.— Yield of milk, 220 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 33^ oz.; test made from February 21 to 28, 1890 ; age, 5 years and 7 months ; estimated weight, 800 .bs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons ground oats and corn mixed in equal parts ; property of Morgan & Brown. Columbia, Tenn. Belle Lyman 28.522. , General Lyman 6631 . ^Belleof Wolcott 8938.. Joseph 3419. I„ land Beaut V 9113., I Maumee Chief 2673. / Chamois 1226 On I. of J. Josephine (F. S. 1621 J. H. B.) Wekouie (P. S.98 J. 11. B.) Island Lily 69( 9. imp. t Pierrot i36, inip. "/ Picture 1.533. ( Living Storm i73. '/ Belle 1225. BUTTEE TESTS OF JERSEYS. 157 *Blossie Reynolds 6082.— Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 3}^ oz., salted i^ oz. to lb, ; test made from June 1 to 8, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years ; property of G. H. Reynolds, Canton, Pa. / Uve 667 ' Monmouth 210. •Duke of Lebanon 1880.. j / Niobe 99, imp. ' Nancv Dawson 1279, imp. Blossie Reynolds 6082-[ i TSTvp fifir * Monmouth 210. , Miss Vesper 4460 ] ^ ( Niobe 99, imp. ' Vesper 1395, imp. *Maritana 12039.— Yield of milk, 254 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. S}4 oz.; test made from November 10 to 16, 1884; age, 3 years and 5 months ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. (Duke rGrey King - (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) (P. S. 169 J. H. B.) ( Lilv Grey /"Farmer's Glorv5196... .-^ (F. S. 770 J. H. B.) (F. S. 274 J.H. B.) Maritana 12039 < l^Bonheur (F. S. 1651 J. H. B.) VMay Flower on I. of J. *Miss Dora Deane 24505.— Yield of milk, 226 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. S}4 oz.; test made from May 30 to June 5, 1886; age, 3 years and 11 months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. ( Guy Mannering 698 -'2° ^' ?/ "l" ,„o^ . /' Aro-r. S'~^- ' ( Brunette Lass 1780, imp. ' l^'.'»«-« -IS-Jf- Miss Dora Deane 24505-! I ( Lawrence 61 I ( Lord Lawrence 1414 - (F. S. 84 J. H. B.) ^Eunice of Belle Vue 7704 -; I Lady Mary 1148, imp. ' Effle Goodloe 4806 \ l^^'"''^}]^- , . , ( Eflie of Staatsburgh 3194. * Phlox 16399.— Yield of milk, 175 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 8i^ oz., salted ; test made from August 19 to 25, 1883 ; property of Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. Feed, 6 qts. daily of corn and oats mixed in equal parts and ground to- gether, fed with cut hay ; pasture, timothy, orchard grass and blue-grass. 1 Guy Mannering 698 i 2" l" ?f ''^f i~oa ■ I •' ° I Brunette Lass 1780, imp. Phlox 16399 < Gazania 4513 -j 5"^« ?* ^'^,^9^^^ ^^^> '"^P- I Beauvine 1593, imp. Pride's Lady Frances 39529.— Yield of milk, 225 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 31^ oz.; test made from June 14 to 21, 1890; age, 5 years and 9 months; actual weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 lbs., consisting of cut oats, yellow meal and wheat bran, mixed, and 1 lb. oil meal; proi)erty of Holly Grove Farm, Plainfield, N. J. ( Pride of the Island 5416, imp. Pride's Lady Frances .395'29 < i Lady Leonora 11811, imp. 158 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Young Garenne 3d 13648.— Yield of milk not g-iveti ; yield of butter, IG lbs. Sj:.^ oz. ; test made in June, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 5 months ; property of S. W. Bobbins, Wethersfield, Conn. ( Koffee fGuy Fawkes J (F. S. 333 J. H. B.) (P. S. 251 J. H. B.) ( Angelica fSir George 7656 4 (F. S. 1738 J. H. B.) Young Garenne 3d (P. S. 281 J. H. B.) 13648 J. VBrown Bess 13092 (F. S. 755 J. H. B. ) Uonnff Garenne 13641 ■' ^^"^'^^ ^F" S' ^33 J- H. B.) (P S. 199 J. H B ) ■ ■ ' Garenne 24524 (F. S. 1575 J. H. B.) Damask Rose 22065.— Yield of milk, 218 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. B^ oz. ; test made from July 12 to 18, 1886 ; age, 5 years and 5 months ; esti- mated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 2 qts. corn meal, 2 qts. oat meal, 2 qts, bran and 1 qt. oil meal ; property of Frederick Loeser, Somerville, N. J. ,,.„., , i Duke (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) rVertumnu.s. • ■ -^ • • • • Coomassie ^Bobby J -Ub5. .K ^p g ^g j jj g^ | -^^^^ ^^ g ggg J jj 3^ iHero(F. S. 220J. H. B.) lLily2d(P.S.147J.n.B.), g g j jj B) » Bright (F. S. 52 J.H.B.) ( Uly (P. b. 9 J. H. B.).. -^ pjjngy (p_ g 229J.H.B.) * King's Erica 22096.— Yield of milk, 248 lbs. 3% oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 314 oz.; test made from January 8 to 15, 1886; age, 4 years, 6 months and 8 days ; property of J. V. & C. Ramsden, Morton, Pa. ( Khedive r Young Prince - (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) (P. S. 182 J. H. B.) ( Princesse /"King J. (F. H. 1294 J. H.B.) (P. S. 238J. H. B.) King's Erica 22096.... 4 I Judy (F. S. 1590 J. H. B.) t Erica 25005 (F. S. 2558 J. H. B.) * Alhena 15995. — Y^ield of butter, 16 lbs. 3 oz., salted; test made from January 1 to 7, 1883 ; age when made, 4 years and 8 months ; property of Lyman Sperry, Watertown, Conn. I c^^Ho 11 -( ( Litchfield 674. pir Samuel Cunard 2231 ^^^^^^ ]f^^S^^^'- A.henal5995 J I Locust 3631 , Mel 4,h 128. [ Daffodil of Maple- ( Jupiter 983 * p Wp^^fsn ^^^" -°°d Farm 4853 Son^Nrnt^e. / Kurd 3099 -| g^^gj^ ^,,^^.gj. gggg Comanca 19389.— Yield of milk, 218 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from June 13 to 20, 1887 ; age, 4 years and 4 months ; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. , -r,. ■ ,„ 0-10 I Sarpedon 930. J Polonius 2o13 1Leda799 (LadyMel429 Comanca 19389 ( Combination 4389 ■( j McClellau 4th 85. J (LadyMel429 "j Mel 2d 57. I (Faust 503 j Fan m" 1343 Uiss Bianca 12517 \ Ishmie 1-M5 I Mies Millie 12364 KeKinf 12175. BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. 159 * Gazella 3d 9355.— Yield of milk, 258 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from September 11 to 18, 1884; age, 5 years and 1 month; property of George W. Farlee, Cresskill, N. J. ,Compo Boy 2830. Gazella 3d 9355 < .Gazella 1880. 1 <«icmni iiro JMariusreO. \ oi^ai u,U J Pansy Morris 2060. ' Lucilla 2735, imp. ( Collamore'8 Atlantic 739, imp. I T? 1 T3 1, 1 noc * Bronx Bashan 145. ' Edy Bashan 1032 -^ g^y jggg^ * Golden Zoe 3975.— Yield of milk, 283 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from January 28 to February 3, 1885 ; age, 9 years and 9 months ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. ; IT 1- -fiQ * On I- of J- .,.,.. t:- .mr l^austoUd "I Fanny 1343, imp. r Golden Ear 1025 - j . t- I ( Gala 1375, imp. Golden Zoe 3975 ■{ t,, ,„, 1 I Pluto 232 L ., o-n. j Partisan 235, imp "i Potowomut 1337. Uoe Mou 2.04 / ^_ t . -p„= iqq« i John Le Bas 398, imp. ' Zoe Le Bas 1338. '( Zoe 529. ♦Lady Alice of Hillcrest 7450.— Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from December 25 to 31, 1882 ; property of James Crook, Jacksonville, Ala. {Mogul 532, imp. I Lookout Jewel Beauty 2d 1701 ... - (F. S. 121 J. H. B.) i.auy Alice ui niu- i je^el Beauty 1668, imp, crest 7450 -{ I 1 ■D^™^, 1.11 * Jupiter 122. U A ^nPQ |Rogerl21 ■, Jelsie 1000. Mary Ann 2038 - ( Prince 120. ' Sauch 23., ■ L^^^y .^ijpg 2.30. Lady of Dryden 27642.— Yield of milk, 328 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from June 10 to 17, 1887 ; age, 6 years, 1 month ; weight, 870 lbs.; grain fed during test, 2 qts. corn meal, 2 qts. middlings and 1 qt. oil meal, daily ; property of Wm. E. Brown, West Dryden, N. Y. i Azimuth 1412 -i f^'l^^ ™1 pultanof NewYork6186- | frthaSon 117. ( Asia .-ibl -^ NarciBsa 1161. Lady of Dryden 27642.-! ^ Lord Charlton 5403 \ B^[>tone 1075. Uady of Venice 1.3342... - Brdtone 1075 ( Charlton Caroline 11724. \ ^^Xt 2d 2019. * Lesbie 9179.— Yield of milk, 187 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from March 11 to 17, 1885 ; age, 8 years ; property of J. V. N. Willis, Marlborough, N. J. I St. Helier 45, imp. fOxoli 1922.... - Pvrola 4566 -* ^^- ^^^^^^ 45, imp. I pyroia 4obb ^ lanthe 4.562. I Lesbie 9179 , St. Helier 45, imp. ^Ariella 9178 a ( St. Helier 45, imp. A""a4o6 -■Lutea4563. 160 BUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. * Lily of Maple Grove 5079.— Yield of milk, 204 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 2 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from March 13 to 19, 1882; age when made, 5 j^ears and lO)^ months; property of G. R. D\'keman, Ship- pensburgh, Pa. 1 Matrhem 747 -* Mercury 43,'. * >iatcnem ,4- -^ ^^iie l!i56. , Isaac B. 1951. 1 Clement 115 T ,1,. ^f Ttror.i» r^-^TT^. "Athena 2152 - (F. S. 61 J. H. B.) 5079 J /Minerva 341. ^ . . -,, \ Rob Roy 17, imp. Uymphonia 4035 ''''^ [ ^^^^^ ™P- 'Cinclerelk:408 " SatliJ T^ imp. * Maggie of St. Lambert 9776.— Yield of milk, 2T8 lbs.; yield of butter, 10 lbs. 3 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from April 1 to 6, 1883 ; age when made, 3 years and 4 months; property of AV. D. Reesor, Markham, Ont., Can. Feed, 8 lbs. meal, 4 lbs. bran, 1 peck carrots, and what hay she would eat ; no pasture. f stoke Pocri^ 3d O.W8 } Stoke Pogis 12.59, imp. btoke rogib .ia ,,ci». ... ^ Marjoram 3239, imp. Maggie of St. Lambert 9770 < / /-». l,„r„ (no (On I. of J. ( Ophehe 493 • Lj^ette 492, Imp. Nigella 7895.— Y'ield of milk, 215 Ib.s. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from April 4 to 11, 1887; age, 8 years and 9 months; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed dail}'. Bibs, corn meal, 2 lbs. oil meal and 8 lbs. bran ; propei'ty of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. T5„„ rr„„ ic-r i Autocrat 1065. r V. . 1..V orfu- ^ ^ Ton 16..0 -. gonf anti 388. Fast Boy 2000 - Autocrat 1065. ' Artless .i99, -^ Atlanta 402. Nigella 7895 -I , rrv. l: • noc! f Mr. Toodles 377. ^.., ,, , ,„ The bquire 1298 - ^^^^^^ 994 iMtella 4423 g^^„, ^^.^,,3, 271. t^iramicdOS 1 Nora 950. Orphan Duchess 3d 2 1 284.— Y'ield of milk, 231 lbs. 12 oz.; j-ield of butter, 16 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from June 23 to 30, 1888 ; age, 6 years and 4 months; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. corn meal, 1 qt. oil meal and 6 qts. bran ; property of D. W. Voj'les, Crandall, Ind. ( Balboa 1244 ■' R^ex'^^'lPl^.i^o^^"^' '"'^•^' ''"P' Orphan Duchess 3d J / idlx ,,..4, mip. (phvp sio ■'^■^^ 1^ , ^ ^ ,.„ i Prize Duke 942 .Verley Prize 1267, imp. [ Orphan Duchess 4ol9. . . - i j > i' ( Jersey Duchess 126G, imp. Period 42640.— Y'ield of milk, 230 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from March 15 to 22, 1888 ; age, 3 years and 11 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 18 qts. ground oats and corn; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. , T-, 1 ■ 1-10 ( Sarpedon 930. ,^ ,. ,. ,.,^„ ^Polonms2ol3 j Leda 7H9. (Combmation 4389 < M.Clellan 4th85. /Lady Mel 429 1516^^57. Period 42640 J. I , ,-,„„K- „»;^ loan i Polonius 2513. .^„o„ j combination 4389 Uady Mel 429. l^Coma 29330 < , \f n„ni !s3-2 |Metella3905 jcho2dll8. SUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 161 * Rose-of Rose Lawn 9365.— Yield of milk, 375 Ib.s. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 3oz.; test made from July 16 to 23, 1884; age, 7 3'ears ; property of J. S. Rogei'S, Paterson, N. J. 'Columbiad ad 1515. Rose of Rose Lawn 9365 "Rose Lawn 3690 ^ Columbiad 534, imp. cejestia i»9» -^ Pearldrop 1409, imp. ^ Fritz 565, imp. 1 Sea Foam 2171 . ( Prince Charles 816. I Hebe 2d 197. * Willis 2d 4461.— Yield of milk, average of 24 qts.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from October 10 to 16, 1880 ; age when made, 5 years and 4 months ; property of G. Dawson Coleman, Brickerville, Pa. 'Iron Bank 1130... Willis 2d 4461. , Willis 3573. ) On I. of J. ■/ Birdie 2611, imp. I Clifford 286 I Sister Dorothy 2607 t St. Helier 45, imp. "( Heartsease 503. \ On I. of J. '( Sister 1427, imp. Conger's M. 32751.— Yield of milk, 183 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, i6 lbs. 2i'2 oz.; made from September 34 to October 1, 1890 ; age, 5 years and 4 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 24 lbs. corn fodder, 8 lbs. shorts and ^ lb. oil-cake meal; property of Mrs. M. B. Pack, Edinburgh, Mo. Alphea Scar 7487. Conger's M. 32751... .Mattie E. 16274 I Mercurv 4.S'> * J"P'ter 33. 3 aiercury «, ^ Alphea 171. / T prna '^fi-^4 * Mercury 432. ' ^erna .ifad4 -^ ^^^^j^ Richards 1673. Greshum 5144 -' Eudowood 3661. irresnum oi44 ^ ^^^^^ ^ j^^^jg Stansbury Nerissa 10917 \ 2lt^:f,f^.^^ ^64, imp. r J!>6SS16 lit7|. Dame Miller 59260 — Yield of milk, 203 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 21^ oz.; test made from November 33 to 39, 1890; age, 3 years and 10 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; well fed, but no record kept of amount; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. Dame Miller 59260. Count Potoka 9831 . ^Mallie Miller 29862. I Lawrence 61 Lord Lawrence 1414. ...< (F. S. 84 J. H. B.) I Ladv Mary 1148, imp. Countess Potoka 7496.. } Fa"chon's Kins 2637. ( Carrie Lena 3348. Col d'Argent 7557. Mirabeau 3800. Maid of Avranches 6959. Tin«pv P oqiir i ToD-Sawyer 1404. 1 ipsej C. .314, • (j^j^gjj j,^,g ^. 162 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Ida Zoe Pogis 38685.— Yield of milk, 173 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs, 2}.^ oz.; test made from Febriuiry 16 to 33, 1890; age, 3 years and 9 months ; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily averaged 8 lbs. 2 oz. corn meal, 6 lbs. 9 oz. crushed oats, 2 lbs. 10 oz. cotton-seed meal and 1 lb. 12 oz. mid- dlings ; property of Ayer & McKinney, Philadelphia, Pa. f Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 "Bachelor of St. Lam- bert 4558 Ida Zoe Pogis 38685....- , Ida of St. Lambert 24990 J Orloff 3143. I Charity of St. Lam- bert 6638. I Stol" Gilpin 2199 ] S;S^ Jr'^nge 5028. )Effie of Hillside 1521.. .^^erol3,imp. r Footstep 5163. ^ Wanderer .3014 / Fadette of Verna 6814 ,Effie of Verna 8938. * Emma Hudson 12469.— Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from June 8 to 14, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 1 month; property of Elbert Miller Middlefield, Conn. ^Ben Rajah 795 ] Iffifimp^- /BenNora2363 ! f am X^^'ll rTo. i^or^^i^ -/Nelly 5.5. Emma Hudson 12469 .. .-{ lOnpcoQIS tUncas628. I Rosabel Hudson 5704. . . ''''"'' ''' J Yo^e^-f ''■ I Arabel Hudson 3877. . . . -) Enud'son 135. *Eudora 1863, imp.— Yield of milk, 368 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from June 38 to July 4, 1885; age, 18 years and 1 month; property of Frederick Billings, Woodstock, Vt. *Fear Not 2d 6061.— Yield of milk, 316 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 3 oz., salted ; test made from June 3 to 9, 1882; ag-e when made, 5 yeai-s ; property of Woodside Farms Herd, Troy, N. Y. Feed, 4 lbs. corn meal, 6 lbs. wheat middlings ; pasture. Fear Not 2d 6061. 'Bobby on I. of J. ,Fear Not 6059. f San«-Penr ' ^^ ^- °*^ J- &an«reui j Fauchon 33001 I (t. b. ^01 J. U. B.) (p g -,g.^., J jj g ) / i Brown Prince ^Lady of the Isles ■{ (F. S. 85J. H. B.) (P. S. 992 J. H. B.) ( Nonsuch (F. S. 334 J. H. B.) BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 166 Goldie Pogis 45423.— Yield of milk, 206 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from May 23 to 30, 1890 ; age, 4 years and 4 months ; actual weight, 850 lbs.; g-rain fed daily averaged about 7 lbs. bran and 3 lbs. corn and cob meal ; property of Mrs. Kate M. Busick, Wabash, Ind. Goldie Pogis 45423.. I ^Goldie C. 8104 / Pauline %] 82Qfi * ^ord Lisgar 1066. ' Pauime M 8^9b -^ Pauline 494. I Gold Prince 2181 ■] h^^t^f}^ vankiiP n sin4 J | Myrtle 2d 211. /Araria11fi'> ( Clement 115. ' Acacia iib^ -, Dagojjii 335^ *Gold Trinket 9518.— Yield of milk, 240 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 2 oz., unsalted ; test made from July 13 to 19, 1882 ; age when made, 3 years and 6 months ; property of W. J. Chinn, Frankfort, K.y. Feed, 1 qt. corn meal, 3^ gallon wheat bran, 1 pint oil meal, twice daily. rOran O^-ange Peel 2d (P. S. .36 J. H. B.) j "i^ange tekin l^lb ^ Qlorisi 3144, imp. Gold Trinket 9318.'.. ■< , r->„ t <^f t 1 ( Grand Duke Alexis 1040 -] ^.fcJorine Lachai.e 2740, ^Azelda 3872 < imp. ^ Grand Duchess of St. Peter's 2733, imp. Jennette Ddrling 10702.— Yield of milk, 215 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 2 oz. ; test made from June 26 to July 2, 1887 ; age, 9 years ; grain fed during test, 18 lbs. equal parts corn meal, oat meal and bran with 4^^ lbs. oil meal, daily ; weight of cow, 950 lbs. ; property of E. L. Briggs, Wilton Junc- tion, Iowa. .Man of Ipswich 1510. . . \ ""^"''"^ ''' ' Daisy of Ipswich 598, imp. Jennette Darling ' ^^^^'^ °^ IP^^^'i<=^ l^^^' '"^P" 10702. Ljenny B. 4190 J Young Major 214, • • ■ j Kda' TO 1 Tulip 1793, imp. *La Vivienne 2d 1324.— Yield of milk, 95 qts.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 2 oz., salted; test made from June 1 to 7, 1882; age when made, 12 years; property of W. C. Stoughton, Riverside, Mass. \ On I. of J. La Vivienne 2d 1324. . . . - f La Vivienne 1068, imp. Midway 50000.— Yield of milk, 182 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from January 10 to 17, 1890 ; age, 2 years and 1 month ; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 16 qts. ground corn, oats and peas and 2 qts. shorts ; propertv of Charles E. Hill, Denver, Col. ^ .D-, t6ot9 ^combination 4389 ^^X^ll^l r Diploma 16219 - Pohden 1871 ( Frankie's Lass 24900 . . .| g^a'nkfe Mh 3542. Midwa,v 50000 ■{ 'Xorth Par itic Prize 114iq ' ^'^''^^ Pacific 4296. Aortni'acincrrizeiii.oy ^ 3^.^,,^^, ^f j.^^^k Farm ^Science 49561 { 11-181, imp. i Combinaticm 4389. ■/ Metella 3905. l Coma 29330. 166 BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Moth of St. Lambert 9775.— Yield of milk, 335 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter. 16 lbs. 2 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from June 13 to 19, 1883 ; age when made, 3 years and 10 months; property of William Rolph, Markham, Ont., Can. Feed, 1 qt. barley meal in the morning- and 3 pints at night ; old pasture. The cow calved 8 months and 11 davs before she was tested. Moth of St. Lam- bert 9775 Stoke Pogis 3(1 22 Bessy of St. Lambert 5483 \ Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. '/ Marjoram 3239, imp. , Tj,,iT„., on" 1 Lord Monck 304. i ^"fi" -^''^ ■( Amelia 484, imp. Maybud of St. Lam- bert 5105 , i Lord Monck 304. I lerne 1373. Success of St. Lambert 28489.— Yield of milk, 238 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of but- ter, 16 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from May 6 to 13, 1889; age, 4 years and 8 months ; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daily, 9 qts. g-round corn and oats, 6 (jts. bran, 3 qts. middlings and 3 qts. oil meal ; property of Peter D. Hulst, East Penfield, N. Y. Success of St. Lam- bert 28489 ' ^^be'^rf °60f6°^ ^': ^'°". -| ^'°''' ^°^" ''^ '"'" ' " ' ' M^or^au? 323?' mp.''- 1 Pride of Windsc ' 483, imp. ^Success 8782. Rli-tooth ls!->I -* ^*- ^^''^'' '^^' '™P- I ^' i-'Ootti i»~i J Silene 4307. May Celestia 6048. \ Trusty 1101. I Sorenta 4308. *Utilla 11215.— Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 2 oz., unsalted; test made from May 2110 27, 1884; age, 4 years; property of James R. Crane, Washington, 111. 1 Cffisarea I Statesman 2407 - (F. S. 214 J. H. B.) Frankfort 2990 ■{ I Sylvie Simon 4534. Utilla 11215. r ' Agnes Dinstnore 4276. . . ] If^'^,'^^, ^d 2353. Metela 2d 3242 I Hillhnrst 1210, imp. 'Metela 3196 ( On L of J. I Jessey 3116, imp. * White Frost 17431 'F. S. 3203 J. H. B.)— Yield of milk, 295 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of btitter, 16 lbs. 2 oz. ; test made from January 9 to 15, 1885; age, 4 years and 11 months; jiroperty of William Crozier, Northport, N. Y. 'Pride of Mashamoquet Farm 6469.— Yield of milk, 110 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1-^ oz.; test made from December 28, 1885, to January 3. 1886; age, 13 years and 8 months; property of William Morrow, Nashville, Tenn. I'ride of Mashamo- quet Farm 6469... ' Landseer 331 . ) On I. of .1. 1 Dazzle 379, imp. ^.Myrtle 2d 211 T,i" u ,1^ 1A1 i Bliicher 48, imp. \ Blucher 2d 102 -, gg„g g^^.g^ ^.q'^^ I Myrtle 203 \ Ned 20. ■( Daisy 67 BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. 167 Nancy's Star 41423— Yield of milk, 194 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 15g oz.; test made from October 6 to 18, 1889; age, 4 years and 1 month; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons ground corn and oats, mixed in equal parts ; property of Maury Jersey Farm, Columbia, Tenn. i ^'hP^f mffi"^ ^'- ^^"" t Stoke Pogis Sd 2238. f Nancy's Rioter 8390 ...< "^^^ ^^'^^ "| Pride of Windsor 483, i ' -"^S"^ ^^- I^^^^l^ert J stokePocris 3d 2-38. Nancy's Star 41423 ...\ ' ' ^1^;^"^^ ^'- L^'"''^^' I f T nrd Harrv ^44-^ * Top-Sawyer 1404. Lora Harry 3445 -^ Ducliess of Bloomfield [ Gordonetta 19570 < 3U53. I Kate Gordon 8387 ]^i^^^Uu. * Fadette of Canaan 14807.— Yield of milk, 119 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1^ oz.; test made from April 7 to 18, 1885; age, 3 years and 3 months ; property of George M. Jewett, Glenville, Md. Fadette of Canaan 14807 'Wanderer .3014. Fadette of Verna 2d 90M , Signal 1170 . ' Cosette 3874 . I Marius 7G0. "( Pans^v Morris 2060. \ Grand Dnke Alexis 1040. '/ Daisy Grant 1415, imp. ^Je^-bhoy4206 \f^^l^'- Fadette of Verna 0814. . ( On I. of J. '( Frtiry of Verna 6813, imp. * May Lankton 15872.- Yield of milk, 295 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 134' oz.; test made from May 9 to 15, 1885 ; age, 7 years ; pi'operty of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. Civil Rights 7223. Col. Crockett lfi94. May Lankton 15872.. .- ( Tom Dasher 420. '( Capatolia 2009. • ] Mary Goodenongh 2068. -| ^ola' Montez 210, imp. ( Peniiahor Chiff •^fifi"> * Wethersfield 900. IChloe Lankton 15871...- ^ ChKf,66.... , Mary Goodenou.h 2068. I Cassindra 7352 ] Ma^ry Goodenongh 2068. Sweet Blossom Pogis 36995.— Yield of milk, 177 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 13^2 oz. ; test made from March 1 to 8, 1890 ; age, 4 years and 3 months; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; feed daily, 36 lbs. grain, 21 lbs. sugar beets and 10 lbs. cooked hay; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. Sweet Blossom Pogis 36995 r Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 i ^ Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. ' Marjoram 3239, imp. Blossom of Prospect , cf ■waftv.o,., i-oo J Elsmore 4384. 18627 J ^'- Matthew 4.82 -j Lonette of Magnolia Blossom of Maysville , r^^I-3496. ^^^' 1 Cherry of St. Lambert 5137. 168 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. ♦Gladdys Gaily 20878.— Yield of milk, 102 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1^3 oz.; test made from March 6 to 13, 1886 ; age, 5 years and 3 months; property of John Moore, Jr., Colmnbia, Tenn. Gladdys Gaily 20878 { Tormentor 3533 (F. S. i59 J. H. B.) eet Alice 6402. lLeo(F. S.198J.H.B.) f Khedive -{ J (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) ( Coomassie 11874 ) (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) ( Ansela (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) |Noobel 1399 lAnnaRoxbury 1803. \ Belisario 640. "i Ooiian 1485. * Roxbiiry 247. '( Anna 592. Badger Girl 21463.— Yield of milk, 260 lbs. 4% oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from June 24 to July 1, 1888; age, 5 years and 1 month; estimated weight, 800 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 7 lbs. wheat bran and 3 lbs. corn and oat meal ; property of N. N. Palmer, Brodhead, Wis. , ,,„„ .,01- J Alpheus 1168. n.^r, T, «no.o ^ 1 Countess of Nor- , Caen Jr. 6522 -, mandv -1675 I Favorite of Staatsburgh ^ ^oTern^r m Badger Girl 2146.3 \ I 4th 2253. I , x>r,„i<., oi.T^ ( Lord Lawrence 1414. U ■ Q , ,no<;o iBngler2127 1 Blondette 1817. VFannie Bugler 19962. • • • i _ . ^ _ ^_ ( Omaha 4S2. ( Metah s Queen 48b6 . . . ] ^^^^^ y^g- *Bettie's Pet 22550.— Yield of milk, 180 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from October 20 to 26, 1885; age, 2 years and 5 months; property of T. W. McNeely, Petersburgh, 111. Bettie'9 Pet 22550. f Prince of the Realm 7842 LMazie Bate 3364. 1 Bobbv Knight of St. Louis 3680^ (P. S. 208 J. H. B.) ( Lily of Les Nieraes 7465, imp. Princess of St. Saviour's ( Noble 7470 \ (P. S. 93J. H. B.) ( Princess on I. of J. ,, » ~io i Tip 366. piaster 723 1 Maffle 952. 1 T i:„ Tj„*^ 1Q1C i Clarence Clive 711. I Julia Bate 1816 ] Corona 1796. * Clematis 3d 6653.— Y'ield of milk, 209 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from September 29 to October 6, 1884; age, 7 years; property of E. S. Henry, Rockville, Conn. ["Ready Money Jack 2986 Clematis 3d 6653. ( Welhersfield 966. "l Mary Goodenough 2068. \ Toni Dasher 4-20. • "( Mary Goodenough 2068. ^Clematis 3174. ( Pequaboc Chief 2662.. (Village Girl 5744 Clifton 6, imp. ,-, o-~., ( Clifton 6, imp. <^^°'=>i« 31.3 i Clover 1203. BUTTEE^. TESTS OF JERSEYS. 169 Donna Signal 29407.— Yield of milk, 243 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from July 1 to 8, 1888; age, 3 years -and 11 months; estimated weight, 725 lbs.; grain fed daily, 9 lbs. bran, 5 lbs. corn meal, 2 lbs. cotton- seed meal and 2 lbs. pea meal ; property of Jacob L. Thomas, Knoxville, Tenn. ( Auchentoroly 3494 •) ^|'l'^ |204 Donna Signal 29407. . .-{ ( Bluetooth 1831 -j IJieSOT*"' ™^- Harry's May Fair 37499.— Yield of milk, 131 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from March 23 to 30, 1888; age, 2 years and 5 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 16 qts. corn and oats; property of W. R. Rison, Huntsville, Ala. ' Fancy's Harry 97 Harry's May Fair 37499 ''May Fair 5184. Lord Harry 3445. . . j Top-Sawver 1404. 1r ■ ■-- Duchess of Bloomfleld 3653. Landseer-s Fancy 2876.. -) ^"ounf Fancy 97. Guy Mannering 698 ■] ^rVue?te'Lass 1780, imp. TVfis« Fair 41^5 \ ^^^^ Mannering 698. MISS Fair 4lcS5 -j Lady Fair 1765. imp. Lady Rareripe 23081.— Yield of milk, 199 lbs.; yield of butter 16 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from July 18 to 24, 1886 ; age, 3 years, 4 months ; grain fed daily, 9 qts. cooked cotton-seed, 9 qts. corn meal, 9 qts. shorts and 3 qts. oil meal ; property of Mat. Mahorner, Macon, Miss. r~'"''""-i^«-™ js-,-s^»p- Lady Rareripe 23081 . -! T«Hv -nnvp^iis i^''"°'' Dasher 1119.. ]Comu|^^d 97. Uady Dove 4418 j Pi,„, g ^^ ( JNeilie 4th 1941 < j^gj,ig g^^ * La Jolie Lizette 16426.— Yield of milk not given; j'ield of butter, 16 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from November 3 to 9, 1884; age, 3 years and 113^ months ; property of James B. Wilder, Louis\'ille, Kv. La Jolie Lizette 16426 Progress (F. S. 286 J. H. B.) Lizette. (P. S. f Orange Skin I iP. S. 19 J. H. B.) 79 J. H. B.) Noble (F. S. 104 J. H. B.) Longueville Queen (F. S. 272 J. H. B.) , Lizzie (F. S. 533 J. H. B.) 170 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Little Pogis 32612.— Yield of milk, 200 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from November 15 to 22, 1890; age, o years and 8 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily averaged about lOi^ lbs. crushed oats and 6 lbs. corn meal ; 3 lbs. oil meal on each of the first two days ; prop- erty of Ayer & McKinney, Philadelphia, Pa. rstoke Poa;is 5fh 5987. . Little Pfg;s 32612 < I La Petite Mere 5470. . . \ Stoke Pogis 12.59, imp. r Marjoram .3239, imp. \ Stoke Pogis 12.59, imp. I Violet 3d .3240, imp. * Maid of Amboy 2929. — Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1 oz., salted ; test made from May 1 to 7, 1880 ; property of J. W. Burke, Jacksonville, Ala. {Standard .5.53, imp. i John Bull 358, imp. Siikey2d 1224 ■. I t:,,i.„., 1.11J * John Bull 358, imp. suKej i,..:s -J Petite 1022. imp. * Minnie of Oxford 12806. — Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from June 8 to 15, 1882; age, 5 years and 3 months; property of Horace G. Westlake, Hillsdale, N. Y. ( stoke Pogis 12.59, imp. . -) ^'"""^ ^'^'^ "^^ ^- ^- »• r Stoke Pogis 2d 2414-^ , u''^ Svntiv "40 F H R ) Marjoram 3239, imp .... i \\',XlT ' ^- ^- ^• ( .Magnet. ^'''''''' '' '''' ' Ma,ilda 3238. imp -] ^^J^^^e 278 E. H. B. Minnie of Oxford 12806. Stoke Pogis 12.59, imp. *Myrrha 11299.— Yield of milk, 169 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1 oz. ; test made from April 26 to May 2, 1886 ; age, 5 years and 6 months ; property of Samuel McEwen, Columbia, Tenn. r -M, i '-en * Willie Boy 434. ^ „ ,,„, jMarms.bO -, Ladv Mafv 1148, imp. r Top-Sawyer 1404 ^ Clement 115 j \ Stansberry 367 -{ pje'ftv 9% VMnripttn ISIS -' ' _.'?"'>."■'"• Emblem 90 - (F. S. 01 J. H. B.) ■tr V. iinnr^ ' OU I. Of J. Myrrha 11299. ^Marietta 1813. I Mischiet 9.14 ^ Minka 951. Nora Stoke Pogis 34687.— Yield of milk, 248 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from June 24 to July 1, 1888 ; age, d years, 2 months ; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 5}4 lbs. corn meal, 5i^ lbs. oil meal, 6-^4 lbs. bran, 21^^ lbs. middlings and 3 lbs. oats ; property of A. D. McBride, Rochester, N. Y. Nora Stoke Pogis 34687. _ ( Bachelor of St. Lam- \ Orloff 3143. Exile of St. Lambert ) bert 4558 "( Charitv of St. Lam- 1.3657 1 bert 6638. Allie of St. Lambert i Stoke Pogis .3d 22.38. 24991 "( Kathleen of St. Lam- bert 5122. 1. Eva Locust 21050. ( Gerry 2d 7217 -| ^l^^^S^ 3593. 1 Eva Gold Ear 1,5836 .| §^[^£^^^1^ 3593. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 171 *Silistria 20364 (F. S. 4244 J. H. B.)— Yield of milk, 197 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from December 38, 1883, to January 3, 1884; age, 4 years and 9 months ; property' of C. E. Rowley, Cortland, N. Y. * Victoria 3175.— Yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1 oz.; property of W, L. & W. Rutherford, Waddington, N. Y. I Ked 5"23, imp. in 1860. Victoria Sirs - ( Jessie 3207, imp. in 1852. * Warren's Duchess 4622.— Yield of milk, 250 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. 1 oz., salted ; test made from August 20 to 26, 1882; age when made, 8 years and 6 months ; property of C. Bordwell, Batavia, Ohio. ( Sir Ctiarles 131, imp. /"Optimus 1607 •< Warren's T)uches«; ' Carrie 3894 * ^''' Charles 131, imp. 46ll ^'i<=°6^* J ^^"1^ *^^ / Mary Lowndes 278, imp. i TTerror laQ ' Prince Albert 119, imp. Vcounte88ofWarren38964 ! ^iThiV'^'-ifTn.n ) Inlifl -^89^ ' ^"^ Charles 131. imp. f J una .md -J jjg^j.y Lo^ jj jgj, 073, imp. Euphonia 6783.— Yield of milk, 261 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. ^ oz. (official); test made from March 22 to 29, 1885 ; age, 7 years ; i^roperty of F. BilUngs, Woodstock, Vt. (Gilroy 1653 3 '''^"'"'''^ '''' ' E-r/a^frnpton 1912. Eupi.oniae783 " I Pet Guilford 3317 -| KS:'"' ^'^^- ' Eudora 1863, imp. Ida's Dream 50070.— Yield of milk, 136 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs. ^^ oz.; test made from February 13 to 20, 1890; age, 2 years and 7 months; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 3}^ gallons ground corn and oats, mixed in equal parts ; property of Maury Jersej' Farm, Columbia, Tenu. /-Bachelor of St. Lam- ^ q^^^^ gj^g Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658. J "' Charity of St. Lambert " j Do3b. llda of St. Lambert 24990 -' l^fl'^tpn^i' '^j ff^ Ida's Dream .500r0. . . .-{ ' bert 5122 I Toltec 6831 \ Torments 3533. ^Rosy Dream 2d 27127. . . - ?°"^^ ^„f ?: ' Rosy Dream 9808 \ i^lJ^S'rFancy 2876. Ashantee's Lady 35951.— Yield of milk, 129 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs.; test made from Sept. 24 to 30, 1887; age, 2 years and 5 months; esti- mated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. corn meal and 6 qts. bran; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. I Fairfield 4733 | S°°™f ^^SJ i" ^hief 3035. . King of Ashantee 0677. \ Nentune (P S 14 T H R ^ j Coomassie 11874. ... - j.Xpv phHp ' ^^'^■^■^■> Ashantee's Lady 35951 ] < J^^F^f^ ^/i^l j. h. b.) \ Lady Bountiful 17940, imp. 172 BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Belle of Scituate 7977.— Yield of butter, 16 lbs.; property of C. O. Ellms, Scituate, Mass. ^ Pharos 3552, imp. in 1870. Belle of Scituate 7977. •< '%l\}2te%oi ^ ^^''''' '''" "I Minnilllae. Scituate ,8.8 -, ^ yj^.^^,^ 3-50. ( Jenny ,82, -^ p^^^jg .g.^^ j^^p * Countess 1 14. — Yield of butter, 16 lbs.; property of Winslow S. Lincoln, Worcester, Mass. Countess 114, imp. 1851 by Thomas Motley. * Cream Lily 24015.— Yield of milk, 221 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs.; test made from March 4 to 10, 1886; age, 4 years and 1 month; property of James Crook, Jacksonville. Ala. ( Vertumnus /"Bobby { (P. S. 161J. H. B.) (P. S. 208 J. H. B.) ( Young Rose /Silver -{ (P. S. 43 J. H. B.) (P. S. 287 J. H. B.) Cream Lily 24015 -i l^Daisy (F. S. 1496 J. H. B.) [Lutitia (F. S. 2919 J. H. B.) * Dairy Pride 4th 31681, imp.— Yield of milk, 302 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of but- ter, 16 lbs., salted; test made from May 29 to June 5, 1883; age when made, 3 years and 5% months ; property of William S. Taylor, Burlington, N. J. 1 Welcome (Tom - (F. S 172 J. H. B.) (P. S. 77 J. H. B.) ( Belle (F. S. 302J. H. B.) La Petite Jaune (F. S. lOtio J. H. B.) uany iTimc iiu ^iuoi.-, (P. S. 521 J. H. B.) , Orange Peel 502 (F. S. 129 J. H. B.) VDairy Pride 2cl -I (P. S. 37 J. H. B.) ( D,i pHde J Pri".f »* Wales. (F.S.348J.H.B.) '^\%.6ij.H.B.) (■ ♦Daisy of Hillside Farm 6025.— Yield of milk, 274 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs.; test made from May 4 to 11, 1884; age, 8 years ; property of Thomas L. Dodd, Nashville, Tenn. IT)i 1- .11 ino- ( Blondin 1934. Blondin .3d 193o -J 3^1,3 ^f j^^.^^^ ggg^ j^ip. Daisy of Jersey 4th 4585. . -| Ba°isy of Jersey 4576, imp. * Dom Pedro's Julian 8631.— Yield of butter, 16 lbs.; test made from December 12 to 18, 1881 ; age when made, 3 years and 8 months ; property of Paul Balliet, Ballietsville, Pa. \ Iron Bank 1120 -j g"rdie°4li imp Dom Pedro-s Julian i 1^°'" P^^ro 2092 - ^ orion 3.55. ' . 8631 I (Lebanon 2blb 1 Sister 1427, imp. Brunette Balliet 6733, imp. in 1876. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 173 Durwood's Lass 19710.— Yield of milk, 176 lbs, 14 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs.; test made from May 9 to 16, 1887 ; age, 6 years and 1 month ; estimated weight, 600 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 13 lbs. ground corn and oats; prop- erty of Mrs. E. T. Allen, Columbia, Tenn. .n . ...^ * Top-sawyer 1404 -I KKa rDurwood452< 1onn«ni.«^ I Raiah 340, imp. (Oonanl485 ) Omoo 1247. Durwood's Lass 19710-; i Pertinax 1965 \ S^^Z"* ^^f ' V Belle Williamson 8386. . ■{ r«nic irqr ' Ijosey Brown 7533 -j &*ormanda3914. * Fleurette of Linwood 12918.— Yield of milk, 151 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs.; test made from June 8 to 15, 1885 ; age, 4 years ; property of M. M. Gardner, Nashville, Tenn. , uTo.i a "Rf, * Willie Bov 434. Top-Lawyer 1404 -I g^ Clement 115 Fleurette of Lin- I Emblem 90 j (F. S^61J. H. B., woodl2918 4 (Onl. ofJ. , n„„n„„tf r-io * Pilot Jr. 141. lFannieG..3829 ^-"-"-^3 j P-t 110 imp. 'x-"thippel760 lLVyl"775:imp. Frolic of Chestnufwood 1 9405.— Yield of milk, 251 lbs. 4 oz. ; yield of butter, 16 lbs,; test made from June 15 to 21, 1887; age, 5 years; estimated weight, 800 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 4 lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs, oil meal and 13 lbs. of bran ; property of A, H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y. , r- „K„.. i~?)n t Matcliless 906. j t ^'^"'^^'^'^ ^'39 1 Peredot 2388. Mahlieenac 3290 ■< .Tiinitpr 93 Frolic of Chestnutwood 19405. . ■{ ( Europa 176 - Alnhea 171 I Arthur's Frolic 4438, imp. ' Aipuea ui. * Ida of Bear Lake 6169. — Yield of milk, "an average of 13 qts."; yield of butter, 16 lbs.; test made last week in February, 1881; ag'e when made, 5 years ; property of Chester Bordwell, Batavia, Ohio. " Well fed on hay, straw and different kinds of g-round feed." J Southampton 117, 1 Golddrop 222, imp Ida of Bear Lalce 61694 , p,i„,3 Albert 119, imp. Uountessof Warren3896- "| y/,'^^°^i'::,;ffr?n.n Tiilia SSQ^ * "'"^ Charles 131, imp. ( d una 389.i -^ j^jjjj.y Lo„,ndes 273, imp. * Lady of Malone 25734,— Yield of milk, 173 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs.; test made from December 31, 1884, to January 8, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 6 months ; property of P. P. Paddock. Malone, N. Y. \ Tarquin 750 : -^ Lottie Warren 1667, imp. Lady of Malone 25734 ^Tarquin 3d 8203 ^ On T of J ( Fontana 2d 1323 \ ^^nVana1o76, imp. Ualone4986 j Tarquin 750 "1 LotUe Warren 1667, imp Jennie 296, imp. 174 BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. * Lydia Darrach 2d 8056. — Yield of milk not given ; yiekl of butter, 16 lbs.; test made from ]May 24 to 30, 1885; age, 7 years and 2 months; property of H. P. Lewis, Brady, Pa. This test was made on grass alone, same as that of her full sister, Lydia Darrach 3d. Lj-dia Darrach 2d 8050-^ ,Dnke of Brandywine 3il3 " Lydia Darrach • Doctor H.2132... Lilly Morgan 4752 ( St. Malo Jr. 733. "I Julia 2d 4902. \ Cheltenham 80. "( Flora 117, imp. 1 Doctor H 2n'i J St. Malo Jr. 733 \ doctor a. 416^ -j j^,jj^ .,^ ^g^g ( Bertha Morgan 4770 \ Lopez 313. / Patterson's Beauty 4760. *Maid of the Elms 6960.— Yield of milk, 214 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs., unsalted ; made from evening of May 1 to morning of May 8, 1881 ; age when made, about 5 years old — exact age not known ; proj^erty of Thomas H. Malone, Nashville, Tenn. Maid of the Elms 6960. . - On I. of J. Grey Queen (F. S. 571 J. H. B.) * Marjoram 3239, imp. — Yield of butter, 16 lbs.; property of T. S. Cooper, Coopersburg'h, Pa. 'Merlette 4988.— Yield of milk, 297 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs., salted ; test made from July 2 to 8, 1882 ; age when made, 6 years and 4}£ months ; property of J. D. Conner, Wabash, Ind. Merlette4988. Samson 1079 Celestia 1898, imp. in , ,^„ t ^f t dam juni. oi j. Waterpower 756, imp. : q^^ t of J '" ''^^^ ■( Purity 1408, Imp Ocean Queen 140.-), imp. On L of J. ( Pearldrop 1409, imp. * Phyllis of Hillcrest 9067.— Yield of milk, 240 lbs.; yield of butter, 16 lbs.; test made from June^ll to 18, 1884; age, 4 years and IQi^ months ; prop- erty of W. A. & A. F. Mullin, Mount Holly Springs, Pa. T. . opoi (Da.h of Glastonbury ^ Robbing 9.53. .Date 2624 ) 19o9 -^ ^ady Dash 2523. nnuro-o- J Robbins 9.53. Phyllis of nillcrest 9O67J ' ' ~^~' "* ^'^^^'^ ^^ ''^^■ [. , ,,,„, iJohnBull3.58 ] Kam, m.p. V>ulcey 2ri 1224 s ) John Bull 358, imp. ( Sukey 1223 ^ p^^^^^ jq.^o j^p. "^ BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 175 * Ruby Torment 32989.— Yield of milk, 120 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs.; test made from January 14 to 30, 1885 ; age, 2 j^ears and 1 month; prop- erty of Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. I Leo fKhedive < (F. S. 198 J. H. B.) (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) ( Cooraassie 11874 ( Tormentor 3533 -{ (P. S. 1443 J . H. B.) (F. S. 259 J. H. B.) T, u m * oonon 1 L^nsela (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) Ruby Torment 32989 . . . -! ^ & \ / I I Young Baron 702, imp. VBabette 3650 < ( Brunette Lass 1780, imp. * Sallie Guild 14534. — Average yield of milk, 16 qts. daily; yield of but- ter, 16 lbs.; test made from April 30 to 37, 1884 ; age, 5 years and 2 months; property of Thomas L. Dodd, Nashville, Tenn. -R , , P -mo,- \Planetll30 "j MaMen'T464. Ralpli Guild 191. s , p;„„gg, 3^8. (MjcelSlO -(Button 953. Sallie Guild 14524. ' ^Hurd's Pet 4045 \^^\^^. ''^- Sigletta 32915.— Yield of milk, 183 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs.; test made from April 10 to 17, 1889; age, 4 years and 8 months; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons corn meal and ground oats ; prop- erty of M. C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. , a „, ii~r, ( Marias 760. ,„. ,, ,„„„ pignaill.U ■) Pansy Morris 2060. 1 Signalda 402, -s , Qrand Duke Alexis 1040. ( Aiaa "I Arcliie 1112, imp. Sigletta 32915 -{ T nrd Harrv -^-tii 3 Top-Saw ver 1404. .Kathletta 19567 ) "^^ ' ' ' ' °£|." "' '""°"''"' Kate Gordon 8387 l 5Sl^lli4. * Southern Belle 18570.— Yield of milk, 270 lbs.; yield of batter, 16 lbs.; test made from May 1 to 7, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 11 months ; property of "William E. Gates, Vicksburg, Miss. ,„., ,,. ,„.„ 1 Silverlocks Jr. 699. TIT f H .00- ^ ^'^''^' ^^'''^ ^^'^ ' Mi""^-^ 15-^9- • Lord Longford 399, .... a , Essex of Staatsburgh ' Little Gentle 4640 ■{ 892. „ ^, _ ,, ,„.„„ I I Gentle Gipsy 2250. Southern Belle 18o70.-! ^ •' I / T> ♦• *+• -io i Pilot Jr. 141. U o^ oi.-A. jPertmatti,13 ", Pert 110, imp. ^RompOgden2d4,64...-^ Don 611. ( Romp Ogden 15, 1 j jj^^^p ^^gg ♦Urbana 5597. — Yield of butter, 16 lbs., salted; test made from June 1 to 7, 1883; age when made, 6 years; property of J. C. Johnson, Marion, Ohio. I commodore Roxbury ^ Ro^bm-y 247. 'Duke Glen Dale 1819... ■{ "^'^ '( Bouquet 8.52. T?,„-v. Q-n I Herdsman 137 Urbana5597 -I ^^'^''^ ^''^ |Eva282. iLa Belle Desreatix 2d ^ Perseus 622 -| ^l^°iS^499. 5096 -; ' La Belle Desreaux 3145, imp. 176 BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. * Valhalla 5300.— Yield of butter, 16 lbs.; property of C. P. Markle & Sons, West Newton, Pa. rSlgnanirO .Manus,60 j Lady Mary 1148, imp. I Pansy Morris 2060 \^'Sotnm. Valhalla 5300 -I I Grand Duke Alexis 1040 ■] ^'...fjl^,^^,,, '^Azelda 3872 < 2740, imp. ^ Grand Duchess of Sr. Peter's 2733, imp. in 1871. Vivian 15813.— Y'ield of milk, 193 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs.; test made from Nov. 18 to 25, 1886 ; age, 4 years and 0 months ; grain fed daily, 6 qts. corn meal, 6 qts. oats and 6 qts. shorts ; property of W. H. Haley, North Wilmington, Jiass. I Miles Standisli of C'o- .■ King of Scituate 3622. . ^ liasset 3553. ( Jer^ey Belle of Scituate < 7828. ( Belle of Scituate 7977. . -' L^.^I^.^S' fBlacli Defiance 401 4... Vivian 15813 - '( Jersey Belle of Scituate (.Juno W. 85.53. , Major Domo 2161 -j ^^f^^f; ^^'''■ ) Poriniie 707 -! *^'"^'"' ^^ ^^^'^ ^^S. ( corinue .0. < jjo^fanti 388. * Waukesra 19721.— Yield of milk, 314 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 16 lbs., salted ; test made from June 23 to 28, 1883 ; age when made, 3 years and 2 months ; property of A. P. Foster, Plainview, Minn. Ike t eicn i,y, / Maid of Judah 2429, r Tom Brown 2940 < 1 Waukesra 19721 ■{ ' Flora F. 5544, imp. ^Gipsy Countess 9188, inip. * Julia Evelyn 6007.— Y'ield of milk, 233 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 153^ oz., unsalted ; test made fi-om INIarch 23 to 29, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years and 5 months ; property of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. ^^^^-^^o,r9 \^^^'^- J' Gazelle of Mobile 17.35, imp. i The Httb 1009 iKe'llfimp ^ Mi"k 2d 3890 .' | frl^T,' tt 968 ^^ ( Mattie jM icawber 2.547. ' Mink 2.548. Riotaletta 2d 34495,— Y^ield of milk, 136 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 151^ oz.; test made from June 8 to 14, 1887 ; age, 1 year and 11 months ; esti- mated weight, 600 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. bran, 4 qts. corn and oats and 1 qt. pea meal; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. „ ,./^ ■— IP \ Farmer's Glory 5196. , , . , , „ , ,,^„ \ I^aJ°n '' <^^ ' -^'C -, e„omassie 11874. ^Golden Ray 10669 - , Mopsus 1165. I Faustine 103o4 -J Antianira 2457. Riotaletta 2d 34495... -{ I ,T> , i:-!/.- . o.i-n ( Rioter 2d 469. \^ , ^,f oooQ- * ^""' ' ^'l'^'°g^°" ~~^0- / Katv Lewis 2453. Uiotaletta 2903. ,,,,,, „ „ ,., ( Cec6o 1673. (Idaletta 11843 ", Tyca 4559. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 177 Beauty's Crescent 26733.— Yield of milk, 126 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 15^8 o^'! ^^^^ made from December 5 to 13, 1889; age, 5 years and 10 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons, f oats and i corn, mixed and ground ; pi-operty of Big Spring Jersey Herd, Columbia, Tenn. r Edward Earle 10462... Beauty's Crescent 26733-! Welcome Beauty 1268. 1 Merry Boy ( Sweepstakes Duke 1905. - (P. S. 61 J. H. B.) ) I Superb I (F. S. 353 J. H. B.) ^ Rosp Har-PhPll ^i\ 194^ * Sudbrook 1262. Kose Harebell Sd 3^4d. . -^ ^^^^ Harebell 3243, imp. \ On I. of J. ( Jersey Prize 1267, imp. * Brunette Le Gros 9765. — Yield of bvitter, 15 lbs. 15 oz.; test made in January, 1883 ; age when made, between 7 and 8 years ; property of S. W. Robbins, Wethersfleld, Conn. ' Tom (P. S. 77 J. H. B.) Brunette Le Gros 9755. I Daisy (P. S. 92J. H. B.) IJ. H. B.) I Welcome - (F. S. 172 , I Belle (F. S. 302 J. H. B.) i Diamond .< (F. S. 174 J. H. B.) ( Thetis (F. S. 698 J. H. B.) Gildercream 39480.— Yield of milk, 201 lbs,; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from April 5 to 12, 1890 ; age, 4 years and 2 months ; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; no record of feed kept; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. I Magnetic 1428 * ^/!^!'*1^'/,^^- 'Gilderoy2107 j Noble ' Jeanne Le Bas 2476 -• (F. S. 71 J. H.B.) Gildercream 39480 ' ""ti^.^sSj. H. B.) f King Philip of Mt. Hope \ Sam King 2376. ^Cl^^i^^^' «565 ] -3.9 }Norma3109. ^I'^-2d5429 IS^S- * Kate Gordon 8387.— Yield of milk, 194 lbs, 7 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 15 oz., unsalted; test made from May 14 to 20, 1883 ; age when made, 4 j'ears and 6 months ; property' of M, C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. I Pertinatti 713 * ^''°\'{'',- ^^^■ fPertinax 1965 - ' ^^rtm. imp. Roxanal761 ' n '''''''-':h ,a I ^ ( Cows ip oth 849. Kate Gordon 8387....-; , Normandy 1046 1 ^ ?<=•>. ?'^},^ , .Normanda3914 ^ ' *J"''^^^'*^^o?5'*- ' Olive 4th 3018 1 Q,'!*'''?,'«.?^-' " I Olive 763, imp. 178 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Pansy Patterson 18612.— Yield of milk, 150 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 15 oz. ; test made from May 27 to June 3, 1884; age, 2 years ; property of George L. Douglas, Lexington, Ky. ^ Compeer 2367 -j |°I>i "LtS-f ' /-Black Diamond V. 4970. - ^fj'*^ i"5l"'f ^ "- ' • ( Valhalla 5300 \'|"f ' " ' «• Pansy Patterson 18613^ ' ^-^ejaa *, i. I ( Dexter of Staatsburgh '^Prudence of Bovina I Samson Jr. 272.3 - 1942. 3d 10747 \ I Susie 2d 778. ( Prudence of Bovina 6656 ] Ke'4'^h In''" *Thorndale Belle 3d 10459.— Yield of milk, 176 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from May 6 to 13, 1884; age, 6 years and 2 months; property of Edwin Thorne, Millbrook, N. Y. , Jeweler 1,385 i Mogul 5,32, imp. ( Niobe Duke 2364 -^'"' ''' ' fc ,?^f '.^^'^ ''''■ Thorndale Belle 3d ' ^-"e 6th 3516 -] ^^^^l^>- 10459 < I \ Barney 1491, imp. I Thorndale Belle 5265... . -, , t7„„„i. •n-„,,^^ i^r.n T pna T pwik ^79^ * Frank \\ arren 1490. ( Lena Lewib 3-35 ^ j,^^,^ g^ g^^^ Yuba Stoke Pogis 37294.— Yield of milk, 231 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 14^ oz.; test made from May 1 to 8, 1889 ; age, 3 years and 3 months ; esti- mated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 26 lbs. on the first 3 days and 28 lbs. on the last four days of a mixture of I4 corn meal, I4 fine middlings and 3^ bran ; property of P. J. Cogswell, Rochester, N. Y. Yuba Stoke Pog 37294 fExilTof St. Lambert I 136.57 [Waiter Girl 2d 29265. Bachelor of St. Lam- bert 4.55S Allie (, ^'''H'"''iP- Leda799 i"'"^*"'?^^ / Europa 176. Parrot's Baroness 22508.— Yield of milk, 143 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 143^ oz.; test made from February 15 to 33, 1889; age, 5 years and 7 months ; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons corn meal and ground oats, mixed; property of Maury Jersey Farm, Columbia, Tenn. Porrot's Baroness 22508 f Parrot I (P. S. 342 J.H. B.) (.Lady Baronnella 22501. 'Bobbv (P. S. 208 J. H. B.) ^Roval Beauty (P. S. .390 J. H. B.) i Vertumnus - (P. S. 161 J. H. B.) ( Yountr Rose (P. S. 43 J. H. B.) 1 Browny - (P. S. 158 J. H. B.) f Princess Roj'al (P. S. 240 J. H. B.) \ Artist (F. S. 276 J. H. B.) ■; Lady Baronne (F. 8. 2514 J. H. B.) *Rose of Oxford 13469.— Yield of milk, 334 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. I4I2 oz. ; test made from December 1 to 7, 1884; age, 5 years and 3 months ; propertj^ of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. Tormentor .3.533 (F. S. 259 J. H. B.) Rose of Oxford 1.3469. -j [Youno; Rose (P. S. 43 J. H. B.) 'Khedive (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) I Leo - (F. S. 198 .1. H. B.) / Coomassie 11874 (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) , Angela (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) 'Orange Peel 502 (F. S. 129 J. H. B.) ^Rose (F. S. .339 J.H. B.) Clement 115 (F. S. 61J. H. B.) Cowslip (F. S. 330 J. H. B.) Kitty Better 3291 1.— Yield of milk, 331 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 1433 oz.; made from December 16 to 33, 1889; age, 6. years; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 8 gallons corn meal and 1 pint cotton- seed meal ; property of M. C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. I Top-sawyer 1404 -| ^^,^';i"*J'^<|^ .Lord Harry 3445 - ( Emblem 90. I / Duchess of Bloom- , t>!„.„„ c~n i^„ field 3653 ?'°i![„^','!ko ™P- Kitty Better 32911. . .J ' ^°SeIa 1682. ( Pertinax 1965 \ En«"i'4i^- ^Kate Gordon 8387 - ^-°^^"^i'^lA,« Normnnda ^qi4 1 ^ormandy 1046. ( JNormanda 3914 ■ (^,.^,^ _^^^ ^^jjg_ 180 BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Belle of Vermillion 8798.— Yield of milk, 252 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from October 11 to 17, 1882; age, 4 years and 4 months; propei'tj' of I. D. Risher, Hope Church, Pa. 1 T ontrfpllnw SIS lTancred501. , Diamond Earl 3116 - ^°""'^"°" ''' - Vni^ of Oyster Bay I Pavorita of Queens irnsiorfiSfi Belle of Vermillion Co. 28:45 - o^f;' f A „ = r-„ o.Qc J / Pattic of Queens Co. LarigoldadS^O .|P'^-«°^^«« liS^ir 'Marigold 840 ikTlyl^r- Cricket's Minnie 26270.— Yield of milk, 157 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 14 oz.; tost made from March 24 to 31, 1889 ; ag"e, 5 years and 6 months ; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4^ gallons ground corn and oats, mixed equally; property of Maury Jersey Farm, Columbia, Tenn. Cricket's Minnie 26270 /"Prince Harry 5176. T r.y.A uo-^.r OA f" ' Top'Sawvcr 1404. Lord Harry 344o -^ Duchess of Blooir Coonie 7817 ^Cricket of Belle Vue 9570 / Duchess of Bloomfield 3658. I Trocadero 1422. ■/ Lily 7th 4711. 1 Lord Lawrence 1414 ■' Lawrence 61. j i.ora La^^ rence I4i4. . . . ^ ^ady Mary 1148, imp. Beauty of Belle Vue 6953, imp. *Lady Alice of the Wilderness 12207.— Yield of milk, 266 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from June 15 to 22, 1880; age, 2 years, 1 month and 12 days; property of Raymond H. Perry, Bristol, R. I. This test is reported as having been made on grass and green rye, without grain of any kind. \ Magnetic 1428 -) l^aW 1^3 " Gilderoy2107 Noble' ''''• To^ , An.^^f ti,o ' Jeanne Le Bas 2476 k (F. S. 71 J. H. B.) Lady .^I'ce of the J | Dairy Pride Wilderness 13207...-^ (F. S. 348 J. H. B.) , r>„„„„i.„ 1 ,,0 ( Beechnut 109. Uold Lace 10726 ^°^'^°''^ '''' ] ^^^^ |f„- -P' 'Delpba 2d 10713 "J g^fi^j^riS^.'- *Lass of Scituate 9555.— Yield of milk, 196 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 14 oz., sailed ; test made June, 1883; age when made. 5 years and 1 month ; property of Orestes Pierce, Baldwin, Me. Feed, bran, 2 qts.; corn meal, 2 qts.; cotton-seed meal, 1 qt. Lass of Scituate 95 I Pharos Jr. 3621 . ( Jersey Belle of Scituate 7828. ( Pharos .3552, imp. "/ Blonde 378, imp. I Victor 3550 / Jenny 7827 ( Pilot .3549. '1 Minnie 7826. ( Victor .3.5.50. "( Fannie 7823, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JEESETS. 181 * Mary of Bear Lake 6171.— Yield of milk, 311 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. l-i oz.; test made from June 25 to July 1, 1885; age, 9 years and 3 months ; property of Bordwell & Cochran, Batavia, Ohio. rPrinceof Warren 1512.. Mary of Bear Lake 6171. 1 Warren's Duchess 4622. Southampton 117, imp. Golddrop 222, imp. Optimu'* 1607 -* S'"" ^^^'''es 131, imp. ' ^1^^' "* ""' ( Carrie 3894. Countess of Warren 3896 J \ Hector 129. Julia 3893. Miss May of St. Lambert 37084.— Yield of milk, 138 lbs. 4oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from July 7 to 14, 1887; age, 3 years and 2 months ; estimated weight, 650 lbs.; grain fed daily, 21 qts. mixed corn, bran and oats ; property of C. A. Reeser, Springfield, Ohio. r Rubano 8806 -* ^ ben' ^fe °^ ^' ^'°" ' ^toke Pogis 3d 22,38. ""^''"^ '''' I N.'nl^'of'S*:Lambert ' ' ] ^^ '^Ji^^^' ( May Day of St. Lam- . j „ , j ;,„„, incp birt5l09 ■;[frn'eV3l''^'°''' *Mollie Garfield 2d 18663.— Yield of milk, 162 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from August 16 to 23, 1883; age, 3 j^ears and 4 months ; property of F. S. Peer, East Palmyra, N. Y. \ Bel Caliph 14.32 .; ^^mZ'^ {^,1?,; (-Judge Mayo 5149 - Calliope 1320. / Manle Dale "907 .( \ictor ,97, imp. Mapie uaie ,9U ^ g^^^ jgg^^_ ^ Mollie Garfield 2d 18662-^ (Bel Caliph 1432 -] ^t\\T'^ iMollie Garfield 12172...-^ Ca'V P^o-'^''^- I Manle Dale -'907 ^ '^'°'' ^^' ' ^'"I*- * Nelly 2402, imp.— Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 14 oz.; property of W. L. & W. Rutherford, Waddington, N. Y. *CEnone 8614.— Yield of milk, 185 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 14 oz., unsalted ; test made from October 10 to 17, 1883; age when made, 5 years and 6 months ; property of M. M. Gardner, Nashville, Tenn. , AfaHMa -pn I Willie Bov 434. f Signal 1170 Planus , GO , Lady M.i.y 1148, imp. I Pansy Morris 2060 ] ^i^^^^Yh 38. CEnone8614 -I I I Vr.Ha iTC t Bismarc!- 292, imp. Zina2d,3062 ''"'"''^ ]^'''''^T..o lzinal434 ! E^.rio^ ' "°P- 182 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. *Romp Ogden 3cl 5458.— Yield of milk, 189 lbs.; jneld of butter, 15 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from November 8 to 14, 1884 ; ag-e, 7 years and 9 months ; property of Baxter Smith, Nashville, Tenn. I Marius 760 -* ^"''^ ^o^ ■'■^'• ,Top-Sawyer 1404 - " ' ^fdv Mary 1148, imp. 'EmblemOO f^'fF-TeV^H.B.) Komp Ogden 3d 5458...-^ ( On I. of J. iDoneil 3Duke(m ^■'°°''°«*»'=" H„„,.™8 iSSnYk f itomp lUJS ^ Buttercup 3d 1099. Tormentor's Rexea 38906.— Yield of milk, 176 lb?. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 14 oz.; time of test June 6 to 13, 1888; age, 3 years and 11 months; ^estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 30 lbs., one-half ground oats and one-half corn-hearts ; property of M. M. Gardner, Nashville, Tenn. ( Khedive ■{ (P. S. 103J. H. B.) I Angela (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) i Top-Sawver 1404. i Lucy 4577. ( Ctiauipion of America J 1.=i67. f Denise's Tormentor I 11823 r Tormentor 3533. Tormentor's Rexea 38906 . Denise 8281 . .Gilt Edge P.exea 32942. (Champion of Riverside-; 156' J 5787. / Annie Hill 486(i. ) Stand Point 4i508. "( Lilley Rex 9852. I Alphea Rexea 12070. *Dia 13658.— Yield of milk, 166 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. Va^ oz,; test made from October 15 to 21, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 7 months; prop- erty of F. C. Sayles, Pawtucket, R. I. I Domino of Darling- f Miletus .3186 -, ton 2J.59. f Lord Dartmouth 6302. . . ■ ' P''^'"'"'" °^ Darling- I 1 ton .5572, imp. Dia 136.58 4 ' Eurotas 2454 -j Kj^^^'^^tf^' '""P" Ulossom of Hanover I ^'^J:^,^":"^^ «^ H'^'^- ( Rioter 2d 409, imp. 13655 \ o\er28,3 ( Led a 799. Daisy Darling 6386 ' l^?',P'j'V^ ""j?' '?'?• J =■ " • ■ • • 1 Violet of Darlington 5573, imp. * Glory of Elmarch 21521.— Yield of milk, 204 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. I3I2 oz.; test made from June 16 to 22, 1885; age, 3 years and 1 month; property of D. A. Givens, Cynthiana, Ky. /Farmer's Glory 5196. (F. S. 274 J. H. B.) I Grev King (P S. 169 J. H. B.) I Bonheur B.) Glory of Elmarch 2 TPhilidor -{ (F S. 1651J. H. E iP. S. 270 J. H. B.) \ Yankee j-.-)l J I.Clelie 2d - (P S. 27 J. H. B.) (P. S. 64 J. H. B.) ^Dottie 1.5407 (F. S. 2.-)60 J. H. B.) /Clelit (F. S. 689J. H. B.) BUTTEE TESTS OF JEKSEYS. 183 * Jolie of St. Lambert 51S6.— Yield of milk, 298 lbs.; j-ield of butter, 15 lbs. I3I2 oz-, salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from May 2 to ?, 1883; age when made, 8 years aud lOJ^ months; property of W. A. Rebm-n, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, P. Q., Can. Jolie of St. Lambert 5126 Lord Lisgar 10G6. ^Psyche of St. Lambert .5121 \ Victor Hugo 197, imp. ' Pauline 494 \ On L of J. "( Hebe 489, imp. T „,.»! 5nfi * Defiance 196, imp. / Amelia 484, imp. '/ Lisette 492, imp. * Olymph 17957.— Yield of milk, 242 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. ISyV oz.; test made from April 15 to 23, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 7 months ; property of D. M. McCullough, Troy, Ohio. ( Merry Bov rDiike -: (P. S. 61 J. H. B.) (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) (Superb fVertumnus -{ (F. S. 3.53 J. H. B.) I (P. S. 161J. H. B. ) I Neptune I l^Coomassie 11874 - (P. S. 14 J. H. B.) ■{ (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) / Jersey Pride I (F. S. 1716 J. H. B.) Olymph 17957 (P. S. 2683 J. H. B.) Butterfly (F. S."l743 J. 11. B.) ^ Welcome (P. S. 166 J. H. B.) / La B-lle. * Berylla 2d 161 17.— Yield of milk, 237 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from May 14 to 20, 1886 ; age, 4 years and 8 months : property of A. G. Goodlett, Clarksville. Tenn. , ^,A T,.^> Qi-Qi * Beeswax 1931. , Golden Lion 5239 .^ ^'^'^ ^^^ ^631 ; ^ ^^es 1^^ ' Hannah Duncan 3d 4029 -] ^>-- h'D';nZ 4027. Bcrylla 2d 15117 \ Hiawatha "-^l I ( VairsDono032 l Sophif o' mii.ide ^Berylla S957 ] , jjimUton 1074. '' Bellita 40..3 - Little Bella 3693, imp. * Ed-wina 6713. — Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 13 oz.; test made Autumn, 1881 ; age when made, 4 years and 6 months ; property of J. B. Wade, Atlanta, Ga. (Signal 1170 Manu. -60. j Lady >^y 1 . 48, imp. Edwina6713 j I Pansy Morris 2060 J ^^If^'/^tj, 33. Yictorine Lacliaiso 2740. imp. in 1871. * Lily of Burr Oaks 1 1001.— Yield of milk, 192 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 13 oz., salted; test made from November 9 to 15, 1883; age when made, 3 years and 11 months ; property of Mrs. John Hamilton, Farmer Citj', 111. I Orange Peel 502 f Critic .540 - (P. S. 129 J. H. B.) ake Felch 1292 ] ' Dannie 1359, imp. ' Maid of Judah 2429, imp. Lily of Burr Oaks 11001.^ ( Mark Tapley 270 -\ ^f™ Weller 2?1, imp. Uily Godfrey 3792 | ^^^iVswiveller Jr. 276 ' Latly Godtrej 6,8 -^ Madora 679. 184 BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Lucy Gray 2746. — Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 13 oz., unsalted ; test made from June 17 to 23, 1874 ; property of William H. Hayden, Albany, Vt. ^ Duke of Wellington 35, imp. ('Major Adams 1044 Lucy Cxrav 3746 J. ( Lavinia 1079, imp. \ Young Major 214 -) Kd'alsf., imp. ^Ladj' Liglitfoot 274; ' Tulip 1793, imp. Nutley Dolores 2d 55901.— Yield of milk, 157 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from January 38 to 30, 1890; age, 2 yeai's and 1 month; actual weight, 725 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 3 qts. corn meal, 8 qts. ground oats, 1 qt. oil meal and 2 qts. shorts; property T. R. Proctor, Utica, N. Y. ( cf«i-o TJ-^„; ■ Kth -oa~ * Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. Stoke Fogl? Sth o98i ... - At„rinram 'l-J'^q inin f Bunker 9025 - ( Marjoram d.!dj, imp. Sallie Bunker 1420, imp. Nutley Dolores 2d 55901 ■{ \ Snap I rTommv - (F. S. 254 J. H. B.) (P. S". 249 J. H. B.) /Samarez '-Nutlev Dolores 13797. . .-( (F. S. 944 J. H. B.) I \ Snap VNutley Alma 13581 -i (F. S (F. S. 254 J. H. B.) ( St. Clementaise (F. S. 412 J. H. B.) * Petite Mere 8516.— Yield of milk, 197 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from March 31 to April 6, 1884 ; age, 6 years and 2 months ; prop- erty of R. W. Miller, Lebanon, Tenn. \ Normandy 1046 -' \Jf~*;'v,S^Q:u Caliph 1618 < ' Mli^chlef 9^. ' Rosette of Staatsburgh , q^^j.^^ gg- Petite Mere 8516 J ' ^^'^^^''^ 3d 2361. ^PertiDatti713 IpennOimD ^Fannia G. :»29 - ' ,V t ""' ™P- l^^-m^P^^'^ iSdyrSimp. Proctor's Pansy 25688.— Yield of milk, 276 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from July 10 to 17, 1887; age, 3 years and 4 months; estimated weight, 1,050 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 qts. oats, middlings and shorts mixed, equal parts ; property' of T. R. Proctor, Utica, N. Y. 1 I enox r 9-^ -* Pansy's Albert 1008. - Lena's Lenox 605f» \ ' ^^- Pe-'Petua 3648. Lena s Lenox b0o9 ^ y «„a iQ~r > Hector 791. ^^^^^^•^ -, Laurel 1973. Proctor's Pansy 2.5688. ' ■ [ Lena's Lenox 6059 < I ( Mercutio 4591 -f St;3rtin_1^482, VLa P -'-''''' lN-etteofAllerton---;Sr^ncel640. °^" I Brinca 4019. * Tobira 8400.— Yield of milk, 235 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 13 oz., salted ; test made from April 16 to 22, 1882 ; age when made, 3 years and 5 months ; property of W. B. Montgomeiy, Starkville, Miss. j- Champion of America j May Boy 705 j cro™uTl787^^' ^"^' Tobira 8400 J ''^' ( Pansy 1019 ] DlYly^2flia ^'^^ I. Merry 4814, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 185 * Valerie 6044.— Yield of milk, 284 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 13 oz., salted ; test made from June 9 to 15, 1882; ag-e when made, 5 years ; property of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. I Nelusko 479 i ^^Jfl^^l^O, imp. /- Butter Print 1863 -I ( IS elly D.-5. ' Mollie Horton 1734, imp. Valerie 6044 .4 I The Hub 1009 -j ^°*ify,^ol^-. !, Oktibbeha Dnchess 4428 -{ x?^ ^ ,r ™P- Uuckv Belle .214 {^X^'SS. Signal Hinman 446 15.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 12;''4; oz.; test made from December 13 to 20, 1890; age, 5 years ; actual weight, 1,010 lbs.; grain fed daily, 18 lbs. cut oats, bran and yellow meal, mixed ; property of Holly Grove Farm, Plainfield, N. J. < Compo Boy 28.30 ■] ^ignfl V™- , Composite 10810 ] /Lucilla>,35. I ( Blue Belle of Maple ( Governor Grove 10687 - (P. S. 138 J. E. B.) Signal Hinman 44615.-! ( On I. of J. , Chelten Duke 924 j ^"°lf ''• iil ■ ^ Louisa Hinman 12802. .J guchess 101, imp. ^ Bennie Hinman 7166. . . -| 3ZT^^^!^ ,272. * Lucy of Hollydale 32713.— Yield of milk, 153 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 123^^ oz.; test made from March 12 to 18, 1886 ; age, 2 years ; property of Hunnicutt & Yancey, Athens, Ga. ( Farmer's Glory 5196 {Royal Oak 6219 •< (F. S. 274 J. H. B.) (P. S. 286 J. H. B.) ( Flossy (F. S. 1655 J. H. B.) ( Rollo Fidele 13104 ■{ (P. S. 212 J. H. B.) 32712 -{ (Brown 3d I (F. S. 1533 J. H. B.) ( Auchentoroly 3494 ■] ^ei'dic 1204 lLucyLanierl3053 \ I Agnes Sorel 2162. Parthenia of Oak- , cft^.. t?..,, oo^o shdflp innfiQ Butter Boy .3243. shade 10069 -^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ * Phlox 16399.— Yield of milk, 175 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 123^ oz., unsalted ; test made from August 19 to 25, 1883 ; age, 6 years and 4 months ; fed daily 6 qts. corn and oats mixed in equal parts and ground together, with cut hay ; pasture, timothy, orchard grass and blue-grass ; property of William J. Webster, Columbia, Tenn. Phlox 16399. Guy Mannering 698. (On I. of J. ■ ■ ■( Brunette Lass 1780, imp. Gflzania 4Mq * ^uke of Grayholdt 1035, imp. Gazania 4d13 -^ Beauvine 1593, imp. 186 BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. *Nutley Silverette 22410.— Yield of milk, 19.i lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. I3I4 oz.; test made from September 13 to 19, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 4 months ; property of Frederick Loeser, Somerville, N. J. p^utley's Favorite 5132.. ?|VdfoMhe Elms 1481. Nutley Silverette ' ^*"^^ » fnae ,6,1 ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^.j^ ^^j ^^^ 23410 -{ I , A,.„^^„i„ 00-c t Silverlocks Jr. 6r)9. Nutlev Silver 13591 "' P^^ «*' ^ifto" 1386- imp. VNutleySiher 13591 1 gj, . ...9 » Silverlocks Jr. G99. (buveriec oua < Pet of Clifton 1386, imp. * Almeda Rex 10416.— Yield of milk, 390 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 13 oz. : test made from May 26 to June 1, 1885; age, 6 years; property of Moulton Bros., West Randolph, Vt. o«i» T.. o.-,~ i Rob Roy 17, imp. Colt Jr. 82.D - -vTfltTCTip oo^i r Rex 13.30 - Aih^P? af /couch's Lily 3237 I ^i'l'/oalt 3236. Almeda Rex 10416....^ I \ Bismarck 292. imp. V Almeda .3842 -, , Pm.^ov^,. o^ -~ Dollv -'d lO'O -' ^mperoi 2d .-5. . Bobby's Magnolia 24401. — Yield of milk, 244 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from September 21 to 28, 1887 ; age, 6 years and 6 months ; actual weight, 1,000 lbs.; no record of feed kept; property of Mrs. Thomas Allen, Pittsfleld, Mass. Bobby's Magnolia 24401 • (F. S. 5465J. H. B.) Bobby (P. S. 208 J. H. B.) ^On I. of J. /"Verlumi I (P. S. 'erlumnus 161 J. H. B.) ^ Young Rose. (P. S. 43 J. H. B.) (Duke - (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) ( Coomassie 11874 (F S. 1442 J. H. B.) \ Orange Peel .502 - (F.^S. 129 J. H. B.) f Rose (F. S. 339 J. H. B.) * Countess of Croton 5307. — Yield of milk, 277 lbs. 4 oz. ; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 12 oz.; made from June 20 to 37, 1881 ; age, 5 years ; property of William D. Burdett, Cooperstown, N. Y. Countess of Croton 5307 i Grand Duke Alexis 1040. . . . ' Chrissy 1448. \ On I. of J. I Victorine Lachaise 2740, imp. I On I. of J. "( Kitty Clover 1113, imp. Country Girl 3515.— Yield of milk, 174 lbs. 15 oz.; jneld of butter, 15 lbs. 13 oz. ; test made from October 9 to 16, 1890; age, 16 years and 6 months; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daily, 14 qts. ground corn, oats and peas ; property of Charles E. Hill, Denver, Col. 'Quaker Country Girl 3515. IClara 4th 1.541 ( On I. of J. '( Queen of Staatsburgh 2234, imp. , (^ ^j,„ p,„ I Garibaldi f 09, imp. i Commodore 613 \-^^^ -.33^ j^^^ Clara 714, i:np. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 187 * Fanny Taylor 6714.— Yield of milk, 223 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 13 oz., UDsalted ; test made from December 28 to January 3, 1883; age when made, 5 years and 8 months ; property of John A. Middelton, Shelbyville, Ky. . Marins TfiO ' '^"''^ Boy 434. rSigiialllTO ^Manu. ,00 ) Lady Mary 1148, imp. ( Pansy Morris 2060 - do^® am^ -jq Fanny Taylor 6714... J / Pansy 6th 38. Bonanza -WRt * Pierrot 6.36, imp. I. Bonanza 39b.o -^ ^^.^jj^. g^g^ ^^^ * Julia Walker 10133.— Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 12 oz.; test made June, 1880 ; age when made, 5 years ; property of Thomas Fitch, New London, Conn. /-Pierrot 'M 1669 -* P'^rrot 636, imp. rieiroi ~a iDb9 ^ Dainty 796, imp. 1869. Julia Walker 10133....-! q I of J iFannie Land.seer 1969. . -| '^''"'^''"' *'' ' dazzle 379, imp. ' Sylph 615, imp. 1869. *Lady Bidwell 10303.— Yield of milk, 265 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 12 oz., salted ; test made March, 1883 ; age when made, 4 j'ears ; property of George S. Phelps, AVarehouse Point, Conn. Feed, 6 qts. wheat bran and corn meal, mixed, and 10 qts. of potatoes daily ; hay. I Burnside 2d 2838 ■] ?"™'^,"^?,i.r^^- [ Paddy Wilson 3084 - ' p'*"""'''P';oo . ( Lilac Hanmer 4382 I ESalm " ■ Lady Bidwell 10303...-; i Burnside 2d 2838 ■] f''!'''l^,l}^^^- \ Queen of Coventry 806.5 i Laurel 19, 3. l-^r.n2,Bm. -!i^nri^7f- *Lady McDowell 37414.— Yield of milk, 159 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 12 oz. ; test made from May 19 to 26, 1886 ; age, 3 years, 2 months and 9 days ; propert3' of John A. McEwen, Nashville, Tenn. This test was made ten months after calving, and when the cow was four months in calf. She also made the test out of three teats, one benig spoilt. I Khedive ( Tormentor .3533 - ( P. S. 103 J. H. B.) r Truxton 46.54 \ (F- S. 259 J. H. B. , / Angela ) _(F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) Roxana 2d 2.5-32 Lady McDowell 37414 -| ( Mack 722. "( Roxana 17G1. \ Duke of Grayholdtl035, I ^ Duke of M?gnolia 2820. • imp [Normandy Girl 7737 - / Fleuret 2759. ' TUToffi,. oA moa * Jachin 1220. • • ( Maffie 952. Maflie2d 4939. 188 BUTTEE TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Lerna 3634.— Yield of milk, 242 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 12 oz., salted ; test made from September 29 to October 5, 1880 ; age when made, 6 yeai-s aad 3 weeks ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. ( ,Iu niter 9S * Saturn 94, imp. 'Mercury 432 J"Pite. 93 • RJ-a 16G imj. Lerna 3034. {Mercury 432 - ' ""^" """' ':"i'- \li.hea in * Saturn 94, imp. ( Aipiiea 1,1 -^ j^jjgg^ 106, imp. i Admiral 37-i -* Saturn 94, imp. Gu.sie Richards 1673. . . -^ ' ?:°'^^.306,^^.mp. , T adv Richards 1017 * J°'^" S"" ^58. imp. , i.aay Kicnaras 101, ^ady Webster 038, imp. * Mavourneen of St. Lambert 9777.— Yield of milk, 298 lbs.; yield of but- ter, 15 lbs. 12 oz. ; test made from August 8 to 14, 1884; age, 4 years and 8 months ; property of V. E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. 1 stoke Pocis 3d "'738 * ^^°^^ ^^g'* ^^5^' '"^P- ^ fttoKe i-ogib -M ^^in. ... ^ Marjoram 3239, imp. Mavourneen of St. Lambert 97 ' Amelia 484, imp. * Myrtle 2d 211.— Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from July 1 to 8, 1875; ag-e when made, 6 years; proi^erty of Thomas Fitch, New London, Conn. Mvrtle2d211. (Bliicher '>d 10-> * Blucher 48, imp. Biucner ,a io~ ^ g^jj^ go^gu 2Qg_ jn^j, , Ned 20 -llannv-i' >1>"'«208 ;EerScott46. ' ^*^*> "' "( Duchess 4th 204. * Rosabel Hudson 5704. — Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 12 oz. ; test matle from June 15 to 21, 1884; age, 8 years and 2 months; prop- erty of Elbert Miller, Middlefield, Conn. T- ,„ p.-,o t Adonis 39. ,,„ ^„,^ (Lnca8 028 ", Floss 1.560. iOneco91& - rj Grant 47 'Young Fancy 97 "l f ^IJcj^S Rosabel Hudson .")704.-^ ^Landseer331 1 Dazzle Vfg imp lArabel Hudson 2877. ... ■ ' ^^^'"® ■^'^' ™''- ' Rose Hudson 125, imp. Sally Leavitt 2d 10471.— Yield of milk, 220 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 12 oz. ; test made from February 16 to 23, 1890 ; age, 10 years and 9 months ; estimated weight, 975 lbs.; grain fed daily, 15 qts. ground corn, oats and peas and 4 qts. bran ; property of Charles E. Hill, Denver, Col. ( Csesarea (P. S. 214 J. H. B.) , Statesman 2407 < , prjnce ( yyl vie Simon 4534 } (F. S. 155 J. H. B.) Sally Leavitt 2d 10471 j ' ^^^!t 708 J. H. B.) Uu T ■„^,-^ iSt.Martinl482 -| Beauty 5.31' 1, imp, ^SallyLeaviU 72.08 ^ St. Martin 1482. ' Lucy Leavitt , 2o0 -^ Florence E. 2d 3734. BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. 189 Seraphine 2d 37451.— Yield of milk, 284 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from Ma^- 27 to June 3, 1889 ; age, 5 years ; estimated weight. 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 43^ lbs. hoixiinj'; property of J. B. Allen & Son, Dela- van, ni. ( Farmer's Glorv {Baronet ) (F. S. 274 J.H. B.) ' (FS. 1607 J.H. B.) I Royalist 290fi I Sultane 5th 18189 { (P. S. 139 J. H. B.) Seraphine 2d 37451 ...■{ { Sultane (P. S. 7 J. H. B.) I (Fresco 5336 "j Adria los!' I Seraphine 19262 ] Wil It 1^3 } Rose of Menard 13272. . -| K'of'tngamon 2d 9670. ♦Ultima 14456.— Yield of milk, 228 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from October 26 to November 2, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 3 months ; propei'ty of William R. Goodspeed, East Haddam, Conn. 'Phil Bree 2957, Ultima 14456. 3IaKo;ie4th 3234. I Pierrot 636, imp. "( Annie 793, imp. I Grev Wether«field \-->--a) ' McClellan 6th 181. \ i^rej w etnersnem i.^. -^ mcv Neal 3d 418. Maggie 2051. I Rhodes' Bull 824. 1 Bradley Cow 2052. * Mary Hinman 1 76 1 9.— Yield of milk, 225 lbs. ; j^eld of butter, 15 lbs. 111,^ oz. ; test made from Mayo to 11, 1885; age, 2 years, 11 months and 10 daj's ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. Mary Hinman 17619. ''Stoke Pogis 5th; Belle Hinman .3641. I 190 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Duchess of St. Lambert 5111.— Yield of milk, 216 lbs.; yield of batter, 15 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from December 19 to 26, 1883; age when made, 8 3'ears and 9 months ; property of V. E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. I Victor Hugo 197, imp. rLord Lisgar 1066 -^ Duchess of St. Lam- ppniiTip dd 12-^79 * Beabrook 4o8b. Pierrot's Beauty 48964^ . O^j.^ ^^ p^rmington , p. , „, „.,^ . I I oocji * Pierrot 636, imji. llsland Beauty 2d 19885.-,' ' ' ^"^f^ of^Farmington I Welcome ^Island Beauty 9113 • (P. S. 98 J. H. B.) ( Island Lily 6969, imp. Siesta 37321.— Yield of milk, 207 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 11 oz.; made from May 19 to 26, 1890 ; age, 5 years ; estimated weig'ht, 800 lbs.; no record of feed kept ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. 'Sisualda4027. \ Signal 1170. I Alda 3873.. Siesta 37321. ,St. Perpetua's Princess ( Yokun Chief 4.399 19072 \ { St. Perpetiia3d6773... ( Marins 760. ■( Pansy Morris 2060. I Grand Duko Alexis - 1040. ( Archie 1112, imp. ( Butter Boy .3243. "/ Witch-Hazel 1360. ( Lenox 1593. \ St. Perpetua3648. 192 BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. Ventnor Beauty 46308.— Yield of milk, 155 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 11 oz. ; test made from June 20 to 27, 1890; age, 3 years and 5 months; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 10 lbs. corn meal, 4 lbs. shorts and 1}^ lbs. oil-cake meal ; property of R. A. Sibley, Spencer, Mass. TMaxfleld's Young Duke 1 Young Pnnce f Coomassie Welcome 3708 ■; (P. S. 182 J. H. B.) 93T9 -{ i Hills' Maid of Jersey 8173. V inrpnin w iiuci * Niobe Duke 2364. Ventnor Beauty 46308. . { V\ureoIa W . 10461 -^ Adeline W. 5358. . Vfiii nf Pnirl jfici * Much Ado 2405. y vein of Gold 46S1 -^ sil verlocks' Pet .5685- Golden Lena 1.5396, ( Lena's Pride 7371 Pride of the Elms 1481 '/ Lena Lewis 2d 4047. * Belle France 22697 (F. S. 4924 J. H. B.)— Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 103^ oz.; test made 7 days in June, 1884; age, 3 years; prop- erty of Alfred M. Herkness & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. * Princess Bellwort 6801.— Yield of milk, 256 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. IOI3 oz., salted ; test made from June 16 to 22, 1883 ; age when made, 5 years and 6 montlis ; property of John E. Phillips, Baltimore, Md. ( Colt Jr. 825 -; ^^^„^%}^ >"'!'• r Rex 1.330 - I Maggie 2054. f Co.icirs Lily 3237 ■* Lih"Date"3236 Princess Bellwort 6801 .-^ ' ^"^ "^^^ '^^^• \ King Harold 344, imp. •Belle of Middlefield 1.516- \ Earl 81. ■( Maia 1093. Mabel 1092. * Princess of St. Saviour's 7470.— Yield of milk, 174 lbs. 8 oz.; jield of butter, 15 lbs. IQi^' oz.; test made from October 27 to November 2, 1885; age, 8 years and 5 months ; property of T. W. McNeely, Petersburgh, 111. ( Stockwell 2d r Jacques -, iP. S. 24 J. H. B.) (P. S. 63 J. H. B.) /Jeanneton /"Noble \ (F. S. 237 J. H. B.) Princess of St. Saviour's I (P. S. 93 J. H. B. i 7470 X VLiliau (F. S. 931 J. H. B.) V Princess on L of J. *Bertha 18912 iF. S. 2315 J. H. B.)-Yield of milk, 261 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from February 17 to 24, 1886 ; age, 6 years and 8 months ; property of William H. Burr, Redding Ridge, Conn. * Brunette Lass 1780, imp. — Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 10 oz.; age when made, 10 years ; property of W. J. Webster, Columbia, Tenn. Cabinet 22662, imp.— Yield of milk, 149 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 10 oz. ; test made from Feb. 14 to 20, 1887 ; age, 6 years and 4 months ; grain fed during test, 8 qts. corn meal, 6 qts. oats, 1 qt. oil meal, 2 qts. bran, daily ; pi'operty of Archer N. Martin. Summit, N. J. , Khedive .) Leo (F. S. 198 J. H. B.) I Pilot (P. S. 183 J. H. B.)-^ (P. S. 103 J. H.b'.I ' ' ' '^°^'"2**i'|.o t w Tt . Cabinet22662 \ ( Phillis(F. S. 839 J.H.B.) ^^^ • »• i«~ , T.,.,it„.. no I llpdn 790 (Jupiter 9.^. ( heaa. <9J -^ Europa 176. May Dee 18058 J I r -vrnVo^.Ko.. fna. * ^Ir- Micawber 556. Micav\ ber 4 . 06 ■ j^„g.^ ^f Lakeside 2d VMav of Lakeside 10826. . < 1024 1 . ^D-e 3d 10823 -j^^^^™- Miss Alexander 2d 26054.— Yield of milk, 177 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 10 oz. ; test made from March 8 to 15, 1890 ; age, 6 years and 3 months ; actual weight, 960 lbs.; grain fed daily, 10 qts. ground oats. 2 qts. oil meal and 2 qts. pea meal ; property of T. R. Proctor, Utica, N. Y. i Dick {Hero -. (F. S. 171J. H. B.) (P. S. 126 J. H. B.) K'owslip (P. S. 24 J. H. B.) ( Yankee Prs'ttv Maid 7012 -' (P. S. 27 J. H. B.) I " I On I. of J. Oliss Alexander 26041, imp. * Princess of Yerba Buena Ranch 12626.— Yield of milk, 221 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 10 oz.; made from June 9 to 16, 1884; age, 5 j^ears and 10 months ; property of Henry Pierce, San Francisco, Cal. I Napoleon ( F. S. 249 J. H. B.) Princess of Verba Buena Ranch 12626 ■', I On I. of J. BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. 195 Proctor's Dolores 38564.— Yield of milk, 188 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from December 14 to 21, 1890; age, 6 years; esti- mated weight, 8o0 lbs.; grain fed dailj^ 8 lbs. corn meal, 8 lbs. crushed oats, 4 lbs. oil meal and 4 lbs. pea meal ; property of Ayer & McKinney, Phila- delphia, Pa. /-Silver (Bobby(P.S.e08J.H.B.) Proctor's Dolores J iLucy 18304 ] g^''- ^^ ''' '^ ""■ ^'^ ■^^^^ i (P. S. 1003 J. H. B.) (Snap(F. S. 254 J. H. B.) rTommy -{ (3350 A. J. C. C.) (P. S. 249 J. H. B.) ( Samarez ^•Nutley Dolores 13797...-^ (F. S. 944 J. H. B.) (Siiap(F. S. 254J. H. B.) l^Nutley Alma 1.3581 ] (3350 A J. C. C.) ( St. Clementaise (F. S. 413J.H.B.) * Rochelle 15574. — Y'ield of milk, 26 gallons 2 qts.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 10 oz. ; test made from Jvme 15 to 21, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 7 months ; prop- erty of L. Q. C. Lamar, Oxford, Miss. (-— «» iffi£?SBa-siEri,„, *''^'' ] Ant,'ela 1683. Rochelle 15574 -{ { Clement 115 (Mack732... -I (F. S. 61J. H. B.) ^Roxana 2d 2533 < ( Sunflower 351. RoTanairfil j Roxbnry 247. Koxana l,bl -^ Cowslip 5th 849. * Silenta 17685. — Y^ield of butter, 15 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from August 12 to 18, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years and 2 montiis ; property of Charles W. Beardsley, Milford, Conn. ( St. Helier 45, imp. (OxoliigSS - ' Pyrola 4566 -} ^'-^Ifr-U"' ™''- Silenta 17685 4 ' ^""^'^^ ■*'^'^- . A ,.„v, .:,45 j Nimroa 2d 316. liarai-^nR \Aiat),45 lGarland851. i.ara 4.iUD -, , Commodore 56, imp. ( Jime HM I Countess 897, imp. Belle's Esperanza 12053.— Yield of milk, 154 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of buttei', 15 lbs. 9}4 oz.; test made from November 23 to 39, 1887 ; age, G years and 8 months; estimated weight, 775 lbs.; grain fed daily, 10 lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. oil meal and 3 lbs. middlings; property of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. jDukeofDarlington2460]|-SS- ■■lEuphrates9778 ] ^^1^' Uproar 4609. Belle's Esperanza 12053. .Belle Warren 7978. Prince of Warren 151-^ ■' Southampton J17, imp. t-rince or w arren ioi».. ^ qo|(J^i.o,, ooo imp Frir, '«)7n > Southampton 117, imp. ^"'^'^ "■'•^ / Dafiodil 335. 196 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Chenda 4599.— Yield of milk, 284 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 9}^ oz.; test made from June 13 to 19, 1882 ; age when made, 6 years and 6 months ; prop- erty' of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. Chenda 4599 Willie Boy 434 \^^^^ "/^J^ ^.g^ ,^^ ( Marius T I ' Lady Mary 1148, imp. I ( Tancred 501 -| ^^i^.^^og^i imp I Chatelaine 191 6 \ i vei\ei .J4, imp. Lady Ella 1146, imp. * Kitty Colt 2213.— YHeld of milk, 214 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 91^ oz., salted ; test made from May 1(> to 23, 1883 ; age when made, 11 years and b% months ; property of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. i Jerry 15, imp. (Albert 44 < { Frankie 17, imp. (OnLof J. Kittle Lightfoot id. 1300, imp. . . - ( Kittie Lishtfoot 835, imp. * Vaniah 6597.— Yield of milk, 216 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. ^% oz.; test made from January 28 to February 8, 1883; propert}' of T. F. Shot- well, Bucyrus, Ohio. I On I. of J. {Iron Bank 1120, imp. in dam •< (Birdie 2611, imp. Matchless 1277, imp. Worthy Noble 19629.— Yield of milk, 166 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. ^14. OZ-; test made from April 11 to 18, 1889; age, 7 years ; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 26 lbs., y^ corn n eal and I4 bran, the remainder fine feed, with a very little oil meal ; properly of P. J. Cogswell, Rochester, N. Y. Aobie .101 ^ pg^jjjjy ^^ Babylon 2345, , Noble 4th 6246 { imp. Rncotta r^f tjifino-,- jvifi * Paddv 899, imp. Rosetta of Sidne> 4o,0.. -^ p^,,,;.^ ^^ Babylon 2340, Worthy Noble 19629. . - i»ip I On 1. of J VpH ^°'^1^ ^0^ I Fanny of Babylon 234.5, Pride of Sidney 19210. . . { imp. Daisy of Sidney 19209. . -| lZvI% Sidney 4.521. ' * Beauty Messenger 17450. — Y^ield of milk, 245 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 9 oz.; made from December 7 to 13, 1885; age, 4 years and 8 months; property of "William Crozier, Northport, N. Y. ( Jersey Bov rCato J. (P. S. 92 J. H. B.) (P S. 178 J. H. B.) { Belle Gri.sette rMessenger ■{ (F. S. 567 J. H. B.) Beauty Messenger (P. S. 223 J. H. B.) 17450 i ^.Diana (F. S. 1608 J. H. B.) 1 Beauty (F. S. 1159 J. H. B.) BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 197 *Calista of Newark 13296.— Yield of milk, 195 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of but- ter, 15 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from June 24 to 30, 1885; age, 5 years and 2 months ; property of Andrew Baker, West Dryden, N. Y. f Dexter of Staatsburgh , Vermont 893. / Samson Jr. 2723 < ^'*^' i Dolly 1556. Calista of Newark Susie 2d 778 -! 2"^ ?' SL'^-- ;l32gg J voc- no I Susie 768, imp. ( Royal Prince 2023 -' §"^^0*^1, ^^lo-, o ^ Biddv of Bovina 6C55. ..-^ ' Rachael 2d 313. / Bertha "d 2-'64 J Emperor 28.. ' ^CTina ~a z^rn ^ Bertha 704. * Carrie Pogis 32568.— Yield of milk, 219 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from January 10 to 17, 1885; ag'e, 4 years and 5 months; property of V. E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. \ Lord Lisgar 1066 .; Sne^io? ^^' ' '"'P" rorloff 3143 - ^ T fV / Onhelie 493 -^ "^'^ ^- °^ '^• Carrie Pogis 22568... J ' OphcUe 493 , Lisette 492, imp. '•'' S!''."' .^.': .":'"!''."* '''°^' ''°"'' "" ''''• -'' MatjorSUf i'm^' ' W'12^ °f St- Lambert ^ ^ord Lisgar 1066. °*'^ ■/ Lucy of St. Lambert .5116. * Fannie Landseer 1969.— Yield of milk, 97 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 9 oz. ; test made from February 9 to 16, 1886 ; age, 14 years and 5 months; property of the Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. ( On I. of J. {Landseer 331 < I Dazzle 379, imp. Sylph 615, imp. * La Reine Centennielle 4999.— Yield of milk, 209 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of but- ter, 15 lbs. 9 oz. ; test made from November 10 to 17, 1885; age, 9 years and 4 months ; property of A. R. Hill, North Washington, Pa. I Sirflf Pn 4,^-1 * Monmouth 210. rAquilal208 _^aracen480 | Magnolia 521. Kitp 1fi-74 (C'ilcb266. La Reine Centennielle ' ^ate ib~4 -^ ^^j ^^ 4999 -{ \ Roxbury 247 -\ ^'"JT^^n^"''' ~'^' ^P' I Garland 851 ■{ iW^^V -.o- ) Anna ^Qo i Herdsman 13, . ' ^""^ ""^^ 1 Europa 121, imp. Leoni 2d 29750.— Yield of milk, 148 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from May 21 to 28, 1887 ; age, 4 years and 1 month ; esti- mated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 11 lbs. ground corn and oats; property of John Moore, Jr., Columbia, Tenn. I Khedive ! Tormentor 3533 - (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) rToltecG8.31 ] ' ^^^t. 1607 J. H. B.) ' Onnan 1485 * Rajah 340. imp. Leoni2d 29750 J Oonan 1485 , Omoo 1247, imp. jR-t-l«8 {^^^^k -Leoni 11868. ' Brunette Lass 1780, imp. 198 BUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. *Lily Darling 11713, imp.— Yield of milk, 197 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 9 oz., salted; test made from August 30 to September 5, 1883; age when made, 5 years and 7 months; property of A. C. Jennings, Urbana, Ohio. Feed, 13 qts. ground corn and oats, one-third corn and two-thirds oats; no pasture. * Molly 3554. — Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from September 5 to 13, 1871 ; ag-e, 9 years and 3 months ; property of William S. Lincoln, Worcester, Mass. 3 ^'°""^ '''' -1 CouS 114, imp. Molly 3554 -| Countess 114, imp. \ T.vphoon 77, imp. ^ Venus 112. ' Brenda 789. imp. * Rioter's Nora 21778.— Yield of milk, 333 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 9oz.; test made from October 14 to 30, 1884; age, 3 years and 10 months; property of William Rolph, Markham, Ont., Can. ( *'bertTof6°.^.^': .':'°!'. * ^'°^' ^''^'" "" '''^- ■ • • ' MaSo.«ijmr' Rioter's Nora 21778. ..-{ Pride of Windsor 483, imp. ""nim. ''::':':^z ...' ''°'' "^"^'^ '' ''''• • • • ' ^^S-- ^3^ ioir- ( Duchess of St. Lam- , j „,.-, j ■ „„,. .,-..,. hprt niii j Loid Lissai lO'it). "'^'^'^ ^"^ ( Pride of Windsor 48:3, imp. Romantic 61626.— Yield of milk, 340 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from June 1 to 8, 1889; age, 3 years and 11 months; esti- mated weight, 900 lbs.; g-rain fed daily, 18 qts. meal ; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. ^ North Pacific 4296 -' S°3w4^°- p-orth Pacific Prize 11459- ' ^^"^^^ ^^^ •^^^■ Beauty of Parli Farm 114g4, imp. Romantic 61626 -I |carfe.l640S J Combination 4380 \!X^^: . I Belinda H. 13150 {^^^l^^' Thekla of Clover Nook 33445.— Yield of milk, 191 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from May 11 to 18, 1890; age, 6 j'ears and 1 month; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; no grain fed; pasture only; property of S. N. Warren, Spring Hill, Tenn. 1 Gilderov ^107 -* Magnetic 1428. .Gold Basis 4038 ^ Gilde.o> .107 , Jeanne Le Bas 2476. Thekla of Clover ' Regina 2d 2475 (F. S. 104 J. H. B.) Nook 33445. Noble (F. S esina (F. S. .32 J. H. B.) i J-izel 3501 ■' '^"^'^ 'P- ^- ~^' J- H- ^■> ^Jazers Maid 11011 j^^^^'^'^^ ; Flying '600 -' l>"ellie - (F. S. 137 J. H. B. uuen^bUU iF. S. 2075 J. H. BO I On I. of J. VRachel 2453i! (F. S. 1003 J. H. B.) * Idalene 11 841. —Yield of milk, 234 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8^4 oz., salted; test made from August 6 to 12, 1883 ; age when made, 4 years and 10 months ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. I Mercury 432 -1 'M^'' ?~; 1-06000 1673 - lAlpheal.l. I / Ceres 427, imp. Idalene 11841 ■{ I Mercury 432 -' J"P^e^^5: Ixyca 4.559 -^ ^ ' ^^'P^f^ ^l\-,^ . / TIvhlT -1001 t Dolptiin 2d408, imp. Jri} Dia ,JJi -i.JnWe Richards 1674. *Les Marais' Dell 20314.— Yield of milk, 189 lbs. 4oz.; yiekl of butter, 15 lbs. S^o oz. ; test made from Xov^ember 19 to 25, 1885; age, 4 years and 9 months ; property of Frederick Loeser, Somerville, N. J. I Vert urn nus rBobby • (P. S. 161J. H. B.) (P. S. 208 J. H. B.) / Young Rose rSilver J. (P. S. 43 J. H. B.) (P. S. 287 J. H. B.) Les Marais' Dell 20314-^ ^Daisy (P. S. 1496 J. H. B.) tpicton(F. S.4236J. H. B.) * Lustre 2062.— Yield of milk, 286 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8}4 oz.; test made from June 13 to 18, 1876 ; age when made, 4 years ; property of C. S. Dole, Crystal Lake, 111. Test made without feed ; pasturage of mixed grasses. Oranc^e Peel 502 * Clement 115 (F. S. 61 J. H. B.) Lustre 2062 \ iF. S. 129 J. H. B.) Locket 560. I Cowslip (P. S. 330 J. H. B.) i On L of J. '( Laura 559, imp. Pet of Rose Lawn 1 1326.— Yield of milk, 246 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 81-2 oz. (official); test made from June 20 to 27, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 1 month ; grain fed daily, about 12 qts. ground oats and 3 qts. corn meal ; property' of Jacob S. Rogers, Paterson, N. J. Aventurier 42.54. Jose Lawn | 11326. n^t I -,1.11 1-1- t Columbiad .534, imp. i Columbiad 2d l..lo -, Ceiestia 1898. , Feiipia Q-it J Tally Ho 880, imp. Pet of Rose Lawn ' " ^'^^'^ '^'^^ ( Neatness 1894. ( Columbiad 2d 1515. ...\ S",'""''^'?!^ ■^' ™P- , Rose of Rose Lawn 9365 -^ £! ff'ii^.^^^^- Rose Lawn 3G90. I Fritz ,565. 1 Sea Foam 2171. 200 BUTTEE TESTS OF JEKSEYS. Pride's Queen 66442.— Yield of milk, 231 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of !.>utter, lo lbs. SJ2 oz.; test made from September 3 to 10, 1890; age, 3 years and 6 months; actual weight, 810 lbs.; grain fed dailj', 12 lbs., consisting of cut oats, yellow meal and wheat bran, mixed, and 1 lb. oil meal ; property of Holly Grove Farm, Plainfield, X. J. Pride of the Island 5416, imp. Pride's Queen 66442. . -( /'Dulce of Maplehurst 2-390. ( Duke of Patterson 1600. Dellia Regina 9474 4 " ( Clari 4266. Trls. Ron-!„o Ko,\i * Duke of Patterson 1600. * Tormentor's Cinderella 19564.— Yield of milk, 280 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. SJo oz.; test made from December 24 to 30, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 9 months; property of M. C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. (Khedive «Leo(F. S. 19SJ. H. B.) ft.neuive_ . ••••••• , Coomassie 11874 I" Tormentor :J533 < (f.b.w-iJ.u.ti.) (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) Tormentor's *^- ^- '^^ '^- ^- ^-^ ( Angela (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) Cinderella 19564....-! I . n„«,v„«. fion Olonadnock 2.58. lp>,r«nh fiiir,r,^i -xjQ- < Ch'ef -Jusiice 2d 1043. Ittih rr«^qq i The Colonel 299, ", Hilda B 3952. ^ Hilda B-B 8599 'i Hilda B 395'. 'Chief Justice 252. (Hilda B39o2 "j Hilda 942. 202 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. "Jeanne Le Bas 3476. — Yield of butter, l.-> lbs. 8 oz.; property of Holder Bordeu-Boweu, Bristol, R. I. ;Noblo(F. S. 71 J. II. B.) Jeanne Le Bas 2476 . ' Dairy Pride (F. S. .MS J. H. B.) *La Belle Petite 5472.— Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made in June, 1881 ; age when made, 5 years ; property of Cooper & Maddux, Reading, Ohio. S stoke Pogis 1259, imp.. ] |°™S Rioter 751 E. H. B. f Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 . t,'. C,;„t<>-ir 9jn Ti- tt r ( Marjoram 32.39, imp. . . . ] ^^.^ ""' ^- ^- ^- La Belle Petite 5472.^ > Stoke Pog.s 1259, imp . . \ ^^'I'f Rioter 751 E. H. B. V La Petite Mere 5470. . . . -, Rnsr w i ^7 F tt R ( Violet 3d 3240, imp ] fl'^ltl'^' ^- ''■''■ La Pucelle 16829.— Yield of milk, 271 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz. ; test made from Sept. 20 to 26, 1886; age, 7 years and 5 months; estimated weight, 1,100 lbs.; grain fed during test, 8 qts. oats and 4 qts. shorts, daily; property of T. R. Proctor, Utica, N. Y. f Mercutio 4591 i ''• ^''''"^ "'' ' EJ^uty rill, imp. I Mercutio 4591 -< Pj,j^j^[. barren 1490. ( Negress .651 - ^^^^^ ^j^, ^^g , La Pucelle 16829 -I 1 Clifton Prince 1640. \ &'^^.^'""'''' ^^'^• VNannette of Allerton 8515. . ■{ PW.Pirf; ' Brinca 4019. \ Plon-Plon 1111. ( BinEce 2852. * Marie C. Magnet 22903.— Yield of milk, 305 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from June 3 to 9, 1885 ; age, 2 3'ears and 23 days; property of John Boyd, Elmhurst, 111. {Champion of America ( May Boy 705. ^^^' I Pansy 1019. Mini- ■'54S -' ^'aenet 968. Marie C. Magnet 22903- " / Mattie Micawber 2547. I ( Champion of America pj^y Fioy 7( Mink254S. "" ""'"'•"" 05. ^Mav Champion 14104... I Pansy 1019. ■ J[erry 4814, imp. *Mrs. Knickerbocker 19367.— Yield of milk, 305 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of but- ter, 15 lbs. 8 oz. ; test made from May 21 to 27, 1885; age, 6 years; property of L. L. Cramer, Macedon, N. Y. rM^ti tit- ( Jack Horner 514. imp. , Bingo 181 1 Motley ,.10 • -^^^^ Merriliesl372, imp. Mrs. Knickerbocker Bessie 1.39, imp. 19367 -{ I i Collamorc's Atlantic (Apis 1206 -' 739, imp. ^Miss Beauty 4053 - / Undine 18G4, imp. ' -II- T>i„==„^ -incr- ( CcBur de Lion 318, imp. Miss Blossom 1986 -j jj^^jy jj^^^pj^, 3.._ -^^^^^ BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 203 * My Queen 12614.— Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz.; property of John V. N. Willis. Marlborovigh, N. J. i Malcolm 71 -j gr^JiiLld 107. •r {Young Duke 138 Carrie 3894 Duchess 101, imp. 1868. i Sir Charles 131, imp. 1860. I Mary Lowndes 273, imp. 1860. *Niva 7523.— Yield of milk, 201 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz., salted ; test made from April 14 to 20, 1883 ; age when made, 4 years and 9 months ; propei'ty of C. A. Keefer, Sterling, 111. ( Alnhpn« 116S -' Mercury 4.32. .Caen 2.317 I Aipneus iibS / Europa 176. ' Countes of Normandy ( On I. of J. ■ 2675 < Niva 7523 -{ ( Young Pansy 2478, imp. ( Srrnop-p ^RQ * ^^^ Weller 271, imp. ^Countess Gisela 2820. . . J ^'•rooge doy ^ g^^^g ggg^ j^^^p I Gazelle 99G -* Diogenes 277. ( i,azene jyo ^ Countess 3d 990. * Palestina 4644. — Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz., salted; test made from April 30 to May 7, 1883 ; age when made, 8 years and 1 month ; property of A. F. Mullin, Mt. Holly Springs, Pa. Feed, 2 qts. meal — half corn and half oats — 2 qts. wheat bran and 1 qt. oil meal, twice daily; hay first half of week and green rye second. The change to rye seemed to decrease the butter. r Pierrot 2d 1669. Palestina 4644 -! ( Pierrot 6.36, imp. ( Dainty 796, imp. I , Gen. Scott 46 \ IpI^^I'^^' ™P- ^Palestine 3d 1104 ■{ I bue 2d 65. Palestine 26, imp. ♦Pinafore 2d 15072.— Yield of milk, 182 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from June 13 to 19, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 5 months ; property of Jacob Lusk, East Palmyra, N. Y. This test was made on grass alone. I Pomfret ,3415 \ >>iV^P°P S . /- Vermonter .5620 \ n"'^,?„l"fr.~?^' ™P- Evelvn2dfi727 I Hamilton 10.4. ( iu\e\}ma b,j, ^ Evelyn 3104. Pinafore 2d 15072 -( I Almont 2789 -j S,9^'^^.^°° "^^ \ Pirmfrirp R9«Q J /llnadOSl. V i-marore s^a ^ ^ Narragansett 375. ( Jennie Clover 6403 ■ g^j,,^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ 204 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Pogis Oonan 29890.— Yield of milk, 204 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from November 30 to December 7, 1889; age, 5 years and 1 month; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 24 lbs. chopped corn and wheat bran, mixed ; property of Algernon K. Johnston, Stapleton, N. Y. 'Nancy's Rioter 8390. 'Sir Gcorse of St. Lam- bert 0036 ^Nancy of St. Lambert 13904 Pogis Oonan 29890... -{ (Toltec6831. • Little Accident 15578. . . Odelle Sales 15564. ( Stoke Pogis .3d 2238. / Pride of Windsor 483, imp. ( Stoke Pogis 3d 3238. ( Lucy of St. Lambert .5110. ( Tormentor 3533 - (F. S. 2,59 J.H.B.) I Oonnn 1485. ( Tormentor 35f 3. .{ (F. S. 2.59 J. H. B.) Oonan 1185. * Princess Le Brocq 17261. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz. ; test made from June 12 to 19, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 9 months ; property of O. Guitar, Columbia, Mo. Princess Le Brocq 17261 fLeBrocq's Prize 3350.. [ Princess of St. Saviour's 7470 - On I. of J. Matin 7768 (F. S. 1029 J. H. B.) 'Noble (P. S. 93 J. H. B.) I Horace ' (P. S. 94 J. H. B.) ' Cigarette (F. S. 1902 J. H. B.) 1 Jacques ' (P. S. 03 J. H. B.) ( Lilian (F. S. 931 .T. H. B ) ^Princess, on I. of J. Prusa Pedro 50877.— Yield of milk, 216 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from October 14 to 21, 1890; age, 3 years and 9 montlis ; estimated weight. TOO lbs.; no grain fed ; test made on grass alone ; property of Mrs. J. H. Martin, Granville, N. Y. . Pedro 3187 KingPeto 10541. Prusa Pedro 5087'i ^ June Pansv 27317. Alice W. of Milton 12852 I Europa's Duke 4832.... I Papilio2d 20622 Domino of Darlington 21,59. Eurotas 2454. I King of Scituate 3022. I Ladv Wellington of Milton 12234. ( Brown Duke 2190. '( Europa 170. ( Morcar 2598- 1 Papilio 4759. * Safety 13463 (F. S. 2162 J. H. B.)— Yield of milk, 255 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from February 8 to 14, 1886 ; age, 8 3' ears ; property of Frederick Billings, Woodstock, Vt. Sedate 2d 20389.— Yield of milk, 160 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from January 27 to February 3, 1890; age, 7 3'ears ; esti- mated weight, 700 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 6 qts. ground corn and barley; prop- erty of S. N. Warren, Spring Hill, Tenn. Wompo Boy 2830 "1 !S'i?&, ™p. ' Miss Vermont 7698, imp. ( Wanderer 3014 i Signal 1170. 3 ^^ anaerer .W14 -j poggfte 3S74. ^ S'g'^a'i^ ^303 -j fifj:i^n^^;*^ersey 2736, imp. Sedate 2d 20.389. ' Master Vermont 4304. . .Sedate 11119. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 206 * Sylvia 687. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from June 10 to 16, 1876; age, 11 years and li^ months; property of Fairbanks & Co., St. Johnsbury, Vt. ( Dick Swiveller 74 ■{ ^/m imn f Abe Lincoln 268 { ^'.°™ r^yi P- I T)iana fiT-^ * Diamond 155. imp. (Diana b,, i Flora 113, Imp. Sylvia 687 -{ (Czar 27.3. .Millie 690 - j On I. of J. "/ Jennie 686, imp. Snowdrop 688, imp. * Violet 3d 3240, imp.— Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz.; property of T. S. Cooper, Cooper.sburgh, Pa. * Young Duchess 497.— Yield of milk, VdS% qts.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz. ; test made from June 30 to July 6, 1874 ; age, 6 years and 2 months ; property of H. S. Parker, Bay Side, N. Y. The week previous to this test, or from June 20 to 26 inclusive. Young Dvxchess made 15 lbs. 4 oz. on grass alone ; the pasturage then began to fail on recount of droug-ht, and she was fed 3 qts. bran, 2 qts. corn meal and 1 qt. linseed oil-cake daily, with result above. (On I. of J. Young Duchess 497 - ( Duchess 101, imp. Zenobia Stoke Pogis 37292.— Yield of milk, 162 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from A2:>ril 23 to 30, 1889; age, 3 years and 3 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 25 lbs., I4 corn meal, ^-^ fine feed and ^2 bran ; property of P. J. Cogswell, Rochester, N. Y. fExile of St. Lambert ( ^l^^.f °^ »/ ^t. Lam- , Qrloff ,3143. I 13657 < ^" "^'^^ "I Charity of St. Lambert Zenobia Stoke Pogis J ( Allie of St. Lambert t stoke Pogis 3d 22.38. ■^'-••^ T -^^"^ ■/ Kathleen Of St. Lam- bert 5122. ( Stand Point 7th 7929 ....-; I!:1"f J^i^^.^n^^*'^- LMinto ray 27705 | f^-^ete'c'- [ Lad} Kositta ~< ,01 -^ Ladv Madge 25541. * Beauty 2076.— Yield of milk, 205 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from August 1 to 7, 1885 ; age, 16 years and 5 months ; property of Cornelius Wellington, East Lexington, Mass. (Jack 834, imp. I' Peter 835 j ' Flora 2075 Beauty 2076 -{ ( Earl 219. I Chloe 2074. iLinmere220 ' t nii^^^f ' ^ Diana 2d 1718 \ Czar-5l2 imp * Diana 1687 Sluie 168 Xp. 206 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Catchfly 3d 35499.— Yield of milk, 280 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 7 oz. ; test made from Aug'ust 19 to 36, 1S90 ; age, 5 years and 3 months; esti- mated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 30 lbs. of a mixture consisting of f bran, 4 old process oil meal and i corn meal ; property of W. C. Norton, Agent, Aldenville, Pa. Allrieht's Much Ado •428. ( Much Ado 2405. plaster Richmond 7429. •{ '■*"" "( Allright 5477. ' T> Tj „„, eooe \ Schiiichon 11.32. , Peggy Beach 6336 - pp„o.,. t p„u onqr Catchfly 3d 35499. '_ ' ^^"^^ ^^^'^ ■^"^' " T5 <-ir. i Diamond Earl 311G. , Rocco 4517 - T^.,„,: in..- ^ Catchfly 25405 - EiiiDeror '>S7 ' Pbcebe 4th 2271 -) p^^be Vo'Vmp. X * Copper 1979. — Yield of butter. 15 lbs. 7 oz., salted ; test made from June 6 to 13, 1878 ; age when made, 8 years ; property of Miller Ketchura, Westport, Conn {tr„„i..«„.„ "CO * Bliicher 48, imp. Hockanum .92 - oevvdrop 11,58, imp- \ Splendid 2, imp. Rose .3d 913 - ' T?ose -'d '>« -' Jersey 9, imp. Cora of Hillside 25253.— Yield of milk, 300 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from May 13 to 19, 1887; age, 5 years and 9 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed during test, 8 qts. per day, one-third corn and two-thirds oats, ground ; property of David Strong, Winsted- Conn. \ Merry Boy {Sweepstakes Duke 1905.-^ (P. S. 61 J. H. B.) iF.'Zso-iJ.B.B.) Lucy 4577, imp. ^ ^u,»,uc .U..O.. Lucullus "6% \ Sweepstakes Duke 1905. .-, , ,,..,.- ( i^ucuims ..oya 1 Lucy 4.577, imp. \.Cora of Lebanon 1163. . . . < Le Gele 2694. ' &azellette 2d 6032 i Qazellette 4589. * Countess Godiva 10820.— Yield of milk, 310 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from June 31 to 26, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 4 months ; prop- erty of H. M. Baum, Frankfort, Ind. This test is for six days onlj^; the milk of the seventh day was accidentally lost. ,^ . . .,„,, ^PineCliffllOe -is!! Catherine 408, imp. 1^ Osiris 3792 -. ' ' I ( Vashti 2555, imp. Countess Godiva 10820-! i\fnhnr,onUM ( Willie Bov 4.34. r. 1- . A I in~«n i ^^^'i^P'^'^ "^^ ■/ Ladv Ella 2d 1150. \Cali8ta Appel 10.60 < . ri - y>„,,,,. ,0.3 ) Lady Augusta 2d 1151 . . ■] ^^^ i^^^'.^lfi 147, imp. * Crust 4775. — Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 7 oz., salted; test made from Feb- ruary 8 to 14, 1883; age when made, 7 years; propertj' of James B. Wilder, Louisville, Ky. (Mercury432 \'^l^,. Alpheus 1168 - j„^iter 93. Crn8t4775 ] f Europa 1,6 (AlpheaKl. ' Countess of Windsor 2024, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 207 * Ette 10315. — Averag-e yield of milk nearly 15 qts. per day ; yield of but- ter, 15 lbs. 7 oz. ; test made from March 15 to 21, 1884 ; age, 4 years ; property of S. W. White, Hernando, Miss. Ette 10315. , Duke of Magnolia ^'826. ^ Queenette 5274 . Duke of Grayholdt 1035, imp. Fleuret 2759 , Duke of Grayholdt 1035, imp. FleuriUa 2720. 1 Concha 1397 -\ lf:'±^''~\^3oi'^^^- ' I Phoebe oth 2330. Little Queen 3357. 1 Mack 722. "l Mischief 954. *Friz Cam 14655.— Yield of milk, 217 lbs,; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 7oz.; test made from October 29 to November 4, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 7 months ; property of R. McMichael, Lexington, Ky. iSifTnanirn i Marius 760. rcamerlengo 3012 .^'g^^' "'^ ( Pansy Morris 2060. ( Maiden of Jersey 2736, imp. Friz Cam 14655 4 [pansy of Willow Dale ( Gustavus 1195 ] ?^fP°lf2?Q^?J,;i"'P- ^ yr.g| 1 / Gracie 7b9, mip. * ^^^y "f '^^'""^ I>^1« , Gustavus 1195. " ( Marie Stuart 7752. *Gilderine of Linwood 24488.— Yield of milk, 163 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from August 9 to 15, 1886 ; age, 3 years and 9 months ; property of Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. \ Gilderoy 2107 -\ fS^tUt 2476 r Gold Basis 4038 - Nnhu.(v\msiri R ^ Gilderine of Lin- Regina 2d 2475 - S°X„7p^o ^oo V h" r wood 24488 J. (P. S. 16J. H. B.) ( Regina(F. b. 3. J. H. B.) I i Lawrence 61 '^Countess Gisela of ( Lord Lawrence 1414. ... - (F. S. 84 J. H. B.) Belle Vue 9571 -' ( Lady Mary 1148, imp. ( Mary Jane of Belle ( Remarkable Vue 6956 - (F. S. 229 J. H. B.) (Nelly(F. S. 1509J. H. B.) KoflFee's Grisette 30433.— Yield of milk, 147 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from June 6 to 12, 1887; age, 2 years and 8 months; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. bran, 4 qts. ground corn and oats, and 1 qt. pea meal ; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. I Guy Fawkes ■{ (F. S. 251 J. H. X,.) I Brown Bess (F. S. 755J. H. B.) ( Neptune Coomassic 11874 < (P. S. 14 J. H. B.) I Jersey Pride (F. S. 1716 J. H. B.) Duke of Darlington 2460 ] IXt^s 2454'!' KofEee'8 Grisette 30433 . King Koffee 5522. ^Sir George (P. S. 221 J. H. B.) L Bonnie Grisette 2d 19526 K ( Bonnie Grisette 6979 ( Rajah of GreenVale 2533 I Grisette 59G. 208 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEVS. Lady Dorlena 36103.— Yield of milk, 349 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from June 2~) to July 2, 1889 ; age, 4 years ; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 lbs. bran, 4 lbs. oat meal and 4 lbs. corn meal ; prop- erty of H. M. Baum, Fi-ankfort, Ind. ,' Lady Mary's Chelten ^ Chelten Duke 9iM j dmL^ss WU imp. Duke bUO-J - ' ' ^ T 1 T^ 1 .-,,.,.,. / Lady Mary 1148, imp. Lady Dorlena 3(310.). . . - j j > i' I \ Duke of Grayholdt 1035, ^Leiia of Pleasant l Elsmore 4384 - imp. View 13453 ■{ I Lonelte -^719, imp. ^«'— ^^or ^^^if Le Broemer 10670. — Yield of milk, 277 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, lo lbs. 7oz.; test made from June 5 to 12, 1889; age, 9 years and 9 months; esti- mated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed dail}^ 9)^ lbs. corn meal and fine bran, equal parts of each, and 2^^ lbs. oil meal ; property of George Burr, Lodi, Ohio. ' On I. of J. . LeBrocq's Prize 3350. .Matin 7768. Le Broemer 10670. . \ Marius 7G0 ' Carrie of Hillside .386.5. . -j j ( Horace < (P. S. 94 J. H. B.) ( Cigarette (F. S. 106-2 J. H. B. \ Willie Boy 434. ) Lady Mary 1148. imp. Ramchunder 718. uno 890. Maudie of White Lick 29682.— Yield of milk, 189 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from December 30, 1888, to January 6, 1889; age, 6 years and 3 months; estimated weight, 875 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 18 ll>s. corn and cob meal, ground oats and bran ; property of S. H. Godman, Muncie, Ind. I Duke of Grayholdt 1035, \ Duke of Magnolia 2850. -j imp. / Kin.■^nlan 33.38 - I Fleuret 2759. Maudie of White Lick | ' Myce 1810 -J BmtonVsf ' I \ Kinsman ,3338 -] »"k| of Magnolia 2826. 4o B. 3d 12881 -: fe^-^lv Prince "59 ( 10 B. 6286 -110 511^28" Oaklands Nora 2d 45967.— Yield of milk, 307 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from June 3 to 9, 1890; age, 3 years and 9 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 9 lbs. corn meal and ship stuff, in equal parts ; property of H. G. Westlake, Hillsdale, N. Y. r Canada" 1.5693. i John Bull Jr. Oaklands Xora 2d 45967 I Sir George of St. Lam- Canada's John Bull 8388-, bert 6036. ( Nymph of St. Lambert 12968. ; Lome 5248. Pet of St. Lambert 512;3. Oaklands Nora 14880. Oaklands Nora 148S0. Lome .5248 1 Lord Lisgar 106fi. ") Favorite ot St. Lambert 5118. Pet of St T amhert 51-->3i ^°^^ Lisgar 1066. pet or St. Lambert .ol~3-^ J^^^^^. ^j gj Lambert 5116. BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. 209 * Olive Branch of Hillcrest 7447,— Yield of milk, 334 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 7 oz. ; test made from June 16 to 23, 1885 ; age, 7 years and 4 months ; property of James Crook, Jacksonville, Ala. , Jeweler 1385. Olive Branch of Hill- crest 7447 ^Olive Leaf 4257 Mogul 532, imp. ( Lookout Jewel Beauty 2cl 1701 ...{ (F. S. 121 J. H. B.) ( Jewel Beauty 1668, imp. SonofAlphea562 j Jgea Va . '''' '"P- Olive 232. j Don Pedro 127 I Nelly Bly 226, imp. * Orphean 4636,— Yield of milk, 83 qts. % pt.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 7 oz., salted ; test made from November 6 to 13, 1883 ; age when made, 8 years and 6 months ; property of S. W. Sterrett, Barnitz, Pa. I Zfltiv ^'il ' Lopez 313, imp. ' Hurd's Ivanhoe 1522 .... -, ^f, , ~it ' , o.i ""!'■ t Blooming Beauty 2.584.. -) f^^^^ Orphean 4636 . ^ May Boy 705 I ^^178?' ' ^P" .Hurd's Orpha 3346 , ^omDa'sher 420. jllZZle 66^ -j ^ gpj^,g pgjgy JJO. 3343. Clifty Beauty 30249.— Yield of milk. 173 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. Q}4 oz. ; test made from August 3 to 9, 1890 ; age, 7 years and 4 months ; esti- mated Aveight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons ground corn; property of H. P. Webster, Columbia, Tenn. Clifty Beauty 30249...^ r Dickinson's Sea Gull 2d ( Dickinson's Sea Gull I 7373 < '^^" I ( Lucie of Glen Dolan 12660 LMay Indian 16075. Gulliver 1162. Annie 3d 2267. \ Beau Brummel 3027. f Empress 3d 2257. ( Indian 17-^1 -* Vespucius 7.58. \ inaian x.^i ^ j^^^^ ^724, imp. (May Leaf 10667. J Stoke Pogis 3d 2238. 1 May Bud of St. Lam- bert 5105. Harry's Ernestine 66232.— Yield of milk, 199 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. Q^ oz. ; test made from May 5 to 13, 1889 ; age, 3 years and 5 months ; esti- mated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons, -3 corn and }4 oats, ground; property of Maury Jersey Farm, Columbia, Tenn. iT T TT .-,.<- I Top-Sawyer 1404. Lord Harry 344., -^ D^^hess of Bloomfleld 36.53. Landseer's Fancy 2876.. I Youn'fr*' Fancy 97. 66232 -I ' " I |Chi„gauk2312 ■j;^S3?i"'''''- ^Ernestine Me. 10686. . ..] Ooiumbfad 2d 1.515. (Alluring .,o41 l Purily 1408. 210 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Lorita 33750.— Yield of milk, 231 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 6i^ oz.; test made from September 15 to 22, 1886; age, 3 years; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. / r)„i !„„ 0-1D ( Sarpedon 930. j Polonius 2ol.3 < Led^ 799 ( Combination 4389 ^ ^ _ ^ ^^_^ ^^ , McClelVan 4th 85. Lorita 33750 4 •UadyMel429 \^}^^^ LMoragina 26344 ^ j Schoharie 12245. ( Belle Morgan 26219 ] vir.torift 21s Victoria 218. * Abbia H. 24221.— Yield of milk, 326 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 6 oz. ; test made from June 13 to 19, 1885 ; age, 2 years and 3 months ; prop- erty of AVilliam H. Hayden, Albany, Vt. \ Tasso of Mount Waite I Earl of Lakeside 4050.. . - 2334. f Alaric of Lakeside 6621.- ( Fannie of Mount Waite Gazelle of Lakeside , Ttr;.^,,'.i^«, i-oc I inix-? I MicawDcr 4i9o. Abbia H. 21221 -{ ^"^ '/ Topsev of Lakeside 10240. i Homer H. 3683 I'^I^'^S' ''''■ Urdell H. 12*30 - Bismarck (Fairbanks') Lucien H. 12322 -' 1277. / Bessie Spaulding 2780. * Alphea 171. — Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 6 oz. ; property of R. M. Hoe, New- York, N. Y. \ Saturn 94, imp. 1861. Alphea 171 -, / Rhea 166, imp. 1861. * Anna Smith 10324.— Yield of milk, 278 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 6 oz., unsalted ; test made from January 24 to 31, 1882; property of A. B. Darling, Ramsey's, N. J. Feed, 3 qts. corn and 3 qts. oats daily. ' Smith of Darlington 24.58. Anna Smith 10324 Violet of Darlington i5573, imp \ On I. of J. / Premium of Darlington 5572, imp. Annie Lane 45345. — Yield of milk, 259 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 6 oz. ; test made from April 17 to 24, 1890; age, 3 years and 10 months; actual weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, between 16 and 24 lb.s., consisting princi- pally of corn meal ; property of William Morrow & Son, Nashville, Tenn. , Catono .3761 . On I. of J. ( Khedive :Ona 7840 -l , iP. S. 103 J. H. B.) A • T ^-o.- ] I Ecornee Annie Lane 4o.34o A (F. S. 846 J. H. B.) (Catono .3761 l 8na 784^- ^ Elsie Lane 13.302 - X"^ { ^j"' /Tirzah Ann 10298 "l Se^indf^28. BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. 211 * Belle of Milford 7445.— Yield of milk, 228 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from March 30 to April 5, 1885 ; age, 6 years and 10 months ; property of T. M. Mosely, West Point, Miss. ( Rajah 340, imp. ,Nelusko479 -I Nellv 55 (Charleston 1. -^^"y °^ (Nanme4. Belle of Milford 7445.-. ( Baltimore Boy 837 -| ??ofet''of'^6akland 380, *- Juliet 3d 5163 ■{ imp. / TiiHpt 19SS t Monmouth 210. [ Juliet 1288 -^ Jjjj^^g gj jggg Carida 37322.— Y^ield of milk, 190 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from Januarys to 15, 1890; age, 3 years and 11 months; estimated weight, 925 lbs.; well fed, but no record of feed kept ; property' of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. Carida 37322. f Bachelor of St. Lam- bert 4558 .Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658.-! u ^Carrie Lena 3d 20077. . Jda of St. Lambert 24990 j Lenox Cash Boy 6804. . . ( Carrie Lena 3348 I Orlofl 3143. '( Charity of St. Lambert (ms. \ Sloke Pogis 3d 22:38. I Kathleen of St. Lam- bert 5122. ( Cash Bov 2248. "/ Smith's Fairy 6162. \ Sam 980. '( Lena 3347. * Dassa Argyle 21180. — Y'ield of milk, 224 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from June 20 to 26, 1886; age, 3 years and 7 months; property of E. Stevens Henry, Rockville, Conn. Dassa Argyle 21180. /"Campbell's Rex 6815 Duchess of Argyle 3d \ John Rex 2761 . /Dahlia 401 Duke of Argyle 1517 Duchess of Argyle 37.58 i Rex 1330. '( Usilda 832. t Raghorn 175. "/ Mignonette 6, imp. S Nestor 773. '( Marilla2899. \ Jack Dasher 932. '( Berlin Daisy .3759. * Enigma 5360.— Yield of milk, 234 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 6 oz., unsalted ; test made from March 19 to 25, 1880 ; age when made, 6 years ; property of Edwin Thorne, Millbrook, N. Y. 'St. Martin 1482. ( On I. of J. '/ Beauty 5311. imp. Enigma 5360. , Little Emily 5350 , Frank Warren 1490 Emily W. 5355, imp. 1870 ( General Warren 1489. ■/ Cowslip 3706. 212 BUTTEK TESTS OF JEItSEYS. Ida's Nan 49957.— Yield of milk, 239 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from June 6 to 13, 1890 ; age, 2 years and 8 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 qts. corn meal and 1 pii-.t cotton-seed meal ; property of M. C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. Ida's Stoke Pos;i Ida's Xan ^957 [ '^ w' a.^"/ ^'- ^'"''" ' Orlofl 3143. iq,.nB J "I Charity of St. Lam- " ^■^•^'•^"■-^ bert0638. I Ida of St Lambert 24900* ^^°^^ P°Sis 3d 2238. Vwa or St. i^amoen^yju ^ Kathleen of St. Lam- bert 5122. . c,-„.,.,i.i„ ,.A.:>- t Signal 1170. ^Nanalda 32917 _, Signalda 4027 ',^^^^3. i (ir^.ioT, 1 IS!; ( Rajah 340, imp. ' * *°"*° ^-^8= -/ Oinoo 1247, imp. * Jersey 3260.— Yield of milk, 212 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 6 oz., .salted; test made from October 29 to November 4, 1882 ; age when made, 18 years and 6 months ; property of Woodside Farm Herd, Troy, N. Y. i Dick Swiveller 74 -' ^,^i°'"7;l- • rDick Swiveller Jr. 276. . - ' ^'°^"^ "•^' "°P' T .,.,ef^ Twilight 977, imp. Jersey 3260 < " ' ' Hifrh T ife S-'^lO -* ^^''°'' ^*59. imp. (.mgn Lite 6~ryj -| pychess 'AS, imp. * Marie S. 12043.— Yield of milk, 192 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from May 15 to 21, 1884 ; age, 3 years and 2 months; prop- erty of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. \ Duke fGrev King - (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) (P. S. 169 J. H. B.) ( Lily Grev fFarmer's Glory .5196. . . .-.' (F. S. 770 J. H. B.) (P. S. 274 J. H. B.) Maries. 12043 -I l^Bonheur (F. S. 1651J. H. B.) t Blossom 12013 (F. S. 1653 J. H. B.) Melia Ann 2d 47464.— Yield of milk, 216 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from June 17 to 24, 1889 ; age, 2 years and 11 months; estiiBated weight, 875 lbs.; grain fed daily, 7 lbs. corn meal and coarse bran (ship stuff); property of Horace G. Westlake, Hillsdale, N. Y. I Duke of Darlington 2460 -' l^Tf^^^l.f^- [ Lord Darlington 7285. . . - ' ^"'^"^'^^ -"'S^. I ( Marjoram 32:59, imp. Melia Ann 2d 47464... J , Lord Aylmer 1067 -) f^i;tel^l ^^''6. ^^'^''^ -^""^ '''' ,n.elia -M 1730 ' V?^ Hn'^o 197, imp. ' A™^'i'i -u i'-w ^ Amelia 484. imp. * Mendota 3d 26326.— Yield of milk, 301 lbs.; jield of butter, 15 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from June 15 to 21, 1885 ; age, 10 years and 1 month ; property of T. L. Hacker & Co., Madison, Wis. ^^ V, ^o.i * On I. of J. romaha 482 - ^^^^ j,,^.^ j^^p Mendota 3d 26326 \ t Mainr 75 \,.„„.„.„ o.o... J «°^^'-' ^^^°'- *^^°- ■ ■ • ■! Flirt 326.- Mendota 26324.... ' Bonamy 10705, imp. BUTTEE TESTS OF JEESEYS. 213 *Moonali's Pet 7484 — Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from April 1 to 7, 1885; age, 8 yeai's and 11 months; property of V. Lowe, Palmyra, Wis. Moonah's Pet 7484. /-Mariiifldnkp 4R-armaauke 4ad -j Margery 1246, imp. I i Ben Kajah 795 -j ifiL^^iTlmD^ V Moonah 2d 7483 <. ^''f^!^ ^^ ''' ™P- , Mnomh "fiOQ * Beecliniit 109. * Phlox 3d 31883.— Yield of milk, 100 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 6oz.; test made from January 5 to 11, 1886; age, 1 year, 8 months and 10 days ; property of Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. I Khedive ( Tormentor 3533 a (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) .ToItec6831 (F- 8. 259 J. H. B.) Unge.a^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^0--1485 ig^^^fi^S;. Phlox 3d 31882 ^ ' "'°''° ^'•''-^" '°^1' ^ Phlox 16399 \ G">' -^rannering 698. ... -[ g?„{.ette La.s 1780, imp. ^ ( Duke of Grayholdt 1035, ' Gazania 4513 -; imp. ( Beauvine 1593, imp. * Champion's Chloe 13255.— Yield of milk, 347 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5% oz.; test made from March 34 to 30, 1884 ; age, 6 years and 4 months; property of A. M. Turner, Northfleld, Conn. , Chanipion of America ^ :SIay Boy 705 -] Oroafs 1787^^' ""''' Champion's Chloe I ^^"^ ' 1 Pansy 1019 -J DoYlyy \°020. ^''^' X/d^tiD A ( ATpriPllan ok i Capt. Darling 535. Iphloe 129 i McClellan .o -^ Angelina Baker 13, imp. ( Pansy 7 thl30. \ John Brown 67. '/ Pansy 8, imp. * City Belle 16539.— Yield of milk, 245 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5}4 oz.; test made from May 10 to 17, 1886; age, 3 years and 11 months; prop- erty of Edward Mayes, Oxford, Miss. , ^,- ,„^,,„„ i-.jfi ( Matchless 900, imp. ,, „ .,,.,., \^ '""'^'^'^^ ^ ' '^9 1 Peredot 23^8, imp ("°""''"''°" -ip— «. ;ss/- City Belle 16539 - rp^^j fBrowny \ (P. S. 77 J. H. B.) W^. 1 , „ lOAQi J »P- S. 158 J. H. B.) Fairy ^Zoedone 12034 ^ ^F. S. 904 J. H. B.) ( On I. of J. * Dairy 3d 3891.— Yield of milk, 336 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. o}4 oz.; test made from May 37 to June 2, 1883 ; age, 8 years and 4 months ; prop- erty of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. /AT^fi,,. ci- t Jack Horner 514, imp. r The Hub 1009 - '' ' ' '^ ' ^''" ^'''''''' '''- '•"?• Dairy 2d .3891 < ' Bessie 139, imp. (Dairy 2861, imp. 214 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Elodie 30222.— Yield of milk, 243 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5i^ oz.; test made from March 27 to April 3, 1889; ag-e, 5 years and 2 months; actual weight, 1,055 lbs.; g-rain fed daih', between 16 and 24 lbs. corn meal; property of William Morrow & Son, Nashville, Tenn. I Nigel Bruce 4124 \ ^^f^f^J' Itx-^^^^' [ Count Coomassie 7542 .A Khedive "''' ' Daisy Queen 9619 \ (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) Elodie 30222 J. ( On I. of J. [Rose of Sylvanhurst ^ Dypsy 3741 \ ^r^lmp. It anraof Avotidalo 10902 -' ^ord Byron 3d 3099. ( Laura ot Avondale 10293 -^ j-avourite of Avondale 7492. * Fawn of St. Lambert 27942.— Yield of milk, 353 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5^^ oz.; test made from March 5 to 11, 1886; age. 3 j'ears, 9 months and 15 days ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. .Baclielor of St. Lam- orinfF i-ii'i. ' Lord Lisgar 1066. bert 4558 \ ph ° irv of St" "l amheVV ' Oplie'ie 493. Fawn of St. Lambert ' ,^^^1^ ^ Lambert , ^^^^^ p -^ .^ ^...^g 27942 \ ^^'^ ■< I ( Flora of St. Lambert I .5.526. ^Allie of St. Lambert , ct^i-,. r>„„;„ oh .»5o * Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. 24991 ] ^^^^^ ^°""* ■^'^ ■^-^- ■■■) Marjoram 32:59, imp. ' Kathleen of St. Lam- i Lord Lisgar 1066. bert .5122 -( Lucy of St. Lambert 5116. Gretchen of Pevely 46325.— Yield of milk, 204 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 53^2 02.; test made from June 1 to 8, 1890; age, 3 years and 6 months ; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 6 lbs. ground oats, 4 lbs. corn meal and 1 lb. oil meal ; property of James T. Henderson, Auvei'gne, Ark. ■ T?i.^>;r,Hc'. T^„L-Q cjca * Duke of Darlington 2460. \ Florinde ^ Duke 4.368. . . -^ piorinde 7110. ) Ppliri!) -i-Jio. » Tally Ho 880. imp. Gretchen of Pevely | ' "Felicia rf.4S -^ Neatness 1894. Thomas Wveth 4-^67 -' ^"'^^ °^ Magnolia 282G. I 1 nomas \\ yetu 4,b, .... ^ pj^^.^^ g^^^ .g.^^^ /'Producer 9.367. n of Pevely 46.325. I Roe Webster 12,562. 'Corona 2d 9146 ] ^I^StOC. *Leah Darlington 13836.— Yield of milk, 187 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5)^ oz.; test made from September 20 to 26, 1884; age, 3 years and 1 month ; property' of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. Leah Darlington I Sarpedon 930 -j ^.f'^^P'Jf" /-Duke of Darlington 2460- rL, <£ .,h .«a i^ '^"••«tas2454 -| Kpa'^r '"P" 13836-^ , JuDiter 03 * Saturn 94, imp. lLeda799 J JupUer 9.3 j Rhea 166 imp. /Europal76 ' 1',' ''!''''" f^i ^ ( Alpliea li 1. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 215 * Litta Oaks 19734.— Yield of milk, 230 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. d^ oz.; test made from May 3 to 8, 1884 ; age, 3 years and 7 months ; jji-operty of James Crook, Jacksonville, Ala. 1 Leo {Khedive ^ (F. S. 198 J. H. B.) (P. S. 103 J. H. B. ( Coomassie 11874 (F. 8. 1442 J. H. B.) j Nonpareil "^Vw"c".w-rT''H'R\^ ^(P°s';^~6J.'H."B.)'"lviolette" ' ' '^ (F. S. .29,0 J. H. B.) I ^p g g.g J jj g_^ ^Lida-Arich. * Witch-Hazel 4th 6131.— Yield of milk, 360 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5^2 "^^-^ test made from May 28 to June 3, 1883 ; age when made, 5 years and 6 months; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. I Lawrence 61 (F. S. 84 J. H. B.) /"Lord Lawrence 1414 -, ( Lady Mary 1148, imp. Witch-Hazel 4lh 6131. ' Wn [ Southampton 117, imp tch-Hazell360., ' ) \ Clement 115 (Hazel 91, imp - (F. S. 61 J. H. B.) / Lady Bird 2-n (F. S.9','.J. H. B.) * La Finaiiciere 11970, imp.— Yield of milk, 238 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5I4 oz.; test made from January 22 to 28, 1886; age, 7 years and 1 month; property of George & H. B. Cromwell, New Dorp, N. Y. ( Merry Bov {Duke - (P. S. Ci J. H. B.) (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) /Superb (F. S. 353 J. H. B.) Lily Grey (F. S. 770 J. H. B.) La Picote, on L of J. * Arawana Buttercup 6052.— Yield of milk, 343 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5 oz. ; test made from May 15 to 21, 1881 ; age when made, 4 years; i:)roperty of T. Alexander Seth, Baltimore, Md. I Rajah 340, imp. 1860. jNorajahSlO -I Arawana Buttercup ' Mora 434 -\ |^"? '^'.«"«''' ^^• 605-2 .. ' I Nelly 5o. 6052 I , Colt Jr. 825 -1 ^"'^ Koy 1 ; imp. Coe's Stella 3030 • ] J^.^^S'^ 20o4 Priyp iQfi? ' Kmn Harold .344, imp. ' ^ "^® ^''*" "! Snowflakes 1004. * Bessie of Montverde 18496.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of bat- ter, 15 lbs. 5 oz. ; test made from June 1 to 7, 1886; age, 4 years and IJ^ months ; property' of G. R. Hill, O.xford, Miss. I Pprrinatti rr^. ( Pilot Jr. 141. ^i-ertmatti ,1.. (Pert 110, imp. / LjKJLKI XFUUIC -iOUKJ -\ * ( Duchess of Bloomfield , -n^^t^^ p~n ;..,., Bessie of Montverde 3653 a ° oi„ i'rso'"'P- 18496 - (Angela 1082. (Ralph Guild 1917 j ^'S/f " ^Elainette 18314 - Hif«h X imn iElainel483 "i ^fy^t e'lS ' '"^- 216 BUTTEE TESTS OF JERSEYS. Daflfy Wilcox 2d 18317.— Yield of milk, 256 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from July 9 to 16, 1886; age, 4 years and 2 months; "Weight, 820 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons ground corn and oats ; property of AY. Gettys, Athens, Tenn. 1 Jas^on of Deerfoot 1636. 1 Lilly Parks 3764. J Jason of Deerfoot 1636. ( Hattie Parks 3770. ' Secretary 4074. Brown Prince 2583. Daffy Wilcox 2d 1831 1 Daflfy Wilcox 4046. Elsie Dinsmore 5834. Wethersfield 966.... Daffy 8669 ) Albert 44. I Grinnella 2d 1.303. I Tom Dasher 420. 't Lady Ortou 2667. *Etta Allman 12185.— Y^ield of milk, 378 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5 oz.: test made from May 4 to 11, 1884; age, 4 years and 1 month ; property of Thos. L. Dodd, Nashville, Tenn. ( Lawrence 01 ( Lord Lawrence 1414 - (F. S. 84 J. H. B.) /•Gen. Marion 2298 < { Lady Marv 1148, imp. { Miiid Marion 1917 J Euclid 520. T7t.. An„„„i.iic- ' I Ladv Marv 1148, imp. Etta Allman 121oo -\ ' ■ ■ ' *' ( Mftha Rniah rti4 * Rajah 340, imp. 'Togas Belle .32.52 - ^'^'^'^ ^^^"^ ''' "/ Flenr de Lis 014, imp. 'B^»<^s^^ \^s^^Ts^. * Gilded Pansy 20552.— Yield of milk, 163 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lb.s. 5 oz.; test made from June 1 to 7, 1885; age, 3 years; property of W. B. Montgomeiy, Starkville, Miss. f Chanipion of America \ May Boy 70.5 -j ^i^ff/igfl"' ""P" ^''^~ "/ p„n,„ 1010 t Lining Storm 173. Gilded Pansy 20552 .. . "! {' \n;„„ 1TJ." ( Nelusko 479. Aldme 11.3b - ^^.^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^.^^ ^.g.^ imp. Gilt Edge 2662 ] Gm" m^'" ^' ^' Iliana 44594.— Yield of milk, 232 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from April 16 to 23, 1889 ; age, 2 years and 2 months ; actual weight, 756 lbs.; grain fed daily averaged 19 lbs. corn meal, oat meal and bran, in equal parts ; property of Jacob L. Thomas, Knoxville, Tenn. Iliana 44594. 'Oonan's Signal 11586. . . ^Golden Sheen 25561. , „ ,^ na-^-, \ Tormentor ,3.533. ^Toltec6831 "i Oonan 1485. re oei ( * Signal 1170. ^"0^16 8614 ■( Zila 2d 3082. Hai)py Cicero 10001 . i Cicero 7057. '[ La Dame (F.S. 2301 .T. H. B.) i Cruiser Lily of the Grov 24555.-^ (P. S 292 J. H. B.) / Moldavia (F. S. 3162 J. H. B.) BUTTEK TESTS OF JEKSEYS. 217 Leonette 29752.— Yield of milk, 130 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from July 31 to August 7, 1887 ; age, 3 years and 4 months ; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 10 lbs. ground corn and oats; property of John Moore, Jr., Columbia, Tenn. I Khedive ( Tormentor .3533 - (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) rTo'^-««3i '•^"n.ieorj.H.B.) ^ Oonan 1485 ■> ^'^^^ "^^ '.'"P- Leonette 29752 4 ' 0"^°° ^~^' ' '°^P- ( Rector 1458 \ IT'J'^^o^^ito ^ Leoni 11868 ^ ^ Roxana 2d 2532. ' Brunette Lass 1780, imp. * Letitia 3977.— Yield of milk, 209 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from April 30 to May 6, 1884 ; age, 8 years and 5 months ; prop- erty of M. M. Gardner, Nashville, Tenn. ( Rioter 670, imp. Letitia 397'i ■Angela 1682. Roxbury 247 \ ^TJ^ao°''' ^-^' '"'^'• Europa 121, imp. Rose ' Miss Dora Deane 24505.— Yield of milk, 230 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5 oz. (official); test made from June 12 to 18, 1886 ; age, 3 years and 11 months; actual weight, 925 lbs.; grain fed daily averaged about 15 lbs. corn meal and 4^^ lbs. crushed oats ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. 'Argo 3737. Miss Dora Deane 24505-( ■Eunice of Belle Vue 7704 Guy Mannering 698. t On I. of J. '( Brunette Lass 1780, imp. 1 Ar<^osv 43-'0 * i^^^^^ '^■''^■ ! Argosy i-i^u ^ Plenty 950. Lord Lawrence 1414. . . Effie Goodloe 4806 I Lawrence 61 - (P. S. 84 J. H. B.) ( Lady Mary 1148, imp. ( Planet 1130. "/ Effle of Staatsburgh 3194. Preference 26343.— Yield of milk, 313 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from March 3 to 10, 1888 ; age, 4 years and 1 month ; weight, 960 lbs.; grain fed daily, 9 lbs. oats, 6 lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. cotton-seed meal and 3 lbs. oil meal ; property of Mrs. Mary A. Thomas, Bristol, Conn. ( Monarch of the Sea 5079 \ ?J°'^" ^''^^ ^^^O. {Dominie 11 135 } » ^{Veen of Ocean .3659. buckwheat 13840 \^^l^, / Mirth 1181 * Magnet 968. Buckwheat 13840 -* "' Motley's Medusa 3033. (Begum 7029 ■! r '"'' ""^i^Q ^ ° ( Baggage 7028. 218 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Romp Ogden 2d 4764.— Yield of milk, 263^^ lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5 oz., salted )^ oz. to lb.; test made from May 20 to 26, 1882 ; age wlien made, 6 years and 3 months ; property of William E. Oates, Vicksburg, Miss. 'Pertinatti 713 .j Pi'ot Jr. 141 "j Ky 287, imp. ( Pert 110, imp. Romp Ogden 2d 4764.-' I Komp Ogden 1.571 [ l^^Jtm. [ Romp 1098 ■, Buttercup 3d 109&. j' 4764.-^ St. Lambert Hebe 54069.— Yield of milk, 114 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from August 15 to 22, 1890; age, 1 year and 10 months; estimated weig'ht, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 25 lbs. ground corn, oats and peas and 5 lbs. shorts ; property of Charles E. Hill, Denver, Col. 1 Sir George of St. Lam- [ ^S °' !^- ^^"'"^ \ "'"''"' '^""^ """" '''''( ^S^^St. Lambert St. Lambert Hebe ' 1 , R,!^^^''.'.a-i^ •^^069 i ' Pearl of St. Lambert .55-27 -J ^''f f,' ~^f ^Lambert 5525. Uebe of canterbury , Paugus 5232 ] ^^f::^!^: 33917. Dagu^ar of Canterbury ^ ^^..^..^^ ^g^^, ~^''^ 1 Canterbury Belle 4751. * Zalma 8778.— Yield of milk, 221 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 5 oz., salted ; test made from February 15 to 21, 1883; age when made, 4 years and 11 months ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. Feed, corn and oats ground together, a little oil meal, best clover hay, some roots ; no pasture. , T„^it„„ no * Saturn 94, imp. ( Mercury 43- ^ ' ^""'^ ^66,'impP I '^1"C"^> ^■^- 1 , , , j„ t Saturn 94, imp. ( A.pnea i,i ^ Rhea 166, imp. Zalma 8778 - ^ Dolphin 2d 468, imp. V Hy bla 2991 - , Ba^han 'M .363 ' J»'ie Richards 1674 ; ^^ Richarl 1017. *Calypris 5943.— Y'ield of milk, 234 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4% oz.; test made from June 2 to 9, 1884 ; age, 7 years and 1 month ; property of Beech Grove Farm, Beech Grove, Ind. .Marius760 J ~ Boy 434 ) E^J; S^, ^48, imp. I ( Lady Mary 1148, imp. Calypri8 5943 \ (Reno 563 1 KVfio' ''"P" I Rene Calypso 3205 < non'en i^^ninaim Rene 2d 56. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 219 *C8nie Wallace 2d 6557.— Yield of milk, 239 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 41^ oz., salted ; test made from Maj' 16 to 22, 1882 ; age when made, 4 years and 7 months ; property'- of W. B. IMontgomery, Starkville, Miss. Fed thrice daily on bran, corn meal and cotton seed ; good pastm'e. 'Ralph 957 Cenie Wallace Sd 6557 ^Cenie Wallace 2663. j St. Helier45, imp. I Ibi 671 ( Bertie 267. '/ Claude 669. J-eJr.870 ] g'elfeTh 1180. St. Mary 409, imp. Dolly Doyle 22788.— Yield of milk, 153 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 43^ oz.; test made from July 31 to August 7, 1887; ag'e, 5 years and 7 months; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 12 lbs. ground corn and oats ; property of John Moore, Jr., Columbia, Tenn. i Watson 3451 1 «™,^||f ( Tom Doyle 4695 ' S2^, '" 1 ^l^' I Dovie of Linwood 6857. -) fg^Dove 4«8. Dolly Dovle 22788....-^ ( Gen. Marion 2298 ' 1^"'!^, ^f "'•''^''^'ce 1414. Carrie H. 12182 - ' ^ "'^^ ^^^'?,'U^^ ' " Fvpla -^251 ' '''hfi Ra.iah 794. ' ^^'^^^ •"''^ ( Natali 1433. * Mary's Silver Drop 14235.— Yield of milk, 247 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of but- ter, 15 lbs. 43^ oz.; test made from May 28 to June 3, 1884; age, 3 years and 6 months ; property of C. Bordwell, Batavia, Ohio. Mary's Silver Drop 14235 Dudley 3999. , Butter-Stamp 700 1 2'\f °^-''^' ,^^0 • I ^ I Buttermine 1768, imp. ,Mary of Bear Lake 6171 ' Lady Palestine 2769. . \ Prince of Warren 1512. i Jer.sev Prince 1062. "( Palestine 2d 1455. ( Southampton 117, imp. '( Golddrop 222, imp. 1 Warren's Duchess 4622. \ OP'im"s 1607. ' / Countess of Warren Pretty Patty 44108.— Yield of milk, 225 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4^ oz.; test made from June 4 to 11, 1890; age, 3 years and 2 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; no record of feed kept ; ordinary rations ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. Pretty Patty 44108. f Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 [Yellow Lass 32603. ( Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. ■ ■ ■ '( Marjoram 3239, imp. ( Yellow Boy 6381 \ Duke of Darlington 2460. ) • I Daisy 692. imp. I That Lass o' Lowrie's . r.„ t f t 9128 ,' O" ^- "f J- 1 Eozel Lass 7280, imp. 0 220 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. *Rockwood Maid 8375.— Yield of milk, 373 lbs. 2% oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4J2 02;.; test made from June 21 to 28, 1885; age, 7 years and 5 months; propertj' of E. D. Griswold, Orwell, Vt. ( Grand Duke Alexis 1040 -J vfctoHne^achaise 2740, C Count Logan 1599 { imp. I / rv 1, T .i~i~ I Losan 405, imp. ' Belle Logan 'Z,\, - Beflefleld 1115 imp. Rock wood Maid S3T5.-( I , T • /I -VT o r-oK t Llndo 2.33. i, , ^, ,„,, ^LindoNo.2,r35 ■, Iris 89, imp. ^ Lady Clover 8024 -. , Taurus 244. ( Clover 58o -^ Buckeye 74, imp. ♦Victory 16379, imp.— Yield of milk, 277 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4^^ oz., unsalted ; test made from April 16 to 23, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years ; property of V. E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. Angetta 19404. — Yield of milk, 275 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; test )nade June 9 to 15, 1887 ; age, 5 years and 2 months ; estimated weight, 600 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 4 lbs. corn meal, 2 lbs. oil meal and 16 lbs. bran ; property of A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y. r,. „„. „, .«..„ j Matchless 906. , Mahkeenac 3290 . ^ t',,,.^,,0 i-c J Jupiter 93. ^^'^°P*1'6 Ulpheam. Angetta 19404 \ , Young Yankee /Jersey Golddust 2134...^ (P. S. 62 J. H. B.) It . A , in-n- Clelie 2d ^ Lady Anerly 10.^9.0 ) (P. S. 04 J. H. B.) ( Anne Pa<-p "tiQll i '^O" °^ Alphea 562. k Anne J age ~b9t) .j Princess 1154. * Baron's Rosette 25988.— Yield of milk, 181 lbs. 13 oz^; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from August 24 to 31, 1884; age, 2 years and 6 months; property of J. M. McMillan, Paris, Ky. *^ ^ - (Grey King f Farmer's Glory 5196....- (P. S. 169 J. H. B.) (F. S. 274 J. H. B.) ( Bouheur , Baron \ (P. S. 1651 J. H. B.) i iP. S. 289 J. H. B.) (Dick l^Perry Farm Maid \ (F. S. 223 J. H. B.) Baron's Rosette 2.5988-^ (P- S. 178 J. H. B.) ( Bijou I (F. S. 989 J. H. B.) Ckarming of St. Lambert 69077.— Yield of milk, 137 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from December 3 to 10, 1890; age, 2 j-ears and 8 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 3 qts. pea meal, 3 qts. corn meal, 6 qts. bran and 6 qts. oats ; property of Mrs. E. M. Jones, Brock- ville, Ont., Can. c. , Ti ■ r,A no.3Q ( Stokc Pogls 1259, imp. ,.,.,..... ^^"^"^ ^°"" ^^ "^- ■■•'I Marjoram 3239, imp- /"Hioter's Pride 11694....- ' •" ' ^ „, . „ „ I Pride of Windsor 4&3, imp. Charming of St. Lambert 69077 -{ ^ ^-r. .^„„ I , r> i„ff oi io * Lord Lisgar 1066. Orloff3143... /ODhelie493 loiri of St. Lambert20423^ ' ^P'^^iie 49d ' ^\^"Xa-!^^^- ^''™' i Stoke Pogis 3d 2238. Dert fabdS -^ pjQ^j^ pf gj Lambert 5526. BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. 221 * Cowslip 5th 849. — Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; property of L. Henry Tvvaddell, West Philadelphia, Pa. rPiterson 11 -' S'" Clement 10, imp. 1856. /rateison ii | Dam imp. from I. of J. by R. L. Colt. Cowslip5th849 j ^Onl.ofJ. lcowslip893 '""'' |?^|^S)'""- |phcebe2d902 ] Ke'ioe, imp. * Dorothy of Bovina 9373.— Yield of milk, 205 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from June 20 to 26, 1883 ; age when made, 5 years and S}4, months; property of W. L. Rutherford, Franklin, N. Y. Feed, none ; pasture rather poor. i ^^'Aof "" °f ^°"'"" ^ ^^'^™°"* ^'' -1 VktS 13.3, imp. Dorothy of Bovina " '• i Rprtha 2rl oofv, > Emperor 387. 9373 4 ' uertna M _b4 -^ Bertha 704. \Daphneof Slaats- ( Peter Norman 1338, imp. burgh 3d 3037 < Daphne of Staats- , t„^i ,-„„ ooo hnrp-h t>qs)S ' Jenkms 888. burgh 3338 -, j)^^^.^^ g^ oogo. *E1 Mora Mostar 15955.— Yield of milk, 231 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from May 9 to 16, 1884; age, 3 years and 3 months; prop- erty of James Cloud & Son, Kennett Square, Pa. { I^-^- «f Bloomtield 1544 -' Sf^^Bli^mfie^ld 1680, (Clifton Monarch 3546. . . < imp. 7ino-ara 1939 i ^''^^ ^^^ '^^^■ ^^ ° ' ''' 1 Buttercup 845. I Clifton Dell 1117 -* ^""^^ ^"^'' '^'^''■ Mostar 6^71 ' L'^^>' B°^^'«" ^,54, imp. Mostar 69. 1 ^ pi,^^ g^^, ^gg f Linda 3d 3,19 -J Lj,^^^ g^g * Elsie Lane 13302.— Yield of milk, 113,^8 qts.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from June 19 to 25, 1885 ; age, 4 years ; property of Lyman A. Mills, Middlefield, Conn. I Jersey Boy {Cato - (P. S. 93 J. H. B.) (P. S. 178 J. H. B.) I Belle Grisette (F. S. 567 J. H. B.) ( Khedive Ona 7840 ^ . (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) Elsie Lane 13303 ■{ { Ecornee ] (F. S. 846 J. H.B.) iRex 1330 J Colt Jr. 83.5. Tirzah Ann lO-^OS -' ' Couch's Lily .33.37. ITirzah Ann 10,98 , Bliicher 3d 103. ( Belmda 11,8 -^ g^Hg ^^^^^^ j^.,- * Ethelka 2d 14128.— Yield of milk, 244 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; test made 7 days in June, 1885; age, 4 years and 3 months; property of Jewett M. Richmond, Buffalo, N. Y. ( Prince of M. 3811 -' ?,':^, ^f k*'-,,, f Thomaston 4600 - &-L^-fiL^H^?.'H- ( Bessie Wright 4517 ■] Z\\ 2^8 Ethelka 3d 14138 - I Kilpatrick 1898 i in^° f^"r-V^®^:.on„ I Ethelka 9515 - Albert's C lover 3900. Tillpv Pnsi! J^iq t Tommy Cowles 1908. 222 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Eupidee's Perfection 20175. — Yield of milk, 174 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz. ; test made from September 5 to 11, 1885; ag'e, 3 years and 6 months; property of J. H. Walker, Worcester, Mass. * Duke of Darlington -mO ■] l^TttlPf' /- Eupidee 409; ' ^ZffTm E-^Pidee's Perfection J I Leda 799 ■] J^'p^ ^f;, icountess of Lakeside | Dick Swiveller Jr. 276. . j TwiU^hunT '^[nip ^'^■^^ ") r.p..„ pno 1 Dick Swiveller Jr.' 276. ' ^'^"y ^^^ ■/ Jennie 680, imp. *Evri 5282.— Yield of milk, 203 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from December 30, 1884, to January 5, 1885 ; age, 8 j'ears and 1 month ; property of Beech Grove Farm, Beech Grove, Ind. .Marius760 ™e Boy .34 l g^ SL^ 1148, imp. I / Lady Mary 1148, imp. 1 ^,, ,., \ P^'-« of Orange 184. .. ] |,--n 94 imp '^^^^^^'^ '/M-fh..- ' Comet 130. ' ^''■•'^ ^ "( Jura 224, imp. Farmer's Pride 12284.— Yield of milk, 253 lbs.; yield of buttei% 15 lbs. 4oz.; test made from June 11 to 18, 1886; age, 5 years and 3 months; esti- mated weight, 1,050 lbs.; grain fed during test, 6 qts. shorts, daily ; property of T. R. Proctor, Utica, N. Y. n,.^.r Tzir.^ J Duke (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) Grey King 1 t ilv Orpv (Farmer's Glory 5190. . . . •% (P. S. 169 J. H. B.) ' ^l « --n t tt Tt ^ (Bonheur (a . t>. , ,^)o. a. a.) (F. S. 1651 J. H. B.) -D e T\r„ „^ 1-,.-, t Southampton 117, imp. «, ,, ,^ „„.,- ^PrmceofV\arrenlol3..JQ 1^^ i^2^2 J Startled Fawn 1 83 ■[ i Tnsnpr «^n I Princess of Warren 3745. { l^^m * Favorite Rajah Rex 16153.— Yield of milk, 108 lbs. 4oz.; yield of but- ter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; test made fi'om Mixy 1 to 7, 1885; age, 3 years; pi'operty of Joseph C. Kiplinger & Co., Springfield, Ohio. ( Colt Jr. 825 -1 ?r°^„l°U' J ™P- Res 1330 - ' ^'''gg'*^ ~0o4. Favorite Eajab Rex | / Couch's Lily 3237 ;tllrS^3236 16153 J' I iDota.iah2741 .| Ben Rajah 795. iDuchess Corona 2d 8.598 -_ _ ^nlf.VT. „.,,-„„ 1 Duchess Corona 0984. . . \ coV^a^lui"^'"" ^"^'^^^ * Forget Me Not O 10564.— Yield of milk, 220 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz., salted ; test made from June 21 to 37, 1883 ; age when made, 3 j-ears and 8 months; property of G. H. & H. A. Grimmell, Jefferson, Iowa. r compeer 2.36 - , jy^^^ p„„.^ ,.. ' •"''^''' Donua 1,,. -^^, ^p,jg ^^ 2^ j.^» Forget Me Not O 10504-! , Son of Alphea 562 .) ^}^^1 ■^'^^'' ''"P" loiive Branch 5324 | ^iP'^^^.d^^^;. ( oiue ^^ -^ jjgjjjg g,j. .,^,g^ jjjjp BUTTEE TESTS OF JEESEYS. 223 Hilda 18178, imp.— Yield of milk, 196 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4oz.; test made from Jan. 6 to 13, 1886; age, 10 years; estimated weight, 1,025 lbs. ; grain fed during test, 3 qts. oats, 3 qts. middlings, 3 qts. oil meal and 1 qt. pea meal, daily ; property of T. R. Proctor, Utica, N. Y. Khedive's Princess 38568.— Yield of milk, 173 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from February 15 to 33, 1891; age, 5 years and 8 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 6 lbs. oil meal, average of 8 lbs. pea meal, 7 lbs. corn meal and 7 lbs. crushed oats ; property of Ayer & McKinney, Philadelphia, Pa. Khedive's Princess junker m^o -j 385(38 < ' Sallie Bunker 1426. imp. ^ Princess of Trinity 23641, imp. Lady Bingo 24160.— Yield of milk, 173 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from March 11 to 18, 1887 ; age, 6 years; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. corn meal, 6 lbs. bran, 3 lbs. middlings and 4 lbs. oil meal ; property of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. (Bingo 1811 j^e°Sf fBingo 2d 6749 < . padisha ^k^n Lady Bmgo 24160....-! ' * ^ (.Mrs. Knickerbocker ( Bingo 1811 -j g^ggfJisg ' '^^^' 1 Miss Beauty 4053 ] m?ss Blossom 1986. * La Fantine 24489.— Yield of milk, 130 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz. ; test made from November 14 to 31, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 9^4 months ; property of M. M. Gardner, Nashville, Tenn. Marius , bO -j Ljj(jy j^^j.y jj^g^ ' Top-Sawyer 1404 < imp. Clement 115 ^. S. 61 I. of J. La Fantine 24489....-! ^ Emblem 90 ^ ^(F. S. 61J. H. B.) I La Falaise6961, imp. *Maid of Five Oaks 7178.— Yield of milk, 373 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz., salted ij oz. to lb.; test made from May 7 to 13, 1883 ; age when made, 7 years ; property of Houghton Farm, Mountain ville, N. Y. (Trust (F.S. 162 J. H. B.) ( ^"il^^l^^^^K- Vt • oT • • 1 (Sultan Maid of Five Oaks •7178 rButterstamp . .< , gmtan (P. S. lOlJ. H. B.) (sultane { (F. S. 58 J. H. B.) A (P. S. 7 J. H. B.) ( Longueville Queen (F. S. 272 J. H. B.) Wancy (F. S. 1528 J. H. B.) 224 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. May Pedro 50876.— Yield of milk, 229 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of bvxtter, 15 lbs. 4oz.; test made from September 30 to October 7, 1890; age, 3 j'ears and 11 months ; actual weight, 810 lbs. ; no grain fed ; pasture only ; property of Mrs. J. H. Martin, Granville, N. Y. ( Domino of Darlington \ Pedro 3187 ■ 2459. [ King Pete 10541 < { Eurotas 2454. I I Aii„«-n7 «<>-»Tiu„., liiQ-.i * King of Scituate 3622. Mav Pedro 508~6 J "' ^ad? Wellington of Ma\ Pedro 5US,b < Milton 122;M. I Mahkeenac 3290 -\ g'-'^tl^r l''^'- ^^Slaud Westfield 175,55 . . - ' r'7"^ 'r -htf idQfi i !.••«„„ TTT««,i ~nni ) origtol Cnier 149b. ( i .ora Wood ,094 -j Florence E. 2d 3734. * Merry Burlington 7600. — Yield of milk, 356 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz., salted; test made from May 22 to June 2, 1883; age when made, 5 years and 3 montlis; property of J. T. & W. S. Shields, Bean's Station, Tenn. Feed, 12 lbs. of corn meal and 3 lbs. of cotton-seed meal per day ; pasture, orchard grass and white clover. 'Merry Andrew 719. -.r „„ „i, „f T>„^i, Ann * John Lc Bas 398, imp. ^ Monarch of Rosbury 499 - ^^^^■^ ^gg^ ^^^ Hartford 52. Merry BurliDgton 7600^ 'Mirth 92. n 'Lady Burlington 2d 403;! \ Mogul 532, imp. I Lady Burlington 1713, imp. in dam Motto 80. \ On I. of J. I Favorite of the Elms 1656, imp. Oaklands Lilly 14881.— Yield of milk, 347 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs, 4oz.; test made from February 13 to 18, 1888; age, 6 years and 10 months; weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed during, 3 lbs. oats, 13 lbs. corn meal, 3\ lbs. middlings and 2I4 lbs. oil meal, daily; property of Mrs. A. N. Martin, Sum- mit, N. J. t Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. '1 Marjoram 3239, imp. \ Bulier 2055. 1_„, ■( May Bud of St. Lam- "■*^~- bert 5105. I Stoke Pogis 3d 2238. ... -J ^i'°,^"or^am t4rimo ^• Minette of St. Lambert^ T^.h rf^^nt insi ^' 9774. 1 May Day of St. Lambert \ t "'f.^M-l ' ^°'^*'' I Stoke Pogis .3d223S.. ■ Rambler of St. Lambert - 5285. ( Bessv of St. Lambert ■ 5483. lerne 1373 Patrol 40490.— Yield of milk, 243 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from June 21 to 28, 1889 ; age, 3 years and 10 months ; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 15 qts. chop feed ; property of Rich- ardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. , Youne Combination ^ Combination 4389 ] LadTMeU29 ' ^^^^^ 'l r^^^^u „ or-oRc ( Auroraboreeliis 2408. Patrol 40490 J ' ''°°'''' ''''' 1 ^'--'^-'^ ^ass 24900. Lorita 33750 \ Combination 4389 ] E^.tdl^" J^orita .«,5U < , Kapper's Victor 12340. ( Moragina 26344 -j ^^{(^ ^^^^^^ gg^jg BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 225 * Purest 13730.— Yield of milk, 206 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz., salted ; test made from July 2 to 8, 1883 ; age when made, 3 years and 2 weeks ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. Feed, corn and oats ground together ; bran mashes ; pasture, extra good white clover. I Jupiter 93 \ It^^'^p^^'^P' /-Mercury 432 \ 1 Rhea 166. imp. ) AlnhPfl 171 ' Saturn 94, imp. Purest 18730 -I (Mercury 432 \Selm lNymph.a5141 p,,,,, .^g, USury''4k ' i^noeara ,5bi -^ ^eda 799. St. John's Daisy 28388, imp.— Yield of milk, 196 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from July 29 to August 5, 1888 ; age, 5 years and 10 months ; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 18 qts. bran, 4 qt& oat meal, 2 qts. corn and oil meal ; property of P. J. Cogswell, Rochester. CarIo(P.S.180J.H.B.)]H-.P,,V26J.H.B.> (F.'S. 1493 J. H. B.) St. John's Daisy 283o8. iSt. John (P. S. 316J.H. B.) Letacq Bess. Unique (F. S. 1035 J. H. B.) *Signalana 7719. — Average yield of milk, 15 qts. per day; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; test made 7 days in May, 1884; age, 6 years and 2 months ; prop- erty of George W. Farlee, Cresskill, N. J. fMariuR7fiO ( Willie Boy 434. j Marius 7b0 -| Lady Mary 1148, : (Pansy Morris 2060. u Signalana 7719. I'Signal 1170 imp. I Albert 44. '( Pansy 6th 38. ^. Maiden of Jersey 2736, imp. * Stanstead Belle 4709.— Yield of milk, 230 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz. ; test made from July 7 to 13, 1885; age, 10 years and 1 month; property of J. C. Hatheway, Lancaster, N. B., Can. Stanstead Belle 4709. Orleans 5S3 -i Warwick 264, imp. Orleans 5M -> jy^^^^ ^^g^ ^^^ Beauty 1319, imp. Sterling Merit 62456.— Yield of milk, 303 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4oz. ; test made from January 16 to 23, 1891; ag-e, 3 years and 10 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 82 lbs. g-round oats and corn meal in equal parts ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. , stoke Pogis 1259, imp. ' Marjoram 3239, imp. ^ Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 Sterling Merit 62456 . ^Lady Appel 8612, (YounsrSi Martin *^1<) 1 St. Martin 1482. I loung bi. martin ,.ij.. -^ BeHa5351, imp. I Tsnlda -iqoo * Mahopac 1161. ' ^®°'°* ^^""- • • I Victoria 2980. 226 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Sultana 2d 1 1798.— Yield of milk, 285 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz., unsalted; test made from June 12 to 18, 1884; age, 5 years and 9 months; property of Moulton Bros., West Randolph, Vt. Sultana 2d lirt ( Maxse 400, imp. Son of Rosa 663 •/ ' Rosa 122 } Cheltenham 80. "°^^ ^'^'^ 1 Brunette 102. Sultana 403, imp. Topsey Doe 25378.— Yield of milk, 219 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from June 22 to 29, 1889 ; age, 6 years and 1 month ; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. corn meal, 4 qts. shorts and 4 qts. ground oats; property of Terence Carrigan, Hopkinton, Mass. Topeey Doe 25378.. • Pilot of Bowker Farm \ Prince of Deerfoot 2540. . . ] pll^Jf^th^sggs ^^^^ "I T adv Gilmore 1-M36 ( Pilot 354'j/ ( Lady t.iimore Uldb -^ Topsey of Lakeside I 10240. ATirawhPr 47qfi 3 ^^- Micawber 556. Micaw ber 4,9b -j ^^^^ ^^ Lakeside 2d 10241. Topsey of Lakeside 10240. \ ^^S'Lkeside 10235. ^Topsey of Lakeside 3d 12138 Tormentor's Daisy 52496.— Yield of milk, 209 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from April 17 to 24, 1890 ; age, 3 years and 5 montli;^: estimated weight, 800 lbs.; gram fed daily, from 12 to 20 qts. corn, bran and oats in equal parts ; property of George V. Green, Hopkinsville, Ky. Tormentor's Daisy 52496 f Denise's Tormentor I 11823 (Tormentor 3533. , Dolly of Riverside 32044 ( Khedive . ■{ (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) ( Angela (F. S. leOrJ.H.B.) i Top-Sawyer 1404. "( Lucy 4577. Denise 8281 Champion of Riverside i Champion of America 5787 1.567 Annie Hill 4866. Whiting-s Daisy 14858. . ] ^^j^S Daisy 7333. Solava 20928.— Yield of milk, 210 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of Initter, 15 lbs. S-^g oz. ; made from October 28 to November 4, 1S8T ; iiLt'. 4 years and 5 months ; estimated weight, 975 lbs.; grain fed daily, 24 lbs. corn chop, wheat bran and cotton-seed meal, mixed ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. iSicrmliiro jMarius760. ,hignaiaa w^ , Grand Duke Alexis 1040. {Alda38,.3 1 Archie 1112, imp. Solava 20928 \ i Khedive ( Tormentor 3533 -> (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) '^Odelle Sales 15564 J ^F. S. 259 J. H. B.) ( Anpela ^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ 'nonflnl4S5 i Rajah 340, imp. uonan i48o ^ ^^^^^^^ ,047^ imp. BUTTE It TESTS OF JERSEYS. 227 * Beauty of Ninon 2d 18444.— Yield of milk, 308 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of but- ter, 15 lbs. 33^ oz. ; test made from June 9 to 16, 1885 ; age, 4 years ; property of William S. Shannon, Pittsburgh, Pa. > Rex mo ■l^°'*'^'^r^- •>„- j- Pearl Rex 4438 - j Couch ^ Lil y .)2i, . Beauty of Ninon 2d ' Pearlette 2347 -, caH"2d 4i:,. 18444 -I ^ Rory O'More 3236 \ i^'V^df f, h"* i r-- Ueauty of Kinon 9691 . . -' ^t^ V- ' in^i ^"^ ' * LuDei Maid 4159 gth'-'sr * Clytemnestra 2455.— Yield of milk, 316 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2}4 oz. ; test made from June 30 to July 6, 1884; age, 12 j'ears, 3 months and 28 days ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. , TMT^ito.. Q-^ * Saturn 94, imp. mercury 43-' H"P"er 9o -, ^^^^ jg^^ . I ^^'^^^"^y '*^~ i . , , .„. ( Saturn 94, imp. (Aiphea 1,1 1 Rhea 166, imp. Clytemnestra 2455 -I i Jupiter 93 \ Et^"'"V«'^^'-™P- lLeda799 - ^ 1 Rhea 166 imp. *E-°p-i^6 -lifSI'i'^-. Cricket's Minnie 26270.— Yield of milk, 106 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 33^2 *^2-' test made from January 2 to 9, 1888; age, 4 yeai-s and 3 months; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 20 quarts corn and oats, ground, equal parts ; property of Wm. J. Webster, Columbia, Tenn. ^prince Harry 5176. Cricket's Minnie 26270' 26270A Ic Cricket of Belle Vue 9570 Lord Harry 3445 . Coonie 7817. . . . I Lord Lawrence 1414. ( Beauty of Belle Vue 0953, imp. J Top-Sawyer 1404. I Duchess of Bloomfield 3653. J Trocadero 1422. 1 Lily 7th 4711. J Lawrence 61. Lady Mary 1148, imp. * Dark Cloud 9364.— Yield of milk, 256 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 33^ oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from August 14 to 21, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years and 4 months ; property of J. S. Rogers, Paterson, N. J. ( Tally Ho 880, imp. I' Othello 1114 -^ '^'»^""« \^s^^:z,. Ligb. Cloud .«a JM- »».'■».> i|°"4t».l"P; / Qnn Ti^r-aTY, .>i~i 1 Pnuce Charlcs 816. ! sea Foam 21 , 1 - ^^^^ .^^ j j,„_ 228 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Denise's Ida 54942.— Yield of milk, 344 lbs.; j'ield of butter, 15 lbs. 3>^ oz. ; test made from June 29 to July C, 1890; age, 3 years and 3 months; estimated weight, 775 lbs.; well fed, but no record of feed kept; property of Campbell Brown, Spi-ing- Hill, Tenn. Ida's Stoke Pogi. 13C58. J ' Chanty of St. Lambert ilda of St. Lambert -.^4990 | ^4°'^?i°S;? 1',^ f f„, Denise's Ida 5494:i ...J ' ^^f J^^l 5 ]•« Inen-seSoSf ^ Top-Sawyer 1404 ]^^^^^_ i^^^y^^^ ^i^Lfe^^^^-"-"-^ (F. S. 443 J. H. B.) Koflfee's Lily 25515.— Yield of milk, 134 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 'd}4, oz.; test made from June 7 to 14, 1887 ; age, 3 years and 7 months ; esti- mated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed dailj', 4 qts. bran, 4 qts. corn and oats, 1 qt. pea meal ; property of M. Erskine Miller, Staunton, Va. ( Guy Favvkes rSir George J. (F. S. 2.51J. H. B.) (P. S. 231 J. H. B.) ( Brown Bess 'King Kofifee 5533 ■{ (F. S. 755 J. H. B.) r King Kofifee 5533 -I (F. S. ■; I I \ Neptune lCooniassiell8r4 < (P. S. ; 1 T- «• .= T,-i„oKKir ' l^Uoomassie 11874 < (P. S. 14 J. H. B Koffee 8 Lily 25515...-! ^ ) Jersey Pride (F. S. 1716 J. H.B.) Le Gros' Lily of the rp^ \r<-ftrppvv KiQo J Son of Rosa 6(j3. Valley 2d 13386 .» ^°"^ Alctrreevy 109 -j pri„cess 1154. > Le Gros' Lily of the Vertummis Valley 11537 -^ (P. S. 161J. H. B.) (Lydic(F. S.619J. H. B.) *Nazli 10327.— Yield of milk, 333 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 33^ oz. , uusalted ; test made from April 39 to May 5, 1883 ; age when made, 4 years and 6 months ; pro2:)erty of A. B. Darling, Ramsey's, N. J. Feed, 6 qts. corn, oats and bran, 3 qts. of each. I Sarpedon 930 -\ ^^""'^if ' .Bukeofl>arlington2400^^^^^^^^^^ S^«' '"^^- Kazli 10327 J^ (Europa.,b. n,.„„ . T\„,.M^„t^-r, K"( 1 Clement, on I. of J. l^ Grace Darlmgton5o.4. . - ^.^^^^ ^^ Darlington .5.-.73, imp. Nutley Darling 22412.— Yield of milk, 351 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 33/^ oz.; test made from Nov. 9 to 16, 1887 ; age, 4 yeai's, 3 montiis ; estr= mated weight of cow, 800 lbs ; grain fed during test, 11 lbs. corn meal, 9 lbs. ground oats, 10 lbs. middlings, 3 lbs. oil meal and 1 lb. pea meal per day; l)roperty of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. S-iinedon qqo J Mercury 4.32. ^, , „, ,. , .i,««J ^ |Europal76. Duke of Darlington 3460^ - ^ - - (Eu I ■!?.,-„*„„ nAt^A Rioter 3d 469, imp. ..^^ , ,, ,. ,,,., , ; Eurotas 2454 -^ t?„,.„,^o i^-i^ Nutley Darling 23413. ■( ^ (JiuiopaliO. U- .1 V, ,o-Qi ) Snap (P. S. 254 J. H.B.) . Nutley Alma 1,3.81 J gj blementaise (F. S. 413 J. H.B.) BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 229 * Reality 16537.— Yield of milk, 185 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3}4 oz.; test made from June 30 to July 6, 1884; age, 2 years and 3 months; prop- erty of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. , T„,^;fo■. no i Saturn 94, imp. ^M.rrnrvXqo j Jupiter M ■ Rfaea ICHi/imp^ (Aipnea i,i 1 Rhea ItiU, imp. Reality 16537 -{ ( Brother Jack 4043 ] ^S'T'^?'' Uesult 11848 ■] ^nfstv VlOl ^Reserve 6051 snen74Vo7 ' Signal Maiden 42793.— Yield of milk, 246 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 33^ oz.; test made from May 25 to June 1, 1890 ; age, 4 years and 9 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 15 lbs. ground corn and oats and 4 lbs. bran ; property of Henry M. Baum, Frankfort, Ind. Signal Maiden 42' 2793.. J Simal Jr. 7166. ^Maiden of Jersey 3d 21242 iSi(TTi3lli70 iMarius760. \ ^="8"^' "'" ■/ Pansy Morris 2060. I AiHo -sa-Q * Grand Duke Alexis 1040, ( Aiaa 38. .i -J .^rciiie m^^ jj^p ( Grand Duke Alexis 1040 i Onl. of J. ) VictorineLachaise2740, imp. Maiden of Jersey 2736, imp. * Eastern Sultane 20298.— Yield of milk, 222 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 33;{ oz.; test made from November 2 to 8, 1885 ; age, 7 years and 9 months ; property" of Frederick Loeser, Somer\'ille, N. J. Eastern Sultane 2029S 'Eastern Chief (P. S. 171 J. H. B.) 1 ''Man {Welcome (P. S. 202 J. H. B.) Zenobia (P. S. 86 J. H. B.) Marie Louise (F. S. 2472 J. H. B.) I Welcome - (F. S. 166 J. H. B.) I On I. of J. I Grey King - (P. S. 40 J. H. B.) i Sultane(P. S.7J. H.B.) Aldarine 3d 27482.— Yield of milk, 121 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 31;^ OZ.; test made from November 20 to 27, 1890; age, 6 years and 9 months; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed dailj', 11 lbs. corn meal, 5 lbs. wheat bran, 4 lbs. ground oats and 2 lbs. linseed meal ; property of William Hart Dexter, Thompsonville, Conn. I Signal 1170 * Marius 760. f Wanderer 3014 -' ^ ' P'^°*>' ^f°"'« ^060. I ^^ ''"'^'"^^'^ '^"^^ ) p„,„ff „ oo~, s Grand Uuke Alexis 1010. Aldarine 3d 27482. . -; 1 Sio-nflinrn > Marius 760. \ldarine 5301 3 ^'^°''' "'"^ ' Pansy Morris 2060. .Aldarine 5.iUl , ^ i;rand Duke Alexis 1040. ' ■*'^'^ ■^^'■^ I Archie 1112, imp. 230 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. *Alfritha 13673.— Yield of milk, 194 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs, 3 oz.; test made from June 1 to 7, 1884 ; age, 2 years and 10^^ months ; prop- erty^ of Thomas Beer, Bucyrus, Ohio. ; w 1 . r> ,1.^ OOP! ' Jeweler l-SS-i. /^- , r 1T.1 ( Niobe Duke 2364 ( Niobe 6th 3516. /^Niobe Grand Duke4ol0. -, , Marins T60 I Witch-Hazel 3d 4875. ... -J ^^ li^^, jgeO. Alfritha 13673 { I , TT J lo-r. i Knave 18.56. lAlfleda6.44 ",,„„„ .^, „,^ 1 SauMturk 1144 /Amaranth 6-200. "/ Deming's Flora 4.398. * Arnold's Lulu 7328.— Yield of milk, 373 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from April 28 to May 4, 1884 ; age, 8 years and 2 months ; property of Beech Grove Farm, Beech Grove, Ind. i Lord Bronx 038 -' &^,'f ?o^f ^^ ( Lord Bronx 2d 1 , 30 -, , young Pilgrim 302, imp. f i-icture i.>« -^ Princess 1154, imp. Arnold's Lulu 7328. ..-{ ICoreopsis 4188 j , ^ajor Tunxes 1.547. ( jjrower s jersey .isui. .. r,,„i.i„ t^„,„ oifio * Atricia 6029.— Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz., salted; test made from Api'il 30 to May 6, 1882 ; age when made, 5 years and 22 days ; property of H. G. Westlake, Hillsdale, N. Y. Feed, 2 qts. corn meal, 4 qts. wheat bran, 8 qts. oats ; hay. 1 Blondin 1934, imp. /'Blondin3d 1935. I ( Belle of Jersey 363, imp. Atricia 6029. , Orange Peel .502 (F. S. 129 J. H. B.) .Patricia 4th 4579. (F. S. 1269 J. H. B.) ( Patricia ^F. S. 189 J. H. B.) 1. * Belle Garner 23682.— Yield of milk, 172 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from February 1 to 7, 1886; age, 2 years, 9 months and 16 daj'^s ; property of W. H. Haley, North "Wilmington, Mass. , T ;fov,«„i 1 «-< > Hopewell 13fi, imp. /r-. v,« 1.1 ir^K ron:, \ Litchneid b,4 , La Belle Helene457,irap. Litchfield 15th 5802 ", , McClellan 3d 27. Belle Gamer 23682...-; ^ John Rex 2761 ■[ {^^ni^^'L, , Daisy Workman 19990. . - ^™ ffn / T ,..,„ t>;o.v,„,^ir Ecio » ocoua 1101. / Luna Bismarck 5613. • / Daisy Bismarck 2697. Complexia 56774.— Yield of milk, 249 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. B oz.; test made from November 10 to 17, 1888 ; age, 3 years and 10 months ; estimated weight, 775 lbs.; grain fed daily, 18 qts. meal; property of Rich- ardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. •r,„,„„. ,„ .iR.o * Sarpedon 930. Polonius 2513 ■ r gjj'^ --.jg I combination 4389 \^^^^^^,,.^ .j McC.el.a. 4th 85. Complexia 56774 a ^ combination 4389 ]f:^Zr!l^: ICommotion 52960 - Combination 4389. (Coma 29330 , iletella .i905. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 231 Daisy Stillson 28174.— Yield of milk, 225 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from October 8 to 15, 1886 ; age, 4 years and 6 months ; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. oats, 2 qts. corn meal, 4 qts. middlings and 3 qts. bran ; property of Peter D. Hulst, East Penfield, N. Y. ( Lord Shaftesbury 2489. -j pK,l'^fo^t f Seneca Chief 4098 - ESe d 6^ I May Blossom 5657 -| ^S^^fieVsriO. Daisy Stillson 28174..-^ Uickel 2d 2.B.to2 j Hockanum 792. ( jSickel 19,8 1 Dot 4th 914. * Darling of Neatham 20086.— Yield of milk, 194 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from April 1 to 7, 1835; age, 2 years and 4 months; property of R. McMichael, Lexington, Ky. ' Delaware Darling 3461 . ^Sarpedon930 \^^^- ' Helene 170 -' J'^P'ter ^3- Darling of Neatham ' ncicnc i, -^ Hermione 173. 20086 -I ^ ^""^''^ ^'''^'" '°'- ■ • • ' Frosalii^'imp. V Nelhe 2d 2360 i Czar •>73 'Nellie re I Fanny 67.5, imp. * Fragrance 4059. — Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz. , salted 1 oz. to lb.; made from Februarys to 11, 1883; age when made, 10 years; property of "William Simpson, New York, N. Y. r Albert 44 Fragrance 4059 -c Morning Glory 2d 1299, imp. ^ Jerry 15, imp. I Frankie 17, imp. ^Onl. of J. / Morning Glory 908, imp. Khedive's Fancy 18180.— Yield of milk, 219 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from June 28 to July 4, 1886 ; age, 9 years and 3 months ; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed dail^', 7 qts. corn meal, 2 qts. oil meal, 4 qts. crushed oats and 4 qts. shorts ; property of F. C. Sayles, Pawtucket, R. I. Khedive (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) . . . . ] ^eo^P^ S^ \f /s.'?44'l!l. H. B.) Khedive's Fancy 18180 ' Rose (F. S. 1158 J. H. B.) * Lady Adams 2d 6529.— Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz., unsalted ; test made from June 2 to 8, 1883 ; age when made, 5 y^ears and 6 months ; prop- erty of W. B. Dinsmore, Staatsburgh, N. Y. Feed, 4 qts. corn meal, oat meal and wheat bran, mixed ; pasture good. [Moscow 2303 Lady Adams 2d 6529 , ,7-„ t ono \ Governor 890. \ Vermont 893 -, yictorine 2233, imp. ■( Magna 5th 3541 ■) ^agSJ ^^.p. L , ,, .„,„ iTarquin750 i Lottie Warren 1667,imp. VLady Adams 4919 -, _ . ,,_„ t Stockwell 306. imn. „ „ . ,,, ,ov>.i 1 Stockwell 306, imp. Hammonia 2d 1322 -, Hammonia 1088, imp. 232 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Lady Monmouth 15173.— Yield of milk, 258 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. o oz.; test made from June 10 to 16, 1887; age, 7 years; estimated weight, 000 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 lbs. corn meal, 2 lbs. oil meal and 12 lbs. bran ; propertj' of A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y. r Prinpp of Warrpn 1512 -' Southampton 117, imp. iTince or v\ arren i5i^ -^ Golddrop 222, imp. Lady Monmouth 15173 i , optimus 1607 ■! ^l' V^^jif ^^^• ( Monmouth Duchess 4th 7129 •{ ulnfL^oa' { Monmouth Duchess 3895. . . ] juija 3893 ' Leclair's Marjoram 36355. — Yield of milk, 110 lbs. 8 oz. ; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from June 4 to 11, 1889; age, 11 years; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed dailj^ six qts. barley and oats, and 2 qts. oil-cake ; property of Wm. Rolph. Markham, Ont., Can. \ Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. Leclair's Marjoram 36355 -n ( Marjoram 3239, imp. * Lydia Libby 1 1698.— Yield of milk, 266 lbs. 4 oz.; yieM of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz., salted; test made from June 16 to 22, 1883; age when made, 4 years and 1 month ; property of John E. Phillips, Baltimore, Md. 1 Sweepstakes Duke 1905, imp. r Jack Libbv 3307 - /.,,.,,.„., \ Ranger 1231. Lydia Libby 11 698....^ Alpha ,d ( Alpha2912. \_Fa\vnette of Woodstock i Barney 1491, imp. 3710 -, / Kittredge's Little Fawn \ Frank Warren 1490. 3708 -, / Fawn 3d 3707. * Maculae 24277.— Yield of milk, 149 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from June 2 to 8, 1885; age, 2 years and 2 months; property of R. Peters, Atlanta, Ga. , ^ ,. ,„,-, \ St. Helier 45, imp. iOxohl922 -/ Pyrola 4566. Maculae 2427 ( Thalma 4288 - , Oxoli 1922. ' I /Nipheta9180 j lanthe 4562. I , n ■ AK!R i Oxoli 1922. i ■; Chenie 4.570. Uunon 11269 -', , ._^ (St. Helier 45 It 4.1, ^cc.-> ) St. Heiier 45. imp. lanthe 4562 ] B,a„che 594. * May Day Stoke Pogis 28353.— Yield of milk, 284 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from July 23 to 29, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 1 month ; property of George Smith, Grimsby, Ont., Can. \ Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. ' May Day of St. Lam- j Lord Lisgar 1066 -J pl^^lln^^lf ^^^' '™P' ^^" ^^°'' "/ Tprnp 1 s~3 \ V'i'^'«'' """° ^^' ' '°'P- (lerneldid ^Beauty 1319, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. 233 * Meg Mitchell 4187. — Yield of milk not given; j^ield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz. ; test made from September 2 to 9, 1879 ; ag-e, 5 years and 7 months ; projierty of C. S. Gladwin, East Haddam, Conn. n , Major Tunxes 1547 -{ |^' t^.^? ^~Lrn 3462 'Ishmael Hurd 1548 -^^ ^ir Tnhn ^?^ (Buck's Kate 3463 -j El^/So " ' Meg Mitchell 4187....-; ( Major Tunxes 1547 -[ llfck^LoDhorn 3462 V Victoria Guelph 3898 ...-, shnW o?^'^ i Buck's Lophorn 3462. . . |Xes8 2d 42. Miss Naomi 45098.— Yield of milk, 224 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3oz.; test made from August 24 to 31, 1890; age, 4 years and 9 months; actual weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 lbs., consisting of cut oats, yellow meal and wlieat bran, mixed, and 1 lb. oil meal ; property of Holly Grove Farm, Plainfield, N. J. i Sir George 7656 f Count St. George 8403. . a (P. S. 221 J. H. B.) .Molten Gold 12186 \ (?• «• ^-^ J- H. B.) } St.^Clement^aise 1|163 Mary Jane 18185 (F. S. 3115 J. H.B./ ], ^Heathbell 20170. Miss Naomi 45098. . ..-I . Farmer's Glory 5196 ( Jersey King 9458 ^ (F. S. 274 J. H. B.) ) (P. S. 345 J. H. B.) ( Violet ■ ) (F. S. 997 J. H. B.) ( Hornbill 18211 (F. S. 3463 J. H. B.) * Nellie Darlington 5956. — Yield of milk, 194 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz., unsalted ; test made from March 20 to 26, 1888; property of A. B. Darling, Ramsey's, N. J. • Feed, 3 qts. corn and 3 qts. oats daily. C smith of Darlington 2458. ...] ^J'emium of Darlington 5572, imp. Nellie Darlington 5956. ...< I Grace Darlington 5574 -| yfofetrf Darlington 5573, imp. Nuphar Houghton 36364.— Yield of milk, 185 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz. ; test made from November 3 to 10, 1890 ; age, 5 years and 6 months ; estimated weight, 850 lbs. ; grain fed daily, about 5)^ lbs. bran and 5}4 lbs. oats, on an average, and 5 lbs. corn meal and }£ lb. oil meal; property of George W. Burchard, Fort Atkinson. Wis. Houghton 5886 • , r^ ^oj Nuphar Houghton ( Myra ^d 6289 ■) Myra 1480. 36364 ■{ I , A „.q „ .1^ r.cA~ I Andros 1167. iNuphar 3d 20455 "' ^"P'^^'' ^''^■ \ JN uphar 3d 20455 ) -NTn^h a r M io » Mercury 432. ( Nuphar 5140 -^ y^^^^ ^gg, imp. 234 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Phoebe N. 25401.— Yield of milk, 240 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz. ; test made from May 23 to 30, 1884 ; ag'e, 4 years and 3 months ; prop- erty of W. C. Norton, Aldenville, Pa. 'Samson Jr. 2723. Phoebe N. 25401 . ^Phoebe 4th 2271. ( Dexter of Staats- Vermont 89^ ] burgh 1942 l S S '' ^EnWOr287 ]^!l^^^- ' Phcebe 760, imp. * Theresa H. 14447.— Yield of milk, 315 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz. ; test made from June 22 to 28, 1885 ; age, 7 years and 3 months ; prop- erty of William H. Hayden, Albany, Vt. Homer H. 3683. Theresa H. 14447. 'Lady Gray Hayden 3512 ri^i c! ;,„ i.ino t Mr. Toodles 377, imp. ^ The ^qmre 1298 ( Mattie 994. J rtjvio o~~n ( Critic 540. ( GUda i,,J -J L^j^ Godfrey 678. 1 Dulce of Wellington 35, ( Major Adams 1044 - iinp. ( Laviiiia 1079, imp. It J T- i,»* to-i- \ Young Major 214. Lady Lightfoot 2,4o. ...-] Tulipl793. imp. * Velvet Mostar 17533.— Yield of milk, 202 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz. ; test made from April 7 to 14, 1884 ; age, 5 years and 1 month ; property of James Cloud & Son, Kennett Square, Pa. , Clifton Monarch 3.546. . . Velvet Mostar 17533. . - T^ 1 cm „ <;„i J 1-n ) Rioter 670, imp. Dulc| of Bloomfleld lo44 ] .^jj^.^ Bloomfleld 1680, imp. '7;^„,,, 1Q-3Q < Pi'ot Boy 488. Zingara 19-59 -^ Buttercup 845. ( Duke of Bloomfleld 1.544 ■[ ^j^,'! BloonZld 1680, *• Princess Mostar 9700. . . < imp. / HT f„, ^n-1 » Clifton Dell 1117. (Mostar 09,1 / Linda 3d 3219. Virginia's Oonan 58107.— Yield of milk, 127 lbs. 6 oz,; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from August 21 to 28, 1890; age, 2 years; estimated weight, 600 lbs.; grain fed daily, 33^^ gallons ground corn and 1 gallon oats; property of Miss Virginia Webster, Columbia, Tenn. Virginia's Oonan 58107 I" Landseer"8 Pogis 1.5847. i Pogis Chief .3998. 'Pearl's Oonan 32288. Landseer's Fancy 2876 Oonan's Rajah 8905. . . \ Sroke Pogis Sd 2238. ■( Cherry of St. Lambert 5127. \ Liindseer 331. / Young Fancy 97. \ Lord Harry 3445. "l Oonan 1485. ■ Jtj 1 t> ♦. ino-o » Coupon Clipper 2840, I Pearl Button 103.2 - g^i^^ ^^ ^^^q BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 235 Coma S9330.— Yield of milk, 223 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2}{ oz.; test made from May 17 to 24, 1886 ; age, 4 years and 9 months ; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. , r)^i«»,;„= .T1Q J Sarpedon 9.30. ,,. ,. ,. ,o«o i Polonms 2ol.3 i Leda 799. / C ombination 4-389 "l , ^ ,^, ,,^, ,.,„ i McClellan 4th 85. ( l.adj Mel 4,9 ■( Mel 2d 57. Coma 29.3-30.. { Mogul 5-32, imp. Uletella .3905 J. \ Second Iron Duke 202. Clio 2d 1248 -,0110 45, imp. *Iola 4627.— Yield of milk, 232 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 21., oz., salted ; test made from October 20 to 26, 1882 ; age when made, 7 years and 2 months ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. , i,,n;t^r. oo * Saturn 94, imp. ^ Jupiter 93 - ^^^^ i6H. imp lola 4627. I f Aipnea i , i -^ ^^^^ jgg^ j^,p I \ Admiral 372 .; If^'^.?*^ tf. Uussie Richards 1673...-*. _ .?.'^"Vf,V- ?«\ "; T aH,. T?;,.v,o,ri= ini- > John Bull 358, imp. I Lady Richards 101< . . . . -, j^ady Webster 6.38; imp. * Nelida 2d 8227.— Yield of milk, 262 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2^2 oz.; test made from April 11 to 17, 1882 ; age when made, 3 years and 9 months ; property of D. A. Givens, Cynthiana, Ky. \ Scion 10.3.3 ■; ^,^^efe°3fl270'' '""^■ I Beauclerc 1882 - ' ^-^ "^'"^ '^'^ ^^'"■ / Niche 99, imp. Nelida 2d 8227 - ( Wor,,r,t«n n„L.o 1Q-R * Oraugc Peel S64. imp. .-,,„,, ..,,p * Hampton Duke 13o5. ... - Brownev 2184. imp. Uelida u-i46 - , Lord Derby 203. ' ^>°^® 2d 514 , ^j^^g gg^ j-^^p Portrait 32592.— Yield of milk, 243 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2% oz.; test ma:de from August 22 to 29, 1888; age, 3 years and 5 months; estimated weig-ht, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 qts. corn and oat meal; prop- erty of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. iPolonius2513 l fedS ''°- /■Combination 4389 Portrait 32592 \ I Lady Mel 429 ■] ^^plfJ'^? ^'^ ^^ I Mel 2d 57. I rBeautv Boy of .Jefler- \ Brow-ny ^Duchess of Jefferson son 5753 - (P. S". 1-58 J. H. B.) 17144 ■{ I Beauty of Lecq 12310, imp. '-Frankie 4th 2-^53 -* beacon 293, imp. ^ rankle 4tn ^,5.i ^ Frankie 17, imp. Rose Pogis 24626.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2^^ oz. ; test made from April 9 to 16, 1889; age, 5 years and 3 months; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 5 qts. bran (average), 2 qts. old process oil meal and 2 qts. corn meal ; property- of E. J. Packard, Santa Barbara, Cal. • Stoke Pogis of Linden , g^^j.^ p ;, j^gg^ .^^ ^^^^° "( Matilda 3238, imp. Rose Pogis 24626 -I I Chelten Duke 924 ] Sil^lf/p Jm' ,■ iTrintasia 3d 24622 j ' Dachess 101, imp. ' Trintasia 18137, imp. 236 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Royal Beauty 18908.— Yield of milk, 216 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2}£ oz.; test made from Jul^' 16 to 22, 1885 ; age, 6 years and 4 months ; property of J. V, & C. Ramsden, Morton, Pa. i Welcome ' (F. S. 172J. H. B.) (Belle(F. S.302 J.H.B.) Koval Beauty 18008. . . (P. S. 3!>0 J. H. B.) 'Browny (P. S. 158 J. H. B.) iTom ) (P. s. rr J. H. B.) I Fairy (F. S. 964 J. H. B.) /'Claimant (P. S. 84 J. H. B.) Princess Royal -{ (P. S. 240 J. H. B.) Uioyale (F. S. 1080 J. H. B.) I Lemon (F. S. ITO J. H. B.) ' Daphne (F. S. 1066 J. H. B.) Albert's Lilley 19489. — Yield of milk, 213^ qts. per day; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from Mai'ch 23 to 29, 1887 ; age, 4 years and 5 months ; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed during test, 2 qts. corn meal, 2 qts. pea meal, 8 qts. ground oats, 1 qt. oil meal and 8 qts. middlings ; property of D, F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. Albert Rex 7734. Albert's Lilley 19489.. - t Lilley Rex 9852. Duke of Darlington 2460 ] |ZTas 241^- Couch's Lily 3237. (Prince of M. 2811.. Albert 44. Lily Dale .3236. Rex 1.3-30. (R 1 May Abelle .3932. ■\ I Champion of America ( Lilley Russ 2d 9514 < 2d 2425. ( LUley Russ 4543. Alice McClellan 25237.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2 oz. ; test made from March 23 to 30, 1888 ; age, 5 years ; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. corn meal, 4 lbs. oil meal, 3 lbs. mid- dlings and 4 lbs. bran ; property of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. rSneden8 4882. Alice McClellan 2.523 n Vesper of Woodstock 6916 ^ Ash Bud 3317. / Edie 2001 ^ Trusty of Gla.t.nbmy { S| lF/asf4653 \^iX \ Niobe Duke 2364. 1 Leaf .5423. I Narragansett 536. 1 Bessie 1417. 9.54. 2524. es 9.54. Dash 2523. * Arawana Poppy 6053.— Yield of milk, 236 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2 oz., unsalted; lest made from May 30 to June 5, 1883; age when made, 5 years, 10 months and 22 days ; property of Watts & Seth, Bal- timore, Md. Feed, 1 qt. corn meal, 2 qts. bran, twice daily, with green rye and pasture. \ Rajah 340, imp. [ Noraiah 812 - „ ..^t ( Sam Weller 40. ' ^ora 4.M ■ ;f^ ,, -g Arawana Poppy 6053 . - I JN eiiy as. I -\T .1 cit; \ Jack 514, imp. 1 „ ,„, . \ Jlotiey 515 - J, jsierrilR-g 1372, imp. ^Poppy 4842 - j pi^^ Swivelk'r 74. ( Countess .3d 990 - Countess 2d 991. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 237 * Azelda 2d 7022.— Yield of milk, 216 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs, 2 oz., salted; test made fi-om April 7 to 13, 1883; age when made, 5 years and 2 months ; property of William Craik, Frankfort, Ky. Azelda 2d 7022- Monsieur 1723 . '■Azelda 3872. I Vespucius 758 -| Vespef Lass 1784, imp. 'Madame 1812 ! Maiden 1464. ( Grand Duke Alexis 1040 ( On I. of ,T. 1 Victorine Lachaise 2740, imp. Grand Duchess of St. Peter's 27.33, imp. * Beatrice of Elmarch 11367.— Yield of milk, 176 lbs, 4 oz.; yield of but- ter, 15 lbs. 2 oz. ; test made from June .5 to 11, 1885; age, 4 years and 10 months ; property of George V. Green, Hopkinsville, Ky. ( Merry Boy ( Duke -^ (P.'S. 61 J, H. B.) r L-ifer 2696 (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) ( Superb _^^^^ ^ ^ ^^ Beatrice of Elmarch I ^ucy 4577 ^^Sot''''' ""■ ^' 1^*' 1 (F. S. 442,J. H. B.I i StokP Pno-ic oA 0.100 I Stoke Pogis 125ii. imp. Icupid of Lee Farm 5997 -* '""^' ^"^'" ''' ~~'' " - "' ^-^^-^^ ^^^ ""P" ' Cupid of St. Lambert , ^aval 506. ^^"* "( Amelia 484, imp. * Bessie Bradford 2d 7271. — Y^ield of butter, 15 lbs. 2 oz.; test made last week in June, 1883; age when made, 5 years and 6 months ; property of Alice M. Bradford, West Chester, N. Y. ^ I St. Helier 45, imp. l' Bluetooth 1821 - B^e Bedford M I ' Silene 4307 jf^rS''''"^' ^ King Pin 1878 -\ ^lercury 432. ^Bessie Bradford 7269 ... - t^^.^ 4^* ^^^• < Edith 4th 817 S'ldSOe. * Cicero's Mabel 18238.— Yield of milk, 247 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2 oz. ; test made from December 25, 1885, to January 1, 1886; age, 3 years and 9 months ; property of William H. Burr, Redding Ridg-e, Conn. ( Vertumnus mappv < (P. S. 161 J. H. B.) (P. S. 211J. H. B.) ( Garenne 24524 rCicero7657 -( (P. S. 1575 J. H. B.) I (P. S. 266J. H. B.) I l^Fleur De TAir 12702 (F. S. 1736 J. H. B.) Cicero's Mabel 182.38.. -j < Nonpareil I ^Horace...." -. (P. 8. 37 J. H. B.) I (P. S. 94 J. H. B.) ( Young Patricia (.Mabel 4th 18167 ■{ (P. S. 35 J. H. B.) (.P. S. 243 J. H. B.) ( Sans-Peur l^ Mabel 2d -^ (P. S. 2 J. H. B.) (F. S. 889 J. H. B.) ( Mabel. 238 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Eva Horner 3d 24663.— Yield of milk, 132 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from August 23 to 28, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 3 moaths ; property of Wallace L. Hubbs, Jonesville, N. Y. Spotless 1860. Eva Horner 3d 24663 Knave 1856. ' Fantie 3066. I „ XT „- .->e<< * Jack Horner 51'., imp. V-Eva Horner 3644 s„itanR aKSfi. imn. ( Sultana 2638, imp. ( Hughes 954. I Dusky 2525. ) Bliichcr 2d 102. I Fanny 72. * Fannie Bugler 19962.— Yield of milk, 163 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from June 13 to 19, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 1 month ; prop- erty of N, N. Palmer, Brodhead, Wis. 'Bugler 2127. Fannie Bugler 19962 Lord Lawrence 1414. Blondette 1817, imp. 1 Lawrence 61 - (F. S. 84 J. H. B.) { Lady Mary 1148, imp. .Metah's Queen 4886.... .^Omaha482 ^iLI-m, Metahl295. imp. ( St. Malo 486. imp. ■( Myrtle 1294, imp. ♦Grace M, 10697.— Yield of milk, 225 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from May 3 to 10, 1883 ; age, 4 years ; property of Henry B. Kelley, Vinton, Iowa. i Majestic 2d 1201 ■* ?^,f,^,f 'i^, ^^r , Cardinal of Rosland 33.35 - ' ^""^''"^ 132o. Umelia of Greenwood , pHnce Charles 816. Grace M. 10697 ] 1 Belle 194. AlexinaOH36 i Modoc 1007 l S^.^^ ' " ^ Alexina .3836 - , , th^i roi RpssiV Kprnn •>fi^5 -' ^1"°' °~^- I tsessie iieron ^ Keron 1500. Kitty Livingston 34303.— Yield of milk, 145 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2 oz. ; test made from Nov. 23 to 39, 1887; age, 3 years; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 10 lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. oil meal, 3 lbs. middlings ; property of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. i Trov nJOi i Prince of Grafton 2721. . Gen. James A. Garfield "^'"^ ''"' ^ef ^S'l^l' ''''• 14874. I Mollie Garfield 12172... ]fjejp'^^^ph^l|^^^^ Kitty Livingston 34303i i On T of T ( Garihaldi H. 7106 ■) ^j^ J^ l\ Mountain Side VLady Livingston 3.3374. < 15544. / T?oi«K^,„ O.I iQOfio I Doesticks 2387. ( Rainbow 2d 13963 - Rainbow 6493. BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. 239 Lady Livingston 33374.— Yield of milk, 203 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from December 30, 1886, to January 5, 1887 ; age, 3 years and 9 months ; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed during test, 4 qts. corn meal, 4 qts. oats, 1 qt. oil meal aud 8 qts. bran, daily ; property of George E. Peer, Rochester, N. Y. j- Garibaldi H. 7106 -j ^nna of Mountain Side 15544, imp. Lady Living8ton333r4. J ^ p^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^.^ \ Rainbow 2d 13962 \ ^"''^^'^^^ 2.38, , p^^y jggg l^nainoow .a I39b~. ...< j Peter Norman 1238. ( Rambow 6493 j jjactiael 3d 2261. * Lady Oaks 2d 5246. — Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz., salted; test made from May 18 to 34, 1881; age when made, 6 years and 6 months ; property of John E. Phillips, Baltimore, Md. Feed, 3 qts. corn meal, 3 qts. wheat middlings ; pasture, good clover and orchard grass. r Baltimore Boy 837 -i ^r^Jet^oVoakland 2080, imp. Lady Oaks 2d 5246. Lady Oaks 2081 {ilhrfmlmi, imp. Magnibel 7976. * Magnibel 7976.— Yield of milk, 381 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from June 23 to 38, 1885; age, 6 years and 5 months ; property of R. S. Taylor, Fort Wayne, Ind. i Islander 561 -, J^^^^^f ff^^^S, imp. rMagneticl428 - ( John LeBas 398, imp. ' Azaiea 14« ^ j^gjjjg ^gg, imp. 1 ^Belisario640 ! S^^-l2'''- I Hinnibel 4040 -; , rr;r,mQn "« * Flora Hinman 1272 j P^^ 124. Mary Jane of Belle Vue 6956.— Yield of milk, 338 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz. (official); test made from May 21 to 27, 1885; age, 9 years; grain fed dail3^ 11 lbs. ground oats, 5 lbs. bean meal, 2 lbs. pea meal, 2 lbs. cotton-seed meal and 1 lb. corn-hearts ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. I Remarkable (F. S. 229 J. H. B.) Mary Jane of Belie Vue 6956. . . . -; ( Nelly ^F. S. 1509 J. H. B.) * Miss Bligh 24561. — Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from January 3 to 9, 1886 ; age, 4 j-ears ; property of W. L. Conyngham, Wilkesbarre, Pa. ( Farmer's Glory 5196 (F. S. 274 J. H. B.) (P. S. 2,8J. H. B.) (AgiUe - (P. S. 157 J. H. B.) Miss Bligh 24561 -{ (P. S. 324 J. H. B.) Rosette I (F. S. 1154J. H. B.) '^Lady Bligh (F. S. 5621 J. H. B.) 240 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Naomi's Pride 16745.— Yield of milk, 190 fbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2 oz., salted ; test made from August 30 to September 5, 1883 ; age when made, 3 yeai's and 3 months ; property of A. C. Jennings, Urbana, Ohio. I Orange Peel 2(1 fRidgely of Hampton i Orange Skin 1216 -> (P. S. 36 J . H. B.) 3046 - / Gloria 3144, imp. ^, ., p ., ,,„,. ' Button 2d 3100 -| |^JJl„^f 053. Naomi 8 Pride 16>45. . -{ I I Orange Peel 2d I ^ Orange Skin 121G - (P. S. 36 J. H. B.) l,Naomi Ronsby 16742.... - I Gloria 314t, imp. / -[,„„ v„ e~o- \ Actseon 014. Kon^Dy 6,8. I ggijg Yowler 24.37, imp. * Opaline 7590.— Yield of milk, 215 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2 oz.; test made f i-oni August 20 to 27, 1884 ; age, 6 years and 4 months ; property of M. M. Gardner, Nashville, Tenn. , vro,!„= -fin ' Willie Bov 4;M. , Top-sawyer 1404 -, i Clement m ' Emblem 90 - (F. S. 61J. H. B.) „ ,■ --nn r ( On I. of J. Opaline 7590. - \ Pilot 3. i Pilot Jr. 141 „., „ ,-..., ^i-iiuLo..!-.! iJenny 287. imp. Silver Rose 4, o3 1 ,, ,„ ,.„ \ Cheltenham 80. '1^°^^ ^~~ -( Brunette 102. * Pet of Maplewood Farm 4854.— Yield of milk, 259 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2 oz., salted ; test made from May 28 to June 3, 1883 ; property of Mrs. L. M. Fair, AVallingford, Conn. Pet of Maplewood Farm 4854. . \ Victor 79", imp. / Margeretta 1994, imp. * Queen of Ashantee 14554. — Yield of milk, 116 qts.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2 oz., vmsalted ; test made from June 25 to July 2, 1883 ; age, 4 years and 4 months ; property of S. M. Burnham, Saugatuck, Conn. 1 Nonpareil rKoflee -^ (P. S. 37 J. H. B.) (F. S. 233 J. H. B.) ( Cooraassie 11874 fGuy Fawkes -{ (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) (F. S. 2olJ. H. B.) Queen of Ashantee I V Angelica (F. S. 1738 J. II. B.) 14.554 i (P. S. 392 J. H. B.) j {Brown Prince (F.S.85J.H.B.) St. Jeannaise (F. S. 14.52 J. H. B.> * Silver Cloud 13461 'F. S. 2113 J. H. B.)— Yield of milk, 127 lbs. 8oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2 oz., unsalted ; test made from August 31 to Sep- tember 6, 1882 : age, 6 j-ears and 5 montlis ; property of W. R. McCready, Saugatuck, Conn. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS, 241 * Sunset of Pleasant View 13071.— Yield of milk, 235 lbs.; yield of but- ter, 15 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from December 17 to 23, 1884 ; age, 5 years and 7 months ; property of J. L. Shallcross, Anchorage, Ky. rElsmore 4384 * ^^^^ °^ Grayholdt 1035, imp. Sunset of Pleasant ( ^''""°'^ ^^ ( Lonette 2719, imp. View 13071 -( , „,„ ^ .^on I . (Ralph Guild 1917 ^'S 0 ^Plenita 6143 i MVl> ce 1«10. /-Plenty 950 i Comus 54. *Zillia 2d 1693.— Yield of milk, 249 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from March 9 to 15, 1885 ; age, 15 years and 10 months ; property of William Crozier, Northport, N. Y. comet i.iv ^ English Beauty 449,imp. /"Beacon Comet 675 < Zillia -d 1693 J ' J^^^ey Belle No. 2, 1527 ■) f ^^'^ lelle 1526. VZillia 1692, imp. * Aleph Judea 11389.— Yield of milk, 241 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 13^ oz., salted; test made from November 13 to 19, 1883; age when made, 3 years and 10 months ; property of S. M. Neel, ShelbyA'ille, Ky. ^ Red Cloud 2d 2260 ■) P!^,Sa']364'^' ''^^^ /■John Knox 3289 - ' l^amosa 1364. ( Lady Pigot 2d .5798, (Onl.ofJ. Aleph Judea 11389... .4 ^™P- '" ^lam "( Lady Pigot 5797, imp. I Juliette of St. Lam- i Buffer 20.55 * Si^'Sl'^i^^- bert5483 - ( Amelia 484, imp. { Rosette of St. Lam- , j „ . j ;„„„„ i^^e hert 510R -' ^°™ Lisgar 1066. °""^^^"" (Victoria 411. * Aldarine 5301.— Yield of milk, 232 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 13^ oz., unsalted ; test made from May 28 to June 3, 1882; age when made, 6 years and 3 months ; property of W. J. Chirm, Frankfort, Ky. No feed ; pasture, good blue-grass. 1 Mflrin* rm * Willie Boy 434. rSignalll70 Man us ,60 1 Lady Mary 1148, imp. (Pansy Morris 2060 ]^^^, Aldarine 5301 -I I Grand Duke Alexis 1040 ■, 9rZ hSl "^V „i,„; o of^-«ro (Gordons Duke 1913....-,^,^,,^ 3^ _,iy_ iGold Leaf 2d o860 - , qu I. of J. < Gold Leaf 20o8 - ^^^^ p^^^^ ,,(,5-^ ^^^ *Cannie M. 10698.— Yield of milk, 226 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 1 oz. ; test made f i-om May 3 to 10, 1883 ; age, 4 years ; property of Henry B. Kellev, Vinton, Iowa. (Majestic 2d 1201 ] K^'ist , Cardinal of Rosland 33-35 - ' i^urime i.i-o. ( Amelia of Greenwood , p^.^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ gjg -'■^•^ ■/ Belle 194. Cannie M. 10698 -! I ( r.„,i„„^ 1--Q J Prince Charles 816. 1 Rosland 1.m3 J. 3^,,^ jg^ ^ Peggy Stewart 7407 -> a fVjo] A,, (Bessie Keren 2055 "J IX MoO. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 243 Columbia Beauty 30233.— Yield of millv, 179 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from October 13 to 19, 1889; age, 5 years and 7 months; actual weig-ht, 968 lbs.; grain fed daily, 16 lbs. g-i-ound corn, oats and wheat bran, y^ part of each ; property of F. H. Bates, Hamburgh, Ala. f Tormentor 3533. Columbia Beauty 30263 r Toltec 6831 . ^ Oonan 1485. ^Heliotrope of Linwood 6952, imp. ; Khedive (P.S. 103 J. H.B.) ' Angela (F. S. 1607 J. H.B.) I Rajah :}40, imp. Omoo 1247, imp. * Duchess of Bloomfield 3d 15580.— Yield of milk, 159 lbs.; yield of but- ter, 15 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from January 3 to 9, 1886; age, 3 years and 11 months ; property of A. K. Johnston, Stapleton, N. Y. Duchess of Bloom- field 3d 15580 'Lord Harry 3445. ^Duchess of Bloomfield 3653 ^Top-sawyer 1404 ^,^^^;^,, I Duchess of Bloomfield ^ j^.^^^^ g,Q_ .^^ ■*-^'^ ■/ Angela 1682. 1 Rioter 670, imp. 1 An Pierrot G36, imp. "( Belle of Farmington [ Whip 2038 < 911. imp. Grinnella 4th .5920 -' )^^^J^%!\%. -^^ Lady Cecilia 24821 ...J ' <-"n"e'la 1302, imp. Eugenie 5th 0.573. \ Pierrot 03li, ini]). / Eugenie 792, imp. Lemon Fern 22140.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from June 21 to 28, 1889 ; age, 6 years and 4 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 11 lbs. ground corn and oats; property" of G. L. & A. C. Davis, Port Jefferson, N. Y. i Verturanus fBobby - (P. S. 101 J. IL B.) (P. S. 208 J. H. B.) I Young Rose fLemonPeel J (P. S. 43 J. H. B.) (P. S. 320 J. H. B.) Lemon Fern 221 40....^ ^Regalia (F. S. 1904 J. H. B.) ,La Parleuse (F. S. 3393 J. H. B.) * Marvel 13734.— Yield of milk, 182 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from .lun(^ 30 to July 6, 1884; ag-e, 2 years and 8 months ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. , T„„;f„, no ' Saturn 94, imp. f Mercury 43-> -^ ' "^ ' ^^^^^'^ l'^'"^"^? / Mercury -i.i, .,„;, „ ,-, I Saturn 94, imp. '^'P^'^'^1'^ , Rhea 100, i.up. Marvel 13734 -'. 1 ( Tw^^o„o 11/- ' Dolphin 2d 468, imp. L ,. ,„.,., |Mopsu8ll0.i (Julie Richards 1074. VFaustine 10:i)4 --. Mercurv 43-' ( Antiantra 24.57 -j Orpine 1184, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 245 * Nerissa of Nyack 9692.— Yield of milk, 248 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from April 3 to 8, 1885; age, 5 years and 3 months; property of Miller & Sibley, Fi-anklin, Pa. ( Bertrand 6&4 \ kl^Z'^l-i^f^r. ' ,RoryO 'More 3236 \ ?®'"Vt'^' ?^P{ ,n. ( I Sea Gull 4tli 1677 -^ l«fn V To« ^"''^ ^°^- I * ( Sea Gull 898, imp. Nerissa of Nyack 96924 ( Clement 115 fDunstanl5r < (F. S. 01 J. H. B.) ^Rosa of Salem 6476 { Josephine 350. J ( Clement 115 ( Alice of Salem 5053 J. (F. S. 61 J. H. B.) ( Gunilda 662. *Oitz 8649.— Yield of milk, 293 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 1 oz., unsalted ; test made from June 10 to 18, 1882 ; age when made, 3 years and 9 months ; property of I. S. Earhart, Mulberry, Ind. Oitz8649. ' Clive Duke 1901 . llo A. 6284. I Prize Duke 94-^ -* ^^'^^ ^^9- Welcome Beauty 1268, imp. ( Saratoga 135, imp. in dam. * Prize Rose 16309.— Yield of milk, 183 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from September 30 to 26, 1884; age, 2 years and 7 months; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. Prize Rose 16309. fLe Brocq's Prize 3350. Violette7471. On I. of J. { Horace Matin 7768 < (P. S. 94 J. H. B.) (F. S. 1629 J. H. B.) ( Cigarette (F. S. 1962 J. H. B.) I Loval Apollo -{ ("p. S. 70 J. H. B.) (P. S. 108 J. H. B.) (Rose (F. S. 1435 J. H. B.) ( Orange Peel 503 Young Rose -: (F. S. 129 ,T. H. B.) (P. S. 43 J. H. B.) I Rose (F. S. 339 J. H. B.) * Roselaine 7167. — Yield of butter, 15 lbs. 1 oz., salted; test made from December 5 to 11, 1883 ; age when made, 5 years and 8 months ; property of Garretson Bros., Pendleton, Ind. ( On I. of J. f Victorine Lachaise 2740, imp. (On I. of J. l Victoria Gamp 1446, imp. Roselaine 7167 , 'Grand Duke Alexis 1040. ^Rosa Gamp 2732. 246 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Sultan's Sultane 32854.— Yield of milk, 186 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 1 oz. ; test made from May 29 to June 5, 1888 ; age, 3 years and 2 months ; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 3 qts. oat meal and 3 qts. bran; property of M. H. Messchert, Douglassville, Pa. Sultan's Sultane 32854 . ' Sultan of St. Saviour's I 5328. ( Coeur de Lion ] ^exjP. S. 71 J. B. B.) \ ,T> a i,^ ' Clement 115, imp. >■ Marietta 1813 ■] li'^Mef 954 '' ' * Belle of St. John's 2d 29829.— Yield of milk, 175 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. % oz.; test made from April 28 to May 4, 1886; age, 3 years and 3 months ; property- of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. , J, ooQ- * Hadfield's Nelson 2223. /T^ 1 <•>.- ™ 1 o,4a) ■( Pattie Mc. 4th 4755. ^ Duke of Normandy .3446-^. „__^,,„ ^.,„, ( Concha 1397. Belie of St. John's ( ^<^ueenetle s~,4 1 Little Queen 3:557. 2d 29829 -{ ( Toby D„iio „f tt T^hr.- (Hector - (P. S. 125 J. H. B.) ^Be'le of St. John s j ^p g j-g j g g , Cowslip SO'O ) (P. S.24 J. H.B.) ( Hastings (F. S. 4046 J. H. B.) BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 247 * Dairy C. 12227.— Yield of milk, 317 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3^^ oz,, unsalted ; test made from April 35 to May 1, 1883 ; age when made, 2 years and 9 months ; property of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. , Champion of America j May Boy r05 ] cro^uBS"^' '°'^' ^^' 1 Pansy 1019 1 n 'n"^>f ^?i^ ^'•^• Dairy C. 12227 J. I Dolly 2d 1030. I The Hub 1009 ■! Motley 515. '^Dairy2d3891 j The Hub 1009 1 Bessie 139, imp. ' Dairy 2861, imp. Euphorbia 2d 27094.— Yield of milk, 258 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3^ oz.; test made from June 9 to 16, 1889 ; age, 5 years and 3 months ; esti- mated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 3 qts. corn meal, 3 qts. bran and 3 qts. oats ; property of N. F, Berry, Lexington, Ky. Euphorbia 2d 27094., Allegany Signal 10178. Euphorbia 11229. S Cattaraugus Chief G026. -) f^ln^L^^nrf''- Ugapanthus7174 \l^^^^'- \ Signal 1170. "/ (;oiolla4392. I Allegany Chief 2918. 1 Nettle 3-^41 * Devilshoof 866 Fancy Ona 34867.— Yield of milk, 224 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. }4. oz.; test made from November 13 to 20, 1888 ; age, 3 years and 8 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; g-rain fed daily, between 16 and 23 lbs. ground corn and oats ; property of Wm. Morrow & Son, Nashville, Tenn. C Pedro of the Valley 8750- Fancy Ona 34867 .Emma Hudson 12469. . . I Catono 3761 . Rosabel Hudson 5704. . \ On I. of J. "/ Ona 7840. I Oneco918. I Arabel Hudson 2877. i Ben Nora 2262 -| ^^Jra'S^'^ '''• ' Rosabel Hudson 5704. . . .| ^n^co 9^8.^^^^ __^^^^^ *Ida of Coal Hill 12542.— Yield of milk, 232 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3^ oz.; test made from June 29 to July 5, 1885; age, 5 years; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. Ida of Coal Hill 12542.^ ,Duke of Portage 1270.. ^-Celia Belle 5865. 1 Major of Staatsburgh 679 Lady Palestine 2769 . . . j Napoleon 291, imp. I Minnie 771, imp. S Jersey Prince 1062. 'j Palestine 2d 1455. ( Major of Staatsburgh Duke of Portage 1370. . . - 679 ( Lady Palestine 2769. Belleof Chester 4442... ]Hamgo^n491. 248 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Landseer's Fancy 2d 43184.— Yield of milk, 103 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. % oz.; test made from May 25 to June 1, 1888 ; age, 1 year, 10 months and 20 days; estimated weight, 600 lbs.; grain fed daily, 13 quarts of corn and oats ; property of Messrs. Webster & Morrow & Son, Columbia, Tenn. I Khedive {Tormentor 3533 < (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) '^?fl.l60rj.H.B.) „ .._ , Oonan 1485 •{ S^'''*'^ ^i*?;. 43184 -| lOmool24r. I (Landseer331 'S'^^i^o^n- ''Landseer's Fancy 2876. \ 5*^^^'^ ■^' ^1 ™P- 1 Young Fancy 97 •[ |^^- ^^^"o^' " Plumida 23621.— Yield of milk, 153 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. ^ oz.; test made from May 13 to 20, 1887 ; age, 3 years and 9 months ; esti- mated weight, 820 lbs.; blue grass pasture only; property of Thos. C. Beer, Bucyrus, Ohio. i one Ton 2000 -j i^dr^efuVf- i ^arpole 3500 ^ ! ^^^^-^^^l ^gO. " (^ema53,8 i Nettie 1613. Plumida 23621 \ I / tt„™k „„, 0100 ) Marias 760. L,-, , • 1 «-.. J 1^°™^^^"^ "^^ 1 Emily Hampton 1912. Uiltoda 6,43 ^ M.r^^nfn iQi-* J Law/cnce 61. (Memento 1913 1 Motto 80. St. Heller Gem 35438.— Yield of milk, 218 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 3^ oz.; test made from July 5 to 12, 1890; age, 5 years; actual weight, 760 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 lbs. cut oats, yellow meal and wheat bran, mixed, and 1 lb. oil meal ; property of Holly Grove Farm, Plainfield, N. J. fSt. Helier Boy 11884....; \ Duke of Stratford 6732. St. Helier Gem 35438. ■{ Mother Carey of P. 14092 ( Oxoli 1022. I Pyrola 4.'jtit). T^c„,„-a (-Ro I St. Helier 45, imp. \ ehuvie 4ob9 -^ ^utea 4503. Bad Boy 4375. Nun of Ponkapog 9411. i Vertumnus - (P. S. 101 .J. H. B.) / Prairie Qneen of St. Lawrence 9404, imp. ( Pierce's Dom Pedro 4373. "/ Lady Gray 2d 2375. * Leneca 17178. — Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 15 lbs. }i oz., unsalted ; test made from May 23 to 30, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 9 months ; propei'ty of William H. Parks, Newnan, Ga. ( Dexter of Staatsburgh ' Steamboat 4422 ) 1942 Leneca 17178. 'Susie 3d 2297. ( Vermont 893. '( Dolly l.»ii. \ Napoleon 291, imp. I Susie 708, imp. i Kisher 43-r J ^ero (P. S. 90 J. H. B.) ( Kis^er_4.3. , . .,. -^ ■ ^. ^ • • -j Sophie '^9209°^ Beaumont 2d^ . ^p g ._,g2 j g g ^ ^ Belle of Beaumont 8894. (F. S. 434 J. H. B.) Milord tP. S. 119 J. H.B.) Effle (F. S. 1429 J. H. B.) BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 249 *Lucy of Wabash 9741, imp.— Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 15 lbs. I4 oz.; test made from May 8 to 14, 1883 ; age, 5 years and 8 months ; property of B. F. Southworth, Defiance, Ohio. Idarella 41433.— Yield of milk, 304 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs. 1^ oz.; test made from June 21 to 38, 1890 ; age, 3 years and 7 months ; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 3 gallons corn meal and 1 pint cotton- seed meal ; property of M. C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. , Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658-! "' Chanty of St. Lambert 358^ , ^Ida of St. Lambert 24990 -1 '?,^°'^^ ^°"'l ^d 2m. Idarella 41433 4 I ^^S'^'l'l'^,",?^ ^^- ^*°'- I bert 5122. ( Lord Harry 3445 ■[ Top-Sawyer 140-1. ^HarrellaS^giS -! I Duchess of Bloomfleld I 3653. ' Tormentor's Cinder- I Tormentor 3533 ella 19564 - (P. S. 259 J. H. B.) i Paraph 6134. * Amalthea 1 1319.— Yield of milk, 341 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made from June 30 to July 6, 1885 ; age, 5 j^ears, 1 month and 13 days ; property of Frederick Billings, Woodstock, Vt. ( Little Joker 693 ] Ltl'riVffif ^' ^^^ ( Miramon 1451 4 ^^ V ? • o^'"' ac • ) Mvrn lisn Dolphin 2d 46b, mip. I fMyral480 1 Edith 4th 817. Amalthea 11319. I Rioter 2d 469, imp. Rioter 2d'8 Venus 3658. . - /Hebe 2d 3612 ( Mars 95. i Hebe 3611. * Ampelis 5th 17548.— Yield of milk, 194 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made from March 15 to 31, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 11 months; prop- erty of I. D. Risher, Hope Church, Pa. The milk of this test was all churned at one time. ( Khedive {Pilot. - (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) (P. S. 183 J. H. B.) { Phillis 18162 (P. S. 839 J. H. B.) ..„.^.... „.....„,...... Rainetta 8081 .imp. iMnrfin 'M8-5 JTacony79. *R--^«^^ -l^CfsM'- * Archie 1112, imp. — Yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made from June 17 to 23, 1878 ; age when made, 10 years ; property of James A. Hayt, Patter- son, N. Y. * Arietta 51 15. — Yield of butter, 15 lbs., unsalted; age when made, 8 years and 8 months; property of James R. Crane, Washington, 111. {Young Baron 702, imp. , -p..., „i ( Monarch 82, imp. Powslini-^ (i^arlSl ■|Europal21,imp. •^""^''■P ^'"^ "1 ^,i„ 1.70 ' John Brown 67. ' " '"^^ ^' '"^ "i Primrose 158, imp. 250 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Arthvir's Frolic 4438, imp.— Yield of milk, 241 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs., suited; test iiuuli' from June 5 to 12, 1882; age when made, 13 years ; property of A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y. ' ♦Beauty 17414, imp.— Yield of milk, 194 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs., salted ; test made from July 24 to 30, 1883 ; age when made, 5 years ; prop- erty' of Nathan Brownell, Hubbardsville, N. Y. I Welcome /"Tom -' (F. S. iriJ. H. B.) ^P. S. 77 J. H. B.) / Bel'e /"Browny 4 (F. S. 30-' J. H. B.) (P. S. 158 J. H. B.) Beauty 17414 J. VFairy (F. S. 964 J. H. B.) (P. S. 371 J. H. B.) j Rosy (F. S. 1008 J. H. B.) * Bettie Dixon 4527.— Yield of milk, 281 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs., salted ; test made from June 28 to July 4, 1882 ; age when made, 6 years and 11 months ; property of W. B. Montgomery', Starkville, Miss. /"AldinelLSC Beltie Dixon 4527 -I U'euie Wallace 2663. .^^elu.ko470 ^^X^'^'""'- I Gazelle of Mobile 1735, imp. \ 'Jove. U: 870 luZ'I^hUSO. St. Mary 409, imp. Canossa 65243.— Yield of milk, 183 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made from Februaiy 23 to March 2, 1890; ag-e, 2 years and 10 months ; esti- mated weight, 900 lbs.; well fed, but no record of weight kept ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. Rrio Rvir * Oxoli 1922. ( Lord St. Helier 15071 . . . -^ ] f^'f^ ^^^S. 'Hebeta 15732 l g[i,^itfa 11266. Canossa 65243 -I y Oonan-8 Rajah 8965. ...-] ^.Z^n^l'I ''^^■ .Lizzie T. 65134 - / Oonan 14^5. ' Hertha 20102 (F. S. 5456 J. H. B.) I Cora of Arcadia 16151. — Yield of milk, 200 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 15 Jbs.; test made from July 14 to 21, 1886; age, 5 years and 4 months ; esti- mated weight, 900 lbs.; pasture only, no grain ; property of Jacob Lusk, East Palmj'ra, N. Y. (Diamond Ear. 3116 j Kl^'f Queens Co. .ROCC0 4517 ^ 2825. I /Fantil0<17 I Czar 251. (I'antilJd ( Fashion 1296. Cora of Arcadia 16151.-! I ( Dexter of Staatsburgh I ( Samson Jr. 2723 < 1942. ^Clio of Staatsburgh 2d ' | Susie 2d 778. 12540. ) r^u^ .,f <.:,..„,ov,„-„K A'.-n ) Vermont 893. Countess 2d 2288. ( Clio of Staatsburgh 4177 -j * Daisy Grant 1445, imp. — Yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made from June 3 to 9, 1878 ; age when made, 9 years ; property of James A. Hayt, Patter- son, N. Y. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 251 *Dora Doon 12909.— Yield of milk, 198 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made from June 21 to 37, 1884; age, 3 years and SJa nionths ; property of G. R. Gwynn, Lebanon, Tenn. I ATariii* 7fin * Willie Boy 434. ^Top-sawyer 1404 ^^^""^^^ J Lady Mary n. 8, imp. 'Emblem 90 - (F. S. 61J. H. B.) Dora Doon 12909 < ( On I. of J. i Rector 1458 -\ lT"'^%'lho ^ Daisy Dean 6855 - ' Ro-^'l"^. ^d 2532. Little Duck 3651 ^?" h^^?-nn' ^^- ( Duchie 2o00. *Fan of Grouville 7458.— Y^ield of milk, 263 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs., unsalted; test made from June 11 to 17, 1883; age when made, 8 years and 4 months ; property of Beech Grove Farm, Beech Grove, Ind. Feed, 3 qts. ground oats and bran, in equal parts, thrice daily ; pasture, good clover and timothy. ( Sultan ( Welcome 4 (P. S. 58 J. H. B.) Sans-Peur . . \ (F. S. 166 J. H. B.) | Daisy. (F. S. eOl'J.H! B.)" " )• Fan of Grouville 7453 <( ''-■•■ ~"^ «■ "• -l..; ^ Fauchon (F. S. 1322 J. H. B.) Brunette (F. ,S. 1256 J. H. B.) * Fringe 16875.— Yield of milk, 298 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made from June 10 to 17, 1886 ; age, 4 years and 4 months ; property of Henry M. Wood, Jeffersontown, Ky. This test was made on grass alone. Fringe 16875., 'Forget-me-not 6201... (P. S. 291 J. H. B.) /Farmer's Glory 5196.. (F. S.274.I.'H. B.) . Grey King (P. S. 169J. H. B.) Bonheur (F. S. 1651 J. H. B.) , Erica (F. S. 1946 J. H. B.) .Sooner (F. S. 2236 J. H. B.) Girlie's Glory 46305.— Yield of milk, 181 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made from March 21 to 28, 1890 ; age, 3 years and 5 months; esti- mated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 2^2 ^bs. cotton-seed meal, 6 lbs. shorts and 12 lbs. corn meal ; property of R. A. Sibley, Spencer, Mass. /'MaxfieWs Young i Young Prince fCoomassie Welcome Duke 3708 - (P. S. 182 J. H. B ) I 9279 J. ( Hills' Maid of .Jersey Girlie's Glory 46.305. . . -{ 8173. ( Niobe Duke 2364. Gilderoy's Girlie 24131.. Aureola W 10461 .( .MODe uuKe 23W Aureoia w . IU4(>1 ^ Adeline W. .5:^58 ( Gilderoy ■M 4037 ' Gilderoy 2107. "■^ / Rosy of St. Martin'8 < 6564. / i Commodore Roxburr '■ Girlie Dawson 8274. ... - 1.586. ( Lebanon Girl 6104. 252 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Golden Violet 30136.— Yield of milk, 170 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made from Jiimiary 25 to February 1, 1891 ; age, 6 years and 4 months; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daih', 4 lbs. oil meal, 4 lbs. pea meal, 4 lbs. coi'ii meal and 8 lbs. crushed oats ; property of Ayei- & McKinuey, Philadelphia, Pa. f ViPtor ' Tom (P. S. 77 J. H. B.) 1 / T3 c ' 1 la T ■ TJ' rT ■ ■ I La Petite Jaune /■Golden Rule 4785 < (1 . b. 148 J. 11. ii.) (F. S. 1065 J. H. B.) r o 1 n^^ c-3- « Tom (P. S. 77 J. H. B.) Golden Violet 30136. . 4 ^ ^^"^ ^°°" ^"^^ '( Nelly (F. S. 677 J. H. B.) tviolet 3d .3:J40, imp. * Grace Felch 8291.— Yield of milk, 193 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made from August 21 to 27, 1883 ; property of George M. Jewett, Glen- ville, Md. ^ Orange Peel 502 {Critic 540, imp - (F. 8. 13 , T»„ r .1.^ onA > Excelsior of Jersey 940, imp. l^&race Darling 2d .304... .- g^jj^g jj,^^,i„g 2,,,, -^^^l^; Jersey Lily 14044.— Yield of milk, 246 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made from May 33 to 39, 1886 ; age, 7 years and 4 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. bran and malt sprouts ; property of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. {( Merry Boy Duke (P. S. 76 J. H. B.)-^ (P. S. 61 .J. H. B.) (on I. of J. (F.S.r70J. U.B., * Lady Jane of St. Peter's 7475. — Yield of milk, 307 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made fi'om December 23 to 28, 1884 ; age, 6 years and 2 months ; property of Beech Grove Farm, Beech Grove, Ind. I Merry Bov (Duke -; (P. S. 6i J. H. B.) (P. S. 70 J. H. B.) i Superb fGrey King ■{ (F. S. :»3 J. H. B.) I (P. S. 169 J. H. B.) Lady Jane ojf St. ! '^^">' ^rey (F. S. 770 J. H. B.) • 1 I Nonpareil rilorace < (P. S. 37 J. H. B.) Peter's 7'*75. (F. S. 1629 J. ii. B.) j Icic I (P. S. 94 J. H. B.) ( Young Patricia Matin 7768. -{ (P. S. 35 J. H. B.) jarette cF. S. 1962 J. H. B.) * Lady Louise 4339. — Yield of butter, 15 lbs., salted; age when made, 8 years ; property of R. G. Skiff, Green's Farms, Conn. 1- 11 ci ■ o~, S Cliff 176. ,,,^. ^\ellowSkin8.1 ", Ariadne 608. I^Graycoat llOo -, ( St. Catherine 408, imp. Lady Louise 4339 -; , J ...„ (On I. of J. ] r- 1.1 r- ii,-,A \JO^e UJ 1 St. Cathorine 408, imp. V&old Lar 2200 - , jol,„ t. Norton 177. ( Hebe 2d 11<8 - ^^.^g jj^-_ BUTTER TESTS OF JEESErS. 253 *Lydia Darrach 5th 16577.— Yield of milk not g-i%'en ; jield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made from June 7 to 14, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 6 months ; prop- erty of H. P. Lewis, Brady, Pa. This test was made on g'rass alone — red top, timothy and clover pasture. , Duke of Brandy wine \ Doctor H. 2132 j Julk ^M 4w"'^^' Lyd^ Darrach 5th I '''' } Lilly Morgan 4752 J ^I^I^T^J^^^; ^ Doctor H. 2132 \ ^hB\° i^n,''^^' ^Lydia Darrach 4903 -] Lod^z Sit } Bertha Morgan 4770. . . . .| ^°P^-^^«^,-^ ^^^^^^ ^.^ * Ma Belle 4942.— Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made from Maj' 4 to 10, 1884; age, 8 years; propei'ty of C. E. Grosvenor, Canterbury, N. B., Can. 'Enclid520 < (t . b. 84 J. ti. B.) (F. S. 232 J. H. B.) ( Golddrop 222. imp. Ma Belle 4942. I i Charleston 1 iOn I. of J. Bellflower 59 -"— "" ^ -, Princess 836, imp. BellHower 59 , Charleston 1. ' ^'^"^ ^-^ I Violet 15, imp. * Maid of Avranches 6959.— Yield of milk, 173 lbs.; yield of butter, 15 lbs., unsalted ; test made from August 20 to 26, 1883 ; property of Thomas H. Malone, Nashville, Tenn. Feed, corn meal, 5 qts. daily ; pasture, blue-grass, poor. I Tommy, ou I. of J. Maid of Avranches 6959 -, / Grey Queen (F. S. 571 J. H. B.) * Marjoram 2d 12805. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made 7 da^'s in June, 1881 ; age, 4 years and 3 months ; property of Cooper, Maddux & Co., Reading, Ohio. \ Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. Marjoram 2d 12805 -, I Marjoram 3239, imp. * MintTia 12812.— Yield of milk, 249 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made from April 24 to 30, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 3 months ; propert}' of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. Kioier V uican o.isu ^ YMet 3d 3240, imp. Mintha 12812 < I ATatiifio M lOHoe ' Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. [ Matilda 3d 12808 -^ Matilda 3238, imp. * Mischief Le Brocq 7680.— Yield of butter, 15 lbs., unsalted ; test made •from June 7 to 14, 1876 ; age when made, 5 years ; property of A. E. Kapp, Northumberland, Pa. ( Pierrot (F. S. 143 J. H. B.) Mischief Le Brocq 7680. . . . -, ( Lady Jane Grey (F. S. 592 J. H. B.) 254 BUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. * Oxalis 2d 15631.— Yield of milk, 197 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs., salted ; test made from June 1 to 8, 1877 ; age when made, 4 yeai'S ; property of Samuel F. Scofield, Stamford, Conn. No feed ; grass alone. {St. Helier 45, imp. (Prince 55 ( Commodore 56. imp. n.«l,«ein t Garibaldi 609, imp. ,T,„„P„ jDukeeiO •) Alice 474, imp. [^°°''" |t,,„.„ 4~„ ( Bill .50, inip. '^^"'^ ^'*^ ■( Fancy 9. imp. Een6 Ogden 1568 -{ I ■Krim,^^ c,a * Beckwith's Bull 39. T,. .,^ ., j ^1'°™'^ -8 •, Young Duchess 41. '^^"'^'^ -^-'^ 1 Rene 39 » Splendid 3, imp. '"^^'-•^^ I Lily 2d 40. ♦Romping Lass 11021.— Yield of milk, 226 lbs. 1%% oz.; yield of butter, 15 lbs.; test made from April 9 to 15, 1884 ; age, 3 years and 7 months ; prop- erty of J. B. Wade, Edgewood, Ga. fKhediye J Leo (F. S. 198 J. H. B.) ,p i im 'f ir 'rT ■ ■ ■ ' Coomassie 11874 /-Tormentor .353;5 { (f. i>. w-i .}. a., a.) (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) (F. S. 259 J. H. B.) / Eomping Lass 11031..] '^"S^l^ (^- S- 1607 J. H. B.) I i rr^^ c:„„. „, 1 f St. iam- bert 5122. \ Rajah 340, imp. ^Oonanl485 -j ( Omoo 1247, imp. 256 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Satin Bird 16380.— Yield of milk, 201 lbs. 8oz,; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 151^ oz.; test made from October 6 to 12, 1883 ; age, 6 years and 6 months; property of Valancej' E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. i Welcome {Hero -' (P. S. 172J. H. B.,r (P. S. 90 J. H. B.) /Miis^ique (F. S. 1096 J. H. B.) Philippa (F. S. 16G5 J. H. B.) Composite 58774.— Yield of milk, 217 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from November 9 to 16, 1890; age, 3 years and 2 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, lo qts. ground oats, corn and peas; prop- erty of Richardson Bros., Davenjiort, Iowa. ,„., ^,.„ |„.3S9 \'^:^^l{'^: /Diploma 16019 - . p„K;ip„ 1071 I } Frankie-s Lass 24900. . . -| ^^l^^^^^e 5th -354;.. I ( K-i,icr TTnr,i -^oar, * Hornbeam 2123. \ Damask Lawrence 148.j0- i t!,,mo.- P/^ir -joi-? Composite .58774 . I -n „i ir\.-,~n i Butlcr Bov 3243 ' Damask 102.^9 ] jjistaff 48^2. Hatita 34538.— Yield of milk, 197 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from June 27 to July 4, 1888 ; age, 3 years and 2 months ; esti- mated weiglit, 875 lbs.; grain fed daily, 5 lbs. grain, consisting of corn meal, bran and oil meal ; property of Frederic Bronson, Greenfield Hill, Conn. (Wanderer .3014 1 SSe'sS^i ( Footstep 5163 -; On i of i ' Fadette of Verna 6814 . -) ^^„^y «^ ^,„,^ gSiy, ,' imp. \ Chief Justice 2d 1643. . . -] ^]ll[ f^^ iHilda D. 06S.3 -„ ^^ _ TT-ij ^1 oo,.n ( Chief Justice 252. ' Hilda C. .3809 . , Hilda 942. Kate Oxford 58102.— Y'ield of milk. 96 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from November 11 to 18, 1890; age, 2 years and 10 months; esti- mated Aveight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons corn meal; property of Morgan & Brown, Columbia, Tenn. r> ■ nu- f onoQ ( Stoke Pogis yd i:238. 1 ogis cnier .i.)y» -^ ^ije^y of St. Lambert /"Landseer's Pogis 15847. ■{ ^ 5127 Kate Oxford ,58102.... / , , . T,„ „Q~p ( Landse^r .331. I ( Landseer s Fancy 28.6. -, y^^j^jj, p^^^^y g.;. /D iu TD ■ „ in'-m ( Foreet-me-not 6291. c ;, T^ • oa.n> Southern Prince 10,60. . • q^^^^^ ^^^^ ^.^^^^^ Southern Daisy .^8292. . - ^ Top-Sawyer 1404. rM>iiban,y.j -^ Marietta 1813. Louisa Deming 23469.— Yield of milk, 230 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from March 23 to 29, 1887 ; age, 3 years and 51-2 niooths ; grain fed during test, 4 lbs. ground oil cake, 3 lbs. g-round oats, 7 lbs. wheat bran, 4 lbs. corn meal, daily ; property of Mrs. Maiy A. Thomas, Bristol, Conn, , c„„„„»„^i- 111) J Manfred 510. I Tunxes Chief 3705 ^^^^^^-^ "^^ R^St^dish 1865. ( Tunxes Belle 4925 \ |"^Hm% Beile 4396. Loniea Deming 2.3469. -< I , ■,■ „„, CT. ,,1 1K.Q 1 Major Tunxes 1547. VLydia Deming 4.399 { . c,,;^,^^ ^.^^^ i S. Hart 8 Belle 4396. ... Dickinson's Belle 4395. BUTTER TKSTS OF JERSEYS. 257 * Mary Clover 9998.— Yield of milk, 213 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, U lbs. 15 oz., salted; test made from May 21 to 28, 1883 ; ag'e wlien made, 6 years and 43^ months ; property of C. J. Wemple, New Rochelle, N. Y. WethersfieId96G.. / Beeswax 1931 • ' (Lilly 2578 j: , u eiuersneia yoo ) Grinnella 2d 1303. Romeo 982. Pansy 1019. Mary Clover 999S -! ( NarragauBett 37.5 -\ gj^o^/^^f.^f **• ^Betty Clover .3784 - f l°'^*l ~2/'^- ,„., Leah 2968 ) Living Storm 173. f i.ean ,9b» ^^ Clover 2d 2902. * Miss Belle 5083.— Yield of mill-c, 269 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 15 oz., unsalted ; test made from May 23 to 29, 1882 ; age, 6 3'ears and 5 months ; propertj'^ of F. Bronson, Greenfield Hill, Conn. r A r>;., lone ' Collamore's Atlantic 7.3!), imp. ^P'"^^°*^ ■( Undine 1864, imp. Miss Belle 5083 < Miss Blossom 1980. ... * ^"^"V -^^ Lion .318^ imp. ( Dottle Dimple 377, imp. * Molly May 17202.— Yield of millv, 346 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 15 oz.; test made fi'om A^jril IS to 34, 1885; age, 3 years and 11 months ; property of M. M. Small, Cooperstown, Pa. I Col. O'Brien 646, imp. ' Iris 1635, imp. i' Mingo 948. Molly May 17202. .Lottie May 17201. /'Young Baltimore Boy , „ i.- t. „.-.~ nn^jf ■' \ Baltimore Boy 837. I •^ ° "( Rose of the Isle 2088, 1 imp. i Hector of Plymouth '-Dorcas 4lh 3533 - Rock 8S6. imp. ( Dorcas 728, imp. * Nibble 6796.— Yield of milk, 330 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from May 33 to 29, 1885; age, 7 3'ears and 10 months ; property of Wisconsin Agricultural Exposition Station. The Squire 1298. ^ Mr. Toodles .377, imp. .Nimmie 968. ■ ' Mattie 994 -j ^^.^ V =« oh oof Nibble 6796 J I Countess 2d 991. \ Sam Weller 271, imp. I Nora 9.56, imp. Princess White Water 21137.— Yield of milk, 203 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 15 oz.; test made from June 13 to 30, 1889 ; age, 7 years ; esti- mated weight, 800 lbs.; grain, fed daily, 38 lbs. of a mixture consisting of ground corn, oats and bran; property of Mrs. L. C. Smith, White W^ater, Wis. 1 Hornbeam '>12:^ -* ^a"US 760 [ Finis Lawrence 4107. . . . -^ ^""'''^^'^ "^^^ / Emilj; Hampton 1912. / t^iIq T .,„roTi^o QQ->Q J Lord Lawreucc 1414. Princess White Water ' ™^ La« rence 8823 J Elfindune 5335. 21137 - ^ Young St. Martin 2219. -) %';,J^'^'}'} ^^f; Uady Mahopac 8613. ... - ' Bella 53.i4, imp. Lady Augusta 2a 1151 . . ' ^™- ^'"'^^ ,^^3 _ ' • ° ( Lady Augusta 1147, imp. 258 BU'lTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. Rho A. Pogis 39269.— Yield of milk, 174 lbs.; yield of butter, U 11)S. 15 oz.; test made from November 7 to 14, 1890; age, 4 years and 4 months; estimated Aveig-ht, 850 lbs.; gn-ain fed daily, 6 qts. bran, 8 qts. corn meal and 8 qts. ground oats ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. [ stoke Pogis 1259, imp. [ Stoke Pogis 5th 5987. . . • I ( Marjoram 3239, imp. Rho A. Pogis 39269. . . ■ I i Duke .,f Belmont 4478. . -' |";^^P^'?h7T' ^/l^l}^'^' I Tjv,,, i 1,-Q-n I Bonnibelle Lee 7986. , Kh« A. loaou - , stockwell 396, imp. ( Khodora ,(1 1.3,1 -^ jjj,odora 1073, imf.. Rosaline CoUas 11187 — Yield of milk, 235 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 15 oz. ; made from June 16 to 23, 1889; age, 11 years and 2 months; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 lbs. bran, 4 lbs. oat meal and 4 lbs. corn meal ; property of H. M. Baum, Frankfort, Ind. I Welcome /"Tom - (F. S. 172 J. H. B ) (P. S. 77 J. H. B.I ^ BeHe {Browny -.' (P. S. 302 J. H. B.; (P. S. 158 J. H. B.i I. Fairy (F. S. 901 J. H. B.) Oil I. of J. *Ruby of Springvale 14505.— Yield of milk, 225 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 15 oz. ; test made from May 28 to June 4, 1885; age, 4 years and 4 months; property of James Crook, Jacksonville, Ala. I Rnil Rr>,. M-io * Belisario 610. 'Tn„i..xv T>nv -wr ^ Bell-Bo^ 14.5. - j^oreina 1430. 1 ^ ""'^'^" ^'"^ -"^*^ ") Li„„ Fa,. 30,0 > Fairfax .530. Euby of Springvale ' ^""^ ^''^ '^~^-' ( Minuie 398. 14505 - ^ Daintv Bov 29.55 -j ^^f "«J 636, imp. Ulahama 7690 - ^ " / Damty ,9b, tmp. / Ruby 787, imp. * Sweet Sixteen 10682.— Yield of milk, 127 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 15 oz. , salted ; test made from July 4 to 10, 1883; age when made, 3 years; property' of H. 'M. Howe, Bristol, E. I. ^Magneticl428 \'^:!^\^: iGMevoy2W, "| Jeanne I e Bas -ro > Noble ( F. 8. 71J. II. B.; f Jeanm Le Ba* ,4,0 -^ ^^j^^. p^j^^ Sweet Sixteen 10682..- (F. S. :e48 J. H. B.) iJimmy ( Duke (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) Uily Lenape 2d B760,imp. - (P. s.' 1.50 J'. H.'n.) " ' ] ^'"'^ %' %■ ^Jf J- "• ^.J / Lily Lenape 7317. imp. . -] ^'^\^ ^^j^- •^'^■^- ^0 * Belle of Echo 12432.— Yield of milk, 222 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 143^ oz.; test made from May 12 to 18, 1884; ag-e, 3 years and 2 months ; property of J. R. Gaston, Normal, 111. Rex 1330. Colt Jr. 825 Belle of Echo 12432 > Belle Atwood. 5907 John Rex "rei -' ' Couch's Lily 3237. John Ke.\ ,,bl ) On I. of J. ( Lady Messervy 397, imp. I ( L8iiaa83, (LadyMess« \ ( Lord Bronx 2d 1730 -] ^^t ?,T"« ^•^^■ |^pon» A,„.«^H son- J ( Picture lo33. Jennie of Farmington , ^^.^^ ,p^^^^^ j.^. ^^ "( Buck's Lophorn 3462. BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. 259 *Faustine 10354.— Yield of milk, 325 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 141^ oz., salted; test made from August 6 to 12, 1883; age when made, 5 years and 5 months ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. 'Mopeus 1165. Faustine 10354. "Antianira 2457. I Dolphin 2d 468, imp.' Julie Richards 1674. ( Bash an 2d ?,<;'■',. '1 Lady Richards lOlT Merrnrv 4-^2 ■' J^P'ter 93. Mercury 4.« ^ Alphea 171. Proserpine 1184, imp. Nonsuch of Linwood 29028.— Yield of milk, 209 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 141^ oz.; test made from July 22 to 29, 1888; age, 3 years and 11 months ; weight, 720 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. bran, 4 lbs. corn meal, 2 lbs. cotton-seed meal ; property of Jacob L. Thomas, Knoxville, Tenn. //-.-. J mo, 1 ^lagnetic 1428. J Gilderoy 210', . . . -j j,.^-^^ l^ g^^ 2476. ■ ) T?^„-„o o 1 o .-=; J Noble (F. S. 104 J. H. B.) (Regina2d24,5 -j Regina(F. S. 32 J. H. B.) Gold Basis 4038. Nonsuch of Linwoodx 29028. ^Lady of Belle Vue 7705. Lord Lawrence 1414. . . Lady Burlington 1713. . i Lawrence 61. '/ Lady Mary 1148, imp. jOnl. of.l. 1 Favorite of the Elms 1656, imp. Rioter's Rosaline 35581,— Yield of milk, 139 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 14i>^ oz.; test made from December 20 to 27, 1889; age, 4 years and 8 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 20 lbs. chopped corn and wheat bran, mixed ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. f Sir George of St. Lam- , g,Q,.g p^^^^^ ^^^ ^033. ' Nancy's Rioter 8390. ...< ^^'"^ '^^''^^ I Pride of VVMndsor 483, Rioter's Rosaline I ( Nancy of St. Lambert , sr'okePoois 3d 2238. •»3*'l ^ ^'-^^^ "/ Lucy of Si. Lambert 5116 ^Rosaline of Glenmore j Saladin 447 -j ^l^^ne rll?"' ^^'•^ ) p, „.„ .11.11 ) Neptune 842. * Countess of Lome 20822.— Yield of milk, 207 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 14 oz. ; test made from June 15 to 22, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 3 months; property of E. Stevens Henry, Rockville, Conn. Countess of Lome 20822 ^Spangle's Boy 6229. ^Maggie of Lawnfleld 14153 Pierrot 7th 1667 Spangle 4141 . ( Duke of Argyle 1317. I Princess Argyle 7570. ( Pierrot 636, imp. ■ '/ Pet 811, imp. S Pierrot 2d 1669. • • 1 Dian 874. ) Nestor 773. ■ • ■( Marilla 2899. I Duke of Argyle 1.517. ■ ' '/ Duc^le^*9 of Argvle 2d 7568. 260 buttp:h tests of jersey^. Etta M. 2d 30820.— Yield of milk, 287 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 14 oz.; test niiule from April 2o to 30, 1888; age, 4 years and 5 months; esti- mated weight, 800 lbs.; g-rain fed daily, 8 quarts ground oats and coi'n, equal parts ; property of D. D. Perry, Peabody, Kansas. , T?,.v„ii t onnr » ^uke (P. S. 76 -J. H. B.) ( Gold Mine T^^-a J ^ ^''" "^ ' ' K^S'"'^ (F. S. 32 J. H. B.) rGoIclMine,,,^ ) dorian 0405 J Victor (P. S. lir J. H. B.) ( Korian iAbb -j ^Qgette (F. S. 1232 J. H. B.) Etta M. 2a 30820 \ Etta M 15901 i ^^'^-^ ^^^^ ] Sl^l ?^f ^*^^^- ^ \ Youn. Brunette 5.38. ] ^^^^^f r^^ ^^^- Fanny of Yerba Buena 2d 10689.— Yield of milk, 244 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from April 27 to May 4, 1889; age, 9 years and 2 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 6 qts. bran, 2 qts. old process oil meal and 3 qts. corn meal ; property' of E. J. Packard, Santa Barbara, Cal. Fanny of Yerba i Victor of Yerba Buena 3809, imp. Buena 2d 10(;89 - ' Fanny of Yerba Buena ^ Fernando 1254 "i ^rai^kfe M~r81. ^^^^ '/ caliente 4-«3 -' Vermont 893. ' ( caiitnie 4,,.i ^ Cherry of Staatsburgh 2891". *Florry Keep 6566.— Y^ield of milk, 231 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 14 oz., unsalted ; test made from May 2 to 8, 1883 ; property of W. B. Mont- gomery, Starkville, Miss. \ St. Helier 45, imp. ibi on ( Bertie 267. ■/ Claude 009. /-Ralph 9.57 Florry Keep G556 < ^Nelusko479 ] SN^' ''"^• ^ Orange Flower 2d 3884 . - Meteor 453 { Orange Flower 2202, ...\ K 4th 1180. * Gold Mark 10727.— Yield of milk, 197 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 14 oz., salted ; test made from June 15 to 22, 1882 ; age when made, 3 years and 4 months ; property of Spencer Borden, Fall River, Mass. , -vfan-Tiofi^ 1 lofl ' It-lander 561. ^Magnetic 1428 , Azalea 1443. I fiilderoy 2107 - , j^^^le (F. S. 71 J. H. B.) ' Jeanne Le Bas 24, 0 -^ j)^;,.^ ^^..^^^ A (P. S. 348 J. H, B.) , -Rr-iiinLo idj« \ Becchnut 109. Uld Lace 10720 S^^^^^^- | 360, imp. DelDha •>d 10713 -* Excelsior 647. ueipna ..a lu, i-i ^ Delpha 1532. * Honeysuckle of St. Anne's 18674.— Y^ield of milk, 285 lbs.; yield of but- ter, 14 lbs. 14 oz., baited; test made from December 3 to 9, 1883; age when made, 3 years and 9 months; property cf William Rolph, Markhani, Ont., Can. (For pedigree see next page.) BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 261 * Honeysuckle of St. Anne's 18674.— Yield of milk, 285 lbs.; yield of but- ter, 14 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from October 14 to 30, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 7 months ; property of William Rolph, Markham, Ont., Can. /-Jack Frost of St. Lam- ( Buffer 2055 \ \'^'^y^°i^'iK^i' I hprt '^iiQ ' Amelia 48-1, imp. Honeysuckle of St. bert .'419 - Anne's 18674 { Pride of Windsor 48.3, imp. Clematis of St. Lam- ( Lord Lis-ar 1006 \ S^^iof ^"^ ' '"P' bert 5478 -' ( rauiine 4J4. ' ^ w/^M?a''^ ^^- ^^'"" 1 Defiance 190, imp. °®" ■''"•^ •/Lydie495. * Island Chrissie 12007.— Yield of milk, 247 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 14 oz., unsalted ; test made from March 28 to April 3, 1884 ; age, 4 yeai's and 103^ months ; property' of Moulton Bros., West Randolph, Vt. ( Modeste-s Maxse 109.3. . * ^I^^'Lf .?fi.^.?'?„,„ i Duke of Burlington 1639 -' ' ^odeste 202. , imp. Island Chrissie 12007. < ' Favorite of the Elms 1650, imp. ^ Island Lily 6969, imp. * Jenny Le Brocq 9757. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 14 oz.. salted ; test made Januaiy, 1881; age when made, 4 years; property of S. W. Robbins, Wethers- field, Conn. , „_„ ( Welcome (F. S. 172 J. H. B.) -^ (PS." 90 J! IiVb'.) ■ ■ ■ ■ ' Musique (F. S. 1090 J. H. B.) Jeune Jenny (F. S. 700 J. H. B.) Jenny Le Brocq 9757... . - (P. S. 90 J. 11. B.) *Lady Gilmore 12136.— Yield of milk, 226 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 14 oz.; lest made from June 1;3 to 23, 1881; age, 9 years and 5 months ; property of Terence Carrigan, Hopkinton, Mass. r Lady Gilmore 12130 -' Pilot 3549. i T\ir.\.- «„-,,-o:io,. T,. o~r ( Dick Swiveller 74. \ Dick Suneller Ji. 2,0. -, Twilight 977, imp. Nellie 7825. * Czar 273. ( Dove 7824. Uopsey of Lakeside , Pilot 3549 -] ^^H^iT^^'^^ ''■ ~'^- 10240 - Czarlr^ / Fawn of Lakeside 10235 j ^ove 7824 Landseer's Signal Queen 66363. — Yield of milk, 173 lbs. 15 oz. ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 14 oz. ; test made from September 1 to 8, 1890; age, 3 years and 2 months ; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; gram fed daily, 4 gallons ground oats and corn, mixed equall}- ; property of Moi'gan & Brown, Cokimljia, Tenn. ,• r.„„;= r.i,i„f onno > Sloke Pogis .3d 2238. Pogis Chief .5998 -, ^.^^^^^ ^,f g^ Lambert Y Landseer's Pogis 1.5847. < 5127. Landseer's Signal I and^eer'* Fa.irv -'S-fi ( Landseer331. Queen 06303 4 ^ Land^eer b l-anc> ,8,0. -^ young Fancy 97. Uuke-s Signal Queen ^ Croton Maid's Duke005S * c^t'.'Jf ^I'^^a ^.}^,^ ^^°'^- ''''' /Leopard Queen 207.; \^^^Z^,o^4,. 262 BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. *Lvicy's Love 20568.— Yield of milk, 341 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from September 7 to 13, 1885; age, 3 years and 1% months ; property of William H. Hayden, Alban}', Vt. 'Clusius H. 5781. Lucv's Love 205GS. . ^Lucy Gray 2746. TTnmPr H '^f.m. ' ^he Squire 1298. Homer n. db83 -^ gj,^^ g^.g ^""'^ ~"" 1 Lady Godfrey 678. \ Duke of Wellington 35, Major Adams 1044 - imp. ' Lavinia 1079, imp. LadyLightfoot2745....]Youn,MaJo^^^^^^ *Normanda 3914.— Yield of milk, 175 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from November 23 to 28, 1884 ; age, 9 years and 9 months ; property of Samuel McKeen, Terre Haute, Ind. Normandy 1046. Normanda 3914. '•Olive 4th 3018. ( Clement 115 I Mack 722 ■{ (P. S. 61 J. H. B.) I Sunflower .351. ' Miaohief 054 -I ^ive 319. Miscdiet .154 ^ Minka 951. j Quaker 887 j i^^een of Staatsburgh ) 2234, imp. ' Olive 703, imp. Susie V. 54855.— Yield of milk, 194 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 14 oz.; test made from October 1 to 8, 1890; age, 3 years and 11 months; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. bran and 4 qts. ground oats and corn; property of C. W. Pans, Mount Healthy, Ohio. ■D ,,.„„ -Tr>- -— 1R ( Farmer's Glory 5196, imp. Rayon d Or ,ol6 .^ Coomassie 11874, imp. Susie V. 548.i5. rCharley Willis 14806. -Bertha's Star 24902. Lois of Staatsburgh 13980 Prince of M. 2d 5507.. Matlie's Star 9881.... Goldcup 3983. ( Lily of Staatsburgh 2d 6509. ( Prince of M. 2811. '( Belle of Wethersfleld 6446. i Glen Roy 2131. I Matlie 3213. * Arietta 3d 14274.— Yield of milk, 395 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 133^ oz.; test made from June 10 to 16, 1885; age, 4 years and 6 months; property of Marion Nash, Martinsburgh, N. \. Arietta 3d 14274. ( New Year's 4352. I Arietta 14264. \ St. Martin 1482 / More Beautiful 9320. \ On I. of J. '( Btjauty .5311, imp. ( St. Martin 1482. 1 St. Martin's Beautifid 7315. I St Marl in 148" j On 1. of J. ^&t. 3iarnn na, / Beauty 5311. imp. ) Negro Girl 7650 \ ?""'»" i~ i Ned .523. imp. Excelsior 64. -j cushing's No. 3 1638, VDelpha 2d 10713 < imp. /t>„i„v,„ 1-o.t ( Santa Ana 221. ( Delpha lo32 -| jjoiiy 545, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 265 * Jefferson Albina 12196.— Yield of milk, 186 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from June 21 to 27, 1885; age, 4 years and SJ-^' months; property of G. H. Grimmell, Jefferson, Iowa. \ Paddy 899, imp. /" Jersej' Pride 2355 "i < m i ^.-.n ' Fair Ro^e 2897 -' ^^^^ "~2- r air KOse ^»y< ^ ^^^^ g^^ Jefferson Albina 12196 < I Jersey Pride 2355 \ S^'l'^^^^fd'S?- I Venice Beauty 2d 11008. -' ] Fair Rose 289< / Venice Beautv 7278 J Crown Imperial 436. ( Venice Beauty .^<» - y^j^j^g q^^.^ goj.^. * Louvie 3d 6159.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 13 oz., salted ; test made from February 1 to 8, 1883 ; age when made, 5 yeai-s and 6 months ; property of W. S. & H. E. Savage, East Berlin, Conn. i Colt Jr. 825 -i ^ob Roy 17 imp. [ Res 1330 \ ^,1f "f i?^^- ] Couch's Lily .3237 -| ^^^Dale 3236. Louvie 3d 6159..,. ..J I Nestor 773 J Albert 44. lLouyie3899 Nestor, <3 ' Lady Mel 429. Dahlifl 401 lRaghornl,5. ' ^aniia 40i , -^ Mignonette 6, imp. * Matlie 3d 9879.— Yield of milk, 161 lbs, 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from November 26 to December 2, 1885; age, 8 years, 3 months and 13 days ; property' of C. W. Paris, Mount Healthy, Ohio. Matlie 3d 9879., I" Charlie Kittredge 1247 .Matlie 3213. .iJ°-P'^L.148 ^&^c("iSp. ' Countess Kittredge 2592, imp. iJ°-P^L.148 ^^i^^^biZp. Cowslip of Ohio 2593, imp. * Queen of De Soto 12318.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 13 oz., unsalted ; test made from August 9 to 15, 1882; age when made, 2 years and 5 months; property of Edward Mayes, Oxford, Miss. 'Dode 30.57. Queen of De Soto 12318 .Emiline 5185... ^ Emilius 2039 ' Lizzie Ringling 5813 Jachin 1220 Emma 2d 22.56 (Jachin 1220. "( Emma 2d 2256. ( Stansberry .367 "( Daisy .5712, imp. J Yankee 1003 imp. 1 Jennie .3d 2244 I Hector of Plymouth -. Rock 886, imp / Emma 1551. 266 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Maud Pogis 24240.— Yield of milk, 207 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. IS^^ oz. ; test made from August 2 to 8, 1886 ; age, 3 years and 3 months ; esti- mated weight, 775 lbs.; grain fed daily, 43^ lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. bran, 4 lbs, oat meal and 2^^ lbs. oil meal; property of Frederick Loeser, Somerville, N.J. ( Prince of the Herd 3329. ] Ky-Shoice'isOS ( West Wind 4289 < whpLLr, %f itpS 1 Kosalind of Glen Dale | ^o'ltea" o/o/en Dale Aland Pogis 24240 ■{ ' '^'^''- 7378. ( Stoke Pogis 3d 2238. . . ] ^^^^^%^l^- Icrocus of St. Lambert- ' BiX ^05^ 8351- « Lolly of St.Lambert 5480 -| ^^Z(fof St. Lambert 5106. * Hilda 2d 14967.— Yield of milk, 115 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. I2I2 oz.; test made from April 8 to 15, 1886; age, 5 years and 6 months; property of AVebster & Morrow, Columbia, Tenn. I Duke CGrey King - (P. S. TO J. H. B.) (P. S. 109 J. H. B.) I Lilv Grev rParmer's Glorv.5196. . ..-{ (F. S. 770 J. H. B.) (F. S.274.T.H. B.) Hilda 2d 14907 < \.Bonheiir (F S. 1C51J. H. B.) iHi Ida 18178 (F. S, 2183 J. H. B.) * Ideal 11842.— Yield of milk, 304 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 123^ oz., salted ; test made from February 15 to 21, 1883 ; age when made, 8 years and 6 months ; propertj' of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. ,c,cc„,». r"""''-' ;i°!;-?i.. / Ceres 427, imp. Ideal 11842 4 i Mercury 4.32 ; ffie" m I Lerna 3634 ■{ A dni, i al r •> ] Gnssie Richards 1673. ■) ^fd"y Richa~rds 1017. * Lady Bloomfield 4704.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 121-^ oz.; property of John B. Mills, Griffin, Ga. \ Rioter 670, imp. Lady Bloomlield 4704. - 'n,oomfieldFairy2d.3210. -| l.^^leTd 'l"a^y 1681, imp. * Little Butterstar 20926.— Yield of milk, 127 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12}-^ oz.; made from April 20 to 26, 1886; age, 2 years and 11}^ months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. (Khedive jLeo(F S. Ifl8 J. H, B.) ivneane . ^ Coomassie 11874 , Tormentor 3.5.33 ..,.{ '*^- ^- ^"'^ "^ "' ^■> (F S. 1442 J. H. B.) (F. S. 2.i9 J H B.) AnaPl.1 ( Prospero. (All eu. /Fortima Little Butterstar 20926^ ^'^ :^ ibU. d li ti.) (F. S. 1067 J. H. B.) I tButterstamp ■ ]'^X^^"'''-^^' lBnttcr.tar7799 \ *? «' "" ^ " ^'^ ' ^ (P S 7 J. H. B.) Istarlight •! ST '■''■-" ""-^-^ (PS.1?6J H.B.) '^'lPs4U,J IIB.) BUTTEE TESTS OF JEESEYS. 267 * Alice of the Meadows 30748.— Yield of milk, 243 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz., salted ; test made from May 23 to 29, 1883 ; age when made, 3 years and OJj months; property of Richard Rowett, Carlinville, 111. i Clement 115 I Mack 72-3 < (F. S. 61J. H. B.) r Duke of Daffodil 1662..] ( Sunflower 351. Alice of the ( Daffodil 307, imp. Meadows 80748....-; (Don 218 -|Ear|219. ^^'-«^^° Jessie 541 !Li°refe220. '''^^^'^ °^^ (Tulip 543. *Bloomfield Lady 6912.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz., unsalted ; test made from May 2 to 9, 1882 ; age when made, 6 years and 6 months ; prop- erty of J. H. Walker, Worcester, Mass. i Albert 44 * ^^^^^ ^^' '""P- r Albert 2d 1835 lAiDert44 / Frankie 17, imp. ( Lady iv es 2d 4332 -^ ^ady Ives 1708. Bloomfield Lady 6912.-^ i Albert 44 * '^^^'^l ^^' ""?' Lady Brown 4th 6911 .... ^''"' "^ | Kiran'ithT I Lady Brown 4.33 j Ky S ^30. * Bright Lady 5938. — Yield of milk, 14 qts. per day; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz. ; test made from June 11 to 18, 1885; age, 8 years and 2 months; property of J. H. Taylor, Thomaston, Conn. This test is reported to have been made from three teats, the cow having lost one when quite j^oung. jAlbert44 \y^^^U. ^Jersey King 879 . Bright Lady 5938. Grinnella 1.302, imp. .Morning Glory 2d 1299. . ] Scorning Glory 908, imp. * Charmer 4771.— Yield of milk, 257 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz., salted; test made from August 1 to 7, 1883; age when made, 7 years and 5 months ; property of Henry C. Kelsey, Newton, N. J. Feed, 7 lbs., in equal parts, of corn meal, cotton-seed meal and wheat bran; pasture : during day clover, at night orchard grass. , Scion 1033. Charmer 4771. ^Clio2dl248. f Red Knight 060, imp. I Orange Poel 502 - (F. S. 129 J. H.B.) ( Bergerette 3711 I (F. S. 303 J. H. B.) ■Pvbplp3d 1-170 I Monmouth 210. oyoeie.ia i„o / C\bele 1.36, imp. I Second Iron Duke 202. Clio 45, imp. i Iron Duke 18. "( Niobe 99, imp. * Content of Linwood 6950, imp. — Yield of milk, 158 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz., unsalted; test made from March 5 to 12, 1883; age when made, 7 years ; property of M. M. Gardner, Nashville, Tenn. 268 BUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. t Cowles' Nonesuch 6199. — Yield of milk, 255 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz., salted ; test made from October 5 to 11, 1883 ; age when made, 7 years and 4 months ; property of Mrs. L. M. Fair, Wallingford, Conn. ( i^\^„ 4 11^,1 1 inA * Tom Dasher 420. j John Allen 1494 , ^^^^^.^ Fawnette 3722. • Pulaski 1932. Box 1011. Cowles' Nonesuch ' ^ady Orton 2667 ] Buttercup 1100. 6199 -{ i Tshniflfl TTiirrt 1-^48 * Major Tunxes 1547. Cmtra Cowles 6198 } ''''"''' """' '''' "' ^"-k's Kate 3463. ' ^IVJ."^ Farmington ^ ^^^^ Wethersfield 1250. ^^^' ■( Dickinson's Belle 4395. * Duchess of Argyle 4th 7571.— Yield of milk, 154 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz. ; test made from October 6 to 13, 1884; age, 6 years and 7 months ; property of E. S. Henry, Rockville, Conn. / -v t '»'-Q * Albert 44. /r. 1 „f A 1 i-i-- ^ J>estor,,,i "/ Lady Mel 429. Duke of Argyle lol ..... . , lb Brocq 752. Duchess of Argyle ' JHariiia .SJ9 ^ Vinnie 1945. 4th 7571 -{ 1 Jack Dasher 932 ] J^ ^^f^'' ^'^■ { Duchess of Argyle 3758. ] ^'^^^ %l;^. 3g ] Berlin Daisy 3759 ] f rwl^^akesW. *Estrella 2831.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from May 20 to 27, 1877 ; age when made, 5 j^ears and 8 months ; property of J. L. Wells, Southpoi't, Conn. / piifT i~A ' Dick Swiveller 159. (Meteor 453 f ^''' 1 Si-^f l^^'^^i^p 'Gilt 1176 ^S^A^.'"P- Estrella 2831 < I if^vfr-iT ( Dick Swiveller 1.59. \ka .-.1110= \Liini.o "/ Fanny 36.% imp. VAnadne2d 1135 - i Jnniter 93 'Ariadne 608 1 !'& m. * Gamma 4147.— Yield of milk, 200 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from November 30 to December 6, 1885; age, 11 j-ears and 2 months ; property of W. B. Matthews & Son, Fi'anklin, Tenn. f Lawrence 61 ] Clememine (Milo590 < (F. S. 84J. H. B.) (F. S. 232 J. H. B.) (Motto 80 \?:^^^^- Petunia 1777 -j pansey Lass 1779, imp. Gamma 4147 J, uviouo ou (OphirSl. * Gold Princess 8809.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz., salted ; test made from ]\Iarch 22 to 28, 1882 ; age when made, 3 years and 18 days; property of R. McMichael, Lexington, Ky. T ^ T HAo I Jerry 15, imp. I Joseph L. 148 -j gjp/y 319 j^^ Gold Princess 1 Charlie Kittredge 1247..- ( Countess Kittredge 2592, imp. 1 \ Gold Prince 2181 \ MTrSf/l lGoldieC.8104 ] (Climentm ' Acacia 1162 \ (F. S. 61J. H. B.) ( Daffodil 335. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 269 *Goldstraw 3d 14724.— Yield of milk, 377 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from May 19 to 25, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 10 months ; prop- erty of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. , Monarch of New ( Elmwood 2322 \ '^'^^^^^ 1/01- i Jersey 5199 \ \ ffO"," Bess 2649, imp. i I Lottie Pearsall 2652 - f^Ii^^S^,' ^^ ' ' , o«-n Goldstraw 3d 14724. . .{ > Lady Elmwood 2630, * imp. (Hartford 52 l SI -i ^Goldstraw 85 ^ b anny ,2 1 Lucrece 86 Taurus 244 ' / Jonquil 581, imp. ♦Good Friday 20081.— Yield of milk, 197 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from January 21 to 27, 1886; ag-e, 3 years, 9 months and 14 days; property of John A. Middelton, Shelbyville, Ky. ( Sir Archie 3015 -* f^^?^^ J^ll^e Alexis 1040. Alexis of M. 7963 - Arch'^ 1112, imp. ' Mazie Bate 3364 ^"^fl^^R 'i^^'ioi^ / Julia Bate 1816. Good Friday 20081 . . , Silver Mine 1658 -j ^'|J:!^1°'^Vq'- ^^^• .Nellie Sullivan 11159. . . - * Mineiva lo29. Flora of St. Lambert , j „.. ■, j • „„, ^^„a ^ KK.jfi i Lord Lisgar 1066. "l Topsey of St. Lambert 5524." *Hertha 26102, imp.— Yield of milk, 274 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from April 4 to 11, 1886 ; age, 5 years; projierty of W. A. Sudduth, Flemingsbui'gh, Ky. *Inez of Ingleside 28977.— Yield of milk, 155 lbs, 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from March 3 to 9, 1886 ; age, 1 year and 10 months ; property of Mrs. Ida A. Nelson, Loudon, Tenn. ( Sir George 7656 I Grey Friar 7627 - (P. S. 221 J. H. B.) (P. S. 338 J. H. B.) ( Princesse fKingCoomassie J. (F. S. 1294 J. H. B.) ( Badier Boy u ■ — ^ — .Surprise 22047 { (P. S. 217 J. H. B.) Inez of Ingleside | (F. S. 3750 J. H. B.) ( Lily 28977 J, (P. S. 355 J. H. B.) I ( Rufus r Lord of the Manor 6632. J (F. S. 291 J. H. B.) I (P. S. 294 J. H. B.) ( Lady Jane [Quaker's Lady 25110...-! (P. S. 196 J. H. B.) I Quaker's Cousin (F. S. 51.32 J. H. B.) * Jersey Cream 2d 8519.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz., salted; test made from June 2 to 7, 1882 ; age when made, 5 years and 1}^ months ; property of H. G. Westlake, Hillsdale, N. Y. rKingofFairview778...^i2«^^J^ Jersey Cream 2d 8519 . -( ,»,v .... (Tom Dasher 420 ■ ^^Ktk Uersey Cream 3151 j ' F'°ra 420. ' Creampot 460, imp. *Katydidn't 2734, imp.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from June 19 to 25, 1878 ; age when made, 7 years ; property of James A. Hayt, Patterson, N. Y. 270 BUTTEll TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Lady Brown 4th 6911.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from May 16 to 23, 1878 ; age when made, 5 3^ears ; propert^'^ of James "Woodruff, Terryville, Conn. /Albert 44 * ''^^^^ ^^' ^""P" j ^"^*'" -*■* I Frankie 17, imp. Lady Brown 4th G911 . 4 , MfClplliTi •2'S i McClellan 4th 85 Lilv 1 imD I Lady Brown 433 -, ViiL il.^,^ «7 ^ ■' i T3 „ ~,u ion ( John Brown 67. /Pansy ah 1.30 , Pansy 8, imp. * Lady Gray of Hilltop 2d 14641.— Yield of milk, 243 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz., salted; test made from January 20 to 26, 1883; age when made, 4 years and 3 months; property of Mrs. L. M. Fair, Wallingford, Conn. [ Champion of Hilltop ( Champion of America , ^j^^ g^^ .q- Lady Gray of Hilltop ^^^' ''" ] Tom Wher 4^0 2d "641 j ( Kate Xickleby 3100 \ l°°sie Kurd 30~99. '^Lady^Gray of Hilltop ^ Wethersfield 906 -| "^Sola 3d 1303. /BessLena3349 ] ai^>P- *Magnibel 7976. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz., salted; test made from June 24 to July 1, 1883 ; ag-e when made, 4 years and 6 months ; property' of Robert S. Taylor, Foi-t Wayne, Ind. i Islander 561 -i J«^" ^e Baa 398, imp. f^^^S-^'^^^ Azalea 1443 S Le'l^a^398, imp. ( Azalea 144.J -j ^^^^.^ 289, imp. Magnibel 7976 -{ ^Belisario640 ] K^i^'''- I. Hinnibel 4040 - HinmnTT-S ( Flora Hinmanl27o -[ P^",^ ik * Maple Leaf 4768.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz.; property of John D. Wing, Millbrook, N. Y. Black Imperial 255 -) »«„^by 253. .^^^ Maple Leaf 4768. (Ontario 865 ( Black Imperil 255 g^^ 30^ i., I 1 Helen 2180 l K;^'^^^ I Echo o,.3 -' "^"^ ''''^°" ''° ' ^-P'p'^ow 2172. V£.CnO-.^^.j ( Saturn Qi ;t„.> / Fdith 0,1 Rn=i i Saturn 94, imp. * Niobe of Linwood 1 1 134. — Yield of milk, 196 lbs. 8 oz. ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from July 19 to 26, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 5 months; property of W. M. Bell, Miami, Mo. i Orange Feel 2d ( Orange Skin 1216 - (P. S. -30 J. H. B.) j'Prince Ridgely -3047 -, i Gloria 3144, imp. ^\f,l,'''_ .^*.":^.««^. J 'Ann Ridgely 6788 -| l^^^^^ | j^^gl^^^y ^O^^" mll^. .^''!^'!!'°.'^. . . . -^ ^°'^''' ^'^ ^^^ ■! GX'o/cWton 716, '■ Sy'j^a, of Beechwood , q^^,, gj.^^ joje. 5802 "( Sylva 527 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 271 * Pet Lee 7993.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz. ( Eajah 340, imp. I'Padisha 1623 { ( Grisette 596, imp. Pet Lee 7993 j , jj^j.^ ^^ Framinghara ( On I. of J. Uulia Parks 3778 -| \ White Rose 3771, imp. l.Kitty Parks 3765, imp. * Phyllis of Hillcrest 9067.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 13 oz., salted; test made from May 28 to June 3, 1883 ; age when made, 3 years and 10 montlis ; property of W. A. Mullin, Mount Holly Springs, Pa. {Dash of Glastonburj' , -n ^ u- iQKQ •' ( Robbins 953. ^^ "/ Lady Dash 2523. Dilly 2527 -' S^L^'^^il^^.- 9057 ^ / Dafee 2522, imp. ( John Bnll 358, imp \ ^" }■ ^^ J- Sukey 2d 1324 { ^^l^^l\ ?™P' . /snkpvippq t John Bull 3o8, imp. ( !>ukej l^^6 -^ pgjjj^ j^.,^^ .^^ i' * Princess 836, imp.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz., unsalted. * Princess Bowen 9699. — Yield of milk, 203 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz., salted; test made from April 20 to 28, 1883; age when made, 6 years ; property of James Cloud & Son, Kennett Square, Pa. Princess Bowen I I Rioter 670, imp. ( Duke of Bloomfield 1544 ....-{ ) ( Alice Bloomfield 1680, imp. ' Lady Bowen 3.54, imp. Rioter's Zoe 19769.— Yi'eld of milk, 239 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from June 31 to 27, 1887 ; age, 4 years, 3 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed during test, 25 lbs., daily, of mixed corn-hearts, oil meal, oats and middlings ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. I stoke Pocris 5th 5<)S7 ' ^toke Pogis 1259, imp. btoke rogis atn 59»* . . . . -^ Marjoram 3239, imp. Rioter's Zoe 19769. . . . ] C.olden Ear 1025 \ f,^^'\^- ( Golden Zoe 3975 ^ 'Sfif;}Z% Zoe Mou "704 -! Partisan 235. zoe MOU .,04 1 Zoe Le Bas 1338. * Roll of Honor 13610.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz., salted ; test made from January 2 to 8, 1883 ; age when made, 4 years and 4 months ; property of James B. Wilder, Louisville, Ky. i °fnV^ Glastonbury , ^^^^.^^ g.g t Much Ado 3405 < ^•'^^ ( Lady Dash 2523. ( Dandelion 2521, imp. •Roll of Honor 13610..-^ ( Second Duke of Hill- ,cf„.,^„>i— o ■ I prpst in«(R J Standard .o.-)3, imp. IPhryne 4289 < "'^"'^ ^^^^ 1 Picture 1533. f Snkpv -M i'>ii J John Bull 358, imp. 272 BUTTP.ll TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Royal Lady 22078.— Yield of milk, 198 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 13 oz.; test made from April 2 to 8, 1886 ; age, 5 years ; property of D. A. Givens, Cynthiana, Ky. ( Khedive rVoung Prince J. (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) (P. S. 182 J. H. B.) ( Princesse ' Kins -{ (F. S. 1294 J. H. B.) Royal Lady 22078. (P. S. 2.38 J. H. B.) ^Jiidy (F. S. 1590 J. H. B.) j On I. of J. I Brunctt6 ■< ^F. S. 2110 J. hVb.)' ( Judy (F. S. 1590 J. H. B.) * Ruby Love 16915.— Yield of milk, 216 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 1-4 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from April 14 to 20, 1884; age, 2 years, 11 months and 20 days ; property of V. Lowe, Palmyra, Wis. I Commodore Roxbnry , Roxbiirv 247. [ Lvmington 3767 < ^^*° ( Bouquet 852. ( -r.,,>.i„„ os-n ' Clifford 286. ; Turbine .3570. ■■ '( Birdie 2611, imp. Euby Love 16915 ^ Sir Mogador 2724 -j fil^^^^'^, j..^~ TiT-11 ^1 fi,., Tt-,-,^ iei-3i J — '' / ilatcniess 12i7. imp. Will o' the W isp 16131. . < ^ yi^ Moeador 2724. ( Gem of Wal-Oak 6081 . . -^ jjy p^j^j^ gg^g Wapello 56044.— Yield of milk, 204 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 12 oz.; test made from May 13 to 20, 1890; age, 4 years and 1 month ; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 14 lbs. wheat bran and 3 lbs. oil meal; prop- erty of J. L. Comstock, Sac City, Iowa. > Raven d-Or 7516 .J ^ZZX^^l'^l^I'^^^- , Sindbad 12294 \ ' ] g?°." f^j'oj \ Katie Kohlmau 7270. . . . -] i^dltlV 4th 817. Wapello 56044 -I ^ Young Champion of ( Prince Pansy 9954 - Hilltop 6721. It-u t A Kpnin J / Ladv Grav of Hilltop ^Liberty Ann 50029 < 3d'l464'> ' T ihprtv 41U-? .* Norwood 1077. Liberty 4J4.J -^ ^^^^ ^^j^ ^,g.,j Landseer's Signaline 58101. — Yield of milk, 126 lbs. 2 oz. ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11| oz.; test made from October 20 to 27, 1889; age, 2 years and 3 months; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons of a ground mixture consisting of one part corn and two parts oats ; property of Morgan & Brown, Columbia, Tenn. Po<>i* Chief ■^qq^ ' ^'^o'^*^ P°g'* 3d 2238. f ogib CUiet d998 ^ Cherry of St. Lambert ' Landseer's Pogis 15S47.. ■{ 51£ ' Landseer-s Signaline ( Landseers Fancy 2876 .) ^.^'^.^^^^^^l |mp. 58101 -{ ' = - ■ ^Bessie Signalda 38178. . . i ^i^ally Signal 8875 ... -J |'^«i^a 4027. Bessie Russ 2d 14649. . ( Bullion 2d 5246. / Bessie Russ 14648. Bessie Ridgely 8293. . .- BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 273 * Bessie Ridgely 8293.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. lli^ oz., salted; property of C. S. S. Baron, Bethesda, Ohio. ^ Young Sir Davy 30:34. . . -) IT"^ ^^s""^ ^"■ /John Ridgely .3045 - lam 4(>2 I I Button 2d 3160 -| |ZoT9.>3. . Grace Davy 8292 I ^>' ^^^ y «^ ', Jersey Maid 94, imp. I Grace Darling 2d 304. . . -\ l^'.Vce Darling 299, imp. * Bonnie 2d 5742.— Yield of milk, 200 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 113*^ oz., unsalted ; test made from December 11 to 17, 1883 ; age when made, 6 yeax's and 8 months : property" of S. E. Gillett, Ravenna, Oliio. > T nrrl T iso-ar ifififi * Victor Hugo 197, imp. ^ Lord Lisgar lObb -^ Pauline 494. {Baronet 2240 ' Amelia 484, imp. Bonnie 491, imp. Bunker's Kitty 47103.— Yield of milk, 187 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 ^2 02-"' test made from June 13 to 20, 1890 ; ag-e, 3 3'ears and 11 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 10 qts. ground oats, 4 qts. linseed meal and 1 qt. corn meal ; property of T. R. Proctor, Utica, N. Y. i Stoke Pogis 5th 5987. . . . -' ^^^^J^T-^o^^^^'J^^' punker 9035 } ' Marjoram .3239, imp. Bunker's Kitty 47103. J ^^"i^ ^"^^^^^ ^^~^' ™P- VKitty of Jefferson 2d | Dexter of Jefferson 5681 -j cfa'ra 4°h ^Ml "i c-;ft„ „f Ta^^y-^r, 101QQ > Peter Norman 12:38. I Kitty of Jefferson 12193 -^ gj^^y .2^ 0045 12313. Louise of Lawnfield 14151.— Yield of milk, 268 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 111^ oz.; test made from March 31 to April 7, 1885; age, 6 years; property of Wm. S. Loomis, Holj'oke, Mass. / Afpstor 773 i Albert 44. pukeofArgylel517....f ""' 1 L'K? 't Louise of Lawnfield ( Manila 2899 1 Vinnie 1945. 14151 -). I Star of Bethlehem 1693. \ ?e°nnv 4tlU3r^' iDuchess of Argyle 2d-^ Ta?k Daiher 932 7568. 1 Duchess of Argyle 3758. j ^n olily I759. ♦Pansy K. 23889.— Yield of milk not given; j'ield of butter, 14 lbs. lli^ oz.; test made in June, 1884; age, 2 years and 1 month; property of J. C. Ritchie, Marissa, II]. I'Dickero a542 Pansy K. 23889 -| ( Troradero 1422 -' HiUhurst 1210, imp. \ 1 rocaaero 14^4 -^ Metela 3196. / Tiu- -"th 4~ii t Patterson 11. 'L''> '^^ 4'^^ "/Lilyl, imp. . TTn1f« viiPv -OQ^; ' Thornton IGOl. Pansy Hawes 2d 23752 ' '> ^'^"'^ ^'•J^-^' ■^^^'• .Pansy Hawes 2d 23.52. . McC'iellan .^th 411. ( ransj ±ia\\e» ^,4.i-. . . ^ p^^^^^ Buckner 22450. 274 BUTTEi: TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Sweet Rock 2d 18256.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. llj^ oz., unsalted ; test made from May 1 to 8, 1883 ; age when made, 4 years ; property of W. B. Dinsmore, Staatsburgh, N. Y. i Merry Boy rDuke ^ (P. S. 61J. H. B.) (Jazel3501 (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) (Superb I (P. S. 159 J. H. B.) 4 (F. S. 353 J. H. B.) I I Tim I iFlying - (F. S. 112 J. H. B.) I (P. S. 18J. H. B.) (Fly Sweet Rock -26. 18256. -I (F. S. 443 J. H. B.) i I Capt. Jack {Rock ■{ (P. S. 74 J. H. B.) (P. S. 130 J. H. B.) { Brunette (F. S. 729 J. H. B ) I Tim Loyal - (F. S. 112 J. H. B.) (P. S. 17 J. H. B.) (Chance (F. S. 444 J. H. B.) Tolteca 44762.— Yield of milk, 218 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 1^ oz.; test made from July 26 to August 2, 1890; age, 4 years; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons ground oats and corn, mixed equally; property of Morgan & Brown, Columbia, Tenn. ( Khedive ( Tormentor .3533 - (P. S. 103 J. H. B. ) [ Toltec 6831 ) ( Angela ) (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) „ ,^ ,.^„,, ( Oonan 1485 ( Rajah 340. imp. Tolteca 44762 a -^ On^oo y^iT, imp. iouke-s Signal Queen ( '^''^}.T ^^^'"^'^ ^"^^'^ t Sweepstakes Duke 1905. 32323 < 1 Croton JIaid .5305. (Leopard Queen 20711.. .^Fa^ette^/^4^^ 10143. *Myretta 28231.— Yield of milk, 183 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. III4 oz.; test made from July 6 to 12, 1886; age, 2 years and 8 months; prop- erty of G. R. Hill, Oxford, Miss. i Ramano 4fi~') ' Miletus 3186. ^^^"'^P*'^'"" "/ Eurotas 2454. (M.Ma,dO,89 -,Myral480. Myretta 28231 - ( Sea Lion 5165 \ ^±Z °/rfi'''^'''' 2^^^- luialioa 14687 \ w "io 64.f i^^oaSl-U Mana'6662. *Abbie Z. 14002.— Yield of milk, 329 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 oz., salted ; test made from June 6 to 12, 1876 ; age wlien made, 6 years and 1 month ; property of Harvey Newton, Southville, Mass. ^Cornet 130. Abbie Z. 14(X)2. -Lupar 14001. ^ On I. of J. ( English Beauty 449, imp. iCoventry790 {^^;^T Uosezam {^^^^i^""^- BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 275 * Belle Thome 13369.— Yield of milk, 315 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from May 30 to June 5, 1884; age, 4 j'ears, 1 month and 23 days ; property of Edwin Thorne, Millbrook, N. Y. i Jeweler 1385 -* ^oeul 532, imp ( Xiobe Duke 2364 * ' J?^*^' -^.f?"'-^" ~'^ ^™1- / Niobe eth 3516 * ^?g"' ;^f ■• '"'^- ' ] Niobe 99, laip. Belle Thorne 13369. i Balsora 2357 \ l\^%l''' ^'^^'^■ Thomdale Belle 2d 6431 - ' g*^"^ '•^''^^.'nl.^-P- ' Thorndale Belle 5265. . . -* P™^^' l-^.^l- i?iP- I Lena Lewis 3735. * Chautauqua Queen 26403.— Yield of milk, 235 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of but- ter, 14 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from July 5 to 11, 1885 ; ag'e, 2 years and 5 months ; property' of J. M. Beebe, Cassadaga, N. Y. Chautauqua Queen 26403 R jooo » Colt Jr. 825. , Noble Rex 5174 ^ "®^ ^'"^ * Couch's Lily 3237. / Chloe Franklin 8247. . . . -' 3^*^.*;*«'=\^ 1931 I ( Tntomia o443. I \ Champion of America I I Walnut Champion 4437. - 2d 2425. ^Dolly Daisy 2d 12005. ..- { Walnut Princess 6688. ' -nr^ii,- noio,- aci« ' Pierrot 5th 1665. Dollj Daiej 8816 - y^^^^^ jj^.^^. g-3g_ * Clara C. Magnet 31563.— Yield of milk, 190 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from February 3 to 9, 1886; age, 3 years; property of John Boyd, Elmhurst, 111. ( Champion of America , ^^^^ -3^^, .g. [Champion Magnet 6480. < ^■^°' 1 Pansy iblO. I r Atint o-ic ' ^lagnet 968. Clara C. Magnet 31563-' ^ "' ^^'^"'^ Micawber 2.547. Afor,-,,., -i-n I Willie Bov 434. k-aleri 7016 -^ "' ^ady MarV 1148, imp. ^''^^ ' '"'*' / calie 1948 ' Marmion 359. fCalie 1948 (Dahlia 439. Duchess of Darlington 13830,— Yield of milk, 274 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from Oct. 17 to 28, 1886 ; age, 8 yeai-s ; weight, 780 lbs.; grain fed, 30 lbs. daily of mixed corn-hearts, oats, oil meal and middlings ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. DukeofDarhngton2460^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ RiotJ^Sd ^ imp. Duchess of Darlington-! ^^^^- \ Dick Swiveller 159 -[ Sefw VMinnie Stevens 13059. . . \ ' '*^°^^® ^'"• I Daisy 692, imp. 276 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Homestead Pogis 44231.— Yield of milk, 328 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from November 6 to 13, 1889; age, 3 years and 9 months ; estimated weight, 835 lbs.; grain fed daily, 5 lbs, corn meal, 4 lbs. ship stuff and 3 lbs. oil meal; property of Horace G. Westlake, Hillsdale, N. Y. I Sir George of St. Lam- r Rubano 8806 -, bert 6030. I ( Nina of St. Lambert f Cill's Stoke Pogis 14140-^ 1296:1 I I Jack Frost of St. Lam- I l.Cill of Glen Rouge 1:3818- bert 2410. ■{ ( Pearl of St. Lambert Homestead Pogis 44231 Lily of Riverside 19599. 'Blossom's Tennessee , T'fj^"'«o„.„o, i mA (iOGO - ifP'^'*"^^.^^ ,Lily of Oxford 12820... ( Blossom of the Grange 6958. 1 Midas of Oxford .5980. I Lilv of St. Lambert 2d 12809. Kitty Ona 24209.— Yield of milk, 333 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from May 14 to 31, 1889 ; age, 6 years ; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daily averaged about 5^2 cfts. corn meal, ground corn and oats, with a little bran ; property of J. Biu-ckel, Durham, Conn. fCatouo 3761. Kitty Ona 24209. 1. Kitty Floos 11539. On T. of J. 1 Khedive Ona 7840 -_ (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) ( Ecornee (P. S. 846 J. H. B.) (| Champion of America I Walnut Champion 4437. - 2d 2425. J ( Walnut Princess 6688. ) Dash of Glastonbury ( Kitty Lake 82.50 -, 1059. ( Allen's Fawnette 3722. * Lizzette's Mary 12723.— Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from September 8 to 14, 1884; age, 3 years and 2y{ months; pi'operty of James B. Wilder, Louisville, Ky. , n.-^„:„^ of.Tf * Chief Modoc 1718. I Euroclydon 4789 \ "^ ^ ' ' ^'f"" ^.h']% 'i^n ^Torfrida:3.596 -j Irropa'^' ' '' Lizzette's Mary 12723.K I I Lawrence 61 ( Lord Lawrence 1414 .... - (F. S. 84 J. H. B.) ^Millicent 2d 7229 -; I Lady Mary 1148, imp. ' Millicpnt 4sri * Marius 760. Millicent 48. 1 -, Memento 1913. ♦Maiden of Jersey 2736, imp.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from June 1 to 7, 1878; age when made, 8 years; propert}' of James A. Hayt, Patterson, N. Y. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 277 ♦Minnie Kersey 19895.— Yield of milk, 224 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 oz. ; test made from November 14 to 30, 1885; age, 5 years and 5 months ; property of W. B. Matthews & Son, Franklin, Tenn. I Pertinax 1965 -' iTl'^ftll'^- ! Watson 3451 \ Pnnp?t iV-r Minnie Kersey 19895.. -I I ( Lawrence 61 ( Milo 590 \ (F. S. 84 J. H. B.) ^ Cigarette 2849 - ( Motto 80. Tj.!-;-- r-QE t On I. of J. ^'°^^« '3^ I Matchless 723, imp. Regina Gilford 49891.— Yield of milk, 167 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 oz. ; test made from May 2 to 9, 1889 ; age, 3 years ; actual weight, 675 lbs.; g-rain fed daily, 4 qts. oats, 4 qts. corn meal, 2 qts. cotton-seed meal and 8 qts. wheat bran ; property of Charles E. Wheeler, Chesterville, Me. \ Happy rFlorian - (F. S. .309 J. H. B.) (P. S. 373 J. H. B.) \ Lily Pot f Sir Florian 11578 \ (P. S. 362 J. H. B.) I ( Marquis I iLady Blonde 32042 - (P. S. 205 J. H. B.) Regina Gilford 49891 . -| ( Gipsv Queen 1 (F.'S. 1781 J. H. B.) , Great Ado 4227 -| ^^/iV^^.t^i^J^^^- T?TiT,o QQ/tQ" J (jildora 4(88. ^ ^°°^ 3^*^' ^ venoa -M 6433 > Canton 2289. Venoa 2d 6433 - ^^^^^ ..^^^^ * Royal Sister 12451.— Yield of milk, 312 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 oz., salted; test made from September 1 to 7, 1883; age when made, 3 years and 5 months ; property of S. L. Hoover, Columbus, Ohio. ' Vesper's Royal Son 2946-, \ Iron Bank 1120 Royal Sister 12451....- '■Home Matron 6707. Vesper 1395, imp. {Duke of Lebanon 1880. Lebanon Wife 6102.... \ On I. of J. '{ Birdie 2G11, imp. I Nye 667. '( Nanc}' Dawson 127! imp. J Iron Bank 1120. I Sister Dorothy 2607 imp. Southern Daisy 38292.— Yield of milk, 108 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 oz.; test made from May 27 to June 3, 1888 ; age, 2 years and 3 months ; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 16 qts. oats and corn; property of Morgan & Brown, Columbia, Tenn. Southern Daisy 38292. ( Forget-me-not 6291. . . ] l^^^iV^ S ' iq5?l^ H R ^ ' Southern Prince 10760^ Pilot (P's 18^ T H R^"^ \ oxford Kate 13646. . . ] (4°cl!i^-(l: I'l8''l6 J.H^i) ,Myrrha 11299. .Top-sawyer 1404 ] ^^ ; ^ (Marietta 1813 1 Siers^af " 278 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Venus 112. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 oz.; tes' made from July 20 to 26, 1863; age, 9 years, 11 months and 20 daj-s ; prop- erty of W. S. Lincoln, Worcester, Mass. \ Typhoon 77, imp. Venus 112 - / Brenda 789, imp. * Young Gazelle 19837. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11 oz.; test made 7 days in June, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 5 months ; property of S. W. Robbins, Wethersfleld, Conn. f Signal (F. S. 278J. H. B.) Young Gazelle 198:37. . . . ] ^ ^ruflt ( F. S. 163 J. H. B.) ( Gazelle 15666 " iP. S. 1.34 J. H. B.) / Countess (F. S. 1358 J. H. B.) * Betsy of Rochester 23562.— Yield of milk, 220 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. lO^o oz.; test made from June 17 to 23, 1885; age, 4 years and 3 months ; property of Edward Austen, Glencoe, Md. / o;i,-^,i.^^i.= T. una * Silverlocks .546, imp. ' r.fnnur. 9fiQo ^ Silveriocks Jr. 699 - Kathleen 1767. imp". I t atoctin 2693 - , Saratoga 3d 1372. Betsy of Rochester ' ^^'^'^""^ ^^''^ 326o - ^aara C. Brown 3263. 33562 J 1 , ^„, ,. .,„n.i \ Silveriocks Jr. 699. cassia Catoctin 23561. . . ""°"^° '''' ] ^^S^^" I Cassia 2d 21370 ] L^J^a Se^^' ^^ La France's Pansy Rex 49141. — Yield of milk, 214 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. lO^o oz.; test made from June 4 to 11, 1890 ; age, 5 years and 7 months; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daily, 16 lbs. ground corn and oats and 4 lbs. bi-an ; property of Henry M. Baum, Frankfort. Ind. Le Brocq's Prize 3350.. -j ^^jat^n''/; J. f Prize La France 8162... < (F. S. 1629 J. H. B.) I / ( Sans-Peur La France's Pansy I '^ Fan of Grouville 7458. . -; (F. S. 201 J. H. B.) Rex 49141 -{ /Brunette [ (F. S. 1256 J. H. B.) {Champion of Indiana ( Champion of Hilltop ■^'" /SiJveretta6852. Princess Daisy 6248 .... -J S'f Kate 3678. Leila of Briarclifif 24184.— Yield of milk, 199 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter. 14 lbs. 101^ oz. (official); test made from June 30 to July 7, 1886 ; age, 3 years and 6 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed dailj^ about 7 lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. ci-ushed oats and 3 lbs. pea meal ; property of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. f Domino of Darlington ^ Sarpedon 930 -| EuJopa^jil"' Leila of Briarcliff I ' Beamy of Darlington j Smith of Darlington "^'** ^ ( Grace Darlinsrton 5574. Jersey Lilv 14044. , ^,^^ Tj.. „ J Duke (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) i fp^ S Tfi°Q- V W R- ; ■ • ■ Lily Grey .i (P. S. 169 J. H. B.) ,i> a r~n J TS n \ On I. of J. (F. S. 770J. H. B.) BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 279 * Oakland Giri 1 1 103.— Yield of milk, 209 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. lOJ^ oz.; test made from February 12 to 18, 1885; ag-e, 4 years and 10 months ; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. T!»i««,<. 00=;- ' St. Martin 14^-2. TThomdale 2.582 ^ Bal.ora .^. , Bella^, imp^ Oakland Girl 11103. . J ' ^^^^ *^- ~^ ^'^■ Clotllde 4575 -' '^^">' ^" ^- ^l'- VL loiuae to.o ^ Purity 1408. imp. * Renini 9181.— Yield of milk, 206^4 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. IQi^ oz.; test made from October IT to 23, 1881; age when made, 4 years and 4 months; property- of Charles Keep, Lockport, X. Y. ( St. Helier 45, imp. I'Oxoli 1922 - ' Pyrola 4566 .; fjlS^^/^.t^- ^°'^- Renini 9181 J . lanthe 4o62. I \ St. Helier 45, imp. ^Chroma 4.572 - , ■,, ,. ,. . '^^^^^^ ^'^L^i^r'^'- * Rosebud of BeUe Vue 7702.— Yield of milk, 207 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of but- ter, 14 lbs. 101^ oz.; made from June 24 to 30, 1884; age, 6 years and 3 months ; propert^i' of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. \ Welcome (Tom - »F. S. 172 J. H. B.> ) (.P. S. 77 J. H. B.; ' Belle iF. S. :i<>2 J. H. B.) r Browny Rosebud of Belle Vue 7702 (P. S. 158 J. H. B.) I p^j^y ^p g g,y J jj B , H Orange Peel 2d I f Remarkable -, (P."S. 36 J. H. B.) It?^^o «f n^ii^ v„» ru^i > 'F- S. 229 J. H. B.) Touns Rose ^Kosa of Belle \ ue 0>to4. -, (P S 43 J H R t ' Bye-Bye (F. S. 3180 J. H. B.) ♦■Whiting's Daisy 14858.— Yield of milk, 229 lbs. 2 oz.: yield of butter, 14 lbs. lOJo oz.; test made from Jane 25 to July 1, 1886 ; age, 4 years and 9 months ; property of Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. -Brikoo" *StarNeall495 ^ ^Sld 418. Whiting's Daisv I " " ' Dolly 2d 1O20 l ^X^^.f ' ''• 14858 ; - ( Tomco 3310 .; J^^^ill"'^:,--^ ^189. iBrewers Daisy r:m. ... - &^ ,*;,'"«- Coonette -115 j Tom Tittler 8.. ' i^oquette . uo - ggggjg y^:^ ♦Yellow Locust 10679.— Yield of milk, 163 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 10^2 OZ., salted; test made from July 6 to 12, 18S3 ; age when made, 3 years and 3 months ; property of H. M. Howe, Bristol, R. I. / -vr„™,„»;„ 1 i.To » Islander 561. ' rn^«,«. o,n- Magnetic 1428 - j^^^^^ j^g Gilderoy 210 , , Xoble ( F S "1 T TT R \ Yellow Locnst 10679. .-' (F. S. 348 J. H. B.) I T-„„i 1-c- I Brookside 1104. Uex2d5429 ^'"'''''^ I «^t^"^ "^>- / Tdex 310S i P'errot 6:36, imp. ( laex dius -^ Caprice 797, imp. 280 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Violet of Maplewood 49724.— Yield of milk, 192 lbs. 4 oz.; j-ield of bvit- ter, 1-4 lbs. 10'4 oz.; test made from June 4 to 11, 1889; age, 3 years and 2 months; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 7 lbs. corn meal, 2 lbs. cotton-seed meal and 3 lbs. shorts ; property of Rufus A. Sibley, Spencer, Mass. I stoke Pogis 1259, imp. rstoke Pogis Jr. 15.300. . . -. Violet of Maplewood Matiiria 2d 'S4ri J ^^^^^ P^K's l-^'^A. imp- 49734 ^ Matilda ^a 54, 1 -j ^jj^jji jj^ .3^33^ jj„j, Uelle of Maplewood ^ Etzel 3593 ] tt"El?o'l^l6^'''^- ■^'"^^ i oi,„..,„ RQQo t The Squire 1298. (Shama5883 / Sheila 33-38. * Balmoral 2d 13574.— Yield of milk, 191 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from March 1 to 7, 1886; age, 4 years and 6 months; property of F. C. Sayles, Pavvtucket, R. I. fNapierad \ (P. S. 244 J. H. B.) [ Welcome (F. S. 2.57 J. H. B.) ^?g'^v^.MVV« -!.■;■• 1 (Welcome Bubona 2d. ....... ^ -^ _ (F. 8. 202 J. H. B.) opsv (F. S. 880 J. H.B.) Balmoral 2d 1-3574 ....^ (P^ ^^■{ j.'h. b.) ' " ( Topsy ^Balmoral 13404 (P. S. 2175 J. H. B.) * Bell Rex 1 1700.— Yield of milk, 201 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from February 7 to 13, 1885; age, 4 years and 10 months: prop- erty of Moulton Bros., West Randolph, Vt. , ^, ,.. T T ) Rob Rov 17, imp. ,„ ,.„„ iColtJr..v2o 1 Maggie 20.54. (Res 1.3.30 - (Albert 44. / Couch 8 Lily 32.i -^ ^ily Dale 3236. Bell Rex 11700 -' : Champion of America ( May Bov 705. 1567 - ( Pansy 1019. D 11' T-;t, (.i« „„ oQfi'- t Reindeer 1194. Bull s Kitty t lover 389- -^ (.j^^.g^ ^d 2902. V Jessie Leavenworth 8248 < \ ■ Biederkeit 52257.— Yield of milk, 134 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from December 10 to 17, 1890 ; age, 2 years and 9 montlis ; esti- mated weight, 825 lbs.; grain fed daily, 16 lbs. of a mixture of corn and cob meal, cotton-seed meal and oil meal ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. {T^ . „. r.Mi i Farmer's Glory 5196. Forget-me-not 6291 -, g^jp^ (F. S. 1946 J. H.B.) ( Pilot I O.xford Kate 1.3G4G - (P. S. 183 J. H. B.) ■RipderWoit 59'>57 -' ( Vcrclut Bieaern„u o2,5, , (F. S. 1846 J. H. B.) , /-. , 1 T, - Q J Gilderoy 2107. Gold Basis 40.58 ^ j^ jj^^ -3^ 04-5. l- Lady Julia G. 16109,... -'j ' ^ ' Rosa of Belle Vue 6954, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 281 Diploma's Coma 54070.— Yield of milk, 13T lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from September 9 to 16, 1890; age, 1 year and 11 months; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 15 qts. ground oats, corn and peas and 3 qts. sliorts ; property of Charles E. Hill, Denver, Col. .,. , ,,,^, ^ combination 4389 -| E^I^-J^S Diploma 16219 < , Cobden 187 1 I Frankie's Lass 24900... j ^?S?th 3542. Diploma's Coma 54070^ > combination 4889 ] E^^°X,'|iq'- , Coma 29330 ] Kil 532 imo 1 Metella 3905 -j & 2d 1248 ^■ Idana 27974.— Yield of milk, 201 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from September 9 to 16, 1889 ; age, 5 years and 8 months ; esti- mated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily averaged about 8 lbs. bran, 6 lbs. ground oats, 4 lbs. corn meal and 15*4 lbs. linseed meal ; jiroperty of Joseph E. Anderson, Jr., Lee, Va. ( Prince of Staatsburgh , < 2398. I Fanny Frank 2277. \ Vermont 893. • 1 Susie 2d 778. -St. Jacob 64.38. Idana 27974. ^ Ida 9th 6528. I Fisk Jr. 3.578 ' Saucy 5231 r Dexter of Staatsburgh 1942 ( Vermont 893. 1 Dolly 1556. Jda 772, imp. *New Maud Lee 16614.— Yield of milk, 300 lbs ; j-ield of butter, 14 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from July 3 to 8, 1885; age, 3 years and 8 months; property of A. J. Fish, Findlay, Ohio. r Glue .3960. New Maud Lee 10614. .{ Carrie Waite 10641. ( Merry Boy rSweepstakes Duke 1905. K (P. S. 61 J. H. B.) I ( Superb -{ (F. S. 353 J. H. B.) I 1 Duke of Framingham l^Minnie Parks 53.50 •< 1.521 . ( Julia Parks 3778. ( Tasso of Mount Waite i Phenomenon 1147. J 2334 - • ) ( Dolly Hughes 2486, imp. ' Carrie of Mount Waite ( Mount Waite 1793. 68.35 -{ ( Fansinco 2414. * Nimble 22335.— Yield of milk, 171 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from January 30 to 36, 1885; age, 1 year and 9 months; prop- erty of William Simpson, New Y^ork, N. Y. I T„.,Uo, QQ ( Saturn 94, imp. fMercurv 43-' ^ "' «bea 166. im,]. ilercurj 43. , ^^^^^^^ ,^^^ i„ ' A'Pliea 1 , 1 -J jjtjga jyy_ ijjjp_ Nimble 22335 ....-I I { Bismarck 1423 I (Zeus 2634 - (F. S. 204 J. H. B.) ^Pyrrha 6100 ^ I Oweena 3314. ' Thymic Rn-R J Rioter 2d 469, imp. Themis 60, 6 .j ,^^^^^.3 gggg^ j^p ^^ 282 BUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. * Opaline 7590.— Yield of milk, 223 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from August 15 to 22, 1883; age when made, 5 years and 4 months ; property of I.I. M. Gardner, Nashville, Tenn. , -, . ^„, ) Willie Bov 434. ^ „ ,,„, (MarmsreO Had v Marf 1148. imp. , Top-Sawyer 1404 - Clement II.t 'EmblemQO - (F. :S. GlJ. H. B.) ^ ,. „ On 1. of J. Opaline 7590 -! ' L., o ,„^ (PilotJr.141 -, Jenny 287, imp. ^Silver Rose 4, o3 -, K'heltenham 80. l^0Biili2 I Brunette 102. Parloa 32367.— Yield of milk, 217 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from December 16 to 23, 1889; age, 4 years and 11 months; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 6 lbs. corn meal, 4 lbs. ship stuff and 1 lb. oil meal ; property of Horace G. Westlake, Hillsdale, N. Y. I Duke of Darlington 8d \ Duke of Darlington 2400 -j |^,7mas° 4'^.' I 11096 -■ ^ Domino of Darlington I ' Kobinette 7114 - 24.59. ( Rachel Rav 1754. Parloa 32357 ■{ , Duke of Darlington \ Racherh; Duke 7022 - 2460. '- Cultured Cream 29196. ..- I Rachel Ray 17.54. / T r> ™ .1,1 o-in * King of Fairview 778. Jersey Cream 2d 8ol9. . . , j^^^-^. ^ream 3151. * Peggy Ford 21713.— Yield of milk, 189 lbs.; yield of butter. 14 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from June 21 to 27, 1885; age, 2 years and 11 months; property of Jacob Lusk, East Palmyra, N. Y. This test was made on grass alone. . >T!„K„ T.„i-„ .locf \ Jeweler 1S85. ,^, ^ ,,-,. ^ ^'°^^ ^"'^^ ~^^ "/ Niobe 6th 3516. palm Nut 4,44 ■ Alpheus 1168. ' Palm .^268 -, Cocoanut 1694. Peggy Ford 21713....^ I D 1 Tw o.~>ni ( Sweepstakes Duke 1G05. L ^ r A. . • ,nni ^ ^°-^^ ^""'^ *'^* Lady Dane 2518. ICaddie Mackie 10411 ... - ( gj,. li.uon 1479. I Salhe \^ right .901 ■ Mid-day 4593. Princess of Trinity 23641, imp.— Yield of milk, 248 lbs.; jneld of butter, 14 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from June 24 to July 1, 1885; age, 6 years; esti- mated weight, 1,075 lbs.; no grain fed; property of T. R. Proctor, Utica, N. Y. Temalema 44761.— Yield of milk, 219 lbs. 2 oz.; jneld of butter, 14 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from September 27 to October 4, 1889; age, 3 years and 1 month; estimated weight, 650 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons ground oats and corn, mixed equally ; property of Morgan & Brown, Columbia, Tenn. ( Fancy's Harrv 9777 < 3653. I Landseer's Fancy 2876. . ■[ ^^",^5" f 1 Temalema 44761 -I , T ,.,,1 ii,>,.,. one * TopSawver 1404. \ Lord Han N .3445 -^ Duchess "of Bloomfleld 3653. Landseer's Fancy 2876.. ■) ^-^om^'pancy 97. / r\„«„.,', D„^.,v, cncr ( Lord Harrv 3445. Oonan s Rajah 8965. . . . - o„„.,,, i .ok ^Pearl's Oonan 32288. . ' ' "°"''" "''•'• ' ) Pparl Rntton 1037-' ' Coupon Clipper 21 ( Pearl iiutton 1U3.» -, B^tto^ oj 31^0. :840. BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. 283 ♦Trenie 17770.— Yield of milk, 202 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from July 9 to 15, 1884; age, 2 years and 10 months ; propei'ty of J. V. N. Willis, Marlboroug-h, N. J. lOxoli 'q-» ( St. Helier 45, imp. /Tamerlane 4287 - ! M.V''^- h.n Tanihp 4^2 * ''f- Heller 4.-), imp. I flanlhe4ob^ 1 Blauche 594. Trenie 17770. . . Cathiella 16947 / Lesbie 9179 "" ^-^'^ "I Chenie 4570. Oxoli 1932. "( Ariella 9178. * Uinta 5743.— Yield of milk, 234 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 10 oz.; test made from Maj' 23 to 29, 1883 ; ag-e, 6 years and 1 month ; i^roperty of M. L. Frazier, Hudson, Mich. i Lord Lisgar 1066 ■) Sn^laf ^^'' '"'^• ' Baronet 2240 ^ ^ Pauline 494 Amelia 484, Imp. Uinta 5743 ' ' iMaggieFawnsm J gSc «Sr Carlo's Daisy 16703.— Yield of milk, 153 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 93^^ oz.; test made from April 6 to 13, 1888; age, 7 years; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. corn meal, 4 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. middlings and 1 lb. oil meal ; propei'ty of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. Hero (P. S. 126 J. H. B.) ] ^ick (F. S. 171 J. H. B.) Euphorbia 11229. r Hero (P. S. 126 J. H.B.)^ Cowslip ' i Carlo 5559 < (P. S. 24 J. H. B \ ( Pretty Maid 7012 ] iThVu: ^^ -''^■^■^> Fair Daisv (P. S. 2.591 J. H. B.) * Euphorbia 11229.— Yield of milk, 256 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. Q}4 OZ-; test made from June 17 to 24, 1884; age, 4 years and 3 months; prop- erty of J. B. Wallace, Lexington, Ky. iSianallKO jMariu8 760. /- \llecranv Chief 2918 i ' P^ney Morris 2060. j ' ' M c.,o„. 43*. ) i3ss"„;t.'s:°"- ^ 1 Ne„,. .,« ) SirnSsiivrtp. Mary Justice 37449.— Yield of milk, 2C0 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 9^ oz. ; test made from March 3 to 10, 1888 ; age, 3 years and 10 months ; weight, 925 lbs.; grain fed daily, 3 lbs. oil meal and 15 lbs. middlings ; prop- erty of J. B. Allen & Son, Delavan, 111. ( Royalist 3d 4500 \ Npflf ^^f '^^• TnstirpqqiQ ' I JNelly 6456. , J usuce yy4a y^j^j.^ ^^^.^ Beecher I ( Queen Tamora 9563 ....< 2297. Mary Justice 37449 ... 4 ' Tamora 5342. ( Willet 2503 -I ii'i'i^t'o^?,'!!^^^- ^Rose of Menard 13272 ..} ] ^J^TlUf ^ iRose^of Sangamon 2d ] ^^J^^^^^f ^^^^^^^^ gg^^^ 284 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSETS. * Alpheus Mostar 20037.— Yield of milk, 240 lbs. 5 oz.; jield of butter, 14 lbs. 9oz.; test made from April 20 to 27, 1885; ag-e, 3 years and 6 weeks; property of James Cloud & Son, Kennett Square, Pa. 'Clifton Hero 6759. Alpheus Mostar 20037 I, Queen Mostar 15256. \ Clifton Monarch 3546. . . i Princess Bowen 9699. . . \ Clifton Monarch 3.546. . . ( Princess Mostar 97CD. . . ( DukeofBloomfieldl544. '( Zingara 1939. \ Duke of Bloomfleld 1544. '/ Lady Bowen 3.54, imp. ( Duke of Bloomfleld 1.544. ■( Zingara 1939. \ Dulve of Bloomfleld 1544. "( Mostar 6971. * Arawana Chevre Feuille 15097.— Yield of milk, 214 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from December 27, 1885, to January 2, 1886; age, 4 years, 1 month and 20 days; property of Watts & Seth, Baltimore, Md. i Padisha 1623 -' ^t^/fj.f °;«''?Pn I Aramasco ., ,ii ^ , Magnet 968. Arawana Chevre ' ^ ^^^^ "^"^-^ ] Bessie 139, imp. Feuille 15097 -{ Colt Jr 8->5 -* ^°*' ^°y ^"' '™P- Coeis Stella 3930 4 ' ^^^gie 2054. ,Coe!s Stella 3930 K , King Harold 344. ^"^® ^''°' / Snowflakes 1004. * Auntybel 12582.— Yield of milk, 120 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 9 oz., unsalted; test made from June 9 to 15, 1882; age, 3 years and 2 months; property of S. M. Burnham, Saugatuck, Conn. Auntybel 12582. fGuyFawkes ^ ^^^ J '^ ''^ (F. S.251J. H. B.) lunl. Old. 233 J. H. B.) '^ Aunty 16648 (F. S. 1737 J. H. B.) ^Nonpareil I (P. S. 37J. H. B.) 1 On I. of J. ( Orange Peel 502 .■{ (F. S. 12i1J. H. B.) ( Les Cateaux 22()02 (F. S.487J. H. B.) ♦Belbonnie 29630.— Yield of milk, 203 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 9 oz., unsalted; test made from June 23 to 30, 1885; age, 3 years and 10 days; prop- erty of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. , Ti 1 ■ n-1 o ( Sarpedon 9.30. ( Polonius 2ol3 -; Lgj^ -^g ( Combination 4389 , j ^ ^, , ,.-,c, j Mcclellan 4th 85. /Lady Mel 429 ] Mel 2d .57. Bel bonnie 29630 J I in 0^1- ( Alpheus 1168. 1 Laen ^iu -^ Countess of Normandy ^ Hulda R. 16497 < 2675. I .r- Tii-n- i.-yr.eA ( Ishmacl 1215. ( Miss Millie 12264 - ggg^jg ^^ jg^^g^ BUTTER TESTS OE JERSEYS. 285 * Brown Princess 30941. — Yield of milk, 13 to 1-1 qts. per day; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 9 oz., unsalted ; test made from September 1 to 7, 1885 ; age, 7 years and 11 montlis ; property of M. H. Messchert, Douglassviil,?, Pa. This test was made on grass alone, six months after calving. \ Orange Skin fRex - (P. S. 19 J. H. B.) (P. S. ri J. H. B.) / Reffina f Coeur de Lion -{ (F. S. 3-2 J. H. B.) I (P. S. 140J. H. B.) VFougere (F. S. 914 J. H. B.i Brown Princess 30941 -I Tom I fSambo - (P. S. TT J. H. B.) I (P. S. 1&3 J. H. B.) I Dairy Maid i Playmate ■{ (F. S. 1147 J. H. B.) (F. S. 1786 J. H. B.) I Bill I, Daffodil - (P. S. 21J. H. B.) (F. S. 1518 J. H. B.) (On I. of J. * Brunette Le Gros 3d 23326.— Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 9 oz. ; test made 7 days in December, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 1 month ; property of S. W. Robbins, Wethersfield, Conn. f Jolin Le Brocq 54-34 . . r ictor (P. S. 148 J. H. B.) Brunette Le Grc 3 3d i 23336 i ^. Jenny Le Brocq 9757. . Brunette Le Gros 9755 . fToiQ I (P. S. 77 J. H. B.) ^Daisy (P. S. 92 J. H. B.) I Tom - (P. S. 77 J. H. B.) ' La Petite -Jaune iF. S. 1065 J. H. B.) I Hero - (P. S. 90 J. H. B.) / Jeune Jenny (F. S. 706 J. H. B.) ( Welcome - (F. S. 172 J. H. B.) ( Belle (F. S. :}02 J. H. B.) \ Diamond - (F. S. 174 J. H. B.) / Thetis (F. S. 698 J. H. B.) * Clover Mel 16159.— Yield of milk, 190 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 9 oz. ; test made from July 25 to August 1, 1885 ; age, 3 yeai-s and 4 months ; property' of H. M. Howe, Bristol, R. I. Afotrnoti^ HOC * Islauder 561. (Gilderoy 2107 Magnetic 1428 ; Az^'ea U43. ' Jeanne Le Bas 2476 -] ^^,^ ' ' J" H- B.) Clover Mel 16159 ^ (F^S. 348 J. H. B.) . Oakland Chief 3964 -' ^f.P^^T r^'-^-^' i„, Iciover Bloom 9788 J ' Minnie B. 3o80, imp. I^i^y^d9787 l^i^ii: * Cornwall Maid 19024. — Average yield of milk, 17 qts. per day : yield of butter, 14 lbs. 9oz. ; test made from June 21 to 27, 1886; age, 4 years and 3 months ; property' of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. 'Ramapo 4679. Cornwall :Maid 19024. \ Domino of Darlington Miletus 3186 - 2459. ( Premium of Dariingtoa .5572, imp. E-otas2454 , S^^l^'- ^P" ^Lady Corn\yall 7179, imp. 28(5 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Daisy Dell 14562.— Yield of milk, 179 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 9oz.; test made from March 8 to 15, 1890 ; age, 13 years and 5 months ; estimated weight, 875 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 4 qts. corn meal, 4 qts. shorts, 4 qts. ground oats and 1 qt. oil meal ; property of Terence Carrigan, Hopkinton, Mass. fMicawber 4796. \ Mr. Micawber .556, imp. Rosa of Lakeside 2d I ,„,,. (Pilot 3549. Daisy Dell 14562 -| . ^"^■*^ ( Rosa of Lakeside 10338. I ! » Pilot 3M9 * Sl'ii^-^!;:""^'' ■^'- ^ ' ''• LDove2d8r4o - C^rlrl ' D°^-« '824 - Duchess .548, imp. *Fauchon 2d 18200.— Yield of milk, 234 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from March 5 to 12, 1886; age, 6 years and 10 months ; prop- erty of J. H. Walker, Worcester, Mass. I Khedive * ^^° <^- S- ^98 J- 2- B.) jineaue ... ^ Coomassie 11874 pilot ^ {} (P. S. 1443J.H.B.) ranchon2d 18200.... J 9 I Monmouth Duchess 3895 -J j^a .38*3.' * Lilly of Leeds 17059. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from April 28 to May 5, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 11 months ; property- of C. F. Cobb, South Vassalborough, Me. > Hqrel Ftp 1 51 4 ' ^°^^ Aylmer 1067. y Hazel Jive lol4 -^ Bellflower 50. Lilly of Leeds 1 70.";ri rHazelEye2d7S22 - 5^' ^dl^ 377, imp. I fiNome ,..50 ,Nola%7. ' ' 1 i Hazel Eye 1514 I ^li^l}^-o ^^~- Isilkev Morrill 17058. . . . -* vf tooHIp^.V irnn / Pn«v Cat •>r31 -' ^^^- Toodles 3, . . imp. ( rn*s} -,.ii ^ p^^^. j^ioaene 2729. Lily of Riverside 19599.— Yield of milk, 214 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from March 28 to April 3, 1887; age, 4 years, IJj months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 qts., mixed, of ground corn, oats and ship stuff and 2 qts. oil meal ; property of H. G. Westlake, Hillsdale, N. Y. fBlo^om-s Tennessee ^ Top-Sawyer 1404 \ fiSlm^. •^^ I I Claimant ( Blossom of the Granges (P. S. 84 J. H. B.) 695S. ( On I. of J. Lil V of Riverside 19599 • ( Midas of Oxford 5986. .. ^ ff^HHri^^! ^' P' Lily of oxford 12830. ..] ] K P^^1259 irao (Lily of St. Lambert 2d ] » «^^«f P^S^^.^^^^'^P^ '^^/'^- ^""^"-^'^ ""1 Lily of St: Lambert 5130 288 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Mabel Crockett 18719.— Yield of milk, 307 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from May 25 to 31, 1884; age, 3 years and 5 months ; property of C. C. Crockett, Richmond, Ind. Mabel Crockett 18719. ' Le Brocq's Pride 4871 . .Lady Robin 1119, imp. \ On I. of J. ( Blue Belle of Maple Grove 10687 i Governor .■{ (P. S. 138J. H. B.) ( On I. of J. * Maud Lee 2d 8839.— Yield of milk, 179 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from August 5 to 13, 1884; age, 5 years and 11 months ; prop- erty of G. L. Foskett & Co., Winsted, Conn. Wormwood 174G. Maud Lee 2d 6830.. I Maud Lee 2410. i Hector 701 -* g'ucher 48, imp. I iiector .,u ^ jj^jgy .^j^ jjj^p / LuDin 197-> ' Bashan .32. rMipiniy... I Lilly 1971. \ Cceur de Lion .318, imp. ■'>I«tilda2405 S"^^95. * Mink 3d 4868.— Yield of milk, 353 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 9 oz., salted ; test made from August 13 to 18, 1883 ; age when made, 7 years and 3 months ; propertj' of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, ]\Iiss. 'The Huh 1009. Mink 3d 4868. .Mink 2548. ■MrMi ,. -1- t Jack Horner 514, imp. S .MOiitj ou> -^ jjgg Merriliesl372, imp. ' Bessie 139, imp. , TWa 1(r. ^. yi ( Eomuius Bosdet's Kose 2d 17214. - (P. S. 181 J. H. B.) / Bosdet's Rose * Smoky 13733.— Yield of milk, 198 lbs. 12 oz.; jield of butter, 14 lbs. 9 oz.; test made from June 30 to July 6, 1884; age, 3 years and 10 months; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. I Juniter m -* Saturn 94, imp. { Mercury 432 -^ ' ^^^^^^ ^'^'^ "^P" j ^^^^^^^'^'y *" I , J j^ j.^ t Saturn 94. imp. r Aipnea iIetah 1295. ^ On I. of J. ( Omoo 1247, imp. \ St. Malo 486, imp. ( Myrtle 1294, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 291 * Caroline 12019.— Yield of milk, 218 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from February 14 to 21, 1882 ; age when made, 6 years and 11 months ; property of J. M. Richmond, Buffalo, N. Y. ( Orange Peel 502 rOrange Peel 2d -{ (F. S. 129 J. H. B.) (P. S. 36 J. H. B.) (Fairy ( Remarkable J. (F. S. 3-32 .T. H. B.) (F. S. 229 J. H. B.) ( Orange Peel 502 Caro,u.e^l9 .J ^^n.^^: h! B.]- " ' I R^^ '"'^ '• ^^ ^"^ ^^- ^•^"' •^■"- ^-^ (F. S. 339 J. H. B.) \ Marie Spelterini (F. S. 1412 J. H. B.) * Chloe Beach 3931.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz.; property of Lyman A. Mills, Middlefield, Conn. I Rob Roy 17, imp. rColt Jr. 825 - ' Maggie 2054 -| g^odes' Bull 824 Chloe Beach 3931 4 ' Bradley Cow 20o2. "^ ( King Harold 344 * ^r^K if'^nA- ■ Wbteyesl517 \ ^^''''"i'^ ^- 't'°1?S / Snowrtakes 1004 * g^" ^^"ck Jr. 382. / Rose 394. Cottage Lass 5332.— Yield of milk, 217 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz. (official); test made from May 16 to 23, 1883 ; property of Columbia Jersej^ Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. \ On I. of J. /■Quy Mannering 698 - I / Brunette Lass 1780, imp. Cottage Lass 53.32 . . . -! I Vespucius758 j On L of J. '-Clytie Lass 3395 - ' ^ esper Lass 1784, imp. ' Daisy Lass 2010, imp. * Deborana 4718. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from Jvine 11 to 17, 1879 ; age, 3 years and 3 months ; property of M. K. Gregg, Imperial, Pa. ( Wethersfield 9G6 -| A !.|',^.7„,1| „ i ,,o3 f Coomassie 1484 -( unnneii-i 2.1 I.30c). /Belle 1225 - ^T' ^.-T '^■ I I Fawn boS. Deborana 4718 -! I ( Bismarck 292, imp. I Deborah 2536 j ,t- • o» ,-» ' Helen -^535 * Living Storm 1,3. tiejen ^o6r> ^ j^j^^^ ^.^^ * Dolly of Lakeside 10824.— Yield of milk, 204 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz., unsalted ; test made from February 15 to 22, 1883 ; age when made, 7 years and 10 months ; property of J. H. Walker, "Worcester, Mass. ( Mr. Micawber 556, imp. f Micawber 4796 -; Dolly of Lakeside | Rosa of Lakeside 2d , pjiot .3.549. 10824 -{ ^""''*^ 1 Rosa of Lakeside 10238. I i Pilot 3549 .; 51*;^ A^jr"^' '^'■- ~ ' '^■ I Dove 2d 8742 - C/ar -3 '^°-'824 ■;D^;;s-548,imp. 292 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Fair Dairy-maid 29839.— Yield of milk, 182 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter. 14 lbs. 8 oz,: test iiii>de from Feb. 13 to 19, 1887; age, 2 years and 4 months; estimated weight, 750 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 4 lbs. crushed oats, l)^ lbs. corn meal, IJ2 lbs. pea meal, 1 lb. oil meal and 2 lbs. shorts ; property of C. W. H. Eicke, West Monterey, Pa. iTrp*«ilian ^-SJ i ^^^° °^ ^l. Peter's 2392. iressilian .i.»4 j Bluebelle of St. Ouen-s 6580. Madse Wildfire llSoT.. . -! ?*"L4v?I^i- ,--„ Fair Dairy-maid 298.39J ~ I Bertha Morgan 4. .0. ( Le Brocq-s Prize 3350. . .* ?r° Vn -^ VFair Maid of Penh 13705 -{ Ar«l n«'-m" ^ I Eve 4ob. 'FaU Leaf 8587.— Yield of milk, 256 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz., salted p:^ oz. to lb.; test made from September 15 to 21, 1882; age when made, 3 veal's and 10 months ; property of "W. E. Oates, Vicksburg, Miss. ( Lawrence 61 ' ^P,i; °^,:^U I ,17 « SLi T H R , ( {.lementme .Lord Lawrence 1414....-^ (1-. b. M d. U. B.) (F. S. 2:32 J. H. B.) ' Lady Mary 1148, imp. Fall Leaf 8587 -'. i ProTv 1-U ' Pertinatti 713. lc„„„.- c^„rh ccQA \fToxxi,,-i , Roxana 1761. ^Sunny South 6830 - „„_,„,^,^,, . .,^.^ , Yankee 10(6, imp. ' Eflie of Staatsbnrgh 3194 -, j,,^^^^.^ .,^j .„^ i" * Fides 2d 1576. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz.; test made 7 days in May, 1879; age, 7 years and 11 months; property of John E. Swallow, Hagerstown, Md. Tliis test was made with one churning. \ Hannibal 618, imp. Fides 2d 1576 ' Tr:^„„ =•< » On I. of J. I Cyrene 137, imp. Fides 51 . * Florrie May Baker 10728.— Yield of milk, 207 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz. ; test made from July 14 to 20, 1885 ; age, 5 years ; property of R. McMicliael, Lexington, Ky. coi^^,.o .»— ' St. Martin 1482. I Balsora 23.31 cn^-o-i ;™i. I Tl^o-dale 2.582 ; If^^.f^^^,^^^, Florrie May Baker Katmj^a o,t)4 ^ g^^^^ g .,^j g^^.^g 10728 -! I Daniel Webster 403 - 2° J, oa.^'™„ I Fannie Baker 4274 * ' ^^"^^ ^-' '^P' Silver Fawn 1274, imp. *Gilda Mercedes H. 14451,— Yield of milk, 386 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of but- ter. 14 lbs, 8 oz.; test made from September 12 to 18, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 8 months ; property of ^Villiam H. Hayden. Albany, Vt. , Homer H. .3683 .; ^I^.^^qnire 1298. I Di^'card H. .576:3 - ; ^'.'ij^g '^^jor 214. Gilda Mercedes H. ' ^'^^ Li?htfoot 274.^. ... - Tulipl793, imp. 14451 J I Homer H. 3683 .; J^?,^,f Si^ ^''^• VMercedes H. 12326 ^ X ' f .^ t\' ^• ) fiildfl 2r-q * Critic .t40. f t.iiaa ^.9 ^ ^^^^. Godfrey 678. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 293 * Goddess of Staatsburgh 5252.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz., unsalted : test made from June 30 to July 6, 1883; age when made, 7 years and 6 months; property of W. B. Din*more, Staatsburgh, N. Y. , Governor 890 -' ^ff^'^?" '^^ ' i'^P" /'Yermoni 893 - . Gracie .69. imp. Goddess of Staats- I ' tt:„«„.- .->ooo ■ bargh 5252 •' Victorme 2233, imp. I Gipsv 4th 782 ." J^"y ^P,q"?P- ' ^ • I Gipsy 319, imp. *Hartwick Beile 7722.— Yield of milk, 189 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter. 14 lbs. 8 oz., salted ; test made from May 3 to 9, 1883 : age when made, 4 years and 6 months ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. /"GrandDuke Alexisl(M0-'2° J-^'^v k ■ .i-.n 1 I Victorme Lachaise 2r40, imp. Hartwick Belle 7722. . -! t ■ ,w. I ^ Mercnry 432 -' ^°P««J fi" ICI vtemnestra 2455 - ' f 'phea 1.1 . 'Leda799 -' i^^P'^^ ?3 I Europa 176. *Lady Ives 3d 6740.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz., unsalted; test made from April 8 to 15. 1883 ; age when made, 8 years and 8 months ; property of J. H. Walker, Worcester, Mass. » Lord Ogden 69 -' ^f °^^'i?- , -a ,' Success 2097 - ^ ' ? ? ?°*''i^'f ^• '^^^-^^^28 -;i^?fe'|,UiTll-r. Ladvlves3d 0740....- »Raghoml75 - 1?!^°^ ^- ^P" ' Ladv Ives 170S - - Ko^e .394. Gridley's Clover 5, imp. * La Pera 2d 13404.— Yield of milk, 210 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz., unsalted ; test made from July 14 to 20, 1883 : age when made, 3 years and 11 months ; property of W. L. & W. Eutherford, AVaddington, X. Y. ;Kahela2859 .> I-ord Byron 707 " l^^.^e^i:^. ^^p. ' ^r Gwendoline 287:3.. .; ^'^i^'^Ti^^^.^p. La Pera 2d 1.3404 - \ Earl of Brookside 1677. ■' ^^-f.,l¥/-- lLaPera7091 - . Ko^m .34-31. imp I \ Champion of America Webster Pet 4103 - 1567. ' Churchill Betsey 41i.l5. Lena's Florence 42460. — Yield of milk, 1:34 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz. ; test made from July 3 to 10, 1889 : age, 2 yeai-s and 9 months : estimated weight, 650 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons of a mixture consisting of -^ corn and I3 oats, ground ; property- of Maury Jersey Farm. Columbia, Tenn. /FancVs Harrv9777 < 36.V3. Landseer-s Fancy 2876 . . ' ^°,^=^t^??; o- Lena-9 Florence 42460- ■ ' ^^«"- f^^°<^-^ ^• ^Shirleyl613 ;xX^4';h j" '^ Lena Woods 6687 ^ ' v^?,rf, n<. ^^1 ' Avena 4S13 ' ^9"°- ^*;^^^- ' Minerva of Baltimore 294 BUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. * Lorraine 1435. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz., salted; test made from May 7 to 13, 1874 ; age when made, 3 years and 9 months ; property ol Amanda Estes, Rogers Park, 111. , Lorraine 1435, imp. in dam Lady Rhine 1381. * Magnolia Ridgely 17269.— Yield of milk, 181 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 uz. ; test made from July 13 to 20, 1885 ; age, 8 years and 9 months; property of W. M. Bell, Miami, Mo. rorange Skin 1216 ] ^[^"f . Pff' :?f 'P" ^^ ^6 'T- H. B.) Magnolia Ridgely J * Gloria 21+4, imp. ^'''^^^ '^ iHamntonMi t Black Imperial 255. } Hampton 491 -^ Lightfoot 461. .Belle Ridgely 6785. /Beauty 3159 » Sam 402 •' I Hennetti I Henrietta 465. Maid of Berlin 13746.— Yield of milk, 157 lbs. 10 ozl.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz.; test made fiom April 14 to 21, 1887; age, 7 years and 1 month; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. corn meal, 4 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. middlings and 2 lbs. oil meal ; property of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. ^ „ J „„. , T ,„~. j Marias 760. . Don Pedro of Bing- l\ernonlOi°"y3554 j^l^i^ia ♦Plenty 950.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz.; test made June, 1878; age when made, 10 years ; property of Thomas T. Turner, St. Louis, Mo. Plenty 950 -^ ^" " { SEiL^i^imp. ■ Beck 463, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 295 * Pride of the Hill 4877.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz., salted ; test made from Julj' 20 to 27, 1882; age when made, 7 years and 2 months ; property of G. J. Shaw, Hai'tland, Me. 1 Nelusko 479 * S^Jf^ '^^O' ™P- /-Nutshell 729 - ' S*" ^^.??- Fanny Ogden 1564 - g°" " Vi o-, Pride of the Hill 4877-,' /Fanny 2d 3a. 1 Guinevere 1484 ■ ^^•'^^ ^^^' '™P- V.ixumevere 14S4 ^ Grisette 596, imp. * Regina 2d. 2475.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs, S oz. in 7 days ; property of H. Borden-Bowen, Bristol, R. I. Sultan ' Prince of Wales. poble - (F. S'. 58 J: H: B.) ' ■^^""''^^ ^^- S" ^^ J- H. B.) Keginaod0475 J *F. S. 104 J. H. B.) ^ Handsome (F. S. 265 J. H. B.) (P. S. 16 J. H. B.) r| Old Noble. Regina • i;'." ^"""'^ (TT S .^9 .1 H K\ ' Miguonue (F. S. 32 J. H. B.) * Snowdrop F. W. 16948.— Yield of milk, 168 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz., unsalted ; test made from June 10 to 17, 1883 ; age when made, 8 years and 11 months ; property of J. H. Walker, Worcester, Mass. .,-.., .1 Mark Tapley 270. - °"'-'-* /Betly U8y. {Duke F. 61.34 Dazzle 379, imp. I Diogenes 277 i McClellan .323, imp. Chloe of Millwood 14083- "/ Diana 672. / Countess of Millwood i Tom Tittler 87. 140S1 - Countess 2d 991. *Susette C. 18602.— Yield of milk, 140 lbs.; jield of butter, 14 lbs. 8 oz.; test made from June 3 to 9, 1886 ; age, 3 years and 5 months ; jiroperty of William Heyser, Chambersburgh, Pa. ^ Sarpedon 930 -\ Sn7i -f^' ( Delaware Darling 3461 . . - i "??^ ii Helene 179 • i"P''?'^ ^■^■,.., I ' ( Hermione 173. SusetteC. 18602 -I } Beau of Ipswich 2464. . . .; ^^:-^;?\;;9^ .^^ ^^_ ^^ . Lila Bailey 18601 . / Marcia Warren 7855.... ;G-j^°^.r4U. *Thorndale Belle 5265.— Yield of milk, 172 lbs.; yield of butter. 14 lbs. 8 oz., unsalted; test made from May 4 to 10, 1880; age when made, 6 years and 6 months ; property of Edwin Thorne, Millbrook, N. Y. {Barney 1491, imp. ^ Frank Warren 1490 g^"//,^' ^1.^"^" ^-ISS- Lena Lewis .3735 - VoJL ^u i ,^^ I Piwri ■:i,T ir «QQA ^^""°°^"^''^^^ 1 Duchess 101, imp. j- Monmouth Laddie 6996.- . , Sir Charks 131, imp. ( C arne .iS J4 "(Mary Lowndes 273, imp. Carrie's Daffodil 15232-^ I , xr T-v 1 loo ( Malcolm 71. L, .,^ , ,,^„, ^loungDuke 138 ", Duche.-s 101, imp. U'arnes Beauty 14601...-, . ( Sir Charles 1.31. imp. ( came .iSJ-i -^ j^j^j.^ Lowndes 273, imp. * Carrie's Beauty 14601. — Yield of milk not given; yield of bvitter, 14 lbs. 114 oz.; test made from February 23 to March 1. 1885; age, B years; property of Thomas S. Yocom, Richmond, N. Y. Carrie's Beauty 14601. r L oung Duke 138. Malcolm 71 1 Kal'li 107. ' Duchess 101, imp. \ Sir Charles 131, imp. ( Mary Lowndes 273, imp. * Curfew 16498.— Yield of milk, 210 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. '7^ oz., un.salted; test made from October 1 to 8, 1885; age, 3 years. 8 months and 20 days ; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. /■Combination 4389. Curfew 16498. '-Belinda R. 13150. I Poloniu* -'513 * Sarpedon 930. I Lady Mel 429 1 MepM s;?! ^''^ '"• Auroraboreellis 2408. . . Miss Bowris 12206. t Umpire 1637. "( Lady of Walnut Grove ( Faust ,503. ■( Bessie King 12175. BUTTEE TESTS OF JERSEYS. 297 * Enid 2d 10782.— Yield of milk, 187 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of buttev, 14 lbs. "7% oz., salted; test made from March 31 to April 6, 1882; age when made, 2 yeai's and 3 months ; pi-operty of H. M. Howe, Bristol, R. I. Feed, corn meal, ground oats and bran ; 1 peck sugar beets daily ; no pasture. rDuke of Oakland 1984. Enid2dl0783 -! lEnid 1482 \ Black Knight 1759, imp ( Sweetheart 4196, imp. ( Rajah 340, imp. ( Eliza 619, imp. Milkgood 27838.— Yield of milk, 210 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7^ oz.; test made from May 30 to June 6, 1888; age, 4 years; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, oil jneal 2 lbs. 6 oz., pea meal 1 lb. 11 oz.. bran 2 lbs. 8 oz., ground oats 4 lbs. 10 oz.; property of H. M. Baum, Frank- fort, Ind. ^Peel ^?"^i?;^JIJ-H-B.) i Orange Peel ] Younff Rose 2d (P. S. 288 J. H. B.) ' ^ ,p I 9no T TT R ^ Cyprus Milkgood 27828 ^ (F. S. 2089 J. H. B.) 1 Orange Peel ( Nonpareil -{ (F. S. 129 J. H. B.) Tomboy 24348 ^ (P. S. 37 J. H. B.) ( Le|,C|teaux^ ^ ^^ Beauty (F. S. 1573 J, H. B.) I * Shiloh Daughter 20378.— Yield of milk, 238 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1% oz.; test made from July 2 to 8, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 2 months; property of C. Easthope, Niles, Ohio. / Chatelaine's Dayton ^ Dayton 1633 -\ Kf/eSr :308. "ichatplainelQIfi ( Tancred .501. Shiloh Daughter 20378-^ ' '-^ateiaine taib -^ ^ady Ella 1146, imp. { Amher of Cottage Grove (Bazoo 3d 6550 -j Red°To~p '456 ''''' (Miss Grundy 8174 {^I^^H^,, Tormentor's Silver 36058.— Yield of milk, 201 lbs. 4 oz.: yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7^2 ^'^•' tsst made from May 15 to 22, 1889; age, 3 j^ears and 7 months: actual weight, 940 lbs.; grain fed daily, between 16 and 24 lbs. ground corn and oats; property of Wm. Morrow & Son, Nashville, Tenn. ( Leo f Khedive - (F. S. 198 J. H. B.) (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) i Coomassie r Tormentor 3533 < (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) Tormentor's Silver | I , 36058. . .\ngela (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) ( P ot Jr. 141 ■ ?l°^,?oa~ i„,r, bmerKose4,od > i Cheltenham 80. ( Kosa U. -J Brunette 102. 298 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Young Cherry 3d 14980.— Yield of milk, 201 lbs. 83^ oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. l^ oz.; test made from March 23 to 29, 1886; age, 4 years and 4 months ; property of D. A. Givens, Cynthiana, Ky. I Jersey Boy rCato - (P.'S. 92 J. H. B.) (P. S. 178 J. H. B.) / Belle Grisette fRough J. (P. S. 507 J. H. B.) I (P. 8. 239 J. H. B.) I Milord l^Dovey 14927 - (P. S. 119 J. H. B.) (P. S. 254 J. H. B.) I Rosette Young Cherry 3d 14980^ (F. S. 1154 J. H. B.) I I Tom fVictor - (P. S. 77 J. H. B.) I (P- S. 148 J. H. B.) / La Petite Jaune [ Young Cherry 14945. .. -l (F. S. 1005 J. H. B.) [cherry (F. S. 1428 J. H. B.) * Aspirante 9272.— Yield of milk, 238 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from June 20 to 26, 1881 ; age when made, 8 years and 15 days ; property of Seth L. Hoover, Columbus, Ohio. Columbiad 2d 1515. Aspirante 9272. .Perfection 1897, \ Columbiad 534, imp. ' Celestia 1898 \ Columbiad 534, imp. ( Purity 1408, imp. ( On I. of J. "/ Pearldrop 1409, imp. Clubs 2d 16725.— Yield of milk, 208 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from February 16 to 23, 1890; age, 8 years; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 7 qts. corn meal, crushed oats and bran, mixed ; propei'ty of Frederic Bronson, Greenfield Hill, Conn. Clubs 2d 16725. ^ Rufus (F. S. 291 J. H. B.) {Traveller - (P. S. 280 J. H. B.) I Manette (F. S. 1532 J. H. B.) Clubs 1G721 (P. S. 3147 J. H. B.) * Cora of Hillside 25253.— Yield of milk, 156 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from June 11 to 18, 1886; age, 4 years and 10 months ; property of David Strong, Winsted, Conn. i Merry Bov /"Duke - (P. S. ei J. H. B.) (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) { Superb r Lucullus 2695 \ ( F. S. .3.53 J. fl. B.) ( Tim I 1, Lucy 4577 - (F. S. 112 J. H. B.) Cora of Hillside 2.5253-1 / Bourgeoise I (F. S.442 J. H. B.) ( Duke I (Lucullus 2695 - (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) 1 Cora of Lebanon 11037. - ' Lucy 4.577. ' r^«„^i-\^*t^cA cnoo t Le Gele 2694. Gazellette 2d 6032 - Gazgllctte 4589. BUTTER TP:STS OF JERSEYS. 299 * Coronilla 8367.— Yield of milk, 308 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from June 30 to July 6, 1884 ; age, 5 years and 3 months ; property of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss, , Champion of America i May Boy 705 \ Si™^":^-!-?^' ™P- I 15(^7 crocufc Koj. I Pan«v 1019 * living Storm 173. J ' ^^"*^y ^"^^ ( Dolly 2d 1020. Coronilla &36' ^Mayhew Belle 3883 I Nelusko 479 * ^^^^^ 340, imp. Vm«,7>io«; RpHo asa"? J I JNelly Do. 'Jenuie Douglass 3313... J ^°-^^ 315. *Czaretta 17358.— Yield of milk, 199 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz. ; test made from June 8 to 15, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 2 months ; prop- erty of E. S. Henry, Rockville, Conn. I Azimuth 1412 .; ll^'l''^ ;^G0 /-Czar of New York 4049.- 4 cm I Princess Caroline 2021.. .| ^^^^,f^%^ ,oi9. Czaretta 17358. I s Czar of New York 4049 . -] tr!"l''^^ }:^^S ■ .f^i \ T)eiig .i(j 17-37 ' ' Princess Caroline 2021. |Delle3789 -1 w''^'^''?"\,^iV I Honesty 2147. * Daisy of Chenango 18582.— Yield of milk, 253 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of but- ter, 14 Ib.s. 7 oz., salted; test made from June 15 to 21, 1883; age when made, 5 years and 4 months ; property of Hiram A. Jewell, Mount Upton, N. Y. I No.ble rXoble 901, imp - (F. S. 104 J. H. B.) ( Fanny of Babylon 2345,. I" Prince of Sidney 2665. . . J. imp. ^^Ify of Chenango J (.Dahlia of Babylon 2346, imp. 18582. '^ Daisy 684. I .Tprspv Rnv •'>7-'> * Czar 273. ) ''^^ -^ ^oy ,,, ^ Yanuy 675, imp. ") Diflno fi".^ > Diamond 155, imp. (Diana b.. "| Flora 113, imp. Darlymora 37771.— Yield of milk, 211 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs, 7 oz.; test made from June 5 to 12, 1889; age, 5 years and 1 month; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts. corn meal, 4 qts. shorts and 4 qts. ground oats ; property of Terence Carrigan, Hopkinton, Mass. Darlymora 37771. , Duke of Darlington 2d 1 Duke of Darlington 2460 -' l^'lPf,^" ?, f^?' 1 Euphrates 9778 ]^^^- ( Prince of Deerfoot 2540. -\ vi^l?^th^m-t ^Lady Gihnore 2d 12140. . - i, ° ^ o-,o iLadyGilmore 12136... { ?:,'°Lf of Lakeside 10240. 300 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * English Elm 17600.— Yield of milk, 114 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from May 19 to 25, 1886; age, 3 years and 9 months; property of Colmnbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. ^Trusty 1101 "l Sel'rf '• /- Elmwood 2322 < ' iruaie.,,. I ( Brown Bess 2649, imp. English Elm 17600.... 4 I , T „ a-, t On I. of J. Lawrence 61. . -^ Clementine ^Coralie4446 < (t . !s. 84 J. H. B.) (P. s. 232 J. H. B.) i May Maitland 1590 ] ^f^^ '^■^^,^. ,,9 j^p. Eurus 60801.— Yield of milk, 244 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from November 15 to 22, 1889 ; age, 2 years and 11 months ; esti- mated weight, 850 lbs. ; gi-ain fed daily, 18 qts. corn and oat meal ; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. ,„ u- *■ joon > Polonius2513. ,^. , ,«„„ j Combination 4389 ", Lady Mel 429. piplomal6219 ^ , Cobden 1871. ( Frankie's Lass 24900.. . . -^ p^^^^j^ .^^^ ^^ Eurus 60801 -{ I , /-I V *• incr. I Polonius 2513. L , . .^.., ^ Combination 4.589 , Lady Mel 429. VComplexia 06, ,4 < p„„,„,„Hn„ vMm » Combination 4389. ( Commotion 52900 - ^.^^^ 3933^, * Flory of the Oaks 8141, imp.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz., unsalted ; test made from June S to 15, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years and 4 months ; property of W. B. Dinsmore, Staatsburgh, N. Y. * Fragrance 4th 16509. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz.; test made in June, 1885; age, 3 yeai's and 10 months; propei'ty of S. W. Robbins, Wethersfield, Conn. ■ Cornelius 4204. Fragrance 4th 16.j09 . .Fragrance 4059. Prince of Croton 2490. ' Grinnella 3d 2209 J Tocsin 1912. '/ Glenida 4436, imp. t Albert 44. "( Grim ella 1302, imp. AlhprT44 J Jerry 15, imp. ^^'oen 44 J Frankie 17, inr (On I. of J. Morning Glory 908, imp. imp. Morning Glory 2d 1299. * Hindoo Rose 14602.— Yield of milk not given ; j-ield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from December 10 to 16, 1885; age, 6 years and 8 months; property of Thomas S. Yocom, Richmond, N. Y. J f.. ( On I. of J. f Duke of Thornebrook j^*" c"*^^ f h' rT ' " ' * Clementine 3832 < (t.b. 84J. H. B.) (F. S. 2.32 J, H. B.) )„,. •,„ 1— a t Duke of Shrewsbury 624. Hindoo Rose 14602. . . -{ ^ L niquita io,» -^ gg,,^ ^j. Shrewsbury 863. , T-^ „„ -n.-L-n 1QC (Malcolm 71. !, .,„ , ,,«^, ^\oung Duke 1.38 ■, Duchess 101. imp. I C-arne's Beauty 14601. . . - | g;,. ^barles 131, in.p. ( carne cib94 "j Mary Lowndes 273, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 301 * Jessie Lee of Labyrinth 5290. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz.; age when made, 4 years ; property of James Crook, Jacksonville, Ala. I Tvrnnn qir ' Potomac 153. ^^*=°°" ^^' ") Pauline 5130. (Tycoon Jr. 1212 - ^^ ■^' orm 43 J Tommy Cowles 1908. *Lorella 12913.— Yield of milk, 148 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz. ; test made from January 8 to 15, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 9 months ; property of M. M. Gardner, Nashville, Tenn. I Lawrence 61 * R," ^' ^l-"^ ' 1 iT? « Si T TT T! ^ ' Clementme {Lord Lawrence 1414.... «^ (i? . &. »4 J. ±1. n.) (F. S. 232 J. H. B.) ' Lady Mary 1148, imp. I Rioter 670, imp. T ■ • -Letitia 3977. \ Angela 1682 * Ro-^bury 247. = / Europa 121, imp. * Mary of Bear Lake 6171.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz.; made middle of December, 1880 ; age when made, 4 year's and 8 months; property of Chester Bordwell, Batavia, Ohio. (-Prince of Warren 1512.. -* ^^fl^^^P^^.'^ ^:JI- i"^?' Mary of Bear Lake I ' Golddrop 222, imp. " ' ^ 1 ( Optimus 1607 -; f/Z^S^SQi ^^^' "^P" l.Warren's Duchess 4622. - ' ^arr'e 3894. ( Countessof Warren3896-; HectoM.9. 302 BUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. * Milk Weed 16402 iF. S. 1673 J. H. BJ— Yield of milk, 189 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz., unsalted ; test made from January 28 to Feb- ruary 3, 1883 ; age when made, 8 years and 7 months ; property of Edward Worth, Wawa, Pa. Feed, 1 qt. ground corn, 2 qts. wheat bran, night and morning, with cut hay ; no pasture. Miralba 65002.— Yield of milk, 248 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from May 1 to 8, 1890 ; age, 3 years and 5 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 15 qts. ground oats and corn; property' of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. Miralba 6500^ J ^^^"'^ °^ ^^^'"^ ^^™ ^^^^^ '"^P- ^ Laura Lee 8550. ■jr T>- ,, .,] -, — n \ Von Bismarck 1021. ^ Von Bismarck Al 1. .9. . - ^ady Theresa mi. ii^ffioi-)!! 1 Joe Hooker 4tJ5. ( tme 1-11 -^ jj^j^y j.^^j^_ * Monmouth Duchess 3895. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz., unsalted ; test made from June 1 to 7, 1876; jiroperty of W. A, Conover, Hackettstovvn, N. J. iii„«f„„ I Prince Albert 119, imp. H<^"or 1-29 -J Victoria 249, imp! T„i;.> oaa-i ' Sir Charles 131, imp. duiia .i»j.i ^ j^^^y Lowndes 273, imp. *Nibbette 11625.— Yield of milk, 232 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz., salted; test made October, 1883; age Avhen made, 4 years and 4 months ; property of T. L. Hacker, Madison, Wis. Bon Ton 16.56. „„,,,„„ ,f„r> t Autocrat 1065. , „ , „ .,„^ \ ^"° ' "" ^''•'° ( Bonfanti 388. imp. F"^^ '''''''^ ■.■■■■) Artless 399^ -' Autocrat 1065. r Artless -iyj^ ^ Atlanta 402. imp. Nibbette 11625. 1 ^ The Squire 1298 -) f^U.^uT '''' '"P- ^^''*'^"^ ^'^ ■/ Nimmie 968 \ ^am Weller 271, imp. r jNimmie yb^ -^ -^^^^^ ggg_ j^^p *Nora of St. Lambert 12962.— Yield of milk, 243 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from December 6 to 12, 1882; age when made, 2 j'ears and 11 months ; property of AY. D. Reesor, Markham, Ont., Can. ,c!t^^ -D :„ o/i .-Kioo * Stoke Pogif^ 12.59, imp. Nora of St. Lambert ^^°^^ ^""^^ 3d 22.38. .. . - Marjoram 32;39, imp."^ 12962 i Duchess of St. Lam- ( Lord Lisgar 1066 \ Sne°4qf ^^' ''^'^^ bert 5111 ^ / rauime 4y4. ' Pride of Windsor 48^3, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 303 * Polly Neptune 15214.— Yield of milk, 332 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7oz.; test made from June 7 to 13, 1885; age, 6 years and 4 months ; property- of C. E. Rowley, Cortland, N. Y. ( Grey Prince (F. S. 168 J. H. B. [Neptune ...j ( Duke 4th (P. S. 151J.H. B.) (Mermaid } (P. S. 10 J. H. B.) 1 (P. S. 55 J. H. B.) i Syren Polly Neptune 15214. . ■{ (F. S. 371 J. H. B.) I ( Noble rstockwell 2d - (F. S. 104 J. H. B.) I (P. S. 24 J. H. B.) ( Soucique [Polly -{ (F. 8. 68 J. H. B.) (P. S. 69 J. H. B.) 1 Sally (F. S. 642 J. H. B. *Salsoda 3721.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz.; property of W. L. & W. Rutherford, Waddington, N. Y. rSam 980 Salsoda3721 4 * On I. of J. '/ Eugenie 792, imp. i (Bill Tr 182 j Bill 50, imp. Uattie2d2901 j BillJr. 182 -| Hattie 428, imp. ' Hattie 428, imp. * Silkey Morrill 1 7058.— Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz. ; test made from April 28 to May 5, 1884; age, 6 years and 6 months ; property of C. F. Cobb, South Vassalborough, Me. 'Hazel Eye 1514. Silkey Morrill 17058. .Pussy Cat 2731. ( T ord Avlmer 1067 * ^^^^ Lisgar 1066. j Lora Ayimer itb, -^ p^uiine 494. ■|Bellflower59 1 Belle 5^° ^' I Mr. Toodles 377, imp. ■ I Fair Imocrene •>7-'9 * ^*™ Wellcr 271, imp. ( rair imo^ene ~,,y ^ Countess 2d 991. * Star of Mahoning 16579.— Yield of milk, 158 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz. ; test made from June 2 to 8, 1885 ; age, 3 years ; property of A. R. Hill, North Washington, Pa. Duke of Brandywine ^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^jg^ ' Lewis' Ringgold 6379. . . < ~~^'^ "( Lilly Morgan 4752. Star of Mahoning I ( Belle of Brandy wine , f „„„, „,., I«5r9 i 4878 ■lLUrMo;ian4752. '"lg39 \ '""'^''" '''"' ''''■ ■ ■ "' Sre%S'5324. Aiaaomng i.i».i9 -^ ^^^j.^ ^^ Brandywine ' Lydia Darrach 3d 10662. - 2213. ( Lydia Darrach 4903. * Sunny Lass 6033.— Yield of milk, 192 lbs. 12i^ oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs 7 oz., unsalted ; test made from Jauuaiy 13 to 19, 1882 ; age when made, 4 years and 9 months ; property of D. A. Givens, Cynthiana, Kj'. iR«iv,n« 1011 1 Duke of Grayholdt 1035, imp. Balboa 1344 -^ jj^^^. .,..^^ ^^^^ Twiliffht T a Caen 2317. UMva i&«.ci -, Countess Giscla 2820. * Winsome of Ipswich 9213.— Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz.; made in 1884 ; age, 5 years ; property of J, H. Towle, Westfield, Mass. i ^"^--nn ^"''^ °^ ^''''^'*'^ ' Pilot Jr. 141. j-Duke Jr. 2465 < ^'^'^ / Duchess 101^, imp. Winsome of Ipswich | ( Hattie of Ipswich 3922. . -] ^ilTof Fpswich 1347. 9213 A / i}..;f«^ oin * Royal Rob .598. I. ^^ ■ ^ „^oo jiTitonJiJ "; Maud of Ipswich i:W7. ^\my of Ipswich 5583...^ , Prince Albert 26. ( Dudy 3919 -^ Flower of Ipswich 2448. * Yankee Girl 2d 29261.— Yield of milk, 225 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from June 15 to 22, 1886 ; age, 6 j'ears and 2 months ; property of P. J. Cogswell, Rochester, N. Y. , cii„„„i„^i-o T, ann * Silverlocks .546, imp. 1 feilverlocKS Jr. 699 -, i.'„,ui„„„ i^.^^ i,„^ l-Catoctin 2692 - ^arato'a -^ l''V™ I Clifton Fairy 3265 -j ^^'^ Brown 3263. Yankee Girl 2d 29261.-^ ( Sankpv 1991 -* Yankee 1003, imp. V , n- M,ooc, 55ankeyi,ui 1 Susie ie8, imp. U ankee Girl 248.32 , Ya^l^.e l003.1mp. ' t-assia ,d ,13-0 ■, q^^^^^ ygjg^ Young Anne Lee 31668.— Yield of milk, 212 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 7 oz.; test made from July 5 to 11, 1887 ; age, 4 years and 2 months ; esti- mated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 lbs. corn meal, 2 lbs. oil meal and 8 lbs. bran ; property of A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y. r,- 1 i~if^ i Matchless 906. ^, ^^ , ,„„ \ Cinnabar 1 , 39 ] p^^^^^^ .,ggp pMahkeenac 3290 - , ju iter 93. I (i-uropai.b ■|Alpheal71. Young Anne Lee 81668 -I (Young Yankee r Jersey Golddust 2134... ^ (P. S. 62 J. H. B.) |Clelie2d iLady Anerly 10595 -! (P. S. 64 J. H. B.) A^.,.. T3 „o oroA i Son of Alphea 563. U'Uine Page 2690 \ Princess 1154. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 305 * AUie Minka 2982.— Yield of milk, 208 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 63^2 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from September 13 to 19, 1882; age when made, 8 years and 10 months ; properly of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. Feed, 3 lbs. wheat bran, 6 lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. cotton-seed meal, daily. { Lawrence 61 -\ ^Vj'^^J- 1 iv a OA 1 -a -R \ ' Clementine 'Milo 590 < (b.b.mJ.a.B.) (P. S. 238J. H. B.) (Motto 80 -lonhifsf- Allie Minka 2982 -J * "P'^^'^ 81. iSam402 -lC?mu8 54. ^Mmka951 \ / Diana ,, imp. Plenty 9-50 * *-0"i"8 5^- ( rienty asu ^ ^^^^ ^gg ^^^ *Beulah of Baltimore 3270.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. QH oz., salted; test made from May 25 to 31, 1880 ; age when made, 7 years and 4 months ; property of Clarke & Jones, Baltimore, Md, Beulah of Baltimore 3270 ^Sir Davy 84. LNellie 1507, ( On I. of J. ( Jersey Maid 94, imp. Potomac 1.53. i Comus 54. — "/ Clara 148, imp. Bell nOfi ' Buckskin 1.51. ^^" ^^^'^ I Victoria 1505, imp. Harry's Fancy 39114.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6% oz.; test made from April 26 to May 3, 1890; age, 5 years and 2 months; actual weight, 810 lbs.; grain fed daily, between 16 and 24 lbs. ground corn and oats ; property of Wm. Morrow & Son, Nashville, Tenn. f T Old Harrv '^445 ' Top-Sawyer 1404. Loul Harry 3445 -^ Duchess of Bloomfield , Fancy's Harry 9777 ■{ 3(j.53. Landseer's Fancy 2876. . .| ^^^^^^ ,,_ Harry's Fancy 39114.. -( ^Norella King 3d 2.3933. . { 5104. \ Marmaduke's King of Norella King 14845 - Hearts 2949. Nora 434. * Irene of Short Hills 5137.— Yield of milk, 237 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 63-^ oz.; test made from March 14 to 20, 1882 ; age when made, 5 years and 9 months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. 'Okubo 1876. Irene of Short Hills . 5137 Lawrence 61 1 n,"i,' nt,^' (F. S. 84 J. H. B.) I ^'(7®;,?.^;,^! Mazie 1.588, imp. J. H. B.) lJartol902. j Duke of Shrewsbury 624 .) ^ome^^ {3^0-,^ ^^ , ^5,. • ) May Maitland 1.590 -) ^-^^^ «0^-„^^. ^^^ .^^ 306 EUl TEK TESTS OF JEKSEYS. * Jennie of the Vale 9553.— Yield of milk, 373 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. €1:4 oz., salted ; test made from April 31 to 38, 1883 ; age when made, 4 years and 4 months ; property- of H. W. Douglass, Pevely, Mo. I Wethersfield 966 j rll'^fint oa i om ( Highland Blade 2164. ..\ Junker Msl Jennie of the Vale * Chloe Daniels 26C8 -\ [X Orton 2667. 9a33 -I t Pierrot 636, imp. V Elsie Brown 4026 -> , t?„v, vir,v 1" imr> *R0Ba2dl622 ] iSrimr' Khelula 17970.— Yield of milk, 184 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. G}4 oz. (olticial) ; test made from January 5 to 12, 1886; age, 4 years and 10 months ; grain fed daily, 9 lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. oil-cake meal, 6 lbs. crushed oats and 6 lbs. wheat bran on first five days ; 14 lbs. crushed oats and 14 lbs. wheat bran on last two days ; propert3' of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. ( Khedive rYoung Prince < (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) (P. S. 182 J. H. B.) ( Princesse TKing -{ (F. S. 1294 J. H. B.) (P. S. 238 J. H. B.) Khelula 17970 ^ Uudy (F.S. 1590J. H. B.) [sophie (F. S. 434 J. H. B.) ♦Liberty 2d 16717.— Yield of milk, 186 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 63^ oz.; test made from June 33 to 39, 1885; age, 3 j^ears and 11 months; property of J. L. Siiall-cross, Anchorage, Ky. ■ I Koffee fGuv Favvkes { (F. S. 233 J. H. B.) {F. S. 251 J. H. B.) ( Angelica /"Sir George 7656 ■{ (F. S. 1738 J. H. B.) (P. S. 221 J. H. B.) Liberty 2d 16717 ■{ l^Brown Bess 13092 (F. S. 755 J. H. B.) [Liberty 166G5 (F. S. 2720 J. H. B.) 1. Mary Gordon 41429.— Yield of milk, 131 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 63^ oz. ; test made from March 13 to 19, 1889 ; ag'e, 3 years and 9 months; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons corn meal, oats and wheat bran, in equal parts ; property' of Maury Jersey Farm, Columbia, Tenn. ( Ton ^nwvf.r 1 404 * Marius 760. , Lord Harry 3445 -^ op-!>a\\ ) tr 1404 -^ Emblem 90. j Duchess of Bloomfleld \ Rioter 670, imp. 3653 -, Mary Gordon 41429. ..-I , ( Angela 1682. ' ( Pertinax 1965 ] ^"-In^'i^f " I ^KateGordon 8387 ^^^^^^^3^,^ {^orZHy'U. ( JNormanuadJH ( Olive 4lh 3018. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 307 f>ercie 14937.— Yield of milk, 361 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. Gy, oz. (official); test made from June 17 to 23, 1884; age, 3 years; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 2 qts. corn meal, 3 qts. fine feed and 1 qt. linseed meal ; property of Cornelius Wellington, East Lexington, Mass. ( Ned Ives 3631 * Beeswax 1931 ' Golden Lion 5239 -' Lady I ves l , 0^. / Hannah Duncan .3d 4029 -' P\"Tot ».36, imp. / Hannah Duncan 4027. Percie 14937 ( Pickwick .3985 -I v1n".n^''lSio"^°°^ ^^'^''- : -RoiHtn 2(1 10^11 -- f viiiette i.ib2. ^_.i.....^Q lUdii ; R^i,u„ a..o (Hamilton 1074. f Belhta 4o53 -^ Little Bella 3693. imp. Athlete 28137.— Yield of milk, 213 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from September 3 to 10, 1886 ; age, 2 j'ears and 3 months ; esti- mated weight, 775 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 qts. ground peas and oats and oil meal; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. .Scituate's Prize 7206... Athlete 281.37 4 Prince of Scituate .3888. i Pharos Jr. .3621. ■/ Belle of Scituate 7977. I Horace Matin 7768 - (P. S. 94 J. H. B.) (F. S. 1629 J. H. B.) I Ciearette (F. S. 1962 J. H. B.) ( Combination 4.389 * f"^ "a 'l^^^^Q '^ Alphalia 13820 - ' Lady ^IeU29. Doelena 11731 -' R^^l^^^r'-*^- ( Doe 3061 . * Augerez Girl 17015 (F. S. 2454 J. H. B.^— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz., unsalted ; test made January, 1883 ; age when made, 3 years and 8 months; property of S. W. Robbins, Wethersfield, Conn. Champion Flower 20887.— Yield of milk, 226 lbs. 8oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from July 5 to 11, 1886; age, 4 years an 1 8 months; grain fed daily, a mixture of boiled cotton-seed, corn meal and bran ; prop- erty of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. , T.r.T,. p>„v "n^ i Bismarck 292. JMa> i.oy ,0o ■( p-„„,,„ ir-u-- ( Champ on of America 1567. - V ■ • o ' ,~.i PnTKv iniQ J Living Storm 173. Champion Flower ' i^ansy luiy ") Dolly 2d 1020. 20887 ...-1 •l The nub 1009 -I }^'\'lP\^l^ Upril Flower 4421 - ^'^^± 'Mint 2,549. ( Mr. Micawber 556. Magnolia 2543. * Chlora 8325.— Yield of milk, 172 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz., un- salted ; test made from June 28 to Juh' 4, 1884 ; age, 8 years and 4 months; property of J. A. Fisher, Nashville, Tenn. ( Clement 115 (Mack 722 - (F. S. 61 J. H. B.) /'Planet 1130 a ( Sun flower 351. 'Maiden 1464 1 SIL'^tv'Q-n Chlora 8.325 -i / Plenty 9o0. VRosette of Staatsburgh I Q"aker 8.87 -j Q„gy,j „f gtaatsburgh 3008 < 2234, imp. f Rqphael .3d "-^61 * Napoleon 291, imp. I, Kacnaei da ,,bi ^ Yiachae] 762, imp. 308 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Cocotte 1 1958.— Yield of milk, 239 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz. (official); test made from Jaauary 5 to 12, 1886 ; age, 9 years and 10 months ; grain fed daily, 9 Ib.^. corn meal, 7 lbs. wheat bran. 6 lbs. crushed oats and 2 lbs. linseed oil-cake ; property of James Stillman, Sing- Sing-, N. Y. ^ Welcome (F. S. :7e J. H. B.) (Hero (P. S. 00 J. H. B.i... - CocoUe 11958 ] ' Musiqne ( F. S. 1096 J. 11. B.) (Belle (F. S. 30.2 J. H. B.i Como of BriarclifiF 35849.— Yield of milk, 155 lbs.; yield of butter. 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from May 31 to June 7, 1888; age, 2 j-ears and G months ; estimated weight, 650 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. corn meal and 4 lbs. mid- dlings ; property of James Stillman, Sing Sing, X. Y. -Domino of Darlington o „„j„„ non * Mercury 432. ^Sarpedon 930 )-Enropa17G. .459. - 'Beauty of Barlington ^-^^ °J ^ar^'-^^^^^ oi3o. " Como of Briarcliff '^^^^ "> I Welcome {Hero (P. S. 90 J. H. B.)^ (F. S. 17:i J. H. B.) / ilusiqne (F.S. 1096 J. H. B.» Belle(F. S. 302J. H. B.) * Countess of Scarsdale 18633.— Yield of milk, 230 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from Januaiy 31 to February 6, 1885; age, 2 years and 2 months ; property of F. L, Gaston, Normal, 111. ■n«,ii,io -or-i-ro 511" * Beanclerc 1883. j' John Street 6156 ^ "°" "'® ^^^^ '^^ ' ' -lewel Beauty 1668, imp. Confess of Scarsdale! '/ Flirt of Ip..wich 6607. . . \ ^oung Triton 1.^.^^^ iBeautiful 5981 -j ^^^^ Triton 1^0 -) fe1'?e''o/lp.wich 2883. Little Beauty of Ips- i Agawam 597. wictt 4341 .»....- / Beauty of Ipswich 2449. * Cupid of Lee Farm 5997.— Yield of milk, 199 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz., unsalted ; test made from July 16 to 22, 1882 ; age when made, 5 years and 3 months ; property of D. A. Givens, Cynthiana, Ky. \ Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. r..,. i-1 „<• T „^ vo, ( Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 - Cupid of Lee Farm \ | Marjoram 3239, imp. 5997. Cu^ Of St. Lambert » Laval 506 -ll^Tji^i^T' ol04 - Amelia 4h4, imp. * Daisy of Guilford 18583.— Yield of milk, 243 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from April 27 to May 3, 1884; age, 5 years and 2 months ; propei'ty of Andi-ew Baker, West Dryden, N. Y. \ Xoble rXoble 901 -, (F. S. 104 J. H. B.) / Fanny of Babylon 2345^ /" Prince of Sidney 2665. . . -I imp. ^^i%?^ Guilford I (.Dahlia of Babylon 2:^46, imp. loooo "\ , ^ „„.. ^^ (Czar 273. Jersey Boy 272 - p^^„~ -~.^ -^^ 1.55, ii imp. Daisy 684 - ( Diamond 1.55. imp. 'Diana 6.2 , Flora 113. imp. BUTTEE TESTS OF JEKSET: 309 Edessa 3d 52043.— Yield of milk, 173 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 1-4 lbs, 6 oz.; test made from Jid^' 1 to 8, 1890; age, 2 years and 3 months; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 qts., consisting of corn meal, crushed oats, bran and old process oil meal ; property of Frederic Bronson, Greenfield Hill, Conn. ■r.„„,^,„„ -ICO I Wanderer 3014. . „, ,^,. * Footstep 0163 - p^^^^^^ ^j y^^^ gg„ I "^° ^^^' '/ Tiii^a T^ fifioo « Chief .Justice id 1643. Edessa .3d 5204:3 -{ I -c, ,^.^„ -ICO \ Wanderer -3014. v^.... oi^ * Footstep 016.3 - y^^^^j^ ^^ y^^^ gg^^ VEdessa 21&44 ^tv«>.r.f Vom« sq-ts ' John Gilpi^ ^19^. ( Effie of \ ema 8928 ■ ^^ ^ jjK j * Effie of Veraa 8928.— Yield of milk, 216 lbs. S}4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz., uusalted; test made from June 22 to 29, 1888: age, 6 years. 1 month and 20 days ; property of Frederic Bronson, Greenfield Hill, Conn. Effle of Vema 8928. fJohn Gilpin 2199. I Effie of Hillside 1521.... ^ Collamore'g Atlantic ^ Gray lock 740 - 739. imp. . -; ' Undine 1S64. imp. ' Vellip of OraiKTp T02fi * General Miles -301, imp. >eme of orange oO-«. . . -, grownie 1035. imp. \ Sero 13, imp. Evelina 446. > Prince of Oranse 184. ■( Edith 447. * Gilda 2779. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made in 1875 ; age when made, 3 years ; property of William H. Hayden, Albany. Vt. Xritic 540. Gilda 2779. ^Lady Godfrey 678. ( Orange Peel 502 ^F. S. 129 J. H. B.) ' Cannie 1359, imp. ,DickSwivenerJr.276...;?|^^,^^-yf[^^. ( Czar 273. ' Madora 679. "( Duchess 54S, imp. Hara of St. Lambert 42128.— Yield of milk, 237 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of but- ter, 14 lbs. 6 oz. ; test made from April 18 to 25, 1890 ; age, 3 years and 7 months; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily averaged about 9^2 lbs. corn meal, 6^3 lbs. pea meal. 2 lbs. cotton-seed meal and 4 lbs. oats: property of W. B. vonRichthofen. Montclair, Col. Hara of St. Lambert 42128 f Prince of St. Lambert 1 5287 I-Hara Res 19005. } Stoke Pogis 3d 22:38. . ' Witch of St. Lambert 5479 t Stoke Pogis 1259. imp. '( Marjoram 3239. imp. ( Lord Lissar 1066. I Lucv of St. Lambert 5116. \ Cash Boy 2248 ■, Didoof Middlefield:3416. 1 Duchess of Dudley 8670. -) ^^aS's^Duchess 4622. 310 BUTTER TESTS Ol^^ JERSEYS. * Ideal Alphea 18755.— Yield of milk, 183 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter. 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from May 10 to IG, 1885; age, 2 years and 5 months ; property of William Simpson, New Y'ork, N. Y. I T.,,iito, QQ J Saturn 94, imp. ( Mercury 432 \ ^ ' ^^^^ ^66, imp: Mercury 4dJ < ^^^^^^ y^^ . (Aipneai.i ( Rhea 166, imp. Ideal Alphea 18755.. ..< iCecco inrs (Mercury 432. lldea. 11842 '''' Sur?'432"'- * Lerna 3634 ] SKchards 1673. *Jaquenetta 10958.— Yield of milk, 141 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from March 23 to 39, 1884 ; age, 3 years and 9 months ; property of M. M. Gardner, Nashville, Tenn. \ Pilot Jr. 141. Chief Baron 2984 } """"" "'"' "" ' ^wchess 101, imp. Black Bess 1788, imp. I Chelten Duke 924 ( Chief Baron 2984 -: Jaquenetta 10958 j 1 I Top-sawyer 1404 \^Sm' I Blanche Amory 7.592 ... - B,^ti^K~f 760. 1 Emblem 90. a,. T „ A-n- i Rioter 670, imp. ®"Ln4,0o iAngelal682. * Jazel's Maid 11011.— Yield cf milk, 350 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz., unsalted ; test made from May 33 to 28, 1883; age when made, 3 years and 9 months ; property of Thomas H. Malone, Nashville, Tenn. Feed, 5 qts. corn meal, 3 qts. bran, daily; pasture, blue-grass, very good. I Merry Bov rDuke < (P. S. Ci J. H. B.) (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) (Superb .Jazel3501 -{ (P. S. 353 J. H. B.) (P. S. 159 J. H. B.) ( Tim iFlviug ■{ (F. S. 112J. H. B.) Jazel's Maid 11011....-^ (P. S. 18 J. H. B.) Fly (F. S. 443 J. H. B.) ^Maid of Avrauches 6959, I Tommy, on I. of J. imp i ( Grey Queen (F. S. 571 J. H. B.) *Lady Greville 12930.— Yield of milk, 80 gaUons 1 pint; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz. ; test made from May 5 to 11, 1884; age, 3 years and 5 montlis; property of L. Q. C. Lamar, Sr., Oxford, Miss. , Champion of America I May Boy 705 -| croS^?^' '"^' ^''^' 1 Pansy 1019 { DolKS ^'^• Lady Greville 129.30..-^ ' ^^^"> ^'' ^0^"- r Jesse of Mobile 10:38. t On I. of J. ^RuthDuflee2481 ^ ' •••• f Blossom 2728, imp. ' Mollie Horton 1734, imp. r Gold Basis 4038. Leonie of Linwood 25319 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 311 * Leonie of Linwood 25319.— Yield of milk, 153 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from June 26 to July 2, 1886; age, 2 years and 5 months; property of W. S. Shields, Beans Station, Tenn. , Gilderov 2107 * Magnetic 1428. ^ triiueroy ^lu, ^ Jeanne Le Bas 2476. ■ I Redna 2d 247.5 \ ^ohle (P.S.16J.H.B.) )R (P. S..32 J. H.B.) I ( Lawrence 61 I Lord Lawrence 1414.... - (F. S. 84 J. H. B.) ^Lorelle 12913 - / Lady Mary 1148, imp. I Letitia 3977 ( Rioter 670. imp. "/ Angela 1682. * Lobelia 2d 6650.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz., salted; test made from June 14 to 20, 1883 ; age when made, 7 j^ears and 7 months ; property of R. S. Kingman, Sparta, Wis. Feed, none ; pastvire, timoth}' and clover. Huelies 954. S On I. of J. i'Burnsidel2:M "' '/ Daffie 2522, imp. < Clematis 3174 ] gocus 317.^ Lobelia 2d 6650 < I Clifton 6, imp. \LobeIia4.379 - .1,10, / Lnnin 197-^ .' Basban 32. r i.npin ij,^ j j^.jj^ ^g„j * Luella Berlin 16927.— Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz. ; test made from March 3 to 9, 1885; age, 3 years and 10 months ; prop- erty of Andrew J. Fish, Findlaj', Ohio. ( Polonius 2513 * ^IT-m ^'^^■ |'Berlin4507 ' -Leda,99. IVinnie 1045 J >iarragansett 3.5. ( vinnie i.iio ( Dolly 2d 1020. Luella Berlin 16927 Orton 16221 \ Daisy 1 , Plymouth Rock 2438.. . -j ^'d?69f "'^ ^^^' 'Lady Orton 2667 * Kralp 2d 1100. * Madame Argyle 19476.— Yield of milk, 196 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from August 7 to 15, 1885; age, 3 years and 6 months; property of E. S. Henry, Rockville, Conn. , ■Di«....^f "ty, ice- * Pierrot 0.36, imp. Pierrot . th 166< 1 Per Si 1 imn t Spangle's Boy 6229 - ^f'^ VJ\i^u{aa Madame Argyle 19476.) ^ Spangle 4141 n; ' «~f ^'^'^ Louise of Lawnfleld , ■r,,,i.£, „* Avn-,-i£. iri'- * Nestor 773. 14151 - ^"^^ °^ ^'SJ le 151, .... ■ ^f^j.i|,^ ,y,,c) ' Duchess of Argyle 2d I Star of Bethlehem 1693. 756S - ( Duchess of Argyle 3758. ♦Maggie C. 12216.— Yield of milk, 175 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from November 15 to 21, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 10 months ; prop- erty of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. , Champion of America i, May Boy 705 ■[ croclfs'^'l 787^'' ""^' , '''^ "(Pansy 1019 l DoYlv^M^^i^' ''^• Maggie C. 12216 \ ' ^^''^ ~'' ^"'"• iNelusko479 I geff5f '■"'''• ^Maggie May 3255 - Albert 44 (Lucky Belle 2214 ] ^i^n/y e^h 38. 312 BUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. * Maggie May 2d 12926.— Yield of milk, 181 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from December 1 to 7, 1884; ag'e, 4 years; property of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. , Chainpion of America \ May Boy 705 -| Crocus ^787." ''"^' '^'" ") pan«v 1019 -* Living Storm 173. Maggie May 2d l-O-^G. ' ' ' ' DoHy 2d 1020. ^ Maggie May 3355 ] [^ ,'; '^/'?; 1 Lucky Belle 2214 ^^'^Z^i^^^, Marchioness of Maplehurst 8018. — Yield of milk, lo6 lbs. 8oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from February 7 to 14, 1890; age, 11 years and 3 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; gi-ain fed daily, 12 lbs. wheat mid- dlings ; property of Mrs. Thomas Allen, Pittsfield, Mass. Duke^of Maplehurst ^ Duke of Patterson 1600 -j g^^^f clov«1m!ViS"' Marchioness of "" / Clari 4266 \ rl%^J\,^^^^A ,.,(,- Maplehurst 801S. ..J ' Caroline 2d 426o. ( Paean ISOO * Young Pilgrim 302, imp. Iflari 4266 i ° ' ^-V^ Bright 1331. imp. Ontario 865. (Caroline 2d 4265 -| c^^i^ .395. *Marpetra 10284.— Yield of milk, 261 lbs.; .yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from Janviary 24 to 30, 1883; age when made, 2 years and 10 mouths; property of C. E. Douglas, Crockett, Tex. 1 -Mo-i.ia '-en t Willie Bov 4?A. ( Maruetro 3.350 3 ^^""' ' '^'^ ' Lady Mary 1 148, imp. j ^^"P«t™ -^50. , Marmion 3.59. ( i-et Anna ibu» -^ j^jj^ j,,^^^^. ^^q^ Marpetra 10284 \ i Ccv Wamntnn o-n1 * The Hub 1009. U.ff T^ "fi-- ^ ^°'- Hampton ,.01....- (^,„.jj^ 2215. \BettieD. 76., - , Aldineir^6 / Rfttip DiTon i^-^'T J Aiuiue 11.30. r tsettie uixon 4a, ^ ^^j^j^, ^^llace 2663. *Mary of Pleasant View 13448.— Yield of milk, 246 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from April 18 to 24, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 2 months; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. , General Tilden 2365. j Baltimore Boy 837. ,_,.,,. _ . „^., . '1 Fen ton 2085. ' ( William Devries 6064. . . -, Hot^mir "06 Mary of Pleasant ' ^^'^^ Louise 2440 -| ^^"[rg^^ View 13448... _ ( Duke of Grayholdt 1035, n T ,, * »T ,™ 1- ( Duke of Magnolia 2826. ^i imp. .Lonette of Magnolia " Fleuret 2759. 942o Lonette 2719, imp. *Mona 3d 23134.— Yield of milk, 276 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from May 12 to 18, 1884; age, 5 years and 2 months ; property of R. Rowett, Carlinville, 111. (Kcnelml048 ! MLa ^8lf ' ( Tom Kenelm 1102:3 ] \ ^Vanlberrv 367. ( Ouida ,,4, -^ Daffodil .307, imp. Mona 3d 3.3134 ■{ ln^,..^^^ Aio ( Earl 81. Uonal461 Charley 412 ", Beauty 859. ( ■ Daffodil 307, imp. BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. 313 *Myth 2837.— Yield of milk, 248 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from May 23 to 28, 1881; age when made, 7 years ; property of Edward Worth, Wawa, Pa. I On I. of J. rCount Bismarck 732 - ( Lucy 1827, imp. Myth 2837 < ( St. Malo 486, imp. l^Damsel 2d 1837 - / Damsel 1828, imp. ♦Palestine Pierrot 24099.— Yield of milk, 163 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz. ; test made from May 9 to 15, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 11 months ; property of Webster & Weaver, Columbia, Tenn. f Pierrot 7th 1667 •' P'e"ot 636, imp. rierroi , m iDb, / Pet 811, imp. Palestine Pierrot ^1099 < i Palestine's Last I Pierrot 2d 1669 * Pierrot 636, imp. Daughter 12602 ' I Damty 79b, imp. Palestine 26, imp. * Palestine's Last Daughter 12602.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from June 1 to 8, 1881 ; age when made, 4 years ; propertj^ of Thomas Fitch, New London, Conn. t Pierrot 636, imp. {Pierrot 7th 1667 -^ (Pet 811, imp. Palestine 26, imp. * Pansita 4th 18109.— Yield of milk, 348 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from May 13 to 19, 1886 ; age, 4 years, 1 month and 11 days ; property of Mrs. E. B. Buchanan, Franklin, Tenn. f Duke of Thornebrook , ^ « a- t H' HV" I Clementine I 3832 < (i^-fe-S4J. U. a.) (F. S. 232 J. H. B.) / ( Duke of Shrewsbury I '■Chiquita 1578 - 624. Pansita 4th 18109 -i ( Belle of Shrewsbury [ 863. ( Jaco 1646 .{ ?""'!,°,'V4^ • >^ Pansita 7531 { J'^^J^ ^ph / Panspv Rnomp 1S14 ' Timothy 242. ( Pan^ey Koome 1814 -^ Rosebud 894. Pedro's June 38790.— Yield of milk, 180 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from February 28 to March 7, 1890; age, 5 years and 9 months; estimated weight. 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 lbs. wheat middlings; property of Mrs. Thomas Allen, Pittsfield, Mass. f Domino of Darlington i Sarpedon 930. 2459 - r Pedro 3187 -{ I Beauty of Darlington I 5736. I '^Eurotas 2454 \ gioter 2d 469, imp. I Europa 176. Pedro's June 38790... -{ I Bobbv I /"Lemon Peel - (P. S. 208 J. H. B.) I (P. S. 320J. H. B.^ (Regalia LLady Lemon 22125 -[ (F. S. 1904 J. H. B.) I ( Marquis VLady Blonde 22042 -> (P. S. 205 J. H. B.) ( Gipsy Queen CF.'S. 1781J. H. B.) :U4 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Prince's Nellie 23719.— Yield of milk. 234 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter. 14 lbs. 6 oz. ; test made from 3Iay 24 to 31, 1888 ; age, 5 yeai's and 1 montli ; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daih', 18 lbs. oats and corn chop; property of E. E. Harrison, "West Liberty, Iowa. 'Iowa Prince 27C7. I Merry Bov i Sweepstakes Duke 1905. a (P. S. 01 J. H. B.) ( Superb (F. S. 353 J. H. B.) Maid of the Mist 2546. Prince's Nellie 23719." imp. {Alton Prinrp 10q4 ■* ^'°g °^ *^^ Prairie 1981. Alton Prince 1 J94 -j gg,jp ^^ ^^^ Prairie 2d 4681. Nellie Harrison 23092.. -j [^f/y |ij2;^°°'^ -'^^9. * Queen of Chenango 17771.— Yield of milk, 189 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.: test made from June 21 to 27, 1884; age, 2 yeai-s and 4 months; property of J. V. N. Willis, Marlborough. N. J. ,' Tamerlane 4287 -* [p, '°'^„t 5- ^ ,. I Ian!he4.-it;-^ -' ^^- H'-'i''' ^^^ "i^P- Queen of Chenango | ianine4.X).. ^ Blanche 594. I > Oxoli 1922 -* I'- H,*'''" ,^^' ™P- I Nerina 918:3 - ' P>^?'«, .''•*'?•. . / Ariella 9178 ■* ^t- Ueli5T>- i^^P- Quintuple Pogis 44233.— Yield of milk, 192 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from October 11 to 18, 1889 ; age, 2 3-ears and 9 months; estimated weight. 850 lbs.; g-rain fed daily. 5 lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. ship stuff and 2 lbs. oil meal ; property of H. G. Westlake, Hillsdale, N. Y. f Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11544 ( Stoke Pogis 3d 22:38. < Stoke Pogis 12.59, imp. '( Marjoram :3239. imp. Quintuple Pogis 442:33- ^ Quadruple Pogis 33359 . Lucyof St. Lambert 5116 ■; Lvdie'4a5'°" ^^'' ™^' ; ■vrofirv.-o,,,' • fiintar SQQ1 ' Riotcr Vulcan 5380. » Marjoram » Rioter o991. - T^jarjoram 2d 12805. ■ I I Blossom's Tennessee Lily of Riverside 19599. -^ 6060. / Lilv of Oxford 12820. *Reno-WTi 13729.— Yield of milk, 196 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from June 3) to July 6, 1884 ; age, 3 years and 1 month ; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. T„„:,„- no * Saturn 94, imp. /Mercury 43' *J"P«er93 ■, Rhea 166. imp^ Mercurj 43 , gg^,,^^ j^ ^ ' Aiphea 1.1 - j^^gjj jg,.^ i^jp Renown 1.3729 -I ^TrustyllOl 1 TS^r^''- ^Reserve 6051 - i^ii^uJJAK i^., Silene 4307 -' ^"- Helier 45, imp. ( Miene 4ciO. j^ ^^^ BrTT?:K TESTS OF JERSEYS. 315 * Rose of Rose La-wn 9365. — Yield of milk, 225 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from Auj^st 13 to 20, ISS-S ; age when made, 6 years and 1 month ; property of J. S. Rogers, Paterson, N. J. \ Coltunbuul 5S4, imp. i' Culambiad 2^„^^ rh^-\^ oie I ^cji Foam -2171 - "i^ce Charles 816. '!5eatoam^.i , Hel^ M 197. Ruth Morgan 24098.— Yield of milk, 168 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz.; test made from August 8 to 15, 1887 ; age, 8 years and 4 mc)nths : esti- mated weight, 700 lbs.; gi'ain fed daily, 12 lbs. ground corn and oats ; prop- erty of John Moore, Jr., Columbia, Tenn. merrot 7th 1667 -JTsTuW:""- RnthMorgaa^^...J , Pierrot 7th 1667 ^ flt'^?,^ ^"^ ^ I Ladv Morgan 11671 - ' ^^^ ^^^- ™P- > Princess of Mansfield . pjerrot 2d 1669. ^^'^ .Flirt 482. Seraphine 2d 37451.— Yield of milk, 312 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 6 oz. : test made from May 25 to June 1, 1887; age, 3 years and 7 days; weight, 780 lbs.; grain fed daily, from 6 to 10 qts. corn-hearts; property of J. B. Allen & Son, Delavan, 111. \ Farmer's Glorr ! Baronet - (F. S. 274 J.'H. B.) (P. S. 307 J. H. B.) I Angela . b. - J. H. B.) , Fresco 5J36 ■ ^^T" }^f- ^Seraphine 19282 - ' ^-^n^/.Sl; / Rose of Menard 13272. . -' S^^"^^ ,^2*^- ^ I Rose of Sano-amon 2d 9670. * Lady Clarendon 3d 17578.— Y'ield of butter, 14 lbs. o}^ oz., salted ; test made from May 28 to June 4, 1883 ; age when made, 3 years and 9 months ; property of J. Horatio Earl, Skaneateles, X, Y. c; „, „_n ' Marin.a 7(->.i. Ladv Clarendon 3d Camerlengo 3012 -^ 17578 < Maiden of Jersey 2736. imp. ■ Lady Clarendon 7<."'3i5. imp. * Laurie Pansy Champion 20396.— Yield of milk, 160 lbs. 8 oz.: yield of butter, 14 lbs. o^o oz. : test made from June 1 to 7, 1886: age, 3 years and 8 months ; property of Bordwell & Cochran, Batavia, Ohio. f Champion of America . Mav Bov 705. ,'Champions Son 3286... < ' - Pausy 1019. Laurie Pansv Cham- ( Williams- Birdie 4659. . . ' ?Jil'if*„l?i-.>., ■pion 20396". - "' ^^^ ^^° ^■*- T>r.r^ -^ ' Bronx Bashan 145. ^Annie Laurie 3d 13236..-*"^"^** i ^o^tphT" iS'" I Annie I^nrie 1489 .; ^''^^P^^i'i.^: 316 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Odelle Sales 15564.— Yield of milk, 133 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 5J-2 oz. ; test made from April 7 to 13, 1886 ; age, 5 years and 3 moaths; prop- erty of Campbell Brown, Spring- Hill, Tenn. Odelle Sales 15o64. Tormentor 3533 (F. S. 259 J. H. B.) I Khedive ) (P. S. 103 / H. B.) ( Leo (F. S. 108 J. H. B.) "( Coomassie 11874 , (F. S. 1412 J. H. B.) / \,i (F. S. 323 J. H. B.) ( Lucy (P. S. 0.7 J. H. B.) ( Rollo - (P. S. 212 J. H.B.) / Philippa (F. &. 1665 J. H.B.) May Toltena 50405.— Yield of milk, 121 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 53g oz.; test made from July 27 to 3, 1889 ; age, 3 years and 2 months ; estimated weight, 775 lbs.; g-rain fed daily, 4 gallons ground corn and oats, mixed in equal parts ; property of Maury Jersey Farm, Columbia, Tenn. ( Khedixe f Tormentor 3533 - (P. 8. 103 J. H. B.) (ToUec6831 ' ""(f S. 1007 J. H. B.) ^OnmniaST ( Rajah 340, imp. May Toltena 50405.. . .J °°"'" '''' ' ^-oo 1^47, imp. Udie 2d 3098 -* ^'^^^'^'^"^ "^' > Katledidn^t 2734. imp. badie .d 3098 , gj3,. o^^j J.3^^J (baaie3-i(9 1 Kittie 3278. *Eve of Christmas 9473.— Yield of milk, 257 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 5 4 oz. ; test made from June 16 to 22, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 6 months ; property of Frederick von Kapfl", Govanstown, Md. Eve of Christmas 9473- Cash Boy 2248. .Andrews' Ethel 4108. ^ Rex 1330 ( Dido of Middlefield 3410 (Charley Dasher 1710.. ( Andrews' Sylvia 4107. ( Colt Jr. S25. ■/ Couch's Lilv 3237. ( Colt Jr. 825. "/ BelleofMiddlefleldlSlC. i Tom Dasher 120. "/ Lilly 2578. I Living Storm 173. ■/ Kitty 2534. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 317 *Miss Le Dain 27472.— Yield of milk, 228 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, U lbs. 5I4 oz. ; test made from Febi'uaiy 20 to 26, 1886 ; age, 3 years and Q}:^ months ; property of Joseph P. Gardner, Hamilton, Mass. Miss Le Dain 27472. . .- ,Nero 7266 , (P. S.248 J. H. B.) ^Fuchsia, on I. of J. ^ Carlo 5559 ... (P. S. 180 J. H. B.) ^Bopsy (P. S. 215 J. H. B.) \ Hero -, (P. S. 126 J. H. B.) I Pretty Maid 7013 (F. S. 1493 J. H. B.) I Tom - (P. S. 77 J. H. B.) / Cowslip (P. S. 24 J. H. B.) Carrie Lena 2d 19074.— Yield of milk, 219 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 51^ oz.; test made from August 10 to 17, 1887 ; age, 5 years and 5 months; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; g-rain fed daily, 24 lbs. of a mixture consisting of corn-hearts, bran and ground oats ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. ( Lenox 1593 * If^^'^ ^^^%i]2^^- [ Colonsay 3591 \ [ %^^,^^''lTt^'^*^- I •' p. „, 2707 j Rajah -340, imp. fcorai^.u, (Clvtie618. Carrie Lena 2d 19074. .^ Icarrie Lena 3348 -^ ' fr^r'^'li'^'' '^P' / Lena 3347 -* -'^'^ert 44. ' ^®°^ •"*' / Hattie 2d 2901. * Catono's Rosebud 23674.— Yield of milk, 132 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 5 oz. ; test made from March 17 to 23, 1886; age, 2 years, 3 months and 17 days ; property of the Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. I Jersey Boy rCato -' (P. S. 92 J. H. B.) (P. S. 178 J. H. B.) I Belle Grisette f Catono 3761 -l ' (F. S. 567 J. H. B.) I I 1 Kliedive Catono's Rosebud I \.Ona 7840 -' (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) 23674 ■( ( Ecornee I (F. S. 846 J. H.B.) (■Rex 1^30 jColt Jr. 825. Princess Rose 6249 j "'^^ ^^'^ I Couch's Lily 3237. I Chloe Beach 3931 -| ^^^\,,,_ Jetsam's May 62530.— Yield of milk, 150 lbs. 8 oz.; 3'ield of butter, 14 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from September 7 to 14, 1890; age, 2 3^ears and 4 months; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 14 qts. ground peas, oats and barley, mixed ; property of Mrs. Eliza M. Jones, Brockville, Ont., Can. f°i6Bao"°^''^. P." ''.'"'•. i ^'°^' ''°^" '''' ''''■ ■ ■ -' Mar1oram=|.3f hnp"^" \ Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. Jetsam's May 62530. . . -| Jetsam 32893, imp. ( Leclair's Marjoram 3B355 ( Marjoram 3239, imp. ( Prospero (F. S. 298 J. H. B.) ( Jenny of Home, on I. of J. 318 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Lady Mary Hampton 4861.— Yield of milk, 219 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of but- ter, 14 lbs. 5 oz. ; test made from 'May 29 to June 4, 1884 ; age, 9 years and 8 months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. Lady Mary Hampton 4861 . \ Orange Peel 864, imp. ( Georgetta 93, imp. * Lady Palestine 2769. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 5 oz. ; test made from October 10 to 16, 1873 ; age, 5 years and 3 months ; property of Frank Ford, Ravenna, Ohio. This test was made on grass alone. \ On I. of J. /Jersey Prince 1002 -. I ( Hat tie 739, imp. Lady Palestine 2769..-! ^ Gen. Scott 46 -| %f}^^,^'^^^ ™P- VpfllpsrinP 9A IX^.'^ - ' ^Ue 2d 6o. Palestine 30, imp. *Lillie Pope 8589.— Yield of milk, 213 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from May 18 to 25, 1885 ; age, 6 yeai-s and 10 months; prop- erty of G. B. & C. S. Smith, Eagle, Midi. . rr!„ of-r ' Pioneer 368. ^T^P366 -/Button 953. F*^'^^'^ '/Maffie9V^ > Clive 311 ( Jiamt 9.1- ^ Plenty 9 \ Clive 319. 950. Lillie Pope 8589 I Tncv Pone .^32^ I Julia Bate 1816 1 i Master r^S -* ''''P '^^^■ „ „„„ \ Master .,ci ( Maffle 952. iLucy Pope 5328 , Clarence Clive 711. ( Corona 1796. May Indian 16075.— Yield of milk, 110 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from November 20 to 27, 1890 ; age, 10 years and 6 months ; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 23^ gallons meal and a small quantity of bran ; property of H. P. Webster, Columbia, Tenn. /Indian 1721. May Indian 16075 ■{ S Vespucins 758 -j ^^^pe^its 1784, imp. ' Ibex 2724, imp. ^May Leaf 10667 ^^'^^^ ^ °""^ '^'^ "'""^"- ■■■ i Marjoram 3239, imp. ' May Bud of St. Lam- ^ Lord Mouck 304. bert 5105 -. i lerne 1373. * Memento 1913.— Yield of milk, 335 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 5 oz., salted ; test made from August 21 to 28, 1883 ; age when made, 11 years and 7 months ; property of Tliomas Beer, Bucyrus, Ohio. Memento 1913. ^ On I. of J. f Lawrence 61 ■' (F. S. 84 J. H. B.) /Clementine (F. S. 232 J. H. B.) I . Prince "St -' Commodore 50. imp. U, ,. an * I Ducbess 62. imp. ^>Iotto80 - ,Prince.5.5. (^P^'' SI -/ Duchess 2d 83. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 319 *Metah'sBaby 9710.— Yield of milk, 239 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from June 10 to 16, 1885 ; age, 7 years and 2 months ; prop- erty' of George E. Biyant, Madison, Wis. I Omaha 482 * ^n I- o/ J; . \ I Omoo 1347, imp. Metah"8 Baby 9n0 < I jffleian iMo ^ Myrtle 1394, imp. * Milkmaid of Burr Oaks 9035.— Yield of milk, 236 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 5 oz., salted ; test made from August 26 to September 1, 1883 ; age when made, 5 years and 4 months; property of T. Bacon, Wauconda, III. ( Orange Peel 503 (Critic 540 - (F. S. 139 J. H. B.) rike Felch 1292 \ ' <^'*'^°i« ^359. imp. I \ Excelsior of Jersey 949, '-Milkmaid of Lake » Phenomenon 1147 - imp. Forest 5010 - / Tilly 24<1S. ' T illv T (^ ai-'i > Metacomet 315. Lilly Lee ^4..! ^ Mettlesome -^107. * Nancy of St. Lambert 12964.— Yield of milk, 180 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of but- ter, 14 lbs. 5 oz., salted; test made fi'om November 26 to December 2, 1883; age when made, 3 years and 10 months ; property of V. E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. Feed, 8 lbs. bran, 8 lbs. crushed oats ; mangels and hay. - o» i-„ 13 -o oA .Moc > Stoke Pogis 1259, unp. Stoke Pogis .3d 22.38 ■ :viarjoram":i239. imp. Nancy of St. Lambert 139&4 < / T „„ „f c- T „™k«.» -lie > Victor Hugo 197. imp. [ Lucy of St. Lambert ollb. . . -^ j^^^^^ 495 = ^ Redacta 26954.— Yield of milk, 197 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter. 14 lbs. 5 oz.; test made from March 13 to 20, 1887 ; age, 3 years and 9 months ; estimated weight, 975 lbs.; grain fed daily, 13 qts. corn meal, oats and ship stuff and 2 lbs. oil meal ; property of H. G. "Westlake, Hillsdale, N. Y. ^ Butter Boy 324.3 -) gf^f^S^Q r MUlennium 4791 - ^^I'^.tHtfce 1414. ' ^"Jicent ,d .^^ - 3,£jiiicent 4S71. Redacta 26951 -I » Sonnambnla 3750 -| ^^^fj^:^^^ Uuisdale Gem 16640. ... - ISfn -^ ( Kate Bashford 15982. .. ] |^t^j,VaV5Sl- *Roselaine 7167.— Yield of milk, 236 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 5 oz., salted "-^ oz. to lb.; test made from April 29 to May 5, 1882 ; age when made, 4 years and 1 month ; property of A. Garretson, Pendleton. Ind. ( Grand Duke Alexis 1040 -) ?-? t'or^inf Lachaise 2740, imp. Roselaine 7167 < (Rosa Gamp 27:32 I ?lctVii Gamp 1446, imp. 320 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Alphea Star 16532.— Yield of milk, 180 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. A.}4 oz.; test made from June 30 to July 6, 1884 ; age, 2 years and 3 months; property' of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. ( Mercury 432 Alphea Star 16533...:-^ T ■. no I Saturn 94, imp. ^J"P""93 1 Rhea 166, imp^ i \ i„i,„„ 1-1 I Saturn 94. imp. '^'P^eal.l -, Rhea 166. imp ( W'^b^^^o 1809 ■! PdnS Martie 2204, Starbeam 11846 \ imp. / -v- „„!,„., C1 11 > Mercury 432. ( > J mphffia 5141 ■ pjj^^^^- ^,-gj_ * Bertie Briggs 5213.— Yield of milk, 234 lbs.; j'ield of butter, 14 lbs. A% oz.; test made from August 20 to 27, 1885; age, 10 years and 5 months; property of S. W. Taliaferro, Guthrie, Ky. !. Young Baron 702, imp. Bertie Briggs 5313. ...\ . Napoleon 291, imp. (HesterD. 2283 - *Hattie3dT41 \^^^Av. * Denise 8281.— Yield of milk, 170 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 43^ oz., salted 1 oz. to lb. ; test made from November 23 to 29, 1883 ; age when made, 4 years and 8 months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. ,, . ..„„ I Willie Bov 434. ,^ ^ ,,„, ^Marms.GO , Lady Mar'y 1148, imp. i Top-Sawyer 1404 ■ ^ Clethent 115 'EmljlemOO - (F. S. 61J. H. B.) Denise 8281 -I ( On I. of J. J , ] Tim (F. S. 112 J. H. B.) ^^"cy -^'^ 1 Bourgeoise (F. S. 442 J. H. B.) Golden Sheen 25561.— Yield of milk, 205 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4i^ oz.; test made from December 20 to 27, 1888; age, 5 years and 2 months; weight, 1,175 lbs.; grain fed daily averaged about 6 lbs. corn meal, 6 lbs. oat meal, 6 lbs. wheat bran and 1 lb. pea meal ; property" of Jacob L. Thomas, Knoxville, Tenn. I Happv /"Cicero 7657 a ( P. S. 211J. H. B.) ( FleurDe I'Air 12702.imp. fHappy Cicero 10601 -l (F. S. 1736 J. H. B.) I {ha Dame (F. S. 2301 J. H. B.) Golden Sheen 25561. . . i . j{i,f j,g I /'Cruiser -, (F.S. 291J. H. B.) 1 (P. S. 292 J. H. B.) (Peppin I. Lily of the Grove 24.55.5.-^ (F. S. 2003 J. H. B.) ^Moldavia (F. S. 3162 J. H. B.) BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 321 L. D.'s Helita 29366.— Yield of milk, 199 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4% oz.; test made from November 23 to 29, 1890 ; age, 6 years and 2 months; estimated weight, 925 lbs.; grain fed daily, IJI lbs. shorts, 2 lbs. ground oats» 3 lbs. cotton-seed and 6 lbs. meal; property of L. T. Hazen, Hazen's Mills, N. H. -Lord Darlington 7285. I L. D.'s Helita 29366. Duke of Darlington 2460 -] |Xas 24^°- [ ( King.^ . .... „ .^. .^. . . . . -i _ (P. &\ 182 J. H^ B.) Marjoram 3239, imp. ( Young Prince < (P. S. 182 J. Helita 22113 I (P^ S. 238 J. H. B.) | Judy(F. S. 1590J. H.B.) Majors Dam (F. S. 1618 J. H. B.) * Minnie of Scituate 1 7829.— Yield of milk, 251 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4i£ oz., salted ; test made from December 24 to 31, 1888; age when made, 4 years and 7 months ; ^jroperty of Orestes Pierce, Baldwin, Me. Feed, 4 qts. bran, 2 qts. corn meal and 1 qt. cotton-seed meal . > Pbaro^^ Tr ^fi-^l -' Pharos 3.552, imp. „ , . „ ., , oc-,Q * t^'^^ro^ J r- •*-] Blonde 378. imp. , Duke of Scituate .3623. . -J ^ y I / Jersey Belle of Scituate , v,^,^- oci^i Minnie of Scituate | ;S-28 -) Jenny^S^.' Ur oHi^s^s O'i'^i^raobO ;Minni?llk. ^Mmn.e 2d 17828 )^. . .™ , Dick Swive'.ler Jr. 276. (Mmme .826 1 Dove 7824. The Sister 21135.— Yield of milk, 134 lbs, 8 oz,; yield of butter, 14 lbs, 43^^ oz. ; test made from April 24 to May 1, 1889 ; ag'e, 7 years and 11 months ; estimated weight, 825 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 gallons ground corn and oats — 73 corn and }.^ oats ; property of Mauiy Jersey Farm, Columbia, Tenn. T>;^™„, ~fK ice- ' Pierrot 636. imp. ,^, ^ I Pierrot, th 166, , Pet 811, imp. rPierrot s Telephone o440-j Pierrot 2d 1669. Th« ^i«t.. 01 1.- ' ^'"'^ ^''^^ ^^^^ '' P"de of Mashamoquet The Sister 21 13o -I . Farm 6469. I Ti 1 .• 1 T ,. n; — , ~.v, ici>'- ( Pierrot 636. imp. IPalestine's Last s P'^rrot . th 166. ■ p^j gj^ j^^ ^ Daughter 12602 -•. > f { Palestine 26, imp. Eterna 27134.— Yield of milk, 169 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs, A^ oz.; test made from December 11 to 18, 1889; ag-e, 5 years and 10 months ; estimated weight, 925 lbs.; grain fed daily, 24 lbs. chopped corn and bran, mixed ; property- of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. 'Si^nalda 4027 ci ^.,1 11-n ' Marius 760. * ^'S^^' ^I'O -, Pansy Morris 2060. I ,,j„ .,^-.5 ( Grand Duke Alexis 1040. Eterna 27134 -[ ' ^'"^"^ "^^ '-l^' ^SuLu 4705. \ Rioter 670. imp. ' ir.rrcio 1 ftfl-i *Rosbnrv247. Angela 1682 ■ guropa 121. imp. 322 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Abbie K. 13227.— Yield of milk, 224 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from September 3 to 10, 1888 ; age, 10 years and 5 months ; actual weight, 1,150 lbs.; g-rain fed daily, 15 qts. bran, fine feed, oil meal and corn meal, mixed ; property' of C. E. Sunderlin, Rochester, N. Y. •Duke F. 6134 ^Bjron.,9 , Betty 683. /DiikeF. 6134 < Dazzle 379, imp. Abbit-K. 13227 -! ( AK, T i„„^u, oco \ Dick Swiveller 74. .,„:, „.~ \ ^^'"^ Lincoln 268 -, jjiana 672. y^i^"''^ 68 -, , Czar 273. ' Millie 690 j Snowdrop 688, imp. * Adina 1942.— Yield of milk, 234 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz., salted; test luade from INIay 2 to 9, 1881; age when made, 9 3^ears; propert}^ of James Cloud & Son, Kennett Square, Pa. ' Czar 251 i ^"''' ^°^' "^"^ ^ M^rl^^ld 840. 'Wanda 142.3 J 1^422. Adina 1942.. , Charleston 1 \ ^.^i^^eetk, imp. .Iriiia 1298 -, ( Charleston 1 (Buttercup 845 j S 837 Jmp. * Blonde 2d 9268.— Yield of milk, 204 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz., salted ; test made from September 7 to 13, 1883; age when made, 6 years and 8 months; property of William Rolph, Markham, Ont.. Can. I Leo (F. H. 198 J. H. B.) J Khedive J (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) ) \ Neptune ( Coomaseie 11874 -. (P. S. 14 J. H. B.) (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.) Jersey Pride Blonde (F. S. 214 J. H. B.) (F. S. 1716 J. H. B.) * Buckeye Lass 10355.— Yield of milk, 208 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4oz., salted; test made from April 15 to 21, 1882; age when made, 5 years ; property of S. L. Hoover, Columbus, Ohio. \ Dick (F. S. ISl ,T. H. B.) Buckeye Lass 10355 -, ( Fairy (F. S. 964 J. H. B.) ♦Cigarette 2849.— Y'ield of milk, 183 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from Ain-il 1 to 7, 1884 ; age, 10 years and 8 months; prop- erty of W. B. Matthews & Son, Franklin, Tenn. 'Milo 590. T „, 'i On I. of J. Lawrence 6 ..- ^,„^^„,j„^ (t.&.84J. U. B.) (F. S. 232J. H. B. i Prince ,55. „. ^,,^„ I V Motto 80 -iririhii-ui Cigarette 2849 ■{ ( Ophii 81. „, . ^.„ \ On I. of J. -Eloise ,.jo ■, Matchless 723, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 323 * Countess Bee 3263C.— Yield of milk, 160 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from June 10 to 16, 1885; age, 2 years and 1 month; prop- erty of Joseph C. Kiplinger & Co., Springfield, Ohio. I Berlin 4507 -] F.?i°"^"'n?-^^- / Polonius De Pansy 0625. - ^'"""^ ^^il\, I Nelly Pierpont 12531 . . . ] Pe1grLeah1o9r. Countess Bee 32630. . .-; Diike of Willow Grove i Grand Duke Alexis 4813 - 1040. ( Clyteinnestra 2d 5868. AT^^-io atca * K't Carson 1772. Moxie 6168 - jjijj^ig jyj^y ^22(j V Alphea Alexia 15951 < * Daisey Dixie 9469.— Yield of milk, 305 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz. ; test made from July 5 to 11, 1884; age, 6 years and 6 months; property of J. B. Allen, Delavan, 111. I Excelsior of Jersey 949, f Henry Ward Beecher i Colonel Butler 1561 a imp. 2297 < / Grace Darling 2d 304. Daisey Dixie 9469 . . . . ' ' P""^^^^ ^^ ^lenco 3815 . .) '^^^^^.f^ ^^^^ Dixie 5341 . (Jersey Boy 2d 1160 i^S^;^^- ^ Daisy 2d 2979 ] S^j^^Si^S'' * Delia of Grouville 16428.— Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from September 15 to 21, 1884; ag'e, 4 years and 3 months ; property of James B. Wilder, Louisville, Ky. {Progress (F. S. 286 J. H. B.) (Noble rOrange Skin ■{ (F. S. lOt J. H. B.) (P.^S. 19 J. H. B.) ( Lon^ueville Queen Dahlia 22005 -{ (F. S. 272 J. H. B (F. S. 1778 J. H. B.) (F. S. 272 J. H. B.) Duchess (F. S. 834 J. H. B.) Gilderoy's Enid 32924.— Yield of milk, 235 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from May 18 to 25, 1888 ; age, 4 years ; estimated weight. 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 18 lbs. ground oats and corn ; property of Webster & Morrow & Son, Nashville, Tenn. rc-U .10- J^lagneticl428 -j S^^if^" ' 1 Jeanne LeBas 2476. ^g:;^^^-J^3H^.3., Gilderoy's Enid 32924.4 iBul-Bul 3194 fKlo?^l!r ^^~'^- I Enid 3d 19582.... J Ul'^rabl,, E- Arab 245. fJosie2d2.12 -,Josie2711, imp. Juliette Guion 13143.— Yield of milk, 187 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from Dec. 1 to 8, 1887 ; age, 6 years and 7 months; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 lbs. corn meal, 8 lbs. bran and 2 lbs. oil meal ; property of James Stillman, Sing Sing, N. Y. . ^,- , . nh- f .,.n i ^'^'''^ ^"^' ^''^'' ^°^°- ' vfctorme Lachaise2740, /M ainut Chief 3180 < ■,^,, ' I Lucilla 2735, imp. ™'^- Juliette Guion 13143.. 4 I TAT 1.1.1 4 Lawrence 61. imp. L . , , ,v , . .^ ) ^°'"'^ Lawrence 1414 ....} ^ady Mary 1148, imp. iPride of Walnut Farm ^ I Orpheus 1219. 11^01. ( Oma 506, -j g^^^ ^^ g^ 2go4_ * Kate Daisy 8264.— Yield of milk, 276 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz., salted ; test made from October 20 to 26, 1883 ; property of Mrs. L. M. Fair, Wallingford, Conn. May Boy 705. ,' Barker's Dandy 3758. . . ^ Dandy Dinmont 1058 ... -J ^^aTry Queen 2582. / Dido Kurd 2581 ] ^£^l;f ^■ Kate Daisy 8264 -! ^ Carter's Jerry 3029 ' ?rea™ld'l738 Iwhite Daisy 6739 - R, S? 175 ' Lady Ives 1708.. -) S';i'a'ey^ C?over 5, imp. Lady Delphine 28460.— Yield of milk, 277 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4oz.; made from June 25 to July 1, 1888; age, 8 years and 3 months; estimated weight, 1,000 lbs.; grain fed daily, 9 lbs. corn meal, 9 lbs. oil meal, 4% lbs. bran, 3 lbs. middlings and 3 lbs. ground oats ; property of A. D. McBride, Rochester, N. Y. lKobaJr.2471 -j L^Roc^Ml ( Baldwin's Frolic 1.3840 . ■> Bedford 10S4 < Pl«y f"' ^893 ] Eadl Em';na4892. Lady Delphine 28460.-', I / r>,i.i„ , f r'„;u^,.^ oiqq * Humboldt River 2137. L , „ , .„,, (P"deofGuilford2138..-j go^o V Lady harah 49.31 J Humboldt River 2137. fLita 49.30 "^ Jersey 3260. BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. 325 *Lady Golddust 2d 19861.— Yield of milk, about 18 qts. per day; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from July 15 to 21, 1886; age, 5 years; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. i Sarpedon 930 j KnFl-fi^' , Duke of Darlington 2460 - r „,i^^ -M jro I Eurotas 2454 ■ 5 °"^' ~^ ^^O. Lady Golddust 2d | /Europal,6. ^^^^^ "^ \ Young Yankee f Jersey Golddust 2134. . . - (P. S. fi2 J. H. B.) ^Lady Golddust 7718 I ' ^'fp.^l.^^gj j, h. B.) (t}!,,^!,;..^ son (Junius 204. Bluebird 599 -} bluebell 116, Imp. I * Lebanon Daughter 6106. — Yield of milk, 16 to 18 qts. daily; j-ield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from December 10 to 16, 1881 ; age when made, 5 years and 9 months; property of G. Dawson Coleman, Brickerville, Pa. ( On I. of J. rironBank 1120 -, Lebanon Daughter I ( Birdie 2611, imp. 1 ( Clifford 286 ] Heart'ea'eloa'"''- VRmmipVPPt asfis - ( ueartsease 5Uci. r Sister 1427, imp. 6106. -Emmie's Pet 3568. *Leoline 2d 18315.— Yield of milk, 173 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz. ; test made from January 30 to February 5, 1884 ; age, 3 years ; property of R. W. Miller, Lebanon, Tenn. .P . Pr,.4i.l ^F"--^30^« •;faf?anrRo^e3676. Pouch Of Gold 4121 -^^.^^^^^^^^ ^,'^f?^.''''- Leoline 2d 18315 - , T> t ■, i~o ' Pertinattl 713. L ,. „.,„. ^ Rector 14.,b / Roxana 2d 2532. Ueoline 928o Rioter 670. imp. ' return 39 -| Angela 1682. * Lottie Rex 18757.— Yield of milk, 164 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from January 20 to 26, 1885; age, 2 years and 1 month; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. \ '-'°-^ J r. b2o -| Maggie 2054. rRexlSSO -, (Alb'ert44 I \ Couch's Lily 3237 -) tI,y'^^Tei-m. I , T> TIT * .5111 (Hamilton T • ■ ny, ^ fio-« ^'''' ^^^*°" '^^^ ' R«a 17.56. V Lizzie Chaftin 89.t8 - , ATonftrch ( Monarch of Roxbury ' Beauty of Riverside 2936-; 499. ( Lady RhiiK- i:iSl, imp. *Mary of Gilderoy 11219.— Yield of milk, 217 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz., uiisalted ; test made from June 29 to July 5, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 3 months ; ]H-operty of H. M. Howe, Bristol, R. I. ■»«■ •■ 1 I.10 > Islander 5(il. ^^Sr^^^'^n-^>^ •,.\zaleal443. j (^ilderoy 210, a i Nohle ' Jeanne Le Bas 2476 - (F. S. 71 J. H. B.) Mary of Gilderoy 11219- Dairy Pride •* (F. S.348J. H. B.) I I Mogul 568, imp. ^Contessa 3256 - / Countess of Windsor 2024, imp. 326 BUTTEE TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Monmouth Duchess 3d 4620.— Yield of milk, 160 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter. 14 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from October 16 to 22, 1883; age, 10 years and 6 months ; property of W. A. Conover, Hackettstown, N. J. , Sir Charles 131, imp. ^Opumu8l607 1 Carrie SSW i Sir Charles 131, imp. Moumouth Duchess ' i^arrie .i»y4 - ^ Lowndes 273. imp. 3(14620 ^ Monmouth Duchess ( Hector 129 -\ f4';nH^ol^''^;nl^ '"'P' 1 .irjqj. ' ( V ictona 24',(. imp. ^ "^^^^ / T„iia -ifiQs (Sir Charles 131. imp. ' J"''^ ^^9^ ) Mary Lowndes 273. imp. * Princess Mary ofWoodlawn 11663.— Yield of milk, 260 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz. ; test made from August 3 to 10, 1885; age, 4 years and 6 months ; property of Frank S. Stevens, Swansea, Mass. jMagnetiel428 "l ASllfl- l-Gilderoy 2107 ] Noble '^'■ Princess Marv of ' Jeanne Le Bas 2476 -{ (F. S. 71J. H. B.) Woodlawu 116G3...-'j (Dairy Pride iF. S. 348.1. H. B.) '^^l'.'wn'?f6^V' '''"°'" ^ '''"''™^ -'"' ' Se Le '^; 2476. '^'"' ""^^^ ") ooid Proof 10S60 * Roanoke 144S. ' Gold Proof 10b60 -^ Deipim 2d 10713. Ramapo's Pride 35497.— Yield of milk, 225 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz. ; tesl made from April 10 to 17, 1889 ; age, 4 years and 10 months ; esti- mated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 8 qts. cob meal, 2 qts. oil meal, average of 2i-^ qts. wheat bran ; property of W. C. Norton, Agent, Alden- ville. Pa. I Domino of Darlington ( Miletus 318G ■< 24.59. |- Ramapo 4679 ] ' ^'^^^^_ Darlington ' Fi.rntis 94^^ * Rioter 2d 469, imp. Eamapo'8 Pride 3.5497^ J^uroias ~4.>4 -^ Europa 176. ( St Julien of Franklin , jj^,,,^ ^^ ^.^^^^^^ gg,,^ ^Pride of Franklin 25406. <. -'' ( Genie of Sidney 11491. Ben Butler of Boviua Pride of Boviua 80.i0. . . ^ 2024. 'Phcebe 4th 2271. *Rosy Kate 10276.— Yield of milk, 224 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from Fel)ruary 16 to 22, 1881 ; age when made, 4 years and 8 months; property of Hoover & Co., Columbus, Ohio. Kosy Kate 10276. Pierrot 2d 1669. ( Pierrot G36, imp. ' Dainty 796, imp. of Mashamoquet \ Pierrot 2d 1669. Farm 6472 - Palestine 26, imp. ( Pierrot 636. imp. '( Dainty 796. imp. BUTTER TESTS OE JERSEYS. 327 * Tib's Jewel 6808.— Yield of milk, 228 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of batter, 14 lbs. 4.0Z. ; test made from March 31 to April 6, 1885; age, 8 years; property of Garretson Bros., Pendleton, Ind. Mogul 533, imp. 1 Lookout Jewel Beauty 2d 1701 ... - (F. S. 121 J. H. B.) , Jeweler 1385 Tib-9 Jewel 6808 \ • ' / Jewel Beauty 1668, imp. ^Tib 4312. o-^^ ^t Ai.,i,„„ SCO * Dolphin Hd 468, imp. I Son of Alphea 562 , Alphea 171. ' Mvrtle 3d 3400 * ^^^^ ^^^^"^ ^^''■ Myrtle m .«.iu ^ Myrtle 265. Topsy of Malone 49478.— Yield of milk, 192 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 4 oz.; test made from June 14 to 21, 1889 ; age, 2 years and 2 months ; esti- mated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 to 15 qts. oats, peas, corn and bran ; property of Mrs. E. M. Jones, Brock ville, Ont., Can. ra ^ nu-^e ^e at ( Jack Frost of St. Lani- r Huso Chief of St. , Lord Banff 11110 - bert 2419. „ ,„, I Anne8l2 oz. ; test made from December 29, 1889 ag-e, 4 years and 3 months ; estimated weight, 700 lbs. ; corn meal, 12 lbs. wheat middlings and 13 lbs. ground F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. 12 oz.; yield of but- to January 5, 1890 : grain fed dailj', 9 lbs. oats ; property of D. f Prince Pogis 10682. Princess Chrvsantha I 34191 ". -I Ln Chrysantha 23465. Middlefield Boy 1331 . . Mary Anne of St. Lam- bert 9770. ( Rockingham 5.382 / Katie Kohl man 7270. . . t Colt Jr. 825. '/ Brighteves 1517. I Stoke Pogis 3d 2238. I Lolly of St. Lambert 5480. \ Elmwood 2.322. ') Edith 4th 817. I Trust V 1101. ■/ Edith"4th 817. * Rose of Hillside 3866.— Yield of milk, 152 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 31.2 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from December 23 to 30, 1883 ; age when made, 9 years and 6 months ; property of Charles J. Reed, Fairfield, Iowa. 'Ramchunder 718. Eose of Hillside 3866..- ^ Mamie 1612. ^ Rajah 340, imp. '^elly55 ^ S^^^^T ^^ ™^- \y^^^^^^on:m -l^y^l^hlMmp. I Tnno mn * Kaulbach 185. (Juno 8J0 )Julia451. 330 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Rosette of St. Lambert 5108.— Yield of milk, 199 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3I2 oz.; test made from July 1 to 7, 1885 ; age, 11 years and 3 morths; property of Valancey E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can. 1 Victor Hugo 19i', imp. {Lord Lisgar 106C - Pauline 494 ^ j^^^^ ^gg^ ^^^ ,r;„t„.-„ A-i-i * Victor Hugo 197, imp. V'ctoria 411 ■, j^jj^j 485, imp. "Well-to-do 37724.— Yield of milk, 179 lbs. S oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. S14 oz.; test made from January 26 to February 2, 1890; age, 3 years and 11 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; well fed, but no record of feed kept; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. f Disturbance 9684. ( Marioram's T?ioter WQI * ^'Ot^r Vulcan 5380. \ Marjoram s Kioter .,jyi. ^ ]viar,ioram 2i 12805. la ^K.,wi-}c t Lord Lawrence 1414. ' Syml'ol bm - Empresa 2790. Well-to-do 37724 -j . Farmer's Giorv TBerger - (F. S. 274 J.'H. B.) (P. S. 278 J. H. B.) /Agille >- Well Met 24571 -I (P. S. 324 J. H. B.) VAll Hail (F. S. 3165 J. H. B.) *Adora 18569.— Yield of milk, 294io lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz., salted ^^4 oz. to lb.; test made from May 21 to 27, 1883; age when made, 8 vears and 8 months ; property of William E. Gates, Vicksburg, Miss. 'The Hub 1009. Adora 18.569. , ,, ,, ... 1 Jack Horner 514, imp. } ^"ot'i^y ^^^ '/ .Meg Merrilies^ 1372, imp. ' Bessie 139, imp. ( Prow 1-14 * Pertinatti 713. c c tv, ccon rroxj 1,14 »Roxanal761. .Sunny South 68.30 I i Yankee 100-^ imn i Effie of Staatsburgh 3194 l?±!%^^^Lr^- * Austie May 7185. — Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from December 10 to 17, 1880 ; age, 3 years, 6 months and 16 days; propert}^ of Luther C. Powers, La Porte, Ind. /"Kit ( Ausiie May 7185 -! May 1390. ,T- ■ * i.ini \ Daniel Webster 403. _\ Livingston 1291 -^ p^^^y g^ ^g^ ' Maid of Judah 2429, imp. I On L of J. I Minnie 1389, imp. * Beauty Bliicher 308.— Yield of milk, 232 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of bvitter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from May 8 to 15, 1881; age, 13 j-ears ; property of Edward E. Barney, Homewood, Va. \ Bliicher 48, imp. Beauty Bliicher .308 -, f Beauty 309, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 331 ♦Betsona 16776.— Yield of milk, 10o}4 qts.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from June 1 to 7, 1885 ; age, 3 3'ears, 1 month and 11 days ; prop- erty of Lyman A. Mills, Middlefield, Conn. I Jersey Boy rCato - (P. s. 92 J. H. B.) (P. S. 178 J. H. B.) / Belle Grisette rCatonoSrei -!. (P. S. 567 J. H. B.) I I ( Khedive Betsona 16776 - '^O"^ 7840 - (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) ( Ecornee (P. S. 846 J. H. B.) Betsy B. 9413, Imp. * Box 2d 4297.— Yield of milk, 199 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from September 13 to 19, 1882 ; age, 7 years and 9 months ; prop- erty of O. S. Chaffee, Mansfield Centre, Conn. i Bliicher 48, imp. /"Hector 791 - I I Daisy 571, imp. Box 2d 4397 i . „,.. , ,„ . ( Hector 791 - BUiclier 48, imp. ^Bos 1983 -' ' 2^17 5' 1. imp- roiinpriq79 t Hoclianum 793. ' <-0PPer 19<9 -J jjjjgg gjj gj3 Celebrity 52011.— Yield of milk, 212 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3oz.; test made from January 15 to 22, 1889; age, 2 years and 1 month; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 15 qts. ground corn, oats, peas and oil meal, and 1 pk. roots; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. \ Combination 4389 ) f ^iTlleuig ' /-Combination .3d 17576..- ^t "k !• .Qon ' coma 39330 £?,'".';\'P^ii"" -^^9- Celebrity 52011 . '( Metella 3905. ( ( Auroraboreellis 3408. . . . -' Fr^V.''l®f wo~i„„f n.„„<. Uoodbye 37366 ) ' ^]%''^ ^ '^'""^ '^^'^^ I Frankie's Lass 34900.. . . -) g^a^^^il Mh -3542. *Celia Belle 5865.— Yield of milk, 246 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz. ; test made from June 6 to 12, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years and 8^ months; property of Campbell Brown. Spring Hill, Tenn. ( Napoleon 291, imp. Duke of Porta70 i Major of Staatsburgh -, .mkeonr-ortagei^.u.... g„y_ ( Minnie 771, imp. ' Lady Palestine 3769. . . . -' Stire'"d 14K "' ''"''• Celia Belle 5865 -I ' i^-^'estme ,d 14d.o. I I tTor,....*^ tni f Black Imperial 355. Uelle of Chester 4442. . . ^^^^'"'^ ''' ] ^l^^J^/'^'- 'Beauty 3159 1 &ie'tta 46.5. ♦Clematis of St. Lambert 5478.— Yield of milk, 285 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz., salted ; test made from May 2 to 8, 1882 ; age when made, 6 yeai's ; property of William Rolph, Markham, Ont., Can. rr ^r.A T ;=rr„,. 1 HRP ' Victor Hugo 197, imp. ( Lord Lisgar 1066 -^ Pauline 494, imp. Clematis of St. Lambert 5478. i Snowdrop of St. Lambert 5119 -[ f,f,f^iL''L}j^^- ( Lydie 495, imp. 332 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Countess Buttercup 13505.— Yield of milk, 175 lbs.; j^elcl of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; test niiule from June 12 to 18, 1885 ; age, 5 years, 1 month and 7 days ; property of Andrew J. Fish, Lima, Ohio. Countess Buttercup 13505 f Young Baltimore Boy ( Baltimore Boy 837 * ?.? f ' °^/a i , a ^^o^ I 2048 -! ' ^ '°'*^^ ^^ Oakland 2080, ) imp. ' Rose of the Isle ; ^Glenmore Be'le 4801 . S, imp. ( Salarlin 447 * Cadmus 4, imp. j ba.adm 44, -^ Woodbine 517: ' Lucy Hansa 2122, imp. *Deoine 6343.— Yield of milk not given; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from June 29 to July 5, 1882 , age, 5 years and 1 month ; property of William N. McConnell, Ripon, AVis. This test was made on grass alone. 'Columbiadad 1515. Deoine 6343. , Neatness 1894. ^ Coiumblad 534, imp. ' Celestia 1898 \ ^°addfop-1409, imp. ( Columbiad 534, imp. { Louisa 1406, imp. *Elegantie 11943.— Yield of milk, 253 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from June 7 to 13, 1885 ; age, 5 years and 4 months ; prop- erty of F. E. Warner & Son, Thomaston, Conn. ^ Knave 1850..... i K::^^^ ' Wallenstem 2261 - \ E^'^d'-^g-JJ' , 'L™iieo069 -/Belinda 1128. Elegantie 1194;3. i Sam nSO -* On L of J. .LillaMerriU4924 i "" ''" ! fl^'l/''' '"P" /T,p,,„ooi- I Albert 44. ' ^"^"^ *"' / Hattie 2d 2901. *Embla Brick 15690.— Yield of milk, 199 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from May 26 to June 2, 1885 ; age, 3 ^^ears and 10 months ; property of George M. Jewett, Glenville, Md. ( Crown Prince of Wofx. 1 Glen Koy 2131 \ burn 1211. ( Roy Brick .5037 - ( Jessey 3116. imp. I f D • D • 1 f Diamond Earl 3116 - ' ^°^^'« °f Oyster Bay ' Favorita of Queens Co. i Castor 686. Lillian Mostar 10364.. -( ^^'^^ 1 T><,tf5<. ^f r, r, I Pattie of Queens Co. 1785. ( Clifton Dell 1117 \ fl^^ ^"'"" ''^l: , L Mostar 6971 \ If.^J go"en .3o4, imp. 1 Linda 3d 3219 ] EK°i.''" * Lilly Cross 13796.— Yield of milk, 387 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz., salted ; test made from June 1 to 7, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years and 6 months ; property of E. A. Flagg, West Hartford, Conn. 'Hector 791. Lilly Cross 1.3796 . ^ Lilly Burnside 4384. ( Bliicher 48, imp. / Daisy 571, imp. i Burnside 1234 ■' ^"S^%^. ^^u , } I Clematis 3174. 'Milkweed 1977, I Hector 791. 1 Lupin 1972. 334 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. *Litza 6338.— Yield of milk, 368 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz., salted ; test made f mm July 34 to 80, 1883 ; age when made, 5 years and 10 months ; propertj^ of Mary B. Adams, Aberdeen, Miss. , nT ■ r.,.r, t Willie Boy 4.34. \ Maniis ,60 -^ Ladv Marv 1148, imp. ,Toi>Sawyer 1404 'j \ Clement 115 I 'EmblemOO - (F. S. 61J. H. B.) / On I. of J. Litza 6338 < I I Clement 11.5 (Mack 722 - (F. S. (ilJ. H. B.) '^Roxana 2d 2532 -; ' Sunflower 3.51 . r. i~ci I Roxbury 247. R°^a°^ 1 ' " 1 cowslip 5th 849. * Lucetta 6856.— Yield of milk, 160 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from April 16 to 33, 1884; age, 6 years and 11 months ; property of M. M. Gardner, Nashville, Tenn. , Ti *• .,■ ~,o I Pilot Jr. 141. ,^ , ,,.^ (Pertmatu,13 ", Pert 110. imp. r Rector 14.38 -^, l Mark 722 , ,, ^,^ J Uoxana2d2532 Enal761. Lucetta6856 < I i Rioter 670, imp. ^Letitia3977 - ' i oi 1PC1 ( Roxbury 247. Angela mb- -^ Europa"l21, imp. Lucy McClung 20368.— Yield of milk, 304 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz. ; test made from May 13 to 30, 1887 ; age, 5 years and 7 months ; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 3% gallons ground oats and corn; property of W. Gettys, Athens, Tenn. {Gaspard of Meadow i Clitus of Meadow Brook ^'"''^^^ 1cy^rine3dl239. , Cyrene 3d 12.39 CyTenrisf " Lucy McClung 20368..-^ ( cyrene i.j<. L ,, ^,, \ Baronet 2240 ] 1^^^^' ''''■ ''Baronetti 8425 < . Tir„i„.,,ip iv^ ( Marquise 2d 2868 \ ^^^^^, * Minnie Lee 2d 12941.— Yield of milk, 170 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from April 7 to 13, 1884 ; age, 3 years and 3 montlis ; prop- erty of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. ,„. . , , . . -Mr -D -n- ( Bismarck 292, imp. f Champion of America ^MayBoy,Oo i Crocus 1787 I ^^" I „ „ mm I Liviiis Storm 173. ^,. . ^ ,^,,„„ j /Pansy 1019 ", Dollv 2d 1020. Minnie Lee 2d 12941 . . ■{ {< All- no/- ) Nelusko 479. Aldine 1136 -j gazelle of Mobile 17*5, imp. T^ 11 D„,.„ .inn. ) Rolla Azuline 804, imp. Dolly Berry 20G4 -J Bijou Azuline 2003, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 335 * Monocacy Dimple 9680. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of buttei-, 14 lbs. 3oz.; test made from May 6 to 11, 1885; age, 5 years and 6 months; property of S. F. Gray, Indianapolis, Ind. Monocacy Dimple f Blennerhasset $534. L Dimple 3^48. Prince of Kose Croix 1893 Belle of Collingwood 5565 \ Wallace Barnes 1264 . . Matchless 723, imp. t Fairfax 530. '/ Minnie 398. I Simon Peter 1848. ( Flora 3d 4369. > Living Storm 173. '/ Angeline 3247. Nicomis 68026.— Yield of milk, 200 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from Jime 1 to 8, 1890 ; age, 2 years and 5 months ; estimated weight, 775 lbs.; grain fed daily, 13 qts. ground corn and oats ; property' of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. rv -^614^ ^^°""^^-^ )^olIll^- '"' -/symbol 6130 ^|S?.^S^^"^- Nicomis 68026 < I -.- ■Dio^o,^!. oA i-~o ' Von Bismarck 1021. T onr T ». «-^n ^ ^ Bismarck 2d 1, ,9. . , ^adv Theresa 2694. Uaura Lee 8.:,o0 -, Joe Hooker 465. (Efhel211 -(Daisy 1207. Niobe Gordon 3d 4404 1 .—Yield of milk, 234 lbs. 12 oz. ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; made from October 6 to 13, 1889; age, 3 j-ears and 9 montlis; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, 6 qts. provender with 3 qts. cot- ton-seed meal on each of the first three days, changed to 3 qts. old process oil meal on the remainder ; property of M. W. Terrill, Middlefield, Conn. r,„. ^.3-01 (On I. of J. ^ Catono 3.61 - ^ r.040 ( Pedro of the Valley 87.50 - Oneco 91 8 Niobe Gordon 3d ' ^°'^'''' Hudson 57t>4. . . -) ^S Hudson 2877. 44041 - ^ Prince of M. 3811 -) ^f ^*^°„g 39.^., Uiobe Gordon 1.3922 .... - Pioneer -'41 / Belle Gordon 8240 ^° kt%?iV imp. * Pride of Winslow 2613, imp. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; j^ropertj' of G. Dawson Coleman, Brickerville, Pa. * Prince's Bloom 9729. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; property of E. J. Robbins, Wethersfield, Conn. - T. • f r. . o.on * '^°'''" '''■' ' ?wiligh7of South East IPrmce of Croton 2490.. - j-^~~ j^^p Glenida 4436, imp. ±^mce's ijioom •ifrsj. .-, I t Albert 44 \ Jersey Kmg 879 j Qrinnella 1302, imp. iBloom 2d .592. ^/ t,,„ „ ^,.. » Monitor 878. ' Bloom 4002 • (. 11 ^^ 0.308. 336 BUTTKK TESTS OF JEJJSEYS. Rioter's Violet 33774.— Yield of milk, loi lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from August 21 to 27, 1887 ; age, 2 years and 1 month ; esti- mated weight, 650 lbs.; grain fed during test, 6 qts. oats and 8 qts. bran, daily ; property- of Chas. E. Hill, Denver, Col. Midas of Oxford 5986.. . -j ffaufdn.^.^^^^' ™^" Oxford Rioter 5992 I Rioter's Violet 3S(74 / La Belle Petite 5472. . . . ■! ?l''^%P°"|?i^^ ^m I La Petite Mere 5470. " 1 » Merlin 3084 \ GUderpy 2107 tMerliu's Violet 16430. . . - ] If PP'"'"?;^-*^^^.^, ( VioletofWindy.ideS5:38] ^^-l^bn^^^^^ 2733. *Signalda's Duchess 32173.— Yield of milk, 213 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz. : test made from September 3 to 10, 1885; age, 2 years and 4 months; property of G. V. Green. Hopkinsville, Ky. /c-^,oi-qo .n.>~ \bignain,0 , Pansy Morris 2060. rbignalda402 - , Grand Diike Alexis 1O40. Signalda's Duchess ' ^'"'' '^^"^ / Archie 1112, imp. 32173 -{ I T ord Harrv S44t ' Top-Sawyer 1404. I Ashwood Maid 15570. . . -^ "^ ^ ' ' ^'^^^^ °' ^"'°''^''^ I Missie of Ashwood , Toplawyer 1404. ^•'•^''^ ■( Semiramis 6204. * Sovereign's Elsie 15793. — Yield of milk not given: yield of batter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; test made from July 1 to 7, 1884; age, 3 years and 5 months: prop- erty of James B. AVilder, Louisville, Ky. ^ Sovereign iF. S. 307 J. H. B.) Sovereign's Elsie 15793 -, ( Salacia (F. S. 2197 J. H. B.) * Sweet Brier of St. Lambert 5481. — Yield of milk, 267 lbs.; yield of but- ter. 14 lbs. 3 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from June 6 to 12, 1883 ; age when made, 7 years and 1 month ; property of David Reesor, Toronto, Ont., Can. \ Victor Hugo 197, imp. Lord Lisgar 1066. Sweet Brier of St. I Pauline 494 Lambert .5481 . I T „,.oi -nr ' Defiance 196, imp. La\ al o06 Li«ette 4Q2 imn Vt i1v nf St T.miihprtiiion- ' ^>*ette 4H4, imp. ( On I. of J. 'i Hebe 489, imp. ^Lily of St. Lambert 5120- Pride of Windsor 483. imp. * Telka 8037, imp.— Yield of butter, T4 lbs. 3 oz.; property of W R, McCready, Saugatuck, Conn. \ On I. of J. Telka 8037 \ I Duchess (F. S. 935 J. H. B BUTTEIl TESTS OF JERSEYS. 337 * Turquoise 1129. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 3 oz.; property of John D. Wing, Millbrook, N. Y. Turquoise 1129. ■ J ^. \ On I. of J. i^awrence^bj. .^. ■^■■■•■- ; Clementine (F. S. 23-2 J. H. B.; ^Topaz 75. \ Comus 54 . . On I. of J. I Diana 77, imp. I Pearl 7fi i ^° ^- °^ '^• ' '^^^^^ '^ 1 Faith 78, imp. Vilify 50107.— Yield of milk, 337 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lb.s. 3 oz.; made from January 3 to 9, 1891; age, 3 years; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 18 qts. ground corn, oats and peas ; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. , Young Combination ^ Combination 4;389 -j LadTMel''429.' ^^^^ "■ ^ /IK „ .->-ofc 1 Aurbraboreeliis 2408. ,,.,.^ .„,„„ /Goodbye 2,.%6 , Frankie's Lass 24900. Vlbfy 50107 a ^ Unwelcome -32.59 -] HaaaM398 ^ Violette Foster 20405 ... - ^^^^ „f Qikstonbury Viola Rich 7254 - 19.59. / Viola 7116. Bee Princess 40345.— Yield of milk, 201 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. S^g oz.; test made from May 20 to 27, 1888; age, 3 yeai-s and 10 days; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 qts. of corn, bran, oats and cotton-seed, ground together ; property of M. Lothrop, Marshall, Texas. Beo Princess 40-345 . . . ,' Prince of Melrose 4819. [Busy Bee 2d 25166. „,„, -D - o/i c-toQ ( Stoke Pogis 1259, imp- ^ Stoke Pogis 3d 22-38. . . . -J Marjoram 32.39, imp. / Princess of St. Lambert 5484. \ Buffer 2055. '( Juno of St.Lambert 5110 iCamival5110 ] The Hub 'B-y Bee 63:36 ]'^^^!^ The Hub 1009. den 2d 4764. 1404. Aggie of St Lambert 37085.— Yield of milk, 134 lbs. 4 oz.; 3-ield of but- ter, 14 lbs. 21^ oz.; test made from Maj' 28 to June 4, 1888 ; age, 3 years and 1 month; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 20 qts. of a mixture of corn, oats, middlings and oil meal ; propei'tj- of P. J. Cogswell, Rochester, N. Y. { Sir George of St. Lam- j Stoke Po>.'is 3d 2238. ^Kubano 8806 - bert 6036 ( Pride of Windsor 483. , - ,^, T , ^ ' Nina of St. Lambert j stoke Pogis 3d 22-38. Agfie of St. Lambert J 12963 j Jessamin? of St. Lam, ■ 3i0b5. hert51->5 Ipolly of St. Lambert ( ^"ii?-^^ ^'- Lambert , ^ord Monck 304. 28665 < ^^*^° 1 Rosalind 1.317. / T?r^cQT,T,o iQ.m i Victor Hugo 197. ( Ro^anne 1320. -j ^^^^^ jgfg 338 BCTTEll TESTS OF JEESEYS. *Alphetta 16531.— Yield of milk, 186 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2)4. oz. ; test made from July 7 to 13, 1884 ; age, 3 years and 7 months ; prop- erty of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. ( jMTjiter m -* Saturn 94. imp. ( Mercury 4A- \ ' ^^^^ l'^''- ™P- Mercurj « ^ . ^^^^^^ ,,^^ ^ ( Alpnea 1,1 1 Rhea 100, imp. Alphetta 1(5.531 -I I ( r'o/.r-^ 1R~Q ' Mercury 432. Uat^al 1184. ^ J Mercury 432. ' ^'^'^"^ •^''•^^ "/ Gussie Richards 1673. * Carrie's Wonder 15233. — Yield of milk not given; j'ield of butter, 14 lbs. 2^2 oz.; test made from June 4 to 10, 1886; age, 5 years ; property of Thomas S. Yocom, Richmond, N. Y. • Duke of Thornebrook \ ^^^l^^^'^o^l' 'ii'n\""'> Clementine I 3832 { (^•fc'-»4J.H. B.) (F. S. 232J. H. B.> ' rrhinuila1=irs J Dulce of Shrewsbury 624. Carrie's Wonder 15233 -I ^ cniquua io. ts ^ g^jj^ ^^ Shrewsbury 863. i y Young Duke 138 -' n,^'l°!^ i'm in,n Carrie's Beauty 14601. . . - ?."<^'^^^^^01 i°3p. / Parnp -^Qd ' ^"" Charles 131, imp. ( came 3894 -^ ^^^^ Lowndes 273. imp. Emma Landseer 58104. — Yield of milk, 163 lbs. 6 oz. ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2}o, oz.; made from December 1 to 8, 1890; age, 2 j-ears and 9 months; estimated weight, 650 lbs.; grain fed daily, S^a gallons ground oats and corn and % gallon bran ; property of Morgan & Brown, Columbia, Tenn. Emma Landseer 58104^ [ Landseer's Pogis 1.5847 -Belle Lyman 28522. f Pogis Chief 3998. , Landseer's Fancy 2870. i General Lyman 0631 . 1 Stoke Pogis .3d 2238. "( Cherry of St. Lambert 5127. \ Landseer .331, imp. '( Young Fancy 97. t Joseph 3419. imp. "/ Island Beauty 9113. ' Belle of Wolcott 8938. . . - 1 Mauniee Chief 2673. / Chamois 1220. * Friar's Lady 361 19.— Yield of milk, 155 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2}/^ oz. ; test made from December 24 to 31, 1885 ; age, 1 year and 10 months; property of W. H. Walrath. Clayton, N. Y. I Guy Fawkes {Sir George 7656 -, (F. .S. 251 J. H. B.) (P. S. 221 J. H. B.) ( Brown Bess 13092 >7 J. H. B. I I (P. S. 118 J. H.B.I ' Margotton Bella Delaine 10336 ^ ( F. S. 104i J. H. B.) iDai aisy I F. S. 742 J. H. B. i *Belle Grinnell 3d 16503.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz.: property of E. J. Eobbins, Wethersfield, Conn. \ Loval /"ApoDo - ("P. S. 70 J. H. B.) (P. S. 106 J H. B. I ( Kose f Lord Anglesea 4537 -{ (F. S. 14-3.5 J. H. B.) 1 \ Tom I l.BnuieiteLeGro<9r55..- (P. S. TT J. H. B.. Belle Grinnell 3d 16503 -{ ' Daisy I (P.'S. t^2 J. H. B.I I , MoniTor fCS * ^°^ ^"-^ ^•'- ™P- It..,,. RHt,..!! 4.17.. -' ^°'"'°' ^ ; Emma 801. imp. I GrinneUa 130-2. imp. ^ Belle Grinnell 4073. ' GrinneUa 3d 2209. * Bessie Bradford 7269.^ Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz., salted: test made from November 4 to 11, 18S3 ; age when made, 7 years and 8 months : prop- erty of L. S. Sprague, Austerlitz, X. Y. .Mercnry4.32 ^ffi^'f-l , King Pin 1S78 - f^P°^ ^ ■ 'Edna.3d668 ; i?nS Bessie Bradford 7269. a > Mar* V> ' Jupiter 93. VEditli4th81 "(MiTh3d^l6 .Jnpiter93. ' Edith 3d 5-36 -, ^^ jg- jj^p * Bessie of Clover Leaf 13033.— Yield of milk, 307 lbs. 7^^ oz.: yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz., unsalted ; test made from November 23 to 30. lS8o: age, 4 yeai-s and 10 months; property of J. AV. Ford, Huntington, Ind. 1.3033. ,^ I-°-^ellow 818 -; ?-,f^of ^ Bay Bessie of Clover Leaf | Eavorita of Queens Co. » Cas'tor 686. ■ \ I Paitie of Queens Co. 17S5. VEUen of Colllngwood j ^^ °f ^o^ ^roix , Fairfax 530. S285 Flora 3d 4-369 \ I Minnie 398. ' pn„_= D^ .-len < Albert 44. ■( Flora 420. Bettie of Edgewood 31 162.— Yield of milk. 217 lbs. 8 oz.: yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from August 13 to 20, 1889; age, 6 years and 4 months: actual weight. 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, ground corn and oats; no record of quantity kept : property of Wm. Morrow & Son, Nashville. Tenn. , Le Brocq-s Prize -$350... -) S° ^n'i ^ . Antrascme 4747 - ' ^t J ' ^' -1 - ( Pflrrip of RilUidp ^i^T " Ramchnnder Tib. Bettie of Edgewood ^ ^^® °^ iliUMde .*«o . . -_ j^^^ ^^ 31162 - , Ramchnnder 718 -" ^^f *'-?*^- ''"P" \Bettie of Hillside .3864. . - ' AtiL-f- ™ / Jennie Xicholson 1610. . -' 9^!^^ I Eve 456. 342 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Combonnie 40260.— Yield of milk, 227 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2oz.; test made from December 20 to 27, 1887; age, 3 years and 1 month; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 qts. corn meal, oat meal and pea meal ; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. ^Polonins3513 l EX™ '''• I Combination 4389 - McCleilan 4th 85. ' Lady Me\m -^ ^^g, .,^ 5- Combonnie 40360 -{ I r> 1- .■ .oo,> \ Poloniu- -2.513. Uelbonnie 39630. . . ' ^^^--^-^ ^'^^ , Lady Me. 439. Hulda E. 16497. \ Caen 331T. ( Mit^s Millie 13364. Comedia 38885.— Yield of milk, 223 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from June 1 to 8, 1886; age, 2 years and 5 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed daih', 12 qts. corn and oat meal: property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. +,,..,..., * Sarpedon 930. , Polonms 3ol3 ■ t ^^ -gg [ Combination 4389 - , McCleilan 4th 85. /LadyMel439 , Mel 3d 57. Comedia 38885 -J r-i.,„ onpn J Sweepstakes Duke 1905. , , ,„,„, ^&lue39(^ 1 Minn e Parks 5350. Loreda 19801 -, ^ .> .,q,.,^ / Adopted Girl 13767 .; ^J^Jrlbel 3d S671. { * Coquette's Molly 23841.— Yield of milk, 193 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from March 7 to 14, 1886 ; age, 6 years and 6 months; property of J. L. Morrow, Nashville, Tenu. „. o 1 .A. * !Marins 760. , , , ,^., \ Top-Sawyer 1404 - E,„,,,e,„ 9,3. I Lofty 38ob 't^r,:, .. (dive 319. Plenty 950. Coquette's Molly 3;3841-' (Maiden 1464 -J ^jy, H VCoquette 3d 19*3 - __ _ _ , nh^irfpstmi 1 / /-!„ „„,,.. 01.-) t Charleston 1. /Coquette 843 , Cowslip 839. * Edith Darby 6246.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 8 oz.; j-ield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from June 13 to 19, 1884; age, 7 years and 3 months; prop- erty of Clarke & Jones, Baltimore, Md. ( Baltimore Boy 837 .; yfolet^oV^Oakland 3080, /■ Prospect 3047 < imp. Venus of Oakland 3083, imp. Edith Darby 6346 4 ^Bell 1506. ; -D „i oi ;„ 1-1 > Prince John 33. j Buckskin lol -^ Custard 331 , imp. Victoria 1505, imp. * Elite 4299.— Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from March 24 to 31, 1883; age, 7 3'ears and 6 months; property of W. C. Ravmond, Bridgewater, Vt. ,, . „„„ , Willie Bot4:J4. I Marius ,60 •, l^jj. ^,a,.y n^g, imp. £lite 4299. rHamiltonlO.4 - > Southampton 117, imp. I / Emily Hampton 1913... -g^^blem 90. I T^ lu 1,10- I Uncle Pete Xo. 3. 186. ^ ,^ „„„ \ Kaulbach I80 ■ ^ Darling 3d 4:35. VEstherSSQ ■<. „ _ » Coniet 130. Iv^uh iA- ' Comet 130 (Jeanne Le Ba^ ^,6 -^ jj^^j^^. pj.ijg Eugenie 2d 12733 -[ ( F.' S. 3J8 J. H. B.) . Prince 199 •' Cheltenham &). I Eueenie 498 ■ ' F^"° ^^^- ™P- Vi^ugenie 49S Brandywine «4. ' ^ '"reue 1,4 ^ j^jjj.^ jj„^ jjjjp Faith of Cloverdale 29277.— Yield of milk, 128 lbs. oi^ oz.; jield of but- ter, 14 lbs. 2 oz. ; test made from March 15 to 21, 1887; age, 2 years and 5 months ; gi'ain fed during test, 6 qts. corn meal, 6 qts. oat meal, 2 qts. oil meal, daily ; propertj' of Archer N. Martin, Summit, X. J. i«o'^emar3ir4 {f^^Zf^St''''"^- ', I Khedive ' Princess 2d 8046 - (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) / Princess (F. S. 452J. H. B.) ( r ^iHomor PI ~A J Sir Walter Raleigh 1507. j Goldemar 31 , 4 -J Comelia 2974. f Duke of Cloverdale 6904 J Faith of Cloverdale 29277 Flo 3d 14754. Flo 8045, imp. * Flora B. 12446.— Yield of milk, 201 lbs. 13 oz.: yield of butter. 14 lbs. 2 oz. ; test made from Ma}" 17 to 23, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 10 months ; prop- erty- of Webster & Weaver, Columbia, Tenn. Middle Hill Chief 1103. Flora B. 12446. rncle Toby Brown 5814 Sylph 2d 2827 I, Diana Franklin 12445. . . • (Middle Hill Chief 1103. Diana 2d IHS. \, Monarch of Roxburj-. 499. I Diana 2d 1718. 1 Landseer 3d 789. "( Sylph 615, imp. \ Monarch of Roxbary - 499. ' Diana 2d 1718. 1 Linmere 220. '( Diana 1687. *Gazania 4513.— Yield of milk, 198 lbs.; peld of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz., un- salted ; test made from July 9 to 15, 1884 ; age, 9 years and 11 months ; prop- erty of J. A. Fisher, Nashville, Tenn. Gazania 4513. \ Duke of Grayholdt 10-35, imp. ' Beauvine 1593, imp. * Grace Davy 8292.— Yield of milk, 191 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter. 14 Ib.s. 2 oz., salted: test made fi-om November 6 to 13, 1882; age when made, 6 years and 2 months ; property of Mrs. George M. Jewett, Glenville. Md. Grace Davy 8292, 'Young Sir Davy 30-34. .Grace Darling 2d 304.. iToungDa^-y 661. \ Sir Da%-y S4. ■ "i Georgetta 93, imp. ■/ Susan 165S i Hannibal 618, imp. (busanlboS (Ariel 516. imp. E.xcelsior of Jersey 949, imp. Grace Darling 299," imp. 344 BUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. ♦Grace's Nightingale 19855.— Yield of milk, 186 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of but- ter, 14 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from June 22 to 28, 1885; age, 6 years and 3 months ; property of C. Easthope, Niles, Ohio. Grace's Nightingale 19855 'Old Hickory 2d 9224. '^Nightingale K. 16056... Oldllicliory 9221.. Nightingale K. 2d 19841 -' \ Frank Warren 1490. ■/ Gray Beauty 16053 (F. S. 629 J. H. B.) I Frank Warren 1490. ■( Nightingale K. 16056. ( Stockwell (F. S. 116 J. H. B.) Negro Girl 7650. ( Sultan -{ (F. S. 58 J. H. B.) I Longueville Queen (F. S. 272 J. H. B.) * Jessie Leavenworth 8248. — Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz.; test made in June, 1881 ; age, 4 years and 1 month ; property of Warren F. Daniell, Franklin, N. Y. This test was made on grass alone. , Champion of America ^ May Boy 705 -] cfoaf fl 787^ ^' ™^' _ . T »u I I -D „ inio t Living Storm 173. Jessie Leavenworth I ( Pansy 1019 / Dolly 2d 1020. 8248 A I I -D^i^A..^ MnA ( Waterbury 1155. U IP T-ft P1. o poqJ ^"'''^^''' "^^ Snowflakes 1004. Vfiull's Kitty Clover 3897. g^^^^.^ ^,^^^^^ 30 ( Clover 2d 2902 - ^.^^^.^^ ^q ^ * Lady Gray of Hilltop 3d 14642.— Yield of milk, 253 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz., salted; test made from June 5 to 11, 1883; age when made, 3 years and 6 months; property of Mrs. L. M. Fair, Wallingford, Conn. Ladv Gray of Hill- top 3d 14642 Champion of Hilltop 1839 ^Lady Gray of Hilltop 6850 Champion of America , ^^^^ g^y -^g ^^'^' (Paiisy 1019. T' , -^--11 1, oi/in 1 Tom Dasher 420. Kate Nickleby 3100 -^ ggg^je jj^^d 3099. \ Wethersfleld 9G6 .; ^[l^^.tmi^a 1303. I Bess Lena 3349 { fenV'l'47. * Lebanon Lass 6108. — Yield of milk, average of 18 qts.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz. in 7 days ; test made from December 2 to 8, 1881 ; age when made, 5 years and 8 months ; property of G. Dawson Coleman, Bricker- ville, Pa. 'Iron Bank 1120. Lebanon Lass 6108. ^Tipsey 3572. I On I. of J. ' Birdie 2611, imp. riifford osfi i St. Helier 45, imp. Ciittoid 28b -J Heartsease 503. Florie 2610, imp. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 345 * Lilly Mac 22976.— Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from May 19 to 26, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 1}4 months ; property of J. C. McClintock, Meadville, Pa. I \nteloDe 19-^r * Golden Ball 1474. 'Mulberry Lad 3954 \ ^ ^ ' ^^^'^^^ R°^e 3676. ' Mulberry 1095, imp. Lilly Mac 22976. Vermont 893 i Governor 890. ^Mi- BOS 10842 ^Vermont 893 .V^^^33,jmp^ Dorcas 4th 3533 - Rock 886, imp. ( Dorcas 728, imp. * Melita of Hillcrest 7054.— Yield of milk, 263 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from May 7 to 13, 1884; age, 6 years and 3 months; pi'op- erty of Garretson Bros., Pendleton, Ind. Melita of Hillcrest 7054 Major Domo 2161. [Atlantis 5901. Autocrat 1065 Meg 673 Autocrat 1065 Atlanta 402, imp. ( Yankee J (P. S. 27 J. H. B.) ( Forget-me-not (F. S. 626 J. H. B.) (Onl. of J. '( Maud 674, imp. I Yankee -^' (P. S. 27 J. H. B.) ( Forget-me-not (F. 8. 626 J. H. B.) *Mellie Argyle 20609.— Yield of milk, 205 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from June 22 to 29, 1885; ag'e, 2 years and 7 months; property of E. Stevens Henry, Rockville, Conn. Mellie Argyle 20609. . . Duke of Lome 6510. / Marilla 2899. '"I Diirhpss of Aravlp 375S * '^''^'^^ Dasher 9.32. ( Duchess ot Arg} le 3,58. -^ ^^^^^^ p^j^y g^^g^ Louise of Lawnfield it\„uc, r.f \^^-„\^-iki~ ( Nestor 773. 14151 - ^"'^^ °^ ^'Syle 151 , .... -, ^jj^^j]]^ 2899. ' Duchess of Argyle 2d i Star of Bethlehem 1693. 7568 - ( Duchess of Argyle 3758. Mulberry 22031.— Yield of milk, 197 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from July 10 to 17, 1887; age, 8 years; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily, average of 10 qts. ground corn, oats and peas, with about 2 qts. bran ; property of Mrs. E. M. Jones, Brockville, Out., Can. Mulberry 22031. fTom (P. S.77 J. H. B.) ^Victor -J (P. S. 148 J. H. B.) J I, La Petite Jaune(F. S. 1065 J. H. B.) [uni Welcome (F. S. 172 J. H. B.) Belle ^F. S. 302 J. H. B.) , Unique (F. S. 1035 J. H. B.) 346 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Nellie 1507.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz., salted ; test made from June 26 to Jvily 2, 1876 ; age when made, 9 years and 1 month ; property- of Clarke & Jones, Baltimore, Md. I Comus 54. I On I. of J. Nellie 1507. 'Potomac 15.3 -' "/ Diana 77, imp. ' Clara 148, imp. I Buckskin 151 * P""^<'/°^" 2=2- ,Bell 1506 -' ' Custard 321, mip. ' Victoria 1.505, imp. * Nightingale of Elmarch 8312, imp.— Yield of milk, 196 lbs.; yield of but- ter, 14 lbs. 2 oz., unsalted ; test made from June 21 to 27, 1881; age when made, 7 years ; property of D. A. Givens, Cynthiana, Ky. i Merry Bov. ou I. of J. Nightingale of Elmarch 8312 - t Nellie, on I. of J. * Pearl of St. Lambert 5527.— Yield of milk, 247 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of but- ter, 14 lbs. 2 oz., salted 1 oz. to lb.; test made from April 4 to 10, 1882 ; age when made, 6 years ; property of William Rolph, Markham, Ont., Can. 1 Lord Monck 304 -* p,'I^5°' ?vvrnH^I'r'iS?- /-Buffer 2055 ] ' P'.'^f "^ ^^ ""^^^"^ "^^ Pearl of St. Lambert I ' Amelia 484, imp. 552' I Dot of St. Lambert 5525 ( T aval nop. i Defiance 196, imp. ^^^ ( La\ al 506 -j Lisette 492, imp. Juliet 485, imp. * Pope's Flora 18697.— Yield of milk, 210 lbs. o oz.; yield of butter. 14 lbs. 2 oz. ; test made from June 19 to 25, 1885; age, 3 years, 7 months and 20 days; property of Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. i Sylvester 694 ] Heffinfl7T' '"'^■ ( The Pope-s Bull 2965 ... - ' Uermione 1 , 6. Pope's Flora 18697. .. < Cora's Lady Bird 2385, imp. ^ Flora F. 5.544, imp. * Princess Inez 5402.— Yield of milk, 203 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2oz.; test made from June 8 to 15, 1885; age, 9 years; property of Judson H. Clark, Elmira, N. Y. .TT,,-^' n„.^ 1«.^ ^Wether.field966 I Grinnellt 2d 1303. murd 8 Dandy 1627 -, . , Tom Dasher 420. ' ^'^'^'e '^^^ -, E. Colt's Daisv No. 2 Princess Inez 5402.... 4 3343. 1 Dandy Dinmont 1058. . . -) ^^>;,''^;J,f^ g^d's) ^ Kate Earl v .3802 < 2582. Lucv Neal 3d 418 ■' McClellan 6th 181. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 347 * Queen Fannie 10275.— Yield of milk, 220 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz. in 7 days; test niade from January 2 to 8, 1881 ; age when made, 4 years- and 10 months ; property of Hoover & Co., Columbus, Ohio. I Pierrot 636, imp. /'Pierrot2d 1669 - f Dainty 796, imp. Queen Fannie 10275..-! i Land^eer 3.31 ' ^" ''•,°''o~n • ^Fannie Landseer 1969. . - ' ^^^^^^ ^'^' ™P- ' Sylph 61.5, imp. * Queen of Prospect 11 997.— Yield of milk, 225 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter,. 14 lbs. 2 oz., salted ; test made from June 21 to 27, 1883 ; age when made, 3 years and 3 months; property of R. S. Kingman, Sparta, Wis. Feed, none ; pasture, timothy and clover. Mogul 532, imp. / Niobe 99, imp. Queen of Prospect (Shirley 1613 t t. , .o 11997 I 'Niobe4th .509 -! ly?1^J?,'^^■ ^^ Adeline 9115, imp. * Rarity 2d. 7724.— Yield of milk, 199 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz. in 7 days ; test made fi'om December 9 to 17, 1881 ; age when made, 4 years;, property of Louis Stracke, Warsaw, 111. /■Flash 2532. Rarity 2d 7724 4 ^ Pierrot 636, imp. ( Belle of Farmington 911, imp. I ( Jersey King 879 ■] ^'^^'■' ,f ■,.,.,, . Uarity5923 \ ( Grmnella 1.302, imp. Uady Love 2d 2212 ) L^l^-^te 1315. * Therese M. 8364.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz. in 7 days ; property of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. r Champion of America ( May Boy 705 -! ^^^°**''<;^ 292, imp. 15g-*^ ' •' •' / Crocus 1787. I I Pansy 1019 -Il^''',i"^,f \T]n ^''^■ Therese M. 8364 -j ' Do"y ^d 1020. I ( Aldine 1 1.36 -] Nelnsko 479 I I I Gazelle of Mobile 1735,. '-Julia Evelyn 6007 < imp f .Minlc 2d 3890 ' T^^Hub 1009. ( Mink 2548. * Tidy of St. Lambert 311 14.— Yield of milk, 194 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of but- ter, 14 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from March 25 to 31, 1885; age, 12 years and 1 month ; property of George G. Creamer and Frank Morgan, Hamilton, Mass. ; Lord Monck .304 -! X'?}"'' ?i\?° F~' 'I!2?- ■ f Pride of \\ indsor 483, imp. Tidy of St. Lambert .31114 .. <( Victoria 411 \ y',^I"?o 19"- ™p. ( Juliet 48o, imp. 348 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Tormentor's Rosebud 50069. — Yield of milk, 155 lbs. 8 oz.; j-ielcl of but- ter, 14 ibs. 2 oz. ; test made from November 14 to 21, 1890 ; age, 2 years and 5 months; estimated weig-ht, TOO lbs.; well fed, but no record kept of amount; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. Tormentor's Rosebud 50069 - Tormentor 3533 (F. S. 259 J. H. B.) 'Khedive ^P. S. 103 J. H. B.) I Leo - (F. S. 198 J. H. B.) i Coomassie 11874 ^F. S. 141-3 J. H. B.) , Angela (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) /"Browny -Rosebud of Belle Yue (P. S. 158 J. H. B.) \.Ros I Tom - (P. S. 77 J. H. B.) ' Fairy (F. S. 964 J. H. B.) Rosa of Belle Yue 6954, imp. * Vestina 2458.— Yield of milk, 201 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz.; test made from September 20 to 26, 1884 ; age, 12 years and 6 mouths ; prop- erty of "William Simpson, New York, N. Y. Vestina 2458. Mercury 432 Ye^ta 1235. imp. i Timirpr m ' Saturn 94, imp. \ Jupiter 9.1 -^ jjjj^^ jg,. jjjj^ / Alphea 171 \ |f ""},.^^.'™P- ^ j Rhea 10b, imp. * Webster Pet 4103.— Yield of milk, 197 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 2 oz., salted ; test made fi'om January 15 to 22, 1881 ; age when made, 6 years ; property of W. H. Walrath, La Fargeville, N. Y. Feed, 5 lbs. of oat meal and 2 lbs. of corn meal, daily : hay. , Champion of America i May Boy 705 * ^'*"'^''*:'hj?~' '™P- [ J5g7*^ ' ■' ■' * Crocus 1,8<. ^Pansvl019 I ^''ii"">f Zn ^ ' ^• Webster Pet 410.3 -I ' ( Dolly 2d 1020. i Philip Sheridan 984 ■* ^^ n'"?oo-°"" ^"^• ^Churchill Betsey 4105...- . i ^elle U2.o. / '' Coodenongh 2068. I Champion of America , Mav Bov 705. ^Johnson's Daisy 8391. ..< ^'-"' '1 Pansv 1019. f Dntv dfiV, ' Hughes 954. (Duty46oo 1 DilFy 2527. Lass of Burrwood 37437.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 11-2 OZ-; test made from June 18 to 20, 1890; age, 6 years and 2 months; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daih', 8 qts., consisting of two parts corn meal and one of oats ; property of George Burr, Lodi, Ohio. Lass of Burrwood .37437 iNiantic5244 - wT'io?^ ^^*'"- Pansv's Double Rex 9997- ' I."" "'*'i^- „„„, / Double Rex Pansv 14645 * Esster Boy 30.32. L^ouDie nex ransy 14Mo jj ^^. g j gg-g ICarma 6.361. (Marius760 'Carrie of nillside 3865. ( Millie Boy 434. "i Lady Afary 1148. imp, t Ranichniider 718. "( JuMo f-90. 350 BUTTEK TESTS OE JEKSEYS. *Lernella 22322.— Yiekl of milk, 191 lbs. 11 oz.; yi^d of butter, 14 lbs. 1},^ oz.; test made from May 10 to 16, 1885; age, 2 years and 3 months; prop- erty of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. ^ Jupiter 93 ] Ihea^e^'S- ( Aipnea i, i -^ ^^^^ jgg^ ^^^^ Lernella 223a2 < ^Mercary43-2 1 ffieaMi I Lerna 3634 - Xdrnfral 37^' ' Gussie Richards 1673. . . tadTn lards 1017. Nellie Alphea 51274.— Yield of milk, 170 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1^2 oz.; test made from September IT to 24, 1890; age, 4 years and 2 months ; estimated weight, 700 lbs. ; grain fed daily, 24 lbs. corn fodder and 8 lbs. shorts ; property of Mrs. M. B. Pack, Edinburgh, Mo. i^ , ,„ ^ oQOQ > Victor (P. S. 148 J. H. B.) i^omcup .iybd -^ pjjjjjj Qf gj Peter's 8623, imp. Flory of the Oalis 8141, imp. I Ai^i,„„ c;f,, -ic- t Mercury 432. Wo.iPR S->r4g ^ Alphea star ,48, U em a 3634. Josie B. 33749 -, , (,„„„t „f infield 1844. ' ^ ™^ ^'^°" " ^'^^^ . Mollie of Longview 4354. * Nervine 25932.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. l}o oz.; test made from July 14 to 20, 1884; age, 2 years and 4 months ; prop- erty of F. P. Scearce, Lexington, Kj-. Nervine 25932. /'Tisquantum (P. S. 262 J. H. B.) La Rouge (P. S. 45 J. H. B.) Farmer's Glory 5196 (F. S. 274 J. H. B.) I Yankee Chance - (P. S. 69 J. H. B.) (P. S. 167 J. H. B.^ ( Welcome I Why Not (P. S. 25 J. H. B.) -, (F. S. 106 J. H. B.) / Red Wing (F. S. 344 J. H. B.) Quadruple Pogis 32359.— Yield of milk, 140 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. Uo oz.; test made from Feb. 8 to 15, 1888; age, 2 years and 11 months; estimated weight, 925 lbs.; grain fed daily, 14 lbs. mixed ground corn, oats and ship stuff and 2 lbs. oil meal; propertj- of H. G. Westlake, Hillsdale, N. Y. ■D-«t„_ T-.,i„o„ liOQn i Stoke Pogis 1259, imp. .^c • • -p- . 3 Rioter \ ulcan 5380 j violet 3d 3240. Marjoram s Rioter 5991. ^ stoke Pogi. 1259, imp. ( Jlarjoram M lUJUo -^ Marjoram 3239, imp. Quadruple Pogi832359^ (-Blossom's Tennessee , ^op-Sawyer 1404. It,, ,td- •/. ,r.-r.n I ^^ ) Blossom of the Grange VLily of Riverside 19599.-; ' gggg '^ I T ;i„ „» r^.Tf„,-i ioaof\ i Midas of Oxford 5986. l^Lily of Oxford 12820. ...^ j^ily of St. Lambert 2d 13809. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 351 Sweet Leona B. 21934.— Yield of milk, 248 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. \% oz.; test made from Aug. 1 to 7, 1887; age, almost 4 years; esti- mated weight, 800 lbs.; grain fed during test, 30 lbs., daily, of mixed corn- hearts, oil meal, oats and middlings ; property of !Miller &, Sibley, P^-ank- lin, Pa. j Stoke Pogis 5rh 5987. . . J f.^^^e Pop.^l259^imp ( Lady of Oakland 11101 . - f biui^c X us,= .jLii o^^,... -J Marjoram 3239, imp. Sweet Leona B. 21934 ^ , Thorndale 2582 j iatln^^li * Peggy of Staatsburgh 2342. — Yield of butter. 14 lbs. l^^ oz., unsalted: test made from June 22 to 29, 1S83; age when made, 10 years and 10 months; property of W. B. Dinsmore, Staatsbm-gh, N. Y. i„ , o„, > Naiwleon 291, imp. 0'-pl'^891 -,CliVe 76=3. imp. Prinrp«< 2d 22«K -' Deacon 293, imp. I'nnces* ~<1 £!io ^ Princess 761. imp. Alicealda 43604.— Yield of milk, 248 lbs. 8 oz.; peld of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from June 1 to 8, 1890; age, 4 yeai-s and 3 months; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, between 16 and 24 lbs. ground corn and oats : property of S. H. Godman, Muncie, Ind. f ij .^1- * Signal 1170. \ Signalda 402. -^ ^^^^ .^g-g I' Witch's Token 9966. ... - , f^rd Lawrence 1414. Witch-Hazel 4th 6131 . Alicealda 43604. Ic ■( Witch-Hazel 1360. <,. ,^„ ,fv>_ I Signal 1170. T, ^ -.>, .-,-. * S^g^^'l* -«« -, Al^a 3873. lover Bud oth 2. .4.5. . . - , Monitor 878. ' Clover Bud 40,4 - ^,^ Blossom 4057 * Ballet Girl 18750.— Yield of milk, 186 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from September 20 to 26, 1884; age, 2 years and li.^ months ; propeiiy of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. Ballet Girl 1S750. T ^;»„. no < Satnm 94, imp. »J'iP"er93 i Rhea 166 imp { Mercury 432 'i »,»,„„ i-i < Saturn 94. imp. I lAlpheam -, Rhea 166. imp. ] lLeo(F. S. 198J. H. B.» Butterflv 12020 -\ ^ (P. S."l62 J. H. B.) / Trinitaise (P. S. 1343 J. H. B.) * Beauty Bismarck 4967.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz. in 7 days ; test made in 1880 ; age when made, 6 yeai-s; property of F. F. Fuessenich, Tor- rington. Conn. i Hopewell l:i6, imp. /"Litchfield 674 -j I ( La Belle Helene 457, imp. Beauty Bismarck 4967^ , T>. , „ -, ,,^ ( Bismarck 292, imp. I ( Bismarck 2d 409 -j Be««ie V^i ^Daisy Bismarck 2697 ... ^ , >,-ew World 289, imp. (Flassiel.lo •, FUrt 134. 352 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Bermuda R. 67334.— Yield of milk, 197 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz.: test made from August 3 to 10, 1890; age, 2 years; estimated weight, 775 lbs.; grain fed daily, 15 qts. ground corn, oats, peas and oil meal ; prop- ertv of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. .combination 4.380 l EatAldli; 1 Diploma 10219 - , fohdpTi isri / Frankie-s La.. -4900.. . . -) ^^T^^^^^^:^,o, Bermuda R. 67534 -{ I , nitJvoT. iqififi * Comlniiation 4389. L- ^ .,...„., ^ Citizen 13186 ", Miss Boxvri- T,>a06. lUpper Ten 3.b03 ^ ^_„^ , AnrorMborceili. •,>408. / Income 19472. * Buttery 3502.— Yield of milk, 203 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz., salted ; test made from January 23 to 28, 1882 ; age when made, 7 years and 9 months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. This cow has one-quarter of her udder spoiled. y On I. of J. i Clement 11.5 -^ (F. S. 61 J. H. B.) ( Clementine (F. S. 232 J. H. B.) c fl ,„ - 0-1 ' Potomac 1.53. „^ ^.^, I Sunflower .3ol , Crocus 328. Buttery 3o02 -I c u oc~ > Clive 319. L, .,,,„,., ^ Stansberry .36 ■ pj^j^j gg^ ^Marietta 1813 - , Clive 319. ' ^I'schief 9o4 ^^ Tyjijji.j^ 95J * Cowry 4432.— Yield of milk, 188 lbs. 15 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from December 21 to 27, 1884 ; age, 9 years and 3 months ; prop- erty of Agricultural Experiinent Station, Madison, Wis. I 5Ir. Toodles 377, imp. /•The Squire 1298 -' I '-»!„»»:, no i » Abe Lincoln 268. Mattie994 , Countess 2d 991. Cowry 4432 ^ Sam ■^reller 271, imp ICicely 997 - / ^ . ., J nnn ' Dlck Swiveller 74. Countess .3d 990 -, Countess 2d 991. * Creamer 2467.— Yield of milk, 167 lbs. 13 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz., salted; test made from June 5 to 12, 1882 ; age when made, 9 years and 10 months ; property of D. B. Dewolf, Lee, Mass. 4iK„,» i< I Jerrv 15, imp. ,^ ^ ^ ,,„ ^Albert44 1 Fradkie 17. imp. Tom Dasher 420 - , McCleiland 3d 27. Creamer 2467 < ' Flora 420 , Pansy 6tb 38. Creampot 460, imp. * Creole Maid 2d 31881.— Yield of milk, 77 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from December 1 to 7, 1885; age, 1 year and 9 months; property of Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn. I Khedive ( Tormentor 353:3 -j (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) ToltPrfiA3l } (F-S. 2,59J. H. B.) Angela ,Toltec68.31 < (F. S. 1607 J. H. B.) Creole Maid 2d .31881.-^ * ' ^^^^ '■''- '"^P- I R,.o^tr>n i~i- ( Pertiiiatti 713. ^Creole Maid 11017 -' ^ "^^ | ^j"S^^^'^ ''^' ^P" 'F>eta38o9 "j ^^^fe. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 353 Esther B. 24834.— Yield of milk, 207 lbs. 13 07..; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz. ; test made from January 30 to February 6, 1889 ; age, 5 years and 7 months ; estimated weight, 950 lbs. ; grain fed daily averaged about 22i^ lbs., consisting of % corn meal, I4 ground oats, ig bran and ig cotton-seed; property' of Rufus A. Sibley, Spencer, Mass. ( Homer H. .3683 ■' ^^,1^^°^^ ^■■^■ ( Clasins H. 5781 -' \9:\'^?' f '9- (Gi]da2r79 U","'';^^, c-^ I * Ladv Godfrey 6,8. Esther B. 24834 -I ( Duke of Wellington 35, I ( Wellington 217 -' imp. ^Efflcious 2d 15-204 - > Jersev Queen 3.56. imp. ' Efficioos 1520:3 -' ^'^P?i?°J'^-^-'^; ,^a I Empress Major 14218. *Eva of Snipsic 17650.— Yield of milk, 232 lbs.: yield of butter. 14 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from October 1 to 7. 1885; age, 3 years and 5 months ; prop- erty of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. , Duke of Mansfield's , Duke of Mansfield 2277. -> f''^D-°l*^,^-'™P- I Pierrot 6261 - ( La Bicbe 90.d. imp. / Bettv Bo wen 94&4 * S'T°V 'f^ w ""P" Eva of Snipsic 17650. .-^ " ' ^^^ -^ ^^'-■ . RM,„=iHo .^-=1 .ococ J Bumside 1234. ^ Eliza A. Perkins 14604., ,Burnside2d2838 "l fau!^! 197^ 'Box 2d 4297 -IK^''- * Flora Lee 13294.— Yield of milk, 199 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from April 20 to 26, 1884 : age, 4 years and 2 months ; prop- erty of Andrew Baker, West Dryden, N. Y. i Dexter of Staatsburgh , ^^^^^^ gg^j_ , Samson Jr. 272:3 < ^^^ » Dollv 1.5.56. Susie2d778 ' c V' 3|/-- I ••• ) Susie ,6S. imp. Flora Lee 1:3294 - I f Prince of Staatsburgh i Grev Prince I 2:398 - (F. S. 168J. H. B.) ^Fanev of Bovina 8055. ..-{ I Lilv Grev (F. S. tro.j. H. B.) '^ Fairwav 3d 4176 * Vermont 893. 1^ airway .ia 41 , 0 -^ Fairwav 2Sf»5. Josephina 64921.— Yield of milk. 218 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz. ; test made from October 1 to 8, 1890 ; age, 2 years and 2 months ; esti- mated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, 15 qts. ground corn, oats, peas and oil meal ; property' of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. , Combination 4:389 -] ["^TmIu^^" ( Diploma 16219 - r^hLn i «-i ' Frankie^s Lass 24900. . Josephina 64921 . Frankie .5th :i542. ( Champion of America 1 Champion Maenet 6483. - 1.567. Nettie C. Magnet .35411 . ■ " / Mink 254S. ' Penita P c(4" ' Chingauk 2:B12. repua f. Ji , N un of Paterson 5259. S54 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Meines St. Helier 29999.— Yield of milk, 152 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz. ; test made from June 10 to 16, 1885; age, 1 year and 8 months; property of A. J. Fish, Lima, Ohio. , ^,|„„ qnon ( Sweepstakes Duke 1905. ( Duke of St. Ilelier 7527. ^ ■'' ] ^r^n^^^:^' l^' Meines St. Helier ' Helen St. Helier 12425. . -] ^|eine^35.59.' ^^ 299H0. Ilu ella Berlin 1C927. (Btrlin4o0, ", Vinnie 104.5. I Diisv Ortnn ifi-«l * Plvmoiitli Rock 2468. f uai^v Urton lb,,l -^ ^ady Orton 2fi67. * Melody 2689.— Yield of milk. 800 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from June 14 to 21, 1884; age, 13 years and 3 months; property of H. W. Douglass, Pevely, Mo. Melodv 2689. I Duke of Jersey 198 j ?^,h?o'/tap. ) (Blue Dick 166, Imp. ^ Mignonne 693 -; 'Luly373 I K^se 374. * Myrtle of Ridgewood 7858.— Yield of milk, 184 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz., salted % oz. to lb.; test made from November 6 to 12, 1882; age when made, 4 years and 3 months ; property of Charles R. Christy, Stam- ford, Conn. rBcn Raiah 795 -* ^'^''^^ ^"^^ ™P- Myrtle of Ridgewood ( ^^" ^'^^'"^ '"'^ I Eliza 619. imp. 7858 -< I ( BHicher •>d 10-> i Blilcher 48, imp. Ulyrtle 2d 211 * ' ^eHe Bowen 206, imp. '^^'"'--08 ]^^, * Nelly Gray of Clermont 10905.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz., .salted; test made from May 1.") to 22, 1883; age when made, 5 years, 1 month and 5 days ; property' of D. A. Smalley, Milford, Ohio. f \cl-imed •>115 -* Vespucius 7.58, imp. Nelly Gray of Cler- ( ' Caramel 2727, imp. monl 10905 ■{ ,o r> v, ^.^ ' i Hadrian 1040 ' Bronx Bashan 145. \ Haarian 104.1 -^ j^-^^^^ ^^^.j, j^^p ^Si2nora4723. /Hannah Pope 3380 I ffiilloO, imp. Pearl of Oakwood 37722.— Yield of milk, 186 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from Aug. 15 to 23, 1888 ; age, 2 years and 6 months ; weight, 763 lbs.; grain fed daily, 4 lbs. bran, 5 lbs. corn meal and 6 lbs. oat meal ; property of Jacob L. Thomas, Knoxville, Tenn. Pearl of Oakwood 37722 j'Oonan's Signal 11586. ■< Tormentor 3533. Oonan 1485. re oot , ) Signal 1170. (^^oneSbU i Zina 2d 3082. i ^"''^^ '^''"'° ''"*^' • • ■> Li' 2301 J. H. B.^ Majestic ^1,5- -^ Rescued -4356 ■} Khedive (P. S. 103 J. II. B.) ( Kescuea ~4.iao -^ g^g^ ^p_ g 0734 j. u b.) EUTTEK TKSTS OF JEKSEYS. 305 *Robinette 7114.— Yield of milk, 233 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz., unsalted ; test made from April 17 to 33, 1883; when made, 5 years and 3 months ; propertj' of A. B. Darling, Ramsey's, N. J. Feed, 3 qts. of corn and 3 qts. of bran, daily. r Domino of Darlington ( Sarpedon 930 \ Mercury 432. 0150 .' |Europal7b. Kobinette 7114. ' Beauty of Darlington 5736 i Smith of Darlington - 2458. I Grace Darlington 5574. Rachel Ray 1754. ( Dolphin 2d 468, imp. ■ lHelenel79 ■' ^"P'fer 93. ( Hermione 173. *Romp Ogden 3d 5458.— Yield of milk, 351 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz., salted; test made from July 9 to 15, 1881 ; age when made, 4 years and 6 months ; property- of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. ( Marius 760 ■' )^'!1"^J^°>' if/^ ■ , Top-Sawyer 140J - ' Lf^iy Mary 1148, imp. / ' \ \ Clement 115 'Emblem 90 -' (F. S. 61J. H. B.) Romp Ogden 3d 5458. ->' ' ^^ ^- ^^ J- (Doneil ■'g"'^«610- '^ Romp Ogden 1571 \ [ ^^"^f ^'%, ] Romp 1098 -' Oakland 33 ^ ^ I Buttercup .3d 1099. * Ruby Love 2d 32058.— Yield of milk, 166 lbs. 5 oz.; yield of buttei-, 14 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from January 27 to February 3, 1886; age, 1 year and 11 months ; property' of V. Lowe, Palmyra, Wis. ( Stand Point 4508 -\ fjf^f^Wl^^'^- ( Stamp 8609 - Ulala 6158 (Dessie 4th 12903 -| ^dS'',,^^ Ruby Love 2d 32058..-^ I 1 Commodore Roxbury I Lymington 3767 -. 1586. ^Ruby Love 16915 - / Turbine 3570. ' Will o' the WisD 16131 ■' *'''' Mogador 2724. win o ine wisp ibi.ii.. -^ q^^^ ^^ Wal-Oak 6081. St. Heller's Matilda 52857.— Yield of milk, 148 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz. ; test made from January 11 to 18, 1891 ; age, 3 years and 6 months; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed dailj', 6 lbs. crushed oats, 6 lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. oil meal and 3 lbs. pea meal ; property of Ayer & McKinney, Philadelphia, Pa. ( Duke of Darlington 2460. "( Marjoram .3239, imp. ( St. Heller 45. imp. "( Mosg Hose of Willow Farm 5194. \ D«ke Of Darlington 2460 \ fZ^^^l St. Heller's Matilda 52857 . L. D.'s Victor St. Heller 15286 Lord Darlington 7285. Pavon 12485 Matilda 5th 18068. Matilda 3238, imp. 356 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Sparkling 41042.— Yield of milk, 225 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz.; test made from March 2 to 9, 1889; age, 3 years and .5 months: esti- mated weight, 825 lbs.; grain fed daily, 12 qts. meal and 6 qts. bran; prop- erty of Richardson Bros. , Davenport, Iowa. ' Citizen 1318fr. Sparklina 4104-J. ^Sparks 41041. I Combination 4380. (Miss BowTis l-,'206. Combination 4389 ' Romp Lawrence 13819. \ Polonin? 2513. '/ Lady Mel 429. I Faust 503. "l Bessie Ringl21T5. ) Polonins 2513. ] Ladv Mel 429. \ Boton 4328. "( Dearborn Lawrence 8824. * Taglioni 9182.— Yield of milk, 237 lbs. 1 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1 oz.; test made ffoui I\Iay 15 to 21, 1884 ; age, 6 years and 9 months ; property of Mrs. Brewster R. Burr, Commack, N. Y. Taglioni 9182. fOxoU 1922. , Auria 4567. ^ St. Helier 45, imp. in 1 i-i,n ( St. Helier 45, imp. ' Pyrola 4o6G •, j^^j^^ ^-go ^ St. Helier 45, imp. ■ 1 T . ,>„o j St. Helier 45, imp. (Lutea4563 1 Ibi 671. *Variella of Linwood 109.54.— Yield of milk, 228 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of but- ter, 14 lbs. 1 oz., unsalted ; test made from August 17 to 24, 1883; age when made, 3 years and 3 months ; property of M. M. Gardner, Nashville, Tenn. ( Browny (P. S. 158 .L H. B.) f Mirabeau 3800 < I / Blossom of the Grange \ Claimant Variella of Linwood | 6958, imp T. . . - (P S. 84 J. H. B.) 10954 i ' /OnLofJ. I , m o t in, 1 Marius 760. i Top-sawyer 1404 "^ Emblem 90. L Vixen .591 < „.,„,-.. t Roxburv 247. ' Rosana 1 , 61 -, eowslip 5th 849. *Walkyrie 5708.— Yield of milk, 169 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter. 14 lbs. 1 oz., .salted ; test made in September. 1883 ; age when made, 6 years and 5 months ; property of H. M. Howe, Bristol, R. I. , _ T-, • 1, ~r„r * Raiah -340, imp. ^. ,„, (Ben Rajah ,95 , Eliza 619. imp ,C.inx 153b -. , Monarch of Roxbury '.\udreyl447 - 499 /FaDcita40t. Walkvrie5708 -I ,„,, (Sultan (F. S. 58J. H.B.) ^ Resina 2d 24,o . -, ( F. S. 104 J. H. B.) ^ q^^ j^ot,,^ .P. .. 16 .1. H. B.) ( Reg;na. . .^. . . .^. . . ._. ....-, ,.,„„„,,, BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 357 * Oomtesse D'Espagne 10308.— Yield of milk, 204 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. ^2 oz. : test made from August 15 to 21, 1884; age, o years and 11 months ; propertj' of jMiller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. I Hamilton in7-l i Marias 700. \ Hamilton 10,4 ■; ^^.^^, Hainpron 1913. Cotatesse D'Esp; 10308 /-Bun Weston 3111 - n,uu,y nHiuj 1 / Ptto i"SR Nero 13, imi igne I 'Ettal.o6 , Esther 88!). I i Hamilton 1074 U^"''i" '/"'• . iqio I Beletrice 7687 -' ' ^°"'>' Hampton 1912. Little Bella 3693, imp. Cupid of St. Lambert 5104.— Y^ield of milk, 185 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. ij oz. ; test made from November 16 to 23, 1886; age, 14 years and 5 months; estimated weight, 1,075 lbs.; grain fed daily, 16 lbs. corn chop, 6 lbs. bran and 6 lbs. cotton-seed meal, mixed ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. I Defiance 196, imp. f Laval 506 - Cupid of St. Lambert 5104. ... j ' ^isette 492, imp. ' Amelia 484, imp. * Honeydrop 10033.— Yield of milk, 236 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1^ oz., vinsalted ; test made from May 1 to 7, 1883 ; age when made, 6 years ; property of A. B. Darling, Ramsey's, N. J. .Mercury432 ]^!l^\. ' Honeydrop 10033 I Lady Pauline 2651 [ Guy Warwick 1450 - iZit^,. ck I /Edith3d806 -liZ'Kimp. I ( G,^,itv,o,r K^'■ J Southampton 117, imp. Southey ol , J. „^ ., , A^q ^ I Lady Pauline 2651 - ' ^°"^ ~'^ *'"'^- Brown Bess 2649, imp. Mab of Deerfoot 3d 15345.— Yield of milk, 331 lbs. 3 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 32 02.; test made April 9 to 15, 1887 ; age, 6 years and 5 months ; fed during test, 6 lbs. wheat bran and middlings, 2% lbs. corn and oat meal and II4 lbs. oil meal, twice daily ; property of N. N. Palmer, Brodhead, Wis. ( Albion 490 \ 2" l' ° n'^kti ( Deerfoot Boy 1926 - p "'^-.3' ''^• Mab of Deerfoot 3d < Daisy of Deerfoot 3182. ^^'J^^^'^^.g. 15345 -I ^ I ( Jer«ey Boy 27-' \ S^^'^ ~"'^' iMab of Deerfoot .3589. . -.' ] ^ ?.""/• ^"^1 i.^o Millv '^=,Sft ^^<^ Lincoln 2b8. ' ^'"y -^"^ 1 Duchess 085. *Moss Rose of St. Lambert 5114.— Yield of milk, 208 lbs.; yield of but- ter, 14 lbs. Jo 02., unsalted; test made from July 2 to 8, 1883; age when made, 8 years and 2 months ; property of William Rolph, Markham, Ont , Can. Lord Monck 304 \ li?^°jJ''?°A^'- ™?- fler2055 J Lord Monck 304 "I P„de o"^Tnasor 4¥; Lambert Sill". 4 -^"^^"^ ■^S"'' ™P- Moss Rose of St. j " ' I, ,,-„ ,o< .• '°^P- Uamelia of St. Lam- ( Lord Llsgar 1066 -' li^*,?'" H"^° ^^^' ™P- bert 5106 - ' famine 4.(4. ( Hebe of St. Lambert , ^5^,^^ ^ ^"^ |portie496 358 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Scepter's Beauty 23234.— Yield of milk, 107 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of butter, 14 :bs. 1^ oz.; test made from Nov. 15 to 23, 1888; age, 5 years and G months; estimated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, 16 qts. corn and cob meal; prop- erty of Maury Jersey Farm, Columbia, Tenn. ( Oxoli 1922 I Tamerlane 4287. j ^^^^1,^ :^^^ j Scepter 541. ^ , Oxoli 1922. (Lesbie91,9 1 Ariella 9178. Scepter's Beauty 232:m4 I , Tj- f r-,, ,£,,-" Pierrot b-iO. , ,, „ ,„„. 160. Pet 811. V Pierrot's Myrtle 1013o. . ^ ( Pride of Mashamoquet \ Laiidsecr .331. Farm &im "...'( Myrtle 2d 211. Venna's Zeka 26670.— Yield of milk, 146 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. 1-^ oz.; test made from Feb. 10 to 17, 1888 ; age, 4 years and 3 months ; esti- mated weight, 700 lbs.; grain fed daily, about 3 gallons of ground feed, corn and oats ; property of "Webster & Morrow & Son, Nashville, Tenn. „. ,„ ,,o, ( Hadfield's Kelson 2223. \ ^igel Bruce 4124 -j p^^^j^ -^j^. ^^j^ 4--- /-Count Coomassie 7542^. j Kiiedive (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) (Daisy Queen 9619.... J Qjjj^f J Venna's Zeka 20670..- . .^„„ ) Khedive (P. S. 103 J. H. B.) , Tormentor 35-33 -J j^ ^^ , p ^ j,.y-, j ^ 3^ VVenna9525 < tr • 1 0000 ( Mandarin 1041. Varinka 38.38 -j Bathsheba 2556. ♦Actress 2311.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs., unsalted ; test made from De- cember '24 to 31, 1882; age when made, 10 years and 9 months; property of W. B. Dinsmore, Staatsburgh, N. Y. \ Jerry 15, imp. 1865. /"Emperor 287 - I -c: -,-, -:,< ( On I. of J. ,, .„„ Eve2d,.34 1 Eve 733, imp. Actress 2.311 - i^Annie 2d 776. ^ On I. of J. ' Annie 765, imp. 1868. * Aldarine 2d 14196.— Yield of milk, 168 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs.: test made from April 20 to 26. 1886 ; age, 7 years and 10 months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. ( Grand Duke Alexis 1040 -) yi'ctodue Lachaise 2740, /"Fearnaught 1854 < imp. I „ r- 1-0-. (On I. of J. .,, . ,,.,_ [RosaGamp2.32 ( Victoria Gamp 1446, Aldarine 2d 14196 -! injp I o- 1 11-n * Marius 760. !.,, . ^„, ^ Signal 11.0 "( Pans V Morris 2060. ^\ldarine 5.301 - i Grand Duke Ale.xis 1040. ' Aiaa .to..i -| j^rcbie 1112, imp. * Alice Donnal 12726.— Yield of milk, 283 lbs. 11 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs.; test made from June 13 to 20. 1883; age, 4 years and 4 months ; property of S. A. Rodgers, Lotidon, Tenn. , -, . T ■ ,- ( Darde 1556. imp. ,, , „,, ^ Major Lenoir lo.. -, Nellie 3d 1928. r.Jo Jones .3441 - , pjioj g^^. 438. , ,. , . ' ^e'"e 3'i l»-8 -, Nellie 844. 12.20. . .< Alice Donnal (^F>-° T 00 ^f T^.„„«cce» , Dande 15.56, imp. ^Floia Lee of Tennessee \ ( .Nellie m i.i,s < j^^j^^ g^4_ BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 359 * Alphea Jewel 22331.— Yield of milk, 187 lbs. 6 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs.; test made from May 10 to 16, 1885 ; age, 2 years and 2 months; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. T -t no t Saturn 94, imp. *J"P"e^93 -, Rhea ICe/imp. ( Mercury 433 -, ^ yj,^,,,.^ ,,4 ^^ Alphea Jewel 33331.. .- f Grand Duke Alexis 1040 \ ^I'cJorfne^Lachaise 2740, ^TTnrtwifk RpUp rr->> <; imp. ^„ . . T,-- (Mercury 433. Clytemnestra 345o -. j ^.lo -oo * Belle of Ogden Farm 1570. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs. in 7 days ; property of John H. Freeman, Jackson, Tenn. , -P, , cin 1 Garibaldi 609, imp. ,^ ^,, pukeeiO > Alice 474. imp. (Doneil - tBiH50,imp. Belle of Ogden Farm I J awn 4.0 "( Fancy 9, imp. '"° tBe,„5. -I""'"'"' -l^Sn'celktap. ' Violet 15, imp. * Birdie Le Brocq 17263.— Yield of milk, 167 lbs. 8 oz.; j'ield of butter, 14 lbs.; test made from October 15 to 21, 1884; age, 5 3-ears and 1 month; property of Beech Grove Farm. Beech Grove, Ind. ( Nonpareil morace -, ( P. S. 37 J. H. B.) (P. S. 94 J. H. B.) ( Youns Patricia I" Le Brocq'8 Prize 3.3.50..-^ (P. 8. 35 J. H. B.) I I ( Horace „. ,. T T> i-«o Ulatin 7768 -, (P. S. 94 J. H. B.) Birdie Le Brocq 1,36.3- (F. S. 1639 J. H. B.) | Cigarette (F. S. 1963 J. H. B.) I Queen Bess of St. Brelade's 7403, imp. * Bounty 1606. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs., unsalted ; test made in June, 1877; age when made, 9 years and 6 months; property of Beech Grove Farm, Beech Grove, Ind. No feed ; good pasture. ( Sark l-'S ■' ^'■i'l^s ''^ Jersey 66, imp. ( Duke of Wellington 608 - " ' f,^}^^ Darlhw 535 I Jersey Belle 1.536 -) ^|{]'e 3^>5 ' mi''" Bounty 1606 -{ I (Co..!- 1.1Q \ Prince of Jersey 66, imp. lBee448 Sark U3 ", Belle 335, imp. English Beauty 449, imp. * Clover Bloom 2d 12736.— Yield of milk, 236 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs., unsalted; test made from November 30 to December 6, 1884 ; age, 2 years and 10 months ; property of H. M. Howe, Bristol, R. I. ( Duke /"Grey King -^ (P. S. 76 J. H. B.) (P. S. 169 J. H. B.) ( Lily Grev 'Lord Clive 3:313 < (F. S.770 J. E. B.) ■Clover Bloom 2d 13736-1 ^^^^^' "^ I^^^^P^ '^48, imp. ( Oakland Chief 3964 ■] K,> R \t^- imn Clover Bloom 9788 -* pj^r 0-1 *'^' ™P- 'Wiby3d9787 -Iwfbyli; 360 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Clover Bud 5th S7743.— Yield of milk, 134 lbs. 123^ oz,; yield of butter, 14 lbs.; test made from May 8 to 14, 1886 : age, 2 years and 8 months ; prop- erty of S. W. Taliaferro, Guthrie, Ky. , „. , i^~r, \ Marius 760. ,^. ,. ,„,. j Signal 11,0 -, Pansv Morris 2060. rbignalda40,. < j Grand Duke Alexis 1040. ( Aiaa .iH.d I Archie 1113. imp. Clover Bud 5th 27743.-^ i \r^„it^r s-8 * Rob Roy 17, imp. „ , ,„.. Monitor 8,8 - £^JJ,la 801, imp, IClover Bud 40,4 -. „.,,„„, .... j PansVs Albert 1008. ( Clover Blossom 40o, ....] Albeft's Clover 2'JOO. Comlassa 40671.— Yield of milk, 237 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs.; test made from April 15 to 23, 1887 ; age, 3 years ; estimated weight, 850 lbs.; grain fed daily, 18 qts. corn meal, ground oats and peas; property of Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa. .. r r 4... ^Po'o"i-^^^3 -;a?^^-^°- combination 4389 "; ^^^^ ^^^, ^^ , McClHUn 4tL 85. Comlassa 40671 -l I / r^„\,/i io~i * Coupon 1024. U L - T . ^° ^' "' yinlnc 2073. VFrankie's Lass 24900.. . . -, Onakpr SST ( Frankie 5th 3542 ■) ^l^^kie kV imp. * Countess of Warren 3896.^Yield of butter, 14 lbs. in 7 days ; test made March, 1876- age when made, 5 years ; property of Chester Bordwell, Bat- avia, Ohio. ( Hpofor 1-iq i Prince Albert 119, imp. uector uy -^ Victoria 249. imp. Countess of Warren 3896 < f Julia S80S i ^''" Charles 131. imp. { d una .ibJ3 -j jjjjj.^^. Lo„,,i(ies 273, imp. * Daisy of Clermont 3492. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs. in 7 days ; test made from June 13 to 20, 1881 ; age when made, 7 years ; property of Eilward L. Clarkson, Tivoli, N. Y. Tr„,„^,.„„ ,,r)- ( Jerry 15, imp. Emperor 28, ", Eve 2d 734. Gipsy 319, imp. I ( Napoleon 291, imp. ^Jennie 5th 22G9 - / Jennie 760, imp. Daisy of Clermont 3492 r Gerald 895. * Elinor Wells 12068.— Yield of milk, 183 lb.s.; yield of butter, 14 lbs.; test made from June 17 to 28, 1884 ; age, 3 j'eai-s and 7 months ; property of Beech Grove Farm, Beech Grove, Ind. This test was made on grass alone. ( Nonpareil rnorace - (P. S. 37 J. H. B.) (P. S. 94 J. H. B.) ( Young Patricia f Le Brocq's Prize 3350 ..-{ ( P. S. 35 J. H. B.) I I I Hor.Mce I l.Matin77f;S { (P. S. 94 J. H. B.) Elinor Wells 12068. . . -{ (F. .s. 1529 J. H. B.) { Cigarette I (F. S. 1962 J. H. B.) 1 Marmion 3.59 ] 2l\L°ni' in,,, Unnie Wells 1947 - C a?ence 5% ^' / r illip Fn r Ifior -' ^^-'aience ovid. ( ivime i-air loo. -^ Bounty 1606. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 36 L *E1 Mora Mostar 15955.— Yield of milk, 213 lb..; yield of butter, 14 lbs., unsalted ; test made from May 2 to 9, 1883 ; age when made, 2 years and 3 months ; property of James Cloud & Son, Kennett Square, Pa. {Duke of Bloomfield TS-U * Riol-er 670, imp. uuKe 01 iiioomneia 1544 ^ j^^^^ Bloorafleld 1680, imp. Zingara 1939 \ ^"°^ ^°-^' tf." El Mora Mostar 15955^ ' Buttercup 84o. ( Clifton Dell 1117 \ ^^^^ ^riar 567. . Wostar 6971 \ Lady Bowen 3o4, imp. *Elmwood Duchess 8716.— Yield of milk, 206 lbs. 4oz.; yield of butter, .14 lbs.; test made from May 22 to 28, 1885; age, 6 years and 9 months; property' of T. W. McNeely, Petersburgh, 111. \ Clement 115 .Mack 722 - (P. S. 61J. H. B.) 'Duke Of Daffodil 1662. . I ' Sunflower 351. /"Duke of Daffodil 1662. . < J ^ Elmvvood Duchess I ( Daffodil 307, imp. 8716 \ I Mogul 532 -!n"'*f°fi iMatin 5th 3399 ^ f^° ,' t t t I Matin 1396 0°^' °' ' "''J- P^ J- ^ / Vesper 1395, imp. * Eugenie 2d 1623.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs.; property of S. C. Colt, Farmington, Conn. \ Rob Eoy 17, imp. Eugenie 2d 1623 - ( Eugenie 792, imp. * Eureka McHenry 8341. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs., unsalted; test made from Jul^' 5 to 12, 1869 ; age when made, 6 years and 7 months property- of A. E. Kapp, Northumberland, Pa. ( T?pwai-d ion ( Commodore 56, imp. I Hector 3814 j Ke^\ard IJO -^ ^^^^^ ^g^ j^^^^ Eureka McHenry 8341 \ \ Peace 330 -} HopeTsi^imp ' ''^^' Custard 321, imp. * Evergreen Maid 11536. — Yield of milk not given; j-ield of butter, 14 lbs.; test made 7 days in June, 1883 ; age, 4 years and 6 months; property of Freeman Partridge, Prospect, Me. i Cu-^hnoc 134;^ * Magnet 968. f ^•^^'^"°^ ''■ '''' ] Mimosa 1869 ^ Tal'^'lha^ter381,imp. ' Mimosa i5by ^ Madam Bishop 697. Evergreen Maid 11536-1 S Halifax 681 ■! g^«f/,«„ ^f^ *rap. I Fuchsia 2789 - ' ^""^^ ^^'^^ '"P- ' Fancy 1318, imp. ■ * Fidelia 5817, imp. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs. in 7 days; test made in 1881; property of Charles L. Sharpless, Philadelphia, Pa. This test was made on grass alone. 362 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. * Frisky Miss 18572.— Yield of milk, 194 lbs.; j-ield of butter, 14 lbs.; test made from May 9 to 15, 1885 ; age, 4 years and 10 months ; propertj' of "William E. Gates, Vicksburg-, Miss. c-i„«, ATi„ . 1P-Q > Silverlocks Jr. 699. T or^ T ..„f 1 -.00- ^ ^ "t Minerva 15«. . Lord Longford 399, ..... ^^^^^ „f Staatsburgh ' Little Gentle 4640 - 892. Frisky Mi.8 1857:^ .... J ' «^"' ''•' ^'P*^' ~"^- iPercaU099 1 EallS'll^' V Lady Louisa 8586 - Per inatt fri I Romp Ogden 2d 4rw. . . -) {J^/^^^t^'g^en 1571. * Gazelle 15961.— Yield of milk, 109-8 qts.; yield of butter, 14 lbs.; test made froiu June 8 to 14, 1884 ; ag-e, 8 years ; property of S. M. Burnham, Saugatuck, Conn. i Koffee (F. S. 233 J. H. B.) Gazelle 15961 -I (F. S. 1726 J. H. B.) ( On I. of J. * Gazelle of Mobile 1735, imp. — Yield of butter, 14 ibs. in 7 days; prop- erty of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. * Gentle of Glastonbury 4651. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs. in 7 days ; prop- erty of James B. Williams, Glastonbury, Conn. r Hughes 954 Gentle of Glastonbury 4651 <. I Dandelion 2521, imp. ^ On L of J. ( Dafiie 2522, imp. * Gilt Edge 2d 4420.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs.; property of L. Q. C. Lamar, Oxford, Miss. \ Rajah 340, imp. I ^^'"^'^^ ^'^ } ^ellv -,5 ' Charleston 1. ' -^^"y •" I Nannie 4. Gilt Edge 2d 4420 -I \ Gilt Edge 2(562. Ilazalena 3275. , Yellow Skin 871 l il's^clne'eOS. / T'iu 11-c ' Saratoga 135. imp. ' ^""' " ' '' I Hebe 2d 1178. * Hazalena's Butterfly 10123. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs., salted ; test made from May 23 to 29, 1882 ; age when made, 8 years ; property' of George W. Hulick. Batavia, Ohio. r-vr- r^ „,..„. nno t Brutus Woodford 703, imp. Ha^alenaVButterily ''' '"^''' ''''''""• 1012:3 -{ ,0„ I -f T Hyperion 589 -J ^^J^^^^ ^,,3^ ,^^ r>imnlo -^oia » Wallace Barnes 1264. Uimplc .3,48 1 Matchless 723, imp. *Home Matron 6707.— Yield of milk, 1.53 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs., salted ; test made from June 7 to 13, 1882 ; age when made, 5 years and 2 months ; jiroperty of J. M. Hoover, Bradford, Ohio. ■v^ ,.,.~ ( Monmouth 210. ( Duke of Lebanon 1880 . . -^ * ^ ' ' » Xiobe 99, imp. I / Xancy Dawson 1279, imp. Home Matron 6707. . . a I Iron Bank 1120 -| HfJi^^.Lfi ;„„ I Lebanon Wife 6102 -! on T i T ' ^- ( Sister Dorothy 2607 -j g^^f^^', j^p. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 363 * Kitty Clover 1113, imp.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. in 7 clays ; test made from June 7 to 14, 1878 ; age when made, 10 years and 6 months ; property of James A. Hayt, Patterson, N. Y. * Lady Aspin wall 8374.— Yield of milk, 190 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs.; test made frona June 13 to 20, 1883 ; age, 5 years and 6 months ; property of E. D. Griswold, Orwell, Vt. ( Grand Duke Alexis 1040 -* vjl L?If V o.i,„-.o .^-ia [ Count Lo?an 1599 -' ' ) ictonne Lachaise 2. 40. I Belle Logan 2717 -' Lo.f" f^o imp. I = ( Bellefleld lllo, imp. Lady Aspinwall 8:374.-^ I Llndo No. 2, 7:35 * VP^° -^^■ iHouii 2S42 ' '?"^ 89, imp. ^^^V^-em -l^rlTi^p. *Lady Brown 433 —Yield of butter, 14 lbs.; test made December, 1876; age when made, about 8 3'ears ; property of S. W. Robbins, Wethersfield, Conn. 1 McClellan 2.5 -J Capt. Darline .5:3.5 ( McClellan 4th a5 ^' * Angelina Baker 1.3. I / Lily 1, imp. Lady Brown 433 a I John Brown 67 ■] t'^1''^'^°}]^, ^^• I Pansy 7th 130 - '^ 'ctona IW. imp. Pansy 8, imp. * Lady Caroline of St. Aubin's 11372, imp. — Average 3'ield of milk, 16 qts. daily; yield of butter, 14 lbs., un.salted : test made in October. 1879; age, 4 3-ears and 4 months ; propertj'^ of M. H. Messchert, Douglassville, Pa. *Le Rosa 10078.— Yield of milk, 322 lbs. « oz.; yield of butter. 14 lbs.; test made from May 26 to June 1, 1884 ; age, 4 years and 3 months: property of John A. J. Shultz, St. Louis, Mo. ( Nonpareil morace - (P. S. 37 .J. H. B.) (P. S. 94 J. H. B.) / Young Patricia f Le Brocq's Prize .3350.. . J (P. S. :35 J. H. B.) I ( Horace I I^Matin 7768 -, (P. S 94 J. H. B.) Le Rosa 10078 i (,F. S. 1629 J. H. B.) (Cigarette 1 (F. S. 1962 J. H. B.) (Marius760 ^''^'^r- f?!;, • I T?naflri 5518 -, ' ^ady Mary 1148. imp. iKosarioolS /p„«i,i» v^AR ( Ramchunder 718. ' ^°''"^ =^^*5 -, Lillie Fair 1607. . * Lily of St. Lambert 5120.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs.; property of T. S. Cooper, Coopersburgh, Pa. \ Defiance 196, imp. {Laval .506 - 'Lisette492,imp. Pride of Windsor 48^3, imp. 364 BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. *Litty S017,— Yield of milk, 258 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs.; test made from June 1 to 8, 1885 ; age, 6 j'ears and 7 months ; property of Ambler Bros., Chatham, N. Y. ,D„ke of Maplehurst ( Duke of Patterson 1000. .; tlf,f c'ioveMm'h^- LittySOir -' '^^'"'''' (Caroline 2d 4265. ' Kit.rene 4-^" ^ ^™'*''"' '''' ' KatledidnH 2732, imp. ^Kitareiie 42G, - iDiikemo 'Kittle 3278 ] plln m * Louisa Hinm an 12802. — Y'ield of milk not given; yield of butter, 14 lbs., unsalted ; test made from June 1 to 8, 1884; age, 3 years and 9 months; property of William H. Couch, Saugatuck, Conn. This test was made on grass alone. ( Pilot Jr. 141 -j ?l'°l'^oo~ :„„ ( Chelten Duke 924 - ' '^^""> -^' ' ^°^P- / Duchess 101, imp. Louisa Hinman 12802.^ L . „. „,,, (BenRaJah795 l li^i^SS" \Bennie Hinmar. riOfi...- Hi,,niM.. rs (Flora Hinman 1272 j ^i^ Ue m. * Lucilla 2735, imp. — Y'ield of butter, 14 lbs. in 7 days ; property of James A. Havt, Patterson, N. Y'. * Lucy Gaines' Buttercup 5058. — Y^'ield of milk, 229 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. in 7 days ; test made from June 3 to 9, 1881 ; age when made, 8 A'ears; property of A. H. Coole^', Little Britain, N. Y'. /Macgregor 2178. . LuC3' Gaines' Butter- I cup .5058 -I VLucy Gaines 1711. \ Rob Roy 17, imp. I Pansy 7th 130. . . . I Cameron 239 I Creampot 3d 1710. . i John Brown 67. "( Pansy 8, imp. ( Bliicher2d 102. ■/ ('nlla2d415. \ John Brown 67. I Creampot 1709. Minnie's Ouida 33117.— Yield of milk, 260 lbs. 7 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs.; test made from Octooer 23 to 30, 1889 ; age, 5 years and 3 months ; esti- mated \veight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daily, 16 lbs. ground corn, oats and wheat bran, >3 part of each ; property of F. H. Bates, Hamburgh, Ala. ,m _ o .i-ffl.i-i~ ( Schinchon 11.32. ,„ , ,„ ,,„, TommySutliff2,4 ■, Pierce's Bessie 4102. /- Parole of Honor 4291. . . -. , p^..^^^^ J332 I ' Candace < /65 -] q^,^ j^^^^ gg^g Minnie's Ouida 3311'; . ry,, e ■ 1 ino ' Mr. Toodles .377. ^,. . ,^ ^^,, \ The Squire 1298 ■,Maitie994. Mmn.e of Orange 001b. . - . , g^,,, y^^ller 271, imp. ^'•^^^'O •)Meg673. BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. 865 * Morlacchi 2725.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. in 7 days ; property of Tennessee Hospital for Insane, Nashville. Tenn. ( Duke of Grayholdt 1035, imp. Morlacchi 3725 < i Caramel 2727, imp. * Niobe 99, imp.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs. in 7 days ; property of Sam. J. Sharpless, Philadelphia, Pa. This old cow, when nearly 18 years of age, was awarded the first prize of the A. J. C. C. at the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia as the best Jersey shown. * Nordheim Creamer 9758.— Yield of milk, 196i:f lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs., salted ; test made from February 14 to 21, 1881 ; age when made, 4 years and 1 month ; property of J. W. North, Jr., Augusta, Me. i Sweepstakes 682 -! J^m O'S banter 381, imp. /-Eclipsemg \ lbu.ie9o9. Amplifl 'id I7'^n 1 Victor Hugo 197, imp. 2vfordheim Creamer ' AmeJia .Q i , du - j^^^^^^ ^^ j^ ' 9758 ■{ { Halifax 681 ■] ^""t^'Ml l^'6' ™p. lllecuba 31.55 -' ^^K^^^i, ""& • Helen 972 - S^m Weller 2, 1, imp. ^ .... I JJg()y yj3^ ijjjp * Pet Anna 1608. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs., unsalted ; test made in June, 1877; age when made, 6 years and 2 months; property of Beech Grove Farm, Beech Grove, Ind. No feed ; g'ood pasture. {Marmion 359, imp. ( Clarence 596 - ^""ce of Orange 184. LiUie Fair 1607 - ^'T ^?f,- ir . ano } Bounty 1606 ] g^g^^^f ^^ ellington 608. * Pixie 41 15.— Yield of milk, 184 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 14 lbs., salted; test made from December 7 to 13, 1881 ; age when made, 6 years and 8 months ; property of Campbell Brown, Spring- Hill, Tenn. I Pilot Jr. 141 * Pilot 3. f Pertinatti 713 - ( Jenny 28, , imp. ' Pert 110, imp. I ( Clement 115 I (Mack722 - (F. S. 61J. H. B.) ^ Rosana 2d 2532 - ( Sunflower 351 . ' Roxana 1761 \ ^"^'^^ry ~^^' ,„ I Cow.slip 5th 849. *Rosaletta 9339.— Yield of milk not given ; yield of butter, 14 lbs.; test made 7 daj's in June, 1883 ; age, 5 years and 6 months; property of Freeman Partridge, Prospect, Me. i Cushnoc 1343 -J H^Snet 968. ( Cushnoc Jr. 2358 - ,^f ^SPie 2o42 Mimosa 1869 - 4*'i' ° *i'.''V'er .381 imp. ^ / Madam Bishop 697. Rosaletta 9339 < i Halifax 681 \ 5''^^"5j?, 1-"^' ™P- Fuchsia 2789 } ' l^ebe 489, imp. Pixie 4115. Fuchsia 2789 Fancy 1318, imp. 366 BUTTEPw TESTS OF JERSEYS. * St. Nick's Flora 16195.— Yield of butter, 14 lbs.: property of G. C. Kowley, Blandford, JMass. ^ Mercury 4:« -; J"?''-" f^: r.t. Mc. . „4. - , Northampton 117, imp. St. Mck-s Flora IClf J ' Top.y 2d bl4. Iriora of Hopelands , Lord Lonsdale 305 -\ n^f'l""™,"- 1S194 - ' ^"<^"'^" - ' Flora 981, imp. *St. Perpetua 2d 5557.— Yield of milk, 200 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs. in 7 days ; test made from June 6 to 12, 1881; age when made, 4 years and 5 months : property of Thomas H. Malone, Nashville, Tenn. St. Perpetua Cd 5.557.. rPine Cliff 1106. ^St. Perpetua :J&48. y Cliff 170 St. Catherine 408, imp. ( Rob Roy 17, imp. / Beauty 804, imp. Dick Swiveller 159. Fanny 365, imp. * Sasco Belle 13601. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs., salted; age when made, 4 years; property of R. G. Skiff. Green's Farms, Conn. ' Daniel Deronda •i-29'i . . —■ uv,---<.i \ Tancred 501. \ Thorough-ba« .^64 -^ Emblem 90. Sasco Belle 1.3601. Gazella 1880. ^ Lady Louise 4:i^0 » Graycoat 1105 /Gold Ear *»00 ^ Collamore's Atlantic 739, imp. / Edy Bashan 1032. \ Yellow Skin 871. 'i St. Catherine 408, imp. \ Jove 179. "( Hebe -id 1178. * Silene 4307. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs, in 7 days; property of William Simpson, New York, N. Y. Silene 4307. St. Helier 45, imp. Lara -me . .„. .,,. \ Ximrod 2d 246. ^'"^"^^ -^ '. Garland 851. i T7«!„ -.lo i Commodore 56, imp. 1^0^^^^^ \ Countess 897, imp. Snap's Dainty 18958.— Yield of milk, 203 lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs.; test made from Aug. 19 to 26, 1886 ; age, 5 years and 5 months ; grain fed daily, 4 qts. corn meal, 8 qts. ground oats, 5 qts. shorts and 1 qt. oil meal; property of W. H. Haley, North Wilmington, Snap's Dainty 18958. j Snap (F. S. 301 J. H. B.) ( Dainty (.P. S. 404 J. H. B.) i Duke of Wellington . . . ) (P. S. 81 J. H. B.) I Scotch Grey ^F. S. 517 J. H. B.) I Sambo (F. S. 163 J. H. B.) ! Victoria (F. S. 431 J. H. B.) BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS, 367 * Starkville Beauty 4897.— Yield of milk. iSo lbs.; yield of butter, 14 lbs., unsalted ; test made from July 10 to 16. 1S83 : age when made, 7 years and 5 months : property of W. B. Montgomery, Starkville, Miss. ( Xelusko 4.^ -' K^Jf ^.*«>- imp- /-Aldine 1136 - ' ^^l^?" '"■ Starkville Beauty 4897 J ' Gazelle of Mobile iTio. imp. I I EoUa Aznline 8">4. imp. ^DoUy Berry 20iV4 - ' Bijou Aznline 2003. imp. * Susanna Frank 18261. — Yield of milk not given: yield of butter, 14 lbs.: test made from March 21 to 28, 1882 ; age, 12 years ; property of Frederick Barnard, Lombard, 111. C Frank .309 -' ^^J^ \l-}'^^- \ I Gipsv 313. imp. Snsanna Frank 18-261 . . . < ^ Buttercup 311. imp. * Topsey K. 22769.— Y'ield of butter. 14 lbs. in 7 days: property of Nathan Brinley, Tyngsborough, Mass. I Maior 3rs " Comet iB. ' Napoleon 2d 527 -* ^ ' D-^-^l^e^* ^' 5m|. ' Enropa 558, imp. Topsey K. 22769 -l i Maior :rs * Comet 223. lcoraK.^68 - "^ Duch^s m imp. (Rponrrnct « Comet 223. r Beauty 719 -^ Victoria 2d 71S. Tormentors Spiraea 42248.— Yield of milk, 147 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of but- ter, 14 lbs.; test made from December 1 to 8, 1888: age, 2 years and 3 months: estimated weight. 8-50 lbs. : well fed. but no record of feed kept : property of Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. \ Leo TKhedive - F. S. 19S J. H. B.i (P. S. 103 J. H. B. i ' Coomassie Tormentor :i>$B -[ (.F. S. 1442 J. H. B.^ Tormentor's Spiraea I I 44J48 A ^ , Lenox Cash Boy 6804. .. ^ ^^i?^VS^6162 'l^Vir..m, -;KJ^i^4.i ^Angela iF. S. 1607 J. H. B. ^Spirsea 4th 20075. T o„„^ /-o=>, Ti„^ .>ci< ' Cash Boy -2248. imp. ♦Vesper 1395, imp. — Yield of butter, 14 lbs. in 7 days: property of G. Dawson Coleman, Brickerville, Pa. * "Witch-Hazel 1360. — Yield of milk, a fraction ovfer 10 qts. daily: yield of butter. 14 lbs. in 7 days : test made December, 1879 ; age when made, \)^^ yeare ; property of Thos, J, Hand, Sing Sing, N. Y. I" Southampton 117, imp. Witch-Hazel 1:360 ' r Clement 115 * On L of J. I ^... 338 Cassia 2d 21370— 2O-IOI4 36 Catchfly •2540.5—18-04. 72 Catchfly 3d 35499—15-07 -206 Catchflv 4th 47C82— 17 04 106 PAGE Catchfly 5th 55483—16-02 163 Catono's. Rosebud 23674—14-05.. 317 Celebrity 5-2011-14-03 331 Celestia 2d 29482—16-13 123 Celia Belle 586.5—14-03 331 Cenie Wallace 2d 6.557—15-41^.-- 219 Cerita of Meadow Brook .50.56 — 17-08 95 Cetewayo's Daisy 18230—16.04- . . 151 Cetewayo's Dorcas 20287— 16-2i:( 162 Cetewaj'o's Lily 189.50— 17-00 116 Cetewayo's Silver Bell 189.52— 17-21^ 110 Chamomilla 7.552—16-10 129 Champion Azuline 20.542— 18-Of^' 80 Champion Flower 20887— 14-06-. 307 Champion's Chloe 122.5.5—15-51^. 213 Chancery 37987—18-10 65 Chansonnette 569.5—16-04 1.52 Chansonnette 2d 29672— 16-09.-. 132 Charmer 4771—14-12 267 Charming- of St. Lambert 69077 — 15-04 220 Chautauqua Queen 26403—14-11. 275 Cheerful of St. Lambert 834.8— 20-08 38 Chenda4.599— n-lig 114, 196 Cherokee Rose 20921—23-10 13 Chestnut's Beauty 21576— I8-4I3 72, 129 Chinqua -27.384— -22-91 1... 17 Chloe 4th 461-2—17-04 107 Chloe Beach 3931—14-08 291 Chlora 832.5—14-06 307 Chrissy 1448—16-08 136 Chrissy 2d 77-20-16-14 121 Christel 656.5—19-05 53 Christmas Nannie 4075 — 1907... 51 Chroma 457-2— 20-06 39 Chrome Skin 7881— -20-10 36 Cicero's Jolie 18246—18-03 74 Cicero's Juno 167-26—17-02 Ill Cicero's Mabel 18-238-15-02 237 Cigarette 2849— 1404 322 Cill of Glen Rouge 13818—16-06.. 143 Citj' Belle 16.539— 15 -.51^ 213 Clara C. Magnet 31563—14-11 275 Classic 2140-2—14-131^ -263 372 BUTTER TESTS OB" JERSEYS. PAGE Clematis 3d 6653—16-01 1'38 Clematis of St. Lambert 5478— 14-03 331 Clifty Beauty 30249—15-61^ 209 Clover Bloom 2d 12736—14-00-.- 359 Clover Bud 4th 18992—16-14 121 Clover Bud 5th 27743—14-00 360 Clover Mel 16159—14-09 285 Clubs 2d 16725—14-07 298 Cl^'temnestra 2455—15-31^ 327 Cob web 3d 21 325— 1 8 -05 .". 71 Cocotte 11958—16-81^ 134, 308 Colie 8309—18-04. ...""_ _ . 72 Coifs La Biche 6399—17-21^ 110 Columbia Beauty 30263—15-01... 243 Columbine of St. Lambert 8350— 19-01-... 57 Coma 29330-15-21^ 235 Comanca 19389-16-03 158 Combonnie 40260—14-02 342 Comedia 38885—14-02 342 Comely of St. Lambert 2d 41177— 20-10 36 Comlassa 40671—14-00 360 Como of BriarclifT 35849—14-06.. 308 Complexia 56774—15-03 230 Composite 58774—14-15... 256 Compressa 55756-14-131^ 263 Comtesse de St. Ouen 22600— 15-81^ vl99 Comtesse D'Espag-ne 10308— 14-01^ 357 Conger's M. 32751— I6-2I/2' 161 Conover's Beauty 2d 25315 — 18-0^4 ^ '^9 Content of Linwood 6950-14-12. 267 Copper 1979—15-07 206 Coquette of Glen Rouge 17559 — 22-14 16, 242 Coquette's Molly 23841—14-02... 342 Cora Belmont 2d 48868—19-01 . . . 57 Cora of Arcadia 16151-15-00 250 Cora of Hillside 25253—15-07.206, 298 Cora of St. Lambert 8347— 21-63,^ 26 Cordelia Baker 8814— 17-09 92 Cordelia Signal 33452—18-153^... 59 Cordelia Signal 2d 44489—17-06.. 100 Corinna 2d 6594— 16-07 139 PAGE Corn 10504—16-03 163 Cornwall Maid 19024—29-12... 2, 285 Coronilla 8367— 14-07 299 Cottage Lass 5332—17-07 98, 291 Couch's Lily 3337—16-51^ 144 Countess 114—16-00..-.." 173 Countess Bee 32630-14-04 3'33 Countess Buttercup 13505-14-03 332 Countess Coomassie 19339—16-10 13) Countess Europa 35820— 17-12... 86 Countess Gisela of Belle Vue 9571—15-11 189 Countess Godiva 10820—15-07..- 206 Countess Lowndes 26874— 17-08.. 95 Countess Mica wber 1759— 17-01.. 114 Countess of Croton 5307—15-12.. 186 Countess of Lakeside 12135—19-07 51 Countess of Lome 20822-14-14.. 259 Countess of Scarsdale 18633 — 14-06 308 Countess of Warren 3896—14-00. 360 Countess Potoka 7496—18-15 59 Countess Queen 13519—18-03 74 Country Girl 3515-15-12 186 Country Girl 3d 12538—17-11.... 88 Country Girl 4th 51877—18-02..- 76 Count's Fillpail 30975—24-05 11 Cowles' Nonesuch 6199-14-12... 268 Cowry 4432—14-01 352 Cowslip 5th 849—15-04 221 Cowslip of St. Lambert 8349— 17-12 86 Cream Calla 40233—16-07 140 Cream Lily 24015—16-00 172 Cream of Sidney 17028— 17-213^. 110 Cream of Springvale 16631— 15-10 193 Creamer 2467—14-01 853 Creole Maid 11017— 16-15 118 Creole Maid 2d 31881—14-01 3.52 Cretesia 13657—30-01 43 Crickefs Minnie 26270-15-14.180, 227 Crocus of St. Lambert 8351—17-13 86 Croton Maid .5305—21-111^ 23 Crust 4775-16-08 ... 136, 206 Cultured Cream 29196—20-12.... 35 Cupid of Lee Farm 5997—14-06.. 308 Cupid of St. Lambert 5104— 14-01^ 357 INDEX TO TESTED COWS. 373 PAGE Curfew 16498— 14-71^.. 296 Cyrene 4th 480—17-01 114 Czaretta 17358— 14-07 299 Daffy Wilcox 2d 18817— 15-05. ... 216 Dairy 2d 3891— 15-5^^ 213 Dairy C. 12227— lo-O^^^ 247 Dairy Pride 4th 21681—16-00 172 Daisey Dixie 9469—14-04... 323 Daisy 2d 15761-15-08 200 Daisy Brown 12213-17-63^ 99 Daisy Dell 14562— 14-09 ...^ 286 Daisy Gi-ant 1445—15-00 250 Daisy Hudson 24647-17-11 88 Daisy Morrison 14035—25-121^... 8 Daisy of Belhurst 3114— 16-08... 136 Daisy of Chenang-o 18582-14-07. 299 Daisy of Clermont 3492—14-00... 360 Daisy of Guilford 18583-14-06... 308 Daisy of Hillside Farm 6025 — 16-00 172 Daisy of St. Peter's 18175— 2O-5I3 39 Daisy Queen 9619—16-04 152 Daisy Stillson 28174—15-03 231 Damask Rose 22065— 16-3 14 158 Dame Miller 59260—16-21^ 161 Dandelion 2521—16-09 133 Daphne of Arcadia 21710-28-12. 3 Dark and Fair 24468—16-09 133 Dark Cloud 9364—15-31^ 227 Darling- of Neatham 20086-15-03 231 Darlymora 37771—14-07 299 DassaArgyle 21180—15-06 211 Deborana 4718—14-08 291 Deletta 21305— 14-151^ 255 Delia of Grouville 16428— 14-04.. 323 Denise 8281—17-08 95, 320 Denise's Ida 54942— 15-3i^ 228 Deoine 6343—14-03 332 Derjava 59830—18-14 60 Design 18481-17-21-^ 111 Dewdrop Pansy 19736— 19-08 50 Dia 13658—15-1312' 182 Diana of St. Lambert 6636—16-08 136 Dimple 3248—16-11 128 Diplomas Coma 54070— 14-10 281 Dolly Doyle 2278S— 15-4i£ 219 Dolly of Lakeside 10824—14-08.. 291 PAGE Dom Pedro's Julian 8631—16-00. 172 Donna Signal 29407-16-01 169 DonneyPogis 38907— 16-2^8 162 Dora 4th 3936—25 -02 9 Dora Doon 12909— 15-00 251 Dora Neptune 20318—20-010 44 Dorine's Brunette 29309—20-03.. 41 Dorothy of Bovina 9373— 15-04..' 221 Dot of Bear Lake 6170—19-04 53 Dott Buttercup 16358—16-02 164 Dove 5th 14561—16-13 128 Dove Dee 18059— 27-09 4 Down of Chatsworth 15251 — 16-12 126 Duchess Caroline 3d 6039—15-08. 201 Duchess Noble 27090—25-08 8 Duchess of Argyle 3758— 14-18. __ 264 Duchess of Argyle 4th 7571— 14-12 268 Duchess of Bloomfield 3653 — 20-01^ 44 Duchess of Bloomfield 2d 12250— 17-4^e 106 Duchess of Bloomfield 3d 15580 — 15-01 243 Duchess of Bloomfield 4th 35584 —14-81^ 290 Duchess of Darlington 1-3830 — 14-11 275 Duchess of St. Lambert 5111— 15-11 190 Dudu of Linwood 8336—16-15 118 Duenna's Duchess 5508— 16-10. ._ 130 Duke's Pierrot Lady 31023—21-12 23 Dura 26001— 21-05-.' 27 Durwood's Lass 19710—16-00 173 Dusky 2525—16-10 130 Eastern Suitane 20298— 15 -3 >;{._. 229 Eastwood Clearwater 30445 — 27-00 6 Edessa 21844—16-02 164 Edessa 3d 52043—14-06 809 Edith Campbell 23011— 21-4i^_-_ 28 Edith Darby 6246—14-02 342 Edna of Verna 34537—20 -2i .;.... 41 Edwina 6713—15-13 183 Edy Signal 19430—16-08 136 Effie of Hillside 1521— 16-15 118 374 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. PAGE Effie of A^erna 8928—14-06 309 Elegantie 11943—14-03 332 Elinor Wells 12068—14-00 860 ilite 4299—14-02 342 El Mora Mostai- 15955—15-04- 221, 361 Elmwood Duchess 8716—14-00.-. 361 Elodie 30222—15-51^ 214 Elsie Lane 13302-15-04 221 Eltekeh 28266—16-04 152 Embla 4799-17-08 95 Embla Brick 15690—14-03 332 Emily of Hillside 8073— 16-04.... 152 Emma Hudson 12469—16-02 164 Emma Landseer 58104—14-21.,... 338 Empress 6th 3203— 17-9,^<^ ". . . . 92 Empress of Ely 2d 6771—16-08... 137 English Elm 17600-14-07 300 Enid 2d 10782—14-71.^ .._ 297 Enigma 5360-15-06 211 Esther B. 24834—14-01 353 Estrella 2831—14-12 368 Eterna 27134—14-414 321 Ethelka2d 14128—15-04 221 Ethel of Shelburne 46285—14-11^ 349 Ethleel 18724—19-14 ". 45 Ethleel 2d 32291—30-15 2 Etiquette 4300—15-08 201 Etta Allman 12185-15-05 216 Etta M. 2d 30820—14-14 260 Ette 10315—15-07 207 Eudora 1863-16-02 164 Eudora of Barre 12419-16-09.... 133 Eugenie 2d 1623—14-00 361 Eugenie 2d 12733—14-02 343 Eugenie Chouteau 6186— 24-08.. . 11 Euphonia 6783—16-01^ 171 Euphorbia 11229— 23-6 '^ 13, 283 Euphorbia 2d 27094—15-01^ 247 Eupidee's Perfection 20175—15-04 222 Eureka McHenry 8341— 14-00.... 361 Eurotas 2454—22-07 19 Eurotisama 29668— 27-l>^ 5, 34 Eurus 60801—14-07 300 Eva Horner 3d 24663—15-02..... 238 Eva of Snipsic 17650—14-01 353 Eva of Verna 15228—21 -13 22 Evelina of Verna 10971-19-101^. 49 Eveline of Jersey 6781—18-06 69 PAGE Eve of Christmas 9473—14-51^... 316 Evergreen Maid 1 1536— 14-00 .... 361 Evri 528-2—15-04 222 Exile's Daisy 46885— 16-04 153 Exile's Pauline 37530—16-15 118 Fadette of Canaan 14807—16-11^ 167 Fadette of Verna 3d 11122—22-81^ 18 Fair Dairy-maid 29839-14-08 292 Fair Lady 6723—19-00... 58, 80 Fair Starlight 7745—17-71^ 98 Fairy Le Brocq 15283-14-03 333 Fairy of Verna 2d 10973—20-334.'. 41 Fairy Queen of St. Brelade's 7464— I9-7I4 50 Faith of Cloverdale 29277—14-02 343 Faith of Oaklands 19696—17-04.. 107 Fall Leaf 8587— 14-08 292 Fancy Bee 37496—15-08 201 Fancy Juno 6086—15-10 193 Fancy Ona 34867—15-01^ 247 Fancy Wax 37159-19-31^ 54 Fandango 12908—18-03 74 Fannie Bugler 19962—15 02 2.38 Fannie Landseer 1969—15-09 197 Fanny of Cream Brook 13930 — 17-08 95 Fanny of Verba Buena2d 10689— 14-14 260 Fanny Taylor 6714—15-12.. 187 Fan of Grouville 7458— 15-00 251 Fan's Grouville Beauty- 10079 — 19-03 54 Fantine 1271—16-06 143 Farmer's Floss 17773— 15-11 190 Farmers Pride 12284—15-04 222 Fauchon 2d 18200—14-09 286 Faultless 12018—17-51^ 102 Faustine 10354—14-141^ 259 Favorite of Avon 13438— 17-7'5X- - ^~ Favorite of the Elms 1656—16-04 153 Favorite Rajah Rex 16153—15-04 222 Fawn of St. Lambert 27942— 15-51^ 214 Fear Not 6059-17-03 109 Fear Not 2d 6061— 16-02 164 Fedora of Greenwood 46892 — 20-07 38 INDEX TO TESTED COWS. 375 PAGE Fidelia 5817—14-00 361 Fides 2d 1576— 14-08 292 Fillpail 16530—15-11 190 Fill Pail 2d 24388— 26-02 7 Fill Pail's Countess 24462—22-08. 18 Flashy Jessie 9722—17-15 82 Fleece 18568— 17-131^ 85 Fleurette of Linwood 12918— 16-00 173 Flight of Willow Farm 24783— 20-12.... 35 Flora B. 12446—14-02 343 Flora Lee 13294— 14-01 353 Flora Lee of Tennessee 7694 — 16-05 146 Flora of St. Peter's 8622—16-05.. 146 Florence Billot 7849— 14-13 264 Floret 9959-17-06 100 Floribundus 2d 14949—18-08 67 Florrie May Baker 10728— 14-08 _ . 292 Florry Keep 6556—14-14 260 Flory of the Oaks 8141— 14-07... 300 Flower of Glen Rouge 17560— 23-143^.. 12 Forest Queen 12'229— 16-15 119 Forget-me-not 5809— 15-08 201 Forget Me Not O 10564—15-04... 222 Forsaken 7520—15 -01 243 Fragrance 4059—15-03 231 Fragrance 4th 16509—14-07 300 Frances C. Magnet 22904— 14-133^ 263 Frankie's Lass 24900—17-31^ 108 Frankness 6'3451— 18-04 72 Friar's Lady 36119—14-212^ 338 Fringe 16875—15-00 251 Frisky Miss 18572—14-00 362 Friz Cam 14655—15-07 207 Frolic of Chestnutwood 19405 — 16-00 173 Frolic's Pride 31667-17-00 116 Frugal 14925—17-234.. 110 Gabrielle Champion 14102—17-08 96 Gala 1375—16-07 140 Gamma 4147—14-12 268 Gardmer's Ripple 11693—19-121^- 47 Gay Orphan 25985—18-01 78 Gazania 4513— 14 02 343 Gazella 3d 9355— 16-03 159 PAGE Gazelle 15961— 14-00 362 Gazelle of Mobile 1735—14-00.... 363 Gemof Hope 17102— 21-00 33 Gem of St. Cloud 7342—14-81^..- 390 Gem of Sassafras 8434— 14-332^. - 328 Geneva 13220—15-11 190 Gentle of Glastonbury 4651 — 14-00 - 363 Georgiadear 11508—18-03 74 Geranium 2d 7838—26 -4-4 7 Gift 39901-21-06 27 Gilda 2779—14-06 309 Gilda Mercedes H. 14451—14-08.. 292 Gilded Pansy 20552—15-05 216 Gildercreani 39480-15-15 177 Gilderine of Linwood 24488 — 15-07 207 Gilderoy's Enid 32924-14-04.... 323 ' Gilderoy's Idex 42027—19-00 58 Gilfilia Pogis 38688— 14-23^ 839 Gilt Edge 2d 4420—14-00 363 Gilt Edge C. 12223— U-Si^ 328 Gipsy 5th 2252-17-02 113 Gipsy May 6259—17-61^ 99 Girlie's Glory 46305—15-00 351 Giuhetta Cooke 32193—31-131^.- 33 Gladdys Gaily 30878—16-1,3^ 168 Gladys of Belle Vue 9569-16-07. 140 Glen's Festina 25851—17-15 83 Glory of Elmarch 21521—15-13}^ 183 Goddess of Staatsburgh 5252 — 14-08 293 Gold Ear 2d 3592—18-02 76 Golden Plover 22388—20-1 ^^ 43 Golden Princess 4557 — 18-14 61 Golden Sheen 25561—14-41^ 330 Golden Skin 1G861— 16-08.." 137 Golden Trudie 34535—14-09 286 Golden Violet 30136—15-00 252 Golden Zoe 3975— 16-03 - 159 Goldie LaV. 2d 26319— U-U^- ._ 349 Goldie Pogis 45433—16-02 165 Gold Lace 10726—21-01 31, 264 Gold Mark 10727-14-14 260 Gold Princess 8809—14-12 268 Goldstraw 3d 14724—14-12 269 Goldthread 4945—17-09 93 Gold Trinket 9518— 16-02 165 376 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. PAGE Golightly 25.197— 23-04 14, 76 Goodbye 27366— 16-13 123 Good Friday 20081—14-12 269 Gordonetta 19.-)70— 17-01 114 Gowan 12272—14-04 323 Grace Davy 8292— 33 -Si^ 20, 343 Grace Felch 8291—15-00 353 Grace G. Parks 39263—19-03 55 Grace M. 10697—15-02 238 Grace Pansy 2d 18764—17-15 83 Grace's Niglitingale 19855—14-02 344 Gradde 22564—14-21^ .. 339 Granny's Gem 30406— 21 -Oif.. 31, 145 Gray Beauty 3d 19845—19-04 53 Gretchen of Pevely 46335— 15 -5i£ 314 Grey Jessamine 17444— 14-04 324 Grinnell Lass 11859-16-10-. 130, 146 Guinevere Sinclair 11167—14-09- 286 Hallies Jewel 17113—30-10 37 Halsie McCurdy 12379— 14-3i^--. 338 Handsome Myra 14244— 21-00--- 32 Happy Blossom 18218—19-05---- 53 Happy Winn 35358—18-13 63 Hara of St. Lambert 42128—14-06 309 Harmony 2d 17118-19-03 55 Harry's Ernestine 66-232— 15-6i^- 209 Harry's Fancy 39114— 14-6i^ 305 Harry's May Fair 37499—16-01 . - . 169 Hartwick Belle 772'2— 14-08 293 Hatita 34538—14-15 256 Hattie Doug-lass 24960—16-05.-.- 146 Hazalena's Butterfly 10123—14-00 363 Hazen's Bess 7339—24-11 10 Hazen's Nora 4791— 20-05 40 Helen Stoke Pogis 31947—17-08- - 96 Hennette 11624—14-31^ 329 Herberta 8811—16-15 119 Hertha 26102—14-12 269 Hettie of Bnarcliff 26621— 18-01- 78 Highland Ida 38427— 18-lK '' Hilda 18178—15-04 233 Hilda 3d 5447—33-05 13 Hilda 3d 14967— 14-13>^ 366 Hilda A. 2d 11120— 20-00 44 Hilda A. 3d 16636—17-01 114 Hilda B-B-B 17640—15-08 201 Hilda D. 6683— 21-3i< 30, 71 PAGE Hindoo Rose 14602—14-07 300 Home Matron 6707—14-00 362 Homestead Pogis 44231—14-11-- 376 Honey Belle 35824—20-71^ 38 Honeydrop 10033—14-012 357 Honeymoon of St. Lambert 11 '221 — 2O-5I4 40 Honeysuckle of St. Anne's 18674 —14-14 260. 261 Hulla 7898—19-12 47 Hurrah Pansy 12153—14-112 349 Hypathia 2d' 14774— 19-13i.< 46 lanthe 4562—16-10. -.-- 130 Ida Bashan 4725—18-00 81 Ida Marigold 32615-25-21^ 9 Ida of Bear Lake 6169— le'-OO.-.- 173 Ida of Coal Hill 13543— 15 -Oi£... 247 Ida of St. Lambert 24990— 3o'2i^ 2 Ida Twinkle 36994—23 -21^ - 14 Ida Zoe Pogis 38685— 16-2^ 162 Ida's Dream 50070—16-012 171 Ida's Nan 49957—15-06..- 212 Idalene 11841— 15-81^ 199 Idana 27974— 14-10- T 281 Idarella 41433— 15 -Oig 349 Ideal 1 184-2— 14-121^ 266 Ideal Alphea 18755— 14-06 310 Ihana 44594—15-05 216 Imperial Riotress 30259-18-04. . . 73 Income 19472—16-09 133 Inez of Ingleside 28977-14-12-.. 269 Insie of Riverside 23825— 30 -5.24. . 2 Io5th 280—17-08.. _---'..-. 96 lola 4627—15-214 - - - 235 Irene of Short Hills 5137— 14-61^^ 305 Isadore Stoke Pogis 37297—16-91^ 132 Island Chrissie 1-2007— 14-14 ' 261 Island Dots 17003—14-09 286 Island Star 11876—21-03 29, 65 Italian 4096—17-13 85 Jaquenetta 10958.-14-06 310 Jazella G. 14191—20-07 38 Jazel'sMaid 11011—14-06 310 Jeanne Le Bas 2476— 15-08 202 Jeannie Piatt 6005—14-04 324 Jefferson Albina 12196—14-13-.. 265 IJSTDEX TO TESTED COWS. 377 PAGE Jennette Darling 10702— 16-02.-. 165 Jennie 766—14-09 287 Jennie Cream 30622— 17-04 107 Jennie Myrtle 22977-18-01 78 Jennie of the Vale 9553 — 17-7i| 98, 306 Jenny Dodo H. 14448—21-08 35 Jenny Gray 3511 — 17-15 83 Jenny Le Brocq 9757— 14-14 261 Jersey 3260— 15-06 212 Jersey Belle of Scituate 7828 — 25-03 8 Jersey Cream 3151—17-00 116 Jersey Cream 2cl 8519—14-12.... 269 Jersey Cream 3d 8521—16-05 147 Jersey Jane 38308-16-41..^ 149 Jersey Lily 14044—15-00 252 Jessaline 26099—16-06 143 Jessie Leavenworth 8248—14-02. 344 Jessie Lee of Labyrinth 5290 — 14-07 - 301 Jessie Lome 25213—16-15 119 Jetsam's May 62530—14-05 317 John Bull's Princess 49670—19-14 45 Jolie of St. Lambert 5136—15-131^ 183 Josephina 64921-14-01 . 353 Judith Coleman 11391—18-04.. 73, 104 Judy of Riverside 16495—31-43^.. 38 Juha Evelyn 6007—15-151^ 176 Julia Lanclseer 56268— 14-21^ 339 Julia Walker 10133—15-12 187 Juliette Guion 13143—14-04 334 Kate Daisy 8364—14-04 824 Kate Gordon 8387 — 15-15 177 Kate Oxford 58103—14-15 356 Kate Pansy 15177— 15-01 243 Kathletta 19567— 22-I3I2 16 Kathy Torment 32910-16-131^.. 133 Katy'didn'l 3734—14-12 369 Khedive's Fancy 18180—15-03 331 Khedive's Princess 38568—15-04. 233 Khelula 17970—31-08 36, 53, 306 King's Antoinette 40456-15-01.. 344 King's Beauty 34397— 16-13 124 King's Erica 32096-16-3 14 158 Kinsr's Princess 30948—24-05...: 13 PAGE King's Trust 18946—18-00 81 Kitty Better 33911— 15-143s l'^9 Kitty Clover 1113—14-00-. 363 Kitty Colt 3313—15 -91^ 196 Kitty Livingston 34303—15-03... 338 Kitty of St. Lambert 3d 40106— 16-05 147 Kitty Ona 24209—14-11 376 Kitty Potter 9893—18-05 71 Koffee's Grisette 30433-15-07... 307 Koffee's Lily 35515— 15 -31^ 328 Kosi 3431—14-07 " 301 La Belle Petite 5472— 15-08 203 Lactine 10680— 17-11^ 113 Lady Adams 3d 6539—15-03 331 Lady Alexis 36916—16-08 137 Lady Alice of Hillcrest 7450 — 18-06 69, 159 Lady Alice of the Wilderness 13307—15-14 180 Lady Antoinette 34391—31-06... 37 Lady Appel 8612—18-03 74 Lady Armington 7610—1 7-08 96 Lady Aspinwall 8374—14-00 363 Lady Bidwell 10303—15-12 187 Lady Bingo 24160—15-04 223 Lady Bloomfield 4704-14-121^.. 266 Lady Bountiful 17946-14-1512... 255 Lady Bowen 351—16-08 "... 137 Lady Brown 433—14-00 _ 363 Lady Brown 2d 2348—14-03 833 Lady Brown 4th 6911—14-13 370 Lady Caroline of St. Aubin's 1187'2— 14-00 363 Lady Cecilia 24831—15-01 244 Lady Clarendon 3d 17578 — 14-51-2 315 Lady Cleveland 30-251— 17-01 115 Lady Cloud 19358—16-10 130 Lady Creamly 4th 19077— 17-6i2^- 100 Lady Dartmouth 23159—21-13.". 22 Lady Delphine 38460—14-04 3-34 Lady Dorlena 36105-15-07 208 Lady Elfled 40757—18-00 81 Lady Fair 23103—19-10 49 Lady Fawn of St. Anne's 10920— 16-121-2 -. 125 378 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. PAGE Lady Gilmove 12136— 14-14 261 Lady Golddust 2d 19861— 23-04_. 14, 325 Lady Gray of Hilltop 6850—18-12 63 Lady Gray of Hilltop 2d 14641— 14-12 270 Lady Gray of Hilltop 3d 14642— 14-02 344 Lady Greville 12930—14-06 310 Lady Hugo 29430—16-07 140 Lady Ives 3d 6740-14-08 293 Lady Jane of St. Peter's 7475 — 15-00-. 252 Lady Julia G. 16199—18-03 75 Lady Kingscote 26085— 15-10. -.. 193 Lady Livingston 33374—15-02--. 239 Lady Longfield 23524—17-31^... 108 Lady Louise 4339— 15-00 252 Lady Love 2d 2212— 16-08 137 Lady McDowell 37414—15-12 187 Lady Mary Hampton 4861—14-05 318 Lady Mary of Prospect 19768— 19-15i^-_-- 45 Lady Matilda Pogis 36270—21 -09. 24 Lady Monmouth 15173—15-03... 232 Lady Oaks 2d 5246—15-02 239 Lady of Belle Vue 7705—15-11.. 190 Lady of Dryden 27642— 16-03.. . 159 Lady of Malone 25734—16-00.... 173 Lady Oxford 2d 15101—14-07.... 301 Lady Palestine 2769-14-05 318 Lady Panalphrex 17400—23-09. . . 13 Lady Phillis 18240—18-15 60 Lady Phillis 2d 35629—18-08 67 LadyRaniaposa 26232—17-51^... 102 Lady Rareripe 23081—16-01 169 Lady Robin 1119— I7-I3I4 85 Lady Superior 22865—16-05 147 Lady Thurlow 12410—17-10 90 Lady Vain 18573-17-09 93 Lady Velvetine 15771—17-02.... 112 Lady Wellington of Milton 12234 —18-11 64 Lady's Blossom 18491— 20 -ISi-^^.. 33 La Fantine 24489—15-04 223 LaFinanciere 11970— 15-5^4 215 La France's Pansy Rex 49141 — 14-101^... 278 PAGE La Jolie Lizette 16426—16-01 169 Lalla Rookh of Sugar Grove 15882—20-01 43 Lampedo 46204—21 -00 32 Landseer's Fancy 287-6— 29 -OJo' . - 3, 19 Landseer's Fancy 2d 43184 — irr0}4 ' 248 Landseer's Signaline 58101 — 14-li;g 272 Landseer's Signal Queen 66363 — 14-14 261 LaPera2d 13404—14-08 293 La Petite Mere 2d 12810—16-07.. 140 La Petite Mere 3d 12814—16-09.. 134 La Petite Pogis 28757— 20-10^4 . . . 36 La Pucelle 16829—15-08 202 La Peine Centennielle 4999—15-09 197 La Septieme 13432—17-10 90 Lassie 1134—15-11^ 242 Lass of Burrwood 37437-14-11^.. 349 Lass of Scituate 9555 — 15-14 180 Lass Rex Alphea 16965— 16-10^-4. 128 Lass Signal 16308-20-02 42 Laughing Maid 11022— 26-133^. . . 6 Laundress 2d 24649—14-09 287 Laurie Pansy Champion 20396 — 14-51^ 315 La Vivienne2d 1324—16-02 165 L. D.\s Helita 29366— 14-41^ 321 Leah Darlington 13836—15-51^.. 314 Lebanon Daughter 6106-14-04.. 325 Lebanon Lass 6108-14-02 344 Le Brocq's Pansy Rex 23789— 18-06 69 LeBroemer 10670—15-07 208 Leclair's Marjoram 36355—15-03. 232 Le Gros' Lily of the Valley 2d 13386— 19-IOI4 49 Leila of Briarcliff 24184—17-61^ 100". 278 Lemon Fern 22140—15-01 244 Lemon Twig 42028— 16 -41-^ 149 Lena Lowndes 23202—14-09 287 Lenas Florence 42460—14-08 293 Leneca 17178—15-014 248 Leoline2d 18315—14-04 325 Leonette 29752—15-05... 217 Leoni 11868—18-07 68 INDEX TO TESTED COWS. 379 PAGE Leoni 2d 29750— 15-09. 197 Leonice 2d 8342— 16-08 138 Leonie of Linwood 25319— 14-06. . 311 Lenia 3634—15-12 188 Lernella 22322—14-113 350 Le Rosa 10078— 14-00 -'- 363 Lesbie 9179-16-03 159 LesMarais' Dell 20314—15-81^... 199 Letitia 3977-15-05 217 Letitia Hunter 85575—17-05 104 Liberty 2d 16717-14-612 306 Lida Mullin 9198—16-08 138 Lille Bonne 8108— 19-12 47 Lilley Rex 9852—14-07 301 Lillian Mostar 10364— 14-03 333 LilliePope 8589—14-05 318 Lilly Cross 13796—14-03 333 Lilly Mac 22976—14-02 345 Lilly of Leeds 17059—14-09 287 Lilly Sig-nalda 23227-17-10 90 Lily Darling- 11713-15-09 198 Lily Martin 49954—16-08 138 Lily of Burr Oaks 11001— 15-13.. 183 Lily of Maple Grove 5079—16-03. 160 Lily of Riverside 19599— 14-09_._ 287 Lily of St. Lambert 5120-14-00.. 363 Lily of Staatsburgh 5427-14-2^4 340 Lily Scituate 12665— 24-913 11 Lionette 18038—17-01 115 Lisetta Johnson 5321— 15-10 193 Lisgar's Ella 24992—17-00 117 Litta Oaks 19734—15-51^ 215 Little Accident 15578— 16-101-.^.. . 128, 329 Little Butterstar 20926—14-121^. 266 Little Lass 28512-17-05 104 Little Pogis 32612— 16-01 170 Littl e Torment 15581—23 -21/^ 15 Litty 8017-14-00 .^ .. . . 364 Litza 6338 -14-03 334 Lizzette's Mary 12723—14-11 276 Lizzie D. 10408-16-15 119 Lobelia 2d 6650-14-06... 311 Lora Nicholson 37135. -19-12,34... 47 Lorella 12913—14-07 . 301 Lorita 33750—15-61'^ 210 Lorraine 1435— 14-08 294 Lotchen 19823—16-07 141 PAGE Lottie Dorey 21578— 16-12>^ 125 Lottie Rex 18757—14-04... 325 Louisa Deming 23469—14-15 256 Louisa Hinman 12802—14-00 364 Louise of Lawnfield 14151 — 14-111^ 273 Louvie 3d 6159-14-13 265 Luani 37989—21-00 33 Lucetta 6856—14-03 334 Lucilla 2735-14-00 364 LucillaSd 9786—17-01 115 Lucilla Kent 8892—15-10 194 Lucky Belle 2d 6037—16-14 121 Lucy Cobb 15133—18-61^ 68 LiUcy Gaines" Buttei'cup 5058 — 14-00 364 Lucy Gray 2746— 15-13 184 Lucy Lanier 13053-18-02 76 Lucy McClung 20368—14-03 334 Lucy of Hollydale 32712—15-121^ 185 Lucy of Wabash 9741— 15 -OI4... 249 Lucy's Love 20568—14-14 362 Luella Berlin 16927-14-06 311 Lustre 2062—15 -8i^ 199 Lj'dia Darrach 4903—17-14 84 Lydia Dariach 2d 8056—16-00... 174 Lydia Darrach 3d 10662—16-04... 153 Lydia Darrach 5tli 16577—15-00.. 353 Lydia Libby 11698-15-03 333 Mabel Crockett 18719—14-09 288 Mabel's Jewel 6251—17-13 85 Ma Belle 4942-15-00 253 Ma Belle Pogis 58831-17-10 90 Mab of Deerfoot 3d 15345—14-03^ 357 Maculae 24277—15 -03 333 Madame Argyle 19476—14-06 311 Madge 18904—19-03 55 Madolina H. 12327-19-04 54 Maggie C. 12216—14-06.... 311 Maggie McM. 14073-19-09 50 Maggie Martin 9562—17-06 101 Maggie May 3255—14-210 339 Maggie May 2d 12936— 14-06 _... 313 Maggie of St. Lambert 9776— 16-03 160 Maggie Rex 28623— 17-2i£ 111 Maggie Rule 31940— 21-05 37 380 BUTTEE TESTS OF JERSEYS. PAGE Maggie Sheldon 23583—21 -05 _ . . . 28 Magna 2288— 19-01 57 Maguibel 7976— 15-02 239, 270 Magnolia Riclgeh' 17269—14-08.. 294 Maiden of Jersey 2736— 14-11.... 276 Maid of Amboy 2929—16-01 170 Maid of Avranclies 6959-15-00.. 253 Maid of Berlin 12746—14-08 294 Maid of Fernwood 2d 29010—17-11 88 Maid of Five Oaks 7178—15-04... 223. Maid of Saragossa 9086—16-06... 143 Maid of the Elms 6960-16-00 174 Maid of the Elms 18932— 16-14i|. 120 Maid of the Elms 3d 15554—16-04 153 Malope 2d 119-23- 15-10 194 Mamelle 20804—21 -8 14 25 Mamie Coburn 3798—17-08 96 Manoa 6340— 16-12 126 Maple Leaf 4768— 14-12 270 Maquilla 24043—21 -01 31 Marburi 37991— 16-12 126 Marchioness of Maplehurst 8018 —14-06 312 Marea 10167— 17-10 91 Marie C. Magnet 22903—15-08 _.. 202 Marie S. 12043—15-06 212 Maritana 12039— 16-3,V^ 157 Marjoram 3239—16-00 174 Mar j Oram 2d 12805—1 5-00 253 Marpetra 10284—14-06 312 Martha Lafayette 17158—17-06. . . 101 Marvel 13734—15-01 244 Mary Anne of St. I^ambert 9770 — 36-121^ 1, 4 Mary Clover 9998-14-15 257 Mary Gordon 41429-14-61^ 306 Mary Hinman 17619— 15 -lU^.... 189 Mary Jane of Belle Vue 6956— 17-07 98, 239 Mary Justice 37449— 14-9V^ 283 Mary M. Allison 6308—20-14 33 Mary Norton 13052—17-14 84 Mary of Bear Lake 6171—15-14.. 181,301 Mary of Gilderoy 11219—14-04... 325 Mary of Pleasant View 13448— 14-06 312 Mary's Silver Drop 14235— 15-4J.^ 219 PAGE Massena 25732—20-07 39 Massena 2d 31188— 17-11 88 Matilda 3238— 17-00 117 Matilda 4th 12816—21-81^ 25 Matilda 5th 18068—16-04 153 Matin 7768—17-11 89 Matlie 3d 9879—14-13 265 Maudie of White Lick 29682— 15-07 208 Maudine of Ehuwood 8718—16-15 119 Maud Lee 2416—23-00 16 Maud Lee 2d 8839-14-09 288 Maud Melinda 12126—17-08 97 MaudPogis 24-240- 14-12'^4 266 Maud's Sultana 19518—16-04 154 Mavourneen of St. Lambert 9777 —15-12 188 May Blossom 5657-18-11 64 May Day Stoke Pogis 28353— 19-01^ 57, 99, 232 May Dee 18058-15-10 194 May Dee Pogis 36993—20-51^ 39 May Evening 15938—17-13 86 May Fair 5184—16-07 141 May Indian 16075—14-05 318 May Lankton 15872—16-11^ 167 May Pedro 50876—15-04 224 May Toltena 50405—14-5% 316 May Violet 30250—18-111^ 64 Medrena 3939—18-00 81 Meg Mitchell 4187—15-03 233 Meines 3d 7741— -20-01 43 MeinesSt. Helier 29999— 14-01... 354 Melia Ann 5444—18-01^ 80 MeUa Ann 2d 47464—15-06 212 Melita of Hillcrest 7054— 14-02. _. 345 Mellie Argyle 20609—14-02 345 Melody 2689—14-01 354 Memento 1913—14-05 318 Mendota 3d 26326— 15-06 212 Mercedes H. 12326—17-12 87 Mercedes' Pet 20570—17-11^ 113 Mercurina 64920—17-101^.."". 89 Merlette 4988— 16-00 174 Mermaid of St. Lambert 9771— 25-134 7 Merry Burlington 7600-15-04 .-. 224 Metah's Baby 9710—14-05 319 INDEX TO TESTED COWS. 381 Metah's Queen 4886—17-09 93 Mhoon Lady 6560—17-03 109 Midway 50000—16-02.,. 165 Mildred of M. 15548—14-21^ 340 Milkgood 27828-14-71^ ._r 297 Milkmaid Felch 12339—16-71^ -.. 139 Milkmaid of Burr Oaks 9035- 14-05 319 Milk Weed 16402-14-07 302 Milky Way 18865-17-81^ 93 Minette of St. Lambert 9774^ 17-04 107 Mink 2d 3890—19-11 48 Mink 3d 4868— 14-09 288 Minna Rajah 14847—16-08 138 Minnie Kersey 19895— 14-11 277 Minnie Lee 2d 12941-14-03 334 Minnie of O.xford 12806-17-00.. 117,170 Minnie of Scituate 17829— 14-4i^_ 321 Minnie's Ouida 33117—14-00 364 Mintha 12812-15-00 253 Miralba 65002-14-07 302 Mirtha 3437—17-131^ 85 Mischief Le Brocq 7680—15-00... 253 Miss Alexander 2d 26054—15-10.. 194 Miss Beauty 4053—16-12 126 Miss Belle 5083—22-09 18, 257 Miss Bianca 12517—17-14 84 Miss Bligh 24561-15-02 239 Miss Bo wris 12206—1 7-813" 93 Miss Browney 7288—10-13 124 Miss Clifford ^27962— 1 7 -ISV, 82 Miss Clifford 2d 56149— I6-4I0 ... 150 Miss Dora Deane 24505— 17-9 Sg .. 92, 157, 217 Miss Julia 26701— 21-113" 31 Miss Le Dain 27472—14-514 317 Miss Lofty 9718-16-10 131 Miss May of St. Lambert 37084— 15-14 . 181 Miss Naomi 45098—15-03 233 Miss Peacock 30871— 16-10 131 Miss Porter 20300— 16-06 144 Miss Satanella 31544— 20-06 39 Miss Sig-nal 20379—16-04 154 Miss Vermont 7698—16-05 147 Miss Willie Jones 6918—16-04 ... 154 PAfiE Mitten 13368-15-11 191 Moggy Bright 25891—21-15 22, 144 Mollie Garfield 12172—22-12 16, 68 Mollie Garfield 2d 18662—15-14... 181 Molly 3554—15-09 198 Molly May 17202—14-15 257 Mona 3d 23134—14-06 312 Monmouth Duchess 3895—14-07. 302 Monmouth Duchess 3d 4620— 14-04 326 Monmouth Duchess 4th 7129— 18-00... 82 Monocacy Dimple 9680—14-03 ... 335 Men Plaisir Lily 25969—16-21^... 162 Mon Plaisir of Yerba Buena Ranch 12622—18-12 63 Moonah's Pet 7484— 15-06 213 Morlacchi 2725— 14-CO 365 Moss Rose of St. Lambert 5114 — 14-0i| 357 Moss Rose of Willow Farm 5194—23-01 15 Mother Gary 11746—27-11.^ 5 Mother Hubbard 10331—24-11^ . . 12 Moth of St. Lambert 9775—16-02 166 Mountain Lass 12921—14-09 288 Mousy 2d 14962— 17-01 115 Moyane 21595—21 -12i^ 22 Mrs. Knickerbocker 19367— I6-8I2 134, 202 Mulberry 22031—14-02 345 Muriel 5th 19017— I6-12I3 126 Musidove 25379—18-02..'. 76 Musquita 28462—17-03 109 Mylitta 15668—16-13 124 My Queen 12614—15-08 203 Myretta 28231—14-1114 274 Myrrha 11299— 16-01 170 Mja-tle 2d 211— 15-12 188 Myrtle of Ridgewood 7858—14-01 354 Myth 2837—14-06 313 Naiad of St. Lambert 12965— 22-021^^ 21 Nal Day 26553—19-13 46 Nanalda 32917— 14-218 340 Nancy Lee 7618-26-81^ 6 Nancy Lovelock 15511—17-09 93 382 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. PAGE Nancy of St. Lambert 12964— 14-05 319 Nancys Star 41423—16-158' 167 Nan i)ay 17192-20-04 40 Nannaxie 18860—17-04 107 Naomi's Pride 16745—15-02 240 Narmeoka H. 12323—18-12 63 Nazli 1 0327—15 -^4 228 Nelida 2d 8227— 15'-2i4 235 Nellie 1507—14-02 346 Nellie Alphea 51274—14-13^ 350 Nellie Darlington 5956-15-03 233 Nelly 2402— 15-14 181 Nelly 6456— 21-00 33 Nelly Gray of Clermont 10905— 14-01 354 Nerissaof Nyack 9692— 15-01 245 Nervine 25932—14-11/^ 350 Nettina of Winnikee 46406— 18-15i.£ 59 New London Gipsy 11667— 14-08. 294 New Maud Lee 16614-14-10 281 Nibbette 11625—14-07 302 Nibble 6796—14-15 257 Nicomis 68026—14-03 335 Nigella 789.5—16-03 160 Nightingale K. 2d 19841—16-08.. 138 Nightingale of Elmarch 8312 — 14-02 ..... 346 Nimble 22335—14-10 281 Niobe 99— 14-00 365 Niobe Gordon 3d 44041—14-03 ... 335 Niobe of Linwood 11134— 14-12.. 270 Niobe of St. Lambert 12969— 21-9M ---- ~4 Niobe's Alpheanette 23336— 22-103^ . 17 Niva 752:3—15-08 203 Nonsuch of Linwood 29028 — 14-14i-< 259 Nora of St. Lambert 12962—22-00 21, 302 Nora Sheldon 43590—17-06 101 Nora Stoke Pogis 34687-16-01 ... 170 Nordheim Creamer 9758— 14-00.. 365 Normanda 3914— 14-14 262 Nuphar Houghton 36364— 15 03.. 233 Nutley Darling 22413—15-33^---. 228 PAGE Nutley Dolores 13797—23-02 15 Nutlev Dolores 2d 55901—15-13.. 184 Nutley Silverette 22410—22-07.. 19, 186 NymphcBa 5141— 18-73^ 67, 179 Nymph of St. Lambert 12968— 24-14 10 Oakland Girl 11103—14-10^^ 279 Oaklands Cora 18853— 19-9i< 49 Oaklands Lilly 14881— 15-04 224 Oaklands Nora 14880— 23-05 14 Oaklands Nora 2d 45967—15-07.. 208 OakLeaf 4769— 17 10 91 Odelle Sales 15564—16-1538'-- H'"^' 316 CEnone 8614—18-15 60, 181 Oitz 8649—15-11 191, 245 Oktibbeha Duchess 4422—17-04.. 108 Oleo 38475— 18-01 78 01ie"s Lady Teazle 12307—16-05. . 147 Olive Branch of Hillcrest 7447 — 15-07 209 Olymph 17957— 15-13Jg 183 Ona 7840— 22-101^ 17, 34 Onnolee 23804—16-04 154 Oonan 1485—22-23^ 20 Oonan 2d 19569— I8-4I4" 73 Oonan 3d 49955—14-153^ 255 Opaline 7590—15-02....! 240, 283 Optima 6715— 19-02 56 Orphan Duchess 3d 31284—16-03. 160 Orphean 4636—15-07 209 Oxalis 2d 15631—15-00 254 Oxford Kate 13646—39-13 1 Palestina 4644—15-08 203 Palestuieof Oxford 42194—21-00 33 Palestine Pierrot 24099—14-06 ... 313 Palestine's Last Daughter 12602 —14-06 313 Paletta of Darlmgton 16255— 27-08 4 Pandothra 2-2383—17-05 104 Pansita4th 18109—14-06 313 Pansy Blossom 23413—14-133^... 263 Pansy K. 23889— 14-111^ 273 Pansy Patterson 18612—15-15 178 Paola Stoke Pogis 34691—19-63^^. 53 INDEX TO TESTED COWS. 383 PAGE Paradise 33083— 17-11 ..- 89 Parloa 32357— 14-10 383 Patrol 40490—15-04... 334 Patterson's Beauty 4760— 18-00-. 83 Pauline Vivienne 11305— 16-13... 124 Pavon 13485—14-08 394 Pearl Armstrong- 3670—31 -10 34 Pearl of Oakwood 377-23— 14-01.. 854 Pearl of St. Lambert 5537—14-03 346 Pearl's Lemon 41646— 17-514 103 Pedro Girl 33400—18 -06 69 Pedroletta 36597— 16'6i^ 143 Pedro's June 38790—14-06 313 Pedro's Mab 40313—16-10 131 Peggy Ford 31713— 14-10 383 Peggy of Staatsburgli 334'2— li-114 351 PenduleSd 16709—16-05 148 Percie 14937—18-10 65, 307 Period 43640—16-03 160 Perrot's Baroness 33508—15-141^ 179 Perry Farm Golden Cloud 3287-2— 18-09 66 Pet Anna 16-08—14-00 365 Pet Clover 146'24— 16-08 139 Petite Mere 8516— 15 -lo 184 Pet Lee 7993—14-12 271 Pet of Maplewood Farm 4854 — 15-02 240 Pet of Rose Lawn 11326—18-01.79, 199 Petra 19267—16-06 144 Pet Rex 30166— I4-3I2' 340 Phtedra 2561— 19-13 "! 46 Phlox 16399-21-11 23, 157, 185 Phlox 3d 31 88'2— 15-06 213 Phoebe N. 25401-15-03 334 Phyllis of Hillcrest 9067-16-00.. 174. 371 Pierrot's Beauty 48964— 15-11 191 Pierrot's Lady Bacon 1-248-2— 16-10 131 Pilot's Rose 17958-18-334 73 Pilot's Veronica 18917— ■20-03 43 Pinafore 3d 15073—15-08 303 Pitapat 11136—16-05 148 Pixie 4115-14-00 365 'Plenty 950-14-08 '294 Plum 13-228—17-04 108 Plumage 53897—17-05. 105 PAGE Plumida 23621—15-01^ _ 348 Pogis' May 26950— 18*03 77 Pogis Oonan 39890-15-08 304 Polly Clover 7053—16-15 130 Polly Neptune 15314— 1407 303 Polynia 10753— 16-07-.. 141 Pope's Flora 18697-14-03 346 Poppy H. 34865— 17-51^ 103 Portrait 3-2592-15-212'." 235 Preference 26343— 15-05 217 Pretty Flirt 28791—15-00 254 Pretty Patty 44108-15-41^ 219 Pridalia 17-249- -26-04 7 Pride of Bovina 8050— 16-09 134 Pride of Mashamoquet Farm 6469—16-1-4 166 Pride of the Hill 4877-14-08 295 Pride of the Manor 22652—18-10. 65 Pride of Winslow 2613—14-03... 335 Pride's Lady Frances 39529 — 16-31^...' 157 Pride's Queen 6644-2—15-81.^ '200 Primrose 11956—21-10 24 Prince's Bloom 97-29-14-03 335 Prince's Nellie 23719—14-06 314 Princess 836—14-12 271 Princess •2d 8046—46-121^ 1 Princess Aurea Pogis 39266 — 17-712' 98 Princess Belhvort 6801— 15-10i^-- 192 Princess Bowen 9699—14-12 271 Princess Chrj'santha 34191 — 14-31^ - 339 Princess Chuck 45650—24 -14 10 Princess Inez 540-2— 14-02 346 Princess Le Brocq 17-261— 15-08. _ 204 Princess Mary of Woodlawn 11663-14-04 326 Princess Mostar 9700—17-03 110 Princess of Ashantee 13467 — 16-12 127, 148 Pi'' >s of Clovernook 51598 — i.rlo 125 Princess of St. Saviour's 7470 — I5-IOI2 192 Princess of the Valley 22641 — 18-12 - 63 Princess of Trinitv 23641— 14-10. . 383 384 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. PAGE Princess of Yerba Buena Ranch 12626— lo-lO 194 Princess Sheila 7297— 16-4ic2' 150 Princess White Water 21137 — 14-15 257 Priscilla Pogis 39270—18-61^ 68 Prize Rose 16309—15-01 245 Proctors Alma Dolores 47107 — 17-10 91 Proctors Dolores 38564—15-10--- 195 Proctor's Pansy 25688-15-13 184 Prusa Pedro 50877—15-08 204 Purest 13730—15-04 225 Pyrrlia 6100-16-14io 120 Quachette 17091—19-111^ 48 Quadruple Pogis 32359— 14-li^.- 350 Quail 3d 43568— 16-12 127 Qneen Fannie 10275— 14-02 347 Queen Mary 6212— 14-13ig 264 Queen Mary of Woodlawn 11659 — 22-05 20 Queen Neptune 15501—18-131^... 61 Queen of Ashantee 14554—15-02.- 240 Queen of Beauty 17109— 23-14. _- 12 Queen of Chenango 17771 — 14-06- 314 Queen of Delaware 17029—18-13. . 62 Queen of De Soto 12318—14-13... 265 Queen of Nubbin Ridge 14528— 17-00 ^- 117 Queen of Prospect 11997—14-02.. 347 Quintuple Pogis 44233— 14-06.... 314 Rainbow 2d 13962—21-08 26 Ramapo's Pride 35497—14-04 326 Rarity 2d 7724—14-02. 347 Reality 16537— 15-3>2" 229 Real Queen 29198-18-01 79 Reception 8557— 21 -4t^' 28, 50 Redacta 26954—14-05 319 Regina 2d 2475-14-08 . 295 Regina 4th 1273'2— 1 7 -131^ 85 Regina Gilford 49891— m'iI 277 Renalba 4117— 17-413^ 105 Rene Ogden 1568— 15-00 254 Renini 9181—14-103^ 279 Renown 13729—14-06 314 Rho A. Pogis 39269—14-15 258 PAGE Richness 16536—17-05 105 Riotaletta 2d 34495-15-151^ 176 Rioter Alphea 10091—16-07 141 Rioter Alphea 2d 29676—17-15..- 83 Rioter Alphea 3d 34073—17-11^-- 113 Rioter Carlotta 29667—21-21^ 30 Rioter Pink of Berlin 23665—19-14 45 Rioter Rhea 10092—19-31.^ 54 Rioter's Nora 21778—15-09-. 198 Rioter's Queen 14895—17-08 97 Rioter's Rosahne 35581— 14-14i|. 259 Rioter's Ruth 14882—19-61.^ 51 Rioter's Sweet Brier 30582—18-09 66, 94 Rioter's Violet 33774—14-03 336 Rioter's Zoe 19769— 14-12 271 Rissa 16014—19-00 58 Rival's Ochra 10172—19-101^.... 49 Robinette 7114—14-01 355 Rochelle 15574—15-10 195 Rockwood Maid 8375— 15-41^... _ 220 Roland's Bonnie 2d 18054—19-02. 56 Roll of Honor 13610— 14-12 271 Romantic 61626—15-09 198 Romping Lass 11021-15-00 254 Romp Ogden 2d 4764— 15-05 218 Romp Ogden 3d 5458—15-14. . 182, 355 Romp Ogden 5th 43181—17-09... 93 Roonan 5133—20-04 40, 77 Rosabel Hudson 5704— 15*12 188 Rosa F. W. 13226—29-12 3 Rosaletta 9339— 14-00. 365 Rosaline Collas 11187—14-15 258 Rosaline of Glenmore 3179 — 17-12 87, 91 Rosa Miller 4333—17-07 99 Rosa of Belle Vue 6954—18-71^. . 68 Rose 240—17-00 117 Rosebud of Allerton 6353—19-12. 47 Rosebud of Belle Vue 7702— U-mi 279 Roselaine "7167—15-01 245, 319 Rose of Eden 13437-20-1}^ 43 Rose of Hillside 3866— 14-31^.--. 329 Rose of Oxford 13469-15-141^... 179 Rose of Rose Lawn 9365—16-03 161, 315 Rose of St. Lambert 20426— 21 -33^ 29 INDEX TO TESTED COWS. 385 PAGE Kose Pogis 24626— lo-2i^ 235 Eosetta of Whiteland 6112— 27-23^ 5 Rosette of St. Lambert 5108 — 14-31^-. 330 Rosona 12956— 16-07 142 Rosy Dream 9808—19-01 57 Rosy Dream 2d 27127—17-11 89 Rosy Kate 10276—14-04 326 Roulette 50080-14-51.^ 316 Royal Beauty 18908—15-23^ 236 Royal Daisy 25214—20-09 . _' 37 Royalist's Daisy 19187—21 -9i^ ... 24 Royal Lady 22078—14-12 272 Royal Princess 2370— 17-12 87 Royal Queen 24428—22 -06 19 Royal Sister 12451—14-11 277 Rozel Lass 20268— 19-9i'2 50 Ruby Love 16915—14-12 272 Ruby Love 2d 32058—14-01 355 xRuby of Spring-vale 14505-14-15. 258 Ruby Torment 32989—16-00 175 Rupertina 10409—17-11^ 113 Ruthione 31514—25-12 8 Ruth Morgan 24098-14-06 315 Safety 13463—15 -08 204 Safrano 4568— 14-2i£ 340 St. Helier Gem 35438—15-01^.... 248 St. Heliers Matilda 52857-14-01- 355 St. Jeannaise 15789 — 17-8i^ 94, 155 St. John's Daisy 28388—15-04 225 St. Lambert Hebe 54069— 15-05.. 218 St. Lambert's Coquette 41070 — 16-15 120 St. Lambert's A'iolet 25278—16-12 127 St. Nick's Flora 16195—14-00 366 St. Perpetua 2d 5557-14-00 366 SalHe Guild 14524—16-00 175 Sally Leavitt 2d 10471-15-12 188 Salsoda 3721—14-07 303 Sasco Belle 13601— 14-00 366 Satin Bird 16380—14-151^ 256 Saugus Lass 30542—14-09 289 Scepter's Beauty 23234—14-01.^.. 358 Scituate of Woi-onoco 18040 — 24-14 10 Sedate 2d 20389—15-08... 204 PAGE Selita J. 32184— 25-21^. -. 9 Seraphine2d 37451-15-12... 189,315 Serita 15520—17-02 112 Sheldon's Daisy 30592— 17-12 87 Sheldon's Daisy of St. L. 53047— 20-11 35 Shiloh Daughter 20378— 14- 7i^._ 297 Sibyl's Beauty 25941— 18-00... "82, 135 Sibyl's Fancy 25942—17-00 117 Sicilienne 25010—16-11 128 Siesta 37321—15-11 191 Sigletta 32915—16-00 175 Sig-nalana 7719—15-04 225 Signalda Bloomfield 30694— 16-3 -^^ 156 Signalda's Duchess 32173— 14-03. 336 Signalda' s Rosebud 35583—18-1018 65 Signaldella 24107— 18-1,3^ .. 77 Signal Fancy 30812— 14-8i^s 389 Signal Hinman 44615—15-12^4... 185 Signal Maid 19361—19-13 46 Signal Maiden 42793—15-31^ 229 Signetilia 16333—18-51/2 70 Signora Reid 27125—16-838 135 Silene 4307—14-00 366 Silenta 17685-15-10.. 195 Silicon 25577—18-13 02 Silistria 20264—16-01-. 171 Silkey Morrill 17058—14-07 303 Siloam 17623— 18-9,13 66 Silver Cloud 13461-15-02 240 Silver Delle 40691— 17-4i2 106 Silveretta 6852—16-09... 134 Silver Rose 4753—16-14 122 Silver Venus 20270— 16-3^^ 156 Silver Wave 10844—19-00 58 Silvia Baker 8793— 20-10 37 Sirona 271-28— 21 -02 30 Sister Dorothy 2607—15-00 254 Sister of Charity 62453— 16-05 148 Sister Rex 13194— 16-08 139 Skipover 20217— 16-5)^ 145 Smax 48562—16-111^' 127 Smoky 13733-14-09"- 289 Snap's Dainty 18958—14-00 366 Snowdrop F. W. 16948—14-08 ... 295 Solava 209'38— 15-353 2-26 Southern Belle 18570-16-00 175 Southern Daisy 38292— 14-11 277 386 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. PAGE Sovereigns Elsie 15793—14-03... 336 Sparkling 41042—14-01 306 Sparks 41041—16-43^ 150 Spi rtea 4th 20075—1 8-n}4 70 Stanstead Belle 470*:— 15-04 225 Starkville Beauty 4897— 14-00 ..- 367 Star of Mahoning 16579—14-07... 303 Sterling Merit 62456—15-04 225 Stolenkisses 16864—16-14 122 Success of St. Lambert 28489 — 16-02 166 Sue Gallagher 15945-23-11-2 15 Sultana 2d 11798-15-04 . 226 Sultan's Sultane 32854—15-01 246 Su Lu 4705—17-15 83 Sumnierline 8001—18-06 70 Sunbeam's Pet 2d 91 12— 16-04 155 Sunny Lass 6033—14-07 303 Sunset 15130-16-21^ 162 Sunset of Pleasant View 13071 — 15-02 241 Susanna Frank 18261—14-00 367 Susette C. 18602—14-08 295 Susie V. 54855—14-14 262 Sweet Blossom Pogis 36995 — 16-11^ 167 Sweet Brier of St. Lambert 5481 —22-10 17, 336 Sweet LeonaB. 21934—14-11.2 .__ 351 Sweet Rock 2d 18256-14-111//.... 274 Sweet Si.xteen 10682—14-15 258 Sylvia 687—15 -08 205 Syren A^ 14619-17-05 105 Taglioni 9182— 14-01 356 Tefka 8037—14-03 336 Temalema 44761—14-10 282 Tenella 6712— 22-11^ 21 Tenella2d 19521—18-12 63 Tette 20802—17-06 101 Thaley 14299-16-13 125 Theda H. 20567— 17-01 115 Thekla of Clover Nook 33445— 15-09 198 Theresa H. 14447—15-03 234 Therese G. 16390-17-02 112 Theresa M. 8364—14-02 347 The Sister 21135— 14-4i^. 321 PAGE The Widow's Daughter 11507— 19-81^ 50 Thisbe 2d 2201— 19-1 1^ 56 Thorndale Belle 5265-14-08 295 Thorndale Belle 3d 10459—15-15. 178 Tib's Jewel 6808—14-04 327 Tidy of St. Lambert 31114— 14-02 347 Tinney 2d 26253—17-12 87 Tobira 8400— 15-13 184 Tolteca 44762— 14-111^' 274 Toltec's Alice 31885-17-10 91 Toltec's Fancy 27172— 27-5i^ ...4, 102 Tones 46306—14-09 289 Topaz of Woodlawn 11661—16-04 155 Topsey Doe 25378—15-04 226 Topsey K. 22769—14-00 367 Topsy of Malone 49478—14-04 ... 327 Torfrida 3596—17-61^. 100 Torment 15579—17-81^ 94 Tormentor's Cinderella 19564 — 15-81^ 200 Tormentor's Daisy 52496— 15-04. _ 226 Tormentor's Favorite 36873 — 19-02 56 Tormentor's Rexea 38906—15-14. 182 Tormentor's Rosebud 50069 — 14-02 348 Tormentor's Silver 36058-14-73^ 297 Tormentor's Spirasa 42248—14-00 367 Toy 20604— 17 08 97 Transcript 31867—17-07 99 Trenie 17770— 14-10 283 Troth 6139— 16-05 __ 149 Trudie 2d 4084—15 -00 255 Turquoise 1129-14-03 337 Typha 5870— 16-11 128 Uinta 5743—14-10 283 Ulricalla 22225—18-14 61 Ultima 14456— 15-12 189 Upper Ten 37603—14-07 304 Urbana 5597-16-00 1 75 Utilla 11215—16-02 166 Valentine of Trinity 7460—19-41^ 53 Valerie 6044— 15-13 '. 185 Valhalla 5300-16-00 1 76 INDEX TO TESTED COWS. 387 PAGE Valnia Hoffman 4500—21 -09 25 Value 2d 6844— 25-2 1 i 9 Vaniah 6597— 15-91^ '_. 196 Vai-iella of Linwood 10954—14-01 356 Velveteen 7703-14-131^ 264 Velvet Mostar 17533—15-08 234 Venice 18192—14-04 327 Venna's Zeka 26670—14-01^ 358 Ventnor Beauty- 46308— 15-11 . ... 192 Venus 112—14-11 278 Vera of Briarcliff 28687— 15-01 ... 246 Vei-benaof Fernwood 9088—15-00 255 Verona 10766— 15-11^ 242 Vesper 1395—14-00. ." 367 Vespucia 17455—14-04 327 Vestina 2458—14-02 348 Victoria 3175— 16-01 171 Victory 16379—15 -41^ 220 Vieva 3d 7642-16-05 149 Vilify 50107—14-03 337 Viola of Briarclitf 37617— 14-08.. 296 Violente 28819— 17-1012^ 89 Violet 3d 3240—15 -08 205 Violet of Glencairn 10221—14-04. 327 Violet of Maplewood 49724^ 14-1014 280 Virg-inias Oonan 58107— 15-03... 234 Viva Le Brocq 13702-18-03 75 Vivian 15813—16-00 176 Vixen 7591—17-06 102 Volie 19465— 18-01 79 Waiter Girl 12776-16-07 142 Waiter Girl 2d 29265—18-141^... 60 Walkyrie 5708—14-01 356 Wamla 32083—17-51^ 103 Wapello 56044—14-12 272 Warrens Duchess 4622— 16-01 .. . 171 Warren's Duchess 3d 26836— 17-21^ 111 Waukesra 19721—16-00 176 PAGE Waxie 19706— 20-2i| 42 Webster Pet 4103—14-02 348 Well Done 25987— 19-04 54 Well-to-do 37724— I4-3I2" 330 Welma 5942—17-08 " 97 Westphalia 24384— 24 -91; 11 White Frost 17431—16-02 166 Whiting's Daisy 14858—14-101^.. 279 Willimenia H. 12325— 20-14 34 Willis 2d 4461—16-03 161 Wine 15739—16-04 155 Winetka 33669—20-00 44 Winsome of Ipswich 9213—14-07 304 Witch-Hazel 1360—14-00 367 Witch-Hazel 4th 6131— 18 -2;^... 75, 149, 215 Witching 42252— 17-141^ 84 Woodland Maid 8156—14-02 348 Woodland Maid 2d 19666—14-00. . 368 Worthy Noble 19629—15-912^ 196 Wybie 595— 17-04 108 Yankee Girl 2d 29261—14-07 304 Yellow Locust 10679— U-lOJs ... 279 Yokun Maid 19073—16-06 ...'..._ 144 Young Anne Lee 31668—14-07... 304 Young Cherry 3d 14980— 14-7i.^_. 298 Young Duchess 497—15-08 205 Young Fanny 9032—17-00 117 Young Garenne 3d 13848— 16-3i£ 158 Young Gazelle 19837-14-11 278 Yuba Stoke Pogis 37294— 15-143| 178 Zalma 8778— 15-05 218 Zenitza 19190— 17-51.^ 103 Zenobia Stoke Pogis 37292—15-08 205 Zeroda 43723—1 6-07 142 Zillia 2d 1693—15 -02 241 Zitella2d 11922—17-81^ 94 Zoe Henry 6693— 15-14\' 178 Zophar H. 12329—21 -03 30 LIST OF SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUG-HTERS IN THIS VOLUME. Abe Lincoln 268— Dick Swiveller 74, Diana 672— Sire of Sylvia 687 15 lbs. 8 oz. Achmed 21 15— Vespucius 758, Caramel 2737— Sire of Nelly Gray of Clermont 10905 14 lbs. 1 oz. Admiral Farragut 2666— Pierrot 2d 1669, Myrtle 2d 211— Sire of Beauty of Seekoiik 14651 51 lbs. 3 oz. Cobweb 3d :il325 18 lbs. 5 oz. Alaric of Lakeside 6621— Earl of Lakeside 4050, Gazelle of Lakeside 10243 — Sire of Alaric's Milicent 3.5363 18 lbs. SJ^ oz. Mercedes' Pet 20570 17 lbs. 1)4 oz. Abbia H. 24231 15 lbs. 6 oz. Albert 44 — Jerry 15, Frankie 17 — Sire of Lady Love 2d 2212 16 lbs. 8 oz. Conch's Lily 3237 16 lbs. 5}^ oz. Kitty Colt 2213 15 lbs. d]4 oz. Fragrance 4059 15 lbs. 3 oz. Lady Brown 4th 6911 14 lbs. 12 oz. Lady Brown 2d 2348 14 lbs. 3 oz. Albert 2d. 1835— Albert 44, Lady Ives 2d 4332— Sire of Kosa Miller 4333 17 lbs. 7 oz. Bloomfleld Lady 6912 14 lbs. 12 oz. Albert Rex 7724— Duke of Darlington 2460, Couch's Lily 3237— Sire of Albert's Cretesia 22881 16 lbs. 2 oz. Albert's Lilley 19489 15 lbs. 2 oz. Aldine 1 136— Nelusko 479, Gazelle of Mobile 1735— Sire of Lucky Belle 2d 603V 16 lbs. 14 oz. Julia Evelyn 6007 15 lbs. 151^ oz. Duchess Caroline 3d 6039 ... 15 lbs. 8 oz. Bettie Dixon 4527 15 lbs. Starkville Beauty 4897 14 lbs. Alexis of M. 7963— Sir Archie 3015, Mazie Bate 3364— Sire of Good Friday 20081 - 14 lbs. 12 oz. 389 390 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Alfonso 3013— Sig-nal 1170, Rosa Gamp 2732— Sire of Harmony 2d irilS .^ 19 lbs. 3 oz. Zeroda 4;3r33 .' 10 lbs. 7 oz. Aliunder 4756— Lowell 17."30, Russy Sd 3848- -Sire of Al)l)ie Clay 15702 18 lbs. 1 oz. Allegany Chief 2918— Sig-nal 1170, Corolla 4392— Sire of Euphorbia 11220 23 lbs. GJ^ oz. Gardiner's Ripple 11693 19 lbs. 12i^ oz. Allegany Signal 1 0 1 78— Cattaraugus Chief 6026, Agapanthus 7174— Sire of Eiiiihorbia 2d 27094 15 lbs. ^ oz. Almont 2789— Schinchon 1132, Tina 30r)7— Sire of Kitty Potter 0893 IS lbs. 5 oz. Alpenoa 6062— Duke of Hartford 1179, Lady Sarah 4931— Sire of Miss Signal 20370 16 lbs. 4 oz. Alpha of Clifton 1824— Son of Alphea 562, Gray Violet 3489- Sire of XIoIh's .\]pheanette 23336 22 lbs. 10)^ oz. Alphea Star 7487— Mercury 432, Lerna 3634— Sire of ConstrV M. 32751 10 lbs. 2% oz. Alpheon 6082 — Floriiule's Duke 4368, Innocent 3749 — Sire of Ali)he()n's Belle 27104 10 lbs. 11 oz. Alpheus 1 168 — Mercury 432, Europa 176 — Sire of Crust 4775 16 lbs. 8 oz. Antrascine 4747 — Le Brocq's Prize 3350, Carrie of Hillside 3865 — Sire of Bettie of Edgewood 31102 14 lbs. 2 oz. Apis 1206— Collamore's Atlantic 739, Undine 1864 — Sire of Miss Belle .5083 22 lbs. 9 oz. Ida Bashan 4725 18 lbs. Miss Beauty 4053 16 lbs. 12 oz. Aquila 1208— Saracen 480, Kate 1624 -Sire of La Reine Centennielle 4999 15 Ibe. 9 oz. Argo 3737— Guy Mannering- 698, Argosy 4320— Sire of Miss Dora Deane 2 1.505 17lbs. O^oz. Arnold's Bronx 3309— Lord Bronx 2d 1730, Coreopsis 4188— Sire of Ilerbena SSI 1 10 lbs. 15 oz. Asgard 1379— Little Joker 693, Celestine 2389— Sire of Typha .5870 10 lbs. 11 oz. Astronomer 4150— Hornbeam 2123, Little Star 4445— Sire of Brunette of Scarsdale 1.3270 17 lbs. Atamasco 2731 — Padisha 1623, Vinca 3525— Sire of Arawuna Chevre Feuille 1.5097 11 lbs. 9 oz. Auchentoroly 3494— Cerdic 1204, Agnes Sorel 2162— Sire of Lucy Lanier 130.53 18 lbs. 2 oz. Mary Norton 1.3052 17 lbs. 14 oz. Auroraboreellis 2408— Umpire 1637, Lady of Walnut Grove 4837 — Sire of Goodbyi^ 27300 16 lbs. 13 oz. Income 10472 16 lbs. 9 oz. LIST OF SIRES. 391 Autocrat 1065— Yankee (P. S. 37 J. H. B.), Forget-me-not (F. S. 636 J. H. B.) — Sire of Lady Wellington of Milton 12034 18 lbs. 11 oz. Aventurier 4254 — Columbiad 3d 1515, Felicia 3748 — Sire of Pet of Rose Lawn 113-36 18 lbs. 1 oz. Babylon 4723— Jacob 1377, Echo Sd 5785— Sire of Countess Lowndes 26874 17 lbs. 8 oz. Bachelor of St. Lambert 4558— Oi-lofif 3143, Charity of St. Lambert 6638— Sire of Fawn of St. Lambert 27942 ... 15 lbs. 514 oz. Balboa 1244— Duke of Grayholdt 1035, Ibex 3734— Sire of Maid of Saragossa 9080 16 lbs. 6 oz. Orphan Duchess 3d 21284 16 lbs. 3 oz. Verbena of Fernwood 9088 15 lbs. Sunny Lass 6033 14 lbs. 7 oz. Baldwin's Frolic 13840— Koba Jr. 3471, Playful 4893— Sire of Lady Delphine 28460 14 lbs. 4 oz. Baltimore Boy 837— Sire on I. of J., Violet of Oakland 3080— Sire of Lady Oaks 2d .5246 15 lbs. 2 oz. Baritone 1075— Euclid 530, Lady Mary 1148— Sire of Empress of Ely 2d 6771 16 lbs. 8 oz. Barker's Dandy 3758— Dandy Dinmont 1058, Dido Hurd 3581— Sire of Kate Daisy 8264 14 lbs. 4 oz. Barney 1491, imp. — Sire of Thorndale Belle .5265 : 14 lbs. 8 oz. Baron (P. S. 289 J. H. B.)— Farmers Glory (F. S. 374 J. H. B.), Perry Farm Maid (P. S. 178 J. H. B.)— Sire of Baron's Sophie 17615 19 lbs. lb%QZ.. Baron's Rosette 25988 15 lbs. 4 oz. Baron of the Isles 9146— Baronet (P. S. 307 J. H. B.), Lady of the Isles 3d 16653— Sire of Lady Eltled 40757 18 lbs. Baronet 2240— Lord Lisgar 1066, Amelia 484 — Sire of Baronetti 8425 16 lbs. 14i^ oz. Chamomilla 7552 16 lbs. 10 oz. Bonnie 2d ,5742 14 lbs. llj^ oz. Uinta 5743 14 lbs. 10 oz. Beacon Comet 675— Comet 130, Jersey Belle No. 3 1537— Sire of Zillia 2d 1693 15 lbs. 2 oz. Beaconsfield 3416— Top-Sawyer 1404, Brunette Lass 1780— Sire of Cherokee Rose 20921 23 lbs. 10 oz. Waxie 19706 20 lbs. il]^ oz. Beauclerc 1882— Scion 1033, Niobe 99— Sire of Nelida 2d 8227 15 lbs. 2]4 oz. Beeswax 1931— Wethersfield 966, Lilly 3578— Sire of Cordelia Baker 8S14 IV lbs. 9 oz. Mary Clover 9998 14 lbs. 15 oz. 392 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Bee's Wing (P. S. 59 J. H. B.)— Orange Skin (P. S. 19 J. H. B.), Bee's Wing (F. S. 210 J. H. B.)— Sire of Daisy 2d 15761 15 lbs. 8 oz. Bel Caliph 1432— Belisario 640, Calliope 1336— Sire of Mollie Garfield 12173 22 lbs. 12 oz. Ben Butler of Bovina 2024r— Vermont 893, Bertha 2d 2264— Sire of Pride of Bovina 8050 16 lbs. !i oz. Dorothy of Bovina 9373 15 lbs. 4 oz. Ben Nora 2262— Ben Rajah 795, Nora 434— Sire of Emma Hudson 12469 16 lbs. 2 oz. Ben Rajah 795— Rajah 340, Eliza 619— Sire of Myrtle of Ridgewood 7858 14 lbs. 1 oz. Ben Weston 311 1— Hamilton 1074, Etta 1756— Sire of Comtesse d'Espagne 10308 14 lbs. J^ oz. Berger (P. S. 278 J. H. B.)— Farmer's Glory 5196, Agille (P. S. 324 J. H. B.) — Sire of Miss Bligh 24561 15 lbs. 2 oz. Berlin 4507— Polonius 2513, Vinnie 1945— Sire of Luella Berlin 16927 14 lbs. 6 oz. Berlin Prince 3360— John Rex 2761, Lady Mel 429— Sire of Guinevere Sinclair 11167 14 lbs. 9 oz. Bijou (F. S. 65 J. H. B.>— Sire of Patterson's Beauty 4760 18 lbs. Bingo 181 1— Motley 515, Bessie 139— Sire of Airs. Knickerbocker 19367 16 lbs. 8J^ oz. Bingo 2d 6749— Bingo 1811, Madge Living.ston 6695— Sire of Onnolee 2.3804 16 lbs. 4 oz. Lady Bingo 24160 15 lbs. 4 oz. Bismarck 1423, imp. — Sire of Trudie 2d 4084 15 lbs. Bismarck 'Fairbanks'' 1277— Byron 279, Sylvia 687— Sire of ^"araieoka H. 123-.!3 18 lbs. 12 oz. Black Defiance 4014— King of Scituate 3623, Belle of Scituate 7977— Sire of Pauline Vivienne 11.305 16 lbs. 13 oz. A'ivian 1.5813 10 lbs. Black Diamond V. 4970— Compeer 2367, Valhalla 5300— Sire of Alberta Signal 18611 20 lbs. 11 oz. Alphea Vaudrada 17468 19 lbs. 7 oz. Letitia Hunter .3.5.575 17 lbs. 5 oz. Pansy Patterson 18612 15 lbs. 15 oz. Blennerhasset 3334 — Prince of Rose Croix 1893, Belle of Collingwood 5565 — Sire of Monocacy Dimple 9680 14 lbs. 3 oz. Blondin 3d 1935— Blondin 1934, Belle of Jersey 363— Sire of Daisy of Hillside Farm 6025 16 lbs. Atricia 6029 15 lbs. 3 oz. LIST OF SIEES. . 393 Blossom's Tennessee 6060 — Top-Sawj^er 1404, Blossom of the Grange 6958 — Sire of Lady Creamly 4tli 10077 17 lbs. 6}4 oz. Lily of Riverside 19599 14 lbs. 9 oz. Blucher 48, imp. — Sire of Beauty Bliicher 308 14 lbs. 3 oz. Bliicher 2d 102— Blucher 48, Belle Bowen 206— Sire of Myrtle 2d 211 1.5 lbs. 12 oz. Bluetooth 1821— St. Helier 45, Silene 4307— Sire of Bessie Bradford 2d 7271 15 lbs. 2 oz. Bobby (on I. of J.) — Sire of Fear Not 2d 6061 16 lbs. 2 oz. Bobby (P. S. 208 J. H. B.)— Vertumnus (P. S. 161 J. H. B.), Young Rose (P. S. 43 J. H. B.)— Sire of Bobby's Lily 22055 18 lbs. Damask Rose 22065 16 lbs. 334 oz. Bobby's Magnolia 24401 15 lbs. 12 oz. Bravy 1 923— St. Helier 45, Helve 4565— Sire of Belle of Riverview 21464 17 lbs. 12i^ oz. Braxton 1715— Pertinatti 713, Brunette Lass 1780— Sire of Creole Maid 11017 16 lbs. 15 oz. Brier's Pogis 14163— Diana s Rioter 10481, Sweet Brier of St. Lambert 5481 — Sire of Comely of St. Lambert 2d 41177 20 lbs. 10 oz. Kitty of St. Lambert 2d 40106 16 lbs. 5 oz. Bright IF. S. 308 J. H. B.)— Sire of Moggy Bright 25891 21 lbs. 15 oz. Brisk 2077— star Neal 1495, Dolly 2d 1020— Sire of Whiting's Daisy 148.58 14 lbs. 10}^ oz. Bristol Chief 1476— Wethersfield 966, Judy 691— Sire of Summerline 8001 18 lbs. 6 oz. Broker 873— Sire on I. of J., Nora 389— Sire of Christmas Nannie 4075 19 lbs. 7 oz. Brookside 1 104— Roderick 128, May 255— Sire of Gold Ear 2d 3.592 18 lbs. 2 oz. Brother Jack 4042— Cinnabar 1739, Phaedra 2561— Sire of Zitella 2d 11922 17 lbs. Si^ oz. Malope2d 11923 15 lbs. 10 oz. City Belle 16.5.39 15 lbs. 5^ oz. Bro-wrny iP. S. 158 J. H. B.i— Tom (P. S. 77 J. H. B.), Fairy (F. S. 964 J. H. B.)— Sire of Miss Browney 7288 16 lbs. 13 oz. Royal Beauty 18908 15 lbs. 2i^ oz. Beauty 17414 15 lbs. Rosaline Collas 11187 14 lbs. 15 oz^ Rosebud of Belle Vue 7702 14 lbs. lOi.^ oz. Browser 1624— Crown Prince 581, Belle 1490— Sire of V\'oodland Maid 8150 14 lbs. 2 oz. 394 , BUTTER TEST>! OF JERSEYS. Brunette's Prince 71 15 — Prince Hammond 3673, Brunette Hammond 7284— Sire of Dorine's Brunette 29309 20 lbs. 3 oz. Buffer 2055— Lord Monck 304, Amelia 484— Sire of Pearl of St. Lambert 5527 14 lbs. 2 oz. Moss Rose of St. Lambert 5114 14 lbs. i^ oz. Bugler 2127— Lord Lawrence 1414, Blondette 1817— Sire of Fannie Bugler 10962 15 lbs. 2 oz. Bullion 2d 5246— Bullion 3079, Hilda C. 3869— Sire of Bessie Russ 2a 14649 15 lbs. IJ^ oz. Bunker 9025— Stoke Pog'is 5th 5987, Sallie Banker 1426— Sire of Cora Belmont 2d 48868 19 lbs. 1 oz. Bunker's Pride 38571 18 lbs. 3}^ oz. Proctor's Alma Dolores 47107 17 lbs. 10 oz. Nutley Dolores 2d 55901 15 lbs. 13 oz. Khedive's Princess 38.")68 15 lbs. 4 oz. Bunker's Kitty 47103 14 lbs. lli^ oz. Burnside 1234— Hughes 954, Clematis 3174— Sire of Lobelia 2d (UmO 14 lbs. 6 oz. Butter Maker 3098— Ralph Guild 1917, Sugar 4940— Sire of Anuon 10862 16 lbs. I:il4 oz. Butter Print 1863— Nelusko 479, Mollie Horton 1734— Sire of Valerie (;044 15 lbs. 13 oz. Butterstamp (P. S. 101 J. H. B.)— Trust (F. S. 162 J. H. B.), Sultane (P. S. 7 J. H. B.)— Sire of Butterstar 7799 IS lbs. 4i^ oz. Maid of Five Oaks 7178 15 lbs. 4 oz. Caen 2317— Alpheus 1168, Countess of Normandy 2675— Sire of Niva 7523 15 lbs. 8 oz. Caen Jr. 6522— Caen 2317, Favorite of Staatsburgh 3017 — Sire of Badger Girl 21463 ' 113 lbs. 1 oz. Caliph 161 8— Normandy 1046, Rosette of Staatsburgh 3008— Sire of Petite Jlere 8516 15 lbs. 13 oz. Callis 1696— Don 611, Calliope 1326— Sire of Callie Nan 7959 16 lbs. 2 oz. Camerlengo 3012— Signal 1170, Maiden of Jersey 2736— Sire of Fi iz Cam 14655 15 lbs. 7 oz. Lady Clarendon 3d 17.578 14 lbs. 6)4 oz. Campbell's Rex 6812— John Rex 2761, Dahlia 401— Sire of Das^a Araryle 21180 15 lbs. 6 oz. Canada's John Bull 8388— Sir George of St. Lambert 6036, Nymph of St. Lambert 12968— Sire of Sbeldon's Daisy of St. L. 53047 20 lbs. 11 oz. Jobn Bull's Princess 49(i70 19 lbs. 14 oz. Canada's John Bull Jr. 15693— Canada's John Bull 8388, Oaklands Nora 14880— Sire of Oaklands Nora 2d 45967 15 lbs. 7 oz. LIST OF SIEES. 395 Cardinal of Rosland 3335— Majestic 2cl 1301, Amelia of Greenwood 2139— Sire of Grace M. 10697 15 lbs. 2 cz. Cannie M. 10698 15 lbs. 1 oz. Cargo 5370— Ralph Guild 1917, Argosy 4320— Sire of The Widow's Daughter 11.507 19 lbs. 8]4 oz. Georgiadear 11508 18 lbs. 3 oz. Carlo 5559— Hero (P. S. 126 J. H. B.), Pretty Maid 7012— Sire of Belle Dame 2d 2204;^. . .■ 18 lbs. 12 oz. Miss Alexander 2d 26054 15 lbs. 10 oz. Carlo's Rosebud 18223 15 lbs. 8 oz. Carlo's Daisy 16702 14 lbs. 9J^ oz. Carlos, on I. of J. — Sire of Bisson's Belle 31144 28 lbs. 10 oz. Carnival 5110— The Hub 1009, Romp Ogden 2d 4764— Sire of Busy Bee 2d 25166 15 lbs. 8 oz. Cash Boy 2248— Rex 1330, Dido of Middlefield 3416— Sire of Maggie Re?; 28623 17 lbs. 2]^ oz. Sister Re.x 1.3194 16 lbs. 8 oz. Eve of Christmas 9473 14 lbs. 5J4 oz. Casta's Champion 1 1794 — Champion's Son 3286, Casta Diva 8154— Sire of Miss Clifford 2d 56149 16 lbs. 4^4 oz. Catoctin 2692— Silverlocks Jr. 699, Clifton Fairy 3265— Sire of Betsy of Rochester 2:B562 14 lbs. 10^ oz. Yankee Girl Cd 29261 14 lbs. 7 oz. Catono 3761— Cato (P. S. 178 J. H. B.), Ona 7840— Sire of Daisy Hudson 24647 17 lbs. 11 oz. Rosona 129.56 16 lbs. 7 oz. Annie Lane 4.5345 15 lbs. 6 oz. Elsie Lane 13302 15 lbs. 4 oz. Kitty Ona 24209 5. 14 lbs. 11 oz. Catono's Rosebud 23674 14 lbs. 5 oz. Betsona 16776 14 lbs. 3 oz. Griidde 22564 14 lbs. 21^ oz. Cazique 3103— Earl of Brookside 1677, Jersey Princess 3435— Sire of Woodland Maid 2d 19666 14 lbs. Cecco 1673— Mercury 432, Ceres 427— Sire of Idalene 11841 15 lbs. 8J^ oz. Idearil842 14 lbs. 12}^ oz. Cetewayo (P. S. 224 J. H. B.>— Romulus (P. S. 181 J. H. B.), Musique (F. S 1096 J. H. B.)— Sire of Cetewayo's Silver Bell 18952 17 lbs. 2'i^ oz. Cetewayo's Lily 18950 17 lbs. Cetewayo's Daisy 18230 16 lbs. 4 oz. Cetewayo's Dorcas 20287 16 lbs. 2^4 oz. Champion Magnet 6480— Champion of America 1567, Mink 3548— Sire of Marie C. Magnet 22903 15 lbs. 8 oz. Frances C. Maguet 2-.'904 14 lbs. K% oz. Clara C. Magnet 31563 14 lbs. 11 oz. 396 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Champion of America 1567 — May Boy 705, Pansy 1019 — Sire of Champion Azuliiie 20542 18 Ib^. i^ oz. Annie L. 12034 17 lbs. 1514 oz. Gabrielle Champion 14102 17 lbs. 8 oz. Forest Queen 12229 16 lbs. V) oz. Silveretta (i8.")2 16 lbs. 9 oz. Princess Sheila 7297. 16 lbs. 4)^ oz. Tobira 84tX) 1.5 lbs. 1 i oz. Champion's Chloe 12255 15 lbs. 51.^ oz. Gilded Pansy 20.5.52 15 lbs. 5 oz. Dairy C. 12227 : 15 lbs. 1^ oz. Coronilla 88(!7 14 lbs. 7 oz. Champion Flower 20887 14 lbs. 6 oz. Maggie C. 12216 14 lbs. 6 oz. Lady Greville 12930 14 lbs. 6 oz. Maggie May 2d 12926 14 lbs. G oz. Gilt Edge C. 12223 14 lbs. SJ^ oz. Minnie Lee 2d 12941 14 lbs. 3 oz. Jessie Leavenworth 8248 14 lbs. 2 oz. Therese M. 8364 14 lbs. 2 oz. Webster Pet 4103 14 lbs. 2 o/. Champion of Hilltop 1839 — Champion of Amei-ica 1567. Kate Nickleby 3100 — Sive of Lady Gray of Hilltop 2d 14641 14 lbs. 12 oz. Lady Gray of Hilltop .3d 14642 14 lbs. 2 oz. Champion of Indiana 3075— Champion of Hilltop 1839, Silveretta 6852 — Sire of Therese G. 16390 17 lbs. 2oz. Champion of the West 14271— Goldcup 3983, Flory of the Oaks 8141— Sire of 'Sl-Wk Alphea 51274 14 lbs. ^\4 oz. Champion's Son 3286 — Champion of America 1567, Williams' Birdie 4659 — Sire of Warren's Duchess 3d 26836. .* 17 lbs. 2]4 oz. Laurie Pansy Champion 20396 14 lbs. 5>^ oz. Charleston 1 — Sire on I. of J., Princess 886 — Sire of Wy bie .595 It lbs. 4 oz. Charley Willis 14866— Rayon d'Or 7516, Lois of Staatsburgh 13980— Sire of Susie V. 518.55 14 lbs. 14 oz. Charlie Kittredge 1247— Joseph L. 148, Countess Kittredge 3593— Sire of Mallie .:!d 9879 1-t lbs. 13 oz. Gold Princess 8S09 14 lbs. 12 oz. Chatelaine's Dayton 531 1— Dayton 1635, Chatelaine 1916— Sire of Shiloh Daughter 20378 14 lbs. 714 oz. Chelten Duke 924— Pilot Jr. 141, Duchess 101— Sire of Louisa Hinman 12802 14 lbs. Chief Baron 2984— Chelten Duke 924, Black Bess 1788— Sire of Jaqucnetia 109.58 14 lbs. 6 oz. Chief Justice 2d 1643— Chief Justice 253, Hilda 943— Sire of Hilda 2d 5447 23 lbs. 5 oz. Hilda D. 0683 21 lbs. 2)4 oz. LIST OF SIKES. 397 Chief Modoc 1718— Hillhurst 1310, Jessey 3116— Sire of Countess Europa 35820 17 lbs. 12 oz. Chief of the Miamis 2958— Signal 1170, Annie Lachaise 3961— Sire of Lass Signal 16308 20 lbs. 2 oz. Cicero 7657— Happj^ (P. S. 211 J. H. B.), Fleur De I'Air 13702— Sire of Lady Fair 22103 19 lbs. 10 oz. Cicero's Jolie 18246 18 lbs. 3 oz. Brunette Star 27270 17 lbs. 10 oz. Lady Longfield 2;3524 17 lbs. 314 oz- Cicero's Juno 16726 17 lbs. 2 oz. Lionette 18038 17 lbs. 1 oz. Pendule 2d 16709 16 lbs. 5 oz. Cicero's Mabel 18238 15 lbs. 2 oz. Cill's Stoke Pogis 14149— Rubano 8806, Gill of Glen Roug-e 13818— Sire of Homestead Pogis 44231 14 lbs. 11 oz. Citizen 13186— Combination 4389, Miss Bowris 12206— Sire of Upper Ten 37603 14 lbs. 7 oz. Sparkling 41042 14 lbs. 1 oz. Civil Rights 7223— Gol. Crockett 1694, Mary Goodenough 2068— Sire of May Lankton 15872 16 lbs. 1}^ oz. Claimant (P. S. 84 J. H. B.>— Lemon (F. S. 170 J. H. B.), Daphne (F. S. 1066 J. H. B.)— Sire of Nancy Lee 7618 26 lbs. 8)4 oz. Clement 1 15— Sire on I. of J., Clementine (F. S. 232 J. H. B.)— Sire of Alice of Salem 5053 14 lbs. 8 oz. Cliff 176— Dick Swiveller 159, Fanny 365— Sire of Tliisbe 2d 2201 19 lbs. 1]4 oz. Clifton Hero 6759— Clifton Monarch 3546, Princess Bowen 9699— Sire of Alpheus Mostar 20037 14 lbs. 9 oz. Clifton Monarch 3546— Ditke of Bloomfield 1544, Zingara 1939— Sire of El Mora Mostar 1.59.55 15 lbs. 4 oz. Velvet Mostar 17.5*5 15 lbs. 3 oz. Clive Duke 1901 — Prize Duke 942, Welcome Beauty 1268— Sire of Oitz 8649 15 lbs. 11 oz. Halsie McCurdy 12379 14 lbs. S}4 oz. Cloverine 3510— Grand Duke Alexis 1040, Kitty Clover 1113— Sire of Rupertina 10409 17 lbs. 1}4 oz. Clusius H. 5781— Homer H. 3683, Gilda 2779— Sire of ThedaH. 20567 IV lbs. 1 oz. Lucy's Love 20.568 14 lbs. 14 oz. Esther B. 248-34 1-1 lbs. 1 oz. Cobden 1871— Coupon 1024, Musette 2073— Sire of Frankie's Lass 24900 17 lbs. 214 oz. Cockade 1979— Alpheus 1168, Cocoanut 1694— Sire of Forsakt n 7.520 15 lbs. 1 oz. CoBur de Lion 318, imp. — Sire of Maud Ltre 2416 23 lbs. 398 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. CcEur de Lion (P. S. 140 J. H. Bj— Rex (P. S. 71 J. H. B.), Fougere (F. S. 914 J. H. B.)— Sire of Brown Princess 30941 14 lbs. 9 oz. Colonsay 3591— Lenox 1593, Coral 3707— Sire of Carrie Lena 2d 19074 14 lbs. 5]4 oz. Colt Jr. 826— Rob Roy 17, Maggie 3054— Sire of Chloe Beach .3931 14 lbs. 8 oz. Columbiad. 2d 1515 — Columbiad 534, Celestia 1898 — Sire of Alluring 5.">41 .' 19 lbs. 5 oz. Rose of Rose Lawn 9365 16 lbs. 3 oz. Aspirante 9-^72 14 lbs. 7 oz. Deoine 6343 14 lbs. 3 oz. Combination 4389— Polonius 2513, Lady Mel 429— Sire of Paradise 3308-2 17 lbs. 11 oz. Mercurina 64920 17 lbs. lOi,^ oz. Transcript 31867 17 lbs. 7 oz. Commotion .52960 - 17 lbs. 6 oz. Wamla 32083 17 lbs. 5% oz. Lady Hugo 29430 16 lbs. 7 oz. Sparks 41041 16 lbs. 4)4, oz. Comanca 19389 16 lbs. 3 oz. Period 42640 16 lbs. 3 oz. Lorita 33750 15 lbs. 6i^ oz. Complexia 56774 15 lbs. 3 oz. Coma 29:W0 15 lbs. 2}^ oz. Portrait 32592 15 lbs. 2)4 oz. Classic 21402 14 lbs. I314 oz. Belbonnie 29630 14 lbs. 9 oz. Curfew 16498 14 lbs. 7J4 oz. Combonnie 40260 14 lbs. 2 oz. Comedia :i8885 14 lbs. 2 oz. Comlassa 40671 14 lbs. Combination 3d 17576— Combination 4389, Coma 29330— Sire of Smax 4851.2 16 lbs. llj^ oz. Celebrity .52011 14 lbs. 3 oz. Comet 130, imp. — Sire on I. of J., English Beauty 449 — Sire of Abbie Z. 14002 14 lbs. 11 oz. Commodore Roxbnry 1586— Roxbury 347, Bouquet 853 — Sire of Belle Dawson 8270 18 lbs. 3 oz. Compeer 2367— Son of Alphea 563, Bella Donna 1737— Sire of Forget Me Not O 10564 15 lbs. 4 oz. Compo Boy 2830— Signal 1170, Lucilla 3735— Sire of Gazella 3d 93.55 16 lbs. 3 oz. Composite 10810— Compo Boy 3830, Blue Belle of Maple Grove 10687— Sire of Signal Hinman 44615 15 lbs. 12% oz. Comus 54, imp. — Sire on I. of J., Diana 77 — Sire of Plenty 9.50 14 lbs. 8 oz. ConoAxeror iP. S. 89 J. H. B.)— Welcome (F. S. 166 J. H. B.), Princes.s (F. S. 769 J. H. B.)— Sire of Lucilla Kent 8892 15 lbs. 10 oz. LIST OF SIKES. 399 Coomassie 1484— Wethersfield 966, Belle 1335— Sire of Deborana4718 14 lbs. 8 oz. Coomassie Welcome 9279 — MaxfiekVs Young Duke 3708, Aureola W. 10461— Sire of Ventnor Beauty 4C308 15 lbs. 11 oz. Girlie's Glory 46.305 15 lbs. Tones 46306 14 lbs. 9 oz. Oopake 1387— Quaker 887, Creampot 4th 3389— Sire of Country Girl .3d 12538 IT lbs. 11 oz. Cornelius 4204 -Prince of Croton 3490, Grinnella 3d 3309— Sire of Fragrance 4th 16509 14 lbs. 7 oz. Corporal St. Helier 13397— O'Malley 6441, Cinderella St. Helier 37341— Sire of Allie St. Helier 15794 16 lbs. 13]^ oz. Councillor 4468, imp. — Sire of Deletta ^31305 14 lbs. ISj^ oz. Count Bismarck 732— Sire on I. of J., Lucy 1837— Sire of Myth 28;37 14 lbs. 6 oz. Count Cicero (F. S. 398 J. H. B.)— Sire of Count's Fillpail 30975 24 lbs. 5 oz. Count Coomassie 7542— Nigel Bruce 4134, Queen 9619— Sire of Elodie .30223 15 lbs. 5}^ oz. Venna's Zeka 26670 14 lbs. i^ oz. Count Logan 1599— Grand Duke Alexis 1040, Belle Logan 3717— Sire of Rockwood Maid 8375 15 lbs. 4}i oz. Lady Aspinwall 8374 14 lbs. Count Potoka 9831— Lord Lawrence 1414, Countess Potoka 7496— Sire of Dame Miller 59260 16 lbs. 2)4 oz. Count St. George 8403— Sir George 7656, St. Clementaise 18163— Sire of Fill Pail's Countess 24462 22 lbs. 8 oz. Critic 540— Orange Peel 503, Cannie 1359— Sire of Gilda 2779 14 lbs. 6 oz. Croton Maid's Duke 6658— Sweepstakes Duke 1905, Croton Maid 5305— Sire of Signal Maid 19361 19 lbs. 13 oz. Cushnoc Jr. 2358— Cushnoc 1343, Mimosa 1869— Sire of Evergreen Maid 11536 14 lbs. Rosaletta 9339 14 lbs. Czar 251— Pilot Boy 488, Wanda 1433— Sire of Adina 1942 14 'bs. 4 oz. Czar of New York 4049— Azimuth 1413, Princess Caroline 3031— Sire of Bertha Black 26275 16 lbs. 14 oz. Czaretta 17358 '. 1-1 '^s. 7 oz. Dainty Boy 2955— Pierrot 636, Dainty 796— Sire of Hattie Douglass 24960 16 lbs. 5 oz. 400 JSUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. Dana 3620, imp.— Sire of Lucilla 3d 9780 17 lbs. 1 oz. Dande 1556. imp. — Sire of Flora Lee of Tennessee 7694 16 lbs. 5 oz. Daniel Deronda 2291— Thorough-bass 564, Gazella 18S0— Sire of Sasco Belle 13601 U lbs. Daniel Webster 403— Sire on I. of J.. Flosa 292— Sire of Royal Princess 2:370 17 lbs. 12 oz. Date 2624— Dash of Glastonbury 1959, Dilly 2527— Sire of Phyllis of Hillcrest 9067 16 lbs. Deerfoot Boy 1926— Albion 490, Daisy of Deerfoot 8182— Sire of Abbie Z. M 14742 17 lbs. Mab of Deerfoot 3d 1534.5 14 lbs. }4 oz. Deerfoot Boy of Somerset 6944— Fitz 1988, Sally Parks 3854— Sire of Grace G. Parks 2'J2ij3 19 lbs. 3 oz. De Gruchy 3652— Pilot (P. S. 183 J. H. B.), Rainetta 8081— Sire of Ampelis.ilh 17548 15 lbs. Delaware Darling 346 1 — Sarpedon 930, Helene 179 — Sire of Darling of Xeatham 2(X)86 15 lbs. 3 oz. Susette C. 18602 14 lbs. 8 oz. Denise's Tormentor 1 1823— Tormentor 3583, Denise 8281— Sire of Tormentor's Rexea 38(t06 15 lbs. 14 oz. Tormentor's Daisy 524'.'6 15 lbs. 4 oz. Ds'rtlshoof 866— Ontario 865, Darkness 1345— Sire of Oak Leaf 4769 17 lbs. 10 oz. Diamond Earl 31 16— Longfellow 8l8, Favorita of Queens Co. 2825— Sire of Belle of Vermillion 8798 15 lbs. 14 oz. Lillian Mostar 10364 14 lbs. 3 oz. Bessie of Clover Leaf 1303:3 14 lbs. 2 oz. Diana's Rioter 10481 — Sir George of St. Lambert 6036. Diana of St. Lam- bert 6636— Sire of Rioter's Sweet Brier 30582 18 lbs. 9 oz. St. Lambert's Coquette 41070 16 lbs. 15 oz. Dick 1410— Count 1403, Countess 114— Sire of Molly :35.>4 15 lbs. 9 oz. Dick 'F. S. 181 J. H. B.'— Sire of Buckeye Lass 10:3.55 14 lbs. 4 oz. Dick (F. S. 223 J. H. B.)— Sire of Beauty of Jersey 7850 19 lbs. 2 oz. Dickero 3542— Trocadero 1423, Lily 7th 4711— Sire of Pansy K. 2:3889 14 lbs. 11^ oz. Dickinson's Sea Gull 2d 7373— Dickinson s Sea Gull 2177, Lucie of Glen Dolan 12660— Sire of Clifty Beauty 30-249 15 lbs. 6% oz. LIST OF SIEES. 401 Dick Swiveller Jr. 276— Dick Swiveller 74, Twilight 977— Sire of Countess of Lakeside ]213o 19 lbs. 7 oz. Jersey 3260 15 lbs. 6 oz. Diploma 16219— Combination 4389, Frankie"s Lass 24900— Sire of Plumage 53897 17 lbs. 5 oz. Midway 50^ oz. Nutley Darling 22412 15 lbs. 3}^ oz. Duchess of Darlington 13830 14 lbs. 11 oz. Duke of Darlington 2d 6948— Duke of Darling-ton 2460, Euphrates 9778— Sire of Darlvmora 37771 14 lbs. 7 oz. LIST OF SIKES. 403 Duke of Darlington 3d 11096— Duke of Darlington 2460, Robinette 7114— Sire of Parloa 39357 14 lbs. 10 oz. Duke of Grayholdt 1035, imp. — Sire of Duenna's Duchess .5508 16 lbs. 10 oz. Gazania 4513 14 lbs. 2 oz. Morlacchi 2725 14 lbs. Duke of Jersey 198— Sire on I. of J., Pert 110— Sire of Melody 2689 14 lbs. 1 oz. Duke of Lebanon 1880— Nye 667, Nancy Dawson 1379— Sire of Manoa 6340 16 lbs. 12 oz. Blossie Reynolds 6082 16 lbs. 3}i oz. Home Matron 6707 14 lbs. Duke of Lome 6510— Duke of Argyle 1517, Duchess of Argyle 3758— Sire of Mellie Argyle 20609 14 lbs. 2 oz. Duke of Magnolia 2826— Duke of Grayholdt 1035, Fleuret 2759— Sire of Ette 10S15 15 lbs. 7 oz. Duke of Mansfield 2277— Pierrot 636, La Biche 905— Sire of Miss Lofty 9718 16 lbs. 10 oz. ' Duke of Mansfield's Pierrot 6261— Duke of Mansfield 2277, Betty Bovven 9494— Sire of Insie of Riverside 23825 30 lbs. 5% oz. Eva of Snipsic 17650 14 lbs. 1 oz. Duke of Maplehurst 2290— Duke of Patterson 1600, Clari 4266— Sire of Marchioness of Maplehurst 8018 14 lbs. 6 oz. Litty 8017 14 lbs. Duke of Milford 3820— Baronet 2240, Angela 1682— Sire of Benetia 21511 16 lbs. b% oz. Duke of Normandy 3446— Job 2235, Queenette 5274— Sire of Belle of St. John's 2d 29829 15 lbs. J^ oz. Duke of Oakland 1 984— Black Knight 1759, Sweetheart 4196— Sire of Enid 2d 10782 14 lbs. TVs oz. Duke of Ouaquaga 2740— Bedford 1084, Lady Emma 4892— Sire of Nan Day 17192 20 lbs. 4 oz. Duke of Portage 1270— Major of Staatsburgh 679, Lady Palestine 2769— Sire of Ida of Coal Hill 12542 15 lbs. i^ oz. Celia Beile .5865 14 lbs. 3 oz. Duke of St. Helier 7527— Glue 3960, Helen St. Helier 12425— Sire of Meines St. Helier 29999 14 lbs. 1 oz. Duke of Sassafras 2431— Rossnian 1128, Kizzie 3344 — Sire of Gem of Sassafras 8431 14 lbs. S}4 oz. Duke of Scituate 3623— Pharos Jr. 3621, Jersey Belle of Scituate 7828— Sire of Minnie of Scituate 17829 14 lbs. 4)4 oz. 404 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Duke of Thornebrook 3832— Lawi-ence 61, Chiquita loTS— Sire of Hindoo Rose 14<30-^ 14 lbs. 7 oz. Pansita Jth 18109 14 lbs. 6 oz. Carrie's Wonder iryi33 14 lbs. 2i^ oz. Duke of Wellington 35, imp. — Sire of Lassie 1184 15 lbs. 114 oz. Duke of Wellington 608— Sark 123, Jersey Belle 1526— Sire of Bounty 1006 14 lbs. Duke of Woodlawn 4160— Brisk 2077, Flower of Mashamoquet Farm 6471 — Sire of Hypathia M 14774 10 lbs. Vi]^ oz. Dunraven 7950— Auchentoroly 3494, Teaella 6712— Sire of Donna Signal ^SMOr IG lbs. 1 oz. Durwood 4527— Top-Sawyer 1404, Oonan 1485— Sire of Diirwoorrs L:»ss 19710 10 lbs. Earl of Willow Glen 2043— Maje.stic 2d 1201, C^ueechy 3827— Sire of Mary M. Allison 0308 20 lbs. 14 oz. Easter Boy 3032— Rex 1330, Easter Flower 4643— Sire of Golden Plover 2->.388 iO lbs. \% oz. Easter Boy 2d 5310— Easter Boy 3032, Lily of the Valley 7439— Sire of Lady Panalphrex 17400 23 lbs. 9 oz. Eastern Chief 'P. S. 171 J. H. B.)— Welcome (F. S. 202 J. H. B.), Zenobia (P. S. 86 J. H. B.)— Sire of Eastern Suliane 20298 1.5 lbs. 31^ oz. Eclipse 1449— Sweepstakes 682, Amelia 2d 1730— Sire of IXordbeim Creamer 9758 14 lbs. Edward Earle 10462— Sweepstakes Duke 1905, Rose Harebell 3d 3245— Sire of Beauty's Crescent 26733 15 lbs. lh% oz. Elkornah 4401— Statesman 2407, Dolly Hughes 2486— Sire of Waiter Girl 12770 10 lbs. 7 oz. Ellwood 13382— McHenry 5890, Delle 2d 17737— Sire of Silver Delle 40691 17 lbs. 41.^ oz. Elmwood 2322— Trusty 1101, Brown Bess 2649— Sire of Engli-h Elm 17600 lilbs. 7 oz. Elsmore 4384— Duke of Grayholdt 1035, Lonette 2719— Sire of Sunset of Pleasant View 13071 1.5 lbs. 2 oz. Emperor 287— Jerry 15, Eve 2d 734— Sire of Actress 2311 14 lbs. Etzel 3593— Amir Khan 2573, St. Ello 3636— Sire of Bianca Lass 14997 14 lbs. B]^ oz. Euclid 520— Lawrence 61, Golddrop 222— Sire of Ma Belle 4942 15 lbs. Eupidee 4097— Duke of Darlington 2460, Leda 799— Sire of Dove Dee 18059 27 lbs. 9 oz. May Dee 1S<.).5S 15 lbs. 10 oz. Eupidee's Perfection 20175 15 lbs. 4 oz. LIST OF SIRES. 405 Euroclydon 4789— Georgics 2424, Torfrida 3596— Sire of Lizzette"s Mary 12723 14 lbs. 11 oz. Europa's Duke 4832— Brown Duke 2190, Europa 176— Sire of Cream Calla 402;W 16 lbs. " oz. Exile of St. Lambert 13657— Bachelor of St. Lambert 4558, Allie of St. Lambert 24991— Sire of Paola Stoke Pogis 34691 19 lbs. G}4 oz. Helen Stoke Poeis 31947 17 lbs. 8 oz. Exile's Pauline .37530 16 lbs. 1.5 oz. Isadore Stoke Pogis 37297 16 lbs. 9X oz. Exile".s Daisy 46885 16 lbs. 4 oz. Nora Stoke Pogis .34687 16 lbs. 1 oz. Ynba Stoke Pogis 37294 15 lbs. U% oz. Zenobia Stoke Pogis 37292 15 lbs. 8 oz. Fanchon's King 2637— Jersey King- 879, Fanchon 2d 1958— Sire of Coiiiuess Potoka 7496 18 lbs. 15 oz. Fancy's Harry 9777— Lord Harry 3445, Landseer's Fancy 2876— Sire of Fancy Wax 371.59 19 lbs. 3)^ oz. Romp Ogden 5th 43181 17 lbs. 9 oz. Harry's May Fair 37499 16 lbs. 1 oz. Fancy Bee 37496 15 lbs. 8 oz. Harry's Ernestine 662.32 15 lbs. G]4 or. Temalema 44761 14 lbs. 10 oz. Signal Fancy 30S12 14 lbs. 8^ oz. Lena's Florence 42460 14 lbs. 8 oz. Harry's Fancy 39114 14 lbs. 61^ oz. Farmer's Glory 5196— Grey King (P. S. 169 J. H. B.). Bonheur (F. S. 1651 J. H. B. )— Sire of Benlah De Gruchy 1.3480 22 lbs. 2 oz. Maiitana 12039 16 lbs. 3}^ oz. Geneva 1.3220 15 lbs. 11 oz. Marie S. 12043 15 lbs. 6 oz. Farmer's Pride 12284 15 lbs. 4 oz. Hilda 2d 14967 14 lbs. 121^ oz. Fast Boy 2606— Bon Ton 1656, Artless 3992— Sire of Nigella 7895 16 lbs. 3 oz. Nibbette 11625 14 lbs. 7 oz. Hennette 11624 14 lbs. 3i^ oz. Faust 503— Sire on I. of J., Fanny 1343— Sire of Miss Bianca 12517 17 lbs. 14 oz. Miss Bowris 12206 17 lbs. 8% oz. FavorKP. S. 185 J. H. B.i— Kliedive (P. S. 103 J. H. B.), Favorite (P. S. 76 J. H. B.)— Sire of Litta Oaks 19734 15 lbs. 5]4 oz. Fayette Boy 4737— Fancy Leo 2728, Lady Pigot 2d 5798— Sire of Lady Cloud 193.58 16 lbs. 10 oz. Fearnaught 1854— Grand Duke Alexis 1040, Rosa Gamp 2732— Sire of Aldarine 2d 1419(5 14 lbs. Finis La-wrence 4107 — Hornbeam 2123, Ella Lawrence 8823 — Sire of Design 1S481 17 lbs. -214 oz. Princess White Water 21137 14 lbs. 15 oz. 406 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Fitz 1988— Pagan 1800, Canary Bird 2d 4264— Sire of Bet Arlington 8070 18 lbs. 11 oz. Flash 2532— Pierrot 636, Belle of Farmington 911— Sire of Flashy Jessie 9722 17 lbs. 15 oz. Rarity 2d 7724. . . . '. 14 lbs. 2 oz. Florian (P. S. 373 J. H. B.'— Happy (F. S. 309 J. H. B.), Lily Pot (P. S. 362 J. H. B.)— Sire of Pretty Flirt 28791 1.5 lbs. Florinde's Duke 4368— Duke of Dai-lington 2460, Florinde 7110— Sire of Celestia 2d -^9482 16 lb.<. 13 oz. Footstep 5163— Wanderer 3014, Fadette of Verna 6814— Sire of Hilda A. 3d 16636 17 lb.*. 1 oz. Eltekeh 28266 16 lbs. 4 oz. Edessa 21844 16 lbs. 2 oz. Hatita 34.J38 14 lbs. 15 oz. Forget-me-not 6291— Farmer's Glory 5196, Erica (F. S. 1946 J. H. B.)- Sire of Well Done 25987 19 lbs. 4 oz. Lady Phillis 18240 18 lbs. 15 oz. Sibyl's Beauty 25941 18 lbs. Sibyl's Fancy 2.5912 17 lbs. Fringe 16875 15 lbs. Fortunatus 1 152— Mogul 532, Juniata 1289— Sire of Kosebiul of Allerton 63.52 19 lbs. 12 oz. Violet of Glencairn 10221 14 lbs. 4 oz. Frank 309— Jerry 15, 319— Sire of Susanna Frank 18261 14 lbs. Frankfort 2990— Statesman 2407, Agnes Dinsmore 4276— Sire of rtil.— Pretender (P. S. 187 J. H. B.), Lady Alice (F. S. 1838 J. H. B.)— Sire of Lady Antoinette 24.391 21 lbs. 6 oz. Garibaldi H. 7106, imp.— Sire on I. of J., Anna of Mountain Side 15544 — Sire of Lady Livingston 3.3374 15 lbs. 2 oz. Gen. James A. Garfield 14874— Troy 5404, Mollie Garfield 12172— Sire of Kitty Livingston 34303 15 lbs. 2 oz. General Lyman 6631 — Joseph 3419, Island Beauty 9113 — Sire of Belle L> man 28.522 16 lbs. SJ^ oz. Gen. Marion 2298— Lord Lawrence 1414, Maid Marion 1917— Sire of Etta Allinan 12185 15 lbs. 5 oz. Gen. Rosser 4189— Fitz 1988, Orphan Beauty 3769— Sire of Countess Queen 1.3519 IS lbs. 3 oz. Plum 13228. 17 lbs. 4 oz. LIST OF SIRES. 407 George of St. Lambert 17200— Canada's John Bull 8388, Pearl of St. Lam- bert 5527 — Sire of St. Lambert Hebe 54069 15 lbs. 5 oz. Gerald 895— Emperor 287, Gipsy 319— Sire of Daisy of Clermont 3492 14 lbs. CrilBlas 1 193— Mogul 583, Cybele 136— Sire of Leonice Sd 8342 16 lbs. 8 oz. Gilderoy 3107— Magnetic 1428, Jeanne Le Bas 2476— Sire of Queen Mary of "SVoodlawn 1165:) 22 lbs. 5 oz. Chrome Skin 7881 20 lbs. 10 oz. Gilderoy's Idex 42027 19 lbs. Lactine 10680 17 lbs. 1>^ oz. Lemon Twig 42028 16 lbs. 4}^ oz. Topaz of Woodlawn 11661 16 lbs. 4 oz. Gildercream 39480 15 lbs. 15 oz. Lady Alice of the Wilderness 12207 15 lbs. 14 oz. Sweet Sixteen 10682 14 lbs. 15 oz. Gold Mark 10727 14 lbs. 14 oz. Yellow Locust 10679 '. 14 lbs. 10}4 oz. Clover Mel 16159 14 lbs. 9 oz. Gilderoy's Enid 32924 14 lbs. 4 oz. Mary of Gilderoy 11219 14 lbs. 4 oz. Princess Mary of Woodlawn 11663 14 lbs. 4 oz. Eugenie 2d 12733 14 lbs. 2 oz. Gillo, on I. of J. — Sire of Jessaline 26099 16 lbs. 6 oz. Gilroy 1653— Hamilton 1074, Pet Guilford 8317— Sire of Euphonia6783 16 lbs. J^ oz. Ginx 1536— Ben Rajah 795, Audrey 1447— Sire of Walkyrie 5708 14 lbs. 1 oz. Glue 3960— Sweepstakes Duke 1905, Minnie Parks 5350— Sire of ^'ew Maud Lee 16614 14 lbs. 10 oz. Gold Basis 4038— Gilderoy 2107, Regina 2d 2475— Sire of Mamelle 20S04 21 lbs. 8% oz. Jazella G. 14191 20 lbs. 7 oz. Lady Julia G. 16199 18 lbs. 3 oz. Tette 20802 17 lbs. 6 oz. Thekla of Clover Nook 33445 15 lbs. 9 oz. Gilderine of Linwood 24488 15 lbs. 7 oz. Nonsuch of Linwood 29028 14 lbs. 1414 oz. Leonie of Linwood 25319 14 lbs. 6 oz. Gold Finder 2225— Humboldt River 2137, Lady Guilford 5066— Sire of Golden Trudie 34535 14 lbs. 9 oz. Gold Mine 7272— Royalist 2906, Dorian 6465— Sire of EttaM. 2d 30820 14 lbs. 14 oz. Gold Plate 10733— Lord of Mountain Side 7111, BUss 15219— Sire of Lampedo 46204 21 lbs. Gold Rope 6139— Dudley 3999,' Warren's Duchess 4622— Sire of Miss Clifford 27962 17 lbs. \5]4 oz. Golden Ear 1025— Faust 508, Gala 1375— Sire of Golden Zoe 3975 16 lbs. 3 oz. 408 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Golden Lion 5239— Ned Ives 3631, Hannah Duncan 3d 4029— Sire of Percio 14037 18 lbs. 10 oz. Berylla id 15117 15 lbs. 13 oz. Golden Ray 10669— Rayon d'Or 7516, Faustine 103.j4— Sire of Riotaletta id 34495 15 lbs. 15]^ oz. Golden Rule 4785— Victor (P. S. 148 J. H. B.), Lady Boon 8T3o— Sire of. Golden Violet 30136 15 lbs. Grand Duke Alexis 1040 — Sire on I. of J., Victorine Lachaise 3740 — Sire of Chrissy -^'d 77--.'0 10 lbs. 14 oz. Polynia 10753 16 lbs. 7 oz. Countess of Croton 5307 15 lbs. lH cz. Roselaine 7167 15 lbs. 1 oz. Hartwick Belle 7722 14 lbs. 8 oz. Granger 1591 — Rioter 670, Daisy of the Grunge 3803 — Sire of Bienhilda 7040 16 lbs. 8 oz. Granite Rock 4391— Plymouth Rock 2468, Polly Clover 7052— Sire of Pet Clover 14624 16 lbs. 8 oz. Graycoat 1105— Yellow Skin 871, St. Catherine 408— Sire of Corinna 2d 6594 16 lbs. 7 oz. Lady Louise 4339 15 lbs. Graylock 740— Collarnores Atlantic 739, Undine 1864— Sire of Daisy of Belhurst 3114 10 lbs. 8 oz. Grey (F. S. 244 J. H. BJ— Sire of Handsome Myra 14244 21 lbs. Lady Superior 22865 16 lbs. 5 oz. Grey Friar 7627— Sir George 76r)6, Princesse (F. S. 1294 J. H. B.)— Sire of Friar's Lady 36110 14 lbs. 2)4 oz. Grey King (P. S. 169 J. H. B.)— Duke (P. S. 76 J. H. B.), Lily Grey (F. S. 770 J. H. B.)— Sire of Canielia2d 11188 20 lbs. 3 oz. Favorite of Avon 13438 17 lbs. 7% oz. La Financiere 11970. 15 lbs. 514 oz. Jersey Lily 14044 15 lbs. Lady Jane of St. Peter's 7475 15 lbs. Grey of the West (F. S. 317 J. H. B.i— Grey King (P. S. 169 J. H. B.), Dam on I. of J. — Sire of Grey Jessamine 17444 14 lbs. 4 oz. Grey Prince (F. S. 168 J. H. B.)— Duke 4th (P. S. 10 J. H. B.), Siren (F. S. 371 J. H. B.)— Sire of Eveline of Jersey 6781 18 lbs. 6 oz. Greysteel 1294— Junius 204, Oriole 2351— Sire of Zoe Henry 6693 15 lbs. 14^ oz. Guy Fawkes (F. S. 251 J. H. B.)— Koflee (F. S. 233 J. H. B.), Angelica (F. S. 1738 J. H. B.)— Sire of Island Star 11876 21 lbs. 3 oz. Thaley 14290 16 lbs. 13 oz. Queen of Ashantee 14.554 15 lbs. 2 oz. Auntybel 12582 14 Ibe. 9 oz. LIST OF SIKES. 409 Guy Mannering 698 — Sire on I. of J., Brunette Lass 1780 — Sire of Phlox l(j.3'.i9 21 lb;;. 11 oz. Fair Lady (iTiJ ISl lbs?. Cottage Lass 5332 17 lbs. 7 oz. Ma3- Fair 51S4 16 lbs. 7 oz. Guy Warwick 1450— Mercury 433, Edith 3d 806— Sire of Honeydiop 10033 14 lbs. }4 oz. Halo 10517— Footstep 5163, Hilda D. 6683— Sire of Edna of Verua 34.>i7 20 lbs. ■2)4 oz. Edessa 3d 52043 14 lbs. (> oz. Hamilton 1074— IMarius 760, Emily Hampton 1913— Sire of Bellita 4553 17 lbs. 2 oz. Lisetta Johnson 5-321 15 lbs. 10 oz. Etiquette 4:i00 15 lbs. 8 oz. Elite 4299 14 lbs. 2 oz. Hannibal 618, imp. — Sire of Fides 2d l.-i76 14 lbs. 8 oz. Happy (P. S. 211 J. H. B.^— Vertumnus (P. S. 161 J. H. B.). Garenne 34534 — Sire of Happy Blossom 18218 19 lbs. 5 oz. St. Jeannaise 1.5789 17 lbs. 8^ oz. Happy Cicero 10601— Cicero 7657, La Dame (F. S. 3301 J. H. B.)— Sire of Golden Sheen 25.561 14 lbs. i]/6 oz. Hard Trials 5050— Gilderoy 3107, Eugenie 498— Sire of Lady's Blossom 18401 20 lbs. 15^ oz. Harpado 1 859— Knave 1856, Betta 3075— Sire of Alrteda 0744 16 lbs. 4 oz. Hazel Eye 1514— Lord Aylmer 1067, Bellflower 59— Sire of Tinney 2d 262.53 17 lbs. 12 oz. Silkey Morrill 17058 14 lbs. T oz. Hazel Eye 2d 7822— Hazel Eye 1514, Nonie 3730— Sire of Lilly of Leeds 17059 14 lbs. 9 oz. Hector 129— Prince Albert 119, Victoria 349— Sire of Monmouth Duchess 3895 14 lbs. '( oz. Countess of Warren 3896 14 lbs. Hector 791— Blilcher 48, Daisy 571— Sire of Box 2d 4297 14 lbs. 3 oz. Lilly Cross 13796 14 lbs. 3 oz. Hector 3814^Reward 190. Peace 330— Sire of Eureka McHenry 8341 14 lbs. Hector 2d 2837— Hector 791, Lady Creamly 1975— Sire of Iliilhi 7898 19 lbs. 12 oz. Hector of Plymouth Rock 886, imp. — Sii-e of Bloomer 2d 2-321 18 lbs. 6 oz. Henry Ward Beecher 2297— Colonel Butler 1561, Princess of Glenco 3815 — Sii-e of Daisev Dixie 9469 14 lbs. 4 oz. 410 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Hero (P. S. 90 J. H. B.^— Welcome (F. S. 173 J. H. B.), Musique (F. S. 1096 J. H. B.)— Sire of Daisy of St. Peter's 18175 20 lbs. o]4 oz. Cocotte 11958 16 lbs. 8}4 oz. Satin Bird 1G380 14 lbs. lb}4 oz. Jennj' Le Biocq 0757 14 lbs. 14 oz. Highland Blade 2164— Wethersfield 966, Cliloe Daniels 3668— Sire of Jennie of the Vale 0553 17 lbs. 73^ oz. Highland Kago 14349— Kago 3d 14348, Highland Mary 3d 19876— Sire of Massena 2d 311S8 17 lbs. 11 oz. Hindoo 2282— Noble (P. S. 93 J. H. B.), Le Gallais" Mermaid 4954— Sire of ^Maiidiue of Elniwood 8718 16 lbs. 15 oz. Hockanum 792 — Bliiciier 48, Dewdrop 1158 — Sire of Copper 1979 15 lbs. 7 oz. Hohokus 5569 — Duke of Scituate 3633, Blossom of Darlington 7111 — Sire of Xettina of Winnikee 46406 18 lbs. 15i^ oz. Homer H. 3683— The Squire 1398, Gilda 2779— Sire of Jenny Dodo H. 14448 21 lbs. 8 oz. Zophar H. 12329 21 lbs. 3 oz. Willimenia H. 12325 20 lbs. 14 oz. Madolina H. 12327 19 lbs. 4 oz. Mercedes H. 12326 17 lbs. 12 oz. Anita H. 12334 17 lbs. 4 oz. Theresa H. 14447 15 lbs. 3 oz. Horace (P. S. 94 J. H. B.>— Nonpareil (P. S. 37 J. H. B.), Young Patricia (P. S. 35 J. H. B.)— Sire of Matin 7768 17 lbs. 11 oz. Hornbeam 2123— Marius 760, Emily Hampton 1913— Sire of Troth 6139 16 lbs. 5 oz. Houghton 5886— Duke of Darlington 3460, Myra 3d 6389— Sire of Xuphar Houghton 36.364 15 lbs. 3 oz. Hughes 954— Sire on I. of J., Daffie 3533— Sire of Gentle of Glastonbury 4651 14 lbs. Hugo Chief of St. Anne's 12070— Lord Banff 11110, Queen of St. Anne's 35713 — Sire of Topsy of Malone 49478 14 lbs. 4 oz. Hurd's Dandy 1627— Wethersfield 966, Kizzie 3344— Sire of Princess Inez 5402 14 lbs. 2 oz. Hurd's Ivanhoe 1622 — Zany 551, Blooming Beauty 3584 — Sire of Orphean 4630 15 lbs. 7 oz. Hurrah 2814— Col. Crockett 1694, Village Girl 5744— Sire of Value 2d 6844 25 lbs. 2H oz. Goldie La V. 2d 26319 14 lbs. 1}^ oz. Hurrah Pansy 12153 14 lbs. 1}4 oz. Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656— Bachelor of St. Lambert 4558, Ida of St. Lam- bert 34990— Sire of Ida Marigold .32615 25 lbs. 2J^ oz. Ida Twinkle .36994 23 lbs. 2]^ oz. Highland Ida ;»427 18 lbs. 1}^ oz. Ida Zee Pogis 38685 16 lbs. 2]4 oz. LIST OF SIRES, 411 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658— Bachelor of St. Lambert 455S, Ida of St. Lambert 24990— Sire of Lily Manin 49954 IG lbs. 8 oz. Ida's Dream .00070 16 lbs. ]4 oz. Caiida 37322 15 lbs. G oz. Ida's Nan 499.'37 15 lbs. 0 oz. Denisc's Ida .54942 15 lbs. H]4 oz. Idarelia 414:}3 15 lbs. i^ oz. Oonan 3d 49955 14 lbs. 15}^ oz. Ike Felch 1292— Critic 540, Maid of Judah 2429— Sire of MUkmaid Felch 12*39 10 lbs. 7}^ oz. Lily of Burr Oaks 11001 15 lbs. 13 oz. Grace Felch 8291 15 lbs. Milkmaid of Burr Oaks 9035 14 lbs. 5 oz. Indiaman 2071 — Vespuciu.s 758, Ibex 2724 — Sire of 'S'espucia 17455 14 lbs. 4 oz. Indian 1721— Vespucius 758, Ibex 2724— Sire of May Indian 16075 14 lbs. 5 oz. Intrepid 551 1— Mercury 432, Clotho 2566— Sire of Fillpail 10530 15 lbs. 11 oz. Iowa Prince 2727— Svveepstalves Duke 1905, Maid of the Mist 2546— Sire of Prince's Nellie 2.3719 14 lbs. 0 oz. Iron Bank 1 120— Sire on I. of J., Birdie 2611— Sire of Willis 2d 44G1 16 lbs. 3 oz. Vaniah 6.597 15 lbs. 9]4 oz. Lebanon Daughter 6106 14 lbs. 4 oz. Lebanon La^s G108 14 lbs. 2 oz. Isaac B. 1951 — Matchem 747, Athena 2152 — Sire of Lily of Maple Grove 5079 16 lbs. 3 oz. Ishmael Hurd 1548— :Major Tunxes 1547, Buck's Kate 3463— Sire of Meg Mitchell 4187 15 lbs. 3 oz. Jack Dasher 932— Tom Dasher 420, Judy 691— Sire of Duchess of Argyle 37.58 14 lbs. 13 oz. Jack Frost of St. Lambert 2419— Buffer 2055, Pride of Windsor 488— Sire of Coquette of Glen Rouge 17559 22 lbs. 14 oz. Cill of Glen Itouge 1-3818 16 lbs. 6 oz. Honeysuckle of St. Anne's 18674 14 lbs. 14 oz. Jack Libby 3307— Sweepstakes Duke 1905, Alpha 2d 5352— Sire of Lydia Libby 11698 15 lbs. 3 oz. Jacques 'P. S. 63 J. H. B.)— Stockwell 2d (P. S. 24 J. H. B.), Jeanneton (F. S. 237 J. B. B.)— Sire of Reception 8.557 21 lbs. 4i^ oz. Jason Jr. 3270— Jason 1550, Lady Reynolds 3808— Sire of Rioier Uliea l.):i:j2 19 lbs. 3J^ oz. Rioter Alphea 10091 16 lbs. 7 oz. Jazel 3501— Duke (P. S. 76 J. H. B.), Flying (P. S. 18 J. H. B.)— Sire of Sweet Rock 2d 18256 1^ I'js. U]4 oz. Jazel's Maid 11011 14 lbs. G oz. 412 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Jersey Boy — Welcome (F. S. 112 J. H. B.), Souris (F. S. 1107 J. H. B.)— Sire of Oaklands Cora 1S853 19 lbs. Q)4 oz. Jersey Express 5771, imp. — Sire of Jerspy Jane 38308 ■. IG lbs. 41^ oz. Jersey King 879— Albert 44, Griiinella 1303— Sire of Bright Lady 59.38 U lbs. 12 oz. Jersey Pride 2355— Paddy 899, Fair Rose 2897— Sire of Jefferson Albina 1-2196 14 lbs. 13 oz. Jersey Prince 1062— Sire on I. of J.. Hattie 739 — Sire of Lady Palestine d769 14 lbs. 5 oz. Jethro 5218— Indiainan 2071, Ruby Adams 4282— Sire of Pandothia •2-2383 17 lbs. 5 oz. Jeweler 1385— Mogul 532, Jewel Beauty 2d 1701— Sire of Lady Alice of Hillcrest 74.50 18 IDs. 6 o^. Olive Branch of Hillcrest 7447 15 lbs. 7 oz. Tib's Jewel 6)-08 14 lbs. 4 oz. Jimmy, on I. of J. — Sire of Yountr P'anny 9033 1 7 lbs. John Gilpin 2199— Graylock 740, Nellie of Orange 5028— Sire of Emily of Hillside 8073 16 lbs. 4 oz. Effle of Verna 8928 14 lbs. 6 oz. John Knox 3289— Red Cloud 2d 2260, Lady Pigot 2d 5798— Sire of Jucith Coleman 11391 18 lbs. 4 oz. Aleph Jiidea 11389 18 lbs. IJ/g oz. John Le Brocq 5424— Victor (P. S. 148 J. H. B.), Jenny Le Brocq 9757— Sire of Brunette Le Gros 3d 2:»26 14 lbs. 9 oz. John Morrison 4551 — Gilroy 1653, Fawnette of Wood.stock 3710 — Sire of Daisy Morrison 14035 25 lbs. 12}^ oz. John Rex 2761— Rex 1330, Usilda 832— Sire of Belle of Echo 12132 14 lbs. U}4 oz. John Ridgely 3045— Young Sir Davy 3034, Button 2d 3160— Sire of Bessie Kidgely 8293 14 lbs. U}i oz. Johnson's Acme 3656— Sire on I. of J., Sylvie Haughton 8088— Sire of Ruthione 31514 25 lbs. 12 oz. John Street 6156— Double Prize 3117, Flirt of Ipswich 6607— Sire of Countess of Scarsdale 18633 14 lbs. 6 oz. Jo Jones 3441— Major Lenoir 1577, Nellie 3d 1928— Sire of Alice Donnal 12726 14 lbs. Jubilee 2125— Lord Lawrence 1414, Empresa 2790— Sire of Rosy Dream 9808 10 lbs. 1 oz. Judge Mayo 5149— Bel Caliph 1432, Maple Dale 2907— Sire of Mollie Garfield 2d 18662 15 lbs. 14 oz. Justice 9949— Royalist 3d 4500, Queen Taiuora 9563— Sire of Marv Justice 37449 14 lbs. 9V^ oz. LIST OF SIRES. 413 Kago 1353— Sam A¥eller Jr. 13o2, Victoria 3175— Sire of Massena 55732 20 lbs. 7 oz. Kahela 2859— Lord Byron 707, Lady Gwendoline 2873— Sire of LaPera^d 13404 14 lbs. 8 oz. Kansas Niobe Duke 7335— Taylor 1436, Cedar Fairy 16017— Sire of Piince.-'S Chuck 4.'56.50 24 lbs. 14 oz. Kapper 2033— Hamilton 1074, Kate K. 3d 3731— Sire of Mylitta 1.5668 10 lbs. 13 oz. Kenilworth 8091— Tressilian 3784, Madge Wildfire 11857— Sire of Fair Dairy-maid 2983S 14 lbs. 8 oz. Khedive (P. S. 103 J. H. B.)— Leo (F. S. 198 J. H. B.), Coomassie (F. S. 1442 J. H. B.)— Sire of Princess 2d 8046 46 lbs. 121^ oz. Ona 7840 22 lbs. lOi^ oz. Daisy Queen 9619 16 lbs. 4 oz. Khedive's Fancy 18180 15 lbs. 3 oz. Blonde 2d 9268 14 lbs. 4 oz. King (P. S. 238 J. H. B.)— Young Prince (P. S. 182 J. H. B.), Judy (F. S. 1590 J. H. B.)— Sire of Fill Pail 2d 24388 26 lbs. 2 oz. King's Princess 30948 24 lbs. 5 oz. Ktielula 17970 21 lbs. 8 oz. Granny's Gem 30406 21 lbs. {% oz. King's Trust 1894C 18 lbs. King's Beauty 24397 10 lbs. 13 oz. King's Erica 22096 10 lbs. 314 oz. Royal Lady 22078 14 lbs. 12 oz. Brown Coomassie 20322 14 lbs. 8 oz. King 2d 1 1570— (King P. S. 238 J. H. B.), Fill Pail 24341— Sire of King's Antoinette 40456 15 lbs. 1 oz. King Coomassie, on I. of J. — Sii'e of Inez of Ingleside 28977 14 lbs. 12 oz. King Kofifee 5522— Sir George (P. S. 221 J. H. B.), Coomassie 11874— Sire of Kollee's Grisette 304*3 15 lbs. 7 oz. Koffee's Lily 2.5.515 15 lbs. S]^ oz. King of Ashantee 6677— Fairfield 4733, Coomassie 11874— Sire of Asbantee's Lady 3.5951 16 lbs. King of Fairview 778— Rob Roy 17, Eugenie 792— Sire of Fair Starlight 7745 17 lbs. 7}4 oz. Jersey Cream 2d 8519 14 lbs. 12 oz. King Peto 10541— Pedro 3187, Alice W. of Milton 12852— Sire of Pru!-a Pedro 50877 15 lbs. 8 oz. May Pedro .50876 15 lbs. 4 oz. King Philip of Mt. Hope 2399— Sam King 2376, Norma 3109— Sire of Christtl r.565 19 lbs. 5 oz. King Pin 1878— Mercury 432, Edna 3d 668— Sire of Bessie Bradford 7269 14 lbs. 2 oz. Kinsman 3338— Duke of Magnolia 2826, Myce 1810— Sire of Maudie of White Lick 29682 15 lbs. 7 oz. 414 BUTTEE TESTS OF .TEKSEYS. Kinsman of Greenwood 12881— Kinsman 2d 6004, Ona's Elsie 18478— Sire of Fedora of Greenwood 46802 20 lbs. 7 oz. Kisber 4377— Hero (P. S. 90 J. H. B.), Sophie (F. S. 434 J. H. B)— Sire of Westphalia 24:384 24 lbs. 9]4 oz. Syren V. 14619 17 lbs. 5 oz. Kit Carson 1 772— Living.ston 1291, Maid of Judah 2429— Sire of Austie May 718.5 14 lbs. 3 oz. Kitty's Royal Rex 6176— Rex 1330, Kitty Cooke 8547— Sire of Pansy Blossom 2241.3 14 lbs. 133^ oz. Knave 1856— Hug-hes 954, Dvisky. 2525— Sire of Colt's La Biche fi399 17 lbs. 2}i oz. Knight of St. Louis 3680— Bobby (P. S. 208 J. H. B.), Lily of Les Niemes 7465— Sire of Queen of Beauty 17109 23 lbs. 14 oz. Gem of Hope 17102 21 lbs. Hallie's Jewel 17113 20 lbs. 10 oz. Koflfee (F. S. 233 J. H. B.)— Sire of Gazelle 15961 14 lbs. Kofifee of Ridgeside 11659— King Koffee 5522, Attractive Maid 16925— Sire of Lady Phillis 2d .35629 18 lbs. 8 oz. Lady Mary's Chelten Duke 6002— Chelten Duke 924, Lady Mary 1148— Sire of Lady Dorlena .36105 15 lbs. 7 oz. L' Allegro 7127— Lord Harry 3445, Mirtha 3437— Sire of Winetka .33669 20 lbs. Landseer 331 — Sire on I. of J., Dazzle 379 — Sire of Landseer's Fancy 2876 29 lbs. }4 oz. Pride of Masharaoqnet Farm 6469 16 lbs. \% oz. Fannie Landseer 1969 15 lbs. 9 oz. Landseer (P. S. 162 J. H. B.)— Duke of Wellington (P. S. 81 J. H. B.), Virginia (F. S. 1571 J. H. B. )— Sire of Hose of Eden 134.37 20 lbs. Ii4 oz. Landseer's Pogis 15847— Pogis Chief 3998, Landseer's Fancy 2876— Sire of Virginia's Oonan 58107 15 lbs. 3 oz. Kate Oxford 58102 14 lbs. 15 oz. Landseer's Signal Queen 66363 14 lbs. 14 oz. Landseer's Signaline .58101 14 lbs. li% oz. Emma Landseer .58104 14 lbs. 2i^ oz. Julia Landseer 56268 14 lbs. 2i^ oz. Laval 506— Defiance 196, Lisette 492— Sire of Cupid of St. Lambert .5104 14 lbs. }4 oz. Lily of St. Lambert 5120 14 lbs. Lawrence 61, imp.— Sire on L of J., Clementine (F. S. 232 J. H. B.)— Sire of Memento 1913 14 lbs. 5 oz. Turquoise 1129 14 lbs. 3 oz. LIST OF SIRES. 415 L. D.'s Victor St. Helier 15286— Lord Darlington 7385, Pavon 12485— Sire of St. Helier's Matilda 52857 14 lbs. 1 oz. Leander 1 184— Hunter Boy 654. Jenny Wren 1643— Sire of Lad}' Thnrlow 12410 17 lbs. 10 oz. Le Brocq's Pride 4871— Sire on I. of J., Blue Belle of Maple Grove 10687— Sire of Mabel Crockett 18719 14 lbs. 9 oz. Le Brocq's Prize 3350— Horace (P. S. 94 J. H. B.), Matin 7768— Sire of Fan's Grouville Beauty 10079 19 lbs. 3 oz. Le Brocq's Pansy Rex 2.3789 18 lbs. 6 oz. Viva Le Brocq 13703 18 lbs. 3 oz. Marea 101fi7 17 lbs. 10 oz. Petra 19267 16 lbs. 6 oz. Princess Le Brocq 17261 15 lbs. 8 oz. Le Broemer 10670 15 lbs. 7 oz. Prize Rose 16-309 15 lbs. 1 oz. Fairy Le Brocq 1.5283 14 lbs. 3 oz. Birdie Le Brocq 17263 14 lbs. Elinor Wells 12068 14 lbs. Le Rosa 10078 14 lbs. Lemon (F. S. 170 J. H. B.)— Young Glory (F. S. 137 J. H. B.), Pale Topsy (F. S. 563 J. H. B.)— Sire of Nelly 64.56 21 lbs. Lemon Peel (P. S. 320 J. H. B.1— Bobby (P. S. 208 J. H. B.), Regalia (F. S. 1904 J. H. B.)— Sire of Lemon Fern 22140 15 lbs. 1 oz. Lemon Peel of Francheville (P. £. 439 J. H. B.)— Orange Peel (P. S. 388 J. H. B.), Cyprus (F. S. 2089 J. H. B.)— Sire of Milkgood 278-28 14 lbs. 7)4 oz. Lenape 2732— Vermont 893, Magna 2238— Sire of Muriel 5th 19017 16 lbs. 12i4 oz. Gowan 12272 14 lbs. 4 oz. Lena's Lenox 6059 — Lenox 1593, L'ena 1976 — Sire of Proctor's Pan^^y 2.5688 15 lbs. 13 oz. Lenox Cash Boy 6804— Cash Boy 3348, Smith's Fairy 6163— Sire of Carrie Lena 3d 20077 18 lbs. 11^ oz. Spirsea 4th 20075 18 lbs. 51^ oz. Le'wis' Ringgold 6379 — Duke of Brandywine 3313, Belle of Brandywine 4878— Sire of Star of Mahoning 16579 14 lbs. 7 oz. Lily's Pride 5988— Stoke Pogis 1359, Lily of St. Lambert 5130— Sire of Ma Belle Pogls .58831 17 lbs. 10 oz. Lisgar's Pride 14534— Rioter's Pride 11694, Lisgars Ella 24992— Sire of Broadway 50883 16 lbs. 8 oz. Litchfield 674^Hopewell 136, La Belle H61ene 457— Sire of May Blossom 50.57 18 lbs. 11 oz. Beautv Bismarck 4967 14 lbs. 1 oz. 416 BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS, Litchfield 15th 5802— Litchfield 674, Nelly 131— Sire of Belle Garner 236S2 15 lbs. 3 oz. Lofty 2856— Top-Sawyer 1404, Maiden 1464— Sire of Coquette's Molly 238J1 14 lbs. 2 oz. Lopez 313, imp. — Sire on I. of J., Amy 31).") — Sire of Burtha Morgan 4770 10 Uis. G oz. Lord Alfred 5215— Tormentor 3533, Ednita 6428— Sire of May Violet 303.50 18 lbs. 11)^ oz. ' Lady Cleveland 30351 IT lbs. 1 oz. Lord Anglesea 4537— Apollo (P. S. lOS J. H. B.), Brunette Le Gros 9755— Sire of Belle Grimiell 3a 1G503 14 lbs. 2 oz. Lord Aylmer 1067— Loi-d Lisgar 1066, Pauline 494— Sire of Melia Ann .5414 18 lbs. i^ oz. Lord Bronx 2d 1730— Lord Bronx 938, Picture 1533— Sire of Hazen"8 Bess 73*.! 34 lbs. 11 oz. Arnold's Lulu 733S 15 lbs. 3 oz. Lord Olive 3313— Grey King (P. S. 169 J. H. B.), Ester of Lenape 7348— Sire of Clover Bloom ed 13736. . . .' 14 lbs. Lord Darlington 7285— Duke of Darlington 2460, Marjoram 3239— Sire of Melia Ann 3d 474(14 15 lbs. 6 oz. Saugus Lass 30543 14 lbs. 9 oz. L. D.'s Helira 39360 U lbs. 4]4 oz. Lord Dartmouth 6302— Miletus 3186, Eurotas 245.i— Sire of Lady Dartmouth 231.59 21 lbs. 13 oz. (Tetesia 130.57 30 lbs. 1 oz. Dia 136,58 15 lbs. 1.3}^ oz. Lord Ducie 2500— Pertinatti 713, Duchess of Bloomfield 3653— Sire of Bessie of Montverde 18496 15 lbs. 5 oz. Lord Harry 3445 — Top-Sawyer 1404, Duchess of Bloomfield 3653 — Sire of Etbleel 3d 33391 30 lbs. 15 oz. Kathletta 19567 33 lbs. 12]4 oz. Derjava 59830 IS lbs. 14 oz. Oonan 2d 19569 18 lbs. 4^ oz. Martha Lafayette 171.58 171bs. Goz. Gordonetta 19570 17 lbs. 1 oz. Clover Bud 4th 18993 16 lbs. 1 1 oz. Kitty Better 33911 15 lbs. 1-1% oz. Rochelle 1.5574 15 lbs. 10 oz. Duchess of Bloomfield 3d 1.5.580 15 lbs. 1 oz. Buttery 2d 371.38 15 lbs. % oz. Mary Gordon 41439 14 lbs. Qi^ oz. Lord Lawrence 1414 — Lawrence 61, Lady Mary 1148 — Sire of Witch-Hazel 4th 6131 18 lbs. 2% oz. Gladys of Belle Vue 9.569 16 lbs. 7 oz. Maid of the Elms .3d 1.554 16 lbs. 4 oz. Countess Gisela of Belle Vue 9571 15 lbs. 11 oz. Lady of Belle Vue 7705 15 lbs. 11 oz. Fall Leaf 8587 14 lbs. 8 oz. ' Lorella 12913 14 lbs. 7 oz. LIST OF SIRES. 417 Lord Lisgar 1066— Victor Hugo 197, Pauline 494 -Sire of Sweet Brier of St. Lambert 5481 22 lb?. 10 oz. Jolie of St. Lambert 5126 15 lbs. 1314 oz. Duchess of St. Lambert 5111 15 lbs. 11 oz. Eosette of St. Lambert 5108 14 lbs. .3,14 oz. Clematk* of St. Lambert 5478 14 lbs. 3 oz. Lord Longford 3997— Silver Mine 1658, Little Gentle 4640— Sire of Lady Vain 18573 17 lbs. 9 oz. Southern Belle 18.570 IC lbs. Frisky Miss 18.572 14 lbs. Lord McDuflF 5147— Jack Frost of St. Lambert 2419, Young Lisette 10922— Sire of Flower of Glen Rouge 17560 -ii lbs. U% oz. Lord Monck 304^ Victor Hugo 197, Pride of Windsor 483— Sire of Tidy of St. Lambert 31114 14 lbs. 2 oz. Lord of Mountain Side 711 1 — Carlo 5559, Coomassie 2d 11969 — Sire of Rioter Carlona 29C67 21 lbs. 2}4 oz. Rioter Alphea 2d 2967G 17 lbs. 15 oz. Lord Rex 41 13 — John Rex 2761, Kissie Deniing 6176 — Sire of Down of Chateworth 1.52.51 16 lbs. 12 oz. Lord St. Helier 15071— Brie 6591. Hebeta 15732— Sire of Canossa 65243 15 lbs. Lorne 5248 — Lord Lisgar 1066, Favorite of St. Lambert 5118 — Sire of Oaklands Xora 14880 23 lbs. 5 oz. Jessie Lome 2.5213 16 lbs. 15 oz. Louis of St. Lambert 1101 3 — Sheldon 5250, Mavourneen of St. Lambert 9777 — Sire of Lady Matilda Pogis 36270 21 lbs. 9 oz. Lucifer 2696 — Sweepstakes Duke 1905, Lucy 4577 — Sire of Sunbeam's Pet 2d 9112 16 lbs. 4 oz. Beatrice of Elmarch 1 1367 15 lbs. 2 oz. Lucullus 2695 — Sweepstakes Duke 1905, Lucy 4577 — Sire of Cora of Hillside 2.52.53 15 lbs. 7 oz. Lucy's Stoke Pogis 1 1544— Stoke Pogis 3d 2238, Lucy of St. Lambert 5116 — Sire of Quintuple Pogis 44233 14 lbs. 6 oz. Ljnnington 3767 — Commodore Roxbury 1586, Turbine 3570 — Sire of Ruby Love 16915 14 lbs. 12 oz. McClellan 4th 85— McClellan 25, Lily 1— Sire of Lady Brown 4:i:^ 14 lbs. Macgregor 2178— Rob Roy 17, Pansy 7th 130— Sire of Lucy Gaines' Buttercup .5058 14 lbs. Mack 722 — Clement 115, Sunflower 851— Sire of Buttery 3.502 14 lbs. 1 oz. Magnetic 1428— Islander 561, Azalea 1443— Sire of Magnibel 7976 15 Ihs. 2 oz. 418 BUTTKIl TESTS OF JERSEYS. Magog 1868— Warwick 364, Queen Bessie 3415— Sire of Country Girl 4th 51877 18 lbs. 2 oz. Maha Rajah 794.— Rajah 340, Fleur de Lis 614— Sire of Italian 4096 17 lbs. 13 oz. Mahkeenac 3290 — Ciunabar 1739, Europa 176— Sire of Frolic's Pride 31667 17 lbs. Frolic of Chestnutwood 19405 16 lbs. Angelta 19404 15 lbs. 4 oz. Yoiiiis; Anne Lee 31668 14 lbs. 7 oz. Major Adams 1044— Duke of Wellington 35. Lavinia 1079 — Sire of Jenny Gray 3511 17 lbs. 15 oz. Lncy Gray 2746 15 lbs. 13 oz. Major Domo 2161— Autocrat 1065, Meg 673— Sire of Melita of Ilillcrest 70.54 14 lbs. 2 oz. Major Dott 7101 — Pertinax 1965, Normanda 3914 -Sire of Dott Buttercup 16358 16 lbs. 2 oz. Manchester's Prospect 2817— Pierrot 5th 1665, Olie 4133— Sire of Jersey Cream 3d 8521 16 lbs. 5 oz. Man of Ipswich 1510 — Agawani 597, Maid of Ipswich 1346 — Sire of Jennette Darling 10702 16 lbs. 2 oz. Marcot 726— Pioneer 368, Myce 1810— Sire of Golden Princess 4.557 18 lbs. 14 oz. Mardi Gras 2927— Joe Holt 1625, Muezzin 3670— Sire of Belle Mardi 18362 18 lbs. )^ oz. Belle of Lynwood 18364 17 lbs. 14 oz. Ada S. 18366 16 lbs. 9 oz. Marius 760— WilUe Boy 434, Lady Mary 1148— Sire of Wehna 5942 17 lbs. 8 oz. Chenda 4599 17 lbs. IJ^ oz. Calypris .5943 15 lbs. 4^4 oz. Evri 5282 15 lbs. 4 oz. Marjoram's Rioter 5991— Rioter Vulcan 5380, Marjoram 2d 12805 — Sire of Quadriii)le Pogis 32359 14 lbs. 1}^ oz. Marmaduke 483— Rajah 340, Marg-ery 1246— Sire of Moonah's Pet 7484 15 lbs. 6 oz. Marmaduke's King of Hearts 2949 — ^Marniaduke 483, Fanny 285 — Sire of Minna Kajah 14847 16 ibs. 8 oz. Marmion 359, imp. — Sire of Pet Anna 1608 14 lbs. Marpetro 3352— Marius 760, Pet Anna 1608— Sire of Marpetra 10284 14 lbs. 6 oz. Marquis of Lossie 3512 — Litclitield 674, Victoria Guelph 3898 — Sire of Lalla Kookh of Sugar Grove 1.5882 20 lbs. 1 oz. Master 723— Tip 366, Maffie 952— Sire of Eugenie Choutenu 6186 24 lbs. 8 oz. . Lillie Pope 8589 14 lbs. 5 oz. LIST OF SIRES. 419 Master Richmond 7429— Allriglit's Much Ado 7428, Peggy Beach 6336— Sh-e of Catchfly 3d 35499 15 lbs. 7 oz. Master Vermont 4304— Compo Boy 2830, Miss Vermont 7698— Sire of Miss Satanella 31544 20 lbs. 0 oz. Sedate 2d 20389 15 lbs. ^z. Maxse 400, imp. — Sire of ^'annasie 18860 17 lbs. 4 oz. May's Pedro 8588— Pedro 3187, May Thornton 12851— Sire of Glen's Festina25S51 17 lbs. 15 oz. Meado-w King of Farmington 491 1 — Joseph 4319, Knave's Dot 10616— Sire of Sue Gallagher 15945 23 lbs. IJ^ oz. Medway 717— Mr. Micavvber 556, Nellie 289— Sire of Medrena 3939 IS lbs. Mirtha 34:37 17 lbs. ISJ^ oz. Mercury 432— Jupiter 93, Alphea 171— Sire of Ph;edra 2561 19 lbs. 13 oz. Nymphsea 5141 18 lbs. 7)4 oz. Richness 16536 17 lbs. 5 oz. Lerna 3634 15 lbs. 12 oz. Zalma 8778 15 lbs. 5 oz. Purest 13730 15 lbs. 4 oz. Clytemnestra 2455 15 lbs. ^}4 oz. Reality 16537 15 lbs. 8)4 oz. lola 4627 15 lbs. 2i^ oz. Marvel 13734 15 lbs. 1 oz. Nimble 22335 14 lbs. 10 oz. Smoky 13733 14 lbs. 9 oz. Ideal Alphea 18755 14 lbs. 6 oz. Renown 13729 14 lbs. 6 oz. Alphea Star 16532 14 lbs. 4)4 oz. Alphetta 16.531 14 lbs. 2^ oz. Vestina 24.58 14 lbs. 2 oz. • Lernella 22322 14 lbs. ly^ oz. Ballet Girl 18750 14 lbs. 1 oz. Alphea Jewel 223:31 14 lbs. Mercury Boy 5721— Compeer 2367, Little Gus 8776— Sire of Waiter Girl 2d 29265 IS lbs. U}4 oz. Mercutio 4591— St. Martin 1482, Negress 7651— Sire of La Pucelle 16829 15 lbs. 8 oz. Merry Andrew 719— Monarcli of Roxbury 499, Mirth 92 — Sire of Merry Burlington 7600 15 lbs. 4 oz. Merry Boy, on I. of J. — Sire of >'ightingale of Elmarch 8312 14 lbs. 2 oz. Messenger (P. S. 223 J. H. B.)— Cato (P. S. 178 J. H. B.), Diana (F. S. 1608 J. H. B.)— Sire of Beauty Messenger 174.50 15 lbs. 9 oz. Meteor 453— Cliff 176, Gilt 1176— Sire of Estrella 2831 14 lbs. 12 oz. 420 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Micawber 4796— Mr. Micawber 556, Rosa of Lakeside 2d 10241— Sire of Dove 5th 14561 16 lbs. 13 oz. Daisy Dell 145G3 14 lbs. 9 oz. Dolly of Lakeside 10824 14 lbs. 8 oz. Michael Angelo 1011 6 — Black Prince of Hanover 2873, Eurotas 2454 — Sire of AngfTb's Torment 39390 2-2 lbs. 8 oz. Midas of Oxford 5986— Stoke Pog-is 1259, Matilda 5238— Sire of La Pftite Mere 3cl 1^814 16 lbs. 9 oz. Ethel of Shelburne 46385 ,14 lbs. 1)4 oz. Millennium 4791— Butter Boy 3243, Millicent 2d 7229— Sire of Heilacta 26954 14 lbs. 5 oz. Milo 590— Lawrence 61, Motto 80— Sire of Gamma 4147 14 lbs. 12 oz. Allie Minka 2982 14 lbs. 6}4 oz. Cigarette 2849 14 lbs. 4 oz. Mingo 948— Col. O'Brien 646, Iris 1635— Sire of Molly May 17202 14 lbs. 15 oz. Minx 3410— Ginx 1536, Fanny Micawber 1804— Sire of Pridalia 17249 26 lbs. 4 oz. Mirabeau 3800— Browny (P. S. 158 J. H. B.), Blossom of the Grange 6958— Sire of ViU-iella of Linwood 10954 14 lbs. 1 oz. Miramon 1451— Little Joker 693, Myra 1480— Sire of Amalthea 11319 15 lb8. Mirza 1300— Motley 515, Meg 673— Sire of Maud Melinda 12126 17 lbs. 8 oz. Molten Gold 12186— Count St. George 8403, Mary Jane 18185— Sire of Miss Naomi 45098 15 lbs. 3 oz. Monarch of New Jersey 5199— Elm wood 2322, Lottie Pearsall 2652— Sire of . Goldstraw 3d 14724 14 lbs. 12 oz. Monitor 878— Rob Roy 17, Emma 801— Sire of Belle Grinnell 4073 18 lbs. 8 oz. Monmouth 210— Earl 81, Lilac 340— Sire of C'yrene 4th 480 It lbs. 1 oz. Monmouth Gyrene 6835— Gaspard of Meadow Brook 3525, Cyrene 3d 1239— Sire of Lucy :\IcCliing 20368 1-1 Ih;^. 3 oz. Monmouth Laddie 6996— Young Duke 138, Carrie 3894— Sire of < ■ariie's Daffodil 15232 H 'hs. 7% oz. Monsieur 1723— Vespucius 758, Madame 1812— Sire of Azelda 2d 7022 1"> "^s. 2 oz. Mopsus 1 165— Dolphin 2d 468, Julie Richards 1674— Sire of Miss Willie Jones G91S 16 lbs. 4 oz. Fanstine 103o4 1-1 "JS. U14 oz. Moscow 2303— Vermont 893, Magna 5tli 3541— Sire of Ladv Adams 2d 6.529 15 lbs. 3 oz. LIST OF SIRES. 421 Mr. Guppy 993— Brutus Woodford 703, Lady 1775— Sire of Hazaleiia's Butterfly 101:23 14 lbs. Mr. Micawber 556, imp. — Sire of Countess Micawber 17.59 17 lbs. 1 oz. Much Ado 2405— Dash of Glastonbury 1959, Dandelion 2531— Sire of Maggie Martin 9562 17 lbs. (> oz. Roll of Honor 1:3610 14 lbs. 12 oz. Mulberry Lad 3954— Antelope 1937, Mulberry 1095— Sire of .Teiiiiie Myrtle 23977 ' 18 lbs. 1 oz. Lilly Mac 22976 14 lbs. 2 oz. Music (P. S. 118 J, H, B.)— Orange Skin (F. S. 327 J. H. B.), Margotton (F. S. 1043 J. H. B.)— Sire of Bella Delaine 103.56 14 lbs. 2 oz. Myron 7157— Ramapo 4679, Myra 2d 6289— Sire of Myretta 28231 14 lbs. 11«4 oz. Nancy's Rioter 8390— Sir George of St. Lambert 6036, Nancy of St. Lam- bert 13964— Sire of Nancy's Star 41423 16 lbs. 1% oz. Pogis Oonan 29890 15 lbs. 8 oz. Rioter's Rosaline 3.5.581 14 lbs. 14i^ oz. Duchess of Bloomfleld 4th 3.5584 14 lbs. 8]^ oz. Napier (F. S. 275 J. H. B.)— Royalist 2906, Dam on I. of J.— Sire of Chestnut's Beauty 21.576 18 lbs. 4% oz. Napier 2d 'P. S. 244 J. H. B.^— Welcome (F. S. 257 J. H. B.), Bubona 2d (P. S. 161 J. H. B.)— Sire of Balmoral 2d 13574 14 lbs. 10 oz. Napoleon 291, imp. — Sire of Bright Eyes 2d 2290 19 lbs. 6 oz. Gipsy 5th 2252 17 lbs. 2 oz. Napoleon 2d 527— Major 378, Europa 558— Sire of Topsey K. 22769 14 lbs. Napoleon iF. S. 249 J. H. B.)— Sire of Princess of Yerba Buena Ranch 12626 15 lbs. 10 oz. Ned 523, imp. — Sire of Victoria .3175 16 lbs. 1 oz. Nelusko 479— Rajah 340, Nelly 55 -Sire of Belle of Milford 7445 15 lbs. 6 oz. Maggie May 32.55 14 lbs. '2}4 oz. Gilt Edge 2d 4420 14 lbs. Neptune 5368— Noble 2d (F. S. 256 J. H. B.), Rose (F. S. 803 J. H. B.)— Sire of Dora Neptune 2031S 20 lbs. y^ oz. Neptune (P. S. 151J. H. B.i— Grey Prince (F. S. 168 J. H. B.), Mermaid (P. S. 55 J. H. B.)— Sire of Polly Neptune 15214 14 lbs. 7 oz. 422 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Neptune 2d (P. S. 206 J. H. B.)— Scipio (P. S. 157 J. H. B.), Mermaid (P. S. 55 J. H. B.)— Sire of Queen Neptune 15501 18 lbs. l:i}4 oz. Nero 1 3, imp. — Sire of Effle of Hillside 1521 16 lbs. 15 oz. Nero 7266— Carlo 5559, Bossy (P. S. 315 J. H. B.)— Sire of Royal Queen 24428 22 lbs. G oz. Dark and Pair 24408 IG lbs. :t oz. Lotchen 10823 10 lbs. 7 oz. Miss Le Dain 27472 14 lbs. ,514 oz. Nero Chief 2d 4217— Xero Ciiief 2951, Dolly Newell 4354— Sire of Olie's Lady Teazle 12307 10 lb.'-. 5 oz. Nerontes 9222— Frank Warren 1490, Little Florence K. 16055— Sire of Gray Beauty 3d 19845 19 lbs. 4 oz. New Year's 4352— St. Martin 1482, More Beautiful 9320— Sire of Arietta 3d 14274 14 lbs. 13!^ oz. Niburn 7658— Sir George 7656, Violet (P. S. 36 J. H. B.)— Sire of Luaiii 37989 21 lbs. Chancery 379S7 18 lbs. 10 oz. Marburi 37091 16 lbs. 12 oz. Niobe Duke 2364— Jeweler 1385, Niobe 6th 3516— Sire of Thorndale Belle 3d 104.59 15 lbs. 15 oz. Milten 13308 15 lbs. 11 oz. Belle Thorne 1.3-369 14 lbs. 11 oz. Niobe Grand Duke 4510— Niobe Duke 2364, Witch-Hazel 3cl 4875— Sire of Alfritha 13073 15 ibs. 3 oz. Noble 901— Noble (F. S. 104 J. H. B.). Fanny of Babylon 2345— Sire of Queen of Delaware 17029 IS lbs. 13 oz. Cream of Sidney 17028 17 lbs. 2]^ oz. Noble 4th 6246— Noble 901, Rosetta of Sidney 4520— Sire of Duchess Noble 27090 25 lbs. 8 oz. Worthy Noble 19629 15 lbs. 9}^ oz. Noble (F. S. 71 J. H. B.)— Sire of Jeanne Le Bas 2476 15 lbs. 8 oz. Noble (F. S. 104 J. H. B.^— Sultan (F. S. 58 J. H. B.), Handsome (F. S. 265 J. H. B.)— Sire of Rej^ina 2d 2475 14 lbs. 8 oz. Noble — Jacques (P. S. 63 J. H. B.), Lilian (F. S. 931 J. H. B.) — Sire of Princess of St. Saviour's 7470 15 Ibs. lOJ^ oz. Noble Rex 5174— Rex 1330, Chloe Franklin 8247— Sire of Chautauqua Queen 26403 14 lbs. 11 oz. Norajah 812— Rajah 340, Nora 434— Sire of Hazens Nora 4791 20 lbs. 5 oz. Arawana Buttercup 00.52 15 lbs. 5 oz. Arawana Poppy 60.53 15 lbs. 2 oz. Norman B. 7001— Duke of Mansfield 2277, Peggy Daw 12105— Sire of Edith Campbell 23011 21 lbs. 4}4 oz. LIST OF SIRES. 428 Normandy 1046— Mack 732, Mischief 954— Sire of Normaiida 3914 14 lbs. 14 oz. North Pacific Prize 1 1459— Nortli Pacilic 4296, Beauty of Park Farm 11484 —Sire of Romantic 61636 15 lbs. 9 oz. Miralba 65002 14 lbs. 7 oz. Norwood 1077— Son of Rosa 663, Norina 1929— Sire of Goldthread 4945 IT lbs. 9 oz. Nutley's Favorite 5132 — Oriflamme 2559, Lena's Pride 7371 — Sire of Nutley Silverette 22410 22 lbs. 7 oz. Nutshell 729— Nelusko 479, Fanny Ogden 1564— Sire of Pride of the Hill 4877 14 lbs. 8 oz. Okubo 1876— Lawrence 61, Mazie 1588— Sire of Bronze Leaf 14902 15 lbs. 1 oz. Irene of Short Hills 51.37 14 lbs. 6}4 oz. Old Hickory 2d 9224— Old Hickory 9221, Nightingale K. 2d 19841— Sire of Grace's Nightingale 19855 14 lbs. 2 oz. Omaha 482— Sire on I. of J., Omoo 1247— Sire of Metah's Qiseen 488G 17 lbs. 9 oz. Mendota 3d 26326 15 lbs. 6 oz. Bryant 4193 . . . . : 14 lbs. 8 oz. Metah's Baby 9710 14 lbs. 5 oz. O'Malley 6441— St. Helier 45, Moss Rose of Willow Farm 5194— Sire of Flight of Willow Farm 24783 20 lbs. 12 oz. Oneco 918 — Uncas 628, Young Fancy 97 — Sire of Rosabel Hudson .5704 15 lbs. 12 oz. One Hundred per Cent. 16590 — Stoke Pogis 5th 5987, Leclair's Marjoram 36355— Sire of Jetsam's May 625S0 14 lbs. 5 oz. Ontario 865— Black Imperial 255, Helen 2180— Sire of Maple Leaf 4768 14 lbs. 12 oz. Oonan's Rajah 8965 — Lord Han\y 3445, Gonan 1485 — Sire of Miss Peacock 30871 16 lbs. 10 oz. Oonan's Signal 1 1586— Toltec 6831, CEnone 8614— Sire of Iliana 44,594 15 lbs. 5 oz. Pearl of Oakwood 37722 14 lbs. 1 oz. Optimus 1607— Sir Charles 131, Carrie 3894— Sire of Monmouth Duchess 4th 7129 18 lbs. Warren's Duchess 4622 16 lbs. 1 oz. Monmouth Duchess 3d 4620 14 lbs. 4 oz. Orange Peel 502— Clement 115, Cowslip (F. S. 330 J. H. B.)— Sire of Lustre 2063 15 lbs. 8}4 oz. Orange Peel 864, imp. — Sire of Valma Iloffinaii 4.500 21 lbs. 9 oz. Lady Mary Hampton 4861 14 lbs. 5 oz. 4"24 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Orange Skin 1216— Orange Peel 2d (P. S. 36 J. H. B.), Gloria 3144— Sire of Gold Trinket 9518 16 lbs. 2 oz. Magnolia Ridgely 17269 U lbs. 8 oz. Orawapum 2833— Tomnn- Grey 1099, Carrie 7tli 2016— Sire of Wine 1.5739 16 lbs. 4 oz. Corn 10504 16 lbs. 2 oz. Verona 10766 1.5 lbs. 1)4 oz. Orleans 533— Warwick 264, Dais\' 656— Sire of Stanstead Belle 4709 15 lbs. 4 oz. Orloff 3143— Lord Lisgar 1066, Ophelie 493— Sire of Lisgar's Ella 24992 17 lbs. Carrie Pogis 22568 15 lbs. 9 oz. Orphan 891— Napoleon 291, Olive 768— Sire of Pegg}- of Staatsburgh 2342 14 lbs. 1)4 oz. Orphan tP. S. 256 J. H. B.)— Farmer\s Glory (F. S. 274 J. H. B.), May Flower (P. S. 95 J. H. B.)— Sire of Gay Orphan 25985 18 lbs. 1 oz. Osiris 3792— Pine Cliff 1106, Vashti 2555— Sire of Countess Godi va 10820 15 lbs. 7 oz. Othello 1 1 14— Tally Ho 880, Theodora 1896— Sire of Dark Cloud 9.364 15 lbs. 3)^ oz. Othello of Elmarch 3780— Don Pierrot 2876, Muezzin 3670— Sire of Cream of Springvale 16621 15 lbs. 10 oz. Oxford Rioter 5992— Midas of Oxford 5986, La Belle Petite 5472— Sire of Kioter's Violet 3;3774 14 lbs. 3 oz. Oxoli 1922— St. Helier 45, Pyrola 4566— Sire of Volie 19465 18 lbs. 1 oz. Lesbie 9179 16 lbs. 3 oz. Silenta 17685 15 lbs. 10 oz. Renini 9181 14 lbs. 10)^ oz. Bintana 9837 14 lbs. 3)^ oz. Taglioni 9182 14 lbs. 1 oz. Paddy Wilson 3084— Burnside 2d 2838. Lilac Hanmer 4382— Sire of Lady Bidwell 10303 15 lbs. 12 oz. Padisha 1623— Rajah 340, Grisette 596— Sire of Pet Lee 7993 14 lbs. 12 oz. Palm Nut 4744^Niobe Duke 2364, Palm 5268— Sire of Peggy Ford 21713 14 lbs. 10 oz. Pansy's Double Rex 9997— Niantic 5244. Double Rex Pansy 14645— Sire of Lass of Burrwood 37437 14 lbs. 1)^ oz. Parole of Honor 4291— Tommy Sutliff 2747, Caudace 7765— Sire of Minnie's Oiiida -33117 14 lbs. Pasha 'P. S. 64 J. H. B.'— Rattler (P. S. 20 J. H. B.), Sultane (P. S. 7 J. H. B.) —Sire of Regina 4th 12732 17 lbs. 13)^ oz. Faultless 12018 17 lbs. 5)^ oz. Frugal 14925 17 lbs. 2% oz. LIST OF SIRES. 425 Paterson 1 1 — St. Clement 10, Dam imp. by R. L. Colt — Sire of Cowslip 5th 849 15 Ibs^. 4 oz. Pauline's Stoke Pogis 1 1 859— Stoke Pogis 5th 5987, Pauline 3d 8296— Sire of Goldie Pojris 454:i3 IG lbs. H oz. Pearl Rex 4438— Rex 1330, Pearlette 2347— Sire of Beauty of Ninou 2d 18444 15 lbs. 3)^ oz. Pedro 3187— Domino of Darlington 2459, Eurotas 2454— Sire of Golightly 25597 23 lbs. 4 oz. Pedro's Mab 40212 16 lbs. 10 oz. Skipover 20217 IG lbs. SJ-^ oz. Pedro's June 38790 14 lbs. 6 oz. Pedro 2d 5419— Pedro 3187, Magnibel 7976— Sire of Pedro Girl 22400 18 lbs. 6 oz. Pedro of the Valley 8750— Gatono 3761, Rosabel Hudson 5704— Sire of Poppy n. 34865 17 lbs. 554 oz. Quail 3d 4356S 16 lbs. 12 oz. Fancy Ona 348G7. 15 lbs. i^ oz. Niobe Gordon 3d 44041 14 lbs. 3 oz. Pedrolier 13412— Pedro Thornton 7960, Flora 2d 12279— Sire of Pierrot's Beauty 48964. . . 15 lbs. li oz. Perrot (P. S. 342 J. H. B.)— Bobby (P. S. 208 J. H. B.), Royal Beauty (P. S. 390 J. H. B.)— Sire of Eastwood Clearwater 30445 27 lbs. Parrot's Baroness 22508 15 lbs. 141^ oz. Pertinatti 713— Pilot Jr. 141, Pert 110— Sire of Renalba 4117 17 lbs. 4)4 oz. Romp Ogden2d4764 15 lbs. 5 oz. Pixie 4115 14 lbs. Pertinax 1965— Pertinatti 713, Roxana 1761— Sire of Selita J. 32184 25 lbs. 2^ oz. Belle Williamson 8386 19 lbs. 10>4 oz. Kate Gordon 8387 15 lbs. 15 oz. Peter 835— Jack 834, Flora 2075— Sire of Beauty 2076 15 lbs. 7 oz. Pharos 3552, imp. — Sire of Belle of Scituate7977 10 lbs. Pharos Jr. 3621— Pharos 3552, Blonde 378— Sire of Lass of Scituate 9.5.55 15 lbs. 14 oz. Phil Bree 2957— Pierrot 636, Annie 793— Sire of Ultima 144.56 15 lbs. 12 oz. Philidor (P. S. 276 J. H. B.'- Farmer's Glory 5196, Clelie 2d (P. S. 64 J. H. B.) — Sire of Glory of Elmarch 21.521 15 lbs. 131-^ oz. Farmer's Floss 17773 15 lbs. 11 oz. Pierrot (F. S. 143 J. H. B.)— Sire of Mischief Le Brocq 7680 15 lbs. 426 BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. Pierrot 2d 1669— Pierrot 636, Dainty 796— Sire of Julia Walkor 10133 15 lbs. 12 oz. Palcstiiia 4G44 15 Ib^. 8 oz. New London Gips^y 116G7 14 lbs. 8 oz. Rosy Kate 1027(5 14 lbs. 4 oz. Qneen Fannie 10275 14 lbs. 2 oz. Pierrot 7th 1667— Pierrot 636, Pet 811— Sire of Pierrofs Lady Bacon 12482 16 lbs. 10 oz. Palestine Pierrot 24099 14 lbs. 6 oz. Palestine's Last Daughter 12602 14 lbs. 6 oz. Rutli Morgan 24098 14 lbs. 6 oz. Pierrot's Telephone 5440— Pierrot 7th 1667, Little Sister 11666— Sire of The Sister 21135 14 lbs. 4}4 oz. Pilot 3549— Dick Swiveller Jr. 276, Nellie 7825— Sire of Lady Gilinore 12136 14 lbs. 14 oz. Pilot (P. S. 183 J. H. B.)— Khedive (P. S. 103 J. H. B.), Phillis 18162— Sire of Oxford Kate 13640 39 lbs. 12 oz. Pilot's Veronica 18917 20 lbs. 2 oz. Pilot's Rose 179.58 18 lbs. S^i oz. Cabinet 22662 15 lbs. 10 oz. Fauchon 2d 18200 14 lbs. 9 oz. Pilot Jr. 141— Pilot 3, Jenny 287— Sire of Silver Rose 47.53 16 lbs. 14 oz. Pilot of Bowker Farm 6085— Prince of Deerfoot 2540, Lady Gilmore 12136 — Sire of Musidove 2.5379 18 lbs. 2 oz. Topsey Doe 25378 15 lbs. 4 oz. Pine Cliflf 1 106— Cliff 176, St. Catherine 408— Sire of St. Perpetua 2d 55.57 14 lbs. Planet 1 1 30— Mack 722, Maiden 1464— Sire of Chlora 8325 14 lbs. 6 oz. Platon (F. S. 3 1 0 J. H. B I.— Sire of Dewdrop Pansy 19736 19 lbs. 8 oz. Plough Boy (P. S. 102 J. H. B.)— Welcome (P. S. 207 J. H. B.), Buttercup (F. S. 848 J. H. B.)— Sire of Lille Bonne 8108 19 lbs. 12 oz. Pogis Chief 3998— Stoke Pogis 3d 2238, Cherry of St. Lambert 5127— Sire of Donney Pogis 38907 10 lbs. 2% oz. Polonius 2513— Sarpedon 930, Leda 799— Sire of May Evening 1.5938 17 lbs. 13 oz. Polonius De Pansy 6625— Berlin 4507, Nelly Pierpont 12531— Sire of Countess Bee 32630 14 lbs. 4 oz. Potomac 153 — Comus 54, Clara 148 — Sire of Nellie 1507 14 lbs. 2 oz. Pouch of Gold 4121— Furcoat 3040, Gilt 4th 4208— Sire of Leoliue 2d 18315 14 lbs. 4 oz. LIST OF SIRES. 427 Pretender (P. S. 187 J. H. B.)— Rusticus (P. S. 109 J. H. B.), Gentille (F. S. 794 J. H. B. )— Sire of Princess of the Valley 22641 18 lbs. 12 oz. Pride of the Island 5416, imp.— Sire of Pride's Lady Frances 3952'.) 16 lbs. 3X oz. Pride's Queen 60442 15 lbs. S}4 oz. Island Dots 17003 14 lbs. 9 oz. Prince, on I. of J. — Sire of Flora of St. Peter's 8622 16 lbs. 5 oz. Prince George 11571— Sir George 7656, St. Clementaise 18163— Sire of Silicon 2.5.")TT 18 lbs. 13 oz. Violente 28819 17 lbs. lOJ,^ oz. Prince Harry 5176 — Lord Hariy 3445, Coonie 7817 — Sire of Cricket's Minnie 26270 15 lbs. 14 oz. Prince Milan 3318— Lord Lisgar 1066, Juliet 485— Sire of Beauty of Lee Farm 15694 20 lbs. 12% oz. Prince of Bridge water 2d 4489 — Prince of Bridgewater 2381, Josephine 3d 2878 — Sire of Hilda B-B-B 17040 15 lbs. 8 oz. Prince of Croton 2490— Tocsin 1912, Glenida 4436— Sire of Prince's Bloom 9729 14 lbs. 3 oz. Prince of M. 281 1— Rex 1330, May Abelle 3932— Sire of Dura 26(.)0] 21 lbs. 5 oz. Lilley Rex 9852 14 lbs. 7 oz. Prince of Melrose 4819— Stoke Pogis 3d 2238, Princess of St. Lambert 5484 — Sire of Busy Princess 48202 17 lbs. 1% oz. Bee Princess 40.345 14 lbs. 2% oz. Prince of St. Lambert 5287— Stoke Pogis 3d 2238, Witch of St. Lambert 5479— Sire of Hara of St. Lambert 42128 14 lbs. 6 oz. Prince of Scituate 3888— Pharos Jr. 3621, Belle of Scituate 7977— Sire of Lily Scituate 12665 24 lbs. 9i^ oz. Annie Dale's Princess 12664 19 lbs. 2% oz. Prince of Sidney 2665— Noble 901, Dahlia of Babylon 2346— Sire of Daisy of Chenango 18.582 14 lbs. 7 oz. Daisy of Guilford 1858:3 14 lbs. 6 oz. Prince of the Realm 7842— Knight of St. Louis 3680, Princess of St. Sav- iour's 7470 — Sire of Bettie's Pet 22.550 16 lbs. 1 oz. Prince of the Valley (P. S. 88 J. H. B.)— Welcome (F. S. 166 J. H. B.), Queen of the Valley (F. S. 740 J. H. B.)— Sire of Faith of Oaklands 19696 17 lbs. 4 oz. 428 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Prince of Warren 1512 — Southampton 117, (iolddi-op '222 — Sire of Caiiata lOo-:;; -'T lbs. Dot of Beir Like CirO 19 lbs. 4 oz. Conover's Beauty 2d 25315 18 lbs. % oz. Ida of Bear 6169 16 lbs. Mary of Bes.r Lake 6171 15 lbs. 14 oz. Lady Moniiiou.h 1.5173 15 lbs. 3 oz. Lena Lowndes 23203 14 lbs. 9 oz. Prince of Woodstock 5030— Brisk 2077, Daze 25'34— Sire of Sunset 1.")1:M Iti lbs. 2)4 oz. Prince Pogis 10682— Middlefield Boy 1331, Mary Anne of St. Lambert 9770 — Sire of Princess Chryeantha 34101 14 lbs. 3}^ oz. Prince Ridgely 3047— Orange Skin 1216, Ann Ridgely 6788— Sire of Xiobe of Linwood 11134 14 lbs. 12 oz. Prize La France 8162— LeBrocq's Prize 3350, Fan of Grouville 74.18 — Sire of La France's Pansy Rex 49141 14 lbs. lOJ^ oz. Producer 9367— Florinde's Duke 4368, Felicia 3748— Sire of Gn-tchen of Pevely 4G325 15 lbs. 6}4 oz. Progress — Hero (P. S. 90 J. H. B.), Stella (F. S. 705 J. H. B.)— Sire of Mousy 2d 14962 17 lbs. 1 oz. Rory O'More 3236— Bertrand 664, Sea Gull 4th 1677— Sire of Nerissa of Nyack 0692 15 lbs. 1 oz. Rossman 1 128— Pilot Jr. 141, Rosa 133— Sire of Rosetta of Whiteland 6112 27 lbs. 2?^ oz. Rosy King 4433 — Tormentor 3533, Silver Rose 4753 — Sire of Maquilla 24043 21 lbs. 1 oz. Rough (P. S. 239 J. H. B.)— Cato (P. S. 178 J. H. B.), Dovey (P. S. 354 J. H. B.)— Sire of Perry Farm Golden Cloud 22872 18 lbs. 9 oz. Young Cherry 3d 14980 14 lbs. 7]^ oz. LIST or SIRES. 431 Roxbury 247— Commodore 239, Rose 709— Sire of Angela 1682 14 lbs. 2 oz. Royalist 2d 3791— Royalist 2906, Golden Era 6457— Sire of Royalist's Daisy 19187 21 lbs. 9i^ oz. Royalist 3d 4500— Royalist 2906, Nelly 6456— Sire of Kate Pansy 15177 15 lbs. 1 oz. Royalty 7210— Pedro 3187, Royal Princess 2370— Sire of Pedroletta 26597 10 lbs. 6}^ oz. Roy Brick 5637— Glen Roy 2131, Bessie Brick 4838— Sire of Embla Brick 1.5690 14 lbs. 3 oz. Rubano 8806— Sir George of St. Lambert 6036, Nina of St. Lambert 13963— Sire of Miss May of St. Lambert 37084 15 lbs. 14 oz. Aggie of St. Lambert .37085 .' 14 lbs. 2}^ oz. Rupert 1456-Pertinatti 713, Roxana 1761— Sire of Roonan 5133 20 lbs. 4 oz. St. Helier 45, imp. — Sire of Chroma 4572 20 lbs. 6 oz. Meines 3d 7741 20 lbs. 1 oz. lanthe 4562 16 lbs. 10 oz. Oxalis 2d 15631 15 lbs. Pavon 12485 14 lbs. 8 oz. Safrano 4,568 14 lbs. 2}^ oz. Siiene 4307 .• 14 lbs. St. Heller Boy 11 884— Duke of Stratford 6732, Vesuvie 4569— Sire of St. Helier Gem 35438 15 lbs. }4 oz. St. Jacob 6438— Fisk Jr. 3578, Saucy 5231— Sire of Idana 27974 14 lbs. 10 oz. St. John cP. S. 316 J. H. B.)— Carlo (P. S. 180 J. H. B.), Unique (F. S. 1035 J. H. B.)— Sire of St. John's Daisy 28388 15 lbs. 4 oz. St. Martin 1482— Sire on I. of J., Beauty 5311— Sire of Enigma 5360 15 lbs. 6 oz. St. Nick 7224— Mercury 432, Azile 1256— Sire of St. Nick's Flora 16195 14 lbs. St. Valentine 2251— Mercury 432, Clotho 2566— Sire of Colie 8309 18 lbs. 4 oz. Saladin 447 — Cadmus 4, Woodbine 517 — Sire of Rosaline of Glenmore 3179 17 lbs. 12 oz. Embla 4799 17 lbs. 8 oz. Sam 980— Sire on I. of J., Eugenie 792— Sire of Salsoda 3721 14 lbs. 7 oz. Samson 1079— Waterpower 756, Ocean Queen 1405— Sire of Bronzie 9368 21 lbs. 6 oz. Morlette 4988 16 lbs. Samson Jr. 2723— Dexter of Staatsburgh 1942, Susie 3d 778— Sire of Calista of Newark 13296 15 lbs. 9 oz. Phoebe N. 2.5401 15 lbs. 3 oz. Flora Lee 13294 14 lbs. 1 oz. 432 lUTTTER TEST^^ OP JERSEYS, Sans-Pev\r >F. S. 201 J. H. B.)— Welcome (F. S. 166 J. H. B.), Fauchon (F. S. 1323 J. H. B.)— Sire of Fear Not C050 17 lbs. 3 oz. Buttercup 17:^85 16 lbs. 5 oz. Fan of Gronville 7458 15 lbs. Saturn 94, imp. — Sire of Alphia 171 15 lbs. 6 oz. Scepter 5417— Tamerlane 4387, Lesbie 9179— Sii-e of Scepter's Beauty :i8'2:M 14 lbs. ]4 oz. Schiiichon 11 32— Pierrot 636, Beuiily 804— Sire of Polly Clover 705^ 16 lbs. 15 oz. Scion 1033— Red Knight 666, Cybele 3d 1270— Sire of Chiinner 4771 14 lbs. 12 oz. Scituate Boy 5674— Black Defiance 4014, Mtisa 6910— Sire of SciliKite of Woronoco 18040 24 lbs. 14- oz. Scituate's Prize 7206— Prince of Scituate 3888, Matin 7768— Sire of Athlete 281 87 14 lbs. 6 oz. Secretary 4074 — Brown Prince 2583, Elsie Dinsmore 5834 — Sire of Daffy Wilco-x 2d 18317 15 lbs. 5 oz. Seneca Chief 4098— Lord Sliaftesbury 2499, May Blo.ssoni 5657— Sire of Glulietta Cooke 3211)3 21 lbs. 131^ oz. Oleo 38475 18 lbs. 1 oz. Daisy Stillson 28174 15 lbs. 3 oz. Sharpshooter of Atlanta 3011— Grand Duke Alexis 1040, Zina 2d 8082— Sire of Teiiella 2d 111521 18 lbs. 12 oz. Sheldon 5250— Lome 5248, Hebe of St. Lambert 5117— Sire of Maggie Sheldon 23.583 21 lbs. 5 oz. N Sheldon's Daisy .30.592 17 lbs. 12 oz. Sheldon of St. Lambert 13831— Rioter's Pride 11694, Elaine of St. Lambert 37053— Sire of Xora Sheldon 43500 1" lbs. 6 oz. Shirley 1613— Mogul 532, Niobe 4th 509— Sire of Belle of Prospect 2d 14326 10 lbs. Queen of Prospect 11997 14 lbs. 2 oz. Signal 1 170— Marius 760, Pansy Morris 2060— Sire of Geranium 2d 7838 '-0 lbs. 4% oz. Tenella G712 '-^2 lbs. 1^ oz. Croton Maid 5305 21 lbs. 11}^ oz. Optima 6715 13 'bs. 2 oz. (Enone 8014 18 lbs. 15 oz. Belle of Patterson .5Gf)4 Kj lbs. G oz. Valhalla 5300 If lbs. Edwina 6713 15 lbs. 13 oz. Fanny Taylor G714 15 lbs. 12 oz. Signalana 7719 15 lbs. 4 oz. Aldarine .5301 15 lbs. IVa oz. Signal (F. S. 278 J. H. B.)— Sire of Lottie Dorey 21.5;8 K' lbs. 12>^ oz. Young Gazelle 19837 1-1 lbs. H oz. LIST OF SIRES. 433 Signalda 4027— Signal 1170, Alda 3873— Sire of Siroiia 27128 21 lbs. 2 oz. Birdie Nicholson 310r(; 18 lbs. 13 oz. Signalda's Rosebud 35.583 18 lbs. lOi^ oz. Signetilia 10333 ; 18 lbs. .5i^ oz. Signaldella 24107 18 lbs. 1?4 oz. Lilly Signalda 23227 17 lbs. 10 oz. Signora Reid 27125 10 lbs. 8% oz. Signalda iJloomfield 30694 10 lbs. .3% oz. Sigletta 32915 10 lbs. Siesta 37321 15 lbs. 11 oz. Solava 20928 15 lbs. :i% oz. Eterna 27134 14 lbs. 414 oz. Signalda's Duchess 32173 14 lbs. 3 oz. Nanalda 32917 14 lbs. fi% oz. Clover Bud 5th 27743 14 lbs. Signalda 2d 6748— Signalda 4037, Sadie's Choice 7979— Sii'e of Nal Day 20553 19 llis. 13 oz. Signal Jr. 7166— Signal 1170, Alda 3873— Sire of Edy Signal 19430 16 lbs. 8 oz. Signal Maiden 42793 15 lbs. 3X oz. Signal Lad 12199— Signal Jr. 7166, Rhoda 2d 16097-Sire of Cordelia Signal 2d 44489 17 lbs. 6 oz. Silver (P. S. 287 J. H. B.)— Bobby (P. S. 208 J. H. B.), Daisy (F. S. 1496 J. H. B.)— Sire of Cream Lily 24015 16 lbs. Les Marais' Dell 20314 15 lbs. 8J^ oz. Silver Hair (F. S. 279 J. H. B.)— Sire of Silver Venus 20270 16 lbs. 3% oz. Silver Mine 1658— Silverlocks Jr. 699, Minerva 1539— Sire of Silvia Baker 8793 20 lbs. 10 oz. Siloam 17623 18 lbs. 93^ oz. Nancy Lovelock 15511 IT lbs. 9 oz. Countess Coomassie 19339 16 lbs. 10 oz. Sindbad 12294— Rayon d'Or 7516, Katie Kohlman 7270— Sire of Wapello .56044 14 lbs. 12 oz. Sir Alpha 6378— Washita 3813, Gray Violet 3489— Sire of Miss Julia 26701 21 lbs. 1}4 oz. Sir Charles 131, imp. — Sire of Carrie 3894 16 lbs. 8 oz. Sir Davy 84 — Sire on I. of J., Jersey Maid 94 — Sire of Beulah of Baltimore 3270 14 lbs. 6}^ oz. Sir Farmington 3316— Prince of Croton 3490, Belle of Farmington 3d 4060 — Sire of Belle of Wayne 164.57 17 lbs. d}4 oz. Sir Florian 1 1578— Florian (P. S. 373 J. H. B.), Lady Blonde 22042— Sire of Regina Gilford 49891 14 lbs. 11 oz. Sir George 7656— Guy Fawkes (P. S. 251 J. H. B.), Brown Bess 13093— Sire of Young Garenne 3d 13648 16 lbs. 3}^ oz. Liberty 2d 16717 14 lbs. 6}^ oz. 434 buttp:r tests of jerseys. Sir George of St. Lambert 6036— Stoke Pogis 3d 2238, Pride of Windsor 483— Sire of Success of St. Lambert 38489 16 lbs. 2 oz. Rioter's Nora 21778. 15 lbs. 9 oz. Sir Harry 'F. S. 314 J. H. B.»— Grey Kin- (P. S. 169 J. H. B.), Nellie (F. S. 207.-) J. H. B.)— Sire of Comtesse de St. Ouen 22600 15 lbs. SJ^ oz. Sir Joseph Peck 4978— Dainty Boy 2955, Mel 6th 2041— Sire of Laundress 2d 24649 14 lbs. 9 oz. Sir Samuel Cmiard 2231— Scotia 1154, Locus.t 3631— Sire of Alheiiii l.V.Kl.-) 16 lbs. 3 oz. Smith of Darlington 2458— Sire on I. of J., Premium of Darlington 5572 — Sire of Anna Smith 10324 15 lbs. 6 oz. Nellie Darlington .59.56 15 lbs. 3 oz. Smoke Smith 4844— Brigand 1899, Selika 1805— Sire of Atlanta's Beauty 12949 21 lbs. 3 oz. Lucy Cobb 15133 18 lbs. 6]4 oz. Grace Pansy 2d 18764 17 lbs. 15 oz. Snap (F. S. 254 J. H. B.) ^ oz. Allieof St. Lambert 24991 26 lbs. 12 oz. Mermaid of St. Lambert 9771 25 lbs. Vl}4 oz. Nymph of St. Lambert 12968 24 lbs. 14 oz. Naiad of St. Lambert 12965 22 lbs. 214 oz. Nora of St. Lambert 12902 22 lbs. Niobe of St. Lambert 12969 21 lbs. 9J4 oz. Cora of St. Lambert 8347 21 lbs. 6^4 oz. Brenda of Elmhurst 10762 20 lbs. 8 oz. Cheerful of St. Lambert 8348 20 lbs. 8 oz. Honeymoon of St. Lambert 11221 20 lbs. 5J4 oz. Rioter Pink of Berlin 23665 19 lbs. 14 oz. Columbine of St. Lambert 8350 19 lbs. 1 oz. May Day Stoke Pogis 28-3.53 19 lbs. fo oz. Crocus of St. Lambert 8351 17 lbs. 12 oz. Cowslipof St. Lambert8349 17 lbs. 12 oz. Minette of St. Lambert 9774 17 lbs. 4 oz. Diana of St. Lambert 6636 16 lbs. 8 oz. Maggie of St. Lambert 9776 16 lbs. 3 oz. Moth of St. Lambert 9775 16 lbs. 2 oz. Mavonrneen of St. Lambert 9777 15 lbs. 12 oz. La Belle Petite 5472 15 lbs. 8 oz. Cupid of Lee Farm 599; 14 lbs. 6 oz. Nancy of St. Lambert 12964 1 4 lbs. 5 oz. 436 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Stoke Pogis 5th 5987— Stoke Pogis 1259, Marjoram 3239— Sire of May Dee Pogis 36993 ^0 lbs. o\i oz. Lady Mary of Prospect 19768 19 lbs. 1.5!^ oz. Priscilla Pogis 39270 IS lbs. 6)4 oz. Frankness 62451 18 lbs. 4 oz. Pogis' May 26950 18 lbs. 2 oz. Princess Aurea Pogis 39260 17 lbs. 7"^ cz. Sister of Charity 62453 10 lbs. 5 oz. Sweet Blossom Pogis 30995 16 lbs. li^ oz. Little Pogis 32012 16 lbs. 1 oz. Mary Ilinman 17019 15 lbs. n]4 oz. Pretty Patty 44108 15 lbs. 4i^ oz. Sterling Merit 02456 15 lbs. 4 oz. Rho A. Pogis 39269 14 lbs. 15 oz. Rioter Zoe 19701) 14 lbs. 12 oz. Gilfilia Pogis 3S088 14 lbs. 21^ oz. Sweet Leona B. 21934 14 lbs. I14 oz. Stoke Pogis Jr. 15300— Stoke Pogis 1259, Matilda 2d 5471— Sire of ^'iolet of :Mai)lewood 49724 14 lbs. IO14 oz. Stoke Pogis of Linden 1 0558— Stoke Pogis 1259, Matilda 3238— Sire of Rose I'ogis 24i;20 15 lbs. 2}^ oz. Stunner 9679— Linden Butter Boy 5982, Violet 3d 3240— Sire of St. Lambert's Violet 25278 10 lbs. 12 oz. Success 2097— Lord Ogden 69, Belinda 1128— Sire of Lady Ives 3d 0740 14 lbs. 8 oz. Sultan of New York 6186— Azimuth 1412, Asia 2161— Sire of Lady of Drydeu 27(142 16 lbs. 3 oz. Sultan of St. Saviour's 5328— Cocur de Lion (P. S. 140 J. H. B.), Sultane 2d 11373 — Sire of Sultan's Sultane 328.54 15 lbs. 1 oz. Superb 1956— Pierrot 2d 1669, Myrtle 2d 211— Sire of Belmeda 0229 18 lbs. 12 oz. Floret 99.59 17 lbs. 6 oz. Lizzie D. 10408 16 lbs. 15 oz. Lida MuUin 9198 10 lbs. 8 oz. Suzerain 8408— Baronet (P. S. 307 J. H. B.), Sultane 5th 181.89— Sire of Serai)hine 2d 37451 15 lb!^. 12 oz. S-weepstakes Duke 1905 (Duke P. S. 76 J. H. B.)— Merr^' Boy (P. S. 61 J. H. B.), SuixM-l) (F. S. 353 J. H. B.)— Sire of Duke's Pierrot Lady 31023 21 lbs. 12 oz. Fairy Queen of St. Brelade's 7404 19 lbs. 7}4 oz. Valentiue of Trinity 7400. 19 lbs. 4}^ oz. Bijou Ogston 8210 18 lbs. 15 oz. Queen of Nubbin Ridge 14528 17 !bs. Forget-me-not .5809 15 lbs. 8 oz. Florence Billot 7849 14 lbs. 13 oz. LIST OF SIRES. 437 Sydney 3262— Morse 847, Irouette 3136— Sire of Vieva .'W "04-3 IG lbs. 5 oz. Talmadge 3992— Eloper 23S6, Juliana M 4173— Sire of Daphne of Arcadia -31710 28 lbs. 12 oz. Tamerlane 4287— Oxoli 1923, lanthe 4o62— Sire of Tienie 17770 14 lbs. 10 oz. Queen of Chenango 17771 14 lbs, (j oz. Tarquin 3d 8203— Tarquin 750, Fontana 3d 1333— Sire of Lady of Malone 25734 l(i lbs. Tasso of Mount Waite 2334— Phenomenon 1147, Dolly Hughes 3486— Sire of Eudoia of Barre 124Ht 10 lbs. 9 oz. Telegraph 9457— Farmers Glory 5196, Dam on I. of J.— Sire of Chinqua 27384 22 lbs. 9)^ oz. Thalma 4288— Oxoli 1933, Nipheta 9180— Sire of Maculae 24277 15 lbs. 3 oz. The Hub 1009— Motley 515, Bessie 139— Sire of Mink 2d 3890 19 lbs. 11 oz. Silver Wave 10844 19 lbs. Fleece 18.568 17 lbs. 1S}4 oz, Okriblielia Duchess 4422 17 lbs. 4 oz. Dair.y 2d 3891 15 lbs. 5]4 oz. Azuliue 2d 3888 ._ 14 lbs. 1.5% oz. Mink .M 4868 ." 14 lbs. 9 oz. Adora 18.569 14 lbs. 3 oz. The Marquis 3805— Joseph 3419, Dark Eyes 8330— Sire of Grinnell Lass 11859 16 lbs. 10 oz. The Pope's Bull 2965— Sylvester 694, Cora's Lady Bird 3385— Sire of Pope's Flora 18697 14 lbs. 2 oz. The Squire 1298— Mr. Toodles 377, Mattie 994— Sire of Xibbie 6796 14 lbs. 15 oz. Cowry 4432 14 lbs. 1 oz. Thomaston 4600— Prince of M. 3811, Bessie Wright 4517— Sire of Ethelka 2d 14128 15 lbs. 4 oz. Thorndale 2582— Balsora 3357, Katinka 5364— Sire of Mau'yie McM. 14073 19 lbs. 9 oz. Alniah of Oakland 11102 , 10 lbs. 14 oz. Oakland Girl 11103 14 lbs. 10,U oz. Florrie May Baker 10728 14 lbs. 8 oz. Tisquantum (P. S. 262 J. H. B.^— Farmer's Glory 5196, Chance (P. S. 167 J. H. B.i- Su'e of Nervine 25832 14 lbs. IJ^ oz. Titan 8548— Uproar 4609, Antianira 3457— Sire of La Petite Pogis 28757 20 lbs. 10% oz. 488 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Toltec 6831— Tormentor 3.133, Oonan 1485— Sire of Toltec's Fancy x;7175 27 lbs. 51^ oz. Rosy Dream 2(1 27127 17 lbs. 11 oz. Toltec'8 Alice 31885 17 lbs. 10 oz. Little Accident 15.578 16 lbs. lOJ^ oz. Leoni 2d 29750 15 lbs. 9 oz. Phlox 3d 31883 15 lbs. C oz. Leonette 29752 15 lbs. 5 oz. Columbia Beauty 302G3 15 lbs. 1 oz. Landseer's Fancy 2d 43184 15 lbs. }4 oz. Toltcca 44762 14 lbs. IV4 oz. May Toltena 50405 14 lbs. r,% oz. Creole Maid 2d 31881 14 lbs. 1 oz. Tom *• ^ oz. Wanderer 3014— Signal 1170, Cosette 3874— Sire of Fadette of Verna 3d 11122 22 lbs. S]^ oz. Eva of Verna 15228 ~1 ">»• 1-^ oz. Fairy of Verna 2d 10973 20 lbs. 3% oz. Hilda A. 2d 11120 20 lbs. Evelina of Verna 10971 I!' lbs. 10^ oz. Cordelia Signal 334.52 18 lbs. 151,^ oz. Fadette of Canaan 14807 16 lbs. 114 oz. Aldarine 3d 27482 15 lbs. 3M oz. LIST OF SIRES. 441 Warpole 3500— One Ton 2000, Nema 5378— Sire of Pliimida 23621 15 lbs. ]4 oz. "Watson 3451— Pertinax 1965, Roonan 5133— Sire of Minnie Kersey 19895 14 lbs. 11 oz. Waukesha 5330— Moliawk 2269, Xenia 4944— Sire of Qnachette 17091 T... . 19 lbs. llj^ oz. Waxy 2116— Nutshell 729, Lu Lu 3211— Sire of Fanny of Cream Brook 139.30 17 lbs. 8 oz. Wessex 3638— Amadeus 1043, Ida 3d 2254— Sire of Judy of Riverside 16495 21 lbs. 4]/^ oz. Ulricalla 22225 18 lbs. 14 oz. Westchester 1266 — Inachus 928, Clytemnestra 2455 — Sire of Chansonnette 5695 16 lbs. 4 oz. West Wind 4289— Prince of the Herd 3329, Eosalind of Glen Dale 7382— Sire of Maud Pogis 24240 14 lbs. \2% oz. Wethersfield 966— Albert 44, Grinnella 2d 1303— Sire of Lady Gray of Hilltop 6850 18 lbs. 12 oz. Whip 2638— Flash 2532, Grinnella 4th 5926— Sire of Lady Cecilia 24821 15 lbs. 1 oz. William Devries 6064— General Tilden 2265, Hebe Louise 2440— Sire of Mary of Pleasant View 13448 14 lbs. 6 oz. Winner 5572— Duke of Darlington 2460, Nellie Darlington 5956— Sire of Happy Winn 353.58 18 lbs. 13 oz. Witch's Token 9966— Signalda 4027, Witch-Hazel 4th 6131— Sire of Alicealda 43604. 14 lbs. 1 oz. Wormwood 1746— Hector 791, Lupin 1972— Sire of Maud Lee 2d 8839 14 lbs. 9 oz. Yakout 6842— Ori 4286, Zithey 9184— Sire of Belle Yakout 38020 16 lbs. 13 oz. Yankee 1003— Paddy (F. S. 97 J. H. B.), Georgette (F. S. 309 J. H. B.)— Sire of Cassia 2d 21370 20 lbs. 10^4 oz. Chloe 4th 4612 17 lbs. 4 oz. Yellow Boy 6381 — Duke of Darlington 2460, Daisy 692— Sire of Royal Daisy 2.5214 20 lbs. 9 oz. Yoko 3951— Cecco 1673, Nymphtea 5141— Sire of Maggie Rule 31940 21 lbs. 5 oz. Palestine of Oxford 42194 21 lbs. Yokun Chief 4399— Butter Boy 3243, Witch-Hazel 1360— Sire of Yokun :Maid 19073 10 lbs. 6 oz. Young Baltimore Boy 2048— Baltimore Boy 837, Eose of the Isle 2088— Sire of Countess Buttercup 13.505 14 lbs. 3 oz. 442 BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. Young Baron 702, imp. — Sire of Pearl Armstrong 2670 21 lbs. 10 oz. Gipsy Maid 62o9 IT lbs. 6}4 oz. Arietta .^115 15 lbs. Bertie Briggs 5213 14 lbs. 4}4 oz. Young Combination 14550 — Combination 4389, Goodbye 27366 — Sire of Patrol 40490 15 lbs. 4 oz. Vilif3' 50107 14 lbs. 3 oz. Young Concord 1406— Concord 1405, Molly 3554 — Sire of Moss Rose of Willow Farm 5194 23 lbs. 1 oz. Young Duke 138— Malcolm 71, Duchess 101— Sire of My Queen 12G14 15 lbs. 8 oz. Carrie's Beauty 14ti01 14 lbs. 7^ oz. Young Garenne's Duke 6863 — Cicero 7657, Young Garenne 13641 — Sire of Vera of Bnarclift 2Se;87 15 lbs. 1 oz. Viola of Briarcliff 37G17 14 lbs. 8 oz. Young Jupiter 12157 — Jupiter of Beechwood 6866, Arietta 5115— Sire of Pearl's Lemon 41646 17 lbs. .5K oz. Young Pedro 9033— Pedro 3187, Rioter Alphea 10091— Sire of Eurotisamu 29668 27 lbs. l}4 oz. t'hansonnette 2(1 29672 16 lbs. 9 oz. Young Prince (P. S. 182 J. H. B.'- Khedive (P. S. 103 J. H. B.), Princesse (F. S. 1294 J. H. B.)— Sire of Miss Porter 20.300 16 lbs. 6 oz. Young St. Martin 2219— St. IMartin 1482, Bella 5354— Sire of Lady Appel 8612 1« lbs. 3 oz. Young Sir Davy 3034— Young Davy 661, Susan 1658— Sire of Grace Davy 8292 22 lbs. 5]4 oz. Zeus 2634— Bismarck 1423, Oweenaj 3314— Sire of Pyrrha 6100 16 lbs. 143^ oz. LIST OF DAMS WITH THEIR TESTEI3 DAUG^HTERS IN THIS VOLUME. Abbie A. 5791— Yankee 1003, Abbie 2d 2268— Dam of Abbie Clay 15703 18 lbs. 1 oz. Abbie Z. 14002— Comet 130, Lupar 14001— Dam of Abbie Z. 3d 14742 17 lbs. Adeline 9115, imp.— Dam of Queen of Prospect 11997 14 lbs. 2 oz. Alabama 7690— Dainty Boy 2955, Ruby 787— Dam of Ruby of Springvale 14505 14 lb?. 15 oz. Alda 3873— Grand Duke Alexis 1040, Archie 1112— Dam of Tenella 6712 '. . 22 lbs. 1}4 oz. Aldarine 5301 15 lbs. 1}^ oz. Aldabella 3928— Monarch of Roxbury 499, Ocean Maid 1291— Dam of Bianca Lass 14997 14 lbs. 3i4 oz. Aldarine 5301— Signal 1170, Alda 3873— Dam of Aldarine 3d 27482 15 lbs. 314 oz. Aldarine S'd 14196 14 lbs. Alexina 3836— Modoc 1007, Bessie Keron 2655 — Dam of Grace M. 10697 15 lbs. 2 oz. Alfleda 6744— Harpado 1859, Amaranth 6200— Dam of Alfritha 13673 15 lbs. 3 oz. Alfritha 13673— Niobe Grand Duke 4510, Alfleda 6744— Dam of Lady Elfled 40757 18 lbs. Alice 540 — Don 218, Jessie 541— Dam of Alice of the Meadows 20748 14 lbs. 12 oz. Alice Donnal 12726— Jo Jones 3441, Flora Lee of Tennessee 7694— Dam of Winetka 336U9 20 lbs. Allie of St. Lambert 24991— Stoke Pogis 3d 2238, Kathleen of St. Lambert 5122— Dam of Fawn of St. Lambert 27942. 15 lbs. 5}4 oz. Almeda 3842— Bismarck 292, Dolly 2d 1020— Dam of Almeda Eex 10416 15 lbs. 12 oz. 443 444 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Alphalia 13820— Combination 4389, Doelena 11731— Dam of Athlete 2S137 14 lbs. 6 oz. Alphea Alexia 15951— Duke of Willow Grove 4813, Moxie 6168— Dam of Counters Bee 32630 , 14 lbs. 4 oz. Amaranth 6200— Saugatuck 1144, Deniing-"s Flora 4398— Dam of Altleda G744 16 lbs. 4 oz. Amber of Cottage Grove 14225 — Bazoo 3d 6550, Miss Grunth' 8174 — Dam of Shiloh Daughter -20378 14 lbs. 73^ oz. Amelia 484, imp. — Dam of Mavourneen of St. Lambert 9777 15 lbs. 12 oz. Cupid of St. Lambert 5104 14 lbs. i^ oz. Amelia 2d 1730— Victor Hug-o 197, Amelia 484— Dam of MeliaAnn 5444 181bs.i4oz. Gem of St. Cloud 7342 14 lbs. 8X oz. Amite 18877— Ramapo 4679, Laitiere 8121— Dam of Eurotisama 29068 27 lbs. 1)4 oz. Ampelis 5622— Muriln 3482, 5617— Dam of Ampelis 5th 17.548 15 lbs. Amy of Ipswich 5583— Briton 919, Dudy 3919— Dam of Winsome of Ipswich 9213 14 lbs. 7 oz. Andrews' Ethel 4108— Charley Dasher 1710, Andrews' Sylvia 4107— Dam of Eve of Christmas 9473 ^ 14 lbs. .514 oz. Angela 1682— Roxbm-y 247, Europa 121— Dam of Duchess of Bloomfleld 3653 20 lbs. J^ oz. Su Lu 4705 17 lbs. 15 oz. Letitia 3977 15 lbs. 5 oz. Anne 412— Sire on I. of J., Fawn 108 — Dam of Xannaxie 18860 17 lbs. 4 oz. Annie 2d 776 — Sire on I. of J., Annie 76.5 — Dam of Actress 2311 14 lbs. Annie Dale 12662 — Narragansett 536, Lily Dale 69 — Dam of Lily Scituate 12665 24 lbs. 9}^ oz. Annie Dale's Princess 12664 19 lbs. 2}^ oz. Annie Landers 2d 7670— Thomas Motley 2128, Annie Landers 6006— Dam of Annie L. 12'.I34 17 lbs. 15^ oz. Annie Laurie 3d 13236 — Pope 738, Annie Lam-ie 1489 — Dam of Laurie Pansy Champion 20.396 14 lbs. 5)4 oz. Annie Weds 1947— Marmion 359, Lillie Fair 1607— Dam of Welma 5042 17 lbs. 8 oz. Elinor Wells 12068 14 lbs. Antianira 2457 — Mercury 432, Proserpine 1184 — Dam of Faustine 10354 14 lbs. U]4 oz. April Flower 4421— The Hub 1009, Mint 2549— Dam of ChauipioM Flower :.:0887 14 lbs. 6 oz. Arabel Hudson 2877— Landseer 331, Rose Hudson 125— Dam of Rosabel Hudson 5704 15 lbs. 12 oz. LIST OF DAMS, 445 Arawana Marigold 9380— Atamasco 2731, Mariana 5571— Dam of Ida :Mari>?old 32615 25 \h>-. 2V> oz. Arawana Poppy 2d 9935— Arawana Beautiful Boy 2874, Arawana Poppy 6053— Dam of Poppy H. 34865 17 lbs. oj^ oz. Arawana Rose 3810— Norajah 812, Honeysuckle 1318— Dam of Arawana Queen 5368 16 lbs. 9 oz. Ardell H. 12330— Homer H. 8683, Lucien H. 12322— Dam of Abbia H. 24221 15 lbs. 6 oz. Argosy 4320— Jachin 1220, Plenty 950— Dam of Mother Cary 11746 27 lbs. 1}4 oz. Ariadne 2d 1 135— Cliff 176, Ariadne 608— Dam of EstTL'lla 2831 14 lbs. 12 oz. Ariella 9178— St. Helier 45, Auria 4567— Dam of Lesbie 9179 16 lbs. 3 oz. Ariene 1071, imp. — Dam of Patterson's Beauty 4760 18 lbs. Arietta 14264— St. Martin 1482, Negro Girl 7650— Dam of Arietta 3d 14274 14 lbs. Vi}4 oz. Arthur's Frolic 4438, imp. — Dam of Frolic's Pride 31067 17 lbs. Frolic of Chestnut wood 19405 16 lbs. Ashwood Maid 15570— Lord Harry 3445, Missie of Ashwood 15561— Dam of Signalda's Duchess 32173 14 lbs. 3 oz. Atlantis 5901— Autocrat 1065, Atlanta 402— Dam of Melita of Hillcrest 7054 14 lbs. 2 oz. Aunty 16648 -Nonpareil (P. S. 37 J. H. B.), Dam on I. of J.— Dam of Auutybel 12.'5S2 14 lbs. 9 oz. Auraria 10688 — Manchester's Prospect 2817, Jersey Cream 2d 8519 — Dam of Real Queen 29198 18 lbs. 1 oz. Aureola 86 1 7 — Asteroid 858, Irene Sheridan 8428 — Dam of Albcria Signal 18611 20 lbs. 11 oz. Auria 4567— St. Helier 45, Lutea 4563— Dam of Taglioni 9182 14 lbs. 1 oz. Azelda 3872— Grand Duke Alexis 1040, Grand Duchess of St. Peter's 2733— Dam of Belle of Patterson 5664 16 lbs. 6 oz. Gold Trinket 9518 16 lbs. 2 oz. 'Valhalla 5300 16 lbs. Azelda 2d 7022 15 lbs. 2 oz. Azuline 3360, imp. — Dam of Azuliiie 2d 3888 14 lbs. 15% oz. Azuline 2d 3888— The Hub 1009, Azuline 3360— Dam of Champion Azuline 20543 18 lbs. ]4 oz. Babette 3650— Young Baron 702, Brunette Lass 1780— Dam of Ruby Torment 32989 16 lbs. 446 15 UTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Balmoral 1 3464. imp. — Dam of Balmoral id 13074 14 lbs. 10 oz. Baronetti 8425— Bai-onet 2240, Marquise 2d 2868— Dam of Lucy McClung 20368 14 lbs. 3 oz. Beatrice Cenci 16629— Chingaiik 2312, Cecilia 5715— Dam of Alpheou's Belle 27194 19 lbs. 11 oz. Beautiful 5981— Young Briton 1840, Little Beauty of Ipswich 4341— Dam of Brunette of Scarsdale 1327C 17 lbs. Countess of Scarsdale 18633 14 lbs. 6 oz. Beauty 309, imp. — Dam of Beauty Bliicher 308 14 lbs. 3 oz. Beauty 1319, imp — Dam of Beauty of Lee Farm 15694 20 lbs. 12?^ oz. Stanstead Belle 4709 15 lbs. 4 oz. Beauty -F. S. 1 159 J. H. B.)— Dam of Beauty Messeuiier 17450 15 lbs. 9 oz. Beauty of Darlington 5736— Smith of Darlington 2458, Grace of Darlington 5574 — Dam of Bombal0:a0 21 lbs. lli^ oz. Beauty of Ninon 9691— Rory O'More 3236, Lurlei Maid 4159— Dam of Beauty of Ninon 2d 18444 15 lbs. 3J^ oz. Beauty of Snipsic 22909— Coventry Boy 5847, Pride of Snipsic 22306— Dam of Edith Campbell 23011 21 lbs. 4i^ oz. Beauvine 1593, imp. — Dam of Gazania 4513 14 lbs. 2 oz. Beck 463, imp. — Dam of Plenty 950 14 lbs. 8 oz. Bee 448— Sark 123, English Beauty 449— Dam of Bounty 1606 14 lbs. Beeswax 9807 — Top-Sawyev 1404, Bisma 3d 1870— Dam of Waxie 19706 20 lbs. 2^ oz. Ethleel 18724 19 lbs. 14 oz. Fancy Wax 37159 19 lbs. S]4, oz. Fancy Bee 37496 15 lbs. 8 oz. 29630— Combination 4389, Hulda R. 16497— Dam of Combonnie 40260 14 lbs. 2 oz. Beletrice 7687— Hamilton 1074, Little Bella 3693— Dam of Comtesse D'Espagne 10308 14 lbs. i^ oz. Belinda R. 13150— Auroraboreellis 2408, Miss Bowris 12206— Dam of Curfew 16498 1 4 lbs. 7)^ oz. Bell 1506— Buckskin 151, Victoria 1505— Dam of Edith Darby 6246 14 lbs. 2 oz. Nellie 1507 1^ Ibs- '- o^- Belle 53— Charleston 1, Violet 15— Dam of Belle of Ogden Farm 1570 14 lbs, T n p LIST OF DAMS. 447 Belle (F. S. 302 J. H. B;— Dam of Cocotte 11958 16 lbs. 8}4 oz. Belle Atwood 5907 — Lord Bronx 2d 1730, Jennie of Farmington 4554 — Dam of Belle of Echo 1243:i 14 lbs. 141^ oz. Belle Dame 11951 (F. S. 1934 J. H. B.)— Dam of Belle Dame 2d '«04;5 18 lbs. 13 oz. Belle Dawson 8270— Commodore Roxbuvy 1586, Mount Lebanon 4457— Dam of Belle Yakout 38020 16 lbs. 13 oz. Belle Grinnell 4073— Monitor 878, Grinnella 3d 2209— Dam of Belle Grinnell 3d 16503 14 lbs. 2 oz. Belle Grinnell 2d 9009— Prince of Croton 3490, Belle Grinnell 4078— Dam of Grinnell Lass 11859 16 lbs. 10 oz. Belle Hinman 3641— Belisario 640, Flora Hinman 1273— Dam of Mary Hinman 17619 15 lbs. lli^oz. Belle Lyroan 28522— General Lyman 6631, Belle of Wolcott 8938— Dam of Emma Landseer .58104 14 lbs. 2}4 oz. Belle of Bayside 1457— Young- Pilgrim 303, Belle Bronx 989— Dam of Maid of Berlin 12746 14 lbs. 8 oz. Belle of Beaumont 2d 9269— Kisber 4377, Belle of Beaumont 8894— Dam of Leneca 17178 15 lbs. 14 oz. Belle of Bloomfield 4331— Nestor 1834, Lady Ives 1708— Dam of Rosa Miller 4,333 17 lbs. 7 oz. Belle of Brooklyn 9493— Pierrot 636, Frolic 2d 1951— Dam of Miss Lofty 9718 16 lbs. 10 oz. Belle of Canandaigua 10139— Croton 3348, Belle of Farmington 3d 4060 — Dam of Belle of Wayne 104.57 17 lbs. 9)^ oz. Belle of Cherry Valley 15837— Gerry 1539, Lulu Gold Ear 15835— Dam of Dura 26001 ~1 lbs. 5 oz. Belle of Chester 4442— Hampton 491, Beauty 3159— Dam of Celia Belle 5S(i5 14 lbs. 3 oz. Belle of Cork 17403, imp.— Dam of Letitia Hunter 35.575 17 lbs. 5 oz. Belle of Kent 4371— Hurd's Ivanhoe 1522, Kizzie 3344— Dam of Gem of Sassafras 8434 14 lbs. :i}4 oz. Belle of Maple Grove 11 334— Asteroid 858, Madam Juny 11333— Dam of Lady Alexis 26916 16 lbs. 8 oz. Belle of Maplewood 22942— Etzel 3593, Shama 5883— Dam of Violet of Maplewood 49724 14 lbs. 10^ oz. Belle of Middlefield 1516— King Harold 344, Mabel 1092— Dam of Princess Bellwort 6801 15 lbs. 10^4 oz- I Belle of New York 6963— Northern Chief 5643, Mousie 6962— Dam of t Lady Cleveland 30251 17 lbs. 1 oz. 448 BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. Belle of Patterson 5664— Signal 1170, Azekla 38T2— Dam of Guinevere Sinclair llie? 14 lbs. 9 oz. Belle of Prospect 6627— Baltimore Boy 837, Nelly Post 5392— Dam of Belle of Prospect -id 14:K6 19 lbs. Belle of St. John's 8078— Hector (P. S. 179 J. H. B.), Hastings (F. S. 4046 J. H. B.)— Dam of Belle of St. John's Hd ■298-J9 1,") lbs. Vo o/.. Belle of Tennessee 9573— Doctor Wog-g- 3504, Belle of New York 6963— Dam of Lilly Signalda ■2:i-2-27 17 ibs. 10 oz. Belnina 19189 17 lbs. 3J4 oz. Belle of Wolcott 8938— :\Iaumee Chief 3673, Chamois 1226— Dam of Belle Lymau JS.V.'i IG lbs. :i}4 oz. Belle Ridgely 6785— Hampton 491, Beauty 3159— Dam of Magnolia Ridgely 17269 14 lbs. 8 oz. Belle Warren 7978— Prince of Warren 1512, Erica 2970— Dam of Belle"s Esperanza 1^53 1.5 lbs. %]4 oz. Belle Williamson 8386 — Pertinax 1965, Josey Brown 7533 — Dam of Diuwood's Lass 19710 IG lbs. Bellflo-wer 59 — Chaiieston 1, Belle 53 — Dam of ."\[a Belle 4'.»4-> 15 lbs. Bellita 2d 103 11— Pickwick 3985, Bellita 4553— Dam of Percie 14987 18 lbs. 10 oz. Bennie Hinman 7166— Ben Rajali 795, Flora Hi iiman 1272 — Dam of Louisa Himiian l-iSOil 14 lbs. Berlin Daisy 3759— Com. Nutt 36, Snowtlakes 1004— Dam of Duchess of Argyle 3758 14 lbs. 13 oz. Bertha Morgan 4770 — Lopez 313, Patterson's Beauty 4760 — Dam of Lydia Darrach 4903 17 lbs. 14 oz. Bertha's Star 24902— Prince of M. 2d 5507, Matlie's Star 9881— Dam of Susie V. .5)8.5.5 14 lbs. 14 oz. Berylla 8957— Vail's Don 2032, Bellita 4553— Dam of Berylla;2d 15117 15 lbs. 13 oz. Bessie, on I. of J. — Dam of Princess of Ashantee 13467 16 lbs. 5 oz. Bessie (P. S. 232 J. H. B.— Sans-Peur (F. S. 201 J. H. B.), L'Echo (F. S. 1230 J. H. B.)— Dam of Lucilla Kent 8892 15 lbs. 10 oz. Bessie Allen 3719— Tom Dasher 420, Allen's Fawnette 3722— Dam of May Blossom 56,57 18 lbs. 11 oz. Bessie Bradford 7269— King Pin 1S7S, Edith 4th 817— Dam of Bes>ie Bradford 2d 7271 15 lbs. 2 oz. Bessie Ring 12175— Ringleader 392, Bessie 3520— Dam of Miss Bowris 12206 17 lbs. 8}^ oz LIST OF DAMS. 449 Bessie Russ 14648— Bullion 3079, Nellie D. 3871— Dam of Bessie Russ 2d 14G49 15 lbs. 1}^ oz. Bessie Signalda 38178— Signally Sig-nal 8875, Bessie Russ 2d 14649— Dam of Landseer's Si;?iiallne 58101 14 lbs. 11% oz. Bessie Spaulding 2780— Critic 540, Lady Spaulding 1091 — Dam of MadolinaH. 12327 19 lbs. 4 oz. Bess L«na 3349— Sam 980, Lena 3347— Dam of L;idy Gray of Hilltop 6850 18 lbs. 12 oz. Bessy of St. Lambert 5482— Buffer 2055, Maj'bud of St. Lambert 5105— Dam of Moth of St. Lambert 9775 16 lbs. 2 oz. Betsy B. 9413, imp.— Dam of Betsona 16776 14 lbs. 3 oz. Bettie D. 7677— Gov. Hampton 2701, Bettie Dixou 4527— Dam of Marpetra 10284 14 lbs. 6 oz. Bettie of Hillside 3864 — Kamclumder 718, Jennie Nicholson 1610 — Dam of Bettie of Edgewood 31102 14 lbs. 2 oz. Betty 683— Dick Swiveller Jr. 376, Jennie 686— Dam of Countess of Lakeside 12135 19 lbs. 7 oz. Betty Clover 3784— Narrag-ansett 375, Leah 2968— Dam of Mary Clover 9998 14 lbs. 15 oz. Beulah of Baltimore 3270— Sir Davy 84, Nellie 1507— Dam of Jessie Lee of Labyrinth 5290 14 lbs. 7 oz. Biddy of Bovina 6655— Royal Prince 2023, Bertha 2d 2264— Dam of Calista of Newark 13296 15 lbs. 9 oz. Bijou of St. Lambert 5112— Lord Lisgar 1066, Cupid of St. Lambert 5104 — Dam of Honeymoon of St. Lambert 11221 20 lbs. 5J4 oz. Columbine of St. Lambert 8350 19 lbs. 1 oz. Bisma 3d 1870— Fairfax 530, Bisma 1669— Dam of Beeswax 9807 17 lbs. 5 oz. Little Lass 28512 17 lbs. 5 oz. Busy Bee 6.336 16 lbs. 4 oz. Black Diamond's Queen 11865, imp. — Dam of Alphoa Yaudrada 1740S 19 lbs. 7 oz. Blanche 594— Earl 81, Lily 6t]i, 500— Dam of lanthe 4.i62 16 lbs. 10 oz. Blanche Amory 7592— Top-Sawyer 1404, Su Lu 4705 — Dam of Jaquenetta 109.58 14 lbs. 0 oz. Blonde tF. S. 214 J. H. B.)— Dam of Blonde 2d 9268 1-4 lbs. 4 oz. Blondette 1817, imp. — Dam of Troth 0139 16 lbs. 5 oz. Bloom 2d 5927— Jersey King 879, Bloom 4062— Dam of Prince's Bloom 9729 14 lbs. 3 oz. 450 BUTTER TESTS OF JEESEYS. Bloomer 2262— Deacon 393, Bettie 5tli 70o— Dam of Bloomer 2d 2:^1 IS lbs. 6 oz. Bloomfield Fairy 2d 3210— Rioter 670, Bloomfield Fairy 1681— Dam of Lady Bloomfield 4704 ... 14 ibs. 12]4 oz. Blossom 12013, imp. (F. S. 1653 J. H. B.»— Dam of Marie S. 12043 15 lbs. 6 oz. • Blossom of Hanover 13655— Black Prince of Hanover 2873, Daisy Darling 6386— Dam of Dia 136,58 15 lbs. 13}^ oz. Blossom of Prospect 18627— St. Matthew 4782, Blossom of Maysville 15547 — Dam of Sweet Blossom Pogis 36995 10 lbs. 1}^ oz. Blush Rose -2 oz. Charmante 'F. S. 1866 J. H. B.i— Grey King (P. S. 40 J. H. B.), Superin- tendent, on I. of J. — Dam of Lady Fair 22103 19 lbs. 10 oz. Chatelaine 1916— Tancred 501, Lady Ella 1146— Dam of Chenda 4.599 17 lbs. IJ^ oz. Cherry 'F. S. 1140 J. H. B.i— Dam of Primrose 11956 21 lbs. 10 oz. 454 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Chestnut (F. S. 3125 J. H. B.*— Dam of Chestnnt's Beauty 21576 18 lbs. i% oz. Chinquapin 4501 — Orange Peel 864. Verona 2185 — Dam of Chinqua 27:384 22 lbs. 9)4 oz. Chios 129— McClellan 25, Pansy 7th 130— Dam of Champion's Chloe 122.55 15 lbs. 5^ oz. Chloe 1540— Jerry 15, Clara 2d 1588— Dam of Chloe 4fli 4612 17 lbs. 4 oz. Chloe Lankton 15871— Pequaboc Chief 2(362. Cassindra 7352— Dam of Ma.v Lankton 1.5872 16 lbs. 154 oz. Chloe of Millwood 14083— Diogene.s 277, Countess of Millwood 14081 — Dam of Snowdrop F. W. 16948 14 lbs. 8 oz. Chrissy 1448— Sire on I. of J., Kitty Clover 1113— Dam of ( 'hrissy 2d 7720 16 lbs. 14 oz. Countess of Crotou 5307 15 lbs. 12 oz. Christel 6565— King Philip of Mt. Hope 2399, Idex 2d 5429— Dam of Gildercream 39480 15 lbs. 15 oz. Chroma 4572— St. Helier 45, lanthe 4562— Dam of Kenini !)181 14 lbs. lOV^ oz. Chronicle 21625— Young George 3413, Miss Millie 12264— Dam of Transcript 31867 17 U)s. 7 oz. Chrysantha 23465— Rockingham 5382, Katie Kohlman 7270— Dam of Princess Chrysantha 34191 14 lbs. Z]/, oz. Churchill Betsey 4105— Philip Sheridan 9S4, Sutliff's Rosa 4104— Dam of Webster Pet 4103 14 lbs. 2 oz. Cicely 997-Sam Waller 271, Countess 3d 990— Dam of Cowry 4432 14 lbs. 1 oz. Cigarette 2849— Milo 590, Eloise 735— Dam of Minnie Kersey 19895 14 lbs. 11 oz. Cigarette (F. S. 1962 J. H. B.^— Dam of Matin 7;68 17 lbs. 11 oz. Cintra Cowles 6198— IshmaelHurd 1548, Kitty of Farmington 6197— Dam of Cowles' Nonesuch 6199 14 lbs. 12 oz. Clara 4th 1541— Commodore 613, Clara 714 — Dam of Country Girl 3515 15 lbs. 12 oz. Clarencia 3484— Abel 853, Bignonia 2156— Dam of Woodland Maid 8156 14 lbs. 2 oz. Clari 4266— Pagan 1800, Caroline 2d 4265— Dam of Marchioness of Maplehurst 8018 14 lbs. 6 oz. Clearwater 24382, imp.— Dam of Eastwood Clearwater 30445 ; 27 lbs. Clematis 3174— Clifton 6, Crocus 3173— Dam of Clematis 3d 0653 16 lbs. 1 oz. LIST OF DAMS. 455 Clematis of St. Lambert 5478— Lord Lisgar 1066, Snowdrop of St. Lambert 5119— Dam of Flower of Glen Rouge 17560 23 lbs. 14% oz. Honeysuckle of St. Anne's 18674 14 lbs. 14 oz. Clio 2d 1248— Second Iron Duke 302, Clio 45— Dam of Charmer 4771 14 lbs. 12 oz. Clio of Staatsburgh 2d 12540— Samson Jr. 3733, Clio of Staatsburgh 4177— Dam of Cora of Arcadia 16151 15 lbs. Clochette d'Or 5696— Duke 404, Emma Washington 1663— Dam of Chansonnette 5695 16 lbs. 4 oz. Clotilde 4575-Tall.v Ho 880, Purity 1408— Dam of Oakland Girl 11103 14 lbs. 10^ oz. Clover Bloom 9788— Oakland Chief 3964, Wiby 3d 9787— Dam of Clover Mel 161.59 14 lbs. 9 oz. Clover Bloom 2d 12736 14 lbs. Clover Blossom 4057— Pansy's Albert 1008, Albert's Clover 3900— Dam of Mylitta ISe-iS 16 lbs. 13 oz. Clover Bud 4074 — Monitor 878, Clover Blossom 4057— Dam of Clover Bud 4th 18992 16 lbs. 14 oz. Clover Bud .5th 27743 14 lbs. Clover Bud 5th 27743— Signalda 4037, Clover Bud 4074— Dam of Alicealda 43604 14 lbs. 1 oz. Clubs 16721 (F. S. 3147 J. H. B.)— Dam of Clubs 2d 16725 14 lbs. 7 oz. Clytemnestra 2455 — Mercury 483, Leda 799— Dam of Richness 16.536 17 lbs. 5 oz. Hartwick Belle 7722 14 lbs. 8 oz. Clytie Lass 3395 — Vespucius 758, Daisy Lass 2010— Dam of Cottage Lass 5332 17 lbs. 7 oz. Cobweb 5006— Alpheus 1168, Madeleine 3d 2479— Dam of Cobweb 3d 21325 18 lbs. 5 oz. Cocette, on I. of J. — Dam of Happy Blossom 18218 19 lbs. 5 oz. Cocotte 7392— Philip Strader 1557. Vanilla 3834— Dam of Belle of Lyuwood 18:364 17 lbs. 14 oz. Cocotte 1 1958— Hero (P. S. 90 J. H. B.), Belle (F. S. 303 J. H. B.)— Dam of Como of BriarclifE 35849 14 lbs. 6 oz. Cocotte (P. S. 38 J. H. B.)— Pierrot (F. S. 143 J. H. B.), Miss (F. S. 141 J. H. B.)— Dam of Lady Kingscote 26085 15 lbs. 10 oz. Coe's Stella 3930— Colt Jr. 835, Price 1967— Dam of Arawana Buttercup 6052 15 lbs. 5 oz. Arawana Chevre Feuille 15097 14 lbs. 9 oz. Colie 8309— St. Valentine 3351, Torfrida 3596— Dam of Smoky 13733 14 lbs. 9 oz. 456 BUTTEE TESTS OF JERSEYS. Columbine (F. S. 131 J. H. B.— Dam of Jessaline 20099 16 lbs. 6 oz. Coma 29330— Combination 4389, Metella 3905— Dam of Period 4-:!lj40 IG lbs. 3 oz. Diploma's Coma .'54070 14 lbs. 10 oz. Comely of St. Lambert 6639— Stoke Pogis 3cl 2238, Hebe of St. Lambert ,'5117_Dam of Comely of St. Lambert 2d 4117? 20 lbs. 10 oz. Commotion 52960— Combination 4389, Coma 29330— Dam of Complexia 56774 1.5 lbs. .3 oz. Compressa ,55756 14 lbs. 13L^ oz. Com.plexia 56774 — Combination 4389, Cominotion 52960 — Dam of Eurus 60S01 14 lbs. 7 oz. Comwa 3591 1— Combination 4389, Comanca 19389- Dam of Smax 48562 16 lbs. llj^ oz. Conover's Beauty 12650 — Prince of Warren l.")12, of Warren 3745 — Dam of Conover's Beauty 2d 25315 18 lbs. ^ oz. Contessa 3256— Mogul 568, Countess of Windsor 2034— Dam of Mary of Gilderoy 11219 14 lbs. 4 oz. Coquette 2d 1933— Pilot Boy 488, Co(iuette 843— Dam of Cocniette's Molly 23811 14 lbs. 2 oz. Coquette of Glen Rouge 17559— Jack Frost of St. Lambert 2419, Sweet Brier of St. Lambert 5481— Dam of St. Lambert's Coquette 41070 16 lbs. 15 oz. Cora Belmont 18869— Byron (P. S. 238 J. H. B.), Castella(F. S. 2845 J. H. B.) — Dam of Cora Belmont 2d 4886S 19 lbs. 1 oz. Cora K. 22768— Major 378, Beauty 719— Dam of Topsey K. 22709 14 lbs. Coralie 4446— Lawrence 61, May Maitland 1590— Dam of English Elm 17000 14 lbs. 7 oz. Cora of Lebanon 1 1637— Lucnllus 2095, Gazellette 3d 6033— Dam of Cora of Hillside 2.52.53 15 lbs. 7 oz. Cordelia Signal 33452— Wanderer 3014, Second Cousin 12689— Dam of Cordelia Signal 2d 44489 17 lbs. 6 oz. Coreopsis 4188 — Ishmael Hurd 1548, Brower's Jersey 3801 — Dam of Arnold's Lulu 7328 15 lbs. 3 oz. Corinna 3907— Mogul 533, Clio 3d 1369— Dam of Corinna 2d 0594 10 lbs. 7 oz. Corn 1 0504— Orawapum 3833, Veronica 6684— Dam of Wine 15739 16 lbs. 4 oz. Countess — Dam of Bijou Ogston S210 18 lbs. 15 oz. LIST OF DAMS. 457 Countess 3d 990— Dick Swiveller 74, Countess 2d 991— Dam of Countess Micawber 1759 17 lb?. 1 oz. Countess Gisela 2820— Scroog-e 369, Gazelle 996— Dam of Niva 7523 15 lbs. 8 oz. Countess Gisela of Belie Vue 9571 — Lord Lawrence 1414, Mary Jane of Belle Vue 6956— Dam of Gilderine of Linwood 24488 15 lbs. 7 oz. Countess of Lakeside 12135— Diclv Svvivelier Jr. 276, Betty 683— Dam of Eupidee's Perfection 20175 15 lbs. 4 oz. Countess of Warren 3896— Hector 129, Julia 3893— Dam of Warren's Duchess 4622 16 lb.s. 1 oz. Ida of Bear Lake 6160 16 lbs. Countess of Windsor 2024, imp. — Dam of Crust 4775 16 lbs. 8 oz. Country Girl 3515— Qualver 887, Clara 4th 1541— Dam of Country Girl 4th 51877 18 lbs. 2 oz. Country Girl 3d 12.538 17 lbs. 11 oz. Cowslip 893— Jersey 9, Plia-be 2d 902— Dam of Cowslip 5th 849 15 lbs. 4 oz. Cowslip 1773— Earl 81, Flirt 1772— Dam of Arietta 5115 15 lbs. Cowslip of St. Lambert 8349— Stoke Pogis 3d 2238, Witch of St. Lambert 5479— Dam of Carrie Pogis 23568 15 lbs. 0 oz. Creamlie Westfield 17818— Bishop's Brown Duke 4316, Creme de la Creme 9887— Dam of Cream Calla 40233 16 lbs. 7 oz. Creampot 460, imp. — Dam of Jersey Cream 3151 17 lbs. Creamer 2467 14 lbs. 1 oz. Creole Maid 1 1017— Braxton 1715, Fleta 3859— Dam of Creole Maid 2d 31881 14 lbs. 1 oz. Cretesia 13657— Lord Dartmouth 6302, Daisy Darling 6386— Dam of Albert's Cretesia 22881 16 lbs. 2 oz. Cricket of Belle Vue 9570— Lord Lawrence 1414, Beauty of Belle Vue 6953 — Dam of Cricket's Minnie 26270 15 lbs. 14 oz. Crocus of St. Lambert 8351— Stoke Pogis 3d 2238, Lolly of St. Lambert 5480— Dam of Maud Pogis 24240 14 lbs. 12?^ oz. Cultured Cream 29196— Rachel's Duke 7022, Jersey Cream 2d 8519— Dam of Parloa 323.57 1-t lbs. 10 oz. Cupid of Lee Farm 5997— Stoke Pogis 3d 2238, Cupid of St. Lambert 5104 — Dam of Beatrice of Elmarch 11367 15 lbs. 2 oz. 458 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Cupid of St. Lambert 5104— Laval 506, Amelia 484— Dam of Cupid of Lee Farm 5997 14 lbs. 6 oz. Curfew 1 6498— Combination 4389, Belinda R. 13150— Dam of Romantic 61fW6 1.5 lbs. 9 oz. Custard 321, imp. — Dam of Eureka McHenry 8341 14 lbs. Cyrene 137, imp. — Dam of Oyrenu 4th 480 17 lbs. 1 oz. Cyrene 4th 480— Monmoutli 210, Cyrene 137— Dam of Cerita of Meadow Brook .'5056 17 lbs. 8 oz. Daffodil 307, imp.— Blucher, Beauty— Dam of Golden Princess 4557 18 lbs. 14 oz. DaflFodil of Maplewood Farm 4853— Jupiter 983, Bessie Hurd 3099— Dam of Alhena 1.5995 16 lbs. 3 oz. Dafifv Wilcox 4046— Wethersfield 960, Datty 2669— Dam of Daily Wilcox id 18317 15 lbs. 5 oz. Dahlia 22005— Orange Skin (P. S. 19 J. H. B.), Duchess (F. S. 834 J. H. B.) — Dam of Delia of Grouville 10428 14 lbs. 4 oz. Dainty (P. S. 404 J. H. B.i— Duke of Wellington (P. S. 81 J. H. B.), Scotch Grey (F. S. 517 J. H. B.)— Dam of Snap's Dainty 18958 14 lbs. Dairy 2861, imp. — Dam of Dairy 2d 3891 15 lbs. o}^ oz. Dairy 2d 3891— The Hub 1009, Dairy 2861— Dam of Dairy C. 12227 15 lbs. % oz. Dairy Pride (F. S. 348 J. H. B.i— Dam of Jeanne Le Has 2470 15 lbs. 8 oz. Dairy Pride 2d 'P. S. 37 J. H. B.)— Orange Peel 502, Dairy Pride (F. S. 348 J. H. B.)— Dam of Dairy Pride 4th 21681 16 lbs. Daisy, on I. of J. — Dam of Flora of St. Peter's 8622 16 lbs. 5 oz. Daisy 684 — Jersey Boy 272, Diana 672 — Dam of Daisy of Chenango 18.582 14 lbs. 7 oz. Daisy of Guilford 18583 14 lbs. 6 oz. Daisy (F. S. 742 J. H. B.)— Dam of Bella Delaine 103.50 14 lbs. 2 oz. Daisy 'F. S. 1260 J. H. B.>— Dam of Daisy 2d 15701 15 lbs. 8 oz. Daisy (F. S. 1355 J. H. B.i— Dam of Eveline of Jersey 0781 18 lbs. 0 oz. Daisy (P. S. 92 J. H. B.)— Diamond (F. S. 174 J. H. B.), Thetis (F. S. 698 J. H. B.)— Dam of Brunette Le Gros 97.55 15 lbs. 15 oz. LIST OF DAMS. 459 Daisy (P. S. 218 J. H.B.)— Duke (P. S. 76 J. H. B.), Bruuette (F. S. 841 J. H. B.)— Dam of Handsome Myra 14244 21 lbs. Daisy Bismarck 2697 — Bismarck 2d 409, Flassie 1715— Dam of Beauty Bismarck 4%7 14 lbs. 1 oz. Daisy Darling 6386— Dolphin 2d 468, Violet of Darlington 5573— Dam of Cretesia 13657 20 lbs. 1 oz. Daisy Dean 6855— Rector 1458, Little Duck 3651— Dam of Dora Doon 12909 15 lbs. Daisy of Jersey 4th. 4585 — Blondin 1934, Daisy of Jersey 4576 — Dam of Daisy of Hillside Farm G025 16 lbs. Daisy of St. Jolin's 18170, imp. — Dam of Cetewayo's Daisy 18230 16 lbs. 4 oz. Daisy of St. Lambert 25840— Lord Monck 304, Joliette 1374— Dam of Sheldon's Daisy 30592 17 lbs. 12 oz. Daisy Orton 16221— Plymouth Rock 2468, Lady Orton 2667— Dam of Luella Berlin 15927 14 lbs. 6 oz. Daisy Stillson 28174— Seneca Chief 4098, Nickel 2d 23352— Dam of Exile's Dai.'^y 46885 16 lbs. 4 oz. Daisy Workman 19990 — John Rex 2761, Luna Bismarck 5613 — Dam of Belle Garner 23682 15 lbs. 3 oz. Damask 10259— Butter Boy 3243, Distaff 4872— Dam of Design 18481 17 lbs. 2i^ oz. Damask La-wrence 14850 — King- Horn 3280, Damaslc 10259— Dam of Composite 58774 14 lbs. 15 oz. Damsel 2d 1837— St. Malo 486, Damsel 1828— Dam of Myth 2837 14 lbs. 6 oz. Dancy H. 14446— Homer H. 3683, Eva H. 14442— Dam of Theda H. 20.567 17 lbs. 1 oz. Dandelion 2521, imp. — Dam of Gentle of Glastonbiu-y 4651 14 lbs. Daphne of Staatsburgh 2d 3027— Peter Norman 1238, Daphne of Staats- burgh 2328 — Dam of Daphne of Arcadia 21710 28 lbs. 12 oz. Dorothy of Bovina 9373 15 lbs. 4 oz. Dappled — Dam of < 'etewayo's Dorcas 20287 16 lbs. 214 oz. Dorcas 4th 3533— Hector of Plymouth Rock 886, Dorcas 728— Dam of Jennie Myrtle 22977 18 lbs. 1 oz. Dorine 7456— Palmerston 2463, Jaqueline 2164 — Dam of Dorines Brunette 29 i(>9 20 lbs. 3 oz. Dot of St. Lambert 5525— Laval 506, Juliet 485— Dam of Pearl of St. Lambert .5.527 14 lbs. 2 oz. Dottie 15407, imp. — Dam of Glory of Elmarch 21.521 . . 3.5 lbs. Vil4 oz. LIST OF DAMS. 461 Dove 7824— Czar 273, Duchess 548— Dam of Dove 5th 14561 16 lbs. 13 oz. Dove 2d 8742— Pilot 3549, Dove 7824— Dam of Daisy Dell 145G2 14 lbs. 9 oz. Dolly of Lakeside 10824 14 lbs. 8 oz. Dove 4th 10945— Micawber 4796, Dove 7824— Dam of Dove Dee 18059 27 lbs. 9 oz. Dove 5th 14561— Micawber 4796, Dove 7824— Dam of Musidove 2.5379 18 lbs. 2 oz. Duchess 101 imp. — Dam of Young Duchess 497 15 lbs. 8 oz. Duchess (F. S. 935 J. H. B.)— Dam of Telka 8037 14 lbs. 3 oz. Duchess 3d 1661— Pilot Jr. 141, 101— Dam of Zoe Henry 6693 15 lbs. U^ oz. Duchess Caroline 2022— Hero 840, Caroline 2cl 2019— Dam of Duchess Caroline 3d 6039 15 lbs. 8 oz. Duchess Corona 2d 8598— Dotajah 2741, Duchess Corona 6984— Dam of Favorite Rajah Kex 161.53 15 lbs. 4 oz. Duchess of Argyle 3758— Jack Dasher 932, Berlin Daisy 3759— Dam of Duchess of Argyle 4th 7571 14 lbs. 12 oz. Duchess of Argyle 2d 7568 — Star of Bethlehem 1693, Duchess of Argyle 3758 — Dam of Louise of Lawnfield 14151 14 lbs. lli^ oz. Duchess of Argyle 3d 7569— Duke of Argyle 1517, Duchess of Argyle 8758 — Dam of Dassa Argyle 21180 15 lbs. 6 oz. Duchess of Bloomfield 3653— Rioter 670, Angela 1682— Dam of Duchess of Bloomfield 2d 122.50 17 lbs. 4,7,5 oz. . Duchess of Bloomfield 3d 1.5.580 15 lbs. 1 oz. Queen >Iary 0212 14 lbs. 13^2 oz. Duchess of Bloomfield 4th 35584 14 lbs. 8}^ oz. Duchess of Bloomfield 3d 15580— Lord Harry 3445, Duchess of Bloomfield 3653— Dam of Signalda Bloomfield .30694 16 lbs. .3% oz. Duchess of Cherwell (F. S. 2955 J. H. B.)— Dam of Bobby's Lily 220.55 18 lbs. Duchess of Darlington 13830— Duke of Darlington 2460, Minnie Stevens 13059— Dam of Priscilla Pogis .39270 18 lbs. Oi^ oz. Duchess of Jefferson 17144 — Beautj^ Boy of Jefferson 5753, Frankie 4th 2253— Dam of Portrait 32592 15 lbs. 2}4 oz. Duchess of St. Lambert 5111— Lord Lisgar 1066, Pride of AVindsor 483— Dam of ^"ora of St. Lambert 12962 £2 lbs. 462 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Duenna 2716— Young Baron 703, Belle of Fleetwood 3551— Dam of Duenua's Duchess 5508 15 lbs. 10 oz. Duke's Signal Queen 32323 — Croton Maid's Duke 6658, Leopard Queen 30711— Dam of Landseer'g Signal Queen 66363 14 lbs. 14 oz. Tolteca 44763 14 lbs. lli^ oz. Dye's Pansy Buttercup 14914 — Cussewago 6636, Glenmore Belle 4801 — Dam of Pansy Blossom ■«413 14 lbs. 13i^ oz. Eastwood's Queen 14523— Silver Mine 1658, 6848— Dam of Queen of Nubbin Ridge 14.528 17 lbs. Echo 2223— Lord Nelson 860, Edith 3d 805— Dam of Oak Leaf 4769 17 lbs. 10 oz. Maple Leaf 4768 14 lbs. 12 oz. Ecornee (F. S. 846 J. H. B.)— Dam of Ona 7840 23 lbs. lOi^ oz. Edessa 21844— Footstep 5163, Effie of Verna 8938— Dam of Edna of Verna 34537 20 lbs. 2]4 oz. Edessa 3d 52043 14 lbs. 6 oz. Edith 4th 817— Mars 95, Edith 3d 806 -Dam of Bessie Bradford 7269 14 lbs. 2 oz. Edy Bashan 1 032— Bronx Bashan 145, Edy 1033— Dam of Ida Bashan 4725 18 lbs. Edy Bashan 2d 16098— Grand Duke Alexis 1040, Edy Bashan 1033— Dam of Edy Signal 19430 16 lbs. 8 oz. Efficious 2d 15204— Wellington 317, Efficious 15303— Dam of Esther B. 24834 14 lbs. 1 oz. Effie of Hillside 1521— Nero 13, Evelina 446— Dam of Eva of Verna 15228 21 lbs. 13 oz. Evelina of Verna 10971 19 lbs. lOJ^ oz. Eltekeh 28266 16 lbs. 4 oz. Effie of Verna 8928 14 lbs. 6 oz. Effie of Verna 8928— John Gilpin 3199, Effie of Hillside 1531— Dam of Edessa 21844 16 lbs. 2 oz. Elainette 18314— Ralph Guild 1917, Elaine 14S3— Dam of Bessie of Montverde 18496 15 lbs. 5 oz. Elfrida of Hillside 4056— Apis 1306, Effie of Hillside 1531— Dam of Emily of Hillside 8073 16 lbs. 4 oz. Eliza A. Perkins 14604— Burnside 3d 3838, Box 3d 4397— Dam of Eva of Snipsic 176.50 14 lbs. 1 oz. Ellen of Collingwood 8285— Prince of Rose Croix 1893, Flora 3d 4369 — Dam of Bessie of Clover Leaf 130;» 14 lbs. 2 oz. Eloise 735— Sire on I. of J., Matchless 733 — Dam of Cigarette 2849 14 lbs. 4 oz. Elsie Brown 4026— Pierrot 636, Rosa 3d 1633— Dam of Jennie of the Vale 9553 17 lbs. 714 oz. LIST OF DAMS. 463 Elsie Burnside 5598— Burnside 1234, Clematis 3174— Dam of Princess Sheila 7297 16 lbs. 4J^ oz. Elsie Dinsmore 5834 — Jason of Deerfoot 1636, Hattie Parks 3776 — Dam of Belle Steuben 20115 16 lbs. 10 oz. Elsie Lane 13302— Catono 3761, Tirzah Ann 10398— Dam of Annie Lane 45.345 15 lbs. 6 oz. Elveta 2121— Neptune 842, Alice Gray 2d 1188— Dam of Rosaline of Glenmore 3179 17 lbs. 12 oz. Embla 4799 17 lbs. 8 oz. Embla 4799— Saladin 447, Elveta 2121— Dam of Embla Brick 1.5690 14 lbs. 3 oz. Emiline 5185— Jachin 1230, Emma 2d 2356— Dam of Queen of De Soto 12.318 14 lbs. 13 oz. Emma Hudson 12469— Ben Nora 3363, Rosabel Hudson 5704 — Dam of Fancy Ona 34867 15 lbs. }^ oz. Emma's Favorite 14078— John Rex 2d 4168, Belle Brandon 88— Dam of Tones 46306 14 lbs. 9 oz. Emmie's Pet 3568— Clifford 386, SLster 1437— Dam of Lebanon Daughter 6106 14 lbs. 4 oz. Empress 1552— Garibaldi 609, Eve 3d 734— Dam of Empress 61h 3203 17 lbs. 9}i oz. Empress Eugenie 13549— Silver Mine 1658, Nancy 1766— Dam of Nancy Lovelock 15511 17 lbs. 9 oz. Empress of Ely 4823— Cossack 1159, Belle of Beacon 3303— Dam of Empress of Ely 2d 6771 16 lbs. 8 oz. Encore Lawrence 12688— Beechwood Lawrence 5938, Mother 13680 — Dam of Miss Julia 26701 21 lbs. ;i^ oz. Enid 1482— Rajah 340, Eliza 619— Dam of Enid 2d 10782 14 lbs. 7}^ oz. Enid 3d 19582— Bui -Bui 3194, Enid 1483— Dam of Gilderoy's Enid 32924 14 lbs. 4 oz. Enna 33487— Great Ado 4227, Venoa 2d 6433— Dam of Regina Gilford 49891 14 lbs. 11 oz. Erica 25005, imp. — Dam of King's Erica 22096 16 lbs. .3^ oz. Ernestine Mc. 10686— Chingauk 3313, Alluring 5541— Dam of Harry's Ernestine 66232 15 lbs. 6}4 oz. Estella Parks 1 5435— Duke of Somerset 1886, Duchess of Somerset 6376— Dam of Grace G. Parks 29263 19 lbs. 3 oz. Estelle of St. Lambert 701 1— Orloff 3143, Pauline 3d 7009-Dam of Niobe of St. Lambert 12969 21 lbs. 9^ oz. Rose of St. Lambert 20426 21 lbs. 3i4 oz. Esther 889— Kaulbach 185, Edith 447— Dam of Elite 4299 14 lbs. 2 oz. 464 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Ethel Hugo 30164— Diana's Rioter 10481, Queenie Hugo 27748— Dam of Ethel of Shelburne 46-285 14 lbs. IJ^ oz. Ethelka 9515— Kilpatrick 1898, Lilley Russ 4543— Dam of Ethelka 2d 14128 15 lbs. 4 oz. Ethleel 18724^Tormentoi- 3533, Beeswax 9807— Dam of Ethleel 2d 322itl 30 lbs. 15 oz. Etta 1756— Xero 13, Esther 889— Dam of Etiquette 43(10 15 lbs. 8 oz. Etta M. 15901— Rodnej' 1941, Young Brunette 5438— Dam of Etta M. 2d 30820 14 lbs. 14 oz. Eudora 1863, imp. — Dam of Daisy of BeUiurst 3114 10 lbs. 8 oz. Eiiphoiiia 6783 16 lbs. 14 oz. Eugenie 498— Prince 199, Florette 134— Dam of Enjrenie 2d 127*3 14 lbs. 2 oz. Eugenie 792, imp. — Dam of Eugenie 2d 1623 14 lbs. Eugenie 5th 6573— Pierrot 636, Eugenie 792— Dam of Lady Cecilia 24821 15 lbs. 1 oz. Eunice of Belle Vue 7704— Lord Lawrence 1414, Effie Goodloe 4806— Dam of Miss Dora Deane 24.505 17 lbs. !)% oz. Euphorbia 1 1 229— Allegan\- Chief 2918, Nettle 3241— Dam of Miss Signal 20379 16 lbs. 4 oz. Euphorbia 2d 27094 15 lbs. i.^ oz. Europa 121, imp. — Dam of Auirela 1682 14 lbs. 2 oz. Europa 176 — Juj)iter 93, Alphea 171 — Dam of Eurotas 2454 22 lbs. 7 oz. Torfiida 3.596 IT lbs. 6}4 oz. Eva Horner 2644— Jack Horner 514, Sultana 2638— Dam of Eva Iloi-ner 3d 24663 15 lbs. 2 oz. Eva Locust 21050— Gerry 2d 7217, Eva Gold Ear 15836— Dam of Xora Stoke Pogis 34687 16 lbs. 1 oz. Eva Taylor 14875— Milkboy 2844, Fanny Taylor 6714 -Dam of Signal Maid 19361 19 lbs. 13 oz. Eve 456— Prince of Orange 184, Edith 447— Dam of Evri .5282 15 lbs. 4 oz. Evelina 446 — Prince of Orange 184, Edith 447 — Dam of Eflie of Hillside 1521 16 lbs. 15 oz. Fadette of Verna 6814 — Sire on I. of J., Fairy of Verna 6813— Dam of Fa.lette of Verna 3d 11122 22 lbs. 8}4 oz. Fadette of Verna 2d 9024— Jeheebhoy 4206, Fadette of Verna 6814— Dam of Fadette of Canaan 11807 16 lbs. 1)4 oz. Fair Daisy (F. S. 2591 J. H. B.t— Dam of Carlo's Daisy 10702 1-t lbs. 9)^ oz. LIST OF DAMS. 465 Fair Maid of Perth 13705— Le Brocq's Prize 3350, Evri 5283— Dam of Fair Dairy-maid 3P839 14 lbs. 8 oz. Fairy (F. S. 964 J. H. B.)— Dam of Buclieyc Lass 10355 14 lbs. 4 oz. Fairy of Forest City 4th 16260— Colonel Miles 3258, Fairy of Forest City 4849— Dam of Royalist's Daisy 1918? 21 lbs. 9^^ oz. Fairy of Verna 6813, imp. — Dam of Fairy of Verna Sd 10973 20 lbs. 3% oz. Fairy Queen, on I. of J. — Dam of Fairy Queen of St. Brelade's 7464 19 lbs. 7M oz. Fancy 9, imp. — Dam of Famine 1271 16 lbs. 6 oz. Fancy (F. S. 1528 J. H. B.)— Dam of Maid of Five Oaks 717'8 15 lbs. 4 oz. Fancy Fair 2858— Prize Duke 942, Le Gallais' Fancy 1265— Dam of Fancy Juno 0086 15 Ibs^. 10 oz. Fancy of Bovina 8056— Prince of Staatsburgh 2398, Fairway 3ci 4176— Dam of Flora Lee 13294 14 lbs. 1 oz. Fannette 3070— Lord Ogden 69, Fanny 72— Dam of Fandango 12908 18 lbs. 3 oz. Fannie Baker 4274— Daniel Webster 403, Silver Fawn 1274— Dam of Silvia Baker 8793 20 lbs. 10 oz. Florrie May Baker 10728 14 lbs. 8 oz. Fannie Booth 12505— Baron Booth 3150, Veege 12504— Dam of Plum 13228 17 lbs. 4 oz. Fannie Bugler 19962— Bugler 2127, Metah's Queen 4886— Dam of Badger Girl 21463 16 lbs. 1 oz. Fannie G. 3829— Pertinatti 713, Xanthippe 1760— Dam of Fleurette of Linwood 12918 16 lbs. Petite Mere 8516 15 lbs. 13 oz. Fannie Landseer 1969— Landseer 331, Sylph 615— Dam of Julia Walker 10133 15 lbs. 12 oz. Queen Fannie 10275 14 lbs. 2 oz. Fanny Fair 4136— Guy Mannering 698, Lady Fair 1765— Dam of Fair Lady 6723 19 lbs. Fanny Micawber 1804 — Mr. Micawber 556, Fanny 285 — Dam of Fanny of Cream Brook 13930 17 lbs. 8 oz. Fanny of Yerba Buena 8151— Fernando 1254, Caliente 4323— Dam of Fanny of Yerba Buena 2d 10689 14 lbs. 14 oz. Fan of Grouville 7458— Sans-Peur (F. S. 201 J. H. B.), Brunette (F. S. 1356 J. H. B.)— Dam of Fan's Grouville Beauty 10079 19 lbs. 3 oz. 466 BUTTEK TESTS OF JERSEYS. F?,rmer's Lass 16941— Farmer's Glory 5196, Sea Foam (F. S. 1666 J. H. B.) — Dam of Fanner's Floss 17773 15 lbs. 11 oz. Fauchon 22001— Dappei- (F. S. 33 J. H. B.), Dam on I. of J.— Dam of Fauchon 2d 18200 14 lbs. 0 oz. Faultless 12018— Pasha (P. S. 64 J. H. B.), Cerise (F. S. 737 J. H. B.)— Dam of Fillpail 16.530 15 lbs. 11 oz. Faustine 10354 — Mopsus 116."), Antianira 2457 — Dam of Marvel 13734 15 lbs. 1 oz. Fauvette (F. S. 1972 J. H. B.>— Dam of Thaley 14299 1(3 lbs. 13 oz. Fawnette of Woodstock 3710— Barney 1491, Kittredge'.s Little Fawn 3708— Dam of Lydia Libby n— Dam of Jenny Le Brocq 07.57 14 lbs. 14 oz. Johnson's Daisy 8391 — Champion of America 1507, Duty 4055 — Dam of Hurrah Pansy 121.53 14 lbs. 1]4 oz. JcUe iF. S. 1453 J. H. B.)— Dam of Cicero's Jolie 18241! 18 lbs. 3 oz. Josey Bro-wn 7533— Caliis 1090, Normanda 3914— Dam of Belle Williamson 83SG 19 lbs. lOi^ oz. Josie B. 32749— Alphea Star 7487, Tina Brown 9018— Dam of :Xellie Alphea 51274 14 lbs. IJ^ oz. Jule 3640— St. Helier 45, Josie 3d '3712— Dam of Jeannie Piatt 6005 14 lbs. 4 oz. Julia 3893— Sir Charles 131, Mary Lowndes 373— Dam of Monmouth Dnckess 3895 14 lbs. 7 oz. Countess of Warren 3896 14 lbs. Julia Evelyn 6007— Akline 1130, Minlc 3d 3890 -Dam of Therese M. 8364 14 lbs. 2 oz. Julia Parks 3778— Duke of Framingiiam 1531, Kitty Parks 3705- Dam of Pet Lee 7993 14 lbs. 12 oz. Julia Walker 10133— Pierrot 2d 1009, Fannie Landseer 1909— Dam of Julia Landseer 56268 14 lbs. 214 oz. Juliet 3d 5163— Baltimore Boy 837, Juliet 1388— Dam of Belle of Milfovd 7445 .^ 15 lbs. 6 oz. Juliette of St. Lambert 5483— Butler 3055, Rosette of St. Lambert 5108 — Dam of Judith Coleman 11391 18 lbs. 4 oz. Aleph Judea 11389 18 lbs. li^ oz. June Pansy 27317— Europa's Duke 4833, Papilio 3d 30033- Dam of Prusa Pedro 50877 15 lbs. 8 oz. Juno Grey 16722— Grey King- 109, Juno (F. S. 708 J. H. B.)— Dam of Cicero's Juno 16726 17 lbs. 2 oz. Junon 1 1269— Ori 4380, lanthe 4503 -Dam of Maculae 24277 15 lbs. 3 oz. Juno W. 8553— Major Domo 3101, Corinne 707— Dam of Vivian 15813 16 lbs. LIST OF DAMS. 475 Kalmia 4361— St. Helier 45, Ibi 671— Dam of Biutana 9837 14 lbs. 3>^ oz. Safraiio 1568 14 lbs. 2]4 oz. Kate Early 3802— Dandy Dinmont 1058, Lucy Neal 3d 418— Dam of Princess Inez .5402 14 lbs. 2 oz. Kate Gordon 8387— Pertinax 1965, Normanda 3914— Dam of Kathletta 19.567 2"~! lbs. U'J^ oz. Gordonetta 19.570 17 lbs. 1 oz. Kitty Better 32911 15 lbs. \4% oz. Mary Gordon 41429 14 lbs. 614 oz. Kathleen of St. Lambert 5122 — Lord Lisg-ar 1066, Lucy of St. Lambert 5116 — Dam of Ida of St. Lambert 24990 30 lbs. 2]^ oz. Allie of St. Lambert 24991 26 lbs. 12 oz. Kathletta 19567— Lord Harry 3445, Kate Gordon 8387— Dam of Kathy Torment 32910 16 lbs. 13}^ oz. Sigletta 32915 16 lbs. Khedive's Daisy 18174— Khedive (P. S. 103 J. H. B.), Brown Fanny (F. S. 551 J. H. B.)— Dam of St. Jeaiinaise 1.5789 17 lbs. 8)4 oz. Khedive's Rosebud 18173, imp.— Dam of Carlo's Rosebud 18223 15 lbs. 8 oz. Kitarene 4267— Amadeus 1043, Kittie 3278— Dam of Litty 8017 14 lbs. Kittie Lightfoot 2d 1300— Sire on I. of J., Kittie Li^htfoot 835— Dam of Kitty Cok 2213 15 lbs. 9}^ oz. Kitty Clover 1113, im.p.— Dam of Chrissy 1448 16 lbs. 8 oz. Kitty Clover of Burlington 1 1788— Cceur de Lion 318, Daisy Europa 11600 — Dam of Lady Wellington of Milton 12234 18 lbs. 11 oz. Kitty Floos 11539— Walnut Champion 4437, Kitty Lake 8350— Dam of Kitty Ona 24209 14 lbs. 11 oz. Kitty of Jefferson 2d 12313— Dexter of Jefferson 5681, Kitty of Jefferson 12193— Dam of Bunker's Kitty 47103 . 14 lbs. lli^ oz. Kitty of St. Lambert 6637— Stoke Pogis 3d 2238, Rosette of St. Lambert 5108— Dam of Kitty of St. Lambert 2d 40106 16 lbs. 5 oz. La Belle Desreaux 2d 5096— Perseus 622, La Belle Desreaux 3145— Dam of Urbiiua .5597 16 lbs. La Biche 2d 4023— Pierrot 636, La Biche 905— Dam of Colt's La Biche 6399 17 lbs. 2}^ oz. Lady (P. S. 214 J. H. B.)— Horace (P. S. 94 J. H. B.), Kitty 22006— Dam of Beauty Ronieril 26090 18 lbs. 9 oz. Lady Adams 4919— Tarquin 750, Hammonia 2d 1322— Dam of Lady Adams 2d 6529 15 ibs. 3 oz. 476 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Lady Anerly 10595— Jersey Golddust 2134, Anne Page 2690— Dam of Aiitretta 10404 15 lbs. 4 oz. Yoinii? Anne Lee 31G68 14 lbs. 7 oz. Lady Antoinette 24391— Garibaldi (P. S. 242 J. H. B.), Castaledes (F. S. 287(5 J. H. B.)— Dam of Kins's Antoinette 404.56 1.") lbs. 1 oz. Lady Appel 8612— Young- St. Martin 2219, Isolda 5900— Dam of Sterlincr Merit 6i4,5t; I.t lbs. 4 oz. Lady Baronnella 22501— Artist (F. 8. 276 J. H. B.), Lady Baronne (F. S. 2514 J. H. B.)— Dam of Perrot's Baroness 22.508 15 lbs. 141^ oz. Lady Bligh (F. S. 5621 J.H. B.i— Dam of Miss Bli;.'h 24.5(il 15 lbs. 2 oz. Lady Bomitiful 17946, imp.— Dam of Ashantee's Lady 35951 16 lbs. Lady Bo-wen 354, imp. — Dam of Princess Bowen 9699 14 lbs. 12 oz. Lady Bro-wn 433— :McClellan 4th 85, Pansy 7th 130— Dam of Lady Brown 4th 6911 14 lbs. 12 oz. Lady Brown 2d 2348 14 lbs. 3 oz. Lady Bro-wn 4th 6911— Albert 44. Lady Brown 433— Dam of BloomtieUl Lady 6912 14 lbs. 12 oz. Lady Burlington 1713 — Sire on I. of J., Favorite of the Elms 1656 — Dam of Lady of Belle Vue 7705 15 lbs. 11 oz. Lady Burlington 2d 4032— Mogul 532, Lady Burling-ton 1713— Dam of ^rerry Burlington 7600 15 lbs. 4 oz. Lady Clarendon 7030, imp. — Dam of Lady Clarendon 3d 17578 14 lbs. o}4 oz. Lady Clover 8024— Lindo No. 2 735, Clover 585— Dam of Kockwond Maid 8375 15 lbs. i}4 oz. Lady Corn-wall 7179, imp.— Dam of Cornwall Maid 19024 29 lbs. 12 oz. Lady Creamly 1975— Hockanum 792, Ann 1974— Dam of Lady Creamly 4th 19077 17 lbs. 6]4 oz. Lady Delphine 28460— Baldwin's Frolic 13840, Lady Sarah 4931— Dam of Helen Stoke Pogis 31947 1" lbs. 8 oz. Lady Dove 4418— Clifton Dasher 1119, Nellie 4th 1941— Dam of- Lady Rareripe 23081 16 lbs. 1 oz. Lady Ellen 1 1660— Gilderoy 2107, Gold Lace 10726— Dam of Lady -s r.lossom 18491 20 lbs. 15% oz. Lady Gilmore 2d 12140— Prince of Deerfoot 2540, Lady Gilmore 12136— Dam ol' Darlymora 37771 14 lbs. 7 oz. Lady Godfrey 678— Dick Swiveller Jr. 276, Madoi-a 679— Dam of Gilda 277'.) 14 lbs. 6 oz. LIST OF DAMS. 477 Lady Golddust 7718— Jersej- Golddust 2134, Bluebird 599— Dam of Lady Golddust 2d 19861 23 lbs. 4 oz. Lady Gray Hayden 35 1 2— Major Adams 1044, Lady Lightfoot 2745— Dam of Theresa H. UUr 15 lbs. 3 oz. Lady Gray of Hilltop 6850— Wethersfield 966, Bess Lena 3349— Dam of Lady Gray of Hilltop 2d 14641 14 Ibg. 12 oz. Lady Gray of Hilltop 3d 14642 14 lbs. 2 oz. Lady Horton 2d 1 5499— Vertummis (P. S. 161 J. H. B.). Lady Horton (F. S. 2170 J. H. B.)— Dam of Vera of Briarcliflf 28687 15 lbs. 1 oz. Lady Imperial 16019— Glue 3960, Mamie Waite 10645— Dam of Imperial Riotress 302.59 18 lbs. 4 oz. Lady Ives 1708— Raghorn 175, Gridley's Clover 5— Dam of Lady Ives .3d 6740 14 lbs. 8 oz. Lady Jane Grey (F. S. 5&2 J. H. B.^— Dam of Mischief Le Brocq 76S0 15 lbs. Lady Julia G. 16199— Gold Basis 4038, Rosa of Belle Vue 6954— Dam of Biederkeit 52257 14 lbs. 10 oz. Lady Lemon 22126— Lemon Peel (P. S. 320 J. H. B.), Lady Blonde 32042— Dam of PedrnV June 3S790 14 lbs. 6 oz. Lady Leonora 11811, imp. — Dam of Pride's Lady Frances 39529 16 lbs. 3,14 oz. Lady Lightfoot 2745— Young Major 214, Tulip 1793— Dam of Narmeoka H. 12323 18 lbs. 12 oz. Jenny Gray 3511 17 lbs. 15 oz. Lucy Gray 2746 15 lbs. 13 oz. Lady Lillie 11813, imp. — Dam of Island Dots 17003 14 lbs. 9 oz. Lady Livingston 33374— Garibaldi H. 7106, Rainbow 2d 13962— Dam of Kitty Livingston 34303 15 lbs. 2 oz. Lady Louisa 8586— Percal 2099, Romp Ogden 2d 4764— Dam of Friskie :\Iiss 18.572 14 lbs. Lady Louise 4339— Gray coat 1105, Gold Ear 2200— Dam of Sasco Belle 13601 14 lbs. Lady Love 1315— Malcolm 71, Pert 110— Dam of Lady Love 2d 2212 16 1 bs. 8 oz. Lady Mabella 22138— Cicero 7657, Mabel 24344— Dam of Pedro's Mab 40212 16 lbs. 10 oz. Lady Mahopac 8613— Young St. Martin 2219, Lady Augusta 2d 1151— Dam of Princess White Water 211.37 14 lbs. 15 oz. Lady Mary Hampton 2d 26184— Delamer 5227, Lady Mary Hampton 4861 — Dam of Birdie Nicholson .31676 18 lbs. 13 oz. 478 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Lady Mary Linden 12800— Butter Boy 3'343, Lady Mary 1148— Dam of Laily Mary of Prospect lOTiiS 19 lbs. 151^ oz. Lady Morgan 1 1671— Pierrot 7th 1667, Princess of Mansfield 8070— Dam of Ruth Morgau 24098 14 lbs. 6 oz. Lady Oaks 2081— Sire on I. of J., La Creme 2083— Dam of Latly Oaks 2d .5246 15 lbs. 2 oz. Lady of Belle Vue 7705— Lord Lawrence 1414, Lady Burlington 1713 — Dam of Nonsuch of Linwood 2902S 14 lbs. 14^ oz. Lady of Oakland 1 1 101— Thorndale 2582, Malvina of Staatsburgh 5238— Dam of Sweet Leona B. 21934 14 lbs. 1}4 oz. Lady of the Isles (F. S. 992 J. H. B.)— Brown Prmce (F. S. 85 J. H. B.), Nonsuch (F. S. 334 J. H. B.)— Dam of Fear Not 60.59 IT lbs. 3 oz. Lady Velvetine 15771 17 lbs. 2 oz. Lady ofVenice 13342 — Lord Charlton 5463, Charlton Caroline 11724 — Dam of Lady of Dryden 27(142 10 lbs. 3 oz. Lady O'Neal 7391— Priam 91, Estelle 159— Dam of Belle Mardi 183()2 18 lbs. i^ oz. Lady Oxford 4860— Excelsior of Jersey 949, Olivia 1397— Dam of Lady Oxford 2d 15101 14 lbs. 7 oz. Lady Pauline 2651 — Southey 517, Brown Bess 2649 — Dam of Honeydrop 100.33 14 lbs. 14 oz. Lady Phmis 18240— Forget-me-not 6291, Phillis 2d 18198— Dam of Lady Phillis 2d 35629 18 lbs. 8 oz. Lady Pinckard of Springvale 1 1 227 — Sir John of Glastonbui-y 2620, Laurena of Meadow Brook 4123 — Dam of Cream of Springvale 16621 15 lbs. 10 oz. Lady Rhine 1381, imp. — Dam of Lorraine 1435 14 lbs. 8 oz. Lady Robin 1119, imp. — Dam of Mabel Crockett 18719 14 lbs. 9 oz. Lady Rushmore 11812, imp. — Dam of (iueen Neptune 15.501 18 lbs. 13ir^ oz. Lady Sarah 4931— Pride of Guilford 2138, Lita 4930— Dam of Lady Delphine 284G0 14 lbs. 4 oz. Lady Theresa 2d 4253— Von Bismarck 1021, Lady TJieresa 2694— Dam of Beauty of Seekonk 14651 21 lbs. 3 oz. Lady Armington 7610 17 lbs. 8 oz. Lady Tilford 14467— Red Cloud 2d 2260, Lady Pigot 5797— Dam of Lady Cloud 193.58 16 lbs. 10 oz. Lady Tip 2d 17799— Tom Diamond 5445, Lady Tip 11688— Dam of Friar's Lady 36119 '-^ lbs. 2^ oz. LIST OF DAMS. 479 Laelia 38791— Niburn 7658, Lunette 13107— Dam of Lampedo 46204 21 lbs. La Falaise 6961, imp. — Dam of La Fantine 24489 15 lbs. 4 oz. Lalla Rookh of Woodlawn Home 12146— Victor (P. S. 148 J. H. B.), Snow of Woodlawn Home 13145 — Dam of Lalla Rookh of Sugar Grove 15882 20 lbs. 1 oz. Landseer's Fancy 2876 — Landseer 331, Young Fancy 97 — Dam of Toltec's Fancy 27172 27 lbs. 5}4 oz. Rosy Dream 9808 19 lbs. 1 oz. Landseer's Fancy 2d 43184 15 lbs. ^ oz. La Parleuse (F. S. 3393 J. H. B.)— Dam of Lemon Fern 22140 15 lbs. 1 oz. La Pera 7091— Earl of Brookside 1677, Webster Pet 4103— Dam of La Pera 2d 1.3404 14 lbs. 8 oz. La Petite Mere 5470— Stoke Pogis 1259, Violet 8d 3340— Dam of La Petite Mere 3d 12814 16 lbs. 9 oz. La Petite Mere 2d 12810 16 lbs. 7 oz. Little Pogis 32612 16 lbs. 1 oz. La Belle Petite 5472 15 lbs. 8 oz. La Petite Mere 2d 12810— Stoke Pogis 1359, La Petite Mere 5470— Dam of La Petite Pogis 28757 20 lbs. 10?4 oz. La Petite Mere 3d 12814— Midas of Oxford 5986, La Petite Mere 5470— Dam of Lady Matilda Pogis .36270 21 lbs. 9 oz. La Picote, on I. of J. — Dam of La Financiere 11970 15 lbs. 614 oz. La Pucelle 16829— Mercutio 4591, Nannette of Allerton 8515— Dam pf Proctor's Pansy 25688 15 lbs. 13 oz. Lara 4306— Arab 245, Effie 523— Dam of Silenta 17685 15 lbs. 10 oz. Silene 4307 14 lbs. La Rouge (P. S. 45 J. H, B.)— Why Not (F. S. 106 J. H. B.), Red Wing (F. S. 344 J. H. B.)— Dam of Nervine 25932 14 lbs. l}^ oz. La SoBur, on I. of J. — Dam of Faith of Oaklands 19696 17 lbs. 4 oz. Laundress 13867— Brown Duke 2190, Lady Caroline 2d 7638— Dam of Laundress 2d 24649 14 lbs. 9 oz. Laura Hill 9084— Leonidas 3010, Gerana 6115— Dam of Atlanta's Beauty 12949 21 lbs. 3 oz. Laura Lee 8550— Von Bismarck 2d 1779, Effie 1311— Dam of Miralba 6.5002 14 lbs. 7 oz. Nicomis 68026 14 lbs. 3 oz. Laurena of Meadow Brook 4123— Troubadour 481, Nonpareil 3d 1413 — Dam of Benetia 21511 16 lbs. 5}4 oz. 480 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. La Vivienne 1068, imp. — Dam of T.:i Vivienne M 1334 IG lbs. 2 oz. La Vivienne 2d 1324— Sire on I. of J., La Vivienne 1068— Dam of Pauline Vivienne 11305 16 lbs. 13 oz. Lebanon Wife 6102— Iron Bank 1130, Sister Dorothy 2607— Dam of Home Matron H707 14 lbs. Leda 799— Jupiter 93, Europa 176— Dam of Phoedra 2561 . . .■ 19 lbs. 13 oz. Leah Darlington 138:^0 15 lbs. 5i^oz. Clytemnestra •,;455 15 lbs. 3}^ oz. Le Gros' Lily of the Valley 1 1537— Vertumnus (P. S. 161 J. H. B.), Lydie (F. S. 619 J. H. B.)— Dam of Le Gros' Lily of the Valley 2(1 13386 19 lbs. 10J4 oz. Le Gros' Lily of the Valley 2d 13386— Tom McGreevy 1692, Le Gros' Lily of the Valley 11537— Dam of Koffee's Lily 2.J515 15 lbs. .31^ oz. Lena Lewis 3735— Frank Warren 1490, Fawn 3d 3707— Dam of Thoriulale Belle .V.J65 14 lbs. 8 oz. Lena of Pleasant View 1 3453— Elsmore 4384, Lei.sure 11207— Dam of Lady Dorlena 3Gl(t5 15 lbs. 7 oz. Lena "Woods 6687— Shirley 1613, Avena 4818— Dam of Lena's Florence 42460 14 lbs. 8 oz. Leoline 9285— Rector 1458, Letitia 3977— Dam of Leoline 2d 18315 14 lbs. 4 oz. Leoni 1 1868— Rector 1458, Brunette Lass 1780— Dam of Leoni 2d 207.50 15 lbs. 9 oz. Leonette 20752 15 lbs. 5 oz. Leonice 4491— Orange Peel 864, Lucie 2183— Dam of Leonice 2d 8342 10 lbs. 8 oz. Lerna 3634^Mercury 432, Gussie Richards 1673— Dam of Ideal 11842 14 lbs. 12)^ oz. Lernella 22322 14 lbs. 1)^ oz. Letacq Bess, on I. of J. — Dam of St. John's Daisy 28388 15 lbs. 4 oz. Letitia 3977— Rioter 670. Angela 1682— Dam of Lorella 12013 14 lbs. 7 oz. Lucetta 6856 14 lbs. 3 oz. Liberty 16665, imp. — Dam of Liberty 2d 16717 14 lbs. 6}4 oz. Liberty Ann 56029— Prince 9954, Liberty 4948— Dam of Wapello .56044 14 lbs. 12 oz. Lida-Arich, on I. of J. — Dam of LittaOaks 19734 15 lbs. 51^ oz. Light Cloud 2865— Fritz 565, Sea Foam 2171— Dam of Dark Cloud 9364 15 lbs. sy, oz. LIST OF DAMS. 4S1 Lila Bailey 18601— Beau of Ipswich 3464, Marcia Warren 7855— Dam of Snsette C. 1860-2 14 lbs. 8 oz. Lilla Merritt 4924- Sam 980, Lena 3347— Dam of ElegaiUie 11943 14 Ibir. 3 oz. Lilley Rex 9852— Prince of M. 2811, Lilley Russ 3d 9514— Dam of Albert's Lilley 19489 15 lbs. 2 oz. Lilley Russ 2d. 9514 — Champion of America 3d 3425, Lilley Russ 4543 — Dam of Lilley Rex 985:i 14 lbs. 7 oz. Lillie Fair 1607— Clarence 596, Bounty 1606— Dam of Pet Anna 1608 14 lbs. Lilly Burnside 4384— Burnside 1334, Milkweed 1977— Dam of Lilly Cross 13796 14 lbs. 3 oz. Lilly Signalda 23227— Signalda 4027, Belle of Tennessee 9573— Dam of Signal Fancy 30812 14 lbs. 8% oz. Lily, on 1. of J. — Dam of Young Fanny 9032 17 lbs. Lily (P. S. 166 J. H. Bj— Jacques (P. S. 63 J. H. B.), La Rocque (F. S. 933 J. H. B.)— Dam of Cetewayo'8 Lily 18950 17 lbs. Lily 2d (P. S. 147 J. H. B.)— Hero (F. S. 330 J. H. B.), Lily (P. S. 9 J. H. B.) — Dam of Damask Rose 2206.5 16 lbs. 3^ oz. Lily 2d (P. S. 268 J. H. B.)— Rock (P. S. 130 J. H. B.), Lily (F. S. 1426 J. H. B.)— Dam of Silver Venus 20270 16 lbs. .3% oz. Lily Dale 3236— Dam, Bradley Cow 2053— Dam of Couch's Lily 3237 16 lbs. 5J^ oz. Lily Godfrey 3792— Mark Tapley 370, Lady Godfrey 678— Dam of Lily of Burr Oaks 11001 15 lbs. 13 oz. Lily Lenape 2d 8760— Jimmy (P. S. 150 J. H. B.), Lily Lenape 7847— Dam of Sweet Sixteen 10682 14 lbs. 15 oz. Lily of Les Niemes 7465, imp. — Dam of Gem of Hope 17102 21 lbs. Lily of Maple Grove 5079 — Isaac B. 1951, Symphonia 4635 — Dam of Lizzie D. 10408 16 lbs. 15 oz Lida Mullin 9198 16 lbs. 8 oz. Lily of Oxford 12820— Midas of Oxford 5986, Lily of St. Lambert 2d 12809— Dam of Lily of Riverside 19599 14 lbs. 0 oz. Lily of Riverside 1 9599— Blossom's Tennessee 6060, Lily of Oxford 13820— Dam of Homestead Pogis 442;il 14 lbs. 11 oz. Quadruple Pogis 32359 14 lbs. IJ^ oz. 482 BUTTER TESTS OF JEKSEYS. Lily of St. Lambert 5120— Laval 506, Pride of Windsor 483— Dam of Swec-t Brier of St. Lambert, 5481 2-2 lbs. 10 oz. St. Lambert's Violet 35278 10 lbs. 12 oz. Lily of the Grove 24555— Cruiser (P. S. 293 J. H. B.), Moldavia (F. S. 3163 J. H. B.)— Dam of Golden Sheen 2o5(;i 14 lbs. 4)4 OZ. Linda 2d 1927— Pilot Boy 488, Linda 846— Dam of Chamomilla 7552 16 lbs. 10 oz. Lisette 492, imp. — Dam of Lady Fawn of St. Anne's 10920 16 lbs. n}4 oz. Little Accident 15578— Toltec 6831, Odelle Sales 15564— Dam of Pogis Oonan 2!M)0 15 lbs. 8 oz. Little Bella 3693, imp.— Dam of Bellita 4553 17 lbs. 2 oz. Little Bro-wny (P. S. 29 J. H. B.)— Brown Prince (F. S. 85 J. H. B.), La Houg-uette (F. S. 167 J. H. B.)— Dam of Nelly 64.56 21 lbs. Little Duck 3651— Ben Rajah 795, Duchie 3500— Dam of Dndu of Linwood 8336 16 lbs. 15 oz. Little Emily 5356— Frank Warren 1490, Emily AV. 5355— Dam of Enigma 5360 15 lbs. 6 oz. Little Torment 15581 — Tormentor 3533, M6prise 4898 — Dam of Angelo's Torment 39390 22 lbs. 8 oz. Miss Peacock 30871 16 lbs. 10 oz. Little Witch 35813— Tormentor 3533, Witch-Hazel 4th 6131— Dam of Witching 42252 IV lbs. U14 oz. Lively oz. Mabel Cowles 3879— Ishmael Hurd 1548, Gold Dust 3878— Dam of Sue Gallagher 1.5945 23 lb<. V/, oz. Ma Belle Annette 9763— Daisy's Duke 4545, Ibis 6838— Dam of Ma Belle Pogis 58831 17 lbs. 10 oz. Mab of Deerfoot 3589— Jersey Boy 272, Milly 3588— D:im of Mab of Deerfoot 3d 15345 It lbs. i-b oz. Mag 3351— Sam 980, Carrie Lena 3348— Dam of Silveretta 0852 16 lbs. 9 oz. Maggie 2d 2055— Bismarck 292, Maggie 2054— Dam of Maggie Rex 28623 17 lbs. 2J^ oz. Maggie 4tli 3224— Grey Wetiiersfield 1250. Maggie 2054— Dam of Ultima 144.56 15 lbs. 12 oz. Maggie May 3255— Nelusko 479, Lucky Belle 2214— Dam of Maggie C. 12216 14 lbs. 6 oz. Maggie .May 2d 12926 14 lbs. 6 oz. Maggie of Lawnfield 14153 — Duke of Argyle 1517, Princess Argyle 7570 — Dam of Countess of Lome 20822 14 lbs. 14 oz. Maggie of St. Lambert 9776— Stoke Pogis 3d 2238, Ophelie 493— Dam of Maggie Sheldon 23.583 21 lbs. 5 oz. Maiden of Jersey 2736, imp. — Dam of Signalana 77i9 15 lbs. 4 oz. LIST OF DAMS. 485 Maiden of Jersey 3d 2 1 242— Grand Duke Alexis 1040, Maiden of Jersey 2736— Dam of Signal Jfaiden 4-^:'03 15 lbs. 3)^ oz. Maid of Avranches 6959 — Tommy, on I. of J., Grey Queen (F. S. 571 J. H. B.)— Dam of Jazel'sMaid 11011 14 lbs. r. oz. Maid of Fernwood 10939— Balboa 1244, Prize Maid 3835— Dam of Maid of Kenuvood 2d 29010 Iv lbs. 11 oz. Maid of the Elms 6960, imp.— Dam of Maid of the Elms 3d 1.5.5.o4 10 lbs. 4 oz. Majestic 24757— Happy Cicero 10601, Rescued 34353— Dam of Pearl of Oakwood 37722 14 lbs. 1 oz. Mallie Miller 29862— Col d' Argent 7557, Tipsey C. 23147— Dam of Dame >riller .">9200 IG lbs. 2% oz. Malone 4986— Tarquin 750, Jennie 296— Dam of Lady of Malone 2."i734 Ifi lbs. Topsy of Malone 49478 14 lbs. 4 oz. Malope 5872— Mercury 432, Minnie 2386— Dam of Malope 2d 11923 1.5 lbs. 10 oz. Mamie 1612— Marmion 359, Juno 890— Dam of Rose of Hillside 3860 14 lbs. :i]4 oz. Mamie Coburn 3798— Ramcliunder 718, Bowley 1946— Dam of Marea 10](!7 17 lbs. 10 oz. Maple Dale 2907— Victor 797, Susa 1990— Dam of Mollie Garfield 12172 22 lbs. 12 oz. Maquita 7589— Top-Sawyer 1404, Landseer's Fancy 2876— Dam of Maqnilla 24043 21 lbs. 1 oz. Marchioness of Maplehurst 8018— Duke of Maplehurst 2290, Clari 4266— Dam of Mailuiri .37991 16 lbs. 12 oz. Margeretta 1994, imp. — Dam of Pet of Maplewood Farm 48.54 15 lbs. 2 oz. Marie Louise "'*• Matilda 5th 18068— Duke of Darlington 2460, Matilda 3338— Dam of St. Heller's Matilda .528.57 14 lbs. 1 oz. Matin 7768~Horace (P. S. 94 J. H. B.), Cigarette (F. S. 1962 J. H. B.)— Dam of Lady Jane of St. Peter's 7475 15 lbs. Matin 5th 3399— Mogul 532, Matin 1396— Dam of Elnnvood Duchess 8710 l-l ll>s. Matlie 3213 — Jo.sei)h L. 148, Cowslip of Ohio 2593— Dam of Marlie 3d 9879 14 lbs. 13 oz. Mattie E. 16274— Greshum 5144, Stansbury Neri.ssa 10917— Dam of Conger's M. 3-2751 If' l^S- '^Vi '«. LIST OF DAMS. 487 \ Maudine 3cl 5646— Lord Baltimore 74:^, Maudine 1593— Dam of Maudine of Elmwood 8718 Id lbs. 15 oz. Maud Lee 2416— Coeui- de Lion 318, Matilda 240.J— Dam of Maud Lee 3d 8839 1 4 lbs. 0 oz. Maud of Millbrook 2070— Tarn O'Slianter 381, INLaud 074— Dam of Maud Melinda 121'2r, K' lbs. 8 oz. Maud of St. Lambert 9772— Ofloff 3143, Diana of St. Lambert 6636— Dam of Rioter's Queen 1489.5 IT lbs. 8 oz. Maud 'Westfield 17555— Mahlceenac 3390, Flora Wood 7094— Dam of May Pedro .50870 15 lbs. 4 oz. May 1390— Sire on I. of J., Minnie 1389— Dam of Austie May 7185 14 lbs. 3 oz. May Champion 14104 — Champion of America 1567, Merr^' 4814 — Dam of Marie C. Magnet ^'^gOS 15 lbs. 8 oz. May Clover 1 2273— Plymouth Boy 5682, Mary Clover 9998— Dam of Pet Clover ]4(;e4 10 lbs. 8 oz. May Day of St. Lambert 5109— Lord Lisgar 1066, lerne 1373— Dam of May Day Stoke Popis 283.53 19 lbs. ]4 oz. Minette of St. Lambert 9774 17 lbs. 4 oz. May Day Stoke Pogis 28353— Stoke Pogis 3d 3238, May Day of St. Lambert 5109— Dam of Miss May of St. Lambert 37084 15 lbs. 14 oz. May Dee 1 8058— Eupidee 4097, May of Lakeside 10836— Dam of May Dee Pogis 3G993 20 lbs. T>\i oz. May Fair 5184— Guy Mannering- 698, Miss Fair 4135— Dam of nany"8 May Fair 37499 16 lbs. 1 oz. May Flower, on I. of J. — Dam of Maritana 1^!039 16 lbs. 3I4 oz. Mayhew Belle 3883— Nelusko 479, Jennie Douglass 3313— Dam of Coronilla 8367 U lbs. 7 oz. May Indian 16075— Indian 1731, May Leaf 10667— Dam of May Violet 30^50 18 lbs. llj^ oz. Clifty Beauty 30-.i49 15 lbs. Q\i oz. May Leaf 10667— Stoke Pogis 3d' 3338, May Bud of St. Lambert 5105— Dam of May Indian 16075 14 lbs. 5 oz. May of Lakeside 10826— Micawber 4796, Dove 3d 10833— Dam of May Dec 18058 15 lbs. 10 oz. Mazie Bate 3364— INtaster 733, Julia Bate 1816— Dam of Bettie's Pet 225.50 10 lbs. 1 oz. Meines 3559 — Marquis 1401, Helen 3556— Dam of Meine8 3d7741 20 lbs. 1 oz. Melia Ann 5444— Lord Aylmer 1067, Amelia 3d 1730— Dam of Daisy Morrison 14035 25 lbs. 121^ oz. Melia Ann 2d 47464 35 lbs. 6 oz. 488 lUTTEIl TESTS OF JERSEYS. Mendota 26324^Robl)ins' Major s::^10, Bonainy lOTOo— Dam of iMendota 3d i63-26 15 lbs. G oz. Meprise 4898— Alpheiis 1168, Camilla 4th 2023— Dam of Little Torment 15o81 23 lbs. dj^ oz. Mercedes H. 1 2326— Homer H. 8fiS3, Gilda 2779— Dam of Gikla Mercedes H. 14451 14 lbs. 8 oz. Merlin's Violet 16430— Merlin 3684, Violet of Windyside 8538— Dam of Kioter's Violet 33774 14 lbs. 3 oz. Merry 4814, imp. — Dam of Tobira 8400 15 lbs. 13 oz. Metah 1295— St. Malo 486, Myrtle 1294— Dam of Metah's Queen 488t; 17 lbs. 0 oz. Bryant 4193 14 lbs. 8 oz. Metah's Baby 0710 14 lbs. 5 oz. Metah's Queen 4886— Omaha 482, Metah 1295— Dam of Fannie Bua;ler 19962 15 lbs. 2 oz. Metela 2d 3242— Hillhurst 1210, Metela 3196— Dam of Utilla 11215 16 lbs. 2 oz. Metella 3905— Mogul 532, Clio 2d 1248— Dam of Coma 39330 15 lbs. 2}4 oz. Mignonne 693— Bhie Dick 166, Luly 373— Dam of Melody 2689 14 lbs. 1 oz. Mignonne (F. S. 955 J. H. B.>— Dam of Beauty of Jersey 78.50 19 lbs. 2 oz. Mildrida 6743— Hornbeam 2123, Memento 1913— Dam of Plumida 23621 15 lbs. }4 oz. Milicent H. 14445— Homer H. 3683, Lady Gray Hayden 3512— Dam of Marie's Milicent .3.5303 18 lbs. .51^ oz. Milkmaid 3d — Dam of Nancy Let' 7618 26 lbs. 8}4 oz. Noonday 15127— Brisk 2077, Belle of Woodstock 11658— Dam of Sunset 15130 16 lbs. 2i^ oz. Nora of St. Lambert 12962— Stoke Pogis 3d 2238, Duchess of St. Lambert 5111— Dam of Rioter's Nora 21778 15 lbs. 9 oz. Norella King 2d 23933— Cupidson 7741, Norella King 14845— Dam of Harry's Fancy 39114 14 lbs. 6i^ oz. Normanda 3914— Normandy 1046, Olive 4th 3018— Dam of Georgiadear ll.iOS 18 lbs/ 3 oz. Kate Gordon 8387 15 lbs. 15 oz. Normandy Girl 7737— Duke of Magnolia 2826, Maffie 2d 4939— Dam of Lady McDowell 37414 15 lbs. 12 oz. Nuphar 3d 20455— Andros 2d 7607, Nuphar 5140— Dam of Nuphar Houghton .36364 15 lbs. 3 oz. Nutley Alma 13581— Snap (F. S. 254 J. H. B.), St. Clementaise (F. S. 412 J. H. B.)— Dam of Nutley Dolores 13797 23 lbs. 2 oz. Nutley Darling 22412 15 lbs. 3)4 oz. 494 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Nutley Dolores 13797— Tommy (P. S. 249 J. H. B.), Nutley Alma 13581- Dam of Proctor's Alma Dolores 47107 17 lbs. 10 oz. Nutley Dolores -id 55001 15 lbs. 13 oz. Proctor's Dolores 38564 15 lbs. 10 oz. Nutley Silver 13591— Avondale 2376, Silver Pet 5179— Dam of >sutlcy .silvcrette 22410 23 lbs. 7 oz. Nymphaea 5141 — Mercury 432, Phaedra 2561 — Dam of Purest 13730 15 lbs. 4 oz. Oakland Girl 1 1 103— Thorndale 2582, Clotilde 4575— Dam of Highland Ida 38427 18 lbs. IJ^ oz. Oaklands Nora 14880— Lome 5248, Pet of St. Lambert 5123— Dam of Oaklands Nora 2d 45967 15 lbs. 7 oz. Obella 5080— Nutshell 729, Florimel 3725— Dam of Belle Bonair 33060 10 lbs. S]4 oz. Ochra 4845 — Nonquit 1391. Azalea 1443— Dam of IJivars Ochra 10172 19 lbs. 10]^ oz. Odelle Sales 15564— Tormentor 3533, Oonan 1485— Dam of Little Accident 1.5578 16 lbs. lOV^ oz. Solava 20928 15 lbs. :i% oz. Oktibbeha Duchess 4422— The Hub 1009, Lucky Belle 2214— Dam of Valeric 6044 15 lbs. 13 oz. Olie s May Bell 6567— Pequaboc Chief 2662, die 4133— Dam of Olie's Lady Teazle 12307 16 lbs. 5 oz. Olive 4th 3018— Quaker 887, Olive 763— Dam of Normanda .3914 14 lbs. 14 oz. Olive Branch 5324— Son of Alphea 562. Olive 232— Dam of Forget Me Not O 10.561 15 lbs. 4 oz. Olive Leaf 4257— Son of Alphea 562, Olive 232— Dam of Olive Branch of Hillcrest 7447 15 lbs. 7 oz. Omoo 1247, imp. — Dam of Oonan 1485 22 lbs. 2)4 oz. Oonan 1485— Rajah 340, Omoo 1247— Dam of Roonan 5133 20 lbs. 4 oz. Oonan 2d 19.569 18 lbs. 4^4 oz. Odelle Sales 1.5.564 16 lbs. 1.53^ oz. Callie Nan 7959 16 lbs. 2 oz. Oonan .3d 409.55 1-1 'bs. 15J^ oz. Nanalda 32917 14 lbs. 2% oz. Ophelie 493— Sire on I. of J., Lisette 492— Dam of Maggie of St. Lambert 9776 16 lbs. 3 oz. Orange Flower 2d 3884— Nelu.sko 479, Orange Flower 2202— Dam of Florry Keep 6.556 14 lbs. 14 oz. Orange Twig 1 1 796— Magnetic 1438, Manna-rain 4181— Dam of Lemon Twig 42028 16 lbs. 4}4 oz. LIST OF DAMS. 495 Ora Reid 6482— Rulander 1037, Blanche of Meadow Brook 2014— Dam of Signora Reid 27135 16 lbs. 8% oz. Orphan Duchess 4519 — Prize Duke 942, Jersey Duchess 1266 — Dam of Orphan Duchess 3d 21284 16 lbs. 3 oz. Orphean 4636— Kurd's Ivanhoe 1522, Hurd's Orpha 3346— Dam of Belmeda 6229 18 lbs. 13 oz. Oxalis 606— Prince 55, Buttercup 518— Dam of Oxalis 2d 1.5631 1.5 lbs. Palestina 4644— Pierrot 2d 1669, Palestine 3d 1104— Dam of Paletta of Darlington 16255 27 lbs. 8 oz. Palestine 26, imp. — Dam of Palestine's Last Daughter 12602 14 lbs. 6 oz. Palestine 2d 1455— Gen. Scott 46, Palestine 26— Dam of Lady Palestine 2769 14 lbs. 5 oz. Palestine 3d 11 04— Gen. Scott 46, Palestine 26— Dam of Palestina 4644 15 lbs. 8 oz. Palestine's Last Daughter 12602— Pierrot 2d 1669, Palestine 26— Dam of Palestine Pierrot 24099 14 lbs. 6 oz. The Sister 21135 14 lbs. 4}4 oz. Pandora of Staatsburgh 3d 6497— Faro 1749, Pandora of Staatsburgh 3280 — Dam of Maggie McM. 14073 19 lbs. 9 oz. Pandothra 223^3 17 lbs. 5 oz. Almah of Oakland 11102 16 lbs. 14 oz. Pansita 7531 — Jaco 1646, Pansey Roome 1814 — Dam of Pausita 4th 18109 14 lbs. 6 oz. Pansy (F. S. 1072 J. H. B.)— Dam of Dewdrop Pansy 19736 19 lbs. 8 oz. Pansy 7th 130 — John Brown 67, Pansy 8 — Dam of Lady Brown 433 14 lbs. Pansy Dixie 9470— Henry Ward Beecher 2297, Dixie 5341— Dam of Kate Pansy 1.5177 15 lbs. 1 oz. Pansy Hawes 2d 23752— Holt's Viley 7095, Pansy Hawes 22452— Dam of Pansy K. 23889 14 lbs. lli^ oz. Pansy of Willow Dale 7754— Gustavus 1195, Daisy of Willow Dale 7753— Dam of Friz Cam 14655 15 lbs. 7 oz. Pansy Rex 1 1559 — Champion of Indiana 3075. Princess Daisy 6248 — Dam of Le Brocq's Pansy Rex 23789 18 lbs. 6 oz. La France's Pansy Rex 49141 14 lbs. 10i4 oz. Paradise 32082— Combination 4389, Goodbye 27366— Dam of Plumage 53897 17 lbs. 5 oz. Paraph 6134— Quogue 690, Belle of Poquonnoc 1874— Dam of Tormentor's Cinderella 19564 15 lbs. 8}^ oz. Parthenia of Oakshade 10069— Butter Boy 3248, Maida 2d 6293— Dam of Lucy Lanier 13053 18 lbs. 2 oz. 496 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Patricia 4th 4579— Orange Peel 502, Patricia (F. S. 189 J. H. B.)— Dam of Atricia GO-29 15 Ibe. 3 oz. Patterson's Beauty 4760— Bijou (F. S. 65 J. H. B.), Ariene 1071— Dam of Bertha Morgan 4770 19 lbs. 6 oz. Pauline 3cl 8296— Lord Lisg-ar 1066, Pauline 494— Dam of Mildred of M. l.»48 14 lbs. 2)4 oz. Pearl of St. Lambert 5527— Buffer 2055, Dot of St. Lambert 5535— Dam of Cill of Glen Roii<;e 13818 16 lbs. G oz. Pearl of Warsaw 30543— Algebar 4262, Freialita 21421— Dam of Pearl's Lemon 41(34(5 17 lbs. 5*4 oz. Pearl's Oonan 32288— Oonan's Rajah 8965, Pearl Button 10372— Dam of Viri,'inia's Oonan 58107 15 lbs. 3 oz. Tcnialenia 447G1 14 lbs. 10 oz. Peggy Stewart 7407— Rosland 1553, Bessie Keron 2655— Dam of ('annie M. 10608 15 lbs. 1 oz. Pendule 16673— Guy Fawkes (F. S. 251 J. H. B.), La Dame (F. S. 2801 J. H. B.)— Dam of Pendule 2d 16709 16 lbs. 5 oz. Perfection 1897— Columbiad 534, Purity 1408— Dam of Aspirante 9272 14 lbs. 7 oz. Pet of St. Lambert 5123— Lord Lisgar 1066, Lucy of St. Lambert 5116— Dam of Oaklands Nora 14880 23 Ibe. 5 oz. Dlaua of St. Lambert 6636 16 lbs. 8 oz. Petrus 5563— Marius 760, Pet Anna 1608— Dam of Petra ]92()7 16 lbs. 6 oz. Pet's Beauty 15726— Quack 1388, Highland Pet 2653— Dam of May Evening 15938 17 lbs. 13 oz. Petunia 1777 — Sire on I. of J., Pansey Lass 1779 — Dam of Gamma 4147 14 lbs. 12 oz. Phaedra 2561— Mercury 432, Leda 799— Dam of Nymphsea 5141 18 lbs. 714 oz. Philippa (F. S. 1665 J. H. B.i— Dam of Satin Bird 16380 14 lbs. 15}^ oz. Phillis 2d 18198— Grey Coat (P. S. 197 J. H. B.), PhiUis 18162— Dam of Lady 18240 18 lbs. 15 oz. Phlox 16399 -Guy Mannering- 698, Gazania 4513— Dam of Phlox 3d 31882 15 lbs. 6 oz. Phoebe 4th 2271— Emperor 287, Phoebe 760— Dam of Catchfly 2.5405 18 lbs. 4 oz. Pride of Bovina 80.50 16 lbs. 9 oz. Phoebe N. 25401 15 lbs. 3 oz. Phryne 4289— Second Duke of Hillcrest 1086, Sukey 2d 1224— Dam of Roll of Honor 13610 14 lbs. 12 oz. Phrynetine 16198— Washita 3813, Phrynette 9089— Dam of Nettina of Winnikee 46406 18 lbs. 153^ oz. LIST OF DAMS. 497 Picton (F. S. 4236 J. H. B.)— Dam of Leg Marais' Dell 30314 15 lbs. 8]4 oz. Pierrot's Lady Jennings 1 1 675— Pierrot 7th 1667, Pierrot's Lady Hayes 11672 — Dam of Duke's Pierrot Lady 31033 31 lbs. 12 oz. Pierrot's Myrtle 10135— Pierrot 7th 1667, Pride of Mashamoquet Farm 6469 — Dam of Scepter's Beauty 23334 14 lbs. y^ oz. Pinafore 8289— Almont 2789, Jennie Clover 6403— Dam of Pinafore 3d 15072 15 lbs. 8 oz. Pine Tree Nora 32799— Rex of Freeport 7515, Pine Tree Mary 16321— Dam of Nora Sheldon 43590 17 lbs. 6 oz. Pinkie 2d 2987— Cantatoe 1063, Pinkie 3785— Dam of Fair Starlight 7745 17 lbs. 714 oz. Pink of St. Lambert 5486— Buffer 2055, Jessamine of St. Lambert 5125— Dam of Mermaid of St. Lambert 9771 25 lbs. 1334 oz. Rioter Pink of Berlin 23665 19 lbs. 14 oz. Playmate (F. S. 1786 J. H. B.)— Sambo (P. S. 163 J. H. B.), Daffodil (F. S. 1518 J. H. B.)— Dam of Brown Princess 30941 14 lbs. 9 oz. Plenita 6143-Ralph Guild 1917, Plenty 950— Dam of Sunset of Pleasant View 13071 15 lbs. 2 oz. Polly (P. S.69 J. H. B.)— Stockwell 2d (P. S. 24 J. H. B.), Sally (F. S. 642 J. H. B.)— Dam of Frugal 14935 17 lbs. 2% oz. Polly Neptune 15314 14 lbs. 7 oz. Polly of St. Lambert 28665— Hugo of St. Lambert 13458, Rosanne 1320— Dam of Aggie of St. Lambert 37085 14 lbs. 3«,^ oz. Poppy 4842— Motley 515, Countess 3d 990— Dam of Arawana Poppy 60.53 15 lbs. 3 oz. Pride of Franklin 25406— St. Julien of Franklin 6939, Pride of Bovina 8050 — Dam of Ramapo's Pride 3.5497 ' 14 lbs. 4 oz. Pride of Sidney 19210— Noble 901, Daisy of Sidney 19209— Dam of Worthy Noble 19629 15 lbs. 9]4 oz. • Pride of the Hill 4877— Nutshell 729, Guinevere 1484— Dam of Pridalia 17249 26 lbs. 4 oz. Pride of Walnut Farm 11 501— Lord Lawrence 1414, Oma 5067— Dam of Juliette Guion 13143 14 lbs. 4 oz. Pride of Willimantic 13557— Duke of Mansfield 2277, Belle of Brooklyn 9493 — Dam of Insie of Riverside 2.3825 30 lbs. 5% oz. 49S BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Pride of Windsor 483, imp. — Dam of Duchess of St. Lambert 5111 15 lbs. 11 oz. Lily of St. Lambert 51-20 14 lbs. Princess, on I. of J.^Dam of Princess of St. Saviour's 7470 15 lbs. lOi^ oz. Princess (F. S. 452 J. H. B.)— Dam of Princess 2d 8(U6 46 lbs. 1-21^ oz. Princess 836, imp. — Dam of Wy l)it' .595 17 lbs. 4 oz. Princess 2205 — Jersey Boy 272, Fanny 675 — Dam of Christmas Nannie 4075 19 lbs. 7 oz. Princess 2d 2295— Deacon 293, Princess 761— Dam of Peggy of Staatsburgh 2342 14 lbs. 1)4 oz. Princess Maude 7177, imp. — Dam of Maud's Sultana 19.518 16 lbs. 4 oz. Princess Mostar 9700— Duke of Bloomfield 1544, Mostar 6971— Dam of ^'elvet Mostar 17.533 15 lbs. 3 oz. Princess of Mansfield 8070— Pierrot 2d 1669, Flirt 482— Dam of Pierrot's Lady Bacon 12482 16 lbs. 10 oz. Princess of St. Saviour's 7470— Noble (P. S. 93 J. H. B.), Princess, on I. of J. — Dam of Princess Le Brocq 17261 15 lbs. 8 oz. Princess of Trinity 23641, imp. — Dam of Khedive's Princess ;^568 15 lbs. 4 oz. Princess Rose 6249— Rex 1380, Chloe Beach 3931— Dam of Catono's Rosebud 23674 14 lbs. 5 oz. Princess Royal iP. S. 240 J. H. B.)— Claimant (P. 8. 84 J. H. B.). Royale (F. S. 1080 J. H. B.)— Dam of Royal Beauty 18908 15 lbs. 2J^ oz. Princess Royal 2d 1005— Butterfly 156, Princess Royal 357 — Dam of Royal Princess 2.i70 17 lbs. 12 oz. Prize Maid 3835— Prize Duke 942, Jersey Prize 1267— Dam of Maid of Saragossa 9086 16 lbs. 6 oz. Prudence Hunt 22614-Mohegan 3247, Miss Hunt 13660— Dam of Zeroda 43723 ' 10 lbs. 7 oz. Prudence of Bovina 3d 1 0747 — Samson Jr. 2723, Prudence of Bovina 6656 — Dam of Pansy Patterson 18612 15 lbs. 15 oz. Prunella 2d 5861— Volunteer 1253, Prunella 3607— Dam of Siloaui 17623 18 lbs. 914 oz. Psyche of St. Lambert 5121 — Laval 506, Amelia 484 — Dam of Jolie of St. Lambert 5120 15 lbs. ISJ^ oz. Pure Mocha 9186— Pure Gold 1487, Mocha 2d 4881— Dam of Oleo 38475 18 Ibe. 1 oz. LIST OF DAMS. 499 Purity, on I. of J. — Dam of Bispoii'g Belle 31144 28 lbs. 10 oz. Purity 1408, imp.— Dam of Alluring .5.541 10 lbs. 5 oz. Pussy Baker 6994— Dash of Glastonbury 1959, Patty Baker 2529— Dam of Cordelia Baker 8814 17 lbs. 9 oz. Pussy Cat 2731— Mr. Toodles 377, Fair Imogene 2729— Dam of Silkey Morrill 17058 14 lbs. 7 oz. Pyrrha 6100— Zeus 2634, Themis 6076— Dam of Nimble 233.35 14 lbs. 10 oz. Quadruple Pogis 32359— Marjoram's Rioter 5991, Lily of Riverside 19599— Dam of Quintuple Pogis 44233 14 lbs. 6 oz. Quail 5895— Dash of Glastonbury 1959, Quiet 4661— Dam of Quail 3d 43.568 16 lbs. 12 oz. Quaker's Lady 251 10— Lord of the Manor 6632, Quaker's Cousin (F. S. 5132 J. H. B.)— Dam of Inez of Ingleside 28977 14 lbs. 12 oz. Queen (F. S. 1239 J. H. B.)— Dam of Lille Bouue 8108 19 lbs. 12 oz. Queen Bess of St. Brelade's 7462, imp. — Dam of Birdie Le Brocq 17363 14 lbs. Queenette 5274 — Concha 1397, Little Queen 8357 — Dam of Ette 10315 15 lbs. 7 oz. Queen Fan 18013— Beauty Boy of Jefferson 5753, Frankie of Jefferson 12312 — Dam of Toy 20604 IT lbs. 8 oz. Queenie 4696— Triumph 336, Sweet Clematis 4695— Dam of Countess Europa 35830 17 lbs. 13 oz. Queen Mary of Woodlawn 1 1 659— Gilderoy 2107, Gold Proof 10860— Dam of Princess Mary of Woodlawn 1 1663 14 lbs. 4 oz. Queen Mostar 15256— Clifton Monarch 3546, Princess Mostar 9700— Dam of Alpbeus Mostar 30037 14 lbs. 9 oz . Queen of Coventry 8065— Burnside 2d 2838, Ann 2d 8064— Dam of Lady Bidwell 10.303 15 lbs. 13 oz. Queen of Jersey 4948 — Duke of Framingham 1521, Bessie Parks 3853 — Dam of Countess Queen 13519 18 lbs. 3 oz. Queen of the Fairies 8128 — Sire on I. of J., Fairy Queen of St. Brelade's 7464 —Dam of Fairy Le Brocq 1.5383 14 lbs. 3 oz. Question (F. S. 3132 J. H. B.)— Dam of Royal Queen 24438 22 lbs. 6 oz. Rachel 24522, imp. — Dam of Comtesse de St. Ouen 33600 15 lbs. 814 oz. 500 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Rachel Ray 1754— Dolphin 2d 46S, Helene 179— Dam of Robinette 7114 14 lbs. 1 oz. Rainbow 6493— Petei- Norman 1338, Rachael M 2261— Dam of Rainbow 2d 139G2 21 lbs. 8 oz. Rainbow 2d 13962— Doesticks 2387, Rainbow 6493— Dam of Lady Livingston 33374 l.") lbs. 2 o/,. Rarity 5923— Jersey King- 879, Lady Love 2d 2212— Dam of Rarity 2d 7724 14 lbs. 2 oz. Rsbecca (F. S. 2625 J. H. B.)— Dam of Lotcht-n 1'.1S23 16 lbs. 7 oz. Regina 'F. S. 32 J. H. B.'- Dam of Regina 4th 12732 17 lbs. 131^ oz. Kegina 2d 2475 14 lbs. 8 oz. Regina 2d 2475— Noble (F. S. 104 J. H. B.), Regina (F. S. 32 J. H. B.)— Dam of Chrome Skin 7881 20 lbs. 10 oz. Walkyrie 5708 14 lbs. 1 oz. Renalda 20924— Signalda 4027, Renalba 4117— Dam of Derjava 59830 18 lbs. 14 oz. Rene 2d 56— Nimrod 28, Rene 39— Dam of Rene Ogden 1.568 15 lbs. Renebel 2772— Belisario 640, Rene Ogden 1568— Dam of Renalba 4117 17 lbs. 4,^ oz. Rene Calypso 3205 — Reno 563, Renina 1431 — Dam of C'alypiis .5943 15 lbs. 4% oz. Renina 1431— Don 611, Rene 2d 56— Dam of Medrena 3939 18 lbs. Reserve 6051— Trusty 1101, Silene 4307— Dam of Renown 13729 14 lbs. 6 oz. Result 11 848— Brother Jack 4042, Reserve 6051— Dam of Reality 16537 15 lbs. 3J^ oz. Rhea 166, imp. — Dam of Alphea 171 15 lbs. 6 oz. Rho A. 16950— Duke of Belmont 4478, Rhodora 3d 1321— Dam of Rho A. Pogis 39269 14 lbs. 15 oz. Rhoda of Merlon 5849— Fortunatus 1153, Nellie Potts 1910— Dam of Rosebud of AUerton 6352 19 lbs. 12 oz. Riotaletta 29937— Bai'ry's Eddington 2250, Idaletta 11843— Dam of Riotaletta 2d 34495 15 lbs. I.514 oz. Rioter Alphea 10091 — Jason Jr. 3270, Chansonnette 5695— Dam of Rioter Alphea 2d 29676 17 lbs. 15 oz. liioter Alphea .3d 34073 17 lbs. 1 V6 oz. Rioter 2d's Venus 3658— Rioter 2d 469, Hebe 3d 3613— Dam of Amalthea 11319 15 lbs. LIST OF DAMS. 501 Rioter's Zoe 19769— Stoke Pogis 5th 5987, Golden Zoe 3975— Dam of Ida Zoe Pogis 38685 16 lbs. 2}^ oz. Ristori 12701, imp. — Dam of Geneva 13320 15 jbg. 1] oz. Roe Webster 12562— Thomas Wyeth 4267, Corona 2d 9146— Dam of Grelchen of Pevely 4032.5 15 lbs. 514 oz- Roland's Bonnie 18053— Roland of Deerfoot 8363, Birdie Romeo 18052— Dam of Roland's Bonnie 2d 180.54 19 lbs. 2 oz. Romilly 14346— Signal (F. S. 278 J. H. B.), Daisy (F. S. 1835 J. H. B.)— Dam of Pedroletta 26597 16 lbs. (% oz. Romp 1 098— Oakland 33. Buttercup 3d 1099— Dam of Optima nri5 19 lbs. 2 oz. Romp Lawrence 13819— Boton 4328, Dearborn Lawrence 8824— Dam of Sparks 41041 16 lbs. 4U oz. Romp Ogden 1571— Don 611, Romp 1098— Dam of Romp Ogden 5th 43181 17 lbs. 9 oz. Romp Ogden 3d .54.58 15 lbs. 14 oz. Romp Ogden 2d 47'(i4 15 lbs. 5 oz. Romp Ogden 2d 4764— Pertinatti 713, Romp Ogden 1571— Dam of Southern Belle 18.570 16 lbs. Romp Ogden 3d 5458— Top-Sawyer 1404, Romp Ogden 1571 — Dam of Romping Lass 11021 15 lbs. Rosa 122— Cheltenham 80, Brunette 102— Dam of Silver Rose 47.53 16 lbs. 14 oz. Rosabel Hudson 5704— Oneco 918, Arabel Hudson 2877— Dam of Da sy Hudson 24647 17 lbs. 11 oz. Emma Hudson 12469 16 lbs. 2 oz. Rosa Daniell 5441 — Jack Dasher 932, Allen's Fawnette 3722 — Dam of Rosona 12956 16 lbs. 7 oz. Rosa Gamp 2732— Sire on I. of J., Victoria Gamp 1446 — Dam of Roselaiiie 7167 15 lbs. 1 oz. Rosalia of Sidney 4521— Paddy 899, Dahlia of Babylon 2346— Dam of Duchess Noble 27090 25 lbs. 8 oz. Rosaline of Glenmore 3179— Saladin 447, Elveta 2121— Dam of Rioter's Rosaline 35581 14 lbs. 141^ oz. Rosa of Belle Vue 6954— Remarkable (F. S. 229 J. H. B.), Bye-Bye (F. S. 3180 J. H. B.)— Dam of Lady Julia G. 16199 18 lbs. 3 oz. Rosebud of Belle Vue 7702 14 lbs. lOi^ oz. Rosa of Salem 6476 — Dunstan 157, Alice of Salem 5053 — Dam of Nerissa of Nyack 9692 15 lbs. 1 oz. Rosari 5518— Marius 760, Rosilla 5516— Dam of Le Rosa 10078 14 lbs. f{02 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Rosa Thornton 12233— Tarquin 750, Daisy Europa 11600— Dam of Ulricall.v 222-25 18 lbs. 14 oz. Rose (F. S. 11 58 J. H. B. — Dam of Kheilive's Fancy ISISO 15 lbs. 3 oz. Rose 'F. S. 1450 J. H. B.)— Welcome (F. 8. 16(5 J. H. B.), Dam on I. of J.— Dam of Buttercup 17285 15 lbs. 5 oz. Rose 3d 913— Splendid 2, Rose 2d 239— Dam of Coppt'i- 1970 . 15 11)S. 7 oz. Rosebud of Belle Vue 7702— Browny (P. 8. 158 J. H. B.), Rosa of Belle Viie 6954— Dam of Cherokee Rose 20921 23 lbs. 10 oz. Signalda's Rosebud 35583 18 lbs. lOJ^ oz. Tormentor's Rosebud 5tX)69 14 lbs. 2 oz. Rose F. 2d 13224— Byron 279, Rose F. 13332— Dam of ]^o^:;l F. W. 13226 29 lbs. 12 oz. Rose Lawn 3690— Fritz 565, Sea Foam 2171— Dam of Hose of Rose Lawn 9365 16 lbs. 3 oz. Rose of Mashamoquet Farm 6472— Pierrot 2d 1669, Palestine 36— Dam of Rosy Kate 10276 14 lbs. 4 oz. Rose of Menard 13272— Willet 2503, Rose of Sangamon 2d 9670— Dam of Mary Justice 3744') 14 lbs. 9)4 oz. Rose of Rose Lawn 9365 — Columbia-d 3d 1515. Rose Lawn 3690 — Dam of Pet of Rose Lawn 11326 18 lbs. 1 oz. Rose of Sylvanhurst 16134 — Dypsy 3741, Laura of Avondale 10293— Dam of Elodie :50222 15 lbs. 51^ oz. Rosetta of Sidney 4520— Paddy 899, Dahlia of Babylon 2346— Dam of Cream of Sidney 17028 1~ lbs. 214 oz. Rosetta ofWhiteland 61 12— Rossman 1128, Soekel 3d 3959— Dam of Princess Chuck 4.56.50 24 lbs. 14 oz. Rosette, on I. of J.— Dam of Baron's Rosette 2.5988 15 lbs. 4 oz. Rosette of St. Lambert 5108 — Lord Lisgar 1066, Victoria 411 — Dam of Brenda of Elmhurst 10762 20 lbs. 8 oz. Rosette of Staatsburgh 3008— Qualcer 887, Rachael 3d 3361— Dam of Chlora 8325 14 lbs. 6 oz. Rosy oz. Upper Ten 37603— Citizen 13186, Income 19472— Dam of Bermuda K. 67o34 14 lbs. 1 oz. Usilda's Creamlet 8817— ilattabesett 3359, Usilda 2d 6157— Dam of Griidde 2-iX-i 14 lbs. -zyi oz. Valentine of Trinity 7460— Duke (P. S. 76 J. H. B.j, Dam on I. of J.— Dam of Queen of Beauty 17109 23 lbs. 14 oz. Valma 2192— Black Imperial 255, Horse Shoe 1260— Dam of Vahna Hoflfman 4,500 21 lbs. 9 oz. Value 5433— Paterson 4tli 2400, Woodford's Alice 5432— Dam of Value 2d 0844 25 lbs. 2H oz. Vanilla 3834— Duke of Grayholdt 1035, Vexation 2760— Dam of Verbena of Fernwood 9088 15 lbs. Variella 6337— Baronet 2240. Su Lu 4705— Dam of Silver Wave 10S44 19 lbs. Lady Vain 18.573 17 lbs. 9 oz. Venice Beauty 2d. 11008 — Jersey' Pride 2355, Venice Beauty 7278 — Dam of Jeftersou Albina 12196 14 lbs. 13 oz. Venna 9525— Tormentor 3533. Varinka 3838— Dam of Veuna's Zeka 26070 14 lbs. i-a oz. Venus 1 12— Typhoon 77, Brenda 789— Dam of Molly 3.5.54 15 lbs. 9 oz. Verclut IF. S. 1846 J. H. B.)— Dam of Oxford Kate 13040 39 lbs. 12 oz. Veronica 6684— Orange Bud 2978, La Belle Desreaux 2d 5096— Dam of Corn 10.504 16 lbs. 2 oz. Verona 1076(5 15 lbs. ly, oz. Vesper of Woodstock 6916— Trusty of Glastonbury 1963, Flash 4653— Dam of Alice McClellan 25237 15 lbs. 2 oz. Vesta 1235, imp. — Dam of Vestina 2458 14 lbs. 2 oz. Victoria 41 1— V.ctor Hugo 197, Juliet 485— Dam of Rosette of St. Lambert .5108 14 lbs. :i}4 oz. Tidy of St. Lambert 31114 14 lbs. 2 oz. LIST OF DAMS. 509 Victoria Guelph 3898— Major Tunxes 1547, Buck's Lophorn 3462— Dam of Meg Mitchell 4187 15 lbs. 3 oz. Victorine Lachaise 2740, imp. — Dam of Edwina 6713 15 lbs. 13 oz. Vieva 2 1 1 7— Hannibal 618, Rose 150— Dam of Vieva 3d 7642 16 lbs. 5 oz. Village Lass, on I. of J. — Dam of Well Doue 2.5987 19 lbs. 4 o2. Violente (F. S. 4566 J. H. B.)— Dam of Yioleute 28819 17 lbs. 1014 oz. Violet 3d 3240, imp.— Dam of Golden Violet 30136 15 lbs. Violet of Briarcliff 24186— Domino of Darlington 2459, Violet of St. Ouens 8626— Dam of Viola of Briarcliff 37617 14 lbs. 8 oz. Violet of Darlington 5573, imp. — Dam of Anna Smith 10324 15 lbs. 6 oz. Violette 7471— Apollo (P. S. 108 J. H. B.), Young Rose (P. S. 43 J. H. B.)— Dam of Viva Le Brocq 1.3702 18 lbs. 8 oz. Prize Eose 16309 15 lbs. 1 oz. Violette Foster 20405— Unwelcome 3259, Viola Rich 7254— Dam of Vilify 50107 14 lbs. 3 oz. Virtue Lass 1 782, imp. — Dam of Pearl Armstrong 2670 21 lbs. 10 oz. Vixen 7591 — Top-Sawyer 1404, Roxana 1761 — Dam of Variella of Linwood 10954 14 lbs. 1 oz. Waiter Girl 12776— Elkornah 4401, Millie Waite 10646— Dam of Waiter Giri 2d 29265 18 lbs. 14^ oz. Waiter Girl 2d 29265— Mercury Boy 5721, Waiter Girl 12776— Dam of Yuba Stoke Pogis 37294 15 lbs. 14^ oz. Wamba 30641— Combination 4389, Origin 22204— Dam of Wamla 32083 17 lbs. 5)4 oz. Warren's Duchess 4622 — Optimus 1607, Countess of Warren 3896 — Dam of Warren's Duchess 3d 26836 17 lbs. 2Vo oz. Mary of Bear Lake 6171 15 lbs. 14 oz. Welcome Beauty 1268— Sire on I. of J., Jersey Prize 1267 — Dam of Beauty's Crescent 26733 15 lbs. 15% oz. Well Met 24571— Berger (P. S. 278 J. H. B.), All Hail (F. S. 3165 J. H. B.)- Dam of Well-to-do 37724 14 lbs. 31^ oz. White Daisy 6739— Carter's Jerry 3029, Lady Ives 1708— Dam of Kate Daisy 8264 14 lbs. 4 oz. Wiczii 6222— Earl of Seabright 1676, Hurd's Pet 4045— Dam of Sallie Guild 14524 16 lbs. 510 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS, Willis 3573— Clifford 286, Sister Dorothy 3607— Dam of Willi? -.'d 44G1 16 lbs. 3 oz. Will o' the Wisp 16131— Sir Mogador 3724, Gem of Wal-Oak 6081— Dam of Ruby Love KilllS 14 lbs. 12 oz. Winnowa 2614— Sire on I. of J., Pride of Winslow 3613— Dam of Manoa 6340 16 lbs. 12 oz. Winsome of Ipswich 9213 — Duke Jr. 2465, Amy of Ipswich 5583 — Dam of Scituate of Woiouoco 18040 24 lbs. 14 oz. Witch-Hazel 1360— Southampton 117, Hazel 91— Dam of Witch-Hazel 4th 6131 IS lbs. 2% oz. Witch of St. Lambert 5479— Lord Lisgar 1066, Lucy of St. Lambert 5116 — Dam of Cowslip of St. Lambert 8:U9 17 lbs. 12 oz. Lisgar's Ella 24092 17 lbs. Woodland Maid 8156— Browser 1634, Clarencia 3484— Dam of Woodland Maid 2d 19666 14 lbs. Ximena 5682 — Ginx 1536, Zamorah 3954 — Dam of Pitapat 111.36 16 lbs. .5 oz. Yankee Girl 24832— Sankey 1991, Cassia 3d 31370— Dam of Yankee Girl 2d 29261 14 lbs. 7 oz. Yellow Emmie 28756— Yellow Boy 6381, Emmie B. 3d 15803— Dam of Frankness 624.51 18 lbs. 4 oz. Yellow Lass 32603— Yellow Boy 6381, That Lass o' Lowrie's 9138— Dam of Pretty Patty 44108 1.5 lbs. 414 oz. Yomig Bosdefs Rose 20067— Lord Beaconsfield (P. S. 330 J. H. B.), Bosdet's Rose 3d 17314— Dam of Saugus Lass 30.542 14 lbs. 9 oz. Yomig Cherry 14945— Victor (P. S. 148 J. H. B.), Cherry (F. S. 1428 J. H. B.) — Dam of Young Cherry 3d 14980 14 lbs. 714 oz. Young Fancy 97 — Gen. Grant 47, Fancy 3d 95— Dam of Landseer's Fancy 2876 29 lbs. 14 oz. Young Garenne 13641— Koftee (F. S. 333 J. H. B.), Garenne 24534— Dam of Young Garenne 3d 13648 16 lbs. S}i oz. Young Rose 'P. S. 43 J. H. B.i— Orange Peel 503, Rose (F. S. 339 J. H. B.)— Dam of Rose of Oxford ]:«69 15 lbs. U}4 oz. Zillia 1692, imp.— Dam of Zillia 2d 1693 15 lbs. 2 cz. Zina 1434— Bismarck 393, Belle 1235— Dam of Polynia 107.53 16 lbs. 7 oz. Zina 2d 3082— Koba 416, Zina 1434— Dam of (Enone 8614 18 lbs. 1.5 oz. LIST OF DAMS. 511 Zina 3d 4134— May Boy 705, Zina 1434— Dam of Hazen's Bess 7329 24 lbs. 11 oz. Hazen's Nora 4791 20 lbs. 5 oz. Zingaratta 17016— Signal (F. S. 278 J. H. B.), Zingara (F. S. 1864 J. H. B.) — Dam of Lionette 18038 17 lbs. 1 oz. Zitella 8780— Mercury 432. Minnie 2386— Dam of Zitella 2d 11922 17 lbs. 8)^ oz. Zoedone 12034— Browny (P. S. 158 J. H. B.), Dam on I. of J.— Dam of City Belle 165.39 15 lbs. 5)4 oz. Zoe Mou 2704— Partisan 235, Zoe Le Bas 1338— Dam of Golden Zoe 3975 16 lbs. 3 oz. SXJFFLEJVEENT^R^^ LIST TESTS Fi mm m\m thm se!ei mis The tests marked with an asterisk (*) are from Vol. T. of ''Butter Tests of Jersey Cows,'' compiled by Maj. Campbell Brown and others. EIGHT DAYS. * Lady Josephine 11560. — Yield of butter, 19 lbs. 3 oz. in 8 daj^s ; test made June IS to 25, 1882 ; property of E. L. Briggs, Wilton Junction, Iowa. ( Scion 1033 ■* ^^"^ Knight 666. (Bertram 1883 ' ^ybele 3d 1270. Favorita 310S ^ Mogul 533. ' 1- avorita .iUh -^ ^-^^^^^ .-^^ gj^ Lady Josephine 11560.'! ( Touchstone 315 \ ?onl°'4 ^~- V Josephine Beacon 3306. - lopaz ,.t^ \ Josephine .d .3296 j ^.^^^^^f^''"' TEN DAYS. * Lady Oxford 4860.— Yield of milk, 310 lbs.; yield of butter, 23 lbs. 2 oz. in 10 days ; test made January, 1878 ; age, 3 years aad 8 months; property of Thomas C. Murphj', Thaj^er, Kan. I Excelsior of Jersey 940, imp. I Olivia 1397, imp. Lady Oxford 4860. *Miss Blanche 2515.— YMeld of milk, 3.57 lbs.; yield of butter, 20 lbs. 9 oz. in 10 days ; test made from July 35 to August 3, 1879 ; age, 8 years and 33:2 months ; property of Z. C. Luse & Son, Iowa City, Iowa. Miss Blanche 2515. Ringleader 392, imp. Zilpah 2510. 3^-P'"--^d527 ]SS.imp. ) Young Major 214. • • • "/ Zephyr 2506. ' Zaidee 2d 2,508. * Birdie 2611, imp. — Yield of butter, 20 lbs. in 10 days; property of G. Dawson Coleman, Brickerville, Pa. 513 614 BUTTP:il TESTS OF JERSEYS. FOURTEEN DAYS. Valhalla 5300.— Yield of butter, 34 lbs. in 14 days ; test made in 1882 ; age, 6 years ; property of C. P. Markle & Sons, West Newton. Pa. , Signal 1170 I Valhalla 5300 ,„„.„ -.,,,-, ) Willie Bov 4:34. Manus ,w -J Lady Mary 1148, imp. ^oigiiai ii.u < J |pa..yMorn..060 \^^^, I I G^^'"l Duke Alexi. 1040 -| !^^fe?orine^Lachaise 2740, '^Azelda 3872 < imp. ( Grand Duchess of St. Peter's 2733, imp. FIFTEEN DAYS. King's Trust 18946.— Yield of butter. 36 lbs. 6I4 oz. in lo days; test made in 1884 ; age, 3 j'ears ; 2')roperty of 8. ]\I. Burnham, Saugatuck, Conn. ( Khedive TYonng Prince -! (P S. 103 J. H. (P. S. 182 J. H. B.) ( Princesse B.)a' iF. S. 129 B.) 'Kir.g (P. S. 2.38 J. H. B.)-! iF. S. 1294 J. H. B.) King's Trust 18946. .A ySady (F. S. 1590 J. H. B.) txrust (F. S. 3993 J. H. B.) TWENTY-NINE DAYS. Silver Delle 40691.— Yield of milk, 794 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 55 lbs. in 29 days ; test made from May 22 to June 20, 1889 ; age, 3 years and 2 months ; grain fed daily, 15 lbs. ground oats, peas and wheat bran ; pasture ; property of Mrs. E. M. Jones, Brockville, Ont., Can. ,. TT „, -onn \ Lord Charlion ,5463. \ McHenry .>t590 -^ jjg,,^ g-.g^ f Ell wood 1:M82 - ( (;2ar of New York 4049. I (Delle 2d \.,.i -, Delle 3789. Silver Delle 40G91. 1 ; D •, iA'r I Euclid 520. r., „ ^, ,. ( Baritone IO..5 ", Lady Marv 1148. imp. Uharlton Caroline 11. 24-> , On L of J. f Caroline 2d 2019 ^ 2738, imp. THIRTY DAYS. * Abbie Z. 14002.— Yield of milk, 1,400 lbs.; yield of butter, 61 lbs. 2 oz. in 30 days ; test made June, 1876 ; age, (J years and 1 montli ; property of Harvey Newton, Southville, Mass. j-Comet 130, imp. in dam -| EngliJlf Beauty 449,imp. Abbie Z. 14002 \ ( Bill .50, imp. S^^o^-^^^^y^ ■icowelip43 '^'"^'^^ ''""' (Rose 3d 013 ^'^^^T'- TESTS FOR LONGKK I'ERIODS; THAN SKVEN DAYS. 515 THIRTY-ONE DAYS. Daisy Hinman 61537.— Yield of milk, 1,308 lbs. 14 oz.; yield of cream, 350 lbs.; yield of butter, 102 lbs., salted, in 31 days; test made from February 23 to March 25, 1891 ; age, 5 years and 3 months ; fed during test, 804 lbs. grain, 300 lbs. hay and 420 lbs. ensilage ; property of Ayer & McKinney, Philadelphia, Pa. f Ida's Rioter of St. L. I 13656 /"Bachelor of St. Lam- bert 4558 Daisy Hinman 61537. . - Mary Hinman 17619. . ( Orlofif 3143. '( Charity of St. Lambert ■■^ 66.38. llda of St. Lambert M \ ^^^ li^^_ bert 5122. JStoke Pogls 5th 5987.... i^S^T^Snlr •iBdle Hinman 3641 ] S^^.!^, ,,,,. Coquette of Glen Rouge 17559.— Yield of milk, 1,014 lbs. 2 oz.; yield of cream, 339 lbs.; yield of butter, 93 lbs. 4 oz., salted, in 31 days; made from January 8 to February 7, 1891 ; age, 9 years and 11 months ; fed during test, 930 lbs. grain, 300 lbs. hay and 800 lbs. ensilage ; property of Ayer & McKinney, Philadelphia, Pa. ("^ tet%°l1 "^ ^'- ^''°" 3 ^"^'' '°'' ^ imeh^484^mp: Cc^uette of Glen I '"^ " | p^j^^ ^^ Windsor 483. imp. Rouge 17oo9 < ^ ^ I Sweet Brier of St. ( Lord Lisgar 1066 -I Sne^iof ^^^' ''^^■ Lambert 5481 \ I a -il^OK \ Lily of St. Lambert 5120 -| ^a^^J oFwindsor 483, imp. Bomba 10330. — Yield of butter, 89 lbs. 14 oz. in 81 days; test made in 1882 ; age, 4 years ; property of A. B. Darling, Ramsej^'s, N. J. f Sarnedon 930 -* Mercury 432. ^arpLQon y.iu ^ Europa 176. ( Duke of Darlington 2460 < Eurotas 2454 \ K^^^f ^' ^""P" Bombal0:j30 \ (Europa l,b, I Smith of Darlington , On L of J. VBeauty of Darlington I ~ 1 Premium of Darlington 5736 K 5572, imp. Urace Darlington 5574. . ■] ^ro[et"of' Darlington 5.573, imp. Miss Satanella 31544.— Yield of milk, 1,164 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 78 lbs. 31-2 oz. in 31 days ; test made from May 13 to June 12, 1889 ; age, 4 years and 11 months; grain fed daily. 18 lbs. ground oats, peas and wheat bran; good pasture; property of Mrs. E. M. Jones, Brockville, Ont., Can. j Compo Boy 2*^ \ SiuVs^JS, imp. \ Miss Vermont 7698, imp. /-Commander in Chief , ^^^^j^ j^j.^ J •^"•*^ I Undine of South East ■\ 4548, imp. Uignalia 5303 \ H^JJfJn^oJjersey 2736, imp. ( Master Vermont 4304. Miss Satanella 31544.. - .Satanella 8927. 516 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. Priscilla Pogis 39270.— Yield of milk, 1,043 lbs. 12 oz.; yield of butter, 77 lbs. I2I2 f'2- i" '^1 i^aySj salted 1 oz. to pound; test made from Februar^^ 23 to March 26, 1890 ; age, 3 years and 9 montlis ; fed daily, 23 lbs. 8 oz. ensilage, 7 lbs. 8 oz. corn meal, 5 lbs. cotton seed, 3 lbs. 8 oz. oil meal, 6 lbs. crushed oats and 8 lbs. hay ; property of Ayer & McKinney, Philadelphia, Pa. ( stoke Poais ifh -iqsr -! ^^°^^ ^°8'^ ''2^^' '™P- t istoKe i'ogis otQ 598. .... -J Marjoram S2S9, imp. Priscilla Pogis .39270.. (r 13830 [ Duchess of Darlington ( Duke of Darlington 2460 -} |^,'i!otas'2454'' i Tii-^ •„£!.„ lontrv ( Dick Swiveller 159. / Mmnie Stevens 130,59. . . -| Jy^^^^ gg^^ j^^p Couch's Lily 3237. — Yield of butter, 71 Ib.s. in 31 days ; test made in 1874 ; age, 5 years. C Alberts ( Jerry 1.5, imi). I A'oert 44 I prankie 17, imp. Conch's Lily 32.37 < (.Lily Dale 3236 \ Rradlev Tow -Wo -* Sl)lendid 2, imp. I liraaiej (_ o^\ >0.5. -^ j^ewis Cow No. 1 20.50, imp. * Oak Leaf 4769. — Yield of butter, 63 lbs. 4 oz. in 31 days ; propei-ty of John D. Wing, Millbrook, N. Y. , ^. t ,„■ Q,,_ ( Black Imperial 2.55. /^Devilshoof 866 < ' I ( Darkness 1345, imp. Oak Leaf 4769 -! Echo -3 i '^""' '''''°" '"" ' K'ptow 2172, imp. Viicno — .1 . , Saturn 94, imp. ' ^""^^ ~'^^'' ( Edith 167, imp. Topsy of Malone 49478.— Yield of milk, 790 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 55 lbs. 12 oz. in 31 days ; test made from IMay 31 to July 1, 1889 ; age, 2 years and 1 month ; grain fed daily, 15 lbs. ground oats, peas and wheat bran; good pasture ; property of Mrs. E. M. Jones, Brockville, Ont., Can. ( Jack Frost of St. Lam- f Hugo Chief of St. i Lord Banff 11110 -, bert 2419. I Anne's 12070 - ' Empress Cariotta 10921. I ' ^i;???,"^ **'• ''^''"^'* t Lome .5248. _, -,, , ,n,„o! "/ Habe of St. Lambert Topsy of Malone 49478-! 5jjy . m • r-rrr, ( On I. Of J. j Tarquin 7.50 J Lottie Warren 1667, imp. ' Jennie 296, imp. 1. Malone 4986 ^ THIRTY-FIVT DAYS. Paola Stoke Pogis 34691.— Yield of milk, 1,385 lbs.; yield of butter, 109 lbs. 10 oz. in 35 days ; test made from January 11 to February 15, 1891 ; age, 5 years and 4 months ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; fed during test, 742 lbs. grain and 290 lbs. roots ; property of P. J. Cogswell, Rochester, N. Y. r Exile of St. Lambert ( '^^Ifjj.f °^, "/ ^^- ^^°^- ( Orloff 3143. 13657 < ^'^^ ■^''^^ ■( Charity of St. Lambert Paola Stoke Pogis ! ' -^'"^g,?/ ^'- ^^*'"^''''^' * Stolf Pogis 3d 22.38. ^091 ... J •^^•" "( Kathleen of St. Lam- I bert 5122 1 , cf T t, 1 ^arlo (P.'s! 180 J. H. B.) I St. John - TTnioiie • t St. John's Daisy 28:?88. . - ( P. S. 316 J. H. B.) • ' ^ ', p' g J03., j. H. B.) ' Letacq Bess. TESTS FOR LONGER PERIODS THAN SEVEN DAYS. 517 SIXTY-ONE DAYS. * Lady Mel 2d 1795.— Yield of milk, average of 18 qts. per day ; yield of butter, 183 lbs. in 61 days ; test made from April 15 to June 15, 1875 ; age, 5 years and 4 months at end of test ; property of C. P. Chapman, Pittsfleld, 111. j '^'*'®" *^ ( Prankie 17, imp. (mei»a5, / Mel 37. Massena 25732.— Yield of milk, 1,822 lbs. 8 oz.; yield of butter, 145 lbs. 8}4, oz. in 61 days; test made from Marcli 12 to May 11, 1891 ; age, 15 years ; g-rain fed daily, 15 lbs. of a mixture consisting of equal parts of bran, g-roun-^. oats, peas and corn, with a little oil meal, for the first eleven daj's, increased to 18 lbs. during the next nine days, again increased to 21 lbs. on the twenty- first daj', and so continued to the forty-fourth day, when it was reduced to 15 lbs. for the remainder of the test; fed also good hay and one feed of roots per day until the forty-fifth day; property of Mrs. E. M. Jones, Brockville, Ont., Can. I Sam Weller, Jr. 13,V2. ...\ l^'l^.^lf 1~"' ™P- Kacrn m=;^ ( JNoiaibb, imp. ''''°'''' (Victoria 3175 ^ ^^^^r?" Massena 257.32 . ') Jessie 3207, imp. ^ Daniel Webster 403 ....-* %}. ^L^-imu iHighland Mary 3d 19876- ' ^ '°^^ ~^^' ™P- ( Highland Marj' 291, imp. SIXTY-TWO DAYS. *Mollie Garfield 12172.— Yield of milk, 1,877\' lbs. in 62 days; yield of butter, 163 lbs. in 62 days ; test made during months of July and August, 1882 ; age, 6 years and 5 months at end of test ; property of F. S. Peer, East ])almvra, N. Y. T>^,. „,. „-rt ( Pilot Bov 4S0. .Belisano 640 1 Flora 1422. {Bel Caliph 14.32 - ( John Le Bas .398 / Calliope 1326 - (Noljle F. S. 71 J.H.B.) ( Caltha 877, imp. Manle Dale "907 * Victor 797, imp. Mapie uaie ..ju, ^ g^j^^^^ jgg^^ j^^^^ NINETY-ONE DAYS. Little Torment 15581. — Yield of milk, 2,752 lbs. 6oz.; yield of cream, 638 lbs. 9 oz.; yield of butter, 227 lbs. l/g oz. in 13 weeks; test made from March 17 to June 15, 1885 ; age, 3 years and 4 months at end of test ; estimated weight, 800 lbs.; fed daily, 18 lbs. ground corn and oats and 3 pints of oil meal, in three feeds, for nine weeks, with plenty of hay ; 12 qts. ground corn and oats in two feeds, with pasture, for the rest of tlietime; property of George M. Jewett, Glenville, Md. j^, ,. (Leo(F. S. 198J. H. B.) m » 0-.J.5 ^ 7d o 1 ;vj' V" tr' 'V,'; • • • ■/ Coomassie 1 1874 I ^°'^T\?-n -^V' «• i.V'l ^^- ^- 10-^ J- H- B. ) , p s J44.J J. H B.) (F. b. 2,-,.) J. H. B.) (AngelaCF.S. 1607 J.H.B.) Little Torment 15581. 1 , A 1 u i-K^o I ^Mercurv 4 L,. . ,^„„ jAlpheuslieS -/Earopai; lMeprise4898 {_ ___ , 1 .^.cs I ^Mercurv 4.32. 76. I Camilla 4th -'O^^ ' yioani .568. imp. camiua 4ta ,u,.:i ^ Camilla 2020, imp. 518 BUTTER TESTS OF JERSEYS. ONE HUNDRED AND ONE DAYS. Massena 25732.— Yield of milk, 1,499 lbs. 10 oz.; yield of butter, 162 lbs. 3 oz. in 101 days ; test made in 1885 ; age, 9 years ; property of P. P. Paddock, Malone, N. Y. c vTT 11 T ior.i » Sam Weller'^71, imp. ,, , ,_, \ Sa'" teller, Jr. 13r,2. . . • ^„^^ g.^ ■ ( \ ictoria .31,. 5 - j^^^j^ g^^. \ Massena !i5732. I i I Hishland Mary 3d 19876- ' Highland Mary 291, imp. 1 , T-, 1 TIT V, . Ar,-^ \ On I. of J. L • ,,, , ^ .-, 1Q^~« ^ ^''""' ^ *'^*''"" '^ I Flosa 29a, imp. V Highland Mary 3d 19876- ' ^ ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE DAYS. Matilda 4th 12816.— Yield of butter, 279 lbs. TV.,' oz., salted 1 oz. to pound, in 125 days; test made from December 2, 1885, to April 6, 1886; age, 5 years at beginning of test; weight, 1,000 lbs.; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. Above test was merely incidental to a made for milk, in which Matilda 4th gave a total of 16,153\ lbs. for tlie twelve months ending April 6, 1886, the cow being fed with special reference to flow of milk. Included in butter record given above is tlie month of January, her tenth month after calving-, in which she j)roduced 73 lbs. IJ^ oz. I Stoke Pogis 12.59, imp. Matilda 4th 12816 - / Mntilflfl :^'>:^S inin. ( Matilda 32.38, imp. THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN DAYS. Bisson's Belle 31144, imp. — Yield of milk, 7,373 lbs. 4 oz.; yield of butter, 947 lbs. 12i's oz., salted 1 oz. to jwund, in 317 days; test made from July 15, 1890, to May 27, 1891; age, 7 years and 4 months at beginning of test; estimated weight, 950 lbs.; grain fed daily, 24 qts. ; propeity of Maury Jer.sey Farm, Columbia, Tenn., Wm. J. Web.ster, President. As this volume goes to, this test is being continued to complete an entire year. I C'arlo.s, on I. of J. Bisson's Belle 31144 - / Purity, on I. of J. FIFTY WEEKS. * Flora 113, imp. —Yield of butter, 511 lbs. 2 oz. in 50 weeks; test made May 16, 1853, to April 30, 1854; age, 4 years; property of Thomas Motlej-. Jamaica Plain, Mass. TESTS FOR LONGER PERIODS TJIAN SEVEN DAYS, 519 ONE YEAR. Eurotisama 29668.— Yield of milk, 11 to ll^ qts. per day; yield of butter, 945 lbs. 9 oz., salted 1 oz. to pound, in one year ; test made from April 22, 1889, to April 21, 1890 ; age, 4 years and 11 months at beg-inning of test ; weight, 820 lbs. ; grain fed daily averaged about 21 lbs.; property of D. F. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass. i Domino of Darlington I Pedro 3187 - 24.59. [Young Pedro 9033 -. f Eurotas 2454. ' Rioter Alphea 10091 ....\ i?.?"i,!' ^f ™k«Q. Eurotisama 29668 4 ' Chansonnette 5695. ( Ramapo 4679 -\ f}}^'^'!^, ^ Amite 18877 - ?,i^nMr • l^^^^resm -la/elk Landseer's Fancy 2876. — Yield of butter, 936 lbs. 14-^4 oz. in one year ; test made from January 26, 1885, to January 25, 1886; age, 11 years and 2 months at beginning of test ; carried calves for nine months of the year ; property of Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Tenn., Wm. J. Webster, President. r Landseer 331 ■] ^l^J^^ j^p. Landseer's Fancv 2876^ ,/-<„„ o„„*» ^c • I I Gen. Grant 47 MeWine 26 imD ^ Young Fancy 97 - n» f e^-^f , 5r ^' ( t! ancy ^a Jo ^ Fancy 9, imp. Mary Anne of St. Lambert 9770.— Yield of butter, 867 lbs. 143^ oz, in one 3'3ar ; test made 1883-4 ; age, 4 years ; projierty of V. E. Fuller, Hamilton, Ont., Can, ( stoke Pofris "id '"'^8 * ^^°^^ ^^'g'^ ^~^^- '""P- Mary Anne of St. ^^°^^ ^°^'^ '^^ ''*'^**- • • • ( Marjoram 3239, imp. Lambert 9770 < I f R.HTo.. ont-f; i Lord Monck 304. ^ Lolly of St. Lambert Ji"iier ^uoi, -^ Amelia 484, imp. 5480 < ( Camelia of St. Lambert , t „,.^ t ;^ mrc KiAfi ' Lord Lisgur lOOo. °^^'^ "( Hebe of St. Lambert 5117. Eurotas 2454. — Yield of butter, 778 lbs. 1 oz. in one year ; test made 1879-80 ; age, 8 years ; property of A. B. Darling, Ramsey's, N, J. ^Rioter 2d 469, imp. Eurotas 24.54 ■{ , r,„,ihea 171 * Saturn 94, imp. { AJpnea i , i ^ j^^^^ jg^^ j^^^ Gazella 3d 9355.— Yield of milk, 10,074 lbs.; yield of butter, 751 lbs. 6 oz. in one year; age, 8 years; estimated weight, 900 lbs.; grain fed daily averaged less than IOI3 lbs.; carried a calf during the entire year, excepting six weeks ; property of Geo. W. Farlee, Cresskill, N. J. (SiM -^ Minnie 7826. Jenny 7827 " Faniiit; 782;i, inij). Signoretta 21546.— Yield of milk, 7,621 ]b.s.; yield of butter, 680 lbs. 6i^oz. in one year: test commenced when one week less than tliree years and three months old, and on her second calf; estimated weight, 750 lbs.; grain fed daily, an average of less than 8 lbs.; property of Geo. W. Farlee, Cresskill, N. J. I Vr^r^t^tc-,-. -^icj ( Wanderer 3014. Signalio 7649 ^''"'^^'^ ■'''' "' ^adette of Verna 6814. ' Fairy-Qneen of Verna ^ Engineer 006. o. „ „,..« J ^^ ' ■( Fairv of Verna 6813, Signoretta 21546 ■{ j„^i, ' 1 Compo Boy 2830 ■] r '" ']nl ^.,-iI' • Gazella -?5 \ ^apt. Darlinsr .535. Living Storm 173 - " ' ^"=«'"- ^aker 13, ttnp. ( Pansy 8, imp. ^'^'^^^ '''' ^ lEmperor2d 37 "I f ^^"^ ^' ""'■• Dolly 2d 1020 - j Splendent 16, imp. '"°"> 10"! |Dot7, imp. Fawn of St. Lambert 27942.— Yield of milk, 14,535 lbs. 12 oz. for one year ending February 13, ]ss7 ; yield of butter, 571 lbs. 6 oz. for one year ending Februaiy 25, 1887; age, 3 years and 9" months at beginning of test; property of Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. This butter test was incidental to test for milk yield, the cow being fed with reference to flow of milk. f Bachelor of St. Lam- ^ Orloff 3143 :..] ^"^^^^ ^066. Ijert 45.58 - ' upaeiie 4.M. ^^Zrt °/-Q ,o ^''°'" J ' ^' c«-,«^' °^ ^'- L"'"^'^'"^ ( Stoke Pogi« 3<1 2238 ^^'^^ 2, 942 ^ 06.ib -J Flora of Sr. Lambert ^ ""tm.^!: ':""!'!:!.. * ''°'" "'"'"' '' ''''• • • • ^ tSi^n? Sii""- ' ^f,fil'^";°..f ^'- ^""'" ) Lord Lis-jar 1066. "'^^ ■"'"■- ( Lucy of St. Lambert 5116. M/^-' '4^ m M ^^^ ,-'/.^