TECHNOLOGICAL MUSEUM. SYDNEY.^ G A B:1ME:T TIMB E RS AUSTRALIA. R. T. OAKER, F,L..S., &c., Curator. / Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of British Columbia Library DEPARTMENT 0¥ PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. fHiuistrr : The Hon. A. C. CARMICHAEL, M.L.A. Outiri $cfirtaiu : PETER BOARD, Esq., M.A. *9474-A •♦• TECHNICAL EDUCATION SERIES, No. 18. -:^^-^\^ . TECMNIfAL EDIirATION RRANCH J. W. TURNER, Superlnlendenl. TECHNOLOGICAL ^^ MUSEUM, SYDNEY. e=: CABINET TIMBERS OF AUSTRALIA. 1913. - BY — R. T. BAKER, F.L.S. Corr. Me mb. Phar Soc. Gre at Britain. Curfitor and Economic Botan 1st. ~^yl^ ^\jP ~-~5^^ Published by the Authority of the Government of the State of N.S.W. l^fje ^Passing; of tije Jf ores^t. Kf'fe'/? is Ihe axe, the rushing fire streams bright, Clear, beautiful and fierce it speeds for man. The Master, set to change and stern to smile. Bronzed pioneer of nations. Ay. but scan The ruined beauty wasted in a night. The blackened wonder God alone could plan. And build not twice ! A bitter price to pay Is this for progress beauty swept away. W. p. Reel) it u-a- in iiu- lUMiiiiiiounujii 1 ui \\ lun-oi - in. i uiukiMmry liiat tilt- nrst Cabinet Timber of Australia was obtained, viz., " RoJ Cedar,' and this is probably th-s house - erected about 1796 — in which it was first used. The floors, skirtings, mantelpieces, doors, windows, and even the weatherboards were made of this timber and these are all in a good state of pres-rvation to-day, T913. Contents. 1. Introduction 2. Preface ... 3. Cabinet Timbers OF AUSTR.A.LIA-.. 4. List of Timbers, arranged in Botanicai Sequence 5. List of Illustrations of Timbers in Natural Colours 6. List of Illustrations in Black and White, showing how some of the various Timbers ARE utilised Description of each individual Timber, Botanv of the Tree, and its Geographical Range 8. Suggested Uses for Australian Cabinet Timbers 9. Types of Si'ecific Gravity ... ... Summary of data concerning each Species Index PAGE. 7-8 9 10-15 16-17 18-19 20-23 24-173 174-177 178 179-182 183-186 1 . Introduction. \\\\ WW. MlMSTER en-' PrUMf IXSTRCI'TION.) Till-! iL'sthclic and utilitarian purposes to wliich t)ur nati\c tinil)ers IlmicI themsehcs have been emphasised in man\- directions in the past, hut the special adaptation of a section of them for cabinet work is now conclusi\el\' shown In Mr. K. T. Baker in this publication. As he mentions, it did not take the first settlers long to find out and appreciate such a valuable cabinet timber as our " Red Cedar," the history of which he has traced back to practically the foundation of the Coloin . Such a valuable timber as this should not be lost sight of in the reafforestation now about to be undertaken bv the Forestry Department of this State, for after one hundred years it still ranks as a first-class cabinet timber. The colour, figure, and other characteristics here portrayed of the \arious species, bv colour photographx', will no doubt come as a revelation to all who are not intimately acquainted with the timbers themselves; and these coloured illustrations speak louder than words, and at the same time demand that action should no longer be delaved in the culture of such fine specimens of the cabinet-maker's desiderata. Such a technical work as this shows without doubt that our forest trees are worthv of more attention than has been given them in the past, and that they deserve to be still better known in the future. The late Baron \on Mueller, the greatest student of the great .'Xustralian genus Hucalyptus, never tired of singing the praises of the trees of that genus, for their technological \alue, but in no instance is there a record where he predicted their utilisation for cabinet work, and yet here .Mr. Baker graphically demonstrates that several species are indeed well adapted for this special handicraft. In one particular group of Eucalyptus — the Stringybarks — it has passed the experimental stage, and is now a fait accompli, for in Tasmania and Sydney some fine samples of the cabinet-maker's art made from these trees are being placed on the market. Facts like these should bring home to the Australian the value of our timbers, and inculcate a higher appreciation of their virtue than perhaps we have been prepared to assign to them in the past. Apart from the cabinet-maker, these illustrations will undoubtedly serve another \erv useful purpose, for I am sure the technical students of the various branches of decorative art of to-dav and the future will use this work for reference, for there they will find ready to hand and true to life, the natural colour and graining of our Australian timbers. The purpose of this work Is primarily to give information to the trade concerning the specific characteristics of respective woods that may be classed as cabinet ; also to show to the timber merchant the approximate localitv where the trees are to be found, and for his field guidance a botanical description of each is added. I think it will be admitted that by the bringing together of such data. Technical Education in \ew South Wales has placed the cabinet world, and others interested in the subject, under an obligation ; and I have little doubt but that the effort of Mr. Baker will be generally appreciated, as will also that of the Government Printer and his staff, who have executed this technical work in the highest class of printer's art. CAMPBELL CARMICHAEL. 2. T* re face. IK % Si;\'i:i<.\i. factors were inslruinental in brinti^ing about the wriiing o\ this pLibhcation, and not tlie least important of these is a desire to produce amongst Aiistrahans a higher appreciation of their own native timbers in this one particular branch of Technology, viz., cabinet work and its allied trades. Another was that some of these beautiful woods, owing to the rapid advance of the settler, are in jeopardy of being exterminated altogether, and that by bringing these in this form before the commercial world, it is hoped the various Forestry Departments of tlie Commonwealth may be moved to set apart reserves for their reafforestation before it is too late. To the students of our Technical Colleges it will supply a desideratum by giving a new Held of work from whicii to reproduce the graining of Australian woods instead o\ the old world's limbers copied now for gene rati oils. As it is, I often look at these timbers and wonder if they will not shortly become as dead as the Dodo, but still I hope their conservation is now near at hand. As far as I am aware, no pre\iouslv published work is devoted entirely to the subject, nor have coloured illustrations of our timbers been attempted before. That our cabinet-makers might be moved to take a greater interest in such a valuable national asset, by utilising in a greater measure in the future than has been the custom in the past, also plaved no small part in its preparation. At any rate, its publication will, 1 hope, serve at least asanotlier historical record of the \aried and \aluable resources of Australia's wonderful forests. R.T.B. i9'2- ______^ ACKXO\Vl.i;i)C..MI-:\T. To the following officers of the Museum my thanks are due for assistance rendered in the preparation of this work: — Messrs. C. Still, 1). Cannon, and L. G. Irby. 3. Cabinet Timbers of Hustralia. Xatukk, as in main- other directions, has not been nig-gardiv as regards its endowment of beautiful and decorative timbers in this Island Continent of ours, for it is almost impossible to make even a modest collection of woods without the ornamental character of one or other of them appealing to ilie artistic eye. This Institution has alwavs made a prominent feature of the timber resources of Australia in particular, and the world in general, so that to-dav it probablv has onl\- one ri\'al in its comprehensiveness, viz., that of the Ro\-al Botanic Gardens, Kew, England. The Australian samples here date a long wa\- back in colonial histor\', tor some ol the specimens were exhibited at the Great International Exhibition of 1S51, at Paris 1S55, London 1S62, and some of even earlier date than this in local exhibitions, whilst others have a history going- back almost from the foundation of the Colonv. Manv of these specimens were for long scattered amongst the \arious Government Departments in Sydne\-, but about ]iS82 they were brought together, and so was laid the foundation for this extensive collection. Xaturalh-, such a collection, which numbers not less than 5,000, di\'ides itself into groups of various branches of economics. Xot the least amongst these is the section devoted to cabinet and ornamental timbers, and it is in the interest of these that the present work has been undertaken. .Some of the specimens in this category rival those of other countries tor figure, grain, weight, texture, and for general decorative purposes, and are unique in many other respects. Thus, whilst these qualities are claimed for them in general, yet it may also be said that they possess characteristic features that distinguish them as Australian. l-'orcinost ainoiii^M sucli liinhcis is perhaps the " i\ci.l Cedar," Cnircln Toomi, which lias extended its range soulh iVoin liie Malav I'cniiisula inlii Oueenslaiid and New South Wales. Taken all in all, it is considered ihe best all-nnind limber in Ausiralia, and is still in great demand forcouniers and internal wood- work i^lecoraiion, alliunigh in recent \ears, for fiirniliire making it has goneont of fashion, it was probably the \er\- first limber to which cabinet-makers' aitcntion was seriously drawn at the inception of the trade in the earlv davs of the L'olon\-. Tlie tirst mention ^^\ it in the Historical Kecords is by Collins, vol. i. p. 412, who states that the master of the ship " fancy," Captain Dell, took to England logs of cedar from the Ilawkesburv l\i\er in 171)3. Imoiii then onwards other similarly beautiful timbers were brought to light, as the coastal brush districts north and soiuh o'. I'ort Jackson were openetl up. Then followed settlement in other Stales, and so new decorati\e timbers came to he known, and to have been added from time to time a few from the interior ; but it must be admitted that the typical .Australian l-'lora ot those parts is rather wanting in iM-namenlal woods— at least, produces only a limited number. It is well known that we possess such beautiful woods like Blackwood, .Maples (O., Tas., and X.S.W'.), Silkv Oak, Walnut, Red Bean, Jarrah, and many others, which are all lirst-class limbers for this particular industrv. .\t the present lime the fashion is " Oak," and so large (.luantities ^^i Jap mese •' Oak " (sii) are being- used in the furniture trade as a rival to English Oak, which it resembles in hgure, but is consider- ably lighter in weight and more open in texture. Although Australia has no true Oak o\ the Ouercus familv, vet it may be mentioned rii passaiil, that there is here an extensive supply of so-called nati\e Oaks in our Casuarinas, which extend over a great part of the Continent. With the exception of " Belah " trees have a figure quite like the English Oaks, and are of equal hardness, but show a slight variation of colour through the different species, ranging from a true Oak colour to a deep red, or almost black. There seems no reason whv these .Australian Oaks should not command a premier position as an ornamental, decorative, and furniture timber, as they possess all the desiderata such as supply, relative cheapness, and capabilil\- of sustaining a high polish, combined with a beauty in figure. W'itli our Eucalyptus (gum trees) little lias been done to test their qualities in this line, althoug-h one of the first common names applied to them was in connection with cabinet nomenclature, viz., " Mahogany," — this designation being bestowed upon Eucalyptus resuuyera, Sm., by the first settlers at Port Jackson, where it was then a common tree. Later, however, it was found that there were other trees far more deserving the appellation as they more nearly approached in colour and texture the original Mahogany, Siviefcina Mahogaiit from Honduras. Western Australians and Tasmanians, however, are losing no opportunity of bringing their beautiful Eucalyptus timbers before the British public, ior at the Imperial Institute there is exhibited some fine suites of furniture and other samples of the cabinet-makers' art in Karri and Jarrah, and these are an object lesson to the other States in the matter of a better utilisation of some of the Eucalypts in this direction. Our Red Boxes, Red Gums, Slaty Gum, and others are very suitable for special lines of this branch of technology. Before leaving the Eucalypts, a word must be said in praise of our much despised " Stringybarks " for cabinet work, for it is in them that Australia has an excellent substitute for the imported " Oaks," and what is of great importance, the supply is unlimited for many years to come. For the utilisation of "Stringybarks" in Applied Art, credit must be given to the Tasmanian, for in his Island home one finds the "Stringybarks' largely manufactured into furniture, office fittings, church fittings and decoration, wood-carving, panellings, and various other forms of decorative art. For this class of work these have a particularly attractive and pleasing appearance, the two species specially selected being E. Dclcgaieiisis and E. dhliijna : the former for preference, as it prepares well and makes vcrv attractive articles of an " Oak " colour. Both these species occur on the mainland as well as in Tasmania, and altogether there are something like twenty species of ".Stringybarks" — none of which appears ever to have been used in this direction, so here is a big field of investigation for our cabinet- makers. Thousands of " Stringybarks " have been cut down and destroyed in the past as worthless. I regard the introduction here of the " Stringybarks " as a cabinet timber as one of the salient points in this work, for apart from other considerations the supply is apparently inexhaustible. I-Acii Ironbark has been utilised for decoration in ilie past, for the late John Macarthur, Esq., introduced some large fluted columns of this timber in the ornamentation of the Reception or Ball Room ai Camden Park House, erected in 18,^4. With the usual cabinet timbers becoming' scarce, our " Stringvbarks " should no longer be neglected in this connection. Some ol the larger " Tea trees " are also good timber for tiiis purpose, as well as one or two of the Angophoras — " Apple Trees." Amongst soft timbers our Pines or Conifers are deser\ing of consideration, for, as can be seen bv the illustrations here given, they possess some good qualities for cabinet work. Queensland Kauri, Brown l'*ine, Iving William Pine, Huon Pine, Sec, are beautiful timbers of their kind, and for figure the Callitris are elegant. In addition to the above, mention must be made of Tasmania's contribution to Australia's cabinet woods, for besides Blackwood, King William Pine, Huon Pine, and Celery Top Pine, &c., already noted, the first also occurring on the mainland, such timbers as Red Myrtle, Leatherwood, and String\'- bark are a considerable acquisition to our valuable timbers. In order to show the adaptabilitv of our woods and /ynur encourage Ics aufrcs several Government Offices in the various States are decorated with Australian Timbers, whilst Banks, Commercial Institutions, and private houses e.xhibit samples of them in Applied Art, and in this Museum are shown specimens of locally manufactured articles from some of these timbers. The New South Wales Government Railway Workshops are at present turning out railway passenger carriages made almost entirely of Australian timbers, the whole either polished or varnished, in order to bring out the natural graining and figure, and the effect is most beautiful. These carriages as they leave the shops are real works of art. Those here given by no means exhaust the list of Australia's cabinet timbers, but are those concerning which most data are available. -.^ As regards the nomenclature of our cabinet timbers, our settlers were first in llic field in bestowing x'ernacular names, and it is too late to alter them now, so a little care must be exercised when applying the common names, which however are a little nearer the mark than many conferred on our gum trees, for when one mentions Maple, Myrtle, Sycamore, or W^alnut, the wood referred to will generally be found to possess some of the features of these exotic woods. On the other hand, in the name " gum tree " we have trees that do not yield gum; Apple trees that do not bear apples ; again Blue Fig, a tree that does not bear figs, and so on. One deplorable feature in connection with the subject has been the wanton waste of hundreds of millions of feet of the finest timber, subsequent upon the opening up of the country for settlement. Enormous quantities of the most beautiful timber have been felled "and cast into the fire," and in a great measure this is going on to-day. If settlement is to take place, of course the clearing of the land is inevitable, but it does seem to show a want of business capacity somewhere that the timber could not be marketed. As only certain desirable districts are opened out, there yet remains large areas of land eminently suitable for forests, such as mountain ranges and gullies, and a considerable portion of these is practically valueless for any other purpose tlian timber-growing. The original areas which grew the timber were so extensive, and the \irgin supplies being so plentiful, they were looked upon as inexhaustible. However, the timber areas are decreasing, and the time has come when timber must be put on a similar footing to other crops, so that fresh supplies should be provided for. Some choice woods like Cedar are now becoming very scarce on the N'cw South Wales coast. In Queensland, however, the supplies are larger, and the proportion of standing timber is greater— less 14 -\V?i^. exploitation having been going- on. Tiie export of timber from OLie(^nsland has not yet reached verv big dimensions, though it is gradually and steadily increasing. "There are huge areas in Queensland of forest land viccupying many miles of country, estimated at 40,000,000 acres, yet uninspected and unreserved, which one day will he thrown open to the timber-getter's axe, and the trader's activities. Masses of Pine trees, Silky Oak, &c., still exist. There arc now reserved about three or four million acres, and the operations of the timber merchants cover a considerable area, but \et small in comparison with the extent of the forest land Such choice woods as Silkv Oak, Pencil Cedar, Rosewood, Tulip Wood, and Rod Oak, besides many others that are abundant, are unrivalled for furniture making, cabinet work, ani.1 line \oncers." (" Dalgetx's Review.") Ilowexcr, before it is too late, and the supply of our beautiful cabinet timbers completely exhausted, it is hoped the I'^oresi Departments of the Commonwealth .States will take action to prerent such a national calamitx'. If tlie publication ot letterpress and these illustrations should be produclixe of action that will lead to the perpetuation of our valuable trees and species in this connection, before the last tree sheds its seed and passes into the limbo of obliviiMi, this work will not ha\e been published in vain. 15 4, Timbers Described. (ARRANGED IN BOTANICAL SEQUENCE.! *i. Crowsfoot Elm (Tarrietia argyro- dendron) ... ... ... ... Sterculiaceae. *Z. Maiden's Blush {Echinocarpiis ans- tralis, Benth.) ... ... ... Tiliacefe. "3. JilueYig (FAceocarpits grandis) ... do *4. Thorny Yellow Wood {Zaiillio.xyliiiii brachyacanthum) ... ... ... Rutaceae. "5. Scrub Hickory (Penlaceras inistrcdis) do *6. White Cedar (Mdia Azedarach) ... Meliacese. *7. Rosewood {Dysoxylon Frascn'aiiuiii) do *S. Red Bean (£). .V((t'//m) ... do c). Onion Wood (Owenia cepiodoya) ... do ■'10. Red Cedar {Cedrela Toona, Roxb.)... do '''ii. Long Jack [Flindcrsia Oxleyana) ... do ^'12. Queensland Maple {F. Chatawai- ana) ... ... ... ... ... do ^1^. New South Wales Maple ( Villarcsia Moorei] ... ... ... ... Olacinese. 14. Supple Jack (r(';;///(7go t7';«««rt/!'i) ... Rhamneae. 1 15. \i.&(i. A'ih [Al phitonia excelsa) ... do *i6. Tnlip Wood (Harpullia pendida) ... Sapindaces. - Illustrated '■'17. Yellow Cedar {RhodospJucra rhodan- thema) ... ... ... ... Anacardiacese. *i8. Black Bean (Castanospcrmum aus- trale) ... ... ... ... Leguminosse. *I9. 'Exunmxg {Acacia saliciua) ... ... do *2o. S^\\y (A. Maideni) do *2I. Blackwood {.-1. inclanoxylon) ... do .^"-22. MydA\(A. pcndiiUi) do *23. Brigalow {A. honialophyl/a) do *24. Gidgea {A. Canihagei) ... ... do *25. Tortoise Shell Tulip (Pithecolobiinn Hcndersoni) ... ... ... do *26. Coachwood {Cevatopetaliiin apetidiiin) Saxifrages. *27. Corkwood {Ackama Mucllcn) ... do *28. A N.S.W. Mountain Ash or Tas- manian Oak (Eucalyptus Delc- gatensis) ... Myrtaces. *2g. A Sh-ingyha.rk {E. ob/icjiKi) ... ... do *30. McLhogany {E. resinif era) ... ... do *3i. Jarrah {E. marginala) ... ... do *32. Red Box (E. Ruddcri) do *33. Spotted Gum (/:. iiuiculula) ... do in colour. t& Timbers —continued. *34. B\vie: Gnm {Eucalyptus saligna) *35. Slaty Gum (£. £)az£'so«t) *36. Musk, Olearia {Aster) argophylla ... *2>T- BuddA {EremopJiila Mitchelli) *^8. Beech {Ginelina Leichhardtii) *39. Sassafras {Doryplwra sassafras) *40. Queensland Walnut {Cryptocarya Palmerstoni) *4i. She Beech, or Bolly Gum {Tetran- thera reticulata) *42. Silky Oa.k {Orites excel sa) 4 ;. Silky Oak {Grevillea robusta )... ♦44. Beehvood {G. striata) *45. Victorian Waratah (Telopea oreades) *4(). Tasmanian Waratah {T. truncata) *4/. Fire tree {Stenocarpus siiuiatiis) *48. White Honeysuckle {Bauksin inlci^ri- jolia), plain figure... MjTtaces. do Compositae. Myoporineae. Verbenacete. Monimiaces. Laurineae. do Proteaceae. do (i.O do do do do *53- *54- *55. *57- *.5S. *59- *6o. *r>i. *62. *63- River Oak (Casuarina Cuiuiinghamii) Swamp Oak (C. g/rt(icrt) Bull Oak (C. Luehmanni) Be\a.\i{C. Cambagei) Forest Oak (C. torulosa) Red Myrtle (Fagus Cunninghamii)... Cherry {Exocarpus cupressiformis) ... White Pine {Callitris glauca) Black Pine (C. calcarata) King William Pine (.Athrotaxis selagi- noides) Hoop Pine {Araucaria Cunninghamii Bunya Bunya {A . Bidwilli) ... Queensland Kauri {.Agathis robusta)... Huon Pine {Dacridium Fraiiklini) ... Celery Top Pine {Phyllocladus rhom- hoidalis) Brown Pine {Podocarpus elata) Casuarinese. do do do do Cupuliferse. Santalaceae. Coniferse. do do ) do do do do do do Illustrated in colour 5, Illustrations in Natural Colours, Beech Beefwood ... Belah Black Bean (Plain and Figured) Bla:k Pine or Cypress Pine Blackwood (Plain and Figured).. Blue Fig Blue Gum ... Bolly Gum... Brigalow ... Brown Pine (Plain and Figured) Budda Bull Oak (Plain and Figured) .. Bunya Bunya Cedar (Red) Cedar (White) Celery Top Pine ... Cherry ... No. of Plate, XLI XL VI LV .. XVIII-XIX I.X .. XXII-XXIII III XXXVI XLIV XXV .LXVII-LXVllI XL LIII-LIV LXIII X VI LXVI LVIII Coachwood Corkwood Crowsfoot Elm or Irouwood Eumung Fire Tree Forest Oak Gidgea Hooj) Pine Honeysuckle (White) ... Huon Pine Jarrah ... Kauri (Queensland) King William Pine Long Jack Maiden's Blush... Mahogany Maple (Queensland) (Plain and Figured) Maple 'New South Wales) No. of Plate. XXVIII XXIX I XX XLIX LVI XX\ I LXII L-LI LXV XXXIII LXIV LXI XI II XXXII XII XIII XIV ^C<: tS &i lilt jstrations in Natun XI Colours continued. No. of Plate. No. of Plate Mountain .^h or Tasmanian Oa k XXX Silky Oak XLV -Musk (Plain and Kootstock) XXXVIII- -XXXIX Slaty Gum XXXVII Myall XXIV Spotted Gum ... xxx\- Oak (Tasmanian) XXX Stringy Bark ... . xxxi Pines ... LIX -I.XNIII Swamp Oak LII Red Ash w Thorny Yellow Wood ■■ I\" Red Bean (Light and Dark) \TI1-1X Tortoise Shell Tulip XXMI Red Box XXXI \- Tulip Wood XVI Red Cedar X Walnut (Queensland) XLIII Red Myrtle (Tasmanian) L\TI \\'aratah (Tasmanian) XLVIII Ring Gidgea XXVI Waratah (Victorian) XLVII Rosewood \TI White Cedar VI Sally XXI White Honeysuckle (PI lin and Figured) L-LI Sa>safras XLII 4 White or Cypress Pine LIX Scrub Hickory V Yellow Cedar . . . XVII She Beech... xuv 19 6 Illustrations in Black and White. Blackwood. Altar, All Saints' Church, Hobart, Tasmania Canopy or Portico, Legislative Council Chamber, Hobart, Tasmania Chair and Table (carved), Hobart ... Chair (Speaker's), Legislative Assembly Chamber, Hobart, Tasmania. Chair (President's), Legislative Council Chamber, Hobart, Tasmania Chair and Settee, Mr. Parker's House, Hobart, Tasmania Chair (Dining-room), Technological Museum, Sydney ... Chair (Hall), Technological Museum, Sydney Furniture, Bank of Australasia, Martin-place, Sydney ... Furniture, Fisher Library, Sydney University ... Furniture, Legislative Assembly Chamber, Hobart, Tasmania Furniture, National Art Gallery, Sydney Interior Fittings, Church of the Apostles. Launceston, Tasmania Interior Fittings, Colonial Sugar Refining Company, Head Office, Sydr Interior Fittings, Commercial Bank, Launceston, Tasmania Interior Fittings, Dalgety & Co., Sydney ... Interior Fittings, E. S. & A. Bank, Collins-street, ilelbourne ... Interior Fittings, St. David's Cathedral, Hobart, Tasmania Interior Fittings, St. Paul's Cathedral. Melbourne Interior Fittings, Wool Growers' Exchange, Launceston, Tasmania Pulpit, Malvern Roman Catholic Church, Melbourne Pulpit, St. Paul's Cathedral. Melbourne ... Staircase, Colonial Sugar Refining Company's Head Office, Sydney Staircase and Newell Posts, H. Jones and Company's Offices, Hobart, Tasmania And others PAGE. 105 40, Si 7.=i 85 84 75 82 80 74 47 86 n 75 76.79 73 87 88 73 84 88 78 104 Black Bean. Door (Framing only), Technological Museum, Sydney ... Panel (carved), Technological Museum, Sydney ... Table (carved), Technological Museum, Sydney ... ,. Brown Pine. Columns or Pedestals, Technol(jgical ^Museum, Sydney Cedar. Dado i'auelling, Legislative Assembly Chambers, Hob;u"t, Tasmania Dado Panelling, Legislative Council Chambers, Hobart, Tasmania . Doors, Deputy Town Clerk's Office, Sydney Town Hall Interior Fittings, Council Chamber, Sydney Town Hall Panel (carved), Technological Mu.seum, Sydney ... ... New South Wales Railway Car (State Governor's), Outside Framing. Roof, Fisher Library, Sydney University. Seats and Organ, St. James' Anglican Church, Sydney Staircase, Royal Society's House, Sydney Staircase, Technological Museum, Sydney Table (Loo), Technological Museum, Sydney Interior Fittings, Camden House, 1834 And others ... PAGE. • 67 . 6S . 69 40 42 49 45 44 47 46 43 43 48 41 50 Celery-top Pine. New South Wales Railway Car (Slate Go\-ernor's), Smoke-room Panelling Coachwood. Table (made in 1S50), Camden House, Camden Cl:= Colonial or Hoop Pine. Interior Fittings, Glebe Presbyterian Church, S\-dne\- Black or Cypress Pine. Column or Pedestal, Teclmological ^luseum, Sydney Jarrah. Exhibit of Karri and Jarrah Company's, Christchurch Exhibition Office Fittings, Furniture and Mantelpiece Staircase and Hall Fittings Maple (Queensland). Bed-room, State Governor's Car, New South Wales Railways Interior Fittings, Bank of New South Wales, Melbourne Red Bean. Four Panels, D.M. Door (Mouldings only), Technological Museum, Sydney Red Mahogany. Floor (Margms of), National Art Gallery, Sydney Red Myrtle (Tasmanian). Interior Fittings, Mr. Parker's House, Hobart, Tasmania Stool, and Settee ... ... ... ... ... ...i Rosewood (N.S.W.) Settee ... Table (Queen Anne) PAGE. . i66 163 115 117 116 ••• 53 ••• 54 ... 67- ... 113 155 75- Ck Silky Oak. ■Chair (Bedroom) Chair (Carved Glastonbury) Dining-room, State Governor's Car, Xcw South Wales Railways Door (Four-panel D.M.), Panels only Doors, Young Men's Christian Association, Sydney Doors, " Craignish," Macquarie-street, Sydney Fire Screen Floor, National Art Gallery, Sydney Spotted Gum. Framing. Furniture and .Mouldings, Smoke-room, State (jovernor's Car, New South Wales Railway; A Mountain Ash of N.S.W. and Victoria, Tasmanian Oak, or Stringybark l'"urniture Manulacturing, diogan's. Launcestcm. Tasmania Interior Fittings, All Saints' Church, H(,>«•»' i ♦i.*i m:.- JK' . -.•>' vr '■ '"911 ''"^H -13^: i "iSiVV'i^B tI ir 1 "ij^^^^^^H » • . i - > , I r .: t ' t f ' t r WHITE CEDAR. (Melia Azedarach. .1/7/./.) White Cedar. {Melia Azedanich, Limi.; This wood is iii^ht in colour and weit^iit, and has a ht;ure and texture not at all unlike English " IChn " 'Ulmiis campcstris). It is open in the grain, has large annual rings, is very.^eas}' to work, and known in I he trade as ("rolden Cedar as well as White Cedar. It is used for cabinet work, veneering, turnery, (ic, and an\- kind of inside joinery, but is not suitable where it is exposed to climatic changes. Description ol tlie Tree.— .\ large forest tree of the coast brush lands, and now- found in cultivation, as the long [lendulous pinnate leaves (deciduous) give it quite an ornamental appearance. Bark hard, compact, distinctly ridged or checkered. Leaflets opposite, mostly coarsely lobed or toothed, ovate to lanceolate, i to 2 inches long. Flowers lilac-coloured, in fairly large, loose panicles, but shorter than the leaves, covered with a mealy tomentum. Sepals small, petals nearly I inch long. Staminal tube hirsute inside behind the anthers, ten to twelve-teeth. Fruit a white drupe, ovoid or nearly glol)nlar. Geographical Range. — Like most of our cabinet timbers it is found in the middle area of the East Coast districts of the continent in the brushes. ZZ r> Rosewood. Dvsoxvloii bi'iiscndniim, Hcntham.) This tree, like its other congeners, flounslies in the brushes, and is stiU fairly plentiful. The wood has been extensively employed in furniture manufacture, and is so to an extent now, although it has a serious drawback m some specimens in that it '' sweats," to use a trade expression. It would be a distinct gain if this objection could be removed, for it would add an otherwise most valuable addition to our cabinet timbers. It has a pleasing red colour, although too light for some tastes, but is often considerably dark stained when made into furniture. It planes well, is easily worked, light in weight, and fairly hard. The texture is closer than Red Bean or Cedar, and in this character more approaches the Queensland ]\Iaple. Description of tlie Tree. — One of the tallest trees of the Coast brush lands, attaining a height of 200 feet, witli a thin, yellowish, flaky — or tessellated bark. Leaflets five to nine, oblong, lanceolate or elliptical, acuminate, 3 to 6 inches long, narrowed and equal at the base. Domatia often present on the underside. Flowers in short panicles in the upper axils, loose, divaricately branched, slightly pubescent. Calj'x cupular, very small, shortly and broadly four-lobed. Petals four, about J inch long; staminal tube eight- toothed, glabrous. Fruit a globular or pear-shaped capsule, opening loculicidally in three to five thickly coriaceous valves. Geographical Range. — This is essentially a brush timber of the North Coast of Xew South Wales and the South Coast of Queensland. 34 .^/■^= 111 Trcliiiolosical Mumuiii. 35 36 Red Bean. (^Dysoxyluii Mitcllcri, Jientli. It is not now one of thr brst known or most used timbers in the cabinet trade, although possessing many iiualitics obtaining in this bnincli of commerce, and was much more appreciated a decade or two ago than it is to-day. Flie colour is very attractive, being of a warm red cliaractcr when IrcshK' cut, but bt-comcs lighter in si-ason ng, and takes a splendid polish. It is easy to work, slig]itl\- o])en in the grain and often has a decorative figure, which places it well in the front rank of red timbers for cabinet work, for which it is most suitable. It is heavier and stronger than cedar, and could bo utilised for almost an\- purpose for which cetlar is used. Description of the Tree. — Like its congener, D. Fraseriannm (Rosewood), it is one of the giants ni the Coast brush lands, and probably measures 200 feet in height, with a proportionate diameter, and a thin, dark yellow flak}' bark. It is, however, larger in all its parts than that tree. Leaves i to 2 feet long ; leaflets eleven to twenty-one, from ovate to almost lanceolate, shortly acuminate, 3 to 6 inches long, very oblique at the base- Flowers numerous, in much branched pyramidal panicles, 9 inches to i foot long. Sepals and petals similar to I). Fraseriannm. Tubular disk long and slender. Geographical Range. — This tree occurs in the northern brushes of Xew South Wales and the southern brushes of Queensland. 37 Onion Wood. (Ou'cnia ccpiodoni, F.v.M.) A good all round cabinet timber snch as this, certainly deserves a better connnon name, for of all the specimens that have come under my notice, in no instance has an alliaceous odour been detected when seasoned. It has the general facies of the j\Ieliaceous timbers, being reddish in colour, soft, easily worked and dressed, and takes a good polish. It is suitable for all kinds of cabinet work, such as counters, wainscotting, furniture, dooi"s, panelling, in fact, anything in the cabinet line. It is very similar to Red Cedar, but slightly heavier and closer in the grain. Description of the Tree. — A large brush tree with large pinnate leaves. Leaves sometimes measuring 2 feet in length, oblique, thin, shining, with oblong-lanceolate leaflets 5 to 6 inches long, numbering up to twenty- Flowers small, in broad axillary panicles, about a foot long. Fruit a globular drupe with a rugose putamen, rose coloured, under i inrh in diameter. Geographical Range. — Southern Coast districts of Queensland to Richmond River, New South Wales. 38 Red Cedar. CcilicUi I'uniui, KoxIk This— tin- tirsl cabinet tiinlxT cx'ct used in Australia — was tlie pride of the early tiinbiT-^etters, and was lor long the champion of the '"brushes" as regards its dimensions, but almost all the giants ol its race have fallen a victim to the ruthless war of the axe- man. Traces of this monarch of the forest will, however, still remain with us, for its name is perpetuated in such localities as Cedar CiuUy and Cedar Mountain, and these are fairly common in the Coast districts wherever the Cedar previously flourished, but is now a tree of the past. It has always appealed to cabinet makers and joiners as par excellence amongst our tinibers for this particular purpose, and no native timber has been so extensively used as this one in cabinet work. Xor is this to be wondered at, for no finer timber exists in Australia. It has a deep red colour, is specificall}^ light, open, soft, easily worked or dressed, and takes a beautiful polish, and what is most dear to the heart of the cabinetmaker, has very often a beautiful figure. Some of the finest office decorations, counters, &c., of Sj^dney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Hobart, Adelaide, and Perth, are made from Cedar. In the early days of the Colonv it was used for doors, tables, wainscotting, panels, and stairs, but it is too soft for the latter. For carving it has no compeers, — some beautifully carved newel posts made from it can be seen in our leading offices. It is also a fair timber for show-case framing. It is a rapid growing tree, and a specimen in the Museum cut from a tree ig years old measures over 2 feet in diameter. See remarks under frontispiece. Description of the Tree. — A giant, if not tlie giant, tree of the Australian bruslies. It is essentially a brush and gully tree. Leaves pinnate, large, deciduous: leaflets eleven to seventeen, oi)i)osite. irregularly alternate, lanceolate oblique, up to 5 inches long, pale underneath, thin. Flowers in a large, many-flowered pyramidal panicle, glabrous. Sepals orbicular, ciliate. verj' small, l^etals white or pinkish, under | inch long. Fruit a capsule, glabr. )us. olilong, I to li inches long. Geographical Range. — It occurs in the brushes of the east Coast of Australia, almost as far south as the Victorian border. 39 5x o — O _ ■ ID a :0 O 40 o = o I 6 41 42 Royal Society, Syilney 43 J) Red Cedar Exterior. State Govcnuir'^ Car. .X.S.W. ('■ovi.inment Raihvav 44 45 Red Cedar Seats and Organ St. James' Church, Sydney. 46 Red Cedar Wardrobe. Camden Hou^^e, N.S.W. 1834. Red Cedar Roof and Blackwood Furniture Fisher Library, Tniversity, Sydney. 47 48 Red Cedar Fittings. Council Chamber, Town Hall. Svilnr 49 -^H H indld ! pn Wl^mKw^ Red Cedar Pews. St. Matthew's Church, Wimlsnr. 50 Long Jack. <'Flindc)'sia Oxh'Vciiui , 1-".\'..M. This timber is also known vernacularly as Mountain Ash and Wllow Wood, but these are only recorded here for identification of the wood and not to be perpetuated, as it is a distinct advantage for a timber to have only one commercial name, and that, if possible, a descriptive one of the wood, or at least one that shall give some index to its qualities. In this case the adjecti\'e evidently has been given by timber-getters in reference to the long straight stem, for the tree attains an average height of 120 feet, with an average diameter of 3 feet. The name Mountain Ash is retained for the Eucalypts going under that appellation, and Yellow Wood for Rhodosphaera rhodanthema, so that it is as well now to keep Long Jack for F. Oxleyana. It is a light yellowish coloured timber, fairly hard, strong, durable, heavy, and close grained, especially the latter in a transverse section. There is no sapwood, so that it cuts out to advantage. It is suitable for bedroom suites, coachwork, panelling, picture frames, and other joinery and cabinet work. The timber is sold in the markets under its several common names. Description of tiie Tree. — A large forest tree of the Coastal brush land, attaining a height ol over luu li'et, with a thm, lightish coloured, compact, fairly smooth bark. Leaves opposite, crowded under the flowering panicles : leaflets four to ten, with or without a terminal odd one, broadly lanceolate, oblique, inclining to falcate, narrowed into adistmct petiolulc, sometimes with minute stellate hairs underneath. Flowers in a loose many flowered panicle, shorter than the leaves. Sepals very small. Petals a little larger, glabrous, obovate, oblong. Fruit an oblong hard capsule, muricate, opening sejiticidally into five boat-shaped valves or cocci, without any persistent axis. Geographical Range. — The tree is fairly plentiful in the brushes of the North Coast of New Siiutli Wales and South Coast of Queensland. 51 Queensland Maple. Fliiidcrsui C Ihttaicaiaiia, Bail.; The common name might conjure up in one's mind a repHca of the familiar maple of Canada; but, if so, one would err, for there is verv little resemblance between these two timbers. In this instance the colour is slightly darker than the Canadian timber, and the figure, which is different, being less " bird's eye," is obtained by the waving lines caused by the interlocking texture, and is very effective. It is fairly hard, takes a beautiful polish, and is eminently suited for all kinds of cabinet work. It is being extensively employed in the trade for furniture, piano panels, and interior decoration. There is no timber on the Sydney market at the present time used for such a variety of joinery purposes and cabinet work, as it can be stained to imitate Walnut or Mahogany, or used in its natural state. Description of tlie Tree. — A large tree with a trunk diameter from 4 to S ieet. Leaves opposite, petioles and rhachis more or less sharply angular : leaflets usually seven, oblong falcate, obtuse, or with a more or less acuminate obtuse point, sometimes very oblique at the base, 3 to 4i inches long, li to 2I inches broad, underside somewhat pale. Panicles rather large and spreading. Flowers not known. Fruit 3 inches or more long, oblong, but tapering at each end, pentagonal, prominently marked with dark mussel- shaped scars, which gives to the fruit somewhat the appearance of a fir cone. (F. M. Bailey, Queensland Flora, Part I, p. 240.) Geographical Range. — Cardwell to Herberton, Queensland. 52 53 Queensland Maple. Bank X.S.W.. Jlclbounu 54 35 NATURAL ORDER. OLACINE^E. 7*^ Ji^ Unfortunately, not many representatives of this Order are found in Australia, for it is from tliis family tliat the timbers of the common Ashes [Fnixiiiii'^ excelsior and kindred species) of other countries are derived. The species occurring in New South \\'ales is commonly known as " Maple," a not well chosen term, as it has not the tacies of any of the other timbers passing under that name. In figure it more nearly approaches the North American Sycamore, and, perhaps, some Oaks (Qiicycus). Species Illustrated in Colour : — Maple ( Villaresia Moovei, F.v.M.). 56 New South Wales Maple. (yUlayt'siii Muorei. F.w.M. Our local names are not always expressive of a distincti\-eness of some well-known characters, and this is an instance. One generally associates Maple with Canada, and expects in this connection to find a timber that possesses some of the well-known features of that class of wood, but those are just what are not found in this case. It certainly is somewhat light in colour, but that is about all that obtains in the connection. The figure more nearly approaches that of English Beech, and the same may be said of the texture, hardness, and colour. It could be used for all purposes to which English Beech is applied, and wovild make ver\- pretty panels or whole bedroom suites when the tout ensemble is white, or pale coloured. Description of tiie Tree. — A tall, handsome tree, found in the brush lands of the coast, with a pale, comparati\ely thin, yellowish corrugated bark. Leaves ovate, lanceolate or oval, acuminate, varying in size up to 3 inches broad, and 6 inches long; petiole short, coriaceous and shining, pale on underside. Flowers in lateral raceme-like panicles 2 to 4 inches long. Fruit a drupe, globular, i inch diameter, the putamen hard, rugose outside. Geographical Range. — Brush forests, Bunya Jlountains, Queensland, to Bulli, New South Wales. NATURAL ORDER RHAMNEyE. t>^ ^^ This Order is fairly well distributed over the earth, and Australia has one or two good representatives of its timbers. Red Ash is a particularly fine timber lor cabinet use, the texture, weight, and colour being suitable for this special class of work. It is rarely found in the market and so is not in ordinary use. Species iLLUsxR.'iTED in Colour : — Red Ash (Alpliitona excelsa, Reiss). 58 Supple Jack. (Ventitago vuninalis, Houk.j This is a timber tliat is little known outside its geographical area. It is hard, heavy, dark coloured, and so would only be useful for special cabinet work ; it nuich resembles in some respects the dark hearted Acacia timbers, and amongst these features may be mentioned its difficulty to dress. It is suitable for any kmd of ornamental turnery, brush backs, fancy boxes, cS:c. Description of the Tree. — A small glabrous tree occurring in the interior of New- South Wales aiici Queensland and Northern Territory. Leaves alternate, narrow lanceolate to lanceolate up to finches long, entire, lateral veins very oblique and sometimes parallel with the edge, rather thin. Flowers small, clustered in the branches of a.xillary or terminal panicles. Fruit globular at the base, produced into an oblong or linear coriaceous wing, one cell, one seed, about i inch long. Geographical Range. — Interior of Queensland and New South Wales. 59 Red Ash. {Alplutoiia excclsa, Keiss.) . This is a little known timber, and rarely found on the market, but it is, nevertheless, one of our finest native cabinet woods. It is close-grained, hard, fairly heavy, but with practically no figure — its special recommendation for this particular work being the bright red colour of the duramen. When first planed only a tinge of red is seen, but on exposure the colour deepens to a bright cardinal. It could be used for panelling, decorative tables, carving, and turning. Description of the Tree. — A tall tree, found near water or ridges overlooking water, open country or brush forests, the young branches with a rusty tomentum. Bark hard, compact, often with a whitish coating. Leaves characteristic, alternate, ovate to lanceolate, large, entire, subcoriaceous, glabrous above, white or hoary underneath with a close tomentum, veins prominent. Flowers Ln small umbel-like cymes arranged in dichotomous cymes in the upper axUs or Ln a terminal corymbose panicle. Fruit globular or broadly ovoid, separating into two or three hard carpels. Seeds shining, enclosed in a red-brown arillus. Geographical Range. — Curtis Island, Queensland, to Jlnnnt I)romedar\% New South Wales. 60 NATURAL ORDER. SAPINDACE^. f^ ?^ y$ As a liniber-yiekler outside Australia this Order docs not seem to rank very higli. In Australia the timbers are fairly numerous, hard, close-grahied, tough ard strong, but lacking in figure except in the case of Tulip Wood, Harpulliti pendula, and perhaps Ncphelinm semiglaucum, which, although suitable timbers for many purposes, yet are rarely found on the market. Species Illustrated in Colour : — Tulip Wood (Ilarpidlia pendula. Planch.). 6i Tulip Wood (HurpiiUia pcnditla, Planch.) A list of the cabinet timbers would not be complete, perhaps, without a few remarks on this one, and if the tree were only more numerous the timber would be much in request. At present it only finds its way into the market in very limited supplies, so is not often now found in the cabinet-makers' workshops. That it was a regular article of commerce in the past is proved by the following quotation taken from a Toy and Fancy article advertisement in a Svdney Directory of 1848 : — •■ . . . also Ebony. Australian Tulip Wood, . . . "Henry Tarkes, Ivory and Bone Toy Manufacturer, No. 20 Hunter street." The wood is close-grained, hard and heavy, yet works easily, and has a pretty figure produced by a dark brown or almost black colouring, with whitish streaks. It is very suitable for turning, and has been used for small legs of ornamental drawing-room tables, and is specially suited for small mallets, and cases for medical and other scientific instruments. Apart from its cabinet qualities, the tree itself makes a very ornamental park addition, and is well worthy of cultivation. The wood looks well in ornamental boxes, picture-frames, salvers, &c., ornamented with silver, when a contrast is produced between the white metal and the dark streaked colours. ♦.Afterwards Sir Hrnry P.irk.s, K.C.M.G., Premifr of New South Wales. Description of the Tree. — A tall tree of the northern brush. l.ea\es pmnate, leafiets usually three to six. ovate to elliptical oblong, obtusely acuminate, 3 to 5 inches long, thin or membraneous, veins promment underneath. Flowers m loose, slender terminal, little-branched panicles, small. Sepals under \ of an inch long. Petals ovate, slightly larger. Stamens five to seven, much longer than the calyx, with slender filaments in the males, small and short in the females. ' Fruit a glabrous capsule, i to li inch broad, the lobes inflated. Seeds without any arillus. Geographical Range. — In the brushes of the North Coast tlistrict of New South Wales and (;)ueensland. 62 NATURAL ORDER. ANACARDIACE^. ;p This is an Order with a fairly extensive distribution in tlie tropics and sub-tropics, and is famous for many of its economics, but the timber is, perhaps, the least known of them. The Yellow Cedar (Rhodoaphcera rhodanlhema, Engl.) -is a beautiful timber, and might be used by cabinet makers in greater quantity. Species Ii.lustk.\ti-;d in Colour ; — Yellow Cedar (Rhodospluera rhodanthcina, Engl.). 63 Yellow Cedar. (Rhodosphcera rhodaiitJicma, Engl.) Rarely found on the market, but the pale yellow colour of its wood should create for it something of a demand, as it could be utilised in various ways in cabinet-work, being hard, fairly heavy, close-grained, as well as taking a good polish, and dresses easily. It should be suitable for any cabinet-work or turnery, or any kind of ornamental cases or caskets requiring a special colour. Description of the Tree. — An average forest tree of the coastal (eastern) brushes, less than loo feet in height generally, having a smoothish, flaky brown bark. Leaves pinnate, with a round common petiole or stalk ; leaflets from seven to nine, oblong, obtusely acuminate, entire shortly petiolate, venation distinct on the underside, where also occur domatia. Flowers large, red-coloured, in dense panicles, dioecious, very shortly pedicellate. Sepals very small, broadly ovate, very obtuse. Petals very small, recurved, ovate. Stamens ten, styles three, short, thick, diverging with capitate stigmas. Fruit a globular drupe, shining, under an inch in diameter. Seeds orbicular, flat. Geograpliical Range. — A brush tree of the central Coast districts of the continent. 64 YELLOW CEDAR \ KHODAN IHhM ' I NATURAL ORDER. LEGUMINQS^E. This is a very extensive Order, and has representatives in almost all parts of the world, the number of species numbering some thousands, the Australian specimens even running into hundreds. Many of these are very ornamental and eminently fitted for cabinet-work, such timbers as Black Bean, Tortoise-shell Tulip, Myall, Eumung, Blackwood, and other Acacias form a varied selection of fine cabinet woods, and occupy no mean space in the collections in this Museum. Species Illcstr.ated in Colour Black Bean (Castanospermitm australe, A. Cimn.). Eumung (Acacia salicina, Lindl.)- Sally [A. Maideni, F.v.M.). Blackwood (A. melanoxylon, R.Br.). Myall (.1. pendula, A. Cunn.). Brigalow (A-^lmmalopkylh, A. Cunn.).' Gidgea (A. Camhagei, R. T. Baker). Tortoise-shell Tulip (Pitliecolobium Hendersuni, F.v.M.). i:\ 65 Black Bean. (Castanospermiim australc, A. Cunn.) Timber-getters of the two neighbouring States have given distinctive names to this wood, the northern men having bestowed the appellation of Moreton Bay Chestnut, evidently from the big seed of the pod resembling the Horse chestnut of Europe, whilst the Walesian has derived his designation of it from the pod, prefixed by an adjective suggestive of the colour of the timber. It is really remarkable how vernacular names are applied, as for instance, Red Bean, where the fruit is not a bean, but the timber has much the same character as this, although not the colour, and hence the family (su) name. It is an attractive wood, much resembUng EngHsh and American Walnut in colour and often in figure, being dark or almost black, with a pronounced grain. In some specimens exhibited in the Museum the figure is most beautiful, excelling anything seen in exotic Walnut woods. The texture is close, and a good surface is easily produced by planing. It is fairly heavy, and is a good carving timber. It requires careful seasoning, otherwise it readily warps and twists. For doors, desks, panels, particular kinds of furniture, it is w^ell suited, and may be regarded as a good all-round heavy cabinet timber. The tree is a fairly quick grower. Description of the Tree. — One of the large trees of the coastal brush lands, distin- guished by its large pinnate leaves and big pod. Bark thin, compact, pale-coloured, smooth. Leaves from i to nearly 2 feet long: leaflets eleven to fifteen, ovate, elliptical or broadly oblong, shortly acuminate, up to 6 inches long, shortly petiolulate. Flowers large, orange- coloured, in loose axillary or lateral racemes, under 6 inches long, occurring sometimes on the trunks and branches removed from the leaves. Standard about i inch m diameter. Pod 8 or 9 inches long, about 2 inches broad, three to five cells, each containing a large chestnut-like seed. Geographical Range. — A native of the brushes of the North Coast district of New- South Wales and Southern Queensland. 66 'Miiiiil 67 /^ 68 XiX. J) 69 Eumung. (Acacia salicina, Lindl.) As regards its ornamental character, this species of timber is a rival to Blackwood {Acacia melanoxylon), and by some it is thought to be superior in this respect, for it often has very beautiful wavy markings. In texture it is more open than Blackwood, but has about the same specific gravity, although it has a more showy figure, while the colour is somewhat like Honduras Mahogany. It is necessary to use the scraper to work it up to a smooth surface before polishing. A rich appearance is produced when polished, and it would look handsome in panels, counters, internal decoration of railway carriages, and would also be very suitable|for all kinds of fancy boxes, brushes, rings, cutlery cases, caskets, &c. Description of the Tree. — One of the largest of the Acacia family, probably the largest species of the interior, as it attains quite full tree size with a diameter of over 2 feet, branches often pendulous, branchlets angular, but soon terete. Phyllodes pale-coloured or glaucous, straight or falcate, narrow to broadly lanceolate, narrowed towards the base, 3 to over 6 inches long, occasionally over i inch broad, but mostly much narrower, midrib prominentj lateral veins not prominent, gland wanting. Racemes sometimes as long as the leaves, often reduced to one head on slender peduncles, about twenty flowers in each globular head. Calyx short, petals quite smooth. Pod straight or curved, i to 3 inches long, under \ inch broad, not much constricted between the seeds ; valves hard and thick. Seeds orbicular, longitudinal, funicle red. forming several folds under the seed. Geographical Range. — Open forest lands on the Balonne and Suttor Rivers, Queensland, to the Lachlan River, Barrier Range, and Western Plains, New South Wales. 70 Sally. (Acacia Maideni, F.v.M.) Tliis timber is illustrated here as it is one of the group of Acacias that differ in colour and texture from the type or main group, such as Myall, Gidgea, Brigalow, &c. It is pale- coloured, fairly hard and light in weight, and being a rapid grower the annual rings are prominent, and when cut tangentially give a big figure. Suitable for chair-making, carriage-work, or any purpose where medium strength is recjuired. Description of the Tree, — A tree about 50 feet high, occurring in the brush lands of the Coast. Pliyllodia large, falcate lanceolate, or oblanceolate, many veined, thin. Flowers in almost sessile spikes, the spikes solitary or two or three together, their rachis tomentose. Pod narrow, compressed, much twisted. Seeds longitudinal, shining, funicle pale-reddish, almost encircling the seed in a double fold. Geographical Range. — Southern parts of Queensland to near Sydney, New South Wales. 71 Blackwood. (^Acacia rnelanoxylon, R.Br.'i As a cabinet timber for all-round usefulness this one might, perhaps, be placed next to Red Cedar (Cedrela Toona), and its utilisation in this connection dates probably almost as far back in the State's history. It can be made into beautiful furniture, as it takes a good polish, which gives it a satiny sheen, thus enhancing its often ornamental figure. It is fairly close-grained, strong, comparatively light in weight, and dresses with a beautiful finish and is frequently found with a ringed figure. Apart from its utilisation for furniture and cabinet-work, it has also been tried for gun-stocks and given satisfaction. It is extensively used m the construction of railway passenger cars, office, bank, and shop fittings, also interior joinery work of passenger boats, in fact almost every purpose to which good cabinet timber can be utilised. The Central Railway Booking Office fittings, Sydney, are made from it. Description of the Tree. — This probably is the giant of Acacias, as it attains a height of So or loo feet with a good diameter. Bark hard, rough, furrowed, and of a compact texture. Phyllodia straight, lanceolate or falcate, up to 6 inches in length and i to I inch broad, much narrowed towards the base, with several longitudinal nerves and numerous anastomosing veins. Inflorescence either on a solitary peduncle or a short raceme. Flowers in head of forty or fifty. Pods flat, much curved, about ^ inch broad with thickened margins. Seeds orbicular, funicle red, encircling the seed in a double fold. Geographical Range. — One of the widest distributed of our cabinet timbers, as it is found in Tasmania, Mctoria, New South Wales, and Queensland. 72 73 Blackwood Tables and Chairs. Bank of Australasia, Sydney. 74 xxni 75 3lackwood Fittings. 76 Blackwood Fittings. C.S.R. Co., Sylentiful, and forms the principal fuel where coal is scarce. Description of the Tree. — A medium-sized tree with pendulous branchlets, tfie foliage ol a pale or glaucous hue; branchlets angular; phyllodia falcate, lanceolate, obtuse or slightly acuminate, uj) to 5 inches long, and from 5 to () lines broad, with numerous tine parallel vems, two or three more prominent than the rest, thin or membraneous. Peduncles about 3 lines long, slender in axillar}' clusters of about six, each bearing a globular head of about twelve flowers. Sepals broad, spathulate, ciliate on the upper edge, free, and less than half as long as the petals. Petals glabrous. Pod flat, straight, about 3 lines long and 4 lines broad, veined, valves thin, not contracted between the seeds. Seeds ovate, longitudinal, or slightly oblique, funicle short, filiform, not folded nor dilated. Geographical Range. — Interior of New South Wales and Queensland. Qi Tortoise Shell Tulip. {Pithccolobium Hcmiersoni, F.v.M./ The greatest recommendation in this timber is the tine figure and colour of its grain, the latter being a mixture of pink and yellow, and these are further enhanced by polishing. It is a light, soft timber, with a sap wood which must be removed, as it is liable to the attacks of borers, therefore only the duramen can be used for cabinet work. It planes well, and has a free and open grain, and looks handsome polished. It is suitable for any kind of internal decoration, such as railway and elevator cars, fancy ornamental boxes, cabinets, trays, &c. Description of the Tree. — A lair-sized tree of tlie brush lands of tlie Coast, witli a thin, comparatively smooth, bark. Leaves consisting of pinnae from one to two: leaflets, four to sLx, oblique, sessile, without any gland but one at the junction of the pinnae- Flowers large, sessile, in globular heads. Corolla about I inch long. Stamens about li inches long, greenish-white. Pods curved, i to i inch broad, outer margin undu- late, dee]i red inside. Seeds black, shining. Geographical Range. — Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales Coast districts. Q2 r 'v:fm ' , !'■' 1 ■ w i li 1 :! il : i ■ ! 'if mi "\ M . n 4 1 liwi Tt iLL TULIP. (PlTMl i>i:ksm- i / . .,U.) NATURAL ORDEff. SAXIFRAGE^E. :^ 3^ The representatives of this world-wide Order occur m almost e\'erv State of the Commonwealth, and range in size from a small herbaceous annual to a fair-sized forest tree. The ]irincipal Australian timbers in this connection are : — Coach wood (Ceratopetalum apetaluin, I). Don). Corkwood {Ackama Muelleri, Benth.). {Wcinmannia rubijolia, F.v.M.). Plumwood (Kmryphia Moorei, F.v.M.). Coachwood is a first-class timber, and the supply is plentiful, but the wood is not appreciated so much to-day as previously. Coachwood's day will yet come in Australian cabinet work. Species Ii.lustr.\ted in romuR : — Coachwood (('cratopctahnn apeliihiin, D. Don). Corkwood (Ackama Muelleri. Benth.). 93 -.^ Coachwood. {Ccratopdalum a pet alum, D. Don.^ This timber, often known also as " Leatherjacket," was one of the earhest used in coachbuilding, but is not much employed now, although the reason for its being discarded is not obvious. It is a timber that is readily differentiated from others, being characterised by a sweet perfume, named by chemists as Courmarin. This feature should be known by the trade, as other timbers are sometimes sold for Coachwood, but the odour test is an infallible one. It is fairly light in weight, and has a colour inclinmg to pale pink. The figure is marked, and sometimes ornamental. It takes a splendid polish, is easily worked, and strong, and it is difficult to explain how its utilisation in the cabinet trade is neglected. It has been used for gun stocks, broom heads, bodies of buggies, and can be bent to any shape required. It should be very useful for chair-making, or for any purpose where a light, tough timber is required. Some regard it as a good substitute for English Ash, and not very inferior to American Hickory. The late Sir William Macarthur exhibited in the London Exhibition, 1851, a table of it, made in Paris from wood taken home by himself. This piece of furniture is now at Camden Park, and demonstrates what a splendid timber it is for this purpose. Description of the Tree. — A beautiful, fragrant tree, found in tlie Mountains and East Coast district. ha\-ing a smooth, whitish, hard bark, attaining a height ot about 60 feet or more. Leaflets usually solitary, only occasionally found in threes in early growth, up to 12 inches long, but commonly under f) inches, ovate, lanceolate, obtusely serrate, sometimes shining, reticulations well marked on underside, articulate on a petiole of | to I inch long. Flowers numerous in terminal dense corymbose cymes or panicles, usually shorter than the last leaves. Petals, none. Calyx-lobes acute, about \ inch in flower and \ inch long in fruit. Geographical Range. — Common in all the brushes of the East Coast. 94 XXVII! Coachwood Table. CanuU'ii House, N.S.W. (Exhibited at the International Exhiliition, 1H51.) 95 Corkwood. (Ackdiiid Miidlen, Benth.) It is only occasionally that this timber finds its wa\- into the Sydney market. It is specifically light, very easy to plane, soft, with a close grain, having a small neat figure when cut on the c|uarter. The colour is a warm chocolate. It is only suitable for indoor work, and even then only when little strength is required. It could be used for the interior decoration of aeroplane taxi-cabs, owing to its Ughtness and rich red colour, and also for skirtings, mouldings^ sashes, and flooring. Description of the Tree. — An average brush tree, with a shghtly corky bark. Leaves opposite, pinnate : leaflets usually five, rarely seven, ovate elliptical, or ovate lanceolate, acuminate, obtusely and very shortly serrate, varying in length up to 9 inches, penni- veined, venation well marked on the underside. Domatia present in the axils of the primary veins. Flowers very small, very numerous, in compound panicles in terminal pairs, becoming axillary by the elongation of the central shoot. Fruit a small capsule, turgid, septicidally dehiscent. Geographical Range. — Scrubs along North Coast Railway, Queensland, and south to brush forests, Gosford. New South Wales. 96 NATURAL ORDER MYRTACE^. i?& y* 5f§. An Order fairly well distributed over the world, more particularly in the tropics and warmer parts of the temperate zones, and strongly represented in the Australian Flora, especially in the Eucalyptus. Although one of, if not the most prolific producer of timber in Australia, yet as cabinet woods they have not been much in demand, principally owing, in some cases, to the heavy specific gravity. The Jarrah of Western Australia is a cabinet wood of the first class, especially in counters and fittings in commercial houses and offices, and there are many other red woods ihat could be used for similar purposes. Amongst pale coloured timbers, (£. Delegalensis) a Mountain Ash of N.S.VV. and (E. obliqtia) the Stringybark of Tasmania are now being largely manufactured into furniture, bank, house and office fittings of all kinds, and these make a splendid substitute for English Oak. Other Stringybarks are worthy of attention in this direction. Besides the Genus Eucalyptus there are other genera suitable for this particular industry, such as Tea Trees (Melaleuca leucadendron and other s]5ecies). Lilly Pilly (Eugenia Smithii), and Apple Tree (Angophora spp.). Species Ili.istrated in Colour : — Mountain Ashor Tasmanian Oak (Encalyplus Red Box (E. Ruddcii, J.H.M.). Dclegutcnsis, K.T.B.). Spotted Gum (E. maculata. Hook.). Stringybark (E. obliqua, L Her.). Sydney Blue Gum (E. saligna, Sm.). Red Mahogany (E. resinifera, Sm.). Slaty Gum (E. Daivsoni, R.T.B.). Jarrah (/:. marginata, Sm.). 97 A Mountain Ash or Tasmanian Oak. {Eitcalvptiis De/egatciisis, R.T.B.j A straight-grained, fissile timber with the general facies of English Ash when first cut, but tones down in colour, when it acquires quite an Oak appearance. It planes well, and is specifically on the light side, is strong, with a good resilience ; a first class bending timber, and does not warp if carefully seasoned. The tree is a quick grower, and so is one of the best for forest cultivation. It is a splendid furniture timber, and is extensively manufactured into various articles in this connection in Tasmania, where it is also used for Church decoration such as carved screens, office fittings, panelling, &c. The original common name of Ash is now being superseded by that of Oak, as manu- factured articles have a great resemblance to that timber, and are exported under the name of " Tasmanian Oak." Description of the Tree.^It is a very fine specimen of the forest giant, with a stringybark ^tein and smooth branches, and glaucous branchlets. The leaves are fairly large in size, of the usual lanceolate, oblique shape pertaining to the Genus, often glaucous, with a well marked venation — the lateral veins forming an acute angle with the midrib. The}' are quite aromatic when kept in a closed box. The buds are numerous in axillary peduncles, operculum hemispherical, depressed. The fruits are variable in shape, ranging from hemispherical in some Tasmanian forms to oval-pyriform in the New South Wales species : rim truncate, slightly domed or countersunk, under J inch long. Geographical Range. — South-east highlands of New South Wales and Victoria, and the highlands of Tasmania, where it is known in the field as " Gum-topped Stringy- bark." 98 A N.S.W. MOUNTAIN ASH OR TASMANIAN OAK. R.T.B.) Manufacturing Furniture from Tasnnanran Oak and Stnngybark. Launceston. 99 A N.S.W. Mountain Ash Wardrobe. 103 104 Tasmanian Oak or Stnngybark Carved Screen. All Saints' Church, Hobjrt. 105 io6 Tasmanian Oak or Stringybark Pulpit and Reading De Trinity Churcti, Launct-ston. 107 Tasmanian Oak or Stnngybark Seats and Pne-Dieu St. John's Church, Laiinceston, Tasmanin. io8 ■ 1 jg s 1 ^B ■^ '^^iB m m ^HFi ! ' "i Tasmanian Oak Carved Altar Panel. St. Johii',s Cliurcli, Launccston. Hall Grille of Tasmanian Oak. C. B. Brady's Residence, Lauiiceston. log specimens of Carved Tasmanian Timbers. STniNGYBARK. lyt'A. I.alnll.) A Stringybark. [Eucalyptus ohliqna, L'Her.) This wood is not (iiiitc so straight-grained as that of E. Dclcgateiisis, a circumstance that ratlier enhances its vahie than otherwise, as a cabinet timber. It is hght medium in weight, pale brown in colour, planes and dresses well, and is a good serviceable cabinet timber, but care must be taken to remo\-e the sapwood, which is subject to the attack of borers. It is easily seasoned. In Tasmania, cjuantities of furniture are made from it, audit could be used for general interior fittings. Occasionally found with a ringed figure. Description ot the Tree. — It is one ot our largest forest trees, with a stringybark right out to branchlets. Leaves lanceolate, oblique, varying in size up to 7 inches long and 2 or 3 inches wide. Venation distinct, lateral veins oblique, forming an acute angle with mid-rib. Buds numerous, in lateral peduncles, tapering into the peduncles, operculum domed. Fruits oval up to i inch long and -|- inch broad, rim countersunk. Geographical Range. — On the Coast Range from Queensland to Victoria and all over Ta-mania, cxirpt the highlands. Red Mahogany. i^liiicii/yptiis rcsuiifcra, Sm.) Only rarely now is this timber found in cabinet work, and it requires careful selection before use, as it is subject to borers, which of course detracts considerably from its value. If obtained free of these it looks very well when worked up into various articles of cabinet work, especially if the choice rest with a red coloured timber. It is hard, heavy, close grained, dark- red in colour, dresses well and takes a good polish, and is in many respects very similar to Jarrah, and could be used for the same purposes. Description of the Tree. — A tall forest tree extending nearly throughout the whole range of the Coast district of New South Wales to Queensland. Leaves lanceolate, rather large and broad, thick, drying a light green colour on both sides ; venation faint, the lateral veins almost transverse and parallel, the intramarginal vein close to the edge. Oil glands few. Umbels axillary; stalk compressed, number of flowers varying up to twelve in an umbel. Buds pedicellate ; calyx hemispherical. Operculum conical (some- times several lines long) or hemispherical and acummate. Stamens all fertile : anthers attached to a comparatively large connective parallel, broad at the top. Fruit hemi- spherical, usually 3 lines in diameter, rim thick, capsule sunk, valves acutely acuminate, well exserted. Geographical Range. — From Rockingham Bay, Queensland, to Port Jackson, New South Wales. X X X M . Red Mahogany and Silky Oak Parquetry Floor National Art Gallery, Sviinev. 113 Jarrah. (Eucalyptus inarginata, Sm.) One might at first think that this Eucalyptus could hardly be classed as a cabinet timber, yet some excellent specimens of the tradesman's art made from it are to be seen in Australia, and this species is particularly suitable for this technical application. A very fine Jarrah suite of furniture is on view at the Imperial Institute in London. It is certainly heavy, but not more so than English Oak. The colour is a rich red, and this is one of, if not its greatest recommendation in this direction. Eor office fittings it looks particularly rich, and is preferred by many to Mahogany or Cedar. It is very suitable for billiard tables, wainscotting, baluster rails, railway carriage decoration, dining-room or library furniture, or for shop and office fittings, being now extensively used for these purposes. c. . Description of the Tree.— One of the tinest forest trees of Western Australia, some- times attaining a lieight of 150 feet, witli a persistent and fibrous bark, and could be classed as a " Stringybark." Normal leaves lanceolate, curved, not long but variable, lateral veins oblique, spreading, very distinctly marked as well as the reticulations, coriaceous, pale on the underside, intramarginal vein removed from the edge. Flowers in axillary umbels or forming small terminal panicles. Caly.x top shaped, surmounted by a conical operculum, the whole about i inch long. Fruit about | inch long, ove;iinch in diameter, ovate, globular, rim truncate or contracted, valves not exserted. Geographical Ran^e. — Western Australia. 114 ii6 Jarrah Fittings and Furnitur 117 w i Jarrah. From a church in Perth, W.A. IlS Red Box. (Euculvptiis Rmh/iii, J.H.M.": This is an excellent hard, red wood, suitable for heavier kinds of cabinet work, but little known on the market at present. Except for colour, it somewhat resembles English Beech, and could be used for similar purposes. Description of the Tree. — A reil box tree 120 feet high and 2 to 3 feet m diameter. Sucker or abnormal leaves lanceolate to oval, acuminate, 4 to 5 inches long and li inches broad; intramarginal vein removed from the edge. Normal leaves narrow to broad lanceolate, under 6 inches long, venation fairly distinct, lateral veins oblique, intramar- ginal vein removed from the edge ; drying a bluish colour. Flowers in panicles, with about three to six in the umbel, calyx top shaped, operculum conoid. Fruits small. ^ inch long and |- inch in diameter, pear shaped, rim thin, valves not exserted, almost identical with those of /:. crcbra. Geographical Range. — Thirlniere, (/rose River, Taree. Bohnock to Gloucester, New South Wales. 119 spotted Gum. (Eiu'iilvptus nuicii/atti, Hook."^ Exception might be taken by some to the inckision of this species as a cabinet timber; in fact, it was not till this work was about to go to print that specimens of its adaptation in this respect were produced. The waving of the grain is a distinct ad\'antage in this connection, and materially assists in the decorative side of the furniture recentl\- made locallv and exhibited in Sydney. The colour somewhat resembles that of English Oak, and it is probably just as hard and of the same texture to work. It is open in the grain and is not recommended to be polished, as, like Oak, it shows to better effect in the unpolished or waxed condition. A press of this timber was exhibited in the window of a Sydney firm lately, and looked really handsome, although it was from a Eucalypt. This piece of furniture is now at the Common- wealth Offices in Melbourne. For chairs, couches, &c., where strength is required, and the size of the timber to be used has to be limited, it ought to give every satisfaction. Description of the Tree. — An average forest tree amongst -Eucalypts, with a smooth, dull, lead-coloured bark. The sucker or abnormal leaves large, sometimes a foot long, and 3 inches broad, lanceolate, venation oblique, well marked, inti"amarginal vein close to edge. The normal leaves ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate. 4 to 6 inches long, lateral veins oblique and distant, the intramarginal one removed from the edge. The flowers occur in a corymb or panicle formed by three-ifowered umbels with se\-eral together in short leafless branches. Buds shortly cylindrical, operculum hemispherical, or some- times conical. The fruit ovoid-urceolate, usually about i inch long and j inch broad ; rim narrow; capsule sunk. Geographical Range. — From Brisbane River, Queensland, to southern Coast districts of New South Wales. SPOTTED GUM. (Eucalyptus macilata, Unnk. Spotted Gum Framing, Celery Top Pme Panels. Smoking-room, Stati? Covenior's Carna;- like Cedar in grain, but . ! -t.t • I •r.i.-rand heavier. •al figure with 1 . ;re with IC; r- ■■.■■ flowery figure. Fairly good, very like Myall. 179 Summary — continued. 31 32 Specific Gravity or Weight. Light, j Mediun Relative facility in working with ordinary hand planes. grained and: Tulip Wood ..." Yellow- Cedar. Black Bean . Figured Bean Eumung Sally ... Myall Brigalow Ring Gidgea ... Tulip (Tortoise Shell) Coach wood Corkwood Mountain .\sh. or Tasmanian Oak. A Stringy bark Jarrah 33 i Red Box 34 Spotted Gum... Centre portion very dark, outside light grey. Light yellow Very dark, similar to Wal- nut. Dark with reddish tinge... Light brown \'aries from light brown to dark reddish. Nearly black \'ery dark... do Pinkish with light streaks Grey with a tinge of pink Dark brown or chocolate... \'ery pale ... A rich dark red ... Light red ... Greyish yellow or light brown. Centre of log prettily marked by irregular bands and waves of a chocolate colour. Has an attractive, wavy figure. .\ very good figure, very like Walnut. A very pretty, bold figure. Alternate light and dark streaks giving it a rather pleasing appearance. Good figure, not unlike Red Cedar. Xot much figure. \Vry Uke Myall. Similar to Myall, but with sometimes a very pretty, wavy, ring-like appearance. Very little grain. Very like Ash in te.\ture and grain. Comparatively plain. Straight grained, not unlike some Oaks in colour. Straight grained, but occasion- ally curved, producing an ornamental figure. A very fair grain for a hard timber. Ordinary figure found in most hard timbers. Wavy, interlocked grain. Summary — conlinued. 35 36 37 Bine Gum Slaty Gum Mahogany 38 39 Musk Musk Root Stock .. 40 Budda 41 42 43 Beech Sassafras Walnut (Queensland) Specific Gravity or Weight. Light. Medium. Heavy. Relative facility in working with ordinary hand planes. 44 i She Beech or Holly Gum 45 Silky Oak 46 ! B-jcfwood 47 Waratah (Victorian) 48 I Do (Tasmauian) 49 ' Fire Tree 50 White Honeysuckle (plain) Do (showing flower) x Cross- grained and difficult. ■i-} Red Dark red ... Light chocolate or fawn do do Dark reddish brown wth white sapwood. Pale greyish Pale yellow Dark brown or chocolate... Brownish with a tinge of grey. Light chocolate or yellow ish brown. Dark purple brown From light grey to brown Lightish brown ... f Description of figure, flower, or grain. Plain, but sometimes a wavy figure. A rather attractive, wavy, interlocked figure. Comparatively plain. .\ very pretty, small mottled figure, not unlike honey- comb or Bird's. Eye Maple. .\ rather pretty striped grain. Verv little figure, do .\n attractive figure, very simi- lar to .-Vmerican Walnut. A wavy figure with a silk-like sheen. .\ very pretty figure, varied according to tlie way it is cut, from a large open oak flower to an interlaced net- like grain. Similar to Silky Oak. .\ very pretty speckled figure, similar to Silky Oak. .A very pretty figure, and flower similar in some re- spects to Silky Oak. Cut radially it shows a very pretty figure, similar to the Oaks; the size of the flower is regulated by the angle of the cut with the medullary ray. 181 Summary — continued. Name of Timber, Specific Gravity or Weight Medium. Heavy. Relative facility in working with ordinary hand planes. Cross- grained and difficult. 52 River Oak 53 Swamp Oak 54 55 Bull Oak Do 56 Belah ... 57 58 Forest Oak Do 59 Red Myrtle 60 Cherry 61 62 White Pine Black Pine (small figure) 63 King William Pine ... 64 Hoop Pinr 65 Bunja Bunya Pine ... 66 Kauri (Queensland) ... 67 Huon Pine 68 Celery Top Pine 69 Brown Pine ... 70 Do (figured or mottled) Heart dark red. outer por- tion light grey. Centre very dark, outside, pale yellow. Heartwood red. outerwood light grey. Dark brown Warm reddish A warm reddish ... do 1 I Varies from almost white on the outer portion to a very dark brown in the centre. A lightish pink pale-col- oured timber. Yellowish white ... Nearly white Very light brownish yellowi Pale yellow Nearly white witli a faint tinge of pink. Yellow The usual Oak figure, but very little variation. The usual Oak figure found in other Casuarinas. Has the largest figure of all the " Oaks " (Casuarinas). Very little or no figure. The usual " Oak " flower and figure, varying according to the way it is cut. A rather pretty, small figure, not unlike English Beech, do do A great variety of figure, much of it verv attractive. In appearance very like .Ameri- can Redwood. Fairly plain figure. do do do The usual figure for a Pine. Plain. A very pretty mottled figure. 182 INDEX, Acacia Cambagei A. Jiotnalophylla A. Maideni A. melano.xylon A. pendula A. salicina Ackama Mueller i Agatliis robiisia Alphitonia excelsa Anacar(liace5i 66 C. Cunninghamii 148 66 C. glauca 149 37 C. Luehmanni ... 150 135 C. torulosa (small figure) 152 153 Do (large figure) 152 153 Cedar (Honduras) 32 135 Cedar (Red) 39 142 Cedar (White) 33 r83 Index — continued. Cedrela Toona ... Celery Top Pine Ceratopctaliim apetalum Cherry ... Coach wood Compositae Conif erae Cupuliferae Corkwood Crowsfoot Elm... Cryptocarya Palmerstoni Cypress Pine ... Dacrydium Franklini ... Doryphora sassafras ... Dysoxylon Fraserianiim D. Miiellcri D. rufum Echinocarpus australis Eltsocarpus grandis Elm (Crow,sfoot) Eremophila Mitchelli ... Eucalyptus Dawsoni ... E. Delegaleiisis... E. maculata E. marginata ... E. obliqua E. resinifera E. Rudderi E. saligna Eucryphia Moorei Eugenia Smithii PAGE. 39 1 70 94 157 94 125 158 153 96 25 134 159 120 114 1 1 1 112 119 93 97 Eumung Exocarpus citpresst/ormis Fagus Cunninghamii ... Figured Bean ... Fire Tree Flindersia Chatawaiana F. Oxleyana Forest Oak (large figure) Do (small figure) Fraxinns excelsior Gidgea (Ring) ... Gmelina Leichhardtii Grevillea robusta G. striata Gum (Slaty) ... Gum, Spotted ... Harpullia pendula Hickory (Scrub) Honduras Cedar Honduras Mahogany Honeysuckle (White) Hoop Pine Hornbeam and Beech Huon Pine Indian Teak ... Indian Satin Wood Jarrah ... Kauri, Queensland King William Pine 157 154 66 145 52 51 152 152 56 91 130 137 142 123 97 62 31 32 32 146 165 152 169 129 32 114 168 164 ~^S) CL Index — continued- 0 Ci Laurinea> Li-;,'iiminosa' Lime Linden ... Long Jack Mai(k-n's Blush MahoRany Mahofjany. Honduras... Maple (New South Wales) Maple (Queensland) ... Meliaceae Melaleuca leucadendron lilelia Azedarach Monimiacea? Mountain .Ash {\) Mountain Pine... .Musk Musk (Root Stock) ... Myoporinea? Myrtaceae Myall Myrtle (Red) Negro Head Beech Nephelium semi^laucu m North .\mcrican Sycamore Oak (Bull) Oak, Forest (leirge figure) Do (small figure) Oak. River ■■• 13J Oak (Tasmanian) ... 65 Olacinc^ ... 26 Olearia (Aster) argopliyllii. ... 26 Onion Wood ... 51 Orites excelsa Owenia acidula ... 27 0. cepiodora ... 112 32 Pine (Black) 57 Pine (Celery Top) Pine (Huon) 32 Pino (Hoop) 97 Pentaceras australis ... 33 Phyllocladiis ritomboidalis ... 131 Pithecplobium Hendersom ... 98 PodocarpHS elata ... lOI P. elata (figured) ... 126 Protcaceae ... 126 ... 127 97 Queensland Kauri Quccn.sland Maple ... 89 Queen.sland Walnut ... ... 154 Quercus ■•■ '■>3 Red Ash ... 61 Red Bean ... 56 Red Bo.n: Red Cedar of .Australia ... 150 Red Myrtle 152 Red Pine •• I.5J Rhamnese .. .48 RhodofiphfPra rhodafitlienia 56 126 38 '37 38 38 161 170 169 ■65 31 107 92 171 ■7" ■36 168 52 '3A 56 60 37 119 39 ■54 161 58 64 Index — continued. ^. Rjng Gidgea ... River Oak Rosewood Rutaceas Sally Sandalwood Santalaceae Sapindaceae Sassafras Saxifrageae Scrub Hickory.-.. She Beech or BoUy Gum She Oak Suggested Uses for These Timbers Silky Oak Slaty Gum Sloanea Woollsia Spotted Gum... Stenocarpiis sinuatus ... StercuUaceas Stringybark Supple Jack Swamp Oak Sycamore, North American ... Synoum glanduiosum Tarrietia argyrodendron Tasmanian Oak Tasmanian Waratah ... Bjdoej : \Vi 14S 34 ,.. 128 ... 156 bi ■ ■ I3-; ... 93 31 ■ ■ 135 14/-152 174-177 137 • • 1^3 26 120 ■ • 145 24 III 50 ■ • 149 25 98 144 Tea Trees Teak (Indian) Telopea oreades T. truncata Tetranthera reticulata Thorny Yellow Wood Tiliaceae Tortoise Shell TaUp ... TuUp Wood Types of Specific Gravity Victorian Waratah . Verbenaces Ventilago viminalis Villaresia Moorei Walnut (Queensland) Waratah (Tasmanian) Waratah (Victorian) Weinmannia rubifolia White Cedar Wliite Honeysuckle (plain) ... Do (showing lisure) White Pine W'ood (Indian Satin) Yellow Cedar... Yellow Pine ... Xaiithoxylon byachyacanthum lit Printer. —Iltl3. 186 University of British Columbia Library DUE DATE s ^^'^wm 3 9424 02586 4049 THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA LIBRARY MacMILLAN LIBRARY ST0RA6I